l||^1m ^|umjlF al n mf|y|^||||'T I^ti~l~~ l n~l~l lllllll iil THE GIFT OF I A* H. White,Mgi —i- ^^^^Mt I~ _ fi1,amwa I i i I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I I ;'7 I:~ i I r I I l iiBBllliB rrnili~"i"lgl i:11ill aii;~i; ii8 11,1:s~-:: II -IF""" ~ie% CI:j:;*::~ —~-~, .i~i;gl ~"ii illW I~"':br Ixiiij i:-i~ cj~ e ~lioiui~E B2iiiiin Co ru nnaosn~l I I 1 T i AN NALS OF THE TOWN OF MENDON, FROM 1 659 to 1880. COMPILED BY JOHN G. METCALF, M. D., MEMBER OF THE HIS. GEN. AND AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETIES, ETC. PROVIDENCE, R. I.: E. L. FREEMAN & CO., PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1880. 7/ NOTE. The Annals are published by the Town under the supervision of the following committee, viz.: JULIUS A. GEORGE, MICA.TAH C. GASKILL, PUTMAN W. TAFT, GUSTAVUS B. WILLIAMS. ) L _1 6 1-t~"- I. i I:~f I ili 0_ i,? I i~ 9lr I-, - i ~ INDEX. A. Abercromby's expedition....... 281 Account of Saml. Read........ 142 do. of J. Chapin........ 133 do. of Shirts............. 368 Accounts audited..169, 224, 263, 266 Act of Parliament............. 327 Agreement, Job Hide........ 9, 35 do. Benj. Allbe....... 9 do. Samuel Hayward.. 81 Alexander Caleb, Rev......... 427 Aldrich Peter................. 193 Allen Lewis.................. 498 Aldrich Moses, preacher....... 213 Allen Alexander H............ 720 Ammidown's bill........... 283 Ammunition at Mendon..... 335 Amendments to Constitution, 510, 542, 560, 616, 618, 620, 624, 629, 631, 636, 638, 649. Anabaptists......... 245, 305, 306 Animals cared for............. 51 Andros' usurpation.........105, 106 Annual meeting changed..... 547 Assessments..............125, 131 Assignment of Deed............ 3 Attack on Mendon............ 61 Auditors..................542, 630 B. Balch Rev. -............... 311 Ballou Adin, Rev.;......... 545 Battle of Lexington........... 332 Barber Stillman, Rev.......... 628 B eef.......................... 393 Bellingham..........183, 203, 254 Bills of Credit......... 189, 192 Bick James.......104, 105, 121, 124 Bi-Centennial.... 657, 671, 675, 676, 677, 678. Black staff for Constable....... 143 Blackstone............604, 608, 613 do. Bridge............. 568 Bounty on Wolves, 34, 123,-124, 126, 137, 140. Bounds of training field........ 251 Boston and Hartford Turnpike. 456 Board of Health............. 493 Browne Elizabeth............ 90 Bundy Ruth.................. 90 Burying place........122, 281, 304 Butter for minister............ 128. Bye-Laws....543, 544, 612, 615, 657, 718, 720. C. Census...................296, 367 Channing Geo. G., Rev........ 608 iv. INDEX. Church North Cong........... 532 Clark George F., Rev.......... 697 Coleman Richard, Rev......... 674 Committee to make a "valid act" 3 Committee to visit Mendon.... 58 do. Cons'l Convention.. 355 Coalition Legislature.......... 611 Comstock Samuel............ 195 Contract for Corn Mill......... 91 Contempt of Court........... 218 Constitution, 506, 510, 542, 560, 618, 620, 624, 629, 631, 636, 638. Convention at Worcester....38, 408 -Cow paid for.............. 512 County of Worcester.......... 220 do. tax................120, 145 do. m ap................. 519 do. new.................. 530 Currency inflated......... 382, 402 D. Dam may be raised............ 626 Deaths........... 138, 150, 177 Debts, town............ 190 Decision of Committee........ 506 Declaration of Independence... 343 Deed Indian.................. 5 do. Assigned............ 7 do. of aPew................ 458 Defalcation.............. 538 Depreciation of paper money... 398 Delegates to Cons. Convention. 384 Division of Plains........... 49 do. of Swamps........... 55 Division Vth............. 153 do. VIth................. 164 do. VIIth................ 180 do. of Town, 496, 516, 517, 521, 524; 576, 580, 582, 586, 593. District Cong. No. IX., 549, 551, 552 Dorr Joseph, Rev......173, 237, 307 Dorr Joseph, Jr., 262, 316, 322, 331, 343, 395. Doggett Simeon, Rev........... 496 Dogs.............543, 544, 605, 636 E. Emerson Joseph, Rev......... 19 Eighth minister............. 496 Eleventh minister............. 601 Eighteenth minister........... 682 F. Families, only six more........ 45 Farm for Poor... 602, 624, 629, 630 Farm, Edward Rawson's.... 185 Fire Engines.......... 701, 708 First Minister................ 19 do. Town meeting......... 16 do. Town Clerk.............. 24 do. M iller.................. 9 do. Blacksmith............ 33 do. Innkeeper........... 57 do. Cong. Society........415, 416 Fifth minister................. 307 Fifteenth minister............ 628 Fish to come up............... 178 Fire Engine...............606, 607 Fourth minister............. 1'3 do. Highway District....... 503 Fourteenth minister............ 618 Frontier Towns............ 63. Frost Amariah, Rev........... 249 French War............ 272 do. Neutrals............... 275 G. Governor, one majority.....569, 577 Gerrymandering............. 471 INDEX. V. H. Harrison Hall.....581, 604, 606, Hassall Robert, Rev........... Hayward Samuel, Lieut....... Highways to be mended.....31, do. to be ten rods wide.. Highway Districts.........280, Hogg Constables............. Hutchinson, Lt. Gov.......... I. Illicit trade................. Illegal meeting............. Incorporation of Mendon.... do. -of Milford, 388, 403, 407. Indian W ar.................. Indians to come to Mendon.... Inland Fishery............ Instructions to Selectmen...118, do. to Representative, 119, Internal enemies.......... Island in the Pond........... do. at Millville.......... 559, J. Jones John................... Joy David, Hon............... K. Kinsley Wm. H. Rev.......... Kansas Resolutions........... Know Nothings............... L. Lancaster petition............ Land Bank.............. Latin School................ Legislature petitioned......... Leicester Convention.......... 428 Letter, Lt. Upham............ 67 do. Lt. Gorum............. 68 do. Capt. Henchman...... 71 do. Circular............325, 336 do. Joseph Dorr........... 337 do. Alexander Scammell.... 339 do. Colin McKenzie........ 359 do. Confederate........... 366 Library....................... 638 Lindsley David P., Rev.........682 Liquor Agent................. 631 M. Map of County................ 519 Masts for the King............ 167 Mattoonas................. 79 Meeting House............... 11 do. do. seated.......... 161 140 Mendon Association........... 435 do. in the Rebellion....... 364 do. and Uxbridge......... 23 Methodist Society............. 564 Milford..........388, 400, 403, Mill, saw..................... Militia to have Snow Shoes... 145 Mill River Precinct............ 263 660 269 660 453 112 149 240 N. Name of the Town........... 17 New County................. 530 do. do.................. 621 do. Tenor................... 245 do. Meeting House.......... 506 Ninth Minister................ 545 North Purchase.............. 115 Nineteenth minister.......... 697 do. Cong. Church.......... 532 vi. INDEX. 0. Old Tenor................... 24 Order about fences........... 56 do. Cedar trees............ 50 P. Paper vs. Specie............ 411 Peck Ephraim.............147, 151 Penniman Peter............... 356 Pest House.............. 363 Pew room to be sold.......... 231 Pewter buttons.............. 336 Perambulation with Dedham... 38 Petition, Braintree............ 1 do. Belcher.............. 2 do. Indians............35, 105 do. Inhabitants, 39, 47, 52, 96, 100, 417. do. Soldiers.......... 69 do. Matthias Puffer....... 75 do. John More.........77, 78 do. Samuel Read......... 83 do. Sarah Stephens....... 94 do. Selectmen........129, 374 do. David How.......... 205 do. Thomas Sanford...... 210 do. Samuel Wheelock.... 229 do. Thomas Tenney...... 238 do. Friends.............. 241 do. John Holbrook....... 245 do. East Precinct......... 248 do. Proprietors........... 259 do. A Committee, 267, 371, 422 do. Jacob Aldrich........ 292 do. Ezekiel Wood et al... 350 do. John Albee et al...... 351 do. Edward Rawson..... 394 Place for Town Meetings, 497, 499, 501. Poor House, 500, 504, 517, 527, 528, 539, 542, 598. Pout Rock Road.............. 537 Preserved Pickering........... 504 Protest, Caleb Hayward...... 527 do. Dan Hill............. 552 Proprietor's Records........... 554 Q. Quakers.........224, 243, 277, 282 R. Rate, Minister's, 98, 110, 113, 126, 136 do Town, distributed........ 148 Rawson Grindal, Rev. 82,157,170,249 do. Edward, 325, 328, 329, 331. 335, 336. Raynor John, Rev............ 19 Records to be transcribed.... 576 Redwood Abraham........... 421 Remonstrance, division of town, 589 Report of a Committee, 380, 445, 453, 502, 597. Resolutions, 318, 320, 585, 622, 644, 658. Resolutions, Stoughton......... 348 Revision of Constitution....454, 506 Rice George M., Rev.......... 601 Roads reduced........254, 392, 442 Road to Uxbridge..........545, 546 do to Bellingham........552, 565 Rules..............3, 544, 545, 569 S. Sawmill, Woonsocket.......... 132 School Dames................. 222 School Districts abolished.......684 School House, new.........255, 258 School kept y spells........... 258 INDEX. vii. do. Districts............ 280 do. Money divided, 504, 543, 563, 567. Scull Rock road..........520. 543 Second minister........ 45 Seventh do............... 476 Seventeenth minister.......... 674 Shay's Rebellion......... 430, 437 Soldiers, 340, 376, 377, 385, 404, 410 Sixth minister.............. 427 Sixteenth minister............. 651 Smith Preserved, Rev......... 476 Streets named................. 691 Sumner Charles............. 611 Surplus Revenue, 561, 562, 563, 564, 610, 630, 632. Survey and Plat of Town.... 10 Sword-in- Hand Money....412, 413 Three month's men......... 340 Third minister................ 92 Topography.................. 13 Town Records........... 689, 699 Town, valuation............ 314 do. indicted............... 558 do. House, 580, 581, 582, 583, 585 do. division of.......... 576 do. Hall..604, 609, 612, 614, 717 Training Field.............251, 463 Tramps............... 680 Treasurer to give bond........ 561 Turnpike.................... 541 Twelfth minister............ 608 U. Upton incorporated.......... Uxbridge.................. 228 203 T. Taft Daniel................... 194 do. M oses................... 262 Tax, King Philip's War....... 69 do. Town................. 123 do. for debts.....155, 166, 205, 208 do. highway................. 159 do. paid Henry Gardner..... 331 do. allowed a discount, 529, 536, 540 do. payer in jail............. 601 Temperance......101, 515, 540, 553 Tenth minister........... 545 Thompson Edward........... 435 Thirteenth minister........... 611 -V. Valuations....314, 405, 430, 432, 592 Villains to be looked after...... 597 Voting in the road........... 566 W. W ardens............. 361 Warfield John................ 141 Walker Hugh............... 361 W ar of 1812.................. 494 Warning Out..............291, 295 Willard Joseph, Rev.......... 307 Wheelock Benjamin.......... 233 Wolves...34, 123, 124, 126, 137, 140 co I[2ITtiL OF IEIDO1. I659. The first notice relating to the settlement of Mendon may be found in Vol. 4, Part 1, p. 376 of the Massachusetts (printed) Records, and is as follows:At the Second Session of the General Court, held at Boston May 28, 1659 -"In ansr to the peticon of the towne of Braintrje, humbly desiring some releife relating to sev" persons brought by the owners of the iron works, yt are likely to be chargeable to them, especially in relation to Jno. Francis, his poore condition calling for present releife, &c., this Court refcrrs this part of their peticon to the next County Court in Suffolke, where all partjes concerned may have liberty to present theire respective pleas and evidence; and in reference to theire desire of a new plantation, the Court judgeth it meete to graunt them liberty to seeke out a place and presente theire desires wtl the names of such persons as will engage to carry on such a worke, vnto the next sessions of this Court." "In answer to the peticon of Samuel Basse, (the Towne of Braintrje having peticoned for a new plantation), it is ordered, that the peticoner, wth his sonnes, may have liberty to joyne wth those of his neighbors wch will carry on such a worke, wth allowance of one hundred and fifty acres wthin the bounds of the sjad plantation, more than his just proportion wth the rest of his neighbours." The next session of the General Court was held Nov. 12; but no mention, is made, in its records, of any action upon the "Ipetition of the towne of Braintrje," except the following, which may be-found on p. 398:"In answer to ye peticon of Gregory Belcher, it is ordered that, whereas, at the last session of this Court there was a plantation granted to severall of the inhabitants of Braintry where they could find it vngraunted in this jurisdiction, that the peticoner shall be accomodated, together with his neighbors wth such a proportion of land as shall be thought meete by those yt have the dispose thereof." 2 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1659. Why Samuel Basse should have "one hundred and fifty acres more than his just proportion with the rest of his neighbours," cannot, at this late day, be very certainly determined. He was a Deputy from Braintree in 1654, and served on a Committee in 1665, with Capt. Thos. Savage, Eleazer Lusher, Mr. Colicott, Mr. Wm. Parks and Thomas Dyer, to see about building a cart bridge over Neponset river in some place near Capt. Stoughten's mill, and was a Deputy again in 1657 and 1659. We find, not unfrequently, in the early history of the Colony, that the General Court made grants of land to those persons who had been serviceable to the public, and when we reflect that the members. of the General Court did not, in those times, vote themselves five dollars a day, the grant of one hundred and fifty acres of wild land, with the Nipmuck Indians for neighbors and fifteen miles from the nearest settlement, will not be thought a very exorbitant remuneration for services performed at the bidding of the General Court. I66o. From this time nothing more is heard of "the petition of the towne of Braintrje;" but, at an adjourned session of the General Court held in Boston, October 16, 1660, we find a petition from "suzch persons as will engage to carry on such a work," and to which the General Court made the following response:"In answer to the Peticon of the inhabitants of Braintry, i. e., Gregory Belchar, James Penneman, Th~ Mekins, Moses Pagne, Edmo Quinsey, Robert Twelves & Peter Brackett, the Court judgeth it meete to encourage the petitioners to proceede in thiere setling. themselves, & an able minister with them, in the place desired for a new plantation, wthin thiere time ljmitted; and that those that beginne the sjad plantation may not want due encouragement in theire accomodation, & yett the place preserved from vnnecessary wast, it is ordered, that Capt Dani Gookin, M' Wm Parkes, Left Roger Clap, Ephraim Child, & Wm Stiltson, or any three of them, shall be & hereby are appointed a comittee & hereby impowercd to appoint vnto each inhabitantt here, any time wthin this three yeeres, as they shall see meete, & that when a full number of persons appeare, this Court will, on the comittees imformation, order them due bounds. In further ansr to sayd Braintry peticon the Court declares, that they judge meete to graunt a plantacon of eight miles square, and that the persons named have liberty to enter there vpon & make a beginning thereof, and to take such persons into theire society as they shall judge meete & that Major Humphray Atherton, Left Roger Clap, Capt Eliazer Lusher & Deacon Parkes, 1660.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 3 or any three of them, shall & hereby are appointed Comissio'r, & impowred to make a valid act there." Of the committee above mentioned, Gookin was of Cambridge, Parkes of Roxbury, Clap of Dorchester, Child of Watertown and Stiltson of Charlestown. Of the Comsmissioners, Atherton and Clap:of Dorchester, Lusher of Dedham and Parkes of Roxbury. Peter Brackett, one of the petitioners, was a Deputy in the General Court, this year, from Braintree. So far as is known the Commissioners above mentioned held no meeting until May 22, 1662; when a meeting was held, and the following rules and regulations, "in regard to the settlement of the Plantation granted at Netmocke" were ordained, as follows, viz:" DORCHESTER, 22: 5: 1662. Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed, being the Committee Impowered by the General Courte to assist the ordering and setling the Plantation granted at Netmocke, doe agree and declare as followeth, viz: 1. That the Divisions of land there shall be by these ensuing Rules, that one hundred pounds estate be granted one hundred and fifty acres of Land, viz: Thirty acres to the house Lott & tenn acors of meadow and five acors of Swampy or low land, being capable of being made meadow, and more, one hundred and five acors for the greate lott; and according to this proportion for all estates be they more or lesse, and this to be the Rule for the division of all the lands of the Plantation that shall be devided before the place or the people there shall be allowed to be a Townshipe and enjoy the priviledges thereof. 2. That the public charges allready disbursed, or that shall be disbursed before the time of Town priviledges aforesaid shall be borne and defrayed according to the proportion of Alotmts provided as before said. 3. The persons whose names are presented being (as wee understand) of honest and good report are accepted and allowed to take up alotmts in said Plantation. 4. That it shall not be in the power of an Inhabitant now accepted or hereafter to be accepted before the time of priviledges aforesaid, to sell, lease or alienate his said Alotmt. or any part or parcell thereof to any person whatsoever wthout the consent or aprobation of the major part of the Inhabitants, or of those then chosen to regulate the affairs of the Plantation upon penaltie of forefeiting to the said Plantation all and every pte. and pcell so sold or alienated. 5. There shall be an able and aproved Minister settled wth them there according to the order of Courte in that case made and provided. 6. That whereas experience shows it not to be the best Expedient for Transaction of Publick worke to be left to the whole Number of Inhabi 4 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1660. tants, wee therefore advise that the said Inhabitants now accepted should in their first opportunity make choice of 5 or 7 meete persons for the management of ther said occasions for the space of one year and that Mr. Peter Brackett and Ensigne Moses Paine be 2 of them, and the men so chosen should have the whole power of accepting Inhabitants and disposing Lands according to the Rules above written. 7. And whereas it appears that the sd Mr. Brackett & Mr. Paine hath already taken much paynes and ben at charges to premote this Plantation, and wee suppose must yett continue theire assistance therein, wee judge but iust and equall that each of them be gratified wth convenient ffarmes of uplands and meadow proportionable to the quantities of each in the plantation to be layed out to them at convenient distance from the seat of the Towne, that is, not less than two miles, and in such places as they shall accept and that the quantitie of these be not above 300 acors to each of them. 8. It is also further agreed and ordered that each of the persons now accepted to alottmts there and all others that shall be so accepted before the time of obtayning Town priviledges shall be settled at the said Plantation before the end of the 7 month 1663 wth these persons and estates. The names of the persons now accepted are as followeth, viz: John Moore George Aldridge Nathaniel Hareman Alexander Plumbly Mathias Puffer John Woodland Fardinandce Teare Dannell Lovett John Harber Josiah Chapin Joseph Penieman John Savill John Gurney These are of Brantree. WILLIAM SABLES. Goodman King, senior, Walter Cook William Holbrook Joseph White Goodman Thompson Goodman Rayner (The Minister) Goodman Bolter, senior. Abraham Staples Samll. Pratt Thomas Bolter These of Weymouth. Subscribed by us, ELIR. LUSHER ROGER CLAP WILLIAM PARKE. WILLIAM HOLBROOK) JOSIAH CHAPIN these are chosen JOHN RAYNER for this year. JOHN HARBER Inasmuch as the "Plantation at Netmocke " had no corporate existence at this time, the Indian deed of the "eight miles square," which, it seems, had been already granted by the Gen 1660.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 5 eral Court, was made to Moses Payne and Peter Brackett, who afterwards, in 1670, assigned their rights to the Town. The Indian deed was partially executed on the 22d of April,' 1662, a few days before the meeting of the Committee above mentioned; but was not fully completed until Sept. 8, 1662, when "Great John set to his hand and seal and delivered the deed to Moses Payne and Peter Brackett." THE INDIAN DEED. To all Xpian people to whom these presents shall come, Anawassanauke, alis John, and Quashaamiit, allis William, of Blewe Hills, and Great John, Namsconont and Upanbohqueen, allis Jacob of Natick, sendeth Greeting: Know Yee that the said Anawassanauke, Quashaamiit, Great John, Namsconont and Upanbohqueen for divers good and vallewable considerations them theere unto Moovinge and especiall for and.in consideration of the summe of twenty fower pound Ster. to them in hand payd by Moses Payne and Peter Brackett both of Brantre the receipt whereof they doe acknowledg by these presents, and thereof and every part and parcell thereof, doth exonerate, acquitt and discharge them the said Moses Payne and Peter Brackett, there heyres and assignes forever by these presents, Hath given, granted, bargained, sould, enfeoffed & confirmed unto Moses Payne & Peter Brackett of Braintre afore said there heyres and assignes for ever, A Tract of Lands of Eight Miles square lying about fifteen miles from Medfield; and is bounded one Mille to the east of a small river wch lyeth about three Milles to the Eastward of Nipmng Great Pond and so-from the line of one Mille on the East of that small River is to runn eight Milles West or Westerly and is to lye three milles to the south or southward of the Parth that leads to Nipmugg Great Pond and five Milles on the other side of that Partly north or Northwards together with all the trees and timber, woods, underwoods standing, lyeing and growinge thereon, wth all the meadows, swamps, Rivers and Brooks lyeing within the sd eight milles square wth with all other privileges and appurtenances belonginge or any ways apertayninge there unto. To Have and to Hould the said Eight Milles square as it is bounded, Together with all the trees and timber with the underwoods standing, lyeing and groweinge thereon wt all ye Meadows, Swamps, Rivers, and Ponds and Brooks lyeinge Wth in this eight milles square as it is bounded wth all other privileges and apertenances belonging or any wayes apertayning.there unto unto the said Moses Payne and Peter Brackett theire heires and assigns for ever, and to theire only proper use and behoofe of them the sd' Moses Payne and Peter Brackett, theire heyers and assignes forever, to be holden in fee Sockage and in Capetye.nor by Knights service. And the said Anawassanauke, allis John, and Quashaamiit allis William, Great John, Namsconont allis Peoter'and Upanbohqueen allis Jacob doth covenant, promise and grant by these presents that they the sd Anawassanauke, Quashaamiit, Great John, 6 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1660. Namsconont & Upanbohqueen are the true and proper owners & proprietors of the sd bargayned premises at the time of the bargayne & sale thereof and that the said premises are free and clere & clerely acquitted, exonerated & discharged of for & from all and all manner of former bargaynes, sales, gifts, titles, mortgages, actions, suits, arrests, attachments, judgments, executions, extent or incombrance what soever from the beginning of the World until the time of the Sale and bargayne thereof. And the said Anawassanauke, Quashaamiit, Great John, Namsconont & Upanbohqueen Doth covenant, promise and grant by these presents all and singular the said bargained premises wth the appurtenances to warrant, acquit & defend unto the sd Moses Payne and Peter Brackett there heyres & assignes forever against all Indians or English people by from or under them clayming any right, title or interest of or into the same or any part thereof forever by these presents, and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the sd Moses Payne & Peter Brackett to Record & enroll or Cause to be recorded and enrolled the title or Tenor of these presents according to the true intent & meaning thereof and according to the usual manner and order of recording Deeds & evidences in such case made and provided. In Wittnes whereof the said Anawassanauke, Quashaamiit, Great John, Namsconont and Upanbohqueen have sett to theere hands & seales this twenty two of Aprill one thousand six hundred and sixty two. The words "by from or under them " in the sixt line, as also that the Indians specified in this deed, together with there heyres forever have liberty to fish, fowle & hunt so far as any law of this jurisdiction alloweth in other places not wth standing anything in this Deed, this was before the sealinge hereof. Signed, sealed and delivered the day and year above written in the presence of John Eliot, senior, John Eliot, junior, Daniel Weld, senior. Great John set to his hand & seal and delivered the deed to Moses Payne & Peter Brackett this 8th day of September 1662. as witnesses William Allis, Nathaniel Brackett. Anawassanauke, his) Marke and A seale. Quashaamiit, his)C Marke and A seale. Namsconont, his 5 Marke and A seale. Great John his marke and A seale. A Seale 0 and noe hand. 1662-3.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 7 1662. Moses Paine and Peter Brackett, for some reason, witheld the assignment of the foregoing Deed to the Town until directed, by the General Court, so to do; when we find endorsed upon the deed the following instrument:Wee Moses Payne and Peter Brackett doe assigne over all our right, title and Interest in this Deed unto the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon for the use of the said Towne, as wittnes our hands PEOTER BRACKETT MOSES PAYNE May ye 12, 1670. The above is believed to be a true copy of the original Deed; as it was entered in the first volume of the Town records as early as 1667, by the person who was especially deputed by the Committee to enter "the public acts from the beginning of the Plantation." The original was very probably lost at the desertion of the Town, during King Philip's war in 1675. I663. "DEDHAM 30. 10. 63. Henery Adams, John Frary, Edward Adams, Poet. Adams, John Warfell, these desire further to consider of it. Samuel Parker, Ralfe Freeman, Ad**** Lovell, John Blakeman, Barnabus Derifeld presents his desires, Acceptance for Samuell Spencer at present and himself to settle there according as they shall be ordered. James Risinge desires acceptance. Walter Cook desires his grant may be renewed although he hath not been there as formerly ordered. Willi Skant desires acceptance. John Thompson and Joseph White desire the renewing of their Graints. William Sheffield desires acceptance. Grisell Gurney, Wid. desires acceptance and also for Thomas juell, 3 her sonn — * * * — (torn off) -*- desires acceptance. Nicholas Rockwood desres acceptance * —* illegible -- -- desires the renewinge of his grainte - * * illegible *-* acceptance Henry Neale desires a grainte. Zachary Thayer desires a grant. John Bowers and John Metcalf desire acceptance. At this meeting of the Committee it was agreed that all the persons whatever that shall be accepted to grants of lands shall be enjoined to be settled there with their families by the middle of November next 1664, upon penaltie of forfeiture of all their graints there and all Publicke charges disbursed there. David Hime desires acceptance. John Read desires acceptance. John Thompson and Joseph White had theire grants renewed. Walter Cook, Nathaniel Hareman and Abraham Staples hath their grants renewed. 8 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1664. Jonathan Basse and the young Man of Seaconcke that came with him are accepted; and Joseph Aldridge and John Rockett are accepted. Goodman Derifeld and his kinsman are accepted. David Hime is accepted. John Gurney desires to have his graint renewed. David Walsby desires acceptance & Goodman White desires acceptance for his Sonn and Thomas Kingman. 1664. BOSTON the 24th. of March 166t The Committee for Nipmug being met the day above written the former grant of John Gurney is renewed. Goodman Jipson is received an Inhabitant. It will be remembered that the " Committee for Nipmug" met at Dorchester May 5, 1662, and, among other rules then made, directed that those persons who had been accepted to allotments of land, as well as those who might thereafter be accepted, should be settled at "the said Plantation" before the end of the seventh month, 1663. In accordance with this order of the Committee, as near as can be ascertained, John Moore, George Aldrich, Mathias Puffer, John Woodland, Ferdinando Thayer, Daniel Lovett and John Harber, were the pioneers in the settlement of Mendon, they having removed to the plantation "before the end of the 7th. month 1663." After this date and before the 24th of March, 1664, so far as can be gathered from the records of the town, John Gurney, Walter Cook, Joseph White, John Thompson, Abraham Staples, Joseph Aldridge, John Jepson and John Rockett had removed to the settlement and joined their fortunes with the first comers, making, in the whole, fifteen families. Nathaniel Hareman, Alexander Plumly, Josiah Chapin, John Saville, William Holbrook, Goodman Bolton or Boltor, Jr., Samuel Pratt, Thomas Bolton or Bolter, Jr., Jonathan Basse, the young man from Seeconcke, Goodman Derifeld and his kinsman and David Hime, who had severally been accepted, did not remove by the time specified, nor had allotments of land been made to any of them at the breaking out of King Philip's war, except to William Holbrook, who did not remove to the town until 1669. Of Henry Adams, John Frary, Edward Adams, Poet. Adams and John Warfell, who "desired further time to consider of it," none came to the settlement but John Warfell, who came from 1664.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 9 Dedham, and was the first schoolmaster and a Deacon in the church. Of Samuel Parker, Ralfe Freeman, Ad- Lovell -or Lovett, John Blakeman, James Risinge, Willi Skant, Nicholas Rockwood, Henry Neale, Zachary Thayer, John Bowers, David Walsby, Thomas Kingman and John Metcalf, who desired acceptance, nothing is heard further. Samuel Spencer, Grizel Gurney, ancestress of Gov. Jewell, of Connecticut, Thomas and Joseph Juell, her sons, were here before 1675. The last act of the "Committee fof Nipmug" was as follows: viz: "ROXBuRY, 5th, 2:.64 Agreed by the Committee (appointed by the General Court) to grainte for the encouraging of erecting a Come Mill at Netmocke as followeth To Benjamin Alby, one twenty acor house lott in the Town situation conveniently layd out according to the quantity of that place and the accommodations pperly belonging to such a lott according to the Rule of Division here Settled, only whatever the quantity of Meadow to such a lott Accordinge to Common Rule but yett this lott shall have twelve acors layd out in a convenient place. Neere the place where the said Mill shall be erected on that side of the River that is farthest from the Towne is granted fifty acors of upland of such land as may be near & convenient for improvement. Subscribed by the Committee, ELEA: LUSHER ROGER CLAP WILLIAM PARKE. Although this instrument was undoubtedly executed at the time it purports to be dated, and probably delivered to Benjamin Alby, it was not brought to the notice of the town until Sept. 10, 1672, as stated in the record of that date. The Mill was probably built in 1672, and was erected on Mill River a short distance above the bridge that crosses that stream, at a little to the east from the house of Lewis B. Gaskill. Of what transpired from 1664 to 1667, when the town was incorporated, neither tradition, legend or official record furnish us with any information. No record was left by those who were set apart "to order the prudential affairs of the plantation," or if left, has long since been lost. As the power of accepting to 2 10 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. allotments of land such persons as might apply had been surrendered by the Committee to the inhabitants, it is presumed that they to whom they had delegated the power admitted such persons into their company, as, in their discretion, they saw fit. We, of the present generation, must remember that the pioneer settlers of this place held, in this direction, the farthest outpost of civilization; that they were surrounded by Indians who were daily growing jealous of a race which, since the landing at Plymouth, had taken no step backward, and that they were in the midst of a -wilderness and fifteen miles from Medfield, the nearest place of succor in case of distress or disaster. Considering the circumstances of their situation, we may properly suppose that most of their time must have been occupied in providing shelter for themselves and their animals, and in raising the crops upon which they must mainly depend for sustenance and support. Something had been done, however, by way of improvement. A noble street, two miles long and ten rods wide, had been located, and upon which the settlers had fixed their homesteads. This street extended from near the present line between Mendon and Upton to Mill River. Another road was also laid out, for the most of the way, nearly parallel with the main street; beginning near the house of Austin A. Taft and passing through to near the house of Gilbert Gaskill, thence over what are now Emerson and Washington streets, and connecting with the Main street near the house (since burned) of the late Watee Davenport. I667. SURVEY OF THE PLANTATION. The desire of the inhabitants to this Honered Courte is that they would accept of this Retourne of their Plott of theire Plantation wich is layd according to their Grainte of eight Miles square by Joshua ffisher. 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 11 The line between Dedham and Quinshepauge Running North and South, 4 miles and 40 Rods. Country land, North'line, 4 riles want. 40 Rods. CZ Parcel of Meadow. An explanation of this Plott, being the Township of Squinshapauke as it was layd out according to the Grant of the Generall Courte by me, Joshua ffisher, Aprill 1667. From A to B is bounded by Charles River, a white oake beinge marked on the south side of Charles River at A, a Black oake on the north side of 12 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. Charles River at B, and a line of marked trees and heapes of stones to C, from C to D a line of marked trees and heapes of stones to C, from C to D a line of marked trees and heapes of stones, and soe from D to E and from E to F, a line from F to A of Marked Trees; And from A to B is one mile Runninge according to the River East and West, from B to C is fower Miles wantinge forty Rodd, Runninge from B North, from C to D eight miles and halfe west, from D to E eight miles South, from E to F seven miles and half East, from F to A ffower Milles and 40 Rods. At O is a parcell of Meadow that the Towne Petitioned for of about thirty Acors by estimation upon the North line from Charles River. This Courte Approves of this Plott as it is Returned, as attest, EDW. RAWSON, Secrty. INCORPORATION OF MENDON. Att a Generall Courte held in Boston 15th of May 1667, In answer to the Petition of the Inhabitants of a new Plantation called Squinshepauke, the Court doth graint them the Meadow lyinge out of theire lyne it Runninge through that Parcell and that the name of their Towne be Mendon, and that it belonge to the County of Middlesex, and that they and theire Successors be invested wth Towne Privilidges as other Townes of this jurisdiction do enioy and that they be freed from Country charges for the space of three yeares from the time of this Grant-the Rest of what they Petition for concernes the County Courte.* That this a true Copie taken out of the Courte's Records, as Attest, EDw. RAWSON, Secry. The last act of the "Committee for Nipmug" is recorded in the following words:"Wee the Subscribers doe nominate and Depute Colonell William Crowne to enter the Public Acts respecting Mendon from the beginning of the Plantation to this tyme and to finish this worke with speed and make Retourne us under named. the Committee Respectinge the prudentiall affayres of Mendon, ELIA: LUSHER WILLIAM STOUGHTON WILLIAM PARKE Dedham 2:2: 67." William Stoughton whose name appears above was not originally appointed, but took the place of Major Humphrey Atherton, (see p. 3,) who died Sept. 16, 1661, in consequence of a fall from a horse. *Relating to the owners of the Iron Works; see p. 3. 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 13 It will be seen that the persons signing above style themselves the ombmittee, &c. By reference to the page just quoted it will be seen that they were appointed as Commissioners "to make a valid act there." The settlement at Netmocke and the Plantation of Squinshepauke having come to an end, the Town Clerk began his record with the following preamble:"The Honoured Generall Courte was Pleased to make this Plantation a Towne the 15th day of May 1667 and named it Mendon and adorned it wth severall large Priviledges and confirmed theire Lyne and ye land wth in the bounds thereof to the present Inhabitants and their successors, as by the said Courte's Act doth appeare whe land before was purchased of the Indians then in possession as by theire Deed will appeare. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE "EIGHT MILES SQUARE." At the date of its incorporation the town was covered with a heavy growth of oak, pine, chestnut and cedar, save a few acres, in the vicinity of the rivers and brooks, used by the Indians for planting grounds. RrVERS AND BROOKS.-The principal streams are the Blackstone, Mumford, Mill and Charles Rivers, flowing generally in a southerly direction following the similar trend of the hills. The Blackstone river came in upon the northwestern portion of the town and flowing southeasterly left the town near its southeastern corner. Its first tributary was the Mumford river, coming from the west, a little below the present centre of Uxbridge. Its name, as related to me by the late Judge Joseph Rawson, of Barrington, R. I., was derived from the following incident: A man by the name of Mumford, belonging to Brookfield, coming to Mendon, was drowned while attempting to ford the river. A coroner from Mendon was called to view the body, and he directed it to be buried. A coffin was readily improvised by cutting down a chestnut tree, removing the bark whole and binding it strongly about the body with withes. It was buried on the site of the present public house in Uxbridge, the remains being discovered when digging the cellar. The Rivulet, a small affluent, falls into the Mumford just below the Mills at North Uxbridge. Another small stream comes in from the west at Ironstone. 14 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. The Branch (formerly known as the Monhegin river) empties into the Blackstone from the southwest, just above the Blackstone factory, while Fox brook, from the north, comes in just below. West river comes in from the north and, flowing southerly, empties into the Blackstone in Uxbridge. Misco hill, Fairbanks and Wigwam brooks empty into West River from the east; Fairbanks brook being the outlet of Mendon Pond. Andrews' brook, coming from the centre of Upton, empties into West river some mile or two below. Mill river rises in Hopkinton and, flowing southerly, empties into the Blackstone below Woonsocket, R. I. Its affluents are Muddy, Grave Meadow and Hop brooks, and Quick stream. School Meadow brook rises near the east declivity of Misco hill, and, after passing the Saw mill of Putnam W. Taft, takes the name of Rock Meadow brook and flows westerly into West river. Charles river rises in Hopkinton and runs southerly through the centre of Milford to the southern boundary of that town, soon after which it makes a sharp turn to the left and flows northeasterly to the sea between Boston and Charlestown. Second brook, sometimes called Daly's brook, emptying into Muddy Brook from the west, is the outlet of Little Pond. Deer Brook, in the northeast part of Milford, flows into 'Charles river from the east. THE BLACKSTONE CANAL. As early as 1796 there was a project for connecting Providence and Worcester by means of a canal. Under the direction of John Brown, of Providence, the route was surveyed, and a charter for the organization of a company was granted by the General Assembly of Rhode Island. The General Court of Massachusetts refusing its co-operation, the project was, for the time, abandoned. In 1822 the subject of a canal was again taken up by the leading men of Providence and Worcester. A charter for its construction was granted by Massachusetts in March, 1823, and by Rhode Island in the following June. The work was begun in 1824, and July 1, 1828, the " Lady Carrington " started on her 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 15 initial trip from tide water. The first tlrough boat arrived at Worcester Oct. 6, 1828. The five Commissioners who had the oversight of its construction were Edward Carrington, Moses B. Ives and Stephen Smith of R. I., and John W. Lincoln and Sylvanus Holbrook of Massachusetts. Its cost was $700,000, $500,000 being raised in Rhode Island and the balance in Massachusets. In Providence, so sanguine was the expectation that its stock would prove a profitable investment, that, when they had subscribed for their portion of the capital, a messenger was dispatched in hot haste to Worcester to take up any portion of the stock not subscribed for there. Not unlike many enterprises of a later day, the Blackstone Canal was no bonanza for its stockholders. As the river was improved in many places as a portion of the canal, not unfrequently the boats would, from low water, be unable to enter the locks, thus causing vexatious delays. Some years the canal would be closed by ice, four or five months in the year. It is understood no dividend of profits was ever made; and the last toll for the passage of boats was paid Nov. 9, 1848. Much good, however, resulted to the public at large by the construction of its feeders and reservoirs, as, by their economy, the volume of water in the Blackstone river was, for manufacturing purposes, largely increased and utilized. PROVIDENCE AND WORCESTER RAIL ROAD. The Charter for the Providence and Worcester Rail Road was granted by the Legislatures of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1844, and the commencement of regular trips began Oct. 25, 1847. Not long after the completion of the road the Canal Corporation obtained permission to surrender its charter. PONDS. Shokolog Pond is situated in the south part of Uxbridge. It was about this pond that " in ye olden time," certain squatters from Providence undertook to establish themselves, claiming to be within the limits of the Rhode Island colony. Captain Chapin was sent, with a force of eleven men, to dislodge them, but we hear no report of the killed or wounded, and 16 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. only two were made prisoners. They were carried to Providence, but after a short captivity, were allowed to return to Mendon. The controversy with the intruders was afterwards amicably adjusted. Mendon Great Pond lies a short distance westerly from the centre of the present town, and contains 107 acres. It was originally called Nipmug Great Pond. In 1870 the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries leased this pond for twenty years, "for the cultivation of useful fishes," at a rent of $650, payable in instalments. Little Pond is situated south from the road leading to Millville, and west from the farm owned by Rev. Carlton A. Staples, of Providence. Its outlet is Second Brook. HILLS. The hills of note are Magormiscok (its northern and highest part now known as Silver Hill,) and Bear hills, now in Milford; Condlewood, Waterbug and Chestnut hills in Blackstone; Goat and Wolf Hills in Uxbridge, while Misco, West, Wigwam, Caleb's, Pond and Neck hills are within the present limits of the town. Wigwam and Misco hills were occupied as stations for observation in the Trigonometrical Survey of the State, made, for the construction of a State map, by Simeon Borden, Esq. Caleb's hill was so called because Caleb, the Indian, to whom the town paid bounties for killing wolves, had his wigwam there. Hungry Hill is mentioned once or twice in the early records, but its location is not definitely known. SOIL. For the purposes of agriculture the origininal grant contained a large area of excellent land, a large portion of which lies in the valley of the Blackstone. THE FIRST TOWN MEETING. "The ffremen and the rest of the Inhabitants Mett, June 7th. 1667 and then did choose for theire Selectmen to order their Prudentiall affairs, Coll. Willi Crowne, Goodman Benjamin Alby, ffardinando Thayre, Dan: Lovett and John Thompson, seniour & Coll. Crowne, Register. Pursuant to the advice of the "Committee," contained in the 6th Rule, upon p. 3rd, except in the matter of granting land to new comers or to those already here, the Selectmen were in 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 17 trusted with the management of all other matters relating to the affairs of the Town. Hence, at a meeting of the Selectmen held June 8, 1667, they appointed Goodman John Woodland and Joseph Alldridge as Fence Viewers, and Abraham Staples, Hog Reive. They also made orders that all swine should be "eyther yoaked, kept up or otherwise secured and looked toe," and, provided the fences were good against " great cattle," that double damages should be paid fori all damage which the swine should do to "corne fields, orchards, gardens or meadows." Abraham Staples was ordered "to take care that this order about swine be duly observed, and for his paynes and care herein he shall have fower pence for each animlal he may find doing damage. " They also provided that any person who should bring any one to reside in the town without the consent of the present townsmen, (selectmen) should be liable for their support, in case they could not provide for themselves, and their estates were to be held responsible for such support. The selectmen also agreed that this last order "is to be set up that all persons may take notice at their perills." THE NAME OF THE TOWN. If not to general readers it may, to those fond of antiquarian research, be thought of sufficient importance to justify an inquiry into the origin of the name of the town. Did the General Court, in the Act of Incorporation, change the orthography of Mendham to Mendon? For the affirmative side of this question the following reasons may be offered. Because, up to this period, every town in the colony bore the name of some city or town in England. Because, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, in England, which are only separated by the small river Waveny, we find the familiar names of Medfield, Framingham, Ipswich, Needham, Sudbury, Attleboro', Wrentham and Mendham. Because no town by the name of Mendon can be found upon any map of England, or in any description of its territory. Because we find that, for some years after its incorporation, it '3 18 ANNALS OF MEN DON. [1667. was a common practice for letters to be dated at Mendhlam. Letters written at this town, during King Philip's war, were so dated by Capt. Henchman, Capt. Sill and by Lieuts. Gorum and Upham. The Parish of Mendham, as it is called, is situated on the south bank of the river Waveny, and is a place of great antiquity. Its earliest record dates back to the reign of Edward, one of the Saxon Princes of England, about the year 950. In or about that year Bishop Theodred, by his will, gave to the church in Mendham "several lands in that and the adjacent towns." This will of the Bishop, it will be seen, carries back the history of Mendham to one hundred and sixteen years before the conquest of England by the Normans under William I. In 1135, in the reign of Stephen, the grandson of the Conqueror, a Priory for Cluniac Monks* was founded in Mendham, by William De Huntingfield. He bestowed the whole of Mendham, including a small woody Island in the river Waveny, on the monks of Castle Acre Priory, on condition that they should erect a church of stone, build near it a monastery and place in it, at least, eight of their brethren. The church and monastery were undoubtedly built, because we find, at the suppression of the monasteries, that the site and revenues were granted to Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Some remains of the Priory were standing a few years since and a part of it has been converted into a farm house. In 1281, being the ninth year of the reign of Edward I., we find Mendham belonginge to the demesne of the Earl of Oxford and Roger Fitzwilliam, and, not long afterward, to the demesne of Roger De Huntingfield, who died in 1297, in the twenty-fifth year of Edward I. From Roger the estate descended to his son William, whose son Roger, leaving his kinswoman Alice, his heir, it passed by her into other families. About 1422 we find it in the possession of John, Earl of Oxford, in the reign of Henry 6th. In the war of the roses, between the Houses of York and Lancaster, the Earl of Oxford was a firm partizan of the house of Lancaster, and so, when the battle of Barnetfield had decided the contest in favor of York, the Earl of Oxford was attainted and, being forced to fly, his *So named from the town of Cluny in France, where resided an order of Benedictine monks; known in history as the Monks of Cluny. 1667.-1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 19 estates were confiscated and granted to Richard Duke of Gloucester, (afterward King Richard 3rd,) brother to the then reigning monarch, Edward 4th. This was in 1461. In 1463, in the second year of the reign of Edward 4th, the estate of Mendham wass ettled upon the Duke of Gloucester by a special entail; but in 1485, upon the accession of Henry the 7th to the throne, thus uniting the houses of York and Lancaster, the estate in question was restored to the Earl of Oxford. Mendham is situated upon the south bank of the river Waveny, in the County of Suffolk, and, seventy-six years ago, contained five hundred and forty-one inhabitants. July 14. A division of "all the meadows wthin theire lyne" was voted, and Goodman White, Goodman Cook, Goodman Harber and Goodman Puffer were "to joyne wt'l the Selectmen" to make the division. At this meeting granted to Col. William Crowne and to his assigns, and the present minister, their shares of Meadows. The following are the names of those who had shares of Meadow allotted them:Col. William Crowne John Jepson John Rayner Abraham Staples Benjamin Albee Peter Brackett Ferdinando Thayer, George Aldrich John Rockwood Danell Lovett Thomas Barnes -John Moore John Gurney Sam" Read Mathias Puffer Joseph Juell John Harber Thomas Juell John Thompson, ye elder, Sam" Spencer Joseph White The School. The Glebe. REV. JOHN RAYNER, THE FIRST MINISTER. Up to a recent period it has been supposed that Joseph Emerson was the first minister of Mendon. While he was the first settled minister, a fact recently discovered shows that he was not the first minister. When we remember tlat one of the rules made by the " Committee for Nipmug " was that the first settlers should have "an approved minister settled with them at the Plantation by Nov., '1664," we can hardly suppose they would neglect to comply with this condition. 20 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. The only evidence that there was any minister here in 1767, to be found in the town records, is the single expression that the present miniester had his share of Meadow allotted him. The following extract from a petition to the General Court, praying for some parcels of meadow "found outlyinge The Town Bounds of Mendon," we think, conclusively establishes the fact that John Rayner was the first and, in May, 1669, the present minister of Mendon. The extract is as follows, viz: —"And now God having given us good hope to enjoy the gospel & gather a church by the help of Mr. John Rayner, whose labors we have had comfort of this winter & trust hee will settle with us, besides severall good people, members of churches, tender themselves to come to us had wee meado to supply them." The petition from which this quotation is taken is dated May 16, 1669. Mr. Rayner graduated at Harvard College in 1663, and hence it may be objected that a year was too short a time to qualify him for the ministerial office. But we must remember that, in those early days, there was no long training to be gone through with in theological schools, no lengthened curriculum of metaphysical study to qualify one for the acceptable discharge of parochial duties. True and practical piety, a knowledge of the bible, the command of language and a resolute will (as they should be at the present day,) were the essential elements of success. John Rayner, senior, came from England, (having entered the ministry previous to his emigration,) and was settled at Plymouth about 1636. How long he remained there is not known. In November, 1654, he was recommended by the General Court to a church in Boston, as will appear by the Colonial Records, Vol. 4, (1650 to 1660,) p. 210:"The Court, reminding the case of the new Church in Boston, and being sensible of the uncomfortableness of theire present condition, for want of a teaching officer amongst them, and being very willing to affoord the best help they cann in this case, do therefore propound the Reverend Mr. Rayner unto the sajd church, to be by them treated wthall, as also made choice of and called to office in case of agreement between them." This recommendation, it seems, did not succeed in inducing the church to call Mr. Rayner to Boston, and in 1657 he is found 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 21 settled at Dover, N. H., where he continued to discharge the duties of minister until his death in 1669, 21 2nd mo. Benjamin Eliot, son of the apostle to the Indians, was invited to settle at Mendon in 1668; and, it may be asked, why was not Mr. Rayner, then living at this town, called to the ministerial offices? It may be that his father might have been in failing health, as he died in 1669, and the son, hoping to succeed him, might not choose to enter into an engagement that would stand in the way of his being called to Dover should the death of his father create a vacancy there. Be that as it may, we find that Mr. Rayner was settled at Dover in 1671, and that he died in 1676. From the manuscript memoranda in the interleaved almanacks of Judge Sewall, we find the following entries:"Dec. 29, 1675. Mr. Rayner came in the evening to our house, (and) delivered me a letter. Lodged here; in bed we had much and varied discourse." "Dec. 30. -Mr. R..goes on his journey. Gave him letters of Dec. 28 for Boston." In the Almanack for 1676 the following memorandum is found:"Dec. 21. Rayneres occumlict-28. Sepelitur." This record establishes the time of the death of Rev. John Rayner, thefirst minister of Mendon, to be Dec. 21 1676, and that the burial of his body occurred on the 28th. The elder John Rayner married in England for his first wife a lady by the name of Robinson, and for his second Frances Clarke, of Hull. There was some difficulty in settling the effects of both the father and son, as will be seen by the following petition:Mass. Records "Estates Vol. 16, p. 147," under date of June 10, 1679 may be found THE PETITION OF FRANCES RAYNER. To the Honrd Gen" Court now held in Boston, Humbly Sheweth, That whereas by the over Ruleing Providence of Almighty God yr Petitioner is become Executrix to her late well beloved husband Mr. John Rayner senr of Dover, (now Dover of N. H.,) and Administratrix to the 22 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. Estate of her late son Mr. John Rayner junr Deceased and findeing herselfe Incapable to manage the affairs and Concerns thereof and knoweing this Court to be the ffathers of ye land and yourselves to be the helpers, suckerers and Defenders of the ffatherless and widdows therein, am humbly bold to make my Adress unto You, that as you are a means in the Lord's hand you would be pleased to help me a widdow and my ffatherless children. First: That you would be pleased to Appoint & Impower Mr. Richard Martin, Capt. Tho. Daniel and Mr. Anthony Rutter to be helpfull unto yr Petitioner wherein she is concerned as abovesaid and that they or any of these three Gent may accompt with, demand of and receive from and sue and recover in her name, as she is Executrix and Administratrix aforesaid of or from any or all the Debtors to the Estates of the aforesaid. And that yr Petitioner by herselfe or the aforesaid three Gent. or any of them with yr Petitioner's consent may sel any or all of the Lands or Estates of the Deceased aforesaid, to pay just debts and maintayne your Petitioner and that the same may stand firme and valid in the Law. Seaccondly: That this Hond Court issue out an order to the Selectmen of ye Towne of Dover that they make up their accompts with yr Petitioner within some prefixt time (as your wisdomes shall see fit) and that shall appear due to her from the said Towne be speedily payd to her. Thirdly: That this Hond Court would be pleased to desire Maj. Richard Waldron and Lt. Peter Coffin to secure and gather in the Mill rents due to yr Petitioner as she is the Administratrix to her son John Rayner, they being the only persons that are capable of doeing the same, and that the time may be prefixed for doing it, with which she intends to pay part of the debts due unto themselves from the Estate of said son John Rayner. And yr Petitioner as in duty bound shall Ever pray. FRANCES RAYNOR. The Magistrates do grant this petition in the several particulars hereof, provided that the. sale of Lands do not infringe upon the just rights of any heir or others to whom they may be entayled, their brethren the deputyes hereto consenting EDWD. RAWSON, Secy. 10 June 1679. Consented by the deputyes WILLIAM TORREY, Clericus. This Court doth order that ye Selectmen of Dover doe take effectual care to settle ye accompts betweene ye Inhabitants of said Towne and Mrs. Raynor Administratrix to ye Estate of ye deceased Mr. John Raynor Relating to his Sallary and ye payment of such arrears as are yet unpaid & that this be done at or before the last day of September next. 1667.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 23 The deputyes have passed this our Hond Magistrates hereunto consenting. JOHN RICHARDS Per order. June 11, 1679. Consented to by the Magistrates. EDWD. RAWSON, Secy. Sept. 10. At a meeting held this day the Town granted Col. Crowne's forty acre house lot in the Pond field, and, if the measure fell short of the forty acres, then to take up the balance in the adjoining field, called the Fort field. They also granted him the island in the pond. Joseph White and John Thompson, senr, were ordered to lay "A Carte way to goe to the South Meadows for hay and drift of cattle, through this Pond field and this Fort field." This was the beginning of the road now leading to Chestnut Hill and Millville, in Blackstone. They were also directed to lay out a road through John Jepson's land "for the Collonell, or his assignes, to goe to his Meadow as is needfull, of 4 Rodd wide in the Most convenient place." This was the beginning of the road through Pond Hills, by what is now known as the Doctor's Dam, coming out to the meadow a little north from the house of Davis Bills. At the laying out of the Boston and Hartford Turnpike (now a County Road,) a portion of this road fell into disuse from the Town pound to the Brook by Mr. Bills. "Then ordered to build A Minister's house for the first that shall be settled heere And a 40 acor house Lott layd to it of Land wtth all other proffitts and Privilidges and Meadow proportionable as any other 40 acor lots shall have to him and his heyres confirmed to him, and to sett it in the most convenient place in Towne." A Glebe Lot of 20 acres was also granted "with proffitts and privilidges as other 20 acre House lots have." This was for the ministry. Sept. 17. At a Town meeting, held this day, Goodman Thompson was chosen a Surveyor "for this end of the towne," and John Barnes "for the other end of the towne." John Harber was chosen Constable and Daniel Lovett "Clarke of the Writts." The office, " Clarke of the Writts," was created by the General Court Dec. 10, 1641. The statute is in the following words, viz; 24 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. "It is ordered that in every towne one shall bee appointed to grant sumons & attachments in all civil actions; & attachments are to bee granted when the pty is a stranger, not dwelling amongst us, or for some that is going out of or jurisdiction, or that is going about to make away his estate to defraude his creditors, or when psns are doubtful in their estates to the plaintiffe; and the psns to grant replevy, they are to take bond wth sufficient security (of the pty that desireth replevy) to psecute the suite; & they are to have for warrants 2d. a peece, for replevy or attachments 3d. a peece & for bonds 4d. a peece. These are to be directed to the constables in towns where there is no marshalls; the same pty to grant summons for witnesses. These have power to send out pees to any towne, & to bee called Clarks of the Writtes." This last record closes the municipal history of the town for the first year of its corporate existence. COL. WILLIAM CROWNE wasappointed the first Town Clerk of Mendon by the " Committee Respecting the pruclentiall affayres of Mendon," as by their certificate, heretofore recorded, dated Dedham 2, 2, 1667. The first mention I have found of Col. Crowne may be seen in a French publication, as quoted by Hazard in his Historical Collection, page 616, entitled Memoires de L'Amerique, Tor. 2, p. 511. In this document, which is a grant from Cromwell, we find that " Olivier, Seigneur, Protecteur de la Republique d'Angleterre, de E'cosse et d' Irelande," conveyed to Charles de Saint Etienne, (la Tour) Sir Thomas Temple and Col. William Crowne the territory of Acadie in Nova Scotia. The concession was dated August 9, 1656. From this fact it is presumed that Crowne had held the commission of Colonel in the army of Cromwell. That Col. Crowne came to New England in 1657 is quite probable; as we find, from a note at the bottom of page 206 of Hutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, that Sir Thomas Temple came over in that year, "having, with others, obtained from Oliver a grant of lands in Acadia or Nova Scotia, of which he was made governor." By the treaty of Breda, Acadia was restored to France, and thus Col. Crowne lost his interest in the grant made by Cromwell. In 1660 Col. Crowne was in Boston. Whaley and Goffe, two of the regicides, who had arrived July 27, were, soon after, visited by him at Cambridge, as we learn by the diary of Goffe. At this time he is set down as a noted royalist. 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 25 Upon the restoration of Charles 2d, complaints were directly made against the Colony by its enemies, and in 1660 orders were received from him "that persons should be sent over to make answer." Upon this, Simon Bradstreet, a magistrate, and John Norton, one of the ministers of Boston, were chosen by the General Court as Agents to plead the cause of the Colony before the King. In the meantime Gov. Endecott had written the following letter to Col. Crowne, who was then in England. This letter may be found in the Mass. Archives, Political, vol. 106 p. 50, and is as follows, viz:"To Colonell Crowne, Your readiness to speak in behalf of the churches & people of God in this wilderness (for which the good Lord requiete you) doth Imbolden us to desire your farther favor that way as opportunity may be ministered who may truly say the Lord in his Saints and Servants here have need yr of. Our adversaries, you know, are many & wee by means of our great distance not in capacitie to make our defence and so hath the only wise disposer of all things been pleased to frustrate our hopes & the expectations of the General Court & countrie by his hand of visitation on our & yr mch esteemed Mr. Norton, who wth Mr. Bradstreet was appointed by the Gen-. eral Court to appear before his Majestic & to pfr their petition & take off the charge made agst us: although the shipp was stayed for some space of time in hope of his recovery, to some considerable charge of the countrie and hazard of the shipp and voyage, so that we are necessitated to send without them that wch was prepared to send by them, the commission being made to both & the extremitie of the season is such that the General Court can not be convened to Appoint others in their stead. These are therefore to request you to excuse us what you may for this seeming neglect of ours who could neither foresee nor prevent the same. And whatever you or our other friends shall doe for the promoting the cause of Christ in our concernments will be pleasing to God & profitable to his church and people both here and elsewhere & both for present and future generations. Thus committing you to God & the word of his grace who is able to present & preserve you blameless at the coming of his dear son & our alone Saviour we rest in him. 7th Feb. 1661." At the same time Sir Thomas Temple, who was in Boston and a true friend to the Colony, had written to Lord Manchester, Lord Say and Seale and other persons of note, for them to intercede in behalf of the Colony. 4 26 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. The following letter, to be found in a foot note in iHutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, p. 220, will testify to the value of Col. Crowne's services to the Colony:"LONDON 11th. July 1661. Gentlemen and honored friends, Having so safe a hand and so true a friend to convey a line to you as the bearer Mr. Crowne, I was loth to omit writing, because it may be my last, my glass being almost run out, and I retiring home.-You have had several appeared against you, and have been examined against you, as Captain Breedan and others, of whom and about what, this bearer can more particularly inform you than I will at this time; and I must say for Mr. Crowne, he hath appeared, both here in the council and to the Lord Chamberlain and others as really and cordially for you as any could do, and had allaied the ill opinion of your cruelty against the quakers, willingly neglected his passage to stay here to serve you, and by his means and information of the state of your government, as it now is, I hope you will have no governor put upon you but of your own liking; wherefore I must request you will really own and accordingly requite Mr. Crowne his love, care and pains for you, of which I have been an eye witness. I have brought him to the Lord Chamberlain and others, and requested their Lordships to assist him in your behalf. I have not been wanting, both to the King and council, to advance your interest; more I cannot do, but earnestly to pray the Lord to stand with you and for you. I remain your assured loving friend to serve you. W. SAY & SEALE. For his ever honored friends, the Governor of the Massachusetts Colony in New England, for the time"being, to be communicated to the rest of the magistrates and deputies there. Col. Crowne continued to reside at Mendon up to or about the time of the Indian War in 1675. In 1674 it seems that some " unpleasantness " had arisen between the Col. and some of the people here, as we find that, at a town meeting held Sept. 4, 1674, "ther was a Loving Agreement between the Colonell & our selves; all differences about Colonell's acounts & that those lotts which are conserned shall pay to the Colonell as followeth, 25 shillings for a 35 acer Lott and so others proportionabell, only what every one has paid shall be deducted provided they can Clerely proove it." I have learned nothing of the residence of Col. Crowne from this time until 1682, when he is found, in feeble health, in Bos 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 27 ton, in reduced circumstances. Previous to reciting his petition to the General Court for aid; in order to its clearer understanding, the following is inserted:"To the Honoured the General Court sitting at Boston, The Humble Petition of William Crowne Sheweth That about six years since yr petitioner resolved to lease out his Township in ye East WCh Coll. Temple, since Knight & Baronet, by his Articles of Agreement made upon o' division of or several parts, confirmed and settled ye same upon him and his Heires for ever wth all ye priviledges thereunto belonging, as by those Articles may appear. Yor Petitioner made his tender of ye lease first to Sir Thomas out of his love to him & ye peace of or future tranquillity, but he refusing it, Capt. Corwin & Ensign Scottoe tooke ye lease for several years at an hundred & tenn pounds per annum, clear rent, to be paid in Boston. But within one yeare after it so came to pass that Sir Thomas and they fell out & troubles increased and nothing would compose it but that I must turn them out and put him into ye lease; and the chief ground was yr Petitioner verily believeth yt Mr. Scottoe gave out they cleared 300~ yt year & so by over persuasion of all hands & to compose yt difference; Capt. Breedan & Mr. Usher pressing also & offering their bond to pay me the rent constantly in Boston, during the tearme, Capt. Corwin and Ensign Scottoe surrendering up to me.ye lease, I made it to Sir Thomas for ye remaining parte of theire tyme, wch was 4 year & took Capt. Breedan & Mr. Usher's bond for ye rent and they paid me ye first year, upon Sir Thomas his order upon ye bond, but they refused to pay me any more. Upon wc" yor Petitioner complained to Sir Thomas, who very ingeniously confessed to me before Lieut. Cook, it was my due, but his hands were tied up by Capt. Breedan & company yt he could not dispose of a skin and wished to sue them and gave me full leave; upon which I commenced a suite against them in ye County court upon ye bond for what rent then due & had a verdict but ye honoured Magistrates not accepting it, it fell in course to ye Court of Assistants and then neither jury nor Magistrates found for him & so by yr law yr are pleased in such cases, when they have run ye progress in other Courts, to seek reliefe of you, therefor I humbly crave the benefitt of yt law and for that also there is no other Court to be appealed to but this Honoured Court. There is now due to y1 Petitioner ~330 certain rent besides four years forbearance wch maketh near ~400. Premises considered yr Petitioner doth humbly beseech this Honoured Court to appoint him a day for hearing the whole case & to do therein as ye justness thereof in yr grave wisdom you shall see fitt. For justice is God's work & you are his Agents in that worke, so a. just sentence is God's sentence, soe yr Petitioner commits his cause to God & you. And shall pray, WM. CROWNE. 28 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. The Magistrate judge meete to grant the petitioner a hearing of the case mentioned in his petition at the next session of this Court, the petitionr giving the parties concerned timely notice thereof, their brethren the deputyes consenting thereto. EDWARD RAWSON, Sccy. 28 May 1666. Consented to by the deputyes. WM. TORREY, Clericus." Mass. Archives, Political, Vol. 1638 to 1670, p. 265. "Honoured Magistrates, I hould it necessary to lay before you ye particular service I did the Country in England, wc11 my Lord Say's letter to you doe but hint it leaving it to me to informe yu ye more than he would write at yt time. When I came to London to his Majtie, which was two weeks after Breedan (for he took post at Dover) I was informed at Court by severall of my old acquaintances, of a great Charge given unto the King and ye Lord Chancellor, against this country and Government & Mr. Bellingham. That Goff and Whalye, two trators declared by Parlamt were very kindly entertained here and that Mr. Bellingham would not deliver ym up to Breedan, although by a letter required in his Majtys name to doe it. And the business was referred to a Committy of ye Lords to examine; upon which I presently sent to my Lord Say into ye Country, my old worthy friend, beseeching him, if he ever had love to New England or to Mr. Bellingham, yt he would come up to London, he being one of ye Councill, and if I were examined I did not doubt but to cleere this charge both concerning ye Country & Mr. Bellingham and take off ye charge they lay under. His Lordship returned this answer, yt he could not come up until ye parlement set, he being old and crasye, which was about 3 weekes after, but wrote a letter to my Lord Chamberlayne, requesting to moove the Committy to stay their proceedings of examination of yt case untill he came up, leaving ye letter open for me to seale and deliver which I did. Ye Councill stayed these proceedings & now a demur of this business & how it was presented by Capt. Breedan to ye Lord Chancellor, I prevailed wth a noble person, a favourite with his MatY, to goe to ye King and see how his Majtie felt about New England. He brought me this answer; he had been with ye King about it and he sayed he wondered yt that they would take Traitors parts against him yt never did ym wrong; he looked upon New England to be a nice people and numerous and a jewell in his Crowne and would be better informed of ye reporte before he gave indgt all which I sent my Lord Say word of, so incouraged him to Come up which he did at his time appointed, and came to me before he went to ye King. He entreated me to remoove my Lodgings neare him to Whitehall ye better to joyne to gether to carry on this business with ye Councill, which I did and Cost me for 2 months seventeen shillings and six pence ye weeke, before I was dismist by ye 1667.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 29 Councill; and then I had an order sent me by ye Councill to be examined and to attend de die in diem. I was examined of all things of weight yt Conserned both Church, Government and Country, and having given satisfaction to ye Councill of what they examined me about and about Goff & Whalye, my Lord Chancellor came to ye Councill and brought in a copy of your Patent, ye King being present, which Coppye he sent out by my Lord Say, requiring me in ye Kings name to appeare that Day sennit to answer in behalfe of ye Country ye particular forpitures of ye Patent which he had marked in ye Coppy of ye Patent, I appeared ye day appointed & sent ye Coppy of ye patent by my Lord Say (ye King prsent) with this answer. That I lookt upon his Lordship's person of Honour and wisdome and would not put upon me wch ye Common Law would not doe, for I was noe Agent for New England, but as a stranger saving that I had wintered there two winters about my business of Nova Scotia which was before ye Councill. He sent me out word againe yt should not serve my turn. Hee would make mee speeke, I could speake enough for New England and now I should, which my Lord Say brought me out word. Then I requested my Lord to goe in with this answer from me, I humbly desired Common justice for New England yt neither Law or Equity could deny them, for all the Magistrates when I came from thence were born in this Land, soe had a proper birthright to ye Common Law here and ought to have their Charge given them in writeing under his Lordship's hand of what he would charge ym in ye forfiture of their Patent and coppys of all depositions yt had been taken against them, I conseaved there were many, and one year given me to return it to yn and another for ym to return an answer to his Majte & his Lordship, and I did not doubt but that they would approve y'selves faithful subjects to his Mate and that they had not infringed their Patent in ye least, upon which his Lordship expressed himself, he did not intend to waite two years for an answer, for under yt time he thought they could not send it, therefore as his Matie had pardoned his subjects in ye land of farr greater ofences than he had to charge New England with, therefore he desired his Matte to pardon ym all in a lump, for he had done; with yt my Lord Say came off ye Councill and told me all which is certainly true. So when I had satisfied ye Councill of all things they examined me of, I tooke my leave of ym and came for this Country, and having a Bond of two men in Boston to pay me 440 pound by 110 pound pr anm until yt sum was paid, and part of it due I was inforced to sue them for what was due to me and entered my action in ye County Court. ye persons bound appeared & owned ye debt, ye verdict passed for me, Deacon Parkes ye foreman, but ye Court would not warrant it, soe it fell to ye Court of Assistants where I met with ye same hard measure, and with much difficulty I got my petition to ye General Court in May and referred me for a hearing to the October Court, where I was thrown out, not tryable-this kindness I met with. Soe I lost 110 pounds a yeare for above seven yeares which ye persons bound received my profits and could never get anything of it be 30 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. cause of ye General Court's order. Then in ye time of ye Indian warrs, I being at Prudence Island by Newport, having lent Mr. John Paine 90 pound upon a tract of land in Mendon for two years, the warrs being ended, Mr. Payne drowned and ye Mortgage out and ye land forfited to me I came to show Govr Leverett about it who told me Mr. Payne had forfited it to ye Country for not coming to Mendon to assist ye Towne against ye Indians, and ye order of ye Councill required him upon ye forfiture of it, but when I showed him my Mortgage, acknowledged before Mr. Bradstreet, he sayd I should have it when ye County Court did sit to have an order to enter upon it. So I went then to my son Henery's to ye Eastward; but before my return ye Gov'r Leverett was dead, and I having a chapman here in towne to buy refused to proceed with me till I had recovered it by law, upon which I sent and attached ye land forfitted to a tryal to ye next County Court and Summoned in Mr. Knight, Mr. Payne's administrator made by ye Court to appear and answer my action, but when ye day of tryal came, and had entered my action, I desired to be heard when ye Govr stood up and sayd he did not think it meete to be tryed. Then I prest my mortgage, acknowledged before him, might be read. It would not be granted. So I lost all my charges ye 10 shillings for entrance and before I got possession of ye land mortgaged I was damnified above 4 pound. Soe these seeming unkindnesses lye very heavye on my Spirit, when I think of the service I have done for ye country. And God having laid his hand heavy on me these 7 or 8 months hath brought me so low yt I am scarce able to stir out of my bed, do therefore humbly pray yt you would take my condition into your Serious consideration and doe yt justice that ye law of God and man requires. And 'for yt 500 acres of Land yt ye General Court granted me, considering ye charges in looking it out and laying it out and ye Indians demanding pay for it of me, all things considered, it will be little worth to me. Soe humbly desiring your answer I remaine Your Humble Servant WILL. CROWNE. June 10, 1682. In answer to this request of Coll. Crowne's the Councill have agreed that five pounds be given him at the p"sent and that it be sent out of the contribution in the Govrs hands; withall they have agreed that his case be presented to the Gen1' Court for a more full consideration of his case. Signed by Sam" Nowell, per order. July 13, 1682." *The 500 acres here referred to was granted to Col Crowne at a General Court held Oct. 8, 1662, in the following words: "This Court as an acknowledgment of the great paynes of Col. Wm. Crowne in behalfe of this country when he was in England, judge meete to graunt him five hundred acres of land in any place not legally disposed of." This grant was laid out 25. 3. 1665 by Thomas Noyes, Surveyor on a branch of Sudbury river, at a place called by the Indians Magnagaucok Hill. The present village of Ashland is said to be located on this grant. 1668.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 31 Of those mentioned as "accepted" in 1662, it is not found that Nathaniel Hareman, Alexander Plumley, Josiah Chapin, Joseph Penieman, John Small, of Brantree, or Goodman King, sen'., Walter Cook, William Holbrook, Goodman Bolter, senr., Samuel Pratt and Thomas Bolter, of Weymouth, had lands granted them up to the close of 1667. Lands were granted this year to Benjamin Albee, with whom the " Committee" had bargained (for fifty acres of land,) to build a grist mill, Ferdinando Thayer, John Gurney, Mathias Puffer, John Harber, George Aldrich, Daniel Lovett, and John More of Braintree, and to John Thompson, Joseph White, John Rayner, the Minister, and Abraham Staples of Weymouth. Lands were also granted to Col. Crowne, John Rockwood, Thomas Barnes, John Jepson, Samuel Read, Joseph Juell, Thomas Juell, and Samuel Spencer, whose places of former residence were not mentioned, and to Moses Paine and Peter Brackett of Braintree, who held the Indian deed of the township. I668. January 27. At a meeting of the Selectmen it was ordered "that noe Inhabitant shall cutt downe any Chestnutt Trees, standing upon the Common Land, but shall forfeit to the use of the Towne five shilling for every tree, there having been soe great A Spoyle allready Made thereby, meerely for the Nutts sake, and will yet be more (if not hereby prevented) wch will in tyme prove A great wronge to ye Towne." Jan 28. At a general town meeting held this day, were chosen for Townsmen (Selectmen) Col. Wm. Crowne, Deacon Hide, Gregory Cook, Ferdinando Thayer and Daniel Lovett. For Register (Town Clerk) Col. Crowne. In the early history of the towns the Selectmen were clothed with powers, that, at the present day, would be thought extraordinary. In fact they transacted most of the business of the town. Feb. 2. The Selectmen met this day and made the following orders: "Wee takinge into consideration the great Necessity of Mendinge all 32 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1668. highwayes About this Towne wch hath been so long neglected doe order and Appoint the Surveyors speedily to gitt all the highways well mended both for cartes and cattle and passengers, and the way by Walter Cook's house to Joseph White's first repaired, and the way to the Mill wch was to be layd out by those men chosen before; and the Surveyors call to their Assistance the Several Inhabitants of this Towne to worke, and (they) that have 4 oxen to work A day at A tyme, and soe all the rest doe work proportion(al) to their tyme, And soe to continue their labor soe long as the Surveyors shall see cause. And upon 4 days notice to each Inhabitant to worke, and he shall refuse or neglect it shall pay for his contempt 3s. 4d. per day for A man and 6s. per day for 4 oxen, a man and a carte, and 5s. a day for 2 oxen a man and carte. And where any trees are lying in the highways to Remove them out that noe Damage or hurt may come to any person thereby. And that A bridge be set up wheere the first bridge was formerly, goeing to Medfield in the most fittest place to be found for the public good and care of traivelers." At the same time Goodman (George) Aldrich had a grant of land "in lew" of land taken to widen the road, and Goodman (John) Harber had a grant for the same purpose. This road to be widened was not the main road, now (1880) the Main street; but a road leading from near the house of Austin A. Taft to near the house of Gilbert Gaskill, (long since discontinued,) and so continuing through Emerson and Washington street to the northerly terminus of the latter street, and from thence to the road over Misco Hill, not far from the homestead of the late Watee Davenport. This section last mentioned was also soon discontinued. From the foregoing order of the Selectmen we should, at first sight, see no good reason why there should have been any poor roads in the early days of the settlement, so long as everybody was required to work as long as the Surveyors should deem it proper; but, as the Surveyors were directed to remove rocks and trees from the road and the roads were ten rods wide, we can readily see that it would be unreasonable to expect such roads as would command the acceptance of the County Commissioners of the present day. At any rate, had this rule been continued, we should have been spared the recent outlay of seven thousand dollars upon a single mile of our roads, with five or six hundred dollars for damages sustained by a "traiveler" during its construction. This was for special repairs on the line of road lead 1668.] ANNALS OF MENDON. ing from the house of Silas Dudley to Milfordcl line, ordered by the County Commissioners in 1871. At a General town meeting, held April 24, house lots were granted to "Deacon Hide and his son Job, with the privilege that other house lotts of that bigness have only the former inhabitants must be first supplied their several shares of Meadowes." From this we learn that Deacon Hide and his son Job were new conmers, and that they were the first who came to settle in the Town after its incorporation. At this meeting it was also "Ordered to give Mr. Benjamin Aliot a Call, with his ffather's leave, and A letter sent to that effect. " This Mr. Benjamin Aliot was undoubtedly a son of the Apostle to the Indians, as he was most appropriately called, but whether the father withheld his "leave," or whether the son did not see fit to accept the call we have, at this late day, no means for determining. Perhaps the fact that "A Minister's house for the first that shall be settled here," which had not yet been erected, and the further fact that no movement had been made for a meeting house, may have had something to do with the decision of Mr. Eliot. At the same meeting, after the call had been voted, it was "Agreed on then alsoe by ye Maior pte of ye Inhabitants at this Towne Meeting that the Meeting house shall be sett on the highest side or pte of the land weh' is a High way neere to Joseph White's saw pit, in his howse lott, and to erect it with all speed." Joseph White's house lot was bounded westerly by the present road leading from Milford to Uxbridge, and extended from Muddy Brook to the little run west of the house of Gustavus B. Williams, and was of sufficient width to contain forty acres. As the meeting house was to be built upon the highest side of the way, (the Main street now,) it must have been located somewhere near the brick building formerly used by the Mendon Bank, now the Hall of Records. April 26. "Steven Cooke was granted a 20 acre house lot to ioyn to John Harbor his house lott with the proviso that, when God shall make way for his goinge for England, not to putt it 5 34 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1668. off to any but to such as the present Townesmen or Towne shall approve of." Whether Mr. Cook ever went for England is, we think, a matter of doubt, as we find his name attached to the settlement of. Mr. Emerson in Dec. 1669, and afterwards in the division of lands in 1672. Under date of Sept. 6, the selectmen offered a bounty of 20s. to any inhabitant who should kill a wolf within the limits of the town, and they further ordered that the Constable "shall gather it and paye it them, having a warrant under our hands to doe it." Gregory Cook also had a grant of a forty acre house lot upon the same terms as "Deacon Hide and his sonn Jobe had theirs, foi all things," only there is to be a highway, if need be, through his lot. Deacon Hide had the meadow called the School Meadow (the meadow near the present residence of Putman W. Taft,) for two years at one pound yearly, "in such pay as will answer the Tovwle's ends..' "Ordered againe by us that all ffences about come fields and orchards be Made good and Sufficient according to law, and, if, upon vew by those that are to vew y11, they are not, the damages are to lay upon the owners of ye fences, or, if good, upon the owners of the Cattle or Swine yt doe ye Damage." At this time we find the Selectmen taking care that the town should not trespass upon the lands of their Indian neighbors, as we learn by the following order:"Ordered to send to the Indian Plantation called Assonomsit to ther Magistrate to send some of those Indians that know ther Bounds to us to consider if we have Runn into their lyne, and to Alter it wthout any wrong to them or us, and, if need be, to Rectifie it before the next General Court." Joseph White was appointed Surveyor, and "Goodman Albe, if he will, May Measure any Man's howse lott yt desires him, 2 townsmen with him." Sept. 25. "Att a Generall Towne Meetinge It is ordered that the Selectmen doe take care to gett the Meetinge house Erected in the Place formerly 1668.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 35 agreed on upon the best And cheapest Tearmes they can for the good of the Town; the breadth 22 foote square, 12 foote studd, the Ruffe gathered to A 7 foote square wth A Turrett. October following we gave Job Hide an order to goe on wth the work wch is here incerted, the Towne then gave Deacon Hide leave untill May the first 69 to settle with his family and Job also." "AGREEMENT WITH JOB HIDE. -It is agreed on by the Selectmen for the more ease of the People heere and the speedie carringe on of the buildinge that Job Hide doe undertake the whole worke for the well Managine of the frame of the Meetinge howse, and for his Paynes and severall dayes work that hee shall doe at it shall be allowed 2s. 6d. pr day, but not to deduct it out of his or his ffathers pay for theire lotts, but to receive it as wee can Make it. And every person in Towne that can work, doe assist him as much as shall come to their rates as shall hereafter be Agreed on for each lott to beare; whose affection to soe good A work will be known, thereby Carringe for God's glory and the Publique good, faithfully and speedily to perfect it as the season will permytt." During this year the Nipmuck Indians submitted themselves to the government of the English, as will be' seen by the following document, to be found in the Massachusetts Archives, "Indians, Vol 30, p. 146." "To the Honerd Governr, Depty Governor, Magistrates and Deputies now sittinge in the General Court at Boston, April 29, 1668: The humble submission and subjection of the Native Indian Sagamore & people of Nipmuck, Inhabiting within the bounds of the Patent of Massachusetts and neare adjoining unto the English Townes settled of Mendham and Marlborough. We the Inhabitants of Quanutussett, Monuchogok, Chaubunakongkomok, Asuhodnoeog, Ressessnogus, Wabuquoship, and the adjacent parts of Nipmuck, being convinced of our great sins & how good it is to turn unto the Lord and bee his servants by praying and calling upon his name: We doe solemnly before God and this Courte give up ourselves soe to doe. Also wee, finding, by experience, how good it is to live under laws & good government & finding how much we need the protection of the English, doe freely out of our own notion & voluntary choice submit ourselve to the Government of the Massachusetts. To the Honord General Court: to the Honord Governor, Deputy Governr 36 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1669. & Assistants, to be ruled and protected by them. And we doe humbly intreat that we may be favorably accepted. May ninth 1668. Tihe marke of ) Wutusakompanim. Job Rattennet. The mark of \ Retukhanit. The mark of H Uppehenolhtuk. The mark of Wabumahchein. The mark of d Wagesuk. The mark of p Wussaumauduls. The mark of 9 Tuhkomis. The mark of P) Papaumwoit. The mark of 9 Wullompeh. These have subscribed in the name and with the consent of all the rest. Whether the Nipmuck Indians submitted to the English because they were "convinced of their great sins," and intended "to turn unto the Lord and be his servants," or because they had come to feel the need of protection against enemies of their own race we cannot, at this late day, fully determine. When however we find that the eloquence of Philip soon after persuaded them to confederate with him in his' contemplated extirpation of the English, we can hardly believe that Matoonas, whom the Apostle Eliot had converted from heathenism, and Major Gookin had made a Constable at Quinsigamond, would have led the attack upon Mendon in 1675 had he entirely shaken off the old Adam. 1669. Jan. 1. "It was agreed, at a town meeting, that the 'same townsmen that were the last yeare shall be for this yeare, 1669.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 37 unless Deacon Hide doe not come to Inhabitt by the first of May next then it is resolved to choose another in his Roome." The Selectmen for 1668 were Col. Crowne, Deacon Hide, Gregory Cook, Ferdinando Thayer and Daniel Lovett. As no mention was made of a choice for a Register it is presumed that Col. Crowne continued to discharge the duties of that office. Samuel Read was chosen Constable, John Woodland, sen, and Samuel Hayward, Surveyors of Highways, and Col. Crowne, Benjamin Alby and Gregory Cook, Commissioners. Col. Crowne was also chosen "to be Returned to the General Courte to gaine power to take the verdict of the jury upon ye death of John Lovett, (killed by an unruly horse), to marry and to give the present Constable his oath." Most of the transactions of the town, in the early settlement of the place, like all the new towns of the olden time, related to the division of land among those already removed hither, the granting of homesteads to new comers and the establishment of roads. In regard to the land it will be understood that it was held in fee by those who were settled upon its soil, and that no title could be acquired without the consent of the inhabitants. When, in the allotment of land to new comers, the expression "with privileges such as lots of that bigness have" was used, the grantee acquired a right in the unappropriated lands-he became a proprietor. Without this expression he had no inter-.est beyond the number of acres specified in his grant. The Proprietors kept records apart from the town records, and had occasional meetings until a late period. Pearly Hunt, of Milford, was the last Proprietors' Clerk. By a decision of the Supreme Court the town of Mendon was made the custodian of these records. "The fifty acres of upland wch the Honered Committee before did designe to Benjamin Alby about his labor concerning the Mill, together wtl ye 20 Acor House lott, and the 20 Acor house lott that his Sonn in law Thomas Barnes Dwells on is to have all privilidges in the Towne as other 20 Acor house lotts shall have is confirmed." This fifty acres to Benjamin Alby was laid out on either side of Mill River "against the Dwelling House by the Mill." The grist mill has long since disappeared and a shoddy mill has 38 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1669. taken its place. Lewis B. Gaskill is the present owner of the Alby place. The fifty acres and the twenty acre house lot above mentioned were granted to Benjamin Alby by the Committee " for ordering and settleing the Plantation at Netmocke," as will appear by their grant. dated "at Roxbury 5m. 2. 64," and heretofore recorded on p. 9. Feb. 2. " Agreed on that the Townesmen together wth Goodman Alby, Goodman Harber & Walter Cook doe see that the Minister's house be speedily sett forward in gettinge all things in A readiness To build it and erect it where the Place is Agreed on wth the length, breadth, height wth all dementions formerly agreed to to compleat it wth speed. And to finnish it to be carryed in A way of A Rate wch is thought the best way to ease charges and speed ye worke." At this meeting Joseph Stevens, the Smith, had a thirty acre lot granted, and which land was formerly reserved for a Smith's lot. Matthias Puffer had his thirty acre lot surveyed by Benjamin Alby, the northeast corner being a "A great Rocke wth A Springe Runninge from under it into Muddy Brooke." Puffer's house stood a little south from the house of the late Daniel Thurber. At the same time Benjamin Alby surveyed the house lots of John Rockit, (Rockwood) John Gurney, Samuel Hayward, Gregory Cook and John Jepson. March 18. A notice was received from the Selectmen of Dedham that they intend " to Runn the lyne between them and our towne "'the 23d day of this month, and they had appointed the two Fishers and old Goodman Thurston of Medfield. The Selectmen of Mendon appointed Goodman Thayer, a Townsman, Matthias Puffer and John Rockett to meet the committee of Dedham, and "to settle the bounds between them and us." Wee whose names are subscribed beinge Deputed by. the Towns of Dedham and Mendon to Run the lyne between them. Wee Mett accordingly upon the lyne at the bent of the River where Lieutt. Fisher begun the lyne To Nipmug River and New Marked it and Raised up heapes of Stones according to law. ffardinando Thayre John Thurston Mathyas Puffer Anthony ffisher John Rockett Nathaniel ffisher for Mendon. Nathaniel Graves for Dedham. 1. 22. 69. (old style) 1669.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 39 May 10. The Minister's house, voted to be built last year, is not yet completed, as we find by the following orders of the Selectmen: "Ordered the speedy carringe on the fframe of the Minister's howse and that Thomas Juell doe provide 400 of good Clapboards upon his owne account and bring them to the frame as Goodman Barnes and Goodman Read shall approve of, and he is alsoe to bring 212 more clapboards upon Gregory Cook's accompte good and Marchantable as ye said former persons shall judge, wthin one Month after this day. Ordered that Gregory Cook doe pay in Nayles in pte of his lot seventeen shillings and eight pence in eight penny and the rest as the workmen shall see best, being in full of his purchase. Ordered that the Constable doe take care to see that the orders about the Minister's house be complyed wth." The Selectmen having completed their orders about the Minister's house, concluded their session by repealing the bounty of 20s. for killing a wolf. It will be remembered that in April, 1668, the town sent a request to the Magistrate of the Indian Plantation of Assonomsit '" to send some of the Indians that know their bounds to consider if we have run into their line." In consequence of this doubt about the correctness of the boundaries of the town, it seems the inhabitants of Mendon petitioned the General Court. for redress, as will appear by the following copy from the Mass. Archives, "Towns, Vol. 112, p. 190." "To the ever honerd Generall Courte Sittinge at Boston, May 19, 1669. The humble Petition of ye Inhabitants of Mendon Sheweth that yr Pettitioners, as in duty bound, owne wth all thankfulness the severall ffavors this Court bestowed on this place in their settlement weh they shall labor to improve (by God's assistance) for his glory yr honers and ye publique good.. In that petition uppon our Settlement wee Informed that Court of ye very small quantity of meadow wthin our Line. That although a thirty acre Lott were to have but Tenn acres of meadow to it and so proportionable, yett was ther then three families without any & since fowre that have none. And to ye best of our judgmt the whole but about two hundred and sixteen acres; therefore we humbly craved all the meado wee should find within two or three miles, yett not disposed of, to supply our necessities, weh the Court neither denyed or granted absolutely because, as wee humbly Conceive wee had not stated the quantity with bounds wch since is done through so much difficulty & changed to about ninety acors lying nigh unto our Line in small parcells as pr ye paper annexed wee show 40 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1669. And now through God having good hope to enjoy the Gospel & gather a church by the help of Mir. John Rayner, whose labors we had comfort of this winter & that hee will settle with us besides severall good people members of churches tender themselves to come to us had wee meado to supply them, and although wee have purchased this Tract of Land twice of the Indians to above thirty pound price, wee are so' beleagred wt1 them as wee Interfere upon youre (other) plantations Aponomisco, Manchaug, Shockologue, Nashwagt, and King Philip pretends a great share in our best land & meddo, so wee must mend our line, for peace sake, by what is within your good leave, weh we pray. These premises considered wee are constrained to Renew our Sute and doe earnestly pray a grant of ye severall parcells of medo in the paper annexed wlch not only will Incorridge good poeple to Settle wth us butt inable us to carry on the publique service more fully as wee desire. Further wee pray that in regard as we are 25 miles off from any Magistrate & beset Wth many incombrances as is the lott of new plantations, to afford us that succor and ease, that our honered ffriend, Col. Crowne may be impowered to take a Verdict off us wch is about ye death of a boy, sonne to Daniell Lovett, yt came by a fall from his father's horse & ye honered Magistrate Lusher can inform is only to ease some very aged man of ye jury ffrom travelling so farre, having left their labour already the honerd Major* being (in) Boston: and allso yt ye Collonll may give the Constable his oath marrie and what else may be for good order, wCh are acts of grace flowing from you to other Towns Remote, and none need it more. Lastly we pray that Mr. Brackett of Boston and Ensign Moses Paine of Brantry may be authorized to surrender up to us or to ym wee shall depute, our Indian Grant of this Land wth all other papers belonging to this place, Acts of ye honered Committee, being paid the disbursements relating thereto and ye Acts heere will better strengthen our Indian Grant for us & our Successors for the future and wee shall pray. Aldrich Steven Cook, junior Gregory Cook -- tt Joseph Stevens fardinando Thayre torn off John Woodland, senior Dan: Lovett Staples George Aldrich John More, senior John Harber. John Thompson, junior A Particular (description) of the Severall Parcells of Meadow wch is lately found, outlyinge The Town Bounds of Mendon, Three Acors lyinge by yt River upon which our Mill stands on the North side of our Lyne. Six Acors upon the same side of our Lyne About A Mile off it. Three Acors lyinge upon the same side of our lyne. Eighteen Acors or thereabouts bounded on the East wth A great Pyne *Probably Major Gookin. 1669.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 41 Swampe wth Run of water on ye same side of our Lyne, three acors more on the cast side of our Lyne About A mile off it. Fower Acors lyinge by a run of water wlh runs into the North branch of Charles River next our lyne. Six Acors on the North side of our Lyne wt' A great Hill of Rocks on ye south side thereof About a mile off. Three Acors upon the same branch' of yt River on the west. About Thirty Acors upon A branch of ye same River adioyninge our townc Lyne on ye north side. Six Acors on the northeast corner of our lyne Adioyninge To it by a Pyne Swamp on ye west. About fifteen Acors lyinge on the west side of Charles River, being the Third Branch we pass over to Metfield. Six Acors on the Second Branch of Charles River Towards Metfield and below that Meadow wch our Lyne runs through. About twelve Acors upon the same River A bout 2 miles off our bounds southwest as we goe to Metfield. Of tlie several parcells we understand that about 30 Acors of the whole is taken up, if noe more, soe then there will not be A bove Ninety Acors, and we want neere soe much to complete the families we have already, soc as if we get it not some of our families must departe & the Town decayed. In answer to this Petition, The Committee findinge that ye place is But meanly provided of meddow & yt ye Distribution already made is but small to ym' yt have ye most Doe Conceive this Court may well Grant that Town ye Meddo Petitioned for for accommodating such persons among yi' as have none or aiy New Comers to y". As to thare other desire We Conceive Collonell Crowne may be impowered to give the present Constable his oath and to give oath and take ye verdict according to law, of ye jury for the untimely death in ye case mentioned; as alsoe that he may be Impowered to solemnize Marriage in ye Town of Mendon, provided the ptys be residing in yt towne or at least one of ye ptys & this untill this Court take further order.. As to their last request That Mr. Brackett & Moses Payne may surrender up theire Indian Purchase & other papers in their hands belonging to Mendon wee conceive it meete that they should accordingly resigne and dir all up to ym they pforning & sattisfying to Mr. Brackett and Moses Paine according to Ingagement to ym JOHN PYNCHON EDW. JOHNSON WILLIAM PARKE. May 27, 1669. Referring to theire lyne Intrenching upon a former grant to ye Indians 6 42 ANNALS OF MEN DON. [1669. we conceive they may be allowed to extend there lyne on ye other side of ym according to what ye Indian grant take off. J. PYNCHON EDW. JOHNSON WILLIAM PARKE. The Deputyes approve of the returne of the Committee in answer to their ptn our Honerd Magistrates Consenting WILLIAM TORREY, Clericus. Consented by ye Magistrates EDw. RAWSON, Secy. Pursuant to the recommendation of the General Court, a town meeting was held Dec. 9, 1669, at which "a full and final ending of all differences" between Mr. Moses Paine and Mr. Peter Brackett, of Braintree and Boston, and the Town was happily accomplished. The Town confirmed all former grants of land made to Mr. Paine and Mr. Brackett, and agreed that the land should be free from all charges until improved by them. Mr. Brackett and Mr. Paine agreed "for ye encourage of the Ministry," to give thirty shillings a year, each, to the Minister of the Town, at Boston, in goods, and to surrender the Indian deeds and all'other writings belonging to the town when Mr. Emerson, the Minister, shall call for them. This agreement was signed by Moses Paine for himself and Peter Brackett, and in behalf of the Town, by John Thompson, Grigory Cook and William Crowne. Neither Mr. Paine or Mr. Brackett removed to Mendon, and finally disposed of their interest here to other parties. July 5. Notwithstanding the previous orders which had been given, the Minister's house was not yet completed, as we find, "The Selectmen met and ordered that the Sellor under the Minister's house be forth w1t digged and that Goodman Steven Cook, John Gurney and John More wth Joseph Juell doe it, and two work at a time until it bee finished and that Gregory Cook and Peter Alderidge doe carry Stones to the Seller wch are digged." The Selectmen, it seems, were as careful to look after the spiritual as well as the temporal welfare of their constituents in the olden time, and it is believed it would be of some service, in the present day and generation, if "the enforcement of the 1669.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 43 laws " were more punctually executed now. To this end the Selectmen issued the following order:" Ordered by us to Reade the law to ye youth to exhorte them to the due & carefull observation of the Lord's Day, and that theire parents be desired to doe theire duty herein for the promotinge God's glory theres and theire children's good." One Job Tyler, it seems, had "carried himself so unworthily" that the Selectmen felt bound to notice the matter, and in order that the authority of the magistrate should be sustained and the laws enforced, "July 14. The Selectmen Mett and ordered to send to the Constable to Summon before us Job Tyler the next fryday at one of the clock at Gregory Cook's house to answer his contempt of our orders and alsoe why he refuses to worke aboute the Selor at the Minister's house, at yt tyme ye Constable Retourne his answer to us. July 16. The Selectmen met accordingly and the said Constable made his Retourne that he had warned in Job Tyler before us; his answer was he could not nor would come, but if the Selectmen had more to say to him than he to them they might come to him. Upon this answer of Job Tyler's the Townesmen (Selectmen), Resolved to make their complaint to the Magistrates of his contempt of several of the Selectmen's orders and of his Miscarriages of the Lord's day & at Publique assemblies if he doe not Submytt, wel" he did not." Whether the Job Tyler here spoken of was the same Job Tyler who was arraigned before Major Gookin in 1665, cannot now be determined. In the Mass. Archives may be found the following:Sept. 11, 1665. Owannamaug, Indian Chiefe, neere Marlborough complained of Job Tyler, of Roxbury, for cutting and carrying off hay from his meadows. Fined two shillings and six pence & cost ten shillings. Attested by me DANL. GOOKIN. John Elliott certified Sept. 22, 1665, that Job Tyler had paid fine and costs. I should be sorry to lay anything at Job's door that he did not deserve, but his obstinacy about digging the Minister's cellar and his small reverence for municipal authority make it not very improbable that he who feared not to say to the Constable that "if the Selectmen had more to say to him than he to them they 44 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1669. might come to him," would also, feel not any great compunction in raiding a load of hay from the Indians., What makes the supposition the more probable, that Job Tyler of Mendon and Job Tyler of Roxbury were identical is, that Hubbard, in his History of the Indian Wars, says that some of the people of Roxbury removed to Mendon in the early days of its settlement. But it seems Job Tyler's short comings were readily condoned, as we find his name among those who, in December following, confirnmed the settlement of Mr. Emerson as the Minister of the Town. "Ordered then that the Assessment be made for 10s. to pay Caleb, the Indian, for killing the woulfe neare the town, and alsoe an other Assessment of seaven pounds for seaven wolves by the Inhabitants according to former order, which were killed and another Assessment for 200~ to discharge all Publique charges belonging to the town to ye 25th day of March next ensuing to be layd equally upon all lotts and not upon personal estate, to discharge expenses aboute runninge the lyne of ye Towne bounds, and Passinge all our Graints in the Generall Courte, building of the Minister's house, his dyett, and masuringe of all the lands and meadows, and what else hath been disbursed for the Towne or shall be to the sd 25th day of March, ald Mr. Brackett's lot and Ensign Paynes land is to be assessed to all these Publique charges as other 40 Acor lotts." The Minister's house is not yet completed, as others, if not so obstinate as Job Tyler, are still slow in discharging their obligations for its completion, as the following order sets forth: "Ordered alsoe to allow all that find clap board to ye Minister's house five shillings for each hundred shaven and brought to the house, good and Marchantable, and that Thomas Juell provide 200 and bringe them to the house within three days after notice upon ye penalty of 20s, because he hath so long delayed it; and that he bring 200 more well shaven good and Marchantable wth all convenient speed, being his due towards the house as is charged upon his lot to allow." We learn from the following record that Malthus was not the only philosopher who feared the earth, at an early clday, would be overstocked with inhabitants:"Ordered then to take into this Towne but six more families, such as are godly and fitt to carry on the Publique worke in ye Towne for the Glory of God and the Publique good of this place." What becomes of Malthus when we find upon the same terri 1669.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 45 tory which in 1669, it was solemnly adjudicated would hold but six more families, the homes of twenty-five thousand people, with ample room for more. REV. JOSEPH EMERSON, THE SECOND MINISTER. Although the Minister's house was not yet completed, it was concluded not to defer the settlement of Mr. Emerson any longer, and accordingly the Rev. Joseph Emerson, of Concord, became the first settled minister of the town. Mr. Rayner, who had been with the people from the beginning, it is supposed, on account of the failing health of his father, declined a settlement. Mr. Emerson was settled in true Congregational order, as the following extract from the Town Records will show:"Proposalls by Mr. lRlkly (of Concord) to the Towne of Mendon in the behalfe of Mr. Emersoh, his Sonn in law to be setled to him. ffirst. To give him forty five pounds y and for the two first years pay_ ment As followeth, Tenn pounds at Boston y and at some shope there, or in Money at this Towne-the Remayninge of the halfe yeere To be made up Two pounds of butter for every Cow, the rest in Porke, wheat, barley and so to Make up the yeares pay In warke, Indian Come, Rey, Pease & Beefe. 2. ffor the third yeare after he is settled, to be paid fifty five pounds y and so on as God shall Inable them. 3. The howse to be Made fittinge to come into wth all convenient speede wth two fire places and a little leanto of fifteen foot in length wth A chimney as a Kitchen Towards Goodman Cook's howse, for Mr. Emerson to contribute something to it the Towne being not willing to do it alone. 4. To gett for him Twenty Corde of wood yeerely. 5. Then if Mr. Emerson come and Inhabitt, dyinge in the Towne or enter into office then to have the said howse and the forty acor lott and Meadow to it wt1 all other privileges and Divisions Made or to be Made to that lott as all other lotts of that bignes shall have settled to him and his heyres for ever and soe Recorded in the Towne Booke. This being assented to by the Inhabitants of Mendon Mr. Emerson will settle with them. Lastly, it is Agreed that if the Maior pte of the People Inhabitinge heere shall carry it soe unworthilie Towards Mr. Emerson as that there cannot be A Reconciliation Made amonge themselves Then it is hereby unanimously Agreed to Refer the difference to the Churches of Metfield, Dedham & Roxbury to heere and Determine it. And if it shall be by the said Churches Judged for Mr. Emerson to leave and 'Depart the Towne, yett he shall 46 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1670. enioy the house and nd ld Above expressed to him and lis heyres forever; otherwise he is not to leave the Towne and his labors heere Duringe life. Dated December 1 Anno Dom. '69. John Alderidge Joseph White Jobe Tyler John Parris Peter Alderidge Willi: Crowne John Thompson sen. John Thompson jr. Gregory Cooke Walter Cook ffardinando Thayer John Harber Samuel Read John More John Woodland John Rockett Steven Cook Mathyas Puffer Sam. Spencer Abrahaml Staples Joseph Alderidge. Thomas Juell I assent to this, Wittnes my hand JOSEPH EMERSON. Mr. Emerson had been settled in Wells, now Maine, in 1664, and came from thence to Menclon. In 1675, soon after the Indian attack upon Mendon, le removed fb Concord, where he died June 3, 1680. Dec. 6. The town voted that the parochial year should begin on the first day of January, and that Mr. Emerson's salary was to be reckoned from that date. From the settlement of the town until a recent date the Proprietors, being those who were owners of the soil, by the grant of the General Court and the extinguishment of the Indian title by purchase, acted in all matters relating to the disposition of the land independently of the town, keeping a book of records and having their own Clerk. After the grant of the ninety acres of Meadow "without our line" by the General Court, May 19th, the town chose Dea. Simon Peck, Josiah Chapin, Joseph White, Ferdinando Thayer, Abraham Staples, Samuel Read, James Lovett and Samuel Hayward to purchase the Meadow of the Indians with lands adjacent for convenience to said Meadow. No copy of this deed is found upon the town records. This meadow was afterward called the Great Meadow. 1670. Jan. 1. "Att a Generall Towne Meetinge all these severall Acts and orders made weare Read by the Colonell to the Towne And then Aproved of. 1670.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 47 Then chose for Townesmen this yeare, Colonell Crowne, William Ilolbrook, Joseph White, ffarthn. Thayer & John Harber. The Coll. for Regester, GREGORY COOK, Constable." The only recorded transaction of the Town, during this year, is the following:April 18. Att a General Towne Meeting was granted a 20 Acor house lott unto Mrs. Tappinge, of Boston, Sister in law to Mr. Emerson, Minister heere, wth all rights of the Divisions of land and Meadow to be taken up in course as other lotts of that bignes shall have, and to pay for it five pounds in money or shope goods, and to beare yearly all Publique charges eaquall wt" other lotts of that bignes in the same pay in her shopp until she or her husband shall build on it or Improve it, and not to sell it to any person, or put any person on it to Dwell but such as shall be of good Report and quality, weh lott is to be laid by the Glebe land lott, if it fall out to be pte of that land wch was once Deacon Hide's howse lott layed out for him but Resigned up by him to ye Towne againe." Although the town records make no mention of the fact, we shall see by the following petition that the grumbling about taxes is not a modern invention. The following, like all petitions to the General Court, at this early day, has the universal preamble, that the petitioners are exceedingly grateful for past favors and do not see how they can get along if their present application for succor should be unsuccessful:Towns, Vol. 112 p. 208. "To our Honoured the Generall Court at Boston, May 7, 1670. The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Mendon, Humbly sheweth, That as in all duty bound we desire to owne with all thankfulness the severall favors and privilidges that the Generall Court hath formerly conferred upon this poore place: Yet not wth standing, such is their condition, that unless this honered Court out of their wisdom, affection & zeal to show mercy in advancing the Publique heereof by sparing us 3 years yett longer from Country Rates, as it is wtl us we shall very hardly be able comfortably to subsist oure owne Necessary charges Relating to the Publique and will be exceeding heavy and the means to carry on so small, for our Assessment is for 200~ allready, and the great losses of cattle together with ye vast quantity of corne they have eaten to preserve life, that there is scarce a family that hath corn to subsist wth out buying in other pts farr remote, to their great charge. The premises considered And our Mite, if it were cast into the Treasury, will ad little to ye Publique, yett but will to us if spared. And our press 48 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1670. ing Necessities urginge us thereunto Earnestly begge the respite of our Country Rates three years longer. And also we pray, if Dedham or any others should make their application to you to have their purchase of King Philip's land, wel' we heare they have bought that wch we have of his (as he pretends) wth in our bounds, that it be not taken from us and layed to them, being confirmed to us in our first settellt, and we wth our Posterity shall ever hold ourselves deeply bound to pray for your eternal good and welfare. Joseph Aldrich Matthias Puffer John * * * * Job tiler Abraham Staples Will. Holbrook John Thompson Samuel Read Win. Crowne Gregory Cook Joseph Stevens Joseph White. John Alby Ferdinando Thayer John Sprague Walter Cooke John Rockit John Gurney. The Deputyes judge meete to graunt the Town of Mendhlam freedome from Rates for three yeares next ensuing, according to their petition desiring the consent of ol Hond Magistrates thereto. WILLIAM TORREY, Cleric. 13: 3: 1670 The Magistrates consent not thereto EDWARD RAWSON, Secy." This year seems to have been a very quiet one, as we find the only business transacted was the choice of officers and the grant to Mrs. Tappinge. Perhaps the "Acts and Orders" heretofore made by the Selectmen and read to the town, by the Colonel, at the annual meeting, furnished sufficient subjects for consideration to satisfy them for the year. It was during this year, probably, that the " onpleasantness" between the Colonel and the Town's people began, as we find that it found an open expression at the ensuing 'annual meeting. I671. Jan 1. The Selectmen chosen for this year were Col. Willi. Crowne, John Thompson "ye elder;" Walter Cook, Matthyas Puffer and Daniel Lovett. The said Lovett, Recorder; Abraham Staples and John Sprague, Constables; John Harber and Sam'l. Read, Surveyors of the Highways for "ye yeare." The trouble with Col. Crowne, which undoubtedly had been 1671.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 49 for some time brewing, manifested itself at this meeting, as will appear by the following extract from the records:"This day Col. Crowne had a vote passed for every 35 Acor lott to give 25 shillings and all other lotts proportionable and soe quitt all Damages between the Towne and hee. Some for it Many against it. John Thompson, John Woodland, and Samuel Hayward did then oppose it as a very uniust thing and that (they) would never Yield to it; and many did decline to vote and many absent; for it was a day sett to choose men for to do service for the town, and only such came as were capable According to Law to act. *there was noe warning nor doe not use to bee the Tyme being sett from yeare to yeare." Jan. 3. The Selectmen sent to William Holbrook, of Weymouth, for the pay for his lot, "for the town had need of it." Jan. 20. A vote was passed " by all the Inhabitants "* that Sergent Whitmarsh, of Weymouth, should be employed to measure the meadows and some other lands, and that Fardinando Thayer and Mathias Puffer "should judge of the Meadows and carry the line or chain." They were to have 2s. & 6d. per day "for their faithful care and pains about the warke." To defray the expense of this survey the Town voted that John Sprague and Samuel Hayward should have, each, a 20 acre house lot with all privileges belonging to such lots. They were "to pay Tenn pounds apeece each of them, a third pte in Money and the other two thirds to bee paid in English Goods at A current shope in Boston; and they are here wth to pay the Survayor and those that assist him in the work of Measuringe the Meadows and other lands, and that they are to retourne the remainder of the pay to ye Towne in the same kinde before expressed." June 14. "' Severall of the Towne drew lotts for the dubling of their house lotts, as followeth, to be taken in two plains." The plains designated were the Mill plain, south of Benjamin Alby's land, and the Pine plain. DIVISION OF THE PLAINS. 1. John Sprague 4. Joseph Juell 2. Joseph Stevens 5. Thomas Barnes 3. John Thompson 6. Ferdinando Thayer *Proprietors and others not proprietors, but having the right to vote. 7 50 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1671. 7. Gregory Cook 15. Mrs. Tappin 8. Joseph White 16. Walter Cook 9. Jobe Tiler 17. Mr. Emerson 10. William Holbrook 18. John Harber 11. Johf Parris 19. The Ministry 12.. Samuel Spencer 20. Peter Brackett 13. Thomas Juell 21. Samuel Read 14. George Alderidge 22. Joseph Alderidge 23. Stephen Cook, the elder. The following persons did not draw lots for the Plains, but under the same date had lands allotted them in other places, viz:-John Woodland, Samuel Hayward, Daniel Lovett, John.Rockett, John Alderidge, Hope Tiler, William Crowne, Matthias Puffer, John Gurney, John More, Abraham Staples, John Jepson, Benjamin Alby and Grizzel Gurney, (the mother of Joseph and Thomas Juell). Thus it will be seen, at this period, there were thirty-six persons who had taken up lots, making, with the Ministry, which were entitled to future divisions of land, thirty-seven share holders in the undivided land of the township. November the last '71. The Selectmen met and made this order:"Wee takinge into due consideration the great charges that lay upon the Towne for pay to the Minister and the Meetinge house compleatly wth other charges of great consernment, Doe order that all the lotts of land lately sould to Samuel Hayward, John Sprague & Mathyas Puffer, (it was for him to build a Meetinge house), shall be new Assessed to all the Rates. beginninge from the day of their Bargaynes wth the Towne for them, As alsoe William Holbrook's land he bought of Moses Paine. WILLIAM CROWNE DAN: LOVETT JOHN ToMsoN WALTER COOK." The last record for the year 1671 is the following order of the Selectmen: "Whearas severall of the chiefe of the Towne made theire complainte to us of the great spoyle made in the Seador Swampes in cuttinge downe Trees and then let them lay and Rott, and others that divert into clapboards and shingles and send or carry them away out of the Towne to make a privctt advantage to themselves, wch if not timely prevented will be A means to 1671.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 51 have none left for Publique in the Towne for the present Inhabitants or such as shall come heereafter: Wee, the Selectmen holding it our Duty to prevent such Inconveniences and wrongs to ye Towne do declare and order that for the future whosoever shall or have already felled any Seador Trees in the Swampes and shall not clear ihe same within one month after they are cutt downe it shall be lawful for any other Inhabitant to take them Away and make use of them about his howseings. And we doe hereby prohibit any person in the Towne from carrying out, or cause to be sould and carryd out, eyther clapboards or shingles or logs to sell, upon the penalty of forfeiting the same To the use of the Towne if taken, or Double the. worth if proved after, and the Informer shall have the one half for his paynes; and if any shall adventure to fell downe any Seador Trees after publishing here' and make use of them contrary to this order shall forffeitt twenty shillings for every Tree to be collected by the Constable, by warrant under the Selectmen's hands and disposed to ye use of the Towne. Wee have formerly ordered and doe now A gaine that in the Common high ways there be left standinge the chiefe trees To be for shelter of cattell in the heat and that noe person doe cutt any of that kinde but shall forfiett 2s. 6d. each Tree to goe to ye use of the Towne. Signed by us WILLI: CROWNE DAN: LOVETT JOHN THOMSON, Senr WALTER COOK MATHIAS PUFFER." If the cedars of Lebanon have disappeared it is not much to be wondered at that the cedars of Mendon have failed. The few that remain in Mr. P. W. Taft's swamp, we suppose, are but feeble and stunted specimens of the ancient forest which the Selectmen wisely sought to protect. In regard to the wise and humane order of the Selectmen, that the "Chiefe Trees," in the highways, should be left "for the shelter of cattell in the heat," we find that Mr. Bergh was not the first who cared for the " dumb animals " if this order had been continued in force to the present day we cannot doubt that the dumb animals, at least, would have been thankful to the conscript fathers for their beneficent thoughtfulness for their comfort of a hot day. Inasmuch as the municipal regulations of the town, in its early history, were mostly intrusted with the Selectmen, it is supposed that many of their acts do not find a place in the town records. The few acts recorded in the "town book," it is apprehended, do not comprise all the doings of the Selectmen. As 52 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1671. yet, notwithstanding the town had, this year, for the first time, chosen Highway Surveyors, we do not hear anything about repairs of the highways. The caution about the " chiefe trees" growing in the road, is all the recorded evidence we have that the condition of the highways had received any attention from the town. When we remember that the principal street in the town, upon which almost all the inhabitants were located, was ten rods wide, and that Mendon was a frontier town, it will be readily seen that the public travel would not require any great outlay of labor to render the roads passable from house to house. The day of iron plows, scrapers and stone crushers was to come a long way yet in the distant futures and probably the labor bestowed on the roads was principally bestowed for the removal of an occasional stone, stump or clump of bushes, somewhere within the ten rods so that an ox cart could be drawn along without the danger of being overturned. It was not unfrequently the case, in the early history of many of the towns, that the management of affairs, both temporal and spiritual, gave rise to heartburnings and feuds which were not always allayed and settled by the local peace-makers. The General Court was sometimes called upon to act as mediator or umpire in the adjustment of these family quarrels. Neither the "town book" or tradition furnish any clew to the following petition, unless the "unpleasantness" between some of the townsmen and Col. Crowne, as may be found in the doings of the annual meeting, may be taken as sufficient warrant. Towns, Vol. 112, p. 214, Mass. Archives:"Much Honoured Since it hath pleased God to cast us in yr Country and soe under yr inspection wee accompt it A blessinge from God, amongst the rest of his blessings cast upon us heere in respect of the benefitt wee doubt not of but shall receive thereby, in granting us yr favour as need shall require for the advance of God's glory heere and places good; wee amongst ye rest of the Inhabitants of this Colony can comfortably and cheerfully speake it, made happy by such fathers as you are over us, who study and make it yr worke to'advance God's glory and to keepe peace and good order over whom God hath made you rulers. In which regard wee are constrayned to make our humble addresses to you; and to bring before you, in some measure, the state of this poore place; for we are much like the men of Laish, heere is 1671.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 53 noe magistrate to putt the people to open shame for their sinns, and what the effect of yt may be to us you may please to judge, who hath had experience of it in former plantations in their minority, especially when they come to multiply wth your posterity as this doth, wanting grave and experienced persons to manadge new Plantations, things will break forth into disorders wch is our case: wee are very unwilling to make complaint but rather earnestly desire and beseech that by your means the General Court might be moved to cast this Town under a Committee this.yeare. And that the Committee may be Impowered to looke backe from our first settlement as well as forwards and to settle all things in a loveing and Peasable way concerning any Difference yt is or may be A mong us for ye benefitt of any person heere or yt may come to us, weh will be a great incouragement to us to promote ye worke of God both in Church and Commonwealth. And that yourselves or some of you would please to honour us soe farr as To be yt Committee, if it be not to boulde to present it, or else the last Comtee yt Settled this Towne first, may extend their favour againe, putting on Mr. Wheelock, of Metfielde in Captayne Clapp's Rome, beeinge nearer us, who had before to make A valid Act as by theire herein you will see, to continue their proceedings: and this will be A great means wth ye blessinge of God to keepe and maintayne peace and Good order here, we1 will weaken, if not frustrate Satan's designs in hindering church work, but will also give a good sound A brarde yt may invite good company when they shall see the care of the Honered Generall Courte, to gether wth yrselves proceed thus to make ye place comfortable and A receptacle of God's Church, as in a gloomy, stormy day wthout weh wee fear ye place will fall into confusion; Thus craving yr pardon for this boldness and ye Trouble wee putt on you wee remayne yr humble Servants and ever honored to command. Walter Cook ye mark c of Steven Cook, iun. The Mark of (r~ Joseph Juell Ferdinando Thayer Joseph Emerson Wm. Crowne Gregory Cook John Thompson Abraham Staples' Daniell Lovett John More Stephen Cook, senior. May 27, 71 The 12 subscribers are all Freemen and all the Selectmen but one. The foregoing petition was evidently addressed to the Magistrates of the County of Middlesex, to which county Mendon was assigned at its incorporation. Having failed in an application direct to the General Court the year before, it was perhaps thought if they could enlist the support of the County Magistrates they would fare better in a second attempt. By the following Act of the General Court it will be seen that the prayer of the inhabitants of this "poore place " was granted: 54 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1672. "The Courte beinge informed, by some of ye- Magistrates of Middlesex, that the Inhabitants of Mendham do labour under some disquiet in the managing of the Prudentials of the place whereby their welfare is greatly impeded and many other inconveniences do occur inevitably threatening the ruine of that Plantation; Do nominate ald impower Major Eleazer Lusher, Mr. Wm. Stoughton and Mr. William Parkes a Committee for yt place to take cognizance of the State of said place & do any act or thing for the regulating of their prudentiall affaires as to them shall seem meet, and wt they shall do herein to make return thereof to ye County Court of Suffolk & from tyme to tyme Majr Lusher to appoint ye tyme and place of meeting and all persons concerned are required, upon notide given ym to attend the said Committee accordingly, & to submitt to their conclusions orderly made and declared. And henceforth Mendham to be and belong to ye County of Suffolk, any former order or custome otherwise Not wthstanding. The Magistrates have past this their brethren the Deputys hereto consenting. EDWARD RAWSON, Secrety. Consented to by ye Deputys WILLIAM TORREY, Clericus. 9th, June 1671." 1672. Jan. 1. This day Jonathan Sprague was chosen Recorder and William Crowne, Willi: Holbrook, ffarthynando Tayre, Dan: Lovett and Mathyas Puffer, Townesmen. An order of the Selectmen was read and allowed of, givinge A month's liberty, if the season will parmytt, to fetch Away Seader trees which are felled." At this meeting a copy of Mr. Emerson's settlement and a subsequent agreement that the parochial year should commence on the first day of January, heretofore recorded, was twice read over and compared with the original; and "delivered to our Pastor to Keepe." Attested by us, the Select Men, the Mark of WH William Holbrook the Mark I of John Thomson, senior. Dan: Lovett Simon Peck. "And for that clause wch is in the Settlement aboute the buildinge of the howse and leanto for me I doe owne heere by the ~ewne hath performed 1672.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 55 to mee theire Ingagement there in and doe discharge them concerning the same. Witness my hand this 3d. day of March, 72 JOSEPH EMERSON." "Att a Generall Towne Mettinge April 14, 1672, It was ordered, by Reson of the Neglect of persons not attending towne meettings, that, If any person or persons shall neglect Attending the towne metting, being Legally warned, they shall pay, as a fine to the town's use, two shillings a pece for Every neglect, with out it bee upon more than ordnery ocation, and if any depart the metting before the metting bee dismissed they shall pay as aforesaid." A good rule, we think; and, had it continued in force to the present day much saving of time would have been secured, to say nothing of the bickering and ill blood, (which the votes of a thin town meeting usually engender), that would have been avoided. With all the voters present a free and full discussion, in ordinary cases, would settle matters at once. A public sentiment would be manifested that the minority would not care to challenge by calling another' meeting. At this meeting it was voted there should be a division of the swamps; " to goe by Lott for the deviding of it, and for quantity According to the Rule of ye Cmitee." The rule of the Committee, (of July 22, 1662,) was that every thirty acre house lot should have five acres of swamp, and so proportionable to other lots. At the same time a twenty acre lot, with all the privileges that other lots of tlat size have, was voted to be laid out for the School. It was to be located by the Ministry lot, DIVISION OF SWAMPS. 1. Joseph Stevens 12. John Parris 2. Steven Cook 13. Saml. Spencer 3. John Sprague 14. Thomas Juell 4. John Rockit 15. Gregory Cook 5. John More 16. Mathyas Puffer 6. John Woodland 17. James Albee 7. Samuel Hayerd 18. Mr. Emerson 8. Mrs. Toppin 19. Daniel Lovett 9. John Bartlett 20. Joesph White 10. Walter Cook 21. William Holbrook 11. William Holbrook 22. John Jepson 56 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1673. 23. Job Tiler 32. Joseph Juell 24. Mr. Brackett 33. ffardin Thayer 25. John Sprague 34., for ye Ministry e 26. Samll. Hayward 35. John Thomson 27. John Gurney 36. Mathyas Puffer 28. John Harber 37. Abraham Staples 29. Simon Peck 38. Colonell Crowne 30. Hope Tiler 39. Joseph Aldrich 31. Samuel Read 40. for the Scooll It will be seen that the names of John Sprague, Samuel Hayward, William Holbrook and Matthias Puffer occur twice, they probably being the owners of two proprietary rights each. Deduct one for each duplication, and with the School and the Ministry also deducted, we find the number of persons as proprietors to be thirty-four. Of the above, Joseph Stevens was the Blacksmith, John Sprague was the son-in-law of William Holbrook, Samuel Hayward was the Carpenter, Mrs. Toppan kept store in Boston, Joseph and Thomas Juell were brothers and the "children of Grizell Gurney, Mr. Brackett lived in Boston, Hope Tiler was the son of Job Tiler, James Albee was the son of Benjamin Albee. A division of Upland and the Great and other meadows was also made this year. I673. Jan. 1. Dea. William Holbrook, John Thompson, senr, Serg. Joseph White, Simon Peck and Samuel Read, Selectmen; Joseph Stevens, Constable, and Mathyas Puffer and Hop Tiler "Survuayors of ye Hyways." The only record of any transactions in the town during this year, are the following orders of the Selectmen:"Upon the 3 day of ye 1 month 73 or 4, thos who ware Chosen for the yere doe agre and order that all fences a bout Corn feelds and gardins shall be mad suficient by the 10th. of Aprill Next ethir five Raills or equivalent to 5 Raills fence according to ye judgment of The vewers. It was also Agred upon that John Sprage and John Thomson junior shall be vewers of fence for the uper end of the Towne and that -Abraham Staples and James Lovett shall be vewers of fence for the lower end of ye Towne: and upon the just Complaint of any man after this date the vewers shall vew the fence. 1674.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 57 We doe further agree and order that all Swine shall be wringed In the nose to prevent spoiling of the meadows and pastures, and further that they shall be wringed by the 10th. of May Next upon the penalty of 6 pence for each swine that Is found un wringed upon the Common (land) till the Last of October, and If any man find any Swine upon the Common un wringed then to give the owners notis and If the said owners do not within 3 days wring them they shall forfit 6 penc for each swine, one half to the Informer the other to ye use of the Towne. This order was published and aproved by the Towne." It will be remembered that Col. Crowne was appointed by the General Court, in 1669, to administer the oath to the Constable, take the "virdect" of the jury in the case of John Lovett, who was killed by falling from a horse, and to solemnize marriages. His authority was to continue until the Court should take further order. It is supposed that, at this time, Col. Crowne had left or was about leaving the town. His frequent or continued absence was the occasion, quite probably, for the passage of the following order of the General Court: "At a General Court held May 7, 1673. There being no magistrate neere Medfield or Mendon, upon the motion of the Inhabitants of Mendon that some course may be taken for their ease and relief, it is ordered that Mr. Ralph Wheelock, of Medfield, shall & hereby is appointed to administer oathes to witnesses in or of either place, as also to solemnize marriage between persons belonging to either Towne, legally published, till the Court shall take further order." I674. "Att a Geherall Towne Meteing held att Mendon upon the first day of Janerery sixteen hundered seventy and fower, The Towne Chose for the towns men for the yere Insuing Dea. Stephen Cook, Danill Lovet, Farthenando Thayer, John Harber and John Thompson, junior, Richard Post, Constable, Mathyas Puffer and Job Tiler, Survayors of hy ways." INN' KEEPER CHOSEN. "John Thompson, senior, Chosen for to kepe an ordenery and publique Hous of Inter tainement." This was the first public house in Mendon, and was located near the homestead of the late Hon. Charles C. P. Hastings. 8 58 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1674. At this meeting the town sold to Ferdinando Thayer twelve acres of land for five pounds and fifteen shillings. This money he was to pay to Samuel Read, for which sum said Read engaged to record all the lands granted to the Inhabitants whether by the "Hond Committee" or the town, including "the severall proportions granted to be Laid out ate present," the inhabitants promising to bring in the return of the lands "In faire wrightinge under the Survayer's hand to the said Read." This was the beginning of what are known as the Proprietors' Records. It was, at this meeting, voted to have a second Division of Meadow, four acres to a forty acre lot and other lots proportional; and if, upon one day's notice, any one should neglect to attend the Surveyor "he shall Luse his turn and the next man shall take his place." April 6, '74, the Selectmen had full power "to act in all prudential affairs for the good of the Towne," except in the disposition of land. 15, 5, 1674. At a Generall Towne Meeting Daniel Lovett was chosen " Clark of the Writs." Samuel Read was chosen "Clerk of the Town of Mendham." On the same day "ther was a vote passed that all the Land that Lies between the Mill River and Muddy Brook shall Lye for perpetuall comon for the towne except it be that Land all Ready granted." Although we gather nothing from the records of the town in regard to any intestine troubles, except the difficulty with Col. Crowne, the following extract from the Colonial Records, Vol. 5, pp. 5, 25 and 26, show that the inhabitants were not exempt from occasional dissentions in the management of their civil affairs, but had fallen into "doubtful disputations" in regard to ecclesiastical matters:"The Court being sencible of the great distractions of the towne of Mendon, judge it most in order to a comfortable composure thereof to order that Edward Tyng, Esqr, Mr. Wm Parkes, Capt. Daniel Fisher & Mr. Joseph Dudley shall be & hereby are appointed a comittee, and so fully impowred to repaire to Mendon & to call all parjes before them, and on a full hearinge and examination of their differences, to compose and setle the same; they or the major part of them whereof Mr Tyng to be one, who is to apoint ye time of meeting, making their returne to this Court." 1674.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 59 It will be remembered that in 1671, upon the petition of some of the inhabitants of Mendon, the General Court ordered Maj. Lusher, Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Parkes "to take cognizance of the state of said place," and make return of their doings to the County Court of Suffolk. It is presumed that Maj. Lusher and his associates did not accomplish all that was hoped for by their mission of peace. Their diplomacy may have succeeded in establishing a truce for the time, but the difficulties were not wholly healed. Hostilities again broke out and, for their "comfortable composure," the General Court chose a new Committee as before named, and said Committee, Oct. 7, 1674, made the following report:"In pursuance of an order of the General Court, dated 27th 3 mo, 1674, appoynting us subscribers to take cognizance of certaine matters of difference in the towne of Mendon, & make returne to this Court, wee repajed to the place 13. 5th, 1674, when, being no considerable appearance of the inhabitants a warrand, issued out, comanding their appearance at eight of the clock in ye next following day, when they generally appeared; & though there seemed great dissatisfaction & differenc betweene severall of them refferring to church matters as well a civil, yet after large hearing & discourses betweene themselves & from the comittee, the third after our appearance, & upon determination of severall differences by ourselves & read vnto them there appeared real remorse in severall of them, & vniversal thankfullnes for our pajnes and labour; their church differences were concluded by mutual confessions, appointing a solemn fast & sacrement, which afterward were mutually and peaceably attended; their civil differences were concluded by regulating the manner of voating, and appointing voaters & choice of officers. Other matters of difference were publiquly, at the same tjme, set in order of peace & refferred some to ourselves, which since are issued to mutual sattisfaction; & by severall discourses & letters from them, since our returne, wee understand not of the remainders of any old differences or arising of any new disturbances vnless it be some particular disturbance from some strangers of Providence* which were apprehended and vnder bond of appearance at the next County Court, which Court, wee doubt not, will take effectuall order wth them to prevent further disturbance amnong them. WM. PARKES, EDWARD TYNG, JOSEPH DUDLEY, DANIEL FISHER. July 8. At a town meeting held this day it was voted "that thos that coold make it apeere thay had wrongs In ther devition * Squatters near Shokologue Pond. 60 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. of meadow all Redy Laid out should have sattisfaction In the next devition of meadow." This vote was also confirmed before the "Hond Committee." Sept. 4, 1674. "A Loving agrement between the Colonell and ourselves, heretofore recited," was, without doubt, brought about by the advice of Mr. Parkes' Committee. Job Tiler, it will be remembered, was called to an account by the Selectmen in 1672 for contempt of their orders and for certain miscarriages on the Lord's day. Proving contumacious, he was warned that charges would be preferred against him to the Magistrates. The probability is that Job did not find himself comfortable under the ban of the Selectmen, and so, remembering that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, surrendered upon their own terms, as will be seen by the following record:"Whereas their has been complaint against Job Tiler, hertofore recorded, he has given satisfaction for that ofence." It seems that, up to this time, there was some uncertainty about the bounds of the town, as we find, under date of Oct. 18, that Matthias Puffer was sent to Natick "to fech" John Anawasanauke to show the boundaries of the land he sold to Moses Paine and Peter Brackett. The laying out the Schoolmasters' home lot, between John Aldrich's house lot and the ten rod highway that leads to the Mill, closes the transactions of the town for the year. 1675. The record of this year is taken up with the recital of a single transaction:"Att a generall Towne Meetting May the sixt day 1675 the Towne bargained and sold unto Mathias Puffer a tract of land Lieing between John Bartlett's hous lot and the Mill and also twenty akers of land In som other place where he shall choose, and for the said Tracts of land Matthias Puffer doth Ingage to carry on and to mannigge the work of the Towne In settelling the bounds and preambellations of the said Towne att the Generall Courte or Corts as ned may Require untill it be seteled unto us by the honered Cort and allso to pay and bare all the Charges that may be demanded or may be needful or necessary upon the said a Count and allso to free the said towne from all dewes or demands upon the said a count." 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 61 No record of any choice of officers is found, and as the above record is dated in May, it is presumed that the old officers held over. At any rate, we shall see, by the following record, that Samuel Read, who was chosen Town Clerk in 1674, signed himself as Town Clerk in 1675. It must be borne in mind that it was the time of King Philip's war, and that, of course, the country would be filled with the rumors of Indian depredations and murders. It was not strange, we think then, that so little attention was paid to ordinary municipal affairs; especially, when we find that Mendon was to be the first town within the Massachusetts Colony that was to be attacked by the Indians, and which actually occurred on the 14th of July. The only other record for 1675 is the following:'To the Selectmen of Mendon: Theas are to Informe you by us William ffetcher and John Burge, both of us of the towne of Chellmsford, apointed by the Corts order to be gardians to the child of the widdow Gurney that was and Last of all wife to the a bove said John Burge, she being of a sound understanding did will unto her son Joseph Juell all that A Commodation that was there at the Towne of Mendon, Laid and given unto her the said widdow Gurney, with all the apurtenances and priveledges In any wise apertaining or be longing there unto, upon this condition that the said Joseph Juell do pay to Nathaniel Juell and Mercy Juell fifteen pound and Sherrabya Reby tenn pounds. Our desire and request is unto the Select men of the said towne of Mendon that ye would Record the said a Commodation.to Joseph Juell for his security. Witness our hands Chelmsford this 5 of the 4 month 1675. William fletcher John Burge." "This is a true Coppy of the lettre sente from William ffletcher and John Burge to the Select men of Mendon and now Recorded by yr order 21, 4 month 1675 as Atest SAMUEL READ." This widow Gurney, "last of all the wife of John Burge," was first the wife of Thomas Jewell, of Braintree. Thomas Jewell was probably born in England; as, on the 24th of the 2d month, 1639, he had land granted him at Mount Miller, afterwards Braintree. He then had a wife and one child. He died in 1654, and administration was granted to his widow, Grisell, July 21, 1654. In 1655 she married Humphrey Griggs, and 62 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. Aug. 18, 1657, was appointed administratrix on his estate. Here the "Jewell Register" leaves her. In 1664 she was in Mendon, with her two sons, Thomas and Joseph Juell, as the widow Gurney. By her will we learn that she married John Burge for herfourth husband. Of King Philip's war, which commenced within the bounds of the Massachusetts Colony, by an attack on Mendon July 14, 1675, the records of the town do not furnish a single item of intelligence. An hiatus of five years in the town records, covering the period from 1675 to 1680, is the only evidence that anything unusual had occurred. Not a single entry is found indicating the fact of an Indian war. The first volume of the town records were carefully preserved during the abandonment of the town, but still not a solitary entry was made in explanation of the fact. Passing strange is it that the Town Clerk, who must have known very many interesting facts, should have neglected to record a single one. Of the names of the slain in the attack upon the town none are now known, except the wife and child of Matthias Puffer. These were discovered by the compiler of these annals in 1859, while searching for materials of this history among the archives of the State at Boston. Among the contemporary historians of King Philip's war we find no special account of the assault on Mendon, Hutchinson, in his history of Massachusetts, p. 291, says the Nipnet or Nipmuck Indians killed four or five people at Mendon, in Massachusetts Colony, the 14th of July." Mather, in his Magnalia, p. 488, says "the rest were dispatched unto the relief of Menham, where, about July 14, the Nipmuck Indians, another nation of those who were well wishers to Philip's designs, began to Phillippize in barbarous murders." In another place, p. 493, he says "deserted Mendham was, this winter, (1675-6) laid in ashes." In a foot note, p. 294 of Hutchinson, may be found the following extract from a Letter to London: "Sept. 23, 1675, an alarm was made in the town of Boston, about 10 in the morning, 1200 men were in arms before eleven and all dismissed before twelve. One that was on guard, at Mendon 30 miles off, got drunk and fired his gun, the noise of which alarmed his neighbors, and soon spread to Boston." 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 63 Undoubtedly there was an alarm at Boston, but that the report of a musket could be heard by the nearest neighbor, fifteen miles off, at Medfield or Wrentham, seems rather apocryphal. But somehow the news of the attack on the town got to Boston during the day or night following, as we find, Vol. 67, p. 225, Military Archives: "At a Meeting of the Governor and Council 15th. July, 1675, an Order in nature of a warrant to Capt. Isaack Johnson forthwith to march out wth soldiers listed according to ye orders of ye Major Gen11 as also with such others from Boston sent him to relieve Mendon and Wrentham. E. R. S." This outbreak of the Indians was not, it seems, entirely unexpected, as we find, Vol. 67, p. 213, Military Archives:"At a meeting of ye Governor & Councill, July 13, 1675. For securing or frontier towns in the County of Suffolk, it is Ordered that ye imaior of the Regiment send forth his order to the respective committees of the Militia in ye Shire to provide twelve men to be furnished with armes and ammunition and victuall for a weeke to join 5 or 6 Indians (our friends) to bee provided by Capt. Gookin. This party are ordered to scoute and range in the woods from Mendon to Hingham; and, if they find any armed Indians, to sease and disarm them, and if the number of such Indians are too many for them to ingage withal, then they are to hasten to the next towne and give information. It is further ordered that the Committee of militia of Roxbury make provision of victuall and ammunition what is necessary to supply those Indians from time to time, and to keepe account thereof which the Treasurer of the country is ordered to pay: these twelve Englishmen are to be divided into two companies, the one halfe to scoute one weeke & the other halfe another weeke successively, accompanied with the Indians aforesaid; the Major to appoint a time when they shall begin their motion & appoint the place of Rendezvous & this order to continue in force untill the Generall Court or Councill take other order. past July 13. 1675 EDW. RAwsoN, Secy." Military Archives, Vol. 67, p. 221. "Mr. John Touton yours of 22d instant received before sunset, and thereupon you are hereby Impowered And Authorized forthwith to require Peter Sympkins and Isaac Pratt to attend you with all diligence for the relief of the wounded; that in case of their refusal, you are required, by the Constable, then forthwith to send them to Capt. Hudson, who is hereby required to send them to Boston to Appeare before the Govr and Councill 64 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. to answer their neglect, in which case the Inhabitants of ------- or the authority of that town are hereby required to affoord the Chirurgeon assistance in such respect. Dated in Boston this 22 July 1675 EDWARD RAWSON, Secy. By Order of the Councill." This Dr. Touto.n was a refugee from France, as will be seen by the following extract from Vol. 4, Part 2, p. 67, of the Colonial Records:"In answer to the peticon of John Touton, of Rochell, in France, doctor Chirurgeon, in behalf of himself and others, that himself & other Protestants, inhabitants of Rochelle, who, for their religion's sake, are outed and expelled from their habitations & dwellings &c. might have libaty to come hither here to inhabitt &c. as in sd peticon on file appeares, the Court judgeth it meete to graunt this peticon." GARRISON AT MENDON. "26 July 1675. the Councill met. The Councill, on perusing a letter of Capt. Prentice & Capt. Johnson, Dated 22d. day of July 1675, judged it meet to order Capt. Prentice and his Troope be presently called home & yt Capt. Johnson wth his souldiers be also sent to returne leaving of his foot souldiers and the scoute to remayne as a Guard to Mendon, and of his ffoote at Wrentham as their guard, Referring it to the said Captain to consult wth the Sarjent or other chief officer of each Towne how many to leave at each Towne with their Arms complete, and they to remayne till further order." Although the following order has no particular reference to the affairs of Mendon, still, as Mendon was in the midst of the Nipmuck Tribe, and, as we shall see, their fealty uncertain, the imminence of a second attack is regarded as a sufficient reason for its insertion. Military Archives, Vol. 67, p. 228. BOSTON July 27, 1675. The Councill being informed that the Narragansett Indians are come down with about one hundred men into the Nipmuck country, Do order you, Capt. Edward Hutchinson, to take with you Captain Thomas Wheeler and his party of horse, with Ephraim Curtis for a guide, and a sufficient interpreter, and forthwith to repaire into those parts and there labor to get a right understanding of the motions of the Narragansett Indians & of ye Indians of Nipmuck; and for that end to demand of ye leaders of ye Narragansett Indians an account of ye grounds of their marching into ye country, and require to understand the order of their Sachems. 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 65 And also to demand of the Nipmuck Indians why they have not sent down their Sagamore, according to their promise unto our Messenger, Ephraim Curtis. And further let them know yt wee are informed 'that there are some among them that have actually joined with our enemies in the murder and spoyle made upon the English by Philip: And that Mattoonas and his complices who murdered and robbed our poeple at Mendon are now among them. And that we require them to deliver up to you or forthwith bring to us these our enemies, otherwise wee must look at ym to be no friends to us, but ayders and abettors: And in prosecution of this affayre if you should meet with any Indians that stand in opposition to you or declare themselves to be your enemy, then you are ordered to ingage with them (i' you see reason for it) and endeavour to reduce them by force of arms." Before this time the Apostle Eliot had organized bands of praying Indians at Waentng, (now Uxbriclge) Hassanamisco; (Grafton) and at other places. In view, probably, of their belief that some of the Indians had been truly convertel to Christianity and fearing they might be ill treated should they refuse to side with Philip, Mr. Emerson, the then minister of Mendon and others, petitioned the Governor and Council to allow some of these praying Indians of Hassanamisco to remove to Mendon, as well " for the security of the Indians as the English," as will appear by the following action of the Governor and Council:"At a meeting of the Council held at Boston Sept. 17, 1675. Upon the motion and request of Mr. Emerson, Minister and Ferdinando Thaire, husbandman, messengers sent to the Councill from the Towne of Mendon, in the County of Suffolk, declaring their willingness in behalf of said Towne, that the Praying Indians, Belonging to the Church and Towne of Hassanamisco and such other civil Indians that shall joyn with that company, being accepted' and approved by the English of Mendon, shall and may be admitted to live and sojourn in said Towne among the English and build a fort there neere or about the house of the said Thaire, and then to continue this winter or longer, if the English & Indians agree to it and the Councill approve thereof, which course is conceived will conduce both for the security of the English and Indians in these dangerous times. The Councill having considered of this motion and desire of Mendon do allow and aprove thereof and do order the said Indians (who have manifested their consent) to remove thither with their families as soon as they have gathered their corn and provisions any order to the contrary hereof respecting these Indians notwithstanding; and it is further ordered that Seriant White and Ferdinando Thaire, with the advice of Mr. Emerson, 9 66 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. shall so inspect the said Indians and look to them that they may not do any wrong to the English, or sustain any wrong or prejudice from the English, and furthermore if it be thought expedient, by the said Committee above mentioned to employ and incourage the said Indians, or any of them, to range and scoute in the woods to discover and surprise or destroy any of our skulking enemies, the Councill do order and appoint the said Committee always to send some one or more English man or men in their company both for the preservation of the Indians from danger, by any of our forces as also to see that the said Indians demean themselves truly and faithfully to the English interest. And for the accomplishment of the ends aforesaid it is ordered by the Councill that Lieftenant Rudduck and the rest of the Committee of Militia of Marlborough do forthwith deliver unto the above said Serjent White or Ferdinando Thaire, or such other Englishmen as they shall send in the company of some of those Indians, for all the arms and ammunition seased by them of Marlborough, belonging to these Indians, which arms and ammunition shall be kept and Improved for the use and defence of the sd Indians, the owners of them, and of the English among whom they sojourne at Mendon. past by ye Councill E. R. Sec." All this negotiation came to naught, as we learn that the Indians soon after this deserted Hassanamisco, and, most probably, many of them cast in their fortunes with Philip. The following letters and orders of Council, with the petition of " Mathyas Puffer," so far as can be ascertained, furnish all that is known of the history of Mendon for the year 1675. Mass. Archives, Vol. 67, p. 276. " From Mendon ye 1st of Oct. 1675. Honerd Govinet & Counsell These are to certify to your worshipps that Capt. Gorum with myself and our soldiers of both companies are in good heath at pt. through mercy. And to give your Honer an account of our severall marches, first we came to Mendum on the sixt day of the weeke at night, being the 24th. of September and on the 25th. day we marched from Mendum unto Hassanamesitt (Hassanamisco) hoping there to have had a Indian for our guide butt the Indians were all gone from thence and wee thereby disappointed of our expectations, on the next day wee marched to Pachachoag where we found a field of corne and well fenced, which wee did not think convenient to destroy, concluding, for aught we knew, some of the neerest Inhabitants would be willing to save it, but we could not find any Indians, neither the signe of any being there of late, and wee marched from thence to Man 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON.. 67 choag and Chabanamaguncok where we found some Corne fields and some wiggwams, corn and wiggwams wee burnt and destroyed, but could not find any of our enemies which was a great discouragement to us, having taken so much paynes to find them. Then we returned and marched to an Indian Plantation called Shockologue where we could not find any Indians, butt a considerable quantity of good Corn which we did not destroy butt preserved itt at the request of some of Mendum who think to fetch it home for themselves, and from thence wee came to Mendum on the 30th of September. Now, seeing, in all our marches, wee find no Indians wee verily think that they are drawne to gather into grate bodyes farr Remote from these parts. If your Honers please to send us on any further service I hope we shall nott be unwilling butt forward to doe our uttermost endeavour withall, desiring that you would be pleased to add unto our number seeing thatt, besides the Garrison men which must be left here in Garrison, wee have but 30 men besides myselfe, Capt. Gorum being on his march to Mount Hope; and, if wee goe further wee desire wee may have a Surgeon and sum others that may be acquainted with the woods where you shall send us, the want of which hath been a discouragement to our men. And as for the towne of Mendum I am desired to commend the desolate condition of them to your Honers. Severall of these Inhabitants being Removed from thence and those in Garrison being butt poor helpes in divers Respects, and in number butt 12 men with their ams very defective. This plantation is very Remotte and therefore soe much the more stands in neede of helpes. It is very likely to be a prosperous place if it please God to putt an Issue to this trouble, and therefore it is the more pitty to have it deserted by these people, who think it must be if they have not some assistance; they hope that 20 men well fitted, with their own returned, might be sufficient, if your honers see cause; and further they desire to acquainte your Honers that ye Indians of Hassanamissett, which your Honers apoynted to sitt down with them, have deserted their own town and come not to Mendum. And soe nott having any more to trouble your Honers with I Rest your Honrs To Command PHINEHAS UPHAM, Liftenant." By this letter it will be seen that Lieut. Upham (who was of Malden and one of the first settlers of the city of Worcester, and who was mortally wounded in the attack on the Narragansett fort, Dec. 19, and died soon after in Boston,) visited what are now the towns of Grafton, Auburn, Sutton, Oxford, Webster and Douglas. Mil. Arch., Vol. 67, p. 278. 68 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. MENDUM Oct. 1675. Much Hond my servis with all dew Respeckts humbly presented to yourselfe and unto the Rest of the Counsell, hoping of your helths. I have made bold to trouble you with these few lines to give your honners an account of our progress in your jurisdiction. I arrived at Mendum with fifty men and the day following Leftenant Upham arrived with Thirty Eight men and the next day wee joyned our forces together and marched in persute to find our ennimy, but God hath been pleased to denigh us an opertunity therein, though with much labour and travail we have endeavoured to find them out, which Left. Upham hath given you a more particular account: our Soldiers being much worn out, having been in the ffeeld this foreteen weeks, and little hoops of finding the Enimy wee are this day Returning towards our Generall, but as for my own part I shall be Redy to serve God and the Country in this Tuft war soe long as I have Life and helth. Not else to trouble you I Rest yours to serve what I am able. JOHN GORUM." As the Itdian war had now been commenced within the bounds of the Massachusetts Colony, and, as neither its continu-.ance or cost could be definitely settled, instead of casting its burden upon posterity, the General Court proceeded at once to levy a tax upon the several towns to meet the necessary expense of the same, as follows:Mass. Archives, Military, Vol. 68, p. 29. "The Courte havinge taken into theire Consideration the great and daylie growinge charge of the present warre against the Indians & the absolute necessity there is of a further supply & recruit of armes and of Ammunition for the service of the Country and having also pticularly the present state and ability of the several towns & plantations in this jurisdiction, doe hereby order and Enact that for the defraying the charges aforesaid there shall be Levied seven single country rates, three of the said rates to be paid at or before the last of November next, and the other four rates at or before the last of March next: the prises of all sorts of corn (grain) paid in said rates to be as floth, i. e Wheat at 6s. Rye 4s. 6d., Peas 4s, Indian 3s. 6d. Barley 4s. and Oates 2s. pr. bushell. And the said Levie to be delivered to the Treasurer without charge to the Country, and such as make payment in money to be abated one fourth part. And the Treasurer of the Country (Colony) is hereby required accordingly, to issue forth Warrants to the Constables of the several towns, who, together with the Selectmen of the place, are required to levy the said rates upon the Inhabitants that they may be duly paid as abovsd. 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 69 The Deputies have past this in steed of that sent downe by our Honered Magistrates, desiring their consent thereto. 27 October 1675. WILLIAM TORREY, Cleric. Consented to by the Magistrates EDWARD RAWSON, Secretary." COLONY TAX FOR KING PHILIP'S WAR. Boston.....................300 00 00 Salem.................. Charlestown............ Dorchester.............. Roxbury............... Watertown............. Cambridge.............. Lynn................... Ipswich................ Newberry............... Waymouth.............. Hingham,........... Concord................ Dedham............... Hampton............... Springfield.............. Westfield............... Hatfield................. Framingham........... Rowley................. Redding................ Brantry................. Manchester............. Salsbury................ Exeter................. 100 00 00 80 00 00 40 00 00 30 00 00 45 00 00 42 02 00 34 04 05 70 00 00 60 00 00 25-09 04 30 00 00 33 19 10 28 02 07 28 00 00 26 05 05 11 16 06 8 12 08 1 00 00 36 00 00 16 09 11 25 00 00 2 00 00 22 00 00 8 08 05 Lancaster.............. ~11 16 00 Sudbury........... 20 00 00 Haverill........... 18 00 00 Hull................ 10 00 00 Wooburn............... 25 18 01 Mendham............... 6 06 02 Chelmsford............. 14 18 00 Maulden................ 15 10 05 Billerica............... 14 07 09 Meadfield........... 27 11 03 Meadford,............. 5 00 00 Northampton......... 22 02 10 Marlborrow............. 17 13 00 Hadley................. 18 10 09 Groaten................. 11 10 00 Beverly................. 16 00 00 Andover............... 20 00 00 Marblehead........... 18 00 00 Glocester.......... 9 00 00 Wenham........... 5 00 00 Topsfield............... 12 00 00 Bradford............... 8 13 00 Amesbury......... 5 15 03 Milton................ 15 00 00 Mass. Arch., Military, Vol. 68, p. 32. "MENDUM, ye * * of Ocbr. 1675 To the Honered Councill, These few lines are for to acctquaint your Honers of ye Towne of Mendum in yt wee who are here are Garrison Soulders Lying to ye Mercy of the Enimay, are nowe building of a garrison in defence of ourselves and the Towne, doe finde the Town pepell very unwilling for to Ade or Assist at ye fortyfication wich wee are about: ye Sargientt is willing butt only ye fences, wich are aboute itt he will not yealde yt wee shoulde Aney ways pull downe, thoe itt doth stan as a saft garde to shelter ye Enimy: as for ye Towne pepell thay are very small in number, not above 19 men at this L 70 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. present wrightinge In Towne whaireof ffive of them are ould men, not able for to baire armes, and for Amunition itt is very scarce: if yt ye Indians sould Make butt Aproach heire ye Sairgentt sayeth that theire would nott be a pounde of powder for ye Garrison souldiers yt are heire be fore ye others came up: as for the Towne's Stock thaire is nowne; the helpe here yt wee need is very great for thleire is some In ye Towne had rather yt ye Indians whaire to bee heire than wee: theire are A pepell soe divided that thay will not heire Reson, in soe much thay say if yt theire ware 1000 Indians and Alarum should be Mayed thay would not stir outt of dores for to Aid or assist ye soulders, soe wee desire your Honrs for to take itt into consideration for we are heire only A pray to ye Inimy: Likewise severall other Complaints we have whenever time doth sarve to Come face to face, by them thaire subscribed here Edward Barton John J A Andross his Marke Henery lP Pellenton his Marke Thomas Andrews William W R Rpsway his Marke John Roulstone Johnath" X Duninge his Marke Joseph Griffinge Likewise ye Garrison men yt Came up last Can testifie yt the townsmen will nott any wayes lend or sett their hands for to Make Any fortyfication but still are in yr same Minde for to halve all theire houses fortified as if thay weire all ye hoole towne heire, when theire is no Moore in towne butt whatt before expressed, and those Garnison men yt came up nowe can testify yt theire is noe Aminition provided for the Towne's Stock: wee hoose names heire subscribed. Israel Leavitt Theophilus Cushing Samuel Holbrook John Low Jonathan Torrey The Marke of Richd Godfrey 7^ John Weld Thomas Linkhorn 7. his Marke. By this time, about Oct. 1, it seems that many of the inhabitants of the town had removed, and the few (19) who remained had, without doubt, become somewhat disheartened. Indians to the south of them, Indians to the west of them, Indians to the north of them, and fifteen miles to their nearest neighbors, could not furnish any very flattering guaranty for succor in case of another attack. But that Sergeant White would not have the fence pulled down if it was necessary, or that the town's people, generally, would not aid in fortifying the town, as is affirmed above, seems hardly probable. 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 71. Surrounded as they were, on all sides, by the Indians, they must have lived in daily fear of a second assault, and, from the tone of the preceding letter, one can hardly doubt that the soldiers as well as the inhabitants were quite ready to be relieved from their duty of holding the place longer. Whether in consequence of this letter or not, on the 3d of November the General Court, after ordering "that Major Clarke forthwith strengthen Mendon Garrison by adding ten more unto them and that forthwith," also "further ordered that all such persons as have already quitted their habitations at Mendon and doe not forthwith returne, or shall hereafter leave their habitations, license being not first obtained of the Generall Court or Councill, they shall forfeit theire interestin that place, for the defraying the charge of the garrison soldjrs." Capt. Daniel Henchman, (afterwards one of the first settlers of the City of Worcester,) having been ordered to scout in the neighborhood of Mendon and Marlborough, was at Mendon in the beginning of November, as the following letters will show:Military Archives, Vol. 68, p. 32. MENDAM, Novb. 2, 1675. Hond Sr About four of the clock this afternoon we came all safe to Mendam & found the town in like condition, but cannot at all better my Intelligence about Hassanamesit. ffour horses are prest for scouts to thither at moon rising till when they cannot with certainty find the place, and will be back again, I hope before tomorrow morning with somewhat in order to our further expedition. The Inhabitants of this place are drawn into two houses and in a pestered condition; and in relation to it as a garrison there are several things of moment to be considered of, the which I shall state and dispatch to your Honer with what shall be discovered as before and would have done all together at the return of the scouts, but that Mr. Pain tells me he has express order to send away a post, as soon as we came hither, of the state of the Towne. The which having presented as before, crave leave to subscribe myself Sr yor Honers Humble Servant D. HENCHMAN. MENDAM NOV. 3. 1675. Hond Sr The Scouts, in my last mentioned, now returned, report that the old Wigg 72 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. warns of the Indian Towne are standing and their dores fast as left by the Indians when they went to their new place to plant, being about a mile from the other, and that in a field there is about 60 bushels of Indian Corn in barns, and at the new place one wiggwam matted and others begun: in the first an Indian had but just before them gone out, by an apple they found roasting and a tobacco pouch. Having the opportunity of Mr. Gardner's going now to Boston I send what yet I have, and am considering whether presently to march to the Indian field, or; in the night, to goe with some men to see if any of them can be taken, so at present conclude, subscribing myself Sr yr Honrs Humble Servant, D. HENCHMAN. MENDHAM NOV. 5, 1675. Hond Sr Since my last by Mr. Gardner, I marched to Hassanamesit where we found nothing more than what the scouts, as formerly, discovered. The Indian not returned by his tobacco still laying and no signs of an enimy that had been there; but a flight of Indians, I fear, real or feined, by apples, corn, nuts and other things lying up. and down, besides the corn and apples lodged up, the first of which I would have endeavoured to convey to this place, by help of the Inhabitants here, but was objected against by some of them. This march for despatch (not hearing from Capt. Sill) I judged might be safely performed, and intended, this morning to have sent all the Troopers, being 8, and three files of my post to Boston, reserving six files here to dispatch my first instructions about this Garrison, and then come also; but, at my return hither yesterday about four afternoon, I received the Hond Councill's further orders by Messengers from Capt. Sill, who intends this night to be at Magoncok (now Ashland) within 14 miles of Hassanamesit, at which place I sent him word I would meet him this day at 2 of the clock at farthest (the Lord assisting) although my men want rest and are ill clad and shod for marching, so that I was faine, by inability and otherwise in my last march, to change a file with the Garrison: and which is more our provisions are even at an end, severall bringing not any forth with them, but hope we shall shift with some flesh a little bread & boyled corn procured in this distressed place, which, in their contracted room of two houses, have not fire and lodging places to answer the poeple's necessities and which is more their spirits, by all they suffer, work not kindly in them. I have spent much of my little time in meeting with them about a settlement for their safety, but in' vane: Most say they cannot subsist if they stay, and a few the like if they goe. At length they proposed to apply themselves to the Hond Councill. I, being now to march away and left the command with Sergeant White, having prest the sad consequences of Braking up a Town, Rending a Church, Dismantling a Garrison and Incouraging the Enemie. 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 73 My humble thanks to the Hond Counsell for their Instructions relating to Dependence upon the Lord, faith towards him and prayers for us presented. from Sr Your Hons Humble Servant D. HENCHMAN. Capt. Henchman Understanding that you and your soldiers may want victuall, the Councill have ordered five hundred Biskett to bee lodged at Mendon & the like quantity at Marlborough, unto either of which places you may have recourse for recruites and we desire and order that you will be vigilant to prevent the enemies many attempts upon those parts. Wee had notis this morning that ye enemy seased a boy & man and carried y11 away that were at Peter Bent's mill in Marlborough, this was done last evening being 5th of November. Four of the English escaped but left the horses, meal and arms, so yt the enemy is in those parts: these' recruits are ordered to prevent your so speedy return: if there be any thing of moment or yt you should discover the enemy to be numerous to give us a speedy notice yt more force may be sent: these supplys and directions are for Capt. Sill as well as yourself, to whom and yourself wee comimend or love, desiring the Lord to guide, direct and protect you & all yr men & so remane, yr Loving freind E. R., Sec. p Councill. BOSTON, 6th. of 9 mo. (Nov.) 1675. To Left. Tho. Hinchman, you are ordered by ye Councill, by ye Garrison soldiers, forthwith to secure and bring away the corne on the other side ye river & secure it from the enimy. Dated in Boston 6 November 1675. By ye Council EDW. RAWSON, Secretary. Mass. Arch., Military, Vol. 68, p. 80. MENDHAM NOV. 10, 75 Hond Gentlemen. The last night in the close of it, I marched to Hassanamest with 22 men mounted, believing that some of the enemy were there, discovered theire fire, dismounted and marched to it in two files, headed the right myself, the other led by my Lt. Zekill Curtis, but as we hasted to it their dogg gave than an alarum when wee in less than musket shot; wee stopped a little and moved againe but the dogg increased his barking & least they might draw in to the thicket to fire on us, I ordered some to fire, hollered and ran on as fast as wee could: my Lt. first got to the wiggwam & received a mortal shot at the dore: I hasted to surround them in getting close beyond it, expecting my men had followed, but all that both of us had was not above five men; one of them, my corporall, Abiel Lamb, 10 74 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1675. whose strength outstrips me, and by reason of a fall I had in my running on: one soldier more was wounded & fell, his name, Thomas Andrews, who cried out exceedingly disheartening: them wth me at the wiggwam. together with no more men coming up to us, I called upon my men to fall on & shute into the wiggwam, which no more doing, them up with me fell off, I cryed to them, for the Lord's sake to stay, for in retreating as wee did I gave up myself and them with me for lost, and it was a peculiar Mercie we were not all slaine, for the Indians issued out and fired on us: the Marlbrow man also shot but not dangerous: One of my old soldiers kept with me as I think, Jonathan Dunninge, and a horse so soon as mounted, I would have had my men ride up and fire to get off the wounded and to secure the reare; but all were upon flight though I threatened to run them through, but availed not: some few horse kept with me & by my oft running back in hopes to save all I could, discovered two on foot, who said that they also had been lost. At our return we find only the two first wanting. And although this is a sad frown for I had as likely to fight as ever here. They soon hollowed and we drew off our horse & by the shout seemed to be about fifty & the wiggwam seemed to be thronged full, and a second hollow soon followed, some judge from a second party, for two other fires were seen at a distance: yet the enemy seaped not for 3 of them at least were slain without, besides those wounded and slain, as well might be, in the wiggwam. If the body of them draw this way the Town may be in distress, for divers times I have put them to severall things needful and will assist with all my men, I hope they will now bestir themselves. My Lt. Zekill Curtis is a great loss to me and have not to supply his place. I cannot inlarg but begging a sanctified use of this and former frowns, for we might have had an opportunity to kill all in the wiggwam. I rest Hond Gentlemen Yr Humble Servant D. HENCHMAN. It is'ordered by the Councill yt Major Willard forthwith issue forth his orders to Capt. Prentiss, to send forthwith twelve troopers well fitted and furnished with arms, Ammunition and provisions for 10 days & to march to Mendon or else where Capt. Henchman is or may be and there to be under his commands and order for the service of the country. This past by ye Councill, EDw. RAWSON, Secy. 12th Novembr 1675. Cotton Mather and others say that four or five persons were killed by the Indians in their attack of Mendon. Until recently none of the names of the slain were known. The following petition is here inserted because two of the four or five persons 1675.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 75 who lost their lives on the 14th of July are clearly made out. It will be remembered that on the 3thd day of November, 1675, the General Court " ordered that the people of Mendon should not remove from the place without leave, and that those who had done so should immeliately return." It appears that Matthias Puffer had left the place and returned to Braintree without leave from proper authority. Fearing that he should be compelled to return to Mendon is, undoubtedly, the reason why he addressed the following petition to the Governor and Council:Towns, Vol. 112, p. 208. "To the Honered Councill now Sitting in Boston, the humble petition of Matthias Puffer humbly sheweth: That whereas your petitioner hath been complained of for being absent from Mendon to ye discouragement of those that remaine, my answer is that I departed, at first, with ye consent of the Town provided I carried away the Widdow Gurney at my own charge, which I accordingly performed, and since the Majors warrant to summon me to go againe, I have returned thither againe and have been helpful to them by procuring them ammunition and otherwise. Indeed I have been forced to return to Braintree to take care of my children who are left. My wife was slaine by the Indians and,my eldest son; severall of the best of my cattell killed to maintaine the Garrison, many more of them I have left; my estate is lost; my Condition is desolate and I not in ye capacity that others are whose families are not broken. I humbly beseech the Honered Councill to consider my case & not expose my poor children to ruin, for I have not Estate to maintain my Children without my labor and care. To him that is in affliction pitty should be shewed. I think my case is the case of the Widdow if not worse. My humble petition is that I may be suffered to Continue at Braintree that I may be a succor to my children which else will be exposed to ruin and your petitioner will ever pray. MATTHIAS PUFFER." M atthias Puffer's house was not far from the residence of the widow Hannah Thurber, and some forty years ago the site of the cellar was pointed out to me by elderly people. As the attack of the Indians must have been sudden and unsuspected, it seems probable that Mrs. Puffer and her son were killed in or near the house. Mr. Puffer married Rachel Farnsworth, of Braintree, March 12, 1662, and hence their oldest son could not be more than eleven or twelve years of age. Whether the Council gave 76 ANNALS OF MENDON.. [1675. an affirmative answer to the petitioner or not is not known. There is no date to it and so, as the General Court forbade the removal of the people from Mendon, on the 3thd day of November, and, as Mather says, the town was burned by the Indians in the winter of 1675, under the circumstances of his case we may reasonably conclude that Puffer continued to remain at Braintree. Puffer had leave, by consent of the town, provided he "carried away the widow Gurney without charge to the town," to go to Braintree. Mrs. Gurney's maiden name was Rachel, and before 1683 she had married a man by the name of Bundy and was again a widow. She was first the wife of John Gurney, who was one of the first settlers of the town. John Gurney must have died while living in Mendon, but no record of his death can be found. Might he not have been one of the persons who were killed on the 14th of July? The only tradition relative to King Philip's war that has survived to the present day is, that the Indians, when they burned the town, spared the house of Joseph Aldrich, because he was a Quacter. As no mention of any Quakers in Mendon is made for many years after this event, this tradition may be set down as of questionable authority. Although no municipal government was organized until Jan. 3, 1680, there is evidence, I think that, not long after the close of King Philip's war, which was essentially terminated by his death, Aug. 12, 1676, some of the inhabitants returned to Mendon. In the record of births I find that six children are recorded as being born in Mendon betwen Oct. 1, 1677, and Jan. 28, 1680. From this record it is supposed that some of the inhabitants had returned as early as 1677. At the breaking out of the war the following persons were owners of Lots and were presumed to be heads of families, viz:John Aldridge, John Parris, John Thompson, senr., Joseph White, Walter Cook, Samuel Read, John Rockit, Peter Aldridge, Samuel Spencer, John Thompson, jr., Ferdinando Thlaver, Stephen Cook, Abraham Staples, Job Tiler, Wim. 1676.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 77 Crowne, John Harber, John Woodland, Matthias Puffer, Joseph Aldridge, Thomas Juell, Benjamin Albee, John Jepson, John More, Thomas Barnes, George Aldrich, Joseph Juell, John Gurney, Daniel Loveti, Samuel Hayward, Stephen Cook, James Albee, WVm. Holbrook, John Sprague, Simon Peck, Joseph Stevens, Hope Tiler and John Bartlett, making with the minister, Rev. Joseph Emerson, thirty-eight. The names of those who returned after the war are as follows, viz: John Thompson, senr., John Thompson, jr., Joseph White, Walter Cook, John Rockitt, Peter Aldrich, Samuel Read, Ferdinando Thayer, Abraham Staples, Matthias Puffer, Joseph Aldrich, George Aldrich, Samuel Hayward, Job Tyler, Hope Tyler, Daniel Lovett, James Albee, William Holbrook, John Sprague, Simon Peck, making twenty in all. Others returned afterward. 1676. In the Massachusetts Archives the following petitions may be found, and are here inserted as a part of the history of Mendon relative to. the Indian war. Military, Vol. 68, p. 124. "To the Honered Councill sitting in Boston the humble desire and request of John More, formerly of Mendon. Whereas yr petitioner, when he lived in Mendon, for ye supply of ye soulders under ye command of Capt. Daniell Henchman, had three hundred and twenty pounds of Beef, one bushell of Pease and a bag of three shillings price taken from him, as per ye account under ye Constable's hand will appear; as also myself and horse impressed to go to Marlborough, and by reason of my being belated in that expedition, so as in ye night coming home, being very dark, so that I was much bruised and also fell into the river, since which time I have been very sick and weak, being deprived also of any comfortable subsistance, by reason of ye present insolency and outrage of ye heathen: having had my horse pressed to Narragansett, with other reasons, yr petitioner's present desire is that he may be ordered to have some present pay, to. supply him with necessaries in his present condition, and yr petitioner shall dayly pray for yr prosperity. JOHN MORE 11th. 9th month 1675." CERTIFICATE OF THE CONSTABLE. To whom it may concern, that these things menshoned ware taken of John More, by order of Capt. Henchman for ye use of his solders, three 78 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1676. hundred and twenty pounds of beef, one bushell of peas and a bag of three shilling price, himself and horse to Marlborrow, his horse to Hassanamest. As atest SAMUEL READ, Constable of Mendon, 20th. 11th mo. 75. The second petition is as follows, and is to be found in Military, Vol. 68, p. 247: To the Honob'e Governor and Councill now assembled at Boston May 1, 1676: "The Petition of John More late of Mendon, Humbly sheweth, that yr Petitioner is now attained the age of ninety five or thereabouts, and that, after Mendham was deserted he came to Medfield where he was severely wounded by the Indians, and by reason of his age is now disinabled to labor, whereby he may get a livelihood for himself and family, and having lost all his estate at Mendham, he is reduced to a very low condition having not any thing left to buy him food and clothing, and Capt. Henchman when he was at Mendham with his company, received from your petitioner a Cow and some peas and corn, for provision for his souldiers and hath not given your Petitioner any satisfaction. Your Petitioner therefore humbly requests the favor of yr Honrs to consider his age and his low and afflicted condition and to allow him something for his cow, corn and peas delivered to Capt. Henchman as aforesaid, as also to grant him a small pension for his reliefe in that little time he hath to live in this world, that so he may be freed from those extreme wants that otherwise he must inevitably suffer, so shall he ever pray, &c. JOHN MORE." As will be seen, the first petition was dated Feb. 11, 1675-6. The attack upon Medfield by the Indians, was made on the 21st of the same month, and in this attack More received the wound, as mentioned is his second petition, and for which he petitioned the Governor and Council for aid. I do not learn that any action was taken upon either petition; although, from the facts in his case, some aid may have been granted, the record of which cannot now be found. I close the annals of the present year with an account of Mattoonas, who commanded the attack upon.Mendon in 1675. In September, 1674, the apostle Eliot and Major Gookin, who had been appointed Superintendent of the Indians, visited the several bands of praying Indians; and, at Pakachoag, they constituted John, the Sagamore, and Solomon to be co-ordinate rulers, with the authority of the English government, and Mattoonas, a grave and sober Indian, as Constable. But notwith 1676.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 79 standing this, Sagamore John, with his tribe, gave way to the persuasions of Philip and joined with him in his attempted extermination of the English. The death of Philip soon convinced John that the continuance of the war would only end in the disruption of the confederacy and the ruin of his tribe. John now voluntarily buried the hatchet, and resorted to diplomacy to save himself and friends from further disaster. To this end he, with Mattamuck, Sam. Sachem, Simon Pottoquam and Uppanippaquem, other Nipmuck Sagamores, signed a letter to Governor Leverett, "Mr. Waban. and all the chief men our brethren, praying to God," sueing for peace. This letter may be found in Drake's Indian Chronicle, p. 131, and was dated July 6, 1676. About this time the Governor and Council put forth a proclamation of pardon for all Indians who should voluntarily come in and surrender. Sagamore John, taking advantage of this, came to Boston July 13, and gave himself up to the English. He expressed much sorrow for joining with Philip, claiming that he only did so through fear of his life. He guaranteed, for himself and tribe, hereafter to be faithful and true friends to the whites. Promising to give further testimonials of his fidelity, with assurances of protection, he was allowed to depart. July 27 he returned with an hundred and eighty of his followers and, as a peace offering, brought in Mattoonas, with his son Nehemiah, bound with withes. A military necessity was supposed to exist for the immediate trial of Mattoonas. After a short examination he was adjudged guilty and condemned to immediate death. To further propitiate the favor of the English, John begged, for himself and followers, the privilege of executioners of the sentence of the Court. Mattoonas (who had undoubtedly led the attack upon Mendon at the dictation of Sagamore John) was accordingly led out, tied to a tree on Boston Common, and shot by the Indians. Afterwards his head was cut off and mounted upon a pole, opposite that of his son, who was executed for a murder committed in 1671. Although Hubbard, in his History of the Indian War, speaks of Mattoonas as an old malicious villain, and Increase Mather, in a sermon on the prevalence of prayer, puts himself on record 80 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1680. with equal bitterness, are we quite sure that the Indian of two hundred years ago acted under a rule so very different from the martial code of the present day? To King Philip and his allies it must have been plainly seen, by this time, that the white or the Indian race must be exterminated at no distant period of time; and is it strange then that the instinct of self-preservation should lead him and his followers to an attempt to avert the imminent danger they so clearly comprehended. i68o. Jan. 3. The following is the record of the first town meeting since the abandonment of the town, when ' Dea. Steven Cook, Sergant Joseph White, Ferdinando Thayer, Robert Taft and Samuel Reed were chosen Selectmen, John Cook, Constable, John Thomrpson jr. and John Rocket, Surveyors of Highways, and Samuel Read, Clark of the Writs." At this meeting no other business was transacted, but as another meeting was held Jan. 12th, it is supposed that, either there was some informality about the choice of Selectmen and Constable, or that those first chosen had resigned. Be that as it may be, we find that Deacon Steven Cook, John Thompson, Sgt. Joseph White. Abraham Staples and Samuel Read were chosen for Selectmen and James Lovet, Constable. During this month we find that the Town inaugurated measures for the erection of a Minister's and a Meeting House, as follows, viz:"Jan. 13. Att a generall Towne meeting It pased by A Clere vote to build A hous 26 foot in Length 18 foot In bredth, 14 foot between joynts, a girt hous and a gabell end In the Roofe and a Leantowe att one end of the hous the bredth of it; twelve foot wide 6 foot between joynts, for the Minister that shall first settle with us." For the erection of the Minister's house the town voted, Jan. 22, " that they would give twenty pounds, four pounds would be paid in money and Indian corn at 2 shillings a bushel when it should be raised, and the remaining sixteen pounds to be paid in pork at 2 pence per pound and Indian Corn at 2 shillings per bushel, on or before the 25th day of November following." A Meeting House was contracted for as follows, viz: 1680.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 81 "Articles of Agreement between Samuel Hayward on the one party and the Townesmen (Selectmen) on the other. The said Samuel Hayward doth ingage to begine and manige the frame of a Meeting House 26 foot in length and 24 foot in breadth, a girt house, 14 foot between Joynts. From the beginning to the raising of it caling in what helpe hee sese convenient, and giving A true A count to them of the days work that are done both by himself and others, and what time they and how they perform the work, both by carting and other labour, allowing the said Hayward 3 shillings a day for his labor and care in maniging of this work, to be paid in currnte pay as will pas betwen man and man, and to procure him a Cow with a calf or a calf by her side, as soon as the frame is raised, as part of his pay. Abraham -Staples ingaging to pay the cow if no other be procured, the said Hayward ingaging to have the frame redy to rais by the last of May next insuing. If help fail him then to make his order to us and to have pay produced to procure help, and the remainder of his pay to be paid at or before the 1st. of January next insuing, and to take the Cow at the price that 2 indifferent men shall prize her. In the performance hereof we set our hands this 17th Jan. 1680. SAMUEL HAYWARD. Steven Cook Abraham Staples Samuel Read." As is generally the case in fixing upon a site for public buildings, it is supposed that there was some disagreement in the present case, as we find, in accordance with the advice of the Honored Committee, (Eleazer Lusher, William Staughton and William Parke, who had been appointed by the General Court a committee for regulating the affairs at Mendon,) a town meeting was held on the 14th of July "to settle matters about the meeting house," and Ferdinando Thayer and Samuel Read were chosen a committee to carry the result, whatever it might be, to the Honud Committee "the last fryday of this Instant July." What was done towards settling the meeting house affair is not known, but, as we hear no more of this matter, it is believed an amicable adjustment of the differences was arrived at. Aug. 10. Joseph Aldrich was chosen " sealler of waights and mesyours and to keepe. the town standerds," being the first person chosen for that purpose. " Att a Generall Towne Meetting 4 October 1680 the towne Agreed and it pased by a Clere vote that -they would give Mr. Grindall Rawson a Call 11 82 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1680. to the work of the ministry for this yere In order to his further settlement; and all so that they would give him twenty pound In corrent New England mony and his bord and a hors to be kept for his. servis. Tenn,pound of the said money to bee paid att or before the 25th of March the other tenn pound att or before the 25th, of September next Insuing." Oct. 21. Samuel Read agreed to board Mr. Rawson for one year for thirteen pounds, in country pay, at the prices following, viz: Wheat at 5s., Rye 4s., Indian Corn 3s. a bushel; butter 6 pence a pound, pork 3d., mutton 3d., beef 2d. half penny, and 12 pound of tallow besides the thirteen pound. Joseph White agreed to keep his horse one year for forty shillings in town pay. Edward Rawson, the father of Grindal Rawson, was born in Gillingham, Dorsetshire, England, April 15, 1615, and married, in England, Rachel Perne, grand-daughter of John Hooker, the celebrated divine, whose wife was a Grindal, sister to Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edward Rawson came to this country and was one of the grantees of the town of Newbury as early as 1637. He was the first Town Clerk there, and held that office by successive annual elections until 1649, when he was elected Secretary to the Colony. This office he continued to hold until the usurpation of the Government by Sir Edmund Andross, in 1686, when Randolph succeeded him. Mr. Rawson, on his removal to Boston, lived in Rawson's lane, so called, it is presumed, out of compliment to him. Rawson's lane is now known as Bromfield street. Grindal was the twelfth son of Edward Rawson, and was born in Rawson's lane, in Boston, Jan. 23, 1659, and died at Mendon Feb. 6, 1715, aged 56. He married Susanna Wilson, daughter of Rev. John Wilson, the first minister of Medfield, and granddaughter of Rev. John Wilson, the first minister of Boston. The year of his marriage is not established, but as he graduated at Harvard College in 1678, began to preach in Mendon in 1680, and the town voted "to transport his goods free of charge in 1682," it is reasonable to suppose he was then married. The names of Edmund, Grindal, Perne, Hooker, Wilson, Edward and Secretary are, to this day, favorite names among the widely scattered and numerous descendants of Edward Rawson. 1681.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 83 i68i. Jan. 2. The town officers for this year are as follows, viz: Deacon Steven Cook, Serg. Joseph White, John Thompson, Senr., Abraham Staples and Samuel Read, Selectmen; John Rockit, Constable, and James Albee and Elizer Wheelock, Surveyors of the Highways. Feb. 2. It was voted that, "if Mr. Rawson settle with us, he shall have his great Lot laid out before any others that are not already laid out and his Doubling Lot before any others." By a vote of the town, passed April 14, 1672, it was decreed that every forty acre house lot shall be made up, two hundred acres of upland, besides swamps and meadows, as was settled by the Committee 22d of July, 1662. The land taken up beyond the house lot to make up the two hundred was called the Great Lot and the land by future divisions the Doubling Lot. It seems the minister's house was not yet finished, and Walter Cook, Robert Taft and Samuel Hayward were chosen a committee to see that it should be completed by the 25th of November next. John Bartlett, it is supposed, was the contractor for building the minister's house, from the fact that, Nov. 14, it was voted that a rate for the sixteen pound " dew to John Bartlett " should be made to be paid "the one half In Indian Corn att 2 shillings a bushell and the other half in pork at 2 pence a pound," this being the sum that was to be paid when the house was finished. The foregoing items comprise all the matters of interest recorded in the town records. The two following petitions, to be found in the Archives of the State, will complete the historical memoranda for the year: "To the Honourable General Court now sitting in Boston: The Humble Petition of Samuel Read, late Constable of Mendon, Humbly Sheweth, That in the summer of 1675, in July, there were two rates committed to your Petitioner to gather, and in the same month the Indians fell in upon us to our ruin, therein some were slaine, others fled to Rhode-Island & their rate cannot be had. Your Petitioner with great Paines hath gathered all the said rates except three pounds twelve shillings, which cannot possibly be obtayned nor myself able to pay it. I humbly therefore pray this Honoured Court will pleas to remitt the same, there being no fault on my part why the same cannot be had. And yr Petitioner shall pray SAMUEL READ. 84 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1681. The Magistrates Grant a remission of the ~3. 12s., our brethren the Deputyes Consenting. J. DUDLEY, pr. order. May 17. 81 Consented to by the Deputys, WILLIAM TORREY, Clericus. Ecclesiastical, Vol. 2, p. 13. To the Honble Court Now Sitting at Boston. The Humble Petition or Address of the Inhabitants of the Township of Mendon. Much Honoured, As ye deplorable and desolating effects of ye late Indian Warre (wherein many Townes were wholly ruined and depopulated by ye prevailing and overbearing of ye Insulting Foe,) have made, we doubt not, impressions on yr minds soe deep and abiding that they can not easily be forgotten, or erased, so also have we no cause to question that you can in ye least wise be ignorant that your poor petitioners were great sharers in those Public Calamities. Our great and speaking losses (which we groan under to this very day) enforced us to make an Application to yr hon0o selves'formerly, for reliefe and succor from under ye heavy pressures of our sad & lamentable conditions: Wee then experieneed both a readiness to hear & a willingness to relieve us when our case was almost hopeless and helpness also, had not God stirred up your hearts to pitty aud commisseration. It was then your pleasure, much Honoured, not only to take our condition into yr prudent consideration, but also to make us ye objects of yr compassion & ye subjects -of yr pious care, Ordering and Enacting that we should be freed from Public Rates for three years, and also, that all Proprietors whether resident or non-resident should bear their equal proportion in Town Charges ye like space, for ye advancement & encouragement of our undertaking ye settlement of ye place & Rebuilding of our Ruined habitations; neither can we ever be so ungrateful as to bury in forgetfulness, much less to pass by in silence without due and deserved thankfulness &.acknowledgments, so great and good a favor, that you were pleased to desire & Appoint yr much honored Joseph Dudley Esq., Capt. Daniel Fisher & Mr. Thomas Weld to be a Committee over us for ye more comfortable and prudent management of or public concernments, that peaceable order & orderly peace, might be continued & maintained amongst us, (ye want of which doe most commonly proove ye overthrow of new Plantations) whose pious care and zealous pains for our best good and welfare we haye largely experienced, and desire, with thankfulness and gratitude, to be reminded of our former experiences of your forward Inclinations to pitty & commisserate ye low condition of such as make their Address unto yr honerd selves for succor, embolden us to make our further suite for 1681.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 85 your wonted favour and invite us to spread our lamentable condition before your Honours. May it please you to consider That when we made or petition formerly for such favors as we then obtained(although with a restriction unto the tearme of three years) we doubted not but that after we had broke through and had underwent ye first brunt & heat of ye day we should have been seconded by others in ye undertaking and that most if not all of ye Proprieters, would have repaired to their lands to have built and settled upon ye same. But many understanding that they were to bear Town charges no longer than three years & hoping that, afterwards, their lands should be free of charge, have deferred their coming up, so that, when this time shall be expired (which will be in May next Ensuing) we shall be in as bad if not worse condition than ever, utterly unable to carry on anything, either for ye good of Towne, Church or Commonwealth to affect. Your were pleased to give it to or Honerd Committee as one of their instructions (and that none of least weighty & difficult) to endeavour the settlement of a Minister amongst us, who have earnestly and faithfully laboured to see your godly desires effected, so far as that we are att present possessed of so great a Mercy, yet not without fears of a bereavement in yt we are not of ourselves, without ye help of other Proprietors, able to procure him a comfortable subsistence. Wee are bold to presume that, as you have solicitously desired our greatest welfare in that respect, you will also endeavour the continuance of it & not suffer us to be bereaved, because our shoulders are too weak, alone, to sustain so great a burden. Wee desire earnestly not to be (and hope we are not) of ye number of those who dwell in their ceiled houses & yet say the time is not come that ye Lord's house should, be built. We have gone to the outside of our strength & have so far laid aside our private concernments that our Meeting and Minister's house are raised, yet, notwithstanding, must they, of necessity, lie and rot for want. of ability (not will) in us to carry them on to a finishing, unless others, who are proprietors as well as ourselves (ye price of whose lands is much raysed by our carrying on public work & will be nothing worth if we are forced to quit the place) doo beare an equal share in Town Charges with us. Those who are not yet come up to us are a great and far yet abler part of our Proprietors, without whose aid and assistance the work and worship of God. must lye wast amongst us we ourselves being unable to carry them on. Many, as we understand, would come up and settle amongst us were they but assured of the continuance of ye publick worship of God amongst us by ye ministry of his word, of which we shall most assuredly be bereaved unless your seasonable authority be interposed & prevent such a fatall calamity. Our Request therefore is, That it will please your Hond selves to take or condition so far into your consideration as to establish and Enact ye continuance of your gracious order for all Proprietors bearing their share in Town charges, that so we may not be forced to quit our houses and lands & desert ye place, which otherwise we shall be necessitated to doe unless 86 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1682. we will be contentd to live like Heathen, without hearing ye word preached & so entail a curse instead of a blessing upon ourselves and posterity. And how can we endure to see the evil that will come- upon our posterity & see ye sad destruction of such dear relations? Our Honoured Committee who are in no wise ignorant of our condition, can sufficiently acquaint your Hond selves with ye deplorableness of our affairs, and that it will be rather more lamentable (if that can be) than we have expressed, unless your timely favour prevent it. Dunstable, Marlborough, Lancaster & Groton (as we understand) enjoy the privilege we petition for, and we are not willing to neglect any means to obtain yesame, least we should be accused as ye blameworthy cause of our own miseries. Let it therefore please your Honourd selves by your clemency to prevent such great calamities as will otherwise befall us & Ensue, namely ye loss of ye means of Grace or else our deserting our habitations to ye utter undoing of ourselves & children. And your poor Petitioners shall ever pray, Stephen Cook, -James Lovett, Joseph White, Senr, Abraham Staples, Ferdinando Thayer, John Rockett, Saml. Read, John Cooke, John Thompson, Jr., Saml. Cooke, Robert Taft, Dennis Darling, Samuel Hayward, Jona. Thayer, Eleazer Wheelock, Peter Holbrook, John Thompson Senr, John Dayley. Walter Cook, In answer to this Petition the Magistrates judge Meete to continue their late order referring to y" proprietors of lands in Mendon who are not resident nor do improve their sd lands, to be rated in Town Charges as those that are present upon the place for the next three years after ye former time, and ye Committee of this Court for ye managing of the affayrs of ye Towne Continue their Care and Government as formerly. The Magistrates have past this their brethren the deputyes thereto consenting. EDWARD RAwsoN, Secy. Consented to by ye Deputyes WILLIAM TORREY, Clericus. 1682. Jan. 1. The first business transacted was the adoption of instructions to the Selectmen. In the first place they were to make such orders as should clear the town from the penalty of the law. Among other directions they were to see 1682.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 87 that the minister was promptly paid, that the bounds be sought out and established between the common lands and those of proprietors, between man and man, and that the boundaries of the highways be settled. They were to see that the boundaries were recorded and that each proprietor had a good right and title to the land he claimed. Having completed their instructions the town then chose for Selectmen, Simon Peck, Sergt. Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, James Lovett and Samuel Read. John Rocket for Constable, and Ferdinando Thayer and John Thompson, Jr., Surveyors of Highways. THE FIRST SAW MILL. At this meeting it was voted to grant Josiah Chapin (who had bought the lot and land of Joseph Juell,) eighty acres of land on the east side of Muddy Brook, if he would build a saw mill on that stream. At the present day one would hardly think of investing his money in a saw mill on Muddy Brook. But we must remember that the face of the country has become very much changed since the days of Sergeant Chapin. The water shed, which supplied the brook above the contemplated mill in 1682, was undoubtedly covered with 'the primeval forest. This would so retard evaporation that during the late fall, winter and spring months a sufficient supply of water would be furnished for the proposed water power. At this time but little remains to mark the spot where the first saw mill in Mendon was erected. Jan 5. Ferdinando Thayer, Simon Peck and Abraham Staples were chosen a committee to " Rectifie Mr Rawson's Chimneyes." It is supposed there was some radical fault in them, as they were to be wholly taken down and rebuilt. Jan. 18. "Att a general Towne meeting It pased by a Clere vote that Mr. Rawson, for the yere in being shall have forty five pounds for a Consideration of his Labours amungst us; fifteen pounds money starling of New England, ye Rest in such other Country Commoditys as wee Pays amungst us, and, if he shall desire at.a sixt part abatement of the Country prise as it goes between man and man; for the next yere fifty five pounds, fifteen In Corent mony of New England, the Rest in the same specie above, and afterwards as his Necessity shall apparently Call for, and In case any Inhabitant shall see Reson he shall have liberty to pay all his wholl proportion in mony upon ye same abatement." 88 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1683. July 21. Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Simon Peck, Samuel Hayward and James Lovett were chosen a committee "to Renew our hold of Mr. Rawson for his continuance with us for the futer, and doe give them full power to acte in the behalf of the Towne, as If themselves ware present, and to Rest satisfied In what they doe."' Ministerial candidates were not so numerous at this time as with us of the present day, nor were the people then so readily blown about by every wind of doctrine, consequently our ancestors were saved from the usual wranglings and heart-burnings which, in modern times, too frequently grow out of the settlement of a new minister. Oct. 25. Sergeant Josiah Chapin was chosen Surveyor, and Dennis Darling, John Rocket and Edward Lineford had grants of land. The Selectmen at the beginning of the year made rules that all swine over eight weeks old should be ' yoked and wringed" before the 25th of March; that "stone horses," going at large, should be "aproned off according to law;" that horses "that Continually Keep and feed in the road," shall be sufficiently shackled or clogged; that all fences should be repaired before the 25th of March, and that all trees felled within half a mile of any house should be cut up within three months, under a penalty of five shillings for every tree. The danger of leaving combustible matter in proximity to the buildings is supposed to be the reason for this last rule. 1683. Jan. 1. Josiah Chapin, Simon Peck, Ferdinando Thayer, James Lovett and Samuel Read were chosen Selectmen; Samuel Cook, Constable, and Josiah Chapin and Ferdinando Thayer, Surveyors of Highways. At this meeting a committee of nine were chosen, of which Joseph White was chairman, " to purize the Town book and to see what there was upon Record that might bee prejudyshall to the peace of the town, and allso to take a draught oute of the Town Booke of all those Records that doe Interfere one upon another and present them to the towne." 1683.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 89 It was voted that none but those who have allotments of land should have the privilege to cut trees for wood or timber or other ways upon common lands, without liberty from the town. Sept. 17. The Selectmen were instructed to draw up an instrument to convey to Mr. Rawson "that land which was formerly Common Land & that Land which was formerly ye Ministryes Home lot together with all Meadows belonging to ye Ministreye's Lott & ye Lott called ye Schoole lot with all rights and privileges belonging to ye same." The Selectmen were also instructed to appoint Surveyors of the Highways who, according to their discretion, shall mend the same. They had power to call upon any man for work, and upon four days notice should any refuse to work, they were to pay a fine of five shillings, and if summoned with a team, ten shillings. "The Returne of Mr Rawson's Home Lott, containing forty Acres. Butting North East upon a small piece of Common Land Lying between ye said Lott and the hyway Leading to Simon Peck's; south east upon the north side of Mr. Emerson's Home lott, Returning upon a southeast line heading Mr Emerson's John Harber's and, partly George Aldrich's Home Lott; thence upon a south west line of marked trees partly upon a piece of common Swamp and partly upon the north end of Mr. Emerson's second division; westerly and northerly upon a hyway Leading by Philip King's Lott to Common Land and partly upon a hyway leading to the South Meadowes." In consideration that the town could not give a good title to the ministry lot, they voted him thirty acres of land where he shall choose it, and also the improvement of the ministry lot, he to be paid for any betterment he shall have made, "as Rashonall men shall judg" which shall be reimbursed to him or his heirs. Oct. 23. A survey of the town was made, Serg. Ellis, of Dedham, being employed as Surveyor, and was settled as follows, viz:-Starting upon Charles River and running four miles, wanting forty rods, to the northeast corner at a stake and stones in Hoppin's meadow; thence turning and running westerly to the northwestern corner one hundred rods beyond the Great River (now Blackstone,) eight and one-half miles; thence turning and running due south eight miles to the southwest corner to a 12 90 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1683. chestnut tree, upon the northern side of a great hill; thence turning easterly about three miles to the Monhegin river, (now the Branch,) crossing it several times, and so on to the Great River, upon the south side of the Falls, (Woonsocket) and then with said river to Dedham line; thence turning and running northerly four miles and forty rods. This last line, not mentioned in the description, is taken from the original survey. From this we learn nothing about starting from the Dedham Tree and running one mile east to the point where this survey began. Nov. 18. The Selectmen ordered that all timber cut down in the pine and cedar swamps should be removed on or before the last day of February next, upon the penalty of forfeiting the timber and five shillings a tree to the informer; and if in the future any trees or buts for clapboards or shingles shall remain longer than six days, they shall be subject to the same penalty, one half to the informei and one half to the town. The following items complete the town record for the year 1683:Nov. 19. Those whose names are underwritten were found to be indebted to the town for unpaid taxes and grass, viz:Peter Aldrich, for 1680-1681 & 1683.......................~1.08.02 Mrs. Elizabeth Browne; for 1683....................... 2.00.00 Wid. Ruth Bundy, for 1680, 1681 & 1683.................... 6.08.01 John Aldrich, for 1682, for Grass, per Walter Cook.......... 0.12.10 Mrs. Elizabeth Browne was the relict of Rev. Joseph Emerson, the second minister of the town. The widow Ruth Bundy, as she is recorded as the relict of John Gurney, formerly of Mendon, was, without much doubt, the widow Gurney that Matthias Puffer took from Mendon when the town gave him liberty to go to Braintree to look after his children, in 1675; and the fact of her marrying and again becoming a widow, and no mention made of John Gurney since that time, seems to corroborate the truth of the supposition that he was among the slain in the Indian attack upon Mendon in 1675, as heretofore inferred. 1684.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 91 I684. Jan. 9. Simon Peck, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, James Lovett and Samuel Read were chosen Selectmen; Jonathan Thayer, Constable, and John Rockett and Samuel Read, Highway Surveyors. When the town was burned in the winter of 1675-6, Benjamin Albee's grist mill was embraced in the general calamity. During the four or five years since the return of the inhabitants there was probably no mill nearer than Medfield or Wrentham, and with no means of transportation but the cart and oxen, or a bag and boy on a horse, the privilege of "going to mill" could not be regarded as a sinecure, especially when the journey must have occupied two days and a night. To remedy this inconvenience the town entered into the fol-. lowing " CONTRACT TO BUILD A CORN MILL. Articles of Agreement made and concluded (Jan. 9, 1684) between Matthias Puffer and the Town of Mendon First, that ye sd pufer doth agree to and with the Inhabitants of Mendon, to build a sufficient Come Mill in some convenient place for the town's use upon the same stream the former Mill stood upon, and in case ye sd puffer build ye Mill below ye place ye former Mill stood and thereby pond in the Country Road, then the sd puffer by these presents dus bind himself to.make and maintain a sufficient Cart bridge for the Country's use. 2ndly. In case ye sd puffer build the said Mill above the other mill pond upon the Town's land, then ye said puffer shall have ye land that he ponds and also Ingress and Egress to the Mill during the time of the Mill's standing and Remaining serviceable for the town's use; afterwards Ye sd Land Returne to ye Town again. 3dly. The sd puffer dus Ingage to maintaine the sd Mill twenty years for ye town's use and to provide a Miller from time to time as may be satisfactory to ye mair part of ye towne. 4thly. The said puffer doth Ingage to erect ye sd Mill and furnish the same att or before the last of October Next insuing the date hereof. MATTHIAS PUFFER Signed in presents of us His M. Mark" James Albee Joseph White, Junr. Upon the performance of every part and particular specified, the town contracted to pay said Puffer the sum of fifteen pounds, 92 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1684. ten pounds in current money of New England, and five in merchantable country pay. It will be seen that Puffer was to build the mill, keep it in order and provide a miller for twenty years, and for the due fulfillment of these covenants he bound himself in the penal sum of thirty pounds to pay back the fifteen pounds, "ten pounds in money and five pounds in Country pay." This bond was dated April 16, 1685. SETTLEMENT OF REV. GRINDAL RAWSON,.THE THIRD MINISTER. 7 Aprill 1684 att a gneral towne metting of the Inhabitants, It pased by Clere vote that In order to the Settelment of Mr. Grindal Rawson In the work of the Ministry amonst us they would doe for him as followeth. Imps that they will give for yerely Sallery Fifty five pounds to bee paid as followeth, fifteen pounds per annum in Starling money of New England and forty pounds more to bee paid in good marchantabell country pay such as the towne Rayseth. 2ndly, that they will give him, for a forty acre lott, one Cord of wood yerly and so pro portionably for Lotts of Lesser quantity to be delivered att his dore. 31y, that they will upon the twenty fift October and the twenty fift of March pay him his Sallery, the one half upon the one day and the other half upon the other day. 41y, that they will give their Selectmen Anuall Instructions to make A Rate for his Sallery and that they take order for the gathering of it and delivering it to him: this wee promis to give att present and afterwards as God shall Inable us and the wants of his family shall call for, hee settling with us, ministering to us and not Removing from us with out just grounds Arising from ourselves as shall be judged by a Counsell of Congregationall principals, mutually chosen. 51y, That they will upon his taking office Relation wth them settell that hous and forty acre House lott which he'is now in possession of with all devitions of Land and Meadow (a Cording to the agreement he made with the towne fifteenth of October sixteen hundred eighty and three as apeers upon the town records p.p. 74 & 75 (and also in this book, p. 89,) belonging there unto as much as to any other lot of that bigness, with all other Comon Rights and privileges there unto belonging; he taking office amonst them, they there upon promise to Record sd Lott, the grant and title there of free and clere and in the same terms their own Lands are Recorded in. These proposals and every particular of them I doe freely accept of & 1684.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 93 fully acquiesce in, in order to ye end therein specified, ye day and year above mentioned as witness my hand GIINDAL RAWSON. Signed as above in presence of Joseph White Josiah Chapin Simon Peck James Lovett Samuel Read. Mendon Nov. 2,.84 Although Mr. Rawson was not settled until the present date, we have seen that he had been preaching here since October 4, 1680, when he received a call from the town to be their minister. Then and there Reconed with ye Selectmen for ye three Last years past and all accounts betwen myself and them as they stand Engaged on the towne's behalf to see the severall payments for that terme discharged upon the receipt of which payments allready made I acquitt them, and ye towne by them, of every part and persell hereof, as witness my hand ye day and year above Expressed. GRINDAL RAWSON. 20:11: 84. ye Selectmen do order and agree that the orders of 1683 shall continue in force, and that John Rockett and James Albee be fence viewers for the south end of the town and John Thompson jr. and Joseph White jr. for the north end of the town, Jacob Aldrich and John Cook to look after stone horses and swine. The committee heretofore chosen to examine the bounds of of the highways very probably reported about this time, as we find the town voted "that all thos that any ways had Intrenched upon the hyways are to leve sd lands and make the hyways strait ye full breadth of ten Rod." It is supposed the pine plains were not at this time considered so valuable as in the early settlement of the town, as we find this year that a number of the inhabitants had liberty to leave land "in ye pine plain and take it elsewhere." Simon Peck, Abraham Staples and Samuel Read were chosen a committee to have seats made in the meeting house, which, as no mention is made of any other location, is supposed to have been erected on the site ofhthe one burned by the Indians. The following petition is inserted to show the method in 94 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1684. which Probate business was transacted in early times, and the minuteness of the inventory:To the Honerd General Court now sitting in Boston This 8th. of May 1684, The Humble Petition of Sarah Stephens of Mendon, Humbly Sheweth, That whereas Your Poor Petitioner, a Distressed Widdow having been left with three small Children (all of them Daughters) by her late husband, Joseph Stephens, who deceased in the Time of the late Indian war, Intestate. Your poore petitioner, according to law, brought in a true Inventory of her said husband's estate, as by said Inventory sworn in Court Dec. 3. 1677 doth appear. The substance of the Moveables (Therein Mentioned) consisting of things Necessary for family use are, for the most part, spent upon your petitioner and her children, save only such as could not be any ways by her improved. The other part of his estate, viz, Lands amounting (according to apprizement) to about thirty pounds, which is, at present, the substance of what is left for your poor petitioner and her children to live upon. Your Petitioner having Administration granted upon the estate hath hitherto, for the most piart, provided for herself and children, viz, for her owne and their wearing apparel & most of their provision; likewise your poore petitioner humbly prays that this Honerd Court would, according to their wonted favor to such in her condition, please to settle fhe land aforesaid upon your petitioner, who Desires that said land may be bound over to respond whatever your Honers shall see cause to settle upon them, either upon the coming to age or dayes of marriage (besides what your Honers shall see cause to allow your petitioner for their education until the aforesaid times) your petitioner desiring still to extend that motherly care which, hitherto, she hath not been wanting in, being through God's goodness in a capacity to let out said land to some advantage, not only for discharging what rates and dues may arise there upon but also producing some bread come for herself and Children. Your Honours granting your petioner's request will still oblige her to. pray as in duty bound &c SARAH STEPHENS. In answer to this Petition The Magistrates judge meet to order the one half the land to the Widow to enjoy to her and her heires to dispose of, the other half of the land to be to the children as they come of age, part & part alike, the bringing up the children with the improvement of the land Their brethren the Deputies thereto consenting EDWARD RAWBON, Secy. 9 May 1684 Consented by the Deputies. WILLIAM TORREY, Cleric. BRANTRY, Dec. 3. 1677. An Inventory of the Estate of Joseph Stephens taken by Caleb Hubbard and Benjamin Thompson. 1684.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 95 Imp'. To wearing apparel............................. ~04 00 00 To Bedding and bed............................... 04 00 00 To 2 pair of sheets coarse 1 fine..................... 01 10 00 To 5 Pillow beers, 2 shirts, 1 pr. drawers 4 coars napkins........................................... 00 09 00 To small wearing linen bands, neckcloths,&c........ 00 10 00 To gloves, stockins, mittens......................... 00 07 00 To 1 file, 2 knifes, Razor, 1 pen knife, chalk line, tongs, a lock, starch, mithridate......................... 00 05 00 To pewter 10s. 1 brass kettle 16s. skillet 5s.......... 01 12 00 To 1 iron pot 12s. 1 skillet 4s. a Cutlace 7s........... 01 03 00 To a musket 15s. a back sword 12................... 01 07 00 To hats 5s. axe 2s. 6d. bed cords 4s. bellows 2s. 6d.... 00 14 00 To Earthen ware & wooden utensils................. 00 10 00 To Yarne and Mflax.............................. 01 15 00 Ditto,................................. 00 05 00 To 2 Spinning wheels.......................... 00 10 00 To Beans & salt................................. 00 02 00 To bed stead 5s. chairs 3s. tubs 5s. pails 2s. 6d., 3 barrels 7s. 6d..................................... 01 03 00 To selves 2s. cards 2s. Wool 3s. chest 7s. box 3s. frying pans 3s................................... 01 00 00 To old iron 1-2 cwt.............................. 00 10 00 To corne 6s. remnants of cloth & yarn............... 02 05 00 To suit lamp, baskets, chaires, stooles............... 00 18 00 To a mat 2s. Indian 4 bush. Beefe 7................ 00 15 00 To an heifer and calf.............................. 02 14 00 To Land at M endam....................................... To 1-2 an acre of Land at Manaticot................. 03 00 00 ~30 14 00 Sarah Stevens made oath before John Leveret Esq. Govr and Ewd. Tyng Esq. Assistant Dec. 11. 1677 that it is a just and true Inventory of the estate of her late Husband Joseph Stevens, deceased, to her best knowledge and that when she knows more she will discover the same. As atest ISA: ADDINGTON, Cler. This may certify whom it may concern that we apprize the lot ~30 00 00 of Joseph Stevens deceased at 30~ and an anvill at 10s. 00 10 00 Brought by the Administratrix as addition to the Inventory I. ADDINGTON, Cler. This is a true Coppie of the Original Inventory and addition thereto. I. ADDINGTON, Cler. 96 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1684. Joseph Stevens, having died during the Indian war, may it not be reasonably inferred he was one of those slain by the Indians? The following petition, besides giving an account of the condition of the town at the time, also establishes the fact that a large number of the proprietors had not returned, although nine years had elapsed since their abandonment of the town in 1675. Towns, Vol. 112, p. 367, Mass. Archives. To the much honered generall Cort now Sitting in Boston the 10th September 1684 the humble address of the Selectmen of Mendon, in behalf of the Inhabitants there at present Residing. much honered. three years are not yett fully expired since the pressing necessity of our low condition enforced us to crave Relief from this honorable Cort, from whose hands we experienced such favor & acceptance as doth still embolden us, yet continuing.in the like condition, to spread our State before yower honers, not at all doubting but the justice of our cause will avayl with yower selves so far that our following request and desire shall receive yower answer of peac expected by us. May it please your Honers to consider that the one half of our proprietors, two only excepted, are dwelling in other places, we are inforced (the Birthen of the day lying upon so few of us) to petition yower Honers that an order might be issued out wheare by they might be oblidged to be helpful to us in maintaining the ministry of the word & other town charges with us which hitherto they have don, but the time being almost expired and our case as bad as ever, we have no other way left us save this, to give the honerable (Court) a narrative of our present condition, a thorow consideration whereof wee doubt not will give your Honers cause to continue your order longer and oblidge, by such a continuance, to a contribution of relief to us, by whose abiding upon the place, thayer Land Receive considerable advantage. Wee desire to bless God who, in the riches of his boundless grace, hath seen cause to advantage us with an able, faithful, prayerful minister of the word, by whose labors wee doe heare the ioyful sound, a famine whereof we hope is esteemed by us a more fatal punishment than a famine of bread; therefore we doe and are willing to doe to the outside of our ability, to main tayn our minister, and God hath so far owned our endeavours, that we farther hope that this church will be resettled in this place, not only in the faith but the order of the gospell, the maintenance of which is impossible for us without help trom our fellow proprietors, for our inhabitants pay to the outside of thayer abilities to raising of public charges, and, in particular to the maintenance of the minister. Wee pay at least ten singall country rates, besides other charges, notwithstanding what Relief wee have had by our 1684.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 97 fellow proprietors, who have bourn with us a bout twenty five pounds annually, there being twenty-two of them to do it. If they are freed from it, and it be laid on the present inhabitants, it is plain how unable they be to bare it. They must of necessity quit their stacion and leave the town, as a place that eateth up her inhabitants: or how soone wee and our poore children must be again deprived of the means of grace and live like heathen, doth both amaze and grieve us to consider, which wee hope will stor up so much pity from your Honers, that it may be redressed. Our proprietors abroad object that they see no reason why they should pay as much for thayer lands as we do for our Land and stok, which we answer that if there be not a noff of reason for it, we are sure there is more than enough of ne cessity to supply that if wanting in reason, but because we study peace and a good conscience that the objection may be removed. We are willing to the valew of two single country rates for our stock trusting God will appear for us, who desire the churche's settlement, our soul's good and that things may be carried on amongst us to God's glory, our condition being so sadly sircumstanced causes fears to many least we should be deprived of the means of grace, which we desire not only to call but accompt our Benjamin, unless our fellow proprietors bee still inioyned to sett too their blessing hand with us in the way and manner proposed, as we hope your Honers will see sufficient ground & reason. We further implore and crave a further order for the continuance of what we have all redy, by your favour, enjoyed, that we may be enabled, by thayer help, to the maintenance of our dispencer of the word unto us and to carry on other town charges amongst us that there may be no complaining in our gates. So shall your petitioners dayly pray. FERDINANDO THAYER SIMON PECK SAMUEL READ JAMES LOVETT JOSIAH CHAPIN. In answer to this petition the Deputys judge meete & do allow and empower the Inhabitants of Mendon to assesse the proprietors of lands that live not in that towne as thay do thare own not improved lands, in all manner of rates, as well for their minister as otherwise, provided they rate their own Inhabitants in sd rates, both heads, stock & improved lands as the law directs for the country (State) rate, desiring the consent of our Hone magistrates thereto. WILLIAM TORREY, Cleric. Consented to by the Magistrates EDWARD RAWSON, Secy. Oct. 21, 1684. As we hear no more of this matter, it is supposed the absentees, if they did not come back, paid their rates hereafter without grumbling. 13 98 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1685. 1685. Jan 3. Chose Dea. Simon Peck, Serg. Joseph White, Serg. Josiah Chapin, Ferdinando Thayer and Samuel Read, Selectmen; Peter Cook, Constable, and James Lovett and Saml. Read, Surveyors of Highways. In 1669, it will be remembered, that the General Court granted the town some meadows "without their line," and hence the reason that May 25, 1685, the town chose Joseph White, Ferdinando Thayer and Samuel Hayward a committee "to purchase the Indian title" to the same. This deed was given by the Indians and was afterwards lost. June 6. For the payment of Mr. Rawson's salary and all other public charges, it was voted to rate the inhabitants "head and ratable estate as the law directs," and what falls short "to raise it upon ye lands of ye Inhabitence and proprietors, as formerly." The only remaining entry for this year is the following, assessment:A Rate made this 11 of Januery 1685, to Defray Mr. Rawson's salery for half the yere beginning att the 25th. of October 1685 to tbe 25th. of March 1686. Ser. Joseph White.........~.......................01 02 01 Ser. Josiah Chapin.......................... 01 13 02 Ferdinando Thayer....................... 01 07 03 Walter Cook............................ 00 17 09 Dea. Simon Peck........................... 00 16 03 Capt. John Smith................................... 00 10 09 Josiah Torrey............................... 00 12 11 Angell Torrey............................... 00 10 09 George Sumner.............................. 00 10 09 Thomas Thayer................ 00 16 01 Savill Simpson................................. 00 10 09 Robert Taft................................. 00 09 05 Jacob Aldrich........................... 00 11 04 Sarah Fairbank............................... 00 16 01 Samuel Hayward.................... 01 14 09 Philip King................................. 00 10 09 William Holbrook........................... 01 05 02 Samuel Shepherd............................ 00 18 11 Widdow Ruth Bundy..................... 00 10 09 Peter Holbrook................................ 01 05 00 James Lovett................................ 01 04 00 John W arfield Senr............................. 00 09 08 1685.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 99 Edward Lineford............................... 00 10 09 Abraham Staples Se........................... 00 11 06 Samll. Tiler............................. 00 16 01 Epheriam Wilder..................... 00 10 09 Samll. Read................................... 01 00 01 Eliazer Wheelock........................ 00 07 05 Ebenezer White......................... 00 10 09 JoshuaLazell.................................. 00 10 09 W id. Elizebeth Sprague............................... 00 10 09 James Albee................................. 00 08 09 Samll. Cook.................................... 00 08 00 John Rocket................................... 01 08 00 John Cook..................................... 00 08 08 Peter Aldrich........................ 00 07 02 Elizabeth Parker.................... 00 16 01 Matthias Puffer............................ 01 01 06 John Dike.............................. 00 05 04 Mrs. Elizabeth Browne............................... 01 01 06 John Warfield jr................................ 00 05 08 Abraham Staples jr.............................. 00 05 00 John Darling,...................... 00 07 03 John Andrews............................... 00 07 04 Benjamin W heaton.............................. 00 01 10 Robert Hall..................................... 00 03 04 Edward Pratt............................. 00 05 02 Nathanill Fox................................... 00 03 07 Denes Darling................. 00 02 08 Jonathan Thayer............................... 00 08 10 Robert Corbit................................. 00 13 02 John Thomson................................ 01 07 04 Walter Cook & Abraham Staples for ye Widow Harber's Lot...................................... 00 18 09 Joseph White jr......................... 00 05 02 The widow Elizabeth Browne was formerly the wife of the Rev. Joseph Emerson. The foregoing assessment amounts to ~36.14s, and as nothing is said about "country pay," it is supposed to have been paid in money. This sum was to pay Mr. Rawson's salary for the half year and other public charges. Mr. Rawson's salary for the half year was ~27.1Os, which taken from the assessment would leave ~9.4s. as the amount which was required to liquidate the whole indebtedness of the town. Happy that town when so small a sum would extinguish its municipal obligations. 100 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1685. We learn by the following that the burden of taxation is not a grievance of modern times. It will be borne in mind that the Selectmen, under some general instructions of the town, transacted most of the business. Towns, Vol. 112, p. 420. To the much honered general Cort now Sitting in Boston this 13th day of March 1685, the humble address the of Selectmen of Mendon in behalf of ye town humbly Sheweth, much honored, the former experience that we have had of yower honers redynes to heare the address of yower poor suppliants doth imbolden and a sence of our low condition doth inforce us to renew our supplication. If the servants of Benhaded could apply themselves to the Kings of Israel upon a report that they were mercifull how much more may we be incorridged to plead our cause before yower selves who have so many times experienced yower willing ness to grant our Just Request still hoping that our desires shall find a favorable answer. Much honered, not withstanding the help granted to us upon our last petition that our fellow proprietors non resident should help carry on public charges in our town, yeat our number is so small and Rates so great that we cannot comfortably sub sist under them without som Respite, who want not will but purses to help beare all public assessments with the rest of our brethren. Ware we able we are as willing as could be expected. This yeare the country, county, church and town hath called upon us for rates which have risen so high yt a man whos ratable estate amounts to but two shillings and fower pence hath paid five pounds od money, & so proportionable through the town. In consideration of this our low estate wee humbly crave some further time of Respite for paying of country rates during yower pleasure therein that thereby wee may the better able to carry on the maintainance of the gospell which wee desire to accompt our chief ioye, and other necessary charges, so as thare may be no complaint in our streets. So shall your poore suppliants pray. SIMON PECK ABRAHAM STAPLES SAMUEL READ JAMES LOVETT JOSIAH CHAPIN. In answer to this pet" the Deputys judge meete to Graunt petitioners freedome from Country Rates for this year ensuing Or honed magistrates hereto consenting. WILLIAM TORREY, Clericus. The Magists consent hereto provided they pay the rates already due. ED. RAWSON, Secy. 1685.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 101 The following petition will explain itself, and is recorded as the FIRST TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT IN MENDON. To the Honored Generall Court now assembled at boston May 27, 1685, The petition of the In habitants of Mendon Humbly Sheweth that about two years since your petitioners applyed themselves to the much honered General Court then assembled, for relief from the Indians, by reason of whose great Intemperance wee considered ourselves in noe small danger, from time to time. The order that wee thereby received being, by sad experience, found ineffectual to the end proposed, and our bliefe of your Redynes to Rectify such disorders, gives birth to a second petition. Much Honored, notwithstanding those good and wholesome laws that are In force against selling of drink to the Indians and our care to detect such men as are transgressors of them, yet the prevailing of that sin is such, being practiced by some Amongst us, who drive a trade with the Natives out of a designe of gain from that source, that we are in continual fears what the dismal effect thereof will prove. The glory of God is not a little wronged by the almost dayly Drunkenes of the Heathen and Religion much disgraced, but also our lives and the lives of our wives and children In dayly Hazard. Tis not a month since there have heen three murderous attempts by Drunken Indians amongst us, so that if some effectual Care be not taken there will be no comfortable abiding for us unless we will expose our selves and ours to the Rage and fury of such as are not masters of their weapons, but are ready to murther all that stand in their way. Our Ernest petition is that all Indians whatsoever, may be prohibited from coming within our township or pass threw our towne without order from Authority and that their Arms and Ammunition may be forfeited to any person that shall apprehend them so doing, and that any amongst ourselves who give entertainment to or trade with them may be laid under severe penalty for the same, and that all licenses may be called, or such who trade under others prohibeted the same; or some other way as God shall direct in wisdom, which shall oblige your poor supplience to pray. Mendon 25th. of May 1685. Walter Cook Ferdinando Thayer Joseph White John Warfield, senior. Josiah Chapin William Holbrook Samll. Read Samll. Shepherd Peter Holbrook John Rocket James Lovett Jonathan Thayer James Albee John Warfield Jr. Samll. Cook Benjamin Wheaton John Cook John Thompson, senr Eleazer Wheelock Abraham Staples John Thompson Jr. 102 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1686. In this petition reference is made to a first petition, and which was lost, as it cannot be found among the archives of the State. In regard to the first petition, it seems the inhabitants prayed for an abatement of taxes and that something should be done about the drunkenness of the Indians and about Robert Taffe for "irregular trading with them." The following is the answer of the General Court to the first petition:"At a General Court held May 27. 1682, In answer to the petition of the Inhabitants of Mendon craving the Court's favor for abatement of country rates for this year, 1682, which the Court judgeth meet to grant: and as to that part concerning Indians the petitioners may take notice that the Court hath provided in this case, by a law made in October last, in which they may rest satisfied. Touching Robert Taffe, the person complained of 'for irregular trading with the Indians,' that matter is wholly left with the County Court of Suffolke, to doe therein as they shall judge meete, unto whom the petitioners may apply themselves for relief." The law of 1681, to which the petitioners were referred, authorized the Selectmen to apprehend any Indian found at large and commit him to the House of Correction or to prison until he should engage to go to and abide in the Indian towns of Natick, Punkapauge or Wamesit, which had been set apart by the General Court as homes for the Indians. Robert Taffe is supposed to be Robert Taft, but whether any complaint was preferred against him, or if preferred, whether any proof of his "irregular trading with the Indians" was made out or not, is not known. i686. Jan. 3. Chose for Selectmen, Dea. Simon Peck, Ser. Joseph White, Ser. Josiah Chapin, Ferdinando Thayer and Samuel Read; Constables, Angell Torrey and John Andrus; Surveyors of Highways, John Rocket and Sam'l Tiler. It was voted at this meetingthat the first Monday in January, the first Friday in April and the first Tuesday in July and October should be public town meetings. It was also voted that the injunction against transporting timber out of town be repealed. March 12. The Selectmen appointed John Thompson, Sen., 1686.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 103 Joseph White, Jr., John Rocket and James Albee fence viewers. April 19. Perambulated town line with Sherborne; Edward West, Jonathan Morse and Jonathan Fairbank for Sherborne, and Ser. Joseph White, Ser. Josiah Chapin, Ferdinando Thayer, Saml. Hayward and Saml. Read for Mendon. Notwithstanding the votes which had been passed from time to time, the width of the highways was still a troublesome subject, as we find a report of the Selectmen certifying that abuttors had encroached upon the highways in seventeen different places; that Abraham Staples' house stood two rods and Samuel Read's barn six feet over the line of the road. In consequence of this report the Selectmen were directed to remove all the fences that stand upon the highways or on the town's common land. Thus it seems the town was determined to have the roads everywhere ten rods wide. June 31. It is supposed the Selectmen did not succeed very well in their effort to remove the fences as we find the town voting "that any one who does not remove his fence from the road at or before the last of March, 1687, should pay a fine of five shillings a rod annually, and appointed Saml. Hayward, William Holbrook and Saml. Cook for that affaire" Joseph Stephens, who died during the Indian war, was the first blacksmith, and although the town had got along without one up to this time, it was now found necessary to make provision for another. Nov. 15. To this end at a town meeting it was voted that James Bick should have a ten acre lot, with all the privileges belonging to the same, "provided he doe the town's smithery work for the next ten years upon reasonable conditions, unless death or disablement hinder." And if for any other reasons he should remove from the town, or fail to do the smithery work, then the land was to revert to the town, unless he chose to pay ~15 lawful money. He was, as a condition precedent, to bring letters of recommendation "as shall be accounted, by the Selectmen, in being, sufficient encouragement for his entertainment amongst us." The committee chosen in 1683 "to view the towne book of what they apprehend will be prejudyshall to the town," reported 104 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1687. that many mistakes had occurred relative to the highways and laying out of land; that the highway through Jepson's lot for Crowne's use, and the grants of land to Mr. Stoughton and Mr. Dudley were " prejudyshall " and should be disallowed. Pursuant to the recommendation of the committee the town voted that all votes, grants and records referred to by the cominittee, "that hence forward they nor any of them shall be of noe force nor valee." 1687. Jan. 2. The Selectmen were Ser. Joseph White, Dea. Peck, Ensign Josiah Chapin, Saml. Read and James Lovett; Constable, Samuel Tiler, and Surveyors of Highways Ferdinando Thayer and John Thomson, 'Sen. It will be remembered that Mr. Rawson's salary was to be paid punctually, " the one half on the one day and the one half on the other day," but somehow the town found itself in arrears, and chose Deacon Peck, Ens. Chapin and Ferdinando Thayer a committee "to Recon with Mr. Rawson and to do their utmost to se yt all ye Areers of ye Rates dew to him for his salery be gathered and paid to him with in one month by those persons from whom it is dew in the towne." At the same time a road was laid out between Goodman Winter's lot and the pine swamp. John Puffer was granted a "Neck of Land" near the mill in full satisfaction for whatever was due his father, Matthias Puffer, from the town, and that he would build upon the land and maintain a miller in it during the time his father was bound to maintain the mill. The following petition is inserted because Mendon was situated in the Nipmuck country, and was entirely surrounded by territory claimed by the Indians:Toe the Right Worshipful the Govr Deputy Govr and the rest of ye Honor" Magistrates and ye Deputies of the General Courte sitting in Boston May 11. 1687. The humble Petition of us whose Names are Under written & other Inhabitants of ye towns of Natick, Punkapoge & Wamesit, Humbly Sheweth, that your Petitioners Being subject to his Majesty & *his Government In this jurisdiction And having approved our selves faith 1688.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 105 ful to ye English Interest In ye late Warr and served then Most of us as souldiers, wherein some of our Relations lost their lives. Wee doe hereby declare to the Hond Court yt wee and our predecessors had and have a Natural Right to much of the Lands Lying In the Nipmuck Country within this jurisdiction, for which wee humbly desire the Country and Generall Court will give us a compensation for or Natural Rights to those Lands, that so, Before God and Man, things may Be Clear In after time Between us and our Posterity & the English and theire Posterity Referring to ye said Lands. Wee desire in this our Petition to Bee understood not to intend some particular towns and farms in the Nipmuck Country that were formerly solde by the Indians that had a right thereunto, unto Englishmen pr leave of authority and confirmed by this Court, nor yett the towns granted to ye praying Indians In that Country. Wee humbly desire and pray the Honourable Court Seriously to Consider our petition and grant us our request. We have referred the management of this our petition unto the psons Under Named, viz: John Awassamug senr, Andrew Pittome, James Rumney Marsh and Peter Ephraim and give us our answer pr ym. And wee shall pray for your happiness and prosperity. The marks of Tom Tray Peter Ephraim Waban X John Awassamug 5 Tom Dublit Pqam Bow ' Antony Tray Sam Awassamug g Eliazer Regan A T Zachry Abraham ] Tom Awassamug eAndrew Pittome I James Rumney Marsh C- Wattert sa sa nit ~V John Awassamug 2nd Jethro his ) mark Benjamin his z mark John Magus his -Q mark Nathaniell his mark own William his ) mark I688. May 21. Chose for Selectmen, Townesmen or Overseers, Ser. Joseph White, Ensign Josiah Chapin, Ferdinando Thayer, Samuel Read and John Thomson; for Commissioners, Peter Holbrook and James Lovett; for Constable, Jacob Aldrich. 14 106 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1689. James Bick, who had covenanted to do the town's "smithery work," having neglected to comply with his agreement or to pay the ~15 for his short-coming, and the town growing impatient at his delay, the Constable was directed "to warn James Bick ~forthwith to take off his frame and fence from the town's land, and no more to In Comber the same." Nevertheless, James proved contumacious, taking, as we shall see, no notice of the official warning. July 2. The Selectmen gave orders to the Constable to provide town brands, to renew the half bushel and peck measures, and see that they agree with the country standard, and one ale quart and one wine half pint for town standards. The Country Rate (State tax) this year was ~9.06.10, as receipted for to Jacob Aldrich, Constable at Boston, Dec. 12, 1688, by Michael Perry for John.Usher, Esq., Treasurer. 1689. Jan. 24. Selectmen chosen were Capt. Joseph White, Left. Josiah Chapiu, Samuel Read, Sen., Ser. James Lovett and Ser. Peter Holbrook; for Constable, Samuel Tiler, and for Surveyors of Highways, Timothy Winter, Angel Torrey and James Albee. In April of this year the people, tired of the usurpation of Andros, which had continued about three years, rose in arms, and in a few hours the Governor and some of his principal advisers were made prisoners without bloodshed. The. rumor (which came at this time by way of Virginia) was soon confirmed that William, Prince of Orange, had succeeded his father-inlaw, James II. as King of England, and thus the arbitrary and despotic rule of Andros was terminated without further difficulty. The Government of the Colony was then assumed by William Stoughton and his associates. Dudley Bradstreet was chosen President; Isaac Addington, Clerk of the Council; Wait Winthrop, Commander-in-Chief of the Militia, and John Foster and Adam Winthrop, Treasurers. Feeling, it may be supposed, the need of a more secure settlement of government, as they were holding no delegated authority, and having, no doubt, as Hutchinson says in his History of 1689.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 107 Massachusetts Bay, received advice of the Convention called by the Prince of Orange in England, to settle the form of government there, they recommended to the several towns in the Colony to choose delegates, to constitute an Assembly to meet for consultation on the 9th of May. Pursuant to this call, sixty-six persons met, and after due deliberation, it was agreed that the whole Council should continue to exercise the functions of government until the 22d of July, when there should be a meeting of delegates of all the towns in the Colony, who were to be specially instructed by the towns. Pursuant to the foregoing invitation of the Council, "Att a publike Meeting of ye Inhabitence of Mendon May ye 6th 1689, Ensign Josiah Chapin was, by a full vote chosen by sd town and by them fully Impowered to consult, advise, joine and give his assistance with the the Honerable Councill for the Safety of the poepell and conservation of the peace, In their Consultations tending to direct unto the exercise of that power and authority which shall direct be judged necessary in ye present exigent and to signify their Cordiall acknowledgments of their worthy servis for ye public safety." This meeting (for consultation) was held in Boston, May 9th, and sixty-six persons were present. It is reasonably presumed that Ensign Chapin was one of that number. They recommended that those who had assumed the government should continue to exercise authority, and that a meeting of the representatives of all the towns should be held May 22d, to hear the instructions given by the towns to their delegates. May 17. The town gave the following instructions to their representatives: " The town being orderly convened the day and year above, at their usual place of meeting, it was their unanimous desire that the Honered Governor Deputy Governor and assistants, chosen and sworne in ye yeare 1686 (the year of Andros' usurpation) together with such other Worthy Gentlemen, who by the Generall concurring votes of the Respective Towns, as above sd (to make up the number 20) shall be chosen and elected, would accept of and enter upon ye Government of sd Colony so far as shall be Requisite and expedient for the Common Safety, and the Consirvation of the peace, and exercise such Acts of Authority as shall be necessary in the exigence and emergency as shall occur, untill there can be a more orderly settlement of Government for the which, with all due submission we shall Humbly waite." 1.08 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1689. Upon the 24th of May, the Governor and Magistrates chosen in 1686, consented to exercise authority until an orderly settlement arrived from England. This they contrived to do until the union of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies by the Charter of 1692, and the arrival of Sir William Phipps, as Governor, on the 14th of May. Rev. Record, vol. 107, p. 153. In accordance with a declaration, which had been adopted by the convention, which met for consultation, the Governor (Simon Bradstreet, now 87 years of age) and Council and House of Representatives assembled at Boston, June 14, 1689, for the reinstating and confirmation of all such officers of the several companies. and regiments within the Colony, who were standing in commission upon the 12th day of May, 1686, and for filling up of all vacancies forthwith, according to said declaration. "At a meeting of the Householders and Soldiers of Mendon above 21 years old 24th. of June, it was unanimously agreed on by them to nominate Joseph White for their Captain, Josiah Chapin Senr for their Leftenant and Samuel Read Sen. for their Ensign, and to present them to the Governor and Council and Representatives for their Allowance and Confirmation. By Order of the Householders and Soldiers of Mendon. JEAMS LOVET June 29, 1689. The Representatives do allow and confirm the above nomination of officers in their Respective offices. Attest. EBENEZER PROUT, Clerk. Consented unto by the Governor and Council 29 June 1689. ISAAC ADDINGTON, Secretary." By the following record, it would seem that great danger from the Indians was apprehended at this time; but whether the fear of an Indian outbreak or the fears that the recent deposition of Andros might lead to serious trouble, predominated in sending out an urgent call for 300 men, " to be at their places of rendezvous by ffryday next," we cannot, at this late day, determine. Mass. Arch., Rev. Vol. 107, p. 161. " Ordered that 300 men be forthwith raysed and detached out of the several Counties, in proportion following, viz:-Boston Regiment, sixty; Suffolke South Regiment, sixty; Essex Lower Regiment, seventy; Essex 1689.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 109 Upper Regiment, sixty and Middlesex Lower Regiment fifty to be put under meete conduct for the Security and Safeguard of the out Frontier Towns (Mendon had been declared a frontier town) as well with this Colony as the Eastern parts, and for the distressing and destruction of the Indian enemy, as they shall have orders and opportunity. Warrants to be forthwith issued by the Secretary unto the Majors or Commander in Chiefe of the said severall Regiments Requiring them to grant out their warrants to the Captains of the several Companies in their Respective Regiments to detach or impress a certain number of soldiers out of each company by an equal proportion, well appointed with arms and Ammunition to be at their places of rendezvous by ffryday next or sooner, the fifth of July instant at Newbury or where else ye Majors shall be directed. The Governor and Councill to nominate and Commissionate suitable Comanders for them and to give orders and Instructions for their disposal & proceeding. Voted by the Representatives in the Affirmative July 2. 1689. Atteste EBENEZER PROUT, Clerk. Consented to by the Governor and Councill July 2. 1689. ISAAC ADDINGTON Secretary." " BOSTON Nov. 1689. Resolved by the Representatives Nemine contra dicente. That sixt rates, one to be in money, be Levied forthwith on the Inhabitants of the Collonie for paying of ye soldiers & public charges that have arisen since the Revolution by reason of the War & securing the Castle and prison &c. and that the Treasurer forthwith issue forth his Warrants for gathering the same. The prices of Corne are as followeth. Wheat at five shillings and six pence per bushel. Barley and Barley Malt at three shillings & six pence. Rye at three shillings. Pease at four shillings. Those that pay money on the five rates for pay to have a third abated. Desiring the Hond Govr & Magistrates Consent EBENEZER PROUT, Clerk. Consented to by ye Magistrates. J. RUSSELL, by order." The closing record for the year was: "A Rate for Mr. Rawson's salary for ye yeare beginning att ye 25 of October 1688 to 25 October 1689." 110 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1690. 1. Capt. Joseph White.... ~02 04 01 25. Abraham Staples Jr... ~00 16 01 2. ffardin Thayer........ 03 13 07 26. thomas White......... 00 17 01 3. Lieut. Josiah Chapin.. 01 18 09 27. ben Wheaton.......... 00 11 06 4. Mr. Josiah Torrey..... 00 16 08 28. Benjamin Wheelock... 00 18 07 5. Dea. Warfield......... 01 07 00 29. James bick............ 01 01 02 6. Samll. Read........... 02 02 04 30. Timothy Winter...... 00 18 01 7. James Lovet.......... 01 17 00 31. John hRead............ 00 19 01 8. John Thomson........ 01 03 06 32. Walter Cook, (Nicolas). 02 00 02 9. Peter Holbrook,....... 01 03 07 33. Job & Sam tiler....... 01 14 04 10. Abraham Staples senr.. 01 13 07 34. Robert Taft........... 01 10 01 11. Jacob Aldrich......... 01 07 09 35. Samll. Hayward...... 01 08 03 12. Joseph White....... 00 18 09 36. John Warfield Jr...... 00 16 01 13. Samll. Sheperd........ 01 00 03 37. Isack Stapels.......... 00 13 01 14. John Rocket.......... 01 06 07 38. John Thomson Jr..... 00 13 01 15. James Albee.......... 01 13 09 39. Robert Hall........... 00 14 07 16. Jonathan Thayer...... 01 03 07 40. Seth Chapin.......... 00 19 07 17. William Holbrook.... 01 02 06 41. Joseph Rocket......... 00 13 07 18. Eliazer Wheelock..... 01 01 00 42. Willm. Hayward...... 00 10 06 19. John Cook........... 00 19 08 43. Joseph Plumly........ 00 15 01 20. Samll. Cook.......... 00 19 08 44. Thomas thayer........ 00 17 01 21. Denis Darling......... 00 16 03 45. John Andrus.......... 00 17 01 22. John Darling.......... 00 16 07 46. Nath fox............ 00 10 01 23. John peck............ 01 00 00 47.. Robert Corbet......... 00 17 06 24. Angel torrey.......... 00 16 03 48. Cornelius pete......... 00 10 06 I690. Jan. 6. The day being short and cold, " the town met the sixteenth of sd month, and chose for Selectmen Dea. John Warfield, Sergt. James Lovett, Timothy Winter [illegible]; Joseph White, Jr., Constable, and Timothy Winter, John Rocket, and Angel Torrey, Surveyors of Highways." James Bick still proves contumacious, as he paid no attention to the warning of last year. The patience of the town was getting exhausted, so they ordered the Constable to pull up a portion of his fence, which stood upon the town's land, and (as a peace offering, it is supposed) then chose Mr. Josiah Torrey and Angel Torrey a committee to see if they could not come to some agreement with Bick to leave the land without further trouble. Bick left some time after this, and was the owner of land and resided upon territory now comprised in the town of Woonsocket. April 6. 1690. It was ordered "that every soldier should 1690.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 111 forthwith, at his own charge, provide himself with one pound of powder, twenty bullets and six flints, and produce them to the Captain in ten days, upon penalty of ten shillings for every default." The reason of this preparation was, undoubtedly the fear of the French and Indians upon the easter frontier of the Colony. The Pennicook Indians had murdered Maj. Waldron at Cocheco, June 27, 1687, taken the fort at Pemmaquid, and murdered the garrison, after capitulation, and taken another fort at Casco with an hundred prisoners. In 1687 the collections, for Mr. Rawson's salary, fell short ~7.10s and which sum he remitted to the town provided a like amount "be improved in the next public work or building." In 1680 it will be remembered that the second Meeting House was built (the first one having been burned by the Indians in the winter of 1675-6) and that its size was twenty-six feet by eighteen with fourteen feet posts. It was now determined to build the third Meeting House and it was to be thirty feet square with sixteen feet posts. It was " let out at a price to John Andruse of our town," but at at what price is not known, as no further mention is made of its cost. It was built by subscription as Lieut. Josiah Chapin, Lieut. Josiah Torrey, Samuel Read, Ser. James Lovett, Ser. Peter Holbrook, Robert Taft, John Rocket, James Albee and Thomas Thayer were chosen to collect the subscriptions and had the entire control of the work. It was understood that portions of the work were to be done by the inhabitants and the committee were instructed to consider the convenience of the people in letting out the work and especially that "poor persons be not unnecessarily burthened." If no one would take work at the prices agreed on by the committee then they were to do it themselves or hire it done, at the fixed price. This committee were to keep an accurate account of their subscriptions and of their disbursements. The subscriptions were to be collected by the 15th of May, " so that ye work may not be obstructed or letted for the want of nails and glass." The committee were also instructed to consult and advise with the Pastor in regard to the seating of the house and in placing the doors, windows and alleys. It is presumed that the doings of this committee were sat 112 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1691. isfactorily discharged as no further mention is made of the Meeting House. The location of the house cannot now be determined. It was not, as some have supposed, erected upon the site of the old one; for we find that, in 1694, John Thompson, sen., bought the old Meeting House for four pounds. I69I. Jan. 5. Selectmen, Lieut. Josiah Chapin, Mr. Josiah Torrey, Serg. James Lovet, Serg. Peter Holbrook and Samuel Read. Constables, Nicolas Cook and Thomas Thayer. Surveyors of Highways, Angel Torrey, Timothy Winter and John Rocket. When the inhabitants laid out their land, after a division had been granted, they made very crooked lines, in order to inclose only good land. By and by, when the number of inhabitants had increased, and the lands had become improved, it was found necessary to build fences "on account of the damage from neat cattle and swine in the meadows." In building the fence about his lot a man, "to straighten his fence," could take in " such corners and necks of land," as might be necessary, not to exceed four acres. THE SECOND SAW MILL. It was voted that Josiah and Angel Torrey have liberty "(without any molestation)" to build a dam upon the town's land between School and Rock meadows and so much land as shall be thought necessary for damning, laying timber or boards, &c. And also to have ingress and egress to and from the same. They were also allowed "to drown so much of the pine swamp and other lands" as their dam would cover and to keep the same constantly flowed for four years. After that the water was to be drawn off on the first day of April and not to be flowed again before the twenty-ninth of September following. They and their "heirs, executors, administrators and assigns " were to enjoy the grant so long as they maintained the mill or mills. The saw mill now standing upon or near the original dam is now the property of Putnam W. Taft. 1691.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 113 The following assessment for Mr. Rawson's salary was made in two half rates and committed to the Constables Thomas Thayer and Nicolas Cook to collect and pay to Mr. Rawson. 1. Capt. Joseph White.. ~02 02 08 2. Leut.Chapin.......... 02 02 00 3. ffardin Thayer........ 02 08 10 4. Walter Cook & Nicolas 01 14 00 5. Josiah Torrey........ 01 01 06 6. Samll Read........... 02 09 10 7. James Lovet.......... 02 00 08 8. Benjamin Wheelock.. 01 14 08 9. James Albee......... 01 04 08 10. John Rockett......... 1 03 06 11. Joseph Rocket........ 00 19 08 12. William Holbrook.... 00 15 00 13. Samll. Cook.......... 1 13 02 14. John Thomson, Jun... 00 10 06 15. Peter Holbrook....... 01 17 00 16. John Thompson, sen.. 01 12 10 17. Jacob Aldrich........ 01 08 10 18. Joseph White......... 00 15 10 19. Abraham Staples, sen. 01 11 08 20. Decon Warfield....... 01 02 00 21. Angel Torrey......... 00 13 04 22. John Andrus.......... 00 14 00 23. Joseph Plumley...... 00 18 02 24. Job Tiler & Samuel... 01 18 00 25. Eliazer Wheelock..... 00 18 04 26. Abraham Staples, jr,. 00 13 00 27. Robert Taft.......... 01 15 02 28. Tim Winter.......... 01 05 08 29. John Cook............ 00 15 08 30. Robert Hall........... 00 10 00 31. Samll. Hayward...... 01 14 02 32. William Hayward.... 00 07 00 33. Widdow Thayer...... 00 09 00 34. Thomas Thayer...... 00 10 04 35. Samll. Thayer........ 00 10 04 36. Denis Darling........ 00 11 02 37. John Warfield, jr..... 00 15 00 38. John Darling......... 00 13 04 39. Thomas White........ 00 14 10 40. Seth Chapin.......... 00 15 00 41. Benjem Wheaton..... 00 10 10 42. Robert Corbit........ 00 09 08 43. James bick........... 01 13 04 44. Nicholas Mead........ 01 00 00 45. Josiah Thayer........ 00 09 04 46. Jacob Staples......... 00 15 02 47. Samll. pecok......... 00 06 08 48. John Peck........... 00 18 00 49. Estate of late Samll. Shepard........... 00 14 08 50. Capt. John Smith..... 00 04 08 51. Georg Sumner........ 00 04 08 52. Samll. More......... 00 07 00 53. John Jones........... 00 04 08 54. Savill Simpson....... 00 04 08 55. Widow Harber....... 00 08 02 56. Ruth bundy......... 00 04 08 57. Steven Lazell......... 00 04 08 58. Sarah Fairbanks...... 00 07 00 59. Samll. Chapin........ 00 02 04 60. Thomas Lewis....... 00-02 04 61. Lineford's Lot........ 00 04 08 62. John Dicks........... 00 02 04 For the above rate it was voted that one-third part should be levied upon " ye Lotts proportionably," one-third part upon,ye heads of ye severall persons Rate abell and one-third part upon Chatels & Improved Land" as the law directs. The Selectmen were to take a new valuation forthwith. Eleazer Wheelock was granted a piece of land on the backside 15 114 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1692. of his now dwelling house provided " ye said Whelock shall not debar any person from fetching stones out of said land." Land was granted this year to Eleazer Wheelock, Robert Hall, *Mr. Rawson and Capt. John Smith. Mr. Rawson had the south part of a pond (north of Wheelock's factory in Uxbridge) "as a full Allowance for what land the other part of said pond doth take up of his land," his line running through it. April 7. The Selectmen with Dea. John Warfield, Jacob Aldrich and Nicolas Cook, a committee chosen by the town, laid out the highways to the North meadows, one by Hope Tiler's cellar and the other through Josiah Torrey's great lot. I692. Jan. 4. Selectmen chosen were Capt. Josiah Chapin, Mr. Josiah Torrey, Samuel Hayward, James Albee and Samuel Read. Seth Chapin and Samuel Thayer, Constables, and Timothy Winter, John Rocket and Angel Torrey, Surveyors of Highways. The instructions to the Selectmen, passed Jan. 1, 1682, were, by a vote of the town, still continued. Feb. 12. The Selectmen ordered that no person shall cutt or peal any pine trees upon ye Towne Common, In order to ye making of Rozen, upon ye penalty of one shilling a tree, onehalf to the Informer ye other half to ye use of ye town." March 11. The Selectmen laid out a highway to Eleazer Wheelock's house near the Great (Blackstone) River, also a way by Abraham Staples' house towards said river and also a four rod way to go into the neck of land below Mr. Rawson's farm. From this we find that Abraham Staples and Eleazer Wheelock lived in what is known as Rist's city in the northeasterly part of Uxbridge. March 28. In consideration of ten acres of land and a small swamp, Mr. Rawson discharged the town of four pounds, due from William Holbrook and Edward Pratt, on the rate for his salary. A convenient way of settling parish taxes while the common lands held out, but as all things come to an end, the common land was finally used up. The parish tax came to be paid like all other taxes. * The Minister. 1692.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 115 THE NORTH PURCHASE. It would seem that fifty families, for some time, at least, would have been content with the eight miles square, the original grant, but, like larger communities, we find them, thus early, eager to extend their jurisdiction as well as to enlarge their borders. To their credit, be it said, they acknowledged the Indian title to the desired tract, and by their committee, amicably negotiated with them for its purchase. Lying upon the north line of that part of Mendon, now Milford, to this day it is familiarly known as the North Purchase. The following deed, supposed to be authentic, is copied from a record in the Proprietors' book: "To ALL CHRISTIAN POEPLE to whom these presents may come, KNOW ye that John Awassamog, Amos Awassamog and Peter Ephraim heirs to John Awassamog, late of Natick deceased, for godd and valuable considerations them thereunto moving, and especially for & in consideration of the sum of three pounds Sterling money to them in hand paid by Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet and Samuel Read, seniour, Committee for the Town of Mendon in the County of Suffolk in the Colony of Massachusetts in New England the receipt whereof they do acknowledge themselves by these presents and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof, doth exhonerate, acquit and discharge the said Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet and Samuel' Read, their heirs and assigns forever by these presents have given, granted, bargained & sold, enfoeffed & confirmed, unto Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet and Samuel Read their heirs and assigns forever by these presents have given, granted, bargained & sold enfoeffed and confirmed and do by these presents give, grant, bargain, sell, enfoeff and confirm unto Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet and Samuel Read of Mendon aforesaid their heirs and assigns forever. A Certain Tract of Land lying upon the north side of the Township of Mendon, butted and bounded as follows: Southerly upon Mendon line and easterly upon Sherborne line to the height of Mispenock Pond and northerly upon a line of marked trees until it comes to Mispenock Pond, westerly partly upon the above said Mispenock pond and partly upon a river commonly known as Mendon Mill River home to the Mendon line aforesaid, with all the trees, timber, woods and underwoods standing, lying or growing thereon with all the meadows, swamps, water courses, ponds and brooks lying within the said tract of land as it is bounded, with all the 116 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1692. privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining thereunto togetherer with a full and free confirmation of all lands formerly sold by John Awassamog, father of the above said Awassamogs, late of Natick, deceased, to the Town of Mendon aforesaid, as it is butted and bounded in the deed and confirmed by the General Court. To HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said Tract of land as it is butted and bounded, together with all the trees, timber, woods and underwoods standing, lying and growing thereon, with all the meadows, swamps, brooks and waters courses within the said tract of land with all other privileges and appurtenances any way appertaining or belonging thereunto unto Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet and Samuel Read their heirs and assigns forever. The said John Awassamog, Amos Awossamog and Peter Ephraim do covenant, promise and grant by these presents that the said Awassamogs and Peter Ephraim are the proper owners of the said tract of Land, that they are free from all manner of bargains, sales, gifts, grants, titles, mortgages, actions, suits, arrests, attachments, judgments, executions, & incumbrances whatsoever from the beginning of the world to the time of the sale and bargain thereof. And the said Awassamogs and Peter Ephraim do covenant, piomise & grant-by these presents all nd singular the bargained promises with all the appurtenances to warrant, acquit and defend unto the said Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet & Samuel Read their heirs and assigns forever against all Indians or any other person or persons whatsoever from by or under them claiming any right title or interest in or unto the same or any part thereof by these presents, and that it shall and may be lawful far the said Ferdinando Thayer, Joseph White, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Staples, Samuel Hayward, James Lovet and Samuel Read their heirs and assigns to record and enroll or cause to be recorded and enrolled the title and tenor of these presents according to the true intent and meaning thereof and according to the usual manner of recording deeds and evidences in such case made & provided and to acknowledge the same before lawful authority wheu called thereunto In witness whereof the said John Awassamog, Amos Awassamog, and Peter Ephraim set to their hands & seals this nineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred ninety one or two and in the third year of the reign of William & Mary, King and Queen of England. Signed, sealed and delivered and John Awassamog, [L. s.] possession given in presence of us his mark. Joseph White, Jr., Amos Awassamog, [L. s.] Saml. Read, Jr.' his mark. Peter Ephraim, [L. s.] his PE. mark. 1693.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 117 The record of this year is closed by a copy of the rate made for the payment of Mr. Rawson's salary from the 25th of October 1691 to the 25th of October 1692. On it I do not find the names of Robert Corbit, Estate of Samuel Sheperd, Capt. John Smith, George Sumner, Saml. More,. John Jones, Savill Simpson, Widow Harber, Ruth Bundy, Steven Lazell, Sarah Fairbanks, Saml. Chapin, Lineford's Lott and John Dick's, which appeared on the assessment of 1691; and Saml. Read, Jr., and Nathaniel Fox are found on the assessment of 1692, and not on that of 1691. I693. This year the Selectmen and other town officers were not chosen until March. At a meeting, Jan, 2, the town voted that " every person listed in the train band shall give one days work, annually, for cutting and carting wood to the Minister." The Selectmen to give one day's notice of the time and place. March 1. For Selectmen, Ensign James Lovet, Serg. Peter Holbrook, Thomas Lewis, Robert Taft and James Albee; Town Clerk, Samuel Read; Commissioner of Assessments, Timothy Winter; Constables, William Holbrook and Angel Torrey; Clerk of ye Market, Capt. Josiah Chapin; Tything Men, Benjamin Wheelock, Samuel Hayward and Samuel Tiler. This is the first time mention is made of the Commissioner of Assessments, Clerk of the Market and Tything Men. The Commissioner of Assessments was chosen to assist the Selectmen in taking a valuation of the ratable property with the number of polls. The poll tax for this year was ten shillings, and all were to be taxed except members of the Council, settled ministers and grammar-school masters and others devoted to the ministry and students of the college. The feeble-minded to be free of the poll tax, at the direction of the Selectmen. This act, by which towns were authorized to choose a Commissioner of Assessments, was, by its closing section, only to remain in force for the year 1692. The tax upon property was one-quarter part of the income for the year, and it was granted "their most excel 118 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1693. lent majesties" (William and 'Mary) to carry on the war with the French and Indians. Tithing Men were to present all idle and disorderly persons, profane swearers or cursers, Sabbath-breakers and disorderly persons, that they maybe duly punished and discouraged. They were also to look after the licensed houses. Their badge of office was a black staff, two feet long, tipped at one end with brass about three inches. The Clerk of the Market was principally engaged in looking after the assize of bread. "The undersigned having been chosen a Committee by the town for the purpose of giving the Selectmen instructions, have agreed upon the following: 1. That they make such orders which may clear or secure the town from the penalty of the law. 2. That they take care to make a Rate for Mr. Rawson's salary and see the same discharged according to the town's Agreement. 3. That they make effectual orders for the preservation of woods and timber upon the town's commons. 4. That they see that all bounds be kept up and maintained between all particular persons and the town's commons, and where any have taken and broken up any part of ye highways that they see that ye first stated bounds be still continued and kept up till ye towne take further order. 5. That they take order, as the law directs, for the making and issuing forth a Town Rate as whereby all such of the town's debts as shall appear to be justly due from the town to any particular person or persons since 'the year one thousand six hundred eighty and five may be discharged. 6. For the Encouragement of keepin Sheep, that they make such an order as may be effectual for the cleaning such highways as lie within the towne, so as that the bushes may be thoroughly subdued; provided they do not impose or require more than six days in a year upon a single poll or head about clearing of bushes. 7. That they Impower the Surveyors of Highways to repair all such Bridges that stand in need of Reparation, for the Town's use and for mending of highways. JOSIAH CHAPIN TIMOTHY WINTER SAMUEL READ JOSIAH TORREY-" March 16. Deacon Warfield had his parish tax foregone, "provided that he take care of ye Meeting House, to sweep and take care of the dores that they be not damnified." 1693.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 119 May 1. Capt. Josiah Chapin had a grant of "four score and ten acres of land" for services as Representative, and Samuel Read had forty-five acres for a like purpose. Capt. Chapin was chosen in 1689 "to advise with the Counsel for the Safety of the Poeple," at the time of the deposition of Andros; but no mention, in the town record, is made of the election of Samuel Read as Representative. This year Mr. Rawson's salary was raised by an assessment of half a crown upon the poll and the rest upon land and stock "from a year old and upwards." May 23. Timothy Winter was chosen Representative to the General Court, and Josiah Chapin, Saml. Read, Saml. Hayward and Josiah Torry were chosen a Committee to give him instructions. The Committee met and agreed upon the following instructions. " Impr You shall take effectual care to -represent to the General Court the great wrong we doe Conceive is done to us by the County Commissioners In Returning that for our Town's proportion to the thirty thousand pounds granted Their Majestys, which is far greater than Law or Reason Requers; and to evince this You are to lay before them these severall things, Inserted in the Law entitled an Act for regulating ye former Assessment, which law, as all others, looke we upon to bee a parte of our Inheritance and Eaqually binding to all. 1. In the law passed Dec. 15, 1692, it is Enacted that the Country Commissioners shall pass into ye several Towns of such County for which they shall be chosen, at or before the twenty-second of February, 1692, and there joyn themselves to the Selectmen and town Commissioner of each town who made the former list and doe all further things with them, as in said section are Required, which thing was never don although we Expected their coming and ware prepared to Intertain them. 2. That in order to theire being insolved into a grand Committee to take an account of ye sum to tall* off of each list, they must first have ye second List of each Towne In ye severall Counties examined, regulated & perfected as ye former law directs and therefore wee, who thought ourselves well defended by that which each English subject accounts his right and privilege, are surprised to see ourselves Doomed Contrary to Law and Reason, especially considering that ye Law as their Rule Is all along referred unto, and therefore wee cannot look upon ourselves as any ways Concerned In what Acts the sd Commissioners of Suffolk have made as a Comittee, having been noe ways transacted According to Law, and further then soe wee take not ourselves obliged. * Contraction of tallar (Spanish) to cut off. 120 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1693. 3. In case that the Bridg over Nipmuck River (the Blackstone) should be brought into Discourse In the Generall Assembly then you are to goe to the Secretary and take out of ye Records a Copy, If not gotten before, of what was done by the Court In ye year 82 or three, Conserning a bridg over sd River and Labor what possibly you can that it may be continued a County bridg, and If need further direction or Assistance from the Town In this or any of your Instructions then you are by the first opportunity to signify it to the Committee. JOSIAH CHAPIN SAMLL. READ SAML. HAYWARD, his mark. JOSIAH TORREY. The reasons for these instructions were based, undoubtedly, upon the following considerations: June 24, 1692, the General Assemby, as we have before seen, passed an act for raising money to prosechte the French and Indian war, and set forth the mode and manner in which it should be assessed and collected. The act mentioned no definite sum to be raised, but fixed the poll tax at ten shillings and the property tax at one quarter part of the tax payer's annual income. Certain defects were found to interfere with the assessment and collection of the tax, and Dec. 15 of the same year another act was passed intended to be explanatory of the first, and fixing the sum to be raised at ~30,000. Under this act two Commissioners of Assessments for each County were chosen by the General Court; who were to visit each town in their respective counties and, with the Selectmen and Town Commissioner of Assessments, review the assessments made under the first act and revise and correct the same. It is understood, from the instructions, that the County Commissioners did not come to Mendon before the new assessment was made and the town was doomed for its proportion of the ~30,000. Hence it was held that the assessment was invalid and the Representative to the General Court was instructed to procure a redress of the grievance. The County tax made July 15, was for forty shillings, as will appear by the following receipt: "Rec this 27 October 1693 of Mr. William Holbrook forty shillings in Current money for Mendon County Rate ~2:00:00................. pt. Jer. Dummer, Corinty Tresyer." 1694.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 1.21 In the rate for Mr. Rawson's salary we miss the names of Dea. Warfield, (tax commuted by taking care of the meeting house) John Andrus, Job Tiler, Seth Chapin, Nicolas Mead, Nathaniel Fox and Samuel Pecok, and find the names of Isaac Thayer, John Lovet, Thomas Taft, Elicksander Bogle and Isaac Linerson not before assessed. 1694. Jan. 1. It was voted at a town meeting held this day, that John Thompson should have the "old Meeting House," he paying for the same the sum of four pounds in current money of New England on or before Jan. 1, 1695, and Capt. Chapin was chosen to receive the same and "improve it towards the finishing of the new meeting house." At this meeting the inevitable James Bick is still " master of the situation" in his controversy with the town about the "smithery work," as we find Mr. Josiah Torrey; Timothy Winter and Samuel Hayward were chosen a committee "to agree with him, if it may be, or other wayes to prosecut In Cors of Law untill the Controversy be Issued and that they doe it within six months." * It was also voted that the annual meeting for the choice of officers should be held on the first Monday in March. It seems, this year, the town was determined to have a correct valuation, as they directed the Selectmen and the Commissioners of Assessments '" to go from house to house so as to arrive at a true and correct valuation," and in case any one did not answer truly "he to pay duble for ye same, one half to the Informer and one-half to the town." March 5, being the first annual meeting held in March, Capt. Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read, Sergt. Staples, Sergt. Holbrook and Thomas Thayer were chosen Selectmen; Eliazer Wheelock and John Darling, Constables; Ensigne Lovet, Commissioner, and Samuel Read, Clerk. Survtyors, Fence Viewers and Tithing men were also chosen. Notwithstanding the labours of the committee, chosen Jan. 1, James Bick is still refractory. He won't do the blacksmith work nor quit the town's land; and so Mr. Josiah Torrey was to have 16 122 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1694. a letter of attorney, in the name and behalf of the town, to bring the controversy to an end by due course of law. It seems the training field was not in a proper condition for any very extensive military evolutions, as it was, at this time, leased to Peter Holbrook for seven years, in consideration that he should clear it of bushes and have it "fitt for Pastur." It was voted that any of the proprietors of the town might improve a portion of the highway against their own land for six years, in consideration that they should clear the other part, at the beginning of the six years, and at the end, lay down the part they had improved, and leave the road at its full breadth as it was originally, that is, ten rods wide. Up to this time we do not learn that any labor had been bestowed on the highways, except to keep the bushes down, so that a way for a cart and oxen could be found somewhere, within the ten rods wide, by shunning the trees and rocks. This year the office of assessors is mentioned for the first time. In pursuance of a warrant from the Province Treasurer, the town assembled July 17, 1694, and chose Capt. Joseph White, Jacob Aldrich and William Holbrook as Assessors for thQ year ensuing. Capt. White declining to serve, James Lovet was chosen in his stead, and the first Board of Assessors was then sworn into office, as the law directs: It was voted that Jacob Aldrich might improve the whole tract laid out for "a buryinge place," for a pasture (only excluding all swine) so long as he shall keep it inclosed with a fiverail fence, and allow Deacon Warfield the privilege of a passage to the brook for water, he, the said Aldrich, "to subjoine his Ingagement under his hand In the publick Records." No engagement of Jacob Aldrich being found upon record it presumed that he found pasturage elsewhere, and that Dea. Warfield continued to cross the graveyard for water without let or hindrance. In a settlement between Elizabeth Parker, relict of John More, formerly of Mendon, and the town, it was found that the balance of the accounts due her was. 1.02.04. Among the items with which the town was charged was one of ~1.15.00, "for making ye pound and stocks. " By this it will be seen that 1694.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 123 the town early provided the means of restraining damage feasant whether committed by man or beast. BOUNTY ON WOLVES. Although the order of the Selectmen offering a bounty of 20 shillings for killing a wolf was repealed May 10, 1669, "upon Goodman Thayer's motion and reason he gave," we still find, by the following memorandum, that a price had been again set upon his head. "WOLVES KILLED. Eliazer Wheelock: one woulf killed Jan. 25, 1964..................1.00.00 William Holbrook, two wolves; one Apr. 13 & one May 1, 1694... 2.00.00 Thomas White, one wolf Mar. 3, 1694........................... 1.00.00 John Thomson, one wolf May 4, 1694........................... 1.00.00 ~5.00.00" A rate was made this year to defray the indebtedness of the town from ye year 1685 until 1693, and delivered to William Holbrook then Constable, " with an order upon the back side" to pay the several sums to the persons whose names where thereupon written and which are as follows, viz: To Timothy Winter for service as Representative & other services........................................... ~..... ~ 10 08 0 To Capt. Chapin......................................... 01 18 02 To Ferdinando Thayer....................................... 01 13 06 To Capt White......................................... 00 11 03 To Decon W arfield........................................... 01 03 04 To Angell Torrey............................ 00 01 02 To Joseph W hite........................................... 00 02 00 To Jonathan Fairbanks....................................... 00 17 06 To Samuel Hayward................................... 00 15 06 To John Thompson, Sen.................................... 00 08 08 To Peter Holbrook................................... 00 07 08 To Samuel Read............................................. 01 16 00 To N icolas Cook............................................. 00 02 03 To John Lovet....................................... 00 04 06 To Sergt. Staple............................................. 00 08 00 To Ensigne Lovet............................................... 00 08 00 To John Thomson.& Thomas White.......................... 00 13 04 To Seth Chapin & John Thomson............................ 00 06 08 To Eleazer Wheelock & Abraham Staple...................... 01 00 00 124 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1694. To W illiam Holbrook........................................ 02 06 08 To Jacob Aldrich............................................ 00 06 08 To Robert Taft............................................... 00 00 10 To John Rockit........................................... 00 02 03 To John D arling............................................. 00 02 03 More (balance) to Samll. Read for ye town's use................ 00 06 08 ~26 10 10 The above accounts were for services rendered to or money paid for the town. They were audited by the Selectmen and and directed to be paid, as above, without being reported to the town. Happy the town whose aggregate indebtedness for nine years could be liquidated for the sum of twenty-six pounds ten shillings and ten pence. Two rates for Mr. Rawson's salary and one for ~8.10.03 "to procure a town stock of ammunition as the law directs" complete the record for the year. I695. This year opens with the closing of the controversy with James Bick (the Town Clerk always spelled his name with a small b), who, for some reason, had failed to fulfil his contract with the town to do "the smithery work." His ten-acre lot, with all the rights and privileges belonging to it, was sold by the town to Samuel Cook for twenty-five pounds, "Current money of New England;" and Mr. Josiah Torrey was empowered by the town to give a deed in behalf of the town, and take security of Cook for the purchase money. By the law of Nov. 16, 1692, any person coming into town and residing there for the space of three months without being properly warned out, gained a settlement therein. In accordance with this law, Jan. 24, Thomas Fuller, his wife and child, were " duly warned to Departe the town." They came into the town Dec. 11, 1694. Josiah Chapin, Robert Taft and Samuel Read were chosen a committee, in 1693, to ascertain whether Timothy Winter had enclosed any of the town's land within his fence. January 24th they reported that he had taken in one acre and thirty-two rods, and to which they set up definite metes and bounds. The matter was amicably adjusted by Mr. Winter for the trespass, he 1695.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 125 paying the sum of fifteen shillings; "and which fifteen shillings is to be allowed to sd Winter for part of his wages for attending the General Assembly." This one acre and thirty-two rods, being situated in the vicinity of Pond Hills, may have been the identical tract of land, for the ownership of which, some thirty years ago, there was carried on a protracted and expensive course of litigation. March 4. At a "Generall Towne meetting," Capt. Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read, sen., Sergt. Staples, Sergt. Holbrook and William Holbrook were chosen Selectmen; Robert Taft and Josiah Thayer, Constables; Samuel Read, Clerk; and Ensign Lovet, Commissioner of Assessments. Tithing Men, Surveyors of Highways and Fence Viewers were also chosen. At this meeting it was voted " that all persons that have taken in any of the highways or town's common and do not, at or before the fifteenth of March Instant, Lay downe the same for Common and move there fences off the same, (or Come and' Agree with the Selectmen for the same at a price, and have the same entered upon the towne Record, att or before the fifteenth of April Next Insuing the date hereof.) shall pay to the towne, as a fine, the sum of twelve pence per rod, for every Rod so Improved or In combered for the space of one month after the fifteenth of April Afore said and so from month to month untill laid downe againe." It will be remembered that the early roads were laid out "to the full breadth of ten rods wide," and up to this time, the record shows that the towns were disposed to keep their ancient limits, In the olden time, as well as at later date, the good people of Mendon, it seems, sometimes complained of the doings of the County Commissioners. In 1693, Timothy Winter was chosen Representative to the General Court, and was instructed to represent to the General Court the wrong done the town by the County Commissioners of Assessments, in rating them too high (dooming them) for their proportion of the ~30,000 granted to William and Mary to carry on the French and Indian war. It seems the Representative did not meet with success in his endeavors to abate the grievance complained of, for at this time, 1695, we find the town voting as follows, viz: "Att a publicke towne meeting, the towne beinge Legaly Convened to 126 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1695. take notice of and act upon A Warent Received by the. Select men from the Treasurer Comanding the payment of sixty five pounds, said to bee ye town's proportion to ye two last payments of the thirty thousand pounds." " That they saw noe Reson to proceed to a New Valuation, It being in their apprehension, Contrary to ye Act Intitled an Act for Regulating the former Assessmnent and for granting an Addishanall supply, which Act they fully acquisce in & doe hereby declare their Resolution to stand by, and that If the Tresurer shall pleas Transmitt a list qualified According to sd Act they will Redely yeeld them selves obliged to pay their Respective Assessment determinable thereby." For the security of the Selectmen "for not acting according to any other method. " in the premises, and in case they should be put to cost, they were authorized "to reimburse themselves, ther heyrs, Executors or Administrators by making a town rate to be paid to them or their order forthwith." Thomas Thayer, Abraham Staples, Joseph White, Jr., Josiah Thayer and Samuel Read agreed with the Selectmen " to take in portions of the highway adjoining their several estates, not exceeding five rods in width, provided they cleared up ye other part of ye highway for ye space of six years and then laying it down for ye town's use." At the same time a piece of land was granted Robert Taft between the four-rod highway leading to the South meadow and the Pond, being one half an acre, more or less, not to intrench upon the road, nor come within four rods of the bank of the pond, and so leaving a way, straight, from the four-rod highway by his house to the pond, of six or eight rods wide. The Selectmen " filed a bill No. 40" to pay the bounty on wolves this year. "Two killed by Eleazer Wheelock, 1 March 12 and 1 April 10. One killed by John Thomson May 6." The two semi-annual rates for the payment of Mr. Rawson's salary were made as usual, in one of which were two columns. The first column was country pay, such as the town raised (see Mr. Rawson's Settlement), and the second was money, as follows: Names. Country pay. Money. Capt. Joseph White............................~00 16 08 ~00 04 05 Capt. Chapin.................................. 01 02 04 00 06 01 1695.] ANNALS OF MENDON. ffardin Thayer......................... 01 00 10 Josiah Torrey........................ 00 11 08 Samll. Read................. 01 02 10 Ensigne Lovet........................... 00 12 05 Abraham Staples sen.................... 00 17 10 Peter Holbrook......................... 00 12 03 John Thomson, senr.................. 00 15 10 Jacob Aldrich......................... 01 02 02 Angel Torrey.......................... 00 06 04 Joseph Plumley........................... 00 06 11 Job Tiler......................... 00 05 01 Eleazer Wheelock....................... 00 09 00 Abraham Staples, Jr...................... 00 07 08 Samll. Tiler............................ 00 13 03 Robert Taft............................ 00 14 06 Widow Winter.................. 00 05 09 John Cook............................... 00 09 02 Samll. Hayward.......................... 00 12 06 Wm. Hayward........................... 00 09 03 Thomas Thayer.......................... 00 12 02 Sam ll. Thayer........................... 00 12 02 Denes Darling........................... 00 07 04 John Darling............................ 00 09 06 Benje Wheelock...................... 00 15 10 James Albee................. 00 13 09 John Rocket............................ 00 11 08 Joseph Rocket........................... 00 11 00 Willi Holbrook............... 00 13 03 Samll. Cook............................ 00 06 02 John Thomson Jr................ 00 05 05 Joseph White.......................... 00 09 08 Thomas White....................... 00 06 05 Seth Chapin........................... 00 11 02 James Bick............................ 00 14 11 Benje Wheton.................. 00 05 07 John Peck.............................. 00 07 11 Josiah Thayer................ 00 10 06 Jacob Stapls............................ 00 07 05 Samll. Read, Jr......................... 00 11 03 Isaac Thayer........................... 00 06 01 Decon Warfield......................... 00 05 11 John Lovet................. 00 04 03 Thomas Taft...................... 00 06 09 Benje Albee.............................. 00 04 01 Isaac Linerson.......................... 00 08 02 Elicksander Bogle.................... 00 05 07 127 ~00 06 00 00 03 02 00 06 04 00 03 04 00 04 09 00 03 04 00 04 02 00 06 00 00 01 06 00 01 07 00 01 03 00 02 06 00 02 00 00 03 08 00 03 09 00 01 06 00 02 06 00 03 04 00 02 06 00 03 04 00 03 04 00 02 00 00 02 07 00 04 04 00 03 10 00 03 03 00 02 10 00 03 09 00 01 08 00 01 03 00 02 07 00 01 09 00 03 01 00 04 00 00 01 03 00 02 02 00 02 11 00 02 01 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 01 06 00 01 03 00 01 09 00 01 02 00 02 03 00 01 06 128 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1696. lohln Tiler....................... ~00 10 07 ~00 02 10 Nicolas Cook........................... 00 10 02 00 02 08 Samll. Coy........................ 00 04 05 00 01 03 Samll. W arfield.......................... 00 03 04 00 01 00 James Ford........................... 00 03 00 00 01 00 Cornelius Darling....................... 00 04 01 00 01 02 ~23 03 09 ~ 8 00 00 From this assessment we find that the "Country pay" amounted to ~23.03.09, while the "Money" amounted to but ~8.00.00. The country pay was comprised in the items of pork, wheat, barley, Indian corn, rye, peas, beef and work, and two pounds of butter from every cow. The different articles were to be taken at the mean price of the market. The minister's salary for 1695 would hardly supply the means for a flying visit to Europe, or even a lengthy travel at home. The minister of 1880, it is supposed, would have no objection to the two pounds of butter for every cow. A Country tax was also levied of ~4.05.11, four pounds of which was to be paid to Jeremiah Dummer, Esq., Treasurer, and the balance to the Town Clerk. 1696. March 2. Capt. Josiah Chapin, Lieut. Josiah Torrey, Samuel Read, Samuel Hayward and Samuel Cook were chosen Selectmen, Benjamin Wheelock and William Hayward Constables, and Samuel Read Town Clerk. The selectmen were to be governed by the instructions given for the Selectmen of 1693 (to which, reference may be had), thus leaving to the people but few subjects for municipal action. The occasional orders of the Selectmen, recorded in the town book, it is presumed, furnish but few of the doiAgs of the Selectmen; and hence we are left in ignorance of many transactions which would be matters of interest in the present day and generation. There are but few recorded transactions of the town during this year. "Deacon Warfield was to have fifteen shillings for sweeping the Meeting House (thirty feet square & no pews) the past year and the same for the year to come, to be assessed with Mr. Rawson's salary." 1696.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 129 The controversy with James Bick, the blacksmith, was finally closed this year, by choosing Capt. Chapin, Ensign Lovet and Samuel Read, sen., a committee to adjust the account of Mr. Josiah Torrey, "for his pains and truble about ye land James bick was possessed of," and to receive the balance of the money which may remain in his hand "after his charg is responded;" and also to receive the bond which Samuel Cook 'gave for the payment of the purchase money for Bick's land. As Mr. James Bick would not do " the town's smithery work," nor pay for the land according to his agreement, it is probable that there was no amicable adjustment made with him, but that the matter was settled by "process of law." The following Power-of-Attorney is copied from the Town Book, to show a more excellent way for settling controversies about the division of land, or reconciling the disagreements about boundaries: "Know all Men by these presents that I, Thomas Lewis of Bristoll, Doe Constitute And Appoint my well beloved friend Capt. Josiah Chapin, of Mendon, In my Roome and stead for to Joyne with sergent Abraham Staples, of Mendon aforesaid to Devid A percell of medow that belonged to John Parris's Lot in Mendon Now Eaqually belonging to me the said Lewis and ye Above sd Staples, and doe by these presents bind myself my heyers, Executors, administrators and Assignes to stand to their Agreement about ye devision of sd medow, and after the decision is made to cause the same to be recorded, as witnes my hand this 9th of January 1695-6. THOMAS LEWIS." How many costly and vexatious law-suits that, not very infrequently, drag their slow length along, engendering strifes and bitterness through two or three successive generations, might be avoided by referring the issue to the kindly arbitration of neighbors and friends. Happy the town that can conclude its transactions for the year by a record of equal love and good will with the above. I find that Thomas Lewis was taxed in 1691, 1692 and 1693. He was chosen one of the Selectmen in 1693, but declined serving, and Samuel Read was chosen in his stead. From whence he came is not known. The following petition, although dated in 1695, was not inserted in the transactions of that year, from the fact that it was not acted on by the General Court until 1696: Town's, Vol. 113, p. 130. 17 130 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1696. "To the Much Honoured General Court Now sitting In Boston this fourth of December 1695. The address of Josiah Chapin Peter Holbrook & Josiah Torrey, Selectmen for the Town of Mendon, for this yeare, beinge in behalfe of said Town. Humbly Sheweth, That by virtue of an order of the Honorable Council your petitioners were ordered to attend upon this Honered Assembly to answer for Contempt or Neglect of attending a warrant Sent by the Treasurer, by order of the General Assembly, for the assessing of Sixtyfive pounds upon our towne. In obedience to which Your Petitioners made their appearance and made answer that no such warrant ever came to their hands; nor did wee (considering what steps the regulating that tax required) ever judge that sum due from us, but being assured that the order of the General Court, since that Law enacted, must be complied with, we are bold to represent the low and extraordinary afflicted Estate of our town to your honered selves, hoping that we shall find that relief in your mercy, which we are out of hopes of obtaining In any other way. May it therefore please your Honers to be informed that our town, being a Frontier Town, hath, for diverse years past, for two months together, and that the chiefest time in ye year, been enforced to spend our time In watching and warding for the security of our lives and estates, which beside all the losses we sustain by being driven into heapes, amounts to a great deal more than the sum demanded of us; unto which we take ye liberty of subjoining that, by reason of ye blast on ye English grain & the frost taking the Indian Corn there is not enough left to us as will (we are fully assured) serve the Town till ye end of May and how we shall be able to subsist we know not. There is nothing but a small stock of cattle left to us, the most being already enforced to sell a considerable part of ye stock to answer their assessments. For our own part, we dread to think what will become of us and how we shall be able to uphold ye Ministry of ye word amongst beings so extraordinarily reduced & most every way unable to assist themselves, Our humble request is that the sum above expressed may be remitted to us & that, for the future, we may be considered with respect unto those yearly troubles that have been upon us & which we cannot but be in expectation of, that we not be inforced to spend our time in securing other towns who are, having such an outwork, following their business without any such diversions and troubles & yett have small charge to grapple with, which will force us to pluck up stakes & seek relief and shelter where God shall open a door for us. Not further to trouble your Honers we subscribe our selves, Your Honours bounded Servants. JOSIAH CHAPIN PETER HOLBROOK JOSIAH TORREY, June 16. 1696. Read in the House of Representatives..In answer to said petition, voted that the sum of twenty pounds be abated 1697.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 131 to the sd Town out of the tax of sixty five pounds assessed upon said town as their two last parts of the tax of ~30,000 and sent up to the Lt. Governor & Council for Concurrence. PENN TOWNSEND, Speaker. Read in Council & Voted a Concurrence, ISAAC ADDINGTON, Sec.." 1.697. March 1. Capt. Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read, Sen., Peter Holbrook, William Holbrook and Thomas Thayer were chosen Selectmen: Samuel Read, Sen., Town Clerk, and Samuel Read, Jr. and Joseph Rocket, Constables. At this meeting it was voted that " Mr. Rawson's salary should be raised according to our former law and 9 pence upon the head, and then double the whole until it makes up the sum." How this doubling was effected, no explanation is found in the record. The modern tax-payer sometimes thinks the modern assessor has discovered this process of doubling the whole until it makes up the sum. It was also voted " that the ~18 demanded of us by the Colonial Treasurer should be raised the same way as Mr. Rawson's salary is raised." Dec. 3. 1697. Amy Staples, with her child, was warned "to Leve and Depart the Towne," by John Rocket, one of the Constables. "Mendon 22d. December. Then Receaved of Lieutenant Samll. Read the Ten pound Ordered to me by the town vote as above to the end therein specified, I say Red. ~10.00.00. pr. me, GRINDAL RAWSON." These ten pounds were probably the last payment of Samuel Cook for the James Bick lot, as we have seen that Samuel Read, as Town Clerk, held the bond of Cook, and that the last payment was to be made on or before the 25th of December, 1697. The record of the two semi-annual rates for the payment of Mr. Rawson's salary completes the doings of the year. In both rates fifty persons were taxed. In the first one the amount of the assessment was ~25.12.04, of which ~20.10.04 was to be in "country pay, such as the town raiseth," and ~5.02.00 in money. The renewing the line between the Ministry and School meadows and Mr. Emerson's meadow, completes the transactions for the year. 132 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1698. 1698. March 7. Chose for Selectmen, Capt. Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read, Sen., Ensign James Lovet, William Holbrook and Samuel Thayer; Town Clerk, Samuel Read, Sen.; Constables, James Albee and Thomas Taft. It was voted at this meeting that Mr. Rawson's salary should be made in one rate, and in the month of September, and also that he should have forty cords of wood yearly, to be assessed as a tax and paid in at or before the 25th of October annually, and "if any person fail to pay his proportion, then to pay after the rate of four shillings a cord In marchantable pay." Some difference, we see, between the price of wood (4s.) in 1698 and the price of wood (9.00) in 1875. Few parishes, we think, would be willing to employ a minister, nowadays and add forty cords of wood to his yearly salary. At this meeting it was voted "to grant a Streame for the Incoradgment of a Corn Mill within the bounds of the town;" and Capt. Chapin, John Rocket, Robert Taft, Sen., John Tiler and William Holbrook were chosen a committee " to view the streams and pich upon a place for that purpose and make Return of ye same." The records do not show that this committee made any report. The town now reconsidered the vote about Mr. Rawson's salary, and then voted there should be two half rates, and said nothing about the wood. "SAW MILL AT WOONSOCKET FALLS. MENDON, 21. November 1698. The Selectmen met and by virtue of a Towne vote upon a Training day, ye seventh of November instant (no record of any meeting on this day), whereby ye Towne Impowered ye Selectmen to give proprietors, now Ingaging to Erect a Saw Mill att the Falls upon the Great River, free liberty to Cutt timber upon the Town's Common to Erect a Saw Mill att the sd place, We ye subscribers Doe give Samuel Comstock, in behalf of the Proprietors, free Liberty to Cutt so much timber as will be necessary for their use, viz. to build the saw mill and dam. SAMUEL READ, JAMES LOVET, Select WILLI. HOLBROOK, Men. SAMLL. THAYER, J The following account of Josiah Chapin is inserted here, as showing the manner in which accounts with the town were dis 1698.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 133 posed of. Finding it among the recorded transactions of the town, it is presumed that it was presented and read in open town meeting, and there became the subject of inquiry and criticism, by any one who might be disposed to doubt the truthfulness or accuracy of its items: JOSIAH CHAPIN 1683. 24 June.82 for carting stone and sand for Mr. Rawson's cellar....................................~00 04 00 7 May,.83 for one day Josiah to fall timber for Mr. Rawson's house................................ 00 02 00 ye year.83 for making forty rod of hedg for Mr. Rawson 01 06 08 for renewing bounds of church land......... 00 03 00 10 Sept..83 for killing a wolf. 10 0. one day work 2 oxen ls. 6.................................... 00 11 06 28 April, 83 for one day to run line between us and Sherborn 00 02 03 Josiah 3 days work about Mr. Rawson's frame.. 00 06 09 for carting timber........................ 00 01 06 for 13 hundred 80 foot of slit work........... 04 11 08 for 2 days bounding highways................ 00 04 06 Sept., 84 for preferring a petition to ye General Court... 00 02 06 March, 85 for timber and boards, seating of ye meeting house..................................... 02 10 09 for balister for the Galery In money.......... 00 10 00 for five days searching Town Record......... 00 10 00 19. Aprill 1686. for one day running ye line with Sherborn..... 00 02 03 28 Ap,90 for running line with Sherborn.............. 00 02 03 for 67 days Attending ye Court............... 10 01 00 paid to ye Indian purches*................... 00 07 07 for Laying ye Ministry's dubling Great Lott... 00 04 00 for 2 days time purchasing ye Indian Lands*... 00 04 00 feb. 1693 for 3 days work by ye Selectmen's order In assisting the Clerk to enter ye Town Deeds and Comites Acts & Orders in the Second Book.. j 01 06 00 for 2 Jurnis to Court December,95 and June,96 01 00 00 28 October,97 for running lines about ye scoll medow, Min-] istry's medow and Mr. Emerson's medow and between the pine swamp.............. 00 02 00 26 May,98. to boston to prefer a petition to ye court........ 00 10 CO May, 98 to bounding hyway one day.................. 00 02 00 1697 for one quarter of a year's sweeping ye meeting house by his............................... 00 06 00 ~24 12 05 * The North Purchase. 134 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1698. JOSIAH CHAPIN debtor Nov. 83 to his proportion of a towne Rate bearing date 24............................~ 02 10 00 by Josiah Torrey........................... 00 18 00 by Peter Holbrook......................... 01 00 00 by Constable Rockit, In corne............... 00 12 06 by John Warfield, seniour.................... 00 13 04 by Constable Rocket with ye money part of his rate................................. 00 04 10 by Constable Rocket 7 yards of Camblet..... 01 03 06 26 Jan., 84 by Constable Rocket by 2 bushels of corn...... 00 06 00 Sept., 85 to his proportion of a town rate bearing date Sept., 85................................... 02 02 07 Jan 18, 93-4 Paid by Samll. More......................... 01 00 00 by William Holbrook Constable, 93......... 01 02 02 by Ninety Acres of Land granted to the said 1 Chapin by the Town att a General Towne Meeting May first 1693.................j 10 01 00 ~22 09 05 If all public accounts had always been stated as clearly and fully as the above, and brought as plainly to the knowledge of the tax-payers, we should have heard but little of the venality of the modern office-holder, and the millions which have been stolen and squandered by corrupt " rings" would have remained in the pockets of the tax-payers or been profitably and economically expended for the public good. The transactions of this year were brought to a close by the record of the location of three roads. The first was named the Wrentham road, and is, substantially, the present road leading from the Third District School-house over Mill River to Bellingham, in the direction of Wrentham. This road was two rods wide. The second road was laid out from Dedham line, between Peter's River and our Mill River, it being the road to Rehoboth, and was four rods wide. It is a portion of the present road to Providence, R. I., through the easterly part of Blackstone. The third road began at the "Iron works at the Falls," and was laid out northerly until it came to the Rehoboth road at Grave Meadow Brook. This road, with little alteration, is the 1699.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 135 present road from Mendon to Woonsocket, by the way of the Five Corners (so called) in Blackstone. Grave Meadow Brook was so named from its proximity to an Indian burying place; and is the brook whereon Solomon Pratt's trip-hammer shop once stood. Possibly the site of this burying yard may have been the same with the location of the present burying place near Blackstone line. I699. Jan. 16. At a town meeting held this day, our pastor, Mr. Grindal Rawson, Deacon John Warfield and Samuel Read were chosen a committee "to seat the Meeting House." From this vote it is presumed that the pew had not yet found its way into the meeting house, and that there had been no permanent appropriation of seats. The duty of this committee, it is supposed, was to assign the seats, for the time being, so that each family should readily find its allotted place. March 6. It being the annual meeting, Capt. Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read, Sen., Peter Holbrook, Thomas Thayer and John Bridges were chosen Selectmen; Samuel Read, Town Clerk and John Rocket and Samuel Cook, Constables. At this meeting various tracts of land, varying in extent from one acre to thirty, were granted to Nicholas Cook, Samuel Cook, John Cook, John Tyler, Joseph White, Benjamin Albee, Samuel Read, Benjamin Wheelock, Ferdinando Thayer and Jonathan Hayward. The grant to Nicholas Cook was "two acres of land or swamp In the corner of the pine swamp next to brak neck hill." This tract must have been located upon the north side of the county road (formerly the Boston and Hartford turnpike), and adjoining the woodland of John G. Metcalf on the west, and the woodland of H. P. Butler on the south, across the road. A ten-acre lot, with all the rights and privileges, was sold to Jonathan Richardson for twenty pounds. The "rights and privileges" constituted Richardson a co-partner in all the land yet unappropriated. It was laid out by Josiah Chapin, on a hill the east side of the Great River, adjoining lands of James Walling and John Bollcom. 136 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1699. April. The line was run and the bounds (trees) new marked between Mendon and Sherborn by Peter Holbrook, Joseph Rocket and Jacob Aldrich for Mendon, and Lieut. Jonathan Morse and William Rider for Sherborn. June 26. " Att a generall Town meeting Legally warned," it was voted that the next division of land (formerly agreed on) shall be forty acres to a twenty-acre house lot and in like proportion for all other lots. Sept. 5. "It was voted that, for this present year, from the 25th. of March 1699 until the 25th. of March 1700, that the Towne will give Mr. Rawson fifty-five pounds, the one half in current money of New England, the other half in current pay, such as the Towne Raiseth, vict: wheat 4 shillings per bushel, Rye 3 shillings, Indian Corn 2 shillings, Pork att 2 penc half penny per pound, beef at 2 pence per pound good and marchantable, the whole to be paid to Mr. Rawson Att his house In Mendon att or before the 25th of October next Insuing the date hereof." Oct. 10. A rate for Mr. Rawson's salary, as above, was made, including the forty cords of wood, a copy of which is here subjoined: Wood. Capt. White.......................~01 02 00 7 ft. Deacon Warfield.............................. 00 11 09 3 Capt. Chapin.................................. 01 16 02 10 Samuel Read.............................. 02 06 04 12 Ensigne Lovet................................... 01 14 02 10 Peter Holbrook............................ 02 05 10 12 Benje W heelock........................... 01 15 02 11 John Bridges.............................. 01 19 03 11 John Thomson........................... 01 11 03 10 Widow Winter................................... 00 16 00 5 Joseph Plumley............................ 00 13 08 4 Eliazer W heelock........................... 00 05 00 0 Abram Staples.............................. 00 10 09 3 Robert Taft, Sen............................ 01 04 08 7 John Cook.................................. 00 18 06 5 Samll. Hayward............................ 01 06 06 7 Denice Darling.............................. 00 13 00 4 John Darling............................... 01 02 00 7 Thomas Thayer............................. 01 10 03 9 Samll. Thayer............................ 01 10 00 9 John Rocket................................ 01 03 00 6 Joseph Rocket.............................. 01 07 05 8 W illi Holbrook............................. 02 07 09 15 1699.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 137 Sam ll. Cook................................ 00 10 07 5 Joseph White........................... 00 15 08 5 Thomas W hite.............................. 00 13 09 4 Seth Chapin......................... 01 01 00 6 Bcnje W heton.............................. 00 10 09 3 John Peck.................................. 00 12 00 3 Samll. Reed Jr.............................. 01 06 03 7 Josiah Thayer.............................. 00 18 01 5 Eben: Thayer............................... 00 12 02 4 Isaac Thayer................................ 00 14 02 5 Thomas Taft................................ 00 17 07 5 James Albee............................... 01 13 02 10 John Tyler................................. 01 00 06 6 Nicolas Cook............................... 01 02 06 6 Jonathan Hayward......................... 00 18 00 5 George Pike................................ 00 12 08 4 Robert Taft Jr............................ 00 11 03 4 John White................................ 00 08 00 2 Eben W hite.............................. 00 06 06 2 Samll. W arfeeld............................. 00 07 06 3 Roger Corery............................ 00 08 09 3 Ebenezer Staples........ 00 17 06 5 Jacob Aldrich............................... 00 14 08 4 Abell Aldrich............................. 00 05 00 2 W illi Cheney............................. 00 09 03 3 Joseph Chapin............................. 00 10 00 3 Ebenezer Staples for his wife's estate......... 01 09 09 8 William Hayward.......................... 00 15 08 5 Benje Albee................................ 00 09 00 2 Benje Thayer............................... 00 13 02 4 Danill Taft................................. 00 07 06 2 John Post.................................. 00 07 00 2 John Lovet................................. 00 08 03 2 Sam ll. M ore................................ 00 04 00 0 Ferdinando Thayer.......................... 00 13 08 4 Memorandum. "Wouls killed In the yeare 1699 betwen the Last of March and ye last of September and ye heads brought to ye Constables and the Ears cut off by them as the Law diricts. by Jonathan Richorson five grown wouls..................... 5 by Robert Hall. five whelps................................ 5 by Samll Read three grown wouls............................ 3 by Eleazer Wheelock, one grown wolf........................ 1 by William Holbrook, oue grown wolf........................ 1 by Joseph White, one grown wolf..............."........... 1 William Danser came into town in July and was warned out 18 138 ANNALS OF MENDON. 11700. Sept. 6, 1699, and return made to the General Sessions of the Peace Oct. 3, 1699. The last record for this year is as follows: "BOSTON 13 December 1699. then Received of Samll. Read forty shillings mony in full for Mendon County Rate In ye year 1696. Received per Jer. Dumer. By an Act of the General Court passed March 20, 1699, Wells, Kittery, York, Amesbury, Haverhill, Dunstable, Chelmsford, Groton, Lancaster, Marlboro, Brookfield, Deerfield, Mendon and Woodstock* were declared to be "Frontier Towns." Of those who were settled in Mendon, up to the present time, and were supposed to be heads of families, the following persons had died, viz: George Aldrich.......March 1, 1682 Samuel Shepherd......Sept. 8, 1690 John Sprague........April 6, 1683 Timothy Winter........May 2, 1694 Daniel Lovet..........Jan. 24, 1691 Walter Cook...........Jan. 5, 1695 John Warfield........ April 12, 1692 Jacob Aldrich........Oet. 22, 1695 John Thomson, sen....Nov. 9, 1685 Samuel Tyler.........Dec. 17, 1695 Dea. Simon Peck......Mar. 27, 1688 1700. March ye 4. Chose Samuel Read, sen., Ensigne James Lovet, Sergt. William Holbrook, Samuel Thayer and Benjamin Wheelock, Selectmen; Samuel Read, sen., Town Clerk; Sergt. Peter Holbrook and John Bridges, Constables. "Att the above-said Meeting It passed by vote-that the five pound that is In Capt. Chapin's hands Received ye last May shuld be Improved for the use of procuring a new drum and a burying cloth and the Remainder If any be for procuring Amunition for A town stock." John Cook was granted leave to exchange his land at Mayor Miscok for land elsewhere, " provided he dus it within a fortnight." Mr. Rawson was allowed to leave his land upon West Hill, on the road to Eliazer Wheelock's house, and take it up on the other side of the Great River. Capt. Chapin and Ensigne Lovet were chosen a committee to give allowance and lay out the next division of land. * Now in Connecticut. 1700.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 139 Jonathan Richardson was granted ten acres of land "adjoining to the Great River upon the east side, wheare the Mill River Emptys Itself In to the Great River." When it is understood that the Mill River empties into the Great River (now Blackstone) below Woonsocket Falls, it will be seen that the town virtually claimed jurisdiction beyond any of the three surveys which had, at that time been made. The southern boundary of the Colony was then, and for a long time afterwards, unsettled, and, perhaps, remembering that possession is held to be nine points of the law, our shrewd ancestors considered it the part of wisdom to set up a claim sufficiently large enough to cover what, in the final adjustment of the boundary line they might be obliged to surrender. About this time beds.of iron ore had been discovered in that part of the town now Blackstone, and the inhabitants, fearing, it is supposed, the supply for home consumption would run short, on the 17th of September voted " that noe person should carry any mine or iron ore out of or from the Town's Commons upon the penalty and forfeiture of twenty shillings a load, the one half to the Informer, the other half to ye use of ye Towne." The iron works at the Falls, which have been mentioned before, were probably furnaces for smelting the ore. At the same time the timber supply became a matter of consideration, and as their eyes had been opened in regard to the value of things under the earth, it was quite natural for them not to forget the prospective value' of things upon the earth, and hence at the same meeting they enacted " that noe person shall fall, Cut or Carry away any Trees, Logs or any other sort of timber Either wrought or un wrought off of or from the Towne's Commons upon the penalty and forfeiture of twenty shillings a tree, the one half to the Informer and the other half to ye use of ye Towne." Oct. 14. Samuel Thayer had liberty to dispose of or carry away the iron ore that had been dug near Jonathan Richardson's land, he paying twenty shillings to Capt. Chapin within three months, for the town's use. Capt. Chapin was to settle with those "who made discovery and Report of the digging and Remove of sd mine or Iron ore," and "'the overplush to be Returned to the town if any be." 140 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1701. This year William Holbrook killed five wolves and had their ears cut off by the the Constable. Oct. 8. A County rate for forty shillings was made, and John Rocket, the Constable, was directed to collect and pay the same to the County Treasurer, at Boston, before the last of December next. Nov. 28. The usual rate for Mr. Rawson's salary, including the forty cords of wood, was made this day, completing the recorded doings of the town for the year. 1701. March 3. Selectmen for this year were Capt. Josial Chapin, Samuel Read, Sergt. Peter Holbrook, Sergt. William Holbrook and John Darling; Town Clerk, Samuel Read; Constables, Thomas White and Ebenezer Staples. Besides Tithing Men and Fence Viewers, Joseph Rocket and Jacob Aldrich were "to take care that the law about swine be put in execution." Ensign Lovet, Benjamin Wheelock and John Tyler were chosen a committee to give the Selectmen instructions, and which were as follows, viz: Imprimis. That they make a Rate seasonably for the payment of Mr. Rawson's salary, according to the town's agreement. 21y. That they forthwith take care to examine all men's claims of debts owing to them from the town and lay them before the town, at a general town meeting warned by them, or the major part of them, and, upon the town's allowance of them, to emit a rate for the discharging them. 31y. That they make orders and present them for allowance and confirmation, as the law directs, for the preservation of wood and timber growing on the town's commons and for the preventing of carrying out of town or transporting timber or iron ore from the town's commons. 41y. That they make effectual orders for the preserving and keeping up the bounds of particular men's lands that abut upon the town's commons and take care that if any person or persons have transgressed by mowing or tilling the town's commons, without towne order, that they be effectually proceeded with and made to lay them down. It would have been well had instructions like these been continued to the present day. Honest disbursing officers would have no objections to such scrutiny, and dishonest ones should be watched for the public good. Had this watchfulness been continued until the present day our ears would not be so frequently pained 1701.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 141 with the startling revelations of defalcation and embezzlement so often brought to our notice by the daily papers. At this meeting the Selectmen, with Mr. Grindal Rawson, were instructed"To Treat with Deacon Warfeeld, upon his refusal, with sume other person whom they shall Judg sutable, to be A schoole Master to Teach the Children of the Towne to Read: and for this or any other person's Encouragement In said work the Town shall pay ten pounds In good Current pay att money price, and each person sending children to schoole to pay one penny A Week." THE SECOND TOWN POUND. May 27. The Selectmen agreed with Joseph Plumley"To erect a Pound for the Town's use, of thirty foot square, of six rails, all square posts and the Rails tenanted In to the posts, and a cap framed on upon the head of the posts, and a gate of four feet wide, to hang the gate and finish the work on or before the last of May next Insuing, for which he is to be paid forty shillings out of a town rate." The Pound was to be set up between Joseph White's and Sergt. Staple's "by or in the ten rod highway." This designation would locate it in the neighborhood of the present Methodist meeting-house. At the above-said meeting (March 3) the Selectmen agreed with Deacon Warfield"To keep scool half a yeare and to begin on munday ye 14th of April Next, and for his pains to have five pounds In good Current pay att money price, and one penny a week for Every Child that Cors to scoolle." So Deacon Warfield was the first public-school master, and by the terms of his contract, he was simply to teach his pupils to read. Nothing was said about writing, arithmetic or grammar. April 18. The Selectmen met and gave the oath, as the law directs, to the Town Clerk, Samuel Read; Thomas Thayer, Surveyor of Highways; John Bridges and Joseph Plumley, Fence Viewers, and to Samuel Thayer and Thomas White, Constables. This is the first record we find that the town officers made oath to the faithful discharge of their duties. March 17. The Selectmen, at a town meeting held this day, presented a schedule of claims against the town, and after they were considered, Ensigne James Lovet, John Tyler and Joseph 142 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1701. Rocket were chosen " to goe about the town and Take a valuation and bring it to the Selectmen In order to ther making of the towne Rate." Nov. 21. Those persons who had neglected, until now, to bring in to Mr. Rawson their proportion of wood, were directed to do so by the first day of December next, or in default to pay after the rate of four shillings a cord in current pay. Capt. Chapin declaring his inability to go on with the measuring of the lands, Thomas White was chosen a surveyor " to lay out Either with Capt Chapin or without him." At this meeting it was voted that" Samuel Read, sen. for his service in keeping of the towne booke and Recording Towne votes, Rates and other transactions of the towne, from the first beginning of his keeping them (1680) until the beginning of March next Insuing the date hereof, shall have six pounds in money or marchatable pay at money price, and the price of wheat was fixed at 5s. per bushel, Rye at 4s. and Corn at 3s. per bushel." The record for this year closes with the entry of the account of Samuel Read and the annual rate for Mr. Rawson's salary. " SAMLL. READ, CREDIT 1686. for one day Running Line wh. Sherborn 19th. Ap..........~00 02 00 for money paid Mr Adington for ye towne Deed............ 00 03 00 for transcribing acts of Counsel 1687....................... 00 03 06 for ten shillings money Lent to prcuer black staff........... 00 10 00 for twenty-three days attending ye Court 1692.............. 03 09 00 for money paid for purches of land of Wansamoge (Awassam og.)............................................... 00 16 04 for four days time about said Land In purchasing, Deed possession and Running ye Line......................... 00 08 03 for helping to lay out ye Ministry's dubling & great Lot..... 00 02 06 for 2 days & half takin ye valuation Jan. 1693-4............. 00 04 00 for expenses of ye Selectmen In ye year 1693............... 00 17 00 Feb. 1694 for Recording the Towne deeds and Court grants, Committees Acts and y" names of ye proprietors In ye new book by order of ye Selectmen...................... 00 08 00 Dec. 1695, to Capt Chapin & Serg. Holbrook in money when they went to Court..................................... 00 06 00 28 October,97 to stating the bounds betweene the pine swamp and Mr. Emerson's medow, ye Ministry's medow and ye scooll medow and Renewing the bounds of said medow.... 00 02 00 January,97 one jurney to boston by order of the Selectmen to answer the towne's presentment for the hyway between Metfeeld and Mendon.............................. 00 12 00 1701.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 143 May,98 to bounding and Laying towne hyways, 2 days........ 00 04 00 1697 to my girls sweeping-ye meeting house one Quarter of ye year................................................... 00 04 00 April,99 to one day Running the line from the North Pond to Sherborn line & Recording the Returne.................. 00 03 00 for expenses of the Selectmen 1699....................... 00 12 00 for one day with the Survayor to lay out ye Ministry's great Lott.............................................. 00 03 00 for taking care of ye Towne books and writing of Town votes and orders In the first book from the year 1679 till M arch 1701............................................ 06 00 00 for expense of the Selectmen 1701......................... 00 18 00 ~16 08 00 SAMLL. READ, debit. To forty-five Acres of Land Granted to the sd. Read by the town att a General meeting May ye 1. 1693................ 05 00 00 of William Holbrook, Constable 1693 as part of a towne rate................................................... 01 16 00 ~6 16 00 The black staff for which Mr. Read paid ten shillings was for the Constable. By law he was to have his staff with him when in discharge of the duties of his office, "so that none could plead ignorance." What its length and size were cannot now be determined, but as it sometimes proved " inconvenient by giving oppertunity to delinquents to escape," by an act passed May 12, 1675, it was allowed to the Constable "when he acted by virtue of a warrant to him directed from authority," to carry his staff or not as he might choose. The money paid Mr. Addington was probably for recording the deed of the North Purchase. The twenty-three days at Court, he was probably serving the town as Representative, although no record is found of his election. The money paid to Capt. Chapin and Serg. Holbrook was when they were summoned before the General Court for contempt about the assessment of the sixty-five pounds. In the rate for Mr. Rawson's salary this year, the forty cords of wood were included, each man being assessed the proper number of feet. 144 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1702. 1702. March ye 2. Selectmen, Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read Sen., James Lovet, John Tyler and Joseph Rocket; Samuel Read, Sen., Town Clerk; John Cook and Thomas Thayer, Constables; Haywards and Field Drivers chose for the first time, viz: John Rocket and Joseph Plumley. It will be remembered that in January, 1684, the town made an agreement to put up a grist mill, with Matthias Puffer, upon the site of the mill burned by the Indians, being the mill built by Benjamin Albee. By the following proceedings it is supposed that Puffer had failed to keep the mill or dam in proper repair for twenty years, according to the terms of his contract with the town. It is probable that the dam had failed and that the pond had disappeared, as the town voted "to prohibit any person from taking up ye Land or Pond upon any Accounte." For building the mill, Puffer was to have fifteen pounds, which he was to refund to the town if he failed to fulfil any portion of the agreement, under a penalty of thirty pounds. Josiah Chapin and Simon Peck were chosen to see that the agreement with Puffer was fulfilled. In the meantime, Deacon Peck, having deceased May 27, 1688, Samuel Read was now chosen "to Joyne with Capt. Chapin in the Management of ye Agreement with Matthias Puffer about the Grist Mill." Whether Puffer refunded the fifteen pounds, or whether he repaired the dam or mill is not known. Denice Darling, William Holbrook, Thomas Taft and Peter Holbrook had liberty to leave land in one place and take it up in another. Jonathan Richardson had land laid out on Quick Stream, where it empties into Mill River, a portion of which is now overflowed by the factory pond of the late Edward Harris, of Woonsocket. Dec. ye 11. The Selectmen agreed with Samuel Read to take care of Ephraim Peck, who, it is supposed, was feeble-minded. This year William Holbrook killed two wolves, and Ebenezer Thayer one, and their ears were duly cut off by the Constable, "in the presence of sum of ye Selectmen. " A schedule of the town's debts, which had accrued between the 18th of January, 1694, and the 21st of January,. 1702, 1703.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 145 amounting to ~27.19.05, was presented, and a rate was ordered for their payment. Upon the back of the Constable's warrant was written the names of the creditors and the amount to be paid to each. A County tax for ~06.01.04 was also assessed this year, as well as the usual one for Mr. Rawson's salary. Besides these, a second County tax was assessed, pursuant to a warrant from Addington Davenport, Clerk of the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace, for the sum of ~02.00.00. The warrant was dated Boston, November 14, "In ye first year of her Majesty's (Queen Anne) Reigne annoque Domini 1702." In this rate, sixty-two persons were taxed in various sums, ranging from one shilling and eight pence to two pence. I703. March 1. Capt. Chapin, Samuel Read, Ensign Lovet, John Darling and Samuel Thayer were chosen Selectmen; Samuel Read, Town Clerk, and William Holbrook and John Farnum, Constables. In 1674, the town had voted that all the land betweeen Muddy Brook and Mill River "shuld lye for perpetucale comon," but at different times the town had allowed land to be taken up within the prohibited limits, and the attention of the town having been now called to the fact, it was voted that the title to the lands already granted should not be disturbed, and that, for the purpose of straightening their fences, they might take in such quantity of land as the Committee on Allowance for the Fourth Division should deem proper. John Jones, of Hull, was granted twenty acres of land near to Seth Chapin's land, provided he improve it for his hotse lot. Here he built his house, upon the east bank of Mill River. It was the first house in what is now known as Hopedale, in the town of Milford. This grant remained in the possession of the Jones family until a late period, and the house was taken down in 1874. At this meeting the Selectmen, with Mr. Taft and James Albee, were chosen a committee to devise a way " for the Inlargment of ye seats and making more room for the present conve19 146 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1704. nience of ye poeple in ye meeting house," and they were to see that the matter was speedily attended to. William Holbrook or any other person or persons had liberty to build horse sheds near the Meeting house, in the highway, provided they build them on the east side of the way, " close to the fence." Close to the fence, indicates that the ten-rod highway was not to be embarrassed by obstructions. Although there is no record of the choice of a Representative to the General Court, Capt. Josiah Chapin served the town in that capacity, as the following record will show: April 23, the town voted that " Capt. Chapin should have his pay for his services as Representative to the General Court for the Town in March 1703, it being ~3.10s, out of the money in his hands that came from Jonathan Richardson towards his Lott." A committee was also chosen to ascertain the total indebtedness of the town and present the same for audit and adjustment. May 24. The town voted that horses and sheep that are not uznruly "might goe att Liberty this yeare," and that the Haywards should be indemnified for any costs resulting from the abeyance of their official duty. The principal difficulty about this arrangement seems to be the unruly horses and sheep. Sept. 27. A countryrate (State tax) was assessed for ~36.15.00, and "John Arnold and ye rest of ye owners in ye saw Mill" were taxed three shillings. This was the saw mill, without doubt, built by Samuel Comstock at the Falls on the Great (Blackstone) River. Another country rate for the same amount was also made, as well as a county rate for twenty-six shillings and two pence, in which Capt Josiah Chapin was set at nine pence, and Benjamin Albee at onie penny. The usual rate, for Mr. Rawson's salary, was also made, including a separate rate for the forty cords of wood. I704. Jan. 14. The following accounts were audited and allowed, viz: Capt. Chapin to have the balance in his hands paid him by Jonathan Richardson, for a part of what is due him for services at the General Court. 1704. I ANNALS OF MENDON. 147 The Selectmen to have forty shillings for their expenses for 1702 and 1703. Samuel Read, Ebenezer Staples and Christopher Winter to have seven shillings "for caring Kitt Portengall to Marlborough." Kitt must have been a hard customer to require the services of three men to transport.him from Mendon to Marlborough. John Rocket and Daniel Lovet to have four shillings and six pence for running the line between us and Sherborn in 1702. William Holbrook to have ten shillings for his "jurneyv" to Boston as Commissioner (of assessment) in May, 1703. John Darling and Samuel Thayer to have five shillings ' dewe to them" for repairing the seats in the Meeting house in 1703. Joseph White to have twenty shillings and ten pence for sweeping and taking care of the Meeting house in 170(2 and 1703. The town then voted to raise and appropriate, to pay these debts, the sum of eight pounds four shillings and eight pence, and ordered the same to be paid "in Marchantable Corn; wheat at four shillings per bushill, rye att three shillings and Indian corn att two shillings per bushill." March 6. Chose Capt. Chapin, Sergt. William Holbrook, John Cook, Thomas White and Samuel Read for Selectmen; Samuel Read, Town Clerk, and Ebenezer Thayer and Daniel Taft, Constables. It was voted the Selectmen should have twenty shillings ananully for their time and services. March 6. William Holbrook was paid for four grown wolves. The following copy of an official record will explain the status of Ephraim Peck: Suffolk ss. Anno Regina. Att her Majesty's Superior Court of Judicature Begun and held att Boston, for and within the County of Suffolk Aforesaid on Tuesday the second of May, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and four, upon Reading the Petition of the Select Men of Mendon, Therein showing forth that Ephraim Peck, son of Simon Peck, Deceased, an In habitant In there Towne is so Defective in his under standing as that he is incapacitated to Manage his Estate and in no sort Able to take care for himself, so will soon become a Towne Charge, If not timely prevented. And further that the said Ephraim Peck hath sume Real Estate in sd Towne, the Income of 148 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1704. which is In considerable, that it will doe little Towards his subsistance:Wherefor Pray that they may be Impowered to make sale of the Real Estate of the sd Ephraim Peck In order for his maintenance and Paying the Charges on that be halfe all Redy Expended. Its Therefore Considered by the Court (Pursuant to an Act for the Relief of Ideots &c.) That the Select Men of Mendon be and are hereby Impowered to make sale of the Real Estate of the sd Ephraim Peck for the ends and uses Aforesaid and Pass and Execute good and sufficient Deeds and Conveyances In the law for the same. December. A County rate for ~01.06.02, and a Town rate for ~04.10.00, as well as the usual rate for Mr. Rawson's salary, was made and committed to the Constable. It seems the recent rate for the payment of town debts did not comprise all its indebtedness, as the Selectmen met the 25th day of December and issued their warrant (the first one of which mention is made, though not recorded) "to Constable Thayer to warn all the Inhabitants to meet on the 29th instant, and to bring in their demands against the town, so that a town rate could be made to discharge the same." This "recent rate" was made Jan. 17, and as no further assessments are found matters of record, and as new names are being added and familiar ones dropped out, the rate is here inserted, with the names of the several persons among whom the Constable was to distribute the amount of the rate. Capt. Joseph White......~00 Capt. Josiah Chapin...... Samuel Read....... Robert Taft........ John Bridges....... John Tyler......... John Thomson..... Joseph Plumley.... Aleixander Plumley John Cook......... Nicolas Cook...... Samuel Read Jr.... Seth Chapin........ John White........ Danil Taft......... John Post......... Abram Staples..... Eben White........ 02 08 05 02 04 02 03 05 02 10 04 10 05 03 01 08 01 05 05 00 01 06 03 07 02 11 01 00 01 06 01 08 01 06 01 00 Ensign Lovet............. Sergt. Peter Holbrook.... Sergt. William Holbrook.. Samuel Hayward... Benje Wheelock,... James Albee........ John Rockit........ Thomas Thayer.... Saml. Thayer...... Josiah Thayer...... Ebenezer Thayer... Isaac Thayer....... Joseph Rockit...... George Pike........ Saml. Bridges...... Eben Read......... Willi Cheny........ Joseph Taft........ 04 10 06 06 09 06 06 00 06 01 04 01 02 06 04 00 05 01 04 02 02 06 02 03 02 06 01 00 00 11 01 03 01 03 01 01 1704.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 149 Samuel Thomson... Woodland Thomson Jacob Aldrich...... Abell Aldrich...... Seth Aldrich....... Samuel More....... Joseph White...... John Farnum...... Thomas Taft....... Robert Taft Jr..... Tim Winter........ Benje Wheton...... Thomas White..... John Jones........ James Emerson.... John Peck......... Decon Warfield.... 01 00 00 10 01 09 01 01 01 11 01 06 03 04 03 08 02 02 02 00 01 02 01 01 02 01 01 07 01 04 01 08 00 11 Benje Thayer...... 03 03 Benje Albee....... 01 01 Saml. Cook.... 02 08 Willi Hayward..... 02 07 Denice Darling.... 01 06 John Darling...... 03 08 Danill Darling...... 00 10 John Lovet........ 01 08 Benje Wheelock Jr. 01 10 John Albee........ 01 02 Saml. Warfeeld.... 00 10 Elihue Warfeeld.... 00 10 Philip Amidown... 01 00 Ebenezer Staples... 03 08 Ebenezer Sumner. 01 00 Joseph Sumner..... 01 00 William Sprague.. 01 00 ~10 05 01 William Holbrook, the Constable, (collector) was directed to pay the following persons the several sums set against their respective names: Capt. Chapin............~01 10 00 Saml. Read........ 03 02 00 Joseph White...... 01 10 00 Willi Holbrook.... 00 17 00 Heirs of Chris. Winter.............. 00 03 00 Eben Staples....... 00 01 04 Denice Darling..... 00 01 00 Thomas Tllayer.... 00 01 00 Josiah Thayer...... 00 01 04 John Cook......... 00 00 08 Eben Thayer....... 00 01 00 Samll. Read Jr..... 00 04 00 Ens. Lovet.............~00 02 03 Joseph Rocket..... 00 03 03 John Tyler........ 00 05 08 John Darling...... 00 02 06 Samll. Thayer...... 00 02 06 John Rockit........ 00 01 04 James Albee........ 00 01 00 Isaac Thayer...... 00 01 00 Benje Thayer...... 00 01 00 John Thomson..... 00 00 08 Seth Chapin........ 00 01 00 Peter Holbrook.... 00 01 00 ~8 15 06 The General Court, by an act passed June 14, published June 30, 1704, entitled "An act directing that the militia of the frontiers be provided with snow shoes," "for the more ready and better, pursuit after the Indians in the winter, upon the snow," provided that so many of the soldiers in each company in the frontier towns (of which Mendon was one), as the commanding officers shall judge most able and of best estate (being not less 150 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1705. than one-half of the company), shall, each of them, at his own charge, be provided with a pair of good serviceable snow-shoes and mogginsons at or before the 10th of November next, under a penalty of ten shillings and ten shillings for every three months' neglect afterwards, and the fines, in case of neglect, to be levied by distress. The soldiers were to keep the snow-shoes and mogginsons in good repair and fit for service, and if upon inspection, they were found in good order, they were to be reimbursed three shillings out of the next poll tax. This act was to continue in force during the present (Indian) war; and not afterwards. The "present Indian war " was with the eastern Indians, when Major Waldron was killed and the fort at Pemmaquid, with a hundred prisoners was taken by the Indians. Since 1699, when the known deaths of the early settlers were noted, it, is found that Abraham Staples, Sen., Abraham Staples, Jr., Christopher Winter and Samuel Thomson had died. Christopher, the son of Timothy Winter, and Samuel, the son of John Thomson. Probably some others had died, but whose deaths were not recorded. 1705. March 5. At a general town meeting, Capt. Josiah Chapin, Samuel Read, Ensign James Lovet, John Darling and Josiah Thayer were chosen Selectmen; Town Clerk and Treasurer (the latter for the first time), Samuel Read; and Ebenezer Read and Benjamin Thayer, Constables. At this meeting it was voted that Benjamin Wheelock and his successors should "enjoy.the Mill Pond" so long as he should keep it in repair and serviceable for the town's use and no longer, and keep within fence. By the following it will be seen that Mendon claimed jurisdiction to the Blackstone River, as its southern boundary, for they granted Samuel Cook six or eight acres of land near Dedham (now Bellingham) line on the east side of the Great River. William Cheney had liberty to leave some land on Magor Miscok and take some instead, "Neer to Seth Chapin house Neer the 1706.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 151 Road Leading to Sherborn." Magor Miscok is the ridge of land on the east side of the valley of Mill River. June 6. Robert Hall and his " heyres " forever had forty acres of land, bounded easterly by Androses brook, northerly upon Mendon north line, and westerly and southerly upon the town's common land; provided he should once in two or three years run the bounds with some of our town from our North Meadow to ye Northwest corner. This corner was one hundred rods west of the Great (Blackstone) River, in what is now the town of Northbridge. The Selectmen having met a Committee of Providence, and conferred with them about their claim on the west side of the Great River, made their report to the town September 11th, upon which the town directed Capt. Chapin " to trans mitt ye above Report or Complaint to the General Court and to transact that Affair with sd Court." Rev. Mr. Rawson was granted fifteen acres of meadow upon the third branch of Charles River, that we pass over in going to Medfield; provided, at his own charge, he defends the claim which Sherborn makes to the same, and carry the same from Court to Court until the title shall be confirmed. The closing record for the year was the allowance of an account of John Darling, in which was a charge of four shillings and six pence "for hewing timber for ye wach hous." I706. March 4. Chose Samuel Read, James Lovet, Sergt. William Holbrook, Sergt. Peter Holbrook, and Sergt. John Darling, Selectmen; Samuel Read, Clerk, and Samuel More and Jacob Aldrich, Constables. March 21, In pursuance of an order from the Superior Court, at Boston, the Selectmen met at John Peck's house to divide the land devised by the will of Simon Peck, to John and Ephraim, his sons. To John was adjudged the south side, next to Samuel More's lot, with the house, barn and orchard. To Ephraim was given the north side, next to George Sumner's lot, thirty rods wide, and in length from the ten rod highway to Joseph Plumley's and John Bridges' home lots. The division of some out lands, and the agreement of John to keep his brother, Ephraim, 152 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1707. from April 8, 1706, to April 8, 1707, for forty shillings, closes the record for the year. I707. Jan. 6. -At a town meeting held this day the following accounts were audited and allowed: Sergt. William Holbrook for serving as the Town's Representative 61 days and money expended.......................... ~09 05 00 Corperall Joseph White for sweeping the meeting house....... 00 15 00 Sergt. Peter Holbrook for one jurney to boston................ 00 09 00 Saml. Read, senior, for money expended of Repairing the glass and procuring naills for fastening the same att the m eeting house............................................ 02 08 06 Saml. Read, senior. The Town's allowance to the Selectmen... 01 00 00 Benje Thayer 10 shillings paid for Rumsey's Rate.............. 00 10 00 ~14 07 06 FIFTH DIVISION OF LAND. The first division of land was without recourse to the drawing of lots for choice. The second, heretofore tabulated, and the choice decided by lot, was for a division of swamp land. The third was for completing the amount of upland, and the fourth for taking up the meadows. In the fifth division two hundred acres were granted to a fortyacre lot, and all other lots in like proportion. Previous to this division, large tracts were voted to lay "for perpetual common. " Certain rules were adopted to govern the division, as that the proprietors should draw lots, "as it shall be, by Divine Providence, Disposed to them " that the land should be be taken in not more than two places, that care should be taken to lay out their lands in manner and form "as may not Spoill the Lands and make it In convenient for such as follow," and for poor land the Committee were authorized " to make It up In Quantity by giving two acres for one or Les If they Judge It sufficient." The committee were to take care that convenient highways were to be left, and alter the line "wheare the way Cannot so conveniently ly by the sides or ends of the Lotts." When one's turn, by lot, should come, he shall, in three days, if in town, or upon one week's notice, if out of town, proceed to lay out his share, and should he so neglect, he shall lose his turn, and so on so long as he neglects. The Surveyor was to give each man timely 1707.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 153 notice of his turn, so that the devidant may not be hindered from proceeding, and proprietors, by needless delay, kept from their right. Any two of the Selectmen, with the Surveyor, were constituted a committee to oversee the division. The meeting was then adjourned to the next day, Feb. 4, 1707, when the lots were drawn as follows, viz: 1. Benje Thayer. 2. James Emerson. 3. Peter Holbrook. 4. John Sprague. 5. Woodland Thomson. 6. Danil Taft. 7. Saml. Read. 8. Saml. Cook. 9. Saml, Tyler. 10. Timothy Winter. 11. Jonathan Thayer. 12. John Farnum. 13. John Rockit. 14. Savill Simpson. 15. Thomas Taft. 16. Thomas White. 17. Benjamin Wheelock. 18. ye daughters of John Sprague. 19. John Jones. 20, George Sumner. 21. Ephraim Chapin. 22. Joseph Chapin. 23. John Cook. 24. William Sprague. 25. Nathaniel Morse. 26. John Corbet. 27. John White. 28. Benjamin Wheton. 29. Isaack Thayer. 30. Jonathan Richardson. 31. John Thomson. 32. Thomas Thayer. 33. John Green. 34. John Albee. 35. Saml. Hayward, jr. 36. Josiah Thayer. 37. Capt. Josiah Chapin. 38. James Lovet. 20 39. John Thompson, jr., 40. Joshua Lazell. 41. John Peck. 42. Ebenezer Staples. 43. Joseph Plumley. 44. Mr. Grindal Rawson. 45. Joseph White. 46. James Albee. 47. Saml. Thayer. 48. Nicolas Cook. 49. Ebenezer Thayer. 50. Joseph Rocket. 51. Saml. Hayward. 52. Ebenezer White. 53. Ebenezer Sprague. 54. Robert Taft. 55. Ephraim Staples. 56. Jacob Staples. 57. John Bridges. 58. Saml. Read, Jr., 59. Saml. More. 60. Abraham Staples. 61. Ephraim Peck. 62. Jacob Aldrich. 63. Angell Torrey. 64. John Staples. 65. William Hayward. 66. Benjamin Wheelock, jr., 67. Decon Warfeeld. 68. Jonathan Hayward. 69. The Ministry Lot. 70. Ebenezer Read. 71. John Post. 72. John Darling. 73. Elxsander Plumley. 74. Seth Chapin. 75. The Scool Lot. 154 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1707. Previous to this division the town set apart large tracts of land " to Lye for perpetuall common for the town's use," as follows, viz: 1. All that land from the West River at Abraham Staples' meadow to Wigwam Hill, then to Chestnut Hill, including both, then to the lower end of Hopp brook meadow and then home to the Mill River, "to lye for perpetuall common for the use of the Proprietors, their heyres and suck sessors, except that land is all Redy granted," home to the centre of the town. 2. All the land between the several places before mentioned and the Great'River, except land already laid out or may be taken up, in the fifth division. 3. All the land from Mill River to Quick Stream and from thence, by our line, to Dedham tree at Second Bridge (Charles) River and so home to the town, except what is already granted. 4. All the land from Second Bridge River, at the mouth of Beaver Pond brook to the upper end of Beaver Pond meadow, thence, taking in Bare Hill, to the upper end, then home to Sherborn road, by Ensigne Lovet's plain, home to the centre of the town, except what is already granted. 5, All that land east from the Mill River, at John Jones' house, one-half mile wide, to the town line; also, all the land from the Mill River at the upper end. of the North Meadow over to the south side of Hungry Hill, thence to the falls upon the saw mill brook, then home to the West River, then down said river to Abraham Staples' meadow, home to the centre of the town, except what may already be granted. March 3. For Selectmen, Saml. Read, Robert Taft, John Darling, Saml. Thayer and Josiah Thayer. Clerk, Saml. Read. Constables, Ephraim Chapin and Benjamin Wheelock, jr. It seems the contract made with Mr. Rawson (the minister) to prosecute and defend the Sherborn claim against a piece of meadow, had been annulled and set aside; (probably by mutual agreement) and, in consequence, the town took action upon the matter, as follows viz: "Voted that Capt. Chapin shuld In the behalf of the towne discourse with and, If he think It be for the Town's Interest, to Retaine a Lawyer to Manig our Afaire with Sherborn concerning the Claime they make to our Meadow Within their Line." This dispute, without doubt, arose from the Gen 1708.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 155 eral Court's grant, May 19, 1669, of ninety acres "without our line." How the controversy was terminated neither record or tradition informs us. As the coveted meadow was within the territorial limits of Sherborn it is not probable the matter was adjusted without resort to the law. At this meeting the Selectmen were instructed "to take account of the former Treasurer of what money he had disposed of of the town's." The only record we have of the choice of a Treasurer is in 1705, when Saml. Read was chosen Town Clerk and Treasurer. While Sherborn men were vexing us on the east side of the town other troubles were brewing on the west side, as is learned by the following action of the town. Oct. 17th, it was voted "that Capt. Chapin shuld have money out of the Towne stock for the carrying on of the Afaire about our Land on the west side of the Great River, that is now in controversy with the Providence men." Oct. 20th. A road was laid out from the country road, a little beyond the School meadow brook, to the land of Saml. More, on the pine plain, on this side of West River. The old Streeter road. The road from Nathan R. George's old house over Muddy Brook and Neck Hill to the road leading to the mill, near where Lewis B. Gaskill now lives, as also the road now known as Gaskill street were laid out this year. I708. February 6. At a town meeting held this day Capt. Josiah Chapin was chosen Commissioner of Assessments and Ensigne Lovett, William Holbrook and John Tyler, Trustees to take a valuation. At the same meeting the town debts were found as follows, viz: To Sergt. William Holbrook for service at the General Court, seventy-five days............................... ~11 07 00 To Joseph White for sweeping the meeting house, 1707........ 00 15 00 To Selectmen the Towne's allowance for ye yeare 1707......... 01 00 00 To the Town Clerk for 1706-7.............................. 01 00 00 To Capt. Chapin for the charge of 11 men to Shokalog........ 01 02 00 156 ANNALS OF MENDON. r[1708. To Capt. Chapin and 4 men to boston & 7 horses 3 days....... 01 14 00 To Capt. Chapin & 4 men to boston att the Superior Court..... 02 00 00 To Robert and Joseph Taft in Recompence for being carryed to Providence........................................... 00 12 00 To Sergt. Darling and Thomas White for running the line between Dedham and Mendon............................. 00 04 06 To the Towne for two pounds drawn out of the towne stock by order of the town to defray the charges about Providence men..................................................... 02 00 00 ~21 14 06 The Selectmen were ordered to make a town rate to pay the debts above stated. The charges of Capt. Chapin and of Robert and Joseph Taft undoubtedly had reference to the then existing controversy about the boundary line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Inasmuch as Robert and Joseph Taft were to be recompenced for the carrying them away into Rhode Island, it is presumed they were made prisoners during the campaign about Shokalog under Capt. Chapin. How long they were held, in durance vile, over the border, we do not know, but, as their charges for the indignities they were subjected to were moderate, we presume their sojourn in the enemies' country was not of long duration. March 1. The town chose for Selectmen, Ensigne James Lovet, Sergt. John Darling, Thomas Thayer and Saml. More; Town Clerk, Saml. Read; Constables, Robert Taft, jr., and Isaac Thayer. About this time, it is supposed that the increasing number of the inhabitants led them to the consideration of the timber supply for the future. One would suppose that the extent of territory which must, at this period, have been covered with forest would not be likely to impress upon the people the danger of a timber famine. Be that as it may the town voted "that no more Cedar swamp should be laid out in any division of land, and also that any one transporting shingles or clapboards out of town, or selling them to any one out of town, should forfeit three shilings and six pence for each hundred of clapboards and five shillings for each thousand of shingles so transported or sold." Capt. Chapin, William Holbrook and Thomas White were chosen to give the Selectmen instructions for this year. 1709.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 157 John Peck was to have fifty shillings for keeping his brother, Ephraim, from Feb., 1707, to April 8, 1708. MENDON, Sept. 27, 1708. Received of the several Constables, or their order, According to Town Agreement, the whole of the Annual Salarys due to me by the town vote, untill the twenty-fifth of March one thousand seven hundred and five for which this is the discharge of, GRINDAL RAWSON. I709. Jan. 8. At a public town meeting it was voted to erect a school house twenty feet in length, sixteen feet wide and seven feet between joints. This was the first school house built,'and was situated upon the hill below Deacon Warfield's house, being, as near as can be ascertained, upon the site of the family cemetery of the Messrs. George. Serg. Peter Holbrook, John Tyler and Saml. Thayer were chosen as the Building Committee and were instructed to have the house finished by the last day of June next. March 7. Selectmen, Deacon Peter Holbrook, John Tyler, John Darling, Saml. More and Saml. Read, jr.; Town Clerk, Saml. Read, sen.; Constables, James Emerson and John Albee; Town Treasurer, Ensigne James Lovet; Highway Surveyors, Tithing men, Fence Viewers and Field Drivers were also chosen. This year the assessment for wood for Mr. Rawson could be paid in wood or money at the option of the tax payer. The persons living on Mr. Rawson's farm had liberty "to build a place for their Relief upon the Sabbath day, between the meeting house and the town pound." Mr. Rawson's farm was in what is now Uxbridge, a little to the north of the mills of C. A. & S. M. Wheelock. The place of Relief was what, in later times, was called a Noon House. It consisted of one room with a large hearth in the centre and a square hole in the roof immediately over the hearth. When the weather required it a fire of charcoal was kindled upon the hearth in the morning, and the baskets and pails containing the dinners were arranged upon its outer edge. At noon the room would be found warm and comfortable, and the occupants, having eaten their frugal meal, returned to the meeting house to partake of the spiritual food 158 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1709. furnished by the afternoon service. As riding upon horse-back was the principal mode of conveyance, the inevitable horseblock always stood near the door of the Noon House. Deacon Warfield was installed as school master in the new school house this year, and was to be paid (salary not stated) out of the first town rate. March 10. At an adjourned meeting from March 7th, it was voted to " Inlarg the present Meeting hous the full breadth of sd house, and ten feet down street and ten feet up street, the full hight of the body of the house. A Rooff to cripple on upon the Ruff of the former house att each end." Galleries were to be built in both the new ends with stairs. To cover the expense an appropriation of fifty pounds was made. Whether the carpenter was to have the fifty pounds in addition to "what is useful of the timber and bords of the present house," the record furnishes no intimation. The following was the vote of the town: "That what is useful of the timber and bords of the present house should be his that doth the work, by finding Nails for the whole, and Remove and sett up the windows to be Removed In the places In sd New ends and find sleepers & bords for and Lay the floores and to Carry the body of the seats so far as to make it flush at the outside of ye present house and to make the seats in both new ends below." A LATIN SCHOOL MASTER. "Where as A scoole Master is wanting to teach the Children to Reed, writ and cifer, as the Law Diricts; and Mr. Rawson offering the Towne that if the Towne would Retain A Latin Scoole Master for four years he would give said Scooll Master his bord all the said time, therefore voted that the Towne accept of sd offer and doe Resolve to Retaine a Latin scoole Master for sd Towne for four years and to give Twenty pounds A year for that service." Whether a Latin school master was retained by the town is a matter of some uncertainty as no further mention is made of the subject. Aug. 29. Further alterations were directed to be made in the meeting house. The front gallery was to be removed to the same breadth with the new gallery and new floored, seated and fronted as the new ones are to be and that Mr. Evans was to have ten pounds and sixteen shillings for making the alteration. 1710.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 159 Mr. Rawson and Mr. Coffin each had liberty to build a pew in the meeting house. Nicholas Cook had liberty to leave two acres " Near Brak neck hill." This Brak Neck Hill is now called Pond Hill, and lies upon the north side of Mendon Pond, formerly called Nipmuck Great Pond. I7I0. March 6th. For Selectmen the town chose Lieut. James Lovet, Samuel Thayer, Saml. Read, jr., Seth Chapin and Samuel More; Town Clerk, Saml. Read, sen., and Saml. Read, jr., to take care of the Day Book in his father's absence; Constables, Danil Hill and Eliazer Daniels; Treasurer, James Lovett. The absence of Saml. Read, sen., was occasioned by being Representative at the General Court, at Boston, where he served fifty-six days, for eight pounds and eight shillings. It seems that there was something unusual in the conduct of swine, this year; as the town voted they should be "yoked and wringed as the law directs," and then, fearing their vote would not be duly observed, or that, being yoked and wringed, would not afford sufficient protection against their depredations, a committee of thirteen good men and true were charged with the faithful execution of their order. The names of this committee were Samuel Cook, Seth Chapin, Danil Taft, Joseph Rockit, Eliazer Daniels, John Darling, jr., Francis Green, Alexander Plumley, Joseph White. jr., Timothy Winter, Nathan Tyler, Banjamin Albee and Benjamin Darling. The practice of instructing the Selectmen was still kept up, and this year, Josiah Chapin, Esq., Robert Taft, sen., and Thomas White were chosen a Committee for that purpose. For the first time we find that repairs of the highway were to be defrayed by a tax. By this we learn that "standing out the highway tax " is not an innovation of modern times; for, when the town voted the highway tax, they gave, as a reason, for the novel procedure, "that every man may know and doe his proportion of work seasonably." 160 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1711. 1711. March 5. Lieut. James Lovet, Samuel Read, jr., Samuel More, Thomas Thayer and Thomas Sanford were chosen Selectmen; Samuel Read, Town Clerk; James Lovet, Town Treasurer, and Danil Lovet and Ebenezer Sumner, Constables. John Thomson, John Corbit and others, had liberty to build a saw mill on the town's common, "on Second Bridge (Charles) River," below the Dedham Tree. This tree was upon a bend of Charles River, a little north from the house of Ellis Bullard in Bellingham. Dedham trees were also mentioned at other points on the line between Dedham and Mendon. The saw mill was on the north bank of Charles River, a short distance to the northwest from the Bellingham Station on the Air Line Railroad. George Pike had twenty acres of land granted him upon the west side of Mumford's River, southerly from Ebenezer Read's grist mill. The late Judge Rawson, of Barrington, R. I., gave me the following account of the origin of the name given to this river. A man by the name of Mumford, journeying from Brookfield to Mendon, in the spring of the year, was drowned in attempting to ford it during a freshet. This was before there was any settlement in the westerly part of Mendon, now Uxbridge. The body was recovered in due time, and, as the body-was fast decomposing, and the weather warm, a chestnut tree was cut down and the bark removed, at a suitable length, for a coffin. In this the body was placed and strongly bound with withes. It was buried upon the site of the present public house in Uxbridge; and, many years afterwards, when a cellar was dug at the place, the remains of the coffin and the bones of Mumford were found. The mystery was soon explained, as a man, living in Mendon, remembered, when a boy, riding on a horse behind the Coroner to view the remains. The drowning of Mumford had already given the river its name and the finding these relics satisfactorily identified his place of burial. It seems the controversy with Sherborn about the meadows had not been amicably adjusted, as the town voted " to stand by benjemin Thayer In the Defence of his meadow within Sherborn Line." Benjamin Thayer's meadow was undoubtedly a portion of the ninety acres, "without our line," granted by the General Court in 1669. 1711.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 1'61 Samuel Read was to have six acres of land "In ye pine plaine or upon Mumford's river, in full for services as Town Clerk for three years, viz. for 1708, 1709 & 1710." About this time the enlargement of the meeting house, we suppose, was nearly or quite completed, as the town chose a committee of nine "to seat the meeting house." This seating the meeting house undoubtedly meant the assignment'of seats to the congregation, as no one had a pew except Mr. Rawson and Mr. Coffin. The seating the meeting house was probably a delicate matter, as we find this committee was made up of the leading men in the town, consisting of Josiah Chapin, Esq., Samuel Read, James Lovet, Robert Taft, William Hollbrook, Seth Chapin, Samuel Thayer, Joseph White and Thomas Sanford. Mr. Rawson was allowed to build a pew for the use of his family, "between the two middle posts wheare the Great door is," the town to allow him thirty shillings for his present pew. Robert Evans was to have six acres of land for building two pews, one on each side of Mr. Rawson's pew. The forty cords of wood to be furnished Mr. Rawson, annually, were commuted by the addition of ten pounds to his yearly salary, thus lessening the military duty of the train band, by the amount of time and manual exercise it would take to prepare the forty cords for the fire. Samuel Warfield had an acre and a half adjoining his other land, " near the old Saw Mill upon Fall brook." The name of Fall brook is not elsewhere mentioned in the records, and as the farm now (1876) improved by Richard G. Gaskill, had, until recently, long been in possession of the Warfield family, the most reasonable presumption seems to be that the "old saw mill upon Fall brook " stood near the machine shop of Mr. Westcott, familiarly known as Spindleville. Abel Aldrich, Seth Aldrich and Jonathan Richardson were this year exempted from "the meeting house rate, and also their pole money to the minister rate for the future." As no reasons are given for this action of the town, we can only conjecture that they had become converts to the doctrine of the Friends in this regard. From a settlement with James Lovet we learn that the 21 162 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1712. enlargement of the meeting house cost forty-nine pounds and ten shillings. I712. March 3. Chose for Selectmen and Assessors, Josiah Chapin, Esq., Samuel Read, William Hayward, John Jones and Samuel More; Town Clerk, Samuel Read; Town Treasuer, James Lovet; Commissioner, William Holbrook; Constables, John Thomson and Alexander Plumley. "In answer to a paper presented to the Towne att this time by William Hopkins bearing Date third day, Concerning sum Iron Mines wh sd Hopkins and Daniel Jenks call theirs, within our bounds, the towne att sd meeting pased A vote In answer to the sd paper, and forthwith sent them this Answer, 'that all the mines that was in the towne's Comon was prohibited from being transported att a public towne meeting Sept. 1700, and as for any that was In Impropriated Lands they might repair to the owners." These iron mines were in the south east part of what is now the town of Blackstone, in the vicinity of Mill River. At this meeting the Cedar and other swamps to the amount of nine hundred acres it was voted should be divided by the following rule: A forty acre lot should have thirty acres, and other lots in the same ratio. A road was laid out, this year, from the country road on the west side of the Great River to the. saw mill and corn mill on Mumford river, being the present road leading from Taft's bridge to Uxbridge centre. Jabez Bellows had twenty acres of land granted him in Shocolog Woods, near Shocolog Pond. This is in the southerly part of Uxbridge. Dec. 22. At a public town meeting, called for the purpose, the following accounts were audited and ordered to be paid: To Josiah Chapin Esq. for 7 days at Court and 2 days Laying highways................................................ ~01 05 00 To David Thompson for sweeping the meeting house.......... 01 00 00 To Saml. Read for 56 days att Court......................... 08 08 00 And service as Clerk and laying highways and other service, 02 02 00 To our School Master's Salary from ye 1 December to 1 May,... 05 00 00 To his bord ye said time.................................... 04 00 00 To W illiam Hayward...................................... 00 10 00 1713.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 163 To John Jones.............................................. 00 14 00 To John Tyler for 4 days about ye Ministry and Scool lots...... 00 10 00 To Thomas White 4 days laying out sd lots & 2 days running lines..................................................... 00 18 00 To Saml. Read Jr. for 4 days about sd lots.................... 00 10 00 To Sam l, M ore.............................................. 01 01 00 To Ebenezer Read for one Journey of his horse to boston...... 00 03 00 To Lieut. Lovet to 1 day running line........................ 00 02 00 To John Thomson to 1 day running line...................... 00 02 00 To Daniel Lovet for 20 s. Lost by John Elice & -- still, their rates...................................................... 01 00 00 ~27 13 08 Colonial tax for this year................................... ~99 14 00 County tax ".................................... 15 00 06 Minister's salary ".................................... 66 00 00 Town rate ".................................... 27 19 08 ~208 14 02 Deacon Warfield having retired from his position as the first school-master of the town, the following action was had in relation to A NEW SCHOOL-MASTER. "MENDON Nov. 12. 1712 the Select men mett In order to Procure a Scoole Master, the Towne being destitute of one, and being Informed of one Robert Husse att boston, who had been formerly Imployed In that service att Eastham and of his termes: Agreed to Indever the obtaining of him, ordered the Clerk, In their name, to send him word and desire him to be In Redynes when soever A hors was sent for him to come up, which was don the Next day; but, weather preventing, the hors was not sent until the 10th. of December and he came to Mendon the 12th. of sd Month: ye 13th. the Select men mett to conclude of his farther proceeding and that his time shall begin the first of December and end ye first of May, for which he shall have five pound paid him for his service and his Diet the sd time, and to begin at John Farnum's and ther continue untill the 28th of January." I713. March 2. Chose Robert Evens, Thomas Sanford, Saml. Thayer, Saml. Cook and Ebenezer Sumner, Selectmen; Saml. Read, Town Clerk; Robert Evens, Saml. Cook and Thomas Sanford, Assessors, and Daniel Thurston and Seth Al 164 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1713. drich, Constables. Seven Surveyors of Highways, four Tithing men and six Fence Viewers were also chosen. March 23. Josiah Chapin, Esq., was chosen Commissioner of Assessments, and James Lovet Town Treasurer, and " to have ten shillings a year for ye four years past." Moses Aldrich had liberty to continue his shop upon the Common "so long as he Improves the Shop for Smithery work." It seems the controversy with Sherborn about the " meadows without our line" had not yet been adjusted, as will appear by the following vote:" Whereas the Town of Sherborn, In the County of Middlesex, Pretend an Interest In Meadows Granted to this Towne, It is Necessary that A Tryall be made in the Law to Defend the Towne's Interest, other ways to accommodate the Difference being found fruitless, it was voted, that if Benjamin Thayer, who claims a portion of the disputed meadows would make a test case, the town would guarantee him their proportion of the costs of the law-suit." The Committee of Nine, chosen in 1711, "to seat the meeting house," did not succeed in making satisfactory assignments, as we find that Deacon Tyler, Deacon Jones and Deacon Sanford were deputed to see if a more satisfactory arrangement could be devised. Before proceeding to lay out the " Cedar and other swamps," it was voted to divide 300 acres of the Cedar swamps-ten acres to a forty acre lot and others in the same proportion. Every man was to lay out his proportion of Cedar swamps first, before "the other swamps "-to draw lots for choice-to notify the man who came next after him, and to lay out his share within three days after notice, or else stay "untill all other Lotts " are laid out, (except hindered by Providence) "then to fall in the next opportunity." THE DRAUGHT OF THE SIXTH DIVISION. 1. Mr. Grindal Rawson. 7. Daniel Lovet. 2. Ebenezer Staples. 8. Benjamin Wheelock jr. 3. John Farnum. 9. Danil Taft. 4. John Corbit. 10. Moses Aldrich. 5. Jacob Aldrich. 11. Benjamin Thomson. 6. Samuel Bridges. 12. Benjamin Wheelock. 1713.] ANNALS OF MENDON.. 165 13.. Abraham Staples. 14. Ebenezer Cooke. 15. Sylvanus Holbrook. 16. Josiah Thayer. 17. Benjamin Albee. 18. Seth Chapin. 19. Woodland Thomson. 20. James Emerson. 21. Robert Taft. 22. Joseph Taft. 23. Ebenezer White. 24. John Darling, sen. 25. Thomas White. 26. John Thomson jr. 27. John Daniels. 28. Obadiah Wheelock. 29. Joseph White. 30. Richard Holbrook. 31. John Holbrook 32. John Thomson, sen. 33. John Cook, sen. 34. Alexander Plumley. 35. James Lovet. 36. Thomas Prentice. 37. Capt. Josiah Chapin. 38. Samuel Thayer. 39. John Peck. 40. Peter Holbrook. 41. Mary Warfield. 42. Samuel Read jr. 43. David Aldrich. 44. Robert Taft jr. 45. Benjamin Taft. 46. Jonathan Thayer. 47. Jonathan Richardson. 48. John Green. 49. John Albee. 50. Wilson Rawson. 51. Philip Amydowne. 52. Ebenezer Sumner. 53. Nicolas Cooke. 54. Nathaniel More. 55. John Post. 56. Ephraim Peck. 57. Thomas Thayer. 58. Benjamin Wheaton. 59. Jabez Bellows. 60. Abell Aldrich. 61. Joseph Chapin. 62. John Arnold. 63. Joseph Sumner. 64. James Albee. 65. John Aldrich. 66. Ebenezer Tyler. 67. Samuel Cook. 68. Thomas Taft. 69. Elihue Warfeld. 70. Samuel More. 71. Ebenezer Thayer. 72. John Cook, junior. 73. John White. 74. Joseph Rockit. 75. John Sprage. 76. Seth Aldrich. 77. William Hayward. 78. Joseph Plumley. 79. 80. Holbrook. 81. John Jones. 82. Peter Aldrich. 83. Jonathan Hayward. 84. Robert Evens. 85. Thomas White. 86. Samuel Warfeld. 87. Benjamin Hayward. 88. Samuel Thayer. 89. Benoni Benson. 90. Danil Hill. 91. Isaac Thayer. 92. Joseph White jr. 93. Benjamin Darling. 94. Ebenezer Read. 95. James Albee jr. 96. John Sprage's Children. 97. Joseph Holbrook. 98. Daniel Thurston. 99. Timothy Winter. 100. John Gardner. 101. David Thomson. 102. John Darling jr. 166 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1713. 103. Jethro Coffin. 107. Jonathan Cook. 104. Saml. & Wm. Holbrook. 108. Edmond Rawson. 105. Ephraim Chapin. 109. Benjamin Thayer. 106. William Sprage. \ May 12. Josiah Chapin, Esq., was chosen Representative to ' * the General Court "for ye yeare Insuing." This is the first S k<A record of the choice of a Representative; but that others had been chosen before we learn from their accounts rendered to the \ town for such service. Timothy Winter, Josiah Chapin, William Holbrook and Samuel Read had already served the town in that capacity. William Holbrook, who served in 1707, was paid ~11.07, for seventy-five days, that being the length of the session. Rev. Grindal Rawson, for some time before his death, was unable to supply the pulpit. We learn this from the following record: "Nov. 23. 1713. Josiah Chapin Esq. was to have three pound paid. him for bording Mr. Joseph Adams for one quarter of a year past and fifteen shilling for keeping of his hors." Deacon Tyler "wa:s also authorized to take money out of the town treasury to pay Mr. Adams for his Labor the two last Sabbaths; and If sd money comes In by Contry bution, within one month, then to Return the same to the Treasurer, otherwise to be made up by the Towne." Upon examination of the Cedar swamps they were found to fall far short of giving to each proprietor ten acres, as the town had formerly voted. In this dilemma Thomas White, the Surveyor, Left. Robert Evens, Thomas Thayer and Ebenezer Read were chosen a committee "to take a Cir 'cumferance of the Cedar Swamps " and to apportion to each of the proprietors their proper number of acres, according to their several rights as their lots are already drawn. John Gardner's ear mark (the first one on record) was as follows, viz: "A fork in the Right Eare." Nov. 23. The town's debts, incurred during the present municipal year, and for the payment of which a rate was made, was found to be as follows, viz:To pay the Scool Master...................................... 20 00 00 To build the Scool house..................................... 15 00 00 To Josiah Chapin Esq. for serving as Representative............ 12 03 00 1713.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 167 To the Assessors........................................... 01 12 09 To the Town Clerk........................................ 00 10 00 To Mr. Coffin for hinges for doors in ye Meeting house......... 00 06 00 To John Thomson for sweeping the Meeting house............ 01 00 00 Money In the Treasurer's hands.............................. 04 11 03 ~55 02 09 How long Mr. Adams supplied the pulpit is not known, and whether any one else was called to Mr. Rawson's assistance up to the time of his death, in 1715, the records are silent; but as his salary was voted in 1714, it is probable that he continued his ministerial labors to within a short time of his death. MASTS FOR THE KING. To his Excellency the Governor and General Assembly of her Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, at Boston the 27th. of May 1713. The Petition of Jethro Coffin, of Mendon, Humbly Sheweth, That whereas the General Court of the late Colony of the Massachusetts, in the year 1672, did Grant unto your Petitioner's Father, Peter Coffin, Esq. two hundred Acres of upland and about Thirty or Forty Acres of Meadow, which Grant your Petitioner's said Father was pleased, by deed, to give and make over to your Petitioner, who herewith presents a Platt of the Taking up and laying out of the same on the west side of the Township of Mendon, And humbly prays your Excellency and Honors Confirmation therefor, And as in duty bound he shall pray, JETHRO COFFIN., In Council May 2. 1713. Read and Granted a confirmation of the Land contained in the Platt so that it be free from any former grant. ISAAC ADDINGTON, Sec. Sent down for concurrence. In the House of Representatives June 13. 1713. Read and Concurred. JOHN BURRILL, Speaker. In the Colonial Records, book 3d, p. 709, may be found the grant made to Peter Coffin, as follows: At the Second Session of the General Court for Elections held at Boston 8th. day of October 1672 on their adjournment. Wee the Subscribers being appointed by the Honorable General Court May 15 1672 to Examine and State Lieut, Peter Coffin's account Relating to 168 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1714. the Masts Contracted for with him Anno 1666 by a Committee Appointed for that end; which Masts were sent a present to his Majesty Anno 1668, having examined the same do finde one hundred pounds Due to him from the Country (colony) besides his own care and paines in procuring the said Masts, which he Leaving to the pleasure of the General Court, Wee do present to the Consideration the Allowing him Two Hundred Acres of up Land and about Thirty or Forty Acres of Meadow where he can find not yet laid out, which we Suppose he may well deserve and will lie no less satisfactory to him. Dated in Charles Town June 11, 1672. JOHN LEVERETT, RICHARD RUSSELL, LAWRENCE HAMMOND. The Court approves of this Returne and orders the Treasurer of the Country (Colony) to make him, the said Peter Coffin, satisfaction accordingly, and the Land Desired is Granted unto him Copy as of Record, ISAAC ADDINGTON, Sec. A survey and plat of this grant was made by Thomas White, Surveyor of the town of Mendon, April 1, 1713, and the same may be found in the Archives of Massachusetts-"Ancient Plans, Grants &c. 1641 to 1715 p. 241." Mumford's River and the west line of Mendon are designated upon this plat. The present village of Whitinsville is situated upon the noitheastern portion of this tract. A road called the French Road passed the northeastern corner. I714. March 1. Lieut. James Lovet, Capt. Seth Chapin, Dea. John Jones, Dea. Thomas Sanford and Ebenezer Read were chosen Selectmen; Josiah Chapin, Esq., Commissioner of Assessments; Samuel Read, Town Clerk, James Lovet, Treasurer, and John Corbet and John Post, Constables. March 3. The Selectmen agreed with Martin Pearse to keep school at seventeen pounds for one year, "with board and Dyett." July 20. It was voted that the school be kept six months in the centre of the town and the other other six months "upon the out scirts of the town." John Post was chosen Constable at the annual meeting, and then refused to serve; but, as such refusal subjected him to a fine of five pounds, as set forth in a Province law, passed Nov. 1714.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 169 16, 1692, it is supposed that John Post reconsidered the matter and presented himself before John Chandler, Esq., one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, and took the oath of Constable for the ensuing year. At a town meeting held Sept. ye 21. 1714, the following accounts were audited, and they were ordered to be paid. viz:To Mr. Rawson's Salary.....................................~65 00 00 To the School Master's Salary & subsistence.................... 12 00 00 To Josiah Chapin for 9 days attendance at the General Court & (1) one copy of record...................................... 01 08 00 To Capt. Seth Chapin 2 days about ye North Purches........... 00 04 00 To Joseph Holbrook for 1 day running with Shei'born.......... 00 02 00 To Samuel Read for 1 jurney upon the account of the North Purches, to proove ye deed and to brantry....................... 00 10 00 To Thomas White for his first survey of ye Cedar swamps....... 01 01 00 To Thomas White, for surveying and plotting ye North Purches. 00 06 00 To Ser. Joseph White to boston to prove ye deed............... 00 06 00 To Thomas White for 4 days sur cumfrencing Cedar swamps and running line with Sutton 2 days............................. 01 01 00 To pay our Representative for this year, 1714................... 08 00 00 To the Committee for sur comfering the Cedar swamps........ To Lieut Evens 4 days.................................... 00 10 00 To Thomas Thayer, 3 days............................... 00 07 00 To Ebenezer Read, 4 days................................ 00 10 00 To the Towne Treasurer..................................... 00 15 00 To the Selectmen........................................... 01 00 00 To Thomas Sanford for 1 jurney to boston..................... 00 06 00 To Thomas White and benje Green 1 jurney to Marlborough.... 00 06 00 To Woodland Thomson, for sweeping the meeting house........ 01 00 00 To the Town Clerk......................................... 00 10 00 ~95 02 00 Before this it seems that Thomas Taft had built a bridge over the Great (Blackstone) River, and attempts had been made to get a road laid out to it from the town. This bridge is supposed to have been in an easterly direction from the house of the late Hon. Bezaleel Taft, but the land damage demanded by Thomas Taft was thought to be excessive, and so the project of building a road to it was abandoned. This year the town lines between Mendon and Sherburne, and Mendon and Sutton were perambulated by committees from each town. Between Mendon and Sutton for the first time. 22 170 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1715. I715. Jan. 11. The Proprietors held a meeting this day, pursuant to a warrant from Josiah Chapin, Esq., one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, and chose Capt. Seth Chapin Moderator, and Samuel Read, Sen., for Clerk. At the first settlement of the town, all were proprietors; that is, all the unappropriated land was held in common. Out of this common land, when a new comer desired a grant, if he were to become a proprietor, the words "entitled to his share in all future divisions of land," would be embodied in the vote of concession; if this phrase was not found in the vote, the grantee acquired no interest in the unappropriated lands-he did not become a proprietor. Although lands were disposed of in town meetings, it is presumed that such votes were only passed by the proprietors. It may be seen, from time to time who were proprietors, by consulting the record of the various divisions of land. The Rev. Grindal Rawson, after a ministry of thirty-five years, died Feb. 6, at the age of fifty-seven years. From these figures we learn that he began to preach at the age of twenty-two. Mr. Rawson was the twelfth and youngest son of Edward and Rachel (Perne) Rawson, and was born Feb. 1, 1659, according to the inscription on his grave stone, in the burying yard at Mendon. The Rawson Memorial, by E. B. Crane, gives Jan. 23, 1659, as his birth-day, Edward Rawson was born in Gillingham, in Dorsetshii-e, England, and came to New England in 1636, or 1637, and settled in the town of Newbury, in the County of Essex. He was one of the grantees of that town, and its second Town Clerk, and which office he held, by successive annual elections from 1638 to 1647. He was chosen as Representative to the General Court in 1638, at the age of twenty-three. He was at other times also a member of that body until 1650, when he was elected Secretary of the Colony. This office he held until the usurpation of Andros, when Randolph succeeded him, in 1686. He removed to Boston, upon being chosen Secretary, and lived in Rawson's lane, afterwards known as Bromfield street. Rachel Perne was a grand-daughter of John Hooker, whose wife was sister to Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1715.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 171 in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Hence the names of Perne, Hooker, Edward and Grindal often occur, as Chiistian names, in the families of the Rawsons. Grindal Rawson graduated at Harvard College in 1678, and studied divinity with his brother-in-law, the Rev. Samuel Torrey, of Weymouth. He married Susanna Wilson, daughter of Rev.' John Wilson of Medfield. He began to preach in Mendon, Oct. 4, 1680, and was permanently settled April 7, 1684. At his graduation, President Oakes, when conferring the degrees, made special mention of John Cotton, Cotton Mather and Grindal Rawson. Mr. Rawson was an excellent scholar and a learned divine, as the General Court, it is said, sometimes referred grave and knotty questions of ecclesiastical polity to him for solution. He published a work, entitled "Confession of Faith," in the English and Indian languages. He preached an Artillery Election sermon in 1703, and also an Election sermon befbre the Governor and the General Court in 1709, and they were both printed. In 1698, in conjunction with the Rev. Samuel Danforth, of Taunton, pursuant to instructions from the Commissioners.for Propagating the Gospel, he made an extended tour among the Indians. An interesting report of this mission may be found in the First Series of the Massachusetts Historical Collections, vol. 10. Mrs. Rawson long survived the death of her husband. She continued to reside at Mendon, and'died at an advanced age. The following epitaphs are copied from the tablets erected to their memories, in the old burying yard: Here Lyeth Interr'd the body of the Reverend Mr. GRINDAL RAWSON, The late faithful and learned Pastor of the Church of Christ in Mendon, who died April 6. 1715, and entered 6 days into ye 57 year of his age Deceased the 35th year of his Ministry. The memory of the Just is Blessed. 1.72 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1715. Here lies inter'd ye Remains of Mrs. Susanna Rawson Relict of ye late Rev. Mr. Grindal Rawson Pastor of ye Church of Christ in Mendon and daughter to ye Rev Mr. John Wilson 1st. Minister of ye Gospel in Medfield WJo departed this life July 8th. A. Domini 1748 In ye 84th. year of her age." March 7. Thomas Sanford, Samuel Thayer, Sergt. John Thomson, Capt Seth Chapin and Samuel Read, Jr., were chosen Selectmen; Thomas Sanford Town Clerk; James Lovet, Town Treasurer; Justice Chapin, Commissioner; and John Holbrook and Benjamin Taft, Constables. As usual, a committee was chosen to instruct the Selectmen, but their instructions were not, as formerly, made the subject of record. March 28. Justice (Josiah) Chapin, Elder Read, Deacon Tyler, Samuel Thayer and Thomas Sanford were chosen a committee " to take care to provide a Minister for the Town, from time to time, until they shall provide a man, so far to the Town's acceptance, as to give a call to settlement." Whether this committee were sufficiently diligent in the discharge of their duty, we do not know, but up to September no one had been found to the town's acceptance for a call to settlement; and so, on Sept. 8, the town chose Sergt. Joseph White and James Emerson "to strengthen the Committee to provide a Minister." At this meeting sixty pounds were raised to pay town debts and contingent charges "so far as it will extend." Thomas Hill had his tax of seven shillings and six pence abated, " provided ye sd Hill never Return into ye towne again as an Inhabitant." June 21. It was voted "for the first Minister that shall settle in this towne one hundred pounds, or the Ministry Lot, in said town, and for a yearly salary seventy pounds in money. 1716.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 173 1716. Jan. 28. A town meeting having been warned for this day, the inhabitants met, and (for some reason not mentioned) without transacting any business, adjourned until the next day at 8 o'clock A. M., when the road and "the bridge that Taft built," being called up, the town voted that all directions heretofore given to the Selectmen to lay out said road "should be hereby Recalled and forever stand Repealed in the Town Book." March 5.- Thomas Sanford, Lieut. Robert Evens, Robert Taft, Jr., Josiah Thayer and Jacob Aldrich were chosen Selectmen; Thomas Sanford, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Josiah Chapin, Commissioner, and John Marsh and John Gardner, Constables. This year, instead of choosing a committee to instruct the Selectmen, the town simply voted that those functionaries "should secure ye towne from the penalties of The Law for ye ensuing year.-" A committee was also chosen " to vew the accommodation of a way from the Iron Works to Dedham Line." The Iron Works were situated in the eastern part of what is now the town of Blackstone, known as Lower Canada or East Blackstone. The contemplated road was undoubtedly the road leaving the main or Rehoboth road at the Seth Kelly house, and running to Bellingham. It seems there must have been a contest about the road to Taft's bridge, as August 13th the town chose Thomas Sanford, Josiah Thayer and Jacob Aldrich a committee "to go to the Great River to view &, if They see cause, to lay out a way over the Great River and to agree with the owners of the land the Road may go through, Either over the Taft's bridge or Down streem by the Scull Rock, as they shall see fit." * This road left the old road to Uxbridge a little to the east of West River and ran southerly by the factory of Samuel Scott. It is wholly in the town of Uxbridge and Blackstone. At this meeting the Selectmen were instructed to prefer a petition to the General Court "Relating to the Settling the Province Line." SETTLEMENT OF REV. JOSEPH DORR, THE FOURTH MINISTER. Feb. 9. "Att a publick Town Meeting Leagally warned for Choice of a 174 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1716.' Minister, as the law directs, it was then proposed to the Town to Bring in their votes for Their Concurrence in the Church's choice of the Rev. Joseph Dorr to Be Their Pastor, which was accordingly Don and voted to be the Town's Minister." Feb. 20. "Att A Publick Town Meeting Leagally warned to agree with the Rev. Mr. Joseph Dorr, when both the Church and Town have allredy Made choice of for their Minister (both Relating to his Settlement and Salary) it was voated to add unto the one hundred pounds heretofore granted to the first Minister that shall settle among us and Confirme the same on the Rev. Mr. Joseph Dorr the sum of Sixty pounds to be paid in Labour and Materials Towards building him a house, in said Town, as there may be occasion thereof. Also to add to the sixty pounds, as aforesaid, and the same confirmed unto the Rev. Mr. Joseph Dorr so long as he shall remain the Town's Minister, the sum of five pounds per annum." A committee, consisting of Justice (Josiah) Chapin, Elder Read, (Samuel) Deacon John Tyler, Samuel Thayer and Thomas Sanford, were chosen by the town Feb. 24th, "To settle and Confirm the above mentioned Agreements with the Rev: Mr. Joseph Dorr and enter the same upon Record in the Town Book, and They, together with him, to signe the Agreement." MENDON, Feb. 24, 1716. Att a General Town Meeting for Election of a Minister on ye 9th Day of February Current (Voated) Mr. Joseph Dorr to settle among us in The work of the Ministry, we whose names are hereunder written, being a Committee Chosen by the Town at a Public Town Meeting, upon the Twentyeth Day of february Current (in the Town's behalf) To Confirm the agreement by voat, made with him Relating to his Settlement and Sallery which are as follows, do Agree. Imprimis. That they will give him for a yearly Sallery The sum of seaventy-five pounds per annum, after ye first year & the first year seaventy pounds To be paid in money. The one Moiety to be Collected and paid in unto the Town Treasurer on or before ye last day of October yearley and The other Moiety on or before The first day of March yearly, and the Treasurer to Issue and make up his accompt with Mr. Joseph Dorr on or before the last day of March annually. The above sd Sallery to be and continue unto him so long as he shall carry on The work of the Ministry in and for the Town. 2ndly. That. they will give for Settlement or Encouragement the sum of One hundred and sixty pounds, One hundred pounds in money. The one Moiety To be assessed, Collected and paid in unto the Last day of November in the year.of our Lord 1716, and the other moiety on or before that day twelve month and Sixty pounds to be paid in Labour & materials for and towards the building of him an house amongst us, to be assessed and paid in unto him as There shall be occation Thereof. 1716.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 175 3dly. That the time of Mr. Dorr's Sallery to begin to Commence The first of April, 1716. Committee, JOSIAH CHAPIN, SAML. READ, JOHN TYLER, THOS. SANFORD. The Proposals Above written I accept And freely Acquiesce in, In order to the End therein Specified, the Day and year above written. As witness my hand Signed in presence of us, JOSEPH DORR. SETH CHAPIN his JOSIAH / THAYER. mark. Mr. Dorr was the youngest son but one of the Rev. Edward and Elizabeth Dorr, and was born in Roxbury about 1689 or 1690, the day of his birth is not found upon the Church Records of Roxbury. He married Mary, daughter of Rev. Grindal Rawson, his predecessor in the ministry, April 9, 1724, and continued in the ministry, at Mendon, until his death March 9, 1768, aged 79. Mr. Dorr graduated at Harvard College in 1711 and received the degree of A. M. in course. His wife was the great granddaughter-of the Rev. John Wilson the first minister in Boston. Tradition corroborates the truth of the inscription on his tombstone in the ancient burying yard at Mendon, and which is as follows: "He was endowed with good sense. His temper was mild and placid. He excelled in the virtues of meekness, patience, temperance, sobriety, gravity, benevolence and charity; was a good scholar, a learned Divine and exemplary christian. " Sept. 6. At a town meeting it was voted to raise money by contribution to prepare for the ordination of Mr. Joseph Dorr, and that Deacon Nathan Tyler, Mr. James Keith & Nathaniel Rawson be men appointed by the town to take care of the provision & attend at Mrs. Rawson's thereabouts, &c. Also voted that those "that went jorneys from time to time to provide ministers for the town, since Mr. Rawson's decease, should have their Reasonable expenses of money allowed them by the town." 176 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1717. At this meeting forty pounds were raised to defray town charges, and sixty pounds to build Mr. Dorr's house, and it was also voted that the Selectmen should repair the meeting house. Mr. Dorr's house was built near the present house of James J. Nutter, nearly opposite the road leading to Northbridge. The last record for the year was the doings of a Proprietors' Meeting, held Dec. 24, when they voted that all the Proprietors should furnish the Clerk (of the Proprietors) with an account of their several rights so as to have the same recorded by the middle of January next. The falling short of the cedar swamps and the failure to enter at the Clerk's office many tracts already laid out, had hitherto prevented the laying out of the Sixth Division already voted. It was now decided that "none of the sixt Devision shuld be Laid out untill the Next June Insuing the date hereof. I717. It seems the Proprietors were careless in heeding the vote passed as above, for, at a meeting held Feb. 12, 1717, they voted "that all former Devisions of Land, that are not put upon the record before the Middle of May Next after this date, shal be Acounted for Comon and be Liable to be Laid out in the sixt Devision, to any of the Proprietors of sd Towne." March 4. Lieut. Robert Evens, Thomas Sanford, Lieut. Saml. Thayer, Sergt. John Thomson and Samuel Read, jr., were chosen Selectmen; Elder Samuel Read, 'rown Clerk; Thomas Sanford Treasurer; Joseph Hayward and Jonathan Hayward, of the town, Constables. "Hogg Constables" chosen for the first time, and Joseph Balkcom, Benjemin Taft, Thomas White, the third, Jonathan Thayer, John Thomson, jr., and Alexander Plumley were the successful candidates. May 28. A Proprietors' meeting was held, and was adjourned to the 3d Tuesday in October next, at 8 o'clock, A. M., " upon the Consideration that the Province Line yett Remains unsettled." Aug. 6. The Selectmen were instructed to lay out a road from Thomas Taft's house to Scull Rock and so over the Great River to the road, on the west side of the river, that leads to 1718.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 177 the corn mill. This corn mill was at the centre of the present town of Uxbridge. At the close of this year it is found that, since the year 1699, when a record of previous deaths was made, the following persons had died. Serg. Abraham Staples, Oct. 20, 1703. Ebenezer Read, Nov. 11,1709. Christopher Winter, Jan. 9, 1704. Dea. Peter Holbrook,' May 3, 1712. Samuel Thomson, Oct. 10, 1704. Samuel Hayward, sen, July 29, 1713. Capt. Joseph White, Mar. 23, 1706. Ens.William Holbrook, Nov. 19,1714 Benjamin Thayer, Feb. 23, 1708. It is not to be understood that the above were the only deaths which had occurred in the time specified, but that they were among the leading men of the town. 1718. Jan 24. A town meeting was held this day "To Chose a Town Clerk & Take care of ye Town Books," Samuel Read, sen., the Town Clerk, having died January 10th. Elder Read was first chosen Clerk in 1674 and, with the exception of two years, held the office to the day of his death, thus holding the office for the long period of forty-two years. The Town Clerk's office was filled by the electioi.of Thomas Sanford. Lieut. Samuel Thayer, Ensign John Thomson and James Keith were chosen a Committee "to Receive and Take Care of, from ye heirs of Elder Samuel Read, Dec'd, the Town's Book & wrightings of the Town's Concerns which were in their hands as Executors To Their Father's Estate, &c., and on the Receipt and over Looking Thereof to deliver to ye Clerk for the Town's use." Up to this time the divisions and sales of land were made by the Proprietors, who still retained the ownership of all the land yet unappropriated. Town meetings were sometimes called "legal town meetings" or "town meetings legally warned," and, sometimes "general or public town meetings." The first were supposed to be meetings of the Proprietors; the latter were meetings of all the inhabitants for the transaction of the ordinary municipal business. Feb. 10, at a meeting of the Proprietors it was voted "that 23 178 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1718. hence forth They Resolve Themselves into ye way of a Town as They were originally, according to y. town grant and To manage Their Proprietary Interest according to ye Laws for the Regulation of Townships." Sergt. Thomas White, Samuel Read and Lieut. Samuel Thayer were then chosen a Committee, with ye Clerk "to Receive the Town's (Proprietors?) Books and such Loose papers as were in ye former (Proprietors) Clerk's (Samuel Read) hands, not Recorded and examine all such loose wrightings if they ought to be Recorded & Them together with ye Town's Books to Commit to ye Town Clerk for the Town's use." The town voted again to lay out the sixth division, and no lands were prohibited except the Mill pond the Burying place and the Training field. The Surveyor was to have 3s 6d per day and each committee man 2s 6d per day, and all were to be sworn to the faithful discharge of' their duties. The inhabitants were still negligent in making return, to the Clerk, of the lands they had laid in former divisions, and so, as a last resort, the town voted "that all who did not make return to the Town Clerk should have no land laid on to them in the Sixth Division." James Keith had liberty "to lay down eight score and two acres of land on ye west side ye Great River, after the middle of May 1718 provided the Colony Line be not settled Before That Time." March 3. Selectmen for this year, Thomas Sanford, James Keith, Samuel More, Corp. John Holbrook and Serg. Thomas Thayer; Thomas Sanford, Town Clerk; Samuel More, Treas-' urer; Robert Taft.and Samuel Rich, Constables, and they were severally sworn "before the Selectmen." FISH TO COME UP PAWTUCKET FALLS. March 17. William Sargent to have twenty acres of land, between the Little Pond and Caleb's Hill "when he hath finished his work at the Falls, so as the fish may come up Pawtucket (Blackstone) River, he bringing from John Arnold's hand that ya work is Don at his judgment.". May 6. Josiah Chapin, Esq., was chosen Representative to 1718.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 179 the General Court, and June 23, Jethro Coffin was chosen "granjuriman," being the first notice of such an election. He was the son of Peter Coffin of Dover, N. H. -At this time further regulations were made for the Sixth Division, and the titles of all lands, "according to ye Records in ye Town Booke" were duly confirmed. A Committee was also chosen to renew the bounds of the school lands and to see that the income derived from them "be Improved for ye Ends for which sd land was granted." A wood lot of twenty acres was also granted to " our Pastor ye Rev. Mr. Joseph Dorr." The Selectmen were directed " to take care that four posts be set up at the Town's charge, viz: One at ye parting of ye ways by John Albee's, one at ye parting of ye ways by ye School House, one in the Street Leading to Sergt. Joseph White's, a Little distance from ye Country Road and one at the parting of ye ways by Joseph Plumley's, and that a Notification by the Constables being set up on each of said posts, Ten days beforehand, according to ye tenure of ye warrant for a Town Meeting Committed to him to warn, shall be a sufficient warning for any Town Meeting. " It was also voted that any person "have liberty to pull Down any Notification set up at ye Meeting House Relating to Strays." Aug. 20. Voted to take a valuation to raise money to pay the School Master and ~35 to pay town debts and procure a town stock of ammunition. Having settled with Thomas Sanford, Town Treasurer, for ye years 1716 and 1718, the Selectmen then agreed with William Boyce to be "yeTown's School Master from ye day of ye date hereof until ye fourth Day of March Next, to keep sd school at ye direction of ye Selectmen and that ye Selectmen pay ye sd Boyce after ye Rate of twenty-eight pounds a year,. and likewise after that rate for the Time ye sd Boyce has kept School in ye said Town of Mendon from ye Twelveth day of May last to ye day of ye date hereof; the sd Boyce giving account to ye Selectmen what time he hath lost or shall Loose from sd School to ye expiration of ye Term aforesaid and to Deduct so much out of his wages, and the sd William Boyce is hereby obliged to keep ye School as aforesaid. THOMAS SANFORD, Town Clerk, in behalf and by Order of ye Selectmen. W LLIAM BOYCE, Schl. Master." 180 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1719. Nov. 17. The Selectmen met and went and warned out of town sundry newcomers, viz: Daniel Macmains and his family and Joseph Wiley and his family, who came to sojourn in ye town on ye 19th day of September, 1718; and William Noble and family, Robert Patrick and his family, John Carmichel and family, Malkam Henry and family and Robert Malkam and family who came into the town Oct. 17, 1718. At this period, and for many years afterwards, a residence in a town for a year, without being warned out, gave the party a settlement there. Dec. 22, 1718. Then Received of Deacon Thomas Sanford the sum of Two hundred and forty-five pounds which is in full of all sums due to me for my settlement and Sallery for the Years one thousand 700 sixteen and seventeen, I say received by me. JOSEPH DORR. In the early days of the settlement the roads were laid out in common land, or, when granted or sold, reservations for roads were frequently made. The first claims for damages for roads were made this year. A road had been laid out, from the Rehoboth road, near Eleazer Daniels to Hop Brook, passing over lands of Eleazer Daniels, Josiah Thayer and Lieut. Samuel Thayer. They demanded damages and were paid in land, two acres for one taken up by the road, if the land was valuable, but in rough land not to exceed three acres for one. I719. Feb. 16. Being a Public Towne Meeting Legally warned, Thomas Sanford was chosen Moderator. This meeting was taken up in framing rules and regulations for completing the Sixth Division and in drawing lots for the Seventh Division. "An account of ye Lots as Drawn for ye Seventh Devision." 1. Daniel Lovet. 9. Josiah Wood. 2. Seth Aldrich. 10. Joseph Taft. 3. 11. William Sargent 4. Ebenezer Thayer. 12. Thomas Taft. 5. Benjamin Albee. 13. John Emerson. 6. Ens. John Thomson. — 14. Thomas White 3d. 7. 15. James Emerson. 8. Isaac Thayer. 16. Thomas White, senr. 1719.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 181 17. Mr. Joseph Dorr. 18. Ebenezer Staples. 19. John Arnold. 20. John Darling. 21. William Hayward. 22. John Joans. 23. John Tiler. 24. 25. John Peck. 26. 27. 28. 29. Oliver Hayward. 30. Josiah Thayer. 31. Wilson Rawson. 32. Daniel Thurston. 33. David Tiler. 34. Simon Peck. 35. Richerd Rockwood. 36. Lt. Samuel Thayer. 37. John Gardner. 38. 39. Jethro Coffin. 40. Thomas (illegible.) 41. Samuel Rockwood. 42. Abraham Staples' heirs. 43. Thomas Sanford. 44. Joseph Plumbley. 45. Josiah Chapin. 46. Jonathan Thayer. 47. Samuel Wheaton. 48. Josiah Rockwood. 49. Eliphalet Holbrook. 50. John Holbrook. 51. David Thomson. 52. 63. John Aldrich. 64. Daniel Hill. 65. John Albee. 66. John Thomson, jr. 67. James Harres (Harris.) 68. 69. Alexander Plumbley.. 70. William White. 71. William Rutter. 72. James Bick. 73. y Ministry Lot. '74. 75. Ebenezer Read. 76. Benjamin Rockwood. 77. Joseph Emerson. 78. Peter Holbrook. 79. 80. Benjamin Darling. 81. 82. Johathan Richardson. 83. 84. Nathaniel Morse. 85. Ebenezer Wood. 86. Thomas White, jr. 87. John Cook. 88. Elihue Warfield. 89. James Wood. 90. 91. 92. Richerd Holbrook. 93. Samuel Read. 94. Benjamin Hayward. 95. Ephraim Staples. 96. John Daniels. 97. Joseph White. 98. Ebenezer White. 99. 100. Ebenezer Sumner. 101. 102. Samuel Bridges. 103. James Keith. 104. John Farnum. 105. Roger Corrary's heirs. 106. Sylvanus Holbrook. 107. Robert Tiler. 108. Timothy Winter. 53. 54. 55. 56. Benjamin Thayer. 57. 58. Solomon Wood. 59. Samuel Cooke. 60. Benjamin Taft. 61. 62. 182 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1719. 109. The Scool Lott. 110. Deacon Tiler. 111. 112. Samll. Warfield. 113. Capt. Seth Chapin. 114. 115. John Green. 116. Jonathan Hayward. 117. Ebenezer Cooke. 118. Obadiah Wheelock. 119. Joseph Chapin. 120. Lieut. John Darling. 121. 122. Benjamin Wheelock. 123. Jonathan Cook. 124. Joseph Rockwood. 125. James Emerson, jr. 126. Woodland Thomson. 127. John Rockwood. 128. 129. 130. 131. William Holbrook. 132. 133. Joseph Taft, jr. 134. Benjamin Thomson. 135. 136. Capt. Robert Evans. 137. Lt. Thomas Thayer. 138. Joseph Sumner. 139. John Corbet. 140. Thomas Tenney. 141. John Rawson. 142. Samuel More. 143. Nathan Tiler. 144. Seth Chapin, jr. 145. 146. Ebenezer Thomson. 147. John Post. 148. Joseph White, jr. 149. Mary Warfield. 150. Robert Evens was chosen Surveyor and Capt. Seth Chapin, James Keith and Jacob Aldrich a committee to oversee the laying out the seventh division. The Surveyor was to have 3s. 6d. and the committee each 2s. 6d. per day. March 2. Annual Town meeting for the choice of officers. Capt. Robert Evans, Moderator, being the second man chosen to that office. Chose for Selectmen, Sergt. Thomas White, Samuel Moore, Lieut. Samuel Thayer, Robert Evans and Robert Taft, Jr.; Town Clerk, Sergt. Thomas White; Town Treasurer, Samuel Moore; Constables, Sergt. Joseph White, Jr., and James Keith. Seven persons were chosen Tithing men, who, by the act of March 3, 1694, were to be fined forty shillings each if they refused to serve. They were to carry a black staff two feet long, tipped at one end with brass about three inches, as a badge of their office. May 25.' It is supposed that, at this time, there had arisen one of the periodical agitations about the boundary line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island; and that fears of a settlement of the question adverse to the interests of the town were entertained, as May 25. Thomas Sanford, Samuel Thayer and 1719.] ANNALS OF MENDON. -183 Thomas White were chosen a committee to petition the General Court for a recompense for what the Province Line takes off from our Town. INCORPORATION OF- BELLINGHAM. Nov. 17. The following petition was laid before the General Court: To his Excellency Samuel Shute Esq. Capt. General and Governor-inChief in and over his Magesty's (George 1st.) Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in Newengland, and to ye Honorable Council and House of Representatives, in General Court, convened at Boston, To Petition of the Inhabitance of a Tract of Land belonging to Dedham, westward of Wrentham and ye Inhabitance of a Considerable Farm ajoyning thereto, granted to Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony, and ye Inhabitance of a small corner of ye Township of Mendon a jacent thereto (to ye number of four families), Humbly Sheweth, That Whereas ye above sd Inhabitance are Situated at a Remoat Distance from ye Respective Towns where they, at present, belong, viz:-The Inhabitance of the Town of Dedham to ye number of. three and twenty families are about Twenty miles Distant from the Town where they belong and do duty & being very Remoate from ye Public Worshipe of God & The Inhabitance, to the number of 13 families, of the above said Farms being six or seven miles Distance from ye place of public worshipe & ye Inhabitance of Mendon afore sd being about four miles Distance: and Considering our Remoatness & ye Inconveniencys we Labour under by Reason of The same: and that ye uniting and Incorporating the said Tracts & making of Them a Town may put us into a way, in Some Convenient Time to obtain ye Settlement of ye Gospel among us &c. (the uniting of ye abov sd Tracts of Land Together will make a Town of a boute seven Miles Long & Three miles & half wide.) And further Considering yt the Inhabitance of ye abov sd Tract of Dedham Land and ye Farms are already Incorporated into a Training Companie and that they have Little or no Benefit of Town Priviledges or by haveing Benefit of ye Schools we do Respectively Pay to. The whole Number of Families belonging to ye above sd Tract being Forty & Land already Laid out to accommodate 20 or 30 more: The Inhabitance of Dedham Land being voated off by ye Town for 'that end. Our Prayer Therefore is That your Honours would Graciously plase to Consider our Difficult Circumstances and grant us our petition which is That ye abov Mentioned Tracts of Land (as by one Platt hereto affixed and Described) may be Incorporated to geather & Made a Town & Invested with Town Privelidges, That so we may be Enabled in Convenient time to obtain ye Gospel & Public Worship of God Settled & our Inconveni 184 - ANNALS OF MENDON. [1719. ences by Reason of our Remoatness be Removed: granting us such Time of Dispence from Public Taxes as in Wisdom you shall Think Convenient & in your so Doing you will greatly oblige us who are your Humble petitioners; and for your Honours, as in conscience we are Bound, Shall forever Pray, Dated ye 17th day of November 1719. John Darling Zuriel Hall Nicholas Cook Daniel Corbet Pelatiah Smith William Hayward Tho. Burch James Smith John Thomson Nicolas Cook jr. Ebenezer Thayer Jonathan Hayward Cornelius Darling Seth Cook Samuel Hayward Samuel Thomson John Marsh Samuel Darling Oliver Hayward Joseph Thomson Samuel Rich Nathaniel Weathersby John Thompson jr. Samuel Smith Isaac Thayer The Inhabitance of Mendon. Ebenezer Thayer John Holbrook Richard Blood John Corbet Joseph Holbrook Peter Holbrook Eliphalet Holbrook. There was a Plat of the Township, as prayed for, upon a scale of one mile to the inch, and which may be found in the Massachusetts Archives among "Ancient Plans, Grants, &c." In the House of Representatives, Nov. 26. 1719 Read &c. Ordered That the Prayer of this Petition be Granted & That a Township be Erected & Constituted according thereunto & the Platt above, Provided They Procure & Settle a learned orthodox Minister within the space of three years next coming. And that John Darling, John Thomson and John Marsh be Impowered to Call a Town Meeting any time in March next to choose Town officers & manage the other prudential affairs of the Town. The name of the Town to be Westham. Sent up for Concurrence. JOHN BURRILL, Speaker. In Council Nov. 27. 1719. Read and Concurred with this vote, excepting the name to be Bellingham. Jos. HILLER, by order. In the House of Representatives Nov. 27. 1719, Read & agreed. JOHN BURRILL Speaker. 1719.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 185 Mendon, however, did not consent to be shorn of a portion of her territory without a protest; as we find that, at a town meeting held soon after, they directed the Selectmen to petition the General Court, "for that part of our town they have taken from us and laid to Bellingham." THE FARMS. It may not be uninteresting to learn something of the history of " The Farms," mentioned in the above act incorporating the town of Bellingham. They were located in the northeastern part of the town, and were north of Charles River. They were purchased of the Natick Indians by Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony and father to Grindal Rawson, then the Minister of Mendon, as the following evidence will show. In the 5th Volume of the Records of Massachusetts, 1674 to 1686, p. 531, may be found a power of attorney from John Awosomog, "now not likely to continue long before his decease," to Thomas Awossomog, his son, empowering him to sell "any of the land the Indian title of which do yet belong to me," to any English person or persons. This Instrument was signed by John Awosomog and witnessed by Obadiah Morse and Peter Ephraim, Dec. 1, 1684. Jan. 21, 1685. John Awassomog, Samuel Awassomog, John Mooqua, Peter Ephraim, and Eleazer Pegan assigned to Thomas Awassomog all the right, title and interest claimed by the Natick Indians in " that tract of land lying between the bounds of Natick, Charles River, Marlborough and a point of Blackstone River, beyond Mendon." This assignment was signed by the Indians above-named, and witnessed by Edw. West and Benonj Learned, the day above written. It was acknowledged before a Court held at Natick by Daniel Gookin, Feb. 18, and recorded by Edward Rawson, Secretary of the Colony April 21, 1685. April 21, 1685. Thomas Awassamoag and Abigail Awassamoag sold two thousand acres of this tract to Edward Rawson. The deed was witnessed by Hopestill Leland and Jonathan Fairbank, and acknowledged before Samuel Seawall, assistant, on the day of its date. It was recorded June 4, 1685, by Edward Rawson (the grantee), Colonial Secretary, having been, on the same day, 24 186 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1719. confirmed to him by the General Court, as may be seen in Vol. 5, Mass. Records, p. 485. By the following, we shall learn that the administrators of Mr. Rawson's estate had sold the tract to different persons, as thirteen families were now settled there. It seems that up to this time they had paid public and country taxes,. but not county or town, as will be seen by the following petition: "To the Honourable the General Assembly of her Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay now sitting in Boston May 31. 1710. The Petition of the Selectmen of Mendon, In the Name and on the behalf of the said Town, Humbly Sheweth, That there are a few families settled on a large Farme, consisting of near two Thousand Acres of land and meddow, formerly Granted (purchased first of the Indians for fourteen pounds) to Mr. Edward Rawson, of Boston, deceased, by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay, and purchased of the Administrators of his estate, which adjoins to us, and the said Families Generally attend the public worship of God with us, being nearer to our Public place of Worship than to any other where they can attend. They have paid publique and Country taxes with us, but as to County and Town charges are exempt. We have been been forced to enlarge our Meeting House the last year, the Old one, being built by us, by reason of our Poverty, very streight and the public charge heavy on us, considering the disadvantage of our ffrontier & exposed Condition, We humbly (pray) they may be laid to us to the support of the Gospel Ministry amongst us -and our other Country & Town charges; and if, at any time hereafter, they can be provided with better accommodations as to the means of Grace nearer, We shall, in no sort desire to obstruct their comfort therein & in the meantime rest Your Honours most humble Servants, JAMES LOVET SAMLL. THAYER SAMLL. MOORE Selectmen. SAMLL. READ SETH CHAPIN In the House of Representatives Read &c. Ordered That the prayer of the above Petition be so far Granted as that the abovementioned Tract of Land shall be annexed to the Town of Mendon & be esteemed Part thereof until this Court shall order otherwise. JOHN CLARK, Speaker. June 7, 1710 Sent up for Concurrence. June 28, 1710 In Council Read and Concurred.,,i~ ~~ IISAAC ADDINGTON, Secy. 1720.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 187 When the persons living on this territory were "better accommodated as to the means of grace nearer," the people of Mendon, it is presumed, "in no sort desiring to obstruct their comfort therein," quietly yielded the right of eminent domain, and the Farm became an integral portion of Bellingham. JOSIAH CHAPIN'S TWO HUNDRED ACRES. May 31, 1719. Josiah Chapin had two hundred acres of land laid out "'on the west side of the township of Mendon, on the north side of the road leading to Killingly." These two hundred acres have a somewhat curious history. May 18, 1664, the General Court granted to Samuel Chapin, of Springfield, for services rendered the Colony, two hundred acres of land, " where he can find it not granted to person or towne." In the Massachusetts Archives, "Ancient Plans, Grants, &c., 164 to 1715, Vol. 1, p. 71," a plat of these two hundred acres may be found. It was laid out by Joseph White and Benjamin Alby, of Mendon, May 11, 1669, and included most, if not all, of the present site of the town of Woonsocket, R. I., north of the Blackstone River. Samuel Chapin never removed from Springfield, and June 24, 1668, by a deed, gave his son Josiah Chapin, of Braintree, all his right and title to the grant above mentioned. This deed was witnessed by Elizur Holyoke and John Pynchon, and acknowledged before John Pynchon, Assistant. In 1716 the General Court granted Josiah Chapin, of Mendon, liberty to lay down this piece of land, and to take it up elsewhere. May 31, 1719, Joseph White, Surveyor of Mendon, at the order of Samuel Chapin, laid out the same and made a plat of it. It was 200 rods long and 160 rods wide, and June 11, 1717 the General Court confirmed the title to Mr. Chapin. 1720. March 7. Being the annual Town Meeting, Lieut. Samuel Thayer, was chosen Moderator. For Selectmen, Lieut. Samuel Thayer, Capt. Robert Evens, Jacob Aldrich, Daniel Taft and Jethro Coffin; Constables, Moses Aldrich and Saml. Thayer, Jr.; Town Clerk, Thomas White; Treasurer, Samuel Moore; Leather Sealer, Thomas Sanford, and School Master, William Boyce. 1.88 ANNALS OF MENDON. r1720. We have seen that the " Farms" had become incorporated in the new town of Bellingham (named after Gov. Bellingham), and at this meeting the inhabitants petitioned the town " to Reimbust or pay back to them the money they had paid towards Mr. Dorr's settlement, and the Town did not see cause to grant it att present." At this time the inhabitants in the west part of the town (now Uxbridge) began to agitate the question of dividing the town or of being allowed to be a precinct by themselves; but upon their petition to that effect the town took no action. In April, the Court of General Sessions recommended towns to choose collectors "to gather the Minister's salary distinct from the Constables," but the town voted not to follow the recommendation of the Court. May 10. Josiah Chapin, Esq., was chosen Representative to the General Court, which met on the 25th day of May, and, after a session of five days, in which nothing was cone, was dissolved by Gov. Shute. June 13. Being a public town meeting to choose a Representative, "after desolving ye Court," and chose Josiah Chapin, Esq., Representative, and Thomas White, Grand Juryman. May ye 19. 1720. the General Court having granted a part of Mendon in order to make another Town which was called Bellingham, on the day above sd the Selectmen of Mendon and the Committee of Bellingham mett and stated the line according to ye Court's grant, Beginning at Deadham Tree so Running up stream, with Second Bridge River, one mile and an half to John Rockwood's ford way, thence Running East 31 degrees north to the norwest corner of the Farm at Mendon East line at ye corner of Sherbond Township, which line was agreed on By Both Committees and Run by Robert Evens, Surveyor. SAMUEL THAYER JOHN CORBET Committee THOMAS WHITE Selectmen SAMUEL HAYWARD of DANIEL TAFT of Mendon. JOSEPH HOLBROOKJ Bellingham. JACOB ALDRICH J It seems the Province line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island had not yet been settled, at least to the satisfaction of the people of Mendon, as the following vote will show: Dec. 10. Voted, that Thomas Sanford, Samuel Thayer and Samuel Read be a committee. "to make search after the Court's 1721.] ANNALS-OF MENDON. 189 confirmation of our towne platt as itt was Returned by Joshua Fisher and to endeavour to gett Recompence for what the Province Line takes from our township." In pursuance of this vote the Selectmen petitioned the Legislature to reverse their orders on the petition of Samuel Comstock and John Foster, and to stay any further proceedings thereon until the petitioners be heard. The Legislature then ordered that a hearing be had at the next session of the Court in May, 1721. "The adverse party being Served with a Copy of this Petition and order thereon Seasonably, Provided that the Town of Mendon be at the charge of a Skilful Surveyor to go to Mendon & make a Platt of the Township, conformable to the Return of Joshua Fisher on the General Court's Grant to Mendon May 15. 1667 and then Confirmed; and that Capt. William Ward be the Surveyor." Nothing appears upon the town or colony records to show that the town put in an appearance at the time appointed for a hearing. The town tax, including Mr. Dorr's salary, for this year was ~134 03 04. 1721. The annual town meeting was convened and forthwith adjourned to the 14th of March. No reason was given for this adjournment, and this meeting was adjourned to the 2ist of March, also without any reasons given, March 21. Thomas Sanford was chosen Moderator; Thomas Sanford, Samuel Read, Josiah Thayer, John Farnum and Daniel Lovet, Selectmen; Thomas Sanford, Town Clerk; Saml. Read, Town Treasurer, and Sergt. Seth Chapin and Nathaniel Rawson, Constables. April 17. The Selectmen appointed Capt. Seth Chapin Sealer of Weights and Measures. May 11. Perambulated the boundary line between Bellingham and Mendon, and renewed the bounds and marks. May 17. Thomas Sanford chosen Representative to the General Court. The act for " making and emitting" fifty thousand pounds in Bills of Credit was passed March 31. These bills were to serve 190 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1721. as "a medium of exchange in the merchandize, trade and business of the Province." They were to be distributed among the towns in proportion to their respective proportion in the last Province tax, but it was optional with the voters of the town whether they would receive their proportion or not. Trustees were to be appointed in each town to loan out the town's proportion at interest, on good real estate or personal security. The Trustees were to be sworn, and were to have a reasonable compensation for their services. As a fund for the redemption of these bills a tax of ~50,000 was granted "the King's most excellent majesty," to be paid in annual instalments of ~10,000 until the whole should be paid. These bills when redeemed were " to be burnt to ashes." In the schedule of distribution Mendon was set down at ~313.10s., and, on May 17, they voted they would receive it, notwithstanding Joseph Taft, sen., Benjamin Taft, Joseph Taft, jr., Samuel Read, Seth Aldrich, Ebenezer Read and Nathan Tyler entered their protest against the measure. Thomas Sanford, Cornet Josiah Thayer and Daniel Taft were chosen Trustees, and were directed to loan these Bills of Credit in sums of not above twenty nor less than five pounds, the rate of interest to be five per cent. William Boyce was hired to keep a "Reading and Wrighting School during the year, unless the Town should be presented for want of a Grammar School, when he was to cease keeping at ye Selectmen's order." If the schoolmaster was not disturbed by the grand jury he was to keep through the year. If he kept constantly at the school house he was to be paid at the -rate of ~28 per annum; if he kept a moving school he was to be paid at the rate of ~30 per annum, and if he kept the school throughout the year he was to be paid three-fourths in money and one-fourth in provisions at money price. Any lost time was to be " Reducted." Mendon Sept. ye 8th. 1721 being a Town meeting Leagally warned to take an account of Town Depts and to agree about a Town Rate, Thomas Sanford was chosen Moderator. Then took an Account of and allowed the Several accompts hereafter specified, viz: To Jacob Aldrich for keeping Peter Frost (a pauper)........... ~2 10 00 To Daniel Lovet for 1 day's service & Repairing the Pound..... 04 00 1721.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 191 To Thomas White for 2 days service to Survey land taken from the Town by ye Province Line & 1 day to lay out a way....... 12 00 To Samll. Read for 2 days to measure Land taken off from ye Town as aforesaid & 1 day to Cambridge for ye town......... 12 00 To Cornet Thayer for 2 days to measure ye above sd Land and one day's journey to Cambridge for ye town..................... 12 00 To James Keith for 2 days to Measure ye Land and 1 day to perambulate with Bellingham.................................. 08 06 To justice Chapin 1 journey to Cambridge..................... 06 00 To Thomas Sanford for 3 days time spent in boston to wait on ye Secretary's office to obtain Coppies for the town's use.10s. to ye Coppies 5s. to one day to lay out a highway 2s.............. 17 00 To Thomas Sanford serving the Town as Representative, with journeys to and from ye Court from the 30th. day of May to ye 21st day of July, 53 days.................................... 10 12 00 To ~12 00 00 for ye support of ye poor that are a town charge... 12 00 00 To ~15 00 00 to pay a School Master.......................... 15 00 00 To ~6 00 00 to Defray ye succeeding charges with Respect to a Representative............................................. 06 00 00 To ~75 00 00 for Mr. Dorr's salary........................... 75 00 00 Amounting to ~124 14 00 In 1709 it was voted that -if Mr. Taft (Robert?) and his sons would build a bridge over the Great River to their land on the west side of sd river, they should be released from working on the highway "until other men's work Come to be proportionable to theirs in working on the hyways." Up to 1721 Mr. Taft and sons had done no work on the highways save what they had done to the bridge, and, at this time, a Committee was chosen "to Discourse with Mr. Taft and sons with reference to their falling in with the Town to work on the highways, and to report to the Town their terms." Sept. 21. The Surveyors were instructed to repair the bridge; "the Repairations to be done by hyway work as ye Repairing of other hyways & bridges." "The Town also proposed to ye Tafts to Chuse a man to joyn with ye Man the Town chuse to adjust the accounts with them about their building a bridge over the Great River, but said Tafts refused to choose as aforesaid." Whereupon it was voted that Mr. Taft and his sons who had been freed by the town from working on the highways on account of building the above sd bridge, Do henceforth work at ye highways Equal with the rest of ye Inhabitants of ye town, and that ye Surveyors warn them to work at the 192 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1722. highways as other men, and on their refusal, to prosecute them for their Neglect as ye Law Directs and that the town will stand by them in their prosecution. 1722. Jan. 9. It seems the Trustees of the town's proportion of the ~50.000 of Bills of Credit had met with some difficulty in the discharge of their duties.; as, this day, the town chose a Committee of seven to consider the subject. At the same meeting the Committee reported that the Trustees, "first, Let out none of said Bills to any man without sufficient security, and 2nd. 'that, in their opinion, it was Most Conveniant to Let no sums of money above ten pounds nor under five." Feb. 26. The road or allowance for a way, that leads out of the County road leading towards ye Great River from the ten rod way by Joseph Plumley's, northward towards Deacon Tiler's, was discontinued. This road led from the northerly terminus of what is now Washington street to near the barn of Luther E. Taft, on what was, formerly, the estate of the late Watee Davenport. After the warrant for the meeting had been disposed of, the following record was made by the Town Clerk " The aforesaid Moderator, viz: Daniel Taft, assumed to himself the power to appoint and warn a town meeting (without any writing from ye Selectmen to order ye same, which is contrary to law, nothing being inserted in ye warrant for calling said meeting to that purpose) for the choice of Town Officers, which time he appointed to be ye first Monday in March next, and calling for a vote thereupon obtained ye same by ye holding up ye hand of the superior number of them that were present at said meeting." As the next town meeting was held on the 12th of March it is plain the meeting was not held as it was adjourned by Daniel Taft. March 12. At the meeting this day Daniel Taft was chosen Moderator and then adjourned to the 26th instant at 8 o'clock A. M. March 26. Selectmen, Thomas Sanford, Dea. John Jones, Ebenezer Read, Lieut. Thomas Thayer, and Daniel Taft; Town Clerk, Samuel Read; Town Treasurer, Capt. Seth Chapin; Con 1722.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 193 stables, Peter Aldrich, who refusing to serve or pay his fine had his name referred to the General Sessions, and John Cook was then chosen for this end of the town and Thomas Thayer, jr., for the lower end of the town. March 30. The school to be kept in four places viz: " at the school house, over the Mill River, at ye south end of the town and about the Great River," William Boyce to be the school master. May 16. Thomas Sanford was chosen Representative to the General Court. July 19. Josiah Chapin, Esq., and Cornet Josiah T'hayer were added to the Committee "to endeavour to defend the Town's Rights against ye Providence Petitioners &c." The Selectmen were also instructed to repair the meeting house. It seems that there was some uncertainty about the vote agreeing to take the allotment of the bills of credit assigned to the town, as we find a meeting was afterwards called by warrant of the. Selectmen (being the first warrant upon record) "to Consider and Resolve what further to do " about the ~313.10s of the bills of credit &c. At this meeting it was again voted to receive the ~313.10s of the bills of credit and Thomas Sanford, Daniel Taft and Jacob Aldrich were chosen Trustees. Sept. 5. Voted to raise ~52 including the loan money being the interest on the bills of credit, to pay town charges. Oct. 16. The inhabitants of the western part of the town objecting to being assessed for repairs to the meeting house, the town voted they would reimburse them provided they are set off as a precinct or a town within the space of three years. William Boyce still continues the schoolmaster at ~30 a year in bills of credit, one-half in November and one-half in March; and to keep the school one quarter at the south end of ye town (now Blackstone), the second quarter over Mill River (now Milford) the third about ye Great River (now Uxbridge) and ye fourth at the school house. Ebenezer Staples, John Darling and Josiah Chapin, Esq., were appointed by the Selectmen as guardians of Ephraim Staples, they adjudging him to be "' non compis mentice." 25 194 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1723. 1723. March 4. The annual town meeting was held and Daniel Taft was chosen Moderator. Chose for Selectmen Daniel Taft, James Keith, William Boyce, Ebenezer Read; Town Clerk, Samuel Read; Town Treasurer, Capt. Seth Chapin; Constables, Ebenezer Cook and John Thompson. March 5. The Town Treasurer was directed to call in the interest on the loan money (bills of credit) and give a discharge for it for 1722. A committee of thirteen were added to the committee already chosen to make a new measurement of the township. April 6, 1723. The town was surveyed by Samuel Thaxter by order of the General Court; and by his plan, as may be seen in "Ancient Plans, Grants &c 1716 to 1734, vol. 2, p. 97," the town contained 60,896 acres. By this plan the western boundary was 10 miles and 110 rods, while the eastern was 10 miles and 90 rods long, whereas the original grant was 8 miles square, giving 40,960 acres as the area of the town. June 24. Jacob Aldrich was chosen grand juryman; and it was also voted "to build two new windows, one in each end of the meeting house and to have them set above the beams of said house." It seems the action of Daniel Taft, Moderator of the town meeting held Feb. 26, 1722, and the record of the Town Clerk, at that time, had given rise to a controversy in the town as the following action of the town testifies. " Whereas at a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon on the 26th day of february in the year 1722, Daniel Taft of said Mendon was chosen Moderator of said Meeting and a Record made thereof, together with an entry thereunto annexed and inserted in the Town Book by the Town Clerk of that year; said Entry tending to the Defamation of him the aforesaid Moderator, by saying that he unto himself assumed Power to Call for a Vote of the Town, which, in said entry is mentioned his obtainment of by holding up the hand, and it not appearing to the Town of Mendon afore sd yt ye Moderator did unto himself assume Power as afore sd expressed but by and at ye motion unto him sd Moderator made by a considerable number of ye persons at sd Meeting qualified and the Town having considered the dangerous Consequences that attend such an unordered Entry doth hereby disaprove of and Utterly Make Null and Void the afore sd Entry, Rendering the same to be improper and out of Joynt any thing therein to the Contrary Contained Notwithstanding." 1723.-1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 195 Why the record of the Town Clerk should have been found fault with does not appear, as it is not charged that the facts were not as he recorded them. At any rate the town meeting appointed by Daniel Taft was not held, which goes to show that the meeting if held would not have been legal. At a meeting held July 19th, " it was voted that the Town will agree to Confirm Ten Hundred Acres of Undevided Land Bounded upon the Province Line where it is now stated and upon the West Line in the southerly part of our Township unto Samuel Comstock of Providence and his Associates (William Jenks representing the same company) for the Nine Hundred Acres of Land granted by the General Court to be laid out in the Country Land, Provided it may put a final issue to all the Controversies that are or may arise Between Samuel Comstock and his Associates and the Town of Mendon forever about sd farmls. All the trouble with Samuel Comstock and Company arose from the error which the people of Mendon entertained that the southern boundary of the town was identical with the southern boundary of the Province, whereas there was, at least, the width of a mile between them. A perusal of the action of the General Court in this matter, which will be found in the following extracts from the Colonial records, will set the controversy with the Providence petitioners in a clearer light than can be gathered from the records of the town. Believing that the truth of history should be verified, and that it will be interesting to know how such matters were conducted in the olden time, the doings of the General Court in the premises will be found in the following pages. At a town meeting held June 6, 1705, the town chose a committee to confer with a committee of Providence, and "if they Corn or send over concerning our Land they claim on the Weast side of the Great River take theire account and present the same to the town." Sept. 11. 1705. The Conference Committee made their report to the town, which we infer was not satisfactory, as they voted that "a Complaint should be made to his Excellency and the General Court, and Capt. Josiah Chapin was chosen a Committee to trans Mitt ye abov mentioned Report or Complaint to ye abov sd Court and to. Transact that Afair with sd Court." 196 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1723. This complaint was, without doubt, based upon the claim of Samuel Comstock to the 900 acres granted him by the town of Providence, which, it was affirmed, encroached upon the bounds of the town. The General Court's answer to the complaint may be found in the 8th volume, p. 253, of the Colonial Records: "Nov. 6, 1706. Upon reading this day, at the Board, a Complaint exhibited by the Selectmen of Mendon of Encroachments and a Claim made by the Inhabitants of Providence, on Pretense of an Indian Deed, to near one half of the Township of Mendon and other lands lying within this Province." "Ordered that Nathaniel Byfield, Nathaniel Payne Esq., Mr. Nathaniel Blagrow, Major Samuel Thaxter and Capt. John Ware, or any three of them, be a Committee to go upon ye ancient stated line of the boundaries between this Province and the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations to the extent of the late Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, according to the Grant and the Royal Charter of this Province, and to renew the Bound Marks where they shall be needed; and that his Excellency, the Governor, be desired to write to the Government of Rhode Island and acquaint them with the Court's appointment of a Committee for the service afore said, that they may appoint persons on the part of that Government, if they see fit, to attend at the Time and Place, to be agreed upon by ours, to see and take knowledge of our Line, That their Government may give the necessary orders to restrain their poeple from Making any Encroachment or Disturbance. The said Committee to make Report of their Doings to this Court, at the next session, after they have performed the said service. Wch Order being sent, the Representatives was agreed to by that House And is consented to by J. DUDLEY, Govr. Maj. Thaxter, under the direction of the Committee, surveyed the township April. 6, 1723. Upon his plat "Ancient Plans, Grants, &c., 1716, to 1734, vol. 2, p. 97," we find, first, the Patent line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island; second, and north of this line, another line being the line as between Massachusetts and Connecticut, extended across Maj. Thaxter's plat, and still farther north a cotted line eight miles from the northern boundary. Colonial Records, Vol. 12, p. 21. "At a General Court held Nov. 7, 1723 It was voted that Samuel Comstock might have the 900 acres provided the Government of Rhode Island 1723.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 197 and Providence Plantations quitclaim a mile northward of the Colony Line." Colonial Records, Vol. 12, p. 304. "Paul Dudley, from the Committee of both Houses gave in their Report upon the Petition of William Jenks of Providence and his Associates, are of opinion that the Nine hundred Acres of Land mentioned in the petition should be confirmed to the Petitioners by the Court, Provided that this Government or those claiming by or under them be, in no wise, at any time hereafter, Defeated or Molested in their Rights and Possession of the Mile of Land, described in the Petition, which was formerly Granted to the Colony of Rhode Island but lately quit-claimed by them to this Government, in consideration of the Petitioners having their 900 acres confirmed to them by this Court, Provided also that the Petitioners make satisfaction to such persons as may have entered upon any part of the said 900 acres for any buildings, fences or other Improvements by them made upon the premises, the value thereof to be appraised by three persons, viz:-the Surveyor to be appointed by the Court and two others to be chosen by the Petitioners and Occupants respectively, and whereas it appears by a late survey (Major Thaxter's) that the Town of Mendon have extended their Line beyond their original grant from this Court, and the platt of said Township is said to have been burnt in the Town House in Boston, for it cannot be found in the Public Records of the Province, wherefore some Difficulties and Controversies might arise in and to the Proprietors of the Town of Mendon, for the quieting & Remedying thereof it is proposed that the Southern Bounds of the said Township of Mendon should extend Home to the Colony Line Saving the property of the Nine Hundred Acres as afore sd to the Petitioners, In the name by order of the Committee PAUL DUDLEY. In Council Read & Ordered that this Report be accepted. In the H. of R. Read & Concurred. Consented by WM. DUMMER, Govr." The burning of the plat in the Town House at Boston may have taken place; but as all the plats mentioned in the town records can be found in the Massachusetts Archives, it is supposed the report of the burning may have been a mistake. There arefour plans of the Township of Mendon to be found in the Archives at the State House. The first one is the original plan, by Joshua Fisher, of Dedham, and may be found in "Ancient Plans, Grants, &c., Vol. 1643 to 1715, p. 54." The second was made by Joseph White and Samuel Read in Nov. 1674, according to the grant of the General Court to mend our line, and according to the direction of the man that sold the land, he being 198 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1723. present. (Ancient Plans, Grants, &c., 1643 to 1715, p. 93.) The third was made by Samuel Thaxter, April 6, 1723, on account of the difficulty about Mr. Jenks' 900 acres, and the fourth was made (by whom not known) in 1727, at the incorporation of Uxbridge. Colonial Records, Vol. 12, p. 319, Friday, Dec. 14, 1724. "In the H. of R. Ordered that John Chandler Esq be the Surveyor and he is hereby fully Authorized and Impowered to take a Survey of the Nine Hundred Acres of Land petitioned for by William Jenks, of Providence, and his Associates and granted to them by this Court, passed the Eleventh day of this Instant December, and to do all things Directed and Ordered to be done by the said Surveyor & by said vote In Council Read & Con. Consented to WM. DUMMER." Colonial Records, Vol. 12. Friday, June 11, 1725. John Chandler, Esq., gave in the following report of the survey of lands near Mendon, granted to Wm. Jenks and his associates, viz: " Pursuant to an Order of the Great and General Court of Assembly of the 18th. of December last past, I, the Subscriber have laid out to Wm. Jenks Esq. and his Associates the Nine Hundred Acres of Land granted them within this Province on the llth. day of said December; wch said Land lies in six pieces and were shown unto me by the Grantees. The said Tracts lay formerly (as was supposed) within the Township of Providence in the Woods called Shacanock (Shokolog) now in the Township of Mendon, the Surveys & Plans whereof are hereunto annexed. The work was performed on the thirtieth day of April and the first day of May following. There assisted the sundry persons who claimed the Lands, who brought with them from the Records of the town of Providence, Attested Copys of the former Surveys, also James Walling and Jona. Sprague Jr. who declared on oath that they were upon the original Surveys. And the sundry Tracts now Surveyed we laid out in the same place as formerly as near as may be. But the Measure being large the said Tracts were reduced to a just and true Measure. The said Jonathan Sprague and William Chandler were appointed Chairmen & I put them on Oath for the faithful discharge of their Trust. Four of said Tracts happen to have no improvement upon them viz:John Arnold, Hezekiah Comstock, Capt Sylvanus Scott and Capt. Daniel Abbott. There are Considerable Improvements within the bounds of Daniel Comstock's Land but no house. The occupant of the Land brot no person to Set a valuation on his Labour, although Mr. Comstock brot one on his part viz: Capt. Foster, who was present for that service. But the parties concerned seemed induced to agree among themselves. 1724. ANNALS OF MENDON. 199 On Mr. Jenk's Tract there is a House built & Land under Improvement done by Mr. Seth Aldrich, whose son lives on it, and although Mr. Jenks sent word for Mr. Aldrich to come and see the Survey and bring a man to assist in valuing the Labour Yet we heard nothing from him & have as yet made no valuation, all which is respectfully submitted by Your most Dutiful Servant JOHN CHANDLER, Surveyor. Boston June 2. 1725. June 11. In Council Read & Ord. that this Report be accepted and that the Land Mentioned therein be confirmed to William Jenks and his Associates According to the Survey thereof made and Returned by John Chandler Esq. In H. of R. Read and Non Concurred. June 19, 1725 The H. of R. reconsidered their vote of non concurrence upon the Petition of William Jenks passed June 11 inst. and then concurred with the Council with this amendment, "If it do not interfere with any grant made to the Town of Mendon." In Council R. & C. Consented to. WM. DUMMIER. The controversy about William Jenks' nine hundred acres being brought to a close, the Town, like all parties at the end of a law suit, set themselves about the business of raising funds to defray its cost. To this end they sold to Seth Aldrich twenty acres at nine shillings per acre; to Peter Aldrich, Benjamin Taft & Solomon Wood ten acres each, at ten shillings per acre. To Edmond Rawson, Ebenezer Read and Joseph White ten acres each at ten shillings and six pence per acre. This year the boundaries between Mendon and Hopkinton were perambulated by Seth Chapin and Daniel Lovet of Mendon, and John How and Jacob Gibbs of Hopkinton, and "renewed what marks they could find." 1724. Jan 13. "A Committee was chosen to sue for and Receive Pay for Damage done or may hereafter be done to the Pine or Cedar Swamps belonging to the Town." It was voted "that David How and his heirs and assigns should have the Improvement of the Mill Pond so Long-as lie or they shall keep and maintain the Corn Mills for the use of the inhabitants and to their satisfaction." The two corn mills were 200 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1725. probably two run of stones in the same building, and were located where Benjamin Albee built the first mill. Robert Benham, William Rutter and Benjamin Hayward had their taxes forgiven them. Feb. 3. A committee of nine were chosen to consider the subject of selling the ministry land, and, if thought expedient, in what way and manner to dispose of the same. Feb. 17. Voted, that the Trustees of the Bills of Credit for the first year shall have twenty shillings for their service, and afterward "'as the Town shall agree." Then voted the Trustees should have one-fourth of the interest accruing from the loans of the Bills of Credit, they giving security " for Endemnyfying the Town from any Charge or Difficulty." March 3. Chose John Brown, Thomas Thayer, Samuel Read, William Boyce and Joseph Taft for Selectmen; Capt. Seth Chapin, Town Treasurer, and Samuel Thayer and Joseph Taft, Jr., Constables. As no record is made of the choice of a Town Clerk, it is presumed that Samuel Read continued in that office. Aug. 19. Oliver Coller and family and David Provender and family, and on Oct 19, Felsha were severally warned to depart and leave the town. 1725. Jan. 4. Being a "Public Town Meeting to Manage our Land Concerns," the town added four more to the committee already chosen to manage the land concerns against the Providence petitioners. Notwithstanding the General Court had surveyed and confirmed the 900 acres to Jenks & Company, and notwithstanding Maj. Thaxter's survey shewed that the boundaries claimed by the town gave 20,000 acres more than the eight miles square in the act of incorporation, still the town did not give up the idea that William Jenks and his associates were interlopers, and were attempting to seize a portion of their goodly heritage, hence Jan. 18. It was voted "that Capt. William Ward should be the Surveyor, with liberty to appoint the chain men, to New Run the bounds of the Town." 1726.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 201 Whether any survey was made by Capt. Ward, the further records of the town furnish no evidence, nor is any plan, drawn by him, to be found in the Massachusetts archives. March ye 1st. Annual Meeting, John Brown chosen Moderator. Chose, John Brown, Thomas White, Ebenezer Read, Eleazer Daniels and Daniel Taft, Selectmen; Thomas White, Town Clerk; Jacob Aldrich, Town Treasurer; and Wmi. Boyce, Schoolmaster. No record of the choice of Constables. July 19. A complaint was made by several persons living in the northwest part of the town, on the east side of the Great River, "about the place where a way was formerly laid out over the Great River," and a committee was chosen "to vew sd way and the River thereabouts, att the charge of the nebourhood there dwelling, and so make Report to the town where they think the way may be most convenient for the Intrest of the Town and good of the nebai'hood." Aug. 3. The Treasurer acknowledges the receipt of ~39.15s. in full for lands sold Seth Aldrich, Peter Aldrich, Benjamin Taft, Solomon Wood, Edmond Rawson, Ebenezer Read and Joseph White, to pay the costs arising in the Providence controversy. Aug. 30. Voted to raise t42, to defray town charges this year. 1726. NMarch 4. Being the annual town meeting, chose John Brown, Thomas Sanford, Thomas Thayer, Seth Chapin, Jr., and Ebenezer Read, Selectmen; Thomas White, Town Clerk; Daniel Lovet, Town Treasurer, and Thomas Tenney and Daniel Darling, Constables. John Boyce was continued as Schoolmaster. March 26. "After debate concerning Mr. Dorr's salary," voted, not to alter his salary, but to make quarterly contributions for his relief this present year. Voted to accept the road laid out by the Selectmen, from Scull Rock bridge to the iron works on the east side of the Great River. Voted to allow a penny per head "for the great sort of birds, 26 202 ANNALS OF MENDON. 11727. that is so many as are killed between April 1st. and the middle of June." May ye 9th. John Brown was chosen Representative to the General Court. Sept. 5. After taking the valuation of those who were present, "considering the great number of the inhabitants of said town who by reason of sickness could not attend," the meeting was adjourned to Oct. 18. What this sickness was neither record or tradition informs us. I)uring the supposed period of its prevalence the only recorded deaths were Ebenezer White, son of Joseph White, Benjamin Wheaton and Josiah Chapin, Esq. Quite likely other deaths may have occurred, but whose names were not recorded. Sept. 16. After choosing Ebenezer Wood, Grandjuryman, the only other business transacted was to vote "that considering the great sickness which is now in the town, swine should be allowed to run at large the remainder of the year, being yoked and ringed as the law directs." Sept. ye 28th. Sarah Green and her son were warned " to depart & leave the town," and afterwards John Lindsey and wife, Oliver Watson and family, Elizabeth Dobbinna, Frank Allen and Mary Cormick, "intruders in the town of Mendon," were warned out. Oct. y. 18th. Voted to raise ~50 to defray town charges this year. Dec. yC 14th. Chose Josiah Thayer, James Keith and Seth Aldrich a committee "to see that the highways in our town are not incroached upon or straitened by fences or other incombrances. " At said meeting, in answer to our western inhabitants petitioning to be set off as a town or precinct, the vote passed in the negative. This was the first mention of the agitation which finally resulted in the division of the town and the incorporation of Uxbridge. 1727. March 6. Chose Thomas Sanford, Thomas Thayer, Joseph White, jr., Seth Chapin, sen., and James Keith, sen., Selectmen; Thomas White, Town Clerk; Benjamin Green and Benjamin Darling, Constables, and then adjourned till to-mor 1727.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 203 row morning, and then chose Daniel Lovett, Town Treasurer &c. Although the disagreement between Bellingham and Mendon in regard to a portion of the boundary line between the towns has been recently settled by an Act of the General Court in favor of the claim of Mendon, that Charles River, from the bridge at Bellingham factory to the monument north of Ellis Bullard's (formerly the Dedham Tree), still it will not be uninteresting to know how that matter was regarded by the two towns one hundred and fifty years ago. Bellingham April ye 24th, 1727. Wee the subscribers Being apointed By the selectmen of Bellingham to preambulate with Mendon, we accordingly met Jacob Aldrich and Nathaniel Rawson, sent by the select men of mendon. We Began at the farm corner of Mendon line and so marked eight trees on four sides, ye first a walnut tree, ye second a white oak tree, ye 3d a walnut, ye 4th. a white oak, ye 5th. a walnut, ye 6th. a Black oak, ye 7th a White oak and ye 8th. a white oak near Second Bridge River Below John Rockwood's house and so down said River to Dedham Tree and from thence to the Great River, Renewing the Bounds upon said line. JOiHu THOMSON, JOSEPH HOLBROOK, JACOB ALDRICH ANATHANIEL RAWSON. March 31. After debate concerning the Rev. Mr. Dorr's salary it was voted "to have a monthly contrybution for his supplyment the present year." Also voted, after the reading of the petition of the western inhabitants of the town for a division of the town, that the boundaries should be as follows, viz: Beginning at the southwest corner of the town at the Province line, thence east four miles with said line, thence turning north and running parallel with the west line of the town until it comes to a small brook running westerly between West and Misco Hills, thence down said brook to the West river, thence up said river to Andruss's brook and thence up said Andruss's to the township line. In the Massachusetts Archives "Towns vol. 113, p. 714," may be found the act for incorporating the town of Uxbridge, -and which is in the following words: Anno Regni Regis Georgii Decimo Tertio. An Act for dividing the Town of Mendon and Eiecting a new town by the name of Uxbridge. 204 ANNALS OF MENDON. F1727. Whereas the westerly part of the Town of Mendon, in the County of Suffolk is completely filled with Inhabitants who labour under great difficulties by their remoteness from the place of Public Worship &c., and have thereupon made application to the said Town of Mendon and have likewise addressed this Court that they may be set off as a distinct and separate Town and be vested with all the powers and privileges of a town; and the Inhabitants of Mendon having consented to their being set off accordingly: Be it Therefore Enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council and Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same, that the westerly part of said Town of Mendon is hereby set off and constituted a separate Township by the name of Uxbridge, the bound of said Town to be as followeth; That is to say, Beginning at the South West corner of the Town of Mendon at the Province South Line, thence to run four miles east with the Province line, then North a parallel with the West line of the said Town until that line meets with a small Brook that runs between West Hill and Misco Hill, then ye said Brook to be the bounds to the West River, then the West River to be the bounds to a brook known by the name of Andreu's brook, which brook shall be the bounds to the north line of the Township. And that the Inhabitants of the said Lands as before described and bounded be and hereby are invested with the powers, privileges and immunities that the Inhabitants of any of the Towns of this Province are or ought by law to be invested; Provided the Grant of the sd Township be not construed to Affect the Rights and privileges of any Persons to lands within the same. Provided also that the Inhabitants of the said Town of Uxbridge do within the space of two years from the Publication of this Act, Erect and finish a suitable House for the Public Worship of God and procure and settle a learned Orthodox Minister of good conversation and make provision for his comfortable and honourable support and that they set apart a Lot of not less than one hundred acres of Land in some convenient place in said town near the meeting House for the use of the Ministry and likewise provide a School Master to Instruct their youth in writing and reading. In Council June 21, 1727 Read. June 22. Read a second time & Sent down for concurrence. J. W TLLARD, Secy. Passed to be Engrossed. In the House of Representatives, June 23, 1727. Read a first,time. The 24th. Read a second time and passed in concurrence with amendment. Dele Sent up for concurrence. WM. DUDLEY, Speaker. Agreed. The Council passed the bill with the following words inserted after " reading" at the end. 1727.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 205 " And that thereupon they be discharged from any further payment for the maintainance of the Ministry and School in the said Town of Mendon for any estate lying within the said Town of Uxbridge. This the Reps struck out by the Dele " The Lieutenant Governor,-acting at the time of the passage of this act; was William Dummer. Gov. Shute, after a long and acrimonious quarrel with the General Court, suddenly left the country Jan. 1, 1723, and until July, 1728, when Governor Bar-. net arrived at Boston, Mr. Dummer acted as Governor. At this period, for the first time, we find the record of a warrant for a town meeting. Aug. 28. At a town meeting held this day the wa1rrant contained the following articles: 1. To give in a valuation of the rateable estates. 2. To ascertain the Town debts and provide for their liquidation. 3. To choose another Selectman. 4. To settle the line with Uxbridge. 5. To see whether they would build a new meeting house. At this meeting the town's debts, amounting to ~5.16s., were found to be due to the following persons, viz: Thomas Sanford......... ~0 13 00 Daniel Taft.............. ~0 07 06 Thomas Thayer......... 09 00 Nathl. Rawson.......... 04 00 James Keith............. 15 06 Capt. Seth Chapin........ 16 00 Thomas White........... 11 00 Nathan Tiler............. 04 00 Seth Chapin............. 03 00 Josiah Thayer........... 07 06 Jacob Aldrich.......... 17 06 Seth Aldrich............. 07 06 One hundred pounds were raised and appropriated to pay Mr. Dorr's salary and the ordinary town charges. Jacob Aldrich, Thomas Sanford and Capt. Thomas Thayer were chosen a committee to settle the line with Uxbridge. Voted not to build a new Meeting House and then dissolved the meeting. DAVID HOW'S PETITION ABOUT THE MILL POND. The Petition of David How humbly sheweth as the Town of Mendon in times past hath Been pleased to propagate and incourage persons who have been oficious in their service By gratuity &c, and your petitioner having a purpose to erect, set up and maintain another Grist mill near to where the present fulling mill now standeth which may render the matter convenient 206 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1728. for Grinding of corn in a scarcity of watter, that you Gentlemen would be pleased to grant your petitioner his heirs and assigns the full liberty and peaceable possession & improvement of the present Mill Pond which to the town is now appertaining so that he your said petititioner his heirs and assigns as aforesaid may draw off the aforesaid pond in the spring and summer time viz: from and after the first day of May until the first day of October and make improvement thereof for mowing if lie or they shall see fit so to do, for such a time and not longer than your said petititioner his heirs and assigns shall do, well and truly keep up and maintain, at his and their own and proper cost and charge the aforesaid Corn mill or mills for the accommodable use of the town of Mendon aforesaid for the grinding of their corn, is the prayer and Request of your humble petitioner. DAVID How. This petition was dated in 1723, but whether it was then presented cannot now be determined. Following its record in 1727, the town voted that its prayer be granted and be entered upon the Record. atest THOMAs SANFORD, moderator for sd meeting. Nov. 29. The subject of building a new meeting house was again brought before the town, and, "after a considerable Debate," it was voted "to dismiss ye article until a new summons." At this meeting the rates of Capt. Robert Evens, the two Linseys' rates and the rate of Joseph Emerson were foregone, provided the Constables could not collect them. The rates against the widow Brown, widow Rawson, Isaac Benson, Nathan Gaskill and Joseph Chilson were foregone without condition. 1728. March ye 4. For Selectmen, Thomas Sanford, Capt. Thomas Thayer, Daniel Taft, Seth Chapin, jr., and Nathaniel Rawson; Town Clerk, Thomas White; Town Treasurer, Daniel Lovet, and Jonathan Thayer, sen., and John Tiler, jr., for Constables. Voted, that sheep might run at-large without a shepherd. The Board of Assessors at this period consisted of the Commissioner of Assessments and a majority of the Selectmen. By the Act of the General Court, passed Nov. 16, 1693, a Commissioner of Assessments was to be annually chosen; but, since 1716, when Josiah Chapin, Esq., was elected to that office, we 1728.] ANNALS OF MENDON..207 do not find that the record of another choice was made. As Josiah Chapin died in 1726, it is presumed that some one was appointed in his stead. Sept. 26. 1728. The Selectmen met and agreed with Mr. Grindal Rawson to keep school in and for the Town for six months from and after the 24th day of October next att the direction of the Selectmen, and to make up such time as he shall loose until the six months are completed, and as a recompence the Selectmen in behalf of the Town have ingaiged to pay him the sum of twenty-two pounds and ten shillings as witness our hands acquiesed therewith. THOMAS SANFORD GRINDAL RAWSON. THOMAS THAYER SETH CHAPIN I NATHANIEL RAWSON The schoolmastei above contracted with was the eleventh child of the Rev. Grindal and Susanna (Wilson) Rawson, the third minister of the town. He was born Sept. 6, 1707, and was probably the first person to graduate from Harvard College. He graduated in 1728. He afterwards taught here in 1729 and 1730. Mr. E. B. Crane, in his Rawson Family Memorial, was mistaken in supposing that Grindal Rawson taught the first public school in Mendon. John Warfield, William Boyce and others had taught the public schools for some years prior to the advent of Mr. Rawson, Deacon Warfield having been chosen schoolmaster many years before. According to the town records, neither Deacon Warfield, Mr. Boyce, or the others, instructed the scholars in any branch beyond reading and writing. There being but one school-house as yet in the town, the schools were kept in different portions of the town, and were called moving schools. Mr. Rawson, being the graduate of a college, was, without doubt, hired to teach something besides reading and writing; and so, if he was not hired to teach the first public school, his was the first of an advanced grade. By this time the subject of a new meeting house was again agitated. Feb. 9, 1728. The town " voted to build a new meeting house and it passed by a clear vote to sett sd meeting hbuse within twenty Rods of the place where the meeting house now 208 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1728. stands; this vote was tryed By dividing the house and numbering the poles." At this meeting a disagreement in regard to the line between Mendon and Uxbridge began to be mooted, and although attempts were made, from time to time, to settle the question of boundary, yet no final adjustment was made until 1754. At this meeting it was asked whether the town would grant the town of Uxbridge "sixt Rod for Sagg of Chain," and the vote passed in the negative. Thomas Sanford protested against the vote fixing a location for the meeting house, and James Keith protested against the whole doings of the meeting. This meeting was adjourned to March 25, when the town met and, after " a considerable discourse," about what does not appear upon the record, again adjourned to the 25th of August, and at that time "it passed by a clear vote that every article that was acted on by virtue of a warrant bearing date February ye 19, 1728 is and shall Be and Remain for ever to be of no value nor virtue Butt shall forever be accompted to be of no force nor virtue." The General Court having voted to issue ~60,000 in Bills of Credit, Capt. Seth Chapin, Jacob Aldrich and Nathan Tyler were chosen Trustees to manage the share of Mendon, which was ~270. May 15. Daniel Taft was chosen Representative to the General Court, and it was again voted "to build a new meeting house within twenty rods of the place where the meeting house now stands." July 12. Thomas Sanford, Thomas Thayer and Jacob Aldrich, a committee, met John Farnum, Solomon Wood and Joseph Taft, a committee of the town of Uxbridge, and run the line between the two towns, as is recorded by the town clerk. It is not found that this committee made any report of their doings, and so, it is supposed, the controversy was held still in abeyance. August 30. Town debts were audited as follows: Thomas Sanford........~2 01 00 Jacob Aldrich.......... 1 16 00 Capt. Thomas Thayer... 1 03 00 Thomas White......... 1 10 00 Philip Leasure.......... 0 04 00 Capt. Seth Chapin...... 0 05 00 Voted to raise ~40 to defray town charges the present year. <1729.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 209 A committee was chosen to lay out 200 acres of land for the proprietors, but for what purpose does not appear, inasmuch as the proprietors owned all the unappropriatec lands. About this time a division of the County (Mendon still belonged to the County of Suffolk) began to be agitated, but Mendon " voted not to come in with Johnson's petition for a new county. " The interest for the school money this year was nine pounds, as receipted for by Daniel Lovet, Town Treasurer. 1729. March 3. Chose Daniel Taft Moderator. Chose Samuel Thayer, Daniel Lovet, Capt. Thomas Thayer, Thomas Sanford and Nathaniel Rawson, Selectmen, and then adjourned until to-morrow at 11 o'clock A. M., Deacon John Tiler and Thomas White, Town Clerk, protesting against irregularities in the choice of town officers. March 4. The town met, pursuant to adjournment, when, "after some discourse and in a tumult," the Moderator (Daniel Taft) adjourned sd meeting until March 11th. March 8. The following record shows that, although they usually kept the bonds of peace, the inhabitants did not always work together, in the spirit of unity. For some reason, though not stated, the Town Clerk refused to record the proceedings of the meeting held March 3d, as will be seen by the following order: "March 8. Thomas White, Town Clerk of Mendon; these are to order you to record all the votes passed in our town meeting for the choice of Town officers on March ye third current and continued by the town adjournment to March the fourth current and also by whom said meeting was ajorned to sd fourth day of March current and likewise Record this order therewith pr us THO-MAS THAYER I THOMAS SANFORD Select NATHANIEL RAWSON nmen SAMUEL THAYER of Mendon." DANIEL LOVET March 11. At this meeting Capt. Seth Chapin, Daniel Taft, Capt. William Rawson, Jacob Aldrich and Nathan Tiler were chosen Selectmen; Thomas White, Town Clerk; Ebenezer Staples, 27 210 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1729. Town Treasurer, and James Wood and John Legg for Assessors. As showing the increase of the length of roads in town, nine Highway Surveyors were chosen. March 18. At a town meeting " for compleating the choice of officers &c" legally warned, James Keith was chosen Moderator by 44 votes. Thomas Sanford was then chosen Town Clerk by 40 votes; Daniel Lovet was chosen Town Treasurer by 36 votes; Nathan Penniman was chosen Constable for the south end of the town, and William Hayward, Tershts, for the north end of the town. All the minor offices were then filled. April 4. The records of the General Court, Vol. XIV., pp. 212, 226 and 227, will set forth the end, if they do not explain the nature of the irregularities of the town meetings in March. On page 212 may be found a reference to"A Petition of Thomas Sanford, Clerk of the Town of Mendon, complaining of sundry Irregularities Committed by Daniel Taft Esq., Moderator of their late meeting in March last and of others at the said meeting, as particularly set forth in said petition (Petition not found) by which means great Confusions are brought on the said Town Praying that this Court would please to interpose their Authority and direct to some proper method for Redress and Relief of the Inhabitants of said Town. In Council Read and Ordered That the Petitioners serve Mr. Daniel Taft, Moderator of the late Town Meeting at Mendon and Mr. Thomas White (chosen Town Clerk on the 11th of March) with copies of this Petition so that they may put in their answer thereto on Fryday the 11th. current. April 15. In the House of Representatives Read again the Petition of Thomas Sanford, Town Clerk of Mendon, with the answer of Daniel Taft Esq. and the same being fully considered, voted that the Proceedings of the Town of Mendon at their meetings on the third and eighteenth days of March last be and are hereby declared regular, legal and valid, and the Proceedings of the said Town on the fourth and eleventh days of March are declared null and void." The irregularity of Daniel Taft, Esq., in part, at least, was his adjournment of the town meeting to March 11th without a vote of the town. What the other irregularities were that created the "great confusions" in the absence of the petition, we fail to discover. May 17. Being a meeting for the choice of a Representative to the General Court, after four trials there was no choice, and the meeting adjourned. [r729. ANNALS OF MENDON. 211 August 27. Being a town meeting legally warned, Daniel Taft was chosen Moderator. After the meeting was opened there was some debate, but about what, the record is silent, and then the meeting adjourned for half an hour. Being called to order, after some debate (about what, is still in the dark), the Moderator offered to the town in order for a vote, saying, "You that are of a mind not to act any thing on the warrant, Signifie it by holding up your hands," which vote passed in the affirmative by them that were present, and then said Moderator withdrew and carried away the warrant, and so the meeting ended. Dec. 3. The Selectmen agreed with William Rawson to keep school for three months, at the rate of forty-five pounds per annum. CAPT. WILLIAM RAWSON. This William (afterwards Capt. William) was the son of William and Anne (Glover) Rawson, and the grandson of Edward, for a long time Colonial Secretary. He was born in Boston, in Bromfield street, then called Rawson's lane, Dec. 2, 1682, and graduated at Harvard College in 1703. In 1689 he removed, with his father, from Boston to Dorchester, and, not along time afterwards, to Braintree. In 1710 he married Sarah Crosby, of Billerica and settled in Mendon, and there died in October, 1769. He was the eighth of a family of twenly children. He was a cousin of Rev. Grindal Rawson, who was born Sept. 6, 1707, graduated at Harvard College in 1728, and settled, for life, in the ministry at East Haddam, Connecticut, where he died March 27, 1777, ae. 70. William Rawson succeeded him as the fourth school-master of Mendon. He was chosen one of the Selectmen March 11, 1729, but the General Court declared all the doings of that meeting null and void. March 1, 1731, he was chosen Town Clerk. The town granted ~22.15s to cover the expense of the recent appeal to the General Court about the March meetings, and ~50 to defray town charges over and above Mr. Dorr's salary. It will be remembered that the Trustees for the town's share of the bills of credit, issued by the Province, were under bonds for a proper management of the same. They were to loan the money upon proper security and collect the interest. It seems 212 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1729. they had failed in their duty in this regard as the Town Treasurer was directed to sue the Trustees, their heirs, executors and administrators for the interest due on the bills of credit. Dec. 10. It was voted to add ten pounds to Mr. Dorr's salary for the present year. It was also voted "that they that have any sheep in their Custody that are not their own shall bring such sheep to the pound on the first Tuesday of December, annually, or give the marks of such sheep to Jacob Aldrich on that day." The subject of a new meeting house was again brought up as will appear by the following votes. It was proposed to the town " wheither they would Build a new meeting House for the accommodation of the town in General Both for a place of Public worship and also for a place for the Town's public Conventions to Manage their Civil affairs," and it passed in the affirmative. "I oted to submit the fixing of a site for the new meeting house to a Committee of indifferent persons not residents of Mendon," and then adjourned to Monday, the 15th, current at 10 o'clock A. M. Dec. 15. At the town meeting this day Dea. John Tiler, Eleazer Taft, Samuel Torrey and Daniel Hill entered their protest against choosing a committee "for stating the place for the Meeting House." Notwithstanding the protest the town chose Mr. Ebenezer Stone, of Newton, Jonathan Ware, Esq., of Wrentham, Ebenezer Ward, Esq., of Southborough, Capt. Edward Clark, of Medway, and Capt. Nathan Brigham, of Marlborough, a quortim of whom were to establish the site for the meeting house. Jacob Aldrich, Capt. Thomas Thayer, James Keith and Seth Chapin, jr., were chosen a Committee to notify the Committee above chosen and request them to attend, and also "to accompanie them and Inform ym of the Circumstances of the Town Relating to the Business." To make the matter more sure the townI "voted they would Stand to and Abide the Judgment of the Committee, or the major part of them that should attend said service." The Committee were to meet " at the house of Thomas Sanford, on Wednesday, the 31st, current, in order to proceed to business, where they are to be entertained, at free cost to the 1729.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 213 Town, the First night, the second night at Dea. John Tiler's, the third night at Capt Thomas Thayer's on free cost as the first night." It seems various parties, in town, had incurred divers expenses about the matter of the meeting house and that the town had assumed the charges of those living at the south end of the town, but, for reasons not known had refused to asssume the expenses of those living at the north end of the town. The first Friends' Meeting House in Mendon was built this year. By the kindness of friend Richard Battey, of Smithfield, R. I., I am enabled to give the following-account of its erection and of its final removal. In a note dated 12th, 22d, 1878, he says the first record concerning the erection of this house, dated 10th of ye 7th mo 1729, is in the following words: "The Undertakers of Mendon Meeting House are desired to bring in an account to next Monthly Meeting of their proceedings therein." The second and last record, relating to its building, is in the following words: " The 4th of ye 12th. mo. 1729, Samuel Thayer having ballanced his account about Mendon Meeting House there is due-him the sum of ~9.12.7." From the completion of the house "A Meeting for Public Worship was held there, at the regular stated tines, until 3d mo. 1841, when it was discontinued by Smithfield Monthly Meeting." This house was sold to Col. Israel Plummer, of Northbridge, in 1850, who took it down and with its timbers a depot was built on the line of the P. & W. railroad in Northbridge, at the granite quarry. The present Friends' Meeting House in Blackstone (then Mendon) was built in the summer of 1812 and was known as South Mendon Meeting House. The following "testimony," of Smithfield monthly meeting, concerning Moses Aldrich of Mendon, is in the following words: "IIe was born in Mendon 4th mo. 1690; united himself with Friends about the 21st year of his age and four or five years afterwards engaged in the service of the ministry, in which work he was well approved. 214 ANNALS OF MENDON. 1730.] In 1722 he visited the Island of Barbadoes laboring in the work of the ministry. In 1730 he visited most of the Colonies on this continent going as far south as the Carolinas. In 1734 he again visited Barbadoes, and in 1839 crossed the Atlantic and spent the most of two years in Great Britain and Ireland, in the service of truth. He is spoken of as a man of cheerful mind, pleasant in conversation, of exemplary life and endowed with a sound understanding as a man. In his last sickness, noticing that his children were troubled at the apparent near approach of death, he said " mourn not for me, but mourn for yourselves: it is well with me and as well to depart now as to live longer." He retained his senses to the last and died the 9th of 9th mo. 1761, in the 71st year of his age. He was buried in Friends' Burying ground in Mendon. He was the son of Jacob and the grandson of George Aldrich, who came from England, and was one of the First settlers of Mendon. The late Waitee Davenport was one of his granddaughters." 1730. Feb. 15. Upon a report of a Committee previously chosen for that purpose, the town "voted to Build the Meeting House fifty feet long, forty-five feet wide and twenty-four feet high and the house to be a studded house." Mr. Joseph Sumner, Mr. Benjamin Wheelock and Mr. Nathaniel Rawson were chosen a Committee and "Impowered to agree with workmen to Build sd House and to have ye over sight of ye work until sd House be raised." Voted also "to Raise by a Tax the sum of Two hundred Pounds, the one half to be paid into the Town Treasury on or before the last day of October next and the other half on or before the last day of December following; and to be drawn out thence by the above sd Committee or their Successors in sd Trust to be Imploied and Improved for and towards the Building and setting up the fraim of sd House and to provide Meterials for Covering, Enclosing and finishing sd House so far as sd Money will extend." Upon the petition of certain inhabitants on the east side of 1730.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 215 Mill River, provided that the land, or any part of the same, on the easterly side of said river, should be set off as a particular town within ten years, then the town voted "to Reinburst to the Petitioners so Much Money as shall be their part or proportion of money as shall be assessed on them for and toward Building the Present Meeting House for the Town." At this meeting, at the request of John Tiler and others, it was put to vote whether the town should repair the old meeting house or the town be divided, and it passed in the negative; whereupon Samuel Torrey, Capt. Seth Chapin, Benjamin Green, Nathan Tiler, Daniel Taft, Esq., William Torrey, Eleazer Taft, Ebenezer Wood, Deacon John Joans, Samuel Moor, John Sadler, Deacon John Tiler, Robert Tiler, Thomas Beard, Jr., Thomas Tenney, John Perry, Abraham Jones, John Tiler, Jr., Joseph Tiler, Israel Taft, William Green, John Rawson, Thomas Beard, William Johnson, Ebenezer Wood, Jr., Moses Tenney, Samuel Wood and Samuel Nelson entered their protests against "Building a Meeting House on the Spot which the Committee had stated as the place and against any money to Build the same. " March ye 2, 1730. Being a legal town meeting for the choice of town officers, &c., at said meeting Mr. James Keith, by a majority of votes, was chosen Moderator, and, after some demur, chose Capt. Seth Chapin, Jr., Moderator, and "after some further Demur the poeple went away and the meeting ceased." March 15. Voted not to send a Representative to the General Court this year, forty-three to thirty-nine. The Selectmen, it is presumed, presided at the choice of a Representative, as the Moderator was not chosen until after that question had been decided. Jacob Aldrich was now chosen Moderator, and, after the warrant was amendcle, the following motions were submitted, and, seriatim, severally defeated: to build a new meeting house within twenty rods of the old one; to build two meeting houses; to repair the old one, and to divide the town. March 16. Jacob Aldrich, Deacon John Jones, Joseph Sumner, Lieut. Daniels and David How were chosen Selectmen; Capt. William Rawson, Town Clerk; Daniel Lovet, Town Treasurer, and John Sadler and John Legg, Constables. 216 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1730. April 6. Voted, that five feet be taken from forty-five feet in the width of the new meeting house, and two feet from the twenty-four feet in the height, when the meeting was adjourned for the space of half an hour. After being called to order, it was put to vote "wheather the Town would Alter the Scituation of the New Meeting House layd out by the Committee, and it passed in the Negative." Mr. Grindal Rawson was again chosen to keep school for one year. Notices for town meetings were directed to be set up, ten days before the meeting, at Philip Chase's, at Capt. Rawson's house, at David How's, and at Samuel Thompson's mill. The town, it seems, was not satisfied with the failure to elect a Representative in March, as, -July 3, they chose Thomas Sanford and Daniel Taft, Esq., " to Prefer a Petition to the House in order to obtain a Precept." The subject of a new county again began to be agitated about this time, and, Aug. 27th, the town voted "to prefer a Petition to the Honorable General Court to grant a new County at the west end of our County, (Suffolk) and, if not granted, not to carry us out of our County." Daniel Taft, Esq., and Lieut. Daniel Lovet were sent to treat with those gentlemen whe were appointed to meet at Mr. Leland's, in Hasanamisco, concerning a new county. Sept. 8. At a town meeting the question of a new meeting house was again brought up for consideration. Motions were made to build a new meeting house within twenty rods of the old one; to make void all votes passed contrary to the first vote concerning a new meeting house, and to divide the town, all of which were again defeated. Sept. 17. Lieut. Daniel Lovet, Nathan Tyler and Capt. Thomas Thayer were chosen a committee to treat with the Uxbridge committee concerning the ministry and school laws, and report to them. Oct 20. The new meeting house being still the subject for consideration, and Jacob Aldrich having been chosen Moderator, the town meeting was adjourned for half an hour, then to meet at the old meeting house. The following motions, in succession, were then made and 1730.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 21.7 severally failed of an affirmative vote, viz: To set the new meeting house by the heap of stones made by the committee chosen by the town; to set it up within six or eight rods of the same place; to build two meeting houses and give the minister liberty to preach in which he will, and to set off a part of the north end of the town to join with Hopkinton. It was then voted to set the new meeting house at the westerly end of the burying place, where the timber lies. Deacon John Tiler, Capt. Seth Chapin, Ebenezer Wood, Nathan Tiler, John Green, Benjamin Green, John Saddler, Deacon Samuel Moor, Joseph Tiler, Jabez Bellows, Thomas Beard, Jr., William Torrey and William Johnson, protested against building a meeting house any nearer the burying place than within twenty rods of the old meeting house, and against allowing anything more or less for raising the same, except it be within twenty rods of the old meeting house. Notwithstanding this protest the town "voted that money be raised by a Rate to defray the Charges of raising the meeting house as to the provision part." No instructions were given as to the quantity or quality of the provisions to be furnished, except what may be learned by the following vote:Voted, that "the Town provide a barrel of Rhtum towards the Raising the New Meeting House." Capt. Thomas Thayer, Lieut James Lovett and David How were then chosen a committee "to take care of the Victuals and Drink & other materials Necessary for Raising the New Meeting House. " In the mean time the General Court had been appealed to by the opponents to the new meeting house, as by the following record will appear: Dec. 1. Deacon Thomas Sanford, Lieut. Daniel Lovet and Nathaniel Rawson were chosen a committee " to answer Samuel Moor's petition, in defence of the Town." Court Record, Vol. XIV., p. 441. Oct. 28. 1730, A Petition of Samuel Moor and fifty others, Inhabitants of Mendon, Shewing that there are great divisions among them as to the Place for setting up their Meeting House; that a disaffected party have prevailed so far as to obtain a vote for setting it in a very inconvenient place, Therefore praying that this Court would appoint a Committee to re28 218 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1730. pair to Mendon and state the place they may think most convenient for erecting their Meeting House. In Council, Read and Ordered that the Petitioners serve the Town of Mendon with a Copy of this Petition, that so they may give their answer thereto on the first Thursday of the next Session, and that they desist from raising the Meeting House in the mean time. In the House of Representatives Read & Concurred. Consented to J. BELCHER. Notwithstanding this injunction of the General Court, " the disaffected party" (being a majority of the voters) stood upon their dignity, (another' name for squatter sovereignty, we suppose,) to say nothing of the regard they might have for the "victuals and drink" to be provided for the occasion, forthwith raised the meeting house, whereupon Deacon Moore and others again appealed to the General Court, as may be seen in the Court Records, Vol. XIV p. 448. Dec. 17, 1730 A Memorial of Samuel Moore and divers Inhabitants of Mendon complaining of the great Neglect & Contempt cast on the Order of the Court (passed on the 28th. day of October last,) for staying the proceedings of the said Town in building their Meeting House, by the Selectmen and others there, who have proceeded, notwithstanding said Order, to raise the said Meeting House. In Council. Read and Ordered that the Selectmen of Mendon attend this Court on Wednesday the twenty third instant at ten of the clock in the Fore noon there to answer the Contempt (alleged therein to be) by them cast on the Order of this Court. within referred to, and the memorialists notify them of this Order accordingly. In the House of Representatives, Read & Con. Court, Vol. XIV., p. 452. Dec. 23. This Day being appointed for the Hearing of the Selectmen of Mendon to answer the Complaint of Samuel Moore and others for their Casting Contempt on an Order of this Court referring to the Meeting House there, and only three of the five attended, the other two neglecting to appear. The following vote was passed in the affair, viz:In Council, Whereas David How and Joseph Sumner two of the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon have not attended this Court according to Order to answer a Complaint of Samuel Moore; Ordered that the said David How and Joseph Sumner, with Jacob Aldrich and Eleazer Daniels (two other Selectmen of the same Town,) attend this Court without fail on Wednesday the thirtieth Instant at ten of the clock in the Fore Noon then 1731.] ANNALS OF M1NDON. 219 to answer to the Complaint of the said Moore for Showing Contempt to the Order of this Court. In the H. of R. Read and Con. Consented to, J. BELCHER. Court, Vol. XIV., p. 459. Dec. 31, 1730. The Selectmen of Mendon having attended yesterday to answer the Complaint of Samuel Moore, the following vote was passed, on the said affair, at the Board and sent down to the House, viz:In Council, whereas upon a hearing had upon a complaint of Samuel Moore of Mendon, It appears that said Selectmen have been guilty of a Great Contempt of the Authority of this Court, Except Mr. Jones who fully acquitted himself thereof, Voted that his Excellency, the Governor, be desired to Reprimand the said Selectmen for their said offence & that the said Selectmen pay the charge of this Complaint to Mr. Moore, the Complainant, and thereupon be discharged from their attendance. I73I. About this time warrants for town meetings began to be recorded, and they were issued "in his Majesty's name." Jan 25. Seth Chapin Jun., was chosen a Deputy for the General Court to be held at Boston on the 10th day of February next. Daniel Taft was then chosen Moderator. Then voted that the town would not go on and finish the Meeting House; and when the vote was "scrupled " the house was divided, and the vote was still found to be in the negative. After voting out the other articles, the Moderator dissolved the meeting. March 1. Daniel Taft was chosen Moderator. For Selectmen, Thomas Taft, Lieut. Daniel Lovet, Ensign Seth Chapin and Capt. Thomas Thayer; Town Clerk, Capt. William Rawson; Town Treasurer, Capt. Seth Chapin, and for Constables, Thomas Thayer, Jr., and Samuel Warfield. A motion was made to set off a part of the town known by the name of Mill River, and the motion was lost. Although Mendon had once agreed to the creation of a new County, when it was found that a new county was to be created, they vot6d to petition the General Court that the town might continue to be a portion of the County of Suffolk; but as no further steps were taken in the premises, it is presumed the question was not further controverted. 220 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1731. THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. In the Massachusetts Archives, -Colonial, Vol. VI. pp. 16 to 21, may be found the following record: Anno Regnii Regis Georgii 2do Quarto. The following Towns made the County of Worcester Feb. 18. 1730(o. s.) J. QUINCY, Speaker H. of R. J. WILLARD, Secy. Council. Worcester, Lancaster, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Leicester, Rutland, and Lunenburg, all in the County of Middlesex; Mendon, Woodstock, Oxford, Sutton, including Hassanamisco, all in the County of Suffolk; Brookfield in the County of Hampshire, and the South Town laid to the Narragansett Soldiers, with all other lands lying within said Townships with the Inhabitants thereon, shall, from the 10th. day of July 1731 be the County of Worcester, with the Town of Worcester for the shire town. May 18. Capt. Thomas Thayer was chosen Representative to the General Court. Daniel Lovett was then chosen Moderator, when a motion was made to choose a committee and "Impower them to Agree with Uxbridge Committee and to conclude what Uxbridge shall have for their part of the School Money and it passed in the Negative." The location of the new meeting house, although raised, was not yet satisfactorily settled, as a motion was made to apply for a committee of the General Court to state a place for the new meeting house; and said motion was lost. A motion was then made to raise money to finish the new meeting house where it now stands, and the motion was." Tryed by Hand Votes but not determined by reason Several of the House Scrupled ye vote, which was further Tryed by Dividilng the House and it passed in ye Affirmative for Raising Money to finish sd House." June 21. Voted to allow Uxbridge two hundred pounds out of the money the school land sold for, with the interest of one hundred and fifty pounds already in their hands, in full, for their right in said land, to be improved by them for the use of their school, as it has been heretofore in Mendon. The meeting house, in face of the injunction of the General Court, was raised some time in November, 1730, but as yet 1732.] ANNALS OF MENDON.. 221 nothing had been done towards finishing it. The opposition was not yet appeased, as we find. Aug. 30. After scrupling the vote and dividing the House, it was voted to finish the house, and Lieut. Eleazer Daniels, Lieut. Daniel Lovett and Benjamin Darling were chosen a committee for that purpose. As a last resort, other methods than dividing the House had been resorted to by some of the disaffected, as will appear by the following vote: Voted whether the town would choose a committee "to See if they could find out who hath, by cutting, damnified the Meeting House, and it passed in the Negative." This last vote shows that the friends of the new meeting house were willing to " bury the hatchet;" and, it is believed, that it had the effect that acts of kindness usually have, as we hear of no more opposition to the completion of the meeting house. The damnification was made by an abortive attempt to cut off the southwest corner post, as was verified when the structure was taken down in 1846. Sept. 13. The affair of the meeting house having come to a conclusion, the town, at this meeting, began to audit and allow accounts and bills that had been held in abeyance by the recent troubles. Capt. Thomas Thayer, Lieut. Daniel Lovet and Nathan Tiler were allowed three shillings each for treating with the Uxbridge Committee about the school lands; six others had eighteen pence each for laying out highways; Capt. Thomas Thayer, Capt. William Rawson and Ensign Seth Chapin had half a crown each for agreeing with the Trustees concerning the loan money; Daniel Taft, Esq., and Lieut. Daniel Lovett had four shillings each for meeting some gentlemen at Hassanamisco about the new County, and thirty pounds were added for school purposes. After refusing to add to Mr. Dorr's salary for the present year, and foregoing a few taxes, among which was one against cye owners of the Saw Mill in Mendon adjoining to Providence Line," the transactions of the year were brought to a close. 1732. March 6. Chose for Selectmen, Jacob Aldrich, William Torrey, Daniel Brown, Benjamin Wheelock and Ensign 222 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1732. Seth Chapin; Town Clerk, William Rawson; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq., and for Constables, Benjamin Green and William Hayward. Mar. 7. Adjournment from yesterday. Voted against setting off about thirteen families with parts of other towns to be a new town. Where the thirteen families were located does not appear. Voted not to allow the present Town Clerk to put a former vote on record presented by Mr. Thomas White. -What subject was embraced in the vote does not appear. Collectors of taxes, in the olden time, were sometimes slow in their collection, as well as the collectors of later days, and hence the former Treasurers were directed to sue the former Constables (collectors) who were delinquent in completing their collections. It will be remembered that the principal roads were originally laid out ten rods wide, so, it is inferred, that an ox cart could be driven in the road without hindrance from rocks and trees. But as times progressed, and the roads were improved, it was found that their width might be abated; and hence, about this time, the town began to sell off portions of the road to the abutters. A strip thirty-five rods long was at this time sold to Eleazer Taft. May 15., Capt. Thomas Thayer was chosen Representative. Daniel Taft, Esq., Lieut. Daniel Lovett and Nathan Tyler were chosen a committee "to finish that affair with Uxbridge about the school money according to the former vote." One hundred pounds were raised to repair highways and bridges. For work on the highways the town voted to allow eight shillings per diem to a man with a team of three cattle, from May 15th to the last of September, and to a single man four shillings per diem, within the time mentioned, and to begin at 8 o'clock in the morning. From October 1 to March 1 six shillings for a man and team and three for a single man. Voted to choose " School Dames (for the first time) to keep School in the Out Skirts of the Town," and thirty pounds was raised for that purpose. Voted that for every ram running at large, contrary to a town vote, the owner should pay five shillings, "or not have him," and six pence a week for keeping him. 1732.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 223 iMay 16. Joseph Haven and and Paul Langdon, Selectmen of Hopkinton, and Seth Chapin, Jr., and John Jones, Selectmen of Mendon, perambulated the line between the the two towns, beginning at a heap of stones near Deer Brook, at Mendon old town line, and so home to Uxbridge line. At this time Samuel Thompson owned a grist mill on the island in the Blackstone River at what is now Millvivlle, but there was no bridge from the east bank of the river to the island. Now, if the town would build a bridge on the east side, Samuel Thompson bound himself, his heirs and assigns forever, or so long as the town shall see cause, to finish and maintain a bridge from the island to the west bank of the river. Pursuant to this agreement, the town, Feb. 7, 1732, laid a road from the east bank of the river to the island, and thence to the common land on the west side of the river. On the east side the road was to be three rods wide, and on the west two rods. June 1. The committee chosen to make a settlement with Uxbridge had a conference this day with the committee of Uxbridge, and which resulted in the following receipt in full. Mendon June 1st. We the Subscribers being a Committee chosen by the Town of Uxbridge on April 4. 1732 to Receive our part of the School Money granted us by ye town of Mendon June 21. 1731, Mett with Mendon Committee and Received said Money According to the true Intent of said Grant Which we have Received as our part in full of the school lands in Mendon and Uxbridge. As witness our hands, JOHN FARNUM ),te EBENEZER READ Com teeJuly 3. The town voted to pull down the old meeting house, and chose Daniel Taft, Esq., and Mr. Nathan Tyler to be added to the former committee (Eleazer Daniels, Daniel Lovet and Benjamin Darling) to see the new meeting house finished. Voted that the above committee"Deliver to the Workmen to do the work for the Finishing the New Meeting House, Such part of the Old Meeting House as may or Shall be necessary for the Finishing the New Meeting House, and the remainder of the Old Meeting House the said Committee to Sell and Dispose of at the best advantage they can & the money arising by said Sale or Sales to be returned and paid in to the Town Treasurer for ye use and benefit of the Town." Notifications for town meetings were to be set up ten days be 224 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1732. fore the meeting at William Rawson's house, at Thomas Baker's, at William Sheffield's and at Samuel Thompson's mill for this iresent year. "Mendon August 25th. Anno Domini 1732. A list of the Quakers Names that are freed by Law from paying any Rates Towards the Support of our Minister or the Building of any Meeting House. Moses Aldrich,* Benjamin Boyce, Samuel Thayer, Ebenezer Cook, John Cass, Eliphalet Wharfield, Benjamin Thayer, John White, Daniel Boyce, Stephen Swett. Certified by JACOB ALDRICH, 1 BENJA WHEELOCK, Selectmen WILLIAM TORREY, S of SETH CHAPIN, Jr., Mendon. DANIEL BROWN. J Sept. 6. The following accounts were audited and allowed in open town meeting: William Rawson (T. C.) entering highways....................00 05 00 David Brown, irons for the Town Stocks...................... 00 04 06 Jacob Aldrich 7 days perambulating & laying out roads......... 01 08 00 Seth Chapin 6 "."......... 01 04 00 John Jones perambulating a day............................ 00 04 00 Jonathan Hayward do. ".............................. 00 04 00 William Torrey do. ".............................. 00 05 00 Daniel Brown, do. ".............................. 00 04 00 Daniel Lovett, 8 days, journey to Boston, perambulating &c..... 02 12 00 Nathan Tyler, treating with Uxbridge about School money...... 00 04 00 Benjamin Wheelock, taking care of powder &c................. 00 04 00 Daniel Taft Esq. for three days service........................ 00 10 06 Philip Lesure, for mending School House...................... 00 10 00 Hannah Rawson, for service by her husband, deceased.......... 00 08 00 Thomas White measuring land................................ 00 03 00 Nathan Penniman, himself and horse 11 days.................. 01 10 00 Daniel Lovett, service as Town Treasurer, 2 yrs................ 03 10 00 To defray Town charges...................................... 20 10 00 Towards ye finishing of our New Meeting House...............150 00 00 Addition to Mr. Dorr's salary this year........................ 25 00 00 Oct. 3. Voted not to provide a Minister to preach with us while Mr. Dorr remains sick. James Wood and Ebenezer Wood, Jr., had liberty to build a dam over Rock Meadow Brook, which *See p. 213. 1733.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 225 dam is now (1880) improved by Perry Wood for irrigating portions of his land. Oct. 27. Voted not to hire a minister, at the town's charge, or to have Mr. Terry* preach upon a free contribution, but to hire a minister, out of town, by a free contribution. I733. Jan. 29. Capt. Thomas Thayer, Deacon Thomas Sanford and Mr. Thomas White were chosen a committee to look after the school money and make report to the town. The Committee on the New Meeting House were instructed to report at the next town meeting "how the money voted for that purpose had been expended." March 6. Selectmen chosen were Deacon Ebenezer Thompson, John Albee, Nathan Tyler, Ensign Seth Chapin and Robert Taft; William Rawson, Town Clerk; Ebenezer Staples, Town Treasurer, and William Torrey and John Sanford, Constables. The Committee on Sale of School Lands reported that the sum amounted to ~380. The Committee on the Meeting House were instructed "to finish as soon as possibly they can; to ceil it with boards to the lower girt, below and from the upper girt to the bottom of the windows above." Voted to repair the roads by a rate, and for this purpose raised ~100. Voted that those who did not work out their highway rates last year might work them out this year at ye bridge by Samuel Thompson's Mill (Millville) or pay in money. Heretofore the money accruing from the sale of the school lands had been in the hands of a committee, but, for some reasons, it was now placed in the custody of the Treasurer, and he was authorized to sue for the same, if necessary, at the cost of the town. It was proposed, at this time, to set off "part of the North End poeple to join with part of Sutton and part of Hopkinton," providing ye General Court consent, but the consent of the town was not procured. July 17. The school was to be kept the three summer and the *Schoolrmaster, 1733. 27 226 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1734. three winter months at the school house, and the other six months where the Selectmen should direct. "Sept. ye 1st, The Selectmen met and agreed with Mr. Samuel Terry to keep a Grammar school in said town for four months next coming after the ninth current and for his Reward to give him Twenty pounds. As witness our hands SETH CHAPIN, JR., Selectmen EBENEZER THOMPSON, of NATHAN TYLER. Mendon. Consented: Samuel Terry. Aug. 21. Voted to petition the General Court to lay them to a new county, petitioned for by Dedham, Medfield and other towns adjacent, if the General Court shall erect a county there. This was the beginning of the agitation for a new county which, in 1738, resulted in the creation of the county of Norfolk. Sept. 11. Dr. John Corbet, of Bellingham, was allowed 16s. for services to James Thompson during his sickness; John Hayward 10s. for keeping James Thompson eleven days, during his sickness, and Daniel Brown 2s. 6, for conveying James Thompson out of town. So far as the records show these were the first bills paid on account of paupers. The Rev. Mr. Dorr had twenty-five pounds added to his salary this year. 1734. For some reason, not stated, it was agreed by both parties that Samuel Terry, at the end of three months, "do not keep school and that he sink five pounds of what ye agreement.was." This transaction was dated Feb. 13, 1734, and signed by both parties. March 4. Chose for Selectmen, Ebenezer Thompson, Jacob Aldrich, Nathan Tyler, Daniel Brown and William Torrey; Town Clerk, William Rawson; Town Treasurer, Ebenezer Staples, and for Constables, Nathaniel Morse and Joseph Penniman. May 21. Daniel Lovett was chosen Representative to the General Court. By the following vote we learn that measures were being inaugurated for the incorporation of Upton. 1735.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 227 Daniel Taft, Esq., Capt. Eleazer Daniels, Mr. Jacob Aldrich, Ensign Nathan Tyler and Mr. Daniel Brown were chosen a committee, one of which was to assist the Representative in the General Court in the matter of John Hazeltine's petition for a new town, afterwards Upton. Aug. 27. It was voted that ~25 be added to Mr. Dorr's salary this year; also, that Mr. Daniel Brown be allowed ~3.14s. for a journey to and services at Boston to answer to John Hazeltine's petition for a new town. Voted, that the town would not build pews in the new meeting house, or allow individuals to do so. Oct. 7. Jonathan Hayward and Benjamin Green were chosen and impowered " to take care of the youth of this Town & to make complaint of any disorders, if any there be, on the Sabbath, till next March." I735. Jan. 20. Lieut. Seth Chapini was chosen to attend the Inferior Court at Worcester on the 4th day of February next, to make answer to the petition of John Harwood, of Uxbridge. The petition set forth that Mendon was held liable to contribute towards the building and repairing of bridges in UTxbridge. From the fact that nothing further is heard of Harwood's petition, it may be reasonably inferred that its allegations could not be established. Feb. 11. William Sheffield's request that he might be allowed to draw off his mill pond for five months in the year was denied. March 3thd. Chose for Selectmen, Capt. Daniel Lovett, Capt. Eleazer Daniels, Lieut. Seth Chapin, Mr. Nathan Penniman and Capt. Robert Taft;. Town Clerk, Thomas Sanford; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq., and James Wood for ye north end of ye town and Benoni Benson for ye south end of ye town for Constables. It seems the General Court; upon the petition of John Hazeltine, had chosen a committee to consider the matter and perhaps to visit the town, as we find that at this time (March 3,) the town chose Jacob Aldrich, Seth Chapin and Daniel Brown a committee to meet the General Court's committee, and "to give in their reasons why John Hazeltine's petition should not be granted. " 228 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1735. May 25. Capt. Daniel Lovett was chosen Representative to the General Court, and Mr. John Field, the present schoolmaster, was continued for three months. Lieut. Seth Chapin, Samuel Thayer and Benjamin Wheelock were chosen a committee"To Treat with William Sheffield with Respect to his Breaking up the Damm Enclosing the Town's Mill Pond and thereby Rendering the said Sheffield's Corn Mill unserviceable to Grind Corn for the Town's use; and for Instructions to said Committee the Town then voted that the said Committee as soon as they can Repair to the said Sheffield and Treat with him Relating to the premises and Advertise the said Sheffield to make a repair of the Breaches he hath made in said Damm & that he Do the Best he can to git his said Mill into a posture fit to Grind Corn for the Town's use, according to the ancient agreement made by & with the Town Relating to ye said Mill and Milpond; and also to advertize ye sd Sheffield that, at ye next Town meeting he appear and make his peace with the Town for the Damage he hath Done in the premises, and, if said Sheffield refuse to hear ye said Committee, then ye said Committee forthwith make Report thereof to the Selectmen." UPTON INCORPORATED. The opposition to Hazeltine's petition proved of no avail, for, June 14, 1735, the General Court, " setting forth that the outlands of the several towns of Mendon, Uxbridge, Sutton and Hopkinton are completely filled with Inhabitants, and by reason of their remoteness from the places of public worship in said town, thereupon incorporated a new town by the name of Upton." By the act the whole of Nathan Tyler's farm was, although included within the bounds of Upton, to be and remain forever in the town of Mendon, as heretofore. The people of the new town were to build a place of public worship, and settle a learned orthodox minister within three years, and provide for his comfortable and honorable support. Aug. 25. At this time there was but one school house in town, as it was this day voted that the school be removed some part of the time into some remote parts of the town. A new committee was chosen to finish the meeting house; twenty-five pounds were added to Mr. Dorr's salary, and forty pounds were raised to pay town debts and the schoolmaster. Oct. 3. Deacon Thomas Sanford, Capt. Daniel Lovet and Lieut. Seth Chapin were chosen a committee "to joyn with the 1735.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 229 Reverend Mr. Joseph Dorr, to lease out the Ministry Land," and the following Quakers were exempted from ministerial charges, viz: Samuel Thayer, Moses Aldrich, John Cass, Benjamin Boyce, Ebenezer Cook and David Boyce. The success which had attended the petition of John Hazeltine in procuring the incorporation of Upton, it is supposed, encouraged the inhabitants living on the easterly side of Mill River to apply to the General Court for another new town, as may be learned from the following record from the Mass. Records, Court, Vol. XVI., p. 216. Nov. 28. 1735. A Petition of Samuel Wheelock & a Great Number of the Inhabitants of Mendon living on the East side of Mill River, Setting forth the difficulty's these are under in attending the Public Worship of God at the Meeting House in said Town, by reason of the distance and the badness of the roads, and forasmuch as the said Town of Mendon is large, Therefore Praying that all the lands in Mendon on the East side of Mill River to the Country Road by Sheffield's Mill, and lying between the towns of Hopkinton, Bellingham, Holliston and Mendon may be set off and erected into a separate Township. In the H. of R. Read and Ordered that the Petitioners Serve the Town of Mendon with a copy of the Petition that they Shew Cause on Thursday the 18th. day of December next, if the Court be sitting, if not, on the first Thursday of the next sitting of the Court, why the Prayer thereof should not be granted. In Council Read & Concurred Consented to, J. BELCHER. The notice being served upon the town by the petitioners, Dec. 10. The town chose Thomas Sanford, Jacob Aldrich, Eleazer Taft, Jonathan Hayward, Jr., and James Keith "a Committee who were to depute two of their number to go to Boston and joyn with Capt. Daniel Lovett, the Town's Representative, to make answer to the Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants on the East side of Mill River with Reference to their being set off as a Town." The parties were heard at the appointed time, and with what result the following doings of the General Court will show: Dec. 20. 1735. On the Petition of Samuel Wheelock and other Inhabitants of the East part of Mendon praying as above, Nov. 28th ult. In Council. Read again together with the answer of the Town of Mendon, the Petition of Obadiah Wheelock and fourteen other Inhabitants on 230 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1736. the East side of Mill River and within the bounds mentioned for to be a Township, praying this Petition maybe granted; and the parties being heard at the Board and the matter fully considered, the question being put whether the prayer of the Petition should be granted, and it passed in the Negative, and therefore ordered that the Petition be dismissed. In the H. of R. R. & C. Consented to J. BELCHER. *I736. March 1. Chose Capt. Daniel Lovett, Lient. Seth Chapin, William Torrey, Lieut. Thomas Thayer and Capt. Robert Taft, Selectmen; Thomas Sanford, Town Clerk; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq.; John Joans and William Thayer, Constables. Jacob Aldrich was chosen Surveyor of Hemp. March 8. John Field was continued as schoolmaster for this year, and to keep six months in the town and six months in the outskirts of the town. The meeting house was not yet completed, as the town voted to raise ~100 to pay John Lyon, "when he hath finished the Meeting House." For the accommodation of persons living at a distance, liberty was granted that stables might be built near the meeting house, at the direction of the Selectmen. At the same time it was voted to enclose the burying place with a stone wall, and also to oppose the petition of fifteen of the inhabitants on the east side of Mill River to be set off as a separate town. May 17. Chose Capt. Thomas Thayer Representative to the General Court. At this meeting the petition of Thomas Tenney and fifteen others to have that part of the town east of Mill River set off as a Precinct, was denied. At the same time a motion was made to choose a committee to join with a committee of Uxbridge to confer about the ministry land, and it passed in the negative, "nemine contra dicente." Mr. John Field, the schoolmaster for the present year, was to have ~45 for his services. Among other appropriations were the following, viz: 1737.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 231 For paying John Fish for hinges for the table..............~00 05 00 do do William Torrey, mending the Pound........... 00 06 00 do do Daniel Darling for 1500 feet of plank for the bridge over the Great River, (sawing the plank,) 2 12 06 do do the Committee which made answer to the petition of Samuel More & others, in Dec. 1730....... 8 00 00 do do Mr. Dorr's salary, additional................. 25 00 00 do do Town debts and contingent charges........... 50 00 00 do do do do additional........................ 20 00 00 do do The Committee which made answer to the petition of Samuel Morse & others for a division of the Tow n..................................... 16 06 06 Oct. 25. Voted not to build pews in the meeting house, nor allow "particular persons to do so." It was then-voted to sell the Pew Room in the meeting house, and chose Benjamin Wheelock, Eleazer Taft, William Torrey, Benjamin Darling and Robert Taft a committee to appraise the rooms. "The Elderly men that Bear the most considerable Charge in Town to have the first offer to buy the same, and if the Elderly men refuse to Bye, then such persons as the Committee Shall judge proper and will pay for the same. The Committee to guarantee the sale and the money to be paid into the town treasury." Nov. 26. Capt. William Rawson was hired to keep a grammar school for three months. This Calt. William Rawson was the son of William Rawson, and graduated at Harvard College in 1703. His father, William, was a Presbyterian minister, and was settled in England; his son, Capt. William, was a lawyer, and settled in Mendon, being the first one of that profession who settled in the town. I737. March 7. Chose Benjamin Wheelock, William Torrey, Eleazer Taft, Robert TIaft and Benjamin Darling Selectmen; William Rawson, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Nathaniel Nelson and John French, Constables. April 25. The Selectmen agreed with William Rawson to keep a grammar school for ten months at the rate of ~50 per annum. " Voted, that those poeple of ye town who send their children to school shall also send wood." 232 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1738. Whether the town had heretofore provided a Sheeplherd to watch the sheep on the common land is not known for a certainty, but inasmuch as this year they voted not to choose one, it is presumed such had been, the case heretofore. May 18. Chose Capt. Thomas Thayer Representative. At this meeting Mr. Dorr was allowed ~25, old tenor, as an addition to his salary. Raised ~60 to pay the schoolmaster and town debts, and also ~40 to let the fish up Pawtucket Falls, provided other towns will pay in proportion, and Capt. Nathan Tyler was chosen a committee to attend to that matter. Dec. 6. The Selectmen laid out a road from the Falls (Woonsocket) to Bellingham, as prayed for by William Arnold, Esq.; "provided Ebenezer Cook, through whose land the road was mostly laid, would bind himself to pay back the ~40, which was allowed him for damages, within a year after said farm shall fall into Rhode Island Colony, if it ever should be so." This year, for the first time, we find roads laid out by any other authority than that of the town. This year the Court of General Sessions of the county of Worcester appointed a committee to view Ebenezer Cook's farm, in order to lay out a road across the same. The town chose Daniel Lovett, David Aldrich and Samuel Thayer to meet the Court's committee, and give in the reasons why the town is not willing to have a road laid out across said farm at the town's cost. This is the road that leads from Woonsocket to Bellingham by the Social factory. The location of this road was returned to the Court of General Sessions, at Worcester, and may be found in the Mendon Records, Vol. 2, p. 71. Whether Ebenezer Cook ever refunded the ~40 allowed for damages, after the annexation of Woonsocket to Rhode Island, is a matter of doubt. I738. March 6. Lieut. Seth Chapin, Ensign Nathan Tyler, Deacon Jacob Aldrich, John Legg and Lt. Thomas Thayer were chosen Selectmen; Thomas Sanford, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Benjamin Albee, Jr., and Samuel Thayer, Constables. During all these years the minor offices of 1739.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 233 Surveyors of Highways, Tithing Men, Fence Viewers, Hog Reaves, &c., were always filled. March 13. The road was laid over Dam Swamp, and James Muzzey and Joseph Verrey were allowed to put up gates where the road passes through their lands, for one year, "so that, in the mean time, they may have opportunity to measure how far said way runs through their land." Josiah Marshall, A. M., was hired to keep school for six months "according to the direction of the Province Laws," for ~30 old tenor, in bills of credit of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay. May 22. Benjamin Wheelock was chosen a Representative to the General Court, and refused to serve. Mr. Ebenezer Merriam was then chosen, and there is no record that he refused to serve. Thomas Sanford, Daniel Lovett and Seth Chapin were chosen a committee to settle the bounds of the Ministry home lot, and contest the same in law with the abutters, if they refuse to join, so that the bounds may be established and be put upon record. Aug. 28. Nathan Tyler was chosen Grand Juryman and Thomas Thayer and John Legge for the Jury of Tryals, and the Town Treasurer's salary for the year was fixed at ~ 10 s. Sept. 11. Allowed Rev. Mr. Joseph Dorr ~75, old tenor, over and above his stated salary. Among other bills that were audited and allowed by the town, at a town meeting held Sept. 18thTimothy Clark was allowed for carrying Mary Thoit out of town..~00 10 00 Daniel Lovett, Seth Chapin and Thomas Sanford for services about the Ministry Land & Copies &c........................ 05 11 06 Daniel Lovett and Samuel Thayer service and expense about Ebenezer Cook's Road...................................... 04 10 00 Town charges, the Schoolmaster & Ebenezer Cook............. 88 00 00 I739. Jan. 8. The town met and chose Capt. Daniel Lovett Moderator, and after some debate the meeting was adjourned to the 16th instant. Jan. 16. Voted to sell that twenty acres of land that was the Ministry Home Lot, or first division in said town, to the highest bidder, but not under three hundred of the old tenor; and that 30 234 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1739. the money arising from said sale " shall Lye in bank upon interest for the ends and uses that the said land was granted for, forever. The interest to be paid out by orders from the Selectmen of the town, for the time being, to and for the support of a Congregational Minister or Ministers that are or may be regularly settled in said town of Mendon, forever, and to no other use forever; except the said town shall, hereafter, think it best to buy a piece of land with the principal and establish it for the ends and uses aforesaid, forever." Thomas Sanford, Daniel Lovett and Seth Chapin were authorized to sell the land and to give a sufficient title thereto, by deed, in the town's behalf. It is presumed that the burying place was not yet "fenced with a stone wall," pursuant to a former vote, as a committee was chosen at this time " to state and settle the bounds thereof. " March 5. Chose for Selectmen, Daniel Taft, Esq., William Torrey, Jonathan Hayward, Jr.., Benjamin Wheelock and John French; for Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; for Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq., and for Constables, Uriah Thayer and George Bruce; for Schoolmaster, Josiah Marshall, A. M. It was voted that town meetings be warned by posting up notices of the same fourteen days before the day of meeting, at the Meeting house, at Capt. William Rawson's and at Samuel Thompson's mill. Aug. ye 28th. Upon reckoning with Daniel Taft, Town Treasurer, it was found by the Selectmen that the town was indebted to him in the sum of ~5.14.03, he having disbursed, on the town's behalf, that amount more than he had received. May 21. Voted to repair the roads by a rate, and that a man should have six shillings a day, and a man and team twelve shillings per day, old tenor.. It was then voted that every man should have notice to work out his rate by the last day of October, and that the names of all those who had failed to do so on or before that day, should be reported to the Assessors, when they, the Assessors, should issue out their warrant on the back side of the rate list, and deliver the same to the Constables to collect the same in money. May 21. It seems that Mendon was entitled to more than one Representative, as, at this meeting, it was put to vote whether 1740.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 235 the town would choose more than one Representative, and they voted to send but one. Ebenezer Merriam was chosen, " by a clear vote," Representative. The petition of John Joans and others was presented to the town praying that the easterly side of Mill River be set off " a particular town by themselves," and it was voted in the negative. The vote being "scrupled," it was tried by dividing the House, and it still passed in the negative. A motion was made to sell the remainder of the Ministry land, but the town voted it should not be sold. Dec. 7. Lieut. Thomas Thayer and Ensign Nathan Tyler were chosen to take care for the preservation of deer, pursuant to Chap. 3, Sec. 4 of the Acts of 1739, passed July 10th. This act provided that whoever should kill any buck, doe or fawn, or having the flesh or raw skin of such, after the 10th day of December till the first day of August, shall for each buck, doe or fawn, and for each skin or flesh found in his possession, pay the sum of ten pounds. By Sec. 4, any town which neglected to choose two meet persons to enforce the law, was liable to a fine of thirty pounds. Make what laws we will, the deer, as well as the Indian, will always be found only in advance of the frontier line of civilization. The Province Treasury, it seems, was bankrupt at this time, as, upon motion of Ebenezer Merriam, Representative at the General Court, the town voted to pay him, he promising to refund the amount, provided the General Court should make provision for the same. Sixty pounds were granted this year for town charges. The burying place, notwithstanding former votes, was not yet enclosed, as we find the Selectmen were ordered to let out the same "to some good man or Men," for a term not exceeding thirty years, providing he or they will " fence it with good stone wall according to law and erect a good gate with iron hinges." Josiah Wilkson, his wife and children, were warned out of town, and Benjamin Thayer was warned "to entertain them no longer." I740. March 3. Chose Deacon Jacob Aldrich, Capt. Robert 236 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1740. Taft, William Hayward, Lieut. Thomas Thayer and Jonathan Hayward, Selectmen; Edmund Morse, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Samuel Torrey and David Thayer, Constables. Capt. Daniel Lovett, Nathan Penniman, Joseph Chapin, Benjamin Green, John Fish and John Green, Gentlemen were chosen to keep order on the Sabbath Days. Mr. Josiah Marshall was chosen Schoolmaster, and William Torrey and Benjamin Darling, Deer Reaves. Voted that those who were delinquent in working their highway rate last year may work them out this year, and that those who did overwork last year shall be abated the amount this year. Voted that Doctor Samuel Morse have liberty to shut up the road between the land of Rev. Mr. Dorr's and Eliphalet Wood's land to Muddy Brook. May. 19. Edmund Morse was chosen Representative to the General Court. A motion was made to grant the petition of sundry inhabitants on the easterly side of Mill River, dated April 10, 1740, praying the town to set off the land east of the Mill River into a separate town; "those who were in favor of the motion having placed themselves, by direction of the Moderator, on the women's side of the house and those who were opposed on the men's side of the house and a count having been made, it was found there appeared a clear vote in Negative by 25 poles." Aug. 26. Among other bills that were audited and allowed at this meeting, Mr. John Lyon had ~8 for building a new pound; and the Selectmen 10s. for rum to raise the pound. Uriah Thayer for "taking men for the highway rate," had ~1. Raised and appropriated ~75 as an addition to Mr. Dorr's salary, ~70 to defray town charges, and ~400 for highways. The "taking for the highway rate," it seems, was a distraint for non-payment of highway taxes, and resulted in a complaint to the Courts, as we find that, Oct. 31, Samuel Thayer and Uriah Thayer (the Constable,) were chosen to answer and defend any case against the town in the next Superior Court, to be holden at Worcester, relating to a distraint made by Uriah Thayer. 1741.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 237 I74I. March 2. Selectmen, Lieut. Thomas Thayer, Lieut. Eleazer Taft, Capt. William Rawson, Capt. Robert Taft and Ebenezer Merriam; Town Clerk, William Rawson; Town Treasurer, Deacon Jacob Aldrich, and for Constables, William Sheffield and John Thayer. Josiah Marshall was chosen Schoolmaster. At this time there appears to have been much dissatisfaction in the church, as an ex parte Council had been called and a judgment had been rendered against the minister relating to his administration. At this meeting the two following votes were passed, being proposed by the Rev. Mr. Dorr. "Gentlemen, In as much as an opposing party in this Town have Obtained a judgment of a Council Against the Minister of the Town, without a Tryal, Relating to his administration viz:-of a Council Chosen by them Selves in so private a manner that the Pastor of the Church had No Coppy of the Letters Missive until after the Letters were Sent out to the ChurchesIf you Judge that the Minister of this Town Ought to be defended a gainst Such Proceedings and you will defend him Signify it by Lifting up your hands. Gentlemen, if you will choose three persons as a Committee chosen by the Church, or by that part of it that adheres to the Pastor to advise and concur with them in the choice of a Council, if they shall think fit, to judge of the Result of the late Council Chosen by the opposite party here by Lifting up your hands." The foregoing votes both passed in the affirmative. The meeting was then adjourned to March 16, instant, the following persons protesting against the adjournment as well as against the votes passed upon the motion of the Rev. Mr. Dorr: Daniel Taft Esq., Samuel Rawson, Capt. Daniel Lovett, Benjamin Green, Ens. Nathan Tyler, John French, Samuel Thayer, Thomas White, Dea. Nathaniel Nelson, Samuel Hayward, William Torrey, George Aldrich, Jonathan Hayward, Robert Aldrich, Josiah Adams, Ichabod Robinson, John Chapin, David Taft, John Rockwood, Josiah Chapin. Attest, EDMUND MORSE, Town Clerk. March 16. ye Rev. Mr. Dorr came into the Meeting and Proposed to the Town to choose three Gentlemen as a Committee to joyn with ye 238 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1741. Church Committee in order to Choose a Council to judge of the Result of the Late Council, Relating to ye Difference in ye Church in Mendon &c. Lieut. Eleazer Taft, Lieut. Thomas Thayer and Capt. Robert Taft were chosen as said committee. What the troubles in the church were does not appear from the records, but as Mr. Dorr, continued the minister until his death, in 1768, the difficulties, whatever they were, were soon adjusted. Voted, not to sell any part of the Ten Rod Highway or of any of the roads in town. Also voted not to sell the Ministry Land. March 30. Voted that the money "Called Land Banck" should pay the interest that is due to the town for the school land, and town debts for this year. This money called the "Land Banck" is supposed to be the proceeds of the sale of the ministry and school lands. May 18. The town, as usual, voted to choose but one Representative, and Capt. Robert Taft was chosen to attend the General Court. The inhabitants on the easterly side of Mill River (now Milford) again, by their petition of May 4, 1741, prayed the town to support their minister in a mutual way, (supposed by voluntary contribution,) or " give them leave to go off as a Particular Precinct;" but, although it must have been a hardship for the petitioners to attend public worship at Mendon, the town still refused either to relieve them from ministerial taxes or allow them to set up for themselves. We have seen that Capt. Robert Taft was chosen Representative for this year, May 18, and June 29, under a new warrant, he was again chosen Representative for this year. No explanation is found in the town records of this procedure. But, upon consulting the Province Laws of 1741, p. 1102, we shall find that the General Court, which was convened on the 26th of May, was dissolved on the next day by Gov. Belcher, no acts being passed, and a new assembly was called to meet on the 8th day of July. On this account another town meeting was called July 29, and Capt. Robert Taft was again elected Representative. Court Records, 1741 to 1743, pp. 15 and 16. July 16. A Petition of Thomas Tenney and a great number of other Inhabitants of Mendon, setting forth the Controversies they have had, and 1741.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 239 still have, with their Minister, Mr. Joseph Dorr, upon which they have had the advice of an Ecclesiastical Council, which the said Mr. Dorr refuses to comply with or to do anything to give the Petitioners reasonable satisfaction, and therefore praying that they may be set off as a separate Precinct or otherwise relieved in the premises. In the H. of R. Read and Ordered that the Petitioners serve one or more of the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon with a Copy of this Petition that they may shew cause, if any they have, on Tuesday the 28th, day of July current why the prayer thereof should not be granted. In Council R. & C. Consented to J. BELCHER. July 18. The town chose Eleazer Taft, Nathan Penniman and Samuel Morse a committee to "Make Answer to a Petition put into the General Court by those who have stiled themselves A grieved in sd Mendon."' Court Records, 1741 to 1743, p. 42. Wednesday, July 19, 1741. On the Petition of Thomas Tenney and others of Mendon praying as entered July 16 instant, In the H. of R. read again, together with the answer of Samuel Morse and others, Agents for the Town of Mendon, and Ordered that Mr. Speaker Fairfield, Capt. Choate, Dr. Hale, Capt. Watts, Mr. Walker and Col. Minot, with such as the Hon. Council shall join be a Committee to hear the parties and forthwith Report thereon. In Council Read and Con. and John Jeffries, Anthony Stoddard, Jeremiah Moulton, Richard Bill and John Greenleaf are joined in this affair. Court Records, 1741 to 1743, p. 68. Aug. 8. 1741. On the Petition of Thomas Tenney and other Inhabitants of Mendon with the Report of a Committee of both Houses thereon, In Council, Read and Ord. that this Pet. be accepted. In the H. of R. Read and Non concented and Ordered that this Petition with the Report thereon be referred to the Fall Sessions for further consideration. In Council Read, R. & Non Con. & the Council adhere to their own vote. In the H. of R. Read, R. & Non Con. and the House insist upon their own vote. In Council, Read and unanimously Non Con..Sept. 14. Among other accounts audited and allowed was one of Uriah Thayer's of ~3.09s. for time and expenses for distraining on some persons in the Gore for their rates. At this meeting it was also voted not to sell or let the ministerial land. 240 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1741. All the town lines were perambulated this year, and the several charges for the service were ordered to be paid. Sept. 22. Voted to forego Richard Rubey's rate for 1739. Query. Did he marry Sherebiah, daughter of Grizzel Gurney, mentioned in her will. See 1675. Voted not to allow David Thayer's account, it being ~6.16.06, for carrying a certain woman and child out of this town, and delivering them to the Uxbridge constable. Voted not to allow the accounts of Eleazer Taft, Nathan Penniman and Dr. Samuel Morse, for services at the General Court to answer Thomas Tenney's petition, it being ~54.19.06. At this meeting the town voted that the territory east of Mill River might be set off as a separate town, but that they would not allow the new town any portion of the ministry or school land or of the money accruing from the sale of any part of the same. Mass. Archives, Ecclesiastical, Vol. 12, pp. 194, 5, 6, 7. MILL RIVER MADE A PRECINCT. Nov. 25. Sundry inhabitants of Mendon petitioned the General Court to be set off as a town or precinct, as follows: To his Excellency William Shirley Esq, Capt. General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay &c. and to the Honble the Council of the House of Representatives of sd Province in General Court or Assembly this 25th. day of November 1741. The Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon in sd Province thereunto subscribing, Humbly Sheweth, That the said Town of Mendon, in answer to a Petition of Sundry Inhabitants on the Easterly side of Mill River in sd Town, at their meeting on Sept. 22, 1741, voted their consent that the land in sd Township lying on the Easterly side of Mill River to the County road by Sheffield's Mill, then bounding on said road to Bellingham & bounding on Bellingham, Holliston and Hopkinton, with all the lands and Inhabitants who dwell on those lands within said lines be a Township. That the said Lands set off as a Town as aforesaid with the Polls and Estates ratable to the support of the Ministry & being within said boundaries are not (as your Petitioners Conceive) more than about one third part of said town considered as by the Polls and Estates. That there are five families on the Westerly side of said Mill River who choose to Congregate with your Petitioners & to be laid to them, whose 1741.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 241 Lands also, at least some of them, will be much incommoded by remaining in the old Town, which families, if Added to your Petitioners, as your Petitioners hope, will render the charge of maintaining the Gospel feasible. Your Petitioners Are Nevertheless humbly of Opinion That it would be more conducive to the Peace and Welfare of the whole That yr Petitioners & others living within the bounds as aforesaid, with the addition of these few families, be Enacted a Separate Precinct rather than a Separate Towmoshlp; and that it would be more So if the Ministry of both the Churches & Congregations in said Town may be supported by a joint Stock & every one attend the Ministry that is the most Convenient and Agreeable. Your Petitioners humbly Pray Your Excellency and this Honb"e Court That the Inhabitants of Mendon, dwelling on the Easterly side of Mill River and adjoining as aforesaid to Bellingham, Holliston and Hopkinton with their lands in said Township with other lands on the westerly side of Mill River up to a Road called the Eight Rod Road and Including Nathan Tyler's House & Lands up to Upton Line may be Enacted a Separate Town or Precinct; Or That the public Ministry of both the Churches and Congregations in the Town of Mendon be supported by a Tax oi Assessment upon the whole Town As yr Excellency & Honrs shall Judge most Meet and Convenient. And yr Petitioners shall Ever Pray. Samuel Scammell, Habijah French, Joseph Jones, James Godman, Ephraim Daniels, Moses Gage, Moses Tenney, William Legg, Joshua Underwood, Ichabod Thayer, Dearing Jones, Amos Binney, James Sumner, Nathaniel Nelson, John Thwing jr., Thomas Chaddock, Josiah Chapin, Abraham Jones, Eliphalet Wood, John Chapin, John Jones, William Cheney jr., William Cheney, Nehemiah Nelson, Nathaniel Jones, Benjamin Hayward, John Biniey, Samuel Hayward, Ebenezer Boynton. And we whose names are hereunder written (being the owners of the Lands of the 5 families above mentd) humbly pray we wth o" Lands may be annexed to the New Town or Precinct unless the Ministry be jointly supported. NATHAN TYLER, JOHN THWING, THOMAS WAIRE.. In the H. of R. Nov. 27. 1741 Read and in answer to this Petition, Ordered that the prayer thereof be so far granted as that the Petitioners be 31 242 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1741. allowed to bring in a Bill for a Township agreeable to a vote of the Town of Mendon at their meeting Sept. 22,.1741. Sent up for Concurrence J. HOBSON, Speaker. In Council Read and Concurred with the amendment at A. Sent down for Concurrence. J. WILLARD, Secy. In H. of R. Read and Non. Con. and the House insist on its vote. J. HOBSON, Speaker. In Council Nov. 30. Read & Non Con. J. WILLARD, Secy. In Council Dec. 4, 1741. Upon a motion made by a Message from the Honble House of R. that the Board would reconsider their vote above, the vote was accordingly reconsidered and the Question being put, whether the Board will concur with the vote of the House on this Petition, It passed in the Negative, and the Board adhere to their own Amendment. Sent down for Concurrence. J. WILLARD, Secy. In the H. of R. Dec. 16. 1741 R. & Non Con. J. HOBSON, Speaker. The Amendment at A, is not found in the Court Records. It will be seen that the House voted the Petitioners liberty to bring in a Bill for a Township, and that the Town had not been heard. The amendment might have reference to one or both of these facts. Dec. 14. The town having been cited to make answer at the General Court to a petition to make Mill River a precinct, chose Lieut. Eleazer Taft, Deacon Thomas Sanford, Mr. Joseph Johnson, Mr. John Jones, Jr., and Mr. John Fish a committee to draw up reasons why the prayer of the Mill River petition should not be granted, and directed that Lieut. Eleazer Taft and Mr. John Jones, Jr., should present said reasons to the General Court, and make answer to said petition. In the H. of R. Dec. 22d 1741. Read again with the answer of the Town of Mendon & thereupon voted that the prayer of the Petitioners be so far granted as that the Inhabitants of Mendon, with their Estates, lying on the Easterly side of Mill River and bounded by said River, Bellingham, Holliston and Hopkinton, including the Families, with their Estates, on the West side of said River to the Eight Rod Road as expressed and described in the Petition, together with Nathan Tyler and his lands, Samuel Rawson, Daniel Lovett, William Hayward, Thomas White, Danl. White, William Hovey, Josiah Adams, Benj. Green, Samuel Green and Ebenezer Albee, with their Estates in the old or standing part of said Town, or so 1742.] ANNALS OF -MENDON. 243 many of them as shall joyn with the Petitioners in building a Meeting House and settling a Minister, are hereby Erected into a Distinct and Separate- Precinct, and the Inhabitants thereof be invested with the same Powers and Privileges as other Precincts do enjoy. Saving Nevertheless that Jonathan Hayward, John Green, Obadiah Wheelock, Jas. Albee, Jos. Corbit, Thomas Beard, Benjamin Albee, Jr., Jno. Kilburn, Jno. Hayward, William Sprague Jr. and Jno. White, living within the above mentioned bounds, or so many of them as shall desire it, together with their Estates, may continue to the standing part of sd Town, so long as they attend the public worship there in a stated way and no longer. Also Provided that the said Inhabitants so set off shall, within the space of 2 years from this time, Erect a Convenient Meeting House & settle a learned and Orthodox Minister for the Public Worship of God. Sent up for Concurrence J. HOBSON, Speaker. In Council Dec. 23. 1741 Read and Con, J. WILLARD, Secy. Consented to, W. SHIRLEY. T'his year Mr. Dorr was allowed an addition to his salary of ~75, and ~100 were raised to defray town charges. The vote heretofore passed, appropriating the Land Bank money (the income from the sales of the ministry and school lands,) for the payment of town charges, was reconsidered. Dec. 20. 1741. We the Subscribers in assessing the Ministerial Rates have Excluded ye Persons, as followeth, that is to say as the Anabaptists; and the land of Nicholas Cook of Bellingham. David Aldrich, Henry Bozworth, Edward Pickerin. Benjamin Force, William Sprague, William Phillips, Samuel Thompson, Peter Aldrich. WILLIAM RAWSON, Asssessors of the EBENEZER MERIAM, Town of Mendon. THOMAS THAYER. I742. Jan. 4. Mr. Dorr was allowed ~18, "over and above what had been paid him," being the income of the Ministerial land. Eleazer Taft and Dr. Samuel Morse, with what had beeen allowed them before, were allowed a further sum, making in the whole ~40. March 1. Chose Nathan Penniman, Samuel Thayer, Uriah 244 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1742. Thayer, Capt. Daniel Lovett and Jonathan Hayward, Jr., for Selectmen; Edmund Morse, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Daniel Hazeltine and William Hayward, Constables. March 17. At a meeting held this day the following " Request" was presented: "To the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants, of the Town of Mendon, Qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs in Lawfull Townmeetting Assembled, by Ad journment from March 17. 1742. Wee the Subscribers Your Friends and Neighbors of the Society of Poeple Called Quaquers for our Selves and Others of our Society finding the Yard belonging to our Meettinghouse Too Little for Our Conveniancy, Request ye favour of Some Enlargement, Particularly that you will please to Allow us Two Rod of ye Ten (Rod) Road at the Front of Our sd Meetting house, to Run an equal length with Our Own Land to the same belonging, Or otherwise as, in your Judgement and good Neighbourhood you shall think convenient in; and Your Kindness to Us therein will Oblige Our Love and Gratitude. The foregoing Request was granted by a Clear Vote Always Provided ye Rod mentioned in width Doth not Extend More than fourteen Rod Long or fourteen Rod and a half in Length at Farthest." Who the subscribers were to the foregoing request does not appear, as the names were not copied into the town record. The yard that was enlarged by the above addition is still owned by the Friends, and within its inclosure are quite a number of graves, but except in one instance there are no monuments to designate the name or age of the sleeper beneath. The meeting house that stood in the yard has long since disappeared, having been taken down and removed in 1850. July 5. Josiah Marshall, A. M., was hired by the Selectmen to keep school; "that is the Grammar School in said Town," for one year for ~19 lawful money or in bills of the last emission or in other bills equivalent thereto. This contract is signed by Josiah Marshall and Daniel Lovett, Nathan Penniman and Samuel Thayer, Selectmen of Mendon. May 21. Capt. Robert Taft was chosen Representative to the General Court. At this meeting James Albee, Joseph Rockwood, Benjamin Rockwood, Nathaniel Thayer and others petitioned the town to be set off to Bellingham, they living in the south part of Mendon, but the town refused to grant their request. 1742.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 245 Upon this, John Holbrook and others of Bellingham, and James Albee and others, of Mendon, appealed to the General Court. Mass. Archives, Court 1741 to 1743, p. 395. "A Petition of John Holbrook and others of the Town of Bellingham and James Albee and others of the Town of Mendon, Shewing that, by reason of the great number of Sectaries* in Bellingham, the remaining part are not able to Support a Gospel Minister, and that the Petitioners of Mendon are commodiously situated for Bellingham, and therefore praying that part of Mendon, particularly described in the petition may be set off from that Town and joined to the said Town of Bellingham. In the H. of R. Read and Ord. that the Petitioners serve the Town of Mendon with a copy of this Petition that they show cause, if any they have, on the first Tuesday of the next session of this Court why the prayer thereof should not be granted. In Council Read & Con. June 8. 1742. Consented to, W. SHIRLEY. Court, 1743 to 1745, p. 143. " Sept. 3. 1742, The Petition of John Holbrook, James Albee and others of Bellingham and Mendon, praying as entered June 8. 1742 In Council Read again together with the answer of a Committee of the Town of Mendon, and the matter being fully considered, the question was put, Whether the prayer of the Petitioners should be granted, and it passed in the Negative; Whereupon Ordered that the Petition be dismissed, In H. of R. Read and Con. Consented to, W. SHIRLEY." The committee appointed to settle with Ebenezer Staples, Town Treasurer for 1733 anid 1734, reported that they "find difficulty" (what difficulty the record saith not), and that "he hath Complyed to pay to the Town for a Discharge ye sum of five pounds in the Old Tenor Bills of Credit, as is Complyed with by both Parties." The Treasurer having paid the five pounds, the town voted to confirm the settlement. OLD AND NEW TENOR. For some years past the General Court had issued Bills of Credit, as they were called, to serve for its present necessities, to be redeemed at a definite time. After paying its present indebtedness, the balance' f the issue was loaned, in various sums, to the towns, and placed in the hands of trustees. The trustees *The Anabaptists supposed to be the Sectaries. 246 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1743. again loaned it, but not in large amounts, to the inhabitants, taking security for the principal and interest. When a new issue was made it was called New Tenor, the one previously issued was called Old Tenor. When an issue of Bills of Credit was made the General Court fixed their value. Thus, in 1742, they issued ~30,000, and by the second section of the act, they "enacted that any debt of four shillings, heretofore contracted, may be discharged by one shilling of the bills hereby to be emitted, specialties and express contracts in writing excepted, and so, pro rata, for a greater or less sum." The bills were printed in the following form and signed by a Committee of the General Court appointed for the purpose. Their denominations ranged from two pence to forty shilllings. (No. ) Twenty Shillings, This bill of twenty shillings, due to the possessor thereof, from the Province of Massachusetts Bay, shall be equal to three ounces of coined silver, Troy weight, of sterling alloy, or gold coin at the rate of four pounds eighteen shillings per ounce; and shall be so accepted in all payments, and in the Treasury. Boston 1742. By order of the General Court or Assembly. } Committee. -and so, mutatis mutandis, for a greater or less sum." Raised ~45 to defray town charges this year. I743. March 7. For Selectmen, Major Daniel Lovett, Daniel Taft, Esq., Mr. William Torrey, Mr. John Legg and Coroner William Rawson; Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq.; Constables, William Hayward and Samuel Daniels, Jr.; Assessors, William Torrey, John Legg and William Rawson. At this meeting the town voted to dismiss the article from the warrant, "Signifying they would Defend the Rev. Mr. Dorr against his opposers." It is not certain what the difficulty with Mr. Dorr was. The extensive religious agitation, the "Great Awakening," as it was called, of 1740, about which men were divided in opinion, may have given rise to the coldness of some of his parishioners, as it is related that Mr. Dorr strongly sympathized with that movement. The struggle, which resulted in the erection of the Mill River Precinct, may also have given rise 1743.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 247 to or intensified the "recent unpleasantness," but, as we hear no more of the opponents of Mr. Dorr, it is presumed that the autonomy granted the Mill River people, in matters ministerial, or the subsidence of the Great Awakening, one or both, contributed to the return of a lasting peace. Voted not to hire a Schoolmaster this year. March 25. Maj. Daniel Lovett, Mr. Benjamin Wheelock and Mr. George Bruce were chosen a committee to treat with Uxbridge or their committee concerning the Ministry land. What was the question about the Ministry land does not appear. May 16. Capt. Robert Taft was chosen Representative to the General Court. Aug. 29. Daniel Taft, Esq., Major Daniel Lovett and Deacon Jacob Aldrich were allowed ~1.15 each for five days work and Major Lovett and Deacon Aldrich 3s. 6d. each for half a day's work in selling the Ministry land. The surveyor of the Ministry land was allowed ~1.05 for the survey, and Major Daniel Lovett, Mr. Benjamin Wheelock and Mr. George Bruce were allowed ~1.10 for treating with the Uxbridge Committee. These several sums were to be paid out of the money arising from the sale of the land, or the interest due therefrom. Among other accounts audited and allowed was one of ~12 to Sergt. William Hayward, for a road through his land, bought of Dr. Wilson. Raised ~50 to defray town charges. All the grants for this year were in Old Tenor. There was an article in the warrant to see if the town will be at any charge in "Joyning to Lett up the fish in the Grate River," but it was not acted on, and the meeting was dissolved. The East Precinct in Mendon was created by the General Court Dec. -23, 1741, and it was, without doubt, soon afterward organized. It seems that from some irregularities in the manner of voting the legality of the Precinct meetings were called in question, and we find that in 1743 they applied to the General Court for relief. To this end Deacon Daniel Corbett and Mr. Jonathan Hayward were chosen, on the 23d of August, 1743, "to the General Court to Desire Relief and Direction under our present Difficulties." They, in the behalf of the Precinct, petitioned the General Court as follows: Mass. Arch, Towns, Vol. 115, p. 168. 248 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1743. "To his Excellency William Shirley Esq., Capt. General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, the Honorable his Majesty's Council & House of Representatives in General Court assembled Sept. 1743. The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Easterly Precinct in Mendon Humbly Sheweth, That yr Petitioners, at their General Meeting in March 1743 were so ill advised as to permit a considerable number of persons not duly qualified by Law to vote at that meeting & have so continued to do at all other meetings since, being induced thereto by an apprehension that it would be a means of preserving peace and unity among ourselves; but instead turns to the contrary, for now divers of our Society refuse to pay any of the taxes levied for building a Meeting house & Supporting*a Minister, giving for reason that all the votes passed at said meeting and all other succeeding ones are null and void because passed by unqualified persons; so that, by this means, we are likely to be in the greatest confusion imaginable, without the aid of the Great and Honourable Court; Therefore yr Petitioners humbly pray Y' Excellency and Honours would be pleased to confirm all the votes passed at said Meetings to this time and by yr order make them as effectual as if all the voters were lawfully qualified, or otherwise relieve us in the premises as in your Goodness you shall think best & as in duty bound shall ever pray. DANIEL CORBETT In the Name & Behalf of the East JONATHAN HAYWARD Precinct of Mendon. In the House of Representatives Sept. 9. 1743 Read and Ordered that the prayer of the Petitioners be so far granted as that the respective Parish Meetings held in the Easterly Precinct in Mendon since the year 1740 be deemed and hereby are declared Valid & Legal; and all affairs, votes, Grants, Assessments and other things passed or transacted at any such meeting, or in consequence thereof is declared good in Law, and all persons concerned are hereby required to conform themselves thereto any Defect in said Meetings to the contrary notwithstanding. Sent up for Concurrence T. CUSHIiNG, Spkr. In Council Read & Concurred with the amendment as taken into a new draft, viz:Whereas it appears to this Court the irregular proceedings within mentioned were not in wilful Contempt of the Law, but through Inadvertance, and Inasmuch as rendering void the same would greatly perplex their Affairs, if not prove destructive to them in their weak and infant state. Therefore Ordered that the several meetings held there & every thing done or in consequence thereof be & hereby declared valid & all persons concerned or that may be concerned are hereby directed to conform themselves thereto any defect in their proceeding notwithstanding. Sent down for Concurrence T. WILLARD, Secy. 1744.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 249 In the House of Representatives, Sept. 12. 1743. Read and Concurred T. CUSHING, Spkr. Consented to W. SHIRLEY. The second Precinct in Mendon (now Milford) was organized in 1741, and the Rev. Amariah Frost was ordained over the Church Dec. 21, 1743. He was the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Rice) Frost, and was born in Framingham Oct. 4, 1720. He graduated at Harvard College in 1740, and continued in the ministry, at Milford, until his death, March 14, 1792, at the age of seventy-two. Mr. Frost was thrice married, for his second wife, marrying Susanna, the youngest daughter of the Rev. Joseph Dorr, of Mendon. Mr. Frost was reputed an excellent man, and one of the most popular preachers of his time. It is a sufficient indication of his reputation and of his attainments, to state that he was extensively resorted to as an instructor of young men, fitting for college and for the ministry. I744. March 6. Major Daniel Lovett, Deacon Nelson, Daniel Taft, Esq., Jonathan Hayward and Lieut. Thomas Thayer were chosen Selectmen; Edmund Morse, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Daniel Taft, Jr., and John Chapin, Constables. Daniel Taft, Esq., Major Daniel Lovett and Sergt. John Legg were chosen a committee "to order a Monument over ye Grave of the Revd Mr. Grindal Rawson, Late Minister of Mendon." Mr. Josiah Marshall, A. M., was again chosen schoolmaster. A motion was made to build a new school house, but it passed in the negative. The next motion found more favor, as it was passed in the affirmative, being a motion that the Second Precinct (Milford) should have the old law book during the town's pleasure. May 18. Chose John Tyler and John Thayer " to Take Care for the Preservation of ye Deer." Capt. Robert Taft was chosen Representative to the General Court; 250 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1745. It was voted that the amount of interest money derived from the sale of the ministry land, for the present year, shall be equally divided between the first and second Precincts. Granted ~30 in order to complete the Town's stock of ammunition. Samuel Davenport's rates for 1741 were forgiven, he not having removed to this town at that time. Aug. 31. Various bills were audited and ordered to be paid, among others, Peter Thayer's, for looking after a chiild, ~15.00.00. If the account of Peter Thayer could be found, perhaps we should get some further light upon the reasons of this extraordinary entry, and if the General Court would create a netw office, the incumbent of which should be provided with suitable books of record, and whose duty it should be to note all events, other than official doings, occurring in the town or elsewhere, that would aid in elucidating the history of the town, we should have a far better understanding of our public records, and besides have our town histories, without any great labor at revision, ready at all times for publication. The grant for the disbursement of town charges this year was ~127. The records says all the grants were to be paid in old tenor. At the close of the town records for 1744 the following entry is made:MENDON, March 16. 1743, Then Received of the Town of Mendon such sums of Money which I accept in full satisfaction of my Salary and Proffitts of Ministry Lands from the time of my first Settlement to the Date of these Presents. I say Received by the hands of Daniel Taft Esq. and Town Treasurer, by me JOSEPH DORR, Minister of the Town. The town lines with Upton, Hopkinton, Holliston and Bellingham were perambulated this year, but the committee for Bellingham, for some reason which does not appear, refused to sign the certificate. I745. March ye 4. Chose for Selectmen Major Daniel Lovett, John French. William Thayer, Thomas Tenney, and 1745.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 251 Nathaniel Nelson; for Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq., and for Constables, Eliphalet Warfield and David Daniels. THE TRAINING FIELD. MENDON, April 13. 1744 Then the Selectmen mett and Measured the Training Field, beginning att a heap of Stones Bounded Northerly twenty Rods upon Major Daniel Lovett's Land; then Bounded Easterly Thirty five Rods on Phinehas Lovett's Land; Then Bounded Southerly Upon Ebenezer Merriam's Land Nineteen Rods; then Bounded Westerly Upon the Ten Rod Road Thirty five Rod to the first Bound, the whole containing four Acres and a Quarter and two Rod & a half. DANIEL TAFT ESQ., JONATHAN HAYWARD, Selectmen. THOMAS THAYER. March 19. Voted to sell to Phinehas Lovett a portion of the Training Field, on the east side, adjoining his other land, thirtyfive rods in length, seven rods at the south end of the Training Field, and six rods at the north end, containing one acre, three score and eight rods. The consideration was ~5.00.00, old tenor. The interest of the ministry land was voted one half to the First Precinct and the other to the Second Precinct. The bill of Dr. Daniel. Hews for doctoring, and the bill of William Hayward for nursing Elizabeth Nox or Rose? was disallowed. March 19. Voted, That all the roads that are reputed to be more than four rods wide in the town of Mendon, be reduced to four rods, and the Selectmen state the roads. Sept. 23. The committee to reckon with Daniel Taft, Esq., Treasurer, reported that they find due.him the sum of ~36.13.11, old tenor. They also find in former constables hands ~13, old tenor, and interest due on school money ~13, old tenor -in the whole ~33.10.02, and about ~33 in last year's orders unpaid. The committee to review Ebenezer Staples' account as Treasurer for 1733 and 4, find due him ~1.15.7, and that a note of ~5.00.00, given by him on a former settlement, should be given up to him. 1st Tuesday in October, Nathaniel Nelson was allowed ~2.07 252 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1746. for a journey to Worcester to answer a presentment against the town, and for laying out roads. This presentment probably had its origin in an alleged claim of the town of Uxbridge that Mendon was held to contribute to the maintenance of a bridge over the Great (Blackstone) River. William Hayward, Constable (collector) was allowed ~0.11.08 for rates in 1743, "on Account of Men Living in y" Gore." Raised to pay town debts ~150, old tenor. 1746. March 17. Daniel Taft, Esq., Benjamin Wheelock, Jun., Uriah Thayer, Jonathan Hayward and Samuel Scammell were'chosen Selectmen; Edmund Morse, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Samuel Rawson and Ichabod Robinson were chosen Constables. The vote passed March 19th, 1745, to reduce the roads to four rods wide was reconsidered. Crownr (Coroner) William Rawson was chosen Grand Juryman. May 22. The Selectmen were instructed to hire a schoolmaster. Samuel Thayer, Deacon Nelson, John French, Capt. Robert Taft,,Jonathan Hayward, Thomas Thayer and George - were chosen a committee "to consider the affair of building a School House or School Houses and make a Report at the next Town meeting." Capt. Robert Taft was chosen Representative to the General Court. Voted, that "the interest of the money the Ministry Land sold for should be divided equally between the 1st. & 2nd. Precinct." A committee was chosen to see "if any one wishes to buy any part of the Ten Rod Road And See what they will give for it," and report to the town. Sept. 22. Voted to pay Dr. John Scammell ~8.10 "for his Doctrin Bethiah Bridges." Voted "to raise ~133.00.00 to defray town Debts." At the same meeting the following votes were passed: 1747.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 253 "The Selectmen having reduced the roads more than four rods wide, by metes and bound, to the width of four rods, it was voted to accept of the Report of the Selectmen. Voted that Nathan Penniman and Abraham Staples be a Committee to take an account of the land adjoyning to each particular person that is ajoyning to the roads or highways Reputed to be more than Four Rods wide, in order to Sell the same; that is all above four rods wide in said roads and report at the next town meeting." Voted that Mr. George Bruce and Cr. William Rawson be a committee to refer the said return of said road to the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Worcester for a confirmation. In December following, Capt. Nathan Tyler, William Torrey and Edmund Morse were" chosen a committee to make a " Draught" of all land which is to be disposed of as above said, in order for the town to act on at their next meeting. I747. March 2. Selectmen, John French, Maj. Daniel Lovett, Deacon Nathaniel Nelson, George Bruce, and John Chapin; Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq.; Constables, George Aldrich and John Fish. March 30. It seems that the town did not think it best to have any school this year, as they voted not to hire Mr. Josiah Marshall as Schoolmaster. May 26. Maj. Daniel Lovett and Lieut. William Sheffield were chosen a committee to assist Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, "To Look After the Money, Both principal and Interest, Arising by virtue of the Saile of the Ministry and School Land in Mendon." Aug. 31. This meeting was occupied by auditing and allowing various bills and foregoing taxes, among which was one in the following words: "Voted to forego ~ New Tenor which is, in old Tenor, ~10.17.11, in Constable David Daniels' Rate in ye year 1747, which was Rated to men in the Gore," known afterwards as Attleboro Gore. To defray town charges, ~150, old tenor, was raised. The Town Clerk was directed "to Send to the Selectmen of Bellinghamn to give the Reason, if any they have, why they will not sign the Preambulation between Mendon and Bellingham 254 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1747. According as the Line hath been Preambulated by both Parties for Several years past and that by fair Meets & Bounds." The old school house was sold to Samuel Thayer for ~14, old tenor. This year the roads were reduced to four rods in width, and sold to the abutters, as by the following schedule: Jonathan Wadsworth.......... 1 Acre & 14 rods. ~ 1 10 00 George Bruce................ 1 Moses Aldrich........... 4 Benjamin Green................ Seth Chapin's heirs......... William Torrey................ Nathaniel Nelson............ 1 Ebenezer Chapin............... John Post...................... John W hite.................... 1 George Aldrich................ Eliphalet Wharfield............. Elihu Warfield................. Daniel Lovett, Esq............. Nathan Tyler............. 4 Jonathan Wadsworth........... Samuel Green..................1 George Bruce................ 1 Samuel Torrey. 2 Benjamin Green................ Thomas Rawson................ Grindal Rawson................ M ary M orse.................... Rev. Joseph Dorr........... 1 William Torrey................ 2 Ebenezer Chapin............... 2 Samuel Thayer................. 1 Joseph Chapin................. 2 Ichabod Anmidown............ Ebenezer Staples............... 1 Moses Aldrich and Samuel Thayer* Moses Aldrich.................. Maj. Daniel Lovett............. 1 Phinehas Lovett............... 4 Benjamin Meriam............. 2 Edmund Morse............ 3 Joseph Penniman............. 2 Samuel Rawson................ 3 " 54 " " 114 " 105 " 140 " 146 " " 40 " 120 " 30 " " 98 " 140 " 108 " 124 " ~1. * 6 00 " 10 Rod Road i( 69 " 100 " 27 " 65 " 24 " I 135 " " 148 ". 32 it. 76. 18 ". - 120. 70 " c 112 " 120" " 30 ". 4 72 " 5. " 92 " 00 ' (" 40 " " 80 " 40 ". 2 00 00 7 02 00 1 00 00 1 07 06 1 18 00 1 17 00 1 02 06 0 05 00 2 08 00 3 00 00 1 06 00 1 00 00 2 08 00 6 00 00 2 10 00 6 00 00 12 00 00 10 16 10 2 08 09 19 00 3 07 06 1111 00 5 18 09 14 16 00 10 11 03 15 11 00 12 07 06 7 00 00 6 00 00 2 00 00 3 00 00 6 05 00 20 00 00 12 00 00 20 00 00 6 00 00 8 00 00 *Friends Meeting House yard, 2 rods on each side; 1748.] ANNALS OF MIENDON. 255 Sarah Daniels (Wid. of Saml.)... 1 Acre. 10 Rod Road 3 10 00 John Albee................... 4 Acres 100 rods. 23 00 00 Lieut. William Sheffield........ 1 " 120 " 4 10 00 Joseph Corbitt................ ( 3 00 00 Capt. Eleazer Taft..............4 ".. 10 00 00 Elihue Wharfield............... 142 5 00 00 Cro. William Rawson........... 3 ". ( 10 00 00 Joseph Aldrich................. " 20 " 4 10 00 Joseph Allin.................... 3 " 12 00 00 The following record is found in the latter end of the second volume of the Town Records, the book being turned upside down: January ye 13, 1747. After choosing a Committee to audit the Treasurer's account the meeting was adjourned to the March meeting, then to the 26th. of May, then to the last Monday in August and then to the 21st day of September, no business being transacted until the last adjournment. At this last meeting the town voted to build one new school house, and to set it "on ye Training Field where it will be most Accommodable, that is at ye North End of Said Training Field, adjoyning to the road." It was also voted that "the School House should be twenty foot in Length and sixteen foot in width and Seven foot Studd betwixt Joynts." Major Daniel Lovett, Mr. Samuel Thayer and Capt. Nathan Tyler were chosen a committee to build the house. This was the second and only school house in town, at the time, the old one having been sold to Samuel Thayer. The old school house stood on the road at the north side of the Friends meeting house. The new one was to stand near where the barn of Albert W. Gaskill now stands. The money accruing from the sale of portions of the roads was to be paid into the Town Treasury, and so much as may be necessary was appropriated for building the school house. I748. March 7. Chose for Selectmen, William Torrey, Nathan Tyler, Thomas Thayer, Daniel Corbett and Phinehas Lovett; Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, and Constables, Daniel Taft, Jr., and Joseph Corbitt. March 21. Josiah Marshall was chosen Schoolmaster for the current year. 256 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1749. May 17. Deacon Nathaniel Nelson was chosen Representative to General Court. Voted that the Assessors "for Time to Come Lodg the yearly valuations and other papers Serviceable to the Town's use in the Clerk's Office." Aug. 29. Capt. Thomas Thayer, Ensign John Legg and Cr. William Rawson were chosen a committee " to Examine the Accounts of the Committee Chosen to Build a School house for ye Town and report at the adjourned meeting; and also to reckon with the Treasurer." The income from the Ministry land to be equally divided between the First and Second Precincts. The town voted they would have but one school, and that but for four months. Raised ~100, old tenor, for town charges, and ~8 to mend Trask's bridge. I749. March ye 6th. Selectmen, Abraham Staples, William Thayer, George Aldrich, Ensign John Rockwood and Benjamin Wheelock; Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, Daniel Taft, Esq., and Phinehas Lovett and Moses Gage for Constables. Ensign John Legg and Capt. Thomas Thayer were chosen "to take care of the Deer." All the abutters on the roads had not yet agreed to purchase against their lands, and a committee was chosen to treat with them and agree with them, if they can, "according to the General Proceedings of the Town in that Affair." In the early laying out of the divisions of land, in many places, a way for a road was reserved. Some of these reservations had been used and others had not. The town now voted that Capt. Thomas Thayer and Lieut. William Sheffield be directed "to sell the Allowance for Roads where there is No occasion for Roads." They also voted "'thatf the Grammar School should not be kept in the School House." This school heretofore had been kept a portion of the time in the old school house. May 22. Nathaniel Nelson was chosen Representative. Warrants for town meetings were to be posted at the meeting 1, A f -1 c~ur 1 4J.J ANNALS OF MENDON. 2)' house in Mendon; at the Second Precinct meeting house; at Sheffield's Mill, and at Trask's mill. Voted to raise ~300, old tenor, to defray town charges. It will be remembered that, in the divisions of the common lands, the school and the ministry were both reckoned. For some reason laying out of some of the divisions of land belonging to the ministry had been neglected, and, at this meeting, Capt. Nathan Tyler and Deacon Jacob Aldrich were directed "to Lay out the Remainder of the Ministry Land." Voted that, by and with the advice of the Rev. Joseph Dorr, Present Minister, Abraham Fletcher Have the Use of the Ministry Meadow belonging to the Town of Mendon, for Twenty years from the date hereof, Provided he, the said Fletcher, Shall Clear up all the said Meadow and finally Subdew the same within the Space of three years from the date hereof and have the same under good and sufficient fence and Leave it under good Leagal Fence at the end of said Time; and further the Said Abraham Fletcher is (for the Use of Said Meaddow) to mow and make all the Grass or produce of said Meadow yearly, and seasonably and Deliver the one third part of the Hay to the said Mr. Dorr at his barn yearly, the said Mr. Dorr continuing to be the Minister in this place; but, and if the said Mr. Dorr Discontinue to be Minister in this Place, before the said Time be Expired then the said Fletcher, or his order, Shall Deliver to the Town of Mendon, or their order, the said third part of the Hay, as they shall order the same not exceeding the same distance from the town. Deacon Nelson, Benj. Wheelock, Abraham Staples and Capt. Thomas Thayer were chosen a committee "to reckon with the Committee to build the School House, and to view the School House and to Except (accept) or nonn except the same to Report at the next meeting." August' ye 24. 1749. As we hear no more about the school house, it is supposed the committee found it properly constructed. The settlement they made with the Treasurer is as follows, viz:Then Wee the Subscribers met and Reckoned with the Town Treasurer (Daniel Taft Esq.) and found due to him, in Old tenor, The sum of.......................................... ~4 10 00 And wee found to Several others, in Old tenor................ 60 00 00 ~101 10 00 And we find due to the Town (from) Particular Persons, viz: upon ye School Bonds, about......... ~8 00 00 and in Constable Taft's hands..................... 10 00 00 33 rl -r, -, r red 26089 ANNALS OF MENDON. L1YD)U. In Esq. Taft's hands Intress money............... 8 00 00 In debt (to) the Town for Land on (side) of the Roads.........................................12 00 00 38 00 00 The Town remains in debt, Old tenor.................... ~63 10 00 DANIEL TAFT, Town Treasurer. JOHN ROCKWOOD, ABRAHAM STAPLES, I Selectmen of GEORGE ALDRICH, r Mendon. BENJ. WHEELOCK. J The above Reckning was Excepted (accepted?) by the Town at their meeting Attest, EDMD MORSE, Town Clerk. I750. March ye 5tl. Chose Capt. Nathan Tyler, Daniel Sumner, George Bruce, Ichabod Robinson and William Rawson, Selectmen; Edmund Morse, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and Ebenezer Chapin and David Pond, Constables. May 3. It was voted to have a grammar schoolmaster, but voted they would not have Mr. Foster " by the whole town save one." May 25. At a town meeting held this day, " Voted. and chose Mr. Dorr's son Joseph and Capt. Eleazer Taft's son Moses to Keep School by Spells as they can agree with them at a reasonable rate, for this present year." Chose Nathaniel Nelson Representative to the General Court. At this meeting it was voted" To Sett the Town Pound on the Land of Ebenezer Chapin, in the Corner by ye Road leading to John Post's, He the said Chapin giving the land to Sett said Pound on, and, on said Pound being sett up on said Lands as aforesaid, by the Town, the said Chapin or his heirs or order, is Obliged to Maintaine the said Pound, a good and Lawful Pound, for the Town's use, During ye Term of Fifteen years, from the date hereof, at his own cost and charge. Said Ebenezer Chapin being present, freely Consented to ye foregoing vote and Promised to Preform ye same." Voted " to build a School House near the East Precinct Meeting House for ye use of the Town, and that the interest money arising from the sale of the School lands be equally divided between the two precincts.' 1750.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 259 Dr. Scammell was paid ~2.14.06 "for Looking after Eunice Wilson and Marthay Bridges." Raised ~40, lawful money, to defray town charges. MR. RAWSON'S FARM. In 1685, Secretary Rawson bought of the Natick. Indians a tract of land, afterward annexed to Mendon by the General Court, containing about 2,000 acres. The consideration in the deed was ~14, lawful money. The following document continues the history of this purchase, although we are still left in the dark how the controversy was finally adjusted. Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. To the Honourable Spencer Phipps Esq. Lieut. Governor and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, the Honourable his Majesty's Council and House of Representatives, in General Court Assembled at Boston this twenty second day of January A. D. 1750. The Petitioners of The Proprietors of Rawson's Farm in Bellingham, Humbly Sheweth. That about Sixty years ago Mr. Rawson, a Secretary of this Province having a Grant of the General Court of 1840 acres according to a Plan drawn on Parchment, by Capt. Thomas Thurston of Medfield; sd Rawson and son sold sd Farm to William Haward, Thomas Sanford & others, who agreed each to Build a house and live therein, which they did after some time, & sd Purchasers formed themselves into a Propriaty, Chose a Clerk & a Committee to Devide said Farm not into Equal parts but according to the different sums Each Paid purchase money, from one acre lots to 100 acre lots; and from year to year, as the Committee made returns of their Devisions, the Clerk recorded them in a Book Provided for that end. That about 20 years since James Smith, as he sales, was chosen Clerk & the Original Deed from sd Rawson & Plan Both drawn on Parchment & sealed and fasned together and sd Book of Records Came into said Smith's hands with the papers belonging to the sd. Propriaty, the Number of which is Uncertaine, the first Purchasers being all Ded but one & he is removed at a Distance from us, and sd Books & Papers &c. being very much Secreted by sd. Smith. That about 15 years ago there were several Bounds of sd. Devision lost & there was like to have been a law suite by reason of one selling to Bounds contrary to sd. Records; sd Smith was applyed to for copyes, but he said he was chosen Clerk of sd. Proprietors, But his choice was not recorded neither was he sworn and that he could not attest copys. 260 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1750. That soone after the Proprietors met & chose Joseph Holbrook their Clerk who went to James Smith & Desired sd. Book &c. of him, but said Smith Put him off from time to time by saying he wanted to make him copyes from said Book of his own Interest; at other times that he had the gout and Rumatism in his hand & as soone as he was well he would copy what he wanted and Deliver the Book &c. the above sd difference being made up & the Proprietors hoping he would Deliver the Book &c. and, being loth to see them out of his hands, let them remain there. That last Winter sd Smith sold a number of pine trees to several Mendon poeple out of a lot of land claimed by another man. About that time trespasses were committed in another place on sd Farm, the lots not to be known but by. sd Book, which said Smith secreted: which Drove the Proprietors to their action against said Smith. But in April he non suited them. That in July his attorney made Several pleas in abatement which were Overruled in the Inferiour Court at Boston & a Plea in Bar (that the cause of action did not arise within three years of commencing his action) which was an action Detinu, the judges of the Inferiour Court, as we understand, were of opinion that the law of limitation referred to was not Intended to Extend to Real actions and they gave judgment that sd Smith Deliver the Book, Plan and Papers sued for in fourteen Days after entering up the same judgment & Pay Costs, or in Default thereof the Proprietors afore sd shall recover judgment against the said James Smith the sum of one hundred pounds, lawful money& Costs of sute; from which judgment sd Smith appealed to the Superior Court in August. When sd action was tried there were 4 judges Present who were unanimously of opinion that as the act of Detinue made no distinction between Real and Personal actions, that this action was Included and gave judgment that the action afore sd be barred and that sd Smith Recover his costs against sd Proprietors. Which has put sd Proprietors into the utmost concern, for that there is now on sd Farm 16 or 17 families that sd Smith witholds from them the Original Title to their lands and all their bounds being no where recorded but in said Book of Records. That sd Smith is by his indolence and Tavern-spending reduced from a fair Estate and that his Estate is accounted Insolvent. That he has neither family nor any cattell-lives at a Tavern-kept said Book &c with him in Boston jail about 8 months, as lie has told some of us lately & we fear is sulied if not spoilt alredy. That lie has threatened to burn said Book &c. That we are without Relief at Common Law. Your Petitioners therefore Repaire to this Honourable Court, Praying Relief as in such cases is Equitable & just, and that you would order the said James Smith to Deliver sd Book, Original Deed, Plan & Papers to Joseph Wight Jr. of sd Bellingham for the use of sd Proprietors and That sd Proprietors may be released from paying to sd Smith the above sd Costs of sute, and 1751.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 261 That your Honours would order said Proprieters to recover against said Smith their costs as if judgment had been for them at the above sd Shperior Court; or, that you would grant the Proprietors a Review of the case at the Superior Court for Suffolk County in Feb. next, and said action to stand as though brought in due time & that execution be stayed in the mean time, or other waies Relieve us as in your Superiour Wisdom shall judge Best. And Your Petitioners as in Duty Bound shall Ever Pray. The Subscribers interest is as follows. Samuel Wiswall, 295 acres. Elezer Hayward, 290 " Peter Thomson, 130 Elnathan Wight, 100 " Thomas Baxter, 60 " Ebenezer Hayward, 150 " John Metcalf, 180 " Petitioners interest, 1205 " In Council Jan. 22. 1750, Read and Ordered that the Petitioners serve James Smith, the adverse party with a Copy of this Petition that he may shew cause, if any he hath, on Friday the 25th inst. why the Prayer thereof should not be granted. Sent down for Concurrence SAMUEL HOLBROOK, Depy. Sec. In the House of Representatives Jan. 22. 1750 Read and Non Concurred and Ordered that this Petition be dismissed. Sent up for Concurrence. T. HUBBARD, Secy. In Council Jan. 22. 1750 Read and Concurred SAML. HOTLBROOK, Depy Sec. Consented to. I75I. "Jan. 10. Being a Town Meeting (legally called) Principally to Consider of the Demur which has Lately a risen Conserning a Line or Bounds which ought to be Settled Betwixt the Township of Mendon and the Township of Uxbridge; and after Debate on the Premises, the Town, by several votes Chose a Committee of Nine Men, viz:-Capt. Nathan Tyler, Capt Robert Taft, William Torrey, Edmund Morse, John Chapin, George Bruce, Ichabod Robinson, Samuel Thayer and Corp. David Taft, and they were impowered to joyn with the Town of Uxbridge, or their Committee to Preambulate a Line Between the Town of Mendon and the Town of Uxbridge if there be any Such Line to be found agreeable to the Grant Made to ye town of Uxbridge and the Court's Sanction thereon. But if there Be no such Line to be found, Then the Said Committee be Impowered to joyn with Said Uxbridge or Committee to Run, Make and Es 262 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1751. tablish A Line between the said Towns agreeable to said Grant to Said Uxbridge. But if the said Town of Uxbridge will not Comply to Settle a Line according to said Grant &c. then the Said Committee or such Man or Men out of Said Committee as they shall Order or Depute May Do and Act any thing or things 'Advisable in the Law, or by applying to any Legal Authority for their Assistance In Or Der to Make a final Settlement of said Line Betwixt the said Towns &c. Attest, WILLIAM TORREY, Moderator, EDMUND MORSE, Town Clerk. March 27 (warrant says 28.) At a town meeting held this day, Capt. Thomas Thayer, William Torrey, David Taft, John Chapin and Jonathan Whitney were chosen Selectmen; Edmund Sanford, Town Clerk; Daniel Taft, Esq., Town Treasurer, and James Sumner and Samuel Green, Constables. May 20. Voted "yt Mr. Dorr's son should be the Town School Master as soon as he can be had, and when lie cannot be had, then Mr. Taft's son to be ye Town's School Master." Mr. Dorr's son was Joseph, who graduated at Harvard College in 1752, took an active part in the war of the Revolution, was afterwards Judge of Probate for the County of Worcester, and died at Brookfield. Mr. Taft's (Eleazer) son was Moses, who graduated at Harvard College in 1751, married Mary Dorr (sister to Joseph) Aug. 15, 1753, studied divinity, settled at Randolph, Massachusetts, and had four sons, who all graduated at Harvard College. Elder (Nathaniel) Nelson was chosen Representative to the General Court. Aug. 25. The following appropriations were made, viz: To Daniel Taft Esq. services as Treasurer, for 1749 & 1750...... ~ 1 00 00 " James Sumner, Constable, for carrying out of Town Robert Mtacfarling & Alexr Claton and their families............. 2 00 00 For Town Charges......................................... 15 00 00 These appropriations were in lawful (sterling) money, not old0 tenor. Voted to forego Thomas Seaben's rate bills, being ~1.07.04, for double nmoney. By double money is meant that the property had been taxed to another person, as it is found more clearly expressed in other places. Benjamin Wheelock, George Aldrich and David Taft were chosen "to reckon with the Committees formerly chosen to Sell 1751.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 263 the Land Lying in the Reputed Ten Rod Roads or other Roads more than four Rods wide," and make a report at a future meeting. REPORT OF A COMMITTEE. Wee the Subscribers Chosen by the Town of Mendon to Reckon with the Committee Chosen by the Town to Build a Shool House Mett and Viewed said School house and wee Excepted (accepted) The Said House to be finished according to the Agreement the said Committee made with Edmund Morse. As for the Account of the said Committee, appointed to Build Said House, it is as followeth viz:Mendon Oct. 7. 1751 Wee ye Subscribers whose names are annexed to our Account, as it here stands, have Recd full satisfaction for our Labour &c. Maj. Daniel Lovett..............~ 8 16 00 Capt. Nathan Tyler.............. 4 14 00 Jona. Wadsworth........... 2 05 00 Jacob Aldrich.............. 5 00 00 Benjamin Merriam.......... 4 15 00 Joseph Allen.............. 4 00 00 Benjamin Thayer........... 1 16 00 John Legg................ 14 18 00 Moses Aldrich.............. 15 00 Joseph Corbitt.............. 1 00 00 Ebenezer Merriam.......... 12 00 Phins Lovett............... 12 00 George Aldrich............. 1 00 00 Edmund Morse...........134 12 00 Samuel Thayer............ 28 00 00 ~212 11 00 Phinehas Lovett. Nathan Tyler. Jona Wadsworth. Jacob Aldrich. Benjamin Merriam.. Joseph Allen. Benjamin Thayer. John Legg. Moses Aldrich. Joseph Corbitt. Ebenezer Merriam. Phinehas Lovett. George Aldrich. Edmd. Morse. Samuel Thayer. Capt. THOMAS THAYER, '] Ens. JOHN LEGG, | El. NATHANIEL NELSON, Committee. BENJAMIN WHEELOCK, ABRAHAM STAPLES. J If the accounts of our public servants were always subjected to as searching a scrutiny as was the committee for building this insignificant school house, we should hear little of ring thieves and less of peculation from the public treasury. THE MENDON ASSOCIATION. Mr. Dorr, was, with three -others, the founder of the Mendon Association of Congregational Ministers, as will appear by the 264. ANNALS OF MEN DON. [1752. following extract from the record of the proceedings of its first meeting: "A number of the Pastors of chhs. viz., of ye 1st chh of Christ in Mendon, of ye chh of Christ in Uxbridge, of ye 2d Church of Christ in Mendon, of ye ch. of Christ in Upton, being convend at ye house of ye Revd Mr Frost in sd Mendon (now Milford) Novr ye 8th. 1751 Being thotful that it might tend to the Advancement of ye Glory of Christ and of his Kingdom and Interest in this Vicinity for them to Associate have thot it duty, and Accordingly 1st. Voted themselves associated, and 2nd. Voted ye Rev. Mr. Dorr the Moderator of the Association. 3thd. Mr. Webb ye scribe for the prest Meeting." At this meeting David Thurston, a graduate at Princeton in the Class of 1751, was licensed to preach, as will be seen by the following certificate: "This may Certify that we, the Subscribers, Associated Pastors of chhs. of Christ, Have, upon the application of Mr. David Thurston, admitted him to examination in order to his Regular Introduction to the preaching of the Gospl; and upon a proper Examination Respecting his Moral Character, his Learning, his Orthodoxy in the Doctrines of the Gosple and Christian Experience in Religion are Well Satisfied as to his qualifications for or Entrance upon ye Gosple Ministry, and can very freely recomnend him to ye churches and Poeple of God as a suitable person to preach the Gosple, wheresoever he shall, by ye Providence of God, be calld. JOSEPH DORR NATHAN WEBB AMARIAH FROsT ELISHA FISH. Mendon Nov. 8. 1751." Thus Mr. Thurston was the fir^t Licentiate of the Mendon Association. He was the son of David and Deborah (Pond) Thurston, of Wrentham, where he was born, May 9, 1726. He was ordained over the church in West Medway, June 23, 1752. After he had been settled seventeen years, owing to ill health and the troubles growing out of the revival of 1740, he asked a dismission, and was never resettled. The Mendon Association still keeps up its organization, and has occasional meetings. 1752. March ye 2d. Anno Domini 1752. Chose for Selectmen, William Thayer, Samuel Wheelock, James Sumner, Benjamin 1753.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 265 Craggin and Ebenezer Chapin; Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, Lieut. William Sheffield; Constables, Samuel Penniman and Samuel Green. Deacon Jacob Aldrich was chosen Clerk; of the Market. At this meeting it was voted that swine should not run at large, but March 16, they were allowed the liberty of the town. "Mendon April ye 7. 1752. Taken up the fifth Day of April Instant A Leather Purs of Money amounting to Three pounds Fifteen Shillings and seven pence, Lawful Money, found in Mendon Streets, by Hannah Lovett, Daughter of Phinehas Lovett, of Mendon. Jonathan Foster owned the above mentioned money and had the same delivered to him." May 15. Chose William Torrey, Ens. John Legg, Phinehas Lovett, Samuel Thayer and Cort (Cornet) David Taft, a committee to settle and establish a line between the town of Mendon and Uxbridge, in conference with a committee of Uxbridge, according to the grant made to Uxbridge by the General Court; and the committee to be continued until the last Monday in October next. May 18. Capt. Nathan Tyler was chosen Representative to the General Court. The Ministry money, as usual, was divided equally between the First and Second Precincts. Daniel Taft, Esq., was allowed ~3 for his services as Town Treasurer, and ~20, lawful money, was raised and appropriated to defray town charges. I753. March 5. Selectmen, Thomas Thayer, Ichabod Robinson, Samuel Hayward, Samuel Thayer, Jr., and Samuel Thayer; Town Clerk, Edmund Morse; Town Treasurer, William Sheffield; Constables, Josiah Chapin and William Hayward. March 26. Voted to choose four more Selectmen, and chose Elder Nathaniel Nelson, William Rawson, Esq., Benjamin Wheelock and John French. Trask's (formerly Samuel Thompson's) mill was situated on an island in the Great (now Blackstone) River, at what is now Millville, and, it seems, there were at this time no bridges connecting the grist mill with either bank of the river, or, if there were any, they had become unsafe for use. 34 266 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1753. At this meeting the town voted they would neither build a bridge over the Great River or erect more school houses. As there was no school house west of the Blackstone River, it seems probable that the people living there had asked for building the bridge over the river, and, in default of that, for a school house, as otherwise there would be no other way to go to mill or to school except by a ferry across the river. Voted to raise ~150, old tenor, to mend the highways, and that a man should have two shillings, and a man and team five shillings a day for labor on the roads. Town meetings were to be warned by notices posted at the Town's Meeting House, at the East Precinct Meeting House, and at Cargill's Mill, now East Blackstone. Capt. Robert Taft was chosen Grand juror man. May 14. The town again voted against allowing the East Precinct to be set off as a distinct town, and, 'on the same day, chose Capt. Nathan Tyler, Representative to the General Court. August 20. Raised, to defray town charges, ~26.13.04, lawful money. As usual, the income of the Ministry lands was equally divided between the two precincts. William Sheffield, Town Treasurer, was instructed to collect the amount due for lands sold out of the highways, and convert the same to the town's use. "MENDON Oct. 7. 1753. Wee, the Subscribers, being a Committee Chosen by the Town of Mendon to Reckon with the Committee, formerly chosen by the Town to sell the Land or, at least, to Despose of the Land, in Reputed Ten rod Roads and other Roads in town more than four rods wide, Mett and Reckoned with said Committee, which is as followeth, viz:Wee find in Daniel Taft Esq.'s hand, one of the said Committee, due the Town, old tenor..........................~ 6 00 00 In William Torrey's hand, one of the Committee, old tenor..... 14 03 03 Received of William Torrey sundry Notes viz:One Note due from George Bruce................... old tenor 14 00 00 " do. " Samuel Torrey.............. " 10 16 10 do. " ' Rev. Mr. Dorr.................. 5 18 00 " do. " " Joseph Allen..................... 5 00 00 In Edmund Morse's hands a balance of....................... 7 11 10 Note of Joseph Corbett, old tenor............................. 2 00 00 do. " Weddow Sarah Daniels old tenor...................... 3 15 00 1753.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 267 Cash of Phinehas Lovett due the town......................... 1 00 00 Due from Capt. Nathan Tyler................................ 05 00 In David Taft's hands we find............................... 6 00 00 Total, old tenor. ~76 09 11 BENJAMIN WHEELOCK ) DAVID TAFT - Committee. GEORGE ALDRICH Voted the above Reckoning be Excepted (accepted) as it now stands." The above account stands, footed in the record, at ~84.09.11. It is probable that an item of ~8 was left out in copying. The committee chosen to confer with the committee of Uxbridge in regard to.the boundary line between the towns, finding they could come to no satisfactory settlement, petitioned the General Court for an adjustment of the controversy, as follows: Mass. Archives, Towns, Vol. 116, pp. 509, 510 and 511. "To his Excellency, William Shirley Esq. Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and the Honble his Majesty's Council and House of Representatives Convened and Sitting in General Court or Assembly for said Province December ye 4. 1753. The Petition of Samuel Thayer, William Torrey, John Legg, David Taft and Phinehas Lovett, a Committee for and in behalf of the Town of Mendon in said Mendon, Humbly Sheweth, That whereas the Grant to the western Inhabitance of Mendon on their request to said Town in order to make a Township, which is now Uxbridge, was as followeth viz:-To Begin their Bounds at the Southwest Corner of Mendon at the Province South Line; Thence to Run four Milles East on sd Line; Then to turn a North Line parallel with the West Line of sd Town until that Line meett with a small Brook Called Mischo Brook, and so on said Brook and other Bounds Mentioned in said Grant to the North Line of said Town, The which Grant the Honble Court was pleased to confirm to the Town of Uxbridge; whereupon the Town of Mendon Chose a Committee to joyn Uxbridge Committee in order to make and settle a Line Between The Said Towns According to said Grant, But said Committee Did not bring any return of what they Did Relating to sd Line to the Town of Mendon, for their Exceptance (acceptance) nor yet ever Signed any Return as we can find. But the Surveyor who was employed to assist sd Committees in Settling said Line was then Town Clerk of Mendon, who was pleased to make an entry of what the Committee Did (as he saith in his Entry) was according to said Grant. How Ever the sd Towns Made no fourther Search in that Day but since then Made Several Attempts 268 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1754. to preambulate according to said Entry or reputed Bounds But found Difficulty ye said Bounds being uncertain. And in the year 1750 Uxbridge Selectmen Denied the Old Reputed Bounds on the Spot. And afterwards one of their Principle Gentlemen, then one of the Selectmen of Uxbridge, Come into our Public Towne Meeting and openly Declaired for him Self and the others of them Selectmen that they would Not Preambulate as heretofore and that there was no reguler Bounds according to the Grant &c. Thereupon wee were Oblidged to make further Tryal And that feeling in Deed there was not any just Line Betwixt said Towns Neither by Length of Lines nor by Point of Compass Wee friendly offered the Town of Uxbridge to Joyn and Measure and Settle a Line or Bounds Betwixt said Towns According to said Grant which they Utterly Refused although they first Denied ye Line &c. Wherefore in order to prevent any further Difference or Perplexing Lawsutes that might arise here after it is the Humble Request of your Petitioners That Your Excellency and Honors would Be pleased to take into your wise Consideration And Send a Committee in Order to make and Establish a Line or Bounds Betwixt the Town of Mendon and the Town of Uxbridge according to the Grant above said. As your petitioners in Duty Bound shall ever pray. SAMUEL THAYER, 1 WILLIAM TORREY, JOHN LEGG, Committee. DAVID TAFT, | PHINEHAS LOVETT, J In the House of Representatives, Dec. 14, 1753. Read and Ordered that the Petitioners Serve the Town of Uxbridge with a Copy of this Petition that they Shew Cause (if any they have) on the Second Thursday of the Next Sitting of the Court why the prayed thereof should not be granted. Sent up for Concurrence T. HUBBARD, Spkr In Council Dec. 15. 1753 Read and Concurred. THOMAS CLARKE, Deputy Secy. I754. March ye 3d. 1754. Chose for Selectmen, George Aldrich, Habijah French, Benjamin Merriam, Jasper Daniels and Silas Wheelock; Town Clerk, Edmond Morse; Town Treasurer, George Aldrich, and for Constables, Nathaniel Rawson and Daniel Holbrook. The General Court being in session the petition of the Select 1754.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 269 men of Mendon was again brought up, and the following action was had thereon:In Council March 29. 1754. Whereas by the Order upon the Petition of the Selectmen of Mendon the Town of Uxbridge were directed to make answer to said Petition on the Second Thnrsday of the present Session of this Court, and whereas the Public Fast has been appointed to be kept on that Day; Therefore Ordered that the said Town of Uxbridge give in their answer thereto on Wednesday the tenth day of April next to which time the consideration of the aforesaid petition is referred. Sent down for Concurrence, THOMAS CLARKE, Depts Secy. In the House of Representatives March 29. 1754 Read and Concurred T. HUBBARD, Spkr In Council April 10.' 1754. Read, and it appearing that the Towns of Mendon and Uxbridge have agreed in Relation to the boundary Line betwixt them, Ordered that this Petition be dismissed. Sent down for Concurrence, THOMAS CLARKE, DeptY Secy. In the House of Representatives April 10. 1754 Read and Concurred, T. HUBBARD, Spkr Consented to W. SHIRLEY. BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN MENDON AND UXBRIDGE SETTLED. Memorandum of an Agreement made at Mendon this Second Day of April 1754, Between Samuel Thayer, William Torrey, John Legg, David Taft and Phinehas Lovett, as a Committee for ye Town of Mendon on ye one part and John Harwood, Josiah Taft and Nicholas Baylies, as a Committee of ye Town of Uxbridge on ye other part as follows, viz:-Whereas there is Risen a Dispute or Difference between said Towns do mutually agree in order to accommodate and make a final end of sd aforesaid Dispute do agree on ye following conditions, viz: That we the aforesaid Committees in behalf of the aforesaid Towns do agree to acknowledge and Confirm ye heap of stones near a place called Benson's Sellar to be ye South East Corner of ye Town of Uxbridge, and from thence to run Northly a Direct Line to a Maple Tree Marked for Uxbridge Corner on Misco Hill Brook, called Uxbridge Jogg, and also to run and measure and make and Erect Bounds from said South East Corner of Uxbridge to ye above sd Maple Tree and further we mutually a Gree to go and perambulate and make ye above Bounds on Wednesday ye 3d Day of this Instant April and to meet on sd Day at ye hour of Eight o'clock in ye morning at sd South East Corner of Uxbridge, near Benson's Sellar & do ye above work & to finish directly & then to make return of said Perambulation and bounds above 270 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1754. sd. in a joint Petition to ye General Court & to Desire and Request of ye sd Honourable Court to Confirm and Enact and Establish ye above sd Corners and Bounds we shall then erect to be Corners and Bounds between said Towns of Mendon and Uxbridge; and further do agree to withdraw all Petitions &c. to ye General Court and all other Differences and Disputes that have already Risen between sd Towns, and also it is a Greed that ye Compass shall be carried by John Harwood Esq. & Wm. Torrey or either of them-it is further agreed that ye above sd work shall be accomplished by Monday ye Eighth Day of this April Instant and to be mutually agreed to & Signed by us ye above sd Committee in a Petition to the General Court for their Confirmation. In Confirmation of ye above sd Agreement, we ye said Committees in behalf of ye above sd Towns do Mutually sign this Agreement ye day and year above sd. SAMUEL THAYER, WILLIAM TORREY, Committee in ye behalf Test. DAVID TAFT, of ye Town of Mendon. CHAS. BRIGHAM, PHINEHAS LOVETT. J WM. RAWSON JR. JOHN HARWOOD Committee in ye behalf JOSIAH TAFT Committee n y ehalf N. BAYLIES of ye Town of Uxbridge. To His Excellency William Shirley Esq. Capt. General & Governor in Chief in and over his Majastie's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England and to ye Honourable Council and the Honered House of Representatives in General Court assembled ye 10th day of this Instant April 1754. Humbly Sheweth, That we ye Petitioners being a Committee for ye Towns of Mendon and Uxbridge, in order to settle ye Dispute between said Towns Relating to the Dividing Line have been agreeable to ye foregoing Agreement & have acknowledged and confirmed the heap of Stones near a place called Benson's Cellar to be ye South East Corner of ye Town of Uxbridge, and so Northerly a direct Line to a heap of Stones about a- Rod East of John Darlings Dam, so called, thence Northerly to a heap of Stones on ye North side of ye Road between John Fish jr. and Ebenezer White's, thence Northerly to a heap of Stones in ye Road about 18 Rods West of ye house formerly George Patterson, thence Northerly to a heap of Stones on-a Rock ye north side ye Road, called ye upper West Hill Road, a little East of ye Land formerly Ebenezer Read's, thence Northerly to a Maple Tree, formerly Markt, on Misco Hill Brook, being a Corner called Uxbridge jogg. All which Corners and Bounds above Mentioned we pray, with humble submission, of this Honourable Court may be the Corners and Bounds between said Towns of Mendon and Uxbridge. Wch in Duty Bound wee Ever Pray WILLIAM TORREY, ) Committee for JOHN HARWOOD, ) Committee for DAVID TAFT, the Town of JOSIAH TAFT, the Town of PHINEIAS LOVETT, Mendon. N BAYLIES. Uxbridge. 1755.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 271 In Council April 10. 1754. Read and Ordered that the Prayer of the foregoing Petition be granted and that the Boundary Line between the Towns of Mendon and Uxbridge, as described in the afore written AGREEMENT, be and tile same is hereby established to all Intents and Purposes whatever Sent down for Concurrence THOMAS CLARKE, Depty Secy. In the House of Representatives, April 10. 1754: Read and Concurred, T. HUBBARD, Spkr. Consented to W. SHIRLEY. May 20. Voted to raise ~100, lawful money, to mend the highways. Capt. Nathan Tyler was chosen Representative to the General Court. It will be remembered that the town had reduced the roads to four rods wide, and had, in many instances, sold to the abutters the quantity of land beyond the stipulated width. But others, it seems, had fenced in portions of the road without consent or purchase of the town, and the committees chosen by the town to negotiate with the trespassers had accomplished little or nothing in that direction; hence the town directed the Selectmen "to prosecute in a regular way or manner as may be advisable to get the said Roads so fenced up, opened to their former width and So to Ly open for the Town's use." Voted to raise ~70 to defray town charges. I755. March 3. Chose Edmond Morse, Thomas Taft, Nehemiah Nelson, Capt. Robert Taft and Josiah Chapin, Selectmen; Edmund Morse, Town Clerk; George Aldrich, Town Treasurer, and Nathaniel Rawson and David Holbrook for Constables. The Ministry money divided, as usual, between First and Second Precincts. Voted " that Dea. Edward Rawson have Liberty to Shut up the Road between yv Rev. Mr. Dorr's land and his land to Muddy Brook the Present Year for one dollar." This is the first time the word dollar occurs in the Town Records. 'May 19. Capt. Phinehas Lovett chosen Representative to the General Court. 272 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1755. Aug. 25. Raised ~50, lawful money, to defray town charges this year. So far as the Town Records are to be relied on, no evidence is found that Mendon furnished any soldiers for the French war; and this seems the more strange, as it is found that, quite probable, Mendon furnished her full quota. MENDON IN THE FRENCH WAR, 1755. The war against the French, for this year, was known and recorded, in the Muster Rolls, as the Expedition to Crown Point. But one battle was fought, and that near the south end of Lake George. The campaign closed Sept. 8, when the French were sorely defeated, and Baron Dieskau, the Commander-in-Chief, was wounded and taken prisoner. In this expedition the names of the following men, purporting to belong to Mendon, may be found upon the Muster Rolls in the State Archives: Muster Rolls, Vol. 95, p. 203. In Capt. Nathl. Thwing's Cor. Col. Gridley's Reg. (Boston.) NAMES. TIME OF SERVICE. Nathan Tyler Jr., 1st Lieut.........Feb. 18 to Dec. 23 Joseph Clark, Sergt. (died in service). Nov. 30 to Nov. 26 Peter Aldrich, do. (do. " do.)..Apr. 21 to Nov. 20 Eliphalet Wood, Corp.............. " 22 to Dec. 3 William Hutchins, do.............. " 22 to " 3 John Watkins, Private, Drummer, Servant to Jos. Johnson......... " 19 to " 3 Joseph Aaron, Private Servant to David Daniels...................Mar. 17 to " 3 William Barron, Private, (died in service.).........................Ap. 12 to " 7 Benjamin Blake, Private, (Servant to Daniel Taft, Jr.).................Mar. 1 to " 3 Thomas Bryan, Private........... Mar. 1 to " 3 Joseph Clark, Jr., ".......... " 30 to 3 David Davidson, ".......... " 5 to 3 Asa Daniels. "..........Ap. 22 to " 3 John Holden, "..........Mar. 1 to 3 Stephen Johnson, ".......... " 1 to 3 Neal McNeal,.........Apr. 22 to 3 John Passmore "..........Mar. 25 to 3 William Rawson, "........... " 1 to " 3 W. A. 38 6 34 2 30 4 PAY. ~39 14 07 16 08 07 14 13 00 32 2 13 10 05 32 13 10 05 32 5 13 14 00 37 3 14 19 06 25 4 10 04 07 39 5 39 5 35 4 39 1 32 2 39 5 39 5 32 2 36 2 39 5 15 17 09 15 17 09 14 07 07 15 13 02 12 18 04 15 17 09 15 17 09 12 18 04 14 10 04 15 17 09 1755.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 273 John Spawford, private...........Sept. 7 to Jan. 4 17 1 6 17 02 Stephen Johnson,..........Ap. 22 to Dec. 3 32 2 12 18 04 John Vickery, Private (died in the service)..........................Mar. 23 to Sept. 11 24 5 9 17 09 Aaron White, Private, (died in the service)........................Apr. 16 to Oct. 5 24 5 9 17 09 ~325 12 07 Muster Rolls, Vol. 95, p. 205. In Capt Wm. Bacon's Co. (Dedham) Col Gridley's Reg. Eleazer Thayer (son of Uriah Thayer) (died)...........................Ap. 22 to Oct. 29 ~10 18 03 Muster Rolls, Vol. 94, p. 21. In Capt. John Jones' Co (Bellingham' Abner Aldrich, Sergt..............Apr. Joseph Clark, do............... " Uriah Thayer, Corp............... John Thwing, Drummer........... Ebenezer Thayer, Centinal......... John Gage, do......... Daniel White, do......... " Asa Daniels do.......... " Eleazer Thayer do.......... Marmaduke Williams, servant to Saml. Hayward.................. Joseph Cody, servant to Saml. Warren........................... John Gage Jr. servant to Ebenr Taft Josiah Tenney do. Moses Tenney Asel Thayer do. Jona. Thayer. John Marsh, private, " Ebenezer Wheelock, private, John Hill, private, " do. do. Sergt. Sept. 5 to Dec. 5 to Oct. 5 to Nov. 5 to " 5 to Oct. 5 to " 5 to " 5 to ' 5 to Nov. 17 36 5 6 26 3 3 30 3 12 31 5 6 26 3 6 26 3 25 29 1 20 28 3 12 31 5 ~15 12 10 11 05 02 11 06 11 11 16 07 8 16 00 8 16 00 9 14 00 9 09 00 10 11 06 5to " 5 30 5 10 04 10 5 to " 12 5 to " 12 5 to Oct. 24 5 to Nov. 12 5 to " 5 5 to " 11 5 to Sept. 8 9 to Dec. 17 31 5 10 11 06 31 5 10 11 06 29 0 9 13 04 31 5 10 11 06 5 30 10 04 10 31 4 10 10 07 22 3 14 2 13 11 04 ~193 17 05 12 6 ~ 6 17 02 21 5 9 05 00 21 5 8 01 11 18 2 6 01 11 16 5 5 11 05 19 2 6 08 07 Muster Rolls, Vol. 95, p. 66. In Capt. John Fry's Co. (Sutton) Col. Willard's Reg. Nathan Tyler, Ensign..............Aug. 8 to Nov. 5 Elijah Tyler, Sergt................July16 to Dec. 24 Thomas Howard, Corp............. " 16 to " 24 Joseph Woodbury, pr. (taken sick) " 10 to " 14 Simeon Evans, ".......... " 23 to Nov. 27 Fortune Burne, "..........Aug. 18 to Dec. 12 Jones Parkes, "..........July 16 to Nov. 27 35 274 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1755. Daniel Davidson, Jeremiah Thayer Thomas Byon pr.............July 16 to Dec. 14............ " 16 to " 14 "............ " 26 to " 14 21 5 21 5 20 2 Muster Rolls, Vol. 94, p. 50. In Capt. Andrew Dalrymple's Co. (Petersham.) William Rawson; private...........May 5 to May... " Clerk........... " 16 to Dec. Joseph Rawson, private............Mar. 30 to " Oliver Thayer, Corp................ " 28 to " Jonathan Cook, private............ " 30 to Joseph Darling, Jonas Dyer, Joseph Jackson do. do. Ebenezer Thayer, do do John Thayer, Abner Hazeltine Moses Benson, John Williams,...........Apr. 22 to Oct. "...........Mar. 22 to Dec. " promoted...Dec. 17 to Mar. "............Mar. 9 to Dec " promoted....Dec. 17 to Mar. " promoted... Mar. 27 to Dec. ".............Dec. 17 to Mar............Apr. 2 to Sep. "............Aug. 9, "............Aug. 19 to " Deserted. 16 1 5 19 31 1 19 37 6 19 38 1 19 37 6 7 25 4 19 39 0 22 13 6 10 40 6 9 12 0 19 38 2 27 14 4 21 23 2 7 04 09 7 04 09 6 15 03 ~63 10 09 ~00 13 09 14 18 06 15 02 11 15 19 06 15 02 11 10 14 07 15 12 00 16 06 11 15 06 04 9 06 03 13 16 Muster Rolls, Vol. 95, pp. 121 and 122. In Capt. Philip Richardson's Com. Abraham Thayer, Jr...............Apr. 22 to Dec. 2, 32 Jonathan Wheelock...............May 4 to June9, 5 Muster Rolls, Vol. 95, p. 142. In Capt. David White's Co. of Douglass. Joshua Thayer, pr. Died in service.Mar. 30 to Sep. 26, 25 John Gage,................ " 28 to Nov. 3, 31 Elijah White, " Died in service.. " 30 to Oct. 17, 28 Abner Thayer, "............... " 30 to Nov. 3, 31 John Gage Jr., apprentice to Eliazer Taft, died in service.............. " 28 to " 28, 35 5 5 11 06 ~134 15 02 1 ~12 17 02 2 2 02 04 ~14 19 06 6 12 06 101 4 12 12 07 6 11 10 101 2 12 10 03j 1 14 01 01 ~63 01 091 This year another expedition was undertaken against the French in Nova Scotia. The Massachusetts troops were under the command of Gen. John Winslow, of Mansfield, great grandson of Gov. Winslow, His commission was dated Feb. 10, 1755. 1755.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 275 By the middle of June the French forts were reduced, and the English were masters of the country. The inhabitants had been settled in the country of Acadie, as it had been called, for more than two hundred years. They were, originally, emigrants from France and were Roman Catholics. They were an agricultural people. They were represented by contemporary historians as a peaceable inoffensive race, and had taken no part in the present war, and were recognized by the English as FRENCH NEUTRALS. Even by the laws of war we do not see how the subsequent treatment of the Acadians could be justified. They had not resisted the conquest of their country-had not borne arms against their invaders, but remained in their homes, peaceable and quiet. Nevertheless, when the power of the French had been overcome, they were treated as captives, and theirforcible expatriation was determined upon-they were not allowed the privilege of voluntary emigration. During the succeeding winter, to the number of seven thousand, they were distributed to the various sea ports on the Atlantic coast from New Hampshire to Georgia. At the opening of winter about one thousand were landed at Boston, without the means of support, many of them being aged and* broken down in health and spirits by the unjustifiable treatment to which they had been subjected. The Colonial Legislature soon took the case in hand, as we shall see by the following:Mass. Archives, Court, Vol. 21, p. 51. Dec. 29. 1755 Monday. In the House of Representatives. Whereas a considerable number of the inhabitants of Nova Scotia (Acadia) arrived the 26th. instant, being removed by the Governor and Council of that Province, for the security thereof, and no provision being made for their support here, they are in great danger of suffering during this rigorous season, without the interposition of this Court. Ordered that Mr. James Russell, Mr. Cooper and Mr. Hall with such as the Honbie Board shall join, be a Committee to provide for the Support of such inhabitants of Nova Scotia, until advice may be had from Gov. Lawrence (of Nova Scotia) and his orders concerning them, or until there may be an opportunity of applying to his Excellency, General Shirley, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in North America, for his direc 276 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1756. tions concerning them. And the Committee are to dispose of them, in the meantime, in such Towns, in this Province, as they shall judge least inconvenient to the public; and the Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor of the several Towns to which they may be sent as aforesaid, are hereby authorized and required to receive them and employ or support them in such manner as shall incur the least charge: and the said Inhabitants of Nova Scotia being so received and entertained in any town shall not be construed or understood to be an admission of them as inhabitants; the Court relying upon it that some provision will be made for them without any expense to this Government. In Council R. & C. and Samuel Watts and William Brattle, Esqs are joined in the affair. How many of the French Neutrals were assigned to Mendon, and how long any of them remained in town, the town records furnish no evidence. As late as 1764 five of them were still living in Mendon. In 1761 there may be found in the Mass. Archives, Court, Vol. 23, p. 725, A Petition of the Selectmen of Mendon, Setting forth that the Committee appointed to' Distribute the French Neutrals (so called) in the County of Worcester have (for want of due information as they apprehend) assigned to the Town of Mendon such only as are soon like to be a public charge, and praying that said Committee may be impowered to reconsider the matter and make such alteration in the distribution as they shall judge proper. In the H. of R. Read and Ord. that the prayer of the petition be so far granted thatthe Committee mentioned in the petition be impowered, at the charge of the petitioners, to new apportion the French Inhabitants in the County of Worcester if they judge reasonable. In Council R. & Con. Consented to by the Governor. So far as is known nothing came of this petition, and, as the petitioners were to pay the charges of a new distribution by the committee, and as some of the French neutrals were found here some years afterwards, it is quite probable nothing further was done. Of the seven thousand that were taken away from Nova Scotia, many of them found their way to St. Domingo, while the balance of them settled in the Southern States. I756. March ye 1st. Chose for Selectmen, John French, 175 7.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 277 William Sheffield, Ichabod Amidown, Ichabod Robinson and Daniel Darling; Town Clerk, Edmond Morse; Town Treasurer, George Aldrich; Constables, Noah Cook and Nathaniel Jones. The ministry money was divided equally between the two Precincts. May 3. Capt. Phinehas Lovett chosen Representative to the General Court. Voted to raise ~200, lawful money, to repair highways. As yet it appears there were but two school houses in town, viz: one in each Precinct. At this meeting, upon motion made, it was voted to build no more school houses. Aug. 30. Raised ~8, lawful money, for town charges. QUAKERS IN MENDON. Benjamin Cook, John Smith, Daniel Southwick, Samuel Thayer, John Cass, Daniel Southwick, Jr., Benjamin Thayer, Jonathan Cass, Lawrence Southwick, Joseph Allen, Samuel Gaskill, Jonathan Southwick, Moses Aldrich, Ebenezer Gaskill, Benjamin Southwick, Luke Aldrich, Benjamin Gaskill, Edward Southwick, Aaron Aldrich, Anthony Chase, George Smith, George Aldrich, Samuel Cook, Ebenezer Cook. Jacob Bartlett, James Cargill, A true List pr. me MOSES ALDRICH. Josiah Ball is certified as belonging to the Anabaptist Church in Leicester, and Joseph Darling as "usually attending" the Anabaptist meeting in Bellingham. Perambulation of town boundaries were made this year, between Uxbridge, Upton, Hopkinton, Bellingham and Mendon. I757. March ye 7th. Chose Daniel Taft, Jr., Joseph Jones, Samuel Green, Aaron Thayer and Nathaniel Rawson for Selectmen; Edmund Morse for Town Clerk, and Town Treasurer; David Daniels and Isaac Tenney were chosen Constables, but it is found that Jasper- Daniels served the Selectmen's warrants as Constable. Robert Taft and Gershom Chapin were chosen Deer Reives. Voted to leave the "affair of a Schoolmaster," for this year in the hands of the Selectmen. 278 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1757. Voted to lodge indentures of children bound out by the town in the Town Clerk's hands for the future. Voted that the Selectmen of Mendon, for the time being or time to come, shall not have liberty "to Draw Orders on the Town Treasurer of Mendon to pay Them selves as Selectmen." John French was chosen Grand Juryman. The road from the Ten-rod highway to Muddy Brook, between the lands of the Rev. Mr. Dorr and Deacon Edward Rawson, about which there seems to have been a long-standing controversy, was again brought before the town meeting, by a motion to open the same, but which motion was not carried. Upon this a motion was made and carried that Deacon Rawson have the use of the road the present year for eight shillings. Upon this, James Lovett entered his protest against the vote, "and Declared he would apply to the Court for Relief if the Town did not open the Said Road Down.to Muddy Brook for his Cattle to come at the water in ye Summer." Voted to raise ~200, lawful money, to mend the highways this year. Voted that a man shall have two shillings a day for work on the highways and a man and team four shillings per day, provided they begin their work by eight o'clock A. M.; and a certificate from the Surveyor that any one had worked out his rate, should authorize the Constable forthwith to cross out said rate. A vote was passed to sell the remainder of the Ministry land, but the vote was afterward reconsidered on the 22d of August. Voted to sell the pew in the Easterly Precinct Meeting house, which the town bought of Oliver Hayward, to Samuel Wheelock for the sum of ~5.06.08, lawful money, in order to support said Oliver Hayward and his family, as the Selectmen shall order the same. Aug. 22. Voted to dismiss the committee heretofore appointed to sell the Ministry land. Last Monday in September Noah Cook was chosen "to serve on the Grand Jury the Next Superior Court." Raised ~20, lawful money, to defray town charges. The war with France still continued, and, but for the Muster Rolls in the State Archives, we should not know that Mendon furnished any soldiers for this year's campaign. They saw no Ca I- " — rLL 1757. ANNALS OF MENDON. iV active service, however, except a forced march for the relief of Fort William Henry, as far as Westfield, whence, learning that Col. Munro had been obliged to surrender the fort to the French, they were ordered home by Gov. Pownal, who was then at Springfield. Muster Rolls, Vol. 95, p. 545. A Muster Roll of the company under the command of Phinehas Lovett, belonging to the Regiment whereof Abraham Williams is Colonel, that marched on the alarm for the relief of Fort William Henry in August 1757. Arrived at Westfield, they heard of the surrender of the fort to the French and Indians, and so returned home. I Miles travel. I fi Phinehas Lovett, Capt. Marchd Aug. 16.. 165 William Thayer, Lieut. ".. do. Samuel Wheelock, Ensign ".. do. Samuel Hayward Sergt. ". do. Joseph Daniels ". do. Edward Rawson...................... do. Samuel White................. do. Ger'hom Nelson.............. do. Sllas Aldrich....................... do. Elias Staples.................. do. John Holden (N. Tyler Esq. Master).... do. Joseph Marsh................. do. Ebenezer Marsh........................ do. Turner Ellis.................. do. George Bruce......................... do. Stephen Johnson.............. do. John Craggin.......................... do. Gershom Chapin....................... do. John Perry.......................... do. Moses Gage........................... do. Daniel W edge......................... do. Benjamin Atwood..................... do. W illiam Legg......................... do. Peter Brown.................. do. Calvin Smith................. do. Joseph Benson........................ do. Abraham Thayer....................... do. Joseph Darling................ do. M oses Thayer......................... do. Jonas Sartell........................... do. )ays at Whole Pay 'est- time per Horse. Pay. ield. out. day. 3 14 5s.0d 2 ~3 12 00 3 14 3 09 2 2 14 06 3 14 3 00 2 2 04 00 3 14 2 10 2 2 01 08 3 14 2 10 2 2 01 08 3 14 2 10 2 2 01 08 3 142 08 2 1 10 04 3 14 2 09 1 18 06 3 14 2 08 17 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3142 08 2 1 19 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 2 1 19 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08,2 1 19 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 14 2 08 2 1 19 04 3 14 2 08 1 17 04 3 142 08 2 1 19 04 3 142 082 1 19 04 3 142 08 1 17 04 3 142 08 2 1 19 04 3 142 08 1 17 04 3 142 082 1 19 04 3 14 2 08 117 04 280 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1758. Besides these thirty names against which is entered, in the Muster Roll the amount paid to each, the names of twenty-nine others are borne on the Roll, as follows, viz:-Robert Kelly, Zebulon Goss, William French, John Watkins, John Crooks, Elisha Hale, Paul Rawson, Asa Fletcher, Joseph Jackson, Moses Tenney, Nathaniel Rawson, Josiah Wheelock, Gideon Albee, Isaiah Corbett, Nathaniel Cheney, Ebenezer Sumner, John Chapin, Seth Thayer, Jesse Sumner, Jonathan Whitney, Jonathan Sterns, Samuel Warren, Benjamin Hayward, Hezekiah Hayward, Abner Thayer, Jonas Dyre, Bezaleel Jones, Daniel Thompson and Edward Hunt. Errors Excepted PINEHAS LOVETT. Suffolk ss. Boston Jan 3, 1759. Capt. Phinehas Lovett made oath that the above is a True Roll of a company under his command, in the time of the Alarm. Before me JACOB WENDELL, Just. Peace. The probable reason why the jurat was delayed so long was that the war expenses were to be discharged by the British Government; and so, after the expenditure of the necessary quantity of red tape, the voyage from Boston to London and back per-:,formed, the muster rolls properly made out and sworn to, the soldier finally got his pay. I758. March 6. Chose for Selectmen, Daniel Taft, Jr., Jasper Daniels, Ebenezer Chapin, Ichabod Thayer and Peter Wheelock; Town Clerk, Edward Rawson; Town Treasurer, Edmond Morse; Constables, Joseph Bruce and John Thayer; Deer Reeves, Benj. Wheelock Jr., and Stephen Torrey. HIGHWAY AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Up to this time the town had not been divided into highway or school districts. At this meeting Edward Rawson, Daniel Taft, Jr. Samuel Penniman, James Sumner and Nathaniel Rawson were chosen a committee "to divide the whole Town Into Districts To be Stated for the Better Convenience For Mending The Highways and Schooling." Benjamin Merriam was chosen Grandjuryman. May 8. Benjamin Craggin, Edward Rawson and Ebenezer Chapin were chosen a committee "to View the Burying Place by the Brook which Capt. Phinehas Lovett petitions to purchase of the Town of Mendon, and said Committee to view the Sir 1758.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 281 cumstance thereof and Sett a Value thereon and Report to the Town." May 22. Voted to raise ~150, L. M., to mend the highways this year. Voted "to sell Capt. Phinehas Lovett fifteen Rods of the Burying Place Lying North of his own Land to the Bank of the Brook for the sum of ~3.10.00 Old Tenor, the Said Lovett To Agree with Lieut. Ichabod Ammidown for the said Land During the term of Ammidown's Lease." Lieut. John Fiench was chosen Representative to the General Court. May 31. Voted not to divide the town into districts this year. Aug. 23. Voted, to raise ~50, L. M. to defray town charges. Chose Ichabod Ammidown Grandjuryman for the Superior Court. The war with France still dragged its slow length along. Three expeditions for the reduction of Canada were inaugurated this year. In the one under the command of Gen. Abercrombie the muster rolls furnish evidence that Mendon furnished some of the soldiers for that unfortunate campaign. -The following names, credited to Mendon, may be found in Muster Rolls, Vol. 97, p. 248. In Capt. Andrew Dalrymple's Co. (Petersham) Col. Preble's Reg. in the Expedition to Canada, 1758. Lieut. Abner Aldrich.......Mar. 13 to Nov. 30, 9 mos. 11 days. ~75 02 11 Drummer, Ebenezer Trask..Apr. 19 to " 6, 6 " 8 " 15 08 08 Private, Joseph Clark....... " 14 to " 7, 7 " 18 " 13 11 04 Charles Scott............... " 5 to " 6, 7 " 24 " 14 02 11 Abner Thayer..............Mar. 29 to " 8, 8 " 3 " 14 11 11 Eben Thayer............... " 29 to " 8, 8 " 3 " 14 11 11 Moses Thayer..............Apr. 14 to " 10, 7 " 15 " 13 11 04 George Thayer........... " 21 to " 10, 7 " 8 " 13 02 04 Nathaniel Farrow......... " 5 to " 10, 7 " 24 " 14 02 11 Nathanil Freeman.............. 5 to "/ 7, 7 " 24 " 14 02 11 Benjamin Hayward.........Mar. 29 to " 7, 8 " 3 " 14 11 11 Dependence Hayward...... " 29 to " 7, 8 " 3 " 14 11 11 ~231 13 00 Suffolk ss. Boston, Feb. 1. 1759, Capt. Dalrymple was sworn before 36 282 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1758. the Committee on Accounts to make true answers to such questions as they shall ask him on this Roll. JACOB WENDELL, Jus. Pac. Muster Rolls, Vol. 96, p. 495. In Capt. Simon Slocomb's Co. Col. Jos. Williams' Reg. Reduction of Canada. Seth Jones..........Apr. 11 to Oct. 9, 6 mos. 14 days. ~11 14 00 Wages Moses Tenney...... " 11 to Aug. 4, 4 " 4 " 7 09 02 Josiah Tenney......May 2 to Nov. 21, 7 " 8 " 12 19 08 ~32 02 10 BOSTON, Feb. 20, 1759. Sworn to S. SLOCOMB. The above, as will be seen by the muster rolls of 1759, does not include all the soldiers from Mendon, that were out in 1758. Although a search was made for the rolls containing their names, they were not found. About this time, it will be seen by the following list, that the number of non combatants living in Mendon was on the increase: THE QUAKER LIST. To Edward Rawson, Town Clerk of the Town of Mendon; The following List of the Names of Those called Quakers within the Military Companies in Mendon. IN CAPT. PHINEHAS LOVETT'S COMPANY. George Aldrich, Joseph Allen, Luke Aldrich, Moses Aldrich, Benjamin Thayer, Charles Aldrich and Dan Aldrich. IN CAPT. WILLIAM THAYER'S COMPANY. Benjamin Cook, John Wilson, Samuel Cook, Joseph Southwick, Job Handy, Samuel Bassett, Daniel Cook, Jacob Bartlett, Ebenezer Callum, George Smith, Jonathan Southwick jr., Daniel Southwich 3d., Edward Southwick, Ebenezer Cook, John Smith, Daniel Southwick, Larrance Southwick, Daniel Southwick jr., Jonathan Cass jr., Ebenezer Gaskill, Anthony Chase, Benjamin Gaskill, Jonathan Southwick and Larrance Southwich jr. IN CAPT. THOMAS WISWALL'S COMPANY. Aaron Aldrich. We The Subscribers do Verily Believe that Those Persons whose Names are above written are sincerely of the Perswasion of the Poeple Called 1759.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 283 Quakers, and that they usually attend our meeting of Worship on ye Lord's Day. MOSES ALDRICH, MOSES FARNUM, JOSEPH ALLEN. SETH ALDRICH. Mendon March ye 27. 1758. MENDON July 26. 1758. The acct. of Ichabod Ammidown, Vittelling Soldiers Returning Back to the Lake, by his Honour Thomas Hutchinson's order. In Capt. Gamaliel Bradford's Company. Wait Bradford, Benj. Bryant, Nehemiah Bosworth jr. Lemuel Dellano, Isaac Weston, Jos. Morse, Joshua Pratt, Dominicus Hovey, Jos. Barlo, Jacob Wright, Amasa White, Silas Burges. John Meggs, Charles Foster, Nathl. Cole, Lot Cowell, Edward Cole, Ishmael Tripp, Ephr. Waterman, Eben. Dexter, John Sno, Nathl. Bassett, Benias Samson, William Cobb. In Capt. Josiah Thatcher's Company. Obed Hatch, Eben Parker. In Capt. James Andrews'es Company. John Rouse, Josiah Drew, Eben Barrowvs, Josiah Perkins. here is the account of sundry of the same soldiers which eat the nex morning. Dominicus Hovey, Lot Cowell, Amasa White, Josiah Drew, Eben Barrus, Jos. Rouse, Ishmael Tripp, Isaac Weston, Josh. Pratt, John Sno and Obid Hatch. Suffolk ss. Boston Dec. 7. 1758 The above Forty three meals sworn to by Mr. Ichabod Ammidown to be true. Coram, JOHN PHILLIPS, Just. Pacis. 1759. March 5. Chose Capt. Robert Taft, Josiah Chapin, John Albey, Jonas Parkhurst and Peletiah Darling, Selectmen; Edward Rawson, Town Clerk; Edmond Morse, Town Treasurer, and James Sumner and Edward Rawson, Constables. After the choice of Constables the meeting was adjourned to March 19, when the choice of Town officers was completed by the choice of Peter Wheelock and Eli Partridge Deer Reeves. "Voted that the Destricts in the Town of Mendon be Sett of for School 284 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1759. ing and Mending Highways as they are drawn by the Committee Chosen for That Purpose in the year 1758." This is the first time we hear of school or highway districts. The committee who reported them undoubtedly fixed meets and bounds, but their report not being recorded, and the report itself lost, we know nothing of the number or size of each. Raised ~200 for highways and ~60 to defray town charges. May 21. " That the List Drawn for jury men and Read in Town Meeting shall be put into the Jury Box for jurymen." This is the first mention of a list of jurors or of a jury box. Ebenezer Chapin was chosen Grandjuryman. John French was chosen Representative to the General Court. Although most accounts at this date were still kept in pounds, shillings and pence, we find that dollars and cents began to be mentioned occasionally. For instance, Samuel Thayer was allowed to have the use of a piece of road this year for fifty cents, and Nathan Tyler another piece for half a dollar. Jacob Aldrich was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures by the Selectmen, and sworn before Nathan Tyler, Esq. The campaign this year for the invasion of Canada ended in the conquest of Quebec by the army under the command of Wolfe, on the 13th of September, and the capture of Ticonderoga and Crown Point by the forces under the command of Lord Amherst. The soldiers furnished by Massachusetts were attached to the army of the latter General. The names of Mendon soldiers are found in the Muster Rolls, Vol. 97, the following on p. 95. Return of men enlisted or impressed for his Majesty's Service within the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in Col. Whiting's Regiment, under the Command of Jeffrey Amherst, Gen. and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces for the Invasion of Canada. Ezra Thompson.......Apr. 2, 1759. Out in 1758 at Crown Point. Age 23 Moses Tenney.......... " 2, 1759. Yes. 53 John Marsh.......... " 2, 1759. do 41 Eliphalet Wood....... " 2, 1759. do 43 Peter Brown.......... " 2, 1759. do 27 Ezra Marshall......... " 2, 1759. do 19 Thomas Hayward..... " 2, 1759. do 38 Silas Rawson.......... " 2, 1759. do 19 1759.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 285 Joseph Day..........Apr. 23, 1759. Joseph Wheelock...... " 6, 1759. Joshua Daniels...... " 6, 1759, Seth Warren.......... " 6, 1759. Saml. Hayward, Sergt. " 6, 1759. Daniel Davidson...... " 6, 1759. Nathaniel Rawson..... 6, 1759. John Gage........... Mar. 29, 1759. Joseph Clark.......;. Apr. 2, 1759. Joseph Darling........Mar. 24, 1759. Daniel Darling........Apr. 6, 1759. Ebenezer Trask.......Mar. 28, 1759. Gideon Arnold........ " 26, 1759. William Darling.....Apr. 6, 1759. Edward Pickering..... " 6, 1759. Aaron White......... " 6, 1759. Ben Benson........... " 2, 1759. Simeon Thayer.......Mar. 21, 1759. New Marlborough April 10. 1759. A true Return, Not out in 1758. do 22 17 do 17 do 17 Impressed. 40 Hired. 40 Impressed. 40 Out in 1755 Crown Point 57 do 19 do 23 Not out. 24 Out. 24 do 21 do 28 do' 27 do 18 do Son of Jos. Benson, 18 do Son of Uriah Thayer, 19 ABRAHAM WILLIAMS, Colonel. In John Jones Esq's Reg. under Lord Amherst's Ex. to Canada. John Galloway........ Mar. 21, 1759. At Lake George in 1758. Age 27 Muster Rolls, Vol. 97, p. 347. In Capt. John Furness' Com. (Boston) to Crown Point from March 31 to Dec. 20 1759. (Cost of whole Company, 112 in number was ~1841.08.03) The following of Mendon, viz: John Holden, Sergt.... Mar. 26 to Dec. 3, Ezekiel Hunt, do..... " 26 to " 3, Benj. Stewart, Corp... Apr. 2 to " 3, John Watkins, do....Mar. 26 to " 10, Jonathan Allen, pr......Apr. 2 to Nov. 30, Thomas Baker, pr..... " 3 to Dec. 3, Peter Brown, pr....... " 2. Deserted. Moses Comstock, pr.... " 2 to Dec. 4, Joseph Day. pr........Mar. 23 to " 3, Joshua Daniels, pr.....Apr. 6 to " 4, Asa Fletcher, pr....... " 11 to " 3, John Hooper, pr....... Mar, 26 to " 3, Thomas Hayward, pr..Apr. 2 to " 12, Joseph Jackson, pr.... Mar. 26 to " 3, David Lindsey, pr......Apr. 2 to Nov. 29, James Long, pr........Mar. 30 to Dec. 8, Samuel 'Morse, pr.... " 26 to " 3, Timothy Madding..... " 28 to " 3, John Marsh..........Apr. 2 to ' 3, 36 weeks 1 day 36 " 1 " 35 " 1 " 37 " 1 " 34 " 5 " 35 " 0 ' ~19 09 03 19 09 03 16 19 00 17 18 03 15 12 06 15 15 06 35 2 " 15 1707 36 " 4 " 16 0902 34 " 5 " 151206 33 6 " 15 0409 36 ' 1 16 0504 36 " 3 " 161107 36 " " 16 0804 34 " 4 " 15 1102 36 2 16 0607 36 I 16 0504 36 " 6 " 16 0209 35 " 15 1609 286 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1759. Ezra Marshall.........Apr. 2 to Oct. 19, Samuel Pond..........Mar. 26 to Nov. 27, William Parsons.......Apr. 2 to Dec. 2, William Rawson.......Mar. 2 to " 8, Silas Rawson..........Apr. 2 to " 3, EliasRawson, s. of Nathl. " 6 to Oct. 28, Joshua Thornton...... Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, George Thayer........ " 26 to 3, Gideon Taft...........Apr. 6 to " 3, Israel Taft............Apr. 2 to " 7, Ezra Thompson.......Apr. 2 to Nov. 29, Moses Tenney.......Apr. 2 to Dec. 3, Thomas Wood........Apr. 6 to Dec. 4, John Wilson, (Gun)....Apr. 2 to Dec. 7, Nathan Wood........Apr. 2 to Dec. 3, Samuel Wright........Apr. 6. Deserted. Eliphalet Wood.......Apr. 2 to Dec. 4, John Wheelock.......Apr. 6 to July 14, Seth Warren..........Apr. 6 to Dec. 8, John Wright..........Apr. 6. Deserted. Daniel White..........Apr. 2 to Dec. 3, Ephraim Warfield.....Apr. 6 to Dec. 7, Boston March 6. 1760, Errors Excepted. Suffolk ss. Boston March 6, 1760, Capt. J, 28 weeks 5 days, 12 18 06 35 35 36 35 29 36 36 34 35 34 35 35 35 35 " 2 0 O 4 "<1 "3 1 4 1 5 "4 " 5 " 4 "1 " 5 "5 "I 1 15 17 07 15 15 00 16 09 02 15 16 04 13 14 11 16 15 04 16 15 04 15 11 02 16 01 06 15 11 02 15 16 04 15 12 06 16 01 06 15 16 04 35 " 2 " 15 17 07 14 " 2 " 6 08 07 35 " 2 " 15 17 07 35 35 " 1 " I 44i I 15 16 04 15 16 04 ~594 12 06 ohn Furness made oath that the foregoing is a True Roll of a Company under his Command in the service of the Province. Before me, JACOB WENDELL, Just. Pac. Muster Rolls, Vol. 97, p. 376. In Capt. Timo. Hamant's Co. (Medfield) Expedition against Canada from May 4, 1759 to Jan. 2. 1760. William Thayer, Lieut....May 17 to Dec. 16. 7 mos. 18 days ~38 04 03 Jesse Darling, pr.........May 8 to Dec. 15. 7 mos. 26 days 14 05 05 Abner Darling, pr........May 8 to Dec. 15. 7 mos. 26 days 14 05 05 Ralph Hayward, pr.......Apr. 27 to Dec. 3. 7 mos. 6 days Edward Trask............Apr. 30 to Dec. 16. Ebenezer Thayer..........May 17 to Nov. 27. Boston Feb. 9. 1760 Sworn to Before me, JA( Muster Rolls, Vol. 97, p. 382. (Gun). s. Benj. 8 mos. 17 days 6 mos. 27 days 14 04 02 14 17 00 12 10 09 ~108 07 04 TIMOTHY HAMANT COB WENDALL, Just. Pac. 1759.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 287 In Capt. William Jones' Cor. (Holliston) Ex. to Crown Point, from May 7 1759 to Jan. 4. 1760. W. D. Ebenezer Cheney, Sergt.........Apr. 27 to Nov. 26 30 4 ~16 09 03 Stephen Thompson, Corp......Apr. 26 to Dec. 10 32 5 15 15 07 Caleb Cheney pr...........Apr. 27 to Nov. 27 27 1 12 04 04 Isaiah Corbett, do...........May 9 to Nov. 2 25 3 11 08 11 Daniel Davidson, do..........May 1 to Nov. 2 26 4 11 19 02 Ichabod Marshall do s. of Josiah Apr. 29 to Nov. 2 26 6 12 01 09 Ichabod Robinson do...........Apr. 26 Rejected (not found) servant to Nathl Nelson. Ebenezer Read do..........Apr. 28 to Nov. 2 27 0 12 03 00 Joseph Wheelock do........... Apr. 27 to Nov. 26 30 4 13 12 12 ~105 14 02 Boston Feb. 26. 1760. Sworn to, Before m. Muster Rolls, Vol. 97, p. 390. JACOB WENDELL, Just. Pac, In Capt. Abijah Hall's Com. (Wrentham) Ex. to Crown Point from May 9 1759 to Jan. 12. 1760. W. D. Ebenezer Taft 1st. Lieut........May 9 to Dec. 16 Jacob Aldrich, Sergt............May 4 to Dec. 10 Gideon Aldrich, Corp...........Apr. 21 to Sept. 26 Benj. Blake, pr. (Danl Taft,,Guardian)........................May 1 to Dec. 10 Stephen Benson,pr., (s. of Benoni) May 9 to Dec. 16 Jonas Dyer, pr.,.......... May 1 to Dec. 10 Obed Rutter, pr., (s. of William).Apr. 22 to Dec. 16 Edward Wood, pr., (s. of James).May 3 to Oct. 5 31 5 ~39 12 06 31 4 16 19 05 22 5 10 19 01 32 0 14 08 00 31 5 14 05 06 32 0 14 08 00 34 0 15 07 04 22 2 10 00 07 ~136 00 05 Boston Feb. 23. 1760. Sworn to Before me JACOB WENDELL, Just. Pac. The commission of Gov. Pownall to Lieut. Hayward is inserted here as a relic of olden time. The original, of which the following is a true copy, was kindly loaned me by Mrs. Ariel Cook, a lineal descendant of the Lieutenant: Province of the Massachusetts Bay, THOMAS POWNALL, Esq; Captain General and Governor in Chief, in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, and Vice-Admiral of the same &c. To Samuel Hayward Gentleman Greeting. By Virtue of the Power and Authority in and by His Majesty's Royal 288 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1760. Commission to Me granted to be Captain General, &c over this His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay aforesaid I do by these Presents (reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and good Conduct) constitute and appoint You the said Samuel Hayward to be Lieutenant of the second military foot Company in the Town of Mendon under the Command of Captain Samuel Wheelock in the third Regiment of Militia in the Counties of Middlesex and Worcester whereof Artemas Ward Esq. is Colonel. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the Duty of a Lieutenant in leading, ordering and exercising said Company in Arms both inferior Officers and Soldiers and to keep them in good Order and Discipline and they are hereby commanded to obey you as their Lieutenant and you are your self to observe and follow such Orders and Instructions, as you shall from time to time receive from Me or the Commander in Chief for the time being or other your Superior Officers for his Majesty's Service according to Military Rules and Discipline pursuant to the trust reposed in you. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at Boston, the Seventeenth Day of October, In the thirty third Year of the Reign of His Majesty King GEORGE the Second, Annoq; Domini, 1759. By His EXCELLENCY'S Command, THio. CLARKE DpTY. Secry. T. POWNALL. I760. March 3. For Selectmen, Capt. Phinehas Lovett, Elder Nathaniel Nelson, Mr. John Fish, Dr. William Jennison and Lieut. Samuel Penniman; Town Clerk, Edward Rawson; Town Treasurer, Edmond Morse, and Joseph Bruce and Nathan Very for Constables. Raised ~200 for repairing the highways. Voted to forego James Read's rates, provided if the Constable "can Git The Rates of said Read he shall pay them back again." Aug. 25. Voted "that the Scholls in Mendon be Divided Into Districts as they are Stated for Mending the Highways, this Present year, and that Every District Shall have as Much Money Appropriated to them for the Use of Schooling as they Pay to the School Tax this Present year." Aug. 25. Raised ~50, lawful money, for schooling, and ~100, lawful money, including the interest of the school money bonds, to defray town charges. The school money bonds were the notes of those persons who had bought portions of the school lands. 1760.] ANNALS OF IENDON. 289 By the vote above recorded it is seen that the Highway Districts and the School Districts were identical, and if but one Surveyor of Highways was chosen to a District there were eleven School Districts, and Each District drew just the amount of money they paid to the appropriation for schools. About this time the question of a workhouse, where the poor should be kept, began to be mooted; but a motion at this meeting to build a workhouse passed in the negative, as the phrase was in the olden time, when a motion failed to be carried. The war with France still continued, and Mendon still continued to furnish her quota to the army under Lord Amherst. The campaign this year virtually closed the war, so far as America was concerned, and the surrender of Montreal, by the Marquis de Vaudreuil, completed the conquest of Canada. The following copies from the Muster Rolls gives the number of men furnished by Mendon, in the campaign for this year: Muster Rolls, Vol. 98, p. 279. In Capt. Ebenezer Taft's Co. (Mendon) From Feb. 14 to Dec. 19, 1700 (120 m. home.) W. D. Ebenezer Taft. Capt..........Feb. 14 to Dec. 19 44 2 ~99 02 10 Samuel White, Sergt.........June 11 to Nov. 29 24 4 13 04 08 Adam White, Drummer....... June 16 to Nov. 23 23 0 11 01 10 Daniel Hill, pr.............June 1 to Nov. 29 24 4 11 01 02 Silas Thayer, do.............June 26 to Nov. 22 22 3 10 01 11 ~145 02 05 Boston Feb. 12, 1761, Sworn to, Before me T. HUBBARID, Jus. Peace. Muster Rolls, Vol. 98, p. 302. In Capt. Wm. Jones' Corn. (Holliston) From Feb. 14 to Dec. 26, 1760 (120 miles home) Ichabod Marshall pr. Apr. 3 to Dec, 3, 35 weeks 0 days........~ 15 15 00 Boston Feb. 12. 1761. Exd T. HUBBARD. Muster Rolls, Vol. 98, p. 311. In Capt. Timo. Hamant's Corn. (Medtield) from Feb. 14 to Dec. 26, 1760 (one sheet missing) 105 m. home W. D. Luke Lesure, pr. dead (son of Philip) Mar. 25 to May 15 7 2 ~03 06 11 Ichabod Robinson, pr., servt. to N. Nelson.........................Mar. 25 to Nov. 30 35 6 16 02 09 Moses Ramsdell, pr., dead (son of Moses)........................ Mar. 25 to Oct. 10 28 4 12 17 02 37 290 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1761. Joseph Sprague, pr..............Mar. 25 to Dec. 4 36 3 16 07 11 Stephen Taft, pr.................Mar. 27 to Dec. 4 36 1 16 05 04 ~64 17 00 Boston Feb. 10 1780 Ex. T. HUBBARlD. Muster Rolls, Vol. 98, p. 311. In Capt. John Dunlap's Com. (Westboro') from-June 10 to Dec 26 1760. Nathl. Corbett, pr. June 13 to Dec. 3, 24 weeks 6 days, servant to Lem Perham (120 m. home).............................. ~11 03 09 Boston Feb. 10. Ex-. T. HUTBBARD. Muster Rolls, Vol. 98, p. 325. In Capt. Daniel Reed's Co. (Abington) From Feb. 14 to Dec, 30, 1760. Jonathan Shores of Taunton is also set down in the Roll as Captain. John Watkins, Sergt. Nathan Aldrich do. John Holden, do. Samuel Morse, Corp. EbenrAmmidown pr. John Hooper, pr. George Thayer, pr. Joshua Thornton pr. John Watkins, pr. W. D. Mar. 14 to Dec. 3 37 6 (120 miles home)~20 07 09 Mar. 14 to Dec. 3 37 6 Apr. 25 to Dec. 3 31 6 Mar. 14 to Dec. 3 37 6 Mar. 14 to Dec. 3 37 6 Mar. 14 to Dec. 2 37 5 Mar. 14 to Dec. 3 37 6 Mar. 14 to Dec. 3 37 6 Mar. 14 to Dec. 10 38 6 " 0 07 09 17 03 02 18 15 02 s. to Ichabod 17 00 09 16 19 06 s. of David 17 00 09 servant to Josiah Adams........17 09 00 dead, son to Patience W:.....17 09 09 -PI,19, 05 04O Boston March 5th. 1761. E.. EDaniel Read. Sworn to before me. T. HUBBARD. 1761. Jan 5. At a town meeting held this day the assessors were ordered, by a majority of three votes, to assess the soldiers that were out in the last campaign that belong to Mendon, "In The Taxes Laid on and Arising in this Town the present year. " Capt. Robert Taft and William Rawson, Esq., entered their protests with the Town Clerk that the proceedings were illegal. March 2. Selectmen, Benjamin Wheelock, Daniel Chapin, Edward Rawson, David Daniels and Samuel Torrey; Town Clerk, Edward Rawson; Town Treasurer, Edmond Morse; Constables, Peter Penniman and Joseph Bruce; Joseph Darling 1761.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 291 and Josiah Darling, Deer Reives; John French, Nathl. Nelson, Win, Sheffield and Pelatiah Darling, Wardens. Raised ~150, "to be worked out on the Highways and ~35 to defray the Charge of the Small Pox In John Gage's Family last year." May 20. Nathaniel Nelson chosen Representative to the General Court. August 31. Voted "to raise ~70 L. M. to defray town charges and ~30 for Schooling this year: and each District may draw out the amount they respectively pay to the amount raised, and may expend it for schooling in such manner as they shall see fit." In case any person came into town to abide therein, the law was imperative that the Selectmen should be immediately notified by the person who entertained them. Robert Morton and family had removed to Mendon, and was residing with Eliphalet Wharfield, and he, having neglected to give notice to the Selectmen, the town voted that Lieut. John French, Edmond Morse, Elder Nathaniel Nelson, Edward Rawson and Nathan Tyler should be a committee " to proceed against the Estate of Eliphalet Wharfield, Decd for his bringing in Robert Morton and his Family and not giving notice to the Selectmen as the law directs, which family are now become a Town charge." Although the law creating the office of Warden was enacted in 1700, the town of Mendon had never elected men to that office until this year. These Wardens were Overseers of the Poor, and formerly were appointed by a Justice of the Peace and the Selectmen. It was made their duty, by the law of 1700, to govern, inspect and take care of all persons of the same town employed at the work house, or sent thither by two Justices of the Peace, quorum unus, to be kept at work there, to be held and kept strictly to work; and that all idle and disorderly persons, and such as do not duly perform such reasonable task or stint as shall be set them, be punished by moderate whipping or setting in the stocks. Although the whipping post and the stocks are no longer invoked in the administration of justice, still, if some means could be devised by which the tramsps who now patrol the country by day and encamp in our poor houses by night, could be held to 292 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1762. the performance of some appropriate labor in exchange for the supper, lodging and breakfast, neither party would. be the worse off. Although the French war, so far as America was concerned, was virtually ended by the capture of Quebec and Montreal, still the war continued between England and France until the treaty of peace in 1763. The forces which had been raised by the Colonies to aid in the conquest of Canada, were not entirely disbanded until the declaration of peace in 1763. So far as the muster rolls show, however, but few of the Mendon soldiers remained in the field after 1760. The following are found on the Muster Rolls, Vol. 99, p. 113. In Capt. Thomas Cowdine's Cor. (Worcester) in Col. Saltonstall's Reg. from April 18 to Dec. 29, 1761. John Darling pr...........July 1 to Dec. 1. 22 weeks. ~9 18 00 In Capt. John Dunlap's Com. (Westboro) from May 22. 1761 to Jan. 4. 1762. Samuel Morse, Corp. May 22, 1761 to Jan. 4, 1762 8 mos. 4 days, ~15 14 02 George Thayer, pr...May 22, 1761 to Jan. 4, 1762 8 " 4 " 14 13 02 In the Massachusetts Archives, Court, Vol. 24, p. 92, may be found the following petition: A Petition of Jacob Aldrich Jr. of Mendon, Setting forth That in the year 1758 lie Enlisted as a Soldier in the pay of the Province, and carried his own gun with him, but that being taken sick he was sent to the Hospital, at Albany, where, being in a debilitated state, lie could not take care of his gun and so lost it, and praying for an allowance. In the H. of Rep. Read and Ordered that the sum of Two pounds be paid out of the Public Treasury to Mr. Nathaniel Nelson (Representative for the use of the Petitioner in full. In Council July 10, 1761 R. & C. Consented by the Governor. 1762. Jan. 25. At a town meeting held this day, Mlessrs. James Sumner, Jollhn French and Ebenezer Chapin were chosen a committee "to Reckon with Capt. Phinehas Lovett and make a final settlement with him." March 1st. Chose Peter Wheelock, Daniel Sumner, Joseph Benson, Capt. Samuel Wheelock and Josiah Adams, Selectmen; 1762.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 293 Edward Rawson, Town Clerk; Edmond Morse, Town Treasurer, and James Lovett and Joseph Thayer, Constables. This year perambulated town lines with Bellingham, Holliston, Hopkinton, Upton and Uxbridge. Raised ~150 "to mend the Highways this year; and that 2s. be allowed for a man and 4s. for a'man and team per day and that the Highway Rate should be made in April." Dr. Joshua Wood was allowed 20s, lawful money, for doctoring William Dolbear and his widow, in 1761. David Daniels "may build a New Pound, Provided he will build it Thirty feet Square and according to law." According to law, it is supposed, meant that the pound should be so high that no animal could scale its walls, and the rails so close together that no animal could escape between them. It seems that David Daniels was to build a pound at his own charge; and, once before, Ebenezer Chapin had liberty to build one, find the land for its site and take care of it for fifteen years, without charge to the town. The fees of the pound keeper for impounding stray animals, it is supposed, furnished satisfactory compensation to those who built the pounds. May 15. Capt. Phinehas Lovett was chosen Representative.by a majority of one vote. Oct. 25. Voted that the Selectmen of Mend on "Shall Lay Their Accounts Before The Town for their Acceptance for the future." Aug. 30. Voted to raise ~70, lawful money, to defray town charges, and ~40 for schooling. Voted to give the Town's Old Law Book "to the First Precinct in said Mendon for their Future Benefit." Some years before this the Old Law Book had been loaned to the Second Precinct for their benefit, but for some good reason the town now saw fit to reclaim it. Some of the soldiers of Mendon still in the service. Muster Rolls, Vol. 99, p. 215. In Capt. Ebenezer Cox's Cor. (Hardwick) from May 4 to Dec. 29. 1762 Nicholas Trask, pr........Mar. 31 to Nov. 13 8 mos. 4 days. ~14 13 02 Edward Trask, "........Mar. 31 to Nov. 1 7 " 20 " 13 17 09 In Capt. Time. Hamant's Co. (Medway) Nov. 2. 1762 to July 218. 763. Aaron Comstock pr..Nov. 2 4762 to June 9. 1763 7 mos. 7 days, ~13 01 00 294 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1763. The treaty of peace with France secured Canada to the possession of England, and henceforward the Indians, who had heretofore made frequent and bloody raids upon the frontiers of New England, became peaceable and quiet. 1763. March 7. The town meeting was opened, and Lieut. John French was chosen Moderator, and, without any reason mentioned, immediately adjourned to March 21, inst. March 21. Chose Lieut. John French, Lieut. Josiah Chapin, Joseph Allen, Capt. Thomas Wiswall and Benoni Benson, Selectmen; Edward Rawson, Town Clerk; George Aldrich, Town Treasurer, and Moses Aldrich and Benjamin Wheelock, Constables. Voted to build a Work House this year, but upon further considerationVoted "to hire a House for a Work House, in some Convenient place in town and put it in Repair fit for That Building;" and the subject was referred to David Daniels, George Aldrich, Ebenezer Chapin, Jasper Daniell and Samuel Torrey to report at the next town meeting. Voted to raise ~90 to repair highways this year. A man to have 2s. and a man and team 4s. a day from April 1 to Sept. 30. The School Districts, it seems, did not always draw out their portions of the school money during the year in which the appropriation was made, and, from the following vote, it is supposed they sought to have interest allowed on the sums which had not been drawn from the Treasury; be that as it may, the town voted not to allow interest in such cases, intending the school money should be expended during the municipal year in which it was raised. Raised ~20, lawful money, "to Provide Stock, Tools and Material to Set the Poor at Work and that the rate be made forthwith." Aug. 29. Raised ~70 for town charges and ~40 for schooling. As no record is found of the choice of a Representative it is presumed the town was not represented in the General Court this year. 1764.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 295 I764. March 5. George Keith, Samuel Warren, Capt. Joseph Daniels, Dr. Samuel Scammell and Noah Cook were chosen Selectmen; Edward Rawson, Town Clerk; George Aldrich, Town Treasurer, and Ebenezer Holbrook and Moses Aldrich, Constables. Raised ~100 for mending highways this year. Voted " to pay a debt for Oliver Hayward to Dr. Corbett upon a Note, of the sum of two pounds, which Note Corbett hath now against him." It will be remembered that the town, as trustees, held the estate of Oliver Hayward for the support of himself and family. Voted to raise ~20 to hire a house and buy materials " to set the Poor to work on." Voted to buy a book for the Selectmen to keep the town's account in for the future. May 23. Chose Joseph Dorr, Jr., Representative of the General Court, which, after being prorogued by Gov. Bernard, from month to month, was finally called to meet at Concord. The General Court held that the Court should have been held at Boston, and they denied the right of the Governor to change the place of meeting. Aug. 30. Raised ~60 for schooling and ~40, lawful money, to defray town charges for the present year. A list of jurors were accepted, and ordered to be put in the jury box. The Selectmen who served last year were voted twelve shillings each, "tho there was Nothing in the Warrant for That business. Pursuant to a vote of the town the Selectmen made the following return: The Names of Persons that have been Warned out of Mendon. John Wilson, Sarah his wife and two children from Wrentham; William Froleigh and his son Hezekiah from Boston; Charles Phillips from Westterly, in the Colony of R. I.; Zebulun Swift, his wife Rebecka and eight children from Bellingham; Mary Bolster, from Uxbridge; Nathan Freeman, his wife Anne and one child'from Bellingham; Mary Eames, from Hopkinton; Benjamin Read, from Uxbridge; Stephen Powers, his wife and one child, from Grafton; Benjamin Blake, his wife Sarah and one child, from Uxbridge. These in 1763. Isaac Bates, Martha, his wife and four children, viz: Olive Bates, Lucretia Bates, Laban Bates and Micah 296 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1764. Bates from Bellingham; Robert Taft, Deborah, his wife and six children, viz: Elizabeth, Dorothy, Mary and Hannah, their Daughters, Lovett their son and Abigail their Daughter. JOHN FRENCH, 1 JOSIAH CHAPIN, Selectmen JOSEPH ALLAN, of Mendon. BENONI BENSON, J Attest, EDWARD RAWSON, Town Clerk. Mass. Archives, Miscellaneous, 1648 to 1775, p. 252. Worcester ss. Whereas his Excellency, the Governor (Bernard) by his order to me directed, that the Great and General Court did, on the second day of February last pass an Order " That the Select Men of each Town and District in this Province, to be chosen for the year 1764, do, as soon as conveniently may be, take an exact Account of the Number of Dwelling Houses, Families and Poeple in their respective Towns and Districts, agreeable to the Schedule thereto annexed," and hath required me forthwith to make out a precept directed unto the Select Men of each respective town or District within my Precinct requiring to Take an exact account of the Number of Dwelling Houses, Families and Poeple as aforesaid and to return the same unto the Secretary's Office on or before the last day of December next. In Observance of the said Order to me directed, These are to will and require you, as soon as conveniently may be, to take an Account of the Number of Dwelling Houses, Families and Poeple within Your Town, including as well Indians civilized, Negroes and Molattos, as White Poeple and Females as well as Males, distinguishing them in the form, as on the other side hereof, agreeable to the said Order of the Great and General Court: And make Return of this Precept to me, so that the same may be transmitted into the Secretary's Office, on or before the last Day of December next. Hereof you are not to fail. Given under my hand and seal, at Worcester, the sixth of August, In the Fourth Year of his Majesty's Reign, Annoq. Domini 1764. GARDR CHANDLER, Sheriff. (L. S.) To the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon, Greeting. IMENDON. H-ouses...................................... 284 F am ilies.............................................. 336 White Poeple under Sixteen years.......................... Males, 466 do do " do do......................... Females, 425 White Poeple above do do........................Males, 441 do do " do do........................ Females, 497 Negroes and Molattoes..................................Males, 5 do " do....................................Fem ales, 4 Indians................................................. 0 1765.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 297 French Neutrals under Sixteen years.......................Males, 1 do do ' do. do...........F.........Females, 2 French Neutrals, above do do....................... Males, 1 do do " do do.......................Females, 1 Pursuant to the above Precept, We have taken an Exact account of the Number of Dwelling Houses, Families and Poeple in the Town of Mendon, and do Certify that the foregoing Schedule contains a True and exact Account of the same. Dated in Mendon aforesaid the Seventeenth Day of December, 1764. GEO. KEITH, SAMUEL WARREN, Selectmen NOAH COOK, SAMUEL SCAMMELL, of Mendon. JOSEPH DANIELS. I765. March 4. Selectmen, Ens. Ebenr Chapin;Ens. Samuel Torrey, Lieut. Benjamin Wheelock and Peter Penniman; Town Clerk, Edward Rawson; Town Treasurer, George Aldrich, and Samuel Warren and Joseph Bruce, Constables. May 20. Although but two school houses had, as yet, been built in the town (one in the First Precinct and one in the Second), and although nine of the eleven School Districts were without school houses, still the town, at this meeting, voted they would build no more. Chose Joseph Dorr, Jr., Representative to the General Court. Aug. 26. Raised ~40 for defraying town charges and ~40 for schooling. Voted to build a new pound thirty feet square and seven feet high, and to be set on the Training Field, the location to be designated by the Selectmen. Lieut. John French, George Aldrich and James Sumner were chosen a committee to build said pound, and were instructed as follows, viz:"To Build said Pound with sufficient large Stones six feet high and then put on a Chestnut Logg hewn one foot square and Locked in the Corners, and make a Good Gate and Mortis the Studs into the Loggs that are to be laid on said wall: and Build Said Pound at the Cheapest Lay or Rate it can be done, and Lay all the Charge of Building Before the Town, when said Pound is Finished For the Town's Acceptance." With instructions so full as these, the committee would be under no necessity to consult an engineer or architect. 38 298 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1765. To defray the cost of the pound, the town raised and appropriated the sum of ~4, lawful money. Some years before this time Abraham Fletcher leased a portion of the Ministry land for twenty years, conditioned to clear it and subdue the bushes. In the meantime he had died, and the probability is that his heirs found the bargain a hard one; and, at this meeting, the town released them from all obligations under the lease. Voted that the Selectmen for 1764 shall have two dollars for their services. The Stamp Act became a law on the 22d day of March of this year. In August, Andrew Oliver was appointed a Distributor of Stamps for Massachusetts, and on the 8th of the same month he was hung in effigy from a limb of the Liberty Tree, which stood at the corner of Washington and Essex streets, in Boston. This was followed, on the 26th, by the sack of Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson's house. From this time excitement ran high, not only in Massachusetts, but through all the Colonies. Oct. 14. A town meeting was legally warned in Mendon to consider the subject of the Stamp Act and some part of Governor Bernard's speech. Nathan Tyler, Esq., was chosen Moderator. 1. Voted to Give Mr. Dorr Jr. the Representative of said Town, Instructions Respecting his Conduct at the Great and General Court, Relating to the Stamp Act and some part of the Governors Speech. 2. The Town voted to stand by the Charter Privelidges. 3. Voted that they would not comply with the Stamp Act. 4. Voted they would not make any Compensation to the sufferers in Boston by Mobbs. 5. Voted to choose a Committee of Five men to draw up and put the Town's Instructions in order for the Representative:-The five men chosen were Edward Rawson, James Sumner, Ichabod Ammidown, Peter Penniman and Joseph Johnson. This committee undoubtedly furnished the Representative with instructions pursuant to the above vote, but as they were not recorded, we can only judge of their tenor by supposing that the committee were in full sympathy with the sentiment of the meeting. STATE PAUPERS. Mass. Archives, Miscellaneous. 1765.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 299 To His Excellency Francis Bernard Esq. Capt. General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and Vice Admiral of the same and to the Honourable his Majesty's Council at Boston October ye 23d. 1765. The Select men of Mendon in the County of Worcester humbly show to your Excellency and Honours that one John Cole, A Regular Soldier (as he says) as he was on his journey from Boston to New York with his wife and two children, on the twenty ninth day of July last, was Taken Sick, in This Town of Mendon, of a fever, and he, being a poor person, made Application to us for Relief in his sickness for things Necessary for himself and for support for his Family; and that he was supported by us, at the expense of this Town both himself and family Twenty One Days: and he and his family being Transient Persons, not belonging to any Town within this Province, We your Humble Petitioners pray that the expense we have been at for him in his sickness and for supporting his family may be allowed a Province Charge by your Excellency and Honours and pray that we may be allowed the same; as soon as he recovered he left sd Town. The Accompt in Particular is as Followeth, Paid John Rawson for Providing a house and bedding and for Sundries he found them.................................... ~2 14 00 Paid Dr. Thomas Steel for Doctoring him in his Sickness........ 1 05 04 For providing Necessaries for him and for fetching the Doctor, sundry times, which we did ourselves........................ 12 00 ~4 11 04 A True Accompt Errors Excepted. EBENEZER CHAPIN, ] BENJAMIN WHEELOCK, Selectmen SAMUEL TORREY, - of JOSIAH WHEELOCK, I Mendon. PETER PENNIMAN. J Mendon August ye 19. 1765 The Town of Mendon to John Rawson Dr. To Nursing John Cole & Boarding his Wife and two Children and finding them House room and bedding and necessaries for himself when sick & for his wife and Children, at 2s. lid. pr. Day for 21 days............................................... ~2 14 00 A True account Errors Excepted, pr. JOHN RAWSON. August ye 19, 1765. Then Recd the above Accompt of the Selectmen of Mendon, I say pr. me. JOHN RAWSON. The Selectmen of Mendon to Thomas Steel Dr. for John Cole. 1765 July 31. To Visit. Spt. nit dul. Tinc. croc camphorata.....~ 0 2 03 Aug. 1. " do. Emet. & cathart. Syr. croc. &c.......... 0 2 08 " 2. " do. Elect. Pectoral. Lac. ammon &c......... 0 3 04 3. " do. Pulv. febrif. Spt. nit. dul............... 0 2 02 " 4. " do. Haust. Purg. Elix. asthmat. Lac. ammon & c................................ 0 3 00 300 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1766. Aug. 6. To Visit Cardiac Julep........................ 0 1 03 *' 7. " do. Spt. nit. dul. Pulv. febrif............. 0 2 00 " 9. " do. Rasur. C. C. Icthyocol. Ball. Polychrest. 0 3 08 " 10. " do. Ingred. Corrobrat..................... 0 2 00 " 13. " do. Pil. coch; Gm Man. Emet. Venae Sect... 0 3 00 ~1 5 04 Mendon Feb. 3. 1766. Then recd of the above sd. Selectmen this Accompt in full. THOMAS STEEL. Feb. 12. 1766. This account, by order of the Honbl. Col. Lincoln hath been perused & examined by me the Subscriber and the same I judge to be reasonable. W. BRATTLE. 1766. March 3. Selectmen, David Daniels, Ebenezer Chapin, Samuel Torrey, Gershom Nelson and Benoni Benson. Voted to raise ~150 to mend the highways this year. Voted to allow Abigail Wheat ~1.18.08, being the amount which the Selectmen took into their hands in 1764, when she became a town charge. It is not often that paupers pay their way and have a balance in their favor. Voted to grant ~3 towards building the bridge over the river at Wilson's Mill, (now Millville). This was probably from the island to the west bank of the river, as before this the town had refused to build one there. "Voted that the Highway Rates shall be made in the month of April next and Committed to the Constables to Collect, but not to begin their Collection until the 15th. day of October next following, and that each Surveyor shall have a copy of his respective District Rates, and each of the Inhabitants shall have liberty to work his respective proportion of sd Assessment, Provided he or they shall faithfully work out the one half of his proportion of said Assessment before the last day of June next, at such place, on the Highways, where his respective Surveyor shall order him, at 3 shillings per day for a man with suitable tools for said work, and 3 shillings per day for a team of 3 cattle and cart: And the other half by the 15th. day of October next, at 2s. 6d. per day for a man and 2s.'6. per day for a Team as. aforesaid, and that a receipt from his respective Surveyor shall be accepted by the Constable for his proportion of said Assessment or any part thereof: And that the Assessors shall deliver a Warrant to the Constables to gather the sum of Said Rate Bills on or before the first day of January next and pay the money that shall be gathered into the Town Treasury, and that the same be drawn out and paid to the Surveyors, by 1766.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 301 order of the Selectmen, to pay for what they shall hire in lieu of those that are delinquent & do not procure receipts of their Respective Surveyors." May 26. Chose Joseph Dorr, Jr., Representative to the General Court, he having 112 votes, and Elder Nathaniel Nelson 44 votes. Voted that they would not build, but would hire a workhouse this year. July 7. At a town meeting held this day, it is recorded that the town brought in their votes for a Register for the County of Worcester, but for whom or how many votes were cast does not appear on the record. Voted they would have no more Pounds than one, even though "Perticular Persons should build them at their own charge." Aug. 25. Raised ~30 for town charges and ~30 for schooling. Voted " that the Representative of this Town may act discretionary at the Great and General Court, Respecting the Sufferers in Boston." The sufferers in Boston were Mr. Story, the Deputy Register, whose office was broken open, and from whence the records of the Vice Admiralty Court were taken and burnt; Mr. Hallowell, the Comptroller of the Customs, whose house was ravaged, and Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson, whose house was ransacked and whose furniture and plate was thrown into the street. After many discussions in the General Court, a bill of indemnity for the sufferers was passed in December by a vote of 53 to 35, but in which bill was incorporated a full and free pardon to the rioters. Sept. 1. At a town meeting this day it was voted "to Reconsider the vote passed at the last meeting, relative to Mr. Joseph Dorr, present Representative, acting discretionary at the Great and General Court, Relating to the Sufferers in Boston." This vote left the Representative instructed to vote against the indemnity bill which had been offered in the General Court. Copies of this bill were directed to be sent to all the towns, and, Oct. 27, the town of Mendon passed the following vote:That with regard to those Gentlemen who suffered by said disturbance on the 26th of August A. D. 1765, upon application of said Sufferers to 302 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1767. the General Assembly, in a parliamentary way, the Representative of the said Town of Mendon be directed and is hereby accordingly directed, in his best discretion, to use his influence that such losses be made up, as far as may be, in a manner the most Loyal respecting his Majesty and the most Constitutional and Safe with Respect to the Just Rights and Privilidges of British Subjects. Dec. 24. Then it was put to vote "to See if the Town would vote off the Easterly Precinct, according to the bounds thereof, to be a Separate Town by Themselves," and there was but one hand held up. The motion to allow the said Precinct to become a District was negatived by ten votes. THE SOUTH PRECINCT. Colony Laws, 1762 to 1770, Vol. II, p. 304. By a vbte of the General Court, passed Nov. 8, 1766, the south part of the First Precinct in Mendon was made a separate Precinct by the name of the South Precinct. Nathan Tyler was to call the first meeting. BOUNDS OF THE SOUTH PRECINCT. Beginning at the SW. corner of Mendon, then on Uxbridge 3 miles 128 rods to stake and stones (:!:) on Capt. Daniel Taft's farm; thence turning and running E 8~ S to stake and stones (:!:) by road leading from Thomas Taft's to John Boyce's; continuing the same course to a (:!:) by road leading from Dam Swamp to Ens. Benjamin Darling's; continuing the same course to a (:!:) on the east side of Rehoboth road, S of Darius Daniels' orchard, then the same course to a pine tree at Bellingham line, with Daniel Taft's and Joseph Day's farms on the N. side of Line. This Precinct has since become the Town of Blackstone. I767. PETITION OF THE EAST PRECINCT. Court, Vol. 26, p. 355. Feb. 3. 1767. A Petition of sundry Inhabitants of the Eastwardly Precinct in Mendon Setting forth That they have been set off as a Precinct about twenty-five years, but find it very inconvenient for them by reason of their distance and other reasons to remain a part of said Town and praying that they with their Lands and Estates may be erected into a separate District, agreeable to the boundaries of said Precinct and that they may be assigned to them their proportionable part of the Ministry Land and Money and Town Stock of Arms and Ammunition. 1767.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 303 In the House of Representatives Ordered that the Petitioners notify the Town of Mendon, by serving the Town Clerk with a copy thereof, to shew cause, if any they have, on the last Tuesday of this instant February why the prayer should not be granted. In Council Read and Concurred. Feb. 16. Then the Town voted unanimously to Send Reasons into the Great and General Court to Shew Cause why the Prayer of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Easterly Precinct in Mendon should not be granted. Then, by a vote, chose Nine men for a Committee to draw up the Town's reasons, in the Town's behalf. The men chosen were Messrs. Edmond Morse, Edward Rawson, John French, Joseph Benson, William Torrey, Benoni Benson, George Aldrich, William Sheffield and Peter Penniman. Then the town, by a vote, chose Edward Raws.on, Samuel Green and William Sheffield for a Committee or Agents for the Town of Mendon, to carry in the Town's Reasons into the Great & General Court and make answer to a petition of a Number of the Inhabitants of the Easterly Precinct in said Town and Shew Cause in the Town's behalf why the Prayer thereof should not be granted. Feb. 24. 1767. A Petition of sundry Inhabitants of the Easterly Precinct in Mendon, praying to be erected into a separate District as entered the 3d. day of February inst. In Council Read again together with the answer, and Ordered that Jeremiah Powell Esq. with such as the House shall join be a Corn. to take said Petition into Consideration, hear the parties and report. In H. of R. R. & C. and Capt. Sherman and Ca'pt. Farley are joined in the affair. Feb. 25. Jesse Penniman, Nathan Tyler & others, George Aldrich & others and Samuel Aldrich pray to be set off from the E. Precinct to the Town of Mendon, and their petitions are referred to the above Comn. In Council May 4. 1767 Ordered that the Pet. of sundry Inhabitants of the East Precinct in Mendon together with the petitions of J. Penniman, N. Tyler, G. Aldrich and Aaron Aldrich of said Mendon, with the papers accompanying the same, be referred to the next session of this Court. March 6. 1767. The following Order passed on the Petition from Mendon which was recommitted the 4th inst. viz:In Council the Corn. appointed upon the within petition reported that they had heard the parties and well considered the matter prayed for, and that, upon the whole, they were of opinion the Petition ought to be dismissed. Therefore Resolved that the said Petition be dismissed accordingly. In the H of R. R & C. March 2d. Chose Aaron Thayer, Ichabod Thayer, Benjamin Staples, Peter Darling and William Sheffield, Selectmen; Ed 304 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1767. ward Rawson, Town Clerk; George Aldrich, Town Treasurer; and Joseph Bruce and Benoni Benson, Constables. Voted not to build or hire a work house this year. Voted to accept the new Pound in the place it is now built. By a former vote it was to be located 'on the Training Field, between the present barn of Albert W. Gaskill and the house of Austin A. Taft. John and Thomas Legg were allowed ~5.17.04 for building it. Voted " to.pass over the article in the Warrant to see whether the Town would make the Country Road from Dr. Thomas Steel'sto Uxbridge line, or to make the Bridge over the Great River by Wilson's Mill, a town charge for the future." May 21. Chose Joseph Dorr, Jr., Representative to the General Court, to represent the town of Mendon at the Court House, in Boston, on the last Wednesday in May current. Voted "to help the Inhabitants that Live near to Israel Wilson's Mills respecting the Charge of the Bridge for the future." The subject of setting off the East Precinct into a separate town or district was again brought before the town, and, upon motion made to that effect, it was voted not to set off the said Precinct. The vote being scrupled the house was divided by the Moderator, and, upon a count, it was found that there were 57 in the affirmative and 64 in the negative. The Selectmen were voted two dollars each as pay for their services for the year. Lieut. Ichabod Ammidown, it will be remembered, some years before this had hired the burying yard of the town, and as some doubts had been raised whether he had fulfilled all the conditions of his lease, Edmond Morse, Edward Rawson and JohnTyler were chosen a committee to treat with Lieut. Ichabod Ammidown " to See whether he had kept close to his Agreement with the Town of Mendon Respecting the Burying Place." At this date the British Parliament were endeavoring to establish their claim to tax the Colonies without their consent. The Stamp Act had been repealed, as well as duties on all other articles except tea. Upon this fact becoming known the leading merchants of Boston, in which they were joined by the great mass of the people, entered into an AGREEMENT that they would not sell or 1768.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 305 use any article upon which the British Parliament should lay a duty. Sept. 7. The town voted to concur with the Town of Boston in the foregoing agreement. Voted to raise ~60 for schooling, including the interest of the school bonds in the sum. Raised ~60 to defray town charges. ANABAPTIST CERTIFICATE. To the Assessors of Mendon, Gent. men. These may Enform you that Joseph Darling doth usually attend the public worship of God with us and we believe he is conscienciously of our opinion & that he doth belong to us. Bellingham July 23. 1767. HEZEKIAH HERENDEN Signed by 3 of the principal memHEZEKIAII COOK bers of the Anabaptist Church in SAMUEL SCOTT Bellingham, South End. Copy Examined, Attest, JAMES SUMNER, Town Clerk. 1768. March ye 7. Peter Wheelock, Ensign Samuel Torrey, Benoni Benson, Luke Aldrich and Joseph Penniman were chosen Selectmen; James Sumner, Town Clerk; George Aldrich, Town Treasurer, and Samuel Warren and Jonathan Wheeleck, Constables. May 16. Voted that the South Precinct in Mendon have the privilege of building a pound in said precinct, at their own cost, and "to be Stoiled the Town Pound." Joseph Dorr, Esq., James Sumner and Dr. William Jennison were chosen a committee "to Give Reasons to the General Court why the Lancaster Petition Should not be Granted, with Respect to one half the Courts for the County of Worcester being held at Lancaster. It was tried by a vote of said Town whether the town would send a person or persons to Represent them in the Great and General Court of this Province, and the town made no choice. Aug. 29. Raised ~60 for schooling, and allowed the accounts of Dr. Daniel Hews and Dr. John Corbett for doctoring Oliver Hayward. June 27. In a settlement with some of the Selectmen there 39 306 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1769 was found due from Joseph Benson $1 which was carried in the statement as ~2 5s., old tenor, thus showing that the paper money of the Province had become so far depreciated that ~2 5s. was only worth one dollar in silver. LEICESTER Sept. 5. 1768 This may Certify To all Poeple to Whome it may Concern That Josiah Ball of Mendon doth Belong to the Anabaptist Church of Christ in Leicester Under the Pastoral Care of Elder Thomas Green and he Does Usually & Frequently Attend the Anabaptist meeting and he desires the Liberty the Law Gives in being Cleared from Paying of Rates for the Support of those of other Principles. We who are chosen by the Church to give Certificates to such. THOMAS GREEN, THOMAS HOLMAN, SAMUEL GREEN. Copy examined, pr. JAMES SUMNER, Town Clerk. Sept. 19. A motion to sell the Ministry land was again passed in the negative, as was also a motion to divide the Ministry money and bonds (notes for land already sold) equally among the three precincts. Raised ~100 to defray town charges the present year. 1769. March 6. For Selectmen, Lieut. Benjamin Wheelock, Dr. William Jennison, Benoni Benson, Lieut. Calvin Smith and Ensign Samuel Torrey; Town Clerk, James Sumner; Town Treasurer, George Aldrich, and Peter Penniman and Samuel Warren for Constables. It seems there was much difference of opinion in regard to disposing of the Ministry land, for although a vote was passed at the last meeting not to sell the Ministry land, it was now voted to sell the Ministry land and meadow, not already sold, to the highest bidder or bidders, the principal to be kept in bank (at interest) forever and the interest to be paid annually for and toward the support of a Congregational minister or ministers that have been or may hereafter be settled in said town. Nathan Tyler, Esq., James Sumner and Pelatiah Darling were chosen a committee to sell the lands and also authorized, in behalf of the town, to make and execute a lawful deed or deeds to convey the same. 1769.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 307 It was also voted to divide the interest money arising from the Ministry lands already sold, or that may hereafter be sold, equally among the three precincts. REV. JOSEPH WILLARD, FIFTH MINISTER. April 14, 1767. Mr. Dorr, being now well stricken in years, and of infirm health, gave his consent to the choice of a colleague, as will be seen by the following proposals made to the Precinct, and which proposals were duly accepted: Mendon April ye 14th. Anno Dom. 1767 To the First Precinct in Mendon, in Precinct meeting assembled by adjournment. Whereas the Precinct at their meeting on the 6th. instant Chose a Committee to confer with me and to see what sum I would accept of annually during my Natural Life and to report to the Precinct at their adjournment, the said Committee having attended that Service and desiring me to Give in my Proposals to the Precinct in writing: I have Duly Considered the Same and accordingly Propose as follows, viz. Considering the difficulty you Labour under and to preserve Peace a Mong you and to enable and encourage you to proceede with Unanimity and Chearfulness to the Settlement of another Gospell minister, I find in myself a freedom to accept of the sum of Thirteen Pounds, Six Shillings and Eight pence, Lawful Money, Annually, During my Natural Life, tho at the same time, as my Worldly Estate is small, Labour dear and I am unable by reason of my great age and Infirmitees to manage my affairs to advantage, I am apprehensive that said sun will fall short of a Necessary Support, yet Considering the Long Term of years I have Laboured among you in the Gospel of Christ, I am Persuaded, my Brethren, you will not See me suffer with Extreem want. I can therefore Trust in the Providence of God and Rely on your Generosity for what further support may be necessary: Now that the Spirit of Wisdom may rest upon you to Direct you and succeede you in all your Important Transactions, and that the Redeemer's Kingdom may be Advanced and Abundantly flourish in this place is the Sincere Desire and Prayer of your Servant in Christ. JOSEPH DORR. Post-Script. Upon the Precinct Accepting this Proposal, that I Acquit the Precinct from my whole Stated Salary when they shall Improve another Minister in the Service with me. June ye 27, 1767, a Mr. Balch was hired to preach two or three months by 22 votes. He afterward was settled over the South Parish, now Blackstone. March 11, 1768. There was an article in the warrant for a 308 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1769. precinct meeting, to see if they would hire Mr. Messenger to preach beyond the four Sabbaths already agreed for, and, upon this article, it was voted " not to act upon it." At a precinct meeting held March 8, 1769, the nineteenth day of April next was appointed for the ordination of Mr. Willard, Mr. Edmond Morse offering "to dine the Council and ordained Ministers, Gentlemen of Liberal Education and Mr. Willard's Relations after the Ordination was over, upon his own cost and charge." This decision of the Precinct was arrived at after a Mr. Messenger, a Mr. Penniman and Mr. Willard had been heard as candidates, Mr. Willard being chosen by "Thirty written votes" majority. From the Precinct Records, we learn that the contract with Mr.- Willard was made two days before his ordination, as follows, viz: MENDON First Precinct April ye 17. 1769. We, the Subscribers, being chosen a Committee to agree with Mr. Joseph Willard in the Precinct's behalf, Relating to his Settlement and Sallary so long as he shall Carry on the work of the Gospel Ministry in said Precinct, Do, in behalf of sd. Precinct, agree with sd. Mr. Joseph Willard to give him one hundred thirty and three pounds six shillings and eight pence, one half part thereof to be paid to him in one year from the time that his call was completed which will commence on the sixteenth day of November next in the year 1770, as an encouragement to settle among us in the Ministry. And also to pay him annually from the Nineteenth day of April Current, the sum of Sixty pounds Lawful Money, and the Interest of the Ministry money and Lands belonging to this Precinct, for his stated Salary so long as he shall Carry on the work of the ministry among us in this Precinct, agreeable to said Precinct's votes on record Nov. ye 16. 1768 and February ye 6. 1769 and March ye 8th. 1769, and Provided Mr. Willard should be taken off from his Ministerial Labours a mong us by sickness or any other Providence, in that case we will viz. that the sd Precinct will do what is or shall be Judged Just according to the Rules of the Gospel. In witness whereof we hereunto Set our Hands the Day and year above written. NATHAN TYLER 1 EDWARD RAWSON JOSEPH DORR Committee. JOHN ALBEE | CALEB TAFT. J To the above written Agreement I, the Subscriber, do concur. JOSEP WILLARD. The Rev. Mr. Dorr died March 9, 1768, and Joseph Dorr, 1769.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 309 Esq., was the executor of his will. The length of Mr. Dorr's ministry was fifty-two years. At his decease, the Precinct was indebted to him in the sum of ~31.2.7, and which was paid to the executor April 10, 1770. As early as 1771, discontent began to show itself in the Precinct, by the number whose ministerial taxes were foregone, and by an action brought by Thomas Taft against the Precinct Assessors. March 13, 1777. This day Rev. Joseph Willard, being present, freely gave ten pounds to the First Parish toward the war. Oct. 19, 1778. At a Precinct meeting a motion was made to dismiss Mr. Willard from his pastoral relation with the Precinct, but the motion failed. A motion was then made and carried to give Rev. Joseph Willard three hundred pounds "to ease his grievances the present year." So the meeting broke up without acting on any other of the articles in the warrant or being dissolved by said Precinct properly. Edward Rawson, Levi Rawson and James Lovett, the Clerk of the Precinct, entered their protest against the proceedings, but without assigning reasons. Nov. 2. It was voted " to recall all the votes Passed on the 19th of October Respecting raising Mr. Joseph Willard's Sallery. Then it was further voted further not to act any other matter or thing respecting Mr. Joseph Willard's Sallery, and so they rapt it up, and the meeting was Desolved." The troubles with Mr. Willard, supposed to have arisen principally from the difficulty of raising his salary, were now, for a while, held in abeyance, as we find that, Jan. 23, 1780, the Precinct voted to raise twelve hundred pounds for Rev. Mr. Willard's support for the present year. This was undoubtedly in the depreciated Continental currency of the'day, as in 1781, they raised sixty pounds of the new emission of this Commonwealth for Mr. Willard's support the present year. In 1781 sixty pounds "in hard money" was raised. It seems his salary for 1780 was not yet paid or collected, as Jan. 15, 1782 they voted that the sixty pounds for 1780 should be assessed with the sixty pounds for 1782. The difficulties in the Precinct finally culminated in the dismissal of Mr. Willard, Dec. 4, 1782, when the Precinct, in concurrence with the church, accepted the result of the council 310 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1769. recommending the dismission of Mr. Willard. On the same day the Precinct chose Ezra Whitney, Esq., of Douglass, Capt. Samuel Warren, of Milford, and James Hawes, Esq., of Westborough, as arbitrators "to settle all pecuniary matters between the Rev. Joseph Willard and the First Parish in Mendon." The choice of arbitrators did not succeed in effecting a settlement with Mr. Willard, as we find, soon after, that he brought an action against the Parish (precinct-) for the arrears of salary claimed to be due him. Aug. 14, 1783, the parish voted to defend the suit, and Capt. Peter Penniman, Capt. John Tyler and Levi Rawson were chosen a committee for that purpose. The Precinct Records furnish no information in regard to the suit of Mr. Willard, except that Sept. 3, 1785, it was voted to raise ~16.10 to discharge Peter Wheelock's execution against the Precinct, and that the committee give orders to those persons "that paid in the average that was made to discharge the execution that Mr. Willard had against the Inhabitants." May 22. Mr. Edward Rawson was chosen and deputed to represent the town at the Great and General Court of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay for the ensuing year. The controversy about the road between the land of Deacon Edward Rawson and land improved by the Widow Mary Dorr (relict of Rev. Joseph Dorr), whether it be shut up or remain open down to Muddy Brook, was still unsettled. Having been shut, it was now voted that it should be opened. This road divided the lands now owned by Homer W. Darling and James J. Nutter. The poll tax for the year 1768 was 3s. 8d., as we find that Israel Wilson's rate was foregone to that amount, he being rated for one poll ohic7i lhe had not. It seems the road from Jacob Aldrich's, Jr., to Uxbridge line had been complained of to the Grand Jury, and, at this meeting, the town refused to raise any money to amend the same. Aug. 28. Raised ~40, lawful money, to defray town charges, and ~60, lawful money, including the interest accruing from the school notes, for schooling. The town again refused to raise any money to repair the road leading from Jacob Aldrich's to Uxbridge line. The Selectmen of 1768 were allowed 12s. each for their services. 1770. ANNALS OF MENDON. 311 Sept. 14, 1768, the Rev. - Balch was settled over the South or Third Parish, which had been incorporated in 1766, at a salary of ~100 a year, to which private persons made an addition of ~20 a year, "to be paid in Provisions and other Necessaries of Life, to continue until he should have a Farm, and then to be done in Labour on his Farm till the Parish should raise his Salary to ~50 L. M." Soon after his settlement, however, according to a pamphlet published by "an Inhabitant of said parish and printed in Boston in 1773," troubles began to occur in the Parish. Mr. Balch demanded that his wood should be given him and brought to his door. This demand, so the pamphlet says, "was so extraordinary that it was very dissatisfactory to some of the principal Inhabitants, by Means of which there arose some Discourse between him and them, in which they say he said many Things they look upon not reconsileble with Truth." From this time, during his ministry, there was but little concord between him and the Parish. His ministry closed in 1773. The pamphlet says: "On Saturday Morning March 27. 1773 before it was Light (as it afterward appeared) Mr. Balch went off, carrying away one of his Children with him, and on Monday following he sent Teems to carry off his Goods to Dedham, having sold his House and Land to a Quaker." I770. March 5. Chose for Selectmen, Capt. Silas Wheelock James Sumner, Ens. Peletiah Darling, John Fish and Josiah Nelson; Town Clerk, James Sumner. No record is found of the choice of a Town Treasurer. John Tyler and Joseph Thayer were chosen Constables. Dr. Aaron Wight was voted 12s. for doctoring Oliver Hayward, now dead. Voted "to sell the Ministry Common Rights in said town, being a Twenty acre Right, from and after the Eleventh Division, and the money said Rights shall draw since said Division, to the highest bidder, and Mr. William Torrey, James Sumner and Ens. Peletiah Darling were chosen a Committee to Set up Said Rights, to vendue the same to the Highest bidder and to Report to the Town at the next town Meeting." Voted " that Mr. Benoni Benson have liberty to set up a Grist 31.2 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1770. Mill a little beyond the first Bridge over the Great River Near where Samuel Thompson's Grist Mill stood provided he doth not damnify the road, as said Mill will stand a Little part on the road." This first bridge was the one from the east bank of the river to the island at Millville. About this time there was trouble again about Sheffield's grist mill, and a committee was chosen to inquire why Mr. Sheffield did not keep his mill in repair for the benefit of the town, agreeable to original agreement made with Benjamin Albee, his heirs and assigns. Once before Mr. Sheffield was complained of for not keeping his mill in order, but the matter, it is believed, was soon adjusted. Then, upon complaint made to the town by Mr. John Hayward, that a Hogreave was very necessary in his neighborhood, Mr. John Hayward was chosen Hogrieve. Lieut. Ammidown's lease of the burying yard being about to expire, Capt. Silas Wheelock, Capt. William Torrey and Lieut. Samuel Penniman were chosen a committee to consider of and report what method should be adopted in regard to its future care. May 24. Edward Rawson was chosen Representative "by a Clere Vote." The committee on Sheffield's mill reported "that his Grist Mill is not in Repare to Grind the Town's Grain according to the former Contract; and then the Town voted to disist proceeding against Lt. Sheffield till an other Town Meeting in order that he may have convenient time to Repare said Grist Mill." Dec. 3. The town meeting assembled at the Meeting House, but immediately adjourned to the house of Mr. George Keith, innholder in said Mendon, by reason of the coldness of the weather, having first chose Edward Rawson, Moderator. The town then voted "to make Defence against the Petition of the Town of Brookfield, Relative to one Zebiah Allen." This is supposed to relate to the settlement of a pauper. The town then voted " to Send Two Agents to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, and chose for sd Agents Mr. Edward Rawson and Joseph Dorr Esq. who were instructed to Give in the Town's reasons why the Petition of the Town of Brookfield should not be 1771.]. ANNALS OF MENDON. 313 granted." If they. saw fit they were authorized to employ counsel: I771. Selectmen, Caleb Taft, James Sumner, Joseph Thayer, Joseph Bruce and Nehemiah Nelson; Town Clerk, James Sumner; Treasurer, George Aldrich, and Joseph Benson and Joseph Bruce, Constables. Chose Capt. Joseph Daniels, Lt. Benjamin Wheelock and Ens. Benjamin Merriam a committee " to Lease out the Burying Ground in the first Precinct, Not for a Longer time than ten years, and to let or lease it to the highest bidder, and that the walls be Kept up in Good Repair, the Bushes to be kept down & not to be fed for any other use than feeding Calves and Sheep." The record says that the votes were then brought in for a County Register; but how many votes or for whom they were cast we have no information. For two dollars, Benjamin Merriam was sold a strip of land at the south end of the Tiaining Field, two rods wide on the road, and running to a point on the other end. May 22. The warrant for the meeting to choose a Representative to tle General Court was addressed to the " Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town that have an estate of freehold in land within this province or territory of forty shillings per annum, or other estate to the value of forty pounds." Edward Rawson was chosen Representative by 108 votes to 7 scattering. The General Court was appointed to be kept, for his Majesty's service, in Cambridge, at Harvard College. Voted "that the town would raise no more money, beside the ~20 already voted, to repair the bridges at Benony Benson's Grist Mill, the bridge being Rifted or destroyed by the late rains last winter." Sept. 2. Voted to raise ~60, lawful money, to defray town charges the current year, and ~60, including the interest of the school notes, for schooling. There had been a long dispute about repairing the road over Pond Hill to Uxbridge, the town having refused to raise any money for that purpose. After an attempt to have the town 40 314 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1772. indicted, the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace new located.the road or ordered special repairs, which, for a time, the town refused to make. At this meeting, however, the town withdrew its opposition by dismissing the article from the warrant relating to the laying out of a road from Thomas Rist's, in Uxbridge, to Ichabod Ammidown's, in Mendon. A general perambulation of town lines was made this year. TOWN VALUATION. Mass. Archives, Valuation of Towns, Vol. 133, p. 181. Annual worth of Real Estate in Mendon without any deduction for more than ordinary repairs, 1771................. ~1160 15 02 Acres of Tillage in Mendon.........................708 M oney at interest........................................ ~2558 05 04 Ratable Polls.............................................. 403 JOHN TYLER JAMES SUMNER Assessors. BENJ. READ. Sworn to Sept. 9. 1771 Before JOSEPH DORm, Justice of the Peace. At this meeting Edward Rawson and John Tyler, gentlemen, were chosen agents to take out an execution against the town of Brookfield for costs relating to the case of Zebiah Allen, a pauper. Whether the Town Clerk had any misgivings as to the ballot at the next annual town meeting, we cannot say, but he closed his record for the year as follows: "Finis! wishing Much joy to the Next Town Clerk." 1772. March ye 2. Chose for Selectmen, John Tyler, Daniel Sumner, Joseph Day, Peter Penniman and Seth Nelson; Town Clerk, (notwzithstanding his valedictory,) James Sumner; Town Treasurer, George Aldrich; Joseph Benson, Joseph Bruce and John Jones, Constables. March 16. Raised ~200 for repairing roads, and the tax was to be levied on the valuation of 1771, as heretofore recorded, and made by April 1. Three shillings a day were allowed for a man and three shillings a day for cart and oxen before July 1, 1773.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 315 and two shillings a day for a man and two shillings a day for a cart and oxen in September, work to begin at 8 A. M. May 18. Edward Rawson was chosen Representative to the Great and General Court, to be held at Harvard College, in Cambridge, May 27th instant. A list of jurors was accepted, and one quarter part to serve at the Superiour Court, were selected by the town and put in one box, and the remainder in another box, for the Superiour Court -one hundred and fifty in all. The long controversy about opening or closing the road between the lands of Deacon Edward Rawson and the estate of the Rev. Mr. Dorr, quite probably gave rise to a petition to the Court of General Sessions of the Peace to lay out a road from near the house of the late Rev. Mr. Joseph Dorr through the East Precinct to Holliston line, and Peter Penniman and Joseph Dorr, Esq., were chose to oppose the location. The road was no.t laid out. Sept. 7. Raised ~60 for schooling, including the interest of the school money, and ~80 for town charges. Oct. 5. Voted that the Selectmen assist the Town Treasurer in renewing the bonds and notes due the town for Ministry lands and rights sold, and that they all be made payable or out on or about the first day of January, agreeable to a former vote of the town. During the latter part of the winter of 1770 and 1771, the floods in the Great River had cariied away the bridges near Benoni Benson's grist mill, and the town had voted ~20 for new bridges. This sum, it is supposed, was not sufficient for the purpose, as the town was called upon for another appropriation. This they refused, and also voted that the inhabitants in the Sixth Highway District (in which district the bridges were located) should not be excused from other charges for bridges, provided they would build the bridges in the Sixth District, nor should they be relieved from paying their proportion of the ~20 already appropriated. The bridges, however, were rebuilt. 1773. In a warrant for a town meeting to be held Feb. 10, 1773, the second article is in the following words, viz: "To see 316 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1773. what the town will act relative to the Letter of Correspondence from the Town of Boston to this Town." At a town meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Mendon, legally qualified, warned' and assembled, at the First Precinct Meeting House, in said Mendon, February ye 10th, 1773, Mr. John Tyler was chosen Moderator. Then was laid before the meeting the letter or pamphlet of the Committee of Correspondence of the town of Boston, "Shewing, in Sundry Respects, where sundry of our Invaluable Charter Rights and Privileges were Infringed upon, by sundry late Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, Imposing Duties or Taxations on the Colonists in America and the Province or Colony of the Massachusetts Bay in particular." It was tried by a vote if the town would act on the important matter, and voted in the affirmative. Then voted to choose a committee of seven freeholders of said town " to Consider a matter of so Great Importance and prepare Resolves proper for said meeting to Act and Resolve on, at the adjourment of this meeting." Chose for said committee Joseph Dorr, Esq., James Sumner, John Tyler, Deacon Edward Rawson, Lieut. Joseph Johnson and William Torrey, when the meeting was adjourned until the first day of March at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the meeting house. March 1. At a town meeting by adjournment from Feb. 10, 1773, the chairman of the committee appointed to prepare resolves to be laid before the town for their consideration at this time, relative "to our Rights and Privileges as Men, Christians and Subjects, and the Infringement of them by Sundry Acts of the British Parliament, acquainted the Moderator that he was ready to make Report and read the same as follows, viz: 1. Resolved, That all men have naturally an Equal Right to Life, Liberty and Property. 2. Resolved, That all just and lawful Government must necessarily originate in the free Consent of the Poeple. 3. Resolved, That the Good, Safety and Happihess of the Poeple is the great end of Civil Government, and must be considered as the only rational object in all Original Compacts and Political Institutions. 4. Resolved, That a principle of Self Preservation, being deeply planted by the God of Nature in every human breast, is as necessary not only to the well being of Individuals, but also to the Order of the Universe, as Attrac 1773. ANNALS OF MENDON. 317 tion and Cohesion are to the preservation of material bodies and the order of the Natural World, Therefore 5. Resolved, That a Voluntary Renunciation of any Powers or Privileges, included or necessarily connected with a principle of Self Preservation is necessarily acting counter to the Great Author of Nature, the Supreme Legislator, Therefore, 6. Resolved, That a Right to Liberty and Property (which is one of the Natural Means of Self Preservation) is absolutely UNALIENABLE, and can never, lawfully, be given up by ourselves or taken from us by others. 7. Resolved, That the claim of the Parliament of Great Britain to the power of Legislation for the Colonies, in all cases whatever, is extremely alarming and threatens the total deprivation of every thing that is dear and valuable in life, and is, we humbly conceive, abhorrent from the spirit and genius of the British Constitution which is LIBERTY; destructive of the Immunities and Privileges granted us in our Royal Charter, which assures to the Inhabitants of this Province all the LIBERTIES AND IMMUNITIES OF FREE AND NATURAL BORN SUBJECTS OF ENGLAND; and in reality is not reconcilable to the most obvious principles of Reason, as it subjects us to a State of Vassalage and denies those essential NATURAL RIGHTS, which, being the gift of GOD ALMIGHTY, is not in the power of man to alienate. 8. Resolved, That the late Revenue Act, by which the Commons of Great Britain have assumed and exercised a Power of Giving and Granting to his Majesty the property of the Colonists, without their consent, is a grievous Infringment of the Right of disposing of our own Estates. 9. Resolved, That the unlimited power vested in the Commissioner of the Customs of creating inferior Officers and Collectors and the exhorbitant power to these under officers and Ministers to enter, at pleasure, any houses or other places and to break open trunks, chests, &c. upon bare suspicion of goods concealed, is a grievous Violation of the Sacred Right of Domestic Security. 10. Resolved, That introducing and quartering Standing Armies in a free country in times of peace, without the consent of the People, is a violation of their rights as Free Men. 11. Resolved, That the enormous Extension of the Power of the Courts of Vice Admiralty, in a great measure deprives the Poeple in the Colonies of the Inestimable Right to Trials by Juries. 12. Resolved, That the Act passed in the last session of Parliament, entitled "An Act for the better preserving his Majesty's Dock Yards, Magazines, Ships, Ammunition and Stores," by virtue of which Act the Inhabitants of the Colonies may, for certain supposed offences committed against said Act, be arrested and carried, from their families, to any part of Great Britain, there to be tried, is an Infringement not only of our Constitutional Privileges as Colonists, but of our Natural essential Rights as Men. 13. Resolved, That the Acts for prohibiting Slitting Mills for manufacturing our own iron and restraining the Manufacture and Transportation of Hats, as they deprive us of the natural advantages of our own climate, the 318 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1773. produce of our own country and the honest fruits of our own Labour and Industry are very unreasonable and injurious. 14. Resolved, That the Act restraining the transportation of Wool (the produce of our own Farms) even over r ferry, subjects the Inhabitants of this Province to a great an unreasonable Expense, and a violation of our Charter Privileges, whereby all Havens, Rivers &c. are expressly granted to the Inhabitants of the Province and their Successors, to their own proper use and behoof forever. 15, Resolved, That the fixing a Stipend to the Office of the Governor of this Province, to be paid out of the American Revenue, rendering him independent of the free Grants of the Poeple, has a necessary tendency to destroy that Balance of Power which ought to exist between the several branches of the Legislature. 16. Resolved, That the affixing Stipends to the offices of the judges of the Superiour Court of Judicature and rendering them independent of the Poeple and dependent on the Crown for Support may hereafter (considering the depravity of human nature,) be improved to purposes big with the most fatal consequences to the good Poeple of this Province. 17. Resolved, That the wresting out of our hands Castle William, the principal fortress of this Province, and garrisoning it with his Majesty's regular Troops is a violation of our Charter Privileges. 18. Resolved, That it is the mind and desire of this Town that the judges of the Superiour Court of Judicature and all other Officers who receive grants from the Province should have an honourable support agreeable to the dignity and importance of their respective stations. 19. Resolved, That the Representative of this Town be and he is hereby instructed to use his utmost endeavours, in a constitutional manner, for the Redress of the aforementioned grievances; and that he in no wise consent to the giving up of any of our Rights, whether derived to us by nature or by Compact or Agreement. Finally, When we reflect on the arduous enterprize of our Forefathers in transporting themselves to the wilds of America, the innumerable fatigues and dangers, the vast expense of treasure and blood that attended their beginning and carrying on a Settlement here among the Savages of the Desert and at the same time consider the prodigious accession of wealth and power to the mother Country from their extended settlements, it still sets a keener edge on a sense of our numerous grievances and we cannot help viewing the late rigorous and burdensome Impositions laid on us by. the hand of the Parent country, as a departure from those truly noble and magnanimous PRINCIPLES OF LIBERTY which used heretofore to add a distinguishing Lustre and Glory to the British Crown. Voted that the foregoing Resolves be entered in the Town Book that our Children, in years to come, may know the sentiments of their Fathers in Regard to our Invaluable RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES. Voted that the Town Clerk be directed and he is accordingly directed to transmit a fair attested copy of the foregoing Resolves and proceedings of the Town to the Committee of Correspondence for the Town of Boston. ANNALS OF MENDON. 319 The committee heretofore chosen to report on the subject of a work house reported in favor of building one, and, upon the acceptance and adoption of their report, the vote was a tie, but, upon a second trial, 27 voted in the affirmative and 24 in the negative. March 1. George Aldrich, James Sumner,'Levi Aldrich, Abraham Staples and Samuel Warren were chosen Selectmen; Joseph Dorr, Esq., Town Clerk and Treasurer, and John Albee, Joseph Jones and Seth Kelly, Constables. March 18. Voted to reconsider the vote passed Feb. 10, "to Build a Work House." Raised ~200 to repair highways, and that 2s. 6d. per day be gillowed a man and the same for a team in the months of May and June, and that Is. 8d. per day for a man and the same for a team in the months of September and October. Voted not to grant Mr. Dix's petition, but neither the warrant or the proceedings inform us what Mr. Dix prayed for. The road from the County Road to Muddy Brook, between the lands of Deacon Edward Rawson and the Rev. Mr. Dorr's heirs, came up again for consideration. A committee reported that since 1758, Deacon Rawson had had the use of the road, (the same being shut up,) and that for the rent he was indebted to the town five pounds. Deacon Rawson presented his account against the town and a balance of seven shillings and eleven pence was found due the town. John Chapin, objecting to a road laid out by the Selectmen, from his house to Ellis's Mill, (recently R. G. Gaskill's) the subject was mutually referred to Timothy Rockwood of Bellingham, Deacon Samuel Scott of Bellingham, and Col. John Spring of Northbridge, who located the road, awarding John Chapin ~11 and Stephen Chapin ~1 10s. as damages. May 7. Chose Deacon Edward Rawson Representative to the General Court. Aug. 30. Voted to raise ~120 for town charges, and ~60, exclusive of the interest of the school fund, for schooling. Committees were chosen to consider what repairs should be made to the bridge over Mill River, near Seth Kelley's, and also to the bridge near Eliphalet Wood's. 320 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1774. I774. March 7. Chosefor Selectmen, Henry Penniman, Gideon Albee, Joseph Benson, Jr., Benjamin Wheelock, Jr., and Azariah' Newton; Joseph Dorr, Esq., Town Clerk and Treasurer, and Peter Penniman, Samuel Warren and Joseph Benson, Jr., Constables. Benjamin Staples was chosen Tithingman for the First Precinct, Caleb Boynton for the second, and Aaron Everett for the third; Ens. Benjamin Merriam and John Crooks, Deer Reives. Voted not to set off Ebenezer Holbi'ook to Bellingham. The road between Deacon Edward Rawson and widow Mary Dorr, is again up for consideration, and this time the town accepted the laying out a road four rods wide, located by the Selectmen Oct. 13, 1773, from the County Road across Muddy Brook to the Eight Rod Road, and voted not to rent the same to Mrs. Mary Dorr,'who desired to have the same. This road, from the County Road to Muddy Brook, was between the farms at present owned by Homer W. Darling and James J. Nutter. May 16. Upon a motion made, "Voted that the Inhabitants of Mendon do not approve of, but, to the utmost of their power, will discountenance all Mobbs, Riots and disorderly assemblies, and especially niight mobbs." It is probable that the sacking of Governor Hutchinson's house in the night time by a mob, although it occurred eight years previous, must have been the occasion of the passage of this vote. Deacon Edward Rawson was chosen Representative to the General Court. July 14. A legal town meeting was held this day and Deacon Gideon Albee was chosen Moderator. The following preamble and resolutions were then passed. By whom they were proposed the record does not inform us. The Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon having taken into serious consideration the precarious state of the Liberties of North America, and more especially the present distressed condition of this Province, embarrassed as it is by several Acts of the British Parliament, tending to the entire subversion of our Natural and Charter Rights, among which is the blocking up the Harbor of Boston: and being fully sensible of our indispensible Duty to lay hold on every means in our power to recover and preserve the much injured Constitution of our Country, and conscious, at the same time, of no alternative between the Horrors of Slavery or the Carnage and Desolation of a Civil War, but the suspension of all Commercial Intercourse ANNALS OF MENDON. 321 with the Island of Great Britain, We the Inhabitants of said Town of Mendon do come into the following Resolutions: 1. Resolved, That from henceforth we will suspend all Commercial Intercourse with the Island of Great Britain until the said Act for Blocking up the said Harbor of Boston be Repealed and a Restoration of our Charter Rights be obtained. 2. Resolved, That we will not, knowingly, purchase or suffer any one under us to purchase or consume, in any manner, any goods, wares or merchandize we shall know or have good reason to suspect to be imported into America from Great Britian aforesaid from and after the last day of August next ensuing. 3, Resolved, That if any persons, preferring their own private interest to the Salvation of their now perishing Country, shall still continue to import goods from Great Britain or shall purchase of those who do import, they shall be looked upon and treated by us as persons inimical to their country. Voted to choose a Committee of Correspondence to correspond with the Committees of Correspondence of the several towns within the Province, or with the Committees of Correspondence of other Governments. COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE. Capt. Nathan Tyler, Deacon Edward Rawson, Mr. James Sumner, Elder Nathaniel Nelson and Mr. Benoni Benson. Voted that the Selectmen make such addition to the town stock as in their judgment they think necessary. By the town stock was undoubtedly meant arms and ammunition, thus getting ready for the 4th of July, 1776! Sept. 28. Deacon Edward Rawson, was chosen Representative to the General Court, to meet at Salem, Oct. 5, but, before that day, the General Court was dissolved by Governor Gage. Notwithstanding this action of the Governor, those who had been chosen as Representatives met on the appointed day and resolved themselves into the first Provincial Congress. On the 7th, this Congress was organized by the choice of John Hancock as Chairman, and Benjamin Lincoln, Clerk, and provision was made to open the daily sessions with prayer. The Congress was then adjourned to meet the next Tuesday at Concord, being Oct. 11th. It seems to have been determined, before the dissolution of the General Court, that a Provincial Congress should be held at 41 322 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1774. 'Concord on the 11th day of October, for on the same day (Sept. 28th), when Deacon Rawson was chosen Representative to the General Court, Joseph Dorr, Esq., was chosen a Delegate to attend the Provincial Congress to be held at Concord on the 11th of October next. This Congress recommended the towns "to see that each minute man should be immediately equipped with an effective fire arm, bayonet, pouch, knapsack and thirty rounds of cartridges and balls, and be drilled three times a week." Before the adjournment, provision was made for calling a future Congress, and Henry Gardner was appointed Treasurer and Receiver General of the Province. At this meeting Capt. Nathan Tyler, Doct. William Jennison and Mr. Benoni Benson (one from each Precinct) were chosen a committee to report what sum would be necessary for the public defence, at this time, and to report as soon as may be. Then Doct. Jennison proposed to make a present to the town of a six-pounder field piece; the town voted to accept of the same, and also voted the thanks of the town to Doct. Jennison for his donation. Voted to purchase a twelve-pounder field piece, with carriage for the same and equipments, and Doct. Jennison, Capt. Joseph Daniels and Mr. Henry Penniman were chosen a committee to procure the same. The sixth article in the warrant was "to see if the Town will allow any that are or may be employed in the Town's service any wages therefor." "Voted that the sixth article subside." Elder Nelson, Joseph Dorr, Esq., Mr. James Sumner, Capt. Tyler and Ens. Peletiah Darling were chosen a committee to give instructions to the Representative to the General Court. The vote to purchase a twelve-pounder field piece was reconsidered, and, in lieu thereof, to purchase two six-pounders, and Doct. Jennison, Capt. Joseph Daniels and Mr. Peter Penniman were chosen a committee to purchase the field pieces, fire arms and ammunition. Voted that one-third part of the soldiers on the military list be enlisted as Minute Men, and that Lieut. Smith, Lieut. Warren and Mr. Henry Penniman be a committee to provide sup 1774. ANNALS OF MENDON. 323 plies for the Minute Men, if called to march on an expedition. Sept. 5.. Raised ~100 to defray town charges, and ~60, including the interest of the school money, for schools. The Treasurer was directed to collect the interest on the Ministry money, and, if payment was delayed, then to call in the principal. The fifth article in the warrant for this meeting was dismissed, and which was, "to see if they would allow the South Precinct to draw their portion of the interest of the Ministry money when they do not have a minister." Nov. 7. At a town meeting held this day for some reasons, which do not appear upon the record, after some "filibustering;" the meeting was adjourned "to this day come sev' night at 10 o'clock a. m." At the adjourned meeting, although there was no article in the warrant for that purpose, Joseph Dorr, Esq., was chosen a Delegate to the Provincial Congress, which was to meet at Cambridge, Feb. 1, 1775. Deacon Edward Rawson was also directed to attend the Convention, agreeable to the instructions already given him as a Representative to the General Court, which met at Salem on the 28th of September last. This was the second Provincial Congress, and was soon adjourned to Concord. The "filibustering" at the meeting Nov. 7 may have been occasioned by the efforts of Timothy Ruggles, of Hardwick, who was endeavoring to develop the loyal sentiment in the Province by circulating papers in every town, "calling upon the friends of Government to form Associations to counteract the designs of the Provincial Congress." The fillibustering consisted in efforts to dismiss the Committee of Correspondence, to dissolve the meeting and to reconsider the votes passed at a former meeting; but, as the malcontents met with little success, no further attempt was made. Nov. 14. At a.meeting specially held to consider the recommendation of the Provincial Congress passed Oct. 28th ultimo, when Henry Gardner was appointed Treasurer and Receiver General, the town Voted, That the public Provincial monies uncollected or such monies as are in the hands of the Constables of said town, be paid Henry Gardner, Esq., Receiver General, agreeable to the 324 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1774. resolve of the Provincial Congress,. and that the sums of money as were granted at the last session of the General Court be assessed and paid in as aforesaid. Voted, that the respective Constables (collectors) be directed, and they are hereby directed, to collect and pay in the Provincial tax to Henry Gardner, Esq., and that the town will indemnify the Constables, agreeable to a resolve of the Provincial Congress. Dec. 27. Voted to order the present assessors to assess the sum of ~113.10s, reported by the committee Sept. 28 last, to purchase field pieces, fire arms, &c., as expressed in said report. Chose Deacon Edward Rawson, Col. Silas Wheelock, Capt. Gershom Nelson, Capt. Nathan Tyler, Capt. Jasper Daniels, Lient. Samuel Warren, Capt. -Samuel Green, Lieut. Benoni Benson and Capt. John Tyler, "to look into the state of the Soldiery with regard to arms and to view said arms." In consequence of shutting up the harbor of Boston alid other tyrannical measures of Gov. Gage, the inhabitants of Boston and Charlestown had come to be in straightened circumstances, some of them being in want of the necessaries of life. In consequence of the recommendation of the Provincial Congress, many towns took up contributions for their relief. Mendon made choice of Capt. Nathan Tyler, Doct. William Jennison and Capt. Joseph Daniels as a committee to receive the collection for the towns of Boston and Charlestown. Voted that a Committee of Inspection of seven persons be appointed "to carry the Association Resolve into Execution, agreeable to the 10th. Resolve of the Continental Congress for Inventorying Goods imported from Great Britain from and after the first day of December current to the first day of February next, and to make sale of the same, if need be, agreeable to the Resolves of Congress respecting the same." The following are the names of the committee, viz: Joseph Dorr, Esq., Mr. Josiah Wheelock, Lieut Benoni Benson, Deacon Edward Rawson, Mr. James Sumner, Capt. Nathan Tyler and Ensign Pelatiah Darling. Voted to choose one delegate "to represent this town in a Provincial Congress, to be held at Cambridge on the first day of February next, or at such other time and place as the delegates 1774.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 325 of Charlestown, Cambridge, Roxbury, Brookline and Dorchester, or a major part of them, shall appoint, agreeable to the recommendation of the last Provincial Congress." Chose Deacon Edward Rawson, Delegate. But it will be seen that Deacon Rawson was unable to attend the Congress and another was chosen in his stead. Voted unanimously " that the Town do approve of the Resolves of the Continental Congress passed at Philadelphia in September last. " In the journal of the Provincial Congress, p. 319, may be found the "Journal of the Convention of the Committees of Correspondence and Delegates of Worcester County, Aug. 9. 1774." From Mendon were Capt. Nathan Tyler, Deacon Edwacrd Rawson, Mr. James Sumner, Elder Nathaniel Nelson and Mr. Benoni Benson. A committee of ten, of which Deacon Rawson was one, and Timothy Bigelow, of Worcester, was chairman, was chosen "to send a Letter to all the Towns and Districts in the County, which have not Chosen Committees of Correspondence; desiring them to choose such Committees or send Delegates to represent them at the adjournment of this Convention." The following Circular Letter was their report: WORCESTER August 9. 1774. Friends and Brethren The Committees of Correspondence from a majority of the Towns in this County have now convened at Worcester, in order to consult and determine upon the most regular steps to be taken and recommended, to the several Towns in this County, at this truly critical and alarming crisis; when it no longer remains a doubt that the acts annihilating our free Constitution are actually come authenticated, attended with three more transports and a ship of war, and the Council, appointed by his Majesty, are about to take the oaths required for that office. In the first place we beg leave to observe that a considerable number of Towns, in this County, have not yet chosen Committees and by that means may not have received the letter notifying the Convention: therefore we earnestly recommend, as brethren and fellow-sufferers, when all that is valuable in this life is at stake, that you choose Committees of Correspondence, or such other Delegates as you may think proper, to meet this Convention at their adjournment, when the united wisdom and aid of the whole is wanting to oppose the torrent of tyranny rushing upon us. 326 ANNALS OF MENDON: [1774. In order to avoid a second disappointment, by having our Letters fall into unfriendly hands, and you thereby deprived of a proper notification, we shall be careful to have them transmitted by such of our members as live nearest those Towns which have not sent their Committees. This Convention stands adjourned to the last Tuesday of August instant at the House of Mrs. Mary Sternes, Innholder, in Worcester, at 10 o'clock before noon. By Order of the Committees of Correspondence in Convention. TIMOTHY BIGELOW. Jour. Prov. Congress, p. 643. " At the adjournment every Town and District was represented by 130 members of Committees of Correspondence beside a number of Delegates and Gentlemen from several towns. On the 31st. of August the Convention, prefaced by a stirring and eloquent preamble, setting forth the tyrannical attempt of the Parliament of the British Government to usurp absolute dominion over us-that no power on earth hath a right, without the consent of this Province, to alter the minutist tittle of its charter, or abrogate any Act whatever, and, as the sittings of the Courts in this County, conducted in conformity to the late Acts of Parliament may insensibly lead the good poeple of this County to submit to the chains of Slavery forged by our enemies; therefore Resolved, that we recommend the poeple of this County to attend in person at the next sitting of the Court on the 6th. of September next;-that suitable and proper officers be chosen in each town to regulate the movements of the Poeple on the occasion:-that they depute fit persons to represent them in One General Convention at Concord on Oct. 2d., Tuesday next, to devise ways and means to resume our original mode of government, whereby the most dignified servants were, as they ought to be, dependent on the poeple for their existence as such:-that the several Towns should indemnify their Constables for neglecting to return a list of jurors: -that, as the ordinary course of justice must be stayed, every inhabitant of this County should pay his just debts as soon as may be possible without any disputes or litigation:-that as the dark and gloomy aspect of affairs has thrown this Province into great convulsions, we recommend to every one and engage ourselves to suppress all riotous and disorderly proceedings in our respective towns." This Convention also voted that if any town should be attacked, the Committee of Correspondence should send, by express, posts to the towns adjoining that they come armed and accoutred to protect and defend the place attacked. They also recommended the towns to pay no attention to the late Act of Parliament, which, among other things, undertook to regulate the calling of town meetings, 1)ut to proceed in their 1774.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 327 usual manner; to detain all money due the Province Treasury until the public tranquillity is restored;-to ascertain what number of guns are wanting to arm the people in case of invasion, and that each member of this Convention will purchase at least two pounds of powder in addition to any they have on hand, and recommend his neighbor to g6 and do likewise. In the Statutes at Large, British Parliament, Vol. 30, p. 381, to be seen at the State Library at Boston, may be found the late Act of Parliamnent above referred to. An Act for the better regulating the Government of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Anno decimo quarto Georgii III. 1. After April 1. 1774 the Charter to be void. 2. Councillors to be appointed by the King, not more than 36 nor less than 12. 3. Councillors to hold office during the King's pleasure. 4. The Governor to appoint and remove judges and other officers. 5. The Governor to appoint Sheriffs without consent of the Council. 6. No Town Meetings to be called except for the election of Town Officers and Representatives to the General Court, without the consent of the Governor, or, in his absence, the Lieut. Governor, in writing, and then no business be acted on except what may be mentioned in the warrant. 7. Jurors not to be elected, nominated or appointed by the Freeholders or inhabitants, nor summoned or returned by the Constables, but to be summoned and returned by the Sheriffs, to whom all venires shall be issued. 8. Constables to return to the Sheriffs the names of all persons qualified to serve as jurors. With such an act of tyranny hanging over their heads, is it strange that our fathers became rebels, or that Gov. Gage should write to the Earl of Dartmouth that in Worcester " they keel) no terms, openly threatening resistance by arms-have been purchasing arms and preparing them, casting balls, providing powder and threaten to attack any troops that dare oppose them." Sept. 6. Pursuant to the recommendation the Convention met and Voted that the Court should not sit on any terns. Voted "that the body of the Poeple, about six thousand, being now present in town, assemble on the Common." Then chose a committee of three to inquire of the'Committees of Towns how long before the determination of the towns respecting the Courts and Judges would be known, and adjourned to the Green beyond Mr, Salisbury's, 328 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1774. They then chose a committee of three, viz: Capt. Mundell, of Hardwick, Deacon Rawson, of Mendon, and Samuel Jennison to inform the Grand Jurors of the determination of the Convention as to the Courts being held. The Convention met in the afternoon and again adjourned to the Green "to attend the body of the Poeple." Voted to choose a committee of three "to inquire of the occasion of the delay of the Judges in making their appearance before the body of the Poeple." Voted to choose a committee of three "to acquaint John Chandler, Esq. and the other protestors that they must follow after the Judges, through the ranges of the body of the Poeple, and that they go immediately after the Judges and read their recantation. " The protestors here mentioned were John Chandler, Esq., and forty-two others, of Worcester, who entered a protest against some resolutions of the town, and which was recorded by the Town Clerk without authority. The Clerk was afterwards compelled, in open town meeting, to expunge the same, and the pen marks, not being deemed sufficient, he dipped his fingers in the ink, and so completely obliterated the protest. Voted "to thank the Rev. Mr. Chaplin of Sutton (the Rev. Benjamin Conklin prayed the first day); to recommend the Military officers to resign their commissions to the Colonells of Regiments; the Field officers to resign their offices and publish the same in all the Boston newspapers; to Towns to choose officers; to provide themselves with Field pieces, ammunition and gunners; to take notice of those Judges who aspersed the poeple in a late letter to Gov. Gage; that the recantation of the principals in the protest shall be accepted for those who signed them; that four men be desired to attend in addition to those who are to walk with Col. Gardner Chandler, Sheriff of the County, through the ranges of the Poeple." Voted that Deacon Rawson, Mr. Asa Whitcomb and Dr. Crosby, a Delegate, be a committee to wait on a number of Justices and give them an opportunity to sign the Declaration which has been signed by the Justices and officers of the Inferior Court, and is as foTlows: WORCESTER Sept 6. 1774. Worcester ss. The Justices of the Inferiour Court and Justices of the 1774.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 329 Court of the General Sessions of the Peace for the County of Worcester, to the Poeple of the County now assembled at Worcester. Gentlemen, You have desired, and even insisted upon, that all Judicial proceedings be stayed by the Justices of the Court appointed to be held this day, by law, in Worcester, within and for the County of Worcester on account of the unconstitutional Act of the British Parliament, respecting the administration of Justice in this Province, which if effected will reduce the Inhabitants thereof to mere arbitrary rule, do assure you that we will stay all such Judicial proceedings of said Courts and will not endeavour to put said Act in execution Thomas Steel, Chas Bigelow, Saml. Wilder, Joseph Wilder, Robert Goddard, Joshua Upton, Art. Ward, Francis Whipple, John Chandler Jr., Timo. Paine, Joshua Willard, Daniel Oliver, John Chandler, Ezra Taylor, Joseph Dorr, Daniel Henshaw, John Caldwell, Ezra Houghton, Abel Willard, Ephln. Wilson, Nathan Tyler We the Officers of the Court do for ourselves give the Poeple the same assurance as above. GARDNER CHANDLER, Sheriff, RUFUS CHANDLER, JOHN SPRAGUE, NATHL. CHANDLER, Attornies.' Voted to choose a committee of nine to draw up a form of vote for administering justice and to protect the Justices in the execution of their offices. Chose Capt. Samuel Ward, Lancaster; Capt. Joseph Henshaw, Leicester, Dea. Edward Rawson, Mendon; Rev. Joseph Wheeler, Harvard, Samuel Jennison, Douglass; Lieut. Joseph Baker, Delegate; Capt. Paul Mandell, Hardwick, Timothy Bigelow, of Worcester, and Lieut. Jona. Holman, of Bolton, as the aforesaid committee. This committee was to confer with the Justices to-morrow, and to them was committed the Justices' address to Gov. Gage. Thomas Steel, Joseph Wilder, Timothy Paine, John Chandler, Abel Willard, Joshua Upham, Duncan Campbell, Jedediah Marcy, Fras. Whipple, Ezra Houghton and Isaac Barnard, Justices, declared they precipitately entered into the measure, and were sorry for it. The Justices of the Peace for the County, except Timothy Ruggles, John Murray and James Putnam are requested to continue in the discharge of their offices. 42 330 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1775. Gardner Chandler, Sheriff, was called upon and recanted his signature to the address to Gov. Gage. The Convention adjourned to March 28, inst. This account of the mass meeting at Worcester is introduced for two reasons. First, because it was, at the instance of the Worcester Committee, that the Boston Committee called a meeting of the different Committees of Correspondence to meet at Faneuil Hall in Boston, on the 20th of August, when it was resolved that a Provincial Congress was necessary " to counteract the system of despotism " —that, previous to the meeting of such Congress, the Courts ought to be opposed, and the officers holding them branded as traitors, and that the military art ought to be attentively practised. Second, because Mendon was fully represented in the Worcester Convention of Aug. 9, and one of its Delegates, Deacon Edward Rawson, was one of the leading spirits of the meeting. I775. At a town meeting held this day, by adjournment, being Jan. 17th, - Voted that the Captains of the several companies in this town use their utmost endeavors that the delinquent men in their respective companies be speedily equipped with arms and ammunition. Voted that the Committee to take up the Collection for the Towns of Boston and Charlestown be directed to convey the same to the Committee of the Town of Boston. Henry Penniman having offered to present the town with a four-pounder field piece, the vote pass-ed Sept. 28th to purchase two six-pounders was reconsidered, and the money then appropriated to pay for the six-pounders was now appropriated as follows, viz: ~10.17.09 to pay for powder heretofore purchased, and the balance of the ~113.10 was to be expended in purchasing, as soon as possible, firearms, lead, flints, powder, iron balls for two field pieces, and carriages to mount the same. Voted to accept of a four-pounder field piece in lieu of a sixpounder, offered by Dr. Jennison. Capt. Nathan Tyler, Capt. Nelson and David Daniels were chosen a committee to purchase small arms as soon as may be, 1775.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 331 and that they procure carriages and mount the field pieces as soon as possible. Feb. 6. Voted to send a Delegate to the Provincial Congress, now sitting at Cambridge, in the place of Deacon Edward Rawson, who is unable to attend by reason of sickness. Chose Dr. William Jennison as a Delegate, and that Joseph Dorr, Esq., and Capt. Nathan Tyler should give him instructions the same in substance as those voted for Deacon Rawson. March 6. Chose for Selectmen, Joseph Dorr, Esq., Lieut. Joseph Gibbs, Mr. Henry Benson, Ens. Seth Taft and Mr. Ichabod Thayer; Town Clerk and Treasurer, Joseph Dorr, Esq.; Constables, Darius Daniels, Joseph Benson, Jr., and Josiah Nelson. Raised ~100 for repairs of highways this year, and any rate not worked out by October 1, to be collected by the Constable in money. One shilling and six pence per day for a man, and one shilling and six pence per day for a team were allowed. The meeting was then adjourned to the May meeting, 'when the votes relating to the highway were reconsidered; and then voted to allow the Delegates who attended the Congress at Cambridge and Concord four shillings per day for attendance, and five shillings for a journey to Concord and five shillings for a journey to Cambridge each session. March 20. Under a new warrant Lieut. Benjamin Wheelock was chosen Moderator. Voted ' that this town's part of the Provincial Tax for the year 1774 be paid to Henry Gardner Esq. who is appointed Receiver General for the Province by the late Provincial Congress." Voted that the Assessors for 1774 " be directed and they are hereby directed to make out warrants to the several Constables, in this town, to pay their respective collections of the Province tax to Henry Gardner Esq. Receiver General, recently appointed by the Provincial Congress." Voted to choose a County Treasurer, but who he was or how many votes he had the record saith not. Voted not to choose Overseers of the Poor. 332 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1775. BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. April 19. This day occurred the Battle of Lexingtori, and, upon the general alarm which followed, Mendon furnished the following Minute Men. Their names may be found on the muster rolls in the State Archives, at Boston, and were copied by the late Maj. Dexter F. Parker, of Worcester, who was collecting materials for a history of the County of Worcester. By the kindness of Mrs. Parker, I am allowed the privilege of copying from his minutes. FIRST COMPANY. Capt. John Albee, Lieut. Joseph Bruce, Lieut. Seth Taft, Clerk, William French, Serg. Benj. Wheelock, Serg. John Penniman, Serg. Philip Ammidown, Corp. Perne Rawson, Corp. Seth Chapin, Corp. Silas Richardson, Corp. Edmund Merriam, Dr. Zuriel Albee, Dr. John Crooks, Prs. Barlow Caipenter, Samuel Gage, John Hill, Ralph Hayward, Stephen Legg. Aaron Legg, Douglass Marsh, Eben Merriam, Stephen Johnson, Josiah Penniman, Levi Rawson, Mark Rawson, Edmund Rawson, 4th. Thomas Staples, Caleb Taft, Stephen Torrey, John Tyler, William Torrey jr., Seth Taft jr., Calvin Wheelock, Jesse Wheelock, Grindall Wood, Benjn. White. Capt. Willian Jennison, Lieut. Caleb Cheney, Sergt. Jones, Corp. 'Josiah Brown, Pr. Saml. Bowditch, Joseph Gibbs, John Hayward, Jesse Hayward, Jona. Hayward, Jacob Hayward, Joshua Hayward, Warfield Hayward, Joseph Jones jr., John: Jones, SECOND COMPANY. Abraham Jones, jr., Eli Patridge, Seth Thayer, Josiah Wheelock, William Ward, Daniel White, Benj". Vickery, Enlisted in the Army, Lieut. Samuel Cobb, Serg. Adams Chapin, Serg. William Jennison Serg. Joln Gibbs, Corp. Sheffield Partrid Corp. Asa Albee, Corp. William Lesure, Drummer. Saml. French, Fifer, Daniel French, Pr. Edmond Bowker, Samuel Davis, Ebenr Davis, Aaron Davis, William Cheney, Benju Norcross, Henry Nelson, jr., Amos Shefferson, Abraham Stevens, ge, Eli Whitney jr., Samuel Warren. 1775.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 333 Capt. Joseph Daniels, Lieut. Benoni Benson, Lieut. Peter Penniman, Serg. Abraham Staples, Serg. Moses Thayer, Serg. John Darling, Corp. Stephen Benson, Asa Fletcher, Benj. Thayer, William Thayer, Ebenezer White, Thomas Legg, Abner Benson, Benj. Thayer jr., Nahor Staples, Capt. Gershom Nelson, Lieut. Jesse Whitney, Lieut. Josiah Nelson, Serg. Moses Chapin, Serg. Simeon Wiswell, Serg. Joseph Cody, Serg. Nathl. Parkhurst, Corp. Eph'm Parkhurst, Corp. Levi Thayer, Corp. Daniel Legg, Corp. Ichabod Nelson, Pr. Gershom Legg, Robert Corbett, Ebenr Read, Jonas Parkhurst, THIRD COMPANY. Preserved Baker, Benjamin Blake, Silas Aldrich, Pa. Thayer, Benoni Benson, Caleb Wheelock, Increase Thayer, Elijah Darling, Turner White, Joshua Lazell? Benj. Jones, Benj. Pickering jr. Oliver Fisher? James Thayer jr. FOURTH COMPANY. Elisha White, John Robinson, Aaron Merrifield, Stephen Chapin, Daniel Wedge. Ichabod Corbett, Daniel Hayward, James Albee, Ephr. Chapin, Enoch Parry, Darius Sumner, Levi Hayward, Nathan Beal, Gershom Twitchell, Levi Legg, Seva Pond? Nathl. Taft, Moses Daniels, Saml. Freeman, Danl. Thompson, Seth Hayward, Hezekiah Fletcher, Oliver Morse? James Blake, John Hayward, John Benson, Benj. Hayward, old soldier. Joseph Wood, died July 21. Samuel Jones, Daniel Chapin, Josiah Kilborn, Isaac Littlefield, Moses Gage, Isaac Chapin, Daniel Chapin, Samuel Thayer, David Legg jr., Alexander Wheelock, James Sprague, James Twitchell, Darius Holbrook, Silas Brook? May 29. Capt. Thomas Wiswall was chosen Delegate to the Provincial Congress, to set at Watertown May 31, current. Capt. John Tyler, Mr. James Sumner and Lieut. Benson were chosen a committee " to inquire back as far as 1770 and ascertain what Province money, collected or uncollected, there may be in the hands of the Constables or Deputy Sheriffs, and report what measures may be necessary to compel said Constables and Sheriffs to pay the same to Henry Gardner Esq. the present Receiver General instead of Harrison Gray the Receiver General appointed by the Governor, under the late act of Parliament." Adjourned to this day fortnight, (June 12,) at 2 P. M. Met according to adjournment. 334 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1775. The committee chosen May 29th, report this day, June 12th, "that they find Monies in the several Constables hands and in the hand of George Bruce, Deputy Sheriff, together with money assessed and uncollected, to the amount of ~291.17.04," whereupon1, * Voted "that the several delinquent Constables, of said town, and George Bruce, Deputy Sheriff, pay in to Henry Gardner Esq., Receiver General for Massachusetts Bay, the several sums of the public monies, in their hands, without delay." Voted "that said Constables and Sheriff paying the abovesaid monies as before expressed and producing said Receiver General his receipt therefor, be and hereby are indemnified, by said town, in so doing." Voted that James Sumner, Deacon Rawson and Peletiah Darling be a committee to examine the accounts of sundry persons who found provisions for and were employed in the service of our soldiers who were called forth in the late alarm. The late alarm was undoubtedly the battle of Lexington, April 19th. At a town meeting held July 10th, Deacon Edward Rawson, Capt. Nelson and Capt. John Tyler were chosen a committee "to repair to Mr. George Bruce and desire his attendance, immnediately, in this meeting." Mr. Bruce attended accordingly, and offered to deliver up the notes which he had in his hands, for the Province money, to the town or their order. Then Henry Penniman, Capt. John Tyler, and Peter Penniman were chosen a committee to receive the notes, collect the same as soon as may be, and pay it to Henry Gardner, Esq., or his successor or successors in the office of Receiver General, and to take his or their receipt for the same. It seems that Sheriff Bruce hesitated about paying over the Province money, but whether on account of loyalist notions or fear of pecuniary accountability is not now known. Sept. 4. Voted ~100 todefray town charges, and ~60, including the interest on the School bonds, for schooling the present year. Deacon Edward Rawson was allowed ~12.13.08 for his services at the General Court and at the Provincial Congress. Dr. William Jennison was allowed ~2.05.00 for his services at the Provincial Congress, and then the vote was immediately reconsidered. 1775.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 335 Capt. Wiswall was allowed ~7.05.00 for his services at the Provincial Congress at Watertown. Lieut. Benjamin Wheelock and Capt. Nelson were added to the committee ' to examine the accounts of certain persons who found provisions for our soldiers in the late alarm in April last, and also for conveying said provisions to camp, and report at the next meeting." Adjourned to the last Monday in October. Voted that the committee last above chosen, when they shall have completed the accounts of certain persons, &c., transmit the same to the General Court for allowance, and to pray that what may be allowed may be made payable to the Selectmen of Mendon, or their order, for the Town's use. Voted that the Selectmen, when they shall have received the abovesaid money, shall deliver the same to the abovesaid committee, and said committee pay out the same to those persons to whom it shall be found due. The committee transmitted the accounts to the General Court, and in Vol. 205, p. 290, Revolutionary Resolves, may be found the following action of the Court: In the House of Representatives, Watertown Sept. 27, 1775. Resolved, that there be paid out of the Public Treasury fifteen pounds to Dea. Edward Rawson, for the use of the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon, in full for Six small Arms, delivered to the Committee of Safety, by the hand of Stephen Patridge for the use of the Army, as appears by the receipt of July 13. 1775, amounting to that sum. Sent up for Concurrence J. WARREN, Speaker. In Council, Read and Concurred PEREZ MORTON, Depty. Secy. Consented to by J. Palmer and fourteen others of the Council. Journal of Com. of Safety and Supplies. Journal Prov. Congress, p. 516. April 18. 1775. Voted that all the Ammunition be deposited in Nine different towns in this Province, that Worcester be one of them, that Concord be one, that Lancaster be -one (Col. Whitcomb is there) that Groton, Stoughtonham, Stow, Mendon, Leicester and Sudbury be the others. Also (p. 517) two Medecine Chests at Mendon, also (p. 518) 1100 Tents to be deposited, in equal parts, in Worcester, Lancaster, Groton, Stow, Mlendon, Leicester and Sudbury. Journal Provincial Congress, p. 77. 336 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1775. May 1. 1775. Mendon to take 76 of the 5000 indigent persons of Boston whom Gen. Gage has permitted to remove-said persons not to be considered the poor of the towns to which they remove. Accounts to be kept and laid before Congress. May 25. A Committee report that Mendon could spare 21 bbls. of Powder. May 31. The Third Provincial Congress met in the Meeting House at Watertown. Capt. Thomas Wiswall, Delegate from Mendon. Journal Prov. Con., p. 335. Towns advised to deposite Fire arms with the Town Treasurer for the use of the Army. Mendon to deposite 24. June 15. 1775. Form of a Receipt for the same. The day of 1775. Reed of A. B. firelock to the use of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay of the value of ~ s. d. which sum the Receiver General of said Colony is directed, in 40 days after the date hereof, to pay to the said A. B. or order, in Bills of Credit of this Colony. Form of a receipt for Powder. The day of 1775 Recd of A. B., Selectman of the Town of the Town stock of Powder, containing lbs weight, to the use of the Massachusetts Bay, which powder is to be replaced again, as soon as the Colony Magazine will admit of it, or paid for in money. Jou. P. C., p. 431. July 5. In the apportionment for coats, with pewter buttons, for the soldiers, Mendon was to furnish eighy-eight coats. This, it will be remembered, was just after the battle of Bunker Hill, when the whole country was in a state of great alarm, and hence the effort to strengthen the army by the accumulation of munitions of war and clothing for the soldiers. Jou. P. C., p. 431. Mendon "to take 30 of the poeple of Charlestown;" the town having been burned during the battle of Bunker Hill. July 10. Deacon Edward Rawson was chosen Replesentative to the General Court. Revolutionary Letters, Vol. 193, p. 88. Circular Letter from the Provincial Congress to the Towns. Gentlemen, The barbarous Murders committed on our innocent Brethren on Wednesday the 19th. inst. have made it absolutely necessary that we immediately raise an Army to defend our wives and children from the butcher 1775.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 337 ing hands of an inhuman Soldiery, who, incensed at the obstacles they met with in their bloody progress and enraged at being repulsed from the field of slaughter, will, without the least doubt, take the first opportunity in their power to ravage the country with fire and sword. We conjure you therefore, by all that is sacred, that you give all assistance possible in forming an Army; our all is at stake-Death and Devastation are the certain consequences of delay-every moment is infinitely presious-an hour lost may deluge your country in blood and entail perpetual Slavery upon the few of your posterity who may survive the carnage. We beg and intreat as you will answer to your country, to your consciences and, above all, as you will answer to God himself, that you will hasten and encourage, by all possible means, the enlistment of men to form an army and send them forward to head quarters, at Cambridge, with that expedition which the vast importance and instant urgency of the affair demands. Mendon to take 30 of the poeple of Charlestown. Rec. Prov. Congress, Vol. 31, p. 137. \ The Prov. Congress adjourned this day from Concord to meet the same day at Watertown, at 4 o'clock P. M. Dea. Edward Rawson was chosen to wait on the Rhode Island Congress to inform them of our Resolutions and request their concurrence. In the H. of Representatives Nov. 8. 1775. Resolved that there be paid, out of the Public Treasury of this Colony, to Edward Rawson the sum of ~1.17.06 in full of his Account for.a journey to Providence by order of Congress. The following is an answer to the request of the Committee of Supplies appointed by the Provincial Congress: MENDON June 15. 1775. Honble. Gentlemen Agreeable to your Request we have collected and sent down a Load of Grain. Another load may be had but not without cash, which (as the times are) we are not able to command. If the Receiver General would order our Constables to pay us a sum of money for that purpose perhaps we may procurse it. We have also sent 203 lbs. weight of gunpowder; more we could not well spare, as we have been obliged to furnish our Soldiers with a large quantity out of the town stock; two of the casks are new, for which the town gave 6s. which you may keep or send back as suits best. The Selectmen live at a great distance from each other and could not be gotten together, without considerable trouble, in order to certify with respect to the price of the above articles and the carriage of them, but as the bearer is a Selectman and worthy of credit I am Gentleman your very Humble and Obt. Servant J. DORR, one of the Selectmen of Mendon. 43 338 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1775. COL. EZRA WOOD AND LIEUT. ELIJAH TAFT COMPLAINED OF. At a meeting of the Committees of Inspection of Cumberland, Wrentham, Medway, Bellingham, Hopkinton, Holliston, Mendon, Upton, Uxbridge and Smithfield, convened at the House of Dr. John Corbett, in said Bellingham, on ye 18th. day of September 1775, and continued by adjournments to the 16th. day of October 1775; upon the complaint of Col. Joseph Read against Col. Ezra Wood and Lieut. Elijah Taft for Carrying Provisions to Rhode Island, and said it was suspected that he sold the same to the Tories, whereby said Provisions were conveyed to the enemy at Boston, and said Read desired me to inform of the same to the Committee of Inspection forthwith that the affair might be inquired into. EDWARD RAWSON. Oct. 16, 1775. On the Above Complatnt, Voted that it is the opinion of this Body that the said Wood and Taft have not done anything that is inimical to the American Cause. Extract from the Minutes NATHAN TYLER, Clerk. The following letter is introduced in this place because its author was a native of Mendon, and because it belongs to the history of the times. Alexander Scammell was born in Mencon and graduated at Harvard College, 1769. Studied law with Gen. Sullivan, and was appointed Brigade Major in New Hampshire in 1775, and Colonel of a New Hampshire regiment in 1776. He was wounded at the battle of Saratoga, in 1777, and became AdjutantGeneral of the Continental Army in 1780. In 1781 he was taken prisoner September 30, while reconnoitering, at the siege of Yorktown, mortally wounded after he surrendered, and died at Williamsburg, Va., Oct. 6. At the time of his death he was the confidential friend of Gen. Washington. PORTSMOUTH, May 3. 1775. Hon. Sir, Your leaving New Hampshire at a time when your presence was so extremely necessary to cherish the glorious ardor which you have been so instrumental in inspiring us with, spread a general gloom in Durham and, in some measure, damped the spirit of liberty through the Province, and nothing but the important business in which you are embarked would induce to dispense with your presence, with any degree of patience or perseverance. But when the horrid din of civil carnage surprised us on the 20th. of April, the universal cry was, "Oh! if Major Sullivan was hereI wish to God Major Sullivan was here" ran through the distressed multitude. 1775.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 339 April Court, which was then sitting adjourned immediately. To arms! to arms! was breathed forth in sympathetic groans. I went express to Boston, by desire of the Congressional Committee then sitting at Durham, proceeded as far as Bradford (Mass.) where I obtained credible information that evening. Next morning I arrived at Exeter where the Provincial Congress was assembling with all possible haste. Here I reported what intelligence I had gained; that the American Army at Cambridge, Woburn and Charlestown was more in need of provisions than men; that fifty thousand had assembled in thirty six hours, and that the Regulars who had retreated from Concord had encamped on Bunker's Hill in Charlestown. The Congress, upon this report, resolved that the Durham company, then at Exeter, (armed complete for an engagement, with a week's provision,) should return home and keep themselves in constant readiness. All the men being gone from the westward and southward of Newmarket, and Men-of-war expected hourly into Portsmouth, it was with the greatest difficulty your Durham soldiers were prevailed on to return. Six or seven expresses arrived at Durham in the night after our return; some desiring us to march to Kittery, some to Hampton and some to Ipswich &c. which places, they said, sundry Men-of-war were ravaging. The whole country was in a continual alarm, but suspecting that the Marines, at Portsmouth, might take advantage of the confusion we were then in and pay a visit to Durham we thought proper to stand ready to give them a warm reception; and supposing that your house and family would be the first mark of their vengeance, I kept guard to defend your family and substance to the last drop of my blood * * * X Men, women and children were engaged, day and night in preparing for the worst. Many towns in this Province have enlisted Minutemen and keep them under pay, and the Congress before this would actually have raised an army had they not waited for the General Court, which sits to-morrow, in order to raise as much money as they can to pay off their army when raised. I am extremely mortified that I am unable to join the Army at Cambridge. The particulars of the skirmish between the Regulars and Americans will, long before this, have reached you. In longing expectation your safe, happy and speedy return is hoped for by all your friends, but by none more sincerely than Your dutiful, humble servant ALEXR SCAMMELL To John Sullivan Esq. Philadelphia or New York. The four companies which responded to the alarm on the 19th of April from Mendon, except those who enlisted for three months, soon returned home. The Muster Rolls at Boston credit Mendon with the following three months men, whose service expired in August, 1775: 340 ANNALS OF MENION. [1776. THREE MONTHS MEN, 1775. Lieut. Levi Aldrich, Serg. Rufus Aldrich, Nehemiah Aldrich, Phineas Aldrich, Amasa Aldrich, Alexr Aldrich, Jabez Albee, Eleazer Albee, Asa Albee, Jacob Ammidown, Peter Brown, Silas Brown, Samuel Boyce, Jona. Boyce, Serg. Jeremiah Battles, Justus Battles, Timothy Bruce, Edmund Bowker, Serg. Samuel Craggin, Eli Craggin, Amos Craggin, Capt. Samuel Cobb, Cor. Peter Corbett, Cor. William Cheney, Lt. Joseph Cody, Ser. Adam Chapin, Isaac Chapin, Josiah Chapin, Peter Daggett, Joshua Daggett, John Deming? William Drown, Lt. William Darling, Enoch Darling, Job Darling, Peter Darling, Levi Darling, Drum. Aaron Davis, Samuel Davis, Serg. Turner Ellis, Maxwell Ellis, Ser. Samuel French, David French? Cor. Saml. Fairbanks, Cor. Simeon Fish, Amariah Ford, Hezekiah Fletcher, John Green, John Gibbs, Darius Holbrook, Reuben Holbrook, Samuel Hill, John Hunt, William Hall, Cor. David Legg, Cor. Caleb Legg, Moses Legg, David Legg, Sr., William Legg, William Lesure, Levi Lesure, Moses Lovett, Joshua Lazell, Ichabod Maynard, Robin Meinyo, Henry Nelson, Daniel Norcross, Benjn Norcross, Benjn Oliver, Capt. Andrew Peters, Jonathan Rawson, Amos Shepardson, Alexr Sterns, James Sprague, Fifer, Jesse Smith, Calvin Smith, Simeon Staples, Jona. Staples, Enos Taft, Ebenr Taft, Artemas Taft, Amos Thayer, Amasa Thayer, Samuel Thayer, Joel Thayer, Nathl. Torrey, Jonas Twitchel, Benjn Vickery, -- Vose, Amariah Vose, Bethuel Washburn, Samuel Washburn, Theophilus Waterman, West Waterman, Serg. Benjn Walker, Benjn White, Daniel White, Gideon White, Daniel Ward? Josiah Wood, Stephen Wood, Cor. Sheffield Partridge, -- Wood, Amariah Partridge, Lt. George Whipple, Ebenr Partridge. Alexr Wheelock, Joseph Passmore, Jonathan Whitney, Edward Pickering, Elias Whitney, Ser. Benjamin Read, Joseph Woodward, Aquilla Ramsdell, Capt. Samuel Warren. Arthur Rawson, I776. March 4. Chose for Selectmen, Lieut. Peter Penniman, Mr. Jonathan Jones, Mr. Samuel Fairbanks, Ensign Pele 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 341 tiah Darling and Mr. Ebenezer Sumner; Joseph Dorr, Esq., Town Clerk and Treasurer; John Penniman, Ichabod Thayer, Jr., and Jesse Darling, Constables; Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, Capt. John Tyler, Lieut. Joseph Gibbs, Deacon Joseph Day; Capt. John Albee and Deacon Gideon Albee. Voted to accept of a road leading by the Widow Huldah Thayer's to the road leading by Elisha Thompson's to Arnold's mills, at Winesokett. Voted to sell the powder sent to the Colony Magazine at 5s. per pound. Voted to allow the First Precinct the profits and benefit of the burying place in said Precinct, said Precinct keeping the fences about the same in suitable repair. Adjourned to the May meeting. Voted to allow the Selectmen for 1775, 30s.; cash in full. Voted to allow the Selectmen two dollars for a blanket, which they purchased for Edward Pickering, 20s., which Capt. Wiswall gave the town, and 15s. more to make up the sum which the Selectmen lost in blankets, and for which they never got any pay. Voted to allow Ichabod Thayer, Edward Rawson, Jr., and Stephen Benson 20s. each for carting the baggage for Capt. John Tyler's company to the lines at Roxbury in December last. This was probably at the time when it was expected that the British, from Boston, would attack the lines at Roxbury. Rev. Resolves, Mass. Archives, Vol. 209, p. 163. In the House of Representatives May 9. 1776. Resolved that it be and is hereby recommended to each Town in this Colony which shall send a member or members to the next General Assembly, fully to possess him or them with their sentiments relative to the Declaration of Independency of the United Colonies of Great Britain to be made by Congress, and to instruct them what conduct they would have them observe with regard to the next General Assembly instructing the Delegates of this Colony on that subject. Passed. Sent up for concurrence. SAMUEL FREEMAN, Secy. P. T. In Council May 10. 1776. Read and Non concurred, PEREZ MORTON, Dep. Sec. 342 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. The warrant for the last town meeting was the last one. called in his Majesty's name. His Majesty's name and the year of his reign had heretofore been inserted in every warrant for a town meeting, from the date of incorporation in 1667. It now reads, "in the Name of the Government and Poeple of the Massachusetts Bay.' May 27th, being a meeting called, as above, for the choice of a Representative to the General Court, to meet at Watertown, May 29th inst., Joseph Dorr, Esq., was chosen Representative, and, notwithstanding the non-concurrence of the Council with the House of Representatives, as before recited, the town instructed their Representative in the following patriotic and elolquent terms: " Voted that the town advise and instruct their Representative to acquaint the General Assembly, That if the Honourable. the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS shall think it for the Benefit and Safety of the UNITED AMERICAN COLONIES, to Declare them INDEPENDENT of the Kingdom of Great Britain, said Town will approve the measure, and, with their Lives and Fortunes, support them therein." Voted that Lieut. Joseph Bruce, Lieut. Joseph Gibbs and Lieut. Benoni Benson, as a committee, be directed to look after those persons who took ammunition out of the town stock, on the alarm of last' year, and have not returned the same. This conmittee were allowed to compound with those who make no return of ammunition at 3s. per pound for powder and the common price for lead and flints. Voted to allow those persons who transported provisions to Cambridge and Roxbury on the alarm in April, 1775, ~2.01.10, which was deducted out of the Selectmen's account to the General Assembly for the same. The evacuation of Boston by the British, on the 17th of March, transferred the theatre of war from Massachusetts to New York, and a new call was now made for reinforcements for the army. As in all wars, the patriotic ardor which the first call to arms inspired in the masses began to cool, and volunteers came in slowly. July 8. The following circular letter of the General Court was read in a town meeting this day. It may be found in the Massachusetts Archives. 1776.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 343 CIRCULAR TO THE COMMITTEES OF THE SEVERAL TOWNS. The General Court have received from his Excellency, General Washington a pressing Letter that the Troops destined for New York, may be sent with all despatch, as he is well informed that General Howe is arrived from Halifax at the Hook. You will please communicate this to your brethren that you and they, with all possible expedition, may raise and march the Troops going from your county. The General Court expect you will not let any thing prevent their marching as fast as possible as you see the emergency of the case requires. By Order of the General Court. To the Chairman of the Committe for raising men. Upon this the town. voted " to allow those persons who shall enlist in this Town into the service of the United Colonies, at New York, six pounds per man, except Commissioned Officers; also, that those now in the service, as well as those who served eight months last year, shall be exempted from a poll tax." Here follows, in the Town Record, a copy of the Declaration of Independence. It is engrossed in the bold and beautiful hand writing of Joseph Dorr, Esq., the Town Clerk. The following is a literal transcript from the Record: In CONGRESS, July 4. 1776; A DECLARATION by the REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA in GENERAL CONGRESS Assembled: When in the Course of Human Events it becomes necessary for a Poeple to dissolve the Political bands which have connected them with another and to assume, among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and Equal Station which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the Causes which impel them to the Separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident; that all Men were created equal; that they are indued, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights: that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness;-That to secure these Rights Governments are Instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed; that when any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the Poeple to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all Experience hath shown that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pur 344 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. suing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it' is their Duty to throw off such Government and provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies, and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of Government. The History of the Present King of Great Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations all having in direct object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws the most wholesome and necessary to the public good. He has forbidden Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance upless suspended in their Operation until his assent should be obtained, And when so suspended he has utterly refused to attend to them. He ha refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation of large Districts of Poeple unless those Poeple would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to TYRANTS only. He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unusual, uncomfortable and distant from the Depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatigueing them into Compliance with his Measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly for opposing, with manly Firmness, his Invasions on the Rights of the People. He has refused for a long time, after such Dissolution to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the Poeple at large for their exercise, the State remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from without and Convulsions within. He has endeavored to prevent Population, for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of justice, by refusing his assent to Laws for establishing judiciary Powers. He has made judges dependent on his Will alone for the Tenure of their Offices and the amount and payment of their Salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices and sent hither Swarms of Officers to lharrass our Poeple and eat out our Substance. He has kept among us, in times of Peace, Standing Armies without the consent of our Legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined, with others, to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our Laws, giving his assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation. For quartering large Bodies of armed Troops among us. 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 345 For protecting them by a mock Trial from any punishment for any Murders they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States. For cutting off Trade with all parts of the World. For imposing taxes upon us without our CONSENT. For depriving us, in many cases, of the Benefits of Trial by jury. For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for supposed offences. For abolishing the Free System of English Laws, in a neighboring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Government and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rule into these Colonies. For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering, fundamentally, the Forms of our Governments. For suspending our Legislatures and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER. He has abdicated Government here by declaring us out of his Protection and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns and destroyed the lives of our Poeple. He is, at this time, transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to Complete the Works of Death, Desolation and TYRANNY already begun, with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy scarely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages and totally unworthy the Head of a Civilized Nation. He has Constrained our Fellow Citizens, taken Captive on the high Seas to bear arms against their Country; to become the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited Domestic Insurrections among us and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers the Merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare is an undistinguished Destruction of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions. In every Stage of these Oppressions we have petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms; our repeated Petitions have only been answered by repeated Injury! A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every Act which may define a TYRANT, is unfit to be the Ruler of a FREE POEPLE. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our Brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of Attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us; We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement; We have appealed to their native magnanimity and we have conjured them by the Ties of our Common Kindred, to disavow these Usurpations which would inevitably interrupt our Connexions and Correspondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and Consanguinuity. We must therefore acquiesce in the Necessity which announces our separation and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace friends. We therefore, the REPRESENTATIVES of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in GENERAL CONGRESS assembled, appealing to the SU44 346 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. PREME JUDGE of the World for the rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name and by the Authority of the good Poeple of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these United States are and of Right ought to be FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES: that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown and that all Political Connexion between-them and the State of Great Britain is and ought to be totally dissolved, and that as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES they have full Power to carry on War, Conclude Peace, to Contract Alliances, establish Commerce and to do all other Acts and things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of Right do. And for the Support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of DIVINE PROVIDENCE, We mutually pledge to each our LIVES, our FORTUNE and our SACRED HONOR. Signed by ORDER and in BEHALF OF CONGRESS. JOHN HANCOCK, PRESIDENT. ATTEST. CHARLES THOMP.SON, Secy. In Council, Watertown, July 17, 1776. ORDERED That the Declaration of Independence be printed and a copy sent to the Minister of each Parish of every Denomination within this State, and that they severally be required to read the same to their respective Congregations, as soon as Divine Service is ended in the afternoon, on the first Lord's Day after they shall have received it:-And after such Publication thereof to deliver the said Declaration to the Clerks of their several Towns or Districts, who are hereby required to record the same in their respective Town or District Books, there to remain as a perpetual MEMORIAL thereof. In the Name and by Order of the Council. R. DERBY, Jun.- President. A true Copy, Attest, JOHN AVERY, Dep. Secy. A true Copy, Attest, JOSEPH DORR, Town Clerk. At this time Congress had called for recruits for the expedition to Canada, but the enlistments progressed slowly; and contemporary historians tell us that one reason was that, in Massachusetts, they felt they were not secure from a return of the British, as a portion of their fleet were still at anchor in the lower harbor; and another reason, that weighed heavily with many, was that the troops east of the State of New York were not treated with the same consideration as those who were drawn from the Southern States. The General Court had voted to raise five thousand men for six months, and, to encourage enlistments, offered a month's pay in advance. 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 347 The following items are considered of sufficient interest to merit an insertion in these annals: Records of the Provincial Congress (Mass. Archives), Vol. 34, p. 765, April 17, 1776. In the H. of R. 'Resolved that there be paid out of the Public Treasury of this Colony to the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon ~38.04.04 in full of their account for provisions and transporting the same to Head Quarters, in April last for the use of the army. Court (Mass. Archives), Vol. 34, p. 859, May 7, 1776. In H. of R. Resolved that there be paid out of the Public Treasury of this Colony to Edward Rawson the sum of ~6.00.00 for the use of Daniel Druce in full for his Pension granted to him by the General Court in the year 1772. Court, Vol. 35, p. 109, June 29, 1776. A letter was received from the Chairman of the Committee of Mendon, giving information against one George Gage, of Mendon for Mal Conduct &c. Read and Committed, with the papers accompanying the same, to Joseph Cushing and David Sewall Esqrs. with such as the Honble House shall join. What became of this last matter is not now known. July 22. The Town of Mendon voted to pay a bounty of ~10 to each man who shall voluntarily enlist in the public service in the Northern or Canada Department. The Selectmen were directed to borrow a sufficient sum of money to pay the bounties offered. Sept. 11. Voted to raise ~40 for schooling, exclusive of interest arising from the school bonds, and ~380 to defray town charges, including bounties to the soldiers. Henry Benson was chosen one of the Committee of Correspondence, &c., in the room of Deacon Joseph Day, in the service. Up to this time recruiting for the army, as every fifth man enrolled in the militia was called for, was progressing at a tardy pace. To expedite the matter the town, Sept. 16, voted to allow each soldier and non-commissioned officer, who shall march to New York, on the present alarm, 20s. each, and 20s. per month so long as they shall continue in the service as militia. Sept. 30. A County Register and County Treasurer were chosen, and, as usual, no record is made of the names of the successful candidates. The subject of a State Government had by this time very gen 348 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. erally engaged the attention of the people, and hence, in the warrant for a town meeting, to be held Sept. 30, the following article is found: "To see if the Male inhabitants of twenty one years of age and upwards, being free, will give their Consent that the present Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, together with the Council, if they consent in one body, may agree on a Form of Government for this State, pursuant to a Resolve of the House of Representatives of the 17th. instant." Upon the consideration of this article, the town voted in the negative, and chose a committee of nine persons to instruct our Representative (Joseph Dorr, Esq.) relative to the form of civil government. Chose for the committee James Sumner, Edward Rawson, Esq., Ensign Pelatiah Darling, Mr. Ebenezer Holbrook, Capt. Peter Penniman, Mr. Aaron Everett, Lieut. Seth Nelson, Capt. John Tyler and Maj. Joseph Daniels. This committee was to report a draft of their instructions at the next meeting. They made a report as directed, but it was not recorded, nor is the same to be found in the archives of the town. At this meeting it was voted not to allow an Inoculating Hospital for the small-pox to be opened in the town. Oct. 14. The town again voted they would not impower the present General Court to form and establish a Constitution of Government for the State. After accepting the report of the Committee of Nine, chosen above, whatever it was, they voted an approval of the Resolves of the town of Stoughton relative to the manner of proceeding in forming a Constitution of Government. The Resolves of the town of Stoughton are as follows, and for a transcript, from which they are a copy, I am indebted to the kindness of Henry C. Kimball. the Clerk of that town: We the Subscribers being chosen, by this town, at a Town Meeting legally assembled at Stoughton on the 30th. of September last, a Committee to draft a vote upon an article in ye Town Warrant respecting Choosing the Present General Court to form a Plan of Government for the State, have attended that service and beg leave to report the Following Resolutions, viz:1. Resolved, that Good Government is the Basis of Liberty and absolutely necessary to ye safety and well fare of a poeple. 2. Resolved, that, as the End of Government is ye happiness of ye poe 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 349 ple, so ye sole power and right of forming and establishing a Plan thereof is Essentially in the poeple. 3. Resolved, that, as this State [is] at present Destitute of a fixed and Established form of Government, it is absolutely necessary that one be immediately formed and Established, agreeable to the Recommendations of the Grand Congress. 4. Resolved, that, as the present House of Representatives have passed a Resolve to see if the several Towns in this State would Empower them the sd House, together with the Council, to enact a form of Government for this State, it appears to us unadvisable and irrational and a measure that ought not, by any means, to be complied with, for these reasons, viz:that we are totally unacquainted with the capacities and Patriotism and Characters of ye members that compose the sd House and Council, Excepting our own members; also because they were never elected by the poeple for that purpose and also because the present Embarrassed state of our public affairs calls for the steady attention of every member of sd House. 5. Resolved, that it is the Duty and Interest of this Town immediately to Choose one or more members to join with the members of the other Towns in this State to form and publish a plan of Government for said State. 6. Resolved, that in order to Carry the aforegoing resolution into execution as soon as the importance of ye matter may admit, it appears to us best that the members of the several towns in each county in this State, chosen for the Express purpose aforesaid, should meet together in County Conventions and when so met should draft a form of Government for ye whole State. Then that the members of the several Towns of this State should meet together by themselves, or by their Committees in a State Convention or Congress and compare the several forms of Government together whereby the wisdom of the whole State may be collected and a form of Government may be extracted. 7. Resolved, that it appears to us absolutely necessary for the Liberty and Safety of the State that the Plan of Government when formed and published should not be Established till the Poeple of this State have had time and opportunity of thoroughly examining the same and consent that it be established by the said State Convention or Congress. All which is humbly submitted by us. JOHN KENNY, CHRISR WADSWORTH, JONATHAN CAPEN, X Committee. ABNER CRANE, | ELIJAH DUNBAR. J Stoughton Oct. ye 2. 1776. On motion made that the foregoing Report be published in the Public newspapers, it was then voted in ye affirmative, Nomine Contradicente Attest, THEOPHILUS LYON, Town Clerk, pro. tem. A true Copy from the Records of the Town of Stoughton. Attest, HENRY C. KIMBALL, Town Clerk. Stoughton, Aug. 9. 1875. 350 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. As near as can be ascertained the three months men recorded on page 340, remained in the service until January 1776, when, upon a new call for 4,368 men, the quota for Mendon was thirtythree for three months. In June another call was made for 1,136 men, and the quota for Mendon was set down at forty for eight months. The names of these last quotas are not found, as the nmster rolls at the State House have been mislaid or lost. During the latter part of the year 1775, it seems that there had been an election of field officers in the 3d regiment of the militia, and that the election of Joseph Chapin as Lieut. Colonel and Caleb Whiting as second Major, of Uxbridge, had given rise to great dissatisfaction, and, at last, resulting in the following appeal to the General Court: Revolutionary Resolves, Vol. 209, p. 168, et sequitur. The Petition, address and Remonstrance of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Uxbridge, assembled this 8th. day of February 1776, at the House of Ezekiel Wood, Innholder, in said Uxbridge at the desire of Col. Wood. To the Honorable Council and Representatives of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, now sitting at Watertown, We Humbly and Dutifully beg Leave to Lay before you our unhappy Situation Respecting the affair of Field Officers for the Regiment we belong to and to acquaint you with matters of fact Respecting the same. About the 19th. of October Last, a few of the Officers met at Mendon and went to Col. Wheelock and prevailed on him to Give out a Notification to assemble all the Officers of the Regiment. First: At Mendon at one side of the Regiment. 2ndly. Sd Notification artfully drawn for the Col. to Sign, Not setting forth one word, what the business of the day was to be, but in a private way inform Some So that their Clamor Gave Strength to the Designing party. 3dly. And, in order to carry their pint first, past a previous vote that he that had the most votes Should be the person to be Recommended- Whether he had one quarter of the votes or not. 4thly. The Notification was not discovered to Some of the officers till it was time to set out for Mendon, for fear the minds of their constituents would be had; and it is easy to see that a few Designing persons beginning, and being Kerful to admit none but their own Seek, by taking a few at first and Gradually Growing Larger may prevail upon a large body at Last and Get the Greater part to Lean that way. If both branches of the Honourable Court have put in the Officers without their works of Recommendation and it had been Never So mortifying we should have endeavored to have been Submissive and Dutiful under it and with all Submission we humbly beg Leave to have the Man Commissioned from Uxbridge, which the Court has appointed, whome we understand is Capt. Joseph Chapin. If that is denied we pray that the 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 351 Town may have Liberty, by your direction, and so have a fuller attendance and Recommend one to be Commissioned-if that is denied we humbly pray we may be Laid to the Regiment that Sutton belongs to, and so be separated from Mendon, tbe cause of all our Difficulty, together with two of our pretended Officers who were Chose only for one year, which time expired Long ago, and we wholly Disown them and the hand bill Sent to our Town for a new Choice wholly secreted. These matters we suppose to-be the cause why the Men Lately sent for Did not Go, but if our hamble Petition Can be Graciously Received and we Relieved. Send a new order for the Men, that was last sent for and you shall have them immediately. When the Last men were 'marched out of Uxbridge, which through a mistake was double our Shair, our two pretended abovesaid officers followed the Drum and used their influence and could prevail upon but [one] person to Go with them, but when Capt. Chapin, whose Sircumstances would not allow him to be Gone from home, was desired to turn out the men to there full Number followed him Immediately. Respecting the man in Uxbridge that they Recommended, we humbly refer your Honours to Many of your brethering who are members of the House which belong Nither to Mendon or Uxbridge who attended the County Convention and heard what he had to offer, if they have forgot we will send you matters of fact Respecting the affair. If we are laid to Sutton, officer or no officer, we will be Content if you cannot be persuaded to relieve us no way, which [is] as Reasonable as any petition that Ever went from North America to Great Britain, then with the same Reluctancy that they Contend with Briton, we must with Sorrow and Grief inform you that Nothing is to be Expected from us but a passive obedience and Non Resistance. Signed by Ezekiel Wood and 62 others. COUNTER PETITION. To the Honourable the Council and Honourable the House of Representatives for the Colony of the Massachusetts. Bay in General Court assembled:We the subscribers, Members of the Third Regiment in the County of Worcester once more crave your Honour's indulgence to lay before you the present unsettled and unhappy State of our Regiment & pray that you will kindly exert the power and authority we acknowledge to be vested in you, to restore that Peace and Harmony among the Regiment with Regard to Field Officers, which we earnestly wish to enjoy. We humbly hope that your Honours will not impute it to a turbulent, factious disposition that we thus petition you: Such is the Difficulty if not impossibility of settling the Regiment in Peace and Quietness under the present arrangement of Field Officers and such the Exigency of the times and Necessity of every Regiment being in the best Posture for action and Defence, that we find ourselves under the disagreeable Necessity of doing what, in ordinary times, might be deemed a violation of the Rules of Decency, viz:-A Peti 352 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. tioning for an Alteration in the Appointment of Field Officers for said Regiment even after Commissions are made out. We beg your Honours would permit us speak our sentiments freely-we mean to do it with Decency. The poeple of Uxbridge in the last remonstrance which they sent into the Court against the proceedings of the Regiment had the assurance to assert that all the uneasiness in the Regiment arose from the poeple of Mendon and one or two pretended Officers in Uxbridge, which (to say the best of it) is a barefaced misrepresentation. The truth is a little knot of Poeple in Uxbridge who, for years past, have been notorious for party spirit in Town affairs, and the set of poeple, actuated by the same Spirit, affect to take the lead in conducting the affairs of the Regiment. When the Militia Officers of the Regiment first met for the purpose of Recommending to your Honours such persons as they judged best qualified for Field Officers, these were the poeple who began the opposition and took it upon themselves to nominate persons according to their own humour. And it is to be regretted that the Honble. General Assembly have paid so much Attention to them, (we think more than they merit) while the repeated petitions and general voice of the Regiment has been disregarded. We will not however tell your Honours as the above said Remonstrants (we think indecently) did, viz: That unless you think proper to gratify us in this, that and the other particular, that nothihg is to be expected but passive Obedience and non resistance, yet we are constrained to say, that while we possess the True Spirit and Liberal Sentiments of Englishmen, we can never contentedly submit to be led and governed by a junta of sixty six, which is about the fourteenth part of the Regiment. We think we merit as well of the Public as the persons who oppose us; we have been always ready to risk our lives and Fortunes for its defence in the present dispute. We even vie with the most zealous in this matter which our ready obedience to the Requisitions of the Honorable Court and large drafts of our men, now in the field, clearly demonstrate, which our Neighbours, who would fain be thought so high in the cause of Liberty, have been greatly deficient in furnishing their Quota of Men for the Public Service at a time when they were greatly needed. As we are well acquainted with the Character and Abilities of Gentlemen in our own Regiment, we recommended those to your Honours, at first, of whose attachment to the General Cause of Liberty we have the most assured confidence, and in whose Military Abilities & Accomplishments we are entirely satisfied, and who, all things considered, we must believe are the most suitable Persons to fill the several Departments to which they were recommended. We still hope your Honours will be disposed to gratify the Regiment in this Regard, as we doubt not your wisdom will enable you to do it in a way consistent with your own Dignity, If your Honours still remain unsatisfied with our Representations of these, we would beg this favour viz:-That your Honours would appoint a Committee of Gentlemen from some other County, with orders to convene either the officers of the Regiment or the whole Regiment as may be thought most proper, in order to satisfy yourselves 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 353 more fully in Regard to its true State; or that your Honours, in your great wisdom, would devise some other way and means to restore peace and harmony to the Regiment. And as in Duty bound shall ever pray. March 15. 1776. Signed by John Albee and 630 others of the Regiment. In the House of Representatives May 3. 1776. Read and referred to Brigadier Godfrey and Deacon Stickney with such as the Honorbl Board shall join. Sent up for Concurrence, SAMUEL FREEMAN, Speaker pro tem. In Council May 4. 1776. Read and Concurred and Edad Taylor Esq. is joined. PEREZ MORTON, Dep. Secy. The Committee above mentioned forthwith made the following Report. The Committee of both Houses appointed to take into consideration the foregoing Petition beg leave that they are of opinion that it would. be expedient that a Committee of both Houses be appointed to repair to Mendon before the next meeting of the General Court and hear the Petitioners upon the subject matter of their Petition and that they take such measures as shall appear to them most salutary to Restore to the Third Regiment in the County of Worcester that Peace & Harmony which is necessary at all times and more especially at this time, when the aid of every member of this Community is needed to repel the force of our enemies. The said Committee to make a Report of their doings herein on the Second day of the next Session of the General Court. All which is humbly Submitted ELDAD TAYLOR, pr. ord. In Council May 4. 1776. Read and Accepted and Ordered that Jabez Fisher, with such as the Honorable House shall join be a Committee for the purpose mentioned in the above Report. Sent down for Concurrence PEREZ MORTON, Dep. Sec. In the House of Representatives May 4, 1776. Read and Concurred & Josiah Stone and Stephen Metcalf Esq. are joined. J. WARREN, Speaker. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. The Committee of both Houses appointed at the last Session of the General Court to repair to the Town of Mendon to hear a number of Petitioners on the subject matter of their. Petition, Having attended to that service Beg leave to Report. Notice being given to the Petitioners and all others concerned in the Regiment of our appointment and the Order of Court respecting the same, two Committees from the Company in the Town of Uxbridge and a Committee from each of the other seven companies in the Regiment were pres45 354 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. ent before your Committee and were severally heard fully; after which it appeared to your Committee that six of said Companies and, at least, one half of the Company in Uxbridge appeared much dissatisfied with ye appointment of Mr. Joseph Chapin for Lieut. Colonel and Mr. Caleb Whiting for Second Major in said Regiment, who were recommended without the knowledge and contrary to the inclination of said Regiment. The Officers had met and agreed to recommend Capt. Nathan Tyler for Lieut. Col. & Ezra Whiting Esq. for Second Major, which they appeared to be highly in favor of. The other part of the Company in Uxbridge appeared well pleased with the appointment of Messrs. Chapin and Whiting and doubtless will be uneasy should their appointment be superseded. The.remaining eighth company, being the South Company in Douglass, it appeared to your Committee that they were somewhat divided but not strenuous. This being the state of the facts, as near as your Committee have been able to collect and there being more than seven to one dissatisfied with the present appointment of Lt. Col. and 2nd Major, your Committee are humbly of opinion that the most likely method to restore harmony to the Regiment will be to indulge the petitioners with a new appointment of Lt. Col. and 2d Major agrlable to their request, and in case that part of the Company in Uxbridge who are against a new appointment, should renew their request to be joined to the Regiment to which Sutton belongs, that they be indulged in that request and be joined accordingly. All which is humbly submitted JABEZ FISHER, pr. order. In Council June 4. 1776. Read and sent down, JOHN LOWELL Depy. Secy. P. T. In the House of Representatives June 5 1776, Read & accepted & sent up for concurrence, J. WARREN, Speaker. In Council June 6, 1776. Read & Concurred by 15 of the Council. JOHN LOWELL, Depy. Secy. P. T. From Barry's History of Massachusetts, Vol. 3, p. 122, we learn that from June 10th to the 17th, privateers from Marblehead and elsewhere, had captured four or five transport ships, from England and Scotland, each having on board from eighty to one hundred Highlanders. Soon after this we find some Highlanders were sent to Mendon on parole, and, quite probably, they were a portion of those who had recently been captured at sea, as there had been no battle on the land where they could have been made prisoners. The following extracts from the Massachusetts Archives and 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 355 Letters will furnish, if nothing more, an amusing account of their stay in Mendon: Revolution Council Papers (Mass. Archives), Vol. 165, p. 22. COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. COUNCIL CHAMBER, June 20, 1776, Ordered that Colin McKenzie, Colin McKenzie, Peter Fraser, Colin McKenzie, Alexr McTavish, Dugald Campbell and Donald McBean, Officers belonging to the Highland Regiment which have lately been made prisoners of war by the Forces of the United Colonies in North America, be put under the parole agreed upon this day by the Council and that they shall be destined to the Town of Mendon, in the County of Worcester there to remain, or within six miles of the place agreed upon for their residence in said town during the present war between Great Britain and said Colonies, or until the Congress of the United States or the Assembly or Council of the said Colony of Massachusetts shall order otherwise; and that each of said Officers shall have liberty to take one servant with him, who shall be under the same restrictions as the Officers. Each officer to be accountable for the conduct of his servant. JOHN LOWELL, Depy. Secy. P. T. WATERTOWN June 20. 1776. Gentlemen The Council have ordered seven officers, lately taken prisoners by the American Forces, to the Town of Mendon, there to reside till further order. You are therefore directed to afford said Officers your aid and assistance in procuring them some suitable lodgings. We enclose you the Resolves of Congress respecting Prisoners by which you will find that such as are officers are to supply themselves and are allowed to draw bills to pay for their subsistence and clothing. In the Name and by the Order of the Council. COUNCIL CHAMBER June 20. 1776. Ordered that the Sheriff of the County of Suffolk be and hereby is directed to employ some proper persons to conduct the Officers, lately taken prisoners of War by the American Forces, to the several towns to which they are destined. JOHN LOWELL Dep. Secy. P. T. TERMS OF THE PAROLE. We Capt. Colin McKenzie, Lieut. Colin McKenzie, Ens. Peter Frazer, Colin McKenzie, Alexr McTavish, Dugald Campbell and Donald McBean, volunteers-in the 71st. Regiment of Highlanders, being made Prisoners of War by the Forces of the Thirteen United Colonies in North America, do promise and engage on our Words and Honors and on the Faith of Gentlemen to depart from hence to Mendon, in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay and to remain there or within six miles of the place of our residence 356 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. in said Town during the present War between Great Britain and the said United Colonies, or until the Congress of the said United Colonies or the Assembly or Council of the said Colony shall order otherwise: and that we will not, directly or indirectly give any intelligence whatever to the enemies of the United Colonies, or do or say any thing in opposition to or in prejudice of the measures and proceedings of any Congress for the said Colonies, during the present troubles, or until we are duly exchanged or discharged. And each of us engage that our servants, being under the same restrictions by Order of the Council, as we ourselves are, shall severally observe the same. Given under our hands this twenty second day of June A. D. 1776. COLIN McKENZIE, Captain, COLIN McKENZIE, Lieut., PETER FRASER, Ensign, COLIN McKENZIE, Volunteer, ALEXR McTAvisII, Volunteer, DUGALD CAMPBELL, Volunteer, DONALD McBEAN, Volunteer. Revolutionary Letters, Mass. Archives, vol. 195, p. 193. MENDON 20th. of August 1776. SIR, Soon after the arrival of the Scotch Officers to this Town, pursuant to the Orders of the Honble Board, we wrote a few lines to your Honor requesting a solution of certain questions relative to the manner of conducting ourselves with Regard to said Officers and their Servants. One of the Selectmen was ordered to sign said Letter in the name of the rest, but, it seems, inadvertently omitted it, and which, we suppose might be the reason of our not being favoured with an answer, and by way of excuse that we were not apprized of the abovementioned omission (at least most of us) till a few hours ago. And as the same difficulty still remains on our minds we are under a Necessity of troubling your Honor with another Epistle on the subject. As we observed in our former Letter there are two large Roads pass through this Town, one leading from Worcester to Providence R. I., the other from New York and Connecticut to Boston. The latter of these has for many years been called the Middle Post Road.- Now these Officers, at least some of them, are desirous of boarding in the center of the Town, where these roads intersect each other. The Selectmen were not willing to gratify them in this request, thinking it would not be altogether agreeable to the Spirit of the Resolves of Congress. The Officers take it as an. abridgement of the Liberty granted them and insist that have a right to board where they like, in any part of the town. We beg to be instructed in this matter. Another difficulty has arisen with regard to these Officers Servants or Waiters. They have brought five men servants and two women, wives, they 'ay, to two of their men servants. The Resolves of Congress 1776.1] ANNALS OF MENDON. 357 make no provision for Servants, nor did your Honor mention anything concerning them in your Letter to the Selectmen. The officers refuse to pay for their board and we cannot find any one willing to trust to any other pay. A Difference having arisen between one of said Officers and his Servant, the Officer has left the house where he used to board and left his servant behind, refusing to pay his board. The Entertainer, to secure his pay, detains the Officer's Trunk and part of his clothing. We must entreat your Honor to explain our Duty to us in these matters. We are, with the greatest, your Honor's most Obedient, humble servant, PETER PENNIMAN, in the Name and by Order of the Selectmen. This letter was undoubtedly directed to John Lowell, Dep. Sec. P. T. of the Council. Rec. Council Papers, (Mass Archives) vol. 165, p. 143. The following order was passed upon the reception of a letter (the first one lost) from the Selectmen of Menclon. Council Chamber, Aug. 23, 1776. The Board thinking it proper that the Officers, viz: Colin McKenzie, Capt., Colin McKenzie, Lieut., Peter Frazer, Ensign, and Colin McKenzie, Alexr McTarish, Dugald Campbell and Donald McBean, Volunteers,- with their Servants, Prisioners of War, who were sent to the Town of Mendon, in the County of Worcester, should be removed to the Town of Grafton in said County. Ordered that the Sheriff of the aforesaid County be directed, Immediately, to remove the said Officers and their Servants, except the one who lhas been dismissed, to the said Town of Grafton and deliver them to the care of the Committee of Safety and Inspection; and he is further Ordered to deliver to said Officers their Parole for their residence in Mendon upon their signing a like Parole for their tarrying in Grafton. For some reason, which does not appear, the order failed to reach the Sheriff, as will appear by the following: Rec. Letters (Mass. Ar.) vol. 295, p. 353. MENDON Nov. 13. 1776. Sir, The Committee of Correspondence &c. of the Town of Mendon have reed. a Letter from the Honble Council of this State informing us that they have ordered your Honor to remove all the Prisioners in Mendon to the Town of Grafton, and the Committee have been waiting impatiently for their removal, for the following reasons, that is that they have got acquainted with all parts of the town, or the people in all parts of it; and some persons in said town, seem to favour their cause, and further persons from different Neighboring Towns come lurking round them, for what reason we are not able, at this time, to assign, but we believe for no good intent, 358 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. and we think it best for the Good and Safety of the State that they be removed from this Town immediately, to some other Town. In so doing you will oblige yrs, &c. JOHN TYLER, ] Committee of Correspondence, Jos. GIBBS, | Inspection and JOHN ALBEE, I Safety, GIDEON ALBEE, | For the Town HENRY BENSON, J of Mendon. To Simeon Dwight, Sheriff of the County of Worcester, Dlr. these. WESTERN NOV. 16, 1776. To the Honble Council of the State of Massachusetts Bay: I send you Inclosed a letter I received from the Committee of Correspondence &c. &c. of the Town of Mendon wherein your Honors may observe that they Inform me that your Honors have Informed them, by a letter, that you have ordered me to remove the Prisoners in Mendon &c. I beg leave to inform your Honors that I have received no such Order, but shall be ready to obey when I shall receive it. I am your Honor's most Obedient and most Humble Servant. SIMEON DWIGHT. Rec. Council Papers (Mass. Ar.) vol. 166, p. 12. Gentlemen I take the liberty of appealing to your justice from the Ignorance and Brutality of the Committee and Selectmen of this Town which have reduced the British Prisoners on their Parole here to a situation which (to borrow an expression of your late proclamation) is less a favor than the Grave. Notwithstanding our utmost endeavours to live on good terms with the people we have been constantly insulted from the very day of our arrival. Their threats of Assassination we have overlooked as the least considerable in the whole Catalogue of our Grievances, the idea of Death being familiar to Soldiers. We have been restricted to houses unfit to provide for us and to bounds far narrower than those prescribed by Congress. I do not mean to involve all the Inhabitants in an indiscriminate censure. Some few there are of a more ingenuous nature, but they must be cautious of showing any symptoms of sympathy, unless they choose to be branded as Enemies of America. It is the conduct of our Prosecutors which militates, in every view, against the cause they pretend to support. One of our Gentlemen was sent to jail the other day for saying, if he was clear of his parole and at the head of a thousand Tories and four hundred Highlanders that he thought he could force his way to a sea port; and even this expression (which never can be construed into a breach of his parole) he was provoked to by the most indecent reflections on the British Troops. Two soldiers were imprisoned at the same time for Crimes too trifling to be mentioned. Another of our Gentlemen had a narrow escape, having been accused of saying that he held fast his integrity and I was on 1776.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 359 the Brink of being brought to Trouble for threatening to set the North River on Fire. Such are our judges! May they never be so judged. A jail, such as the British jail at Quebec has been described to me by American prisoners, who have passed some time there, were a welcome Asylum to the miseries we feel; but Worcester Jail is only another name for Horror! A wretched pittance of the most wretched provisions, a total want of fire, bedding and every other comfort and deprivation, in some degree, of the blessed light of heav6n, constitute only the most tolerable part of the accumulated calamities of those unhappy men who are on the Brink of falling victims to Barbarity in that Mansion of Despair. Reflect, Gentlemen, how hard such usage as we meet must bear on men fostered in the bosom of British Liberty. That you are ignorant of our sufferings, I firmly believe, nor is it to be supposed you could bear the thoughts of addressing the All Seeing Deity, on the approaching occasion* under the consciousness of so enormous a Breach of the Laws of God and Dictates of Humanity! We seek not to interest your passions-we implore not your Pity, but we appeal to your Justice-from that we expect an immediate alleviation of our Hardships. I have the Honor to be with all due Respect, Gentlemen Your most obedient and most humble Servant, COLIN MCKENZIE, Capt. in the 71st Regt Foot. Mendon, Nov. 3, 1776. The Pres. & Council. Memorandum Rec'd by the Ticonderoga Post, Dec. 16, 1776. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, Council Chamber, Dec. 17, 1776. Ordered that the Secretary be and he is hereby directed to serve the Selectmen and Committee of Correspondence &c. for the Town of Mendon, with an attested copy of a letter, now before the Board, signed 'by Colin McKenzie, Captain in the 71st Reg. of Foot dated Dec. 3, 1776 and also a Copy of this Order, and said Selectmen and Committee are hereby directed, immediately, to make answer to this Board to the contents of said Letter. Although nothing was found in the State Archives at B.oston of the doings of the Council upon the appearance of the Selectmen and the Committee, still it is presumed a hearing was had, as may be inferred by the following letter. Rec. Council papers, vol. 166, p. 170. Gentlemen, I yesterday received the Honour of your Letter of the 17th. and it is with pleasure I acknowledge the ready Condescension with which you have considered my complaint against the Selectmen and Committee *I hanksgiving. 360 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1776. of this place. I might have greatly swelled the charge, by informing you of their confining, without any cause, the Master of a Transport* who came here to visit us, and sending him to Boston, under a Guard of their own Members, after having extorted money from him by threatening to commit him to Worcester Jail; of their searching the country, in the genuine spirit of the Inquisition, for Women whom they. might persuade to swear a Rape againt uss; of their assaulting our Lodgings at Midnight with a Mob; of their obliging us to quit a house in which we were civilly treated for that of a Man whom they knew to be of an infamous character as well as to have constantly discovered a particular Inveterancy against us. These and some further particulars of the same kind I might have enumerated, as well as added many aggravating circumstances; but I confined myself to what I judged sufficient to engage your Interposition in our Favour, and which we seem already to have experienced the good effects, for we have lately been Enlarged from close confinement to which we had been hauled away from our Lodging in the Night Time without any reason assigned for such usage. We have also obtained a privilege of which we apprehend neither the Congress nor you ever thought of depriving us, that of choosing our own Lodgings in which we have yet met no disturbance, so that, if the Selectmen and Committee abstain from further Injuries we are willing to forget the past. Indeed I never meant to enter into any contest with such unreasonable Men, much less to trouble you with calling to an Account Men who seem not to have been designed by Nature for accountable beings. Some of the Excesses, they would have us believe, they were compelled to by the Inhabitants, but this wretched Apology of those unhappy men, is flatly contradicted by the respectable part of the Inhabitants, who entertain too great contempt for their Meanness and Incapacity to countenance their Proceedings. That men of their own stamp should concur in their Enormities is natural enough. I now take the liberty of soliciting your Honorable Boards Approbation and concurrence upon a proposal which has just been made to me from Capt. Simeon Thayer of the Continental Troops, now on his Parole at Providence, of an exchange betwixt him and me. And that you may have no further Trouble in the Transaction I beg leave to propose that I may be permitted to go to Rhode Island, on my parole, in order to conclude it. If an exchange cannot be effected, my next wish is to be sent to Rhode Island, New York or Halifax, on the same terms on which so many American Officers have been dismissed by our Generals. Your extending this indulgence to the rest of the Gentlemen will be an additional obligation on all of us particularly on Gentlemen Your much obliged humble Servant, COLIN MCKENZIE, Capt. 17th Regt. Foot. Mendon, Dec. 31, 1776. The Honbie President and Council. * Hugh Walker. 1777.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 361 The following extract from the "Record of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, May to Nov. 1776," now (April, 1880,) being published in the N. E. His. and Gen. Register, will, at least, settle the matter that Hugh Walker and the Master of the Transport, mentioned in Capt. McKenzie's letter, was the same person. Boston Con. of Correspondence &c. p. 58. "The Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety for the Town of Mendon, acquaints this Committee by a printing on file, that they had sent one Hugh Walker to this Town, who was taken up at Mendon as a Stroller & corresponding with Capt. McKenzie, an officer placed in that Town on Parole-and they pray that proper care may be taken of him by this Committee. Mr. Thomas directed to order said Walker's attendance to-morrow Evening at this place. At a Meeting of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, at the Council Chamber, September 24th Mr. Hugh Walker attended according to order, and, being inquired of respecting his business at Mendon; he assured the Committee that his being in that Town was in order to settle an Account and receive a balance to him from Capt. McKenzie. Mr' Walker was dismissed, being first cautioned against leaving this town without a permit for his doing it being obtained from this Committee." I777. In Council Jan. 8, 1777. The above Letter Read and Committed to Richard Derby Esq., to consider the same and report. JOHN AVERY, Depy. Sec. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, COUNCIL CHAMBER, Apr. 16, 1777. Ordered that Capt. Colin McKenzie be and he is hereby permitted to go to New York to procure the Liberation of Capt. John Johnson in the service of the United States of America, detained a prisoner aforesaid, Giving his Parole and engaging to do all in his power to obtain the exchange or return himself within five weeks from the date hereof. Said Capt. McKenzie to go with Capt. Thomas Jenner Carnes to the Lines at or near New York. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, COUNCIL CHAMBER, April 16, 1777. I, Colin McKenzie, Captain of a Company in the 71st Regiment of Foot, a prisoner, being permitted to depart this State, by the Honb'e Council to 46 362 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1777. go to New York to procure the exchange of John Johnson, Captain in the service of the United States, giving my Parole of Honor and engaging to do all in my power to procure the liberation of said Johnson, if he is yet detained as a prisoner in New York, if not, and he is already exchanged, I promise upon my Honor to procure the liberation of some other officer of equal rank with myself, or will return within the term of five weeks from the date hereof, and that I will not directly or indirectly give any intelligence whatever to the Enemies of the United States, or do or say any thing in opposition to or in prejudice of the Measures and proceedings of any Congress or Assemblies for the said States during the present war or until I am duly discharged. COLIN McKENZIE, Capt. 71s. Regt. British. G. Patridge, Wm. Greenleaf, Jr. STATE OF MAssACHUSETTS BAY, COUNCIL CHAMBER, Apr 16, 1777. Ordered that the Sheriff of the County of Suffolk be and he is hereby directed to take into custody and safely keep the body of Colin McKenzie, now a prisoner in this State and upon his parole of Honor, so that he may be had before this Board tomorrow morning at ten o'clock to answer for his conduct. It is presumed that the Colin McKenzie who was ordered under arrest by the Sheriff of Suffolk County, to be produced before the Council the next day at ten o'clock in the forenoon, was the Colin McKenzie, Captain, who had just given his parole in the Council Chamber. Something had come to the knowledge of the Council, after the acceptance of his parole, which led to the order for his arrest. What became of the matter, or how long any of the prisoners remained at Mendon is not known. March 3. Chose for Selectmen, Edward Rawson, Esq., Lieut. Seth Nelson, Jonathan Cass, Maj. Joseph Daniels and Moses Chapin; Town Clerk and Treasurer, Joseph Dorr, Esq.; Samuel Fairbanks, Eben'r. Sumner and Seth Taft, Jr., for Constables; Committee of Correspondence, Edward Rawson, Esq., Capt. Samuel Warren, Ens. Henry Benson, Maj. Joseph Daniels and Ebenezer Holbrook. Deer Reeves and Wardens still chosen. Voted that each military company shall have the disposal of the fines incurred during the late levy. From this it would seem that there had been a draft, and that the service required could be commuted by the payment of a fine. . 17'7.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 363 At this meeting it was voted to grant every non-commissioned officer and soldier who shall voluntarily enlist into the Continental service, for the defence of the American States, the sum of ~12 until the town's quota be completed. Voted that Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Peter Penniman, Capt. Samuel Warren, Mr. Henry Benson, Lieut. Seth Nelson, Mr. James Sumner and Lieut. Philip Ammidown be a committee " to inquire what persons in the town have done more than their proportion towards the War and make an average between them and those who have done less. And that said Committee use their utmost endeavours to Inlist soldiers into the Continental Service upon the additional encouragement voted by the town." March 12. Voted that the Selectmen borrow ~12 for each man who shall enlist to make up the town's quota in the Continental Army, and to pay that sum upon their passing muster, and take their receipt for the same. Voted to pay the Soldiers that marched in the Militia to New York, in the month of September last (1776) for two months and eight days, at the rate of 20s. per month, and the Selectmen to borrow the money. March 17. Voted to pay Henry Benson for extraordinary services on the Committee of Correspondence for 1776, ~2.07.07. March 31. It seems recruiting went on a slow pace, as, at a town meeting held this day, it was voted to add ~18 per man to the ~12 already granted to encourage soldiers to enlist into the Continental service for three years or during the war. Voted that the Militia officers be desired to convene their respective companies, and to do all in their power to promote the enlistment of their men. In the olden time, before vaccination had been introduced, hospitals would be opened for inoculation for the small-pox. At this time Dr. Samuel Willard, of Uxbridge, and his brother, Dr. Levi Willard, of Mendon, had opened a hospital in Mendon, located, as learned from tradition, a little way north from the house of Thomas J. Nugent. It seems, however, the town was averse to a pest house, as the hospital was called, and at this meeting it was Voted "that the Inoculating Hospital carried on by Dr. Samuel Willard and Dr. Levi Willard be immediately discontin 364 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1777. ued," and to make the matter sure, voted not to have an inoculating hospital. May 23. Lieut. Seth Nelson and Capt. John Tyler were chosen Representatives to the General Court. The second article in the warrant for this meeting reads as follows, viz:"To choose by ballot some meet person, who is firmly attached to the American Cause to procure and lay before the Court (described in An Act, entitled an Act for securing this and the other United States, against the Dangers to which they are exposed by the Internal Enemies thereof) the evidence that may be had of the Enemical Disposition toward this army of the United States, of any Inhabitant of this town who shall be charged by the Freeholders and other'Inhabitants of said Town, in manner mentioned in said Act, of their being persons whose Residence in this State is dangerous to the public Peace and Safety." Under this article Maj. Joseph Daniels was chosen by ballot, as the meet person to procure evidence, if any there be, to lay before the Special Court of Sessions. At this time we-find the first recorded petition for a town meeting, praying the town to put a stop to any further inoculating for the small-pox in the Widow Rachel Taft's house; to prevent any who may have been inoculated from being kept in any other house in town except the Pest House and to put a stop to any one frequenting the Pest House except on particular business. At the town meeting the prayer of the petition was granted. At a town meeting June 30, the second article in the warrant was in these words: "To choose 3, 5 or 7 persons to be put under oath to Prosecute all Breaches of the Acts, made by authority of the State, for Preventing Monopoly and Oppression that shall come to their knowledge." Upon this article the town'voted "to suspend action for the present." The town again voted they would not have a work house. Sept. 1. Voted that Joseph Dorr, Esq., Capt. John Tyler, Coroner James Sumner, Mr. Aaron Everett and Capt. Gershom Nelson be a committee to draft a petition to the General Court to give reasons why the town should not be held to raise an addition of men to those raised for one-seventh part of the militia last summer, 1776. 1777.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 365 At the time of the call for one-seventh of the militia in 1776, there were four companies in Mendon, commanded respectively by Captains John Albee, William Jennison, Joseph Daniels and Gershom Nelson, and numbering one hundred and sixty-three men. One-seventh of this number is twenty-three, and which number, it is supposed, had been duly mustered into the service. Sept. 15: Voted to raise ~2,000 to pay the soldiers and other town charges for the present year. Voted to raise ~60 for schooling, exclusive of the interest of the school bonds. Voted to allow Capt. John Tyler ~1 for his expenses for two journeys, viz:-One to Worcester and one to Watertown on account of the British prisoners. Nov. 24. Voted, as the minds of the town, that the late act of the General Court for calling in the State money and issuing Treasury notes on interest ought to be repealed; and Maj. Daniels, Ens. Pelatiah Darling, Lieut. Joseph Johnson, Mr. Nehemiah Nelson and Mr. Samuel Fairbanks were instructed to draw up a remonstrance against said act, and present the same to the General Court. Chose Capt. John Albee, Lieut. Seth Thayer, Mr. John Benson, Mr. Samuel Fairbanks and Mr. Ebenezer Read to provide for the families of the officers and soldiers now in the army. Voted to raise ~600, in addition to the sum already raised, for the disbursement of town charges. Rev. Court Papers, Vol. 173, p. 182. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. COUNCIL CHAMBER May 9. 1777. Ordered that the Commissary General of this State be and he is hereby directed immediately to forwfrd one ton and a half of lead and Five thousand flints to the Town of Mendon and deliver the same to Ichabod Ammidown, Inholder, to be by him delivered to Governor Trumbull's order Read and acceptedJOHN AvERY, Depy. Secy. MENDON SOLDIERS. The following are the names of Mendon men who enlisted for three years. Second Company (Mill River) 19: 366 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1778. Joseph Passmore James Battles Amarial Albee Joel Thayer Henry Nelson Boyce Kimball Phineas Tanner? Isaac Chapin Ebenr Thompson John Brown Jonan Whitney Oliver Chapin Wm. Lesure Josiah Chapin Simeon Smith Stephen Lesure John Hayward Silas Brown David or Daniel Cutler. Note. The above said Oliver Chapin is one of Gen Washington's Life Guards, and the above said Simeon Smith is in the Corps of Artillery under Lieut. Thomas Bailey. The following men enlisted in the cavalry: Ezra Marshall, Elijah Stodder, Wim. Taylor, Noah Smith, Thomas Goodwin, Thomas Welch, Jack Allen, Joshua Dix or Dise, and Eben' Wheelock. On the roster containing the above hames is the following entry: "John or Jacob East, seaman, taken prisoner in the Vixen and brought into Boston 1777." On another roster, the following names are found, being "the names of men whose terms of service will expire in 1780, viz:Benj. Hayward, Gustavus Aldrich, John Albee, Levi Darling, Peter Darling, Jona. Boyce, Jabez Albee or Allen, and Winm. Phillips. " I778. Jan. 6. Maj. Joseph Daniels, Joseph Dorr, Esq., Coroner James Sumner, Mr. Joseph Benson, Jr., and Edward Rawson, Esq., were chosen a Committee to instruct each of the Representatives in the General Court, in regard to each article in the Confederation proposed by Congress, and sent by the General Court to each town in the State; and report to the town at the adjournment of this meeting. At the adjournment of the meetingheld Jan. 12, the Committee probably made a report although none appears on the record. The town then voted to approve the thirteen articles of Confederation proposed to the United States for a perpetual Union, and also of eight resolves passed in Congress. The Representatives were instructed to vote for the articles whenever they came up in the General Court, and the Clerk was directed to furnish each Representative with a copy of this vote. 1777.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 367 Voted that the town would assess themselves with their proportion of the ~400,000 voted by the General Court, and the Assessors were directed to assess the same forthwith. Instead of ~400.000 the sum raised, as may be seen in a foot note in Barry's History of Massachusetts vol. 3, p. 147, was ~314,526.01.09 of which sum ~8883.07.06 was appropriated to pay the Representatives to the General Court for 1776. Valuations vol. 161, p. 158, Mass. Ar. The following is an Account of the Number of Male Inhabitants in the Town of Mendon, in the County of Worcester & State of Massachusetts Bay, who were Sixteen years old and upwards, on the first day of January 1777, taken by us the Subscribers in observance of a Resolve of the Great & General Court of this State, dated Dec. 9, 1776. The whole Number is Five Hundred and Seventy Two. In which number are included four Negroes,,and also Fifty Males of the Denomination of Christians Called Quakers, which were so reputed-before the 19th day of April 1775, though they have never produced certificates according to law, but have always refused to do military duty. There are also included in the above number the following persons viz: John Torrey and his son Joseph Torrey and William Torrey and Jonathan Williams all of Boston. Eliezer Dunton from Newport, Rhode Island and Clemence Peckham, Apprentice to said Dunton. PETER PENNIMAN JONATHAN JONES | Selectmen PELETIAH DARLING of SAMUEL FAIRBANKS Mendon EBENEZER SUMNER J Mendon, Jan 31, 1777. Worcester ss. 1lth Feb. 1778. I certify that the above named Selectmen of Mendon for the year 1776, previous to makiig the above Return of the Number of Male Inhabitants in said Town of Mendon which were Sixteen years old and upwards on the first day of January 1777, personally appeared and made oath, that in the performance of said trust they acted with faithfulness and impartiality, and that the foregoing Return, according to the best of their knowledge contained a true account of the number of Male Inhabitants in said Town which were Sixteen years old on the first day of Jan. 1777. JOSEPH DORR, Justice of the Peace. March 2. Chose for Selectmen Joseph Dorr, Esq., Dea. John Chapin, Mr. Stephen Benson, Mr. John Penniman and Mr. Ichabod Thayer, Jr.; for Town Clerk and Treasurer, Joseph Dorr, Esq.; Constables, Levi Rawson, Jonathan Jones and Ens. Peletiah Darling. Dea. Josiah Adams was chose Grand Juryman. 368 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1778. March 16. Voted that the Assessors and those chosen to assist them in taking the valuation should have 10s. per day. Voted not to build a Work House, but to hire one, and chose Maj. Joseph Daniels, Capt. Samuel Warren and Mr. James Blake, Overseers of the Poor. This is the first election of Overseers of the Poor, the Wardens, heretofore, performing that duty. Maj. Daniels, Capt. Warren and Mr. James Blake were chosen a Committee to provide for the families of the Continental soldiers that went out of this town. By the following vote we shall learn that, at this time, Mendon had seventy-five men, in actual service, in the Continental army. Voted to procure one pair of shoes, one pair of stockings and one shirt for each Continental soldier for this town, viz: 75 pairs of shoes, 75 pairs of stockings and 75 shirts, and then voted to double the number of shirts and stockings. Lieut. Philip Ammidown, Mr. Josiah Wheelock and Mr. John Benson were chosen a Committee to procure the aforesaid artiticles and bring in their account to the Selectmen who were instructed to allow and pay the same. The shirts were to be made of good tow cloth, whitened, seven-eighths in width, three and one half yards in a shirt. The stockings to be made of good large size white yarn and well knit. The shoes to be made of good neat leather and soles of well tanned leather with straps for buckles. The articles were to be got ready by April 1, and the Committee was to agree with some one to convey them to the soldiers. Mass. Arch. Rec. and Miscel', vol. 141, p. 232. May 1, 1779, the following account of the town of Mendon for supplies was allowed and paid to the Selectmen, viz: 75 Shirts at 43s.............................~161.05.00 75 Prs. of Shoes at 48s..................... 180.00.00 75 " '' Stockings at 33s.................. 123.15.00 40 Miles transportation..................... 6.00.00 Total ~471.00.00 Receipted for by JOSEPH DORR. Nov. 26, 1779. The following account was directed to be paid, viz: 1778.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 369 75 Shirts at 120s..................... 450.00. 00 75 Prs. Shoes " 144s................ 540.00.00 75 " Stockings " 80s............... 292.00.00 12 Miles transportation.......................... 15.00.00 Allowed Selectmen.............................. 33.00.00 ~1330.00.00 It is presumed that the difference in price of the same articles from May to November was the rate of the depreciation of the Continental currency between the two periods. April 13. The steel belonging to the town was sold this day by public auction to Capt. Philip Paine at 8s. 6d. per lb. Capt. Paine, it is presumed, lived at Woonsocket, as he was taxed in Rhode Island. At the same time the town voted that they would not insist on his paying a tax for ~800 in this town for which he is taxed in Providence, R. I. The subject of a Hospital for Small-pox was again brought up for consideration, but the town adhered to their former refusal. May 11. Joseph Dorr, Esq., James Sumner, Peletiah Darling, Edward Rawson, Esq., Samuel Jones, James Lovett, Aaron Everett, Nehemiah Nelson and Levi Aldrich were chosen a Committee to make an estimate of the service of all the men who have done a Tour in the War, since the commencement thereof. Capts. Samuel Craggin, Nelson and Penniman, Samuel Green, Levi Aldrich, Samuel Warren, John Tyler, and Lieuts. Seth Nelson and Abraham Staples were chosen a Committee to hire the several quotas of men the town may be called to furnish from time to time. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to borrow money to supply said committee in the town's behalf. Voted to raise ~2000 to defray town charges and that the same be assessed immediately. May 21. A meeting of the male inhabitants, twenty-one years of age and being free, was held this day to take into consideration the draft of a constitution which had been framed by the General Court of May 28, 1777. At a previous meeting a committee, of which Joseph Dorr, Esq., was Chairman, was chosen to consider the subject and report to the town at the May meeting. The report of the committee having been read, but of which 47 370 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1778. no copy is found, the Moderator, Edward Rawson, Esq., took a vote on the Constitution, as follows: " Those members of the meeting who approve the Constitution or form of Government are desired to repair to the west end of the Meeting House, and those who do not approve of the Constitution or Form of Government are desired to move to the east end of the Meeting House;" and upon counting the members upon each side it appeared there were two members who approved and fifty-seven who disapproved said Constitution. Voted that the Town Clerk attest the report of the committee, and that the same be sent to the General Court, that the Court may be informed in what particulars the town dislike said Constitution. Just what the town's objections were we have, at this day, no means of knowing, as the Town Clerk (Joseph Dorr, Esq., and who was also chairman of the committee, and very probably drew up the report) failed to enter it in the record of the meeting. In this regard the Town Clerks of later days are, in most cases, equally at fault. The reading of the report served its purpose at the time, but, considering the subject and the ability of its probable author, it would undoubtedly have been an interesting document for the reader of the present day. May 21. Edward Rawson, Esq., was chosen this day Representative to the General Court. Voted to raise ~15,000, including ~2,000 raised before for 'town charges, and ~300 for schools. These sums were undoubtedly in the depreciated Continental currency of the day. Chose Capt. John Albee, Deacon Albee (supposed Gideon) and James Sumner a committee to look up the matter of Puffer's land and grist mill. It will be remembered that there was an original grant of fifty acres of land to Benjamin Albee, his heirs and assigns, provided he or they should always keep up a grist mill for the town's use. The probability is, that at this time the present owner had let the mill fall out of repair, and hence the present action of the town. Sept. 21. Voted to accept the estimate and average last prepared by the committee, of the time served by the soldiers in the war, &c. Dec. 16. Voted that the committee who formed the last aver 1778.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 371 age of the services done (by the soldiers) and money paid by individuals since the commencement of the present war be ordered to furnish the several [Constables] in the town with a list of the names of all the persons who are entitled to receive their part of the estimate or average and what part each individual is to receive. Voted that the Constables [collectors also] in the town be and they are hereby directed to pay each individual or order the sums set against their names respectively in said lists delivered to them by the committee. Voted that the Selectmen purchase what guns the town is allowed to purchase of the Board of War and sell them to the inhabitants, but not more than one gun to any one man. THE TORIES. For the better understanding of the following petition, it should be stated that the British were in possession of Newport, in Rhode Island, and, without doubt, there were some persons in the towns adjacent to Rhode Island who still remained loyal to the British Crown, and, when occasion offered, might sometimes furnish aid and comfort to their friends. We believe, however, that there were but few in Mendon, as tradition has brought down the names of only one or two who were suspected of dealing with the enemy. Rev. Petitions, Vol. 184, p. 338. To the Honorable the Council and House of Representatives of the State of Massachusetts Bay in General Court assembled. We the subscribers, Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety of the Towns of Mendon, Hopkinton and Holliston, Beg leave to represent to your Honors that, in the course of their Inspection they have conceived strong suspicions that sundry persons (either Inimically disposed to the Freedom of the United States, or who, for the sake of Aggrandizing themselves with a little Sordid gain, tho' perhaps, at the expense of their own and their Country's Freedom) have, in a Traitorous, Clandestine manner (as we have reason to fear) carried on a Commercial Correspondence with our most cruel, Insidious and Merciless Enemies, by purchasing and Conveying, all the Necessaries of life that lie in their power, to the Towns and places near Rhode Island, and other parts of this State, which, we have too much reason to fear are conveyed from thence to our Cruel and Merciless Invaders, thereby not only encouraging and Feeding those who are, by every artifice and low cunning in their power, endeavouring to 372 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1778. carry Fire and Sword into the Bowels of these Infant States, but, as we fear will, if not speedily prevented, prove very distressful, if not distructive to the good people of this State, not only by advancing the price of provisions at an enormous Rate, but, in our opinion, Highly Threatens Poverty and Famine to the good people of this State. Whereupon your Informants have been frequently called upon, by well Affected Persons and by their own observation to exert themselves in their capacity to the utmost of their Power to put a stop to such pernicious practices. But upon due examination of the Resolutions of the Legislature of this State thereon, cannot find the Laws of this State do afford your Informants sufficient Support therefor; Wherefore as friends to our much injured and bleeding Country whose Distress loudly calls on all her Friends and Servants to use every precaution in their Power to save her from Impending Ruin, and, as we esteem Freedom far Superior to any other earthly enjoyment, we do now appeal to your Honors as the Chief Guardians (next under Heaven) of our Liberties and privileges and in whose hand are intrusted the most weighty affairs of State, Humbly Pray your Honors would take this Information into Consideration and enact such laws or give such directions to your Informants and others in like capacity as your Honors in your great wisdom shall judge proper to prevent such Dangerous practices from being carried any Further into Execution, and your Informants as in Duty bound shall ever pray. James Lovett, Joshua Heminway, Jacob Gibbs, James Brattle, James Perry, Abel Fisk, Ebenr. Read, Drury Fairbanks, Samll. Daniels, Robert Mellen, Timothy Rockwood Jr. Holliston Jan. 15. 1778. This petition, it appears was referred by the General Court to a committee, who made the following report: BOSTON Feb. 1778. The Committee on the Petition of Jacob Gibbs and others, Beg leave to Report that it is their opinion that a bill should be brought in to prevent the carrying on a Commercial Correspondence with persons inimical to the United States. It is our opinion that no person or persons should have liberty to purchase any of the necessaries of life in any Town within this State without first obtaining a Certificate from the Selectmen or Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety of the Town to which they belong that they are Persons Friendly Disposed to the United States. How State Paupers were determined in 1778. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. To the Honourable the Council and House of Representatives of said State at Roxbury Assembled April ye 13, 1778. 1778.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 373 The Petition of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mendon in the County of Worcester in said State, Humbly Sheweth, That in the year 1775 one Elizabeth Cummings, a Transient person, came to reside within the said Town of Mendon, who informs us that about 1770 she came from Ireland, passenger with Capt. Harry Bowers and Mr. Caldwell who bound her out to Mr. Joshua Hayward of East Town, for the term of four years, to pay her passage, she then being about 14 or 15 years old. That in ye said year 1775 as aforesaid she came to reside in the Town of Mendon, that since that time she has been delivered of two Male Bastard Children. She not being able to support herself and children, threw her-self on the Town for the maintenance of herself and Chidren; and she not having gained a settlement in any town within this State the Town of Mendon have been at Great cost for her support. We the Subscribers in our capacity as Overseers of the Poor in said Town, Pray that your Honors would take this affair into your wise and impartial consideration and order payment of the account herewith exhibited by said Town and order that the said Elizabeth and her two children be made a State charge for the future; the Town of Mendon not having power to remove her to any other Town before they were born, and one of the men charged to be the father Inlisted into the Continental service, the other a Prisoner of war. The State of Massachusetts Bay To the Town of Mendon. Dr. To Supporting Elizabeth Cummings and boys at the Widow Bethiah Taft's from ye 23d. of Septr to Oct. 14th at 18s. pr. week......... ~2 14 00 For her nursing & lying-in charge & boarding children @ 30s pr w eek.................................................... 7 16 00 Nov. 23. Paid Caleb Wilder for keeping said Elizabeth and children 4 days at 4s per day............................. 16 00 Paid John Holden for 8 days at 4s. per day..................... 1 1 2 00 Paid Seth Wheelock for 5 days at 4s. pr. day................. 1 00 00 Paid Philip Ammidown for 20 days at 4s. pr. day.......... 4 00 00 Paid Jonathan Cass for 6 weeks & 1 day at 30s. pr. week....... 9 12 08 Paid Joseph Blake for 5 weeks & 2 days at 30s. pr. week....... 7 18 07 Paid Philip Ammidown for removing her and two children 5 miles in the Winter & Bad Travelling................... 1 00 00 ~36 08 10 The above account being thirty-six pounds, eight shillings and ten pence which the Town of Mendon have paid for ye said Elizabeth Cummings and her two children for which we pray allowance and pray that the same may be made payable to Capt. John Tyler or Mr. Seth Nelson for the use of the Town of Mendon, as your Humble Petitioners in duty bound will ever pray. JOSEPH DANIELS, ) Overseers of the Poor SAMUEL WARREN, of the Town of JAMES BLAKE. Mendon. 374 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1778. Worcester ss. April ye 13, 1778. Personally appeared Messrs. Joseph Daniels, Saml. Warren and Jas. Blake, Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mendon, and made solemn oath that the foregoing Account is just and true in all its parts to the best of their knowledge. Before me, EDWARD RAWSON, Justice of the Peace. Rev. Resolves (Mass. Ar.) vol. 218, p. 342. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. In the House of Representatives April 29, 1778. On the Petition of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mendon, praying that the charges they have been at in Maintaining and Supporting Elizabeth Cummings and her two children may be allowed and. paid out of the Public Treasury of this State to Mr. Seth Nelson, and that she, the said Elizabeth Cummings and her two children be made a State charge for the future for reasons set forth in said Petition. Resolved, that the Prayer of said Petition be Granted and that there be paid out of the Public Treasury of this State to Mr. Seth Nelson, the sum of Thirty six pounds eight shillings and ten pence L. M. for the charges the town of Mendon have been at in maintaining and supporting the said Elizabeth Cummings and her two children, he the said Nelson giving his receipt to the Treasurer of the State for the same: and it is further Resolved that the said Elizabeth Cummings and her two children be made a State charge for the future. Sent up for Concurrence J. PITTS, Speaker P. T. In Council April 29, 1778. Read and' Concurred, JOHN AVERY, Depy. Secy. Consented to, Jer. Powell, A. Ward, T. Cushing, John Whetcomb, D. Hopkins, Josiah Stone, A. Fuller, Jabez Fisher, Benj. Austin, of the Council. (Warrant drawn.) It seems the town had some doubts whether the estimate and average which had been made, of money advanced and personal service rendered, could be maintained by existing laws and hence they petitioned the General Court to recognize their doings as valid and legal, Rev. Petitions vol. 184, p. 269. To the Honb'e the Council and the Honbie House of Representatives of the State of Massachusetts Bay in Gen. Court Assembled. The Petition of us the Subscribers,.Selectmen of Mendon Shews, That the said Town of Mendon having considered that many of its Inhabitants, who, in the course of the present war, flave been called forth as 1778.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 3.75 Soldiers into the service of this and the other United States, and have, in conjunction with others, been exposed to great Perils, fatigues and Hardships and performed great and Essential services for their Country, whose wages and pay (by Reason of the advanced price of the various Articles of Commerce, especially of the Necessaries of Life) have fallen far short of an adequate reward. The town having considered further the great Inconveniances and unequal Burthens that many Individuals have been subjected to by being drafted to serve in the War, especially,- in some instances, where heads of families have been drafted and obliged to procure others to serve for them, or to be considered Soldiers themselves; which reduced them to the unhappy alternative either of leaving their families or of giving an exhorbitant sum demanded of them to hire others to serve in their stead. To prevent which Inconveniences the Town came to a Resolution that all Men that should be sent for in future and ordered into the service as the Town's quota of Soldiers should be hired at the expense of the Town, by a Committee appointed for that purpose. But it was perceived that from this Measure another Inconvenience would result viz That those who had done already more than their proportion either in personal service or by their money would be involved, in common with others, in supporting the expense. To the Intent therefor, that the Burden of War should bear as nearly as possible, with equal Weight on all the Inhabitants, the Town, at a regular meeting for that purpose on the llth day of May last, appointed a Committee to' consider of and Estimate the services of all who had done duty in the war since the commencement thereof, either by personal service or by money, so that a tax might be granted and levied in order that those who had done more than their proportion might receive an equivalent for their service and those who had been deficient might be brought upon an average. Said Committee have carefully attended to the subject, have made an Estimate or Average of said services and Reported the same to the town which Estimate was, at a meeting on the 21st day of September last accepted by the Town, and at said Meeting a Tax was granted to be levied on the Inhabitants of the Town for the payment of the same. But inasmuch as Doubts have arisen whether said Estimate or Average falls fully within the Intent and Meaning of the Resolve of the General Assembly for enabling Towns to grant money to tax themselves for hiring Soldiers to carry on the war, and to prevent any Disputes or Difficulties that might otherwise arise in collecting said Tax, the Town thought it convenient that application should be made to the Great and General Court to establish the doings of said meeting, and have directed us, the Selectmen of said Town to make application accordingly. We Therefore, the said Selectmen, in behalf of said Town, Pray that your Honors would take the matter into your wise Consideration, and would be pleased to confirm and Establish the Doings of said Town at 376 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1778. their meeting on the said 21st day of September last, relative to said Estimate and the Tax granted to pay the same. And in Duty bound shall ever pray. JOSEPH DOIr JOHN PENNIMAN STEPHEN BENSON. Mendon Oct. 14. 1778. MENDON SOLDIERS. Although the rosters in the State Archives make ino mention of Mendon soldiers in the year 1776, the Town Records attest that during that year there were many persons from Mendon in the army. During the year indicated there were two special calls for troops, one for New York and one for the Northern Army, to both of which the Town Records show Mendon responded. For 1778 the rosters give the names of eight and nine months' men, and also of those serving during the war, but of these last, it is not certain whether they enlisted in the army in 1778 or before that time. The following are set down as nine months' men for the Rhode Island service, viz:John Brown John Howard* Abijah Legg Joseph Chapin* Samuel Holden Ezra Haskell* Isaac Chapin Boyce Kimball Elijah Stodder* David Cutler David Legg Jared Smith Zelek Darling Nathan Legg Ebenr Thompson Laban Fairbanks Wm. Lesure Benj. White. The following are also nine months' men, without designation as to their place of service, probably to reinforce the Northern Army: Calvin Smith Darius Holbrook Jona" Pickering Wm. Foster Asa Albee Artemas Cheney Moses Lovett Caleb Holbrook John Dewing John Torrey Jona" Kimball Wm. Cutting Joel Legg John Pickering. The following are eight months' men, and were drafted: Levi Darling Joel Aldrich John Phipps Jesse Darling Thomas Taft John Wilson. The following are the names of those who had enlisted for service during the war: *Dead in Service. 1778.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 377 Gustavus Aldricll Benj. Hayward Jonathan Rawson Jona" Boyce Nathan Jackson Samuel Ramsdell Silas Brown John Martindell Jonan Taft John Clark Henry Nelson Joel Thayer Aaron Davis Amariah Partridge Samuel Thayer Paul Davis Joseph Passmore Jona" Whitney (killed).. Solomon White Besides the foregoing, on the same page, the following names are found: Amariah Albee, 3 yrs. dead. Oliver Chapin, Dragoons; Anariah Vose, Art. and Amasa Aldrich. The following served as three months' men at Dorchester: Serg. Benj. Pickering, Corp. Levi Albee, Barak Bullard, Josiah Nelson and Samuel Twiss. The following names are set down as serving in. 1778, at Rhode Island, but the time of service not stated: Jesse Davis Drum. George Staples Stephen Torrey Douglass Marsh Silas Aldrich Samuel Tucker Jesse Darling Eleazer Daniels Joseph Torrey Serg. Elijah Darling Elias Jones Jona. Holbrook Serg. Artemas Taft Nat Torrey Jona. Hayward. In. the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment were the following men from Mendon, viz:-Capt. John Holden, John Clark, Jared Smith, Samuel Ramsdell, Calvin Smith and Serg. Samuel Holden? No date was given of this entry. It must have been later than 1778, as Calvin and Jared Smith both served in the nine months service of that year. The men, who enlisted to reinforce the Northern Army, were in the company of Capt. March Chase, of Sutton. An extract from the Rev. Council' Papers, Vol. 174, p. 375, will conmplete the record of the year: ELECTION DINNER. 1778. To Dressing the Election Dinner for the Councle (Gen. Court?) of This State. To 250 Dinners, @30s................... 375 00 00 To 144 Bottles of Madare Wine, 24s.................. 172 16 00 To 80 Double Bowles of Punch, @20s.................. 80 00 00 To 2 Doz. of Glass Brock' or Stole...................... 7 04 00 To 2 Large Dish & 9 Fine Plates Brock................. 10 10 00 48 378 ANNALS OF MENDON. * |1779. To Making Tables & Cleaning Hall..................... 17 10 00 ~663 00 00 Deduct $2.00 or 12s. per dinner................~150 00 & 4s pr. Bottle of Wine.................. 28 16 178 16 00 ~484 04 00 Boston July 13. 1778, Errors Excepted JOHN XMARSTON. I779. March 1. Chose for Selectmen Capt. John Tyler, Samuel Jones, Deacon Aaron Everett, Jesse Wheelock and Obadiah Wood; Joseph Dorr, Esq., Town Clerk; Peter Penniman, Town Treasurer; John Albee, Joseph Cody and Joseph Southwick, Constables. Jonathan Jones was chosen Grand Jurymian. Captains John Albee, Samuel Warren, Gershom Nelson, Levi Aldrich and Samuel Craggin were chosen a committee to revise the School Districts and report necessary alterations. The eighth article in the warrant for this meeting was " to see if the Town would order the Selectmen or Treasurer to refuse payment of certain Notes given to certain men who engaged as part of the Town's quota for six weeks service in Rhode Island and who deserted." Voted that the committee chosen last year to hire soldiers be a committee to report on this article. Voted March 15. That the notes which the Selectmen gave to James Sprague and Joseph Pierce in 1778, for engaging as part of the town's quota for the six weeks' service in Rhode Island in August last, be not paid, and that the town will indemnify and save them harmless against any suits which may be brought against them, as these men were probably deserters. Thus we see there were bounty jumpers in ye olden time as well as in modern times. Voted that the Easterly Precinct (now Milford) may be set off as a separate town, there being 67 in the affirmative and 60 in the negative. Voted not to set off the South Precinct (now Blackstone) into a separate town. The Overseers of the Poor, Maj. Joseph Daniels, Capt. Samuel Warren and Mr. James Blake, were allowed ~6 each for their services. 1779.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 379 The Assessors were allowed 20s. per day for taking the valuation; Capt. John Tyler twenty-four days, and James Sumner and Aaron Everett eighteen days each, at 12s. per day. For assessing tax each ten days. Allowed the Committee who formed the Average or Estimate 15s. per day each. Nehemiah Nelson, 8 days..~6 00 00 Aaron Everett, 81 days..~6 07 06 Peletiah Darling, 61 ".. 4 17 06 James Lovett, 71 ".. '5 12 06 Samuel Jones, 84 ".. 6 07 06 Joseph Dorr Esq. 7 ".. 5 05 00 Levi Aldrich, 61 ".. 4 17 06 ~39 07 06 The report of the above committee must have been an interesting paper, but as it was not recorded, and if filed, long since lost, we can only conjecture the value of its contents. It was plainly an effort to adjust the burdens of the war so that they should bear equally upon all. Voted that the Selectmen shall constitute the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety for the present year. March 22. Met by adjournment from March 15th, but there being a severe storm and few in attendance, the meeting was again adjourned to the 29th inst. March 29. Voted to allowCapt. Green for going to Northbridge twice and to Providence once.......................................................~ 9 00 00 Capt. Tyler for going to Worcester with the Continental men.... 5 10 00 Capt. Penniman do. " ".... 3 00 00 The Committee for hiring men the year past................... 5 00 00 The Selectmen for 1777, except John Cctss, ~15.00.00. each for 1778, ~7.00.00 each. Chose Lieut: Philip Ammidown, Abraham Jones, Daniel Taft, Samuel Fairbanks, Caleb Cheney and Moses Thayer a committee to hire soldiers the ensuing year; and the Selectmen were instructed to furnish the committee with money, if needed. April 12. The second article in the warrant was "To see whether the town, in consideration of the People called Friends or Quakers, their paying their part of the Average or Assessment (for equalizing the cost of the war) for the year 1778, will, in case of said Quakers, should hereafter be assessed or taxed, as a Distinct body, by a Resolve of Congress or an Act of the 380 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1779. General Court or Assembly, towards defraying the expenses of the war prior to this day, that in such case the Town will bear an equal part with said Quakers in the payment of such Continental or State tax." ITpon this article the town voted in the affirmative. William French, Daniel Corbett and Benjamin Boyce were chosen a committee to provide for the families of the soldiers in the service. Capt. John Tyler, Peter Penniman and Deacon Aaron Everett were chosen a committee to confer with a committee of the Second Precinct (Milford), to see how and in what manner said Precinct shall be set off as a town. The Second Precinct chose Jonathan Jones, Seth Nelson and Ichabod Thayer, Jr., as a Committee of Conference on their part. May 3. The Joint Committee made the following REPORT. We the subscribers, being a Committee chosen by the Town of Mendon at their last town meeting to meet a Committee of the 2nd Precinct of said Mendon to consult and agree with saidc Committee on such conditions and articles as would be proper for said Town and Precinct to come into in case said Precinct should be set off by the General Court of the State into a distinct Town, and to make report of our doings at the next meeting of said Town for the choice of a Representative; We have attended to said Service with the Committee of the 2nd. Precinct, chosen for that purpose, and have agreed upon the following articles viz: Article 1. That the Meadow or Land usually flowed by the Mill Pond formerly occupied by Lieut. William Sheffield, on the north side of tile County road, belonging to said Town shall remain and continue the Property of said Town of Mendon although the said 2nd Precinct should become a separate town; and in case said Town of Mendon should lhave occasion to eject Jeremiah Kelley the present occupier of said Pond or any other person or persons who may hereafter occupy said Lands from the possession of said premises by reason tlat lie or they shall not keep a good Grist Mill in repair at or near the premises, agreeable to the Original Agreement between said Town and Mathias Puffer and David How, then the said 2nd. Precinct, although they shall become. a separate Town, shall have the three-eighth part of what the said Town of Mendon shall recover, they the said 2nd. Precinct paying the three-eighth part of the cost and charge that may accrue in recovering the same. Article 2. That the said 2nd. Precinct draw their equal proportion of the School Money according to the valuation of said Town also one-third 1779.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 381 part of the Ministry money belonging to said Town also their equal proportion of the Town's stock of Arms. Article 3d. That the said 2nd. Precinct take their equal proportion of the Poor maintained by the Town according to the Tax said 2nd. Precinct pays, and also, if after said 2nd. Precinct is set off as a separate town, there shall be any Poor sent to this town from proper authority to be maintained by this town, and it shall appear that the persons so brought were the usual original inhabitants of said 2nd. Precinct, then the said 2nd. Precinct shall receive and maintain them as their poor. Article 4. That the said 2nd. Precinct pay their equal proportion of all the charges that have or shall arise within the Town of Mendon prior to their being incorporated as a separate Town, of whatever name or nature. Article 5. That if there appear to be a surplusage of money over and above paying all the town's costs and charges when they the 2nd. Precinct shall become a separate town, then the said 2nd. Precinct to draw their equal proportion according to their valuation. All which is submitted to the Town. JOHN TYLER Committee PETER PENNIMAN of AARON EVERETT. Mendon. We the subscribers, being a Committee chosen by the 2nd. Precinct in Mendon to meet the Committee chosen by the Town of Mendon to consult and agree with said Committee on such condition and Articles as would be proper for said Town and Precinct to come into in case said Precinct should be set off, by the General Court of this State into a distinct town, we have this day attended said service with said Committee and have agreed upon all the foregoing Articles, and in case the said Town of Mendon should accept the foregoing Report, we, in behalf of the said 2nd. Precinct ingage that all the foregoing Articles shall be punctually fulfilled on said 2nd. Precinct's part after they shall be set off as a Town. JONATHAN JONES ) Committee of the SETH NELSON i Second Precinct ICHABOD THAYER, Jr. of Mendon. Mendon May 3, 1779. Voted that the boundary line between the town of Mendon and the Easterly Precinct, when set off into a separate town, be the middle of the Eigilt Rod Road (so called) to Upton line. June 21. Voted to raise ~3000 to hire soldiers, and'for other town charges. Voted that the average money (being a tax granted to equalize the burdens of the war) be paid in by the Constables to the Town Treasurer, and the Treasurer to pay such sums as are allowed to any of the soldiers to their wives, or any part thereof as ithey stand in need of, taking their receipt. 382 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1779. TROUBLE WITH AN INFLATED CURRENCY. Voted that the inhabitants of this town are determined, to the utmost of their power, to support the credit of the Continental currency, and are desirous to come into any salutary measures that may be adopted by the community in general for that purpose, and earnestly wish that such measures may speedily take place; and, for the present, we are resolved that no kind of produce or article of commerce shall be sold at a higher price than has hitherto been usually given for such article or produce; and that said inhabitants will exert themselves to carry into execution "An Act of this State entitled an Act against Monopoly and Forestalling; " that the practice of buying and selling silver and gold at such discount [premium?] as to disparage and lessen the credit of the Clontinental currency shall be effectually discouraged among us. Voted to choose a committee of nine to see the foregoing vote and resolution put in execution, and Joseph Dorr, Esq., Capt. Gershom Nelson, Lieut. Benoni Benson, Capt. Albee, Capt. Samuel Penniman, Capt. Aldrich, Lieut. Philip Ammidown, Samuel Jones and Capt. Read were chosen as the committee. July 28. Voted to accept the Resolves of the State Convention held at Concord, July 14, 1779. The Convention was held at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, "to take into consideration the present distressed situation of the people at large; and especially the excessive high prices of every article of consumption, and, by tracing to their causes these evils, to discover and point out the safest and best remedies." This Convention was composed of 27 members from the county of Suffolk, 19 from Essex, 65 from Middlesex, 5 from Hampshire, 6 from Cunmberland, 10 from Plymouth, 8 from Bristol and 34 from Worcester, being 174 in all. The Hon. Azor Orne, of Marblehead, was chosen President, and Mr. Samuel Ruggles, of Boston, Secretary. This Convention fixed the highest price for which twenty-four of the leading articles of produce and merchandise were to be sold in the sea ports, and the tenlth day of August was fixed as the day when the regulation should go into effect. Capt. John Tyler was the delegate from Mendon., 1779.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 383 The Convention resolved that those who should refuse to accept its recommendations, "u nder anyL pretense whatever, should be held and deemed as enemies to this country, and treated as such." But it seems the Resolves of this Convention failed of their intended effect, and Capt. John Tyler was chosen a delegate to attend the Convention to be held at Concord in October next, and Dea. Aaron Everett, Capt. Peter Penniman and Mr. Jonathan Jones were chosen a committee to give him instructions. This Convention met October 6, and by adjournment, October 14, added 110 articles to the 24 to which they had affixed the hiygest prices, at which they should be sold, in July. A few examples, with the highest prices attached, will answer for the whole: Indian corn or meal was to be sold not higher than,~4.04s. per bushel, rye and rye meal at ~5.14s., wheat flour at ~80 per hundred, beef at 5s. per pound, butter at 12s. per pound, W. I. rum at ~5.14s. per barrel or hogshead, per gallon, and a single gallon at ~6.06s. Of this Convention, W. Spooner was President, and Thomas Lloyd Halsey, Secretary. August 3. A County Convention was held at Worcester, "for the purpose of carrying into effect the several interesting and important measures first recommended by Congress to the inhabitants of the United States, and since to the inhabitants of this State by a Convention of their delegates at Concord, on the 14th of July last." Col. Joseph Reed, of Lancaster, was chosen Chairman, and Capt. Phineas Upham, of Brookfield, Clerk. This Convention, in the main, adopted the prices agreed upon by the Convention. A few new articles, however, are introduced. Lodging was to be charged not exceeding 3s. per night, West India flip, 15s. per mug, West India toddy, 15s. per bowl, New England flip or toddy, 12s. per mug or bowl, cider, 3s. per mug, &c., &c. The third resolution of this Convention was in the following words: "Resolved, that it be recommended to each town to choose large committees in their respective towns, and, by all means, such men as have ever proved themselves the most firmly attached to the cause of liberty, to see that these resolves be effectually carried into effect." Lieut. Seth Nelson was the delegate to this Convention. 384 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1~779. May it not be safely inferred that the high prices, for everything, which ruled in 1780, was the legitimate result of a redundent paper currency, then known by the name of Continental money? Have we not reason to fear that an unlimited issue of paper money in 1880 would react to the same calamitous result which the experiment did a hundred years ago? If, in 1780, the fiat of Congress could not keep the Continental money at par with gold, what reason have we to believe that the fiat of any future Congress can float an unlimited issue of paper money, at par with gold, with the word irredeemnable printed across its face? Voted to choose a delegate to meet in County Convention, at Worcester, on the first Tuesday of August next, in order to regulate the price of labour, &c., and chose Lieut. Seth Nelson, delegate. Voted to choose a committee of nine to assist the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, to put said Resolves (resolves of the Concord Convention it is supposed) into execution. The committee chosen were Joseph Dorr, Esq., Capt. Samuel Warren, Capt. Read, Lieut. Philip Ammidown, Mr. Caleb Cheney, Lieut. John Benson, Capt. Albee, Ichabod Thayer and Asa Thompson. Voted that three of the committee chosen above, or three of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, when the committee in general are not together, or cannot conveniently be called, be a quorum to act to put the Resolves into execution. DELEGATES TO THE FIRST CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Voted to choose two delegates to attend the Convention at Cambridge, on the 1st day of September next, for the sole purpose of forming a new Constitution, and the votes being brought in, sorted and counted, it appeared that Joseph Dorr, Esq., and Capt. Peter Penniman were chosen delegates. August 30. Voted to raise ~5000 to defray town charges the present year,-aid ~600, exclusive of interest on the School bonds, for schooling. Capt. John Tyler was chosen delegate to the Convention to be held at Concord on the first Wednesday in October next, and 1779.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 385 Dea. Aaron Everett, Capt. Peter Penniman and Mr. Jonathan Jones were chosen a committee to give him instructions. Voted to accept the regulations that were drawn up by the committee to be additional regulations for the town. These regulations had reference to the act against Monopoly and Forestalling. Through the neglect of the Clerk to record the committee's report, or its loss if.put on file, we know not what the regulations were. Oct. 27. Voted to accept the Resolves of the late Convention at Concord, Oct. 6, instant, and chose Lieut. Seth Chapin, Capt. Gershom Nelson, Capt. Levi Aldrich, Mr. Otis Whipple, Dea. John Chapin, Mr. Benjamin Blake, Samuel Fairbanks, Elijah Thayer and John Darling. Rev. Council Papers, vol. 170, p. 413. COMMITTEE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. The Convention to draw up a State Constitution met at Cambridge on the first day of September, 1779, and chose a committee to report a Constitution of Government for the State. The following is the Roll of the Committee, the days' attendance, wages per day, and amount of compensation for the service: For the Co. of Suffolk, Janmes Bowdoin Esq. Essex, Middlesex, Hampshire, Worcester, Plymouth, Bristol, York, John Adams, " Theophilus Parsons Esq. Jona. Jackson, " Saml. Phillips, James Sullivan, " Eleazer Brooks, " Nathl. Gorham, Noah Goodman, ' Mr. Ezekiel Smith, Mr. John Billings, Jedediah Foster Esq. Joseph Dorr, " Israel Nichols, John Cotton, Rev. Gad Hitchcock Robert T. Paine Esq. Rev. Samuel West, David Sewall Esq., Benj. Chadbourne, 49 18 days at 72s. 12 " " 18 <. 16 " " ~64 16 43 04 64 16 57 12 19 " 15 " 23 " 10 " 68 08 " 4 00 i" 1 82 16 36 00 82 16 82 16 23 " 23 " 22 " 79 04 15 " ' 54 00 24 " 86 08 386 ANNALS OF MENDON. Berkshire, Capt. William Walker James Harris Esq. Barnstable, Enoch Hallett Mr. Samuel Small, Mr. Benj. Brainerd, 22 days at 72s. ~79 04 24 " ". 86 08 Dukes Co. & Nantucket. At Large, Samuel Adams, 16 " " 57 12 John Pickering, 21 " 75 12 Caleb Strong, 24" " 86 08 In Council Oct. 1, 1779 Read and Ordered That a Warrant be drawn on the Treasury for ~1259.12 in full of this Roll. JOHN AVERY, Depy. Secy. The following vote was quite probably plain enough to those who were present at the meeting, but, at this late clay, we are left somewhat in the clark as to the precise amount voted. Voted to raise a sum of money which shall amount to as much as the sum of the late State tax, including what is already raised in said town and county tax. Voted to allow Ichabod Thayer, Jr., ~15 for transporting the soldiers clothing to Brookfield, in 1778. SOLDIERS IN THE WAR IN 1779. 9 months Men, in Rhode Island service, under Capt. Samuel Hamant. Caleb Legg, Reuben Legg, Joel Legg, David Marsh, Darius Holbrook, Jona., Kimball, Wm. Cutting, Arthur Rawson, Aaron Taft, Abijah Legg, Serg. Jesse Chapin, John Pickering, Jotham Pickering, Artemas Cheney, John Dewing? Calvin Smith, Wm. Foster, Moses Lovett, Marvel Taft, Samuel Tucker, Seth Johnson, Wnm. Johnson, John Torrey, Jesse Davis, Douglass Marsh, Jesse Darling, Asa Albee, Caleb Holbrook, Joel Legg? Moses Ramsdell, Samuel Thayer, Moses Parkhurst, John Legg. It seems quite probable that Mendon furnished more soldiers for this year than are enumerated above, although the Rosters at the State House give only the above names as being in the service. The Rosters, it should be remembered, are imperfect, some of them missing, and others without date and without specifying the date, time or place of service. 1780.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 387 The following Act of the General Court will complete the memoranda of the year. Rev. Resolves (Mass. Ar.) vol. 221, p. 297. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. In the House of Representatives Feb. 25, 1779. On the Petition of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mendon, setting forth that they have an opportunity to put out the eldest son of Elizabeth Cummings, a State pauper, until he is twenty one years old, they paying thirty pounds: And also to allow them to draw the money that they have expended for said Elizabeth Cummings and her two children, as per account exhibited with said petition. Resolved that the prayer of the Petition be granted and that the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mendon be and hereby are empowered to put out said boy, and that there be paid thirty pounds for the purpose aforesaid, they giving a receipt for said money; and also four pounds and eight shillings in full of the account exhibited with said petition. Sent up for Concurrence JOHN PICKERING, Speaker. In Council Feb. 26, 1779. Read and Concurred JOHN AVERY, Depy. Sec. Consented to. Jer. Powell, B. Greenleaf, T. Cushing, Jedll Preble, B. Austin, Moses Gill, J. Stone, B. White, N. Cushing, A. Fuller, Sam Niles, J. Simpson, John Pitts and E. Brooks, Councillors. 1780. March 6. Chose for Selectmen Mr. Stephen Torrey, Lt. Jesse Whitney, Lt. John Benson, Lt. William Thayer and Mr. Caleb Cheney; Joseph Dorr, Esq., Town Clerk; Mr. Peter Penniman, Town Treasurer; and for Constables, John Allee, Benjamin Read and Levi Rawson. Voted to allow Peter Penniman for services as Treasurer, ~100. Voted to allow John Tyler, as delegate to the Concord Convention, for time and expenses, ~60. Voted to allow Joseph Dorr, Esq., his expenses at two sessions of the Constitutional Convention, ~59; for his time, 17 days at ~3 per day, ~51. Voted to allow Peter Penniman his expenses at the Constitutional Convention, ~85; for his time, 20 days at 48s. per day, ~48. Voted to allow the Selectmen, ~30 each; Assessors, ~50 each, 388 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1780. Capt. John Tyler was chosen an Overseer of the Poor and a Committee man to provide for the soldiers families, in the place of Moses Aldrich, who ceased to hold office in Mendon by reason of the incorporation of the East Precinct into a separate town. INCORPORATION OF MILFORD. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. In the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty. An Act for Incorporating the Easterly Precint in the Town of Mendon in the County of Worcester, into a Separate Town by the name of Milford. Whereas, it appears that the Inhabitants of the Easterly Precinct in the Town of Mendon in the County of Worcester labour under many Difficulties in their present Situation, for Remedying of which they earnestly request they may be Incorporated into a Separate Town. Be it therefore enacted by the Council and House of Representatives in General Court Assembled, and by the Authority of the same, that the Easterly Part of the Town of Mendon, in the County of 'Worcester, bounded as follows, Vizt: begining at a heap of Stones on Bellingham Line, on the North side of the Country Road then running West and bounded South on said Road until it comes to a Road called the eight rod Road, now.reduced to four rod Road, then North and bounded westerly on said Road, as it is now Stated by the Town of Mendon until it comes to Upton Line, thence on Upton Line, to Hopkinton Line, thence on Hopkinton Line to Holliston Line, thence on Iolliston Line to Bellingham Line, thence on Bellingham Line to the Bounds first mentioned be and hereby is Incorporated into a Town by the Name of Milford, and that the Inhabitants thereof be and they are hereby Invested with all the powers, Privileges & Immunities which the Inhabitant of the Towns in this State do or may by Law enjoy. And Provided Nevertheless, and be it further Enacted, that the Inhabitants of the said Town of Milford shall be held to take and maintain their Proportionable part of the Poor of said Town of Mendon that are now maintained as such or that shall hereafter Returned from any other town as belonging to said Mendon before the said Town of Milford was Incorporated. And be it further Enacted that the Inhabitants of said town of Milford shall be held to pay their proportionable part of all Town, County and State Taxes that are already raised or granted to-be assessed on the Inhabitants of said Town of Mendon or that shall be granted to be assessed on said Town of Mendon during the present Sitting of the Great and General Court, and be held to repair and Build one half of the Bridges, and mend and repair one half of the Roads on which they are bounded, lying in the said Town of Mendon forever. And Be it further Enacted, that all the Proprietors belonging to the Pro 1780.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 389 priety of the Town of Mendon, that shall be Incorporated into the Town of Milford shall hold all their Common Rights in the Common and Undivided Lands in the Propriety of the former Township of said Mendon as though they had not been set off into a Separate Town. And their Proportionable part of the Ministry and School Money belonging to said Town of Mendon that have accrued to them by the sale of the School and Ministry Lands. And Be it further Enacted That Joseph Dorr, Esqr be and he is hereby directed and impowered to issue his Warrant directed to some Principal Inhabitant of said Town of Milford requiring him to warn the Inhabitants of said Town of Milford qualified by Law to vote in Town affairs to Assemble and meet at some suitable time and Place in said Town to choose all such Officers as Towns by Law are required and impowered to choose in the month of March annually, and to transact all other matters & Business necessary to be done in said Town. In the House of Representatives, April 11, 1780. This Bill having been read three several times pass'd to be enacted. JOHN HANCOCK, Speaker. In Council, April 11th, 1780. This Bill having had two several readings, passed to be enacted. JOHN AVERY, D. Sec'y. We consent to the enacting of this Bill. Jeri Powell, T. Cushing, Artemas Ward, Jabez Fisher, Walter Spooner, Moses Gill, S. Adams, B. White, T. Danielson, H. Gardner, Tim. Edwards, A. Fuller, Sam' Niles, Jno. Pitts, Noah Goodman. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Secretary's Department, Boston, February 6, 1877. A true copy of the original act. Witness the seal of the Commonwealth, HENRY B. PEIRCE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. STATE CONSTITUTION. April 24, 1780. The Address of the Convention, the Declaration of Rights and the Constitution, or Frame of Government, for the People of the J assachusetts Bay, was first distinctly read. Then it was voted that one or more persons in every School District in the town should be appointed to receive for.his or their District one printed copy of said Constitution, or Frame of (overnment, to the end that every member of the town may 390 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1780. come to the knowledge of and have the opportunity and advantage of duly weighing and considering the same in the interval between this and the adjournment of this meeting, and the person so appointed to return the copy which he receives to the person from whom he received it. The persons chosen were as follows, viz:1st. School District, Capts. Philip Amidown & Peter Penniman & Lt. Abraham Staples. 2nd do., Major Thompson. 3thd. do., Mr Jonathan Jones and Mr. Caleb Cheney. 4th. do., Capt. Samuel Warren. 5th. do., Lieut. Seth Thayer. 6th. do., Dr. Penniman. 7th. do., Mr. Joseph Allen and Mr. Joseph Bates. 8th. do., Lieut. Joseph Johnson. 9th. do., Capt. Benjamin Read. 10th. do., Ens. Pelatiah Darling. 11th. do., Lt. Peletiah Thayer & Capt. Levi Aldrich. Voted to adjourn for three weeks from this day. Then met and adjourned to the May meeting. May 25. Met and adjourned to Monday next at 9 o'clock A. M. These adjournments were made, as the record says, "ito give further time for the consideration of the Constitution." At the appointed time the inhabitants met and the Constitution being taken up, the following votes were passed: As will be seen, the Constitution was voted on Chapter by Chapter, Section by Section, Article by Article. Chapter 1. Sec. 1 Article 1 is accepted, Art. 2nd. 15 for 21 against. Art. 3. accepted. Art. 4, 20 for 17 against. Chap. 1 Sec. 2, Art 1. amendment proposed viz: The Senate to consist of 19 members, 36 for 2 against it. The Governor's Council proposed to consist 9 men 25 for 11 against it.-that there be not more than 1 Councillor elected out of any one County, 37 for and 1 against it. Art. 2d. Voted with amendment, but amendment not on record. Art. 3. 20 for 8 against. Art. 4. 12 for 1 against it. Art. 5, 16 for 2 against it. Art. 6, accepted. Art. 7, accepted. Art. 8 accepted with the amendment of 11 for a quorum instead of 16. Chap. 1. Sec. 3. Art. 1, accepted. Art 2 not accepted and in lieu thereof voted that the Representative body of this Commonwealth do not exceed the number of 150-that the whole Commonwealth be divided into equal Districts, each to send one Representative, making in the whole 150. The 3. 4. 5. 6 & 7 articles unanimously accepted. 8th. Art. accepted with 1780.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 391 the amendment of 40 instead of 60. Art. 10 accepted. Art. 11, 8 for 2 against it. Chap. 2. Sec. 1. Art. 13 for 3 against it. Art. 2 voted with the amendment of Protestant instead of Christian. Articles 3. 4 & 5 accepted. Voted to adjourn to Wednesday next at 1 P. M. Met and proceeded with Chap. 2, Sect. 1. Articles 7. 8 & 9 accepted. Art. 9 accepted with this amendment viz:-That Judges, and Registers of Probate and Registers of Deeds be appointed by the several towns, and that all Probate business and the Registry of Deeds be done in every town, and that the Selectmen of the several towns both approbate and license Taverners and Retailers of Spirituous Liquors. Arts. 10. 11. & 12 accepted. Art. 13 not accepted, and Voted reasonable and adequate grants for their respective services be annually made to the Governors and Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court, according to the discretion of the General Court for the time being. Chap. 2. Sec. 2. Articles 1. 2 & 3 accepted. Chap. 2. Sec. 3. Articles 1. 2 & 3 accepted. Art. 4 not accepted and o voted as before not more than one Councillor to be chosen:out of any one County, Articles 5. 6 & 7. accepted. Chap. 2. Sec. 4. Articles 1 & 2 accepted. Chap. 3 Art 1. not accepted and voted that judiciary Officers shall not hold their offices exceeding 5 years unless appointed anew. Art. 2. Accepted. Art. 3, voted with the amendment of 5 years instead of 7 years. At this point we find, by a reference to the meeting of June 19th, that the meeting was adjourned to June 1. As there is no record of any meeting on June 1st, it is not known what business was then transacted; but, it is supposed, the remaining chapters of the Constitution were acted on, and that there was no record by the Clerk remains a mystery. May 25, held under a new warrant, Ebenezer Thompson, Esq., was chosen Representative to the Great and General Court or Assembly appointed to be convened, held and kept for the Government service at the State House in Boston, in the County of Suffolk, on Wednesday the thirty first day of May current and so de die in diem during their Session or Sessions. Chose Edward Rawson a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention to attend, at their next session, in the room of Joseph Dorr Esq. and Peter Penniman who have hitherto attended. No mention is made of the declination of Messrs. Dorr and Penniman. The coming session of the Convention is supposed to be held simply to count the votes which had been given for and against the Constitution. 392 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1780. Chose Capt. John Tyler, Ens. Peletiah Darling, Capt. John Albee, Capt. Levi Aldrich and Capt. Peter Penniman a committee to settle and adjust matters between this Town and the Town of Milford. Voted to allow Constable John Albee seventy dollars to make up his loss sustained in receiving counterfeit money for taxes. June 19. Voted to leave it discretionary with the Committee for hiring Soldiers, how much to give or engage'to give in Paper, Silver or Produce as they can agree with the soldier. Voted to raise ~10,000 to defray town charges, and that the same be assessed immediately. The immediate assessment was probably directed on account of the rapid depreciation of the Continental currency. June 29, 1780. This day the committees of Mendon and Milford met and agreed on a division of the roads between the two towns, as to what parts each town should mend and keel) in repair for travelling, viz:Mendon's part beginning at Bellingham Line at the middle of the bridge upon the Country road between Dr. John Corbett's and Lieut. Samuel Penniman's and so the whole of the road till it comes opposite to Lieut. Samuel Penniman's house. Then Milford to keep the whole of the Country Road and bridge over the Mill River, so called, till it comes to a large Rock near John Sprague's house. Then Mendon to mend and keep in repair the Country Road until it comes to the Eight Rod Road. And the Division of the Eight Rod road is as follows viz: Mendon to begin at Upton line by the east corner of the land belonging to the heirs of Micah Bates, late of Upton, deceased; thence to mend the road until it comes to where the Eight Rod Road (so called) meets with the road that leads from Milford to Upton. Then Milford to take and mend the road from thence until they shall complete one half of the said Eight Rod Road; that is to say, one full half of the distance from Upton line to the above said Country Road. Then Mendon to mend the remainder of the sd Eight Rod Road, after Milford's part ends. JOHN TYLER, JOIHN ALBEE, Con. for Mendon. PETER PENNIMAN. S SAMUEL WARREN, ICHABOD THAYER, JR., Con. for Milford. SAMUEL JONES, 1780.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 393 FIRST STATE ELECTION UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. Sept. 4. At a town meeting held this day, no 'wwrrant being recorded, the following State officers were voted for, viz:For Governor, John Hancock, had 23 votes. do. do. James Bowdoin, " 1 Lieut. Gov., James Bowdoin, "24 do. do. John Hancock, " 1 " FOR SENATORS AND COUNCILLORS. Hon. Moses Gill had 21. Brig. Gen. Warren, had 12. Hon. Samuel Baker " 15. Col. Read, " 1. Maj. Seth Washburn " 15. Joseph Dorr Esq. "20. Sept. 11. Voted to raise ~1500 for schooling. Voted to raise ~1000 hard money to pay the six months men and 3 months men hired by the committee. Voted to raise ~4150 "to pay for Continental Horses pursuant to a Resolve of the General Court." Voted to raise ~10,400 in the present currency to defray town charges the present year. Voted to allow Mr. Edward Rawson ~180 for his expenses at the late Constitutional Convention and ~4.10 per day for twelve days attendance at the Convention, ~54. Voted to forego Baruch Bullard's Rate.................... ~10.03.00 " Daniel Callum's "..................... 44.11.10 " John W ilson's "..................... 44.05.04 Oct. 11. Edward Rawson, Esq., was chosen Representative to the General Court. Voted to pay the men who went to Tiverton on the Alarm eighty dollars per day, exclusive of State pay. Voted that the Militia officers return the number of men who went, in order for an assessment for the money. Voted to raise ~13,000 to purchase the town's quota of beef for the Army. As the requisition for this beef was probably issued before Milford was set off, it will be understood that both towns were to be held for the supply. The quota of beef for Mendon to furnish, as is found among the Revolutionary archives, was 26,962 ponnds. Levi Rawson and Increase Thayer were a committee to purchase this beef; the first was allowed eighty dollars per day.for services and expenses, and was em50 394 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1780. ployed for tel days. Mr. Thayer was employed two and a half days, at seventy dollars per day. Dec. 4. Town meeting by an adjournment from Nov. 27. Met and adjourned to Landlord John Hill's (Tavern), to meet in one quarter of an hour. In the meantime, a new warrant was issued for a meeting on Dec. 25, and under that warrant it was voted to raise ~25,000 to purchase beef, pursuant to a requisition of the General Court of Dec. 4, 1780. Capt. Philip Ammidown and Capt. Benj. Read were chosen a committee to purchase the beef, or pay the money to the Superintendent of Purchases, as shall appear most to the advantage of the town. The ~25,000 was to be immediately assessed and collected, and no town orders were to be received by the Collector for any part of the tax. Chose a committee of sixteen, to hire men for the town's quota of soldiers to fill up the Continental battalions. The names of the committee are as follows, viz:Capt. Amidown, Lieut. Increase Thayer, Capt. B. Read, Col. Craggin, Capt. John Tyler, Mr. Nahum Taft, Mr. Henry Penniman, Mr. Joseph Thayer, Lieut. John Benson, Ens. Turner Ellis, Capt. Levi Aldrich, Mr. Peletiah Penniman, Mr. Stephen Torrey, Mr. Levi Rawson & Mr. John Hill, Mr. Benj. Thayer. As this Committee was instructed, each one, to procure a soldier, it is supposed that 16 was the quota for Mendon. Massachusetts was called on for 4240 men for 3 years; and Dec. 2, the quotas were determined and the different towns notified to fill up their respective quotas. The number set down for Mendon was 27; but, as in war matters, the separation of Milford was not yet recognized, we may suppose that of the 27, Mendon was to supply 16 and Milford 11 men. The Committee was chosen Jan. 1, 1781, to which day the meeting of Dec. 25 was adjourned. MEMORANDA FOR 1780. Court (Mass. Ar.) vol. 40, p. 232. The petition of Edward Rawson [of Mendon] and others of 1780.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 395 Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, praying for a permit to transport goods to the said State Jan. 6, 1780. Resolved that John Caldwell, Theodore Hopkins and George Merrill be and they hereby are permitted to Transport out of the State from Otis Whipple's Store in Mendon, 3 tierces of N. E. Rum, 1 do of salt, and from Peter Reeds store in Douglass, 12 tierces and 2 hhds. of N. E. Rum and 2 Casks of salt into the State of Ct. for the reasons mentioned in the Petition, any Act or Law of this State to the contrary notwithstanding. In Council R. & C. Consented to by 15 of the Council. As the Council " concurred," it is evident that the House of Representatives had previously granted the prayer of the petition. 0 At this time Councillors were chosen by the Legislature from those who had been elected Senators by the people. Joseph Dorr, Esq., having been chosen a Councillor, the following is a copy of. his letter of acceptance of that office. Mass. Arch. Rev. Letters vol. 202, p. 245. MENDON, 5th of June 1780. Sir, By your Official Letter of the 1st. inst. I am informed of my having been elected a Member of the Honbe Board of Councillors for the year ensuing. I am very sensible of the dignity conferred upon me by this Election, and feel the warmest emotions of Gratitude to the Honbl Gentlemen of the General Assembly for their suffragl on the occasion; at the same time, conscious of my Inability to discharge the important Duties of this elevated station with that benefit and real service to the public as I could earnestly wish, I shall enter upon this arduous business with great Diffidence and some degree of Reluctance. The circumstances of my Family & domestick Affairs are such as will render my Constant attendance at Court extremely inconvenient. I doubt not therefore that the Honb'e Board will readily grant me all reasonable Indulgence, and excuse my absence when the urgency of my affairs shall require my Particular attention. The next week, being the term of holding the Court of Common Pleas, at Worcester, will prevent my giving so early an attendance at the Board as I should otherwise have done. I have the Honor to be Sir, With every sentiment of Duty & Respect To the Honb'e General Assembly Your most Obedt. Humble Serv't, JOSEPH I)ORR. HON. SAMUEL ADAMS ESQ., Secretary. 396 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1780. HON. JOSEPH DORR, JR. Hon. Joseph Dorr, Jr., was born in Mendon May 24, 1730. He was the only son of Rev. Joseph Dorr. He graduated at Harvard in 1752 and received the degree of A. M. in course. He preached occasionally for several years but was never ordained. He early turned his attention and energies to the political affairs of the times and became an earnest, unceasing and vigorous co-laborer with the earliest patriots of the Revolution. It was said of him that he devoted himself three hundred days of each year, from 1773 to 1780, to the public service, and without compensation. Mr. Dorr filled many important offices. He was Town Clerk and treasurer, Justice of the Peace, Member of the Committees of Safety and Correspondence, one of the Committee chosen to call upon the Mandamus Councillors and demand the surrender of their commissions. He was a member of the Legislature and of the Governor's Council, a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas (was a Justice of the Court of Common Pleas at the time of his election as Councillor) and Judge of Probate, which latter office he held to near the close of life. Judge Dorr died in Brookfield, Dec. 6, 1808, to which town he had, a few years before, removed, aged 78 years. MENDON SOLDIERS IN THE WAR IN 1780. William Torrey, Seth Johnson, John Pickering, Nat Torrey, John Hayward, Elisha Chase, Lemuel Green, Daniel? Stone, Zelek Darling, David Green, Caleb Legg,. David Legg, Cyrenus Rawson, Joseph Passmore, Benj. Hayward, Jonathan Taft, Samuel Ramsdell. The foregoing names are taken from a Roster entered as six months men. It is believed, however, that there were other men at this time serving in the Continental army. A paper, without date, is found among the Archives of the war containing the names, arranged in alphabetical order, of more than a hundred men as serving at some time in the army. The dates or places of their service is not mentioned. 1780.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 397 THE ROSTER WITHOUT DATE. Surg's Mate Jos. Adams, Lieut. Samuel Cobb, Lieut. Wm. Darling, Adj. John Holden, Qr. Mas. Wm. Jennison, Capt. Andrew Peters, Maj. Calvin Smith, Surg. Stephen Wilkins, Capt. Levi Willard, Lieut. Samuel Warren, Lieut. Levi Aldrich, Asa Albee, Serg. Rufus Aldrich, Ebenr. Craggin, Saml. Davis, Ebenr. Davis, John Deering, Drum. Aaron Davis, Lieut. Enoch Darling, Job Darling, John Daniels, Joshua Daggett, Peter Darling, Levi Darling, Serg. Turner Ellis, Fifer, Marvel Ellis, Corp. Simeon Fish, Corp. Saml. Fairbanks, Amariah Force? Hezh. Fletcher, David French, Serg. Sam]. French, Cleophas Green, Ichabod Hay-ward, Darius Holbrook, William Hall, Benj. Vickery, Joseph Woodward, John White, Benj. White, Jabez Albee, Nehemiah Aldrich, Phineas Aldrich, Eleazer Albee, Amasa Aldrich, Abraham Aldrich, Jacob Ammidown, Silas Brown, Ed. Bowker, Timothy Bruce, Justus Battles, Serg. Jere. Battles, Samuel Boyce, Samuel Hill, Reuben Holbrook, John Hunt, Winsor Jones, Joshua Lazell, Moses Lovett, Moses Legg, William Legg, Wm. Lesure, David Legg Jr., Corp. David Legg, Corp. Caleb Legg, Gideon Lesure, Levi Lesure, Robin Meinyo, Henry Nelson, Daniel Norcross, Benj. Norcross, David Owen, Benj. Owen, Amos Patridge, Eli Patridge, Joseph Passmore, Corp. Sheffield Patridge, Saml. Washburn, Serg. Benj. Walker, Corp. Thomas Watson Jona. Whitney, Jonathan Boyce, Ichabod Bosworth, Oliver Chapin, Isaac Chapin, Arthur Corey, Wm. Chase, Josiah Chapin, Lieut. Joseph Cody, Serg. Adam Chapin, Corp. Peter Corbett, Corp. Wm." Cheney, Benj. Clark, Amos Craggin, Corp. Elipialet Philbrook, Serg. Benj. Read, Fifer Jona Rawson, Edward Rawson, Arthur Rawson, Aquilla Ramsdell, Jared Smith, Master, Calvin Smith, Saml. Smith, Sinleon Staples, Jona. Staples, Amos Sheparson, Abraham Stearns, Enos Taft, Ebenr. Taft, Artemas Taft, Saml. Thayer, Joel Thayer, Jonas Twetchel, Nat Torrey, Amasa Thayer, Aaron Thayer, Ens. Art. Amariah Vose? Elias Whitney, Stephen Wood. Return of Clothing for the Town of Mendon, under a requisition of May 4, 1780. (Rev.. and Miscellaneous, Vol. 141, pp. 292, 293.) 398 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1781. Dec. 28. 33 Shirts, 33 prs. Shoes, 34 " Stockings, 16 " Blankets, 26 Miles travel, 7 Days out, Receipted for by Rev. and Mis., Vol. 141, p. 3 @ ~40.............~1320 00 00 " 40............. 1320 00 00 " 24........... 816 00 00 " 100............ 1600 00 00............. 104 00 00............. 243 00 00 ~5403 00 00 STEPHEN TORREY. Allowed the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon: Mileage paid 6 men to Rhode Island, 60 miles............~18 00 00 Also, " 10 men to Springfield, 70 "............ 70 00 00 Also, " 10 men to Boston, 37 "............ 37 00 00 Also, " 20 men to Claverick, 180 "............ 360 00 00 Also, " 6 men to Rutland, 30 "............ 18 00 00 ~503 00 00 Rev. & Mis., Vol. 141, p. 437. Allowed the Selectmen of Mendon: For 6 Horses and expense in procuring & transporting Old Money ~5865 00 00 in the new, — ~146 12 06 Rev. & Mis., Vol. 141, p. 205. The following Table, showing the depreciation of the Continental money, will explain the high prices found in the preceding pages: DEPRECIATION TABLE. MONTHS. 1777. January........... 105 February............. 107 March................ 109 April................. 112 May................. 115 June........... 120 July............... 125 August............ 150 September............ 175 October...... 275 November........... 300 December............ 310 1778. 325 350 375 400 400 400 425 450 475 500 544 634 1779. 742 868 1000 1104 1215 1342 1477 1630 1800 2030 2308 2593 1780. 2934 3322 3736 4000 4600 6400 6900 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 1781. 7400 7400 7500 I78I. Feb 6. Voted to choose thirty-two men in addition 1781.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 399 to the former Committee of Sixteen chosen to hire soldiers for the army. The names of the Committee arb as follows, viz: Ebenezer Merriam, Lt. James Lovett, Aaron Thayer Jr., Benoni Benson, Moses Smith, Jos. Bates, Saml. Fairbanks, Jesse Wheelock, Lt. Abraham Staples, Phineas Aldrich, Col. Silas Wheelock, James Blake, Seth Taft, Peter Wheelock, John Crooks, Jepthah Clark, Dea. Josiah Adams, Moses Thayer, Lt. Seth Wheelock, Capt. Peter Penniman, John Penniman, Benj. Boyce, Benj. Ellery Esq., Zebulon Goss, Lt. Seth Chapin, Ens. Peletiah Darling, Daniel Taft. Lt. Peter White, Robert Lawton, Feb. 6, 1781. Voted that the Treasurer of this town give security to any three, or less number of men, chosen as a Committee, by this town, for the purpose of hiring this town's quota of men now raising for the Continental Army, pursuant to a Resolve of the General Court of this Commonwealth of the 2nd of December 1780, who shall produce proper certificates that they have hired such men to enlist into the army as aforesaid, and have given him such a sum or sums: said security to be given similar, with regard to manner and time of payment, with those said town's Committee may have given to the soldier, and be worded agreeable to the following. MENDON, Feb. 1781. In behalf said Town of Mendon I, the subscriber do hereby promise and oblige myself and successors in the office of Treasurer of said town, to pay unto A. B. the sum of pounds in Spanish milled dollars, or gould to the value thereof, it being for his or their paying same to C. D. for enlisting in the Continental Army, as one of said town's quota of men now raising pursuant to a Resolve of this Commonwealth of the 2d. of December last. Witness my hand E. F. Treasurer. March 5. Chose for Selectmen, Dan. Aldrich, Lt. Reuben Thayer, Turner Ellis, Nahur Taft and James Lovett; Levi Rawson, Town Clerk; George Aldrich, Treasurer; Constables, Lt. Increase Thayer and Peter Darling. Voted that one-third of the Town Meetings be held at the South Parish Meeting House in future. Voted to allow the Selectmen for the year past three hard dollars, or paper money equivalent, for their services. The Overseers of the Poor and the Assessors were allowed two hard dollars and the Treasurer 20s hard money. April 2. State Election. For Governor, John Hancock had 26 votes. For Lt. Governor, Thomas Cushing had 22 votes. 400 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1781. For Senators and Councillors, Moses Gill, Samuel Baker, Joseph Dorr, Seth Washburn and Israel Nichols, Esqrs. had 27 votes each. SETTLEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF MILFORD. We the Subscribers, being Committees chosen by the Towns of Mendon and Milford to settle sundry affairs between said Towns have attended that service and have divided the Poor Peopel, which were supported by the town of Mendon before the Town of Milford was incorporated into a town, to each of said Towns their proportionable part of said Poor. Also we have divided that part of the Country Road and the Eight Rod Road (so called) which is between the said town of Mendon and Milford to each town their equal half, to mend and keep in repair forever and have committed a written division of said Poor (not now found) and said Roads with Town Clerks of each town, to be recorded, they being signed by the Chairman of each of the abovesaid Committees. We the Committee of Mendon have delivered said Committee of Milford their part of the Arms and Ammunition belonging to said town of Mendon before said Milford was set off and have taken their receipt therefor We have also found that the Town of Mendon owes the Town of Milford the sum of two thousand pounds old emission and also said Town of Milford's proportionable part of two State Notes, one dated Dec. 1, 1779 for ~1169.09, two years' interest paid, the other, dated April 1, 1778 for ~1234.04, one year's interest paid, they the said Town of Milford paying or discharging the said Town of Mendon from the several debts which said Town of Mendon owes to the several persons hereafter named, viz: Mr. Ichabod Thayer's Note dated Aug. 19, 1776 for.......~15 00 00 Capt. Ichabod Thayer's " " Apr. 25, 1779 "........ 30 00 00 Elijah Stoddard's " " May 23, 1777........ 18 00 00 Ezekiel Bates' " " " 27, 1778 "....... 50 00 00 Boyce Kimball's " t ( 31, 1777 "...... 30 00 00 Saul Ramsdell's " " Apr. 22, 1777 "........ 18 00 00 Capt. Gershom Nelson's " " Mar. 12, 1777 "....... 30 00 00 Ebenezer Read's " Aug. 1, 1778 "........ 20 00 00 Obadiah Wood's " " May 1777 "....... 30 00 00 We say that in case said Town of Milford discharged the abovesaid debts, then the Town of Mendon owes the Town of Milford Two Thousand Pounds, Old Emission, to be on interest until paid, and also their proportionable part of the abovesaid State Notes, And in case there should any more debts appear against said Town of Mendon that were due before said Town of Milford was incorporated into a Town then said Milford is still held to pay their proportionable part save that there is in the Treasury of said Town of Mendon six hundred pounds to be adjusted. And also we have delivered to the said Town of Milford their proportionable part of the Ministry Money and School Money which formerly belonged to the said Town of Mendon before Milford was set off as a town. 1781.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 401 The Town of Mendon is to pay and discharge the following debts that were contracted before the Town of Milford was incorporated viz: To Col. Andrew Peters, the sum of......................... ~156 00 00 Edward Rawson Esq. "...................... 168 12 07 Josiah Nelson 3 Notes, ".......................... 140 00 00 Widow Rawson "........................ 39 00 00 Levi Albee "........................ 36 00 00 Capt. Samuel Green, "...................... 15 00 00 Samuel Twiss "......................... 24 00 00 Henry Penniman "............... 12 00 Relative to the Town of Mendon owing the Town of Milford $2000, as also said Town of Mendon and said Town of Milford discharging the abovesaid is submitted to said Towns. PETER PENNIMAN, JOHN ALBEE, Committee of SAMUEL WARREN, Mendon JONATHAN JONES, and ICHABOD THAYER JR. Milford. SAML. JONES, J Mendon 26th. March 1781. Milford March 19, 1781. Then we the Subscribers in behalf of the Town of Milford Rec'd of the Committee of the Town of Mendon the whole of sd. Town of Milford's part of the Ministry Bonds and School Bonds which Belonged to the Town of Mendon before sd town of Milford was incorporated into a town. SAML. WARREN,! JONA. JONES, ICHABOD THAYER Jr. Committee of Milford. SAML. JONES. J May 30. Voted to accept the report of the committee for settling affairs with Milford, provided that the town of Milford receive the ~2000, old emission. Voted that the Treasurer go and make immediate payment of the aforesaid ~2000. Maj. Thompson, Capt. Penniman and Dan. Aldrich were chosen a committee to search into th: state of the town respecting their debts. At an adjournment of this meeting it was voted not to instruct the Constable to proceed in collecting " the old paper money. " At this time the Continental money became worthless, as the last quotation was 7500 for one hundred dollars in silver. May 14. Capt. Benjamin Read was chosen Representative to the General Court. 51 402 ANNALS OF MENDON. 11781. The warrant for this meeting (which was held at Chestnut Hill,) was to see if the town would elect one good and lawful man to represent the town in the General Court, "agreeable to the Directions given in the Constitution." This warrant was dated in the fifth year of American Independence. April 2. Voted to raise ~370, silver money, and that the assessors immediately assess the same, to be paid into the Treasury to discharge the first third of the money borrowed to pay the soldiers who enlisted for three years; ~500 for the second third, to be assessed on or before the first day of January, 1783, and the remaining third on or before the first day of January, 1784. July 2. Chose Col. Samuel Craggin, Lt. Increase Thayer, Jr., and Lt. John Benson a committee to procure the town's quota of beef for the army. The quota for Mendon is set down in Archives of the War, at the State House, at 6782 pounds, and Milford at 4375 pounds. Chose Capt. Philip Amidown, Mr. Nahum Taft and Lt. Seth Chapin a committee to hire soldiers, when called for, the present year. AN INFLATED CURRENCY. Voted that the Constables proceed forthwith to collect the remainder part of the Town's paper money rates (old emission) and to collect them in the new money (new emission), and to make distress on all that neglect payment, and to sell it (the property levied upon) for new money only; and that the Constables be indemnified in that proceedure, and that the Town Risque all the cost and charge that may be brought upon the Constables in consequence of said vote, and that the Town will clear the Constables from any costs that may come upon that account. July 23. Voted to allow 5s. per bushel for Indian Corn and 6s. per bushel for Rye, on Grain notes. Voted that the Selectmen help John Hayward to some corn or money directly. Voted to raise ~474 silver money to 'pay the men now gone for three months, and the Town's quota of Beef for six months, with three yoke of Oxen on hand, not paid for. Aug. 29. At a town meeting held this day, Dan Aldrich being chosen Moderator, then Capt. Amidown, Lt. William Thayer, Lt. Increase Thaycr and Henry Penniman, of Mendon and freeholders, came before the meeting and scrupled the 1781.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 403 fidelity of Dan Aldrich and Lt. Reuben Thayer, to whon the oath of allegiance was tendered, and said Aldrich put it off for further consideration, but said Thayer took the oath. Then Lt. Reuben Thayer, Jesse Tourtelotte, William Darling, Peletiah and Gideon Thayer, of Mendon, freeholders, questioned the fidelity of Capt. Tyler, Capt. Amidown and Capt. Benj. Read, and they took the oath; and Dan Aldrich being disqualified, Turner Elis was chosen Moderator and took the oath, and then the town went on business. Sept. 10. Voted to raise ~520, silver money, to discharge old debts the town owed, ~40 for the support of the poor the present year and ~54 for the support of the soldiers' families, being ~614 in the whole, all in " silver or gould." Dec. 17. Voted to raise ~30 in addition to the sum already raised to procure the three years' men not yet hired. Voted not to raise any money for schools this year. At this time it was found that there was due, for taxes uncollected from the Constables of 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780 the sum of ~1029.09.03, whereupon the town voted that the Town Treasurer order all the delinquent Constables to pay in their respective balances immediately. Voted that the committee for settling affairs with Milford make a final settlement with them of the ~2000, old emission, due said Milford. MENDON 19th. of Dec. 1781. Then the Committees of Mendon and Milford that were to adjust and settle all Accounts between said Towns met and settled and paid said Milford ~2000 that Mendon owed Milford in the former Report, and adjusted the several debts as follows, viz:-For the Town of Milford to pay John Battles two notes, dated Aug. 2, 1778, each for...........~22 00 00 The Town of Mendon to pay the following debts, viz:Lydia Taft, two notes dated Mar. 12. 1777, each for............~18 00 00 Caleb Boynton jr.'s note" May 18. 1778, "............ 50 00 00 Jona. Boyce's. ' 26. 1778, '........... 31 16 00 Laban Fairbanks' " " " 30. 1777, "........... 18 00 00 JoHN TYLER, A JOHN ALBEE, | Committees PETER PENNIMAN, I SAMUEL JONES, SAMUEL WARREN, Mendon & Milford. JONATHAN JONES. J 404 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1781. MILFORD Feb. 22. 1782. The Committees of Mendon and Milford met and adjusted the several debts following viz:-The Town of Milford to pay Jeduthan Rawson's Note dated May 30. 1777 for............... ~30 00 00 The Town of Mendon to pay Lt. Solomon White's Note, dated May 30. 1777 for.............~30 00 00 Benj. Blake's " " Aug. 5. 1776 for............. 11 00 00 Three pounds being endorsed thereon. And the Town of Mendon to pay the Town of Milford ~2.11.00, by reason that the abovesaid Note to Jeduthan Rawson is more than their part to pay. And the abovesaid ~2.11.00 to be paid when the Town of Milford shall call for it. JOHN TYLER, JOHN ALBEE, PETER PENNIMAN, SAMUEL WARREN, ICHABOD THAYER, JR., SAMUEL JONES. Coin. for Mendon. Com. for Milford. MENDON SOLDIERS IN THE WAR OF 1781. Three months men at West Point. Serg. Nathl. Torrey, Daniel Holbrook, Stephen Nelson, Ichabod Benson, Marble Taft, Peter Holbrook, Isaac Bates, Jona. Taft, Benj. Hayward, Saul Ramsdell. Sixth Mass. Regiment 1781. Capt. John Holden, Samuel Ramsdell, John Clark, Calvin Smith, Jared Smith, Serg. Samuel — N. B. Joseph Wood died in the service. The call for Massachusetts of June 30, was for 2700 men for three months, and the quota for Mendon and Milford was 21. REVOLUTIONARY MEMORANDA. Rev. and Mis., Vol. 141, p. 293. Mendon Return for Cloathing for 1781, viz:March 8, 23 Shirts @ 10s...............................~11 10 00 27 prs. Shoes " 10s................................ 14 10 00 27 prs. H ose " 6s................................ 8 02 00 5 Days.................................... 2 02 00 30 M iles travel...................................... ~36 04 00 Receipted for by JAMES LOVETT. Rev. & Mis. vol. 141, p. 12, (Mass. Archives.) 1781.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 405 Apr. 11, 1781. Allowed John Passmore of Mendon for sundry Cloathing lost in a neccessary Retreat from New York Sept. 15, 1776 as pr. account rendered and sworn to amounting to ~13.16 hard money equal to ~25.17.00 in paper. April 13, 1781. Allowed Cyrenius Rawson, on his receipt as a six months soldier for the use of his blanket in the New Currency...................................................... ~0 07 06 Apr. 16, 1781. Allowed Caleb Legg, of Mendon, on his receipt as a six months soldier, for the use of his blanket, in the new currency.................................................. 0 07 06 Apr. 27, 1781. Allowed Samuel Tucker, of Mendon, on his certificate of Bounty and use of gun and blanket the sum of seventy pound in the Old Emission, equal in the New to...... 1 15 00 May 10, 1781. Allowed Seath Johnson, of Mendon, on his certificate, the sum of fifteen pounds in the old emission, equal in the N ew, to...................................... 7 10 00 Aug. 17, 1781. Allowed William Foster, of Mendon, for the use of blanket, he being a soldier in the service to Reinforce the Continental Army for Nine Months in 1779, Sixty pounds old emission, equal in the New to.............................. 1 10 00 Allowed the Selectmen of Mendon on their Acct. for Mileage paid 13 men to Springfield, distance 70 miles at 6s. pr mile in the Old Currency, equal in amount in the New Currency to...... 6 16 06 Also for 22 men to Claverick (N. Y.) distance 170 miles, at 6s. per mile in the Old Currency, equal, in the New, to.............. 28 01 00 making in the whole ~34 17 06. VALUATION OF MENDON IN 1781. 296 Polls. 165 Houses C 45s........................~375 05 00 136 Barns " 18s........................ 122 08 00 75 Stores, &c. 6s.......................... 22 10 00 8 Distill Houses, Mills &c. " 12s.................... 28 00 00 891 Acres & parts of an Acre. English Mowing, @ 12s....... 534 12 00 643 Barrels of Cider " 2s. 6d.... 80 07 06 900 Acres of Tillidge Land " 8s....... 360 00 00 1104 do. " Salt & Fresh meadow, " s....... 331 04 00 4000 do. "Pasturing " 3s........ 600 00 00 8857 do. "Wood & unimproved Land, "30s....... 265 15 00 ~1000 Money on interest & on hand............. ~1000 00 00 ~250 Amt. Goods, Wares & Merchandize......... 250 00 00 127 Horses, @ ~6.................. 762 00 00 179 Oxen, " 7................. 1253 00 00 688 Cows, " 4.................. 2752 00 00 764 Sheep & Goats, " 6s................ 229 04 00 130 Swine, 12s................. 78 00 00 ~100 Coaches, Chaises &c....................... 100 00 00 Income, 406 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1782. 4 Ounces of Gold, coined or not coined........... 20 06 08 300 do. "Silver coined or not coined........... 100 00 00 392 16 10 ~3108 18 04 Mass. Archives vol. 178 p. 290. To His Excellency the Governor and the Hon1be Council for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We, the Subscribers beg leave to exhibit our Accompt for supporting James Thompson a Native of - who is a State Charge. Paid for Boarding James Thompson from the twentieth day of March last to the twenty sixth of Sept., 26 weeks....~8 02 00 silver. More to two Shurts............................... 06 08 To Mending Shews & Shurts..................... 1 04 00 " To one pare of Shews............................ 12 00 " $10 04 08 Mendon Sept. ye 26, 1781. JAMES LOVETT, REUBEN THAYER, Selectmen TURNER ELLIS, of Mendon. NAHUM TAFT. Worcester ss. Sept. 26, 1781. Personally appeared the above named James Lovett, Reuben TJlayer, Turner Ellis & Nahum Taft, Selectmen of Mendon, and made solemn oath that the above Account, by them exhibited, is a Just and True Acount, in all its parts, According to the best of their knowledge. Sworn before me, EDWARD RAWSON, Justice of the Peace. In Council Feb. 7, 1782, Read and advised that a Warrant be drawn on the Treasurer for ~10.04.08 in full for the above Acct. JOHN AVERY, Secy. Capt. Benj. Read. 1782. March 1. Chose for Selectmen, Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Levi Aldrich, Wm. French, Lt. John Benson and Benjamin Smith; Town Clerk and Treasurer, Capt. Philip Amidown, Jr.; Constables, Lt. William Thayer and Daniel Taft. The Selectmen to be the Committee of Correspondence. Voted that the Selectmen, for the future, shall make a fair record of all the orders they shall draw on the Town Treasurer, setting forth who they are to, what they are for and when given; and that they transmit to the Town Treasurer once every three months a list of all the orders they have given out, setting forthl who they are to, the date and the sum of each order. 1782.] ANNALS OF, MENDON.. 407 April 1. Voted that the town would not act anything for taking off the Excise (tax) on spirituous liquors. Voted that the annual March meetings, for the future, be held at the First Precinct Meeting House, and that one third of all other meetings be held at the Second Precinct Meeting House, adjournments excepted. Voted to pass over the 6th article in the warrant, which was, "To see if the Town will bring in their votes, for any person in town, for a Jnstice of the Peace, and order the Selectmen to recommend the same to the Governor and Council for a Commission." Also voted to pass over the 8th and 9th articles. The 8th was to see if the town would choose a Committee to audit accounts before they were laid before the town; and the 9th was tq see if the town would allow the Constable to receive orders on the Treasurer, in payment of rates. Voted that the committee to settle accounts between Mendon and Milford shall have 2s. per day for their services while on that business, viz:Capt. Peter Penniman, 13 days at 2s. per day is............~1 06 00 Capt. John Tyler, 11 " 02 (.......... 1 02 00 Capt. John Albee, 11 " " "( "............ 1 02 00 Ens. Pelatiah Darling, 4 " " " "............00 08 00 Capt. Levi Aldrich, 5 " t" ' "...........00 10 00 ~4 08 00 Voted that Lieut. James Lovett, Ens. Pelatiah Darling and Edward Rawson shall have 2s. per day for their services as a committee chosen by the town to collect some objections against the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Lt. James Lovett 2 days at 2s. per day is...............~0 04 00 Ens. Pelatiah Darling ". " "............... 0 04 00 Edward Rawson "............... 0 04 00 May 29. Voted that the Selectmen 1781 have two silver dollars each for their services. Voted to forego Michael Callum's rates in Mr. Levi Rawson's rate bills for 1780, which is 10 shillings silver money, and 99 pounds 8 shillings in paper money, old tenor. March 25. Voted that Capt. Peter Penniman, Capt. Philip 408 ANNALS QF MENDON. r1782. Amidown, Capt. Levi Aldrich be a committee to hire the five men for the Continental Army, pursuant to a resolve of the General Court, passed March 8, 1782. Capt. Peter Penniman, Capt. John. Tyler and Lieut. John Benson were chosen a committee to make inquiry why there is so much old Continental money in the hands of Mr. George Aldrich, and in the hands of the last year's Selectmen. Voted to choose one Delegate to join in Convention at' Worcester on the second Tuesday in April next, pursuant to a Circular Letter from the town of Hardwick, and Capt. Peter Penniman was chosen Delegate. This Convention met April 9th, and was organized by the choice of Caleb Curtice as Moderator and Timothy Whiting as Clerk., The Convention complained that they were not satisfied with the manner the numterous sGums. of public money which have been assessed upon the people have been disposed of. Among the remedies they proposed, they urgently recommended that an immediate settlement should be made with the State Treasurer and all other disbursing officers, and immediate measures adopted to recover all monies found in the hands of delinquents. They recommended to the several towns in the county to instruct their Representatives to bring the matter to the notice of the General Court, and should no effectual methods be taken to accomplish the above purposes, the Representatives were to be instructed to withdraw from their attendance on the Court. The Convention resolved that those in the public service should not receive extravagant compensation, and that the fees of the gentlemen lawyers should be reduced; that the Court of Probate should be held in four different places in the county; that justices may be empowered to' determine all actions of twenty pounds and under; that the people could supply beef and other articles for the support of the army easier than to be assessed in money; that the State should urge a settlement with Congress, and that in future we should not be called on for more than our just proportion for the support of the Government. Voted that Mr. Isaiah Thomas, printer of the Massachusetts Spy, be requested to publish them in his next paper. 1782.] ANNALS OF. MENDON. 409 After choosing Peter Wheelock, Lieut. Jos. Johnson and John Brooks to give the Delegate instructions, it was then voted that the Delegate's attendance at the Convention should be free of charge to the town. STATE ELECTION. April 1, 1782. After the meeting was called to order by the Selectmen, " they repeatedly called for votes for Governor, Lt. Governor and Senators & Councillors, but no votes-were brought in when called for." May 13. The first business of this meeting was for the choice of a Representative to the General Court, but as no votes were brought in when repeatedly called for, the meeting proceeded to the consideration of the other articles in the Warrant. After excusing Capt. Peter Penniman from attending the Convention at Worcester, and choosing Lt. Joseph Johnson in his stead, a committee consisting of Joseph Dorr, Esq., Lieut. Joseph Johnson, Capt. Peter Penniman, Dan Aldrich and Capt. Benjamin Read, were chosen to render reasons why the town did not choose a Representative the present year. What the reasons were neither the record or tradition furnish any intimation. Neither do we learn from any source why, at the State election, in April, no votes were given in for Governor, Lieut. Governor, Senators and Councillors. Voted that Philip Amidown, Jr., Town Treasurer, with the advice of the Selectmen, issue executions against the delinquent Constables, and also call in all other debts due the town as conveniently may be. Nov. 18. Voted to act upon a Circular Letter from the town of Boston. Voted to choose a committee of three nmen to assist the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety in detecting all illicit trade with our present enemy. The committee chosen were Philip Amidown, Capt. Benjamin Read and Capt. John Albee. Voted that we will exert ourselves individually to detect and 52 410 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1782. bring to clue punishment all persons who trade or import goods or any manufactures from any post held by the British, our enemies. It is not known-that Mendon furnished any men for thle Continental Army in 1782, other than those who had enlisted for service during the war, and whose names are as follows, viz:Gustavus Aldrich, John Clark, Benj. Hayward, Jonathan Boyce, Aaron Davis, Nathan Jackson, Silas Brown, Paul Davis, John Martindale, Henry Nelson, Saul Ramsdell, Jon'th'n Whitney (killed), Amariah Partridge, Jonathan Taft, Solomon Whitney, Joseph Passmore, Joel Thayer, 19. Jeduthan Rawson, Samuel Thayer, It will be rememberedl that some of the Rosters are supposed to be lost, and thus it is not absolutely certain that the names of all the men who served in the different quotas for Mendon have been preserved. The war being virtually ended in 1782 may account for the fact that Mendon was called upon for only five men. It is supposed they were furnished, although a second committee of five men was chosen to fill the quota, the five first chosen having failed to do so. So far as may be learned from the Archives at the State House, the following are the names of those who died in the service, viz:Amariah Albee, John Hayward, Elijah Stoddard, Joseph Chapin, Ezra Marshall. Jonath'n Whitney,(killed) Joseph Wood, died July 21, 17- in Capt. Batcheller's Co. 7. The old emission of Continental money having become worthless in March, 1781, a new emission was made, which however, almost immediately fell below par. For a better understanding of the state of the currency at this time, the following table is introduced. It may be found in the Massachusetts Archives, Rev. and Mis., Vol. 141, upon the last page. 1783.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 411 A TABLE TO REDUCE THE NEW MONEY INTO SPECIE, 1782. 100 is ~53 06 0 100 ~ is ~ 53 06 08 18 ~ is ~ 9 12 00 90 48 000 0 200 106 13 04 19 " 10 02 08 80 " 42 13 04 300 " 160 00 00 20 " 10 13 04 70 37 06 08 400 " 213 06 08 60 32 00 00 500 " 266 13 04 10 s. is s. 5 04 0 50 " 26 13 04 600 " 320 00 00 9 " 4 09 + 40 " 21 06 08 700 " 373 06 08 8 " 4 03 0 30 " 16 00 00 800 " 436 13 04 7 " 3 09 0 20 '- 10 13 04 900 " 480 00 00 6 " 3 02 ~ 10 " 5 06 08 1000 " 533 06 08 5 " 2 08 0 9 " 4 16 00 4 " 2 01 8 " 4 05 04 10~ is ~ 5 06 08 3 " 1 07 0 7 " 3 14 08 11 " 5 17 04 2 " 1 01 0 6 " 3 00 00 12 " 6 08 00 1 " 06 5 " 2 13 04 13 " 618 08 4 " 2 02 08 14 " 7 09 04 3 " 112 00 15 " 8 00 00 2 " 1 01 04 16 " 8 10 08 1 " 10 08 17 " 9 01 04 I783. Chose for Selectmen, Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Benj. Read, Benjamin Smith, Lt. John Benson and Joseph Bates, also to serve as Overseers of the Poor; Philip Amidown, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Moses Smith and David Daniels, Constables. Voted to forego part of Nathaniel Ingraham's rates for 1780, ~66.00.00. Voted to scale Nathan and Nehemiah Beals' rates according to the scale for the month of September, 1780; that is, ~100 silver worth ~7100 currency, old emission. Last Monday in March, by adjournment. Voted to allow each of the Selectmen and Assessors $2.00 for their services in 1782. STATE ELECTION. April 2. For Governor, Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., had.......24 votes. "James Bowdoin, Esq., had......... 2.. WWm. Heath, Esq., had............. 1 For Lieut. Governor, Nathaniel Gorham, Esq., had.24 ".. cc. Thos. Cushing, Esq., had.... 1 " For Senators, Artemas Ward, Esq., had...........20 " Moses Gill, Esq., had................20 " Samuel Baker, Esq., had............20 " Jonathn. Warner, Esq., had.........20 Nathan Tyler, Esq., had.......... 20 412 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1783. It may not be uninteresting to state, in this place, that no person could be elected to the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor unless they had been inhabitants of the State for seven years preceding, and unless, at the same time, they were seized, in their own right, of a freehold within the Commonwealth of the value of one thousand pounds, and unless they declare themselves to be of the Christian religion. Senators were to be seized in their own right of a freehold within the Commonwealth of three hundred pounds at least, or possessed of personal estate to the value of six hundred pounds at least, or of both to the amount of the same sum, and to have been an inhabitant of the Commonwelth for five years preceding their election, and at the time of their election an inhabitant of the district for which they shall be chosen. Representatives were to be inhabitants at least one year preceding their election, be seized in their own right of a freehold of the value of one hundred pounds within the town they should be chosen to represent, or any ratable estate to the value of two hundred pounds; and they shall cease to be representatives immediately on ceasing to be qualified as aforesaid. To be qualified as voters, every person must be twenty-one years of age, a resident of the town where he claims the right to vote for one year preceding, have a freehold estate within the same town of an annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds. The qualification of voters will, in a measure, account for the thin vote at the election of State officers, as above. May 14. Dan Aldrich, Nathan Very, Levi Aldrich, Capt. John Albee, Philip Amidown and Lieut. Benoni Benson were chosen a committee "to look into the circumstances of certain persons of whom, it is said by the Constables, they cannot pay their Rates." "Voted to allow Samuel Fairbanks for a coeuntefeit thirty six shilling bill Szord in Hand Money." Why called sword in hand money will be seen by an inspection of the plate on next page. It was first issued in 1775. An emission in 1776 differed from the first only that the word Independence was substituted for the word Magna Charta. I am indebted to Mr. Barton, Assistant Librarian of the Ameri 1783.] ANNALS-OF MENDON. 413 ra4 414 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1783. can Antiquarian Society, for the loan of the bill from which this fac simile was produced. From him I learn that the original plate is now in the possession of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Montrose, Scotland. May 14. Chose Peter Penniman, Representative to the General Court; and Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Benj. Read, Benjamin Smith, Peletiah Darling and Nathan Verry were chosen a Committee to give him instructions. This meeting was adjourned to meet May 26th inst. at the house of John Hill, Innholder, at which place, without the transaction of any business, the meeting was dissolved. John Hill's tavern stood upon or near the site now occupied by David Adams' house. June 16. Voted to forego John G. White's Rate in Constable, Wm. Thayer's rate bills for 1782. This is the first instance, since the settlement of the town, when any person was recorded as having more than one given name. July 7. Philip Amidown, Capt. John Tyler and Capt. Benj. Read were chosen a Committee "to prosecute and recover of James Lovett and other Selectmen for 1781, all the securities which they unjustly withhold from the said Town of Mendon." Sept. 1. At this time, as appears by the record, the School and Highway Districts were identical, and were seven in number. A Committee of fourteen was chosen to new arrange them, but no report is found of their doings. Sept. Voted to raise $30 to build a Trussell under the Great Bridge, near Nahum Taft's Mill (Millville); and $15 to repair the road over Pond Hills. Oct. 6. Voted to raise ~200 including ~13.10 already raised, to defray town charges this present year. Joseph Dorr and others having petitioned the General Court to be incorporated as the First Congregational Society in the First Parish in Mendon, Nov. 10. The Town voted "that the Town of Mendon have no objection to the prayer of the Petition being granted," and, on the same day, the Parish also voted their consent. Voted that the Town Clerk record all the warrants given out to warn persons out of the Town. of Mendon and also the services of said warrants. 1783.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 415 Voted that the care of the action commenced by James Lovett, against the Town of Mendon, be committed to the care of the Selectmen. MEMORANDA. Mass. Archives, Court vol. 45, p. 162.. In the H. of R., July 17. 1783. On the Petition of Joseph Dorr and others, Inhabitants of the First Parish in Mendon, praying, amongst other things to be incorporated into a Society by the name of the First Congregational Society in Mendon. Ordered, that the prayer of said Petition be so far granted that the Petitioners be and are hereby authorized to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon, by serving the Town Clerk of the said Town and the Parish Clerk of the 1st Parish in said town of Mendon, to appear on the second Tuesday of the next sitting of the General Court (the said Notice to be given 15 days before said Tuesday) and shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said Petition should not be granted. In Senate Read & Concurred. Laws of Mass. vol. 1, p. 100. March 16, 1784. Joseph Dorr, Peter Penniman, John Tyler, Henry Penniman, John Albee, John Penniman, Zebulon Goss, William Thayer Jr., Increase Thayer, Calvin Smith, Josiah Adams, Samuel Fairbanks, Stephen Torrey, Abraham Staples, Jacob Ellis, Andrew Peters, Hezekiah Hayward, John Hayward, Levi Rawson, William Torrey, Joseph Adams, John Hayward Jr., Philip Amidown, Otis Whipple, Joseph Adams Jr., Seth Wheelock, John Crooks, Josiah Penniman, Saul Ramsdell, Moses Smith, Calvin Smith Jr., Peter Thayer Jr., Aquilla Robbins, Matthew Hill, Alexander Thayer, Stephen Wood, Grindall Wood, David Ellis, Barlow Carpenter, Thomas Rawson, Nathaniel Torrey, Stephen Johnson, Seth Davenport, Samuel Fairbanks Jr., Elijah Hayward, George Staples, John Craggin, Seth Taft, Artemas Taft, John Torrey, Benjamin Staples, Jacob Aldrich Jr. and John Hill, together with their. estates which they now have or may hereafter have and possess in their own right in the First Parish in Mendon be and are hereby incorporated into a Society, by the name of the FIRST CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY IN MENDON. In the act Peter Penniman, John Tyler and Henry Penniman were made Trustees of the Fund, which, at the time of the incorporation, was ~1324. The interest of the Fund, or so much as the Society may direct, to be paid to " a minister of the Congregational Church, resident and officiating in the work of the Ministry in said Town forever," 416 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1783. The town and the parish granted the Meeting House and ground properly appertaining thereto to the Society, reserving the right of all "to meet in said Meeting House for Public Worship and also for Town Meetings." The Ministry Money (so called, arising from the sale of the Ministry Land) was granted to the Society by the Town, of which however they could only expend the accruing interest. By the terms of the act, if, at any time, the annual income of the fund should be more than enough to pay the minister then the overplus was to be put at interest to repair or build a new Meeting House; and if the annual income should be more than enough then the overplus shall be for the support of a school for the benefit of said Society. The 3thd. Wednesday of May to be the annual meeting. For some reasons, it seems, after a few years, the corporators became dissatisfied with the transaction of business under the act of incorporation, and finally, in 1792 petitioned for its repeal which was accomplished by An Act to repeal an Act entitled An Act for incorporating a number of the inhabitants of the First Parish in Mendon, in the County of Worcester, into a Society by the name of the " First Congregational Society in Mendon," passed March 16, 1784. Whereas the Act above mentioned " does not produce those salutary effects which were expected," therefore the same is hereby repealed and made null and void. The Society was held to pay all its debts heretofore contracted, and the subscribers to the fund to pay the interest due on their obligations at the first day of June, 1792. Samuel Fairbanks, Joseph Adams and Stephen Johnson, the present Trustees of said Society, or any two of them were authorized to collect all debts due from persons, not members of the Society, for the use of the members; and directed to return to the Members of the Society the bonds, notes or other property they may have or receive into their hands belonging to said Society; and the said Society shall account with the First Parish in Mendon, or any individual thereof for any monies or property which said Society have received, and which did belong to them before the act of incorporation. This Act may be found in the Mass. Special Laws, vol. 1, p. 393. 1784.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 417 I784. At this time, the war having just come to an end, and, by the treaty of Paris of Sept. 3, 1783, the Independence of the United States having been acknowledged by Great Britain, we find the country deeply in debt and suffering under the evils of a depreciated paper currency. The old emission of Continental bill had become worthless and the new emission was fast following in the footsteps of its predecessor. Relieved from the pressure of the war and struggling along under the Articles of Confederation, the General Government could do little or noththing to relieve the general distress. With such a state of affairs it was not strange that the prevalence of a general feeling of discontent should soon manifest itself; culminating, at last, in 1786, in Massachusetts, in the Shay's Rebellion. The good people of Mendon were not exempt from this wide slread -dissatisfaction with the condition of public affairs, and hence, Jan. 22. They voted "that it is the opinion of this Town that the pay of the Commutation (so called) will, if taxed on the people, be an insupportable burden, together with other burdens already laid upon us; and we think (it) unconstitutional, and not supported by Confederation: and it is further Voted, that our Representative use his utmost endeavours that the Resolve of Congress of the 22d. of March last, so far as it respects the Commutation be repealed, and that he use his utmost endeavours to obtain an Act of restriction, or a total repeal of the impost Act; and also use his endeavours that no money be granted into the Fund of Congress whereby the said Commutation may be paid. Not satisfied with the preceding Protest and Instructions, the town, in May afterwards, petitioned the General Court for a redress of grievances. Mass. Ar. Mendon, lp. 1322, Case H. L. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. To the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled:The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon, Humbly Sheweth; That notwithstanding the good people of this Commonwealth have [by the hand of a kind Providence] been preserved through a long & distressing war, which is now happily terminated, and the Blessings of Peace restored to our borders. Although partaking of divers other Blessings, 53 418 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1784. both public & private, Yet there are certain matters of grievances which we labor under and look up to this Honorable Court for a redress of some, among which we beg leave to mention the following viz: 1. The granting an Impost to Congress for their sole use and improvement, and paying the same into their hands, we conceive to be unconstitutional and dangerous. 2. We conceive the half pay or commutation to the officers of the Continental army, to be a public grievance, and pray that the Honorable Court will take every constitutional measure to prevent the payment of the same. 3. The burden of large sums of Continental Currency, lying on the hands of the good people of this Commonwealth in general & the neglect of other States to redeem their proportion of the same we regard as a grievance and pray that this Court will still continue their exertions to have it taken off our hands, and, if further neglected, to stop a sufficiency of appropriations to Congress for the redemption of the same. 4. The good people of this Commonwealth are greatly distressed for want of a circulating medium, by means of which a part of the community become a prey to the avarice and extortion of others; we therefore pray that every possible means may be used to increase the quantity of circulating medium to prevent the mischief that will otherwise come. In the name, and by order of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon. PHILIP AMIDOWN, Town Clerk Mendon, May 24. 1784. March 1. Chose for Selectmen, Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Benjamin Read, Philip Amidown, Lt. John Benson and Lt. Increase Thayer; Philip Amiclown, Town Clerk; Capt. Peter Penniman, Town Treasurer; Benjamin Thayer and David Daniels, Constables; Seth Chapin and John Darling, Wardens, and John Crooks, Deer Reave. Upon a report of Peter Penniman, Benjamin Read and John Albee, (all Captains,) a committee chosen for the purpose, "The Town voted to raise ~150 for the purpose of mending Highways, building and repairing Bridges and keeping the Roads and Bridges in good repair through the present year; and that the Assessors of the Town assess the Inhabitants on or before the first day of May next in the sum abovesaid, and that lists of said assessment be committed to the respective Constables of the town, with a Warrant to collect the same, each Inhabitant having liberty to work out the sum assessed on him at the prices hereafter set, viz. each man to be allowed 3s. per day until the first day of Sept. next and 3s. for a team, and from that time 2sh. per day until the first day of Nov. next and the same for a team, viz: a yoke of good Oxen and cart. Each person so assessed and producing a certificate from the Surveyors of the sum or sums they may have worked out as abovesaid, shall discharge so much of said tax, and said Surveyors are directed to give said certificates 1784.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 419 as abovesaid: and in case said Inhabitants shall refuse or neglect to work out their rates as aforesaid by the first day of November and the said certificates shall not be produced and delivered to the said Constables, then the said Constables shall proceed to collect and pay in, as their warrant directs, all and every part of the assessment not worked out as aforesaid." Voted that Capt. John Tyler be a Delegate to attend the Convention at Worcester on the 3d Tuesday of March, inst. Capt. Benjamin Read and Dan Aldrich were chosen a committee to settle all matters in dispute between James Lovett and the town of Mendon. This dispute was about the settlement of his account as a former Treasurer, and Lovett had commenced a suit at law against the town. The committee, it appears, immediately entered upon the duty assigned them, and soon brought the matter to a final settlement, as the following receipt will show:MENDON, March 8. 1784. Received of the Town of Mendon two pounds four shillings and eight pence, in full of all demands, accounts, debts, dues or services done for said town at any times before this date, especially for all services done, as a Selectman, for said Town in the year 1781, and cost brought of any name or nature soever from the Beginning of the World to the End thereof Witness my hand, JAMES LOVETT. JOSEPH SIBLEY ROBERT TAFT. N. B. Mr. Lovett's part of pay for hiring a three years man is not included in the above receipt. March 9. Voted to allow Almariah Vose forty-five dollars as Town's Bounty, due him for enlisting into the army in the late war. Voted to allow Jonathan Boyce forty-five dollars upon his giving up a note he holds against the town, given him by the Selectmen. This was probably a note given him at the time of his enlistment in the army. It seems that, at this time, there was some dispute about the line between Mendon and Milford and Upton, as Capt. John Tyler, Dea. Josiah Adams and Stephen Johnson were chosen a committee to settle the line at and near the northerly part of Mendon with Milford and Upton. The matter was probably amicably adjusted, as no further mention is made of the sulject. 420 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1784. Capt. Peter Penniman, Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Benj. Read and Lt. Reuben Thayer were chosen a committee to divide the Bonds for the Ministry money between the First Congregational Society and the South Precinct in said Mendon. STATE ELECTION. April 5. For Governor, John Hancock had c( "c James Bowdoin had For Lt. Gov. Thomas Cushing had For Senators and Councillors: Moses Gill had Seth Washburn had Jonathan Warner had Caleb Amidown had Samuel Curtis had Israel Nichols had Samuel Baker had Having disposed of the election of State town business was then transacted: 18 votes. 5 " 18 votes. 18 < 18 " 17 " 11 "t 6 "c 2 ( officers the following Voted that all the Notes and Orders now taken up by the Treasurer and Selectmen and properly settled for be deposited in the First Parish Meeting House in Mendon, and under lock and key. Voted that no orders or notes be settled with the Treasurer but such as are recorded in his book and properly receipted for. May. 11. Voted to allow Capt. John Tyler eighteen shillings for his service in attending the Convention at Worcester, and that the Selectmen and Assessors should be paid twelve shillings for their services in 1783. Voted to allow Capt. Benj. Read eighteen shillings for huniting up a Beef Receipt that was lost. This receipt was, probabl), one for beef bought for the army in 1782. Capt. Peter Pennimuan was chosen Representative to tie General Court, and Joseph Dorr, Esq., Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Benjamin Read, Dan Aldrich and Peletiah Darling were chosen a committee to give him instructions. By the following vote we learn that certain. suits at law hlad been brought; against the town, but for what reasons or by lwhom the record is silent: Voted that the Selectmen take care of the suits brought against the Town tryable at the June term next. 1784.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 421 August 24. Voted to allow Joseph Southwick the value of $58, paper money, which he took when Constable that proved to be counterfeit. Voted to forego David Killey's rates in said Sonthwick's bills, in paper ~2.05.00, or in silver ~0.06.09. Voted that the Selectmen wait on Mr. Abraham Redwood* and desire him to pay the money or work out his highway rate on the Pond Hills, (so called) and that Ensign Seth Taft take charge of the workmen while employed. Voted to raise ~200 to discharge town debts and support the poor of the town the present year. Sept. 13. Voted that Daniel Kalham (Callum) may give his note of hand, payable in one year, for his rates in Daniel Taft's and David Daniels' bills. Voted that Reuben Legg, procuring a note against Benjamin Smith, or any other good man, to the satisfaction of Daniel Taft, payable in two months, said Taft shall cross out said Legg's rates. Voted that Daniel Taft shall cross out John King's rate, provided said King shall procure Jonathan Cass' note for the amount, payable in six months. Vote for County Register: Capt. Benjamin Read had 70 votes. Timothy Paine Esq., had 6 Jos. Dorr Esq., had 1 Capt. Benj. Heywood, had 1 Oct. 18. Voted that Dr. Joseph Adams and Dan Aldrich be a conmmittee to examine Dr. Dupee's account for doctoring the poor of the town. Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Levi Aclrich, Philip Amidown, Dan Aldrich and Capt. Benjamin Read were chosen a committee to meet a committee from Uxbridge and Douglass, in order to petition the General Court for a lottery to defray the expense of repairing the road through said towns. It seems there was no choice for County Register, (Register of Deeds) and hence a new choice was ordered, with the followinlg result:Capt. Benjamin Read, had 44 votes. Tlmothy Paine Esq., had 2 " * Mr. Redwood removed to Mendon from Newport, R. I., during the war. lie finally returned there, and founded the "Redwood Library" in that city. 422 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1785. Dec. 6. George Aldrich, Capt. Peter Penniman and Capt. Benjamin Read were chosen a committee to make a settlement with Philip Amidown, former Treasurer. I785. The committee chosen Oct. 18, ultimo, to consult with committees of the towns of Txbridge and Douglass in regard to a lottery for repairing the road through said towns, met and agreed upon the following petition to the General Court, and which petitition may be found in the Mass. Ar. Mendon, p. 7, 697, case H. 4. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assemble. The Petition of the Subscribers a Committee appointed by the Towns of Mendon, Uxbridge and Douglass for the purpose of preferring a Petition to your Honors in behalf of said Towns for the Grant of a Lottery, Humbly Sheweth, The Inhabitants of said Towns have been and still (every year) at great expense in mending the Road and repairing the bridges which leads from Boston, through said Towns, to Hartford, called the Middle Post Road, it running nearly 20 miles through the abovesaid towns, and a great part of said road unfit, at present for travelling; and the said Towns having large roads leading through them to Providence, with great expense in building and repairing other large bridges; and, wishing to accommodate every part of the public, are desirous to mend said Post Road and build and repair such bridges, over the rivers crossing said Road, as to make it safe and easy for travellers to pass them at all seasons of the year (as some of them, at this time, are unsafe and almost impassable) and our resources are so much exhausted in supporting our part of the late cruel war, that we feel ourselves unable to make such reparations on said Road as, otherwise, we should feel a willingness to do:-and being unwilling the Publick should suffer the loss of such an extensive benefit, as such a road being rendered unfit for travelling, are bound in duty to ask the assistance of the Honorable, the Legislative Authority of the Commonwealth that they would be pleased to grant us the sum of ~750, to be raised by a Lottery, for the sole purpose of mending and repairing said Road from Bellingham Line, through said Towns to Connecticut Line, and building such bridges over the rivers crossing said road as shall make the travelling safe and easy, which sum, we think, (with such assistance as the Inhabitants of said towns are able to afford) will be adequate to make the reparations thereon, and paying the charge and expense of said Lottery; and also to appoint such Gentlemen, Managers of said Lottery, as you in your wisdom 1785.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 423 shall see meet; or make such other grants or provisions for mending or repairing said Roads and Bridges as you, in your great wisdom, shall think best for the public good. All which your Humble Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, JOHN TYLER, BENJ. READ, Comn. for Mendon. PHIL. AMIDOWN. ABNER RAWSON, SAML. READ JR., Corn. for Uxbridge. BENJ. GREEN. I JOSIAH READ, ELIJAH MOORE, Com. for Douglass. ISAAC MARTIN. Jan. 31. 1785. Mass. Ar. Menldon, tp 7 1613, case H. 4. HousE OF REPRESENTATIVE Feb. 17, 1785. On the Petition of John Tyler and others, committee of the Towns of Mendon, Uxbridge and Douglass, praying for leave to raise ~750 by a Lottery for the purpose of repairing their Roads and Bridges, Resolved, that the Petitioners have leave to bring in a Bill agreeable to the prayer of said Petition. As nothing more is heard of this lottery it is supposed the project was abandoned. Jan. 3, Capt. Peter Penniman, Capt. John Tyler and Capt. Benjamin Read were chosen a committee to confer wiith a committee of the town of Milford "in order to settle matters in regard to the Poor brought into Milford and this town, and to settle the cost that has already risen with those Poor that have already been brought into the abovesaid towns." January 18, 1785. The Committees appointed by the Towns of Mendon and Milford to settle all disputes between said Towns respecting the Poor that have been brought back to said towns from other towns; have agreed that the town of Mendon should take and maintain Luther Easting, son of Rhoda Easting as their poor and pay to the town of Milford forty five shillings, and acquit the town of Milford from all the charge the said town of Mendon has been at in supporting and transporting the said Rhoda Easting and her children, at any time before this date: and the town of Milford to take the daughter, or other child, of the said Rhoda Easting and support it as their poor, and to acquit the town of Mendon from all costs and charges they have been at' in supporting and transporting the said Rhoda and children at any time before this date. And that Priscilla Dolbear be supported by the said town of Milford, and that Hannah Arnold and Abigail Hews be supported by the town of Mendon, 424 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1785. And it is the opinion of this Committee that the original Agreement made between the towns before the town of Milford was set off, be and remain in full force with this explanation thereon, that is to say, that all persons brought back to either town of said towns, those born in either town shall return to the town in which they were born; and those brought back which have otherwise gained a residence in either of said towns, then they shall return to the town in [which] they last gained a lawful residence and to be accordingly maintained, and also all persons, old and young, shall be supported in and by the town in which they lived or had their home when the Town of Milford was set off into a separate town. SETH NELSON, SAMUEL JONES, Corn. for Milford. SAMUEL WARREN. PETER PENNIMAN, JOHN TYLER, Corn. for Mendon. BENJ. READ. Adopted by Milford. Voted to accept the above report provided the town of Milford has or shall accept of the same and that it be so understood relative to the supporting Hannah Arnold that the town of Mendon shall be at all the cost the said Towns of Mendon and Milford has or may be at for her support. March 7. There being no choice for Register of Deeds at tlle last trial, a ballot this day resulted as follows, viz: Capt. Benjamin Read 105 vote being all the votes cast. Chose for Selectmen, Luke Aldrich, Daniel Taft, Seth )Davenport, Jonathan Cass and Benjamin Thayer; Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Capt. Peter Penniman, Town Treasurer; Constables, David Daniels and Benjamin Thayer. Voted that Capt. John Tyler and Stephen Johnson have 12s. each for burying William Kenny, who died of small pox in the year 1777. April 4. Voted that David Daniels be a Selectmran in the room of Jonathan Cass. April 4. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, James Bowdoin had 26 votes. Thos. Cushing had 16 Lieut. Gov., Thomas Cushing had 22 Senators, Artemas Ward, Moses Gill, Samuel Baker, Jonathan Warner and Seth Washburn had 29 votes each and Israel Nichols 2. April 25. Voted to accept of the report of a committee chosen to "new lay out " the districts for work and for schooling, and 1786.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 425 that the same be entered in the town book. By this report we find the town was divided into thirteen districts, the highway and school districts being identical. May 11. Chose Capt. Peter Penniman Representative to the Great and General Court. As the lottery scheme for repairing the road through Mendon, Uxbridge and Douglass had failed to become a law, we learn by the following vote that application had been made to have it relocated as a county road, for, at this meeting, George Aldrich, Capt. John Tyler and Nathan Very were chosen a committee to meet the Committee of the Court of the General Sessions of the Peace at the house of Ezekiel Wood, in Uxbridge, who were deputed "to view a place for a new County road." Sept. 5. Moses Smith, it seems, had money in his hands belonging to the town, which he is unable or unwilling to refund, as it is found this day Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Peter Penniman and Capt. Benjamin Read were chosen a committee to hear any proposals said Smith shall see fit to make to the town. Whether Moses Smith was, at this time, in jail or not cannot now be determined, but we find that he was there retained in the December following, as there was an article in the warrant for a meeting Dec. 12, " To see if the Town will do any thing relative to releasing Moses Smith from jail, upon the conditions mentioned in said Smith's letter, dated the first day of December instant, or any other way that shall or may be proposed at said meeting." At the meeting, however, the subject was not acted upon. At this meeting, Sept. 5, it was voted to raise ~80 to defray town charges, and ~40 for schooling. Dec. 12. The Representative was instructed to use his endeavours that the General Court pass "An Act, making Real and Personal estate a tender for the settling of Executions and other debts." I786. March 6. Chose for Selectmen, Stephen Johnson, John Darling, Seth Wheelock, Joseph Thayer and Simeon Fish; 54 426 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1786. Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Capt. Peter Penniman, Treasurer, and Dan Aldrich and Benjamin Blake for Constables. Voted to hire the Constables the present year, they procuring bondsmen to the town's satisfaction. Voted that the Selectmen hire a Workhouse the present year to put the poor of the town into, and for the Selectmen to take care of them and set them to work. Voted,that Joseph Taft have liberty to put his son out to learn a trade if the Selectmen think it best. The Selectmen were voted 12s. each and the Assessors 9s. each for their services in 1785. Voted to raise ~150 for repair of highways and bridges the present year. Voted that the Town Treasurer put off the old Continental money now in his hands to the best advantage for the town he can. Capt. Benjamin Read, Capt. John Tyler, Col. Andrew Peters, Dan Aldrich and Edward Thompson, Esq., were chosen a committee to see what sum Moses Smith can make out towards discharging the taxes due from him to the State and to the town. The taxes were undoubtedly the State and town taxes committed to him to collect. March 20. Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee of Correspondence for the present year. Voted that all delinquent highway taxes of this year shall be added to the highway taxes of the next year. Dan Aldrich.was voted two pence on the pound for collecting the taxes this year, he procuring his father and Edward Thompson, Esq., for his bondsmen. Benjanin Blake was allowed the same commission for collection, he procuring Stephen Benson and Lt. Peletiah Darling as bondsmen. A ballot was taken this day for Register of Deeds, and Daniel Clapp had 42 votes. April 3. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, James Bowdoin 24 votes. " do. Samuel Holton 3 " "Lt. do. Thomas Cushing 22 1786.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 427 For Senators, Moses Gill, Seth Washburn, Abel Wilder and Samuel Curtis had twenty two votes each, Amos Singleterry eight and Artemas Ward 14. April 12. REV. CALEB ALEXANDER, SIXTH MINISTER. Mr. Alexander was born in Northfield July 22, 1755. He graduated at Yale College in 1777, and studied Theology with Rev. Ephraim Judson, of Taunton. He was ordained at New Marlborough Feb. 28, 1781, and dismissed.June 28, 1782, and was installed at Mendon April 12, 1786. In 1801 he was appointed by the Massachusetts Missionary Society to visit the churches and Indians in Western New York. Upon his return he was dismissed from his chalge in Mendon Dec. 7, 1802, and re-entered the western field as a teacher, for which work he was eminently fitted. He was first located in Fairfield, Herkimer County, N. Y., where he was elected Predeptor of Fairfield Academy, which had recently been erected. Under his direction the Academy soon became a prominent resort for education. In 1812 he removed to Onondaga, Onondaga County, and took charge of a newly established academy there. He was also greatly instrumental in founding Hamilton College and Auburn Theological Seminary. During all this time he preached almost every Sunday in the adjoining towns, and gathered many now flourishing churches in that region. Mr. Alexander died at Onondaga, N. Y., April 12, 1828, aged 72 years, 8 months and 20 days. His epitaph is as follows:His Industry and Zeal, IN THE CAUSE OF LITERATURE AND RELIGION were untiring and benevolent. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Mr. Alexander published many books. Among these are an Essay on the Deity of Christ, with strictures upon Emnlyn, 1791; Translation of Virgil, Latin, Greek and'Eniglish Grammars, and several Occasional Sermons. May 13. The ballots for a County Treasurer this day were as follows, viz:Samuel Flagg and Nathan Perry each llad 18 votes. The second article in the warranit was, "To see what measures 428 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1786. the town will come into in order to obtain the Estate of Robert Trask, an Absconding Person, supposed to be in the hands of Jesse Darling." Upon this the town chose Edward Thompson, Esq., and Nathan Very a committee " to see if they can accomidate a settlement with Jesse Darling." What the claim was which the town had upon Robert Trask's estate does not appear. Col. Benjamin Read having been chosen this day, May 15th, Representative to the General Court, Capt. John Tyler, Capt. Peter Penniman, Edward Thompson, Esq., Capt. Philip Ammidown and Capt. Levi Aldrich were chosen a committee to give him instructions, and report at an adjourned meeting. May 22. This committee made a report, which was adopted, and the Town Clerk was directed to sign it. When the measures to come before the' Legislature are definitely known, would not a revival of the practice of instructing the representative, inasmuch as he would thereby learn the will of his constituents, be of no inconsiderable aid in the matter of legislation? Voted to raise ~80 to defray town charges. Vote.d that the Selectmen provide a Grammar School so far as to clear the town from any fine. The committee respecting the matter of Robert Trask (the absconding person,) were instructed to prosecute the matter in the law, unless it could be settled some other way, and Col. Benjamin Read was added to the committee for that purpose. May 9. Then voted to choose two more members "to joine the County Convention to meet at Leicester on the 15th inst." Although no record is found that a Delegate had already been chosen to the Leicester Convention, still such had been the case, as we find afterwards that Capt. John Tyler was paid ~2.14s. and Edward Thompson; Esq., ~2.12s. for attending the for7mer Convention, (the one at Leicester,) as an adjournment was.afterwards held at Leicester the last Tuesday in September. Edward Thompson, Esq., and Lt. Joseph Johnson were chosen as the "two more members." A committee of five were chosen, of which Col. Benj. Read was chairman, to give instructions to the Delegates. The Convention at Leicester was composed of Delegates from 1786.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 429 thirty-seven towns, who, after voting that their meeting was "a lawful and constitutional affair," set forth in a memorial issued to the public, a list of grievances which they desired to have abated: 1. The sitting of the Gen. Court in Boston. 2. The want of a circulating medium. 3. The exhorbitance of the lawyers' fee table. 4. The present mode of administration by the Court of Common Pleas. 5. The appropriation of the impost. and excise duties to the payment of the interest of the State debt. 6. The grants made by the Gen. Court to the Attorney General & others. 7. Too many office-holders and their salaries too large. 8. The State furnishing money to Congress while our account with Congress remains unsettled. This Convention was adjourned until the last Tuesday in September, and, Sept. 18. The town voted that the Delegates which attended the first Convention should also attend at the adjournment, viz: Capt. John Tyler and Edward Thompson, Esq. The town voted to approve of the doings of the Convention, and Col. Benjamin Read, Capt. Levi Aldrich, Ens. Peletiah Darling, Capt. Peter Penniman and Dan Aldrich were chosen a committee to give the Delegates to the Convention and the Representative in the General Court instructions. What these instructions were are neither found on record or on file, and hence we are left in ignorance of the mode or manner by which the committee proposed to redress the grievances complained of by the Convention. Voted to indemnify and keep harmless the Assessors of the town in case they are presented by the Treasurer of this Commonwealth for neglecting to assess the inhabitants for money due from Moses Smith to said Treasurer. Chose Col. Benj. Read, Capt. Peter Penniman and Capt. John Tyler a committee to take care of the matter of the execution which the Town Treasurer has issued against Moses Aldrich. It seems Moses Aldrich, as Constable (Collector) had become a defaulter in the matter of the State tax, and that the Town Treasurer had issued an execution against him, and that the Assessors were threatened by the State Treasurer for neglect of duty, as understood by that officer. 430 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1786. MEMO RANDA. Mass. Arch. Valuations, Vol. 163, p. 310. VALUATION OF MIENDON, 1786. Ratable Polls 257. Not ratable but not supported by the town 53 making Not ratable 7 supported by the town. [310. 160 Dwelling Houses, 3 houses, 4 Shops, 12 Shops, 121 Barns, 12 Barns, 6 Grist & Saw Mills, 1 Mill, 13 buildings ~5 value, 30 Buildings, 508 Acres tillage, 300 806 do. English, 60 1060 do. Fr'sh Me'dow 2371 do. Pasture, 1500 866 Bbls Cyder, 2693 Acres Woodland 8525 at 3s. 5832 do. Unimproved 8525 at 35s. 1697 do. Unimprovtble, 163 houses, ~2 10 00 16 Shops, 14 09 133 Barns, 17 00 7 Mills, 3 00 00 43 Buildings, 04 00 808 Acres, 08 06 866 do. 10 06 05 00 3871 do. 03 09 00 021 ~407 11 00 11 04 00 113 01 00 21 00 00 8 12 00 343 08 00 454 13 00 269 00 00 580 13 00 8 02 04t ~14 918 15 00-2 pr. ct. 298 07 051 155 Horses, 7 Colts, 10 do. 163 Oxen, 82 Neat Cattle, 145 do. 96 do. 676 Cows 286 Swine, ~1040 debts due, Potash Works, Tan House, Ounces of Plate, Monies on hand, 3 Years old, @.06 00 2 do..04 024 -1 do..02 048. 4 do..05 044 3 do..03 07 2 do..02 044 1 do..01 024.03 07 6 months.00 09 6 per cent..02 10 ~3 00 00 40 oz 12 06 08 @ 6 pr. cent. ~40 00 00 " do. Nothing. ~46 10 00 1 09 031 1 03 11 -43 19 061 9 16 051 17 07 04t 11 10 00 121 02 04 10 14 06 62 08 00 2 10 00 3 00 00 13 114 2 08 00 ~2269 11 044 180 00 00 E2449 11 044 Add Is. on a thousand, SHAY S REBELLION. ~ Although the town sent Delegates to the conventions at Leicester, which put forth a list of grievances under which, in their opinion, the country was suffering, it is not known that any citizen of the town was engaged in any of the overt acts which constituted what is called Shays' Rebellion. 1786.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 431 The fifth day of September was the clday appointed for the sitting of the Court at Worcester; but, on that day, the Court House was surrounded by a mob of two hundred persons, with arms in their hands, whb debarred the entrance of the judges. The Chief Justice (Ward) remonstrated in vain, and the Court was compelled to adjourn. Dec. 3. The Court House, at Worcester, was again taken possession of by the disaffected. The judges met at the Sun Tavern, but could not proceed to business. The Governor had previous to this issued his orders to the officers of the militia to liave their men armed and equipped to take the field at the shortest notice. Troops were called into service at once upon tis new outbreak. Mass. Arch. Shays' Rebellion, Vol. 192, p. 155. A Pay Roll of Capt. William Torrey's Company, in the Third Regiment, in the County of Worcester, commanded by Col. Benjamin Read, in the service of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in the month of Dec. inst. agreeable to orders from Gen. Warner, to march to Worcester Dec. 4, 1786. Pay Am. No. Am. NAMES. Kut.Ser. Dischgd. Time. per mo. Pay. Rat's. Rat. Total William Torrey, Capt., Dec. 4, Dec. 7, 4 days. ~8.00.00 ~1.01.04 12.07.06 ~1.08.10 Saml. Fairbanks, Lieut., 4, 7, 4 8 Elijah Penniman, Sergt., 4, 6, 3 Peter Holbrook, Sergt., 4, 6, 3 Esek Wheelock, Corp., 4, 6, 3 David Davenport, Corp., 6, 7, 2 John Tyler, Private, 4, 6, 3 Stephen Johnson, do. 4, 6, 3 2 John Tyler, Jr, do. 4, 7, 4 David Kingman,' do. 6, 7, 2 Joseph Torrey, do. 6, 7, 2 Thomas Stone, do. 6, 7, 2 Rowland Latham, do. 6, 7, 2 08 Jos. Mc. Clintock, do. 6, 7, 2 00 Seth Hastings, do. 6, 7, 2 ~5.16.08 WILLIAM TORREY, Capt. Endorsed Capt. William Torrey's Pay Roll Dec. 4. 1786. Examined and found due, ~5.16.08, per JOHN FROST. Mass. Arch. Shay's Rebellion, Vol. 192, p. 49. A Pay Roll of the Field and Staff Officers in the Third Regiment of Militia in the County of Worcester, commanded by Col. Benjamin Read, in the service of this Commonwealth, Sept. 6 and Dec. 2. 1786, agreeable to the orders of Maj. Gen. Warner. 432 ANNALS OF MEN DON. [1787. Ent. Dis- Rations Asnt. of Pa NAMES. Service, missed. Days. Detaioed. Rati'ns, Ml Sept. Sept. Benj. Read, Vol., 6, 7, 2, 12.08.00 ~TV Philip Ammidowis, Lt. Col:- 6, 7, 2, 10.06.08 il Deer. Deer. Benj. Read, Col., 2, 7, 6, 36 1.04.00 15 Philip Ammidown, Lt. Col., 4, 7, 4, 20.13.04 il David Bachelor, Maj., 4, 7, 4, 16.10.08 1( Lesmuel Green, Adjt., 4, 6, 3, 6.04.00 Jonsa. Adams, Qt. Master, 4, 6, 3, 6.04.00 Henry F. iDupee, Surgeon, 4, 6,- 3, 10.08.04 11 John Torrey, Sur. Mate, 4, 6, 3, 3.02.00 The Original sworn to before Mr. Justice CRANCH. Mlass. Arch., Vol. 162, p. 254. y per Asnount Dnth. or Pay. Ansount 5. 00. 00 ~100. 00 ~1.08. 00 -. 1.02.08 5 3 1 0 1,.00.00 3 00.00 1.12.00 1.06 04 1.02.00 ~12-04.04 BEFNJ. READ, Col. Number of Polls and Income in the Co. of Worcester 1786. TOWNS. Polls. Income. Worcester,......357 Lancaster.......04 Mendon......310 Brookfield.....,. 666 Oxford........228 Charlton......392 Sutton.......640 Leicester......240 Nortlhborouglh.....156 Shrewsbury.....421 Luuenburg.....297 Fitchburg......207 Uxbridge......281 Harvard.......306 Dudley.......220 Bolton.......216 Upton........184 Sturbridge.....347 Leominster.....359 Hardwick......340 Holden.. 233 Western.......192 Douglass......231 Spencer.....-308 ~ sh. d. 4794 04 10 2799 11 021 2269 11 044 6337 12 044 1363 12 024, 2683 19 084 5278 01 074 2941 18 114 1319 02 084 3976 11 06 2603 16 034 1698 15 031 2370 01 10 2529 00 084 1841 14 084 1894 08 07 1245 03 074 2735 07 02 1945 19 094 37703 16 054 1762 14 074 1911 07 10 1239 09 08 2175 08 071 TOWNS. Rutland..... 26 Paxton......14-I Oakham.....161 Barre... 37"Hubbardston.... 16f'~ New Braintree...203 Soutliborough.. 186 Westborough.. 221 Grafton.....221 -Petersham..34fl Royalston..196 'Westminster.....291 Templeton...274 Princeton. 19~ Ashburnham...197 Nortlibridge....95 Ward......108 Athol..... Milford..... 19~ Sterling...... 3 Berlin...... 11~ Winchendon...231 Polls-12,16ip Polls. Income. ~ sh. d. 3 3230 09 014 1382 15 094 1167 18 04 3922 13 084 1288 10 06 1714 01 0941 1484 01 064 2064 06 004 i2009 08 084 3147 19 024 -1201 14 06 2511 06 01) 2204 01 0741 2258 03 05 1205 08 01 697 11 03 1219 02 104 1686 07 084 i1973 16 014 -3044 10 044.956 1108 153 8 08 044 ~ 105,490 18 014 I787. Janl. 11. At a town mneeting held this day a commnittee was chosen to give the Representative in the General 1787.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 433 Court further instructions. The committee were Edward Thompson, Esq., Capt. John Tyler, Dan Aldrich, Lt. John Benson, and Capt. Levi Aldrich. This meeting was opened at the South Parish Meeting House, but was immediately adjourned to Lieut. John Benson's house, being, it is presumed, on account of a cold day. Jan. 22. The second article in the -warrant for this meeting was, "To see if the Town would choose a Committee to treat with General Linkham (Lincoln) to inform him of the sentiments and disposition of the inhabitants of this town respecting the requisition of Government for a number of militia that were conformable to order." The Selectmen, with Lt. Joseph Johnson, Lieut. William Thayer and Dr. Joseph Adams were constituted a committee to treat with Gen. Lincoln. As this committee made no report, (or if they made one it escaped record,) we have no means of knowing the result of their labors with the General. It seems they did not have a personal interview with General Lincoln as, immediately upon the passage of the vote choosing the committee, it was voted that Lieut. Daniel Taft be desired to carry whatever the committee shall see fit to send. Jan. 29. Edward Thompson, Esq., was chosen to attend as a Delegate the County Convention, which stands adjourned to meet at Mr. Patch's, in Worcester, on the first Friday in February next. Voted to allow Capt. John Tyler for his time and expenses in attending the former Convention ~2.14.00, and Edward Thompson, Esq., for the same service, ~2.12.00. Voted to postpone the reading of the address of the General Court to the next meeting. This address was an appeal to the people to refrain from violence, and assuring them that in case of resistance, all the insurgents would be dealt with in a summary manner. The rebels under Shays had just, by force of arms, prevented the sitting of the Court at Springfield, and the Government hesitated no longer. Orders were at once issued to raise 4400 men, with four regiments of artillery, to be commanded by Maj. Gen. Lincoln. Twelve hundred of these troops were called for from the 434 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1787. County of Worcester, and Mendon had been called to furnish her quota. From the fact that the address of the General Court was refused a reading, and. that a committee was chosen to treat with Gen. Lincoln, it may be presumed that the people of Mendon were not exempt from the very general discontent which pervaded the Commonwealth. But the repulse of Shays, in his attack upon the Springfield Arsenal, by the troops under Gen. Shepard, and the general dispersal of the insurgents by Gen. Lincoln in January and February, put an end to the insurrection. That the people had a just cause of complaint, and that there were grievances which should be redressed, there was no doubt. As Mendon, as will be seen, furnished her quota of men, it is presumed that the inhabitants were averse to the endeavour to procure a redress of the grievances under which they labored by an appeal to the arbitrament of arms. At this meeting, Jan. 29, voted to choose a committee to meet and consult with a conmmittee from Uxbridge, Upton and Milford, and report at an adjournment of the meeting. As there was no article in the warrant authorizing the choice of this committee, and as the committee (Stephen Johnson) made no report, we are left in the dark about the whole matter. The committee heretofore chosen to give instructions to the Representative to the General Court made their report, and the same was accepted. These instructions may have been directed to Col. Benjamin Reed, Representative for 1786, and we find they were also directed to Edward Thompson, Esq., who was not elected Representative until the May following; as will be seen. These instructions, it was voted, should be signed by the Town Clerk in behalf of the town. It was also voted to accept of the instructions reported by a committee chosen for that purpose to the Delegate to the County Convention. As the Town Clerk failed to record the instructions, and, in that regard, failed as we think, to discharge his zwhole duty, we are left in ignorance of their import. April 2. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John Hancock, Esq., had 124 votes. " Lt. do Thos. Cushing, Esq,, had 107 " 1786.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 435 For Senators, Joseph Stone, Peter Penniman, Jonathan Grout, Nathan Adams and Samuel Curtis had 96 votes, and Seth Washburn, Abel Wilder, John Fessenden and Bezaleel Taft had 3. Chose for Selectmen, Dan Aldrich, Darius Daniels, Moses Daniels, Lt. John Benson and Dr. Joseph Adams. Dan Aldrich and Darius Daniels neglecting to take the oath of allegiance, Israel Mowry and Oliver Carpenter were chosen in their stead. This oath was an oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and was designed by the General Court to secure the magistracy from the feigned repentance of those who had been compromised by Shays' Rebellion. For Town Clerk, Setl Chapin; Town Treasurer, Capt. Peter Penniman; Constables, Benjamin Thayer, provided Lt. Seth Wheelock be his bondsman, and Benjamin Blake, provided Lt. Peletiah Thayer be his bondsman. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to provide some suitable house or houses for the reception of the poor the present year. Voted to raise ~60 to defray town charges the current year. Voted to give one shilling as a bounty upon every crow that shall be killed by any of the inhabitants of tllis town before the first day of July next, and shall deliver the same to the Selectmen. May 14. Voted to raise ~150 to be worked out on the roads and bridges the present year. The Assessors were to assess the tax immediately and furnish each Constable with a list, and on the first day of November a certificate from the Hig!lway Surveyor that the whole or such part of each man's tax as had been worked out, should be received by the Constables in payment. The Assessors of this year were to have 12s. each for their services. Edward Thompson, Esq., was chosen Representative to the General Court and May 28, was instructed by the town as follows, and which instructioiis may be found in the Massachusetts Archives "Mendon, V. ]0 2708, Case H. 4." They were not found in the town record:To Edward Thompson Esq. Your constituents having chosen you to represent the Town of Mendon in the General Court the present year, think fit to give you some hints (by way of instructions,) of what we apprehend might be beneficial to the public. 436 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1787. 1st. To use your influence to have the General Court removed out of the Town of Boston to some convenient inland town as soon as may be. 2nd. That you use your influence that the Troops raised by order of the Government and now under pay, be immediately discharged. 3dly. That you use your influence that a free pardon and indemnity be granted to all those that have been any ways concerned in the late Insurrection in this Commonwealth, so long as they demean themselves quiet and peaceable subjects, without exception. 4thly. That you use your influence to have all those acts repealed known by the name of Disqualifying Acts, as we conceive they are unnatural, unjust and oppressive. 5thly. That there be a Bank of paper money emitted upon as good footing as can be. 6thly. That you use your influence that all public securities be scaled at the going price. 7thly. That you use your influence that all Courts of Common Pleas be entirely abolished and some other mode be adopted in lieu thereof that is more agreeable and less chargeable. 8thly. That the Probate business be done in each Town and likewise a Register of Deeds be appointed in each of said Towns; also that all licensed persons obtain their licenses in the towns where they dwell, from the Selectmen. 9thly. That there be a large Duty or impost laid on all foreign articles imported, except Salt, Cotton, Wool and Warlike Stores, and that all excise be collected by the respective towns where such excise shall become due, free from any charge to the State. 10thly. That all monies arising from Impost and Excise be appropriated to the payment of the foreign debt only. 1 lthly. That the Salaries of all public officers of Government be reduced in proportion as Country produce has fallen since such salaries were granted. 12thly. That all encouragement be given to raising Sheep and Flax and Manufacturing the produce of our own Country. 13thly. That a settlement of accounts with Congress be obtained as soon as possible, so as this State's Quota of the Continental debts may be ascertained. 14thly. That some other mode of taxation be adopted, and that the tax be not laid so high on the landed interest, and that all Polls under the age of 21 years be exempted from taxation. 15thly. That there be a completion of the Revision of the Laws so that we may have a code of laws of our own. We further instruct you to move for leave that the instructions given by each town be read in the House of Representatives in order that the Court 1787.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 437 may know what are the minds of the people at large, and you give your constant attendance while the Court sits and not depart without said Court is Prorouged, adjourned or dissolved. Signed by order of the Town. DAN ALDRICH, Moderator. Attest, SETH CHAPIN, Town Clerk. Mendon May 28. 1787. Aug. 27. Voted to raise ~40 for schooling the present year. Voted to allow Capt. Peter Penniman and Col. Benjamin Read 3s. per day, cash, for services in settling with Col. Philip Amidown, late Treasurer. Voted to allow Capt. Peter Penniman ~1.10s. for his services as Treasurer the past year. Voted to allow the Selectmen foi the year past, for their services, 12s. each. Voted to allow Stephen Johnson 12s. and John Darling Gs. for their extraordinairy services as Selectmen. Oct. 3. Monday. Voted to allow Edward Thompson, Esq., 12s. for attending the Convention at Worcester in March last. Voted to join with Capt. Hayward and Esq. Paine, of Worcester, in carrying on a suit against the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Suffolk, or the Sheriff of the County of Worcester, respecting Moses Smith's matter. Moses Smith had been a Collector of Taxes, and having failed to account for the proceeds, was in jail on that account in Dec. 1785. The town records furnish no evidence of the character of this suit, but it is supposed to be connected in some way with Smith's defalcation and imprisonment. Dec. 17. Edward Thompson, Esq., was chosen a Delegate to the State Convention, to be held at Boston on the second Wednesday in January next, for the purpose of ratifying or rejecting the Continental Constitution, or Frame of Government, agreed on by the late Federal Convention. SHAYS' REBELLION. The following are the names of Mendon soldiers who were mustered into the service of the Commonwealth, under Maj. Gen. Lincoln, for the overthrow of the rebellion. The following Pay Rolls are copied from the Mass. Archives, Shays' Rebellion, Vol. 191, p. 67. 438 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1787. A Pay Roll of Capt. William Torrey and two officers with him in the service of the Commonwvealth of Massachusetts in the months of January and February 1787, in Col. Lowell's Regiment. It Names. William Torrey, Capt. Bezaleel Guild, Lieut. Elisha Murdock Ens. a- CD a Jan 2 Fb.7 aC.00 Ja. 2 2F b 7 ~700.00..0 0 P 10 6 0 8 1 0 0 4 10 60 8 10 10 8 A Pay Roll of Capt. Rufus Aldrich's Company in Col. Lowell's Regiinent for service done for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in January and February 1787. a~~~~~~~~~~~,l~ d IdI ' CD CDa a a N a m-tes. aa a a a- P '~~~~~~~~~ a~C aD CD 0 aL aD C a ) a.P.. aa ~6.03.04 Rufus Aldrich, Capt. d Samuel Fair- 1st banks, Lieut. Nathaniel Parkhurst, 2 do. Amariah.Preston-, Serg't. Maj. Nathan Tyler, Clerk Daniel Hill, Sergt. Ichahod Keith, Josiah.Pen-niman, Joseph Torrey, Corp. Joel Sibley, 6 Paul Nelson, Isaac Bates, Josiah Fuller, Drum Maj. Comfort Martin, Priv. Israel Taft. do. Nathan Goldthwait, do. Joseph Goldthwait, do. Joshua Slocomb, do. Joseph Clevelaud, do. Parau Batcheler, do. Aaron Batcheler, do. Nathaniel Brown, do. Thomas Aldrich, do. Fan. 30 Feh. 20 22 ~ ~5.17.04 9.0 05.6.00 "22, 3.18 02 6 ".4. 00 4.02.02 11 13 20 12 22 22 10 13 2 20 22 11 13 2.04.00..01.05Y2 20 22 2.04.00.Ol.O5Y2 "22 "22 2.04 00.01.053H 2.06.02 6 1.19.07 3 1.19.07 1.14 02 1 09.09 1 1 1.12.03 1 12 03 1.12.03 4 .4 4 4.2 4, 4, 4I 4I,4.4 64 44,6 66 44 44 44 6 46 44 2,10.02 2.01.07 2.01.07 1.171.02 1.02.09 1.17 02 1.01 01 1.14.03 1.14.03 1. 14.03 1.17.02 1.11.04 C "22 I "22 1. 15.02" 1.09.04 " " 1787.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 439 Names. Perry Chapin, Capt. Ja Asa Darling. Amos Hayward, Seth Nelson, Alpheus Stone, Jesse Whitney, Nathan Keith, do. Ziba Hill, do. Ebenezer Read, do. Edward Seagrave do. F Samnel Craggin, do Comfort Cladfin, do. David Chase, do. Thomas Bigelow, do. Aaron Balcom, do. Aaron White, do. Barna Howell, do. Jabez Comings, do. John Amidown, do. David White, do. Elijah Bailey, do. Keith Taft, Sergt. Leonard Taft, Cap. Joseph Daniel, Priv. Nathan Hall, do. Micajah Taft, do. Josiah Taft, do. Gideon Thayer, do. Jacob Taft, do. Aaron Taft, do. Stephen Benson, do. Samuel Warfield, Corp. John Holbrook, Priv. John Jefferson, Sergt. Phinehas Wood, Priv. Cyrenmis Rawson, do. Ephraim Taft, do. t4 PS P 0 a o r HI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C o H: a ac Fl o.a a ~ d a CD~'~O~3C~ co a c. B. 0 0 -. -s... P 0 i n F 20,n. 30 Feb. ~20 22 2L. 1.09-0433.9.082f21.11.04 " 10 12 9 11 11 13 " 20 17 7 4 2 " " 442 04 04 " 4.14.08 4 ".17.04: ".09.04 "4 "4 Y4 1.02.08 " '. " " '.02.02 " " ".02.11 " '.02.08 " L 8 9 2 2 2 2 6 " 8 3 6 " 8 3 10 " 11 2 9 " 11 3 9 " 11 3 2.0400.01.05Y2 9 " 11 3 10 ' 11 2 2.08 00.01.07 10 " 11 2 10 " 11 2 10 " 11 2 1.04 ~66.13. 10/2.04.00 ".04.00 ".02.08 ".04.00 ".04.04 ".04.00.0302 ".02.08 ".02.08 ".02.08 1 "4 2 6 6 Y4 " 1 4( ". 24 44 4 RUFus ALDRICH, Capt. Sworn to Before MRt. JUSTICE READ. It is supposed the above roster comprised the whole Company; but that only those; thirty-five in number, who were paid off, were mustered into the service. Amount of provisions delivered by Mendon, to Major Joseph 440 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1788. Rogers and Major James Prince, Deputy Commissary Generals to the Army raised for the Support of Government, under the command of the Hon. Maj. Gen. Lincoln in Jan., Feb. and March, 1787. Bread 414 lbs. Pork 267 lbs. Beef 63 lbs. Pease & Beans 1 barrell. 1788. April 7. Chose for Selectmen, Seth Chapin, Lt. John Benson, William French, Lt. Peletiah Thayer and Aquilla Robbins; for Town Clerk, Seth Chapin; for Town Treasurer, Hon. Peter Penniman; Benj. Thayer and Benj. Blake, Constables. Voted to raise ~120 for repairs of highways and bridges, and that those who did not work their highway taxes the last year may work them out this year by the first day of June. Voted to accept of the list of persons, recommended by the Selectmen, for the Jury box. Chose Benjamin Read, agent or attorney for the town, to prosecute any suits brought by, or defend any suits brought against the town. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John Hancock, 27. For Lieut. Governor, James Warren, 71. Elbridge Gerry, 50. Samuel Adams, 3. Benj. Lincoln, 2. Senators, Hon. Peter Penniman, 49. Jonathan Grout, 48. Amos Singleterry, 49. Dr. John Taylor, 33. John Fessenden, 49. Moses Gill, Samuel Peckham, Abel Wilder, Bezaleel Taft, Samuel Baker, Samuel Curtis, Seth Washburn, Dr. Samuel Willard & Jona. Warren had from one to thirteen each. May 12. Voted to allow the Treasurer ~1.10 for his services the past year, " the whole" of the Selectmen ~3, and the Assessors 9s. each. Voted that the Selectmen inquire respecting two orders which Capt. John Albee and Esq. Penniman hold against the town, and also a receipt held by Benj. Read, Esq., and for this p)urpose Dan Aldrich and Doct. Joseph Adams were joined with the Selectmen. Edward Thompson, Esq., was chosen Representative to the General Court. May 26. The taxes against Amasa Aldrich, Samuel Hill, John Cook, Samuel Brown and John Pickering were foregone. 1789.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 441 June 16. Capt. John Albee was allowed five dollars for his order, upon the recommendation of the committee. Aug. 29. Voted to raise ~70 to defray town charges this year. "It was put to vote to see if the town would raise any money for schooling the present year and the vote passed in the Negative." Nov. 26. It seems the household furniture of Dr. Steel had been attached for debt, and the Dr. being absent, the town voted "that, provided there can be a quantity of Miss (Mrs.) Steel's furniture appraised that she have them and the Selectmen are directed to give security for them in behalf of the town, she giving a note signed in her husband's name for the same." It is supposed Dr. Steel gave the name to the Dr.'s Dam, on the old road west from the present town Pound. Dec. 18. Met and adjourned to Col. Amidown's tavern at 5 o'clock P. M. Voted to allow Capt. John Albee ~2.05 for an order he holds against the town. Dec. 18. Pursuant to a warrant for the purpose, the town voted for a Representative in Congress, and for two persons as Electors for President and Vice President of the United States, being the first election held under the Constitution. The votes were as follows, viz:For Representative in Congress, Jonathan Grout, Esq., 14 votes. John Sprague, Esq., 12 votes. Timothy Paine 1 vote. For Electors, Artemas Ward, Esq., 17 votes. Timothy Paine, Esq., 17 votes. Joseph Dorr, Esq., 11 votes. Timothy Newell, Esq., 9 votes. Abel Wilder, Esq., 2 votes. At this meeting it was voted to restore the annual town meeting to the first Monday in March. 1789. Jan. 29. Voted to sell the road between the land of Dr. Levi Willard and the Pond to said Willard, and Dan Aldrich, Benj. Thayer and Benj. Read, Esq., were chosen a committee to contract with said Willard on the price of said land, and report at the next annual meeting. The Meeting was then adjourned to meet at Lt. John Benson's at 6 o'clock P. M. 56 442 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1789. Representative to Congress, Timothy Paine 6. Jonathan Grout 31. It seems there was no choice of a Representative at this election. March 2. A ballot was again taken, and resulted as follows: Jonathan Grout, Esq., had 65, and Timothy Paine 1. At the same time the following town officers were chosen, viz: Seth Chapin, Edward Thompson, Esq., Zebulon Goss, Benjamin Blake and Dr. Joseph Adams, Selectmen; Seth Chapin, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Simeon Fisk and John Benson, Constables. Voted to raise ~140 for mending highways and bridges. Voted to accept the report of the committee respecting the road between the Pond and the land of Dr. Levi Willard and which is as follows, viz:MENDON, Jan. 30. 1789. We the Subscribers, being a Committee appointed by said Town to contract with Dr. Levi Willard and agree with him on the price of the land voted by said town on the 29th of this present month to sell to the said Willard, have attended that service and find there to be about four acres of land lying between the Pond and said Willard's land, and said Willard agrees with your Committee to give the town the sum of twelve pounds and keep up good gates or bars and that no other incumbrance shall be in the way to hinder passing and repassing at all times forever hereafter. BENJAMIN READ DAN ALDRICH Committee. BENJAMIN BLAKE. I hereby agree to the above contract and will fulfill the same. LEVI WILLAD). Voted that the abovesaid road be discontinued. April 6. Voted three shillings per day for a man, and three shillings a day for a yoke of oxen and cart, for work on the highway, until the last of September, and after that two shillings a day for each. Voted to raise ~100 to defray town charges. Voted to allow the Selectmen and Assessors twelve shillings each for their services. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John Hancock, Esq., 57. James Bowdoin 5. Lt. Governor, Samuel Adams 44. Benj. Lincoln 19. Senators-Amos Singletery, Esq., 25. John Fessenden, Esq., 25. 1790.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 443 Peter Penniman, Esq., 22. Israel Nichols, Esq., 25. David Bigelow, Esq., 22. Moses Gill, Esq., 21. Samuel Baker, Esq., 22. Abel Wilder, Esq., 24. Andrew Peters, Esq., 19. Jonathan Warner, Esq., 21. Artemas Ward, Esq., 4. Timothy Paine, Esq., 2. Capt. Josiah Sterns, 2. May 13. Benjamin Read, Esq., was chosen Representative to the General Court. Voted that the Town Treasurer call in ~19.13.07 of the ~100 voted to be raised March 2, 1789, and pay the same to the County Treasurer, in order to pay so much that is due to said Treasurer out of the bills that were committed to Moses Aldrich to collect in the year 1783. Voted to sell the road leading from the county road, near Seth Chapin's house, to the Eight Rod Road, now known as Post's Lane. Sold to Seth Hastings, Esq. Aug. 26. Raised ~60 for schooling, and ~30 for town charges for the current year. Voted that the Selectmen divide the school money among the several districts according to the number of scholars in each district between the ages of three and twenty-one. At this meeting Benjamin Read, Esq., Dan Aldrich and Darius Daniels were chosen a committee to inquire into the matter "respecting the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Suffolk." This matter with the Court is supposed to have reference to the State tax for 1783, in the hands of Moses Smith, Collector for that year, which he failed to pay over. I790. March 1. Chose for Selectmen, Seth Davenport, Capt. Rufus Aldrich, Benjamin Thayer, Ichabod Cook and Darius Daniels; Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Andrew Peters, Esq., Town Treasurer; John Benson and Ezra Thayer, Constables; John Crooks still continued to be chosen Deer Rieve. County Treasurer, Nathan Perry had thirty-nine votes; when the meeting was adjourned to April 5, when the meeting was further adjourned to May 6. March 29. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John Hancock Esq., 50 votes. For Lt. Governor, Samuel Adams, Esq., 49 votes. 444 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1790. Senators, Moses Gill, John Fessenden, David Bigelow and Jeremiah Larned had 40 each, Amos Singletery 30, John Tyler 9 and Peter Penniman and Abel Wilder had 2 each. May 6. Voted to raise ~150 to defray town charges the present year, and ~50 for the support of schools. Seth Davenport, Philip Amidown, Luke Aldrich, Joseph Allen, Benjamin Thayer, Edward Thompson, Lt. Abraham Staples, Darius Daniels, Lt. Daniel Taft, Joab Aldrich, Benjamin Blake, Benjamin Thayer and Asa Smith were chosen a Committee to make a new arrangement of the School Districts for the better accommodation of the schools. At this time there were thirteen Highway and thirteen School Districts in town. Voted to sell the old school house that stands on the Training Field, " for the most it will fetch." This school house stood near the house of Andrew Peters, and not far from the present barn of Albert W. Gaskill. Voted that the Selectmen procure a house for the poor of the town if they think it expedient. May 11. Chose Benjamin Read, Representative to the General Court. May 26. Raised ~140 to repair highways and bridges, at 3s. a day for a man and the same for oxen and cart from June 1 to Sept. 30; and 2s. a day after that date until the 1st day of March. Voted not to divide the school money according to the number of scholars between the ages of three and twenty-one. Voted the Highway Surveyors have warrants of distress against those who refuse to work out their Highway Tax in their respective districts; and that the money collected be laid out in their respective districts. July 5. Made choice of Benjamin Read as agent to carry on the cause against the town of Wrentham for the support of Adolphus Cook now at the charge of the town of Mendon. Aug. 30. Taxes were foregone against Nathaniel Scott, Eleazer Albee, Jeduthan Rawson, Calvin Smith, Gustavus Aldrich, Turner Ellis and Ichabod Bosworth. Voted to divide the school money equally between the scholars between the ages of three and twenty-one. 1791.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 445 Oct. 4. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. Nathan Tyler 33, Jonathan Grout 18, John Sprague 5 and Artemus Ward and Timothy Paine one each, no choice at March 12 being made. 1791. March 7. Selectmen, Dr. Joseph Adams, Benjamin Thayeri, Jr., Oliver Carpenter, Jacob Taft and Capt. William Torrey: Town Clerk, Seth Chapin; Town Treasurer, Andrew Peters Esq.; Constables, Ezra Thayer, Benj. Blake and. Edward Thompson. Voted to raise ~100 to defray town charges, ~50 for schools and ~140 for repair of highways and bridges for the current year. Chose Benjamin Read Esq. Agent for the town this year. County Register, Daniel Clapp had 29 votes. Samuel Flagg 15 votes. County Treasurer, Samuel Alien had 34. Nathan Perry 2, and Benjamin Hayward 1. April 4. STATE ELECTION. For Gov. John Hancock Esq., 42. ' Lt. Gov. Samuel Adams Esq.; 42. Senators, Moses Gill 38, Samuel Baker 35, Abel Wilder 37, John Fessenden 37, Benjamin Read 30, Samuel Curtis 2, Jonathan Grout 4, Nathan Tyler 1 & Timothy Newell 7. Instead of auditing accounts against the town in town meeting, as had usually been done heretofore, the Selectmen were instructed to examine and allow the accounts against the town. May 11. The report of the Committee on the new arrangement of the School Districts was recommitted for further examination and amendment should the Committee think necessary, and the meeting was adjourned to Aug. 22. Chose Benjamin Read, Esq., Representative to the General Court. Aug. 22. REPORT OF A COMMITTEE. We the Subscribers being appointed a Committee to make a new arrangement of the Districts in said town, for the better accqmmodation of said town for Schooling have met and maturely considered the matter and do report as follows. 1st. District. North on Upton line, East on Milford line till it comes to Sherborn Road (so called) then westerly by the south side of said road to 446 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1791. Amariah Vose's house, thence to William Maynard's excluding him, thence with a direct line to Uxbridge line, thence north on Uxbridge line to Northbridge line, thence on Northbridge line to Upton line. 2nd. District. Beginning at Muddy Brook (so called) where it crosses the Sherborn Road and bounded westerly on the line of the first District to Uxbridge line, thence to the south side of the County road (so called) thence on the south side of said County road to Jacob Aldrich's including him, thence to a heap of stones on the road back of the Pond thirty rods south, thence across the Pond to Dr. Levi Willard's including him, thence to Asa Penniman's including him, thence to Increase Thaycr's including him, thence to Ebenezer Streeter's including him, thence to George Aldrich's ineluding him, thence to first bound. 3rd. District. Beginning at Asa Penniman's excluding him, thence to the house where Israel Hill lives including him and including Dan Aldrich, thence to the Widow Margaret Daniels's including her, thence easterly on Mill River up to Capt. John Albee's, thence to Wm. French's including him, thence to the bound first mentioned. 4th. District. Beginning at Milford line where the Mill river crosses said line, thence down said river until it comes directly east of George Smith's, it being the whole of the inhabitants on the east side of said river. 5th District. Beginning at the Wid. Margaret Daniels's excluding her, thence east on the Mill River to where David Handy lives including him, thence to Hop Brook bridge (so called) on Smithfield road, thence to Benjamin and Nicholas Thayer's including them, thence northward to the first bound. 6th District. Beginning at Hop Brook bridge, thence to Anthony Chase including him, thence to Cumberland line, thence to Bellingham line, thence to Jotham Pickering's including him, thence to Ichabod Pickering's including him, thence to Seth Kelly's including him, thence to first mentioned bound. 7th. District. Beginning at Asa Penniman's excluding him, thence to Ensign Seth Taft's including him, thence to Laban Fairbanks' including him, thence to John Craggin's including him, thence to the house where Levi Lesure now lives including him, thence to Thomas Taft's including him, thence to the house where David Southerland lives including him, thence to Col. Silas Wheelock's including him, thence to the first mentioned bound. It is meant to include Lt. Keith and Samuel Fairbanks in the above District. 8th. District. Beginning at Silas Aldrich's including him, thence to Uxbridge line including Aquilla Robbins and Barlow Carpenter, thence south to Darius Daniels including him, thence to Laban Fairbanks, thence to the Pond, thence to first mentioned bound. 9th. District. Beginning at Nathaniel Taft's including him, thence to Col. Joseph Chapin's old house including that, thence to Uxbridge line to 1791.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 447 Jacob Taft's including him, thence to Levi Young's including him, thence to Jesse Tourtelotte's including him, thence to first mentioned bound. The remainder of the 9th. District bounded as follows. Beginning at Timothy Alexander's including him and Simon Alexander, thence to David Legg's including him, thence on Uxbridge line until it comes directly west of the Widow Warfield's house, thence to Asa Blake's including him, thence to Benjamin Blake's including him and his son Zacclieus, thence to the first mentioned bound. 10th. District. Beginning at Uxbridge line directly west of the Widow Warfield's house, thence to Benjamin Blake's excluding him, thence to Mathew Darling's including him, thence south to the Great River (Blackstone,) thence up stream said river till it comes to Usbridge line, thence to first mentioned bound. 11th. District Beginning at Dam Swamp road where the Parish line crosses, thence to Timothy Alexander's excluding him, thence to Benjamin Blake's excluding him, thence to the road south of said Benjamin Blake's house, thence to Gideon Thayer's including him, thence east to Hop Brook bridge, thence up stream said brook to the first mentioned bound. 12th. District. Beginning at George Gaskill's including him, thence to Conwell (Cogswell) Chase including him, thence up stream to the Great river until it comes south of Mathew Darling's house, thence to Jacob Aldrich's including him, thence to Gideon Thayer's excluding him, thence to first mentioned bound. 13th. District. Beginning at Uxbridge line where it crosses the Great river, thence down stream the Great river to the Colony line, thence west on said Colony line to Uxbridge line, thence on Uxbridge line to the bound first mentioned. N. B. Upon the petition of a number of Friends hereafter named, we report that they draw their proportion of the School money and school the same agreeable to their own discretion. The names of the petitioners are as follows, viz: Daniel Cook, Josiah Shove, Edward Southwick, Daniel Southwick, Jacob Bartlett, Benedict Remington, Seth Kelly, George Smith, Samuel Smith, Joseph Southwick jr., Jonathan Fowler, John Southwick, Asa Smith, George Smith jr. Lawrence Southwick's family to be schooled with the petitioners. Signed by the Committee, Joseph Allen, Edward Thompson, Benjamin Thayer, Benjamin Blake, Daniel Taft, Abraham Staples, Jacob Aldrich, Benjamin Thayer jr., Asa Smith and Luke Aldrich. May 11. Benjamin Read was chosen Representative to the Great and General Court. Sept. 19. Voted that tlhe Treasurer be directed to loan the money that arises from the sale of the State Securities, he being under the direction of the Selectmen. 448 ANNALS OF. MENDON. [1792. Voted not to build a school house in each district. Voted to pay D1r. Levi Willard for doctoring the poor of the town. Dr. Willard lived in the house now owned by Dennis Holeran. 1792. March 5. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Dr. Joseph Adams, Capt. Daniel Taft, Enos Taft, Ichabod Cook and John Hayward, Selectmen; Andrew Peters, Esq., Treasurer; Capt. Win. Torrey and Benjamin Blake, Constables; Tithingmen, James Lovett and Edward Thompson; John Crooks, Deer Reeve; Luke Aldrich, Surveyor of Hemp; and Seth Davenport, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Adjourned to April 2. April 2. Voted to raise one hundred pounds to repair highways and bridges in said town the ensuing year. Voted that Dr. Joseph Adams, as a Selectman, together with the Town Clerk, be directed to search the records to see if there was any allowance for a road through the land of Ensign John Legg, late of, deceased, that has been taken up by the town, and make report at the adjournment of the meeting. The reason of this vote was that, in the original laying out of lands -to individuals, reservations for roads were sometimes made, should the town see fit at any time to locate a road over the grant. At this time the Highway and the School Districts were identical, and as at this meeting the Seventh District was divided, there were fourteen Highway and School Districts in the town at that time. Made choice of Levi Albee as Pound Keeper, being the first person chosen to that office. Voted to give the powder that was drawn out of the town's stock by the militia officers of this town, and burnt by the soldiers at the general muster in September last. ]Dr. Joseph Adams was chosen agent to carry on a suit against the town of Uxbridge for the support of Job Keith's family. CHOICE OF STATE OFFICERS. For Governor, Samuel Phillips Esq. had 35.... John Hancock Esq. "5. Lt, " Samuel Adams "46. 1793.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 449 Senators, Samuel Baker, 27. Abel Wilder, 29. Jona. Warren, 29. Timo. Newell, 13. Benj. Read, 8. Nathan Tyler, 2. Dwight Foster, 15. Andrew Peters, 18. Josiah Sterns, 1. Moses Gill, 2. May 16. Chose Benjamin Read, Esq,, Representative to the General Court. Voted ~40 for town charges, and ~100 for schooling. Aug. 23. Chose Andrew Peters, agent, to oppose the acceptance of a road laid out by the Court's committee, from the burying ground to the house where Levi Albee now lives. At this time the Court of Sessions, exercised the authority, as regarded roads, now in the hands of the Cbunty Commissioners. Sept. 17. Voted not to allow a small pox hospital to be set up in the town. Voted that the Selectmen call upon Edward Rawson, Esq., of Leicester, (he having removed to that town,) to deliver up all the papers in his hands belonging to the Town of Mendon. Nov. 2. Federal Representatives and Electors chosen by general tickets,. and the votes given in were as follows, viz:For Representatives to Congress-William Heath, Esq., 32. Jonathan Warner, Esq., 32. Artemas Ward, Esq., 32. Samuel Lyman, Esq., 32. Theodore Sedgwick, Esq., 32. For Electors of President and Vice President-Abel Wilder, Esq., 21. Benj. Read, Esq., 20. Wm. Shepard, Esq., 25. David Smeed, Esq., 25. Thomas Skinner, Esq., 25. Seth Davenport, Esq., 5. Caleb Ammidon, Esq., 5. Voted that the Treasurer call in the interest due on the bonds that were given in Dec. last, and loan it to such persons as the Selectmen shall direct. Voted that inoculation for the small pox may be carried on under the restrictions required by law, and that Dr. Joseph Adams have the care of the hospitals. Voted the time for inoculating be sixty days from the time it begins. 1793. Jan. 14. Agreeable to a precept from His Excellency John Hancock, Governor of the Commonwealth, at a town meeting held this day, for two members of Congress, Samuel Lyman, for the County of Hampshire, had 36 votes. Dwight Foster, for the District at large, had 35 votes. 57 450 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1793. It is presumed that this meeting was to fill vacancies by failure to elect at the first election, as Samuel Lyman was a candidate at both elections. March 4. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Dan Aldrich, John Benson, Seth Chapin, Benj. Thayer, Jr., and Oliver Carpenter, Selectmen; Andrew Peters, Esq., Town Treasurer; William Torrey and Benj. Blake, Constables. May 6. Raised ~120 for town charges, ~80 for schooling, and ~150 for highways and bridges. Work to be three shillings per day until Oct. 1; after that to be two shillings per day. April 1. VOTES FOR STATE OFFICERS. For Governor, John Hancock had 40 votes: c( " Elbridge Gerry " 1 For Lt. Governor, Samuel Adams had 54 votes. For Senators and CounZillors-Moses Gill had 47 votes. Samuel Baker had 18 votes. Jonathan Warner had 53 votes. Timothy Newell had 53 votes. Elijah Brigham had 22 votes. Benjamin Read had 30 votes. Josiah Sternes had 27 votes. Philip Amidown had 5 votes. Having failed to fill the vacancies in tbe Congressional delegation at the meeting in January, the town again voted, and with the following result: Samuel Lyman had 63 votes. Dwight Foster had 72 votes. Voted to accept the report of a committee of fifteen, of which Dr. Joseph Adams was chairman, concerning the division of the school money, and which is as follows, viz:" Provided ~100 be raised for schooling, that ~10 be struck off and that ~90 be divided according to the number of scholars in each District, and that the ~10 struck off shall be added to the Districts which are or may be injured by the way of dividing it by the number of scholars, or so much of that sum as may do them justice, and, if any remain, then to be equally divided by the number of scholars in each District, by the Selectmen." Voted to hire a house for the poor the ensuing year. May 6. Chose Benjamin Read, Representative to the General Court. Voted to petition the General Court to have the line straightened between IMendon and Upton, and Andrew Peters to make a plan showing the proposed alteration, and report at an adjourned meeting. 1794.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 451 May 26. Chose Seth Chapin and Col. Philip Ammidown a committee to present a petition to the General Court for the alteration of the Mendon and Upton line. August 26. Voted to raise ~15 to make the road recently laid out by the Court's committee, by Col Peters'. Voted to raise ~60, ~25.13s. to be assessed on the polls and estates of the inhabitants, and the balance to be taken out of the interest money due the town. By a note upon the back of the warrant it is found that this sum of ~60 was to pay Mr. Ellery and George Aldrich for land damages by reason of the location of the road. This road extended from nearly oppposite the old house of N. R. George to opposite the house of Austin A. Taft, and is the present travelled road. Benjamin Read was chosen agent to settle with Dr. Richardson for the support of Lyman Thayer, one of the poor. Taxes against Nathaniel Scott, Isaac Lawrence, Wheelock Wood and Daniel Cook to the amount of ~1.10s.7d. were foregone. I794. March 3. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Seth Chapin, Lt. John Benson, Oliver Carpenter, Benj. Thayer, Jr., and Baruch Penniman, Selectmen; Seth Hastings, Esq., Treasurer; Dr. Joseph Adams and John Darling, Constables. Raised ~150 for repairs of highways and bridges, and voted that a man shall have three shillings a day and three shillings a day for a yoak of oxen till the last of September, and then two shillings a day until March 1, next. Voted to raise ~600 to build'a school house in each District, and that the Selectmen shall order the Assessors to assess the same immediately. Voted that each District shall draw their own money that they pay towards the abovesaid ~600, towards building or repairing a school house. Seth Davenport, Philip Ammidon. Oliver Carpenter, Moses Daniels, Aaron Thayer, Ichabod Cook, Saml. Fairbanks, Enos Taft, Darius Daniels, Benj. Read, Esq., Lt. John Benson, George Gaskill, Ebenr. Taft, Alexander Wilson and Asa Smith were chosen a committee "to inspect the School houses that are 452 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1794. built in said Town and also those that shall hereafter be built, and, in case any District cannot agree upon the spot to set their School House on, this Committee shall fix the spot upon which the School House shall be built. The School houses are to be completed by the last day of November next." Adjourned to April meeting. April 7. Voted to raise ~100 to defray town charges, and ~80 for schooling. Adjourned to May 12th next, at the STATE ELECTION. Vote for Governor, Lt. Governor and Senators: For Governor, Samuel Adams, Esq., had 39...." CWilliam Cushing, Esq., had 27. Lt. Gov. Moses Gill, Esq., had 45. " Samuel Adams, Esq., had 10. Senators-Moses Gill, 44. Samuel Baker, 61. Jona. Warner, 61. Josiah Sterns, 61. Benj. Read, 55. Andrew Peters, 5. Bezaleel Taft 1, and Daniel Bigelow 17. Chose Benjamin Read, Esq., Representative to the General Court. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the March meeting to raise ~600 for building school houses. Voted then to raise ~300 for the purpose of building or repairing school houses. Voted not to sell the old road from the Potash up to George Aldrich's. Jr., being the road on the south side of the Friends' Burying Yard. The Potash was at the east end of this road, on land now owned by Albert W. Gaskill, where the site can be plainly distinguished. By the word Potash was meant a manufactory of that article. Aug. 22. In a warrant for a town meeting this day, the second article in the warrant for the meeting reads thus: " To see if the town will pay their quota of men ordered to be raised by Congress, the ninth of May last, any thing in addition to their Continental pay." Upon this article it was "voted to make each man's pay three pounds pr. month, with their Continental pay, provided they march." It was also." voted to allow each soldier twelve shillings that 1794.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 453 will enlist into the service of the United States for three months." No cause can be assigned for this call of troops by the General Government, unless it was the fear that the whiskey insurrection, then in progress in Pennsylvania, should extend to other sections of the country. Sept. 11. Chose Benj. Read, Esq., Seth Chapin, Lt. John Benson and Benj. Thayer, Jr., a committee " to carry into effect the Resolve of the General Court of the 26th. of June last respecting making a Survey of the Town of Mendon." At this meeting a committee was chosen to fix on the site for a Pound, and agree with some person to build the same. After seven adjournments, finally, on May 6, 1795, the town voted to raise ~10 to build a Pound. Nov. 3. Voted to give the powder that the soldiers drew out of the town's stock for the General Muster on the 8th of October last. For Representative to ortgress-Levi Lincoln, Esq., had all the votes, 40. Luke Aldrich, Seth Chapin and Col. Philip Ammidon were chosen a committee to join with a committee that may be chosen by the Town of Milford, to establish the line and set up bounds between the two towns, and Nov. 27 the two committees met (the committee of Milford being Ephraim Chapin and Ichabod Thayer,) and agreed to the following REPORT. Mendon Nov. 27, 1794 Then we, the subscribers, Committees of the towns of Mendon and Milford met and settled the line between the town of Mendon and the town of Milford, (over the North Hill, so called) beginning at a heap of stones being the Southeast corner of Paul Nelson's land, thence North 37~~ East 40 rods to a walnut tree with a heap of stones round it, thence South 26,~ East 196 rods to a white oak tree being the northwest corner bound of Seth Davenport's land, on the South side of the road leading from the Widow Tyler's to Milford. PHIIIP AMMIDON, SETH CHAPIN, Corn. for Mendon. LUKE ALDRICH, ICHABOD T AYERI. 454 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1795. 1795. March 2. Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Oliver Carpenter, Lt. John Benson, Ebenr. Chapin, Jr., Benj. Thayer, Jr., and Nahor Staples, Selectmen; Seth Hastings, Treasurer; Seth Davenport and John Darling, Constables; Joseph Torrey, Packer of Beef. Voted to raise ~100 to defray town charges, ~100 for schooling and ~150 for repair of highways and bridges. The price for labor on the highways to be 3s. per day for a man and 3s. per day for a team from May 1st to Oct 1 and then 2s. per day for each. Voted to raise ~150 in addition to what has already been raised for the purpose of building a school house in each district. April 6. Voted to let swine run at large the ensuing year they being yoked and ringed according to law. Voted that the Assessors be directed to call on the Surveyors of Highways, the present year, to make return of all delinquents who have not worked out their highway tax. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Samuel Adams had 65 votes. " Lt. Governor, Moses Gill " 68 " For Senators-Samuel Baker 20, Jonathan Warner 59, Daniel Bigelow 57, Josiah Sterns 62, Benj. Read 58, Elijah Brigham 3, Levi Lincoln 3, Bezaleel Taft 4, and Salem Towne 43. May 6. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to call upon all those persons that have moved out of town and hold any of the town's money, to pay in the same by the third day of December next. Voted to reconsider the vote passed March 2d last for raising ~150 in addition to ~600 for building school houses. REVISION OF THE CONSTITUTION. Upon the question." of the necessity and expediency of revising the State Constitution," there were 60 yeas, and no nays. May 6. Benjamin Read, Esc., was chosen Representative to the General Court..It seems the road from near William French's to Muddy Brook had, for some time, been a source of contention, and that, at this time there were fears that the town would be indicted. The road had been made but not accepted, and hence the report of the Committee which follows, viz: 1796.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 455 "Mendon Nov. 27, 1795. The Committee appointed to view the road by William French's house have attended that service and are of opinion that the road now made is good and will be accepted by the public, if applied for, and their opinion is to apply to the Court of Sessions for a committee to view the same at the expense of the Town, and prevent, if possible, any presentment against the town, and that a Committee or Agent be appointed for that purpose." BENJAMIN READ BENJAMIN THAYER JR Corn. BARUCH PENNIMAN Pursuant to the report Benjamin Read was chosen agent. Voted that the town consent that the town of Harvard be taken from the County of Worcester and set to the County of Middlesex. 1796. March 7. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Ebenezer Chapin, Jr., John Benson, Aaron Thayer; Benjamin Thayer, Jr., and Samuel Fairbanks, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer; John Darling and Benjamin Blake, Constables. THE FIRST SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Peter Penniman, Seth Hastings, Benj. Read, Esq., Joseph Thayer and Baruch Penniman. Voted to raise $400. to defray town charges, $400. for schooling, $500 for roads and bridges. Voted to raise one thousand dollars in addition to the sum of ~600 already raised, to be immediately assessed upon the old valuation. Voted that one quarter part of the money belonging to the town be called in, at the close of this year, and loaned to other inhabitants as the Selectmen may direct. This " town money" was what the town had taken at the different issues of Bills of Credit, as they were called, which were loaned by the State to the towns, the interest of which was to be appropriated to defray town charges. Old tenor money was when the General Court enacted that an ounce of silver should be reckoned 6s. 8d. or an English crown, and that fifty shillings should be equal to 6s. 8d. or an ounce of silver. After March 3, 1750, it was established that all business transactions should be conducted upon the basis that three 45 6 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1796. ounces of silver should be reckoned as ~1 or twenty shillings. This was called lawful money. April 4. STATE ELECTION. For Gov. Samuel Adams had 55 votes. " Increase Sumner, " 1 " Senators.-Benj. Read 64, Jonathan Warner, Daniel Bigelow and Salem Towne 65 each, Josiah Stearns 64 and Elijah Brigham and Samuel Jones 1 each. Voted to forego Simeon Hayward's rate 5s. 7d., Isaac Adams Greene's rate 2s. 2d. and John Green White's rate Is. 7d. Benjamin Blake chosen Collector of Taxes, and to collect the same for $15.00 for the present year, provided he procure sufficient bondsmen. Benjamin Blake was also chosen Constable. Voted that the Selectmen settle with Benj. Blake for collecting the loan. This loan money was money received from the State to be loaned to the inhabitants, the interest of which could be used to defray municipal charges. May 11..Benj. Read, Esq., was chosen Representative to the General Court. The second article in the warrant was in these words: "'To see if the Town will petition the Representatives in Congress to carry the Treaty made by the Supreme Executive of the United States with the King of Great Britain into fair and honorable effect, agreeable to a request of a number of the Inhabitants of the town of Boston." Upon this article it was voted to pass it over which was equivalent to its rejection, as it was not again called up. After an adjournment of ten minutes it was voted to raise ~30 in addition to what had already been raised to defray town charges, and that the Selectmen, at their discretion, might shut up any part of the road from William French's to the house where Israel Hill lives, and then the meeting was dissolved. August 8. Chose Philip Ammidon and Seth Hastings Esqrs. to proceed to Ashford in the State of Connecticut or elsewhere in said State to meet the Commissioners appointed by that State to survey and lay out a road from Hartford to the line of this Commonwealth or to the State of Rhode Island. This was the 1796.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 457 beginning of the Boston and Hartford Turnpike, which was afterwards continued in this State pursuant to the petition of Philip Ammidon, Benj. Read, Aaron Marsh, James Mellen, Moses Whitney, Samuel Willard, Benj. Adams, Paul Dudley, Benj. Craggin, John Miller, David Farnum Jr., Adolphus Spring, Samuel Read, John Capron, Asa Thayer, Job Knapp, Seth White, Timothy Craggin, Ebenezer Spring, Peter White, Frederic Taft, Daniel Carpenter, Daniel Tillinghast & Co., Israel Aldrich, John Whiting, Daniel Day, Benj Thayer, Abijah Keith, Benj. Wood, Obadiah Wood, Seth Rawson, Ezekiel Wood, Asa White, Abel Aldrich, Benj. Thwing, Benj. Thwing Jr., Stephen Williams, Joel Sibley, Joseph Rist, Benj. Legg, Benj. Thayer 2d, Amory Wood, and their associates who were organized under the laws of this State, as the "Ninth Massachusetts Turnpike Corporation," to build a road from the Connecticut line, at Thompson, to the east line of the Town of Bellingham, with the privilege of two toll-gates, one near the house of Dr. John Scammell in Bellingham, east of the Taunton road, and the other a little west of the meeting house in Douglass. It will be remembered that in the year 1785 the towns of Douglass, Mendon and Bellingham petitioned the General Court for the grant of a lottery to repair the Hartford road through those towns. That project failed, for although the petitioners, at a General Court held Feb. 17, 1785, had leave to bring in a bill, it is not learned that they did so. It was proposed to raise ~750 by this lottery. The Boston and Hartford Turnpike (the 9th Mass. Turnpike) was built about this time, but it is understood that the stockholders never received a dividend in Massachusetts. In 1826 there was a toll gate near the house where Moses Aldrich now lives, but as the turnpike was not kept in good repair, travellers sometimes failed to pay the toll, and the franchise was soon afterwards abandoned and the road was laid out by the County Commissioners of Worcester County as a county road. As thetown of Milford was not notified when the turnpike was laid out and accepted as a county road by the Commissioners, that portion of the turnpike within the limits of that town is supposed to be all that is left of the Boston and Hartford Turnpike in Massachusetts. 58 458 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1796. Oct. 3. A town meeting was called to see if the town would furnish powder to the militia to be used at the regimental review, to be held October 6th. Peter Penniman was chosen Moderator of this meeting, and the town voted that each soldier should have six ounces for the occasion. Nov. 7. For an Elector of President and Vice President-Levi Lincoln had 44 votes. Joseph Allen had 1 vote. For Representative to Congress-Levi Lincoln had 41 votes. Dwight Foster had 3 votes. At this meeting Benj. Thayer, Jr., was chosen to expend $20 in repairing the bridge by Jesse Darling's mills. Ownership in a pew in the church can now be transferred by an ordinary bill of sale. It was not so, however, eighty years ago, as may be learned by a perusal of the following Deed: "Know all People to whom these Presents shall come:-Greeting. Know ye that I, Thomas Stone of Mendon, in the County of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Hatter, for and in consideration of three pounds Lawful Money to me in hand, before the ensealing hereof well and truly paid by Peter Thompson and Pardon Aldrich of the same Mendon &c. yeomen, the receipt whereof I do.hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied and contented, and thereof, and every part and parcel thereof, do exonerate, acquit and discharge them the said Thompson and Aldrich their heirs, executors &c. forever by these presents have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do truly and absolutely give, grant, bargain, sell, alienate, convey and confirm to them the said Thompson and Aldrich their heirs and assigns, forever, one moiety or full half part of a certain Pew, situate in the First Parish Meeting House, in said Mendon, and is bounded as follows viz:-northerly by the north side of said house, westerly by a pew belonging to John Penniman and the heirs of John Penniman, late of said Mendon, decd, southerly by the alley or pass way leading from the north door of said house to the east gallery steps of said house and easterly by a pew belonging to Zebulun Goss, and it is the intent and meaning of the grantor to sell and convey the east half of the above described pew and to have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises, with all the appurtenances, privileges and accommodations to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to them the said Peter Thompson and Pardon Aldrich their heirs and assigns forever, to their own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, and I, the said Thomas Stone for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant, promise and grant to and 'with them the said Thompson and Aldrich, their heirs and assigns, that before the 1797.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 459 ensealing hereof I was the true, sole and lawful owner of the above bargained premises and was lawfully siezed of and possessed of the same in my own proper right as a good, perfect and absolute estate of inheritance, in fee simple, and have in myself good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey and confirm said bargained premises in manner aforesaid, and that they the said Peter Thompson and the said Pardon Aldrich their heirs and assigns shall and may, from time to time, and at all times and forever hereafter, by force and virtue of these presents, lawfully, peaceably and quietly have hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the said demised and bargained premises with all the appurtenances,'free and clear and freely and clearly exonerated, acquitted and discharged of from all and all manner of former or other gifts, grants, bargains, sales, leases, mortgages, judgments, executions &c of what name or nature soever, that might, in any measure or degree obstruct or make void this present deed:-furthermore, I the said Thomas Stone for myself, my heirs, executors &c. do covenant and engage the above demised premises to them the said Thompson and Aldrich, their heirs and assigns against the lawful claims or demands of any persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant, secure and defend the same by these presents. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of April seventeen hundred and ninety six. THOMAS STONE [L. s.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of JOSEPH Fox PHILIP AMMIDON Worcester ss. Feb. 6. 1797 Thomas Stone acknowledged the within written instrument to be his free act and deed Before me, PETER PENNIMAN, Justice of the Peace. Received at Mendon Feb. 6. 1797 and Recorded by me Attest, SETH CHAPIN, Town Clerk. I797. March 6. At a town meeting chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Philip Ammidon, Benj. Read, Oliver Carpenter, Samuel Warfield and Nahor Staples, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer, and Benj. Blake, Constable. Voted to hire a Collector the present year, and to give Augustus Neat $15.00 for collecting the taxes the current year. For some reason Augustus Neat did not collect the taxes as afterwards Benjamin Blake was chosen to collect them for $25.00. Seth Hastings, Esq., was chosen agent to maintain an action brought by Mendon against the town of Bellingham. 460 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1797. April 3. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, James Sullivan had 38 votes. " " Increase Sumner had 18 " "Lt. Gov. Moses Gill had 52 ' For Senators-Salem Town, Daniel Bigelow and Levi Lincoln had 47 each. Elijah Brigham, 46. Benj. Read, 34. Bezaleel Taft, 13, and Samuel Flagg and Josiah Stearns, 1 each. In years past appropriations had been made for building school houses in the several districts, and it is supposed they' were nearly or quite completed. Enos Taft, Peter Penniman and Benjamin Thayer, Jr., were chosen a committee to audit the accounts of the committees in the several School Districts, who have built the school houses in the same, and also to see whether the money has been laid out in a proper manner, and to report to the town at the next meeting what further sum may be necessary to complete them. Voted to give Benjamin Blake twenty-five dollars for collecting the taxes the present year, he procuring sufficient bondsmen for the faithful performance of that service. Voted to raise $400 for schooling the present year. Voted to raise $500 for repairs of roads and bridges. Voted that the Surveyors of Highways be the collectors of highway taxes the present year. Voted to allow 4s. per day for a man, and the same for a yoke of oxen and cart; that one half the tax be worked out by the first day of July next, and the remaining half by the first day of October next, and that ten hours be considered a day's work. May 1. Voted to raise $800 to defray town charges. Voted to allow William French seven dollars for damages for the road laid out through his land by the town's committee. Voted to raise $666 in addition to the various sums heretofore raised for the purpose of building and finishing school houses in said town. Voted that Benjamin Read Esq., Philip Ammidon, Esq., and Seth Hastings, Esq., be a committee to meet the Court's committee, that are appointed by the General Court to view the several roads from the Connecticut line to Boston. Voted to take all the money now loaned by the town, both interest and principal, to defray town charges, which will be 1798.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 461 come due Dec. 1, next, excepting two thousand dollars, which shall be left in the hands of the Treasurer. FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. Benjamin Read had 53 votes. Philip Ammidon had 38 " This is the first instance when there was more than one candidate for Representative, so far as the record sho s. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to view the several roads in the town that are encroached by the inhabitants of the town, and proceed so far in the matter as they shall think best. Oct. 6. The second article in the warrant was as follows, viz: "To see if the town will vote to give any sum or sums of money to the soldiers now to be 'draughted,' by order of the President of the United States, as wages or bounty, to encourage them to march or hold themselves in readiness to march." John Adams was at this time President of the United States, and our relations with France were so uncertain, especially after Jay's treaty with England, that it was thought best to be prepared for the belligerent attitude of the French Directory. Hence this call for men; but, so far as is known, none were called to march. Upon this article the town first voted its indefinite postponement, but afterwards, at the same meeting, that vote was reconsidered, and it was voted " to give each soldier that shall muster, on muster day, one dollar, and nine dollars to each soldier that shall march into actual service." At this time party feeling ran high. Mr. Adams was supposed to be more favorable to England, although he had issued the call for troops, than to France, and, upon this point, the country was divided. The first vote of indefinite postponement was probably carried by those favorable to France, but, upon further consideration, the vote was reconsidered and the bounty and pay was agreed to. I798. March 5. Seth Chapin was chosen Town Clerk; Philip Ammidon, John Benson, Luke Aldrich, Jr., Seth Kelley, Jr., and Ezra Allen, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer; 462 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1798. Benjamin Blake and Doct. Joseph Adams, Constables; Dr. Joseph Adams, Collector, and to be paid for that service twentyfour dollars. Voted to raise $700 for repair of highways and bridges, and to allow seventy cents per day for work. Voted that the school money be divided in each district according to the number of scholars in each district. Voted that all persons chosen and employed by the town shall exhibit their accounts to the town for allowance. Voted that any person having any of the town's money in their hands, who shall neglect to pay in the annual interest and such part of the principal as the town shall see fit to call in at the day the year is out, the Treasurer shall be ordered to prosecute said bonds and collect them in and loan to other persons; and said persons so prosecuted are to be prohibited from ever having any of said money afterwards. Voted that town meetings shall hereafter be warned by posting up notifications at each parish meeting house. Voted that every person having demands against the town shall apply for settlement within one year. April 2. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Increase Sumner had 13 votes. it James Sullivan had 37 " Lt. Gov. Moses Gill had 31 William Heath had 22 2 For Senators-Josiah Stearns and Salem Towne had 43 each. Levi Lincoln, 33. Bezaleel Taft, 46. John Sprague, 29. Benjamin Joslin, 15. Benj. Blake, 6, and Thomas Hale, 12. On a proposition to divide the County of Worcester the vote was found as follows, viz: Yeas 68, nays 2. May 7. Col. Chose Philip Ammidon Representative to the General Court. Dr. Joseph Adams to collect the taxes the present year for the sum of twenty-four dollars, he procuring satisfactory bondsmen. Voted to raise $400 to defray town charges the current year, and $400 for schooling. Swine were still allowed to run at large, being yoked and ringed as the law directs. April 23. At a town meeting held this day, the second article was 1798.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 463 "To see if said Inhabitants will express their minds on the Great Question before Congress respecting arming merchant ships, and to supplicate Congress to pass an act against-arming merchant ships, as your Petitioners deprecate the Horrors of War." Voted to adopt the Lancaster petition and the memorial to Congress respecting arming merchant ships, and Peter Penniman, Benj. Read, Dr. Joseph Adams, John Benson and Capt. William Torrey were chosen a committee to forward the same to Congress. It seems that the petition of Lancaster and Mendon did not prevail with Congress, as by a vote, on page 344 of Barry's History of Masssachusetts, it is found that Congress, about this time, ordered the building of three frigates, (the Constitution, United States and Constellation,) and that letters of marque had been issued to 365 private armed vessels, mounting 2,723 guns and manned by 6,874 seamen. The "Horrors of War " were happily averted by a successful negotiation with France, she agreeing to indemnify the United States for the spoliations she had made upon our commerce. France was dilatory in the settlement of the claim and they were not liquidated until the administration of Gen. Jackson. The doings of the town, in this matter, were directed to be published in the Boston Chronicle and the Worcester papers. Voted that the Selectmen should get a guardian appointed over Jonathan Pickering. Nov. 5. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. For Levi Lincoln Esq., 24 votes, "Dwight Foster, Esq., 16 " Voted to allow John Darling five dollars for collecting the school house tax. Col. Philip Ammidon, Peter Penniman Esq., and Luke Aldrich were chosen a committee to view the proposed land to be exchanged with Col. James Mellen, and report at the next meeting. Nov. 7. At an adjourned meeting held this day the Committee made the following report: " That the land proposed by said Mellen for exchange begin at a stake and stones at the northwest corner of his land on the west road thence running easterly twelve and a half rods to a stake and stones in the wall on the 464 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1799. east road, and including all the land southward of the above mentioned line and between the said East and West road, containing, by the estimation of your Committee, one hundred and nine rods. In exchange for the above piece of land your Committee conceive it expedient that the town should convey to the aforesaid James Mellen a piece of the north part of the Training Field, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Mellen's land on the east road, thence running southwardly nine rods and three feet to a stake and stones, thence eastwardly thirteen rod to a stake and stones adjoining said Mellen's land northwardly then and bounded on said Mellen's land seven and one half rods, thence westwardly and bounded on said Mellen's land thirteen and one half rods to the first mentioned bound." Which is submitted by PHILIP AMMIDON, )Comittee. PETER PENNIMAN, m Upon this report the Selectmen, by a vote of the town, were empowered to give said Mellen a quit-claim deed of the above mentioned piece of land and also take a quit-claim deed of said Mellen's land. 1799. March 4. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Dr. Joseph Adams, Lt. John Benson, Capt. Aaron Thayer, Seth Kelly, Jr., and Ezra Allen, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer; Seth Davenport, and Ahaz. Allen, Constables and Collectors; Seth Hastings, Dr. Joseph Adams, Baruch Penniman, Benj. Read, Esq., Dr. Daniel Thurber, John Benson and Ichabod Cook, School Committee. Voted to raise $600 for repairs of highways and bridges and that 70 cents shall be allowed for a day's work. Voted to accept of the list of names reported by the Selectmen to be put in the jury box. Voted that Col. James Mellen shall have the privilege of lpurchasing the land which the town is to receive of him in exchange for part of the training field, provided the town shall ever sell said land, at the price the other part of the training field may be sold for according to the quality thereof. April 1. Voted to raise $400 for defraying town charges, and $400 for schooling. Seth Davenport to have six dollars for collecting the town tax 1800.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 465 es in the First or North Parish and Ahaz Allen to have tel dollars for collecting in the 2nd. or South Parish. Voted to allow Oliver Carpenter's account, viz: Nov. 23, 1795. An account of labor done in making the road by William French's. Eleazer Daniels 3 days his Oxen 4 days @ 2s....................O 14 00 Ahaz Allen 4 days & his oxen 4 '.".................... 16 00 Nahum Wheelock 5 days his Oxen one................... 0 12 00 to 2 qts. of Rum bought of Augustus Neat..................... 3 04 "6 " of Rum " " Solomon Johnson................. 10 06 "use of Win. Thayer's Plow to plow down the hill......... 6 00 " Myself and Oxen 5 days and boarding part of the men........ 1 00 00 Errors and omissions excepted.......................... ~4 01 10 STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Increase Sumner, had 45 votes. William Heath, " 33 " Lt. Governor, Moses Gill, " 32 " Fior Senators-Josiah Stearns 46, Salem Towne, Bezaleel Taft and Thomas Hale had 44 each, Nathl. Paine 31, Elijuh Brigham 13, Benj. Read 1, Samuel Jones 5, Benj. Joslin 2, Peter Penniman 5 and Ezra Wood 1. May 6. Col. Philip Ammidon, Representative to the General Court. The Selectmen were directed to supply any deficiency in the town's stock of powder which the town, by law, is required to keep. Aug. 14. Chose Seth Hastings and Philip Ammidon, Esqrs., to defend the suit brought by the town of Uxbridge against the town of Mendon to determine the habitancy and support of Cuffee Bushee and of Cuffee Darling and his wife. 8oo0. March 3. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Lt. Joseph Adams, Moses Daniels, Andrew Dexter, Benj. Blake and David Davenport, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer, and Levi Rawson and John Benson, Constables and Collectors, the first for the North Parish and second for the South Parish, each to have eight dollars. Voted to raise $500 for the repairs of highways and bridges, 466 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1800. and to allow eight cents an hour for a man and the sanle for a yoke of oxen and cart. Voted to raise $400 for schooling the present year. Voted that the Treasurer supply a sufficient quantity of Stamp Papers to supply the inhabitants of the town. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to give no orders to any School Master, that may keep school in said town, not qualified as the law directs. April 7. STATE ELECTION.. For Governor, Elbridge Gerry Esq. had 71 votes. Caleb Strong Esq. " 19 Lt. Governor, William Heath Esq. "58 Moses Gill Esq. " 10 hor Senators & Counselloers- Hon. Levi Lincoln had 49. Hon. Salem Towne 77. Hon. John Whiting & Hon. Samuel Flagg 54 each. Hon. Samuel Jones 56. Hon. Elijah Brigham, Hon. Bezaleel Taft & Hon. Thomas Hale 20 each. Hon. Josiah Stearns 14 and Hon. Joseph Wood 7. Voted to raise $500 for town charges the current year. May 5. Chose Philip Ammidon Representative to the General Court. The qualification of voters was defined in the warrant for this meeting as follows, "a freehold estate within the Commonwealth of the annual income of ten dollars or any estate to the value of two hundred dollars." Benj. Read, Seth Kelley, Ezra Allen, Joseph Adams and Benj. Thayer, Jr., were chosen a committee to make some new arrangement in the Districts for highways, and report at the next meeting. This committee reported thirteen Districts and gave the boundaries to each, and exempted the Second, Third, Seventh, Eighth and Fifth Districts from making any repairs upon the Boston and Hartford Turnpike, which passed through said districts. The committee also reported that George and Luke Kelly and Dr. Parkman be assessed in the ' 3thd. District, and that Naaman Aldrich shall be assessed in the 9th. District for highway taxes." These persons were non-residents. May 5. The following roads, which had been laid out by tlhe Selectmen, were accepted, viz: 1800.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 467 A road from Northbridge line near where John Walker lately lived to the County road leading over School brook to West Hill. Another road from Quisset brook (so called) to the road leading by Ezra Allen's. Another of two rods wide from Asa Fletcher's to the road leading over Wigwam Hill (so called). June 5. The only article in the warrant was"To see if the town would oppose the acceptance of a road, laid out, by the Court's committee, from Mendon to Milford.".Benjamin Read, Esq., was chosen an agent to oppose the acceptance of the road leading from Mendon to Milford. This was the road now leading from the house of Silas Dudley to the corner at Henry L. Patrick's store, by the house of Samuel Walker. REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS. The qualifications of voters for this election were stated in the warrant to be that the person claiming to vote must be twentyone years of age, a resident of the town for one year next preceding the day of election, to be possessed of a freehold within the town of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate to the value of sixty pounds. The votes were for Levi Lincoln, Esq., 66. Seth Hastings, Esq., 18. Pliny Merrick, Esq., 1. Bezaleel Taft, Esq., 1. This election was held to supply a vacancy consequent upon the resignation of the Hon. Dwight Foster, who had been elected a Senator in Congress. Aug. 25. No choice having been made at the first trial, another trial was had this day and with the following result: Hon. Levi Lincoln had 68 votes. Hon. Seth Hastings had 22 votes. Hon. Salem Towne had 1 only. Nov. 3. Voted Lt. John Benson, Benj. Thayer, Jr., and Ezra Allen be a committee to repair the bridge by Jesse Darling's mills, to get what subscriptions they can, to get out the timber next winter, and to see how cheap they can get the bridge built by the job. Voted that the selectmen be directed to compromise the matter with Benjamin Legg, Luke Aldrich, Simeon Staples and Naaman 468 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1801. Aldrich, in relation to damages on account of roads laid over their lands. THIRD TRIAL FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS. No choice having been made at the second trial, at this election Hon. Levi Lincoln had 110 votes. Hon. Seth Hastings had 18 votes. Hon. John Upham had 1 vote. Hon. Salem Towne had 1 vote. Dec. 15. Again there was no choice, and a meeting held this day the votes were as follows, viz: Hon. Levi Lincoln had 78. Hon. Seth Hastings had 1 only. This election resulted in the choice of Hon. Levi Lincoln to represent the Fourth Western District, as it was then called, in Congress. i80o. March 2. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, John Benson, Thomas Taft, Ichabod Cook and Ahaz Alien, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer; Nahum Wheelock, Constable and Collector. Voted to allow Nahum Wheelock $7.00 for collecting the taxes in the First Parish and $7.50 for collecting taxes in the South Parish. Voted to raise $300, and to take $100 of interest due the town for schooling. Voted to raise $500 for the repair of highways and bridges, and that eight cents an hour be allowed for a man and eight cents an hour for one yoke of oxen and a cart. April 6. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Elbridge Gerry had 90 votes. Hon. Caleb Strong had 25.. " Edward H. Robbins had 2 "Lt. Gov. William Heath, Esq., had 88 Edward H. Robbins, Esq., had 17 Samuel Phillips, Esq., had 4 For Seaftors and Councillors-Elijah Brigham, Josiah Strong, Bezaleel Taft and Thomas Hale, Esqs., had 22 each. Salem Towne 23. John Whiting, Esq., 85. Saml. Jones, Esq., 84. Jonathan Grout, Esq., 83. Josiah Wood, Esq., 17. Edward Bangs, Esq., 84. Daniel Henshaw, Esq., 61. Josiah Stone, Esq., 2, and Daniel Bigelow 1. 1802.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 469 May 6. For Representatives to the General Court-Dr. Joseph Adams had 68 votes. Benj. Read, Esq., had 49 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 3 votes. May 4. Voted to appropriate $400 of the money that the town has on loan over and above the $100 (already appropriated for schooling), to defray town charges the present year. Voted to raise $400 in addition to the above sum to defray town charges the present year. Voted that Mr. Dexter, pursuant to the recommendation of a committee heretofore appointed, have the old road by his land, he paying the sum of four dollars for the same. June 22. The Hon. Levi Lincoln having resigned his seat in Congress, an election was held this day to choose his successor, and Gen. John Whiting had 63 votes. Hon. Seth Hastings had 13 votes. No choice being effected at this trial another meeting was called. Aug. 24. At a town meeting held this day, Hon. Seth Hastings, Esq., had 44 votes. Gen. John Whiting had 82 votes. At this trial Hon. Seth Hastings, of Mendon, was elected. I802. March 1. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Ichabod Cook, Chas. Allen, Henry S. Benson and Jotham Taft, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer; and Nahbum Wheelock, Constable. Benjamin Read was chosen agent to defend an action brought against the town by John Cooper. April 1. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Elbridge Gerry had 90 votes. cc " Hon. Caleb Strong had 33 Lt. Governor, Hon. William Heath had 92 Hon. Edward H. Robbins had 30 " For Senators and Cotncillors —John Whiting, Edward Bangs and Pliny Merrick, Esqrs., had 99 each. Moses White and Samuel Jones, Esqrs., 98. Elijah Brigham, Salem Towne, Bezaleel Taft, Thomas Hale and Daniel Bigelow, Esqrs., 32 each, and William Putnam, Esq., 1. 470 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1802. April 5. Voted to accept of the list of voters presented by the Selectmen, qualified to vote for Governor, Lient. Governor, Senators and Representatives in the General Court and Representatives in Congress. William Torrey, Benj. Read and Moses Daniels were chosen a committee to sell or let any useless pieces of road. May 3. For Representatives to the General Court, Dr. Joseph Adams had 90 votes. Benj. Read, Esq., had 2 votes. Voted to raise $600 to defray town charges the present year. Voted to raise $300 for the support of schools, and that $100 be taken from the loan money, in addition, for the same purpose. Voted to raise $500 for repair of highways and bridges, and that eight cents an hour for a man and the same for a yoke of oxen and cart be allowed. The bridge at Darling's Mills, (now Millville), notwithstanding the examination and report of two or three committees, and notwithstanding the town had voted to have "the string pieces cut in the winter," still remained unbuilt. A new committee, consisting of Darius Daniels, Ezra Allen and John Benson, were directed "to make some proposals to some person or persons to repair the bridge by Darling's Mills and report to the town at some future meeting." It seems this committee failed to accomplish anything, at any rate they failed to build the bridge, and August 30, the town chose a new committee by an addition to the old one of Enos Taft, Benjamin Read, James Paine and Moses Daniels, who were instructed to view the bridge, make an estimate of its probable cost, get the lowest terms they can, and report to the town. Voted to raise $300 to be laid out for repairing the bridge at Darling's Mills, and that the committee contract with some person to do the work at a cost not to exceed $300. Sept. 6. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to enter into writings with the abovesaid committee, or any other persons who shall undertake to rebuild the abovesaid bridge, and "to be as explicit as they can in what Construction the abovesaid bridge shall be rebuilt." Voted to petition the Court of Sessions (which, at this time, exercised the same powers over roads as that now discharged by ~L _ ___- 1803._ ANNALS OF MENDON. 471 the County Commissioners,) to grant that further time be allowed for opening the new county road (to Milford) just established, and Peter Penniman and Benjamin Read, Esqrs., were chosen agents for that purpose. Nov. 1. The committee, it seems, did not succeed with the Court of Sessions, as on this day the town Voted to take $500 of the money the town has on loan to pay for the damages assessed for the New County Road, and that the Treasurer be directed to call upon individuals to each pay in his proportion of that sum, according to their bonds. An election for ta Representative in Congress from the iWorcester South District took place at this time. The State having been redistricted during the administration of Gov. Gerry, the Fourth Western District had become the Worcester South District. This revision of the Congressional Districts was claimed, by the opponents of Governor Gerry, as a device to increase the Democratic vote in Congress, and hence, by way of derision, the State was said to have been Gerrymandered. The vote at the election was as follows, viz: Edward Bangs, Esq., had 60 votes. Seth Hastings, Esq., had 46 votes. and Mr. Bangs was elected, there being a Democratic majority in the District. I803. March 7. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Ichabod Cook, Ahaz Allen, Caleb Thayer and Baxter Johnson, Selectmen; Oliver Carpenter, Treasurer; Benj. Blake and Nahum Wheelock, Constables. Voted to choose a committee "to look into the state of the School Districts " in the town, and report at the adjournment of this meeting. One from each District was chosen, viz: Joseph Adams, Alaz Allen, Aaron Thayer. Nahor Staples, Caleb Thayer, Nathan Very, Benj. Read, Moses Daniels, James Paine, Solomon Wood, Jacob Southwick, George Gaskill and Nathl. Capron. April 4. Met and adjourned to May 2. Under another warrant for April 4, the inhabitants met for the 472 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1 803 STATE ELECTION. For Gov., His Excellency Caleb Strong had 38 votes Hon. Elbridge Gerry had 104 For Lieut. Governor, James Bowdoin, Esq., had 98..... " Edward H. Robbins, Esq., had 27 For Senators anld Co0Lcillors-John Whiting and Pliny Merrick, Esqrs., had 88 each. Samuel Jones, Esq., and Edward Bangs, Esq., had 89 each. Daniel Bigelow and Thomas Hale, Esqrs., 27 each. Bezaleel Taft 25. Elijah Brigham 23, and Salem Towne 2. May 2. For Representative to the General Court-Doct. Joseph Adams had 47 votes. David Davenport had 29 votes. Voted to accept the report of the committee appointed "ito look into the state of the School Districts," which is as follows, viz:"To divide the School money the present year, one half to be divided according to the valuation and one half according to the number of scholars." Voted to raise $500 for repairs of highways and bridges, andL to allow eight cents per hour for a man and the same for one yoke of oxen and cart. Voted to raise $600 to defray town charges and $400 for schooling. Voted to forego the taxes of Samuel Smith, George Harris, Abralham Wilson, Paul Whitcomb and Morris Twitchel. Voted that Benjamin Blake be Collector of Taxes, and he be i)aid fourteen dollars for that service..lMay 23. Voted to discontinue the Old County Road, (so called) from Mendon to Uxbridge, that is not used by " the Corporation," meaning the Boston and Hartford Turnpike, it is supposed. Voted to discontinue the Post Road (now Post Lane,) to Milford. Voted to sell and dispose of the Old County Road leading through Mendon from Uxbridge to Bellingham, and Moses Daniels, James Mellen and Benj. Read were chosen a committee for that purpose. The above proceedings were transacted under the March meeting warrant by adjournments from time to time. In a warrant for a meeting, May 23, the qualifications for a 1804.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 473 voter were stated as follows, viz: "Such as pay to one single tax, besides the poll or polls, a sum equal to two thirds of a single poll tax." Voted to sell the piece of land set off to the town by virtue of an execution against Nathan Aldrich. Voted that the selectmen call upon Benorii Benson and Asa Fletcher to renew their old School Bonds (so called). These are supposed to have been given as securities for lands heretofore assigned for the benefit of the schools. The Selectmen having reported to the town a list of names for the jury boxes, thereupon it was Voted that the Selectmen be directed to select out one third of the names to be put in the Superior box, one third in the Inferior box, and the remaining third to be laid aside as the law directs. Voted that, in future, the Constable give personal notice to the Selectmen and Town Clerk to attend "the appointment of jurymen." I804. April 2. Chose Seth Chapin, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Nathan Very, Aaron Thayer, Benj. Pickering and Nahum Wheelock, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer, and Benj. Blake Constable and Collector. No Tithing men or Deer Rieve chosen. Voted to raise $500 to defray town charges the current year. Voted to raise $400 for schooling, and to divide the school money according to the number of scholars, deducting $33.33 from the whole sum to be sub-divided by the Selectmen among such districts as they, in their wisdom, shall think just. Voted to pass over the ninth article, which was, " To see if the town will erect a work house for the Poor of the town." Voted to inspect the Selectmen's and Treasurer's accounts, and chose Benj. Read, Dan Aldrich and David Davenport a committee for that purpose. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, James Sullivan, Esq., had 69..". Caleb Strong, Esq., had 32. Lt. Governor, William Heath, Esq., had 78. Edward H. Robbins, Esq., had 21. 60 474 ANNALS OF IENDON. [1804. For Senators (lend Councillors-Edward Bangs, John Whiting, Moses White and Samuel Jones had 76 votes each, and Salem Towne, Daniel Bigelow, Elijah Brigham and Thomas Hale 22 votes each. This was the first State election when there were no scalttering Yotes. May 7. For hRelpesentatice to the Generacl Court-Doct. Joseph Adams had 59 votes. David Davenport had 20 votes. NOv. 5. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT ANTD VICE PRESID)ENT. E Hon. David Cobb, Gouldsborough Dist., Me., 32 votes. Electors at large, Hon. Oliver Wendell, Boston District, Mass., 32 Suffolk District-Hon. John Coffin Jones, Boston, Mass., 32 Essex South District-Hon. Benj. Goodhue, Salem, Mass., 32 " Essex North District-Bailey Bartlett, Haverhill, Mass., 32 " Middlesex District-Eleazer Brooks, Lincoln, Mass., 32 " Hampshire South District-William Shepard, Westfield, Mass., 32 " do North District-Ebenezer Mattoon, Amherst, Mass., 32 " Plymouth District-William Seaver, Kingston, Mass., 32 ' Barnstable District-Ebenezer Bacon, Barnstable, Mass., 32 " Bristol District-George Leonard, Norton, Mass., 32 " Worcester South District-Joseph Allen, Worcester, Mass., 32 do North District-Josiah Stearns, Lunenburg, Mass., 32 Berkshire District-David Rossiter, Richmond, Mass., 32 Norfolk District-Cotton Tufts, Weymouth, Mass., 32 York District-John Lord, Berwick, Me., District, 32 Cumberland District-Isaac Parker, Portland, Me., " 32 Lincoln District-Thomas Rice, Wiscasset, Me., " 32 Kennebeck District-Samuel S. Wilde, Hallowell, Me.," 32 The foregoing composed the Federal ticket. ( James Sullivan, of Boston, Mass., 111 votes. Electors at large, Elbridge Gerry, of Cambridge, Mass., 1 Suffolk District-James Bowdoin, of Boston, Mass., 111 " Essex South District-John Hathorne, of Boston, Mass, ll do North District-Thomas Kittredge, of Andover, Mass., 11 Middlesex District-James Winthrop, of Cambridge, Mass., 1. " Hampshire South District-Jonathan Smith, of West Springfield, Mass., 11 " do North District-Edward Upham, New Salem, Mass, 111 " W~orcester North District-Gen. John Whiting, Lancaster, Mass., 111 " do South District-Timothy Newell, Sturbridge, Mass., 111 Plymouth District-James Warren, of Plymouth, Mass, 11i Bristol District-Josiah Deane, of Raynham, Mass., 111 Barnstable District-John Davis, of Barnstable, Mass., 111 1805.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 475 Berkshire District-John Bacon, of Stockbridge, Mass., 111 votes. Norfolk District-William Heath, of Roxbury, Mass., 111 " York District-John Woodman, of Buxton, Me., District, 111 " Cumberland District-Charles Turner, of Turner, Me., " 111 Kennebeck District-Thos. Fillebrown, of Hallowell, Me.," l11l Lincoln District-John Farley, of New Castle, Me.,* " l " For Representative in CG'ongess-Edward Bangs, Esq., had 104' votes. Seth Hastings, Esq., had 35 votes. Nov. 23. The Selectmen of Mendon and the Selectmen of Bellingham perambulated the line between the towns and agreed to the bounds. I805. March 4. Chose Joseph Torrey, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Artemas Thayer, Aaron Thayer, Benj. Pickering. and Nalhun Wheelock, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer, and Pardon Aldrich, Constable and Collector, and he to be paid 818.50 for collecting the taxes. Voted to raise $500 for schooling, to be divided among the number of scholars, except ~10, which is to be distributed by the Selectmen as they shall see fit. Voted to raise $1000 for repairs of highways and bridges, and to allow eight cents an hour for a man and the same for a yoke of oxen and cart. Voted that swine and neat cattle may run at large, the swine being yoked and ringed according to law. Voted that the Selectmen "look into the matter respecting hiring a house to put the Poor of the town in the present year, and report at the time of the adjournment of this meeting.'? April 1. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, James Sullivan had 144 votes. Caleb Strong had 42 " For Lt. Governor, William Heath had 142 Edward H. Robbins had 44 For Seznators and CouZncillors-Edward Bangs, John Whiting, Samuel Jones and Pliny Merrick, Esqrs., had 145 each. Salem Towne, Elijah Brigham, Daniel Bigelow and Thomas Hale had 42 votes each. April 1. Chose Joseph Adams, Joseph Torrey and Benj. Read a committee to sell Post Lane, (so called) and the Old 476 ANNALS OF MENDON. 1805. County Road from Joseph McClintock's and so on over Pond Hills, (so called), that is useless. Also the road leading from the new County Road to Post Lane. Voted. to raise $400 for defraying town charges the current year. May 6. Votes for Representative to the General (Cotrt-Dr. Joseph Adams had 84 votes. David Davenport had 12 votes. REV. PRESERVED SMITH, THE SEVENTH MJINIISTER. The Rev. Preserved Smith succeeded Mr. Alexander, and was installed Oct. 2, 1805, over both Parishes, preaching alternately at the old meeting house, (which was sold to Holland Allbe, Sept. 20, 1843, and taken down by him soon afterwards,) and at the meeting house at Chestnut Hill, now in Bltackstone. He was born in Ashfield, Mass., June 25, 1759, and was the son of Elder Ebenezer Smith, who was for many years pastor of the Baptist Church in that town, and died at the advanced age of 90. At the age of 16 he entered the arlmy and served five campaigns during the war of the Revolution, and was at the surrender of Burgoyne. Leaving the army at the age of 19 he bought his time of his father and set out in the world for himself. Purchasing a few acres of land, he was enabled to pay for the same from the proceeds of his first crop of grain, and soon after sold it at a handsome advance. He now commenced preparing himself for college under the tuition of the Rev. Mr. Hubbard, of Shelburne, and the Rev. Mr. Murdock, of Pawlet, Vt., teaching school in the winter and working for his board in the summer. He had not only to struggle with penury, but with tle opposition of his parents and relatives, who belonged to the Baptist denomination-a denomination which, at that period, believed that preaching was a special gift, not to be acquired by "college ]airnin'." They used to say that they who wrote their sermons went to college to learn. that r-e-a-d spelled preach. Our Baptist friends have long since outgrown this idea, and no longer disregard the advantages of the academy and the college in their preparation for the ministerial office. Ice entered Dartmouth College in 1782, and at the close of the 1805.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 477 academic year dissolved his connection with that institution, and entered a year in advance at Rhode Island College, (now Brown University), graduated in 1786, and commenced the study of divinity with the Rev. Mr. Emerson, of Conway, Mass. It is probable that the Baptist dogmas, in which he had been educated under the parental roof, had been gradually losing their influence over him during his collegiate course. In the spring of 1787 he was appointed to preach by the Hampshire Association, and in November following was settled in the ministry at Rowe, Mass. In January, 1788, he married Miss Eunice Wells, daughter of Col. David Wells, of Shelburne. Of this lady it is sufficient to say that all who knew her could bear a willing testimony to her social and domestic virtues and her Christian character. In the summer of 1789 Mr. S. made a visit to Niagara Falls on horse back. This journey occupied six weeks, and sixty miles of the way was made through an unbroken forest, fording rivers, encamping on the ground at night, and often meeting the wild deer and wilder savage. On his return he published an account of his trip in the Greenfield Gazette. Mr. Smith remained at Rowe as the minister until May, 1804. One of the deacons became estranged from him, and, although a large majority of the church adhered to him still, he thought best to sever his pastoral connection with the people with whom he had so long labored. His farewell discourse was preached from the 19th verse of the 15th chapter of Proverbs, which is in these words, " Better is a dinner with herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." In this discourse something was said which irritated the good deacon, who afterwards sought his revenge, while Mr. S. was preaching in Mendon, by causing 1 pamphlet, containing slanderous accusations against him, to be distributed there. Whatever the libels were, they failed of disturbing the kindly relations subsisting between Mr. S. and the people of Mendon. During Mr. Smith's residence in Mendon, besides a prompt attention to all his parochial duties, he taught school and fitted a number of young men for college. In 1812, after a service of eight years 'here, the people of Rowe gave him a unanimous call to return and be resettled with them. 478 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1805. This rare and novel circumstance in the history of New England churches may properly be quoted as an ample refutation of the charges made by his quondam deacon, who died soon after their publication. This invitation he was led to accept in consideration that the pastoral care of two parishes was becoming too onerous for its faithful discharge, and that if he resigned one of the parishes, the other did not have tle means to provide the necessary support for himself and family. Mr. Smith, while in Mendon, was an Arminian, although lie did not reject the Divinity. He afterwards, about 1820, rejected that doctrine and became a TUnitarian, though he preferred the simple name of Christian. After sustaining the relation of pastor to the people of Rowe at second time, for the period of twenty years, and having completed a ministry, at Rowe and Mendon, of forty-five years, lle felt God, in his providence, had called him, like Aaron of old, to lay aside his sacerdotal robes to be worn by another. He was succeeded by the Rev. W. L. Stearns. Although Mr. S. was an industrious student and an independent thinker through life, he committed but very little to print. He published a farewell sermon and two Masonic discourses. A distinguishing feature of Mr. Smith's character was his love of truth. So strong was this element developed that he seemed instinctively to revolt from anything like hypocrisy and cant. With his cordial and affectionate nature, the shake of the handl and the friendly salutation meant what they ought to mean, as outward tokens of inward feelings. After the close of his resettlement at Rowe in 1832, the following spring he went to reside with his son in Warwick, Mass., the Rev. Preserved Smith, who was then pastor of the First Congregational Church and Society in that place. Here he continued to reside until August 15, 1834, when, "Like him who wraps the drapery of his couch around him, And lies down to pleasant dreams," lie quietly, at the age of 75, yielded up his spirit to God who gave it, with the assured faith in the blessedness of the new life to comle. 1806.-1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 479 1806. March 3. Joseph Torrey was chosenl Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Artemas Thayer, Aaron Thayer, Benj. Pickeriug and Henry Sweeting, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer, and Pardon Aldrich, onstable, and Luke Aldrich, Constable and Collector. Voted to raise $600 for repairs of highways and bridges. Adjourned to the first Monday in April. April 7. Met according to adjournment. Voted to the Collector, Luke Aldrich, $24.50 for collecting taxes this year. Voted to allow eight cents an hour for a manl, and the stame for a yoke of oxen and cart for work on the highways. Voted to raise $600 to defray town charges the current year. Voted to raise $500 for schooling. Adjourned to the May meeting. April 7. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Caleb Strong, Esq., 47 votes. James Sullivan, Esq., 131 ' Lt. Governor, Edward H. Robbins, Esq., 43 " William Heath, Esq., 135 For iSenators and Councillors-Edward Bangs, Pliny Merrick and Samuel Jones had 133 each. Moses White, 132. Salem Towne, I)aniel Bigelow, Thomas Hale and Elijah Brigham had 47 each, and John Whiting, Esq 1. For Cocunty Treasurer-Samuel Allen, Esq., had 49 votes. Voted to accept a road laid out by the Selectmen, beginning near Lt. Seth Wheelock's house, &c., and through Ahaz Allen's land. May 5. Adjourned April meeting. Voted to ttke so much of the town's money arising from the sale of the old roads as to furnish each soldier with twenty-four rounds of cartridges, and said cartridges to be kept in the public town store and be renewed yearly as the property of the training soldiers. May 5. Voted to sell such useless roads as the committee that may be hereafter chosen for that purpose may think proper to sell, and Seth Davenport, Aaron Thayer and Moses Daniels were chosen the Committee. Voted to forego Ralph Freeman's tax, $3,73; Wilder Johnson's tax, $1.36; Calvin Alexander's tax, $1.00; Amasa Holden's tax, $1.00. 480 ANNALS OF MIENDON. [1807. For Represeltatitve to the Genleral Court-Dr. Joseph Adams had 78 votes. David Davenport had 8 votes. Nov. 3. For Representative in Co)zgress, elnth District-Edward Bangs, Esq., had 92 votes. Jabez Upham had 39 votes. Nov. 11. This day the Selectmen perambulated (by their committee) the town line between Mendon and Upton and Mendon and Northbridge, with the Selectmen of those towns. I807. March 2. Chose Joseph Torrey, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Elijah Thayer, Aaron Thayer, Nathan Very and Warren Rawson, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer; Hezekiah Fletcher, Constable and Collector. The town had been divided into thirteen School Districts, and this year the School Committee consisted of one member from each District, as follows, viz: 1st District, Joseph Adams. 8th District, Obadiah Wood. 2d do. Warren Rawson. 9th do. Elijah Thayer. 3d do. Ahaz Allen, 10th do. Mussey Southwick, 4th do. Moses Daniels. 11th do. Nathan Very. 5th do. Amos Thayer. 12th do. Benedict Remington. 6th do. Seth Kelley. 13th do. Archelus Smith. 7th do. Thomas Taft. No further business was transacted at this meeting, except to accept of the list of jurors reported by the Selectmen, and, for first time for many years, to vote that swine slhould not run at ilarge. April 6. At an adjourned meeting held this dcly, Voted to raise $500 for schooling. Voted to raise $600 for repair of roads and bridges. Voted to pay Hezekiah Fletcher for the collection of taxes $24.50. Adjourned to the May meeting. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Caleb Strong, Esq., had 53 votes. James Sullivan, Esq., had 156 " Elected. ForLt. Governor, Edward H. Robbins, Esq., had 51 Levi Lincoln, Esq., had 156 " For Senators and Councillors-Pliny Merrick, Edward Bangs, Samuel Jones and Moses White, Esqrs., had 149 votes each; and Salem Towne, 1808.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 481 Elijah Brigham, Thomas Hale and James Kendall, Esqs., had 49 votes each. Voted to raise $600 to defray town charges 'the present year. Voted to raise $300 for rebuilding the bridge near Darling's Mills. Voted that Moses Daniels, Israel Mowry and Elijah Thayer be a committee to see if it is expedient to allow Stephen Cook to shut up the road from near his house to the north end of the pond, provided he will build another road farther west. Elijah Thayer, Nathan Very and Nathaniel Capron were chosen a committee to rel)air the bridge by Capron's Mill. (Darling's). The fourth article in the warrant was, "to see if the town will encourage the uniforming the militia in said town." Voted " not to do anything to that end." May 4. For Re:presentatIve to the General Cowlt-Dr. Joseph Adams had 80 votes. Nathan Very, Esq., had 12 votes. I808. March 7. Chose Joseph Torrey, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Seth Kelley, Aaron Thayer, John Southwick, 2d, and Warren Rawson, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer, and Jphn Thayer Constable and Collector. Voted to raise $800 for the repair of highways and bridges. Chose Warren Rawson, Moses Daniels, Ahaz Allen, Elijah Thayer and Nathan Very a committee to revise the Highway Districts, and "make return accordingly." Voted that $33.33 of the school money shall, be apportioned among such school districts, after the rest of the school money has been divided, as the Selectmen shall judge proper. The eleventh article in the warrant for this meeting was as follows, viz:"To see if the town will grant to the soldiers of the two companies in this town, who volunteered their services for the support of their country on the late requisition a sum of money and, if any, what sum, out of the money remaining in the treasury unappropriated or otherwise?" Upon this the town "Voted that every person who volunteered his services on the late emer61 482 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1808. gency of our country, to march at a moment's warning, who shall personally appear, shall be entitled to receive three dollars, as a bounty out of any unappropriated money now in the treasury." For some time past the relations between the United States and England had assumed a somewhat belligerent character, especially after the unprovoked attack made upon the frigate Chesapeake by the British frigate Leopard, June 23, 1807. In November, 1807, Congress made a requisition for 100,000 men to be held in readiness when wanted. The volunteers here spoken of were a part of that call. This alarm soon subsided, in a measure, and the war was put off until 1812. April 4. Voted that the Collector, John Thayer, be paid ten dollars for his services. As twenty-four dollars and fifty cents, for collecting the year before was paid, it is supposed, as now, (1880) the collection of the taxes was given to the one who would collect them for the least sum. Voted to raise $500 for town charges the present year. Voted to raise $500 for schooling, reserving $33.33 to be distributed as before provided. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, James Sullivan, Esq., had 143 votes. Elected.* ldo Christopher Gore, Esq., had 54 " do Levi Lincoln, Esq., had 1 "Lt Governor, Levi Lincoln. Esq., had 138 do Daniel Cobb, Esq., had 54 do James Sullivan, Esq., had 1 " For Senators and Councillors-Pliny Merrick, Edward Bangs, Samuel Jones and Moses White, Esqrs., had 135 each. Salem Towne, Elijah Brigham, Thomas Hale and Jonas Kendall, Esqrs., had 56 each. May 2. Vote for Representative to the General Court-Dr. Joseph Adams had 85 votes. Nathan Very, Esq., had 7 votes. Sept. 12. The disposal of such portions of the roads as had become useless seems to have been a difficult matter, as numerous committees heretofore chosen had been unable to accomplish that object. At this meeting another attempt was determined upon, and Ahaz Allen, Levi Rawson and Seth Chapin were chosen a committee to sell the Eight Rod Road (so called); the remainder of Post Lane; a road leading from Muddy Brook (so called) through *Died Dec. 10. 1809.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 483 lands of Stephen and William Torrey to the Eight Rod Road, and also the Old County Road (so called) over the Pond Hills. Votefor Representative in Congress-Edward Bangs, Esq., had 120 votes. Jabez Upham, had 35 votes. I809. March 6. Joseph Torrey was chosen Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Elijah Thayer, Warren Rawson, Asa Kelley and Amos Thayer, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer, and John Thayer, Constable and Collector. Voted to pay the Collector $16.50 for collecting the taxes. Voted to raise $500 to defray town charges; $600 for schooling, and $800 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to restrain neat cattle and horses from running at large. April 3. STATE ELECTION. For'Governor, Hon. Levi Lincoln had 183 votes. Hon. Christopher Gore had 60 " Elected. "Lt. Governor, Joseph Varnum, Esq., had 175 do David Cobb, Esq., had 61 " For Senators and Conncillors-Edward Bangs, Samuel Jones, Pliny Merrick and Moses White, Esqrs., had 166 votes each, and Salem Towne, Elijah Brigham, Thomas Hale and Jonas Kendall, Esqrs., had 59 votes each. May 8. For Representatives to the General Court-Joseph Adams, Esq., had 111 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 82 votes. Moses Daniels had 16 votes. Elijah Thayer had 12 votes. This is the first year when the town sent two Representatives. Joseph Adams and Dr. Daniel Thurber, the successful candidates, were both Democrats. Adjournment of the April meeting. May 8. The eighth article in the warrant was, "to see if the town would raise a sum of money, and, if any, what sum to pay the soldiers of the two Companies of this town who volunteered t'heir services in November last." Upon this article the record by the Town Clerk is, "it was not noticed by the meeting." Chose Richard George, Esq., to prosecute or defend any suits which may be brought by or against the town. Voted to accept of Artemas and Henry Thayer as bondsmen for the Collector, John Thayer. May 8. Under a new warrant, 484 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1810. Voted to pass over the second article, which is in these words: Ct To see if the town will vote to give Nahum Taft seventy dollars by his giving bonds sufficient to indemnify the town against his or his wife ever coming to said town for any further support hereafter." For some reason the proposed arrangement of Nahum Taft did not succeed; but, could satisfactory indemnifying bonds be furnished the town at this time (1880), seventy dollars per capita, we think, would be considered a profitable investment by the town to be relieved from all further support of its poor. Voted to raise $35 for the purpose of building a Pound, and Ahaz Allen, Moses Daniels, Aaron Thayer and Enos Taft were chosen a committee to contract for its erection. Voted to forego the following taxes, viz:-John Brown's, $1.46; Eben Pickering's, $1.46; Calvin Alexander's, $1.00, and Amasa Holden's, $1.00. Nov. 11. Joseph Torrey, as agent for the town of Mendon, and Samuel Nelson, Pearley Hunt and Amasa Parkhurst, Selectmen of Milford, this day perambulated the line between the two towns, giving course and distance; and the same may be found in the fifth volume of the Mendori Records, under the foregoing date, the pages of this volume not being. numbered. I8Io. March 5. Joseph Torrey was chosen Town Clerk; Warren Rawson, Elijah Thayer, Amos Thayer, John Thompson and Obadiah Wood, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer, and Edward Rawson, 2nd, Constable and Collector, he agreeing to collect the taxes for the sum of $14.50. Voted to raise $500 for schooling the current year. Voted to raise $700 for repairing highways and bridges. Voted that swine and neat cattle shall not run at large. Adjourned to April meeting. To vote for town officers and the ordinary business of the town, the person claiming to vote must have resided in the town six months, be twenty-one years of age and pay, besides a poll tax, a sum equal to two-thirds of a single poll tax. To vote for State offices and Representative to Congress, must be twentyone years of age; must have a freehold within the Common 1810.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 485 wealth of an annual income of three pounds or any estate to the value of sixty pounds, and have resided in the town one year preceding the election. April 2. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Christopher Gore had 61 votes. Hon. Elbridge Gerry had 170 " Elected. William Gray had 1 " For Lt. Governor, Hon. David Cobb had 50 " Hon. William Gray had 169 " For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Elijah Brigham, Jonas Kendall, Hon. Seth Hastings and Francis Blake, Esqrs., had 45 votes each. Hon. Pliny Merrick, Moses White, Edward Bangs and Samuel Jones, Esqrs., had. 161 votes each, and Charles A. Smith, Nathan Aldrich, Asa Fletcher and Nathan Streeter had one each. The adjourned meeting met, and Voted to raise $400 for defraying town charges. Voted to pay the Collector, Edward Rawson,. 2nd, $14.50 for collecting the taxes the present year. Adjourned meeting. May 7th. Election of Representatives to the General Court. Voted to send two Representatives. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 94 votes. Elijah Thayer had 61 votes. William Torrey had 25 votes. Dr. Gustavus D. Peck had 4 votes. Warren Rawson had 7 votes. Adjourned to May meeting. Voted to forego the following taxes, viz:-Stephen Tourtelotte, $1.55; Dexter Westcott, $1.17; George Turner, $1.17; John Thompson,.45; Reuben Shove, $1.17; and Richard Buffum,.45. Voted to raise $100 in addition to the $400 already raised to defray town charges. Voted to chose a committee to make some new arrangement in-the highway districts. Chose Thomas Taft, Moses Daniels and Joseph Adams as the committee. Chose Richard George, Esq., as agent to prosecute any action which the town may commence, and to defend any action that may be brought against, the town the ensuing year. Sept. 18. The Hon. Jabez Upham having resigned his seat in Congress, an election was held this day to supply the vacancy, and 486 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1811. Gen. John Spurr had 61 votes. Joseph Allen, Esq., had 14 votes. At this election there was no choice, and Nov. 5. Another meeting was held with the following result: Gen. John Spurr had 83 votes. Hon. Elijah Brigham had 17 votes. At this meeting the Collector, Edward Rawson, 2nd, having removed out of the Commonwealth, Thurber Warfield was chosen Collector and Constable, and agreed to collect the taxes for $14.50. I8II. March 4. Joseph Torrey was chosen Town Clerk; Warren Rawson, Elijah Thayer, Obadiah Wood, Moses Daniels and Ariel Cook, Selectmen; Ahaz Alien, Treasurer, and Thurber Warfield, Constable and Collector. Voted to pay the Collector $26.50 for collecting the taxes. Enos Taft, Nathan Very, Esq., Johnson Legg, John Southwick, 2d, and Moses Aldrich were chosen a committee to revise the School Districts. Adjourned to April meeting. April i. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Elbridge Gerry had 135 votes. Elected. Hon. Christopher Gray had 33 " William Gray, Levi Lincoln and William Philips had one vote each. For Lt. Governor, Hon. William Gray had 126 votes. Hon. William Philips had 27 " For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Pliny Merrick, Edward Bangs, Samuel Jones and Moses White had 118 votes each, and Hon. Jonas Kendall, Seth Hastings, Francis Blake and Silas Holman had 26 each. The adjourned April meeting was again adjourned to the May meeting. May 6. Voted to raise $500 to defray town charges the current year. Voted to raise $600 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $600 for schooling. Voted to accept Andrew Penniman and Daniel Hill as bonds, men for Thurber Warfield as Collector. Joseph Torrey, Ahaz Allen, Moses Daniels, Aaron Thayer, Asa Kelley, Obadiah Wood, Elijah Thayer, Jacob South wick 1812.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 487 and Esek Pitts were added to the committee heretofore chosen to revise the School Districts, and to report at the adjournment of this meeting. For Representatives to the General Court-Dr. Daniel Thurber had 73 votes. Elijah Thayer had 77 votes. Capt. William Torrey had 7 Votes. Sept. 2. Then met and voted to accept and adopt the following report of the committee above chosen, and which is as follows, viz:"Your Committee who were appointed to take into consideration the expediency of Revising the School Districts, after being duly notified by their chairman have attended that service and beg leave to report that it is the opinion of your Committee that the 10th. and 13th districts constitute but one district to be called the tenth District, with the following exceptions, that Alexander Wilson, Timnothy.Engley and David Andrews be set to the 1lth. district with liberty to be set back to the 10th. if they choose after there is a school house erected in said 10th. district, that Ruth Darling be set to the 9th., and that that part of the 12th district called the Village, the property of the Blackstone Manufacturing Company, be set off as a District to be called the 13th. district. All which is cheerfully submitted by ENOS TAFT, Chairman." I8I2. March 2. Chose Joseph Torrey, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Elijah Thayer, Johnson Legg, John Thayer and Nahum Bates, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen Treasurer, and Benj. Blake, Constable and Collector. Voted to pay the Collector $20 for collecting the taxes. Chose Ahaz Allen, Moses Daniels, Nathan Very, Aaron Thayer and Caleb Thayer a committee to consider the matter of dividing the school money. Voted not to accept the report of the committee chosen March 4, 1811, to revise the Highway Districts. As the report is not recorded, its purport cannot be ascertained. Voted to hold one half of the town meetings at the South Parish Meeting House for the future. Voted to pass over the fifteenth article in the warrant, which was "to see if the town would ]purchase a hearse." Adjourned to April 6. Voted that Joseph Torrey be excused from serving as Town 488' ANNALS OF MENDON. [1812. Clerk, and Warren Rawson was chosen Town Clerk in his stead. Adjourned to May 6. April 6. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Elbridge Gerry had 198 votes. Caleb Strong, Esq., had 74 " Elected. For Lt. Governor, William King had 195 " William Philips had 73 " Far Senators and Councillors-John Spurr had 196. Levi Lincoln, Jr., 195. Bezaleel Taft 73. Francis Blake 73. Elbridge Gerry had been chosen Governor in 1810, and was re-elected in 1811. During the last year of his administrationi, the State was districted anew for the election of Senators, which gave the Democrats a majority in the Senate, the Federalists still holding a majority in the House of Representatives. By this new arrangement Mendon belonged to a district which was entitled to two Senators instead of five. At this election Caleb Strong was elected Governor by 1,370 majority. May 4. Representative to the General Court. Voted to send two Representatives. Dr. Joseph Adams had 58 votes. Elijah Thayer, Esq., had 53 votes. Nathan Very, Esq., had 29 votes. Johnson Legg, had 3 votes. Adjournment from April 6. Voted to raise $500 to defray town charges the current year. Voted to raise $600 for schooling. Voted to raise $1000 for repair of roads and bridges. Warren Rawson, Esq., was chosen agent to attend to any law suits brought by or against the town. Forty-three persons had taxes foregone, mostly poll taxes, amounting to $55.61. The poll tax appears to have been $1.19. The fifteenth article in the warrant, " to see if the town would buy a Hearse," and the seventeenth, "to see if the town would accept of any roads laid out by the Selectmen," were dismissed from the warrant, and the meeting was dissolved. June 5. Voted to set off all the inhabitants on the west side of Blackstone River, except Esek Pitts, Daniel Southwick and Nathaniel Capron, as a school district, and that it be numbered ancd constitute the 14th District. 1812.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 489 Voted to refer the third'article in the warrant which is "to see if the town will make any alteration in the division of the school money among the several Districts," to a committee of one from each school district, and the committee was constituted as follows, viz:District No. 1. Seth Davenport, Jr. District No. 8. Obadiah Wood. 2. Warren Rawson. " 9. Caleb Thayer. " 3. Ahaz Allen. " 10. Isaac Silsby. " 4. Moses Daniels. " 11. Nathan Very. 5. Aaron Thayer. 12. Peter Gaskill. 6. James Paine. " 13. Samuel Remington. 7. Elijah Taft. " 14. Pascho Cook. Voted to accept of a road from near John Thayer's store (known as the Five Corners,) to the Rhode Island line at Blackstone village, the Blackstone Manufacturing Company agreeing to give the land from the Rhode Island line to the old road near Washington Hunt's house, and fence both sides of the same. June 22. Voted that the Tenth and Eleventh School Districts shall hereafter form. one school district. August 25. Voted to choose one or more agents to claim and prosecute an appeal from the decree of the Judge of Probate in the matter of Seth Hastings as guardian to John Hill. Dr. Joseph Adams was chosen agent, and instructed to use his endeavors to submit the matter to men respecting Seth Hastings' account as guardian of John Hill, which was allowed by the Judge of Probate, and if he will not submit it to men on honorable terms, then prosecute an appeal to the Supreme Court of Probate. Voted to allow the militia lately detached in this town seven dollars per month in addition to their pay allowed by law, provided they are called into actual service. Nov. 2. CHOICE OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. William Walker had 102 votes. Benj. Haywood had 65 votes. Pliny Merrick had 102 " Eleazer James had 65 " Moses White had 102 " George Bliss had 65 Thomas Shepard had 102 " Ephraim Williams had 65 " Solomon Smead had 102 Isaac Maltby had 65 Jeremiah Stebbins had 102 " John W. Hurlbert had 65 Nov. 2. For, Representctive in Congress-Hon. Elijah Bingham had 65 votes. Estes Howe, Esq., had 128 votes. 62 490 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1813. Nov. 27. Voted not to reconsider a vote passed at the last town meeting, respecting a division of the school money, which was that sixty dollars should be distributed among the largest districts at the discretion of the Selectmen, and the remainder be equally distributed among all the districts. Voted that the Constable post notices for town meetings, in addition to other places, at Blackstone. I813. March 1. Chose Warren Rawson, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Caleb Thayer, Johnson Legg, Artemas Thayer and William Gordon, Selectmen; Ahaz Allen, Treasurer; Benjamin Blake, Constable, and Joseph Bates, Collector and Constable. After the choice of town officers no other business was transacted, except Voted to discontinue the old road leading through the lands of Nathan Very, Esq., late of Mendon, deceased, relinquishing the same to the heirs of said Very in compensation for the new road laid out through said lands over and above the damage assessed. Adjourned to April 5, proximo. April 5. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Caleb Strong had 74 votes. Elected...." Joseph B. Varnum had 165 William Phillips had 2 " t" " William King had 1 " Lt. Governor, William Phillips had 72 ".... William King had 158 " Caleb Strong had 2 "... Rufus King had 1 " For Senators-Bezaleel Taft and Francis Blake had 75 votes each. Levi Lincoln had 2 votes. Pliny Merrick and Sumner Bastow had 152 votes each. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the March meeting to choose Overseers of the Poor. In which case the Selectmen became Overseers. Voted to raise $800 to defray town charges. Voted to raise $700 for schooling. Voted to raise $1000 for repairs of roads and bridges. 1814.] AN.NALS OF MENDON. 491 Voted to restrain swine and neat cattle from running at large without a keeper. Adjourned to May 3. May 3. Choice of Representatives to the General Court. Voted to send two representatives, and to choose them on separate ballots. Joseph Adams lad 52 votes and Elijah Thayer 40 votes and were elected. Voted to give Joseph Bates $20 for collecting the taxes he procuring satisfactory bondsmen, Chose Joseph Adams, Esq., as agent to prosecute or defend any action which may be commenced by or brought against the town. Caleb Thayer, Enos Taft, Moses Daniels, Amos Thayer and Elijah Taft were chosen a Committee to consider the matter of making any alteration in the boundaries of the School Districts and make a report at some future meeting. In a new warrant for a meeting the 2nd. Article was "to regulate the Jury Box as the late law directs." Voted that the following be a list of Jurors whose names are to be put in the Jury box, viz: William Torrey.* Henry Sweeting.* Stephen Wood.* Enos Taft.* Samuel Fairbanks.* Obadiah Wood.* Elijah Taft.* Samuel Gaskill.* Alexander Thayer.* Johnson Legg.* Aaron Thayer.* Amos Thayer.* Ahaz. Allen.* Andrew Penniman.* Thomas Taft.* Caleb Thayer. * Artemas Thayer.* Nathan Very.* Elijah Thayer.* John Southwick.* Nicholas Thayer.* Asa Kelly.* William Gordon. John Benson, Jr. Aaron Burden.* Samuel Silsby. Joseph Thayer.* Esek Pitts.* John Thompson.* Henry Thayer.* 1814. March 7. Chose Warren Rawson, Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Caleb T'hayer, Samuel Smith, Andrew Penniman and John Southwick, Selectmen; Elijah Thayer, Treasurer, and Thurber Warfield, Constable and Collector. Voted not to accept a road laid out by the Selectmen through Solomon Wood's land and others, on the 28th of February, 1814. Adjourned to April 4. *Dead 1880. 492 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1814. April 4. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Samuel Dexter had 175 votes..( His Ex. Caleb Strong ' 75 " Elected. cc cc William Gray " 3 ".' ( Joseph Story " 1 For Lt. Governor Hon. William Gray "179 " Hon. William Phillips " 72 " For Senators & Councillors. - Moses White, Joseph Adams, Edmund Cushing, and Sumner Bastow had 156 each. Francis Blake, Silas Holman, Benjamin Adams, and Moses Smith had 67 votes each and Levi Lincoln Jr. and Samuel Dexter had one each. Voted to raise $800 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $600 for schooling. Voted to raise $900 to defray town charges the present year. Voted to pay Thurber Warfield $25 for collecting the taxes the current year. Voted to postpone the consideration of the 10th. article in the warrant ("to see if the town will build a Powder House ") to the 1st, Monday in November. Voted that Nathaniel Capron, Daniel Southwick and Esek Pitts, with their estates, be annexed to the 10th. School District. THE FIRST BOARD OF HEALTH. Voted to choose a Board of Health and that it consist of five members, viz: John S. Eddy, Aaron Burden, James Paine, Obadiah Wood and Peter Thompson. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the March meeting rejecting a road laid out by the Selectmen and voted now to accept the same. This road was laid out from near the house formerly occupied by Caleb Mowry (afterwards purchased of him for a Poor Farm) to the Boston and Hartford Turnpike (now a County road) near the house of Henry M. Goldthwait. May 2. For Representatives to the General CGozrt-Joseph Adams Esq. and Dr. Daniel Thurber had 59 votes each. Enos Taft had 40 votes. May 11. Voted to accept of a road of 4 rods wide (being the westerly side of the 8 rod road (so called) beginning at the northwest corner of Seth Davenport's Milford Pasture (so called), thence running southeasterly parallel with and bounding north 1814.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 493 easterly upon the line between the towns of Milford and Mendon to a heap of stones by the Turnpike (now County road) at the southwest corner of the town of Milford. Voted to choose an agent to prosecute and defend any action which may be commenced by or brought against the town, and Seth Hastings, Esq., was chosen agent. Voted to forego the following taxes, viz: Samuel Ramsdale $1.31, Elkanah Spear $1.42, Ellis Albe $1.32, Nathan Pickering $1.41 and Silas Wheeler $1.32, amounting to $6.78. Adjourned to the next legal town meeting. August 13. Voted to postpone the consideration of the 2nd. article in the warrant, which was "to see if the town will vote to raise the monthly pay of those soldiers that are detached and those that may hereafter be detached." John Benson, Jr., Andrew Penniman, Johnson Legg, Caleb Thayer, Obadiah Wood, John Thompson and Washington Hunt were chosen a Committee to consider the expediency of foregoing the collection of any taxes in any of the Collectors tax bills, and report at the next town meeting. Joseph Adams, Moses Daniels, Caleb Thayer, Andrew Penniman and Johnson Legg were chosen a Committee to report, at some future meeting, whether any alteration should be made in the School Districts. Adj. to Nov. 7. The Committee in the matter of foregoing taxes, then reported that the following taxes should be foregone, viz: In Thurber Warfield's bills for 1810 and 1811, the taxes against William Braley, Aaron Fuller, Daniel Hopkins, Ebenr Handy, John King 2 polls, Benedict Mann, Dickson Morris, David'Plumer, Arnold Remington, William Tomkins, Elias Whiting, Elihue Chapin, Seth Davenport, Thomas Low, Baley Legg, Israel Mowry Jr., Adam Wheelock, Isaac Silsby, Amasa Albee, Ira Aldrich, David Legg,' William Bushee, Constant F. Daniels, Nathan Green, Henry Green, Clark Hunt, David Hopkins, Joseph Hayward, William Johnson, Wid. Susannah Legg, Gideon Mowry, Elijah Perrin, George Riddle, Samuel Remington, Samuel Taft, Samuel Taber, Philip Wakefield and Nathan Pickering. The above were mostly poll taxes, amounting, in 1810, when the poll tax was $1.14, to $22.84, and in 1811, when the poll tax was $1.20 to $24.92; in both years to the sum of $47.84. Voted to accept of the foregoing report. 494 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1814. The Committee also recommended that the collection of the following taxes, in Joseph Bates' tax bills for 1813, be foregone, viz: The taxes against Israel Mowry, Josiah Brown, Duty Cook, Richard Mann, Albion Cook, Dana Perry, Roswell Potter, Daniel Burchard, Leonard Allen, Amos Albee, Luther Ebeberendon, Asahel Warner, Paul Kimball, John Aldrich, Ellis Albee, Lemuel Berry, Thomas Cheney, Nathan Pickering. and William Aldrich, amounting to $32.51. The poll tax for this year was $1.64. Voted not to raise the monthly pay of the soldiers that are now or may hereafter be detached for actual service. Under a new warrant, at a meeting held this "th of November, the following votes were given for a Representative in the 14th Congress.-Hon. Elijah Brlgham had 34 votes. Gen. John Spurr had 64 votes. THE WAR OF 1812. War was declared by the United States against Great Britain July 18, 1812. William Pifickney, then Attorney General, drew up the declaration, and for which the following reasons were assigned: 1. The impressment of American seamen by British ships of war. 2. Their doctrine and system of blockade. 3. The adoption and continuance of the Orders in Council which operated disastrously upon our commerce. 4. An unsatisfied demand for remuneration for depredations on the lawful commerce of the United States. The quota of Massachusetts of the 100,000 men ordered to be raised by Congress was 10,000. Caleb Strong, then Governor of Massachusetts, declined to call out the militia, at the requisition of Gen. Dearborn, who commanded the United States troops in Massachusetts, but issued orders that they should be in readiness to march for the defence of the inhabitants, agreeable to the direction of their immediate officers. In consequence of this decision of the Governor it was only after a negotiation of many years that the account for the services of the Massachusetts soldiers was allowed by the general government. At the settlement the rosters of the Massachusetts soldiers were. taken to Washington and lodged in the office of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, by whom the following list is certified to be correct: 1815.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 495 "List of names of a company of Massachusetts Militia in the war of 1812, commanded by Capt. Wright Curtis, in the Regiment commanded by Lt. Col. Valentine, in service Sept. and Oct., 1814. Wright Curtis, Capt. Isaac Silsby, Lt. Jared Benson, Ens. Sargts.Ethan Tourtelotte, Danl. Southwick 3d, Thaddeus Curtis. Privts.-Willis Aldrich, Stephen W. Cook, Collins Capron, John Cass, Jr., Amos Daniels, Elbridge G. Daniels, Smith Daniels, Riley Daniels, Moses Daniels, Jr., Newton Darling, Sutton Gillson, Ebenezer Kingman, Stephen Lieuctt, Richard Mann, George Merriam, John Merriam, Alvah Paine, Allen Richardson, Washington Rhodes, Thompson Thayer, Willard Wilson, Stephen Tourtelotte, Horace Parkhurst, David Boyden. Svt.-Noah Cook. Saml. Brown. 1815. March 6. Andrew Penniman was chosen Town Clerk; Joseph Adams, Caleb Thayer, Samuel Smith, Ahaz Allen, and John Southwick 2nd, Selectmen; Elijah Thayer, Treasurer, and Lewis Allen, Constable and Collector of Taxes, he agreeing to collect the same for $20.50. Voted that the Selectmen be the agents to prosecute and defend for and in behalf of the town should occasion require. Voted to raise $600 for schooling. Voted to raise $800 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted that the Selectmen be a Committee to examine the condition of the Town's Bonds and report at the April meeting. Moses Daniels, Ahaz Allen and Asa Kelley were chosen a Committee to view the highway districts and report whether any alteration of their boundaries be expedient. Adjourned to April 3, and then met and Voted that the Treasurer collect $600 of the loan mzoney. Voted that the Selectmen shall decide who shall pay their part or parts of the above sum and what part. Voted that they pay one-half of their several sums in three months and the other half in six months. Voted to build a Powder House and Richard George, Aaron Burdon, Moses Daniels, Enos Taft and Caleb Thayer were chosen a Building Committee. Voted to pass over the reading of the laws until the May meeting. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Caleb Strong, had 61 votes, Elected. 496 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1816. For Governor, Hon. Samuel Dexter had 207 votes. "Lt. Governor, Hon. William Phillips, " 61 " Hon. William Gray, " 205 " For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Silas Holman, Benjamin Adams, Moses Smith and Oliver Crosby, Esqrs., had 61 each. And Moses White, Joseph Adams, Edmund Cushing, and Jonas Sibley, Esqrs., had 208 votes each. Adjourned to the May meeting. May 1. Voted to raise $1000 to defray town charges this year. Voted to forego the taxes of Abijah Adams, Moses Herrin, Newell Whitney, Moses Aldrich, Isaac Aldrich, Freeman Arnold, WVm. Aldrich 2nd, Collins Aldrich, James Couples, Moses Haskell, Wim. Bushee, Dana Perry, Caleb Potter, Robert Thayel, David Smith, Samuel Tabor and Silas Wheeler, amounting to $23.62. Nov. 4. The Selectmen of the two towns perambulated the line between Bellingham and Mendon. The following petition is the first indication of a desire for the division of the town. To the Selectmen of the Town of Mendon.-We the subscribers, freeholders in the town of Mendon, desire yours Honors to call a special meeting of the Inhabitants of said town to act upon the following articles, to wit: 1. To see if the inhabitants will vote to have the South Parish set off into a town by itself. 2. To choose a Committee to agree upon the division line of said town. 3. To act upon any other business relative to said division that the town shall see fit. John Pond, Lewis Allen, Henry Thayer, Daniel Darling, John Thompson, Timothy Chase, Smith Daniels, Nicholas Thayer, Elisha Thompson, Luther Warfield. Upon this petition the Selectmen issued their warrant for a town meeting to be held on the 1st. day of January, 1816, at the Second Parish meeting house. The meeting was accordingly held at the time and place appointed. Joseph Adams, Esq., was chosen Moderator. The only vote recorded is the following: "Voted to adjourn this meeting without day." REV. SIMEON DOGGETT, THE EIGHTH MINISTER. The Rev. Luther Bailey, having declined a call for settlement, 1816.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 497 at Mendon, the Rev. Simeon Doggett was ordained Jan. 17, 1815, and was dismissed, at his own request, Dec. 4, 1830. He was a graduate at Brown University in 1788, where he remained as tutor until 1796. While in Mendon many young men were attendant upon his instruction, quite a number becoming members of Colleges. Mr. Doggett was a native of Middleborough, and removed to Raynham, at his dismissal from Mendon, and, for some years, was engaged in the ministry there. He died in 1852. I8i6. March 4. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Ahaz Allen, Aaron Burden, Caleb Mowry, Asa Kelly and John S. Eddy, Selectmen; Elijah Thayer, Esq., Treasurer, and Joseph Bates, Constable and Collector. Joseph Adams was chosen agent, to prosecute and defend actions which may be brought by or against the town. Voted to raise $1200 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to allow 10 cents an hour for a man and the same for a yoke of oxen and cart for work on the highway. Swine and neat cattle were not allowed to run at large. Voted to forego the taxes against twenty-eight persons amounting to the sum of $27.89. Vote for Register of Deeds-Oliver Fiske, Esq., had all the votes, being 39. Adjourned to the April meeting. April 1. Voted to commit the collection of the taxes to the lowest bidder. Joseph Bates, being the lowest bidder, he offering to collect the taxes for twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) was thereupon chosen Collector and Constable. Voted to raise $600 for schooling. Voted to choose a Committee to make some alteration in some of the highway districts, if required, and Capt. Caleb Thayer, Capt. Aaron Burden and Col. Warren Rawson were chosen said committee. Voted that two-thirds of the town meetings be held at the First Parish Meeting House, and the annual March meeting over cand above. Adj. to the next town meeting. 63 498 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1816. April 1. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Samuel Dexter had 173 votes. (. " Hon. John Brooks " 49 " Elected. "Lt. Governor, Hon. William King " 173 " cc.. Hon. William Phillips " 43 " For Senators and Cotuncillors - Joseph Adams, Edmund Cushing, Jonas Sibley and Zadock Gates had 173 votes each, and Timothy Whiting 1. Silas Holman, Oliver Crosby, Daniel Waldo and Thomas H. Blood had 49 votes each & Daniel Crosby 1. May 6. After filling vacancies among the town officers, Voted to raise $1200 to defray town charges. CHOICE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO THE GENERAL COURT. The record says Dr. Daniel Thurber and Joseph Adams were chosen, without giving the number of ballots cast. In a new warrant for a meeting this day the second article was as follows, viz:"To see what measures the town will take to pay their debts on account of their Collector (Lewis Allen) absconding." The meeting was accordingly held, and after the choice of Ahaz Allen, Moderator, Voted to dissolve the meeting without day. -It is believed that this, with one other (Moses Smith), are the only instances in the history of the town where any of its officers had embezzled the funds entrusted to their care. Happy the town that can say that through its transactions of two hundred years it has met with but two defaulters. June 7. Under a new warrant, Voted to choose a Collector to perfect the collection of Lewis Alien, and Joseph Bates was chosen. Voted that the Assessors make a warrant in due form of law to Joseph Bates to perfect the collection of Lewis Allen's tax bills. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to call in the town's money (bonds) that they have loaned out, one half to be paid in in three months and the other half in six months. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to receive town orders dated after April 1, 1816, in pay for the loaned money above mentioned. 1816.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 499 At a meeting held the same day, (June 7,) by an adjournment from the March meeting, it was Voted not to accept the bondsmen brought forward by Joseph Bates as surety to the town, for his receiving and collecting the tax bills the present year. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the last April meeting respecting the places of holding the town meetings. Voted to hold all the town meetings at the South Parish Meeting house. Adjourned for one week. June 14. Voted to hire a Collector in the room of Joseph Bates. Johnson Legg agreed to collect the taxes for $37.00, and to procure satisfactory bondsmen to secure the town. Johnson Legg was then chosen Collector of Taxes. Johnson Legg was chosen a Selectman to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Col. John S. Eddy, about to remove from the town. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the last meeting respecting the places of holding the town meetings. Voted that one half of the town meetings shall be held at the North Parish Meeting House and the other half at the South Parish Meeting House. August 26. Votesfor Representative in Congress-For Abraham Lincoln, Esq., 42 votes. Benjamin Adams, Esq, 14 votes. This election was held to fill a vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. Elijah Brigham, who was elected Nov. 7, 1814. Votes for CGonty Register-Oliver Fiske, Esq., had 24 votes. B. Kimball 8. J. Wilson 23, and S. Allen 1. Nov. 4. No election for a member of Congress having been effected, a meeting was held this day for another trial, and with the following result: Abraham Lincoln, Esq., had 27 votes. Benjamin Adams, Esq., had 6 votes. Levi Lincoln, Esq., had 1 vote. No County Register (Register of Deeds) having been elected at the first trial, another meeting was held this day, and the votes given in were as follows, viz:Oliver Fiske, Esq., had' 42 votes. Benj. Kimball, Esq., had 1 vote. James Wilson, Esq., had 1 vote. 500 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1817. 1817. March 3. Town Clerk, Andrew Penninan; Selectmen, Capt. Esek Pitts, Amariah Taft, Capt. Jared Benson, Capt. Elisha Wood and James Southwick; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer; Moses Daniels, Jr., Constable. After completing the choice of the remaining towh officers, the meeting was adjourned to April 7. April 7. Moses Daniels, Jr., bid off the collection of the taxes at $28.50, and to procure a bond satisfactory to the Selectmen. Voted to raise $600 for schooling. Voted to raise $1200 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted that swine and neat cattle do not run at large. Chose Dr. Joseph Adams, agent, to prosecute and defend, &c. Moses Daniels, Thomas Taft and Darius Smith were chosen a committee to make alterations, if any are wanted in any of the school districts. Caleb V. Allen, Johnson Legg and Seth Davenport were chosen a committee to make alterations, if any are wanted in the highway districts. Warren Rawson, Johnson Legg, Richaard George, Elijah Thayer and Seth Davenport were chosen a committee to consider the subject of providing a house for the poor, or anything respecting the poor, and make a report at the next town meeting. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $13.12. Voted to hold the annual March meeting at the North Parish Meeting House, and other town meetings one half at the North and the other half at the South Parish Meeting House. Voted to reject the laying out of a road through land of Nathan Very and Ichabod Thayer to Washington Hunt's house. Adjourned to May 5. April 7. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, His Ex. John Brooks had 47 votes. Elected. (. ( Hon. Henry Dearborn had 120 Lt. Governor, Hon. William Phillips had 46 " t" c Hon. William King had 120 " For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Oliver Crosby, Daniel Waldo, Thomas H. Blood and Gen. James Humphrey had 46 votes each. Joseph Adams, Edmund Cushing, Jonas Sibley and Zadock Gates, Esqrs., had 118 votes each. 1818.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 501 Voted to reconsider the vote rejecting the laying out of a road from Nathan Very's to Washington Hunt's house. Voted to accept the said road as reported by the Selectmen Dec. 23, 1816, and to pay Nathan Very $34.68, Ichabod Thayer $83.00 and the heirs of the widow Very $50.67 as land damages. May 5. Voted to raise $2,000 to defray town charges this year. Joseph Adams and Elijah Thayer were chosen Representatives to the General Court. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the April meeting in regard to the places of holding town meetings. Voted that one half of the town meetings be held at each Parish meeting house, the annual March meeting to be held at the North Parish Meeting House out of their hialf. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $16.35. Adjourned to June 16. June 16. Voted to reconsider the vote accepting the location of a road from Nathan Very's to Washington Hunt's house; also, a vote accepting a road through Nathaniel Taft's land and others. i8i8. Marlh 2. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Esek Pitts, Seth Davenport, Aaron Burden, Caleb V. Allen and Asa Kelly, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and Ephraim Lee, Collector and Constable. Voted to raise $1000 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted that the Selectmen advertise for proposals for supporting the poor the ensuing year. Adjourned to April meeting. April 6. Voted to raise $600 for schooling the current year. Voted to pay Ephraim Lee $23 for collecting the taxes. Voted that the sum of $80 be reserved from the $600 for schooling, and be apportioned by the Selectmen among the larger districts. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $12.57. Voted to accept the report of the committee heretofore chosen to consider the subject of supporting the poor, and which is as follows, viz: 502 ANNALS OF MENDON. C1818. The Committee to whom was referred that Article in the warrant of last year respecting the Poor of said town, have attentively considered the subject committed to them and beg leave now to Report, that they find the expenses of supporting the Poor have been rapidly increasing for a number of years and have, for the year past, arisen to a most enormous sum. In searching for the causes of this great and growing evil they are of opinion that the principal one is the present method of supporting the Poor. Now they are boarded out separately, by individuals, each at a weekly sum. This mode your Committee conceive is liable to many weighty objections. It tends to increase the number of paupers, and, as they increase in town, boarding will then consequently be higher. They therefore are strongly of opinion that some other way of supporting them be adopted, at least, to try the experiment for one or two years. Among the number of opinions that have been suggested no one, at this time, presents fewer objections and difficulties than that of putting out all the Poor, collectively, to the person in town who will take them at the least sum by the year. The Committee think this way will not only lessen the number of paupers but will also deter others from asking assistance from the town, and will also, as is believed, diminish the expenses of supporting them one third or one half. The Committee therefore recommend that the town direct their Overseers of the Poor, for this year, to enter into contract, under the direction of the town, with some person, at the best terms they can, to provide for and support all the Poor of the town for one year; the said person to have suitable accommodations for all the poor-to be obligated to take good care of them in sickness and in health-to furnish them sufficiently with fire wood and good wholesome provisions-to provide them with comfortable lodgings and clothing; and also, if thought best and finally, said Overseers to make such rules, regulations and conditions as they may judge most proper for the benefit of the town and the comfort of the Poor. All which is submitted SETII DAVENPORT, JOHNSON LEGG, WARREN RAWSON. Mendon March 2, 1818. Voted not to make any alteration in the places for holding town meetings. Adjourned to the May meeting. April 6. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, His Ex. John Brooks, had 31 votes. Elected..... Hon. Benj. Crowningshield had 112 Lt. Governor, William Phillips, Esq., had 30 Thomas Kittredge, Esq., had 112 " For Senators and Councillors-Joseph Adams, Edmund Cushing, Jonas Sibley, Zadock Gates, Esqrs., had 112 votes each, and Oliver Crosby, 1819.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 503 Daniel Waldo, James Humphreys and Stephen P. Gardner, Esqrs., had 21 votes each. May 4. Met pursuant to adjournment from the March meeting. Voted to raise $1,400 to defray town charges this year. Voted that the inhabitants of the Fourth Highway District divide their highway work agreeable to their own minds. I find no report of the amoznt of work done in this district. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the last meeting, dividing the school money, and that $60 instead of $80 be distributed among the larger districts. Voted to accept the laying out of a road from Bellingham line to the road from the Five Corners to Woonsocket Falls, by the houses of Ichabod Cook and Seth Kelley. The road to be two rods wide and the damages were appraised as follows, viz:Amos Thompson, $15.00; Ichabod Cook, Jr., $30.00; Seth Kelly, $15.00; Joseph and Nicholas Thayer,$10.00, and Asa Kelly, $10.00. May 4. For Representative to the General Court-Dr. Daniel Thurber had 68 votes. Obadiah Wood had 3 votes. Voted that the names reported by the Selectmen be put in the jury box, as follows, viz:Elijah Taft, Caleb V. Allen, Amos Thayer, Henry Thayer, Enos Taft, Johnson Legg, Seth Davenport, George Southwick, Ahaz Allen, Aaron Burden, Simon Thornton, Andrew Penniman, Asa Kelley, Nathan Very, Samuel Bills, Benjamin Drake, James Paine, Esek Pitts, Ephraim Lee, Jared Benson, Samuel Gaskill, Obadiah Wood, Benjamin Davenport, Nathan Fisher, Elijah Thayer, George Wall, Washington Hunt, Caleb Thayer, Luther Warfield, Ariel Cook. Nov. 2. For Representative to Congress-Sumner Bastow, Esq., had 36 votes. Benj. Adams, Esq., had 21 votes. Dec. 7. Seth Davenport, of Mendon, and Ezra Wood and Daniel Holbrook, of Upton, in behalf of the Selectmen of their respective towns, perambulated the dividing line between said towns. 1819. March 1. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Esek Pitts, Obadiah Wood, Elijah Thayer, Johnson Legg and 504 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1819. Amos Thayer, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and Thurber Warfield, Constable and Collector of Taxes. Voted to raise $1000 to repair highways and bridges. Chose Johnson Legg, Nahum Bates and James Paine a committee to make alterations in the school districts, if any are wanted. Seth Hastings, Esq., Warren Rawson, Esq., Richard George, Esq., Asa Kelley and Caleb V. Allen were chosen a committee on thessubject of providing a poor house. Caleb Hayward, Ahaz Allen and Arthur Cook were chosen a committee on the petition of Preserved Pickering. Voted to let horses and neat cattle run at large this year. Voted to divide the school money-one half equally among the school districts and one half equally among the scholars. Voted to raise $800 for schooling. Adjourned to April meeting. April 5. Met and voted to give Thurber Warfield $20.50 for collecting the taxes the present year. Voted to accept the report of the committee on the petition of Preserved Pickering as follows, viz: "That the town allow him fifty cents per week as anc act of charity during the term of one year, for the support of his aged father, provided said gratuity do not invalidate the bond of said Preserved Pickering gave the town for the maintenance of his father." Johnson Legg, George Wall and Ahaz Allen were chosen a committee to abate taxes. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, His Ex. John Brooks had 36 votes. Elected.. " Hon. Benj. Crowningshield " 172 "Lt. Governor, Hon. William Phillips 37 ".. ' Hon. Benj. Austin 172 For Senators and Cotncillors-Jonas Sibley, Joseph Adams, Edmund Gushing, and Zadoc Gates, Esqrs., had 171 votes each, and Stephen P. Gardner, Aaron Tufts, Lewis Bigelow and Samuel Eastman had 36 votes each. May 3. Voted to raise $1200 to defray town charges. Representative to the General Coicrt-Dr. Daniel Thurber was chosen having 57 votes. Nov. 8. Voted to discontinue the road that was lately laid out through Nathaniel Taft's land. 1820.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 505 Voted to forego the taxes of Hon. Jonathan Russell for the years 1818 and 1819. Chose Esek Pitts, Esq.; as town agent to prosecute, &c. Voted to accept the bridge and causeway recently built at Blackstone, as a town bridge and causeway. I820. March 6. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Esek Pitts, Obadiah Wood, George Wall, Ahaz Allen and Amos Thayer, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and Dan Hill, Constable. Voted to raise $1000 for repairs of highways and bridges. A committee of ten were appointed to consider the expediency of accepting the road laid out from Jesse Tourtelotte's to the road between Thomas and Nathaniel Taft's. Richard George Esq., Warren Rawson, Esq., Nathan Fisher, Maj. Washington Hunt, Moses Daniels, George Wall, Enos Taft, Seth Davenport, Nathan Very and Andrew Penniman constituted the committee. Swine, horses and neat cattle were restrained from running at large. Adj. to the April meeting. April 3. Voted to raise $800 for schooling the present year. Voted to dismiss the 7th. article from the warrant, which was, "To see what method the town will adopt for the support of the Poor." STATE ELECTION. For Governor, His Ex. John Brooks had 37 votes. Elected. " " l Hon. William Eustis "131 "Lt. Governor, Hon William Phillips " 37 " (" " HHon. Benj. Austin " 131 " For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Stephen P. Gardner, Aaron Tufts, Samuel Eastman and Lewis Bigelow, Esqrs., had 37 votes each. Levi Lincoln, Jr., Calvin Willard, James Estabrook. Voted to raise $800 for town charges the present year. Dan Hill was chosen Collector and to collect the taxes for $25.00. Voted to discharge the Road Committee of Ten and to accept the road from Jesse Tourtelotte's to the road between Thomas 64 506 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1820. and Nathl. Taft's provided no land damages shall be claimed. Adj. to the next town meeting. May 1. Representatives to the General Court-Hon. Jonathan Russell, Dr. Daniel Thurber. No record of the number of votes given. Voted to allow Preserved Pickering 40 cents per week for the support of his father, Jonathan Pickering. Ahaz Allen, Capt. Caleb Thayer were chosen a committee "to see if the town will make any alteration in the highway districts or any alterations in the roads, in particular in the districts in which George Wall and Jonathan Russell live." Voted that whatever may be the decision of the above committee, it shall be valid for one year, by their reporting to the town clerk, to be recorded. Suppose this committee had altered every district and road. in town, it would have been valid for one year. Committees are not often entrusted with such plenary power. Aug. 21st. In the warrant there was but one article which was " Is it expedient that Delegates be chosen to meet in Convention for the purpose of Revising or Altering the Constitution of Government of this Commonwealth." The votes, 113 in number, all in the affimative. Voted to raise $400 in addition to the $800 already raised for town charges. Oct. 16. Voted to choose two Delegates to the Constitutional Convention. Chose Hon. Jonathan Russell, Dr. Daniel Thurber. Nov. 6. Rspresentative to Congress-Hon. Jonathan Russell had 123 votes. Hon. Benjamin Adams had 18 votes. VOTE FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. For Electors at Large-Hon. Benj. W. Crowningshield had 101 votes. Hon. Levi Lincoln had 101 votes. For Worcester South District-Jonas Sibley, Esq., had 101 votes. Hon. Seth Hastings had 24 votes. Richard George, Esq. had 1 vote. THE NEW MEETING HOUSE. The Old Meeting House getting dilapidated and also entirely out of fashion, having no spire, tower or bell, the question of a new meeting house began to be mooted, and 1820.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 507 Nov. 24, 1819, a meeting was called " to consider the subject of building a New Meeting House." Hon. Jonathan Russell was chosen Moderator. Benjamin Davenport, Clerk. At this meeting committees were chosen to report a suitable site and the cost of the building whether built of brick or wood; and also to canvass for subscriptions to defray the cost. Dec. 3. Hon. Jonathan Russell offered the Society one and a half acres of land, opposite his house, for the site for the house and to fence it without expense to the Society, and to add $400 to his subscription. Dec. 4. Hon. Seth Hastings offered to give one acre and two rods (being the present location) and raise his subscription to $600. The offer of Mr. Hastings was accepted and the meeting proceeded to choose a Building Committee, as follows, viz: Hon. Jona. Russell, Hon. Seth Hastings, Enos. Taft, Richard George, Esq., Seth Davenport, Andrew Penniman, Caleb V. Allen, Caleb Hayward, Benjamin Davenport, Amariah Taft and Elijah Taft. William S. Hastings was chosen Treasurer. Dec. 11. The following is the subscription paper for the erection of the Meeting House. Whereas it lhas become necessary to erect a New Meeting House for the zuse of the Congregational Society in the First Parish in Mendon, and whereas a Committee consisting of the following persons, viz: Seth Hastings, Jonathan Russell and Richard George, Esqrs., Enos Taft, Seth Davenport, Benjamin Davenport, Caleb V. Allen, Andrew Penniman, Elijah Taft, Amariah Taft and Caleb Hayward were duly chosen, by the majority of the subscribers, for the purpose of contracting with some skilful architect to erect said house and of making all necessary arrangements for the completion of the same:Now be it known, in consideration said Committee shall contract with some skilful architect for the erection and completion of said building and make themselves personally liable for the amount of the consideration to be paid to said architect for the erection and completion of said building, we the Subscribers do hereby promise and agree, severally and not jointly, to pay the sums of money set to our respective names to any person duly authorized by said Committee to receive the same. And we do hereby fully authorize said Committee to make all necessary contracts for the erection and completion of said Meeting House. And we do also empower said Committee to collect such instalments on the amount of money hereunto subscribed, as shall, from time to time, be 508 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1820. necessary to the erection and completion of said building, in due proportion upon each subscription, and we do hereby promise to pay the same on demand to any person duly authorized by said Committee to receive the same. Jonathan Russell............ Seth Hastings............... Benj. Davenport............ Seth Davenport............ Richard George............. Caleb V. Allen............. Caleb Hayward............. Amariah Taft............ Andrew Penniman........ Joseph Prince............... Daniel Childs.............. John Fisher................. Warren Rawson............ Ephraim Lee............... Enos Taft................... Elisha Wood................ Benj. Peirce................ Daniel R. Newhall........... Henry Russell............... Moses T. Chapin............ Stephen Willard............. Henry Goss............... Saml. D. Torrey by B. Davenport...................... $830 650 650 625 500 300 250 225 150 125 125 100 125 100 100 100 50 100 50 50 50 50 Moses Davenport........... $ 50 Zalman Green.......... 75 Joseph Adams......... 100 Stephen Wood.............. 100 Anna Torrey.............. 50 Horatio Stone.............. 10 Chloe Davenport............ 100 Peter Holbrook............ 20 Alexander Thayer, Jr........ 100 Nancy Rawson............. 50 Lendol Staples............. 50 Verville Taft................ 15 David Legg............... 50 Asa Legg............... 10 Elijah Taft................ 125 Nathan Hayward............ 100 Phebe Keith by Jas Mellen... 25 James Mellen............... 25 William S. Hastings......... 50 Jabez Aldrich............... 50 Amount...................$6,460 100 At a meeting of the Building Committee, held June 17th, it was voted that no person be permitted to sell spirituous liquors on the Meeting House Common, or on the public highway near it, on the days of raising said House, and that the committee shall prosecute any one who shall violate this rule. Voted that the Clerk give notice of the last mentioned vote by posting up a copy of the same at each of the stores and taverns in this vicinity. The meeting house having been raised and the structure approaching completion, the Building Committee, Sept. 15, were authorized to procure a bell. 'For this purpose a committee to solicit subscriptions was raised, consisting of Messrs. Russell, George, Hayward, A. Taft, and W. S. Hastings. The subscriptions for the bell were made subject to the same 1821.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 509 conditions with those for the Meeting House, and were as fol lows, viz:Enos Taft.................... $ 2 Amariah Taft............. Caleb Hayward.......... 30 Stephen Torrey.......... Elijah Taft............... 10 Warren Rawson..... Seth Davenport........... 40 Joseph Prince............ Benj. Davenport.......... 40 Gustavus Aldrich, 2nd.... Seth Hastings........... 40 Thomas Stone, Jr........ Andrew Penniman........... 10 Luke Aldrich............ Jonathan Russell.......... 60 Jos. G. Davenport........ Grindal Wood............... 10 Nathl. Torrey............ Israel Mowry............. 20 Benoni Staples.......... George C. Branch.......... 5 Welcome Staples......... Alonzo Taft................ 5 Abijah Hall, in iron work. Samuel R. Beals............... 5 Sumner Ballou........... Horatio Stone........... 5 Joseph Allen............. Zaccheus Taft................. 5 Alexander Thayer........ Wm. S. Hastings.............10 Winsor Wheelock........ Chloe Davenport............. 12 Henry Mowry............ Phila Baker.................. 3 Saml. W. Doggett........ Hezekiah Fletcher............. 5 Stephen Willard......... Rufus Coffee.................. 1 Simeon Doggett, (Rev.)... Dennis Wheelock............ 5 John L. Doggett......... Zebulon Goss................. 5 Daniel Thurber, (Dr.)..... George L. Davenport.......... 5 Samuel Gaskill........... Seth R. Adams.............. 10 Alexr. H. Allen.......... Daniel Childs....... 10 Alexander Thayer, Jr., (D: Abram Staples............. 8 Henry Russell........... Nahum Wheelock............ 5 John Hayward........ Richard George............. 25 Lyman Daniels........... Abijah Staples............... 3 William Green............ George W. Taft............... 1 George Wood................. 7 Amount.....................~........,oo,............... ~ $25 5. 10. 10 5 5. 10 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 5 5. 50. 25. 20 5. 10. 10 3 5 6 5.$665 The Meeting House having been completed, the bell hung in the belfry and the communion table in its place, the edifice was formally dedicated to the public worship of God Thursday, Nov. 30, 1820. i82I. March 5. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Esek Pitts, Obadiah Wood, George Wall, Ahaz Allen and Amos Thayer, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and Dan Hill, Constable. 510 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1821. Voted that the Selectmen view the road leading from Kelly & Paine's factory to the Smithfield road, by Benj. Pickering's house, and make such alteration of the bounds of said road as they shall think best, and report at the next town meeting. Voted to adjourn to the April meeting. April 2. Voted the Selectmen be instructed to look into the case of Preserved Pickering and report at the May meeting. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, William Eustis, had 128 votes. ".. Levi Lincoln had 126 " "Lt. Governor, His Ex. John Brooks had 12" Elected. c" Hon. William Phillips had 12 " As John Brooks was elected Governor from 1816 to 1823, the Clerk made a mistake in his record, and the names of Brooks and Lincoln should be transposed. For Senators and Councillors-James Sibley, Warren Rawson, James Estabrook and Moses Thomas had 129 votes. Aaron Tufts, Salem Towne, Jr., John Shepley and Nathaniel Jones had 9 votes each, and Seth Hastings, Richard George and Bezaleel Taft had 2 votes each. Votes for County Register-Artemas Ward had 51 votes. Otis Corbett had 25 votes. Oliver Fiske had 2 votes. April 9. A town meeting was held pursuant to a resolution of the Constitutional Convention, held at Boston Nov. 15, 1820, to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. The votes on the several amendments were as follows, viz:Article 1, Yeas 5 Nays 103 Article 8, Yeas 88 Nays 13 Article 2, "74 " 38 Article 9, "11 "90 Article 3, "61 " 42 Article 10, " 13 " 88 Article 4, " 13 " 98 Article 11, " 32 " 68 Article 5, " 1 " 109 Article 12, " 35 " 65 Article 6, "73 " 37 Article 13, " 47 ' 55 Article 7, " 14 " 93 Article 14, " 67 " 35 Nine of the preceding Articles were adopted, and are numbered in the amendments to the Constitution from one to nine inclusive. May 7. Representative to the General Court-Chose Dr. Daniel Thurber, Representative. Under the adjourned March meeting warrant, 1821.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 511 Voted to raise $800 to defray town charges the current year. Voted to raise $800 for schooling. Voted to raise $1000 for repairs of highways and bridges. Luther Warfield bid off the collection of the taxes at $16.00, and was chosen Collector and Constable. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $34.91. Voted that town meetings be warned by posting notices at the meeting houses of the North and South Parish, and at the store of Henry Thayer, at the Five Corners. Voted to allow Preserved Pickering forty cents per week for the support of his father, and the meeting was then dissolved. Esek Pitts and George Wall for Mendon, and Daniel Day and Nahum Morse for Uxbridge, Selectmen, perambulated the line between the two towns May 9. Nov. 21. There having been no choice for Register of Deeds, another meeting was held, and the votes were as follows, viz: Seth Hastings, Esek Pitts, Obadiah Wood, Johnson Legg and A. Thayer were chosen to count the votes. Hon. Oliver Fiske had 2 votes. Artemas Ward, Esq., had 56 votes. Mr. Luther Warfield had 1 vote. Nov. 12. The report of the committee chosen at the March meeting to revise the highway districts being made, Voted to choose a committee to revise and establish the highway districts in said town, and Seth Davenport, Jabez Aldrich, Caleb V. Allen, Moses Daniels, Nahum Bates, Seth Kelley, Elijah Taft, Obadiah Wood, Jared Benson, George Wall, Nathan Very, Washington Hunt and Esek Pitts were chosen. Voted to accept of the list of Jurors, as follows, viz: *Caleb V. Allen. *Amos Thayer. *Henry Thayer. *Johnson Legg. *Seth Davenport. *George Southwick. *Ahaz Allen. *Aaron Burden. *Andrew Penniman. *Asa Kelley. *Samuel Bills. *Esek Pitts. *James Paine. *Ephraim Lee. *Jared Benson. *Samuel Gaskill. *Obadiah Wood. *Benj. Davenport. *Elijah Thayer. *GeorgeWall. *Washington Hunt. *Caleb Thayer. *Luther Warfield. *Ariel Cook. *Artemas Thayer. *Jabez Aldrich. *Caleb Hayward. *Luke Aldrich, Jr. *Collins Capron. *Lebbeus Gaskill., *Daniel Southwick, 2d. *Jesse Tourtelotte, Jr. Willard Wilson. Stephen Tripp. *John Kelley. *Ichabod Cook, Jr. *Nahum Bates. *Peleg Aldrich. *Welcome Thayer. *Luke Aldrich. Anson Aldrich. *Moses Aldrich. *Mancy Thornton. *Leonard W. Darling. *Arnold Taft. *Dead 1879. 512 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1822. Voted that the Selectmen pay the widow of the late Henry S. Benson $15.00 for a cow which was killed by Elijah Ramsdell, a pauper, belonging to this town. 1822. March 4. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Elijah Thayer, Esq., Richard George, Esq., George Wall, Johnson Legg and Nahum Bates, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer; Thurber Warfield, Constable; and Alpheus Freeman, Collector and Constable; Caleb Hayward, Richard George and William S. Hastings, School Committee for the North Parish, and Esek Pitts, George Wall and Welcome Thaver for the Souzth Parish. Esek Pitts, Obadiah Wood, Richard George, Seth Davenport, Elijah Thayer, Amos Thayer, Caleb Thayer, Benjamin Davenport and Caleb Hayward were chosen a committee to consider the subject of purchasing a house and farm for the support of the poor. Ahaz Allen, Esek Pitts and Enos Taft were chosen a committee to inquire into the encroachments made upon any of the roads of the town, and report. April 1. Voted to raise $1000 for repair of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $10 for repair of the old meeting house in the North Parish, in consideration of the use of the house for holding town meetings there. Voted to discharge the committee heretofore chosen to arrange the highway districts from further service, and the subject was referred to Esek Pitts, Seth Davenport and Washington Hunt. Voted to reconsider the acceptance of the report of a committee made in November last, revising the highway districts. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, His Ex. John Brooks had 28 votes. Elected. Hon. William Eustis'had 120.. " 'Hon. Henry A. S. Dearborn had 1 " For Lt. Governor, Hon. William Phillips had 28 " Hon. Levi Lincoln had 127" Hon. William Gray had 3 " ior Senators and Councillors-Jonas Sibley, Edmund Cushing, James 1822.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 513 Easterbrook, Warren Rawson and David Wadsworth had 119 votes each, and Aaron Tufts, Salem Towne, Jr., Nathaniel Jones, Benj. Adams and Stephen P. Gardner had 26 each. Esek Pitts had 4 votes. May 6. Alpheus Freeman bid off the collection of the taxes for $16.00, and was then chosen Collector and Constable. Esek Pitts was chosen Town Agent. Voted to raise $1000 for defraying town charges this year. Voted to raise $800 for schooling. Voted to accept a road laid out by the Selectmen from a town road near Otis Taft's to the road near James and Southwick Harkness' house. The Selectmen were instructed to consider and report in what method the roads should be opened the proper width. Voted to accept the Highway Committee's report, but as the report was not recorded, nor can be found, it is uncertain what committee's report is meant. Representative to the Generac Court-Dr. Daniel Thurber was chosen. May 6. Under a new warrant, Voted to accept a road laid out by the Selectmen, from near Maj. Rufus Aldrich's to the widow M. Hill's house, providedl said road is made and fenced without expense to the town. Voted to allow Preserved Pickering forty cents per week for the support of his father. Voted that the Assessors be directed to furnish the Surveyors of Highways with warrants of distress. Adjourned to the next town meeting. June 11. It seems there had been, as was supposed, some illegalities in the doings of the town; and, at this meeting, a committee was chosen to petition the Legislature to have the doubtful proceedings legalized. Hon. Jonathan Russell, Joseph Adams and Dr. Daniel Thurber were chosen the committee, and Dr. Thurber was constituted agent to present the petition. Oct. 4. Vote for Representative ibn Congress-For Jonas Sibley, Esq., there were 68 votes. For Hon. Seth Hastings there were 22 votes. For Hon. Benjamin Adams there were 4 votes. No choice for a Representative having been effected at this trial, another meeting was called, and which met as follows. 65 514 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1823. 1823. March 3. A second trial for a Representative in Congress was held this day and with the following result: Hon. Seth Hastings, had 23 votes. Hon. Benj. Adams, had 2 votes. Hon. Jonas Sibley, had 117 votes. Bezaleel Taft, had 1 vote: Under another warrant the following business was transacted: Andrew Penniman was chosen Town Clerk; Esek Pitts, Johnson Legg, Jared Benson, Jabez Aldrich and Luke Aldrich 2d., were chosen Selectmen; Andrew Penninman, Treasurer, and Elbridge Cass, Constable and Collector, and to have $13.00 for collecting the taxes. Esek Pitts chosen Town Agent to prosecute, &c. Adj. to the next town meeting. April 7. Caleb Hayward, Ahaz Allen, Asa Kelly, Washington Hunt and Luther Warfield were chosen a Committee to consider the expediency of redistricting the Town as to School and High — way districts. Voted that the town pay Preserved Pickering $15.50 for extra expenses in the late sickness and burial charges of his late father, Jonathan Pickering. Voted that Esek Pitts, Johnson Legg and Ahaz Allen be a Committee to repair the bridge by Wall & Capron's mills, if necessary. Voted to forego taxes amounting to $45.77. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon Harrison Gray Otis had 27 votes..... 4 Hon. William Eustis, " 212 " Elected. "Lt. Governor, Hon. Daniel Noble, " 27 ". Hon. Levi Lincoln, ( 207 t. Hon. William Gray, " 1 " For Senators and Councillors —Hon. Aaron Tufts, Hon. Benj. Adams, Hon. Stephen P. Gardner, Nathaniel Jones and Nathaniel P. Denny had 27 votes each; and Warren Rawson, James Estabrook, Josiah Howe, Daniel Gilbert and Edward D. Bangs had 205 votes esch. May 5. Voted to raise $1000 for the repairs of highways and bridges; eight hundred dollars ($800) to be assessed and worked in the usual way; two hundred dollars ($200) of the above sum of $1000 to be assessed according to law and be paid into the treasury in money, to be subject to the orders of the Selectmen who are to apportion it among the several highway districts as they shall see fit. 1823.] ANNALS OF MENDON. '515 Voted the Selectmen call on the Surveyors of Highways for the last two years to present their tax bills for inspection and, should they neglect or refuse to do so, to prosecute them. Voted that the bridge by Wall & Capron's Mills be rebuilt under the direction of the Selectmen. Voted to reject the report of the Committee herefore chosen on the reorganization of the Scliool Districts. Voted to dismiss the Article for the division of the 6th. School Distirict. Voted to raise $1200 to defray town charges the current year. It should be remembered that among town charges the support of the Poor was a large sum. Under a new warrant the 2nd. Article of which was in these words, "To see what measures the town will adopt or recommend in order more effectually to suppress Intemperance and immorality and their consequences, one of which is Pauperism." Voted to choose a Committee of one from each School District, to meet the Selectmen to consult and determine on some measure that may be expedient to adopt for the suppression of Intemperance and immorality in said town. This Committee consisted of Seth Davenport, Seth Hastings. Ahaz Allen, Moses Daniels, Nahum Bates, Asa Kelly, Thomas Taft, Obadiah Wood, Aaron Burden, George Wall, Artemas Thayer, John S. Eddy and Jonathan M. Shove. No Report of this Committee is found. Voted to raise $10 to repair the Meeting House in the 2nd. Parish. Voted to choose a Committee to report on a road laid out by the Selectmen from near Nathan Very's, Esq., house, to the road near Washington Hunt's, and Cafleb Hayward, George Wall and Asa Kelly were chosen. Adj. to June 2. June 2. At this meeting the above Committee made a report which was accepted, rejecting the road. Under a new warrant June 2. Voted to dismiss the 2d. Article, calling for a division of the 6th. School District, from the warrant. Voted to dismiss the remaining article in the warrant, which was to see if the town would sell the Training Field, near Samuel Gaskill's. 516 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1824. June 29. Voted to divide the 6th. School District into three districts agreeable to the petition of the residents there. Voted to refer the road from Jesse Tourtelotte's to road by Thomas Taft's to Caleb Hayward, Obadiah Wood and George Wall, to report at the adjournment of this meeting. Adj. to Sept. 9. Sept. 9. Voted to reconsider the vote dividing the 6th. School District, and then dissolved the meeting. Adjournment from June 28th and June 2. Voted to dismiss the 2nd. Article, "to divide the 6th School District." Voted to accept of the Tourtelotte road as it is now travelled. Sept. 26. A new meeting was called for Sept. 26 with two articles, viz: 1st. " To see if the town will vote to be diided into two separate towns." 2d. "To see if the town will vote to divide the 6th. School District." Upon the 1st. Article to divide the town, it was decided as follo rs, viz: Yeas 45. Nays 62. Upon the 2d. Article, to divide the district, it was decided as follows, viz: Yeas 29. Nays 43. Dec. 5. Chose Capt. Caleb Thayer, Johnson Legg and Luke Aldrich 2d., " to look into the situation of the School Districts and report at the next town meeting." Voted to dismiss the 3d. Article which was as follows, viz: " To see if the town will allow Thomas Taft's claim, being $17.50 being for work done on that road, as he says, which the town hired Jesse Tourtelotte, Jr., to make and paid him for the same." I824. March 1. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Chose Esek Pitts, Johnson Legg, Col. Joseph Ray, Caleb Hayward and Aaron Burden, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and Elbridge Cass, Constable; Dan Hill, Collector and Constable, at $29.00 for collecting the taxes. Voted to raise $1000 for repairs of roads and bridges. It seems that, at this time, the school districts gave the town a great deal of trouble. We hear of no report from the committee chosen at the last meeting to report at this, and so the town voted to choose a new committee " to arrange anew and fix limits to the several school districts." 1824.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 517 Nahum Bates, Col. Joseph Ray, Ahaz Allen, Jabez Aldrich and Esek Pitts were chosen the committee. Richard George, Esek Pitts, Elijah Thayer, Benj. Davenport and Caleb Hayward were chosen a committee to consider the subject of buying or hiring a place whereon to support the poor. Adj. to April meeting. April 5. Voted to raise $800 for schooling the present year. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $51.39. Voted to purchase a farm whereon to support the poor. Voted to choose a committee of seven to make said purchase, and Johnson Legg, Esek Pitts, Caleb Hayward, Richard George, Ahaz Allen, Ichabod Cook and Obadiah Wood were chosen said committee. Voted to dismiss the second article, which proposed a division of the town. Adj. to May meeting. April 5. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, His Ex. William Eustis had 275 votes. Elected. Hon. Samuel Lathrop had 33 " " Amos Southwick had 1 For Lt. Governor, Hon. Marcus Morton had 275 ".. Hon. Richard Sullivan had 33 For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Edmund Cushing, Dr. Daniel Thurber, Nathaniel Houghton, Joseph Davis and John Brown had 275 each, and Hon. Aaron Tufts, Benj. Adams, Stephen P. Gardner, Nathl. P. Denny and Joseph G. Kendall had 33 each. May 3. Adjourned from April meeting. Voted to raise the sum of $1500 to defray town charges. Representatives to the General Court-Dr. Daniel Thurber, Hon. Jonathan Russell, Warren Rawson, Esq. June 28. Adjourned from March meeting. Voted to build a bridge over the north branch of the Blackstone River at the Mills, and Esek Pitts was chosen to superintend its erection. Johnson Legg was chosen agent to prosecute or defend suits brought by or against the town. Among the records of the doings of the town for this year will be found the report of a committee, which was accepted, fixing the boundaries of the highway districts, sixteen in number. 518 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1824. The report is signed by Joseph Adams, Johnson Legg and Jabez Aldrich. At the same place may be found the report of a committee, which was also accepted, fixing the boundaries of the school districts, fourteen in number. This report is signed by Nahum Bates, Ahaz Allen, Jabez Aldrich, Joseph Ray and Esek Pitts. Nov. 1. For Representative to Congress-Hon. Jonas Sibley had 88 votes. Sumner Bastow had 52 votes. John Davis had 48 votes. Richard George had 1 vote. FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. At large-Hon. William Gray had.............................170 votes. ( Hon. Levi Lincoln had..............................170 " Hon. William Baylies had.......................... 42 " Hon. W illiam had.......................... 42 Suffolk District,..........Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop had.....170 Hon. Samuel Hubbard had......... 42 Essex South District.......Hon. Nathaniel Silsby had..........170 Hon. William Sutton had......... 42 Essex North District......Dr. Joseph Kittredge had......... 170 David Howe, Esq., had............ 42 Norfolk District.......... Hon. John Endicott had............ 170 Hon. Benj. Reynolds had......... 42 " Plymouth District.......Hon. Thomas Weston had..........170 " Benj. Hobart, Esq., had............ 42 Worcester North District..Edmund Cushing, Esq., had.........170 " Hon. Solomon Strong had.......... 42 " Worcester South District...Gen. Jonathan Davis had........ 170 " Dr. Daniel Thurber had............42 Bristol District............ Cornelius Grinnell, Esq., had.......170 " Hon. John M. Williams had.......42 Middlesex District.........Augustus Tower, Esq., had........170 " Hon. Edmund Foster had........... 42 Barnstable District........Hezekiah Barnard had..............170 " Nymphas Marston, Esq., had.......42 Berkshire District.........Hon. William Walker had..........212 Franklin District..........Oliver Smith had...................170 " Gen. Samuel Porter had........ 42 " Hampden District.........Enos Foot, Esq., had............... 170 Dr. Timothy Horton had........... 42 " Voted that it is inexpedient that a road should be laid through the town, beginning near the house of Col. Ezekiel Preston, in Douglass, and leading to Peter Cook's house, in Milford. 1825.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 519 Chose Caleb Hayward agent to oppose its location. The road was not located. Voted to raise $2800 by a loan, provided it can be hired for five per cent. or under, for the purpose of paying for a farm whereon to support the poor. Caleb Hayward was chosen as agent to hire the money in behalf of the town and take a deed of the farm. The record is silent as to where the proposed farm was; but, as this vote (as we shall see) was soon reconsidered, it is of little consequence to be informed of its location. Dec. 22. Voted to reconsider the vote to hire $2800 for the purpose of paying for a farm whereon to support the poor. Johnson Legg and Caleb Hayward, for Mendon, and Ezra Nelson and Elijah Warren, for Upton, perambulated and renewed the bounds of the line between the two towns, Oct 4. 1825. No choice for Representative in Congress having been made at the November meeting, another trial was had Jan. 3, and resulted as follows, viz: Hon. Jonas Sibley had 68 votes. John Davis, Esq., had 25 votes. Sumner Bastow, Esq., had 3 votes. Bezaleel Taft, Esq., had 3 votes. March 7. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Johnson Legg, Elijah Thayer, Joseph Ray, Benj. Davenport and George Wall, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and Nathan Very, Jr., Constable and Collectdr, and to collect the taxes for $25.50. In a new warrant for a meeting this day, The second article was, "to see if the Inhabitants of the town will request the Court of Sessions to cause a Map of the County of Worcester from actual survey to be made at the expense of the County, on which the County and Turnpike Roads shall be accurately marked together with such other things as said Court shall judge necessary." Upon this it was voted not to request the Court of Sessions to make a map of the County of Worcester. Voted not to accept a road laid out by the Selectmen, from near the house occupied by Capt. William Green, to near the house lately owned and occupied by Henry Thayer, deceased. 520 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1825. April 4. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Hon. Levi Lincoln had 72 votes. Elected. (.i (t Hon. Marcus Morton " 13 For Lt. Governor, Hon. Marcus Morton "70 "... Hon. Levi Lincoln " 10 " For Senators and Councillors-Hon. Nathl. P. Denny had 32 votes. Joseph G. Kendall 53. Bezaleel Taft, Jr., 39. Warren Rawson 29. Nathl. Houghton 51. William Crawford and William Eaton 16 each. Richard George 5. Jonas Sibley 8. Sumner Bastow 3. Elijah Thayer, John Capron, Peter Farnam and Joseph Davis 6 each. Pearley Hunt 8. Daniel Thurber 10 and John Brown 1. No election resulted from the last ballot for Representative in Congress, and another trial was made this day as follows, viz: For Representctive in Congress-Hon. Jonas Sibley had 93 votes. John Davis had 11 votes. Sumner Bastow had 34 votes. Voted to accept the list of jurors containing fifty-six names. May 10. Esek Pitts chosen Representative to the General Court. Chose Hon. Jonathan Russell, Hon. Joseph Rawson, Asa Kelley, William S. Hastings and Ahaz Alien, Esqrs., to view the contemplated new road from Uxbridge line, near Skull Rock (so called) to Blackstone Factory, also the old road from the mills (now Millville, in Blackstone,) to said factory and report whether in their opinion it is expedient to be built; also to inquire what offer any person or persons may make for defraying the expense of constructing said road and report at the next meeting. May 16. Voted to accept the report of the committee chosen May 10th, provided nothing in said report shall be construed to oblige the town to be at any extra expense for repairing the old road or making any new road unless said new contemplated road be wholly extinguished. Chose Warren Rawson, Esq., as agent to oppose the contemplated new road "in every stage of it." June 8. Voted that Warren Rawson, as agent to oppose the location of the road from Skull Rock, at Uxbridge line, to Blackstone Factory, be authorized to state, to the locating committee of the said road, that Darling Hill shall be reduced to the same grade as the Southwick Hill. Aug. 1. No Representative in Congress for the South Wor 1825.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 521 cester District, being yet chosen, a new election was held this day, when I-on. Jonas Sibley had 74 votes. Jolhn Davis, Esq., had 30 votes. Sept. 12. Voted to choose a committee of ten persons, five from each parish, to take into consideration and consult on measures relative to a division of the town and make report at the next town meeting. For the North Parish were chosen Seth Hastings, Johnson Legg, Richard George, Benjamin Davenport and William S. Hastings. For the South Parish, Ichabod Cook, Asa Kelley, Elijah Thayer, Nathan Very and Esek Pitts. Voted to make a survey of the town together with a survey of the dividing line between the two parishes, and William S. Hastings and Elijah Thayer were chosen a committee for that purpose. Oct. 3. Voted to remonstrate against the petition for a division of the town; and that the number of votes in favor and against such remonstrance be recorded. Upon taking the vote it was found that ninety (90) were found in favor and forty (40) against the remonstrance. Voted to choose a committee of three to draft a remonstrance against said petition (signed by Seth Hastings and others) and that the chairman of said committee be agent for the town to present said remonstrance, to oppose said division and to appear before any committee that is or may be appointed by the Legislature of this Commonwealth respecting a division of the town of Mendon. Hon. Jonathan Russell, Dr. Daniel Thurber and Elijah Thayer, Esq., were chosen as the committee. Oct. 17. Voted not to raise any money to build the new road lately laid out from Uxbridge line, near Skull Rock to Blackstone Factory. Nov. 28. Voted not to choose a committee to inquire into the inconveniences, complained of by a portion of the inhabitants, in attending town meetings and transacting the municipal affairs of the town. Voted to indefinitely postpone the second article in the war66 522 ANNALS OF IENDON. [1 825. rant which was, "to instruct the Selectmen and Assessors to make out a list of tile legal voters in both or either of the Parishes, with the valuation of taxable property set against each name, and to complete the list ten days, at least, before the first Wednesday in Jan. next." A motion to adjourn was now made and defeated. Voted that the town will not take any further measures to oppose the incorporation of a new town within the limits of the North Parish in said town, but will cease to oppose the petition now pending before the Legislature praying for such incorporation, and direct the agents and committees of the town neither to remonstrate against said petition, nor to appear in behalf of said town in opposition to said petition, nor to take any further measures in relation thereto. Voted not to record the number of votes that were given on the last above vote. Dec. 9. Voted to choose a committee to take into consideration the inconveniences complained of by a portion of the inhabitants in regard to the attendance upon town meetings and the transaction of municipal business, and to report at the next town meeting. The committee chosen were Joseph Adams, Jonathan Russell, Ahaz Allen, Moses Daniels, David Thurber, Asa Kelley, Lendoll Staples, Obadiah Wood, Aaron Burden, Esek Pitts, Nathan Very, Washington Hunt, Jonathan M. Shove and James S. Warner. Voted that the Selectmen and-Assessors make out and deliver to the Clerk of said town a list of all the legal voters in the town with the valuation of each person's estate against his name, ten days before the first Wednesday in January next. Voted unanimously to choose two agents to oppose the division of the town of Mendon or the incorporation of a new town within the territorial limits of said town, likewise to oppose tlhe petition now pending in the General Court of this Commonwealth for a division of this town, and Hon. Jonathan Russell and Dr. Daniel Thurber were chosen agents. Dec. 15. The committee heretofore chosen made a report, but as the same was not recorded and the copy said to have been placed on file, cannot be found, its p1urport cannot be now ascer 1826.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 523 tained. That it was in opposition to a division of the town is quite certain. Voted to accept the first article in said report by 183 yeas to 78 nays. Voted to accept the second article in said report. Voted to accept all the report. Voted to dissolve the meeting. 1826. March 6th. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; George Wall, Benj. Davenport, Joseph Ray, Arnold Taft and Jared Benson, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer, and James A. Paine, Constable and Collector, and to be paid $30.00 for the collection of the taxes. Voted to raise $800 for schooling the present year. Voted that Washington Hunt be an agent to call on the Blackstone Canal Company to make good.the damage done to the road between Fox Brook and Rhode Island line. Voted that the Selectmen exhibit at the May meeting a detailed account of the money expended the preceding year, specifying what each charge was for. April 3. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Levi Lincoln had 34 votes. Elected..." Marcus Morton " 78.... Samuel Hubbard " 11 Aaron Tufts " 1 For Lt. Governor Thomas L. Winthrop ' 14 Nathan Willis 61." " Samuel Hoar, Jr 15 ".".. Elijah H. Mills " 3 ".".. William Baylies, Jonathan Russell, William Crawford, Jr., and Daniel Thurber had 2 votes each, and Alden Bradford, Aaron Tafts, Jonas Sibley and Levi Lincoln had 1 vote each. For Senators and Councillors-Jonas Sibley had 77 votes. Daniel Thurber 72. William Eaton 83. Nathl. Houghton 78. And William Crawford had 46 votes. Bezaleel Taft, Jr., 23. Joseph G. Kendall 28 and Josiah Howe 61. N. B. Denny 9. Benj. Davenport and Esek Pitts 8 each. Jonathan Wheeler 7. Pearley Hunt 4. 'John Capron 3 and four others had 1 each. Voted to raise $1000 to repair the highways and bridges.' 524 ANNALS OF MENDON. [l826. Voted not to dismiss the agent to oppose the location of a road from Uxbridg'e line to Blackstone Factory. Voted to dismiss the sixteenth article in the warrant, which was, " to see how much money the town would raise to build the road from Uxbridge to Blackstone Factory." Adj. to May meeting. May 1. Voted to raise $3000 to defray town charges this year. Chose for Representatives to the General Court-Esek Pitts, Esq., Dr. Daniel Thurber. Voted to choose a committee of five persons to attend to the duties required by a late school law passed by the Legislature of this Commonwealth, and the following persons were chosen as said committee, viz: Caleb Hayward, Dr. Daniel Thurber, George Wall, Dr. Abel Wilder and Dan Hill. May 27. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to allow and settle all claims against the town upon the principles of justice, equity and law. Voted that the town continue to oppose a division of said town, and that the IHon. Jonathan Russell, their agent, take the necessary and proper measures to that effect. Voted that the town's two Representatives use all honorable means to oppose the division of said town. The history of this attempted division of the town is as follows: June 30, 1825. Seth Hastings and 118 others, petitioned the General Court for the incorporation of a new town to include the first or north parish in Mendon. On the 19th, 20th and 21st of October, 1825, a hearing was had before a special committee who had visited Mendon and viewed the premises. This committee reported to the Committee on Towns Feb. 7, 1826, with the recommendation that the prayer of the petition should be granted. March 2. The petition was referred to the next General Court. Dec. 17, 1825. Joseph Adams and 61 others remonstrated against granting the prayer of the petitioners. Dec. 20. James S. Warner and 72 others and Rufus Aldrich and 72 others also remonstratedc 1827.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 525 Jan. 9, 1826. Jesse Tourtelotte and 30 others remonstrated as "centre inhabitants." The subject of a division of the town was, at this time brought to a close, as will appear by the following record: COiMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, IN SENATE, June Session, 1826. Upon the suggestion of the Committee on Towns that the Petition of Seth Hastings and others for a new town, cannot befound, it was Ordered, that the Committee have further time allowed them until the next Session of the Legislature to report on the subject matter of said Petition and that the Petitioners have leave to file a new Petition, in the mean time. Attest: PAUL WILLARD. Tradition affirms that this petition was stolen, but whether stolen or not, it was not found, nor did the petitioners file a new one, and so the subject of a division of the town was postponed for twenty years. No new petition was filed; but as opportunity had been granted to do so, should the petitioners see fit, the subject was not wholly put at rest until the beginning of the coming year, as will be seen by the following proceedings. 1827. Jan. 12. A town meeting was called "To see if the town will agree upon any and, if any, what measures, respecting a division of the town and the Petition therefor, with a view of saving any further unnecessary expense in relation to that subject. " Hon. Jonathan Russell was chosen Moderator. A motion to adjourn without day was then made and carried, by a vote of 91 to 22. Another meeting was immediately called, " To see if the town will adopt any further measures in relation to the proposed division of the town or give any instructions to their Agent or Representatives respecting the Petition therefor, now pending before the Legislature." Jan. 20. At a town meeting held this day Mr. Nathan Tyler submitted the following motion: " That a Committee, consisting of an equal number from each Parish bel raised to take into 526 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1827. consideration the article above quoted and report at an adjourned.meeting." After some discussion, Col. Warren Rawson offered the following motion, as a substitute: "Inasmuch as the town, at a legal meeting held in June last, by their vote, directed that their Agents and Representatives should take the necessary and proper measures to oppose a division of the town, therefore voted that it is unnecessary, at this meeting, to take any further vote on the subject." The motion to substitute was carried, and with it the agitation on the subject of dividing the town at this time was brought to a close. March 5. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; George Wall, Amariah Taft, Joseph Ray, Arnold Taft and Jared Benson, Selectmen; Aaron Burden, Constable; Dr. Abel Wilder, Collector, and to be paid $28.00 for collecting the taxes, and Caleb Hayward, Dr. Abel Wilder and Samuel Allen were chosen School Committee. Notices for town meeting were directed to be posted at the store of George Wall, at the store in Blackstone village and at George Bates' store. April 2. STATE ELECTIO:N For Governor, Hon. Marcus Morton, had 67 votes. cc" ' His Ex. Levi Lincoln, "43 " Elected... Hon. Harrison Gray Otis " 9... Mr. Joseph B. Cook, " 1 ForLt. Governor, Hon. Thomas L. Winthrop, " 50 "." " Mr. Collins Capron, 1 For Senators and Councillors-Jonas Sibley had 84 votes. Edmund Cushing 77. Pliny Merrick 82. Joseph Davis 122. Aaron Brooks, Jr., 77. Aaron Tufts 42. Jos. G. Kendall 44. Joseph Bowman 43. John W. Lincoln 42. And Jonas Kendall, Wm. Eaton, Nathl. P. Denny, Richard George, Rejoice Newton, Lewis Bigelow and Benj. Adams had one vote each. May 7. Voted to raise $1000 for sclooling. Voted to raise $2000 to defray town charges. Voted.not to send any Representatives. Voted to dissolve the warrant. Voted to reconsider the last vote. Voted to reconsider the first vote. Voted to send three Representatives. 1827.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 527 Dr. Daniel Thurber was chosen a Representative. Voted to reconsider the vote to send three Representatives, so far as that it shall be understood that we send but one. Voted to purchase a farm whereon to support the poor of said town. Richard George, Ahaz Allen, George Wall, Washington Hunt and Obadiah Wood were chosen a committee "to look out said Farm and report at the next meeting." Warren Rawson, Esek Pitts and Obadialh Wood were chosen a committee to oppose the location of a road from Horatio Stone's Inn to John Thompson's, near the Five Corners. June 30. Chose Esek Pitts first committeman on the committee to purchase a poor farm, in place of Richard George, who resigned. Aug. 25. First cloice of Prudential School Committees, viz: 1st District, Benj. Davenport, 8 District, Simon Thornton, 2. do. Adam Wheelock, 9. do. Aaron Burden, 3. do. Sumner Ballon, 10. do. Edwin D. Sergent, 4. do. John Kelley, 11. do. Artemas Thayer, 5. do. Nahum Bates, 12. do. George Hill, 6. do. Samuel Cook, 13. do. Joseph B. Cook, 7. do. Benoni Staples, 14. do. James S. Warner. Voted to accept the location of a road laid from near Jediah Wilson's to Rhode Island line providing the whole cost shall not exceed $100.00. Voted to accept the location of a road laid out from Benj. Pickering's to George Gaskill's, provided the whole cost does not exceed $450.00. Oct. 6. Voted to purchase the farm of Anson Aldrich whereon to support the poor, provided it shall not cost more than $24.00 per acre. Voted to hire the money to pay for said farm. Voted that Esek Pitts, Ahaz Allen; George Wall, Washington Hunt and Obadiah Wood be a committee to buy said farm and hire the money to pay for the same. At this stage of the proceedings, Caleb Hayward offered the following protest to the Town Clerk, viz: " In behalf of my absent fellow citizens and myself, I do hereby solemnly protest against the proceedings of a town meeting of the town holden 528 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1828. by adjournment this day and of all the acts and proceedings of the Committee appointed at said meeting for the purpose of making a purchase on behalf of the town of the Farm belonging to Anson Aldrich, of said Mendon, and of hiring the money on behalf of said town for the payment of the purchase money of said Farm. Because said meeting was very small, containing but about forty-five voters out of a number of more than four hundred who have a legal right to vote in our town meetings. Because after many efforts to procure an adjournment of said meeting, upon the ground of being so thin and of giving all the voters of the town an opportunity to better understand and to act upon the important subject, the most important in a pecuniary view, that was ever agitated in this town, the vote in favor of purchasing, &c., by the declaration of the Moderator stood twenty-two in favor and fifteen against. And because the said proceedings were ex-parte, unjust and oppressive. To the Town Clerk of the Town of Mendon. CALEB HAYWARD." Oct. 20.' Voted to reconsider the votes passed at the last town meeting respecting purchasing Anson Aldrich's farm and hiring money for said purchase. Voted that the authority of the committee chosen at the last town meeting be revoked and that said committee be discharged from any further duties. Voted to dissolve the meeting. I828. Feb. 9. Benj. Davenport, George Wall and Elijah Thaycr were chosen a committee to consider the expediency of dividing the Sixth School District, and report at the next town meeting. March 3. Upon the report of the above committee tlhe sixth district, after many trials, was finally divided. Under an adjournment from Feb. 9 ultimo, Voted that the deed of the Anson Aldrich farm be produced in town meeting. (Deed not produced.) Voted not to keep the Anson Aldrich farm. Voted that Amariah Taft be and is hereby appointed agent for the town of Mendon to deliver to Anson Aldrich aforesaid the deed said Anson has made to said town of Mendon of the farm upon which he now resides, situated in said IMendon, if said deed can be obtained by said cagent and to receive of said 1828.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 529 Anson Aldrich the note or notes made to him by Esek Pitts, Esq., and others, in behalf of said town, the same being mlade and given to tle said Anson for the consideratio i named in said deed. And the said agent is also hereby fully autlborized and empowered in the name and on belalf of the ilhabitants of the town of Mendon, to make, execute and deliver to the said Anson Aldrich, upon the delivery to said agent said note or notes, a deed of release and quit-claim, of all the right, title, interest and estate which the said. inhabitants of said town of Mendon now have or ever had to the said Anson Aldrich's farm aforesaid in and by virtue of his deed to said inhabitants as aforesaid; provided nevertheless that the said Anson Aldrich shall pay the said committee for their services about said purchase, and also for surveying said farm, and all the necessary expense that the town has been put to relative thereto, not exceeding twenty dollars. Voted to dissolve the meeting. March 3. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Aaron Burden, Benj. Davenport, Joseph Ray, Amariah Taft and Joseph B. Cook, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer; Willard Wilson, Constable and Collector, and Dr. Abel Wilder, Dr. John G. Metcalf and Dan Hill, School Committee. April 7. Voted to raise $1000 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $1500 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted (in pursuance of a recent law) that the inhabitants of this town may take pickerel out of the ponds and rivers in said town. Voted that all taxes paid before the first day of January next shall be entitled to a discount of five per cent. and for the collection of all taxes not paid by that time, the Collector shall receive a commission of four per cent.; and Willard Wilson, the Collector, agreed to these terms. Voted to accept a piece of road between Lendol Staples' and Dam Swamp bridge, provided the petitioners build the road and pay land damages, for the sum of $200. Voted to accept of a road laid out from near Nathan Very's house to near John Ma11nn's house provided the petitioners build the road and pay all land damages for the sum of $300. 67 530 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1828. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Levi Lincoln had 89 votes. Elected..." " Marcus Morton "21 " " " Harrison Gray Otis " 2 " Thomas L. Winthrop " 2..." Samuel Hoar, Jr. " 1 For Lt. Governor, Thomas L. Winthrop "89 Nathan Willis, "21 Aaron Tufts, " 1 William C. Jarvis, " 1 James Draper, " 1 For Senators cand Councillors-Joseph Davis had 29 votes. Joseph Bowman 5. Joseph Estarbrook 83. William S. Hastings 102. Edmund Cushing 114. Jonas Sibley and John Brown 18 each. Warren Rawson 19. Samuel Mixter 98. John W. Lincoln 86. Josiah Howe 12. Charles Allen 8. Silas Holman 13 and Joseph Willard 1. In the warrant for the State Election was also an article to see and " ascertain the sense of the town " whether the towns of Royalston, Winchendon, Leominster, Lunenburg, Princeton, Hubbardston, Phillipston, Lancaster, Bolton and Harvard in the County of Worcester, and Groton, Shirley, Pepperill, Ashby and Townsend in the County of Middlesex, should be made a new county, as prayed for in the petition of Ivers Jewett and others, and the vote was directed to be taken by yeas and nays. The records furnish no evidence that this article was taken into consideration by the town. Considering its importance it seems hardly probable that it should be overlooked. Possibly, if any vote was passed it might have been unintentionally left out when the Clerk made up his record. May 5. The Prudential School Committees were again chosen by the town. Voted not to send any Representative the present year, but the vote was immediately reconsidered and William S. Hastings was chosen Representative. Voted that the territory east of the Blackstone bridge and between the Rhode Island line and the Blackstone River together with ten acres on the north side of the river be a new School District. Voted to oppose the contenmplated road about to be laid out from near Bezaleel Taft's house, in Uxbridge, to the Rhode Island line, near the factory of W. & D. D. Farnum, and that 1828.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 531 the Selectmen be constituted agents for this purpose. This location has, once before, been before the town and was then known as the Skull Rock route. Voted that the Highway Surveyors exhibit their bills to the Selectmen on or before the first day of October next, and in default thereof shall be subject to a fine of 20s. Jared Benson, Esek Pitts, Nahum Bates, Benjamin Davenport and Abel Wilder were chosen a committee to report whether any alteration in the mode of dividing the school money is expedient. Voted that the School Committee be entitled to the same pay that the Selectmen have for their services and all other committees to have nothing. Nov. 3. VOTE FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. At large -Hon Thomas L. Winthrop, of Boston, had...........104 votes. Hon. Samuel Lathrop, of West Springfield, had......104 " Hon. Nathan Willis, of Berkshire, had.............. 72 " c" Hon. David Henshaw, of Suffolk, had............... 72 " Snffolk Distict. Hon. Jesse Putnam, Boston, had............104 " SuffolkDistrict. Hon John K. Simpson, Boston.............. 72 Essex South Dis- Hon. Stephen White, Salem...............104 trict......... Col. Josiah Newhall, Lynnfield............. 92 Essex North Dis- Hon. Bailey Bartlett, Haverhill.............104 " trict......... John Russ, Esq, Methuen................... 72 Middlesex Dis- { Hon. Nathan Chandler, Lexington..........104 trict.......... Hon. William Austin, Charlestown.......... 72 Worcester South Gen. Jonathan Davis, Oxford.............104 District....... Hon. Jonas Sibley, Sutton.................. 72 Worcester North { Hon. Silas Holman, Boston.................104 District... William Willard, Esq., Lancaster.......... 72 " ranklin District Col. Eliel Gilbert, Greenfield..............104 " l John Drury, Esq., Coleraine................ 2 Hampden Dis- 5 Hon. Joshua Frost, Springfield............104 " trict.......... Gen. Joseph M. Forward, Southwick..... 72 " Berkshire Dis- { Samuel Jones, Esq., Stockbridge............104 " trict......... Hon. Phineas Allen, Pittsfield.............. 72 " Norfolk District. Hon. Edward H. Robbins, Milton..........104 Hon. Ebenezer Seaver, Roxbury............ 72 Plymouth Dis- Hon. Seth Sprague, Duxbury...............104 trict.......... Hon. Peter H. Pierce. Middleborough........ 72 " Bristol District. Hon. Oliver Starkweather, Pawtucket.......104 r t Elihu Daggett, Esq., Attleborough.......... 72 " Barnstable Dis- Hon. Braddock Dimmick, Falmouth.......4 trict........... John P. Norton, Tisbury................... 72 532 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1828. Voted-to accept the report of the committee on the division of the school money, but of which there is no record. Representative in Conygress-Hon. John Davis had 104 votes.. Hon. Jonas Sibley had 53 votes. Voted to adjourn this meeting to Horatio Stone's Inn and then dissolved. Dec. 9. Voted to accept of a road laid out from Jillson Darling's to the road leading from Mivllville to Blackstone. Voted to accept of a road laid out from near George Gaskill's house to the road from Blackstone to Woonsocket, at the following cost, viz: To Ariel Thayer as land damage.............................. $40.00 George Gaskill................................ 12.00 "Peter Gaskill "............................... 200.00 Amount of damages............................ $252.00 "Making the road........................................ 100.00 Total cost of road......................................$352.00 The owners of land having signified their satisfaction for the damages above awarded, Capt. Aaron Burdon was chosen agent to superintend the making of the road. Taxes abated or foregone this year to the amount of $127.86. THE NORTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. In 1828 two members of the First Church in Mendon, three members of the Second Church in Mendon, together with seven others, members of other churches, organized themselves into a church by the name of the North Congregational Church in Mendon. Before this they, with others, not members of churches, had, for some time, held meetings and Rev. Thomas Riggs had been employed as their spiritual teacher. They adopted the shorter Covenant which had been usec in the First-Church forn.ear half a century. An Ecclesiastical Council, convened at the Old Meeting House Aug. 13, 1828, duly recognized Dea. Seth Chapin, Br. Nathan Tyler and others associated with them as a regular Congregational Church, when a Confession of Faith and Covenant was adopted. The Confession of Faith was very plainly Calvinistic. 1828.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 533 Meetings were held until Nov. 1831, when, on the 9th day of that month, Rev. John M. S. Perry was ordained as pastor; his father, Rev. David L. Perry, of Sharon, Ct., preaching the ordination sermon. June 13, 1834, the church voted to admit no person to its membership who should refuse to sign a pledge of total abstinence from the use, manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors. July 5, 1834, they also voted to use pure water at the communion. Jan. 2, 1835. Learning that Messrs. Pomroy & Bull, of New York, were importing pure wine, expressly for the communion, they directed their Deacons to procure such wine immediately. May 11, 1835. Mr. Perry (having concluded to enter into the field of missionary labor) by the advice of a Mutual Council, was dismissed from his charge at Mendon. Mr. Perry and his wife soon afterwards sailed for Ceylon, where, after a short residence, they both died of cholera and both in the same hour. Dec. 28, 1836. Rev. Thomas Edwards was ordained over the church and Evangelical Society, the Rev. Dr. Jacob Ide preaching the ordination sermon. Mr. Edwards was dismissed, at his own request, Feb. 15, 1840. He was born in London, England, and was the son of Miles and Ann (Debenham) Edwards. He was afterwards installed over the church in Acworth, N. H., Ang. 19, 1841, and dismissed Feb. 13, 1843. Since then lie has preached in Salem and othler places. March 18, 1841. The Church and Society unitedly gave Rev. Andrew H. Reed a call to the ministry here, at an annual stipend of three hundred and fifty dollars, and the use of the parsonage. Mr. Reed accepted the call April 17, and a note of the same date says " owing to particular circumstances the question of Installment was postponed for a year." During his ministry, Mr. Reed was never installed but continued to preach until he closed his labors April 1, 1848. Since then he has continued to reside in Mendon, having purchased the parsonage of the Society. He was born in Rutland and is the son of Silas and Elinor (Hunter) Reed, and graduated at Amherst College in 1826 and at Andover Theological 534 ANNALS OF MIENDON. [|1828. Seminary in 1829. He was first settled at Raymond, N. H., in 1834 where he remained until 1837, and was installed the same year at Mason, N. H. From this place he removed to Mendon. From this time, for nearly six years, no minutes are found in the church records, " owing," as the records say, "to the neglect and carelessness of those in whose hands the Book of Record was." From memory, as the subsequent record says, the following facts are put down. The Rev. Mr. Dwight supplied the pulpit for about three months. Rev. Chas. Chamberlin remained nearly three years, until April 1, 1851. Mr. Chamberlin was born in Holliston, Mass., and was the son of Enoch, Jr., and Lucy (Holbrook) Chamberlin. He graduated at Brown University in 1836, and was a tutor in that institution during the years 1837 and 1838. He fitted himself for the ministry at Andover, in part, and with Rev. Dr. Ide of Medway, and completed his course of study at the Union Theological Seminary. After laboring two years at the West as a missionary, he returned to Massachusetts and was ordained over the church in Berkley, Mass., July 8, 1842. He was dismissed in 1844 and afterwards preached in New York, Freetown, Mass., and Mendon. July 9, 1851, he was installed at Auburn, Mass. Then a majority of the Society voted to supply the pulpit with a Methodist minister. Against this act the Trustees of the meeting house remonstrated as a violation of the Deed of Trust; but the Society continued to occupy the same until May 28, 1853, when the trustees took legal possession of the house and closed its doors. They then granted the use of the house " to those who wished to have orthodox preaching." June 5, 1853, the Church and Society commenced to hold meetings, the Rev. Mr. Dennis supplying the pulpit for a few Sabbaths. From this time a few of the members of the church, at various times withdrew from the communion; some of them to join the Methodist church which, in the meantime, had been organized. Sept., 1855. The Standing Committee were instructed to hire the Rev. E. Demond for six months. He continued to 1829.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 535 preach until Oct. 31, 1858, when he was dismissed at his own request. From this time but few meetings were held, ndc the meeting house was finally sold to the Methodist Society, which had been some time organized, at $650.00. The meeting house was built in 1830 and dedicated in December of that year. 1829. Jan. 31. The Selectmen of Bellinghlam and Mendon, this day, perambulated the line between the two towns. From Cumberland line to the stone monument upon the south bank of Charles River, near Ellis Bullard's house (formerly the Dedham tree) the parties were agreed. From the stone monument to the bridge over Charles River, near the Bellingham Cotton and Woolen Manufactory, at Milford line, the Selectmen of Bellingham claimed a straight line, while the Selectmen of Mendon claimed that the river should be the line. The perambulation was signed by Hamblet Barber, Stephen Lievett, for Bellinghnam, and by Aaron Burdon, Benj. Davenport, Amariah Taft and Joseph Ray, Selectmen of Mendon. As will hereafter be learned, the General Court finally established the river as the boundary between the towns. March 2. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Aaron Burdon, Benj. Davenport, Joseph Ray, Jabez Aldrich and James S. Warner, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer; Willard Wilson, Constable and Collector, without compensation, and Dr. John G. Metcalf, Anos W. Pitts and Dr. Phineas W. Leland, School Committee. Voted to rescind all the votes about the road from George Gaskill's to road near Fox Brook. April 6. Voted to raise $1800 to defray town charges. Voted to raise $1100 for schooling. Voted to raise $1500 to repair highways and bridges. Voted to accept the list of Jurors reported by the Selectmen. as follows, viz: Caleb V. Allen, Johnson Legg, Seth Davenport, Ahaz Allen, Aaron Burdon, Andrew Penniman, Asa Kelley, Samuel Bills, Esek Pitts, Jared Benson, Obadiah Wood, Elijah Thayer, Nahlum Bates, Peleg Aldrich, Luke 536 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1829. Aldrich, Anson Aldrich, Leonard W. Darling, Arnold Taft, Lendol Staples, Benj. Davenport, George \Vall, Elbridge G. Daniels, Caleb Mowry, Joseph B. Cook, Henry Goss, Charles A. Smith, William Legg, Daniel Kimpton, Amariah Taft, Dan Hill, George Wood, Hezekiah Fletcher, Jonathan M. Shove; Alexander Wilson, Jr., Joseph Ray, David Kelley, Edwin D. Sargent, Nathan Hayward, Adam Wheelock, Abram Staples, Clark Cook, Washington Hunt, Caleb Hayward, Luke Aldrich, Jr., Collins Capron, Lebbeus Gaskill, Jesse Tourtelotte, Jr., Willard Wilson, John Kelley, Icllabod Cook, Jr., Jotham Hayward, Elias E. Thayer, Caleb Cook; Moses Daniels, Jr., Willard Wilcox, George Southwick. April 6. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Levi Lincoln had 24 votes. Elected.... Marcus Morton " 72 '... Harrison Gray Otis " 2.. ' Henry Spurr " 2 For Lt. Governor, Thomas L. Winthrop "26 Nathan Willis " 72 William Sullivan " 2 " For Senators and Coanccillors-Joseph Thayer had 71 votes. Benj. Adalms 4. Lewis Bigelow 25. David Wilder 28. AustinDDenny, Lovell Walker and John Homans had 2 each. Jonas Sibley 1. Samuel Mixter 28. Josiah Howe 74. William S. Hastings 29. Daniel Thurber 74. John W. Lincoln 24. John Spurr 73, and Isaac Davis 72. At a meeting held this day, " to see if the town would direct the Selectmen to estimate the cost of making a road from near George Gaskill's'house to the road near Fox Brook;" after the cloice of. a Moderator, Vote to dissolve the meeting. May 4. Voted to send three Representatives to the General Court. Chose Dr. Daniel Thurber, Capt. Aaron Burdon, Col. Warren Rawson. Voted that all taxes paid before the first day of January shall be entitled to 5 per cent. discount.. Voted to raise $100 in addition to whailt has already been raised for completing the road from Nathan Very's house to the inn recently kept by John Mann. The following is a list of Guide Boards lately ordered by the * Selectmen: 2 Boards near Josiah Shove's house. 2 Boards near N. Very's Inn. 2 do. "George Cook's " 2 do. "Wid.MarthaFairbank's house. 1829.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 537 2 Boards near Mellen Benson's house. 2 Boards near William Green's Inn. 2 do. " E. D. Sargent's " 2 do. ' Lewis Boyden's house. 1 do. " S. Parish Meeting 2 do. " Col. Lebbeus Gaskill's house. 1 do. " Emor Tourtelotte's" 2 do. " Seth Davenport's house 2 do. " Amos Boyden's " 2.do. " Upton Line. 1 do. ' Thomas Taft's " 2 do. " Seth Kelly's house. 2 do. " Simeon Wheelock's" 2 do. " Benj. Pickering's " Hon. William S. Hastings was chosen agent to petition for a jury in the case of the road recently located from Uxbridge line to W. & D. D. Farnum's Factory. Dec. 2. At a meeting this day, "to see what further opposition the town would make to the new County road recently located by the County Commissioners by Pont Rock, being the road last mentioned," it was voted to dismiss the warrant. Dec. 16. At'this meeting the vote for Moderator stood as follows, viz: For Dr. Abel Wilder there was 130 votes. For Benj. Davenport there was 190 votes. At this time there was quite an excitement about building the Pout Rock road, and, as will be seen by the vote for Moderator, the meeting was very fully attended. The meeting was held at the hall at the inn of Laban Bates in the South Parish, now Blackstone. The first action of the town was to vote the meeting should be held out of doors, as there was not sufficient room in the hall to transact business correctly. It was then voted that Darling Hill, (on the old road from Millville to Blackstone Factory) be reduced to 4~ degrees-that public notice shall be given to all who will volunteer their services with their teams, that ten cents an hour will be paid for a man and the same for an able yoke of oxen with a cart or drag. Washington Hunt was chosen agent and was authorized to buy powder, procure drills and such things as may be found necessary to complete the work. Voted that the agent (William S. Hastings) continue to prosecute the application for a jury with power to substitute a committee instead of a jury. Voted that a committee of three be chosen to meet and confer 68 538 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1830. with the General School Committee of the present year relative to the financial concerns of the town with said General School Committee and with the booksellers up to the first day of April, 1829, and that said committee file immediately a statement of the state of the bccounts with the Town Clerk. Caleb V. Allen, Amariah Taft and Johnson Legg were chosen as the committee. It will be remembered that the first General School Committee, under the then recent law of the State, was chosen in 1827, and that it was a part of their duty to determine what books should be used in school and to furnish them to the scholars at prices barely remunerative. Somehow reports were put in circulation that the matter of the purchase of school books had got into confusion, that the committee had been careless in keeping their accounts and were probably in debt to the town in considerable sums. Pursuant to a notice from the Investigating Committee, John G. Metcalf, of the School Committee, met in conference, and, upon due investigation, it was shown that there was no defalcation as had been reported, but that there was a credit to the town, over and above all indebtedness for school books, in the sum of $4.40. 1830. March 1. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Aaron Burdon, Benj. Davenport, James Comstock, Jabez Aldrich and William Legg, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer; Willard Wilson, Constable and Collector, and Dr. John G. Metcalf, Amos W. Pitts and Arthur Cook, Jr., School Committee. The School Committee's report was accepted and ordered to be placed on file in the Town Clerk's office. Voted that the School Districts may choose Prudential Committees. Voted to refer the sixth article in the warrant, " to see if the town will purchase a farm whereon to support the Poor," to the S electmen. Voted to dismiss the ninth article of the warrant which was " to see if the town would build a town house." 1830.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 539 Vote for County Treasurer-Samuel Allen, Esq., of Worcester, had 21 votes, being all that was cast. April 5. Voted to raise $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $3000 to defray town charges. It should be remembered that this included the support of the poor. Voted that the Highway Surveyors be directed to remove all incumbrances from the highways, first giving ten days' notice to any and all persons who may have erected any fences, stone walls or other incumbrances upon the highways or commons to remove the same. POOR FARM BOUGHT. Voted to purchase a farm whereon to support the poor. Voted to accept the report of the Selectmen recommending the purchase of the. farm of Caleb Mowry for a Poor Farm. Voted to raise $100, in addition to $300 already raised, to complete the making of a road from near George Gaskill's house to the road near Fox Brook. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor (Obadiah Wood, Johnson Legg and Rufus Paine) be authorized and directed to furnish the farm and buildings, which the town have this day agreed to purchase whereon to support the poor, with all necessary stock, farming tools, household furniture and utensils, with such other things which they may find necessary for the cultivation of said farm and the maintenance and support of the poor thereon. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Levi Lincoln had 123 votes. Elected... " Marcus Morton, " 80.. " John Brooks, " 1..." Harrison Gray Otis " 2.. " Samuel Hubbard, 1 " For Lt. Governor, Thomas L. Winthrop, 125 Nathan Willis, 83 '.. Marcus Morton, 1 For Senators and Councillors-John W. Lincoln and Samuel Mixter had 120 each. William S. Hastings 121. David Wilder 119, and Lovell Walker 118. Daniel Thurber, Jonas L. Sibley, Isaac Davis, Henry Prentice and Isaiah Howe 92 each. Pliny Merrick and Bezaleel Taft had 1 each. Voted to purchase the farm of Caleb Mowry whereon to sup 540 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1830. port the poor for $3,400.00, provided said Mowry make a good and sufficient deed of the sane to the inhabitants of the town. Voted that the Selectmen take a deed of said farm and be authorized to hire the purchase money provided they can hire it at 5 per cent. or less, giving security for the same in behalf of the town. Obadiah Wood, Johnson Legg and Rufus Paine were chosen Overseers of the Poor. Under this date was made the following: MEMORANDUM. Voted that the Inhabitants of this Town approve so much of the recent law passed by the Legislature, in relation to the Militia. as prohibits treating with spirituous Liquors at the Election of officers; and hereby recommend that, in future elections of Representatives and town officers that the practice of treating, which is alike dishonorable to the Electors and the Elected, be entirely discontinued and abolished. At the suggestion of many, the vote being unanimous, the above was recorded, although there was no article in the warrant authorizing its passage. Attest A. P~NNIMAN, Town Clerk. May 3. The following persons were chosen Representatives to the General Court, viz: Aaron Burdon, Benjamin Davenport and Caleb V. Allen. Voted that all taxes paid by the first day of August shall be allowed a discount of 8 per cent.; and all that are paid by the first day of January next shall have a discount of 4 per cent.; and the Collector to make return to the Selectmen and Treasurer the amount collected at each of the foregoing days. Voted the Collector (Willard Wilson) shall have one per cent. on all taxes that remain unpaid at the latter date, Jan. 1, 1831. Voted to raise $1,200.00 for the support of highways and bridges. Voted to pay Caleb Mowry $25.00 for sowing afield of rye on the farm lately purchased of him. Voted that all applicants for town aid shall be provided for at the Poor House, unless life would be endangered by their removal. June 17. Perambulated town lines with Northbridge, Upton and Bellingham. Nov. 1. Vote for Representative in the 22d Congress.-Hon. John Davis 1831.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 541 had 89 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 47 votes. Pliny Merrick, Esq., had 3 votes. Voted that'the town do oppose the discontinuance of the 9th Mass. Turnpike, in this town, and the laying out of the same as a County road, and Caleb Hayward, Obadiah Wood and Esek Pitts were chosen agents for that purpose. Nov. 22. Voted to rescind the doings of the last town meeting in reference to the 9th Mass. Turnpike. Perambulated town line with Uxbridge June 18, 1830. I83I. March 7. Chose Andrew Penniman, Town Clerk; Benjamin Davenport, James Comstock, Johnson Legg, Jared Benson and Collins Capron, Selectmen; Andrew Penniman, Treasurer; Millins Taft, Constable and Collector, at $33.00; School Committee, John G. Metcalf, James S. Benson, Preserved S. Thayer, Stephen Taft and Darius D. Farnum. Votes for a County Treasuirer-Otis Corbett had 79 votes. Anthony Chase had 47 votes. Chas. G. Prentice had 19 votes. William Jennison had 12 votes. Asahel Bellows had 6 votes. April 4. Voted the subject of making any allowance for breaking out roads the past winter be referred to the Selectmen, to be, by them, adjusted on the principles of justice and equity. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Levi Lincoln, had 58 votes. Elected..." " Marcus Morton, " 92 cc" ' William Baylies, " 4 " c." " William Ingalls, " 1 " For Lt. Governor, Thomas L. Winthrop, " 58 " Nathan Willis, "93 '" For Senators and Councillors-John W. Lincoln had 54 votes. David Wilder 58. William S. Hastings 53. Rufus Bullock 61, and James Draper 58. Daniel Thurber had 94 votes. JonasL. Sibley80. Isaac Davis 80. Henry Prentice 91 and Josiah Howe 92. Samuel Mixter and Aaron Brooks had 12 votes each. Charles Russell had 4 and Stephen P. Gardner, Joseph Davis, -Adolphus Spring and Tyler Batchelor had 3 votes each. For Register~ of Deeds-Artemas Ward 19 votes. All that were cast. May 11. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for schooling. Voted to raise and appropriate $2000 to defray town charges. 542 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1831. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for repair of highways and bridges. Representatives to the General Court-Dr. Daniel Thurber, Benjamin Davenport, Welcome Farnum, Dan Hill. The following is the vote on the tenth article in the amendments to the constitution of this State, the same having been passed by two successive Legislatures. The amendment changed the beginning of the political year from the last Wednesday in May to the first Wednesday in January. Yeas 166. Nays 15. Voted that the Collector collect the taxes as soon as the money is wanted. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to hire a sum of money sufficient to pay for so much of the road, leading from Uxbridge, at Skull Rock, to W. & ). D. Farnum's Factory, as may be made the current year, and also the expenses incurred in consequence of a jury on said road. Voted that the Assessors direct the Collector, in their warrant, to collect and pay in to the Treasurer $1000 by the 1st day of August and $500 by the 1st day of September and the remainder by the first day of December. May 21. Voted to choose three persons as.Auditors, to examine the accounts of the several town officers, and Elijah Thayer, Asa Kelley and Caleb Hayward were chosen by ballot. Voted that the School Committee be instructed to inquire whether any alteration in the manner of dividing the school money is expedient. Voted to establish the following Bye-Laws for the government and regulation of the inmates of the Poor House in said town: 1st. No person shall leave the premises provided by the town whereon to support the Poor without leave from the Master of the Poor House. 2d. No ardent spirit shall be brought to or used on the premises without leave of said Master. 3d. All the inmates of the Poor House shall be under the direction of the Master and in case of disobedience of his orders, he is authorized to confine such disobedient person within the basement room of the small house, at his discretion and put them on such diet as he shall think proper. He shall report the same to some one of the Overseers within twenty-four hours from the time of such commitment. 1831.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 543 4th. The Master of the Poor House shall be required to keep a record of all persons maintained in the house, the time they enter and when they leave or die. MAay 28. Voted to raise $50 in addition to a previous appropriation to make the road from Jediah Wilson's to Rhode Island line, when the same shall be completed to the road from Slatersville and be free from all charge for land damages. To be made to the acceptance of the town. Voted to accept of the report of the School Committee, to whom was referred the division of the school money, and which is as follows, viz: " The rule as it now stands (in which an alteration is asked) is that "no district shall draw more than 12 per cent. of the whole sum granted by the town." This rule, we suppose, was made expressly for the 14th School District (Blackstone.) Taking into consideration the great number of scholars in that District, which is about 400 that draw school money, and about 200 who actually attend school; and considering that the same advantages cannot be derived from their present proportion of the school money that other districts draw, we recommend that this rule be altered so as to read thus, "No District shall draw more than 14 per cent. of the whole sum granted by the town, for the support of schools." JoHN G. METCALF, for the Com. Voted that the town cease opposition to the Pout Rock Road (so called), from Uxbridge, at Skull Rock, to near W. & D. D. Farnum's Factory, provided that bonds of similar tenor and of equal amount to those filed before the last jury that sat upon the case, be furnished and made satisfactory to the town's agent, at any time before the next Session of the Supreme Judicial Court in this County. Voted to raise $150.00 to repair the old turnpike road, recently laid out as a County road through this town, and that the Selectmen be agents to make suitable repairs on the same, and draw orders for the payment of said repairs payable in six months with interest. Voted that the owner or keeper of any dog in this town shall restrain his or her dog from running at large under a penalty of ten dollars, unless the owner or keeper of such dog shall obtain a license from the Selectmen and pay into the treasury, for the use of the town, the sum of two dollars, and keep a collar around such dog's neck with the owner's name thereon. 544 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1831,. This vote to take effect next Monday and continue for one year. Sept. 5. Voted that the Tenth School District be directed to erect a school house in said district. Voted that the sum of $400 be raised in the Tenth School District for the purpose of erecting said house. Oct. 22. It having been voted, as above, the Selectmen were constituted agents to contract for and superintend the erection of a school house in the Tenth School District The Selectmen to decide the location for said house unless the district agree upon a site. Nov. 5. Voted to accept the road recently laid out near Maj. Rufus Aldrich's house provided it shall not cost the town more than $32.00. Voted that the Treasurer pay back whatever money he mav have received for licenses for dogs to run at large. Nov. 11. STATE ELECTION. As will be seen by the date, this election was held pursuant to the amendment of the State Constitution adopted on the 11th of May last. For Governor, His Ex. Levi Lincoln had 133 votes. Elected. Hon. Marcus Morton "168 ".". Samuel Lathrop 50 " For Lt. Governor, Thomas L. Winthrop " 187 John Mills " 168 " For Senators and Councillors-Dr. Daniel Thurber, Jonas L. Sibley, Isaac Davis, Henry Prentiss and Josiah Howe had 169 votes each. These constituted the Democratic ticket. John W. Lincoln, David Wilder, William S. Hastings, James Draper had 139 votes each, and Rufus Bullock had 186 votes. These constitute the Whig ticket. Stephen P. Gardner, Pliny Merrick, Tyler Batchelor and Asaph Rice had 51 votes each. It seems those who voted for the last ticket, voted for Samuel Lathrop for G-overnor, for Thomas L. Winthrop for Lt. Governor and for Rufus Bullock, whose name was on the Whig ticket, for Senator. The following rules and orders to be observed at Town Meetings, other than at elections, were this day adopted, viz: Article I. After the meetings are opened every person shall be seated when practicable and continue so unless he rises to address the Moderator, and shall set down as soon as he has done speaking. 1831.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 545 Article II. Every person shall preserve order, propriety and decorum at the meetings and be silent except when addressing the Moderator or meeting on the business before the meeting. Article III. No person shall interrupt another while orderly speaking. Article IV. No person shall speak more than twice on one question without leave. Article V. No personalities or personal allusions shall be used in debate. Article VI. All questions of order shall be decided by the Moderator subject to an appeal to the meeting. Article VII. If any person shall, after notice by the Moderator, persist in this disorderly behaviour, he shall be prosecuted by the Town Treasurer for the recovery of the penalty prescribed by the Statute for that purpose. Nov. 14. Choice of Representatives to the General CGoZrt-Voted to send four Representatives, and then chose Dr. Daniel Thurber, Caleb V. Allen, Col. Lebbeus Gaskill. Then voted to reconsider the vote to send four Representatives and to send but three. Voted that Capt. Jared Benson and Caleb V. Allen be agents for the town to meet the County Commissioners and act in behalf of said town relative to the contemplated road the Commissioners are about to locate from near Clark Cook's house to Uxbridge. REV. ADIN BALLOU, THE NINTH MINISTER. Rev. Adin Ballou commenced his ministry, in Mendon, in Feb., 1831. For some years previous he had been the minister of the Universalist Society in Milford. He was installed May 3, 1832, Rev. Bernard Whitman, of Waltham, preaching the installation sermon. Before Mr. Ballou's removal from Milford he had begun the publication of the Independent Messenger, a paper devoted to the maintenance and propagation of liberal views of Christianity. Upon his coming to Mendon the paper was removed and, during its continuance, was printed by George W. Stacy, now of Milford. During his pastorate in Mendon, Mr. Ballon published an address on the subject of Slavery, which was republished in England. At the close of his ministry in 1842, he, with others, removed to a farm on Mill River, in the westerly part of Milford, where he was the leading spirit in the organization of the Hopedale Community. Athough the Community principle has been aban69 546 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1832. doned, Hopedale has grown to be one of the largest and most prosperous villages in the southern part of the County of Worcester. 1832. March 5. Chose Alexander H. Allen, Town Clerk; Johnson Legg, James Comstock, Stephen Taft, Willard Wilson and Luke Aldrich, Selectmen; Alexander H. Allen, Treasurer; Millins Taft, Constable and Collector, at $40.00, and James S. Benson, Rev. Adin Ballou and Preserved S. Thayer, School Committee. April 2. Voted that Benjamin Davenport, Esq., be agent for the town to unite with the agent from Uxbridge to petition the County Commissioners (which is the Court of Sessions for the County of Worcester) to discontinue the road lately laid out by their honours, from near Clark Cook's, in Mendon, to near Uxbridge town, being part in Mendon and part in Uxbridge and not yet made, or to do anything said agents shall think proper respecting the delay of making or the discontinuance of said road. After choosing one committee of 16 and another one of 5 members, to see if any alterations were required in the Highway Districts, and then immediately voting that they be discharged from duty; it was then voted that the Highway Surveyors shall report at the next town meeting the length of road in each district and that their report be made under oath, if required. Voted to raise and appropriate $2000 to defray the expense of making roads now under contract and made or partly made. Voted to raise $1200 for the support of schools this year. Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for the support of the poor. This is the first instance where a specific appropriation was made for the support of the poor; the expense, heretofore having been paid out of the sums appropriated "to defray town charges. " Voted to raise and appropriate $200 to defray the incidental expenses of the town, the first instance also in this case. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized, under the direction of the Selectmen, to hire such sums of money as may be necessary to defray such expenses of the town as are not provided for by the foregoing appropriations. 1832.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 547 Voted to raise $1600 for repairs of highways and bridges this year. Voted that 10 cents per hour be allowed a man for work on the highways and the same for a yoke of oxen and cart while at work-10 cents per hour for oxen while plowing and 5 cents per hour for a good plow. Voted that the Assessors issue warrants of distress, with their bills, to the several Highway Surveyors. Voted to hold the annual town meeting on the first Monday in April, in future, instead of the first Monday in March. No mention being made of any report from the Highway Surveyors who were directed to measure the roads in each district, it was Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to make such alterations in the highway districts, as they may judge equitable and necessary, without reporting the same to the town for its acceptance. Benjamin Davenport chosen agent for the town. Voted that the School Committee be paid $10 each, providing they are prompt and regular in visiting the schools at their commencement and close and as much oftener as is convenient. Voted that the agent (Benjamin Davenport) chosen to meet the agent from Uxbridge, in relation to a road from near Clark Cook's to Uxbridge, cease further opposition to the same, until otherwise directed by the town. Adjourned to the November meeting. April 18. Voted to accept the alteration, made by the Selectmen, in the road between Leonard W. Darling's house and Millville. At a meeting held this day (under a new warrant) to see if the town would raise an additional sum of money to defray town charges. Voted to dismiss the warrant. Here follows (p. 22, vol. VI of the Town Records) the boundaries of 'the Highway Districts, nineteen in number. June 16. Voted to accept the following list of Jurors, viz: Nahum Bates, Ichabod Cook, Jr., Jared Benson, Seth Davenport, Caleb Mowry, Andrew Penniman, Seth Kelley, Luke Aldrich 2d, William Legg, Arnold Taft, Henry Goss, Anson Aldrich, Asa Kelley, Luke Aldrich, Jo 548 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1832. seph Ray, George Southwick, Hezekiah Fletcher, Edwin D. Sargent, Samuel Bills, Abram Staples, Lebbeus Gaskill, Jesse Tourtelotte, Jr., Joseph B. Cook, Washington Hunt, Lendoll Staples, Horace Chenery, Jabez Aldrich, Nathaniel Torrey, Alexander Wilson, Jr., Benjamin Davenport, Aaron Burdon, Jotham Hayward, Collins Capron, Clark Cook, Amariah Taft, Jona. M. Shove, Dan Hill, Riley Daniels, Ariel Thayer, Joseph G. Davenport, Welcome Staples, Thomas Taft, Jr., Ebenezer Chase, George Wood, Willard Wilson, Esek Pitts, Leonard W. Darling, Moses Daniels, Caleb V. Allen, Obadiah Wood, Johnson Legg, James Comstock, Stephen Taft, Millins Taft, Peletiah Thayer, Alexander H. Allen, Reuben Thayer, Samuel Cook, Emory Scott, Duty Cook, Preserved S. Thayer, Adam Wheelock, Willard Wilcox, John Kelley, Nathan Hayward, Elbridge G. Daniels, Elijah Thayer, Leonard Taft, Stephen H. Thayer, Albert Fairbanks, Ebenr W. Hayward, Samuel Gaskill, William Green, Joseph Carroll, Jr., Soloman Pratt, Nathan George, Moses T. Chapin, Asa Chilson, Willard Chilson, Joseph Allen, Simeon Wheelock, Caleb Colvin. Nov. 12. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Levi Lincoln * ' " Marcus Morton " ". Samuel Lathrop.( " Abner Kneeland For Lt. Governor, Samuel T. Armstrong." ( John Mills... ( Timothy Fuller had 156 votes. Elected. " 153 " " 64 " t162 " " 156 " 60 " For Senators-David Wilder 165, Wm. S. Hastings 165, Samuel Mixter 165, Ira Barton 165, Charles Hudson 165, Samuel Lee 165. Daniel Thurber 154, Henry Prentiss 156, Jonas L. Sibley 156, Isaac Davis 156, John Brown 156, Moses Wood 156. Stephen P. Gardner 57, Austin Flint 57, Abiel Jacques 57, Thos. Chamberlain 57, Tyler Batchelor 57, Theodore Jones 57. VOTE FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. Electors at largeCharles Jackson.............171 Nathan W illis................159 John D. Williams............ 48 Suffolk DistrictThos. H. Perkins.............171 Charles Hood...............159 Jacob Hall................. 48 Essex South DistrictGideon Barstow..............171 John Moriarty...............159 Wm. B. Breed.............. 48 Middlesex DistrictNathan Brooks....... 171 Eliphalet Case...............159 Benjamin Wyshall...........48 Worcester South DistrictAaron Tufts.............. 171 Richard Olney.............159 Pliny Merrick................ 48 Worcester North DistrictSamuel Lee..................171 Charles Sibley...............159 Stephen P. Gardner......... 48 1833.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 549 Essex North DistrictEbenr Moseley..............171 Amos Noyes.................159 Thos. Payson........... 48 Hampden DistrictJames Byers.............171 W. W. Thompson..........156 John Chaffee.............. 48 Berkshire DistrictHenry Shaw................171 Phineas Allen...............156 Jas. W. Robbins........... 48 Norfolk DistrictJames Richardson..........171 Ebenezer Seaver...... 156 John Bailey................ 48 Franklin DistrictEbenezer Mattoon........... 171 Perley Barton................159 Asa Stebbins................ 48 Plymouth DistrictJotham Lincoln............. 171 Peter H. Pierce..............156 Zechariah Eddy.............. 48 Bristol DistrictCornelius Grinnell............171 John M. Williams...........156 Jos. Ricketson.............. 48 Barnstable DistrictNymphas Marston............171 Samuel Stimson..............156 Benj. Hallett............... 48 REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. Voted to send four Representatives to the General Court. 1st Ballot-Benjamin Davenport had 161 votes. Daniel Thurber had 167 votes. Aaron Burdon had 54 votes. James Comstock had 2 votes. Washington Hunt had 1 vote. No choice. 2d Ballot-Daniel Thurber had 173 votes. Benjamin Davenport 155 votes. Aaron Burdon had 45 votes. Jas. Comstock had 2 votes. Preserved S. Thayer had 1 vote. No choice. 3d Ballot-Dr. Daniel Thurber had 180 votes. Benj. Davenport had 155 votes. Aaron Burdon had 45 votes. James Comstock had 1 vote. Lebbeus Gaskill had 1 vote. No choice. After al unsuccessful motion to adjourn until to-morrow, it was voted not to send any Representative this year and the meeting was then dissolved. I833. April 1. For Representative in Congress in District No. IX. Henry Alexander Scammell Dearborn had 70 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 110 votes. Ebenezer Seaver had 3 votes. William Jackson had 1 vote. FOR TOWN OFFICERS. Chose Alexander H. Allen, Town Clerk; Johnson Legg, Edwin D. Sargent, Luke Aldrich, Caleb Colvin and Leonard W. Darling, Selectmen; Alexander H. Allen, Treasurer; Washing 550 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1833. ton Hunt, Constable and Collector, for $25.00. 'Rev. Adin Ballou, Rev. John M. S. Perry, John G. Metcalf, Emery Scott, Daniel W. Allen, Baruch Southwick and Putman W. Taft, School Committee. Voted not to choose Tythingmen or packers of beef. Voted to raise $70 to complete the school house in the Tenth School District, to be assessed upon and paid by the inhabitants of said district. Voted to raise $1200 and appropriate the same for support of schools. Voted to raise $1600 to repair highways and bridges. April 15. Voted to raise $2500 for the payment of debts now outstanding against the town. Voted to raise $800 for the support of the poor and incidental expenses. Voted that the next annual town meeting be held at the South Parish meeting house, the next at Laban Bates' Inn, and the next at the North Parish meeting house and so on in this order. Benjamin Davenport was chosen agent. Voted that the Selectmen be paid $4.00 per annum for their services. Voted to accept the report of the School Committee. The Prudential Committees were chosen by the town as follows, viz: 1st District, Zalman Green. 9th District, Thurber Warfield. 2 do. Enos Goss, 10 do. E. D. Sargent. 3 do. Robert Allen. 11' do. Millins Taft. 4 do. E. G. Daniels. 12 do. Elijah Hayward. 5 do. Elijah Taft. 13 do. S. H. Thayer. 6 do. Duty Cook. 14 do. James S. Warner. 7 do. Nathl. Inman. 15 do. Lebbeus L. Wood. 8 do. Jason Staples. 16 do. Darius D. Farnum. Votes for County Treasurer-Anthony Chase had 14 and Otis Corbett had 4 votes. April 15. The only article in the warrant was, " To see if the town would accept the alterations, made by the Selectmen, in the road from the Old Turnpike (now County road) near Adin Ballou's to Millville." No vote was had upon this article as the meeting was immediately dissolved. 1833.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 551 May 6. This meeting was called " to see if the town would accept a road, laid out by the Selectmen, from near Seth Southwick's to Nathan Very's Cider Mill." Voted to dismiss the article from the warrant. There being no choice for Representative to Congress, another trial was had this day and with the following result, viz: 2cl Trial-Henry A. S. Dearborn had 74 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 81 votes. William Jackson had 29 votes. Wm. S. Hastings and Ebenezer Seaver had 1 vote each. No choice. June 10. Third trial-Henry A. S. Dearborn had 57 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 78 votes. William Jackson had 29 votes. Hon. William Ellis had 1 vote. No choice. Article second of the warrant was " a notice by Thomas Taft, Surveyor of the 7th Highway District, that the road across the Tourtelotte swamp would be complained of unless made safe by fencing it." The article was dismissed. Aug. 12. There still being no choice for a Representative in Congress, a meeting was held this day and with the following result, viz: 4th Trial-Henry A. S. Dearborn had 84 votes. William Jackson had 42 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 133 votes. Sept 16. Voted to accept of a road, laid out by the Selectmen, from the road opposite the meeting house in Millville to Uxbridge line. Nov. 11. STATE ELECTION. F6r Governor, John Davis had 90 votes. Elected..(t ( Marcus Morton " 177 " " John Quincy Adams 45 ".. ' Samuel C. Allen " 32.".. Samuel Lee 1 " For Lt. Governor, SamuelT. Armstrong" 108 " James Fowler " 179 Samuel Lathrop " 40 " Sampson V. S. Wilder 1 For Senators-Samuel Mixter 108, Charles Hudson 108, Ira Barton 108, Samuel Lee 108, Charles Russell 108, Rejoice Newton 108. Henry Prentiss 179, John Brown 179, John Spurr 179, Moses Wood 179, Payson Williams 179, Joseph Thayer 85. Stephen P. Gardner 45, Theodore Jones 45, Tyler Batcheller 45, Thos. Chamberlain 45, Wm. M. Benedict 45, Rufus Mixer 45. 552 ANNALS OF MENDON. C1833. Votes for Representative in Congress, 5th Tricl- Henry A. S. Dearborn had 95 votes. William Jackson had 43 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 178 votes. No chqice. FOR REPRESENTATIVES IN THE GENERAL COURT. Voted not to send four Representatives to the General Court. Voted to send three Representatives. Chose Lebbeus Gaskill, Warren Rawson and William Legg. Voted to reconsider the vote to send three Representatives and to send four. Chose Jabez Aldrich as the fourth Representative. While balloting for Jabez Aldrich, Dan Hill entered the following protest: The undersigned an inhabitant and legal voter in this town of Mendon hereby protests against the meeting proceeding, at this time, to the choice of a Representative to represent this town in the next General Court of this Commonwealth, because, before proceeding to the choice of any Representatives the town did, by their vote, decide upon the number that should be chosen and fixed that number at three. This number have already been chosen and the voters had right to suppose that no further balloting was to be had for Representatives and many of them have retired from the meeting. The undersigned also protests because the town has also chosen all that, by law, they have a right to send. Nov. 11, 1833. DAN HILL. Nov. 23. Voted to accept a road, laid out by the Selectmen, on the westerly side of the road leading through Millville beginning at a point one and one-half rods north of Willard Wilson's sign post to Uxbridge line. Voted not to accept a road from a point near Ariel Cook's house to a point a little south of Nathan Hayward's house. Afterward the County Commissioners laid out a road from the road passing by the house of Samuel G. Wilcox to Bellingham line, near the house of Ellis Bullard, being now the direct road to Bellingham. Dec. 16. 6th Trial for a Representcative in Congress-Henry A. S. Dearborn 34. Dr. Daniel Thurber 66. Wm. Jackson 25 and Eli Warren 20 votes, and there was no choice. Voted to rescind the vote accepting the road from near Willard Wilson's sign post to Uxbridge line. Before voting Capt. Willard Wilson protested against the proceedings, because, as he 1834.] ANNALS 'OF MENDON. 553 said, there was not a sufficient number of freeholders, signing the petition to the Selectmen for the insertion of the article in the warrant and requested that his objection should be entered upon the record. 1834. Jan. 27. There still being. no choice for a Representativein Congress, a meeting was held this day for the 7th Tricdl-Henry A. S. Dearborn had 37 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 57 votes. William Jackson had 24 votes. Eli Warren had 15 votes. Warren Rawson had 1 vote. No choice. Voted that the town recommend their Selectmen to withhold their approbation from such persons as may apply for a license to sell and retail spiritous liquors in said town the ensuing year. As the town, by the above vote, had granted all that was asked for it is not seen why they should "indefinitely postpone the furth7er consideration of the second article in the warrant." March 3. 8th Trial for a Representative in Congress-Henry A. S. Dearborn had 2 votes. William Jackson had 110 votes. Dr. Daniel Thurber had 58 votes. Eli Warren had 63 votes. Adin Ballou had 1 vote. William Jackson was chosen. At the first trial, in this town, William Jackson had one vote. April T7 TowN OFFICERlS. Chose Alexander H. Allen, Town Clerk; William Legg, Stephen Taft, Caleb Colvin, Anson Aldrich and Edwin D. Sargent, Selectmen; Alexander H. Allen, Town Treasurer; Washington Hunt, Constable and Collector, at $23.50; Dr. Moses D. Southwick, Chas. C. P. Hastings, James P. Hayward, Alexander H. Allen, Willard B. Johnson, Daniel W. Allen and Perry Thayer, School Committee. Voted to defer the further consideration of the annual report of the Selectmen to the adjourned meeting on the 28th inst. Voted to raise $2000 and to appropriate one half of said sum to the payment of outstanding debts and the other half to defray the contingent expenses of the town. Voted to raise $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $1600 to repair the highways and bridges. 70 554 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1834. Warren Rawson, Anriailh TIaft and Lebbeus Gaskill were chosen a committee to see whether any persons have trespassed upon the highways or lands of the town and report at the next town meeting. The same committee were instructed to demand and receive of Pearley Hunt the records and papers formerly belonging to the ancient proprietors of Mendon, now in the possession of the said Pearley Hunt, who was the last Proprietors' Secretary. Votes for County Treasurer-Anthony Chase had 71 votes. Major Jack Downing had 1 vote. April 28. Voted not to instruct the Selectmen to approbate any innkeepers to be retailers of rum, brandy, gin, &c., in town during the present year. June 28. Voted to indefinitely postpone the fourth article "in relation to the refusal of the Treasurer to give bonds." The law, at this time did not require the Treasurer to give bonds. Aug. 18. Samuel Allen, Asa Kelly, George Southwick, Amariah Taft and Alexander H. Allen were chosen a committee to oppose the location of a road as by the petition of William S. Hastings and others, to the County Commissioners. Nov. 10. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John Davis had 103 votes. Elected... (" Marcus Morton " 103 Saml. C. Allen " 63.." John Bailey " 23... Lyman C. Curtis 1 " For Lt. Governor, Saml. T. Armstrong "103 " Wm. W. Thompson "164 " George Odiome " 23 " Gov. Davis having been elected a Senator in Congress, resigned his office of Governor March 4, and Samuel T. Armstrong, elected as Lieut. Governor, became the acting Governor. For Senators-Whig-Samuel Mixter 104, Chas. Hudson 104, Chas. Russell 104, Chas. Allen 103, Geo. A. Tufts 102, Waldo Flint 104. Democrat -Henry Prentiss 144, Jos. Thayer 144, John Spurr 117, Nathl. Rand 144, Alexr DeWitt 144, John Boyenton 144. A. S.-Stephen P. Gardner 23, Tyler Batcheller 23, Theodore Jones 23, Elijah Stoddard 23, Austin Flint 23, Lovett Peters 23. For Representative to Congress-William Jackson 44, Dr. Daniel Thurber 1835.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 555 122. Eli Warren 39. Wm. S. Hastings 36. Theron Metcalf, Sylvanus Holbrook, Lebbeus Gaskill, William Legg and Chas. B. Jenks had 1 each. REPRESENTATIVES TO THE GENERAL COURT. On the first ballot, Obadiah Wood was chosen by 5 votes, Johnson Legg by 8 and Emory Scott by 1 majority. Mr. Wood was the author of a bill which greatly reduced the number of Representatives in the General Court. Three other ballots were taken resulting in the election of Lebbeus Gaskill as the fourth Representative, and were as follows, viz: William Hastings....................58 57 49 W illiam Legg..................................61 33 10 Ichabod Cook, Jr..............................19 14 15 Lebbeus Gaskill............................. 80 110 130 Chas. C. P. Hastings......................... 1 1 1 Seth Davenport................................ 2 Scat. 4 Scat. 6 Em ery Scott................................... 1 W hole number...........................238 247 243 Necessary to a choice..........................119 124 122 I835. April 6. Amos W. Pitts was chosen Town Clerk and Treasurer; Edwin D. Sargent, Obadiah Wood, Ichabod Cook, Jr., Ebenezer W. Hayward and Nicholas Thayer, Selectmen; Washington Hunt, Constable and Collector, at $29.00, and 1)r. Moses D. Southwick, Chas. C. P. Hastings, Obadiah Wood, Jr., and Danl. W. Allen, School Committee. Voted that the town do instruct their Selectmen not to approbate any person to sell ardent spirits during the ensuing municipal year. The reports of the Selectmen and School Committee were read and put on file. Voted to raise $3900, and appropriate $400 for the support of the poor, $800 for incidental expenses, $1500 for payment of outstanding debts, and $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $1600 to repair highways and bridges. Votes for County Treasurer-Charles G. Prentiss had 34 votes. Anthony Chase had 2 votes, Voted that the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen have $20 556 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1835. and the other members of the Board $8 per year for their services. Voted that the Chairman of the General School Committee be allowed $20 a year for his services, he performing all the duties as set forth in the report of the School Committee made this day. Voted that Dr. M. D. Southwick be allowed $5 for extra services, as a member of the General School Committee the past year. Dan Hill, Warren Rawson and Jared Benson were chosen a committee to prosecute all trespassers upon the property of the town. May 4. Voted to reconsider the vote allowing the Chairman of the Selectmen $20 and his associates $8 each per year, and that they all be allowed $4 each per year for their services. Voted to reconsider the vote allowing the Chairman of the School Committee $20, and that each member be allowed $4 per year. The Board of County Commissioners having been recently established, the first election of these officers took place this day, and with the following result, viz: For Commissioners-Jared Reed had 43. John W. Lincoln 32. Ebenezer D. Ammidon 31. Obadiah Wood 16. William Eaton and Zachariah Shel. don 15 each. Sylvanus Holbrook 2. Abiel Jaques and Dan Hill 4 each. Wm. Crawford 3 and Chas. G. Prentiss, Clihas. C. P. Hastings, Wm. H. Crawford, Eli Warren, Wm. Eaton, Alexander DeWitt, Ebenezer L. Barnard, Newell Nelson and Richard Olney 1 each. For Special Commissioners-Ephraim Stone 36. Benjamin Davenport 35. Artemas Lee and Richard Olney 15 each. Alexander DeWitt and Eli Warren 7 each and Dan Hill, Newell Nelson, Warren Rawson, Pearley Hunt and John W. Lincoln 1 each. Dan Hill from the committee chosen to look after trespassers upon the town's property reported, and then Voted that Dan Hill be authorized to commence and prosecute an action in behalf of the town, in strch form as he may see fit, against Henry Chapin of Milford, or any other person, for wood and timber cut and carried off by the said Chapin or other person from a tract of land in town known as the " Eight Rod Road." 1835.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 557 June 1. It seems that there was no choice as to one of the Commissioners at the late election and hence an election was held to-day to fill the vacancy. The road from Willard Wilson's sign post to Uxbridge road, is not yet made and William. S. Hastings, Willard Wilson and Dan Hill were chosen a comnittee to ascertain upon what terms the road can be made, whether it will be of public utility and whether the town ought to be at any expense therefor. Voted to build two more pounds, to be erected forthwith, and at such places as the committee may determine; and Jared Benson, Aaron Burdon and Obadiah Wood were chosen the committee. Voted to rescind the votes passed May 4th, reducing the coimpensation of the Selectmen and School Committee. June 8. Voted that the articles in the warrant relating to the "Sign Post" road, so called, and the Elijah Trask road be dismissed from the warrant. Voted to rescind the vote passed at the last meeting relating to the compensation of the Selectmen and School Committee, and that each member of the two boards have $4 each for their services, annually. June 22. There being still a vacancy in the Board of County Commissioners, no choice having been effected at the last trial, a meeting was held this day with the following result, viz: Jared Weed had 42 votes. William Crawford had 31 votes. The Sign Post road and the Elijah Trask road were again rejected. Alexander Hayward, Carlisle W. Capron and Clark Cook were chosen Pound Keepers. The petitioners for the Sign Post Road and the road running from nearly the same point (being a rival route) were not discouraged by their repeated defeats, but immediately petitioned for another meeting. Aug. 22. Voted to accept the Sign Post road and dismiss the article relating to the other. The opponents of the Sign Post road, no ways discouraged, then petitioned for another meeting which was held Sept. 26. Then voted to discontinue the Sign Post road (78 rods in length) accepted at the last meeting. 558 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1835. The town having neglected to repair the Tourtelotte road (so called) across the swamp, flowed by the mill pond of Arnold Taft and Brothers, the same was indicted. Upon this the town Voted that the road complained of should be thoroughly repaired across the swamp. Dan Hill was chosen agent to assure the District Attorney that the nuisance complained of should be immediately abated. Nov. 9. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton 128.. " Edward Everett 101. Elected.... < Saml. T. Armstrong 4. c.. Saml. C. Allen 1. (" ' " James F. Armstrong 1. For Lt. Governor, William Foster 134. George Hull 94. For Senators-John Spurr had 128 votes. Alexr DeWitt had 129 votes. Nathl. Rand had 129 votes. John Boyenton had 129 votes. Chas. Sibley had 98 votes. Joseph Thayer had 78 votes. E D. Sargent had 32 votes. Newell Nelson had 40 votes. Dan Hill had 3 votes. Abiel Jaques had 1 vote. Chas. Hudson had 83 votes. Chas. Allen had 84 votes. Chas. Russell had 84 votes. Waldo Flint had 81 votes. Linus Child had 85 votes. Ethan A. Greenwood had 84 votes. Eli Warren had 4 votes. Pearley Hunt had 2 votes. Adin Ballou had 1 vote. Wm. Crawford had 1 vote. REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. Voted to send four Representatives to the General Court. 1st ballot. 2d ballot. 3d ballot. 4th ballot. 5th ballot. Dan Hill...............56 99 106 114 60 Johnson Legg.........95 104 119 131 133 Seth Davenport.........40 7 2 30 William Legg.........23 11 4 6 14 All others..............11 14 14 12 12 On the 5th ballot Johnson Legg was chosen by 5 majority. Two other ballots were had at this meeting resulting in no choice. Another meeting was held Nov. 23 and after three ballots had been taken without effecting a choice, on the fourth ballot, Edwin D. Sargent was chosen by 48 majority. Four other ballots were taken but resulted in no choice. Dan Hill and Ariel Cook were the leading candidates; on the last ballot, Dan Hill had 101, Ariel Cook 100, and there were 8 scat 1836.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 559 tering. Dan Hill lacked 4 votes of an election. The meeting was then dissolved. In the record, pp. 104, 105, 106 and 107 may be found the relocation of the road from Mendon to Millville. I836. April 4. Chose Amos W. Pitts, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Benjamin Davenport, Ariel Thayer, Dan Hill, Jared Benson and Clark Cook, Selectmen; Washington Hunt, Constable and Collector at $29.00; Amos W. Pitts, Samuel Allen, Stephen Taft, Daniel W. Allen and Arthur Cook, Jr., School Committee. Voted that the Selectmen repair the bridge over the Blackstone River, at Blackstone Village, "unless it shall appear to them that the town is not bound to maintain it." Register of Deeds-Artemas Ward, Esq., had 5 votes. Unanimous. April 25. Voted, pursuant to the recommendation of the General School Committee, that the Chairman have the general superintendence of the schools and which he is to visit as the law requires; his four associates shall each attend the Chairman when visiting the schools in his section of the town, and their compensation shall be as follows, viz: The Chairman shall have $20 and each of his associates $4 per year. Voted to raise $1600 to repair highways and bridges. Voted to raise $4500, to be appropriated as follows, viz: $1500 for the support of schools; $400 for the support of the poor; $2000 for repair of the roads and bridges and other incidental expenses, and $600 for the payment of arrearages. In relation to the report of the Selectmen in regard to the road passing over the island, in the river at Millville; that, in 1770, permission was given for a grist mill (upon the island) to be partly in the road, and that the road between the mill and Thayer & Fairbanks' Factory is but 27~ feet wide, the town thereupon Voted that the owners of the aforesaid buildinys be notified to forthwith remove them without the limits of the road. Voted that William Soden Hastings, Esq., be an agent, in behalf of the town, to notify the owners as aforesaid, and, in case of their neglect, to commence and prosecute an action or actions, in such form as he may see fit. 560 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1836. Voted to accept of a road laid out by the Selectmen, from Blackstone village to Rhode Island line; and that they be authorized to render said road and the bridge over Blackstone river passable as soon as practicable. Voted to accept of an alteration in the road near Timothy Alexander's house as reported by the Selectmen. The laying out of these roads may be found recorded on p. 115, vol. VI. May 14. The discontinuance of the Eight Rod road, so called, as proposed by an article in the warrant was indefinitely postponed. Dan Hill, Esq., was chosen General Agent. Voted that William S. Hastings, in behalf of the town, petition the County Commissioners to lay out anew the road in Millville, leading from Mellen Benson's dwelling house over Blackstone river and the island in the same, to the dwelling house of Collins Capron, or such part thereof as, in their judgment, the public convenience may require, for the purpose of establishing the boundary lines of said road. Nov. 14. The following is the vote on the twelfth article of the amendments to the State Constitution, which lessened the number of Representatives in the General Court. This amendment was introduced by Obadiah Wood, a Representative from Mendon, in the Legislature of 1835 and, having been passed by the Legislature of 1836 was now before the people for confirmation or rejection. For the Atmendment to the 'Constitution —Yeas 105. Nays 69. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Edward Everett, 114 votes. Elected..(. Marcus Morton, 214." " Samuel Hoar, 3 (" " Samuel C. Allen, " For Lt. Governor, George Hull, 119 " William Foster, 214 Senators-Chas. Hudson 120 votes. Chas. Russell 120 votes. Chas. Allen 119 votes. Linus Child 119 votes. Ethan A. Greenwood 120 votes. Willial Hancock 120 votes. Alexander DeWitt 213 votes. John Spurr 213 votes. Joseph Knox 213 votes. Sullivan Sumner 213 votes. Nathaniel Wood 213 votes. Chas. Sibley 213 votes. 1837.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 561 ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. For Electors at Large-F6r Nathaniel Silsby 124 votes. Edward A. Newton 124 votes. Nathan Willis 217 votes. Seth Whitmarsh 217 votes. For District No.1. Samuel Appleton.....124 votes 2. Leverett Saltonstall... 124 3. Benjamin Walker....124 " 4. Loammi Baldwin....124" 5. Joseph G. Kendall...124 " 6. Samuel Lee.........124 7. Thomas Longey...... 124 " 8. Isaac C. Bates........124 9. Bezaleel Taft, Jr..... 124 10. Howard Lathrop....124 " 11. Chas. W. Morgan.... 124" 12 Chas. J. Holmes.....124 For District No.1. Caleb Eddy..........217 votes 2. Robert Rantoul...... 217 3. Joseph Kittredge.....217 4. Francis Tuttle.......217 5. Samuel Taylor.......217" 6. Samuel C. Allen.....217" 7. Joseph Fitch.........217 " 8. Harvey Chapin......217 " 9. Benj. P. Williams... 217 10. Nathan C. Brownell.. 217 11. Thomas Mandell.....217" 12. Jabez P. Thompson..217" For Representative in Congress-William S. Hastings of Mendon had 138 votes. Alexander H. Everett, of Newton, had 212 votes. Eli Warren, of Upton, had 2 votes. Representatives to the General Court-Ariel Cook, Jared Benson, Clark Cook and Washington Hunt were chosen by majorities from 34 to 60. 1837. April 3. Chose Stephen Taft, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Johnson Legg, Ariel Thayer, Luke Aldrich, Millins Taft and Scammell Aldrich, Selectmen; Seneca Hills and Ahab Reed, Constables; Stephen Taft, Collector of Taxes, and Daniel W. Allen, David Davenport and John Cady, School Committee. Vote for County Treasuarer-Anthony Chase liad all the votes, 38 in number. Voted that the Town Treasurer give a satisfactory bond to the acceptance of the Selectmen. Voted that the Treasurer, as Collector, shall have a sum not exceeding $50 to pay a deputy or deputies which he is hereby authorized to appoint, for the collection of the taxes. Voted that the annual meeting, in future, be held on the first Monday in March. At this period the Government of the United States found its debts all paid and a large surplus in the Treasury, some twenty millions of dollars. This surplus, by an act of Congress, was placed on deposit with 71 562 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1837. the several States, liable to be refunded when Congress should make a demand. The State of Massachusetts decided to deposit its portion of the "Surplus Revenue," as it was called, with the several towns. Mendon agreed to receive its portion (amounting to $6921.64, of which $4803.45 was surrendered to Blackstone at the time of its incorporation in 1845,) upon the following terms, the motion being made by William S. Hastings, Esq. Voted that the town of Mendon hereby agrees to accept and receive, as a deposite, from the Treasurer and Receiver General of this Commonwealth, all such sums of money as said town shall be entitled to receive by virtue of an Act entitled an Act, " Concerning the Deposite of the Surplus Revenue " approved March 31, 1837, on the terms and for the purposes in said Act. And for this purpose Voted that the Treasurer of the Town of Mendon be and he is hereby authorized, for and in behalf of said town, to receive from the Treasurer and Receiver General of this Commonwealth, said town's proportion of the money to be deposited with the several towns in this Commonwealth, by virtue of said Act, and to make, execute and sign as Treasurer, in behalf of said town, certificates of deposite therefor, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth, binding said town in its corporate capacity, for the repayment of the money that shall be deposited with the said town, or any and every part thereof, from time to time, whenever the same shall be required by the said Treasurer and Receiver General of this Commonwealth, to be by him refunded to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, as provided in said Act. Benjamin Davenport, Nathan George, Robert Allen, Nathan Hayward, Moses Daniels, Moses Kelly, Arnold Taft, Luke Aldrich, Leonard W. Darling, Alexander Wilson, Samuel Very, Ariel Thayer, Willard Wilson, Anson Aldrich and Abel Wilder, being one from each School District, were chosen a committee to consider what disposition should be made of the portion of the Surplus Revenue, deposited or to be deposited with the town, as before mentioned. April 17. This committee made a report this day (not recorded) which was not accepted; whereupon upon motion of Dan Hill, Esq., it was Voted that the Town Treasurer is hereby authorized to loan the money, which the town shall receive, as their portion of the Surplus Revenue, to such Freeholders, in this town, as may apply for the same; Provided however that a greater sum than $1000, nor a less sum than $300 shall not be 1837.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 563 loaned to any individual; and provided also that each individual to whom a loan shall be made shall give to said Town Treasurer a Note payable at some future time, not exceeding one year from the day of the loan, and the payment thereof secured by a Mortgage upon real estate in town to the satisfaction of the Selectmen. Voted that the interest arising from the Surplus Revenue, be appropriated for the support of Common Schools. Voted to raise $1800 for the repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of schools the current year. Voted to raise $400 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $2000 to defray the incidental expenses this year. Voted to raise $600 to pay outstanding debts. Voted to appropriate $75 for the reduction of the grade of the Pickering Hill. Voted that one-half of the school money shall be divided equally among the districts, and the other half equally among the scholars, pursuant to the recommendation of the School Committee. June 17. Voted to reconsider the vote appropriating $75 to reduce the grade of the Pickering Hill. The "Sign Post" road was now located by the County Commissioners and damages awarded as follows, viz: To Collins Capron $33.00, WVm. Capron $23.00, and to the heirs of Esek Pitts, Esq., $185.00, making in the aggregate $241.00. July 11. Voted to accept of a road, laid out by the Selectmen, from the road near Washington Hunt's to the road leading by Samuel Prentice's house. Voted to establish the Sixteenth School District. Aug. 29. Charles C. P. Hastings was chosen General Agent for the town in the place of William S. Hastings resigned. Nov. 13. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton, 212. Edward Everett, 145. Elected. Saml. T. Armstrong, 1. For Lt. Governor, William Foster, 212. George Hull, 146. Senators-Chas. Hudson 144. Linus Child 146. Wm. Hancock 146 James G. Carter 145. Thomas Kinnicutt 143. Artemas Lee 146. Pliny 564 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1838. Merrick 2. John Spurr 212. Sullivan Sumner 212. Nathl. Wood 212. Charles Sibley 212. Jedediah Marcy 212. Nathaniel Rand 212. Voted to choose three Representatives to the General Court. Ichabod Cook, Jr., by a majority of 17 votes in a poll of 349; Hezekiah Fletcher, by a majority of 12 in a poll of 345, and Samuel Allen, Esq., (after a 2nd ballot) by a majority of 6, in a poll of 344, were chosen Representatives. Voted to choose a committee of one from each school district to consider the way and mode of dividing the school money. Voted to reconsider a vote passed April 17, 1837, concerning the manner of loaning the surplus revenue. Voted, upon motion of Dan Hill, Esq., that the Treasurer be authorized to loan the residue of the Surplus Revenue in the Town Treasury, in the same manner and under the same restrictions as voted by the town, March 17, 1837, and in case it shall not be called for and taken in the course of the present month, the Treasurer shall be at liberty to loan the whole or any part thereof upon such personal security as a committee, now to be chosen, shall approve. Amariah Taft, Elijah Thayer and Dan Hill were then chosen as the committee. Rev. David Cushman was chosen a member of the School Committee in the place of John Cady, resigned. The County Commissioners relocated the road across the Blackstone river, at Millville, crossing the Island. 1838. Jan. 15. Voted that the School Committee shall have the same compensation as the Selectmen have. Voted that a committee of one from each School District, be chosen to consider and report upon the subject " of establishing a School for the benefit of the whole town." Dan Hill, Esq., was chosen agent, and authorized to take such measures as he may choose, to demand and receive of Washington Hunt all moneys in his hands belonging to the town. Feb. 2. Nathan Hayward and others having petitioned the General Court to be set off to the town of Bellingham, it was Voted to choose an agent to oppose the granting the prayer of the petition, and Jared Benson, Esq., was chosen. John G. Metcalf, Johnson Legg and Amariah Taft were chosen 1838.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 565 a committee to draw up a remonstrance against the prayer of the petition aforesaid. March 5. Chose Stephen Taft, Town Clerk; David Davenport, Emery Scott, Alexander Wilson, Welcome Staples and Riley Daniels, Selectmen; Stephen Taft, Treasurer; School Committee, David Davenport, Louis Cook and Arthur Cook, Jr. The Treasurer was chosen Collector and Ahab Reed, Constable. Voted that the Assessors be directed to issue warrants of distress to the Highway Surveyors. April 2. Choice of County Treasurer —Anthony Chase had 30 votes. Commissioner's-William Crawford 200. Samuel Taylor 125. Amory Holman 122. Jared Weed 77. Thos. Chamberlain 76. All others 3. Special Commissioners-David Davenport 123. Zachariah Sheldon 123. Sullivan Thayer 76. Hiram Wheelock 75. All others 3. Voted to raise $2000 for the repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $500 for the maintenance of the poor. Voted to raise $2000 for incidental expenses. Elijah Thayer, Johnson Legg and Amariah Taft were chosen Auditors of Accounts. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $184.19, being mostly poll taxes. June 18. Ahab Reed, Constable, having removed from town, Willard Wilson was chosen Constable. July 2. Taxes were forgone amounting to $20.60. Voted to accept the report of the Selectmen giving the boundaries of the several School Districts, seventeen in number. Dan Hill, Emery Scott and Elijah Thayer were chosen a committee to petition the County Commissioners, in behalf of the town, to discontinue the road lately located on the petition of William S. Hastings and twenty-one others. This was the road now in use from near the house of Samuel G. Wilcox to Bellingham line near the house of Ellis Bullard. Oct. 31. The committee above chosen were authorized to appear before the County Commissioners on the 5th day of November next for the purpose of opposing the petition above referred to. - Nov. 12. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton, 285... " Edward Everett, 199. Elected. 566 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1838. For Governor, Saml. C. Allen, 3... ' Peter Parley, 1. c Chas. Allen, 1. For Lt. Governor, Theodore Sedgwick, 286. George Hull, 200..." " Wm. W. Thompson, 3. After casting a few votes it was voted that the voters parade on the Common (the road-the meeting was held at Coverdale's tavern) and that the Selectmen pass along and receive the votes, checking the names as they vote. For Senators-Linus Child 160. William Hancock 161. Thos. Kinnicutt 160. Artemas Lee 160. James G. Carter 160. James Allen 160. Pliny Merrick 86. Amory Holman 88. Aaron Brooks, Jr., 64. Joseph Thayer 61. Benj. D. Hyde 64. Jubal Harrington 64. John Spurr 241. Sullivan Sumner 241. Nathl. Wood 241. Chas. Sibley 241. Jedediah Marcy 242. Nathl. Rand 242. Joseph Davis 25. Ephraim Stone 25. Otis Hayden 25. Samuel Wood 25. Dan Hill 1. For Representative in Congress-William S. Hastings 203, elected. Alexander H. Everett 267. Bezaleel Taft, Jr., 1. For County Commissioners-David Davenport 160. Nathan Heard 99. Sullivan Thayer 21. Seneca Hills 1. Gaius Ticklepitcher 1. Clark Ellis 3. Emery Scott 1. This election was held to fill a vacancy in the Board, occasioned by the resignation of Jared Weed, Esq. Voted to send three Representatives to the General Court. First Ballot-Emory Scott 193. Millins Taft 110. Ebenr W. Hayward 64. Moses Kelly 28. Seneca Hills 35. All others 12. No choice. Second Ballot-Emery Scott 200. Millins Taft 114. Ebenr W. Hayward 46. Moses Kelley 22. Seneca Hills 24. Dan Hill 11. LabanBates4. All others 6. No choice. Third Ballot —Emery Scott 205. Millins Taft 120. Ebenr W. Hayward 29. Seneca Hills 27. Moses Kelly 20. Elias Balcome 9. Dan Hill 3. Laban Bates 2. Lebbeus Gaskill 2. All others 5. No choice. Voted to reconsider the vote to send three Representatives. Voted not to send any and then dissolved the meeting. No election of Representatives having been effected, another meeting was called, pursuant to the fifteenth article of the amendment to the State Constitution. Nov. 26, (being the last Monday in that month) a meeting was held to choose Representatives. The only vote passed was one to dissolve the meeting. 1839.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 567 Dec. The committee on the division of the school money, made a report in which they recommended that the school money should be divided as follows, viz: No district shall draw more than 14 per cent. of the whole sum raised. The remainder shall be divided among the remaining districts, one-third equally among the districts and two-thirds equally among the scholars. That all districts shall make an accurate return to the Selectmen on or before the first day of December, annually, of the number of children entitled to draw school money, in their respective districts; and from all districts, which do not' make this return, ten per cent. shall be deducted from the sum they would have drawn had they made the required return, and the amount shall be divided among the other districts by the rule above recited. There being no election of a County Commissioner, at the last meeting, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Jared Reed, Esq., Dec. 31. -Another meeting was held with the following result: Nathan Heard 7. John W. Lincoln 27. Zachariah Sheldon 19. Sullivan Thayer, 7. Clark Ellis 1. I839. March 4. No choice for County Commissioner having been made at the last meeting, voted to-day as follows, viz: Nathan Heard 64. John W. Lincoln 62. William N. Green, Esq., 67. All others 3. Chose Stephen Taft, Town Clerk and Treasurer; David Davenport, Jared Benson, Anson Aldrich, Alexr H. Allen and Joseph B. Cook, Selectmen; David Ross, Constable, and Arthur Cook, Jr., Alexander H. Allen and Rev. William H. Fish, School Committee. The Treasurer, Collector. Voted that the salary of the Constable be ten dollars for all the services he may perform for the town. The reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Overseers of the Poor were then read, accepted and put on file. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money on the credit of the town, not to exceed $1400, to meet the liabilities of the town. The poll was then opened for a County Treasurer, and Anthony Chase had 59. 568 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1839. April 1. Voted to raise $3500 and appropriate the same to defray incidental expenses. Voted to raise $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of the schools. Voted to raise $2000 to defray the repairs for highways and bridges. Alexander H. Allen was chosen agent to sell a certain piece of land, now common, near Samuel Gaskill's house, being the same piece of land conveyed to the town by Col. James Mellen. The same was purchased by Amariah Taft and Samuel Gaskill. Town taxes for 1838 were foregone to the amount of $84.54. School taxes in the Sixth School District to the amount of $37.90 School taxes in the First School District to the amount of $3.77. Voted that any one driving faster than a walk over the bridge at Blackstone shall be liable to a fine of $1.00, and the Selectmen are required to carry this rule into effect. The article in the warrant for this meeting in reference to the establishment of a High School was referred to the School Committee. April 11. The rule voted by the town in regard to driving over the bridge at Blackstone, was approved and allowed by the the County Commissioners. May 6. Voted to accept of the road located near the house of Caleb Thayer, and also of a road located near Samuel Prentice's house. Voted to refer the claims of Washington Hunt, for a full settlement, to the Selectmen. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $2.26 in bill for 1838. June 3. It seems the vacancy in the Board of County Commissioners was not vet filled and hence another trial was had this day Nathan Heard had 7 votes. John W. Lincoln 6. Wm. N. Green 28. Johnson Legg, Abel Wilder and Jared Benson were chosen a committee to consider the subject of a division of the highway districts. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $3.82. Voted that the Collector shall commit Almond Balloun Arnold 1839.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 569 Eddy, Daniel Gifford, Lorin Munyan, Parley H. Prentice and John Rowley, Jr., to the County Jail provided they will not pay their taxes and that the Collector be paid all necessary charges and the Treasurer to furnish money to pay their board until further orders from the town. Voted to adopt the following rules and regulations for the government of the Poor House. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. No person shall leave the farm without permission first had of the Superintendent or his wife, and shall obey the said Superintendent and his wife in all reasonable commands or requirements at all times. 2. No person shall bring, or cause to be brought, on to the premises, without leave first had of the Overseers of the Poor, any intoxicating liquors, nor shall they grant any leave without the direction of a regular physician. 3. If any person, having leave of absence, shall return home intoxicated, they shall not have leave of absence for three months thereafter. 4. Profane or immodest language shall not be allowed about the premises on any pretence whatever. 5. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent and his wife to preside at the tables of their respective sexes and see that proper decorum by each individual is observed and that each one has their proper portion. 6. No person shall be kept in the cell to exceed three hours without notice to the Overseers, nor shall any person be kept in the cell, during the usual hours of sleep, under any circumstances, but may be put in again if not sufficiently reformed the following day. ARNOLD TAFT, ELIJAH THAYER, Overseers of the Poor. JOHNSON LEGG, Voted to forego taxes in the Thirteenth School District to the amount of $11.95. The March meeting warrant, which had been adjourned from time to time, was now dissolved. Nov. 11. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton, 284 votes. Elected.... ~Edward Everett, 174 " Robert Rantoul, Jr., 2 For Lt. Governor, Nathan Willis, 284 "... George Hull, 175 < t.. Charles Allen, 2 " For Ssnators-John Spurr 280 votes. Nathl. Wood 280 votes. Jedediah 72 570 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1839. Marcy 280 votes. Charles Sibley 280 votes. Benj. Eastabrook 280 votes. James Estabrook 280 votes. James G. Carter 139 votes. Thos. Kinnecutt 137 votes. Artemas Lee 139 votes. Samuel Wood 169 votes. James Allen 139 votes. Chas. C. P. Hasting 132 votes. Pliny Merrick 18 votes. Amory Holman 37 votes. Seneca Hills 37 votes. Otis Hayden 37 votes. Aaron Brooks, Jr. 37 votes. All others had 9 votes. Voted to choose three Representatives on separate ballots. First Ballot-Emery Scott had 181 votes. Stephen Taft had 115 votes. Anson Aldrich had 49 votes. Laban Bates had 19 votes. Alexr. H. Allen had 9 votes. Moses Kelley had 61 votes. All others 3, and there was no choice. Voted to reconsider the vote to choose three Representatives. Nov. 25. A new meeting was called for the election of Representatives to the General Court, being the fourth Monday in November, as provided in the fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Voted to choose three Representatives to the General Court. First Ballot-Laban Bates 2d had 179 votes. Moses Kelley had 81 votes. Stephen Taft had 60 votes. Anson Aldrich had 29 votes. Alexr. H. Allen had 5 votes. All others had 20. No choice. Second Ballot-Laban Bates 2d had 192 votes. Moses Kelley had 72 votes. Anson Aldrich had 37 votes. Stephen Taft had 28 votes. George Southwick had 21 votes. All others had 14 votes. Laban Bates 2d was chosen by 9 majority. The meeting was then adjourned until the next day (Nov. 26) at 10 o'clock, A. M. Nov. 26. Voted to proceed to vote for a second Representative. Voted that the meeting be adjourned until 2 o'clock P. M., in order if possible, to procure the check list of voters. Two o'clock P. M. the check list having been obtained, the meeting was called to order and proceeded to vote for a second Representative and it was found that Leonard Taft had 151 votes. Thomas Taft had 11 votes. Leonard Taft was then declared to be chosen. Upon a second ballot Caleb Thayer had 126 votes. George Southwick had 18. All others had 4. Caleb Thayer was declared to be chosen. As the fifteenth article of the amendments gives no authority 1840.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 571 for holding a meeting for the choice of Representatives, after the fourth Monday in November, a remonstrance was laid before the House of Representatives; and, in due season, Leonard Taft and Caleb Thayer were not recognized as members of that body. At this election, Marcus Morton, of Taunton, was elected to the office of Governor, by the people, by a majority of one vote. I840. March 2. Voted to choose five Selectmen on one ballot. Chose Stephen Taft, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Jared Benson, Nathan Hayward, Benj. Ray, Samuel Very and Benoni Staples, Selectmen; Francis Kelly, David Davenport and Dr. Moses D. Southwick, School Committee, and David Ross Constable. This meeting was held at Coverdale's Tavern, and after the choice of Moderator, it was voted "to adjourn from the hall to a room on the ground and to receive votes at a window from the common in front of the house." Votes for County Treasuqrer-Anthony Chase had 73 votes. Voted that the Constable be paid $10 for his services. April 6. The following is the vote upon the adoption of the thirteenth article of the amendments to the constitution: Yeas 19. Nays 39. No election (to fill the vacancy in the Board of County Commissioners occasioned by the resignation of Jared Weed Esq.,) for a County Commissioner having been effected, another trial was had to-day. Nathan Heard had 30. Adam Harrington had 83. John W. Lincoln had 9. All others had 4. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money for the use of the town as he shall find necessary. Voted to direct the Assessors to issue warrants of distress to the Highway Surveyors. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $27.80 for 1839. Voted to raise $3000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $600 for the support of the poor. 572 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1840. Voted to raise $1500 for repairs of highways and bridges. This tax to be paid in labour at 10 cents per hour for a man, and 10 cents per hour for a yoke of oxen and cart. May 16. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $61.31 for 1838 and 1839. Voted that the Collector shall commit to the county jail all who have not paid their taxes for 1839, and still neglect to do so. June 16. By a return of the Assessors made to the Town Clerk this day, it was found that the enrolled militia were 505. August 19. Voted to instruct the Selectmen to enter a complaint against the dam at Millville as a public nuisance, provided the owners do not let down the water, according to the directions of the Selectmen, for the purpose of building a bridge. Voted to forego taxes for 1840 to the amount of $19.20. Nov. 9. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton, 323. John Davis, 283. Elected. ".. George W. Johnson, 3. David L. Child, 1. For Lt. Governor, Nathan Willis, 319.... ~ George Hull. 284. Abel Bliss, 3... John T. Hilton, 1. For Senators-John Spurr 316. Benj. Easterbrook 316. Aaron S. Gibbs 316. Adam Harrington 316. Ariel Bragg 316. Samuel Wood 285. Chas. C. P. Hastings 285. Emory Washburn 285. James Allen 285. Amory Holman 285. Edward Earl, Isaac R. Barbour, Asaph Rice, Cyrus Pitt Grosvenor and Joshua Titus Everett had 4 votes each. Edward Clark 1 vote. For Representative to the General Court-Joseph B. Cook had 289 votes. Stephen Taft had 279 votes. Samuel W. Doggett had 32 votes. All others had 3 votes. There was no choice. S. W. Doggett (Democrat) was self nominated. For Representative in Congress-Alexander H. Everett, of Roxbury, had 303 votes. William S. Hastings, of Mendon, had 295 votes. Elected. Others had 6 votes. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. Electors at Large. (Dem.) Electors at Large. (Whig). William P. Walker.............305 Isaac C. Bates..................301 Ebenezer Fisher...............305 Peleg Sprague................301 1841.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 573 For Districts. 1 District, Caleb Eddy.........305 2 do. Robert Upton.......305 3 do. Nathaniel Stevens... 305 4 do. Timothy Thompson.305 5 do. Samuel D. Spurr..305 6 do. Caleb Hubbard......305 7 do. John Leland........305 8 do. James Fowler.......305 9 do. Artemas Brown.....305 10 do. Nathan C. Brownell.305 11 do. Thomas Mandell....305 12 do. Jesse Pierce........305 Electors at Large. (Liberty.) Jesse Wheaton.................. 5 Sylvester Judd..................5 Districts. 1 District, John E. Fuller....... 5 2 do. Ebenr Hunt............5 3 do. George Coggswell.... 5 4 do. James T. Woodbury..5 5 do. Thomas W. Ward.....5 6 do. Joel Hayden..........5 7 do. George W. Sterling....5 8 do. Chas. Starkweather.... 5 9 do. Bucklin F. Holliston..5 10 do. Benjamin Burt........5 11 do. Zenas D. Bassett......5 12 do. Azel Ames.......... 5 For Districts. 1 District, Richard Horton.... 301 2 do. 3 do. 4 do. 5 do. 6 do. 7 do. 8 do. 9 do. 10 do. 11 do. 12 do. Stephen C. Phillips..301 Rufus Longley......301 Sydney Willard..... 301 Ira M. Barton.......301 George Grennell.....301 Thaddeus Conway...301 Samuel Mixter..... 301 Thomas French....301 Wilkes Wood.......301 Joseph Tripp.......301 John B. Thomas....301 Electors at Large. Henry J. Chapman...............2 Seth Sprague.................... 2 Districts. 1 District, John Rogers..........2 2 do. John Smith...........2 3 do. Richard Plummer.....2 4 do. Calvin Temple........1 5 do. Daniel Paul...........1 6 do. Asa Howland.........2 7 do. J. W. Robbins........1 8 do. John M. Fisk.........2 9 do. Cyrus Allen...........1 10 do. Samuel Shove........ 2 11 do. Andrew Marcy........1 12 do. Lorin W. Reed........2 Beside the above tickets I find the following record: No. 4, Josiah Bartlett 1. No. 5, Samuel May 1. No. 7, Tyler Thacher 1. No. 9, Wm. S. Hastings 1. No. 11, Isaac Austin 1. There was, during the whole day of the election, a very heavy rain; but, notwithstanding, it was the largest meeting that had ever been convened in the town, the whole number of votes cast being 613. William H. Harrison was elected President. I841. Feb. 3. It being supposed that Ezekiel Wood, of Uxbridge, had trespassed upon the land belonging to the town, Arnold Taft was chosen an Agent to prosecute said Wood by 574 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1841. process of law, or to have the question of boundary settled by arbitration. March 1. Stephen Taft was chosen Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector; Arnold Taft, Thayer Bellows, Willard Chilson, Laban Bates, 2nd, and Welcome Thayer, Selectmen; David Ross, Constable, and Louis Cook, Francis Kelly and David Davenport, School Committee. Voted not to choose Tithingmen. For Register of Deeds, Adam Harrington had 125 votes, and Artemas Ward had 48. For County Treasurer, Anthony Chase had 45 votes. April 5. The vote for County Commissioners was as follows, viz: For Comnmissioners-William Crawford 118. Samuel Taylor 101. Zachariah Sheldon. 101. David Davenport 50. Charles Thurber 51..Ariel Bragg 32. All others -3 For Special Commissioners-Stephen Davis 51. Jerome Gardner 50. Adam Harrington 101. Sullivan Thayer 32. David Davenport 30. Nathan George 1. The following list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen was adopted: Adam Wheelock,* Francis Kelly,* Joseph B. Cook, Alexander H. Allen,* Moses T. Chapin,* Samuel G. Wilcox, Jared Benson,* Samuel Chase, Albert Fairbanks, Collins Capron, Emanuel N. Paine, Millins Taft, Alanson S. Freeman,* William Legg,* Thomas Taft,* Joseph Tucker, Scammell Aldrich,* Jonathan M. Shove, Anson Aldrich,* Samuel Very,* Abel Aldrich, Jr.,* Peter Gaskill, Jr.,* Reuben Thayer, * Leonard W. Darling,* Stephen H. Thayer, Lewis Wood, Henry Coverdale,* Perry Wood, Luke Aldrich,* Ichabod Cook,* Eli Kelley, Jos. G Davenport,* Abram Staples,* Nathan Hayward,* Luke Aldrich, 2nd,* Ebenezer Chase, Laban Bates, 2nd, Emory Scott,* Thayer Bellows, Daniel S. Southwick, Rufus Hayward,* Naum Gaskill,* Nicholas Thayer,* Benjamin Davenport*, Jason Staples,* Thurber Warfield, George Bates,* Laban Bates, Leonard Taft,* Silas Dudley, Clark Cook,* Samuel Thayer,* Welcome Thayer,* Eliab C. Perham,* Ariel Cook, Jr., Carlisle W Capron, Stephen Taft,* Natlhan C. Aldrich,* Benoni Staples,* Andrus Wheelock.* Voted to raise $3000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $600 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $1600 for the repairs of highways and bridges. *Dead. 1842.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 575 Voted that the Assessors issue distress warrants to the Highway Surveyors. May 3. At the recent trial for a choice of County Commissioners, but one Commissioner was chosen, and at a meeting held this day a ballot was taken for two County Commissioners and two Special Commissioners, as follows: 'For County Colmmissioners-Samuel Taylor had 45 votes. Zachariah Sheldon had 45 votes. Abiah Jaques had 8 votes. Clark Ellis had 1 vote. David Davenport had 20 votes. Charles Thurber had 28 votes. Jared Weedd d vote. For Special Commlissioners-Adam Harrington had 45 votes. David Davenport had 31 votes. Stephen Davis had 20 votes. Jerome Gardner had 20 votes. Salem Towne had 8 votes. Edmund Cushing had 8 votes. All others had 2 votes. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $25.49. The Assessors returned the number of the enrolled militia at 438. Nov. 8. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton, 292... John Davis, 197. Elected. " " Lucius Boltwood, 2..' " John Q. Adams, 1. For Lt. Governor, Henry H. Childs, 292. George Hull, 197.."... Ebenezer Hunt, 2. For Senators-John Spurr 292. Isaac Davis 292. Nathaniel Wood 292. Adam Harrington 291. Benj. Esterbrook 291. Samuel Wood 196. James Allen 197. Amory Holman 196. Emory Washburn 198. Alexr DeWitt 196. FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. Mendon, by the recent amendment to the Constitution, was entitled to but one Representative to the General Court. Willard Wilson had 269 votes. Joseph B. Cook had 200 votes. Others had 5 votes. I842. March 7. Chose Stephen Taft, Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector;' Arnold Taft, Laban Bates, 2nd, Peter Gaskill, Jr., Millins Taft, and Henry A. Aldrich, Selectmen; chosen on a general ticket; David Ross, Constable. 576 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1842. Benj. Davenport, Warren Rawson, Nahum Bates, Olney Cook, Laban Bates, 2nd, Benj. Ray, Johnson Legg, Obadiah Wood, Jared Benson, Joseph Tucker, Millins Taft, Ariel Thayer, Dan Hill, Abel Wilder, Luke Aldrich, 2nd, Rufus Hayward and Willard Chilson were chosen a committee to consider the subject of building a Town HIouse, &c. Voted to accept a road near Stephen Tourtelotte's provided the whole cost shall not exceed $155.00, otherwise that it be not accepted. April 4. Voted to choose three School Committee men. Chose Louis Cook, when a motion was made and carried not to choose any more, whereupon Mr. Cook resigned. It was then voted to postpone, indefinitely, the choice of a School Committee. Voted that, in future, one half of the town meetings be held at the South Parish Meeting House, and one half at the Inn of Henry Coverdale (in the same Parish). Voted to raise $1600 to repair highways and bridges. Voted to raise $3000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $700 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of schools. Voted to reconsider the vote accepting the " Tourtelotte road." April 30. Voted that a committee of three be chosen to examine the records of the town and to determine if any of them require to be transcribed, and to employ some suitable person to make such transcript at the expense of the town. Dan Hill, John G. Metcalf and Dr. Moses D. Southwick were chosen as the committee, to which the Town Clerk, ex officio, was joined. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the last meeting not to choose a School Committee, and now chose Louis Cook, Francis Kelly and James Sherman. By the return of the Assessors the enrolled militia were found to be 420. July 18. Votes for Representatiwe in Congress, District No. 9-Ezra Wilkinson, of Dedham, 232 votes. Samuel G. Goodrich, 121 votes. William Jackson, 3 votes. Voted that the Prudential Committees of the several School Districts return the number of children, in their respective districts, over three and under twenty-one years of age, on the first 1842.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 577 day of May, to the Selectmen, who shall make the apportionment of the school money, in the month of July, according to the rule which may exist at that time. Voted that the Treasurer certify to the Selectmen, on or before the 20th day of July, in each year, the total amount of money to be expended the current year. The Selectmen shall then apportion the money among the several districts and make return thereof to the Treasurer, who shall then pass the several sums to the credit of the proper districts. The Treasurer shall pay all bills for support of schools, properly receipted, and the same shall be received as valid in the annual settlement with the Selectmen. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $34.15. Dan Hill, Dr. Abel Wilder and Silas H. Kimball were chosen a committee to examine the bridge over the Blackstone Factory Pond and report its condition at the next town meeting. Stephen Tourtelotte agreed to build a piece of road, near his house, including all damages, for $155.00. Nov. 14. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton* had 348 votes. John Davis " 215 ".. Samuel E. Sewall " 7 " For Lt. Governor, Henry H. Childs " 348 George Hull "215.." " William Jackson " 6 For Senators-John Spurr had 348 votes. Isaac Davis had 348 votes. Nathl. Wood had 348 votes. Benj. Estabrook had 348 votes. Ariel Bragg had 349 votes. Solomon Strong had 216 votes. Alexander DeWitt had 216 votes. James Allen had 216 votes. John Wright had 216 votes. Dan Hill had 216 votes. Votesfor Representative to the General Court-Thomas Taft had 317 votes. Nelson Cowen had 183 votes. Saml. W. Doggett had 26 votes. Nine others had 20 votes. For Representative in the 28th Congress, in the 5th District-Pliny Merrick, of Worcester, had 341 votes. Charles Hudson, of Westminster, had 213 votes. Phineas Crandall had 8 votes. Two others had 2 votes. For Representative in the 27th Congress, in the 9th Dist ict-Ezra Wilkinson had 340 votes. William Jackson had 220 votes. *No election by the people, and Marcus Morton elected by the Legislature by one majority. 73 578 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1843. This last election was to fill a vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. William Sodon Hastings, at the White Sulphur Springs in Virginia, while a member of the 27th Congress. Dlec 19. There being no choice of a Representative in the twenty-seventh Congress, another trial was had this day and with the following result, viz: Ezra Wilkinson had 215 votes; Dem. William Jackson had 79 votes; Whig. Feb. 13. No election for a member of Congress in the Fifth District having been effected at the last trial, another meeting was held this day, when Pliny Merrick had 200 votes; Dem. Charles Hudson had 110 votes; Whig. Phineas Crandall had 8 votes; Anti-slavery. REV. LINUS H. SHAW, THE TENTH MINISTER. Mr. Shaw was engaged, without any formal settlement, and commenced his ministry in April, 1842, and closed his parochial labors May 1, 1844. I843. March 6. Stephen Taft was chosen Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector; Millins Taft, Willard Chilson, Emory Scott, Olney Cook and Daniel S. Southwick, Selectmen; Rufus Hayward, Constable; Rev. Linus H. Shaw, Francis Kelley and Dr. Moses 1). Southwick, School Committee. Voted that the Constable be paid $10 for all services. Voted that 800 copies of the Treasurer's report be printed for the use of the Town. This was the first instance of having any report printed. Anthony Chase had 91 votes for County Treasurer. The vote was unanimous. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to borrow money only of inhabitants of the town, payable in current bank bills at an interest not exceeding five per cent. April 3. There being again no choice of a Representative in Congress for the Fifth Congressional District, another election was held this day, when Charles Hudson, of Westminster had 102 votes; David Henshaw, of 1843.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 579 Leicester had 144 votes; Phineas Crandall, of Worcester had 6 votes; Pliny Merrick, of Worcester had 1 vote. Voted to raise $1600 to repair highways and bridges. Voted to raise $2000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $600 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of schools. The money for highways to be expended as heretofore-in work. Voted to choose seven Tything men, and Samuel W. Doggett, Washington Hunt, Nahor Staples, Peter Bates, Lyman C. Curtis, Silas Dudley and Enos Hayward were chosen. Voted that the Town Meetings, in future, be held one-third at the South Parish Meeting House, one-third at the Inn of Henry Coverdale, and one-third at the Inn of Ebenezer Marsh. The fixing the place of meeting at Marsh's Inn was occasioned by the sale and taking down of the old Meeting House where Town Meeting had formerly been held. The meeting house was sold to Holland Allbe, the timbers from wIich were used in building the house now occupied by William S. and Frederick R. Kinsley, at the corner of Elm and Hastings streets. April 29. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $42.12. June 17. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $74.92. The Fifth School District divided and the Eighteenth School District established. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $17.00. The number of the enrolled militia (being between the ages of 18 and 45) was found to be 492. August 16. Met at the Inn of Ebenezer Marsh, in the North Parish, and voted to accept of an alteration in the road leading from Seth Kelley's to Bellingham line. Dan HIill was chosen General Agent for the remainder of the political year. Nov. 15. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Marcus Morton had 327 votes. George N. Briggs "190 " Elected. SamuelE. Sewall " 10," " Wm. Lloyd Garrison " 1 " For Lt. Governor, Henry H. Childs 327 it. CJohn Reed 190... William Jackson " 10 " it "i George Bradburn " 1 " 580 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1843. For Senators.-Isaac Davis 315 votes. John Spurr 327 votes. Ariel Bragg 327 votes. Walter A. Bryant 327votes. Kilburn Harwood 327 votes. Levi Lincoln 191 votes. Solomon Strong 191 votes. Linus Child 191 votes. Alexander DeWitt 191 votes. Den Hill 189 votes. Thomas W. Ward, Gershom Jones, Nicholas Jenks, Joseph Griggs and Reuben Whitcomb, Jr., had 10 votes each; Anti-Slavery ticket. Five others had 15 votes. Choice of Representative to the Generial Court.-Peter Gaskill, Jr., had 289 votes. Joseph B. Cook 90. Adam Wheelock 12. Samuel W. Doggett 23. Samuel Thayer, David Davenport, Caleb Thayer, Francis Kelly and Alanson Freeman each had 1. Peter Gaskill, Jr. was chosen by 64 majority. Dec. 2. About this time the subject of a division of the town began to be pretty freely and earnestly discussed. One of the reasons was that there was no convenient place near the centre of the town, either as regarded its population or its geography, for the holding of town meetings. Hence the town, at this meeting, Voted that the town proceed to build a Town House. Voted that the Town House be built in Nicholas Thayer's pasture, where a road from Samuel Very's cider mill will communicate with a road from Artemas Thayer's road to Millins Taft's. Arnold Taft, Dan Hill and Samuel Very were chosen a Building Committee. Voted that the Building Committee construct such a house as they may think the convenience and necessity of the town may require. Voted to reconsider the vote fixing the site for a Town House. Voted that the Town House be located at or near the corner of the roads by Samuel Very's cider mill. Voted that the Committee proceed to build said house forthwith. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $16.66. Voted that the Collector, Abel Aldrich, be directed to enforce the collection of all taxes against bankrupts, and that the town will indemnify him for all costs and damages that may be incurred. Dec. 16. It was moved and seconded to reconsider the vote to build a Town House, and the motion was not carried. The second article in the warrant was then disposed of, when 1844.] ANNALS OF MENDON. -581 a motion, made and seconded, to reconsider the vote to build a Town House, was again defeated, and the meeting was then dissolved. Dec. 30. The meeting was held this day at tle Inn of Ebenezer Marsh, in the North Parish, but was adjourned to meet at Harrison Hall, forthwith. Vated to reconsider the vote passed Dec. 2, 1843, fixing tlhe location of a Town House near Samuel Very's cider mill. Voted to pass over the second clause in the second article in the warrant, which was "to see if the town will fix upon a site for a Town House on the road leading from the Five Corners to the Inin of Henry Coverdale, or at either of the places before mentioned." Voted to discharge the Committee chosen Dec. 2, to build a Town House. Voted to pass over the fourth article, which was "to see if the town will choose a Committee of one from each School District to select a site for a Town House." Voted to reconsider the vote passed Dec. 2 inst. to build a Town House. Voted to pass over the sixth article in the warrant, "to see if the town would hire Harrison Hall, in which to hold one-half of the town meetings." Voted to pass over the seventh and eighth articles, " to see if the town will vote to divide the town into two separate towns, so as to do justice to both towns, and choose all necessary committees to effect the same." 1844. Jan. 26. Voted that that proportion of the town meetings which have heretofore been held at Ebenezer Marsh's Inn, be held, in future, at Harrison Hall, in the North Parish. Voted to strike out the third, fourth and fifth articles from the warrant, which were "To see if the town would build a Town House, fix a site for the same and choose all necessary committees." March 4. Chose James P. Hayward Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector; Henry A. Aldrich, Ebenezer Chase, Elbridge G. Daniels, Oliver Clapp and Leonard Taft, Selectmen; Rufus Hay 582 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1844. ward Constable, and Rev. Linns 11. Shaw, Dr. Moses D. Southwick and Rev. Michael Burdett, School Committee. Voted to build a Town House. Voted the site for said house be near the corner near Samuel Very's. Voted that Arnold Taft, Dan Hill and Samuel Very be a committee to select a site, procure the materials and contract for building said house. Voted to raise a sum of money sufficient to build said house. Voted to hold one-half of the town meetings at the South Parish meeting house and one-half at the Inn of Henry Coverdale. For County Treasurer, Anthony Chase had 43 votes and Joseph Tucker and James P. Hayward 1 vote each. Adjourned to Coverdale's Inn. March 16. Voted to reconsider a vote passed at a meeting held at the South Parish meeting house, on the 4th day of March, 1844, whereby the town voted to locate the Town House near the corner near Samuel Very's, by a vote of 202 to 165. Voted to discharge the committee chosen at that time to build a Town House. Voted to dismiss the fourth article, which was, "To choose a committee of one from each School District to select a site for a Town House." Voted to pass over the fifth article, which was, "To see if the town would make any alteration in the places for holding town meetings. " Voted to reconsider the vote passed at a town meeting held at the South Parish meeting house, March 4, 1844, whereby the town voted to hold one-half of the town meetings at the South Parish meeting.house acnd one-half at the Inn lately kept by Henry Coverdale (now Rufus A Young). Adjourned sine die. April 1. About this time petitions began to be circulated to be presented to the next-Legislature, to meet in January, 1845, for a division of the town. A meeting held this day to choose County Commissioners. The following was the result of the ballot: For Comrnmissioners.-William Crawford had 73 votes. Jerome Gardner 1844.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 583 had 73 votes. Joseph Bruce had 73 votes. Adam Harrington had 166 votes. Warren IHumes had 164 votes. Gardner Ruggles had 165 votes. All others (8) had 18 votes. Special Commissionewrs.-Jason Goulding had 72 votes. Stephen Davis had 71 votes. Dexter Gilbert had 167 votes. Sullivan Thayer had 166 votes. All others (3) had 5 votes. Voted that the Prudential Committees shall contract with the teachers for the several School Districts. Voted to accept of the following list of Jurors, viz: Olney Cook. Laban Bates. William Cook. Otis Thayer. * Millens Taft. Jos. G. Davenport.* Leonard W. Darling.* James P. Hayward. Andrus Wheelock.* Emanuel N. Paine. Luke Aldrich.' Eli Kelley. Francis Kelley.* Stephen Taft.* Wm. H. Comstock. Ariel Cook,. Jr. Thomas Taft.* Spaulding Hervey. * Adam Wheelock.* Stephen H. Thayer. Arnold Taft.* Aaron Burdon.* Moses Kelley. Lyrnan Paine. Alanson S. Freeman.* Washington Hunt.* Alexander H. Allen.* Samuel W. Doggett. * Louis Cook. Remington Southwick. Eli Pond. George Bates. * William Legg.* Moses Daniels.* Daniel Gunn. William Saunders. Thayer Bellows, Oliver W. Claflin. Joseph Logee. Aaron Marsh. Josiah Webster. Henry Wheelock. HenryH. Benson. Jonathan M. Shove. Daniel Southwick. Collins Capron. Moses Buffum.* Remington Aldrich. Lebbeus L. Wood. Enos Hayward. Manning Wheelock. Stephen J. Sherman. Austin Greenman. Samuel W. Thayer. Leonard Taft.* Timothy Ellis. Holland Allbe. James Comstock.*l James P. Hayward resigned his office of Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector, and Stephen Taft was chosen in his stead. Henry A. Aldrich refusing to serve as Selectman, Stephen Taft was chosen in his stead. Voted to strike. the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth articles from the warrant, which were " To provide for the erection of a Town House." Voted to raise $1600 for repairs of highways. Voted to raise $1000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $1000 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $1800 for the support of schools. Voted to forego taxes, in the Second School District, to the amount of $124.11. Voted to forego town taxes to the amount of $19.00. Voted to hold one-half of the town meetings at the South Parish meeting house and one-half at the Inn of Henry Coverdale. *Dead. 584 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1844. April 22. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money at five per cent. to pay town debts that are at six per cent. Voted to accept a road near Russell Wilson's house. June 15. The enrolled militia were found to be 589 in number. Aug. 31. Silas Dudley, Obadiah Wood, Johnson Legg, Benoni Staples and Leonard Taft were closen a committee to view the proposed road from Samuel Very's to the Dam Swamp road, and report the best possible route to the next town meeting. Nov. 11. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, George Bancroft had 337 votes... C.. George N. Briggs "229 " Elected. (.. Samuel E. Sewall " 25 " "Lt. Governor, Dr. Henry H. Childs "336 "." Cc John Reed " 228 (. " William Jackson " 25 " For Seuators.-Democrats-Walter A. Bryant had 336 votes. Killburn Harwood had 336 votes. Adam Harrington had 336 votes. Jared Benson had 330 votes. Amasa Walker had 335 votes. Whig-Levi Lincoln had 228 votes. Linus Child had 228 votes. Dan Hill had 225 votes. John G. Thurston had 228 votes. Joseph Stone had 228 votes. James G. Carter, Otis Brigham, Gilman Jones, Elihu Burritt and Phineas Bemis had 25 votes each; Anti-Slavery Ticket. For Representative in the General Court.-Welcome Staples had 295 votes. Ebenezer Chase had 219 votes. Willard Chilson had 32 votes. Adam Wheelock had 20 votes. Three others had 4 votes. Welcome Staples (Dem.) was elected by 15 majority. For Representative in Congress in the Fifth Congressional District. —Charles Hudson (Whig) had 233 votes. Isaac Davis (Dem.) had 332 votes. Rodolphus B. Hubbard (Anti-Slavery) had 26 votes. VOTES FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. Electors at Large. (Dem.) Electors at Lcage. (Whig). Gayton P. Osgood............ 322 Samuel C. Allen.............322 District 1 Chas. G. Greene.....322 do. 2 Ebenezer H. Stacy..322 do. 3 Hiram Plummer.....222 do. 4 Chas. Thompson....322 do. 5 J. S. C. Knowlton...322 do. 6 H. G. Newcomb.....322 do. 7 Orrin Sage..........322 do. 8 Artemas Brown......322 do. 9 Peter H. Pierce...... 322 do. 10 John H. Shaw.......322 Abbott Lawrence...............219 Lewis Strong................. 219 District 1 Nathan Appleton...219 do. 2 John Perry Allen....219 do. 3 Homer Bartlett......219 do. 4 A. R. Thompson....219 do. 5 Charles Allen.......219 do. 6 Wm. B. Calhoun.....219 do. 7 Chauncey B. Rising..219 do. 8 Elijah Vose.........219 do. 9 William Baylies.....219 do, 10 Seth Crowell........219 1845.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 585 Electors at Large. (Anti-Slavery Ticket.) Joel Hayden...................28 John G. Whittier......... 28 District 1 Timothy Gilbert.....28 District 6 J. Dickinson, Jr.... 28 do. 2 Nathan D. Chase..... 28 do. 7 Edward Laselle...... 28 do. 3 Willard Brown...... 28 do. 8 Jesse Wheaton...... 28 do. 4 John Fletcher........ 28 do. 9 Laban M. Wheaton.. 28 do. 5 Phineas Crandall...... 28 do. 10 Gilbert Richmond... 28 Dec. 23. The meeting was held this day at the South Parish Meeting House. Votes for Representative in Congress for the 5th District-Isaac Davis, of 'Worcester, had 116 votes. Charles Hudson, of Westminster, had 111 votes. Rodolphus B. Hubbard, of Worcester, had 13 votes. Voted to build a Town House. Voted to build a Town House on Southwick's Hill, near Absalom Daniels' house, if a site can be had free of expense to the town. Millins Taft, Obadiah Wood, Stephen J. Shearman, Aaron Burdon and Willard Wilson were then chosen a committee to obtain the site, make all necessary contracts and build said Town House. Voted to hold one-third of the town meetings in Harrison Hall in the North Parish. Voted to forego the taxes in the Second School District to the amount of $9.03. Voted to adopt the following resolutions offered by John G. Metcalf: 1. Resolved, that we view the Annexation of Texas to the United States. as involving most awful consequences; that it is calculated to extend and perpetuate Slavery, opposed to Republican institutions and subversive of the foundation principles of our government. 2. Resolved that we earnestly request our Legislature to renew its protest, in more emphatic terms, if possible, against the annexation of Texas. 3. Resolved, that our Representative be instructed and our Senators in the General Court requested to use all their influence, by vote or otherwise, against the foul scheme of uniting Texas.to the Union. As will be seen, these resolves were rescinded at the next town meeting. 1845. Jan 9. The committee to build a Town House, having, by its Chairman (Millins Taft), made a verbal report, 74 586 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1845. Voted that the town do rescind, revoke and annul the votes of the town passed on the 23d day of Dec., 1844, whereby it was voted to build a Town House on Southwick's Hill, near the house of Absalom Daniels, and that the committee chosen at that meeting to fix upon a site for said house, and to contract for building the same, be and are hereby wholly discharged from any further service under said vote. A motion was then made to adjourn without day, but, by a yea and nay vote, the motion was defeated, when it was Voted to instruct our Representative in the General Court to oppose a division of the town before the Legislature, if a petition should be presented for that purpose, and the Town Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this vote to our Representative. Voted to rescind the resolutions, passed at the last town meeting, respecting the annexation of Texas to the Union. Inasmuch as the Democratic party of the nation had, by the election of James K. Polk to the Presidency, committed itself to the annexation, and as the Democratic majority in this town was amply sufficient, it was not strange that the vote to rescind should be carried. Jan. 30. The petition for a division of the town having been presented to the General Court, and the order of notice, usual in such cases, having been served upon the town, it was then Moved and seconded that the town do oppose a division of said town and choose an agent for that purpose, and it was directed that the question be taken by yeas and nays, with the result that 239 were opposed and 168 in favor, so the motion was lost. Voted to choose four agents, by nomination, to defend the petition of Joseph G. Davenport and others for a division now pending before the Committee on Towns of the Legislature. Washington Hunt, John G. Metcalf, Aaron Burdon and Henly A. Aldrich were then chosen agents. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at a former town meeting, directing our Representative (Welcome Staples) to oppose a division of the town. Voted to instruct our Representative in the General Court, to vote for a division of the town of Mendon. The following is the petition for the division of the town. 1845.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 587 To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to assemble in Legislature on the first Wednesday in January, A. D. 1845. The petition of the undersigned, qualified voters in the Town of Mendon, in the County of Worcester, respectfully represent that the population of the town, by the last census, was 3524, since which time it has greatly increased; that the town is divided into two Parishes, viz: the First, or North Parish and the Second or South Parish by a territorial line running nearly east and west; that the principal portion of the population is located at the extreme north and south parts of the town; that the town has no Town House nor any convenient place near the centre of the town to hold town meetings or to transact Town business; that the town is well located to divide into two towns, there being a thin population along the dividing line of the Parishes, and a range of hills and wild, uncultivated land; that the inhabitants of the two parishes have different interests and are engaged in different occupations, and that it will greatly accommodate the inhabitants if the town was divided into two towns. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that the Legislature will cause a division of said town to be made by setting off the Inhabitants and their estates of said Second or South Parish into a separate town by itself, and as in duty bound will ever pray. Jos. G. Davenport,* Fras. R. Scixo, Elias Wood,* C. A. Davenport, James Grady, Lendol Staples,* G. L. Davenport,* Joseph Henry, Henry W. Wood, S. T. Davenport,* Joseph Miller,* Jesse F. Alderman, Stephen Leshuer, * Albert Staples, Thomas Child, George Capron, Rufus Tucker, Henry Goss,* George Wood,* Chas. C. P. Hastings,* John Simonds,* George H. Wood, Foster Fay,* Calvin Turner, Jr.,* S. W. Doggett,* Benj. Howard, Chas. A. Smith.* George Bean, Fras. F. Taft, Warren Rawson,* George Rawson, Samuel Rockwood, Silas Dudley, Silas Leshuer,* George Moore, Benj. D. Williams,* Charles H. Smith,* Lyman Cook, William T. Metcalf,* Henry A. Aldrich, J. S. Sadler, Timothy Ellis, Wm. H. Comstock, Philo W. Brown, Stephen Cook, 2d, Albert Gould,* L. M. Perham,* Alfred H. Hastings,* Geo. W. Tucker, Moses T. Chapin,* Isaac M. Tucker,* Amos Phipps, Latimer S. Staples,* Ezra Leland,* Lysander Grow, Nathan George,* John S. Gaskill, Henry Rawson,* John G. Metcalf, Caleb S. Pike,* Thomas Maguire, Orson R. Wheelock, John Strickland,* Orrin G. Goodwin, Lorain P. Cummings, Elijah Rockwood, Alexander Peters,* Joseph Staples,* George A. Streeter, Augustus Knights, Lewis Boyden, Calvin Barber, Jr., Benj. Davenport,* Micajah C. Gaskill, Anderson B. Albee,* Ebenezer Marsh, Willard I. Allen, Lewis Stone,* Seth Hastings,* Eliab C. Perham,* Elisha Wood,* Amos Richardson, Peter Thompson,* Andrew H. Reed, Liberty Goss, Benj. Wheelock,* Silas Armsby,' Naum Gaskill,* Benjamin Bates,* Scammell Aldrich,* Frederic Gardner, Simon P. Bicknell, Levi Perham,* Clark Cook,* John Howe,* Carlisle W. Capron, Welcome Staples,* Nathan Hayward,* Cyrus C. Daniels, Ira W. Cook,* Samuel P. Hayward, Peter Pickering,* Aaron C. Cook,* John R. Hayward, Olney 588 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1845. 'Cook, Ellis Cook,* Nahum Bates,* Gilbert Cook, John W. Alexander, Caleb Adams, Aldrich B. Cook, Holland Albee, Willard Chilson,* George Taft, Jr., Amariah Taft,* Daniel Lazell. Ellis Taft, 2nd, Eli Pond, Jr., Ezekiel Burr, Elijah Taft,* Eleazer H. Foristall, Willard Wilcox,* Alonzo Taft,* Jotham'Hayward,* Samuel G. Wilcox, Alvin Taft,* Wm. P. Russell, Clark Cook, 2nd, Simeon Wheelock,* George Bates, Lebbeus Daniels,* Alanson S. Freeman,* Joseph Bates, Ebenezer Hawes,* Jos. Hallowell, Edward Woods, Willard Swan,* James Grant, Rufus Russell, Daniel Tlurber,* Thomas J. Reed, Elijah Warfield,* Sumner Ballou, John Hill, Jas. M. Warfield,* Richard E. Mann,* William Smith, Charles Dewing, Ezra Jenks, Abel Wilder,* Elijah Dewing,* Chas. A. Taft, George Wilder, Elijah Taft 2nd,*Ariel Cook, Jr., Jas. M. Hopkins, Bennett Wheeler, John Remington, Wm. B. Arnold, Jas. T. Howard, David Boyden, Benj. Ray,* Ezekiel Phillips, George Britton, Obed Washburn, John Bates, William B. Peet, Lyman C. Curtis, Morris Soule, J. Webster, Abjah Esty, Daniel Gunn, Wm. Congdon, Jr., Amasa Kimpton, Francis Kelly,* Lewis Warfield, Henry Thayer, David Ross,* Michael Burdett, Rufus A. Benson, Elbridge G. Phillips, Silas H. K. Warfield, Daniel Manley, Samuel V..Warfield, Gershom Remington,* Dan A. Comstock, John C. Warfield, Newton Darling,* Dudley Brown, Adam White, Newbury Darling,* Benj. A. Potter, Amaziah Harris, Lewis Darling, Peleg Carr, Thomas Wood, Collins Capron, Lyman Emerson, Jr., Samuel Day, George Capron, 2nd, Charles L. Harding, Daniel Olney, Lawson Warfield,* Alexander B. Hewett, Henry B. Gladding, A. B. Williams, Philander Darling, Jas. A. Baldwin, Augustus Williams, Augustus Brown, Stephen H. Tabor, Albert Fairbanks, Thos. Hendrick, John Cady, R. H. Townshend, Levi B. Mowry, John Mann, Atwood Cady, Amasa Taft, Senr, Matthias M. Nelson, Arnold Southwick, Hiram Gleason, William Mann, S. A. Aldrich, Caleb Legg, Senr, Moses Buffum,*f William H. Paine, Wm. E. Engley, John C. Scott, John Leach, Daniel S. Wheelock, James O'Neil, Jas. M. Gotham, Nathan B. Clark, Loring Emerson, James Hurd, Joseph Wheelock, Thurber Warfield, Welcome Farnam,* Wm. H. Morton, Aaron Burdon,* Wm. M. Kimball, M. W. Burlingame, Estes Burdon, Fred. M. Ballou, William Sturdy, Emor Tourtelotte, Oliver Clapp, Jeremiah Keech, Charles Arnold, J. R Walworth, Mathew C. Salsbury, Stephen Tourtelotte, Channing Smith, t Reuben R. Studley, Hiram Metcalf, J. W. Wheelock, Jonas P. Newton, Jesse Tourtelotte, William Sanders, Samuel J. France, Albert Tourtelotte, Manning Wheelock, Daniel Crossman, Squire Shove, Estus Lamb, Samuel W. Thayer, M. D. Southwick,* Jos. Hollowell, Galen G. Lamb, Reuben Taft, William Phillips,* William Kelley, Saml. W. Gibson, Horace Ray, Smith J. Studley, Horace Benson, Jefferson A. Smith. Edward Studley, William H. Benson,* Joseph France, Enos Hayward,* William H. Brown, Artemas Gardner, Thomas J. Reed, George C. Rosst Paris T. Taft, Daniel T. Warfield, Hiram Adams, Robert Steere, Edward Warfield, John Peavey, Lewis A. Mowry, Rufus Keech, Esek Phettyplace, James Darling, Eliezer Harris, Samuel Parley, John Spring,f George W. Cook, Nahor Staples,t David Munroe, Benoni Stone,J 1845.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 589 John B. Salsbury, Ephraim Dayf D. A. Prentice, Fenner Phettyplace,t Augustus Maffitt,t Oliver B. Everett,* Frederic Miller, Mathew C. Salsbury, Warren Grant, Charles Dirk, Wm. R. Salsbury, Chas. A. Thayer,* Jas. Congdon, Emmons Hathaway, Eliab M. Perham,* Gilman G. Pierce, James G. Luke, Simon E. Thornton,* John Woodworth, Nathan Day, E. G. Wood, N. B. Hill, Foster Very,* Edward Greenman,* Nathan Day, Elisha Kinsley, Samuel Bills,* Otis Mann, Stephen Brown, Henry K Stratford, Henry Steere, Phinehas Briggs,f William Kelly,* George M. Carr, Jesse Darling, Samuel Nelson, Horace Parmenter, Jonathan A. Comstock, George Davenport,* Marvin Gould,t Rowland Aldrich, Isaac Green, Daniel Barnes, Jr., A. Staples, George Varney, Hiel Carr, Remington Aldrich, Thomas Gardner, Reil Carr, William Aldrich, Willard I. Allen, William Davis, Luther Warfield, Cyrus Boyden, Stephen Woodworth, Benj. Nichols, Lewis F. Gardner,* Gardner G. Orswell,t John Sayles, Charles Turner, Edwin P. Dudley, Scott S. Mowry, William G. Hadley, David Davenport,* Preserved S. Thayer,* H. G. O. Kimpton, William S. Guild, Daniel T. Howard, Lyman Paine, David W. Bennett, Merrill S. Smith, William A. Kelley,* Albert C. Bennett, Euclid Chadsey, Eli Kelley,f Aldrich Howard, Cushman Thayer, Preston M. Wood, John B. Mellen, Otis Aldrich, Caleb Corey, Samuel Thurston,* Abijah Esty, Jr., Daniel Darling, Jr., Francis Hapgood,* Caleb Whiting, Hosea Cook, Davis Bills, Albert Engley, Benjamin Dyer, Henry Wheelock, Mellen Benson, Robert Allen,* Gilbert Gaskill, John Rowley, Alvin Alien,* Stephen Torrey,* Edwin Rowley, Samuel Prentice, John M. Daniels, Joshua W. Trask, David S.Paine,t Ariel Cook,* Preserved S. Gunn, Benjamin Paine,t Stephen H. Thayer, William McLellan, Levi S. Ross,f Wm. Anthony, Jonathan M. Shove, Peter Dunbar, Loring Emerson, Lyman Emerson, William Horton,t Stephen S. Benson, Emanuel N. Paine, J. H. Wing, Remington Southwick,Moses Kelly, J. S. Keach, A. G. Day, John H. Slocum,t Daniel N. Chace, Seth T. Aldrich, Lyman Sayles, George Aldrich, Willard Holbrook, James Hurd,t Jas. W. Russell,f N. C. Aldrich, Wm. G. Fry. The whole number of the petitioners was 767. The remonstrance of Obadiah Wood and others was as follows, viz: To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in General Court assembled: The undersigned, freeholders and legal voters of the Town of Mendon, do respectfully and urgently remonstrate against the division of the town of Mendon into two'towns by your honorable body on the petition of Joseph G. Davenport and others, or on any other petition, present to your honorable body the following reasons for so remonstrating: 1. The geographical dimensions of the town is not above the average of towns in our county of Worcester, being 21060 acres within its claimed boundaries. * Dead. t Stricken from Petition. 590 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1845. 2. Rhode Island claims a part of our territory, and which claim is now pending for adjudication in the Supreme Federal Court. 3. The division of the town will cause great inconvenience in the School Districts, viz: Between numbers three and five, six and seventeen, and seven and nine. 4. The town has an almshouse establishment amply sufficient for the town, as it now is, with paupers, which may lead to expensive and vexatious litigation if the town is divided. 5. The petitions have been prematurely presented to your honorable body, as we understand the Revised Statutes, Chap. 2, sections seven and eight. There has never been any notice served upon this town, up to this day. Some of the petitioners for a division (we understand), have stated that unfair means were used to obtain their signatures. Almost all our transient male population (if our information is correct), from twenty-one years upward, have been induced to petition for a division of the town, and whether they are. all voters is very questionable; and we think that more than one-third of the population of Mendon are transient people, leaving a large proportion of the freeholders to defend themselves against a measure in which these can have but little interest. Wherefore your petitioners pray that the prayer of said petition to divide the town of Mendon may not be granted. Obadiah Wood,* Benoni Staples,* Doten Smith, Stephen Tourtelotte,* Elijah Taft,* Peletiah Thayer,* Charles Benson, Stephen Cook, Johnson Legg,* Sullivan H. Taft, Otis Thayer, * Abram Staples,* Otis Marsh, Francis E. Wheelock,* Joseph Engley, Putman W. Taft, William Leach, Arnold A. Taft, Ebenezer Taft, Hezekiah Fletcher, * Dudley Taft, Arnold Taft,* William Fletcher,* Zalman G. Wood, Thomas Taft,* Aldrich Howard, Adam Wheelock,* Christopher Daniels, Perry Wood, Albert Gardner, Marcena Daniels, Austin Wood, Andrus Wheelock,* Adolphus Fowler, Lewis Wood, Lewis W. Taft, Varville Taft,* Calvin Wheelock, Stephen Taft,* George Taft, 3d, Andre Southwick, Ariel Cook, 2d, Ferd. B. Andrews, Russell Bennett, Jr., Gilbert Cook, Linus B. Staples,* Augustus Remick,* Aldrich B. Cook, Seth Southwick,* Arnold Aldrich, Jr.,* Mowry Darling,* Enos T. Albee, Royal M. Wheelock,* Ellison Scott,* John W. Darling,* Elbridge G. Daniels,* John M. Daniels, Dexter Cole, William Cook, Henry Coverdale,* Lovell Hayward,* Elial Barber, S. E. Evans, Abraham Fletcher,* Calvin Barber, Willis Southwick, Harris Fletcher, Austin Fletcher, Asa Thompson,* Adolphus Daniels,* George H. Payson, Micajah Fuller, John M. Daniels, Nahor Fletcher,* Lansford W. Brock, Philo W. Brown, Welcome A. Thayer, William Hayden, Jason Staples,* Caleb Wheelock, John Luke, Abijah Staples,* Charles Fletcher, Charles Metcalf, James M. Staples, Jas. Burlingame, Solomon Pratt, Simon Constock, Welcome Thayer, John B. Kelly, Thompson Taft, Daniel Hill, John Kelly, Elisha H. Wilson, Lyman Sayles, Laban Bates, 2d, Caleb Taft, Leonard Taft,* George W. Colvin, Samuel W. Gibson, Spaulding Hervey, Peter Bates, Jr., Amory R. Brown, Moses Daniels,* Horace Thayer, John J. 1845.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 591 Getchell, Abel Prince, Eli Bates, James Adams, Anson Darling, Elijah Trask, George Gaskill, Smith Aldrich, Thomas J. Aldrich, Samuel H. Gaskill, Alison Adams, Jared Benson, Jr., Emory Scott,* John H. Slocum, Abijah Estey, Luther Everton, Jr., Josiah F. Gould, Nathan Southwick, William Clark, Ichabod Cook, David W. Southwick, Ziba Ross, Rowland Rathbun, John R. Smith, Arthur Cook,* Russell Estey, Russell Wilson, Samuel Cook,* Eli Kelly,* Ellis Taft, Albert Gaskill, James Hurd, Alvin Boutelle, Daniel Harrington, Marvin Howland, Warren Rawson,. 2nd, Seth Harrington, Otis Joslin, Willard Wilson, Samuel B. Pickering, Lebbeus L. Wood, Willard A. Mowry, David Kelly,* James Comstock,* Dexter Boutelle, Otis T. Parkhurst, Hosea Cook, Amasa Taft, George Hill, Benj. Pickering, Eliel Ballou, George Hill, Jr., Jotham Parkhurst, Caleb S. Wilson, Asa Kelly,* Willard Wilcox, Jr., Whitney Alexander, Zaccheus Colvin, Andrew Comstock, Wm. W. Thayer, Rufus Jenks, Daniel Southwick, Joel Glover, Malcolm S. Scott,* Jared Benson,* Arnold Darling, Benj. Stearns, Daniel S Southwick, John Westhall, Welcome Jillson, William Legg, Caleb Thayer, Orrin Sargent, Elijah Taylor, Lyman Holbrook, William Spear, John Thompson, Caleb Sturtevant,* Moody B. Fuller, Ellery Thomas, Alexander Howard, C. W. Underhill, Job Hart, George Prentice, Edmond Kimpton, N. M. Thayer, Stephen J. Shearman, Martin D. Boutelle, John Carr, Thomas Rich, Nelson Holbrook, Nahor Staples, John Spring, Benedict Shove, Rufus Keach, M. Gould, Daniel Kimpton, Zebedee Young, Peter Gaskill, Jr., Samuel Very,* Benoni Stone, David Boyden, James P. Hayward, Gardner G. Orwell, Silas Ballou, Elisha T. Gaskill, Augustus Moffitt, Samuel Day, Fenner Phettyplace, John Aldrich, Daniel Olney, Z. C. Ross, Samuel Farris, Levi S. Ross, Wm. A. Burlingame, Russell Crossman, Anthony Sweet, Charles Ross, George W. Gaskill, Thayer Bellows, David S. Paine, Stacy W. Fenner, Abner Wight, Elbridge G Phillips, Jeremiah Getchel, Nicholas Thayer, Wellington Hart, Charles Dirk, Phinehas Briggs, Austin Greenman, Lemuel Whitney, John Messenger, Merrill T. Spring, John G. Robinson, Augustus Moffitt, Oliver Stone, Willard Holbrook, Reuben R. Studley, Rhodes Hill, Nathan Day, Reuben Thayer, Jr., Russell Bennett, Louis Cook, Stephen Comstock, Absalom Daniels, * Ephraim Day, Artemas Thayer, Jr., Ariel Thayer,* Elisha Chase, Samuel Everton, Leonard Thayer, M. H. Warfield, Artemas Thayer, Reuben Thayer,* William Cass, Sumner Thayer, Gilbert Gaskill, James Davis, Henry Angell, Daniel Barnes, Enos Hayward, James T. Hayward, Hezekiah Harrington, Elijah Hayward,* Edwin G. Davis. Benj. Paine, Ariel Thayer, Jr., George W. Haven, Wm. H. Paine, Peter Gaskill,* Daniel T. Thayer, Amos C. Albee, Cornelius Metcalf, Joseph H. Logee, Rufus Hayward,* Samuel Thayer, Jesse Darling, Eber K. Brown,* Seth T. Staples. Whole number of remonstrants 314. Jan. 20, 1845. The order of notice on the petition of Jos. G. Davenport and others was passed Jan. 17 by the General Court, and was served * Dead. 592 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1845. upon Stephen Taft, Town Clerk of Mendon, by Charles C. P. Hastings, Jan. 21, 1845. The Committee on Towns, after visiting the town, reported a bill for its division, Feb. 26, 1845, and which was passed by the General Court and became a law by the signature of the Governor, March 25, 1845. At this time the valuation of the town, as certified by Preserved S. Thayer, one of the Assessors, was as follows, viz: Real Estate valued at........................................ $927,673.00 Personal Estate valued at................................... 503,416.00 Total......................................... $1,431,089.00 The whole number of polls was 1015. Valcuation of the North Parish, (Men don.) Real Estate valued at.................... $379,374.00 Personal Estate valued at................................ 137,391.00 $516,765.00 Whole number of Polls was 319. Valuation of the South Parish, (Blackstone.) Real Estate valued at........................... $548,299.00 Personal estate valued at......................... 366,025.00 $914,324 00 Whole number of Polls was 696. March 3. Voted to pass over choosing Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector until the adjourned meeting. Arnold Taft, Daniel Southwick, Andrus Wheelock, Hezekiah Harrington and James Comstock were chosen Selectmen and Rufus Hayward, Constable. The vote for County Treasurer was for Anthony Chase 87. But little other business was transacted, and the meeting wxas adjourned to the first Monday in April, to meet at the South Parish Meeting House, at 2 o'clock P. M. The town having been divided by the act of March 25 (the South Parish having been made a town by the name of Blackstone) it became necessary to call a new meeting; and as there was but.one Constable and one Selectman chosen at the March meeting, living in Mendon, Arnold Taft the Selectman chosen, upon a petition, directed his warrant for a meeting to be held Apri 17, to John G. Metcalf, one of the petitioners, to warn the meeting. 1845.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 593 The meeting was held at Harrison Hall at the time appointed and Arnold Taft, Esq., was chosen Moderator. Chose Stephen Taft, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Arnold Taft, Willard Chilson and Leonard Taft, Selectmen; James Grady, Constable; Amariah Taft, Collector, and to be paid $14.00; Rev. Linus H. Shaw, Andrew H. Reed and Samuel W. Doggett, School Committee. S. W. Doggett declining, Chas. C. P. Hastings was chosen in his stead, and June 14, Rev. Linus H. Shaw, having removed from town, John G. Metcalf was chosen to fill the vacancy. Voted the Selectmen be a committee to make all necessary settlements with the town of Blackstone, resulting from the division of the town. Voted that warrants for town meetings, in future, be posted at the Post Office. April 21. Voted to accept the following list of Jurors, viz: Moses T. Chapin,* Jason Staples,* Abram Staples,* Stephen Taft,* Thomas Taft,* Fras. E. Wheelock, " Jesse F. Aldeman, Otis Thayer,* Silas Dudley, Nathan George,* Welcome Staples,* Ezra Leland,* Elijah Dewing,* Olney Cook, Lewis Stone,* Scammell Aldrich.* Nathan Hayward,* Alexr H. Allen,* Andrus Wheelock.* Chose Charles C. P. Hastings as agent to convey the real estate of the town (the Poor Farm) when sold. Voted to add four more persons to the committee (the Selectmen) chosen at the last meeting, to make all settlements with the town of Blackstone. Chose Amariah Taft, Joseph G. Davenport, Scammell Aldrich and Welcome Staples as additional members of the committee. Voted that the committee be instructed to sell, at auction, all the property directed to be sold by the act incorporating the town of Blackstone, to the highest bidder, on or before the third Monday in May next and that the town will hold them harmless for all acts done in good faith. Chose John G. Metcalf, Jos. G. Davenport and Johnson Legg as Overseers of the Poor. The committee chosen to defend the petition of Joseph G. Davenport and others for a division of the town before the Com*Dead. 75 594 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1845. nittee on Towns at the General Court made a report which was read, accepted and put on file. The reports of the Treasurer and Selectmen were then read, accepted and placed on file. The report of the School Committee was read, accepted and placed on file. Voted that the agent to sell the town's real estate be held harmless for all acts, in relation thereto, done in good faith. Voted to raise $600 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $600 for the repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $500 for incidental expenses. Voted that the Surveyors of Highways be a committee to bound anew the Highway Districts. Voted that the Prudential Committees be a committee to bound anew the several School Districts. The enrolled militia were found to be 202. June 14. Voted that the Assessors be directed not to assess the State and County tax and that the town will hold them harmless. Voted that the Town Clerk be directed to notify the State and County Treasurers of the foregoing vote and the reasons given by the meeting for passing the same. What these reasons were does not appear, as none were entered in the record and no copy of the Town Clerk's letter was preserved. They probably had reference to the recent division of the town. Voted that the Town Clerk shall open all future town meetings punctually at the appointed hour named in the warrant, and that the Selectmen shall insert the word "punctually" before the hour named in their warrants. Voted that John G. Metcalf, Stephen Taft and Alexander H. Allen be a committee to examine the town records, and transcribe or cause to be transcribed such of said records as they shall think best, and that the town of Blackstone be invited to join in doing the same. The town of Blackstone declining to join, nothing further was done in the matter. Since this time the first six volumes of the records have been substantially rebound, and thus their preservation has been assured. 1845.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 595 Abram Staples, Leonard Taft and Scammell Aldrich were chosen a committee to view such farms as may be offered for a Poor Farm and report on or before the last Saturday in September next. Voted that town meetings be warned in future by posting up copies of the warrant at the Post Office and at the school houses, except in District Number Two. Voted that the committee heretofore chosen to sell the property of the town, be directed to sell the Training Field and give a warranty deed of the same. Sept. 6. Charles C. P. Hastings, for the committee, reported a new arrangement of the School Districts, made necessary by the division of the town. His report may be found in vol. VII, p. 475. Voted that the school money be divided as follows, viz: Onethird equally among the districts and two-thirds equally among the children between the ages of three and twenty-one. Benjamin Davenport and Welcome Staples were chosen a committee to purchase a hearse and harness. Voted that the Selectmen tender to the agents chosen to defend the petition of Joseph G. Davenport and others, for a division of the town of Mendon, before the Committee of the Legislature on Towns, ten dollars each, for attendance before said committee and to each a travelling fee, equal to a Representative's travel,to and from Boston. These terms the agents did not accept, and finally an action was brought against the town, and the agents recovered the full amount of their claim, with costs. Town lines were perambulated with Uxbridge, Blackstone, Bellingham, Milford, Upton and Northbridge. By the terms of the division of the town, Mendon and Blackstone were to vote together for a choice of Representative until 1850. Blackstone, Nov. 10. This day the voters in the towns of Mendon and Blackstone met at the Town House in Blackstone, for the choice of a Representative to the General Court, at 10 o'clock A. 1M. The result of the ballot was as follows, viz: Rufus Hayward of Blackstone had 163. Alanson S. Freeman of Mendon had 96. Charles L. Harding of Blackstone had 75. All others had 6. There being no choice, the meeting was dissolved. 596 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1845. Mendon, Nov. 10. The voters of Mendon met at Harrison Hall, to vote for the remaining State officers, at 2 o'clock P. AM., and with the following result, viz: STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Isaac Davis had 99 votes. c c. George N. Briggs "39 " Elected. ".. Samuel E. Sewell "21 "Lt. Governor, George Savary "99 " John Reed 39.(.. John M. Brewster 21 For Senators.-Democrats-Walter A. Bryant had 99 votes. Adam Harrington had 99 votes. Francis Howe had 99 votes. Ivers Phillips had 99 votes. Orison Underwood had 99 votes. Whig-John G. Thurston had 39 votes. Joseph Stone had 39 votes. Stephen Salisbury had 39 votes. Calvin Willard had 39 votes. Jason Goulding had 39 votes. Thomas W. Ward, Rodolphus B. Hubbard, Joseph Griggs, Gilnan Jones and Charles Adams, Jr., (Anti-Slavery) had 21 votes each. Nov. 22. Voted that any person chosen by the town as Agent, Committee, or called by any other title, (except such officers as are required by law to be chosen in the month of March), shall be paid as follows, viz: For service in town, four cents a mile for necessary travel each way, and nothing for time. For service out of town, not to exceed one dollar per day, and five cents a mile for travel. The Selectmen may allow indispensable, necessary cash expenses, consisting only of food and lodging for himself, and feed and stabling for his horse; and furthermore, all persons serving the town are to consider themselves bound by the above vote, the same as though it was a contract made at the time of their election. Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to allow the agents chosen to defend the petition of Joseph G. Davenport and others before the Committee of the Legislature on Towns a reasonable compensation for all necessary expenses incurred in preparing evidence, after being chosen agents, before the sitting of the Committee, in addition to the former vote on the same subject. Voted to pay the proprietors of Harrison Hall the sum of $20 for the use of said Hall to hold town meetings in, up to the first Monday in March next, inclusive. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $54.09. 1846.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 597 Nov. 24. A second meeting held this day for the choice of a Representative to the General Court, resulted as follows, viz: Rufus Hayward had 191 votes. Alanson S. Freeman had 94 votes. Chas. L. Harding had 22 votes. All others had 27 votes. Rufus Hayward was elected by 23 majority. 1846. Jan. 24. Voted to accept the road laid out by the Selectmen from near Verville Taft's to the road by Nahor Fletcher's house, south of Enos T. Albee's shop. March 2. Chose Putman W. Taft Town Clerk and Treasurer; Leonard Taft, Elijah Dewing and Ezra Leland Selectmen; Aaron C. Cook, Constable and Collector; Rev. Andrew H. Reed, John G. Metcalf and Rev. George M. Rice, School Committee. Voted that the Selectmen appoint a sexton and establish his compensation. The votes for County Treasurer were, for Anthony Chase, 73 votes. The votes for Register of Deeds were: H. Wilder 77. J. S. C. Knowlton, 1. The Assessors were instructed to issue warrants of distress to the Highway Surveyors. Voted that the Selectmen shall offer suitable rewards for the detection of the villains who are in the practice of breaking glass, damaging property, mutilating trees, &c. March 20. Amariah Taft was chosen an agent to confer with the agent of the Town of Blackstone upon the subject of the State and County taxes. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $5.67. April 6. Voted to postpone the third article in the warrant of March 20, which was "To see what measures the Town will adopt in regard to the memorial of the Town of Blackstone to the Legislature on the subject of the division of the surplus revenue." The report of the School Committee was read, and after a discussion of its merits and demerits, two hundred copies were ordered to be printed, being the first time a report of the School Committee was printed. 598 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1846. Voted to raise $1600 for the support of the poor and for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $600 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $500 for the repairs of highways and to be paid in labor as heretofore. The number of the enrolled militia was found to be 205. Aug. 24. John G. Metcalf, Samuel W. Doggett, Jesse F. Alderman, David Davenport and Welcome Staples were chosen a committee to examine farms which may be offered for a Poor Farm. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $9.31. Adjourned to the first Monday in January next, (1847). Nov. 9. Met at Harrison Hall pursuant to warrant. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Isaac Davis (Dem.) had 104 votes. Geo. N. Briggs (W.) " 43 " Elected. S. G. Sewall (A. S.) " 23 " Lt. Governor, George Hood " 104.. John Reed " 43 cc Jas. M. Brewster " 23 For Senators-Democrat-Otis Adams had 104 votes. Francis Howe had 104 votes. Ivers Phillips had 104 votes. Seth Hapgood had 104 votes. Alfred Bragg had 104 votes. Whig-Stephen Salisbury bad 43 votes. Calvin Willard had 43 votes. Jason Goulding had 43 votes. Nahum F. Bryant had 43 votes. George Denny had 43 votes. James G. Carter, R. B. Hubbard, Joseph Griggs, Gilman Jones and Charles Adams, Jr., (Anti-Slavery) had 23 votes each. The voters of Mendon and Blackstone met this (Nov. 9) at Harrison Hall, in Mendon, to vote for Representative to the General Court, and voted as follows, viz: Benjamin Davenport had 40 votes. Josiah Webster had 77 votes. Arnold Taft had 56 votes. Sumner Ballou had 99 votes. All others had 16 votes. No choice. For Representative in Congress, Fifth District.-Walter A. Bryant of Barre had 104 votes. Charles Hudson of Westminster had 43 votes. R. B. Hubbard of Worcester had 23 votes. Charles Hudson (Whig) was elected in the.District. Nov. 23. At a meeting held this day at Harrison Hall, Voted not to choose a Representative to the General Court, and then Voted to dissolve the meeting. 1847.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 599 I847. Jan. 4. The committee heretofore chosen to examine farms that may be offered for a Poor Farm, made a written report, and which, being accepted, the committee was discharged. As the report was not recorded nor can be found, its contents are not known. Charles C. P. Hastings, Oluey Cook, Silas Dudley, Henry Wheelock and Carlile W. Capron were then chosen a committee to view and examine any farm which may be offered for a Poor Farm, and report at the annual meeting. March 1. This committee reported that no farm had been offered for their examination for the above purpose, whereupon Voted to dissolve the meeting. Under a new warrant for the annual meeting, Putman W. Taft was chosen Town Clerk and Treasurer; Leonard Taft, Abram Staples and Welcome Staples, Selectmen; Aaron C. Cook, Constable; Obed P. Thayer, Collector, and Andrew H. Reed, Putman W. Taft and Joseph Thayer, School Committee. Voted to raise $800 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $600 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $600 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $400 for repairs of roads and bridges, and to be assessed separately, in money, and each Highway Suiveyor to draw the portion assessed in his district. Voted to discontinue the road from the brick house (formerly the school house) in the direction of Verville Taft's house. Alexander H. Allen, Amariah Taft and John G. Metcalf were chosen a committee to ascertain if the town has any claim upon the mill privilege on the Alvin Allen place, on Mill river. It will be remembered that Benjamin Albee, in 1664, had granted him a twenty acre house lot and fifty acres on the Mill Plain, if he would build a corn mill for the use of the town. The " Come mill" was built and improved for many years, but about this time, the mill having got out of repair, was neglected and soon became a ruin. Its last occupant was Alvin Allen. Considering the lapse of time since the town had taken any action in the matter, it was deemed that the interest of the town would hardly warrant any extended litigation in the case. Anthony Chase had 85 votes for County Treasurer. Taxes wei'e foregone to the amount of $25.20. 600 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1847. Voted to pass over the tenth article in the warrant relating to the paying the Selectmen and others their charges for appearing before the Committee on Elections of the Legislature, in the case of Dan Hill, claiming to have been elected a Representative from this town. At the November meeting in 1846, the meeting being held in Mendon, (as, by the act incorporating Blackstone, both towns were to vote together for Representative to the General Court until 1850,) after the choice of a Moderator, a motion was made and carried to dissolve the meeting. Those who remained chose a new Moderator, reconsidered the vote dissolving the meeting, and voted for Dan Hill, Esq., as a Representative to the General Court. A hearing was had before the Committee on Elections, and upon their report Mr. Hill was denied a seat. The dissolution of the November meeting, it must be confessed, must be regarded as rather sharp practice, as but few of the voters from Blackstone had arrived. By a previous vote of the town of Mendon the Selectmen had been instructed to insert the word "punctually" before the hour appointed for town meetings in their warrants, and the Town Clerk was directed to call the meetings to order "punctually " at the hour named in the warrant. These facts were sufficient warrant for opening the meeting punctually, but proper courtesy would have extended the time for taking the vote for dissolution. At an adjourned meeting, the " Selectmen and others " were allowed $49.50 for their services in this matter. April 5. VOTES FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Commissioners-Nathaniel Wood, D., had 40 votes. Wnm. P. Marble had 39 votes. Warren Humes had 38 votes. Wm. Crawford, W., had 22 votes. Jerome Gardner had 21 votes. Joseph Bruce had 21 votes. Special Commissioners-Gardner Ruggles had 43 votes. Otis Adams had 43 votes. Stephen Davis had 18 votes. Jason Goulding had 18 votes. All others had 4 votes. Obed P. Thayer was excused from serving as Collector, and Perry Wood was chosen in his place, and agreed to collect the taxes for $29.00. Voted that the Highway Surveyors render their accounts to the Selectmen on the first day of September, and that the Selectmen issue no orders for labor on the roads and bridges but 1848.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 601 upon satisfactory evidence that the money has been properly expended. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized, at their discretion, to liberate William G. Fry from jail, for the non-payment of a poll tax. Voted that tbe Prudential Committee be authorized to contract with teachers for the Public Schools, as, without this vote, that duty was to be performed by the School Committee. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to hire six hundred dollars, if necessary, at 5 per cent. The number of the enrolled militia was found to be 153. Sept. 14. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $18.45. Nov. 8. STATE ELECTION. For Representative to the General Court-George Rawson had 19 votes. James P. Hayward had 35 votes. William Cook had 70 votes. Rev. Benj. D. Peck had 156 votes. All others had 17 votes. For Governor, Caleb Cushing had 79 votes. George N. Briggs had 28 " Elected. Samuel E. Sewall had 16 For Lt. Governor, Henry W. Cushman had 80 John Reed had 28 " John M. Brewster had 16 " Senzators-Dem.-Otis Adams had 80 votes. Francis Howe had 80 votes. Ivers Phillips had 80 votes. Seth Hapgood had 80 votes. Arnold Taft had 75 votes. Whig-Nahum F. Bryant had 28 votes. George Denny had 28 votes. Alfred D. Foster had 28 votes. Alanson Hamilton had 28 votes. John Brooks had 28 votes. James. G. Carter, Thomas W. Ward, Charles Adams, Jr., Gilman Jones and Edward B. Bigelow, Anti-Slavery, had 16 votes each. This meeting was held at the Town House, in Blackstone. At the same time Silas Dudley was chosen agent to defend an action brought by Stephen Torrey against the town for the recovery of taxes paid by him. REV. GEORGE M. RICE, THE ELEVENTH MINISTER. Rev. George M. Rice was engaged to supply the pulpit, and commenced his labors April 20, 1845, and remained until July 1, 1847. i848. March 6. Chose William H. Aldrich, Town Clerk; 76 602 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1848. Alexander H. Allen, Stephen Cook, 2nd, and Elijah Dewing, Selectmen; Jesse F. Alderman, Treasurer and Collector, and Albert Gardner, Constable. Voted to accept the following list of jurors selected by the Selectmen, viz:David Davenport.* William H. Aldrich. Perry Wood. David W. Bennett. Carlile W. Capron. Elijah Dewing.* Willard Chilson.* Arnold Taft,* Linus B. Staples.* Stephen Cook, 2d. William T. Metcalf.* Seth T. Davenport." George Rawson. Andrus Wheelock.* Alexander H. Allen.* Sumner Ballou. Alanson S. Freeman.* Henry Wheelock. Voted to pay the Treasurer and Constable ten dollars eacl for their services. Voted to purchase a farm whereon to support the poor, and Silas Dudley, Benj. Davenport, Welcome Staples, Charles C. P. Hastings, Adam Wheelock, Alexander H. Allen, Abram Staples, Olney Cook and John S. Gaskill were chosen a committee for that purpose, and to report at an adjourned meeting. For County Treasurer, (the poll having been previously opened,) it was found that Anthony Chase had all the votes, sixty-three in number. The usual vote that Prudential Committees may contract with teachers was then passed. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $20.79. April 3. Chose Andrew H. Reed, John G. Metcalf and Putman W. Taft, School Committee. Voted that the Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor be paid six dollars a year for their services. Elilas Alexander was chosen Collector and to be paid $22.50 for his services. Voted to raise $400 for. incidental expenses. Voted to raise $600 for the support of the Public Schools. Voted to raise $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $600 for the support of highways and bridges, and that the same be assessed by itself. The committee of nine chosen at the last meeting making no report, it was moved to choose another committee to purchase a Poor Farm, but the motion did not prevail. Voted that the Selectmen procure a place in which to hold the town meetings. *Dead in 1880. 1848.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 603 The enrolled militia were found to number 178, between the ages of 18 and 45. Nov. 7. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Electors at Large.-Levi Lincoln (W.), 13. Samuel Hoar (A. S.), 80. Chas. G. Greene (D.), 92. Edmund Dwight (W.), 13. William Jackson (A. S.), 80. Henry H. Childs (D.), 92. District No. 1- District No. 6 -Albert Fearing, W...........13 Myron Lawrence, W............13 Joseph Willard, A. S.......80 James Fowler, A. S...........80 James Cheever, D............92 Joseph Smith, D...............92 District No. 2- District No. 7 -David Pingree, W...........13 Asa Howland, W..............13 John B. Alley, A. S.........80 Thomas Robinson, A. S........80 Ebenezer H. Stacy, D.......92 Samuel Gates, D..............92 District No. 3- District No. 8 — DanielAdams, W............13 Henry A. S. Dearborn, W.......13 John G. Whittier, A. S......80 Benj. V. French, A. S..........80 Edwin Lawrence, D.........92 William Ellis, D...............92 District No. 4- District No. 9 -Isaac Livermore, W..........13 William Baylies, W.........13 Nathan Brooks, A. S.........80 Philo Leach, A. S...............80 Timothy Fletcher, D.........92 Foster Hooper, D.............. 92 District No. 5- District No. 10 -Benj. F. Thomas, W.........13 William R. Easten, W...........13 Alexander DeWitt, A. S.....80 Isaac C. Taber, A. S........... 80 John S. C. Knowlton, D......92 James D. Thompson, D........92 Nov. 13. Ballot for a Representative in the General Cortt.-Henry A. Aldrich had 137. Alanson S. Freeman had 65. James P. Hayward had 114. Richard Batty had 33. All others 5, and there was no choice. FOR GOVERNOR AND SENATORS. For Governor, Caleb Cushing, D., had 78 votes. Stephen C. Phillips, A. S., had 64 " George N. Briggs, W., had 21 " Elected. For Lt. Governor, Henry W. Cushman, D., had 78 John Mills, A. S., had 64 John Reed, W., had 21 For Senators.-Democrat-Otis Adams had 78 votes. Francis Howe had 78 votes. Seth Hapgood had 78 votes. Ivers Phillips had 78 votes. John Erskine had 78 votes. Anti-Slavery-Alexander DeWitt had 64 votes. Moses Wood had 64 votes. Cyrus Gale had 64 votes. Edward B. Bigelow had 64 votes. Ama'sa Walker had 64 votes. Whig-John Brooks had 21 votes. Alexander HI. Bullock had 21 votes. Ebenr D. Ammidown had 21 votes. Paul Whitin had 2t votes. Ebenezer Torrey had 21 votes. 604 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1849. For Representative to Congress.-Isaac Davis, D., had 76. Charles Allen, A. S., had 67. Charles Hudson, W., had 19. Nov. 27. Second Trialfor a Representative to the General Court.-Henry A. Aldrich 217. Calvin Barber, Jr., 21. Samuel V. Stone 245. A. S. Freeman 16. All others had 28, and there was no choice. It will be remembered that the Constitution provides for the election of the members of the General Court to be made on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November; or should no one be elected on that day, another meeting may be held on the fourth Monday of the same month. Failing of any choice on the last mentioned day, the towns of Mendon and Blackstone were not represented in the Legislature of 1849. Dec. 9. Voted that the Treasurer take possession of all property (mortgaged) within thirty days after the annual interest has become due. Voted that Nathan George and Benjamin Davenport be added to the committee having in charge the settlement between the towns of Mendon and Blackstone (growing out of the division of the town). Voted that the committee be directed to notify the town of Blackstone, or their agents, to meet them at some stated time and place, and if they refuse, to commence a suit forthwith, and that the committee be authorized to take legal counsel. Jesse F. Alderman, Benjamin Davenport and Henry A. Aldrich were chosen a committee to consult with the Proprietor of Harrison Hall in regard to its purchase by the town, and to report what repairs may be necessary. The State having furnished the town with a new set of Standard Weights and Measures, the Treasurer was directed to sell the old Weights and Measures at the next town meeting. I849. Jan. 1. Voted that Arnold Taft, Esq., be added to the committee already chosen to consult in regard to the purchase of Harrison Hall for a Town House. Voted that this committee, if they do not succeed in their negotiations with the Proprietors of said Hall, shall request the Selectmen to insert an article in their next warrant for a town meeting, to see if the town will purchase a site and erect a Town House thereon. 1849.] 'ANNALS OF MENDON. 605 There having been no election for a Representative to Congress from this district (Fifth), another trial was had this day, and with the following result, viz: Isaac Davis (Dem.) had 39 votes. Charles Allen, (A. S.) had 46 votes. Charles Hudson had 11 votes. March 5. Chose William H. Aldrich Town Clerk; Amariah Taft, Jesse F. Alderman and Henry Wheelock, Selectmen; Jesse F. Alderman, Treasurer; George Staples, Constable, and Amariah Taft, Collector, and to have $20.50 for that service. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $20.18. Voted that the sum of $500 be raised and worked out on the Highways as formerly, and that $200 be raised and paid in money, to be laid out under the direction of the Selectmen, without regard to district limits. Voted to raise $400 for incidental expenses, the ensuing year. Voted to raise $750 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $800 for the support of the Public Schools. Voted to take up the seventh article of the warrant relating to Dogs. At a town meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Mendon, holden at Harrison Hall, March 5, 1849, it was Voted that all persons keeping one or more dogs in the town of Miendon shall on or before March 15, 1849, have all such dogs securely muzzled with good, substantial wire muzzles over the mouth, with a strap or collar about the neck, with the owner's name plainly written or engraved thereon; and for the privilege of keeping dogs so muzzled, for a term of one year from said fifteenth day of March, shall on or before the time fixed as aforesaid, pay the sum of two dollars to the Treasurer of said town; and all dogs found running at large, off the premises of the owners thereof, after the said fifteenth of March, without being muzzled as aforesaid, may be lawfully killed. Voted that the Town Clerk be directed to do whatever maybe required to be done in order to establish the above as one of the Bye-Laws of the town. Attest: WILLIAM H. ALDRICH, Town Clerk. WORCESTER SS: March 7, 1849. Approved. THOS. HOPKINSON, Judge C. C. Pleas. A copy. Attest: CHARLES W. IARTSHORN, Clerk. 606 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1849. April 2. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to purchase 62 shares of Harrison Hall, with a quit claim deed from Silas Dudley of the site upon which the School House in the Second School District stands, the Hall being the second story of said house, and that they purchase the remaining 5 shares at a price not to exceed $5 per share. Alexander H. Read, John G. Metcalf and Putrman W. Taft were chosen School Committee. Voted that the Collector be instructed to complete the collection of the taxes for the present year, previous to the 31st day of December. George Rawson was chosen Sexton for the ensuing year. April 18. Voted that the town purchase a Fire Engine with a 5-inch cylinder, together with a sufficient quantity of hose and fire apparatus for the same for the use of the town. Yeas 84. Nays 65. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the purpose of purchasing the Engine which the town have voted to procure. Voted that the town purchase a site for and erect an Engine House 30 feet long by 20 feet wide and two stories high, or purchase some suitable building for the safe keeping of said Engine. Voted to raise and appropriate $700 for the purpose of purchasing a site and erecting an Engine House; or for purchasing some suitable building for that purpose. Voted that the ''reasurer be authorized to hire, upon the credit of the town, the sum of $700, for the purpose of erecting an Engine House or purchasing a suitable building for that purpose. Voted a committee of three be chosen, by ballot, to purchase the engine, hose and other apparatus. Chose John G. Metcalf, Joseph G. Davenport and William H. Comstock as the committee. A Building Committee was then chosen, consisting of Benjamin Davenport, Nathan George and William T. Metcalf. At an adjournment of the March meeting the town chose Prudential Committees as follows, viz: District No. 1, Seth T. Davenport. District No. 2, A. H. Alien. District No. 3, Daniel Thurber. District No. 4, Nathan Hayward. District No. 5, Saml. P. Hayward. District No. 6, Henry Wheelock. District No. 7, Arnold Taft. 1849.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 607 April 26. Voted not to hear the Report of the Committee chosen at the last meeting to purchase a Fire Engine. It was then voted to reconsider and rescind all the votes passed at the last meeting relative to the purchase of a Fire Engine and the erection of an Engine House. Then voted to indefinitely postpone the consideration of the seventh article in the warrant, which was "To see if the town would raise and appropriate $500 towards purchasing an Engine, provided the balance be raised by subscription." In the meantime the committee had purchased an engine of Hunneman & Co., Boston, and so another meeting was called and an effort made to raise the money, but with no better success. Hunneman & Co. now commenced a suit against the town, and the town, Sept. 13, voted to instruct the T'reasurer to take the advice of counsel, and if it should be found the proceedings of the committee were legal, then to consult Hunneman & Co. and learn upon what terms they will take back the Engine. Hunneman & Co. refused to negotiate with the Treasurer, and Sept. 21. The town directed the Selectmen to settle with them, and dispose of the engine. The engine was sold to the town of Milford at a loss to the town of Mendon of about $450. Nov. 12. Representative to the General Court-Emrory Scott, D., 46. James P. Hayward, W., 88. Millins Taft, 53. Dan A. Comstock, 64. All others 4. There was no choice and the meeting was dissolved. STATE ELECTION. Foi Governor, George S. Boutwell, D., 99. Stephen C. Phillips F. S., 35. George N. Briggs, W., 24. Elected. Samuel E. Sewall, F. S., 1. For Lt. Governor, Henry W. Cushman, D., 99. John Mills, F. S., 36. John Reed, W., 23. Elihu Burritt, F. S., 1. For Senators-Free Soil-Pliny Merrick, 124. Alexander DeWitt, 123. Edward B. Bigelow, 123. John Raymond, 124. Amasa Walker, 123. Whig-Alexander H. Bullock, 24. Paul Whitin, 24. Ebenezer Torrey, 24. Joseph White, 24. George Davis, 24. 608 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1850. Walter A. Bryant, Ivers Phillips, John Erskine, Horace Armsby and Cephas Haughten, Dem., 1 each. All others had 3 votes. REV. GEO. G. CHANNING, TIE TWELFTH MINISTER. Rev. George G. Channing, brother of Rev. William Ellery Channing, began a supply in October, 1847, and concluded his labors Dec. 1, 1849. I850. March 4th. Chose William H. Aldrich, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Thomas Taft and Olney Cook were chosen Selectmen; Jesse F. Alderman, Treasurer; George Staples, Constable, and Aaron C. Cook, Collector, at $24.00. Anthony Chase had 73 votes for County Treasurer, and was the only person voted for. The Selectmen were to act as Overseers of the Poor and to have two dollars each for their services in addition to their salaries as Selectmen. Rev. Charles C. Chamberlain, Stephen Taft and Rev. A. H. Reed were chosen School Committee. Voted that the Treasurer pay out of the Seventh School District's proportion of school money, for the time being, any bill made and certified by the Prudential Committee of the Chestnut Hill School District, in the town of Blackstone, and approved by the Prudential Committee of the Seventh School District, in Mendon, for the schooling actually received by any scholar living in the houses now owned and occupied by Andre and George Southwick, Reuben Taft and Thompson Taft, provided it does not exceed the amount drawn by each scholar in said Seventh District. Voted that hereafter Harrison Hall, (now the property of the town) shall be known as the Town Hall. April 1. The reports of the committee to effect a settlement with the town of Blackstone, (growing out of matters connected with the division of the town), the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, School Committee and the Town Treasurer were then read, accepted and placed on file in the Town Clerk's office. Voted to raise $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $800 for the support of schools. 1850.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 609 Voted to raise $500 for the repairs of roads and bridges. Voted to raise $400 for incidental expenses. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to appoint one of their own number or any other person as a Janitor for the Town Hall. Voted that he (the janitor) open the Town Hall free for lectures on all Political, Literary, Scientific and Philanthropic subjects, always excepting heating, lighting and cleaning of the Hall. Voted that the Hall be open for cotillion parties and shows and exhibitions, not having things immoral in their tendency, for a reasonable consideration. Voted that when any person or persons apply for the use of said Hall, his or their authority for occupying the same shall be a certificate from the Janitor, stating for what purpose, when and how long it shall be occupied. Choice of County Comrnissioners-Otis Adams, D., of Grafton, had 63 votes. Bonum Nye, D., of North Brookfield, had 38 votes. Asaph Wood, D., of Gardner, had 62 votes. David Davenport, W., of Mendon, had 44 votes. Jerome Gardner, W., of Harvard, had 21 votes. Joseph Bruce, W., of Grafton, had 21 votes. Special Commissioneirs-Stephen Davis, W, of Oxford, had 21 votes. Jason Goulding, W., of PhillipstQn, had 21 votes. E. H. Hemenway, D., of Worcester, had 62 votes. Thomas Billings, D., of Lunenburg, had 62 votes. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $28.37. April 9. Voted to accept the list of jurors as reported by the Selectmen, as follows, viz:Henry A. Aldrich. Leonard Taft.* Royal M. Wheelock.* Andre Southwick. Stephen Taft.* Jason Staples.* Elijah Dewing.* David Davenport.* Stephen Cook, 2d. Welcome Staples.* Willard Chilson. * Perry Wood. William T. Metcalf.* Jesse F. Alderman. Silas Dudley. Geo. Rawson. Laban Bates.* Samuel G. Wilcox. Aaron C. Cook.* Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $4.11. April 29. Voted to indefinitely postpone the second article in the warrant, which was "to see if the town would accept a road laid out by the Selectmen from the S. W. corner of William H. Comstock's land (now the land of Mary D. Bartlett,) to the road *Dead. 1880. 77 610 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1850. opposite the house of Benj. Davenport (now of Gustavus B. Williams)." This road was afterward laid out and made by the order of the County Commissioners. Voted that the Treasurer be instructed to loan any monies in his hands belonging to the "Surplus Revenue" on satisfactory security. May 30. The number of the enrolled militia, over 18 and under 45 years of age, was found to be 245. June 11. Voted to accept an alteration, made by the Selectmen, in the road near the house of Arnold and Stephen Taft. July 4. William H. Aldrich, the Town Clerk, being absent from town, John George Metcalf was appointed by the Selectmen Clerk pro tempore, during the absence of said Aldrich. August 3. William H. Aldrich having resigned his office as Town Clerk, John George Metcalf was appointed by the Selectmen Clerk pro tempore, until a new election shall be made by the town to fill the vacancy. August 31. At a town meeting held this day; Putman W. Taft was chosen Town Clerk, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of William H. Aldrich. Nov. 11. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, George S. Boutwell, D., had 90 votes. George N. Briggs, W., had 28 Stephen C. Phillips, F. S., had 49 Francis Cogswell, F. S., had 9 For Lt. Governor, Henry W. Cushman had 99 John Reed had 28 Amasa Walker had 48 " For Senators. —D. & F. S.-Alexander DeWitt had 149 votes. Edward B. Bigelow had 149 votes. Moses Wood had 149 votes. Francis Howe had 143 votes. Giles H. Whitney had 143 votes. Emory Washburn had 28 votes. Joseph White had 28 votes. George Davis had 28 votes. A. G. Hill had 28 votes. Francis Deane had 28 votes. For a Representative to Congress, Fifth District.-Ira M. Barton had 23 votes. Charles Allen had 56 votes. John S. C. Knowlton had 96 votes. FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. First Ballot.-Francis E. Wheelock, D., had 65 votes; Stephen Taft, D., had 54 votes. Scammell Aldrich, W., had 23 votes. All others had 7. No choice. 1851.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 611 Second Ballot-Francis E. Wheelock had 68 votes. Stephen Taft had 42 votes. Scammell Aldrich had 19 votes. All others had 10. No choice. Third Ballot-Francis E. Wheelock had 70 votes. Stephen Taft had 31 votes. Scammell Aldrich had 21 votes. Six others had 8 votes, and Francis E. Wheelock was elected. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to furnish the Town Hall with suitable seats and apparatus for heating and lighting, at an expense not to exceed $125.00. REV. WILLIAM H. KINSLEY, THE THIRTEENTH MINISTER. ' Mr. Kinsley succeeded Mr. Channing, and was installed in the pastoral office in June, 1850, the Rev. E. S. Gannett, D. D., preaching the installation sermon. Mr. Kinsley continued to supply the pulpit until his death, Sept. 7, 1851. He died of Bright's disease. 1851. When the Legislature met, in January, it was found that no election of Governor had been made by the people, and that the Democrats and Free Soilers had a majority in the Legislature. It was soon understood that Mr. Boutwell should be made Governor and that Charles Sumner should be elected to the United States Senate. The first part of the programme was immediately carried out, and Mr. Boutwell was duly inaugurated as Governor; but the election of Mr. Sumner was only accomplished after many repeated ballotings, continued far into the session. Mr. Wheelock, the Representative from Mendon, (Blackst.one, by the act of its incorporation, this year choosing a Representative of its own) remained faithful to the coalition, voting for Mr. Sumner at every ballot. Jan. 20. No election of a member of Congress for the Fifth District having been effected at the November election, a meeting was held this day for another trial and with the following result, viz: John S. C. Knowlton, Dem., had 51 votes. Charles Allen, F. S., had 30 votes. Ira M. Barton, W., had 8 votes. Voted that an appropriation of $30 be made in addition to the $125.00 voted at the last meeting for furnishing the Town Hall. Voted that any citizen of the town may have the use of the 612 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1851. Town Hall free of any charge, except the expense of warming, lighting and cleaning the same, for all purposes not prejudicial to the public morals, except for balls, dancing parties and other amusements, recreations and exhibitions where an admission fee is demanded, provided also that no Religious Society shall now or hereafter, by virtue of this vote, be allowed the free use of the Town Hall for weekly, public religious worship. Voted that the Town Hall shall hereafter be lighted, warmed and cleaned by the town, and that no one entitled to the free use of the Hall shall be allowed to furnish his own materials for lighting and warming, but shall pay the janitor for the same. Voted that the Selectmen forthwith provide a place for storing the fuel. To do this the stairs were removed to the outside of the building, and their place inside utilized for a wood room. March 3. Chose Samuel Thayer, Jr., Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Willard Chilson and George Staples, Selectmen; Jesse F. Alderman, Treasurer; George Staples, Constable and Collector, appointed by the Selectmen, (Benj. D. Williams, chosen at the meeting in April, declining to serve), and Rev. William H. Kinsley, A. H. Reed and John G. Metcalf were chosen School Committee. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be paid $6.00 each for their services. Voted to raise $600 for repairs of roads and bridges. Voted to raise $150 to be assessed in money, and to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, upon the highways, before the first day of July. Voted to raise $600 for the support and care of the poor. Voted to raise $800 for the support of the Public Schools. Vote for County Treasurer-Anthony Chase had all the votes, 97 in number. Vote for Register of Deeds-Alexander H. Wilder had all the votes, 93 in number. Nathan George, David Davenport and Alexander H. Allen were chosen a committee to report Bye-Laws for the protection of the property of the town, and report at a future meeting. Voted to accept and put on file the Report of the School Committee, and on account of it being nearly illegible, voted to re 1851.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 613 commit such portions as regards the statistics of the town as would answer the law. Taxes due from Rufus Coffee and thirteen others foregone. No record of the tax against each or of the amount. Voted to discontinue so much of the Quaker Lane (so-called) as lies between the southwest corner of the burying ground and the road leading from the house of Amariah Taft (now Austin A. Taft) to the road by Benj. D. Williams' house. No choice of a member of Congress for the Fifth District having been effected at the last trial, another attempt was made this day, and John S. C. Knowlton had 66 votes. Charles Allen had 48 votes. Ira M. Barton had 8 votes. Voted that Amariah Taft and Jesse F. Alderman be authorized and empowered to make a complete and final settlement with the town of Blackstone of all unadjusted matters growing out of the recent division of the town of Mendon, upon such terms as shall appear to them just and reasonable, and that they be instructed to forthwith notify the Selectmen of Blackstone of their appointment, and of their readiness to meet any officer, boards of officers, committee, agent or agents, that said town of Blackstone shall clothe with adequate power and authority for the purpose aforesaid. And that they be further instructed, in case of failure to make a settlement as aforesaid, to notify the Selectmen of Mendon in sufficient season to assemble the town for the choice of any committee or agent that may be necessary to defend the town against any suit the town of Blackstone has commenced or may commence for the recovery of any money alleged by said town to be due from the town of Mendon. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to pay the bills for schooling in future, instead of the Treasurer. April 30. Voted to discontinue the road from the house of Scammell Aldrioh, (now Warren Esty,) over the hill commonly called Caleb's Hill. Voted to raise $500 for incidental expenses. Voted to discontinue the road from the house of S. T. Davenport to Milford line. Voted that Alexander H. Allen be added to the committee to settle with the town of Blackstone. 614 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1851. Voted to accept the resignation of Amariah Taft as a member of the above committee. May 26. By the return of the Assessors the enrolled militia were found to be 203 in number. June 7. Voted to discontinue the Eight Rod Road, so called. Henry A. Aldrich, Alexander H. Allen, George Staples and Lysander Grow were added to the committee heretofore chosen, to paint and repair the Town Hall. Voted to raise and appropriate $150 to paint and repair the Town Hall. August 21. Voted to instruct the Selectmen to procure a fire-proof safe for the preservation of the publie records. Voted to discontinue the road from near the house of Joseph Cummings to Milford line. Oct. 4. Voted to reconsider a vote passed April 30th, discontinuing the road from the; house of Seth T. Davenport to Milford line, and that the Selectmen be authorized to repair said road. Voted to raise an additional sum of $20 to paint and repair the Town Hall, should the sum already appropriated be insufficient. Nov. 10. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, George S. Boutwell, D., 96. Elected. Robert C. Winthrop, W., 31. John G. Palfrey, F. S., 63. For Lt. Governor, Henry W. Cushman, D., 96. George Grinnell, W., 32. Amasa Walker, F. S., 62. Senators-D. and F. S.-John S. C. Knowlton, 154. Albert Alden, 155. Moses Wood, 151. Freeman Walker, 151. Elmer Brigham, 151. Whig Charles Thurber, 33. George Davis, 33. Joseph White, 33. Augustus G. Hill, 33. Francis Deane, 33. Alanson Hamilton, Jared Weed, James Whitcomb, Sullivan Fay and Dan Hill had one each. FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. First Ballot-Henry A. Aldrich, D., had 72. Arnold Taft, D., had 60. A. H. Reed, W., had 28. Five others had 9 votes. No choice. Second Ballot-Henry A. Aldrich had 70. Arnold Taft had 56. A. H. Reed had 25. Four others had 9 votes. No choice. Third Ballot-Itenry A. Aldrich had 88. A. H. Reed had 23. Four others had 11 votes. Henry A. Aldrich chosen. 1852.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 615 On the Question for a Convention to Revise the State Constitution-Yeas, 107. Nays, 35. Voted that, if George F. Allen shall attempt to avoid the payment of the tax for which he has recently been imprisoned, by taking the Poor Debtors Oath, the Assessors and Collector be instructed, if satisfied of the legality of the tax, to use all legal, fair and honorable means to prevent the same; and that the Overseers of the Poor be directed to furnish the jailor, from time to time, with such sums of money as shall be necessary to defray the expense of boarding said Allen there for the term of one year, or until said Allen shall be released from jail in due process of law, or until they shall be otherwise directed by a vote of the town; or if said Allen shall institute any suit against the Assessors for assessing said tax, or against the Collector for imprisoning him for the non-payment of the same, that the town will defend and save harmless all and either of said officers from all costs and expenses that may arise by reason of the commencement of any such suit or suits. Perambulations of town boundaries were made this year. 1852. Feb. 14. Alexander H. Allen was chosen an agent to oppose the road now pending before the County Commissioners, as prayed for by Joseph. G. Davenport and others, from the road (now known as Maple street,) passing by the Meeting House of the First Parish to the road leading by John G. Metcalf's house, (now known as Hastings street). March 1. Jesse F. Alderman was chosen Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, George Staples and Laban Bates, Selectmen; Jesse F. Alderman, Treasurer; Hamilton B. Staples, David Davenport and Samuel P. Bates, School Committee, and George Staples, Constable. Anthony Chase, for County Treasurer, had 70 votes, being all given in. The committee chosen to settle with the town of Blackstone on matters growing out of the division of the town, made a report, which was accepted and put on file. March 24. Alexander H. Allen was chosen agent to appear before the Committee on Towns of the Legislature and oppose 616 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1852. the prayer of George Southwick, to be set off from Mendon to the town of Blackstone. April 5. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money, not to exceed five hundred dollars, for the use of the town. Silas Dudley was chosen a Special Constable, to be present at all lectures and exhibitions in the Town Hall, to preserve order and protect the public property, and for compensation to have fifty cents for a day or evening. Voted to raise $800 to repair highways and bridges the ensuing year. Voted to raise $600 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $800 for the support of the public schools. Voted to raise $500 to pay the debts of the town. Voted to raise $300 for incidental expenses. Voted that the highway taxes be paid in labor. Amount of taxes foregone $23.85. A new road (now Elm street,) laid out two rods wide and 36 rods and 15~ links in length. No damages were awarded the land owners. May 1. The enrolled militia were returned by the Assessors 218 in number, June 12. Voted to instruct the Selectmen to furnish two rooms in the Town Hall suitable to transact town business in. Chose Aaron C. Cook Collector. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $13.68. Nov. 2. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Electors at Large -Stephen C. Phillips, of Salem, had 53 votes. James Fowler, of Westfield, had 53 votes. Robert C. Winthrop, of Boston, had 44 votes. George Bliss, of Springfield, had 44 votes. Chas. G. Greene, of Boston, had 84 votes. James S. Whitney, of Conway, had 84 votes. 1st District- 7th DistrictJohn H. Shaw, Nantucket..... 53 Samuel E. Sewall, Stoneham... 53 J. H. W. Page, New Bedford..44 George Cogswell, Bradford.... 44 S. B. Phinney, Barnstable.....84 Ebenr H. Safford, Haverhill... 84 2nd District- 8th DistrictWm. H. Wood, Middleboro'...53 John W. Graves, Lowell.......53 George A. Crocker, Taunton...44 Jacob Coggin, Tewksbury.....44 Edward Cazneau, Hingham.... 84 Walter Fessenden, Townsend.84 1852.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 617 3d DistrictEdward L. Keyes, Dedham....53 John Gardner, "....44 Caleb Stetson, Braintree......84 4th DistrictTimothy Gilbert, Boston......53 Amos Lawrence, "....44 Isaac Adams, ".....84 5th DistrictJohn G. Palfrey, Cambridge... 53 Robert G. Shaw, Boston.......44 Benj. F. Hallett, "..... 84 6th DistrictJohn G. Whittier, Amesbury..53 Daniel C. Baker, Lynn........44 Jona. Narjon, Amesbury..... 84 9th DistrictCharles Mason, Fitchburg.....53 Ebenr. Torrey, ".....44 J. S. C. Knowlton, Worcester..84 10th DistrictR. B. Hubbard, Sunderland.... 53 Rufus Bullock, Royalston......44 O. P. Ingram, South Hadley...84 11th DistrictJoel Hayden, Williamsburg...53 Ezekiel Holt, Pittsfield.......44 Jona. E. Field, Stockbridge... 84 Nov. 8. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Horace Mann, Newton, F. S., had 69 votes. John H. Clifford, New Bedford, W., had 36 " Elected. Henry W. Bishop, Lennox, D., had 85 " For Lt. Governor, Amasa Walker, No Brookfield, had 69 " Elisha Huntington, Lowell, had 35 Jas. P. Thompson, New Bedford, had 82 " For Senators-J. S. C. Knowlton, Worcester, had 146 votes. Ivers Phillips, Fitchburg, had 145 votes. Freeman Walker, No. Brookfield, had 145 votes. Sullivan Fay, Southboro', had 145 votes. Elisha Murdock, Winchendon, had 145 votes. Chas. Thurber, Worcester, had 35 votes. George Davis had 35 votes. Joseph White had 35 votes. Enoch Perkins had 36 votes. Fras. Deane, Jr., had 35 votes. Jos. Whitman. Milford, had 5 votes. Representative to Congress, District No. 3.-Charles Francis Adams, Quincy, had 68 votes, F. S. J. Wiley Edmunds, Newton, had 35 votes, W. Orison Underwood, Milford, had 75 votes, D. FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. First Ballot-Alexander H. Allen had 70 votes. George Staples had 50 votes. J. F. Alderman had 42 votes. Four others had 4 votes. No choice. Second Ballot-Alexander H. Allen had 71 votes. J. F. Alderman had 48 votes. George Staples had 46 votes. Scattering 3, No choice. Third Ballot-Alexander H. Allen had 76 votes. J. F. Alderman had 53 votes. George Staples had 33 votes. No choice. Fourth Ballot —Alexander H. Allen had 67 votes. J. F. Alderman had 45 votes. George Staples had 27 votes. No choice. The contest was now given up and the article dismissed from the warrant. 78 618 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1853. Upon the question, "Is it expedient that Delegates should be chosen to meet in convention for the purpose of revising or altering the Constitution of Government of this Commonwealth. The ballots were: Yeas 141. Nays 41. Nov. 22. A second meeting was held this day for the choice of Representative to the General Court and with the following result: First Ballot —A. H. Allen had 81 votes. J. F. Alderman had 77 votes. Olney Cook had 40 votes. Scattering 4. No choice. Second Ballot-A. H. Allen had 85 votes. J. F. Alderman had 87 votes. O. Cook had 24 votes. Scattering 4. No choice. T/ird Ballot —A. H. Allen had 89 votes. J. F. Alderman had 90 votes. O. Cook had 21 votes. Scattering 4. No choice. Fourth Ballot-A. H. Allen had 86 votes. J. F. Alderman had 82 votes. O. Cook had 24 votes. Scattering 3. No choice. In the history of elections there can hardly be found an instance where the candidates were so equally sustained through so long a contest, or where there were so few scattering votes. Dec. 7. No choice for a member of Congress having been effected at the last trial, another meeting was held this day with the following result: Charles Francis Adams, A. S., of Quincy had 62 votes. J. Wiley Edmunds, W., of Newton had 32 votes. Edward Avery, D., of Dedham, had 21 votes. Arthur W. Austin, D., of W. Roxbury, had 2 votes. J. Wiley Edmunds was elected. REV. ROBERT HASSALL, THE FOURTEENTH MINISTER. Mr. Hassall began his ministerial labors in Mendon April 1, 1852, and dissolved his connection with the parish in January, 1856, to take charge of the Unitarian Society in Haverhill, Mass. After a few years Mr. Hassall retired from the ministry and engaged in agricultural pursuits. He is now living in Keokuk, Iowa. During his residence in Mendon he visited England, of which he was a native. I853. March 7. Jesse F. Alderman was chosen Town Clerk and Treasurer; J. F. Alderman, George Staples and John S. 1853.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 619 Gaskill, Selectmen; David Davenport, Silas Dudley and A. H. Reed, School Committee, and George Staples, Constable. FOR DELEGATE TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. First Ballot- Arnold Taft had 65 votes. J. F. Alderman had 48 votes. A. H. Allen had 22 votes. Scattering 5. No choice. Second Ballot-Arnold Taft had 80 votes. J. F. Alderman had 36 votes. A. H. Allen had 7 votes. Scattering 1. Arnold Taft chosen. Taxes foregone to the amount of $62.53. Votefor County Treasurer-Anthony Chase, of Worcester had 71 votes. Levi Barker, of Worcester, had 42 votes. April 4. Vote for County Comrmissioners-Otis Adams, of Grafton, had 58 votes. Bonum Nye, of Brookfield, had 58 votes. Asaph Wood, of Gardner, had 58 votes. David Davenport, Mendon, had 15 votes. Amory Holman, Bolton, had 15 votes. Alanson Hamilton, West Brookfield, had 15 votes. Vote for Special Countty Com1missioners-Edward H. Hemenway, of Worcester, had 58 votes. Thomas Billings, of Lunenburg, had 58 votes. Charles Brigham, of Grafton, had 14 votes. Seth Tucker, Jr. of Winchendon had 14 votes. April 22. Voted that the Treasurer have discretionary power to borrow money not to exceed one thousand dollars, at six per cent. Chose John G. Metcalf to confer with Holland Allbe in regard to the damages claimed by him in consequence of a road (now Elm street) laid over his land, and then adjourned until Dr. Metcalf returns. Upon his return he reported that Mr. Allbe says the matter is in the hands of his counsel. David Davenport was then chosen agent to oppose Holland Allbe's claim for damages. Voted to raise $1000 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $900 for the repair of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $800 for the support of the public schools. Voted to raise $1000 for the payment of town debts and incidental expenses. Voted that the money for repair of highways and bridges be paid in labor at ten cents per hour, and the bills for work be returned. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $19.88. 620 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1853. Voted to instruct the Selectmen to purchase a fire-proof safe for records, and a book case for books. June 9. The enrolled militia were found to number 164. Nov. 14. STATE ELECTION. For Governor., Henry W. Bishop, D., of Lennox, had 90 votes. Henry Wilson, F. S., of Natick, had 67 " Emory Washburn, W., of Worcester, had 42 Elected. Bradford L. Wales, D., of Randolph 3 For Lt. Governor, Levi A. Dowley, of Worcester, had 90 " Amasa Walker, of North Brookfield, had 67 W. C. Plunket, of Adams, had 42 George Osborne, of -, had 3 " For Senators-Elisha Murdock, of Winchendon, had 141 votes. Jos. Whitman, of Milford, had 141 votes. Alvin Bugbee, of Charlton, had 141 votes. Jos. W. Mansur of Fitchburg, had 155 votes. Isaac Davis, of Worcester, had 155 votes. Henry S. Washburn, Worcester, 'had 42 votes. A. C. Mayhew, Milford, had 42 votes. John Eddy, Dudley, had 42 votes. Eph. Murdock, Winchendon, had 42 votes. Wm. Parkhurst, Petersham, had 42 votes. Another ticket had 3 votes each. FOR REPRESENTATIVES TO THE GENERAL COURT. Fiest Ballot-John S. Gaskill had 87 votes. Alexr H. Allen had 63 votes. J. F. Alderman had 33 votes. Scattering 5, and there was no choice. Second Ballot-John S. Gaskill had 88 votes. A. H. Allen had 59 votes. J. F. Alderman, 35. Scattering 3, and no choice. 2 hird Ballot-John S. Gaskill had 85 votes and was elected. A. H. Allen had 53 votes. J. F. Alderman had 29 votes. Votes given for the proposed amendments to the Constitution, as recommended by the Convention, held the first Wednesday in May, 1853, viz:Shall Proposition No. 1, containing the Preamble, Declaration of Rights and form of Government, stand as the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? Yeas 155; nays 55. Shall Proposition No. 2 stand, respecting'the habeas corpus? Yeas 154; nays 55. Shall Proposition No. 3 stand, respecting the rights of jurors? Yeas 141; nays 69. Shall Proposition No. 4 stand, respecting claims against the Commonwealth? Yeas 154; nays 55. Shall Proposition No. 5 stand, respecting imprisonment for debt? Yeas 145; nays 64. 1854.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 621 Shall Proposition No. 6 stand, respecting sectarian schools? Yeas 158; nays 50. Shall Proposition No. 7 stand, respecting the creation of corporations? Yeas 154; nays 55. Shall Proposition No. 8. stand, respecting the security of bank bills? Yeas 153; nays 55. All these proposed amendments were rejected by the voters of the State. I854. March 6. Alexander H. Allen was chosen Town Clerk and Treasurer; George Staples, William T. Metcalf and George Rawson, Selectmen; George Staples, Samuel H. Taft, and Elijah Taft, Constables. Voted to raise $800 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $800 for the repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise $850 for the support of public schools. Voted to raise $500 for incidental expenses. Voted that the money raised for repairs of highways be paid in labor, at the following prices, viz: twelve and one-half cents per hour for a man; and the same for a yoke of oxen and cart; fifty cents per day for a plow; and the Assessors were directed to commit the tax bills only to surveyors qualified according to law. Anthony Chase had all the votes, 79, for County Treasurer. Voted that the town do oppose the formation of a new county, as prayed for in the petition of Aaron C. Mayhew and others; and that our Representative in the General Court be instructed to oppose, by all suitable and honorable means, the prayer of said petition. April 13. Rev. Robert [ assall, John'G. Metcalf and Andrew H. Reed were chosen School Conmmittee. Augustus Knights, he being the lowest bidder, was chosen Collector at thirty-five dollars. The following persons were chosen Prudential Committees for the several school districts, viz: District 1, Jos. G. Davenport. District 2, John G. Metcalf. District 3, Saml. G. Wilcox. District 4, Charles Dewing. District.5, Clark Cook, 2d. District 6, Perry Wood. District 7, Arnold Taft. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $70.04. 622 ANNALS OF MENDON. [C1854. The third article in the warrant was " to see what measures the town will adopt in regard to the bill now pending before Congress to organize the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska." The following preamble and resolutions, offered by Dr. John G. Metcalf, were unanimously adopted: Whereas, a Bill is now pending before the Congress of the United States organizing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska; and whereas, by a provision in said Bill, it is proposed to open a vast extent of territory, once consecrated to Freedom, to Slavery; and whereas, no free man can absolve himself from the obligation, to remonstrate against the consummation of a measure which deliberately violates the solemnly plighted faith of the nation and, by its reckless disregard of the common laws of humanity, invites the scorn and contempt of the civilized world, therefore 1. Resolved, that we, the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon, in the county of Worcester and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in legal and open town meeting assembled, do hereby solemnly and earnestly PROTEST against the passage of the proposed Bill, while it retains any provision that disregards the treaty obligations of the United States; or that, by inference or implication or cavil can be tortured, by the most subtle ingenuity, into a permission even for the possible extension of Slavery. 2. Resolved, that we dare not subject ourselves to the hazard that our silence may be construed into a consent to its iniquitous propositions, when it is openly and shamelessly conceded that this Bill necessarily involves the repudiation of our national obligations to the Indians, and the violent infraction of the most solemn agreements deliberately made with that noble though abused and down-trodden race. 3. Resolved, that the COMPACT made between the North and the South (usually termed the Missouri Compromise,) that no portion of the territory, acquired by the purchase of Louisiana, north of the latitude 36~ 30', should ever be given up to Slavery, shall never be surrendered, by any consent of ours, to any argument of political expediency, any requirement of party necessity or to any threat of the dissolution of the Union. 4. Resolved, that while we demand that the law admitting Missouri into the Union (known as the Missouri Compromise,) shall be acknowledged by the South as a sufficient GUARANTY that Freedom shall be held sacred according to the cotemporaneous and universal exposition of that agreement at the time of its completion; still our allegiance to truth and our convictions of duty do not allow us to withhold the declaration that our utter and uncompromising abhorrence of Slavery would be a sufficient reason, alone, for the rejection of this Bill of abominations. 5. Resolved, that should the measure, against which we remonstrate, become the law of the land, and thereby our doubt be ripened into conviction that Freedom can have no surety from Slavery for the fulfillment of its recorded obligations, thenceforth REPEAL shall be the watchword for the rescue of Freedem, until that institution, for the security of which, 1854.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 623 even a slaveholder has confessed, " no attribute of God Almighty could be invoked," shall cease to be protected by Constitution and Laws, and our Country, our whole country, become in deed as in name, the land of the Free. 6. Resolved, that we urgently recommend that meetings in every town, holden according to the forms and solemnities of law, and mass meetings in every Congressional District in every State yet free from the curse of Slavery, be forthwith convened, so that one united and potential voice of remonstrance and warning shall be heard in the Halls of our National Legislature against this fearful and disastrous measure. 7. Resolved, that a copy of these Resolutions, together with the Preamble, signed by the Moderator of this meeting and attested by the Town Clerk, be forthwith transmitted to the Hon. J. WileyEdmunds, our Representative in Congress, and that he be requested to bring them to the notice of the House of which he is a member. 8. Resolved, that the Clerk be directed to enter these Resolutions and Preamble "In the Town Book, that our children, in years to come, may know the sentiments of their fathers " in regard to this momentous issue, and thereby be strengthened in their LOVE OF LIBERTY and HATRED OF SLAVERY. May 1. The enrolled militia, between the ages of 18 and 45, was found to be 178, as by the return of the Assessors. Nov. 13. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Emory Washburn, W., Worcester, 15 votes. H. W. Bishop, D., Lennox, 24 Henry Wilson, F. S., Natick, 23 " Henry J. Gardner, K. N., Boston, 117 " Elected. Chas. Allen, Worcester, 2 For Lt. Governor, Wm. C. Plunket, W., Adams, 15 Caleb Stetson, D., Braintree, 24 " Increase Sumner, F. S., G. Barringt'n, 24 " Simon Brown, K. N., Concord, 117 " F.or Senctors.-Whig-Henry S. Washburn, Worcester, 15 votes. Aaron C. Mayhew, Milford, 14 votes. John Eddy, Dudley, 15 votes. Ephraim Murdock, Winchendon, 15 votes. Wm. Parkhurst, Petersham, 15 votes. Democratic-Geo. W. Bentley, Worcester, 24 votes. Geo. A. Vinton, Southbridge, 2- votes. Luke Houghton, Barre, 24 votes. Sullivan Sumner, Milford, 24 votes. Levi Hayward, Gardner, 24 votes. Free. Soil-Augustus Morse, Leominster, 24 votes. Israel Plummer, Northbridge, 19 votes. Aurin Bugbee, Charlton, 24 votes. George Swan, Hubbardston, 24 votes. Charles White, Worcester, 24 votes. Know Nothing-Henry W. Benchley, Worcester, 116 votes. Albert A. Cook, Milford, 116 votes. Jabez Fisher, Fitchburg, 116 votes. Edward Denny, Barre, 116 votes. A. G. Under. wood, Oxford, 116 votes, 624 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1855. Alexr H. Allen, Mendon, had 4 votes. Royal Cummings, Mendon, had 1 vote. For Represeatative in Colygress-Nathl. F. Safford, W. Dorchester, 15 votes. Edward Avery, D., Quincy, 12 votes. Wm. S. Damrell, K. N., Dedham, 118 votes. Edward L. Keyes, F. S., Dedham, 7 votes. LFor Representative to the Geberal Coutrt-John S. Gaskill, D., had 22 votes. Stephen Taft, F. S., had 19 votes. Jesse F. Alderman, W., had 12 votes. Alexander H. Allen had 3 votes. Royal M. Wheelock, K. N., had 105 votes. For County Coommissioner-Zadoc Taft, of Uxbridge, had 110 votes. Otis Adams, of Grafton, had 58. Nov. 28. Voted to pay Catharine Taft $20 for damage by laying out of a new road, now known as Elm street. Voted that the consideration of the third article in the warrant, relating "To the purchase of a Poor Farm," be indefinitely postponed. I855. March 5. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk and Treasurer; George Staples, Henry 0. Steward and Austin Wood, Selectmen; George Staples, Constable and Collector. Voted to raise $1000 for the support of public schools. Voted to raise $1000 for the support and care of the poor. Voted to raise $400 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise $800 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to build a receiving tomb for the use of the town. John G. Metcalf, Amariah Taft and Perry Wood were chosen a committee to erect said tomb, at an expense not to exceed $200, and to have it completed by August 1 of the present year. For County Treasurer-Anthony Chase had 63 votes. Alexander H. Allen and J. S. C. Knowlton had 1 vote each. May 23. The following are the votes on the ratification of the XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., XVIII. and XIX. articles of amendments to the Constitution of the State, the same having been adopted by the Legislatures of 1854 and 1855. Article XIV., Yes, 11 No, 13. Article XVII., Yes, 20 No, 7 do. XV., " 21 " 6 do. XVIII., " 28 " 1 do. XVI., " 20 " 7 do. XIX., " 15 "10 May 24. By return of the Assessors this day, the number of enrolled militia was found to be 218. Sept. 28. Taxes abated to the amount of $4.97, 1856.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 625 Nov. 6. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, H. J. Gardner, K. N., Boston, had 61 votes. Elected. Julius H. Rockwell, R., Pittsfield, 85 " E. D. Beach, D., Springfield, had 43 " S. H. Walley, W., Boston, had 5 " For Lt. Governor, H. W. Benchley, K. N., Worcester, 61 Simon Brown, R., Concord, had 85 Caleb Stetson, D., Braintree, had 42 Moses Davenport, W., Newburyport 6 " Pursuant to the seventeenth amendment to the Constitution, the offices of Secretary of State, Attorney General, Auditor of Accounts and. Treasurer were filled by a popular election, and the votes for the candidates of each party very generally coincided with those cast for the gubernatorial candidates. The votes cast for Senators of Worcester county were as follows, viz: Repebliccan-Fras. H. Dewey, Worcester, had 85 votes. Artemas Lee, Templeton, had 85 votes. Velorous Taft, Upton, had 85 votes. Salem Towne, Charlton, had 85 votes. Jabez Fisher, Fitchburg, had 85 votes. Democratic-John G. Thurston, Lancaster, had 48 votes. John S. C. Knowlton, Worcester, had 48 votes. Nathaniel Wood, Fitchburg, had 48 votes. George A. Vinton, Southbridge, had 48 votes. Alvin Cook, Uxbridge, had 48 votes. Knowz Nothing-Edward Denny, Barre, had 61 votes. Chas. L. Putnam, Worcester, had 61 votes. Wilder S. Thurston, Lancaster, had 61 votes. Fred. M. Parker, Templeton, had 61 votes. L. C. Boynton, Uxbridge, had 61 votes. For Register of Deeds-Alexander H. Wilder was elected unanimously, receiving 196 votes. County Commissioner —Asaph Wood, R., Gardner, had 85 votes. Cyrus Thurston, K. N., Fitchburg, had 55 votes. Wm. Bennett, Jr., D., Hubbardston, had 48 votes. County Treasurer-Anthony Chase, R., Worcester, had 87 votes. Pearley Hammond, Worcester, had 61 votes. John A. Dana, Worcester, had 48 votes. It was voted not to choose a Representative to the General Court. I856. March 3. David Adams was chosen Town Clerk and Treasurer; Alexander H. Allen, Austin Wood and Olney Cook, 79 626 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1856. Selectmen; Aaron C. Cook, Constable, at $6.00 for salary, and Samuel H. Taft, Collector, at $34.00. John G. Metcalf, Perry Wood and Arnold Taft were chosen a committee to gather information "relative to adopting a new mode of repairing our highways, townways and bridges," and report at an adjourned meeting. After amendments the following list of Jurors was adopted, viz: Alexander H. Allen,* Philo W. Brown, Olney Cook, Aaron C. Cook,* Elijah Dewing,* Silas Dudley, Timothy Ellis, Chauncey Aldrich, Nathan George,* Micajah C. Gaskill, Lysander Grow, Henry Rawson,* Welcome Staples,* Leonard Taft,* Samuel H. Taft, Perry Wood, Gilbert Cook, Salnl. W. Doggett,* Joseph Cumming, Austin A. Taft, Arnold Taft,* David W. Bennett. Voted to raise $800 for the support of schools. Voted to raise $1000 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise $400 for incidental expenses. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $51.55. March 31. Voted Willard H. Swan have liberty to raise the road near his shop and use the same as a dam, provided he have a waste way 30 feet wide, and indemnify the town against all damages which may accrue to said road in consequence of raising the same; and that he have leave to shut up such part of said road as may be necessary while said road is being raised. Voted that the Selectmen and Treasurer, in future, have their annual reports printed and ready for distribution one week before the time of the annual March meeting. The committee to whom the subject of repairing the highways was committed, made a written report, which is recorded on pp. 279, 280, 281 and 282, vol. 7, of the town records, and which report concluded with the following specific recommendations, and the same were adopted, viz: 1. The highway tax, hereafter, to be paid in money. 2. The money to be expended under the general superintendence of the Selectmen or such other agents, as the town may choose. 3. The Selectmen or agents shall, for the present year, forthwith, and hereafter, annually, on or before the first day of April in every year, contrrct with some suitable person or persons, to work with and oversee those who may be placed under his or their charge upon the road, and give him or them such instructions as they may deem necessary. *Dead 1880. 1856.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 627 4. The Selectmen or other agents shall furnish the Overseers with such a number of men, oxen, implements and tools as economy and the interest of the town may require. 5. That the sum of $900 be raised for the repair of the highways. and bridges the ensuing year. Olney Cook declining to serve as Selectman, Samuel W. Gilbert was chosen to fill the vacancy. John G. Metcalf, Stephen Taft and Samuel W. Gilbert were chosen School Committee. The enrolled militia were found to be 177. Nov. 4. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $44.35. Aaron C. Cook, Lewis Wood and Luther E. Taft were chosen a committee to protect the Pickerel fishery in the ponds and streams of said town, and directed to post up notices, respecting the same, adjoining the pond. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Electors at Large-Rep.-Julius Rockwell, Pittsfield, had 180 votes. Thomas Colt, Pittsfield, had 180 votes. Dem. —N. J. Lord, Salem, had 47 votes. Whiting Griswold, Greenfield, had 47 votes. Scattering, 2. District No. 1 -John Vinson, Edgartown, R....180 A. H. Howland, N. Bedford, D... 47 District No. 2 -A. B. Wheeler, N. Bridgewat'r, R. 180 Jared Pratt, Middleboro', D..... 47 District No. 3 -G. R. Russell, W. Roxbury, R.180 B. L. Wales, Randolph, D...... 47 District No. 4 -George Odione, Boston, R......180 Patrick Riley, " D......47 District No. 5 -Lucius B. Marsh, Boston, R.....180 David Draper, " D..... 47 District No. 6 -Geo. H. Devereaux, Salem, R... 180 Win. Hammond, Marblehead, D. 47 District No. 7 -Jas. M. Usher, Medford, R......180 Edward Riddle, Charlestown, D. 47 District No. 8 -John Nesmith, Lowell, R.......180 Jas. C. Abbott, D....... 47 District No. 9 -J. S. C. Knowlton, Worcester, R.180 Geo. W. Bentley, " D. 47 District No. 10 -C. E. Forbes, Northampton, R..180 A V. Blanchard, Palmer, D.... 47 District No. 11 -Franklin Ripley, Greenfield, R..180 Thos. F. Plunkett, Pittsfield, D.. 47 The scattering votes were 2. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Josiah Quincy, Boston, R., 86 votes. Henry J. Gardner, Boston, K. N., 83 " Elected. Erasmus D. Beach, Springfield, D., 42 " F or Lt. Governor, H. W. Benchley, Worcester, R. & K. N. 172 " Albert Currier, Newburyport, D., 42 " 628 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1857. For Secretary of State-Fras. DeWitt, Ware, R. & K. N., 176. Jona. E. Field, Stockbridge, D., 42. For Treasurer-Moses Tenny, Jr., Georgetown, R. & K. N., 176. Stedman Butrick, Concord, D., 42. For Attorney General-John H. Clifford, New Bedford, R. & K. N., 178. Ezra Wilkinson, Dedham. D., 42. For Auditor —C. R. Ransom, Roxbury, R. & K. N., 176. G. R. Whitney, Winchendon, D., 42. For Councillor, Second District-Laban M. Wheaton, Norton, R. & K. N., 150. Jona. P. Robinson, Roxbury, D., 40. For District Attorney-P. Emory Aldrich, R. & K. N., 124. Jos. W. Mansur, D., 41. E. B. Stoddard, D. 56. For Representative to Congress, Third District-William S. Damrell, Dedham, R. & K. N., 181; Elected. Arthur W. Austin, W. Roxbury, D., 45. For Senators.-Geo. F. Hoar, Velorous Taft, Ohio Whitney, William Mixter and J. F. Hitchcock, R., had 123 votes each. Ichabod Washburn, W. S. Thurston, R. S. Denny, Fred. Parker and Henry S. Mansfield, K. N., had 55 votes each. James Estabrook, Luke Houghton, George A. Vinton, Timothy S. Wilson and John Erskine, D., had 42 votes each. For County Commissioners-Wmn. Bennett, D., had 43 votes, James Allen, R., 123, and D. F. Parmenter, K. N., had 56 votes. For Special Commissioner-Alvin Cook and Simeon Lamb had 43 votes each. Thos. Billings, R., had 179 votes, Constant Southworth, R., 123, and John B. Pratt, K. N., had 56 votes. REPRESENTATIVE TO THE GENERAL COURT. Micajah C. Gaskill, R., had 70 votes. H. B. Staples, D., had 11 votes. Alexander H. Allen, R., had 137. Scattering, 3. REV. STILLMAN BARBER, THE FIFTEENTH MINISTER. Mr. Barber began his ministry, in Mendon, May 18,1856, and closed it in 1860. I857. March 2. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Alexander H. Allen, Austin Wood and Samuel W. Gilbert, Selectmen; Rev. Elijah Demond, Rev. Stillman Barber and Rev. Gilbert Bent, School Committee; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Elijah Dewing, Collector, at $42. April 6. Voted that the money raised and appropriated for the repairs of highways and bridges be expended under the supervision of Perry Wood, Aaron C. Cook and Laban Bates, in the same manner as last year, but the money to be expended on or before Oct. 10, 1857. 1857.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 629 Voted to raise and appropriate $900 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $700 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. The following is the list of jurors adopted by the town upon the recommendation of the Selectmen: David Adams, Arnold Taft,* Gilbert Cook, Silas Dudley, Lysander Grow, David W. Bennett, Micajah C. Gaskill, Austin A. Taft, Henry Rawson,* Chris. Daniels, Philo W. Brown, Welcome Staples,* Saml H. Taft, Leonard Taft,* Chauncey Aldrich, Nathan George,* Alanson S. Freeman,* Jason Staples,* Laban Bates,* Austin Wood, Elijah Taft.* April 15. Voted to reconsider all action under the fifth article of the March meeting warrant, and that the money raised and appropriated April 6, for the repairs of highways and bridges, be expended under the direction of the several Highway Surveyors. April 18. Voted to purchase a farm whereon to support the poor. Voted to appropriate the surplus revenue money towards paying for a farm, and Stephen Taft. Silas Dudley, Perry Wood, Amariah Taft and Lewis Wood were chosen a committee for that purpose. May 1. The three following Amendments to the State Constitution, being the XX., XXI. and XXII., having been adopted by the Legislatures of 1856 and 1857, were ratified by the people May 1, 1857, as follows, viz:Article 1. Voters to read the Constitution in the English language. Yeas 92; noes 38. Article 2d. The State to be divided into 240 Representative Districts. Yeas 121; noes 10. Article 3d. The State to be divided into 40 Senatorial Districts. Yeas 131; noes, none. Hamilton B. Staples having been: chosen Moderator, Voted that the vote "to reconsider all action at a former meeting under the fifth article of the (March meeting) warrant, passed at a town meeting held on the 18th day of April last past, be and the same is hereby rescinded and made utterly null and void." *Dead, 1880. 630 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1857. Voted that the vote " that the money raised and appropriated for the repair of highways, townways and bridges, to be expended under the supervision of the several Highway Surveyors," at a town meeting held on the 18th day of April last past, be and the same is hereby rescinded and made utterly null and void. Voted that the town do now choose, by ballot, some suitable person, not having charge of nor disbursing any monies of the town, to be Auditor of Accounts; whose duty it shall be to make a detailed report on the financial affairs of the town at the annual meeting, and, on or before the day of said meeting, to cause a sufficient number of copies thereof to be printed, at the expense of the town, to supply one copy to each tax payer. John G. Metcalf was then chosen Auditor of Accounts for the ensuing municipal year. Voted that the Collector, Treasurer, Overseers of the Poor, Selectmen, and all other persons or person having charge of or disbursing any monies of the town, shall make a full return of their doings and exhibit all the vouchers for their disbursements to the Auditor of Accounts ten days before the annual meeting. May 4. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money to pay the town debts, provided it can be hired at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent. per annum. Voted to strike the sixth article from the warrant. which was "to see if the town would allow a discount on all taxes paid before a specified time." Voted that the vote passed on the 18th day of April last, " to appropriate the surplus revenue towards paying for a Poor Farm," be and the same is hereby rescinded and made utterly null and void. The vote was declared thus:-Yeas 50; noes 10. The meeting was then adjourned without day. May 23. Under a new warrant, Voted that the town do purchase the farm of Millins A. Taft as an Asylum for the Poor. Voted that the town hereby authorize and instruct the Treasurer to hire a sufficient sum of money to pay for said farm, at a rate of interest not to exceed 6 per cent. per annum. Voted that the town hereby authorize and instruct the Treasurer, out of the monies raised for incidental expenses, to pay 1857.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 631 the interest on the sum of money he may hire for the purchase of said farm, together with $100 of the principal, annually. Arnold Taft, Leonard Taft, John G. Metcalf, Perry Wood and Elijah Taft were then chosen, by ballot, to be a committee to purchase the farm of Millins A. Taft, to take a good and sufficient deed of the same, providing the sum asked and the terms of payment be satisfactory to said committee. Voted that the town hereby authorize and instruct the committee chosen to purchase the farm of Millins A. Taft, out of the money raised and appropriated for the support of the poor, to provide all things necessary and proper for the management of said farm, and for the support of the poor thereon. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor, whenever they shall be notified by the aforesaid committee that the Asylum for the Poor is ready for their reception, be and they are hereby instructed to contract with some suitable person to manage said farm, and have the care and oversight of the poor. The number of enrolled militia was found to be 143. July 10. At a meeting of the Selectmen for the purpose, David Adams was appointed Agent for the Sale of Spirituous Liquors in said town for Medicinal, Mechanical and Manufacturing purposes for one year from the date hereof unless sooner removed by the Selectmen. Said liquor to be kept and sold at said Adams' dwelling house and he is to receive as compensation therefor the sum of fifteen Dollars and to give bonds as the law directs. ALEXANDER H. ALLEN, ) Selectmen AUSTIN WOOD, > of SAMUEL W. GILBERT. Mendon. Nov. 3. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, N. P. Banks, R., had 83 votes. Elected. H. J. Gardner, K. N., had 55 " E. D. Beach, D., had 41 " For Lt. Governor, Eliphalet Trask, R., had 81 Alexr. DeWitt, K. N., had 54 " Albert Currier, D., had 41 " For Councillor for District No. 6-Charles R. Train, R., Framingham, had 83 votes. A. A. Lawrence, D., Brookline, had 52 votes. A. H. Ward, K. N., Newton, had 40 votes. By the XX. and XXI. amendments to the Constitution, ratified by the people May 1, 1857, the Commonwealth was 632 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1858. divided into two hundred and forty Representative Districts and forty Senatorial Districts. This was the first election held under the new rule. The following is the result in the several towns composing the Worcester South East Senatorial District, viz:J. G. Metcalf, R. H. B. Staples, D. H. S. Mansfield, K. N. Mendon. Mendon. Blackstone. Mendon................. 84 38 55 Sutton.................. 196 65 67 Blackstone............... 136 190 145 Douglass............... 90 156 70 Milford.................. 356 322 210 Northbridge............ 137 59 103 Uxbridge................ 127 128 53 1126 958 703 The twentieth Worcester Representative District comprised the towns of Mendon and Uxbridge. The vote in Mendon was as follows, viz: Samuel W. Scott, Uxbridge, R, had 83 votes. C. A. Messenger, Uxbridge, K. N., had 49 votes. Samuel G. Wilcox, Mendon, D., had 39 votes. Samuel W. Scott was elected in the District. 1858. March 1. After voting to adopt the reports of the Treasurer, Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, Auditor of Accounts, the Committee on Highways, and the Committee to Purchase an Asylum for the Poor, David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Andrew H. Reed, Treasurer; Stephen Taft, John S. Gaskill and Willard H. Swan, Selectmen, and George Staples, Constable. Amariah A. Taft was chosen Collector for $24.00. Under a new law John G. Metcalf was chosen one of the School Committee for three years, Samuel W. Gilbert for two years and Davis Bills for one year. Voted to strike the eleventh article from the warrant, which was ".to see if the town would appropriate the surplus revenue money to pay for the Poor Farm," recently purchased of Millins A. Taft. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the suipport of schools. 1858.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 633 Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for the repair of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. Voted that the Constable have $10 for his services for the year. Perry Wood, Aaron C. Cook and Laban Bates were chosen to superintend the repairs of roads and bridges. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $121.94. Voted to accept the following list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen, viz: — David Adams, Lysander Grow, Aaron C. Cook,* Stephen Taft,* Zalmon G. Wood, Welcome Staples,* Samuel H. Taft, Amariah A. Taft, M. C. Gaskill, George Staples,* George Bates, Nathan George,* A. S. Freeman,* Laban Bates,* Silas Dudley, Austin Wood, Elijah Taft,* R. M. Wheelock,* O. R. Wheelock, Alexr. H. Allen,* Wm. T. Metcalf.* April 5. Voted that the Selectmen, Treasurer and Overseers of the Poor, for the present and for each succeeding year, be instructed to complete their annual reports in sufficient season to be printed and ready for distribution among the legal voters of the town three days at least before the time of holding the annual meeting; and to lodge a sufficient number of copies of their reports, bound together, at the Post Office at South Milford and such other places as they may deem convenient for the early circulation and distribution among the legal voters of the town. May 1. The number of persons liable to be enrolled in the militia in the town was returned by the Assessors, and is 192. August 18. Voted that the Treasurer be instructed to hire a sum of money not to exceed $900, at 6 per cent., to pay town debts. Voted that the Selectmen give the Collector an indemnifying bond, so far as the collection of the dog tax is concerned, and that the Collector proceed forthwith to collect all dog taxes remaining unpaid. Nov. 2. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $57.24. *Dead 1880. 80 634 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1859. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, N. P. Banks, Waltham, R., had 83 votes. Elected. Amos A. Lawrence, Brookline, K. N., had 20 E. D. Beach, Springfield, D., had 35 " For Lt. Governor, E. Trask, Springfield, R., had 83 Increase Sumner, G. B., K. N., had 20 Chas. Thompson, Charlestown, D., had 35 " The candidates for Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor and Attorney General had the same number of votes as the Governor, and were elected. FOR SENATOR, WORCESTER SOUTH-EAST DISTRICT. J. G. Metcalf, R. Alvin Cook, D. Chas. F Chapin, K.N. Mendon. Uxbridge. Milford. Blackstone.............. 19 186 86 Douglas................. 161 137 00 Mendon................. 82 33 23. Milford................. 473 451 2 Northbridge......... 157 51 44 Sutton................ 162 43 13 Uxbridge.............. 191 115 8 1417 1016 198 Representative for the Twentieth Worcester District-Alanson S. Freeman, R., Mendon, had 81 votes. A. H. Reed, K. N., Mendon, had 23 votes. Joshua Garside, D., Uxbridge, had 35 votes. A. S. Freeman elected. For Representative in Congress-Chas. Francis Adams, of Quincy, R., had 81 votes; elected. Moses G. Cobb, of Dorchester, K. N., had 21 votes. Arthur W. Austin, of WeSt Roxbury, D., had 35 votes. At this election John J. Piper, of Fitchburg, was chosen Register of Probate; Alex'r. H. Wilder, of Worcester, Register of Deeds; Anthony Chase, of Worcester, County Treasurer, and Asaph Wood, of Gardner, County Commissioner. Dec. 4. Alex'r. H. Allen was chosen agent to defend the suit now pending between the inhabitants of the town of Douglas and the inhabitants of the town of Mendon, relative to the settlement of a pauper. I859. March 7. The reports of the Treasurer and Selectmen were accepted and placed on file. 1859.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 635 The Report of the Overseers of the Poor was laid on the table, and, upon motion of Alexander H. Allen, the report was committed to three auditors, with instructions, with power to send for persons and papers, and to report at the next town meeting on the following matter, to wit: — 1. The specific items of the reported expenditures that go to make up the sum of $111.27, contained in their printed report as the cost of supporting paupers away from the town the past year. 2. The specific items that go to make up the sum of $576.40, as the reported cost of supporting the paupers on the farm the past year. 3. The specific items that go to make up the sum of $400.07, reported as paid on bills contracted last year. 4. The specific items that go to make up the sum of $299.07, reported as the amount of produce sold from the farm the past year. 5. The nature and amount of services rendered by R. H. Harback, for which services the sum of $22.50 is reported to have been paid. 6. The amount of cash paid out by the Overseers, as charged in their several bills, together with the specific items of services rendered by said Overseers, as charged in their report. Amariah Taft, John S. Gaskill and Arnold Taft were then chosen to audit the report of the Overseers of the Poor, pursuant to the foregoing instructions. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Reed, Treasurer; Scammell Aldrich, Sumner Ballou and Stephen Taft, Selectmen; Lewis Wood, John IVI. Fowler and Arnold Taft, Overseers of the Poor, and George W. Thayer, Constable. The following list of jurors was accepted viz: — *Aaron C. Cook, *George Staples, *Amariah A Taft, Samuel H. Taft, Silas Dudley, Orson R. Wheelock, *Wm. T. Metcalf, David Adams,* Laban Bates, *Welcome Staples, Austin Wood, Zalmon G. Wood, Saml. G. Wilcox, Enos T. Albee, *Elijah Taft, Ezekiel P. Gaskill, *Stephen Taft, John S. Gaskill, George Bates, *Jason Staples, *Andrus Wheelock. April 4. Heard the Report of the Auditors chosen to investigate the Report of the Overseers of the Poor, and voted the same be laid on the table. Alanson S. Freeman was elected School Committee for three years. Chose Elijah Dewing Collector of Taxes, and he to have $25 for his services. * Dead 1880. 636 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1859. Perry Wood, Aaron C. Cook and Laban Bates were again chosen to superintend repairs of highways and bridges. The Report of the Auditors of the Overseers' Report was taken from the table, and then voted that they have further time and report at the next town meeting. May 9. Heard the Auditors report, as above, and then voted that the Auditors be discharged from any further duties. Then voted that John G. Metcalf, Arnold Taft and Elijah Dewing be Auditors to examine the Report of the Overseers of the Poor, and make their report at a future meeting. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $32.21. Upon motion of John G. Metcalf the following By-Law, concerning Dogs, was adopted, viz:.Pursuant to the fourteenth section of an act "concerning Dogs," approved April 6, 1859, the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon do ordain and establish the following additional By-Law, viz: Section 1. All Dogs owned or kept in the town of Mendon shall wear a strong and sufficient muzzle made of iron wire. Section 2. Any person may, and every Police Officer and Constable shall kill, or cause to be destroyed, all Dogs going at large and not muzzled according to the foregoing section. Section 3. Every Police Officer and Constable refusing or neglecting to perform the duties imposed by the preceding section, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars, which shall be paid into the town treasury. Section 4. Whoever keeps a Dog, not muzzled according to the first section of this By-Law, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars to be recovered to the use of the town. Section 5. This By-Law shall take effect from and after the sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord 1859. Voted that the committee heretofore chosen to repair the Town Hall, be authorized to purchase suitable furniture for the same. The twenty-third article of amendment to the Constitution of the State, " defining the right to vote and the eligibility to office of persons of foreign birth," having been adopted by the General Court of 1858 and 1859, was ratified by the following vote: Yeas 39. Nays 26. The number of men liable to enrollment was found to be 162. Nov. 8. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be directed to use their best endeavours for the removal of Mary Marsh, now in 1860.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 637 the Insane Hospital, at Worcester, to the Asylum for the Poor, in the town of Mendon. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $54.75. The Auditors chosen May 9, to examine the Report of the Overseers of the Poor, having read their report, it was Voted that the same be embodied in the annual printed report of the Selectmen. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, N. P. Banks, Waltham, R., had 62 votes. Elected. Benj. F. Butler, Lowell, D., had 81 " For Lt. Governor, Eliphalet Trask, Springfield, had 63 " S. C. Bemis, Springfield, had 83 " The ballots for other State and County officers varied but little from the numbers cast for Governor. For Councillor, District No. 6-Aaron C. Mayhew, of Milford, R. had 63 votes. A. H. Ward, of Newton, D., had 80 votes. For Senator, South-east Worcester District-Simon Woodbury, of Sutton, R., had 63 votes. Alvin Cook, of Uxbridge, D., had 81 votes. Alvin Cook elected by 17 over Simon Woodbury. For Representative to the General Court, District No. 20-Scott Seagraves, Uxbridge, R., had 61 votes. Sumner Ballou, Mendon, D., had 86 votes, and elected. i860. March 5. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Sumner Ballou, Henry A. Aldrich and Alex'r H. Allen, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; A. H. Allen, School Committee for three years, and George W. Thayer, Constable, and to be allowed $10 for his services. Voted that the Treasurer be allowed $10 for his services. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be allowed $6 each for their services. John S. Gaskill, Solomon Pratt and Lewis Stone were chosen Agents to superintend the repair of roads and bridges. Voted that the Board of Assessors consist of three persons, to be voted for on one ballot. A few votes having been cast, it- was discovered by the presiding officer that the voters were not voting for the persons that they designed to vote for, therefore it was voted " That the contents of the ballot-box be poured out, and commence again to vote for Assessors." 638 'ANNALS OF MENDON. [1860. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for incidental expenses. Voted that all taxes paid on or before the first Monday in December shall be entitled to 10 per cent. discount. March 31. Voted to accept the report of the committee chosen to repair and furnish the Town Hall, and that it be placed on file. The reports of the Liquor Agent and Highway Surveyors (agents) were also accepted and placed on file. Voted to strike the eighth article from the warrant, "-To see if the town will alter the mode of dividing the school money." Voted to strike the fourteenth article from the warrant, "To see if the town will vote to appropriate a sum of money equal to one dollar, more or less, for each poll, for the purpose of establishing a Public Library for the use of the town." Voted to strike out the fifteenth article of the warrant; "To see if the town will instruct the Liquor Agent not to sell any spirituous and intoxicating liquors to any except an inhabitant of the town, and also to prosecute all cases of fraud and deception employed to obtain liquor from him." Voted to accept the list of Jurors, as follows, viz: *Welcome Staples, *Wm. T. Metcalf, *Jason Staples, *Elijah Taft, *Stephen Taft, *Andrus Wheelock, David Adams, Enos T. Albee, Zalmon G. Wood, *George Staples, John S. Gaskill, Ezekiel T. Gaskill, Gilbert Cook, Sumner Ballou, MIra WV. Cook, 0. R. Wheelock, *Seth H. Hayward, Elias T. Bates, Waterman Taft, John R. Hayward, M. C. Gaskill. The XXVth and XXVIth Articles of Amendment to the State Constitution, in regard to vacancies in the Senate and Council, were ratified as follows, viz: XXV. Article. Yeas 12. Nays 4. XXVI Article. Yeas 13. Nays 3. April 27. This day the Selectmen appointed David Adams, Liquor Agent, and fixed his salary at $20.00. June 30. Alanson Taft was appointed Collector of Taxes, and to be paid $24.50, he being the lowest bidder. *Dead 1880. 1860.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 639 Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to enforce the law (pursuant to an act of the General Court), entitled " An act concerning Contagious Diseases among Cattle," to its full extent. The List of persons enrolled in the militia May 1, 1860, as certified by the Assessors, was found to be 180. Nov. 6. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Electors at Large-George Mowry, Boston, R., had 157 votes. R. A. Chapman, Springfield, R., had 157 votes. Scattering, 8 votes. Isaac Davis, Worcester, D., had 47 votes. Charles Hubner, Lee, D., had 47 votes.. Scattering 8 votes. District No. 1. Alfred Macy, Nantucket, R.....157 Alexr Baxter, Yarmouth, D..... 47 No. 2. J. M. Mitchell, E. Bridgewater,R. 157 B. G. Chase, Somerset, D....... 47 No. 3. Jno. M. Forbes, Milton, R......157 Henry A. Aldrich, Mendon, D.. 47 No. 4. Chas B. Hall, Boston, R........157 W. J. Reynolds, Roxbury, D.... 47 No. 5. P. W. Chandler, Boston, R......157 K S. Chaffee, Cambridge, D.... 47 No. 6. District No. 7. George Cockrane, Methuen, R... 157 G. W. Dike, Stoneham, D....... 47 No 8. Jno. Nesmith, Lowell, R...... 157 Ambrose Sloper, Natick, D..... 47 No. 9. Amasa Walker, N.Brookfield, R. 157 Levi Barker, Worcester, D..... 47 No. 10. Chas. Field, Athol, R...........157 S. C. Bemis, Springfield, D..... 47 No. 11. Chas. Mattoon, Greenfield, R....157 Phineas Allen, Pittsfield, D..... 47 John G. Whittier, Amesbury, R. 157 George Upton, Salem, D........ 47 For Representative in Congress, Third District.-Charles Francis Adams, Quincy, had 154 votes; elected. Leverett Saltonstall, Newton, had 61 votes. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John A. Andrew, Boston, R., had 152 votes. Elected. E. D. Beach, Springfield, D., had 47 ForLt. Governor, John Z. Goodrich, Stockbridge, R., had 152 " Chas. Thompson, Charlestown, D., had 47 Candidates for other State officers had about the same number of ballots. For Senator, Worcester South-east District-Winslow Battles, Milford, R., had 146 votes; elected. Francis Deane, Uxbridge, D., had 68 votes. 640 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1861. Represetative to the General Court, District No. XXY.-Newell Tyler, Uxbridge, R., had 154 votes. Girdon R. Spaulding, Uxbridge, D., had 58 votes. Newell Tyler was elected by 200 majority. Sept. Perambulations of the various town lines with the adjoining towns were made during the month by the Selectmen. i86i. March 4. Chose for Town Clerk, David Adams; Alexander H. Allen, Henry A. Aldrich and Austin Wood, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer and School Committee for three years; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Aaron C. Cook, Collector, at $23.00. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $700 for repair of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for incidental expenses. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $20.64. Voted, upon motion of Alanson S. Freeman, that all taxes paid before the first day of July, of the present year, shall be entitled to an abatement of 6 per cent. upon the amount so paid; all taxes paid before the first day of August to 5 per cent.; all before the first day of September to 4 per cent.; all before the first day of October to 3 per cent.; all before the first day of November to 2 per cent., and all before the first day of December to 1 per cent.; and all taxes remaining unpaid on the first day of December the Collector is hereby instructed to collect forthwith. Voted to adopt the second section, Chapter 83, of the General Statutes, as follows; viz: "Whoever takes or catches any Pickerel or Trout in any Rivers, Streams or Ponds, in any other manner than by hooks and lines, or takes or catches any Pickerel from the 1st day of December to the 1st day of May, shall forfeit one dollar for every pickerel or trout so taken, and if he is a minor his guardian shall be liable to said forfeiture." Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to hire a sufficient sum of money to pay Millins A. Taft the note he holds against 1861.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 641 the town, (for the Poor Farm,) at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent. The reports of the Treasurer, Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, Highway Surveyors and Liquor Agent were severally read and accepted. The number of persons between the ages of 18 and 45, and liable to enrollment in the militia, was found to be 186. Nov. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, THIRD DISTRICT. Hon. Charles Francis Adams, having been appointed Minister to England, a meeting was held to fill the vacancy caused by his resignation, and with the following result, viz: — Benjamin F. Thomas, of West Roxbury, R., had 37 votes. Elected. Eleazer Beal, of Randolph, D., had 1 vote. Upon motion of Dr. John G. Metcalf, the following votes were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon, fully according with the sentiments of loyalty and patriotism which find such unparalleled unanimity of expression in all the States still true to the Union and the Constitution, and fully believing it to be their duty to use all the means in their power to sustain the Government of the United States until the present unprovoked and wicked rebellion against its rightful authority is effectually overcome, Therefore voted that the sum of Five thousand dollars be raised and appropriated, and, if necessary, the same be applied, under the direction of the Selectmen, for the purpose of paying one dollar per week for the aid of the wife and the sum of one dollar per week for the aid of each of the children, under sixteen years of age, of any of their inhabitants who, as a member of the volunteer militia of this State may have been mustered into or enlisted in the service of the United States; and the further sum of one dollar per week for each parent, brother, sister or child who, at the time of his enlistment, was dependent on him for support. This vote was based upon Chapter 222 of the Acts of 1861, passed May 23, 1861, being " An Act in aid of the families of Volunteers," &c. Voted that the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed, in anticipation of the assessment and collection of the said sum of five thousand dollars, whenever thereto notified, in writing, by the Selectmen, to hire in behalf of the town, such sums of money as the Selectmen shall, from time to time, judge necessary to carry into effect the preceding vote, not to exceed, in the whole, the sum of five thousand dollars. 81 642 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1862. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to hire a sum, not to exceed five hundred dollars, to meet the current expenses of the town. Nov. 5. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John A. Andrew, Boston, R., had 88 votes. Elected. Isaac Davis, Worcester, D., had 59 For Lt. Governor, John Nesmith, Lowell, R., had 87 " Edwin C. Bailey, Boston, D., had 59 " The other State and County officers, except those of Councillor, Clerk of the Courts and Register of Deeds, had about the same number of votes as the Governor. The votes for James Ritchie for Councillor, for Joseph Mason, Clerk of the Courts, and for Alexander H. Wilder, for Register of Deeds, were unanimous. For Representative to the General Court 20th District-William T. Metcalf, Mendon, R., had 83 votes. Sumner Ballou, Mendon, D., had 63 votes. George Cisco, Mendon, had 1 vote. Wm. T. Metcalf chosen by 102 majority in the district. 1862. March 3. The Reports of the Town Officers were read and severally adopted. David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; Alexander H. Allen, Henry A. Aldrich and Austin Wood, Selectmen; George W. Thayer, Constable; Alanson S. Freeman, School Committee for three years, and Francis E. Wheelock, Collector, at $28.00. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for repair of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for incidental expenses. A motion was made and lost to repair the roads and bridges as last year, that is, the highway appropriation to be paid in money, and the same expended under the direction of Agents. It was then voted that the appropriation for repair of roads and bridges be assessed and be paid in labor and materials. Voted that ten cents an hour be allowed for a man and the 1862.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 643 same for a cart and oxen, and five cents an hour for a plough while in use. The following persons were chosen Surveyors of Highways in the several Districts into which the town was formerly divided, viz: District 1, Joseph Cummings; District 2, Leonard Taft; District 3, Fras. F. Taft; District 4, Lewis Stone; District 5, Milton Aldrich; District 6, George Mowrey; District 7, Luther E. Taft; District 8, Benjamin Bates; District 9, Christopher Daniels; District 10, William Wood; District 11, Eli Bates; District 12, John S. Gaskill; District 13, Lyman Darling. Taxes to the amount of $105.36 were then foregone. Voted that the same abatements be made in the payment of taxes as last year, provided the Collector shall satisfy the Treasurer that the abatements have been made to the persons whose taxes have been paid. Voted that Mrs. Catharine Taft (she having received no tidings from her husband for many years) be regarded, in future, in the matter of the assessment of taxes on her real estate, as a Widow, thus exempting her estate from taxation to the amount of five lhundred dollars. The following list of Jurors was accepted, viz: Silas Dudley, Wm. T. Metcalf,* David Adams, Enos T. Albee, Ira W. Cook, * Charles Fletcher, John R. Hayward, Micajah C. Gaskill, Davis Bills, Willard Wilcox, Aaron C. Cook,* Eli Bates, Alanson Taft, R. M. Wheelock,*. Orson R. Wheelock, Perry Wood, E. P. Gaskill, Gilbert Gaskill, Philo W. Brown. June 6, The number of persons liable to enrollment, as returned by the Assessors this day, was 185. July 21. Order No. 26 of Gov. Andrew, calling upon the town to furnish eighteen recruits, as its quota to answer the call of the President for 300,000 men, being under consideration, The following Preamble and Resolutions were offered by Dr. John G. Metcalf, which, after amending the second resolution, by making the bounty one hundred and fifty instead of one hundred dollars, were almost unanimously adopted: Whereas, the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and portions of Tennessee and Virginia are now in open and flagrant rebellion against the * Dead in 1880. 644 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1862. Government of the United States, with the avowed intention of substituting in its stead a government based on Human Slavery; and Wherecas, the President of the United States (Abraham Lincoln), in the discharge of his official duty, and for the purpose of bringing said Rebellion to a speedy close, and thereby re-establishing the supremacy of the Government over those portions of the country now held by the armed occupation of Rebels and Traitors, has issued his call for three hundred thousand volunteers, to reinforce the armies of the Union now in the field; and Whereas, a prompt, unhesitating and patriotic response to the call of the President will be the surest means to accomplish the certain and triumphant overthrow of the present wicked and inexcusable rebellion, therefore 1. Resolved, that the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon, in town meeting legally assembled, do hereby solemnly and unitedly, with all the means which God has placed in our hands, pledge ourselves to sustain said call; and, to that end, will use our utmost endeavors to furnish the quota of volunteers allotted them by Order No. 26, of the Governor of this Commonwealth, in the shortest possible period of time. 2, Resolved, that, having the fullest confidence in the patriotism of its citizens, but taking into consideration the great and increasing demand for labor at the present juncture, and as the present is a season of the year when, especially in an agricultural community, men cannot so readily forego their ordinary avocations, the Town do hereby promise to pay a Bounty of one hundred and fifty dollars, each, to such able bodied volunteers as shall promptly enlist into the Army of the United States, pursuant to the call above mentioned. 3. Resolved, that the Treasurer of the Town, in its behalf and upon a pledge of its credit, be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to hire a sufficient sum of money, not exceeding twenty-seven hundred and fifty dollars, for the purpose of paying the bounties as provided in the preceding section. 4. Resolved, that when any number of persons, not exceeding eighteen in number, shall volunteer their services to make up the quota required of this town, by the order before mentioned, and it shall be made to appear to the Selectmen that such persons have been duly mustered into the service of the United States, they are hereby directed to make out and give to each of such persons as shall volunteer on or before the 10th day of August next, or to some one by them, in writing, authorized to receive it, an order on the Treasurer for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars; and to such as shall volunteer after that date. to fill up the quota required, or to any one, by them, in writing, authorized to receive it, an order on the Treasurer for one hundred dollars. 5. Resolved, that the Selectmen of the town are hereby requested to communicate, if necessary, with the proper authorities, and to use their best endeavors to place in Camp John E. Wool, at Worcester, at the earliest practicable day, the full complement of volunteers allotted to this town. 1862.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 645 6. Resolved, that we remember with emotions of the profoundest gratitude, the unselfish and patriotic sacrifices of those who have gone out from our midst, to do battle with traitors, for the preservation of our dearest rights as freemen; and, as the most significant and practical expression of that gratitude, we hereby pledge our utmost and united efforts until the speedy and efficient reinforcement of the armies in which they are serving shall be fully accomplished. 7. Resolved, that we affectionately tender to the relatives and friends of George W. Wilcox, Samuel Hall, Juba F. Pickering and Alanson Bathrick, Volunteers from this town, and who have laid down their lives in the present conflict, the warmest expression of our condolence and sympathy, commending them, in their bereavement, to the care and keeping of Him who doeth all things well. 8. Resolved, that we heartily endorse the recent legislation of Congress, whereby a bill " To suppress insurrection, to punish Treason and Rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of Rebels and for other purposes," has become the law of the land; and believing it can be used as the most efficient means to overthrow rebellion and restore peace to the country, we hereby invoke the President of the United States to carry the same into full and immediate effect. Voted, on motion of Alexander H. Allen, that out of the money appropriated by the town, by a vote passed June 11, 1861, (for raising five thousand dollars,) to aid the families of volunteers from this town, the Selectmen pay the widow and children of any deceased volunteer the sum per month they would be entitled to receive under said vote, and the Treasurer be directed to provide funds to pay the same as specified in said vote. August 19. Voted that the town offer a bounty of two hundred dollars to each person who may volunteer and be mustered into the service of the United States, to fill up the quota which may be allotted to the town of Mendon in the draft of 300,000 men lately ordered by the President. Voted that the town raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to pay to each person, who may volunteer and be mustered into the service of the United States to fill up the quota which may be allotted to the town of Mendon in the draft of 300,000 men lately ordered by the President of the United States, the sum of $200. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to issue their order to the Treasurer to pay the sum of $200 to each person who may volunteer to fill up the quota,.as mentioned in the preceding 646 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1862. vote, upon satisfactory evidence that such volunteer has been mustered into the service of the United States. Voted that the Selectmen be requested to use their endeavours to procure a sufficient number of volunteers to fill up the quota before mentioned, and for this purpose, if they see fit, they are hereby empowered and authorized to appoint an agent to act in their behalf, and under their direction. August 30. The vote passed at a town meeting held August 19th, inst., "to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum, of money &c.," was now reconsidered, and the following substitute was adopted, viz:Voted to authorize, empower and direct the Treasurer, in behalf of the town and upon a pledge of its credit, to hire a sufficient-sum of money to pay to each person who may volunteer (and be mustered into the service of the United States,) to fill the quota of this town which may be allotted to it under the Order of the President for a draft of 300,000 men, the sum of $200. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to issue their order to the Treasurer of the Town, to pay the sum of $200 to each person who may volunteer to fill up the quota as mentioned in the preceding vote, upon satisfactory evidence that such volunteer has been mustered into the service of the United States. October 1. It having been now ascertained that the quota for Mendon, in the draft for $300,000 men, ordered by the President, was twenty-eight in number, and inasmuch as it was intended to pay bounties only to those who should be credited to the town of Mendon, the following votes were now passed: Voted that the town will pay the sum of $200 each to those who have or may volunteer and be sworn and mustered into the service of the United States for nine months, pursuant to the late call of the President, not exceeding 28 in number, provided it shall appear that such persons will be credited to the town of Mendon. Voted that the Treasurer be instructed and authorized to hire a sufficient sum of money to- pay $200 to each one who has or may volunteer and be sworn and mustered into the service of the United States, not exceeding 28 in number, provided it shall appear that they will be credited to the town of Mendon. Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to issue their orders pursuant to the preceding votes. October 9. At this meeting two letters were received from 1863.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 647 Alexander H. Allen and Henry A. Aldrich, resigning their offices as Selectmen. Voted that said letters be placed on file. Voted to choose two selectmen on one ballot to fill the vacancies occasioned by the resignations of A. H. Allen and H. A. Aldrich. John G. Metcalf and Ira W. Cook were chosen Selectmen. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John A. Andrew, Boston, R., had 128 votes. Elected. do. Chas. Devens, Worcester, D., had 55 " For Lt. Governor, Joel Hayden, Williamsburg, R., had 128 Thos. F. Plunkett, Pittsfield, D., had 55 " All the other candidates for State and County offices, except the District Attorneyand County Commissioner, received just the same number of votes as were cast for the candidates for Governor. P. Emory Aldrich, of Worcester, for District Attorney, and Amory Holman, of Boston, for County Commissioner, had all the votes cast, 183 in number, each. For Senator, Worcester South-east District-William R. Hill, of Sutton, R., had 128 votes; (elected). Warren Hunt, of Douglas, D., had 55 votes. For Representctive to the General Court, District No. XX.-William C. Capron, of Uxbridge, R. had 127 votes. Charles E. Whitin, of Uxbridge, D., had 56 votes. Wm. C. Capron had in the District (Mendon and- Uxbridge,) 131 majority. 1863. March 2. 'Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexanlder H. Allen, Henry 0. Steward and John S. Gaskill, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable; Ira W. Cook, Collector, at $24.75, and Davis Bills, School Committee for three years. Voted to choose thirteen Highway Surveyors. Voted the highways and bridges be repaired the same as last year. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $226.46. Voted that the town do not abolish the School Districts. This vote was taken pursuant to section 4, Chap. 39, of the General Statutes, which required that the question of abolishing the, 648 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1863. School Districts should be acted on by the towns once in three years. The following list of Jnrors was adopted, viz: Alexander H. Allen,* David Adams, M. C. Gaskill, Wi. T. Metcalf,* Willard Wilcox, Aaron C. Cook,* Eli Bates,* Alanson Taft, Perry Wood, Gilbert Gaskill, Adoniram J. Dawley,* John S. Gaskill, Andre Southwick, Henry 0. Steward, Austin Wood, Laban Bates, David W. Bennett, Andrew H. Reed, Linus B. Staples,* Nathl. A. Inman, Austin A. Taft. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to hire a sum of money, not exceeding $600, in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. Voted to discontinue a road laid out by the County Commissioners, August 23, 1860, upon the petition of Joseph Cummings. Chose a Highway Surveyor for each of the thirteen Highway Districts. Voted that all taxes paid on or before the first day of July shall be entitled to a discount of six per cent., and that all taxes remaining unpaid on the first day of December, shall be put in process of collection by law, and that the town will indemnify the Collector for the costs of such collection. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for repair of highways and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $900 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for interest on the town debt. April 6. On motion of Henry A. Aldrich it was voted that the Treasurer be authorized to hire a sufficient sum of money to pay the present indebtedness of the town, provided it can be procured at a less rate of interest than six per cent., it being nnderstood that preference in making loans shall be given to the inhabitants of Mendon. On motion of Henry A. Aldrich it was voted that the Selectmen be authorized and directed to draw their order on the Treasurer for the payment of one dollar per week each to the widow, children, parent, brother or sister, pursuant to chapter 76 of the Acts of 1863, not exceeding twelve dollars per month to any one *Dead 1880. 1863.] ~ - ANNALS OF MENDON. 649 family; and that the Treasurer be authorized and empowered to hire on behalf of the town a sufficient sum of money to pay the orders as above directed. The committee chosen March 2, ultimo, "To see if the town can be more equally divided into Highway Districts," made a report which was accepted. They recommend to divide the town into five Highway Districts, the boundaries of which may be found in vol. 8, pp. 12, 13 and 14, and that to equalize the Districts, Nos. 2 and 3 should be paid fifteen dollars and No. 4 twenty-five dollars. John S. Gaskill for District No. 1, Erastus Hill for No. 2, Laban Bates for No. 3, Alanson S. Freeman for No. 4, and Perry Wood for No. 5, were then chosen Highway Surveyors. Voted to reconsider the vote choosing thirteen Highway Surveyors, passed March 2d ult. AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION. The Article of Amendment being the XXVIth, "Relating to the right to vote and their eligibility to office of persons of foreign birth," having been adopted by the Legislatures of 1862 and 1863, was ratified by the following vote: For the Amendment-Yeas 49. Nays 1. April 11. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $12.04. Voted that a vote passed March 2 ult., allowing a discount of six per cent. on all taxes paid on or before July 1, 1863, be reconsidered. Voted that to all taxes remaining unpaid after the 15th day of July of the present year, interest, at the rate of one per cent. per month shall be added thereto until paid. May 2. Voted that the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue Bonds, upon the credit of the Town, for a sum of money not exceeding Eighteen Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of paying the present indebtedness of the town, at a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent. per annum; said Bonds not to be sold at less than their par value, and to be redeemed at the office of the Treasurer in five and ten years. Voted the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to advertise for proposals for said loan in sums of fifty, one hundred and five hundred dollars each, each proposal to be made in writing 82 650 ANNALS OF MIENDON. [1863. and sealed, stating the amount desired, with the terms and time. Voted that the Treasurer be and he is'hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds, at the rate and for the time above specified, for such sums as may be necessary to defray the future liabilities of the town on account of the present war. June 5. The Assessors returned that the enrolled militia were 128, and that Orrin Cook, John B. Rockwood, Albert Cook, Martin S. Howe, Frederic Bates, James C. Moore, John F. Moore, George Wilbur, Alderman C. Cook, Benj. H. Smith, Wm. D. Cole, Jacob B. Gurley, Abel Weatherhead, Lucius Lowell, Edwin M. Wheelock, Nathan Wheelock, Lowell C. Cook, Freeman Cole, Herbert A. Bennett, John Cross, Waterman Taft, Edward L. Staples, Franklin Freeman, George H. Payson, John H. Taft, Elias A. Adams, Henry Bates and James W. Wilson (28 in inumber), were found serving in the army. General P. Taft, John P. Saunders, Capt. Francis A. Jolnson and Otis E. Thayer were found discharged. Capt. Johnson's family had recently removed from Milford. David Adams was reappointed Liquor Agent for twelve months. Sept. 26. Voted to reconsider the vote passed March 2, 1863, discontinuing the road laid out by. the County Commissioners, Aug. 23, 1860, and appropriate not exceeding $250 for repair of said road, provided the County Commissioners will consent thereto. This is the Cummings road. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John A. Andrew, Boston, R., had 77 votes. Elected. Henry W. Paine, Cambridge, D., had 37 For Lt. Governor, Joel Hayden, Williamsburg, R., had 77 " Thos. F. Plunkett, Pittsfield, D., had 37 " The other candidates for State offices received the same number of votes as the candidates for Governor. For Councillor, Sixth District-Jonathan D. Wheeler, Grafton, R., had 74 votes. Wm. Mixter, Hardwick, D., had 37 votes. For Senator, Worcester Soutth-east District-Winslow Battles, Milford, R., had 75 votes; Elected. Daniel Southwick, Blackstone, D., had 37 votes. For Representctive to the General Cotrt, Distict No. 20-Scott Seagrave, Uxbridge, R., had 75 votes. Henry A. Aldrich, Mendon, D., had 32 votes, Scott Seagraves had 108 majority in the District (Mendon and Uxbridge). John G. Metcalf having been chosen Moderator, Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $68.01. 1863.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 651 Voted to reconsider a vote passed Sept. 26th nit., whereby the town voted not to accept a road from near the house of James M. Staples to connect with the Quissett road (so-called). Voted to accept of said road, as laid out by the Selectmen, between the termini as above mentioned, and that the sum of one hundred dollars be appropriated for building said road and repairing the Quissett road. Dec. 12, Voted to choose a committee of seven, one from each school district in town, to aid the Selectmen in filling the quota under the late call of the President for 300,000 men for the army. District 1. Austin D. Davenport. District 5. Clark Cook. do 2. Lewis Stone, 2nd. do 6. Saml. H. Taft. do 3. Addison Aldrich. do 7. Royal M. Wheelock. do 4. Laban Bates. On motion of John G. Metcalf, it was voted, as instructions to the Selectmen and Treasurer, and as explanatory of the vote passed June 11, 1861, that in computing the disbursements under said appropriation ($5000) only the excess of the sum disbursed in each year for the aid to families of volunteers, over the sum reimbursed by the Commonwealth for the same, shall be charged as the annual expenditure under said appropriation; and that all monies reimbursed by the Commonwealth to the town, for aid furnished the families of volunteers, shall be added to said appropriation and paid out by the Selectmen, agreeable to the provisions of said vote, until the full sum of five thousand dollars, exclusive of the monies so reimbursed, shall have been paid out. Voted that the town will pay the same amount (per week or month), of money for aid to any of the families of any of its inhabitants who may be drafted into the military service of the United States, as is paid to the families of volunteers. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow such sums of money, from time to time, as may be necessary to carry into effect the preceding vote. REV. WILLIAM TATE PHELAN, THE SIXTEENTH MINISTER. The Rebellion breaking out in 1861, the people finding themselves heavily, though willingly, taxed for the support of the.. 652 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1864. government, abated somewhat in their customary support of public religious worship, and for three years the pulpit was supplied only occasionally. In May, 1863, Mr. Phelan was engaged to fill the pastoral office, and continued to discharge its duties until April 27, 1866, when he was dismissed at his own request. Since then he has acceptably filled the office of Minister-at-Large in the city of Portland, Me. I864. Marcli 7. The reports of the Treasurer, Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor and Liquor Agent, were severally made and accepted. David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Dan Hill and John S. Gaskill, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer and Lewis Stone, 2nd, Constables, and Perry Wood, Collector at $32.00. Gustavus B. Williams was elected School Committee for three years. Voted to add three members to the School Committee, and chose Joseph Thayer for one year, David Adams for two years, and M. C. Gaskill for three years. Voted to adopt the same method as last year for the collection of the taxes. Voted to allow fifteen cents an hour for labor on the highways, the same for a yoke of oxen and cart, and ten cents an hour for a plough. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $550 for the -support of tlhe poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repair of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for payment of interest on the public debt. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $42.90. Lysander Grow and Timothy Ellis were chosen a committee to examine the hearse and report what repairs are necessary. 1864.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 653 A motion made by Perry Wood that the school money be divided, one-half by the number of the districts and one-half by the number of scholars, received four votes and eighteen against the motion. The list of Jurors was adopted by the town as follows, viz: *Alanson S. Freeman, *Andrus Wheelock, Gilbert Cook, Putman W. Taft,* Laban Bates, *A. J. Dawley, Andrew H. Reed, John S. Gaskill, *Wm. T. Metcalf, Willard Wilcox, David Adams, D. W. Bennett, Eli Bates, Andre Southwick, Henry 0. Steward, Austin Wood, Nathl, A. Inman,* Alexr. H. Allen, M. C. Gaskill, Perry Wood, Alanson Taft. April 2. Silas Dudley, Perry Wood and Seth T. Staples were chosen a committee to repair the hearse. The School Committee were required, by vote, to choose a Superintendent of the Public Schools, and Gustavus B. Williams was appointed. Voted to discontinue that part of the road leading from the house of Timothy Ellis to the Milford road, leading from the house of Silas Dudley, which lies against the land of Elbridge G. Cook. Voted to refer the fifth article in the warrant, " relating to truant children, &c.," to the School Committee. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor make such repairs or additions to the Asylum as the present wants and future comforts and convenience of its inmates may seem to them to require. May 28. Voted to reconsider the vote passed March 7, to choose three Selectmen, and then voted to add two more to the Board. Samuel I. Taft and Albert W. Gaskill were chosen Selectmen. Voted to appropriate a sum of money, not to exceed four thousand dollars, for the purpose of procuring the town's proportion of the quota of volunteers in the military service, under any order or call of the President of the United States, issued after the first day of March, 1864, and before the first day of March, 1865. This vote was passed in accordance with Chapter 120 of the Acts of 1864. *Deacdin 1880. 654 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1864. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized and directed to hire a sum of money, upon the credit of the town, not to exceed $4000, in such sums as may be needed for procuring recruits to fill the quotas of Mendon, under any call of the President between March 1, 1864, and March 1, 1865. By the Act above mentioned the bounty could not exceed $125. Julius A. George was chosen a Selectman, to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Dan Hill. Voted that the seventh article in the warrant, which was "to see if the Town would purchase a New Hearse," be stricken from the warrant. August 15. A motion was made by Perry Wood "that the town pay in gold the sum of $125 already voted to be paid to volunteers." Upon this motion a point of order was raised by Alexander H. Allen, that inasmuch as the motion, as well as the article in the warrant, affirmed that the town had voted $125 to each volunteer, when they had not done so, therefore the motion was not in order, and upon this asked for the decision of the Chair. The Moderator (John G. Metcalf,) decided that the point was well taken, and ruled that the motion was not in order. Upon this decision an appeal was taken, when the decision of the Chair was unanimously sustained. Nov. 8. Voted that the town do pay the families of persons not residents of said town, mustered into the service of the United States as a part of the town's quota, a sum not exceeding twelve dollars per month for each family; and that the Treasurer be directed to hire such sums of money as may be required to carry out said vote. Austin Wood, Silas Dudley and William T. Metcalf were chosen a committee to confer with a committee of the Second School District to consider and determine, first, whether the Town or the District is, at present, legally obliged to keep the roof over the Town Hall (being the second story of the school house,) and School House in repair. Secondly, if the District is so obliged, then for them to consider whether, upon the principles of justice and equity, the town should not assume some part, or all, of the expense of repairing said roof; and, thirdly, 1864.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 655 whether said roof can be suitably repaired except by being newly shingled, and report at the next meeting. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. For Electors at Large-Edward Everett, R., Boston, had 158 votes. Whiting Griswold, R., Greenfield, had 158 votes. Robert C. Winthrop, D., Boston, had 80 votes. Erasmus D. Beach, D., Springfield, had 80 votes. District No. 1. District No. 6. Richard Borden, Fall River, R..158 George L. Davis, N. Andover, R. 158 A. H. Howland, N. Bedford, D.. 80 J. H. Carleton, Haverhill, D.... 80 No. 2. No. 7. Artemas Hale, Bridgewater, R.. 158 Stephen M. Weld, W. Roxbury,R. 158 Wm. D. Swan, Dorchester, D... 80 Leverett Saltonstall, Newton, D. 80 No. 3. No. 8. George Putnam, Roxbury, R... 158 Levi Lincoln, Worcester, R.....158 Andrew Pierce, Jr., Boston, D.. 80 Isaac Davis, Worcester, D...... 80 No. 4. No. 9. J. M. S. Williams, Cambridge, R.158 William S. Clark, Amherst, R..158 Abram Jackson, Boston, D...... 80 William H. Fuller, Whately, D. '80 No. 5. No. 10. JohnG. Whittier, Amesbury, R.. 158 John Wells, Chicopee, R........158 S. E. Peabody, Salem, D....... 80 Abram Paige, Springfield, D.... 80 For Governor, John A. Andrew, Boston, R., had 156 votes. Elected. Henry W. Paine, Cambridge, D., had 80 " For Lt. Governor, Joel Hayden, Williamsburg, R., had 156 votes. Thos. F. Plunkett, Pittsfield, D., had 80 " The other candidates for State and County offices had the same number of votes with the above. For Representative to Congress, Eighth District-John D. Baldwin, Worcester, R., had 155 votes; Elected. George Hodges, Oxford, D., had 80 votes. For Senator, Worcester South-east District-Dr. Moses D. Southwick, Blackstone, had 155 votes. James H. Barker, Milford, had 80 votes. Dr. Southwick was elected in the District. For Representative to the General Court, District No. 20-Micajah Collins Gaskill, Mendon, R., had 147 votes. Amariah Taft, Uxbridge, D., had 87 votes. M. C. Gaskill, elected in the District (Mendon and Uxbridge), by 156 majority. Nov. 26. The committee heretofore chosen to confer with a committee of the Second School District, in relation to the repairs of the roof of the Town Hall, made a report, which was laid on the table, and Saml. H. Taft and Laban Bates were added to the committee, and Voted that the committee report at the next meeting. 656 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to mend or repair the roof over the Town Hall and school house as, in their judgment, it may seem to require. Nov. 23. On motion of Samuel H. Taft, it was voted that the Selectmen be directed to pay bounties to volunteers to the nulmber of twenty men, the bounty not to exceed one hundred and twenty-five dollars a man. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized and directed to borrow a sufficient sum (of money) in addition to the unexpended 1)ortion of the appropriation ($4000) of May 28, 1864, to carry out the preceding vote. 1865. March 6. Voted to pay Mrs. Marcia Gassett, wife of Wm. G. Gassett, the sum of one dollar per week from the time of the enlistment of her son, Alton G. Gassett, until the time she commenced to draw pay from the town. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H.. Allen, John S. Gaskill and William H. Aldrich, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable; John G. Metcalf, Collector, at $60.00. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $550 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the payment of interest. Voted to raise and appropriate $5000 to reduce the town debt. Voted that the highway tax be assessed by itself, to be paid in labor, at the same prices as last year. Voted that the School Committee shall appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Rev. William T. Phelan was appointed. Voted that to all taxes remaining unpaid after the 10th day of August of the present year, one per cent. per month shall be added thereto until paid. Voted to adopt the second section of chapter 83 of the General Statutes relative to the taking of Fish, and Chose Henry W. Wood, Lewis Wood and Aaron C. Cook a committee to enforce the law. 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 657 A Draft having been ordered, voted that the Selectmen be authorized to pay the expenses of getting struck from the enrollment list the names of all such as, in their judgment, are unfit for military service. March 25. The Board of the School Committee having resigned, it was voted the committee consist of three, and Gustavus B. Williams was chosen for three years, John G. Metcalf for two years, and Micajah C. Gaskill for one year. Voted to choose a committee of three to make arrangements for celebrating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. Chose John G. Metcalf, Nathan George and Silas Dudley as the committee. Voted to instruct the Selectmen not to permit any School District to draw from the Treasury any money beyond the amount standing to its credit upon the books of said Selectmen. April 1. Voted that the Provisions, Arrangements and ByLaws concerning Habitual Truants and Absentees from School, reported by the School Committee, be accepted. Pursuant to section fourteen of chapter eighteen of the General Statutes, these By-Laws were submitted to Judge B. F. Thomas, the Superior Court not sitting, and by him were returned zuithout his approval. Voted to reconsider the vote passed March 25, relative to the disbursement of money to the School Districts. Voted that the salary of Superintendent of Schools be $36.00 for the past year. Voted to abolish the present Highway Districts (five in number) and re-establish the former thirteen Highway Districts, as they were formerly bounded. Voted that all highway taxes not paid by labor or money, shall be assessed in money, and, when collected, be expended for repairs in the District in which it was originally assessed. Taxes were foregone to the amount of $16.99. April 22. Alexander H. Allen and Silas Dudley were chosen Agents to oppose the laying out of a road as prayed for by Joseph Cummings and others. Voted that the Town Clerk do not loan any books of the Town for a longer period than twenty-four hours. 83 658 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. Voted to reject the report of the committee chosen at a former meeting to confer with a committee of the Second School District relative to the repairs of the roof of the Town Hall. The warrant for this meeting having been issued two days before the ASSASSINATION of President Lincoln, Dr. John G. Metcalf, by unanimous consent, offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted and ordered to be entered on the Town Records: Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, the beloved, honored, and faithful President of the United States, while in the discharge of his constitutional duties, has fallen by the hand of an assassin; therefore, we, the Inhabitants of the Town of Mendon in public town meeting assembled, desiring to place upon permanent record our condemnation of the horrible crime which has filled the whole land with the voice of lamentation and mourning, do hereby adopt the following Resolutions: 1. Resolved that Slavery is justly chargeable with the inauguration and continuance of the present most wicked and inexcusable rebellion, that has brought desolation to every household in the land, and to which no dark page in the annals of history can furnish a parallel to its crimes and enormities. 2. Resolved that the assassination of President Lincoln and the attempted murder of William H. Seward, Secretary of State, is but the natural outgrowth-the legitimate and logical sequence of that covert treason, in the loyal States, which has been allowed to arraign every effort of the Government to put down the rebellion, as unconstitutional and wicked and to denounce its chief executive magistrate as a tyrant. 3. Resolved that, as the armies of the United States, by God's blessing, have overthrown the Rebellion in the conflict of arms, to which it was challenged by traitors, we confidently trust that no act of the civil government, in any possible contingency, will recognize the rebel as a party to be consulted in the reinstatement of its authority over the rebel States. 4. Resolved that the demands of impartial justice to the living and to posterity; the memory of Abraham Lincoln and that noble company of martyrs who have freely offered up their lives upon the altar of patriotism, that we might enjoy the blessings of free government, require that traitors should not be allowed to escape that condign and certain punishment justly due to the enormity of their crimes. 5. Resolved that every pardoned rebel will owe his enjoyment and exercise of any future political rights, not to any claim, either in law or equity, which may be set up in his behalf, but wholly to the clemency of the government and the humane spirit of the loyal people. 6. Resolved that though the President dies the Republic still lives; and as Andrew Johnson has become its constitutional representative, having full faith in his unimpeachable loyalty, in his undoubted integrity and his 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 659 acknowledged firmness of purpose-praying he may be imbued, in full measure, with the practical wisdom of his thrice honored and immediate predecessor, and that God will support and protect him in the discharge of all duty, we hereby pledge ourselves to stand by and sustain his administration as becomes an intelligent and loyal people. May 30. Voted that the town do raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to pay and refund any money which has already been paid and applied by this town, or contributed by individuals, in aid of and for the purpose of filling its quotas or furnishing men for the present war under any requisition, order or call of the President or War Department of the United States during the year 1864. The vote having been taken by a show of hands, it was declared, by the Moderator, that there were eighty-four in the affirmative and eighty-four in the negative. It was then ordered by the Moderator (Nathan George) that the vote be taken by written ballots, yea and nay, and it was found that there were eighty-six in the affirmative and eightyfour in the negative. Voted that the Treasurer be.authorized to borrow two thousand dollars at a rate of interest not to exceed seven and threetenths per centumn per annum. August 7. Voted to rescind the above votes, passed May 30, 1865, and the vote was taken by yeas and nays, as follows, viz: Yeas 110. Nays 76. Nov. 7. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $31.01. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Alex. H. Bullock, Worcester, R., had 73 votes. Elected do Maj. Gen: Darius W. Couch, Taunton, D., had 34 " For Lt. Governor, William Claflin, Newton, R., had 73 " do Thos. F. Plunket, Pittsfield, D., haa 34 " Candidates for other State and County offices had the same number of ballots. For Senator, Worcester South-east District-Dr. Moses D. Southwick, Blackstone, R., had 72 votes; (elected). James H. Barker, Milford, D., had 35 votes. For Representative to the General Court, XXth Worcester District-Rev. Rushton D. Burr, Uxbridge, R., had 67 votes. Samuel Gaskill, Meriden, D., had 37 votes. Mr. Burr elected by 95 majority. 660 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. METHODIST EPISCOPAL SOCIETY. Oct. 30. At a meeting in the Town Hall, under a warrant issued by Nathan George, a Justice of the Peace, the Society was organized by the election of the following officers, viz: Nathan R. George, President. David W. Bennett, Vice President. Royal Peters, Secretary. Royal Peters, Treasurer. MENDON IN THE REBELLION. The flight of Jeff. Davis from Richmond, April 2, and the surrender of Lee at Appomatox Court House, on the 11thl, virtually brought the war to an end. In the following pages I propose to give some account of the men who filled the various quotas of the town during the Rebellion. The following is a complete roster of the names whose residence was credited to Mendon in the "Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers," published by the authority of the General Court, under the supervision of the Adjutant General of the State. In the first column will be found the page in the " Rebellion Record" (in the Town Clerk's office,) where the date of the enlistment,. &c., &c., may be found, and in the second the page in "the Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers," where the name may be found with the corps to which the party belonged, &c., &c. They are put down in alphabetical order as a matter of con venience in referring to service in the army. Adams, Elias A.......38 Aldrich, Addison.....46 Albee, Chas. H.......48 Anthony, Moses H....46 Barrows, Lewis H....50 Barrows, William E.. 50 Barrus, Charles.......32 Bates, Henry......... 24 Bathrick, Alanson... 26 Bennett, Ierbert A... 28 Bent, Ferdinand A. des. 30 Blaisdell, Geo. E.....56 Bolster, Geo. W......56 Brown, Francis A.... 50 Burns, James........46 Byrnes, Martin.......38 Barnes, John.........58 the various facts connected with their 370.1 140.1 151.1 774.1 516.1 576.1 680.2 185.2 452.2 472.2 166.1 430.2 224.2 151.1 474.2 370.1 '961.2 Brown, David. (Navy.) Channell, Moses J....56 Chase, Augustus. (Navy.) Cole, Freeman.......34 Cole, William D.....34 Cole, Edwin L....... 34 Coleman, Horace U...36 Congdon, Moses C....38 Cook, Lowell C......22 Cook, Alderman C....28 Cook, Albert.......30 Cook, Lyman.......34 Cook, Orrin C........42 Cook, Marcus M......50 Corey, Pardon H.....52 Cosgrove, William..;..26 Crosby, Bernard.....58 673.1 377.2 430 2 430.2 370.1 370.1 2d R. I. 474.2 474.2 430.2 260.1 596.1 529.1 735.1 604.1 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 661 Cross, John.......... 32 Cummings, Walter C..50 Curley, John.........38 Davenport, Daniel D..28 Despeaux, Orrin T.... 50 Doggett, Lawrence B.26 Doggett, Philetus W..38 Drake, Ariel B.....32 Dinegan, Daniel...60 Dodge, Lewis P.....60 Donahue, John.......60 Ellis, Joseph M......28 Everton, Samuel....44 Fales, Francis H.....54 Farrar, Thomas.....26 Fernald, Stephen L...38 Fletcher, Royal H....50 Forbes, James M....32 Ford, George R.......48 Freeman, Franklin...38 Gaskill, Leonard T...30 Gaskill, Edwin C.....30 Gassett, Alton G.....36 Grady, Michael......38 Gurley. Jacob B......42 Harrington, Daniel...24 Harrington, Alonzo...46 Hall, Samuel........ 26 Hastings, C. C. P....48 Hastings, William S..48 Hazard, Rufus.......44 Henry, Edward...52 Hill, Davis..........52 Howard, Whitman...52 Howe, Martin S......32 Huntress, John.......22 Inman, Dexter.....44 Jacobs,H. F., deserted. 34 Kolb, Christian.......52 Leland, Edward J....36 Looby, M., deserted...32 Lovewell, Baron P...24 Lowell, Lucius......36 Ludy, Simon.........24 Ludy, Timothy.......40 Livermore, William...60 Mallon, John E....... McIntyre, Orlando.... 22 McKinney, Michael...46 McGaw,Bern'rd,(Garr) 52 McKenney, Edward 54 McSheney, Bernard..56 Moore, Peter....... 44 Moor, J. F., deserted..32 Moor, J. C., 4"..30 Moore Henry.........60 Newhall, James M....32 Nichols, Stephen D... 36 474.2 151.1 370.1 474.2 151.1 408.2 370.1 720.2 594.1 610.1 416.1 474.2 535.1 593.1 475.2 370.1 151.1 3d R. I. 140.1 370.1 474.2 475.2 765.2 370.1 261.1 409.2 140.1 477.2 140.1 140.1 749.1 596.1 596.1 964.2 3d R. I. 42 2 524.1 387.2 551.1 765.2 667.1 408.2 764.2 40th N. Y. 371.1 582.1 215.2 908.2 537.1 581.1 473.2 371.1 231.2 221.4 U. S.H.A. 3d R. I. 431.2 O'Keefe, Cornelius....36 Payson, George H...50 Pickering, Juba F....24 Remick, Augustus....44 Remick, Henry A....42 Rockwood, John B... 30 Ryan, James.........40 Rawson, William H...58 Saunders, John P..... 36 Sawyer, Thomas H... 42 Scisco, Stephen H.... 44 Scisco, George W.....46 Seymour, James......54 Shaw, Burrows...58 Sheridan, Patrick.....52 Shiney, Alexander....58 Shore, G. 0., deserted. 56 Sloan, Peter S........54 Spear, Seth.........60 Spencer, Charles H.. 26 Smith, Caleb V. A...24 Smith, Lewis W...... 28 Smith, Benj. H.......34 Smith, Eugene.......40 Smith, Stephen W....56 Staples, Edward L...40 Staples, Gust. A., Reg. 58 Steere, Charles L.....40 Suba, Stephen.......58 Taft, Rufus..........32 Taft, Waterman......36 Taft, John H.......40 Taft, General P......40 Taft, Frank..........48 Taft, Anthon C.......52 Taft, Arnold A.......54 Tenor, Columbus......58 Thayer, Otis E.......42 Thurber, David S.....22 Tourtelotte, Benj. H..54 Tucker, George P... 44 Underwood, Daniel P.42 Underwood, Fisher E.36 Wakefield, Clark.....54 Walden, Charles H...42 Walden, Charles H...48 Wallace, Patrick.....30 Wallace, Pat'k, (Wallis) 34 Weatherhead, Abel...24 Weatherhead, Frank B. 48 Wheelock, Charles H.22 Wheelock, Edwin M..28 Wheelock, Nathan... 28 Wheelock, Henry M..26 Wheelock, Lorenzo S.56 Wilber, George.......42 Wilber, George......24 Wilcox, Franklin..... 22 329.2 151.1 387.2 261.1 261.1 475.2 371.1 964.2 497.2 236.1 859.2 775.1 603.1 1072.2 371.1 1011.2 224.2 581.1 3d R. I. 475.2 475.2 431.2 371.1 222.2 371.1 431.2 371.1 1074.2 3d R. I. 370.1 371.1 371.1 141.1 129.1 605.1 1074.2 261.1 190.2 605.1 367.1 371.1 43.2 595 1 371.1 150.1 487.2 487.2 409.2 141.1 215.2 475.2 475.2 409.1 222.2 371.1 Rej. 40.2 662 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. Wilcox, George W... 22 2d R.I. Winters, G.F.,(Navy).74 Williams, John.......54 785.1 Wood, Joseph M..... 22 2d R. I. Wilson, James.......34 419.2 Walker, Emory,Navy. The following are the names of those reported in the "Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers " as having re-enlisted: John Huntress, probably in R. I.; Orlando McIntyre, 20th Reg. Mass. Vols.; John P. Saunders, credited to Milford; Thomas Farrar, 25 Reg. Mass. Vols.; Chas. H. Spencer, 25 Reg. Mass. Vols.; Edwin M. Wheelock, 25 Reg. Mass. Vols.; Nathan Wheelock, 25 Reg. Mass. Vols.; Joseph M. Ellis, in R. I.; John B. Rockwood, credited to Milford; James M. Forbes, U. S. Army; Robert Wallace, 25 Reg. Mass. Vols.; William D. Cole, 23 Reg. Mass. Vols; Edwin L. Cole, 23 Reg. Mass. Vols.; Benj. H. Smith, 23 Reg. Mass. Vols.; Elias A. Adams, 19th Unat. Co. Inf.; Martin Byrnes, Co. B. 2d Reg. H. Art; John Curley, 57th Reg. Mass. Vols.; George H. Payson, 19th Unat. Co. Inf.; John H. Taft, Co. E., 4th Reg. H. Art.; Charles H. Walden, 19th Unat. Co. Inf.; Henry A. Remick, Patrick Sheridan, credited to R. I. The following are the names of those who were born in Mendon or were resident there at the breaking out of the Rebellion, credited to other towns, enlisted out of the State, or rejected after enlistment here: Franklin B. Wilcox, credited to Westminster; David S. Thurber, credited to Boston; Henry Bates, John F. Moor, James C. Moor, Milford; George W. Wilcox, Lowell C. Cook, Joseph M. Wood, 2d Reg. R. I. Vols.; Simon Ludy, 40th Reg. N. Y. Vols.; Caleb V. A. Smith, James M. Forbes, Rufus Taft, Martin S. Howe, James M. Newhall, 3d R. I. Art.; Henry Moore, 11th U. S. H. Art.; Seth Spear, 3d R. I. Art.; Gustavus A. Staples, rejected; George Wilbur, rejected. The following are the military organizations among which the aggregate of Mendon soldiers were distributed: Second Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-John Huntress, Fisher E. Underwood, Co. E.; Franklin B. Wilcox, Co. D, to Westminster. Thirteenth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-David S. Thurber, Co. D., to Boston; Henry Bates, Co. B., to Milford. Fifteenth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-George W. Bolster, Co. K; Or-. ]ando McIntyre, Co. E; John F. Moor, James C. Moor, Co. H; George O. Shore, K; Stephen W. Smith, Co. H; Charles II. Wheelock, Co. E; Lorenzo S. Wheelock, Co. H. Nineteenth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-John E. Mallon, Co. G.; Cornelius O'Keefe, unattached recruit. Twenty-first Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Freeman Cole, Co. A; Henry F. Jacobs, Juba F. Pickering, Co. G. Twenty-second Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Lawrence B. Doggett, Daniel Harrington, Baron P. Lovewell, Abel Weatherhead, Henry M. Wheelock, Co. G; James Wilson, unattached recruit. 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 663 Twenty-third Regiment of Infcantry, 3 years-George E. Blaisdell, Lyman Cook, William D. Cole, Edwin L. Cole, Stephen D. Nichols, Benjamin H. Smith-Co. E. Toelnty-fourth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Alanson Bathrick-Co. D. Toenty-fifth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Herbert A. Bennett, James Burns, Alderman C. Cook, John Cross, Albert Cook, Daniel D. Davenport, Joseph M. Ellis, Thomas Farrar, Leonard T. Gaskill, Edwin C. Gaskill, Samuel Hall-Co. B. Bernard McSherrey, Co. A. John B. Rockwood, Lewis W. Smith, Charles H. Spencer, Patrick Wallace, Robert Wallace, Edwin M. Wheelock, Nathan Wheelock-Co. B. Twenty-sixth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-John P. Saunders. Band. Thirty-second Regiment of Infantry-Charles Barrus-Co. B. Thirty-fourth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Ariel B. Drake-Co. C. [ hirty-sixth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Alton G. Gassett, Edward J. Leland, Lucius Lowell-Co. F. Forty-second Regiment of Infantry, 9 months-Thomas B. Sawyer-Co. B. Forty-thiird Regiment of Infantry, 9 months-Orrin C. Cook, Jacob B. Gurley, Augustus Remick, Henry E. Remick, Otis E. Thayer-Co. K. Fifty-first Regzment of Infantry, 9 months-Elias A. Adams, Martin Byrnes, Horace U. Coleman, Lieut., Moses C. C.ongdon, John Curley, Philetus W. Doggett, Stephen L. Fernald, Franklin Freeman, Michael Grady, Timothy Ludy, Peter Moore, George H. Payson, James Ryan, Patrick Sheridan, Eugene Smith, Edward L. Staples, Charles L. Steere, Waterman Taft, John H. Taft, General P, Taft-Co. K; George P. Tucker-Co. G; Daniel P. Underwood, Charles H. Walden, George Wilber-Co. K. Fifty-fourth Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-Stephen H. Scisco-Co. G. Fifty-seventh Regiment of Infantry, 3 years-John Curley, Co. D; Michael McHenry, Co. C. Sixtieth Regiment of Infantry, 100 days-Anthon C. Taft, Co. G. Six.ty-first Regiment of Infantry, 1 year-James Barnes, Co. H; Whitman Howard, William H. Rawson-Co. K, Nineteenth Unattached Co. of Infantry, 100 days-Alonzo Harrington, Addison Aldrich, Frank Taft, George R. Ford, Charles C. P. Hastings, William S. Hastings, Frank B. Weatherhead. Nineteenth Unattached Co. of Infantry, 1 year-Charles H. Walden, Elias A. Adams, Charles H. Albee, Francis A. Brown, Walter C. Cummings, Orrin T. Despeaux, Royal H. Fletcher, George H. Payson. Second Regiment of Heavy Artillery, 3 years-Martin Byrnes, Co. B; Pardon H. Cory, Co. E; Samuel Everton, Co. G; Dexter Inman, Co. C; Christian Kolb, Co. M; Bernard McGaw, Co. G. Third Regiment of Heavy Artillery, 3 years-Edward. McKinney, Co. L; William Livermore, Co. M; Peter S. Sloan, Co. L. Fourth Regiment of Heavy Artillery, 1 year-Lewis H. Barrows, William E. Barrows, Marcus M. Cook, Edward Henry, Davis Hill-Co. F. Francis H. Fales, Daniel Dinegan, Clark Wakefield-Co. E. Bernard Crosby, James Seymour, Benjamin H. Tourtellotte, Arnold A. Taft-Co. K. 10 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1667. allotments of land such persons as might apply had been surrendered by the Committee to the inhabitants, it is presumed that they to whom they had delegated the power admitted such persons into their company, as, in their discretion, they saw fit. We, of the present generation, must remember that the pioneer settlers of this place held, in this direction, the farthest outpost of civilization; that they were surrounded by Indians who were daily growing jealous of a race which, since the landing at Plymouth, had taken no step backward, and that they were in the midst of a -wilderness and fifteen miles from Medfield, the nearest place of succor in case of distress or disaster. Considering the circumstances of their situation, we may properly suppose that most of their time must have been occupied in providing shelter for themselves and their animals, and in raising the crops upon which they must mainly depend for sustenance and support. Something had been done, however, by way of improvement. A noble street, two miles long and ten rods wide, had been located, and upon which the settlers had fixed their homesteads. This street extended from near the present line between Mendon and Upton to Mill River. Another road was also laid out, for the most of the way, nearly parallel with the main street; beginning near the house of Austin A. Taft and passing through to near the house of Gilbert Gaskill, thence over what are now Emerson and Washington streets, and connecting with the Main street near the house (since burned) of the late Watee Davenport. I667. SURVEY OF THE PLANTATION. The desire of the inhabitants to this Honered Courte is that they would accept of this Retourne of their Plott of theire Plantation wich is layd according to their Grainte of eight Miles square by Joshua ffisher. 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 665 State Town. and U. S. Stephen L. Fernald............ $200 00...... Franklin Freeman.................... 200 00...... Michael Grady......................200 00...... Timothy Ludy.......................200 00...... George H. Payson.............. 200 00 242 00 James Ryan...........2..;... 200 00...... Eugene Smith.... 200 00...... Edward L. Staples................... 200 00...... Charles L. Steere........... 200 00 John H. Taft..........200 00 197 99 General Putnam Taft................. 200 00... David P. Underwood.................. 200 00.. George Wilber........................ 200 00...... Charles H. Waldron,................ 200 00 242 00 Thomas H. Sawyer.................... 200 00..... Orrin C. Cook........................ 200 00...... Jacob B. Gurley............... 200 00...... Otis E Thayer......................200 00...... Henry E. Remick... 200 00... Augustus Remick................ 200 00...... George P. Tucker.................... 200 00...... Peter M oore.......................... 200 00...... Stephen H. Scisco....................... 325 00 Samuel Everton....................... 325 00 Dexter Inman............................. 50 00 Rufus Hazard............................... 325 00 George W. Scisco........................... 325 00 Moses H. Anthony........................ 325 00 Michael McKenney....................... 325 00 Jam es Burns................................ 325 00 Alonzo Harrington......................... 65 32 Addison Aldrich............................ 65 32 Frank Taft............................. 65 32 George R. Ford............................ 65 32 Charles C. P. Hastings..................... 65 32 'William S. Hastings..................... 65 32 Frank B. Weatherhead...... 65 32 Chas. H. Albee............... 100 00 142 00 Francis A. Brown....................100 00 142 00 Walter C. Cummings.............. 100 00 142 00 Orrin T. Despeaux............. 100 00 142 00 Royal H. Fletcher.............. 100 00 142 00 Lewis H. Barrows.......................... 325 00 William E. Barrows........................ 325 00 Edward Henry............................. 325 00 Marcus M. Cook..................... 325 00 D avis H ill................................. 325 00 Pardon H. Corey............................ 400 00 Christian K oll............................... 325 00 Whitman Howard.......................... 200 00 A nthon C. Taft.................................. Edward McKenney................................ P eter S. Sloan.................................... Francis H. Fales.................... 300 00 Clark W akefield............................ 325 00 84 197 99 197 99 100 00 199 99 179 99 199 33 100 00 89 33 80 00 325 00 325 00 200 66 240 00 666 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. State Town. and U. S. James Seymour............................ $325 00 $199 99 Benj. H. Tourtelotte..................... 325 00 199 99 John W illiams............................... 300 00 182 00 ArnoldA. Taft.............................. 225 00 199 99 Bernard MeSheney..................... 125 00 325 00 Moses J. Channell........................... 190 00 107 33 John E. Mallon............................. 125 00 325 00 Bernard Crosby............................ 325 00 199 99 Columbus Tenor.................................. 325 00 Burrows Shaw................................ 325 00 Stephen Suba.............................. 325 00 John Barnes.......................... 100 00 100 00 William H. Rawson......................... 200 00 108 66 Alexander Shiney.......................... 240 00 325 00 William Livermore......................... 325 00 201 99 Daniel Dinnegan........................... 325 00 201 33 Henry Moore.................................... 300 00 Lewis P. Dodge........................... 325 00...... David Brown............................. 240 00..... George F. W inters.......................... 240 00..... Lowell C. Cook............................ 125 00...... Joseph Simpson (paid by town).............. 125 00...... Elijah Ward, ( (..(............... 125 00... Amount of bounties paid................................ $30,425 76 " reimbursed by the State, Dec. 3, 1863........ 4,700 00 $25,725 76 In the preceding statement I am not certain that I have, in all cases, credited the bounties to the proper source. Schouler, in his " Massachusetts in the War," puts down Mendon as paying bounties to the amount of $19,675. The full amount of bounties paid to the different quotas for Mendon, as found in the "Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers," is $30,425.76. Of this sum it is found that Mendon paid $21,145.76. Of this sum the State, Dec. 9, 1863, reimbursed $4,700.00, and $360.00 were returned by recruiting agents, thus leaving the sum of $16,085.76 paid by the town. Of this sum the town, in its corporate capacity, paid $13,575.00, leaving the amount of $2,510.76 to be accounted for some other way. This sum was raised by the voluntary and patriotic subscriptions of its citizens; but as the town refused to avail itself of the law allowing its reimbursement to the subscribers, the exact amount of the contribution paid by each cannot now be ascertained. The data for this statement were gathered from the Town Records, the " Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers," and the " Rebellion Record," in the Town Clerk's office. 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 667 THE ROLL OF THE MARTYRS. 1. Franklin B. Wilcox, the son of Willard Wilcox, and brother of George W. Wilcox, was killed at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. The body not recovered. 2. George W. Wilcox'was in the battle of Bull Run, Va., and escaped unhurt, but was killed March 12, 1862, by the accidental explosion of a shell, while in camp at Prospect Hill, Va. Body brought home and buried in the cemetery at Blackstone (East). 3. Charles I. Wheelock, son of Calvin and Mary Ann Wheelock, was in the battle of Ball's Bluff, and saved himself by swimming to Harrison Island. Afterwards killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. The body not recovered. 4. David S. Thurber, son of Daniel and Hannah Thurber, was killed at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. The body brought home and buried at South Milford. Removed to Necropolis, Mendon. 5. Juba F. Pickering enlisted from Blackstone in the Mendon quota, and was killed at Camden, N. C., (near Elizabeth City,) April 19, 1862. Body not recovered. 6. Lawrence B. Doggett was missing at the passage of-the Rapidan, just before the battle of the Wilderness, Va.; taken prisoner, carried to the "Slaughter Pen," at Andeiosonville, Ga., where he died Aug. 13, 1864, of chronic diarrhoea. The number of his grave is 5,501. 7. Alanson E. Bathrickc, supposed to be a native of Westboro', but had resided in Mendon many years. He died in the Hospital at Newbern, N. C., May 18, 1862. Body not recovered. 8. Willicam Cosgrove was the son of John and Catharine Cosgrove, and was born in Ireland. He died of fever at Carrollton, La., Sept. 9, 1862. Body not recovered. 9. Samuel Hall was mortally wounded while storming a fort on Roanoke Island, N. C., March 5, 1852. Body not recovered. 10. Albert Cook was the son of Lyman Cook, who lived in the east part of Mendon. Was mortally wounded May 9, 1864, in an attack upon the Petersburg and Richmond Railroad, and died the next day, May 10, 1864, at 10 o'clock A. M. Body not recovered. 668 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. 11 John B. Roczkwood, son of Samuel and - Rockwood. Died in the hospital at Newbern, N. C., Nov. 24, 1863. 12. Patrick Wallace was born in Ireland. While relieving a picket in the night, got lost and went beyond the picket line, and finally approached the picket he was to relieve from the direction of the rebels. When challenged, in his confusion, he was not able to give the countersign, was fired upon by the sentry, and was mortally wounded. He died at Newbern, N. C., Oct. 24, 1862. Body not recovered. 13. Martin S. Howe, son of John and Elizabeth Howe. He died of quick consumption at Morris Island, Nov. 23, 1863. Body not recovered. 14. Robert Wallace, was born in Ireland, and was brother of Patrick Wallace (ante). Was mortally wounded in a skirmish near Petersburg, Va., May 6, 1864, and died May 8, 1864. Body not recovered. 15. Samuel Everton, was taken prisoner at Plymouth, N. C., carried to Andersonville, and there died in August, 1864. Body not recovered. 16. Benjamin H. Smith, was taken prisoner at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864, and carried to Andersonville, Ga. He died on an open car, in the night, near Goldsborough, N. C., on his return to be exchanged. During the night on which he died he gave a diary, which he had kept during his imprisonment, to a fellow prisoner, with a request that he should endeavour to place it in the hands of some Massachusetts soldier. As the train stopped for a moment at Annapolis Junction, Md., the diary was given to William D. Cole, a member of the same company and a neighbor of Smith, and by him was transmitted to Mrs. Smith. This was sometime in the spring of 1865, and was the first tidings that had been received from Smith since he was taken prisoner, May 16, 1864. The Commissioner of Pensions, not being satisfied with the proof of the death of Smith, upon her petition, the name of Nancy Smith, his widow, was put upon the pension roll by a special act of Congress. Body not recovered. 17. Franklin Freeman was the son of Alanson S. and Caroline Freeman. He was drowned while bathing, at Newbern, N. 1865.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 669 C., June 15, 1863. The body was recovered and buried at Albeeville. 18. James Burns. Died at Washington, D. C., of wounds received in battle, June 19, 1864. Body not recovered. Born in County Clare, Ireland, Dec. 14, 1845. 19. Anthon C. Taft was the son of Putman W. and Hannah Taft. He was mustered into service Aug. 1, 1864, in the 60th Regiment for one hundred days, and died Nov. 19, 1864, of typhoid fever, at Indianapolis, Ind. He held the warrant of a corporal. Body recovered and buried in Mendon. Rev. Nahor Augustus Staples, although not serving in the quota of Mendon, in the war, was a native of the town, and deserves a place on the roll of those who gave up their lives for the salvation of their country. He was the son of Jason and Phila (Taft) Staples, and was born in Mendon Aug. 24, 1830. He was a lineal descendant from Sergt. Abraham Staples, one of the first settlers of the town. After attending the district school and a few terms at the Uxbridge Academy, he entered the State Normal School at Westfield, from whence he graduated in 1850. In the autumn of 1851 he entered the Meadville Theological School, Pa., and graduated in 1854. He was soon afterwards called to the pastorate of the First Congregational Church in Lexington, Mass. In the fall of 1856 he was called to the newly organized Unitarian Church in Milwaukee, Wis., and soon drew around him a strong and enthusiastic body of people, giving himself to his duties, as pastor and preacher, with ardent devotion. Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion, being chosen Chaplain of the Sixth Wisconsin Regiment, he gave up the charge of the church and marched with the regiment to the battle fields in Virginia. Here he showed the same earnestness and enthusiasm in his work as characterized his labor in the ministry. But the exposure and hardships of camp life proved too severe for a constitution which, though originally strong, had already begun to show symptoms of breaking down. After a long and severe illness, from which he never fully recovered, he resigned his commission and accepted a call to the Third Unitarian Church 670 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1865. in Brooklyn, N. Y. A most inviting field of labor was opened to him here, and his life was bright in promise and achievement. But the dark shadow of disease was silently and steadily deepening upon him. While his intellectual and spiritual life glowed with intense fervor, his physical life was gradually fading away. In the third year of his ministry his physical energies became utterly prostrated, and, his devoted people granting him a leave of absence, he began to make preparations for a sea voyage. But it was too late, and he quietly passed away at his house in Brooklyn, Feb. 6th, 1864, in the 33d year of his age. His body was brought to Mendon, where funeral services were held in the Unitarian Church, Revs. Robert Collyer and Samuel Longfellow officiating. He was buried in the Necropolis, (new Cemetery) and a simple and appropriate monument was erected to his memory by his Brooklyn friends. Rev. Carlton A. Staples, an elder brother of the deceased, is pastor of the First Congregational Church in Providence, R. I., while Henry E. Staples, a younger brother, resides on the old paternal homestead. STATE AID. Seventy-eight families have received State Aid to the amount, at this time, (Sept. 17, 1880) of $18,602.67. At present but four families are receiving the bounty of the State, to the extent of $20.50 per month. Of those who served in the quota of Mendon, all were honorably discharged, except Edward McKenney, who was dishonorably discharged, March 1, 1865, and * Henry F. Jacobs, who deserted Aug. 30, 1863, Ferdinand A. Bent, who deserted Aug. 30, 1862, and Geo. O. Shore, who deserted Oct. 17, 1862. I have now brought the history of "Mendon in the Rebellion" to a close. Although the war entailed a burdensome debt upon the town-although it caused the voice of lamentation and mourning to be raised in many of its households, still, its crowning success in the overthrow and abolition of American Slavery is accepted as a compensation for its manifold privations and sufferings. 1866.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 671 i866. March 5. The annual reports of the several town officers were presented in print, and after consideration were severally accepted. David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, John S. Gaskill and William It. Aldrich, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf,, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Calvin Butler Collector of Taxes, at $35.00. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $550 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for incidental expenses. Voted that the Treasurer pay the interest on the town debt from the money deposited in bank and in hand. Voted that the balance of cash remaining in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, be appropriated toward the payment of the town debt. March 17. -M. C. Gaskill chosen a member of the School Committee. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the last meeting to raise $800 for incidental expenses, and now voted to raise $200 for the same. Voted that the School Committee be required to choose a Superintendent of Schools, and that his salary be thirty-six dollars, and Gustavus B. Williams was appointed. Voted that upon all taxes remaining unpaid after the 10th day of September, one per cent. per month shall be added thereto until paid. The committee heretofore chosen, to whom was referred the subject of celebrating the Bi-Centennial Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town, submitted the following recommendations: 1. That the town designate the 15th day of May, 1867, to be observed with appropriate festivities and exercises, for celebrating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Act of Incorporation of the Town. 2. That a Committee of Arrangements be now chosen whose duty it shall be to consider what appropriate exercises and festivities will be proper for celebrating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of 672 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1866. the Town, and to recommend what, in their judgment, will be a sufficient sum of money to meet the expenses of the same, and report at an adjourned meeting. JOHN G. METCALF, SILAS DUDLEY. Voted to accept and adopt the foregoing report. Voted that the Committee of Arrangements consist of twentyfive members, two of which, at least, shall be chosen from each School District. The committee chosen were as follows, viz: District 1, Putman W. Taft and Charles A Davenport; 2, John G. Metcalf and Silas Dudley; 3, Samuel G. Wilcox and Andrus Wheelock; 4, Laban Bates and John R. Hayward; 5, Clark Cook and Adoniram J. Dawley; 6, Perry Wood and Davis Bills; and 7, Alanson S. Freeman and Arnold Taft. Voted the committee now chosen choose the eleven members required to complete the full committee of twenty-five. Voted that the committee have power to fill all vacancies occurring in their number. Voted that the following list of Jurors be accepted, viz: Alanson S. Freeman,* Andrus Wheelock,* Gilbert Cook, Putman W. Taft, Laban Bates,* A. J. Dawley,* Andrew H. Reed,* Wm. T. Metcalf,* Lysander Grow, David Adams, David W. Bennett, Eli Bates, Andre Southwick, Silas Dudley, Jr., Austin Wood, Nathan R. George, M. C. Gaskill, Perry Wood, Alanson Taft. April 7. Voted that the town accept the bridge over the trench near Samuel G. Wilcox's box shop, built by him, and keep the same in repair. A committee heretofore chosen to consider the subject of the division of the school money, made a report and the same was rejected. Voted that the School Committee be authorized to divide the money raised and appropriated for schools the present year, together with the interest of the surplus revenue and the dividend from the State School Fund, among the several School Districts in such a manner that the school or schools in Districts No. 2 and No. 7 shall be kept seven months, and all the other schools six months; and that, should there be a deficit after making the *Dead. 1880. 1866.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 673 division as hereby provided, the Selectmen are authorized to draw their order on the Treasurer for a sufficient sum to cover it. At this meeting, under an article in the warrant, the question came up whether the town would vote to reimburse, to individuals, such sum or sums of money as they had contributed for the purpose of filling the quotas due from Mendon, under any call of the President or of the War Department, during the year 1864, pursuant to Chapter 152 of the Acts of 1865. After a lengthy and at times an acrimonious discussion, without coming to a direct vote, the meeting was adjourned sine die, by a vote of 129 in the affirmative to 92 in the negative. June 23. The second article in the warrant for this meeting was in these words: - ' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate any money pursuant to Chap. 172 of the Acts of 1866, for the aid of disabled Soldiers and Sailors and their Families and for the Families of the slain." Voted that the town do appropriate money for the purpose mentioned in the foregoing article, and that the Treasurer be authorized and empowered to raise the same, by borrowing from time to time upon the credit of the town, upon the best terms he can, and for a term of time not exceeding two years, such sums as may be required for the purpose aforesaid, the whole sum to be borrowed under this vote not to exceed fifteen hundred dollars. Nov. 6. Voted that the further sum of $300 be appropriated for the support of the schools the present year, provided the Second and Seventh Districts have seven months only, and the other Districts have six months only for the length of the schools. Voted that Gustavus B. Williams, John S. Gaskill and Perry Wood be a committee to buy a hearse, reported to be for sale in Woonsocket, R. I., or repair the hearse now owned by the town, as they shall judge will be for the best interest of the town. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Alex'r H. Bullock, Worcester, had 108 votes. Elected. 'do Theodore H. Sweetser, Lowell, had 38 "Lt. Governor, William Claflin, Newton, had 108 " <" do Horace A. Lee, Springfield, had 38 ' 85 674 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1867. The other State and County officers had the same number of votes, except Joseph Mason, Clerk of the Courts, whose vote was 147, being unanimous. For Rspresentative in Congress Eighth District- John D. Baldwin, Worcester, had 109 votes; Elected. William A. Williams, Worcester, had 38 votes. Senator, Second Worcester District-George S. Ball, Upton, had 108 votes; Elected. Henry A. Aldrich, Mendon, had 39 votes. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, FIFTEENTH WORCESTER DISTRICT. The State having been new districted, Mendon, Uxbridge, Blackstone and Milford. composed the Fifteenth District, with three Representatives. George W. Stacy, Milford, had 107 votes. James H. Putnam, Milford, had 108 votes. John S. Needham, Blackstone, had 108 votes. Lucius M. Thayer, Milford, had 39 votes. John C. Baxter, Uxbridge, had 39 votes. Mellens Taft, Blackstone, had 39 votes. The three first named were elected in the District by 650 majority. REV. RICHARD COLEMAN, THE SEVENTEENTH MINISTER. Rev. Richard Coleman succeeded Mr. Phelan and began his ministry July 1, 1866. He continued to supply the pulpit until February, 1868, when he removed to New Hampshire. 1867. March 4. The Town Officers' reports were presented in print, and severally accepted and placed on file. David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Alexander IH. Allen, John S. Gaskill and William H. Aldrich, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Charles C. P. Hastings, Collector, at $40.00. Chose thirteen Highway Surveyors and voted that the highway tax be paid in labor, viz: 20 cents per hour for a man, and the same for oxen and cart. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. 1867.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 675 Voted to raise and appropriate $700 to pay interest on town notes. Voted to abolish the present five highway districts and establish the thirteen highway districts into which the town was formerly divided. Voted that a committee of three be chosen to consider the subject of erecting a Monument in memory of the soldiers belonging to this town who have died in kthe service of our country in the war for suppressing the Slave-Holders' Rebellion, in accordance with Chap. 100 of the Acts of 1864, and to report at a future meeting. Austin Wood, Henry A. Aldrich and John G. Metcalf were then chosen said committee. March 16. Voted to raise and appropriate an additional sum of $124.25 to pay interest on town notes. David Adams was elected a member of the School Committee for three years, and Gustavus B. Williams, Superintendent of Schools, at $36.00. Voted that the report of the Treasurer, in the case of Elias A. Adams, which was that the town pay to said Adams the amount of his tax on a deposit in a savings bank, and adopted the same. Voted that the Fifth School District be united to the Fourth District, and that the consolidated districts be known as the Fourth School District. April 1. Voted that the Sixth School District be hereafter known as No. 5, and the Seventh as No. 6. Voted to raise and appropriate $300 additional for the support of schools. It was certified by the Assessors that the number of persons liable to enrollment was 163. BI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE INCORPORATION OF MIENDON. March 25, 1865. It will be remembered that the town chose John GC. Metcalf, Nathan George and Silas Dudley a committee to make arrangements for celebrating the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town. March 17, 1866, the committee made a report recommending 676 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1867. "May 15, 1867, as the day for the celebration, and that a committee of arrangements be chosen, which shall have the charge of all matters pertaining to the celebration." The following persons were chosen as the Committee of Arrangements, viz: Putman W. Taft, Chas. A. Davenport, Austin D. Davenport, John G. Metcalf, John S. Gaskill, Henry A. Aldrich, Lysander Grow, Gilbert Gaskill, Willard H. Swan, Samuel Gaskill, Laban Bates, Perry Wood, Austin Wood, Silas Dudley, Jr., Gustavus B. Williams, Olney Cook, Scammell Aldrich, Alanson Taft, Edward B. Taft, John R. Hayward and David Adams. At a meeting of the committee, the-Rev. Carlton A. Staples, of Milwaukee, Wis., was chosen to deliver an address, and the Hon. Henry Chapin, of Worcester, a poem on the day of the celebration. Mr. Staples was a native of Mendon, and Mr. Chapin of Upton. In the discharge of their duties the committee held meetings, from time to time, at which the various arrangements were made and the sub-committees, for their execution, designated. Mr. William Tufts, of Boston was engaged to furnish a tent for twelve hundred persons. During a squall, on Sunday, the tent blew down and another was substituted in season for the celebration on Tuesday. The committee completed their labors in the matter of arrangements by the following election of officers of the day, viz: President-Dr. John G. Metcalf. Vice-Presidents-Ebenezer W. Hayward, Uxbridge; William Knowlton, Upton; Paul Whitin, Northbridge; John S. Gaskill, P. W. Taft, Perry Wood, Asa Pickering, Bellingham; Aaron C. Mayhew, Milford; James K. Comstock, Blackstone; Laban Bates, Henry A. Aldrich, Lysander Grow. Committee of Reception-Henry A. Aldrich, Perry Wood, Lysander Grow, P. W. Taft, John S. Gaskill, A. W. Gaskill. Chief Marshal-Gen. William F. Draper. Assistant Marshals-Col. James H. Barker, Capt. A. S. Tuttle, Capt. William Emery, Lucius Lowell, Charles H. Spencer, Herbert A. Bennett, Nathan Wheelock, Hiram 0. Gilson and Henry Bates.. Toast Master-Henry A. Aldrich. The early morning, on the day of the celebration, opened with a clouded sky and prospects of rain, Very soon, however, the 1867.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 677 clouds broke away and the appearance of the sun gave assurance of the propitious day which followed. Large delegations, with bands of music, soon began to arrive from Bellingham, Uxbridge, Upton, Milford, Northbridge and Blackstone, which, with those outside of the family circle, swelled the number of those present until by the estimation of competent observers, from four to five thousand had arrived. At 10 o'clock, A. M. a procession was organized by the Chief Marshal and his Aids. and marched through some of the principal streets to the Unitarian Church, where the address was to be delivered. The programme of the procession was as follows: American Brass Band,of Providence, R. I. Milford Encampment of Knights Templar. Chief Marshal and Aids. Military Firemen. Committee of Arrangements. Selectmen of Mendon. President of the Day, Vice-Presidents, &c. Orator, Poet and Invited Guests. Citizens of Bellingham, incorporated 1719. Citizens of Uxbridge, incorporated 1724. Citizens of Upton, incorporated 1735. Citizens of Northbridge, incorporated 1772. Citizens of Milford, incorporated 1780. Citizens of Blackstone, incorporated 1845. Citizens of Mendon on foot. Carriages. Arriving at the church the services were continued in the following order of exercises: 1. Opening Address by Dr. John G. Metcalf, President of the day. 2. Voluntary by the American Brass Band. 3. Reading of the Scriptures by Rev. Augustus Caldwell, Pastor of the Methodist Society. 4. Anthem by the choir. 5. Prayer by Rev. Adin Ballou, of Hopedale, (Milford). 6. Hymn-" Come thou Almighty King." " 7. Address by Rev. Carlton A. Staples, of Milwaukee, Wis. 8. Original Hymn, by Rev. Adin Ballou. Tune-" Auld Lang Syne." 9. Music by the band. 10. Benediction by Rev. Richard Coleman, Pastor of the Unitarian Society. 678 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1867. The church, having been recently thoroughly repaired, seated among the stately elms and evergreens with which it was surrounded, presented a pleasing prospect. Its interior was decorated with beautiful flowers and evergreens. The words " Welcome Home," in large letters, inscribed upon the arch in the rear of the pulpit, furnished a felicitous motto for the opening address by the President of the day. At the close of the services in the church the procession was then reformed and marched to the spacious tent opposite the cottage of Amariah A. Taft, where twelve hundred persons sat down to a substantial repast. A propel discussion of the various items in the bill of fare having been accomplished, the Hon. Henry Chapin, of Worcester, then read a poem, carrying us back in verse, as the orator of the day had in prose, through the two hundred years of our municipal life. The address of Mr. Staples was replete with matters of historic interest, interspersed with suggestion and sentiment, kindling, it is hoped, in all our hearts a more persistent and reverent love of home. Short addresses, in response to sentiments, were made by Rev. Adin Ballon, of Milford, Francis Deane, Esq., of Uxbridge, Hon. E. B. Stoddard, of Worcester, (for Upton,) Rev. Lewis F. Clark, of Northbridge, M. D. Southwick, M. D., of Blackstone, Gen. John M. Thayer, Senator in Congress from Nebraska, (for Bellingham), Hon. Ira M. Barton, of Worcester, and Dr. George B. Loring, of Salem. In answer to the toast, "The early settlers of Mendon," response, in a humorous and witty poem, was made by Putnam W. Taft, of Worcester. Letters excusing their absence were received from Gov. Bullock, Ex-Govs. Lincoln, Boutwell, Washburn and Clifford, Judge Devens, Isaac Davis, Benj. F. Butler, Stephen Salisbury, J. S. C. Knowlton, Enos N. Taft and Samuel P. Bates, Esqrs. The proceedings at the celebration were published, and copies may be found in the libraries of the American Antiquarian Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the N. E. Historical and Genealogical Society, and the Worcester Society of Antiquity. Nov. 5. Taxes were foregone during the year to the amount of $52.25. 1868.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 1679 STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Alexander H. Bullock, Worcester, had 115 votes. Elected. do John Quincy Adams, Quincy, had 59 " "Lt. Governor, William Claflin, Newton, had 122 " do George M. Stearns, Chicopee, had 52 " The remaining State and County officers had the same number of votes. For Senator, Second Worcester District-Jonathan D. Wheeler, Grafton, had 95 votes; (elected). Wm. F. Slocumb, Grafton, had 78 votes. For Representctives, Fifteenth Worcester District-A. A. Cook, Milford, had 80 votes. Estes Lamb, Blackstone, had 80 votes. Chas. A. Wheelock, Uxbridge, had 80 votes. Isaac IE. Stearns, Milford, had 89 votes; elected. Moses Farnum, Blackstone, had 28 votes. Darius Bennett, Blackstone, had 79 votes. Charles Wing, Uxbridge, had 99 votes. Andrew J. Sumner, Milford, had 13 votes. Samuel Taft, Uxbridge, had 1 vote. 1868. The several town officers having made their reports, and the same having been considered and acceptedDavid Adams was elected Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, John S. Gaskill and William H. Aldrich, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Marcus M. Aldrich, Collector, at $41.00. Gustavus B. Williams chosen School Committee for three years. Voted that the highway tax be paid in money. Voted that a committee of three be appointed and authorized to purchase tools and teams and hire men by the month to keep the roads and bridges in repair. Perry Wood, Erastus Hill and Aaron C. Cook were chosen the Committee and Highway Surveyors, and were to receive a fair compensation for their services while engaged in that business. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repairs of highways and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1500 for the support of schools. K Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for the support of the poor. 680 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1868. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $825 for interest on the town debt. Voted that the town authorize the Treasurer to borrow a sufficient sum of money to meet the demands against the town. Voted not to abolish the existing school districts in town. Voted that the School Committee appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Gustavus B. Williams was appointed.. Voted to accept the following list of jurors. *Andrus Wheelock, Putman W. Taft,* Laban Bates, *A. J. Dawley, A. H. Reed, Charles Fletcher, *Linus B. Staples, *Wm. T. Metcalf, Perry Wood, John S. Gaskill, M. M. Aldrich, Wm. P. Wood, David Adams, *Alexr. H. Allen, David W. Bennett, Andre Southwick, Gustavus B. Williams, Austin Wood, Austin D. Davenport, M. C. Gaskill, *Royal M. Wheelock. Heard a verbal report from the committee; heretofore chosen to repair the hearse, and voted that the committee be discharged, and ininmediately voted to reconsider the vote, and then voted that the committee be instructed to repair the hearse. THE TRAMP QUESTION. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be authorized to provide for transient persons, who may call for temporary assistance, at other places besides the Town Asylum, at the expense of the town. March 26. Voted that-the Highway Surveyors of the present year call upon those persons, whose highway taxes were not worked out last year, and superintend the working out the same in those districts where the taxes were assessed. Voted that the Assessors for the present and succeeding year prepare an abstract of the valuation and the amount of taxes assessed upon each tax-payer, and have the same published with the annual town reports. April 6. Voted that the Superintendent of Schools for the present year be paid $36.00. Voted to adopt the second section, Chapter 83, of the General Statutes, relating to the taking fish from the ponds and rivers. Voted that Lewis Wood, Aaron C. Cook and Ezekiel P. Gaskill, together with Selectmen, be a committee to enforce the fishing law. 1868.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 681 The subject of a watering basin, in the vicinity of the Post Office, was referred to the Highway Surveyors. Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to allow fifteen cents per hour for a man, and the same for a yoke of oxen, while employed in breaking out the roads and clearing them from snow, who were assessed the present year, and twenty cents per hour to those who work to pay their taxes of last year. May 4. Voted to establish a HIGH SCHOOL, to be kept for the benefit of all the inhabitants. Voted to appropriate $400 of the money raised and appropriated at the March meeting for the support of the schools, to defray the expenses of the High School. Voted that the Selectnen and the School Committee provide a suitable room and furnish the same and provide the wood, and that the expense be paid from the money raised for incidental expenses. Voted that the town authorize the Overseers of the Poor to pay the widow Catharine Cosgrove for rent of room and taking care of Benjamin Wheelock, one year from date, the sum of fifty dollars. Voted that the leasing of Mendon Pond be referred to the Selectmen. August 10. Voted to indefinitely postpone the consideration of the fourth article in the warrant, which was "to see if the town would vote to reconsider and rescind the vote establishing a High School." Alexander H. Allen was chosen agent, and, under the advice of competent counsel, instructed to settle with Mrs. Mary M. Taft, or defend the suit brought by her against the town, on account of a tax against her, as in his judgment will best promote the interest of the town. Voted that the fourth article in the warrant (a new one) be indefinitely postponed, which was "to see if the money raised for schooling should be divided in specific szums among the several School Districts." Nov. 3. Taxes were foregone during the year to the amount of $66.44. 86 682 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1868. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Electors at Large-David Sears, of Boston, had 157 votes. John H. Clifford, of New Bedford, had 157 votes. Josiah G. Abbott, of Boston, had 57 votes. John R. Briggs, of Sheffield, had 57 votes. District 1. R. L. Pease, Edgarton..........157 I. T. Jones, Sandwich......... 57 No. 2. William Mason, Taunton.......157 S. B. Thaxter, Arlington...... 57 No. 3. Win. Whiting, Boston.........157 James M. Keith, Boston...... 57 No. 4. F. B. Fay, Chelsea.............157 E. C. Barnes, Chelsea......... 57 No. 5. J. N. Buffurn, Lynn............157 Jona. Nayson, Amesbury.......57 District No. 6. G. Coggswell, Bradford.........157 J. K. Tarbox, Lawrence........ 57 No. 7. J. W. Edmands, Newton.......157 W. F. Salmon, Lowell.......... 57 No. 8. Paul Whitin, Northbridge......157 L. Barker, Worcester.......... 57 No. 9. C. A. Stephens, Ware.........157 J. O. Hale, Hubbardston........ 57 No. 10. A. B. Whiting, Westfield.......157 H. W. Bishop, Lennox......... 57 STATE ELECTION. For Governor, William Claflin, Newton, had John Q. Adams, Quincy, had For Lt. Governor, Joseph Tucker, Lennox, Reuben Noble, Westfield, had 154 votes. 61 154 61 " Elected. Candidates for other State and County offices had the same number of votes. For Representative in Congress, Eighth District-George F. Hoar, Worcester, had 157 votes. Henry H. Stearns, Dudley, had 60 votes. For Representative to the General Court, Fifteenth Worcester District-Albert A. Burrill, Milford, had 157 votes. Thos. G. Kent, Milford, had 156 votes. Alex'r H. Allen, Mendon, had 149 votes. Leonard Wakefield, Milford, had 59 votes. Edward McGowan, Milford, had 59 votes. Jeremiah Getchel, Blackstone, had 57 votes. The three first named were elected in the District by 469 majority. REV. DAVID P. LINDSLEY, THE EIGHTEENTH MINISTER. Mr. Lindsley began his service April 1, 1868, and sustained the pastoral office until March 31, 1871. He was the author of a manual on Tachygraphy, and has, since leaving Mendon, been engaged in teaching the art. 1869.] ANNALS OF MENDON. G683 1869. Jan. 23. Voted that John G. Metcalf and Perry Wood be a committee to appear before the County Commissioners, in the case of the appeal of Stephen Torrey for an abatement of taxes recently assessed on him as administrator, de bonis non, of the estate of Benjamin Davenport. March 1. After the usual disposition of the reports of the various town officers, David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Gustavus B. Williams, Linus B. Staples and Albert W. Gaskill,-Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Calvin Butler, Collector, at $44.00. Voted to raise and appropriate $1650 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repairs of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1001 to pay the interest on the town debt, now amounting to $16,055.00. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to borrow, in behalf of the town, such sums of money as may be necessary to redeem the town bonds which will fall due the present municipal year. Chose Laban Bates, Austin D. Davenport and John S. Gaskill, Surveyors of Highways. Voted that the town do not abolish the existing school districts; the vote standing yeas 23, nays 64. Voted that the High School be continued. Voted that the School Committee consist of two from each district. Chose Calvin Butler, John W. Murray, John R. Hayward and Linus B. Staples for three years. Perry Wood, Sullivan H. Taft and Eli Bates for two years. George W. Cromb, Joseph Bates and E. P. Gaskill for one year. Voted that to all taxes not paid before the first day of September of the present year, one per cent. per month shall be added thereto until paid. Voted that the School Committee be required to appoint a Su 684 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1869. perintendent of Schools, with a salary of $36.00 per year, and Gustavus B. Williams was appointed. Voted that the fifteenth article be indefinitely postponed. This article proposed the abolition of the present mode of repairing the roads and bridges with three surveyors, and re-establishing the thirteen districts into which the town was formerly divided. Voted that the Selectmen pay twenty cents per hour for shovelling snow the past year, and make up the pay to those already settled with at fifteen cents per hour at the same rate. John S. Gaskill, George W. Cromb and Perry Wood were chosen a committee to learn at what terms a stone crusher can be procured. April 17. By Chapter 110 of the Acts of 1869, the School District system in this Commonwealth was abolished. By the second section of the Act it became the duty of the town, forthwith, to take possession of all the school houses, lands and other property owned and used by the several school districts; to have the same appraised and a tax levied upon the whole town equal to the amount of said appraisal. It was also provided that there should be remitted to the tax-payers in each district the said appraised value of its property thus taken; provided that the appraisal of the school property in any district or the amount to be remitted shall not exceed the sum that has been actually raised by taxation in such district for such property. Pursuant to this act, the town voted to choose a committee of one from each district and one at large, to make the required appraisal of the school property in the six school districts into which the town was divided. Then chose for District No. 1, David W. Bennett; No. 2, William T. Metcalf; No. 3, Olney Cook; No. 4. Laban Bates; No. 5, Perry Wood; No. 6, Royal M. Wheelock; and Silas Dudley at large. May 8. Majority and minority reports were made by this committee, and the town accepted the report of the majority, and which is as follows, viz: The following is the value of school property in each School District, viz: District No. 1............$ 275 00 District No. 4..............$365 00 do. 2............ 1,350 00 do. " 5.............. 288 00 do. 3............ 463 00 do. " 6............. 444 00 Total value of school property........................... $3,185 00 1869.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 685 Without further action of the town the assessment of the above appraisal and its subsequent remission to the tax payers in each district was made. Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to appear and defend the suit of Freeborn D. J: Barney, of Bellingham, for alleged injury by reason of a defect in the highway. The result of this was that the damages recovered and the costs, amounted to the sum of $514.76. The following list of Jurors was reported and adopted, viz: *Royal M. Wheelock, Micajah C. Gaskill, Charles Fletcher, Samuel W. Wilcox, Austin D. Davenport, Perry Wood, Austin Wood, Gustavus B. Williams, Elias T. Bates, John R. Hayward,* Alexander H. Allen, Calvin Butler, Andre Southwick, David Adams, *Linus B. Staples, Samuel H. Taft, John S. Gaskill, William P. Wood, *Aaron C. Cook, Willard Wilcox. August 14. Voted that the town instruct the agent chosen to defend the suit brought by Mary M. Taft, to settle with her by paying over to her the amount of taxes paid in 1865 and 1866, with interest on the same, provided she will abandon the suit and pay her own cost. Nov. 2. Amount of taxes foregone during the year, $73.49. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to take, from the amount raised for incidental expenses, the amount that will be sufficient for the necessary repairs of the school houses and furnishing the same. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, William Claflin, of Newton, had 54 votes. Elected. John Q. Adams, of Quincy, had 27 " E. M. Chamberlain, of Boston, had 54 For Lt. Governor, Joseph Tucker, of Lennox, had 54 " S. O. Lamb, of Greenfield, had 27 Jas. Chattaway, of Springfield, had 54 " The other State and County Officers had the same number of votes. For Senator, Second Worcester District-Charles A. Wheelock, Uxbridge, had 54 votes; Elected. J. Henry Wood, Grafton, had 27 votes. Prescott West, Milford, had 54 votes. For Representatives, Fifteenth Worcester District-John C. Scott, Blackstone, had 55 votes. Bainbridge Hayward, Milford, had 53 votes; Elected. A. A. Sherman, Uxbridge, had 53 votes; Elected. S. J. Onion, Milford, 686 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1870. had 54 votes. Harrison C. Whitmore, Uxbridge, had 79 votes; Elected. Patrick Cook, Blackstone, had 54 votes. Leonard Wakefield, Milford, had 27 votes. Dennis McMullen, Blackstone, had 27 votes. Nov. 24. Linus B. Staples was chosen an agent to oppose the laying out of the road (Mendon to Hopedale), described in the petition of Charles A. Davenport and others, to the County Conmissioners. 1870. March 7. The several reports of the town officers having been presented in print, discussed and accepted, then Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Samuel H. Taft, Austin D. Davenport and Edward H. Taft, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, and Francis Eaton Wheelock, Collector. Chose for School Committee, Edward H. Taft, David Adamls, Ezekiel P. Gaskill and John W. Jennison for three years, and Samuel W. Wilcox for two years. Voted to raise and appropriate $1650 for school purposes. Voted to raise and appropriate $600 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $400 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1100 for interest on the town debt. Voted to raise and appropriate $1500 for roads and bridges. On motion of Calvin Butler, voted that the appropriation for roads be assessed in a separate tax upon the polls and estates. That we elect thirteen Highway Surveyors in the old thirteen highway districts. That the Highway Surveyors have charge of the roads and bridges, and see that the money is judiciously expended. That if any of the Highway Surveyors neglect or refuse to serve, the others shall see that the money is judiciously expended. That the Selectmen, upon petition of the Highway Surveyors, shall select and lay any lot or lots of land for the purpose of getting earth or gravel for the repairs of the roads, as provided in Chap. 237 of the Acts of 1869, and the damages awarded for such lot or lots shall be taken out of the money raised for repair of roads and bridges. 1870.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 687 Highway Surveyors were then chosen for the thirteen districts. Voted that the School Committee appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Gustavus B. Williams was appointed. Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before Sept. 10, one per cent per month shall be added. Voted to continue the High School. Alexander H. Allen, John G. Metcalf and David Adams were chosen a committee to examine the condition of the town Records and make a report at the adjourned meeting. Henry A. Aldrich, Samuel H. Taft and Marcus M. Aldrich were chosen a committee to repair the inside of the Town Hall and establish the price for the use of the Hall, and report at the adjourned meeting. Voted that the School Committee consider the subject of building a new school house in the First District, and report at an adjourned meeting. There having been some difference of opinion, heretofore, about the use of the school rooms, under the Town Hall, Upon motion of Nathan George, it was voted that the School Committee of the Town of Mendon be and said committee is hereby authorized, instructed and directed, upon receiving from the party or parties applying therefor, reasonable assurance that all damage done the school rooms of the school house of the former Second School District in Mendon, their furniture, school books and other equipments (beyond the ordinary wear and tear thereof) shall be immediately made good by or at the expense of the party or parties aforesaid, and upon the further reasonable assurance that intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited in said school rooms, to open and allow said school rooms to be used as ante-rooms whenever the Town Hall shall be used for fairs, dancing parties or other social gatherings, the applicant or applicants paying for the use thereof one dollar per night. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow, in behalf of the town, such sums of money as may be necessary to meet the current expenses, in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to borrow, in behalf of the town, the sum of eighteen hundred dollars to pay for bonds becoming due the current year. 688 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1870. INLAND FISHERY. By an act of the Colonial Legislature, in the olden time, all ponds with an area exceeding twenty acres were declared to be the property of the State. April 1, 1870, the Fish Commissioners on Inland Fisheries leased Mendon Pond, "for the cultivation and maintenance of useful fishes," for the period of twenty years, as will be seen by the following Indenture, viz: THIS INDENTURE made this first day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy, by and between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, party of the first part, acting by Theodore Lyman of Brookline in the County of Norfolk and Edward A. Brackett of Winchester in the County of Middlesex, two of the Board of Commissioners on Inland Fisheries of said Commonwealth duly empowered and authorized by section nine of Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty four of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty nine, and Leonard J. Wilson of Milford in the County of Worcester and John Bliss of Newton in said County of Middlesex, parties of the second part, witnesseth: That said Commonwealth of'Massachusetts doth hereby demise and lease unto said parties of the second part a certain great pond situate in Mlendon in said County of Worcester, exceeding twenty acres in area, and commonly known as Mendon Pond, for the purpose of the cultivation of useful fishes. To have and to hold the same for the term of twenty years from the day of the date hereof, yielding and paying therefor unto the Treasury of said town of Mendon, during the first.six years of the period embraced by this lease, rent at the rate of one dollar per annum, and during the next thirteen years rent at the rate of fifty dollars per annum, said rent being in each case payable on the first day of April in each year. And the said Lessees hereby covenant with said Commonwealth and its assigns, that they and their heirs, executors and administrators will pay said rent in manner aforesaid; that they will not occupy more than one tenth part of the premises aforesaid with the enclosure and appliances necessary for the taking and culture of fishes as aforesaid; that they will not avail themselves of the privileges of this lease to the prejudice of any public right other than the taking and cultivation aforesaid, and they will not debar ingress to and egress from said premises, at proper places and at proper times; that they will not without the consent in writing of said Board of Commissioners on Inland Fisheries or their successors, assign this lease or underlet their right to take and cultivate as aforesaid, as to the whole or any part of said premises; that they will allow said Commissioners and their successors personally or by their deputies, at all times to enter on said premises to inspect the same and to take fishes for purposes con_ nected with fish culture and scientific observation; that they will observe all the laws of the Commonwealth relating to Inland Fisheries and that 1870.] ANNALS OF- MENDON. 689 during the twentieth year of the period embraced by this lease, for which year no rent is hereby reserved, they will not take nor capture any useful fishes nor suffer the same to be captured or taken within the limits of said premises. Provided always that these presents are upon this condition, that in case of the breach of any of the covenants to be observed on the part of the Lessees or in case the estate hereby created shall be taken from the Lessees or their representatives by process of law, proceeding in bankruptcy or otherwise, the said Commissioners or their successors may, while the default or the neglect continues or at any time after such taking by process of law, without any notice or demand, enter upon said premises and thereby determine the estate hereby created and expel and remove, forcibly if necessary, the lessees and those claiming under them and their effects and all fishes artificially cultivated and maintained by said Lessees on said premises and not removed by them at the expiration of the nineteenth year of this lease shall become the absolute property of said Commonwealth. In witness whereof to this and another instrument of like tenor, the said Lessees individually set their hands and seals, and the said Lyman and said Brackett, Commissioners as aforesaid, to the same set their hands and caused the seal of the Commonwealth to be affixed. The pond hereby leased contains 107 acres. April 4. Heard the report of the School Committee on the subject of a new school house in the First School District. They recommend the building of a new one. Voted that all bills for breaking 6ut roads and clearing them of snow shall be paid when approved by the Surveyor of the district where the labor was performed. REPORT OF A COMMITTEE. The committee chosen at the March meeting "to consider what measures, if any, should be adopted for the preservation of the Town Records, and for authenticating, legally, any transcripts of such portions of the same as have been heretofore made," respectfully submit the following report: The first volume of the records beginning with the first town meeting in 1667, though with some loose leaves and one cover gone, is still complete, with the exception of a few words at the bottom of the first four leaves, and, when one has mastered its quaint chirography, may be readily read. The second and third volumes are getting somewhat loose in their covers and, if much longer neglected, will require rebinding. To guard against the contingency of loss or mutilation, by a longer delay, your committee 690 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1870. recommend that volumes one, two and three be suitably and substantially rebound and lettered. In regard to the first volume although we have a transcript which is believed to be a true copy, still it has never been legally authenticated. The transcript of Births, Marriages and Deaths is in the same category. These transcripts may be authenticated by the oath of the Town Clerk, by comparing the blind and antiquated hand writing of the original, in many instances to be deciphered with great difficulty, with the copy. This mode will require much time and, consequently, be attended with considerable expense. Your Committee have supposed that, upon the oath or affidavit of the persons employed for the purpose, that the transcripts were true copies of the original records, they might be authenticated by a special act of the Legislature. This would be a more expeditious and less expensive mode of procedure than that by comparing the copies with the originals by the Clerk. In regard to the first volume, although it has been copied and, when duly authenticated, will be a legal record of the town, we nevertheless regard it as a treasure of great value on account of its antiquity. We should rmenmber that its initial record was made more than two hundred years ago; that it was preserved through the disasters and casualties of King Philip's War, when the town was deserted and burned; that it was carried away, in the autumn of 1675, when the inhabitants, for the safety of their lives, returned to Braintree and Weymouth, and brought back in season for the record of the next town meeting, July 19, 1680. It is presumed that few towns, whose acts of incorporation date back one hundred and fifty years, have preserved their records so complete as ours, and when we remember that their loss or mutilation would, in various ways, result in pecuniary loss, beside the break it would make in the historical chain which connects the present with the generations that have gone before us, we cannot be too careful of their preservation. The fourth section of Chap. 29 of the General Statutes makes it imperative upon the Selectmen to provide suitable fire-proof safes, at the expense' of the town, of sufficient capacity to hold all its records and valuable papers. In the opinion of the committee the present fire-proof safe has not sufficient capacity to hold all its records and papers, which, by law, are required to be secured- from the contingency of loss by fire. We feel it a duty to bring this subject to the notice of the town, believing there can be no difference of opinion in the matter of the safe-keeping of the public records. It should also be borne in mind that, by the thirteenth section of the chapter before quoted, of the General Statutes, towns are liable to a fine of twenty dollars per month for each and every month they may neglect to provide suitable fire-proof safes for the purpose above mentioned. In conclusion the committee recommend that the town choose a committee to procure the authentication of such portions of its records as have 1870.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 691 been transcribed; and also consider and report, at the next town meeting, such measures as they shall judge meet and proper in the matter of providing additional room for the safe-keeping of its records and papers of value. ALEXANDER H. ALLEN, DAVID ADAMS, Committee. JOHN G. METCALF, 'Voted that the foregoing report be accepted and adopted. Voted that the above committee be authorized to carry the recommendations of their report into effect. Voted that for the use of the Town Hall in future, when occupied by citizens, except for balls and dances, or when an entrance fee is asked for individual benefit, there shall be paid for its use one dollar in winter and fifty cents in summer. For balls and dances the sum of five dollars shall be charged. May 28. Voted to accept of a road laid out on Wigwam Hill, northerly from the house of Nathaniel Taft, and running easterly to intersect with the road from Mendon to Millville, and to discontinue that part of the road over Wigwam Hill, lying northerly of the point of beginning of the above new road. By the return of the Assessors there were 144 persons in town liable to do military duty. June 23. Henry A. Aldrich, John G. Metcalf, Perry Wood, Alexander H. Allen and David Adams were chosen a committee to designate portions of the public highways as streets, and affix and establish names by which they shall hereafter be known and called. Subsequently the committee made a report, and the same was adopted, as follows: Main street from the old cemetery towards Worcester; George street from Main street by the house of B. D. Williams; Gaskill street from George street to the house of Austin A. Taft; Blackstone street from Main street by the house of Gilbert Gaskill; Emerson street from Blackstone street to Maple street, opposite Washington street; Washington street from Maple street north; Maple street from Main street by the Unitarian Church to Emerson street; Hastings street from Main to Maple street; Elm street from Maple to Hastings street. Sept. 6. Voted no person be allowed to sell ale, porter, strong or lager beer in the town of Mendon. Nov. 8. Voted to forego taxes to the amount of $47.44 during the year. 692 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1870. Voted to indefinitely postpone the fourth article in the warrant which was "To see if the town would re-establish the former school districts." Voted to indefinitely postpone the fifth article in the warrant, which was "'To see if the town would build a school house in the former School District No. 1." Voted to indefinitely postpone the sixth article in the warrant, which was "To see if the town would build a chimney in the school house of the Second School District." David Adams, John G. Metcalf and Alexander H. Allen were chosen a committee to report, at a future meeting, the probable cost of indexing the records of births, deaths, marriages and intentions of marriages. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, William Claflin, Newton, had 63 votes. Elected. John Q. Adams, Quincy, had 24 Wendell Phillips, Boston, had 37 " For Lt. Governor, Joseph Tucker, Lennox, had 63 " Jas. Chattaway, Springfield, had 24 Eliphalet Trask, " had 24 Henry W. Bishop, Lennox, had 30 The votes for the other State and County Officers varied but little from the above. For Senator, Second Worcester District-Charles E. Whitin, Northbridge, had 59 votes. J. H. Wood, Grafton, had 55 votes; Elected. George S. Ball, Upton, had 9 votes. For Representative in the General Court, Fifteenth Worcester District-Bainbridge Hayward, Milford, had 68 votes; Elected. Henry E. Fales, Milford, had 63 votes. Lyman Paine, Blackstone, had 67 votes; Elected. Patrick Mulloy, Blackstone, had 16 votes. Lawrence Reade, Milford, had 23 votes; Elected. Wm. J. McLaughlin, Milford; had 52 votes. George W. Stacy, Milford, had 5 votes. Prescott West, Milford, had 32 votes. Waterman Taft, Blackstone, had 2 votes. Nov. 26. The subject of a new school house in District No. 1; of building a chimney in the school house in District No. 2; of the re-establishment of the former school districts, &c., were contained in the warrant. Nothing was done but to adjourn sine die. During December the various town boundaries were perambulated by the Selectmen of the different towns. 1871.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 693 1871. March 6. The usual disposition of the annual reports of the town officers having been made, proceeded to the choice of town officers. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Albert W. Gaskill and Marcus M. Aldrich, Selectmen.; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, at $10 for his services, and Francis E. Wheelock, Collector, at $49.75. Chose Gustavus B. Williams, School Committee for three years. Voted to adopt the same manner as was followed last year for repairing the highways and bridges, and Surveyors for the thirteen highway districts were then chosen. Voted to raise and appropriate $1700 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $400 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1100 for interest on the town debt. Voted to raise and appropriate $1500 for repair of roads and bridges. Voted that the School Committee be instructed to choose a Superintendent of Schools, and Rev. George F. Clark was appointed. Voted to continue the High School the ensuing year. Voted not to re-establish the former school districts in town. Yeas 75. Nays 67. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money to meet the current expenses. March 18. Voted that the Selectmen audit the accounts of the Treasurer and the several Collectors since 1863 in the matter of percentage, and print their report with the annual reports for 1872. Henry A. Aldrich, Austin Wood and L. B. Staples were elected Auditors. Voted that the Highway Surveyors be required to expend 80 per cent. of the money raised for repairing roads before the first day of July. Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before the tenth day of September, one per cent. per month shall be added until paid. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized and directed to hire, 694 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1871. in behalf of the town, the sum of $1300.00 for the redemption of bonds becoming due the current year. Voted a committee of five be appointed to take into consideration the subject of a new school house at the North End (formerly District No. 1), and report what, in their opinion, should be the size, where the site, and its approximate cost, and also the probable number of pupils to be accommodated in the same. Chose John L. Davenport, Perry Wood, John G. Metcalf, Edward H. Taft and Silas Dudley as the committee. Voted that the Sexton be authorized to purchase a pall and bier for the use of the town. The committee chosen Nov. 8, 1870, reported that the records of births, deaths, marriages and intentions of marriages should be provided with indexes. Voted that the Selectmen be required to have the recommendations of said report carried into effect. Voted that the town authorize the Selectmen to petition the Legislature to re-define and re-establish the line between the town of Mendon and the town of Bellingham. The town of Bellingham claimed that that portion of the line running north from the monument, on the bank of Charles River (formerly known as the Dedham Tree), should be a straight line to the bridge over Charles River, near the ruins of the Bellingham Factory, while Mendon claimed that the Charles River should be the boundary. By Chap. 69 of the Acts of 1872, approved March 7, 1872, the Legislature established the centre of Charles River, between the points above mentioned, as the boundary line between the towns of Mendon and Bellingham. May 2. Voted no person shall be allowed to sell ale, porter, strong beer or lager beer in this town for one year from this date. Voted to pass the over fifth article, relating "to alterations in roads and specific repairs to the same," as prayed for by Silas Dudley and others, and Perry Wood and others. The petition of Silas Dudley had reference to the direct road to Milford, and that of Perry Wood to the Milford road by Gaskill's mill, now known as Spindleville. The repairs on the direct road, afterward directed to be made by the County Commissioners, cost $6950.00. Voted to discontinue the "Salt Box" road (so-called) from 1871.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 695 the dwelling house of the late Seth T. Davenport to Milford line. Voted that the price for the use of the Town Hall for dancing parties, when not used after twelve o'clock (midnight) be reduced to $3.00 per night. Voted to choose a committee of three to enforce the liquor law, and Gustavus B. Williams, Marcus M. Aldrich and George W. Thayer were chosen as the committee. Voted (under the March meeting warrant) to raise and appropriate the sum of two thousand dollars towards paying for the road recently laid out by the County Commissioners, from near the house of the late S. T. Davenport to Milford line, in the direction of Hopedale. June 13. The Assessors certify that, on the first day of May, there were 158 persons liable to enrollment, between the ages of 18 and 45. Nov. 7. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow, from time to time, such sums of money as may be necessary for constructing and repairing the road (recently laid out) from the dwelling house of Silas Dudley to Milford line. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to construct a chimney for the Town Hall and the Primary School below said Hall. The sixth article of the warrant, "To see if the town would vote to sell the Poor Farm," was referred to the Overseers of the Poor, with Perry Wood and John S. Gaskill as a committee, for consideration and report. Amount of taxes foregone during the year, $50.69. Voted to adopt'the following Report of a Committee chosen March 18,1871, relative to a school house at the north part of the town, formerly the First School District. REPORT OF A COMMITTEE. The committee chosen at a former meeting to which was referred the subject of building a school house at the north part of the town, formerly known as the First School District, have attended to that duty and now respectfully ask leave to submit the following report: The committee recommend that the town erect a school house near the site of the present house, thirty-seven feet long and twenty-eight feet wide, and that it be set on underpinning stone, split one foot and six inches wide. That the posts be eleven feet long; that it be a studded house and be set with the end to the road, with a suitable jet upon the rafters facing the road. That there shall be four windows upon each side, to be placed and 696 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1871. of the size as represented in the accompanying plans, and which plans are to be. received as a part of our report. That the partitions, platforms, doors, desks and seats, shall be arranged as set forth in the plan of -the ground floor beneath herewith submitted, and which will furnish desks and seats for fifty-six scholars. That the chimney shall be built at the farther end of the house. That the outside covering of the house shall be of the first quality of lumber, and that for the inside shall be of a quality suitable for the several purposes for which the house is designed. That the outside of the house shall be painted with two coats of white lead paint, and the inside with paint of suitable shade. Mr. Joseph Albee having offered to sell the town one-quarter of an acre of land adjoining the site of the present house, for ten dollars, the committee recommend that an additional quarter of an acre, should the town conclude to build the house upon the location proposed, be purchased of Mr. Albee at such equitable terms as may be agreed on. Having now stated such leading points as have occurred to the committee, in the erection of the proposed school house, and presuming that the town would hardly find time to settle the various matters of detail in regard to its construction, they recommend the passage of the following vote: Voted a Committee of five persons be now chosen whose duty it shall be, after completing the specifications necessary for carrying out the plan hereby proposed, to contract with some competent and suitable person or persons for the erection of the School House hereby proposed; the same to be completed and finished to the acceptance of the Committee on or before the 1st day of November, 1872. Chose John L. Davenport, Perry Wood, John G. Metcalf, Edward H. Taft and Silas Dudley as the above committee. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, William B. Washburne, Greenfield, had 73 votes. Elected. " do Edwin M. Chamberlain, Boston, had 27 " do John B. Adams, Quincy, had 18 " " do Robert C. Pitman, New Bedford, had 4 For Lt. Governor, Joseph Tucker, Lenox, had 71 " I do Allen Deane, Westfield, had 27 do S. 0. Lamb, Greenfield, had 18 " do Eliphalet Trask, Springfield, had 5 " The other candidates for State offices had the same number of votes. For Secnator, Second Worcester District-Samuel M. Griggs, Westboro', had 75 votes; Elected. J. H. Wood, Grafton, had 45 votes. George F. Clark, Mendon, had 5 votes. 1872.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 697 For Representatives to the General Court, Fifteenth Worcester DistrictGeorge B. Blake, Milford, had 74 votes; (Elected.) Wm. H. Aldrich, Mendon, had 77 votes; (Elected.) George W. Hobbs, Uxbridge, had 76 votes; (Elected). Wm. J. McLaughlin, Milford, had 27 votes. Edward H. Taft, Mendon, had 34 votes. Wm. F. Byrne, Blackstone, had 27 votes. Lawrence Read, Milford, had 16 votes. Edward J. Kelley, Uxbridge, had 10 votes. Jeremah Getchel, Blackstone, had 16 votes. C. W. Redding, Milford, had 4 votes. REV. GEORGE T. CLARK, THE NINETEENTH MINISTER. Rev. George F. Clark, late minister at Castine, Me., was called to supply the pulpit, and began his labors in June, 1871. He still (1880) continues to discharge his parochial duties to the general acceptation of the Parish. The Parish has been Unitarian since the pastorate of Mr. Alexander in 1802. No Parish tax has been made since 1827; the support of the ministry being provided for by voluntary yearly contributions. 1872. Jan. 6. Being an adjourned meeting from Nov. 7, 1871. Voted that the report of the committee (now made) relative to selling the Poor Farm be accepted. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be authorized to lease the farm (called the Asylum for the Poor,) for one year from the first day of April, 1872, and that said Overseers be required to make provision for the maintenance of the poor now at said asylum. Voted that this meeting be now adjourned to the time and place of the annual March meeting. March 4. After the usual annual reports of the town officers were disposed of by being severally accepted, the Selectmen made a Special Report on the subject of " Percentage " charged on all taxes not paid on or before any time fixed by the town, as follows, viz:-whereupon, Voted that the Assessors, in future, be directed to procure, for the use of the Collectors of taxes, books ruled with two parallel columns for the entry, against each person's tax, of the date of payment and the amount of percentage, if any, is collected; 88 698 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1872. and that Collectors be directed, in all cases, to make the appropriate entries against each tax. Voted that the Selectmen examine the Collectors' books monthly, and ascertain and report to the Treasurer, from time to time, the amount of percentage collected. Voted that, in all cases, the Treasurer, in his receipts to the Collectors, specify the amount that is received as percentage, and that he be directed to charge all Collectors with the percentage so receipted for at the time of receiving the same, and should the Collectors, after the monthly return to the Treasurer by the Selectmen, of the amount of percentage due, neglect to pay over the same to the Treasurer, they shall be charged one per cent. a month for the same until paid. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Albeirt W. Gaskill and Thomas B. Staples, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, at $15.00, and Francis E. Wheelock, Collector, at 849.25. Chose Andrew W. Jndson, School Committee for three years. Voted to raise and appropriate $1700 for schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1300 for payment of interest. Voted to raise and appropriate $400 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $2000 towards paying the public debt. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money to pay bonds and notes that become due the current year. Voted that the School Committee appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Rev. George F. Clark was appointed. Voted to accept the following list of Jurors, viz:Albert W. Gaskill, Charles Fletcher, Samuel W. Wilcox, Austin D. Davenport, Austin Wood, Gustavus B. Williams, Elias T. Bates, John R. Hayward, William S. Hastings, *Alexander H. Allen, Andre Southwick, David Adams, Ezekiel P. Gaskill, Moses Aldrich, *Aaron a. Cook, Gilbert Cook, David W. Bennett, Aldrich B. Cook, John W. Jennison. Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before the 10th day of September of the present year, one per cent. per month shall be added until paid. Voted to continue the High School another year. 1872.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 699 Voted to authorize the Treasurer to borrow money to pay the current expenses, in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. Chose Alexander H. Allen, Collector of Taxes, in place of Calvin Butler, (removed from town,) to finish the collection of 1869. John G. Metcalf, Samuel H. Taft and Micajah Collins Gaskill were chosen a committee to consider if any measures are required for the custody, preservation and safe keeping of the Town Records, and report at a future meeting. Voted that the town do procure, for the use of the town, one or more fire engines of a kind that makes use of carbonic acid as an extinguishing power. Voted that Julius A. George, George W. Cromb, Austin Wood, John R. Hayward and Stephen C. Taft be a committee to investigate the matter of a fire engine or engines for the use of the town, and report at a future meeting. Said committee not to purchase without further authority from the town. Voted to reconsider the vote passed at a former meeting to lease the farm (called the Asylum for the Poor,) for one year. Voted that the Overseers of the Poor be authorized to sell the fairm, stock, tools and furniture belonging to the town. April 6. Voted to raise and appropriate $300 in addition to the amount already raised and appropriated for the support of the poor. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow $1800 for the payment of a school house in the former School District No. 1. REPORT OF'A COMM0IITTEE. Heard the report of the committee to which was referred the matter of the custody, preservation and safe keeping of the Town Records, which was accepted and adopted by the town, andc which is as follows, viz:The Committee chosen at the Annual March meeting, "to take into consideration the custody, preservation and safe keeping of the Town Records," respectfully submit the following Report: Upon examination they find that the present Safe will not contain all the Records of the Town, and, in their opinion, should the Town Hall (where the Safe is now kept) be destroyed by fire, the heat would be sufficient to destroy the contents of the Safe. Chap. 29, Section 4, of the General Stat 700 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1872. utes, makes it imperative upon the Selectmen of towns to provide, at the expense of the town, fire proof Safes, of ample size for the preservation of books of Record or Registry and other important documents or papers belonging thereto; and Section 13, of the same Chapter, provides that "for each month it neglects or refuses to provide suitable Safes for the safe keeping of its Records the town shall forfeit twenty dollars." The safe keeping and preservation of the Town Records, liable as they are, at any time, to be destroyed, while they remain in their present location, is a subject which we think the Town cannot longer, for prudential reasons, neglect to consider. The loss of our Records, as all must agree, would be an irreparable misfortune, inasmuch as they could never be replaced. The pecuniary loss which their destruction might entail especially in determining the settlement of paupers, in certain cases, might and very likely would, before the lapse of many years, far exceed the amount of any present outlay which the town may be disposed to authorize for their safe keeping. Believing that all will agree that the present location of our Records does not insure their safety from the hazard of fire, and assuming that no one can doubt the importance of their preservation, the Committee report that they have carefully examined the building (formerly the Mendon Bank) now owned by Mrs. McCarty, with a view to the expediency of its purchase by the Town as a safe place for the custody and preservation of its Records. They found the building in good repair except the roof which requires shingling. The cellar is of the size of the building and its walls, originally strongly built, still remain in proper position. The vault, formerly used by the Bank, has been removed down to its foundations which remain intact. There are brick walls upon three sides of this foundation, and, in this space, should the future necessities of the town require, a brick vault, fire proof, might be erected sufficient to hold the archives of the town for a long series of years. The Committee learn from Mrs. McCarty that she will sell the building and lot for the sum of four hundred and seventy five dollars and will accept in payment the town's note with interest at six per cent. per annum. Should the town conclude to accept the offer of Mrs. McCarty, the Committee believe that from one to two hundred dollars would pay for slating the roof and putting the building in suitable repair for its future use. They close their report by offering the following motion: " That the town do purchase the estate of Mrs. McCarty for the sum of four hundred and seventy five dollars and that that sum be raised and appropriated to defray the cost of the same." Signed JOHN G. METCALF, MICAJAH C. GASKILL, Committee. SAMUEL H. TAFT, Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow the sum of 1872.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 701 four hundred and seventy-five dollars to pay for the estate of Mrs. McCarty, (formerly the Mendon Bank,) which the town have voted to buy. Voted to raise and appropriate one hundred and fifty dollars for the repair of said building. Voted that John G. Metcalf, Micajah C. Gaskill and Samuel H. Taft be a committee to carry the above report into effect. Heard the report of the committee chosen at the March meeting, "relative to purchasing one or more Fire Engines for the town," and the same was accepted and adopted. REPORT OF A COMMITTEE. The Committee chosen by the Town at the Annual March meeting "to investigate the subject of Fire Engines using Carbonic acid as an extinguishing power" and to report at an adjourned meeting, having attended to the duty assigned them, respectfully submit the following Report: Your Committee did not deem it necessary for the purposes of this investigation to visit personally any of the towns where Engines using Chemicals were in use, but considered the object for which the Committee was chosen could be attained by corresponding with prominent gentlemen in those towns. We accordingly addressed letters of inquiry in some cases to Postmasters and in others to some leading citizen, and, in almost all cases, receiving a prompt reply. Your Committee considered all of the machines, for the use of chemicals in the extinguishment of fire, which they could obtain any knowledge of. 1st. We would mention the so called Gardner Fire Extinguisher, made in Philadelphia. Your Committee found this to be only another form of the common Portable Extinguisher, at least no better, costing the same and having the decided objection attached to it, that its proprietors are now engaged in a lawsuit, brought against them by the American Consolidated Extinguisher Company, for infringement of its patent, and should this suit be decided against the. Gardner Company, all purchasers would, of course, be liable for damages, 2nd. The so called Chemical Engine, they find, does not meet with so much favor where it has been used or exhibited as they were led to believe from the representations of its agents, and it is open to the same objections as the last, that is, if the Carlier's Patent is sustained in the present suit, all purchasers of this too will be liable for damages. 3d. The Portable Extinguisher No. 2, the same as exhibited on the day of the March meeting, hardly needs commendation from this Committee. Gentlemen of good standing in their communities, all over this and other States testify to its merits and many of them have seen for themselves that it is effectual for extinguishing fire. The large cities and towns of this State are using them in connection with their other Engines with good suc 702 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1872. cess. The city of Boston runs to fires express wagons loaded with these machines, and they often put out a fire before the arrival of any engine and prevent a serious conflagration. They are made and sold by the American Consolidated Extinguisher Company, who are the owners of the Carlier patent so that no one incurs any legal risk by using them. These can be obtained at 20 per cent. less than the usual prices, that is for iron $40 and for copper $44. 4th. The Self-Acting Fire Engine made by the New England Fire Extinguisher Company, we find to be in successful use in several towns. The replies to our letters of inquiry (any and all of which will be read) fully confirm the claims of the Manufacturers and the good opinion your Committee had previously entertained. In view of all the facts your Committee recommend that the town do procure for the use of the town one Self Acting Fire Engine at a cost of not over $800, to be located in the centre of the Village provided that the citizens will provide suitable care and storage for the same without expense to the town. Also that the town procure a number of Portable Extinguishers the whole cost of which shall not exceed five hundred dollars; and that the same be distributed under the direction of the Selectmen, or of a Committee at convenient points in the outskirts of the town, provided that suitable persons will guarantee to take charge of and be responsible for the same. JULIUS A. GEORGE, S. C. TAFT, G. W. CROMB, } Committee. J. R. HAYWARD, | AUSTIN WOOD, J Voted that the above committee be a committee to purchase and locate one Self-Acting Fire Engine in the centre of Menudon village, at a cost not to exceed $800, and twelve of the small portable extinguishers, to be located by said committee over the said town of Mendon, at different and convenient points, as they in their judgment may think best. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow the sum of thirteen hundred dollars for the pay of said machines. Voted that the School Committee be authorized to make such repairs of the school houses as they may deem necessary. Voted that the Treasurer be directed to pay a bounty of ten cents per head for all woodchucks, he having satisfactory evidence that such woodchucks were caught and killed in the town of Mendon. The committee chosen to contract for the erection of a school house in the former First District, reported that Perry Wood, 1872.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 703 the contractor for said house, had failed to complete said structure in accordance with some of the specifications contained in said contract. This report was accepted, and then Voted that the Building.Committee he instructed, Mr. Wood consenting, to refer the difference between them to the Selectmen, as referees, each party to abide by. their decision. The Selectmen and Mr. Wood met,' next morning, at the school house, and the objections of the Building Committee were not sustained by the referees. The number of persons liable to enrollment, as returned by the Assessors, was 156. Nov. 5. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. For Electors at Large-Ebenezer R. Hoar, Concord, had 89 votes; Elected. John M. Forbes, Milton, had 89 votes; Elected. Chester W. Chapin, Springfield, had 50 votes. Josiah G. Abbott, Boston, had 50 votes. H. D. Cushing, Boston, had 2 votes. E. S. Conant, Randolph, had 2 votes. District No. 1. William T. Davis, Plymouth.....89 George Delano, New Bedford....50 M. W. Nickerson, of So. Dennis. 2 No. 2. Harrison Tweed, Taunton........89 James E. Carpenter, Foxboro... 50 Nathan Beal, East Abington...... 2 No. 3. Alvan Simonds, Boston..........89 Chas. A. B. Shepard, Boston.....50 S. W. Hodges, "..... 2 No. 4. Edward H. Dunn, Boston.....89 Joseph Everdean, Chelsea........50 G. H. Vibbert, East Boston...... 2 No. 5. Amos F. Breed, Lynn...........89 Rich'd Frothingham, Charlestown. 50 A. E. Whitney, Lynn............ 2 No. 6. Luther Day, Haverhill...........89 John A. Bassett, Salem..........50 J. H. Orne, Marblehead.......... 2 District No. 7. John C. Hoadley, Lawrence......89 Wm. H. Clemence, Lowell.......50 L. D. Barrows, Lawrence........ 2 No. 8. Aaron C. Mayhew, Milford......89 Henry W. Muzzey, Cambridge... 50 W. W. Brown, "... 2 No. 9. Stephen Salisbury, Worcester.... 89 Isaac Davis, ".... 50 George F. Clark, Mendon........ 2 No. 10. Levi Stockbridge, Amherst......89 C. H. B. Snow, Fitchburg......50 E. F. Coffin, Orange............. 2 No. 1. Henry Alexander, Jr.,Springfield 89 Charles W. Knox, Chester......50 Lucius Holmes, North Adams.... 2 STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Wm. B. Washburne, Greenfield, had 92 votes. Elected. Francis W. Bird, Walpole, had 47 " 704 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1873. Foi Lt. Governor, Thomas Talbot, Billerica, had 92 votes. Elected. Wm. L. Smith, Springfield, had 49 " The other State and County officers had about the same number of votes. For Representative to Congress, Ninth District-George F. Hoar, Worcester, had 89 votes; Elected. George F. Verry, Worcester, had 50 votes. For Senator, Second Worcester District-Samuel M. Griggs, Westborough, had 86 votes; Elected. Henry A. Aldrich, Mendon, had 47 votes. For Representatives, Fifteenth Worcester District-George B. Blake, Milford, had 91 votes; Elected. Henry C. Skinner, Milford, had 91 votes; Elected. John C. Scott, Blackstone, had 90 votes; Elected. Albert Smith, Blackstone, had 49 votes. George G. Parker, Milford, had 49 votes. P. C. Callaghan, Milford, had 49 votes. John S. Needham, Blackstone, had 2 votes. Taxes foregone during the year, $8.19. 1873. March 3. After hearing and accepting the reports of the town officers, Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Albert W. Gaskill and Thomas B. Staples, Selectmen; T. B. Staples declined, and May 26 Nathan R. George was chosen in his place. John G. Metcalf was chosen Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, at $15, and Francis E. Wheelock, Collector at $59.00. Homer W. Darling and E. P. Gaskill were chosen School Committee for three years; Elias T. Bates for two years, and Lowell C. Cook for one year. Voted to accept Chap. 158 of the Acts of 1871, relative to Road Commissioners. By section two of said act, said "Road Commissioners shall have and perform, exclusively, all the powers and duties now vested by law in Selectmen and Surveyors of Highways concerning the laying out, altering, making or discontinuing streets, ways, sidewalks, sewers and drains." Chose Perry Wood for one year, George D. Whitney for two years, and Albert W. Gaskill for three years, Road Commissioners. Voted to raise and appropriate $1700 for support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repair of highways. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for support of the poor, 1873.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 705 Voted to raise and appropriate $1500 to pay the interest on the town debt. Voted to raise and appropriate $400 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $2000 towards payment of town debt. Voted that the School Committee choose a Superintendent of Schools, and the Rev. George F. Clark was appointed. Voted to accept of the list of Jurors presented by the Selectmenll. Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before the tenth day of September, one per cent. per month shall be added till paid. Voted to continue the High School. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money to pay current expenses in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. Voted that the Selectmen dispose of the old school house in what was formerly School District No. 1. March 15. Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $300 additional to the sum raised at the last town meeting for repairs of roads and bridges. Voted that the Road Commissioners be allowed twenty cents per hour for their services while employed on or about the roads in town. Voted that the town do authorize and instruct the Treasurer to borrow, upon the credit of the town, the sum of ten thousand one hundred dollars, ($1,100,) to redeem such outstanding bonds of the town as may fall due during the current municipal year. Voted to accept the report of the Road Commissioners relative to the acceptance by the town of a short piece of road from near the house of Roba M. Bennett to the new road leading to Hopedale. Voted to accept the report of the Road Commissioners laying out several parcels of land for procuring earth and gravel for repairing tle roads. Voted that the town purchase one-half acre of land for the better accommodation of the former Fifth School District. Voted that the Treasurer pay. a bounty of ten cents per head 89 706 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1873. for all woodchucks brought to him having been caught and killed in this town. Voted to discontinue a short piece of road leading from the road'near the house of Laban Bates to Bellinglham line. Voted to discontinue the road leading from the corner of the road to Milford, easterly of the house of John S. Gaskill, to Milford line, over Neck Hill. Voted that the matter of fencing the ground around the school house at the north part of the town be referred to the School Committee to report. Voted to choose three Engineers, who shall have the general charge and direction of the machines, the apparatus, fixtures and everything belonging to the engines, at fires and meetings for practice. There is no record of the choice of Engineers. Aug. 9. A meeting was held "to see if the town would reconsider the votes discontinuing the Quisset road," and the meeting was dissolved: without any action. Nov. 4. Voted to reconsider the vote discontinuing the Quisset road. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Wm. B. Washburne, Greenfield, had 57 votes. Elected. William Gaston, Boston, had 46 " For Lt. Governor, Thomas Talbot, Billerica, had 58 William L. Smith, Springfield, had 46 " The other State and County officers received the same number of votes, except Alexander A. Wilder, for Register of Deeds, for whom the vote was unanimous, he receiving 101 votes. For Senator, Second Worcester District-CCharles E. Whitin, Northbridge, R., had 49 votes. Jeremiah Gatchel, Blackstone, D., had 46 votes; Elected. For Representative to the General Court, Fifteenth Worcester District-David M. Gaskill, Blackstone, had 58 votes. Henry C. Skinner, Milford, had 57 votes. James M. Farnum, Uxbridge, had 57 votes. Lawrence Reade, Milford, had 43 votes; Elected. Albert Smith, Blackstone, had 45 votes; Elected. George W. Taft, Uxbridge, had 43 votes; Elected. Henry E. Fales, Mlilford, had one vote. Amount of taxes foregone during the year, $76.94. 1874.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 707 I874. March 2. The usual reports being read and disposed of, Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Albert W. Gaskill and Nathan R. George, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; George W. Thayer, Constable, at $15, and Francis E. Wheelock, Collector, at $68.00. George W. Thayer having died Oct. 23, 1874, the Selectmen appointed (his son) George A. Thayer, Constable in his place. Rev. George F. Clark and Lowell C. Cook chosen School Committee. Chose Elias T. Bates, Road Commissioner for three years. Voted to raise and appropriate $1700 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $1200 for the support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $1500 for repairs of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1600 for payment of interest. Voted to raise and appropriate $2000 towards payment of the debts. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money to pay the current expenses, in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. Voted that the twelfth article in the warrant be indefinitely postponed. This article was in the following words: "To see if the town will take any measures, by appointing and instructing a Special Agent, or otherwise, towards collecting of Perry Wood and Gilbert Gaskill (the contractors to repair the road from the house of Silas Dudley to Milford line), or their sureties, the amount recently recovered against the town in the suit of D. C. Howard, with the expenses attending said suit, or act in any way in relation to said suit." While the road was being repaired D. C. Howard was injured while passing over it in the night, and his carriage broken. The amount recovered by him, as damages and costs, was $490.79. As the road had been accepted by the County Commissioners, and the contractors had been paid the full amount of the contract, $6,950.00, it was supposed that they could not be held responsible. 708 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1874. A motion was made to revoke the acceptance of Chapter 185 of the Acts of the Legislature for 1871, providing for the election of Road Commissioners, but the motion did not prevail. Voted to pay the Milford Fire Department $40 for their services at the burning of Gustavus B. Williams' barn, March 3, 1873. Upon the arrival of their Steam Fire Engine the barn had burned down and the fire was subdued. Voted to continue the High School. April 4. Voted that the School Committee appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Rev. George F. Clark was appointed. Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before the 10th day of September of the present year, one per cent. per month shall be added until paid. Voted to pay Aaron C. Cook five dollars for damages received on the highway. Voted that the claim of William H. Comstock for damage by lowering the grade of the road in front of his house, be referred to the Road Commissioners. Voted that the collection of the taxes for 1869, now due, be committed to the person who will collect -them for the lowest per cent. on the amount collected, exclusive of any charge for legal services. Aaron C. Cook bid 15 per cent., and he being the lowest bidder, the collection was awarded to him, and he was then chosen Collector. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow such sums of money as may be necessary to pay outstanding bonds which may become due the present year. Nov. 3. Voted that the town pay David Adams twelve dollars for the storage and the keeping the contents of the fire engine from freezing during the winter. Voted to choose a Collector in place of Aaron C. Cook, deceased, who was to complete the collection of the tax of 1869, originally committed to Calvin Butler, removed from town. Chose Francis E. Wheelock, Collector. Taxes foregone during the year $38.69. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Thomas Talbot, Billerica, R., had 66 votes. William Gaston, Boston, D., had 57 " Elected. 1875.1 ANNALS OF MENDON. 709 For Lt. Governor, Horatio G. Knight, Easthampton,had 70 votes. Elected. William L. Smith, Springfield, had 56 " Other State and County officers received about the same number of votes. For Senator for Second Worcester District-Thomas G. Kent, Milford, R., had 63 votes. Jeremiah Getchel, Blackstone, D., had 56 votes; Elected. For Representatives, Fifteenth Worcester District-D. Gilbert, Chapin, Milford, R., had 71 votes. James H. Putnam, Milford, R., had 70 votes. Alanson Taft, Mendon, R., had 59 votes. James Bergen, Milford, D., had 53 votes; Elected. Albert W. Gaskill, Mendon, D., had 65 votes; Elected. Albert Smith, Blackstone, D., had 57 votes; Elected. I875. March 1. The usual disposition of the reports of the various town officers being made, David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Alexander I. Allen, Albert W. Gaskill and Nathan R. George, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; Andrew W. Judson, Constable, at $15, and Francis E. Wheelock, Collector, at $49.00. James M. Newhall and Samuel H. Taft were chosen School Committee for three years. Chose Waterman Taft, Road Commissioner for three years. Voted to raise and appropriate $1700 for support of schools. Voted to,raise and appropriate $1200 for support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $800 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repair of roads and bridges. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the payment of the town debt. Voted to raise and appropriate $1400 for payment of interest. Voted that the School Committee be required to appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Rev. George F. Clark was appointed. Voted to accept the list of Jurors as reported by the Selectmen, viz:Charles Fletcher, Samuel W. Wilcox, Sullivan H. Taft, Elias T. Bates, Albert W. Gaskill, Joseph Bates, Homer W. Darling, George D. Whitney, David Adams, Ezekiel P. Gaskill, Benj. F. Aldrich, Lowell C. Cook, *Edward L. Staples, George W. Jennison, Aldrich B. Cook, Hiram P. Butler. 710 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1875. March 12. Heard the report of the committee chosen at the last meeting relative to the purchase of a Poor Farm. Voted that the subject be recommitted to the committee for further examination of farms. The following persons composed this committee, viz: Samuel H. Taft, Eli Bates, Ezekiel P. Gaskill, Benjamin F. Aldrich and Putman W.' Taft. May 22. Voted that the Selectmen appear before the County Commissioners and oppose the relocation of the road leading from near the late residence of Nathan George, deceased, by the residence of Hiram Daniels, in Blackstone. The road was not relocated. Nov. 2. Mrs. Charlotte A. Joy, widow of the late Hon. David Joy, who had resided in Mendon a few years, and who had recently died at Ventnor, in the Isle of Wight, England, whither he had gone for the improvement of his health, proposing to erect a watering fountain in town, to the memory of her late husband, John S. Gaskill, Alanson Taft and Edward H. Taft were chosen a committee to confer with Mrs. Joy on the subject. There being much difference of opinion as to the precise location of the fountain, Alrs. Joy made arrangements with Mr. Silas Dudley to have the fountain located at the intersection of the roads near Mr. Dudley's house, he obligating himself to keel the same in repair for the term of fifteen years. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, William Gaston, Boston, had 43 votes. Alexander H. Rice, Boston, had 54 " Elected. John I. Baker, Beverly, had 12 " For Lt. Governor, John Q. Adams, Quincy, had 42 Horatio G. Knight, Easthampton, had 55 Ezra S. Conant, Randolph, had 12 " The votes for the other State and County officers were about the same as above. For Senator, Second Worcester District-Henry E. Fales, Milford, had 38 votes. Abraham M. Bigelow, Grafton, had 55 votes; (Elected.) Francis Fisher, Southboro', had 12 votes. For Representative to the General Coart, Second Worcester District-Democrat-George G. Parker, Milford, had 42 votes; (Elected). Patrick Kennady, Blackstone, had 41 votes; (Elected). Charles C. Capron, Uxbridge, 1876.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 711 had 43 votes; (Elected.) Republicans-Nelson Parkhurst, Milford, had 55 votes. Zadoc A. Taft, Uxbridge, 54 votes. William A. Cole, Blackstonc, had 55 votes. Prohibitionists-A. A. Cook, Milford, had 12 votes. Edward H. Taft, had 12 votes. J. D. Hunt, Milford, had 12 votes. 1876. The Hon. Abraham M. Bigelow, the Senator from this (the Second Worcester District,) having died, a meeting was held this day to fill the vacancy, the Selectmen presiding Aaron C. Mayhew, Milford, had 51 votes; (Elected). Jonathan H. Wood, Grafton, had 26 votes. Francis Fisher, Southboro', had 3 votes. Alexander H. Allen was then chosen Moderator. Voted that the Selectmen be directed to lay a new floor in the Town Hall of Southern hard pine. March 6. The Reports of the town officers' were first disposed of. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Alexander H. Allen, Albert W. Gaskill and Nathan Richard George, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; Andrew W. Judson, Constable, at $15, and Andrew W. Judson, Collector, at $45.00. Ezekiel P. Gaskill and George D. Whitney, School Committee for three years. Albert W. Gaskill, Road Commissioner for three years. Voted to raise and appropriate $1700 for support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for support of the poor. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1400 for the payment of interest. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for payment of principal. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repair of highways and bridges. Voted that the School Committee appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and Rev. George F. Clark was appointed, Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before the 10th day of September of the present year, one per cent. per month shall be added until paid. Voted that the High School be continued. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized. to borrow money to pay current expenses, in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. 712 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1876. It was a remarkable fact that it was not found necessary to call a town meeting from the annual March meeting until the meeting held for the choice of State officers. Nov. 7. Voted the Overseers of the Poor be aIuthorized to take such measures by establishing a Lock-up, or otherwise as may, in their judgment, seem necessary, in order to abate the tramp nuisance. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. Electors at Large-Thomas Talbot, Billerica, R., had 129 votes; Elected. Stephen Salisbury, Worcester, R., had 129 votes; Elected. William Gaston, Boston, D., had 74 votes. Edward Avery, Braintree, D., had 74 votes. George F. Clark, Mendon, T., had 3 votes. Henry D. Cushing, Boston, T., had 3 votes. District No. 1. Warren Ladd, New Bedford....129 James D. Thompson, N. Bedford. 74 John Blackmar, Provincetown.. 3 No. 2. Theodore Dean, Taunton.......129 Saml. N. Dyer, Jr., Abington... 74 C. M. Winchester, Brockton.... 3 No. 3. J. Felt Osgood, Boston.........129 George P. Baldwin, Boston.... 74 Magnus Vantres,..... 3 No. 4.Martin Brimmer, Boston....... 129 Charles Levi Woodbury, Boston. 74 James M. Brown, Chelsea....... 3 No. 5. Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford.129 Alpha E. Thompson, Woburn... 74 William S. Oakman, Boston.... 3 No. 6. George W. Morrill, Amesbury... 129 James V. Smiley, 'Haverhill..... 74 Chas. P. Wellman, Marblehead.. 3 District No. 7. Carroll D. Wright, Reading.... 129 James C. Abbott, Lowell....... 74 Saml. B. Maynard, Marlboro'... 3 No. 8. James R. Lowell, Cambridge..... 129 Edwin A. Alger, Cambridgeport. 74 John Tucker, Watertown....... 3 No. 9. John C. Whitin, Northbridge... 129 Eli Thayer, Worcester.......... 74 Timothy A. Smith, Westboro'... 3 No. 10. W. B C. Pearsons, Holyoke.... 129 Timothy S. Wilson, Fitchburg.. 74 E. P. Gibbs, Dana.............. 3 No. 11. Richard Goodman, Lennox......129 Cebra Quackenbush, Pittsfield.. 74 Solomon F. Root, Hinsdale..... 3 STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Alexander H. Rice, Boston, had 125 votes. Elected. Chas. Francis Adams, Quincy, had 75 " John I. Baker, Beverly, had 5 " For Lt. Governor, H. G. Knight, Easthampton, had 125 - 1877.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 713 For Lt. Governor, Win. R. Plunkett, Pittsfield, had 74 votes. Daniel C. Eddy, Boston, had 4 Wm. W. Brown, Cambridge, had 1 Other State and County officers received nearly the same number of votes. F'or Representative to Congress, Ninth District-William W. Rice, Worcester, had 129 votes; Elected. George F. Verry, Worcester, had 74 votes. Edward W. Clark, Westboro', had 3 votes. Fori Senator to the General Court, Second Worcester District-Aaron C. Mayhew, Milford, had 127 votes; Elected. Alvin Hall, Douglas, had 73 votes. Edward A. Perry, Milford, had 5 votes. For Representative to the General Court, Second* Woorcester District-William II. Cook, Milford, had 128 votes; Elected. Augustus S. Tuttle, Milford, had 126 votes; Elected. George G. Parker, Milford, had 73 votes. Phillip A. Gleason, Milford, had 71 votes. George F: Clark, Mendon, had 4 votes. Joseph D. Hunt, Milford, had 4 votes. Edward H. Taft, Mendon, had 1 vote. Amount of taxes foregone during the year, $33.66. I877. March 5. The reports of the town officers were disposed of as usual. Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Gustavus B. Williams, Albert W. Gaskill and Samuel Harkness Taft, Selectmen; John George Metcalf, Treasurer; Andrew W. Judson, Constable; Andrew W. Judson, Collector, at $68.00; John R. Hayward, Road Commissioner for three vears; and Gustavus B. Williams and Lowell C. Cook, School Committee for three years. Voted to raise and appropriate $1500 for the support of schools. Voted to raise and appropriate $500 for incidental expenses. Voted to raise and appropriate $1400 for the payment of interest on the debt. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for repairs of roads and bridges. Gustavus B. Williams, Ezekiel P. Gaskill, John R. Hayward, Eli Bates, Perry Wood, Albert W. Gaskill and Francis F. Taft, were chosen a committee and antltorized to purchase, in behalf of the town, a farm, suitable for the accommodation of the poor, and it was voted that five of the committee should be unanimous. * The State had been districted anew. 90 714 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1877. Voted that the Road Commissioners shall pay not to exceed fifteen cents per hour for labor on the highway. Voted the School Committee appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and the Rev. George F. Clark was appointed. Voted that to all taxes not paid on or before the tenth day of Seltember of the present year, one per cent. per month shall be added until paid. The list of Jurors was adopted as follows, viz: John R. Hayward, Edward S. Worthen, Putman W. Taft, William W. Nelson, John C. Wood, F. P. Gaskill, Benj. F. Aldrich, Lowell C. Cook, Charles Fletcher, Aldrich B. Cook, Samuel H. Taft, S. W. Wilcox, A. W. Gaskill, Samuel A. Bennett, George F. Lowell, Silas Dudley, Jr., Hiram P. Butler, Alanson Taft. Voted to continue the High School the ensuing year. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money, if necessary, for the payment of bonds becoming due the current year. March 17. Voted that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow money to pay current expenses, in anticipation of the collection of the taxes. Voted that Perry Wood, Eli Bates and Francis F. Taft be a committee to purchase a site and build a lock-up upon the same, and the sum of $300 was voted to be raised and appropriated for the same. The committee purclhased the law office of the late Warren Rawson, with ground attached to it, and fitted the same for the reception of Tramps. Within the building a cell was constructed of stone and iron, for the safe-keeping of criminals. Voted to raise and appropriate $1000 for the support of the poor. The committee chosen March 5, upon the subject of a farm, whereon to support the poor, having made a report, Upon a motion made by Perry Wood, that the town do purchase the farm formerly owned and occupied by Eli Bates, the vote stood 36 in the affirmative and 37 in the negative. April 1. Pursuant to Chap. 175 of the Acts of 1873, the Selectmen appointed Andrew W. Judson, Keeper of the Lock-up in the town of Mendon, and fixed his compensation at the sum of ten dollars per year. Mr. Judson was then duly qualified, being sworn before G. B. Williams, Esq. 1877.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 715 Oct. 13. There being a vacancy in the office of Collector for the years 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874 and 1875, caused by the decease of Francis E. Wheelock, collector for those years, the Selectmen, according to law, appointed Andrew W. Judson, Collector pro tempore, to complete the collections for those years. Mr. Judson was duly qualified, and entered at once upon the duties of his office. Nov. 6. Voted that the Selectmen be instructed and directed, for the future, not to issue orders in payment of the salary or compensation of any officers of the town before they have fully discharged all the duties and completed all the services which they were elected, or were appointed, or were, by contract, to perform. Voted that the Selectmen examine the tax lists of Collector of taxes monthly, and by actual inspection of the sums of interest collected, if any, set against each tax payer's name, in the colnmns of the Collector's book for that purpose, ascertain whether such sums are correctly calculated and stated, and also the total amount of interest on taxes collected for that month, and report the same to the Treasurer; and all other provisions defining the duties of the Collector in relation to interest on taxes to remain as heretofore established by the town. Voted that whenever Andrew W. Judson, Collector, or Collector pro ternpore, shall in pursuance of the powers conferred upon him, by law, commit any person or persons to prison for nonpayment of taxes, and such person is discharged, the town do exonerate him from the liability to which he is subjected by the General Statutes, Chap. 12, section 16. Voted that the Selectmen settle with the representatives of Francis E. Wheelock, deceased, late collector of taxes. Voted to forego the sum of $108.94 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1869. Voted to forego the sum of $19.81 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1870. Voted to forego the sum of $21.60 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1871. Voted to forego the sum of $32.94 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1872. 716 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1878. Voted to forego the sum of $68.16 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1873. Voted to forego the sum of $81.06 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1874. Voted to forego the sum of $94.09 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1875. Voted to forego the suln of $63.05 in A. W. Judson's collection for 1876. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Alexander H. Rice, Boston, had 95 votes. Elected. William Gaston, " had 60 Robert C. Pitman, Newton, had 12 For Lt. Governor, H. G. Knight, Easthampton, had 97 Wm. R. Plunkett, Pittsfield, had 60 Elijah A. Morse, Canton, had 11 Thomas L. Lathrop had 1 " Senator, Second Worcester District-William Knowlton, Upton, had 96 votes; Elected. Henry A. Aldrich,. Mendon, had 64 votes. For Representatives to the General Gouzrt, Second Worcester District-William H. Cook, Milford, had 98 votes; Elected. Charles A. Davis, Upton, had 98 votes; Elected. George G. Parker, Milford, had 59 votes. Thomas J. Hall, Upton, had 59 votes. Charles C. Johnson, Milford, had 10 votes. George F. Clark, Mendon, had 10 votes. Amount of taxes foregone this year, $510.18. 1878. March 4. After hearing the reports, of the various town officers, David Adams was chosen Town Clerk; Gustavus B. Williams, Albert W. Gaskill and Samuel H. Taft, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; Alexander H. Allen, Micajah C. Gaskill and Linus B. Staples, Assessors; and Andrew W. Judson, Constable and Collector. Voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $7000.00 for defraying town charges the current year. Voted that to all taxes remaining unpaid on the tenth day of September of the current year, one per cent. per month shall be added. Voted that the Assessors be instructed to print and distribute a copy of the valuation and assessment of taxes for the present year. 1878.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 717 Mrs. Bernette H. Williams was appointed Superintendent of Schools by the Sclool Committee. USE OF THE TOWN HALL. March 16. Voted that for the use of the Town Hall, by the citizens of Mendon, when no entrance fee is charged, the rent shall be one dollar, the hall to be closed at 10 o'clock, P. M. That, when an entrance fee is charged, and the proceeds to be applied for the benefit of any religious society, moral reform movement, Sunday or public schools, in town, the rent shall be two dollars, the Hall to be closed at 11 o'clock, P. M. That dancing parties closing at 11 o'clock, P. M., shall pay three dollars. That, in all other cases, when an entrance fee is charged, the Hall to be closed at 12 o'clock, P. M., the rent shall be five dollars. That members of the High School may have the use of the Hall one night in the year, free of charge. Voted that the Hall, in no case, shall be occupied or open after 12 o'clock, P. M. LIST OF JURORS. John R. Hayward, Henry G. Bates, Putman W. Taft, William W. Nelson, John C. Wood, Ezekiel P. Gaskill, Austin Wood, Lowell C. Cook, Silas Dudley, Jr., Royal M. Wheelock, *Linus B. Staples, *Austin A. Taft, Aldrich B. Cook, Samuel H. Taft, Samuel W. Wilcox, Albert W. Gaskill, Samuel A. Bennett, George F. Lowell, Hiram P. Butler. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, Thomas Talbot, R., 109 votes. Benj. F. Butler, G., 33 " Josiah G. Abbott, D., 21 Alonzo A. Miner, Pro., 5 " For Lt. Governor, John D. Long, 112 John F. Arnold, 29 " William R. Plunkett, 23 " George C. Ewing, 5 " Representatize to Congress, Ninth District —William W. Rice, Worcester, R., 114 votes. Eli Thayer, Worcester, Democrat and Greenback, 50 votes. Timothy A. Smith, Westboro', Pro., 5 votes. Cozuncillor, Second District-William 0 Taylor, Boston, R., 113 votes. George A. Shaw, Boston, D. & G., 51 votes. Timothy A. Smith, Westboro', 5 votes. Seanator, Secon d fWorcesteri District-William Knowlton, Upton, 112 votes. 718 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1878. Benj. B. Nourse, Westboro', 35 votes. Sylvester C. Fay, Southboro', 5 votes. Representatives to the General Court, Second Worcester District —Isaac N. Crosby, Milford, R., 117 votes; Elected. Homer W. Darling, Mendon, R., 118 votes; Elected. William H. Scammell, Milford, 22 votes. Albert W. Gaskill, Mendon, 22 votes. Theodore N. Sherman, Milford, 22 votes. Alexander H. Allen, Mendon, 23 votes. Charles C. Johnson, Milfprd, 4 votes. Delano Patrick, Milford, 4 votes. By the Assessors' return it was found that the number of the enrolled militia was 132. Nov. 5. At a meeting held this day it was voted to adopt tile following Provisions, Arrangements and By-Laws of the Town of Mendon "concerning Truant Children and Absentees front School." Section 1. Any of the persons described in the first section of the " Act concerning truant children and absentees from school, approved May 2, 1873," upon conviction of any offence therein described, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, or by confinement for a term not exceeding two years in the place hereinafter designated. Section 2. The School Committee shall annually, in the month of March, appoint and fix the compensation of two suitable persons to be designated as Truant Officers, who shall alone, in case of violation of these By-Laws, be authorized to make complaint and carry into execution the judgment thereon. Section 3. In case a Truant Officer shall find any person between the ages of seven and fifteen years, belonging to any of the public schools in said town of Mendon, during school hours, wandering about, in or near any street, square, common, lane or by-way, or any public place of resort or amusement, without sufficient excuse for his absence from school, he shall apprehend such person and take him to his school, in case he shall not deem it proper to file a complaint against the offender, and shall, forthwith, notify the parent or guardian of the child of his doings in the premises. Section 4. The Truant officers shall keep a true record of their proceedings, of the number of offences noticed, complaints'made, acquittals or convictions had, the punishments awarded therefor, the names of the parties dealt with, together with the names of their parents or guardians, a copy of which, with a statement in detail of the cost to the town of their services and the amount of fines received, shall be delivered to the School Committee annually, on or about the fifteenth day of February; and the School Committee shall incorporate the substance of these records into their reports, for the information of the town. Section 5. The Truant School established in the city of Worcester is 1879.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 719 hereby assigned and provided as the suitable place for the confinement, discipline and instruction mentioned in section one of the act aforesaid. Section 6. The Justice of the court having jurisdiction in the cases arising under these By-Laws shall receive, for his services, the fees allowed by law in criminal cases. 1879. March 3. After the choice of Julius A. George, Moderator, and the reading of the reports of the town officers, Chose David Adams, Town Clerk; Horace C. Adams, Alexander H. Allen and Albert W. Gaskill, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; Alexander H. Allen, Micajah C. Gaskill and James J. Nutter, Assessors; Andrew W. Judson, Constable and Collector, and Putman W. Taft, Julius A. George and Walter M. Wheelock, Auditors. Voted to raise for schools.............................$1200 00 C" " a. highways and bridges............... 900 00.. " " support of the poor.................. 1500 00 " (. "( interest on town debt................. 1100 00.(... "incidental............................ 300 00 ( ( " "(. payment town debt................ 1000 00. " (." repair of school house................ 450 00 $6450 00 Voted to continue the High School for the benefit of all the inhabitants, and that the School Committee appoint a Superintendent. Rev. Geo. F. Clark was appointed to that office. The Board of Road Commissioners having been abolished, thirteen Highway Surveyors were chosen. Nov. 4. STATE ELECTION. For Governor, John D. Long, R., had 109 votes. Benj. F. Butler, G., had 60 " John Q. Adams, D., had 10 Daniel C. Eddy, Pro., had 3 For Lt. Governor, Byron Weston had 109 " Albert C. Woodworth had 58 " Wm. R. Plunkett had 14 " Timothy K. Earle had 3 " Councillor, Second District-William 0. Taylor had 109 votes. William A. Hodges had 69 votes. Timothy A. Smith had 3 votes. Senator, Second Worcester District-William Abbott, Douglas, R., had 109 votes; Charles Bigelow, Grafton, D. and G., had 69 votes. Sylvester C. Fay, Southboro, Pro., had 3 votes. 720 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1879. Representatfive.s to the General Coart, Second Worcester District-Isaac N. Crosby, Milford, R., had 109 votes; Elected. Benj. A. Jourdan, Upton, R., 109; Elected. Thos. J. Hall, Upton, D., had 61 votes. Thos. J. Hall, West Upton, D., had 3 votes. Patrick McGarry, Milford, had 33 votes. Jas. F. Stratton, Milford, had 30 votes. Danl. Reed, Milford, had 5 votes. Ebenezer Belknap, Milford, had I vote. Ebenezer Belknap had 2 votes. Joseph D. Hunt, Milford, had 2 votes. J. D. Hunt, Milford, had 1 vote. Alexander H. Allen having resigned his office as Selectman, the following resolutions, offered by Saml. H. Taft, were unaninmously adopted: Resolved that the voters of Mendon receive with sincere regret the resignation of Mr. Alexander H. Allen as chairman and member of the Board of Selectmen and of the Board of Assessors of said Town; that they tender himn their hearty thanks for the able manner in which he has discharged the duties of the numerous Town Offices that have been confided to him in the course of a long series of years, and express the hope that he may be speedily restored to health, and long remain one of our inhabitants. 2. Voted that the Clerk be instructed to place upon the records of the. town, the resolution just passed and forward a copy thereof to Mr. Allen. BY-LAWS OF THE TOWN OF MENDON. March 15. The following By Laws were this day adopted: 1. If any person shall use obscene language or commit any manner of.mischief or otherwise misbehave in a disorderly manner in any street, highway or gangway, or in any building or other public place in said Town, to the disturbance or annoyance of the peaceable inhabitants thereof, or any portion of them, or shall aid, assist, encourage or promote the same to be done by any other person or persons he shall be fined- not less than two dollars nor more than twenty dollars. 2. If any person shall, with the alleged object of celebrating the anniversary of American Independence, or on any occasion of public or party rejoicing, or, at any other time, when peaceable persons are thereby annoyed or alarmed, fire or discharge any gun, fowling piece or fire arm, or make any bonfire or other needless fire, or shall aid, assist, encourage or promote the same to be done by any other person or persons in any street or public place within one half mile from the Post Office in said Town, he shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than twenty dollars. 3. If any person shall tie or fasten any horse, cattle or team to any of the trees planted on the public highways or streets or any public lands in said. town for shade or ornament, or any thing put up for their protection, he shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars. 4. If any person shall, maliciously, wantonly or carelessly, daub with paint, cut, deface or otherwise injure any public trees, fences, buildings, 1880.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 721 furniture therein, or other objects useful or ornamental he shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than ten dollars. 5. If any person shall throw a carcass of any dead animal into any of the ponds, streams or waters within the limits of said town, or if any person shall leave any such carcass of any such animal to decay on the surface of the ground or insufficiently buried therein, near any building or road or other highway in said town, he shall pay for every such offence a sum not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars. 6. If any person shall coast or run down in, into, across or along any of the streets or highways in said town on any other thing than a single hand sled, or in the night time or on any side walk in said town upon the snow or ice, he shall for each offence be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars. 7. If any person shall play at ball or throw balls or stones, or snow balls, or foot balls, or throw any missiles, by hand or otherways, on or within any portion of any street in said town opposite the land of an abutter thereon after such abutter shall have forbidden him so to do, he shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars. I880. March 1. It being the annual meeting, Julius A. George was chosen Moderator. The usual town officers were then chosen as follows, viz: — David Adams, Town Clerk; Gustavus B. Williams, Albert W. Gaskill and Horace C. Adams, Selectmen; John G. Metcalf, Treasurer; Micajah C. Gaskill, James J. Nutter and Charles H. Allen, Assessors; Ezekiel P. Gaskill, Liberty Freeman and Gilbert Gaskill, Overseers of the Poor; Mrs. Melissa U. George and Lowell C. Cook, School Committee for three years; Julius A. George, Putman W. Taft and Walter M. Wheelock, Auditors; Liberty Freeman, Collector of Taxes, and Martin Thayer, Constable. Voted to raise and appropriate the following sums of money, viz: — For the support of Schools..................$................ 1300.00 repairs of Roads and Bridges.............................. 1000.00 support of the Poor.................................... 1000.00 interest on the Town debt.............................. 1100.00 payment on account of town debt........................... 1000.00 incidental expenses................................ 800.00 publication of the "Annals of Mendon,"................... 1000.00 furnishing School house in District No. 5................. 75.00 conveyance of children to and from school................. 75.00 $6840.00 91 722 ANNALS OF MENDON. [1880. The subject of the publication of a Town History was referred to a committee, and Micajah C. Gaskill, Putman W. Taft, Gustavus B. Williams and Julius A. George were then chosen as the committee. March 13th. The committee above chosen made a report recommending the publication of a Town lhistory, and were then instructed to ascertain the terms and conditions on which Dr. John G. Metcalf's manuscript, entitled "Annals of Men-,don," can be procured for publication by the town, as well as the total cost of publication, and report at an adjourned meeting to be held April 3, proximo. April 3. The committee made a verbal report that the man-. uscript history of the town by Dr. John G. Metcalf could be had for the sum of two hundred dollars, and the total cost for the printing, binding and selling four hundred copies would be about eight hundred dollars more; whereupon the town passed the following votes viz: — Voted-that the Treasurer be authorized and directed to borrow, on the credit of the town, at the lowest possible rates of interest, the sum of one thousand dollars to meet the expense necessary for the purchase and publication of four hundred copies or more of the manuscript history of Mendon of Dr. John G. Metcalf, entitled, by him, "Annals of Mendon;" and said sum, or so much as may be found necessary is hereby appropriated for that purpose. The note or notes issued under this vote to run one year from the date thereof, and before being issued, to be approved by a majority of the Selectmen and certified by them to come within the limit of the sum hereby voted. Voted, that the Committee on the Town History be authorized and directed to purchase the Manuscript History of Mendon, of Dr. John G. Metcalf, entitled by him, " Annals of Mendon," and cause four hundred copies, at least, of the same, to be published for the town on the best possible terms and as soon as practicable. Voted that the Committee on the Town History be authorized and directed to advertise and sell the edition of the Town History, when published, in such manner as, in their judgment, is most for the interest of the town. Voted, that the Treasurer be authorized to dispose of the Surplus Revenue Investments, in possession of the Town, and apply the proceeds to the redemption of outstanding Bonds of the town which mature during the current year. 1880.] ANNALS OF MENDON. 723 GRADUATES FROM COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Grindal Rawson, (Hai Moses Taft, Joseph Dorr, Ezra Thayer, Alexander Scammell, Amarilah Frost, William Jennison, Samuel Jennison, John Eugene Tyler, Daniel Peters, Samuel Dexter, Warren Rawson, Seth Chapin, Peter Wheelock, Samuel S. Adams, Preserved Smith, Samuel Allen, wvard)...............1728 "...........1..................1751 ".......................................... 1752........................................1754......................................... 1769.......................................1770......................................1774 "....................................... 1774...................................... 1786........................................793........................................1801 "..................................... 1802......................................... 1808.......................................1811.......................................1812..................................... 181 2........................................1814 George Taft, (Brown University).............................. 1815 William Soden Hastings, (Harvard)................................1817 John Locke Doggett, (Brown University).........................1821 George R. Russell, " "(..........................1821 Charles C. F. Hastings, ".......................... 1825 Moses D. Southwick, '.......................... 1828 Theophilus P. Doggett, ".......................... 1829 Nathan George, "..........................1830 Edward Freeman, "..........................1833 Eli Thayer, " "...........................1845 George Capron, " "...........................1847 Enos N Taft, (Yale)............................................1850 Samuel P. Bates, (Brown University)..............................1851 Hamilton B. Staples, "..........................1851 Julius A. George, (Lawrence Scientific School)..................1860 Carlton A. Staples, (Meadeville Theo. School)..................... 1853 Nahor A. Staples, " " ".....................1854 Page 16. 4 20. " 21. ERRATA. Candlewood for Condlewood. On first line, 1667 for 1777. For occumliet read occumbit. FINIS. 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