..I eee V *4na ee* — e * e * e* l *e *es~ ~~~~~ ~~~ fl4~~~~~~ — F ~~~~ ~ 3T~1~C P~~NTh : 1....:..:..: A HISTORY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA UL, AND OF THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY, MINNESOTA. - By J. FLETCHER WILLIAMS, SECRETARY OF THE MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY; COR. SEC. OF THE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA; SEC. OF THE RAMSEY COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION, &C., &C. [COLLECTIONS OF THE MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: VOL. IV.] SAINT PAULI: PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. 1876. Entered according to A&t of Congress, in the year I875, by the "MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY," In the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. PIONEER-PRESS CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. i PREFACE. This work was prepared at the request and advice of a number of friends, who believed that the writer had theimaterial at hand and the opportunity to prepare it, better than any one else who was likely to undertake it. There seemed, too, a necessity for such a work. The old pioneers of our city and State were, one by one, passing away, and the events of our early history, if not soon gathered and placed on permanent record, would be lost. The names even, of those who first planted their cabins on the site of our city, were fast becoming lost and forgotten; and their worthy acts, their labors, their adventures, the privations and struggles of frontier life, and other events in the earliest days of our city, were rapidly fading from the memory of the little group of pioneers who survived. Even what manner of men they were, whence they came, their personal history, particulars which will interest those who come after us more, perhaps, than they do the present generation, were matters known to so few, and scattered in fragments among widely distant households, it was almost a sealed book to some of the pioneers themselves. It needed, therefore, some one who was, by occupation and taste, interested in such a work to perform it-since it was certain to be both laborious and unremunerative-some one who would hunt up from the various sources the lost and forgotten threads which, little by little might be woven into the record of the founding and early days of our goodly city. It was this work that, in a rash moment, I was induced to undertake, little foreseeing into what a labyrinth of troubles I was about to plunge. (At first, however, I should say, only a pamphlet was projected.) It is now fully ten years since I began collecting material and data for these chronicles-and it was fortunate that I began the work then. I secured, in writing, the minute statements of some of the earliest pioneers of our city, who have since gone to their reward, and which, if not recorded by me then, would probably have been lost. Among — I.7097 Preface. these were GUERIN, PIERRE GERVAIS, BEAUMETTE, SIMPSON, HARTSHORN, ROBERT, FORBES, HOYT, J. R. BROWN, and others, all of whom were among the earliest residents here, and took a prominent part in the pre-territorial period of our history. Coming to Saint Paul at quite an early day myself, it was my good fortune to be well acquainted with nearly all the early settlers-scdfes of them since deceased-and; being in an occupation which enabled me to do so, was accustomed to secure from them and write up for publication, little sketches, historical and biographical, about the early days and early men of Saint Paul. Thus I collected and preserved from loss, a considerable amount of materials for history, and became generally familiar with the subject. I have since visited and secured the minute statement of every living pioneer of our city, Q:esides the deceased ones mentioned,) whose address I could ascertain, if within any accessible distance-and also the families of many who died before I began the work-securing also the statements, in writing, of those I was not able to visit. To do this has required not a little travel-sometimes journeys of considerable length and expense. But I am repaid by the satisfaction of knowing that I left no known source unexplored, that would throw light on my subject, or develop material. A large number of letters were written also, and circulars sent out, asking information, and I conversed widely with our old settlers, from time to time, on various points. These facts are not mentioned in a boastful way, but simply to enable the reader to judge whether the author has performed the task undertaken with the thoroughness and fidelity which was requisite-or, rather, has endeavored to do so. That the work is correct in every particular, he does not claim. Among so many hundred names, dates and statements of facts, it would be a miracle if errors are not found. Of the imperfections of the work no one is more sensible than the writer-yet, in view of the many difficulties which surrounded him, he is entitled to the leniency of critics. The task of one who writes a local history during the lifetime of the actors, is an unenviable one. He must depend for many fa6ts upon the memory of those a6tors or their friends, no two of them, perhaps, agreeing on the same statement, or in the exa6t amount of prominence due to each. Where these oral statements are the only sources of information, any one can realize the troubles that environ a writer who endeavors, with impartiality and candor, to build a faultless structure on such shifting quicksands! To the earliest years of our history, the pre-territorial period, and up to the organization of the city, the most space and minuteness was given. But the events of those years were so imperfectly recorded, if recorded at all, as to be inaccessible to the great mass of our present citizens, and almost forgotten by the old pioneers themselves. The living witnesses were fast disappearing, and what they knew and could 4 Preface. remember of that period must be first cared for. After i854, there were several daily papers, directories, and other means of recording history and its actors, which did not exist before. It was the earliest pioneers and oldest settlers who most needed the biographer and historian. Those of a later day are amply cared for in other ways. Hence, when the work was about half printed, finding that it threatened to largely overrun its intended size and cost, the later years were of necessity condensed to a simple record of important facts. Some 200 pages of manuscript, prepared with considerable labor and cost, were thus cut out-among other things. the entire census roll of the men of I857. It was my intention to have given many more portraits and biographies of pioneers of our city, and of men who have been prominent in public or professional life, &c.-one hundred, at least, were hoped for, but there were difficulties that prevented it. The publication, not long ago, of a "Historical Atlas," almost destroyed the desirableness of this feature, and quite recently the city has been flooded with the circulars of publishers from abroad, proposing to issue more works of that kind. In the face of such schemes, any legitimate work, purely in the interest of history, and not for profit, has but little chance of success, and I was compelled to forego much of what I had hoped to secure. Some, doubtless, supposed this work was also designed as a speculation. This does me injustice. It was projected and completed solely from a taste for historical research, a feeling of pride in the subject, and an endeavor to honor the memory of our pioneers and pioneer days, and without the slightest desire of profit. As an evidence of this, it will be observed that the copyright, even, has been given to one of our deserving institutions, so that not a penny of the receipts can enure to the writer. But if the labor and outlay incurred by him has in any satisfactory degree accomplished what was intended-if this work shall prove of any value or interest to those for whose pleasure and information it was written-then he will feel amply repaid for both. Were I to mention those who have kindly aided me in my researches, and furnished information and other aid, it would embrace almost the entire roll of our old settlers. To one and all, I return my grateful thanks, regretting only that I have so imperfectly performed the task they confided to me. J. F. W. SAINT PAUL, January 6, I876. 5 Contents. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGES. I. The Pre-Historic period...............................9- I7 2. The Discovery of the Northwest....................... I8- 25 3. Jonathan Carver and his Explorations................. 26- 37 4. The First Settlement of Minnesota....................38-56 5. The Treaties of 1837..................................57-63 6. The First Settlement of Saint Paul....................64-76 7. Events of the year I839...............................77-98 8. Events of the years I840 and 1841...................... 99-116 9. Events of the year I842............................... 117-125 Io. Events of the year I843............................... I26-I39 II. Events of the year I844............................... I40-I48 I2. Events of the year I845................................149-I52 I3. Events of the year I846............................... I53-163 I4. Events of the year I847............................... I64-I76 15. Events of the year I848............................... I77-202 I6. Events of the year I849............................... 203-222 i7. Events of the year I849, continued.................... 223-246 i8. Events of the year I850............................... 247-264 i9. Events of the year 185o, continued.................... 265-283 20. Events of the year I85i............................... 284-308 21. Events of the year I85I, continued.................... 309-320 22. Events of the year 1852............................... 321-332 23. Events of the year I853............................. 333-347 24. Events of the year I854............................. 348-35. 25. Events of the year I855............................... 356-36I 26. Events of the year I856............................... 362-368 27. Events of the year I857................................ 369-378 28. Events of the year I857, continued................... 379-383 29. Events of the year I858............................. 384-387 30. Events of the year 1859............................... 388-39I 3I. Events of the year I86O............................... 392-397 32. Events of the year i86I to i865........................ 398-4I9 33. Events of the year I865 to 1870........................ 420-439 34. Events of the year I871 to I875....................... 440-454 35. A Quarter Century's Retrospect....................... 455-458 Appendix................................................. 459-46i 6 ILLUSTRATIONS. PORTRAITS. Hon. Alex. Ramsey (on steel)....................opposite title page. Capt. Jonathan Carver......................................page 27 Joseph R. Brown............................"....opp." 40 Norman W. Kittson....................................... 48 Gen. Henry H. Sibley (on steel)........................opp." 50 Vetal Guerin............................................... 97 Rev. Lucian Galtier....................................opp " I2 Very Rev. A. Ravoux....................................-... " II3 John R. Irvine............................................. " 127 Capt. Louis Robert....................................... " I4I Capt. Russell Blakeley..................................... " I75 Nathan Myrick.............................................' I95 Rev. E. D. Neill............................................ " 213 Hon. A. Goodrich............................... 220 Gen. R. W. Johnson........................................ " 226 Ex-Gov. W. R. Marshall:................................... " 239 Dr. David Day............................................. " 243 Hon. Geo. L. Becker......................................." 25I "Old Bets"................................................... 253 Hon. Edmund Rice......................................... " 255 Hole-in-the-Day............................................ " 261 Little C r ow...................................... " 276 Bartlett Presley............................................. 294 J. C. B u r b a n k.............................................. " 299 Bishop Joseph Cretin...................................... " 3I Col. Alex. Wilkin.......................................... ".. 315 Judge R. R. Nelson........................................ 345 Col. E. S. Goodrich........................................ 35I Dr. J. H. Stewart........................................... " 36I Rev. John Mattocks........................................ " 367 John W. McClung.......................................... " 373 Illustrations. D. W. Ingersoll...........................................page 395 Capt. Wm. H. Acker....................................... " 397 Gen. John B. Sanborn (on steel)........................opp. 398 Hon. E. F. Drake........................................... " 405 L. E. Reed................................................ " 4I Hon. James Smith, Jr....................................... " 422 E,dward Zimmerman........................................ " 425 Hon. Geo. L. Otis............................................ 429 Ex-Gov. C. K. Davis....................................... " 43I Hon. C. D. Gilfillan........................................ " 436 V I E W S. Chapel of Saint Paul......................................page I12 Court House.............................................." 280 Old Jail................................................... 28I Corner of Third and Robert streets (i85I)................ 292 Old Capitol............................................... " 339 International Hotel........................................ " 365 McQuillan Block.........................................." 436 Custom House............................................ " 446 First Baptist Church....................................... 45 ERRATA. Page 282, 9th line, for Tremont," read' Fremont." Page 390, for " Henry J. Howe," read "Henry J. Horn." S IPTO~Y OF AI T pAUL, AND RAMSEY COUNTY. CHAPTER I. THE PRE-HISTORIC PERIOD. IN WVHICH IS MORE ROMNIANCE THAN HISTORY-THE CREATION OF TIlE NVORLD GEOLOGICAL CHANGES-HOWV SAINT PAUL LOOKED A MILLION YEARS AGO —TIjE MOUND BUILDERS AND TIHEIR WVORKS-ORIGINAL AND ABORIGINAL IDEAS-IM IN-I-JA SKA-THE RED MAN-THE SCENERY OF TIlE INDIAN PERIOD-PArST AND PRESENT. HE changes which the settlement of the Northwest by the whites have wrought in this region, are truly wonderflul, even in a country that has shown so many instances of remarkal)le progress as America. iMlany a reader of these pages, yet onl the sunny side of forty, can remember when the great valley of the Upper Mlississippi was known only to a few adventurous traders and explorers. On the school-boy's map over which he pored in his far eastern home, not over thirty years t,go, it was put down as an " iunkno\wn region, inhabited by I(dian,is and butiiloes!"* Fort Snellinug and thle Falls of Saint Antihony may have possibly been indicated, or the outlines of Carv-er's Claim," but beyond this all was vague and uncertain. Indeed, as late as I849, when the Territory of Minnesota was or,gantize(l, and the bill creating it located its capital ait' Saint Paul," *The "National Geography," published in 1845, and widely used in schlools It thtt period, in describing this section of the country, says: "A large portioll of this regiolln is uitkno7'}n, and occupied by Chippewas, Menominees and other.Indialls. Wild rice, growing in the marshes, furnishes a considerable portion of thleir food. Thle soil is fine, and there are rich mines of iron, lead tand col)per." 2 i o The I'slory of Ithe City of Saint Pa'il, people examined their maps for it in vain. It was vaguely supposed to be' somewhere near Saini Anthony's Falls," and that was all the light that geographers or newspaper writers of that day were able to throw upon its location. The record of these wolnderfull changes-which have translormed this wilderness of yesterday, comparatively, into a garden of fruitful fields and busy cities, with railroads and fictories, and churches and colleges-whlichl have built up a prosperouts empire, populous with civilized and educate(l people, where were only the few wandering bands of a pagan and savage race before-seems more like a tale of enchantment than a sober history. The scenes shift so rapidly, the phantasmagoria almost bewilder us. Literally WVith smoking axles hot with speed, with steeds of fire and steam, WVide-waked To-day leaves Yesterday behind it like a dream; So from the hurrying trains of life, fly backward far and fast, The mile-stones of our fathers, the landmarks of the past. And in the tales our fathers told, the songs our mothers suting, Tradition, snowy-bearded, leans, on Romance, ever young. PAST AND PRESENT. NQr is this remarkable, for it is within the memory of men still young, when most of the site of Saint Pautl was a t,angled jungle-a morass-a wilderness of trees and bushes, and rocks, and long swamp grass and reeds-a spot almost inaccessible except for muskrats and aquatic fowl. As late as I855, or possibly a more recent date, wild ducks were shot by the Indians on marshes where now stand some of our most durable blocks of warehouses. Where the mutskrat built his queer'" house," or the fox burrowed in the rocks, and wild fowl bred iundisturbed in the tangled reeds of the slough, or the dense jutngle, are now the homes of 40,000 people, many of them built in the highest style of elegance, and furnished with every appliance of comfort that human ingenuity and taste can devise, or wealth procure. Where the' medicine man" performed his barbarous incantations, now is reared the walls of colleges and schools in which a science more profotiund is tatught, and( the best learning of. the age. An(l where the rude worship of the f'akan was performned, with its mystic rites and ceremonies, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. now rise stately temples dedicated to the true GOD, in which the mild religion of the Prince of Peace is taught to the people who have supplanted the pagans of that day. In a word, upon the spot so recently wrested from the savage that the smoke of his lodge-fire almost yet lingers in the vale, has arisen, like the palace of ALADDIN, the work of enchantment, a great, opulent, prosperous, populous city, with its wharves, shlipping, railroads, factories, granaries and business warehouses, schools and churches, and all the institutions of the highest civilization of the age. It is our task to chronicle these wonderful changes. In writing our history, perhaps we may as well begin at THE CREATION OF THE WVORLD! But here ensues a difficulty at the very outset, for while a historian should always be very particular and accurate as to dates, there is considerable disagreement among writers as to the date of that event. MIOSES' chronology would place it at about 6oo000 years ago, while recent French savans are confident of the great antiquity of the globe, and assert its age anywhere firom half a million to several million years. It is evident, then, that Saint Paul is a place of great antiquity! Originally, say those savans, the globe was a mass of molten granite. The cooling process was beyond doubt a slow one, and the crust just under our feet dlid not become hard enough and cool enough to rest any superstructure on, for perhaps many thousands of years. Perchance ages passed while it was a rough, ragged, repulsive mass of granite-the skeleton of the fulture earth. Abrasion and erosion groundl thie surfaces of the mass into powder. Oceans swept over it. Chemical changes operated on it. Next our sand rock, or the saccharoid sandstone was laid up. This singular formation underlies the whole limestone of the Upper Mississippi valley, from Saint Peter to Rock Island. Then came the Magnesian Limestone, of which our bluffs are composed.* Here fossil life begins. * In the valuable work of OWEN, [" Geological Survey of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota,"] is given an examination of the formation at and near Saint Paul. lie says: "At Fort Snelling the sandstone is one hutndred and foirteen feet thick; it is here of f I 12 Thle History of the City of Saint Paul, The Reptilian age came on. The Icthyosaurus, the Pterodactyl, the Iguanodon and Plesiosaurus, and other huge monsters wallowed and splashed in the muddy water, which in time hardened into splendid building stone, worth $I.25 per cord. Then came on the "' Glacial Period." The edges of the limestone strata along Dayton's Bluff and West Saint Paul, are ground smooth and polished by the sliding of the icebergs, on their way down firom the north. The Mississippi of that (lay could not have been the stream of the present time. Then it must haye flowed from bluff to bluff; Baptist Hill, a huge pile of rocks and boulders, and gravel and sand, was evidently deposited, like a great sand-bar, by a whirl or eddy of the wild waters and icebergs. Perhaps the stream wore its way through the limestone rock for many miles, since the Falls of Saint a pure white color, composed of loosely cemented grains of quartz. Above this have 22 feet of fossiliferous limestone, with numerous organic remains, similar to those at the Falls of Saint Anthony. The fossils of the upper beds are mostly casts, but the moulds often show the structure of the original surface. Many of the fossils have a coating of suiphuret of iron, which gives a bright metallic appearance. Feet. 1. White sandstone, without fossils, in thick beds...................................92 2. Soft argillaceous marlite of a blue color, in which no fossils were discovered.. 5 3. Ash-colored limestone, clouded with blue, full of fossils. These layers effer vesce freely with acids, and contain nearly 65 per cent. of carbonate of lime. They will probably afford the best rock for burning into lime of any of the beds in the neighborhood. Thickness............................ 5....Is [The composition of this rock is as follows: Carbonate of lime.................................... 64.85 Carbonate of magnesia................................. I3.75 Insoluble matter..................................... 12.40 Alumina, oxide of iron and manganese.............................7.50 WVater............................................. 1.25 Loss.............................................. Q.25 IO.0] 4. Ash-colored, argillaceous, hydraulic limestone, in thin layers, sometimes with a conchoidal fracture. It effervesces slightly with acids, and disintegrates rapidly when exposed to the weather.............................. 5 5. Grayish, buff-colored, highly magnesian limestone, with numerous casts of fossils, &c. "About half a mile above Saint Paul, near the entrance of a small cave, the sandstone has an elevation of only 14 feet above the river level, and on it rests II feet of shell limestone. "At Saint Paul, the strata again rise. Here the cliffs are from 70 to So feet high, of which the lower 65 feet consists of white sandstone, the remainder being shell limestone. About one mile belowv this point the hills recede from the river." and of the County of Ramnsey, Mlinnesota. Anthony have receded several hundred yards even since the white man settled here. But the Glacial Period passed. Its duration cannot be estimated. Vegetation appeared. The earth rejoiced in scenes of beauty. Mammals came. Manrude and uncouth, the cotemporary of the mammoth and cave ,bear-' appears on the scene. The Age of Flint, then of Bronze, the Era of the MNound Builder, and the Red Man succeededeach an inctefinite period-terminated by the advent of the white explorer. From this on, the milestones of history are plainly visible. THE MOUND BUILDERS. The first human inhabitants (unless DARWIN'S theory be true) who occupied this spot, were of that mysterious race known as the i Mound Builders." WVho and what they were, whence they came, their history and ultimate fate, are wrapped in an impenetrable mystery, that will perhaps always baffle the most industrious scrutiny of antiquarians. Many plausible theories concerning them have been advocated by writers. It is generally agreed that they were a simple and somewhat ingenious race, who subsisted partly by cultivating the earth and partly by the chase, and were more civilized than the Red Race who subsequently occupied this region. By what means they disappeared-whether by war, or famine, or disease, or partly by all those causes-will never be known, but it is beyond doubt that they disappeared centuries ago. The only memorials of their existence that have survived are the mounds that lie scattered about, generally (and erroneously) called Indianz Mounds, though the Indians deny that theii race erected them, asserting, " our fatthers found them here Gwhen they first possessed the land." A number of these mounds have been found on the site of Saint Paul, mostly on Dayton's Blufi. Several of them are very large, showing that the Mound Builders must have lived for some time on this spot, and in considerable numbers. The mounds in this city are evidently of greait age. Several of them have been excavated at times by antiquarians, and human remains, beads, pottery, and other relics of the pre-historic races discovered. Occasionally the I3 14 /Tze History of thie City of Saint Paul, stone axes, chisels, arrow-heads, and other implements of the aboriginal dwellers here are found in the soil of oir city. They are curious remains of this race.* The object of these mounds has never been satisfactorily explained. Some regard them as memorials, others as sepulchral, and some as religious or sacrificial altars. Whatever they are, they possess absorbing interest, and carry back the imagination to the period of the lost race who built them, and to the time when they dwelt on the very spot occupied by our own hearth-stones. As a recent writer has aptly said: "Lonely, storm-beaten and freshet-torn, they stand nameless and without a history in this generation-silent, yet convincing illutstrations of the ephemeral character of the nomadic races which for centuries peopled this entire region, and, departing, left behind them neither letters nor monuments of art-nothing, save these rude earthmounds, and occasional relics, to give assurance of their former existence. "In the twilight of what by-gone and unrecorded century were these tumuli built? Whence came, and who the peoples that lifted them from out the bosom of our common mother? Served they as friendly refuge in seasons of freshet and of storm? Were sacred fires ever kindled upon your summits? Within your hidden depths do the brave and honored of your generation sleep that sleep which knows no waking until the final trump shall summon alike the civilized and the savage to the last award? Or are ye simple watch-towers, deserted of your sentinels-forts, abandoned of your defenders? We question, but there are no voices of the past in the ambient air. We search among these tombs, but they bear no epitaphs. We gaze upon these monuments, but they are inscriptionless." WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT'S beautiful poemn1, " The Prairie," refers thus to the Mound Builders: "Are they hereThe dead of other days? And did the dust Of these fair solitudes once stir with life, And burn with passion? Let the mighty mounds That overlook the rivers, or that rise In the dim forest, crowned with tall oaks, Answer. * One of the handsomest stone axes ever found in the Northwest wts picked up by EUG3ENIO A. JOHNSON, C. E., in the ravine near the City Hospital, and presented by hini to the Historical Society. and of lhe County of Ramsey, Minnesota. "A race that long has passed away Built them! A disciplined and populous race, Heaped, with long toil, the earth, while yet the Greek WVas hewing the Pentelicus to forms Of symmetry, and rearing on its rock, The glittering Parthenon. These ample fields Nourished their harvests. Here their herds were fed, When haply by their styles the bison lowed, And bow'd his maned shoulder to the yoke. All day this desert murmured with their toils, Till twilight blushed, and lovers walked and woo'd In a forgotten language, and old tunes From instruments of unremembered form, Gave the soft winds a voice. "The red man cameThe roaming hunter tribes, warlike and fierce, And the Mound Builders vanished from the earth. The solitude of centuries untold Has settled where they dwelt. * * * All is goneAll, save the piles of earth that hold their bonesThe platforms where they worshipped unknown godsThe barriers which they builded from the soil, To keep the foe at bay. * * * Thus change the forms of being. Thus arise Races of living things, glorious in strength, And perish." THE ABORIGINAL PERIOD. Following the era of the Mound Builders, came the "Aboriginal Period,"-erroneoutisly so called-or the period when the Red Race, or Indians, were in possession of this region, and probably all tie continent of America, when it was discovered by the Northmen in the eleventh century. The nation which occupied this spot, and the region immediately about it, from the earliest period concerning which any traditions of the Red Mani exist, was the Dakota or Sioux, one of the most populous of the Indian Nations of North America. There were numerOtis villages of that Nation in this vicinity at a very early day, and it appears to have been a favorite locality for them, on account of natural ad-vantages, and the abundance of game. As late as the time of CARVER'S visit this was the case. The towering clifls, or " blufls," of white sandstone which overlhung I5 i6 T.ze History of the City of Saint Paul, the river, formed a prominent landmark for the Indians as they paddled up or down in their canoes, and it was known to them from time immemorial'as Im-in-i-ja Ska, i. e., WJite Rock, and to this day is so called in their tongue. The scenery, before the hand of the white man marred its wild, quiet beauty, must have been picturesque in the extreme. Then the bluffs were crowned with majestic trees, and the bottom lands above and below and opposite the city, were a dense jungle, where the primeval forests* grew ill unchecked luxuriance. Here the deer, the bear and the buffalo roamed freely, disturbed occasionally by the wily In(lian, whose skin teepee was frequently pitched in the bottom-land along the margin of the river. Standing on the edge of the high plateau, or second table, say where the bridge now starts, the eye would then have wandered over a sea of foliage on the bench below, through which rolled the calm and placid river, unvexed by anything except the "squaw's birch canoe." Civilization had not then come with its burning force, changing and marring the natural face of creation, but instituting new forms of beauty -planting in the solitude a busy, populous city, with its din and. noise, and smoke and clang of factory and mill, and the scream of engine and steamer. Here lived and loved another race of beings." On the upper plateau of our city they hunted the (leer and bear and bison; speared the muskrat in its marshes, and shot the beaver in its streams. The quiet river bore their canoes. Under the old century-mossed trees in the glen their group of skin teepees stood. Their songs of festivity echoed in the vale; anon it rang with the demon yells of their scalp-dance, or the shrieks of a victim tortured to death. The Indian lover wooed his dusky sweetheart with a flute serenade, or whispered sweet tales of love by moonlight. Anon they joined in death-combat with the wily Chippewa, and the soil beneath our feet may have once been reddened with the life-blood shed in those fiere battles. * In 1854, Mr. R. O. SWEENY counted the rings on a large tree that had )een cut down near the upper levee, and found over six hundred annual rizgs, indicating an age of over six centuries. Primeval indeed. and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. But it is not necessary here to speak at length of the Red Race wsho once occupied this spot. Their history, customs and character are too well known and too thoroughly recorded to need incorporation into this work. They seem doomed to disappear before the settlement of the white man, and, however lightly they may be regarded by those who have mingled with them on the frontier, there is something sad in the way they have been dispossessed of their ancestral heritage by the pale-faced intruder. Truthflly are they represented as lamenting "They waste us-aye, like April dew, In the warm noon we shrink away, And fast they follow as we go, Towards the setting day, Till they shall fill the land, and we Are driven into the western sea!" At the period of which we write they were at least untainted by the v-ices the white man introduced among them, and whatever natural nobility of character may be claimed for them by their eulogists, must have then been displayed. The white people, since St. Paul was settled, do not seem to have admired them greatly, though many who read this book may entertain for them the romantic regard of LONGFELLOW and COOPER. I 7 I8 Tzec History of thec City of Saint IPail, CHAPTER II. THE DISCOVERY OF THIE NORTHWEST. THE JESUIT MISSIONARIES AND THEIR EXPLORATIONS-MARQUETTE AND JOLIET VISIT THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI-LA SALLE AND IHIS ACTS-FATHER IHENNEPIN SENT TO THIE SIOUX REGION-HIS ADVENTURES AMONG THAT NATION-HE DISCOVERS AND NAMES SAINT _ANTIIONY'S FALLS-SUBSEOUENT DISCOVERIES AND EXPLORATIONS-CESSION OF TtlIS REGION TO GREAT BRITAIN. HE Northwest was early claimed by thle French through the right of discovery, and its first explorers were of that nation. Religious zealots have ever led the vanguard of discovery, and, in accordance with this rule, we find that many vears before even the traders had dared to traverse the wilds of the Northwvest, a class of men of that remarkable Order founded by IGNATIUS LOYOLA-the Jesuits-had explored much of the country around the Lakes and the headwaters of the Mississippi, sent hither to plant the banner of the Cross among the aborigines, and win them to its mild religion. Its missionaries, inspired with a sublime heroism in the cause of CH-RIST, visited these wilds, endured incredible toils and privations, and, with a fortitude that never falteredl, even in the face of peril and deathl, carried the precious words of the Gospel to the savages of the wilderness. History records no devotion more sublime. Many of them now wear the imartyr's crown, but their sufferings and toils were not in vain. To no sect or order could such a work have been more properly confid(led. Savs MACAULAY: Before the Order had existed a hundred years, it had filled the whole world with memorials of great things done and suffered. There was no region of the globe ill which Jesuits were not to be foundl(l. They wandered to countries which neither mercantile avidity nor liberal curiosity had ever impelled any stranger to explore. Yet, whatever might be their residence whatever might be their employment, their spirit was the same-entire devotion to the common cause, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. implicit obedience to the central authority. None of them had chosen his dwelling place or his avocation for himself. Whether the Jesuit should live under the Arctic circle or under the Equator-pass his life collating MSS. at the Vatican, or ill persuading naked barbarians in the southern hemisphere not to eat each other-were matters which he left, with profound submission, to the decision of others. If he was wanted at Lima, he was on the Atlantic in the next fleet. If he was wanted at Bagdad, he was toiling through the desert with the next caravan. If his ministry was needed in some country where his life was more insecure than that of a wolf, he went without remonstrance or hesitation to his doom." Bishop Kii pays them this just tribute: Amid the snows of Hudson's Bay-among the woody islands and beautiful inlets of the Saint La-wrence-by the council fires of the -uirons and of the A/gonqzins-at the sources of the Mississippi, where, first of all the white men, their eyes looked down upon the Falls of Saint Anthony, and then traced down the course of the bounding river as it rushed onward to earn its title of' Father of Waters'-on the vast prairies of Illinois and Missouri-among the blue hills which hem in the salubrious dwellings of the Cher-okees, and in the thick cane-brakes of Louisiana-everywhere were found the members of the' Society of Jesus.'" The reports and letters of these devoted Heralds of the Cross to their superiors, (_esuit Relations, and Lettres Ediflantes et Cutrienses,) contain the earliest reliable historical and descriptive data relating to the Northwest, and are rare andi valuable. From them we glean the meagre details of the earlier explorations in the Northwest, and the PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY TOWARDS THIS REGION. GABRIEL SAGARD, in I624, visited the tribes on Lake HIuron, and in I641 Fathers JOGUES and RAYMBAULT reached as fatr as the Sault Ste. Marie. Here they first heard tidings of the Dakotas. PAUL DE JEUNE, a Jesuit Missionary, is perhaps the first writer who mentions them with any distinctness, about the same date. He says they were called by the voyageurs,' The People of the Lakes." The Iroquois war ensued, ig 20 The Historyj, of the City of Saint Paul, however, and further exploration was arrested for several years. At length, in I658, two daring traders penetrated to Lake Superior, wintered there, and brought back accounts of a ferocious tribe who dwelt on "a great river" to the west. These accounts incited the Jesuit Fathers at Qiebec to dispatch a missionary to the tribe mentioned. Father RENE MESNARD, (or MENARD,) an aged priest, was selected, and set out in the aultumn of I66o, penetrating that fall as far as Chegoimegon Bay on Lake Superior. The next spring he crossed the country from Lake Superior to Black River Falls, W'isconsin. Here, or near here, it is supposed, he was lost in the forest. His cassock and breviary, long afterwards preserved among the Dakotas as medicine charms, afforded the only clue to his fate. In I665, Father CLAUDE ALLOUEZ, the successor to MESNARD, reached La Pointe, and, erecting a chapel, established a permanent mission among the Ojihwas. SECOND DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. DE SOTO had discovered the Mississippi in I54I, but the discovery was never used, and was well nigh forgotten. Over a century had passed, when it was again to be discovered from the north. JEAN NICOLLET, an interpreter and Catholic, in i639, advanced on a mission to one of the strange tribes of the wvest [Winnebagoes] so far that he discovered the Wisconsin River, and, floating down it, heard from the Indianls of a great water," only three days' journey beyond, which he inferred was the sea. While Father ALLOUEZ was preaching to the Ojibwas, on Lake Superior, he heard these accounts of a powerful nation, called by that tribe the ZVauzdowessioiux, meaning, in the Ojibwa tongue, " enemies," and of a mighty stream called the JfIesc Seepi, signifying, " Great River." Returning to Qiebec soon after, he spread the reports of this great river, and iNI. TALON, Intendant of New France, became interested in the subject. He resolved to endeavor to discover this great stream, so as to reap the honors of such a feat, but owing to the trouble and delays incident to carrying an expedition into the fatr wilderness, it was not until 1673 that anything practical wals eflected. Louis JOLIET, of Qulebec, once a priest, but at that time a and of the County of Ramsey, flinnesota. fur-trader, agreed to undertake a voyage to the unknown river. WVith him was associated Father JACQUES MARQUETTE, aJesuit priest. then a missionary among-the Hurons, admirably fitted, from his influence among the Indians, to aid the enterprise, and who has been thought by some to have been the real originator of the expedition. They set out from Michilimackinac, Father MARQOUETTE'S missionary station, onl May I3, i673, accompanied bv five Frenchmen and two Algonquin Indians. They proceeded to Green Bay, thence up the Fox River to the portage, and on June Io launched their canoes on the Ouisconsin. MARqUETTE and JOLIET proceeded thence alone. For seven (lays they floated down this river, and, on the I7th, chanting the Exaudiat and De Profundis in thankfulness to God, they glided out on the broad bosom of the "' Great River." The two explorers continued their journey down the Mississippi, until, about the middle of July, they reached the mouth of the Arkansas. Here they began to retrace their voyage, and, returning by the Illinois River, soon floated into Lake Michigan through one of the branches. JOLIET returned to Qiebec to become famous for his discovery. MARQUETTE pursued his missionary labors along the western lakes for two vears longer, and, on the I6th of June, I675, died at the age of thirty-eight. LA SALLE' S EXPEDITION. No effort to follow up the discovery of MARQOUETTE and JOLIET seems to have been made for fully five years. ROBERT CAVALIER, SIEUR DE LA SALLE, a descendant of a noble Norman family-once a Jesuit, but then a fur-trader of Montrealresolved, if possible, to prosecute still further the discovery of the Mississippi, and laid his views before Count DE FRONTENAC, then Governor of New France. Imbibing somewhat of the enthusiasm of LA SALLE, but unable to fit out such an expedition, FRONTENAC sent him to France, with credentials that would ensure him aid at Court. COLBERT, the Prime Minister of LOUIS XV, kindly listened to LA SALILE'S scheme, and procured for him authority to prosecute his plan, as well as other honors. LA SALLE also enlisted Chevalier DE TONTI, and 21 22 The History of the City of Saint Paul, about thirty colonists, to accompany him. The expedition arrived at Quebec September 15, i678. A vessel was built, and LA SALLE started on his voyage, but was compelled to put into winter quarters near Niagara Falls. In the spring of I679 he built and launched another vessel above the Falls. It was called the Griffin. The expedition again set sail on August 7, and arrived at Green Bay on October 8. The Griffin was loaded with furs and sent homeward, with instructions to return at once. But she never returned, a storm on Lake Erie having sent her and her cargo to the bottom. Meantime, having left a part of his force in a small fort near the mouth of St. Joseph's River, he proceeded with the rest to the Illinois River, where he built a fort, which, in view of the discouraging circumstances surrounding him, he named Creve-Ccuur, [Broken Heart.] While here he resolved to make another effort to explore the Mississippi, and on February 28, i6So, dispatched FATHER LIOUIS HENNEPIN, with two companions, on a voyage of discovery. Perhaps no one could have been selected better fitted for such a mission. He had all the ambition and daring of a knight-errant. lie was born in Flanders about the year 1640. He entered holy orders while young, but was always afflicted with a burningi passion for travel and adventure. He relates that he used to hide himself behind the doors of taverns, to listen to the sailors narrate their adventures, and longed to visit strange lands. This at last led him to get leave of his superiors to go to Canada. He came over on the same ship which bore back LA SALLE in I675, and then, most probably became acquainte(l with LA SALLE and his plans. PARKMAN describes his dress: " W~ith sandaled feet, a coarse gray capote, and peaked hoodl, the cord of SAINT FRANCIS about his waist, and a rosary iand(I crucifix hanging at his side." Such was the first white man who was to look upon the Falls of Saint Anthony. HENNEPIN' S ADVENTURES. HENNEPIN set off; as stated before, on February 28. His canoe was hleavily laden with goods sent by LA SATLLE Ias pres and of the County of Ramisey, JMinnesota. ents to the Indians. For companions and oarsmen he had two Frenchmen, named ACCAU and Du GAY. Floating down the Illinois River to its mouth, which they reached on the I2th of March, they commenced their toilsome journey up the Mississippi. Game was abundant, and they fared well. On the I Ith or I12th of April, HENNEPIN says they stopped in the afternoon to repair their canoe, when a fleet of Sioux canoes suddenly swept into sight, and in a moment they were surrounded by 1 20 naked warriors. HENNEPIN placated them with presents of tobacco, when they explained to him that they were on their way to attack the Mliamis. HENNEPIN caused them to understand that the Miamis had gone across the Mississippi, beyond their reach. At this they showed signs of sorrow, and finally stated that they Would retrace their way up the river, and that HENNEPIN and his companions must accompany them. To this he agreed, as they had thus far expected to be murdered, while it allowed him to continue his explorations. Slowly the Indians and their prisoners paddled their way up the Mississippi, HENNEPIN and his companions still tormented with fears for their safety. THEY ARRIVE AT THE SITE OF SAINT PAUL. On the 3oth day of April, or the I9th day after their captivity, HENNEPIN'S captors arrived at what is most probably the site of the present city of Saint Paul. He describes it as a little bay or inlet, five leagues below the Falls of Saint Anthony, grown with alders or rushes. This description seems to point to the little bay at the mouth of Phelan's Creek, which is about that distance below the Falls, and would be a very convenient point for the Indians to land and set out on their journey overland to Mille Lac. Here, he says, the Indians broke his canoe t6 pieces, and hid their own among the reeds. They then divided amongst them the baggage and effects of the Father, even taking his priestly robes, whose ornaments allured their covetousness. They then set out on foot for their village, which was near Mille Lac, and arrived there about May 5th. Here HENNEPIN was adopted into the family of the Chief, AQUIPAGUETIN, and lived with him in his lodge onl ailn island in the Lake. His account of his life among the Indians is entertaining, but space forbids its narration here. I 23 24 Thze History of the City of Saint Pazul, In September, the Indians set out on their annual hunt, and left ITErNNEPIN and his companions at liberty to go where they pleased. ACCAU preferred to remain with the Indians, and consequently HENNEPIN and Du GAY set off alone down the Mississippi River in a small canoe. HE DISCOVERS THE FALLS OF SAINT ANTHONY. About the first of October, they arrived at the Falls of Saint Anthony, being beyond doubt the first white men to gaze upon that spot. His description of the Falls is very brief, but tolerably accurate. He named them, he says, ill honor of Saint ANTHONY, of Padua. They portaged around the Falls, meeting several Indians who were making sacrifices to the Spirit of the WVaters. Launching their canoe below the Falls, they contintied their journey, and, after a variety of adventures, reached the Jesutit station at Green Bay. HENNEPIN'S SUBSEQUENT CAREER. From thence he proceeded to Montreal, and, soon after, to Europe. "Providence," he writes, " preserved my life that I might make known my great discoveries to the world." lIe published an account of his travels, and afterwards, for some reason, put out a new edition, with a lying account of his exploration of the Mississippi to its mouth ill 1680. This has detracted from the fame he otherwise would have had, and, though twenty editions of his work have been printed, in six different languages, HENNEPIN (lied at last in obscurity. In the Northwest, which he was so instrumental in discovering, something has been done to his memory. A town in Illinois, and a flourishing county of our own State, carry the name of the Franciscan priest to posterity. THE MISSISSIPPI IRIVER. Though HENNEPIN referred to the River as the Jlfeschasipi and Jlfeschasebe, he nevertheless endeavored to bestow utponi it the name of "' Saint Louis," in honor of the King of France. MARQUETTE and JOLIET christened it La Iivier-e de Conception: LA SALLE named it " the Colbert," after the Prime and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. Minister of the King; but none of these names have been retained, and that by which it was first known to the Algonquins two centuries ago, with slight modifications, still adheres to it. But what a mighty change these two centuries have wrought. The route over which HENNEPIN then traveled was an unknown wilderness. Now it is dotted with populous and busy cities. The Anglo-Saxon, " the dominal blood of the world," with religion as its pillar of cloud by day and fire by night, has wrought this great change. As the Star of Empire lightens the WVestern sky, it gleams over fruitful valleys and opulent cities. In its track are borne the banners of the Prince of Peace; along its course flourish the Arts and Sciences, while the country blossoms as the rose. DISCOVERIES SUBSEQUENT TO HENNEPIN. The discoveries made by HENNEPIN undoubtedly attracted considerable attention to this region, and diligent efforts were made to take formal possession of it in the name of France. In I689, NICHOLAS PERROT, a French officer, erecdted a fort on Lake Pepin, and, planting the arms of France on a cross, took formal possession of this region. Other forts were built, and the exploration of the country pushed. LE SUEURi ascended the Minnesota River in the fall of I700, and established a fort, which he named L'Ieu/lier, on the Blue Earth River, near the mouth of the Le Sueur, where there is a deposit of a sort of mineral which he mistook for copper ore. CESSION OF THE COUNTRY BY FRANCE. Before much further explorations were made, the "French War," between Canada and the Colonies, ensued, and prevented further progress of settlement in the Northwest for some years. It was not until the Treaty of Versailles, in 1763, by which all of the territory comprised within the limits of Wisconsin and Minnesota, east of the Mississippi, were ceded to Great Britaiin that the way seemed opened for further discoveries. It needed only an adventurous spirit to take advantage of the fact, and introduce to the notice of the world the vast empire of the Northwest. 3 25 26 Thze History of the City of Saint Paul, CHAPTER III. JONATHAN CARVER AND HIS EXPLORATIONS. SO.NME ACCOUNT OF CARVER-HIS OBJECT IN MAKING TIHE JOURNEY-HIS ACCOUNT OF HIS ADVENTURES-HE DISCOVERS TIHE " GREAT CAVE"-MIIAKES A TREATY WITH THE SIOUX-AND RECEIVES A GRANT OF LAND-SUBSEQUENT FATE OF THE PURPORTED LAND GRANT-THE NORTHWESTERN TERRITORY ORGANIZED. HE man for that work at length arrived. It was brother JONATHAN CARVER, a keen Yankee from Connecticutnot indeed with a stock of wooden nutmegs and cheap clocks, but with his eye open for a good speculation of any kind. History must record him as the progenitor and founder of the noble order of real estate speculators who have flourished here since, and the first man to originate a " land grant." SOME ACCOUNT OF CARVER. JONATHAN CARVER was a grandson of WILLIAM JOSEPH CAIRVER, of Wigan, in Lancashire, England, who was a captain in the army under King WILLIAM, and served in the campaign against Ireland with such distinguished reputation, that the Prince was pleased to reward him with the government of the Colony of Connecticut, in New England. JONATHAN was born in 1732, at the. town of Canterbury, Connecticut. His father, who was a Justice of the Peace, died when he was I5 years of age. It was designed to educate him for a physician, but his spirit of enterprise and adventure could not brook the close study necessary to acquire the profession, and he chose the army instead. He therefore purchasel an ensig.ncy in a Connecticut regiment and soon, by good conduct, rose to the command of a company during fhe'" French War." In the year I757, he was present at the massacre of Fort William Henry, and narrowly escaped with his life. CARVER'S OBJECT IN MAKING TIE JOURNEY. Having served through the war with credit and distincition, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. the peace of Versailles, in I763, left Capt. CARVER without occupation. It was then that CARVER conceived the project of exploring the newly acquired possessions of Great Britain in the Northwest. In the preface to his book he says: CAPTAIN JONATHAN CARVER. "No sooner was the late war with France concluded, and peace established by the Treaty of Versailles, in the year I763, than I began to consider (having rendered my country some service during the war) how I might continue still serviceable, and continue, as much as lay in my power, to matke that vast acquisition of territory, gained by Great Britain, in North America, advantageous to it. It appeared to me indispensably needful, that Government should be acquainted, in the first place, with the true state of the dominions they were now become possessed of. To this purpose I determined, as the.next proof of my zeal, to explore the most unknown parts of them, and to spare no trouble or expense in acquiring a knowledge that promised to be so useful to my countrymen. I knew that many obstructions would arise to my scheme from the want of good maps and charts. * * * These 27 i 4 28 The Hfistory of the City of Saint Paul. difficulties, however, were not sufficient to deter me from the undertaking, and I made preparations for setting out. What I chiefly had in view, after gaining a knowledge of the manners, customs, languages, soil, and producdtions of the different nations that inhabit the back of the Mississippi, was to ascertain the breadth of that vast continent, which extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, in the broadest part between 43 and 46 degrees northern latitude. Had I been able to accomplish this, I intended to have proposed to Government to establish a post in some of those parts about the Straits of Annian, which, having been first discovered by Sir FRANCIS DkAKE, of course belong to the English. This, I am convinced, would greatly facilitate the discovery of a northwest passage, or a communication between Hudson's Bay and the Pacific Ocean, an event so desirable, and which has been so often sought for, but without success. Besides this important end, a settlement on that territory of America would answer many good purposes, and repay every expense the establishment of it might occasion. For it would not onlv disclose new sources of trade, and promote many useful discoveries, but would open a passage for conveying intelligence to China, and English settlements in the East Indies, with greater expedition than a tedious voyage by the Cape of Good Hope, or the Straits of Magellan, will allow of. That the completion of the scheme I have had the honor of first planning and attempting will sometime or other be effected, I make no doubt. Whenever it is, and the execution of it .carried on with propriety, those who are so fortunate as to succeed will reap, exclusive of the national advantages that must ensue, emoluments beyond their most sanguine expectations, and, whilst their spirits are elated by their success, perhaps they may bestow some commendation and blessings on the person that first pointed out to them the way." HE SETS OUT ON HIS TRAVELS. CARVIER set out on his journey from Boston, in June, I766. He proceeded to Mackinac, then the most distant British post, arriving in August. "Having here (he says) made the necessary dispositions for pursuing my travels, and obtained a credit from Mr. ROGERS, the Governor, on some English and Canadian traders who were going to trade on the Mississippi, and received also from him a promise of a fresh supply of goods when I reached the Falls of Saint Anthony, I left the fort on the 3d of September, in company with these traders. It was agreed that they should furnish me with such goods as I might want for presents to the Indian chiefs during my continuance with them, agreeable to the Governor's order." CARVER pursued the usual route to Green Bay, ascended the and of the Counly of Ramsey,'innesola. Fox River, made the portage to the Wisconsin, and, descending that stream, entered the Mississippi on October I5. The traders who were with him left him at Prairie du Chien, opposite to which village, at "\Yellow River," they took up their quarters. CARVER here "bought a canoe, and, with two servants, one a French Canadian, and the other a Mohawk of Canada," started up the Mississippi River. Without giving too much space to CARVER'S voyage, we must now come to his arrival at the present site of Saint Paul, and his description of " THE GREAT CAVE, (under Dayton's Bluff,) which he thus describes in his work: "About thirty miles below the Falls of Saint Anthony, at which I arrived the tenth day after I left Lake Pepin, is a remarkable cave of an amazing depth. The Indians term it Wakan- Teebe, that is,'The Dwelling of the Great Spirit.' The entrance into it is about ten feet wide, the height of it five feet. The arch within is near fifteen feet high, and about thirty feet broad. The bottom of it consists of fine, clear sand. About twenty feet from the entrance begins a lake, the Water of which is transparent, and extends to an unsearchable distance; for the darkness of the cave prevents all attempts to acquire a knowledge of it. I threw a small pebble toward the interior parts of it with my utmost strength; I could hear that it fell into the water, and, notwithstanding it was of so small a size, it caused an astonishing and horrible noise, that reverberated through all those gloomy regions. I found in this cave many Indian hieroglyphics, which appeared very ancient, for time had nearly covered them with moss, so that it was with difficulty I could trace them. They were cut in a rude manner upon the insideSf the walls, which were composed of a stone so extremely soft that it might be easily penetrated with a knife-a stone everywhere to be found near the Mississippi. The cave is only accessible by ascending a narrow, steep passage that lies near the brink of the river. "At a little distance from this dreary cavern, is the burying place of several bands of the Naudowessie Indians; though these people have no fixed residence, living in tents, and abiding but a few months on one spot, yet they always bring the bones of their dead to this place; which they take the opportunity of doing, when the chiefs meet to hold their councils, and to settle all public affairs for the ensuing summer." This was CARVER'S first visit to the now celebrated case. After leaving it, he proceeded on to Saint Anthony's Falls, which he minuttely describes in his volume of travels, accomn 29 30 The History of the City of Saint Paul, panying it by a copperplate engraving from a drawing made by himself on November I7, i766. He afterwards took a short trip up the Mississippi River, as far as the "Saint Francis River," beyond which point, he says, it had never been explored, and thus far only by Father HENNEPIN and himself. HIS JOURNEY UP THE SAINT PETER'S RIVER. On the 25th of November, CARVER returned to his canoe, which he " had left at the mouth of the River Saint Pierre," [Minnesota,] and ascended that stream. About forty miles from its mouth, he says, he " arrived at a small branch that fell into it from the north," which, as it had no name that he could distinguish it by, he called "Carver's River," which name it bears to this day. HE WINTERS AMONG THE NAUDOWESSIES. On the 7th of December he arrived at the most westerly limit of his travels, and, as he could proceed no fuirther that season, spent'the winter, a period of seven months, among a band of Naudowessies encamped near what is now New Ulm. He says he learned their language so as to converse in it intelligibly, (though white men who have learned this language declare that to be impossible,) and was treated by them with great hospitality. In the spring, he returned to the cave. His account of this is as follows: THE RETURN TO THE " GREAT CAVE." "I left the habitations of these hospitable Indians the latter end of April, 1767, but did not part from them for several days, as I was accompanied on my journey by near three hundred of them, among whom were many chiefs, to the mouth of the River Saint Pierre. At this season these bands annually go to the' Great Cave,' before mentioned, to hold a grand council with all the other bands, wherein they settle their operations for the ensuing year. At the same time they carry with them their dead for interment, bound up in buffalo skins." It was on this visit to the cave that CARVER made the alleged Treaty with the Indians, and received from them the celebrated deed of land. His account of it is as follows: "When we arrived at the' Great Cave,' and the Indians had deposited and of the County of Ramsey, Min'nesota. the remains of their deceased friends in the burial-place that stands adjacent to it, they held their great council, into which I was admitted, and at the same time had the honor to be installed and adopted a chief of their bands. On-this occasion I made the following speech which was delivered on the ist day of May, 1767: CARVER'S SPEECH TO THE INDIANS. "My brothers, chiefs of the numerous and powerful Naudowessies! I rejoice that, through my long abode with you, I can now speak to you (though after an imperfect manner) in your own tongue, like one of your own children. I rejoice, also, that I have had an opportunity so frequently to inform you of the glory and power of the great King that reigns over the English and other nations; who is descended from a very ancient race of sovereigns, as old as the earth and the waters; whose feet stand upon two great islands, larger than any you have ever seen, amidst the greatest waters in the world; whose head reaches to the sun, and whose arms encircle the whole earth; the number of whose warriors is equal to the trees in the valleys, the stalks of rice in yonder marshes, and the blades of grass on your great plains; who has hundreds of canoes of his own, of such amazing bigness, that all the waters in your country would not suffice for one of them to swim in; each of which have great guns, not smnall like mine, which you see before you, but of such magnitude, that a hundred of your stoutest young men would with difficulty be able to carry one. And they are equally surprising in their operation against the King's enemies when engaged in battle; the terror they carry with them, your language lacks words to express. You may remember, the other day, when we were encamped at Wadapawv-mnenesoter, the black clouds, the wind, the fire, the stupendous noise, the horrible cracks, and the tumbling of the earth which then alarmed you, and gave you reason to think your gods were angry with you; not unlike these are the warlike implements of the English when they are fighting the battles of their great King. "Several of the chiefs of your bands have often told me in times past, when I dwelt with you in your tents, that they much wished to be counted among the children and the allies of the great King, my master. "You may remember how often you have desired me, when I return again to my own country, to acquaint the great King of your good disposition toward him and his subjects, and that you wished for traders from the English to come among you. "Being now about to take my leave of you, and to return to my own country, a long way toward the rising sun, I again ask you to tell me whether you continue of the same mind as when I spoke to you in council last winter; and as there are now several of your chiefs here who came from the great plains toward the setting of the sun, whom I 31 32 The JIistory of the City of Saint Paul, have never spoken with in council before, I ask you to let me know if you are willing to acknowledge yourselves the children of my great master, the King of the English. "I charge you not to give heed to bad reports, for there are wicked birds flying about among the neighboring nations, who may whisper evil things in your ears against the English, contrary to what I have told you; you must not believe them, for I have told you the truth. "As for the chiefs that are about to-go to Michilimackinac, I shall take care to make for them and their suits a straight road, smooth waters, and a clear sky, that they may go there and smoke the pipe of peace, and rest secure on a beaver blanket under the shade of the great tree of peace. Farewell!" Whether any such grandiloquent speech as the above was really made by CARVER on the occasion or not, has frequently been doubted. It is probable, however, that he made them a short address, in such imperfect Dakota as he could command. To this speech CARVER gives the reply of the principal chief, speaking, as the orator asserted, for the eight bands of the nation. He professed to believe CARVER'S account of the King and his power, and desired CARVER to tell him that they "wished to be counted among his good children," and have traders sent among them. THE PURPORTED DEED. At this council was given the famous deed of land to CARVER, which reads as follows: "To JONATHAN CARVER, a chief under the most mighty and potent GEORGE the Third, King of the English, and other nations, the fame of whose warriors has reached our ears, and has been now fully told to us by our good brother JONATHAN, aforesaid, whom we rejoice to see come among us, and bring us good news friom his country. "We, chiefs of the Naudowessies, who have hereto set our seals, do by these presents, for ourselves and heirs forever, in return for the many presents and other good services done by the said JONATHAN to ourselves and allies, give, grant and convey to him, the said JONATHAN, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the whole of a certain tradt or territory of land, bounded as follows, viz.: From the Falls of Saint Anthony, running on the east bank of the Mississippi, nearly southeast, as far as the south end of Lake Pepin, where the Chippewa River joins the Mississippi, and from thence eastward, five days' travel, accounting twenty English miles per day, and from thence north six days' travel, at twenty English miles per day, and from thence again to the Falls of and of the Coun(l, of Ramsey, Jlinnesota. Saint Anthony, on a direct straight line. We do, for ourselves, heirs, and assigns, forever, give unto the said JONATHAN, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the said lands, with all the trees, rocks, and rivers therein, reserving the sole liberty of hunting and fishing on land not planted or improved by the said JONATHAN, his heirs and assigns, to which we have affixed our respective seals. "At the'Great Cave,' "May Ist, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven. " HAW-NO-PAW-GAT-AN, his X mark, (picture of a beaver.) "OTOH-TON-GOOM-LISH-EAW, his X mark, (picture of a snake.)" It is a somewhat singular fact that CARVER nowhere mentions this deed in his writings. WVhy its existence was suppressed by him, can only be conjectured. It seems not to have been made public until after his death. JOHN COAKI LEY LETTSOM, who wrote the biography of CARVER for the third edition of his travels, says he (LETTSOM) had the original deed in his possession. CARVER, after making the purported treaty with the Indians, returned to Prairie du Chien, and thence proceeded to Lake Superior, and spent some time in exploring that region, returns ing to Boston by way of Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit, and Niagara Falls. He arrived in Boston in Oc&tober, I768, "having been absent from it on this expedition two years and five months, and lduring that time traveled near 7,000 miles." CARVER'S SUBSEQUENT HISTORY. He soon after sailed for England, made known his discoveries, and claimed a reimbursement from Government. His petition was referred to the " Lords Commissioners of Tra(le and Plantations." They required him to surrender up the manuscript of a book he had nearly ready for the press, for which, with his other expenses, they allowed no reimbursement. He finally re-wrote his work from his original journals and papers, and it was published in I 769. It is hardly possible that he realized much money from his book, as we hear of him a few months after this, in very ind(ligent circumstances. His health also declined. In I779, he secured a position as clerk in a lottery office, from the gains of 33 34 The History of the City of Saint Paul, which he eked out a scanty subsistence for a few months. Disease soon ensued, however, and he actually died of want in London, January 3 I, 1780, aged 48 years. SUBSEQUENT HISTORY OF THE PURPORTED DEED. CARVER, as we before mentioned, does not speak in his work of the deed said to have been given MaQV I, I767. It was not until after his death that it was brought to light. CARVER had married (luring his sojourn in England, (althoulgl he had a wife and five daughters in Connecticut at the time,) and by this second wife had one daughter, named MARTHA. She was raised by Sir RICHARD and Lady PEARSON. W\,Vhen she grew up, she eloped with, and married a sailor, whose name seems to be now unknown. A mercantile firm in London, thinking that money could be made by securing the title to the alleged grant, secured from the penniless couple, a fewdays after their marriage, a conveyance of the grant to them, for the consideration of one-tenth the profits. The merchants dispatched an agent named CLARK to go to the Dakotas, and obtain a new deed, but on the way CLARK was murdered in New York, and the speculation for the time fell through. In the year I794, the heirs of CARVER'S American wife, in consideration of ~50,000, conveyed their interest in the Carver Grant to EDWARD HOUGHTON, of Vermont. Ill the year IS8O6, Rev. SAMUEL PETERS, who had been a Tory (luriing the Revolutionary war, alleged, in a petition to Congress, that he ha(l also purchased of the heirs of CARVER their right to the granlt. In I82I, Gen. LEAVENWORTH, pursuant to a request of the Commissioner of the Land Office, inquired of the Dakotas in relation to the grant, and reported that the land alleged( to he granted " lies on the east side of the Mississippi." The Indians do not recognize or acknowledge the grant to be valid, and they, among others, assign the following reasons: "I. The Sioux of the Plains never owned a foot of land on the East side of the Mississippi. * * * * * * "2. The Indians say they have no knowledge of any such chiefs, as those who signed the grant. They say if Capt. CARVER did ever obtain a deed or grant, it was signed by some foolish young men who and of the County of Ramsey, lfflinnesota. were not chiefs, and who were not authorized to make a grant. Among the Sioux of the River there are no such names.* "3. They say the Indians never received anything for the land, and they have no intention to part with it without a consideration. * * "4. They have, and ever have had, the possession of the land, and intend to keep it." * * * * * * * On January 23, I823, the Committee on Public Lands reported to the Senate on the claim of CARVER'S heirs, at some length. They argue that the purported grant has no binding efied on the United States, and give very satisfactory and conclusiv-e reasons therefor-at too great length, however, to include in this paper. The prayer of the petitioners was, therefore, not granted. It is certain that CARVER'S American heirs always supposed (and are said to this day to assert,) that they had a good title to the grant in question. Some of them have visited Saint Paul in their investigations of the subjeet. Numerous deeds for portions of the land were made at various times by CARVER'S heirs or their assignees. In I849, and a few years subsequent, when real estate agents throve in the infant city of Saint Paul, very many of these deeds were received by land dealers here, to "locate." Several of therrnare among the MSS. in the Library of the Historical Society. SUBSEQOUENT HISTORY OF THE CAVE. After the visit by CARVER, the. cave remained unentered by the white man for nearly half a century. PIKE tried in vain to find it in I806, but its entrance was stopped up. Maj. LONG succeeded in gaining an entrance to it in I8SI7. FEATIIERSTONIHAUGH, in I835, found the entrance again closed up with debris. NICOLLET explored it in I837, however, and says CARV-ER'S description of it was "accurate." Indeed, it is so accurate, that, at the present day, if one wished to describe it, he could do no better than use CARVER'S own language. * CARVER only once, in the body of his work, mentions the chiefs whose signatures and "family coat of arms" are appended to the deed. On page 380, speaking of Indian nomenclature, he says: Thus, the great warrior of the Naudowessies was named, Ottahtongoonml'sheah, that is, "The Great Father of Snakes;" oltta, being in English, - father; tongoomn, great; and 1/sheah, a snake. Another chief was called Honahipawjatin, which means, "A Swift Runner Over the Mountains." 35, T6 he History of the City of Saint Paul, Carver's Cave is now the most interesting relic of antiquity in this region. Unfortunately, the spirit of progress and improvement has no veneration for historical associations, and the Saint Paul and Chicago Railroad, which runs along the bank of the river directly by the mouth of the cave, will doubtless ere long dig down the bluff, and thus destroy thle cave. The centenary of CARVER'S treaty with the Naudowessies was duly observed on May I, I867, by the members of the Minnesota Historical Society. They paid a visit to the cave in the daytime, and held a reunion in memory of CARVER at their rooms in the evening. The proceedings were printed in pamphlet form, subsequently, at the expense of GEO. W. FAHNESTOCK, of Philadelphia, an estimable gentleman of historical tastes, (now deceased,) who was present. CARVER'S PROPHESIES CONCERNING THlIS REGION. CARVER was a man of keen perceptions and shrewd foresight. He hints in his work at the possibility of a ship canal from the Mississippi River to the Lakes, and was sanguine that this region would ultimately become populous and wealthy. He bays: "To what power or authority this new world will become dependant, after it has arisen from its present uncultivated state, time alone can discover. But as the seat of empire, from time immemorial, has been gradually progressing toward the west, there is no doubt but that at some future period, mtzghty kingdoms vilt emerge from these wildernesses, and stately palaces and solemn temnples, zwith gilded spires reachinzg the skies, supslant the Indian huts, whose only decorations are the barbarous trophies of their vanguished enemies.'" Already events were transpiring, which led to a more rapid fulfillment of his vision, than perhaps he himself even anticipate(d. The disputes between the Colonies and England were fast culminating in open rebellion. While CARVER was absent in Eng,land, the REVOLUTIONARY WAR broke outt, and all progress toward the settlement of this regionl was stayed for the time. The war virttually terminated in I1782, and(, I)by the Treaty of Paris, 1783, the territory east of the Mis and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. sissippi River was ceded and yielded up to thle United States, which now took its place among the nations of the earth. On Milarch I, I784, Virginia, which claimed what was afterwards knownv as the Northwest Territory, ceded all that district to the United States, and, three years later, the famous " Ordinance of I787" was enacted by Congress, creating the " Northwest Territory." THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. This vast domain, comprising the present noble States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota east of the Mississippi, was probably the finest body of land, of equal extent, on the globe. At that time there were scarcely a dozen settlements of whites in the whole domain. Its present population must be over IO,OOO,OOO. Wonderful has been the transformation of this great empire from barbarism to civilization, and in the brief space of 88 years. It has scarcely, if at all, a parallel in the world's history. Civil government was soon after established over the Territory, and it began rapidly to settle up. On May 7, i8OO, Indiana Territory was created, embracing all of the previous Northwest Territory except the present State of Ohio, and, inl IS805, Michigan Territory was formed, whose southern boundary ran from the Maumee Bay, on Lake Erie, westerly to the Mississippi River. Minnesota (east of the Mississippi) remained attached to Michigan until the formation of Illinois Territory in I809, when it was included in the bounds of the latter, and so continued until 1819, when Illinois became a State. This region then fell again into the arms of Michigan Territory, and continued there until Wisconsin Territory was formed in I836, 37 38 Tize History of the City of Saizt Paul, CHAPTER IV. THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF MINNESOTA. EXPLORATION BY LIEUT. PIKE-HE SELECTS THE SITE FOR FORT SNELLING-RED RIVER COLONY FOUNDED-TROOPS ORDERED TO " SAINT PETER'S"-TIIEY BUILD FORT SNELLING-JOSEPH R. BROWN-RED RIVER REFUGEES SETTLE HERE ARRIVAL OF FIRST STEAMBOAT-EARLY MAIL SERVICE -GOVERNMENTAL CHIANGES-SKETCHIES OF TWO PIONEERS, H. H. SIBLEY AND N. W. KITTSON. HAT portion of Minnesota west of the Mississippi, as mentioned before, had, by the " Louisiana Purchase," (December 20, I803,) come into the possession of the United States, and President JEFFERSON took prompt steps to extend the authority of the United States over the domain acquired, iand to make an exploration of the same. Lieut. Z. M. PIKE, U. S. A., was the officer selecdted to visit this region, expel the British traders, and make alliances with the Indians. Hc ascended the Mississippi River in a batteau in the month of September, i8S05, and arrived at the encampment of J. B. FARIBAUI,T, an Indian trader, a mile or two above Saint Paul, on September 2I. On the 23d he held a council with the Sioux at Mendota, and obtained from them a grant of land nine miles square, for military purposes, which has since been known Ias the Fort Snelling Reservation. Lieut. PIKE remained all winter in Minnesota, and returned to Saint Louis in the spring. THE RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. In the year I812, the Earl of SELKIRK, having obtained a grant of land from the Hudson Bay Company, near the confluence of the Assiniboine and Red Rivers, established a colony of Scotch settlers upon it, and subsequently a colony of Swiss were induced to settle there. The colony suffered various hardships for many years, from floods, frosts, grasshoppers, &c., and were at times almost on the verge of starvation. In IS27, a party of the Swiss who had immigrated to Red River, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. abandoned the colony, and established themselves near Fort Snelling, as will be noticed more fully a little flirther on. The cession of land procured by Lieut. PIKE at the confluenice of the Saint Peter's and Mississippi Rivers, in I805, had been for the purpose of erecting a United States Fort. The matter was allowed to rest, however, for some years. The planting of SELKIRK'S Colony on the borders of the United States, called attention to it again, and resulted, in i819, in the establishment of a military post at the point named. TROOPS ORDERED TO MINNESOTA. On February Io, is819, an order was issued by the War Department concentrating the Fifth Regiment of Infantry at Detroit, under Lieut. Col. LEAVENWORTH, with a view of proceeding west. Portions were detailed to garrison Prairie (du Chien and Rock Island, and the remainder were to proceed to establish a post at the point called " Saint Peter's," (since known as Mlendota,) which was to be the headquarters of the regiment, and of Lieut. Col. LEAVENWORTH, its commander. Ile remained some time at Prairie du Chien, to organize Crawford County," which had been created by the Legislature of Michigan Territory, on October I6, ISIS. Its boundaries were as follows: On the east by a line running north and south from the portage of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, and extending to Lake Superior, thence westward to the Mississippi River. He found great difficulty in securing enough persons qualified to fill the county offices. The expedition up the Mississippi was made in keel-boats, and so low was the water that the party did not reach Mendota until September 24th. Rude huts for barracks were at once erected, in which the first winter was passed amid much discomfort. Many of the soldiers died from scurvy. The following August, Col. SNELLING took command of the post, and the erection of ii Fort Sainlt Anthony" was commenced. On September ioth, 1IS20, the corner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies. but the next winter had to be passed in their cantonments at Mendota again. The lumber for the buildings 39 40 Thze History of the City of Sailz Paul, was cut on Rum River by the soldiers. The fort was not so far completed as to be occupied until the fall of S1822. It was, by recommendation of Gen. SCOTT, subsequently called "Fort Snelling," in honor of its builder. MAJ. LAWRENCE TALIAFERRO. In order to properly conduet relations with the Indians of this region, President MONROE also resolved to send hither an Indian Agent, to permanently reside at or near the new military post. Lieut. LAWRENCE TALIAFERRO,* an officer of the regular army, was selected for this duty, and commissioned on March 27, I8I9. He proceeded at once to his post, and cointinued to fill that office for twenty years, resigning it in I840. CONDITION OF THE COUNTRY IN I1820. The establishment of Fort Snelling (as it was afterwards known) attracted considerable attention to this region, and was an important event for the Northwest. Up to that time this region was almost unknown. A few traders had penetrated here and there through what is iow Minnesota, but its geography was to the country at large a sealed book. Its great lumbering resources were almost unknown. It was not until S1822 that the Government saw mill was built at Saint Anthony Falls. The same year a permit was granted by Maj. TALIAFERRO to a man named PERKINS, from Kentucky, to erect a saw mill on one of the branches of the Menominee River, Wisconsin-the first mill erected by private parties in the Northwest. Indeed, only in 1822 was Minnehaha Creek-now in one of the most thickly settled parts of the State-explored by JOSEPH R. BROWN, then a soldier at Fort Snelling, and was long afterwards called by his name. * LAWRENCE TALIAFERRO was born in Virginia, February 24, I794. His ancestors were Italians, who settled in Virginia in I637. TALIAFERRO enlisted in the war of ISi812, when only I8 years of age, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant. When the army was reduced to a peace footing at the close of the war, he was retained as a First Lieutenant. On retiring from the Indian Agency, in 1840, he returned to his home at Bedford, Pennsylvania, where, in I857, he was appointed Military Storekeeper, and filled that post until i863. He died January 22, i871, in his 8Sist year. While at Fort Snelling he kept a minute diary of events, now in possession of the Ilistoricatl Society, and from which the writer has drawn valuable facts. 'XA~OUH *} HI,,SOf 0 and of the County of Ramsey, Mi'nnesota. JOSEPH RENSHAW BROWN was one of the most remarkable men connected with the history of Minnesota. He was born January 5, I805, in Harford county Maryland. His father removed soon after to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where JOSEPH R. was apprenticed to the printing business when about 14 years of age; but, being treated harshly by his employer, he ran away, joined the army and came to Minnesota with the detachment of troops which built the cantonment at Mendota, iI I8SI9. He left the army about I825, and took up his residence in what is now Minnesota, engaging in the Indian trade, lumbering and other occupations. He became allied to the Sioux Nation by marriage, spoke their language, and soon acquired a great influence over them. He held, at various times, a number of important offices. In I838, he was appointed by Gov. DODGE, of Wisconsin Territory, a Justice of the Peace, and for several years performed the duties of that office at his trading post, on Grey Cloud Island, I 2 miles below Saint Paul. He was elected a member of the Wisconsin Legislature from "Saint Croix County," in 1840, I84I and I842. taking a prominent part in those sessions. He was also a leading member of the famous " Stillwater Convention" of I848. He was Secretary of the Territorial Councils of I849 and I85I, and Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives in I853; a member of the Council in I854 and I855, and House in I857; and was, besides, Territorial Printer in I853 and 1854. He was appointed agent for the Sioux Indians in I857. He was also a member (from Sibley county) in the Constitutional Convention, and was one of the commissioners to canvass the first State vote. He had large influence in the early Legislatures, and in his party conventions. In IS52, he became editor and publisher of the " /iS'nnesota Pioneer," which he carried on for two years with much ability, and established a reputation as an able political writer. InI I857, he started, at Henderson, a town laid out by him, the'H-enderson ]Democrat," which was published until i86i. Maj. BROWN was a pioneer in every sense. He laid out the first town site in Minnesota; was the first lumberman to raft logs down the Saint Croix. He aided in the erection of the 4 4I 42 The Hislory of the City of Saint Paul, first frame, and first stone building in Minnesota. He assisted in staking out the first road from Fort Snelling to Prairie du Chien; driving the first wagon over it, and the first from Mendota to Lac qui Parle. He built the first house in the present limits of Stillwater and Hastings, &c., &c. During his long and eventful life he suffered many reverses of fortune, but was always cheerful and full of energy. He died in New York City, whither he had gone on business, on November 9, I870. Brown county was appropriately named in honor of him. IMMIGRATION FROM RED RIVER. Prior to the year I827, there was no agriculture carried on in the entire State, except small gardens and limited fields attached to the trading posts here and there. In the yeai named, a number of Swiss families-who had been, several years previous, misled by the lying emigration agents of Lord SELKIRK into settling on the Red River-after suffering great hardships, were finally compelled, to avoid actual starvation, to leave the colony and come to Fort Snelling, where, it had been stated to them, they would be allowed to settle. They were kindly received by Col. SNELLING, the commander of the post, and permission given them to settle on the Reservation, near what was afterwards known as the " Saint Louis House," on the west side of the Mississippi, a little above the fort. Here they opened farms, erected dwellings, and, having brought cattle with them, soon became prosperous and comfortable farmers. In this colony were ABRAHAM PERRY, LOUIS MASSIE, and other patriarchs, some of whom, as will be seen a little further on, were among the earliest settlers of Saint Paul, Pig's Eye, Little Canada, Mendota, Saint Anthony, Stillwater, and other of the oldest towns in this region. Up to I836, nearly 500 persons had left the Red River Colony and came to Fort Snelling, in search of new homes, and several large parties came subsequently. A few of them went on to Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, and,some to Vevay, Indiana, (a Swiss settlement,) but most of the refutgees settled in this region, and their descendants hereabouts are a numerous class. Most of the early residents of Saint Paul were Red River refuigees, as we shall show a few pages further on. and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. Thus the first agricultural immigrants into Minnesota-the vanguard of that vast army that in later years poured over itcame from the "frozen north"-a sort of Nor' man invasion of a peaceful kind. ARRIVAL OF THE FIRST STEAMBOAT. During the year I823, another event occurred of great importance to the Northwest. It was the arrival of the first steamboat, the "Virginia," fromn Saint Louis, loaded with stores for the fort. Her dimensions were: length, IIS8 feet; width, 24 feet; and draught, six feet. She was four days in getting over the Rock Island Rapids, an obstacle which it had been supposed would always prevent steamers from navigating the Upper Mississippi. As this was the first steamboat ever seen by the Dakotas in this neighborhood, their fright was extreme. They mistook it for some supernatural monster, and fled to the woods and hills, with their hair and blankets streaming in the breeze. The success of the " Virginia" in reaching the mouth of the Saint Peter's, opened the Upper Mississippi to steam navigation, the mightiest agent in making the then wilderness blossom as the rose. Up to May 26, I826, fifteen steamers had arrived at Fort Snelling, and they became more frequent after that. SIOUX AND OJIBWA WARFARE. The ancient feud of the Dakota and Ojibwa Nations, led to frequent encounters, some of them in this neighborhood. In I826, a party of 200 or 300 Ojibwas, from the Upper Mississippi, came to Fort Snelling on a visit, and encamped near Pickerel Lake, across the river from this city. The Dakotas, learning of their presence, soon rallied and attacked them, killing in cold blood a number of women and children, who could not escape. The same autumn, at Fort Snelling, a party of Dakotas, after being hospitably entertained by some Ojibwas encamped there, and promising peace and good will, treacherously fired into the wigwams of the latter at night, killing several. Col. SNELLING, the commandant, compelled( the Dakotas to surrender the guilty men, and they were han(lded 43 44 The [Iistory of the City of Saint Paul, over to the relations of the murdered Ojibwas for punishment. Four of them were compelled to "run the gauntlet," i. e., allowed a few feet start, and, at a given signal, the Ojibwas were to fire on them. They were in this manner shot down, and their bodies mutilated. These barbaric orgies were repeated from year to year, for some time. The liquor sold to the Indians by traders was mostly the cause of this, and every effort was made by the authorities to break up the traffic, without success. MAIL SERVICE-I820-49. During the first three years, the mails for the garrison were carried by soldiers, from Prairie du Chien. In the summer they made the trips two or three times during the season, with keel boats or canoes, also bringing supplies for the garrison. In the winter the trip was one of hardship and danger, occupying many days. The whole distance to Prairie du Chien was generally traversed on the ice, in a sort of sledge drawn by dogs or a Canadian pony, and called a?rain du glace. Ex cepting probably an encampment or two of Indians, there was no sign of a human habitation from Fort Snelling to Fort Crawford, (Prairie du Chien,) and during the trip the mail carriers and their-animals must subsist as best they could. This sort of winter transportation was kept up until stage service was established in I849. In May, I823, the first steamboat arrived at Fort Snelling, and thenceforward steamboats carried the mails generally to that post, until a regular packet line was established to Saint Paul, in I847. Of course, winter service in those days was irregular. For instance, in one of TALIAFERRO'S journals, kept at Fort Snelling, now in the archives of the Historical Society, we find it noted that on January 26th, I826, there was much rejoicing over the arrival of two officers' "from below," who had returned from a furlough, bringing the Jirst mail received for fve months! N In M3ay, 1832, a soldier at Fort Crawford, named JAMES HALPIN, was detailed by Col. ZACHIARY TAYLOR, then com mander of that post, to carry the mail from Fort Crawford to Fort Snelling. A small pouch of mail was all there was to and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. carry, and he made the journey on foot, the round trip occupying generally two weeks. He carried the mail a whole year. There was not a human habitation on his whole route, unless he fell in with a teepee of Indians. GOVERNMENTAL CHANGES. In I836, the Territory of Wisconsin was organized, comprising all of Michigan Territory west of the Lake. This, of course, included what is now Minnesota east of the Mississippi. Saint Paul, or what is now Saint Paul, thus fell ill the jurisdiction of Crawford county, Wisconsin-an extended existence of Crawford county, Michigan. For several years it was represellted in the Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin as follows: House. James H. Lockwood, James B. Dallam. Ira B. Brunson, Jean Brunet. Alex. McGregor. Alex. McGregor, i Ira B. Brunson. Alex. McGregor, X Ira B. Brunson. Alex. McGregor, Council. I836....... No member. I837-8...... No member. I838........George Wilson. I839........George Wilson. I839-40......Joseph Brisbois. I840 (extra)... Chas. J. Learned. Alex. Mctregor t Ira B. Brunson. In January, I840, "Saint Croix County," as will be noticed a little further on, was created by the Legislature, out of Crawford county. It comprised all that territory west of a line running northward from the mouth of Porcupine River, on Lake Pepin, to Lake Superior. Most of the representatives subsequently lived in what is now Minnesota: Council. ~~House. House. Theophilus La Chapelle, XJoseph R. Brown. Theophilus La Chapelle, iJoseph R. Brown. John H. Manahan. John H. Manahan. James Fisher. James Fisher. Joseph W. Furber. Henry Jackson. Henry Jackson. I842-3... Theophilus La Chapelle. I 843-4... Theophilus La Chapelle. I845.... Wiram Knowlton. I846.... Wiram Knowlton. I847.... B. F. Manahan. I847 (ext.) B. F. Manahan. I848.... B. F. Manahan. 45 46 The History of the City of Saint Paul, ESTABLISHMENT OF MISSIONS. The various missions among the Chippewas anid Sioux of Minnesota, were established during the period from I830 to I840. EDMUND F. ELM, (now of Santa Barbara, California,) and Rev. WM. R. BOUTWELL came in I833; Revs. S. W. and G. H. POND in I834; Revs. THOS. S. WILLIAMSON and J. D. STEVENS in I835; Revs. S. R. RIGGS, ALFRED BRUNSON and DAVID KING in I837; and Rev. S. SPATES in I839, &c. More than half of the above band of self-sacrificing men are still residents of our State. THE " PECULIAR INSTITUTION" IN MINNESOTA. Connected with the operations of the missions in this locality, is a fact so curious that it deserves insertion here. During the early days of Fort Snelling, some of the officers were owners of slaves, whom they kept as their body or household servants. " DRED SCOTT," who afterwards became historical, owing to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States-generally known as "the Dred Scott Decision "-was a slave of Surgeon EMERSON, at Fort Snelling, about this date, and married a negro woman belonging to Maj. TALIAFERRO, while at the fort. When Rev. Mr. BRUNSON established his mission at Kaposia, in I837, he found himself unable to do much owing to his entire ignorance of the Indian tongue, and at once set about finding an interpreter. The only one he could secure was a young negro named JAMES THOMPSON, owned by an officer at Fort Snelling, and who was willing to sell him for $1,200. "JIM" talked Sioux first rate, and was religiously inclined, so that Father BRUNSON concluded to buy him if he could be secured. He accordingly wrote to some friends at Cincinnati the circumstances, and the amount necessary was soon raised and forwarded to him. "JIM" was purchased, his "free papers" secured, and he was soon interpreting the gospel to the pagans at Kaposia. Mr. THOMPSON now lives in St. Paul. This is, so far as has been recorded, the only sale of a slave which ever took place in what is now Minnesota. Father BRUNSON yet resides in Prairie du Chien-a hale, and of the County of Ramsey, Yffinnesota. active pioneer of 83, and preached in Saint Paul during the past autumn. THE PROGRESS OF SETTLEMENT. During the period-or decade-from I830 to I840, there settled in what is now Minnesota, some of our oldest pioneersnames now honored and widely known. NORMAN W. KITTSON came in I832; HENRY H. SIBLEY in I834; WILLIAM H. FORBES, MARTIN MCLEOD and FRANKLIN STEELE in I837; HENRY M. RICE and WILLIAM HOLCOMBE in I839, &c. The Lake Superior region was early settled by WILLIAM A. AITKIN, the MORRISONS, and others. CHARLES H. OAKES located there in I825, and Dr. CHARLES W. BORUP in I 83I, both these gentlemen becoming residents of our city in a subsequent year. During these years, this region was likewise visited by several distinguished savans and travelers-FEATHERSTONHAUGH, SCHOOLCRAFT, MATHER, NICOLLET, FREMONT, CASS, CATLIN, and others. Their published accounts aided in making the Upper Mississippi region better known, and undoubtedly tended to hasten the treaties which extinguished the Indian title to portions of the present State. Sketches of three of the pioneers of this period are appended to this chapter, and another (Hon. H. M. RICE) will be found in Chapter XV. NORMAN WOLFRED KITTSON was born at Sorel, Lower Canada, March 5, I814. He is a grandson of ALEXANDER HENRY, the celebrated explorer and traveler, who journeyed through the Lake Superior, Manitoba and(l Saskatchewan districts as early as I776, and whose published travels are very scarce and valuable. In May, I830, being then only I6 years of age, Mr. KITTSON engaged as an employee of the American Fur Company, and in that capacity came to the Northwest. From the summer of I830 to I832, he was stationed at the trading post between the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. During the latter year, he was sent to the 47 NORMAN WV. KITTSON, :_._ 48 TCe History of the City of Saint Paul, headwaters of the Minnesota, and from thence went to the Red Cedar River, in Iowa. In I834, he came to Fort Snelling, where he was engaged in the sutler department until I838, in the fall of which year he returned to Canada, and remained until spring. On his return, (I839,) he began business on his own account, as a furtrader, near what was then called " Cold Spring," just above Fort Snelling. He continued here until I843, when he entered the American Fur Company, as special partner, having charge of all the business on the headwaters of the Minnesota, and along the British line. During that year he fixed his headquarters at Pembina, and commenced colletting fuirs there and shipping them in Red River carts to Mendota. This was the origin of a very large trade between Saint Paul and the Red River settlement, a few years later, which will be found more fully dwelt on in a subsequent chapter. In I854, Mr. KITTSON entered into partnership with the late WILLIAM H. FORBES, in St. Paul, in the general Indian trade supply business. Their establishment, called " The Saint Paul Outfit," was widely known at that time. This year, Mr. KITTSON came to reside at Saint Paul permanently, although it might almost be said that his residence dates back to 8IS43, as he had owned property here since that day, and was here a considerable share of his time. In I843, as will be found more fully narrated under that year, Mr. KITTSON, purchased a claim which eventually proved very valuable, and was, in I85I, laid out as " Kittson's Addition," now one of the handsomest portions of our city. In I85I, Mr. KITTSON was elected a member ofthe Council of the Minnesota Legislature from the Pembina Districdt, and re-elected in I853, serving four sessions in all, viz.: I852, I853, I854, I855, in which he took a prominent and useful part. In order to attend these sessions, in mid-winter, Mr. KITTSON was compelled to walk on snow-shoes the whole distance, or ride in a dog-sledge-a trip of great hardship, exposure and danger. Two of these trips, at least, he made on snowshoes. Some account of these winter journeys will be found in the proper place. and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. In I858, Mr. KITTSON was elected Mayor of Saint Paul, since which time he has not been in public life. During that year, the firm of FORBES & KITTSON was dissolved. Mr. KITTSON continued his Red River trade until I86o. He soon after accepted the position of Agent of the Hudson's Bay Company, and established a line of steamers and barges on the Red River, which has grown into quite a corporation, now called the "Red River Transportation Company," with headquarters in Saint Paul, and operating several steamers and barges. Mr. KITTSON is the oldest living pioneer of our State, with but one exception. In his 43 years' residence he has witnessed and taken part in changes which fall to the lot of but few men during an ordinary lifetime. Although over 60 years of age, Mr. KITTSON is as active, strong, and elastic in body as most young men of our day, and is constantly absorbed in an exacting and harassing business. He enjoys the esteem of a wide multitude of friends, who hope that far distant may be the day when, at one of our " Old Settler" reunions, the name of NORIMAN W. KITTSON will be added to the list of those who have left us. HENRY HASTINGS SIBLEY. Every new community, and, to a great extent, every new State, receives from its first pioneers and prominent organizers, the impress which decides much of its future tone and spirit. Hence, the value of having society in every new State starled in the right direcdtion by men who can-mold the " plastic elements" for good. Minnesota was peculiarly fortunate in having for its leading pioneers men of broad views, liberal culture and elevated character, and the effect of their influence is plainly traceable in the future successful course of our State, and the good name it bears abroad as a commonwealth, where education and religion are universal, and law and order are respected. How much of this we owe to the men who, with no selfish ends, but, actuated only by devotion to principle and the public welfare, and an unfaltering trust in the triumph of right, laid the foundations of our State, created its institutions, framed 49 50 The Hlistory of the City of Saint Pail, its first laws, executed its first offices, and gave the first bent to its usages-we can now scarcely estimate. Posterity must indeed point to their names with gratitude and honor, far exceeding even that evinced by those of the present generation, because to these the events (in some of which they may have participated) are too recent and perhaps too much colored with the passions or prejudices that are inseparable from our human organization, to place an impartial estimate on motives, and actions, and results. By such a rule as the above, the name which heads this sketch, is one that must always occupy a foremost place in the history of our State. HENRY H. SIBLEY was born at Detroit, Michigan, February 20, I Sii. His father, Judge SOLOMON SIBLEY, a native of Massachusetts, was one of the most prominent pioneers of the Northwest, settling in Ohio in I795, and in Michigan in 1797, from which he was a member of the first Legislature of the "Northwest Territory" in I 799; a delegate to Congress in I82o; Judge of the Supreme Court from IS24 to I836; United States District Attorney, &c. He died in I846, universally lamented. Judge SIBLEY married at Marietta, Ohio, in I802, Miss SARAH W. SPROAT, daughter of Col. EBENEZER SPROAT, a distinguished officer of the Revolution, and grand-daughter of Commnodore ABRAHAM WHIPPLE, of the Revolutionary Navy. Her parents and grand-parents were all pioneers of Ohio, so that the subject of this sketch was, by ancestral influence, predisposed to such a life of pioneer adventure as he was destined to lead. Mrs. SIBLEY died at Detroit, January 22, I8SI. Mrs. ELLET, in her work, " Pioneer Women of the West," remarks that she was a woman of unusual personal beauty, and rare mental accomplishments. H. H. SIBLEY received an academical education when young, and subsequently enjoyed two years' private tuition in the classics, from Rev. R. F. CADLIE, one of the pioneers of education in the Northwest. His father had wished him to adopt his own profession, but, after studying law sometime, he became convinced that his natural inclination would lead himn to more active and stirring life. His father very sensibly told him to pursue his own inclinations in this respect-" a decision," ~iii ~W~'mijj L jjji~~;;; ~ ~~ - and of the County of Ramsey, -Yzinnesota. said a writer, referring to the fact, " that gave to Minnesota her honored pioneer-one whose history is so interwoven with her own that to write the one is almost ipso fado to record the other." About the age of 17, young SIBLEY went to Sault Ste. Marie, and was engaged there in mercantile operations for about a year. In I829, he went to Mackinac, and entered the service of the American Fur Company as clerk. He remained at that post five years. In I834, Mr. SIBLEY, then 23 years of age, was admitted as a partner in the American Fur Companiiy, of which RAMSEY CROOKS, father of Col. WILLIAM CROOKS, of this city, was President, and the late H. L. DOUSMAN and JoSEPH ROLETTE, Senior, of Prairie du Chien, were also partners, and was to have charge of the trade above Lake Pepin, as far as the British line, with headquarters at Mendota, then called " Saint Peter's." Gen. SIBLEY himself says this step was largely owing to H. L. DOUSMAN'S solicitation, and to the glowing accounts he gave of Minnesota as a land of game, pert haps knowing Gen. S.'s fondness for field sports. Mr. SIBLEY arrived at Mendota, November 7, IS34, having rode on horseback from Prairie du Chien, a distance of nearly 300 miles, there being but one human habitation on the way. Then, in all the region now known as Minnesota, there was, excepting the garrison at Fort Snelling, only a handful of white men, mostly fur-traders and Canadian voyageurs. What mighty changes these forty-one years have witnessed. Gen. SIBLEY is now the oldest living settler, save one, in our population of 6oo,ooo people, and it has been his fortune to take a more active and prominent part in the history of that period, than any other living man. On May 2, I843, he was united in marriage to Miss SARAH J. STEELE, at Fort Snelling. He had previously, in 8IS36, erected, at Mendota, the first private dwelling built of stone, in Minnesota, which is still standing. Mrs. SIBLEY died May 2I, IS69-being truly one of the pioneer women of our State, and a lady of rare virtues and accomplishments. Mr. SIBLEY was probably the first civil officer in what is now Minnesota, having been appointed a Justice of the Peace 5I 52 The History of the City of Saint Paul, in I838, by Gov. JOHN CHAMBERS, of Iowa, which then embraced the territory west of the Mississippi. This is more fully spoken of elsewhere. On Odtober 30, i848, Mr. SIBLEY was elected a Delegate to Congress from what was then considered as Wisconsin Terri-. tory-the residue of the old territory of that name, after carving the State out of it-with the understanding that he would urge the organization of Minnesota Territory. It was a trust of much delicacy and responsibility, for a failure would have been very discouraging and unfortunate at that juncture, when success was so vital to the interests of the people. He proceeded to Washington, and, after much effort, was admitted to a seat. During the session, he was enabled, by hard work and personal influence, to procure the passage of a bill to organize the Territory of Minnesota. In the fall of I849, he was again elected for two years, and re-elected in I85o, serving over four years in all. . This was a very difficult and trying period for any one to represent a new Territory like Minnesota, whose needs were large, and yet with little population, and believed to be, as one member of Congress declared, "a hyperborean region," unfit for settlement. Mr. SIBLEY soon exploded that prejudice by well-written articles for the press, on the climate, advantages and resources of Minnesota. There were large appropriations needed for various purposes, and these could be secured only by persuasive appeals to the members, by tact and vigilance, and patient urging so that Mr. SIBLEY was enabled to secure for the Territory more generous appropriations and liberal legislation than could have been obtained by any one possessing less of the esteem and respect of his fellow members, since nearly everything was secured by personal influence. In I855, Mr. SIBLEY was elected a member of the Minnesota Legislature from Dakota county, and, in I857, served as a member, and President of the "Democratic wing" of the Constitutional Convention. In the fall of the same year, he was elected first Governor of the State. Owing to the delay in the admission of Minnesota, he was not inaugurated until May 24, I858. His term expired January I, I860. and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. On August 19, 1862, he was appointed by Gov. RAMSEY commander of the military forces sent to quell the Sioux outbreak. He at once took active measures to meet and defeat the Indians, and release the captives, 250 in number, which they held, in both of which designs his tact and intimate knowledge of Indian character and mode of warfare, enabled him filly to succeed-also taking about 2,000 Indian prisoners. Over 400 of these were tried by court-martial, and 303 condemned to death, only 38 of whom, unfortunately, were finally executed on September 29, I862-President LINCOLN having been persuaded by mistaken humanitarians to interfere in their behalf. Col. SIBLEY was commissioned Brigadier General for gallant services, and, during the winter, remained in command of the military forces in this State. Congress, meanwhile, reduced the number of Brigadiers General, but he was reappointed by the President in March, 1863, and accepted, at the request of a large number of leading citizens, who addressed to him a petition to that effect. During the summer, he organized and commanded an expedition to Devil's Lake and the Missouri River, for the purpose of routing and driving off the hostile Sioux hovering on the frontier. The expedition was successful, and defeated them in several battles and skirmishes, returning to Fort Snelling in September. The years 1864 and I865 were employed in securing the defense of the frontier, and, with the single exception of the GARDNER family, no murders or depredations by Indians took place in the State. On November 29, i865, Gen. SIBLEY was commissioned as Major General, "for efficient and meritorious services." He was relieved from the command of the District of Minnesota in August, I866, and was detailed as a member of the commission to negotiate treaties with the hostile Sioux and other bands on the Upper Missouri River, which was successfully carried out. In 1871, Gen. SIBLEY served another term in the Legislature, from the 5th Ward, Saint Paul, (of which he became a resident, it might be here noted, in 1862.) He is at present a Regent of the State University, and President of the State Normal Board, and was, for a few months, a member of the Board of Indian Commissioners-which last office he was com 53 54 The History of the Cily of Saint Paul, pelled to resign on account of pressure of business. He has also been for several years, President of the Gas Company, a DireEtorlof the First National Bank, Director of the Sioux City Railroad, &c., besides filling various trusts, such as Park Commissioner, Member of Board of Education, and other bodies. Indeed, it is difficult to see how, in the pressure of so much business, and the exacting demands of society, Gen. SIBLEY finds time to write the interesting papers which may be found in the collections of the Historical Society, on the early history of the State from which many extracts are made in this volume. The frequent references, necessarily so, on account of Gen. SIBLEY'S prominent and a6tive connection with our historv for over forty years, and the impossibility of condensing in a few sentences what would require a chapter, renders any further sketch, in this shape, unnecessary. It might simply be added that no one in our State is more widely known and more highly respected and honored than Gen. SIBLEY. His name has been almost " a household word" for one entire generation; and, with his fine physique and unimpaired powers, it is' not too much to hope that even many years of useful and active life may yet await him. WILLIAM HIIENRY FORBES was born on Montreal Island, Canada, November I3, I815. His father was a Scotchman by birth, and was a member of the Hudson's Bay Company as early as I785, but, at the time of the birth of the subject of this sketch, he had retired from active business. WM. H. was carefully educated in schools at Montreal, and afterwards apprenticed to the hardware business, ultimately becoming junior partner in the house where he was employed. At that time, Montreal was the chief depot of supplies for the Indian trade of the Northwest, and youting FORBES, being constantly placed in contact with the adventurous traders making purchases at his establishment, became interested in their romantic life, and the exciting stories they told about the great Northwest. His love of adventure was finally so aroused, that he resolved to try a career in this region. He consequently withdrew from the hardware lbisi and of the County of Ram sey, Minnesota. ness, and accepted a clerkship in the American Fur Company, one of the requisites being that the incumbent could speak and write French, which Mr. FORBES did fluently. He, with his party, came to Minnesota via Superior, and arrived at Mendota in the summer of 8IS37. H. H. SIBLEY was at that time in charge of the post. Mr. FORBES clerked for him for ten years, and, in 1847, took charge of an establishment for the Company, (called the "Saint Paul Outfit,") at Saint Paul, becoming a resident here, and continuing so until his death, nearly 28 years. In the early days of our city, Maj. FORBES was one of its most acdtive promoters and public spirited men, and was one of the proprietors of the " Town of Saint Paul" when it was first laid out. When the Territory was organized, Maj. FORBES was elected a member of the first Council from Saint Paul, and afterwards re-elected, serving four sessions as Councillor, and, during his third session, ( I852,) was President of the Council. On March IS8, 1853, Maj. FORBES was appointed by President PIERCE postmaster at Saint Paul, and held this office for three years. During this year, (I853,) the American Fur Company closed out their business in Saint Paul, and Maj. FORBES formed a partnership with N. W. KITTSON, for the general supplying of the Indian trade. They transacted a very large business for several years. In I858, Mr. KITTSON retired from the firm, and it was continued until i862 by Maj. FORBES. The Indian outbreak of that year put a close to the trade, and Maj. FORBES lost considerable at his trading posts, which were plundered by the savages. During the campaign against the Sioux, that year, he served with ability as a member of Gen. SIBLEY'S staff; and acted as Provost Marshal at the military trial or court-martial of the 300 Indians who were condemned to death. At the close of this campaign, he was commissioned by President LINCOLN as a Commissary of Subsistence in the volunteer service, with rank of captain. He was also nominated and elected Auditor of Ramsey county that fall, and served as such during the years IS863 and I864. During a considerable portion of this time he was absent on military duty, however. In the spring of IS863, he accompanied Gen. SIBLIEY'S expedition to 55 56 The History of the City of Saint Paul, the Missouri River, as Chief Commissary, and, in the spring of I864, was ordered to the District of Northern Missouri, as Chief Commissary. He remained there until I866, and, during the latter part of his term, was engaged, as Chief Qiartermaster, in closing up the unsettled affairs of Gen. FREMONT'S Department, which he did very satisfactorily to the Government. He was brevetted Major a short time prior to his being mutstered out of office in I866. He returned to Saint Paul in I866, quite broken ill health, and never recovered his former strength and energy. In i87I, he was appointed Indian Agent at Devil's Lake, a position for which he was admirably fitted, and the duties of which he performed with great success, and with fidelity and honesty. His health continued to decline, however, and, on July 20, I875, he closed his life,.deeply lamented by a large. circle of friends. His remains were brought to Saint Paul, and entombed in the Catholic cemetery, on July 25, in the presence of a numerous concourse of friends. Major FORBES was twice married; first in I846, to AGNES, daughter of ALEXANDER FARIBAULT, by whom he had one daughter, the wife of Captain J. H. PATTERSON, U. S. A.; and again in I854, to Miss A. B. CORY, of Cooperstown, New York, by whom he had four children, three of whom are living. The following very just tribute to Maj. FORBES' character is from the Pioneer-Press, which announced his death: " During his long residence in Saint Paul, he maintained a high character for integrity and honesty, and was honored with many places of honor and trust, in all of which he acquitted himself with a credit which won for him the respedt and admiration of all who knew him. No stronger proof of his probity of character could be given than the fact that for many years he has occupied positions of peculiar trust at the. hands of the Government-positions such as purchasing and delivering agent in the army, and among the Indian tribes, in which hundreds of thousands of dollars have passed through his hands-and yet neither himself, nor any convenient friend, has ever touched a dollar not legitimately earned. The extremely moderate circumstances with which he was surrounded during his official career, and up to the time of his death, are in striking contrast to those of many others who were similarly situated during the war and since." ancd of the County of Racmsey, Minzesota. CHAPTER V. THE TREATIES OF i837. THE TREATIES OF 1837-THE COUNTRY EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI THROWN OPEN TO SETTLEMENT-MEMORIAL OF SETTLERS ON THE RESERVATION-THE RESER VATION SURVEYED-SErTTLERS OBJECT TO BEING DRIVEN OFF-SOME ACCOUNT OF THOSE SETTLERS, &C. HE year I837 was a memorable one in Minnesota history, for during that year occurred the treaties referred to in the preceding chapter-one ot the most important events in the career of our State-throwing open, as they did, for the first time, thie fine agricultural land of the delta between the Saint Croix and Mississippi Rivers, to the plow of the farmer, and the inexhaustible pineries of the Saint Croix Valley to the axe of the lumberman. The first of these treaties was made bv Gov. HENRY DODGE, of Wisconsin, (for whom our Dodge county was appropriately named,) with the Chippewas, at Fort Snelling, July 29, I837. 13y this treaty, the Chippewas ceded to the United States all their pine or agricultural lands on the Saint Croix and its tributaries, both in Wisconsin and Minnesota. In September, I837, a delegation of about twenty chiefs and braves, by direc&ion of Gov. DODGE, proceeded to Washington, to make a treaty ceding their lands east of the Mississippi. They were accompanied by Maj. TALIAFERRO, their agent, and SCOTT CAMPBELL, interpreter. The Fur Company was represented by H. H. SIBLEY; while ALEXIS BAILLY, JO. LA FRAMBOISE, A. ROCQUE, LABATHE, the FARIBAULTS, and( others ftir-traders, &C., were present. JOEL R. POINSETT, a special commissioner, represented the United States. Oni September 29, the terms of the treaty were agreed on, and the articles signed by both the high contracting parties. By this treaty, the Dakotas ceded to the United States all their land 5 57 58 Thze Hislory of the Citli of Saint Paul, east of the Mississippi River, including all the islands in the same. They received therefor $300,000, to be invested in five per cent. stocks, the income of which shall be paid to them annually; $IIo,ooo to be divided among the mixed bloods; and $90,000ooo to payment of debts owed by the tribe, &c. This treaty-the extini?tion of whatever "title" the red men had to the region named-was, as observed above, a very important event for Minnesota. It was the key-note for the settlement of the State. It opened the way for the hardy frontierman with his red shirt, and axe and plow. Hitherto, every foot of what is now Minnesota, except the little reservation around Fort Snelling, had been the property, after a fashion. of a few barbarians-but this obstacle was no longer to exist. Once the white man had gained a foothold on the soil, following the precedent of two centuries, he would soon enlarge his grant, until he had swept out of his way its original tenants. A breach had been made in the barriers that shut out civilization from this territory, through which the forlorn hope pressed their way, with the great army of occupation following eagerly behind. This treaty, too, led the way for the first settlement of our city, as we shall presently see. MEMORIAL OF SETTLERS ON THE RESERVATION. Prior to the treaty, and before its ratification by the Senate, the summer following, there was much anxiety on the part of the settlers on the Reserve, to ascertain in what condition they would be left, after the territory east of the Mississippi was thrown open to squatters. A few families of Red River refilgees and others had been allowed by the humane Col. SNELLING to settle on the Reserve temporarily, as being the only place that could be offered them, but latterly there had been quite a hostile feeling against them on the part of the officers of the fort. Col. JOHN H. STEVENS, of Minneapolis, in his address on the "Early History of Hennepin County," before the Minneapolis Lyceum, I856, says: "' At that time, and both before and since, the commanding officers at the fort were the lords of the north. They ruled supreme. The citizens in and of the Couznty of Ramsey, fiinnesota. the neighborhood of the fort were liable at any time to be thrust in the guard-house. While the chief of the fort was the king, the subordinate officers were the princes, and persons have been deprived of their liberty and imprisoned by those tyrants for the most trivial wrong, or some imaginary offense." The offense which was charged against ABRAHAM PERRY, Louis MASSIE and others, was that their cattle broke into the enclosures of the fort, and committed other depredations. They had repeatedly been requested and cautioned to leave, but they still hoped that they would not be driven away. On August I6, I837? tihey sent to the President of the United States, (MARTIN V\AN- B13URE-N,) the following memorial: The iundersigned citizens of the settlement near Fort Snelling, beg leave to make known to yout the interest they feel in the contemplated purchase of the Sioux lands in this vicinity. In I804, a treaty was made by General PIKE with the Sioux Indians, under which hle purchased a certain portion of their country, extending from the Falls of Saint Anthony to the mouth of Saint Peter's River, and the prevailing opinion has been. until very recently, that this treaty had received the sanction of Government. It was utinder this impression that the undersigned settled upon the lands they now occupy as part of the public domain. They were permitted to make improvemenits and retain unmolested possession of them for many years l)y the commanding officer of the post, and the other officers of the Governmenit employed here, who believed the land belonged to the United States, and that the settlers were only exercising the privileges extended to them by the benign and salutary laws which have peopled the western country with a hardy, industrious and enterprising class of citizens. The undersigned will further state that they have erete(l houses and cultivated fields at their present places of residence, and several of them have large families of children who have no other homes. All the labor of years is invested in their present habitations, and they therefore appeal to the President and Senate of the United States for protection. If a treaty should be made at Washington, as we have heard suggested, and the lands we now occupy be purchased firom the Sioux 59 60 The History of lhe City of Saint Paul, for a military reservation, we ask that a reasonable and just allowance be made us in the treaty for our improvements," &c. This memorial was signed by Louis MASSIE, ABRAHAM PERRY, PETER QUINN, ANTOINE PEPIN, DUNCAN GRAHAkM, JACOB FALSTROM, OLIVER CRATTE,JOSEPH BISSON, JOSEPH REASCH, Louis DERGULEE, and others. Col. SAMUEL C. STAMIBAUGH, sutler at Fort Snelling, was empowered to present it, and represent the settlers in any negotiations, and reference was made to Gov. IHENRY DODGE for the truth and justice of the statements. SURVEY OF THE RESERVATION. On OCtober i9, Lieut. E. K. SMITH, First Infantry, made a survey and map of the Reservation, by command of Maj. J. PLYMPTON, Commander of the Post, who had arrived during that summer. He says, in his report to Maj. P. The white inhabitants in the vicinity of the fort, as near as I could ascertain, are: 82 in BAKER'S settlement, around old Camp Coldwater, and at MASSIE'S landing. On the opposite side, 25 at the Fur Company's establishment, including FARIBAULT'S and LE CLERE'S, 50. Making a total of I57 soutls in no way connected with the military. " This population possess and keep on the public lands, in the immediate neighborhood, nearly 200 horses and cattle. I am inclined to believe that this estimate will fall short of the actual number." This map Maj. PLYMPTON returned to the War Department on October 19, accompanied by a letter plainly indicating his intention to eject all settlers on the Reserve. One reason he alleges is the scarcity of timber for fuel on the Reserve: "It now (he says) causes much labor and inconvenience to the garrison to obtain the necessary fuel-and, should this point be required for the next 20 years for military purposes, the difficulty will be very great, and very much increased." In acknowledging receipt of this communication, November 17, the Secretary of WVar instructed Maj. PLYMPTON as follows: " If there be no reservation already made for military pur and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. poses, at your post, please mark over what in your opinion will be necessary to be reserved." A memorandum from the War Department says: "' March 26, 1838, Major P. transmitted a map of such a tract embracing a considerable quantity-f land on the east side of the Mississzipi River." In endorsing this memorial, Mr. STAMBAUGH says: The persons who sign the above memorial reside in the Saint Peter's settlement, about half a mile from the fort. They are the only individuals having houses and improvements on the west side of the Mississippi River, with the exception of Mr. BAKER, whose principal trading establishment is in this settlement. No others can be affected by a purchase of land necessary for a military reserve." In a subsequent letter to Hon. JOEL R. POINSETT, Secretary of War, dated February II, I839, Col. STAMBAUGH says: The memorial speaks for itself, and I would not act as the representative of the memorialists if I were not convinced that their claims are founded on justice, and their improvements secured to them by a custom which has grown into common law in all cases of this character. Independently of the legal right, however, I believe that humanity and good policy will secure them a reasonable allowance for the improvements and privileges they are willing to abandon. The memorial is signed by all the settlers on the west side of the Mississippi, with the exception of B. F. BAKER. There are three or four settlements on the east side of the Mississippi River, but, as it was not supposed that an attempt would be made to extend the reservation across the river, the settlers did not join in their memorial." SOME ACCOUNT OF THE SETTLERS. As near as I can ascertain, after extensive inquiry, the three or four settlers on the east side were: JOSEPHI TURPIN, FRANCIS DESIRE, DONALD MCDONALD, "old man" CHORETTE, and, perhaps, SCOTT CAMPBELL, BARTHOLOMEW BALDWIN, and ABNER POWEL. JOSEPH TURPIN is said to be the first man who built a house 6I 62 The HiAtorj, of the Cit), of Saint Paul, east of the Mississippi. Mr. TURPIN was born at Montreal, Canada, about I 775. He came, sometime about the beginning of the present century, to Prairie du Chien, with his brother AMABLE, of whom a sketch is given elsewhere, and subsequently emigrated to Selkirk's Settleiment, where he remained some years. In I83I, as near as I canl ascertain, he left Red River with a company of refiulgees, some of whom settled near Fort Snelling, and. not lone after that date, built a house on the east side of the Mississippi. This house he subsequently sold to JOSEPH RONDO, another refilgee. He afterwards lived many -ears at Mendota, where he died in i865-aged over 90 years. Of old man" CIIOREFTTE, I have been able to learn little that is reliable. He was a Canadian, lived at Red River some time, and settled near Fort Snelling the same year as RONDO, TURPIN and others. He has probably been dead some years. I have been informed that he has children living in this vicinitv, but have been unable to find them. FRONCHET, or DESIRE, was a native of FrIance, and, probabl-, at the time mentioned, was 5o years of age, as he always boasted of having been a soldier of NAPOIEONN, and probably was. He had also served in the United States army, at Fort Snelling latterly, and (Mrs. JAMES PATTEN thinks) was discharged there. The explorer anld scientist, J. N. NICOLLET, while at Mendota, in I836, preparing to go toward the Upper Mississippi on his expedition, employed DESIRE, then attached to the garrison, as an attendant. He speaks of him in his work as follows: Having received good testimonials of his character, I accepted his ofler, and have nothing but praise to bestow on his activity, patience, and the cheerfulness which he manifested even in the midst of some' trying ciicumstances to which we were exposed." DESIRE, having spent most of his life in the army, was unfitted, at his age, when hlie left the army, for any very active pursuits, while his intemperate habits also brought on him repeated troubles. He made a settlement east of the Mississippi, where he led a lonely life for some time, but was, in IS40, expelled from the Reserve with other settlers. In I842, he came to Saint Paul, and secured employment from Sergt. RICHARD W. MORTIMER, who had just and of the County of Ramsey, Alinnesota. settled there, and J. R. IRVINE and others. DESIRE could not work much, but did such light labor as was necessary, interspersing it with fearful sprees, lasting sometimes two weeks, in which he would roll on the ground anywhere, helpless and insensible. He came near freezing to death several times in these debauches, but was always cared for by his acquaintances, who liked him very much, as he was a kind-hearted, good-humored and vivacious companion. DESIRE lived at Saint Paul some two years, and then went to Elk River, into which he fell during one of his sprees, and was drowned. DONALD McDONALD was born in Canada, in I8S03, of Scotch parents. At the age of I5 years he left Canada, with Captain MILIES MONTGOMERY, and went to Hudson's Bay. He was, for some years, in the employ of the American Fur Company, and traveled very extensively over the Northwest. He put up (he says) the third house on the east side of the Mississippi. Subsequently he claimed the land where the Half-Way House now is. This land, he says, he sold to DENOYER, " for a barrel of whisky and two Indian guns." He subsequently went to Crow Wing, where he married a half-breed, and had a numerous family. 63 64 Theic Histoiy of thec City of Saint Paul, CHAPTER VI. THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF SAINT PAUL. PIERIRE PARRANT, OR "OLD PIG'S EYE"'-SOME ACCOUNT OF TIlE OLD COON-HE MAKES THE FIRST CLAIM IN SAINT PAUL-ABRAIhAM PERRY AND THE GERVAIS BROTHERS FOLLOW-PHELAN AND HAYS, AND SOME ACCOUNT OF THEM-THE INDIANS SHOOT PERRY'S CATTLE-RATIFICATION OF THE TREATY-A MYSTERI OUS CIIARACTER-PARRANT MORTGAGES HIS CLAIM. HE long winter wore to a close, and the spring of I838 had thawed away its snow and ice. The treaty had been made, and that it would be ratified, there was no reasonable doubt. Why not anticipate the latter form, by making claims in advance? The thought was inspiring. Some of the pine-firinged streams along the Saint Croix, alread(ly resounded to the lumberman's axe. At Fort Snelling and Mendota were ia number of keen fellows, looking eagerly on, and waiting for a good chance to seize on some of the rich territory so soon to be open to the impatient speculator. Among them was one PIERRE PARRANT, a Canadian voyageutr, who chanced to be, at the time, hanging around Mendota, waiting for something to turn up. PARRANT had lived some time at Sault Ste. Marie, then at Saint Louis, where he had been in the employ of MCKENZIE and CHIOUTEAU, and afterwards at Prairie du Chien. He came to Mendota in I832. It must be related, that he bore not the most enviable character. It was hinted that he left Sault Ste. Marie on account of some irregularities of conduct that were distasteful to the good people there. Maj. TALIAFERRO, the Indian Agent, appeared to estimate his character somewhat low. In one place in his journal, under date of August 23d(, I835, he writes: " Ordered PIERRE PARRANT, i foreigner, prohibited frolm the trade, not to enter the Indian country in any capacity." and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. PARRANT seems, in defiance of this order, to have entered the Indian country, for Maj. TALIAFERRO again writes, on October I2th, that it was reported that he had done soand adds that, if found true, " a military force would be sent after him, and he would be sent to Prairie du Chien." PARRANT'S personal appearance may have somewhat favored the estimate of his character. He was a coarse, ill-looking, lowbrowed fellow, with only one eye, and that a sinister-looking one. He spoke execrable English. His habits were intemperate and licentious, and, at the date we speak of, he was past the meridian of life-probably sixty years of age. Such was the man on whom Fortune, with that blind fatuity that seems to characterize the jade, thrust the honor of being the founder of our good city! Our pride almost revolts at the chronicling of such a humiliation, and leads us to wish that it were on one worthier and nobler that such a distinction had fallen. But history is inexorable, and we must record fads as they are. PARRANT kept his one eye open to the main chance, it would seem, and, after surveying the situation of things with his optic, he concluded not to wait the ratification of the treaty, but to seize on some good spot in advance. For certain reasons, he desired to get as near the fort and to Mendota as possible! while getting just outside the lines of the Reserve, as far as they could be ascertained. These reasons were, that he could sell whisky to the soldiers and Indians undisturbed by the authorities at the fort, who had been greatly annoyed at the surreptitious sale of liquor to those two classes, by some unprincipled traders and hangers-on around Fort Snelling, and were endeavoring to break up the traffic as far as possible. Hence, he selected, as the most eligible spot for such a business, the mouth of the creek which flows out of " Fountain Cave," in upper town. PARRANT wisely judged of the convenience of the place to his customers. It was near the river, where the Indians and others could paddle to his very door, and then, too, he could get his supplies easily, and, if necessary, dilute the article profitably, by a judicious admixture of the unfailing stream flowing out of the cave. Here, in the coolie, 65 66 The Jfisto,-y of tle City of Saint Paul, a secluded and lonely gorge in the river bank, PARRANT, about the first of June, in the year of our Lord I838, began erecting his hovel. He, the immortal parent of our saintly city, and of the noble army of whisky-sellers who have thriven since that day-it, the first habitation, the first business house, of our Christian metropolis of to-day! Thus was our city' founded" -by a pig-eyed retailer of whisky. The location of the fiiture Capital of Minnesota was determined, not by the commanding and picturesque bluffs, a noble and inspirinig site whereon to build a city-not by the great river flowing so majestically in front of it, suggestive of commerce and trade-but solely as a convenient spot to sell whisky, without the pale of law! ANOTHER SETTLER-ABRAHAM PERRY. Alinost simultaneously with the advent of PARRANT, came another settler-ABRAHAM PERRY, (or PERRET,) and family, having been compelled to leave the Reserve on the west side, as referred to a few pages back. ABRAHAM PERRY was born in Switzerland, about the year 1780, and was brought up as a watchmaker. He married in Switzerland, and three children were born to him there. About the year I820, he, with a considerable number of his fellow countrymen, were induced to emigrate to the Red River Colony, by one of Lord SELKIRK's agents.' Their occupations had been mechanical, (says NEILL,) chiefly that of clockmaking, and they were not adapted for the stern work of founding a colony in the interior of North America. From year to year their spirits drooped, and when the Switzers' song of home was sung, they could not keep back their tears." Repeated calamities oppressed the colony-untimely frosts, grasshoppers and other causes despoiled their harvests, and finally the great flood of I826 gave the finishing blow to their hopes. A large number of the Swiss determined to emigrate to the United States. It was reported that they would be kindly received at Fort Snelling, and allowed to settle there, and, in I827, a number of families came to that point, ABRAHAM PERRY among them. The kind-hearted SNELLING allowed such as wished to locate near the fort. PERRY, who had brought with and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. him a number of cattle, located a mile or two above the fort, near Cold Spring," built a cabin opened a farm, and was soon prosperously fixed. Two children had been born to him at Red River, and, during his residence at Fort Snelling two more, making six daughters and one son in all. Meantime, two of his oldest daughters were married. In the spring of I838S, as referred to before, Maj. PLYMPTON drove all the settlers off the west side of the Reserve, PERRY among them. This was a cruel blow to PERRY, who had just begun to be comfortably fixed, and was now in the evening of his days, with quite a family dependent upon him. But, driving his flocks before him, like ABRAHAM of old, he journeyed across the river, looking for a new home. Wishing, like PARRANT, to get just without the bounds of the Reserve-which he was informed by Maj. PLYMPTON intersected the Mississippi at Fountain Cave-he made a claim just below that of PARRANT, on the beautiful stream which flows across the road there, and erected a habitation about where the City Hospital now stands. His herd* was soon grazing on the luxuriant meadow grass about him, giving new hopes that perhaps at last he might pass the evening of life in peace. But even this hope was destined to prove delusive ere long, as we shall see a few pages subsequently. In fact, scarcely was PERRY'S new roof-tree reared, when the Sioux appeared iand threateningly ordered them to leave. It seems that, although the Indians had bartered away their lands, they still looked with a jealous eye upon them, and were loth to see the stranger and the pale-face occupy them and prosper. PERRY gave them no satisfaction, however, and, on June 9, a party of the Kaposia band. probably headed by Wa-kin-yan-ton-ka, or BIG TH-UNDER, (LITTLE CROw'S father,) went to Fort Snellihg, and complained to Maj. TALIAFERRO, Indian Agent, about PERRY and PARRANT settling on their lands, before the treaty had been ratified, and they received any consideration. Nothing was done at that time concerning the alleged intru * Col. JOHN H. STEVENS, in the address before quoted, says: "PERRY at one time owned more cattle than all the rest of the inhabitants of what is now Minnesota, if we except Mr. RENVILLE." 67 68 Thze Histoiy of the City of Saint PaI?, sion, as a steamer arrived just then, on which came a passenger, who reported to have heard that the treaty was ratified. A little premature, however. But at all events, PARRANT was sufflered to sell whisky, and PERRY to herd his flocks, undisturbed. Not undisturbed either, for a few weeks subsequently, viz. on October iS8, Maj. TALIIAFERRO writes ill his journal, that Mrs. PERRY and CHARLES PERRY, her son, came to the fort and complained that the Indians had killed three of her cattle, and wounded a fourth. This was sometime after the ratificationI of the treaty, too, and thlit fact must have been known to them. But I am of the opinion that PARRANT'S whisky must have caused this latter outrage, more than any other cause. Perhaps Maj. TALIAFERRO took this view of it, too, for he merely adds in his journal: " They (the Sioux) will have to pay $200 for the aflair out of their next year's annuity." THE TREATY RATIFIED. While these events were progressing, however, the treaty of September 29, I837, was slowly passing through the Senate. On June I5, a final vote was reached on it, and it was ratified. Just one month later, (news traveled slow those diays,) the steamer Palmyra landed at Fort Snelling, with the glad news. It produced some excitement among those who had been waiting so long to make claims, and they at once started off to seize on eligible points, which had already been picked out by covetous eyes. N. W. KITTSON states that the boat arrived in the evening, and, after dark the same night, he, FRANKLIN STEELE and ANGUS M. ANDERSON, started off to make a clainm at Saint Anthony Falls. JOSEPH R. BROWN left at the same time for the Saint Croix, where he drove the stakes of a new town. THE GERVAIS BROTHERS SETTLE HERE. On the I3th day of July, I838, BENJAMIN GERVAIS and PIERRE GERVAIS, made claims near ABRAIHIAM PERRY, and proceeded to erect habitations. The GEtVAIS brothers were Red River refugees. I and of the County of Ramsel,, Minnesota. BENJAMIN GERVAIS was born at Riviere du Loup, Canada, July I5, I786. About the year I8o3, he went to Red River, in company with several Canadian families, who settled there. GERVAIS did not himself settle there that year, but made trading voyages back and forth to Canada until the year I812, when he took up his residence there, and was in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company for several years. On September 29, I823, he was married at Fort Garry, by Bishop PROVENCIHER, to Miss GENEVIEVE LARANS, a native of Berthier, Canada, and went to farming at a place called La Pointe, about a mile and a half below-Fort Garry. Their story is that of all the Red River refugees-the floods, grasshoppers, untimely frosts, hard winters, &c., drove them away to a more habitable region, and, in I827, Mr. GERVAIS, with his wife and three children, proceeded to Fort Snelling, near which they settled. On being turned away from the Reserve, Mr. GERVAIS proceeded to the neighborhood of Mr. PERRY, and made a claim a little below that settler, running from the rivkr to the bluff. Having one or two stout boys, born during his residence on Red River, he proceeded to make a clearing, and soon had quite a farm in operation. PIERRE GERVAIS was 17 years younger than his brother. He, too, had lived at Red River several years, and came from there to Mendota in I826, where he entered the service of the American Fur Company. He made a claim near BENJAMIN GERVAIS, which occupied about what is now known as " Leech's Addition." ANOTHER PRONUNCIAMENTO FROMN MAJOR PLYMPTON. Though the above settlers thought that they were, beyond any doubt, settling outside the bounds of the Reservation, as far as they were understood at that time, it is possible that the authorities at the fort took a diflerent view of it, and regarded it as an intrusion on the sacred domain of the Government. On July 26, I838, Maj. PLYMPTON issued an order forbidding " all persons, not attached to the military, from erecting any building or buildings, fence or fences, or cutting timber for any but for public use, within said line, which has been sur 69 70 The History of the City of Saint Paul, veyed and forwarded to the War Department, subject to the final decision thereof," &c. Whether this order was called out by the fact of PERtRY, the GERVAIS families and others settling within the imaginary lines of PLYMPTON'S Reserve, or not, it is not absolutely known. It is quite probable he did refer to those squatters, however, as in the letter accompanying a copy of the order to the \Var Department, he says: "HEADQUARTERS FORT SNELLING, July 30, I838. "SIR: I take the liberty to enclose to you herewith a copy of an order which I deemed necessary to publish to protecdt the land which has been marked out as a military reservation at this post, against encroachments, which were every day forcing themselves upon my notice. "Without interfering with the property of any individual, I shall strictly enforce my order till the pleasure of the Department shall be known upon the subject, presuming that my duty to the public and the spirit of my instructions call for such a course. "Mv order must, as a matter of right, more particularly allude to persons urging themselves within the line at this time, than to those who I found, on my arrival here last summer, settled down near the fort. The authority for these settlements being made, I have to presume, is to be found or is known at the Department, although I have not been successful in finding any record of it in the office of this post. "The character and extent of these settlements and improvements was given in my communication of the i9th October, I837. "I have the honor to be, very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, "J. PLYMPTON, "Major United States Arm', Commanding Post. 'ADJUTANT GENERAL U. S. A., Washington, District of Columbia." About the same date that the news of the ratification of the treaty was received at Fort Snelling, and shortly after, three soldiers were discharged from the Fifth Regiment, named EDWARD PIIELAN, JOHN IIAYS and WILLIAM EVANS, all three natives of Ireland. They resolved to make claims in the newly ceded tract, and, finding some settlers along the river below the cave, fixed on this locality as the most likely one for their purpose. EDWARD PIIELAN was the youngest of the three. He was a man of splendid physique, over six feet in height, muscular and active. He and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. bore not the most enviable character. He is reported to have been immoral, cruel, revengeful and unscrupulous. By his own boasting, he had led a lawless and criminal life before entering the army, and was one whom most civil and welldisposed persons avoided as a dangerous person. His fuiture career will show that this estimate of his character was well founded. Since the foregoing was written, I have, by the courtesy of the Adjutant General U. S. A., been supplied with the following descriptive list" of PHELAN, from the records of the War Office: "WASHINGTON, D. C., O(t. 20, 1875. "SIR: In reply to your letter of the 7th instant, I respectfully inform you, that, upon an examination of the official records, it appears that Edward Felyn enlisted June 8, I835, at New York City, for three years, and was assigned to Company E, Fifth Infantry, and discharged June 8, I838, by reason of expiration of service, at Fort Snelling, Wisconsin Territory, a private. He was twenty-four years of age when enlisted, had gray eyes, brown hair, fair complexion, and was six feet two and one-half inches high; born in Londonderry, Ireland, and by occupation a laborer. "Very respectfully, your obedient servant, *'~~~~~ " ~S. N. BENJAMIN, Assistant Adjutant General." WILLIAM EVANS was a fellow countryman of PHELAN'S, and near the same age. He selected for his claim a spot on Dayton's Bluff, near the DayNton Mansion, and lived there a dozen or more years. He sutbsequently moved to what is now Washington county, and is said to be a farmer in that locality at present-but I have been unable, after several efbforts, to get his address, or to secure any information from him. SERGEANT JOHN HAYS. Serving in Company E, Fifth Regiment, was Sergeant JOHN HAYS, also a native of Ireland, who, at the time PIIELAN and EVANS made their claims, was expecting his discharge in a few months, and wished to settle near his old comrades. He, therefore, made an arrangement with PIIELAN, that the latter 7r 72 The Thistory of the City of Saint Paul, was to make for him (HAYS) a claim alongside his own, and hold it until his discharge, and agreeing that he would furnish for PHELAN some money which the latter was to use in erecting a cabin, &c., which they would jointly occupy, when he came out of the army. HAYS was a man of exactly the opposite characteristics as the ruffianlv PHELAN. He was of middle age at the time we write-his hair somewhat bleached with two or three terms' service in the army. He was something of a martinet in discipline, precise and exact in his dress, bearing and actions, gained by his long military service. His form was spare but erect, and he had a dignified and respectable bearing, that impressed everybody who met him, favorably. Every one of the earliest settlers of Saint Paul who knew JOHN HAYS, speaks of him with unqualified praise, as an honest, good, courteous and clever old gentleman. He was unmarried, and, during his service in the army, had saved his pav, which, at the time of his discharge, amounted to a considerable sum. The records of the War Department give the "I descriptive list" of HAYS, when he re-enlisted in I836, as follows: "JOHN HAYS, age 37 years, born in Waterford, Ireland; occupation, a laborer; blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, height five feet eight and three-fourths inches. Re-enlisted in Company E, Fifth Infantry, April 25, I836, for three years; discharged at Fort Snelling. Minnesota, April 25, I839, by reason of expiration of service, a sergeant." His age, when discharged, would, if the above figures are correct, be about forty, but he is spoken of by all who knewhim, as being much older than that, and probably was, as for good reasons he might have understated his age when mustered in. PHELAN MAKES A CLAIM. As remarked above, these three soldiers resolved to make claims in this vicinity. PHELAN was the first to secure his discharge, and, after prospecting hereabouts, selected as a claim a tract of ground fronting on the river, running back to the bluff, and bounded (approximately) by what is now Eagle and Third streets on the west, and Saint Peter street on the east. On the side of the bluff; under Third street-about where the and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. soap factory now stands-he built a log house, a mere hovel, it is described, to "' live" in for the present. At request of HAYS, as before stated, PHELAN selected for him*, a claim adjoining his own on the east, fronting on the river, and running back to the bluffs, extending probably from what is now Saint Peter street, down to somewhere near the present Minnesota street. He was to hold this claim for HAYs-according to the agreement with H.-until the latter got his discharge, the subsequent spring, and thereafter HAYS was to live with him in the hovel under the hill. A MYSTERIOUS CHARACTER. Sometime during the summer or fall of 1838, a stranger turned iup," from no one knew where, and built a cabin on the bank near where Lindeke's mill now is-between that and the gas works. Nothing more was known concerning him than that his name was "JOHNSON." Where he came from, his past life, his object in settling in such an out-of-the-way place, were all wrapped in a profound and embarrassing mystery, that baffled the most curious scrutiny of the suspicious settlers hereabout. A woman was living with him, presumed to be his wife, and she had a young child. What deepened the mystery, in the eyes of the plain, simple inhabitants of that primeval period, was the fact that "JOHNSON" and his wife had evidently moved in society of a kind much superior,'in a social or fashionable point of view, to that which would usually be found in the claim shanties of the frontier at that period. Their manners were elegant and refined, and they dressed in expensive and fashionable clothing. In fact, it was not so much the reserved and secluded manners of JOHNSON that first attracted suspicion against him, as his fine clothes! We almost shrink from recording the fact that, at one period of our history, to be well dressed was to become an object of suspicion. That is sadly changed now, to an opposite extreme. One needs * VrETAL GUERIN, who gave me very minutely his reminiscences of early days, thought that the claims were owned in the opposite way, i. e., that the upper one PIHELAN intended for HAYS, and the lower one he meant to be his own. The other settlers, however, give the account of it as I have recorded it above. 6 73 74 Thze ]listory of the City of Saint Paul, only a skillful tailor to enable him to become the pet of quite a numerous circle of persons who ought to know better, but who find out, after being repeatedly victimized, that good characdter and good clothes are not inseparable. No such nice distinctions troubled the men and women of I838, however. But when they saw a man threading our springy bogs or thorny thickets in patent leather gaiters and broadcloth clothes and silk hat, it must be confessed that there was some ground for being a little shy of him. The most charitable would have admitted that he had at least eloped with some other man's wife, and came to this secluded region to avoid notice. But there were others who suspected a still more heinous offense. He could not, they thought, support all this style without labor, unless he had robbed some one down below, and fled with the ill-gotten booty, or else was a counterfeiter. The last suspicion gained the most prevalence, and was strengthened by an incident that occurred the following spring, probably. One cold, dark, stormy night, when a perfect tempest was raging, one of the settlers, who had been down the river, to Pig's Eye, probably, arrived at JOHNSON'S cabin, cold, weary, wet and hungry, and asked permission to remain all night and get some food, as he did not feel able to get the rest of his way home in the storm and darkness. Strange to say, this request was refiused; in fact, he avers that JOHNSON would not even open the door for him. This, taken in connection with the other suspicious circumstances, was, to the settlers hereabouts, proof strong as words of holy writ that JOHNSON must be a counterfeiter. The settlers at last hinted to him their suspicions, and added a threat that " the authorities at the fort," a class everybody seemed to stand in awe of, were going to arrest him. Whether JOHNSON had been guilty of any wrong or not, will never be known, but this last information seemed to make him uneasy. He hastily sold his clairm' to JAMES R. CLEWETT, and decamped down the river. PARRANT MORTGAGES HIS CLAIM. But we must not lose sight of old PARRANT, located at the cave. During all this time he was driving a flourishing trade, . and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. selling whisky to both Indians and whites. Occasionally a party of soldiers, bound on a spree, would come down to his ranch, get soaked with his red-eye and tangle-foot brands, and fail to report next day. Hence a guard would have to hunt them up, and the. poor fellows would sojourn in the guardhouse, or wear a ball and chain for a period. Two or three times the officers at the fort threatened to tear his shanty down, but never executed the threat at that time. His place was searched once or twice, with the intention of demolishing all liquor found, but the old fox was too sly to be caught that way. He didn't keep much stock in sight. The rest of it was buried near by, where no one but himself could find it. Some say he used to hide it in the cave. But old PARRANT lost his place at last. In the fall of that year- I838-he borrowed from WILLIAM BEAUMETTE, of Mendota, the sum of $90, and, to secure it to the latter person, gave him the following judgment note, the original of which the writer has in his possession: "SAINT PETER'S, I2th November. I838. "On the first day of May next, I promise to pay to GUILLAUME BEAUMETTE, ninety dollars, for the value received, without defalcation. his "PIERRE X PARRANT. mark. "Witness: "A. M. ANDERSON. "H. H. SIBLEY. "Know all men by these presents, that I, PIERRE PARRANT, residing near the entry of the Saint Peter's River, and in Wisconsin Territory, do hereby make over, transfer and quit-claim to GUILLAUME BEAUMETTE, of said Saint Peter's, all my right, title, and interest in and to all that tract or portion of land which I, the said PARRANT, now reside upon and occupy, at the cave, so-called, about four miles below Fort Snelling, to have and to hold t~e same to the said GUILLAUME BEAUMETTE, his heirs and assigns forever. ' Provided always-and it is hereby expressly understood between the parties. that if the said PIERRE PARRANT shall pay or cause to be paid, on or about the first of May next, to the said BEAUMETTE, the sum of ninetydollars, amount of a certain note of hand given by me, the 75 76 The c History of the City of Saint Paul, said PARRANT, to the said BEAUMETTE, then this transfer to be null, and of none effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. his "PIERRE X PARRANT. [L. S.] mark. "Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of "H. H. SIBLEY. " A. M. ANDERSON." The above document is in the handwriting of H. H. SIBLEY, who was then, or at least shortly afterward, a Justice of the Peace of Clayton county, Iowa, with a bailiwick extending from the present Iowa line to the British Possessions. WILLIAM BEAUMETTE, to whom the above note was given, was a Canadian by birth, who had emigrated to Red River about I8IS or ISI 9. He was a stone mason by trade, and, while at Red River, helped to build the present Fort Garry. At the time of the exodus from Selkirk's Settlement to Fort Snelling, BEAUMETTE accompanied the refugees, and proceeded to Mendota, where he lived some years. He did not become an atual resident of Saint Paul until some time after the date of this occurrence. He married a sister of VETAL GUERIN, and lived in Saint Paul for over twenty years. He died here in November, i870, aged about 70 years. Here, for the present, we must leave this real estate transac tion. a. I839] and of the County of Ramsey, Aino?esota. CHAPTER VII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I839. TIlE EXCLUSION OF SETTLERS FROM THE RESERVE ARGUED-SURGEON EMERSON ACCUSES THEM OF DEMORALIZING THE SOLDIERS WITH LIQUOR-GEN. WOOL CORROBORATES THIS-THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC WITH INDIANS-PARRANT LOSES HIS CLAIM-ORIGIN OF " PIG'S EYE"-SETTLERS AT THE GRAND MARAIS-FIRST MARRIAGE, BIRTH AND DEATH-THE MURDER OF HAYS-WAS PHELAN GUIL TY —SURVEY OF THE RESERVATION-ORDER FINALLY ISSUED TO EXPEL THE SETTLERS-THE WISCONSIN LEGISLATURE PROTESTS-VETAL GUERIN JUMPS THE HAYS CLAIM. ARLY in 1839, the exclusion of the settlers on the Re serve again occupied the attention of the authorities at the fort. The ostensible reason was the illicit liquor traffic which some of them carried on, but, from the subjoined letter of Col. SAMUEL C. STAMBAUGH, sutler at Fort Snelling, to the Secretary of WVar, quoted on page 6I, other motives may have been at work. Referring to the lines of the Reserve, as adopted by Major PLYMPTON, he remarks: A SIGNIFICANT DOCUMENT. "Nor was it thought by any one that the line would cross the Saint Peter's. There is land'enough on the west side of (or between) these rivers, in the Indian country, to make a reservation of any extent, which will not be bounded by western settlers for a long time. "You will perceive, by an examination of the survey and plat before you, that the line as run is both awkward and unnatural. It commences some distance above the Falls of Saint Anthony on the west side of the Mississippi, but, instead of crossing immediately and traversing-the country to strike the angle of the river below the fort, it runs along the west side about three miles below the Falls, where it crosses the river, and thence strikes across the country to Carver's Cave, which is three miles below Fort Snelling by the course of the river. "The land, embracing the Falls of Saint Anthony, on the east side of the river, has, since its purchase by the United States, been improved by settlements so as to secure a pre-emption, and it is now held in possession bv Doctor WRIGHT, FRANKLIN STEELE, and myself, (one 77 78 Thze Ilistory of tze City of Saint Paul, [i839 half se6tion,) and one section by Major PLYMPTON, Captain SCOTT, and Doctor EMERSON. These settlements include the best positions immediately above the Reservation, as surveyed. If the military Reservation is made to include Carver's Cave, below Fort Snelling, it will embrace all the steamboat landings on the Mississippi River along a distance of twenty miles below the Falls, as the country is broken and swampy nine miles below the cave, and hence no steamboat landing can be procured by settlers within a distance of twelve miles below Fort Snelling, and the rapids produced by the Falls will prevent boats ascending above the Reservation line. The property, therefore, in which I, with others, claim to have an interest, would be greatly enhanced in value, by a military Reserve, which would place our claim most contiguous to the fort. But I believe the military service cannot be benefited by such a measure, and the adoption of it would produce universal dissatisfadtion when the country comes into market, and would now beta great mortification and inconvenience to visitors, who will crowd the Falls of Saint Anthony during the summer months, if houses for their accommodation can be erected in the vicinity of Fort Snelling. The bluffs of the river immediately opposite the fort are very high and difficult of ascent, and the current of the river strong and deep. They are exposed to the eye of the sentinel for more than a mile up and down the river, so that no soldier can cross and enter a house on the opposite side without detection. Whereas, if settlers are forced back into the interior, out of sight and beyond immediate investigation, they will be of an inferior class, and can, if so disposed, bring whisky in kegs into the forest, within a short distance of the fort, with but little risk. "The same objections exist to the extension of the Reserve beyond the Saint Peter's River. In a year or two, in all probability, the Indian title will be extinguished on that side of the river, so as to secure both sides of the Mississippi, and the citizens of Iowa Territory will extend their settlements to the rich valley of the Saint Peter's. If, therefore, the line is established as surveyed, it will take in all the boat landings near the junction of the Saint Peter's and Mississippi, and the people of Iowa can have no town or depot within from IO to I5 miles distance, centered by this important point. ' I have taken the liberty of submitting to you these undigested remarks, because I know that the extension of the military Reserve for Fort Snelling, beyond the Mississippi and Saint Peter's, will give great dissatisfaction to the people who go to purchase land and settle in that country. I have heard but one opinion expressed concerning it from all who have visited that place since I have been there. The United States Commissioners, Judge PEASE and General EWING, who were there last summer, after the survey was made, expressed the same opinions here given. If a military force must be kept up, at a heavy expense, to I839] and of the County of Ramsey, Jflinnesota. preserve peace between the Indians and our own citizen settlers, the latter should not be thrown out of sight and out of hearing of that protection, but, as is usual, the first settlers should be permitted to locate as near that protection as possible. As the line has been run by the survey now before you, with the Mississippi and a forest of several miles intervening, an Indian force can intercept all communication with the fort, and the inhabitants may be massacred before the militarv can be apprised of the attack. Whereas, if the settlements would border on the river, they could furnish a shelter for those in the interior, and be covered by a six-pounder from the fort. A friendly intercourse and feeling would thus also be kept up between the military and civil power, which is a matter of the highest importance in times of Indian troubles." THE ILLICIT SALE OF LIQOUOR TO SOLDIERS. On March IO, Maj. PLYMPTON addressed a long letter to the War Department, mainly in reference to the lines of the Reserve, and the settlers thereon, rehearsing the troubles the settlers had given him by selling liquor to the soldiers, and urging their expulsion. Thie surgeon of the fort, Dr. EMERSON, also addressed the following letter to the Surgeon General: "FORT SNELLING, April 23, I839. "SIR: As a friend to the soldier and temperance in the army, I am induced to make to you, as head of the department to which I have the honor of belonging, a statement of our situation at this post. Since the middle of winter we have been completely inundated with ardent spirits, and consequently the most beastly scenes of intoxication among the soldiers of this garrison and the Indians in its vicinity, which, no doubt, will add many cases to our sick-list. The whisky is brought here by citizens who are pouring in upon us and settling themselves on the opposite shore of the Mississippi River, in defiance of our worthy commanding officer, Major J. PLYMPTON, whose authority they set at naught. At this moment, there is a citizen, once a soldier in the Fifth Infantry, who was discharged at this post while Col. SNELLING commanded, and who has been since employed by the American Fur Company, actually building on the land marked out by the commanding officer as the Reserve, and within gunshot distance of the fort, a very extensive whisky shop. They are encouraged in their nefarious deeds in consequence of letters received by them, as they say, from Saint Louis and Washington, mentioning that no Reserve would be acknowledged by the proper authority. If such is the fadt, (which I doubt very much,) I can only say that the happiness of the officers and soldiers is at an end at Fort Snelling. "In my humble opinion, the immediate action of the Government is 79 So The Tistorv of the City of Saint Paul, called for, to give us relief in pointing out the military Reserve, which ought not to be less than twenty miles square, or to the mouth of the Saint Croix River, especially as the Indians are allowed by treaty to hunt on it. I am certain, if the honorable Secretary of War knew our situation, not a moment's time would be lost in turning the wretches off of the Reserve, who live by robbing the men of the garrison of health, comfort, and every cent they possess. Pardon me, sir, if I err in writing so, but I feel grieved to witness such scenes of drunkenness and dissipation where I have spent many days of happiness, when we had no ardent spirits among us, and, consequently, sobriety and good conduft among the command. May I presume to ask you to use your influence with the proper authority to mark out the Reserve, and rid us of those harpies or whisky-sellers who destroy the health of the soldiers, and, consequently, their usefulness to their Government and country. "With great respect, I have the honor to remain your obedient servant, "J. EMERSON, "Surgeon U. S. A. "THOMAS LAWSON, "Surgeon General U. S. A. "The immediate action of the Government is called for in this matter. " E." This letter was referred by the Surgeon General to the Secretary of War, and, on June 2d, the post at Fort Snelling was visited and inspected by Brig. Gen. JOHN E. WOOL, who, in his report to the Secretary of War, strongly endorsed the above views, as follows: "My objecdt at this time is to call your attention particularly to his peculiar situation in regard to the Indians and white inhabitants who are permitted to occupy the country surrounding his post. The views of Major PLYMPTON on this subject have been on several occasions presented to the War Department, and at length in his communication of the I I th March last, and which, from my own observation, I am confident are correct, and, if not attended to in due season, his predictions in relation to the Indians and whites will be verified. "The white inhabitants, aware of the large amount of money annually paid by the United States to the Indians residing in that region of country, avail themselves of the means in their power, confident of the protection of the Government, of introducing at all points, and within half a mile of Fort Snelling, intoxicating liquors, which is no less destructive to the discipline of the troops than hazardous of the peace and quiet of the country. Such is the character of the white inhabitants of that country, that, if they cannot be permitted to carry on their nefarious'traffic with the Indians, it will sooner or later involve them in a [IS39 I839] and of the Cotuntl of Ramsel,, Ajinnesola. war with the United States. If the Government would avoid such a result, it should immediately adopt measures to drive off the public lands all white intruders within twenty miles of Fort Snelling, and prohibit intoxicating liquors from being introduced into the Indian country, or on lands not sold by the United States. "Again, it is well known that the Sioux and Chippewas have been at war from time immemorial, and no prospect of its termination or of peace being established between the two tribes. The introduction of whisky, which is as common almost as water, by no means tends to' lessen their national hatred; on the contrary, it prompts collisions and war, and, consequently, a source of constant and increasing anxiety to the commanding officer, which no vigilance can guard against. The sacrifice of blood and treasure in the late war in Florida ought at least to admonish us that we ought to be on our guard, and, by timely measures, prevent similar results." These reports and communications were taken under advisement by the Secretary of War, and soon induced him to take decisive action ill the case, as will appear hereafter. It may be thought that unnecessary space and prominence has been given to these documents regarding the lines of the Reserve, and the conduct of some of the settlers thereon. But the reader will soon perceive, if he has not already, that they are of the greatest historical value and importance, as giving the reasons and causes which first tended to the settlement of the locality which afterwards became Saint Paul, and determined the location of our city. Hence, they could not be omitted from a full and impartial history, and deserve the careful attention of the reader. THE LIQOUOR TRAFFIC. Perhaps the inquiry has arisen in the mind of the reader, was the illicit liquor traffic carried on so extensively as has been intimated above, and was it productive of the evil consequences mentioned, to the Indians and soldiers? I think there is abundant testimony from various sources to prove that it was. Intemperance among the soldiers, as Stirgeon EMERSON says, has always been one of the worst enemies to their health, good discipline and morale. How to prevent it always has been, and is now, one of the most difficutlt problems of the good officer. Maj. rALIAFERRO, Indian Agent at SI 82 Thze History of the City of Saint Paul, the fort, in his journal, before quoted, refers in many instances to the trouble brought on soldiers by the illicit sale of liquor to them. On June 3d, I839, he notes thatforty-seven soldiers were confined in the guard-house for drunkenness, in one night, having been arrested in an uproarious spree in a whisky hovel across the river, kept by a man named MINK, who was, for that offense, sent out of the country. Mrs. JAMEs PATTEN, of Minneapolis, (then living in the fort with her father, RICHARD W. MORTIMER, a Commissary Sergeant,) states that, etery winter, after settlers began to locate west of the river, and sell liquor clandestinely, soldiers lost their lives by falling down on their way back to the fort, from DONALDb MCDONALD'S, while intoxicated, and freezing to death. They would scale the walls, and run away, in order to go up to that groggery. The bodies of some who died thus were eaten by the wolves. Others, less fortunate, lost their hands or feet, and dragged out the rest of their lives, miserable cripples. The trouble and expense, and strategems soldiers would resort to to obtain liquor, shows the irresistible thirst that overpowers reason and self-command. A few years before the above date, a Sergeant MANN, one winter night, gave eighty dollars for a gallon of whisky, which probably cost the dealer a shilling. Judge IRA B. BRUNSON, of Prairie du Chien, the Deputy Marshal of Wisconsin Territory, who, in I840, was charged with dislodging the settlers from the Reserve, says that at that time a considerable part of the soldiers were men of intemperate habits before they joined the army, and many of them enlisted while drunk, so that, being habituated to the use of liquor, they would run all sorts of risk to satisfy their cravings. The effedt of the sale on the Indians was even worse. "Under the influence, [says NEILL,] of a vile class of whiskysellers that infested the neighborhood of what is now the capital of Minnesota, the Dakotas were a nation of drunkards. Men would travel hundreds of miles to Thie place where they selzl l/inne-wakan, as they designated Saint Paul, to- traffic for a keg of whisky." Rev. GIDEON H. POND, the editor of the Dakotah Friend, says, in an article dated September, I85: "Twelve years ago they bade fair soon to die, all together, in one drunken jumble. They must be drunk-they could hardly live if they [I839 I839] an,d of the County of Ramsey, M,innesota. were not drunk. Many of them seemed as uneasy when sober as a fish does when on land. At some of the villages they were drunk months together. There was no end to it. They would have whisky. They would give guns, blankets, pork, lard, flour, corn, coffee, sugar, horses, fuirs, traps, anything for whisky. It was made to drink-it was goodit was zwakan. They drank it-they bit off each other's noses-broke each other's ribs and heads-they knifed each other. They killed one another with guns, knives, hatchets, clubs, fire-brands-they fell into the fire and water, and were burned to death and drowned-they froze to death, and committed suicide so frequently that, for a time, the death of an Indian, in some of the ways mentioned, was but little thought of by themselves or others. Some of the earlier settlers of Saint Paul and Pig's Eye remember something about these matters. Their eyes saw sights which are not exhibited now-a-days." WHAT SAINT PAUL OWES TO WHISKY! Out of what humble circumstances sometimes spring great results. The history of Saint Paul exemplifies it. The illicit sale of liquor by some unscrupulous squatters on the Reserve, led to the expulsion without its lines of all the settlers, whether guilty of that offense or not, and resulted in forming a settlement at another point, which ultimately grew into the Saint Paul of a later day. Thus the very corner-stone of our civic existence was laid in whisky! To some extent the village throve on whisky at an early day, and whisky is yet an element of power in our midst, (especially in politics,) despite the noble crusade of Bishop IRELAND and the temperance societies. In fadt, the first steamboat that ever landed at the shores of Saint Paul, the Glaucus, Captain ATCHISON, May 2I, IS39, stopped to put off six barrels of whisky for DONALD MCDONALD, since known as thie " Half-WVay House," being afraid to take the liquor any further up the river, for fear it would be seized and destroyed by the authorities at the fort. It was always a mystery to the writer how such quantities of liquor could hate been used by ordinary consumption, those days, unless the early settlers of this locality were " powerful" thirsty fellows, got up on the sponge order. But Gen. R. W. JOHNSON, in his address before the Old Settlers' Society of Hennepin county, gives a charitable construction of it that explains the whole question satisfacdtorily. He says that the old 83 84 The Historl, of the City of Saint Paul, [1839 pioneers were about to settle in a region of which they had very little knowledge, and were afraid it might be infested with rattlesnakes, hence used considerable whisky to guard against the effedss of the poison in case they should be bit. It must have been an efficacious remedy, as we believe there is no case on record of any one ever dying in this locality from a snakebite, and, indeed, we never even heard of any one getting bit! But they were right in being careful. PARRANT LOSES IIIS CLAIM. But we must not lose sight of that real estate operation between PARRANT and BEAUMETTE, mentioned on page 75. Before the note became due, BEAUMETTE, probably forced by the pressure of circumstances, sold the note to JOHN MILLER, of Mendota. MILLER was a stone mason by occupation,.as was BEAUMETTE. He built General SIBLEY'S house at Mendota, the first stone private dwelling house in Minnesota. About I844, he was drowned in the river near Grey Cloud Island. When the first of May came round, PARRANT was unable to lift the note, so MILLER became a real estate owner of PARRANT'S claim, by no expensive process of foreclosure. He did not keep it long, but transferred it to one VETAL GUERIN, a young voyageur, of Mendota, in settlement of a debt of $150, due the said GUERIN. The latter never got possession of it at all, the old adage about " many a slip'twixt the cup and the lip" being exemplified in this case, for some unscrupulous sinner, whose name history has not recorded, jumped the claim, and despoiled GUERIN of his property. Retributive justice overtook the graceless jumper soon after, as the United States Marshal tore down his house and drove him off the Reserve, as will be seen a little further along. PARRANT MAKES ANOTIIER CLAIM. The ROMULUS of our future city, after losing his mercantile establishment at the cave, at once made another claim. He selected a tract just east of Serg't HIIAYS' claim, fronting on the river, extending from Minnesota street to Jackson street, approximately, and thence back to the bluffi About where the I839] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. foot of Robert street now is, he erected on the bank-afterwards known as Bench street, and since cut down-a hovel in which to reside, and carry on his liquor trade. He occupied this claim about a year. THE ORIGIN OF " PIG'S EYE." PARRANT, as before remarked, had only one eye that was serviceable. He had another, it is true, hut such an eye! Blind, marble-hued, crooked, with a sinister white ring glaring around the pupil, giving a kind of piggish expression to his sodden, low features. ROSWELL P. RUSSELL, now of Minneapolis, who was a suttler's clerk, at Fort Snelling then, and was frequently back and forth through the village during those days, bestowed on PARRANT the suitable and expressive sobriquet, Pig's Eye," and, after a little while, he was generally known by that appropriate nickname. (The Frenchmen called it O'eit de Coc/o;n.) Finally, the name became attached to the locality itself, in the following manner: One day, in 1839, EDMUND BRISSETT, a younig Canadian,. who had come to Fort Snelling in 1832, and was doing odd jobs of carpentering for the settlers hereabouts, such at firniture, doors, sash, &c., was stopping at PARRANT'S, and wanted to send a letter to JOSEPH R. BROWN, who had a trading post on Grey Cloud Island, I2 miles below, and was a Justice of the Peace. But where should he date the letter at, was the problem? I looked up inquiringly at PARRANT, (says BRISSETT, in relating the circumstances,) and, seeing his old crooked eye scowling at me, it suddenly popped into my head to date it at Pig's Eye, feeling sure that the place would be recognized, as PARRANT was well known along the river. In a little while an answer was safely received, directed to me at Pig's Eye. I told' the joke to some of the boys, and they made lots of fun of PARRANT. He was very mad, and threatened to lick me, but never tried to execute it." Thus the name bestowed on the place in a joke, stuck to it for years, and it is jocosely called by it to this day. After PARRANT removed to the bottom, below Dayton's Bluff, some three or four years 85 86 Thze History of the City of Saint Pang, [8IS39 subsequently, the name became attached to that locality, and it will probably be known as such, until the end of time. SETTLERS AT " PIG'S EYE" IN 1839. During the summer of I839, quite a number of Canadians settled at the locality now known as Pig's Eye, then called the Grand lIfarais. [PIKE, who was here in IS805, speaks of it by that name in. his work.] Among them were: AMABLE TURPIN, MICHEL LECLAIRE, ANTOINE LECLAIRE, FRANCIS CGAMMELL, -- LASART, JOSEPH LABISINIER, HENRY BELLAND, CHEVALIER, AMABLE MORIN, and CHARLES MOUSSEAU. It is possible, however, that some of these may have located there in the fall of I838, after the ratification of the treaty was known, but at least the above, with perhaps more now forgotten, were living at Pig's Eye in the year mentioned. They were all in the employ of the Fur Company, as voyageurs, a portion of the year, and, when not needed by the company, cultivated their little farms in quiet. AMABLE TURPIN was the father of Mrs. LOUIS ROBERT. He was born at Montreal, Canada, about the year I766, as, when he died, in I866, he was in his iooth year-a span of life that falls to the lot of but a small percentage of mortals. While a young man, he went to Mackinac, and thence to Green Bay, and finally to Prairie du Chien, where he was in the employ of the American Fur Company for many years. The date of his settlement in Prairie du Chien is not now remembered accurately, but it must have been early during the present century, as when the British captured that place, in I8I4, Mr. TURPIN was a citizen of influence and widely known in the Northwest. He had, during his long life, traveled on business for the Fur Company, over every portion of the Northwest, while it was an utter wilderness, only penetrated occasionally by adventurous fur-traders or devoted missionaries. He was generally selected by the Fur Company for any mission or voyage of more than usual difficulty, danger and hardship. His adventures, during his many perilous journeys among the Indians, and in the forests and lakes of the Northwest, would fill volumes. He possessed a physique of extraordinary power and i839] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. endurance. He lived at Pig's Eye several years, and ultimately removed to Saint Paul, where he died May 4, i866, having almost rounded out a century. Mrs. TURPIN used to teach the catechism to the half-breed children at the Grand Marais, before the arrival of Father GALTIER-being the first religious teaching in this locality, except the missionary work among the Indians. MICHEL LECLAIRE and ANTOINE LECLAIRE were, I believe, brothers. They came from Canada-date unascertained by the writer. ANTOINE LECLAIRE, I think, had lived at Mendota several years before settling at Pig's Eye. It is probable that MICHEL LECLAIRE was the first settler at the Grand Marais, as the locality was known along the river shortly after that time, as "' Point LeClaire." [See letter of Rev. L. GALTIER, post.] LECLAIRE had a dispute, several years subsequent to this date, with PIERRE PARRANT, about the ownership of a claim at the Grand Marais, which is fully narrated a few pages further on. LECLAIRE died at Pig's Eye, about the year I849, leaving quite a numerous family, some of which still live in this vicinity. He seems to have been a carpenter by trade, as VETAL GUERIN states that he made the doors and windows for his (G.'s) cabin, in I840. Of ANTOINE LECLAIRE, or his subsequent history, I have been unable to learn anything. FRANCIS GAMMEL'S history will be found more fully narrated in the events of the year I842, where he plays a somewhat conspicuous part. JOsEPH LABISINIER came from Canada originally, and lived some time at Red River, where he married a Moutinier woman. He came fiom Red River to Fort Snelling, in I836, with the same company in which RONDO el als. immigrated to Minnesota. One or two of his cotemporaries think he settled at Pig's Eye in the fall of I838-but at least he was living there as early as I839. In I842, he made a new claim, occupying a part of Jackson and Robert street hill, and extending down to about Twelfth street. He erected a cabin near the head of Jackson street, which was burned down about three years ago. His claim he sold to JAMES R. CLEWETT, in I843-consideration, a horse-and retired a little further back, toward Lake 87 S8 IThe History of the Citv of Saint Paul, Phelan, where he made a new claim. He died at Osseo, Minnesota, several years since, at quite an advanced age, leaving several children, some of whomi reside here yet. His widow died about five years ago. HENRY BELLAND, another resident of the Grand Marais ill I839, subsequently resided in West Saint Paul for many years, and is still a citizen of that locality. AMABLE MORIN now lives at Wheatland, Rice county. CHARLES MOUSSEAU was in reality more a resident of Saint Paul than of Pig's Eye, since his claim was onil Daytoni's Bluef, and not in the Marais at all. MOUSSEAU was a native of Canada-born ISO7. He came to Minnesota in I827, as a voyageur of the Fur Company. In I836, he was married to FANNY PERRY, at Fort Snelling, and in the fall of I838, or spring of i839, made a claim as above stated, in what is now Saint Paul. This claim he sold, in I848, to EB. WELD, and moved to Hennepin county, of which he has been a resident ever since. Mr. MOUSSEAU now resides in Minneapolis, and has had twelve children, nine of them now living. DENIS CHERRIER came to the Grand Marais in the fall of I839. He is a native of Prairie du Chien,-born I8i6. Late in the fall, he started for Pig's Eye, on a steamer, with a stock of goods, but the river closed with ice at the head of Lake Pepin, so that the boat could not get through, and CHIERRIER came on in a canoe. He sold his goods that fall and returned to Prairie du Chien, but came up again the next year, and has been a resident of Saint Paul ever since. Hle has owned several claims at diflerenit times, and, had he held on to any one of them, might be well ofi; but, like many of our pioneers, he sold them for a mere song, and is still poor. DENNY'S violin uLsed to enliven the dances in early days, and some of the girls of thirty years ago-grandmothers now-may remember how they danced all night to his music. JAMES R. CLEWETT. During this year, JAMES REUBEN CLIEWETT becamie a residlent of the little settlement. Mr. CLEWETT was born in England, in ISIo, and came to America in S1829. He lived in EIS39 1839] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. Canada for a couple of years, and, ill I83I, was hired by GABRIEL FRANCHERE, an agent of the American Fur Company, to come to Minnesota in the service of that company, as a voyageur, clerk, &c. On arriving at Prairie du Chien, CLEWETT was assigned, by the late HERCULES DOUSMAN, to ROCQUE'S Trading Post, below Lake Pepin. At that time he could not speak a word of French, but was soon compelled to learn it, as well as Sioux, because English was not spoken by any one at the post. No one but CLEWETT could read or write, and he kept all the books and accounts of the post. After serving at ROCoQUE'S two years, in I834 he was sent to Lake Traverse to old man" MIOOER'S Trading Post. He remained in that region until the winter of I838-9, when he came to Grey Cloud Island, below Saint Paul, with JOSEPHi R. BROWN, who latterly had been in charge of the Lake Traverse Post. After remaining there, and at Mendota a short time, he went to live at ABRAHAM PERRY'S, on his claim in upper Saint Paul, and in April of I839, married ROSE PERRY, one of the daughters of the old gentleman, being the first marriage in Saint Paul. Soon after, CLEWETT purchased the claim of "'JOHNSON," which subsequently (I843) passed into the possession of Hon. NORMAN W. KITTSON, and was laid out as Kittson's Addition." He then purchased a small claim of LABISINIER, on Jackson street hill, where he resided until 185 I, when he removed to White Bear Lake, and has resided there since that date. Mr. CLEWETT has had I2 children, eight of whom are married, and have considerable families. He has been engaged in steamboating on Red River for two or three seasons past, and is still active and hearty, bidding fair to live for a score of years yet. THE FIRST MARRIAGE, BIRTH AND) DEATH. The year 1839 witnessed the first marriage, birth and death, which occurred in the little hamlet that subsequently became Saint Paul-the initial of the long series of those "important events" in the life of each one of its future citizens, which will gladden or sadden households, as long as the stream of humanity flows. 7 89 90 The History of the City of Saint Paul, The first birth of a white child, was in the family of BENJAMIN GERVAIS. His youngest son, BASIL GERVAIS, was born September 4, I839, and is now, at the age of 36 years, a respected citizen of Centerville, Anoka county. In a newspaper sketch, which the writer of this published several years ago, it was stated, (on the authority of the late VETAL GUERIN, then our oldest settler,) that his son, DAVID GUERIN, now deceased, was the first white child born in Saint Paul. Mr. GUERIN. supposed this was the case. Subsequent investigation of church registers, however, shows this to be an error. DAVID GUERIN was not born until the fall of I84I. The register of Saint Gabriel's Church, at Prairie du Chien, shows BASIL GERVAIS to have been born September 4, I839, and baptized by Rev. A. RAVOUX, then at Prairie du Chien, May Io, I840, while his mother was on a visit to that place. Mr. CLEWETT was long under the impression that his oldest son, ALBERT, was the first white child born here, but it was not until January, I840, some four months after Mr. GERVAIS was born. The first marriage, conformable to the laws of the land, which occurred in Saint Paul, was that of J. R. CLEWETT, to ROSE PERRY, in April, of this year. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. POPE, a Methodist missionary at Kaposia. Of the first death we will now proceed to speak. THE MURDER OF HAYS. PHELAN and HAYS, who were partners in the claim business, had been residing in the cabin on PHEI,AN'S claim, since April of this year, I839. It was in a lonely spot, a mile or more from any other habitation, and but seldom did any one visit the cabin of the two settlers. PHELAN, as before remarked, was regarded by the other settlers, as a bad, unscrupulous, wicked man. HAYs was supposed to have considerable money, received on his discharge from the army, and the two held in common several cattle and other personal property. The two men were as unlike as possible in their disposition, [I839 8IS39] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. characdter, &c., and it was known that they did not agree very well. Such was the situation of matters in September, IS39. About the middle of that month, HAYS mysteriously disappeared. He was missed for several days, and, to inquiries as to his whereabouts, PHELAN gave evasive and unsatisfactory answers. The rumor of his disappearance reached Fort Snelling, where HAYS was well known and liked. TALIAFERRO makes this record in his journal: " Sunday, Isth September, I839, a man, by name HAYS, an Irishman, lost. Supposed killed-even reported to have been murdered by the Chief Wa-kin-yan-ton-ka, [BIG THUNDER-LITTLE CROW'S father.] No belief rests with me. I incline to the opinion that his neighbor, PHELAN, knows something. HAYS lived with him, and had money." On September 27, TALIAFERRO made the following entry: ~ Wabsheedah, or the DANCER, called at the office to say that his sons had found the body of Mr. HAYS, lost some time ago, in the river near Carver's Cave." Nlaj. TALIAFERRO at once sent Wabsheedah to Maj. PLYMPTON with the following note: "AGENCY HOUSE, Saint Peter's, September 27, I839. "'MAJOR: I have sent the bearer, a good Indian, to go with the gentlemen who are in quest of the identity of Mr. HAYS' body, now in the water near CARVER'S old cave. The Indian will conduct them to the spot, being so directed by his chief, if requested so to do. "Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "LAW. TALIAFERRO, Indian Agent." The bodv of poor HAYS was at once secured. On examinaItionI, his head, jaws and nose were found badly mashed by violent blows, unmistakably indicating a desperate murder. PHELAN was at once arrested, by warrant issued by HENRY H. S1BI EY, as Justice of the Peace, and, on the 28th, was examined before that officer as to his knowledge of HAYS' death. The evidenice adduced and the other circumstances known, were sufficient to justify his commitment to answer the charge of murder in the first degree, and he was consequently confined in the gutard-house at the fort, until the next steamboat arrived, when he was sent to Prairie du Chien, county seat of Crawfoi)rd(l county, isconsin Territory, in which the crime had been committed, to await trial. 9I. 7zie History of the City of Saint Paul, DID PHELAN MURDER HAYS? It is somewhat a late day, 36 years after the event, to place PHELAN on trial before the public, as to his guilt in the murder of his partner, but we propose only to advance such facts as the lapse of time have left, bearing on the case. Of PHELAN'S guilt no one who was resident in this vicinity had any doubt. HonI. H. H. SIBLEY, who carefully sifted the evidence on the examination of PHELAN, says it was such as to leave no doubt of his guilt. Gen. SIBLEY thinks he preserved a copy of the evidence taken-but has been unable, so far, to find it in his mass of papers. Mrs. BENJ. GERVAIS and WILLIAM EVANS were two witnesses who were subpoenaed to go to Prairie du Chien at the trial, the following spring, and give evidence against PHELAN. What testimony EVANS may have been in possession of, I cannot ascertain. Mrs. GERVAIS, whose memory is remarkably clear for one so aged, says, among other things, that, a short time before the murder of HAYS, she asked PHELAN how he and HAYS got along. i Very badly," replied PHELAN. "He is a lazy good-fornothing. But never mind," (he added, with a wicked look,) I'll soon get rid of him." ALPhONSE GERVAIS stated that he saw blood on PHELAN'S clothes, and that, when PHELAN'S cabin was searched, bloody clothes were found beneath the floor. He states, moreover, that he found the place, near the cabin, where the act was committed, being led thither by a very sagacious dog he owned, who smelled the blood, and plainly traced the route by which the body was dragged to the river from thence. Others also saw these evidences of a murder. J.R. CLEWETT says he thought, at the time, the Indians had committed the murder; and that one Indian, a few years afterward, just before his death, confessed that he was the murderer of HAYS; also, that some of the Kaposia Indians used to assert that a brother of LITTLE CROW had committed the act. But Gen. SIBLEY says this is impossible. That had any Indian committed the act, he (Gen. S.) would certainly have found it out. Moreover, there was no particular motive for the Indians to have murdered HAYS, more than anv one [I839 ~ 92 I839] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. else, while two powerful motives would seem to have influenced PHELAN- revenge and avarice. There is then, no alternative left, but to record PIHELIAN as the murderer of HAYS. He must stand, on the chronicles of our city, as its CAIN-the first who imbrued his hands with the blood of his brother-a crime too often, alas. repeated since that dav. THE SURVEY OF THE RESERVATION. M,aj. TALIAFERRO, ill his joturnal, under date of Otober 5, 1 839, says: "Lieut. THOMPSON is engaged in making the lines for the militarv Reservation around Fort Snelling.'From Mississippi five miles up the Saint Peter's; thence west to Lake Harriet, seven miles; thence along Lake Harriet to the Lake of the Isles; thence to the portage landing, above the falls, one-fourth of a mile; across the Mississippi, five miles. 'The line,'he says further,'comes below the cave;' and, in another place, 'that it extends much further east than any survey hitherto.'" Maj. PLYMPTON, on November 29, transmits this map to the ~Var Department, with the following statement: "The red lines show the boundaries of the Reservation, and which are conformable to the survey of Lieutenant SMITH, with this slight difference: that, in his survey, the principal lines, from river to river, were necessarilv (from the season and weather) left imaginary, which, upon an actual survey, will be found (to embrace the necessary woodland and to preserve the cardinal points) to cross the Mississippi a little further down than that imaginarily indicated on the map of Lieutenant SMITH'S survey. "The limits of the Reservation, as now marked, embrace no more ground, I conceive, than is absolutely necessary to furnish the daily wants of this garrison, and, could they be extended further into the country on the east side of the river, it would, no doubt, add to the quiet of this command." The limits fixed were entirely arbitrary. They were not governed by the " daily wants" of the garrison, for the additional woodland secured was of no value or importance to the post, and was never utilized. The line was extended far beyond the possible intent of the Reservation. JOHN R. IRVINE states, that when he came here, four years after, the east line 93 94 Thze History of thMe City of Saint Paul, of the Reservation ran about where the Seven Corners now is, thence northwardlv to about where the Park Place Hotel stands. ORDER FOR THE EXPULSION OF THE SQOUATTERS FROM THE RESERVE. But we must return, to preserve the chronological order of events, to the efforts made by the military authorities, for the expulsion of squatters from the Reserve. Hon. JOEL R. POINSETT, Secretary of WVar, after duly considering the letters of Surgeon EMERSON and Gen. WOOL, given in preceding pages, issued the following order: "SIR: The interests of the service, and the proper and effective maintenance of the military post at Fort Snelling, requiring that the intruders on the land recently reserved for military purposes, opposite to that post east of the Mississippi River, he removed therefrom, the President of the United States directs that, when required by the commanding officer of the post, you proceed there, and remove them, under the provisions of the act of March third, 1807, entitled'An act to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to the United States, until authorized by law.' "You will satisfy yourself of the shortest period within which the intruders can make their arrangements for removal, and depart from the Reservation, without serious loss or sacrifice of the property which they may have to take with them; and you will promptly make known to them that it is expected they will not delay beyond that period; as, should they do so, it will become your duty to remove them by mili tary force. It is hoped, however, that a resort to such force for this purpose, which, by the act above mentioned, th President is authorized to employ, will not be necessary; but that they will promptly depart, on being informed of the determination of the executive, not to permit them to remain. Should you, however, be unfortunately obliged to use force in order to accomplish the object, you are authorized to call for such as you may deem necessary, on the commanding officer at Fort Snelling. In this event, you will act with as much forbearance, consid eration, and delicacy as may be consistent with the prompt and faithful performance of the duties hereby assigned to you, first fully and mildly explaining the folly of resistance on their part, and your own " EDWARD JAMES, Esq., "United States Marshal for the Territory of Wiskonsan, Peru." [IS39 I839] and of the County of -Ramsey, Minnesota. It was probably the intention of POINSETT and PLYMPTON to have ejected the squatters that fall. By an accident, however, the above letter was not received by Mr. JAMES for several months, as his reply below shows: "MINERAL POINT, WISCONSIN TERRITORY, ] "February I8th, I840. J 'SIR: By the evening's mail, I have received your instructions of O6tober 2I, I839, relative to the removal of intruders at Fort Snelling. The delay of their receipt has, doubtless, been occasioned by their being diredted to Peru. which is in Iowa Territory. "I have not as yet received any request from the commanding officer of that fort, but shall promptly attend to the duty whenever required. Very respe6tfully, your obedient servant, " EDWARD JAMES, "Marshal of Wisconsin. "Hon. J. R. POINSETT." ACTION OF THE WISCONSIN LEGISLATURE. Probably finding there was no stay of execution to be secured from any other source, the squatters within the lines of Maj. PLYMPTON'S Reserve, seem to have appealed to the ~Visconsin Legislature to interfere in their behalf. That body consequently passed the following concurrent resolutions: "Whereas, the advantages of steamboat landings are of vast importance to an agricultural district, and particularly necessary to the citizens of this Territory residing near the head of the navigation of the Mississippi river; and whereas, the military Reservation of Fort Snelling, in Iowa Territory, has been so surveyed as to embrace the only convenient steamboat landing east of the Mississippi, for fifteen miles below the head of navigation, and also includes a valuable agricultural district, much of which is under a good state of cultivation, and occupied by an industrious and enterprising people, some of whom have made valuable improvements; and whereas, it appears efforts are being made by the military of said fort to procure a section of the Reserve as lately surveyed, for speculative purposes, and without any regard to the good of the military service: Now be it "Resolved, by Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin, That our delegate in Congress be requested to protest against the extension of the military Reserve of Fort Snelling to the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi. "Resolved, That the Governor be requested to forward one copy of 95 96 The History of the Cit'y of Saint Paul, the foregoing preamble and resolutions to the Secretary of War, and one copy to our delegate in Congress. "Approved December I6, I839." On January 12. I840, Governor J. D. DOTY addressed the Secretary of War as follows: "WASHINGTON, January I2, 1840. "SIR: The Legislative Assembly of Wisconsin has, by a resolution, approved by the Governor on the i6th of December, I839, requested me to protest against the extension of the military Reservation of Fort Snelling to the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River, with which I have now the honor to comply. ' A question of some importance will arise if the Reservation is made, which I beg leave to state: The United States may reserve any portion of its lands from sale, but can it extend a military jurisdiction over so large a tradt of country as is embraced in the limits of this Reservation by the simple declaration that it is necessary for military purposes? "A Territory is a State under a temporary form of government. It may be doubtful with some whether Congress may exercise exclusive jurisdiction over this Reservation, the purchase having been made without the consent of the Legislature of that State. Against the exercise of that jurisdiction the legislative power of that State now protests. "The subdivisions of the territory northwest of the Ohio are denominated States in the ordinance of I787. And in the third section it is ordained that' the laws to be adopted or made (by the Legislature) shall have force in all _arts of the distrid.' It also requires the Governor'to lay out the parts of the district, in which the Indian titles shall have been extinguished, into counties and townships.' An exclusive military jurisdiction would be incompatible with the exercise of this power by the Territorial Government. "I am advised that a copy of the resolution of the Assembly of Wisconsin has been forwarded to the War Department, and I beg leave to refer to the reasons therein stated. "I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your obedient servant, "J. D. DOTY. "Hon. J. R. POINSETT, Secretary of War." VETAL GUERIN. A few pages back, mention was made of one VETAL GUERIN, who purchased PARRANT'S original claim, but who never came into possession of it, for reasons there stated. VETAL GUERIN was born in Saint Remi, Canada, July It7, [1:839 1839] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. I8I2. His father was Louis GUERIN, a voyageur by occupation, who died in IS65, at the ripe age of 83. VETAL grew up into the same occupation as his father. In 8IS32, when he was 20 y-ears of age, a lithe, sinewy young fellow, VETAL enlisted in the service of the American Futr Companv, under VETAL GUERIN. GABRIEL FRANCHERE, for three years. He was to join a compalny bound for the Upper Mississippi, consisting of I34 men, in charge of four barges of goods. They left Montreal, May 5, I832, and made the entire journey to Mendota by water, through the lakes, Green Bay, the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, and utip the Mississippi. The entire season was consumed in this trip, and it was late in the fall when the party reached the company's post at Mendota. GUERIN served the company his stipulated three years, and, 97 98 The Ilistory of the City of Saint Paul, after that term had expired, worked by odd jobs for the company, and for Mr. FARIBAULT and other traders, at Men(lota and Traverse de Sioux, for three or four years longer. GUERIN's first investment in Saint Paul real estate had not proved a paying one, but, nevertheless, he soon after determined to repeat the experiment. Looking about, in the fall of I839, he found the HAYS claim, which PHELAN still pretended to own, by virtue of his partnership with HAYS, unoccupied, and quite likely to be so as far as either of its former owners was concerned-one being dead, and the other in prison 300 miles away, with a good prospect of stretching hemp. As the claim suited VETAL pretty well, he forthwith squatted on it, and proceeded to erect a cabin. This cabin, so he stated to the writer, was a very unpretending aflair, about i6x20 feet, built of oak and elm from the woods suLrrounding it, with a bark roof and a floor of split and hewed puncheons. The door and sash were made by MICHEL LECI,AIRE, of the Grand Marais, since called Pig's Eye. This cabin stood on the spot now occupied by Ingersoll's Block, and, with some additions and changes, stood there until I86o, when the buildings occupying the site of said block were removed, to make room for it. Thus, at the close of the year I839, there were nine cal)bins witlhin the present limits of the city of Saint Paul. Patience! \Ve shall have a city yet. [I839 6 1840] and of the County of Ramsey lJinnesota. CHAPTER VIII. EVENTS OF THE YEARS I840 AND I84I. ORGANIZATION OF SAINT CROIX COUNTY-EXPULSION OF SETTLERS FROM TIlE RESERVE-SOME OF THEM COME TO SAINT PAUL-PHELAN RETURNS AND DE MANDS HIS CLAIM-GUERIN CHECKMATES HIM-JOSEPH RONDO-VETAL GUERIN'S SUBSEQUENT HISTORY-PIERRE BOTTINEAU-A CATHOLIC MISSION FOUNDED HERE-FATHER GALTIER AND FATHER RAVOUX, &C. RAWFORD county, Wisconsin Territory, had been cre ated and organized, (as noted on page 39,) in I819. For twenty-two vears its boundaries were unchanged. In January, I840, through the influence of JOSEPH R. BROWN, a bill was passed creating " Saint Croix County." The boundaries of the new coulntv included all that part of Crawford county lying west of a line running northward from the mouth of the Porcutpine River on Lake Pepin to Lake Superior. The county seat was fixed at BROWN'S town-site of "Dakota," about the utipper end of the present city of Stillwater. In the fall of this year, at the elecdtion for Representatives, JOSEPH R. BROWN was elected a member of the Wisconsin Assembly, for two years. Henceforth this region commenced to have a voice in the public affairs of the Territory, to which it had been hitherto a mere unnoticed back settlement. But Saint Paul must have stood for several years to Wisconsin about in the same relation that Pembina used to, to Minnesota. Its representatives, from this date until the organization of Minnesota Territory, are given on page 45. EXPULSION OF SETTLERS FROM THIE RESERVE. When Marshal EDWARD JAMES, of Wisconsin Territory received the order for the expulsion of the settlers'on the Reserve, he sent it to his deputy, IRA B. BRUNSON, of Prairie du Chien, to execute. As it was now near the end of winter, 99 ~' lnd. ~ b:, 0 The Hisitory of the City of Saint Paul, [1840 and traveling very difficult and insecure, Mr. BRUNSON delayed his journey until the opening of navigation in the spring, when he took the fist boat for Fort Snelling, about May I. and proceeded to execute his unpleasant task. In an account of the transaction Mr. BRUNSON wrote for me. he says that he gave the settlers several days' notice to remove, but they disregarded the warning, so that he was compelled to call upon Maj. PLYMPTON for a military force to execute the orders vi et armis. On the 6th day of May, I840, the settlers on the Reserve were dishoused and driven off; and everv cabin within the lines destroyed. In a memorial from the expelled settlers to Congress, praying for indemnity for their losses, presented by Delegate H. H. SiBILEY, in IS849, and again in 1852,* the settlers state thatthe soldiery fell upon them without warning, treated them with unjustifiable rudeness, broke and destroyed furniture wantonly, insulted the women, and, in one or two instances, fired at and killed cattle. Mr. BRUNSON denies, positively, in general and in particular, these statements. He states that the soldiers acted reluctantlv in the matter, but civilly, under the command of a Lieutenant, and under his (BRLTNSON'S) supervision, and in their presence. As the settlers refused to budge, they had to carry their household goods out, but none was broken intentionally, and no unnecessary force was used. ABRAHAM PERRY, the GERVAIS brothers, RONDO, and other of the early settlers, of Saint Paul, were among those whose houses were destroyed. To these poor refugees it was a cruel blow. The victims of floods, and frosts, and grasshoppers, in the Red River valley, and once before expelled from the Reserve, (west side,) it seemed that the cup of disaster was charged to the brim for them. Mournfully gathering up their effects and flocks, they set out once more to find a home. FINDING NEW HOMES. On being dishoused, the unfortunate settlers retreated beyond *No adtion was ever taken by Congress on this Memorial, beyond referring it to a committee, which never reported on it. 100 I . I:: -. -. i840] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. the line of the Reserve, and there made preparations for beginning life once more. ABRAHAM PERRY and family sojourn* for the present ill tile house of his son-in-law, JAMES R. CLEWETT. Almost broken down by his repeated misfortunes, and by the severe toil and hardships of the past few years, PERRY seemed never to recover from these buffets of hard fortune. His health gradually declined. For some time his lower limbs were so paralyzed that he could not stand. He still endeavored to engage in agricultural labor, and actually cut down trees while sitting on the ground. He died ill May, 1849, aged 73 years. His wife, Mrs. MARY ANN PERRY, died in I859, at an advanced age, at the residence of CHARLES BAZILLE, her son-in-law. ABRAHAM PERRY had seven children, the three oldest of whom were born in Switzerland, two at Red River, and the two youngest at Fort Snelling. His only son, CHARLES PERRY, born in Switzerland, now lives at Lake Johanna, Ramsey county. Mr. PERRY'S daughters all married in this vicinity, as follows: SOPHIA married PIERRE CREVIER, and lives near Watertown, Minnesota. FANNY married CHARLES MOUSSEAU, I836; residence, Minneapolis. ROSE ANN married J. R. CLEWETT, I839; residence, White Bear. ADELE married VETAL GUERIN, I 84 I; residence, Saint Paul. JOSEPHINE married J. B. CORNOYER, I843; residence, Minneapolis. ANNIE JANE married CHARLES BAZILLE, I846; residence, Saint Paul. Nearly everv one of PERRY'S children have raised large families, and he had over 75 grandchildren. GER\VAIS BUYS PARRANT'S CLIAIM. BEN. GERVAIS, on losing his home near the creek, in upper town, at once proceeded to PARRANT'S claim, before mentioned and purchased of that swine-optical individual, all his right, title and interest to said real estate, together with the hereditamnents and appurtenances, and so on. Reader, what do you suppose GERVAIS paid to " Old Pig's Eye" for this property, now in the heart of our city? Ten dollars! It is now worth several millions. I PARRANT had an uncompleted cabin on the edge of the bluff; IOI I02 The Histor, of the City of Saint'aA [8 about where the corner of Robert and Bench streets now is. GERVAIS finished this, and occupied it as a dwelling for several years. PARRANT at once ade a new claimi on thie lower levee, and erected another hovel, where he continued his whisky business until I843, when Louis ROBERT purchased his claim. But of this hereafter. 'IIELIAN'S TRIAI.. In the spring of IS84o, the case of PIIELAN, who fbr several months past had been lying ill the guard-house at Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, awaiting trial for HAYS' mutirder, was taken utip by the court of Crawford county. I have been unable to ascertain just what action was had in his case. Hon. IRA B. BRUNSON, now County Judge at Prairie (du Chien, at my request, carefllly searched the records of the court at that period, and before and after, but can find no reference to the case. The only explanation is, that the case was brought before the grand jury, who failed to find a bill against PIIELIAN, and he was discharged. Mrs. GERVAIS and WM. EVANS went to Prairie du Chien as witnesses, but their evidence probably failed to convince the grand jtury of PIIELAN'S guilt, and he was allowed to go his way. PHELAN VS. G(UERIN. When PIIELAN made his way back to Saint Paul, which he soon did, he found VETAL GUERIN in possession of the HAYS claim, which he (PHELAN) still pretended to own, by virtue of his partnership with HAYS. He at once proceeded to deiimand of GUERIN, possession of the claim. The result we give in GUERIN'S o5vnI words, dictated to the writer in I866: PHELAN called at my cabin, accompanied by JAMES R. CLEWETT as interpreter, as I could then talk no English. He demanded possession of the claim. I replied that I would not give it up, as I believed I was rightfully entitled to it. Some more talk ensued, and, finding that I was not disposed to yield to him, PHELAN told JIM to say that if I was not off by a certain day-say a week from then-he would put me off by force. As PHELAN was a large, powerful man, and I was smnall [IS40 IS40] and of the County of Ransey, Jlinnesota. and light, he could have easily picked me up and carried me outside the claim lines. After making this threat, PHELAN went awav. As I knew I could not deal with PHELAN single-handed, I told some of my voyageur companions at Mendota howhatters'stood, and three or four of them, strong,'husky' fellows, came down to stay with me. A supply of liquor and some cards made time pass merrily. On the day PHELAN had set to put me off the claim, sure enough, he mnade his appearance-axe in hand and sleeves rolled up-with CLEWETT as interpreter. Through the latter, PHELAN inquired if I would leave. I replied, no. PHELAN got very mad at this, and said,'tell the d- little Frenchman I will take him under my arm and throw him off the claim.' "I then said to my men, who were inside, that I thought it was time tor them to interfere. They came out, and, throwing off their coats, told PHELAN that if he did not go way and leave me alone, they would pitch him over the bluff! And, moreover, if he ever molested me, they would lynch him. PHELAN knew they were not fellows whom it would do to trifle with, and, as he had just got out of one bad scrape, didn't want to get into any further trouble, if he could avoid it. He finally left, saying he would take the law of me. He thereupon commenced an a6tion before JOSEPH R. BROWN, Justice of the Peace, at Grey Cloud Island, to recover possession. BROWN examined into the case, and found that PHELAN was absent from his claim more than six months at one time. So he told PHELAN that he had lost all title to it, and that I could not be eje6ted. I had no further trouble with him, and kept peaceable possession of the claim." GUERIN GIVES AWAY HALF H1IS CLAIM. When GUERIN had thus quieted title to his claim, he proceeded to do a very generous act for a friend, PIERRE GERVAIS, who had recently been expelled from the Reserve, and was looking for a new home. Feeling lonesome, and, wanting a neighbor, he gave, without any consideration, one-half of his claim-or at least a good share of it-to PIERRE, on condition that the latter would come and live there. GERVAlS accepted the offer, and built a cabin about where Mrs. Dr. NIANN's block is now, corner of Third and Saint Peter streets. He lived here about two years, and, in I842, sold the claim to DENIS CHERRIER for $1I50, and moved into lower town, where he got anothler small tradt. CHERRIER, in turn, sold the clai lm, in IS43, to SCOTT CAMPBELL for $300, iand, in IS4S, CAMPBELL sold out to WVM. HARTSHORN and others. I03 104 The History of the City of Saint Paul, JOSEPH RONDO. A few pages back. reference was made to JOSEPH RONDO, a refugee from Red lRlver, who was one of the earliest squatters on the Reserve, east of the Mississippi. His house was one which was destroyed by the soldiery on May 6, S1840. JOSEPH RONDO was born near Montreal, Canlada, in I1797. \NVhen quite a lad, some 17 or I8 years old, he engaged as a voyageur in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, and was sent to the Pacific Coast. He passed several years in the laborious work of his calling, on Frazer River, Great Slave Lake, Fort Edmonton, and other posts on the extreme west and north of the Hudson's Bay Company's dominions. About I827, he settled in the Red River Colony, near Fort Garrv, and, having married JOSEPHINE BOILEAU, a Kootenais mixed blood, established a farm there. The troubles which afflicted the colonists have already been referred to. After enduring them for eight years, Mr. RONDO, in company with the GERVAIS brothers, BEAUMETTE, BRUCE, BI,ANC, MICHEl DUFENI, LABISINIER, GOODRICH, and others-about 60 in allleft the Red River Coloiny, and settled near Fort Snelling. RONDO purchased a house on the west side, of JOSEPH TURPIN, from which he was ejected on Mav 6, IS40, with the other settlers. Following, the example of PERRY, GERVAIS and others, RONDO then came to the lower side of the Reserve, looking for a new claim. PHEiLAN offered his for sale, including the unfurnished hovel under the hill, the scene of the TJAYS tragedy, for $200. RONDO purchased the same, and, finishing up the house, lived in it a season or two, until he could build a more comfortable one. PHELAN MAKES A NEW CLAIM. Having now lost or disposed of all his real estate in Saint Paul, PHELAN made a new claim on the creek that now bears his name, and built a cabin about where HAMM'S brewery is. This claim enclosed a fine water-power on the creek, and, in I844, it was purchased by WILLIAM DUGAS, for a mill-site, as will be found more fully narrated in the events of that year. [1840 184I1] and of the County of Ramsey, Afflinnesola. SOMETHING MORE ABOUT VETAL GUERIN. GUERIN lived more than a year alone in his cabin, but such a solitary, bachelor life must have become very distasteful to him. So, he persuaded one of the few young women which the little village then boasted of, Miss ADELE PERRY, to share his lot. On January 26, I84I, Father GALTIER made the twain one flesh, at Mendota. Returning to the settlement, a gay and pleasant party was given to the new couple, at the house of BEN. GER'-AIS, during the evening. DENNY CHERRIER says he fiddled that night until he was exhausted. The domestic outfit of the young couple was not an extravagant one. Furniture was only obtainable those days from Saint Louis. The settlers generally made their own furniture. The bridal bed was a bunk of boards, on which hay and a red blanket which GUERIN had brought from Mackinac, were spread. Mrs. GUERIN soon afterward traded a shawl to some Indians for feathers, and thus softened the rough edges of life a little. GUERIN'S chest, that held all his goods and effects, served for a dining table, until a better one could be procured. A few rods from GUERIN'S cabin, was PARRANT'S establishment, and the powerful nature of the minne-wakan he sold the Indians there used to turn them sometimes into red demons. In one of their crazy sprees, the Indians killed GUERIN'S COW and pig, and destroyed other property. Indeed, the lives of GUERIN and his bride were oftentimes in danger, and their honeymoon was somewhat a stormy one, take it all in all. These devilish sprees of the Indians occurred occasionally for several years. Once, when Mrs. GUERIN was nursing her first child about two months old, some nine or ten Indians made an attack on the house, and tried to kill GUERIN. They broke in the window, and attempted to crawl in. Mrs. G. concealed herself under the bed, expecting to be murdered. GUERIN seized an axe, and was about to brain the first pagan whose head appeared through the window. This would have been a very unfortunate affair for GUERIN, had it happened, but, luckily, before any bloodshed occurred, a friendly chief, named "HAWK'S BILL," came up, and remonstrated with the 8 1o5 io6 Thle Hristoryv of lhe City of Saint Paul, drunken brutes, urging them to leave. While they were parleying, Mr. and Mrs. GUERIN, with the child, slipped out of the door, and fled to Mr. GERVAIS' house. The Indians then went away, after shooting GUERIN's dog with arrows. Another time, GUERIN was leaning on the gate-post of his garden, when some drunken Indians, coming up Bench street hill, fired at him. A ball struck the post, making a narrow escape for,VETAL. Again, as he opened his door, one morning, an iron-headed arrow whizzed past his head, and stuck in the door-jamb. Another close call, but GUERIN survived them all. At that time, Mendota was the only place where supplies or necessaries of any kind could be obtained, and these usually of a simple character. Pork, flour, tea and sugar, were about all that could be purchased in the way of provisions, but game was very plenty, and some farming on a small scale had begun. In the summer after his marriage, GUERIN enclosed a small field, embracing the land now lying between Saint Peter and Cedar, Bench and Sixth streets, and plowed it up for a garden. His oxen were "Red River" cattle. Mrs. GUERIN used to help him by driving the oxen. GUERIN, one year, raised considerable grain, but could not sell it, or get it ground up-so it laid in his granary until it rotted. There was no grist-mill in this region, for custom use, until LEMUEI BOLLES established his, on Bolles Creek, in I845. It needs but little more space to speak of GUERIN's subsequent life, and, perhaps, it is as fitting here as anywhere. In his little cabin he kept the even tenor of his way, even when the whirl of real estate speculation was turning men's brains. While his neighbors were selling out at what they deemed fabulous sums, and moving away, GUERIN held on to his claim-nay, refused tempting offers for it, and was called a fool for so doing. And it did seem foolish when, in I843, he declined $I,ooo for his land. Had some dream of a future splendid city, rising like a palace of enchantment, come to him, as he slept in his bark-roofed cabin? Verily, one would think so. But fortune befriended the plain, humble Frenchman. Suddenly his acres leaped into great value. He was a [184I I84I] and of the County of Ramsey, AMinnesota. rich man. His dream had been realized. Yet, with property valued at over $ioo,OOO, he was the same plain, unassuming man as he had been in his pioneer cabin. True, he built a finer house, in I849, corner of Wabasha and Seventh streets, where he resided until his death, but he assumed no parvenu airs, and no foolish pride pufled him up, though ample means compensated him for the hardships and privations of his earlier years. He gave to his children the education of which he had been denied. His generosity was a distinguishing trait. After the town was laid out, in i847, he gave away property worth now a round quarter million-one block for the courthouse, several lots to the church, and for other purposes. During his years of plenty, le was unceasingly beneficent to his poor countrymen, who always found in him a liberal and sympathizing fiiend. Honest and candid himself, his simple faith and trust in other men's honor, was large and confidinga trait that continually enabled sharpers to defraud and overreach him, until his ample fortune melted away by reverses, which, before his death, sent him into the bankrupt court. In his prosperous days, every enterprise for the good of the city, met his generous aid, and yet he, the once owner of millions, the princely donor of estates to the public died poor, and his familv have since felt the pinchings of want. His last illness was long and painful, but patiently borne. He died November II, I870, aged 58'years, and his funeral was attended ho a large gathering of old settlers and early citizens. The common council properly honored his memory by erecting a monument over his remains, which now repose in Catholic cemetery. The excellent portrait of'him, given elsewhere, was taken from a small card photograph, the only one he ever had made, and which was taken, not long before his death, at the urgent request of the writer. PIERRE BOTTINEAU. In IS4I, PIERRE BOTTINEAU settled in Saint Paul, with his brother, SEVERE BOTTINEAU, and purchased of BENJ. GERVAIS, a small tracdt of land on what was afterwards known as 107 7The Historyi of the City of Saint Paul, [184I Baptist hill. PIERRE BOTTINEAU is one of the most notable characters of the Northwest. He was born in the Red River settlement, his father being a French Canadian, and his mother a Chippewa woman, and came to Fort Snelling, in I837, where he was in the employ of General SIBILEY for a while, as guide, interpreter, &c. He was one of the settlers expelled from the Reserve, and came to Saint Paul, as above stated. He lived here six years, when he sold his claim, and made a new one at Saint Anthony Falls, which he subsequently laid out as an addition to the city. He was also the first settler at Maple Grove, or " Bottineauti's Prairie," in Hennepin county. Perhaps no man in the Northwest has passed a life of more romantic adventures, exciting occurrences, hair-breadth escapes, and " accidents by flood and field," than Mr. BOTTINEAU. He has traveled over every foot of the Northwest, and knows the country like a map. He speaks almost every Indian language in this region, and his services as guide and interpreter have always been in great demand. He was guide to Col. NOBLES' wagon road expedition to Frazer River, in I859, to Captain FIsK's Idaho expedition of I862, and Gen. SIBLEY'S expedition to the Missouri River, in IS863, &c. His adventures, could they be faithfully written, would make a volume of surpassing interest. Mr. BOTTINEAU is now about 65 years of age, but is as strong and active as he was thirty years ago. A CATHOLIC MISSION FOUNDED. With whisky as an element of traffic, making brutes of the white men and demons of the red men- making Saint Pauli. e., the little hamlet which was its nucleus-a bv-word, even among the savages, there is no knowing what depths of abasement might have awaited it, had not a mighty and powerful moral influence been thrown into the scale against rum-and that was, a Christian church. In I839, Bishop LORAS, of Dubuque, had visited Fort Snelling and Mendota, with a view of establishing mission churches in a region, as yet, destitute of them, but which was now beginning to attract notice, and attention, and population, and io8 I84I] and oX the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. bade fair, ultimately, to become of importance. In a letter to a relative in Ireland, [published subsequently in the "Annals of Faith," Dublin, 8IS40,] he says: " DUBUQUE, July, i839. I have just returned from Saint Peter's, [Mendota,] where I made my second mission. or episcopal visitation. Though it lasted only a month, it has been crowned with success. I left Dubuque on the 23d of June, on board a large and magnificent steam vessel, and was accompanied by the Abbe PELAMOURGUES, and a young man who served us as interpreter with the Sioux. After a successful voyage of some days, along the superb Mississippi, we reached Saint Peter's. Our arrival was a cause of great joy to the Catholics, who had never before seen a priest or bishop in those remote regions: they manifested a great desire to assist at divine worship, and to approach the sacraments of the church. The wife of our host was baptized and confirmed; she subsequently received the sacrament of matrimony. The Catholics of Saint Peter's amount to 185, fifty-six of whom we baptized, administered confirmation to eight, communion to thirty-three adults, and gave the nuptial benedic6tion to four couples. Arrangements have been made for the construction of a church next summer, and a clergyman is to be sent, when he is able to speak French, (which is the language of the majority,) English, and the Sioux. To facilitate the study of the latter, we are to have, at Dubuque, this winter, two young Sioux, who are to teach one or two of our young ecclesiastics." Bishop LORAS remained thirteen days at Mendota, and then returned to Dubuque in a canoe. The next spring, he was reminded, one day, when an up-bound steamer whistled for the landing, of his promise to send a priest hither. He selected Rev. LUCIAN GALTIER for the work, and, in one hour, that clergyman was en route to his new field of labor. REV. LUCIAN GALTIER. The following extract from a memoir of Father GALTIER, written by Rev. JOHN IREILAND, for the Historical Society, gives an account which will be read with interest: "LUCIAN GALTIER was born in France, Department of Ardeches, A. D. i8II. From an early age, he looked forward to the priesthood as his vocation, and was a student of theology in the seminary of his native diocese, when Bishop LORAS, the then newly appointed prelate of Dubuque, arrived in Europe, in quest of laborers for the immense IO9 I I 0 Thze History of the City of Saint Paul, region confided to his spiritual charge. The missionaries, whom the Bishop persuaded to follow him to the wilds of western America, were Rev. JOSEPH CRETIN, afterwards Bishop of Saint Paul; Rev. JOSEPH PELAMOURGUES, now Vicar General of Dubuque; Rev. A. RAVOUX, now Vicar General of Saint Paul; * * * and Rev. L. GALTIER. The party landed in New York, in the fall of i838. Messrs. GALTIER and RAVOUX, who had not yet completed their studies, proceeded to Emmitsburg College, Maryland, where they remained about a year. They were ordained in Dubuque, January 5, 1840. "The diocese of Dubuque comprised what was then the Territory of Iowa, the present State of Iowa, and as much of Minnesota as lies west of the Mississippi. The east side, though under the direct jurisdiction of the Bishop of Milwaukee, was, however, generally attended to by Dubuque priests, who, geographically, were in closer proximity than those of other dioceses." Of his arrival at Mendota, and subsequent founding of the church which gave the name to our city, let us copy from an account written by himself, in i864, at the request of Bishop GRACE: ' On the 26th of April, I840, a Saint Louis steamboat the first of the season, arrived at Dubuque, bound for Fort Snelling. Rt. Rev. Dr. LORAS immediately came to me, and told me he desired to send me toward the upper waters of the Mississippi. There was no Saint Paul at the time; there was, on the site of the present city. but a single log house, occupied by a man named PHElLAN, and steamboats never stopped there. "The boat landed at the foot of Fort Snelling, then under command of Major PLYMPTON. The discovery that I soon made-that there were only a few houses on the Saint Peter's side, and but two on the side of the fort, surrounded by a complete wilderness, and without any signs of fields under tillage-gave me to understand that my mission and life must henceforth be a career of privation, hard trials and suffering, and required of me patience, labor and resignation. I had before me a large territory, too, under my charge-but few souls to watch over. * * * In that precarious and somewhat difficult condition, I continued for over a year. * * * A circumstance, rather sad in itself, commenced to better my situation, by procuring for me a new station and a variety in my scenes of labor. Some families-most of whom had left the Red River settlement, British America, on account of the flood and the loss of their crops, in the years i837 and I838-had located themselves all along the right bank of the Mississippi, opposite the fort. Unfortunately, some soldiers, now and then, crossed the river to the houses of these settlers, and returned intoxicated-sometimes remaining out a [I84' 1841] and of the County of Ramsey,;tinnesota. dayor two, or more, without reporting to their quarters. Consequently, a deputy marshal, from Prairie du Chien, was charged to remove the houses. He went to work, assisted by soldiers, and unroofed, one after another, the cottages, extending about five miles along the river. The settlers were forced to look for new homes; they located themselves about two miles below the cave. Already a few parties had opened farms in this vicinity; added to these, the new accessions formed quite a little settlement. Among the occupants of this ground were RONDO, (who had purchased the only cultivated claim in the place, teat of PHELAN,) VETAL GUERIN, PIERRE BOTTINEAU, the GERVAIS brothers, &c., &c. I deemed it my duty to visit occasionally those families, and set to work to choose a suitable spot for a church. SELECTING A SITE FOR TIlE CHURCH. "Three different points were offered. one called La Point Basse, or Point LeClaire, (now Pig's Eye)-but I objected, because that locality was the very extreme end of the new settlement, and, in high water, was exposed to inundation. The idea of building a church, which might at any day be swept down the river to Saint Louis, did not please me. Two miles and a half further up on his elevated claim, (now the southern point of Dayton's Bluff,) Mr. CHARLES MOUSSEAU offered me an acre of his ground but the place did not suit my purpose. I was truly looking ahead, thinking of the future as well as of the present. Steamboats could not stop there; the bank was too steep, the place on the summit of the hill too restricted; communication difficult with the other parts of the settlement up and down the river. "After mature reflection, I resolved to put up the church at the nearest possible point to the cave, because it would be more convenient for me to cross the river there, when coming from Saint Peter's, and because, also, it would be the nearest point to the head of navigation, outside of the Reservation line. Mr. B. GERVAIS and Mr. VETAL GUERIN, two good quiet farmers, had the only spot that appeared likely to answer the purpose. They consented to give me jointly the ground necessary for a church site, a garden and a small graveyard. I accepted the extreme eastern part of Mr. VETAL'S claim, and the extreme west of Mr. GERVAIS'. Accordingly, in I84I, in the month of October, logs were prepared and a church erected, so poor that it would well remind one of the stable at Bethlehem. It was destined, however, to be the nucleus of a great city. On the Ist day of November, in the same year, I blessed the new basilica, and dedicated it to' Saint PAUL, the apostle of nations.' I expressed a wish, at the same time, that the settlement would be known by the same name, and my desire was obtained. I had, previously to this time, fixed my residence at Saint Peter's, and as the name of PAUL is generally connected with that of PETER, and the I I I 4 Thze History of the City qf Saint Paul, [- 841 gentiles being well represented in the new place in the persons of the Indians, I called it Saint Paul. The name'Saint'Paul,' applied to a town or city, seemed appropriate. The monosyllable is short, sounds well, and is understood by all denominations of Christians. When Mr. VETAL GUERIN was married, I published the bans as being those of a resident of Saint Paul.' A Mr. JACKSON put up a store, and a grocery was opened at. the foot of the GERVAIS claim. This soon brought steamboats to land there. Thenceforth the place was known THE CHAPEL OF SAINT PAUIL. as'Saint Paul Landing,' and, later on, as' Saint Paul.' When, sometime ago, an effort was made to change the name,* I did all I could to oppose the proje6t, by writing from Prairie du Chien." It would seem that Father GALTIERt wIas not it bonla fide resident of Saint Paul, at any time, but only came here at regular intervals, to preach and administer sacraments. On the 25th of May, I844, he left Saint Peter's, tand went to Keokuk, Iowa. In I848, he returned to France, and remained a little time, but soon again was at work in the mission field. He was now placed at Prairie du Chien. In I853 ad I865, he *This was while the adt creating the Territory was before Congress. Sonice members I objected to the name, and proposed to change it. I12 %2-., ~'' —-~-:~ _.. a REV. LUCIAN GALTIER. First Catholic Priest in Saint Paul, and who gave that namie to our city. 0 VERY REV. A. RAVOUX, V. G. i-] I I84I] and of the County of Ramsey, /finnesota. visited Saint Paul, and felt a warm pride in its growth. On February 2I, i866, he was called to his reward. It may here be stated, that, when the little log chapel was taken down, several years later, (about 1856, I believe,) the logs and pieces were all marked and numbered, and laid by, with the intention of sometime rebuilding this truly historical structure. Thus was the infant city baptized with a Christiall name. Pig's Eye no more-'- now, by Saint PAUL, the work goes bravelv on." "One shudders to think," (said a writer in the Pioneer,) " of what the place would have come to if it had not seen rebatptized-of the horrible marble squint of a Pig's Eye following it around the world. The head of navigation, with such all eye glaring from its socket were a pestiferous Medusa's head, blasting everything within five miles of it with its stony leer-blasting the rocks, especially. Imagine the eflcet of a Pig's Eye in a senate committee. Think of a Pig's Eye for a seat of government. Who would have come to live under the bristling lashes of a Pig's Eye? What should we have done for clothes? What Jew would have domiciled ill the leering eye of a pig? Or any pen have been held ill honor but a pig-pen?" In the first' New Year's Address" ever printed in Minnesota, written, probably, by GOODHUE, January I, 1850, the sequel is given: "Pig's Eye, converted thou shalt be, like SAUL; Arise, and be, henceforth, SAINT PAUL!" ARRIVAL OF FATItER RAVOUX. During the fall of 1841, Rev. AUGUSTIN RAVOUX arrived firom below, and has been, ever since that date, a resident of Minnesota, and, most of the time, of Saint Paul. From a sketch of the good father, in the iVort/twestern CzronicZe, I copy the following: "' Father A. RAvoux was born January II, i8i5, at Langeac, in Auvergne, France, about 20 miles from Puy, where he spent three years in the Petit Seminaire, and four years in the Grand Seminaire. Right Rev. M. LORAS, previously Pastor of the Cathedral Church, of Mobile, II3 I 14 Thze History of the City of Saint Paul, Alabama, having been consecrated, in I837, Bishop of Dubuque, Iowa, before visiting his diocese, went to France, in order to have a few missionaries and some pecuniary means for his poor and new diocese. " Early in the spring of I838, he visited the Grand Seminaire of Puy, and delivered before the seminarians an urgent invitation, in order to induce some of them to accompany him to America. Deeply moved by the discourse and tears of the good Bishop of Dubuque, whom he had never seen or heard of before, l'Abbe A. RAVOUX, then a sub-deacon, offered himself to him for the missions of his diocese. In September, I838, they left France for the United States, and after 45 days' navigation, they reached New York. The Rt. Rev. Bishop was accompanied, also, by his Vicar General, Father CRETIN; by Rev. A. PELAMOURGUES, who, in I858, was appointed Bishop of Saint Paul, (but declined accepting the charge;) by l'Abbe GALTIER, who gave to our city its name, and by two other sub-deacons. "A few days after, Father RAVOUX was sent to Prairie du Chien, where he exercised the holy ministry till September, I841, when he received from his Bishop the commission of visiting the Sioux, being in the northern part of the disocese of Dubuque, in order to see if there was any prospectof establishing a mission among them. He left Prairie du Chien, for the Upper Mississippi, spent a few days with his friend, Father GALTIER; was then invited to go, in a canoe, to Traverse des Sioux; accepted the invitation with many thanks, and, after four or five days, arrived at Traverse. He was there the guest of Mr. PROVENCAL, an old and respectable gentleman, who had been a trader with the Indians for about forty-five years. While here, he comnmenced the study of the Sioux language, in which he soon became quite proficient, meantime preaching to the Indians by interpreters. He soon after proceeded to' Little Rock,' and, in January, i842, went to Lac qui Parle. After having passed there two or three months, performing the same duties as at Traverse and Little Rock, he returned, early in the spring, to Mendota, where he spent the greater part of the summer with his friend, Father GALTIER. During that summer, Rev. L. GALTIER visited the Catholics living at Lake Pepin and on the Chippewa River; meanwile, Father RAVOUX attended the mission of Mendota, and Saint Paul, and taught the catechism in Sioux to the Messrs. FRENIERES' families, who were encamped for several weeks near the church at Mendota. At their invitation, he accompanied them to Lake Traverse, being by them informed that he would find there several hundred families of Sioux, who would be glad to see him and hear the good tidings of the Gospel. Unfortunately, when they reached the place the Indians, four or five families excepted, had already left for their winter expedition. lie spent about two weeks near the banks of the lake, baptized many persons belonging to the families of the FRENIERES and returned to Mendota. He there, at the request of the FARIBAULT family, established [IS4I I84I] and of the County of Ramsey, Mi'nnesola. a mission at Little Prairie, (now Chaska,) and remained some time. While here, he wrote a catechism and other religious books, in Sioux. " In the spring of I843, he went to Dubuque, to see the Right Rev. Bishop LORAS, who gave him some encouragement; then he left Dubuque for Prairie du Chien, where he spent almost two months, and printed, with a small printing press, belonging to Very Rev. J. CRETIN, a book in the Sioux language;* and then returned to his mission. ' In the months of January, February, and March, I844, 23 Indians and half-breeds received the sacrament of baptism, but, unfortunately for that new mission, Rev. L. GALTIER was, in the spring of the same year, removed from Mendota to Keokuk, and Father RAVOUX had to take his place, until another priest would be sent from Dubuque. Right Rev. Bishop LORAS had promised to send one after a short time, but, though he renewed, again and again, his promise, he could not fulfill it, and so Father RAVOUX had under his charge, Mendota, Saint Paul, Lake Pepin and Saint Croix, till the 2d of July, I85I, when Right Rev. Bishop CRETIN arrived at Saint Paul." From the time that Father GALTIER left, until about I849, Father RAVOUX preached alternate Sundays at Mendota and Saint Paul. The latter year, his flock here increased so that he spent two Sundays here, and the third at Mendota, and so on, until Mendota was made a parish by itself, and Saint Paul's church had the exclusive labors of a priest. Father RAvoux's life has been spared to witness glorious fruits from his early labors. Beloved by a large congregation and revered by all, hle is still actively pursuing his holy calling, with the prayers of his flock that his days may yet be many amongst us. PROGRESS OF SETTLEMENT. About this period, the agricultural region between the Mississippi and Saint Croix began slowly settling Iup. During the summer of IS4I, a mission was established at Red Rock, by Rev. B. F. KAr-ENAUGH, superintendent of the Methodist missions among the Sioux and Chippewas. He was accompanied by his family, MWILLIAM R. BROWN, (afterwards of Saint Paul,) CHARLES CAVILEER, a Miss JULIA BOSWELL, and Mrs. MARTHA BOARDMAN, the two latter as teachers for the mission. lMr. BROwN erecded the buildings for the mission, and sutbse * Wakantanka ti Cancu-Path to the House of God. Il5 ii6 The History of the City of Saint Pa[ul, quently he and CAVILEER opened a farm. In I842, DANIEL HOPKINS established a store there, and, in 8IS47, removed it to Saint Paul. Mr. CAVILEER also removed to Saint Paul, shortly after this, (I845,) and, in I85I, went to Pembina, where he has been postmaster almost a quarter of a century. Soon after, other farmers settled in the Cottage Grove region-HIRAM HASKELL, J. \V. FURBER, JAMES S. NORRIS, and others. JOHN A. FORD and Rev. JOHN HOLTON also settled at Red Rock, and a few families at Point DouglasDAVID HONE among them. [I841 I842] and of the Countv of Ramsey,.;innesota. CHAPTER IX. EVENTS OF. THE YEAR 1842. HENRY JACKSON SETTLES HERE-ALSO, SERGEANT MORTIMER-FRONCHET AND "OLD PELON"-STANISLAUS BILANSKI-THE BATTLE OF KAPOSIA-STRANGE SCENES. N June 9, I842, there landed in Saint Paul, as we may now call it, a man whose name must always be prominently mentioned in connection with the early history of our city. HENRY JACKSON was born in Abingdon, Virginia, February I, i8 Si. In earl) life he acquired but a limited education, though he ultimately, by reading and study, became a good penman and accountant, and acquired a fair amount of scholarly culture. He was shrewd, energetic, and self-reliant; and had a large share of humor and penetration into character. He was of a somewhat roving disposition, however, and, while quite a young man, went to Texas, where he was engaged in the " Patriot War" of I836-7, with the rank of orderly sergeant. He then made his way back to the States, and lived for a time at Buffalo, New York where, on May 27, I838, he was married to Miss ANGELINA BIVINS. He soon after emigrated to Green Bay, Wisconsin, and from there to Galena, Illinois, where he went into business, but failed. He then, (I842,) resolved to remove to Saint Paul, and, gathering his worldly goods together, was landed at our lower levee, on a dark, rainy night, when it required considerable search and trouble to secure a shelter for the night. This was finally accomplished at the Clewett place, where the PERRYS were then living. Mr. JACKSON and family remained here several days, and then rented of old PARRANT a cabin on the levee, where they lived until their own house was ready in the fall. II7 The Hislory of the City of Saint Paul, JACKSON soon purchased of BEN,. GERVAIS a small tract of land, about three acres, lying in the block now bounded by Jackson and Robert, and Bench and Third streets. It was then a high bank or "bluff," a part of which still remains, in rear of the Saint Paul Fire and Marine Building. Here, on a point overlooking the lower levee, JACKSON built a log or pole cabin, and opened a small stock of goods suitable for the Indian trade. He soon did a prosperous business, and, in a short time, by his activity, tact and sagacity, became a leading man in the community. During his residence in Saint Paul, JACKSON held several important offices. In I843, he was appointed by Gov. DODGE, of Wisconsin, a Justice of the Peace-the first one who ever filled that office in our city. In I846, he was appointed the first postmaster of Saint Paul; and, in I847, was elected a member of the Wisconsin Assembly, for two years. He was also a member of the first Territorial Legislature of Minnesota, and a member of the first town council. On April 28, I853, he removed to Mankato, being almost the first settler in that town, where he died July 3I, 1857. Jackson street, in this city, and Jackson county, Minnesota, were named for him. Mrs. JACKSON subsequently became the wife of JOHN S. HINCKLEY, Esq., of Mankato, and still resides in that city. Mrs. H. has kindly furnished the writer, (who visited her for the purpose,) with many interesting and valuable facts of early days. It has been her fortune to pass her entire life, after marriage, in frontier towns, several of which she has seen grow up from a few cabins to prosperous cities, and endured such privation and hardships as every pioneer woman must necessarily undergo. She has now, in her house, at Mankato, the first clock which was ever brought to Saint Paul. SERGEANT R. w. MORTIMER. On August 17, I842, RICHARD W. MORTIMER, usually known as "Sergeant MORTIMER," settled in Saint Paul. MORTIMER was a native of Leeds, England, and was born about the year I8oo. His father was a man of some wealth, and young MORTIMER was educated at Eton College. WVhen [I842 Ix8 1842] and of the County of Ramsey, -,innesota. 19 years of age, in company with a younger brother, he ran away from home, in a foolish, school-boy freak, and went to Canada. His brother soon returned, but RICHARD W. was too proud to do so, and, as a result, was disinherited. He had been splendidly educated, however, and soon turned it to account by procuring an appointment in the Signal Service of the British Army, in which he remained several years. He subsequently emigrated to the United States, and was appointed Commissary and Quiartermaster Sergeant, holding both positions for some years. He came to Fort Snelling in 8IS35, and lived in the fort until I842, excepting a short time during the Florida war, when he accompanied the troops to that region. During his residence in Canada, he was married to a Miss ELIZABETh MAXWELL, and two children were born there. Three were also born in Fort Snelling. In the year I842, Sergeant MORTIMER got tired of army life, and, having saved about $4,000, he concluded to settle in this region. He, therefore, purchased from JOSEPH RONDO, eighty acres of his claim, fronting on the river, and bounded on the east by Saint Peter street, and on the west by Washington street. The exact sum paid for this, I have been unable to ascertain. There was an old house on the claim, at the time, but MORTIMER built, near where ROBINSON's drug store now is, a good hewed log house, with a shingle roof, which his daughter, Mrs. MARIA PATTEN, thinks was the first shingle roof in Saint Paul. MORTIMER made other improvements, and soon opened quite a lot of goods suitable to the trade at that time. He also expended considerable in cattle and horses, and had about 40 acres under cultivation. Sergeant MORTIMER was really unfitted for the new life in which he had engaged. There were many troubles he had not anticipated. He had expended nearly all the ample sum he had saved in his army life, in his improvements and stock, and realized but little from them at last. The trade was small and the people poor. He was filled with vain regrets that he had ever left the army, and it weighed on his mind so that it affected his health at last. He was a liberal and public-spirited man, and, had he lived, would have been a prominent citizen. The II9 I20 Thze History of the City of Sainf Paul, first flag every raised in Saint Paul, was procured by him, at the expense of $35. He had one of his men raise it on a pole, in front of his house, on Christmas, I842. There seems to have been almost as much rivalry between upper and lower town, those days, as there was subsequently, for the flag had been flying but a little while, when some wicked scamp, from the lower part of the village, cut it down. MORTIMER was terribly enraged when he found it out, and was about to put in force Gov. DIx's famous order-,' if any man hauls down the American flag, shoot him on the spot." He went to load a gun, and ordered his horse to pursue the offender. His wife, fearing there would be bloodshed, unloosed the horse, and there was so much delay before he was caught, that MORTIMER'S anger cooled down. Mr. MORTIMER did not live long after his residence in Saint Paul. On January 8th, I843, he was attacked with hemorrhage resulting from an injury received a short time before, and died at the age of 43 years. He left a widow and five children-two sons and three daughters. His oldest daughter is now Mrs. J. R. PATTEN, an estimable lady of Minneapolis. His second daughter, FANNY, married AARON FOSTER, an old settler of Saint Paul. Both are now dead. His youngest daughter, LILY, is now Mrs. ROBERT CLINGER, of Philadelphia. His two sons, VWILLIAM and GEORGE, served in the late war, the former giving an arm to his country. Mrs. ELIZABETH MORTIMER died at Minneapolis, January i5, 1873. While Mr. MORTIMER was living in Saint Paul, there worked for him, and for his family after his death, an old soldier named FRONCHET, or DESIRE-as hle was generally calledreferred to more at length on page 62. FRONCHET was a faithful servant, and highly valued despite his infirmities. He always boasted of his Parisian origin and purity of language, affecting to sneer at the Canadian French, whom he declared he could scarcely understand. Poor FRONCHET! Whisky finally got the better of him, and he came to a sad end. "OLD PELON." Shortly after JACKSON- opened his trading-house in lower [I842 1842] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. town, he began to feel the need of an interpreter who could talk Sioux, and assist him in selling and buying with his red customers. Opportunely, there happened along, at this juncture, from Prairie du Chiep, a Canadian ex-voyageur, commonlv known as "Old PELON." What PELON'S Christian name was, no one happens now to remember, nor is it of much moment, since, probably, we have sufficiently identified him by the title given. Old PELON was quite a character in his way — vivacious, polite, good-natured, shrewd, faithfill, he proved a valuable aid to Mr. JACKSON, and remained in his service for several v-ears. GOODHUE, who met PELON at the Indian treaty of Traverse de Sioux, in I85I, relates this incident of the old coon: PELON used to tend JACKSON'S bar, while Saint Paul was only the western suburb of Pig's Eye. At that time all sorts of liquors were sold out of the same decanter, and a stranger, coming in once, asked PELON if he had any confectionery? PELON, not knowing the meaning of the word, supposed it was some kind of liquor, passed out the decanter of whisky to his customer, saying:'- Oui, Monsieur, here is confecshawn, ver good, superb, magnifique, pretty fair." PELON afterwards kept a saloon of his own on the lower levee, but, ultimately, age and infirmities overtook him, and he died in I852, at " old man LARRIVIER's, on Lake Phelan. STANISLAUS BILANSKI, who settled in Saint Paul this year, was a Polander by birth, and had lived in Wisconsin prior to coming to Saint Paul. He purchased a claim and cabin on the point of second table-land between Phelan's Creek, and Trout Brook, near the machine shops of Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad Company, called then " Oak Point," and lived there several years. BILANSKI was an uxorious individual, and had a facility for marrying and divorcing wives, that ultimately brought him to an untimely end. While living with his fourth wife, in IS59, he died, on March I Ith of that year, under circumstances that showed he had been poisoned. The full particulars of the 9 I21 122 zThe History of the City of Saint Paul, case will be found in the chapter devoted to the events of the year 1859. THE BATTLE OF KAPOSIA. In September of this year occurred the famous battle of Kaposia, between the Chippewas and Sioux. References will be found in the previous pages of this history to the savage warfare that had been waged for several years between these two hostile tribes, whose deadly feud must have begun generations ago, and sacrificed a hecatomb of warriors during those years. Early in the spring of I84I, three Chippewa warriors proceeded to the vicinity of Fort Snelling, and lay concealed in a thicket there, looking for Sioux scalps. Ere long, KAIBOKA, a Dakota chief, accompanied bv his son, and another Indian, passed along, when they were at once killed and scalped, and the cowardlv assassins escaped. Enraged at this adt, a war partv firom LITTLE CROW'S village, at Kaposia, head(led by that chief, equipped themselves and started on a campaign of revenge. Three of LrTITTLE CROW'S sons were in the party. Near the Falls of Saint Croix, they fell in with the Chlippewas. Two of CRow's sons were shot dead, and the party returned. Another section of the expedition penetrated the Ojibwa country as far as Pokeguina, where there was a village of Indians and a missionary station, at which EDMUND F. ELY, for several years subsequently a resident of this city. was present. The Dakotas attacked this, but inflicted little damage on the enemy, losing two of their own number. In revenge for this raid, the Chippewas, in I1842, determined to attack the Sioux village, of LITTLE CROW, at Kaposia. A war party of about 40 was formed at Fond du Lac, and, in their downward march, they were joined by recruits from the Mille Lac and Saint Croix bands, until the party numbered about IOO. They arrived unnoticed at the blufl back of Pig's Eye, where they halted in Pine Coolie, the ravine just back of the old poor-house, to reconnoiter. This was about IO o'clock in the forenoon. just at this Ilionlent, a Red River half-breed(l. inramed HENRY E,842 0 1842] and of Ithe County of Ramsey, Minnesota. SINCLAIR,* who was in the employ of the missionaries KAVE NAUGH, at Red Rock, came along on the trail, riding a pony. Him they hailed, and inquired, i' if there were any Dakotas about." SINCLAIR was about to reply, when his pony took fright, and started off at break-neck speed. He did not try to check him, but galloped on, and in a few minutes, arrived at the mission house, where he reported what he had seen. There were two Sioux at Rev. Mr. KAVENAUGH'S house, who at once started off on the run to alarm the men at Kaposia. Mrs. THOMAS ODELI., then Miss ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, a half-breed girl, was a pupil at the Red Rock mission. She states that, a moment after the Indians left, the rattle of guns was heard, showing that the work of death had commenced. But we must go back a little. On Pig's Eye bottom, a little distance from Pine Coolie, where the Chippewas were lying in ambush, was the cabin and field of FRANCIS GAMMEL, a French Canadian, who had come to Minnesota as a voyageur, in IS829, and had lived at Mendota. He was now married to a Dakota woman, and they had one child, DAVID GAMMEI., then an infant. That morning, an old Indian, named RATTLER, a brother of old BETS, well known to the early residents hereabout, had gone over to GAMMEL'S house, with his two wives, and a son and daughter, infants, in order to help Mr. and Mrs. GAMMEL hoe their corn. GAMMEL and his wife, and one of RATTLER'S wives, were in the field at work. The other Mrs. RATTLER complained of being sick, and went into the house, whither old RATTLER followed. The three children wvere playing near by. Julst at this moment, a squad of Chippewas, who had been sent out to reconnoiter, sneaked through the bpushes outside the field, and seeing the two Sioux women at work, fired a volley at them. Mrs. RATTLER fell dead, and Mrs. GAMMEL was mortally wounded. GAMMEL picked her up and carried * SINCLAIR came from Selkirk Settlement, in I839, piloting a drove of cattle. He was a simple-hearted, honest fellow. One time he was sick, at Mendota, and Surgeon EMIERSON, at the fort, sent, by some one, a box of pills, for him to take a dose from. N. W. KITTSON called on him a little while after this, and found that SINCLAIR had not only swallowed all the pills, but was then chewing up thle box! S. afterwards went to Sauk Rapids, or Crow Wing, where he died a few years ago. I23 I 24 Th/e History of the City of Saint Paul, [1842 her into the house, followed by some of the blood-thirsty Chippewas, who rushed in and sealbed the dying woman in his arms, and at once retreated, not knowing of the presence of RATTLER and his other wife, in an adjoining room. As they bounded off, giving the scalp-halloo, GAMMEL seized a gun and fired at them, wounding one in the leg, but they did not, at any time, offer to molest him. just then they observed the little boy of RATTLER, Who was endeavoring to hide in the bushes. They seized him and cut off his head. The little son of GAMMEL,* and the daughter of RATTLER, named Ta-l/i, (HER LODGE,) escaped unnoticed. This affair had all occurred in a moment, and was undoubtedly a military blunder of the attacking party. Their design had been to crawl, unobserved, to the bank of the river, opposite Kaposia, and there, concealed in the dense shrubbery, lie in wait for some unsuspecting party of Sioux, and massacre them. But, seeing the Dakota women in the field, they had rashly attacked them, thus giving the alarm prematurely. If they had carried out the first named plan, they could not have chosen a more opportune time than that day. The Sioux at the village were in the midst of one of their drunken sprees, and, as is customary at such times, the squaws had hid their guns and other weapons, to prevent them from doing each other any harm. The firing across the river first gave them the alarm that the enemy was near, when great excitement at once prevailed. The men hunted up their concealed weapons, meantime giving their barbaric war-whoop, and yelling like so many demons, in order to scare the enemy, probably. In this vocal exercise they were joined by the squaws and children. As soon as they could arm themselves, the Sioux bravely advanced across the river to attack the enemy. The latter, by this time, had advanced near the bank of the river, about where the quarantine grounds now are, and here the battle mainly * GAMMEL'S son, DAVID, grew up to manhood at Mendota, and served in a Minnesota Regiment. Old RATTLER died in 1851, of an overdose ofwhisky. TA-TI, his daughter, afterwards became the wife of W/-kin-yan-a-wzva, (His TIIUNDER,) sometimes called "CHASKA," who saved GEORCE H. SPENCER'S life, in i862, and was poisoned acciden. tally the year following. TA-TI now lives at Mendota. FRANCIS GAMMEL died at Mendota, in I87I. I842] and of the County of Ramsey, Mfinnesota. took place. It raged with great spirit for a couple of hours, during which the firing was incessant. Some hand-to-hand encounters also took place between the two sides, while the forest and bluffs rang with their incessant yelling. The firing was plainly heard in Saint Paul. Every inch of the battleg,round was hotly contested. Toward noon, the Chippewas began to fall back, and soon retreated on their path, followed by the Sioux, who pursued them over the bluff, and several miles toward Stillwater. The Chippewas left some nine or ten dead bodies on the field, and may have carried off their wounded. The Sioux also lost heavily. Different accounts place their loss at nineteen or twenty, including the mortally wounded, who died subsequently. The dead Chippewas were at once scalped, while the squaws amused themselves by hacking and mutilating them. "Old BETS" went around pounding their heads with a huge club. One of her sons, afterwards called Ta-opi, or WOUNDED MAN, was so named because wounded in this fight. \When the Chippewas first made the attack, a messenger was sent to Fort Snelling with the intelligence. It was the policy of the Government to prevent and punish these intertribal carnages, and Major DEARBORN at once dispatched a party of soldiers from Companies D, G and H, First Infantry, who at that time garrisoned the fort, to Kaposia, to stop the conflicdt. The party came down below Pickerel Lake in boats, and thence across by land, but did not arrive until after the conflict was over. THOMAS S. ODELL, now of West Saint Paul, was one of this party. I am indebted to him and his wife for many of the minor incidents of this strange affair. 125 126 The History of the City of Saint Paul, CHAPTER X. EVENTS OF THE YEAR i843. NOTICES OF SOME SETTLERS-JOHN R. IRVINE, J. W. SIMPSON, WILLIAM HARTS HORN, A. L. LARPENTEUR, SCOTT CAMPBELL, ALEX. R. MCLEOD, &C., &C. RONDO SELLS HIS CLAIM-AN INDIAN IN PURSUIT OF WHISKY. URING the year I843, there was quite an accession to the population-among others, JOHN R. IRVINE, C. C. BLANCHARD, J. WV. SIMPSON, ANSEL B. COY, WILLIAM HARTSHORN, A. L. LARPENTEUR, SCOTT CAMPBELL, ANTOINE PEPIN, &C., &C. JOHN R. IRVINE was born in Dansville, New York, November 3, I I 2. When a boy, he worked at blacksmithing, but, about the age of 17, removed to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he learned the trade of plastering, and, in I83I, was married to Miss NANCY GALBRAITH. He afterwards returned to Dansville, and resumed blacksmithing. In I837, he emigrated west, living for three years in Green Bay, and, in I840, settled in Prairie du Chien, where he went into the grocery trade. While living in Buflalo, New York, he had become acquainted with HENRVJACKSONindeed, he and JACKSON had come to Green Bay together, the latter soon removing to Galena, however. About February, I843, JACKSON was on his way down the river to purchase goods, and, stopping at Prairie du Chien, there found his old friend, who was in business with ANSEL B. CoY and C. C. BLANCHARD. JACKSON at once urged him to remove to Saint Paul, as being a much more promising place for trade, rapid growth, &c., than Prairie du Chien. So warmly did he set forth the advantages of Saint Paul, that Mr. IRVINE resolved at least to visit it and see the land of promise. He accordingly came up here in the latter part of that winter, in a sleigh, with [II843 1843] and of tie Couiaty of Ramsey, l'innesola. a load of groceries and other goods for sale, and, after looking around over the field, resolved to remove here. He therefore purchased of JOSEPH RONDO the balance of the old Phelan claim (remaining after the sale of about half to SergeantMoRTIMER.) The price paid for this tract was $300. RONDO had at that time a very good log dwelling built on the French plan, JOHN R. IRVINE. (i. e., the logs squared and( let into grooves not notched at the corners.) It stood about where the northwest corner of Third and Franklin streets would now be. With some additions, it made a very comfortable dwelling, and was used by Mr. IRVINE for several years. Mr. IRVINE thlinks that the claim he bought of RONDO contained 300 acres. It extended back to the marsh on the Lake Como road, which residents of some I5 or 20 years ago may remember. 127 128 Thze History qf the City of Saint Paul, After purchasing this property, Mr. IRVINE returned to Prairie du Chien, to remove his family and business hither. He placed his household eflects and goods in a large Mackinac boat, and, as soon as navigation opened, hired the steamer Otter, on her first trip up, to tow it to Saint Paul. His partner, ANSEIl B. Coy, came with the goods, but Mr. BLANCHARD did not come up until a few weeks subsequently. Mr. IRVINE arrived some time in June with his family. The boat was run tip the slough between the upper levee and the main land, and moored there. It was then all heavy timber and underbrush in that locality, and, as there was no road-hardly a foot-path from the bluff down to the water- the unloading and carrying of the goods up the bluff was no small job. A dense forest covered'the bottom land near the upper levee. Mr. IRVINE cut immense quantities of wood for steamboats off' of that bottom, without apparently making any impression on it. Upper Third street, from the seven-corners to the blufi; was a quagmire, almost without bottom. Cows used to stick there years after this, to the great trouble of their owners. Along the side of the hill, near Pleasant and College avenues, was a morass, with a forest of cedar and tamaracks growing on it. No one at that day could have imagined itwould, in so few years, become the valuable property it now is, covered with comfortable residences. For several years, Mr. IRVINE cultivated a considerable part of his land for a farm. Mr. IRVINE subsequently (about I845, he thinks) purchased the MORTIMER claim, and, in I848, entered the land (which had then been surveyed) in the land office at Stillwater. In November, I8S48, for $250, he deeded the east half of the northwest quarter of section 6, town 28, to HENRY M. RICE, which afterwards became a part of Rice and Irvine's Addition. But of this anon. Mr. IRVINE has been one of our most active and useful citizens during his thirty-two years' residence. The ample property, which his foresight and prudence prompted him to secure and hold, is now one of the finest portions of our city. The proceeds of most of it which has been sold, has been reinvested in erecting substantial business blocks, mills, warehouses, and [I843 1843] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. other buildings, which now stand as a credit to the enterprise of the owner. Although 63 years of age, a period when most men court repose, Mr. IRVINE is still actively engaged in business, and is known as one of our most energetic and hardworking men. Mr. IRVINE has served our county in the Legislature, and other elective bodies, and perhaps no one of our pioneer settlers more fully enjoys the esteem of the public than he, and the wish that the " great reaper" will long delay his visit. The amiable wife of Mr. IRVINE, is one of the first white women who settled in Minnesota, and has endured the privations and struggles of pioneer life, with others of that noble few, who deserve especial mention. Mr. and Mrs. I. have one son and six daughters living, most of the latter married to wellknown citizens. When IRVINE bought RONDO'S claim, the latter at once made a new claim in and near the marsh, on the Lake Como Road. When the land was entered, in 1848, it was noticed that the lines overlapped somewhat, but land was so cheap then, that such things were hardly noticed. A few acres were not worth disputing about. FURTHER ABOUT RONDO. Mr. RONDO subsequently laid out quite an addition on this claim, or a part of it, and it has of late years become valuable property. The marsh has been so drained and graded that it can scarcely be found, except by close search. RONDO has raised a large family, and has a number of grandchildren to bear his name down to posterity. He lives in a plain manner, in his brick house, on the street which is called after him, and, though nearly 80 years old, worked hard in the harvest field this summer. His long life has been full of interesting events, and, as one of his ancestors lived to I I 2, and two more over a century, Mr. RONDO, now our oldest living settler resident among us, may live a score of years yet, to see still more generations of his descendants. C. C. BLANCHARD. WVith Mr. IRVINE, came CHRISTOPHER C. BLANCHARD, who 129 130 The History of the Cityv of Saint Paul, had been his partner in business in Prairie du Chien, and continued that relation after arriving here. Mr. BLANCHARD was not pleased with Saint Paul, however, and soon returned to Prairie du Chien, and thence to Saint Louis. No tidings have been received of him for some twenty years, and he may not now be living. BLANCHARD was a married man, and his wife's sister, Mrs. MATILDA RUMSEY, lived with him. When he went back down the river, Mrs. RUIMSEY remained here, residing with Mr. IRIVINE'S family. ANSEL B. COY. who had also been a partner of IRVINE, at Prairie du Chien, as before stated, came to Saint Paul quite early in the spring, in charge of the goods. He, too. was not suited here, and soon after returned. ALIEXANDER MEGE. During the season of IS43, a Frenchman named ALEX. MEGE. who had lived at Prairie du Chien, came to Saint Paul, and purchased the interest of Coy, when that gentleman left. MIEGE and IRVINE dissolved subseqtuently, and MEGE kept astore in a building on the Mortimer claim. On June 23. I845. he was married to Mrs. MATILDA RTUMSEY, at Mr. IlWVINE'S house. by Rev. Father RAVOUX. In 1847, Mr. and Mrs. ME(;E removed to Montrose. Iowa, where Mrs. MEGE sub)sequently died. Mrs. RUMSEY is the lady mentioned elsewhere who taught the first school in Saint Pautl. J. W. SIMPSON. JAMES W. SIMPSON was born in Virginia, I8I8. We have seen it asserted, that in his younger days he was a clergyman but do not state this on positive authority. He came to Minnesota in 1842, and resided about a year at Sandy Lake, where he was connedted with the mission in some capacity, and then came to Red Rock, where he resided a short time, settling at Saint Paul in October of I843. He bought an acre of BENJ. GERVAIS, where Union block now stands, and opened a store, the second one in the village. He afterwards sold this, and II843 I843] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. bought a tracdt between Baptist hill and the Merchants' Hotel, where he lived until his death. He soon after established a commission business on the levee, which he continued until within a vear or two of his death. He was elected county treasurer in I849, and so scrupulously just and honest was he, that he turned over at the end of his term the identical coin collected by him, having kept it as a ftind separate from any other money. About I868, his health failed, and he was very feeble for some months. Inldeed, his death was prematurely reported once or twice. It finally came to his relief on May 30, i87o, in the 52d year of his age. He died respected by all. Mr. SIMPSON was married in 1846. to a Miss DENOYER, a niece of IL,ouTis ROBERT. WVILLIAM HARTSHORN was born at Dedham, Massachusetts, in 1794. He learned the trade of hatter when a boy, and subsequently removed to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he established a store, and continued in the fuir and hatting business for several years part of the time on a large scale, as he once made a sale of furs to JOHN JACOB ASTOR, for $IOO,OOO. Adversity came upon him, however, and he sold out his business, removed to Brockport, New York, subsequently to Lewiston, thence to Michigan City, &c., where he was in the hotel and stage business, and, in I839, settled in Saint Louis, where he engaged again in the fur and peltry trade. In I843, he started for the Upper Mississippi, to purchase furs. On the way up, he met HENRY JACKSON on the steamer. JACKSON told him he had some furs to sell, which induced him to stop here. The result of the visit was, that he and JACKSON formed a copartnership, and HARTSHORN, returning to Saint Louis to close up his business there, settled in Saint Paul in September, although he did not bring his family up for some months afterwards. The first deed on the Ramsey county records, is one dated April 23, I844, in which JACKSON deeds to WILLIAM HARTSHORN, for $I,QOO, the " half of three acres, it being the place where said JACKSON now lives, lying im I3I I32 XThe hfistorv of the City of Saint Paul, mediately on the Mississippi River, known as the Saint Paul's Landing." Mr. HARTSHORN also bought, that year, or early in I844, a tract of GERVAIS, on his claim, bounded by what (now) would be Sibley and Minnesota streets, and Fourth and Sixth streets. In I846, when PIERRE BOTTINEAU sold his claim, (Baptist hill,) he describes it as "bounded on the west b) HARTSHORN." There was a log house on this tract, about where the Schurmeier block now stands. The copartnership with JAcKsoN lasted only about two years, and Mr. HARTSHORN, withdrawing, mtnoved to the old Mortimer claim, and commenced business there on his own account. He also had one or two stores or trading posts in other places, at-Saint Croix Falls and on the Minnesota River. He increased his business so at one time, that he had several of these outside stations. D. B. FREEMAN, who had clerked for him in Saint Louis, and AUG. FREEMAN; A. L. LARPENTEUR, ED. WEST, of New York; W. H. MORSE, of Stillwater; and others, clerked for him, and JOSEPH CAMPBELL, JOSEPH DESMARAIS, ANTOINE and SAM. FINDLEY were employed by him at various times, as interpreters. It was also through him that VWILLIAM H. RANDALL, of New York, came to Saint Paul, in IS46. In the winter of I847-8, Mr. HARTSHORN disposed of his interest to JOHN and WILLIAM H. RANDALL, the FREEMANS and LARPENTEUR, under the name of " FREEMAN, LARPENTEUR & Co.," and removed to Stillwater. Not liking that place, he soon returned to Saint Paul, and re-embarked in trade. He continued in business until I864, when disease fastened on him, and he died January 2, I865. A newspaper sketch says of him: " He was an honest and pure-minded man, with a kindness of heart and absence of guile that made him beloved by all. Ever upright himself, in his simplicity, he perhaps placed too much confidence in others, and hence, though at times well ofi; he was over-reached to an extent that kept him in reduced circumstances most of his life." Mrs. TYLE HARTSHORN, his venerable widow, who, with him, sustained the privations and hardships of pioneer life, died March 4, I874. [ I843 I843] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. WILLIAM E. HARTSHORN, his only son, is still a resident of Saint Paul. AUGUSTE L. LARPENTEUR was born May I6, 1823, at Baltimore Maryland. His father was an emigrant from France. In I840, he went to Saint Louis, to enter into business there with a relative, and, some time after his arrival, got acquainted with WILLIAM HARTSHORN, who had been up to Saint Paul on a fur-buying expedition, and had formed a partnership with HENRYJACKSON. He engaged LARPENTEUR, in I843, to go to Saint Paul with him, and gave him charge of an invoice of goods and horses. LARPENTEUR at once started for Saint Paul, on the steamer Otter, Capt. SCRIBE HARRIS, and arrived here September I5, I843. HARTSIHORN &JACKSON had their trading house in theJackson building, on the point. LARPENTEUR was in the service of the firm about two years. In I845, Mr. HARTSHORN dissolved with JACKSON, and moved up to the Mortimer place, where he opened business on his own account, and Mr. LARPENTEUR remained with him, having mainly the charge of the whole business. In I848, Mr. HARTSHORN retired from the trade, and disposed of his interest in it, with a quantity of real estate, to a new firm, called FREEMAN, LARPENTEUR & Co.\WM. H. RANDALL, of New York, having, also, an interest in it. They completed a warehouse on the levee, which HARTSHORN had commenced, and continued there until the death of DAVID B. FREEMAN, in January, I85o0, when the business was wound up and passed over to JOHN & WM. H. RANDALI,. In the spring of I850, Mr. LARPENTEUR built a frame store on Third street, just above Jackson, and started business for himself. In I847, we should state, he built as a residence for himself, the building on Jackson street, afterwards, for many years, known as the'Wild Hunter Hotel." In I855, he built the four-story brick block on the corne:, and used it several years as a store, carrying on a large business. The hard times of I858 compelled him to close up, and eventually he lost all his fine property on that street. In I845, Mr. LARPENTEUR was married to Miss MARY J. I33 I34 Thze History of the City of Saint Paztl, [I 843 PRESLEY, sister to BARTLETT PRESLEY, and, like most of our early settlers, has had a numerous family. SCOTT CAMPBELT, another of the settlers of the year 8IS43, was a half-breed soil of COLIN CAMPBELL, (a Scotch trader, well knownt throughout the west during the early part of this century,) and was born at Prairie du Chien, in I790. Ile acted as interpreter at Fort Snelling, for some 25 years, and also was in the employ, at various times, of FRANK. STEELE, N. W. KITTSON, and others. After quitting the Indian agency at the fort, he came to Saint Paul, and bought a small claim ()f DENIS CIIERRIER, say runningi, from Wabasllha to Saint Peter streets, and back two or three blocks. He erected a dwelling, subsequently, about where Zimmerman's art gallery now is. In 1848, he sold this claim to WVM. HARTSHORN, for a small sum, and moved to a claim on the Saint Anthony road, just beyond DENOYER'S, where he died, in I85o, in destitute circumstances. CAMPBELL is said to have been a manl of some ability, but of intemperate habits. which caused him to lead an unhatppy life. His wife, MARGARET CAMPBELL, was a Menominee half-breed, aind always bore the name of an industrious, worthy woman. She is still a resident of Saint Paul. CAMPBELL had five sonIs atd four daughters. When his sons were young boys hereabouts, they were known as goodnatulred and well-disposed lads, but some of them afterwards turned out very badly. BAPTISTE was among the Indians executted at Mankato, in IS862, for murder and other crimes during the massacre. HYPOLITE, another son, was also engaged in the massacre, and fled to Manitoba, where he now lives. SCOTT CAMPBELL, Jr., died in the insane asylum, November I7, IS70. He was regarded ais a quiet and inoflensive man. JOSEPIH CAMPBELL, the oldest of the soins, was *lt Yellow Medicine when the outbreak occurred, and was forced by the Indians to accompany them. Mr. HEARD says, in his valuable historN of the massacre, tlhaIt CAMPIBELl was shown to be innocent of any complicity in the outrag,es, tnd, by his kindness and aid to prisoners, deserved praise. Ile also wrote the letters i843] and of the County of Ramsey, ilfinnesota. from LITTLE CROW to Gen. SIBLEY, which led to the negotiatiors by which the white prisoners were released. JOSEPH CAMPBELL has lived in Saint Paul for several years past, and is well spoken of by persons in whose employ he has been. JOHN L. CAMPBELL, the youngest of the sons, was a scoutndrel, without any redeeming qualities. He was born at Mendota, in I832, and, after growing up to manhood, led a vicious and abandoned life. He was cruel, revengeful, licentious and intemperate. He is said to have committed, or been concerned in, several murders while a young man. In I86i, he enlisted in Company A, Brackett's Battalion, and served nearly three years with them. His officers had a great deal of trouble with him, and he is charged with several murders, robberies, &c., while in the service. In I864, while home on veteran furlough, he deserted, and cast his lot with the outlawed Sioux. While engaged in a raid with them, in April, I865, they murdlered the JEWVETT family, near Mankato. JOHN CAMPBELL was captured at Mankato, on May 2d, and some of the clothes of the murdered man found on him. He was tried by a lynch court, the following day, and hung to a tree, after confessing his guilt and restoring some money stolen from JEWVETT'S house. CAMPBELL was a man of more than usual physical beautyhad long, curly, black hair, dark, expressive eyes, and a finely proportioned figure. ALEX. R. M'I EOI). ALEXANDER RODERIC McLEOD was the son of ai Scotchl Canadian. According to some old settlers, he was a native of Canada, but others assert as positively that he was born in the Hudson's Bay territory, near the Rocky Mountains. JOSEPH RONDO says that McLEoD's father was a prominent officer of the Hudson's Bay Company, and that McLEoD (the son) was born at a post in the Rocky Mountains, and that he (RONDO) saw him there, and held him on his lap when he was a small infant. MCLEOD'S mother, savs RONDO, was a Metis. Others say that iNIcLEoD was a pure blood white man. McLEoD's father must have been a man of some influence. There is a 0 135 The History of /the City of Saint Paul, " Fort McLeod," named for him, near Peace River, and a " McLeod River," near Fort Edmonton. A. R. McLEoD came to Saint Paul in I843. What year he came to Minnesota, I cannot learn with exaciness-probably I838 or I839. He was employed by the American Fur Company for a short time, and was, also, a clerk for FRANK. STEELE. McLEOD was a man of extraordinary powerful physique, and great endurance. On one occasion, he walked on snow-shoes from Saint Croix Falls to Saint Paul. about sixty miles, in one day, and, arriving late in the evening, found a French ball in progress, and danced the rest of the night, as gay and active as any one. A few pages further on, will be found an account of MCLEOD killing a man with whom he had a quarrel, by blows of his fist. A few months after coming to Saint Paul, (September, 1843,) MCLEOD married a half-breed girl, named NANCY JEFFRIES, then living at Pig's Eye, daughter of a trader well known in this region at that time. Mrs. McLEoD is living in West Saint Paul. In I844, MCLEOD purchased some land of BENJ. GERVAIS, ill connection with Louis ROBERT. MCLEOD built, on his portion, a square log building, on the site of the recent Central House. It was then only one story high. The next year, he had a frame upper story and attic added to it, and the whole was weather-boarded. A year or two subsequently a wing was added, &c., and thus, little by little, it grew into the Central House of a later day, which was for years a hotel well known to old residents, and was (I849-50-5I) used for the Legislature and Territorial officers. McLEOD. after living there a year or two, subsequently (I 846) rented the building to other parties, and moved to a claim on Phelan's Creek, near the Stillwater road, which is sometimes called "McLeod's Creek," owing to that fact. He lived here four years, and moved to West Saint Paul, where he lived most of the time until his death. In I862, he enlisted in Company A, Sixth Minnesota Regiment, and died of disease at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, November 14, i864, aged 47 years. I36 [1843 I843] and of the County of Ramsey, lfinnesota. OTHER SETTLERS OF I843. ANTOINE PEPIN, ALEXIS CLOUTIER, and JOSEPH GOBIN, who came from Red River together., several years previous, this year settled in the RONDO neighborhood, and made claims near the swamp on the Lake Como road. ANTOINE PEPIN was a Canadian, and had lived at Red River several vears. He must have come from there about I831 or 1832, as about that time he was appointed by Maj. TALIAFERRO, blacksmith to the Sioux. TALIAFERRO says, in his journal: " He is a faithful man, hard-working and honest. He is a good blacksmith." He records in another place that PEPIN had worked until his hands were swelled and blistered, making traps for poor Indians, not able to buy any. In I836, Maj. TALIAFERRO displaced him, in favor of OLIVER CRATTE, because it was necessary to have some one for blacksmith who could repair guns, and PEPIN did not understand that craft. PEPIN then settled near the fort, or at Mendota, and came to Saint Paul, as before mentioned. PEPIN lived about 20 years after settling in Saint Paul, and died about a dozen years ago, in a little house on part of his old claim. He has one or more children still living hereabouts. Of CLOUTIER and GOBIN, I can get but little information, except that both are now dead. I do not find the names on any of the recent census rolls, and judge that no descendants of either are yet living in this locality. DAVID THOMAS SLIOAN was engaged in trading with the Chippewas-a part of the time for HARTSHORN and JACKSON, and subsequently on his own hook. He afterwards went up to the Chippewa country, where he married a sister of the chief HOLE-IN-THE-DAY. A gentleman, who knew her, says she was one of the best looking Indian women he ever saw. SLOAN died a few years ago, near Crow Wing. A daughter of his was raised by Mrs. TULLIS, wife of Judge AARON W. TULLIS, who was sheriff here in I859-60, but both Mrs. T. and SLOAN'S daughter are now dead. JOSEPH DESMARAlS was a French and Chippewa half-breed, born in the Red River settlement. He came to Fort Snelling, 10 137 The History of the City of Saint Paul, [1843 as guide and interpreter for the party of refugees with which RONDO and others came. DESMARAIS settled in Saint Paul, in I843, and purchased a piece of ground about where the Merchants' Hotel now stands, as near as I can make out. His property is frequently mentioned on the early records, and his name was signed as a town proprietor to the recorded plat. DESMARAIS was an interpreter for JACKSON for some time. He had quite a family of children, some of whom live hereabouts yet. His wife died in I847, and he went off in the Indian country, where he still lives, or was, not long ago. Louis LARRIVIER came from Red River-. About I843, he made a claim near the head of Robert and Wabasha streets, and including the ground the Capitol now stands on. CHARLES BAZILLE purchased it of him, not long after. LARRIVIER then moved to a place near the foot of Phelan's Lake. His wife, who was a half-breed, died at Little Canada. LARRIVIER subsequently became blind from sun-stroke, and, having no means of support, was sent to the poor-house, where he died about two years ago. XAVIER DELONAIS came from Red River, also. He lived here for some time, then removed to Little Canada, and thence to Rice Lake, where he died about two years ago. His wife is also dead, and a married daughter is living in West Saint Paul. MINOR INCIDENTS. A Frenchman, named GEROU, a butcher by occupation, who lived near the Denoyer place, first established the sale of fresh meat in the village this year. The Indians were very troublesome this year, and perpetually drunk. One day, Mrs. MORTIMER, who was endeavoring to close out the stock of goods belonging to her late husband, was in her house, when an Indian stalked in, and, seeing a camphor bottle standing on a shelf, took a deep swig, supposing it was whisky. As soon as he detected the nauseous taste, he gave a grunt of rage, and, seizing a measure, turned some vinegar into it from a barrel, supposing that also was whisky. He dashed down a heavy draught of it without stopping to taste it. Mrs. MORTIMER saw the storm coming and I38 i843] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. fled for safetv to Mr. IRVINE'S house, pursued, a moment after, hy the infuriated Indian, with uplifted tomahawk, but IRVINE disarmed him and sent him ofl. The Indian had left the vinegar running, however, and the whole of it was gone when Mrs. MORTIMER returned. This yearz among the' real estate sales," N. W. KITTSON purchased CIE.WETT'S claim, the latter purchasing LABISINIER' S claim. I39 140. The History of the City of Saint P'aul, CHAPTER XI. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I844. CHARLES REED FREEZES TO DEATH-CAPTAIN LOUIS ROBERT SETTLES HERE CHARLES BAZILLE ALSO ARRIVES-WILLIAM DUGAS BUILDS THE FIRST MILL LITTLE CANADA SETTLED-ROBERT BUYS OUT PARRANT —A NOVEL LAND CASE-THE FINAL CAREER OF PHELAN-THE END OF OLD PARRANT-MARRY ING BY BOND-RELIGIOUS ITEMS. THE winter of I843-4 was quite a severe one, and the snow fell unusually deep. I CHARLES REED FREEZES TO1 DEATH. In March, I844, a youing Canadian Englishman, named CHARLES REED, a carpenter by occupations who was helping to build a house for " old GEROU," the butcher, near DENOYER'S, came to town to visit, and started beck late in the afternoon. A violent snow storm came on when REED got a mile or so on his way. REED did not return to GEROU'S at the time expected, and was missing several days. One day, a daughter of Mr. PEPIN'S was going near the swamp, on the Lake Como road, when she noticed a (log, which accompanied her, gnawing something, and, on examination, was shocked to find it was a man's head! The same (lay, or a day or two afterthis, a Canadian, who was hunting partridges in the swamp, found REED'S body, with the head gnawed off. The poor fellow had evidently got bewildered by the storm, and, wandering in a circle, had fallen down and perished. REED had lived at Prairie du Chien before coming to Saint Paul. This year witnessed several valuable accessions to our population, among them Captain Louis ROBERT, CHIARLES BAZILLE, &C.. CAPTAIN LOUIS ROBERT was one of the most prominent men connected with the early [i844 I844] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. history of Saint Paul. He was of Canadian parentage, and was born at Carondelet, Missouri, January 21, i8xI. His early- life was spent in that region, and in the filr trade of the I j \ A CAPT. LOUIS ROBERT. Upper Missouri River. He traversed the whole of the Missouri valley, while a young man, meeting with innumerable hair-breadth escapes. About I836 or I837, he went to Prairie du Chien, and, in the fall of 1843, came to Saint Paul with I4T I 142 The -istory of the Citd, of Saint Paul, some goods, which he sold. He then determined to remove here, and did so in I844. Came to what is now Saint Paul, then a place of only three or four cabins. He purchased a part of the claim of BENJ. GERVAIS, and other property, for $300, which ultimately became worth two or three million dollars, and embarked ill the Indian trade here-his foresight and energy being of great value to the infant town, to the development of which he gave his whole energy. In I847, he was one of the original proprietors of the' Town of Saint Paul," when it was laid out. He took a prominent part in the' Stillwater Convention" of I848, and was largely instrumental, by his influence, in securing the location of the Capital at Saint Paul. In I849, he was appointed County Commissioner for Ramsey county, and rendered it important service. He was, also, elected a member of the Territorial Board of Building Commissioners. Though without the advantages of education in early life, he had a large fuind of information, gained by travel and contacdt with men, and was gifted with excellent business capacity and judgment. In the early days of our city he took an active part in politics, and wielded a large influence. He was very generous and liberal in aiding any worthy object, for tle public good —gave freely of his means, and also donated valuable property to the church. The bells of the Cathedral and French Catholic church were gifts from him. In the way of private charity, his hand was ever open, and he never refused to render a friend any favor that lay in his power. In the year I853, he engaged in the steamboat business, and, at different times, owned five steamers. He was, also, largely engaged in the Indian trade, and supply contradis, when the Indian massacre occurred, in I862. He lost quite heavily in that outbreak, and nearly lost his own life, which the Indians seemed determined to take, only escaping by secreting himself for a considerable time, while they were searching for him, by laying in a marsh, with merely his nose out of water! Captain ROBERT was widely known throughout the State, and as widely respected by all the old settlers. He was the true embodiment of the pioneer-generous, brave, energetic, liberal, and " broad guage," as it is termed, in his manners. [ I844 I844] and of /the Couni, of Ramsey,,fiinnesota. Unlike many of his fellow pioneers, who allowed millions to slip through their fingers and died poor Captain ROBERT saved a fine estate, valued at $400,000. He died, after a painfiul illness of several months, on May IO, 1874, universallv lamented. He was married in IS39, at Prairie du Chien, to Miss MARY TURPIN, who survived him, with two daughters, one the wife of URI L. LAMPREY, Esq. CHARLES BAZILLE was born in Nicollet, near Montreal, November 5, 1812, and, while a young man. came west, and settled in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. He was a carpenter by occupation. He first met Louis ROBERT at Green Bay, and subsequently became more closely acquainted with him at Prairie du Chien. When ROBERT came to Saint Paul with his goods, in the fall of I843, BAZILLE accompanied him. They returned to Prairie du Chien before winter, but, in the spring of this year, removed to Saint Paul, and became permanent residents. BAZILLE built, this summer, for Captain ROBERT, what was unldoubtedly- the first frame house in Saint Paul. It was designed as a sort of warehouse to store goods landed by the boats, and stood on the lower levee, about where the Milwaukee and Saint Paul passenger depot now is. The frame of this building was made of lumber hzewn by hand, no sawed dimension stuff being obtainable. After the old shell had served its day and generation for a number of years, and the room was needed for a better building, it was removed to near the corner of Fourth and Minnesota streets, where it still stands, [number 58 East Fourth street.] It is beyond doubt the oldest building in the city. Mr. BAZILLE also commenced to build, this fall-for WILLIAM DUGAS, who came this year-a grist and saw mill at what was called the falls of Phelan's Creek, or McLeod's Creekthe first mill built in what is now Saint Paul. This mill stood on the west bank of Phelan's Creek, a few yards south of where the Stillwater carriage road crosses it. It is referred to more fully elsewhere. On December 28, 1845, Mr. BAZII.LE was ma-rried, at Men 143 44 The History of the City of Saint Paul, dota, to ANNIE JANE PERRY, the youngest daughter of ABRAlIAM PERRY. They have, like all the other pioneer settlers of our city, been blessed with a numerous progeny. Mr. BAZILLE purchased, at quite an early day, a claim previously owned by old LARRI'VIER (before mentioned.) This subsequently was laid out as an addition to Saint Paul, ill connection with his brother-in-law, Mr. GUERIN, and became immensely valuable. Mr. BAZILLIE had, however, disposed of most of it before it had greatly enhanced in price. The square, or block, now owned by the State, known as the " Capitol Square," was a gift from Mr. 3BAZILLIE to the United States, and, with the generous recklessness common to the early land owners, he gave away many other lots and blocks, now worth perhlaps $Ioo,ooo in all, and yet, in the evening of life., he, like many other of our pioneers, is in very limited circumstances. For many years, Mr. BAZILLE carried on the brick business on the Lake Como road and other places. WILLIAM DUGAS, to whom reference was made in the sketch of Mr. BAZILLE, was a Canadian, and came to Saint Paul in I844. In the first record book in the Ramsey County Register of Deeds Office, [that commonly called " Saint Croix," because this was in that county then,] we find a deed from EDWARD PHELAN to WILLIAM DUGAS, dated September 2, 1844, of " i6o acres on F.ayhin's Creek and Falls,"-so it was spelled by whoever drew up the deed-J. W. SIMPSON, probably, as he used to do most of the conveyancing of that period. This land is now known as the southwest quarter of seetion 29, township 29, range 22. It is the second deed on the Ramsey county records. The consideration given was $70. DUGAS, who was a millwright by occupation, and had undoubtedly purchased the claim for the fine water-power on it, at once set about erecting a saw and grist-mill. He employed Mr. BAZILLE to assist him. The mill was two stories, about 25x50 feet in size. It was not completed that fall, but was finished and got into running order the next year (I 845.) The saw was worked a short time, but there was such difficulty in [1844 i844] and of the County of Ramsey, Afinnesota. getting logs, and such a small demand for lumber, that the mill was almost a failure from the start. The burrs were never put in at all. Some iS months after the date of his purchase, (February 28, I846,) DUGAS sold the claim and all improvements to ALEX. R. McLEoD, for $835. DUGAS then settled at New Canada, or in that vicinity, as he was elected one of the members from that precinct, to the first Territorial Legislature, in 1849, along with WM. R. MARSHALL, then of Saint Anthony. He subsequently lived in Saint Paul, in I8So and I85 I, and, after that, removed up to the Crow River valley, and now resides there. FRANCIS M' COY AND JOSEPH HALL were two other settlers of this year. Both were carpenters, and continued to live here until after the Territory was organized and the town incorporated. HALL died some years ago. Of McCoY's present whereabouts, or whether he is still in the flesh, I can learn no tidings. LITTILE CANADA SETTLED. When BENJAMIN GERVAIS sold his claim to Louis ROBERT, he at once moved about eight miles northward from Saint Paul, and, on the lake that now bears his name, he and his sons made claims. He was the first settler of the town of New Canada-but this is given more fully in the sketch of New Canada township, in the latter part of this work. MORE ABOUT PHELAN. After PHELAN sold his claim at the falls of the creek now named for him, he made another claim on what was known those days as " Prospect hill"-the ridge on the upper side of Phelan's Creek, just north of where the West Wisconsin Railroad crosses it. This claim he did not keep long, but sold it to HENRY JACKSON. W. G. CARTER, a cousin of JACKSON'S, lived on it for some time, and, in I849, perhaps, Mr. J. sold it to ALEXANDER WVILKIN, by whom it was transferred to others, and finally laid out as an addition-called "Arlington Heights." I45 146 The History qf the Ciy of Saint Paul, [844 PHELAN was a sort of pacha of many claims, for he at once made another, (the fifth one he took ill what is now Saint Paul.) This was to the east of the others a little, and extended, probably as far as Trout Brook. This claim he sold, in I849, to EDMUND RICE, who entered it in the land office, and it subsequently became his addition to the city. In the spring of 1850, PHELAN was indicted by the first Grand Jury that ever sat in Ramsey county, for perjury. When the sheriff went to apprehend him, it was found that PHELAN had fled his bailiwick, and, in company with EB. WELD, started for California. It was shortly afterwards reported here that PHELAN had come to a violent end, while crossing the plains. The account states that he acted so brutally and overbearingly toward the other men in the same caravan, they were compelled to kill him, in self-defense. The murdered HAYS was avenged! It is a disgrace, that the name of this brutal murderer has been affixed to one of our most beautifuil lakes-one that supplies our households with water. Last winter, Senator W. P. MURRAY made an efbfort to have the name changed to "Goodhue Lake," but it did not succeed, as it should have done. ROBERT BUYS OUT OLD PARRANT. In addition to his purchase of GERVAIS' claim, or what remained of it after GERVAIS' sales to various parties, ROBERT also purchased of old PARRANT, his claim on the lower levee, the one he had made after the sale of his cabin and land to GERVAIS. The extent of the bounds of PARRANT'S claim here, I have not been able to get very definitely, but it could not have been a very large piece. PARRANT then abandoned Saint Paul, much to the sorrow of the good people here, no doubt, and removed to Pig's Eye, or the Grand Marais, where he made another claim, adjoining that of MIcHEL LECLAIRE. THE CASE OF LE CLAIRE VS. PARRANI'. But unkind fate, although it had thrust on old Pig's Eye the honor of being the ROMULUS of our city, seemed to give him i844] and of the County of -Ramsey, Afinnesota. no rest for the sole of his foot, nor permit him to long enjoy an undisturbed habitation. LECLAIRE and PARRANT quarreled about the lines of their respective claims, although neither of them cultivated ten square rods of ground, and all the land in dispute would have been dear at ten shillings. Perhaps they thought that principle was involved," and so neither would give up. Finally, LECLAIRE summoned PARRANT before Squire JOSEPH R. BROWN, Justice of the Peace at Grey Cloud. There was tall swearing on both sides. In fact, so strong was the testimony that Squire BROWN, with all his sagacity and discriminiation, could not tell on which side to make the decision. His irresistible love of a joke finally helped him out of the dilemma. He decided that neither of the parties had any valid claim to the land in dispute, as they had not properly staked it out in the presence of witnesses, and defined its boundaries. It would, therefore, be the just property of the first who should do so. The result was, of course, a foot-race back to the claim, to see who should first arrive and plant the stakes. Both the contestants started ofi; eager and anxious. A race of eight miles was before them, over bogs and sloughs, and through jungles and forests. PARRIANT was old and logy, but strong and tough, and avarice nerved up his strength; while LECLIAIRE was younger and more active. Both strained every nerve, and long in doubtful balance hung the scales. But in this contest, fortune favored LECLAIRE, who soon began to outstrip the panting PARRANT, who, nevertheless, toiled steadily along, hoping some lucky chance might yet enable him to win: But he was doomed to disappointment. LECLAIRE arrived long enough in advance to drive his stakes in the presence of witnesses, and secure his claim, when the exhausted founder of our city arrived, sick, mad and furious, to find himself the butt of jeers and ridicule. PARRANT was so worked up by this misadventure, that he soon after sold his claim and left the neighborhood. He started for Lake Superior, designing to return to Sault Ste. Marie, but died on the journey, of a disease resulting from his own vices. 147 Thze History of tze City of Saint Paul [i844 MARRYING "BY BOND." During this year, or possibly the year previous, HENRY JACKSON was appointed, by the Governor of Wisconsin Territory a Justice of the Peace. There was some delay in getting the comnmission, &c., after his bonds had been sent to Madison, as the mails in winter were very slow. One day, a couple came to his house, very anxious to be married. JACKSON informed them that he was not yet authorized to perform that ceremony legally, and they would have to defer their marriage a few days. This was a great disappointment to the loving hearts that were so anxious to "beat as one," but they could not think of postponing the happy hour. JACKSON was equal to the dilemma. He proposed to marry them by bond-i. e., that they should give a bond that, when his commission arrived, they would appear and be legally married by him, and in the meantime they could live together. They gladly consented to this. The bond was made out and signed, and the happy couple went on their way rejoicing, &c. Any public officer who could bridge over little difficulties like this, was a handy man to have around. JACKSON was justice postmaster, hotel-keeper, legislator, clerk of court, and several other finc-tionaries combined in one. He even used to naturalize foreigners, " by bond," probably. But then, like vaccination if it didn't take the first time, it could be renewed. CIIURCH ITEMS. In May of this year, Father GALTIER left his ipission field here, and was transferred to another field of labor. Father RAVOUX then officiated at Saint Paul and Mendota alternately, for some five or six years longer, until the parish was divided into two. In the fall of this year, the first Protestant service was held by Rev. Mr. HURLBUT, a missionary of the Methodist church, who remained in this region about a year. The service was held at the house of HENRY JACKSON'. I48 S845] and of the County of Ram,,sey, Minnesota. CHAPTER XII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR i845. PROBABLE POPULATION AT THIS DATE-A POLYGLOT VILLAGE-SETTLERS OF THIS YEAR-LEONARD H. LAROCHE-THE FUTURE MERCHANTS' HOTEL-FRANCIS ROBERT-THE FREEMAN BROTHERS-W. G. CARTER-CHARLES CAVILEER-A MRS. RULMSEY STARTS THE FIRST SCHOOL-S. COWDEN, JR., ALSO TRIES IT. T the beginning of the year I845, there were probably about thirty families living in and around what, by that date, was pretty well known in this region as " Saint Paul." There were also a few persons-single men-laborers, mechanics, voyageurs, trappers, &c., who composed a sort of floating population; so that the village, or settlement, (for it was so scattered about, from the seven-corners to Phelan's Lake, that it was hardly even a village,) had begun to be a point of some considerable promise. Louis ROBERT, HENRY JACKSON, JOHN R. IRVINE, WM. HARTSHORN, J. W. SIMPSON, and others, were now engaged in trade, and were bending all their influence arind energies to benefit the infant metropolis, and draw population and traffic hither. At this time, by far the largest proportion of the inhabitants were Canadian French, and Red River refugees, and their descendants. There were only three or four purely American (white) families in the settlement, while most of the French were intermarried with the native race, so that not more than one-half the families in the place, if that many, were white. In the families of the mixed bloods, the Sioux, Chippewa, MIenominee, Cree, Kootenais, Winnebago, and perhaps other tongues, were spoken. English was probably not spoken in more than three or four families. SETTLERS OF I 845. Aminong the new comers this year, were FRANCIS CHENE 149 150 Thze History oj' the City oJ Saint Paiul, VERT, DAVID BENOIT, LEONARD H. LAROCtIE, FRANCIS ROBERT, AUGUSTUS and DAVID B. FREEMAN, W. G. CARTER, CHARLES CAVILEER, and others. LEONARD H. LAROCHE was a Canadian by birth, and, by occupation, a carpenter. He was engaged in trade for awhile with DAVID FARIBAULT, in a little store which stood on what was afterwards called Bench street. On ALugust I3, I846, LAROCHE purchased from HENRY BELLAND a small tract of ground, described in the deed as " bounded on the front and back by HENRY JACKSON'S land, and on the sides by MCLEOD and DESMARAIS." The consideration was $i65. This is probably the land on which the Merchants' Hotel of to-day stands, as, during that year (I846) LAROCHE built a cabin of tamarack logs, which, with some additions, afterwards became the ' Saint Paul House," of which the Merchants of to-day is the outgrowth. LAROCHE sold this property to SIMEON P. FOLSOM, in IS47, and went to Crow Wing, where he died about I859 or I86o. W. G. CARTER, or "GIB." CARTER, as the old settlers better knew him, was a cousin of HENRY JACKSON. He was a native of Virginia. When he came here, he lived for two or three years on the claim which PHELAN sold JACKSON, called then Prospect hill." CARTER was, in I848, a member of the Stillwater Convention of that year. He subsequently made a claim, or, at least, owned a piece on the Fort road, and died there about I852. His widow still resides in this city. FRANCIS ROBERT was a younger brother of Capt. LOUIS ROBERT, and a native of Missouri. After his arrival here, he was engaged in the fur trade for LOUIS. In I848, while descending the rapids of the Saint Croix in a birch-bark canoe, he was thrown out and badly injured on the rocks, by a blow on the chest. From this injury he never recovered, and, after months of suffering, died on September 27, I849, aged 30 years. Out of respect, the Legislature, which was then in session, adjourned for one day, to attend his funeral. FRANCIS CHENEVERT was a clerk of LOUIS ROBERT. He was born at Prairie du Chien, of Canadian parents. He appears, firom the Register of Dee(ls' recor(ls, to have purchased (in 11845 1845] and of thze County of Ramsey, Minnesota. coinne6tion with DAVID BENOIT) the claim of PIERRE BOTTINEAU, on June i6, I846. CHENEVERT was unmarried, tand lived here until I865, when he died at the residence of afriend on Robert street. Of DAVID BENOIT I can get little or no information that is reliable. He probably resided here but a very short time. AUGUSTUS and DAVID B. FREEMAN had been residents of Saint Louis. The latter had been employed by WM. HARTSHORN, while in business there, and was engaged by him to come to Saint Paul, when he established his own store herc, in 1 845. AUGUSTUS FREEMAN was also employed by Mr. HARTSHORN. The FREEMANS, in connection with A.'L. LARPENTEUR, and possibly with WM. H. RANDALL, continued the business of HARTSIHORN, when hlie retired from it, a couple of years later. DAVID B. FREEMAN died in January, I85o, unider the following circumstances: He was going over to Stillwater iil a sleigh, which was overturned, and the horses got away. FREEMAN pursued them a couple of miles, becoming overheated, and then sat down on the snow to rest. In consequence of this, he caught a violent cold, inflammation of the lungs set in, and he died after a very short illness. FREEMAN was an Odd Fellow, and, although the Odd Fellows' Lodge had not been instituted then, the members buried him with the honors of the order. He was interred on what was afterwards Pearl street, in the First \Vard. The remains were (lug utip in I863, while some improvements were going on there, and recognized by the "three links" on the coffin. This was the first Odd Fellows' ftuneral in Mininesota. AUGUSTUS FREEMAN subsequently went to New York and died there. CHARLES CAVILEER came to Minnesota in I84I, in company with the missionary, Rev. B. F. KAVENAU(H, and WM. R. BRowvN, and settled at Red Rock. He was a saddler by trade, and, in I845, located in Saint Paul, which was then becoming enough of" a place" to carry on that business. He occupied, for some time, a building on the levee, and in 1847, perhaps, moved up to what was once called Saint Charles street. In I848, he and Dr. DEWEY engaged in the drug business. Mr. CAVILEER was Territorial Librarian for a few months, and, in 1 5I 152 Thze History of the City of Saint Pauil, 185I, removed to Pembina, where he has been postmaster almost ever since that year. THE FIRST SCHOOL. During this spring, or early in the summer, Mrs. MATILDA RUMSEY, who had come to Saint Paul a few months before, with Mr. BLANCHARD and his wife, (the latter her sister,) established a small school for children, in a log building on the bottom, near the upper levee. This was, beyond doubt, the first school in Saint Paul. There were only a handful of scholars, however, and the school was not kept tip long. On June 23, Mrs. RUMSEY was married to ALEXANDER MEGE, and the school was abandoned. A young man, named S. COWDEN, Jr., then attempted to reestablish the school.'There is some disagreement among the old settlers, as to whether he did carry on one or not. Some think he did not succeed in opening one, but others are certain that he taught in the fall of that year. COWDEN was a young man, who had worked awhile for HENRY JACKSON. He came from Prairie du Chien, and was married to a Winnebago halfbreed. COWDEN died some years ago, and his wife is living at the Winnebago Agency, in Blue Earth county. [I-845 i846] and of /te County of Ramsey, Minnesota. CHAPTER XIII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1846. INCREASE OF TRADE AND TRAVELIN-THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A POST-OFFICE MOVEMENT TO ORGANIZE MINNESOTA TERRITORY-SETTLERS OF 1846-WVIL LIAM H. RANDALL-JAMES " MC" BOAL-THIOMAS S. ODELL-HARLEY D. WHITE AND OTHERS-INDIAN TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT-REV. DR. WILLIAMSON SET TLES AT KAPOSIA-AND WRITES EAST AFTER A SCHOOL MA'AM FOR SAINT PAUL, &C. AINT PAUL had now become quite a "point" on the river. There were only three or four points on the Upper Mississippi, above Prairie du Chien, where boats ever touched, and only one where they landed with any regularity. Saint Paul might be classed in the latter list. Considerable goods were now received here by the five or six traders who carried on business in the village, and there was some passenger business to and fro. Strangers, travelers, and tourists, generally-sometimes an adventurous trader, from below, seeking for a location-would occasionally land, to "' look around" a little. There wras no tavern to go to, and HENRY JACKSON, whose hospitality was a distinguishing trait, usually invited them to his house,'where they were entertained free of charge. JAcKSON was a Justice of the Peace, a merchant, and a saloon-keeper combined. To accommodate all these branches of business, he kept on enlarging his hostelrie, until it grew into quite a caravansary. JACKSON was a man of a great deal of force, originality and humor, and "the boys" usually liked to loaf round" there, until it became a kind of headquarters for trade, news, gossip, politics and general exchange. It soon became a sort of post-office, too. Nearly every boat that landed would have a handful of letters or papers directed to persons in Saint Paul, and these, by a sort of established custom, were handed to JACKSON, because there was no one else to receive II 153 154 Tl7he History of the City of Saint Paul, them, probably. JACKSON used to keep them piled up on a shelf in his store. WVhen any one asked for mail, the whole bundle was thrown down on a table or counter, and the party picked out what he wanted. That was before the days of cheap postage. A letter from the Eastern States those times, cost 25 cents. A letter from England was 50 cents. Now it is two cents, i. e., by postal card. ESTABI,ISHMENT OF A POST-OFFICE. It soon became evident that a post-office was a necessity here, and the proper petition was forwarded to the Post-office Department at Washington, and favorably considered. The records of that Department show that the office was established on April 7, I846, and a commission to HENRY JACKSON, as postmaster, issued the same day. The business was so small, however, that it is scarcely probable that the emoluments were worth scrambling for. It is (lifierent now. Having now the rank and emoluments of a post-office, JACKSON conceived that some eflbrt should be made, for appearance sake, at least, to establish post-officiail regtulations and conveniences, and so set about making the first case of boxes, or pigeon-holes, that the Saint Paul post-office ever possessed or used. Out of some old packing cases, or odd boards, he constru(ied a rude case, about two feet square, and(l containing I6 pigeon-holes. These were labeled.with initial letters. The whole affair was awkwardly constructed, apparently with a wood-saw, axe and knife, for temporary use, and, after serving for two or three years, was laid aside. Fortunately, it was not lost or destroyed, and finally, after Saint Paul became a flourishing city, the widow of Mr. JACKSON, (Mrs. HINCKLEY, of Mankato,) gave it to the Historical Society, as a relic of early days. It now graces the cabinet of that institution, and is about the most decidedly historical" relic of their whole collettion, showing as it does, at a glance, the whole story of the wonderful and rapid growth of our city. The Society value it above all their other relics, and will not part with it for anv suIn, no matter how faibulous, or we should advocate its purchase and enclosing of it in a glass case for an ornament [i846 1846] and of the County of Ramsey, vIinnesota. to the present post-office, to show the contrast of thirty yearsthe first and the last, the alpha and omega of Saint Paul postoffices. Saint Paul was not the first post-office established in this region, as some have supposed.' Lake Saint Croix Postoffice," afterwards called Point Douglas, was established on July I8, 8IS40, and Saint Croix Falls on July IS, I840. Stillwater was made a post-office January 14, I846, about four months before Saint Paul. Saint Anthony Falls, this year, gave promise of being a point of importance. This is why PIERRE BOTTINEAU sold his claim on Baptist hill, on June I6, foi $300, and removed to the Falls, where he bought, for $I50, a considerable tract, which afterwards became Bottineau's Addition, and built the second house in the place. In his deed of the claim on Baptist hill, (to FRANCIS CHENEVERT and DAVID BENOIT,) he describes it as " bounded east by KITTSON, north by CLEWETT, west by HARTSHORN and JACKSON, and south by Louis ROBERT." and' "containing IOO acres." This was merely an estimate-there could not have been that much. TERRITORIAL FORESHADOWINGS. The people of Wisconsin Territory had, for some months, been making effoibrts to secure a State government. On August 6, IS46, the act of Congress, to enable Wisconsin Territory to frame a State Constitution, &c., was passed. The Convention met on October 5, and adjourned on December I6. Hon. WILLIAM HOLCOMNIBE, of Stillwater, represented Saint Croix county,. The Constitution, as framed, provided for the western boundary of Wisconsin down the valley of the Saint Croix, thence down the Mississippi, so that the region now known as Minnesota was thus "left out in the cold." A little out of its regular order, I might here say that this Constitution, which was voted on in April, I847, was rejected by the people of Wisconsin. On December 23, I846, after the above Convention had adjourned. and, probably on the presumption that its adtion would be ratified, Hon. MORGAN L. MARTIN, the Delegate from Wis I55 I56 The History of the City of Saint Paul, [I846 consin in Congress, introduced a bill to organize the Territory of Minnesota.* This bill fixed the western boundary of the Territory on the Red and Sioux Wood Rivers. The bill was bandied about for several months, and, on March 3, 1847, put to sleep'"on the table." Thus early was a Territorial government for Minnesota foreshadowed. Among those who settled in Saint Paul this year, were WM. H. RANDALL and WILILIAM RANDALL, Jr.; JAMES MI. BOAL, THOMAS S. ODELL,JOHN BANFIIL, HARLEY D. WHITE, DAVID FARIBAULT, Louis DENOYER, Jo. MONTEUR, CHARLES RoLEAU, &c. WILLIAM H. RANDAI,I was born ill Roxbury, Massachusetts, May 8, I8o6. He was in business in New York, in I845, with his brother JOHN, when WM. HARTSHORN went there to purchase goods. Mr. RANDALL seemed to feel a great interest in Saint Paul, made many inquires regarding it, and, the following year, accompanied Mr. HARTSHORN out, and resolved to settle here. He seemed to have, firom the first, a firm faith in the future greatness and prosperity of the place. HIle soon after, with his brother, and, perhaps, the FREEMANS and A. L. LARPENTEUR, succeeded to Mr. HARTSHORN's business, and became owner of a large amount of valuable property, in the heart of the city. He was one of the proprietors of the Town of Saint Paul when it was laid out in I847. This property became iminmensely valuable, and, just prior to the crash of I857,'1 Father RANDALL," as he was called, was considered a millionaire. In the early days of Saint Paul, he was one of its most prominent and public-spirited citizens. In I848, he built the stone warehouse now used by the Milwaukee Railroad. It was a great building for that day. He also graded the levee and improved streets at his own expense, and always subscribed liberally to every public enterprise. The panic of I857 wrecked him, as it did every heavy owner of real estate, and his once ample *Hon. H. M. RICE says that the late H. L. DOUSMAN, of Prairie du Chlien, was the first to urge the adoption of the name, "Minnesota," on account of its geographical fitness, and the beauty of the name. I846] and of tlhe County of Ramsey, -ii/nnesota. fortune slipped away. In an obituary sketch, the editor of the Press said: " Generous to a fault, and singularly indiscriminate in his friendship, he made loans and endorsements to others that completely wrecked his princely fortune. While hle had property, it was freely used, entitling him to the appellation of a public benefactor. Mr. RANDALL was fitted for that era of our social development when every man knew and trusted his neighbor as a brother-when legal forms and technicalities were not needed or resorted to, to protect one's rights. Alas' that a higher civilization and social advance should bring, with many blessings so many wrongs and evils iunknown to the simpler, ruder forms of society." The Pioneer, also said:' We have never known a more kindly-hearted man. There are many who owe their start and success in life to his generosity. Very many others, strangers, stricken by sickness in a strange land, who owe life itself to his nursing; and in our cemeteries, scores of mounds mark the graves of those who, having no relatives to minister to them in their fatal illness, were soothed and comforted by the tender hand, and open purse, and sympathizing voice of that kind old man, with whomn suflering was always a bond of friendship." Even amid the disasters of I857, he was cheerful and hopefuland was always the welcome guest of the social circle. On July 30, I86I, he died of heart disease, aged 55 years, and was buried by the Masonic Fraternity and the Old Settlers of Saint Paul. JOHN H. RANDALL, Esq., of the Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad, and E. D. K. RANDALL, merchant, are sons of Mr. RANDALL. WILLIAM RANDALL, Jr., was the oldest son of WM. H. RANDALL. He was born at Roxbury, Massachusetts, December I9, I829, and came to Saint Paul with his father. He was an artist of no common ability, and, as a caricaturist, was very skillful. Some political caricatures he made during the early davs of the Territory, are spoken of as being brim full of sarcasm. He died in October, I85I, aged 22 years-an untimely end, cutting short, in the very flower of life, a career of promise and hope. ED. WEST was also an employee of the firm of HARTSHORN, I57 58 The History of the City of Saint Paul, RANDALL & CO. He came from New York here, but did not reside in Saint Paul long, leaving, as I learn, for the Indian countryv, and probably is dead. JAMES M'CLELI,AN BOAL, usually termed "JIMMY Alic BOAL" by the old settlers, was one of the curious characters of early d(lays. BOAL was a Pennsylvaniiian by birth, and had served a term in the army. He was probably discharged at Fort Snelling, shortly prior to his coming to Saint Paul. He was a painter by occupation, and quite an artist also, and was the first who ever pursued that calling in Saint Paul. He was in partnership with MARSHALL SHERMAN, about I849 or I850. BOAL was renowned for his good-heartedness and improvidence. He would loan or give away anything hlie had. without any thought of the morrow. In 1849, BOAL was elected a member of the Territorial Council from Ramsey county, for two years. About I85I, he moved to West Saint Paul, and formned a partnership with THOMAS S. ODELL, in the trading business. While residing here, he was appointed by Gov. RAMSEY as Adjutant General of the Territory, and held that office until a change of administration occurred in I853. He was also elected a member of the House of Representatives, in I852, from Dakota county. He removed to Mendota about I855, and died there, after a long illness, in the year i862, leaving a family. There is a street in Saint Paul named for him, but is called by his sobriquet, l]tfc BOAL," instead of by his correct name. THOMAS S. ODELL is a native of New York. He came to Fort Snelling in 184I1, as a soldier in the First Infantry, and was mustered out of service in I845. The following year he settled in Saint Paul. He was chainman to the surveyor who laid out the town plat in 1847. In I850, he moved to West Saint Paul, and built a log house, for a trading post with the Indians, which is still standing on his property. He states that it was the first house built on that side of the river, which was still unceded by the Sioux. [1846 846] and of the County of Ramsey, Afinnesota. HARLEY D. WI-HITE is a native of Connecticut. He came west about I84I or I842, and, after DANIEL HOPKINS opened his store at Red Rock, inll the latter year, Mr. WHITE was with him, either as a partner or anll employee. He came to Saint Paul, in I846, and was employed by HENRY JACKSON, as a trader among the Sioux. He went to Point Douglas not long after, where he married a Miss TAINTER, in I849. He then removed to a farm near Red WVing, where he ran for the Legislature in the same fall, against JAMES WELLS, of WVabasha. WELLS got the certificate, and WHITE contested his seat, but failed to oust him. Mrs. WHITE died a few months after this, leaving a dlaughter now anll estimable lady of this city. Mr. WHITE then returned to Conneeticut, and, at last accounts, was living there. JOEL D. CRUTTENDEN was a native of the District of Columbia, and came to Saint Paul when he was quite a youthnot being of age. He subsequently went to Crow Wing, and was a member of the first State Legislature firom that county. LOUIS DENOYER wvas born at Saint Louis, Missouri, and lived there until he became a resident of Saint Paul. He married a sister of LOUIS ROBERT. Mr. DENOYER resided, while in Saint Paul, on a claim on Phelan's Creek. About i85o, he removed to what is now Belle Plaine, then called "Robert's Creek," and has lived there since that (late. J. W. SIMPSON married one of his daughters. DAVID FARIBAULT was a quarter-breed son of JEAN BAPTISTE FARIBAULT, one of the earliest traders in Minnesota. DAVID opened a trading house on what would now be described as Bench street, betweenI Jackson and Robert. He purchased considerable property here, as early as I846, since we find on the Registry of Deeds, sales of property by him to HENRY H. SIBLEY, and others. early in I847. FARIBAULT built, (in I847,) the New England House, a frame building, which'stood about where the gas company's office now is, and which was burned down 159 Tize History of /the City of Saint Paul, [i846 in i86o. He now lives on the Shevenine River, Dakota Territory. JOHN BANFIL was a native of Vermont, and was born in the year I8io. He rented the McLeod House, after his arrival in Saint Paul, with the intention, I believe, of opening a hotel, but it was never regularly kept by him as such. In the spring of I849, he removed to Manomin, Minnesota, and engaged in the hotel business there, ill which he still continues, and also erected a mill. In I857, Mr. BANFIL was elected from his county a member of the first State Legislature, (Senate.) CHARLES ROLEAU and JOSEPH MONTEUR were Canadian Frenchmen. They are still residents of our city. THE CART TRADE WITH RED RIVER. There had grown up, during the last two or three years, quite a large and profitable trade with the Red River Settlement. The venture of N. W. KITTSON, trading between Mendota and Pembina, is fully given elsewhere. When the advantages and profits of that trade were demonstrated, Jo. ROLETTE, of Pembina, and his uncle, ALEX. FISHER, organized a cart brigade, and made trading trips to Saint Paul. It succeeded very well, and, in 1847, as many as' 125 carts came to Saint Paul, selling furs and bringing goods here. ROLETTE & FISHER came by the Sauk River route. Mr. KITTSON'S carts came via Traverse de Sioux. He ultimately adopted the other route, and it then became the main road to Pembina, and, in I859, was improved for a post route by the Minnesota Stage Company-ultimately giving way to the "iron horse." "JOSEPH ROLETTE was a son of the late JOSEPH ROLETTE, of Prairie du Chien, who was agent of the American Fur Company for a number of years, and a man of great influence and energy. JOSEPH, Jr., was born about I820, and, in his younger days, was'noted for daring and activity. In 1843, he came to Fort Snelling, and, soon after, went to Pembina, where he concluded to settle. The condition of society there-the free, halfwild manners of the people, uhtrammelled by the restraints of more refined society, and their generous improvidence and half-nomad life, i 6o I846] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. part hunter, part farmer-just suited Jo. He married in the winter of I854-5, and had a numerous family. "Jo. was best known to the early residents of Saint Paul as a member of the Legislature. He was first elected to the Legislature (House) of 1852, and re-elected in 1853, I854, and I855. He was, also, elected to the Coluncil of I856 and I857, and a member of the Constitutional Convention in I857. When the State Constitution was adopted, shutting Pembina out of Minnesota, it was supposed we had seen the last of ROLETTE. But, in December, when the Legislature met, here was 'the gentleman from Pembina,' with his credentials, as usual, and, of course, he was admitted. What would a Minnesota Legislature those days be without Jo. ROLETTE? Ile was a sort of time-honored institution. When the Republicans came into power the next year, however, he was compelled to retire from public life. "Jo. was just the sort of man to be popular with the boys in those days. His bonhomie, his jolly nature, his hearty and good-humored disposition, his generosity, all made him liked, even by those politically opposed to him. He had faults, of course, just as every human being has, but they were the very outgrowth of his free, generous, hearty nature. They were not allied to anything mean, or small, or sordid. If Jo. had one failing more marked than another, it was his generosity and improvidence. He would give away anything or everything to oblige another, without any thought of his Own wants. His spendthrift nature, at last, brought want to him, and he died adtually poor. "Jo. was never happy without he was engaged in some pradtical joke. His spiriting away the Capital-removal bill was a mere joke of his-as he did not care a straw were the Capital went, but he simply saw a chance to have some fun. His hearty and natural laugh, when he got a good joke on anybody, almost seems to echo through the corridors of the Capitol yet. Alas, the old'International' and'American'-spots that bring back his well-known figure and face-are gone, too." AN INDIAN TEETOTAL MOVEMENT. The unfortunate effects of intemperance among the Indians, has been fully referred to in previous pages. From year to year, they grew worse instead of better, and shameful scenes were to be witnessed in and near the village. Every few days, a band of the savages would come to Saint Paul, and, getting furiously drunk, endanger the lives of the inhabitants. Time and time again, were the latter compelled to flee firom the red demons, who, though passably civil when sober, were very devils when maddened with fire-water. i6i The Hiisto7V of the City of Saint Paul, [I846 Strange as it may seem, a temperance movement commenced this year among the Indians themselves. LITTLE CROw-he who was killed in i863-while on a spree this year, was shot and wounded by his own brother. When he got sober, on the principle of the devil who resolved to turn monk, he determined to put a stop to drinking in his tribe, and make teetotalers out of his followers. He therefore applied to Mr. BRUcE, the Indian Agent at Fort Snelling, for a missionary to reside at his village. WVilling to encourage such a laudable desire to reform, Mr. BRUcE wrote to Dr. THOMAS S. WILLIAMSON, then at Lac qui Parle, who was a devoted missionary, and, besides, a skillful physician, asking him to establish a school at Kaposia. Dr. WILLIAMSON consented and, in November, IS46 removed to that place. He established a school-and soon had a number of Indian and half-breed scholars-among the latter several girls, who afterwards married white citizens. SAINT PAUL IN I846-7. While laboring for the welfare of his red children, Dr. WILLIAMSON felt that something must also be done for the white people at Saint Paul, who were without much educational or religious advantages. He accordingly wrote to exGov-ernor Slade, of Vermont, President of the "National Popular Educational Society," asking him to send hither a good teacher. As his letter contains, probably, the first written description of Saint Paul, I give it nearly entire: "My present residence is on the utmost verge of civilization, in the northwestern part of the United States, within a few miles of the principal village of white men in the Territory that we suppose will bear the name of Minnesota, which some would render' clear water,' though stri6tly it signifies slightly turbid or whitish water. "The village referred to has grown up within a few years, in a romantic situation, on a high bluff of the Mississippi, and has been baptized by the Roman Catholics, by the name of Saint Paul. They have eredted in it a small chapel, and constitute much the larger portion of the inhabitants. The Dakotas call it, Im-nija-ska, (white rock,) from the color of the sandstone which forms the bluff on which the village stands. This village has five stores, as they call them, at all of which intoxicating drinks constitute a part, and I suppose the principal part, of what they sell. I would suppose the village contains a I62 1846] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. dozen or twenty families living near enough to send to school. Since I came to this neighborhood, I have had frequent occasion to visit the village, and have been grieved to see so many children growing up entirely ignorant of GOD, and unable to read His Word, with no one to teach them. Unless your Society can send them a teacher, there seems to be little prospect of their having one for several years. A few days since, I went to; the place for the purpose of making inquiries in reference to the prospect of a school. I visited seven families, in which there were twenty-three children of proper age to attend school, and was told of five more in which were thirteen more that it is supposed might attend, making thirty-six in twelve families. I suppose more than half of the parents of these children are unable to read themselves, and care but little about having their children taught. Possibly the priest might deter some from attending, who might otherwise be able and willing. "I suppose a good female teacher can do more to promote the cause of education and true religion, than a man. The natural politeness of the French, (who constitute more than half the population,) would cause them to be kind and courteous to a female, even though the priest should seek to cause opposition. I suppose she might have twelve or fifteen scholars to begin with, and, if she should have a good talent of winning the affections of children, (and one who has not should not come,) after a few months, she would have as many as she could attend to. "One woman, [Mrs. IRVINE,] told me she had four children she wished to send to school, and that she would give boarding and a room in her house to a good female teacher, for the tuition of her children. "A teacher for this place should love the Saviour, and for His sake should be willing to forego, not only many of the privileges and elegances of New England towns, but some of the neatness also. She should be entirely free from prejudice on account of color, for among her scholars she might find not only English, French and Swiss, but Sioux and Chippewas, with some claiming kindred with the African stock. "A teacher coming should bring books with her sufficient to begin a school, as there is no bookstore within three hundred miles." Leaving this letter to go on its long, and, (in those days,) slow journev, we close this chapter. i63 Thze HisIor, o kthe Cil, of0 Saint Paul, [I847 CHAPTER XIV. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I847. THE STATE MOVEMENT IN WISCONSIN-SETTLERS IN 1847-J. W. BASS, BEN. W. BRUNSON, S. P. FOLSOM, W. H. FORBES, DR. J. J. DEWEY, MISS BISHOP, &C. THE LATTER OPENS A SCHOOL-J. W. BASS ESTABLISHES A HOTEL-ORGANI ZATION OF A STEAMBOAT LINE-CAPT. RUSSELL BLAKELEY-POLITICALNOTES. THE Wisconsin State Constitution was voted on, April 6, 1847. For some cause, it was rejected by the people. It had been sufficient, however, together with Mr. MARTIN'S bill, to call considerable attention to Minnesota, and it was deemed certain, that, within a few months, it would be organized into a separate Territory. This fact being known abroad, caused the commencement of quite an immigration to Minnesota, during the year IS47. Stillwater and Saint Anthony grew rapidly, this season, and Saint Paul had considerable accessions to its population. Among other SETTLERS IN I847, were: JACOB W. BASS, BENJ. W. BRUNSON, DANIEL tIoPKINS, AARON FOSTER, SIMEON P. FOLSOM, JOHN BANFIL. C. P. V. LULL, WM. H. FORBES, PARSONS K. JOHNSON, WM. C. RENFRO, Dr. JOHN J. DEWEY, and G. A. FOURNIER. Nor must Miss HARRIET E. BISHOP be omitted from the list of " settlers" this year. A full sketch of Major WM. H. FORBES is given in Chapter IV, and need not be repeated here. JACOB W. BASS was born in Braintree, Vermont, S1815. He emigrated west when a young man, and lived for some time at Plattville, Wisconsin, then at Prairie du Chien, and subsequently at North McGregor, Iowa, where he was owner of the ferry, proprie I 64 I847] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. tor of a hotel, and a part of the time in the mercantile business. He mnarried, while at Prairie du Chien, Miss M. D. BRUNSON, a daughter of Rev. ALFRED BRUNSON, one of the pioneers of Wisconsin, and, soon after, with BENJ. W. BRUNSON, engaged in the lumber business at Chippewa Falls. In 1847, he and BRUNSON sold out their business, and came to Saint Paul. Mr. BAss arrived in August, and, soon after, leased a building on what is now the corner of Third and Jackson streets, which he opened as a hotel, under the name of " Saint Paul House." Mr. BAss was appointed postmaster, on the 5thl of July, I849, and held that office until March I8, I853. He continued in the hotel business until I852, when he sold out, and opened at commission and forwarding warehouse on the levee, which was a prominent business house for some years. During the past three or four years, Mr. BAss has been largely engaged in fairming in Watonwan county. BENJAMIN W-. BRUNSON was born in Detroit, May 6, 8IS23. He is ta son of Rev. ALFRED BRUNSON, of Prairie du Chien, the well-known pioneer preacher and writer. When thirteen years old, Mr. BRUNSON removed to that city, where he resided until I844, when, in companv with his brother-in-law, JACOB W. BAss, he went into the mill business at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. They continued there until May, I847, when he removed to Saint Paul, and. in the fall of that year, assisted his brother, IRA B., to survey the town plat. Mr. BRUNSON secured a considerable tract of land, at an early day, lying east of Trout Brook, which, in June, I852, he laid out as' Brunson's Addition." In iS86i, Mr. BRUNSON enlisted in Company K, Eighth Minnesota Volunteers, and served three years, as Orderly Sergeant and First Lieutenant. He was one of the charter members of Saint Paul Lodge Number 2, I. O. O. F., and, also, one of the earlvy members of the Masonic order. Like all our pioneers, he has experienced many reverses of fortune-to-day rich, to-morrow poor. Mr. BRUNSON, pursuing his profession of surveyor, has surveyed a considerable part of our own city illto streets and lots. when it was a'wilderness" still, and i65 i66 Tlze History of the City of Saint Paul, has laid out some of what are now the most flourishing towns of Minnesota. Mr. BRUNSON was elected a member of the first Territorial Legislature, and re-eledted to the second session. He was also a Justice of the Peace for several years. SIMEON P. FOLSOM was born December 27, 1819, in Lower Canada, near Quebec. His parents were natives of New Hampshire, and returned to that State when he was quite young, subsequently removing to the State of Maine. During I837, I838 and 1839, Mr. FoI.soM was attending academy, teaching school, and engaged in the lumbering business. In the fall of I"39, Mr. FOLSOM came west, and settled in Prairie du Chien, and not long after engaged as clerk to HENRY M. RICE, trader to the Winnebagoes, at Fort Atkinson. In I841, he returned to Prairie du Chien, and was Deputy Shleriff' for two years. In S1843, he was engaged in surveying public lands. and in 1844 and 1845, was County Surveyor of Crawford county, also reading law with Hon. WIRAM KNOwSLTON. In I846, he joinled a volunteer company to go to the Mexican War, but the company was sent, instead, to garrison Fort Crawford, where he remained one year. On July 25, I847, he landed in Saint Paul, and has, most of the time since, been engaged in surveying and the real estate business. He was the first City Surveyor of Saint Paul, in 1854. In i86I, he enlisted as a private in Company H. Seventh Minnesota, and served in that capacity three years, He was a member of the School Board in I 858, I 859 and i 86o, and has been, for several years, in the employ of the Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad. I am indebted to Mr. FOLSOM for valuable assistance in securing items about early days. WM. C. RENFRO was a cousin of HENRY JACKSON. He was a Virginian by birth, and a young man of ability and education, though utinfortunately, too convivial in his habits. He had studied for a physician, and, probably, graduated, but never practiced his profession. fiurther than some gratuitous advice to the poor, pulling teeth, or small matters of that kind. RENFRO came [I847 1847] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. to all unfortunate end, a few months after his arrival in Saint Paul, as will be found narrated in the next chapter. DR. J. J. DEWEY. The first regular practicing physician who settled in Saint Paul, was Dr. JOHN J. DEWEY, who arrived on July I5, of this year. Dr. DEWEY is a native of New York, and is a brother of ex-Governor DEWEY, of Wisconsin. He had, not long before his arrival here, graduated at the Albany Medical College. The want of a good, reliable physician, which Dr. DEWEY wis, had been badly felt in the town, and his coming was very grateful to the good people of that day, who, though generally pretty hearty and rugged, were not entirely and alwavs free from the visitations of sickness and accident. Hitherto there had been no medical or surgical aid nearer than Fort Snelling. Dr. DEWEY was a member of the first Territorial Legislature, and established, (in I848,) the first drug store in Minnesota. PARSONS K. JOHNSON was born in Brandon, Vermont, May 8, i8i6. His mother was a grand-daughter of JONATHAN CARVER, noticed in previous chapters of this work. During his boyhood days, he was a schoolmate of a lad, who, in after days, became widely known-STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. M'. JOHNSON, in early life, learned the tailoring business, and emigrated west-settling in Saint Paul in Augtust,* 1847, and was, beyond doubt, the first person who carried on the tailoring business in Saint Paul. Mr. JOHNSON was elected a member of the first Territorial Legislature. IIn I85o, he was married to Miss LAURA BIVINS, a sister of Mrs. HENRY JACKSON. He removed to Mankato, in I852, with JACKSON, at which place he has been postmlaster, member of the Legislature, (I855-56,) Justice of the Peace, &c. * Mr. JOHNSON registers the date of his arrival in the Old Settlers' book, as August, but says that he and B. W. BRUNSON assisted Miss BISHOP in organizing the first Sondav school. Miss B. gives the date of that occurrence as July 25, which is, probably, more corredt, as she kept a written diary. i67 i68 Tize Hiistory of the City of Saint Pazul, [I847 DANIEL HOPKINS was a native of New Hampshire, and was born in the year 1787. Previous to coming to Saint Paul, he had been in business in Green Bay, Prairie du Chien, &c., and at Red Rock, settling at that place in I842. On August 7, I847, he purchased of HENRY JACKSON, a lot which would now be on the corner of Third and Jackson streets. The consideration was $200. Mr. HOPKINS erected a store, where he did a general merchandizing business. He also purchased considerable real estate in Saint Paul. In IS52, he went to Saint Louis to purchase goods and, while on his return home, was seized with sudden illness on the steamer, and died June I3, I852, aged 65 years. AARON FOSTER was a native of Pennsylvania, andwas born in I8I 7. He came to Stillwater in 1846, and the following year to Saint Paul. Soon after his arrival here he was commissioned a Justice of the Peace. Very many of the deeds of that period appear to have been acknowledged before him. His regular occupation, however, was carpenter, and he worked at that several years. He married a Miss FANNY MORTIMER, daughter of Sergeant MORTIMER, a settler of 1842. FOSTER went to Kansas about IS854 or IS55, and in May, I864, enlisted in the army, but died of disease at the recruiting station, before regularly entering the service. Mrs. FOSTER died in Minneapolis, about September I, I875. CORNELIUS V. P. LULL is a native of New York, and settled in Saint Paul, October, i847, pursuing his occupation as carpenter. Mr. LULL was appointed Sheriff of Ramsey county, by Governor RAMSEY, inll the fall of IS49, and, soon after, elected for a full term. He "still lives" in our city. FRED. OLIVIER and G. A. FOURNIER, came to Saint Paul as clerks and agents of LOUIS ROBERT. Both are natives of Canada. Mr. OLIVIER resides here still, and Mr. FOURNIER is in the trading business at Yellow Medicine. GOV. SLADE FINDS A TEACHERl. When Governor SLADE received Dr. WIIILiAMSON'S letter, i847] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. describing the deplorable educational and religious condition of the people of Saint Pautl, he referred the letter to Dr. C. E. STOWE, husband of HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, who forwarded it to his sister-in-law, Miss CATHERINE BEEC}IER, who was then at Albany, New York, instructing and training a class of young ladies for teachers. By her it was placed in the hands of Miss HARRIET E. BISHOP, as being a proper person to accept and fill the proposed post of duty. Miss BISHOP is a native of Vermont, and was early filled with a wish to become a teacher of youth, and with considerable missionarv spirit. She was an ardent member of the Baptist church. She tells us, in her pleasant book of frontier experiences, Floral Homes," published in 1857, that, when the request to go was put to her, it was the occasion of quite a mental struggle, in which the dangers and trials to which a feeble and timid young lady would be subjected in such a position, and the sacrifice of leaving home, friends, and the comforts of civilization, for a rude habitation in a rough frontier settlement, were weighed against the call of duty, and the opportunity of doing good. The latter sentiments, at length, predominated over her fears, and she decided to go. Journeying by land to Cincinnati, she came thence by river. On July i6, i847, she was landed at Kaposia by the steamer "Argo," of which our present townsman, Capt. RUssELL BLAKELEY, was clerk, and remained a short time an inmate of Dr. WILLIAMSON'S family. A day or two afterwards, she was taken in a canoe, paddled by two stout young squaws, to Saint Paul. , A cheerless prospect," she adds, greeted her.' A few log huts composed( the town-three families, the Americani population. With one of these, [J. R. IRVINE,] distant from the rest, a home was offered me. Theirs was the dwelling-the onlv one of respectable size, containing three rooms and an attic." After making arrangements to secure a school room, Miss BISHOP returned to Kaposia, until the building could be made ready. The building selected was a log cabin, which stood on the site of what is now known as Dr. Mann's Block, corner of Third and Saint Peter streets. It had formerly been occupied 12 i 69 T7ze Histofy of the C o' Saint Patul, [I847 by SCOTT CAMPBELL, is H dwelling, but SCOTT lhad built another house. Though the building was a plain one, it probably answered for a pioneer school. Miss BISHOP describes it: " Some wooden pins had been driven into the logs, across which rough boards were placed for seats. The luxury of a chair was accorded to the teacher, and a cross-legged table occupied the center of the loose floor." The attendance of schlolars was small, at first-Miss BISHOP thinks only four or five. but Mrs. PATTEN thinks, nine or ten. At least, it increased to this latter number very soon, andt, bv fall, it was found necessary to have at larger and better building. This was secured on Benchl street. just west of JACKSON'S stand, and was used until a building could be built. the following year, for the purpose of a school. FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOI IN SAINT PAUIl. On July 25, I847, says Miss BISHOP. in her work, the first Sunday school in our city was held. Seven scholars attended. and there was such a mixture of races amongi, these, that anl interpreter was necessary, who could speak English, French, and Sioux. before all could l)e made to understand the instrutctions given. The school increased to twenty-five scholars, by the third Sunday, and was continued successfiullv for several years, and. finally, became the Sabbath school of the First Baptist church-so that said society claim to lhave the oldest Sundav school in Minnesota. SURVEY OF H'IE i'OwVN-SI'I'E. The'rapid growth of the town this season, iand the more frequent demand for real estate —which was now bringing prices that must have astonished the old pioneers who were still living in a plain, easy, slow sort of way in their barkroofed cabins-seemed to point to the necessity of having a portion of the site laid out into lots. LOUIS ROBERT and others favored this projeat, iand it was soon carried into eflect. IRA B. BRUNSON, of Prairie du Chien. was employed to do the surveying, in connection with his brother, BENJ. W. IRA arrived in August, and commenced operations. THOMAS S. 170 1847] and of hze County of Ramsey, Minnesota. ODELL, no110wV of West Saint Paul, was chainman. The tract now known on the maps and in the Registry of Deeds as Saint Paul Proper," was then laid out. We have no coinment to make on it, except as to the narrowness of the streets, and the absence of alleys. But. then, the good people of 28 years ago could hardlv have dreamed that we would have 35,00ooo people in the lifetime of the men who laid out the town' It was a mistake-but one so excusable we haven't it in our heart to blame them. The tract, as surve-ed( then, contained only about 9go acres, but included all the principal business part of the town, and the more thickly settled portion. The names of the proprietors, as given on the recorded plat, are: Louis ROBERT, DAVID LAMBERT. HENRY JACKSON, BENJ. W. BRUNSON. CHARLES CAAVILEER, HENRY H. SIBLEY, J. W. BASS, A. L. LARPENTEUR, WM. H. FORBES, J. W. SIMPSON, HENRY C. RHODES, L. H. LAROCHE, J. B. COTY and VETAL GUERIN. Some of these persons were not residents and land owners in I847-but secured an interest subsequent to that date. As the land in this locality had not at that time been surveyed by the United States. and could not be entered, neither could the town plat be entered, and was not until April 28, I849. It was signed on February 28, I849, by the above gentlemen, three of whom, (DAV-ID LAMBERT, HENRY C. RHODES, and J. B. COTY,*) were not residents in September, I847, but settled subsequently. After the property was surveyed, the lots or blocks were deeded to each owner, so that he would have a title to his own land. B. W. BRUNSON testified in the Saint Charles street case, tried in I866: W Ve had meetings about once a week at the time, in regulating proprietors' lines. There was a committee to determine who owned lots, and wlhen the lines were so that parties entering the town could own equitably *JOHN BAPTISTE COTY was a Canadian by birth, and a carpenter by occupation. He was one of the charter members of Saint Paul Lodge, No. 2, 1. 0. O. F., but afterwards withdrew from that order, by command of the clergyman who married him. COTY returned to Canada about I852, or 1853. Though a "proprietor" when the plat was signed, I think hlie was not a resident when the town was surveyed. I7I The History ol fhe City of Saint Paul, [I847 most of those difficulties were settled before the plat was signed." In vol. 8, p. 49I, Supreme Court Reports of Minnesota, will be found a decision on the question as to whether the dedication of the plat was valid. From the records in the Surveyor General's office of this distri6l, I find that the United States surveys of the land ill and around Saint Paul, were made in the fall of IS47. The town lines were run by JAMES M. MARSII, in Ocdtober, and the subdivisions made by ISAAC N. HIIGBEE, the following month. ESTrABLISHMENT O'F A II()'TEI,. Reference was made to the establishment, by J. W. BAss, of a hotel, during this season. It was in the building spoken of in the last chapter, commenced in I846, by LEONARD H. LARocHE, and subsequently completed and enlarged by S. P. FOL,SOM, in the summer of IS47, an(l finally considerably extended and improved by Mr. BASS. The first part built was 2OX28 feet, a story and a half high, and was built of tamarack logs, hewed square and laid on a small foundation. When this building was taken down, in I87o, to give way to the Merchants of to-day, the logs were found as sound as when put Iup, 23 years before. Judge GOODRICIH, the enthusiastic Secretary of the " Old Settlers' Association," secured one of the logs, and had a gavel and( chest constrtidted( out of it, for the use of the Association. At that time, the building was situated on quite a bank, and when this was dug down, in 1853-4, to grade Jackson and Third streets, the log structire was left almost one story above ground. So a stone basement was built uip under the log structure. Mr. BASS leased the building in August, I847, at $io per month. He gave it the name, " Saint Paul House," and made considerable additions to its size, and improvements inl its interior and exterior, raising it to two ftill stories, &c. It vwas then quite at good-sized building, for those days, and Mr. BASS kept a right smart tav-erli in it, too, and old01(1 settlers say it helped the town considerable, for no ()one would wanllt to go to a town that had no good hotel. 172 1847] and of the Cotnti' of Ramsei,, i'finnesota. The Saint Paul House, and its larger successor, played no insignificant part in the history of our city and State. It was here that, on June I. I849, the Territory was organized by the Territorial officers. The post-office was held ill it a couple of years, and, ill one of the additions to the building, a lodge of Sonls of Temperance and Free Masons was held. The subsequent history of this pioneer hotel deserves mentionI. Mr. BASS retired friom it, in I852, and various persons essayed to " keep" it. until July', I856, when E. C. BELIOTE leased it. He managed it until i86i, when JOHN J. SHAw and Wm,. E. HUNT leased it. Mr. HUNT soon retired, and Col. SHAw continued it until I873. During this period, the present fine structure was built. Mr. SHAW gave vway to Col. ALTVAREN ALILEN. the present proprietor. ORGANIZATION OF A STEAMBOAT LINE. Another important event of this year, one which greatlv aided the settlement of this region, was the organization of a steamboat compavny, to run regular packets from Galena to Mendota and Fort Snelling. Hitherto, only stray boats would make trips to this region, whenever they could get loads that would pay. Dutring this season, Messrs. CAMPBEI L & SMITH, of Galena. BRISBOIS & RICE, H. L. DOUSMAN, of Prairie du Chien, H. H. SIBLEY. of Mendota, and M. W. LODWICK, of Galena, purchased the steamer' Argo," with the intention of organizing, the next spring, the " Galena Packet Company." The "Argo" was destined to be the pioneer of an important trade. NI. W. LODWICK, was commander, and RUSSELL BLAKELEY. of Galena, was clerk. The "Argo" was designed to make trips once a week, and did a pretty fair business that season.* Unfortunately, she struck a snag, near Wabasha, in October. and sank. Capts. LODWICK and BLAKELEY then went to Cincinnati and purchased the "Dr. Franklin," which came out the next year, and was a popular packet for those davs she ran for several seasons. * From a record kept at Fort Snelling, by PHILANDER PRESCOTT, for some years, we find the number of steamboats arriving there about those times, stated as follows: 1844, 4I boats; I845, 48 do.; i846, 24 do.; I847, 47 do.; 1848, 63 do.; 1849, (Saint Paul,) 95 do. 0 I73 I 74 T/e History of the City of Sain Paa?/t. [p847 CAPT. RUSSELIL BILAKELEY. one of the pioneer steamboat men of the Upper Mississippi. was born at North Adams, Massachusetts, April i9, i8Si5. In ISI87, his parents removed to Leroy, Genesee county, New York, where he grew up to malnhood. From thiere he went to Peoria. Illinois. in 1836, an(l to Galena in I839. III I844. he went to \Vythe countyt, \irginia, where hle remained three vears. returning to Galena in I847. When the.Argo" was put on the river in June of that vear. Capt. BLAKELEY was engaged ats clerk, and, after that boat sank. of the'"Dr. Franklin," whichl succeeded her, running the latter part of the time as captain. Also. in I853, he ran the 'Nominee," and. inll I854, took comnmand of the Galena," a famnous and popular packet in her day, which was burned July I? I8S,8 at Red Wiing. Dutring this period, thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of the earlier citizens of our State. have been brought here by Capt. BLAKELEY, on one or the other of the above packets, a fact whichl made him more widely known, probably, at that time, than almost anv other man in this region. If Capt. B. would write a fatithfuil account of steamboating in those days, with his personal reminiscences of men and events, it would make tin interesting chapter of our pioneer history. Inl I855, he was appointed agent at Dunleithl. of the Packet Company, and soon after bought out the interest of CHARLES T. WHITNEY ill the Northwestern Express Company, the firm then becoming J. C. BURBANK & Co. Capt. BI,AKELLY came to Saint Paul to reside in I856. Soon after, the firm became largely interested in mail contracts, stage and transportation lines, &c., a fuill account of which is given in a fiuture chapter. Mr. BURBANK retired from the company, in July, IS867, and( the business is now continued by Capt. BLIAKELEY and C. W. CARPENTER, Esq. Capt. B. is also largely interested ill the railroad business, being a director of the Sioux City Railroa(d. and is a member of several other business organizations, coIntributing largely. both in capital and time, to promote the prosperity of our citv and State. and buil(d up its literary and other institutions. I847] and of the Coi.tzty of Ranmsey. Minnesota. SAINT CROIX COUNTY, which had, up to this time, been included in Crawford county for judicial purposes, was, this year, detached, and reorgan 1 4~ ~~~!~~~~~\~// .. D /,. /S - CAPT. RUSSELL BLAKELEY. ized, with Stillwater as the county seat. In June, the first termn of any court ever held in what is now Minnesota, was held there, by Judge CHARLES DUNN, of the United States Distri6t Court. HARVEY WILISON,. of Stillwater, was appointed 175 ... ~ ~ /i~i?/..... i .../ Thze ivtOitr', of the Cit,' of S'aint Paul [1847 Clerk of the Court, and has held that position nearlv, if not all, the time since. POLITICAL NOTES. The Wisconsin State Constitution, mentioned on page i64, was voted on April 6, I847, but, for some reason, defeated. A second Convention was held on the I3th of December, I847. Its results will appear a little further on. At the election held this fall, for Representative from the District composed of Crawford Saint Croix, Chippewa and LaPointe counties, to the fifth Legislative Assembly of Wisconsin, HENRY JACKSON was chosen a member. A special session was held October I7-27, I847, and the regular second session of the fifth Assembly was held February 7, to March I3 I848. I76 I848] and of the County of Ramsey l Minnesota. CHAPTER Xv. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I848. DEATH OF WM. C. RENFRO-RAISING FUNDS FOR A SCHOOL HOUSE-RELIGIOUS AND TEMPERANCE MOVEMENTS-TERRITORIAL MOVEMENT-THE STILLWATERl CONVENTION-H. H. SIBLEY ELECTED DELEGATE-SALE OF THE LAND AT SAINT PAUL-H. M. RICE BUYS INTO THE TOWN-SITE-MEMOIR OF MR. RICE MEMiOIRS OF DAVID OLMSTED AND OTHERS-LIST OF.PRE-TERRITORIAL SET TLERS-GENERAL REMARKS ON THAT PERIOD. HE year IS48 was a sort of pivotal period in our history. It was marked, too, with important events-the adoption of a State government by Wisconsin, leaving Minnesota without a government-the eflborts of our citizens to secure a Ter ritorial organization, which were soon after successful-the purchase from the United States of the site of the city and the lands surrounding it-the influx of new settlers, some of them men of capital, education and influence-the increase of trade, and in the importance of the place, &c. Thus, the year I848 was a sort of intermediate period, between the era of the wilderness and unorganized society, and that of a government of law and order, emerging from chaos, as it were, into the dignitv of an established commonwealth. DEATH OF WM. C. RENFRO. The first event of the year I848, which we have to record, was the death of WILLIAM C. RENFRO, by freezing. RENFRO, as stated in the sketch of him a few pages back, was a young man of education and ability, but addicted to the use of intoxicating drinks. About the first of January, while stopping at his cousin's, W. G. CARTER'S, on " Prospect hill," near the bend of Phelan's Creek, he arose in the night, while suffering from mania a potu, and wandered toward town. Being missed, search was made, and, on January 3d, his lifeless body was found under a tree, near the present Saint Mary's Catholic church. He was clad only in his shirt, drawers, &c. 177 The ]-Zstor-y of the (,City qf Sai?ntPal. [IS4S RAISING FUNDS FOR A SCHOOL HOUSE. Miss BISHOP, in her work before quoted, gives some account of a sewing circle raising funds for a school house: "The first winter (I847-8) closed in upon us. * * * Books were the companions that enlivened the solitude of our evenings. The social pleasures of the vicinity were merged in a weekly ball for those who enjoyed what, according to the report of the parties, was little else than. in western parlance, a' whisky hoe-down.' What rational, social pleasure can we devise that shall elevate the moral tone of society? was the theme of discussion, when JOSEPH R. BOWRON,* of Saint Croix, proposed that a' Ladies' Sewing Society' be instituted, to aid in the ere&tion of the proposed school house, and, for our encouragement, generously pledged $io, for a commencement. Accordingly, the'Saint Paul Circle of Industry' was formed, with eight members.t We remember, with an allowable pride, that the first payment on the lumber for the first school house, was made with money earned with the needle by the ladies of this circle."' Miss BISHOP flirther hints that thle had good success in soliciting subscriptions. and received $5o fiomt officers at the fort. She adds: The specified object of the building was the accommodation of the school, church. court, occasional lectures, elections, and, in short, all public gatherings; with the expectation that an expenditure of $300 on a building 25x3o feet. would be all that would be required for at least ten years."' This building was completed somnetine in August, IS848. It stood about where Dr. AX I.EY'S block now stands. and was used for church services, dav-school, le(Ltures, &c., until as late as IS5I, when several delnominations had erected chapels of their own. It was burned at the great fire, in I857, which swept that whole square. The building was erected by JEss. T. POMEROY. The lot was a gift fi-Omll JNO. R. IRVINE. RELIGIOUS PROGRESS-TEMPERANCE. The first Protestant sermon, as before noted, ever preached in Saint Paul, was by Rev. Mr. tUIIUL BUT, a Methodist Episco * JOSEPH R. BOWRON died at Hudson, Wisconsin, April Io, i868. t Miss BISHOP, Mrs. JACKSON, Mrs. BASS, Miss HARRIET PATCH, and Mrs. IRVINE were among the members. i 7, x848] and of the Count, of Ramsey, MJinnesola. pal missionary, in I844. Rev. E. A. GREENLEAF preached the next sermon in June, I846. Mrs. HINCKLEY thinks Rev. Father GEAR,* Episcopal missionary at the fort, preached the third sermon, in the same year. September 5, I847, Dr. WII.I.IAMSON preached the fourth Protestant sermon. After Miss BISHOP'S arrival, she kept a diary of events. principally of religious matters, which gives some interesting ideas concerning the progress of religion in Saint PauLl during this vear. We condense a few notes, as follows: "January 30. Mr. GEAR preached in afternoon. "February 20. Mr. GREENLEAF preached. March i9.'Visiting, hunting, wrestling, drinking, gambling, &c., are the pastimes of this holy day.' "April 2. Mr. PUTNAM preached. "April 23. VIOLA IRVINE (a little daughter of J. R. IRVINE,) died from a severe burn, by accident. "June 26. Mr. CAVENDER acts as Superintendent of Sunday school. '"July Io. Preaching by Rev. LEMUEL NOBLES. "July I7. Prof BENT [a professor in the University at Middlebury, Vermont,] ledtured. "July 24. B. F. HOYT preached. "October i6. Rev. Mr. COPELAND, of Indiana, preached. "October 23. Mr. HOYT preached. "November 6. Mr. HOYT preached. "December 4. Rev. BENJ. CLOSE, the Methodist preacher of the Saint Paul and Stillwater circuit, preached. "December 3I. Mr. CLOSE preached and organized a class, the first move towards organizing a Protestant church in this city." During this season, Miss BISHOP says, in her book, the religious element in the village was greatly reinforced by the arrival of Mr. B. F. HOYT and A. H. CAVENDER. " The for mer occasionally broke the bread of life to the listening few. \Vhen the number of disciples had increased to five or six, on November 9, I848, a weekly prayer meeting was established. Hon. H. M. RICE made the liberal ofler of $200 and ten town lots toward the first church edifice, [Market Street Methodist,] *Rev. EZEKIEL G. GEAR was born at Middletown, Connedticut, September 13, 1793. in I836, he went to Galena, and, in 1837, was appointed Post Chaplain at Fort Snelling. In iS6o, he was transferred to Fort Ripley, and, in I867, placed on the retired list. He died Otober 13, 1873, aged So years. In the early days of Saint Paul he was wellknown to our pioneer settlers. I 79 The History of the City of Saint Paul, which ofier was accepted. During the same winter, Rev. Mr. GEAR held monthlyv. and finally semi-monthly service in Saint Paul." It may be interesting to know that the first temperance society in Saint Paul-perhaps in Minnesota-was organized this summer, by a few young folks-some of them scholars in Miss BISHOP'S school. The pledge itself was drawn up by JAMES M. BOAL. who was quite an artist, and decorated it with drawings and emblematic designs. Miss BISHOP still has the paper, the first written temperance pledge, beyond doubt, in the State. Shortly after this, the young men of the town organized a temperance society about thirty of them taking the pledge. ALEX. R. McLEOD was elected president-but, Miss B. adds. regretfully, that he did not keep the pledge very well. REMARKABLE SCENE IN A JUSTICE'S COURT. e Under the head of the administration of justice in earlv days, it occurs to Lus to chronicle a curious affair which occurred this summer. HENRY JACKSON was a Justice of the Peace this year, and was trying some ordinary case in his caravansary onl the point. The matter had been submitted to the jury, and they had retired to consider a verdict, being locked tip, by the constable, in a room, where there was only one little outside window. Among the six men thus confined, was one skillftil violinist, (CHARLEY MITCHELL, I believe,) who was always in request for balls and convivial assemblages. On the day of the trial, a man had come over from Stillwater, for the purpose of hiring the violinist, and taking him back to that piney settlement, to fiddle for a ball that was coming of' the same evening. On finding the violinist locked tip, with no prospet of an early release, he became somewhat nervous, lest hle should not be able to retutirn in season with the manipulator of the bow. The jury, unluckily, were not able to agree on a verdict, and spent several hours in a fierce discussion of the case, some of them getting " fighting mad" on the question. About this time, the Stillwater man got desperate, as he saw the afternoon waning away, and determined to take an opportunity to speak to the violinist at all hazards. He, thereupon, got a box or I8o [I848 I848] and of the County of Ramsey, linnesota. some other standing place, and climbed up to the window where he held a confab with the fiddling juryman. At this point, one of the disagreeing jurors accused the latter of being in surreptitious communication with an outsider, and of receiving a bribe! Of course, this brought the dispute to blows at once. in which the whole jury were busily engaged in less than a minute. Chairs and tables were broke to splinters, and two or three jurors were pounded badly. Among the latter was the violinist, who had a shocking " head put on him," and suffered a dislocated arm, &c. The constable, justice and others rushed in to quell the fight, when the jurors who were able to go, broke out and ran away, and this ended the case. The Stillwater man returned without his musician, and the ball was postponed indefinitely. MORE GOVERNMENTAI, PROGRESS. Wisconsin held a second Constitutional Convention, as before remarked, which convened on December I5, I847, and adjourned on Februtary I, 1848. The Constitution framed by them, and which was voted on and adopted March 13, 1848, fixed the State boundlaries as they are now seen on the maps. Congress admitted WVisconsin as a State, on May 29, following. The question was thus definitely settled, that what is now Minnesota, was left out in the cold," with no government, unless, fortunatelv, thev inherited the abandoned Territorial government of Wrisconsin, and many claimed that this was the case. The question considerably agitated the people of the region west of the Saint Croix and Mississippi, and, after considerable " talk," it was resolved by the Saint Paul men to hold a meeting and canvass the matter. The meeting, which could not have been a large one, for there were scarcely 20 English-speaking men in Saint Paul at that time, was held at Jackson's caravansary in July.* This was undoubtedly the first public meeting on the subject, or perhaps on any subjedt *A prominent old settler thinks this meeting was held in the street, instead of in a house, mainly because there iwas more room out of doors, and logs were plenty, which could be used Ias seats, and to make "smudges" with. He says most of the public meetings those days, were held in the street. IsI 182 Thze History of /the City of Saiizt Za'l. [I S848 of a public nature, and it was strongly urged that meastires be taken to secure a Territorial government fior thie bilance of WVisconsin, then unprotected by law. THE STI,LLI,XATER CONVENTION. On the 5thl day of August, a public meeting of thie same kind was held at Stillwater, and it was resolved to circulate a call for a general convention of all persons interested, to mneet at Stillwater on August 26. The call was made, and, at the time mentioned, the Convention was held. Sixty-one persons appear to have been present, as we find that number of names signed to a memorial adopted during the session. Among those present from Saint Paul, were: Louis ROBERT, J. W. SIMPSON. A. L. LARPENTEUR, DAVID LAMBERT, HENRY JACKSON, VETAL GUERIN, DAVID HEBERT, OLIVER ROSSEAU, ANDRE GODFREY, JOSEPH RONDO, JAMES R. CI,EIwETT, EDWARD PHELAN, WM. G. CARTER, &C. At this meeting a letter was read from Hon. JOHN CATLIN. Secretary of State of Wisconsin, stating that, in his opinion, if a Delegate were elected, he would be permitted to take his seat-and that the Territory of WVisconsin was still in existence. JOSEPH R. BROWN. H. H. SIBLEY, MORTON S. WILKINSON, HENRY L. Moss, FRANKLIN STEELE, DAVID LAMBERT, and others. appear, from the proceedings to have taken a prominent part. A committee was appointed to draft a memnorial to Congress, resolutions, &c.. and the Convention adjourned to dinner. While at dinner, (Hon. H. LI,. Moss states,) there was considerable caucusing as to the location of the Capital for the proposed Territory, and the Saint Paul delegates carried the d(lay-it being generally understood that Saint Paul was to be fixed on as the Capital, but Stillwater was to have the State's prison, and Saint Anthonv the university-a parole agreement. which was. bv a future Legislature, carried out. When the Convention reassembled, J. R. BROWN reported the proposed memorial. together with voluminious resolutions. reciting the necessity of lhaving a T'erritorial government-pro i848] and of the County of Ramsey, Jlfinnesota. -iding for the appointment of a delegate to visit Washington, and uirge an immediate organization of the proposed Territory also. for the appointment of a committee of six, to collect information and statistics. for the use of said delegate, and a central committee" of seven. to correspond with and aid( said delegate. The resolutions and memorial were adopted. and the latter signed bv all the members present. ELECTION OF A DELEGATE. The Convention then proceeded to elect a delegate to V'atshington, and Hon. HENRY H. SIBLEY, of Mendota, was elected tand furnished with proper credentials. It was expected that the delegate so elected was to defray his own expenses. Mr. SIBLEY accepted the proposed mission. however. and promised the Convention to go on and use his utmost endeavors to accomplish the important trust committed to him. Shortly after this, Hon. JOHN H. TWEEDY resigned as Delegate to Congress from Wisconsin. and Hon. JOHN CATLIN, claiming to be acting Governor of Wisconsin Territory, if there was now any such thing, came to Stillwater. and issued ai proclamation, onl October 9. ordering a special election, to fill the vacancy-. On October 30. said election was held. Mr. SIBI.EY and HENRY M.; RICE were the only candidates, and there was little or no effort made by either to secure an election, though some of the friends of each got up a small canvass. In fact, neither of them desired it, as far as any personal motives were concerned. as the condition of things was very dubiotis, and it seemed very improbable that the Delegate elected would be permitted to take his seat. General SIBILEY was elected as it turned out. and, in November, proceeded to \Washington. PURCHASE OF THE TOWN-SITE FROM THE UNITED STATES. Meantime the Government survevs of land in this neighborhood( had been progressing, and, on August I4, i848, the first sale of lands occurred at the land office, at Saint Croix Falls, in pursuance of a proclamation of President POLK. At this sale, 27 whole and firactional townships, or 436,737 acres, were I 83 The Iistory of the City of Saint Paul, offered for sale-part lying ill Wisconsin, but only 3,326 were sold, at $1.25 per acre. At this sale, tPhe town-sites of Saint Paul, Saint Anthony and Stillwater were offered for sale. A gentleman present gives the following account of it: "The land office for the Chippewa land distrit was opened by Gen. SAMUEL LEECH, Receiver, and Col. C. S. WHITNEY, Register, at the Falls of Saint Croix, in the first part of August, 1847. The first sale in this District commenced on or about the i5th day of August, I848, and continued for two weeks. The second sale commenced on or about the isth day of September, of the samne year,. and, also, continued for two weeks. At this latter sale, the first lands were disposed of, that are now comprised within the limits of Minnesota, including the towns of Saint Paul, Saint Anthony and Stillwater. At this period, there were very few white settlers within what is now the Territory of Minnesota; and they were principally located within and immediately surrounding the above named towns. For the better accommodation of the people-the conveniences of travel being very poor-the land officers gave timely public notice of the exa&t day upon which certain townships would be offered for sale; so that at no one time were there more than forty or fifty persons present. There were no' speculators' in attendance at this sale; which accounts for the fact that there was but one contra bid during the whole sale, and that was between two settlers, who resided somewhere in the neighborhood of Cottage Grove, in Washington county. It seems, that, after having secured their respective claims, they could not agree upon which should have a certain eighty-acre trac6t, composed of timberland lying adjacent to each. I believe that the successful bidder got it at about ten cents above the minimum price per acre. The most exciting time during this sale, atwhich there were a great number of people present, was on the day and the day before that on which the town-site of Saint Paul was offered for sale. The good people of this vicinity were very ftearful that the sale would be infested with a hungry set of speculators, as has too often happened at land sales in the west, ready with their gold, to jump at every chance that presented itself, and bid over the a6tual settler. To guard against this emergency, it was understood beforehand that the Hon. H1. H. SIBLEY, should bid in the town-site of Saint Paul, and the claims of such Canadians as did not understand English sufficiently to do so for themselves; and, to aid and assist him in this mission, a large and well-armed force, composed principally of Canadian Frenchmen, were present at the sale. Their fears, however, were not realized, and they were permitted to purchase their lands without molestation. "In I849, after much delay and difficulty, the land office at the Falls of Saint Croix, was removed to Stillwater. A remonstrance against [1848 184 I1848] and Do the County of Ramisey, -viinnesota. this removal was made by the members of the Wisconsin Legislature; their objections, however, were overcome by the establishment of an additional land district in Wisconsin." Gen'. H. H. SIBLEY, in his Reminiscences of the Early Days of Minnesota." published by the Historical Society, says of this sale:'I was selected by the actual settlers to bid ofl' portions of the land for them, and when the hour for business had arrived. my seat was invariably surrounded by a number of men with huge bludgeons. What was meant by the proceedings I could, of course, only surmise, but I would not have envied the fate of the individual who would have ventured to bid against me." Saint Paul Proper, being owned by various parties, the owners seleCted H. H. SIBLEY. LOUIS ROBERT and A. L. LARPENTEUR, as trustees. to enter the lands in question, and deed the lots. blocks. and fra&tions to the parties who were entitled to the same. This was quite a difficult task, and required not a little trouble and patience to sift out the real and equitable owners in some cases. Finally, every piece was conveyed, bh the above trustees, to the rightful owner. and their decision acquiesced in. Some of the simple Canadians, who did not understand English very well, or the fobrms of conveylancing, suffeired their title to remain in General SIBLEY'S name, in some cases, two or three years, thinking they were secure there. and it required adtual persuasion and trouble on the part of Gen. S. to get some of them to receive the deeds and conclude the transfer by registry. THE WINNEBAGO REMOVAL. In IS846, the Winnebagoes, then on a reservation in Iowa, ceded their land to the United States, and accepted, instead, ait Reservation now in Todd County, Minnesota. But, in IS848, when the time came for their removal, they refuised to go, and their removal was only accomplished by much patience aind strategy on the part of H. M. RICE, E. A. C. HATCH, DAVID OLMSTED, S. B. LOWRY, JOHN HANEY, Jr., N. MYRICK, GEO. CULVER, RICHARD CHUTE, Lieut. JOHN H. MCKENNEY, 11now I3 185 Thze History of the City of Saint Pauzl, of Chatfield, and other agents, soldiers and traders. They were finally located near Long Prairie Agency, about July I. This movement resulted in securing, as citizens here, either that year or soon after, most of the above g(entlemen. Mr. RICE bought property here. and made valuable improvements OLMSTED and RHODES established a trading outfit, while E. A. C. HATCH, N. MYRICK. an(d GEORGE CUIrTvEiH ere long made Saint Paul their home. 11. M. RICE BUYS A IPART OF'I'HE'I()XVN-Sl'TE. On November 14, Mr. RICE purchased. of JOHN R. IRVINE, the east half of the northwest qularter, of section 6, town 28, range 22 west." for the sum of $250o. T'his soon became a part of Rice and Irvine's Addition, which was surveyed the same winter, bv B. W. BRUNSON. Thlis was,tn importantacquisition for the town. J. WV. BO3NI) says. in' Minnesota and its Resources." that the very name of having IT. M. RICE interested in the town, gave it.t niew influtence in the estimation of persons abroad. Ex-Governor M^RSItAI,,. inl his address before the Old Settlers of Hennepin co)uItnty. Febrtiatry 22, 1871, considers that this fact had more to (1 withl ttirning the scale in favor of Saint Paul. at it critical jiuniturtie. thin inivtiliing else. -lON. IIENRYt M. RITCE was born in Waitsfield, Vermont, Noveml)ber 29, I816. He is a lineal descendant of the famouts WVARREN HASTINGS, one of the most remarkable men connecled with the historv of England during his time. His g,randfather was engaged in the French WVar of I755, and was taken prisoner- to Canada at one time, and ransomed. He attended academny at Burlington. and studied law abotut two years with Hon. WVM. P. BRIGGS, of Richmond, Vermont. In IS835, Mr. RICE emigrated to Detroit, Michigan, with Hon. ELON FARNSWORrH. theni a resident of that Territory. III IS837, he was appointed Assistant Engineer under the State of M/Iichligain. to locate the Sault Ste. Marie Canal and other works. In I839, Mr. RICE came to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, where he remained in the siitleri department until June., IS40. wheii E 1848 i86 I848] and of tfhe County of Ramslej,. Jlfiinnesota. he was appointed sutler at Fort Atkinsolln. inl what is 11ow Iowa. He soon after became connected with P. CHIOUTEAU, Jr. & Co.. and had charge of the trade with the VWinniebag6es ancd Chippewas, havinig at large numiber of trading posts throtughoutt the Chippewa country, firom Lake Superior to Red Lake. and thence to the British Possessions. No man amnollg the early trad(lers was better acquainted with the Lake Superior and Northern Mi1nnesota region than Mr. RICE. He has traveled over every portion of it, and knew all the old traders whose names hiive now passed into historv. In I846. a delegation of Winnebagoes visited Washingtoll to negotiate a treat- with the United States for their Reservation in Iowa. One of their principal chiefs being taken sifck, Mr. RICE was appointed a delegate in his place, and was instrumental in accomplishing a sale of their lands then needed for the growing settlements of whites. On AtLugust 2, 8IS47, at Fond du Lac. Lake Superior, Mr. RICE and HonI. ISAAC VERPLAN-K, as commissioners on the part of the United States. purchased firom the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Mississippi. the cotintry lying on the Mississippi and Long Prairie Rivers. for a new Reservation for the Winnebagoes. On the 2Ist of the same month thev also purchased from the Pillager Indians. at Leech Lake- the coluntry lying between the Otter Tail. ILong Prairie. Crow W'ing and Leaf Rivers, for a Menominee Reservation. but it was never used for that purpose. Mlr. RICE subsequently, in 185I, IS53, I854, I863, and other dates. was largely instrumental in consummating treaties with the Chippewas and Sioux, by which the greater portion of our State was ceded to the whites, and thrown open to settlement. W\hen the WVinnebagoes were removed, in the summer of i848, Mr. RICE aided largely in quelling-the threatened outbreak by them, and, in order to accomplish it without trouble, advinced the expense of removal, over $20,000 in gold, on behalf of his company. The Indians were finally taken to LQng Prairie in July. In order to attend to the receipt of the goods required in the trade, business compelled nMr. RICE to spend a large share of IS7 0 ISS Thze History of the City of Saint, Paul. his time in Saint Paul. The growing importance of the place, then recently "laid out" as a town. and regularly entered-and which was already spoken of as the futture Capital of the coming' Territory of Minniesota"-was one cause of his becoming one of the town-site owners, iand, not long after the land had been entered, he purchased ai tra&t. which was soon after laid out as an addition. It is now in the heart of the city, and worth millions. Another cause of Mr. RICE'S lociting here, and making this the depot for his goods. was the fadt that it was the head of navigation. Boats then, as;'now, could not get above Saint Paul in low or moderate water. Mr. RICE at once bent his whole energies. and employed his capital to the development of the town. Ile built warehouses, erected hotels and business blocks in his addition, diverted trade and commerce from other points hither, and influenced men of capital and energy to invest here largely. In a short time the impetus thus given to the place lifted it above competition. He also proceeded to Washington, 1 on his own hook," while the bill organizing Minnesota Territory, with Saint Paul as its Capital, was pendinig, and labored for it untiringly. His influence with friends in Congress, and other members. aided largely in turning the scale in our favor. In the early days of Saint Paul, Mr. RICE was one of its most reliable, ready and liberal promoters of every good enterprise. He donated lots to several churches and public institutions, besides considerable stums in moneyi. Rice Park," our beautiful resort on summer evenings, was one of his gifts to the public. To one of the institutions of Rice counlty, named in honor of him in I853, hle gave the documentary portion of his valuable private library, worth several thousand dollars. In I853, Mr-. RICE wats elected Delegate to Congress, and re-elected in I855. This was the period of the most rapid development of Minnesota, and'it imposed on oui Delegate extraordinary labor. He procured legislation extending the pre-emption system to unsurveyed lands; also opening certain military reservations to a6tual settlers. Land offices were to be established, post routes opened, atid post-offices created E i 84S 0 I848] and of the CoittyO, of Rarnsey, 1finnesola. immense tracts to be purchased from the Indians, and thrown open to settlement; and appropriations to be secured for improvements. Besides, there were the countless requests from private individuals, for favors to be secured at the departments. or for special legislation-so that one can form some idea of the work Mr. RICE accomplished. Indeed, only those. who li;ed in Minnesota during that period, can know what it really owes to him for much of its material progress. In I857, Mr. RICE procured the passage of the act endowing otur land grant roads with the land, which has alone secured their construdtion. and resulted in the rapid development of the State. Also, establishing here a Surveyor General's office, and. more important in some respetts than all, was the Enabling Act. authorizing Minnesota to form a State govermment. Mr. RICE'S term as Delegate closed in I857, but he was at once elected Senator, for six years, by the first State Legislature. During this term, the rebellion broke out, and considerable numbers of Minnesota troops were stationed near \Vashington. Mr. RICE'S kindness and liberality to our sol(diers will long be remembered. His house iiV Washington was alwayls open, as well as his purse, to the sick and destitute soldier. During this term, he served on several very important committees, among others, on finance, on military, on post roads. on public lands, and the special committee to report some mode of averting the threatened rupture between the North and South. On March 29, i849, Mr-. RICE was married to Miss MiNIATILDA WHITALL, at Richmond, Virginia. Mr. RICE was, also, the founder of Bayfield, Wisconsin, in I856, and the beautyt of the place, and the security of its harbor, vindicates the wisdotn of his choice of the location of what must be one of the most important places on Lake Superior. Mr. RICE is truly a pioneer. He resided in Michigan? Iowa, \Wisconsin and Minnesota, while each passed from a Territorial to a State government, and has borne his share of the hardships, and dangers, and vicissitudes of frontier life. No candid history of Minnesota can be written which does not (do filll credit to his labors for the welfare of our State, an(l IS9 The Jislory of the Ci tyof Saint Paul, his name, wherever mentioned bv its people, is spoken onlwith the respet and esteem which his public acts and private virtues deserve. Sketches of some of the other settleris of I848 are here given. as fillv as space will permit. DAVID OLMSTEI) was born in Fairfax, Franklin couinty, Vermont, May 5, 1822. At the age of i6 years, he left home to seek his fortune in the west. He finally located in the mineral region of Wisconsin, where he mined some time. I Jutily, I840, with his brother, PAGE, he moved over to northern Iowa, then unsettled bwhite men, and made a claim near the Winnebago Reservation, at a place now called Monona. Here they lived several vears. In the fall of I844, Mr. OLMSTED sold his claim and embarked in the Indian trade near Fort Atkinson, Iowa, as clerk for W\. G. and (G. W. EWIN(;, licensed Winnebago traders. In the fall of I845, he was eledted from the distrift in which he lived (Clayton couinty) to the Convention to fiame a ConstituItioi for Iowa. He was then only 24 years old. In the fall (of 1847, Mr. OLMSTEI), inl company with IT. C. RHODES, purchased the interest of the EWIN,(;s in the Winiiebago trade, and, in the summer of I848 7 when the I(ndians were removed to Long Prairie, Minnesota, he aiccol panied( them, opening a trading house at that point, and( also in Saint Paul. On August 7, I849, Mr. OL1MSTEI) was elected a memnIer of the first Territorial Council of Minnesota, and, on its assemnbling, was chosen President. Mr. O.'s term extend(led also to the second session (I85I) in which he took all active part. In I853, he abandoned the Indian trade, and removed to Saint Paul, where he had lived at intervals for several years, and, on June 29, purchased of Col. D. A. ROBERTSON, the I'innesota Democrat office. He edited that journal with much ability until September, 18i54, whlen he sold it out. In the spring of I854, Mr. OLMSTED was elected first Mayor of Saint Paul, the city having just been incorporated. In 1855, he reimoved( to the village of Winoni-. During the stummler of 11848 Igo 1848] and of the County of Ramsey, A'innesota. that year he was nominated b- a portion of his party, for Delegate to Congress, but failed to secure an election. Soon after his health began to decline. and he spent a winter in Cuba in hopes of restoring it. but without avail. He continued to grow feebler until his death, Februiary 2, I86I, which occurred at his mother's house, in Franklin county. Bermont. During his residence in Minnesota he was one of the most popular men in public life. The floturishing counllty of Oliusted was namned in honor of him. XVII1,,IAM D. PHII,LIPIS. or BILLY" PHILLIPS, as he was generally called, was one of the oddest of the manv odd characters who favored Saint Paul with their presence in earlv days. He was a Marvlander by birth. and came to Saint Paul in I848. to practice as an attorney. His knowledge of law is said not to have been v,erv profotind. but he practiced diligently at " the bar." nevertheless. Oratory was the great hobby'nd weakness of BII.LY D. Ile imagined he was a second RosclItTs. and was always ready to speak at any time. on any subject. or in any place. He never used to see several persons together without itching, for a chance to address them on some subject, even from the head of a barrel. or a dry goods box. His lecture on KOSSUTH, in 1852. a sort of hlalf-dru,nken rhlapsody, will always be remembered. with amusement, by) the old settlers who heard it, or, rather, the introduction to it. for he did not reach the body of the discourse when the meeting broke up. GOODIHUE, out of joke, printed about half a columni of the balderdash, and then added —" The balance of the leclture is all as good as the above!" III I849, Hon. H. M. RICE gave, (without consideration.) to BILLY D., several lots, one on utipper Third street, about a square below the American House. Mr. RICE told him to make out the deed, and he would sign it, which was done. But be it recorded, as all instance of mean ingratitude, that BILLY, subsequently, brought a claim against Mr. RICE, of $5,.for making out the deed, atnd Mr. R. paid it! One lot BILILy sold, in 1852, for $60oo. igi [92 The History, of /the City of Saint Paul, That year, BILLY D., who had set high hopes, for a long time, on the nomination of CASS for the Presidency, and frequently declared that CASS, (who, he claimed, was an intimate friend of his,) would make him Governor, at least-finding his fond hopes dashed to the dust, by PIERCE'S nomination, left the scene of his ambition and glory, and went to Washington. In I856, he was appointed to a clerkship in the General Land Office. A year or two later, he was prosecuted for forging the franks of Senator DOUGLAS, and selling them to a patent medicine vender, to mail circulars in. He was acquitted on this charge, and then disappeared from public sight. One old settler saw him. about I858, looking very mutch decayed. but, since that date, no tidings have been received from him, and he has, probably,. gone to his reward. HENRY C. RHODES came from Logansport, Indiana. His nativity and age I have not been able to get satisfactorily, but Mr. R. CHUTE, of Minneapolis, thinks he was born about the year I820. HIe was in business at Logansport for W. G. & G. W. EwING, and probably represented that firm at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, in the Winnebago trade. After the removal of the \WTinnebagoes, he went to Long Prairie, and soon after, in connection with DAVID OLMSTED, established an agency here. He purchased some property about where AUERBACH, FINCH & SCHEFFER'S store now is, and had a store and dwelling house there. In 1849, he and OLMSTED dissolved partnership, and Mr. RHODES returned to Logansport, with his wife and child. He soon after went to California, where he died, about three years ago. His family remained in Indiana. EDW'IN A. C. HATCH was born in New York, March 23, I825. He emigrated to Wisconsin in I840, and was engaged in the Sioux trade. He first came to what is now Minnesota, in I843. He was, also, engaged in the Winnebago trade, at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, and after the removal, settled in Saint Patil. Mr. HATCH has been largely engaged inll the Indian trade and( other enterprises [IS48 I848] and of the Countv of Ramseo, /i'nnesota. growing out of it, since his residence here, and perhiaps no man in Minnesota is more accurately informed concerning the various Indian nations in the Northwest than he. In I856. President PIERCE asked H. M. RICE to name some one whom he could appoint Agent of the Blackfeet Indians-adding that, whoever accepted the post did so at the risk of his life. Mr. RICE suggested Mr. HATCH, and he was appointed. In carrying out his duties Mr. H.'s life was in danger innumerable times, but he is a stranger to fear, and always escaped harm by his coolness and daring. Once. in Wisconsin, he refused to let some insolent Sioux have goods they demanded, and they threatened to help themselves. Mr. HATCH opened a keg of powder lit his pipe, and told them to go on with their threatened raid. The Sioux slid out as fast as possible. In June. i863, Mr-. HATCI-H was commissioned a Major in the volunteer service. with instructions to recruit an Independent Cavalry Battalion of six companies, for frontier service and defense. Maj. HATCH soon had his battalion in the field, and commanded it a year, when he resigned. While stationed at Pembina, he was enabled, by strategy, to secure the capture of SHAKOPEE and MEDICINE BOTTLE, who were hung at Fort Snelling in I865. BUSHROD wA. LIOTT was born at Pemberton, New Jersey, May I, I826. His father relmoved to Saint Louis in 1837, and at the Saint Louis University, a Catholic college, Mr. LOTT received his education. After leaving college, he went to Quincy, Illinois, where he studied law, and was admitted to practice in I847. In I848, he accompanied Gen. SAMUEL LEECH, who had just been appointed Receiver of the land office at Saint Croix Falls, to that place, and adted as clerk of the first land sales in this region. In the fall of that year, he settled in Saint Paul, and commenced the practice of law, and land agency, which he contintled some years. Mr. LOTT has been eleted( by his party, the Democratic to several official positions. He was Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives in 185I, and a member 193 . i94 7The ]Hi/sory of /he City of Saint Pa [t1. in 1853 and I856. Ill the former session he was a candidate for Speaker. and was beaten by- Dr. DAVID) DAY. the WVhig candidate. aftel 22 days' balloting, bv one vote. He was president of the town council for two years. and city- clerk (I866-7) for a year and a half. In I862, he was appointed by President LINcOLN. United States Consutl to Tehuantepec. Mexico. and held that office until 1865. Mr. LOTrr was at charter member of Saint Paul Lodge, I. O. O. F., and one of the earliest members of the Christ chiurch (Episcopal.) X1ILLIrIAM H11. NOBLES was born in New York. in i8i6, anId was a machinist bv trade. He came to Saint Croix Falls. in S1841, and assisted in putting Iup the first mill there. He sutbseqLuently removed to NVillow River. since called Hudson. where hle built the first firame house in the place. Hie also lived at Stillwater several years, (IS843-48,) and came to Saint Paul in 1848. He opened the first wagoinmaker's shop in this city, and made the first wagon ever made in Minnesota. A part of the shops used bv Col. NOBL ES is still standing, tnowv used by the firm of QUINBY & IIALLrOwN-EI.L. I11 i856. hle was eledted a representative in the Leg(islature from Rom Iamsey county. Il 187IS,7 Col. NOBLES, tln(ler appointment from the Government, laid out a wagon roa(l to the Pacific, thllroLughll the southwestern part of Minneso'ta. a(ld. in recognition of thlis service, Nobles county was name( for him. He discovere(] one of the best passes through the Rockv Mountains, now known as I Nobles' Pass." In I862. hle was eleeted by the " Seventy-Ninthl New York Volunteers," known as the "' Highlanders," as Lieut. Colonel, and served with them in South Carolina, afterwards resigiling his commission, on account of disagreement with the other officers of the regiment. He was then cotton collector for the Government some time, United States revenue officer, master of transportation of troops at Mobile, and held other positions. After the war, his health became seriously impaired, which induced him to remove to the Waukesha Springs, in Wisconsin, and. subsequently, to the Hot Springs. Colorado, where he .IIS4S 4] and of the CozizIyv of Ramsey, llinizesota. now is, in very feeble health. Col..NOBLEs has a remarkable inventive genius, and has patented several valuable inventions, but. as usual in such cases others have borne off all the profits. NATHAN MYRICK was born in WVestford, Essex county, New- York, July 7, I822. At the age of iS, he came to LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and was NATHAN MYRICK. the founder of that town in which he stills owns an interest, and which hie laid out in I842. From I84I to I848, Mr. MYRICK was engaged in lumbering on Black River. During the latter year he settled in Saint Paul, and has been a resident of this place ever since, except once or twice, when business compelled his removal for a short time. He is in the Indian supplybusiness, an occupation which has made him thoroughly acquainted with the frontier. 195 1 The ]-vitoiv of the City of Saint PaluA [1848 ABRAM H. CAVENDER was born in Hancock, Hillsborough county, New Hampshire, I8I5. He attended school for two years, and then went into a machine shop and cotton fadtory, where he had charge of a wAeaving loom for eleven vears-most of the time in Nashtua Newv Hampshire. Married, in I840, a daughter of DANIEI HOPKINS, mentioned in the preceding chapter, and, in I843, removed to Ohio, whelre hie lived five years. In May, IS48, he settled in Saint Paul. In December, 1849, he commenced blacksmithing and wagonmaking on Robert street, the butsiness having expanded into the large carriage establishment of QUINBY & HALI OW.FI,. BENJ. F. HOYT wvas born at Norwalk, Connecticut, June 8, i8oo. When a young man, he settled in western New York, and after a few years removed to Ohio, where he secured a tra6t of land deeded by the Government to some of his ancestors for services in the revolution. Hei'e he married, and resided until 1834, when he removed to Illinois, in which State he resided until hlie came to Saint Paul, in the summer of I848. He purchased for $300 that property) now bounded by Jackson and Broadwav, and Eighth street and the bluff. This was laid out as an ad(lition the next spring. Mr. HOYT dealt largely in real estate during his residence here, and has at various times owned property) now worth millions. Mr. HOYT was an ardent Methodist. When he came here, finding no society, he accepted the appointment of local preacher, and exercised its duties for sometime very acceptably. He always objedte(l to the use of the word. Rev." to his name, saying he was not regullarly in the ministry. As a lay-m-lember he was a valuable worker for his church, giving liberally and taking an adtive part in every movement. To his exertions is mainly due the first churchl built by his sec't on Market street, while Oakland cemetery was projected by him and secured mainly by his effort. Hamline University also owes much to his active work antd his always open purse. To the poor he was unlceasinigly generois-inot only giving fi-eely. but taking an active interest i 96 1848] and of the Cozunty of Ramsey, /in'znesota. in enabling them to help themselves. In his later years, he spent considerable of his time in this wav. So much was he respe6ted and loved. he was generally known as "Father HOYT." In person he was tall and dignified, with a mien of kindness and benevolence, yet always unobtrusive and retiring. The sincerity of his religious professions was best shown by his exemplary walk. Mr. HOYT died on September 3, I875without much illness but from the final decay of strength, at the ripe age of 75. WII,LIAM FREEBORN was it native of Ohio-born i8i6. He arrived in Saint Paul NIay 25, I848. He owned, at one time, considerable property in the citv and county, and was quite a prominent citizen, being at member of our town council one term. Inll I853, he removed to Red Wing, and was one of the first settlers there. He was elected. from that district, (then called WVabasha county,) a member of the Council of IS54-55, I856-57. In 1855, the Legislature named a county for him. During the gold excitement of I862, Mr. FREEBORN emigrated to the Rocky Mountains. and now resides in San Luis Obispo, California. DAVID ILAMBERT waus it native. if I mistake not, of ConnlecticuLt. at least, he graduated at Trinity College, Hartford. He studied law, and soon after emigrated to the west, settling first in Little Rock, Arkansas. and then in W isconsin. IIn I843, he became editor and publisher of the Mladzison Enq'tirer, and showed marked ability as a journalist. He sutbsequently sold out the paper to his brother. HENRY A. LAMBERT. anid, in 1848, settled in Saint Paul. He took a prominent part in the Stillwater Convention, this year, and was regarded as a y-oung man of brilliant ability and promise. Some domestic unpleasantness, at times, rendered him misanthropic and reckless and, to forget care, he resorted to the bowl. On November 2d, I849, while returning firom Galena, on a steamboat, he leaped from the roof of the steaimer, during a paroxysm of nervous excitement, and was drowned. He was only about thirty years of age. 197 198 The HgStory 0/ t/( Ci/o' o/,Ca//!f/' i at.I [ 848 OTHER SETTLI,ERS. \\,. C. MORRISON was born1 in Whitehall. New York. Jaintia1ryv 20. r8S5. He resided. while youngI. at Cleveland. Detroit. Chlicago Galena. Dubuque, and otlher plices, and. in I848' came to Saint Paul. He siys there were then onlyllv I5 families here. Mr. MORRISON has been attivelv en gaged( in trade since his arrival. and is widelv kniown ill business circles. LOT MNIOFFET. a gentleman well-known in Saint Paul in earlv davs. was a native of Montgomerv countv, New York. where he was born in I803. He wvis. fobr some years, proprietor of the Temperance }Iouse." on Jackson street, sometimes called by old settlers. " Mofl'et's Castle." on a-ccotunt of its unifilnislhed( condition foi some time. Mr. MOFFET was a scrupulously honest man. and( verv benevolent. Manyv will recollect his venerable appearance. as he usually wvore a patriarchal beard. He died Decemnber 28. I870. WM I. B. BROWN came from the lead region." in Wiscoilsin. He purchased. at an eirlv dav. the corner on whlich the WVarner Block now stands. He died some years ago. I']RE-'I'ERRIT' ()IIlAI. SE'IT'I,ERS. 'The following is believed to be t colmplete atd aiLccLurate list ot all the pre-territorial settlers and(l residents in Saint Pitll, withl the vears in which thlev came 1838. Pierre Parranit. Abraham Perry. Edward Phelan. William Evans. Joainison. Benjamin Gervais. Pierre Gervais. I 839. John Hays. James R. Clewett. Vetal Guerin. Denis Cherriei. Charles Mousseau. Wm. Beaumette. I840. Joseph Rondo. Rev. Lucian Galtier. 184I. Sexvere B3otti neat. Rev. A. Ravoux. Pierre BottiiieaLl. IS4S] and of the County of laiamsey; Minnesota. 1842. Henry Jackson. Richard WV. Mortimier. Pelon. Joseph Labisinier. Francis Desire. Stanislaus Bilanski. I843. John R. Irvine. Ansel B. Coy. James W. Simpson. William Hartshorn. A. L. Larpenteur. Alex. R. McLeod. Christopher C. Blanchard. Scott Camipbell. Alexis Cloutier. Francis Moret. A ntoin e Pepi n. Alex. Mege. David Tlhomas Sloan. Jo. Desmarais. S. Cowden, Jr. [or Carden.] Charles Reed. I844. Thomas McCoy. Joseph Hall. Louis Robert. Charles Bazille. William Dugas. I845. Leonard H. LaRochle. Francis Chenevert. David Benoit. Francis Robert. Wm. H. Morse. Antoine Findlay. I846. James M. Boal. Wm. H. Randall. William Randall. Jr. Ed. West. David Faribault. Charles Rouleau. I1847. Wmin. Henry Forbes. J. W. Bass. Benj. W. Brunson. Daniel Hopkins, Sr. Miss Harriet E. Bishop. Aaron Foster. 199 Louis Larrivier., Xavier Delonais. Joseph Gobin. Charles Cavileer. Wm. G. Carter. Augustus Freemaii. David B. Freeman. Jesse H. Pomeroy. Gerou. Thoina,.; S. Odell. Harley D. White. Joel D. Cruttenden. Louis Denoyer. Joseph Monteur. John Baiifil. Fred. Olivier. Wm. C. Renfro. Parsons K. johnsoii. C. P. V. Lull. (;. A. Fournier. 200 77ic fistoi y of tle City of 3Sainzt Pafzl, I 848. Henry M. Rice. Wmn. B. Brown. A. H. Cavender. Hugh McCann. Benj. F. Hoyt. B. W. Lott. Wm. H. Nobles. H. C. Rhodes. David Lambert. David Olmsted. Wm. D. Phillips. Hugh Glenn. WV. C. Morrison. Nels. Robert. Nathan Myrick. Andre Godfrev. E. A. C. Hatch. Dav. Hebert. Richard Freeborn. Oliver Rosseau. William Freeborn. Wm. H. Kelton. Alden Bryant. Andy L. Shearelr. Lot Moffet. E. B. Weld. A. R. French. Albert Titlow. Date unknown. Arcllamibault and Marcil Coutourier. G(ENERAL REMARKS ON THE PRE-'I'ERRITORIAI, PERIOD. The labor of colledting the names of the above settlers, and of determining, with any exactness, the year of their settlement, and of securing the occurrences, events and incidents of the period from 1838 to 1849, was a task that almost d(liscourage(l me from pursuing the work, more than once. The time occupied-the physical labor of running back and forth, and the nerve-wear-spent on this little list, no one can get much id(ea of, except, perhaps, a few of the old pioneers, to whom I made repeated visits, with a catechism of what may have seemed to them very trifling questions. Yet it was only by these little incidents, ascertained by such questioning, much like a detective would work up a trace, that I was enabled to comnpile the list above and fix the right names to the right vears. So that, on the period from 1838 to I849, I expended more time. labor and patience, than on all the rest of the 37 years of our history. It should be remembered, that this-was before there were any newspapers, iany census lists, any public records, or anv- written records of any kind. So that I had to depend alone on the memory of residents of that period, some of whom could not tell the year in which they theimselves came It was deemed more important to chr(onicle this period care [tS48 i848] and of the ('onti' of Raozsev, kIinnzeso a. fillyl, because it is the portion of our history most needing preservation. In tein years more. it would have been impossible to collect the fa6ts given above.'I'Thle memories of those not dead wouLld have then I-ecome so veak firom age as to be totallv unavnailable. It may be objected bh some tlhat too mutichl space has been used in collecting these simple ainnals of the poor." and record(ing the career of men kinowrn as obscure and humble. HBut the descendants of these " rude forefathers of the hamlet." whom better opportunities ma- raise above the lives of toil /heiy spent. will in fiiture vears read these pages, and feel with some pride that histor-y. like the photographic camera, depi&,s even the minutest details, which. while the- may be scarcely noticed in the general efle&t. have their value in making up the perfect pictur-e. 'I'he period from 1840 to 1849? imay be called the arcadian (lavs of Minnliesota. The )primitive. easy-goinig simplicity of the people, isolated as the- wvere, fromn the fashions, vices, and artificial life of the btustling world, was in strange contrast withl the jostling throong of immigration that poutred in a few monthls later. chaniging their steady-goinlg habits and plain manners into a maddening, avaricious race for gold. Up to this time thev were contented andi unambitious, and pursued the -even tenor of their wav" along the I cool, sequestere(l vale of life." iiintgitated by the exciting events that stirred othei communities. h'I'eir vworldly means was small and their income limited. it is true. but their wants were few and simple. They were honest. forbearillng, generous and charitable. Crime was unknown.'\Why-," said an old settler, speaking of those happv days. board of the best kind was only $3 per week.': But the influx of immigrants, many of them greedy for speculation, selfish and unscrupulous in many cases, soon change(l the character of the times. Their quiet, dreamy, slow, and sober-going primitive sinmplicity was gone. Even the price of the necessaries of life was inflated. Y\ou new comers," said one of the pioneers. more in sorrow than aniger, " have raise(l the prices of things so that \what we used to get for ten cents nowr costs a quarter." I4 20I The [i'slor1' of the City of Saoht Paul/, TIIE MEN OF 1848. In the Pioneer of June I4, I849, G(ooDHuTF thus does honor to the pre-territorial settlers: "It is proper for those who are flocking into our Territory, to know who those men are who were here, struggling with privations before Minnesota had a name in the world. They are the men who, by their voluntary exertion, sustained our Delegate on his mission to Washington, for the accomplishment of what, few believed, could then be accomplished-the recognition of our rights as a Territory distindt from Wisconsin. Every Territory, in its earlier days, has its times that trv men's souls. The inception of a State, whether settled by the peaceful pioneer, or baptized by the blood of a border warfare, has its trials and troubles. How darkly hung the cloud of doubt over this region of the Northwest, one year ago. How like the glorious sunlight, did the first intelligence from our Delegate to Washington last spring, burst through that cloud of doubt. There were men here, who, from the beginning, saw the end. We respe6t, we reverence those men. Let the men and the women of those days be remembered." TIlE YEAR I848 CIO SEI) with anxiety to the settlers in the little village.* Delegate SIBLEY had gone on to Washington to fight a hard battle there against heavy odds. Everybody was nervous with expe(ta,tion-and with the next chapter the curtain rises on a new and exciting act in the drama. * It was but a village, after all. One cold day, about the beginning of winter, Miss BISHOP records in her diary, J. R. CLEWETT came into Mr. IRVINE'S 11house andl said- "My! how this town is growing. I counted the smoke of S chimneys this morning!" 1I848 202 I849] aond of the Counitiy of Raimseyi, Minnesola. CHAPTER XVI. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I849. CREATION OF MINNESOTA TERRITORY-SAINT PAUL MADE THE CAPITAL-HOW THE NEWrS WAS RECEIVED-ESTABLISHMENT OF TIlE " PIONEER"-DESCRIPTION OF SAINT PAUL IN IS49-RAPID GROWVTH-EVENTS OF THE DAY-MEMOIRS 1OF GOVERNOR RAMSEY, JUDGF GOODRICII, &C. E now- enter on a period of outr history crowded with the most important events. In fact, this chlapter opens upon a new era in the career of outr citv and State. Minnesota was on the eve of her political birth. And Saint PauLl the little hamlet of bark-roofed cabins" -was jllst tremnbling witll ealgerness to make a lono- spring forward. A''VINTER OF DISCONTENT was that of IS48-9. It comlmelnced with lillnullstual severity-uInisutallv earl)'. Snlow fellon November I. To the inhabitants of the little butrg, 200 miles firom the nearest settlement and mnail supply. (Prairie dut Chien,) hemmed in by snow and ice, all(ld cuLt off. almost, fiom communication with the world, it mnist have passed wearily enough. The mnails, carried over the vast reaches of snow on a dog-sledge, or a train du giace, came " onlv once in a coon's age," as an old settler expresses it, and a hat-full merely then, butt its arrival was an event for the village, and eager was the rtish for letters and papers to JACKSON'S. It was not until January that news of Gen. TAYLOR'S election was received, and also advices from Delegate SIBLEY, Who is working hard at Washington to organize a Territory, butit not mulch encoluraged at the prospects of success. Ho0w- SAINT PAUI, BECAME TIlE CAPITAI,. Indeed, outr good city came within an ace of not being the Capital of Minnesota at all. When Gen. SIBi,LEY arrived in 203 204 The THislorl, of the Cit1' of Sainf Paul. Washington, his credentials were presented at the opening of t h e session, by Hon. JAMES WILSON, of New Hampshire, and referred to the Committee on Elections. This committee held sev eral meetings on the matter, and were addressed by Gen. SIBLEY, in favor of h is reco gnition, and( b- Hon. Mr. BOYDE.N. o f North Carolina, an d others, a dvrerselv. The committee did n o t report, finally, u ntil J anuary I5, IS849 when a majority. (5, ) reported in favor of Gen. SIBILEY'S admission, and a minority, (4,) against it. The majority report A as adopted, . lhowever, and he was admitted. His first work was to secure the organization of Minnesota Territorv. as determined on by- the Stillwater Convention. Upon consutltation, it was deemed best that the bill should be introduced from the Commnittee on Territories in the Senate. It was prepared bv Hon. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS, chairman, b- wh-lom the draft was sent to Gen. SIBLEY, for liis perusal. He noticed that Mendota had been designated as the Capital. whereas. it had been the wish of the people generally, especially of those participating in the Convention, to have Saint Paul fixed as the seat of government. Gen. SIBLEY, without delay, called on Senator DOUcLI^AS. antd urged him to make that change. A meeting of the committee was at once called, and the matter taken up. Gen. SIBLIEY argued that most of the inhabitants of the propose(l Territorv resided east of the Mississippi, and there was (an unanimouts wish to have the Capital on that side. Saint Paul was one of the most prominent places in the region, well located for the seat of government, and was it reguLlarly platted town, and the land had been entered, so that good titles to property could be had, &c. Senator DOUGLAS opposed the chlange.'He said he had been at Mendota, not long before. and was so much pleased with the geographical position of Mendota, at the confluence of two important rivers, he ha(l then fixed on it as a good site for the fiture Capital of this region. Moreover. the bulk of area, and, ere long, of population, would be west of the Mississippi, and the Capital should(l be on the west bank. He thought the top of Pilot Knob, at Mendota. woul(I be t gr1and place for the State House. as it 11849 S849] a(nd of the County of Ramsey, Tfiinnesota. aflorded such a beautiful and extensive view of the valleys of the two rivers.* Gen. SIBLEY persisted ill the change, and Senator DOUGLAS, after some solicitation. conceded it, and Saint Paul was fixed on as the seat of the Capital, instead of Mendota, after the two places had hung wavering in the balance for some days. Then some member objected to the name, and said there were too many Saints" ill this locality-and this stupid objector had to be argued with. &c. The bill, so amended, was introduced in the Senate, but its passage met with considerable opposition, as it did also, ill the House. Gen. SIBLEY worked night and day for it, and imadle personal appeals to all the members hle could infliuence. Hon. H. MI. RICE arrived ill Washington, about this time. on private business, and threw his earnlest effoibrts tti personal influence in the scale also. being personally atcquainted( withl a tnumber of memnbers. The issue was doubtful for some davs, but our tutelar saint kindly turned the current in our tf-vor, tand the bill finially passed, being approved March 3, IS49. RECEPTION OF THE NEVS AT SAINT PAUIl. Ill the slow movements of mails in those days, especially tduring the season known as the breaking up of winter, it took five weeks for the news to reach Saint Paul. The snow had commenced to melt about March i. and the dog mail-sledge was suspended. The only way was to wait for a boat, alnd the news from Lake Pepin was, that the ice was firm and hard. Our last mail had arrived about the first of March, with news * In connection with this statement of Gen. SIBLEY'S successful eflforts to locate the Capital at Saint Paul, it miiight be imentioned, that, in 1853, while Gen. S. was running as a candidate for re.eleStion as Delegate, the charge was made against him, by some partisan journals, of hostility to the interests of Saint Paul, as he was at that timie liviig tt Mendota, and some of his property was there. The paragraphs camne under the eve of Senator DOUGLAS, and, without solicitation or suggestion, he wrote a statenient of the course of Gen. S. in regard to the location of the Capital, and stated that it was unjust that he should be accused of unfriendliness to Saint Paul interests, since lihe had secured the location of the Capital here, in obedience to the wishes of his constitucits, whlen, to have allowed it to be located at Mendota, would have been of great pc. cuniary.tdvantLge to him. It miighit be remarked, too, that, when Senator DOU(5LAS was here, ii IS57, he freely admitted that Gen. S. was right in his conviction that Saint Paul was a much better point fo)r the Ciapit-.l than Mendotl. 205 Thze History of the City o Saint IPaul, two months old. It was now the second week in April, and expectation and anxiety was strained to the utitmost tension. A communication in the first inumber of the Pioneer signed D. L., (DAVID LAMBERT,) graphically describes the reception of the news of the organization of the Territory, tunder the caption,'" The Breaking tip of a Hard(l Wiinter-." "The last has been the severest winter known in the Northwest for many years. During five months the comimunication between this part of the country and our brethren in the United States has been difficult and unfrequtient. A mail now and then from Prairie du Chien, brought up on the ice in a'train' drawn sometimes by horses and sometimes by dogs, contained news so old that the country below had forgotten all about it. When the milder weather commenced, and the ice became unsafe, we were completely shut otut from all communication for several weeks. Sometime in January, we learned that Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR was elected President of the United States. We had to wait for the arrival of the first boat to learn whether our Territory was organized, and who were its Federal officers. flow anxiously was that boat expected! The ice still held its iron grasp on Lake Pepin. For a week the arrival of a boat had been looked for every hour. Expectation was on tiptoe. Monday, the ninth of April, had been a pleasant day. Toward evening the clouds gathered, and about dark commenced a violent storm of wind, rain, and loud peals of thunder. The darkness was only dissipated by vivid flashes of lightning. On a sudden, in a momentary lull of the wind, the silence was broken by the groan of -an engine. In another moment, the shrill whistle of a steamboat thrilled through the air. Another moment, and a bright flash of lightning revealed the welcome shape of a steamboat just rounding the bluff,; less than a mile below Saint Paul. In an instant the welcomne news flashed like electricity throughout the town, and, regardless of the pelting rain, the raging wind, and the pealing thunder, almost the entire miale poputlation rushed to the landing-as the fine steamboat,'Dr. Franklin, No. 2,' dashed gallantly up to the landing. Before she was made fast to the mnoorings, she was boarded by the excited throng. The good captain and clerk [Capt. BLAKELEY] were the great men of the hour. Gen. TAYLOR cannot be assailed with greater importunity for the' loaves and fishes' than they were for news and newspapers. At length the news was known, and one glad shout resounding through the boat, taken up on shore, and echoed from our beetling bluffs and rolling hills, proclaimed that the bill for the organization of Minnesota Territory had become a law!"' 2o6 [I849 1S49-] and of the Couzntly of Ramsey,'in,zesota. The long agolny was over. Minnesota was a Territory, and Saint Paul was its Capital. Henceforthl, we had a future! But let us look at the CONDITION OF THE TERRI'TOlRY at that time. It was but little more than a wilderness. Its entire white population could not have been more than i,ooo persons. When the census was taken, four months later, after imany hundred immigrants had arrived, there-were only 4,6So cnrolled-and 317 of these were connected with the army, and of the 637 at Pembina, but few were white. The portion of the Territory west of the Mississippi was still unceded bv the Indians. From the southern line of the State to Saint Paul, there were not more than two or three white men's habitations along the river, now gemmed with flou,rishing and handsome cities, and the steamers ascending the river had no regular landing places, except to " wood up." Indeed, such a terra inzcognita as existed at that time, over the now well settled State of Mininesota, seems more the condition of a century ago than of twenty-six years. But, with this feeble array, the people were big with expectation. The " elements of empire here, were plastic yet and warm," iand needed only the right men to mould them into a prosperous State. Fortunately, we had the men. Minnesota imay well be proud of her pioneers. The people of to-day and coming years owe them gratitude and honor, and, in view of the success and prosperity of our State, it may well be said, ~ they builded better than they knew." California was just then oflering its stores of gold to any one lucky enough to reachl there, and it seemed as if all the country was on the move to the E1 Dorado. Minnesota, almost unknown, lying in a latitude deemed to be semi-arctic in its character, and inhaibited by savages, could scarcely expect to draw immigration. Especially Saint Paul-what would be its condition under the new order of events? And, presuming that people came here, what resources were there to fuirnish them business and employment? The Indian trade, suLpplying the frontier forts, the lulilber business and its supplies, a little fir trade, etc., was 207 8zcThe Hisory of lhe City off Sa s ault, [I849 about all. On this, the I50 or 200 people ill Saint Paul were supported. If more came, what would these last do? For it was still but a village. GOODI-IUE stated that when he came, ill April, there were onil' thirtv b,i'ldinrgs in Saint Paul. But the problem was soon solved. Come they (lid. It was not-as WHITTIER wrote "The first low wash of waves, where soon Should roll a human sea." it was the sea itself. Boat after boat lalded at the levee, bringing crowds of new comers, iiuntil it became a serious question where they should lodge, and onl what should they.stsubsist. ESTrABLISHMENT O(F A NE WSPAPER. But what would all ambitious western towln be without it newspaper, to herald its importance to the world? And especially the Capital of a Territorv. \Who would know it existed? Who would wish to live ill such ita dlesolate placeone too poor to boast of at paper? Btut Saint Paul was too promising It field for the journalist, to loing suflr firom the need, and it was right sO;on supplied. The first steps to commence the publicatioll of new\vspaper ill Minni esota, were taken in August, I848, by Dr. A. RANDALL, then an attache of Dr. OwEN'S Geological Corps, engaged in a survey of this region by order of Government. The project grew out of the celebrated Stillwater Convention" of that year. It was this political event which first sutggested to the mind of Dr. RANDALL that, if there was to he a. Territorial organization here, whether it be t z new Tlerritory, or the rightful inheritor of the abandoned Territorial government of that State-it would be necessary to have ita newspatper. Having the capacity and means necessary to undertake the enterprise. he set about it, tand was p)romised almple ati(l by leading men of the Teiritorv. RANDALL soon atfter proceeded to Cincinnati. which was at that time his home, to purchase his press and material, designing to return that fitll. Winter set in unusually early tlhat year. however- and hle found navigation would be closed befobre he 2o8 I849] and of the County of Rasose, Mi' nnesota. could do so. Mleantime he concluded to await the isstue of the hill to organize the Territory, which had been introduced into Congress, but did not finally pass uintil the last day of the session. By this time, RANDALL, annoyed at the delays, concluded to set up his press in Cincinnati, and get out a number or two of his paper there. While in Cincinnati, he formed the acquaintance ofJOIIN P. OWENS,* a young man engaged in the printing business, who had already imbibed the Minnesota fever by reading the debates in Congress on the Organic A?t, and a partnership between them was the result. They at once set to work to get out ait number of their paper, which was to be called the li'nnesota Register. It was dated "Saint Paul, April 27, I849," but was really printed about two weeks earlier than that date, so as to reach Saint Paul bv the day named for pulblication. Messrs. H. H. SIBLEY and H. M. RICE had passed through Cincinnati, on their wayv home from WVashiington and contributed valuable articles onl Minnesota to the Registel-. These, addedl to Mr. RANDALI's extensive knowledge of the country, gave the paper a very interesting local character. It was the first -}finneesota newspaper ever printed, and dates just one dav in advance of the Pionee-r, tlthoutgh the latter must be recorded as the first paper printed i1, Minnesota. Mr. RANDALL, being- a man of iunsettled purpose and roving, disposition. ctaught the California fever just at this jtuntuLre. and sold otut his interest in the newspaper to Major NATHANIEI McLEAN. of Leb-anon. Ohio. who had determined to emigrate JOHN PHILLIPS OwVENS Xwas born uear Datytol, Ohio, Jaiuary 6, iSIS. His father, whl was a native of Wales, died when the subject of this sketch was seven years old, alld ,luring his younger years hlie worked on i farm, with occasional schooling, until the age oIf 15. He then attended Woodward College, it cincinuati, some two years, when hclie concluded to learn the printitig business, which lihe did. His embarking in journalism and removal to Saiit Paul is given elsewhere. Mr. OWENS continued in the newspapl)er busilness in Saint Paul for some I2 or 13 years, being seven years editor of the MiJlIesotian, a leading journal of the Territorv. As a political writer he alwvays wielded a large iiifluenice. In 1862, he was comnissioned QOuartermaster of the Nilth Minesota, :rd served faithfully with that Regimeut until discharged, in iS65, having beeni brevetted Colonel ini the Iieani,tnme. In iS69, Col. OWVENS was appointed Register of the laud office at Taylor's Falls, which position lie still holds. He is about to publish a ' Political History of Minnesota," a work for which hlie has peculiar fitness, aud which will coml)rise his ilteresting reminiscences of me, a,tid events in the early days of *Iiunesota. zo90 .0 The Hisloiy oj' the City oj Saint lI'aulz, [1849 hithler, and resume the business of printing, to whichl he had been bred, but had not followed for some vealrs prior. Tile publishers and editors, under this arrangeiment, became i McLEAN & OWENS." But of this ainon. GOODHUE FOUNDS 3'IHE PIONEER. Amoing the many men of energy and enterprise, all over the Union, whose attention had been directed to Minnesota by the debates in Congress and the passage of the act, was JAMES M. GOODHUE, of Lancaster, Wisconsin, who 1had( been bred a lawyer, but was, at that time, engaged in t more congenial pursuit as editor of the Wisconsi/n Ieral(. When the news of the organization of the Territory was received, he at once resolved to remove here and establish a paper. He ilmme(liately purchased a press and type, and, as soon as navigation opened, shipped them to Saint Paul, meanitime issuinig it prospecttls for a journal, which hle proposed to call TZe Epistle of Sainlt Paul, btut which name he changed, (at the advice of some frieinds who objected to its irreligiouts tone,) before the first issue of his paper, to The kTinnesota ]ioneei. Of his arrival in Saint Paul, and( the issue of his first papelr, IMr. GOODIhIUE, in a subsequent article, gives thle following interestiing account: The i8th day of April, I849, was a raw, cloudy day. The steamboat' Senator-,' Capt. SMITH, landed at RANDALL'S warehouse, lower landing, the only building then there, except ROBERT's old store. Oft the people on shore, we recognized but one person as an acquaintance, HENRYJACKSON. Took our press, types, printing apparatus all ashore. Went, with our men, to the house of Mr. BASS, corner of Third and Jackson streets. * * * C. P. V. LULL, and his partner, GILBERT, futrnished us gratuitously, the lower storv of their building, for an officethe only vacant room in town. * * * The weather was cold and stormy; and our office was as open as a corn-rick; however, we picked our types up, and made ready for the issue of the first paper ever printed in Minnesota, or within many hundreds of miles of it; but, upon search, we found our news chase was left behind. WM. NOBLES, blacksmith, made us a very good one, after a delay of two or three days. * * We determined to call our paper the ffinnesota Pionee-. One hindrance after another delayed our first issue to the 28th of April. * * We were at length prepared for our first number. We had no subscribers; 210 [849] and of lthe County of Ramsey, -zAi'nnesota. tor then there were but a handful of people in the whole Territory; and the majority of those were Canadians and half-breeds. Not a Territor-ial officer had yet arrived. * * The people wanted no politics, and we gave them none; they wanted information of all sorts about Minnesota, and that is what we furnished them with. We advocated Minnesota, morality, and religion from the beginning." In his first issue, he speaks of the Pioneer establishment of that day "We print and issue this number of the Pioneer, ill a building through which out-of-doors is visible by more than five hundred apertutres; and as for our type, it is not safe from being pied on the galleys by the wind." This building %,as afterw ards used for se veral years, by THOMAS H. CALDER, 11ow deceased, as a saloon and restatirant, and was burned( down in the spring of I86o. SAINT PIAUI. IN APRIL, 1849. In the first nutimber of the Pioneer, we find somie interestilng, sketches of what Saint Paul was, in April, I849. In his leading editorial, the editor says: "This town, which was but yesterday unknown, tfor the reason that it had then no existence, is situated on the east bank of the Mississippi River, about five miles south of latitude 45 degrees. A more beautiful site for a town cannot be imagined. It must be added, that bilious t'evers and the fever and agute are strangers to Saint Paul. A description of the village now would not answer for a month hence-such is the rapidity of building, and the miraculous resurrection of every description of domiciles. Piles of lumber and building materials lie scattered everywhere in admirable confusion. The whole town is on the stirstores, hotels, houses, are projected and built in a few days. California is forgotten, and the whole town is rife with the exciting spirit of advancement. Saint Paul, ait the head of river' communication, must necessarily suLpply the trade of all the vast regions north of it to the rich plains of the Selkirk Settlement. and west to the Rocky Mountains, and east to the basin of the great Lakes, and is destined to be the focus of an immiense business, rapidly increasing with the growth and settlement of the new regions lying within the natural circumference of its trade. That extensive region of beautiful land bordering on the Saint Peter's River, as well as all the other tributaries of the Mississippi north of us, will soon be settled, and must obtain their supplies through Saint Paul. 2 1 1 2 12 -Thei Histol-y o' h/c Cify of S nt l/i'Sl, Is it strange, then, that Saint Paul is beginning to be regarded as the Saint Louis of the North?" From the first inumber of thle -'ioiiee, we extract at few itelms of interest: To IMMIGRANTS.-We advise settlers who are swarming into Saint Paul in such multitudes, to bring- alonzg tents and bedding, to provide tor their comfort until they can build houses, as it is utterly imnpossible to hire a building in any part of the village. although builders are at work in every direction, completing houses." Rev. Mr. NEILL,* a member of the Presbytery of Galeia, is about removing to Saint Paul. Mr. NEILL is expedted to preach at the school * Rev. EDWARD DUFFIELD NEILL, lenti(oned ini the fi)regoilig ext-ratt, was the first Protestant clergyman who settled in Saint Paul. He was born at Philadelphia, August. 9, 8IS23, and was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, and Amherst College, iMassachusetts, graduating there in iS42. He was ordained a clergyiiian in the Presbyterian church in 1848, but prior to that-in I847-went to the neighborhood of Galena, where he perfiormed missionary labor ini the rough mlining region. Fro(m there he was transferred to Saint Paul, in the spring of 1849, arriving at this plice April 23, and at ,,ice commenced his labors in( orgalizing a church. He eredted the first Protestant chulrchl itn Minnesota, on XVashingtoli street, near Fourth, in July, 1849, and in Noveniber organized the First Presbyteri.ani churchl. In May, 1850, the first church was burnied, and rebuilt at once, corner of Third and Saint Peter streets. Mr. NEILL also organized, in I855, the "House of Hope," aLd was its pastor severil years. Dutring this period he gave great attention to educationiial and literary matters. He was ap1)oiiited Territorial Superintendent of Instrudtioii ii i85i, and held that office two years. Iii 1853, hlie organized and secured the eredtion and endovmeiit of Baldwin School. In i8S55, hlie secured the building of the College of Saint Paul, which w'.LS fo)r several years a classical academy for young men. He was Secretary of the Board of Education, aLd, ex-.officio Superintendeut of Schools, foir several yelrs, and Chancellor of the State University, I858 to iS6o. He was alsO State Suplerintendent of Public Instrudtion froil 185S to iS6i, and Secretary of the Historical Society from i851 to iS61. On1 June 23, iS6I, hlie was appointed Chaplaini of thle First Minnesota Volunteers, and served as such over two years. Ile vwas then Uiiited States Hospital Chaplain iuntil (.luuary, 1S64, when he became one of Presideut LINCOLN'S private secretaries, and ifter the death of Mr. LINCOLN, lie c)ntiinued in thle sanLie relati(on to Presideut JOHNSON. In April, iS69, he was appoinited by President GRANT, Consull to Dubliii,.and resided there in that capacity foir about two years. He theni returned to \Miinnesott, and bec-mec President of the Baldwin School tiid College of Stint Paul, vlwhich were consolidated by the Legislature under the name of' M acilester College." In Ja.itary, 1874, Mr. NEILL withdre\\ friOIIl the Presbyteriani church and entered the Iteftrined Episcopal Clhurch. lie ha.s written aind plublished several valuable historical wvorks, his "Ilistorv of Mi,nnesoti" beiiig frequently quoted ini these pages. Ilc is truly it pioneer clergyman. He perfi(rmed the first marriage recorded ini the records of Ra sey couity, aid is no iv la.rrying the second generation (of p)ersons born in Saint Paul) in the sa.me famiilies. He built the first brick dwvelling llholse iii Miiiiiesota-laid the fotundatioris of half a dozen( of our best iiistitnitions, tid has lalhored,hard for a lifetimie ini the cause of religioii, eduicatioii Ld rliua.n tirogress, with miiiich success, but to his owvii loss in estate. His same can.,ever le meitiolied ly the filture people of Mionesilta, but with respel't. I I S49 I849] and of the Cozizty of Ramsey. J2I'nnesola. house, on Bench street, next Sunday, (to-morrow,) at I I o'clock in the morning." "The Galena Advertiser says there is a prospect of a heavy immigration to Minnesota the present season. We learn that whole colonies are on the move to Minnesota, from the Middle and Eastern States, and from Canada." "While we are writing, a Sioux Indian has dropped into our office, ~~,,,;/~ REV. EDWARD D. NEILL. to look at the printing press. He expresses a great deal of curiositv and surprise." " Mr. RICE, a gentleman equally distinguished for his liberality and enterprise, returned to Saint Paul on the steamboat' Senator,' last Tuesday. Mr. RicE received a most cordial welcome. He is very much identified with the growth and prosperity of Saint Paul." RAPID GROWTH OF THE TOWVN. Immigration pourled in very rapidly for a few months. 2I3 2I4 The -isvtorv of lhe Citi of Sao/n Path [1849 Every boat brought crowds of immigrants, many of whom were unable to find proper accommodations. E. S. SEYMOUR, author of a very entertaining work, "Sketches of Minnesota the New Ellgland of the West," landed here on May i7. Referring to his first view of the town, at Kaposia, he savs: Its new frame buildings, glistening with the reflection of the rising sun, imparted to it an air of neatness and prosperity. On arriving at the wharf, a numerous throng of citizens and strangers came rushing down the hill to welcome our arrival. I grasped the hand of many an acquaintance, whom I unexpectedlv found here. Everything here appeared to be on the high Pressure principle. A dwelling house for a family could not be rented. The only hotel was small, and full to overflowing. Several boarding houses were very much thronged. Many families were living in shanties, made of rough boards, fastened to posts driven in the ground, such as two men could construdgl in one day. It was said that about 80 men lodged in a barn belonging to RIcE's new hotel, which was not yet completed. Two families occupied tents while I was there. While traveling in Minnesota, I made my headquarters at Saint Paul, where I occasionally tarried a day or two at a boarding house, consisting of one room1. about I6 feet square, in which I6 persons including men, women and children, contrived to lodge. The remaining boarders-a half-dozen or more-found lodgings in a neighbor's garret; this tenement rented for $I2 per month. The roof was so leaky that, during the frequent rains that prevailed at that time. one would often wake up in the night and find the water poutring down in a stream on his face, or some part of his person. * * * ",Ve are now near the dividing line of civilized and savage life. \Ve can look across the river and see Indians on their own soil. Theircanoes are seen gliding across the Mississippi, to and fro between savage and civilized territory. They are met hourly in the streets. * * Hlere comes a female in civilized costume; her complexion is tinged with a light shade of bronze, and her features bear a strong resemblance to those of the Indian. She is a descendant of French and Indian parents-a half-breed fromn Red River. There goes a French Canadian, who can converse only in the language of his mother tongue. lIe is an old settler; see his prattling children sporting about yonder shanty, which was constructed of rough boards, with about one day's labor. There he lives-obliging fellow! exposed to the sun and rain, and rents his adjoining log cabin at $I2 per month. Let us pass on to that group that converse daily in front of yonder hotel. They appear to be principally professional men, politicians, office-seekers, speculators and travelers, discussing the various topics growing out of the organization of the new Territory-such as the distribution of the I849] and of the (Count, of Ramsey. Minnesota. loaves and fishes, the price of lots, the rise of real estate, the opportunity now afforded for the acquisition of wealth or political fame. "The town-site is a pretty one, affording ample room for stores or dwellings, to any extent desirable. I could not but regret, however, that where land is so cheap and abundant, some of the streets are narrow. and that the land on the edge of the high bluff, in the centre of the town. was not left open to the public, instead of being cut up into small lots. It would have made a pleasant place for promenading, affording a fine view of the river, which is now liable to be intercepted by buildings erected on those lots." * * MASONIC' AND SONS OF TEMPERANCE I,ODGES. Early ill the growth of the town, the tiusutial secret orders were fotiu(led. The Pioneer, of M,ay I9th, says: "A Division of the Sons of Temperance has been fullly organized in Saint Paul, utinder the title of'Saint Paul Division, No. I,' Sons of Temperance. This is the first Division of that order in this Territorv. The Division meets every Tuesday night. The officers are-I,OT MOFFET. W,V. P.: BENJ. L. SELLERS, W. A.; S. GILBERT, P. W. P. W. C. MIORRISON-, R. S.; B. F. IRVINE, A. R. S.; A. H. CAVENDER, F. S.; A. R. FRENCH, T.; C. P. V. LULL. G. C.; B. F. HOYT. A. C.; W. PATCH. I. S.: C. DAVIS, O. S." "Members of the Masonic Fraternity, in and near Saint Paul, intend to meet together in the room over the Pioneer office, on Thursday evening next, [May 3I,] at 6 o'clock."-[Ib. Mav 26.] The Sons of Temperanice soon became quite a powerful organization. iand at one time owned a lot and built a building thereon for a hall. They sutbsequtently lost the property by miortgage. ai(d (oh! profanation) the l)tiilding vwas i.sed for a saloon' EVENTS OF TIlE 1)AY. Early in May, two more printing presses and material for newspapers arrived. One was the Register, before notedthe other was the Minnesota Chr-onicle, which was issued on June I, by- Col. JAMES HUGHES, formerly of Jackson, Ohio. One or two cases of cholera occurred this season. On May 3d, L. B. LARPENTEUR, father of E. N. and grandfather of A. L. LARPENTEUR, arrived in the city, and on the 7th die(l of cholera, aged( 7i years. He had, utnfortunately, conltraied the disease on his journey tip the river. 215 The Hivstory of the City of S ait.Pad 'V~ ~~fS'it1 From the P/on;ce- of Mav 26. we extra& some interesting items: 'Scratch up, scrabble up, tumble up, an)y way to get up,' seems to be illustrated in the sudden growth of building in Saint Paul. Logs which were in the boom at the Falls last week, are now inflated into l)alloon frames at Saint Paul, ready for a coat of fresh paint. Lots which were the other day considered quite remote, are now'right in town.' More than seventy buildings, it is said, have been eredted here during the past three weeks: and the town is so changed in its appearance, and has so multiplied its inhabitants, that a person absent for three weeks, on returning, almost fancies that he has been taking a Rip Van Winkle slumber." "There is not a lock of hay to be bought friom Galena to Saint Paul." Ex-Governor SLADE, of Vermont, General Agenit of National Poptilar Education, arrived on the steamboat'Senator,' last Thursday, with three young ladies,* who will engage in the responsible and arduIous labor of teaching in Minnesota." "Carpenters in Saint Paul are now fully employed. Mr. BRAWLFY is. making a supply of brick, near the upper end of town." ARRIVAI OF TERR41TORIAL OFFICERS. On MayN 27, Honi. ALEX. RAMSEY, of Pelnosylvania, who had a short time previously been appointed Governor of the Territorv, arrived, with his wife, but, being unable to secure proper accommodations at Saint Paul, went, by invitation of lIonI. H. H. SIBLEY, to the manision of that gentleman., at Meneidota, where he remained a few (ldavs. Several other of the Territorial officers arrived dutiring this month, and we close this chapter with some personal sketches of them. HON. ALEX. RAMSEY. From " Barnes' Historv of the Fortieth Congress." the followving sketch is condensed: "ALEX. RAMSEY was born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, September 8, i8i5. His paternal ancestry were Scotch-the family of his mother was of German descent. Left an orphan at the age of ten. he was * "In the spring of 1849, Miss MARY A. SCOFIELD joined our feeble band of teachers, and was, for a year, associated with the writer at Saint Paul. A second school house was built, and ample means provided for the instruition of one hundred and fifty pu,pils."-[Miss BISHOP'S'" Floral Homes."] E IS49 2i6 1849] and of tlhe County of Ramsey, Minnesota. assisted by a relative to obtain an education, and engage in business. HIe was employed as clerk in a store at Harrisburg for a time, and, about the year I828, was engaged in the office of Register of Deeds of Dauphin county. He afterwards learned the trade, or at least worked for some time, as carpenter, but, having a strong love for reading and study, he determined to adopt the profession of law. With this in view, he became a student of Lafayette College, at Easton, Pennsylvania, and in IS37, entered the office of HAMILTON ALRICH, Esq., at Harrisburg. Ile also studied in the law-school of Hon. JOHN REED, at Carlisle, and was admitted to practice in I839, being engaged a portion of the time in teaching. "During the celebrated Harrison campaign of I840, Mr. RAMSEY took a prominent part, and was that fall chosen Secretary of the Electoral College of the State. In I84I, he was ele6ted Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania. In I843, he was nominated for Congress from the distriet composed of Dauphin, Lebanon and Schuylkill counties, and served in the Twenty-eighth Congress (I843-4.) tie was re-eleeted in I844, a member of the Twenty-ninth Congress, his term ending March 4, I847. During these years, Mr. RAMSEY became well-known, not only in his own State, but widely among public men of the country, as evincing those qualities of sagacity and firmness, which have been so marked during his whole career. As chairman of the Whig State committee in I848, he contributed largely to the eledion of Gen. ZACH. TAYLOR to the presidency. "When that brave old soldier was inaugurated, it became his duty to appoint the officers of Minnesota Territory, and he at once tendered the Governorship to Mr. RAMSEY, which was accepted. His commission is dated April 2, I849, and he immediately proceeded to remove, with his family, to his new home. And here, it should be remarked, that Gov. RAMSEY was married, in I845, to Miss ANNA E. JENKS, of Newtown, Pennsylvania. "Gov. RAMSEY arrived at the scene of his official duties on May 27, and four days afterwards, with the other Territorial officers who had arr-ived, issued a proclamation declaring the Territory organized, and the machinery of law in operation. Other proclamations, dividing the Territory into distriets, ordering elections, &c., soon followed, and, with the labor of organizing the machinery of government, securing officers, managing Indian affairs, and administering various trusts, the Governor's chair was no sinecure. When the first Legislature met, in September, it bestowed on one of the first countiescreated, and, at that time, the most populous and wealthy, the name of our first Governor, a deserved and just compliment. Gov. RAMSEY took early measures to procure the extinguishment of Indian titles, by treaty, &c., and by the negotiations made at Mendota and Traverse de Sioux, in I85I, the valuable lands near Lake 15 217 The Histor of the City of Sa int Paul [1849 Pepin, and 40,ooo,ooo acres in what now constitutes Southern Minnesota, were thrown open to the settler. In the fall of the same year, he visited the Red River Colony and made, at Pembina, a treaty with the northern Chippewas, for the cession by them of 30 miles on each side of the Red River. This treaty was not ratified by the Senate, but in I863, Gov. RAMSEY, then Senator, made another treaty, accomplishing the intended results, and the Red River valley is now rapidly settling up. "Various events of Gov. RAMSEY'S term are narrated elsewhere quite fully, and need not be referred to in this sketch. Some of the extracts from his messages, predicting the future growth of the Territory, seem almost prophetic. He evinced his own faith in its future success by large and judicious investments in real estate, which ultimately became of great value, and are the bulk of a comfortable fortune. "In i853, Gov. RAMSEY'S term closed, and, in I855, he was elected Mayor of Saint Paul, for a term of one year. In I857, when the Republican Convention met, he was nominated for first State Governor, but his party was not successful in that contest. Two years later, he was again nominated, and this time elected by a majority of 3,752 in a vote of 38,9i8. He was inaugurated January 2, i860. At that time the State was considerably in debt, taxes difficult to collect, and many other troubles were to be met, but his administration was a very successful one. The following year the rebellion broke out, and this laid new duties and responsibilities on the Governor. One was the proper officering of the regiments from our State, but the very fact that a large proportion of Colonels appointed by him were ultimately promoted to Brigaders, and several to Majors General, while every officer, with exceptions too few to notice, made a good record, is proof enough that the selections were wisely made, of men who have done honor to our State on the field. "In i86I, Gov. RAMSEY was re-elected. During his second term the Sioux outbreak occurred, adding still further to the responsibilities of the position, but ultimately peace and security was restored to the frontier. In January, i863, Gov. RAMSEY was elected United States Senator for six years, and re-elected in I869, serving twelve years in all. During this period, he served on several important standing committees, post-offices and post roads among them. Postal reform occupied much of his attention. He first introduced the bill for the repeal of the franking abuse, and visited France in I869, to urge cheap international postage, which has since been accomplished. He has also aided, as far as possible, the construction of our Northern Pacific and other railroads. "This hasty summary," says Mr. BARNES, in concluding his sketch, "will sufficiently indicate the prominent position of Senator RAMSEY. Few of his colleagues have exhibited more tact in establishing and sus 218 I849] and of the County of Ramsey, ilfinnsoesota. tainiig personal influence. He has proved himself a vigilant guardian of the interests of Minnesota. Of a frank, hearty bearing, his figure, countenance and voice concur to make him a favorite with his associates and with all observers." Senator RAMSEY, at home, has been prominent in everypublic enterprise. He has, since the first days of our city, aided liberally every good work, and our churches and other institutions have been recipients of gifts of both real estate intd money. He has, also, been an acdtive member of the Historical Society and Old Settlers' Association. At one of the reunions of the latter, as is elsewhere remarked, he kindly volunteered to be the "last man"-a hope his friends indulge in, and, indeed, from his fine, almost rugged health and evenly poised system, there is no reason why their wish should not be realized. HON. AARON GOODRICH was born in Sempronius, New York, July 6, ISo07. While a yolung m1an, he settled in Tennessee, where he was admitted to the bar of that State, and successfully pracdticed for several years. He was elected, (though a Whig,) from a Democratic district, a member of the House for the years I847 and I848, and, during the latter year, was elected a Presidential Elector on the Whig ticket. On March I9, I849, he was appointed by President TAYLOR, Chief Justice of Minnesota, and took uip his residence in Saint Paul. He held the first term of court in Ramsey and other counties, and was one of the corporate members of the Historical Society in I849, and a charter member of the first Masonic Lodge, and a corporate member of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. His term on the Supreme Bench closed in the fall of I85 I, when he resumed the practice of law. In the early days of the Republican party, he was one of its most ready and effective campaign speakers, and drew up the first Republican platform adopted in Minnesota. In I858, he was a member of the commission to'prepare a Code of Pleadings and Practice, and submitted a report of marked ability. In iS6o, he was a member of the Republican National Convention at Clhicago, and labored to secure the nom 219 220 fThze History of t/he Ci~y of Saint Paul, inlation of WM. H. SEWARD, for President. Through the friendship of that statesman, he was next spring appointed Secretary of Legation at Brussels, which position he filled for eight years. In I869, he returned to Saint Paul, and devoted ~~ his leisure to the writing of a work for which he had gathered materials during his sojourn in Europe, entitled, " A History of the Character and Achievements of the so-called CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS," in which he opposes the claim of COLUMBUS as discoverer of America. The work was published in [l849 iS49] and of the County of Ramsey, /5innesota. I874, by D. APPLETON & COMPANY, New York. It is original and bold in its conception and handling, and has attracted mutch notice from scholars. In I872, he was a member of the Convention at Cincinnati, which nominated HORACE GREEI EY, although he himself constantly voted for Judge DAVIS, of Illinois. Judge GOODRICH was a prominent mover in the organizationi of the " Old Settlers' Association of Minnesota," in IS58, and has been its Secretary nearly ever since, devoting muchl time and labor to its objects. CHARLES KILGORE SMITH, Secretary of State, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, February i5, i799. His father was a prominent man in Ohio in early da-s. C. K. SMITH was educated at Oxford, Ohio, and, prior to his coming to Minnesota, had held several important offices, and was admnitted to practice as a lawyer. On coming to Saint PauLl as a Territorial officer, he became prominent in many useful works. He was active in establishing a system of common schools in this city. He was a charter member of the firstMasonic, and the first Odd Fellows' Lodge and Encampment in the city, and also one of the first to organize and found the Minnesota Historical Society, of which he was Secretary for two years, and labored faithfully. He was a man of incisive and determined character, and made many political and personal enemies in Saint Paul. GOODHUE, of the Pioneer, used to attack him without mercy, during his whole career, even accusing him of fraud and malfeasance in office. Mr. SMITH, at one time, owned considerable property in Saint Paul. He resigned in November, I85I, and returne(l to Hamilton Ohio where he (lied September 28, 1866. COL. ALEX. M. MITCHIELL, Marshal of the Territory, vice TAYLOR declined, was also appointed firom Ohio. He was born in North Carolina; gradutated at WVest Point in I835; served with distinction during the Florida War; was then transferred to the Engineer Department, in which hle served some time, and( resigning st(udied( law at Yale College, and settled in Cincinnati, where 2?, I The HIistory of the City qf Saint Paul, he practiced until the breaking out of the Mexican War, in which he promptly enlisted, and was commissioned Colonel of the First Ohio Volunteers. He was severely wounded at Monterey. On his return to Cincinnati, a splendid sword was presented to him by the citizens, and the bar gave him a dinner. Col. MITCHELL held the office of Marshal until September, I85I. In the fall of i85o, he was nominated for Congress, against H. H. SIBLEY, but was unsuccessful. He left Minnesota about I 853, and afterwards became a resident of Saint Joseph, Missouri, where he died February 26, i86I, aged 52 years. A newspaper obituary said of him: "His last years were clouded with the vice of intemperance." HENRY L. MOSS was born in Oneida county, New York, March 23, IS8I9. He gra(utated from Union College, in 1840, and commenced the study of law, being admitted to pracdtice in IS842, inll the Supreme Court of Ohio, where he was then residing. Illn I845. he removed to Plattville, Wisconsin, and, after residing there three years, moved to Stillwater, on April 29, I848. He was appointed United States District Attorney in March, I849, and held said office for four years. In I851, he removed to Saint Paul, and has resided in this city ever since. In October, I863, he was again appointed United States District Attorney. and held that position until I868. For some years he has also been largely interested in the insurance business. Mr. Moss was in Washington when our land grant bills were pend(inig, and gave valuable assistance to otir d(elegation in Colngress, in lobbying for their passage. The machinery of government was now rea(ldy. In o(tir next chapter we shall see it set in motion. [II49 222 1849] and of tlhe Coltntl, of Ramsey J1finnesola. CHAPTER XVII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I849.-CONTINUED. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE TERRITORY-FIRST OF JUNE PROCLAMATION-RAPID GROWTH OF THlE TOWN-GEN. JOHINSON'S INTERVIEW WITH GOODHUE-FIRST FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION-THE CENSUS-POST-OFFICE MATTERS-FIRST ELECTION-FIRST COURTS-ASSEMBLING OF THE LEGISLATURE-LOCATION OF THE CAPITAL-WvM. R. MARSHALL-INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN-ELECTION OF COUNTY OFFICERS-SCHOOLS ESTABLISHIED-FIRST BUSINESS DIRECTORY. N June I, Governor RAMSEY and Chief Justice GOODRICH, with H. L. Moss, United States District Attorney, and Judge DAVID COOPER, Associate Justice, seated on beds or trunks, in a little room, about eight by ten, in the Saint Paul House, drew up the "First of June Proclamation," as it is called, announcing the Territorial government organized, and that " law and order reigned in Warsaw," (as a jocose old settler used to express it.) Itwas written on awashstand, the only table that could be procured, which Judge G. has preserved as a relic of the event. To commemorate this event-the formal birth of Minnesotathe "Old Settlers' Association of Miinnesota" hold their annual imeetings on June I of each year, and their annual banquets at the Merchants' Hotel, the successor of the historic Saint Paul House, the corner-stone of whose new structure was lai(l by the A\ssociation on June I, I870. ANOTHER HOTEL. As a specimen of rapid building, the Pioneer of June 14, says: "That very large house, the Rice House, near the upper landing, one of the largest hotels north of Saint Louis, was completed, so far as the carpenter and joiner work is concerned, in ten weeks fi-om its commnencement." 223 224 Thze Jlislory of ihe City of Saint Paul, [I849 This hotel was afterwards called the "American House," and was a famous point in its day. It was opened to the public on June 28, by Mrs. RODNEY PARKER, formerly of Charlestown, Massachusetts. The hotel burned down on December 20. I863. SKETCH OF THE TOWN, JUNE, I849. The clever worlk of Mr. SEYMOUR, before quoted, gives a very readable picture of Saint Paul, about the middle of June: " On the I3th of June, I counted all the buildings in the place, the number of which, including shanties and those in every state of progress, from the foundation wall to completion, was one hundred and forty-two. Of the above, all, except about a dozen, were probably less than six months old. They included three hotels, one of which is very large, and is now open for the accommodation of travelers; a State house, four warehouses, ten stores, several groceries, three boarding houses, two printing offices, two drug stores, one fruit and tobacco store, one or two blacksmith's shops, one wagon shop, one tin shop, one or two baker's shops, one furniture room, a billiard and bowling saloon, one school house, in which a school of about forty children is kept by a young lady, and where divine services are performed every Sabbath by a minister of the Episcopalian, Methodist, Presbyterian, or Baptist persuasion. There is, also, a Catholic church, where meetings are held every alternate Sabbath. At the time mentioned above, there were twelve attorneys at law, six of whom were practicing; five physicians, and a large number of mechanics, of various kinds. There zeas not a brick or stone building in the Place. There are, however, good stone quarries in the vicinity, and clay near the town. where persons were employed in making brick." The rush of immigration to the Territory about this (late, seemed to have set in quite briskly. The Pioneer, of June 28, savs: "' On Wednesday of last week, three steamboats arrived at our landing. They, were all heavily laden with merchandize for this point." ITEMS. On June 25, Gov. RAMSEY and lady came from Mendota in a birch-bark canoe, and commenced house-keeping in a neat white frame cottage which stood on Third street, al)otlt where BEAUMONT'S store now is. The Governor's office was 1849] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. kept in the same building, It was afterwards called the "New England House," and burned down in the spring of I86o. "An adjourned meeting, for the purpose of consulting upon the expediency of erecdting a town house suitable for the accommodation of secular and religious meetings, societies, &c., }vill be holden at FREEMAN, LARPENTEUR & Co.'s store, on Saturday, July 7, at 7 p. m. A. Ht. CAVENDER, Secretary."-[Pioneer, June 28.] "THE PUMP.-Within the past week the citizens of Saint Paul have erected in the lower square, a pump. Of course, nothing could be more desirable, or to the city more appropriate. For what is a town without a town pump? It is a church without a bishop. How will a stranger know when he arrives in our steepleless city unless it has the centre marked with a pump. A town pump is useful on numerous accounts. It is the centre exchange, where merchants and financiers do the fiats of commerce. It is the place for placards of advertisement-a reference for details of information upon all doubtful questions-as when we say-' inquire of the town pump.' It might do for the stand of a tenmperance lecturer. It might answer as a whipping-post for rogues of low degree, and might.perhaps subserve a patriotic purpose as a ducking engine with which to quench the heat of over-zealous officeseekers."'-[Ib. | "STOP THAT ROOTING UNDER OUR FLOOR!-We are no Jew, but a gentile, or the rooting nation under our editorial sanctum, instead of a respectful notice with our pen, would get punched with a sharp stick. Not that we would find fault with the pigs, for it is all owing to their bringing up. But really, our equanimity is somewhat ruffled, if our chair is not jostled, by the movements of their hard backs under our loose floor."-[Ib.] Speaking of the pigs rooting under the Pioneer editor's floor, makes apropos an anecdote related by Gen. R. W. JOHNSON,* (in his Old Settlers' address,) who came to Fort Snelling in IS849, as a Lieutenant in the army: "The boat had *Gen. RICHARD W. JOHNSON was born in Livingston county, Kentucky, February 7, 8IS27. He was educated at West Point, graduating in the class of i849, and was appointed to a command at Fort Snelling, with rank of Second Lieutenant. He came here that season, and resided in this State several years. On Odtober 30, I85o, he was married, at Mendota, to Miss RACHEL E. STEELE. When the rebellion broke out lihe served in many important battles and campaigns, and was severely wounded near Atlanta, Georgia, in i864. For this cause he was ultimately placed on the retired list, having then attained by successive promotions, the rank of Major General, and commanded the Distridt of Tennessee, &c. He soon returned to Minnesota, which lie had always considered his home while in the army. Served ias Military Professor at the State University I868-9, and then removed to Saint Paul. Gen. J. is now President of the Chamber of Commerce, and a leading promoter of all our civic interests. 225 2 The iistory of the City of Saint Paul, [Is49 tied up at the levee. Taking advantage of the delay, I wended my way to the Pioneer office, and was kindly received .....~~~~~l ' /, l,, i f~ GEN. RICHARD W. JOHNSON. by Mr. GOODHUE. During the conversation, I observed a hen on her nest under the table, and I ventured to ask him if he designed raising his own poultry." He replied, " that he had 226 1849] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. eaten all her eggs, and the old fool is setting on a couple of brickbats, and, if she hatches out a brick yard, you may bet your last dollar that hen is not for sale!" FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. The Fourth of July was celebrated by the patriotic Saint Paulites in a very spirited and becoming manner. Early in the forenoon a procession, composed of the Territorial officers, civic societies, (what there was,) and a few IIinvited guests," with our own citizens, making about 500 persons in all, headed by a military band from Fort Snelling, formed in front of the Saint Paul House, and, according to a programme in the Pioneer, marched through "a number of the principal streets," (as our newspaper reporters would say,) although said streets were then a jungle of hazel brush and scrub oaks, to a grove on the site of the present Rice Park. Here Governor RAMSEY presided, with Messrs. SIBLEY and RICE as vice presidents. Rev. E. G. GEAR, Chaplain at Fort Snelling, read an appropriate service with prayers. The Declaration of Independence was read by BILLY PHILLIPS, in his most pompous and rhetorical style, and Judge B. B. MEEKER delivered the oration, filling six columns in the Pioneer. The procession then re-formed, and marched to the American House, where a dinner was partaken of, followed by numerous toasts and speeches. The day wound up with a grand ball at the American House, and fireworks. FRANKLIN STEEILE acted as chief marshal of the day, with A. L. LARPENTEUR and WVM. H. NOBLES as aids. And thus ended the first Fourth of July celebration in Saint Paul. Gen. SIBLEY, in his address on the early history of Minnesota, relates, that one of our prominent French citizens, on being asked how he liked the proceedings, said-"'Fore GOD, dat speech of PHILLIPS was ze best speech made to-day." And it is said that " speech" secured BILLY D. the appointment of Prosecuting Attorney by the County Board soon after. THE CAPITOL AND TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. The Pioneer of July 5, notices the arrival of the Secretary 227 228 The History of the City of Saint Paul, of the Territory, Hon. CHARLES K. SMITH, of Ohio. Mr. SMITH at once set about securing apartments, or a building, for the use of the Territorial officers and Legislature, &c., but found it almost impossible to do so, as the town was so crowded, and buildings in demand. Fillally, he secured rooms ill tihe "Central House," a weatlherboarded log strtucture on Bench street, which was then kept as a hotel by ROBERT KENNEDY, and (having been afterwards more than doubled in size) was the Central House of more recent days, though since almost destroyed by fire. A flag-staff was erected on the bank of the river, and the national banner run up, to mark the headqutarters of government, and here, in these narrow quarters, its business was carried on. TERRITORIAL CENSUS-APPORTIONMENT. Pursuant to a provision in the Organic Act, JOHN MORGAN, Sheriff of Saint Croix county, had been engaged for several weeks prior to this date, ill taking a census of the Territory. EDMUND BRISSETT took the districts on the Missouri River, and( NN'M. DAHIL the Pembina region.* The census of Saint Paul appeared as follows: Males-540. Females-300oo. Total-840. The total of the whole Territory was: Males-3,o67. Females-I,713. Total-4,780. Of these, over 700 lived in what is now Dakota Territory, anid 367 were not inhabitants at all, legally, being soldiers in the forts. The rapid growth of Saint Paul during the summer of 8IS49, may be inferred from these figures. On Jutly 7, Governor RAMSEY issued a proclamation dividing the Territorv into seven Council distric(ts, based on the census just taken, and providing for an eledtion of nine Councillors and eighteen Representatives, on August I. The Territory, not hleaving been divided into counties, thie districts were ar * DAHL was a genius in the line of censuses. He would be a valuable man for an3 ambitious town that wished to get credit for imore population than it had. How the handful of people on Red River swelled, in his hands, to 7o00, was ICone of the mnvsteries thatt, as,Lord DUtNDREARY woulld say, "no fellah could find out." EIS49 1849] and of the County of Ramnsey, Mrl'innesota. ranged by precin6ts." The ele6tion of ait Delegate to Congress was also ordered at the same time, and the assembling of the Legislature fixed for Monday, September 3. Under this apportionment, what was called the " Saint Paul Precinct," embracing the town of Saint Paul, constituted the Third District, and was entitled to two Councillors and four Representatives. Nominations were soon after made, generally on personal grounds, as party lines had not then been drawn. Indeed, some of our old settlers declare that, in early days, they used to have to force office on men-that such a thing as "office-seeking" was unknown in those poor but honest times. There are many who would gladly hail a return of such an era of prinlitive simplicity. THE' MINNESO'I'A REGIS-TER." I gave on page 208, an account of the issue of the Register at Cincinnati. As soon as the river opened, the press and material of the office were shipped to Saint Paul. J. P. OWENS accompanied it, arriving in May, Maj. McLEAN* being detained by illness at Cincinnati, did not arrive until August. In the meantime, Col. OWENS went to work to get the paper out, and on July I4, issued No. 2. Capt. E. Y. SHELLIEY. the veteran typo of Saint Paul, was foreman. The paper was printed in a small office on upper Third street. Some five or six numbers of the Register were issued, when it became evident that there were too many newspapers in Saint Paul, and, on the arrival of Maij. McLEAN in August, a consolida *NATHANIEL McLEAN was born in Morris ~ounty, New Jersey, May 16, 1787. lIc was brother of Hon. JOHN MCLEAN, of the Supreme Court of the United States. Hlis father removed to Ohlio in 17S9, settling in W arren county. NATHANIEL MCLEAN learned the printing business at Cincinnati, and, as early as ISo7, published a paper at Lebanon. In iSio, he was eledted a member of the Ohio Legislature, serving two or three sessions. He was also an officer in the War of ISi2. In the spring of 1849, he determinedtoremovetoSaint Paul and embark in the newspaper business. Hewasthen 60 years of age, but remarkably strong and active. On November 3, iS49, he was a)ppointed by President TAYLOR, Sioux Agent at Fort Snelling, which office he held until the spring of IS53. In the fall of IS55, he was eledted one of the Commissioners of Ramsey county. This was the last public office he held. He retained his p)hysical powvers almost unimpaired until a short time before his death, when he was attacked with cancer, and suffered greatly before his end came, April I I, IS7I, aged S4 years. He w,IS.an honest and good man. The township of McLean, in this county, was named in honor of him. 229 Thez History of the City of Saint aui [8l, tion was efiected with the Chronicle, as before stated. Col. HUGHIES sold out and retired, and went to Hudson, Wisconsin, where he died a couple of years ago. His foreman, S. A. QUAY, took an interest with MCLEAN & OWENS in the Chi-onicle and Register. The first number of this paper was issued on August 25, from the Chronicle office, a well-printed seven column sheet. Mr. QUAY withdrew after a few weeks, and left the Territory. The paper became the Whig organ, and soon had a good patronage from that party. FORESHADOWINGS OF OUR BRIDGE. The Pioneer, of July 26, contained the following rather prophetic note: "That the position of Saint Paul on the east side of the river will soon require our town to be connected by a bridge with the west side, as early as possible, at least after the extinguishment of the Sioux title on the west side, is quite obvious. * * * That a bridge can be built from the bluff, near the middle of Saint Paul, many feet above the reach of the tallest steamboats, at no very great expense, by supporting it in the centre by a pier on the island, we have no doubt." CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS ITEMS. The Regisler, of July 2I, contains the following: "Mr. PARSONS [BaptistJ will preach at the school house to-morrow mniorning, at half past ten, and the Rev. Mr. NEILL, [the Presbyterian clergyman,] on the following Sabbath, at the same hour. These gentlemen will continue to officiate alternately, thus affording the citizens an opportunity of attending divine service every Sabbath morning. The means of grace are about being further facilitated in Saint Paul by the erection of two churches, one under the direction of Rev-. Mr. HOYT, of the Methodist church, the other to be occupied by Mr. NEILL'S congregation." The Plattville (Wisconsin) Argus of the same week speaks of the session of the " Wisconsin Annual Conference," in that city. Up to this time, and, we believe, for several years afterwards, Minnesota was included in this conference. Rev. CHIAUNCY HOBART was stationed at Saint Paul. At this time (as noted before) Rev. Mr. NEILL was engaged in building a small frame chapel on Washington street, facing [IS49 230 1849] and of the Couznty of Ramsey, Jlinncsota. Rice Park, on a lot contributed by H. M. RICE. Hlis brick (dvelling, the first erected in Minnesota, was on the stame block fimtcing on Fourth street. The chapel was completed for use in August, being the first Protestant church built in Minnesota. The funds for its erection had been contributed by some relatives and personal friends of Mr. NEILIL, in Philadelphia. POST-OFFICE MATTERS. On page I54 was given some notes of the establishment of the post-office in Saint Paul, and its equipment of furnittre. JACKSON held the post-office three years and three months. During the three years of that time, we incline to the belief tlat it hardly paid for the trouble of conducting it. But nmeantime a change came over the hamlet. With the rush of population and business, came also a very great increase of mail matter, and it soon became necessary to lay aside the little case of pigeon-holes, and procure more expanded facilities for serving the public. The Register, of July 28, says "'OUR NEW POST-OFFICE.-Our postmaster, Mr. H. JACKSON, has fitted up his new post-office building on Third street, with great taste and convenience. Every citizen, whose business requires it, can now have a box to himself." The "new post-office" referred to, was a frame building about where No. io5 East Third street now is. There were only about 200zoo "'glass boxes" in his new equipment, a number considered sufficient for present needs and future, too. But alas! for the fallacy of human hopes in this world. JACKSON's head (officially) was already in the basket, even while he was planning and building in expectation of profits to come. On July 5, he was decapitated by the new Whig dynasty, and JACOB WV. BASS commissioned in his place. The news of political appointments was slower getting circulated those times than in thesedays of telegraphic journalism, or JAcKsoN might have saved his time and money. For in'stance, the Pioneer of that week growls in this wise: "Would any one believe that, in the nineteenth century, our Government would limit Minnesota, situated here in the very heart of: the Republic, to one mail a week? We ought to have mails at least triweekly during the summer." -31 CThe Hfistory of the City of Saint t'ait [Is49 As soon as Mr. BASS could make preparations for accomiinodalting the office he took possession of the samell. He at once erected a small frame addition, or lean-to, alongside of the Jackson street front of the Saint Paul House, (since called the Merchants) and removed thither the glass boxes or pigeonholes, with the other equipments necessary. The whole room was only about as big as a sheet of paper, but no doubt accommiodated the business of that day. Mr. WALLACE B. WHITE, aicted as Mr. BAss' deputy during the most of his term. Mr. WHITE was subsequently Territorial Librarian, and now lives in WVashington. THIE ELECT1ION for Councillors, Representatives and I)elegate ciame off on August 2d. The vote in the Saint Paul preciinct stood ias follows: Councillors. WVn. H. Forbes.......... I87 David Lambert............... i 7ames M. Boal........... 98 Representatives. B. W. Brunson........... i68 Joseph R. Brown......... 84 P. K. johnson............ 04 A.G. Fuller............. 24 Henry jackson........... i65 Eb. Weld..............- 2 Dr. Y. Y. Dewey......... I78 Those in italics elected. The election developed considerable "Ilife" among the boys of those days. The Pioneer said it had "gone off as quietly aIs couLld be expected." The Register, however, speaking of the rejoicings over the election, reported more: FORBES, _ICBOAL, BRUNSON, DEWEY, JAcKSON and JOHNSON, were successively placed in a small-sized'go-cart,' and hauled through the streets by the enthusiastic crowd, at a speed rather prejudicial to whole necks. The vehicle finally broke down, but the'boys' were not to be stopped in their rejoicings. So they carried their successful friends to the hotel, where such cheering took place, as we scarcely ever heard bee fore. The crowd then dispersed in good order." Hon. H. H. SIBLEY was elected to Congress without opposition. 232 1849] and of the County of Ramsey, Alinnesota. BRIEF NOTES. "The number of retail liquor establishments in Saint Paul and other towns of the Territory, is a LEETLE too great for a sound and healthy state of public morals. It is the subje6t of remark by strangers, and gives us a bad name at home and abroad, to say nothing of its evil effets upon society."-[I?[Rcgister, Aug. 4.] " SHAMEFUL.-Last Monday night, some person in Saint Paul furnished a band of Winnebago Indians with liquor. Of course, they got drunk and were patroling our streets at night, singing their terrific war songs, and filled with bitter malignity. These things must not be tolerated."-[Pioneer, Aug. 9.] "It is with pleasure that we learn that another school, for the smaller children, will soon be started in the lower town of Saint Paul. In the. rush of business, it is pleasant to find the training of the infant minds of the rising generation not neglected."-[ Chronicle, Aug. Io.] "Messrs. FREEMAN, LARPENTEUR &; CO., with some aid from their neighbors, have erected a staircase from the lower landing to the summit of Jackson's point. It renders the passage up and down the bluff aI diversified and pleasant promenade."-LPioneer, Aug. i6.] These stairs remained there and were used for several years. "There will be a school meeting at FREEMAN & LARPENTEUR'S on Saturday evening next, at 7 o'clock."-[Ib.] "We called on friend BRAWLEY the other day, at his brick yard. He is now in a most successful state of operations. He employs two mills, ten men, and has now on hand some 400,000 brick. The quality is better than can be shown north of Saint Louis. If we are really going to build a city we must use brick."-[Pioneer, Aug. 30.] This was the first kiln of brick ever burned in Minnesota. The yard was near the present residence of D. W. INGERSOLL. E. D. NEILL had a dwelling built from this kiln, and the Market Street Methodist Episcopal church'was also built from it. SOCIAL STATISTICS. Some one in the east having written a letter making inquiry about the Territory, among other things, inquires whether there are any Odd Fellows' Lodges in the Territory?" Mr. GOODHUE replies: [August i6.] "As to the Order of Odd Fellows, we have not heard of any, but there are a great many smart bachelors, who will have to continue odd, if their other halves do not come along with you immigrants." i6 233 234 The History of tlhe City of Saint Paul, Mr. GOODHUE was right about the preponderance of the male element of population. The census, taken a few months laiter, disclosed only 860 females to balance 1,337 lords of creation, a disproportion always found in all new western communities. Thus, 477 of the young bachelors of Saint Paul must have remained unmated, unless, as the jocose editor suggested in another case, they "take up" with some of the Wenonas of the Sioux nation, who could have been bought any day then for a few dollars each," and, indeed, were continually hanging around, waiting to be bought, at any sum. In the next issue of the Pioneer, however, one of the ., brethren of the three links" throws some light on the question of Odd Fellow's Lodges. One, he says, was instituted at Stillwater, on August I5, and I the brethren of Saint Paul have made application foi a charter to institute a Lodge in this place." EARLY COURTS OF TIlE T1ERRITORY. The first court held in Saint Croix coiiunty after the Territory was organized, was on Augtiist I 2. Chief Justice GOODRICH presided, and Judge COOPER assisted(. GOODIIUE says: The roll of attorneys is large for a new cotintry. About 20, of the lankest and hungriest (lescription, were in attendance." The term lasted six days.' The proceedinigs," says the Chronicle and Register,' were for the first two or three days somewhat crude, owing to the assembling of a bar composed of persons from nearly every State. But, by the urbanity, conciliatory firmness, and harmonious course taken by the Court, matters were in a great measure systematized." At this session, it was said only one man on the jury wore boots! All the rest had moccasins. The court of the Second Distridt, Judge MEEKER presiding, *met at the house of Mr. BEAN, on the west bank of the Mississippi, opposite the Falls of Saint Anthony," the same week. The grand jury room was the old government saw mill! The court of the Third Distridt was held at Mendota in the latter part of August, Judge COOPER presiding. Gen. SIBLEY was foreman of the grand jury. Judge COOPER read the jury [1849 1849] and of the County of -Ramzsey, VIfinnesota. an elaborate charge, which, Gen. S. says, only three out of the twenty odd members understood, the rest being French. Maj. FORBES acted as interpreter during the term. ORGANIZATION OF A MASONIC LODGE. Reference was made a few pages back to a meeting for the purpose of organizing a Masonic Lodge. The movers in the work applied to the Grand Lodge of Ohio for a Dispensation, which was granted on August 8, IS49. On September 8, the Lodge was organized in the office of C. K. SMITH, who had been designated in the warrant as first Master. Soon after, the officers and members were announced as follows: W. M., C. K. SMITH; S. W., JAMES HUGHES; J. W., DANIEL F. BRAwVLEY; Treas.,J. C. RAMSEY; Sec.,J. A. AITKENSIDE; S. D., LOT MOFFET; J. D., TAYLOR DUDLEY; Tyler, W. C. WRIGHT. Memnbers-AARON GOODRICH,JOHN CONDON, ALBERT TITLOW, JOHN HOILLAND, LEVI SLOAN, C. P. V. LUI.L, GEORGE EGBERT, SAMUEL H. DENT, D. B. LOOMIS, M. S. WILKINSON, JOHN LUMLEY, H. N. SETZER, JAMES M. BOAL, CHAS. P. SCOTT, O. H. KELLEY, CHAS. M. BERG, WILLIAM H. RANDALL, HUGH TYLER, LUTHER B. BRUIN, A. M. MITCHELL. The Lodge met for sometime in a room in the Mlerchants' Hotel building. C. P. SCOTT is said to be the first Mason made in Saint Paul. ASSEMBLING OF THE LEGISLATURE. On Monday, September 3, the first session of the Legislature assembled at the Capitol, (i. e., Central House,) the hotel business not being impeded by the law-making branch whatever. On the first floor was Secretary SMITH'S office tnd the "' Representative Chamber." Up-stairs was the library and the "Council Chamber." As the Council had only nine members, and the House eighteen, it did not require t large room to accommodate either, and no formalities stood in the way of their business. Both Houses," said a subsequent writer in the Pioneer, met in the dining hall, where Rev. E. D. NEILL prays for 235 The History of the City of Saint Paul, [I849 us all, and Governor RAMSEY delivers a message full of hope and far-sighted prophecy, to comfort us withal; and then leaves the poor devils sitting on rough board benches and chairs, after dinner, to work out as they may this old problem of self-government through the appalling labyrinth of parliamentary rules and tadtics that perplex their souls. Yet no Legislature which ever sat in Minnesota was made of better stuff than that which assembled to lay the corner-stone of the political edifice." HOMICIDE. On the I zth of September, a lad, named ISAIAH MCM1LLAN, accidentally or carelessly shot another lad, named HEMAN SNOW, near the corner of Third and Franklin streets, with a gun loaded with shot. The charge entered the head of the unfortunate boy, and he soon after died. McMILLAN was tried for homicide, at the February term of the first District Court, held by Judge COOPER, in Stillwater. There not having been proved any malice aforethought in the adt, the jury returned a verdidt of manslaughter, with a recommendation to mercy. The boy was sentenced to one year's imprisonment, but, as there was no county jail, he was sent to Fort Snelling for confinement, where he was kept as a prisoner for a year, though not closely confined. He appeared to be half-witted, or partially idiotic. This was the first trial for murder in Minnesota, whose soil has so often since been stained with human blood by the crime of CAIN. BIRTH OF DEMOCRACY IN MINNESOTA. Hitherto, the party lines had not been drawn very strictly in the new Territory. At the election noticed ante, no political questions had entered into the canvass. The first eredtion of party standards took place at a "Democratic Mass Convention," which met pursuant to call, at the American House, on Odtober 20, I849. Suitable resolutions were reported and adopted, the Pioneer was declared the organ of the party, and from this time dates the bitterness of party strife. 236 1849] and of the County of Ramsey, 4[innesota. FERRY CHARTERS. We noticed, a few pages back, an article by Mr. GOODHUE, on the necessity of a bridge across the river to West Saint Paul. This must necessarily be, however, a work for the future. To supply something better for travel and commerce to cross the river than a dug-out, a bill was introduced by Hon. HENRY JACKsON, "' to grant a charter to ISAAC N. GOODHUE to keep and maintain a ferry across the Mississippi River opposite the lower landing, in Saint Paul." The bill did not pass at that session, however, but a notice was soon after placed in the Pioneer- that JAMES M. & ISAAC N. GOODIIUE would apply to the Commissioners of Ramsey county for a ferry charter across the Mississippi, at the lower landing. The license was granted on January 7, I850, and, at the same meeting, a ferry privilege was also granted to JOHN R. IRVINE, to run one from the upper levee. These ferries plied regularly until the Saint Paul bridge was completed in 1858. LOCATION OF THE CAPITAL. The question of the location of the Capital came up during the session, on the consideration of a part of Gov. RAMSEY'S message referring to that subject. The Committee on Territorial Affairs, to whom it had been referred, reported that: "They are constrained to give it as their opinion, that Saint Paul should continue to be the seat of government of the Territory until otherwise determined by a vote of the people. Apart from the fact that Saint Paul is the most central point, so far as the present population of the Territory is concerned, the faft that it is the head of navigation on the east of the Mississippi, and accessible to steamboats, is another strong point in its favor. Your committee believe that it is the wish of a majority of the inhabitants of Minnesota, that the location of the Capital should not be changed. With good roads diverging from every point, Saint Paul is easily reached at all seasons of the year." Considerable discussion ensued during the session on this subject, as to whether the Territory had a right to expend the $20,000 appropriated in the Organic Act, for a Capitol buildinig. The question having been submitted to Hon. W. M. MEREDITIH, Secretary of the Treasury, he replied that the " Department 237 Thze Histor of the Cit, of Sa/n/ Paul, [x849 cannot doubt that the public buildings in question can only be erected at the'Perraanent seat of government, located as described. Of course, the reply to your inquiry must be, that nothing can be expended from this appropriation until after the location shall be duly made." So the permanent location was not definitely settled this session, however, but, at the close of the Legislature, it was a drawn battle. Saint Paul remained the temporary seat of government, and the Governor was authorized to rent buildings to carry on the public business meantime. Ex-Gov. MARSHALIL, in his address before the Old Settlers Qf Hennepin county, February 22, 1871, says, regarding the contest for the seat of government: "The original act made Saint Paul the temnPorary Capital, but provided that the Legislature might determine the permnanent Capital. A bill was introduced by the Saint Paul delegation to fix the permanent Capital there. I opposed it,* endeavoring to have Saint Anthony made the seat of government. We succeeded in defeating the bill which sought to make Saint Paul the permanent Capital, but we could not get through the bill fixing it at Saint Anthony. So the question remained open in regard to the permanent Capital until the next session, in i85i, when a compromise was effected, by which the Capital was to be at Saint Paul, the State University at Saint Anthony, and the Penitentiary at Stillwater. "At that early day, as well as now, caricatures and burlesques were in vogue. Young WM. RANDALL, of Saint Paul, now deceased, who had some talent in the graphic line, drew a picture of the efforts at Capital-removal. It was a building on wheels, with ropes attached, at which I was pi6tured tugging, while BRUNSON, JACKSON, and the other Saint Paul members were holding and checking the wheels to prevent my moving it, with humorous and appropriate speeches proceeding from the mouths of the parties to the contest. The caricature was quite a good one, and served to amuse the people of Saint Paul for some days. When this question was before me, as Governor, if it had been the old question of removal to Saint Anthony-a very different thing from removal to a point more than a hundred miles from the centre of population, and quite as far from the geographical centre of the StateI do not believe I should have been so ready to veto it." This was the first struggle on the Capital question. The sessions of I85I, 1857, 1869 and 1872, saw it repeated, as will be noted under those dates. * Gov. MARSHALL then represented Saint Anthony, at whlich place he lived. 238 I849] and oqf t/e Coiuny of Ramsey, Minnesota. WILLIAM R. MARSHALL was born in Boone county, Missouri, October I7, I825. His father, JOSEPH MARSHALL, was a native of Kentucky, and his mother, ABBY SHAW, of Pennsylvania. In his younger days, Mr. MARSHALL followed I —... - \ 1': ~~~~>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~zZY/Y -;;~~;..... WILLIAM R. MARSHALL. the business of mining, surveying, &c., and spent several years in the lead region of Wisconsin. In 1847, he came to Saint Croix Falls, and settled there for a few months. During September of that year, he first visited Saint Anthony Falls, on foot. His account of this visit, in his 239 / Thze History of the City of Saint Paul, address before mentioned, is worthy of a record here: "When with weary feet, I stood at last, in the afternoon of that day, on the brink of the Falls, I saw them in all their beauty and grandeur, unmarred by the hand of man,-in such beauty of nature as no one has seen them in the past 22 years. As the light of the fast-declining sun of that autumn day bathed the tops of the trees and the summits of the gentle hills, and left the shadows of the wooded islands darkling the waters, and as the plunging, seething, deafening Falls sent up the mist and set its rainbow arching the scene, I was filled with a sense of the awe-inspiring in nature, such as I have rarely since experienced." At that time a claim shanty or two were the only habitations there. Gov. MARSHALL, on that visit, staked out a claim, and cut logs for a cabin, but could not get a team to haul them. So he left it for the present, and returned in I849, and perfected his claim, which has since become an addition to the city. In the fall of I848, he was elected to the Legislature of Wisconsin, from Saint Croix county, but his seat was contested by JOSEPH BOWRON, of Hudson, on the grounds that MARSHALL lived out of the limits of the State, which had just been admitted. After settling at Saint Anthony, in I849, he was elected a member of the first Legislature from that district. He was then engaged in the iron and heavy hardware business. The following summer, he endeavored to get the steamers to deliver his heavy freights at the foot of the Falls, but, as they would not or could not do so, he was compelled to remove his business to Saint Paul, which hedidin 185I. He had, in the meantime, it may be remarked, surveyed "Leech's Addition," and other portions of our city. On removing to Saint Paul, he established the first iron store in this city, the same business now continued by NICOLS & DEAN. In 1852, he was elected County Surveyor. In I853, with his brother, JOSEPH M. MARSHALL, (now of Colorado,) and N. P. LANGFORD, he established a banking house, which was very successful until i857, when the crash prostrated everything. In I855, he was the candidate of the Republican party for Delegate to Congress, but the party were not successful in the contest, H. M. RICE being elected; though io years later the tables were turned, Mr. MARSHALL beating Mr. RIcE for Governor. After withdrawing from the banking business, he engaged in stock-raising and dairy-farming for several years, importing some of the finest cattle ever brought to our State. In December, I860, he purchased the Sainit PaulDaily Timnes, and, on January I, I86I, issued it as the Daily Press, in connection with NEWTON BRADLEY, Esq., as business manager, and JOSEPH A. WHEELOCK, as assistant editor. The P,-ess was very successful, soon absorbing the Minnesolian, and has been ever since, until its mergement into another paper, a leading journal of the State. In August, i862, Gov. MARSHALL enlisted in the Seventh Regimnent, [IS49 240 1849] and of lze Counzty of Ramsey, Minnesota. of which he was appointed Lieut. Colonel. During the Sioux outbreak, he was constantly in active service, and, in several engagements, led his men with a fearless bravery which has always been a characteristic. He was also in the expedition of I863. In November of that year he was commissioned Colonel. The Regiment went south that fall, and was soon after assigned to the Sixteenth Army Corps. It had its full share of battles and campaigns, until the end of the war, Col. MARSHALL being, in the meantime, brevetted a Brigadier. Shortly after the discharge of the Regiment, in August, I865, he was elected Governor of Minnesota, and, in i867, re-elected for another term. On the conclusion of his term, January, I870, he again engaged in banking, being Vice President of the Marine National Bank, and President of the Minnesota Savings Bank. In I874, he was appointed a member of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, and, in November, I875, was re-elected Commissioner for two years. Gov. MARSHALL has been prominent in a number of our public institutions, and in measures and enterprises to benefit the city-such as the Saint Paul bridge, &c., and in educational matters. He has been a6tive in organizing the Swedenborgian church in this city, and has liberally aided other societies. Like most of our pioneers, he rejoices in sound health and a good constitution, and his active participation in events may extend over another generation yet. SAINT PAUL INCORPORATED AS A TOWN. The Legislature continued in session for 60 days, adjourning on November 3, I849. It passed many acts which had a bearing on the material prosperity of the Territory. Nine coiiiunties were created, among them one named in honor of the Governor of the Territory-RAMSEY. Saint Paul was declared to be the county seat of the same, and, on the first day of Novem-ber, I849, a bill was approved, incorporating the " Town of Saint Paul." It begins as follows: "Be it enaded, &c. That so much of the Town of Saint Paul as is contained in the original plat of said town, made by IRA BRUNSON, together with Irvine and Rice's Addition, be and the same is hereby created a town corporate, by the name of the Town of Saint Paul." Then follows a provision for the ele5tion, on the 6th of May following, "and annually thereafter," of one President, one Recorder, and five Trustees, each for the term of one year, the same to constitute a Town Council. They were empowered to appoint a Treasurer and Marshal, and other sul)or(linate 24I Thze i-story of the City of Saint Paul, officers. The President was also to be a Justice of the Peace, ex-oficio, in all matters, civil or criminal. APPOINTMENTS OF OFFICERS. On the adjournment of the Legislature, the following appointments by the Governor were announced, for Ramsey county: Register of Deeds.-DAVID DAY.* Sheriff.-C. P. V. LULL. Commissioners. -LouIs ROBERT and ANDRE GODFRFY. Judge of Probate.- HENRY A. LAMBERT. THE FIRST "BANK" IN SAINT PAUL. The Pioneer, of November 15, aired up quite a neat swind(le, as follows: "Some time in September last, there came to Saint Paul a burlylooking, middle-aged man, of medium stature, dressed in a drab suit, and wearing a drab-colored fur hat, who called himself ISAAC YOUNG, and represented that he had formerly been a saddler in Ohio. This man closeted himself with a Mr. SAWYER, who was then in Saint Paul, and got him to sign a large number of handsomely engraved pieces of paper, on which were engraved the words, "Bank of Saint Croix, Saint Paul, Minnesota," or something of that purport. Mr. YOUNg I DAVID DAY was born in Burke's Garden, Virginia, September 19, 1825, and his boyhood was passed in the same place. In 1846, he removed to the lead region of Wisconsin, where he followed mining for three years, studying medicine at night and other leisure times, and attending the Medical Department of the University of Penn. sylvania in winter. He graduated from that Institute in 1849. He came to Saint Paul in the spring of that year, and commenced the pradtice of medicine, which he pursued with much success for several years. In I854, he entered the drug business, and withdrew from the practice of medicine. During this period he also held one or two important public positions. In I849, he was appointed Register of Deeds, and the same fall elected for two years more. He was also a member of the Legislatures of IS52 and I853, from Benton county, in which he was temporarily residing, the latter year being ele6ted Speaker. He retired from the drug business in i866, being at that time the oldest house in the State. In I87I, he was appointed State Prison Inspector. In 1874, he was appointed one of the Commissioners of State Fisheries, and also "Seed Wheat Commissioner," to provide the sufferers from the grasshopper raid with seed-both honorary appointments, without any compensation. On June I, I875, he was appointed Postmaster of Saint Paul. Dr. DAY las been a close observer and diligent student of questions and problems in social science, philosophy and political economy, and at the same time has been one of our most successful, sagacious and enterprising business men. With an even temperament, and well-preserved physique, one might almost expedt him to be the " last man" of the old settlers. EI S49 242 I849] oand of t/e Cointy of Ramnsey, M:iniiesola. disappeared from Saint Paul. The next we hear of Mr. YOUNG, he is in Saint Louis, buying printing paper, and negotiating for goods to send to Saint Paul. Notes of the " Bank of Saint Croix, at Saint Paul," are quoted in the Eastern bank note lists at one per cent. discount, the quotation being furnished by some accomplice in the fraud, living in Wall street, New York. Mr. YOUNG has not reappeared in DAVID DAY. never will. Mr. SAWYER, we learn, wa,s Saint Paul, and probably duped in this affair." ITEMS. The rush of immigration continued late that fall. The Proreer, of November 15, says: " Steamboats continue to arrive at our wharves, laden with merchandize and passengers." The Chroii/ce, of September 29, states that 2,135 barrels of cranberries had been shipped below tip to that date. The 243 244 The History of the City of Saint Paul, [IS49 cranberry trade, for several years, was quite a large one. They were mostly gathered by squaws, who traded them for goods and other merchandize at the stores. Pig's Eye was stated at this time to have a population of fortv families. THE ELECTION FOR COUNTY OFFICERS, under the new laws passed by the Legislature, took place oni November 26. Ramsey county at that time extended tip the Mississippi River to its source almost, including, of course, Saint Anthony. The vote stood as follows: St. Anthony. St. P aul. Register............Dr. D. Day......... ".............. W. D. Phillips...... Sheriff.............. C. P. V. Lull.......1 "............. J. R. Irvine....... "............. Ed. Brissett......... Treasurer............. W. Simpson...... Commissioners.......L. Robert............ 2 "...A. Godfrey........... G ......B. Gervai s.......... .....John Banfil.......... 0 "..... R. P. Russell........ Judge of Probate......H. 4. Lambert...... n...... B. W. Lott -..-...... 33 Those in italics elected. ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. An adjourned school meeting of the citizens took place at "the school house," on December I. Hon. C. K. SMITIh, from the committee previously appointed, after reviewing the provisions of the Minnesota Statute on public schools, and that of WVisconsin, still in force, reported, recommending:'" That two persons be appointed by this meeting to call on the County Commissioners, and request them to divide the town into a suitable number of school districts, after which an organization of the districs shall be brought about, agreeably to the requirements of the law." Also, that a committee be appointed to procure from JNO. R. IRVINE, a deed to the lot on -whichl the school house then stood, provided the amount still Total. 39 30 I7 33 ig 69 57 ig 31 37 54 34 172 69 I72 6o 2 240 202 I23 z67 70 108 149 211 99 I89 93 2 I 309 2.59 I42 I98 I07 i62 I83 93 126 i849] and of the County of Ramsey, finnesota. due for its erection ($So80) was paid; and to secure from Mr. RANDALL a deed for the lot which he had proposed to dolnate for school purposes on Jackson street. Three schools were recommended to be opened;* one on the RANDALL lot, to be put up immediately; one in the basement of the Methodist church, and one in "Mr. NEIILL'S lecture room." As teachers Miss H. E. BISHOP, Miss SCOFIELD, and Rev. C. HOBART, were recommended; the committees (of two each) who were to be appointed as above, to be the school trustees until the town shall be districted, and others elected. The report was adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed as thp trustees: WM. H. FORBES, JOIIN SNOW, EDMUND RICE, Rev. E. D. NEIII., Rev. B. F. HOYT, J. PARSONS, and B. W. BRUNSON. REVIEW OF THE TRADE OF I849. The river remained open and navigable this year 242 days, (luring which there were 95 arrivals. The whole mercantile business of Saint Paul for the year 1849, was ascertained at the close.of the season to be $I31,000. Of this, $60,ooo was computed to be groceries alone. There were scarcely any stores devoted exclusively to one branch of business. Each had " a little of everything"-groceries, hardware, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, &c. In a short time, however, this changed, and nearly every merchant devoted himself to one line of merchandize. The MCCLOUD BROS. established the first exclusively hardware store in Minnesota, during this year. FIRST BUSINESS DIRECTORY, JANUARY I, 1850. In the New Year's Address of the Pioneer, mentioned more ftully hereafter, the following business directorv is given: Clergymzen.-Rev. Messrs. Ravoux, Neill, Hobart, Hoyt, Parsons. Lawyers.-Ed. Rice, H. A. Lambert, W. D. Phillips, P. P. Bishop, *The Ch ronicleand legister of January6, 1S5o, says that, "our three schools recently established, are now in full blast, affording by their capacity and location, ample means for the education of all the children in town." One of these was the old frame building situated on the west side of Jackson street, below Sixth. It is now used as a second-hand store. 245 The fIistory of t/c City of Saint Paul, [i$ 49 Geo. L. Becker, H. F. Masterson, O. Simons, J. A. Wakefield, S. H. Dent, W. B. White, B. W. Lott, James M. Goodhue, L. A. Babcock, C. K. Smith. Land A4gents.-A. V. Fryer, Isaac N. Goodhue. Physicians.-J. J. Dewey, David Day, Thos. R. Potts, N. Barbour. Jferchants.-Elfelt & Bro., Fuller & Bro., L. Sloan, Fullerton & Curtis, WV. H. Forbes, Douglas & Slosson, John Randall & Co., Louis Robert, H. W. Tracy & Co., Daniel Hopkins, Sergeant & Bowen, J. W. Simpson, Bart. Presley & Co., Dewey & Cavileer, N. Barbour, J. C. Ramsey. Tailors.-Johnson & Brown, W. H. Tinker, J. N. Slosson. Shoemiaker.-Hugh McCann. Hotels.-American House, by R. Parker; Tremont House, by J. A. Wakefield; Central House, by R. Kennedy; Saint Paul House, by J. W. Bass; DeRocher's House, by DeRocher; Miller's Boarding House, by B. Miller. Patinters,-J. M. Boal, Burrill & Inman. Blacksnziths.-Wm. H. Nobles & Co., Leverich & Co. Plasterers.-J. R. Irvine, D. DeWebber, -- Starkfielder, C. P. Scott, AIasons.- Barnes, B. Bowles, Wm. Beaumette, Hanley, J. Kirkpatrick. Carpenters.-C. P. V. Lull, Win. Bryant, A. Foster, W. Woodbury, W. C. Morrison, J. B. Coty, Chas. Bazille, T. Lareau, Coit, H. WVilley, Eaton & Bro., Chase, B. F. Irvine, J. B. Lumbeek, Joseph Brinsmade, H. Glass, J. Frost. Silvzersinith.-Nathan Spicer. (;unsniith - McGuire. Bakers.-Berry & Bro., K. Stewart, Humphrey & Brinkman. Wlceelwrigtls.-Nobles & Morrison, HIiram Cawood. Saddle and Harness Maker.-A. R. French. Tinner.-C. D. Bevans. 246 I S50] and of the County of Ram,sey, Mlinnesota. CHAPTER XVIII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I850. CELEBRATION OF NEW YEAR'S DAY-CURIOUS NEW YEAR'S ADDRESS-BALLS ROADS AND MAIL SERVICE:-SKETCH OF "OLD BETS"-A HOMICIDE-SKETCII OF HON. E. RICE-FIRST TERM OF COURT-FIRST TOWN ELECTION-DARING INDIAN CONFLICT. HE year I85o opened auspiciously. Thle pradtice of making calls" was then inaugurated by the gentlemen of the city. The day was clear and fine, and all enjoyed it greatly. The Pioneer says: "The festivities and hilarity of our town on New Year's confirm the truth that cold weather can never freeze warm hearts. Saint Paul was, yesterday, swarming with animated fashion. The sideboards of many of our citizens were provided with free entertainments, which would do credit to the wealthy burghers of Gotham. At II o'clock a. m., our people assembled at the Methodist church, to attend the exercises of the Minnesota Historical Society. * * * In the evening, there was a rush to the ball at the Central House, there being nearly or quite one hundred gentlemen, with their ladies, present." TrHE' PIONEER'S" NEWV YEAR'S ADDRESS. The Pioneer issued, on January I, a New Year's Address, which created considerable amusement. A few extracts will show its tone: The cities on this river must be three. Two that are built, and one that is to be. Oie is the mart of all the tropics yield; The cane, the orange, and the cotton-field; And sends her ships abroad and boasts Her trade extended to a thousand coasts; The other, central for the temperate zone, Garners the stores that on the plains are grown; A place where steamboats from all quarters range. To meet and speculate, as'twere, on'change. :47 Thze History of the City of Saint Patil, [1 50 The third will be, where rivers confluent flow From the wide-spreading north through plains of sniow: The mart of all that boundless forests give To make mankind more comfortably live; The land of manufacturing industry, The workshop of the nation it shall be. Propelled by this wide stream, you'll see A thousand fadtories at Saint Anthony: And the Saint Croix a hundred mills shall drive, And all its smiling villages shall thrive; But then mny town-remember that high bench With cabins scattered over it, of French? A man named HENRY JACKSON'S living there, Also a man-why, every one knows L. ROBAIR; Below Fort Snelling, seven miles or so, And three above the village of OLD CROW? Pig's Eye? Yes; Pig's Eye! That's the spot! A very funny name; is't not? Pig's Eye's the spot, to plant my city on, To be remembered by, when I am gone. Pig's Eye, converted thou shalt be, like SAUL: Thy name henceforth shall be Saint Paul. When the Wisconsin's wedded to the Fox By a canal and solid steamboat locks; When freighted steamboats leave Saint Paul one day, And reach, the next but one, Green Bay; When locomotives regularly draw, Their freighted trains from distant Pembina, And o'er the bridge rush, thundering, at Saint Paul; And, at Dubuque, to breathe, scarce make a call; But hurry onward to the hot Balize, By flying farms, plantations, houses, trees, When from the Cave to Pig's Eye shall extend A levee lined with steamboats to each end; When one great city covers all The ground from Pig's Eye to the Falls, I then will claim Saint Paul for mine, The child of 1849." Somie of these visions of the future, though then a lmere fieak of wild fancy, have been so closely fulfilled since, or are about to be, the doggerel will repay a careful perusal. BALLS AND SOCIAL BEIIAVIOtR. A ball wits held on January 17, at the Central HouLse. The 248 1850] and of thae Coun-ity (f- Ranmsey, Yllinnesota. ''iotee- criticises it in a humorous way, that would lead one to suppose that society was not as starchy and high-toned those days as we have it at our bon ton soirees now-a-days. It advises gentlemen to wear neither moccasins or heavy boots at balls! The Pioneer also thought it "vulgar for a lady to make up a bundle of cake, nuts and candies at the table to carry home! She might as well pocket the sugar-bowl and teaspoons." Balls and sociable dancing parties appear to have been about the only amusements in winter-time then, and, without them, the long winter months would have probably been intolerably tedious. The 22d of February this year was celebrated by a ball at the American House, So80 or more persons being present. The band of the Sixth Regiment generally furnished music for those soirees. Their leader, Mr. JACKSON, was a famous bugler, and many of our old citizens remember the soul-stirring notes of his favorite instrument. Another famous ball musician of early days was a colored 11man, named W/M. TAYLOR. He had a very musical voice, and has I called figures" for hundreds of balls and dances, almost. He was killed by the Indians at Yellow Medicine, in i862. ROADS AND MAIL SERVICE. The t'ioneer complains, and justly, too, that the mail service during the winter of IS49-50, was execrable. "ft takes (groaned the editor) a month to get a letter from Washington." The proposals advertised for, a short time previous, called for at weekly eastern mail, during winter. The contrat for this service was let to Hon. H. MI. RICE, as will be further noted in a subsequent chapter. One reason for the poor service, probably, was the absence of good roads. Prior to this winter, the only road from Saint Paul to Prairie du Chien was on the ice of the river, after it froze-a route of much danger. In November and December, 1849, however, WIRAM KNOwLTrON, of Willow River, (Hudson) Wisconsin, laid out a road from Prairie du Chien to that place, via Black River Falls. It was " blazed and marked," he says, in a letter to the Pionzeecr, "the whole way,"-distance., 223 miles. Somne I7 249 0 The History of the Cily of Saint Paul. [i85o streams were bridged, " and a span of good horses can now hauil I,8o00 or 2,000 pounds thlrough the whole distance." Stopping places" could be fotund a part of the way, but the rest of the route, the traveler must " camp out" in the snow. This road was used as the winter roulte east by Saint Paul travelers, for several years. WVII,LOUGHBY and POWERS' stage line ranl on it several seasons, and Mr. RIcE's mail conltracdt was served on it, at least a part of that time. At this date, the only mail rotites in Minnesota, besides the one above referred to, were firom Siint'Pautl to Fort Snelling and back, weekly; from Saint Paul to Falls of Saint Croix, via Stillwater and Marine Mills, and back, weekly, with one additional trip per- week to Stillwater an(d back. There were, in I850, only sixteen post-offices in what is now Miinnesota. OR(;ANIZATION OF CIIURCIlES. On Deecemnber 29, IS49, a Baptist chLl-urch hlid beeii orgianized, with I2 m1embers, andi(I was' recognized" bvy a Council the (lay following. This vwas the first Baptist church in Mimnesota. The Pio,,eer, of Jantiary 9, 8S50, has the f(llowing: The First Presbyterian church, of Saint Paul, was organized last Sunday, in the Rev. Mr. NEILL'S chapel. Bros. SELBY and TINKER, who had been before chosen elders, were ordained by the laying on of hands, &c. Rev. Dr. WILLIAMSON, of the Little Crow Mission, was presen-t, with several of the native Sioux." Hon. GEO. L. BECKER* was one of the originil imembers of this church, antd is still t Inember of it. * HoI1. GEORGE L. BECKER was born in Locke, Cayuga county, New York, Februatry 4, IS829. In 1iS41, his falther re,moved to Ann Arbor, Michiigan, where he eLnteredthe Freshmaniia class of the Universitv of Michigan, i 1842, and graduated in i846, his class being the second one graduated at that institution. Immediately after graduating he studied law with GEORGE SEDGWICK, Esq., of Ann Arbor, and remained with hini until October, i849, when he emigrated to Saint Paul, arriving here on the 29th of t.hat nionith. He at once commeoced the practice of law, and soon after formed a copartnership with EDMUND RICE and ELLIS G. WIIITALL, under the firm name o(f "RICE, WVHITALL & BECKER." About at year afterwvards, Mr. WHITALL withdrew, and WM. HOLLINSHEAD, one of the best lawyers who ever lived in the State, joined the firm, which then became "RICE, IIOLLINSHEAD & BECKER," one of the most successful and widely-known law firms in the Territorial days of Minnesota, continuing to transact .t large and important business until its dissolution in i856. Mr. RICE retired during that year, and Messrs. BECKER and HOLLINSHEAD continued the business fO)r another year, when Mr. BECKER withdrew and soon after ceased the adtive pradticc o(If law. Dorilig the last thirteen years, Mr. BECKER ha.s been a.tctively engaged in the importait 250 IS5oJ fand of the County of PLainsey, A1i1inesota. work of fi,rwarding the railroad interests of the State. l 1i862, he vwas chlioseni Land Commissionier of the Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad. Upon the organization of the Fhirst Division of the Saint Puil and Pacific Railroad, (6th of February, I864,) he was clecated President of the same, which position he has held ever since. Under his able mmnagement, tand, largely by his efforts and influence, 317 miles of road have been conI K ~~ I __ ~~ / ~~x GEORGE L. BECKER. strudted. Foreign capital has been enlisted to the extent of millions, thus proving a source of wealth to our State, opening up a vast region hitherto a wilderness, now filled with prosperous towns and fertile farms. In the discharge of his duties, Mr. BECKER has perfiirmed an immense amoonut of physical and mental labor, making frequent journeys east and to Europe, besides carrying on his large office business at home, and filling responsible public offices at the same time. Mr. BECKER has filled a oumber of important offices in our State. InII 1854, at the 25I Tdie History of the City of Saint Pau,/ The Pioneer, of February 27th, says: "Our Baptist firiends are making active preparations for erecting a house of public worship in Saint Paul." " 0 1, 1) BlE'I'S" used to flourish ab)otlt those days, as she did ir mnany years subsequently. No history of Saint Paul can be colmplete which omits mention of this curious charalter, so well known to all the old residents. The papers aboutt this (late contain lnumer ous references to hler-some not very conmpliimentary, perhaps, but they show that "' Old BERs" was a sort of favorite, at least, which she certainly was. Old BETS was a full-blood Sioux woman, of tle M'dewakontonwan tribe. She came of a family which was somewhat distinguished in its way. Her Sioux name was Aza-ya-man-ka-wan, or BERRY-PICKER. She was born near Mendota, in 1788, and was at the time of her death only 75 years old, though she was generally supposed to be Ioo. She was' married," after the Indian fashion, to Ma-za-sa-gia, or "IRON SWORI)," who died a few years subsequently at Mendota. She had several children. One daughter was living not long ago in Saint Paul. A son, named Ta-otpi, or "WOUNDED MAN," born at Mendota, became somewhat noted as a convert to Christianity, and, after his death at Faribault, in I869, Bishop WIIIPPLE published a fine volume of his biography, with an engraved portrait. A town in southern Minnesota has been named for him. One of her brothers was He-in-da-koo, a tfamous warrior, prophet and medicine man, who was killed by the Chippewas, some years ago.' ONE-LEGGED JIM' was another brother of Old BETS. He had lost a leg in some skirmish, and used to peg first municipal election, under our city charter, he was elected ati Aldern,an, and, in iS56, chosen Mayor of the city. In 1857, he was elected froim Ramnsey county one of the mlembers of the Constitutional Convexitioi, and soon after eledted one of the three mIciiibers of Congress to which itwas supposed our State (when admitted) would be entitled. During the delay which attended its idm,issioi, it becamie certain that only two imeiiibers could be received, and Mr. BECKER at once resigned. The following year (IS59) he was unanimously nominated, at a Co nvention of his party, for Governor, but the opposite side gained the dty. In i867, hle'.is eledted l iemicber of the State Senate from Ramsey county, and re-elected in iS69, serving four sessions in all. Such was the confidence reposed in him by both parties, that, ait his last elettion, no nomination was made against him on the opposite ticket, anid he was iuanimouioisly chosen. In IS72, Mr. BECKER was Iagain nominiated for Congress, but his p'rty was niot successful ili the contest. Mfr. BECKER has geiierously tided all the beniev(oleiit, literary alnd educitional iiistitutions of Saint Paul, and is known as one of our foremnost citizens in every good enterprise. 11850 252 i850] and of the Counfiy of Ramsey, Minnesota. around on a wooden stump. He was well known to most of the early settlers, and was never backward about begging. Old BETS lived all her life in this locality. Miss BIsHoP mentions her frequently in her work, "Floral Homes," and gives a good portrait of her. She has been photographed many times, and her pictures. purchased by tourists, may be found in albums in all parts of the civilized world. Thousands of them have been sold. She was always very proud of this distinction, and of the notice paid her by travelers, never failing to levy a small tax on them. MUNGER BROS. once pub "OLD BETS." lished a piece of music (words by J. H. HANsON) based on the supposed fact that she was Ioo years old, and some artist made a very good bust of her. So she had become quite an institution in our midst. She subsisted by begging for many years. She was always welcome at the kitchen doors of the old settlers, and never failed to bear off a wallet of food. She was a privileged character in many ways, and no old settler [she knew them all] would refuse her request for kosh-5osbsy (money.) She always greeted her acquaintances on the street with a broad grin of her huge mouth, and a cheerful "ho-ho." During the Sioux War. she was very kind to white prisoners, and possessed other good traits. She was converted to Christianity shortly before her death, by Father 253 254 The His/ooy of the City of Saio/ Pau, [85o RAVOUX. When her last illness was known, the Chamber of Commerce subscribed a sum of money for her comfort, and she had a Christiall burial. She died about May I, I873, at Mendota. The portrait herewith is an excellent likeness. MISCELILANEOUS. "Some journeyman preacher would make a profitable trip up the Mississippi River, with a supply of blank marriage licenses, there being no person north of Saint Paul, who is authorized, by law, to tie the nuptial knot. Many couples are represented to be in an awful state of suspense. The laws of Minnesota do not anywhere authorize Justices of the Peace to solemnize marriages."-[Pionieer, Jan. 30.] "Many of the people go unshaved, although the village is supplied with three barbers-such is the scarcity of soap."-[Ib.] "Wood is selling in Saint Paul at about $1.50 per cord."-[Ib.] "The foundation of a brewery is laid at the upper end of Saint Paul."-[Ib.] "'GREAT CRY AND LITTLE WOOL.'-Four of the lawyers of Saint Paul were engaged all day last Wednesday, in trying the right of property in a little, old sow."-[Ib., Feb. 27.] "We would advise each immigrant to Saint Paul this season, as we did last season, to come prepared to build a cheap house immediately, without depending upon hiring a house."-[Ib.] The Pioneer notices the market bare of cured meats; I"only fresh meats," it savs, " and mallards 20C. a pair." It adds: "One year ago there were three stores in Saint Paul, sold out at that. so that the place was absolutely bare of goods and provisions. There are now fifteen stores, in one or the other of which almost every article of necessitv can be found." ANOTHER HOMICIDE. On Friday, February 22, 1850, another homicide occurred. Two men, named ALIEX. R. McLEOD and WM. B. GORDON, got into an affray, where the Stillwater road forded Phelan's Creek, about a mile east of town, on or near McLEoD's claim, mentioned on page I36. GORDON was so severely injured that he died next day. McLEoD was arrested and examined before Justice WAKEFIELD. The evidence showed that both men were in liquor but that GORDON first assaulted McLIEOD, striking him with a whip-stock, while McLEoD use(l nothling 1850] and of ta/e Cobnty of Ramsey, /llinnesola. but his fist. LIe was held to bail in the sum of $200, but, on trial before the next term of court, was acquitted on grounds ~ ~~i ~~< /j;j EDMIUND RICE. of self-defense. McLEoi) was defended RICE.* * Hon. EDMUND RICE was born in Waitsfield, Vermont, February 14, i'i9. He removed to Kalamazoo, Michigan, in I838; studied law, and was admitted to pradtice in 1842; was Master in Chancery, Register of the Court of Chancery for the Third circuit, and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State. He served in the Mexican wi VIar, in 255 bv Hon. EDMUND 256 The Histo;vry of the City of Saint Paul, GRAND COUNCIL WITH THE WVINNEBAGOES. On March 14, a deputation of the principal chiefs of the WVinnebagoes, who were dissatisfied with their Reservation, waited on Gov. RAMSEY. A grand council was held in the trading house of OLMSTED & RHODES, on Third street, between Jackson and Robert streets. Among the famouls chiefs present were ONE-EYED DEKORA, (who took BLACK HAWK a prisoner in IS32,) WINNESHIEK, BIG CANOE, GOOD THUTNDER, LITTLE DEKORA, CARIMONA, LITTLE HILL, and others, more or less prominently known in the history of the Northwest, and a number of Sioux also attended. Gen. J. E. FLETCHER, Winnebago Agent, was present, and WM. H. FORBES and JOHN HANEY, Jr., acted as interpreters. They stated their grievances to Gov. RAMSEY, and had a long talk. Thev were finally persuaded to return to their Reservation and remain there peaceably. It was at this council that Gov. RAMSEY made his famous temperance speech to the Indians. He admonished them of the dangers of intemperance, and urged them to quit drinking. The white men," he said, " have quit drinking"-[the interpreter translated this, but the Indians looked a little astonished and incredulous-so the Governor qualifiedlly added,] " in a great measure!" The interpreter rendered this literally, to mean at large-sized vessel! Old DEKORA, at this, exclaimedl, perhaps they had, but most of them still use a small measure!" ROADS AND MAILS. The continual complaint at poor mail facilities has been IS47 and IS4S, with the commission of First Lieutenant of the First Michigan Volunteers. In July, IS49, he settled in Saint Paul, and soon became a member of the law firm of RICE, HOLLINSHEAD & BECKER, which, for several years, was a leading law firm in Minnesota. He practiced until I855. In 1857, he became President of the Minnesota and Pacific Railroad Company, and also President of its successors, the Saint Paul and Pacific, and the Saint Paul and Chicago Railway Companies, till i872, performing a large amount of service in the organization and starting of our railway system. Mr. RICE was a member of the Territorial Legislature, in iS5I, of the State Senate in i864 and i865, House in i867, and the Senate again, in IS73 and I874-an instance of popularity extending, in the same direction, over a longer period thain any other we have chronicled. Mr. RICE's valuable services to his county and city, not only in the Legislature, but as a pioneer in works of internal iimprovemnent-the highways of conmmerce-have won fi)r him their lasting gratitude and regard. E I S,50 1850] and of the County, of Ramsey, Afi'nnesota. before noted. The breaking up of the winter of I849-50, rendered the ice on the river, which was at that time the public road, very insecure, and many accidents happened several persons being drowned. On March 29, a mail was received. the first for 20 days, says the Pioneer —a deprivation that must have been sorely felt, in the isolated condition of the community then. The Pioneer, of February 27, adds: "The number of letters passing through the post-office at Saint Paul averages nearly 700 per week. The mail to Saint Anthony alone is larger than the whole mail of the Territory was one year ago." THE MORALS OF SAINT PAUL. The editor of the Pioneer denies reports that had been circulated abroad, that Saint Paul was a disorderly and immoral place. He said, despite the temporary character of many homes, and the floating population-men without families, &c.-and the fact that the town government had not yet organized, the town was orderly and moral. Religious services held in five churches, and well attended-Sunday observeddrunkenness and gambling not openly carried on - good( schools, and a good moral tone in community. No violent disorders or crimes. If whisky was sold, it must have been as villainous " fortyrod" stuff as is now vended. An old Indian, named RATTLER, who had a camp across the river, managed to get a drink in town, one night, and was found dead in his teepee next morning. Whisky that could kill a Sioux Indian that quick, must have been a mighty mean article. SCRAPS. About this time, a contest for the cathedral of this bishopric is noted. PIERRE BOTTINEAU and others made profuse offers of lots at Saint Anthony, but some eligible lots were finally secured here, the same on which it now stands, as is narrated elsewhere. Reference is made to Sergeant E. K. THOMAS, of Fort Snelling, an artist of some skill, who used to paint portraits of Indian celebrities quite skillftilll. 257 7The History of the City of Saint Paul, FIRST TERM OF COURT-FIRST GRAND JURY. The first term of court in Ramsey county, was held on Mollday, April 8, I850, with 49 cases on the calendar. Chief Justice GOODRICH presided. Thirteen indictments were found, mostly against gambling-house keepers. McLEoD, for homicide. was acquitted. There was no jail then. Prisoners were generally sent to Fort Snelling for safe-keeping. The Pioneer-, of April i6. savs: "JACOB R. SHIPLER, indi6ted for assaulting his wife with intent to kill, and convicted and sentenced to imprisonment in penitentiary for one year, slipped away from the sheriff and escaped." The Saint Paul people must have been a very litigious community then, as it is now. The Pioneer says: "We have now 25 lawyers in Saint Paul!" What sins could this young and feeble population have committed, that such a punishment was sent on them? From the records of this term, I find the names of the first grand jury ever drawn for Ramsey county, as follows: VWILLIAM H. NOBLES, WYMAN BAKER, C. D. BEVANS, AND. GODFREY, R. CUMMINGS, FRED. OLIVIER, A. TITLOW. H. R. GIlBBS, D. L. FULLER, JNO. FORD, J. M. MARSIIAILL,I JAMES HINTON, JOHN CARLTON, ED. PATCH, LOREN JONES EBEN WELD, HENRY H. ANGEL, LOUIS PARKER, REUBEN BEAN, S. K. LANE, FRANCIS CHENEVERT, JOHN B. COTY, A. L. LARPENTEUR. The record adds: "Some of the above reported for duty." A part of these lived at Saint Anthony, then in Ramsev county. THE FLOOD OF I850. In the spring and early summer of this year, a great freshet occurred, mainly caused by extreme heavv snows on the Upper Mississippi, and long-continued warm rains early- in the spring. The water commenced rising about April I, an(l continued most of the month. The floor of the Constans warehouse. still standing, was submerged several incheshigher water. if we mistake not, than has been known since. [185o 258,S I8o0] and of i/e CountO of Ramsey, l'innesota. and, the Pioneer of that date said, "unprecedented for manyears." The water subsided somewhat when the regular "June fresh" came oln, which again carried it up, and it remained high for several weeks. The "Anthony Wayne," a steamer well known in those days, went up to the Falls of Saint Anthlon on the flood, and likewise made a trip tip the Minnesota River, as did also the " Yankee" a little later. When the river first rose at Saint Paul, the ice was still firm, and swept down in huge cakes. The Pioneer, of April IO, says: H Last evening in Saint Paul, we cotld hear the noise of masses of ice tumbling over the Falls of Saint Anthoiny- eight miles distant." The roaring of the Falls used to l)e heard here several years afterwards, btit the improvements there. changing their chlaracter, gradutally stopped this. OPENING OF NAVIGATION, I8SO. The Pioneer-, of April 25, says: "On Friday morning, the i9th, (arrival of'Highland Mary,') at 6 o'clock, the smoke of a steamboat was visible at Saint Paul, and the very heart of the town leaped for joy. * * * As she came up in front of RANDALL's warehouse, the multitude on shore raised a deafening shout of welcome'," &c. She brought 500oo passengers, not an iuncommon load for those davs. iSutch has been the anxiety here," contintued the Pioneer, for the arrival of steamboats, that nothing else was talked of. Saint Paul seemed likely to go to seed." An editorial of the same date says:'I At length the flood of immigration has burst through the barriers of Lake Pepin. The boats that have already arrived have brought hundreds of strangers amongst us. * * * Let us do everything in otur power to welcome, encourage, and build tip those who have come to unite their fortunes with ours"-and further recommends that, as the hotels are overcrowded, citizens entertain the strangers at their houses until they can build tenements. Some idea can be formed, firom the above paragraph, of the joy with which the arrival of the first boat was hailed, in earlydays-opening commutnication with the rest of the world, af 259 .260 The ilistory qf the City of Saint Paul, [IS5O ter months of isolation. It was generally a signal for a jollification, at which all rules of restraint were thrown aside. At one of our Old Settler reunions, a graphic description was given of the president of a temperance society leaning up against CONSTANS' warehouse, two or three hours after the first boat arrived, entirely overcome by his feelings, and retching in an agony of surfeit. Perhaps, like RIP VAN WINKILE, he tlhotiglit that time didn't count." Of late years, the opening of navigation has ceased to be of any importance or interest. Our railroads have changed all that. A VISION OF OUR NORTHERN PACIFIC. In an editorial which now, that over twenty-five years have elapsed, reads with prophetic interest, the editor calls attention to "a short route to Oregon and California." He thinks, there is some probability that a railroad will be made fromn Saint Louis westward, to San Francisco, at no very remote period." * * * "We wish now," (he adds,) "'to turn your attention to another overland route, in the north, which we believe is far easier and safer," and proceeds to argue that Saint Paul is much nearer the Pacific in a dire&t line, than Saint Louis; also. that there is a route or trail from the Red River to the Columbia River, over which mails are regularly transported, by the Hudson's Bay Company, with safetv and ease." It must be remembered that the northern route for a railroad was then hardly thought of. Even the central route was looked on as an impossible scheme, and butifew then, even -young men, ever expected to see it in their lifetime. FIRST TOVWN EIECTION. On May 6, pursuant to the terms of the town charter, the first municipal election took place. There was no contest worth mentioning, and the following officers were chosen: President.-Dr. THOMAS R. POTTS.*. * Dr. THOMAS R. POTTS was born in the city of Philadelphia, February io, 18io. He graduated at the Medical Department of thle University of Pennsylvania, in 183I, and settled at Natchez, Mississippi, where he lived io years. In 1841, he removed to Galena, Illinois, and, in i149, to Saint Paul, where he pra(ticed medicine for 26 years, I850] nand of the Counzy of Ramsey, Vilnnesota. Recorder. EDMUND RICE. Trustees. -W. H. FORBES, B. F. HOYT, W~M. H. RANDALL, HENRY JACKSON, and A. L. LARPENTEUR. The records of the Board are lost, and the only note of their proceedings are what appear from time to time in the papers. A DARING MURDER BY HOLE-IN-THE-DAY. The Pioneer, of May i6, graphically describes a daring adt ROLE- IN-THE-DAY. of HOLE-IN-'TIE-DAY, the Chippewa chieftain, who used to -)e so well known in Saint Paul: "On Wednesday, the Isth, at about I p. min., there was a great excitemient in Saint Paul-Indians yelling at each other across the river, and running up and down the shores, canoes crossing the river, and everything betokening the utmost exasperation. It seems news has reached being, at the time of his death, the senior practicing physician of our city. He was, for several years of this time, contraCt surgeon at Fort Snelling, and'also physician to the Sioux, and Medical Purveyor of this distrirt, Pension Surgeon, &c. He was eleded first President of the Towvn Board, in I$50, an office equivalent to Mayor. He was, also. elected City Physician in I866, and health officer of Saint Paul in I873. Hle died suddenly, while holding that office, on Oftober 6, 1874. Re was married at Fort Snel ling, in IS47, to Miss ABBY STEELE. 26,I Thze History oaJ' the City of Sain.zl EMal, [I$ 5o them that a party of Sioux were overtaken, a short distance out of Saint Paul, and two murdered and three taken prisoners. At this miomlent, a company of the Sioux have started northward through town, stripped of their blankets, in pursuit of the dastardly murderers. This is the first blow (if the story is true) struck by the Chippewas in revenge of the 14 of their tribe, murdered the other day in a sugar camnp, by the Sioux. 'P. S. About sunset, on Wednesday, the Sioux returned, with the corpse of one man, (who seems to be the only one murdered,) whom they had in a canoe, nailed up in a box, covered with a red pall. Just at dark, they left the lower landing in sadness, with their canoes, for their village, four miles down the river." The murder, which was ai most daring feat, was committed bv HOLE-INX-TIIE-DAY. He secreted his canoe in the mouth of the creek that runs from " Fountain Cave," and, with one or two other warriors, crossed the river, attacked several Sioux, and killed and scalped one, and got off with the scalp before Lquite a body of the Sioux, who were near by, could get the alarm. It was a most audacious at. The Pioneer, of May z3 says: "A gentleiman, just down from Fort Gainies, says that, on his way down, he met the Chippewa chief, HOLE-IN-THE-DAY, with the scalp of the young Sioux Indian, which that brave took last week in this neighborhood, divided into quarters. He was in fine feather. At night he and his followers had a scalp-dance. In his descent on the Sioux, in the short space of 24 hours, he marched 80 miles, committed the * murder, and started for home again." In order- to put a stop, if possible, to these butchleries bv the Indians, Governor RAMSEY summoned the chiefs of both tribes, their agents and interpreters, to a council at Fort Sneluig, which was held on June I I or1 I 2. After tedious- patlaver, a sort of treaty of peace was patched up between the redskins, for about the fiftieth time. THE CHOLERA was quite bad this season, and several very sudden deaths occulrred. It was quite bad at towns down the river also, anid passengers arriving per steamer colnstitLuted quite a proportion of the cases. The Pi/once,- declared thltt not a case had orig 262 tSro] ~and of the County ojf Ramjsey, flinnzesota. inated hlert-but that all had been brought froiom below. Somie occurred subsequent to that, at all events. BRIEF ITEMS. On May 3, a Lodge of Odd Fellows was instituted, under the title of Saint Paul Lodge, No. 2," by JOHN G. POTTS,* of Galena. The charter members were, BENJ. W. BRUNSON, JUSTUS C. RAMSEY, COMFORT BARNES, B. WV. LO'rT, JOHN DUNSHEE, C. K. SMITH, JOHN CONDON, J. B. COTY, and WVM. C. HUTGGINS. The Pic,icei-, of May I6, says:' This morning about I10 o'clock, Rev. Mr. NEIILL'S conmmnodious chapel, ill Saint Paul, took fire, by some shavings, and was burned to ashes." This was the first fire which ever occurred in Saint Paul. Mr. NEILIL at once started east to collect fiunds for a new churclh, in which he succeeded. In the meantime, he used to preach in an unfinished warehouse, which then stood where Warner's Block now does. At the same time, Dr. WILLIAMSON would occasionally preach in a log building then occupied by JOSEPH R. BROWN, on the site of the present Ingersoll Block. He, several times, preached there to the Sioux, in their langiuage. A little of the speculative fever, which raged so intensely four or five years later, must have shown itself then. On June 7, 1850, the Pioneer remarks: "The cash price of town lots in Saint Paul is too high. It is industry, it is labor, it is adtual producitioni not gambling and speculation, which protduces wealth. WVe want to see more industry and production, and less gambling and speculation." But what would GooDIIUE and his compeers have said if they could have foreseen prices 20 years later? Thley would have kept mum on i' gaimbling and speculation," and botught themselves poor. On June 19, a young mechanic, named JOHN LUMLEY, (lied very suddenlv of cholera, one of the few fatal cases that occutrred this season. He was an Odd Fellow, and had been JOIIN G. POTTS died ait Galena, February 13, 1874. At his death he was olae of the ,olidest Odd Fellows in the United States. -,63 264 Tlze Histor o e ity of je Cty o a'nt P'au [i S5o initiated only four days previous. The Fraternity turned out at his funeral, the first they had been called on to condut. Referring to'their new white regalia, GOODIHUE, who could not resist a joke, even at a funeral, writes that " he had not seen such a display of clean linen since the Territory was formed." If the mourners went about the streets, there was occasionally festivities and rejoicings likewise, and the bells did not always toll. The census-taker reported 25 marriages in Ramsey county for the year ending June I, I85o. 185o] and of thre Counl,, of?ranse. llfi7nesoita. CHAPTER XIX. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I850.-CONTINUED. NAVIGATION OF THE MINNESOTA RIVER-THE CENSUS OF IS5o-LIST OF RESIDENTS ETIINOLOGICAL NOTES-ABORIGINAL ITEMS-THE INDIANS AND THEIR HABITS POLITICAL-FREDRIKA BREMER VISITS SAINT PAIUL-THE COURT-IIOITSE AND JAIL-BIOGRAPHIES OF OLD SETTLERS, &C. NE of the most noticeable events of the year I85o, was the navigation of the Minnesota River. Three boats, the "'Anthonv WVavne,"'Nominee" and "Yankee," made excursions with large pleasure parties of Saint Paulites, each trying to ascend flirther than the other. The water was very favorable for such experiments, and the'" Yankee" ascended 300 miles, thus demonstrating that the Minnesota was navigable. On July I8, the Pioneer says: "The water is now higher than in the spring freshet-higher than it has been for 28 years." The Red River valley was also inundated, and the settlers compelled to flee to the hills. ITEMS. "The heavy rains have made the roads from Saint Paul to Saint Anthony in some places impassable. The necessity for a railroad to the Falls is becoming every day more and more obviouts.-[Pionee,-. July I8. ] The conveniences of a city are gradually increasing in Saint Paul. The confectioner, the ice-cart, the milk-man, are among the new conveniences here, and last, but not least, a regular market for fresh heef.-[Ib.] The "Order of IOOI'S" flourished in those days. Frequent notices are made of the meetings, and most of the prominent citizens were "roped in" just as they were a few years later into the Sons of Malta. JAMES M. GOODHUE was one of the high officers of the order. A lectture which he once wrote on the " emblems" of the order, illustrated with toys bought is 26q TlThe Hisfoi-, 0o the Cil' o f S/ain Pati. [IS85o in a store, is said to havne been a masterpiece of wit, excelling even AT.F. BURNETT'S great lecture on the menagerie. CENSUTS OF I8o0. Meantime the Federal censuts of I850 hlad been takeln, an(l the result in the countv was as follows: Males, 1,337; females, 860; total, 2,I97. No. of dwellings, 384; No. of acres improved. 458. Population of Saint Paul, 1,294; No. of families, 257. Ramse- coutnt at that time, it shoutld be remembere(l. inclu(led Saint Antlhonyl, and, in fact, all of Minnesota on the east side of the Mississippi, except the Saint Croix vallev. The censuts of Ramsey coutnt waNs taken by CHARTFXS F. TI^ACY. who was a resident here from I849 to I855. RESIDENTS OF I850o. I have. with considerable labor, compiled firom the census rolls, the following important and valuable list of residents of I85o. It may be justlv termed the " B3attle Abbey- Roll" of Saint Paul. Where it was defective or erroneous. I have added to it a number of names gathere(l firom the roll books of societies, poll lists, advertisements, and other sources, so that it is probably- quite correct. (It includes onlv adult male residents:) Wm.Armstrong.(col'd.) I oiis Aug,ee. Quartus B. Abbott. Elliot Adams, Peter Allard, George Bemis, Lyman L. Benson, Corydon D. Bevans, Henry L. Bevans, Stanislaus Bilanski., , P. P. Bishop, W. J. Blake, James M. Boal, Cyril Boisvert, Elijah Booth, Joseph Boudrette, Charles W. Borup. 266 B. Allen, Geo. W. Alvord, Michael E. Ames, J. W. Babcock. Lorenzo A. Babcock, Abram Baker, Daniel A. J. Baker, John Banfil, Dr. Nehemi'h Barbour V. B. Barnum, Coi-iifort Barnes, Thomas Barton, F. J. Bartlett, Lotiis Bartlett, Jacob W. Ba-,,,. J. R. Brewster, J. W. Brinsinade, 0. B. Bromley, Joseph R. Bro-,N-ii: Oris Brown, S. F. Brown, William Brown. Ltither B. Brtiin,, Louis Brunel, B. W. Brunson, Alden Bryant, William Brvan. 1850o] and of the Cozunty of Rantsel,, ilfinznesota. Joseph Boudrea u. Joseph Bourcier. William Bowen. David Bradlev., Patrick Brady, D. F. Brawley, Rev. J. Lloyd Breck. Peter Chapdelin, Wm. Constans. Warren H. Chapman, David Cooper, Gabriel Chesefield. Bruno Chenevert. Anthony Chosee, James R. Clewett, Solomon T. Close. Francis Cloutier. Charles Colter. William Colter. John Condon. Alex. Connolly. Chas. R. Conway., Philip Constans. Louis Denoyer, Narcisse Denoyer, Sam'l H. Dent. Wm. DeRocher. Isaiah DeWebber, Dr. Jno. J. Dewey., Rev. L. Dickens,. Dyer Divine, Henry Doolittle, Abram S. Elfelt. Chas. D. Elfelt. Edwin Elfelt. Alonzo Eaton. Benjamin Eaton. David Ebert, George Egbert. J. H. Farnham, Geo. W. Farrington, John Farrington, George Farquhar, Martin Fetcot. Stark Fielder, Thos. M. Finch. Aug. J. Freenan. Cyrus Freemnan. Alpheus R. French. J. Frick, A. V. Fryer, Jonathan Frost, A. G. Fuller. S. P. Folsom, James E. Forbes. Obed Foote, GWm. H. Forbes. B. B. Ford, Aaron Foster, Dr. Thomas Foster. 267 Joseph Bastin, *illiam Battleford. Charles Bazille. Reuben Bean, J. B. Beauchernier, Geo. L. Becker. NN'. VI. Belknap. l,ouis W. Brvson, Williai-n Buchanan. Willard Bunnell, Patrick Burke, Geo. W. Burkholder. Alex. Btirnett. fienrv C. Btitlei-. AnthonN- Caifil, John B. Callis, Scott Campbell. Petei- Cardinal. John J. Carlton. Illilliain G. Carter. John M. Castner. John B. Coty, Charles S. Cave. A. H. Ca-,,ender. Charles Cavileer. Ilirai-n Cawood, Firman Cazeau, William Chamber.,. Wm. F. Corbet, John B. Cornovei-, George Corno er, y Joseph Cornoyer, Oliver Cotirtemanche. Marcil Coutourier, F. Couture, Peter Crevier, Charles Creek. J. W. Crosby, George Culver, John Cyphers. Maxii-ne Dal-nas, Severe Desmarais. Xavier Desmarais. George Daniels. Joseph Daniels. Dr. David Da-,,. James Da-, l,vi-nan Dayton. J. W. DeCamp, Hiram Doty, Geo. Douglas, Carter H. Drew,' Taylor Dudlev D. W. C. Dtinwell, Edward G. Dunfoi-(I. Michael Dunning, Oliver Dupre,, Wm. M. D-%vinnels. Sai-nuel'Ells. Evan Evans, William Evan,,. -'Thie -i/story 1 of thie *'if' of.,'ai/n Pa/ p l,, G. A. Fournier, Richard Freeborn. William Freeborn. James M. Goodhue. Aaron Goodrich, Aaron Gould, Baptiste Gravelin, Joseph B. Gravelin,(?) Edward Greenwood. Vetal Guerin, Matthew Groff. Joseph Gingras, Harlow Glass, Hugh Glenn. John Glenn, Joseph Gabin,. Emanuel Goode, George Goodhue, Isaac N. Goodhue. John H. Henderson. John Henley, CharlesJ. Henniss, J. S. Hinckley, W. W. Hickox, Rev. Chauncy Hobart, Samiuel C. Hoffinan. John Holland. David Hopkins, Peter Hopkins. John T. Hals ted. Eberle Handlev, John J. Hanev, Frederic Hardy, George Harris, E. A. C. Hatch. Jacob Haus, Nathan Hawley. John Hlaycock, Edward Hays. Jno. R. Irvine. Dr. Wm. H. Jarvis. William Jebb, John W. Johnson. Isaac M. Kelley, M. N. Kellogg, Robert Kennedy, Isaac La Bonissier, Joseph Labisinier, John B. LaChappel, Jacques Lafaire, Joseph Lafond, Henry A. Lambert, Henry F. Lander, Charles Landres. A. L. Larpenteur, E. N. Larpenteur, Leonard H. LaRoche, Louis Larrivier, William Lauver,. Daniel Lavalle, Xavier Lavalle, Andrew Lavier, W. G. LeDuc, Michael Lemay. 268 [ I,;o David L. Fuller. J. E. Fullerton., Ltither Furnell. A. Findley, Charles Fisher. Edwin Folsom, Louis Gabott, W. B. Gardner, Leander Garniot. Napoleon Gautier, J. Gehon, R. B. Gibson, Nathan Gilpatrick, Francis Gingras, B. F. Hoyt, Lorenzo Hoyt, William Huggins,;, Jai-nes Hughes, Richard M. Iftighe. George Ilui-nphrey. Jai-nes M. lliii-nphi-eN-. C. S. lliirtick, B. E. Iltitchin-,oii. B. F. Irvine. Henry Jackson, Louis Jacques, Noel jaillard, Parsons K. Johnson, D. II. Jo n es. P. Jones. S. F. Kauffman, C. Keller, E-idus Keller, Philip Kessler, James Kirkpatrick, R. C. Kiiox. Timothy Lareati, John Leslie, Sylvester Le-,-ei-i(I-e, John Lewis. jai-nes Lock. B. W. Lott. S. B. Lowell. Jesse Lowe, S. B. Lowry, C. P. V. Ltill, flenrv Lansing, Hvele Lapierre, Peter Lapointe. jolin Ltim]eN,. IS50] band of the County of Rcamisey, iJfinnesota. Asa Mallory, James Marley,. J. Cole Martin. Hlenry F. Masterson. Ira Mathews, Lewis Mathews, Thornton Mathews. I-Iugh McCann, Charles McCarron, V. B. McCulloch,. Nathaniel McLean, John McCloud, Jr., R. West McCloud, Joseph Monteur, -Ferdinand Monti, George W. Moore, Amnable Morin, Wilson C. Morrisoln, Joseph Mosher, Peter Mullin, Alfred Murphy, Luke Murphy, D. C. Murray, Elijah Murray, WVm. 10. Murray, Nathan Myrick. Jo hn P. McGregor, George McGuire, John McKee, Edward McLagan, R. McLagan, Alex. R. McLeod, Patrick Meagher, Rev. J. A. Merrick, Abraham Michier, John P. Miller, Amadis Mini, A. M. Mitchell. Lot Moffet. Geo. C. Nichols. Jacob J. Noah, WVm. H. Nobles, R ev. E.. Neille R. R. Nelson, P. S. Newell. Fred. Olivier, Louis M. Olivier, Louis M. Olivier, Charl e s H. Oakes. Da,id Oakes, Thomas Odell. Jesse H. Pomeroy, Columbus J. Post, Calvin Potter, Dr. T. R. Potts, Simon Powers, A. C. Prentiss, Bart. Presley. E. M. Patridge, Louis Paul, Charles Peltier, Olivier Peltier, James Phillips, DWVm. D. Phillips, Allen Pierce, William O,Liinn, Edmund Rice, Henry M. Rice, Orrin W. Rice, David Richardsoil, XW Vm. Roach, Louis Robert, Nelson Robert, A. B. Robinson, Flavien Roberge, Marshall Sherman. Hile Sikwalen, (?) George Simion. Orlando Simolns. ,69 Williai-i-i Noot, Anson Nortl-irup. David Oliiisted, John P. Owens. Stephen Paliiier, Antoine Papin, J. P. Parsons, Rodney Parker, Edward Patch, Da-,-id Patnande, Peter Patoille. Patrick Quiiiii, Wi-n. L. uiiiii. Barnard Rogers, John Rogers, Daniel Rohrer, Joseph Rondo, 0. H. Root, . Isaac Rose, Charles Rouleau, Peter Rougard, Wm. Russell. Alex. Raiiisev, itistus C. Ramsev, John Randall, Win. Randall, Win. 11. Randall. S. R. Randolph, George Rath (?) j.'\V. Reed, Tlioiiias P. Reed. flenrv Sage, Edward J. Saiiford, '.Nl. S t. C flvacinthe St. CN,r. Charles Sperry, Nathan Spicer, Daniel Steele, W. M. Stee.,;, The Histo,:v of' the City Q)/ Saint lI'atl. [iS5o Oliver St. Martiin, Nicholas Schidalin. Ellis Scofield, C. P. Scott, J. W. Selby, B. L. Sellers, WV. H. Semmes., Samuel H. Sergeant, Damas Semper, C. E. Shaffer, Nelson Shattuck. George Shaver, G Geo. W. Shaw. A. L. Shearer, Erwin Y. Shellevy, Jas. Thompson, (col'd,) Joseph Thompson, Rinaldo Thompson, Socrates Thompson. James H. Thomns, Jeremiah Tibbets. Albert Titlow, lHenry L. Tilden. Wm. H. Tinker. C. S. Todd, W. M. Torbet., Mamime Vanace. Robert Van Holmes. Morton S. Wilkinson. Samtuel Williamsi, George Wisgarver, Simeon WVoodbtury, Warren Woodbtury, J. A. Wheelock. Wx Vallace B. White, Joel E. Whitney, Rev. T. WVilcoxso". Alex. Wilkin, Amherst WVilloughby, I. P. Wright. L.. B. XVait, XV. S. WVait, John A. Wakefield. George Welles, I-lenry W'ellington. Martin Wells, E. G. Wentall. Anthon Yeorg. Benjamin Zanger. SOME E'I'lHNOI,LOGICAI, NOT''ES. To onle curiotis eiiotgoul to stutlyv the inationalities which form -70 J. W. Simpson, Edward Sloan, Levi Sloan, J. N. Slosson, Chas. K. Smith, J. W. C. Smith, George H. Snider. John Snow, J. C. Somerville, .J. R. Spangler, Jackson Spears. George Spence, John B. Spencer. R. M. Spencer, Spier Spencer, Arthur Steplieii, James Steward, Wm. H. Stiles, Daniel Stinchfield, Kennedy Stuart, David Stockbarger, Edway Stoughton. Daniel Strickland, Sandford Strickland. Peter Sturgeon, Andrew Swartz, Edward Sweeny, Dr. W. W. Sweney, Charles Symonds. '\Villiai-n Talkin, John Tanner, D. C. Taylor. Wii-i. Tavior, (col'd,) John F. Tehan, Benj. S. Terrv, John C. Terry, Robert Terry, Francis Thibeault. Benj. Thompson.. G. W. Thompson, Geo. Townsend. C. F. Tracv, fl. W. Tracv, Fred. W. Travers. John Trower, Matthew Trov, Balthasar Tscliudi. John Tschtidi, E. Iniiian Turner. minable Turpin, IIiigh Tyler. Joseph Villauiiie. Pierre Vadnais, flugh I. Vance. Peter Yo.,s. IS5o] and of the County of Ramsey, AJfiinnesota. ouLr diverse population. the above list is suggestive. For instance, the absence of German names is singular. There are scarcelv half a dozen German names on the list. It Would appear that the Germanas are not a pioneering people, as the Yankees are, or the French. But very shortly after this date the German population increased very rapidly. Look at the census of I857, given uilnder its proper (late. A very large proportion of the names there are German, and are recognized as among our most " solid" and well-to-do citizens, owners of fine business blocks, and comfortable residences, and graiti fving bank accounts. Many of them camle here, too, poor emigrant boys. By the census of I86o, fully one-third of the foreign-born population were Germans, and the proportion must have increased since then. Another thing that will strike the observer, is the large per centage of French names on thle census of I850. The Canadian and Swiss French at one time composed the bulk of the population here, and their descendants are still a numerous class. Tlhey fobrmedl, during the first six or eight years of the city's history, an important element in our midst. GODHUE lmenlltions inl 1849, or I85o, that a knowledge of the French lalnguage was indispensable to a trader, just as German or Scandinarian salesmen are considered necessary now. The stores then bore the sign, ici on parle Francaise," just ats they do now, Norske Handels," or Deutsche Handlung," to attrad those classes. Indeed, such a large infusion of French blood in our population, left its impress upon it unmiistakably-and a valuable ingredient it was, too. '' WVAIT TILL AFTER T'HE PAYMENT." The Pioneer-, of August I, savs: " One would suppose, by the promises about town, that the Indian payment would squaire everv debt in Minniesota, but the' debt of nature.' Every reply to a dun is, after the paymzent.'" This used to be the great word among slow payers, for years, showing how muLch thle early business and prosperity of Minnesota depended onl the Indian trade, and how thle money disbursed unloosed things generilly. Afterwarcls this was changed to.,' wait 271 7277 e History of tzhe Ciy of Saint'auzl, until the logs come down," showing that the lumber business had become the disbursing patron of society. Now-a-days the phrase is, " wait'till after harvest," an evidence that agriculture is now our main hold. MINOR TOPICS. The Pioneer, of August, contains the following: Rev. Mr. BRECK respe6tfully invites the attendance of the citizens of Saint Patl at the house of H. A. LAMBERT, Esq.,* on Friday, the 2d day of August, to take into consideration the erecting of an Episcopal church in Saint Paul." The result of this conference was that -I society wits orgailized, and the corner-stone of i' Christ chutrch," on Cedar street, laid on September 5, following. The Town Council, or Board of T'lrustees, was urged by the Pioneer fo have the stumps pulleed out of Tizird street! Brick at the kiln sell at $6 per thousand. We noticed that several good brick buildings are about being erected near the upper landing."[Pioneer, July 4.] The people in Saint Paul seem to express a general wish that no building should be ere(ted on the margin of the bluff, or the south side of Bench street. That street when built up, will be unsurpassed for beauty. There ought to be a row of elm shade trees planted on that side; thus Bench street may soon become one of the pleasantest promeuades in the world."-[Pioneer.] The Pioneer, of August 22, says: -The roar of Saint Althlony Falls was more distinctly aud(lible at Saint Paul than we ever heard it. The 9 o'clock reveille of Fort Snellilng came rolling down the cl-hannel of the Mississippi ais though it were nmeant for some stray soldiers." How quiet the village mIust have been those summer evenings. The roar and noise of a great city mlakes a marked contrast now. ABORIGINAI. ITEMIS. The town about these (lays, and indeed foir several yet-ars * HENRY A. LAMBERT W'aLs a br()ther of DAVID LAMBERT, bef()re loticed. Hle was Ju,dge of Probate for several years, and died il 1863. Though an acttive sutpporter of the Episcopal church at the tioie noticed, he afterwards embraced Catholicismi. [x850 1850] and of the County of Ramsey, 21innesota. later, used to be thronged with Indians, both Chlippewas and Dakotas, some buyinvg goods, others begging, stealing, sellillg peltries, etc. That their presence in such numbers was a nuisance, any early resident call testify. Occasionally some curious scenes were witnessed, the " begging-dance," the 'war-dance," and other orgies being frequently performled on the streets, in expectation of some reward from bvstanlders. On July 9, sixteen chiefs and head men of the Yaanktons, in fuilll feather, " sang a wild song," says the Pioneer, in front of Gov. RAMsEY'S house, to an audience of villagers. Some of the red-skins were accomplished thieves, vid(le the followilng, from the Pioieei-: ' SUBSTITUTION OF A THIEF. -The other day, an Indian came into the jeweler shop of Mr. SPICER, on Robert street, and, while there, stole a watch. Mr. SPICER followed him utip street, to Mr. FULLER'S store, and collared him, and, seeing no one to assist, left the Indian standing by the side of Mr. FULLER'S store. while he went inside to get some one to help him search the body of the Indian. Returning in two or three mninutes, he found an Indian standing in the same spot, in the same attitude he had left the thief in, his blanket philosophically folded around him, but he was another Indian, who had taken the place of the thief during SPICER'S absence-while the thief himself slipped around the house and fled." WVhile the l)uck I(ndians were loafing about, smoking, drinking, fire-water (if they could get it) and begginlg imoney, the squaws did all the labor. The Pioneer records, at various tilmes, items explaining scenes familiar to all the old-tilmers: ; Quite a novel team, consisting of four squaws dragging a train with a load of provisions on it, made its appearance in Saint Paul, on Thursday last." "The Sioux women are certainly very industrious, and do a great deal of hard labor. It would no doubt be a novel sight to most of the eastern people to see women paddling their log canoes across the Mississippi, heavy laden with wood or fence-posts, and then cording it on the bank, or carrying large posts up a steep bluff for a number of rods. with a child a year or two old on their shoulders. Yet these things are of daily occurrence at Saint Paul, Sunday not excepted." "Many of the children carried about by the Sioux women on their shoulders, look remarkably pale. Like many other phenomena, it is more easy to observe than explain, as the children appear to be in perfect health." 273 74 cThe History of the City (' Saint I'ail. Miss BREMER, thle Swedlishl novelist, wlhen iii Saijt Plaul, gave much attention aind considerable space in her book, to the social condition of the Indian females. She says, among other things ' What estimate may be given of the morals and charadter of the Indian women in this neighborhood?' inquired I, of a lady in Saint Paul, who had resided a considerable time at this place. Many are immoral, and cannot be much commended: but others again there are who are as virtuous and blameless as any of us."' Few will be disposed to blame the poor " pagans," who read the following pidture of their dlestituttion, from the Pioneer, of November 21, IS50o: The other evening, near the upper landing, we saw a revolting spe~5acle-a Sioux squaw, evidently famished, gnawing the head of a dog she had found dead! Judge of the sufferings of these poor wretches, thus gloating over offal and refuse." It would have been better, of course, for the mlorals an(d health of the town, if these creatures, with scarcely any distincetion between right and wrong, had not been always hangilig around, ready and anxious to earn money by almost any means, but that evil seenmed( inseparable firom the condition of societv then. In the earlier days of ouLr city, the Indians helped to make quite a trade in one way and another. They used to supply the local market with fish, wild fowls, venison, bear meat, cranberries, and other wild fruit, filrs and products of the forest generally; besides moccasins, bead-work, and trinkets of that class. They would always demand gold and silver for their produdts, which they would reinvest in almmuniition, blankets, flour, cutlery, or anything they fancied(. Tlhey were pretty sharp at a bargain, too, be it kllowll, and scarcely ever got overreached. Most of the earlier lmerchants of our town learned a few Sioux words sufficient to trade with, and some acquired quite a knowledge of the tongute. After the Indians came to know and have confidence in anyv one, they would trade withl him Lnd take his word iunhesitatingly, hence b)ecame good customers. Those who could not talk Sioux, resorted to signs. The llanld lheldl up iett ()oe (ollar. A finger outt [ 1 S,50 i850] and of the County of Ramsey, /linnezsota. stretched signified tell cents. Tile finger bent was five cents. and so on. \Yet the Indians were nearly all sly thieves, and woul(l p)ilfer at every chance. They were inveterate beggars, too. Give one of them any food, money, or other gratuity, and next day he would probably return to ask the same favor, and bring a dozen of his companions with him. They had any amoulit of impudence, too. They would bolt into a person's kitchen without knocking, perhaps several buicks" at once, and beg or help themselves in at very free mainner. Ladies recently firom the east, not knowing their habits, would thus be fiig(htened into hysterics almost, and the visitors would elijoy the firight hugely. Those who understood their habits better, would tell them i putck-a-chee," [be gone,] in a severe tone, when thev would leave. There were several of the older stores in our city, which were the recognized headquarters of these red men, and were known far and wide among the tribes as such. LARPENTEUR S was one of such places. Here, at various times the writer has seen most of the principal Sioux chieftains of all the bands, (except, possibly, the Missouri River bands,) and most of the principal warriors. At any hour of the day when one might call there, during any of the early years, several of the plumed and painted lords of the forest could have been seen. They wvere. apparently, always taciturn and reserved, but any one in their confidence could have drawn them out in conversation quite freely. Had the writer at that time had an opportunity to collect from these prominent chieftains some account of their adventures in war and the chase, of their ancestors, andl the traditions of the race, it would have been more interesting than a romance. It will ever be regretted thait no one did this, since it is now, perhaps, too late to do so. Both the Sioux and Chippewas used to firequent our streets in those days, (the former the most numerous,) yet, although the two tribes had a mortal hatred for each other, no collision ever occurred, except the one noted in the events of I853. The faces of LITTLE CRow and HOLE-IN-THE-DAY, the two renownied chieftains of those nations, were very familiar to all our old residents. Excellent portraits of each aire given in 2 7,S 6 276 Tize history of the City oJ Saint'artl, this volume, and an interesting chapter might be written on each, could the space be spared. Some of these Indians had very curious names. It is known that, frequently, they name children from some incident, or some physical peculiarity. Two of the Indians who used to be regular firequenters of LARPENTEUR's, in early days, and were well known to old settlers, had names whose translation would be shocking to ears polite. L, E//' I''CRO' LITTLE CROIV. The Indianls unacquainted with English, used to greet their acquaintances with the exclamation, " /hore," or " ho." Finally, this was taken up by the boys, and became a regular password with them. When raising glasses to take a nip, they would always say, "ho," as a preliminary-a custom that obtained for years, was carried bv them into the army, and produced many amusing incidents. One (lay, an English tourist, who was stopping at the Fuller House, quizzing everything throughl his eye-glasses, observed this custom, and inquired of [I:850 i850] and of /he ('ount.' ef Rai?msei, liiniiesola. a friend,'"\\What makes'emn say'o when tihe- go to (drink? I)Does it'urt'em?" POLITICAI MATTERS. The month of August, I850, was chara&terized by a strife for Delegate to Congress. No parly nominations were mad(le. but the election of candidates for Delegate by the different co-nventions was solely based on personal preferences. Hon. IH. H. SIBI. EY, Col. A. M. MITCHELL, DAVID OLMSTED, an(l N. G. \WiiCOX, were severally put up by their friends. The two latter gentlemen declined, and left the contest to Messrs. SIBLEY and MITCHELL. The campaign was short, the election occurring on September 2. Of the bitterness of the contest, (Jov. MARSHALL, in his annual address before the Old Settlers of -tennepin countv: Februtary- 22, I87I, said: "There were no party issues; it was more a contest of rival Indian trading interests. Messrs. SIBLEY and RICE had been partners with the great house of PIERRE CHOUTEAU & Co. A quarrel arose, and, in the fall of i849, Mr. RICE left the firm. Gen. SIBLEY was then Delegate in Congress. As the election approached, in i850, Mr. RICE's friends put forward Col. MITCHELL, and supported him with all their great influence. The fears and jealousies of the people were aroused against Mr. SIBLEY on account of his connection with the Fur Company. The cry was Anti-Monopoly! I wish those who deprecate party dissensions now-a-days, could know something of the bitterness and personal abuse of that contest in i850, in which party lines were not drawn. They would not think that well defined party contests were so great an evil." THE VOTE IN SAINT PAUL. The eledtion was held I' at the house of ROBERT KENNEDY-"afterwards known as the Central House. The vote was as follows: Delegate to Congress. Henry H. Siblev.........5.... Col. A. M. Mitchell........ I53 Representatives. P. K. Johnson............. 126 Ht. L. Tilden.............. i9i Benj. W. Brunson...........50 o Edmund Rice................ I57 Fustus C. Ramsey............ 204 J. J. Dewey...................142 WVm. P. Murrav............ I2I Henry Jackson............. io00 277 278 OThe hivtsloy of the City, of Saint Pa [tl. Commissioner. .1nd. Godfrey.............. 130 | R. P. Russell.............. i6 Assessors. I Thos. PReed............. Ree 103 I. I. Lewis................. I54 S. fI. Sergeant............. I43 Count.v Treasurer. Y. If Siminson was elected without opposition. Those in italics elected. The following millor officers wer-e also ele6teld. miinl by itilout opposition Suicervisors of Rloads.-Lot Moffet, Alpheus R. French, and Pierre lottineau. Constables.-Warren Chapman and Warren Woodbury. School Trustees, Dist. No. 1.-B. F. Hoyt. A. R. French and Rev. J. P. Parsons. School Trustees. Dist. No. 2.-J. R. Brown, E1. 1). Neill, Vetal Guerin. The vote in the'l'elrritory on Delegate was: SIBI,.EV, 649; 5/[ITcel I.LL' 559. FREDRIKA BREMER VISIT1S SAINT PAILTI.. In ()dtober of this year, the distinguished Swedish tauthor-ess, Miss FREDRIKA BREFMER, visited Saint Paul. In lher eintertaiing book,' Homes of the New World," about 40 1)ages are devoted to her visit. A few extracts must stuffice: Scarcely had we touched the shore, when the Governor of Minnesota and his pretty young wife came on board and invited me to take utip my quarters at their house. And there I am now, happy with these kind people, and with them I make excursions into the neighborhood. The town is one of the youngest infants of the Great West, scarcely eighteen months old; and yet it has in a short time increased to a population of 2,000 persons, and in a very few years itwill certainly be possessed of 22,000; for its situation is as remarkable for its beauty and healthiness, as it is advantageous for trade. "As yet, however, the town is but in its infancy, and people manage with such dwellings as they can get. The drawing-room at Governor RAMSEY'S house is also his office, and Indians and workpeople, and ladies and gentlemen. are all alike admitted. In the meantime, Mr. rls;o Sai-n. J. Findley............ I48 George C. Nichol-,......... I3.i A,Ibei-t fl. I)oi-r............ I 3.5 I85o] and of the Co?(n/t, of Ramsey, lfinneso/a. RAMSEY is building a handsome, spacious house upon a hill, a little out of the cit,, [quite in the citv now, madame,] with beautiful trees around it, and commanding a grand view of the river. If I were to live on the Mississippi, I would live here. It is a hilly region, and on all sides extend beautiful and varying landscapes. 'The citv is thronged with Indians. The men. for the most part. go about grandly ornamented, with naked hatchets, the shafts of which serve them as pipes. They paint themselves so utterly without any taste, that itis incredible" CIIHURCIHI ITEMS, AG(AIN. The Episcopal church was raised on Tuesday last. There are now in the course of construction three churches, the Presbyterian, Baptist. and the Episcopal. These, with the Methodist and the Catholic, will make five churches in Saint Paul."-[Pioneer, O6tober Io.] In a few days firom this time, the First Presbyterian church, rebuilt on its late site, (corner Third and Saint Peter streets,) was finished so as to be used for worship. A bell-the first church bell in Minnesota-was hung in its belfry late one Sattirday- evening, just in time for the opening services of the new chapel the next morning. Impatient to test its tones, the bell was rtung even at that late hour, a source of satisfaction to the Christian people, and of wonder to the pagans who heard the solemn tones of the church-going bell, pulsating over the "v-allevs and rocks," for the first time. Only two days subsequently, another bell arrived on a steamboat, an uinexpeted present from a gentleman in Ohio, and the first one was sold to the Market Street Methodist Episcopal church, in whose l)elfry it long did good service. BUILDIN(; OF A COURT-HOUSE ANDI) JAIL. VETAL GUER1N, the liberal donor of so many lots and l)locks for public and church purposes, having deeded to the county a square of land for the purpose of a court-house and(l jail, on Janiuary I6, the County Commissioners advertised fobr plans for the same. Dr. DAVID DAY, Register of Deeds, and(l Clerk of the Board, produced the most acceptable plan fi-r ai court-house, and was paid $IO for the same..1In order to raise the molneN for the erection of these )tuil(dings, the Coiinty 279 ThIe.Iz,)sory of tIhe Cily of Sai.inl Panl, [i8~o Board ordered the issue of some county bonds:. \Vhen they were put on the market, they were known as the "Cross Bonds"-but this is a pretty tough story, and we will not give it unless it is substantiated by the affidavit of at least three disinterested and reliable witnesses. THE COURT-HOUSE. The court-house was commenced some time in November. iS5o, and completed for use in the following year. FREEMAN & DANIELS were the contractors. It was, for those days. a fine building. It has now been used a quarter of a century. and has played an important part in the history of this generation, not only in law, but the numerous political conveations, public meetings, and even religious services. Three years ago a commission appointed by the city and county. procured plans for a new building, a joint city hall and courthouse, which will probably be built in due time, and the old historic" court-house removed. In view of this fact, the County Board procured the engraving of the old buildiing herewith, to preserve its familiar " face" in our annals. The building of the jail was not, however, commenced for 280 IS5o] and of the Couiity of lRanamsey, zinnesola. several months after this date. It was a small log building, weather-boarded, and about as secure as if made of pasteboard. This jail, which was the first prison erecied in Minnesota, stood there until iS57. when the present one was built. Before it was torn down, JOSEPH W. PRINCE, then DepIity _ _~~ ~ ~ ~~ _ my THE OLD JAIL. Sheriff; got an architect to make the drawing and plan of it, which now hangs in the County ALditor's office, and which he gave to the county. The County Board very kindly ordered an engraving to be made of it, which is given herewith. MINOR'ITOPICS. IThle /iotzeer speaks of a resta-urant being started, as one of the' liew improvements of the city." Last Wednesday, the i4th day of November. Mr. DODD first got Capt. DANA'S steam saw mill in operation, at our lower landing, and sawed some maple plank. which are to be used in constructing a table to be placed in the Territorial library; they being the first boards ever sawed by steam power in Minnesota.-[LPiZoneer, November 28. O)t Novemlber 4- al special election was held for a Justice of 19 25I 28S2 The History (?' th/ City of Sai/nt Pazul. [IS50 thle Peace, vice JOIIN A. WAKEFIELD, resigned. ORLANDO SIMONS* received I92 votes. eledting himi over LOT MOFFET, who received 39 votes. Mr. WAKEFIELD had been t meln-ber of thle Illinois Legislature. ill earlv years, an(l wats atithor of it Histor) of the Black Hawk Var." He remove(ld, after the resignatioin noticed above, to Iowat. and, finall-. to Kansas, where he died, in I872. During his residence ill Saint Paul. he was proprietor of the Tremonlt Hotise. tii(l fireqtiently lecttrted on teimperance. School Distridt No. 3, was orglanized on the evening oft' the I8th inst. P. K. JOHNSON was eledted Clerk. The trustees were instrut6ted to employ HIENRY DOOLITTLE as a teacher. at $40 per month. A tax of $300 was voted to defray the cost of the school house, and the expenses of the school."-[Pizoneer-, November 28.] It is thought advisable by some of our villagers. that we have this w-inter a series of practical instruldtive ledttires. and that a small admission fee be charged-the proceeds to be applied for the purchase of a fire engine in Saint Paul.-[Pioel(er, I)ecember 12.] The last stel)amboat (lepairte(l tlhis fitll (ill November- 18i. Imnakiing a season of 239 days. (turin g whlich IO l)ooats arrive(. or tan average of one boat in two) mtin( one-tlhir(l da s. December 26, IS5o, waIs proclimed(II) (yo\ernior RAMSEY. ils ia dlav of plblic thaln ksg-iving, the first ever observed iii Minniesota. But tlhere were nio titrkevs to be hlid( those (davs! j() (;R iNAII, S' 1I('. Oii Noveml ber 25, the Pio,i'eer- isstied t 1)r(spetl)tts for i (daily, whlich was not issuLed inl filat luntil Maltv 1854, thlotlghll * ORLANDO SIMONS was boro January IS, lS24, at Lyons, Wtayc coulnty, New York, aund removed to Elmira when young, where he was educated, at the Elmira Academy, Chester Academy, in Chemuog coulnty, &c.,.iod.fternw.trds read law. In 1849, Judge SIMONS, in compaoy with another yoiog -lovyel of that loc.Llity, (-IENRY F. MASTERSON, Esq.,) removed to Saiot Ptaul, arrivilg oIl Juoll 2o. The l:w firl of" MASTERSON & SIMONS" vIas thel forIied, whichi coitioued iutil it few mths g, ful l qiiuarter of a century, being the oldest law firm ill the State. T i8S5o, Judge SIMONS waLs ele'ted Justice of the Peace, aod, in 1854, elec(tet first City Justice, loldigl thalt office six years, during which time his firm administrati()o of its duties was I whlIolesome promoter of liw aod order. lI the spring of IS75, he was:tppoin,ted Associate Judge of the Com1011 Pleas Coort (f R:itmsev cuolnty, aod, io Ni)veobcr, 1S75, eleitedl f)r seveln years more. 1850] aind of the County of Ramisey, Jl/innesoa.o 83 the rapid growth of the Territory and the liberal support giveli to newspapers seemed to warrant it when first proposed. On December Io, appeared the first number of the iVznnzesola D)emocrat, established by Col. D. A. ROBERTSON.* About the same date, the Chr-onicle and Register, the iiunion of the two journals of that name, after several real or osten sible changes in ovwnership and editorial imaniagement, passed into the editorial control of CHARLIES J. HENNISS, a young mani of talent, but dissipated and iunscrtuputlous. He was a native of Ireland. buit had latterly lived(l in Philadelphia. HIe died in iS856. *Col. DANIEL A. ROBERTSON was born in Philadelphlia, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1SI3. He was descended from Highland Scotch ancestry. At the age of iS, he went to New York, where he studied law, and was admitted to pradtice ill i839. In thle meatinmeC hlie removed to Ohio, where he engaged iil journalism, being editor of the Cincinnati Enqitirer, Joilfint Vernon Banner, &c. In 1S44, he was appointed United States Marshal for the State of Ohio, which office he held four years. He was a nmember of the Constitutional Convention of Ohio from Lancaster county, and resigned, after holding the office three months, to come to Minnesota, which hlie did in the fall oIf I850o. Ie sooni after established the Mi )inesota Democrat, which became one of the leading journals of the Territory, and was subsequently merged in the Pioneer. Col. ROBERTSON at one time owned a large amount of real estate, bult after the panic oIf 1857, its valule was seriously reduced. During the pericd of i good times," Col. R. used his ieanss in icculnulatiug one of the finest private libraries ever brought into Minnesota, consisting of several thousand volumes in different languages, which he afterwards sold to the State University. He also visited Europe in i856-7, and devoted his leisure in studying various scientific and historical subjedts in which he is interested. He was elected.t niember of the House of Representatives in i8596, Mayor of Saint Paul in 1860, and .Sheriff in 1863, serving in this office two terms. He was also a member of the Board of Education severtl years, and performed much valuable labor for our public schools. The Historical Society and Academy of Natural Sciences are also largely indebted to him foir their success. Hie also organized the first Grange of Patrons of Husbandry in the United States, presenting to it a valuable librarv of books. Col. ROBERTSON has tlwavs been a close student of history, political tad social science, and other subje,ts, on some of which hlie has ledtured with much success. 2S3 2S4'lhic History oJ' Ihc C~iy q/' Sainl Paul, [IS 85 CHAPTER XX. EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1851. THE GOODHUE-COOPER RENCONTRE-STRUGGLE OVER THE LOCATION OF THE CAI'I TAL-SAINT PAUL WINS-A CASE OF INDIAN JUSTICE-LOCATING THE CAPIITOL BUILDING-VIEw IN SAINT PAUL IN IS51-TIIE RED RIVER CARAVANS-THE FUR TRADE, &c.-THE EARLY STAGE, MAIL AND EX'RESS BUSINESS, &C., &C. HE second Territorial Legislature mIet on Jalltnuary 2, in the three-story brick buildingll, jutst completed, of RICE & BANFIL. which stood( where the Third street enltrance of the Metropolitan Hotel now is,.i(nd was burned (dowii in the winter of I856-7. Saint Ptaul was represented( this year by \VM. H. FORBES and( J. MCC. BOAI. iii the Cotuncil, 1and JUSTUS C. RAMSEY, BEN. W. BRUNSON. H. L. TILIDEN, aind EDMUND RICE in the House-al galliLnt delegatioll it was, too, and ait brave fight they mad(le to keep) the Plhilistines friom miovimg the Capital fiomn Saiiit Pattil. SC R A I'S. There was a warmi eledtion last Monday, tfo' Justice of the Peace. n Saint Paul. JOHN F. TEHAN had II9 votes, and BUSHROD W. LOTT had I82 votes, and is ele6ted."-[Pioneer, January 2.] Our exchange papers perversely spell Saint Paul, Stiiit Ptztls. and Minnesota, Mi'nesola. Half the paragraphists in the United States have scarcely sense and intelligence enough to pick utp chips in the door-yard!" -[Ib.] HOLIE-IN-THE-DAY, the Chippewa chief, ld(lldressed the Legislature and citizens, on Jianuary IiO, at the First Presbyteriaii church. His object was to represent the starving condition of his tribe. and solicit relief for them. His speech is describe(l Ias eloquent and pathetic. A committee Nwas appointed to secure the aid desired. and some donations were obtained. There is no doubt but that the Chippewas were stliffering firom stalrv-ation, that wvinter. Many (lied, aud( cases of cannibalism were reported l)y the papeirs. I(SI] O,,d o?f,he Co,,,,1' o P Ranssey. 3'fi,n?eso/. 2 THE GOODHUE-COOPER RENCONTRE. On Janutary i6, GOODHUE printed a savage and bitter article on -' Absentee Office Holders," in which hle inveighed, with all the ferocitv of his pen, against Col. MITCHELI and Judge COOPER for absenteeism. &c. On the latter, he was partictularl- severe, uIsing suchi terms as. — a sot," "a brtite,". anl ass." *i profligate vagaibond.'" &c. The article closed as tollows~ Feeling some resentment for.the wrongs our Territory has so long Su;ffered by these men. pressing upon us like a dispensation of wratha judgment-a curse-a plague-unequalled since the hour when Egypt w-ent lousy, we sat down to write this article with soile bitterness. but our very gall is honev to what thev deserve." Of course. such an art-ticle tas this couldl( lot tfail to produce ai personal collision between (GOODHUE and the friends of COOPER. (lie himself was absent,) and scarcely had the paper been (listributted( throtughl the town. ere it bore its natural fiuits in at rencolntre onl the street. Eve-witnesses give a minutte accotlunlt of it. in affi(ldav-its afterwards published, butt it can onl0- be br-iefl- 1recited( here. GOODHUE had been in the Legislattire. and started (lownn street. in company with a friend. ;tfter leavingi the btlil(ling a few\ steps, they met JOSEPH COOPER. a brother- of Judt(ge C.. who, at once advanced and struck at (;OODHITE. 3othl then (Irew pistols. Col. GooI)lItTE (one accot,nt sans) laving a single-barrel pistol, and COOPER at revolver." Some parleying einsued, when Mr. COOPER declared. I'll blow otir (;-(I d - brains outt." Sheriff LULIl here ran up. and, commanding the peace, (isairmed the parties. blut it seems COOPER still retained a knife, a1d( GOODHUE another piStol. wN-ithl which tlhev renewed hostilities. Some o(nle end(leav-ored to hold GOODHUE, which gave COOPER an opporttinitv to stab him in the abdomen slightly. GOODHUE then broke twav, and shot COOPER, itiflicting qutite ai seriouis -wotiind (il him. COOPER again ruIshed on GOODHUE, and stabbed him in the back. on the left side. Both parties were then led awav, and their woiunds dressed, neither being, faitallv injured. Col. GOODHUE seems- to have acted( on the defelnsiv-e (ltirin' the w-hole -renlcointre. In sil)bseqtient issues of 285 7The Hi.s/ory'of /the Citi, of Saint Pa [l, his journal, he charges that it was a " conspiracy on the part of his enemies to murder him for political revenge, and that CoOPER was a mere tool, spurred on by others," &c. The aflair produtced great excitement throughout the cit. an( was angrily discussed, pro and con, by the friends of each. A public meeting was held and resolutions passed, a plan that alwavs acts as a sedativ-e on excited communities. and peace once more reigned. The Legislativ-e session of I85I was a stormni one. and several exciting questions tended to (liviide the imemberis. ()Oue of these was ''HE LOCATION OF THE CAPITOL, an(l other public buildings. Twenty thousand dollars had been appropriated by Congress the summer previous for a Territorial prison, and. bv the same act, authlorit was given the Governor and Legislature to expend the appropriation of $20(),000 provided for in the Organic A6t, for Capitol buildings. The v-exed question was, where should the Capitol be built? Several places competed for it, and the struggle was close atn( hard contested. Finally-, by the vigorous eflorts of some of our leading men, a compromise was eflected. lThe Capitol was to be erected at a central point in the town of Saint Paul, the penitentiary at Stillwater, and the TUniviersity, (incorporated that session,) at Saint Anthony Falls. Thus each were satisfied for the present, and all went merry as a marriage bell for six y-ears, when a rival Saint got jealous of our city, and aspired to Capitolean honors. Gov. MARSHIALL, inll his address l)efore quoted, says Saint Antlhony got the best of this tripartite agreement. Another question that stirred up strife was the apportionmient. and several members bolted thleir seats. baiely leavilni, a quorum for the rest of the session. Another subject of controversy was the election of State printer. J. M. GOODHItE, of the Pioneer, was the regutlai Democratic candidate, but Col. ROBERTSON, of the Democi-at and HENNISS & VTINCENT, -of the Clironichle anSI ]eg,ster, expected to gain v-otes enough between them to secure the 286 [iS-i 185I] and of/he C.oTnfl/' of Raimsel.e Afinneso/a. printing. WVhen the ballot was taken. however. Mr. GOODHUTE'S side proved the strongest. This proved a death-blow to thle moribllund CiAr-on/.ce and Registeri. It soon gave up thle ghlost and a new nvWhig organ was projected, a sort of joint stock journial. which, howev-er, w-as nlot finallyl got into operation iuntil September tfollowing. The session seemled to have been a tuLrbuLlent onle thiroughott. Col. JNO. P. OwE-s afte-rwar(1s wrote of it: The session finally closed on the night of March 3I, which was a day and night of excitement, such as we have never seen since in Saint Paul, and never desire to. IltHundreds of citizens were about the streets and public places, armed to the teeth, and ready, upon the slightest provocation, to shoot down their fellow-citizens, who opposed them. Feelings of enmity, bitterness and hatred were engendered between citizens during that session of the Legislature, and particularly during its last days, which extended even into family relations. and were not eradicated for months, and even years subsequent." I.EGISI ATrI()N AFFECTIING SAINT PAUL. Excepting the location of the Capital at Saint Paul, there was not mutch legislation this session, -afiecting the townI. Its corporate limits were extended, however. so Ias to' include the ad(ditions" recentlv filed by BAZILI E & GUERIN, ROBERT & RANDAIIL. HOYT. andI \VHIITNEY & SMIITH. " Saint Paul l,odge. No. 2. I. O. 0. F.." was incorporated, and " Saint Paul1 Division. No. I. Sons of Temiper-ance." This was to enable these societies to ptirchase propertv wvhichl thev soon after did. The act providing for the erection of the Capitol in Saint Paul. enacted that the work should be done under the sutpervisionI of a board of three commissioiners. who should receive $3 per dav- etc. The election for these officers took place on April 17, resuIltillg inl the choice of D. F. BRAWLEY and LOUIS ROBERT. (of Rtamsev countv' E. A. C. HIATCH, of Benton county' and J. McKUSIcK, of WVashington coutntv. The Governor was ex-officio a member and chairman of the board. The board organized on Mav 19. CHARLI ES F. TRAC'Y was elected clerk. 287 T/e Hislor y of Mhe C/il, of,aint Poul. [ I8I CURRENT ITEMS. Navigation opened quite earlv in the spring of I85I. The ' Nominee" arrived on April 4, and soon business and immigration were quite brisk. The Pioneer refers ill one or two places to " [Aonk Hall." This was a sort of bachelors' retreat, kept in a l)uilding corner of Fort and Eagle streets, atd was a sort of firee and( easy clutb houLse and political hea(ldquarters for the stags of those (ldays. Some poetical genius al)boutt that time wrote a feNew verses for the Pioneer, tindler the hea(ding.''The Last Night at IonIk Hall." one or two extra&ts firom whlich gi\e perhaps a fair view of the inside proceedings: ' Come, pass round the bowl-we'll drink while we,tav Although from the Hall, ere the dawning of day. Our order forever wide scattered will be. No more to uitt'e in our wild revelrv. Bright spirits of heaven, and spirits of hell, With their thin airy forms and sulphurous smiell. Flit wildly around us and join in our glee, Sing to our dancing and bend with us the knee." MIonk Hall was'moved across Fort street, an(l is still stan(lding-the same butilding used foir man year-s as a store bh I,rTHE.R H. EDDY. A CASE OF INDIAN JUSTICE. If I have not related alrea(ldy too many stories al)ouit In(lians, there is one ctiriotus incident, almost romalntic ill its chlara6ter. that should be chronicled here. One day this spring (April 4) some bovs came into town, and reported to Jutd(ge GOoC)DRICHI that a dlead Indian was lying in the blushles back of thle brick vard. aboutt where Aldernman GATES A. JOHNSON'S residence now is. Sheriff LUiL I, being notified, summonied the Coronie1 and one or two other officials, and proceeded to the spot. Sure enoutgh, there was a dlead VVinnebago Indian, who was well known aboutt here those days. by the name of "' Dr. JOHNSON," and examination showed that hle had died from a stab. As he had beeln seen a day or two l)efoire w-ith some 2,S, r8-I] and of the Coutnt), of Rarnse', Mi'nnesota. other Winnebagoes, the probability was that they had Ogiven him his quietus, and, as there was an encampment of those Indians not far off,. a file of soldiers was sent to the spot, to arrest the murderer, if he could be fotund. They proceeded to the encampment, and found some of the red-skins qutietlycooking' their evening meal. The officer in charge of the squad asked one of them, Che-en-t-wzhee-kaw, or STANDIN(G LODGE, if he knew anything of how their brother "' Lo" ha(d met his end, when STANDING LODGE very coolly and ii nconcernedly replied.'I killed him." On further questioning him. he stated that the dead Indian had committed some crime or otlense, which, according to the Indian code, merited death, and that he. the speaker. had been selected to give him his quietus. which he did. There seemed( no other way than to apprehend the self-contfessed mturdererl, and ascertain whether the statutes in stuch case mad(le and provided would not cover his crime, as equtallyas if one white mani had killed another. So the officer told STANDIN(; LODGE to come along. Thie Indian made no objection. but v-ery- qutietlv followed the officers to town. That nighlt he slept in Sheriff LULI,'S carpenter shop, the jail not b)eing tenable vet. and made no efforts to escape. Next day,. ai sort of preliminarv examination was held. STANDING LODGE never denied his guilt. butt always said, I did it," when asked. Some urged to let him go, as it would only expose the coutnt to considerable cost to imprison and trv him, and it was scarcely worth while to take note of all the quarrels and murders among the Indians, as they were occurring every few davs, and but few cared mutch how many Indians were killed. Others thought it ought not to be passed thus. Finallv it was agreed to lay the case over until the grand jury met, about the middle of the month, and meantime, to avoid boarding Mr. Lo at public expense, to dismiss him on his own recognizance. This was explained to STANDING LODGE. and he promised to be on hand when court met. Ile asked how manv days it was, and, on ascertaining, took some sticks and cut notches in them, one for each (lav.t, ail( 2S9 290 The ZHivtory of /he City of Saoint Pau?Il, depositing them in his potich started( ofl' to join his ban(l. who were hunting muskrats. Scarcelv allv one ever expedted to see S'rTANDING LODGE iagain. But. sure enough, on the first day of court, there lhe was. sitting on the steps, awaiting his fate. whatever it miglht l)e. BILLY PHILLIPS, the Prosecuting Attorney, was unable to attend to business all that week. so the grand jtury (lid nothinlg. \Yet the Indian was in attendance promnptly every day, aud slept at night on the shavings in Lui i.'s shop. Had lhe irt11 aNway, no) one vwotild have objected, but hlie said he lhadl given his word( to lbe there. atud mitist (lo so. Ile eveii coIlplained. filnall-. that he was not tried. Finally the case was called bv the grandi jury,. and, though opposed by some. an inditmeiielt was fotbund and retturned. The case was never brought to trial. It was shoved over to the September term. STANDING LODGE meantime being out at large on his own recognizance, with his bundle of iiotched( sticks as an almianac showing him wlhat day to retiurn. WVhen the September term began, hle was agailn on hand, but Jtudge (GOODRIcH. finding there was no intention to prosecute him. ordered the case to b e dismissed. STANDING LODGE was infoi)rmed he could go h1is way. Ite shlook hands with the officers,is unconcernedlvy an d stolidlv,is ever, folded his blanket arotInd him. and marchled ofl t aii imipertturbable stoic. There was really- something noble about the fellow, a poor pagaii and( murderer. though he was, and the incident serves to illlstrate one of the curious phases of otir earlI, days. WiHITE BEAR I,AKE N()T'ICEI). "A company of young men from Saint Paul, went out to see the country around White Bear Lake, one day last week. The lake is about io mniles from Saint Paul, and is six miles long by two or three miles wide. They represent it as a fine country, the land good and much timber. They saw many deer, and killed ducks and pheasants. It is on the east side of the river. and is subje6t to entry."-['Pioneer, April Io.] GEORGE W. NIOORE. the venerable abbot of the Custom House. was onle of this party. EISL I85i] and of the CounOt' of Ramsey, liJnneesota. LOCATION OF THE CAPITOL BUII.DING. The board of building commissioners did not find a site for the Capitol very easilv. Several blocks were ofiered to them, but defective title, or other considerations, induced their refusal. until June 27, when CHARI,ES BAZILLE oflered block six. Bazille and Guerin's Addition, which was accepted. A warranty deed, consideration $i, was given for the property. It does not revert to the giver, as has been reported. if the seat of government is moved. A plan made by N. C. PRENTISS was chosen. It certainly does credit to his talent. The contra&t for the building was let for $33,ooo. butt it cost in the end over $40o,ooo000. THE CHARTER ELIECTION occurred on May 6. Party lines were not closely drawn, like our citv elections at present-personal issues holding the scales mostly. The following is the vote: President...... R. Kennedy.............. I46 I E]gidus Keller.......... I48 Members I Firman Cazeau........I45 of -} Wrn. Freeborn........ I48 Council. t R. C. Knox............ I54 [ Wm. H. Randall......... 142 Recorder.....Henry A. Lambert......Pilp... I4o Those in italics eledted. SCRAPS. The Democrat, of Ma'y 27, has the following items: "The Council has elected JOHN F. TEHAN, Esq., to the office of Town Marshal. Mr. T. will make a good officer." " Our citizens are beginning to think of the importance of providing sidewalks for the streets most traveled. As a temporary and cheap pavement, two-inch plank answer." "About 40 Sioux squaws, with canoes, have been at work on the Mississippi for some days past, driving logs. They receive for their services about a dollar a day each. They are very expert canoe paddlers." "Our citizens were visited on Tuesday last by a company of 20 or 291 A. L. Larpenteur - - - - I38 Y. E. Fullerton...... I43 J. R. Irvine.......... I26 L. H. LaRoche....... I24 Chas. S. Cave........ I22 G. W. Farrington - - - - I30 Wm. 1). Phillips - - - - - I3,5 t 292 7 Yi, - HII r's 0 < 14 ri~ < S ( n ~ x;~~I!Il ~j qiiit'!Ii "~Ih C-'l o - S'ant Paul I! _______ ''ii: _______ I \\\ -~ I ~ "/:' I (I I Iii III I II *II I I I // I.I iil IIII I ilItlIIIIIII I NW I Itt II I I II I IItItIIIIIIill (III 1i1 11111 I I ~~111i; I\\\II~~~~ lit ti j\IF ______ I' II\~ ~ ~~~l Ii I I it I I I Ihi \\\\\\~~~~II 11111 ___~~~I/ NWI II IY\I. ~i,I~ iit~ I Iit I~~I ~ ~ I~i;iitt\II\~~{I1 _______ I 111I'\\\t~,~ ii It~~~ttittt t~ ~i i [1851 185i] and of th'e County of Ramsey, zlllinnesota. more juvenile Sioux, from LITTLE CROW's band, who danced the beggar-dance' in different parts of town. The young red-skins, from 5 to i8 years of age, presented a grotesque appearance. They were naked and painted." The Pioneer-. of this (ldate. refers to a Mr. CLUT''E, who W'tlS ill townl endeavoring, to procure subscriptions enough to build a telegraph from Galena to Saint Paul, $27,ooo being requireld. The amount could not b)e raised. anid the line was not built until iS860. The District Coturt of Raimsey coullty (Judge (GOOD)RICII) wvaIs hel(l that spring in Nl,aztirka Hall. The roof was fire)roof. but no()t -water-pr)oof. I heavy rain (leltiging the court while in session. and rend(lerin, utmbrellas iiecessary. The riipi(l influx of strangers and growthi of the towin. cIltILsed utinprecedente(l activity in relal estate, property (ldoubling, somietimes in one week, savs the Pioneer. aItd ciautions evervb)od( aI,tinst the specullative mania andtll(l too much inflatiolln. The first AMinniesota papelr published outside of Saint Patil. the &'aint An4tihoii, Express, appealtre(tl (Itiring the latter part of May. A HISTORICAL PICTtiRE. A silhort timie lgo, Dr. J. J. DEWEY presented( to the Hlistolical Society. it daguerreotype view of the corner of Third andi( Robert streets. taken in the spring of I85I. It was enlarged })y the )photo-grapIher. C. A. ZIMIXERMAN, and the RamseyN Colunt- Pioinee-r Associatio(-) or(ler-e(l it to be eingrave(l tfor this \v()rk. This is certainly It historical pictlure. The white fritiie llillding onl the left. is the samie one. I believe, that is inow tise(i as It saloon )by TVossthie ol( Hl,aggeinmiller place. then ()cctipied( by V\I. DUGAS. The log, cabin on the right WItS the law office for several \years, of LI,. A. BABCOCK. Ind( others. FINCH. AUERBACII & SCHEFFER'S store 1o(W occupies thalt spot. The cablin next to it. was occupied,It the datte inentionIed. ItS it cigar store Iad(I confectionery. b)N l3ARTIET1T' PRESI,EY.* tn(l the \wing in the reiar was his (dwelling. The :l BlARrTLETTr PRESLEY is a native of Offerl)er-, GeraIy'i,,;ld attlc to thile Uited .t-.tes when eilght years- of age, settliog in, Sain,t I,,Lois. Ile e ntered mercantile life very 293 Tlze ]-istory of the City of Saiit ]Paiil, frame beyond this (about where NOYES BROS. & CUTLER'S wholesale drug store now is) wasJOHN M. CASTNER'S boarding house, and the small building next to that, was a meat shop. WILLOUGHBY & POWERS liverv stable appears in its BARTLETT PRESLEY. ol0(d1 place. The large building on the extreme right was OLMISTED & RHODES' old store. The house seen between these young, ultimately engaging in the grocery and fruit business, in which he has remained over thirty years. In 1843, he removed to Quincy, Illinois, and was there married. At t subsequent date, he removed to Galena, and, in 1849, to Saint Paul. He here cornmenced business in an humble way, and, by industry and application, in a few years built up a very extensive business, a.nd acquired a fine competence. Mr. PRESLEYv was an Alderman from 1870 to 1874, and Chief Engineer of the Fire Department for six years. To his zealous labors in that office is largely owing the efficiency of our present department. Mr. PRESLEY is now, ndoubtedlv, the oldest merchant in Minnesota, having been continuously in business here since 1849. He enjoys the esteem and confidence of a wide circle of friends. [IS5I 294 ISIi] and of the County of Ramsey, Jfi'nesota. )luildings. in thle distance. was J. c. BURBANK'S residence, and the chutrch on the hill, was the First Baptist churL,ll then just built. What could better show the growthl of olir city than this picture? There was quite a flood in the river again this sumlmer. O(i June 26, it reached its highest altitude. being onlv six inchles lower than the great flood of I85o. It mnade steamboating brisk. The Piocee-, of Julyl 3, speaks exultingly of " eight steamboats hlaving arrived in one week." About the middle of Mvay, a war-party of Sioux, who were sneaking about in the Chippewa region. near Swan River. (liscovered t Chippewa whlo had ai keg of whiskv. He esciLp)ed. leaving his keg behin(l. The captors drank the contents. got glorioislv d(runk. in(l. in this condition, attacked some teamsters. who were wagoning good(s from Saint Paul to Fort Ripley. The- killed one. MIr. AN-1)REw SWARTZ, of this citv-a verv worth- man-dan( went of:'. leaving his body in the road. not molesting any of the goods. A force of sol(lier-s from Fort Ripley pursued the murderers, butt did not overtake tlhem. The Sioux, subsequently. delivere(di up five of the tguilty- olles. and, while the wvere being taken to Fort Ripley for trial. the guard fell aisleep, aind they escape(l. TIl'E EARTLY- STAGE, MAII. AND EXIPRESS BUSINESS. 'I'lhe papers. in July-. speakl of ian express line being established between Saint Paul iand Galeina, by J. C. BURBANSK. \s the stage. express tand transportation business is so allie(d. we will enldeavor to br-iefl- sketcll their rise in(l gorowthl at this tim e. The first stage ever rili) in Mimliesota T''erritol-ry, wias bv A.\IIEIIST WVII IOUGHBY anid SIMON POWERS. NIr. WVILLIOUGHB,. \vh(o is i \Termoniter b\- birth, wis an old stage driver ali( inaiilnager-wenlt to Chicago() in I828. a(i (Irove in that re(gioii foi)r 20 veiars. In the fall of IS4S.'he came to S,aint Paul prlo(spetilng." aid s()on d(eterminie(l to embark in the stage )tisiniess here. He \went back to Galenat. atilld in the spritng returned w-ithl his partner. SIMIE POw,EIRS.'I'hev 111(1.1 nice sl)ian of hor.ses. ain(1 I two-Seate(d ol)e wgiOn. but not muitch 'gi -96 The Hisloly o /thec City (f)' Saat't l)(lt [l. else. They commenced running this from Saintt P-Iaul to Saint Anthollny, daily, and sometimes made two trips d(lail-. They ran until September. wvhen their business increased so that they put on a four-horse open spring wagon, that would carry 14 passeingers. Thev ran this conveyance until winter set in. They then ran it line from Saint P,aul to Prairie (1du Chien, over the new road mentioned( on page 249, via Stillwater-, Hudson, MIenominiee, Black River Falls, Spartat, &c. They ran this route in the winter season for fotlur winters. The first winter the tlraveling wats very rougLh. T''here were no regular stations to stop at. an(1 at night thev- w(otIl(l sonmetimes encamp on tihe W\hen the spring of 1850 set in, thiey resliumed their fourhorse wagon to Saint Anthony, a(nd continued all that season. 1This vear, ROBERT KENNEDY ran it line to Stillwater, and Iafterwards. WILLTO,UGHBY & POWERS put ()In a line to that place. In the summer liineof I85I, VLI,OU(;HIBY & POWVERS brouight to Saint Paul and put on their line. the first Concord1 coach ever ran in Minnesota. It is still in tise in th e Minnesota Stage Company's stock somewhere. Up to the close of this season,. thiey hai,d had no opposition in their business, buli, during t he fall ()f 185I. LYMAN L. BENSON amnd it Mr. PA1TTISON, came firom1 Kalamazoo. Michigan, where they had been ill the livery bulsiniess. bringing a large outfit. Iii the spring of I852, thev put on an opposition line to Saint Anthony, called the "Yellow Line." W1ILLOUGHBY & POWERS' coaches were red, iand( it was generally termed the Red Line." A ftiriouts oppositionl spranig tip. ILLI,T,OUG1-IBY & POWEIRS, who had hithlerto charlged( seventy-five cents for falre. reduced their price to it (luarter. and. finally, to ten cents. is did also the yellow line, anid the latter soon put on ian opposition coach to Stillwtter also. The war between the re(l and yellow lines was olne of the curiotus phases of that dlay. Perhaps some of our readelrs iiay remember, when they landed at the levee, how the wordy contest wvas waged between the rivals. Bislhop WVILIL.OULGHBY says the other line had more Imonev than he, but hle " always }beat thenm at siassilig."' [IS5' i85I] and of the Coitn. v of Ran7se',, lfVinnesolo. This rivalry, with varying success, continued two seasons or more. In the meantimne, WILLOUGHBY & PO-wERs had increased their rolling stock to eight Concord coaches, and ha(l built tip a large liverv business besides, at their well-known old stand. corner of Fourth and Robert streets. In 8IS54, they ma(le a compromise with PATTISON & BENSON, the latter biiying ofl their Saint Anthony line. WIILLOUGHBY & POWERS ha(l also, in the meantime, opened. and still ran at line to Shakopee. &c.. and also ran the Stillwater branch. WN'ILLOUG,HBY & POWERS soon after (1855) divided their bulsiness, WV. retaining the liverv part, and P. takiing the stage' lines. whichl he carried onl abotit two years longer. and then sol(d out to ROBERT (;IBBF.NS. -who wis kille(l at Bilrch Coolie in 1862. In the meantimne (about I856) PATTISON, BENSON & WARD, ais the firm now was. sold out thleir business to ALIVAREN Ai,LEN and CHARLES L. CIIASE, of Saint Anthony. ALLEN & CHASE extended the lines to the Upper Mississippi, got se\eral mail contraicts, and ran them about thlree years, when theyconsolidated with J. c. BURIBANK and Capt. RUSSELL BLAKEI.EY'S line, the whole forming a copartnership called the Minnesota Stage Coimpaiy," of which J. c. BURBANK was thle general manager, and Mr. ALLEN superintendent of stock and running arrangements. C. L. CHASE, not long after, sold out his interest to JOHN L. MERRIAM. Col. ALLEN remained a couple of years, when he also withdrew. The " winter route" down the east side, was run for two or three winters by WILLOUGHBY & POWERS, when, in IS853, M. O. WALKER & CO., of Chicago, got the winter mail service contract, and put on a line down througfi Minnesota and Iowa, to Dubuque. WILLOUTGHBY & POWERS then discontinued their line. The mainner in which WALKER ran his line is given in newspaper comments hereafter. WALKER ran his line until I858-9, when J. c. BURBANK & CO. got the winterl mail contract. In the winter of 1855, J. J. BRACKETT ran an opposition line to Dubuque, via Lakeville, Owatonna and Austin. In I854-5, WM. NETTLIETON established a line of stages to 20 297 Thle liv.toi, of the Citi' otf Yaiill Pa(l. [i8Si Superior, which, about IS57, was carried on b- C. DOBLE:. anid sooI1 after was bought out by the Minniiesota Stage Company. At the mail letting in I850, Hon. t. MI. RICE was awarded the contract for the mail from Saint Paul to Prairie du Chlien, tvice a week (lurilg- the summer, and once a week (during the winter. The compensation was $800oo a year. In IS852, this contract w-as. assigned to J. C. BURBANK. A Mr. ORMSBY. of Prairie du Chien, also had, at the same time, a mail contrat from that place to Black River Falls. Thiswass also assigned(l or sublet soon after to Mr. BURBANK. The histor- of the Minnesota Stage Comptany and that of the Northwestern Express Company, are so closel- idlentifield, to -write the one is almost to give )otlh. ()RIGIN OF ITH-IE EXPRESS BUSINESS. A few piaragraphls back, mention was made of the establishment, I)by j. C. BURBANK.* of an express business from Saint Paul to Galena, in connection with the American Express Company-. which was running to the latter point as its western terminus. Mr. BURBANK was himself the pioneer Inesse(nger of his express. During the summer he ran on the steamer Nominee." a(nd the next winter ma(le the first trip in that * JAMES C. BURBANK was born in Ludlow, Windsor counlty, Vermont, iS22, and removed to New York in 1831. During his boyhood he worked on a farm, picking liip snch schooling as he was able, from winter to winter, and, inore or less, earnuig lis ,won living and educating himiself. Whatever siccess hle ha.s clhieved in life, his been ,(wing to his own efforts and energy. Mr. BURBANK came to Saint Paul in iS5o, and, after trying thc lumbering business withoult success, started the express business, as given f.lly in this chapter. The g,rowvtl of the iniiimense business first inaugurated by him, occupied his tinie,and cap)itil until 1S67, since which year hlie has devoted limiself to the insurance, banking, railro,ad and other business. He was one of the early mnembers and warlmest pronioters of thle Chlamber of Coninimerce, whichi has done so nituch for our city, atnd was its president fromn 1869 to iS7i. He has also enibarked largely of his capital in the construction of the Saint Paul and Sioux City Railroad, of whicli he has been a diredtor foir several years. lie was an active org,anizer of the Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, in iS66, and has beeni its president anid fiinancial manager since its organization, and its reniarkable success has been largely owing to his sagacity and foiresight. In I873, Mr. BURBANK led the way in the construction of the street railwvay, and was president of the samne fior somne time. In fadt, there is scarcely a wortlhy enterprise in our city which hlie hlas not tided with capital anid personal effort. His career presents a striking in,stance of wllat energy and integrity will accomplishl-starting in life.t poor boy,,td at present one of the w-ealthiest and rost ho],ored lle i *11r State. 298 CD ii 'ijj;/ I ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '/1'~j ~~ ~ 00 I I I zJD Lw 300 Thle Hivlorly of the (C/1', of Saint Paul, [I85 I and traveled the Knowlton road, before mentioned, to Prairie du Chien, etc., and thence to Galena. He also had the sutl)-mail contraot on that route, from ORMSBY, of Prairie du Chien, as related before-his mail consisting of one bag. The amoutnt of express matter entrusted to him, on his first trip, he carried( in his pocket. He continued these trips throtughl the winter. The whole receipts for express carried that winter-althoutgh the- were made reguLlarly —would not hav-e paid one miessenger's board. In the stummer also he ran alone, doing the whole agencv and messenger business himself, making weekly trips between Saint Paul and Galena on the old steamer I Nominee." Saint Paul was then a simall v-illage of hlardly 2,500 or 3,000 inhabitants, and there were but few settlements on the river, buit, with a firm faithl in the future, Mr. BURBANK diliogently set himself to work to sow the seeds and foster the germis of an express business in what he foresaw was to be a great and poputlous State. Much of his business at first consisted in filling orders at Galena for merchants iin Saint Paul and( on the riv-er. In I852, he formed a partnershipwith W. L. FAWCETT. who, however, found it too hard work for too poor pay, and he retired from the business in about six months. Then El). HOLCOMBE, a steamboatman, went in with him, taking the en(l of the route between Galena and Prairie du Chien, which lhe ran for the winter of IS52-3, when he got discouraged. 1But BURBANK still pressed on, rutnning the route himself, anl(l gathering about him a large and increasing business. To eke out the express business, however, he tookl CIIAS. T. WVIITNEY, since deceased, into partnership, and went, in I853, into the forwarding business at the uipper levee in STEELE'S ld01(1 wharf-boat. Indeed, the business was so large, that when, in IS54, the wharf-boat was moved from the utpper to the lower levee, it seriously aflected the business of upper town, which at that date was even ahead of lower town. In IS54, the express business had reached stuch dclimensions as to jutstify the employment of regular messengers and officers at all the principal towns, and, therefore, the Northlwestern Express ComnpaIny, (BTRBANK & WVIITTNE'%,) was first (11ilv i85I] and of the County of Ram;sey, AJfinncsota. organized, and the business grew apace, in both its branches, forwarding and express. In I856, Mr. WHITNEY, whose health was failing, sold out his interest in the firm to Capt. RUSSELL BLAKELEY, who had been collnected with the old Galena Packet Company. This was a decided acquisition to the business, and, with two such enterprising and go-ahead, determined men, it took a new start. An office was opened in Saint Paul, in LEDuc & ROltRER'S old stand, (where Ingersoll's Block now is.) In May, I855, C. W. CARPENTER entered the service of the company, as local agent. In IS57. E. F. WARNER was engaged in the Saint Paul office, and has remained in that business ever since, being now local agent of the American Express Company. An event soon after occurred, which led the firm to engage in the stage business. Previously to IS56, Mr. BURBANK had depended, for the winter conveyance of his express matter, on the famous, or rather in-famous, Walker line. But, in JanlluIry, IS57, disgutisted with his wretched service, and, in one case, his uitter refusal to adhere to the terms of his contrac, 13UI{BANK & COMPANY determined to do their own carri'age, aid( put on a line of stages between Dubuque and Saint Paul by the interior route, via Decorah, Iowa. Although they originally intended only to carry express matter, they soon put on passenger coaches, and, though they had no mail contracts at that time, ultimately pushed WALIKER'S slow coaches of the road, as passenger vehicles on this route. The passenger business having largely increased on this and other routtes, Mr. BURBANK made a bold strike for the mlail contracts in Minnesota, which had been generally monopolized by VWALKER. and, at the general letting in April, I858, was fortunate enough to be the successful bidder for the down-river mnail. In the fall of that year, the company stocked up jointly wvithl ALLEN & CHASE, on the route to LaCrosse, which latter had now become the nearest railroad termintius, and, in the spring of i859, the Minnesota Stage Company was formed by consolid(lation with ALLEN & CHASE, and the Minnesota Stage Companyv's coaches were put on the route from Saint Paul to Saint Anthony, anid from1 Saint Anthony to Crow Wing, 301 The Histofoy o' tec City of Saii-t Ila [, 5 &c., securing thle mail contradts owlled by thle ALLEN & CHASE lille. Ill the summer of IS859, they also bought out the Stillwater route from GIBBENS, and the Superior route from C. DOBLE, and the chief stage business of the State became centralized in the new company. In the spring of I86o, Col. JOIIN L. MERRIAM,.* who was it partner of Mr. BURBANK inll the forwarding business. botight out the interest of ALLEN & CIIASE in the stage company? a"nd, for more than seven years, MIessrs. BURBANK, BI AKELEY & MERRIAM constituted the firm, and carried onl the express and stage business as joint partlners. At the next Gover-nment letting, soon after. this comtpany got all the mail contracts onl stage routes in Miiiniiesota. amlounting in the aggregate to about 1,306 miles of staging, besides some 300 miles more of pony routes. The stage business now had grownI to such proportions onl their hands. that the express u)tlsiniess had(l become a minor considerationi, and,. in I863, tlhey sold out to the American Express Companyi all the express territory sotith of Saint Paul, retaining for themselves all north of that point. The large proportions to which the staginig btisiness had growli mav be inferred from the fadc, that, inl the winter of I865, tihey worke(d ()o\vel ~700 horses. aind.elmployed over 200 lnen. It is due to these three gentlemen —andi especially to the senior partner, Mr. BURBANK, from whose early strulggles and telnacity of pturpose all the stibseqtuent large business of the firm sprang-to say tlhat their entire bu)tsiness management, as public carriers, friomn first to last, was distinguished by a li)b *JOHN L. MERRIAM was bornl at Essex, Essex county, New York, in 1828. While a very young man, he exhibited those pushing, energetic, business qualities, which have since made him so successful. He engaged in the iron trade when a mere boy, -and was elected Treasurer of Essex county inl 1857. He carried o01 t large business of various kinds, until his removal to Minnesota in i86i, which he did in order to becoime a partner of J. C. BURBANK and Capt. R. BLAKELEY inl the stage and express busiless. He also then, or SOOn after, engaged in the banking, railroad, manufa6turing, transportation and other enterprises, all of which, by his sagacity and good managenient, have been highly successful. In 1870, Mr. MERRIAM was eledted, (in a distridt p)oliticatlly against him,): n member of the ILegislature, and re-elected in 1871. Both these sessions he was Speaker of the touse, and rendered signal service to his constitucots. Col. MERRIAM is knowvn as one of our most enterprising and valuable citizens,mIne whose unblemislhed charadter andi social q,ualities have.ained the esteem of.ill. 1185 - 30?, I85x] c(,-,d of the County of Ra,zseo, llfi,it,esota. erality. fairness and jlustice inll all thleir dealings, which have )een rarely, if ever, paralleled, and that the people of Miinnesotat are more indebted to them than to any other agency for pushing out our network of mail communications all over the State and firontier. They chlalked out more new roads, and built more bridges, than anv other hundred or thousand iinen in the State. 'THE TRANSPOR'TATrION BUSINESS growilng out of these connecitions, was another featture of the trade which sprang from such humble beginnings. The firmllll of J. c. BURBANK & Co. had done. tip to this time. a very hleavy forwarding business, but Capt. B. transferred all his interest in that branch toj. C. & H. C. BURBANK & CO., who were largely engaged in the grocery and commission trade also. In thle winter of 1858-9, Capt. B. was in Washington, when RAMNISAY CROOKS, (father of our Col. CROOKS,) agent of Hutdson's Bay Company in New York, asked Senator RICE how he cotuld arrange for the transportation of their goods to Hudson's Bay, via Minnesota? Mr. RICE told him that Capt. B13LAKELEY VIwas then in the city. Aln interview was secured, and Mr. CROOKS appointed j. C. & H. C. BURBANK & CO. his agents. Capt. BI,AKELEY went Iup to the Red River, that winter, iand examined it, and thought it could be navigated. The next season, the iAns. Northrup" was taken out and got to ruInninig. Capt. EDWIN BELIL, of this city, ran her ill 1859, 1and first built wing-dams on that river.'The boat was not a very good one, but the firm purchased it, and entered into a contract with Sir GEORGE SIMPSON, Governor of the Hudson's Bav Company, to transport their goods for the Red River Settlement, (n6w the Province of Manitoba,) fiom Montreal or New York. through the States. making Saint Paul the headquarters, which had previously been (lone via York Factory, in Hutdson's Bay. This contract covered t yearly toninage of four to six hundred tons, and was by this firm continued four years, dluring which they built the steamer' International." being the first steamer- sutccessfillly navigated on the Red Riverl- of the North. Trlle business thus inatigurated has 303 7'0ce IAistory of the City of Saint Iauil, been of untold advantage to the State. It now emiploys seven steamers, 15 barges, and a large number of men. During the season of I875, 74,000,000 pounds of freight was carried. TILE RED RIVER TRADE. The DcI)emocrat, of July I9, I85I, notices the airival of the iiannual caravan of Red River carts, I02 ill number. This was alwvays an important event for our merclhants in early days. Indeed, the rise and growth of the Red River trade forms a chlapter- of our pioneer history, which is too important to omit, and may well be given here. 'eginning of the Tr-ade.-Prior to the year 1844, the inmport of goods, and export of fiurs, of the floutrishing Red River Colony, was throutigh the circuitous andt difficult Htidsonl's Bay route, navigable only two months in the year, and beset with manyv dangers. In that year, NORtMAN W. KITTSON, our well-known pioneer, establishe(l t post at Pembinilla, in connec'tion with the otutfit of the American Futir Company at MNendota, and invested some $2,000 inll ftirs, which were transported to the latter point in six "Pembina carts," the latter returning loaded with goods. This ventture di(l not prove rellmunerative-in fact, occasioned a loss of some $600. The next two years' operations involved a similar, or greater loss, but the trade increased, and, notwithstanding the opposition and even the persecution of the HIIu(dsoi's lBay Comipany, which was enraged( at seeing its monoploly interfered with, NMr. KITTSON'S venture was promiising of great results. In i8S5o, the trade had increased( so as to involve a consumption of goods to the extent of $io,ooo, and a possible proceeds of ftlrs of some $I5,COO. Five years later, the Pembina OuLtfit eingaged an expenditure of $24,000, with a return of ftirs of nearly $40,00ooo, and the firm of FORBES & KITTSON was this year (I85I) organize(l (' The Saint Paul Outfit") to carry on the supply business.'"lhen Saint Paul sprang into being, in I849, the terminuns and stipply depot was shifted here, and in early (lays was an important source of gaiin to our city. The Penzbina Carts.-The shipments of ftursfiroli that region were. foir some 20 years. made in the ctiriotis vehicle EIS5' 304 IS5i] and of the County of amseey, llinnesota. known as a'' Red River cart," or Pembina cart. This was a two-wheeled concern, of somewhat rude workmanship, constructed of wood and leather, without a particle of iron, and would carry 6oo or 700 pounds. They generally cost about $15. In this cart was fastened all ox or pony, geared with broad bands of buffalo hide. One driver would manage several of these carts, simply guiding the head ox or pony, the rest being tied to the tail of the preceding cart. The axles were innocent of grease, and their creaking was horrid; a caravan in motion could be heard for miles, almost, in still weather. The drivers of these carts were also a study. Nearly all of them were swarthy, half or quarter-breed(s, or Bois Brules, as they were termed, and dressed in a costume, a curious commingling of civilized garments and barbaric adornments. They were usually clad in coarse, blue cloth, with a proftlsion of brass buttons, and a red sash girt around their waists. Add to this a bead-worked cap, and an Indian's moccasins, and you have a fair picture of the Red River halfbreed. They presented, also, a curious commingling of races, the old Scotch, English and French settlers having married with the Crees and Chippewas, and crossed and recrossed until every shade of complexion, and a babel of tongues, was tlhe result. The distance between Pembina and Saiiit Paul, by the nearest traveled route those days, was 448 miles.* The caravan would generally start early in June, as soon there was sufficient pasturage for the cattle, and the down trip would generally consumle fromn 30 to 40 days arriving here early in July. An average day's travel was 15 miles. At night the caravan would encamp at some spot where wood and water was convenient, and draw up the carts so as to form a' corral." Sentinels were always on watch at night, to guard against attacks from hostile Indians, or horse-stealing raids. The men subsisted, during their journeys, on game, an(l pemmican. The latter is a preparation of buffalo meat. It is dried, pounded into shreds, and stuffed into a bag made of buffalo hide, into * This iwas ia. Otter Tail and Satuk Rapids. During some of the earlier trips, the trail was via Big Stone Lake and Traverse de Sioux. 305 ie HisI'toly o' thze City ov''aint tz az, [- I851 vhlich melted tallow is potired, formingi one solid mass. This will keep a long time and, though tastinlg somiewhlatfr-ag-rant, to one unused to it, is a great ftvorite with Red River imen, and half-breeds generally. It used to be kept for sale in Saint iPaul, in early days. \While the caravan was in the city, disposing of firs at(d imaking purchases, which generally consumed some days, the carts were usually encamped on the prairie above the city (toward the trotting park,) and their bi\vouac was a scene v(-orth visiting, for its novelty tnd pictiuiesqueness. For some (lt-ys the streets of our city would be filled with these strings of carts, constituting, to the stiranger, or to one who had ineyei l)efore seen tlhem, a curiouis sight. Accompanying the caravalns w\ere generally t numltlber of horsemen, the skilled buflftlo htinters of Red River. imotunted on their tough, shlggy ponies. In I844, as noted( above. the inumber of carts on the route l)etween MlIendota and( Pemibiina, was only six. The nutmber increased each yeatr, iuntil in I85I, it was given at I02. In IS57, about 500 came to Saint Paul. In I858, 600. In 1859, I86o, anId iS6i, the inumber somewhat decreased, as a steamer \was lrunning onl Red River, which drew off' part of the freightilg trade. and decreased the land( transportationl to 216 miles. . C. & H. C. BURBANK & Co. having established a line of fi'eighlt teamns coinneiting withl the steamer. In IS863, owing to the Inldian troubles, only 275 carts came through. It was iiot lunltil about I867, when the Sainlt Pauil and Pacific Railroa(l w-as runnini g to Saint Cloud(l, that the caravans of cirts ceased iaking their iannutal pilgrimages to Saint Paul. Saint Cloud was then for a year or two their terminuits, but the increase of freight lines and, in a short time more, the comnpletion of the Northlern Pacific Railroad to Re(l Riveri, qulite drove these )primitive prairie carts friom thleir old ( routte,.d thus catused the decline tand fall of one of the miost singtlular features of otur trainsit fionm the rude traffic of the wilderness to ai well-organized commiercial comlimunitv. The -Fur Ti-ade. —Closelv toninecte(I wvithl this stibject is the fuir tra(le. oine' of tlhe most v-altuable atlxiliaries to our I)r-osl)erity in etrly days.'I'he inlporttti()oll fi'om Re(l Riveri 3o6 185I] and of the County of Ramsev, Afinnesota. b)v thle cart line. was very large, and fi)rmed the miain supplyp )of the ftilr miarketed at Saint Paul. Indeed, fotlur-fifths. of the tirs and all the robes came friom this region. The aimounts handled during the earlier years were reported as follows: i858............................. $I6I,02 I859.................300 I85o,9o i 86o0................. I86,O(o i86i................. I98,0ooo I862.............. 0... 202,000 I863................. 250,000 I844.................. $ I845................. I846................. I85o................. I855................. i85 6............ I857................. During 1858. 1859 and I86o, the quanltitv of fturs markete(l (lid not decrease. as the figures apparently show, but the price declined largely during the -hard times." Tlhen. too, the prices of ftilrs fiucttated greatly. Mink sold in I857, for i5 and 20 cents. In I863 it rose to $5 and $7. Being the natural depot for such a large region, at one time \well stocked wvith filr-bearing animals, Saint Paul was for some vears one of the largest fiur markets in America-perhaps second only to Saint Louis. and the trade of the latter was mostlv in robes, a distinct branch of the traffic. The fiur catch of all of Minnesota, a part of Dakota. and northern \\Wisconsin. was tributary to this point. In early days, the Indians and a few professioi;al trappers were about all who caught fturs. As the country- became more settled, every squatter eked out his living by trapping and shooting, and the larger gamie. bear. deer. elk. wolf. &c. soon became quite scarce. In falct. everv fiatrmer's boy, with cheap patent traps, soon entered the war of extermination against the fiir-hearing anilmnals. Every stream. copse and marsh wa\s trapped. and the result is that the fur catch" is yearly becoming less. though still larg,e. The sulpply of robes from Red River is annually growing smaller. as the bison is now dlriveIn firtlier and fuirther from the settlements each vear. I alite of the Red Rive- 7'-a(1e.-All of the inoiiey re ceived for the sale of these ftirs would be generally spent iii merchandize in our citv, and large stums in,tlddition. Thus the v\alue of the Re(l River trade to our citv in early davs ctn 307 11400 31000 5,000 15,000 40,000 97,253 i82,491 ax7e History (f the City of Sainit P [tl, be estimated. Staple groceries, liquors, dry goods, blankets, &c., hardware and tools, household utensils, amimunition and gullns, clothing, boots and shoes, glass, sashl, farm implements, even threshers and mowers, (ill parts,) and, latterly, sewing machines. In I863, one house sold $4,000 worth of tobacco alone. The Red River men, it might be noted, sold and bought for coin only. They never used currency in dealing. Thze Freit'it Trade with Red River.-The rude Pembina cart line was the pioneer of a very valuable freight and transportation movement between Saint Paul and the Red River settlements, and the very large and profitable trade which otur city now transacts with the Red River valley, both this side and beyond the British line, buLt this is more fully narrated a few pages back. SMALLI SCRAPS. The D)emocrat, of July 22, has the following items: "The Masonic Lodge has been removed to Rice and Banfil's Blockthe Odd Fellows occupying the adjoining room." "A picnic party of I4 or I5 ladies and gentlemen went out last week to White Bear Lake, io miles north, and spent a day very delightfuilly at fishing and hunting." [This is probably the first picnic to White Bear Lake that ever occurred.] "'Yesterday a number of workmen commenced excavating for the foundation of the Capitol." " Hitherto the people of Selkirk have had but two or three mails a vear. They have now (since July) a monthly mail from Saint Paul." 30S [ 1 S85I iS5i] and of the Counly of Ramsey, l145innesota. CHAPTER XXI. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I85l.-CONTINUED. TI[E TREATY WITH TIlE SIOUX-REJOICINGS OVER THIE EVENT-HOW TlHE INDIANS SPENT THEIR MONEY-CREATION OF A BISHOPRIC-RIGHT REV. JosEI'll CRETIN ARRIVES-PURCHASE OF LOTS FOR A CATHEDRAL-COL. ALEX. WILKIN-MOVF. MNIENT FOR A FIRE DEPARTMENT. HE great event of the year was the treaty with the Dako tas, at Traverse de Sioux, authorized by Congress last -ear, by which that nation gave up its title to all the land west of the Mississippi, excepting a small reservation-a domain exceeding 21,000,000 acres! The treaty commenced at Traverse de Sioux, on July 2. All the officials, dignitaries, big men, traders and editors of Minnesota were present, and all the chiefs of the Dakotas. The papers were crowded for weeks with their sayings and doings, to the exclusion of almost everything else. Gov. RAMSEY and Hon. LUKE LEA, COImmissioner of Indian Affairs, represented the United States. THE GREAT EVENT CONSUMMATED. On July 23, the preliminaries of the treaty were all concluded, and the Indians signed the instrument by which they sold, conv-eyed and transferred to the pale faces, one of the most glorious domains that nature ever created-signed away their heritage and birthright, and were thenceforth strangers and intruders on their own'" ancestral acres."* But sentiment is out of place in this day of progress. The resistless march of empire was doomed to sweep away the red man-it had been so for two centuries on American soil, and the treaty of Traverse de Sioux, another chapter of the mournfutl epic, called forth, not sadness, but rejoicing. *This may be considered merely the poetical view of the subject. Sometimes, when we have an unusually hard winter, our citizens scout the idea that the Indians were cheated in the sale, and wish they hadn't sold their lands at all! 309 The istori t of l(/if' of Saoint Pa?t/. [iSXi The news of the treaty was received in Saint Paul, with demonstrations of joy. GOODHITE, with his stronllg gift of prophesy. broke forthl ill a strain as exultant as the song of Miriiam and the Jewish maidens on the shore of the Red Sea. It thrille(d throlugh his pen as folloNws 'The news. of the treaty exhilarates our town, and it looks fresh. and lively and blooming! It is the greatest event by far, in the history of the Territory, since it was organized. It is the pillar of fire that lights us into a broad Canaan of fertile lands. We behold now. clearly, in no remote perspective, like an exhibition of dissolving views, the red savages, with their teepees, their horses, and their falmished dogs, fading, vanishing, dissolving away; and in their places a thousand farms, with their fences and white cottages, and waving wheat fields, and vast jungles of rustling maize, and villages and cities crowned with spires, and railroads with trains of cars rumbling afar off-and now nearer and nearer, the train comes thundering across the bridge into Saint Paul, fifteen hours from Saint Louis, on the way to Lake Superior. Is this a dream? What but a dream, then, is the historv of the Northwest for the last twenty years?"-[Pioneer, July, 3I.] IMMEDIATE RESUI,TS. Morie iiminediate gain resulted fiomn the treaty, viz.: the circulation of many tihousandi( dollatrs into the pockets of Saint iPatil. rThle Pioneer-. of Atiguist I4, says: ' Last Thursday was a lively day in Saint Paul. Indians all over town with double-eagles, and Third street, especially, was converted into a temporary horse bazaar. Dogs are also in demand. On Friday every Indian who had a horse was anxious to try his speed. Various contests were witnessed between old wheezing cart-horses, running quarter-races at the north end of Jackson street, in sand ankle-deep. A large multitude turned out to see the races." GIROW'T'/ OF CHURCHES. Nearly all denominations anid seEIs represented in the town. made rapid advancement this year. The Wisconsin Methodist Conference of that season, which adijourned( on July 3, made the following appointments for NMinnesota: CHAUNCY HOBART, P. E.; Saint Paul District., T. NI. FULI LERTON; Saint Anthony Falls, C. A. NEFWCOMB; Point Douglas. to be supplied; Stillwater. G. W. RICHARDSON. 310 I85I J anzd of the Covt)zv of Ramsey, AMi'nesota. This spring, Christ's church, (Episcopal,) on Cedar street, was completed, and was dedicated by Bishop JACKSON KEMPER, on April I12. Rev. j. LLOYD BRECK was first rectori. followed by the Rev. T. WIT,cONxsoN and Rev. J. V. STAN INGEN. &c. CREATION OF A BISIOPRIC CONSECRATI(ON-)N OF RT. REV. JOSEPH CRETIN. The year iSi wasI also a season of great encourageiment to RIGHT REV. JOSEPH CRETIN, D. D. the Catholics, owing to the creation of a bishopric here, and the arrival of Right Rev. JOSEPH CRETIN. Since the withdrawal of Father GALTIER, in I844, as before mentioned, Rev-. AUGUSTIN RAVOUX had been in charge of the mission at this place and Mendota. In I848 or I849, the congregation here increased very rapidly. The little chapel had(l been enlarge(l in 1847, and was still too small. Members came from Saint An 3II 2 The Hi/sor, of /he City qf Sain/ P.ul, [IS(t thony, Little Canada, Pig's Eye, and other places, to attend services, which were niow held every other Sabbath, in French and English, and finally, Father RAVOUX spent two Siundays here consecutively, going to Miendota on the third. It now became evident that more clerical help must be secured. He urged Bishop HENNI, of Milwaukee, to send this, but that ecclesiastic was unable to do so. It led, however, to the erection here of a bishopric and the appointment of Rev. JOSEPH CRETIN to the charge. The latter was then in Duluque. and left at once for Europe, to be consecrated. "'After his departure for France, [says Father RAVOUX, in a sketch in the Vor/thwzestern Chronicle,] aware of the necessity of securing some lots for the cathedral and other purposes, I bought of Mr. VETAL GUERIN twenty-one (2I) lots for $8oo, and for $ioo the lot on which now stands the cathedral. This last I bought of another person, who had already some lumber on the ground for a building. He had bought the same on credit of Mr. VETAL GUERIN for $60. He deeded me that lot for forty dollars ($40) profit. I considered the purchase of the twentytwo lots a very good bargain for the church, as also a good one for Mr. VETAL GUERIN, because it was understood that the cathedral and other buildings would be erected on block seven, and such improvements would increase the value of Mr. VETAL GUERIN'S property. The event proved that I was not deceived in my expedtation. The Right Rev. Bishop after his return from France, paid the money for the 22 lots and received the deed; I had but a bond for the security of our bargain." Speaking of Rev. J. CRETIN'S struggle to make up his mind whether to accept the bishopric, or not, Father RAVOUX fuirther writes that he did so at the advice of the Bishop of Bellev: "He then gave his consent and was consecrated on the 26th of January, i85 I.'Omnia omnibus fadtus sum,' was the motto engraved on his seal, and in fart the first Bishop of Saint Paul, like the Apostle of nations, was'all to all.' All those who have been well acquainted with him are convinced that he constantly walked in the footsteps of Saint PAUL, by zeal, piety, charity, humility, incessant labor and patience in sufferings; not only after his consecration, but also when a priest, when in the seminaire, and in the colleges. "The Right Rev. Bishop spent yet three or four months in Europe after his consecration, in order to procure some laborers for the extensive vineyard intrusted to his care, and many things necessary for the establishment of a new diocese. On the day of the feast of the Visita 312 185I1] an7( of the Coitil/i' tof?R(7alse l'. A1fiinesota. tion of the Blessed Virgin MARY, the 2d of July, I85I, I had the so lorng expected and desired visit of the Right Rev-. Bishop, who arrived at Saint Paul. accompanied by two priests* and three seminarians. To describe the pleasure I felt at their arrival would be a difficult task. The Rt. Rev. Bishop was not much surprised at the poverty of the Catholic church in Saint Paul, for he had been informed of everything. From the first, he saw hard labor before hinm. and. full of confidence ill GOD, was not discouraged. He put immediately his hand to the plow, and. faithful to the advice of our SAvIOUR, did not look behind. He knew for whom he worked. tlld. however difficult the task might be, supported bv Divine grace, he was alwavs cheerful. Before the lapse of five months after his arrival in Saint Paul. he had ere'ted on block 7, in Saint Paul Proper. a brick building. 84 feet long by 44 wide, three stories and a half high, including the basement. That building became immediately the second cathedral of Saint Paul, and also the second residence of the Rt. Rev. Bishop. of his priests and seminarians: and. in a few months after. some apartments of the basement were used as school-rooms for boys. The young girls were also to be provided with Catholic schools, and. in I8;52,. the Siste-rs of Saint Joseph devoted themselves in Saint Paul to the holy work of their institute, and they opened their schools on the property of the church, on Third street. * * * * * * "The Rt. Rev. Bishop died on the 22d of February, i857. - His illness had been very long and painful, but he always continued to be the good and faithful servant of GOD, bearing with the greatest patience all his sufferings. When no more able to leave his room, he almost constantly had his mind occupied about the flock intrusted to his care: he would often speak to me on that subjedt, and write letters to his friends in order to provide for the diverse wants of his diocese. The last of these letters. which was addressed to a French Bishop, and left unfinished, was dated February the 2Ist, I857. More than once, when his sufferings were most intense, I heard him exclaim,'It is good foir me to sutffer for my sins! * * As I cannot work, 1I, at least. ought to offer my pains to GOD for the faithful and for all!' Were I asked what epitaph ought to be written on his tomb. m! answer would be, let these words be engraved upon it: O Gon!'the zeal of Thv house hath eaten me up!'" FIRST T'I'HEAT''RE IN SAINT PAUl.. I)uring the monith of Augutst the drama was inatlgturated( ill Saint Paul. A portion of the troupe of " Placi(le's \Tarieties." * I think one of them was the Rexv. JAMES MORIAN. whoffiChiatedl here forl a year 0nore about that timie. 21 313 314 7The t-Istory of the City of Saint Paul, [x85I of New Orleans, then closed as usual during the summer, wandered to Saint Paul, partly for pleasure, partly for gain, and opened a theatre in Mazurka Hall. GEORGE HOLLAND was manager. One of the papers of the day says:' They performed to flill houses for two weeks." Among the plays advertised were, "' The Day after the Fair," *' Swiss Cottage," Betsey Baker," " Slasher & Crasher," &c. No very' heavv" pieces seem to have been put on the boards. AN ENGINEERING BLUNDER. GOODHUE frequtently in those days, urged measures of local importance, that, with criminal indiflerence, the public and some of its components, disregarded. Had his advice been followed, we would have had a boulevard along the river blutiff, for one thing. The streets of additions would have corresponded with those of Saint Paul Proper, instead of presenting the confused maze of angles and crooks our city map now shows-a perpetual misery inflicted on posterity. Speaking of a quagmire on Third street, between Wabasha and Cedar. he advocated cutting the soil off of all the streets running over the limestone rock, thus making a hard, smooth, dry pav-ement, unequalled in every desirable quality. Strange to say. this simple proposition, for a cheap improvement, was not acted on. The grade was raised so that the streets had to be filled in, at great expense, and thus we have quagmires instea(l of smooth, rock pavements. At this day, it is hard to say what enigineer is responsible for this fossilized stutpiditv; )ut, Ias capital punishment has been practicallv abolished(l, even if convicted. no adequate punishment exists. POLITICS. Political excitement ran pretty high in the fall of I85I, though perhaps a shade less bitter than the year previous. The Pioneer launched its thunderbolts at H. M. RICE and his friends, and C. K. SMITH, Secretary of State. The Deniocrat inveighed bitterly against the Whlig office-holders. The AL?nnesotian (just established) fired double-shlotte(d gutins it Democr-atic lnominees. Both parties, it seemis, were split up I851] and of tfhe County of Ramsey, JAinnesota. into factions, warring against each other. Tile Federal officeholders were at swords'-points, and undermining each other. The war soon terminated in a batch of resignations and removals. Judge JEROME FULLER, of New York, succeeded Chief Justice AARON GOODRICH. Capt. ALEX. WILKIN* was appointed Secretairy of State, decapitating C. K. SMIThI. JO SEPHI W. FURBER TILDEN, &C. ALEXANDER WILKIN. received a commission as Marshal, vice * ALEXANDER WILKIN was born in Orange connty, New York, December, i82o. He was the eldest son of Judge SAMUEL J. WILKIN, who had been a member of Congress, and was otherwise prominent in his State. ALEXANDER studied lawv with his father, and practiced for a while at Goshen. Ini February, I847, he enlisted in the Tenth NewYork Regiment for the Mexican War, and was commissioned as Captain. He served under ZACH. TAYLOR during a part of the war, when ill-health compelled him to return home, and, meantime, peace was declared, and the army disbanded. In the spring of i849, he removed to Saint Paul, arriving here on June 20, and practiced his profession for some months. On October 23, I85I, he was appointed United States Marshal, and 31 5 The Histo,' of /he Citi' of.Sia! Patul [iS5 I WAIFS. The Weekly -,Tnnesotian appeared on September I7, as a WVhig organ. JOHN P. OWENs' name appeared as editor, an( that of JOHN C. TERRY, as publisher. Its verv first nutimberi created a sensation. Some severe strictures on Capt. WM. B. DODD, provoked the ire of that gentleman, and a rencontre between him and Col. OWENs on the street, was the resuLlt. The:l:innesotian flourished for nearlv Io yearss, as a leadling and( influential journal. It gave uL) the ghost in iS6i. * We need a jail far more than we do a court-house. The criminal law is almost a dead letter for want of a jail to lock utip rogues in."[Pz'oneer. ] GEO. C. NICHOLS, surveyor, has made a splendid and accurate map of the city of Saint Paul, with its additions, which are 15 in number."-[Demnocrat, Sept. 30.] [This map was the first map of Saint Paul published. Mr. NIClIOLS died April 8, I853, at Madison, Wisconsin, aged 26 years.] "Never was a city laid out so badly as Saint Paul. The plat looks as if some accident had knocked all the streets into pi'. Measures should be taken immediately to straighten them."-[Ib.] "Last week there were 400 Indians out at Rice Lake, gathering cranberries. Thev gathered about 250 barrels."-LIb.] "The cotintry is full of bears. A band of Sioux Indians killed, in two days, in the neighborhood of Rice Lake, 25 bears. Two were seen within a mile of otr office, on Saturday."-[Ib.] served until the PIERCE administration comimeoced, in 1853. He was In iiuisuccessfil candidate for Delegate that fall, and, in I860, espoused the cause of STEPIEN A. DotuC.LAS. During the Crimnean o War, Capt. WILKIN visited the allied armies, aid studied the art of war before Sebastopol. The experienice that hlie then gained was d(estiniied s0oi to be of great value to him. Wheo the rebellion broke out, hlie recruited the first com1ipainy of the First Regimelit. He acted with conspicuous bravery at Bull Run, and sooi after was commissioned in the regular army. Oo Septeliber Io, hlie v.was commiSsionied as MNajor of the Sec)ond Miniiiesota, and, oni March 21, 1862, its Lieut. Colonel. Oo August 24, 1S62, hlie was commnissioned Colonmel of the Ninth Minnesota. After serving on our frontier several months, the Nintfi was senit to Tennessee, where it took part in the expedition against FORREST. lI the battle of Tupelo, Mississippi, on Jully 14, 1S64, Col. WILKIN was shot through the heart, and died instantly. He was a successful and skillful officer, sod one of the most fearless and courageous men that ever lived, although of small and slight physique. The Legislature, in iVS, bestowed his alne o11 One of our western Counities. -Judge WESTCOTT WILEIN, brother of Col. W., is olie )f the oldest and most Cs teemed nmeoibers of the Ranisey county bar. lie was ele'ted Judge of the Distri('t (tmir in 1]'4, ai(ld re-eleited, in l,71. folr seven Years. 3i6 i85 I] and of the County of Ramsey. Minnesota. THE ELIECTION was held on October 14. The result in Ramsey county, (which then included Saint Anthony,) was as follows: People's Ticket. 1,Vm. H. Forbes.... 270 G. W. Farring~ton... 293 W. P. Murray...... 272 . W. Selby........ 293 C. S. Cave......... 273 A. E. Fuiller-ton.... 306 Sam. Y. Findley.... 279 Anson Northrup....271 (Ind.,) 207. M. S. Wilkinson....427 Sam. H. Sergeant.. 40i Wm. D. Phillihs....414 S. P. Folsom........4 07 It'a B. Kingsley -. — 424 .o. LaBonne........4I9 T. P. Reed.......... 429 _acob.7. Noah..... 236 John P. Owens......234 Old Line. Councillors.... R. R. Nelson........24i Wmin. Freeborn..... 2..48 Robert Kennedy.....247 I Geo. Burns 2..........2.........I7 Representativzes- Hugh McCann........S. 279 Egidus Keller........224 I Louis Bartlett....... 220 Sherif............Geo. F. Brol.......312 C. P. V. Lull. Register qof Deeds. L. B. Wait.............. 376 Treasurer....... Lot Moffet..........362 Attorne........ John W. North.....37 I County,t Surveyor. Geo. C. Nichols..... 380 yudgem of Probate..H. Fletcher..........36I Co. Com'isioner.. Locke............377 ( Warren Chapman...367 usices of Peace Charles Creek.......211....2 Y5ustices of Peace. ( Orlando Simons....244 Those in italics eleced. TOw\N G(OSSIP. The Pioneer. of October 30, announces the removal of Secretary) C. K. SMITH, and the issue of November 20, records his departure from the Territory, in a terribly denunciatory article. \When GOODHUE wanted to'go for" any one, he never beat around the bush, but spoke right out. There is a large new- bell, a very fine one, just received and hung up in the rear of the Catholic seminary, a present from Louis ROBERT. There are now four good bells in Saint Paul, and another comining, for the Baptist church."-[Pioneer, November 6.] NON-RESIDENT LANDHOLDERS.-Avarice and speculation can overlay an infant town-nay, they oppress larger places, like a nightmare. A non-resident may buy up half-a-dozen lots on Third street, and keep them unimproved. The result is ruinous, perhaps, to the business of the whole street. We want to see these gentry used up in every possible way. * * We wish that no man out of Minnesota could own a foot of land in it."-[Ib.] 317 318 The Histor-y qf the City of Saint Paul, The Pioneer, of October i6, speaks of a contract for the erection of a four-story hotel on the site of Monk Hall. This was the Winslow House, a building which played an important part in our history, and was burned down in I862. "Rev. Mr. RIHELDAFFER, a missionary of the Old School General Assembly, has taken up his residence at Saint Paul, with a view of gathering a second Presbyterian congregation."-[Denmocrat. November 4.] This was the origin of the Central Presbyterian church, which was organized by Mr. RIHELDAFFER, February 21, I852, at his residence, eight persons participating-Mr. and Mrs. RIHELDAFFER, Mr. and Mrs. R. MARVIN, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. FARRINGTON, J. D. POLLOCK and JONAS GISE. The church was completed in the summer of I1854. Rev. Mr. RIHELDAFFER resigne(d in I864, and was succeeded by Rev. F. T. BROWN, illn i867, and Rev. Wm. McKIBBIN, in June, 1874. "Saint Paul is entirely destitute of means for extinguishing fire. Measures should be taken to form a hook and ladder company, immediately. Should a fire occur, let every citizen repair to it with a bucket of water."-[Democrat, November I8.] Four Sisters of Charity have arrived from Saint Louis, and will shortly commence teaching a ladies' seminary, irn the old chapel."-[Ib.] "The workmnen are putting on the roof of the new court-house. It makes a fine appearance."-[Ib.] Navigation closed this year on the 20th of November. The whole number of steamboat arrivals was I 19. Rev. J. P. PARSONS, pastor of the new Baptist chturch, died on November I3, while on his way iup the river on a steamer, returning from a visit east. to raise means to finish his church. Mr. PAIRSONS was a native of Onondaga, New York. He came west about I837, and settled in Saint Paul, May 1849, as a missionary of the Baptist Home Mission Society. He was forty-nine years of age. CHARLES SYMONDS, the first ice dealer in Saint Pati, commenced cutting ice this month. He continued the ice business a number of y3ears, and died in I873. "; Rev. E. D. NEILL has been appointed by the Governor, Superintendent of common schools for the Territory. An excellent appointinent."-[Democrat, December 2.] "Plenty of delightful weather, plenty to eat. plenty to drink, but not [i851 185 I] and of the County of Ramsey, lfinnesota. a word of news from the States for two weeks past."-[De,-mocrat, December 24.] The grading of Fourth street and the building of the culvert across Jackson street are so far advanced, that the street will be ready fobr travel in three or four weeks."-[Ib.] "A friend informs us that there are about 299 applicants for the few offices in the gift of the Legislature."-[Ib.] 'There appears to be considerable activity in buying and selling town lots. Prices are gradually rising."-[Ib.] WVe have a hard-working, judicious and able town council. They work bfor nothing, and find themselves."-[Ib.] A market house is very much needed in Saint Paul."-[Ib.] MOVEMENT TOWARD A FIRE DEPARTMENT. The need of some organized association for extilnguiShing fires, has several times been noticed. The Democrat, of December 24, says: 'Mr. R. C. KNOX is making efforts to get up a hook and ladder company. Let everybody help. * * * A meeting will be held at the utlper school house on Saturday evening next, for the purpose of forming a fire company." Probablv this movement of Mr. KNOX and others was the little germ which afterwards gave birth to our Fire Departmient. Prior to this time, and for three or four years afterwards, indeed, the mode of extinguishing fires was somewhat primitive. Whenever an alarm was given, the whole able-bodied population would rush to the rescue, armed with pails, basins, dippers, tubs or any other utensil that came handy. Generally a raid was made on some grocery, and a few nests of pails confiscated. With these a line would be formed, between the fire and some pond, cistern or stream, and the pails then passed firom hand to hand. The writer has seen a line two blocks long thus. The original subscription paper carried around by Mr. KNox is still in existence. Enough was raised to purchase several ladders. They were somewhat heavy, and, as the boys" had no ladder wagon, but carried them to fires on their shoulders, they could not have made very fast time, and probably had their patience and zeal thoroughly tried. An amusing incident would occur once in a while, however, that 319 3The Histovory f the City of Saint Paiil. lightened their butrdens. On one occasion, the boys got their ladders out from -ani alley on Third street. near Wabasha. where they used to store them. and started on the rllun for a fire on Eagle street. Aftelr making good time for two or three squares thev concluded to seize oli aily team that happened along. Just then a cotunltrvmain drove bv with a lumber wagon. R. C. KNox rushed tip to him. anid. in tones that could have been heard at Pig's Eye. talmost. ordered the man to get (lown and give tip that team!"' KNOX. we vill state for those who don't kniow hilm. is abotit ais large its two o(r(linarv men. The countryl man gaze(d ait his huge figurie a momenlt. an. eitlher mistaking him fir a ghost or a ihiglhw~a-ymanl. acttually leaped )tit of the wagoni a(nd ran foir dear life' 13irlsting with lautghter. the boys seized the team. threwv of' the wagon-box. aild soon had their ladders at the fire. As but little could be generally aiccoi)l)lished in this way. liowever. the ladders soon fell inito (listise. lihey were stored tawav anid tfor a time served the fiee use of painters and cart)enllters. After the Pioneer- Hook La(1 Ladder Companv was organized in I855, tl.hree of them were recovered and became the property of that comipalny, a(nd were used for over I3 years. In the absence of engines or other tlpparittis. every imagillable lmeans was resorted to to extingtiish fires. A small house olnce caught fire aIbout that time, when the groull(l was covered with (ldamp snow. Some onet give the word, snow-ball it out." aild it was so deluged with snow-l)lls bv the crowd in attendanice, that the fire was put out Ianlld most of the house saved. II85I 320 [85z] and qf thec Cozunty of Ramsey, Si'innesota. CHAPTER XXII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I852. 'THE TEM;PERANCE MOVEMENT-PASSAGE OF A PROHIBITORY LAW-TRAVEILING ON DOG-SLEDGES-OCUTCOME OF THE MAINE LIQUOR LAW-RATIFICATION OF THE SIOUX TREATY-BRUTAL WIFE MURDER-DEATHI OF J. M. GOODIIUE MIURDERS BY WIHITES-MURDERS BY INDIANS, &C. N Janiitar% I. a Temperance Conventioll was held. pursu aiant to a published call. which was largely attenided by delegates. An earnest feeling prevailed. The newspapers contaimi no report of the proceedinigs. and onlv indirect allusions to it. Participants say, however, that strong ground Was taken for a MIaine prohibitory law. and threats to form a temperance party of the prohibitory element did not receive dlue consideration. 'THIRD LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBILY. The third Legislature met on Janulary 7, in " Goodrichl's 13lock," on Third street, below the Merchants. The Ramsey countv members this -ear were: Council.-Geo. W. FARIINGTON. L. A. BABCOCK, and WVM. H. FORBES, the latter l)eing President. Ifouse.-CHARLES S. CAVE, WM. P. MURRAY, SAMI. D. FINDLEY, JEREMIAH W. SELBY, and J. E. FULLERTON. Four of our present citizens represented other localities that year-N. W. KITTSON, Pembina~; JNO. D. LUDDEN. Marine; Dr. J. H. MURPHY, Saint Anthony; and Dr. DAVID DAY, Long Prairie. On Januiary I9, Hon. H. L.'TIILDEN, Secretary of the Council, died. Mr. TILDEN was a native of Ohio, and came to Minnesota in I849. He was a member of the House in I85I, and had been appointed Marshal of the Territory that year. He was a lawyer by profession, and a gentleman of fine ability. He was buried by the Odd Fellows, of which he was a meml)er-, and the two houses attended his fuineral in a body. 3 I .9 The History of the City of Saint I-au [8l, Gov. RAMSEY read his annual message to the joint coilveiltion of both houses, and the citizens, in the Baptist church, ~ oln the hill," then recently finished. TRAVELING ON A DOG(-SLEDGE. The Pioneer. of February 19, says: 'Dr. RAE arrived in Saint Paul on the I4th instant, having perfobrmed the journey from Pembina to Sauk Rapids, some 500 miles, in ten days. It was the continuation of a journey from a station on McKelzie's River, about 2,500 miles beyond Pembina. Both journeys were performed on snow-shoes. He was sent last spring to the Arctic coast in search of FRANKLIN, by the Hudson's Bay Company." Tile " dog-sledge" used by Dr. RAE, in his long journiey over the snow was presented by him to the Historical Society, as a memento, and mav still be seen at their rooms. This was the only mode of winter traveling between Saint Paul anid Pembina, until 1859, when BURBANK & BLAKELEY'S line of stages commenced to run to Fort Abercrombie. A Sauk Rapids correspondent of the Pioneer, January 8, says: " The honorable members elected to the House and Council, tromn Pemibina. viz.: Messrs. KITTSON. ROLETTE and GINGRAS, arrived at Crow WVing on Christmas eve, in I6 days from home, stopping two days at Red Lake by the way. Each had his cariole, drawn by three tine dogs, harnessed tastily, with jingling bells, and driven tandem fashion, at 2:40 at least, when put to their speed. They usually traveled tromn 30 or 40 miles per day, and averaged about 35 miles. They fed the dogs but once a day, on the trip, and that at night, a pound of pemimican each. On this, they draw a man and baggage as fast as a good horse would travel, and, on long journeys, they tire horses out." LEGISLATION AFFECTING SAINT PAUL. The legislation of the third Assembly, affecting Saint PatLl, may be summarized as follows: DANIEL F. BRAWLEY was granted a charter to run a ferry for ten years, from the upper levee to West Saint Paul. (This ferry ran until the completion of the bridge, S1858.) An act to incorporate the Ramsey Counity Agricultural Society. EIS52 3Z2 qk IS52] and of the County of Ramsey, lAfinnesota. kn aIct granting to JAMES M. GOODHUE aIld ISAAC N. GOODHUE, the right to run a ferry across the Mississippi River. TEMPERANCE LEGISLATION. The prohibitory legislation demanded by the Temperance Convention, and the efbforts made by them in the shape of i personal pressure" on the Assembly, resulted in success. A very stringent' Maine Liquor Law" was enacted by the Legislatutre. The manufacture, sale, or possession of liquor was made a penal offense, to be severely punished. Liquor dealers were prohibited from sitting as jurymen. All liquor found in the Territory was to be destroyed, &c. The law was to be voted on by the people on the first Monday in April, and, if approved was to be operative from and after May I. If approved, County Commissioners could not grant licenses longer than to that date, &c. The contest over the liquor question was short, but very excited. On April 5, the election took place. Ramsey county, strange to say, gave a majority in favor of the law. When this result was known, late in the evening, the church bells rang a peal of joy. The result in the Territory was for, 853; against, 662. It was ardently hoped and expected, by the advocates of the law, that it would operate successfully, but, as in so many other cases, they were disappointed. In Ramsey county, the Commissioners construed the law to suit themselves, and granted licenses as before. Thus the liquor traffic in Saint Paul went on about as usual. In Stillwater, however, the law was enforced, and the saloons closed up. Believing the law to be unconstitutional, its opponents took an early occasion to test it by a case occurring at Saint Anthony soon after. WILLIAM CONSTANS, a commission merchant on the levee, had in his warehouse several packages of liquor, stored there by or for another party, and Sheriff BR'OTT, being informed of the fadt, made a descent on his place, to confiscate and destroy the liquor. CONSTANS and his friends resisted the process, offering to give the packages up, if BROTT 323 The History of /the City of Saint Paui. [I852 would give a bond to indemnify him if the law was declared unconsitutional. This the Sheriffl declined to do. and summooned a larger force from the crowd collec.ed thlere, as a hossc conzilatuts. CONSTANS' friends also rallied, and, in the excited state of things, a riot, with serious results. might have occurretl. if othler parties had not advised a compromise, which was effecIed, and the liquors left inll CONSTANS' possession for the time. The Saint Antlhonv case soon camne before Judge H. Z. IIAYNER, of the Supreme Court, who declared the liquor law nIll and void, inasmuch as the legislative power was vested by the OrganIic Act in the Governor and Assembly solely, and they had no power to delegate their authority to the people, and the law in question. being a'n attempt to (lo so. was inoperlative. This was a severe blow to the temperance element, but. nothing daunted, it set to work to procLure the passage of another and better law the next session. THE TOWN ELECTION took place oll MaN 6. The result was as follows: President.....B. W. Lo/tt.......... 227 Robert Kennedy....... I83 Recorder..... Loutis M. Ohliver.....237 B. B. Ford............I7I Chas. Bazille..........23I Win. Freeborn........396 Egidus Kteller........228 Firman Cazeat I......178 Cotnciinten. -, Councilmen. John Rogers...........22 A. Baker............... 75 I Lot Mo........306 W. W. ichco... i66 fet.........306 W. W. ttichcox.......6 Those in italics eledted. The total vote cast in bothl precincts into whichl the town .was now divided, was 414, evincing a population of about I 500. SOME NOTES ON STEAMBOAT1ING. The steamboat interest now began to be quite a considerable one. and profitable, doubtless, as travel on the Upper Mississippi, under the flood of imlmigration pouiring in, was b)ecomlling large. and freighting was also growing in importance. On page I73 was given some note of the beginning of the olId Galena Packet Company. The' Senator" and( " Nomi 324 I852] and of the Couniy q/f Ramsey, l3innesola. nee" had been the regular " stand-by" packets, utip to this season. During the past winter, (I 85 I-2,) the " Ben Campbell" had been built for the trade. During the seasons of I849, I850o, and I85I, the packet line only made two trips per week, each wav. This vear, it commenced tri-weekly trips. DuLring the season, also, there was quite a rivalry in the steamboat trade. Tile HARRISES, SMITIH and SCRIBE ran a packet in opposition to the old line, but, ultimately they consolidated with it. Capt. Louis ROBERT brought out the Black Hawk" and "Greek Slave," this year-both ne-w. There were "wild" boats, also, in the trade. Capt. KEELER HARRIS, who had commanded a new boat this year, called the "Saint Paul." died in August, aged 36 years. BRIEF NOTES. The Pioneer. of July- 29, ill a pretty pointed paragraph, compares the dearth of schools to the abundance of churches: "Truth compels us to say, that there is not a building in all Saint Paul, fit to be called a distridt school house. The only building known as such. is hardly fit for a horse stable. There was another miserable substitute for a school house on Bench street, belonging to the upper distridt; but that was sold the other day, to satisfy a mortgage of less than $200. All this in an opulent town, swarming with children, little, untaught brats-swarming about the streets, and along the levee, in itter idleness, like wharf rats. All this in a town, too, that boasts of half-a-dozen steepled churches. If Saint Paul is not a priest-ridden town, it is in a fair way to be. This is a blunt, homely truth. but we are perfeftly indifferent who dislikes it." The Pioneer, of Atugust 25, says: "The court-house is finished, and is an ornament to the town." The same journal (September I 6) savs' "NEILI'S churcht has got a fine organ, and the Cedar street church followed suit." It also adds, on the subject of church music: " now we have good choirs in all the churches, which would do honor to the most refined congregations in the States." The Pioneer, of October 2I, has a little item which shows that even at that earlv day our present system of A ateri-works was thought of. It suggests supplying the city with water from one of the lakes toward Little Canada." 325 Thze His/ory of the Ci~y of Saint Paul. [1852 On August Io, it was stated that the cars on the Galena road had commenced to run to Rockford. They did not reach the Mississippi for three years after this. At this date, Minneapolis was not yet christened by that name, but is always referred to in the papers as "A/ll Saints." Hotels seemed to be as ill-fated those days as they were a few years subsequently. On June 23, a large hotel just ereted( b)- DANIELS & WASSON, near the upper levee, burned. The repeated reference by the editors to the need of a cemetery, led to the formation in March of an association, which procured 80 acres on what was, for many years, and perhaps is now, known as "Nigger Lake," a beautiful forest-covered hill to the right of Como avenue, and laid out a cemetery called "Oak Hill." Several burials were made there, when, for some reason, the scheme was abandoned and the property reverted to the original owners. It is unfortunate that the sites of the graves made there were afterwards obliterated, and(l cannot be recognized. LANGRISHE & ATWATER'S Troupe" commenced a theatrical season at Mazurka Hall, on May 22, and played to goo(l houses for two or three weeks. RATIFICATION OF THE SIOUX TREATY. During the early summer, the Sioux treaties of 185I were before Congress for ratification, and, for some reason, d(elayed( unnecessarily. The result was looked for with great interest by the people in Saint Paul. On June 26, the Senate, having ratified the principal treaty, (with the upper Sioux,) the news was received in Saint Paul, amid great rejoicings. The newspapers issued extras, and in the evening bonfires blazed on the bluffs, while the Maine law was somewhat d(lisregarded. Settlers had not waited for the formal ratification of the treaty before taking possession of " Suland," as it was slangishlyl termed. Good points for farms, mills and townsites had already been seized on, which have since become leading cities of our State. MURDER OF ELIJAH S. TERRY BY THE SIOUX. The (loom of the Dakota race in this State was practically 326 I852] and of the County of Ramsey, lfinnesola. sealed by the treaty, although they continued to hang around until I862. During all those years, there were repeated murdlers of white people by them, which nearly all went unpunished. On June 25, the Sissetons, near Pembina, murdered, tinder the most outrageous circumstances, a young man named ELIIJAH S. TERRY, a resident of Saint Paul, who had gone to that point to teach a mission school. He was a finely educated and religious young man. who had designed to devote his life to the elevation of the very savages who murdered him. He was a brothelr of JOHN C. TERRY, of this city, and of BENJ. S. TERRY, who, Io vears later, himself fell at Birch Coolie by a Sioux bullet. RWIFE MURDER. On July 21, aI man named CHAUNCY GODFREY, formerly of Baraboo. Wisconsin, while in a fit of jealousy and drunkenness, shot his wife through the heart with a pistol, killing her almost instantl;. They were boarding at the Tremont House, a small frame hotel which stood on Bench street, where the rear of Bell's Block now stands. In the excitement that followed, GODFREY escaped, and was captured some days afterwards at Reed's Landing. He broke jail several weeks subsequently, and fled from the Territory. No effort to retake him was made, and he was never heard from again. The newspapers of that day did not cultivate sensational reporting, as they do now. The murder (lid not make an item of over six or eight lines in either journal. DEATH OF JAMES M. GOODHUE. On August 5th, Mr. GOODHUE'S serious illness was annoutnced in his own journal, and referred to with apprehension by the other papers. He grew rapidly worse. About the 26th he rallied, and hopes were entertained of his recovery, but lihe relapsed again, and sank rapidly, expiring on the 27th. JAMES M. GOODHUE was born in Hebron, New Hampshire, on March 3I, I8io. He entered Amherst College at a youthful age, and, after a creditable course, graduated in I832, in his 23d year. He at once entered upon the study of law, and was, for a time, associated with Judge 327 The Hz's.tori, of the Citv of Saint Paul, W. R. BEEBE, now of the firm of BEEBE & DONOHUE, New York. He ultimately emigrated west, and finally settled in the lead region of Wisconsin, then almost on the frontier of the Northwest, and compalatively unsettled. Here he began to practice his profession with vigoir and success, and was soon widely known in that region. A circumstance, however, changed the current of his life. He was invited to take charge of the editorial columns of the Wisconsin Herald, published at Lancaster, during the temporary absence of the editor. lie found in the new vocation the very field that his restless activity, strong discrimination and keen wit eminently qualified him t-or. The papeldoubled its interest during his occupancy of the tripod, and at length it resulted in his becoming its editor. In the spring of I849, Mr. GOODHUE resolved to remove to Saint Paul. and swiftly executed his design. On April 28, he Issued, under dis(ouraging circumstances, the first paper ever published in Minnesota. which he continued with remarkable success until his death. three years subsequently. He became a man of mark and power in the new commonwealth. He was one eminently fitted to impress the "elements of empire." which were "';plastic yet, and warm." His habits, temperament. feelings and style, were all such as to give him influence in such a population as the Territory then had. tHis journal was an institution inseparably connected with the word Minnesota. In the early days of the Territory it was a powerful immigration document. Thousands of the present citizens of our State first heard of Minnesota in the columins of the Pioneer. or by extracts from it in other journals, which were wvidely circulated, and were attracted hither, by his bright and glowing pidtures of life in the new Territory. His paragraphs thus circulated, powerfully contributed to correct the prevalent errors in eastern States as to our climate. soil, etc. He was unwearied in laboring for good enterprises to advance the prosperity of his adopted State. His faith in its future greatness was unbounded. He constantly predicted its prosperous career, in paragraphs that now read as if he had been gifted with prophetic ken. When any civil or political emergency aroae, he could siummon the force, strength, nerve and daring of his nature so promptly and powerfully as to astonish and confilse his opponents. His strength of will and purpose was remarkable. In ai paper prepare(l by Rev-. E. D. NEILL, his intimate friend anid spiritual couniselor, tfor the IHistorical Society his charadter is strikingly sketched "The editor of the Pioneer, was unlike other men. Every adtion. and every line he wrote marked great individuality. Impetuous as the whirlwind. with perceptive powers that gave to his mind the eye of a lynx. with a vivid imnagination that made the very stones of Minnesota 328 [18-2 1S52] and of thc County of -Ramnsey, zlllinnesota. speak her praise; with an intellect as vigorous and elastic as a Damascene blade, he penned editorials which the people of this Territorycan never blot out from memory. His wit, when it was chastened, caused ascetics to laugh. His sarcasm upon the foibles of society was paralyzing. His imagination produced a tale of ficion called'Striking a Lead,' which has already become a part of the light literature of the west. WVhen in the heat of partisan warfare, all the qualities of his mind were combined to defeat certain measures; the columns of his paper were like a terrific storm in mid-summer in the Alps. 'As a paragraphist, he was equalled by few living men. His sentences so leaped with life, that, when the distant reader perused his sheet, he seemed to hear the purling brooks and see the agate pavements and crystal waters of the lakes of Minnesota, and he longed to leave the sluggish stream, the deadly malaria, and worn-out farms, and begin life anew in the Territory of the sky-tinted waters." JOSEPH R. BROWN, whose sagacity ill reading and knowing men was scarcely equalled by any one in our State, thus wrote of him: "Col. GOODHUE was a man of warm temperament, which occasionally betrayed him into an undue severity of comment upon those who differed with him in opinion upon political questions, and upon aspirants for office whom he deemed unworthy of public confidence. Many of his editorials would have done no discredit to the New York Herald in its most palmny days. They are replete with satiric humor. Indeed, his powers of sarcasm were limited only by his sense of propriety, and we can all testify to the effective mode in which they were exercised. In comparison with the ordinary controversial articles of the country press, his style of writing was as fine gold to lead. * * * He will be numbered with the small band of sturdy men who labored constantly and with iron resolution to establish the pillars of society in our Territory upon a sound moral basis. His press was always found on the side of law, order, temperance and virtue. Minnesota may well lament his death, and inscribe his name on the roll of her benefactors." But GOODHUE did not live to finish the harvest of fame and wealth which his energy and ability had begfin to reap, as indicated by the foregoing extracts. He was mysteriously cut off in the prime of life, with apparently years of usefulness to come. The slight illness with which he was at first attacked took an unfavorable turn, and, on August 27th, IS52, its the twilight shadows darkened around his home, his eyes closed forever on earth. The news of this sad event produced a feeling of gloom in the entire community. He was buried 22 329 771 f/I istor-y of thc C71y (y' Saint Paul. [1852 on Sunday, ALugust 29tllh, by the Masonic firaternity, from the First Presbvterian clthurclh, the pastor of which, Rev. E. D. NEI,I,, preached his filneral discourse to the largest audience vwhichl had ever gathered ill the town. The Legislature of the following year very - appropriately honiore(l his memllory, by bestowing his iiame on la new county, now onie of the most flourishing in the State. OUR TOWN SURVEYS. GOODHUTE had(l a broad and liberal view of public improveiuenits. In his pride of our younlg city. and( his strong desire for its success anid welfare, he never ceased to impoitune for its social, physical, eduticationail an(l commercial prosperity. His paper teemis with advice to the people, which it would lhave been wisdom for themi to have i(adopted. He deplored the building of hotises oli the blutifl side of Benchi anid Third streets. anld so havre thousands since then. At tihait divy it could ihave been avoided. The execrable iimanner in which the town was laid out was another hlorror to himi. In (lie of his articles,. just before his death, he savs The projectors of this town appear to have had but the smallest possible ideas of the growth and importance that awaited Saint Paul. The original plat was laid off in very good imitation of the old French part of Saint Louis, with crooked lanes for streets, irregular blocks, and little skewdangular lots, about as large as a stingy piece of gingerbread, broken in two diagonally, without a reservation fit to be called a public square-without a margin between the town and the river; without preserving a tree for shade, without permanent evidences of boundaries made by the survey. In ta,Ct, it was a survey without measurement, a plan without mnethod, a volunteer crop of buildings, a sort of militia muster of tenements. So much for the old plat. Then came Rice and Irvine's Addition. This is laid out but little, if any, better. In fadt, the two plats appear to have taken a running jump at each other, like two rival steamboats-which, having inextricably run into each other, the passengers and crews have concluded to knock down the railings and run along together, as one craft. Kittson's is laid off in smaller lots than any of the other additions, and its streets make no sort of coincidence with other streets in town. It -Sould save itmmense cost and prove an eternal blessing to Saint Paul, if the whole site of the town could now be thrown into one coimmon field, and platted as I') 3 0 1852] aaid of the County of Ramsey, -,fi'nnesota. it outght to be, with large reservations of public grounds, with straight, wide, regular streets, and blocks and lots of uniform size." ANOTHER HOMICIDE. On11 the nighlt of October 12x an aflray occurred in thie salooli of THOMNAS H. CALDER, between Col. DANIElI BRECK, JAMIES BRECK, SIMON DALTON and others, in which DALTON was fatally stabbed, dying a few hours afterwards. A coroner-'s jurylll tried to sift the case, but could come to no conclusion as to who gave DALTON his quietus. (May be he suicided?) THE ELIECTION ciLime ofl' on October I 2. The canvass of votes for Saint Paul precinlt of Ramsev county, showed as follows: Democrat. [ Louis M. Olivier.395 | Mich'l Cummings.354 Representatives... William oo....... 363 Wm. P. Murray..355 B. W. Lott......Ba m 382 (?oult), Commisioioner. Louis Robert I.....79 Treasureir......... Rob't Cummnings. I 79 5udge of Probate....-W. H. Welch..... I79 Surveyor.............Wmi. R. Marshall. I84 Those in italics eleI6ted. Opposition. J. R. Brown....... 30I _7. C. Ramsey...... 366 B. L. Sellers....... 3o6 D. F. Brawley.....3 7 V. B. Barnum...... 3oi George Irvinie............188 Ira B. Kingsley........ I85 Heenry A. Lamzbert.. 182 ANOTHER MURDER BY INDIANS. TlhouLgh the Sioux had received, in good faith, a large sumIl as a quit-claim for territory they had no more actuall ownership of than the fowls of the air, thley seemed unwilling to give peaceable possession of it to white people. On October 27, a party of German immigrants were traveling up the Milnesota valley, near Holmesville, where some Indians met themn, and used threatening aciOtions and language. Finally, a Sioux buck raised his gun and shot a woman, named Mrs. KEENER. Her body was brought to Saint Paul, and burie(l. l'he Indians were pursued, and the murderer, Yzt-ha-zee, arrested. He was taken to Fort Snelling, on Tuesday; indicted by the granid jury of Ramsey county, on Thursday; tried and convicted of murder in the first degree, on Friday' and, o0l 331 Axhe History of the City of Saint Paul, [S1852 Saturday, sentenced, by Judge HAYNER, to be hung. Justice, those dlays, was speedy, (to Indians, that is.) The Statutes of the Territory then provided that a person sentenced to be hung, could not be executed for at least twelve months thereafter. So Yu-h-a-zee was sent to jail to meditate on his latter end. He was not executed until December 3I, I854. THE SPECULATIVE ERA seems to have commenced as early as this. A correspondent of the Pittsburg Token, who visited Saint Paul in the fall of this year, writes of it: "' My ears, at every turn, are saluted with the everlasting din of land! land! mnoney! speculation! saw mills! land warrants! town lots, &c., &ic. I turn away sick and disgusted. Land at breakfast, land at dinner, land at supper, and until ii o'clock, land; then land in bed, until their vocal organs are exhansted-then they dream and groan out land, land! Everything is artificial, floating-the excitement of trade, speculation and expectation is now running high, and will, perhaps, for a vear or so-but it must have a reaction." NECROLOGY OF I852,. In addition to the death of Hon. H. L. TILDEN, JAMES M. GOODHUE, and ELIJAH S. TERRY, before mentioned, several other prominent citizens died this year. On June I3, DANIEL HOPKINS, merchant, died on the steamboat " Dr. Franklin, No. 2," while returning from a business trip to Saint Louis, aged 65 years. ROBERT HUGHES, a painter, fell over the bluff; on Bench street, June 14, and was killed. [Several deaths have since occurred in the same manner.] Onl November 22, EGIDUS KELLER, a member of the Town Council, died.of inflammation resulting from a frozen heel. On December 9, J. Q. A. ALTMAN, a printer, formerly of Pennsylvania died. December 22, RICHARD O. WALKER, merchant, formerly of Philadelphia, died, aged 24. 332 I853] and of the County of Ramsev, Mi'nnesota. CHAPTER XXIII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1853. A RETROSPECTIVE VIEWV-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT-A SIOUX-CHIPPEWA FIGHT ON TIlE STREET-CHANGE OF ADMINSTRATION-GOV. WILLIS A. GORMAN ARRIVES-MAJ. FORBES APPOINTED POSTMASTER-THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEY-BUSINESS DIRECTORY-BRUTAL MURDER OF Two MEN BALDWIN SCHOOL DEDICATED. HE fourth Legislative Assembly met on January 5, in the two-story brick now located on Third street, corner of Minnesota. (The Capitol was not then. completed.) The Pioneer, speaking of the legislative buildings about that time, said: "Strangers inquire which of the three doors the front of the building used as the Capitol, leads to the lower house. The members themselves sometimes get puzzled." The Pioneer, of January I I, notes the fact that Messrs. KITTSON, GINGRAS and ROLETTE, members from Pembina, walked the 500 miles from that place, on snow two feet deep, with snow-shoes. Some delay was experienced in electing officers and organizinig. Hon. MARTIN MCLEOD was eleted President of the Council with but little delay, but the House was not so harmonious. Day after day they balloted for Speaker, and it was not until January 25, on the 64th ballot, that a choice was made. Dr. DAVID DAY, then temporarily residing in Benton county, at present our honored postmaster, was elected, over B. W. LOTT, by one vote. On January 26, Gov. RAMISEY delivered his annual message to the two houses and populace, in the court-hlouse, then recently completed. INKLINGS. Capt. \WM. B. DODD was engaged in the monthl of Februaryl 333 The tHis/o-y oof the Cit' of Saint Paul. [i853 in getting up a subscription to lay out a road from Saint Paul to Traverse de Sioux. The amount needed was raised and the road laid out. It is known to this day as " the Dodd road." Capt. DODD fell by anl Indian butllet while bravely iefending New Ulm, ill I862. The temperance element made strong eflforts for another prohibitory law this session, and deluged the Legislature with petitions, without avail. 'The several Masonic Lodges of this Territory met in Convention in this city on the 23d ult., at which a Constitution was adopted, and a Grand Lodge formed."-[Pioneer, February 3.] \Venison was so cheap this winter that one hunter complained that he only got $i I for nine carcasses The Pioneer, of January 20, I853, rejoices over the evidences that Saint Paul is becoming a city. He walked down Third street after dark, "when the lights gleam from the dwellings, in multitudinous twinklings, like fire-flies in a meadow. Then along Third street for an eighith of a mile[!]the shops are so illuminated as to give the same a city aspect." Three years ago last winter (he continues,) there was scarcelv a store on that street. LOCAL LEGISLATION. The Legislature adjourned on March 5th. Among the acts passed were the following aflecting Saint Patll an(l Ramsey cotilntv: To incorporate the Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company. To incorporate the Saint Paul and Saint Anthony Railroad Company. To incorporate the Baldwin School of Saint Paul. To incorporate the Mississippi and Lake Superior Railroad Compatny. To incorporate Hennepin Lodge, No. 4, I. O. O. F. To amend an act to incorporate the Town of Saint Paul. [To grade or pave any street by assessing property Pro rata.] DIVORCE LEGISI.ATION. The J1innesotian, of March 14, " congratulates the frien(ls of sotund morality on the fact that no divorces were grante(l A, b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z at the late session." Prior to that year-, the Legislative Assenil)l- hlad(l severe-e(l lnuptial boll(1s quite fi-eely. The petitions of 334 t853] and of the County, of Ramsey, lliinnesota. the applicant were generally referred to a committee who took the testimony and reported. Concerning the visits of the committees to the female party in the suit, their questions coincerning the evidence and other occurrences-the stories told hy old settlers are too'amusing" to repeat here. The colngratulations of the above journal were appropriate. Perhaps, utinder this head imay- as well be related a good storv that used to be told of a Justice of the Peace in earlldays-one whose rotund form was well known in our midst. A couple-Frenchl people-came to hinm, to be married. Tile knot was well and trulv tied, the fee paid, and the certificate (lelivered. But next day, back came the parties and wanted the ceremony tindone. Their brief trial of married life had convinced them that they were not suited to one another! The obliging justice informed them that for $5 he would (livorce them. The fee was paid, whereupon he lore u/p the marr/iage cer-ijicale anzd announced that they zwerefree an(/ si'ir/e againi. IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. Another curious phase of our earls- Territorial days was the law authorizing imprisonment for debt, which was in force about four years. (Section 2, article ix, of chapter i6, laws. of I849.) Chapter 9go of the Revised Statutes, I 85 I, seemed to provide some relief for debtors confined in jail, utinder the foregoing law. It provided that such persons might be discharged after ten (days' confinement. bv giving notice, in writing, to the creditor, that application would be made to two justices of the peace for relief. He was then to show his inability to pay the execution. and the justices were to investigate the flct, pro an(l coin. If thev- considered that he was not acting fraudutlently, and was really unable to satisfy the judgment, hle was to b)e d(lischlarged( from custody, and not be liable to arrest or impriso(inent for the same debt thereafter. But where the debtor undertook to satisfv the execution, he could not be discharged until he had paid all the charges for his sutpport while in prison. and the charges and costs. 335 Thze History of /the City of Saint Paul, [1853 The marshalsea in which debtors were confined in this county, was the miserable little log jail, about fit for a pig-pen. Whether there were many committals under the statute or not, I cannot find out now, but it is asserted that there were some cases, at least. It is also stated that a Frenchman named BouLANGE, died in the jail, while a prisoner for debt. The old settlers, nearly all of whom belonged to the " poor but honest" class, were not very apt to deal harshly with an unfortunate brother who had come in debt to them. A SIOUX-CHIPPEWA FIGhIT ON THE STREET. On April 27, an exciting incident occurred, viz.: a skirmish or fight between small squads of Sioux and Chippewas, in one of the most public streets of Saint Paul, resulting in the mutrder of a Sioux squaw. The particulars may be briefly related: Early in April, the Ojibwas killed a Sioux near Shakopee. In revenge for this, the Sioux then made an expedition near Saint Croix Falls, killing an Ojibwa, and losing two sons of old LITTLE CROW. Hearing of these events, the Ojibwas prepared for revenge. A party of some I8, led by a young chief named A-luc-en-zis, started for Saint Paul, determined to assassinate any unlucky Sioux found hanging around the town, as plenty always were. They stealthily entered town on the night of April 26, and concealed themselves until day-break, in anl unfinished building in lower town. At daylight they scouted carefully along to the edge of the bank by the gas house, to watch for Sioux coming utip from Kaposia in their canoes. Ere lolng, one hlove in sight, making for the landing. It contained " 01(1 13ETS," her brother, "I Wooden-legged JIM," and her sister. Soon as the Chippewas noted this, they sprang down the bank, and made tracks for the landing, designing to ambtushl the Sioux at that spot. The marsh between Fifth street and the river was then overflowed, and they could not cross it. They were thus compelled to strike over Baptist hill, which they d(lid at a rapid (log-trot, but, to their great disappointment, as they arrived near the Merchants' Hotel, fotund that, owing to the tdelax', the Sioux had(l lin(le(l and( were coming iltip Jackson . 336 1853] and of the County of Ramsey, zVinnesota. street. This street had been cut through the bluff, leaving a high bank of dirt on each side. The Sioux advanced carelessly utp the hill, suspecting no danger, and turned up the steps of the "Minnesota Outfit," a large frame trading house of the American Fur Company, which stood on the site of the present Prince's Block, and in charge of WM. H. FORBES. The Chippewas, fearful of losing their prey, rushed forward and stood on the bank opposite the store, and on a level with it. The Sioux had just entered the store, when they drew up their guns and fired a volley at them. The sister of Old BETS fell mortally wo'unded. There were several persons in the store at the time, and it is miraculous that they were not killed. The Chippewas jumped down the bank and rushed towards the store, determined to finish their work. They were met at the door by THEODORE BORUP and GEORGE H. OAKES, who happened to be present, and who peremptorily commanded them to clear out-or they would get into trouble. This brought them to a sense of their rashness, and they at once retired by the route they came. The wounded woman proved to be dying, and, at her request, was put in the canoe and taken to Kaposia, where she died the same morning. Meantime, the firing and excitement attracdted a number of citizens, who, as soon as they learned what had taken place, pursued the retreating Chippewas, whether to arrest them, or for what purpose, no one hardly knew. They soon overtook the pagans, who, turning calmly around and confronting them, said: " WVhite man, why do you pursue us? This is none of your affair! Do you mean to interfere in our fights?" No one knew what reply to make, and, as they were unarmed, allowed the Chippewas to pass on unmolested. But we had almost overlooked " Wooden-legged JIM," who in his day had been quite a famous fighter. As soon as the Chippewa volley had been fired, he drew out an old pepper-box revolver he carried, and, rushing to the door, tried to fire at them, but not'a barrel would go off. Throwing it down, he picked tip a loaded gun standing in the store, and pursuted them a short distance, getting a shot at them, and (it 337 7The Hivisoiv o/f the (Citv of Saint Pat?l, is said)' woulnding their chief. The latter returned the salute. knocking a splinter out of JIMA'S wooden leg, after whlich the latter stumped back defiantly vellino the war-whloop. (Mr. JAMES died in I859.) Gov. RAMSEY at once dispatched a courier to Fort Snellinog foir troops to pursue and ptunishl the Chippewas. IL,ieutit. ~V. B. MAGRUDER soon11 appeared with a platoon of cavalry, rea(l) fi-r the pursuit. A Sioux guide was procured, and ofl' they went on a gallop. The guide tracked the Chippewas to Saint Croix Falls, where thev were overtaken. at noon next dly. ~eeing they were pulrsued the Chippewas retreated to the butsh, when tlhey fire(l on the dragoons. The latter charged them, and Lieut. MAGRUDER shot one with his revolver. His scalp was brotlght back as a trophy, and thus ended this singular chaptelr of e,l-lscenes in Saint Paul. The Minnesota Outfit" butlilding, where this occurredl, -was afterwards used as the Pionce- printing office, and, in IS6o, moved to Eighth street, below Broadway, where it still stallds. a neat dwelling. The words, "Minnesota Otitfit," are still faintl- discernable under the recoating of paint. THE PIERCE ADMINISTRATION came into power on March 4, and, consequently, all the Fe(lderal officers in the Territory were sent to the guillotine. Among the new appointees annotinced, were the following: WILLIS A. GORMAN,* of Indiana, as Governor, vice RAMSEY; J. TRAVIS ROSSER, of Virginia, as Secretary, vice WILKIN; M. W. IR * WILLIS A. GORMAN was born January i2, i816, iear Flemingsburg, Kentucky. He received a good educationi, and subsequently studied law. At the age of 2o, he vwas admitted to the bar; and, in August, 1855, reimoved to Bloomingtoni, Indiaia, where, "without money or friends," hlie began the practice of his profession. At the age o(f 23, hlie was eledted a member of the Legislature, and continued to fill that position for several terius-until the Mexican War broke out, whleii lie promptly volunteered, and was eledted Major of a battalion of riflemen, which took t colispicuous part at Buena Vistt iand other battles. In May, I847 his battalion was mustered out, a-d hlie at once recruited a regimelit (Fourth Indiana) of which he was elecIted Colonel. This regiment took part in a number of battles, until the close of the war. In August, 1849, Col. GORMAN was chosen as Congressmani in his district, and re-elected in 185i, serving ini Congress fiur years. Whein PIERCE became President, he appointed Col. GOXRMAN Governor of Minnesota, 338 EI S-;3 I853] and 0 of he Court/y of Ramsey, Jf'innesola. WIN, of Missouri, as Marshal, vice FURBER; WM. H. WELCH, of Minnesota, Chief Justice, vice HAYNER; A. G. CHATFIELD, of Wisconsin, Associate Justice, vice COOPER; MOSES SHERBURNE, of Maine, Associate Justice, vice MEEKER; DANIEL H. DUSTIN, of New York, Distridt Attorney, vice Moss. Governor GORMAN arrived on May 13, and took his seat on the i5th. He soon announced the following appointments: SOCRATES NELSON, Territorial Auditor; LAFAYETTE EMMETT, At THE CAPITOL. torney General; GEO. W. PRESCOTT, Superintendent of Public Instruction; ROBERT A. SMITH,* State Librarian, and Private Secretary; which position the latter accepted and filled until May, I857. He then resumed the practice of law in Saint Paul, with much success. In I857, he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, and was a candidate that winter for Uniited States Senator. In April, I86I, whien the First Regiment was raised, Gov. GORMAN was appointed its Colonel, and went with it to Virginia. Soon after Bull Run, he was promoted to a Brigadier General, and served as such until I864, when he was mustered out of service, anid returned to Saint Paul. He resumed the pradtice of law, in partnership with Capt. (since Governor) C. K. DAVIS, whom he had been associated with in the army. In April, I869, he was elected City Attorney, and has been four times re-eledted to the same office. Gov. GORMAN is one of the most efficient speakers of his party in the State, and if the political scale should turn, he would no doubt be elected to a position to which hIis ability and experience in public life entitle him. e ROBERT A. SMITH was born in Indiana, June 13, I827, and lIved in that State until his removal to Minnesota. In I85o, he was elected Auditor of WVarrick county, and served as such three years. He arrived in Saint Paul in May, I853, and at once assumed the duties of Private Secretary to Governor GORMAN, and Territorial Librarian, the latter of which hlie filled until I858. In May, i856, hlie was appointed by the Ramsey 339 Thze History of Mthe City of Saint Paul, ROSWELL P. RUSSELL, Territorial Treasurer; S. B. LOWRY, Adjutant General; ANDREW J. WHITNEY, Clerk of Supreme Court. Until the completion of the Capitol, the Governor's office was kept in the law office of RICE, HOLLINSHEAD & BECKER, oni utipper Third street. On July 2I, the executive chamber in the Capitol was first occupied. A NEW POSTMASTER. With the incoming of PIERCE'S administration, among the heads that fell into the basket, was that of Postmaster BASS. His successor was WILI lAM H. FORBES, his commission being dated March IS, but was not gazetted in Saint Paul until April I4. Mr. FORBES bought out the fixtures of BASS' office, and removed them to a one-story frame building, situated about where NELSON'S brick block on Third street now is. The glass boxes of BASS' time were extended so as to reach across the room, and a door in the middle of this partition gave entrance to the duly sworn employees to the work-room in the rear. Mr. FORBES appointed as his Deputy JOHN C. TERRY, who retained his position as assistant during several changes of incumbency, and, in I870, bade adieu to the postal service, after I8 years of faithful labor, to embark in a more healthy and profitable occupation. Mr. WALLACE B. WHITE was, if we remember right, employed a short time after Mr. FORBES' term began, and BOB TERRELL, a lad then, assisted for a time. After TERRELL left, ANDREW WELCH was employed. ANDY remained in the service until the winter of I858-9, when he died of consumption. The Saint Paul of 1853 was not the Saint Paul of IS75, by a considerable. Around the "post-office" of that time were hazel bushes and trees. Standing in the door of the office one day, in the fall of I853, Mr. TERRY shot three prairie chickens which had lit about where the Pioneer-Press office now stands, and were scratching undisturbed by the presence County Board, County Treasurer; and, in the fall of that year, elected for two years, and, subsequently, four more terms, serving until March, i868-a period of i2 years. In iS566, he entered the banking business with WILLIAM DAWSON and H. K. STEVENS, and has since then been transacting a large financial business. He is one of the best financiers in Minnesota, and is deservedly popular, as his repeated election shows. EIS53 340 853] and of the Couinty of Ramsey,,Ainncsota. of iman. Contrast the silence of those days with the busv tilde of hulnan life that whirls bv that spot now. MINOR TOPICS. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows was instituted on May 5. "SHORT ALLOWANCE.-The fresh meat market is as bare as a clean bone. Not an ounce of fresh beef, veal, pork or mutton can be found in the market. Our citizens are reduced to salt provisions and fish."[Democrat, May 4.] "On June 6, WM. W. WARREN, an educated Chippewa half-blood, author of several valuable papers on the history, customs and traditions of the Chippewas, died."-[Ib.] 'Buildings are going up, new stores opening, immigrants arriving, and improvements of all kinds going ahead to a greater extent than ever before."-[Ib.] "On July 4, a man named FRANcIs DUNN was thrown from a wagon in which he had been excursing with his family, and was killed."-[Ib.] This summer Bishop CRETIN built Saint Joseph's Hospital, on Exchange street. Part of the grounds were contributed by Hon. H. M. RICE. The Bishop also bought grounds for a cemetery-the same now occupied by Saint Joseph's Academy, on Nelson avenue-but it was used for only three years as at burying ground, the bodies being then removed to the new cemetery on the Lake Como road, which was consecrated ill the fall of I856. During this year, also, " Oakland cemetery," that beautiful and well-managed "city of the dead," was opened. On June 23, the association was organized with the following corporators: Rev. J. G. RIHELDAFFER, Rev. T. WILCOXSON, Rev. E. D. NEILI, GEO. W. FARRINGTON, ALEX. RAMSEY, JOIIN E. WARREN, HENRY A. LAMBERT, B. F. HOYT, SHERWOOD HOUGH. On August 23, the association purchased forty acres of land, for $I,6oo. The first year only two lots were sold, and it was several years before it had many lot owners. P. P. FURBER was Actuary several years, succeeded by EDMUND F. ELY, and latterly by MORRIs LANPHER. The grounds have recently been extended to So acres, and greatly beautified. Fine drives and walks are laid out over it, and many handsome 341 I 34z /iTze History of the City of' Sai.nt Pal [1853 mnarble and granite monutments erected. Tile most elegant and costly is that of SAMUEL MAYALL, ereCted at alt expense of $7,oo000. Up to the present year, about 3,00ooo interments had been mnade. The papers this season were well saturated w-itl railroad talk, and quite a fever was raised over the proposed survey of the Northern Pacific route. Gov. ISAAC I. STEVENS and Lieut. F. \V. LANDER, charged with that workl, arrived abotlt the last of NIay, and organized an expedition here, which exploredl the northern route. Two volumes were suLbsequently publishled by the War Department, containing the reports of the al)ove stirvev, a(nd are valutable documents. BUSINESS IIO)USES-I853. Fromi the city papers this year, we get the uatmies of the following business houses in I853: General Dealers.-H. C. Sanford, A. L. Larpenteur, D. L. Fuller, 1). & P. Hopkins, Louis Robert, Wmin. H. Forbes, Rey & May, Culver* & Farrington. Boots and Shoes.-Henry Buel, Luke Marvin, H. A. Schliek, Philip Feldhauser. Dry Goods.-J. H. & S. McClung, Edward Heenan, A. T. Chamibliin, Cathcart, Kern & Co., S. H. Sergeant, J. E. Fullerton, Elfelt Bros., Curran & Lawler, Louis Blum. Books.-LeDuc & Rohrer, Wm. S. Combs, Dahl & Doull. Furs.-Louis Robert, C. J. Kovitz. Drags.-W. H. Jarvis, Dr. J. H. Day, Bond & Kellogg. * GEORGE CULVER, one of the pioneers of our State, was born in Cayuga c(llnty, New York, September i9, iSIS88. He removed, in 1834, to Michigan, and lived there nltil lS37, when he moved west again, and engaged in business in Clinton and Fiyette couonties, Iowa. Fort Atkinson, being the principal station then in the Winnebago region, he remained there until iS8+S, when he removed to Long Prairie, Minnesota, ii charge of a part of the Winnebago Indians, (see page i86,) tid, shortly after his .Lrival, engaged in business withl CHARLES & HENRY M. RICE, in the Indian trade. lHe continued in this until IS53, when he left Long Prairie, and, settling in Saint Paul, fiormed a partnership with JOHN FARRINGTON, Esq., the firm being " CULVER & FARRINGTON." This house has remained in adtive operation 2z years, and is one of the oldest firms in Minnesota. It was the first to open direct trade with Manitoba, and the first to engage in pork-packing in Minnesota. They maintained, for some years, trading posts among several tribes. Recently Col. CULVER has become proprietor of the Metropolitan Hotel, the finest one in the State. His life, up to 1853, was one of stirring aidventure and pioneer hardship. It wtould require at voltume to do it justice. lie is nlowv one of the "solid men" of Saint Paul, respected and esteemned by Ill. 0 1853] and of Xhe Couttty of.Raiamsy,,ilinnsotla. Hardware, Iron, &c.-J. McCloud, Jr. & Bro., C. E. & J. Abbott. WV. R. Marshall. Hlats and Caps.-R. O. Walker. Lumber.-J. W. Bass. Furniture.-Stees & Hunt. Grocers.-Julius Georgii, Nat. E. Tysont, L. B. Wait & Co., J. \V. Simpson, W. H. Stillman, B. Presley, Alex. Rey, J. A. Farmer, C. Sanford, B. W. Brunson. Glass.-W. Wr. Hickcox, S. H. Axtell. Stoves.-F. S. Newell, C. D. Bevans, J. H. Byers. Clothing.-L. Hyneman. China.-R. Marvin. Tobacco.-F. Campbell. Leather.-P. T. Bradley & Co., Martin Drew & Co., G. Scherer. Futrnishing Goods.-Thomson Ritchie. Confedionery.-Renz & Karcher. .yewzelri,.-H. Fowler, N. Spicer, A. D. Robinson, Wm. Illintgwortli. Storage, Forwarding and Commission.-Edw. McLagan, Constans & Burbank, Spencer, Kilpatrick & Markley, H. M. Rice, M. Kellogg & Co. Millinery.-Mrs. Marvin, Mrs. Stokes. T'he papers about this date refer to the fait that iliost dealei.s were confining, themselves to one branch of traffic, instea(d of comibining different classes of mercha(ndize in one hlotise, as was done in the earlv davs of the citv. BRIEF MENTION. \Vhloever reads the files of Saint Paul papers of this stllmlier. will find numerous refelrences to a' MADISON SWEEITZER," who had been a sort of Indian trader. Said SWEETZER had made charges of firodl" in the late payment of the Dakotas, and all the papers were worked tIp into a white heat, pro and con, over it. A Congressional committee finally investigated the atllegations, and reported that thev were tinf)unded. SWVEETZER sank again into obscurity, and died at Fort Wayne. Indiana, Februtary 25, I875. A military company, called the City Guards," was or,ganized this summer, probably the first militia company organized under the laws of Minnesota.' Capt. SIMPSON" ws coilnmander' R. C. KNox, Orderly Sergeant. ),I.3 I The History of the City of Saint I'au [IS53 LINDEN & UNDERIIILL'S theatrical corps opened a short season of drama, at the cotrt-hlouse, on July 20. Superior, WTisconsin, was laid out this season, by some of our citizens, among them R. F. SLAUGIITERI, E. Y. SHIELI,EY, R. R. NELSON,* D. A. J. BAKER, D. A. ROBERITSON, and others, who were the pioneers of that town. At that time, a trip to that place had to be made on foot. There was not even a wagon road. The market house was built this season. The papers refer to the " city hall" occupying its second story. At this time there were five journals published in Minnesotat, three in Saint Paul, and two at Saint Anthony. Onl June 29, Col. ROBERITSON retired from the Demzocrat, i(and was succeeded by DAVID OLMSTED. In October, the papers notice the removal of the Sioux to the Upper Minnesota Reservations. Oni December 7, a low desperado, named THOMAS GRIEVES, made an attack, in a drunken fit, on HENRY CONSTANS, in his place of business on the levee, antd CONSTANS was compelled to shoot him in self-defense. GRIEVES died of the injury. ELECTION OF I853. Politics were again warin this year, but the issues were confined to a straight party fight, the Democrats and( Administration party against the Whigs. The elecdtion took place on October I2. The following is the full result in Ramsey cQunltv: * R. R. NELSON was born in Cooperstown, New York, May i2, 1S26. I-e is a. son of the late Judge SAMUEL NELSON, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, an eminent jurist, who died in Decemlber, IS73. R. R. NELSON studied law in his fathler's office, and was admitted to l)ractice in that State. He removed to Saint Paul in May, IS50, and soon became one of the prominent lawyers of Minnesotl. On April 23, IS57, he was appointed, by President BUCHANAN, one of the Supreme Judges of Minnesota Territory. His term expired on the admission of the State, May I I, IS58, but President BUCHANAN soon after appointed him United States Distridt Judge, the duties of which office he has executed for 17 years, with much ability, and to the cordial satisfaction of all who have had business in his court. Judge NELSON is no less honored for his learning, sound decisions, and orbanity, yet firmness, onl the bench, than for the uprightness of his life, and his social characteristics-qualities which eminently fit him to fill his important office with success. 344 ain5cl o?1(f Ilhe Coit)iti of -Raiimsev, -zinn~esola,. ~ xxx 3 4 p' I $t 23 The Hi.sto:y of the City' of Saint Paul, Democrag. Councillors 2d ds. Isaac Van Etten..48! Coutncillorsq, 2d dist. (lm.Mra 2 ( Jfm. P. Murray.....Humphrey... 421 Councillors, 4th dist.. Win. Freeborn......462 Levi Sloan........ 404 Wm. Noot......... 390 Representativzes... B. Rogers......... 378 Win. Davis........4I3 Lotuis Bartlett.....425 Sher..............Leonard.....56. 506 Re~lrter of Deeds... Louis M. Olivier.. 548 Yud,ge of Probate.... Y. M. Stone....... 667 Countv Attorney....... D. C. Coole)...........600 Count), Treasurer....A. L. Larpenteur..476 Suirverto............ Y. D. Case........ Hat 578 Coroner............... Carey.......525 Benj. Gervais....... 544 Assessors...........oh O'Gorman. 564 Rober-t Cutmmings..59 go Those in italics elected. yustices of the Peace eleded.-First Precin,t, Joseph Lemay, D.: Second Precindt, N. Gibbs, D. The total vote for Delegate in Saint Paul, was, H. M. RICE, 883; ALEX. WILKIN, 292. The vote in the Territorv stoo(l RICE, 2.149' WVILKIN, 696. BRUITAIL MURDER OF TWO MEN. On December 26th, two young men, named JOHIN CI.ARK and. PHILIP HULL. were brutally murdered. on the cornler of Robert and Fifth streets. They were respeCtable and( intelligent mechanics, and had been, during the evening, sitting in a saloon near by, where, in conversation. they unintentionall- made sofne severe criticisms on political or religious sll)ubjeCts, which must have given great oflense to some persons in their hearing. When they rose to go home, thev were followed by parties unknown, and both attacked in the dark with slung-shots, or other weapons, and their skulls so sev-erelfiractured that they died in a few hours. The slightest clue to the assassins was never gained, notwithstanding the eflorts of thle officers, and a -reward of $500 ofle red( by- Sherliff' FRIDLEY' in(1 the affair remains a mystery to this (lay. Old01(1 settlers 346 II853 Wh ig. B. W. Brunson..... 376 J. K. Humphrey....237 D. B. Loomis...... 338 Dr..7. H. Day - - - - 388 M. S. Wilkinson 383 J. M. Marshall - - 387 Find. McCormick -375 Alden Bryant...... 383 A. M. Fridl,y. -.6.5o Wm. H. Tinker.- - 523 Allen Pierse....... 486 D. A. Secombe 537 Nat. E. Tyson 497 jno. T. Halsted.... 570 .7. E. Fullertoiz - -..,58 i W. II. Stillman - - - - 56o Caleb D. Dori- - - - -,570 jas. R. Clewett. -.. -.520 1853] and of the Countvy of Ramsey, Mtinnesota. used to assert very positively, however, who committed the aft. but no proof could ever be procured. BALDWIN SCHOOL DEDICATED. Baldwin School" was an.educational institutes organized )by- Rev-. E. D. NEIIL L and others. and a commodious building vwas erected during the summer of I853 for its use. This building was dedicated on December 29, by a banquet at which addresses were made bv Rev. E. D. NEILL, CHARLES J. HENNIS, WM. HOLLINSHEAD, WV. A. GORMAN, JOHN P. OWENs T. M. NEWSON, M. S. WILKINSON Rev. T. R. CRESSEY, GEO. L. BECKER, W. G. LEDuc, and others. The name Baldwin School was given to it, as a compliment to Hon. MATTHEW \W. BALDW\IN, of Philadelphia, the principal d(lonor to the building fiJnd. It had, in anuary following, 7I puLpils. and was in successfill operation until the public schools of Saint Paul got well organized in I857. During that year the building was rented for the Saint Paul post-office, and used as such until I862. In I864, it was leased by the Board of Education, and, in I869, purchased by them, being still known as Baldwin School." After being used.as a school for three or four years, the completion of the Madison School rendered its further occutpancv unnecessary, and it was leased to the citv for public offices. As a historical note on the growth of traveling, and the vivid contrast between " then" an(l " now," the ilfinnesotian, of December. I853, has just heard of steeping car-s, in which one ma- rest as comfortably as anywhere!' Then there was not a yard of railroad within 200 miles of Minnesota. The papers that very mionthl report the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad finished to within 50 miles of the Miss.issippi River, where it rested for the winter an(l was con)pleted the following spring. But of this anon. Navigation closed this fall on November 22d, unustally late for those times. There were 235 arrivals this year. 347 The IIivsoO-, of the Cit, of Sai?zt Pau[l, CHAPTER XXIV. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I854. INCORPORATION OF THE CITY-THE FIRST CITY ELECTION-E. S. GOODRICH PUR CHASES THE " PIONEER"-THE GREAT RAILROAD EXCURSION-BALL AND FES TIVITIES AT THE CAPITOL-BURNING OF THE SINTOMINE HOTEL-EXTRAOR DINARY BUFFALO HUNT-EXECUTION OF YU-HA-ZEE FOR MURDER. HE fifth session of the Minnesota Legislature assembled ill the new Capitol for the first time. The year i854 wvitniessed entirely new coalitions. Ramsey county was represented this -,ear by WM. P. MURRAY* and ISAAC VAN ETTEN,t in the Council; and WVM. NOOT, WM. A. DAVIS, LoUTIS BARTI.ETT. JOHN H. DAY, and LEVI SITOAN. in the House. LEGISLATION AFFECTING SAINT PAUL. Not mtlch private legislation afleeting Saint Paul was made 1during this session. Among the acts we notice the following: To incorporate the German Reading Society. Approved, February 23. *Hon. WM. P. MtURRAY was born in Hamilton, Ohio, June 21, 1827. He attended the law school of Indiana University, and graduated in I849, having also previously studied for that profession. He caime to Saint Paul ill Decemiber, i849, and is no10W one of the oldest lawyers in Minnlesota. He has also filled.t ilull,iber of official 1)ositionis. He was a member of the Territorial House of 18523 and I853, Council ill 1854 and I855, (the latter year President) of the House of 1857, and Coilstitutioiial Convention the Same year, m,enlber of the House ill 1863, Secate in 166 and i867, House illn i868, and Senate again ill 1875 and 1876-eleven sessions in all. He has also been a County Com,iiissioier, and member of the City Couiicil conItiiuously since i859, except about iS months, while lie was absent in South America. No mal ill our county has been so honlored with positions of this kind as Mr. MURRAY, and, it may be said, ii Ilmian has been more faithful, attentive and hard-working as a legislator or alderman, than hlie, and fully deserves his remarkable popularity. In I857, the now flourishing. county of Murray was named for hi,m. t ISAAC VAN ETTEN was a native of Oranige county, New York, and studied law with judge WILKIN, father of Hon. W. WILEKIN. He was admitted to the bar in 185i, and ,tt once came to Minnesota. He was Adjutant General of the Territory fromi IS52 to -85S-a miember of the Territorial Council I853 and 1854, and State Senate 1S57-S. He was a lawv partner for some time of Col. ALEX. WILKIN, and afterwards of MICIIAEL E. AMES, and Capt. HARVEY OFFICER, until I865, and subsequelltly of judge L. EMI. MTT ill 1872. IHe died Decebher 29, 1873, aged 45 years. 118.54 3 4, i854] and of tke Coutnty of R]amsey, lfinnesota. To incorporate a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Saint Paul. Approved, March 3. To incorporate the Saint Paul Bridge Company. Approved, March 4. But tile most important law conicerning our city was tile ACT OF INCORPORATION of tile City of Saint Paul," approved March 4, i854. The territor- embraced in the corporate limits was but a small friaction of that ample territorv to which it is now grown, beinig not over 2,400 acres in all. Three wards were created. and much the same officers aniid general regulations that our present citv charter provides for. THE FIRST'' CITY ELECT'ION tid(ler tilhe new charter was held on April 4.'['he following was the result: I)e,.,ocrat. W hi'. For Mayor......David Olmsted......269 W. R. Marshall......238 City Marshal.... W. R. Miller........262 A. H. Cavender......24I Treasurer.......D. L. Fuller.........224 D. Rohrer...........27I Police 7ustice.. James Starkey.......2 27 O. Simons...........248 Those in italics elec6ted. Aldermen eleded.-First Ward, R. C. Knox, 2 years; A. T. Chamb' lin and R. Marvin, I year. Second Ward, A. L. Larpenteur, 2 years; T. Fanning and C. S. Cave, I year. Third Ward, Geo. L. Becker, 2 years; Jno. R. Irvine and J. M. Stone, I year.' Yustices ofPeace elected.-First Ward, W. H. Tinker; Second Ward, Joseph Lemay; Third \Ward, J. M. Winslow. Assessors elected.-First Ward, W. H. Tinker; Second Ward, WV. H. Stillman; Third Ward, H. Stillwell. On Tutesday, April I I, the City Council organized. They elected officers as follows: President, GEO. L. BECKER; Clerk, SHERWOOD HOUGH: Comptroller, FINDLEY MCCORMIICK; Sutirveyor, S. P. FOLSOM; Attorney, D.C. COOLEY. THE SEASON OF I854 was one of nuiprecedenited prosperity for the yotlIg city, as well as for the entire Territory. Navigation opened on April 6 this year. and a heavy immigration poutired in. The popti 349 0 350 Tze HIistory of the City of Saint Panl. [I854 lation and business of the city increased rapidly, and the county outside also received large accessions of population. Roads were opelled, farms smiled ill the wilderness; the squatter's cabin" was to be seen on every lake. Other portions of Minnesota were prospered as highly. Towns sprang utip on every hand; mills clattered by the waterfall the emigrant wagon whitened every road, and hardly had the yell of the retreating red man (lied away, ere the settler's axe echoed in its stead. E. S. GOODRICH PURCHIIASES THE "' PIONEER." Journalism in Saint Paul took a high bound forward this vear. In March, EARLE S. GOODRICH* purchased of JOSEPH R. BROWN, the Minnesota Pioneeri. an(d became its editor and publisher. Mr. GOODRICH had been engaged ill journalism ill Wisconlsin, and, being in New York city in the latter part of February, i854, fell in at the same hotel with Capt. ESTES, one of the pioneer steamboatmen of the Upper Mississippi. In the course of conversation, Capt. ESTES said he had just been uLp to Saint Paul, and had seen Jo. BROWN, who remarked he was anxious to sell out the Pioneer office, to go into some other business, and was then trying to find a suitable person to purchase, one who would edit an able paper, and build up the party in Miniiesota. "There, GOODRICH," said Capt. E.,'there is a good field fobryou. The Pioneer is doing well, and Saint Paul is *EARLE S. GOODRICH was born in Genesee county, New York, July 27, 1827. In early life he resolved to enter the editorial profession, and preliminary to that learned the printing business, and also studied law, being admitted to pradtice. He afterwards removed to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, where, in 1848, he established a campaign paper, which ran for some months. He was also eledted Clerk of the Court, but resigned and removed to Green Bay. He was County Clerk of Brown county from i850 to 1854, and one year District Attorney. In March, I854, he settled in Saint Paul, and published the Pioneer with great success for over IO years, winning the reputation of being the most graceful, elegant, and caustic editorial writer we have ever had in Minnesota. In i862, while in Washington, he was tendered.'i commission as Captain and Aid to General McCLELLAN, which he accepted, but was, by a blunder of STANTON'S, sent, instead, to the Shenandoah Valley, where he served some time, and was then ordered to Saint Paul. A disagreement with Gen. POPE, then in command here, led him to resign his commission. In i865, he purchased the Saint Paul Gas Company, which hlie controlled for two years. He soon after engaged in railroad construction, in which he has been interested most of the time since. I $541 and of the County of Ramsey, lfinnesota. place, bound to grow, as also the Territory. go up there and buy the concern." Capt. E. ter so strongly that (although Mr. GOODRICIH e - ~; \ Aft\\> <; I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x 7 I ~~ EARLE S. GOODRICH. had hardly spent a lmoment's thought on Saint Paul before that interview) he was quite in the notion of going. Hon. BEN. C. EASTMAN, a Member of Congress from Wisconsin, happened to arrive at the hotel the same time, and he, too, urged 35I The Illstory of the City of Saint.Pai, [ 1854 Mr. GOODRICH to comIne, glowingly describing the prospe6ts of success. and offering to give him letters of introduc&tion to prominent men. The result was, that Mr. GOODRICH was en outte for Saint Paul within 24 hours. On arriving here. (March 4,) he at (olice called on JosE1Ii R. BROWN. and found aL(l letter, written by Mr. EASTMAN inll advance. had alreadv reached Major BROWN. and that the latter had his mind made tip to sell the Pioneer- to Mr. GOODRICH. The bargain was quickly close(d. and Mr. G. left for New \York next dav, to secure material for a daily paper, to be issued on Mav I. The Denzocrat and the:JIi.inesotiaolz at once determined to tfollow suit. the former appearing on May I, the same day as the Daily Pioneer, and the latter on May I2. On Mav I5, the Dail, Tiinzes made its appearance. edited and published by T1'HOMIAS NI. NEWSON. who had( fo-r i vear or more been elngaged as a writer on the Pionee,-. W ith him was associate(l J. B. H. MITCHELI. antd M. J. CLIUM. Nlr. NEWSON subseq(tientl\ secured the interest of )both these gentlelmen, and colitinned the 7Tizes. with much success. until IS6I. wheln it was purchased bv Honii. W. R. MARSHAI,I.,. ais more filllr mentioned under that date. THE GREAT RAI ROAD EXCURSION. Perhaps the most notable event of 1854, was -the Great Railroad Excursion." as it wAas generally termed. to celebrate the completion of the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad," the first road to reach the Mississippi River in the Northwest. Messrs. SHEFFIELD & FARNHAM, thle contradctors wvho built the road. to commemorate the opening of that line. prepare(l t monster excursion. Nearlv one thousand tgulests were invited. mostly from the east. They rendezvoused at Chicago. about June 3d, and exctursed westward over the new road to Rock Island. where five large steamers conveved them to Saint Paul. arriving here on the 8th. The company proceeded to Saint Anthony.v, Minnehaha, &c., in such conveyances as they could find, and in the evening a gran(l reception was given at thle Capitol. 352 I854] and of (he County of' Ramsey, lfinnesota. The hall of thle -Ioutse of Representatives was used as a sulpper-room. while the Stlupreme Court chamber was approI)riated for a ball-room. In the Senate chamber., a,large crowd assembled to listen to speeches friom ex-President FII1LMORE. GEO. BANCROFT, the historian. Governor GORMAN, and a number of others. The music, dancing feasting and speaking continued until midnight, the hour set for the departire of the steamers. and the great excursion terminated. The opening of this great line of travel largely increased(l the steamboat trade on the Upper Mississippi. rlThe packet company putt on three new iand first-class packets this vear. BRIEF ITEMS. Septemiber 6. CIHARI,ES L. EMERSON succeeded DAVI1) OLMISTED. as publisher of the Democ-ra. On June 26, \W. \W. HICKCOX. a druggist. whlo was engaged in business in the well-kinown old( brick drug store so long occupied by DAY & JENKS. corner of Third and Cedar streets had an altercation with a draymanl. namled PELTIVER, inll whlich the latter- struck him with a dray-pin. fir-aiiiring his skutll. HicKcox die(l on Julyv 3. PEILTIER was arrested and tried for lhomicide. hut utltimately got clear onl the ground of selfdefense. The Sintominie Hotel. t large and fine friame struclture, built 1)V N. WV. KITTSON. near the corner of Sixth and John streets, \\was bIurne(l on October 3. just as it was completed, and r-eady to occiupy-. E. C. RICii and HOWARD WARD had just leased it. This was quite a loss to the to,wn, which needed more hotel room. The \Vinslow House had recently been got into runlilng ()rder b)y Capt. I. C. GEORGE. (who (lied in I872,) and thd International Hotel was about being put under contract. It was comimenced this fall. (contract price., $75,000,) but not completed for some two years. THE COUNT1Y ELECTION this fitll ()ccurreLI ( oil October Io.'I'he ifollowiig is a synlopsis: 353 354 The History of the City of Sainzt ]'aul, [854 Whig. J. E. Fullerton..... 376 Wm. Hollinshead... 343 Wm. H. Randall..... 349 J. M. Marshall..... 37 Findley McCormick 359 A.bratam Bennett.. Io56 R/ichard Fewer.... 604 _Democrat. 1- Reuben Halls........463 D. F. Brazvley..46I Rcpresentatives.... C. S. Cave...... 459 I:oseph Lemay...430 [ Wio. Davis *. —-.53 Co. Comnniissioner... Joseph Le Bonn. 8o Yudge of Probate.....W. H. Stillman.285Re.... S. M. Tracy.....73 County Treasurer....Louis Robert....564 Coroner............. Wm. H. Yarvis.342 Those in italics elected. At this period. Saint Alithlolly, Rilim River atid NManoiin. were the precincts otutside of what is the present botinds of Ramsev countv. BRIEF MENTION. The )Democrat, of October 22, notes the rush of iiimmigrationI as follows: " Six steamboats arrived yesterday and landed about 6oo00 passengers." The currency which was chiefly ill circulation those days, was mostly composed of "Indiana wild-cat," or free-bank issues. This fall it depreciated about as badly as the " Glencoe" and "' Owatonna" did in I859, causing much trouble and loss to tradesmen. Several meetings of merchants were called to devise means to remedy the evil, which resulted in organizing a protective union under the name,' Board of Trade." W. R. MARSHALL, was President, TiHOS. FOSTER, Vice President, SAM. W. WALKER, Secretary, and A. H. CATHCART,* Treasurer. It does not seem to have done much except take measures to remedy the currency fraud. Navigationi closed thlis fall on November 25th, the season having been unusually long, (and at very prosperous one fob * ALEX. H. CATHCART is a.native of Tor()nto, Canada, where he was educated and learned the dry goods business. He afterwards lived in Montreal and New York, and emigrated to Saint Paul in iS5i. Soon after, with his brother, JOHN VrWILSON CATI1CART, he established here a dry goods store, now the oldest in Miinnesota. For24 years conitinuouSiy, Mr. CATHCART has carried onl that trade in our city, part ofthe time being the largest wholesale house in the State. J. W. CATHCART leased a plantation near Vicksburg during the war, and was killed by guerillas on April i, iS64. He was a highly estimable and noble man. _411en Pierse....... 576 1854] and of the County of Ramsey, lFiinnesota. stealmboatmen. The number of arrivals were 256, ait large increase over forlmer vears. THE FIRST EXECUTION IN RAMSEY COUNTY took place on December 29. 17t-hd-zee, the Sioux In(fial. mentioned on page 33I1 was, after much delays of law hung in public, on a gallows eredied on Saint Anthlony hill. The execution was witnessed by a large crowd, who, according to the journals of the day, looked on it more as a joke thanl as a solemn a6t of justice. NECROLOGY OF THE YEAR. Died. JaIuiaryV 8 JOHN — G. COOLEY, a merchlalit of the city; Jul, 10O. Col. DANIEL H. DUSTIN. United States District Attorniev; July 27, C. D. FIILMORE, bi;other of the ex-President; November 22, Hon. LEVI SLOAN, merchant and member of Legislature of I854. 355 lic Hisioy ()/- /lhc Cily of la' il Paul. CHAPTER XX \. EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1855. I'HE'I'HIRD HOUSE, OR "SOVEREIGNS"-MAILS-STAGE AND EXPRESS ITEMS-BIRTlI OF' OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT-THE PIONEER HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY IMMIGRATION-THE REAL ESTATE MANIA-POLITICAL MATTERS, &C., &C. HE Legislatlure of 1855 -assembled on January 3. Ram sev county, this year, wvas represented by WILLIAAM P. IURRAY and ISAAC VAN ETTEN. irfthe Council, and WMA. A. DAVIS. D. F. BRAWI,EY. CHAS. S. CAVE, REIJBEN HAUS and JOSEPH LEMAY, in the House. No unusual or noticeable events characterized the session. Some local legislation afieftimg Saint Paul. amend(ling its charter. &c.. was passed. but scarcelv worthv of notice here. It was. during this year. if we relnember right, that some of the boys organized the' Third(l House" or Saoveret,rns, is a burlesque on the LegislatLures of that dav. Tlhev were colitil)ued several years. and produced great atmtisement. I). C. COOLEY. was Governor. and his inessages" were a(lmirable specimens of sarcasm. This winter there was olllv i tri-weeklv Imlail between Saint Paul and Dubuque. by MI. O. WALKER'S line of stages. Those who remember the M. O. WVVAIKEI er-t of staging, have no very pleasant reminiscences concerning it. The stages were aitivnthing but commodious. anid, with spavine(l stock and sulrlv drivers. intensified the horrors of a winter trip to Galena, thle nearest point where the eastern-boiund traveler could strike a railroad. The trip was advertised for four days, but frequentlv took six. Stormns and drifts on the prairies often snowed up the stages at some fiontiersman's cabin for two or three days, and not unseldom was real suflering and privation the consequence. 3,)-6 11855 t855-] and of the Countyv of Ransev.,Minnevota. BIRTH OF OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT. On March I, I855, our Fire Department was organized, by the formation of the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company, with 28 members. A subscription was raised to purchase a hook and ladder wagon. One which had been used by a companin Philadelphia was purchased, and brought out. It was used )y- the hook and ladder company up to within a year or two, and did good service. A small fire engine was also purchased by several citizens. iand( was for several years the only engine in use. TIlE CITY ELECT1'ION took place on April 3d, resutlting as fbllows: Mayor........A41exander Ramsey......552 James Starkey........256 Treasurer.. Daniel.Rohrer..........494 Louis Demeules......3I2 Marshal..... W. R. Miller...........564 John Trower.........237 Those in italics elected. Aldermen elecled.-First Ward, Wm. H. Nobles, C. H. SchurmeierSecond Ward, C. S. Cave, A. L. Larpenteutr; Third Ward, J. R. Irvine, A. G. Fuller. The total number of votes cast at the eleetion was 809, from which the newspapers claimed 3,ooo population for Saint Paul. l)nt. in point of fact. it was much less than that. IMMIGRATION. IMPROVEMENTS. ETC. Navigation opened on April I7, the old favorite'" Var Eagle" leading the van, with 8I4 passengers. The papers chronicle the immigration that spring as unprecedented. Seven boats arrived in one day, each having broughlt to Minnesota 200 to 6oo00 passengers. Most of these came through to Saijlt Paul, and diverged hence to other parts of the Territorv. It was estimated by the packet company that they brought 30,000 immigrants into Minnesota that season. Certainly, 1855, I856' :ind I857 were the three great years of immigration in otlr Territorial days. Nothing like it has been seen since. W ith such a human flood pouring into and through it, Saint Paul was a busy- place. The hotels and boarding houses were crow(led, the stage lines wo(rked( night and(l day, people even 357 7The Hisvtory of the Cit, of San Paul. [x 855 camping on the streets, stores doing a perfect rush of business livery stables coining money, saloons reaping brisk profits, real estate dealers fairly ecstatic, and mechanics not half able to keep up with the work pressing upon them. Perhaps not a citv on the continent, the size of Saint Paul, was such a bustling bee-hive as it was that season. The fever of real estate speculation, which before was but feebly developed, this season seemed to attack all classes, and began to grow into the mania which a few months later almost rendered Saint Paul a by-word. THE REAL ESTATE MANIA. In some sense the real estate mania this year was excusable and natural, in view of the enormous and rapid profits made 1)- shrewd and daring operators. For instance, the papers chronicle one movement made by HENRY MICKENTY, the king of real estate dealers, and who was on the flood-tide of prosperity- during I855, i856 and I857. In I854, he entered several thousand acres of prairie farming land in Washington countyt. lIv land warrants, at $I.25 per acre. In the spring of IS55, he sold the same land to a colony from Pennsylvania, at $5 per acre, clearing 300 per cent. His total net profits on this transaction was $23,000, which he at once invested in more landl on which he in turn made almost as great profits. Right here the author will be pardoned for giving an incid(lent of those days which well illustrates the profits of real estate dealers. PENNOCK PUSEY, Esq., our plain and sobergoing friend, came to Saint Paul firom Philadelphia in i855. and got acquainted with McKENTY, who startled him one day lv offering him three and one-half per cent. a month, or 42 per per cent. annum, for the use of some ionley Mr. PUSEY had. This seemed such an enormous premium to the latter gentleman. who had come from a region where six and seven per cent. is the established rate, that he declined the offer on the groun(l that McKENTY could not aflbrd to pav it, and that it would be wrong to accept such an usurious rate. McKENTY soon demonstrated, however, that he would make large profits if he could get the money. and hence could pay the rate men 358 I855] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesola. tioned without trouble. The loan was made. McKENTY entered some large tracts of land in Cottage Grove, at $I.25 an acre, and within a year Mr. PUSEY himself bought a part of the lands and gave MCKENTY $2.50 an acre for it! Thus. while Mr. PUSEY made 42 per cent. on his money, McKENTcleared 58 per cent. over and above that amount ofl' of the lender! Mr. PUSEY afterwards sold the land to 0. DAT.RYMPT.E at $I5 per acre. as part of his famous wheat farms. ITEMS. The census of i855 was announced in the papers, as follows: Population of the Territory 53,600oo; of Ramsey coiinty, 9,475; of Saint Paul, 4,716. Building was very- brisk this year. The mechanics could not turn out the buildings fast enough for people to get shelter in. Street improvements, to a considerable extent, were made. also. Third Fourth. Jackson, and other prominent streets were graded. This season the post-office was moved to the old brick buildimg, near the bridge, which. after passing throtugh manychalges is now a saloon. The election this vear was somewhat triangular. There were three candidates for Delegate in the field-H. M. RICE, WM. R. MARSHALL, and DAVID OLMSTED-and three counttickets to match. The election, (October 9,) resulted in the choice of the following officers: Councillor, JOHN B. BRISBIN; Representatives, WM. H. NOBLES, F. KNAUFT, R. HAUS, Ross WILKINSON and B. W. LOTT; Sheriff, A. W. TULLIS; Register, LouisM. 01OIVIER; Treasurer, CHART,ES F. STIMSON, (Saint Anthony;) Attorney, I. V. D. HEARD' Survey or. JAMES A. CASE: Probate Judge, A. C. JONES. LOCAL TOPICS. On OEtober 4, the Daily Free Press, an evening paper made its appearance as the organ of the Gorman Democracy, or "Nebraska wing" of that party. It was edited by Holl. A. C. SMITH. now of Litchfield, and publishe(l 1)by SAMUTEL J. ALBRIC,HT & Co. Saint Paul now boasted of five (lailv 359 .... t.:.. zThe I-vi/or.v of the Cl/i of Sai,l Pat{?, [i855 papers-three morning and two evening. Not long, however. was such an abundance of journals to shed intelligence on this saintly city. On October 31, the Democrat was discollntinued and merged with the Daili, Pioneer, under the name of Pioneer and Democrat, which it bore for six vears. an(l the following spring the Free Piress was discontinued. A man named E. HOw1TZ. a book-dealer. committed a forgery on MARSHALL & CO., this fall. and escaped with several hundred dollars of ill-gottein boot-. On the night of November 9. the grocery store of H. C. SANFORD., corner of Third and Wal)ashla streets, on the site of the present Warner Block, was burned down. SANFORD had a quantity of powder in store. WVhen it went off, it shook things up livelv in the vicinity. 1)r. J. H. STEWART* was lyintg sick of typhoid fever in the bullilding that stood where McQLiillan's Block now does. The shock thired him out of f)ed on the floor, and ctlred his fever' I-e never recommended the remed- in his subsequent pracdtice, however. In the fall of IS55, Rev. E. D. NEILIL organized a Presbvteian society known as the " House of Hope," now one of the most flourishing churches in the citv. It used to worship that fall in the Walnut street school house. On November I9, navigation closed. The total nulLlmber of Irrivals this year were 553. As an evidence of the amount of travel and business on the river during the season of I855, it wals stated that the packet company- declared dividends (net profits) of $IOO,OOo on that season's business. The W War Eagle." which cost $20,000. cleared $44,000 alone; and the " Citv Belle," costing $I I,OO, cleared $30,000 profits. * Dr. J. H. STEWART was born in Columbia county, New York, January I5, 1829. lie graduated at the University of New York, in i85i, and practiced medicine at Peekskill, on the Hudson River, from 1851 to I855. In May, of the latter year, he came to Saint Paul and established himself here-soon becoming one of the most popular and successful practitioners in the city. In I859, he was elected State Senator, and served (on important railroad committees. He was commissioned Surgeon of the First Minnesota Regiment in i86i, and was captured at Bull Run, July 2a, being held as prisoner at Richmond some time, but finally exchanged. In i864, he was elected Mayor of Saint Paul, and the following year appointed Postmaster, which position he held five years. In i869, he was again elected Mayor, and re-elected in 187x, and again in I873. But few gentlemen in our city have been so popular as Dr. STEWART, a fact owing to his fine abilities professionally, and his bonhomie socially. 36o :..1 I. : -...:, t,,:' -.:: IS55] and of the Couiity of Ramssey, Minnzesota. NECROLOGY OF THE YEAR. Died in January, at Providence, Rhode Island, (his former home,) JOsEPH WAKEFIELD. a talented lawyer. May 9, I,/ ~ ~~ 7 DR. J. H. STEWART. HENRY P. PRATT, one of the publishers of the /zi[nnesotian. July 4, by drowning, L,UKE MARVIN, Jr., a promising young business man. November 22, Rev. JOSHUA BRADLEY, pastor of the First Baptist church. December 3, by an accident, CHARLES Ross. 24 36I The Historv of the City of Saint Paul, CHAPTER XXVI. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I856. CHANGE IN THE COUNTY LINES-CREATION OF OUR BOARD OF EDUCAT'rION —WIN TER TRAVELING AND BUSINESS-THE PIONEER GUARD-A POLICE FORCE CREATED- CORNER-STONE LAYING -THE CITY HALL BUILT-BARON VON GLAHN-THE REAL ESTATE MANIA-CRIME AND DISORDER-A VIGILANCE COMMITTEE-THE FULLER HOUSE BUILT, &C. On March I I. CHARLES S. CAVE was appointed postmaster, vice Major FORBES. Mr. CAVE held the office four years but left it poorer than he entered it. He now resides ill Missouri. The Legislature adjourned on March I. No bills were passed materially affecting Saint Paul, unless we except the act detaching Saint Anthony from Ramsey county and adding it to Hennepin county, with which its interests were more nearly allied, though many now believe that in a few vears we will all be in the same corporation again. This change left two officers of Ramsey county residing be-ond the new limits, viz.: CHAS. F. STIMSON, Treasurer. and J. P. WILSON, Commissioner. The Board of Commissioners, on March 23, elected ROBERT A. SMITH, as County Treasurer, and, at a special election, EDMUIND RICE was chosen as Countyt Commissioner. A "Board of Education" was also created, for the city of Saint Paul, to consist of six members, two from each ward. The " Pioneer Guard," the finest volunteer military companv which ever flourished in our State, was organized this spring. It existed until I86I, when most of its members went to the war, and it ceased to maintain an organizatioi. BRIEF NOTES. On May 23. McCliing an(l Stewart's Blocks, a row of frame 362 [IS86 t856] and of the Counvy of Ramsey, Minnesota. buildings where the present stone blocks of the same owners stand, were burned. On May 30, the City Council authorized the appointment of four policemen. Hitherto, the CityMarshal, "BILL MILLER." had been the only officer in the city, with powers equivalent to a policeman. The first appointees were JOHN GABEL, NICHOLAS MILLER, M. C. HARDWVIG and EDWARD MAHER. On June 24, the corner-stones of the proposed hall for the Historical Society,. and of a projected Masonic Hall, were laid with great ceremony-. A large procession of civic societies. military &c., paraded through the city. Mayor BECKER delivered the oration over the corner-stone of the former institution. and Re-." JOHN PENMAN, Grand Chaplain of the Masons, did the trowel work. Neither of these buildings. commenced with such prodigious flourish. were ever built. or progressed beyond a partial foundation. About the same date, the corner-stone of the cathedral, corner of Saint Peter and Sixth streets, was laid, with imposing ceremonies, by Bishop TIMON, of Buffalo. The excavationI for this large edifice had been commenced in the fall of 1854, but the work progressed slowly, for want of fuinds. It was completed for use in I857. During this spring, the cornerstone of (old)' Assumption church," on Exchange street, was laid, and the church itself completed and occupied the same season. Re,-. DEMETRIUS MAROGNA, since deceased, wvas first priest. followed by Rev. CLEMENT STAUB. In I872-3, the new * Assumnption church," on Eighth street, was ere6ted(-the largest and most expensive church in our city. Among other structures built in i856, was the Jackson .Street Methodist Episcopal church. This season the City Hall was erec&ed. The money for its erection was borrowed from "BARON VON GLAHN," a capitalist who used to flourish arotund here in those days, and afterwards moved to Chicago. The real estate mania this year assumed alarming proportions. Speculation was red hot, and the inflation continued for some months, when the panic of i857 caused the memorable collapse in values. 363 364 1The His/to:' of the Cit' of So'nt Paul, [I856 THE CITY ET,ECTION this spring resulted as follows Democratic. Republican. Mayor........ Geo. L. Becker......... 723 A. G. Fuller.........5 24 Treasurer.... Lewis Demeules.......505 Dan. R?ohrer........620 Justice..... Joseph Lemay..........480 0. Simons............717 Marshal.... Wn. Rt. Miller, (no opposition,) I 224. Those in italics elected. Aldermen elected. -First Ward-Three years, Wm. Branch; two years, C. H. Schurmeier. Second Ward-Three years, Wm. B. McGrorty; two years, Charles Rauch. Third Ward-Three years, Chas. L. Emerson; two years, Patrick Ryan. The Citv Council shortly afterwards met and organized by electing the following: City Clerk, L. P. Cotter; City Attorney, J. B. Brisbin; Comptroller, Geo. WV. Armstrong; Surveyor, James A. Case; Physician. Dr. Samuel Willev. A REIGN OF CRIME AND DISORDER. The rush of immigration, and the fast habits induced by the speculative era, brought to our city numbers of thieves. gamblers and other abandoned characters. For several weeks during the sutmmer, crime was rampant. On July 9, the dead bodv of GEO. R. McKENzIE, proprietor of the Mansion IHouse, was found in the river, having been robbed of money known to be in his possession previously, and a young man named ROBERT JOHNSON was assaulted, robbed, and thrown over the bluff, one night, by highwaymen, dying of his injuries. Sometimes eight or ten boats would be in port at once, each with large crews of low ruffians, who would roam about the citmaddened with liquor, and committing excesses,' and the small police force, (four men,) were able to do but little. A public meeting was held, at which a secret police, or sort of vigilance committee, was appointed to aid the authorities. Our streets were carefully patroled at night for some time, a number of suspicious characters arrested an(l sent out of town, others tried for offenses committed. and pulnished an(l security TS56] and of ltze Cotzzty of Ramsey, -zvinnesota. and order established in a short time. Meantime, the police force was increased to twelve men. HENRY GALVIN, our veteran patrolman, was one of those appointed. On September 25, the "' Fuller House," just completed and filrnished, was opened with a grand ball. The cost of the building was $I Io,ooo. ALPHEUS G. FUL LER was the builder FULLER HOUSE —(AFTERWARDS INTERNATIONAL.) and owner. A bonus of $I2,ooo was raised for him at the outset. J. W. BASS and \VM. H. RANDALL contributed the land as a bonus. STEPHEN and ED. LONG were the lessees. The hotel commenced doing a splendid business at once. The next week it was stated that, between Saturday evening and Monday morning, there were ioo arrivals. That fall all the hotels did a large business. The same paper states the arrivals at the four principal houses, (Fuller, Merchants, American and Winslow,) in one week, amounted to over I,OOO, and it was stated at the close of the season that the number of visitors registered at all the hotels was 2S,ooo000. 365 Tz/c History of the City of Saint Paiul [i856 THE ELECTION this fall, (October 14,) was with the following result: Rep'iblica'i~~~~.aellioctal. D,;it,,-rat. A. T. Chamblih.... 324 T-_._rA RePtubhcai. Ifouse, 1st Distr-iY William Br-anchc. 246 ) B. W. Brunson.... 187 Y. C. Ramsey..... 607 Ilouse, 2'd DitytfritY. C. Bergfeld....... 408 Dr. C. Goring.... I98 ) P. P. Furber......493 Treaesucrer.......... saac Rose......... 215 Wi t. P. Murray.... 696 Wim. Costello....... 664 J. G. McBean....... 436 W. B. McGrorty.... 659 R. A4. Smith, (Ind.,) 67I E. Rice............ I232 Dr. Y. D. Goodrich. I 174 Co. Commt)issioner... ~ Parker Paine.....5.i. 5.60 Coroner............W. H. Shellv......502... o Those in italics ele6ted. Ramsey county extended northward at thlt time as ftr as Crow Wing, and R. A. SMITH was elected by the votes at that place, the vote here being almost a tie. The season of I856 was very prosperous in many ways. The city grew wonderfully, almost doubled, indeed. Many fine buildings, especially residences, were erected, streets graded, churches built, and othler ilnprovelnents made, that changed the appearance of Saint Paul frtom a roughI froontierl town to a bustling and thriving city. BRIEF ITEMS. On O(tober 15, the papers allnnouLnce the airrival of Rev. JOHN MATTOCKS,* from Keeseville, New York, to become pastor of the First Presbyterian church. * Rev. JNO. MATTOCKS wasborn in Peachani, Veriionit,Jily 14, 1814. He was the so0 of Hon.JNO. MATTOCKS, of that State, once Governor, and Member of Congress two terms. He graduated at Middlebory College in 1832, and comnieniced the study of law, but, enibracing religion soon tfter, resolved to become a clergymaan, and graduated in the theological department of Yale College. He settled in 183S, over a congregation It Keeseville, New York, where he remained eighteen years, whe li he accepted a call to the First Presbyterian church of Saint Paul. He camne here in August, iS856, and at his death was the senior pastor in our city. In March, 860o, he was elected Secretary of the School Board, and Superintendent of Schools-a post he filled until July, 1872. He was also a leading member of the Historical Society, &c. Mr. MArrocKs was a scholar of fine ability. He was quite an antiquarian by taste, and very fond of the natural sciences. His information oi these points was full anid accurate, and he frequently ledtured oi geology, &c., with iiuch success. He died suddenly on November i3, I875, to the great sorrowv of the comm,onity, and of his congregatioln, for whom hlie had labored so long and faithfully. 366 I856] a),id of the County of Rasmsey, llliinnesola. On November I6, the building on the northwest corner of Saint Anthlony and Washington streets, known as the " Rice IHouse," (on the site of the Third street front of the present Metropolitan Hotel,) was burned. It was a thlree-story brick, and in the upper story, the Legislature of I85I held its session. SANBORN & FRENCH, attorneys, had rooms above; KING & REV. JOHN MATTOCKS. RICH, upholsterers, and D. L. FULLER & COMPANY, merchants, occupied the lower story at the time of the fire. The papers speak of the large increase of business this year. The number of business firms, they report, doubled this season. Several new banking houses were establishedthat of WM. L. BANNING* is specially referred to. *WILrLIAM L. BANNING is a native of Wilmington, Delaware. In early life he adopted the profession of law. and removed to Philadelphia, where he was associated in that profession with the late WILLIAM HOLLINSHEAD. During his residence in Phil 367 The History of he City of Saint Paul, Work was comlmenced on the Saint Paul bridge this winter. Piles for the piers were driven into the river bed. SANFORD A. HOOPER and J. &. J. NAPIER were the original contracdtors. NECROLOGY OF TIlE YEAR. Died, on January 27, j. S. BROWN, a prominent banker. February I4, CHAS. J. HENNISS, a journalist. December I, at Scotland, Connecdticut, (his former home,) DAVID L. FULLIER, an early merchant of Saint Paul. adelphia, (I845,) he was eledted a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. In 1855, he removed to Saint Paul, and soon after engaged in the banking business, which he continued with success until i86i, when he retired from it. In the fall of iS6o, he was clected a'member of the House of Representatives, and took a' prominent part in finan cial and railroad questions. In i86i, Mr. BANNING was appointed a Commissary in the armny, and served under General FREMONT, in Missouri, for about two years. In I864, he engaged in the enterprise of building the Superior Railroad, and to his energy and ability, and influence in enlisting capital, the people of Saint Paul are indebted for that valuable highway. He was President of the road for seven years, and retired from it owing to his impaired health. Captain BANNING is a valuable member of the Chamber of Commerce, where his views on political economy and public matters have always had great influence. 368 [1856 I857] and of/lhe Countly of Ramsey,:Winnesota. CHAPTER XXVII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I857. AN ATROCIOUS MURDER-DEATH OF BISHOP CRETIN-ATTEMPTED REMOVAL OF THE CAPITAL-JO. ROLETTE MAKES OFF WITH THE BILL-THE INK-PA-DOU-TAH MASSACRE-ANOTHER MURDER-INCENDIARISM-SUNRISE EXI'EDITION, &C. HE year I857 was marked by a number of important events, and was one of the most exciting and memorable of any in our career. ' \Ve learn that a new parish has been organized ill the eastern part of the city, by the Episcopalians. A handsome stone edifice will be ere6ted during the coming season, on the corner of Ninth and Olive streets. Rev. ANDREW BELL PATERSON, of Salem, New Jersey, has been called to the re6torship.-[Minnesotian, January I.] Services were held for several months in the Washington school house. On the morning of January 14, a German tailor, named HENRY WMI. SCHROEDER, formerly of Louisville, Kentucky, who lived alone in a little shop on Third street, on the present site of "Maxfield's Block," was found dead in his shop, having been murdered by a blow on the head with an axe or hlatchet. He was a single man, and was known to have had considerable money, which he was accustomed to keep about his person, or in his shop. No clue to the perpetrator of the atrocious adt was ever discovered. On February 22, Right Reverend Bishop CRETIN died, to the great sorrow of his large congregation in this regioll. His body lay in state at the old brick church on Wabasha street until the 24th, when the funeral took place. Fully 1,500 people were in the procession. A memoir of him is given on page 31 1. The first City Directory of Saint Paul was issued in February, )v GOODRICH, SOMERS & Co. It contained about 1,7oo 369 0 The History of the City of Saint Paul, [t857 inames of citizens. Not one in five of these are now living in the city, nor of the I58 business houses advertised in it, are there over half a dozen in existence now, and these M ith more or less change of firm. REMOVAl OF TI1lIE CAPI'rAI,. During this session occurred a somewhat exciting event, frequently referred to-the passage by the Legislature of an alt removing the Capital to Saint Peter. The bill was intro(luced on February 6, by W. D. LOWRY, Councillor from Saint Cloud. and on the 12th passed the Council-ayes eight. nays seven. Among those who prominently opposed it were Hons. J. D. LUDDEN, H. N. SETZER, J. B. BRISBIN, and B. F. TILLOTSON. In the House it was opposed by J. R. BROWN, L. K. STANNARD, Dr. W. W. SWENEY, of Red Wing, ELAM GREELEY, JOHN M. BERRY, and " our0 own" W. P. MURRAY. The measure was also generally opposed by the press of the Territory. It, however, passed on the I8th, and the bill was sent back to the Senate to be enrolled. About this time the odor of the nmouse had so permneated the atlmosphere, that one of the most obtuse olfaetories could have perceived it. There were a few individuals hereabouts who came to the conclusion that, after some things had occurre(d which looked a little " heathen Chinee," almost any maneuver to defeat the bill would be legitimate. The member firom Pembina,"' Jo." ROLETTE, as he was generally called, dearly loved a joke, no matter at whose expense. He was chairman of the Committee on Enrolled Bills! A wink was as good to him as a nod. On the 27th, the original bill and enrolled copy was placed in Mr. ROLETTE's hand to compare. Next dav. FebruLarv 28, Mr. ROLETlTE was not in his seat! The other side now saw the mouse floating in the air," tand concluded, as the Irish orator said. to nip him in the blud." ST. A. D. BALCOMBE. of WVinona, nlow editor of a jour,nal at Omaha, moved resolutions calling on ROIl ETTE to report forthwith; and if he failed to do so, that the next memnber of the colnmmittee, (Mr. WAALES,) be ordered to procure ianotlher enrolled copy, and report the same, &c. ') 7(.) [S57] and of the County of Ramsey, Mllinnezsota. Mr. BALCOMBE at once moved the previous question on the resolutions, but Mr. SETZER moved a call of the Council. which was ordered, and Mr. ROLETTE reported absent. BAILCOMBE moved that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with, on which there were yeas nine, nays five. Twothirds not voting for the motion, the Chair, (Hon. J. B. BRISBIN,) declared it lost, notwithstanding BALCOMBE eloquently protested that nine wvas two-thirds of fourteen! The Sergeant-at-Arms, JOHN M. LAMB, of White Bear Lake. was ordered to report Mr. ROLETTE in his seat, and started out to find" him. He didn't find him that day. The Council, unable to adjourn, patiently (?) waited his return. The dinner hour passed, and messengers were dispatched to the hotels for a supply of food. Bed-time arrived, still the Sergeant-atArms came not with the missing member. Beds and bedding were sent for, and the members camped on the floor of the Senate. Next (layv. no tidings of either ROl ETTE or the Sergeant-at-Arms. It was rumored that ROLETTE had been seen near Sauk Rapids, in his sledge drawn by dogs, flying swiftly homeward. with the enrolled bill sticking out of his pocket. Others said, bosh, and declared ROLETTE was hid in all utpper room of the Fuller House, playing poker and drinking punch. Anon it was reported that JOHN LAMB was " looking" for Rol,ETTE in every possible and impossible place in the city, armed with a rope, and threatening to bear ROLETTE to the Council, dead or alive. It was asserted by others, however, that this was pure' blow"-that LAMB was not looking for him to any great extentsthat he had one eye closed, (and some say both,) and couldn't have seen" ROLIETTE if he had met him. Certain it is, that LAMB didn't find him, " either (lead or alive," and ROIlETTE continued his poker and punch, while the enrolled bill quietly reposed in the safe of TRUMAN MNI. SMITH, banker, on the first floor of the Fuller House. The Council, meantime, continued in its dead-lock, with the call still pending. Another bill was procured and enrolled, but Mr. BRISBIN, President of the Council, and Mr. FURBER, Speaker of the House, refused to sign it in that shape, endorsing on it their reasons therefor. The bill was, however, sent 371 Thze History (/ the/ City of Saint i'az. [I857 to the Governor, signed by him, and printed ill the laws of that year, with the endorsements mentioned. After a continuous session of five days and nights, (or 123 hours,) the Council adjourned, the call still pending. At midnight, on March 5, the last night of the session, the President resumed the chair, and announced the Council adjourned sine die. The moment the doors were thrown open, in stalked Jo. ROLETTE, and commenced rallying his brother members, in his vivacious and pointed style, on the good joke he had played on them. But little more remains to be recorded, to show the end of this singular chapter of Minnesota history, one which, now that 19 years have cooled the passions excited by the contest, is generally mentioned with a smile by both the former friends and opponents of the scheme. The first of these took the ground after the session was over, that the bill had become a law, a position scouted by the others. The Saint Peter Company, we believe, erected buildings to accommodate the Territorial officers and Legislature, and, on June 29, A. F. HOwES, President of the company, applied before Judge R. R. NELSON, of the Supreme Court, for a writ of mandamus to compel the Territorial officers to remove to Saint Peter. Judge NELSON took the motion under advisement, and, on July I2, filed an opinion. After reviewing, at considerable length, the evidence concerning the passage of the act, he decides: "' We are of the opinion, therefore, that there has been no law passed by the Legislative power of the Territory, removing the Capital fiom Saint Paul to Saint Peter. The application for a mhndamus is therefore refused." BRIEF I1T'EMS. There was no legislation at the last session especially taflectilig St. Paul, except the incorporation of the i Saint Paul Library Association." The incorporators were CHARLES E. MAYO, J. w. McCLUNG,* R. F. HOUSEWORTH, S. D. JACK *JOHN W. MCCLUNG was born near Maysville, Kentucky, November 2i, I8S6. He studied law at Transylvania University, and graduated in I847. HIe j)racticed law at Maysville until 1855, when he came to St. Paul and engaged in law and the real estate 372 i857] and of the (Cointy of RRamsey. Afinnesota. SON, J. F. HOYT, E. INGALLS, A. R. CAPEHART, WM. A. CROFFUT, THOMPSON CONNOLLY and P. DEROCHEBRUNE. On March 25, Messrs. DAY & GRACE, who had contra&ed to build the Ramsey county jail for $75,000, broke ground for the same. The building was finished that fall. On April 13, news was received of the Ink-!a-doo-cah JOHN W. McCLUNG. minassacre. Great excitement prevailed. The Pioneer Guard promptly volunteered to go to the protection of the frontier, business. He was elected County Commissioner in I86o, and City Assessor in I864, serving five years. He was also Clerk of the Board of Public Works in x872. He was eleted County Assessor in March, I875. We can hardly say of Mr. McCLUNG, as we have of others, that he is a popular man, for any one filling the difficult and unpleasant office he holds, must necessarily be the subjedt of much censure and fault-finding. But he bears it like a philosopher, and works for the interests of Saint Paul with an untiring zeal that is worthy of imitation. He has also published a work, "Minnesota as it is in 1870," that has done our State great benefit. 373 The hisor of the City of Saint Pazil, but could get neither transportation or proper ammunition. Two of the female captives, who were rescued soon after, were brought to Saint Paul and presented with a purse by our citizens. Hon. SAMUEL MEDARY, who had been appointed Governor of the Territory, arrived on April 22, and at once assumed the gubernatorial chair. This spring two new volunteer companies were organized. One was the Saint Paul Light Cavalry," Capt. JAMES STARKEY; the other was called the Shields' Guards, Capt. JOHN O'GORMAN. On April 27, the extra session of the Legislature convened, and continued until May 25. Among the local ad's passed a,fleting Saint Paul, were: To incorporate the Saint Paul Water Companv; to extend Rice street; to incorporate the Saint Paul Fuller House Company; to incorporate the Saint Paul Dramatic Joint Stock Association; to open and extend Seventhl street &c. The spring of I857 was one of the latest ever known. The first boat" did not arrive at Saint Paul until the morning of Ma- I. Once the barrier was broken, however, the season was inaugurated with a fleet of boats. On May 4th, eighteen were at the levee at one time, and, a few days afterwards. it:,enty- four, the largest numbereverseenatourlanding. Each of these were crowded with passengers and their goo(ls. so great was the rush of immigration that spring. SCRAPS. On May 5, the citv election occurred, with the following result: Republican. Democratic. May)or...... Oohn B. Brisbin, (Democrat-had no opposition,).. I876 Treasurer.. Daniel Rohrer....... 96I Edward Heenan...... 858 Marshal.... Wm. R. Mille-...... I43 John O'Gorman....... 735 Those in italics elected. Aldermen eleded.-First Ward, Luke Marvin; Second Ward, A. I,L. Larpenteur; Third Ward, H. J. Taylor. On the night of May IO, a murder took place at the "Cave," a low sink of crime above town. A man, named PF.TER W. [E857 374 IS857] and of thme Countv of Ramsey, Minnesota. TROTTER, was stabbed bv a roustabout, namned " MIKE SMITH," alias GOLDEN, and died in a few moments. The murderer escaped and was never detected, although Deputy Sheriff J. W. PRINCE pursued him to Saint Louis. Saint Paul was well supplied with theatres this season. SALLIE ST. CLAIR'S Varieties" opened at Market Hall on May 20, with a very good company. On June 27, H. VAN LIEW opened the " People's Theatre," in a framne structure, built for the purpose, on the northeast corner of Fourth and Saint Peter streets. VAN LIEW had a very good company, and ran his theatre that season, and also during the summers of I858 and I859. The building burned (lown September 8. I859, during a political meeting, while SCHUYLER COILFAX and GALIUSHA A. GROW were addressing it. The scenery of the People's Theatre was painted by ALiBERT COILGRAVE. the first scenic artist in Minnesota. He came firom Columbus, Ohio, and was a young man of promising ability and talent. In I862, he enlisted in the Sixth Regiment, and died at Glencoe. in Marchl following-an untimely ending of a noble life. A few days subsequent to the opening of the People's Theatre, a Mr. SCOTT brought a small company here, and opened a theatre in a hall in Irvine's Block. Thus there were three theatres going at one time, and all doing well. The panic, a few weeks later, soon closed them up. The hall used bv SCOTT'S troupe was subsequently used for a while by the House of Hope congregation. The election for delegates to the Constitutional Convention occurred on June I. The Democratic nominees were all electeld, as follows: Moses Sherburne, Geo. L. Becker, Michael E. Ames, D. A. J. Baker, John S. Prince, Patrick Nash, Lafayette Emmett, Wm. P. Murray, WV. A. Gorman, Wm. H. Taylor, W. B. McGrorty, Paul Faber. The total vote cast in the city was 2,820, which would have shown (if not fraudulent) a population of I7,000, or more, but one journal asserts that *, several steamboat crews voted several times in each ward I" 375 Thle HistoO-, of the Ci(, of Saint Pall. [1857 WAIFS. On August 4, a severe fire occurred on the north side of Third street, between Market and Saint Peter, which destroyed some twenty buildings and much of their contents. The fire was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary. On August iS,8 another fire swept the west side of Robert street, between Third and Fourth, then occupied by frame business buildings. This fire was also, beyond doubt, the work of an incendiary. These two fires, taken in connection with a number of burglaries, attempted and successful, and the presence of a gang of hard characters in the city, and the insufficiency of the small police force to properly guard so extensive an area as they were expected to protect, led to the formation of an organization similar to that of the preceding summer-a volunteer patrol, or vigilance committee. This was kept up for several weeks, and rendered good service in clearing the city of vagabonds and criminals. The fires also demonstrated the necessity of fire engines, and the City Council set about procuring them. though it was fillvy a year before they were received. A " FAST" TOWN. During the summer of I857, Saint Paul was said by travelers, to be the fastest and liveliest town on the Mississippi River. Emigration was pouring in astonishingly, several boats landing daily loaded with passengers.' Those intending to go back in the country, usually purchased their supplies here, and the stores were almost overtaxed, so profitable was their trade. The hotels and boarding houses were crowde(l to overflowing. The principal business streets fairly humme(l with the rush of busy life. Building was never so brisk; an army of workmen and mechanics labored night and day to keep tip with the demand for dwellings and stores. Another smnall army was engaged in grading streets, and laying gas pipes, the air being continually shaken with the concussion of blasting rock. Saloons, of course, throve as they always do, be times flush or hard. That season they coined money; 376 s857] and of tie County of Ram,sey, Afinnesota. so. also, did the livery stables. The city was continually full of tourists. speculators, sporting men. and even worse charailers, all spending gold as though it was dross. Perhaps this i floating" population amounted to two or three thousand persons during most of the summer, until the crash scattered them like leaves before an autumn gale. THE SUNRISE EXPEDITION. During the sumlmler, settlers near Cambridge. Sunrise, &c., complained that the Chippewas were very troublesome, stealilg, &c. Gov. MEDARY ordered Capt. STARKEY to take t part of his volunteer cavalry company, and proceed to the spot, and arrest any Indians known to be committing depredations, or order them to return to their Reservation. Capt. STARKEY took 20 men, and( on August 24, started for the settlements named. On August 28, they overtook six Indians near Washington, and, while talking to them, the Indians broke awav and ran. Capt. STARKEY ordered one of his men, FRANK DONNELLY, to head them off and tell them to stop. DONNELLY did so, when one of the Indians, named Sha-goba. shot DONNELILY. killing him instantly. The other cavalrymen fired on the Indians, killing one and wounding another. Securing the four Indians, and putting the other two, together with DONNEILY'S body, in a wagon, the cavalry returned to Saint Paul. arriving on the 29th. The scene, when DONNELLY'S bloody corpse was left at his house, can better be imagined than described. The fiuneral of DONNELLY took place on Sunday, August 30, from the Jackson Street Methodist Episcopal church. Rev." JOHN PENMAN preached the discourse from the text: To live is Christ, and to die is gain." (This was a subject well suited to the piety of that holy and eloque'nt divine!) The militarv of the citv did the accustomed honors to their fallen comrade. The Indians were kept in confinement for several days, when they were released by Judge NELISON, on a writ of habeas corpus, brought by Maj. CULTLEN, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Sha-go-ba was sent to Chisago county, to be 25 377 Tlec History of the Citv of Saint Paul, tried for the murder of DONNELLY. but soon cut his way out of the'jail" with a knife, and escaped. ITEMS. On August 3I, the WXashington school house. which had been built that season, was dedicated. This was the first school house built by the Board of Education. and cost $8,433. On September 3, the Citv Council subscribed $50,ooo toward thie Saint Paul bridge. which had been comimence(d' the previous winter. and stopped for want of find(s. The work was now pushed forward night and day, to complete the piers before frost, and the wood work was built during the winter. On September 7, the District Court, second judicial districi. assembled, Judge R. R. NE- SON presiding. There were 400 cases on the calendar-, no term of the court having been held for two years. On September i6. the' Meicantile Librarv Association" was organized. It maintained its organization quite successfully for several years. accumulating a considerable librarv, keeping tip a good(I reading room..11d getti,ng Lip two or three interesting courses of lecttures. In IS863, its library was united with the Young Men's Christian Association. and formed our present well-managed and excellent' Saint Paul Library." This fall, the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railroad was completed. The nearest railroad connection east had hitherto )een a.t DunLleith. Step by step, the iron horse was advancing toward our city. 37S [I857 [857] and of th/e Counzty of Ramisey, ilfinnesota. CHAPTER XXVIII. EVENTS OF THE YEAR i857.-CONTINUED. TIIE REAL ESTATE MANIA-THE PERIOD OF THE "FLUSH TIMES"-TIIE PANIC THE REAL ESTATE MARKET RUINED-HARD TIMES-THE CENSUS-ELEC TION-CURRENCY TROUBLES-PERILOUS BALLOON ASCENSION, &C., &C. T HE real estate mania, before mentioned, was now at its height. No description that can be given of this sillgular era of our history can convey an idea of it. Only those who lived through the' flush times" will ever know what they were. Everybody seemed inoculated with the mania, from the moneyed capitalist to the humble laborer who could merely squat on a quarter section, and hold it for a rise. The buying of real estate, often at the most insane prices, and without regard to its real value, infected all classes, and almost absorbed every other passion and pursuit. Town-sites and additions to towns were laid out by the score.* Many of these town-sites were purely imaginary, and had never been surveyed at all. Lots in these paper cities were sold by the hundred east, at exorbitant prices. Agriculture was neglected, and breadstufls enough for home consumption were not raised. Their import formed a large branch of trade. Honest labor was thrown aside for more rapid means of wealth. Farmners, mechanics, laborers, even, forsook their occupations to become operators in real estate, and grow suddenly rich, as they supposed. ~ Real estate dealers"-some of them honorable men, like HENRY MCKENTY, but many without character or conscience, * D. C. COOLEY, "Governor of the Sovereigns," ill onle of his inimitable messages to the Third House, recomnmended, with bitter irony, that a small portion )f the land be reserved for agriculture, and not all laid out in town lots. There was almost some gro)unds for the advice. 379 laze 1 Historoy oy the City oy Saintz Pati. [' 857 mere shysters-flourished in Saint Paul by the score. A large share of them were purely street shlarpers having no office but the sidewalk. and no capital but a roll of town-site maps, and ai package of blank deeds, yet all fairly coining money, and spending it, in manyv cases, as rapidly as made, on fast horses, fast women? wine and cards. These operators would board boats, on their arrival, or hang around hotels, and, by a little sharp maneuvering, as confidence men," find out and manipulate unsuspecting strangers. who had molney, and fleece them of their means, by selling them lots in mioonshinle towns, for several hundred dollars each, not atctuallv worth as many cents, even if they got a title at all. Such operations were repeated by the score, until Saint Paul and Mininesota got a name abroad anything but enviable. This mad, crazy, reckless spirit of speculation, which clharacterized those times, was appalling, to look on it now from a soberer stand-point. Perhaps in no city of America, was the real estate mania, tand reckless trading iand( speculation, so wild and extravagant, as in Saint Paul. It could not last, and must soon bring its own punishment in generil ruint. Indeed, the storm was near at hand. 'THE BUBBI.E BURSTS. On August 24, occurred the failure of the Ohlio Life Insurance and Trust Company, of New York. which gave rise to the memorable panic or financial revulsion of that year. To Saint Paul, this pricking of the bubble of speculation was more ruinous and dire in its consequences than perhaps to any other city in the west. Everything had been so inflated and unreal-values putrely fictitious, all classes in debt, with but little real wealth, honest industry negledcted, and everything speculative and feverish-that the blow fell with ruinous force. Business was paralyzed, real estate actually valueless and unsaleable at any price, and but little good money in circulation. Ruin stared all classes in the face. The notes secured by mortgages must be paid, but all values were destroyed. No device would raise money, for no one had any to lend. Everybody was strugglillg to save himself. 380 i857] and of the County of Ramseyt, zi/innesota. The banking houses closed their doors-nearly all the mercantile firms suspended or made assignments. All works of improvement ceased, and general gloom and despondency settled down on the community. In a few days, fi'om the top wave of prosperity, it was plunged into the slough of despond. And now the "' hard times" commenced in earnest. No description of this terrible and gloomy period will convey any idea of it. WVith many, even those who had but shortly before imagined themselves wealthy, there was a terrible struggle between pride and want. But few had saved anything, so generally had the reckless spirit of the times infested all classes. The humble poor. of course, suflered; but the keenest suffering was among those who experienced the fall from affluence to povert-. The papers were crowded for months with foreclosures of mortgages. executions. and other results of the crash. Not one in five of the business houses or firms weathered the storm despite the most desperate struggles. The population of the citv fell off almost 5o per cent.. and stores would scarcely rent at any price. BREVITIES. On September I9, the gas works having been completed, and got in ruinning order. gas w-as for the first time let on the city. On Septemnber 21, A. C. JONEs Deputy Marshal, commenced to take the census of Ramsey counlty, pursuant to setion four, of the Enabling Act, the object being to ascertain the population of the State when admitted, and fix its representation in Congress.'The census was completed in about six weeks and showed the population to be as follows: Of Saint Paul, 9,973; of Ramsey county, I2,747, and of the Territory 150,o037. [It was the wish of the writer to have given the namtes of adult male citizens in this census, but the length of such a list precluded the attempt, after the list was prepared, and alphabetically arranged.] THE FIRST STATE ELECTION occurred on October 13. The State had not yet been admit 381 Thze Historvy qof the City of Saint Paul, ted, though it was supposed this would be done in December, and State officers were therefore elected. The vote in Ramsey county was as follows: Republican. .... C. Palmer, (Ind.,) I1936 (J. W. Selby......... I I43 aMartin D. Clark.... Io48 J. M. Marshall......I I 56 James Day..........I297 Daniel Rohrer......1224 Charles Coltel....... Io 73 B. F. Irvine.........II25 A. Varenne.........io88 V. B. Barnum.....O t..078 { C. T. Cotton........ 973 Democratic. Wm. P. Murray...I253 Isaac Van Etten..2o4o Charles S. Cave.. I69o Win. Sprigg Hall. I754 yohn W. Crosby..2076 Win. Davern........... I986 Wm. B. Mc Grorty. i676 Charles Rauch.... 2037 _ames Starkey.... 2024 Geo. L. Otis...... 2079 "'Rev.".7. Penman I29I A. C. Jones, (Ind.,) 69i R. F. Housewbrth.2oi6 A. r. Caldwell..-. i698 Clerk of Court... E. Ingalls.............986 Sher#~.......~ 84.r adel..I9 SheriDF 1 J. W. Prince, (Ind.,). 684 R. B. Galusha, (Ind.,) 382 Treasurer........ R. A. Smith, (no opposition,)...............2659 Attorney....... I. V. D. Heard, (no opposition,)............3196 Re.iser Deeds f Louis Demeules..... 370 Edwardfleenan...1285 e S. Hough, (Ind.,).. 622 Coroner..........J. M. Castner........ 948 Dr. A. V. Wren.... I 708 Surveyor...... James A. Case......303 W. F. Duffy...... I236 Those in italics elected. CURRENCY TROUBLES. Toward winter, the stringency increased severely. The currency which had been in use before the crash had about all gone up, or been withdrawn. There was a limited amount of specie in circulation, but this was soon hoarded up. Exchange on the east was IO per cent.! To devise some measures for relief, meetings of the merchants were held, and various measures recommended to the Legislature-a stay law, general banking system, &c. The city and county boards were advised to issue i' denominational scrip," to use as currency. This scheme was soon after put in operation, and the scrip was in circulation for two or three years. Every old settler remembers it-not with pleasure, perhaps. But it was of some use. 382 [1857 Representatives Probate.udge. I857] and of the County of Ramsey,, -li'nnesota. In the midst of these troubles came a call firom Stearns and other counties, asking relief for poor settlers, whose crops had been destroyed by grasshoppers. A considerable amount was subscribed in this city poor as everybody was. Our own home destitute were also cared for, and public improvements were projected to give them employ-ment. The Citv Council this summer ordered two new fire engines. for the use of the city. In anticipation of this, two fire compallies were organized —" Hope Engine Company, No. I," on September 14, and'Minnehahla Enginle Companyi, No. 2," on December 4. Of the former, M. LEVrOY, R. C. WILEY, JAMEs HERY, JOHN H. DODGE, and others, were the organizers; and of the latter. H. P. GRANT, M. J. O'CONNOR, R. G. SHARPE, L. E. CLARKE,J. B. OLIVIER, S. T. RAGUET, &C. WILLIAM MARKOE built a handsome balloon this summer, and made two ascensions. The last was on October 8, at the Territorial Fair, in the Capitol grounds. S. S. EATON and H. H. BROWN went with him. The balloon descended on Rice Creek, about I8 miles northward, throwing Mr. EATON out. and breaking the valve ropes off' in the neck of the balloon. The balloon shot iup rapidly, and when a mile high, MIr. BROw-N climbed TIup to the neck of the balloon by the netting. and secure(i the cords! It was a perilous feat, btut save(l their lives. From a report made to the Chalimber of Commerce, it was ascertained that 343 buildings. costing $591,500, had been erected this season. Among them were several churches, a cotntv- jail, a school house, bridge, &c. For street improvements. sewers, &c., $133,153 had been expended. 383 The History of the City, of Saint Paula [858 CHAPTER XXIX. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I858. THE " FIVE MILLION LOAN BILL"-CREATION OF THE FOURTH WARD-ADMIS SION OF THE STATE-DULLNESS OF BUSINESS-CABLE CELEBRATION-FIRE ENGINES ARRIVE-HOMICIDE-DEDICATION OF SCHOOL HOUSES-ELECTION STATISTICS. NE of the most noticeable events in I858, was the "Five Million Loan," which was passed this spring, by the Legislature, and was voted on April 15. The debate on its merits was short, but somewhat acrimonious. Meetings were held, pro and con, handbills circulated, &c. R. O. SWVEENY prepared an amusing caricature, which was lithographed by the opponents of the measure, and made much merriment. When the loan measure was voted on, it was carried bv a majority that was surprising. In the city the vote was, ayes 4,05I, noes I83! In common with other cities of the country, Saint Paul was, that winter, visited by sweeping revivals of religion., Navigation opened on March 25-one of the earliest dates on record-but travel and business on the river were painfully (utll. The Northern Line Packet Company was put on tlis season. The papers about this period frequently mention the " Sons of Malta." One of our citizens rose to the high rank of Cardinal in this ancient order. The Fourth Ward was created by the Legislature this winter. out of the Third Ward. THE CITY ELECTION occurred on April 4. It was not a straight party contest, the Republicans making no nominations as such. The result was: 384 I858] and qf the County of Ramsey,. Minne.ota. In dependent. Democratic. Mayor......Moses Sherburne..... 1546 iV. W. Kifttson...... 788 Treasureir...... Daniel Rohrer....... i936 Mich. Cummings...I334 City ice!Orlando Simons...... 1193 Thomas Howard...ii9I City justice. Nelson Gibbs....... 857 Comptroller.. T. M. Metcalf........I6I5 C.W. Williams.....520 Those in italics elected. Aldermen eleded.-First Ward, C. H. Schurmeier; Second Ward, P. O'Gorman; Third Ward, Nicholas Gross. three years; Wm. H. Wolff, two years; Thomas Grace, one year; Fourth Ward, Henry M. Dodge. BRIEF MENTION. The LaCrosse and Milwaukee Railroad was completed this spring to LaCrosse. Little by little the iron horse was approaching our cit-y. On May 14, the papers announced that the State was admitted, but no demonstrations were made over the event. The State officers were quietly sworn in on the 24th. Business was depressingly dull all the season. Still, a number of buildings were built, and public improvements carried on. The scarcity of a good currenc- was a great drawback to trade. During Jul-, at an adjourned session of the Legislature, an attempt was made to remove the Capital to Nicollet Island, but it did not meet with much favor. On September I, Saint Paul, with other cities of the Union, celebrated the successful laying of the Atlantic Cable to England. The celebration was carried out with much spirit and enthusiasm-a procession, orations, music, &c.. and at night fireworks and general illumination. Our Fire Department were gladdened, this fall, by the arrival of two new engines, which the city had procured at Philadelphlia. Thev were formally delivered to Hope Engine Company, No. I, and Minnehaha, No. 2, on November I, and did good service for some ten years, when steamers were substituted. This summer, also, Fort Snelling was abandoned bv the Government, and HonI. JOHN S. PRINCE* purchased the * Hon. JOHN S. PRINCE was born in Cincinnati, May 7, i8zx, and resided in that city until i840, being, during the latter partof that period, in the comrmission business. iHe 385 7T/e History of the City of Saint Pap. post engine, and presented it to a company formed of employees of his mill, called, " Rotary Mill Company, No. I," so that we had now a well-equipped Fire Department. On October I8, an old man, named JAMES MCCLAY, was killed at a disreputable shanty, near the jail, by two roughs, named "Chicago JACK" and CORMACK MALLOY. They escaped without any punishment, by some technicality. On November i3, Adams school was dedicated, and, soon after, Jefferson school. The latter burned down about nine years subsequently, and has been rebuilt on another site. Saint Paul had now three good school houses, and a goo(i corps of teachers. On December 22.' House of Hope." on Walnut street, was dedicated. THE ELECTION that fall was only for County Auditor and Representatives the latter useless after all, as the session [of 1859] was never calle(l. The following was the vote: Democratic. r Oohn B. Brisbin.. I 770 W.A. Gorman...ii50o E. D. Cobb....... I30I Repbresentatives.... - RePreseizta~tives. - Wm. Von Hamm. 1436 Wm. P. Murray..I209 l cohn S. Prince... I523 County Auditor.......L. P. Cotter......o26 Those in italics elected. The business and financial outlook this fall was very discouraging. Trade was almost paralyzed. The harvest had been poor. There was no immigration. Some "Glencoe" money, then entered the employ of the American For Company, at Evansville, Indiana, and after the company suspended in 1842, he engaged with PIERRE CHOUTEAU, Jr., & Co., wvho assumed the business, and became their purchasing agent, throughout Ohio, Indi. ana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. In 1854, lie caine to Saint Paul, to look after their real estate here. Connected with it was a saw mill, long known by early residents as the Rotary Mill. This was carried on by Mr. PRINCE for 15 years. He also dealt largely ini real estate, on his own account. Personally, no gentleman in our city has been more popular than Mr. PRINCE. He was a member from Ramsey county, in the Constitutional Convention, and has been elected Mayor five times, being one of the most faithful and valuable municipal officers our city ever had. [I858 386 Independent. H. J. Taylor..... 94I Wm. Branch......... 864 M. Groff......... 61 5 W. B. Quinn......... 87 T. M. Metcalf.... 377 W. H. Nobles....... io6i Alex. Buchanan.. Io84 i858] and of the County of Ramsey, l/llinnesota. based on the State railroad bonds, began to circulate but thev were looked on with distrust. State scrip circulated for a while, but it soon ran down to fortv cents on the dollar and all classes were in bad financial straits. NECROLOGY OF THE YEAR. July I I, by drowning, Hon. WM. COSTELLO, ex-member of the Legislature, from this county. November 23, M. W. IRWIN, formerly United States Marshal for Minnesota. December 4, JOHN H. BROWNSON, a lawyer, (by falling from a window.) 387 aThe History of the City of Saint Paul, CHAPTER XXX. EVENTS OF THE YEAR i859. MURDER OF MRS. LALIYER-G. L. LUMSDEN CONVICTED OF MAIL ROBBERY-TI-IE BILANSKI MURDER CASE-WRIGHT COUNTY WAR-SKETCH OF BISHOP GRACE DEATH OF DOCTOR BORUP. NO session of the Legislature was held this winter. Mem bers had been elected. but the session was not called together by the Governor, it having been left for him to decide whether it was necessary or not. CRIME. During January, a iman. named LAWRENCE LALIYER, was arrested at Prairie du Chien, on charge of having murdered his wife, in Mounds View township, in I856. Her remains were found buried under an old ice house. LAL IYER was tried for murder in the first degree twice, and, oni the second hearing, convi6ted of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to a short term in the penitentiary. On February I2, GEo. L. LUMSDEN, a clerk in the Saint Paul post-office. was arrested on charge of stealing a land warrant out of the mail, and selling it to HENRY MCKENTrY. He was convicted, and soon after sentenced to ten years' inmprisonment in the State's prison. LITMSDEN was pardoned, in i864, on condition that he would enlist in the army, which he (lid, and, in a few (lavs afterwards, was killed at the battle of Nashville. On March I I, STANISLAUS BIl.ANSKI. aI Polander by birth, of whom some account is given on page I2I, died at his resi(lence on the Stillwater road. He was married at the time to a woman whose name had been ANNIE EVARDS, formerly of Fayetteville, North Carolina, with whom he had had but little previous acquaintance, and of whose past life, what was 388 11859 lt859] and of the County of Ramsey, li/i'nnesota. known. was not creditable. BII.ANSKI'S last illness was shlort, and his symptoms thought suspicious by several persons who visited him. After his burial, a girl, who had been employed in the family during BILANSKI'S illness reported that she had purchased arsenic at Mrs. B.'s request, and mentioned other circumstances fully sufficient to warrant the belief that BILANSKI was tile victim of a design to murder him on the part of his wife. Mrs. BILANSKI was at once arrested, and the body of B. being exhumed the stomach was subjected to anialvsis. This was made by Dr. WVM. H. MORTON, and revealed strong and unmistakable proofs of arsenic, and, on May I5 Mrs. BiLANSKI was indicted for murder in the first degree. On her trial she was ablv defended but. on June 3d, was found guilty. On December 9, she was sentenced to be hung, and March -3d was fixed bv the Governor as the date. THE WRIGHT COUNTY WVAR. NIanv of the readers of this book may have heard of the Wright County \\War, but do not know to what it refers. Ill the fall of I858. one H. A. VALLIACE was murdered in WVright county, and a neighbor, named OSCAR F. JACKSON, was tried for the oflenise, in the spring of 1859, but acquitted by the jury. On April 25, a crowd of men assembled, and hung JACKSON to the gable end of WVALIACE'S cabin. It was a most wicked and inexcusable outrage. Governor SIBLEY oflered' a reward for the conviction of any of the lynchers. Not long afterwards, one EMERY MOORE was arrested on the charge of aiding in the aflair. and taken to Wright county for trial, but was rescued bv a mob. Governor SIBI EY at once decided to take vigorous measures to maintain the majesty of the law. A military force was called out, and three companies dispatched (August 5) to Monticello, to arrest the rioters and reinforce the law. The Pioneer Guard headed the column, which was ill command of Colonel JOHN S. PRINCE. A few special officers and detectives accompanied the force. The military proceeded to Monticello, reinforced the civil authlorities. arrested eleven lynchers and rescuers, and turned them over to thie Wright county officers. Having subdued 3S9 The History of /thec City of Saint Pauil, the "rebellion," they returned on August I i-the.Wright County War," as it is facetiously termed, having fortunately ended without bloodshed. THE CITY ELECTION took place on May 3, resulting as follows: Republicaat. Den )iocratic.. Mayor........Henry J. Howe...... II54 D. A. Robertson...... I755 Comptroller...F. Willius..........i468 Wni. Von Hammn...... i8oi Treasurer.... Daniel Rohrer....... I411 C. A. Morgan........ I85I Those in italics ele6ted. Aldermen eleded.-First Ward, Wm. Branch; Second Ward, M. J. O'Connor; Third Ward, R. C. Wiley; Fourth Ward, Peter Berkey. On May 23, Dr. J. F. HEYWARD, (t capitalist of the city, d(lied, leaving a large estate. On July I, Col. WILIBUR M. HAYWARD, a lawyer of Saint Paul, died at Taylor's Falls. On JuLly 6, Dr. CHARILTES W. Boitup, one of the first and most prominent bankers of the city, of the firm of BORUP & OAKES, died suddenly. He was a native of Denmark, came to America when young, and was engaged in the fur trade on Lake Superior for many years. Ile came to Saint Paul in IS49, and had been, since that date, one of the most influential and wealthiest citizens. During Atugust, the hearts of ourL Catholic popullation were gladdened by the arrival of Rt. Re\-. TIlOMAS L. GRACE,* who * Rt. Rev. THOMAS L. GRACE was born in Charlesto)n, South Carolina, November 15, 1814. He comnmenced his studies, preparatory to the priesthood, under Bishop FENWICK, in the Seminary of Cincinnati, in 1828. A year later, he went to the Dominican Convent of Saint Rose, Kentucky, where hlie became at menmber of the Dominican order, continuing there his studies until 1837. In that year he went to Rome, and studied at the Minerva until i844. He was ordained priest in Rome, December 21, 1S39. On his return to America, in I844, he was for two years engaged in the ministry in Kentucky, and for 13 years in Memphis, Tennessee. While in Memphis, he built the very fine church of Saints Peter and Paul, the Convent of Saint Agnes, Orphan Asylum, &c. On July 24, I859, he was consecrated Bishop of Saint Paul, and arrived here shortly after. He has had great success in his zealous labors in this city and State, increasing the church greatly, procuring large additions to the clergy, opening schools, establishing charitable institutions, and multiplying churches. He is warmly beloved by his large congregation, and respedted by other sects, for his learning, piety, amiable character and benevolence. He is regarded as one of the ablest prelates in America. [IS59 ,9o S859] and of the County q/f Ramsey, zlfinnesota. had recently been ordained Bishop of the diocese of Saint Paul. The State election took place on October I I. WVM. SPRI(;; HALL, C. N. MACKUBIN and Dr. J. H. STEWART were eleted( Senators; and GEO. MITSCII, OSCAR STEPHENSON, J. B. OLIVIER. D. A. ROBERTSON, JOHN B. SANBORN and HENRY ACKER. Representatives; A. W. TULL,IS, Sheriff; SIHEtRWOOD HOUGH, Register; I. V. D. HEARI),* County Attorney; R. A. SMITH, Treasurer' J. F. HOYT, Probate Judge. On December 5, a fire destroyed several framne btildillgs ol1 the north side of Third street, where McCargar's Block now stands, and thence to the corner above. On December I4, the two organs of the partyv. the Tinnesot/an and the Titnes, were united into one journal, and the joint proprietors, "NEWSON, MOORE, FOSTER & CO.," were elected State printers. This firm was not a happy family, and the union was soon dissolved. The year I859. closed with somewhat better prospects financiallv. The harvest had been abtundant, and somewhat enli-vened business. The people of the State were confident that the panic had spent its force, and that matters were now on the mend. For the first time this fall, grain had been exported friom the State, and the people began to get on a foundation of real prosperity. * ISAAC V. D. HEARD was born at Goshen, New York, August 31, 1834. He caine to Saint Paul in May, IS52, when iS years of age, studied law, and was admitted to practice. He was elected City Attorney in i856, and again in I865, 1866 and i867. He wvts appointed Coulnty Attorney illn 857, elected the same fall for two years, and re-eledted ill 18I59 and iS6i, serving over six years. lie was eledted State Senator from Ramsey county, ill IS71. Mr. HEARD volunteered, during the Sioux War, in an independent cavalry company; was Judge Advocate during the trial of the 303 Indian murderers the same fall, and afterwards.wvrote a valuable work on the Sioux War. 391 Y;ze History of the City of Saint I'aui, CHAPTER XXXI. EVENTS OF THE YEAR i86o. SUPPOSED UXORICIDE -DESTRUCTIVE FIRES-EXECUTION OF MRS. BILANSKI PRICES, BUSINESS, &C.-THE DOUGLAS AND LINCOLN CAMPAIGN-SUICIDE OF WRM. C. GRAY. N Januarv 26, the wife of a shoemaker, tnamed WM. O'NEILIL. was found dead in their hovel, in the swamp, near the corner of Seventh and Cedar streets. It was uncertain whether she had died by accident, or her husband murdered her in a drunken fit. He was tried for it, at any rate, iand sentenced to Stillwater for five years. February 25, THEODORE FRIENCH. a leading lawyer of the city, died. On March I6. most of the buildings on both sides of Third street, froin Robert to Jackson. were destroyed by fire. It commenced in the clothing store of a well-known character, named ISAAC ANSELIL. Some 25 01or 30 business houses were broken up by this calamity. These fires, of which there were several very destructive ones, from I857 to I86I, always produced great discouragement. But from the ashes of despair ever grew the plant of new hope and courage. The fires really did good. Most of the buildings destroyed were old shells, and in their places fine and valuable blocks were built. Old settlers have seen Third street swept by flames nearly from one end to the other, and rebuilt again. On March 22. the appoiintmenit of W. M. CORCORAN, it lawyer and real estate dealer, as postmaster, was announced. He held the office about a year. He resides now in Maryland. TIlE EXECUTION OF MRS. BILANSKI. A strolig- eflort was nmad(le by at few members of the Legis [ i860 39z i86o] and of the County of Ramsey,, Af'innzesola. lattire. opposed to capital punishment, to commute the deathsentence of Mrs. BILANSKI, to imprisonment for life. A bill to accomplish this was passed early in March, but Governor RAMSEY promptly vetoed it, on the grounds of unconstitultionalitv, and that it was a case not calling for anv show of clemency. The law, therefore, took its course. The execution of the unfortunate woman took place at tenll o'clock. on March 23d. The scafbfold was ereced in the enclosed yard adjoining the jail. and alongside the old hook and la(l(der house. An immense crowd, several thousand in num)erl. wHere present. The Pioneer Guards. with loaded muskets and fixed bayonets. were placed in line in front of the jail. to preserve order. Mrs. BIIANSKI. who had spent the whole morning in devotional exercises, with Father CAIILLET and another clergyman. walked with a firm step to the gallows. cheerfullv bidding her acquaintances good-bye. Before the fatal noose was adjusted. she spoke a few words, to the efle6 that she had not had justice in hier trial, and conveying the impression that she was innocent. She then kissed the cruci fix, the black cap was put on. and the noose adjusted. The )olt waas then drawn, and the body fell. After hanging a short time. it was taken down and buried in the Catholic cemetervy. 'I'HE CITrY EI,ECTrION this spring resuLlted as follows: Demtocratic. Replublican. AIayor........ 7ohn S. Prhitce.....I I48 C. D. Gilfillan........ II33 Treasurer.... Chas. A. Morgan... I257 Geo. C. Mott.......... xoI012 Comptroller... Wm. Von tHamm... 1262 T. M. Metcalf.........101o2 City fustice... Nelson Gibbs....... I285 Luke Marvin.......... 997 Those in italics ele6ted. County Commissioners eleded.-J. C. Burbank, J. R. Irvine, John Smith, J. W. McClung, John Nicols. Aldermen eledced.-First Ward, R. H. Fitz; Second Ward, H. P. Grant: Third Ward, C. M. Daily; Fourth Ward, W. M. Corcoran. "Ingersoll's Block" was this year built by D. WV. Ingersoll.* *DANIEL W. INGERSOLL was born at Newton, New Jersey, June i2, 1812. At quite an early age he entered the mercantile business, in the employ of a friend, at Newton, 26 393 394 Thze Jfistory of the City of Saint Paul, [I86o It supplied a great want in the matter of a public hall. for meetings, &c. It was used for some 14 years for that purpose, and, a few months ago, converted into offices. PRICES-BUSINESS-IMMIGRATION. Some improvement in business, &c., was noticeable during this spring, and immigration commenced. Much of the splendid wholesale trade of our city dates from this time, and was one of the good results of the commercial revulsion. Country dealers, unable to buy large stocks east, on long credit, as formerly, could purchase small lots in Saint Paul for cash, and many of our merchants thus had a wholesale trade thrust on them, without seeking it, which has grown into huge proportions, and now employs an immense capital. Thus, outt of the nettle disaster, we plucked the flower prosperity. Prices had, about this date, touched their lowest ebb. Produce and provisions, ftiel, rents, &c., were so low that even a little money would go a great ways in the "pursuit of happiness." The Minnesotian, of June 2, mentions that houses, that in I856 or I857 rented for $i8 and $20 per month, then only brought $5 and $6. Potatoes were 15 and I8 cents a bushel; wood, $4 per cord, and other necessaries in proportion. Even whisky could be had for 25 cents a gallon. Alas! that those halcyon days should have fled forever! FRAGMENTS. On April 7, Rogers'* Block was destroyed by fire. who not long after removed to Burlington, Vermont, and Mr. INGERSOLL acconmpanied( him to that place, ultimately becoming his partner. In 1837, Mr. INGERSOLl removed to New York, and engaged in trade there, remaining until 1855, when hlie came to Saint Paul. He established his dry goods househere the following year, which has continled( one of the leading establishments of Minnesota since that year. Mr. INGER:SOLL was never ele6ted to any position except the School Board, in which hlie has given valuable labor for education, and is now its President, but has held many honorary appointments, being President of the State Reform School Board of Managers, President of the State Temperance Association, &c., and member of a number of charitable, religious, and similar bodies. He is one of our most faithful and energetic workers in every good cause. * HIRAM ROGERS was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, April 7, I8So6. He subsequently went to Philadelphia, where he was engaged in the manufacture of morocco, &c., which he carried on extensively for some years. In 1836, he removed to Zanesville, I86o] and of the County of Ramsey, Ilfinnesola. The census was taken in June, by JOHN M. LAMB, Deputy Marshal. The result was reported: Population of the city, ~;j;~~ jx~-.% "~~~~~~~ J);;j;;!;<'~~ '-i:i ' ~..:,.4 —-.f'". D. W. INGERSOLL. ofty, 2,I50; native born, (in city,) 5,620; io,279; 0o the coun foreign born, 4,659. Ohio; where he carried on leather, and boot and shoe manufacturing, for about 20 years. In S1856, he came to Saint Paul, investing a large amount of capital here, and erecting several fine blocks of buildings, &c. He has also, in connection with his son, WM. D. ROGERS, carried on the manufacture of boot.packs, &c., quite extensively, and in other ways added to the trade and prosperity of our city. 395 The HIrtoi-or of the C (t? of,Saint Paul, [i86o This season Capt. DAVIDSON started a line of packets fiom Saint Paul to LaCrosse, with three small boats, and thus laid the foundation of his present marine corporation. The presidential campaign of I86o was a memorable one. and was hotly contested in Saint Paul. The Republicans had a large club, called the "Wide Awakes," commanded bv Capt. WM. H. ACKER,* and the DOUGLAS Democrats had a similar club, called the "' Little Giants," commanded by Capt. ALEX. WILKIN. Both were finely drilled. On August 9, the telegraph from Saint Paul to LaCrosse being completed, the first message was sent, being addressed to Hon. WM. H. SEWARD. On November Io, WVM. C. GRAY, once a prominent broker and real estate dealer. committed suicide, by leaping over the bridge into the river. A sheriff had arrested him for forgery. when GRAY broke away firom him, ran to the bridge, and colmmnitted the desperate act, in fiull sight of a number of persons. The countyt election (November 6) resulted as follows: eDemocratic. C. W. Griggs...... 943 Greenleaf Clark.... I i69 C. M. Boyle....... I2I4 J. C. Burbank..... 673 Alex. Wilkin.. 506 J. P. Kidder........ 679 John S. Prince 5 Thn..... D 0 3 Thomas Dalv...... 447 Reppublican. Auditor.......... T. M. Metcalf.. i. GSIOs Court Cornmiis sioner*.. O. Malmros..... 6I288 Surveyor.........D. L. Curtice..1 I25I Senate.......... as. Smith,.. 7-. C r. 6 703 i7n.o. B. Saneb o rn 58I Andrew 2Vessel.t 677 House............. HBenri Acker... 726 W. L. Banning. 5oI Those in italics ele&ted. * Captain W'ILLIAM H. ACKER was born in Clyde, wVayne county, New York, December a, 1833. He was a son of Hon. HENRY ACKER, deceased, who held several important offices in this county at various times. WM. H. spent miiost of his volth ice Michigan, comning to Saint Paul in i854. He was book-keeper in the banking house of W. R. MARSHALL, for several years. In i856, he was one of the organizers of the Pioneer Guard, the first military company in Minnesota, and was afterwards its Captain. He was very fond of military exercises, and was a fine drill-master. On March 19, is86o, Governor RAMSEY appionted him Adjutant General of the State, but when the war broke out in i86i, General ACKER resigned, and recruited a company, which became Company C, First Regiment. He was wounded at Bull Run, and afterwards commnissioned a Captain in the Sixteenth Regulars. He fell at Shilohli, April 6, iS862. His death created profound sorrow in this city, where he was warrlv esteemed. Ills remnaiins now repose in Oakland cemetery. .ssL contested KIDDR' satnd gaine it. J,. NF.SS[L conte-stedl KIt)IER'S seat and gained it. 396 iS6o] and of the County of Ramsey,,Tfinnesota. Oi Deceimber 25, WM. HOLIINSIHEAD, oneC of the ablest lawyers of the city, died. The Daily T/imes was this month sold to WM. R. MARSItALL-, who, oni January I, issued it as the Daily Press. CAPT. WILLIAM IH. ACKER. The yeal i86o closed under gloomy circumstances. The disunion cloud was darkening the southern horizon, and the mutterings of war were heard in the distance. Trade was again depressed, currency depreciated, and gloom and fore)odinigs rested on all. 397 ThT History of tlhe City of Saint Paul, [i86i CHAPTER XXXII. EVENTS OF THE WAR PERIOD.-Ix86I TO i865.. THE DISUNION PERIOD-OPENING OF THE WAR-THE FIRST REGIMENT RAISED OFFICERS OF THE VARIOUS REGIMENTS-OUR RAILROAD SYSTEM BEGUN-THE SAINT PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD-OVERLAND EMIGRATION-THE CALL FOR 600,000ooo MEN-THE SIOUX OUTBREAK-BIRCH COOLIE-ORIGIN OF OUR BANKING SYSTEM-SAINT PAUL AND SIOUX CITY RAILROAD-CASUALTIES AND CRIMES THE SANITARY FAIR-END OF THE WAR-CELEBRATION-RETURN OF OUR REGIMENTS-OUR QUOTA, &C. THE year i86I was marked in history by the opening of the great struggle between the Northern and Southern States. The disunion movement, which began in the fall of I86o, steadily advanced, and in its course the depression of business, the failure of banks, and gloomy forebodings of trouble. were the results. In Saint Paul this was especially so. At the municipal election, (April 2,) the following vote was cast: Republican. Democratic. Mayor........Dr. J. H. Stewart...... 88z c ohn S. Prince.....1I2 I Comptroller..Findley McCormick... 86o Win. Von HanIm... II35 Those in italics elected. Aldermen eleded.-First Ward, J. E. Thompson; Second Ward, Wm. P. Murray; Third Ward, N. Gross; Fourth Ward, L. H. Eddy. During this month, the appointment of CHARLES NICilOLS, as postmaster, was announced; also GEO. W. MOORE, Collector of the Port; Hon. AARON GOODRICH, Secretary of Legation to Brussels, &c. On April 13, the telegraph brought the sad news of the fall of Sumter, and the call for 75,0o0 troops. Great excitement prevailed for some days, and war was the only theme of conversation. Capt. WM. H. ACKER and Capt. ALIEX. WILKIN, at once commenced recruiting companies for the First Minnesota Regiment, and war meetings were held to encourage en 398 -~~~~~~~~ ( i86i] and of the County of Ramsey, zlinnesota. listments. Gen. JOHN B. SANBORN* was appointed Adjultant General of the State, vice ACKER, resigned. In four days, Capt. ACKER'S Company (C) was full, and accepted with the following officers: Captain, WM. H. ACKER; First Lieutenant, WILSON B. FARRELl; Second Lieutenant, SAMUEL T. RAGUET. On the 22d, Capt. WILKIN'S Company A," (Pioneer Guard,) was accepted-First Lieutenant, HARRY C. COATES; Second Lieutenant, H. ZIERENBERG. Ex-Governor GORMAN was commissioned Colonel of the Regiment, with Dr. J. H. STEWART as Surgeon, and Rev. E. D. NEILL as Chaplain. The Regiment was mustered in at Fort Snelling on April 29, and on June 22, left for Washington. In the meantime a SECOND REGIMENT had been accepted. " The Western Zouaves" was recruited in Saint Paul by Capt. H. H. WESTERN, and became Company D. The Regiment was mustered in onJune 26. Among * Gen. JOHN B. SANBORN was born December 5, 1826, in Merrimac county, New Hampshire. Determining upon the profession of law, after preparatory schooling, he studied three years, and was admitted to pradtice in July, 1854. In December, of the same year, he removed to Saint Paul, and at once began a successful pradtice here, in the well.known law firm of early days-" SANBORN, FRENCH & LUND." In 1859, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives. The next year he was elected to the Senate of 186x. Hardly had his term closed, when the war broke out, and he was appointed Adjutant General of the State. Very heavy labor now de. volved on him, in the organizing, arming and equipping of the four regiments raised that year. When the Fourth Regiment was filled, the command was tendered to him, and he accepted it (December.) He remained in command of Fort Snelling that winter, and early ii the spring of 1i862, his regiment was sent to Mississippi, when it at once entered the Corinth campaign. Col. SANBORN was placed in command of a demibrigade, and subsequently of a brigade, afterwards part of the famous 17th army corps. On September i9, at Iuka, he lost 6oo out of 2,2oo of his men, and, for his gallant conduct, was promoted to Brigadier General. He was also in the battles of Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Champion Hills, and the assault on Vicksburg. After the surrender of the latter post, he was assigned to the command of the southwest district of Missouri, where, after the campaign against PRICE, he was, upon recommendation of Gen. ROSECRANS, promoted to Brevet Major General, for "gallant and meritorious services." After the close of the war, he performed other important duties, civil and military, for some months. In September, I866, he was appointed one of the special "Peace Commlission," along with Generals SHERMAN, HARNEY, TERRY, and Senator HENDERSON, to negotiate treaties with the principal tribes of the central plains. The commission was engaged i8 months on this important labor. On his return home, he resumed the practice of his profession. In 1872, he again served as a member of the Legislature. ! 399 00te Histlo-y o Mche City o0'aint S ai l, [iP86i our citizens who, at various times, held rank and commissions on its rolls, are the following: Alex. Wilkin, Lieut. Colonel; Dr. W. L. Armington, Assistant Surgeon; John D. Wilson, (Company D,) Sergeant-Major; Webster D. Hoover, (Company D,) Quartermaster Sergeant; Brewer Mattocks, Hospital Steward; Michael Esch, Band Leader, (died, July. Io, i873;) Calvin S. Uline, Second Lieutenant, Company I, afterwards Captain, Major and Lieut. Colonel; John B. Davis, Captain, Company F, and afterwards Major; John Moulton, Company D, promoted Lieutenant, Captain and Major; Horace H. Western, Captain, Company D; Moses C. Tuttle, First Lieutenant, Company D, promoted Captain; S. P. Jennison, Second Lieutenant, Company D, promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant; C. F. Meyer, Second Lieutenant, Company G, promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant; James W. Wood, Second Lieutenant, Company I, promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant; Geo. W. Shurman, Adjutant, and promoted Captain, Company D; Samuel G. Trimble, Company D, promoted Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant, (killed at Mission Ridge, November 25, i863;) Hiram Lobdell, Company D, promoted Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant; Jacob T. McCoy, Company D, promoted Second Lieutenant and First Lieutenant; Isaac W. Stuart, Companly D, promoted Second Lieutenant; John S. Livingston, Second Lieutenant, Company F, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain; Andrew R. Kiefer, Captain, Company G; Jacob Mainzer, First Lieutenant, Company G; Henning Von Rumohr, Second Lieutenant, Company G, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain; Charles Rampe, promoted Second Lieutenant, Company G; Fred. Lambrecht, promoted Second Lieutenant, Company G; Jacob J. Noah, Captain, Company K; E. Allen Otis, Second Lieutenant, Company K, promoted Staff. The Second Regiment left Fort Snelling fibr the seat of warl Odtober 14. Congress which assembled July 4, haivinig authitiorized the raisingof 500,00o troops, a Third, Fourth tn(d Fifth Regimenits were apportioned to Minniesota's quotat besides one or -two companies of Cavalry alnd Batteries of L,ighlit Artillery, Slharpshooters, &c. TIllE TllHIRD RE(;IMEN'I' was completed in October. atnd remained at Fort Snelling until March. Among the citizens of Saint Paul who served in its ranks, the following gained coiimmissions: 400 iS6i ] and of the County of Ramsey, z1Iinnesota. Ephraim Pierce, Second Lieutenant, promoted First Lieutenant, Adjutant and Captain, Company F; Otto F. Dreher, First Lieutenant, Company F, promoted Captain, Company A; John C. Devereux, Second Lieutenant, Company G, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain; Damon Greenleaf, Second Lieutenant, Company I, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain; Hiram D. Gates, First Lieutenant, Company K. THE FOURTH REGIMENT Was organized ill December. Saint Paul was largely represellted ill its officers. as follows: John B. Sanborn, Colonel, afterwards Brigadier and Major General: D. M. G. AIMurL-phy, Quartermaster, promoted Captain. Company B' Dr. John H. Murphy, Surgeon; Geo. M. D. Lambert, Hospital Steward, promoted Assistant Surgeon; Rev,. Asa S. Fiske, Chaplain;. Frank E. Collins, Quartermaster Sergeant; Thomas P. Wilson, Commissary Sergeant, (afterwards Major of another regiment;) Wm. F. Wheeler, First Lieutenant, Company F, promoted Captain; James Drysdale, Second Lieutenant, Company F, promoted First Lieutenant; John G. Janicke, Second Lieutenant, Company G, promoted First Lieutenant; Edward H. Foster, Second Lieutenant. Company I; L. B. Martin, First Lieutenant, Company K, promoted Captain; Frank S. DeMers, Second Lieutenant, promoted Adjutant; Cheeseman Gould, Second Lieutenant, Company B, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain. THE FIFTH REG(IMENT' was recrutited mlostly duriing the winter of I86I-2, and u as not mustered in uniltil March, 1862. OLir citizens who bore commissions in that Battalion, are as follows: John C. Becht, Captain, Company E, promoted Major; Wmi. B. McGrorty, Quartermaster; Dr. J. A. Vervais, Surgeon; Rev. John Ireland,* * Right Reverend JOHN IRELAND, D. D., was born at Burnichurclh, Kilkenny county, Ireland, September 1, 183S. His parents came to America in 1849, settling at Chicago, where he attended school at "Saint Mary's of the Lake." Three years later, his father, RICHARD IRELAND, Esq., settled in Saint Paul, where hlie has since resided. In 1853, under the auspices of Bishop CRETIN, Dr. IRELAND left for France, to complete his studies, in company with Rev. THOMAS O'GORMAN, now of Rochester, Minnesota, and Rev. A. RAVOUX. The latter placed them at Meximeux, Ain, where Dr. IRELAND passed four years of preparatory study, and another four years with the Marist Fathers of Hyeres, Var, where lie completed his theological course. In i86i, hle returned to Saint Paul, and was ordained priest, by Bishop GRACE, on December 21. The next vear he was commissioned Chaplain of the Fifth Minnesota Volunteers, and remained in service a year, resigning on account of ill-health. Since that date hlie has been pastor of the cathedral parish. On February 12, 1875, he was appointed by the Sovereign Pon 401 402 The History of the City of Saint Paul, Chaplain; F. A. Cariveau, First Lieutenant, Company D; Killian Six, Second Lieutenant, Company E; Ross Wilkinson, First Lieutenant, Company F, promoted Captain; David O. Oakes, Second Lieutenant, Company F, (killed, May 28th, I862, at Corinth;) W. A. Van Slyke, Second Lieutenant, Company G; Luther E. Clark, Captain, Company I; Alpheus R. French, Second Lieutenant, Company I, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain; Patrick Ryan, First Lieutenant, Company I; James Farrell, First Lieutenant, Company I. BRACKETT'S BATTALION, originally three companies, attached to the Fifth Iowa Cavalry, was recruited in the fall of I86I. Commissioned officers firom Saint Paul as follows: Alfred B. Brackett, Captain, Company C, promoted Major and Lieut. Colonel; Henning Von Minden, Captain Company A, promoted Major; Albert T. Phelps, Captain, Company A; August Matheus, Captain, Company A; Gustave Leue, Second Lieutenant, Company A; Joseph J. Buck, Second Lieutenant, Company A; Geo. A. Freudenrich, Second Lieutenant, Company A; Adam Lindig, Second Lieutenant, Company A; Wm. Smith, Second Lieutenant, Company B, promoted Captain; Erwin Y. Shelley, First Lieutenant, Company C, promoted Captain; Mortimer Neeley, Second Lieutenant, Company C, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain; R. W. Peckham, Second Lieutenant, Company C; Charles H. Osgood, Second Lieutenant, Company C; Andrew J. Church, Second Lieutenant, Company C; Wm. B. McGeorge, Second Lieutenant, Company C, promoted First Lieutenant and Adjutant. At the elecdtion, on Odtober 9, the following officers were chosen: Senators.-JAMES SMITH, Jr., and J. R. IRVINE. Representatives.-HENRY L. CARVER, PHILIP ROHR, N. GROSS. Sheriflf.-D. A. ROBERTSON. Treasurer.-R. A. SMITH. Register.-CHARLTES PASSAVANT. Clerk of Court.GEO. \W. PRESCOTT. Attornev.-I. V. D. HEARD. Probate Judge.-J. F. HOYT. (HOYT resigned inI 862, when E. C. LAMBERT was elected.) tiff; Bishop of Maronea, in partibus hJifdehium, and Vicar Apostolic of Nebraska, but, at the solicitation of Bishop GRACE, this appointment was recalled, and Dr. IRELAND was appointed to the Coadjutorship of the See of Saint Paul-consecrated December 21, I875. Dr. IRELAND, since his priesthood began, has labored untiringly for the welfare of his flock, and is looked up to by them with the deepest affedtion. His labors in the cause of temperance, which have been blessed with remarkable success, have gained him the gratitude of every good citizen. He is zealous in tll good works, is an impressive and eloquent preacher, and, having attained a rank but few prelates reach at his age, a career of extensive usefulness is yet before him. [i86I [862] and of the County of Ramsey, ilfinnesota. EVENTS OF THE YEAR I862. The year i862, was marked by several important eventsamong which were the Sioux massacre, the heavy levies of troops, the beginning of our railroad system, &c. The principal legislation of the winter, affecting Saint Paul. was the creation of the Fifth Ward. The second company of Sharpshooters was recruited this spring. Capt. WM. J. RUSSEI.L, First Lieut. EMIL A. BURGER, and Second Lieut. JOHN A. W. JONES, were citizcens of Saint Paul. The Legislature of i862, did a work of great importance by infusing life into our dead railroads. The fi'anchlises, which the State secured by foreclosure sale in I860, were collnveyed to new corporations. Work was commenced vigorously on the Saint Paul and. Pacific Road, between Saint Paul and Saint Anthony, by Messrs. WINTERS & DRAKE,* and iron arrived early in the stummer, sufficient to lay the track to Saint Anthony. THE SAINT PAUIl AND PACIFIC RAIl,ROAD may truly be called a Saint Paul institution, and as such it has always been regarded. It was projeted and started by Saint Paul citizens, and has been almost exclusively managed and officered by them. The company was first chartered by the Legislature, May 22, 1857, and endowed with a part of the Congressional land grant, under the name Minnesota and Pacific Railroad," and authorized to construet a line 'from Stillwater via Saint Paul and Saint Anthony to Breckenridge, on the Sioux Wood River, with a branch from Saint Anthony via * ELIAS F. DRAKE, one of the pioneer railroad men of Minnesota, is a native of Ohio, in which State he lived until he came to St. Paul, in i86i. In early life he studied law, and practiced awhile, but was more interested in finance than law, antd was appointed cashier of the State Bank of Ohio, which position he filled ten years. Dur. ing that period he served three terms as member of the Legislature, one of which lihe was Speaker. He was largely interested in works of internal improvement, embarking capital in several of them. Mr. DRAKE, in company with two other capitalists, (HIRSHMAN & WINTERS,) in I862, built the first railroad in Minnesota, from Saint Paul to Saint Anithony, wvhich gave a start to our present splendid railroad system. Soon after, he, with some associates, took hold of the Minnesota Valley Railroad, and, in the face of great obstacles, completed it to Sioux City, Iowa, in 1872. Mr. DRAKE represented his county in the State Senate in IS74-5, with marked ability, and advantage to the State. He is known as one of the most able, sagacious, hard-working and resolute business men in our State. 403 4o4 Thze History of the City oft' Saint Paul,. Anoka, Saint Cloud and Crow Wing, to Saint Vincent, near the mouth of the Pembina River," &c. Among the names of the first Board of Direciors (named in the alt) were ALEX. RAMSEY, EDMUND RICE, R. R. NELSON, WM. L. AMES, CHARLES H. OAKES, F. R. DELANO, and other past and present citizens of Saint Paul. EDMUND RICE was first President. The line was surveyed in I857, and some grading done by SELAH CHAMBERLAIN that fall, but the panic, then raging, prevented much adtive work being done. When the five million loan bill was passed, in I858, work was resumed vigorously, and most of the bed between Saint Paul and Saint Anthony graded, when the failure of the loan scheme again compelled a stop page of work. In i860, the mortgage given by the road to the State, as security for its aid, was foreclosed, and the bed. fianchises, &c., became the property, of the State, and so remained until March, Io, I862, when the Legislature conferred them on EDMUND RICE, R. R. NELSON, E. A. C. HATCH, J. E. THOMPSON, WM. LEE, and others, with provisos that certain portions should be coistrudted by specified dates. The name of the corporation was also changed to "Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad Company." a A contra6t was soon entered into, (March II, I862,) with Messrs. E. F. DRAKE and V. WINTERS, to construdt the road firom Saint Paul to Saint Anthony, and it was completed and running on June 28, of that year. The first locomotive was the " William Crooks,"* named in honor of the Chief Engineer of the road; it was run by WEBSTER C. GARDNER, who still runs on the same road; and J. B. RICE, at present Assistant Superintendent, was the conducdtor of the first train. Hon. E. RICE, the President, about that time, went to England, where he enlisted capitalists in the construction of the road, and sent back 3,000 tons of rails for its construction. Work was steadily pushed on the road during the ensuing year. On February 6, I864, the road was divided into two companies-the part from Saint Paul to Breckenridge, and the Branch Line to Watab, being called the " First Division," under the presidency of GEO. L. BECKER, and the remaining portion, (Saint Cloud to Saint Vincent, Saint Paul to Winona, &c.,) being * VWILLIAM CROOKS w.IS born in New York City, June 20, 1832. He attended Vest Point Military Academy, and learned the profession of Civil Engineer. Ite came to Saint Paul in 1857, as Chief Engineer of the Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad, and was one of the men who helped carry through that enterprise in its dark and trying davs. In honor of his services, the first engine which ever turned a wheel in Minnesota, (1862,).was named for him. Col. CROOKS volunteered in the Sixth Regiment, in 1862; was conmmnissioned Colonel, and commanded that fine battalion two years, resigning Odtober, J864. He then aided Hon. E. RICE in starting the "River Road," makimg two trips to Europe, &c. Col. CROOKS was a member of the Legislature in 1875, tand has been re-ele6ted for another term. He,lso served:, term as member of the Board of Public Works of Satint Ptul. [iS62 I862] aJnd of the Cou,nty of Ramsey, i,ni'izesola. called the "Saint Paul and Pacific." Recently, the Saint Vincent branch has been leased to the " First Division" for 99 years, and thus is now again virtually one organization. On the Branch Line, the road was completed to Elk River, 39 miles, am\ ~ ~~' i;~~~~/ ~~ ~~~~< I 1~~~~~ I II 7 in I864, and, on September I, I866, to Saint Cloud, 74 mniles. On the Main Line it was completed to Wayzata in I867; to Willmar in i869: to Benson in I870, and to Breckenridge, 2I7 miles from Saint Paul, in October, I87I. The road from Saint Cloud to Melrose, 35 miles, has also been completed, and from Glyndon to Crookston, 84 miles, &c. E., ffi CUSHMAN K. DAVIS. body of the unknown man, found in the removed to Milwaukee, where he practiced some time, but ultimately returned to Wauikesha, at which place, in I862, he enlisted ill the Twenty-eighth Wisconsin Volunteers. He was, not log atfter, promoted to First Lieutenant, and was put on the staff of Gen. GORMAN, with the rank ofAssistant Adjutant General. When Gen. GORIMAN retired from the service, Capt. DAVIS returned to his command, and was made Judge Advocate of the D)epartmeut. After several months' service, illness compelled him to withdraw from the army. He settled ili Saint Paul in i864, engaging in the practice of law with great success. In i&66, he was elected to the Legislature, and, ili I868, appoilted United States District Attorney. In November, I873, he was elected Governor, and has filled tlhat office with ackiowledged ability. Hle is one of the most scholarl snd ready,r speakers in our State. 43I defense was, that the 4The History of the Citl, of Saint Paul. river, was not that of HARCOURT. The prosecution, Tudge S. M. FLINT and H. J. HORN, Esq., had the body exhumed, and endeavored to prove, by its size. &c., and articles found on it, that it was HARCOURT'S body. The jury, on the first trial. disagreed, and, on a second trial in the spriing of i868, VAN SOLEN was acquitted. The Pioneer, in commenting on the case, said:'It is a case painfiul as it is mysterious and one of the dark riddles that occur more frequently in real life than in the attractive pages of fiction." The election this fall resulted in the choice of the following officers: Senator.-GEO. L. BECKER. Representatives.-WM. P. MURRAY, D. C. JONES and C. H. LIENAUT. Sheriff.-D. A. ROBERTSON. Treasurer. -C. S. ULINE. Register. -J. MNIAINZER. Attorinev.-S. M. FLINT, &C. NECROI, OGY OF 1867. Died, January 5, JACOB BECK, an ex-soldier, Turner, &c. January 20, BENSON GALLOWAY, for some years a merchant on Third street. March 20, D. C. MURRAY, an old resident. April 2, at Waconia, B. RODECK, a prominent fireman. April 26, JAMES WILEY, a well-known citizen. Junlle 7, MICHAEL DORNIDEN, member of City Council. JlIne I9, Dr. WM. CAINE, homepathic physician since i858S. July 5, CHARI. ES PATTEN, a resident since I852. Julyl 7. WII LIIAM PERKINS. an earl- settler. AuguLst 4, Capt. SAMiTEL T. RAGITET, late of the First Minnesota Volunteers. a prominent fireiman, merchant, &c. PRINCIPAl. EVENTS OF THE YEAIR i868. On January 9, a row of frame buildings on the northeast corner of Third and Wabasha streets, burned down. J. L. FOREPAUGH, that year, erected on the site, his fine block, nowthe property of P. F. McQUILLAN, by whose name it is known. It is the largest and finest business block in our city. On February 29, the Daily Dispatch, an evening journal, was-issIued( bv H. P. HALI, and DAVID) RAMAIEVF. Ei868 43? iS68] and of the Couznl, qf Ramsey, /linnesota. April 2zi, Mackubin's Block burned. Total loss, $I 20,000. The city election this spring, resulted Mayor.-Dr. J. H. STEWART. City Justice.-O. MALMROS. Comptroller.-J. W. ROCHE. Treasurer. NICHOLAS GROSS. The Council elected JOHN J. WIi LIAMS as Citv Clerk, &c. McQUILLAN BLOCK. May 22, the RotaryT Mill. an old landmark, burned. August 8, old Christ church, (Cedar street,) burned. The post-office was removed to the Opera House this season. At the State election, this fall, the following officers were chosen: Representatives. JOHN M. GILMAN,* JAMES J. * JOHN M. GILMAN was born in Vermiont, September 7, I824. Hle was admitted to the'pradtice of law in that State, and removed to Ohio in I846, settling at New Lisbon. Ile was a member of the Legislature of that State in I849-50. He removed to Saint Paul in September, i857, and soon afterwards formed a law partnership with HIon. JAS. SMITrH, Jr., whlichl continued some years. He is now a member of the firn of" GILMAN, CLOUGHI & LANE." Mr. GILMAN has been three times a member of the Legislature from this county, and has rendered the State valuable service in that capacity. 433 434 Thze Hivtory of the Civy of Saint Paul. EGAN and PAUL FABER. Judge of Probate. O. SrTEPHEFNSON. County Auditor.-S. LEE DAVIS. NECROLOGY OF I868.' Died, January 15, SAMUEL L. VAWTER, a prominent merchant. February 2, ELIAB L. WHITNEY, an early real estate dealer. February 3, ill Hennepin county, JAMES DAY, a pioneer builder of Saint Paul. Februa-ry 2I, GEORGE H. OAKES, a well-known early resident. February 26, at Toronto, Canada, H. HOLMES, an early surveyor of Saint Paul, afterwards a General in the Confederate States Army. March 14, Rev. J. E. DIXON, a teacher. March 29, at Orono, Judge MosEs SHERBURNE, one of the early jurists of Minnesota. April IO, RUDOLPH H. FITZ, a pioneer builder, Alderman, &c. April Io, THOMAS H. CALDER, a well-known charater of early- days. April 2I, S. R. CHAMPLIN, a merchant for many years. April 27, at Chicago, by suicide, WM. WVOOD, of the firm of MEHAFFEY & BLACK, in 1856. May20, JIM LORD, a relic of early days. July I2, Capt. EUGENE H. FAI,ES, an ex-army officer. August 4, SIMON POWERS, a pioneer stage line operator. August 30, at Louisville, " Presi(lenIt" JONES, an eccentric character, who lived at Saint Paul for several years. September I9, MICHAEL J. WISE, an old resident. October Io. Dr-. J. A. VERVAIS, a pioneer physician. November 6, Rev. T. H. N. GERRY, a Protestant Episcopal clergyman. December 25, THOMAS WALL,I well known in political circles. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF I869. January I. Jubilee of colored citizens at Ingersoll Hall, to celebrate the'amendment to the State Constitution conferring on them the elective franchise. January 12. Masonic Hall, in McQiillan's Block, dedicated. February 3. The International Hotel burned. This fire commenced about two o'clock a. m. There were over 200 guests in the house. but all escaped without injury. The loss was stated at $I25,00ooo. [See page 365.] During the Legislative session of 1869, a bill was intro [i869 i869] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. duced, by Hon. C. H. CLARKE, of Hennepin county, to remove the Capital to Kandiyohi county, on one of the setions of land called " Capital lands." The bill passed both houses, with very little opposition-probably being regarded in the natutre of a joke. When presented to Gov. MARSHALL for his signature, he declined to approve it, and returned the bill, with his reasons for vetoing it, which were probably satisfactory, as a motion to pass it over his veto failed to carry. The same, or substantially the same, measure was introduced again in I872, but met with no favor. The city election this spring resulted in the choice of the following officers: Mayor.-JAMES T. MAXFIELD. Comptroller.-J. W. ROCHE. Attorney.-W. A. GORMAN. Assessor.-CHARLES PASSAVANT. Surveyor.-D. L. CURTICE. Street Comlnmissioner.-FRANK DECK. The City Council elecEted JOHN J. WVITI.IAMS. Citv Clerk: Dr. MATTOCKS, Health Officer, &c. THE CITY WEATER WORKS. An important event of this year was the completion of the city water works, by the "Saint Paul Water Company." This company was first chartered in i857, but nothing was (lone by the parties holding the franchises, until about I864 or i865. when C. D. GILFILLAN, and others, took hold of the enterprise, and, after much labor and expenditure, completed the works. The water was turned on from Lake Phelan, the reservoir, on August 23. There has been in all, i7 miles of pipe laid, three miles of canals built, and I, Ioo buildings are now supplied with water. The works have a capacity of 4,300,00ooo gallons every 24 hours. In all, $340,ooo have been invested in the works. To the energy, perseverance and enterprise of Hon. CHARLES D. GILFILLAN,* president of the company, * CHARLES D. GILFILLAN was born near Utica, New York, July 4, I83I. He was educated at Hamilton College, and removed to Missouri, in I85o. In April, i85z, lihe came to Saint Paul, then removed to Stillwvater, where he practiced law three years, returning to Saint Paul in 1854, and continuing his profession here. He was elected to the Legislature in i864 and S1865. At the close of the latter term, lie began the construction of the Saint Paul Water Works, which will always entitle him to the rank of one of the h,enefictors of our city Ie hais just been electeld t third tiie Lto the Ilegis lature. 435 4The flisory f he C of size Ci Sit POu,/, [i869 Saint Paul is indebted for this valuable improvement and perhaps no city in the Union is more cheaply or easily supplied with water than Saint Paul. The State election, (November 2,) was somewhat more closely contested than usual this year. Hon. GEO. L. OTIS. one of our most popular and esteemed citizens, was a candidate for Governor, and, although his party throughout the State was in a hopeless minoritv. he received a vote in this CHARLES D. GILFILLAN. county that was a generous compliment to him, the result being: for HORACE AUSTIN, 778; for Mr. OTIS, 2847! The county officers elected were: Senator. —GEo. L. BECKER. (no opposition.) Representatives. —JOHN M. GILMAN. PAUl FABER, JNO. L. MERRIAM. Clerk of Court. —ALIBEIT ARMSTRONGc. Sheriff.l —JOHN GRACE. TreasuIrer.-C. S. ULINE. 436 i870] and of the County o~'Ramsey, ll/innesota. Register.- JACOB MAINZER. County Attorney. —HARVEY OFFICER. The newspapers reporte(l that 509og btiildings were built this year, at a total cost of $I,500,000. NECROLOGY OF 1869. Died, near Princeton, Minnesota, January 7, friom it gun-shot wound, GEO. W. THOMPSON, an earlv residelnt. Janitlary 14 ROBERT P. PATTERSON, aI brick-mason, well-known ill the city. January 26. at Chlicago, RICHARD MARSHAII,, foi)rmerly proprietor of the City Mills. FebrLuary 22, near Omaha. bv * freezing, H. H. GILBERT, formerly Deputy State Treasurei, and Qlartermaster of the Sixth Regiment. March I 9 CHARLES CREEK, an early settler. March 27, Rev. DEME TRIUS MAROGNA, priest of Assumption church. April I I NELSON GIBBS, for several years City Justice, &c. May 8, JULIUS SCHMIDT, well known to theatre-goers. May 28, ASA GOODRICH. for several years presidelnt of the gas company. Julie 29, GEO. C. MOTT, since 1861, clerk in the Surveyor General's office. July IO, at Chicago, MASON M. FORSYTHIE, at well-known business man of Saint Paul. July I4, JOSEI)I1 CAMPBELL, an old settler. August IO. Col. HENRY McKEN TVY, once the largest and most prominent real estate dealer in Minniesota. October 30, ANDY L. SHEARER, for some years a "banker" on Jackson street. November 12, LOUIS C. JONES, a capitalist. November 22, JACOB B. BRADEN, t highly respected merchant. November 22, ORRIN CURTIS, formerly Mayor of Saint Anthoiny, a well-known insurance tgent. November 25, DAVID STUART, Jr., tnl old resident. Deceimber 30, THOM,IAS DALY, well known in political circles. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF TIlE YEAR 1870. Dutring the rebuilding of part of the Sailit Paul bridge, this winter, al young mtan, named JAMES NOLAN, fell about IOO ifeet on the ice. and was killed. At the spring election, only one ticket was in the field, beilg elected as follows: Mavor.-WILLIAM LEE.* Comp * W\\'ILLIAM LEE, one of the oldest wholesale merchants of Minnesota, wvas born in Milford, Hunterdoni county, New Jersey, April I4, i822. After completing his educa 437 -78te History (y' the City ofj Sain;t'/aul, [i S87o troller.-JOHN W. ROCHE. City Justice.-THtiOMAS HOWARD. Treasurer.-MICHAEL ESCHii. Stirveyor.-D. L. CURTICE. The City Council elected WM. RHODES, President; M. J. O'CONNOR, City Clerk; Dr. MATTOCKS, Health Officer. The river was on a freshet this spring, being the highest water for 20 years. May 4, JOSEPH A. WIEELOcK was appointed postmaster. May /9, Concert Hall Block burned. A young lady, named McLELLAN, was burned to death; and two brothers, named MUELIER, tailors, saved their lives only by leaping from the windows in the rear to the foot of the bluff; receiving frightfiul injuries. The fire spread across the street, consuming several buildings. The total loss was $50,000ooo. June I, the corner-stone of the new Merchants' Hotel was laid by the Old Settlers' Association, with appropriate ceremonies. On June 27, the Metropolitan Hotel was opened, GILBERT IDUTICHER, proprietor. The census of I870 showed a rapid growth of the city since I865. The total population of the city was reported at 20,030; county, 23,085. An atrocious murder was committed, onl September 2, inll Rose township. A man, named JOSEPH STEITLE, of Saint Anthony, was enticed away firom home by a tramp, named DA.NIEL GUNDY, who murdlered and robbed himn. GUNDY was convicted of the crime in March following, and sentenced to imprisonment for life. The Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad was completedl and opened to Duluth in August, this year, thus giving our city a coninection with the great lake system, which has been of incalculable advantage to its commerce. The State election this fall resulted in the choice of the following officers: Representatives.-H. H. SIBLEY, JOHN L. tion, he engaged in mercantile business at Easton, Pennsylvania, and, in 1859, removed to Saint Paul, where he established what is inow one of the leading jobbing houses in our city. Mr. LEE was twice elected Mayor, and is at present County Co,mmiissioner, serving the public with fidelity and ability. While devoted to his business, he finds time to engage in politics, simnply (as he asserts, and the writer believes,) as at recreation from business cares! 438 187o, and of thc Cozunty of Ranzsey, m'innesota. MERRIAM, CIIRIS. STAHLIMAN. Probate Judge.-O. STrEPIIENSON. County Auditor. —HIRAM J. TAYILO1. Navigation remained open this fall iunprecedentedly late. A steamboat excursion in aid of the Home of the Friendless, came off on December I 7-the latest on record. NECROLIOGY OF I870. Died, April I I, CHARLES A. MORGAN, for several years City Treasurer. May I2, at Hebron, Illinois, JOHN McCoNKEY, a former railroad man. May 21, THOMAS TtIOMAS, a pioneer builder. May 28, JAMES E. THOMPSON, President of the First National Bank. May 30, J. W. SIMPSON, one of the pioneers of the city. June 6, ISAAC A. BANKER, one of the earlier surveyors and real estate dealers. June 4, EDWARDI) COLES LAMBERT, for many years Probate Judge, City Justice, &C. June 23, WILLIAM ILLINGWVORTH, town-clock builder. June i6, at Charleston, Illinois, JONATHAN FROST. one of the early merchants. July II, Lieutenant CHARLES RAMPE, formeriy of the Second Regiment. Ocqober 6, by suicide, WIILIIAMN YUNG. OCtober 29, F. SCHWARTZ, a well-known German citizen. November II, VETAL GUERIN, the oldest living settler-. November I6, HENRY BUEL, for many years a well-known merchant. December 9, WILLIAM J. CULLEN, a prominent public maii. December 28, I,LOT MOFFET, builder and( proprietor of'" Moflet's Castle," or the Temperance House. 439 Thc History oj thxe City of Saint Paul, [I87I CHAPTER XXXIV. EVENTS OF THE YEARS. I871 TO i875. ADVANCE IN REAL ESTATE-THE PRAIRIE FIRES-RELIEF FOR CHICAGO SUFFER ERS-CHANGES IN CITY CHARTER-BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS CREATED-PUB LIC PARE PURCHASED-STREET RAILWAY BUILT-MORE STEAMERS SECURED THE GREAT STORM OF I873-CUSTOM HOUSE COMPLETED-THE JAY COOKE PANIC-ANNEXATION OF WEST SAINT PAUL-A CARNIVAL OF CRIME-THE CENSUS OF 1875-CONCLUSION. HE events of the period fiom I870 to the present date. canl only be briefly noted. as they are too recent, and not sufficiently iV' historical" to bear chronicling at mluch.-length. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF I87. One of the noticeable features of this year, was the rapid and decided advance ill real estate. The demand was better, and sales more ready, than for several years-perhlaps, better than since the fatal I857. WToodland Park, and a number of other additions, were, about this date, got into market, and the rapid advance in prices-sometimes doubling in a few weeks-almost reminded one of the kiting days before the miemorable collapse. It set the real estate market all ablaze, and gave it an impetus which continued until the JAY COOKE dlisaster of September, I873, again checked it. The city elecdtion this spring resulted in the following choice: Mavor.-WILLIAM LEE, re-eledted. Attorney. -W. A. (GORMAN. Comptroller.-JOHN MN. ROCHE. Surveyor.-D. L. CURTICE. July 5, the Mininesota State Sabbath School Convention assembled in a temporary building, opposite the Capitol. The State Fair took place at the Driving Park, September 26, 27, 28 and 29. The fall of this year was memnorable for the destructive fires in the NTorthlwest —WTisconsin, Michigiant a-d( our own priairie region were swept by the flames. The crowning d(lisaster was 440 s87i] sand of the County of Ramsey, lfinnesota. the great fire of Chicago, Oalober 8th and 9th. Our City CouLncil, as soon as it could be called together, appropriated $20,000o for the relief of the sufferers of that city, and the amount was taken to Chicago the same evening. A considerable amount in money, provisions and clothing, was also sent to the sufferers by our prairie fires. On O6tober 24, 25 and 26, occurred the excursion of the Old Settlers' Association of Minnesota, to the Red River of the North, to celebrate the completion of the Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad to that river. The State ele6tion this fall, (November,) resulted in the following choice: Distrit Judge.-WESTCOTT WILKIN. Treasurer.-CAL. S. ULIINE. Sheriff:-JOHN GRACE. Register of Deeds. JACOB MAINZER. County Attorney.-Wr. W. ERWIN. Sutirvevor.-C. M. BOYLE. Court Commissioner.-G. SIEGENTHAILER. Senators.-JOHIN NICOLS and ISAAC V. D. HEARD. Representatives.-JOHN B. SANBORN, PETERt BERKEY.* JAMES C. BURBANK, H. M. SMYTIHE and EDMUND RICE. December 15, the Ramsey County Pioneer Associatioi was organized. This society was designed to include all who settled in this county prior to the admission of the State, (May i I, i858,) and who were of age at the date of the organization of the society. The newspapers reported that 832 buildings were built duri;g I87I, at a total cost of $1,735,76I. Died, January 9, WVM. BEAUMETTE, one of the earliest settlers in Saint Paul., (I838.) January II, at Santa Barbara, California, Major H. A. KIMBALL, a lawyer of this city. * Capt. PETER BERKEY, one of the self-made men of our city, was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvan.ia, in iS22. His early life was one of hard labor, privation, and but little opportunity for education. To his own pluck and industry he owes his present respe6ted position in our comnmunity. In early days, he struggled with fortune on the canals, railroads and stage roads of his native State. He and SELAH CHAMBERLAIN stood by the track of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in 1836, and saw the first train go by. Ile came to Minnesota in 1855, and has since been engaged in the hardware, iron, railroad, livery, insur.tnce and banking business, at various dates. I-e is nowv President of the Saint Paul, Stilvwater and Taylor's Falls Railroad, Director of the Second Natioilal Bank, &c. Ile has given the city and county years of valuable service, as Al. derniman, County Comnuissioner, member of the Legislature, and other offices, and in all B,,,d enterplrises is a most valuable and reliable citizen. 29 44z T44 he History of the City of Saint Paul, January 28, at Cottage Grove, PIERCE P. FURBER, for many years actuary of Oakland cemetery, and Justice of the Peace, First Ward. March 3, WM. R. WOOD, a draughtsman ill the Surveyor General's office. March 4, JOHN AUSTIN, a wellknown English resident. March 20, at Little Canada, PIERRE GERVAIS, a resident here, I838 to I845. April 7, CHARLES WVEED, a well-known railroad agent. April I I, Major NATHANIEL MCLEAN, ex-editor and public officer; at settler of 1849. April I6, at Saint Peter, ROBERT F. SLAUGHTER, an early real estate dealer. June I3, at Waterford, Peinnsylvania, JOHN CURTIS, for many years a hotel keeper and hardware dealer. June 20, JOHN B. LAHR. August 4, AMOS W. PEARSON, a manufacturer of this city. August 30, C. G. WYCKOFF, a public officer, prominent Mason, &c. September 22, GEORGE LOWRY, for many years a saddler. October 2, JOHN C. RAGUET, a prominent merchant. November 27, at Saint Cloud, MASON H. MILLS. December 25, HENNING VON MINDEN, an officer during the war, engineer, &c. EVENTS OF TIIE YEAR I872. Some very important amendments were made to the charter of the city by the Legislature this winter. One was, providing that the city election should be held (after IS72) the same day as the State election, and terms of officers expiring in the spring of I873 should continue until 1874. Each ward was also divided into two election precincits, and the limits of the city largely extended. A "Board of Public Works" was also created, to consist of five members, one from each ward. They are charged with the control and supervision of public improvements generally. The Board has performned a large amount of work in improving our streets, sewerage, &c., though at considerable expense. Another important act was the one authorizing the purchase of a public park. Five comnmissioners were to be appointed by the District Judge, to purchase a suitable tract for that purpose. Judge WILKIN soon after appointed H. H. SIBLEY, J. A. WHEELOCK, SAMUEL COLHOUN, W. P. MURRAY, and J. C. BURtBANK. After some months of inqtliry and sutrvey, a [I872 872] and of the County of Ramsey, finnesota. verv fine tract bordering onl Lake Como, containing about 260 atcres, was purchased for $ioo,ooo, the bonds for which were issued by the City Council. The last spring city election was held onl April 2, resulting ill the following choice: Mayor.-Dr. J. H. STEWART. Treasutirer.-MIcHAEL EScH.'Justice.-ARCHIBALD McELRATH. Commissioners.-CASPER H. SCIHURMEIER, PETER BERKEY. On February io, the "Saint Paul, Stillwater and Taylor's Falls Railroad" was formally opened by an excursion, and on February 14, the West Wisconsin Railroad, a new route to Chicago, was dedicated to business by an excursion. During this year, the first street railway was chartered and constructed. On July I4, two miles were opened to travel. The following year a branch line was built. On July 2, two new steam fire engines were ordered by the City Council, and soon after received, making four in all in use by our Fire Department, which is now one of the best managed and most efficient in the country. On July 24, the Sheriff of Crow Wing county, fearing trouble with the Chippewas, owing to the lynching of two of their number, at Brainerd, telegraphed for a military force from this city. Although this was late at night, by daylight next morning, two military companies were under arms, and en route for Brainerd. Fortunately the expedition was a bloodless one, and is now generally known as the "' Blueberry War." At the State election this fall, the following officers were chosen: Senator. EDMUND RICE. Representatives.-J. N. ROGERS, HUBERT H. MILLER, GEO. BENZ, HENRY A. CASrTLiE, H. J. BRAINARD. Auditor.-J. B. OLIVIER. Probate Judge.-H. R. BRILL. Mr. OLIVIER resigned soon after, and was elected Abstract Clerk. S. LEE DAVIS was elected as Auditor. The winter of I872, set in unusually early (and severe, and a fuel famine" added to its discomfort. December 2I, "Warner's Corner," as it was long known, })urlned down, together with the building adjoining, then occIu 443 ihe Hilstory o' lhe City of' Saint Paul. [I 872 pied by A. T. C. PIERSON. In the latter, a young man, named JOHN H. DOWLING, was burned to death. The season of I872, was remarkable for the number of fine buildings erected. The papers reported 932 buildings built during the year, at a cost of $2,346,487. Died, Jatnuar-y 12, BARON VON FREUDENREICHI, a native of Germany, a resident since I856. January I4, at Memphis, R. MCLAGAN, an early settler. January 27, WM. B. NEWCOMB, a prominent merchant. January 28, Capt. JOHN O'GORMAN, formerly Chief of Police. January 30, J. A. CHAFFEE, merchanit. February I, at Chaska, JAMES HOUGHTON, pioneer steamboatman. February Io, at Carver, GEO. P. HOLMES, formerly of Saint Paul. February i6. TIIOMAS SHEARAN, Alderman Second Ward. February 28, DAvID -HART, a wellknown tobacconist. April 4, MARSIIALIL SEIL LERS..an old resident. April 22, GEORGE P. PEABODY, a prominent merchant. May 2, WALTER KITTREDGE, many years in the hotel business. May 3, at Elgin, Illinois, WALTER W. WEBB, a youIng merchant. May 20, at Lakeville PATRICK O'GORMAN, for several years an Alderman. June 3. RODNEY PARKER, a pioneer hotel keeper. June 19, J. R. BREWSTER. June 26. I. C. GEORGE, a well-known railroad man. July 7, Capt. CHAS. G. PETTYS, an early real estate dealer. August 3, Au(;UST VON BEECK. formerly of Fifth Regiment. Augutist 9, at San Jose, California, JUDSON A. RUSSELL, several years clerk of the Press office. August 26, at Cleveland, Ohio, ANDREW SPENCER, formerly a Saint Paul hotel keeper. September I2, LUTHER H. EDDY, for several years Alderman, ChiefofPolice, &c. September 2l,JoHN H. CARRIER. September 23, at Chicago. C. N. PEASE, formerly,a bookseller here. Ocdober 9, ALLAN CAMPBEI.L, an editor of Daily Di.patch. Oc6tober 25, Rev. J. R. BALME, an Englishman by birth. used to preachl on the levee, &c. November 6, Wm. TOWLERTON. November 9, BUTLER COMSTOCK, a pine land operator. November 2I, Dr. SAMUEL WILLEY, a promninent physician for many years. Nov. 27, JOHN P. KILROY, well-known in Second Ward politics. December 12, at Ticonderoga. New York. R. WV. DELANo. for several years a 444 0 1873] and of the Counly of Ramsev, Minnesota. member of Saint Paul School Board. December 31, WM. BRANCH. railroad builder. public man. &c. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF I1873. The year I873, opened with a storm, unequalled in severity and destructiveness bv any which had ever occurred in the memory of man. On January 7, a "' polar wave" swept over the State lasting somie 36 hours, during which time, the wind blew an icy gale, and the air was filled with fine snow. Ill a report made by Gov. AUSTIN to the Legislature, on the subject, it is stated that 70 persons died from exposure, a large number were maimed, and about 300 cattle. horses, &c., perishlied. January 29. Odd Fellows' Hall. in Semper's Block. was burned Onl February 9' the Saint Paul Custom House was so far completed, that the post-office was removed to it-a change hailed with joy. The Custom House had occupied five years inl construction, and cost $350,ooo. The engraving accompanying this, shows its fine proportions and architecture-a building that is truly an ornament to our city. On September I9, the news was circulated of the failure of JAY COOKE. Those who remembered the disastrous failure of the Ohio Life and Trust Company, in I857, (page 380,) were apprehensive that.history was about-to repeat itself, and that another financial revulsion would occur. While to some extent it did occur in the manufacturing districts and money centers of the east, it was scarcely felt here, beyond a slight stringency of the money market. and a dullness in real estate. Not a failure of any mercantile or banking house occurred as a consequence, nor did any manufacturing establishment close its doors. How vastly diflerent was our condition in I857. when a similar flurry utterly wrecked every branch of butsiness and every enterprise. Then, there was no real wealth. no actual capital, no solvent business, no prodtuction to create exchange, and a currency not worth the paper used inll its issue. Everything was fictitiouts and unreal. Now, how change(d. Twenty million bushels of wheat marketed per annum, ha(l 445 ______ ~ 11 _____~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,I I I II I'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' -'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~ ~1 I ~~~~~~~~~~ I III~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' CUSIOM HOUSE. --- - -- -- - I -- I f CII) I873] and of the County of Ramsey, l/innesota. created real financial strength and profitable trade. Wealth and capital had accumulated. Few or none were in debt, and all in a condition to laugh at panics. Sixteen years had built up from the soil a new commonwealth, strong in its own resources, with capital accumulated from honest industry and( trade, and with reserve means to weather even severelr financial storms unscathed. The ele6tion on November 4, combined, for the first time, the citv with the State tickets, making a lengthy list of officers elected, as follows: Senator.-E. F. DRAKE. Representatives.-L. HOYT, GEO. BENZ, T. M. METCALF,* JOHN X. DAVIDSON, H. MEYERDING. Treasurer.-CALVIN S. ULINE. Sherifl'.-JOHN GRACE. Register.-THEO. SANDER. Attorney.-C. D. O'BRIEN. Surveyor.-C. M. BOYLE. Clerk of Court.-A. ARMSTRONG. Coroner.-P. GABRIF.LSEN. For the citv: Mayor.-J. H. STEWART. Treasurer. -F. A. RENZ. Attorney.-W. A. GORMAN. This fall, a moving appeal for aid was received from the frontier counties, which had been ravaged by the grasshoppers. Large donations in money, food and clothing were sent to the sufferers, with that lavish generosity that has always characterized our city. Died. Februarv 8. WILLIAM L. AMES, an early resident. February 27, F. J. METZGAR, an early resident. March 13, CASPER H. SCHURMEIER, a prominent German citizen. March 25, Judge SHERMAN FINCH, a much respected lawyer. Mav 5! JOHN H. GRINDAILL, a well-known builder. May 9, MICHAEL HARRIS, a prominent fireman. May I4, at Barabdo, Wisconsin, Lieut. EDWIN J. VAN SLYKE, formerly of the Heavy Artillery. May I6, at Chicago, OSCAR R. COWLES. better known as'' King Cole," a well-known sporting man in Saint Paul, I855 to 1858. May 3I, H. HERWEGEN, a merchant. June 24, at Denver, GUSTAVE HANCKE, a well-known * TRACY M. METCALF was born in Homer, New York, I827. Ir. 1852, he removed to Michigan, where he was engaged in the Paymaster's Department, of the Southern Michigan Railroad, until 1854, when he came to Saint Paul. Mr. METCALF was City Comptroller,, from 1857to 1859; County Auditor, in i861 and 1862, and member of the Legislature in I874. He was also Chief Clerk in the Provost Marshal's office in this district, from 1862 to i865. For the past ten years he has beeni in the real estate busin ess. 447 7The History of the City of Sainl Paul, and popular musician. July IO, MICHAEL EscH, City Treasurer. July I13, HOWARD A. HUNT, merchant. July 25, at Minneapolis, CONRAD ZENZIUS, direoior of the Musical Society. July 29, JOHN NICOLS, iron merchant, several years Senator from this county, &c. August 6, Major ROBERT WHITACRE, capitalist and real estate operator. September 5, Lieut. HARRY H. WILSON, formerly of the Heavy Artillery. September 20, HUGO PETZHOLD, a German politician. October I,. GILBERT DUTCHER, proprietor of the Metropolitan Hotel. September 26, at the Insane Asylum, Saint Peter, GEORGE MORTON, for several years Captain of Police. October 13, JOHN SIMs. December 25, A. W. GRENIER. Deceimber 26. ISAAC VAN ETTEN. a prominent lawver. PRINCIPAl EVENTS OF 1874. At the Legislative session this winter, several acts afiecting this city and county were passed. One was the revised and consolidated city charter-a ponderous document of Ioo pages. Another important act was the one authorizing a change of the county line between Dakota and Ramsey counties, so as to annex West Saint Paul to this city and county. This proposed change was to be voted on at the next general election, and, if approved by a majority of the people of the two counties, should become a law. April 2d, the newspapers reported a daring forgery on two of our banks, by which the perpetrator gained $7,400. No certain clue to the bold rascal was ever gained. 'This season, the old Pioneer Hook anid Ladder btlil(lingo was converted into court rooms and offices for the county. April 22, the Daily Pioneer became the property of Ilon. DAVID BLAKELY. August I 2, Prof. S.S. TAYLOR, shot and seriously wounded bv a burglar, whom he surprised in his house. September 9, serious fire on Third street; HUNTINGTON'S photograph gallery, and other parties, burned out. The State election this year, (November 3,) resulted in the choice of the following officers: Auditor.- S. LEE DAVIS. Probate Judge.-O. STEPHENSON. Senator.-W. P. MUR 448 [I874 1874] and of the Cozunty of Ramsey, Minnesota. RAY. Representatives. -WM. CROOKS, H. H. MILLER, GEORGE BENZ, F. R. DELIANO, LORENZO HOYT. CountyCommissioners.-WM. LEE and E. S. BLASDELL. The total vote cast in the city at the election, was 5,o07. On change of county line, the vote stood-yeas 4,700; nays, 53. Dakota countyt also v-oted in favor of it. Due proclamation of the ratification of the Legislative act, was made by the Governor, on November i6, and West Saint Paul became a part of our city being designated as the Sixth Ward. By this annexation, about 2,80o acres were added to the area of Saint Paul. making in all an area within our city limits of I3,583 acres, or twenty-one and one-fifth square miles. One of the imme(liate results of the annexation was, abolishing tolls on the Saint Paul bridge, and it was thrown open to free use on November 4. This year was charadterized by an unusual amount of crime. On August 3, near the head of Rice street, a man, named MICHAEL KEI,LEY stabbed BARNEY LAMB, during an altercation, killing him almost instantly. KEI LEY was tried twice, and, on the second trial, found guiltv, and sentenced to the State's prison for life. On November 1, JOSEPH LICK and his wife. ULRICA, were attacked in the yard of their residence, No. 59 West Tenth street. late at night, by some parties armed with a hatchet and knife. Mrs. LICK was killed, and her husband severely injur-ed. Three persons, Mr. and Mrs. FRANK RAPP and GEO. LAUTENSCHI,AGER, were arrested for the act, and subsequently found guilty of murder in the first degree-the latter being condemned to suffer the death-penaltv. Mr. and Mrs. RAPP were sentenced to the State's prison for life, and an appeal to the Supreme Court, in the case of LAITTENSCHLAGER, is now pending. On November Io, a man, named JOHN H. ROSE, shot PAT RICK O'CONNOR, a respectable and industrious contra&or, with a gun, in broad daylight, on a public street. O'CONNOR died in a day or two. ROSE was convicted the following summer of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to the State's prison for life. 449 450 Thze ]iistory of the City of Saint Paul, The municipal election was held this year, (under the revised charter,) separate from the State election, on December 6. There was only one ticket nominated for city officers, and( they were elected, as follows: Mayor.-JAMES T. MAXFIELD.* Comptroller.-JOHNW. ROCHE. City Justice.-S. M. FLINT. The Sixth Ward. fobr the first time, joined in our citv election. Died, January 10, MARTIN WHELAN, an old resident. Jantiary I9, J. J. PRENDERGAST, a prominent fireman. January 27, by accident, TIMOTHY McCARTHY. March 29, EDWARDI) HOGAN, for many years a well-known dry goods merchant. March 30, DAVID GUERIN, one of thie first white children born in Saint Paul. April 6, at Chicago, A. VON GLAHN, a capitalist of Saint Paul in early years. April 9, CHARLES SYMONDS, the first ice dealer in Saint Paul. April 28, ROBERT TERRY, an old settler. May I I, Capt. LOUIS ROBERT, a pioneer of Minnesota, for many years a prominent trader, &c. June 5, (at Dixon, Illinois,) WM. KENNEDY, for sixteen years Superintendent of the Saint Paul Gas Company. June I I, JOHN L. STRYKER, a well-known real estate owner. August 31, Hon. HENRY AcKER, formerly member of the Legislature, Federal officer, County Superintendent of Schools, &c. October 6, Dr. THOMAS R. POTTS, City Phlysician, an old settler. October I2, Capt. WM. PAIST, Secretary of the State Agricultural Society, State Grange, &c. November- I, (at Chicago,) S. K. PUTNAM, formerly Alderman. October 3I, HENRY SHEARAN, for several years a policelman. Novemnber 25, at Newport, Minnesota, WM. R. BROWN, for manyv vears a resident of the city. PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF I875. The months of January and February were characterized(I by intense and unusually protracted cold weather. * JAMES T. MAXFIELD was born in Norwich, Ohio, March 7, 1827, and lived in thlat city until 23 years of age, when he went to Goshen, Indiana, of which State he remained a resident eight years, being a member of the Indiana Legislature in 1852-3. He then removed to Detroit, subsequently to Cleveland, and became a resident of Saint P.tul in 1864. Mr. MAXFIELD is known as one of our mnost enterprising, public-spirited and valuable citizens. He has been three times eledted Mayor, and has labored hard :nd sutccessfilly for the welfare of our city. E,875 1875] and of thle County of Ramsey, /Vinnesota. February i9, Judge S. J. R. McMILLAN elected United States Senator. March i? H. R. BRIILLI appointed Common Pleas Judge, vice HAILl. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. March I5, ORLANDO SIMONS, appointed Common Pleas Judge. April I, C. H. BIGELOW'S house burned. April I I, the Pioneer and Press consolidated. May 3o, dedication of the First Baptist church, the finest church edifice in Minnesota. 45I 0 The History of the Cit, o f'SaizI Paul. [1875 June I, Dr. DAVID DAY appointed postmaster. The months of September and October were characterized( by a great revival of religion, aided bv Messrs. WHITTLE and BLISS, two lay evangelists. November 27, OLIVER BEAITDOIN. killed by a railroa(l accident, at the lower levee. December 2I, consecration of Rt. Rev. JOHN IRFI.AND. as Coadjutor Bishop. The census of Saint Paul and Ramsey coutnts was coimpleted this month, showing as follows: Population of city. 33 I 78; county, 36,333. The tax duplicate was also retuLrned showing the total valuation of the city to be $27,755,926. hav-. ing, in five years, fiully trebled. Contrast this with the first census of Saint Paul (1849) giving a population of 840. and the first tax roll, showing a total valuation of $85,00ooo' II the appendix will be found a compendium of the variotus census and assessment rolls. Died, Jainuary 4, ALANSON WILDER, a resident since 1864. Janiuary- 15, JAMES GOODING, ex-Chief of Police. JanuarI7, JOHN B. WAGNER. January 23, JOHN GRAHAM, a manu[facturer. January 3I, MICHAEL FETSCH, a leading fireman. Felbruarv 24, HonI. WM. SPRIGG HALIL, Judge of Commoni Pleas Court. March I, Capt. JAMES R. Lucas, Deputy State Auditor. March I I, HENRY SCHIFFBAUER, ex-City Comnptroller. March 22, GEO. NATHAN. March 26, at San Firancisco, California, JAMES WYLIE, for manv years a carpet merchant here. June I, AUGUSTUS BOYDEN. June 6, JARED VAN SOLEN, an old resident. June I9, WM. M. DwINNELS. one of our earliest settlers. July 20, at Fort Totten, Dakota Territorv, WM. H. FORBES, a pioneer. July 2, PATRIcK H. BUTLER, an old resident. August 8, Hon. CHARLES SCHEFFER, State Treasurer for several years, a leading wholesale merchant, president of the Musical Society, &c. August 17, PARKER PAINE, for many years a banker, &c. August IS, THEODORE SCHLEIF. August 29, H. BERRY. September 3. BENJAMIN F. HOYT, a pioneer of our city. September 23, ROBERT VWILEY, an old resident. November 5, Re-. S. Y. MCMAsTERS, D. D., rector of Christ church. November 8. 452 1875] and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. aIt Bass Lake. SAMUEL MCCULLIOUGH. Novemnber 13, Rev. JOIIN MATTOCKS, pastor of First Presbyterian church. for twelve years Superintendent of Schools &c. November 23, JOHN G. IRVINE, a much esteemed young citizen. November 28, Judge J. J. SCARBOROUGH, formerly of Georgia, &C. CONCLIUSION. And here the writer must lay down the pen of the historian. His task is done and he closes it with satisfaction. and with pardonable pride in the goodly subject on which he has labored so long, with no other motive than to place on the enduring page of history, those fadts concerning the early days of Saint Paul which might else be lost, if not recorded in time. He has in these imnperfect and poorlv written annals. traced the career of our citv from the dimly rememnbered days of IS38. when a single bark-roofed hovel formed its onlv civilized landmiark. an unknown point in the wilderness surrounding itthrough the perils of its infiancy and pioneer days its struggles to secure and retain the Capital, its period of wild inflatioin and speculation, its financial reverses and dark days, its later years of success and prosperity, fairly won by the enterprise of its citizens-until we reach the Saint Paul of I875a prosperous, populous, opulent city, the capital of a great and flourishing State, thie commercial emporium of the valley of the Upper Mississippi. The period mentioned is but a brief spanl, atfter all-about one average generation-but what great results those few years have seen accomplished. Let the mind take in our city now, with its 33,000 inhabitants, and taxable property of $27,0oooooo —its long mniles of splendid, smooth, well-paved avenues lined with solid business blocks and public buildings, or palatial mansions. and underlaid with water and gas pipes, and a well-arranged system of sewerage-her levee with the commerce of the greatest river in the world, and its tributaries. connecting us with 35,00o0 miles of inland navigation-her eight railroads, with nearly a hundred trains arriving and departing daily. Her numerous manufactories. warehouses, elevators. &c., banking houses with millions of capital in the 453 4 Thze fistory of the City of Saint Pau, [x875 aggregate, and large wholesale houses doing a trade of millions annually-her numerous large and elegant churches, commodious first-class hotels, well managed public schools, orphan asylums, hospitals, and other charitable and reformatory institutionis-a splendidly drilled and efficient fire departinent and police force-public libraries and academies of airt and science —in a word, all the numerous institutions which are the outgrowth of civilization and refinement, aided by wealth, and the remarkable progress of our city will be apparent, inspiring us with the hope that the future of a community which has achieved such wonders in the past, will be still more brilliant and glorious. 454 and of the County of Ramsey, lfinnesola. CHAPTER. XXXV. A QUARTER CENTURY'S RETROSPECT. THE UNPARALLELED GROWTH OF OUR CITY-A CENTURY'S WORK COMPRESSED IN 25 YEARS-THE SOCIAL CONDITION OF OUR CITY 25 YEARS AGO, CONTI'ASTED WVITH NOW-MONEY VS. CULTURE AND SOCIAL REFINEMENT-OUR.ESTHETI CAL GROWTH-EDUCATION, LITERATURE, MUSIC AND ART. [For this interesting chapter-a fittingg close to our civic history-the writer is in - debted to Col. EARLE S. GOODRICH. Indeed, this acknowledgment is scarcely necessary-his graceful and polished style would be recognized without it.] HE past quarter of a century stands by itself in the im portance and variety of the results achieved in all departments of knowledge and enterprise. The happy marriage of the mechanic arts with science, has produced and perfected a series of remarkable inventions, which, in ministering to the demands of commerce, manufactures, and the social needs and luxuries, have revolutionized trade, created new and expanded old industries, refined the conditions of labor, and by their influence upon habits of thought and methods of life, have affected the structure as well as changed the surface of society, and almost created a new race in a single generation. These transformations, clearly enough seen in old communities, are most vividly revealed in the new and frontier sections. For whereas, in the older States, twenty-five years ago, there were in existence all known methods which produce wealth, atnd all the culture and ease which are the fruit of it, here, at the Northwest, civil society was just in process of organization, and all things were as wild and untamed as nature itself. There, in the older communities, nature was already subdued, and country as well as town showed the marks of refined living, so that the influence of the quarter century's progress is revealed more in the inner and higher life of the people than in physical manifestations; while here, on the border, whatever lies between the first turning of the sod and the last achievement of art, had to be wrought from crude nature, and 455 The History oa the City oa Saint Paul, by men gathered together by clhance, and exhibiting not merely every grade of culture. but every phase of the lack of it. Here, then, has been furnished the most tanlgible and striking revelation of the wonderfuil progress which has marked the third quarter of the present century. In selecting out of this firontier region at point to serve as an example of the remarkable development of the last twenty-five years, and which shall cover not merely inlcrease of business and access of population. but growth in those mental. moral, atld -esthetic directions which make tip culture and are the flowering of a high civilization, we canll. without being iniividiotis choose our own citv of Saint Paul. The historyN, which closed with the last cihapter, certainly presents a record in which our citizens may take a justifiable pride. It shows the work of a centutry compressed into a quarter of the time. The simple record of the organization of our religious societies. embracing almost every sect; of the beginning and spread of our educational system; of societies devoted to art and science, as well as to charity and reform; of our public libraries' and of scores of other beneficent organizations, having for their object the improvement of our people in intelligence and worth this simple record(l reveals more forcibly our progress inl culture than any mere generaljizing canll show; for all these things not only sutstain culture, but grow out of it, and are the best and hi'ghest indications of its quality and strength. The social condition twenty-five years ago and nlow, presents as strong a contrast as anything shown in our history. A small population, joining together to form at community, but mingling onlly in business intercourse divided into cliques which represented every nationality; this made up an unll-. promising composition to mould into shapely and attractive social form. Yet, the very heterogeneousness of the chara6ter of our early settlers, through the wearing but smoothling efle(t of years of firiction, and under gradually improving conditions, has developed a society mnore cosmopolitan, and with greater variety and breadth of culture. than can be found in many cities of quadruple our age and population. Freedom from insularity marks our hlabits and mainners as it does ourL position; the representatives of many lands have contributed their 456 and o/ the Counly oqf Ramsey, Minnesota. graces and refinements; until, if we were to calculate our age bv the ordinary growth of social tone and breeding, we might without vanity count by decades instead of years. This change in the social condition is due greatly to the difference, then and now, in the prime objects of life and efibrt. The accumulation of wealth is everywhere and at all times the moving spring of energy, not always for the gratification of a sordid desire for gain but for the comfort which it brings. and the good which mav be done with it. With our first settlers making money seemed the sole aim and end of living. And while that passion continued the dominant one, the possession of money was the touchstone of influence; the man who gained the most of it was the man most regardedwith little reference, during the earlier years, to the mneans by which it was obtained, or to the mental or moral qualities of its possessor. Under the impulse of this spirit there could, of course, be little society worth its name, for the general tendency was toward narrowness, selfishness and vulgarity. It must be understood, however, that these sweeping remarks apply to society in the mass, and are held to be true of it only in that sense. For no one, whose residence dates back to our earliest days, can fail to recall many homes, in Saint Paul and vicinity, which were the seats of an elegant hospitality, and from which proceeded the most elevating. influences. These cannot be remembered with more gratitude than is their due; they were the leaven that leavened the whole lump; and the air of graceful refinement that pervaded them, remains with us as the purest and best of the social atmosphere of to(lday. We are still sordid enough, without doubt, but our growth has been in the right direction, and we can now see more in life than the gathering of a fortune. There is to-day more pride in the possession of a good name than in great riches; and there exists a healthily growing respect for social position and family repute, which are the fruits of good conduct and virtuous living. These things as tangibly mark right development as do the substitution of the opera and drama for the Indian dance and pow-wow, the popular lecture-room for the public gambling-hall, and the music of MOZART, BEETIIOVEN and WAGNER for the grotesque mouthings of negro minstrelsy. 30 457 Thze Ii,sloiy of the (CiO, of Saini Paul. In public architecture, the progress is seen at a glance, by comparing the Mission of Saint Paul, (of which an engraving is given in this history,) with Saint Mary's, the First Baptist church, or the German Catholic cathedral; while scattered over the city are hundreds of elegant residences, which show that in domestic architecture. no stereotype forms have been used, but that expression has been given to cultivated individual tastes in which lies the peculiar charmn and beauty of anystru6ture named, and used as, a home. Many of these are beauty spots upon the face of the city, reflecting a refining influence upon all who see them, and holding within their walls. in pictures and libraries! such treasures of art and knowledge as prove that all is not done for outward show, but that very much is the legitimate expression of enlightened sentiment and cultured taste. The strictly material progress of Saint Paul during the quarter century past, does not come within the purview of this chapter. In those preceding. the details of its growth in trade. commerce, population, manufactures. and all the industries which go to make up a prosperous comnmunity, have been as fully presented and discussed, as could be suitably done in such a work. But this may be said, that. coupling the substantial character of our development with its rapidity, the result is quite without example, even in this region and during this period of marvelous growth. We cannot, hlowever, contelnplate this picture of progress, pleasing as it is, without noticing that ghostly shadows fall upon it, day )by day, as one by one of those who laid the foundations of our prosperity pass away from our midst. The majority of the men who, twent — fiv-e years ago, were influential in the political, financial, and commercial enterprises of the little town just christened after its mission chapel, and whose names and deeds are recorded in this book, sleep now in one or another of the pleasant cemeteries that lie on the outskirts of the city which they foun(led. The many are taken; the few are left. May these few linger among us during long years to come, enjoying the prosperity which they helped to create, and receiving the bene(dictionl of everyN wovoith- citizen of otur beautifill Saint Paul 458 APPENDIX. LiST OF FEDERAL, COUNTY AND CITY OFFICERS SINCE I849. FEDERAL OFFICERS. lPostmaster: April 7, iS46-Henry Jackso0n. July 5, iS849-Jacob W. Bass. March I5, IS53-Wm. H. Forbes. March II, i856-Charles S. Cave. March I2, i86o-WV. M. Corcoran. April i2, iS6i-Charles Nichols. March I4, I865-Dr. J. H. Stewart. May 4, I870-J. A. Wheelock. June I, I875-Dr. David Day. COUNTY OFFICERS. Register oJ Deeds: i849-52-David Day. 1852-54-M. S. WVilkiosoun. iS54-58-L. M. Olivier. IS5 8Edward Heenan,. iS6o-62-S. Hough. iS62~Charles Passavanit. lS674-Jacob Mainzer. S74-76-Theodore Sander. iS76-78-Alex. Johnston. .Sher'ff: S849-5z-C. P. \. Lull. I852-54-George F. Brott. ,S54-56-A. M. Fridlev. 1856-58-Aa,ron WV. Tullis. 1858 60-J. Y. Caldwell. ,6, —6-A. W. Tullis. 1862-7o-D. A. Robertsoni. Sheriff: I870-76-j lon Grace. i816-78-Johii C. Beclht. _udg'e of Probate: I849-52-fienry A. Lambert. I85?,-Ira B. Kingsley. I1853-Henry A. Lambert. i854-Jesse M. Stone. i855-Richard Fewer. I856-58-A. C. Jones. i858-John Penmanl. I860-62-J. F. Hoyt, (res. Ap. 12,'62.) I862-R. F. Crowell. I863-E. C. Lambert. I864-69-R. F. Crowell. IS6973-Oscar Steplihenlsoii. I873-75-Hascall R. Brill. I875-76-Oscar Stephenson. Collector oJ' the Por,t: I85I-53-Charles J. Hennlliss. IS53-55-Robert Kenn,edv. IS55-57-L. B. WVait. 1857-59-Jam~,es Mills. I859-6I-E. A. C. Ilatclh. I86i-76 —George WV. Moore. I I I Ap)pendicY. Treasterer: I849-52-Jam,es W. Simnpsoin. I852-S. H. Sergeant. I853-Robert Cummings. S1854-Nathaniel E. Tvsonn. I855-Allen Pierse. iS85s6-(to March 23,) C. F. Stinmsoai. i856Robert A. Smith. S676-Calvin S. Uline. Auditor: I87I-73-Hiram J. Taylor. 1873-John B. Olivier, (resigned.) I873-76-S. Lee Davis. Coutrt Comni,,sioner: I86I-67-Oscar Malmiiros. I867-7I-Henry M. Dodge. 1872-76-G. Siegenthaler. District yudge: 1858-64-E. C. Palmer. 1864-78-Westcott Wilkin. Common Pleas 7udges: I866-75-William Sprigg Hall. I875-82-0. Simons. IS75-82-H. R. Brill. Coutnty Corn missioners. Acker Henry, I869-7i. Baker D. A. J., i858 to'61. Barney T. J., I871-73. Be1nnett Abr., I855 to'58. Berkey Peter, 1863 -7275. Betz J. G., I86I-63. Blasdell E. S., I874-5. Brainerd H. J., i868-75. Branch WVm., I858-9. Burbank, J. C., I86o. Clark M artilln D., IS58 to'6o. Davern Wml., 1858-9. Emerson C. L., 1858-9. Godfrey Ard., No,. IS49 to Ja.-1. 1850. Gervais Benij., I850-1. Hale H., I862 from" 5th July. Hammond George, i862-7. Holland John, IS64-9. Howard Thomas, IS67-7I. Hoyt L., 1S71-3. Irvine J. R., I86o. Kelly Dan., i87I-5. Kilroy John P., I862-66. Lambert John S., I858 to'60. Larpen,teur A. L., I859. LeBonne Joseph, I852-4. ILee William, 1875. Lindeke William, IS73-5. McClung J. W., 186o. McGrorty William B., 185S-9. McLean N., IS56 to'59. Marvin I,., 1859. Morgan Charles A., i865 fromi Sel)t,. Murray James F., I858-9. NicoIs John, I8-i, 1871-3. O'Con,nor M. J., IS61. Parker A. F., i86I-2. Prince John S., I1S71 -. o'ounty Attorney: IS49-53-W. D. Phillips. IS53-56-D. C. Cooley. IS56-64-Isaac V. D. Hearld. iS64-Henry J. Horn,. I667o-S. M. Flint. IS7o-7z-Harvey Officer. 1872-74-V-. W. Erwvin. IS74-76-C. D. O'Brien. County Surzeyor: IS52-53-S. P. Folsoni. IS53-W. R. Marshall. IS54-58-J. A. Case. 1SS- Wilbur F. Dufly. iS&-D. S. Kenney. iS6i-64-D. L. Curtice. iS64-66-Gates A. Johnsoni. S186-72-(No eledtion.) IS7z-76-Chatrles M. Boyle. Coroner: IS54-J. E. Fullerto,n. 1855-57-Dr. W. H. Jarvis. 857-Dr. J. D. Goodrich. I858-Dr. J. V. Wren. 186o-62-James. M. Castner. 1862-64-0. F. Ford. i864-Philip Scheig. i660-. F. Ford. i868-7o-J. P. Melancon. 18782-7Dr. A. Guernoin. 1872-74-P. McEvoy. IS74-76-Dr. P. Gabrielsein. Clerk of Court: I850-53-J. K. Humil)hrey. 1853-54-A. J. Whitney. I854-58-George W. Prescott 1858-62-R. F. Houseworth. i862-6George W. Prescott. 1866-7-Albert Armstro)ng .4o(1itor: Audtlio~r: i859-6-Alexander Bucllanaiti. I861-63-Tracy M. Metcalf. i863-65-W'Villiam H. Forbes. i865-67-J. F. Hoyt. i867-i-S. Lee Davis. i I I I 46o i i I Appendix. County Commin.ssioners: Rice Edmund, 1856 to'58. Robert Louis, Nov. IS49 to Jtanl. 1S56. Russell R. P., 1850-3. Ryan Patrick, 1864-6. Schiller, I859. Schurmeier C. H., 1872-3. Selby J. W., i862. Smith John, i860-i. Spiel, Joseph, I867-72. Stahlman C., I870-I. Steele John, i866-8. Stees W. M., I859. Taylor H. J., I859. WVelch Wm., I87I-5. WVhitney C. T., I863-5. Wilkinson Ross, IS859. Wilson J. P., Jan. 1854 to Ap)ril WVolff Wm. H., I858 to'60. Gross Nicholas, 1862. Seinate. Becker George L., IS6S-9-70-1. Boal Jamnes McC., IS49-51. Brisbin John B., I856-7. Cave Charles S., IS5S. Drake E. F., I874-5. Farrington George WV., 1S52-3. Forbes Wvilliam H., 1849-51-2-3. IHall Wm. Sprigg, IS58-60. Heard I. V. D., IS72. Irvine John R., I862-3. MNackubin C. N., iS60. MIirrav William P., 1854-5-66-7-75-6. Nicols John, I864-5-72-3. Otis George L.,:iS66. Rice Edmund, i864-5-73-4. Sanborn John B., iS6i. Smith James, Jr., I86I-2-3-76. StewartJ. H., i860. Van Etten Isaac, I854-5-S. lhoitse oJ Representatives: Acker Henry, iS60-I. Banniing William L., iS61. Bartlett Louis, I854. Benz George, 8IS73-4-5. Berkev Peter, 1872. Brainard H. J., 8IS73. Branch XVilliam, 1857-66. Br.iwley Daniel F., IS55. Brisbin John B, IS63. Brunsoni Benjamin VVW., 1849-51. Burbank James C., IS72. Carver H. L. I862. Castle Henry A., i873. Cave Charles S., I852-5. * Eledted, but did not take his seat. 46I 6. ,.4_ppcndix. floose of Represeniatives: Rohr Philip, i862. Sanborn John B., 160O-73. Selby Jeremiah W., 1852. Sibley H. H., 187I. Sloan Levi, 1854. Smiythe H. M., I872. Stahlman Christopher, 1871. CITY OFFICERS. -1layor: 1854-David Olmiisted. I855-Alex. Ramsey. I856-George L. Becker. I857-J. B. Brisbin. 185-N. W'. Kittsoin. I859-D. A. Robertson. 1860-63-John S. Prince. I863-J. E. Warren. I864-Dr. J. H. Stewart. I865-67-J. S. Prince. I867-George L. Otis. i868-Dr. J. H. Stewart. &6J. T. Maxfield. 1870-72-Wm. Lee. I872-75-Dr. J. H. Stewart. I875-76-J. T. Maxfield. City Treasurer: 1854-59-Daniel Rolier. I859-64-Charles A. Morga.n. I864-66-C. T. Whitney. I866-7o-N. Gross. I,70 to July 10, i873-M. Escli. I873-76-F. A. Renz. City _ustice: I854-60-Orlando Simonls. I860-64-Nelson Gibbs. i864-66-A. McElrath. i866-68-E C. Lambert. 186S-70-0O Malmros. I870-72-Tlhomas Howard. I872-75-A. McElrath. 1875-S. M. Flint. City Clerk: 1854-56-Shlerwood Honglh. I856-58-L P. Cotter. i85.'A. J. Whitney, (Resiglied. i858-Isaac H. Conway. i859-61-John H. Dodge. i86i (to Sept. i2)-L. P. Cotter. City Clerk: i1862, (Sept 12,) to O~t. 15, ixo-K. T. Fri et nd I866 (O0t. 15)-6 —B W,. Lott. I868-70-John J. Williams. I870-76-M. J. O'Connor. Comptroller: I 854-56-F. McCormiick. I856-G. W. Armstrong. J A. T. Chamblin, resigned. I1857 Sher. Hough, resigned(July l ) I6T. M. Metcalf. I859-63 —W m.'\on Hainrei. I863-C. H. Lienau. I864-Henry Schiffbauer. I865-76-jolii W'. Rocle.. Gt to rney: I854-D. C. CoIoley. I855-J. B. Brisbin. I856-I. V. D. Heard. I857-C. J. Penn,ington,, r-esignied. H. J. Horn. i86o-S. R. Bond. iS6i-65-S M. Flinit I865-67-I V. D. Heard, i867-69-Harvey Officer. I869-76 —V. A. Gormntli. Enii,neer: 1S54-Si-leoII P. Folsoi. I855-57-J. A. Case. I857-J. T. Halsted. I858-D. L. Curtie. I859-F. Wv'ipperan.l. i86o —Gates A Johlnsoni. I86I-63-Charles A. F. Morris. I863-69-Charles M Boyle. i869-74-D. L Curtice. 1874-76-D. I WNellman. I 462 Hoitse oj' Repre,,entatives: Starkey James, 1858 Stephei,so. Oscar, i86o. Tilde I-1. L., 1851 Tr,,tt He,man, i866. Webber William, 1876. Wilki,so,i Ross, 1856. I i I I Appendix. Chief of Police:* 1854-5-William R. Miller. x858-(John W. Crosbv. iS-John O'Gorman. i86,-H. H. Western. i862-James Gooding. I863-Michael Cummings, Jr. i864-J. R. Cleveland. i865-G. W. Turnbull (res July,'66 ) i866-67-John Jones. I867-70 —J. P. Mclrath. i87o-72-L. H. Eddy. 872-.75-J. P. McIlrath. i875-James King. Physician and Healtlz Officer: IS56-Samuel Willey. I857-59-J. V. Wren. 1859-J. A. Vervais. i86o-62-T. R. Potts. i86a to June, i866-A. G Brisbine. l866-T. R Potts. i867-7i-Brewer Mattocks. 187I-M. Hagan. 1872.74-T. R. Potts. I874-76-Brewer Mattocks. Wharf master: I85sS. R. Champlin. I859-Andrew R. Kiefer. i860-Louis Semper. i86i-James J. Hill. i862-John B. Cook. 863- _ James Hall. Paul Faber. i864-T. K Danforth. i865-Henry Constans. x6Louis Krieger. 1867-John O'Connor. i86-G. A. Borup. i,86-72-Patrick Butler. 1872-H. D. Mathews. Afarket Afaste,r. i8596i-N. J. March. i86i-Jacob Heck. Street Commhissioner: i! 86o —R. C. Knox. 1861-63 —Patrick Murnane. I863-69-John Do-lan. I869 —Ffank Deck. City Council: Bazille Charles, i854-6. BeaumontJ. I., i865-7. Becker George L., I854-6. BerkeyPet er, i859-62, i864-5, 8i-7x. Betz John G., 1863-5. Branch William, 1856-6i. Breuer F., I87o-74. Cave Charles S., 1854-7. Chanmblin A. T., I854-7. Corcoran William M., x86o-2. Cummings Michael, Jr., i868-72. Dailey C. M., i86o-z. Dawson William, i865-8. Demeules Louis, 1874-7. Dodge H. M., 1858-6I. Dorniden M., x864-7. Dowlan John, I874-7. Eddy Luther H., i86I-4, i869-72. Emerson Charles L., i856-9. Fanning Thomas, I854. Farrell M. B., I869. Finck Adam, i862-5. Fisher J. W., I87I-5. Fitz R. H., I86o-3, I865-S. Fuller A. G., x855. Galbraith Thomas J., I 865. Gies William, i866-7. Golcher William, I872-75. Grace Thomas, 1858-9, IK&)-79. Grant C. I,., i 867-8. x862-65-Michael Cummings, Sr. i865-6S-N. Gibbs. I868.70-John O'Connor. I87o-John Lunkenheimer. I871-75-P. McManus. Chief Engineer Fire Depaertm-eunt: I854-W. M. Stees. i855-59-C. H. WVilliams. * From 1854to I5.qthis office as called City Marshal. 463 Chief Engineer Fire Departnment: I859-J. B. Irvine. i86o-62-J. E Missen,. 1862-W. T. Donaldson. i863-L. H. Eddy. i864-J. C. A. Pickett. i865-C. H. Williams. i866-6-B. Presley. * i86i-7o-Frank Breuer. &870-73-J. C. Prendergast. 1872-R. 0. Strong. 1873-76-M. B. Farrell. i i iI i i i iI Superintendent oJ Schools: i856-59-E. D. Neill. i859-B. Drew. i86o-72-John Mattocks. 1872-74-Geo. M. Gage. I874-76 —L. M. Burrington. Appendix. City Council: Grant H. P., I86o-3. Gross Nicholas, I858-66. Hartshorn William E., I870-71. Heathcote Thomas, I875-8. Hoffman James K., I867-74. Holland John, i865-7. Irvine John R., I854-7. Jansen Frank, I868-7I. Johnson Gates A., IS7I-S. Keller John M., I865.6. King James, I863-9. Kittson Norman W., IS56-S. Knauft F., I874 7. Knox R. C., I854-7. Krieger Louis, I871-75. Langevin E., I875-7. Larpenteur A. L., I855-6, I857-6(o. Lienau Charles, I862-3. Litchfield, William B., I869-70. Livingston John R., I862-5. McCarthy Jeremiah C., i875-. McGrorty William B., I856-9. Madden S.C., I866-9. Markoe WVilliam, I865-7. Marvin Luke, 1857-60. Marvin Richard, I854-5. Maxfield James T., I867-9, 187I-5. Metzdorf J, I874-7. Minea Joseph, I875. Mitsch George, I867-70. Moore George W., I866-9. Morton C. A., I875-8. Murray William P., i86I-8, 1870-79. Nash Patrick, I866-69. Nobles Wm. H., I855-6. O'Connor John, 1875-8. O'Connor M. J., I859-62. O'Gorman Patrick, I858-6I. Paine Parker, I862-5. Peckham John A., I863-65. Presley Bart, I870-74. Putnam S. K., I863-8. OQuimbyJ. C, I872-9. Rauch Charles, I856. Reaney John H., I875-8. Reardon Timothy, I868-7I. Reed L. E, I862G-70. Rhodes William, i868-70. Richter Fred., I872-6. Robert Nelson, 1872-4. Rvan Patrick, i856-8. Schurmeir C. H., i855-6i. Shearani Thomas, I867-72. Slater Richard, i867.9. 464 I City C,tincil: Slichter J. B., i864-7 Steelejohn, i86i-65, i-72 Stonej. M., 1854-5 Taylor H. J., 1857-6o, I870-4 Th,,npso. James E., i86T-4. Valentine D. H., i862-5 Werner Frank, I874-7 Wiley R. C., i8gg-63 Willius F., i869-76. Wolff W-n. H., 1858 —('O. Wood E. H., 1876-9. Wright Isaac P., iS(,2-(,4. -R,ai-d of Edticatin: Ames W. L., i856-7. Arbuckle S. C., I872-6. Baker H. E., i856-8. Berrisford, E. F., 187:2-6. Beveridge F., jS62. Blakeley Russell, i864-5 Bradley Newton, i866. Bradley Richard, 1875-7 Brisbine A. G., i863-5 Carpenter C. W., I875-,". Chaneyj. B., 187:2-5. Collins W. H., I857-8-. Combs W. S., I858-76. Cummings Michael, i86,9-71 Dean W. B., 1875-7 Delano R. W., i867-70. Demeules L., I87I-2, Donaldson J. H-, 1874-7 Donnelly J. G-, 1870-7 Duncan T. B., 1876-9. Dunham W. N-, 1858 Erdman William, 1875-8 Farrell M. B., iS6S-71. Farwell George L., 1872-6. Fink Adam, 1875-,9 Fink Jacob, 1859-6o. Fisk R. F., i859-6o. Flynn P. F., I875-8 Folsom S. P., i858-62. French The.., i856-7 Furber P. P., iz356-9. Geis William, 1870-4 Goodrich A. J., i865-6. Grace Thomas, I87I-8 Grant William H., iS67 Gray William C-, I858-6i. Green J. C., i870-1 Griiidall J. H., i867-8. I-Iamilto,7 G. A.,1871-7 Hewitt Girart, T.859-6i. I-lorn Henry J., 1857-9 i I i I I I Appendix. Board of Edtcation: HIouseworth R. F., I865-6. Howard Thomas, i867-70. Ingersoll D. W., i865-77. Kiefer John, i865-68. Kelly WX. H., i862-7. King T. J., I863-5. Lambert E. C., I86I-7. Lambert Henry A., I86I-3. Langford N. P., I859. Little George, 1859-60. Lott B. W., i858.6o. Lumsden G. L., I857-8. McCormnick F., I853-9 McNamee Francis P., I863-9. Mann C. A., i866-9. Marshall William R., I856-7. Mason W. F., i866-7. Mathews James H., xi866-8. Mattocks John, 1859-72. Merrill D. D., i865-8. Meyerding Henry, i869-79. Minor John, i872. Moody A. C., I864. Mott George C., I853-9. Mueller B., I874-5. Murphy J. H., 1876-9. Neill E. D., iS56-6o. Nicols John, i862-5. Noah Jacob J., i86o-6I. Paine Parker, IS56-74. Palmer E. C., 1856-7. Board of Education: Peckham J. A., i862-5. Phillips J. B., I86o-6i. Pond J. P., 1857-8 s869-62. Pope John D., xi62. Potts Thomas R., i860-62, i862-3. Prescott George WV., i862, i865-8. Putnam S. K., i86o-62. Ramaley David, i862-5. Robertson D. A., I862-69. Rogers John, i869-72. Scheffer Albert, I875-8. Selby J. W., I86i-3. Sheire Monroe, iS6S-75. Sibley H. H., I865-70. St. P eter I., 1875-6. Starkey James, 1857-8. Stewart J. H., i858-6I. Strong C. D., I862-3. Studdart I. F. A., I871-5, I876-9. Terry J. C., I876-9. Torbet A. M., I856-7. Trott Herman, I869-72. Von Minden H., I87I. Ward J. Q. A., I862-5. Watson George, I876-9. WVedelstaedt H., I865-7I. Williams J. Fletcher, I864-7, 1869-7I. Wolff Albert, I872-5. Zenzius Conrad, I865-8. Zimmerman Edward, i8P62-6. 31 I 465 Appendix. GROWTH OF WEALTH AND POPULATION. The first assessment made in Saint Paul, in 1849, gave a valuation of $85,000. In 1853, this had risen to $723,534; and, in 1854, almost doubled, being $1,300,000ooo. In x856, it rose to $3,287,220, wvhich, in one year more, (1857,) had increased nearly IOO per cent., being $6,437,285. This valuation of the "flush times" shrank, with everything else, and, in i86o, had declined $x,691,176. From this on, the following table gives the quinquennial increase: I860. I865. 1870-o. I875. $877,592 $450,644 $ 1,3a2,159 $3,592,743 241,933 2 86,475 321,29o i,185,oo005 I, I9,525 737,0oI9 I,663,449 4,777,748 1,219,100 747,312 2,143,926 4, I06,75I 297,209 896,028 779,942 3,526,734 1,516,309 1,643,340 2,933,868 7,633,485 SI88, i49 616,479 1,194,18I 3,069,274 267,963 366,657 285,012 724,674 Ix,o86, 1 2 983,326 1,479,193 3,793,948 926,685 685,951 1,262,o041 [5,897,943 98,488 266,974 143,209 772,270 1,024,1 I73 952,925 1,4o5,25o 6,67o0,213 .............. 42 1,663 I I29,2 5 3,939,525 ..............- 58,997 45,032 676,612 .............. *| 94o,660 1,274,247 4,6i 8,137 ........................................... 230,474 ............................................ 32,927 ..................................... 263,401 ~~~~~~~1.............. ---------- 640 $4,746,11 9 $5,257,370 $9,315,507 $27,755,926 72,909 73,o0I5 78,777 $182,235 5, 112 46,807 35,936 16,587 I 68,663 I 7 1,463 a 210,888 71,614 46,294 I04,713 I 5 I 3,92A 8,768 71,938 73,I25 50,216 113,48I New Canada-Real Estate 290o,998 128,20o4 230,642 568,420o Personal Property......... i6,888 19,265 27,975 9gi,817 307,886 i98,712 307,I56 721,x27 Reserve-Real Estate..... I9gg,668 i i6,352 169,723 427,0o65 Personal Property......... 8,oo8 32,IoI 24,876 32,01I3 2o7,676 198,408 I 22,0x1 491,858 Rose-Real Estate...........346,665 218,667 247,3I4 62x,924 Personal Property......... 6,943 25,950 25,892 19,623 353,608 33 1,3o8 341,951 789,890 White Bear-Real Estate. 60o,642 64,591 71,554 16I,14a Personal Property......... 1,718 IO,349 13,487 20,254 62,360 80,662 85,041 199,496 Total, (county,)....... $5,827,599 $6,308,058 $1,492,353 1 $30,282,666 I I 466 First Ward-Real Estate. Personal Property......... Second Ward-Real Estate Personal Property......... Third Ward-Real Estate. Personal Property......... Fourth Ward-Real Estate Personal Property......... Fifth Ward-Real Estate. Perso.al Propertv......... Sixth Ward-Real Estate. Personal Propertv......... Total, (city,).......... McLean-Real Estate..... Personal Property......... 78,oi 3 68,642 3,296 Mounds View-Re-,tl Estate Personal Property......... Appendix. COMPENDIUM OF CENSUSES. I86o. i865. 3,419 2,348 2,40I 2,893 2,049 2,7I5 2,532 2,874 ........ 2,I46 ..................... I0,40I I 2,976 99 II5 267 378 xI1 565 First Ward...................... Second Ward.................... Third Ward..................... Fourth Ward.................... Fifth Ward...................... Sixth Ward..................... I85o. [ 1855. ................ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... Total......................... I,083 | 4,7i6 Mound's View Township....... White Bear Township........... New Canada Township......... Reserve Township............. McLean Township.............. Rose Township................. Total County............... NOTE.-The first census taken in Saint Paul was in June, i849, simply an enumeration of the inhabitants, which were reported at 840. The census of I850 apd i855, were not taken by wards, but the city and county given as a total. I I I I I I I I 467 i870- i875 3,426 4,762 3,466 4,609 3,956 5,236 4,775 10,175 4,4o8 6,893 ........ 1,503 20,030 33,178 215 295 130 647 7S9 799 429 388 442 3i6 750 710 23,085 36,33.3 Total City................... 99 II5 267 378 611 565 249 350 i 124 328 499 1 495 -1 12,150 15,107 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 21227 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 9,495 Appendix. NATIVITIES OF THE POPUDATION. The census of I875, gives the nativities of the population of Ramsey county as follows: Foreign Born. Canada............................ 1,309 oEngland............................... 662 Ireland...............................,662 Scotland........................... I31 Wales.............................. 19 Sweden........................... 1,437 Norway............................... 565 Denmark........................... I59 Holland............................ 30 France............................. I26 Switzerland........................ I68 Austria............................ I62 Bohemia............................. 665 Wirtemberg......................... 8 Baden.............................. 35 eBavaria............................ 175 Hanover........................... 31 Prussia............................I,85o Germany........................... 3,837 Other Countries.................... 333 Total foreign born............. 14,364 Native Born. Minnesota......................... II,865 Connec,ticut........................ x6o Illinois............................ 644 Indiana............................ 207 Iowa............................... 54 Kentucky.......................... I2o Maine............................. 285 Massachusetts..................... 394 Michigan........................... Zl4 Missouri........................... 328 New Hampshire................... i4o New Jersey........................ 89 New York......................... I,789 Ohio............................... 6i9 Pennsylvania...................... 723 Vermont........................... 2x6 Virginia and West Virginia....... I52 Wisconsin......................... 739 Other States and Territories...... I,284 Total native born.............. 2o,ix2 Unknown, 1,847. Total, 36,333. Percentage of native born, 58.4; of foreign born and unknown, 41.6. I 468 INDEX. Acker Henry, 391, 306, 406, 450. Acker William H., 39I, 396, 398, 399, 409. Allen Alvaren, 173, 297. American House, 224. Ames Wm. L., 404, 447, Annexation of West Saint Paul, 448, 449.Area of city, 449. Armstrong A., 406, 423, 436,447.Assumption Church, 363, 737. Bolles' Mill built, io7, Bond J. W., quoted, I86. Borup Dr. C. W., 390. Bottineau Pierre, I07,132, 151, 155, 257, 278. Boyle C. M., 396i 409, 424, 44x, 447Brackett's Battalion, 402. Branch Wm., 364, 366, 386, 390, 423, 445. Brawley D. F., 2i6, 233, 587, 3i7, 322. Breck Rev.J. L., 272, 3:I. Bremer Miss Fredrikaquoted-278. Brick yard, first, 2I6, 233. Bridge the, 230, 237, 322, 368, 378, 449. Brill H. R., 443, 45IBrisbin John B., 359,364, 370,374,386,409. Brown Joseph R., 41, 68, 85, 99, I03, 147, 182, 278, 329, 33', 350, 37o. Brunson Rev. Alf., 46, i65. Brunson B. W., i 65, 170, 17, i86, 2332, 238, 245, 263, 277, 284, 366, 376, 408. Brunson Ira B., 82, 99, o102, 170,241. Burbatik J. C., 174, 295, 297, 393, 396, 41I, 414, 44x, 443 Babcock L. A., 293, 321. Baldwin School, 347.Balloon Ascension, 383Balls, early, 178, iSo, 48. Banks and Currency, 243,354, 382,386, 397, 398, 410Banning Wm. L, 367, 396, 42x. Baptist Churchi, 230, 250, 252, 279, 295, 318, 320, 36I 424, 45I. Bass J. w'.,:64, 17I, 172, 20, 231 340,365Bazille Charles, IoI, I38, 143, 291, 324~ Beaumette William, 76, 84, 441. Becker George L., 256, 347, 349, 363, 364, 375, 405, 432, 437 Caillet Rev. L., 393, 431. Campbell Scott, 103, 134,:70Capital, location of, 82, 2o4, 237, 286. Capital, removal of, 16i, 238, 370, 385, 435. Capitol square, gift of, &c., I44. Capitol building, 22a8,235,237, a86,287,291, 308, 333, 339. Bell, first in city, 242. Benz George, 443, 447, 449.Berkey Peter, 390, 441, 443. Bets Old, 125, 252, 336. Bigelow Charles H., 414, 45 I' Bilanski Mrs., executed, 392. Bilanski S., 121, 392. Birch Coolie, 408. Birth, first in city, 9go. Bishop Miss, I69, 178, 245, 253. Blakeley Capt. R., 169, 173, 174, o206, 297, 30o, 303, 4I4. Blanchard C. C., 125. 128,:29, 152. Boal J. M., I58, 180, 232, 235, 284. Board of Public Works, 442. Carpeniter C. W., 174, 30:. Carter W. G., 145, I50, I77, I8a. Carver Jonathan,.26, 30, 35~ Carver Henry L., 402, 424. Case J. A., 346, 359, 364, 382. Catholic church, I09, I 1, 13, 115, 162, 31 1, 313, 363, 39:, 430. 33 I Cathedral, 257,3I3, 363. Inndex. Cathcart A. H. and J. W., 354, 4I7. Cave Charles S., 291, 317, 321,349, 354,356, 357, 362, 38S. Cavileer Charles, 115s, 151, 172. Cavender A. H., 179, I96, 215, a25, 349. Celebration Fourth July, first, 227. Cemetery, 196, 326, 34I. Cellsus, 228, 266, 359,381,395, 420, 438, 452. Central House, 136, 228, 248, 277. Chapel of Saint Paul, ll, 113, 115, 311. Cherrier Denis, 88, 103, 105, 134. Chamber of Commerce, 426. Cholera, 2i5, 262. Chouteau P. & Co., 187, 277. Christ church, 272, 311, 427, 433. Claims, early, 64, 66, 72, o102, o104. Clewett J. R., 68, 92, Ilo, a102, 139,183,346. Close Rev. B., 179. Common Pleas Court, 428S. Constans William, 323. Cooley D. C., 346, 349, 356, 379.Cooper David, 223, 234, 285. Corcoran William M., 392, 393. Corner.stones laid, 363. County of Ramsey created, 241. County of Ramsey, boundaries, 354, 362. Cotter L. P., 364, 386, 409. Court, first in county, 258. Court, early, 235, 258, 293, 428. Court House, 279, 318, 325, 448. CotyJ. B., 171, 258, 263. Coy Ansel B., i26, 128, 130. Crawford county, Wis., 39, 91, 99, 176. Cretin Bishop, 110, 311, 341, 369. Crosby J. W., 383, 423. Crooks Ramsay, 51, 303. Crooks Wm., 404, 406, 407, 449. Crowell R. F., 413, 415,427.Cullen W. J., 377, 439. Culver George, 185, 342, 4I3. Curtice D. L., 396, 435, 438, 440. Custom House, 428, 430o 445 Deed, first in Saint Paul, 134. Deeds early, 131, 144, 150, I59, x85Delano F. R., 404, 4o6, 449. pelegate eledtion,, I83, 188, a32, 24o, 277, 278, 346. Faber Paul, 375, 434, 436. Farrington G. VWt., 291, 317, 32I, 34. Farrington Johi, 3 4 2, 412. Ferries, 237, 32a. Fisk's Wagon Expedition, ioS, 4o7. Five Million Loan, 384, 404~ Fire, first in city, 263. Fire Departmenlt, 318, 319, 357, 383, 385, 424, 429, 443, 448. Fitz R. H., 393, 412, 434. Flag, first in city, i2o. Floods, 358, 265, 295. Flint S. M. 409, 423, 43a, 450Floral Homes-quoted, i69, I78. Folsom, S. P., 15o, i66, 172, 3I7, 349Fort Snelling Reservation, 38, 77, 95, 99. Foster Aaron, i2o, 168. Forbes Wm. H., 54, 171, 232, 235, 245, 256, 26i, 284, 304, 317, 321, 337, 340, 4~9, 452. Franchere Gabriel, 89, 97. Freeborn WVilliam, 29x, 317, 324, 346. Daily Paper, first, 352. Davidson Capt. W. F., 396, 414, 4I6. Davidson John X., 422, 447.Davis C. K., 427, 430.Davis S. Lee, 408, 427, 434,443, 448. Dawvson Wm., 412. Day Dr. D., 194, 242, 244, 279, 32I, 332,353, 45: Dayton L., 489, 493. Death, first in Saint Paul, go. Deed of Carver, 32. I 470 I i I Desire or Fr(,iiciet, 6:2, i:ao. Dewey J. J., i 5 i, i 6,-, 212, 277, 293, 408Dispatch Daily, 432Divorce Legislatioi, 314Dodge H. M-, 385Dog-sledge traveling, 32o. Donnelly Frank, killed, 377Dousmaii H. L., 51, 89,156,173Do-.vlan John, 409, 418, 429Draft, 415Drake E. F., 403, 404, 414, 447Dugas William, io4, I43, 144, 293 i I I I I I Eddy L. H., 288, 398, 444Education. (See Schools.) Egan J-J-, 4i6, 433Emerson C. L., 353, 364, 417Entrv of town-site, i:28, i83. Episcopal church, 272, 279, 3I 1, 369- 427Esch M-, 400, 438, 443, 448Evans William, 71, 92, 102. 'Execution (,fYu.ha-zee, 355Execution of Mrs. Bilanski, 393Explosion of steamer Rumsey, 4i6. Express business, growth, &c., 174, 298Expulsion of settlers, 94, 99, 100, 110. Index. Heard I. V. D., 359, 382, 391, 402, 418, 424, -334,434.~ 430, 441. Free Masons, 173, 215, 2K9, 22;, 235, 308, 334, 434Freeman A. and D. B., 132, I33, 151, 156. Friend K. T., 424, 427. French settlers, the, 163, 271. French Theodore, 367, 392, 399Fronchet, or Desire, 62, 120. Fur Trade, 48, 307. Fuller House, 365,434. Furber P. P., 34l, 442 Hennepin Louis, 22. Henniss Charles J., 283, 286, 347Hewitt Girart, 421. Hinckley Mrs. John S., I117, ii8, 154, 179. Hole-in-the-Day, I37, 26I, 275, 284. Hollinshead Wm., 250, 347, 367, 397Hopkins Daniel, Ii6, 159, I68, x96,332. Homicides, 9o, 236, 254, 327, 331, 346, 353, 364, 369, 374, 386, 388, 392, 4i6, 417, 420, 424, 426, 438, 449. Horn He nlry J., 390, 413, 432. Hospital Saint Joseph's, 341Hotels, 53, 172, 223, 329, 353,365, 428, 435, 438. Gabrielsen P., 415, 447. Galtier Rev. L., I05, io09, 111, 114, 148, 311, 427~ Gammnell Francis, 86, 123. Gear Rev. E. G., 179, 227.George I. C., 353, 444Geology of Saint Paul, i i. German settlers, 271. Gervais Benj., 68,9 o, Ioo,, 1o5, ix, I I8, I 18 I30, 136, 142, i45, 244, 346. Gervais Pierre, 68, oo, 103, 442. Gibbens Robert, 297, 409. Gibbs Nelson, 393, 406, 437.Gilfillan C. D., 393, 415, 435, 436.Gilfillan James, 408, 4I5. Gilman John M., 415, 418, 433, 436Godfrey, wife murderer, 327. GoodhueJ. M., I46, 19, 202,208, 2Ixo, z3, 234, 237, 263, 264, 285, 286, 3I0, 317, 323, 327. Goodrich Aaron, 172, 219, 234, 235,288,315, 398, 418. Goodrich E. S., 350, 369, 455. Gorman W. A., 338, 347, 375, 386, 399, 434, 440, 447 Hoyt J. F., 373, 391, 402, 415Hoyt L., 447,449Hudson's Bay Trade, 303. Hughes James, 215, 230, 235. Hurlbut Rev., 148, 178. Immigration, 357. Imprisonment for debt, 335. Indian Treaties, 57, 68, 187, 309, 326. Indian War of I862, 53. Indians, various references, 43, 81, 82, 05, 1 38, i6i, 238, 272, 289, 291, 295, 310, 336. Incorporation of Town, 240. Incorporation of City, 349. Ingersoll D. W., 233, 393, 406, 407, 426Ireland Rt. Rev. John, 83, 109, 40Ix, 452. Irvine, John R., 126, x69, I78,1 79, I86, 237, 244, 291, 349, 357, 393, 402. Grace John, 436, 441, 447Grace Rt. Rev. Thos. L., l oo, 390, 441. Grace Thomas. 373, 385. Grand Marais, (or Pig's Eye,) 86. Grant Hiram P., 383 393, 407, Gray William C., suicide of, 396. Greenleaf Rev. E. A., 179. Gross N., 385, 398, 403 424, 433 Jackson Henry, 117, 21, 126, 131, 133,137, 13S, 745, 148, 150,1 53, 159, i67,i68, I71, I80, 182, 210, 231, 232, 237, 238, 248, 26I, 277. Jail old, 28i. Jail new, 373. Johnson Gates A., 288, 409, 413, 423Johnson P. K., i67, 232, 277, 282. Johnson Gen. R. W., 83, 225Jones A. C., 38I, 382. Justices of Peace, early, i48, 168, i8o. Hall H. P., 422, 432. Hall Wm. Sprigg, 382, 391,428, +52Harcourt, Dr.H., supposed murder of, 430. Hard times, 381. Hartshorn Wm., 103, 131, 133, 137, 151, I56, 423Hatch E. A. C., i85, 192, 287, 404, 410. Hays SergeanttJohn, 71, 90, i46. 471 House of Hope, 2i2, 386. Hough Sherwood, 349, 382, 391 - Howard Thomas, 385, 438. Hoyt B. F., I79, i96, 2i5, 230, 245, 26i, 278, 341, 452 I Kaposia battle of, i22. I?zdex. Kavenaughs, Missionaries, 115, 123, 151. Kennedy Robert, a28, 246, 277, 291, 296, 317, 3a4 Mayo Charles E]., 372, 418. Maxfield J. T., 435, 450. McCormick Findlay, 346, 349, 354, 398. McClung J. W., 362, 373, 393McElrath A., 406, 413, 443McDonald Donald, 63, 83, 83. McLean Nathaniel, 2o9, 229, 442. McGrorty Win. B., 364, 366, 375, 38a, 423McKenty Henry, 358, 379, 388, 437McLeod Alex. R., 135, 145, i80, 254, 258. McMasters Dr. S. Y., 153, 427~ McMillan S. J. R., 426, 451. McOuillan Block, 360, 432, 433Medicine Bottle hung, 193. Mege Alex., 13o 15a. Metcalf T. M., 385, 386, 393, 396, 409, 447. Merriam John L., 297, 302, 4x4, 437, 438. Merchants' Hotel, 150 438. Methodist churclh, I79, 196, 279, 310, 363. Metropolitan Hotel, 438. Mill, first in Saint Paul, 143. Miller H. H., 443, 449Minnesota, first settlement of, 38. Minnesota, name first proposed, i56. Minnesota, Te rrito ry organized, 2o5. Minnesota, condition of in 1849, 2o7. Minnesota, State admitted, 385. Minnesota River, 258, 265. Mitchell Col. A. M., 2ai, 235, 277, 285. Missions, 46, iogs, i 5. Moffet Lot, i98, 215, a35, 278, 282, 317, 3a4, 439' Kidder J. P., 396, 409, 412,415Kiefer A. R., 400, 41a, 415. Kittsoo N. W., 47, 68, 89, 134, 139, 16o, 304, 321, 322, 333, 353, 385Knox, R. C., 291, 319, 343, 349 Lake Phelan, 146. Lamb John M., 370, 395. Lambert David, 17I, 183, 197, 2o6. Lambert E. C., 402, 409, 415,424, 439. Lambert Henry A., I97, 242, 244, 272, 291, 331, 34I, 413. J.arpenteur A. L., 132, 133, 151, 156, I71, 182, 185, 215, 225, a227, 233, 258, 261, 275, 291, 346, 349, 357, 374.LaRoche L. H., 150, 171, 172, 291. Larrivier L., 138, 144. LaSalle, early explorer, 2.. Lawsuit curious, 146. Lawyers early, 234, 258. Lee Wm., 404, 437, 440, 449. Leech Gen. Samuel, 184, 193. Library, Public, 378. Lienau C. H., 409, 4I3, 427, 432Lincoln's obsequies, 418. Liquor sale to soldiers, 75, 79, 81, 82. Little Canada settled, 145Little Crow, Sr., 67, 9I, i122. Little Crow, Jr., 135, 162, 275, 411). Loras Bishop, io8, 11o, 115. Lott B. W., 193, 244, 263, 284, 324, 331, 333, 359, 429 Monk Hall, 288, 318. Morgan C. A., 390, 393, 406, 439Moore George W., 290, 391, 398. Morris C. A. F., 406. Morrison WV. C., 1i98, 215. Mortimer Sergeant R. W., 62, 82, 118, 138, i68. Lumsden Geo. L., 388. Mackubin C. N., 391, 4f3. Mail robbery, 388. Mail service, 44, 153, 203,205, 249, 257, 296. Malnros O., 396, 433.M Markoe Wnm., 383. Mankato, I18, 135, i67. Mainzer J., 400, 422, 432, 437, 44I - Market Street M. E. church, 179, 196, 230. M Marriage, first in Saint Paul, 9go. Marrying " by bond," I48. Marshall J. M., 240, 258, 346, 382. Marshall Wm. R., i86, 238, 239, 277, 286, 331, 349, 352, 354, 359, 397, 407, 423, 435. Marvin Luke, 374, 393, 342Marvin Richard, 343, 349. Masterson H. F., 282, 406. Mattocks Dr. B., 400, 408, 429, 435, 438Mattocks Rev. John, 366, 453 Morton Dr. WVm. H., 389, 4 27. Moss Henry L., 182, 222, 339. Mott George C., 393, 437Mousseau Charles, 88, I01, I I I:. Murders, (see homicides.) Murders, by Indians, 295, 326' 331,.77. Murphy Dr. J, H., 321, 401. Murray W,rm. P., I46, 277, 317, 32I, 33I, 346, 348, 366, 370, 375, 382, 386, 398, 409, 4:5, 423, 427, 432, 442, 448. Myrick Nathan, 185, 195. National banks, 411. Navigation opening of, 259, 374,'384. Neill Rev. E. D., 2:2, 230, 233, 235, 245, 263, 278, 3I8, 328, 341, 347, 360, 399 I. i 472 I i I I Index. Nelson R. R., 317,344, 372, 377,378, 404, 4o6. Newspapers, 190, 208, 215, 229, 240, 282, 344, 350, 352, 353, 359, 39x, 397, 409, 423, 424, 432, 448, 451. Newson Maj. T. M., 347, 352, 391, 404 New Year's Address first, I I3. New Year's calls, 247. Nichols Charles, 398. Nicols John, 412, 441, 448. Nobles Wm. H., Io8, 194, 210o, 227, 357, 359, 386. Northern Pacific Railroad predicted, 26o0. Plympton Col. J., 60, 67, 69, 77, 93, Ioo. Police first, 363. Politics, 236. Population, 207, 228, 359, 381, 395, 420, 438, 452. Post-office, I53 154, 231, 398, 409, 417, 433, 438, 445. Potts Dr. T. R., 2a6o 450. Powers Simon, 250, 295, 434. Presbyterian church, 212, 230, 250, 263, 279, 318, 325, 360, 366. Prescott G. W., 339, 4o2, 40O. Presley B., 134, 293, 294. Pre-Territorial settlers, 199. Prince John S., 375, 385, 386, 389, 393, 396, 398, 406, 412, 413, 414, 4a7, 418, 424Prince J. W., 375,382. Proprietors of Town, 171. Protestant services first, 148, I78, Oakland Cemetery, I96, 341. O'Connor M. J., 383, 390, 408, 438. O'Gorman John, 346, 374, 444.Odell Thos. S., 123, I125, I58, 170o. Odd Fellows, 151, I94. 221i, 233, 263, 287, 308, 445 Raguet Samuel T., 383, 399, 432. Railroads, 347, 378, 385. Saint Paul and Pacific, 403, 441; Saint Paul and Chi cago, 406; Saint Paul and Sioux City, 414; Lake Superior and Mississippi, 421, 439; Saint Paul and Stillwater, 441, 443; West Wisconsin, 443. Ramsey Alex., 158, 216, 224, 227, 228, 256, 278, 285, 309,322, 333, 338, 341, 393, 404Ramsey J. C., 235, 263, 277, 331, 366. Ramsey County Pioneer Association, 441. Randall E. D. K., 157, 4I6. Randall John, 132. Randall John H., 157, 416. Randall Wm. H., 132, I33, I51, I56, 235, 3245, 261, 291, 365Randall Wm. Jr., 157, 238. Ravoux Rev. A., go, 10, 113,148,253, 31 1. Real estate speculation, 293, 379, 440. Red River settlement, 38, 42, 66, 69. Red River Transportation Company, 49. Red River trade, 48, 16o, 304, 3~6. Reform School, 424. Reed Charles, freezes to death, 140. Reed L. E., 411. Removal of Capital, 6i, 238, 370, 385,435. Rhodes H. C., I7I1, 86, i90g, i92. Rice Edmund, I46, 245,251,255, 26i, 277, 284, 362, 366,404, 412, 427, 441, 443. Rice Henry M., 166, 173, I79, 183, 185, 186, i88, I9I, 193, 204, 209, 213,231,240, 249, 277,298, 303, 314, 341, 342, 359,423Riheldaffer Rev. J. G., 318, 341, 426. Robert Louis, io2, 131, 136, 140, 146, 159, 170, 171, 182, 185,242,248,287,317, 331,450. Officer Harvey, 416, 429, 437Oldest building in city, I43. Old Settlers' Association, 223. Olivier John B., 383, 391, 443. Olivier Louis M., 324, 33I, 346, 359. Olmsted David, i85, I90, 192,256,2 377,344, 349, 359 Opera House, 423. Otis George L., 382, 423, 428, 436. Owens John P., 209.229, 287, 316, 317,347, 408. Paine Parker, 421, 423, 452. Palmer Judge E. C., 382, 418. Panic of 1857, 381. Park Rice, i88. Park Como, 442. Parrant Pierre, 64, 75, 84, Ioi, I46. Parsons Rev. J. P., 245, 278, 318. Passavant Charles A., 402, 4I3, 435. Paterson Rev. A. B., 369. Patten Mrs. J. R., 82, I I9, 12o, 170o. Peckham John A., 415, 423. Pembina cart trade, 16o, 304. Pemmican, how made, 305. Pepin Antoine, 137, 140. Perry Abraham, 59, 60, 66, 89, ioo. Phelan Ed., 70, 9o, 1o2, Io4, i44, 145, 146, I82. 33 I 473 I I Phillips W. D., 191, 2:27,:290,:291, 3I7Physician, first in Saint Paul, i67Pig's Eye, origin Of, 85Pig's Eye, locality, 86, II 1, 113, i46. Pioneers of Minnesota, 47Pioneer Guard, 362,373, 393 Index. Robertson D. A., 19go, 283, 286, 344, 390, 39x, 402, 4x3, 423, 432. Roche J. W., 424, 429, 433, 435, 438, 440o. Rogers Hiram, 394. Rohrer D., 349, 357, 364, 374, 382, 385, 390-. Rolette Jo., 160o, 322, 333, 370. Rondo Joseph, 62, loo, 104, 119, 127, 129, 135, 182. Sons of Temperance, 173. Sovereigns, or Third House, 357. Speculation, 318, 33, 358, 379, 440. Stage lines, &c., 86o, 295. Starkey James, 349, 357, 374, 377, 382Steamboats, 4 3, 173,3a4,360. Steam fire engines, 443Steele Frank., 134, 136, i182, 227. Stephenson O., 39I, 434, 439, 448Stevens Col. J. H., 58, 67. Stewart J. H., 360, 391, 398, 399, 409, 413, 417, 42x, 433, 443, 447Stillwater, 99, i64, 175, x8o, i82, 183, I84, 234, 286. Stilvlwater Convention, 142, 150, 183, 197, 208. Saint Apothoniy Falls, 2 4, Sos, 155, 164, i82, 184, 234, 239, 240, 286. Saint Cro ix County, 99, 175, 176. Saint P aul: Its first settler, 64. How the name originated, I. A post-office established, I54. Description of in 1847, i62. Entry of town-site, I83. List of earliest settlers, 198. How it became the Capital, 203. Incorporation as a town, 240. Incorporation as acity,349.Saint Paul House, i65, 172, 223, 232. Sanborn John B., 291, 396, 399, 401, 441. Sanitary Fair, 417. Scheffer Charles, 293, 411, 452. Sclliffbauer H., 413, 452. Schools, 163, 169, 216, 244, 282, 325, 378, Taliaferro Maj. L., 40, 57, 64, 91, 93, 137Taylor H. J., 374, 386. Taylor J. W., 406, 418, 439. Telegraph, 293, 396. Temperance, 83, 180, 215,233,256,321, 323. Temperance House, 298. Terry John C., 316, 327, 340. Territory of Minnesota, 155, I64, i8i, i88, 205, 223. 386, 424~ School house first, 176, 244, 325. Schurmeier C. H., 364, 385, 443, 447.Selby J. W., 250, 317, 321, 382, 423. Settlers on reservation, 58, 6i, 67, 94, 99. Settlers in Saint Paul first, 198. Seven.corners, 128. Shakopee hung, 193. Sherburne M., 339, 385, 434.Sibley H. H., 49, 57, 76, 84, 91, 100oo, 135, 159, I7I 1 73, i82, i83, 184, i85, 2o2, 203, 2o9, 2i6, 222, 227, 232, 234,277,389, 41o, 414, 430, 438, 442. Simons 0., 282, 317, 364, 45x. Simpson J. W., 130, 144, 171, 182, 244, 278, 439 Theatres, 313, 326, 344, 375-. Thompson Horace, 410, 414. Thompson J. E., 398, 404, 4Io, 439. Tilden H. L., 277, 284, 32I. Town of Saint Paul surveyed, 170. Town-site, entryof, i83. Town elec,tion first, 260. Trading with Indians, 274. Traveling in winter, 48, 203, 249, 296, 322, 356. Treaty Indian, 57, 68, i87, 309, 326. Trott Herman, 406, 423. Tullis A. W., 137, 359, 39I. Sioux, habits, &c., 273, 291. Sioux and Chippewa fights, 336. Sioux massacre of i862, 408. Slave, sale of a, 46. Sloan Levi, 235, 346, 348, 355. Smith C. K., 228, 235, 244, 263, 314, 321. Smith James Jr., 396, 402, 4x5, 421. Smith Robert A., 339, 362, 366, 382, 391, 402, 411, 43, 42bIn Valuation of property, 452. Van Etten Isaac, 346, 348, 448. Van Solen G. I,., trial of, 407, 430. Vervais Dr. J. A., 401, 41o, 434. Von Glahn Baron, 363. Von Minden H., 402, 442. I I 474 Rumsey Mrs. Matilda, i3O,l33 Street railroad, 443Su.rise expedition, 377Survev of the town-site, 33o. Sweeny R. O., i6, 384 Uline C. S-, 400, 417,432, 436, 441, 447 Social life, 178, 249, 456. I Index. Wa;lker M. 0., 297, 301, 359. War, rebellion, 398. War Wright County, 389. War "Blueberry," 443. Water Works, 325, 435.Wharton Dr. A., 407, 412. Wheelock J. A., 240, 438, 442-. White Bear Lake, 290o, 308. White Wallace B., 232, 340. Whitney C. T., 174, 300, 409, 413, 423. Wholesale trade, origin of, 394. Wiley R. C., 383, 390. Wilkin Alex., i 5, 315, 396, 398, 400, 408, 417. Wilkin W., 3 6, 348, 415, 441, 442-. Wilkinson M. S., I82, a35, 3x7, 346, 347. Willey Dr. Samuel, 364, 444. Willius Ferdinand, 390, 4I2. Williams John J., 433, 435. Williamson Dr. T. S., x62, I69,179, 250, 263. Willoughby A., 25o, 295. Winnebagoes, I85, x87, 19o, 256, 289. Winslow House, 353, 409. Wisconsin, 45, 95, 99, I55, i64, 176, i8i. 475 Zimmiiermnani Edward, 406, 425. I.