THE ANNALS OF KANSAS. BY DANIEL W. WILDER. At first, during the period of America's colonization and her controversy with England, and her affirmation and establishment of her programme.of political principles, the great national work of the disunited provinces was a struggle for local self-government against despotic centralization beyond the sea. It was an egort against the vicarious rule of the middle ages, which allowed the people no power in the State, the laity none in the Church, the servant none in the family. It was a great effort —mainly unconscious —'in favor of the direct government of each State by itself, of the whole people by the whole people; a national protest against Theocracy —the subordination of man in religious affairs to the accident of his history; Monarchy, the subordination of the mass of men to a single man; Aristocracy, the subordination of the many to the few, of the weak to the strong; yes, in part also against Despotocracy, the subordination of the slave who toils to the master that enjoys -in their rights they were equal. This forced men to look inward at the natural rights of man; outward at the general development thereof in history. It led to the attempt to establish a Democracy, which, so far as Measures are concerned, is the government of all, for all, by all; so far as moral Principle is concerned, it is the enactment of God's Justice into human laws. One day the North will rise in her majesty, and put Slavery under our feet, and then we shall extend the area of freedom. The blessing of Almigllty God will come down upon the noblest people the world ever saw —who have triumphed over Theocracy, Monarchy, Aristocracy, Despotocracy, and have got a Democracy-a government of all, for all, and by all -a Church without a Bishop, a State without a King, a Community without a Lord, and a Family without a Slave. - THE NEBRASKA QUESTION: DISCOURSE BY THEODORE PARKER, FEBRUARY 12, 18.54. TOPEKA, KANSAS: GEO. W. MARTIN, KANSAS PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1875. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, BY DANIEL. W. WILDER. In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C, TO GEORGE W. MARTIN, A KANSAN, OF EIGHTEEN YEARS' RESIDENCE, WHO, WITH HIS CUSTOMARY NERVE, HAS ASSUMED THE FINANCIAL RISK OF BECOMING THE PUBLISHER OF THIS BOOK, IT IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED. THE CHILD OF FATE. BY EUGENE F. WARE. [From the Fort Scott Monitor, April, 1873.] I am the child of fate; What should it matter me, What need it matter me Falling as others fell, Where I shall buried be! Shattered by shot or shell, Death cometh soon or late — Either on land or sea, Whether on land or sea, Wrecked on the foaming bar, What may it matter me! Flung from the misplaced car; That which hope hangs upon Whether by Arctic cliffs, We can no insight get. Where the ice-current drifts, Blindly Fate leads us on, Where the bleak night-wind sobs, Storming life's parapet; Where the black ice-tide throbsThat which our course impels What though my bark may be Naught of the future tells. Sunk in some sullen sea! Whether upon the land, Each has his work and way, Whether upon the strand, Each has his part and play, What may it matter me Each has his task to do, Where I shall buried be! Both of the good and true. Death cometh soon or late; Though thou art grave or gay, All are the sport of Fate. Be thou yet brave and true. Work for the right and just, With an intrepid -trust; Then it need matter thee Not that thou buried be Either on land or strand, Either'neath soil or sea. THE ANNALS OF KANSAS. EARLY DISCOVERIES. 1542. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, a Spaniard, commanded an expedition which marched from Mexico to the northern boundary of Kansas. Albert Gallatin says, in the Transactions of the American Ethnological Society, vol. II, p. 64: "Coronado appears to have proceeded as far north as the 400 of latitude."- Gen. J. H. Simpson, U. S. A., in the Smithsonian Report for 1869, p. 337, says: "Coronado continued his explorations northwardly to the 400 of latitude, where he ieached a province which the Indians called Quivira." He was in search of gold and silver. Coronado said: "The province of Quivira is 950 leagues (3,230 miles) from Mexico. The place I have reached is the 400 of latitude. The earth is the best possible for all kinds of productions of Spain; for while it is very strong and black, it is very well watered by brooks, springs, and rivers. I found prunes (wild plums) like those of Spain, some of which were black; also, some excellent grapes and mulberries." He traversed "mighty plains and sandy heaths, smooth and wearisome, and bare of wood." "All that way the plains are as full of crooked-back oxen as the mountain Serena in Spain is of sheep." This is the first authentic account of the buffalo. The route of Coronado was through that part of Kansas now embraced in the counties of Barbour, Kingman, Reno, Harvey, McPherson, Marion, Dickinson, Davis, Riley, Pottawatomie, and Nemaha. Coronado left Quivira, or Kansas, in April, 1542. The following statement is copied from Brantz Mayer's History of Mexico, vol. I, p. 145: Between the years 1540 and 1542, an expedition was undertaken for the subjugation of an important nation which, it was alleged, existed far to the north of Mexico. A Franciscan missionary, Marcos de Naza, reported that he had discovered, north of Sonora, a rich and powerful people inhabiting a realm known as Quivara, or the Seven Cities, whose capital, Cibola, was quite as civilized as an European city. After the report had reached and been considered in Spain, it was determined to send an armed force to this region in order to explore, and if possible to reduce the 6 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1542. Quivarans to the Spanish yoke. Mendoza had designed to entrust this expedition to Pedro de Alvarado, after having refused Cortez permission to lead the adventurers-a task which he had demanded as his right. But when all the troops were enlisted, Alvarado had not yet reached Mexico from Guatemala, and, accordingly, the Viceroy despatched Vasquez de Coronado at the ]head of the enterprise. At the same time he fitted out another expedition, with two ships, under the orders of Francisco Alarcon, who was to make a reconnoissance of the coast as far as the thirty-sixth degree, and, after having frequently visited the shores, he was, in that latitude, to meet the forces sent by land. Coronado set forth from Culiacan, with three hundred and fifty Spaniards and eight hundred Indians, and, after reaching the source of the Gila, passed the mountains to the Rio del Norte. He wintered twice in the region now called New Mexico, explored it thoroughly from north to south, and then, striking off to the northeast, crossed the mountains, and wandering eastwardly as far north as the fortieth degree of latitude, he unfortunately found neither Quivara nor gold. A few wretched ruins of Indian villages were all the discoveries made by these hardy pioneers, and thus the enchanted kingdom eluded the grasp of Spain forever. The troop of strangers and Indians soon became disorganized, and disbanded; nor was Alarcon mnore successfill by sea than Coronado by land. His vessels explored the shores of the Pacific carefully, but they found no wealthy cities to plunder, nor could the sailors hear of any from the Indians with whom they held intercourse. Hildreth says (vol. I, p. 48): While De Soto was engaged in this exploration, a not less adventurous expedition was undertaken to regions still more interior andremote. By the orders of Mendoza, Viceroy of Mexico, Vasquez Coronada, with a force of three hundred and fifty Spaniards and eight hundred Indians, set out from Culiacan, on the southeastern shore of the Gulf of California, then the northwestern limit of Spanish-Mexican conquest, whence he penetrated north along the shores of the Gulf to the' river Gila, now the southwestern boundary of the United States. That river he followed to its head, and, crossing the mountains, reached the upper waters of the Rio del Norte, which he followed also to their sources, and then struck off northeasterly into the great interior desert as far as the 40th degree of north latitude. Gen. Simpson gives a map showing Coronado's line of march. He places the Province of Quivira, (Quivira and Coronado are slightly changed in spelling' by different writers,) between the Platte and Kansas rivers. and between the 95th and 98th degrees of longitude. As yet no county in our State bears the crowning name of its discoverer. De Soto discovered the Mississippi in 1541, and was buried in it in 1542. Some writers say De Soto entered Missouri, and also went into the Indian Territory, to the place where Fort Gibson now stands. Bancroft says (vol. I, p. 51): "The highlands of White River, more than two hundred miles from the Mississippi, were probably the limit of his ramble in this direction. The mountains offered neither gems nor gold; and the disappointed adventurers marched to the south." The American Cyclopaedia places 1609-73.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 7 "the highlands of the White River" in the "eastern portion of what is now the Indian Territory." It was in the month of August, 1541, that De Soto reached the most northern point of his journey. Consult the following: A. Relation of the Rev. Father Friar Marco de Nica, touching his Discovery of the Kingdom of Cevola or Cibola. 1539. (Hakluyt's Collection of Voyages, vol. III. London. 1600.) The Relation of Francis Vasquez de Coronado, Captain General of the People which were sent in the Name of the Emperor's Majesty to the Country of Cibola. 1540. (Hakluyt, vol. III.) The Rest of this Voyage to Acuco, Tiguex, Cicuic, and Quivira, etc. By Francis Lopez de Gomara. (Hakluyt, vol. III.) A Brief Relation of Two Notable. Voyages: the first made by Friar Augustin Ruyz, a Franciscan, in the Year 1581; the second by Antonio de Espejo, in the Year 1583, who together with his Company discovered a Land, etc., which they named New Mexico. (Hakluyt, vol. III.) Relation du Voyage de Cibola entrepris en 1540. Par Pedro. de Castaneda de Nagera. (Coll. H. Ternaux-Compans. Vol. IX. Paris. 1838.) Relation du Voyage fait a la Nouvelle-Terre sous les Ordres du General Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, Commandant de 1' Expedition. Redigee par le Capitaine Juan Jaramillo. (Coll. H. Ternaux-Compans. Vol. IX.) 160 9. MA2 23.-The second charter of Virginia (7th James I.) granted "all those lands, countries, and territories, situate, lying, and being in that part of America, called Virginia," from Cape or Point Comfort, to the northward, two hundred miles, and to the southward, two hundred miles, and'up into the land throughout from sea to sea." This grant made Kansas English, Point Comfort being on the 37th degree of latitude. 1 6 7 0. In writing to the Superior of Missions, in 1670, Father Marquette spoke of the Missouri river, from the report he had of it from the Indians. "Six or seven days below the Ilois" (Illinois river), he says, "is another great river, on which are prodigious nations, who use wooden canoes; we cannot write more till next year, if God does us the grace to lead us there." Among these "prodigious'nations" was the Kanzas. (Hale's Kanzas and Nebraska, p. 9.) 16 7 3. JUNE 10.-Marquette, accompanied by Joliet, a trader of Quebec, and five other Frenchmen, descending the Wisconsin in canoes, entered the Mississippi. They floated down as far as the Arkansas. In returning they ascended the Illinois river. Father Dablon published his narrative of this expedition in 1678- with a map on which appears the name of the Kansa tribe of Indians. Marquette's manuscript map is still preserved at St. Mary's College, Montreal. John Gilmary Shea has translated and pub-' lished the narrative, and with it a fac simile of the map. 8 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1677-1712. 1 6 7 7. La Salle obtains from the King of France a commission for perfecting the discovery of the Mississippi, and, at the same time, a monopoly of the trade in buffalo skins. 168'2. JANUARY 13.-La Salle, who had been detained by ice and winter at the mouth of the Illinois, begins his descent of the Mississippi. APRIL 9.-La Salle reaches the Gulf of Mexico. Hildreth says: "Formal possession of the mouth of the river was ceremoniously taken for the King of France. The country on the banks of the Mississippi received the name of Louisiana, in honor of Louis XIV., then at the height of his power and reputation; but the attempt to fix upon the river itself the name of Colbert did not succeed." Colbert was the French Minister of Finance. Father Membre wrote a narrative of this expedition, which is published in Shea's History of the Mississippi. He says: "We found the Ozage (Missouri) river coming from the west. It is full as large as the river Colbert, into which it empties, troubling it so that from the mouth of the Ozage the water is hardly driflkable." In 1684, La Salle left France with four ships, to plant a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. The vessels-missed the entrance of the Mississippi, passed to the westward, and landed their company on the coast of Texas, in February, 1685. In January, 1687, La Salle determined to reach Canada by land; but, after three months' wanderings, he was murdered by two mutinous companions. 1683. Hennepin published in France an account of his exploration of the Mississippi, from the mouth of the Illinois to the Falls of St. Anthony. Hildreth says the French missionaries and fur traders had explored the Mississippi, the Fox, the Wisconsin, and the Illinois from their sources to their mouths, while the upper sources of the Connecticut, the Delaware, the Susquehanna, the Potomac, and the James remained as yet unknown to the English colonists. 1699. FEBRUARY 27.-Iberville, born at Quebec, with two brothers, Sauvolle and Bienville, and two hundred colonists, most'of them Canadian soldiers, entered the Mississippi, never before entered from the sea. MAY.-Iberville plants a colony on the Bay of Biloxi, within the limits of the present State of Mississippi. Sauvolle was the first Governor of the infant colony, but soon fell a victim to the climate. Bienville succeeded' him as Governor. Iberville died of yellow fever, in 1707, at St. Domingo. 1712. SEPTEMBER 14.-The whole province of Louisiana, with a monopoly of trade, granted to Anthony Crozat, a wealthy French merchant. Crozat 1717.] AVNNALS OF KANSAS. 9 agreed to send every year two ships from France with goods and emigrants. He was to be entitled, also, to import an annual cargo of slaves from Africa, notwithstanding the monopoly of that trade in the hands of a special company. The French Government agreed to pay annually 50,000 livres ($10,000) toward supporting the civil and military establishments. In the grant, the river "heretofore called Mississippi" is called St. Louis, the "Missourys" is called St. Philip, and the "Ouabache" is called St. Jerome. Louisiana is made "dependent upon the General Government of New France" (Canada). The following is copied from the grant: "3. We permit him to search for, open, and dig, all sorts of mines, veins, and minerals, throughout the whole extent of the said country of Louisiana, and to transport the profits thereof into any part of France, during the said fifteen years; and we grant in perpetuity to him, his heirs, and others claiming utnder him or them, the property of, in and to the mines, veins and minerals which he shall bring to bear, paying us, in lieu of all claim, the fifth part of the gold and silver which the said Sieur Crozat shall cause to be transported to France, at his own charges, into what port he pleases, (of which fifth part we will run the risk of the sea and of war,) and the tenth part of what effects he shall draw from the other mines, veins, and minerals;' which tenth he shall transfer and convey to our magazines in the said country of Louisiana. We likewise permit him to search for precious stones and pearls, paying us the fifth part in the same same manner as is mentioned for the gold and silver. "7. Our edicts, ordinances, and customs, and the usages of the Mayoralty and Shrievalty of Paris, shall be observed for laws and customs in the said country of Louisiana. "Given at Fontainebleau, the 14th day of September, in the year of grace 1712, and of our reign the 70th. "LOUIS. "By the King: PHELIPEAUX, &C. "Registered at Paris, in the Parliament, the four-and-twentieth of September, 1712." After five years Crozat resigned his patent. 171 7. The exclusive commerce of Louisiana for twenty-five years, with extensive. powers of government and a monopoly of the Canadian fur trade, was bestowed on the Company of the West, otherwise called the Mississippi Company. The American CyclopFedia says: "On the death of Louis XIV., and the accession of the Duke of Orleans to the regency, John Law reentered Paris with a fortune of more than $500,000, made by gambling. The financial affairs of the French kingdom being at this time in the utmost embarrassment, he soon gained a hearing, and, having secured the patronage of the regent, in 1716 established a bank under royal authority. This institution was authorized to discount bills of exchange, and to issue notes redeemable in specie of fineness equal to that of the current money of the realm. As it accepted at par Government bills, on which there was a discount of nearly eighty per cent., and as there was a general want of private credit, its stock was soon taken, and a very lucrative business established. Law, however, aimed higher than this. He believed that while there was no standard of prices, or of money, credit was everything, and that a state might with safety treat even possible future profits as the basis of a paper currency. With this view he established the Mississippi or West India Company, based on the scheme of colonizing and drawing profit from the French possessions in North America. This company, 10 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1718-19. enlarging its scope, soon absorbed the French East India Company, under the general title of the'Company of the Indies.' It extended its capital to 624,000 shares of 550 livres each, and engaged itself to lend the King 1,600,000,000 livres at three per cent. An extraordinary fever of stock gambling had been gradually excited by these financial efforts, and the result was that the shares of the company rose to thirty-five or forty times their original value. Great extravagance resulted. Land near Paris rose to the value of 100 years' purchase, and most objects of commerce in the same proportion. But the constant decrease of specie in France, and the constant issue of Government notes, which by May, 1720, had reached the sum of 1,925,000,000 livres, soon undermined the company. A crash came, the shares sank in value, and Law, from the position of the Comptroller-General of Finances, became a fugitive. It seems, however, to be well established that he was a sincere believer in his own scheme, and that he acted honestly, and with a lively desire to promote the public welfare. He laid'by no money, and when he left France took with l)im only 800 louis d'or.... He finally died in great poverty in Venice." 17 18. The city of New Orleans founded by Bienville. 1 719. The following is copied from Hale's History: "M. Dutisne, a French officer, was sent from New Orleans, in 1719, by Bienville, the Governor, into the territory west of the Mississippi. He visited the village of the Osage Indians, five miles from the Osage river, at eighty leagues above its mouth. Thence he crossed to the northwest, one hundred and twenty miles,'over prairies abounding in buffalo, to the villages of the Panionkees or Pawrees. Here were two villages, of about one hundred and thirty cabins, and two hundred and fifty warriors each, who owned nearly three hundred horses. They were not civilized, he says, but readily accessible on receiving a few presents. Fifteen days more westward marching brought, him to the Pad6ucahs, a very brave and warlike nation. Here he erected a cross, with the arms of the King, September 27th, 1719. In his report of his expedition, he gives the details which we have quoted, and notices the salines and masses of rock salt found to this day in the region he travelled over. He found the Osages at the spot which they still occupy. If his measurements were exact, his first Pawnee or Panionkee village was near the mouth of Republican Fork. Fifteen days' westward travel must have been up the valley of one of the forks of the Kanzas river; but the name of the Padoucah Indians is now lost. From the time he reached the Osage villages, Dutisne was exploring the territory of Kanzas." Dutisne was the first Frenchman who trod this soil. His line of travel in Kansas, coming in along the Osage, was. probably through the counties of Linn, Miami, Franklin, Osage, Lyon, Morris, Davis, and then west some two hundred miles. On this supposition he crossed Coronado's route near Fort Riley, thus making that point the junction of the great trails made by the Spanish and French explorers. 1720-63.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 1 1720. A Spanish force, from New Mexico, ravages an Indian village in Kansas, and is cdt to pieces by the Indians. 172 O. The seat of government removed to New Orleans. 1724. The Pawnee Indians visited by Bourgmont. They inhabit the country on the river Platte, and their hunting ground extends as far south as the Arkansas. 173 2. The Mississippi Company, for 1,450,000 livres, surrender their charter to the Government. Thus the "Mississippi bubble" burst. The Company had held possession of Louisiana for fourteen years, and left it with a population of 5,000 whites, and 2,500 blacks. 17 5 5. Ste. Genevieve, Mo., settled by the French. 1760. The English defeat the French in Canada, and complete the conquest of that country. Louisiana alone remains to France. 1762. NOVEMBER 3.-France cedes Louisiana to Spain. On the same day, all the region east of the Mississippi, except the island of New Orleans, was yielded, by the treaty of Fontainebleau, to England, by France. The navigation of the Mississippi was to be free to both parties. The sovereignty of the eastern half of North America, from Hudson's Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, is vested in the British crown.-Louisiana contains about ten thousand inhabitants.-M. D'Abbadie, Director-General of Louisiana, grants to a company of merchants, of whom Pierre Laclede Liguest was the leader, the exclusive right of trade with the Indians on the Missouri. 1763. FEBRUARY 10.-Definitive treaty of peace and friendship, similar to the preliminary articles of November 3, 1762. France cedes Canada and Nova Scotia, or Acadia, to Great Britain. The boundary between the British and French territories "shall be fixed irrevocably by a line drawn along the middle of the river Mississippi from its source to the river Iberville, and from thence by a line drawn along the middle of this river, and the lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain, to the sea." The nineteenth article provides for the restoration of Cuba to Spain. In consequence of this stipulated restitution, Florida and all Spanish possessions east of the Mississippi are ceded to England. OCTOBER 7.-Proclamation of the King of Great Britain, erecting the 12 ANLNALS OF KANSAS. [1764-82. countries and islands ceded to him by the treaty of February 10 into four Governments, called Quebec, East Florida, West Florida, and Grenada. 1764. FEBRUARY 15.-Laclede's company establish themselves on the present site of. St. Louis. He founds the city, and gives it its name. APRIL 21.-A letter from Louis XV., King of France, to M. D'Abbadie, in Louisiana, ordering him to deliver up the country and colony of Louisiana to the Governor or officer appointed for that purpose by the King of Spain. Colonel Bouquet estimates that the Shawnees have 500 fighting men. This tribe of Indians belongs to the Algonquin group, living on the Wabash and other neighboring affluents of the Ohio. 1 766. Don Antonio d'Ulloa, the Spanish Governor, arrives in New Orleans. He was coldly received, and departed in 1767, without having produced his credentials. 1768. AUGuST.11.-A company of Spanish troops under Captain Rios take possession of St. Louis, in the name of:the King of Spain, under whose sway it remained until its transfer to the United States, in 1804. Rios retired early in the summer of 1769. 176 9. JULY 28.-Don Alexander O'Reilly, Captain-General, lands at New Orleans, and the dominion of Spain begins in Louisiana.-Pontiac, the Ottawa chief, visits St. Louis. He was killed soon afterwards at Cohokia, and his remains buried in St. Louis. 17 70. Lieutenant Governor Piernas arrives in- St. Louis and extends the Spanish authority over Upper Louisiana. 1780. Early in this year, Benjamin Franklin, in Paris, writes to John Jay, at Madrid, respecting the value to the United States of the Mississippi river. He says: " Poor as we are, yet, as I know we shall be rich, I would rather agree with the Spaniards to buy at a great price the whole of their right on the Mississippi than sell a drop of its waters. A neighbor might as well ask me to sell my street door." 178'2. NOVEMBER 30.-Provisional articles of peace negotiated at Paris between Great Britain and the United States. Boundaries of the United States defined. The navigation of the Mississippi shall forever remain 1783-1800.] ANVNALS OF KANSAS. 13 free and open to the subjects of Great Britain and the citizens of' the United States. The western and southern boundary line is declared to be the middle of the Mississippi river from as far north as the Lake of the Woods and south to the thirty-first degree of north latitude. 17 8 3. SEPTEMBER 3. —Definitive treaty of peace negotiated at Paris between the United States of America and His Britannic Majesty. The independence of the United States acknowledged. Boundaries established. September 3, 1783, by treaty with Great Britain, the territory of the United States was declared to extend from the Atlantic ocean westward to the Mississippi river, and.from a line along the great lakes on the north southward to the thirty-first parallel and the southern border of Georgia. —U. S. Census Report, 1870, Vol. 1, p. 573. 1787. SEPTEMBER 17.-The'Convention of Delegates, in the State House at Philadelphia, adopt the Constitution of the United States. 179 0. The following is copied from James Parton's Life of Jefferson: "As Secretary of State, in 1790, when there appeared some danger of Great Britain seizing New Orleans, Jefferson gave it as his official opinion to President Washington, that, rather than see Louisiana and Florida added to the British empire, the United States should brave the risks of joining actively in the general war then supposed. to be impending. But, not less averse to the French possessing it, he warned them also, in the samle year, to let it alone." 1_798. Population of St. Louis, 925 persons. 1800. MAY 7.-The Ordinance of 1787, amended in 1789, provided that the legislative power should be vested in the Governor and Judges, who were directed to adopt and publish such laws as they considered necessary. The act of May 7, 1800, creating the Territory of Indiana, conferred the same powers upon its officers as had been exercised by the officers of the Northwestern Territory under the Ordinance of'87. MAY 9. -John Brown born, at Torrington, Litchfield county, Conn. He was of the sixth generation in regular descent from Peter Brown, one of the Pilgrim Fathers who landed from the Mayflower, at Plymouth, in 1620. His grandfather, John Brown, was a captain in the Revolutionary army and died in the service. OCTOBER 1.-Treaty concluded at St. Ildefonso, the 9th Vendemiaire, an 9, (1st October, 1800,) between Napoleon, the First Consul of the French Republic, and the King of Spain. By the third article of the treaty, the King of Spain agrees to retrocede to the French Republic "the colony or province of Louisiana, with the same extent that it now has in the hands of Spain, and that it had when France possessed it." This treaty was con 14 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1801-2. firnied and enforced by the treaty of Madrid, March 21, 1801. Spain had held Louisiana thirty-seven years —from 1763 to 1800. 18 01. MARCH 29.-A despatch of this date, from Rufus King, American Minister in London, contains an intimation that Spain has ceded Louisiana and Florida to France. DECEMBER.-Rufus King sends what he believes to be a true copy of one of the treaties making the cession. 1802. APRIL 18.-Jefferson writes to Livingston that the intimated cession of Louisiana to France"Completely reverses all the political relations of the United States, and will form a new epoch in our political course. We have ever looked to France as our natural friend —one with whom we could never have an occasion of difference; but there is on the globe one single spot, the possessor of which is our onatpral and habitual enemy. It is New Orleans, through which the produce of three-eighths of our territory must pass to market; and from its fertility it will ere long yield more than half of our whole produce, and contain more than half of our inhabitants. France, placing herself in that door, assumes to us the attitude of defiance. Spain might have retained it quietly *for years. Her pacific dispositions, her feeble state, would induce her to increase our facilities there, so that her possession of the, place would be hardly felt by us, and it would not, perhaps, be very long before some circumstance mlight arise which might make the cession of it to us the pricetf soimething of more worth to her. Not so can it ever be in the hands of France.. The day that France takes possession of New Orleans fixes the sentence which is to restrain her forever within her low-water mark. It seals the union of two nations, who, in conjunction, can maintain exclusive possession of the ocean. From that moment we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation. We must turn all our attentions to a maritime force, for which our resources place us on very high ground; and having formed and connected together a power which may render re-enforcement of her settlements here impossible to France, make the first cannon which shall be fired in Europe the signal for tearing up any settlement she may have made, and for holding the two continents of America in sequestration for the common purposes of the united British and Amiurican nations." The whole letter was an argument that it was for the interest of both countries for France to cede Louisiana to the United States. OCTOBER 16.-The Spanish Intendant of Louisiana issues a proclamation interdicting the privilege, secured by the treaty of 1795, of depositing American merchandise in New Orleans. Hildreth says: "This interruption to their commerce produced a great commlotion in the Western country, and led to emphatic remonstrances from the Governor and Legislature of Kentucky, threatening to drive the Administration to a speedy use of force." It was the disaffection in the Southwest that led Burr to engage in his conspiracy. -James Pursley the first hunter and trapper to cross the plains to New Mexico. — Greeley says, in the American Conflict: "In 1802, Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul, induced the feeble and decaying Bourbons of Spain, then in close alliance with revolutionary France, to retrocede to her Louisiana, almost without consideration; and the French flag once more waved over delighted New Orleans." 1803.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 15 1803. APRIL 10.-Parton says: "On Easter Sunday, April 10, in the afternoon, after having taken conspicuous part in the revived ceremonies of the occasion (Mr. Monroe being still many leagues from Paris, but expected hourly), the First Consul opened a conversation with two of his ministers upon Louisiana. One of these Ministers, who reports the scene, was that old friend of Jefferson's, Barbe-Marbois,* for whom, twenty-six years before, he had compiled his Notes on Virginia- a gentleman ten years resident at Philadelphia, where he married the daughter of a Governor of Pennsylvania. The other Minister had served in America under Rochamnbeau during the Revolutionary war. "'I know,' said the First Consul, speaking with'passion and vehemence,'-' I know the full value of Louisiana, and I have been desirous of repairing the fault of the French negotiator who abandoned it in 1763. A few lines of a treaty have restored it to me, and I have scarcely recovered it when I must expect to lose it. But if it escapes from me, it shall one day cost dearer to those who oblige me to strip myself of it than to those to whom I wish to deliver it. The English have successively taken from Frafice Canada, Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and the richest portions of Asia. They shall not have the Mississippi, which they covet. I have not a moment to lose in putting it out of their reach: I think of ceding it to the United States. I can scarcely say that I cede it to them, for it is not yet in our possession. If, however, I leave the least time to our enemies, I shall only transmit an empty title to those republicans whose friendship I seek. They only ask of me pne town in Louisiana: but I already consider the colony as entirely lost; and it appears to me that in the hands of this growing power it will be more useful to the policy and even to the commerce of France, thin if I should attempt to keep it."' The next morning Bonaparte resumed the conversation:'Irresolution and deliberation,' he said,'are no longer in reason. I renounce Louisiana. It is not only New Orleans that I will cede; it is the whole colony, without any reservation. I renounce it with the greatest regret. To attempt obstinately to retain it would be folly. I direct you to negotiate this affair with the envoys of the United Statep. Do not even await the arrival of Mr. Monroe; have an interview this very day with Mr. Livingston. But I require a great deal of money for this war, and I would not like to commence it with new contributions. If I should regulate my terms abcording to the value of those vast regions to the United States, the indemnity would have no limits. I will be moderate, in consideration of the necessity in which I am of making a sale. But keep this to yourself. I want fifty millions of frands, and for less than that sum I will not treat; I would rather make a desperate attempt to keep those fine countries. To-morrow you shall have your full powers.'" APRIL 30.-Treaty concluded at Paris between the United States and the French republic. France cedes Louisiana to the United States. Treaty negotiated by Robert R. Livingston, James Monroe, and Barbe-Marbois. The following is copied from the treaty: "ARTICLE 1. Whereas, by the article the third of the treaty concluded at St. Ildefonso, the first of October, 1800, between the First Consul of the French Republic and.his Catholic Majesty, it was agreed as follows:'His Catholic Majesty agrees and engages on his part, to retrocede to the French Republic, six months after the full and entire execution of the conditions and stipulations herein relative to his Royal Highness the Duke of Parma, the colony or province of Louisiana, with the same extent that it now has in the hands of Spain, and that it had when France possessed it, and such as it should be after the treaties subsequently entered into between Spain and other states;' and whereas, in pursuance of the treaty, and particularly of the third article, the French Republic has an incontestable title to the domain and to the possession of the said territory: The First Consul of the French Republic, desiring to-give to the United States a strong proof of his friendship, doth hereby cede to the said United States, in the name of the French Republic, forever and in full sovereignty, the said territory, *MARBOIS had been Secretary to the French embassy in America, and was now at the head of the French treasury. 16 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1803. with all its rights and appurtenances, as fully and in the same manner as they have been acquired by the French Republic in virtue of the above-mentioned treaty, concluded with his Catholic Majesty. "ART. 4. There shall be sent by the Government of France a commissary to Louisiana, to the end that he do every act necessary, as well to receive from the officers of his Catholic Majesty [the King of Spain] the said country and its dependencies, in the name of the French Republic, if it has not been already done, as to transmit it, in the name of the French Republic, to the colimissary or agent of the United States." Two conventions, regulating the payment of the consideration, bear the date of the treaty of cession. The first stipulates that the payment of the sixty million livres shall be made in six per cent. stock of the United States, to the amount of $11,250,000. Under the second convention, the claims of citizens of the United States on France are to be paid at the American treasury, to the amount of $3,750,000. The following is copied from the "Land Laws," compiled in virtue of a resolution of Congress, of April 27, 1810: "By the grant of Louis XIV. to Crozat, dated 14th September, 1712, all the country drained by the waters emptying directly or indirectly into the Mississippi, is included within the boundaries of Louisiana." "East of the Mississippi, the United States claim, by virtue of the treaty of 1803, all the territory south of the thirty-first degree of north latitude, and extending eastwardly to the small river Perdido, which lies between Mobile and Pensac(ola, and was, when Louisiana formnerly belonged to France, the boundary between that colony and the Spani'h province of Florida. That territory, together with the residue of Louisiana east of the Mississippi, was, by the treaty of 1763, ceded by France to Great Britain, who, by the same treaty, acquired also Spanish Florida. The preliminary articles of that treaty were signed on the third day of November, 1762; and, on the same day, France, by a separate act, ceded to Spain all the residue of Louisiana west of the Mississippi, and including the city and island (so called) of New Orleans. By the treaties of 1783, Great Britain ceded to the United States all that part of the'former colony of Louisiana east of the Mississippi which lay north of the thirty-first degree of north latitude; and to Spain, under the name of West and East Florida, both that part of Louisiana east of the Mississippi which lay south of that parallel of latitude, and the old Spanish province of Florida. The thirty-first degree of latitude was, by the subsequent treaty of 1795, between the United States and Spain, confirmed as the boundary between the possessions of the two nations. The title of the United States to the territory in question, under the treaties of St. Ildefonso, and of 1803, is fully established by those facts." The province of Louisiana thus purchased comprised 1,160,577 square miles. The whole domain of the original thirteen Colonies was only 820,680 square miles. The amount ultimately paid by the United States, in principal and interest, was more than $23,500,000. Parton says: "Bonaparte was so well pleased with the bargain that he gave M. Marbois 192,000 francs of the proceeds. Sixty millions, he said, was a pretty good price for a province of which he had not taken possession, and might not be able to retain twenty-four hours. He also said:'This accession of territory strengthens forever the power of the United States, and I have just given to England a maritime rival that will sooner or later humble her pride.' Strange to relate, the British Government expressed approval of the cession. "One consideration embarrassed the President'amid the relief and triumph of this peaceful solution of a problem so alarming. He, a strict constructionist, had done an act unauthorized by the constitution. He owned and justified it thus:'The constitution has made no provision for our holding foreign territory, still less for incorporating foreign nations into our Union. The Executive, in seizing the fugitive occurrence 1804.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 17 which so much advances the good of their country, have done an act beyond the constitution. The legislature, in casting behind them metaphysical subtleties, and risking themselves like faithful servants, must ratify and pay for it, and throw themselves on their country for doing for them unauthorized what we know they would have done for themselves, had they been in a situation to do it. It is the case of a guardian, investing the money of his ward in purchasing an important adjacent territory, and saying to him when of age: I did this for your good; I pretend to no right to bind you; you may disavow me, and I must get out of the scrape as I can: I thought it my duty to risk myself for you. But we shall not be disavowed by the nation, and their act of indemnity will confirm and not weaken the constitution, by more strongly marking out its lines.' He proposed that the case should be met. by an additional article to the constitution." Parton fails to quote the following, which Jefferson wrote to his Attorney General: "The less that is said about any constitutional difficulty, the better. Congress should do what is necessary in silence. I find but one opinion about the necessity of shutting up the constitution for some time." OCTOBER 20.-A session of Congress, called by the President, met October 17. On the 20th, the Senate ratified the treaty and conventions. Ratifications were exchanged, and the bargain became complete. OCTOBER 31.-Act of Congress authorizing the President "to take possession of the territories ceded by France to the United States," and "for the temporary government thereof." By this act the government is "vested in such person and persons," and "exercised in such manner as the President of the United States shall direct." NOVEMBER 10.-Two acts providing for the payment of the fifteen million dollars to France were approved: NOVEMBER 30.-Laussat takes possession of Louisiana. Casa Calvo and Salcedo. the Spanish commissioners, present to him the keys of the city, over which the tri-color flag floated but for the short space of twenty days. DECEMBER 20.-Formal delivery of the island and city of Orleans made Py citizen Laussat, as commissioner of France, to General Wilkinson and C. C. Claiborne, commissioners on the part of the United States. Claiborne had been commissioned by Congress "to the supreme and sole government of the new province." The star-spangled banner supplants the tri-color of France. 1804. MARCH 10.-The United States authority in Missouri dates from the 10th day of March, 1804. On that day Major Amos Stoddard assumed the duties of Governor of Upper Louisiana. MARCH 26.-Act of Congress erecting Louisiana into,the Territory of Orleans and the District of Louisiana. The division line was the southern boundary of Mississippi Territory and the thirty-third degree of latitude. "The executive power now vested in the Governor of the Indiana Territory shall extend to and be exercised in the said District of Louisiana. The Governor and Judges of the Indiana territory shall have power to establish in the said District of. Louisiana inferior courts, and prescribe their jurisdiction and duties, and to make all laws which they may deem conducive to the good government of the inhabitants thereof." The following is copied from vol. I, p. 575, U. S. Census Report, 1870: "By act of March 26, 1804, to take effect October 1, 1804, (the act dividing the'Province of Louisiana,' ceded by France, into the Territory of Orleans and the District of 2 18 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1804. Louisiana,) the District of Louisiana, being all of the French cession west of the Mississippi river, except the present State of Louisiana, was committed to the government of the officers of the Territory of Indiana." MAY 14.-The expedition of Lewis and Clarke leaves St. Louis. Parton says of Jefferson: "How eagerly he availed himself of his opportunities for increasing the sum of knowledge, his letters exhibit, and the fact is part of the history of that age. It was hie thought that sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke up the Missouri to its sources in the Rocky Mountains, across those mountains to the Columbia river, and down the Columbia until huge waves, rolling in from the ocean and tossing high their light canoes, notified them that they had reached the Pacific. Counting from the time when Captain John Smith sailed up the Chickahominy in search of the South Sea, the world had waited two hundred years for this exploration. Never was a piece of work of that kind better done or better chronicled, for it was Jefferson who selected the two heroes that conducted it. Captain Lewis was the son of one of his most valued Albemarle neighbors. Lieutenant Clarke was the brother of that General George Rogers Clarke who held back the -Indians from joining in the war of the Revolution; and both of them were such masters of all frontier arts that the perilous expedition of two years, four months and ten days was one joyous holiday excursion to them. Returning to St. Louis laden with spoils and trophies, Captain Lewis, besides his journals and other official results, sends off exultingly to the President'sixty-seven specimens of earths, salts and minerals, and sixty specimens of plants.' It was Jefferson, too, who set on foot the two exploring expeditions of Lieutenant Zebulon Montgomery Pike, whose name lives in that of the peak which he discovered, and in those of ten counties of the United States. Pike was the first American who explored the upper Mississippi beyond the Falls of St. Anthony, noting the sites of the cities now rising on its banks, and shaking hands on the way with' Monsieur Dubuque,' who was working the lead mines and lording it over a wide domain. Lieut. Pike was the first American to explore the valley of the Arkansas. He said truly, in one of his letters, that the regions which he had traversed were little more known to the world than the wilds in the interior of Africa. In seventy years we behold them populous, and more familiar to our knowledge than the next county." - Governor Wm. H. Harrison, of Indiana, arrived in St. Louis. Having learned the wants of the people, he returned, and, with the Judges of the Territory of Indiana, passed such acts as were deemed necessary for the new District. OCTOBER 1.-The Governor and Judges of Indiana Territory enact the following laws for' the District of Louisiana: Providing for punishing crimes; establishing justices' courts; a law respecting slaves [the Ordinance of 1787 was not allowed to come over from Indiana]; a law regulating county taxes; one regulating the militia; one establishing recorders' offices; one relating to attorneys; one on constables; one on boatmen; one on defalcation; one regulating court practice; one establishing a court of probate; one establishing courts of judicature; one regulating the oath of office; and one establishing the office of sheriff. They also, April 24, 1805, enacted a law regulating marriages. Saint Vincennes, on the Wabash, the seat of government of Indiana Territory. By a treaty made at St. Louis, the Foxes and Sacs were united into one tribe. They ceded all their land east of the Mississippi to the United States. The Fox Indians, or Ottigamies, are a tribe of the Algonquin nations, belonging to the Western group, with the Sacs, Miamis and others. They formerly lived at the south end of Green bay, Wisconsin. In 1825, 1805-12.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 19 they lived in Illinois and Missouri. In 1846, their agency was at the Osage river. 1805. The Territory of Orleans given by Congress the same government with that of Mississippi —the government of a Territory of the first class, having a Legislature chosen by the inhabitants. MARCH 3.-Act of Congress changing the District of Louisiana to the Territory of Louisiana. It provides for a Governor, Secretary, and three Judges. The legislative power is vested in the Governor and Judges. Hildreth says: "The District of Louisiana, hitherto annexed to Indiana, was now erected into a separate Territory of the second class, the power of legislation being. vested in the Governor and Judges. A section of this act, by continuing in force until altered or repealed by the Legislature, all existing laws and regulations, gave a tacit confirmation to the system of slavery, already established in the settlements on the Arkansas and Missouri." JuLY.-Aaron Burr visits St. Louis, and excites in General Wilkinson's mind "definite suspicions" as to his designs. -Governor James Wilkinson ordered by President Jefferson to leave St. Louis and watch the movements of ex-Vice President Aaron Burr. AUGUST 9. —Zebulon M. Pike leaves St. Louis, with twenty men, on an exploring expedition. He is gone nine months. 1806. Pike discovers the peak, in the Rocky Mountains, now known by his name. Lewis and Clarke return. 1808. JULY.-The Weekly Missouri Republican founded by Joseph Charles. 1811. DECEMBER 16.-The whole valley of the Mississippi shaken by an earthquake, and the town of New Madrid, Mo., destroyed. -The first steamboat on the Western rivers built by Mr. Roosevelt, of New York, at Pittsburgh, and named New Orleans. 1812. APRIL 8.-The Territory of Orleans becomes the State of Louisiana. JUNE 4.-Act of Congress making the Territory of Louisiana the Territory of Missouri. It provides for a Governor and a Secretary. The legislative power is vested in the Governor, Council, and House of Representatives. The House is elected by the people. The House sends to the President of the United States the names of eighteen persons, and from these the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, selects nine persons; who form the Council. The judicial power is vested in a Superior Court, in inferior courts, and in justices of the peace. The Judges are appointed by the President. 20 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1816-19. 1816. JANUARY 19.-The Legislature of Missouri Territory passes a law making the common law of England the law of the Territory. Governor Reeder, in his message of July 2, 1855, said: "It appears that'the laws of the United States, not inapplicable to our locality; the laws of the Territory of Indiana, made between the 26th of March, 1804, and the 3d of March, 1805, enacted for the District of Louisiana; the laws for the Territory of Louisiana; the laws of the Territory of Missouri; the common law; and the law of the Province of Louisiana at the time of the cession, except so far as the latter have superseded the former, still remain in force in the Territory of Kansas. As the common law, to a considerable extent, was adopted for the Territory by Congress as late as 1812, and by the Missouri Legislature as late as 1816,... it has, without doubt, suspended and supplied a great amount of the law previously existing." -Stephen H. Long begins his explorations. He spends eight years in the West, traversing more than 26,000 miles of wilderness. One of the highest summits of the Rocky Mountains is named from him Long's Peak. An account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, in 1819-20, from the notes of Major Long and others, by Edwin Adams, was published in 1823. APRIL 29.-By an act of Congress, the Council of Missouri Territory is elected by the people. In 1817 and 1819, two treaties were made by the Cherokees, which resulted, twenty years later, in their enforced emigration to the Indian country. The Cherokees are a tribe of the Appalachian group of American Indians, and were formerly the occupants of the most salubrious region east of the Mississippi. 1819. FEBRUARY 22.-Treaty with Spain. The following is copied from vol. I, pp. 573-4, of the Ninth Census of the United States, 1870: "April 30, 1803, by treaty with France, the'Province of Louisiana' wasceded. Its western boundary, as finally adjusted, February 22, 1819, by treaty with Spain, ran up the Sabine river to and along the seventeenth meridian (94th Greenwich), to and along the Red river, to and along the twenty-third meridian (100th Greenwich), to and along the Arkansas river, to and along the Rocky Mountains, to and along the twenty-ninth meridian (106th Greenwich), to and along the forty-second parallel to the Pacific ocean. Its northern boundary has conformed to the boundary established between the British possessions and the United States. On the east it was bounded by the Mississippi river. as far south as the thirty-first parallel, where different boundaries were claimed. The United States construed the cession of France to include all the territory between the thirty-first parallel and the Gulf of Mexico, and between the rivers Mississippi and Perdido, the latter of which is now the western boundary of the State of Florida. Under this construction of the cession, the'Province of Louisiana' is now covered by those portions of the States of Alabama and Mississippi which lie south of the thirtyfirst parallel; by the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Oregon, Minnesota west of the Mississippi river, and Kansas [except the small portion thereof south of the Arkansas river and west of the twenty-third meridian (100th Greenwich)]; by the Territories of Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and that known as the Indian country; and by the portion of the Territory of Colorado lying east of the Rocky Mountains and north of the Arkansas river, and all of the Territory of Wyoming north of the forty-second parallel, and that portion of the Territory of Wyoming which is south of that parallel and east of the Rocky Mountains. In 1800, however, the,'Province of Louisiana' had been ceded by Spain to France, Spain. claiming that she ceded to France no territory east of the Mississippi river except the'Island of New Orleans,' and also contending that her province of West Florida included all of 1820-25.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 21 the territory south of the thirty-first parallel and between the Perdido and Mississippi rivers, except the'Island of New Orleans.' Under this construction, the' Province of Louisiana' included on the east of the Mississippi river only the territory bounded on the north and east by the' Rivers Iberville and Amite and by the Lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain.'" MARCR 2.-Arkansas Territory created; cut off from Missouri. Bill to admit Missouri as a State introduced in Congress, and lost. The Western Engineer, with a corps of topographical engineers under Major S. II. Long, was the first steamboat to ascend the Missouri. It was a stern-wheel boat. 1820. MARCH 6.-The following is section eight of an act approved March 6, 1820, "to authorize the people of Missouri Territory to form a constitution and State government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and to prohibit slavery in certain Territories:" "SEc. 8. That in all that territory ceded by France to the United States, under the name of Louisiana, which lies north of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude, not included within the limits of the State contemplated by this act, slavery and involuntary servitude, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the parties shall have been duly convicted, shall be, and is hereby, forever prohibited: Provided always, that any person escaping into the same, from whom labor or service is lawfully claimed, in any State or Territory of the United States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labor or service as aforesaid." The Territorial Governors of Missouri were: 1805, James Wilkinson; 1807, Meriwether Lewis; 1810, Benjamin Howard; 1813, William Clarke; 1820, Alexander McNair. JULY 19.-The people of Missouri, in State convention, assent to the act of March 6. - Grasshopper visitation in Kansas and Missouri. 1821. MARCH 2.-Missouri admitted, with conditions, by joint resolution. AUGUST 10. —Conditions accepted. Proclamation admitting Missouri as a State. 1822. DECEMBER 9.-The Legislature passes an act incorporating St. Louis as a city. It has 4,800 inhabitants. In the spring of this year, General William H. Ashley, the head of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, of St. Louis, equipped two boats to ascend the Missouri to the mouth of the Yellowstone. 1823. The first Santa Fe train from Missouri. It set out from Franklin, now Booneville. 182 5. APRIL 29.-Public reception of La Fayette in St. Louis. JUNE.-Major Sibley appointed, under an act of Congress, to survey and 22 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1825. establish a wagon road from Missouri to Santa Fe. He established the Santa Fe trail, through Independence, Mo., and through Kansas. JULY 25.-Treaty of peace with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes. NOVEMBER 7.-Treaty with the Shawnees. The United States give them a tract of land equal to fifty miles square, situated west of the State of Missouri, and within the purchase made from the Osages on the 2d of June, 1825. DECEMBER 30.-By treaty with the Osage Indians, the tribe is located upon a tract lying between latitude 370 and 38~ north, and longitude 940 and 98~ west, and watered by the Arkansas, Verdigris and Neosho rivers. The tract contains 7,564,000 acres. The tribe numbered 5,500 persons. The Osages belong to the Sioux or Dacotah family. The name by which they were known to the Algonquins (Ouasash) means bone-men; and the word Osage, of French origin, is a corruption of that name. From early times they have been prominent in this section of the country. The following statement in regard to treaties with the Osages and Kaws is copied from F. G. Adams's Homestead Guide: "Treaties made with the Osages and the Kaws both, in 1825, affect portions of this territory-that of the latter tribe nearly the whole of it; showing that the Kaws then claimed to have, in a great measure, supplanted the Pawnees in their right to the occupancy of the country now embraced within the homestead region. The treaty with the Kansas Indians or Kaws, of June 3, 1825, ceded the following-described territory:'Beginning at the entrance of the Kansas river into the Missouri river, from thence north to the northwest corner of the State of Missouri, from thence westerly to the Nodaway river, thirty miles from its entrance into the Missouri river, from thence to the entrance of the Nemaha into the Missouri river, and with that river (the NTemaha) to its source, from thence to the source of the Kansas river, leaving the old village of the Pania (Pawnee) Republic to the west, from thence on the ridge dividing the waters of the Kansas river from those of the Arkansas, to the western boundary line of the State of Missouri, and with that line thirty miles to the place of beginning.' "To understand this boundary, it must be remembered that at that time the western line of Missouri extended due north from the mouth of the Kansas river to the Iowa line, leaving what was afterwards called the Platte Purchase, now a part of Missouri, still, till the date of this treaty of 1825, a part of the territory claimed by the Kaws. "In the above description, the southwestern terminus of that portion of the boundary line extending' from the head-waters of the Nemaha to the sources of the Kansas river,' was evidently intended to strike the sources of the Smoky Hill. Thus that line crossed the Republican river far below its source,'leaving the Pawnee Republic to the west,' thereby conceding that the Pawnees of the Republican had a right to the occupancy of the upper portion of the valley of that stream. But, by the treaty of 1833, the Pawnees relinquished to the United States all their right to territory south of the Platte. "In the above-mentioned treaty with the Kaws, that tribe reserved for their own occupancy the tract on the Kansas river, thirty miles square, which was afterwards ceded to the Pottawatomies; also some twenty individual half-breed reservations, of a square mile each, extending from the principal reservation, near where Topeka is now situated, along the north bank of the Kansas river, to about the mouth of Grasshopper creek. "The Osage treaty of June 2, 1825, ceded to the United States the territory west of the States of Missouri and Arkansas, north of Red river, south of the Kansas river, and east of the line from the head sources of the Kansas river to Rock Saline. By Rock Saline is meant the salt plains about the line of Kansas and the Indian Territory." 1826-31.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 23 By the treaty of December 30, 1825, the Osages reserved the tract first above described. 1826. NOVEMBER 20.-The seat of government of Missouri removed from St. Charles to the City of Jefferson. 1827. A part of the Third regiment U. S. troops stationed at the place where Fort Leavenworth now stands. It was called a cantonment until 1832, when it became a fort. The name of the fort comes from the Colonel of the regiment, Henry H. Leavenworth. Its latitude is 39~ 21/ 14"; longitude, 940 44/. 1828. MAY 6.-Treaty with the Cherokees. SEPTEMBER 24.-The Delawares, called in their own language the Lenapes, are one of the Algonquin tribes of American Indians. At the beginning of the sixteenth century they occupied the valley of the Delaware river. In 1751, they are found on the Susquehanna. In 1781, a part settled on the Muskingum, and were ordered to remove to Sandusky. After 1812, they stopped for a time on the Whitewater river, in Indiana. Thence they crossed the Mississippi. On the 24th of September, 1829, a treaty was made, giving the Delawares "the country in the fork of the Kansas and Missouri rivers, extending up the Kansas river to the Kansas [Indians] line, and up the Missouri river to Camp Leavenworth, and thence by a line drawn westwardly, leaving a space ten miles wide, north of the Kansas boundary line, for'an outlet." The Delawares relinquish all claim to the country now occupied by them, on James's fork of White river, in Missouri. 1830. Rev. Isaac McCoy described the Osage and Neosho valleys in letters to the War Department, from 1830 to 1838. Lewis Cass speaks of Mr. McCoy in the North American Review, vol. XXX. Mr. McCoy came here in 1828, and soon after published a pamphlet describing southern Kansas and the northern part of the present Indian Territory. 1831. AUGUST 8.-By treaty, the Shawnees of Ohio are given lands in Kansas contiguous to the land of the Shawnees of Missouri, if that cession is not sufficiently large. AUGUST. 30.-The Ottawa Indians residing in Ohio cede their lands to the United States and receive "a tract of land to contain thirty-four thousand acres, to be located adjoining the south or west line of the reservation equal to fifty miles square granted to the Shawnees of Missouri and Ohio, on the Kanzas river and its branches." The Baptist Shawnee Mission, four miles west of the Missouri line, established by the Baptist General Convention of the United States. Rev. Isaac McCoy was appointed an agent for the Government, for colonizing 24 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1832. the Indians, and established this and other missions. In 1839, Rev. Francis Barker took charge of this mission. In 1848, the mission erected a church, one of the first frame buildings in Kansas. Mr. Barker still had charge of the mission in March, 1855. 1832. Independence, Missouri, becomes the outfitting point for western trains. APRIL 6.-The Wyandotte Indians sell their lands in Ohio to the Government, and remove to the junction of the Kansas and Missouri rivers, in Kansas. They number 687 persons. The Wyandottes are of the Iroquois family, are called Hurons by the French, but call themselves Wendats or Yendats. When the French settled Canada, they were on the island of Montreal, and numbered 40,000. A part of them went to Quebec, and a part south of the great lakes. In 1829, a small band lived on the river Huron, in Michigan, but the principal portion was collected on the headwaters of the Sandusky river. In 1855, January 31, by treaty, they acquired the right to become citizens, and the Kansas lands of the tribe were divided among them, giving to each person about forty acres. OCTOBER 24.-The Kickapoos cede their country, on the Osage river, in Missouri, and receive a tract of land with the following boundaries: "Beginning on the Delaware line six miles westwardly of Fort Leavenworth, thence with the Delaware line westwardly sixty miles, thence north twenty miles, thence in a direct line to the west bank of the Missouri, at a point twenty-six miles north'of Fort Leavenworth, thence down the west bank of the Missouri river to a point six miles nearly northwest of Fort Leavenworth, and thence to the beginning." OCTOBER 27.-"The United States cede to the combined tribes of Kaskaskias and Peorias, and the bands united with them, one hundred and fifty sections of land, forever, or as long as they live upon it as a tribe, to include the present Peoria village, west of the State of Missouri, on the waters of the Osage river, to be bounded as follows, to wit: North by the lands assigned to the Shawanoes, west by the western line of the reservation made for the Piankeshaws, Weas and Peorias, and east by lands assigned the Piankeshaws and Weas." The Peorias relinquish their lands in Missouri and Illinois. OCTOBER 29.-The United States cede to the Piankeshaw and Wea tribes two hundred and fifty sections of land within the limits of the survey of the lands set apart for the Piankeshaws, Weas and, Peorias, bounded east by the western boundary line of the State of Missouri for fifteen miles, north by the southern boundary of the lands assigned to the Shawanoes, west by lands assigned to the Peorias and Kaskaskias, and south by the southern line of the original tract surveyed for the Piankeshaws, Weas and Peorias; said tract being intended to include the present villages of the said'Piankeshaws and Weas. NOVEMBER 26.-By a supplemental article to the Kickapoo treaty, it is agreed that the boundary lines of the lands assigned to the Kickapoos 1833-34.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 25 "shall begin on the Delaware line, where said line crosses the left branch of Salt creek, thence down said creek to the Missouri river, thence up the Missouri river thirty miles when measured on a straight line, thence westwardly to a point twenty miles from the Delaware line, so as to include in the lands assigned to the Kickapoos at least twelve hundred square miles." 183 3. FEBRUARY 14.-Seven millions of acres of land ceded to the Cherokees. MAY 13.-The United States agree to convey to the Quapaw Indians one hundred and fifty sections of land west of the State line of Missouri, and between the lands of the Senecas and Shawnees. OCTOBER 9.-Treaty made with the Pawnees at Grand Pawnee Village, on the Platte river. The following is copied from F. G. Adams's Homestead Guide: "The Pawnees were a powerful and warlike tribe, and for a century they maintained sway over the country embraced by the branches of the Kansas river, and over the whole region watered by the Platte, from near the Rocky Mountains to its mouth. They were divided into several villages br bands, one of which, the' Pawnee Republic,' gave its name to the Republican river. The Otoes, Omahas and other tribes acknowledged the superiority of the Pawnees, and lived under their protection. In 1832, however, all these tribes were ravaged by the small-pox, and it is said that the Pawnees then lost half their population. The following year, by treaty, they disposed of, to the United States, all their claims to the land lying south of the Platte river, and agreed to locate themselves north of that river and west of the Missouri. This they did. But large bodies of Sioux came down on their new settlements, and drove them back with great slaughter. Some returned to their old villages; others joined their allies, the Otoes and Omahas. They continued to be unfortunate, and by the ravages of wars and disease rapidly dwindled in numbers." 1834. The first printing press brought to Kansas by Rev. Joseph Meeker. The Ottawa (Franklin county) Republican of May 20, 1875, says: "The press in question was brought to Franklin county in 1834, when this country was all in Indian reservations, and was set up at the Baptist Mission farm, five miles northeast of Ottawa, and two miles down the Ottawa creek from the J. T. Jones place. It was sent out by the Baptist Home Mission Society, of New York, at the urgent request of Rev. Mr. Meeker, the first missionary to the Ottawa Indians. Mr. Meeker published a small missionary paper in the English and Cherokee languages. In addition to this paper, he wrote and published several school books in the Indian:Janguage, a book of the code of laws of the Ottawas, a hymn book, and several' Sunday school books, all in the native language..... The type and other material used at the mission farm by Rev. Mr. Meeker were finally scattered broadcast by the Indian children; and Mr. Richmond tells us that he could pick up whole handfuls of type, as late as 1865, near where that zealous missionary and his wife lie buried." -The first stock of goods landed near the present site of Kansas City, Missouri. JUNE 30. —Congress enacts that all that part of the United States west of the Mississippi, and not within the States of Missouri and Louisiana or the Territory of Arkansas, shall be taken for the purpose of the act to be Indian country, and certain regulations are prescribed for its government. So much of the laws of the United States as provide for the punishment of crime committed in any place within the exclusive jurisdiction of the 26 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1835-36. United States are declared to be in force in it, with the proviso that the same shall not extend to crime committed by one Indian against the person or property of another Indian. For the purpose of carrying this act into effect, all that part of the Indian country west of the Mississippi river that is bounded north by the north line of lands assigned to the Osage tribe of Indians, produced east to the State of Missouri, west by the Mexican possessions, south by Red river, and east by the west line of the Territory of Arkansas, is annexed to the Territory of Arkansas; and the residue of the Indian country west of the Mississippi is annexed to the judicial district of Missouri. I835. APRIL 20.-First railroad convention in St. Louis. MAY 29.-Expedition of Colonel Henry Dodge, U. S. A., to the Rocky Mountains. Colonel Dodge left Fort Leavenworth May 29. He followed the west bank of the Missouri nearly to the mouth of the Platte, traced the Platte to its source, went south to the head-waters of the Arkansas, and returned through that valley. In other words, he marked the line of the railroads from Leavenworth and Atchison to near Omaha, took the Union Pacific west, followed the Colorado railroads to Pueblo, and came home by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe line. Fort Dodge is on the return trail. DECEMBER 29.-The United States agree to convey to the Cherokee Indians "the following additional tract of land, situated between the west line of the State of Missouri and the Osage reservation: Beginning at the southeast corner of the same, and runs north along the east line of the Osage lands fifty miles to the northeast corner thereof, and thence east to the west line of the State of Missouri, thence with said line south fifty miles, thence west to of beginning —estimated to contain eight hundred thousand acres of land; but it is expressly understood that, if any of the lands assigned to the Quapaws shall fall within the aforesaid bounds, the same shall be reserved and excepted out of the lands above granted, and a pro rata reduction shall be made in the price to be allowed to the United States for the same by the Cherokees." This treaty was confirmed by Congress in 1838, and General Scott marched into their country, in Georgia, with 2,000 troops, and forced their removal. 1836. JUNE 7.-The western boundary of Missouri was a line drawn north and south from the mouth of the Kansas river. In 1836, June 7, Congress passed an act by which the "Platte Purchase" was added to Missouri. The eastern boundary of this triangle was formed by a line drawn north from the mouth of the Kaw; the western boundary was the Missouri river. This tract of land became slave territory, in violation of the Missouri compromise. JULY 21.-The office of the St. Louis Observer, an Anti-Slavery paper, edited by Elijah P. Lovejoy, broken into in the night. The presses were 1837-42.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 27 overthrown, and the type scattered into the street. Mr. Lovejoy removed to Alton, Illinois, where he was killed, November 8, 1837. The press moved from St. Louis had been destroyed at Alton, and Lovejoy was murdered while defending another press, lately brought to Alton. 18 37. FEBRUARY 11.-The United States agree to convey "to the Pottawatomies of Indiana a tract of country, on the Osage river, southwest of the Missouri river, sufficient in extent, and adapted to their habits and wants." MARCH 28.-The act of June 7, 1836, takes effect by the proclamation of March 28, 1837, and the western boundary of Missouri is extended to the Missouri river. MARCH 29.-Launching of the first steamboat built in St. Louis. OCTOBER 31. -Plan of defences of the western frontier proposed by Charles Gratiot, and published in the report of J. R. Poinsett, Secretary of War. This is another railroad map. The lines of the Missouri Pacific and North Missouri railroads, the route from Kansas City to Omaha, and directly south to Fort Smith —these and other lines in Missouri and Arkansas anticipate with marvellous accuracy the present railroad system. Posts were recommended at Fort Scott and Kansas City. NOVEMBER 17.-Burning of the State House at Jefferson City, and destruction of official papers and records. DECEMBER 20.-The United States agree to reserve a location on *the head-waters of the Osage river for the Saginaw tribe of Chippewas. 1838. JANUARY 15.-The United States agree to set apart to the New York Indians "the following tract of country, situated directly west of the State of Missouri: Beginning on the' west line of the State of Missouri, at the northeast corner of the Cherokee tract, and running thence north along the west line of the State of Missouri twenty-seven miles to the southerly line of the Miami lands; thence west so far as shall be necessary, by running a line at right angles, and parallel to the west line aforesaid, to the Osage lands, and thence easterly along the Osage and Cherokee lands to the place of beginning; to include one million eight hundred and twentyfour thousand acres of land, being three hundred and twenty acres for each soul of said Indians, as their numbers are at present computed." This land is also intended as a future home for the Senecas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Tuscaroras, Oneidas, St. Regis, Stockbridges, Munsees, and Brothertowns, residing in the State of New York. 1842. MAY.-Lieutenant John C. Fremont arrived at St. Louis May 22, 1842. Thence he proceeded to Cyprian Chouteau's trading house, on the Kansas river, about six miles west of the Missouri line; latitude 39~ 5, 57"; longitude 94~ 39' 16"; elevation above the sea, about 700 feet. He started 28 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1843-46. thence June 10, with Kit Carson as his guide. On the 12th he seems to have camped near the site of Lawrence: "We encamped in a remarkably beautiful situation on the Kanzas bluffs, which commanded. a fine view of the river valley, here from three to four miles wide. The central portion was occupied by a broad belt of heavy timber, and nearer the hills the prairies were of the richest verdure." On the 14th, he crossed to the north side of the river, probably at the point where Topeka now stands. On the 16th, he says. " We were now fairly in the Indian country, and it began to be time to prepare for the chances of the wilderness." His journey thence was northwest, to the Blue and the Platte. The expedition went as far west as the Wind River mountains; left there August 18; returned by the Platte, and reached the Missouri at the mouth of the Platte, October 1: JUNE.-Captain Moore, of the U. S. Dragoons, and Dr. Mott, of the Regular army, select Fort Scott as a military post. It was occupied by United States troops until 1854. 1843. MAY.-Fremont passes up the Kansas river on a second expedition. DECEMBER 14.-The Wyandottes purchase of the Delawares 23,040 acres of land at the junction of the Missouri and Kansas rivers. This contract was ratified by the United States, July 25, 1848; on the 1st of April, 1850, they agree to pay the Wyandottes $185,000 for the lands promised them. 1844. "The Commerce of the Prairies," by Josiah Gregg, published in Philadelphia; two volumes. - Colonel Dodge, of the Third U. S. Dragoons, makes an expedition from Fort Leavenworth to Pike's Peak. -The Mormons cross the plains, starting near the site of the present city of Atchison. -General Kearney marches from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe. 1846. JANUARY 14.-The Kansas Indians cede to the United States "two millions of acres of land on the east part of their country, embracing the entire width, thirty miles, and running west for quantity." JUJNE 5 and 17.-The United States grant to the Pottawatomies a tract of land containing 576,000 acres, being thirty miles square, and being the eastern part of the lands ceded to the United States by the Kansas tribe of Indians, January 14, 1846, adjoining the Shawnees on the south, and the Delawares and Shawnees on the east, on both sides of the Kansas river. AUGUsT 8.-President Polk sends a special message to Congress, asking an appropriation of money to pay for territory to be acquired by treaty from Mexico. A bill was reported appropriating $30,000 expenses of negotiations, and $2,000,000 to be used in making a treaty. The House was Democratic by 120 to 72. A few Northern Democrats —among them Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, Preston King, of New York, and David Wilmot, 1847-49.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 29 of Pennsylvania, held a caucus and decided that, inasmuch as Mexico had abolished slavery some twenty years before, all territory acquired from that country should come in free. In accordance with this understanding, Mr. Wilmot offered the following proviso to the first section of the bill: "Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty that may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted." The bill passed the House with this proviso, by 85 to 80. It then went to the Senate, in the last hours of the session, and remained there without action upon it when the session ended, August 10. 1847. The Catholic Osage Mission established in what is now Neosho county. The boys' school opened May 1, and the girls' school, October 10. DECEMBER 24.-Lewis Cass first promulgates the Squatter Sovereignty dogma, in a letter to A. O. P. Nicholson, of Nashville, Tennessee. He says: "The Wilmot Proviso has been before the country for some time. It' has been repeatedly disicussed in Congress, and by the public press. I am strongly impressed with the opinion that a great change has been going on in the public mind upon this subject-in my own as well as others'; and that doubts are resolving themselves into convictions, that the principle it involves should be kept out of the national legislature, and left to the people of the Confederacy in their respective local governments. " Briefly, then, I am opposed to. the exercise of any jurisdiction by Congress over this matter; and I am in favor of leaving the people of any territory which may be hereafter acquired the right to regulate it themselves, under the general principles of the constitution." The letter is published in Niles's Register. This firebrand did not make Cass President in 1848, nor Douglas in 1860. On the 1st of March, 1847, Mr. Cass said, in the Senate, of the Wilmot Proviso: "Last year I should have voted for the proposition, had it come up." 1848. FEBRUARY 2, 1848, Mexico ceded the territory now covered by the States of California and Nevada; also her claims to the territory covered by the present State of Texas, by the Territories of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, by portions of the Territories of Wyoming and Colorado, and by the unorganized territory west of the Indian country, except that part of the Territory of Arizona and that part of the Territory of New Mexico lying south of the River Gila and west of the old boundary of New Mexico, which lands were ceded by Mexico December 30, 1853, and are known as the Gadsden Purchase.-U. S. Census Report, 1870, Vol. I, p. 57k. The United States paid to Mexico $15,000,000. -Major W. H. Emory makes a military reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego. 1849. Publication of The California and Oregon Trail, by Francis Parkman. -Fort Laramie, a fur company, is transferred to the United States. 30 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1850-53. 185 0. In 1850 the boundaries of the Indian country were as follows: On the east, the present western boundaries of the States of Missouri and Arkansas; on the south, the Red river; on the west, the twenty-third meridian (100th Greenwich) as far north as the Arkansas river, and along that river to the intersection of the Rocky Mountains and the twenty-ninth meridian (106th Greenwich), and along that meridian northward to the proposed southern boundary of the original Territory of Nebraska, which became the northern limit of this country. Within these limits, however, is included that part of the territory ceded by Texas to the United States which was not included in the Territory of New Mexico, being a parcel of land between the Arkansas river on the north and the present northernmost boundary of the State of Texas, and between the twenty-third and twenty-sixth meridians (100th and 103d Greenwich). Including this latter territory, the area of the Indian country'at 1850 was 195,274 square miles. By act of May 30, 1854, the Territory of Kansas was erected, and its southern boundary, from the State of Missouri to the twenty-third meridian (100th Greenwich), became the northern limit of the Indian country. The limits of the Indian country remain as they were left by that act; area, 68,991 square miles. A part of the territory above mentioned as ceded by the State of Texas was included in the Territory of Kansas.U. S. Census Report, 1870, Vol. I, p. 577. Military road established by the Government from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney. I851. SEPTEMBER 17. —Treaty with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes. The boundaries of their country are thus defined: "Commencing at the Red Butte, or the place where the road leaves the North fork of the Platte river, thence up the North fork of the Platte river to its source, thence along the main ridge of the Rocky Mountains to the head-waters of the Arkansas river, thence down the Arkansas river to the crossing of the Santa Fe road, thence in a northwesterly direction to the forks of the Platte river, thence up the Platte river to the place of beginning." 1852. JULY 31.-T. T. Fauntleroy, Colonel of First Dragoons, while in Washington, writes a letter to Major Gen. T. S. Jessup, Quartermaster General, U. S. A. He says: " Some time since," as commanding officer of the post "at Fort Leavenworth, I. T.," he refused to recommend an expenditure for repairs, etc., there, because he "did not consider that post as best suited for the military operations in that quarter." He urges the establishment of a military post "at or near a point on the Kansas river where the Republican fork unites with it"-now Fort Riley. He urges "the discontinuance of the Leavenworth, Scott,. Atkinson, Kearney and Laramie posts," and the concentration of troops at the post proposed.-A military camp, called Camp Centre, was soon made at this place. DECEMBER 13. —Willard P. Hall, of Missouri, offers in the House a bill organizing the Territory of Platte (embracing Kansas and Nebraska). 1853. FEBRUARY 2.-William A. Richardson, of Illinois, from the Committee on Territories, reports a bill organizing the Territory of Nebraska. FEBRUARY 10. —Richardson's bill passes the House by 98 to 43. Neither 1853.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 31 Hall's nor Richardson's bills proposed to make the new Territory Slave territory. FEBRUARY 17.-Stephen A. Douglas, in the Senate, reports Richardson's bill without amendment. MARCH 3.-The Senate puts the Richardson-Douglas bill on the table by 23'to 17. MARCH 4.-Franklin Pierce inaugurated. Fort Riley established. It is in latitude 39~ 03' 38"; longitude 960 24' 36//; elevation above the Gulf of Mexico, 926 feet. Major Ogden superintends the building of the fort. JULY 28.-In 1855, a correspondent of the Chicago Press made the statement that a convention was held at Wyandotte July 28, 1853, a Territorial government organized, and a Delegate to Congress nominated. Abelard Guthrie was put forward by the friends of Thomas H. Benton, and Rev. Thomas Johnson by the friends of D. R. Atchison. Guthrie received the nomination. Late in the fall, Thomas Johnson was brought out as a candidate, and was elected by Indian votes. He went to Washington, but the Territory was not organized, and he was not received as a Delegate. The Washington Union spoke of him as "the Rev. Thomas Johnson, a noble specimen of a Western man." DECEMBER 4.-Augustus C. Dodge, of Iowa, offers in the Senate a bill to organize the Territory of Nebraska. TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION. 1854. JANUARY 4. —Stephen A. Douglas reports Senator Dodge's bill, with material amendments. JANUARY 23.-Senator Douglas reports a substitute for his former bill, providing for the organization of two Territories, Nebraska and Kansas. The important provision of the bill is the following, copied from section 32: "That the constitution, and all laws of the United States which are not locally inapplicable, shall have the same force and effect within the said Territory of Kansas as elsewhere within the United States, except the eighth section of. the act preparatory to the admission of Missouri into the Union, approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and twenty, which, being inconsistent with the principle of non-intervention by Congress with slavery in the States and Territories, as recognized by the legislation of eighteen hundred aid fifty, commonly called the Compromise Measures, is hereby declared inoperative and void; it being the true intent and meaning of this act not to legislate slavery into any Territory or State, nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to revive or put in force any law or regulation which may have existed prior to the act of the sixth of March, eighteen hundred and twenty, either protecting, establishing, prohibiting, or abolishing slavery." Mr. Douglas advocates his revolutionary measure as embodying "the great principle of Squatter Sovereignty, or non-intervention." MARCH 2.-Salmon P. Chase thinks the sovereign squatters ought to be free to have freedom. I He offers this addition to the 32d section (following the words, "subject only to the Constitution of the United States"): "Under which the people of the Territory, through their appropriate representatives, may, if they see fit, prohibit the existence of Slavery therein." Only ten Senators vote for this provision; thirty-six Senators vote against it. An amendment offered by Mr. Chase, enabling the people of these Territories to choose their own Governor, is also voted down. The following is copied from Greeley's American Conflict, vol. I, p. 235: "Within the three months immediately preceding the passage of the Kansas bill, treaties were quietly made at Washington with the Delawares, Otoes, Kickapoos, Kaskaskias, Shawnees, Sacs, Foxes, and other tribes, whereby the greater part -of the soil of Kansas lying within one or two hundred miles of the Missouri border was suddenly opened to White appropriation and settlement. These simultaneous purchases of Indian lands by the Government, though little was known of them elsewhere, were thoroughly understood and appreciated by the Missourians of the Western border, who had for some time been organizing'Blue Lodges,''Social Bands,''Sons of the South,' and other societies, with intent to take possession of Kansas in behalf of Slavery. They were well assured, and they fully believed, that the object contemplated and desired, in lift 1854.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 33 ing, by the terms of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, the interdict of slavery from Kansas, was to authorize and facilitate the legal extension of slavery into that region. Within a few days after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska act, hundreds of leading Missourians crossed into the adjacent Territory, selected each his quarter-section or larger area of land, put some sort of mark on it, and then united with his fellow adventurers in a meeting or meetings intended to establish a sort of Missouri pre-emption upon all this region. Among the resolves passed at one of these meetings were the following: "'That we will afford protection to no Abolitionist as a settler of this Territory.' "' That we recognize the institution of Slavery as already existing in this Territory, and advise slaveholders to introduce their property as early as possible."' MARCH 3.-The Kansas-Nebraska bill passes the Senate by 37 to 14. MARCH 15.-The Ottoe and Missouria Indians cede to the United States all their country west of the Missouri river, excepting a strip of land on the waters of the Big Blue river, ten miles in width. APRIL 26.-The following is copied from the Report, made in 1856, by the Congressional Investigating Committee: "In April [the 26th], 1854, the General Assembly of Massachusetts passed an act entitled'An act to incorporate the Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Society.' The object of the Society, as declared in the first section of this act, was'for the purpose of assisting emigrants to settle in the West.' The nominal capital of the corporation was not to exceed five millions of dollars, but no more than four per cent. could be assessed during the year 1854, and no more than ten per cent. in any one year thereafter. No organization was perfected or proceedings had under this law. " On the 24th day of July, 1854, certain persons in Bostonr Massachusetts, concluded articles of agreement and association for an Emigrant Aid Society. The purpose of this association was declared to be,' assisting emigrants to settle in the West.' Under these articles of association each stockholder was individually liable. To avoid this difficulty, an application was made to the General Assembly of Massachusetts for an act of incorporation, which was granted. On the 21st day of February, 1855, an act was passed to incorporate the New England Emigrant Aid Company. The purpose of this act was declared to be,'directing emigration westward, and aiding and providing accommodation after arriving at their place of destination.' The capital stock of the corporation was not to exceed one million of dollars. Under this charter a company was organized." APRIL 26.-The incorporators under the act of this date creating the Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company are Benjamin C. Clark, Isaac Livermore, Charles Allen, Isaac Davis, William G. Bates, Stephen C. Phillips, Charles C. Hazewell, Alex. H. Bullock, Henry Wilson, James S. Whitney, Samuel E. Sewall, Samuel G. Howe, James Holland, Moses Kimball, James D. Green, Francis W. Bird, Otis Clapp, Anson Burlingame, Eli Thayer, and Otis Rich. One of the most active men in securing the organization was Eli Thayer. MAY 6.-The Delaware Indians cede to the United States their lands in Kansas, excepting the country sold to the Wyandottes, and excepting the part "lying east and south of a line beginning at a point on the line between the land of the Delawares and the half-breed Kanzas, forty miles in a direct line west to the boundary between the Delawares and Wyandottes, thence north ten miles, thence in an easterly course to a point on the south bank of Big Island creek," on the Missouri river. MAY 10.-The Shawnees cede to the United States the tract of land set apart for them November 7, 1825, and conveyed to the tribe by deed May 11, 1844, containing 1,600,000 acres,'excepting 200,000 acres for homes for the Shawnee people. 3 34 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1854. MAY 17.-The Ioway tribe of Indians cede to the United States the small strip of land lying between the Kickapoo land and the Grand Nemahaw river, containing 400 sections, but reserving a portion for a permanent home. MAY 18.-The Kickapoos cede their land in Kansas to the United States, except the western part, containing 150,000 acres. MAY 22.-Vote on the passage of the bill to organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas. The House voted May 22. The ayes are as follows, from the Free States: Maine, McDonald; New Hampshire, Hibbard; Connecticut, Ingersoll; New York, Cumming, Cutting, Rowe, Taylor, Tweed (William M.), Walbridge, Walker, Walsh, Westbrook; Pennsylvania, Bridges, Dawson,. Florence, Jones, Kurtz, McNair, Packer, Robbins, Straub, Witte, Wright; New Jersey, Lilly, Vail; Ohio, Disney, Green, Olds, Shannon (Wilson); Indiana, Davis, Dunham, Eddy, English, Hendricks (Thos. A.), Lane (James H.), Miller; Illinois, Allen (James C.), Allen (Willis), Richardson; Michigan, Clark, Stuart; Iowa, Henn; California, Latham, McDougall -from the Free States, 44. From the Slave States: Delaware, Riddle; Maryland, Hamilton, May, Shower, Vansant; Virginia, Bayly, Bocock, Caskie, Edmundson, Faulkner, Gpode, Kidwell, Letcher, Powell, Smith (William), Snodgrass; North Carolina, Ashe, Craige, Clingman, Kerr, Ruffin, Shaw.; South Carolina, Boyce, Brooks (Preston S.), Orr; Georgia, Bailey, Chastain, Colquitt, Hillyer, Reese, Stephens (Alex. H.); Alabama, Abercrombie, Cobb, Dowdell, Harris, Houston, Phillips, Smith; Mississippi, Barry, Barksdale, Singleton, Wright; Louisiana, Dunbar, Jones, Perkins; Kentucky, Breckinridge (John C.), Chrisman, Cox, Hill, Elliott, Grey, Preston, Stanton; Tennessee, Churchwell, Jones, Ready, Smith, Stanton (Frederick P.), Zollicoffer; Missouri, Lamb, Lindley, Miller, Oliver (Mordecai), Phelps (John S.); Arkansas, Greenwood, Warren; Florida, Maxwell; Texas, Bell, Smythfrom the Slave States, 69. Total ayes, from Free and Slave States, 113. The noes are as follows, from the Free States: Maine, Benson, Farley, Fuller, Mayall, Washburn; New Hampshire, Kittredge, Morrison; Massachusetts, Banks (N. P.), Crocker, De Witt, Dickinson, Edmands, Eliot, Goodrich, Upham, Walley, Wentworth; Rhode Island, Davis, Thurston; Connecticut, Belcher, Pratt, Seymour; Vermont, Meacham, Sabin, Tracy; New York, Bennett, Carpenter; Dean, Lyon, Fenton (Reuben E.), Flagler, Hastings, Haven, Hughes, Jones, Matteson, Morgan (Edwin B.), Murray, Oliver, Peck, Peckham, Perkins, Pringle, Sage, Simmons, Smith (Gerrit), Wheeler; New Jersey, Pennington, Skelton, Stratton; Pennsylvania, Chandler, Curtis, Dick, Drum, Everhart, Gamble, Grow (Galusha A.), Hiester, Howe, McCulloch, Middleswarth, Ritchie, Russell, Trout; Ohio, Ball, Campbell (Lewis D.), Edgerton, Ellison, Giddings (Joshua R.), Harlan,. Harrison, Johnson, Lindsley, Nichols, Ritchey, Sapp, Stuart, Taylor, Wade (Edward); Indiana, Harlan, Mace, Parker; Illinois, Knox, Norton, Washburne (E. B.), Wentworth (John), Yates (Richard); Michigan, Noble, Stevens; Wisconsin, Eastman, Wells —from the Free States, 91. From the Slave States: Virginia, Millson; North Carolina, Puryear, 1854.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 35 Rogers; Tennessee, Bugg, Cullom, Etheridge (Emerson), Taylor; Louisiana, Hunt; Missouri, Benton (Thomas H.) —from the Slave States, 9. Total noes from Free and Slave States, 100. Absent or not voting, 21. MAY 24.-The Senate finally passes the bill without a division, the call of the ayes and noes being refused. The vote of the Senate on the third reading of the bill was as follows: Ayes-Atchison (Mo.), Badger (N. C.), Benjamin (La.), Broadhead (Pa.), Brown (Miss.), Butler (S. C.), Cass (Mich.), Clay (Ala.), Dawson (Georgia),.Douglas (Ill.), Fitzpatrick (Ala.), Gwin (CYal.),' Hunter (Va.), Johnson (Ark.), Jones (Iowa), Jones (Tenn.), Mallory (Fla.), Mason (Va.), Morton (Fla.), Norris (N..), Pearce (Md.), John Pettit (Ind.), Pratt (Md.), Rusk (Tex.), Sebastian (Ark.), Shields (Ill.), Slidell (La.), Stuart (Mich.), Thompson (Ky.), Thomson (N. J.), Toombs (Ga.), Toucey (Conn.), Weller (Cal.), Williams (N. H.), Wright (N. J.) -35. Noes —Allen (R. I.), Bell (Tenn.), Chase (Ohio), Clayton (Del.), Fish (N. Y.), Foot (Vt.), Gillette (Conn.), Hamlin (Mlme.), James (R. L.), Seward (N. Y.), Sumner (Mass.), Wade (Ohio), Walker (Wis.) —13. MAY 30.-The Kaskaskias, Peorias, Piankeshaws and Weas cede to the United States the land given in October, 1832, excepting 160 acres for each soul in said tribes. MAY 30.-President Pierce signs the Kansas-Nebraska bill. The following is copied from the act: "SECTION 19. And be it further enacted, That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the following limits, except such portions thereof as are hereinafter expressly exempted from the operations of this act, to wit, beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri, where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crosses the same; thence west on said parallel to the eastern boundary of New Mexico; thence north on said boundary to latitude thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to the east boundary of the Territory of Utah, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains; thence northward on said summit to the fortieth parallel of latitude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State, to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby created into a temporary government by the name of the Territory of Kansas; and when admitted as a State or States, the said Territory, or any portion of the same, shall be received into the Union with or without slavery, as their constitution may prescribe at the time of their admission: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to inhibit the Government of the United States from dividing said Territory into two or more Territories, in such manner and at such times as Congress shall deem convenient and proper, or from attaching any portion of said Territory to any other State or Territory of the United States: Provided further, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair the rights of person or property now pertaining to the Indians in said Territory, so long as such rights shall remain unextinguished by treaty between the United States and such Indians, or to include any territory which by treaty with any Indian tribe is not, without the consent of said tribe, to be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction of any State or Territory; but all such territory shall be excepted out of the boundaries, and constitute no part of the Territory of Kansas, until said tribe shall signify their assent to the President of the United States to be included within the said Territory of Kansas, or to affect the authority of the Government of the United States to make any regulation respecting such Indians, their lands, property, or other rights, by treaty, law, or otherwise, which it would have been competent to the Government to make if this act had never passed." Hale says: "The Territory of Kansas is bounded on the north by Nebraska, on the east by 36 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. Missouri, on the south in part by the line of 370, which divides it from the Cherokee country, and in part by New Mexico, and on the west by the highest ridge of the Rocky Mountains." KANSAS.-By act of May 30, 1854, formed as a Territory, extending from the western boundary of Missouri westward to the Rocky Mountains, then the eastern boundary of the Territory of Utah; and from the thirty-seventh northward to the fortieth parallel, excepting that part of the Territory of New Mexico north of the thirty-seventh parallel; area, 126,283 square miles. By act of January 29, 1861, that portion of the Territory east of the twenty-fifth meridian, 81,318 square miles, was admitted as a State. By act.of February 28, 1861, the remainder of the Territory, 44,965 square miles, was included in the Territory of Colorado.-U. S. Census Report, 1870, Vol. I, p. 578. The distance from the eastern to the western boundary is as great as the,distance from Boston, Mass., to Sandusky, Ohio. The part of the Territory of Kansas not included in the Louisiana Purchase was derived from Mexico. The Spanish title dates back to Columbus, Coronado, Ponce de Leon, or Cortez. The following is copied from Edward Abbott's "Paragraph History:" " Hernando Cortez, a native of Spain, but for several years a resident of Hispaniola, landed in Mexico in March, 1519, in command of an expedition for the conquest of that country. After a prolonged campaign, marked by many battles and varying fortunes, -he finally captured the city of Mexico, and completed the subjugation of the people. His character and policy were such, however, as to surround him with enemies, and, though he was made Governor of Mexico, his administration was brief, and far from prosperous or peaceful. In 1536, he explored parts of California, and of the gulf since called by the same name, and, returning to Spain, died in 1547, in. comparative ob-;scurity." JUNE 5 —The Miami Indians cede to the United States the land given them in 1,840 and 1841, excepting 70,000 acres for homes, and 640 acres for school purposes. JUNE 13.-The Leavenworth Town Company organized, at Weston, Mo. Mr. Gist, President; Major Macklin, U. S. A., Amos Rees, and L. D. Bird, Trustees; Joseph Evans, Treasurer; H. Miles Moore, Secretary. JUNE 24.-Commission issued to Saunders W. Johnston, of Ohio, as Associate Justice; to Andrew Jackson Isacks, of Louisiana, as United States District Attorney. JUNE 29. —Commission issued to Andrew H. Reeder, of Easton, Penn., as Governor; to Israel B. Donalson, of Illinois, as United States Marshal; to Daniel Woodson, of Lynchburg, Va., as Secretary; to Madison Brown, of Maryland, as Chief Justice; to Rush Elmore, of Alabama, as Associate Justice. Mr. Brown did not accept the appointment, and Samuel D. Lecompte, of Maryland, was appointed. JUNE. —A new Emigrant Aid Company organized in Massachusetts, of which Amos A. Lawrence, Eli Thayer and J. M. F. Williams are the Trustees. JULY 7. —Governor Reeder takes the oath of office before Peter V. Daniel, one of the Justices of the United States Supreme Court, in Washington. JULY.-The Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Society obtain a charter from the Connecticut Legislature, and operate under it until the next winter,,when they procure a new charter from the Massachusetts Legislature. JULY 17.-The first pioneer party leaves Boston for Kansas. 1854.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 37 JULY 18.-The New York Legislature charters the Emigrant Aid Society of New York and Connecticut. JULY 22.-An act of Congress creates the office of Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska. JULY 24.-Eli Thayer, Amos A. Lawrence, and J. M. F. Williams, of Massachusetts, Trustees of the Emigrant Aid Stock Company; Dr. Thomas H. Webb, Secretary. JULY 27.-The Atchison Town Company formed in Missouri. Peter T. 1Abell, President; J. H. Stringfellow, Secretary; James N. Burnes, Treasurer. JULY 29.-The "Platte County Self-Defensive Association" holds a meeting at Weston, Mo. G. Galloway, President; Benj. F. Stringfellow, Secretary. It was an aggressive Pro-Slavery organization. Similar meetings were held at other places on the border. JULY 30.-Charles H. Branscomb, of Massachusetts, arrives on the border with the first company of Eastern immigrants, to found the city of Lawrence. Two weeks later they were followed by a second and larger company, with whom came Dr. Charles Robinson and Samuel C. Pomeroy. JULY 30.-James Findlay appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court. JULY 31.-William Walker, of the Wyandotte Indians, signs a letter, which is published in the papers, as "Provisional Governor, K. T." AUGUST 1. —The first party, of thirty, led by. Charles H. Branscomb, arrive at the Wakarusa. AUGUST 2.-Treaty with the Shawnee Indians. AUGUST 21.-A book published with the following title: "Kanzas and Nebraska: The History, Geographical and Physical Characteristics, and Political Position of those Territories; an Account of the Emigrant Aid Companies, and Directions to Emigrants. By Edward E. Hale. With an Original Map from the Latest Authorities. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Company." The book contains 256 pages. Mr. Hale's is the ablest of the books on Kansas, and many a year will probably before any other book on our State is written by a man so eminent and patriotic as the author of "A Man without a Country." The following is copied from the preface: " I have followed up, as carefully as I could, the memoirs of the early French travellers who first opened to the civilized world the valley of the Missouri. Of more use, in the view in which that valley is now regarded, are the more recent travels of our own countrymen, a body of official reports which deserve very high praise for the skill and gallantry displayed in exploration, and the care with which their history has been written. I have made such use as I could of the travels of Lewis and Clarke, Captain Pike, Colonel Long, Mr. Breckenridge, Major Bonneville, Colonel Fremont, Colonel Emory, Lieutenant Abert, Mr. Parkman, Major Cross, Captain Stansbury, Captain Gunnison, Governor Stevens, Lieutenant Williamson, and others. "I have used some recent letters published in newspapers, and have been favored with personal narratives of agents of the Emigrant Aid Company. " In my sketch of the Indian tribes I have followed the invaluable treatise of Mr. Gallatin, the spirited sketches of Mr. Catlin, and Mr. Parkman's interesting journal of his sojourn with the Ogillalah, besides the notices in the travellers I have named. " It will not be long, I suppose, before historical societies and antiquarian institutes in Kanzas and Nebraska will be collecting materials far more abundant for their his 38 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1854. tory and geography. I shall watch such collections with great interest, as well as with the pride of being the first collector in the field. Working with the disadvantages of a first collector, I have simply tried to make this book accurate as far as it goes." Mr. Hale's purpose was to send Northern men here to make Kansas Free. He was one of the Committee, with Richard Hildreth, the historian, who reported the "plan of organization and system of operations" of the Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company, on the 4th of May, 1854. AUGUST. —A pamphlet of twenty-four pages printed in Boston, by Alfred Mudge & Son, entitled: "Organization, Objects, and Plan of Operations of the Emigrant Aid Company: Also, a description of Kansas for the Information of Emigrants." The officers of the Company are given as follows: Trustees —Amos A. Lawrence, Boston; J. M. F. Williams, Cambridge; Eli Thayer, Worcester. Treasurer —Amos A. Lawrence, Boston. Secretary — Thomas H. Webb, Boston. AUGUST 23.-Congress appropriates $25,000 for public buildings in Kansas. AUGUST 26. -John Calhoun, of Illinois, appointed Surveyor General. AUGUST 29.-Thos. J. B. Cramer appointed Territorial Treasurer. AUGUST 30.-John Donaldson appointed Auditor of Public Accounts. — Father John Schoenmakers, of the Osage Mission, now Neosho county, reports a grasshopper raid. They "came down like a fall of snow." They hatched in the spring of 1855, and destroyed all the crops and "all the grass on the prairies," in that vicinity. SEPTEMBER 1. —The second New England party arrives at the mouth of the Wakarusa. SEPTEMBER 15.-Appearance of the first newspaper in Kansas, the Leavenworth Herald. It was printed under an elm tree, on the Levee, near the corner of Cherokee street. It was a Pro-Slavery paper. In 1861, it was discontinued. No file of it is known to be in existence. H. Rives Pollard, of Virginia, was at one time its editor. SEPTEMBER 20.- Chas. Aug. Williams appointed Executive Clerk. SEPTEMBER 21.-First sale of city lots in Atchison. SEPTEMBER 28.-Daniel Woodson takes the oath of office as Secretary, in Washington. OCTOBER 1.-First sermon preached in Lawrence, by Rev. S. Y. Lum. OCTOBER 3. —Commission issued to Samuel D. Lecompte, of Maryland, as Chief Justice. OCTOBER 6. —Lawrence is the name given to the "New Boston," "Yankee," or "Wakarusa" settlement, in honor of Amos A. Lawrence, its benefactor. OCTOBER 7.-Gov. Reeder arrives in the Territory, and establishes the Executive Office temporarily at Fort-Leavenworth. OCTOBER 9.-First sale of town lots in Leavenworth; amount realized, $12,600. - OCTOBER 15.-This is the date of the Kansas Tribune, of Lawrence, the first number of which is printed in Ohio, by John Speer. The articles were written in Kansas, by Mr. Speer. It is a Free-State paper. 1854.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 39 -Rush Elmore takes the oath of office as Associate Justice, before Gov. Reeder, at Fort Leavenworth. / OCTOBER 18. —Gov. Reeder, Judges Johnston and Elmore, and Marshal Donalson, go into the Territory, "to examine the same." OCTOBER 19.-Robert L. Ream appointed Chief Clerk of Surveyor General. Miss Vinnie Ream is his daughter. OCTOBER 21.-This is the date of the first number of the Kansas Herald of Freedom, published at Wakarusa, by G. W. Brown & Co. It was printed at Conneautville, Crawford county, Pa., where Mr. Brown had been publishing the Courier. No. 2 was printed in Kansas, and is dated Jan. 6, 1855, Lawrence City. No. 1 is a handsomely-printed and well-edited eightcolumn paper. During a part of 1855 and 1856 the paper was reduced to seven columns. A wood engraving in the centre of the head of the paper has been closely followed in our State seal. This number records the arrival in Kansas, on the 6th of September, of "the second Kansas party." It left Boston August 29th, was conducted by Chas. H. Branscomb, and contained between one and two hundred persons. They were publicly received at Albany and Rochester, New York. At Rochester, a Bible was presented to the emigrants, inscribed "To establish civil and religious liberty in Kansas," and an address delivered by Hon. Wm. C. Bloss. Bryant's poem, "The Prairies," is copied in the Herald, and the following poem written by Whittier: THE KANSAS EMIGRANT'S SONG. AIR-Auld Lang Syne. We cross the prairies as of old We go to plant her common schools The pilgrims crossed the sea, On distant prairie swells, To make the West, as they the East, And give the Sabbaths of the wild The homestead of the free. The music of her bells..Cho.-The homestead of the free, my boys, The homestead of the free, Upbearing, like the ark of old, The homestead of the free; The Bie in our van To make the West, as they the East, We go to test the truth of God The homestead of the free. Against the fraud of man. We go to rear a wall of men No pause, nor rest, save where the On Freedom's Southern line, That feed the Kansas run, [streams And plant beside the cotton tree, Save where our pilgrim gonfalon Save where our pilgrim gonfalon The rugged Northern pine! Shall flout the setting sun. We're flowing from our native hills, We'll sweep the prairies as of old As our free rivers flow; Our fathers swept the sea, "The blessing of our mother-land And make the West, as they the East, Is on us as we go. The homestead of the free. A letter written from Kansas by Samuel N. Wood is copied from the National Era. Two files of the Herald of Freedom, neither complete, have been examined in preparing this book. One was bought by Chief Justice Kingman of Judge George W. Smith, of Lawrence, and one by Hon. David Dickinson, State Librarian, of James Christian, of Lawrence. Both files are now in the State House, and accessible to the'public. OCTOBER 26.-Birth of Lawrence Carter, the first child born in Lawrence. In June, 1875, the Atchison Champion published the following: "A BRAVE LAWRENCE Boy.-Yesterday morning an accident happened down the 40' ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1854. river, that but for the presence of mind and prompt action of Lawrence Carter, fireman on the yard-engine of the A. & N. road, would have proved fatal. A little son of D. G. Lett, about twelve years of age, was playing in the river and accidentally fell off the log on which he stood. The swift current immediately carried him out in the river, and he sank twice under water, when Lawrence Carter jumped from his engine and plunged into the river to save him." The Lawrence Standard of July 1st, 1875, copies the above, and adds: "Rev. D. G. Lett until recently was a citizen of Lawrence, and the young man who saved his son's life was the first child born in Lawrence, and was therefore christened Lawrence Carter. A lot was then deeded to the boy by the Town Company. The lot is now in the centre of the city." OCTOBER 31. —Sterling G. Cato takes the oath of -office as Associate Justice. - Pawnee was a town made by the officers at Fort Riley, viz., Col. Montgomery, Capt. Nathaniel Lyon, Dr. Hammond, Dr. Simmons, Lieut. Long, Robert Wilson, the Sutler, and others, most of them Free-State men, in the fall of 1854. By order of Jeff. Davis, Secretary of War, the boundaries of Fort Riley were so enlarged as to absorb the Free-State town of Pawnee. This was done in the summer of 1855. The order of Davis was not executed until fall, when Col. Cooke arrived from Texas. The settlers were then driven from Pawnee, and the buildings nearly destroyed. NOVEMBER 6.-David R. Atchison made a speech in Platte county, Mo., of which the Platte Argus, of Nov. 6, gives the following report: "Gen. Atchison said his mission here to-day was, if'possible, to awaken the people of this county to the danger ahead, and to suggest the means to avoid it. " The people of Kansas, in their first elections, would decide the question whether or not the slaveholder was to be excluded, and it depended upon a majority of the votes cast at the polls. Now if a set of fanatics and demagogues a thousand miles off could afford to advance their money and exert every nerve to abolitionize the Territory and exclude the slaveholder, when they have not the least personal interest, what is your duty? When you reside in one day's journey of the Territory, and when your peace, your quiet, and your property depend upon your action, you can, without an exertion, send five hundred of your young men who will vote in favor of your institutions. Should each county in the State of Missouri only do its duty, the question will be decided quietly and peaceably at the ballot-box. If we are defeated, then Missouri and the other Southern States will have shown themselves recreant to their interests, and will deserve their fate." NOVEMBER 7.-The Governor returns from his journey into the Territory. NOVEMBFBR 8.-The Territory is divided into sixteen election districts, by Gov. Reeder. NOVEMBER 10.-Proclamation from the Governor for the election of a Delegate to Congress, on the 29th inst. -The office of Surveyor General opened for business at Fort Leavenworth. — Marshal Donalson takes the oath of office before Judge Elmore. -John A. Halderman, Private Secretary of Governor Reeder from November, 1854, to July 1st, 1855. NOVEMBER 17.-The Leavenworth Herald of this date notes the appearance of the Kansas Pioneer, published at Kickapoo. NOVEMBER 24. —Executive office removed to the house of Thos. Johnson, at the Shawnee Mission. 1854.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 41 NOVEMBER 25. —Proclamation for the formation of the seventeenth election district. NOVEMBER 29.-Attorney Isacks takes the oath of office before Governor, Reeder. NOVEMBER 29.-First election of Delegate to Congress. Whitfield is: the Pro-Slavery candidate; Wakefield and Flenneken are Free-State men., ELECTION AND CENSUS OF NOVEMBER 29, 1854. 1 Place of Voting... 1 Lawrence................46 188 51 15 300 369 2 Douglas.................................................... 235 20 6...... 261 199' 3 Stinson's 40......... 7...... 47 101 Dr. Chapman's.......................................... 140 21............... 161 47 5 H. Sherman's........................................ 63 4 15...... 82 442 6 Fort Scott................................... 105.... 12......... 105 253 7 " 110"......................................................... 9......... 7...... 604 53 7 597.......... 7 I... 604 53 8 Council Grove................................... 16....................... 16 39 9 Reynolds's................................................ 9......... 31...... 40 36 10 Big Blue Crossing...................................... 2 6 29...... 37 63 a11 a rysville................................................ 237.. 3 5 245 24 12 Warton's Store................................... 31 9......... 1 41 78 13 Osawkee.......................................... 69 1 1...... 71 96 14 Harding's.......................................130......... 23 153. 334 15 Penseneau's................................... 267......... 39...... 306 308 16 Leavenworth.......................................... 222......... 80...... 312 385 17 Shawnee Agency.................................... 49 13......... 62 50 18............................................................................................................... 28 Total............ 2,258 248 305 21 2, 833 2,905 DECEMBER 1.-A daily mail is established between Weston and Leavenworth, and the Herald hopes that Leavenworth may yet have a post office. DECEMBER 3.-J. M. Burrell takes the oath of office as Associate Justice. DECEMBER 4.-Judges of election make returns of election held November 29. DECEMBER 5.-Topeka founded by C. K. Holliday, M. C. Dickey, F. W. Giles, and others. -J. W. Whitfield declared by the Governor duly elected Delegate to Congress, and certificate of election issued. Whitfield took his seat. The Thirty-third Congress ended March 3, 1855, The brevity of the session prevented Republicans from making a contest. — Samuel D. Lecompte takes the oath of office as Chief Justice, before Governor Reeder. DECEMBER 23.-The first Free-State meeting, reported in the Herald of Freedom, was held at Lawrence. Rev. S. S. Snyder was Chairman, and Charles Robinson Secretary. Resolutions were reported by John Speer' and Samuel N. Wood. John A. Wakefield, C. K. Holliday, S. Y. Lumn and James S. Emery took part in the meeting. DECEMBER 25.-At a meeting held in Lafayette county, Missouri, the following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, That we, the shippers, merchants, planters, and citizens generally, of' Lafayette county, deem it an act of' injustice that steamboats on the Missouri river 42 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1854. should give their aid or countenance to the base attempt to abolitionize the Territory of Kansas by aiding or forwarding any persons who may be sent by Abolition societies thereto, or in giving aid or assistance to any such object; and that in our trading, shipping and travelling we will give preference to such boats as will refuse their aid and comfort to such emigration as may be forwarded by any Abolition society for such purposes." - A book published, with the following title: "A Journey Through Kansas; with Sketches of Nebraska: Describing the Country, Climate, Soil, Mineral, Manufacturing and other Resources. The Results of a Tour made in the Autumn of 1854. By Rev. Chas. B. Boynton and T. B. Mason, Comimittee from.the'Kansas League,' of Cincinnati. With a new and authentic Map, from Official Sources. Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co., 1855." pp. 216. The map is about eight inches by six in size, and shows the region between the Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains. It is "Redrawn from official sources, with emendations, by H. V. Boynton." It is not a book of events or politics, but a pleasant description of a delightful journey. The writers ardently desired that Kansas might be free. Leavenworth, visited in September, 1854, is thus described: "A squatter city has little resemblance to any other city; it belongs to a distinct' genus of cities. This is a large and important one, the capital, as many hope, of Kansas, and is therefore worthy of description. There was one steam-engine,'naked as when it was born,' but at work, sawing out its clothes. There were four tents, all on one street, a barrel of water or whiskey under a tree, and a pot, on a pole over a fire. Under a tree, a type-sticker had his case before him, and was at work on the first number of the new paper; and within a frame, without a board on side or roof, was the editor's desk and sanctum. When we returned from the Territory to Weston, we saw the'Notice,' stating that the editor had removed his office from under the elm tree to the corner of'Broadway and the Levee.' This Broadway was, at that time, much broader than the streets of old Babylon; for, with the exception of the Fort, there was, probably, not a house on either side for thirty miles." Fort Riley and Council Grove are visited, and Stinson's, "where the town of Tecumseh has been laid out." Lawrence is spoken of as follows: "Just before sunset we-reached the'Yankee settlement.' A few tents were pitched on the high ground overlooking the Kansas and Waukereusa valleys, others were scattered.over the level bottoms below, but not a dwelling beside was to be. seen. It was a city of tents alone. We were cordially received by the intelligent and active agent, Dr. Robinson, from whom we learned, with much satisfaction, the plans and expectations of the Company..... We had a comfortable night's rest in Dr. Robinson's tent, and in the morning were introduced to the only'boarding house on the hill.' Two very intelligent ladies, from Massachusetts, had united their forces and interests, and had taken' boarders.' In the open air, on some logs of wood, two rough boards were laid across for a table, and on wash-tubs,.and kegs, and blocks, they and their boarders were seated round it. This was the first boarding-house in the new city of Lawrence. All were cheerful, hopeful and full of energy, and the scene reminded me of Plymouth Rock." -During the years 1854 and 1855, by treaties with the Chippewa tribe, nearly all of the lands owned by them were ceded to the United States. A number of reservations, limited in extent, were set apart for the different bands. One of these was in Kansas. -The Chippewas, or Ojibways, are a tribe of American Indians, the type of the Algonquin stock, and were occupants from our earliest historical period of the basin of Lake Superior. 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 43 185 5. JANUARY.-The Easton (Pa.) Argus says: "We have just seen the seal of the Territory of Kansas, engraved by Robert Lovett, of Philadelphia, according to the design of Gov. Reeder. It consists of a shield with two supporters, surmounted by a scroll motto, and is emblematic of the life of the pioneer and the agriculturist. The lower compartment of the shield contains the buffalo and the hunter; the upper contains the implements of agriculture. The left-hand supporter is a pioneer with his smock frock, leggins, rifle, and tomahawk; whilst on the right is the goddess Ceres with her sheaf; at their feet, and between them, lie a fallen tree and an axe. The motto is a beautiful allusion to the principle on which the Territory was organized, and consists of'Populi voce,' thus translated -Born of the popular will." JANUARY.-Major Dorn, U. S. Indian Agent, concludes treaties with the Seneca, Shawnee and Quapaw Indians. JANUARY 19.-A. tri-weekly mail between Leavenworth and the Fort is paid for by private subscription. Lewis N. Rees, "without fee or reward," acts as postmaster. JANUARY 22. —Gov. A. H. Reeder issues a precept to certain persons to take a census. JANUARY 31.-The Wyandottes cede to the United States the country purchased by them of the Delawares, December 14, 1843, with a few special exceptions. -Teesdale, Elkins & Co., Akron, Ohio, print a "History of Kansas and Emigrant's Guide," by "J. Butler Chapman, Esq., a Resident since its Settlement." Mr. Eugene M. Cole, of Indianola, Shawnee county, a very intelligent printer, owns a well-worn copy of this peculiar book. Has any other new State called out so many books and newspapers? This book contains 116 pages. The writer was known in Kansas, where he spent a few months, as John B. Chapman. He was a candidate for Delegate to Congress, and the projector of "Whitfield City." Of Lawrence, Mr. Chapman says: "A printing press was established at this town in October, (1854,) by the enterprise of John and Joseph Speer, of Medina, Ohio; and another has followed since, from Pennsylvania; but we know the Speers are the pioneer editors to Lawrence City." FEBRUARY 1.-The Kansas Free-State Society formed at Lawrence: R. G. Elliott President, E. D. Ladd and John Speer Secretaries. —C. W. Babcock appointed Postmaster at Lawrence. FEBRUARY 3.-Robert S. Kelley and John H. Stringfellow start the Squatter Sovereign, at Atchison. In 1857, it became a Free-State paper, and was edited by Robert McBratney and Frank G. Adams. John A. Martin bought the office, and changed the name of the paper to the Champion, February 28, 1858. The Daily Champion came out March 22, 1865. This is the oldest newspaper office in the State. FEBRUARY 9.-There are three Free-Soil newspapers in Lawrence: The Herald of Freedom, Kansas Tribune, and the Kansas Free State. The Tribune is published by John and Joseph L. Speer; the' Free State by Robert G. Elliott and Josiah Miller. 44 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. FEBRUARY 23.-The Leavenworth Herald says: "Five months ago there was not a building in the place. The town had just been laid off and the brush cut down. Leavenworth now has a hotel, a saw mill, a tailor's shop, a shoemaker, a barber, two blacksmiths, three carpenter shops, several law and two doctors' offices." A correspondent of the Liberty (Mo.) Tribune says: "Lawrence is the resort of about 400 Abolitionists." FEBRUARY 26.-Gov. Reeder issues a proclamation defining the judicial districts of the Territory, and assigning the Judges to them. The First District embraces the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth and eighteenth election districts, and is assigned to Chief Justice S. D. Lecompte; the courts to be held at Leavenworth. The Second Judicial District includes the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventeenth election districts, and is assigned to Rush Elmore; courts to be held at Tecumseh. The rest of the Territory, including the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth election districts, is made the Third District, and is assigned to Saunders W. Johnston; courts to be held at Pawnee. The terms of the courts are prescribed by the same proclamation. FEBRUARY 28.-Census completed; 8,501; voters, 2,905. Governor Reeder divides the Territory into eighteen districts, appoints judges of election, and orders an election for a Territorial Legislature to be held March 30th. FEBRUARY.-John Brown, jr., Jason, Owen, Frederick, and Salmon Brown, sons of John Brown, come to Kansas "early in -1855," and settle near the Pottawatomie river, eight miles from Osawatomie. CENSUS TAKEN IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1855. By whom taken.. 3 o 3 i C. W. Babcock......... 1 623 339 369 459 887 75......... 962 O. H. Browne........... 2 316 203 199 237 506 19 1 7 519 T. W. Hayes......... 3 161 91 101 112 215 12........ 6 252 O. B. Donaldson. 4 106 71 47 97 169 2 1 1 177 William Barbee........5 824 583 442 724 1,385 22 27 26 1,407 William Barbee........ 6 492 318 253 418 791 12 11 11 810 J. B. McClure......... 7 82 36 53 50 117 1 1 1 118 J. B. McClure........... 8 56 27 39 28 76 7 13 10 83 M. F. Conway...........9 61 25 36 31 66 12 14 3 86 M. F. Conway..... 10 97 54 63 61 108 23... 151 B. H. Twombly........11 33 3 24 5 30 6................ 36 B. H. Twombly. 12 104 40 78 35 109 37 1 7 144 H. B. Jolly...............13 168 116 96 145 273 9 14 14 284 Albert Heed............. 14 655 512 334.. 301 46 1 35 1,167 H. B. Jolly............... 15 492 381 308 448 846 16 15 15 873 Charles Leib............ 16 708 475 385 514 1, 042 104 48 33 1,183 Alex.. Johnson..... 17 91 59 50 54 143 5 4 23 150 B. H. Twombly........18 59 40 28 51 97 1............... 99 Total............................ 5,128 3,383 2,905 3,469 7,161 408 151 192 8,601 MARCH.- Dr. Thos. H. Webb, Secretary of the Emigrant Aid Company, offered a prize of fifty dollars for a Kansas song. Eighty-nine were presented; the following poem obtained the prize: 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 45 CALL TO KANSAS. BY LUCY LARCOM. AIR —Nelly Bly. Yeomen strong, hither throng! Mother, come! here's a home Nature's honest men; In the waiting West; We will make the wilderness Bring the seeds of love and peace, Bud and bloom again. You who sow them best. Bring the sickle, speed the plough, Faithful hearts, holy prayers, Turn the ready soil!. Keep from taint the air; Freedom is the noblest pay Soil a mother's tears have wet For the true man's toil. Golden crops shall bear. Ho, brothers! come, brothers! Come, mother! fond mother, Hasten all with me; List, we call to thee; We'll sing upon the Kansas plains We'll sing, etc. A song of Liberty! Father, haste! o'er the waste Brother brave, stem the wave! Lies a pleasant land. Firm the prairies tread! There your fireside's altar-stones, Up the dark Missouri flood Fixed in truth, shall stand. Be your canvas spread. There your sons, brave and good, Sister true, join us too, Shall to freemen grow, Where the Kansas flows; Clad in triple mail of right, Let the Northern lily bloom Wrong to overthrow. With the Southern rose. Ho, brothers! come, brothers! Brave brother! true sister! Hasten all with me; List, we call to thee; We'll sing, etc. We'll sing, etc. One and all, hear our call Echo through the land! Aid us with a willing heart, And the strong right hand! Feed the spark the Pilgrims struck On old Plymouth rock! To the watch-fires of the free Millions glad shall flock. Ho, brothers! come, brothers! Hasten all with me; We'll sing, etc. MARCH 8. —Governor Reeder issues a proclamation for an election, March 30, of thirteen members of the Council and twenty-six members of the House. MARCH 13.-Dr. Charles Robinson leaves Boston for Kansas with about two hundred persons. MARCH. —A few days before the 30th, John Ellis, owner of the Weston and Kickapoo Ferry, had the following bill printed and tacked upon his {boat: CSOME illy-disposed persons have tried to injure my Ferry by stating that I refused to cross persons, last fall, to go to the election. This is false; it will be difficult to find one more sound on the "goose" than I am. Signed, JOHN ELLIS. MARCH 30.-About one thousand Missourians, under Samuel Young and ~ Claiborne F. Jackson, arrive in Lawrence to vote, and vote. Mrs. Robinson,says: "They were armed with guns, pistols, rifles and bowie-knives. They,brought two cannon loaded with musket balls." 46 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. RETURNS OF ELECTION OF MARCH 30, 1855, BY DISTRICTS. COUNCIL. HOUSE. Place of Voting. l — ~~~~... 1 Lawrence.......................................... 781 253...... 1 2 2 3 2 Bloomington..................................... 318 12 11 2 1 3 2 3 Stinson's, or Tecumseh....................... 366 4 2 3 1 4 1 4 Dr. Chapman's 78 2......71......... 1 1 Bull Croeek.......................... 377 9........................................ Pottawatomie.................................... 199 65...................................... Big Sugar Creek................................ 74 17 7 4 2 7 4 Little S gar Creek............................. 34 70......................................... 6 Fort tt......................................... 315 35... 5 1 6 2 7 Isaac B. Titus's.................................. 211 23...... 3......... 5 1 S Council Grove.................................. 17 17...... 3......... 5........ 9 Pawnee............................................. 23 52...... 6 1 1 10 Big Blue........................................ 27 42...... 10.... S.... 8........ Rock Creek.................................. 2 21...... 8......... 8........ 11 Marysville.............................. 328............ 9......... 9 1 12 St. Mtary's....................................... 4 7...... 10......... 9........ Silver Lake................................... 12 19 2 1......... 9........ 13 Hickory Point.................................. 233 6...... 10......... 10 1 Doniphan......................................... 313 30 3 7.............. 14 Wolf Creek................................. 57 15 6 7 11 2 Burr Oak.................................... 256 2 48 8........ 12 2 15 H1ayes's................ 412........ 5 9 13 2 16 Leavenworth.................................... 899 60 5 10 2 14 3 17 Gum Springs................................. 43 16...... 1................. 18 Moorestown................................ 48 14..... 7................. Total........................................... 5,427 791 89 13. 26 ELECTION OF MARCH 30, 1855, BY COUNCIL DISTRICTS. Co. Precincts. Pro-Slavery Candidates..Free-State Candidates.. ~ ob..s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 11Lawee. Thomas Johnson.. 780.....Joel K. Goodin.. 254.. 034 I~ Larec.................... 2 LEd. Chapman.783....Sam. N. Wood................. 255. Thomas Johnson.................. 78.. Joel K. Goodin................... 2......... 10......... 4 C a m n s............................. E. C a m n....................... 783......... Sa.N.W o d........................... 25............................ 4 Chapman's..l~~~~~Ed. Chapman.7..........Sam. Nq. Wood.2.... Thomas Johnson.............42 900 Joel K. Goodin...16 59 h......................... Ed. Chapman.................................... N. Wood.................16. 1,183 3 3............1 H. J. Strickler.370..A. McDonald............... 374.. 7Titus's.....................................H. J. Strickler........211..W. F. Johnson........................... 234....... 8....Stike.7 59 J- ie.. 1 443K62. 8..................................on............ 4 2. J.0 Soodick e............................... 17 59] R c.........[ 9 ~.................... 7 4 7 6 2 4 5BlCre.............2 jA. M. Coffey..................377......M. G.Morris................. 9............... David Lykins.................. 376..James P. Fox.9. 393. oA. M.C............................... 199.. M. G. Morris..6. Pottawatomi.......................... David Lykins.... 199...... James o................................. 63. 266......... Big Sugar Creek.. A. M. Coffey................................ M. G. Morris.............................| 17.... David Lykins.. 74....James P. Fox..16.. David Lkins.............................. 34 680 James P. Fox.70 158 855 85 5 6....!...................1 Wm. Barhee..................343 343........................................343 343 4,: 6 9.......................................... 1 John Donaldson........................... 23..M. F. Conway.50......... 7......... Ro ck Blue.............................. J. Donaler........................... 27......... M. F. Conway............................ 2.......... 69......... 11 cMaryevi............................John Donaldson..............8.............Cow........... ay................................331.................. 1 slle........................ John Donaldson.. 2.. M. F. Conway.................................31. 12 Si ver ake.......................r J h n D nald ons....................... 2......... M.F..Co way~.......................... 19......... 3........ St. Maryv's............................. John Donaldson..4 396 M. F. Conway.................................7 140 11 538 Dotwaolipeh.........John W. Forman................................................................................ 6.............................. Doni han......................., Jykins W.Fo m.......................... 3 3.......1 9.........I ae.Fx.......................................................]................ 18................. o................................1 478............ 61 rris.....................................................8......... 8 14 Burr Oak........................... 1 W. P?. Richardson.y.ins....234 234 John W. Whitehead......................[68 68 302 302 9 15.................1......................... I D. A. Al. Grover........................... 411 411.............................................2...........................412 R..R..Rees...................................233......... B. H. Twombly................................. 70.......... 10 13.......................................... L. J. Eastin.................................. A. J. Whitney.............................. 6......... 4 16........................... JR. R.Doees..............................896.........B. H. Twomhly................................................... L. J........................ 893 1,129 A. J. Whitney.......................... 59 66 964 1,216 48 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. ELECTION OF MARCH 30, 1855, BY REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS. E E Precincts, Pro-Slavery a Free-State E E and 9 A Place of voting. Candidates. andidat b~~~~~~~~~~ a nid a t e s..~ 1 4 Dr. Chapman's...........1 A. S. Johnson........... 77.....A. F. Powell............... 17 Shawnee Mission.......... A.S. Johnson........... 43 120 A. F. Powell............16 19 2 1 Lawrence..................3 James Whitlock...... 780......John Hutchinson... 252...... J. M. Banks 781............... D. Ladd. 253. A. B. Wade........ 781 781 P. P. Fowler............254 253 3 2 Bloomington..............2 G. W. Ward.............. 318 Isaac Davis............. 12 O. H. Browne...........318 318 E. G. Macy..............12 12 4 3 Tecumseh..................1 D. L Croysdale......... 366 366 C. K. Holliday.........4 4 5 7 I. B. Titus's...............1 M. W. McGee............ 210...... H. Rice.................. 23...... 8 Council Grove......... M. W. McGee........... 12 222 A. I. Baker.............. 25 49 6 6 Fort Scott..................2 Joseph C. Anderson.. 315...... Jno. Hamilton...... 35 35 S. A. Williams.. 313 315 William Margraves 16...... 7 5 Bull Creek.................4 W. A. Heiskell.........377..... John Serpell....... 9..... Allen Wilkinson......Adam Pore. Alle Wilinsn.....375]......lAdam Pore............9...... Henry Younger.......375...... S. H. Houser........... 9...... Samuel Scott 377............377.. William Jennings... 9... Pottawatomie Creek.... Wm. A. Heiskell...198...... John Serpell........... 61 Allen Wilkinson...... 198...... Adam Pore............ 54...... Henry Younger........198...... S. H. Houser........... 64...... Samuel Scott 198............ Wm. Jennings......... 62...... Big Sugar Creek.... Win. A. Heiskell............ John Serpell...... 7..... 17 Allen Wilkinson...... 74...... Adam Pore............ 16...... Henry Younger 74.......... S. H. Houser....... 17..... Samuel Scott............ 74...... Wm. Jennings........ 17 Little Sugar Creek.... Win. A. Heiskell... 33...... John Serpell........... 62 Allen Wilkinson.... 2...... Adam Pore............ 62...... Henry Younger......... S. H. Houser...........64.. Samuel Scott... 35 684 Win. Jennings... 66 152 8 9 Pawnee..................... Russell Garrett.............D...Houston... 5 10 Big Blue..................... Russell Garrett............ S.D. Houston......... 43 Rock Creek..................Russell Garrett 2 41 S. D. Houston.........21 120 9 11........................ Fr. J. Marshall.. 328. 12 Silver Lake............ Fr. J. Marshall 12......]' H.."cCar tney. 19....... St. Mary's.................4 H. McCartney......... 26...~~~ ~~ 4Fr. J.cMarshall.........ii 10 13 Hickory Point...........1 Wm. H. Tebbs......................37 237 C.3.1 14 Wolf River............... Joh H. Stringfellow 57. G. A. Cutler.................. R. L. Kirk................52.. John Landis...........8 Doniphan............. J. H. Stringfellow 31...... J. Ryan..................8 R. L. Kirk................ 292...... A. Cutler 30 John Landis............ 25 18 Nemaha.................... HJ.. Stringfellow........... Joel Ryan. 18. R. L. Kirk............... 50 420 G. A. Cutler............ 14...... 12 14 Burr Oak..................2 Joel P. Blair....... 256. John Landis............13 54 Thos. W. Waterson... 258 258 John Fee................ 2...... -13 152.................................2 H. B. C. Harris. 412 H..C.Hars......... J. Weddell.................................................... 14 16 Leavenworth............3 Wm. G. Mathias........899 Felix G. Braden.....59.. H. McMeekin.......899....... Samuel France........ 59...... Archy Payne........ 895 897 F. Browning...........59 59 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 49 APRIL.-Election returns opened by Gov. Reeder, Secretary Woodson, and Clerk Halderman. APRIL 6.-The Leavenworth Herald announces the result of the first Legislative election in these words: "All hail! Pro-Slavery Party Victorious. We have met the enemy,and they are ours. Vei, Vidi, Vici. Free White State Party Used Up." n"The triumph of the Pro-Slavery party is complete and overwhelming. Come on, Southern men; bring your slaves and fill up the Territory. Kansas is saved. Aolitionism is rebuked, her fortress stormed, her flag is draggling in the dust! The tricolored Platform has fallen with a crash; the rotten timbers of its structure were not sufficient to sustain the small fragments of the party." Kansas has proved herself to be S. G. Q." Those letters meant: Sound on the Goose Question. APRIL 14.-The Parkville (Mo.) Luminary destroyed by a Pro-Slavery mob from Platte City. APRIL 16.-Gov. Reeder calls an election, May 22, to fill vacancies in theHouse and Council, in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 7th, 8th and 16th districts, on account of irregularities in the previous election. The Legislature is ordered to meet at the town of Pawnee, in the 9th election district on the first Monday in July, "in the building which will be provided for that purpose." APRIL 17.-The Governor leaves for Pennsylvania. APRIL 30.-Pro-Slavery Vigilance Committee appointed at Leavenworth. Nine resolutions were adopted, the following among them: "elved, That we recognize the right of every man to entertain his own sentiment in all questions, and to act them out so long as they interfere with neither pulic or private rights; hut that when the acts of men strike at the peace of our social relations, and tend -to subvert the known and recognized rights of others, such acts are in violation of morals, of natural law, and systems of jurisprudence to which we are accustomed to suhmit. "Reselved, That a Vigilance Committee, consisting of thirty memhers, shall now he appointed, who shall ohserve and report all such persons as shall openly act in violation of law and order, and hy the expression of Aholition sentiments produce disturhance to the quiet of the citizens or danger to their domestic relitions; and all such persons so offending shall he notified and made to leave the Territory." The report of the meeting in the Leavenworth Herald says: "The meeting was ab ly and eloquently addressed by Judge Lecompte, Col. J. N. Burnes, of Weston, and D. J. Johnson.." APRIL 30.- Cole McCrea kills Malcolm. Clark, at Leavenworth. The Congressional Committee (1856) reported: "Your committee in their examinations have found that in no case of crime or homicide mentioned in this report, or in the testimony, has any indictment heen found against the guilty party, except in the homicide of Clark hy McCrea; McCrea heing a Free-State man." McCrea was arrested and imprisoned at Fort Leavenworth, and in jail. The Grand Jury in September failed to find a bill against McCrea. Mrs. Robinson says: "At the adjourned term of the court, in Novemher, Judge Lecompte had added seven new memhers to the Grand Jury, and a hill of indictment for murder in the first degree was found against him. Four of the counsel within the har, and officers acting at this trihunal, including the clerk of the court, were connected with the lynching of Phillips, on the 17th of May." McCrea escaped from jail, and made his appearance in Lawrence Dec. 1st. 4 50 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. -The District Court for the Second District organized at Tecumseh; Rush Elmore, Judge; John A. Halderman appointed U. S. Attorney pro tern., and Ben. I. Newsom Clerk. -The Herald of Freedom says a drought prevailed from June'54 to May'55, "with scarcely any rain or snow to cool the atmosphere or moisten the earth." RETURNS OF THE ELECTION OF MAY 22, 1855, TO FILL VAICANCIES -CALLED BY GOV. REEDER. Place of Voting. C. O 1 Lawrence...................................... 288 18 306 2 Douglas................................................................................ 127......... 127 3 Stinson's................................ 148 1 149 7 "110...................................................................... 66 13 79 8 Council Grove.............................................................. 33 3 16 Leavenworth................................................560 140 15 715 Total number of votes cast.................................... l. 1,409 MvAY.-The steamers Emma Harmon, Financier No. 2, and the Hartford, arrived at Lawrence. A Government boat, the Excel, wag the only one to ascend the river before the Harmon. The Harmon was six days in reaching Topeka, from Lawrence. On the return trip, she went from Lawrence to Kansas City in six hours. MAY 11.-The Leavenworth Herald publishes, with editorial approval, a communication which says: "Suffer not an avowed Abolitionist to remain within your borders. You [the Pro-Slavery party] have got thie start; keep it." MAY 17.-Lynching of William Phillips. The following account is copied from Gladstone's History: "A Vigilance Committee was appointed in the spring of 1855, having for its object'to observe and report all such persons as shall,... by the expression of Abolition sentiments, produce disturbance to the quiet of the citizens or danger to their domestic relations; and all such persons so offending shall be notified and made to leave the Territory.' On this committee were several members of the Legislature. The first person'observed and reported' by the committee as acting so as to endanger'their domestic relations' (by which delicate expression is meant the institution of slavery) was Mr. William Phillips, a lawyer residing in Leavenworth, whose offence was that he had sworn to a protest against the validity of the election in his district, in consequence of which protest Governor Reeder had ordered a new election. Mr. Phillips was notified' to leave the Territory. He refused to do so, whereupon he was seized by a party of Missouri men to the number of fourteen, taken across the river, and carried several miles into Missouri. [To Weston.] They then proceeded to shave one side of his head, next stripped off his clothes, and put him through the horrible ordeal of tarring and feathering. This being completed, they rode him on a rail for a mile and a half, and finally put him up at auction, a negro acting as auctioneer, and went through the mockery of selling him, not at the price of a slave, but for the sum of one dollar. Eight days after this outrage a public meeting was held, at which the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "' That we heartily endorse the action of the committee of citizens that shaved, tarred and feathered, rode on a rail, and had sold by a negro, Wmn. Phillips, the moral perjurer.' "The meeting was presided over by Mr. Rees, a member of Council in the Kansas Legislature, and the resolution was offered by Mr. Payne, a Judge, and also member of the House of Representatives. The outrage committed against Mr. Phillips was not, therefore, the hasty act of a few murderous ruffians, but one advisedly carried out and 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 51 afterwards deliberately endorsed by a number of citizens and by members of both houses of the Legislature. Mr. Phillips returned to Leavenworth, but has since, according to accounts received in the autumn of 1856, been shot." MAY 20.-The Leavenworth Herald devotes a column to the description of the tarring, feathering and riding on a rail of Wm; Phillips. The crime of Phillips was, that he protested against a fraudulent election. The Herald says: "Our action in the whole affair is emphatically endorsed by the Pro-Slavery party in this district. The joy, exultation and glorification produced by it in our community are unparalleled." -A public meeting was held to approve of this dastardly outrage. The Herald says: "On motion of Jarret Todd, R. R. Rees was called to the chair, and C. C. Harrison chosen Secretary. On motion of Judge Payne, five resolutions were unanimously adopted, one of which reads as follows: "'Resolved, That we heartily endorse the action of the citizens that shaved; tarred and feathered, rode on a rail, and had sold by a negro, Wmn. Phillips, the moral perjurer."' -About this time M. W. Delahay begins the publication of the Territorial Register. His papler does not meet the approbation of the violently ProSlavery Herald; hence Delahay is denounced as a "traitor." JUNE 8.-Free-State Convention at Lawrence. Committee on Organization: Win. Partridge, S. F. Shore, Wm. Jessee. Committee on Resolutions: S. N. Wood, John Brown, jr., Jas. P. Fox, Aug. Wattles, A. F. Powell. Officers: John A. Wakefield, President; John Brown, jr., J. E. Curtis, and Joseph L. Speer, Vice Presidents; R. G. Elliott and Chas. A. Foster, Secretaries. Resolutions were adopted in favor of making Kansas a Free State, and against the illegal voting by citizens of Missouri. Also, the following:'Resolved, That in reply to the threats of war so frequently made in our neighboring State, our answer is, We Are Ready." Speeches were made by Wood, Robinson, Elliott, Foster, Speer, Stockton, and others. JUNE 1 1.-W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State, writes a letter to Gov. Reeder, charging him with irregularities in the purchase of Indian lands. JUNE 25.-Gov. Reeder, having returned to Kansas, denies Mr. Marcy's charges. JUNE 25.- The Governor declares duly elected John Hutchinson, Erastus D. Ladd and Philip P. Fowler, Representatives from the Second District; John A. Wakefield, to be duly elected, from the Second District, and Augustus Wattles and Wm. Jessee, also Representatives from the same district; Jesse D. Wood, a member of the Council from the Third District; Wm. G. Mathias, A. Payne and H. D. McMeekin, members of the House from the Fourteenth District, and C. K. Holliday, a member of the House from the Fourth District; JUNE 27.-Executive office removed from Shawnee Manual Labor School. - Convention of the "National Democracy" at Lawrence; James H. Lane, Chairman; J. N. O. P. Wood, Secretary. They resolved that "the best interests of Kansas require an early organization of the Democratic party upon truly national ground;" fully endorse the Democratic platform of 1852; kindly request citizens of adjoining States to let them alone, and that they cannot permit "the purity of the ballot-box to be polluted by outsiders, or illegal voting from any quarter." E. Chapman, C. W. Babcock, James 52 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. Garvin, James S. Emery and Hugh Cameron, were the committee on resolutions. JULY 2.-The Legislature meets at Pawnee, near Fort Riley, as ordered by the Governor. The executive office established at Pawnee. -Congress appropriates $25,000 for public buildings in Kansas. The Third Judicial District organized at Pawnee, Saunders W. Johnston presiding. A. J. Isacks, U. S. Attorney, present. R. H. Higgins appointed Clerk. July 3.- M. F. Conway resigns his seat' in the Council.- Gov. Reeder's Message is read.- John A. Wakefield and Jesse D. Wood, elected from the Second and Third Council Districts on the 22d of May to fill vacancies, enter their solemn protest against being denied seats. JULY 4.-Donaldson, McDonald and Strickler admitted to seats in the Council. S. D. Houston, in the House, protests against the action of the House in refusing seats to John Hutchinson, Erastus D. Ladd, Philip P. Fowler, Augustus Wattles and William Jessee, who have received certificates of election from the Governor. The seats are given to the Pro-Slavery candidates voted for on the 30th of March. The ousted members also protest. The Kansas Freeman appears, published by Edward C. K. Garvey & Co., at Topeka. The first paper in Topeka. -A daily paper published in Lawrence one week, by John Speer. The first daily attempted in the Territory. JULY 6.-John T. Brady elected Public Printer.- An act to remove the seat of Government to the Shawnee Manual Labor School passes both branches over the Governor's veto. Adjourned to meet at Shawnee July 16th. JULY 10.-Surveyor General's office removed to Leavenworth City. JULY 16.- Legislature reassembles at Shawnee. The following are copies of tables printed at the time: MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL. Naes. Age. Occupatio Nativ- How long Quotations from their Speeches. N~ames. Age. Occupation l.inert' ehs ity. in Terril'y T. Johnson, Prest., Supt. of Shawnee Mission............... 53 Farmer........... Va... 18 years.. Justice to all. R. R. Rees, Prest. pro tern................ 43 Lawyer........... Ohio. 10 mos... Just laws and rigid execution. John W. Forman..... 36 Merchant....... Ky... 12 years.. The organic act- our charter of liberty. A. M. Coffey............51 Farmer........Ky... 4... years... The Union; it must be preserved. D. Lykins............. 34 Physician........ Ia 12 years.. Cuba must be annexed. W. P. Richardson, Maj. Gen. Com'g K. M.................... 53 Farmer........... Ky...9 years... Hemp for negro-stealers. H. J. Strickler, Brig. Gen. K.M............ 24 Surv.&civ.eng. Va.. 6mos.....The South and her InstiL. J. Eastin, do., tutions. Ed. Leavenworth City Herald..........40 Printer............ Ky.. 9 mos.... Negro Slavery for Kansas. "Good." D. A. N. Grover....... 26 Lawyer....y....... 10 years.. Homestead for the squatters. Win. Barbee............29 Lawyer........... Ky.. 1 year.... Majority shall rule. John Donaldson...... 25 Merchant.......Ky 6... mos.... The cause I advocate must succeed. It is right; it is just. 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 53 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL- Concluded.' Nfiames. Age Ocup Nati v- Hw long Quotationsfrotheireeches. ity. in Territ'y s h eeches. A. McDonald........... 37 Lawyer....... Va....a 10 mos... United we stand. E. Chapman............ 27 Lawyer.... La.... La10 mos... As an American, I reverence the Constitution, Jno. A. Halderman, now and forever. Chief Clerk......... 24 Lawyer.... Mo.... M 14 mos... Charles H. Grover, Assistant Clerk.... 24 Lawyer...... Ky.... 11 years.. A new treaty with the T. C. Hughes, Eng. Delawares. Clerk................... 37 Farmer...... Md... 5 mos..... Down with the National S. J. Waful, Eng. Democracy in Kansas. Clerk................... 23 Farmer.......... N.Y.. 14 mos... Kansas-May her virgin soil be unpolluted by the C. B. Whitehead, foul stain of freesoilism. Sergeant-at-Arms. 41 Farmer Va......... Va 2 years... MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Nai-How long Names. Age Occup ation. t.v- in the Quotations from their Speeches. ______________________ _______. i___ Territory. _____________ J. M. Banks................. 36 Farmer.... Penn year Justice and truth. J. P. Blair..................... 47 Farmer.... Tenn 6 mos...... O. H. Browne............... 34 Farmer.... Md... 1 year... Be just, and fear not. D. L. Croysdale............ 26 Physician Mo... 1 year..... H. B. C. Harris..............30 Physician Va.... 9 mos......Act justly, but fearlessly. W. A. Heiskell.......... 47 Merchant Va.... 476 years The South-her rights and interests. S. D. Houston............... 36 Farmer.... Ohio................ Alex. S. Johnson.... 23 Farmer..... K. T. 23 Fyears.. Peaceably if we can - forcibly if we must. R. L. Kirk............ 37 Farmer.... Ky...... 9 mos My country, my whole country. F. J. Marshal!......... 38 Merchant Va.... 4 years... Be sure you're right, then go ahead. W. G. Mathias............... 29 Lawyer... Md... 10 mos....No disorganization, no fanaticism. M. W. McGee................ 36 Merchant Ky... 1 year..... Kansas, with Southern institutions. H. D. McMeekin........... 33 Merchant Ky... 5 years... We fight to conquer. A. Payne..................... 36 Farmer.... Ky... 1 year Union first- South all the time. Samuel Scott.......... 52 Farmer.... Ky... 7 mos......Onward march to victory. W. H. Tebbs................. 32 Physician Va.... 1 year..... Non-intercourse, and Southern rights. A. B. Wade................... 26 Farmer.... Mo... 1 year..... G. W. Ward.......... 55 Farmer.... -Ky... 1 year..... Justice and the South. T. W. Waterson........... 44 Farmer.... Penn 18 mosK.... ansas for the South, now and forever. Jonah Wedile 28 Teacher... Va............ 1 year. Kansas, the South, and the Union. Jas. Whitlock.............. 37 Farmer.... Mo... 10 mos My country's flag. Samuel A. Williams...... 35 Farmer.... Ky... 6 mos......Kansas and the Union. Allen Wilkinson........... 35 Farmer.... Tenn8 mos...... H. W. Younger............ 43 Farmer.... Mo... 8 mos. Order and liberty. J.HI.Stringfellow, Sp'k'r, Ed.Squatter Sovereign 35 Physician Va.... 1 year. Squatter rights. J. C. Anderson, Speaker pro tem......... 25 Lawyer... Ky... 10 mos....Vox populi, vox Dei. Jas. M. Lyle, Chief Clerk........ 22 Lawyer... S. C L... 6 mos....Civil and religious liberty. John Martin,. Assistant Clerk.......21 Lawer... 2 1 Tenn 6 mos....Strict construction of the J. C. Thompson, Constitution. Engrossing Clerk....... 25 Lawyer... Ohio. 1 year..... To the victors belong the B. F. Simmons, spoils. Enrolling Clerk. 29 Lawyer... N... 6 mos...... Union only when it protects T. J. B. Cramer, our interests. Sergeant-at-Arms...... 38 Farmer.... Va.... 1 year B. F. Campbell, Doorkeeper..............28 Farmer.... N. Y. 10 mos.... Kansas to be the brightest John T. Peery, star of all. Chaplain 38 Minister... Va.... 12 years.. Religion the corner-stone of John T. Brady, civilization. Public Printer 24 Lawyer... Md... 16 mos.... The Constitution. S. A. Lowe, Eng. Clerk................. 35 Lawyer... Md... 2 years... Money makes the mare go. 54 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. JULY 16.- Gov. Reeder receives notice from Mr. Marcy of the intention to remove him. JULY 21.- Message from Gov. Reeder, in which he says: "It seems, then, to be plain that the Legislature are now in session, so far as the place is concerned, in contravention of the act of Congress, and where they have no right to sit, and can make no valid legislation. Entertaining these views, I can give no sanction to any bill that may be passed; and if my views are not satisfactory to the Legislative Assembly, it follows that we must act independently of each other." A resolution was passed by the Council asking the President to remove Gov. Reeder. Onthe 23d the House concurred in the resolution. JULY 23.-S. D. Houston resigns his seat in the House. This left both branches unanimously Pro-Slavery. JULY 24.-The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the Council makes a written report sanctioning the penalty of death as the punishment of persons who decoy slaves from their masters. JULY 28.-There are four Free-State papers in the Territory - the Herald of Freedom, Free State, and Tribune, at Lawrence, and the Freeman, at Topeka. The Leavenworth Herald, the Kickapoo Pioneer and the Atchison Squatter Sovereign are the Pro-Slavery papers. JULY 30.-First session of the Supreme Court, at the Shawnee Manual Labor School, Johnson county. Lecompte, Johnston and Elmore present, and A. J. Isacks, U. S. District Attorney. Marcus J. Parrott is appointed Reporter of the decisions of the Court. JULY 31.- Removal of Gov. Reeder officially announced. -The appointment of Governor was tendered to John L. Dawson, of Pennsylvania, who declined it. JULY 31.-Mr. Donaldson, in the Council, offered the following resolution: "Whereas, Reliable information has been received of the removal of'Squire A. H. Reeder; and, whereas, this body wish to make suitable arrangements to celebrate the day: therefore, "Resolved, This body do adjourn." AUGUST. —S. D. Lecompte and Rush Elmore, Judges, and A. J. Isacks, Attorney, give the Legislature a written opinion declaring that the removal of the seat of government to Shawnee is valid, and the legislation at Shawnee legal. AUGUST 8. —The Legislature, in joint session, votes to establish the permanent seat of government at Lecompton. AUGUST 10. —Wilson Shannon, of Ohio, commissioned as Governor. AUGUST 14-15.-First Convention in Lawrence of Free-State men, made up from the various political parties. Philip C. Schuyler presided; Chas. Robinson reported the resolutions; and Colonel James H. Lane took an active part. The Convention adopted the following resolution: "Whereas, The people of Kansas have been, since its settlement, and now are, without any lawmaking power: therefore, be it "Resolved, That we, the people of Kansas Territory, in mass meeting assembled, irrespective of party distinctions, influenced by common necessity, and greatly desirous of promoting the common good, do hereby call upon and request all bona fide citizens of Kansas Territory, of whatever political views and predilections, to consult together in their respective election districts, and, in mass conventions or otherwise, elect three delegates for each Representative to which said election district is entitled in the House 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 55 of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly, by proclamation of Governor Reeder, of date 19th of March, 1855; said delegates to assemble in convention, at the town of Topeka, on the 19th day of September, 1855, then and there to consider and determine upon all subjects of public interest, and particularly upon that having reference to the speedy formation of a State Constitution, with an intention of an immediate applica tion to be admitted as a State into the Union of the United States of America. A Free-State Convention was also called to meet at Big Springs, Douglas county, September 5. The following Free-State Executive Committee was appointed: Charles Robinson, Chairman; J. K. Goodin, Secretary; George W. Smith, J. A. Wakefield, L. Macy, F. W. Giles, William Phillips (afterwards murdered), Charles A. Foster, J. P. Fox, J. D. Stockton, W. K. Vail, John Brown, jr., W. A. Ely, G. F. Warren, John Hamilton, Hamilton Smith, Lotan Smith, M. F. Conway, S. D. Houston, L. R. Adams, L. R. Palmer, J. E.Gould, Abelard Guthrie. -The Emigrant Aid Company have four steafnm saw mills at Kansas Cit-one for Manhattan, one for Osawatomie, ands one for Hampden, on the Neosho. AUGUST 16.-Gov. Reeder informs the Legislature that he has received official notice of his removal. -Acting Governor Woodson continues G. P. Lowry in the office of Executive Clerk. AUGUST 16.-Rev. Pardee Butler sent from Atchison by the Pro-Slavery men. The Squatter Sovereign gives this account of the affair: "On Thursday last, one Pardee Butler arrived in town with a view of starting for the East, probably for the purpose of getting &s fresh supply'of Free-Soilers -from the penitentiaries and pest-holes of the Northern States. Finding it inconvenient to depart before morning, he took lodgings at the hotel, and proceeded to visit numerous portions of our town, everywhere avowing himself a Free-Soiler, and preaching the foulest of Abolition heresies. He declared the recent action of our citizens in regard to J. W. B. Kelley, the infamous and unlawful proceedings of a mob; at the same tine stating that many persons in. Atchison, who were Free-Soilers at heart, had been intimidated thereby, and feared to avow their true sentiments; but that he (Butler) would express his views in defiance of the whole community. On the ensuing morning our townsmen assembled e~n inasse, and, deeming the presence of such persons highly detrimental to the safety of our slave property, appointed a committee of two to wait on Mr. Butler and request his signature to the resolutions. passed at the late Pro-Slavery meeting in Atchison. After perusing the said resolutions, Mr. B. positively declined signing them, and was instantly arre sted by the commuittee. After the various plans for his disposal had been considered, it was finally decided to place him on a raft composed of two logs firmnly lashed together; that his baggage and a loaf of bread be given him; and, having attached a flag to his primitive bark, emblazoned with mottoes indicative of our, contempt for such characters, Mr. Butler was set adrift on the great Missouri, with the letter R legibly painted on his forehead. " He was escorted some distance down the river by several of our citizens, who, seeing him pass several rock-heaps in quite a skilful manner, bade him adieu, and returned to Atchison. Such treatment may be expected. by all scoundrels visiting our town for the purpose of interfering with our time-honored institutions, and the same punishment we will be happy to award all Free-Soilers, Abolitionists, and their emissaries." The m~ottoes on the flag were'these: "Eastern Emigrant Aid Express. The Rev. Mr. Butler, Agent for the Underground Railroad;" "The way they are served in Kansas;" " For Boston;" " Cargo insured - unavoidable danger of the Missourians and the Missouri River excepted." "Let future 56 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. emissaries from the North beware. Our hemp crop is sufficient to reward all such scoundrels." AUGUST 25.-The Legislature, in joint session, elects Probate Judges, Commissioners, and Sheriffs for all the counties and District Attorneys for the three Judicial Districts. The appointment of Justices of the Peace and Constables is given to Commissioners chosen by the Legislature. AUGUST 30.-The following appears in the proceedings of the Legislature: "Mr. Speaker J. H. Stringfellow, Mr. Anderson in the chair, ofered the following concurrent resolution: "Whereas, The signs of the times indicate that a measure is now on foot fraught with more danger to the interests of the Pro-Slavery party, and to the Union, than any which has yet been agitated, to wit, the proposition to organize a National Democratic Party; and " Whereas, Some of our friends have alrdady been misled by it; and " Whereas, The result will be to divide Pro-Slavery Whigs from Democrats, thus weakening our party one-half; and "Whereas, We believe that.on the success of our party depends the perpetuity of the Union: therefore "Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the uncil cnurring therein, That it is the duty of the Pro-Slavbry party, the Union-loving men of Kansas Territory, to know but one issue, Slavery; and that any party making or attempting to make any other, is, and should be held, as an ally of Abolitionism and isunionism. The resolution was adopted. AUGUST 30.-The Council confirms Acting Gov. Woodson's appointments of Major Generals, Brigadier Generals, and Colonels; and the appointment of Thos. J. B. Cramer as Auditor of Public Account, and John Donaldson as Treasurer. Legislature adjourns. The private laws fill 212 pages of the statute book. The cities incorporated are Leavenworth, Lawrence, Kickapoo, Pawnee and Lecompton. Among the town companies'incor porated are Marysville,. Iola, Atchison, Fort Scott and Paola. AUGUST 31.-Commissions issued by Gov. Woodson to A. M. Coffey, Major General; Win. A. Heiskell, Brigadier General'; Win. Barbee, Brigadier General; Win. C. Yager, Colonel; Geo. W. Johnson, Colonel; S. A. Williams, Colonel; Skilman Fleming, Colonel; Win. P. Richardson, Major General; F. J. Marshall, Brigadier General; Lucien J. Eastin, Brigadier General; Robt. Clark, Colonel; Jas. E. Thompson, Colonel; David M.. Johnson, Colonel; Archibald Payne, Colonel; Hiram J. Strickler, Adjutant General; and Thoma,' J. B. Cramer, Inspector General. Commissions were also issued to the county officers appointed by the Legislature, for the following counties: Doniphan, Atchison, Jefferson, Calhoun, Leavenworth, Douglas, Johnson, Lykins, Bourbon, Allen, Anderson, Franklin, Shawnee, Nemaha, Marshall, Riley, and Madison. * Commissions were issued to Chas. H. Grover, H. A. Hutchinson and John T. Brady, as District Attorneys for the First, Second and Third Judicial Districts. SEPTEMBUER 1.- Nearly all the acts of the first Legislature, commonly' called the " Bogus Laws," took effect as soon as they were passed. The volume of laws, 1058 pages, was published in October. General Stringfellow, in a letter to the Montgomery (Alabama) Advertiser, uses this language as to the character of the laws of the Territory in reference to, slavery: "They have now laws more efficient to protect slave property than any State in the 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. Union. e laws have just taken effect, and have already silenced Abolitionists;for, in spite of their heretofore boasting, they know they will be enforced to the very letter, and with the utmost rigor. Not only is it profitable for slaveholders to go to Kansas, but politically it is all-important." The following is a copy of the "Act to punish offences against slave property:"; "Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kanas, asfllws "SECTION 1. That every person, bond or free, who shall be convicted of actually raising a rebellion or insurrection of slaves, free negroes, or mulattoes, in this Territory, shall suffer death. SEc. 2. Every free person who shall aid or assist in any rebellion or insurrection of slaves, free negroes, or mulattoes, or shall furnish arms, or do any overt act in furtherance of such rebellion or insurrection, shall suffer death. "SEc. 3. If any free person shall, by speaking, writing, or printing, advise, persuade, or induce any slaves to rebel, conspireagainst or murder any citizen of this Territory, or shall bring into, print, write publish or circulate, or cause to be brought into, printed, written, published, or circulated, or shall knowingly aid or assist in the bringing into, priting, writing, publishing or circulating, in this Territory, any book, paper, magazine, pamphlet, or circular, for the purpose of exciting insurrection, rebellion, revolt, or conspiracy on the part of the slaves, free negroes, or mulattoes, against the citizens of the Territory, or any part of them, such person shall be guilty of felony, and suffer death. SEc. 4. If any person shall entice, decoy, or carry away out of this Territory any slave belonging to another, with intent to deprive the owner thereof of the services of such slave, or with intent to effect or procure the freedom of such slave, he shall be adjudged guilty of grand larceny, and on conviction thereof, shall suffer death, or be imprisoned at hard labor for not less than ten years. Sc. 5. If any person shall aid or assist in enticing, decoying, or persuading, or carrying away, or sending out of this Territory, any slave belonging to another, with intent to procure or effect the freedom of such slave, or with intent to deprive the owner thereof of the services of such slave, he shall be adjudged guilty of grand larceny, and, on conviction thereof, shall suffer death, or be imprisoned at hard labor for not less than ten years. "SEc. 6. If any person shall entice, decoy, or carry away out of any State or other Territory of the United States auy slave belonging to another, with intent to procure' or effect'the freedom of such slave, or to deprive the owners thereof of the services of' such slave, and shall bring such slave into this Territory, he shall be adjudged guilty of grand larceny, in the same manner as if such slave had been enticed, decoyed, or carried away out of this Territory; and. in such case the larceny may be charged to have been committed in any county of this Territory into or through which such slave shall have been brought by such person; and on conviction thereof; the person offending shall' suffer death, or be imprisoned at hard labor for not less than ten years. " 1Si~c. 7. If any person shall entice, persuade or induce any slave to escape from the service of his master or owner in this Territory, or shall aid or assist any slave in escaping from the service of his master or owner, or shall aid, assist, harbor or conceal any slave who may have escaped from the service of his master or owner, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a.term of not less than five years. "SEC. S. If any person in this Territory shall aid or assist, harbor or conceal any slave who has escaped from the service of his master or owner in another State or Territory, such person shall be punished in like m anner as if such slave had escaped from the service of his master or owner in this Territory. "1S~c. 9. If any person shall resist any officer while attempting to arrest any slave that may have escaped from the service of his master or owner, or shall rescue such slave when in custody of any officer or other person, or shall entice, persuade, aid or assist such slave to escape from the custody of any officer or other person who may have such slave in custody, whether such slave have escaped from the service of his master or owner in this Territory or in any other State or Territory, the person so 58 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. offending shall be guilty of felony, and punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a term of not less than two years. "SEC. 10. If any marshal, sheriff, or constable, or the deputy of any such officer, shall, when required by any person, refuse to aid or assist in the arrest and capture of any slave that may have escaped from the service of his master or owner, whether such slave shall have escaped from his master or owner in this Territory or any State or other Territory, such officer shall be fined in a sum of not'less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. "SEC. 11. If any person print, write, introduce into, publish or circulate, or cause to be brought into, printed, written, published or circulated, or shall knowingly aid or assist in bringing into, printing, publishing or circulating within this Territory, any book, paper, pamphlet, magazine, handbill or circular, containing any statements, arguments, opinions, sentiment, doctrine, advice or innuendo, calculated to produce a disorderly, dangerous or rebellious disaffection among the slaves in this Territory, or to induce such slaves to escape from the service of their masters, or resist their authority, he shall be guilty of felony, and be punished by imprisonment and hard labor for a term not less than five years. " SEc. 12. If any free person, by speaking or by writing, assert or maintain that persons have not the right to hold slaves in this Territory, or shall introduce into this Territory, print, publish, write, circulate, or cause to be introduced into this Territory, written, printed, published or circulated in this Territory, any book, paper, magazine, pamphlet or circular containing any denial of the right of persons to hold slaves in this Territory, such person shall be deemed guilty of felony, and punished by imprisonment at hard labor for a term of not less than two years. "SEc. 13. No person who is conscientiously opposed to holding slaves, or who does not admit the right to hold slaves in this Territory, shall sit as a juror on the trial of any prosecution for any violation of any of the sections of this act. " This act to take effect and be in force from and after the fifteenth day of September, A. D. 1855." By these laws only a Pro-Slavery man could hold office. Every officer, whether elected or appointed, was compelled to take an oath to support the Organic Act and the Fugitive Slave Law. (Page 516.) The following is section 13, chapter 92, page 445: "No person who is conscientiously opposed to the holding of slaves, or who does not admit the right to hold slaves in this Territory, shall be a juror in any cause in which the right to hold any person in slavery is involved, nor in any cause in which any injury done to or committed by any slave is in issue, nor in any criminal proceeding for the violation of any law enacted for the protection of slave property, and for the punishment of crimes committed against the right to such property." Chapter 22, page 165, defines the terms "hard labor" and "convicts." A person found with a copy of the New York Tribune in his pocket, or who uttered a word against slavery, would probably remember his punishment. Section 2 of this law provides that the keeper "having charge of such convict, shall cause such convict, while engaged at such labor, to be securely confined by a chain six feet in length, of not less than four-sixteenths nor more than three-eighths of an inch links, with a round ball of iron, of not less than four nor more than six inches in diameter, attached, which chain shall be securely fastened to the ankle of such convict with a strong lock and key; and such keeper or other person having charge of such convict, may, if necessary, confine such convict, while so engaged at hard labor, by other chains or other means in his discretion, so as to keep such convict secure and prevent his escape; and when there shall be two or more convicts under the charge of such keeper, or other person, such convicts shall be fastened together by strong chains, with strong locks and keys, during 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 59 the time such convicts shall be engaged in hard labor without the walls of any jail or prison." The next section of this law provides that the convict may be "employed upon private hiring at labor," for fifty cents a day. This would place the Anti-Slavery man, with his ball and chain, at work in the field by the side of the slave. Of this code and this Legislature, Mr. Gladstone says: "Being in haste to give a code of laws to Kansas, they transferred into a volume of more than a thousand pages, the greater part of the laws of their own State, substituting the words'Territory of Kansas' for'State of Missouri.' In protection of slavery, they enacted far more rigorous laws than obtain in Missouri, or than were ever before conceived of, making it a felony to utter a word against the institution, or even to have in possession a book or paper which denies the right to hold slaves in Kansas. Some of these laws have already been quoted in this volume. It will have been seen that for every copy of a Free-State newspaper which a person might innocently purchase, the law would justify that person's condemnation to penal servitude for two or five years, dragging a heavy ball and chain at his ankle, and hired out for labor on the public roads, or for the service of private individuals, at the fixed price of fifty cents per diem. So comprehensive did these legislators make their slave code, that by the authority they thus gave themselves, they could, in a very short time, have made every Free-State man in the Territory a chained convict, standing side by side, if they so pleased, with their slaves, and giving years of forced labor for the behoof of their Pro -Slavery fellowcitizens. "The Legislature proceeded also to appoint officers for the Territory. Even the executive and judiciary were made to hold office from itself; and a Board of Commissioners chosen by the Legislature, instead of the inhabitants themselves, was empowered to appoint the sheriffs, justices of the peace, constables, and all other officers in the various counties into which the Territory was divided. "Every member of succeeding Legislatures, every judge of election, every voter; must swear to his faithfulness on the test-questions of slavery. Every officer in the Territory, judicial, executive, or legislative, every attorney admitted to practise in the courts, every juryman weighing evidence on the rights of slaveholders, must attest his soundness in the interest of slavery, and his readiness to endorse its most repugnant measures. "For further security, the members of the Assembly submitted their enactments to the Chief Justice for confirmation. This judicial confirmation was gratefully given; all they had done was declared legal. And the sheriffs and other local officers appointed by the Legislature were equally ready with their aid in the execution of these unjust laws." The following is copied from the Report of the Special Committee appointed in 1856, to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas: "The material differences in the Missouri and Kansas statutes are upon the following subjects: "The qualifications of voters and of members of the Legislative Assembly; the official oath of all officers, attorneys, and voters; the mode of selecting officers, and their qualifications; the slave code, and the qualifications of jurors. "Upon these subjects the provisions of the Missouri code are such as are usual in many of the States. But, by the'Kansas Statutes' every officer in the Territory, executive and judicial, was to be appointed by the Legislature, or by some officer appointed by it. These appointments were not merely to meet a temporary exigency, but were to hold over two regular elections, and until after the general election in October, 1857. Thus, by the terms of these'laws' the people have no control whatever over either the legislative, the executive, or the judicial departments of the Territorial government, until a time, before which, by the natural progress of population, the Territorial government will be superseded by a State government. "No session of the Legislature is to be held during 1856, but the members of the House are to be elected in October of that year. A candidate, to be eligible at this election, must swear to support the Fugitive Slave Law, and each judge of election, and each voter, if challenged, must take the same oath. The same oath is required of every officer elected or appointed in the Territory, and of every attorney admitted to practise in the courts." ~60 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. SEPTEMBER 1.-Andrew B. Moore, of Alabama, declines the appointment of Associate Justice, vice Elmore, removed. SEPTEMBER 1.-Gov. Shannon arrives at Westport, Mo. SEPTEMBER 5.-Big Springs Convention. Organization of the Free-State party. President, Geo. W. Smith; Vice Presidents, John Fee, J. A. Wakefield, James Salsbury, and Amory Hunting; Secretaries, R. G. Elliott, D. Dodge, and A. G. Adams. The following resolutions, reported by James H. Lane, were afterwards known as the "Big Springs Platform." It was the first platform of the Free-State party of the Territory: Whereas, The Free-State party of the Territory of Kansas is about to originate an organization for concert of political action in electing our own officers and moulding our institutions; and, Whereas, It is expedient and necessary that a platform of principles be adopted and proclaimed to make known the character of our organization, and to test the qualifications of candidates and the fidelity of our members; and, "Whereas, We find ourselves in an unparalleled and critical condition-deprived y superior force of the rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Kansas Bill; and, Whereas, The great and overshadowing question, whether Kansas shall become a Free or Slave State, must inevitably absorb all other issues, except those inseparably Connected with it; and, " ereas, The crisis demands the concert and harmonious action of all those who from principle or interest prefer free to slave labor, as well as of those who value the preservation of the Union and the guarantees of Republican institutions by the Constitun: therefore, Resolved, That, setting aside all the minor issues of partisan politics, it is incumbent upon us to proffer an organization calculated to recover our dearest rights, and into which Democrats and Whigs, native and naturalized citizens, may freely enter without any sacrifice of their respective political creeds, but without forcing them as a test upon others. And that when we shall have achieved our political freedom, vindicated our right of self-government, and hecome an independent State of the Union, when these issues may become vital as they are now dormant, it will he time enough to divide our organization by these tests, the importance of which we fully recognize in their appropriate sphere. "Resolved, That we will oppose and resist all non-resident voters at our polls, whether from Missouri or elsewhere, as a gross -violation of our rights, and a virtual disfranichisement of our citizens. "Resolved, That our true interests, socially, morally and pecuniarily, require that Kansas should be a free State; that free labor will host promote the happiness, the rapid population, the prosperity and the wealth of our people; that slave labor is a curse to the master and the community, if not to the slave; that our country is unsuited to it, and that we will devote our energies -as a party to exclude the institution, and to secure for Kansas the constitution of a free State. "Resolved, That the host interests of Kansas require a population of free white men, and that in the organization we are in favor of stringent laws excluding all negroes, bond or free, from the Territory; that nevertheless such measures shall not be regarded as a test of party orthodoxy. "Resolved, That the stale and ridiculous charge of Abolitionism, so industriously imputed to the Free-State party, and so persistently adhered to in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, is without a shadow of a truth to support it, aud that it is not more appropriate to ourselves than it is to our opponents, who use it as a term of reproach, to bring odium. upon us, pretending to believe in its truth, and hoping to frighten from our ranks the weak and the timid, who are more willing to desert their principles than they are to stand up under persecution and abuse, with a consciousness of right. "Resolved, That we will discountenance and denounce any attempt to encroach upon the constitutional rights of the people of any State, or to interfere with their s laves; 1855.]. ANNALS OF KANSAS. 61 conceding to their citizens the right to regulate their own institutions, and to hold and recover their slaves, without any molestation or obstruction from the people of Kansas." The following resolutions, offered by James S. Emery, and written by eeder, were also adopted: "Resolved, That the body of men who, for the past two months, have been making laws for the people of our Territory, moved, counselled and dictated to by the demagogues of Missouri, are to us a foreign body, representing only the lawless invaders who elected them, and not the people of the Territory; that we repudiate their action as the monstrous consummation of an act of violence, usurpation and fraud, unparalleled in the history of the Union, and worthy only of men unfitted for the duties and regardless of the responsibilities of republicans. "Resolved, That having, by reason of numerical inferiority and want of preparation, been compelled to succumb to the outrageous oppression of armed and organized ands of the citizens of a neighboring State - having been robbed by force of the right of suffrage and self-government, and subjected to a foreign despotism, the more odious and infamous that it involves a violation of compacts with sister States, more sacred and solemn than treaties -we disown and disavow with scorn and indignation the contemptible and hypocritical mockery of a republican government into which this infamous despotism has been converted. "Resolved, That this miscalled Legislature, by their reckless disregard of the Organic Territorial Act, and other Congressional legislation, in expelling members whose title to seats was beyond their power to annul, in admitting members who were not elected, and in legislating at an unauthorized place-by their refusal to allow the people to select any of their own officers, by leaving us no elections save those prescribed by Congress, and therefore beyond their power to abrogate, and even at these selling the right of suffrage at our ballot-boxes to any non-resident who chooses to buy and pay for it - by compelling us to take an oath to support a law of the United States, invidiously pointed out -by stifling the freedom of speech and of the press, thus usurping the power forbidden to Congress, has libelled the Declaration of Independence-violated the Constitutional Bill of Rights, and brought contempt and disgrace upon our republican institutions at home and abroad. "Resolved, That we owe no allegiance or obedience to the tyrannical enactments of this spurious Legislature-that t heir laws have no validity or binding force upon the people of Kansas, and that every free man among us is at full liberty, consistent with all his obligations as a citizen and a man, to resist them if he chooses so to do. "Resolved, That we will resist them primarily by every peaceable and legal means in our power, until we can elect our own Representatives and sweep them from the statute book; and that as the majority of our Supreme Court have so far forgotten their official -duty-have so far cast off the honor of a rawyer and the dignity of a judge as to enter, clothed with the judicial ermine, into a partisan contest, and by extra-judicial decisions giving opinions. in violation of all propriety, having prejudged our case before we could be heard, and have pledged themselves to the outlaws in advance, to decide in their favor, we will therefore take measures to carry the question. of the validity of these laws to a higher tribunal, where judges are unpledged and dispassionate-where the law will be administered in its purity, and where we can at least have a hearing before'the decision. "Resolved, That we will endure and submit to these laws no longer than the best interests of the Territory require, as the least of two evils, and'Will resist them to a bloody issue as soon as we ascertain that pqaceable remedies shall fail, and forcible resistance shall furnish any reasonable prospect of success; and that in the meantime we recommend to our friends throughout the Territory the organization and discipline of volunteer companies and the procurement and preparation of arms. "Resolved, That we cannot and will not quietly submit to surrender our great American birthright - the elective franchise -which, first by violence, and then by chicanery, artifice, weak and wicked legislation, they have so effectually attempted to deprive us of, and that we with scorn repudiate the election law, so called, and will not meet with them on the day they have appointed for the election, but will ourselves fix upon a day -for the purpose of electing a Delegate to Congress." The Convention adopted a resolution offered by John Hutchinson, fully, ~62 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. endorsing "the People's Convention of the 14th ult., for a delegate convention of the people of Kansas Territory, to be held at Topeka on the 19th inst., to consider the propriety of forming a State Constitution." On motion of M. F. Conway, A. H. Reeder was nominated for Congress, by acclamation. It was decided to vote for a Delegate to the Thirty-fourth Congress on the second Tuesday in October. SEPTEMBER 6.-John Donaldson commissioned as Auditor of Public Accounts. SEPTEMBER 7.-Surveyor General's office removed to Wyandotte. - Governor Shannon, the second Governor appointed for the term of four years, takes the oath of office before Secretary Woodson. Commissions issued to the officers of Arapahoe county. SEPTEMBER 13.-Sterling G. Cato, of Alabama, appointed Judge in place of Elmore, and J. M. Burrill, of Pennsylvania, in place of ohnston. SEPTEMBER 19-20.-Convention at Topeka to take measures to form a Free-State Constitution. Called to order by Geo. W. Smith, of Lawrence. Officers: President, W. Y. Roberts; Vice Presidents, J. A. Wakefield, P. C. Schuyler, L. P. Lincoln, J. K. Goodin, S. N. Latta, R. H. Phelan; Seretaries, E. D. Ladd, J. H. Nesbitt, M. W. Delahay. Among the delegates were Geo. W. Deitzler, Geo. W. Brown, John Speer, Jas. H. Lane, C. K. Holliday, and M. J. Parrott. Committee on an Address to the People: J. H. Lane, W. Y. Roberts, Hamilton Smith, P. C. Schuyler, H. Miles Moore, Jas. S. Emery, A. M. Jordan, M. W. Delahay, E. D. Ladd, G. W. Deitzler, J. A. Wakefield, Samuel C. Smith, Thos. J. Addis, J. H. Nesbitt, L. P. Lincoln, John Speer, G. W. Brown, S. N. Latta, James Pierce. An election was called for delegates to a Constitutional Convention at Topeka. Territorial Exaecutive, Committee: J. H. Lane, Chairman; C. K. Holliday, M. J. Parrott, P. C. Schuyler, G. W: Smith, G. W. Brown, and J. K. Goodin, Secretary. SEPTEMBER 21.-A hook issued with this title: "History of the Shawnee Indians, from the Year 1681 to 1854, inclusive. By Henry Harvey, a Member of the Religious Society of Friends. Cincinnati: Ephraim Morgan & Sons. 1855." pp. 316. Mr. Harvey quotes from a report made to a Yearly Meeting of Friends, in London, the statement that the basin of the Cumberland was the early home of the Shawnees. He says the Shawnees were a party to the treaty made by William Penn, in 1682. The address to Congress, made at the Huron village, near the mouth of the Detroit river, December 18, 1786, was signed: The Five Nations, Hurons, Ottawas, Twitchtwees, Shawnees, Chippewas, Cherokees, Delawares, and Pottawatomies. The first treaty with the Shawnees was made at the mouth of the Great Miami, January 31, 1786. In 1830, Mr. Harvey took char ge of the Friends' School among the Shawnees in Ohio. In 1833, the Ohio Shawnees came to Kansas. Schools. were established by the Friends, the Baptists, and the Methodists. Mr. Harvey took charge of the.Friends' School in 1840. He left them in 1842. "In the year 1844," he says, "they were visited by a great flood, which swept off their houses, and a large amount of grain; many of their farms were laid waste." This flood extended through the whole Kanisas river 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 63 valley. In the year 1854, the Shawnees numbered 900 souls, and owned 1,600,000 acres of land. Mr. Harvey's History contains much valuable information. ELECTION OF DELEGATE TO CONGRESS, OCTOBER 1, 1855. Counties. Townships. Atchison................................... Grasshopper......................................... Shannon............................................... 131 4 Bourbon.................................................................................................. 242...... B row n.............................................................................................................. 4...... Calhoun............................................................................................ 29....... Dvs...........................................................................................................84 B3~~~~r~~own...................................... Calhoun~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4..29. Wayne.................................................. Davis~~~~~~~I....4 Washington................................................ Wolf River.......................................... 53...... Douglas........................ Franklin............................... 86.... Lawrence............................................. 42...... Lecompton................................ 101........... Willow Springs................................ 103.......... Franklin.......... 15...... Jefferson............................ 42 3 J.190...... Johnson.................................... Fal.................................................... Leavenworth........................ Alexandria...............................42...... Delaware.............................................. 239...... Kickapoo. 150 1 Leavenworth........................................ 12...... Wyandotte.246 5 Lykins................................................................................... 220...... Linn........................................................................................... 67...... Madison................................... (See Wise county.)................................ Marshall...................................1.............................7.................................. 171...... Nesnaha..................................................................... 6...... Riley....................................................28................. Shawnee.................. One Hundred and Ten2................................. Tecumach.532.... ~~~Wise.... Co~~Tecume..................................... G....... roe iTotals.........................................2717...................................... 4...... T otal...................................................................................................... 2672 17.. I................................................................ The Free-State men took no part in this election. OCTOBER 3.-Meeting of Pro-Slavery men at Leavenworth. A. J. Isacks, J. A. Halderman, D. J. Johnson, WT. G. Mathias, R. R. Rees, L. F. Hollingsworth and D. A. N. Grover issued an address, asking the "lovers of law and order" to obey the bogus laws, and declaring it treason to oppose them. It also called for a convention at Leavenworth, Nov. 14. OCTOBER 9.- Election of delegates to the Topeka Constitutional Convention. ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO THE TOPEKA CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, OCTOBER 9, 1855. FIRST DISTRICT. Candidates.'a Jas. H. Lane 70......70 G. s. Smitho................................................................... 670 16 T G.......................................................70 16 ~J~~..........Goodin.6..................................................... 16 Edward Jones......30 16 Morris Hunt................................................................................ 72 16 Abraham Still..................................................... 40......... W Total.................................................... 74 16 558 64 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. SECOND DISTRICT. Candidates. A. Curtiss............................................................................................... 116 H. Burson....27............................................................................................. 27 116 J. A. Wakefield....24..................................................................................... 24 116 J. M. Turner............................................................................................ 27 116 Total................................................................................................ 27 116 THIRD DISTRICT. n~:2 Candidates. | g: ~. W. Y. Roberts........................................................... 31 7 94 33 19 C. K. Holliday.31 7 104 33 19.. HCowles y.1.................................................... 104 33 19 J. Cowles..................................................................................14.......... H. H. Wentworth...................................................... 12 Edward Segraves........................................................ 2......... Scattering........................................................................... 3 P. C. Schuyler............................................................... 5 Total.................................... 31 7 119.33.24 FOURTH DISTRICT. Candidates. rings. Spr'ings. M. Mewhinney.... 55 Wm. Graham................................................................. 55 Total........................................................................................................ 55 FIFTH DISTRICT. Candidates. Q _ Win. Turner.................... 24 49 8 16.67 32 35 8 33 Jas. M. Arthur................... 24 49 8 16 67 32 35 9 33 M. T. Morris.................... 23 49 8 16 66 32 35 9 33 Orville C. Brown................ 24 49......... 16 66 32 35......... 33 Richard K night................. 2 49.........16 67 32 35......... 33 Hamilton Sm ith........... 2 4......8 16 66 32 35.................. Hiram Hoover 17....................3............................. David C. Forbes 16............................................. N. S. Nichols..................................................................... N~~~~~~~~~~~~~.S..... ":: 4......... 7........ / 1............ Wm. S. Nichols..................... 6..... Isaac Woollard....................................................... 29......... Frederick Brown............... 24 47..... 16 64 32 35..... 33 Total...................... 24 49 13 16 67 32 35 13 33, ~ ~~~~ I~ 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 65 SIXTH DISTRICT. Candidates. W. R. Griffith................................................................................... 12........... John Hamilton..................................................................................... 12 27..... A. W. J. Brown........................................................................................ 12........... Wm. Saunders..........................................................................................12........... W. J. Griffith............................................................................... 27...... T. H. B urgess.............................................................................................. 2 4 A. H. Brown................................................................... 26..... Jas. H. Phenis........................................................................I 20... Jas...........2............... Total.................... 12 27 20 SEVENTH DISTRICT. EIGHTH DISTRICT. NINTH DISTRICT. a3 Candidate. Candidates. Candidates. Ct~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Ph. C. Schuyler......... 60 J. H.. Pillsbury............. 27 Robert Klotz......... 53 Pl. C. Shuyler.......... 27 A. Hunting..........i......... 54 Total....... 62_ Total.....................27 Total...............-........76 TENTH DISTRICT. Candidates. Dr. A. Hunting..................................................................................... 30 64 Robert Klotz................................................................................................. 30 73 Total....................................................... 30 80 ELEVENTH DISTRICT. No returns except Black Vermilion precinct; total, 14. TWELFTH DISTRICT. Candidates.. -"..l............... 19 12 Joseph F. Coles.................................................................................................. 18 J. S. Thompson................................................................................................. 21 Total............19 21 5...................................................................................I —.1 21 66 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. ~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~ Candidates.. a George S. Hillyer...................................................................................... 43 William Grigsbee...................................................................................... 41 William Hicks.................................................................................................. 4 J. Whitney......3.. J. W hitney.....................................................................................43 Total.............................................................................................. 4 3 43 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT... Candidates. ~ ~.~ ~ ~1~~~~ a -~ G. A. Cutler..........................................................................40 33 18 18 John Landis........................................................................ 40 33 18 18 D. M. Field........................................................................... 40 33 18 18 C. M. Stewart............................. 39 33 18 18 Total.. |40 33 18 -18 Total.............................................................................. 40 33 18 18 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Candidates., Caleb May................................................................................................ 29 R. H. Crosby........................ 29 Stanford McDaniel................ 30 James S. Sayle............ 30 H1. B. Gale............2.8.............. 28 Charles S. Foster.............2................... 2 Total................................................................................................. 29 30 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. Candidates. ZsQ. _~~~~~~~~~~ _ M. J. Parrott.......... 492 38 47 61 22 M. W. Delahav........................................................... 49,5 38 47 61 22 Matt. France............................................................ 493 38 47 61 22 S. N. Latta................................................................. 493 38 47 61 22 Robt. Riddle.............................................................. 493 38 47 61 22 D. Dodge.................................................493 38 47 61......22 Total................................................................514 38 47 63 22 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 67 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT. Candidates.. 11 William Graham........................................................................................ 13 5 Samuel Mewhinney.................................................................................... 13 5 Total................................................................................................. 13 5 RECAPITULATION OF VOTES CAST. District. Vote. District. Vote. First district...................................648 Eleventh district.............................. 14 Second district............................... 143 Twelfth district............................... 40 Third district................................. 214 Thirteenth district........................... 86 Fourth district............................... 55 Fourteenth district........................... 133 Fifth district.................................. 282 Fifteenth district.............................. 59 Sixth district................................. 59 Sixteenth district............................. 684 Seventh district............................ 62 Seventeenth district......................... 18 Eighth district................................ 27 Ninth district............................. 76 Total.......................................... 2, 710 Tenth district................................. 110 OCTOBER 9.-ELECTION OF A. H. REEDER, DELEGATE TO CONGRESS. Place of Voting. al Place of Voting. _ _ _Lawrence.......................... 557 10 Rock Creek.................. 30 1 Blanton................................ 77 11 Black Vermilion..14 Palmyra................................. 16 12 St. Mary's..19 2 Bloomington........................... 116 Silver Lake............................. 28 Benicia.................................... 27 Pleasant Hill........................... 43 Brownsville.. 24 13 Falls Precinct........................4.. 45 Topeka.................................... 131 Hickory Point........................ 11 3 Tecumseh................................ 31 Burr Oak................................. 33 | Big Springs.............................. 35 14 Doniphan............................... 43 Camp Creek............................. 7 Palermo................................. 32 4 Willow Springs......................... 54 Wolf River............................. 17 Hampden..............................32 H amp en........................ 33 Oceana................................... 32 Neosho.................................... 16 15 Crosby's Store.......................... 39 Stanton......................... 44 Jackson Crane's....................... 30 5 Osawatomie......................... 74 Leavenworth...........................503 Pottawatomie......................... 56 Wyandotte.............................. 38 Big Sugar C reek....................... 28 16 Delaware................................ 22 Little Sugar Creek................... 41 Easton.................................... 63 Scott Town.............................. 27 Ridge Point.......................... 48 6 Columbia................................ 20 17 Wakarusa............................... 7 Fuqua's................................... 12 Mission................................... 13 7 Council City........................... 62 Iowa Point............................ 40 ( Wabaunsee............................. 26 Moorstown.................16 8 A. I. Baker's........................... 16 9 Pawnee.................................. 76 Total........................ 2,849 10 Big Blue........................ 77 OCTOBER 16.-Proclamation by the Free-State Committee, giving the names of the following delegates to the Topeka Constitutional Convention: First District, Samuel Mewhinney, William Graham; Second, G. W. Smith, J. H. Lane, J. K. Goodin, C. Robinson, J. S. Emery, Morris Hunt; Third, J. A. Wakefield, A. Curtiss, J. M. Tuton, H. Burson; Fourth, C. K. Holliday, W. Y. Roberts; Fifth, P. C. Schuyler, J. H. Pillsbury; Sixth, James g~8 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS [1855. Phenis, Dr. Burgess, N. Vandever; Seventh, W. T. Turner, Jas. McArthur, W. T. Morris, O. C. Brown, Richard Knight, F. Brown, H. Smith, W. G. Nichols; Eighth, Robert Klotz, A. Hunting; Ninth, M. F. Conwa, J. G. Thompson;, Tenth, Geo. S. Hillyer, J. Whitney; Fourteenth, Robert Riddle M. J. Parrott, Matt. France, S. N. Latta, D. Dodge, M. W. Delahay; Eleventh, G. A. Cutler, John Landis, C. W. Stewart, D. W. Field; Thirteenth, R. H. Crosby, Caleb May, Sanford McDaniel, James S. Sayle. OTBER 20.-Thomas J. B. Cramer commissioned as Territorial Treasurer. OCTOBER 23.-Constitutional Convention meets at Topeka. The following is an incomplete list of the members of the Topeka Constitutional Convention: 4__ ___ __o___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -lo m what Name.'2 Occupation.b Native State. Residence. Politics. State Arthur, James M... 38 Farmer.....Indiana..... Sugar Creek.. em...... D Brown, Orville C.... 44 Farmer..... New York.. Osawatomie.. Freesoil.. New York. Burson, H.............. 36 Farmer..... Virginia... Bloomington Whig Illinois. Crosby,. H 21 Merchant... Maine... Oceana........Minn. Tep rr. Curtiss, A.............. 32 Lawyer...... New York.. Bloomington None Kentucky....Cutler, G. A. 23 Physician.. Tennessee.. Doniphan...... Freesoil.. Missouri. Delahay, M. W. 27 Lawyer...... Maryland.. Leavenworth Dem......Alabama........... 25 Lawyer...... New York. Doniphan..... Dem...... Emery, J........... 26 Lawyer...... Maine....... Lawrence...... em...... e k. Goodin, J. K....31 Lawyer...... Ohio.......... Clear Lake... Dem......Ohio. Holliday, C. K. 28 Lawyer...... Pennsylv'a Topeka...... Dem Pennsylv. Hillyer, G. S....35 Farmer..... Ohio.......... Grassh. Falls. Whig....Ohio. Hunt, s.........27 Lawyer...... Ohio......... Lawrence...... Whig Ohio. Hunting, Auory... 61 Physician.. Mass........ Manhattan... Rep.......Rhodesid. Hicks, W. H..... 53 Farmer..... Pennsylv'a Dayton......... Dem.....Indiana. Klot rt.........35 Merchant... Pennsylv'a Pawnee....... Dem. Pennsylv. Knight, Richard.... 43 Clergyman England.... Lawrence...... Free St'te s. Lane, James H.....33 Lawyer...... Kentucky.. Lawrence...... Dem......Indiana....Latta, S. N. 30 Lawyer...... Ohio......... Leavenworth Whig Iowa. Landis,.........28 Farmer..... Kentucky.. Doniphan..... Dem......Missouri. McDaniel, Sanford.30 Farmer.... Indiana..... Round Pr'rie Dem......Missouri. Mewinney, Sam'l.45 Farmer..... Ohio.......... Prairie City.. Dem......Illinois. Parrott, M. J..26 Lawyer...... S. Carolina. Leavenworth Dem......Ohio. Roberts, W. Y. 41 Farmer.....Pennsylv'a Washington.. Dem......Pennsylv. Robinson, C..........37 Physician.. Mass......... Lawrence...... Indep....Mass. Sayle, James L.....37 Farmer..... Illinois...... Kickapoo..... Rep....... Schyler, P. C......50 Farmer.....New York.. Council City. Rep.......New York. Smith, G. W.. 50 Lawyer...... Pennsylv'a Franklin...... Whig Pennsylv. Thompson, J. G....55 Saddler...... Pennsylv'a Topeka........ en....... e Tuton, J..........33 Clergyman Tennessee. Bloomington Dem......Missouri. Wakefield,. A......59 Lawyer...... S. Carolina. Bloomington Whig....Iowa. OFFICERS. Na me.'~ Office. Occupation. B Residence. Politics. l wat S.,.. Sam C. Smith. 27 Secretary Farmer... Mass. Lawrence.. Republican. Mass. Chas. A. Fdster 28 Ass't Sec.. Lawyer.;.. Mass. Osawato'ie. Republican. Mass. Sam. F.Tappan 24 Clerk...... Mechanic. Mass. Lawrence.. Abolitionist Mass. John Dailey.... 24 Clerk...... Farmer... Ind... Topeka.... Democrat... Indiana. James Redpath 22 Reporter.. Journalist Engl. St. Louis.... D. & Emanc. Louisiana. ABSENT MEMBERS. Messrs. Brown, Burgess, Field, France, Graham, Morris, Nichols, Phenis, Riddle, Hamden, Smith, Stewart, Turner, Yandever. The Convention was called to order by J. A. Wakefield; prayer by Rev. Richard Knight; calling of the roll by Joel K. Goodin; twenty-one mem.bers, less than a quorum, present. OCTOBER 23.- The Kansas Daily Freeman issued at Topeka. E. C. K. ANNALS OF KANSAS. 69 Garvey, publisher; J. F. Cummings, printer. The Weekly Freeman was started in July. The Daily edition was printed during the sessions of the Constitutional Convention. Mr. Cummings still possesses copies of ten numbers of this paper. The size of the paper is eight by twelve inches, with three columns to a page. It was an evening paper. Sale of lots at Lecompton. OCTOBER 24.- James H. Lane elected President of the Convention, receiving fifteen votes, to five for W. Y. Roberts, and four for J. A. Wakefield. Samuel C. Smith was elected Secretary, and Rev. H. B. Burgess, Chaplain. Samuel F. Tappan appeared as reporter for the Herald of Freedom, and John Speer for the Kansas Tribune. Lane's speech, on taking the chair, marked out very briefly the policy the Convention ought to pursue. Why he made the following assertion, it would be difficult now to tell: When the Kansas-Nebraska bill was before Congress, no one of its supporters claimed that Kansas could ever become a Slave State; all, from the highest to'the lowest, discarded the idea that slavery could ever be extended within her borders. Our Southern friends were among the most prominent in pressing this position before the country." James Redpath was given a seat as a reporter for theMissouri Democrat, W. A. Phillips for the New York Tribune, and Joseph L. Speer for the Chicago Tribune. Mr. Redpath was elected Reporter for the Convention. OTOBER 25.-Samuel Collins killed by Patrick Laughlin, near Doniphan. Laughlin claimed originally to be a Free-State man, and became a member of the "Kansas Legion." He afterwards exposed this Free-State organization, and became a violent Pro-Slavery man. Gladstone thus describes the murder: "tMr. Collins, who owned a saw-mill at Doniphan, was shot on political grounds by a -violent Pro-Slavery man, named Patrick Laughlin. Laughlin came, it is said, originally from Ireland, and had rendered himself famous by an exposure, as it was termed, of the Kansas Legion. Laughlin was aided in this attack by tbree or four armed associates, and Mr. Collins's sons were present, and sought to defend their father. There was considerable interchange of bowie-knife cuts and pistol-firing on thi's o ccasion, and the murderer himself was wounded. But the victim being a Free-State man, the law took no cognizance of the murder, and Laughlin found protection, and was rewarded by a situation in. a shop in Atchison." OCTOBER 26.-The printing for the Convention was divided, E. C. K. Garvey, John Speer and M. W. Delahay each receiving a portion. The vote on striking the word "white" out of the Constitution stood as follows: Yeas-Brown, Crosby, Hillyer, Hunting, Knight, Robinson, Schuyler-7. Nays-Arthur, Burson, Curtiss, Cutler, Delahay, Dodge, Hunt, Klotz, Lane, Latta, Landis, McDaniels,. Mewhinney, Parrott, Robertsl Sayle, Smith, Thompson, Tuton, Wakefield, Hicks, Emery, Goodin, Hollid'ay, Graham - 25. OCTOBER 30.-John W. Whitfield receives his certificate as duly elected Delegate to the Thirty-fourth Congress. NOVEMBER.- John Speer moves the Kansas Tribune from Lawrence to Topeka, and Win. W. Ross becomes his partner in its publication. NOVEMBER. 5.-Josiah H. Pillsbury having resigned, J. H. Nesbitt was -elected and admitted to the Convention as a delegate from the Eighth District. 70 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. NOVEMBER 6.-W. R. Griffith admitted as a delegate from the Sixth District, to the Convention. M. F. Conway, elected a delegate, thus far prevented by sickness from taking a seat in the Convention. NOVEMBER 11.-The Convention completes its labor, and submits a Constitution to the people. The fourth of March is appointed as the time for organizing the State government. NOVEMBER 14.-A Convention at Leavenworth organizes the "Law-andOrder" party. Gov. Shannon presides. John Calhoun, Surveyor General, makes a bitter Pro-Slavery speech. J. IH. Stringfellow, Daniel Woodson and Judge Lecompte are present. Marcus J. Parrott is hissed down. NOVEMBER.-The scrip issued by the Free-State Executive Committee amounted to $15,265.90. The first Topeka Legislature, as required by the Constitution, made provision for its redemption, but the laws of that body were only on paper, and the scrip was not paid. The following is a copy of a piece of Free-State scrip: NO. 62. TOPEKA, NOV. 26, 1855. $20. a % This is to Certify, That Cyrus K. Holliday, or bearer, 8 is entitled on presentation to receive from the Treasurer of the S TATE OCF HA NSALSX, 8 g Twenty Dollars, with interest at ten per cent. per annum, for a A account as per bill on file, for the payment of which the faith of'' the State is pledged. 0 A#test-J. K. GOODIN, Secy. J. H. LANE, Ch'n Ex. Corn., Kansas. [The Kansas Freeman Print, Topeka, Kansas.] _ NOVEMBER 2L- Charles W. Dow killed by Franklin N. Coleman, ProSlavery, near Hickory Point, Douglas county. The Free-State men held a meeting on the 22d, at the scene of the murder. That night Sheriff Jones arrested Jacob Branson, with whom Dow had lived, for taking part in the Free-State meeting. Jones, with his prisoner and a posse of fourteen men, proceeded towards Lecompton, via Blanton. Near J. B. Abbott's house, at Blanton, Jones's party was confronted by fifteen Free-State men, among them Samuel N. Wood, J. B. Abbott, and Samuel F. Tappan. They requested Branson to leave the Sheriff's party; he did so. Jones sent to Shawnee Mission for aid. A meeting was held in Lawrence, and was addressed by Branson. A mob from Missouri was feared, and the citizens were placed under arms. On the 2d of December, Free-State companies from Bloomington, Wakarusa and Palmyra had arrived in Lawrence. Jones, with a body-guard, rode through Lawrence. Gen. Richardson and staff dined with J. H. Lane. A company of 100 armed Free-State men arrived from Topeka at nine in the evening. On Monday, the 3d, a proclamation was received from Gov. Shannon calling upon all good citizens to aid the Sheriff in the recapture of Branson. It was dated November 29. A public meeting, through Chas. Robinson, Chairman, reported that there was no association of lawless men in Lawrence. The roar of the cannon at Franklin, where the invaders are miassed, is occasionally heard in the Free 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 71 State town. On Tuesday, the 4th, it is reported that Judge Cato's court has found bills of indictment against the leading Free-State men. Loaded wagons destined for Lawrence are stopped and robbed of proyisions and ammunition. Messengers are sent to Gov. Shannon asking him to remove the mob which is menacing Lawrence. Dr. C. Robinson. is elected Commander-in-Chief, and the citizen soldiery is fully organized. On Friday, the 7th, news is received of the murder of Thomas W. Barber, the previous afternoon, while returning to his home, near Bloomington, from Lawrence. He was accompanied by his brother Robert Barber, and his brother-in-law Thos. Pierson. Four miles southwest of Lawrence they met twelve horsemen, who were going to Franklin. The Free-State men refusing to surrender, were fired upon. One ball passed through the body of Thomas W. Barbei; he rode a short distance, fell and expired. His body was brought to Lawrence, which he had so lately been engaged in defending. Gov. Shannon arrives, and consults with Robinson and Lane. Shannon, at night, goes to Franklin. John Brown and four sons, all armed, are in Lawrence. On Saturday, the 8th, Governor Shannon again appears, with Col. Boone, of Westport, Mo., and one or two others. News is received that S. C. Pomeroy, who had left Lawrence to go to the Eastern States, is a prisoner at Franklin. The body of Barber is temporarily buried. Robinson and Lane go back to the Pro-Slavery camp with Shannon. Sunday morning, December 9th, was extremely cold. Negotiations with Gov. Shannon were finally completed, and were made known by Laneand Robinson. A supper for Gov. Shannon was arranged for Monday night; he was not present. It was a joyful occasion for the citizens. On Tuesday, the 11th, the volunteer companies from other towns took their departure. Of Gov. Shannon, the Herald of Freedom says: "He came, learned the facts, and, like an honorable man, has done what he could to retrace his steps." On Saturday, the 15th, a public funeral was given to the remains of Thos. W. Barber. The sermon was preached at the Free-State Hotel by Rev. L. B. Dennis; addresses were delivered by Lane and Robinson. Lane said Dow and Barber were the first martyrs of freedom in Kansas, and monuments should be erected to their memory. -There was a Hickory Point ten miles south of Lawrence, on the Santa Fe road, and another Hickory Point in Jefferson county. It was at the former place that Dow was killed. The Free-State resistance to an officer, Samuel J. Jones, who was the Sheriff of Douglas county, and Postmaster of Westport, Mo., led to the "Wakarusa War," as it was colled, the ProSlavery militia being called into the field as a Sheriff's posse to aid him in making arrests and executing the law. NOVEMBER 27.-Sheriff Jones writes to Gov. Shannon that "open rebellion" exists, and calls for "three thousand men to carry out the laws." NOVEMBER 27.-Gov. Shannon orders Maj. Gen. Wm. P. Richardson, of the Territorial Militia, "to collect as large a force as you can in your division, and repair without delay to Lecompton, and report yourself to S. J. Jones, Sheriff of Douglas county." A similar order is sent to Hiram J. Strickler, Adjutant General. NQVEMBER 28.-Gov. Shannon informs President Pierce of a fearful ~72 ~ ANNALS OF kANSAS. [1855. state of affairs. He says: "It is vain to conceal the fact; we..are standing on a volcano." NOVEMBER 28.-Lucian J. Eastin, Brigadier General, orders his brigade to arms, there being "a state of open rebellion" in Douglas county. NOVEMBER 29.-Proclamation by the Governor, calling upon the citizens to support the laws. NOVEMBER 29.-At a meeting in Lawrence it is resolved to form a military organization. A Committee of Safety is appointed. Dr. Chas. Robinson is made Commander-in-Chief of the military forces, and Col. James H. Lane is placed second in command. The Pro-Slavery forces begin to collect at Franklin, near the mouth of the Wakarusa, four miles east of Lawrence. The militia of Richardson and Strickler is at Lecompton, and David R. Atchison, with the Platte County (Missouri) Riflemen, is on the Kaw, north of Lawrence. The Free-State men at Lawrence send despatches to the President, to Congress, nd -to Col. Sumner, at Fort Leavenworth. About 800 men are enrolled, among them John Brown and his sons. Col. Sumner writes to Gov. Shannon that he cannot act until he receives orders from the Government. C. W. Babcock and G. P. Lowry visit Gov. Shannon at Shawnee Mission, on behalf of the people of Lawrence. Gov. Shannon visits the Wakarusa camp, and endeavors to avert bloodshed. DECEMBER 2.-Despatch from Governor Shannon to Sheriff Jones. It clknow the number of warrantses you have and the names of "Let me know the number of warrants you have, and the names of defendants. I will probably accompany Colonel Sumner's command." DECEMBER 3.-Lawrence beleaguered. -The Supreme Court meets at Lecompton. DECEMBER 4.-Jererhiiah Burrill and Sterling G. Cato take their. seats as Associate Justices; Judge Burrill was in Kansas only a short time. He returned to Greensburg, Pennsylvania, and died in October, 1856. Thomas Cunningham, of Beaver county, Pennsylvania, was appointed his successor. He visited Kansas, and resigned without entering upon the duties of his office. DECEMBER.-Reeder and Whitfield both claim a seat in~ Congress; both receive mileage. Neither was allowed a seat. DECEMBER 6.-Thomas W. Barber, Free'-State, shot and killed by Geo. W. Clarke, Pottawato mie Indian Agent, about four miles southwest *of Lawrence. -About 1,50 Missourians are encamped on the Wakarusa. Lawrence nearly surrounded. DECEMBER 6-.-Governor Shannon writes to Colonel Sumner to go to Lawrence, saying: "It is peace, not war,.that we want, and you have the power to secure peace." Colonel Sumner replies that he cannot act without orders. -DECEMBER 7.-Governor Shannon in Lawrence. DECEMBER 8.- Governor Shannon makes a treaty with the Free - State Generals. The paper is signed by Shannon, Robinson and Lane. Robinson and Lane go to Franklin and return without a guard. 1855.] A~ANNALS OF KANSAS. 73 DECEMBER 9.-Governor Shannon orders Generals Richardson and Strickler and Sheriff Jones to disband their forces. -John Brown opposed the Treaty of Peace. He was for fighting and dyin #6now, if need be. DECEMBER 15.-At the election on the adoption or rejection of the Topeka Constitution, at Leavenworth, the Pro-Slavery men carried off the ballot-box. They also destroyed the office of the Territorial. Register, a -Free-State paper, at.Leavenworth, edited by Mark W. iDelahay. VOTE ON THE ADOPTION OF THE TOPEKA CONSTITUTION, DECEMBER 15, 1855. Genera' Exclusion of'~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeneralNersan L. Mulattoes. a Precincts. ~ Bank'g Law. Negroes and t)~ecincis.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 ____ _____ Lawrence......................... 348 1 225 83 133 223 356 1 Blanton.'...... 72 2 59 14 48 20 76, IPalmyra:-:............. 11 9 2... 12 Franklin...................................... 48......... 31 15 48 2 53 2 Bloomington...................... 137......... 122 11 113 15 137 East Douglas....................................... 13 4 14 4 13 Topeka........ 35......... 125 9 69 64 136 o Washingtn...4.4......... 42 Brownsville.................... 24......... 22 2 22 24. Tecumseh....................... 35......... 23 11 35......... 35 4 Prairie City...................... 72......... 39 33 69 3 72 Little Osage...................... 21 7 16 12 23 7 31 Big Sugar...18 2 5 16 20.......... 21 Neosho........12......... 6 6 12......... 12 5 Pottawatomie.......39 3 21 19 25 18 43 Little Sugar................................. 42 18 33 13 42 2 60 Stanton......'........................3......... 332 3 5 3 Osawatomie............... 56 1 33 20 38 17 59 7 Titus........................... 39 5 32 ] 7 25 15 44Juniata.....................30. 3 6 10 19 31 OhioCity............................. 21......... 16 5 20 1 21 8 Mill Creek........................ 20.............. 0 20......... 20 1St. Mary's.................................... 14............... T4 14......... 14 Wabaunsee...................... 19......... 17 1 7 11 19 9 Pawnee...................................... 45 15 29 40 5 45 - Grasshopper Falls................. 54.......... 19 34 50' 3 54 Doniphan....................... 22 2 5 14 21......... 22 10 Burr Oak........................ 23......... 7 16 22 1 23 Jesse Padou's..................... 12......... I 11 12......... 12 Oceana.................................28. 8 20 28 28 11 Kickapoo........................ 20......... 7 13 16 4 20 Pleasant Hill..................... 47......... 37 6 45 1 47 13 Indianola..19.............. 18 19......... 19 Whitfield.........7............. 3 4 6.......... 7 1 (Wolf Riv........ 24......... 3 4 6........ 14 St.Joseph Bottom. 15... 4 9 14 1 186 st. Joseph Bo:::I:n:.::..::..::::............. 15 Mount Pleasant.....32......... 32 1 30 2 33 16 *Easton..................... 71 7 53 19 71.... 73 17 Mission................................................. 3........ 1 2 7 Total..................................../1731 46 1,120 564 1,287 453 1,778 NOTE.-The poll-book at Leavenworth was destroyed. The vote cast there October 9, 1855, was 514. DECEMBER 16.-Funeral~of Barber. DECEMBER 22.-A Convention at Lawrence nominates State Officers under the Topeka Constitution. The conservative Free-State men bolt, and nominate a "Free-State Anti-Abolition" ticket. DECEMBER 26.-The Kickapoo Pioneer of this date says: "But the Abolitionists, or Free-State men, if you please, have become dissatisfied, 74 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. and are willing to violate the Constitution of their country, which explicitly recognizes Slavery, and disfranchise themselves as loyal citizens, for the purpose of stealing negroes, and committing other unconstitutional and unlawful depredations. Should such men receive any compassion from an orderly, Union-loving people? No! It is this class of men that have congregated at Lawrence, and it is this class of men thatansas must get rid of. And we know of no better method than for every man who loves his country, and the laws by which he is governed, to meet in Kansas and kill off this Godforsaken class of humanity as soon as they place their feet upon our soil." THE TOPEKA CONSTITUTION. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the Territory of Kansas, by our delegates in Convention assembled at Topeka, on the 23d day of October, A. D. 1855, and of the Independence of the United States the eightieth year, having the right of admission into the Union as one of the United States of America, consistent with the Federal Constitution and by virtue of the treaty of cession by France to the United States of the Province of Louisiana, in order to secure to ourselves and our posterity the enjoyment of all the rights of life, liberty and property, and the free pursuit of happiness, do mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free and independent State, by the name and style of the STATE OF KANSAS, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crosses the same; thence west on said parallel to the eastern boundary of New Mexico; thencenorth on said boundary to latitude thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to tile eastern boundary of the Territory of Utah, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains; thence northward on said summit to the fortieth parallel of said latitude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State to the place of beginning; and do ordain and establish the following Constitution and Bill of Right' for the governmenit thereof: ARTICLE I.-BILL OF RIGHTS. SECTION 1. All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety. SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection And benefit; and they have the right to alter, reform or abolish the same whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the General Assembly. SEC. 3. The people have the right to assemble together, in a peaceable manner, to consult, for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to petition the General Assembly for the redress of grievances. SEC. 4. The people have the right to bear arms for their defence and security, but standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power. SEC. 5. The right of trial by jury shall be inviolate. SEC. 6. There shall be no Slavery in this State, nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime. SEC. 7. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or maintain any form of worship against his consent; and no preference shall be given by law to any religious society; nor shall any interference with the rights of conscience be permitted. No religious test shall be required as a qualification for office, nor shall any person be incompetent to be a witness on account of his religious belief; but nothing herein shall be construed to dispense with oaths and affirmations. Religion, morality, and knowledge, however, being'essential to good government, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to pass suitable laws to protect every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship, and to encourage schools and the means of instruction. 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 75 SEC. 8. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety requires it. SEC. 9. All persons shall be bailable by Sufficient sureties, unless for capital offences where the proof is evident, or the presumption great. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. SEC. 10. Except in cases of impeachment, and cases arising in the army and navy, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger, and in cases of petit larceny and other inferior offences, no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on presentment or indictment of a grand jury. In any trial, in any court, the party accused shall be allowed to appear and defend in person, and with counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him, and to have a copy thereof; to meet the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory process to procure the attendance of witnesses in his behalf, and a speedy publie trial by an impartial jury of the county or district in which the offence is alleged to have been committed; nor shall any person be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, or be twice put in jeopardy for the same offence. SEC. 11. Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of the right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In all criminal prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury, and if it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libellous is true, and was published with good motives, and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted. SEC. 12. No person shall be transported out of the State for any offence committed within the same, and no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. SEC. 13. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, except in a manner prescribed by law. SEC. 14. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons and things to be seized. SEc. 15. No person shall be imprisoned for debt in any civil action, or mesne or final process, unless in case of fraud. SEC. 16. All courts shall be open; and every person for an injury done him in his land, goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and justice administered without denial or delay. SEC. 17. No hereditary emoluments, honors or privileges shall ever be granted or conferred by this State. SEC. 18. No power of suspending laws shall ever be exercised, except by the General Assembly. SEC. 19. The payment of a tax shall not be a qualification for exercising the right of suffrage. SEC. 20. Private property shall ever be held inviolate, but subservient to the public welfare. When taken in time of war, or other public exigency imperatively requiring its immediate seizure, or for the purpose of making or repairing roads which shall be open to the public use without toll or other charge therefor, a compensation shall be made to the owner in money; and in all other cases where private property shall be taken for public use, a compensation therefor shall first be made in money, first secured by a deposit of money; and such compensation shall be assessed by a jury, without deduction for benefits to any property of the owner. SEC. 21. No indenture of any negro or mulatto, made and executed out of the bounds of the State, shall be valid within the State. SEe. 22. This enumeration of'rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers not herein delegated shall remain with the people. ARTICLE II.-ELECTIVE FRANCHISE. SECTION 1. In all elections by the people, the vote shall be by ballot; and in all elections in the General Assembly, the vote shall be viva voce. ~ SEC. 2. Every white male person, and every civilized male Indian who has adopted 76 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855..the habits of the white man, of the age of twenty-one years and upward, who shall be at the time of offering to vote a citizen of the Unit States; who shall have resided, and had his habitation, domicile, home, and place of permanent abode in the State of Kansas for six months next preceding the election at which he offers his vote; who, at such time, and for thirty days immediately preceding such time, shall have had his actual habitation, domicile, home, and place of abode in the county in which he offers to vote; and who shall have resided in the precinct or election district for at least ten days immediately preceding the election, shall be deemed aqualified elector at all elections under this Constitution, except at elections by general ticket in the State or district prescribed by law, in which case the elector must have the aforesaid qualifications, but a residence in said district for ten days will entitle him to vote: Prided That no soldier, seaman, or marine of the regular army of the United States shall be considered a resident of the State in consequence of being stationed within the same. Sxc. 3. The General Assembly shall, at its first session, provide for the registration of all qualified electors in each county, and thereafter, from time to time, of all who may become qualified electors. SEC. 4. The Legislature shall have power to exclude from every office of honor, trust or profit, within the State, and from the right of suffrage, all persons convicted of any infamous crime. SEC. 5. No person shall be deemed capable of holding or being elected to any post of honor, profit, trust or emolument, civil or military, or exercise the right of suffrage under the government of this State, who shall hereafter fight a duel, send or accept a challenge to fight a duel, or who shall be a second to either party, or who shall in any manner aid or assist in such a duel, or who shall be knowingly the bearer of such challenge or acceptance, whether the same occur or be committed in or out of the State. SEC. 6. No person who may hereafter be collector or holder of public moneys shall be eligible to any office of trust or profit in the State until he shall have accounted for and paid into the proper public treasury all sums for which he may be accontable. SEC. 7. No State officer or member of the General Assembly of this State shall receive a fee, be engaged as counsel, agent or attorney, in any case or claim against the State. *SEc. 8. No Senator or Representative shall, during the term of office for which he shall have been elected, be appointed, to any civil office of profit in this State which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been increased, during such term, except such offices as may be filled by election by the people. SEC. 9. All officers, civil and military, in this State, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, shall take. the following oath or affirmation: "1, ~ do swear [or affirm] that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and of the'State of Kansas; that I am duly qualified according to the Constitution to exercise the office to which I have been. elected [or appointed], and will, to the best of soy abilities, discharge the duties thereof faithfully and impartially, according to law." SEC. 10. Every person shall be disqualified from holding any office of honor or profit in this State, who shall have been convicted of having given or offered any bribe to procure his election, or who shall have made use of any undue influence,- from power, tumult, or other improper practices. SEC. 11. All civil officers of the State shall reside within the State, and all district and county officers within their respective districts and counties, and shall have their offices at such places as may be required by law. SEC. 12. Returns of elections for members of Congress, the General Assembly, and all other officers not otherwise provided for, shall be made to the Secretary of State, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 13. Electors shall in all cases be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections, and in going to and returning therefrom, except in case of felony, treason, and breach of the peace. ARTICLE III.-DISTRIB3UTION OF POWERS. SECTION 1. The powers of the Government shall be divided into three separate departments -the Legislative, the Executive (including the Administrative), and the Judicial; *and no person charged with official duties under one of these departments shall exerelse any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided. 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 77 ARTICLE IV.-LEGISLATIVE. SECTION 1. The Legislative power of this State shall be vested in the General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SEC. 2. The Senators and Representatives shall be chosen annually by the qualified electors of the respective counties or districts for which they are chosen on the first Monday of August, for one year, and their term of office shall commence on the first day of January next thereafter. SEC 3. There shall be elected at the first election twenty Senators and sixty Representatives, and the number afterward shall be regulated by law. SEC. 4. No person shall be eligible to the office of Senator or Representative, who shall not possess the qualifications of an elector. SEC. 5. No person holding office under the authority of the United States or any lucrative office under the authority of this State, shall be eligible to, or hold a sat in the General Assembly; but this provision shall not extend to township officers, justices of the peace, notaries public, postmasters, or officers of the militia. SEC. 6. Each house, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall choose its own officers, determine its own rule of proceeding, punish its members for disorderly conduct, and, with theconcurrence of two-thirds, expel a member, but not the second time for thesame cause; and shall judge~of the qualification, election and return of its own members, and shall have all other powers necessary for its safety, and the undisturbed transaction of business. SEC. 7Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish the same. The yeas d nays on any question shall, at the request of two members, be entered on the journal. SEC.. Any member of either house shall have the right to protest against any act or resolution thereof; and such protest and reason therefor shall, without alteration, commitment or delay, be entered on the journal. SEC. 9. All vacancies which may occur in either house shall, for the unexpired term, be filled by election as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 10. Senators and Representatives shall, in all cases except treason, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the General Assembly, and in going to and returning from the same; and for words spoken in debate they shall not be questioned in any other place. SEC. ii. A majority of all the members elected to each house shall be necessary to pass every bill or joint resolution, and all bills and joint resolutions so passed shall be signed by the presiding officers of the respective houses, and presented to the Governor for his approval. SEC. 12. The doors of each house, and of Committees of the Whole, shall be kept,open. * Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than two days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall he sitting, except for personal safety. SEC. 13. Every bill shall be read by sections on three several days in each house, unless in case of emergency. Two-thirds of the house where such bill is pending may, if deemied expedient, suspend the rules on a call of the yeas and nays; but the reading of a bill by sections on its final passage shall in no case be dispensed with; and the vote on the passage of every bill or joint resolution shall be taken by yeas and nays. SEC. 14. Every act shall contain but one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title. Bills may originate in either house, but may be altered, amended or rejected by the other. SEC. 15. In all cases where a general law can be made applicable, special laws shall not be enacted. SEC. 16. No act shall ever be revived or amended hy mere reference to its title; but the act revived or the section amended shall be set forth and published at full length. SEC. 17. No act shall take effect until the same shall have been published and circulated in the counti es of the State by authority, except in case of emergency, which -emergency shall be declared in the preamble, or the body of the law. SEC. 18. The election and appointment of all officers, and the filling of all vacancies not otherwise pro-vided for by this Constitution, or the Constitution of the United Sta tes, shall be made in such manner as shall be prescribed by law; but no appointing power shall be exercised by the General Assembly, except as provided in this Constitu ~78 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. tion and in the election of the United States Senator, and in these cases the vote shall be taken viva voce. SEC. 19. The General Assembly shall not have power to enact laws annulling the contract of marriage in any case where, by law, the courts of this State may have power to decree a divorce. SEC. 20. The General Assembly shall not have power to pass retroactive laws, or laws impairing the obligation of contracts, but may, by general laws, authorize corts to carry into effect, upon such terms as shall be just and equitable, the manifest intention of parties and officers, by curing omissions, defects and errors in instruments, and proceedings arising out of a want of conformity with the laws of this State. SEC. 21. The style of the laws of this State shall be: "Be it enacted by the General Assembly f the State of Kansas." SEC. 22. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate, and, when sitting for the purpose, the 1Senators l be upon oath or affirmation to do justice according to law and evidence. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the Senators present. SEC. 23. The Governor, and all other civil officers under the laws of this State, shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office, but judgment in such cases shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any office of honor, profit or trust under this State. The party, whether convicted or acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. SEC. 24. Within one year after the ratification of this Constitution, and within every susequent two years thereafter, for the term of ten years, an enumeration of all the white inhabitants of this State shall be made, in such manner as shall e directed by law. 11SEC. 25. All regular sessione of the General Assbembly shall be held at the capital of the State, and shall commence on the first Tuesday of January, annually. SEC. 26. All hills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of I1epresentatives, subject, however, to amendment or rejection as in other cases. SEC. 27. The members of the General Assemhly shall receive for their services the sum of four dollars per day for each and every day they are actually in attendance at any regular or special session, and four dollars for every twenty miles they shall travel in going to and returning from the place of meeting hy the most usually travelled route; and no session of the General Assemhly, except the first, under this Constitution, shall extend beyond the term of sixty days, nor any special session more than forty days. ~ARTICLE V. - ExECUTIVE. SECTION4-. The Executive Department shall consist of a Governor, a LieutenantGovernor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, and Attorney General, who shall be chosen hy the electors of the State at the same time and place of voting for the memhers of the General Assembly. SEC. 2. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Attorney General, and State Printer, shall hold their office for two years. Their terms of office shall commence on the first Tuesday of January next after their election, and continue until their successors are elected and qualified — neither of which officers shall he eligihle for re-election more than two out of three consecutive terms; nor shall any person he eligible for the office of Governor who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, SEC. 3. The returns of every election for the officers named in the foregoing section, shall he sealed up and transmitted to the seat of Government hy the returning officers, directed to the Sec retary of State, who shall lay the same before the General Assemhly at their first meeting thereafter, when they shall open, puhlish and declare the result thereof, in the presence of a majority of the members of both houses. The person having the highest numher of votes shall he declared duly elected, and a certificate thereof given to such person, signed hy the presiding officers of hoth bodies; hut if any~two or more shall be highest and equal in votes for the same office, one of them shall he chosen by the joint vote of hoth houses. 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 79 SEC. 4. The supreme executive power shall be vested in a Governor. SEC. 5. He may require information in writing from the officers in the Executive Department upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and shall see that the laws are faithfully executed. SEC. 6. He shall communicate at every session by message, to the General Assembly, the condition of the affairs of the State, and recommend such measures as he shall deem expedient for their action. SEC. 7. He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the General Assembly by proclamation, and shall state to both houses when assembled the purposes for which they were convened. SEC. 8. In case of disagreement between the two houses, in respect to the time of adjournment, he shall have power to adjourn the General Assembly to such time as he may think proper, but not beyond the regular meeting thereof. SEC. 9. He shall be Commander-in-Chief of the military in the State, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States. SEC. 10. The pardoning power shall be vested in the Governor, under such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 11. There shall be a seal of the State, the device of which shall be fixed upon by the Governor and other State officers, be kept by the Governor and used by him officially, and shall be called "The Great Seal of the State of Kansas." SEC. 12. All grants and commissions shall be used in the name and by the authority of the State of Kansas, sealed with the great seal, signed by the Governor, and countersigned by the Secretary of State. SEC. 13. No member of either house of Congress, or other persons holding office under the authority of this State, or of the United States, shall execute the office of Governor except as herein provided. SEC. 14. In the case of death, impeachment, resignation, removal or other disability of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall exercise the duties of the office of Governor until another Governor shall be duly qualified; but in such case another Governor shall be chosen at the next annual election for members of the General Assembly, unless such death, resignation, impeachment, removal, or other disability shall occur within three calendar months immediately preceding such next annual election, in which case a Governor shall be chosen at the second succeeding annual election for members of the General Assembly; and in case of the death, impeachment, resignation, removal, or other disability of the Lieutenant Governor, the President of the Senate pro tem. shall exercise the office of Governor until a Governor shall be duly qualified as aforesaid. SEC. 15. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate, but shall vote only when the Senate is equally divided, and shall be entitled to the same pay as the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and in case of his death, impeachment, resignation, removal from office, or when he shall exercise the office of Governor, the Senate shall choose a President pro tern. SEC. 16. Should the office of Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor or Attorney General become vacant, for any of the causes specified in the fourteenth and fifteenth sections, the Governor shall fill the vacancy or vacancies until the disability is removed or a successor is elected and qualified. Every such vacancy shall be filled by election, at the first general election that occurs more than thirty days after such vacancy shall have occurred, and the person chosen shall hold the office for the full term fixed in the second section of this article. SEC. 17. The officers mentioned in this article shall, at stated times, receive for their services compensation to be fixed by law, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which they shall have been elected. SEC. 18. The officers of the Executive Department and of the public State institutions shall, at least ten days preceding each regular session of the General Assembly, severally report to the Governor, who shall transmit the same to the General Assembly. SEC. 19. Every bill which shall have passed both houses shall be presented to the Governor. If he approve, he shall sign the same; but if he shall not approve, he shall return it with his objections to the house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large upon the journal, and proceed to reconsider the same. If after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other house, by which, likewise, it shall be reconsid 80 AYNNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. ered; and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall be a law. But in such case the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for or against the bill shall be entered upon the journals of the houses respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within five days (Sunday excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, it shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the General Assembly, by their adjournment, prevented its return, in which case it shall also be a law, unless sent back within two days after the next meeting. SEC. 20. Contested elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other State officers, shall be determined by the General Assembly in such manner as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 21. The General Assembly shall have power to provide by law for the election of a Surveyor General, State Geologist, and Superintendent of Common Schools, whose duties shall be prescribed by law. ARTICLE VI.- JUDICIAL. SECTION 1. The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Supreme Court, Courts of Common Pleas, Justices of the Peace, and in such other courts inferior to the Supreme Court as the General Assembly may establish. SEC. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of three judges, a majority of whom shall form a quorum. It shall have such original and appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law. It shall hold at least one term each year at the seat of government, and such other terms as may be provided by law. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the State at large. SEC. 3. The State shall be divided by the first General Assembly under this Constitution into three Common Pleas districts of compact territory, bounded by county lines, and as nearly equal in population as practicable; and a Judge for each district shall be chosen by the electors thereof, and their term of office shall be for three years. SEC. 4. The Courts of Common Pleas shall consist of one Judge each, who shall reside within the district for which he is chosen during his continuance in office. SEC. 5. The jurisdiction of the Court of Common Pleas, and of the Judges thereof, shall be fixed by law. SEC. 6. A competent number of justices of the peace shall be elected by the electors in each township of the several counties. The term of office shall be for three years, and their powers and duties shall be fixed by law. SEC. 7. All Judges, other than those provided for in the Constitution, shall be elected by the electors of the judicial district for which they may be created, but not for a longer term of office than three years. SEC. 8. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall, immediately after the first election under this Constitution, be classified by lot, so that one shall hold for the term of one year, one for the term of three years; and all subsequent elections the term of each of said Judges shall be for three years. SEC. 9. In'case the office of any judge shall become vacant before the expiration of the term for which he was elected, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor until a successor shall be elected and qualified; and such successor shall be elected for the residue of the unexpired term at the first annual election that occurs more than thirty days after such vacancy shall have happened. SEC. 10. The Judges of the Supreme Court and of the Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive such compensation as may be provided by law, which shall not be increased nor diminished during their term of. office; but they shall receive no fees or perquisites, nor hold any other office of proAit and trust under the State, other than a judicial office. SEC. 11. The General Assembly may increase or diminish the number of the Judges of the Supreme Court, the number of tlhe districts of the Courts of Common Pleas, the number of Judges in any district, or establish other courts, whenever two-thirds of the members elected to each house shall concur therein; but no such change, addition or diminution shall vacate the office of any Judge. SEC. 12. There shall be elected in each county, by the electors thereof, one Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, who shall hold his office for the term of three years, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 81 SEC. 13. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the speedy publication of the decisions of the Supreme Court made under this Constitution. SEC. 14. The Supreme Court shall, upon the decision of every case, give an epinion in writing of each question arising in the record in such case, and the decision of the court thereon. SEC. 15. There shall be elected by the voters of the State, a Clerk and a Reporter for the Supreme Court, who shall hold their offices for three years, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 16. Judges may be removed from office by concurrent resolution of both houses of the General Assembly, if two-thirds of the members elected to each house concur therein; but no such removal shall be made except upon complaint, the substance of which shall be entered upon the journal, nor until the party thereof charged shall have had notice thereof, and an opportunity to be heard. SEC. 17. The several Judges of the Supreme Court, of the Court of Common Pleas, and of such other courts as may be created by law, shall respectively have and exercise such power-and jurisdiction, at chambers or otherwise, as may be provided, by law. SEC. 18. The style of all process shall be, "The State of Kansas." All prosecutions shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the State of Kansas, and all indictments shall conclude, "against the peace and dignity of the State of Kansas." ARTICLE VII.- EDUCATION. SECTION 1. The principal of all funds arising from the sale or other disposition of lands or other property granted or entrusted to this State, for educational and religious purposes, shall forever be preserved inviolate and undiminished, and the income arising therefrom shall be faithfully applied to the specific objects of the original grants or appropriations. SEC. 2. The General Assembly shall make such provision, by taxation or otherwise, as, with the income arising from the school-trust fund, will secure a thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the State; but no religious or other sect or sects shall ever have any exclusive right to, or control of, any part of the school funds of this State. SEC. 3. The General Assembly may take measures for the establishment of a University, with such branches as'the public convenience may hereafter demand, for the promotion of literature, the arts, sciences, medical and agricultural instruction. SEC. 4. Provision may be made by law for the support of normal schools, with suitable libraries, and scientific apparatus. ARTICLE VIII. - PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly, at as early a date as possible, to provide State asylums for the benefit, treatment, and instruction of the blind, deaf and dumb, and insane. SEC. 2. The General Assembly shall make provision for the establishment of an asylum for idiots, to be regulated by law. SEC. 3. The respective counties of the State shall provide in some suitable manner for those inhabitants who by reason of age, infirmity, or other misfortune, may have claims upon the sympathy and aid of society: under provisions to be made by the laws of the General Assembly. SEC. 4. The General Assembly shall make provision for the establishment of houses of refuge for the correction, reform and instruction of juvenile offenders. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to make provision as soon as possible for a State General Hospital. ARTICLE IX.-PUBLIC DEBT AND PUBLIC WORKS. SECTION 1. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation by law. SEC. 2. The credit of the State shall never be given or loaned in aid of any individual association or corporation. SEC. 3. For the purpose of defraying extraordinary expenditures, the State may contract public debts, but such debts shall never in the aggregate exceed one hundred thou. sand dollars, unless authorized by a direct vote of the people at a general election. Every 6 ~82 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. such debt shall be authorized by law, and every such law shall provide for the payment of the annual interest of such debt, and the principal within ten years from the passage of such law; and such appropriation shall not be repealed until the principal and interest shall have been wholly paid. SEC. 4. The Legislature may also borrow money to repel invasion, suppress insurrec tion, or defend the State in time of war; but the money thus raised shall be applied exclusively to the object for which the loan was authorized, or repayment of the debts thereby creted. SEC. 5. No scrip, certificate, or other evidence of State debt whatever, shall be issued, except for such debts as are authorized by the third and fourth sections of this article. ARTICLE X. - MILITIA. SECTION 1. The militia shallconsist of all able-bodied white male persons between the ages of eighteen and forty years, except such as may be exempt by the laws of the United Sates, or of this State, and shall be organized, officered, armed, equipped, and trained in such manner as may be provided by law. SEC. 2. The Governor shall appoint the Adjutant, Quartermaster and Commissary Generals. SEC. 3. All militia officers shall be commissioned by the Governor, and shall hold their offices not longer than three years. SEC. 4. The General Assembly shall determine the method of dividing the militia into divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies, and fix the rank of all officers. SEC. 5. The militia may be divided into classes, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 6. No person conscientiously opposed to bearing arms shall be compelled to do military duty; but such person shall pay an equivalent for such exemption, the amount to be prescribed by law. SEC. 7. The first General Assembly shall offer inducements for the formation, uniforming, and drilling of independent volunteer companies in the different cities and counties in this State. ARTICLE XI. -FINANCE AND TAXATION. SECTION 1. The General Assembly shall provide by law for a uniform and equal rate of assessment and taxation; and taxes shall be levied upon all such property, real and personal, as the General Assembly may from time to time prescribe; hut all property appropriated and used exclusively for municipal, literary, educational, scientific, or charitable purposes, and personal property to an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars for each head of a family, and all property appropriated and used exclusively for religious purposes to an amount not exceeding $200,000, may by general laws be exempted from taxation. SEC. 2. The General Assembly shall provide by law for an annual tax sufficient to defray the estimated ordinary expenses of the State for each year. SEC. 3. Every law imposing a tax shall state distinctly the object of the same, to which it shall be applied. SEC. 4. On the passage, in either house of the General Assembly, of any law which imposes, continues or renews a tax, or makes, continues or renews an appropriation of public or trust money, or releases, discharges or* commutes a claim or demand of the State, the question shall be taken by yeas and nays, which shall be duly entered on the journal; and three-fifths of all the members elected to such house shall, in all such cases, be required to constitute a quorum. ARTICLE XII.-COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the election of county, city, town and township officers. SEC. 2. All officers whose election or appointment is not provided for by this Constitution, shall be elected by the people, or appointed, as the General Assembly may by law direct. SEC. 3. Provision shall he made by law for the removal, for misconduct or malversation in office, of all officers whose powers and duties are not local or legislativ9, and ANNALS OF KANSAS. 83 who shall e elected at general elections, and also for supplying vacancies created by 1such removal. SEC. 4. The Legislature may declare the cases in which any office shall be deemed vacant, where no provision is made for that purpose in this Constitution. ARTICLE XIII.- CORPORATIONS. SEio 1. The General Assembly shall not create corporations by special act, except for municipal purposes. SEC. 2. Corporations may be formed under general laws, but such laws may at any time be altered or repealed. ARTICLE XIV.-JURISPRUDENCE. SECTION1. The General Assembly, at its first session, shall constitute three commissioners, whose duty it shall be to revise, reform, simplify and abridge the rules of practice, pleadings, forms and proceedings of the courts of record of this State, and to provide, so far as practicable and expedient, that justice shall be administered by intelligent and uniform proceedings, without any distinction between law and equity. SEC. 2. The proceedings of the commissioners shall be reported to the General Assembly, and be subject to the action of that body. ARTICLE XV.-MISCELLANEOUS. SECTION 1. The first General Assembly shall locate the permanent seat of goernment. SEC. 2. Lotteries and the sale of lottery tickets for any purpose whatever shall forever be prohibited in the State. SEC.. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office in this State unless they possess the qualifications of an elector. SEC. 4. There may be established in, the Secretary of State's office a Bureau of Statistics and Agriculture, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law, and provision shall be made by the General Assembly for the organization and encouragement of State and county agricultural associations. SEC. 5. The first General Assembly shall provide by law for securing to the wifer the separate property acquired by her before or after coverture, and the equal right with the husband to the custody of'their children during their minority; and in case of death, insanity, intemperance, or gross impropriety of the husband, their exclusive custody. ARTICLE XVI.-AMENDMENTS TO TEE CONSTITUTION. SECTION 1. All propositions for amendments to the Constitution shall be made by the Gene ral Assembly. SEC. 2. A concurrence of two-thirds of the members elected to each house shall be. necessary, after which such proposed amendments shall be entered upon the journals, with the yeas and nays; and the Secretary of State shall cause the same to be published in at least one newspaper in each county in the State Where a newspaper is published, for at least six months preceding the next election for Senators and Representatives, when such proposed amendments shall be again referred to the Legislature elected next succeeding said publication. If passed by the second Legislature, by a majority of twothirds of the members elected to each house, such amendments shall be republished as aforesaid for at least six months prior to the next general election, at which election such proposed amendments shall be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection, and if the majority of the electors voting at such election shall adopt such amendments, the same shall become a part of the Constitution. SEC. 3. When more than one amendment is submitted at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to enable the electors to vote upon each amendment separately. SEC. 4. No convention for the formation of a new Constitution shall be called, and no. amendment to the Constitution shall be by the General Assembly made, before the year 1865, nor more than once in $ve years thereafter. ARTICLE XYJI.- BANKS AN~D CURRENCY. SEcTIoN 1. No banks shall be established otherwise than under a general banking law. ~84 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. SEC. 2. Ifthe General Assembly shall enact a general banking law, such law shall provide for the registry and countersigning by the Auditor of State of all paper credit designed to be circulated as money, with ample collateral security, readily convertible into specie, for the redemption of the same in gold or silver, shall be required; which collateral security shall be under the control of the proper officer or officers of State. Such law shall restrict the aggregate amount of all paper credit to be circulated as money and the aggregate amount to be put in circulation in any one year; and no note issued under the provision of this section shall be of a less denomination than ten dollars. SEC. 3. The stockholders in every bank or banking company shall be inividually liable to an amount over and above their stock equal to their respective shares of stock, for all debts and liabilities of said bank or banking company. SEC. 4. All bills or notes issued as money shall be at all times redeemable in gold or silver; and no law shall be passed sanctioning, directly or indirectly, the suspension, by any bank or banking coinpany, of specie payments. SEC. 5. Holders of bank notea shall be entitled, in case of insolvency, to preference of specie payment over all other creditors. SEC. 6. No bank shall receive, 4irectly or indirectly, a greater rate of interest than shall be allowed by law to individuals loaning money. SEC. 7. Every bank or banking company shall be required to cease all banking operations within twenty years from the time of its organization, and promptly thereafter to close its business. SEC. L. The State shall not be a stockholder in any bank or banking institution. SEC. 9. All banks shall be required to keep officers and proper offices for the issue and redemption of their paper at some accessible and convenient point within the State. SEC. 10. The said banking law shall contain a provision reserving the power to alter, amend or repeal said law. SEC.. At the time of submitting this Constitution to the electors for their approval or disapproval, the articles numbered, in relation to a general banking law, shall be submitted as a distinct proposition in the following form: General Banking Law -yes or no; and if a majority of the votes cast shall be in favor of said article, then the same shall form a part, of this Constitution; otherwise it'~shall be void, and form no part thereof. SCHEDULE. In order that no inconvenience may arise from the organization and establishment of a State Government, and that the wishes of the people may be fully accomplished, it is declared - FIRST: That no existing rights, suits, prosecutions, claims and contracts shall be affected by a change in the form of government. SECOND: That this Constitution shall be submitted to the people of Kansas for ratification on the fifteenth day of December next. THIRD: That each qualified elector shall express his assent or dissent to the Constitution by voting a written or printed ticket, labelled "1Constitution," or, "1No Constitu.tion," which election shall be held by the same judges and conducted under the same, regulations and restrictions as are hereinafter provided for the election of members of the Genef al Assembly; and the judges therein named shall, within ten days after said election, seal up and transmit to the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Kansas Territory the result of said election, who shall forthwith make proclamation of the same. And in case the Constitution be ratified by the people, the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall cause publication -to be made by proclamation that an elecliton will be held on the third Tuesday of Japuary, A. D. 1856, for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor, Judges of Supreme Court, State Printer, Attorney General, Reporter of the Supreme Court, Clerk of the Supreme Court, and Members of the General Assembly, which said election shall be held by the same judges, under the same restrictions and conducted in the same manner, as is hereinafter provided for the election of members of the Ge neral Assembly; and the judges herein named are hereby required within ten days after said election to seal up and transmit duplicate copies of the returns of said election to the Chairman of the Executive Committee, one of which shall be laid before the General Assembly at its first meeting. FourTH: At-the same time and place, the qualified voters shall, under the same regulations and restrictions, elect a Member of Congress, to represent the State of Kansas in 1855.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 85 the Thcity of Topeka, at 12 M., at whihe United Stplaes; the Goveturns of said election to beGovernor, Secretary of State, Judge of the Supreme Court, Treasurer, Auditor, State Printer, madReporter and Clehairman of the Supremxecutive Commiurt, and Attorney General, who shall deposit the same in the office of the Secretary of Statoffice, and soon as he shall enter upon the discharge of the duties of their respective offices under this Constitution, and shall continue inhis office in the sa.e manner and during the same period that they would have doneral Assembly shallbeen electedmeet on the fouirst Monday of March, A.. 186, at the city of Topeka, A. D. which time and place the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Judgentil of therwise Suprovideme Court, Treasurer, theAuditor, State Prshall be divided into election dis-r, tricts;er and Clerk of the Supreme Court, and Attorney Gpresentativesral, shall be apportioned amongke the several districts as follows: oarst Distrof offict.-e, and Commentercing iupon the diKansas river, atof the mouthies of thCedar respective office up said rivnder to the first tribution, and shall continue itown offi Lawrence; in thenc up same manner and tduring butaryhe same its soure;riod that thene by woula direct lidone hato they been elected of Johnson's house; thence bMonday aof August, A. D. 1856. due south line to therwi Santa Fe roviad, and alongaw, the Stamiddle ofshall be divid road into electa point disue south of the source of Cedar creek; thence due north to the source of said Cedar creek, tricts; and down the same nators and Representatives shallof be apportioned amoning the several districts as follows:.rsecond District.- Commencing in the Kansas river, at the mouth of CedaBig Spring branch, on the bankce upf the Kansasid river to thence up said branch to its furthe town of Lawrence; thence up said tribsoutherly to line crossingource; thence Wakarusby a direct line to the east side of Johnson's house of Charles Matney, to duthe south linddle of the Santa Fe road; thence along the middle of said road to the lpoine ofdue the First District; thence by the same along the west side of the house of — Johnson, to the head of the first tributary of the Kansas above the town of Lawrence; and southence byof the sourame of Cedtributar creek;to the Kansas river, and upto the sourceth bank of said Cedar creek, and down the samouth of Big Spring branch, the place of beginning. Secird District.-Commencing at the mouth of Big Spring branch, on the south bankside of of the Kansas river; thence up the sameid branch to its furthest source; thence by a southerly line lino the north bank ofossing the Wakarusa river, on the east side of the house of Charles Matney, to they; middle of the Santa Fe roup said river and itshe middle of sain branch to the line of the Pottawatomie Reservathe First Distriction; and thence by.the same along thern and western line of thsaid Re houservation to the Kansonas to the head of the first tributary of the Kansas above the town of Lawrence; a nd thence by the same tributary to the Kansas river, and up the south bank of said river river, and down the samouth of Big Spriveng branch, to the place of beginning. Fourthird District.- Commencing at the Missouth of Big Sprtate ling branch, in the south siddle of the Santa Fthe Kansas river; thence upalong the samiddle to its furthest source; thence by a southe 65th mile of saidne road; thence south bank of the Wakarusa river, of the Shawnee Reservation ceded byof the houstreaty of 1854;Charles Matney; thence up said river and its maind Reservation and the line of the Pottawatomie Reservaisting Reservations of bythe southernacs and Foxes, the line of said Reservations of the KansChippewas and Ottawas, and the Reservations of the Piankeshaws, Weas, Peorias and Kaskaskias, to the Missouri State line; thenc the Missouri State line to the place of beginning. Fourth Distriet.-Commencing at the Missouri State line, inat the middle of thern boundary of the Fourth District;; thence west along the middle of sameid road to thRock creek, neaorthwest corner of the Sac and Fox Reservationad; thence due south alto the line of the Shawnee Reservation linceded by the treof, and due south tof 184; the south brauch of the lNeosho river, about seventy miles above the Catholic Osage Mission; thence dueown said river tost along the north line of satheid Reservation and the forth lines of the ex-rk Indians; and east altiong said line to of the head-waters and Foxes, the existing ResRivervations or the Chippnearestwas point thereto;tawas, and thence down said rive to the Miankeshaws, Weas, Peoriasne, and Kaup said lineas, to the Missouri State line; thence up the Missouri Stte line to the place of beginning. Sixth District.-Commencing aton the Missouri State line, atin Little Osagouthern boundary ofe upthe Fourth District; the nce west along the same to the northwest corner ofr the nearest point Fox Reservation; thence due south along the western line thereof, and due south to the south branch of the Neosho river, about seventy miles above the Catholic Osage Missithereto; thence down said byriver to the north line of thesaid Reserve to the Neosho river, and up said riverans; and the south branch thereof to the head;d-waters of Little Osagnce Riverby a due south linest point thereto; and southern lince down said terrivetory; thence by the Missouthern and eastatern line, and upof said line Territory to the place of beginning. Sevenith District.- Commencing aton the eaMissouri Statide lineof the house of Charles Matney, one up the'same to the line of the Reserve for the New York Indians, or the nearest point thereto; thence to. and by the north line of said Reserve to the Neosho river, and up said river and the south branch thereof to the head; and thence by a due south line to the southern line of the territory; thence by the southern and eastern lines of said Territory to the place of beginning. Sevesnth District.-Commencing at the east side of the house of Charles Matney, on the Wakarusa river; thence due south to the middle of the Santa Fe road; thence westwardly along the middle of said road to Rock creek, near the 65th mile of said road; thence due south to the north line of the Sac and Fox Reservation; thence along 86 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. the north and west lines thereof, and due south to the Neosho river; thence up said river to a point due south of the mouth of Elm creek; thence due north to the mouth of Elm creek, and up said creek to the Santa Fe road, and thence by a direct line in a northerly direction to the southwest corner of the Pottawatomie Reservation;' thence along the southern line of said Reservation to the head-waters of the Wakarusa river, or the point nearest thereto; thence to and down the said river to the place of beginning. Eighth District.- Commencing at the mouth of Elm creek, one of the branches of Osage river; thence up the same to the Santa Fe road; thence by a direct northerly line to the southwest corner of the Pottawatomie Reservation; thence up the western line thereof to Kansas river; thence up said river and the Smoky Hill Fork, beyond the most westerly settlements; thence due south to the line of the Territory; thence by the same to the line of the Sixth District; thence due north to the head of the south branch of the Neosho river; thence down said river to the line of the Seventh District; thence due north to the place of beginning. Ninth District.- Commencing at Smoky Hill Fork, beyond the most westerly settlements; thence down the same and the Kansas river, to the mouth of Wild Cat creek; thence up said creek to the head-waters thereof; thence due north to the Independence emigrant road; thence up said road to the north line of the Territory; thence west along the same, beyond the most westerly settlements; and thence due north to the place of beginning. Tenth District.-Commencing at the mouth of Vermilion river; thence up the same beyond the house of Josiah D. Adams; thence due north to the Independence emigrant road; thence up the middle of said road to the line of the Ninth District; thence by the same to the head of Wild Cat creek, and down said creek to the Kansas river; thence down said river to the place of beginning. Eleventh District.-Commencing in the Vermilion river, opposite the north side of the house of Josiah D. Adams; thence up said river to the head of the main branch; thence due north to the military road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney; thence along the middle of said road to the crossing of the Vermilion branch of the Blue; thence due north to the northern line of the Territory; thence west along said line to the Independence emigrant road; thence down said road' to a point due west of the north end of the house of Josiah D. Adams, and due east to the place of beginning. Twelfth District-Commencing at the mouth of Soldier creek, in the Kansas river; -thence up said creek to the head of the main branch; thence due north to the military road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney; thence along the middle of said road to the line of the Eleventh District; thence due south to the head of Vermilion river, down Vermilion river to the mouth, and down Kansas river to the place of beginning. Thirteenth District.- Commencing in the Kansas river, at a point three miles above the mouth of Stranger creek; thence in a northwardly direction by a line corresponding to, and three miles west of, the several courses of said creek to the line of the late Kickapoo Reservation; thence by the southern and western line of said Reservation to the military road from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Kearney; thence along the middle of said road to the line of the Twelfth District; thence due south to the head of Soldier creek; down Soldier creek to the mouth, and down Kansas river to the place of beginning. Fourteenth District.- Commencing at the mouth of Independence creek; thence up said creek to the head of the main branch, and thence due west to the line of the late Kickapoo Reservation; thence north along said line, and the line of the late Sac and Fox Reservation, to the north line of the Territory; thence along said line eastwardly to the Missouri river, and down said river to the place of beginning. Fifteenth District.-Coinmencing at the mouth of Salt creek, on the Missouri river; thence up said creek to the military road, and along the middle of said road to the lower crossing of Stranger creek; thence up said creek to the line of the late Kickapoo Reservation, and thence along the southern and western line thereof to the line of the Fourteenth District; thence by the same, and down Independence creek, to the mouth thereof, and thence down the Missouri river to the place of beginning. Sixteenth District.-Commencing at the mouth of Salt creek; thence up said creek to the military road; thence along the middle of said road to the lower crossing of Stranger creek; thence up said creek to the line of the late Kickapoo Reservation, and thence ANNALS OF KANSAS. 87 along the same to the line of the Thirteenth District, and thence by the same, along a line corresponding to the course of Stranger creek, and keeping three miles west thereof to the Kansas river; thence down the Kansas river to the Missouri, and up the Missouri river to the place of beginning. Seventeenth District.-Commencing at the mouth of the Kansas river; thence up the south ank thereof to the mouth of Cedar creek; thence up Cedar creek to its source; and thence due south to the Santa Fe road; along the middle of said road to the Missouri State line; and along said line to the place of beginning. Eighteenth District.-Commencing in the military road at the crossing of the Vermilion branch of Blue river; thence due north to the line of the Territory; thence east along said line to the Fourteenth District; thence due south along said line to the aforesaid military road, and along the middle of said road to the place of beginning. SENATORIAL AND REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS. rst-The First Election District shall be entitled to three Senators and eight Representatives. Secnd-The Second Election District shall be entitled to one Senator and three Representatives. Tird-The Third Election District shall be entitled to one Senator and three Representatives. Furth.-The Fourth and Seventeenth Election Districts shall constitute the Fourth Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to one Senator and two Representatives. fth-The Fifth Election'District shall be entitled to three Senators and nine Representatives. Sixth-The Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Election Districts shall constitute the Sixth Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to two Senators and five Representatives. Seventh.-The.Ninth and Tenth Election Districts shall constitute the Seventh Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to one Senator and four Representatives. Eighth.-The Eleventh and Twelfth Election Districts shall constitute the Eighth Senatorial and Represen~tative District, and be entitled to one Senator and three Representatives. Ninth.-The Thirteenth Election District shall constitute the Ninth Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to one Senator and two Representatives. Tenth.-The Fourteenth and Eighteenth Election Districts shall constitute the Tenth Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to two Senators and seven Representatives. Eleventh.-The Fifteenth Electin District shall constitute the Eleventh Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to one Senator and five Representatives. Twelfth.-The Sixteenth Election District shall constitute the Twelfth Senatorial and Representative District, and be entitled to three Senators and -nine Representatives. SEC. 3. Until otherwise provided by law, the election in the several districts shall be held at the following places, and the following-named persons are hereby appointed as judges of the elections. [Next follow the places for holding the elections, and the names of the judges.] INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGES SEC. 7, The three judges will provide for each poll, ballot-boxes for depositing the ballots cast by electors; shall appoint two clerks, all of whom shall be sworn or affirmed to discharge the duties of their respective offices impartially and with fidelity; and the judges and clerks shall have power to administer the oath or affirmation to each other; and the said judges shall open said election at 9.o'clock A. M. at the place designated in each precinct, and close the same at 6 o'clock P.Ma. In case an'y of the officers appointed fail to attend, the offichr or officers in attendance shall supply their places, and in the event of all of them failing to attend, the qualified voters shall supply their places; and the said judges shall make out duplicate returns of said election, seal up and transmit the same within ten days to the Chairman of the Executive Committee, one copy of which is to be laid before the General Assembly. If at the time of holding 88 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1855. said election it shall be inconvenient, from any cause whatever, that would disturb or prevent the voters of any election precinct in the Territory from the free and peaceable exercise of the elective franchise, the officers are hereby authorized to adjourn said election into any other precinct in the Territory, and to any other day they may see proper, of the necessity of which they shall' be the exclusive judges, at which time and place the qualified voters may cast their votes. SEC. 8. Until otherwise provided by law, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Kansas Territory shall announce by proclamation the result of the elections, and the names of persons elected to office. SEC. 9. No person shall be entitled to a seat in the, first General Assembly at its organization, except the members whose names are contained in the proclamation of the Chairman of the Executive Committee; but after the General Assembly is organized, seats may be contested in the usual way. SEC. 10. Certificates of indebtedness may be issued by the Territorial Executive Committee for all necessary expenses accruing in the formation of the State Government, not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars; provided no certificate shall be issued except for legitimate expenses. All claims shall be made in writing, and shall be numbered and kept on file in the Secretary's office; and all certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the President and Secretary, and countersigned by the Treasurer, and numbered to correspond with the numbers of the claim or bill for which it was issued. The certificates shall bear ten per cent interest per annum. SEC. 11. The first General Assembly shall provide by law for the redemption of the certificates of indebtedness issued under the provisions of the foregoing section. SEC. 12. Until the great seal of the State of Kansas is agreed upon and procured, as provided for in the 11th section of the 5th article of this Constitution, the Governor shall use his own private seal as the seal of State. SEC. 13. At the election for the ratification of this Constitution, and the first election for State officers, a representation in the Congress of the United States and members of the General Assembly of this State, an actual residence in the Territory of thirty days immediately preceding said election shall be sufficient as a qualification for an elector, and an actual residence of ninety days for the candidates; provided said elector and candidates possess all the other qualifications required by the provisions of this Constitution. SEC. 14. The first Legislature shall provide by law for the enforcement of the provi — sions of the,6th section of the Bill of Rights on or before the 4th day of July, 1857, as to all persons in the Territory before the adoption of this Constitution; and as to all others, the provisions of said section shall; operate from and after the ratification of this Constitution by the people. ROaERT KLOTZ. CALEa MAY. W. Y. ROBERTS. M. J. PAEROTT. S. MEWHINNEY. G. W. SMHITE.' M. W. DELAHIAY. A. CURTISS. J. G. THOMPSON.. W. R. GRIFFITH. A. HUNTING. G. A. CUTLER. G. S. HILLYIM. R. KNIGHT., J. K. GooDNlr. WE. HICKS. 0. C. BROWN. J. M. TUTON. S. N. LATTA. W. GRAHAM. THOHAS BELL. JOHN LANDIS. MORRIS HUNT. R. H. CROSBY. H. BUESON. J. H. NESBITT. P. C. SCHUYLEE. C. W. STEWART. C. K. HOLLIDAY. C. ROBINSON. J. M. ARTHUR. DAVID DODGE. M. F. CONWAY. J. L. SAYLE. J. A. WAKEFIELD. J. S. EMERY. J. H. LANE, President. SAM. C. SMITH, Secretary. CHAS. A. FOSTER, Asst. Secretary. 1 8 56. JANUARY 12.-LawrenCe has a Wveekly mail to Leavenworth. - During the winter, the Legislatures of some of the Southern States, appropriated money to send mnen to Ksinsas. Armed bodies of men came from several Southern States. The Free-State men of Kansas sent men to the Northern States "to plead the cause of the people of Kansas." JANUARY 15.-Election of State officers under the Topeka Constitution. ELECTION OF OFFICERS UNDER THE TOPEKA FREE-STATE CONSTITUTION, JANUARY 15, 1856. O Lot.,. G~. ov. Treas'b ~,o I 7 - At' Rep. SuII p. Cler Bep ~.. I t.o Governor~~. Se'of Adio. Supem Judges. Pitr o State.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I uoe,. Gen. Cur. Su ~.,, n~~~~ ~ Z s?___.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t,'...igtn............... 1~!_ 1~,.................. 29...... 29 1 9~2 9 3 2 9 2 9 1 3 9 3 Doniphan........................... 32 32......32.....3....3.... 2 32 1 31.............. 2 32 2.... 2 Osaato ie......................... 82......... 80...... 82...... 81...... 82...... 81'81 81/ 82............... 79/ 82 82.... 7 Osage........................................... 19........ 19...... 19...... 19.... 1....... 19 19 19I 19]......I....../......l......I 19 ] 19 / 19[......l 19 Easton......................................... 66 " 66 7 66 7 66 7 64 8 75 66 73 /65 t7 7/......' 7 1661 76 [ 70/ 7 / 73. S. Jsp otm........................ 4 9...... 0......49.....5... 5 0 5 0............5 0 5... 5' sP.don'soHous............s... 2......... 27...... 27......27...27... 27 7 27 7..............27 7 27.... 7 s Wolf River................................. 36~........ 36.... 36....3...... 36...... 3 6 3 6.................... 36 3 3.....;. 36 Staton......................... 31......... 31...... 31...... 31...... 31...... 31 31 31 31........................ 31 31 31...... 28 Potad aon's IIue............................... 39......... 39....92...... 39...... 38...... 39 39 39 39........................ 39 39 39...... 38 woxtus........................................ 8 4 2 8 4 2 8 4 8 8 3 8 4 4... 8 3 8 4 3 Blanton~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~............II~......//t............... 5 5 4 3 5 3 5 4 5 7 7 55 52 32 05 7 5 4 7, Prairie City~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.............................. 24 0 25 45" 27 3 7 4 7 3 2 2 7 27 4 5 4 5 2 0 2 5 7 Plesatoil.......................... 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3.3 4 3 4 3 2 4 Palmyra~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.......................... 2......... 25...... 25'......l/'25' ~ /~......I2...... 2 5 5 2......I......t / ~ /l'..........2 25 5.... 5 Franklin.............................. 8 5 / ~ 9 8 5 8 8 5 6 8 8 8 7 5 8 5 8 6 86 Litle.....Crek........................ 33......... 35..,... 32...... 34...... 34...... 34 34 34 34........................ 34 369 33...... 34 Tecumse......................................... 28 34 34 28 34 28 34 28 24 35 8 2 25 384 34...... 34.... 35 2 8 34 35 Brownsnv.........................................235 2 3]235...... 233 3 23 29..23....4...24...5...17.//.78....../...... 5..[..3...23./.2.... 20 ].55...77....4 /24 H 27 Prcaireoit..............................I.. 14 I 50 6[ 25 9 14 45 14 27 14 37 65 14 14 145 7[3 l7 /2 7/2 45 45 451t 451 2 7 2 45 65 714 6 PleavenwotHil................................ 94 7 9 7 94 7 9 7 94 7 1 410 94 7 7... 7 94 0 4 7 10 Lawene........................ 65 41 17 2 {45 1383 143 30... 24385 2 36 426 384343793 1 62 48 233 2 46 380 427 33 53 9 N eossion....................................................... i............... 13...... 13...... 13 13 13 1........................ 1 0........... 1 0 13..... 13 SloghCrek........................................ 14 1............14......14...... 14.....125... 4 1 1... 4... 4 1 Wyandotte.................................. I' 1 3....../ 35......r 35/.............. 35 35ol 35I......t.............3 5... Totale............................. 1 296 1...-......................................................................................1...... 1962 90 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. JANUARY 17.-Printers' Festival in Lawrence. G. W. Brown, Chairman; R. G. Elliott, of the Free State, and James Redpath, of the St. Louis Democrat, Secretaries. Speeches by G. W. Brown, J. Short, Jos. Boyer, M. F. Conway, J. L. Speer, Mr. Greene, James Redpath, John Speer, Miss Annis W. Gleason, W. B. Atwood, Miss Hiscox, Frank B. Swift, B. C. Golliday, C. V. Eskridge, R. G. Elliott, J. H. Greene, Chas. E. Lenhart, Mrs. S. N. Wood, and Mrs. G. W. Brown. JANUARY 17.-The election under the Topeka Constitution for State officers was held at the house of T. A. Minard, in Easton, Leavenworth county, on the 17th. On Friday morning, January 18th, Stephen Sparks, a Free-State man, while on his way home from the election, with his son and nephew, was surrounded by Ruffians. Capt. R. P. Brown went to their assistance, and rescued them. While Brown and seven others were on their way to Leavenworth they were arrested and taken to Easton, where a Pro-Slavery mob had assembled. Through that day they were guarded. At night all the Free-State men were released except Brown. He was taken out and assaulted with hatchets and knives, then dragged to a wagon and carried to Dunn's liquor shop, in Salt Creek valley. Finding that Brown must die, he was taken to his home, where he soon expired. Capt. Brown had been in Lawrence during the recent Wakarusa war, aiding the Free-State men. He was a member elect of the Free-State Legislature. JANUARY 20.-Burial of the remains of R. P. Brown, by a few friendly hands, on Pilot Knob, Leavenworth. A writer in the Herald of Freedom says: "Brown was brought to his home about midnight, with three gashes cut in the side of his face -no doubt with a hatchet- exhausted, bleeding, and benumbed with cold. He lingered an hour or two, perfectly sensible, though very weak." JANUARY 24,-President Pierce, in a Special Message to Congress, endorses the Bogus Legislature, and calls the formation of the Topeka Government revolutionary, and an act of rebellion. He asks for the passage of a bill authorizing the people of Kansas to frame a Constitution. JANUARY 29.-The Montgomery (Alabama) Advertiser and Gazette says Maj. Jeff. Buford, of Eufala, Alabama, will leave there February 15, with two or three hundred Southern men, bound for Kansas Territory. FEBRUARY.-The following is the title of a book published this month: "Three Years on the Kansas Border. By a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church. New York and Auburn: 1856." pp. 240. The writer, a New York man, was a Missionary in the Platte Purchase, in 1851-2. In 1853 he went to Chicago. In October, 1854, he returned, as a Missionary of the Church for Kansas Territory, and was on duty one year. He lived some months at Weston, Mo., preaching at Kickapoo, and occasionally at Leavenworth. In the summer of 1855 he lived on a claim near Mount Pleasant, in Atchison county. The book treats more of home life than of politics. The writer was a Free-State man, but took no part in public affairs. His story of the death of two children, of the severe illness of his wife and himself, and of the sufferings and destitution they passed 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 91 through in the vain attempt to make a home on the prairie, is a very sad one. FEBRUARY 1.- Commissions issued by the Governor to the "Kickapoo Rangers." FEBRUARY 1.-Samuel J. Jones, Sheriff of Douglas county, Kansas, by appointment of the Bogus Legislature, is still Postmaster of Westport, Mo. -The Leavenworth Herald justifies the brutal murder of R. P. Brown. In an article on the subject, it' says: "These higher-law men will not be permitted longer to carry out their illegal and high-handed proceedings. The good sense of the people is frowning it down. And if it cannot be put down in one way, it will in another." FEBRUARY 2.-Nathaniel P. Banks, Republican, elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, on the 134th ballot. He receives 103 votes, to 100 for Wmn. Aiken, of South Carolina. FEBRUARY 6.-Lane, Chairman of the Committee, announces the election of the following State officers: Governor, Charles Robinson; Lieut. Governor, Wm. Y. Roberts; Secretary of State, Philip C. Schuyler; Auditor, George A. Cutler; Treasurer, John A. Wakefield; Attorney General, H. Miles Moore; Judges of the Supreme Court, S. N. Latta, Morris Hunt, and M. F. Conway; Reporter of the Supreme Court, E. M. Thurston; Clerk Supreme Court, B. Floyd; Printer, John Speer. FEBRUARY 8.-The Committee announce the election of Mark W. Delahay for Representative to the Thirty-fourth Congress. FEBRUARY 11.-President Pierce issues a proclamation commanding "all persons engaged in unlawful combinations against the constituted authority of the Territory of Kansas, or of the United States, to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes." FEBRUARY 16.-Secretary Marcy writes to Governor Shannon to call upon the officers at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley to aid him in " the suppression of insurrectionary combinations, or armed resistance to the execution of the laws." FEBRUARY 18.-Drawing of town lo ts at Grasshopper Falls. -There are fifty-eight post -offices in Kansas. F.EbRUARY 20.-The Squatter Sovereign says: "In our opinion the only effectual way to correct the evils that now exist is to hang up to the nearest tree the very last traitor who was instrumental in getting up, or participated in, the celebrated Topeka Convention." FEBRUARaY 22.-The National Republican Party organized at Pittsburgh. S. N.. Wood appears as a delegate from Kansas, and on his motion, Charles Robinson is placed on the National Committee. Francis P. Blair, sen., presides. Address to the people written by Henry J. Raymond, of the New York Times. FEBRUARY.- Millard Fillmore nominated by the Americans for President. FEBRUARY 29.-J. H. Stringfellow commissioned as the captain of a military-company in Atchison county. Many military commissions issued in the winter and spring, by the Governor. 92 ANNALS OF KANSAS [1856. MARCH.-The National Era publishes the following poem, written by John G. Whittier: THE BURIAL OF BARBER. Bear him, comrades, to his grave; While the flag, with stars bedeckd, Never over one more brave Threatens where it should protect, Shall the prairie grasses weep, And the Law shakes hands with Crime, In all ages yet to come, What is left ye ut to wait, When the millions in our room, Match your patience to your fate What we sow in tears, shall reap. And aide the etter time? Bear him up the icy hill, Patience, friends! The human heart With the Kansas frozen still Everywhere shall take your part, As his noble heart, below, Everywhere for you shall pray; And the land he came to till On your side are nature's laws, With a freeman's thews and will, And God's life is in the cause And his poor hut roofed with snow! That you suffer for to-day. One more look of that dead face, Well to suffer is divine; Of his murder's ghastly trace! Pass the watchword down the line, One more kiss, oh, widowed one! Pass the countersign: "ENU " Lay your left hands on his brow, Not to him who rashly dares, Lift your right hands up, and vow But to him who noly ears, That his work shall yet be done! Is the victor's garland sure. Patience, friends! The eye of God Frozen earth to frozen reast, Every path by Murder trod Lay your slain one down to rest; Watches, lidless, day and night; Lay him down in hope and faith; And the dead man in his shroud, And aove the roken sod, And his widow weeping loud, Once again, to Freedom's God, And our hearts are in His sight. Pledge yourselves for life or death - Every deadly threat that swells That the State whose walls ye lay, With the roar of gamhling hells, In your hlood and tears to-day, Every hrutal jest and jeer, Shall he free from honds of shame, Every wicked thought and plan And your goodly land untrod' Of the cruel heart, of man, By the feet of slavery, shod Tho' hut whispered, He can hear. With cursing as with flame! You in suffering, they in crime, Plant the Buckeye on his grave, Wait the just award of time, For the hunter of the slave Wait the vengeance that is due; In its shadow cannot rest; Not in vain a heart shall hreak, And let martyr mound and tree Not a tear for freedom's sake Be your pledge and guarantee Fall unheeded: God is true. Of the freedom of the West! MARCH.-Derby & Jackson, New York, publish a book of 400 pages, entitled: "The War in Kansas. A Rough Trip to the Border, among New Homes and a Strange People. By G. Douglas Brewerton." The writer was a correspondent of the New York Herald, and the book is made up from his letters. He was in Kansas in December, 1855, and in January, 1856'. He was not a partisan, and his book is now valuable because- he wrote down the Northern and Southern versions of our affairs in the very words of the leading actors. Mr. Brewerton was an interviewer, but trusted his pen in-.stead of his imagination. When he meets Gov. Shannon, hie obtains a full history from that officer of the Wakarusa War. This sketch fills fifty pages of the book, and perhaps no other narrative of those events is more clear, 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 93 cool, and straightforward. The book also contains the narrative of Franklin M. Coleman, who killed Dow; James Christian's history of the disturbances; Gov. Robinson's history of the war; the statement of Josiah Miller, editor of the Free State, and the facts relating to the shooting of Thomas W. Barber, from the lips of his brother, Robert F. Barber, and his brother-in-law, Thomas M. Pierson. The following sketch is copied from Brewerton's book: "Charles Robinson was born in Worcester county, Massachusetts, on the 21st of July, 1818; was educated at Amherst College, but did not, we believe, graduate at that institution; studied medicine at the Medical College in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where he received his diploma as an M. D., in 1843; practised his profession at Belchertown and Fitchburg, in the same State, until his removal to California, in 1849, by way of the Rocky Mountains. Upon arriving in the El Dorado of the West, Dr. Robinson settied at Sacramento, where he played a prominent part in the'squatter riots' of 1850, in which, as the reader may perhaps remember, the Mayor of Sacramento, and some eight or ten others, lost their lives. Upon this occasion, Dr. Robinson fought upon the side of'squatter sovereignty,' and was seriously wounded-it was asserted, mortally, at the time. For his alleged conduct upon this occasion, and while still suffering from a desperate hurt, Dr. Robinson was indicted for murder, assault with intent to kill, and for conspiracy: tried before the District Court of Sacramento, and acquitted. While still in confinement, on board the prison-ship, he was nominated and elected to the Legislature of California, from Sacramento district. This was in 1851. In July of the same year, he sailed from California in the steamship Union, which was wrecked on her passage to the Isthmus; in the difficulties which followed this disaster, Robinson is said to have borne an active and conservative part. After many delays, he finally managed to reach New York city, in September of 1851; was at Havana at the time of the Lopez execution, and a witness to that cold-blooded murder. Upon his return to the East, Dr. Robinson recommenced the practice of medicine, in Fitchburg, where he remained uintfil June of 1854, when he emigrated with his family to Kansas. Here, he settled himself at Lawrence, where he still resides upon his'claim,' some half a mile distant from-the main body of the town. Unlike his compatriot, General Lane, Dr. Robinson-or, as we should now begin to call him, General Robinson-does not call himself a man of property; he says he is simply'a poor man whose business prospects have been sadly damaged by the war.' "In Kansas politics, Gen. Robinson was a member of the State Constitutional Convention, is Chairman of the Free-State Executive Committee, and, in addition to this, holds the military rank of Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the Kansas Volunteers-as the Free-State army of Kansas style themselves. He may be regarded as the real head-the thinking one, we mean-and mainspring of the Free-State party; or, to speak more correctly, of all that party who are worth anything. We believe him to be a keen, shrewd, far-seeing man, who would permit nothing to stand in the way of the end which he desired to gain. He is, moreover, cool and determined, and appears to be endowed with immense firmness; we should call him a conservative man, now; but conservative rather from policy than from principle. He seems to have strong common sense, and a good ordinary brain, but no brilliancy of talent. In fact, to sum Gen. Robinson up in a single sentence, we consider him the most dangerous enemy which the Pro-Slavery party have to encounter in Kansas. "In person he is tall, well made, and more than ordinarily handsome; gentlemanly, but by no means winning in his manners, with one of those cold, keen blue eyes that seem to look you through." Mr. Brewerton gives a sketch of the life of Gen. Lane, with the remark, "these facts may be relied upon, as we have obtained them from General Lane himself." The facts are given elsewhere in this book. The following is Brewerton's opening paragraph: "James H. Lane was born in Boone county, Kentucky, on the twenty-second of June, 1822. He is a son of Amos Lane, a Western lawyer of considerable celebrity, who figured in the politics of his day as Speaker of the first Legislature of Indiana, and ~94 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. Member of Congress during the Presidency of General Jackson, where he proved himself one of the warmest supporters of' Old Hickory's' administration." The above is copied as a statement of Gen. Lane's in regard to the place and time of his birth. He was generally believed to have been older, and he sometimes created the impression that he was born in Indiana; in fact, it was the prevailing opinion of his friends here that he was born in Indiana. Lane's affidavit is published on page 143 of Proceedings in Impeachment Cases; he swears, April 29, 1862, that he is in his forty-third year. This agrees with his statement to Brewerton, and makes him twentyfour years old when, in 1846, he became Colonel of the Third Indiana Volunteers. AR 4.-Meeting of the Topeka Legislature. Senate.- Officers: President, W. Y. Roberts; Chief Clerk, Asaph Allen; Assistant, W. L. Brigdon; Sergeant-at-Arms, J. M. Fuller; Assistant, Harris Stratton; Transcribing Clerks, J. F. Cummings, J. C. Dunn; Chaplain, Paul Shepherd. President pro te., J. Curtis. House.- Called to order by J. H. Lane, Chairman of Executive Committee. Speaker, T. Minard; Clerk, J. K. Goodin; Assistant Clerk, Sam'l F. Tappan; Transcribing Clerks, J. Snodgrass, G. T. Gordon; Sergeant-at-Arms, J. Mitchell; Assistant, J. Swain; Chaplain, C. H. Lovejoy. The State officers are sworn in. Message by Governor Robinson, giving a history of the Free-State movement. Speer and Ross publish the Daily Tribune, at Topeka. The Message of Governor Robinson is an able paper, and very valuable now, historically. It is published in full in Mrs. Robinson's "Kansas." The following is a list of the members of the Legislature: Senators. —~ Adams, J. M. Cole, J. Curtis, J. Daiiley, Dunn, L. Fish, P. Fuller, J. C. Green, Benj. Harding, Geo. S. Hillyer, H. M. Hook, J. M. Irvin, D. E. Jones, S. B. McKenzie, B. W. Miller, J. H. Pillsbury, J. R. Rhaum, T. G. Thornton, W. W. Updegraff-19. Bepresentatives.-S. N. Hartwell, J. B. Abbott, John Hutchinson, H. F. Saunders, James'Blood, C. Hornsby, E. B. Purdam, J. McGhee, M. C. Dickey, W. R. Frost, W. A. Sumnerwell, S. Mewhinney, S. T. Shore, S. R. Baldwin, David Rees, D. W. Cannon, Isaac Landers, J. M. Arthur, H. H. Wiliam, H W.LabrA. B. Marshall, J. D. Adams, T. W. Platt, Rees Furby, B. H. Brock, John Landis, E. R. Zimmerman, W. T. Burnett, L. P. Patty, 7 ~F. A. Minard, Isaac Cody, Thos. Bowman, John Brown:, jr., Henry Todd, J. Hornby, Abraham Barre, Richard Murphy, Win. Hicks, B. R. Martin, Win. Bayless, J. W. Stevens, J. K. Edsaul, S. J. Campbell, S. Goslin, H. B. Standiford, Isaac B. Higgins, T. J. Addis, D. Toothman, Win. McClure, J. B. Wetson, Win. B. Wade, Alex. Jamieson, A. D. Jones, Wmn. Crosby, Stephen Sparks, R. P. Brown (deceased), Adam Fisher - 57. Three commissioners are appointed to prepare a code of laws. James H. Lane and Andrew H. Reeder are elected United States Senators, each receiving 38 votes, with none opposing. A memorial to Congress is prepared, asking admission into the Union. MARCH 8.-Adjourned to July 4th. MARCH 12.-Senator Douglas submits a report extenuating the outrages committed in Kansas, and severely denouncing the action of the New 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 95 England Emigrant Aid Society. Senator Collamer presents a minority report. MARCH 19.-The House of Representatives, at Washington, votes to send a Special Committee to Kansas to inquire into the validity of the pre tended Legislature, (the "Bogus," of 185,) and of the election of Whit field. The Committee consists of Win. A. Howard, of Michigan, John Sherman, of Ohio, and Mordecai Oliver, of Missouri. MARCH 24.-Topeka Constitution presented in the United States Senate, by Lewis Cass. MARCH 29.-Nearly every boat coming up the Missouri river is over hauled, and searched to see whether there are articles on board which have been pronounced contraband by the Pro-Slavery pirates. All such goods, owned by Northern men, are stolen. APRIL 5.-In the office of the Milwaukee Sentinel, E. G. Ross, foreman in the job office, receives the present of a rifle from his fellow-printers. It is inscribed to him as an earnest of their good wishes for him, and for free dom in Kansas. APRIL 7.- Senator Cass presents the Memorial of the Topeka Legislature asking for the admission of Kansas into the Union. -Topeka Constitution presented in the House by Daniel Mace, of In diana. APRIL.-Major Buford arrives with a large body of men from Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. APRIL 12.-The Free-State Hotel, Lawrence, begun in April, 1855, is finished. It is to be kept by Col. Shaler W. Eldridge. -The Squatter Sovereign says: "We understand that the grand jurors of Doniphan and Atc hison counties have found true bills of indictment against all the persons acting in the late disorganizing election in their respective counties. We hope the other counties will follow suit, and teach the Abolition traitors that the laws are now in force, and. that all attempts to ruin this country will be strictly dealt with by law." APRIL 16. -E. B. Whitman and.,A. D. Sean, of Lawrence, issue a map of Kansas. APRIL 18.- The Congressio nal Investigating Committee reach Lawrence. APRIL 19.-Sheriff Jones attempts to arrest S. N. Wood, in Lawrence, charging him with aiding in the rescue of Branson, in November. Mr. Wood refused to give himself up; he did not recognize the authority. An attempt to. take Wood by force failed. On the 20th, Sheriff Jones re-. turned, and called upon a number of the citizens to aid him in making the arrest. They did not answer the summons. On the 23d, Jones returned, bringing with him United States troops. The Lieutenant in command read a letter from Col. Sumner to the Mayor of Lawrence, saying the troops are sent to aid the Sheriff in executing writs. Jones then arrested John Hutch-. inson, E. D. Lyman, G. F. Warren, J. G. Fuller, F. Hunt, A. F. Smith, and others whom he had summoned on the 20th to assist him. No resist' ance was made to the Sheriff. About ten o'clock that night Jones was shot and wounded. A public meeting was held on the 24th, and the shooting of Jones severely denounced. 96 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. APRIL.-A book published, called "Six Months in Kansas. By a Lady. Boston: John P. Jewett & Co. 1856." The writer was Mrs. Hannah Anderson Ropes, who came to Kansas from Massachusetts in September, 1855. The book contains 231 pages. "Fourth thousand" is on the title page of a copy owned by Leslie J. Perry. It is made up of letters from Mrs. Ropes to her mother, and is admirably written. No little of Mrs. Ropes's time is spent with the sick; and the sufferings of pioneers who live in cabins, deprived of nearly all the comforts of life, even in the "city" of Lawrence, where she lived, are only too truly told. The following account of the funeral of Barber is copied from the book: "I believe I have forgotten to tell you that the funeral of Mr. Barber was deferred, on account of the important business this week to be attended to. Another week has closed, and the Sabbath calls all people out to pay the last tribute of respect to poor Barber's memory. A December day, but clear, cloudless, dreadfully bright, and windy... The whole neighborhood seems astir with people, picking their way to one centre, the Hotel, where not as last Monday evening, for rejoicing, they come together, but to mourn with the sufferers of a great sorrow: a widow, made so by violence wholly unprovoked; brothers, bereaved in a manner never to be forgotten- never to be thought of in years to conie but with the smartest twinges of pain. The room'we enter is a long dining-hall. The walls are of limestone, rough and unplastered. Seats of plank stretch in rows, closely packed, through the whole length, with the exception of a narrow space for the clergyman. The seats are all filled. The atmosphere of the assembly is of the truest sympathy. Each soul seems personally aggrieved and afflicted. Silence is the only, and most emphatic, expression given to this grief. The first break upon that silence is the tread of many feet and a smothered, broken sob, that will not be wholly choked down. Working his way through the crowd, appears a tall man, with white hair, large blue eyes, and a very benevolent countenance. You see at once that he is a Methodist. He has clinging to his arm a small, veiled figure,-everybody knows it is the widow;'a widow indeed.' "There comes another smothered sob as she is borne along to the far end of the hall. The man of white hair stoops over her, and tenderly whispers words of peace to her. I do not hear them; she does not. Now she sinks into a seat. A hymn is read, and the crowd sing the tune of' Martin Luther,' so familiar to everybody, and stretching back over the whole length of the oldest life present. What a relief it is! how it gathers up and rolls away the pent-up emotions of the multitude! Now the white head sinks down over bended knees, to the floor, and his voice utters its prayers and supplications, while the tears course down the cheeks of the speaker and his audience. The sobs of that broken heart grow fainter. Does she find a relief through the channel of other hearts? I believe so. Then follow short speeches from Colonel Lane and General Robinson, and a sad sermon from the white head. All the exercises are remarkably good of the kind. Even Colonel Lane did well. "The services are over, and the people form a procession. Men with arms reversed take the lead; then the body and its friends; then the whole crowd, mounted in carts drawn by oxen, wagons led by mules, and carriages of every pattern, form into a solemn line, stretching far along the open country. Up over Mount Pleasant curves the road to the ground appropriated for a burial place, two miles away. What a sight it is! One like it could hardly be got up anywhere else, or under any other circumstances. This grand old country, with its lofty trees, its smoothly-terraced hills, its serene repose! The tread of the white man is fresh and new; but to-day the grand old prairie witnesses the burial of its second martyr! Now the soldiers make a wall on either side, with lifted hats, for the mourners to pass through. Gently the coffin is lowered to its last rest, while the words,' Dust to dust,'' I am the Resurrection and the Life,' are broken by the wailing wind, and lost to the ears of the audience by the fast-coming sobs of that forlorn, childless, earth-stricken widow! The soldiers now approach; the audience and friends fall back, giving place to them; while, standing about the grave, at the signal of their commander, one division after another bury the contents of their Yifies in the last resting-place of their much-loved and honored comrade." 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 97 APRIL 25.-Governor Shannon asks Col. Sumner for "a military posse, or guard of thirty men," to be stationed at Lecompton. At later dates troops are asked to be stationed at various places. APRIL 30.-Rev. Pardee Butler returns to Atchison. He is stripped, tarred, and covered with cotton. MAY 3.-The Union started in Lecompton, by A. W. Jones and C. A. Faris. -P. 0. Conver edits the Kansas State Journal, at Topeka. MAY 5.-The Grand Jury of Douglas county recommend that the Herald of Freedom and the Kansas Free State newspapers, and the Free-State Hotel be abated as nuisances. Robinson, Reeder and others, who ad participated in organizing the Free-State Government, are indicted for high treason. MAY 7.-While Governor Reeder was with the Investigating Committee, at Tecumseh, he was summoned to appear before the Grand Jury, at Lecompton. He did not obey. The next day, at Lawrence, with the Committee, a writ of attachment was served on Governor Reeder for contempt of court. He said he was privileged from arrest. If any man laid hands on him to arrest him he did so at his peril. He was not arrested. MAY 9.-After the attempt of Deputy United States Marshal W. P. Fain to arrest Reeder failed, Governor Reeder hastened to Kansas City. Col. S. W. Eldridge, of the American Hotel, secreted Reeder till night. The Governor was then shaved and his clothes changed to those of a laborer. Thomas B. and Edward Eldridge then rowed him in a skiff to Liberty, Missouri. Governor Reeder took a deck passage, with the laborers, on the first boat that came down, in due time landed safely at St. Charles, and then made his way across the country to Illinois. MAY 10.- Governor Robinson, on his way East, with his wife, is arrested at Lexington, Mo. He is taken to Westport, to the Pro-Slavery camp near Lawrence, back to Kansas City, to Leavenworth, on a boat, and then to Lecompton. He is arrested for treason. -The Herald of Freedom says: "Kansas is again invaded by armed ruffians.'They are gathering in by tens, and fifties, and hundreds. Shannon has regularly enrolled them as Territorial Militia, commissioned their officers, etc. At any moment they may commence the work of devastation'." MAY 11.-Israel B. Donalson, United States Marshal, issues a proclamation. It says the citizens of Lawrence resist arrest, under judicial writs, and law-abiding citizens are commanded to immediately appear at Lecompton "in sufficient numbers for the execution of the law." Citizens of Lawrence ask the Governor for protection. MAY 12. — Governor Shannon writes to the Lawrence Committee: "There is no force around or approaching Lawrence, except the legally constituted posse of the United States Marshal, and Sheriff of Douglas county, each of whom, I ama informed, has a number of writs for execution against persons now in Lawrence." MAY 13.-A meeting in Lawrence declares the statements in Donalson's proclamation to be false; that they are law-abiding citizens, but will resist an invading mob. A new Committee of Safety is appointed.Free-State men are arrested on steamboats and on the prairie, and anar7 ~98 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. chy prevails through the Territory. The force of invaders around Lawrence constantly increases. It is the Free-State headquarters, and its citizens are constantly accused of warlike and treasonable intentions. MAY 14.-The citizens of Lawrence make another protest to the Governor and Marshal. -During the second week in May, the First District Court held its sessions at Lecompton, Judge Lecompte presiding. Mrs. Robinson makes the following quotations from Judge Lecompte's "extraordinary charge to the'Grand Jury:" This Territory was organized by an act of Congress, and so far its authority is from the United States. It has a Legislature elected in pursuance of that organic act. This Legislature, being an instrument of Congress by which it governs the Territory, has passed laws. These laws, therefore, are of United States authority and making; and all that resist these laws resist the power and authority of the United States, and are, itherefore gulty of high treason. Now, gentlemen, if you find that any person has resisted these laws, then you must, under your oaths, find bills against them for high treason. If you find that no such resistance has been made, but that combinations have been formed for the purpose of resisting them, and individuals of influee and notoriety have been aiding and abetting in such combinations, then must you find bills for constructive treason." Mrs. Robinson says: "To make the matter so plain that even the dullest of his hearers may not fail to comprehend his meaning, he states that some who are'dubbed Governor, Lieutenant Governor, etc., are such individuals of influence and notoriety."' MAY 14.-Gaius Jenkins and George W. Brown arrested. On the 22d, they were taken before Judge Lecompte, at Lcompton, to answer to the charge of treason.- Bail was denied, and the cases were continued till September. Gov. Robinson, Judge G. W. Smith, and G. W. Deitzler, were similarly held. John Brown, jr., and H. H. Williams, were arrested soon after, being taken in the field, for bearing arms against the " Government." All were confined in the same camp, at Lecompton. MAY 15.- Josiah Miller, of the Lawrence Free State newspaper, arrested for treason by South Carolina soldiers; is tried in a military tent near Lecompton, defended by James Christian, and acquitted. The following is a *copy of the pass given him, on leaving Lecompton, to prevent his arrest by, Ruffians: LECOMPTOsc, May 16, 1856. The hearer of this, Mr. Josiah Miller, is' desirous to pass out of this Territory, and in doing so, desires to stop in the town of Lawrence to transact some private business for a short time. He designs going to Kansas City, and thence by boat or horse and buggy at that place. He is now in this Territory not to participate in the rebellion, but to settle up some private business. Now, therefore, all persons are requested to let the hearer, Mr. Miller, pass without molestation or delay. WILSON SHANNON, Governor ef Kansas Tersritsi-y. I. B. DONALSON, U. S. Marshal, Tersritory ef Menses. - Cowltant arrests of Free-State men. Armed Missourians pouring into the Territory. MAY 17.- C. W. Babcock, Lyman Allen and J. A. Perry, a committee appointed by the people of Lawrence, ask the Marshal to put a stop to the depredations committed by a large force of armed men in the vicinity of Lawrence. 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 99 MAY 19."Take down your map, sir, and you will find that the Territory of Kansas, more than any other region, occupies the middle spot of North America, equally distant from the Atlantic on the east, and the Pacific on the west; from the frozen waters of Hudson's Bay on the north, and the tepid gulf stream on the south, constituting the precise territorial centre of the whole vast continent. To such advantage of situation, on the very highway between two oceans, are added a soil of unsurpassed richness, and a fascinating, undulating beauty of surface, with a health-giving climate, calculated to nurture a powerful and generous people, worthy to be a central pivot of American institutions. "A few short months only have passed since this spacious mediterranean country was open only to the savage, who ran wild in its woods and prairies; and now it has already drawn to its bosom a population of freemen larger than Athens crowded within her historic gates, when her sons, under Miltiades, won liberty for mankind on the field of Marathon; lore than Sparta contained when sbe ruled Greece, and sent forth her devoted children,' quickened by a mother's benediction, to return with their shields or on them; more than Rome gathered on her seven hills, when', under her kings, she commenced that sovereign sway, which afterwards enmbraced the whole earth; more than London held, when, on the fields of Crecy and Agincourt, the English banner was carried victoriously over the chivalrous hosts of France."-The Crime Against na.Seech f Charles Sunnner in the U. S. Senate. MAY 21.-John Brown with six sons and a son-in-law in Lawrence. MAY 21.-In the morning, Deputy Marshal Fain entered Lawrence and arrested George W. Smith and George W. Deitzler, without resistance. He then dismissed hrs monster posse, telling them he had no further use for them. In the afternoon, Sheriff Jones appeared in Lawrence with a body of armed men. Colonel Eldridge's Free-State Hotel, and the offices of the Herald of Freedom and the Kansas Free State, were destroyed. Stores were hroken open and pillaged, and the dwelling-house of Charles iRobinson was hurned. The wanton destruction of property in Lawrence led to retaliation by hands of Free- State men in different parts of the Territory. The most conspicuous leader of these forces was Captain John Brown. -The following is copied from Mrs. Robinson's hook, pages 243-4: "Sheriff Jones told Colonel Eldridge the hotel must he destroyed; he was acting under orders; he had writs issued by the First District Court of the United States to destroy the Free-State Hotel, and the offices of the Herald of Freedom, and Free State. The Grand Jury at Lecompton had indicted them as nuisances, and the Court had ordered them to he destroyed. The following is a copy of such indictment: "The Grand Jury sitting for the adjourned term of the First District Court, in and for the county of Douglas, in the Territory of Kansas, beg leave to report to the Honorable Court that, from evidence laid hefore them showing that the newspaper known as the Herald of Freedom, published at the town of Lawrence, has from time to time issued publications of the moat in-famnmatory and seditious character-denying the legality of the Territorial authorities; addressing and commanding forcible resistance to the same; demoralizing the popular mind, and rendering life and property unsafe, even to the extent of advising assassination as a last resort. "'Also, that the paper known as the Kansas Free State has been similarly engaged, and has -recently reported the resolutions of a public meeting in Johnson county, in this Territory, in which resistance to the Territorial laws evien unto hlood has been agreed upon. And that we respectfully recommend their abatement as a nuisance. "'Also, that we are satisfied that the building known as the Free-State. Hotel, in Lawrence, has been constructed with the view to military occupation and defence, regularly parapeted and port-holed for the use of cannon and small-arms, and could only have been designed as a stronghold of resistance to law, thereby endangering the public safety and encouraging rebellion and sedition in this country; and respectfully recommend that steps be taken whereby this nuisance snay be removed. OWEN C. *TEWART, Foreman."' ~100 ~ ANNALS OF KANVSAS. [186. MAY 21.-The following history of the 20th and 21st is copied from the Lecompton Union: "LAWRENCE TAKEN!-GLORIOUS TRIUMPH OF THE LAW-AND-ORDER PARTY OVER FANATICSM IN KANSAS!-FULL PARTICULARS.-On Tuesday, the 20th, a large force of Law-and-Order men having gathered in and around Lecompton, the Marshal ordered te different camps to concentrate about two miles this side of Lawrence, so as to e redy for the execution of his immediate demands upon the people of Lawrence. At this order we left our sanctum and proceeded to the encampment, equipped for the occasion"' The writer says the cavalry is "commanded by Col. H. T. Titus, of this county, originally of Florida. The prison tent has eight occupants.... At half-past four o'clock the cannon were planted without any resistance upon the heights beyond Robinson's house, and within four hundred yards of the big stone hotel.... At el Major Buford's company from Franklin arrived; and by twelve our forces amounted to eight hundred strong, cavalry and infantry, and four six-pound pieces of brass cannon. At one o'clock the United States Deputy Marshal selected a small posse and entered town to make arrests.... Only three arrests were made, viz.: Smith, JenkinsandDeitzler." [Sheriff Jones then summons a posse.] "Jones had agreatmany writs in his hands, but could find no one against whom he held them. He also had an order from the Court to demand a surrender of their arms, field and side, and a demolition of the two presses and the Free-State Hotel as nuisances.When they agreed to surrender, our men were marched down in front of the town, and one cannon planted upon their own battlements..... About this time a banner was seen fluttering in the breeze over the office of the Herald of Freedom. Its color was a blood-red, with a lone star in the centre, and South Carolina above... Thus floated victoriously the first banner of Southern rights over the Abolition town of Lawrence, unfurled by the noble sons of Carolina.... Mr. Jones ordered two companies into each printing office to destroy the press. Both presses were broken up and thrown into the streets, the type thrown in the river, and all the material belonging to each office destroyed. After this was accomplished, and the private property removed from the hotel by theldifferent companies, the cannon were bro ught in front of the house, and directed their destructive blows upon the walls. The building caught on fire, and soon its walls came with a crash to the ground. Thus fell the Abolition fortress; and we hope this will teach the Aid Society a good lesson for the future. We think the conservative men of the North and. East have had furnished them, long since, sufficient data to form correct opinions of the motives governing these men. If every man of them had been killed, every house burned, and total and entire extermination had been the motto of the'Law-and-Order Party,' who would be to blame? Impartial decision answers,'These men have brought the calamity upon their own lieads."'7 MAY 22.-Preston S. Brooks, a Member of the House from South Caro-, lina, commits a violent assault upon Charles Sumner, in the U. S. Senate Chamber. The House afterwards voted by 121 to 95 to expel Brooks -less than two-thirds. Brooks resigned, was re-elected, and died January 27, 1857. MAY 24.-Mr. Doyle and his two sons, Mr. Sherman and Mr. Wilkinson, all Pro-Slavery, were taken from their houses at night, and murdered. Pate captures two of Brown's sons, John jr., who was a member of the Topeka Legislature, and Jason, and treats them inhumanly. He proceeds towards Lecompton, and encamps on a stream called Black Jack, near Hickory Point, in the southeast corner of Douglas county. Monday morning Capt. Brown with, nine men and Capt. Shore with nineteen -men left Prairie City, and nizar'hed to Black Jack, five niyiles distant. Pate had fifty 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 101 men. The fight was opened by Shore and lasted about three hours, and ended in Pate's surrender. Brown entrenched himself on Middle Ottawa Creek, near Prairie City, and about two miles from the present Baldwin City. MAY 31.-A Pro-Slavery meeting in Leavenworth appoints a Committee of Safety. JUNE 1.-Governor Robinson arrives at Lecompton. He had been under arrest since May 10. There were two indictments against him -one for usurping office, and one for high treason. JUNE 2.-Democratic National Convention at Cincinnati. It resolved that, repudiating all sectionalism, the Democratic party adopts the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill- that is, the non-interference of the General Government with Slavery, which was the basis of the Compromise measures. That it recognizes the right of new States to regulate their domestic institutions, with or without Slavery, as they see fit. The administration of Pierce was endorsed, and Buchanan and Breckinridge nominated. In the Free States, at the election in November, Fremont received 115,868 more votes than Buchanan. In the Slave States, Fremont received only 1,194 votes, while Buchanan received 609,587. JUNE 2.-Battle of Black Jack, near Palmyra. Free-State men led by Captain John Brown. JUNE 4.-A party from Lawrence march to Franklin. There is a night skirmish, with small results. -Whitfield, Reed, Milt. McGee and Coleman are assembled on Bull creek, about twelve miles east of Baldwin City, in the southeast corner of Johnson county. JUNE 4.- Gov. Shannon issues a proclamation "commanding all persons belonging to military companies unauthorized by law to disperse; otherwise they will be dispersed by United States troops." He writes to Col. Sumner "to defend Franklin and Lehay's house." JUNE 5.- Col. Sumner proceeds to the camp of Brown, on Ottawa creek, to enforce Shannon's orders. Capt. Brown and Capt. Shore consent to disband, and Whitfield promises to return with his men to Missouri. The other Free-State leaders, encamped at Hickory Point, were Walker, Cracklin, Abbott, Lenhart, Cook, and Hopkins. JUNE 6.- Col. Sumner returns to Fort Leavenworth. *Whitfield leaves for Missouri. Reed, Pate, Bell, and Jenigen, reach Osawatomie, and sack the town. The dwelling-houses are pillaged. JUNE 7.- Civil war rages throughout the settled portions of the Territory. The Missouri river closed to Free-State immigrants. Steamboats are stopped, and "Yankees" robbed and sent back. JUNE.-The following is copied from an article on David Starr Hoyt, written by William B. Parsons, and published in the Kansas Magazine of July, 1872-vol. II, p. 45: "After a few weeks, Hoyt returned to Lawrence, and entered heart and soul into the stirring events which followed. In June he went with a white flag into a Border-Ruffian fort in the south part of Douglas county, known as Fort Saunders, and while returning, ~102 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. still under the protection of the flag, was basely the men with whom he had been treating. Such was the boasted'chivalry.' Hoyt was among the earliest and bravest of the Kansas martyrs. He left his home with the impression fastened in his mind, that he should be called upon to give up his life soewhere upon the Kansas prairies, and the thought neveroquickened his pulse, or produced the quiver of a muscle." The "Relief" business began in 1856. The settlers had raised issues not crops. Money and clothing came from the North and East in the bountiful way since grown so familiar. Milwaukee raised $3,000, Chicago $20,000. The Grand Kansas Aid Society, organized in Buffalo, J. D. Webster, Chairman, raised $120,000. The Boston Committee, George L. Stearns, Chairman, raised $20,000. The Kansas Aid Committee of Massachusetts raised $78,000. Horace White, of the Chicago Tribune, was the Secretary of that Society. JU 17.-The National Republican Convention held at Philadelphia. The platform is mainly "Free Kansas." It declares that it is "both the right and the duty of Congress to prohibit in thp Territories those twin relis of barbarism -polygamy and slavery." It was also - "Reslved, That Kansas should be immediately admitted as a State of the Union, with her present free Constitution, as at once the most effectual way of securing to her citizens the enjoyment of the rights and privileges to which they are entitled, and of endin, the civil strife now raging in that Territory." It was a ringing and grand platform, and was said to have been written by E Rockwood Hoar. Fremont and Dayton were nominated. Abram Lincoln received 110 votes for Vice President. JUNE 19.-Jas. F. Legate arrested' in Lawrence, for treason, and taken to Lecompton. The prisoners are confined in tents, about two miles from the town, and guarded by soldiers. JUNE 21.-An address from the law-and-Order party, signed by Atchison, Stringfeliow, Buford and others, is sent through the South. It asks aid in money and men. JUNE 23.- Capt. John Brown, jr., and H. H. Williams, both of Osawatomie, are added to the prison camp. Capt. Brown had been in irons, and the cruel treatment he had received had made him insane. JUNE 23.-Two letters from the Governor to Col. Sumner. In the second he says: "I do hope it will be in your power to attend in person this Tppeka Legislature." The Governor leaves Lecompton for St. Lo~uis, on official business. JUNE 25.- G. A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, presents a bill in the House of Representatives, for the admission of Kansas. JUNE 27.- Gov. Shannon writes from St. Louis to President Pierce on the military and political sit uation. JUNE 29.-Secretary Woodson writes to Col. P. St. George Cooke, commanding at Fort Riley, "to take the field," and "scour the country between Fort Riley and the crossing opposite Topeka, for the purpose'of repelling said armed invasion of the Territory.". JULY.-A book is published with this title: "The Kanzas Region, by Max. Greene. New York: Fowler & Wells. 1856."I pp. 192. Two maps. 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 103 The writer had been a traveller on the Santa Fe trail. The book is pleasantly written, but romantic rather than valuable. It contains very little trustworthy information. There is a town-site flavor about it, the favorite town of Mr. Greene being "Council City, on Switzler's Creek, eighty-eight miles west from Missouri, on the Santa Fe trail." This was the town of the "American Settlement Company." The directors of the company were Theodore Dwight, J. E. Snodgrass, A. H. Jocelyn, Geo. Walter, J. M. Winchell, G. Manning Tracy, I. R. Barbour, Lotan Smith and D. C. Van Norman. "Council City" is now known as Burlingame. JULY 1.-The prisoners are placed in a log cabin, near Lecompton. The camp was soon moved again. JULY J.-Report No. 200, House of Representatives, Thirty-fourth Congress,, first session, submitted. It is a book of 1206 pages, and has this title: "Report of the Special Committee appointed to Investigate the Troubles in Kansas; with the Views of the Minority of said Committee. Washington: Cornelius Wendell, Printer. 1856." Twenty thousand copies were printed, but the book has already become rare. Sherman and Howard make the majority, and Oliver the minority report. It is an amazingly full collection of political facts in the history of Kansas, containing the name of nearly every voter in the Territory, and the affidavits of prominent men of both political parties in regard to leading events. JULY 3.-The House passes Grow's bill for the admission of Kansas, under the Topeka Constitution, by a vote of 99 to 97. -In the Senate, Mr. Douglas reports a bill to take a census and provide for a Constitutional Convention, to be held in December; adopted, and sent to the House. No action taken in the House. -Colonel E. V. Sumner, of the First Cavalry, in camp at Topeka, asks the members of the Legislature not to assemble. JULY 4.-Acting Governor Woodson issues a proclamation forbidding the meeting of the Topeka Legislature. Colonel Sumner says he will sustain the Governor's proclamation. -The Free-State Legislature reassembles at Topeka. Colonel Edwin V. Sumner, U. S. A., appears in the House, and then in the Senate, and orders each body to disperse. He was ordered to do so by Acting Governor Woodson and President Pierce. The Legislature obeys the order. JULY 7.-Secretary Woodson asks Major Sedgwick, U. S. A., for a posse to enable Deputy Marshal William P. Fain to execute writs. Military commissions continue to be issued by the Acting Governor. JULY 8.-Senator Douglas reports a substitute for the bill of the Hduse admitting Kansas. It authorizes the people to form a new Constitution. The Senate passes the substitute, the same day, by 30 to 13. -The House refuses to recede from its previous action. The House then passed a bill reorganizing the Territory of Kansas. It was lost in the Senate. The House refused to vote the army appropriation bill except with a proviso that the army should not be used in putting down Free-State men in Kansas. -The House and Senate having come to a dead-lock, Congress adjourned ~104 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. on the 18th. It was reassembled by the President, August 21. On the 30t, the army bill passed without the proviso. The House was also defeated in its'attempt to have writs of nolle prosequi entered in the cases of the Free-State prisoners in Kansas. JULY.- Colonel Sumner removed, and General Persifer F. Smith placed in command at Fort Leavenworth. General Smith's health was failg, and he took no active part in the Territory. -Late in the month, John W. Geary, of Pennsylvania, was appointed Governor. AUGU 1.-The House votes that John W. Whitfield is not entitled to a seat as the Delegate from Kansas, by 110 to 92. The vote to give A. H. Reeder a seat was 88 yeas to 113 nays. Whitfield had held the seat up to this time. T CONQUEST OF KANSAS, BY MISSOURI AND HER ALLIES. A History of the Troubles in Kansas, from the Passage of the Organic Act until the close of July, 1856. By William Phillips, Special Correspondent of the New York Tribune, for Kansas. Come on, then, gentlemen of the Slave States; since there is no escaping your challenge, I accept it in behalf of Freedom. We will engage in competition for the virgin soil of Kansas, and God give the victory to the side that is stronger in numbers, as it is in right!'-Speech of Win. H. Seward, in the United States Senate, 185. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & Co. 1856." pp. 414. The above is a copy of the title-page of Col. Phillips's book, the author's name appearing as William, not William A., Phillips. The book is the most minute and elaborate history we have of the years 1854,'5 and'6, and has always been taken as the standard Free-State record of that period. Col. Phillips was energetic, tireless, and thoroughly in earnest. His book is a flaming and fiery manifesto in behalf of Freedom in Kansas. Kansas was said to be " conquered'" to fire the Northern heart, and to prevent the possibility ~of such an event. The book, and the author's letters in the Tribune, did an immense work in saving Kansas and the whole country from Slavery. AUGUST 4.- Rules of the First District Court, Samuel D. Lecompte, j ustice, adopted. They were printed by Millan & Posegate, St. Joseph, Mo., in a pamphlet of 17 pages. AUGUST 5.- Free-State men take the fort near Osawatomie, driving out the Georgia camp. AUGUST 7.- James H. Lane, with a party of four hundred immigrants, arrives in Kansas by the overland route, through Iowa and Nebraska. Free-State immigration up the Missouri river had been forcibly stopped. Several colonlies came to Kansas through Iowa. AUGUST 11.- Col. Treadwell has a camp on Washington creek, called Fort Saunders, about twelve miles southwest of Lawrence. - Free-State men attack Franklin. A wagon-load of burning hay is pushed up to the blockhouse in which the Pro-Slavery men are gathered, and causes them to surrender. This was the second fight at Franklin. AUGUST 15.-The Georgia camp, at Washington creek, taken by FreeState men. AUGUST 16.- Capt. Samuel Walker attacks the fortified house of Col. Titus, near Lecompton, captures twenty prisoners, and burns the house. AUGUST 17.- Sunday. Gov. -Shannon and Dr. Rodrique, and Maj. 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. i Sedgwick of the U. S. dragoons, visit Lawrence. Gov. Shannon makes a second treaty of peace. The Free-State prisoners are exchanged AUGUST 19. -Murder of Hopps by Fugit. Fugit was arrested in 1857, after Henry J. Adams became Mayor of Leavenworth. A letter in the S Louis Democrat, dated May 27th, 1857, says: Fugit is the same person who made a bet in this city (Leavenworth), last August, that before night he would have a Yankee scalp. He got a horse and rode out into the country a few miles, and met a German, a brother-in-law of Rev. E. Nute, named Hopps He asked if he was from Lawrence. Hopps replied that he was. Fugit immediately levelled his revolver and fired, theshot taking effect in the temples, and Hopps fell a corpse. The assassin dismounted from his horse, cut the scalp from the back of his head, tied it to a pole, and returned to town, exhibiting it to the people, and boasting of his exploit. The body of the victim was found shortly after, and buried on Pilot Knob, about two miles distant from this city. This same Fugit is one of the party who, when the widow came from Lawrence to look for her husband's corpse, forced her on oard of a steamer, and sent her down the river." AUGUST 21.-Gov. Shannon receives notice of his removal. Acting Governor Woodson calls out the militia. This was the darkest hour for Free-State men, and hundreds of them left Kansas. The Northern Division of the Pro-Slavery militia is under Gen. Richardson, and the Southern Division under Gen. Coffey. AUGUST 25.-David Atchison chosen commander of the Pro-Slavery "Ary of Law and Order in Kansas Territory." Gov. Woodson issues a proclamation, declaring the Territory in a State of open insurrection and a!rebellion.. -., Atchison and Stringfellow concentrate an army at Little Santa Fe, on the Missouri border. AUGUST 29.-The Missourians under John W. Reed and Rev. Martin White attack Osawatomie, and take it. Their number was about four hundred, and John Brown's forty-one. Capt. Brown's son Frederick was killed. Robbery and fire left nothing of Osawatomie. AUGUST 30.-Woodson orders Col. Cooke to attack Topeka. SEPTEMBER 1. —City election at Leavenworth. Win. Phillips, a FreeState lawyer, who had been tarred and feathered the year before, was now' killed in his house. The Free-State candidates did not receive a single vote. Fred. Emory led the Ruffians. Free-State men ordered to leave the city. Win. E. Murphy, -Pro-Slavery, elected Mayor. SEPTEMBER 3.-Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, writes to MajorGeneral Persifer F. Smith, Commanding Department of the West, to call upon the Governor (Geary) "for such militia force as you may require to enable you promptly and successfully to execute your orders and suppress. insurrection against the Government of the Territory of Kansas..... The position of the insurgents... is that of open rebellion against the laws and constitutional authorities.... Patriotism and humanity alike require that rebellion should be promptly crushed, etc., etc. SEPTEMBER 7.-At Glasgow, Mo., Gov. Geary has an interview with exGov. Shannon. Geary is coining up on the steamboat Keystone, and Shannon going down on another boat. SEPTEMBER.- Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church by a, 106 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. Conference of Ministers, held at Lawrence. The Conference embraced Nebraska until 1860, when a division was made. ANNUAL STATISTICS FROM 1856 TO 1863. Year.: 1856................................................... 920 407 1857..............................31..................... 1,033 4 $11,900 14 357 1858................................................. 47 1, 980 4 15,000 73 1,823 1859.............................. 62 2,628 17 29, 2)00 80 2,017 1860................................................... 94 3'044 1860.85 ~~~~~~ ~~3,881 17 34, 900 94 3, 044 1861................................................. 74 3,932 43 49,725 87 2, 825 1862................................................... 72 3,964 30 39,690 90 2,624 1863..................................68 4,184 33 40,775 100 3,674 At the first meeting of the Conference, a plan was projected for meeting the educational wants of the rapidly-developing State. The "Kansas Educational Association" was formed, with the object of securing a favorable location for a University. They received a large and valuable tract of land from the "Palmyra Association" of Douglas county, secured a liberal and comprehensive charter, and in 1857 founded "Baker University."-Annual Register, p. 84. SEPTEMBER.-The following statement in regard to the Protestant Episcopal Church in Kansas is copied from a paper by N. O. Preston, in the Annual Register, in 1864: "The Rev. Hiram Stone came as a missionary of the Episcopal Church to Leavenworth in the autumn of 1856. He entered upon his field of labors with commendable zeal, and worked faithfully for the space of three years. He built a neat church edifice -gathered a respectable and intelligent congregation, embracing forty communicants. In the autumn of 1859, he accepted the chaplaincy of Fort Leavenworth. In April, 1863, the Rev. Mr. Egar was called to the rectorship of the parish, left vacant for three years, and is now engaged in building a Gothic church in that city. The Rev. C. M. Calloway, by a Missionary Society in Philadelphia, was sent to Kansas in the winter of 1856-57, on what may be called a church exploring expedition. After visiting various points in the Territory, and surmounting many difficulties, he returned, and made a full report of his discoveries and impressions. His report was of such a nature-representing the field as "already white for the harvest"-as to induce the Missionary Committee to employ several missionaries to labor in Kansas. The Rev. Mr. Calloway soon returned, located with his family in Topeka, and labored in that city till the autumn of 1860. He succeeded, with funds gathered froni churchmen in the East and South, in erecting, of brick, a large and substantial building, one part of which is a rectory, and the other part a female seminary. He organized Grace Church, Topeka, and, as he left, reported twelve communicants. "The Rev. Charles Reynolds came with his family to Lawrence in 1857, organized Trinity Church in that city, and with funds obtained mainly from the East, built a church edifice of stone, and a substantial parsonage. He also organized Christ Church, Prairie City. He has betn a successful laborer in Kansas. In his last printed report, there are twenty-seven communicants in Lawrence, and ten in Prairie City. He is now a chaplain in one of the Kansas regiments, and is engaged, in connexion with other duties, in building a church edifice at Fort Scott. "The Rev. R. S. Nash came as a missionary to Kansas in the year 1857. I-e located in Wyandotte, and labored faithfully there till near the close of 1862. He succeededwith funds gathered mainly fromin the East-in erecting a beautiful church edifice and a commodious parsonage. He reports twelve communicants. He is now laboring with acceptance at Prairie City, in the capacity of Rector of Christ Church, and Principal of a diocesan male school. "The Rev. N. O. Preston came to Kansas in May, 1858, located in Manhattan, found three communicants of the Episcopal Church. He labored there two years and eight 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 107 months, and succeeded with funds mainly collected in New Orleans and Philadelphia, in building a Gothic church. He organized St. Paul's Church, Manhattan, and in his last report to the convention, appear sixteen communicants. By the urgent solicitation of friends in the Diocese, and of others, he removed with his family to Topeka, January 1, 1861, where he is still laboring in the position of Rector of Grace Church, and Principal of the Episcopal Female Seminary. He has succeeded, by the aid of funds contributed through Bishop Lee of Iowa, and from contributions by his parishioners, in erecting a beautiful stone church. He has also succeeded in establishing a flourishing female seminary. The communicants in Grace Church have increased from twelve to thirty. "The Rev. J. Ryan came to Kansas as a missionary in the spring of 1858, and located at Elwood. He built a church there, and reported, in 1861, ten communicants. He also preached at several other places, and is now dividing his time between Troy and Atchison." SEPTEMBER 9.-John W. Geary, the third Governor, arrives at Fort Leavenworth, and is received by Gen. P. F. Smith. — Despatch of Gov. Geary to the President: "I find that I have not simply to contend against bands of armed ruffians and brigands, whose sole aim and end is assassination and robbery; infatuated adherents and advocates of conflicting political sentiments and local institutions, and evil-disposed persons actuated by a desire to obtain elevated positions, but, worst of all, against the influence of men who have been placed in authority, and have employed all the destructive agents. around them to promote their own personal interests at the sacrifice of every just, honorable, and lawful consideration. " I have barely time to give you a brief statement of facts as I find them. The town of Leavenworth is now in the hands of armed bodies of men, who, having been enrolled as militia, perpetrate outrages of the most atrocious character under the shadow of authority from the Territorial Government. "Within a few days these men have robbed and driven from their homes unoffending citizens, have fired upon and killed others in their own dwellings, and stolen horses and property, uinder the pretence of employing them in the publice service. They have seized persons who had committed no offence, and, after stripping them of all their valuables, placed them on steamers and sent them out of the Territory. "In isolated or country places no man's life is safe. The roads are filled with armed robbers, and murders for mere plunder are of daily occurrence. Almost every farmhouse is deserted, and no traveller has the temerity to venture upon the highways without an escort." -See Executive Documents, 3d sess. Thirty-fourth Congress, Vol. I, part 1, pages 88 and 89. -In describing the condition of the Territory at the time of his arrival, in his farewell to the people of Kansas, (Senate Doc., Ast sess. Thirty-fifth Congress, No. 17, p. 200,) Gov. Geary says: "Desolation and ruin reigned on every hand; homes and firesides were deserted; the smoke of burning dwellings darkened the atmosphere; women and children, driven from their habitations, wandered over the prairies and among the woodlands, or sought refuge and protection even among the Indian tribes." -At the trial of the treason prisoners before the Supreme Court at Lecompton, the Government asks a postponement till April. C. H. Branscomb and M. J. Parrott appeared for the prisoners, and demanded an immediate trial. The cases were continued, and the prisoners released on bail. SEPTEMBER 10.- Gov. Robinson released on bail of $5,000 -just four months from the day he was taken prisoner. -Gov. Geary arrives at Lecompton. SEPTEMBER 11.-Gov. Geary issues his inaugural address. It promises 108 ANN2ALS OF KANSAS. [1856. justice and fair play. He issues a proclamation disbanding the Territorial militia, and ordering all other armed men to quit the Territory; and also a proclamation ordering all persons qualified to bear arms to enroll themselves and be in readiness for service. An address is issued, signed by Atchison, Stringfellow, Tebbs, Anderson, Reid, Doniphan, and others, calling upon the people of the Slave States to come to Kansas and drive out the "army of the North." SEPTEMBER 12.-Gov. Geary orders H. J. Strickler to disarm and disband the militia. He orders Thos. J. B. Cramer, Inspector General, to take charge of the arms. The orders were disregarded. Gov. Geary informs Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State, of his official acts and purposes. Wm. A. Heiskell, General of the First Brigade, Southern Division, with L. A. Maclean, Adjutant, has 1,000 men at Mission Creek. By order of Gov. Geary, Capt. Samuel Walker's Free-State infantry company, at Lawrence, and the Pro-Slavery cavalry company of Capt. John Wallis, and the infantry of Capt. John Donaldson, Lecompton, were mustered into the United States' service. The two Pro-Slavery companies were mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, and Walker's at Lawrence, December 1st. SEPTEMBER 13.-Capt. Harvey, with a Lawrence force, has a fight at Hickory Point, about five miles east of Osawkee, in Jefferson county. The Pro-Slavery men, under Lowe and Robertson, surrender, after a six-hours' fight. The Lawrence men. have a gun, lately taken at Franklin. It was a six-pounder, and was originally captured at Sacramento by Col. Doniphan. Lane had been at Hickory Point the day before, and had declined to fight without artillery. Lane was on his way East, by way of Nebraska. He had called the Lawrence men there, and also a Topeka company, under "Capt. Whipple." Whipple, whose real name was Aaron D. Stephens, was afterwards executed at Harper's Ferry, being one of John Brown's men. Harvey's men, 101 in number, were captured by Col. Cooke, and kept in confinement in the camp of the U. S. troops, on the outskirts of Lecompton. After a hearing before Judge Cato, he committed the whole party for trial on the charge of murder in the first degree. They were taken to a dilapidated house in Lecompton, and guarded by Col. Titus's militia. In October, about twenty of Harvey's soldiers were convicted, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for a term of five years. Among them were Frank B. Swift, a native of Maine (afterwards the.Captain of the Lawrence Stubbs, and a Captain in the First Kansas), Alfired Paine of Ohio, Sam'l Stewart of Michigan, L. Soley of Massachusetts, Crawford, Jer'h Jordan of Pennsylvania, and John Lawrie of Indiana. SEPTEMBER 14.-John Brown in command of the Free-State men at Lawrence. After a night skirmish, the Missourians retreat. - Gov. Geary orders Woodson and Strickler to proceed to the Pro-Slavery army on the Wakarusa, and disband it. Gov. Geary, with United States troops, arrives in Lawrence. The people are in arms. SEPTEMBER 15.-The United States troops left in Lawrence by Gov. Geary, who goes to Franklin. The Pro-Slavery camp is at the junction of the Wakarusa and Kaw rivers. The commander is Gen. John W. Reid, a 1856.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 109 member of the Missouri Legislature, assisted by David Atchison, B. F. Stringfellow, L. A. Maclean (Chief Clerk of Surveyor General John Calhoun), J. W. Whitfield, Geo. W. Clarke, Wm. A. Heiskell, Wm. P. Richardson, Frank J. Marshall, H. T. Titus, Fred. Emory, Sheriff Jones, and others, with 2,700 men. Judge Cato was in this camp. Gov. Geary assembled the officers and addressed them at length, and ordered the army to be disbanded and dispersed. He told Atchison that he had last seen him as the presiding officer of the United States Senate, and Acting Vice President of the United States. -Murder of David C. Buffilm, a Free-State man, near Lecompton. Gov. Geary visited the wounded man, and had Judge Cato take down his dying declarations. The Governor tried in vain to have the assassins arrested. Arrests of Free-State men were constantly made. -Carmi W. Babcock, Postmaster at Lawrence, and a Free-State man, is arrested at Topeka, and discharged by the Governor. SEPTEMBER 18.- Governor Geary, Colonel Cooke and United States soldiers arrest twelve persons and capture property at Topeka, on a warrant from Lecompte. SEPTEMBER 23.-The Governor addresses a letter to each of the Judges, asking them what they have done. The replies show that very little had been done. In the midst of war, laws are silent. Chief Justice Lecompte replied that he had a "party bias" for the Democratic party, and was proud of it. He said, "To the charge of a Pro-Slavery bias, I am proud, too, of this. I am the steady friend of Southern rights under the Constitution of the United States. I have been reared where Slavery was recognized by the Constitution of my State. I love the institution as entwining itself around all my early and late associations." OCTOBER.-Publication of Mrs. Robinson's book-" Kansas; Its Interior and Exterior Life. Including a Full View of its Settlement, Political History, Social Life, Climate, Soil, Productions, Scenery, etc. By Sara T. L. Robinson. Boston: Crosby, Nichols and Company. 1856." pp. 366. Allibone's Dictionary of Authors says this book went through six editions. It was favorably noticed by the London Athenaeum, as well as by the Republican press of this country. Mrs. Robinson is an accomplished lady, the wife of Governor Robinson. She possessed the knowledge of events and the literary skill necessary to produce an interesting and trustworthy book, and one which will continue to have a permanent value. The women of Kansas suffered more than the men, and were not less heroic. Their names are not known; they were not elected to office; they had none of the exciting delights of an active, out-door life on these attractive prairies; they endured in silence; they took care of the home, of the sick; if "home they brought her warrior dead, she nor swooned, nor uttered sigh." It is fortunate that a few of these truest heroes have left a printed record of pioneer life in Kansas. OCTOBER 6.-Pro-Slavery election for Delegate to Congress, members of the Legislature, and on the question of calling a Convention to form a State Constitution. The Free-State men do not vote. Of the 4,276 votes 11i0 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. cast for Whitfield, as Delegate, 1,458 were cast at Leavenworth. The vote for a Convention was 2,592; against, 454. TERRITORIAL ELECTION, OCTOBER 6, 1856. For Congress. Convention.? Name of County. 9 e ~~~~ ~~~~~ 0. 0._ Atchison.............................................................. 520......... 545 Arapahoe........................................................................ Bourbon.............................................................. 188..................................... Brown........................................16.........15................ 16 Doniphan.........................................323................... 32367 7 D ouglas...............................................................461........ 4 380. Douglas.. ~~~~~~~~~461..... 380 Davis.................................................................. 123................ 93 Calhoun.............................................................. 52.............9" 15 Franklin..13.................................................. Jefferson.............................................................. 222......... 21 7 Johnson.........................................132...........1.......... 13231 Leavenworth...................................................... 1,480......... 1,243 47 Linn........................................14.............................................. Lykins.........................................133........................ 13399 2 Madison........................................ 13 40............... Marshall.............................................................. 83........ 180.. 185 Nemaha....................................................................................... Riley.................................................................. 11........ 25 FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Name of County. NYamne of Candidate. Vote. Name of County. Name of Candidate. Vote. Joseph P. Carr.....428 Jas. Kukendall.... 30 Wm. Young......... 506 Calhoun........... Geo. Young......... 22 Richard L. Kirk.. 451 A. Laws.............. 15 Atchison........... Caleb May...........100 Franklin......... J. A. Merritt........ 13 W. P. Lamb......... 91 H Howard.......... 14 A. Elliott............ 107 Jefferson.......... Win. H. Tebbs...... 193 Luther Knox...... 84 Johnson.......J. J.T. Barton......... 117 Arapahoe......... Benj. F. Simmons 10 F John W. Martin... 1,301 ( B. Brantly........... 176 | W m. G. Mathias... 980 Bourbon........... W. W. Spratt......1n127 LJ th M. Walker........... 898 R. G. Roberts....... 60 eavenworth...j D. J. Johnson.... 669 X. K. Stout......... 17 I L.F.Hollingsw'th. 516 Brown.............. B. O'Driscoll......... 17 A. R. Kellum....... 510 T. W. Waterson... 17 J. Davis............... 143 F X. K. Stout.......... 316 J. P. Fox............ 123 Doniphan......... B. O'Driscoll 296 L............. Martin White...... 127 T. W. Waterson... 268 yns J. P. Fox............ 105 Jos. C. Anderson.. 456 Geo. H. Reese...... 45 J. C. Thompson;... 418. Sol. G. Brown...... 40 ]Douglas............ Jas. Garvin.......... 457 M............] R. F. Stiggers...... 12 0O. H. Browne...... 404 A. I. Baker.......... 12 H. Butcher........... 447. W. H. Jenkins..... 186 DR. Garrett 59 Marshall........... A. G. Burrett...... 1 Das............... O. J. Chapman..... 84 Nemaha........... C. Dolmnan............ 12 Riley............... R. Garrett.......... 66 OCTOBER 7.-The Vermont Legislature appropriate $20,000 for the relief of Kansas. Governor Geary writes to the Governor of that State that the money is not needed. OCTOBER 10.- Colonel Cooke aided William S. Preston, Deputy Marshal, in arresting a large party of Free - State immigrants, "near the Nebraska river," on the northern line of the Territory. Shaler W. Eldridge was the 1856.1 ANNALS OF KANSAS. conductor of the party, and among the number were S. C. Pomeroy, Robert Morrow and Richard Realf. Major H. H. Sibley conducted them to North Topeka. OCTOBER 14.-Governor Geary met the immigrants and released them from arrest. OCTOBER 17. —Governor Geary leaves Lecompton on a tour of observation. OCTOBER. 20.-Surveyor General's office removed to Lecompton. OCTOBER.- One of the "Anti-Slavery Tracts" is called "A Ride Through Kanzas. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson." It contains 24 pages, and is made up of letters written by Colonel Higginson from Nebraska and Kansas in September and October, 1856. The letters were originally published with the signature of "Worcester," in the New York Tribune. The pictures of Topeka, Lecompton, Lawrence and Leavenworth are entertaining and valuable. The day is not distant when such brief histories will be republished for permanent preservation by our State Historical Society. NOVEMBER 1.-Reissue of the Herald of Freedom, at Lawrence. The Free-State paper at Topeka is revived. NOVEMBER 6.-The Governor arrives at Lecompton, and issues proclamation setting apart November 20th as a day of Thanksgiving. He had visited many towns, going east as far as Osawatomie, and west to Fort Riley. NOVEBER 7.- Owen C. Stewart is discharged as Superintendent of the Capitol. The $50,000 appropriated by Congress had been expended, but the walls of the building had been advanced only a few feet above the foundation. NOVEMBER 10.- Charles Hays, arrested for the'Murder of Buffum, and indicted by a Pro-Slavery grand jury at Lecompton for murder in the first degree, was discharged on bail by Lecompte. Gov. Geary regarded this act as a judicial outrage, treated it as a nullity, and ordered Marshal Donalson to rearrest Hays. He declined to obey the order. Col. H. T. Titus then arrested Hays and brought him to Lecompton. NOV EMBER 13.-The Govern'(r asked the Postmaster General for better mail facilities: " It requires eleven days for a letter to reach this place from Washington City, when a person travelling with expedition can accomplish the same distance in six days." NOVEMBER 15.-The Free-State prisoners, forty in number, are removed to Tecumseh. NOVEMBER 17.-While Gov. Geary was attending the Delaware Land sales, at Leavenworth, Lecompte released Hays on a writ of habeas corpus. These facts were made known' to President Pi'erce. He nominated.C. 0. Harrison, of Kentucky, to supersede Lecompte, but Harrison was not confirmed by. the Senate. DECEMBER 15.- Gov. Geary writes from Leavenworth to President Pierce that $440,000 have been realized from the land sales. The city of Leavenworth, n~ot yet sold, contained 320 acres, and had been appraised by lots, at thirty dollars an acre. Its population was placed at 2,000. DECEMBER.-Mr. James W. Fox, of the State Printing Office, Topeka, has a bound file of the Kansas Tribune. The first copy in the volume 112 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1856. is dated, Lawrence, September 15, 1855, and is No. 29 of Vol. I. John $peer and Samuel N. Wood are the publishers and editors. It is a sixcolumn paper, the columns of a measure wider than usual. This number contains a full report of the proceedings of the Big Springs Convention. Number 31 is dated December 10th, at Topeka. W. W. Ross had taken the place of S. N. Wood. The next copy is No. 33, dated January 7, 1856. On the fifth of March, 1856, the Tribune began to issue a Daily Edition. The State Legislature was in session at Topeka. The proceedings are published in the Weekly of March 10th. A sale of lots took place at Topeka, April 23d. The highest price paid was $810 for a lot 75 by 150 feet, on the corner of Kansas Avenue and Sixth street. The Tribune of July 9th contains the report of the dispersing of the Legislature by Col. Sumner. In his brief statement to the members of the House, Col. Sumner twice said: "This is the most painful duty of my whole life." The next paper on this file is No. 1 of Vol. II, dated Topeka, September 5, 1856. A statement is copied from the St. Louis News, that Major Buford has passed through that city on his return to Alabama. Several quotations are made from Southern papers. The True Carolinian. of South Carolina, says W. D. Wilkes believes he will carry with him to Kansas $50,000. The Charleston News says: "South Carolina is still unflagging in her efforts in behalf of Kansas, and her people continue to forward emigrants and means. The Executive Committee of the Charleston Association will despatch another and the fourth corps to-morrow. They will go under the charge of Capt. Palmer, who conducted the second corps." A Georgia paper says Alpheus Baker, jr., of Alabama, Dr. Jones, and L. F. Johnson, have "recently been engaged in canvassing Central Alabama for the purpose of raising men and money for Kansas. Success has crowned their efforts." The next number of the Tribune was not issued till October 22d. It records the arrival of P. B. Plumb, of the Xenia (Ohio) News, with a company of twenty-eight young men. Number 3 contains a letter from the Prison at Lecompton, dated October 24th, written by J. H. Kagi. The Prison contains ninety-nine Free-State men. Eighty-eight of Capt. Harvey's men have been indicted for murder-in the first degree, and also for manslaughter -the crimes being committed at Hickory Point, Jefferson county, September 13th. Another letter, dated November 17th, gives an account of the trial and sentence-for five years in the Penitentiary-of some thirty of these prisoners. Number 4 announces a visit to Lawrence by Thaddeus Hyatt. On the 29th of December, John Speer retires, and is succeeded by E. G. Ross. J. H. Kagi writes on the 23d, that there are now sixteen Free-State prisoners at Lecompton, and seven at Tecumseh. John Ritchie and some others have escaped. The file of the Tribune is nearly complete for 1857, and for the first half of 1858. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 113 1857. JANUARY 6.-The Free-State Legislature, under the Topeka Constitution, met at Topeka. Governor Robinson and Lieutenant Governor Roberts are absent, and there is no quorum. JANUARY 7.-State Legislature reassembles; quorum present. Organize and appoint a committee to memorialize Congress to admit Kansas under the Topeka Constitution. After adjournment, a Deputy United States Marshal arrests about a dozen of the members, under a writ granted by Judge Cato, and takes them to Tecumseh. JANUARY 8.-When the State Legislature met, both bodies were without presiding officers and without a quorum. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House are prisoners at Tecumseh. A recess was taken till the second Tuesday in June. -The prisoners are taken before Judge Cato, at Tecumseh (the county seat of Shawnee county), and bound over to appear at the June term. JANUARY 12.-Second session of the Territorial Legislature, and the first held at Lecompton. Governor Geary's Message has the merit of reading well to-day. Although a Democrat, appointed by President Pierce, it is a fair Message. He prdmises "'equal and exact justice to all men,' of whatever political or religious persuasion." He prays for peace, promises free speech, and asks for the repeal of many of the Bogus Laws. "Let the people, then, rule in everything. I have every confidence in the virtue, intelligence, and sober thought of the toiling millions." His review of his brief administration has a historic value now. He advocated the building of a railroad to the Gulf of Mexico. "The entire length of such a road would not exceed 600 miles, much less than half the distance to the Atlantic, and at an ordinary speed of railroad travel could be traversed in less than twenty-four hours." The Free-State men had taken no part in the election of members of this House, and the whole Legislature remained Pro-Slavery. Governor Geary said there was not a single officer in the Territory amenable to him or to the people, the whole having been either appointed by the Legislature, or holding office for terms extending a long way into the future. All bills vetoed by Governor Geary were passed over his head by a twothirds vote, in accordance with a secret agreement at the beginning of the session. Blake Little, in the Council, succeeds William Barbee, deceased; Frank J. Marshall succeeds J. Donaldson, resigned. Officers of the Council: Thomas Johnson, President; Richard R. Rees, President pro tern.; Thos. C. Hughes, Chief Clerk; C. H. Grover, Assistant Clerk; S. J. Cramer, Sergeant-at-Arms; Wm. Alley, Doorkeeper; D. Scott Boyle, Engrossing Clerk. Officers of the House: Win. G. Mathias, Speaker; W. H. Tebbs, Speaker pro tern.; Robert C. Bishop, Chief Clerk; D. G. Flemming, Assistant Clerk; John Robertson, Sergeant-at-Arms; J. H. Jackson, Doorkeeper. JANUARY 12.-Convention of the "National Democratic Party of Kan8 114 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857sas Territory," at Lecompton. The following-named persons were appointed a committee to prepare an address to the people of the United States: John Calhoun, George W. Clarke, John W. Forman, J. Kuykendall, John H. Stringfellow, A. B. Hazzard, John R. Boyd, E. Ransom, L. A. Maclean, H. B. Harris, A. Coffey, John Donaldson, B. I. Newsom, J.. T. Hereford, J. C. Anderson, David R. Atchison, Jeff: Buford, W. H. Tebbs, Samuel J. Jones, Hugh M. Moore, G. W. Purkins, A. J. Isacks. The address was published in pamphlet form. JANUARY 14.-R. H. Bennett is elected Public Printer. JANUARY 21.-James Guthrie, Secretary of the Treasury, reports to G. A. Grow, of the House, that the appropriations for public buildings in Kansas have been drawn from the Treasury. Gov. Shannon drew $20,000, Jan. 31, 1856, and $20,000, July 7, 1856. Gov. Geary drew $10,000, Dec. 21, 1856. These facts are reported to the House, by Mr. Grow, Feb. 7, 1857. JANUARY 22.-An act creating the office of Superintendent of Public Printing. JANUARY 29.-James Christian succeeds E. Chapman as a member of the Council. FEBRUARY 3.-A. B. Hazzard elected Superintendent of Printing. FEBRUARY 7.-The Committee on Territories of the House of Representatives, Washington, report a bill for the payment of property destroyed at Lawrence, May 21, 1856, as asked in the memorial of R. G. Elliott and others. FEBRUARY 11.-A bill passed dividing the Territory into three judicial districts. FEBRUARY 12.-The House Committee on Elections (Washington) report that John W. Whitfield is not entitled to a seat as Delegate from Kansas. The first election for Delegate was held in October, 1854; the second in October, 1855; under this second election John W. Whitfield took his seat in the House; his right to a seat was contested by A. HI. Reeder; Whitfield was ousted from his seat by order of the House; the Governor called an election to fill the vacancy, on the first Monday in October, 1856; Whitfield received 4,300 votes, and the Governor gave him a certificate of election to the Thirty-fourth Congress; Reeder also claimed a seat, under the election held in 1855, but the House Committee did not grant his request. FEBRUARY 14.- Death of General William P. Richardson, member of the Council, announced. -The cities of Topeka, Atchison and Manhattan incorporated. FEBRUARY 17.-Hiawatha Town Company incorporated. -The House of Representatives, at Washington, pass a bill, 98 to 79, declaring void all acts of the Territorial Legislature, on the ground that they are "cruel and oppressive," and that "the said Legislature was not elected by the legal voters of Kansas, but was forced upon them by non-residents, in violation of the organic act of the Territory," and enabling the people to establish a government for themselves. In the Senate, it is laid on the table, by 30 to 20. Bell, Brodhead, Houston, James, Pugh and Sfuart vote in the negative, with the Republicans. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. In the Senate, the partisans of Lecompte are strong enough to prevent the confirmation of Chief Justice Harrison, nominated by President Pierce to succeed Lecompte, and the latter still holds his office. Gov. Geary soon becomes very obnoxious to the Legislature. That body sides with Judge Lecompte in his difficulty with the Governor. Thus Geary finds himself abandoned at Washington, and without power in the Territory. FEBRUARY 19.-First step in the Lecopton Constitution movement. The Legislature passes an act to provide for electing a convention to frame a State Constitulltion. It provides for a census of voters, to be taken by sheriff, April 1st, the return to be made in each county, to the probate judge, before the 10th of April. The judge can correct and add to the list from April 10th to May 1st, when it is to be sent to the Governor Upon the basis of this census, the Governor is to apportion among the precincts the sixty delegates to the convention. The election is to be held the third Monday in June. The delegates are to meet at Lecompton the first Monday in September. The registry of voters is placed entirely in the hands of ProSlavery officers. Gov. Geary vetoes the bill. He says the Legislature "has failed to make any provision to submit the constitution, when framed, to the consideration of the people for their ratification or rejection." The Council passed the bill over the veto by 11 votes for to none against. The House likewise psses it by a two-thirds vote. -A bill is passed providing for the election of a new Legislature in October. -Joint session of the Ilegislature to elect county officers, to fill vacancies. FEBRUARY 18.-Capt. John Brown reads the following statement "in a clear, ringing tone," to the Massachusetts Legislature: "I saw, while in Missouri, in the fall of 1855, large numbers -of men going to Kansas to vete, and also returning after they had so done; as they sa-id. "Later in the year, I, with four of my sons, was called out, and travelled, mostly on foot and during the night, to help defend Lawrence, a distance of thirty-five miles; where we were detained, with some five hundred others, or thereabouts, from five to ten days -say an average of ten days -at a cost of not less than a dollar and a half per day, as wages; to say nothing of the actual loss and suffer ing occasioned to many of them, by leaving their ftmilies sick, their crops not secured., their houses unprepared for winter, and many without houses at all. This was the case with myself and sons, who could not get houses built after returning. Wages alone would amount to seven thousand five hundred dollars; loss and suffering cannot be estimated. "I saw, at that time, the body of the murdered Barber, and was present to witness his wife and other friends brought in to see him with his clothes on, just as he was when killed. "I, with six sons and a son-in-law, was called out, and travelled, most of the way on foot, to try and save Lawrence, May 20 and 21, and much of the way in the night. From that date, neither I nor my sons, nor my son-in-law, cotmid do any work about our homes, but lost our whole time until we left, in October; except one of my sons, who had a few weeks to devote to the care of his own and his brother's family, who were then without a home. "From about the 20th of May, hundreds of men, like ourselves, lost their whole time, and entirely failed of securing any kind of crop whatever. I believe it safe to, say, that five hundred Free-State men lost each one hundred and twenty days, which, at one dollar and a half per day, would be -to say nothing of attendant losses -ninetythousand dollars. "On or about the 30th of May, two of my sons, with several others, were imprisoned 116 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. without other crime than opposition to bogus legislation, and most barbarously treated for a time, one being held about one month, and the other about four months. Both had their families on the ground. After this, both of them had their houses burned, and all their goods consumed by the Missourians. In this burning all the eight suffered. One had his oxen stolen, in addition." Redpath says: "The Captain, laying aside his paper, here said that he had now at his hotel, and would exhibit to the Committee, if they so desired, the chains which one of his sons had worn, when he was driven, beneath a burning sun, by Federal troops, to a distant prison, on a charge of treason. The cruelties he there endured, added to the anxieties and sufferings incident to his position, had rendered him, the old man said, as his eye flashed and his voice grew sterner,'a maniac-yes, a MANIAC.' "He paused a few seconds, wiped a tear from his eye, and continued his narration: "'At Black Jack, the invading Missourians wounded three Free-State men, one of them my son-in-law; and, a few days afterwards, one of my sons was so wounded that he will be a cripple for life. "'In June, I was present and saw the mangled and disfigured body of the murdered Hoyt, of Deerfield, Massachusetts, brought into our camp. I knew him well.' I saw the ruins of many Free-State men's houses in different parts of the Territory, together with grain in the stack, burning, and wasted in other ways, to the amount, at least, of fifty thousand dollars. "'I saw several other Free-State men, besides those I have named, during the summer, who were badly wounded by the invaders of the Territory. "' I know that for much of the time during the summer, the travel over portions of the Territory was entirely cut off, and that none but bodies of armed men dared to move at all. "'I know that for a considerable time the mails on different routes were entirely stopped; and notwithstanding there were abundant troops in the Territory to escort the mails, I know that such escorts were not furnished, as they ought to have been. "'I saw while it was standing, and afterwards saw the, ruins of, a most valuable house, the property of a highly civilized, intelligent, and exemplary Christian Indian, which was burned to the ground by the Rufflans, because its owner was suspected of favoring the Free-State men. He is known as Ottawa Jones, or John T. Jones. "'In September last, I visited a beautiful little Free-State town called Stanton, on the north side of the Osage (or Marais des Cygnes, as it is sometimes called), from which every inhabitant had fled for fear of their lives, even after having built a strong log house, or wooden fort, at a heavy expense, for their protection. Many of them had left their effects liable to be destroyed or carried off, not being able to remove them. This was to me a most gloomy scene, and like a visit to a sepulchre. "' Deserted houses and cornfields were to be found in almost every direction south of the Kansas rivet.' I have not yet told all I saw in Kansas.' I once saw three mangled bodies, two of which were dead, and one alive, but with twenty bullet and buckshot holes in him, after the two murdered men had lain on the ground, to be worked at by flies, for some eighteen hours. One of these young men was ay own son.' "The stern old man faltered. He struggled long to suppress all exhibition of his feelings; and soon, but with a subdued, and in a faltering, tone continued: "'I saw Mr. Parker, whom I well know, all bruised about the head, and with his throat partly cut, after he had been dragged, sick, from the house of Ottawa Jones, and thrown over the bank of the Ottawa creek for dead. "'About the first of September, I, and five sick and wounded sons, and a son-in-law, were obliged to lie on the ground, without shelter, for a considerable time, and at times almost in a state of starvation, and dependent on the charity of the Christian Indian I have before named,' and his wife. "' I saw Dr. Graham, of Prairie City, who was a prisoner with the Ruffians on the 2d of June, and was present when they Wounded him, in an attempt to kill him, as he was trying to save himself from being murdered by them during the fight at Black Jack. "' I know that numerous other persons, whose names I cannot now remember, suffered like hardships and exposures to those I, have mentioned. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 117 I know well that on or about the 14th of September, 1856, a large force of Missourians and other Ruffians, said by Governor Geary to be twenty-seven hundred in number, invaded the Territory, burned Franklin, and, while the smoke of tat place was going up behind them, they, on the same day, made their appearance in full view of, and within about a mile, of Lawrence; and I know of no reason why they did not attack that place, except that about one hundred Free-State men volunteered to go out and did go out, on the open plain before the town, and give them the offer of a fight; which, after getting scattering shots from our men, they declined, and retreated back towards Franklin. I saw that whole thing. The Government troops, at this time, were at Lecompton, a distance of twelve miles only from Lawrence, with Governor Geary; and yet, notwithstanding runners had been despatched to advise him, in good time, of the apnroach and setting out of the enemy, (who had to march some forty miles to reach Lawrence,) he did not, on that memorable occasion, get a single soldier on the ground until after the enemy had retreated to Franklin, and been gone for more than five hours. This is the way he saved Lawrence. And it is just the kind of protection the Free-State men have received from the Administration from the first.' FEBRUARY 20.-L. A. Maclean, J. W. Martin, O. C. Stewart, W. H. Tebbs and T. W. Waterson elected Bank Commissioners, on joint ballot. Hiram J. Strickler confirmed as Comptroller of the Treasury. -Passage of a bill making a new apportionment for the Legislature. -The Emporia and the Olathe Town Companies incorporated. FEBRUARY 21.-The Legislature adjourns, at midnight. MARC 4.- Gov. Geary sends his resignation to President Buchanan, to take effect March 20th. This act is not publicly known in Kansas. MAR i 4.-James Buchanan becomes President. The following is copied s Inaugural Address: "Congress is neither to legislate Slavery into any Territory or State, nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subjcct only to the Constitution of the United States. As a natural consequence, Congress has also prescribed, that when the Territory of Kansas shall be admitted as a State, it shall be received into the Union with or without Slavery, as their Constitution may prescribe at the time of their admission. A difference of opinion has arisen in regard to the time when the people of a Territory shall decide this question for themselves. This is happily a matter of but little practical importance, and besides it is a judicial question, which legitimately belongs to the Supreme Court of the United States, before whom it is now pending, and will, it is under-. stood, be speedily and finally settled. To their decision, in common with all good citizens, I shall cheerfully submit, whatever this may be, though it has been my individual opinion that under the Nebraska-Kansas act, the appropriate period will be when the number of actual residents in the Territory shall justify the formation of a Constitution, with a view to its admission as a State into the Union." This allusion to a judicial decision is only understood by the m~embers of the Supreme Court and the leaders of the Democratic party. MARCH 6.-The Supreme Court renders the Dred Scott decision. The following summary of the -decision is copied from George E. Baker's Life of William H. Seward (New York, 1861): "An action was commenced in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Missouri, in 1854, by Dred Scott, to establish his freedom, and that of his wife and their two daughters, who were claimed and held as slaves by one Sanford, the defendant. Sanford placed his defence on two grounds: First, that Dred Scott was not a citizen of Missouri because he was a negro of African descent; and, S'ecend, that Dred and his family were the defendant's slaves. Scott relied on facts mutually admitted-that he was formerly a slave in Missouri; was taken, i n 1834, by his then master, to Illinois, and held there in servitude two years,,.and was thence taken to the territory west of the Mississippi, and north of the Missouri Compromise line, where he was also held in ~118 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. servitude until the year 1838, when he was brought back to the State of Missouri and sold as a slave to the defendant before this suit was commenced. The Circuit Court decided in Scott's favor as to the jurisdiction of the court, but against him on the question of his freedom. He then appealed to the Supreme Court. His case was twice elaborately argued before that tribunal. The court decided substantially that Dred Scott was not a citizen, and for that reason the courts of the United States had no jurisdiction in the case; and expressed the opinion that free colored persons whose ancestors were imported into this country and sold as slaves, had no rights which the white man was bound to respect,' and were not citizens of the United States; that there is no difference between property in a slave and other property; that Congress has no power to prohibit Slavery in the Territories; that the Missouri Compromise act was unconstitutional and void; and that the taking of a slave, by his master, into a free State or a Territory, does not entitle the slave to his freedom. Two judges, Messrs. McLean and Curtig, dissented from the majority of the court in their decision and opinions." MARCH 7.-The New York Times says: "The most important decision ever made by the Supreme Court of the United States was pronounced yesterday,-and a summary of its leading points will be found among our telegraphic despatches. That supreme tribunal of the land decides that the Ordinance of 1787, so far as it prohibited Slavery from the Northwest Territory, was unconstitutional; -that the Missouri Compromise, so far as it excluded Slavery from the Louisiana Territory north of 36~ 30', was unconstitutional;-that Congress had no power to prohibit Slavery from any portion of the Federal territory, nor to authorize the inabitants thereof to do so;-that negroes are not citizens of the United States;-and that the residence of a slave in a Free State does not affect his legal condition upon his return to a State where Slavery is allowed by law." MA 10.-Gov. Geary writes to Secretary Woodson: "For several weeks my health has been gradually sinking, and I have had several hemorrhages of the lungs. I am convinced my life will not be long, if not promptly cared for. I. will be absent a few days from Lecompton." Gov. Geary feared assassination, and left the Territory secretly, as Gov. iReeder had done. His best friends of late, at Lecompton, had been th9 Free-State prisoners, He had told them of his fears, and they were ready to protect him. He left in haste, and forgot to pardon and release these men, as he had agreed to do. His farewell address hears this date. He reached Washington March 21st. Gladstone copies (page 312) a portion of an address signed by ninety-eight of these prisoners. MARCH 10.-Robert J. Walker, of Mississippi, is appointed Governor, and Fred. P. Stanton, of Tennessee, Secretary of the Territory, by President Buchanan. -The Free-State Convention, at Topeka, appoints the following Committee to prepare an address to the American People: James Davis, Lyman Allen, Rev. C. E. Blood, A. Polley, W. W. Ross, Rev. H. Jones, H. Miles Moore, M. J. Parrott, C. F. Currier, S. N. Latta, 0. B. Holman, C; Robinson, E. Fish, L. J. Worden, M. Fennimore, James -Blood, Rev. James GilPatrick, Rev. J. B. McAfee, I. T. Goodnow, J. A. Wakefield, A. Larzelere, William Mitchell, J. H. Kagi, J. P. Mitchell, Rev. W. R. Griffith, J. W. Morris, B. F. Harding, Prof. Walter Oakley, Albert Griffin, J. E. Stewart, S. B. Prentiss. The Addres's is a spirited. revi~ew of the political events in Kansas. The Convention adopted the following platform: "Whereas, A body of men, recently assembled at. Lecompton, and claiming to be the Legislative Assembly of Kansas, have adopted a regulation purporting to be a law, for 1857.]. ANNALS OF KANSAS. 119 taking the census and electing delegates to a Constitutional Convention, proposed to be held in that place in September next; and "Whereas, The said Assembly was the creature of fraud, and its members the representatives of a people foreign to the Territory; and "Whereas, The Organic Act does not authorize the Territorial Legislature power, even when legitimately convened, to pass any enabling act to change the government of the same; and "Whereas, The act of this Assembly is partisan in its character, clearly contemplates fraud, for the recurrence of which it offers inadequate security, while it deprives the Executive of the Territory of the power to prevent or remedy such fraud, leaves the control of the census and election in the hands of pretended officers, not chosen by the people of Kansas, who are of violent characters and hostile to the best interests of the Territory; and "Whereas, Said act purports to disfiranchise certain bona fide settlers of Kansas, who have filed their declaration of intention to become citizens, and are recognized as voters by the Organic Act; and "Whereas, There is no provision in the said regulation for submitting the Constitution so framed to the vote of the people of the Territory: therefore, "Resolved, That the people of Kansas Territory cannot participate in any election under such regulation without compromising their rights as American citizens, sacrificing thebest interests of Kansas, and jeopardizing the public peace. "Resolved, That having suffered under this misrule of persons pretending to be the local officials of this Territory, we have lost all confidence in the integrity of the administration of the laws, however just these laws may appear to some on their face. "Resolved, That with the people of any Territory alone rests the right to change the form of their government, subject to the approval of Congress, given before or after steps for the formation of a State Government have been taken; and further, that, a Territorial Government is extra-constitutional, and, at best, under ordinances of Congress, purely temporary. "Besolved, That the Constitution framed at Topeka, by the representatives of the people of Kansas, and ratified by popular vote, is still the choice of a majority of our citizens, as the form of a State Government, and that we maintain and urge on Congress our immediate admission as a State under it. "Resolved, That the policy of the Free-State party has always been averse to any movement of an aggressive character, and that violence has never been resorted to save in self-defence. "Resolved, That we make no tests for membership in the Free-State party, save that of the exclusion of domestic slavery from Kansas by subsequent legislation. "Resolved, That we regard the pregence of peaceful relations between our citizens as conducive to their best personal welfare as well as indispensable to the perfect development and expansion of the various economical interests of the Territory. To the end, therefore, that such relations may be obtained and permanently established, we earnestly appeal to all men of whatever party, to submit all differences of opinion growing out of the question of our future internal domestic institutions, to the test of sound reason and enlightened though friendly discussion, and to the final arbitrament of the ballot-box: Provided, That any attempt to abridge or impair the freedom of speech, oral or written, or of the ballot-box, or other constitutional rights, will be held as just cause of departure from this policy. "Resolved, That Congress having presented the principles of Squatter Sovereignty enunciated in the Kansas bill as the basis of the political action of the people of Kansas, we are inflexibly determined to abide by its faithful execution, as we ever have resolutely opposed its violation, and ever will while it remains on the statute book." The Convention also adopted ten miscellaneous resolutions. MARCH 25.-Secretary Woodson calls on General P. F. Smith for troops: "The counties of Franklin and Anderson are infested by a predatory band or bands of assassins and robbers." MARCH 26.-Woodson protests to General Smith against the withdrawal ~120 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [157. of troops from Lecompton: "A number of writs for the arrest of notorious outlaws are now in the hands of the United States Deputy Marshals," etc. MARCH 27.- Colonel Sumner writes to Woodson: "I would respectfully suggest whether it would not be safer to pause a little in military matters, until we know the policy of the new Administration." MARCH 31.- Secretary Woodson writes to Lewis Cass, Secretary of State, in regard to "the depredations of an organized banditti." APRIL.-A book issued with this title: "The Kansas and ebraska Hand-Book, for 1857-8. With a New and Accurate Map. By Nathan H. Parker. Boston: John P. Jewe..t & Co." pp. 189. It is a well-printed guide-book, but has little historical value. It copies in full an "Address to the People of the United States and Kansas Territory," issued by the Committee appointed by the Topeka Free-State Convention of March 10th. This address is issued in reply to an address put forth by the Pro-Slavery Convention which met at Lecompton, January 12th. Both addresses were published in pamphlet form. -In the spring, the Cone Brothers issued the Sumner (Atchison county) Gazette as a Daily, for a short time. -Secretary Woodson is appointed Receiver of the Delaware Land District -a reward for valuable services. APRIL 2.-Mr. Stanton takes the oath of office in Washington, before James M. Wayne, of the United States Supreme Court. APRIL 15.-Secretary Stanton reaches Lecompton. APRIL 17.-Secretary Stanton issues an Address to the People. He trusts that the Constitutional Convention Will submit the Slavery question "tto a fair vote of all the actual bona fide residents of the Territory, with every possible security against fraud and violence." He also urges "a general amnesty in reference to all those acts, on both sides, which grew out of the political contest, and which were not corruptly and feloniously committed for personal gain, and to gratify individual malignity." He writes to Hon. Lewis Cass, suggesting that the President issue a proclamation of amnesty. APRIL.-Louis Weil wrote an article for the Annual Register, from which the following is copied: "To Leaveuworth City, the future Giant City of the West, after the Territory of Kansas was organized, flocked a large German immigration. The dark and troublesome Border-Ruffian days of 1815 and'56 drove them from their homes, but they returned with increased numbers during the year of 1856, and endured all the difficulties throughout that year. In the spring of 1857, a few young Germans met and organized'The Leavenworth Turnverein.' As yet it was dangerous in those days to express even Free-State sentiments. But the nucleus was formed, around which the freedom-loving Germans of Leavenworth could gather. The Amnericans were not long in feeling the work of this association. They are a unit, and always ready to defend the right and their cause. We cannot here enumerate the acts of the Leavenworth Turuverein: suffice it to say that no action, political or otherwise, was had in Leavenworth county without their power being felt. The time had passed when Free-State men 6ould be. driven from the polls; there was always one company ready to pmrotect the ballot-box. Kansas now ranks the most loyal of all the States, and with pride can the Turners of Leavenworth point to their acts in that struggle which made Kansas what it is to-day. The memorable'Kickapoo,' the cannon which was used to destroy the Eldridge House in Lawrence, is a trophy of the Leavenworth Turners, and is yet in their possession." 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 121 APRIL.- Secretary Stanton issues a proclamation giving the census: oLegal ao Counties. Iotes. habitants. Counties. Legal Iabitants. 1 Doniphan........... 1,086 4,120 9 Riley.......... 353........... No return 2 Brown........... 205 No return 10 Pottawatomie......... 205 No return 3 Nemaha...............140 612 11 Johnson.......... 469 840 4 Atchison............... 804 2,807 12 Douglas................. 1, 318 3, 727 5 Jefferson.............. 555 No return 13 Shawnee............... 283 No return 6 Leavenworth........ 1,837.5,529 14 Lykins.......... 413.....1, 352 7 Calhoun........... 291. 885 15 Linn..................... 413 1,821 8 Marshall............ 206. 415 16 Bourbon............... 645 2,622 The following diagram, numbering the counties as above, will give a view of the portion of the Territory now taking part in political affairs: 2 1 8 3 9 10 5 6 13 12 11 14 15 16 By the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the few people living here determine whether Slavery shall be extended from the Missouri river to the Rocky Mountains. APRIL 18.-The American edition issued, of a book with the following title: "The Englishman in Kansas; or Squatter Life and Border Warfare. By T. H. Gladstone, Esq., Author of the Letters from Kansas in the'London Times.' With an Introduction by Fred. Law Olmsted, Author of'A Journey through the Seaboard Slave States,''A Journey through Texas,' etc. New York: Miller & Company. 1857." Mr. Olmsted says: "Mr. Gladstone is a kinsman of the distinguished ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer of England." He spent the summer of 1856 in Kansas. The book contains 328 pages; is critical and descriptive as well as historical, and is one of the clearest statements ever published 122 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. of the Free-State side of the question. It contains certain elements that the American narratives lack, and is free from passion. The writer acknowledges his indebtedness to the books of Mr. Phillips and Mrs. Robinson. Mr. Gladstone had visited New York, Washington, and most of the Southern States, before coming to Kansas, and came here from Mississippi. He says: "When in South Carolina and other Southern States, I witnessed extraordinary meetings, presided overby men of influence, at which addresses of almost incredible violence were delivered on the necessity of'forcing slavery into Kansas,'' of spreading the beneficent influence of Southern institutions over the new Territories,' and of'driving back at the point of the bayonet the nigger-stealing scum poured down by Northern fanaticism."' He was in Washington when the Investigating Committee was appointed, and says: "No member from any one of the Southern States voted in favor of the investigation, but happily a majority was given by the Northern States, and the Committee on Enquiry was appointed." He reached St. Louis in May, and found that the St. Louis papers "contained advertisements, by the half-column, of rifles, revolvers, gunpowder, and lead." The following is copied from the Daily Missouri Republican: KANSAS. JUST RECEIVED, by Adams & Co.'s Express, a large and fine assortment of DOUBLE AND SINGLE SHOT-GUNS, which will be sold cheap for cash. We have also on hand an assortment of our own manufacture of RIFLES, so well known for the past thirty years throughout the Western country. Emigrants to Kansas should not fail to call at, and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.. Mr. Gladstone arrived on the border the day after the destruction of Lawrence, May 22, 1856. He says: "It was on that night that I first came in contact with the Missourian patriots. I had just arrived in Kansas City, and shall never forget the appearance of the lawless mob that poured into the place, inflamed with drink, glutted with the indulgence of the vilest passions, displaying with loud boasts the'plunder' they had taken from the inhabitants, and thirsting for the opportunity of repeating the sack of Lawrence in some other offending place. Men, for the most part, of large frame, with red flannel shirts, and immense boots worn outside their trousers, their faces unwashed and unshaven, still reeking with the dust and smoke of Lawrence, wearing the most savage looks, and giving utterance to the most horrible imprecations and blasphemies; armed, moreover, to the teeth with rifles and revolvers, cutlasses and bowie-knives -such were the men I saw around me. Some displayed a grotesque intermixture in their dress, having crossed their native red rough shirt with the satin vest or narrow dress-coat pillaged from the wardrobe of some Lawrence Yankee, or having girded themselves with the cords and tassels which the day before had ornamented the curtains of the Free-State Hotel. Leoking around at these groups of drunken, bellowing, blood-thirsty demons, who crowded around the bar of the hotel, shouting for drink, or vented their furious noise on the levee without, I felt that all my former experiences of border men and Missourians bore faint comparison with the spectacle presented by this wretched crew, who appeared only the more terrifying from the darkness of the surrounding night. The hotel in Kansas City, where we were, was the next, they said, that should fall; the attack was being planned that night, and such, they declared, should be the end of every place which was built by Free-State men, or that harbored'those rascally Abolitionists.' Happily, this threat was not fulfilled." The next day Mr. Gladstone went to Leavenworth. Governor Robinson, under arrest for "treason," was a passenger on the same boat. Colonel ~1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 123 Sumner was in command at Fort Leavenworth. The descriptions of the City and Fort are the best we have of those places at that period. The author says: "Among all the scenes of violence I witnessed, it is remarkable that the offending parties were invariably on the Pro-Slavery side. The Free-State men appeared to me to e intimidated and overawed, in consequence, not merely of the determination and defiant boldness of their opponents, but still more through the sanction given to these acts by the Government." Retaliation began at a later day, as the writer states. The fact is stated that the early elections in Kansas were'controlled by Missourians, and the writer compares it to an invasion of England by an "army of Frenchmen, larger in number than the aggregate of all our voters, who should, at the point of the sword, choose for us our representatives, and elect without exception as our rulers men from among themselves or pledged to their own political sentiments." Citizens of Kansas who resisted the laws made by the invaders were indicted as traitors, and suffered, manyof them, a long and painful imprisonment. The Pro-Slavery badge is described as a "bunch of hemp, symbolic of a rope, stuck into the button-hole." The following relates to the election of March 30, 1855: "A Presbyterian clergyman, the Rev. Frederick Starr, who was an eye-witness of the fraud and intimidation practised at Leavenworth City, and has published a statement of this and preceding events, describes a scene by no means rare on the occasion of this election. Some four days later,' he writes,'I was on my horse, returning from Platte City to Weston, when four wagons came along, and on the bottom sat six men. A pole, about five feet high, stuck upright at the front of the wagon; on its top stuck an inverted empty whiskey bottle; across the stick at right angles was tied a bowie-knife; a black cambric, flag, with a death's-bead-and-bones daubed on in white paint, and a long streamer of-beautiful, glossy Missouri hemp floated from the pole; there was a revolver lashed across the pole, and a powder-horn hanging loosely by it. They bore the piratical symbols of Missouri Ruffians returning from Kansas.'" The party had been to Fort Riley, to vote. MAY -3. -Trial before Judge Cato, at Lecompton, for treason, of the FreeState men, Chas. Robinson,-G. W. Deitzler, Geo. W. Smith, John Brown, jr., Gaius Jenkins, H. H. Williams and Geo. W. Brown; and of Samuel C. Smith and Samuel F. Tappan for rescuing Jacob Branson from Sheriff Jones, November 26, 1855. MAY 9.-Robert J. Walker, Governor, takes the oath of office in Washington, before Roger B. Taney, Chiefm Justice of the Supreme Court. of the United States. MAY 11.-The indictments for treason against Chas. Robinson and others are disposed of, the prosecuting officer entering a nolle, prosequci. MAY 13.-J. M. Walden and Edm und Babb start the Quindaro Chindowan, a Free-State paper. Mr. Walden left the paper June 12, 1858. Mrs. C. I. H. Nichols was associate editor. MAY 19.-General Harney is in command at Fort Leavenworth. MAY 20.- Secretary -Stanton issues the following proclamation:.I' Whereas, The following returns of the census taken under the act of the Legislative 124 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857.. Assembly, entitled'An Act to provide for the taking of a Census, and election of Delegates to Convention,' passed the 19th February, 1857, have been made to me, to wit: t~Counties. ~No. of legal Whole popuCounties. voters. lation. _., ~ ~ ~ ~ __ 1 Doniphan............................................... 1,086 4,120 Brown.......................................................................... 206 No return. Nemaha........................................................................ 140 512 3 Atchison..................................................................... 804 2,807 4 Leavenworth................................................................ 1,837 5,529 5 Jefferson..................................................................... 555 No return. 6 Calhoun....................................................................... 291 885 7 Marshall....................................................................... 206 415 8 Riley........................................................................... 353 No return. Pottawatomie.............................................................. 205 641 9 Johnson....................................................................... 4 96 890 10 Douglas............................................... 1,318 3, 727 Shawnee...................................................................... 283.................. 11 Richardson................................................................................... Davis............................................................................................ 12 Lykins.......................................................... 413 1,352 13...................................................... No return. 14.................................................................................. No return. 15...................................................................................N.r..n. 17.................................................................................... N o return................... 18 Bourbon, McGee, Dorn and Allen.....................I.::......, 645 2,622 19.Nqo ret;urn. 19..................................................................................... N o return................... Total........................................................................ 9, 251.................. "Now, therefore, I, Frederick P. Stanton, Secretary, and Acting Governor, do hereby proclaim, that according to the provisions of said Act, and the census returns made in pursuance thereof, and upon a proper apportionment among the legal voters of the several districts aforesaid, they are respectively entitled to elect to the Convention provided for in said law, the number of delegates severally herein assigned to them, that is to say, to the1st district.Doniphan county.7 delegates 2d district..............Brown and Nemaha......................2 delegates 3d district..............Atchison...............................5 delegates 4th district..............Leavenworth............................12 delegates 5th tlistrict..............Jefferson...............................4 delegates 6th district..............Calhoun...............................2 delegates 7th district..............Marshall.1......... — "............. delegate 8th district..............Riley and Pottawatomie...................4 delegates 9th di strict..............Johnson...............................3 delegates 10th district..............Douglas...............................8 delegates *11th district..............Shawnee, Richardson and Davis.............2 delegates 12th district..............Lykius...............................3 delegates *16th district..............Linn..................................3 delegates 18th district..............Bourbon, McGee, Dorn and Allen............4 delegates "The proper officers will hold the election for delegates to said Convention on the third Monday of June next, as directed by the law aforesaid, and iu accordance with the apportionment herein made and declared." MAY 24.-Gov. Walker, from the~steamboat New Lucy, makes his first' speech to Kansans, at Quindaro. Hon. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts, arrives at Quintiaro on the same boat. MAY 25.-Henry Wilson visits Lawrence, Topeka, and other towns. He urges the Free-State m~en to vote at the October election, and, after going home, he raised $2,500 to be used in the'canvass in Kansas. Thomas J. Marsh, of Massachusetts, came here and disbursed the money. -~The following facts in regard to the Congregationalists in Kansas are copied from an article by Richard Cordley, in the Kansas Annual Register: "Among the first colonies there was a large proportion of members of Congregational Churches, and still more who had been educated in that faith. As soon as the emigrants hogan to move from the East, the American Homne Missionary Society-never behind 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 125 the demands of the hour - commissioned Rev. S. Y. Lum, formerly of Middletown, N. Y., as'a Missionary to Kansas.' He came out in September, 1854, and on the first of October, preached in Lawrence the first sermon probably ever preached to white settlers in the Territory. On the 15th of the same month, a Congregational Church was organized in Lawrence-the first church organized in Kansas, except among the Indians. Seven names were signed to the original Articles of Faith and Covenant. In December, Mr. Lum began to preach at Topeka, where another settlement was commenced. A short time before this, a settlement was formed at the junction of the Kansas and Big Blue rivers, and Rev. C. E. Blood, from Illinois, began preaching to the colony. This colony laid out the town of Manhattan. The next summer, what was called the'Connecticut Colony' came out, and settled at Wabaunsee, twelve miles below Manhattan. It is doubtful whether any Western colony ever contained so large a proportion of thoroughly educated Christian men, as this colony at Wabaunsee. Rev. Harvey Jones became pastor of the colony. "Several other Congregational colonies were formed in different parts of the Territory, which we have not lime to mention. No other churches were organized, however, till 1856. Seven were organized during this year: Manhattan, in January; Topeka, Osawatomie, and Zeandale, in July; Burlingame, in September; and Bloomington, and Kanwaka, in October. "April 25th, 1857, a meeting of ministers and delegates was held at Topeka, to form a State organization. They organized the' General Association of Congregational Ministers and Churches in Kansas.' It is composed of the ministers and delegates from the churches. Each church can send one delegate; or if the church have more than twenty-five members, one delegate for every twenty-five members. Eleven ministers became members of the body. They reported eight churches in the Territory, with a membership of eighty-five. The church at Lawrence had erected a house of worship. In their address to other Congregational bodies, the brethren say:'It shall be our aim to transplant the principles and institutions of the Puritans to these fertile plains.' The Association adjourned to meet in October."' MAY 25.- Gov. Robert J. Walker reaches Leavenworth, and is received by a large toncourse of citizens. MAY 27.- Senator Wilson, Dr. Samuel G. Howe and Rev. John Pierpont speak in the Unitarian Church, at Lawrence. Gov. Walker and E. O. Perrin, his private secretary, are present, and speak briefly. It was in this speech that the poet Pierpont applied to Kansas the saying, of Dr. Boteler of strawberries: "Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did." MAY 27.- Gov. Walker reaches Lecompton, via Lawrence, and issues his Inaugural Address. It was a long and adroit speech, and had been read to President Buchanan. In the course of it he said: "There is a law more powerful than the legislation of man, more potent than passion or prejudice, that nmust ultimately determine the location of Slavery in this country: it is the isothermal line; it is the law of the thermometer, of latitude or altitude, regulating climate, labor, and productions, and, as a consequence, profit and loss.. If, from the operation of these causes, Slavery should not exist here, I trust it by no means follows that Kansas should become a State controlled by the treason and fanaticism of Abolition. She has, in any event, certain constitutional duties to perform to her sister States, and especially to her immediate neighbor-the slaveholding State of Missouri.... That Kansas should become hostile to Missouri, an asylum for her fugitive slaves, or a propagandist of Abolition treason, would be alike inexpedient and unjust, and fatal to the continuance of the American Union" The census for the Lecompton Constitution, prescribing who should vote, was taken only in fifteen counties. Nineteen interior counties, strongly Free-State, had no vote, and could have no delegates in the Convention. These were called the "disfranchised" counties. 126 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. JUNE 1.-Albert D. Richardson, correspondent of Cincinnati and Boston papers, arrives in Kansas, stopping at Quindaro. JUNE.-About the first of the month, the Lawrence Republican is started, with Norman Allen as publisher and T. Dwight Thacher and Mr. Allen as editors. - Joseph Williams appointed Associate Justice in place of Cunningham. "In June, 1857, Fort Scott was visited by Norman Eddy, of South Bend, Ind.; George A. Crawford, of Lock Haven, Pa.; D. H. Weir, of Laporte, Ind., and D. W. Holbrook, of Michigan, who negotiated for the purchase of the'claims' on which the town was located. These were bought of H. T. Wilson, G. W. Jones, N. E. Herson, A. Hornbeck and S. A. Williams. This purchase was made in behalf of the'Fort Scott Town Company,' consisting originally of George A. Crawford, Norman Eddy, D. H. Weir, D. W. Holbrook, G. W. Jones, Win. R. Judson, E. S. Lowman, and H. T. Wilson. Blake Little was subsequently made a conditional member of the Company. Joseph Williams soon after purchased the Jones interest. George A. Crawford was chosen first President, and has acted in that capacity ever since. H. T. Wilson was first Treasurer, and has been continued in office to the present time. G. W. Jones was first Secretary. He has been succeeded by Joseph Williams, William R. Judson, and George A. Reynolds. After long delay with the Indian title, the Company acquired title through the Mayor on the 17th of September, 1860, to 320 acres of land. They have since purchased 200 acres, so that their lands now embrace all of section 80, township 25, range 25, except the west half and the northeast fourth of the northwest quarter. The Company had been incorporated by the Legislature in February, 1860. They made donations to the old settlers of the lots on which the houses purchased of the Government were built. They have also given lots to all the religious denominations represented among the citizens; also to the Government a cemetery for the burial of soldiers, and to the county a square for courthouse and jail. "The Legislature of 1855 incorporated the town. In February, 1860, the Legislature enlarged the corporate limits of the town."-Annual Register, pp. 134-5. JUNE 9.-Meeting of the Free-State Legislature at Topeka.' On the 11th, there being no quorum in the House, a quorum was made by declaring vacant the seats of thirteen absent members. This reduced the number in the House to twenty-five. The Message of Governor Robinson was read. The following is quoted from the Message: "A large and necessary portion of the labors of-your codifying committee was destroyed, with much other property, at Lawrence, in May, 1856, when that place was pillaged and partially burned, by a mob brought there by the United States Marshal. When your bodies met, pursuant to adjournment, in July last, your assembly was interfered with and broken up by a large force of United States troops, in battle array, who drove you hence, in gross violation of those constitutional rights which it was your duty to. have protected. When you again convened, in January last, at your regular session, your proceedings were again interfered with by a Deputy Marshal, and many of your members arrested.... There is not much of'popular sovereignty' and'self-government' here. This usurpation [by the Territorial Legislature] is repudiated by the people, but it is recognized by Congress and the President." Considerable space is given in the Message to a pointed review of Governor Walker's inaugural. Both houses adjourn sine die, June 13th. The following laws were enacted: For taking the census and apportioin-:ng the State; for a State election, in August, to fill vacancies; locating the capital at Topeka; establishing a State University at Lawrence; and a joint resolution asking Congress to admit Kansas under the Topeka Constitution. Governor Walker was in Topeka during the session, but did not interfere with the Legislature. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 127 -Free-State Convention at Topeka. J. H. Lane, President; W. F. M. Arny and T. D. Thacher, Secretaries. It endorsed the Topeka movement, and urged Free-State men not to participate in the Lecompton movement, and declared the Territorial laws of no force. The resolutions were reported by George W. Smith, G. W. Deitzler, J. P. Root, A. A. Jamieson, Walter Oakley, C. K. Holliday, C. Robinson, Morris Hunt, and Mark W. Delahay. ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, JUNE 15. LEAVENWORTH COUNTY, FOURTH DISTRICT-TWELVE DELEGATES.. Hugh M. Moore.............. 438 M.P. Rively....................................... 428 James Doniphan................................. 436 Wm. Christian.................................... 445 Jarrett M. Todd................................. 434 Jesse Connell...................................... 448 Lucien J. Eastin................................. 431 Greene B. Redman.............................. 414 John D. Henderson............................. 428 S. J. Kookagee.................................... 413 John W. Martin.................................. 424 Win. Walker...................................... 461 DONIPHAN COUNTY, FIRST DISTRICT-SEVEN DELEGATES. James J. Reynolds.............................. 232 Wm. Mathews............... 233 Daniel Vanderslice.............................. 221 Milt. E. Bryant............... 241 H. W. Forman.................................... 234 Thos. J. Keys...................................... 233 J. P. Blair........................................... 224 BROWN COUNTY, SECOND DISTRICT-TWO DELEGATES. Henry Smith........ 36I'Squire Griffiths.................................. 9 Cyrus Dolman.................................... 44 ATCHISON COUNTY, THIRD DISTRICT-FIVE DELEGATES. James Adkins..................................... 185 P. H. Larrey.......................................183 P. R. King.......................................... 10 1. S. Hascal......................................... 173 G. W. Swinney.................................... 186 A. McPherson..................................... 33 J. T. Hereford.................................... 190 JEFFERSON COUNTY, FIFTH DISTRICT-FOUR DELEGATES. Alex. Bayne........................................ 119 Jno. W. Murphy................................. 3 J. A. Manning.................................... 55 Gal. Sprague....................................... 11 W. H. Swift......................................... 118 T. H. Stewart...................................... 81 Thos. Childs........................................ 121 CALHOUN COUNTY, SIXTH DISTRICT-TWO DELEGATES. H. D. Oden.......................................... 23 I James Kuykendall.............................. 20 MARSHALL COUNTY, SEVENTH DISTRICT -ONE DELEGATE. William H. Jenkins............................. 57 | W. S. Blackburn.................................. 40 RILEY AND POTTAWATOMIE, EIGHTH DISTRICT -FOUR DELEGATES. C. R. Mobley..:.................................... 36 John Pipher....................................... 2 J. S. Randolph.................................... 46 S. Dyer.............................................. 8 P. Z. Taylor........................................ 59 W. H. Davis......................................... 31 Robert Wilson..................................... 27 George Montague................................ 7 JOHNSON COUNTY, NINTH DISTRICT-THREE DELEGATES. G. W. McKown.................................... 113 J. H. Danforth.................................... 75 Batt. Jones......................................... 104 J. T. Barton......................................... 62 DOUGLAS COUNTY, TENTH DISTRICT-EIGHT DELEGATES. John Calhoun........................ 180 W. T. Spicely....................................... 225 L. S. Boling......................................... 182 W. S. Wells......................................... 225 A. W. Jones......................................... 166 H. Butcher.......................................... 170 John M. Wallace................................. 173 John Spicer......................................... 67 L. A. Prather...................................... 88 O. C. Stewart........................................ 114 128 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. SHAWNEE, RICHARDSON AND DAVIS, ELEVENTH DISTRICT-TWO DELEGATES. David Lykins...................................... 58 I Henry L. Lyons................................... 17 Wm. A. Heiskell..................... 58 J.T. Bradford...................................... 58 LINN COUNTY, SIXTEENTH DISTRICT-THREE DELEGATES. J. H. Barlow....................................... 124 George Overstreet................................ 118 S. H. Hayze....... 118 BOURBON, ALLEN, H'GEE AND DORN, EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT -FOUR DELEGATES. James S. Barbee................................... 86 - Little....................................... 187 H. T. Wilson........... 204 - Greenwood....................... 123 B. F. Hill........................................... 75 G. P. Hamilton.................................... 166 BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY, FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. J. H. Pritchard.................................... 13 C. H. Withington................................. 13 FRANKLIN COUNTY. William R. Judson................................ 21 1 Alfred Johnson.................................... 1 ANDERSON COUNTY. R. Gilpatrick........................................ 31 J. Y. Campbell.............................. 31 LYKINS COUNTY. David Lykins....................................... 58 Henry T. Lyons....................................58 William A. Heiskell.............................. 58 J. T. Bradford....................................... 17 NEMAHA COUNTY. C. Dolman............................................ 35 Joseph Brown....................................... 11 Henry Smith........................................ 16 J. H. Steer...................... 12 Only 2,200 votes were polled. This proved that the Free-State men could have controlled the election, had they voted. JUNE 18.-Governor Walker issues a grant of land to the Atchison Town Company. - Governor Walker writes to Win. G. Mathias, Speaker of the House, and Thomas Johnson, President of the Council, to make a new apportionment of Representatives and Councilmen. JUNE 24.-Land sales at Paola. Walker and Stanton present. JUNE 29.-The Pro-Slavery city officers of Leavenworth, elected by violence last fall, are induced to resign. An election on the 29th is carried by Free-State men, for the first time, electing Henry J. Adams Mayor and filling vacancies in the Council. In an affray at the polls, William Haller, Free State, kills James T. Lyle, the Pro-Slavery City Recorder. JULY 2-3.-National Democratic Convention at Lecompton. Ten counties represented. Epaphroditus Ransom, ex-Governor of Michigan, is nominated for Delegate to Congress. JULY.-The people of Lawrence refuse to organize the city under the charter granted by the Bogus Legislature, and set up an independent municipal organization. JULY 10.-Joseph Williams takes the oath of office before Secretary Stanton, as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. His residence is in Fort Scott. JULY 12.-President Buchanan writes to Robert J. Walker: "Gen. Harney has been selected to command the expedition to Utah, but we must contrive to leave him with you, at least until you are out of the woods. Kansas is vastly more important at the present moment than Utah." It was more important to defeat free institutions in Kansas than Mormon 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 129 ism in Utah. Buchanan's letter is given in full in the Report of the Covode Investigating Committee. JULY 13.-Lawrence holds its independent city election. JULY 15.-Gov. Walker issues a proclamation, declaring the action of Lawrence rebellious. If they persist, he says they will be guilty of treason, and "involve the Territory in all the horrors of civil war." He sends a body of United States troops there. They encamp near Lawrence, and remain until they are driven away by ridicule -and Walker's "Lawrence War" ends. The Free-State men have become strong and cool enough to laugh when fighting is not necessary. -Opening of the Delaware Trust Land sales at Osawkee. -Gov. Walker writes to the Secretary of State that - "The movement in Lawrence was the beginning of a plan, originating in that city to organize an insurrection throughout the Territory, and especially in all the towns, cities and counties where the Republican party have a majority. Lawrence is the hotbed of all Abolition movements in this Territory. It is the idea established by the Abolition societies at the East, and whilst there are a respectable number of people there, it is filled by a considerable number of mercenaries, who are paid by the Abolition societies to perpetuate and diffuse agitation throughout Kansas, and prevent the peaceful settlement of this question. Having failed in inducing their own so-called Topeka State Legislature to organize this insurrection, Lawrence has commenced it herself, and if not arrested, rebellion will extend throughout the Territory. "In order to send this communication immediately by mail, I must close; assuring you that the spirit of rebellion pervades the great mass of the Republican party in this Thrritory, instigated- as I entertain no doubt they are - by Eastern societies having in view results most disastrous to the Government and the Union, and that the continued presence of Gen. Harney is indispensable, and was originally stipulated by me, with a large body of dragoons and several batteries." This letter, like Buchanan's to Walker, was not made public until these Pro-Slavery chieftains had fallen out. Buchanan quotes it in his Special Message of February 2, 1858. JULY 15-16.-Free-State Convention at Topeka. President, J. HI. Lane; Vice Presidents, J. A. Wakefield, H. Miles Moore, T. J. Addis, Albert Griffin, Harris Stratton; Secretaries, Richard J. Hinton, A. D. Richardson. There were 187 delegates present. J. H. Lane declined the nomination for Congress. The resolutions, reported by J. M. Walden, declare in favor of sustaining the Topeka movement, as the first and only choice of the FreeState party of Kansas; deny the validity of the Territorial Legislature; declare that the Pro-Slavery faction is a minority, and that the admission of Kansas under its proposed Constitution would be an act of injustice and despotism, justifying the extremest measures in opposition; asking a resubmission of the Topeka Constitution, in August; calling a convention at Grasshopper Falls, in August. P. C. Schuyler was nominated for Secretary of State, over Walter Oakley, J. P. Root, and A. Wattles; Dr. G. A. Cutler, for Auditor; M. F. Conway, and S. N. Latta, for Judges of the Supreme Court; E. M. Thurston, for Reporter, and A. G. Patrick, for Clerk, of the Supreme Court. M. J. Parrott was nominated for Representative in Congress, receiving 83 votes, to 80 for Henry 3. Adams. State Central Com(1 130 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. mittee: J. Blood, A. Curtiss, S. E. Martin, R. Mayfield, W. F. M. Arny, W. R. Griffith, Henry Harvey, J. P. Root, G. S. Hillyer, Albert Griffin, F. G. Adams, H. Miles Moore, A. Larzelere, E. S. Nash. JULY.- The Kansas Zeitung started in Atchison by Dr. Chas. F. Kob. JULY 18.-Governor Walker receives the following apportionment of the Legislature, made by the President of the Council and the Speaker of the House: APPORTIONMENT FOR THE SECOND TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE FOR THE TERRITORY OF KANSAS. FOR THE COUNCIL. Counties. t 1 Leavenworth........................................................................................ 3 2 Atchison........................................................................................1............. 3 Doniphan........................................................................................ Brown, Nemaha, Marshall, Pottawatomie, Riley, and all that part of the 2 4 Territory of Kansas west of Marshall, Riley and Davis counties..............) 5 Jefferson and Calhoun.........................................................1....................... 6 Douglas and Johnson................................................................................... 3 7 Shawnee, Richardson, Davis, Wise and Breckinridge....................................) 8 Bourbon, Godfrey, Wilson, Dorn and McGee.................................................... 2 9 Butler, Hunter, Greenwood, Madison, Weller, Cofley, Woodson and Allen..... 0 Anderson, Lykins, Linn and Franklin, and all that part of the Territory of 0 Kansas westof Wise, Butler and Hunter counties...................................... Total............................................................................................13 THOS. JOHNSON, WM. G. MATHIAS, President of the Council. Speaker House of Representatives, at Session of 1857. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 5., Counties. 1 Leavenworth............................................................................................ 8 2 Atchison...................................................................................................... 3 3 Doniphan.................................................................................................... 5 4 Brown...................................................1.................................................... 5 Nemaha................................................................................................... 6 Marshall.................................................................................................... 1 7 Jefferson.................................................................................................... 2 8 Calhoun..................................................................................................... 2 9 Pottawatomie and Riley...................1......................................................... 1 10 Douglas and Johnson, and all that part of the Territory of Kansas west of the counties of Wise, Butler and Hunter.................................................... 8 11 Shawnee................................................................1...................................... 12 Richardson, Davis, Wise and Breckinridge................................................... 13 Weller, Madison, Butler, Hunter and Greenwood.......................................... 14 Bourbon, Godfrey, Wilson,'Dorn and McGee................................................ 3 15 Woodson, Coffey and Allen.......................................................................... 16 Anderson and Franklin.............................................................................. 17 Ifinn........................................................................................................... 2 18 Lykins......................................................................................................... 2 Total............................................................................................ 39 THOS. JOHNSON, WM. G. MATHIAS, President of the Council. Speaker House of Representatives, at Session of 1857. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. * ~~~~~~~~~~.... The following diagram, showing the Bogus Apportionment for members of the House, is copied from the Topeka Tribune: 6th District. 4th and 5th Districts. 3d Distrh ict. MARSHALL. NEMAHA.. BROWN. DONIPHAN. (1 Member.) (1 Member.) (5 Members.).i ~c~2d District. ATCHISON. 9th District. 8th District. Members.) RILEY. POTTAWAT'MIE. CALHOUN. 7th District. 7th District. (1 Member..) (2 Members.) JEFFERSON. —.~~ -I -(2 Members.) 11th District. loth Dist; IS.: RICHARDSON. SHAWNEE. DOUGLAS. J - ~~~~~~~DOUGLAS.: (1 Member.) (8 Membe (8 Member................................ 18th District. ISE. BRECKINR'GE. WELLER. FRANKLIN..":~.~o~~(2 Members.). 17th District..~BUTLER..1ADISON. COFFEY. ANDERSON. LNN (2 Members.) GREENwOOD. N WoODSON. ALLEN. BOURBON. RuNTER............... R............... GOFEY. WILSON. 4DORN. MCE JUiiv 28. Geo. W. Sweeney, of Atchison'county, elected to the Constitutional Convention, resigns. An election to fill the vacancy was called, to be held August 25th. JULY 31. James Stevens was murdered at Leavenworth by John C. Quarles and W M. Bays. The murderers were hanged by the people day, on an elm tree, near Young')s saw-mill. Win. Knighten and Bill Woods, arrested as accomplices in the murder of Stevens, were taken to the Delaware City jail, on the Morning Star. 132 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. JULY.-A book issued with this title: "Gov. Gearv's Administration in Kansas: With a Complete History of the Territory until July, 1857. By John H. Gihon, M. D., Private Secretary of Gov. Geary. Philadelphia: Chas. C. Rhodes, 1857." pp. 348. This book is a good summary of preceding.. histories, and a warm defence of all the acts of Gov. Geary. Dr. Gihon came to Kansas Pro-Slavery, and, like thousands of others, hated Slavery as soon as he had seen it. The book has the new-convert ardor, but contains a large amount of valuable matter. The following is copied from page 102: "On the first of September, 1856, Capt. Frederick Emory, a United States mail contractor, rendered himself conspicuous in Leavenworth, at the head of a band of Ruffians, mostly from western Missouri. They entered houses, stores, and dwellings of Free-State people, and, in the name of'law and order,' abused and robbed the occupants, and drove them out into the roads, irrespective of age, sex or condition. Under pretence of searching for arms, they approached the house of William Phillips, the lawyer who had previously been tarred and feathered and carried to Missouri. Phillips, supposing he was to be subjected to a similar outrage, resolved not to submit to the indignity, and stood upon his defence. In repelling the assaults of the mob, he killed two of them, when the others burst into the house, and poured a volley of balls into his body, killing him instantly in the presence of his wife and another lady. His brother, who -was also present, had an arm badly broken with bullets, and was compelled to submit to an amputation. Fifty of the Free-State prisoners were then driven on board the Polar Star, bound for St. Louis. On the next day a hundred more were embarked by Emory and his men, on the steamboat Emma. During these proceedings, an election was held for Mayor, and Wm. E. Murphy, since appointed Indian Agent by the President, was elected, without opposition.' Dr. Gihon's book contains Gov. Geary's Message to the Legislature, his Farewell Address, and Gov. Walker's Inaugural Address. AUGUST 9.-The following is the official vote for the officers under the Topeka Constitution: FOR JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT: CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT: Samuel N. Latta............. 7,200 A. G. Patrick...............................7, 200 Martin F. Conway........................... 7,178 SECRETARY OF STATE: REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS: Philip C. Schuyler............ 7,167 Marcus J. Parrott.............7............,267 AUDITOR: Geo. A. Cutler................................. 7,177 VOTE ON CONSTITUTION: REPORTER OF THE SUPREME COURT: For Constitution.............................. 7, 257 E. M. Thurston................................ 7,187 Against Constitution........................ 34 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE:'Naamwe of Candidate. Vote. rame of Candidate. Vote 1 Henry J. Adams...................,266 10 Win. A. Phillips......................... 935 1 J. P. Root.................................. 1, 265 10 Jas. B. Abbott............................. 733 2 Caleb May................................ 403 11 John A. Beam.......................... 220:2 David Dodge............................. 403 12 Walter Oakley.......................... 692:3 Benj. Harding......................... 220 13 C. F. W. Leonhardt..................... 100.3 Alfred Larzelere....................... 219 15 J. M. Hendry............................ 313 4 J. B. Smith............................ 165 16 Hamilton Smith.........................271 6 Geo. S. Hillyer.......................... 460 17 W. F. M. Arny...........................189 8 S. D. Houston............................ 149 18 Jas. Montgomery........................ 235 9 Samuel L. Adair........................ 269 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 133 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Name of Candidate. Vote. k Name of Candidate. Voe. J. C. Green........................... 1,265..8 Dr. Adams............................ 185 1 J. P. Hatterscheldt................ 1,260 9 Chas. Mayo............................ 71 1 Go. H. Keller......... 1,268 9 Edwin S. Nash.................. 271 1 John C. Douglass......... 12....... 68..... 9 Leander Martin............... 252 1 Stphen Sparks......... 1, 266............... 10 Robt. Morrow 1000 Win. Pennock................... 1, 266..10 Geo. W. Deitzler....................1003 1 Patrick Orr.................... 1,265..10 Win. Hutchinson.................. 927 1. G. Elliott..... 265............... 10 Geo. H. Crocker.................... 94 1 J.. Funk......1,265............... 10 E. P. Vaughn......................... 725 1 J. M. Walden...................... 1, 268 0.. Thaddeus Prentice................ 647 2 A Elliott......81........................10 Geo. F. Warren...................... 944 2 S. J. H. Snyder......383........... 11 P. H. Townsend..................... 231 2 H. Martin83.................. 11 Philip T. Hupp...................... 226 2 W. A. Woodworth........... 383 12 Henry Harvey...................... 701 2 J. H. Gilbert......382................... 12 Jeremiah Sabin..................... 648 3 Harris Stratton......217........... 12 John D. Deleman................... 703 3 J. B. Wheeler.......218................. 13 D. E. Adams......................... 104 3 Alx. A. Jamieson......21.......... 14 Chris. Columbia.................... 191 aj. H. Brock.....219.1.. 2Stwart4 3 Benj~~~~~~~. H.Bok................ 21 5 J. W. Stewart......................... 42 3 Thos. Stevenson......219........... 15 E. W. Robinson..................... 417 3 Mathew Iles......219.................... 15 David B. Jackman................. 379 4 Ira H. Smith......150..................... 16 R. Austin....................27 4 W. W. Guthrie........................ 149 16 Geo. Kellogg......................... 25 5 C. Beary................................. 52 17 Samuel Stewart..................... 221 6 Stphen C. Cooper.................. 17 S.F. Stone............................ 170 6 Edward Lynde......518................ 18 B. B. Newton......................... 23 7 Go. W. Brassbridge................ 98 18 Jas. M. Arthur...................... 233 7 Albert Fuller......98.................... 18 E. L. Taylor.......................... 231 AuGUST 14.- Mass Convention at Centropolis. Resolutions were adopted urging Free-State men to take part in the October election. G. W. Brown, Richard J. Hinton, M. J. Parrott, W. A. Phillips and M. F. Conway were in the Convention. AUGUST 20.-Governor Robinson acquitted by the jury; trial before Judge Cato, at Lecompton; charge, "usurpation of office." Colonel Samuel Walker is also acquitted. Judge Cato charged strongly against both. AUGUST 23.-William Haller escapes from Fort Leavenworth. AUGUST 26.- Free-State Conventions at Grasshopper Falls. George W. Smith was Chairman of the Mass Convention, and R. G. Elliott, Dr. C. F. Kob, Mr. Miller and' E. G. Ross, Secretaries. W. Y. Roberts was Chairman of the Delegate Convention, and A. D. Richardson and E. G. Ross. Secretaries. The main question was, whether Free-State men should take part in the Territorial election of October 5th. Robinson, Lane, Holliday and Smith favored it, -while Con-way, Phillips and Redpath opposed it. The following platform was adopted: "Whereas, It is of the most vital importance to the people of Kansas that the. Territorial Government should ha controll ed by the bona dide citizens thereof; and "Whereas, Governor Walker has repeatedly pledged himself that the people of Kansas should have a full and fair vote, before impartial judges, at the election to be held the first Monday in October, for Delegate to Congress, members of the Legislature, and other officers: therefore, "Resolved, That we, the people of Kansas, in mass convention assembled, agree to participate in said election. "Resolved, That in thus voting we rely upon the faithful fulfilment of the pledge of Governor Walker; and that we, as heretofore, protest against the enactments forced upon us by the voters of Missouri. "Resolved, That this mass meeting recommend the appointment of a committee, to wait upon the Territorial authorities, and urgently insist upon a review and correction ~134 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. of the wicked apportionment endeavored to be forced upon the people of Kansas, for the selection of members of the Territorial Legislature. "Resolved, That General J. H. Lane be authorized and empowered to tender to Governor Walker the force organized by him under the resolution passed by the Convention held at Topeka, on the 15th of July last, to be used for the protection of the ballot-box." The Delegate Convention unanimously nominated M. J. Parrott for Delegate to Congress, and appointed the following Executive Committee: J. H. Lane, C. K, Holliday, Dr. James Davis, O. E. Learnard, And. Johnson, Geo. W. Hutchinson, W. F. M. Arny, H. Miles Moore, J. P. Root, A. E. Jamieson, Geo. W. Brown, Robt. Riddle, W. R. Frost, Geo. W. Smith, J. K. Goodin, Dr. J. H. Gilpatrick, P. C. Schuyler, Dr. Robertson, Edward Lynde, and C. W. Babcock. SPTEMBER 1.-Land office opened at Lecompton. SEPTEMBER 7.-Meeting of the Lecompton Constitutional Convention, at Lecompton. B. Little was elected President pro tern., and Thos. C. Hughes Secretary pro tern. On the 8th, the following officers were elected: President, John Calhoun; Secretary, Thos. C. Hughes; Assistant Secretary, Jas. H. Nounnan; Reporter, P. H. Carey; Sergeant-at-Arms, Samuel Cramer; Chaplain, Mr. Magee. On the 10th, D. R. Gilpatrick and J. Y. Campbell were declared entitled to seats from Anderson county. John D. Henderson was elected Public Printer. lOn the th, adjourned to October 19th. Met on the 19th of October, and finallyadjourned on the 3d of November. The Proceedings of the Convention are given in Vol. III, of Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, 1st sess. Thirty-fifth Congress, 1858. The Constitution adopted is as follows:. THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTION. PREAMBLE. We, the people of the' Territory of Kansas, by our representatives in convention.assembled, at Lecompton, in said Territory, on Monday, the fourth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and of~the independence of the United States of America the eighty-second year, having the right of admission into the Union as one of the United States of America, consistent with the Federal Constitution, and by virtue of the treaty of cession by France to the -United States of t he province of Louisiana, made and entered into on the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and three, and by virtue of, and in accordance with, the act of Congress passed May the thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, entitled "An act to organize the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas," in order to secure to ourselves and our posterity the enjoyment of all the rights of life, liberty and property, and the free pursuit of happiness, do mutually agree with each other to form ourselves into a free, independent and sovereign State by the name and style of the STATE OF KANSAS, and do ordain and establish the following Constitution for the government thereof: ARTICLE 1.-BOUNDARIES. We do declare and establish, ratify and confirm the following as the permanent boundaries of the said State of Kansas, that is to say:. Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri where the thirty-seventh parallel -of north latitude crosses the same; thence west on said parallel to the eastern boundary of New Mexico; thence north on said boundary to latitude thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to the east boundary of the Territory of Utah, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains; thence northward on said summit to the-fortieth parallel of lat 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 135 itude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State to the place of beginning. ARTICLE.-COUNTY BOUNDARIES. No county now established which borders upon the Missouri river, or upon either bank of the Kansas river, shall ever be reduced by the formation of new counties to less than twenty miles square; nor shall any other county now organized, or hereafter to be organize, be reduced to less than five hundred square miles. ARTICLE II.-DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS. The power of the Government of the State of Kansas shall be divided into three separate departments-the Executive the Legislative, and the Judicial; and no person charged with the exercise of powers properly belonging to one of these departments shall exercise any functions appertaining to either of the others, except in the cases hereinafter expressly directed or permitted. ARTICLE I-EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION 1. The chief executive power of this State shall be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office for two years from the time of his installation. SEC. 2. The Governor shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State. The returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of Government, directed to the Secretary of State, who shall deliver them to the Speaker of the House of Representatives at the next ensuing session of the Legislature, during the first week of which session the Speaker shall open and publish them in the presence of both houses of the Legislature. The person having the highest number of votes shall be Governor; but if two or more shall be equal, and having received the highest 1number of votes, then one of them shall be chosen Governor by the joint ballot of both houses of the Legislature; contested elections for Governor shall be determined by both houses of the Legislature in such manner as may be prescribed by law. SECL. 3. The Governor shall e at least thirty years of age, shall have been a citizen.of the United States for twenty years, shall have resided in this State at leastfive years next preceding the day of his election, or from the time of the formation of this Constitution, and shall not be capable of holding the office snore than four years in any term of six years. SEC. 4. He shall, at stated terms, receive for his services a compensation which shall hbe fixed hy law, and shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he.shall be elected. SEC. 5. He shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of this State, and of -the militia, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States. SE~C. 6. He may require information in writing from officers in the Executive Department on any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. SE~C. 7. He may, in cases of emergency, convene the Legislature at the seat of Government, or at a different place, if that shall have become, since their last adjournment,,dangerous from an enemy or disease; and in case of disagreement between the two houses with respect to the time of adjournment, adjourn them to snch time as he may think proper, not beyond the next stated meeting of the Legislature. SEC..S. He shall, from time to time, give the. Legislature information of the state of the Government, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may deem necessary and expedient. SE~C. 9. He shall take care that the laws he faithfully executed. SE~C. 10. In all criminal and penal cases, except in those of treason and impeachment, he shall have power to grant -reprieves and pardons, and remit fines; and in cases of forfeitures, to stay the collection until the end of the next session of the Legislature, -and to remit forfeitures by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. In cases of treason he shall have power to grant reprieves by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, but may respite the sentence until the end of the next session of the Legislature. SEC. 11. All commissions shall be in the name and hy the authority of the State of Kansas, be sealed with the great seal, and signed by the Governor, and attested by the'Secretary of State. ~136 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. SEC. 12. There shall be a seal of this State, which shall be kept by the Governor and used by him officially, and the present seal of this Territory shall be the seal of the State until otherwise directed by the Legislature. SEC. 13. All vacancies not provided for in this Constitution shall be filled in such manner as the Legislature may prescribe. SEC. 14. The Secretary of State shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State, and shall continue in office during the term of two years, and until his successor is qualified. He shall keep a fair register of all the official acts and proceedings of the Governor, and shall, when required, lay the same, and all papers, minutes, and vouchers relative thereto, before the Legislature, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by law. SEC. 15. Every bill which shall have passed both houses of the Legislature shall be presented to the Governor. If he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to the house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at length upon their journals, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law; but in such case, the votes of each house shall be determnained by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be entered upon the journals of each house, respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within six days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Legislature, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not become a law. SEC. 16. Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the concurrence of both houses may be necessary, except resolutions for the purpose of obtaining the joint action of both houses, and on questions of adjournment, shall be presented to the Governor, and, before it shall take effect, be approved by him; or, being disapproved, shall be repassed by both houses, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in case of a bill. SEC. 17. A Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at the same time and for the same term as the Governor, and his qualifications and the manner of his election shall be the same in all respects. SExx 18. In case of the removal of the Governor from office, or of his death, failure to, qualify, resignation, removal from the State, or. inability to discharge the powers and duties of the office, the said office, with its compensation, shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor; and the Legislature shall provide by law for the discharge of the Executive functions in other necessary cases. SEC. 19. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no. vote except in the case of a tie, when he may give the casting vote; and while acting~as such, shall receive a compensation equal to that allowed to the Speaker of the House of' Representatives. SEC. 20. A Sheriff, and one or more Coroners, a Treasurer, and Surveyor, shall beelected in each county by the qualified electors thereof, who shall hold their offices for two years, unless sooner removed, except that the Coroner shall hold his office until his. successor be duly qualified. SEC. 21. A State Treasurer and Auditor of Public Accounts shall be elected. by the qualified electors of the State, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years, unless sooner removed. ARTICLE V. - LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION 1. The legi slative authority of this State shall be vested' in a Legislature, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SEC. 2. No person holding office under the authority of the United States, except Postmasters, or any lucrative office under the authority of this State, shall be eligible to or have a seat in the Legislature; but this provision shall not extend to township officers, Justices of the Peace, Notaries Public, or military officers. SEC. 3. No person who has been, or may hereafter be, convicted of a penitentiary offence, or of an embezzlement of the public funds, shall hold any office in this State;. nor shall any person holding public money, for disbursement or otherwise, have a seat, 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 137 in the Legislature until he shall have accounted for and paid such money into the treasury. SEC. 4. The members of the House of Representatives shall be elected by the qualified electors, and shall serve for the term of two years from the close of the general election, and no longer. SEC. 5. The Senators shall be chosen for the term of four years, at the same time, in the same manner, and at the same places as are herein provided for members of the House of Representatives. SEC. 6. At the first session of the Legislature, the Senate shall, by lot, divide their Senators into two classes; and the seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, and of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, so that one-half, as near as may be, may be chosen thereafter every two years for the term of four years. SEC. 7. The number of Senators shall not be less than thirteen nor more than thirtythree; and at any time when the number of Senators is increased, they shall be annexed by lot to one of the two classes, so as to keep them as nearly equal in number as possible. SEC. 8. The number of members of the House of Representatives shall not be less than thirty-nine nor more than one hundred. SEC. 9. The style of the laws of this State shall be, "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas." SEC. 10. Each house may determine the rules of its own proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the consent of two-thirds, may expel a member; but not a second time for the same offence. The names of the members voting on the question shall be spread upon the journal. SEC. 11. Each house during the session may, in its discretion, punish by fine or imprisonment, or both, any person not a member, for disrespectful or disorderly behavior in its presence, or for obstructing any of its proceedings: Provided, Such fine shall not exceed two hundred dollars, or such imprisonment shall not extend beyond the end of the session. SFa. 12. Each house of the Legislature shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and cause the same to be published as soon after the adjournment as may be provided by law. SEC. 13. Neither house during the session of the Legislature shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days (Sundays excepted), nor to any other place than that in which they may be sitting. SEC. 14. The Senate when assembled shall choose its officers, and the House of Representatives shall choose a Speaker and its other officers; and each branch of the Legislature shall be the judge of the qualifications, elections and returns of its members. SEC. 15. A majority of each house of the Legislature shall constitdte a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members in such manner as each house may prescribe. SEC. 16. Each member of the Legislature shall receive from the public treasury such compensation for his services as may be fixed by law; but no increase of compensation shall take effect during the term for which the members are elected when such law passed. SEC. 17. Bills may originate in either house, but may be altered, amended, or rejected by the other, and all bills shall be read by sections on three several days, except on an extraordinary occasion; two-thirds of the members may dispense with such reading, but in no case shall a bill be passed without having once been read; and every bill having passed both houses shall be signed by the Speaker and President in the presence of their respective houses. SEC. 18. The Legislature shall provide for filling all vacancies that may occur in either house by the death, resignation, or otherwise, of any of its members. SEC. 19. The doors of each house shall be open, except on such occasions as, in the opinion of the house, the public safety may require secrecy. SEac. 20. Every law enacted by the Legislature shall embrace but one subject, and that shall be expressed in its title, and any extraneous matter introduced in a bill which shall pass shall be void; and no law shall be amended by its title, but in such case the act or section amended shall be enacted and published at length. ~138 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. SEC. 21. Every act and joint resolution shall be plainly worded, avoiding, as far as practicable, the use of technical terms. S. 22. The Legislature shall meet every two years, at the seat of Government. SEC. 23. The Legislature shall provide for an enumeration of inhabitants by law. An apportionent of Representatives in the Legislature shall be provided by law according to population, as nearly equal as may be. SEC. 24.The Legislature shall have no power to grant divorces, to change the names of individuals, or direct the sales of estates belonging to infants or other persons laboring under legal disabilities, by special legislation, but by general laws shall confer such powers on the courts of justice. SEC. 25. It shall be the duty of all civil officers of this State to use due diligence in the securing and rendition of persons held to service or labor in this State, either of the States or Territories of the United States; and the Legislature shall enact such laws as may be necessary for the honest and faithful carrying out of this provision of the Constitution. ELECTION DISTRICTS. At the first election holden under this Constitution for members of the State Legislature, the Representative and Senatorial Districts shall be as follows: The First Representative District shall consist of Doniphan county, and be entitled to four Rep reentatives; the Second, Atchison, four Representatives; the Third, Leavenworth, eight Representatives; the Fourth, Brown and Nemaha, one Representative;the Fifth, Calhoun and Pottawatomie, one Representative; the Sixth, Jefferson, two Representatives; the Seventh, Marshall and Washington, one Representative; the Eighth, Riley, one Representative; the Ninth, Johnson, four Representatives; the Tenth, Lykins, one Representative; the Eleventh, Linn, two Representatives; the Twelfth, Bourbon, two Representatives; the Thirteenth, McGee, Dorn and Allen, one Representative; the Fourteenth, Douglas, five Representatives; the Fifteenth, Anderson and Franklin, one Representative; the Sixteenth, Shawnee, two Representatives; the Seventeenth, Weller and Coffey, one Representative; the Eighteenth, Woodson, Wilson, Godfrey, Greenwood and Madison, one Representative; the Nineteenth, Breckinridge and Richardson, one* Representative; the Twentieth, Davis, Wise, Butler, Hunter, and that portion of country west, one Representative-in all, forty-four Representatives. The First Senatorial District shall be Doniphan county, and be entitled to one Senator; the Second, Atchison, one Senator; the Third, Doniphan and Atchison, one Senator;, the Fourth, Leavenworth, three Senators; the Fifth, Browin, Nemaha and Pottawatomie, one Senator; the Sixth, Riley, Marshall, Dickinson and Washington, one Senator; the Seventh, Jeffersois and Calhoun, one Senator; the Eighth, Johnson, two Senators; the Ninth, Lykins, Andebrson and Franklin; one Senator; the Tenth, Linn, one Senator; the Eleventh, Bourbon and McGee, one Senator; the Twelfth, Douglas, two Senators; the Thirteenth, Shawnee, one Scnator; the Fourteenth, Dorn, Allen, Wilson, Woodson, Godfrey, Greenwood, Madison and Coffey, one Senator; the Fifteenth, Richardson, Davis, Wise, Breckinridge, Butler, Hunter, and all west of Davis, Wise, Butler and Hunter, o ne Senator. The entire number of Senators, nineteen. -ARTICLE VI.-JUDICIARY. SECTION 1. The judicial powers of this State shall he vested in one Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, Chancery Courts, Courts of Probate, and Justices. of the Peace, and such other inferior courts as the Legislature ma y from time to time ordain and establish. SEC. 2. The Supreme Court, except in cases otherwise directed in this Constitution,,shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which shall be coextensive with the State, under such restrictions and regulations, not repugnant to this Constitution, as~may from time to time be prescribed by law: Previded, That the Supreme Court' shall have power to issue writs of injunction, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such other remedial and original writs as may be necessary to give a general superintendence and control of inferior jurisdictions. SEC. 3. The-re shall he held annually, at the seat of Government, two sessions of the Supreme Court, at such times as the.Legislature may direct. SEC. 4. The Supreme Court shall consist of one Chief Justice and two Associate Justices. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 139 SEC. 5. The Supreme Court may elect a Clerk and Reporter, who shall, respectively, receive such compensation as the Legislature may prescribe. SEC. 6. The State shall be divided into convenient circuits, and for each circuit there shall be elected a Judge, who shall, at the time of his election, and as long as he continues in office, reside in the circuit for which he has been elected. SEc. 7. The Circuit Courts shall have original jurisdiction of all matters, civil and criminal, within this State not otherwise excepted in this Constitution; but in civil cases only where the matter in controversy shall exceed the sum of one hundred dollars. SEC. 8. A Circuit Court shall be held in each county in this State twice in every year, at such times and places as may be prescribed by law; and the Judges of the several Circuit Courts may hold courts for each other when they may deem it advisable, and shall do so when directed by law. SEC. 9. The Legislature may establish a Court or Courts of Chancery, with original and appellate equity jurisdiction; and until the establishment of such court or courts the said jurisdiction shall be vested in the Judges of the Circuit Courts, respectively; but the Judges of the several Circuit Courts shall have power to issue writs of injunction, returnable to the Court of Chancery. SEC. 10. The Legislature shall establish within each county in the State a Court of Probate, for the granting of letters testamentary of the administration, and orphans, business, and the general superintendence of the estates of deceased persons, and such other duties as may be prescribed by law; but in no case shall they have jurisdiction in matters of civil or criminal law. SEC. 11. A competent number of justices of the peace in and for each county shall be elected in such mode and for such term of office as the Legislature may direct. Their jurisdiction in civil matters shall be limited to cases in which the amount does not exceed one hundred dollars; and in all cases tried by justices of the peace the right of appeal shall be secured under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 12. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and Judges of the Circuit Court, and Courts of Chancery, shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall-be fixed by law, and shall not be diminished during their continuance in office; but they shall receive no fees, no perquisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit or trust under this State, the United States, or either of the other States, or any other power, during their continuance in office. SEC. 13. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the qualified voters of the whole State, the Judges of the Circuit Courts by the qualified voters of their respective circuits, and the Judges of the Chancery Courts shall be elected by the qualified voters of.their respective chancery divisions, at such times and places as may be prescribed by law; but said election shall not be on the same day that the election of members of the Legislature is held. SEC. 14. All vacancies in the office of Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and Judges of the Circuit Court, Court of Chancery, and Probate Court, shall be filled by appointment made by the Governor.for the time being; but the Governor shall, immediately upon the receipt of information of a vacancy aforesaid, order an election to fill such vacancy, first giving sixty days' notice of such election. SEC. 15. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for and during the period of six years from the date of their election, and until their successors shall be qualified, and provision shall be made by law for classifying those elected, so that the Chief Justice or one of the said Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall be elected every two years. The Judges of the Circuit, Chancery and Probate Courts shall hold their offices for and during the term of.four years from the date of their election, and until their successors shall be qualified. SEC. 16. Clerks of the Circuit Courts and Courts of Probate shall be elected by the qualified electors in each county, and all vacancies in such office shall be filled in such manner as the law may direct. SEC. 17. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, by virtue of their offices, shall be conservators of the peace throughout the State, the Judges of the Circuit Court throughout their respective circuits, and the Judges of the inferior courts throughout their respective counties. SEC. 18. The style of all process shall be, "The State of Kansas;" and all prosecutions 140 -ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. shall be carried on in the name and by the authority of the State of Kansas, and shall conclude, "against the peace and dignity of the same." SEC. 19. There shall be an Attorney General of the State, who shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof, and as many District Attorneys as the Legislature may deem necessary, to be elected by the qualified voters of their respective circuits, who shall hold their offices for the term of four years from the date of their election, and shall receive for their services such compensation as may be established by law, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SEC. 20. Vacancies occurring in the office of Attorney General, District Attorneys, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk of the Court of Probate, justices of the peace, and constables, filled in such manner as shall be provided by law. SEC. 21. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. SEC. 22. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate; when sitting for that purpose the Senators shall be on oath or affirmation; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. SEC. 23. The Governor and all civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office; but judgment in such cases shall not extend further than to removal from office, and of disqualification from office of honor, trust, or profit under the State; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, and punishment according to law. ARTICLE VII.- SLAVERY. SECTION 1. The right of property is before and higher than any constitutional sanction, and the right of the owner of a slave to such slave and its increase is the same and as inviolable as the right of the owner of any property whatever. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves without the consent of the owners, or without paying the owners previous to their emancipation a full equivalent in money for the slaves so emancipated. They shall have no power to prevent immigrants to the State from bringing with them such persons as are deemed slaves by the laws of any one of the United States or Territories, so long as any person of the same age or description shall be continued in slavery by the laws of this State: Provided, That such person or slave be the bona fide property of such immigrants: And provided, also, That laws may be passed to prohibit the introduction into this State of slaves who have committed high crimes in other States or Territories. They shall have power to pass laws to permit the owners of slaves to emancipate them, saving the rights of creditors, and preventing them from becoming a public charge. They shall have power to oblige the owners of slaves to treat them with humanity, to provide for them necessary food and clothing, to abstain from all injuries to them extending to life or limb, and, in case of their neglect or refusal to comply with the direction of such laws, to have such slave or slaves sold for the benefit of the owner or owners. SEC. 3. In the prosecution of slaves for crimes of higher grade than petit larceny, the Legislature shall have no power to'deprive them of an impartial trial by a petit jury. SEC. 4. Any person who shall maliciously dismember, or deprive a slave of life shall suffer such punishment as would be inflicted in case the like offence had been committed on a free white person, and on the like proof, except in case of insurrection of such slave. ARTICLE VIII.- ELECTIONS AND RIGHTS OF SUFFRAGE. SECTION 1. Every male citizen of the United States, above the age of twenty-one years, having resided in this State one year, and in the county, city, or town in which he may offer to vote, three months next preceding any election, shall have the qualifications of an elector, and be entitled to vote at all elections. And every male citizen of the United States, above the age aforesaid, who may be a resident of the State at the time that this Constitution shall be adopted, shall have the right of voting as aforesaid; but no such citizen or inhabitant shall be entitled to vote except in the county in which he shall actually reside at the time of the election. SEC. 2. All voting by the people shall be by ballot. SEC. 3. Electors, during their attendance at elections, going to and returning therefrom, shall be privileged from arrest in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 141 SEC. 4. No elector shall be obliged to do militia duty on the days of election, except in time of war or public danger. SEC. 5. No elector shall be deemed to have lost his residence in this State y reason of his absence on business of his own, or of the United States, or of this State. SEC. 6. No person employed in the military, naval or marine service of the United States stationed in this State, shall, by reason of his services therein, be deemed a resident of this State. SEC. 7. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office in this State, civil or military, who shall not be possessed of the qualifications hereinbefore prescribed for an elector. SEC.. The Legislature shall have power to exclude from the privilege of voting, or being eligible to office, any person convicted of bribery, perjury, or other infamous crimes. SEC. 9. The first general election in this State shall be held on the day and year provided by this Constitution, and all general elections thereafter on the day and year provided by subsequent legislative enactment. ARTICLE IX.-FINANCE. SECTIN 1. The rule of taxation shall be uniform, and taxes shall be levied upo such property as the Legislature shall from time to time prescribe. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall provide for an annual tax sufficient to defray the estimated expenses of the Government for each year; and whenever the expenses of any 1one year shall exceed the income, the Legislature shall provide for levying a tax for the ensuing year sufficient, with other sources of income, to pay the deficiency as well as te estimated expenses for such ensuing year. SEC. 3. For the purpose of defraying extraordinary expenditures, the State may contract public debts; but such debts, in the aggregate, shall never exceed five hundred thousand dollars. Every such debt shall be authorized by law for some purpose or purposes, to be distinctly specified therein, and a vote of a majority of all the members elected to both houses shall be necessary to the passage of such law, and such law shall provide for an annual tax to be levied sufficient to pay the interest of such debt created; and such appropriation shall not be repealed, nor the taxes postponed, until the principal and interest of such debt shall have been wholly paid. SEC. 4. The Legislature may also borrow money for the purpose of repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, and defending the State in time of war; but the money thus raised shall be applied exclusively to the purposes for which it was raised. SEC. 5. No scrip, certificate, or other evidence of State debt shall be issued, except for such debts as are authorized by the third or fourth sections of this article. SEC. 6. The property of the State and counties, both real and personal, and such other property as the Legislature may deem necessary for school, religious or charitable purposes, may be exempted from taxation. SEC. 7. No money shall at any time be paid out of the treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation by law. SEC. S. An accurate statemeflt of the receipts and expenditures of the public money shall be published with the laws of each regular session of the Legislature..ARTICLE X.-REVENUE. SEcrIoN 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. SEC. 2. Taxation shall be equal and uniform, and all property on which taxes shall be levied shall be taxed in proportion to its value, to be ascertained as directed by legislative enactment, and no one species of property shall be taxed higher than another species of property of equal value on which taxes shall be levied. SEC. 3. The Legislature shall have power to levy an income tax, and to tax all persons pursuing any occupation, trade, or profession. SEC. 4. The Legislature shall provide for the classification of the lands of this State into three distinct classes, to be styled, respectively, Class One, Two, Three; and each of these classes shall have a fixed value in so much money, upon which there shall be assessed an ad valorem tax. SEC. 5. The Legislature shall provide for a capitation or poll-tax, to be paid by every 142 ANNALS OF.KANSAS. [1857. able-bodied male citizen over twenty-one years and under sixty years of age, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the exemption of taxable polls in cases of bodily infirmity. SEC. 6. The Legislature shall levy a tax on all railroad incomes proceeding from gifts of public lands, at the rate of ten cents on the one hundred dollars. SEC. 7. No lotteries shall be authorized by law as a source of revenue. SEC. 8. Whatever donations of lands or money that may be received from the General Government by this State shall be regarded as a source of revenue, subject to a compact made with the United States by special ordinance. ARTICLE XI.-PUBLIC DOMAIN AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the Legislature to provide for the prevention of waste and damage of the public land now possessed or that may hereafter be ceded to the Territory or State of Kansas, and it may pass laws for the sale of any part or portion thereof, and, in such case, provide for the safety, security, and appropriation of the proceeds. SEC. 2. A liberal system of internal improvements being essential to the development of the resources of the country, shall be encouraged by the Government of this State; and it shall be the duty of the Legislature, as soon as practicable, to ascertain by law proper objects of improvement, in relation to roads, canals. and navigable streams, and to provide for a suitable application of such funds as may be appropriated for such improvements. ARTICLE XII.-CORPORATIONS. SECTION 1. Corporations may be formed under a general law, but the Legislature may by special act create bodies politic for municipal purposes, where the objects of the corporations cannot be attained under it. All general laws or special acts enacted under the provisions of this section may be altered, amended, or repealed by the Legislature at any time. SEC. 2. No corporation shall take private property for public use without first having the consent of the owner, or where the necessity thereof being first established by a verdict of a jury, and the value thereof assessed and paid. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Legislature to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated Villages, and to restrict their power of taxation, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, so as to prevent abuses. SEC. 4. The Legislature may incorporate banks of deposit and exchange, but such banks shall not issue any bills, notes, checks, or other paper as money. SEC. 5. The Legislature may incorporate one bank of discount and issue, with not more than two branches, provided that the act incorporating said bank and branches thereof shall not take effect until it shall be submitted to the people at the general election next succeeding the passage of the same, and shall have been approved by a majority of the electors voting at such election. SEC. 6. The said bank and branches shall be mutually liable for each other's debts or liabilities for all paper credits or bills issued representing money; and the stockholders in said bank or branches shall be individually responsible to an amount equal to the stock held by them for all debts or liabilities of said bank or branches; and no law shall be passed sanctioning directly or indirectly the suspension by said bank or its branches of specie payment. SEC. 7. The State shall not be a stockholder in any bank, nor shall the credit of the State be given or loaned in aid of any person, association, or incorporation, nor shall the State become a stockholder in any corporation or association. ARTICLE XIII.-MILITIA. SECTION 1. The militia of this State shall consist of all the able-bodied male citizens of the State between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, except such citizens as are now, or hereafter may be, exempted by the laws of the United States or of this State. SEC. 2. Any citizen whose religious tenets conflict with bearing arms shall not be compelled to do militia duty in time of peace, but shall pay such an equivalent for personal services as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 3. All militia officers shall be elected by the persons subject to military duty 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 143 within the bounds of their several companies, battalions, regiments, brigades and divisions, under such rules and regulations as the Legislature may from time to time direct and establish. ARTICLE XIV.-EDUCATION. SETION 1. A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged in this State. SC. 2. The Legislature shall take measures to preserve from waste and damage such lands as have been, or hereafter may be, granted by the United States, or lands or funds which may be received from other sources, for the use of schools within this State, and shall apply the funds which may arise from such lands, or from any other source, in strict conformity with the object of the grant. SE. 3. The Legislature shall, as soon as practicable, establish one common school (or more) in each township in the State, where the children of the township shall be taught gratis. S. 4. The Legislature shall have power to make appropriations from the State treasry for the support and maintenance of common schools, whenever the funds accruing from the lands donated by the United States, or the funds received from other sources, are insufficient for that purpose. SC.. The Legislature shall have power to pass laws for the government of all common schools within this State. ARTICLE XV.-MISCELLANEOUS. STioN 1. Lecompton shall be the seat of government until otherwise directed by law, two-thirds of each house of the Legislature concurring in the passage of such law. SC. 2. Every person chosen or appointed to any office under this State, before entering upon the discharge of its duties, shall take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of this State, and all laws made in pursuance thereof, and faithfully to demean himself in the discharge of the duties of his office. SEC. 3. The laws, public records, and the written, judicial, and legislative proceedings of the State, shall be~conducted, promulgated, and preserved in the English language. SEC. 4. Aliens who are, or may hereafter becom~e, bona fide residents of this State shall enjoy the same rights, in respect to the possession, inheritance, and enjoyment o f property, as native-horn citizens. SEC. 5. No county seat shall be removed until the point to which it is proposed to be removed shall be fixed by law, an d a majority of the voters of the county voting on the question shall have voted in favor of its removal to such point. SIEC. 6. All property, both real and personal, of the wife, owned or claimed by marriage, and that acquired afterwards by gift, devise, or descent, shall be her separate property; and laws shall be passed more clearly defining the rights of the wife, in relation as well to her separate property as to that held in common with her husband. Laws shall also be passed providing for the registration of the wife's separate property. SEFC. 7. The privilege of free suffrage shall be supported by laws regulating elections, and prohibiting, under -adequate penalties, all undue influence thereon from power, bribery, tumult, or other improper practice. SEC. S. Treason against the State shall. consist only in levying war against it, or adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convikted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or his own confession in open court. BILL OF RIGHSiv. That the great. and essential principles of liberty -and free government may be recognized and established, we declare: 1. That. all freemen, when they form a social compact, are equal in rights, and that no man or set of men are entitled to exclusive separate public emoluments or privileges, but in consideration of public services. 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and therefore they have at all times. an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish their form of government in such manner as they may think proper. 144 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. 3. That all persons have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience, and no person can of right be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or maintain any ministry, against his consent. That no human authority can in any case whatever interfere with the rights of conscience, and that no preference shall ever be given to any religious establishment or mode of worship. 4. That the civil rights, privileges, or capacities of a citizen shall in nowise be diminished or enlarged on account of his religion. 5. That all elections shall be free and equal. 6. That the right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate. 7. Every citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. 8. The people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and possessions, from unreasonable seizures and searches; and no warrant to search any place, or to seize any person or thing, shall issue without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation. In all criminal prosecutions the accused has a right to be heard by himself or counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation, and have a copy thereof; to be confronted by the witness or witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and in all prosecutions by indictments or informations, a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the county or district in which the offence shall have been committed. He shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself, nor shall he be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by due course of law. 9. That no freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties or privileges, or outlawed or exiled, or in any manner destroyed or deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by the judgment of his peers, or the law of the land. 10. No person, for the same offence, shall twice be put in jeopardy of life, limb, or liberty; nor shall any person's property be taken or applied to the public use, unless compensation be made therefor. 11. That all penalties shall be reasonable, and proportionate to the nature of the offence. 12. No person shall be held to answer a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on the presentment or indictment of, a grand jury, or by impeachment, except in cases of rebellion, insurrection, or invasion. 13. That no conviction shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. 14. That all prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient securities, unless in capital offences, where the proof is evident or the presumption great; and the privileges of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless, when in the cases of rebellion [insurrection] or invasion, the public safety may require it. 15. That excessive bail shall in no case be required, nor excessive fines imposed. 16. That no " ex post facto " law, nor any law impairing the obligations of contracts, shall ever be made. 17. That forfeitures and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a republic, and shall not be allowed; nor shall any hereditary emolument, privileges or honors ever be granted or conferred in this State. 18. That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their common good; to instruct their representatives, and to apply to those entrusted with the power of government for redress of grievances, or other purposes, by address or remonstrance. 19. That the citizens of this State shall have a right to keep and bear arms for their common defence. 20. That no soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner prescribed by law. 21. The military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power. 22. Emigration to or from this State shall not be prohibited. ".23. Free negroes shall not be permitted to live in this State under any circumstances. 24. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people; and to guard against any encroachments on the rights herein retained, or any transgression of' any of the higher power herein delegated, we declare that everything in this article is excepted out of the general' powers of government, and 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 145 shall forever remain inviolate, and that all laws contrary thereto, or to the other provisions herein contained, shall be void. SCHEDULE. SECTION 1. That no inconvenience may arise by reason of a change from a Territorial to a permanent State Government, it is declared that all rights, actions, prosections, judgments, claims, and contracts, as well of individuals as of bodies corporate, except the bill incorporating banks by the last Territorial Legislature, shall contine as if no sch change had taken place; and all processes which may have issued nder the authoity of the Territory of Kansas shall be as valid as if issued in the name of the State of Kansas. SEC. 2. All laws now in force in the Territory of Kansas, which are not repgnant to this Constitution, shall continue and be of force until altered, amended, or repealed, y a Legislature assembled under the provisions of this Constitution. SEC. 3. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures to the Territory of Kansas shall inure to the use of the State of Kansas, SEC. 4. All recognizances heretofore taken shall pass to, and be prosecuted in the name of the State of Kansas, and all bonds executed to the Governor of the Territory, or to any other officer of the Court in his or their official capacity, shall pass to the Governor and corresponding officers of the State authority and their successors in office, and for the use therein expressed, and may be sued for and recovered accordingly; and all the estates or property, real, personal, or mixed, and all judgments, bonds, specialties, choses in action, and claims or debts of whatever description, of the Territory of Kansas, shall inure to, and rest in, the State of Kansas, and be sued for and recovered in the same manner and to the same extent as the same could have been by the Territory of Kansas. SEC. 5. All criminal prosecutions and penal actions, which may have arisen before the change from a Territorial to a State Government, and which shall then be pending, shall be prosecuted to judgment in the name of the State of Kansas. All actions at law and suits in equity, which may be pending in the courts of the Territory of Kansas, at the time of a change from a Territorial to a State Government, may be continued and transferred to any court of the State, which shall have jurisdiction of the subject-matter thereof. SEC. 6. All officers, civil and military, holding their offices under aisthority of the Territory of Kansas, shall continue to hold and exercise their respective offices until they shall be superseded by the authority of the State. SEC. 7. This Constitution shall be submitted to the Congress of the United States at its next ensuing session, and as soon as official information has been received that it is approved by the same, by the admission of the State of Kansas as one of the sovereign States of the United States, the President of this Convention shall issue his proclamation to convene the State Legislature at the seat of Government, within thirty-one days after publication. Should any vacancy occur, by death, resignation or otherwise, in the Legislature, or other office, he shall order an election to fill such vacancy: Previded, hewever, In case of removal, absence or disability of the President of this Convention to discharge the duties herein imposed on him, the President pre tempoer of this Convention shall perform said duties, and in case of absence, refusal or disability of the Presidentpre tempoer, a committee consisting, or a majority of them, shall discharge the duties required of the President of this Convention. Before this Constitution shall be sent to Congress, asking for admission into the Union as a State; it shall be submitted to all the white mnale inhabitants of this Territory, for approval or disapproval, as follows: The President of this Convention shall, by proclamation, declare that on the twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, at the diifferent election precincts now established by law, or which may be established as herein provided, in the Territory of Kansas, an election shall be held, over which shall preside three judges, or a majority of them, to be appointed as follows: The President of this Convention shall appoint three commissioners in each county in the Territory, whose duty it shall be to appoint three judges of election in the several precincts of their respective counties, and to establish precincts for voting, and to cause poiis to be opened, at such places as they may deem proper in their respective counties, at whic h election the Constitu.tion framed by this Convention shall 10 146 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. be submitted to all the white male inhabitants of the Territory of Kansas in the said Territory upon that day, and over the age of twenty-one years, for ratification or rejection, in the following manner and form: The voting shall be by ballot. The judges of said election shall cause to be kept two poll-books by two clerks, by them appointed. The ballots cast at said election shall be endorsed, "Constitution with Slavery," and "Constitution with no Slavery." One of said poll-books shall be returned within eight days to the President of this Convention, and the other shall be retained by the judges of election and kept open for inspection. The President, with two or more members of this Convention, shall examine said poll-books, and if it shall appear upon said examination that a majority of the legal votes cast at said election be in favor of the "Constitution with Slavery," he shall immediately have the same transmitted to Congress of the United States, as hereinbefore provided; but if, upon such examination of said poll-books, it shall appear that a majority of the legal votes cast at said election be in favor of the "Constitution with no Slavery," then the article providing for Slavery shall be stricken from this Constitution by the President of this Convention, and Slavery shall no longer exist in the State of Kansas, except that the right of property in slaves now in this Territory shall in no manner be interfered with, and shall have transmitted the Constitution, so ratified, [to Congress the Constitution, so ratified,] to the Congress of the United States, as hereinbefore provided. In case of the failure of the President of this Convention to perform the duties imposed upon him in the foregoing section, by reason'of death, resignation or otherwise, the same duties shall devolve upon the President pro tern. SEC. 8. There shall be a general election upon the first Monday in January, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, to be conducted as the election provided for in the seventh section of this article, at which election there shall be chosen a Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and members of the Legislature, and also a member of Congress. SEC. 9. Any person offering to vote at the aforesaid election upon said Constitution shall be challenged to take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and to support this Constitution, under the penalties of perjury under the Territorial laws. SEC. 10. All officers appointed to carry into execution the provisions of the foregoing sections shall, before entering upon their duties, be sworn to faithfully perform the duties of their offices, and in failure thereof be subject to the same charges and penalties as are provided in like cases under the Territorial laws. SEC. 11. The officers provided for in the preceding sections shall receive for their services the same compensation as given to officers performing similar duties under the Territorial laws. SEC. 12. The Governor and all other officers shall enter upon the discharge of their respective duties as soon after the admission of the State of Kansas, as one of the independent and sovereign States of the Union, as may be convenient. SEC. 13. Oaths of office may be administered by any judge, justice of the peace, or clerk of any court of record of the Territory or the State of Kansas, until the Legislature may otherwise direct. SEC. 14. After the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, whenever the Legislature shall think it necessary to amend, alter, or change this Constitution, they shall recommend to the electors at the next general election, two-thirds of the members of each house concurring, to vote for or against calling a convention; and if it shall appear that a majority of all citizens of the State have voted for a convention, the Legislature shhll at its next regular session call a convention, to consist of as many members as there may be in the House of Representatives at the time, to be chosen in the same manner, at the same places, and by the same electors that choose the Representatives. Said delegates so elected shall meet within three months after said election, for the purpose of revising, amending, or changing the Constitution; but no alteration shall be made to affect the rights of property in the ownership of slaves. SEC. 15. Until the Legislature elected in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution shall otherwise direct, the salary of the Governor shall be three thousand dollars, and the salary of Lieutenant Governor shall be double the pay of a State Senator, and the pay of members of the Legislature shall be five dollars per diem, until otherwise 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 147 provided by the first Legislature, which shall fix the salaries of all officers other than those elected by the people at first election. SEC. 16. This Constitution shall take effect and be in force from and after its ratifi tion y the people as hereinbefore provided. Done in convention at Lecompton, in the Territory of Kansas, on the seventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the eighty-second. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names. JESSE CONNELL, JUN. T. HEREFORD, JOHN DALE HENDERSON, ISAAC S. HASAL, HUGH M, MOORE, JAMES ADKINS, JARRETT TODD, Atchison County. WILBURN CHRISTISON, SAMUEL J. KOOKAGEE, JACOB T. BR LUCIEN J. EASTIN WM. A. HASKELL, WM. WALKER, Lykis County. JOHN W. MARTIN, THOS. D. CHILDS, GREENE B. REDMAN, ALEXANDER BAYN, Leavenworth County. W. H. SWIFT, CYRUS DOLMAN, Jeffers HENRY SMITH, G. W. MCKOWN Brown and Nemaha Cos. BATT. JONES, J. H. DANFORTH, W. S. WELLS, JohnsC ALFRED W. JONES, OWEN C. STEWART, WM. H. JENKINS, L. S. BOLING, Marshall outy. W. T. SPICELY, JOHN S. RA H. BUTCHER, Douglas County. C. K. MOBLEY, Riley County. THos. J. KEY, HENRY D. ODEN, SAMUEL P. BLAIR, JAMES J. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM MATHEWS, SAMUEL G. REED D. VANDERSLICE, RUSH ELMORE, HARVEY W. FORMAN, Shawe County. Doniphan County. H. T. WILSON, MILTON E. BRYANT, B. LITTLE, Linn County. Bossrbon County. J. CALHOUN, President of the Convention, and Delegate frons the County of Douglas. CHARLES J. MCILYAINE, Secretory of the Convention. ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, The Government of the United States is the proprietor, or will become so, of all or most of the lands lying within the limits of Kansas, as determined u nder the Constitution; and whereas, the State of Kansas will possess the undoubted right to tax such lands for the support of her State Government, or for other proper and legitimate purposes connected with her existence as a State: Now, therefore, be it ordained by this Convention, on behalf of and by the authority of the people of Kansas, that the right aforesaid to tax such lands shall be and is hereby forever relinquished, if the conditions following shall be accepted and.agreed to by the Congress of the United States: SEcTrIoN 1. That sections numbered 5, 16, 24, and 36, in every township in the State, or in case either of said numbered sections are or shall be otherwise disposed of, that other lands, equal thereto in value, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the State, to be applied exclusively to the support of common schools. SEC. 2. That all salt springs, and gold, silver, copper, lead, or other valuable mines, together with the lands necessary for their'full occupation and use, shall be granted to said State for the use and benefit of said State; and the same shall be used or disposed of under such terms and conditions and regulations as the Legislature of said State shall direct. SEC. 3. That five per centum of the proceeds of the sales of all public lands sold or held in trust or otherwise lying within the said State, whether sold before or after the admission of the State into the Union, after deducting all expenses incidental to the same, shall be paid to the said State of Kansas for the purposes following, to wit: two-. fifths to he disbursed under the direction of the Legislature of the State for the purpose 148 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. of aiding the construction of railroads within said State, and the residue for the support of common schools. SEC. 4. That seventy-two sections, or two entire townships, shall be designated by the President of the United States, which shall be reserved for the use of a seminary of learning, and appropriated by the Legislature of said State solely to the use of said seminary. SEC. 5. That each alternate section of land now owned, or which may hereafter be acquired by the United States, for twelve miles on each side of a line of railroad to be established or located from some point on the northern boundary of the State, leading southerly through said State in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico, and on each side of a line of railroad to be located and established from some point on the Missouri river westwardly through said State in the direction of the Pacific ocean, shall be reserved and conveyed to said State of Kansas for the purpose of aiding in the construction of said railroad; and it shall be the duty of the Congress of the United States, in conjunction with the proper authorities of this State, to adopt immediate measures for carrying the several provisions herein contained into full effect. SEPTEMBER 15.-The committee appointed at Grasshopper Falls issue an address to the people. The following is quoted from it: "The system of districting and apportionment for members of the Legislature shows an unquestionable determination to introduce voters from abroad. Sixteen counties, strongly Free-State, containing nearly one-half of the entire population of the Territory, are not allowed a single representative in either branch. Of the thirteen members of the Council, all but three, and of the thirty-nine members of the House of Representatives, all but ten, are to be elected in districts bordering on the Missouri line. Topeka is connected with Fort Scott, and Lawrence is attached to the Shawnee Mission, adjoining Westport." SEPTEMBER 16.- Gov. Walker issues an address to the people of Kansas. He assures the people that the October election shall be fair and free. The two parties of Kansas will then, for the first time, measure their strength, "at the same times and places," at the ballot-box. OCTOBER 5.-Election of the Territorial Legislature. Free-State. Demo- House. Council. cretic. Leavenworth.......................................... 1, 083 1, 370 8 (d.) 3 (d.) Atchison............................................................... 315 366 3 (d.) 1 (d.) Doniphan.............................................................. 574 497 5 (f.) Brown................................................................. 138 72 1 f Nemaha................................................................ 145 30 2 -) Neinaha.145 soj 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (f. ) Marshall................................................................ 1 160 1 (d.) (f) Pottawatomie....................................................... 151 16 2 (f Riley.................................................................... 21 106 J.) Riley.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~251 10S Jefferson............................................................... 344 189 2 (f. I Calhoun................................................................ 200 39 1 (f. () Douglas........................................... 63................ 187) Johnson.33~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16 j (f.) 3 (f.) Jfohnson................................................................ 33 63 Shawnee............................................................... 749 61 1 (f)] ) Richardson.........................................127........................ Davis.............................................................. 126 30 Wise and Breckinridge......................................... 266 7 Madison and Butler......................................... 69 7 Bourbon......................................... 96 175 Dorn........................................................ 18 Coffey................................................................... 265 48 2 (f.) McGee... 24 1,202 3 (d.) Woodson.....:......... Weller.................................................................. Godfrey................................................................ Wilson...................................................................... W ilson................................................................................. Greenwood......................................... 14 13 Allen..................................................................... 65 20 Anderson............................................................. 261 2 Franklin.............................................................. 345 101 Lykins.........................................348 59 2 (f.) ) Li nn..................................................................... 24 178 2 (f.) _ (f.) Free State (d.) Democratic. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 149 The one Free-State vote in Marshall county was cast by James White. The illegal votes in Johnson and McGee counties were thrown out. These returns result as follows: Free State. Democratic. Whole No. Council...................................................................... 9 4 13 House....................................................................... 24 15 39 The candidates for the Legislature are given below: COUNCIL. County. Free-State. Democratic. Robert Crozier.............. John A. Halderman. Leavenworth.................................... Jos. P. Root.................. J.W. Martin. J. Wright..................... Alson C. Davis. Atchison........................................... Caleb May..................... Jos. P. Carr. Doniphan, Brown, Nemaha, Marshall, Benj. Harding.............. Frank J. Marshall. - Riley, and Pottawatomie i Andrew J. Mead.......... Henry S. Creal. Jefferson and Calhoun........................ A. A.G. Patrick............... C. Buck. Carmi W. Babcock........ H. M. Bledsoe. Douglas and Johnson........................ Lyman Allen............... Wm. H. Hull. Edwin S. Nash..............S. S.J. Jones. Anderson, Franklin, Lykins and Linn H. B. Standiford............L. L.B. Williams. TheX se a. Oscar E Learnard........ Geo. A. Crawford. The seventeen remaining counties. -.Cyu K. Holliday. Benj. I. Newsom. Cyrus K. Holliday......... Benj. I. Newsom....... HOUSE. County. Free-State. Democratic. H. Miles Moore............... Hugh M. Moore. I Geo. H. Keller.................. H.B. Denman. W. M. McClure............... A.B. Hazzard. J. P. Hatterscheidt.......... B. Johnson. Leavenworth................................................ B. J hnson. Owen A. Bassett.............T. B. Whitesides. Wm. Pennock................. A. B. Bartlett. R. G. Elliott.................... S. Armstrong. P. R. Orr.......................... W. H. Sharp. John P. Wheeler.............. J. H. Miller. Atchison............................................ Caleb Woodworth............ John Bennett. S. J. H. Snyder................. Jas. Adkins. Benj. H. Brock................. And'n Miller. Alex. A. Jamieson........... Sidney Tennent. Doniphan.......................................... Harris Stratton................ John Starwalt. I C. Graham....................... John R. Boyd. John B. Wheeler.............. Wm. Word. Brown and Nemaha........................... E. N. Morrill............ E.M. Hubbard. Marshall........................................... W.S. Blackburn.............. J. P. Miller. Riley and Pottawatomie.................. a. Geo. Montague. Chas. Jenkins.................S. G. Menzies. Jefferson..f S. S. Cooper.................. C.L. Freeman. Jefferson................................................ C. L. Fregg. Henry Owen...................W. W. Gregg. Calhoun............................................ A. Reynard..................... A. Davidson. John Speer..................... J.H. Danforth. G. W. Deitzler................. T.B. Sykes. Oliver Barber.................. J.P. Thompson. Douglas and Johnson........................ H. Appleman.................. U. B. Windsor. A. T. Still.......................A. P. Walker. G. W. Zinn..................... W.S. Wells. G. Seymour..................... John Ector. (John Lockhart................. L.S. Boling. Shawnee............................................ Jas. A. Delong................. Wm. S. Romigh. f A. J. Shannon........... J.J. Parks. Lykins.............................................. A J Sh n o...........J.P r s ~Lyki~~~ns.1 ~ John Hanna..................... H. King. Linn............................ A. Danford....................... H. Barlow...................... R. B. Mitchell.................. J.E. Mooney. Samuel Stewart............... J. Head. The eighteen remaining counties....... C. Columbia..................... N. S. Goss. (John Curtis..................... L.E. Rhddes. 150 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. OCTOBER 5.-Election of Delegate in Congress. N.~.Y. LEAVENWORTH COUNTY. a CALHOUN COUNTY. a Precincts. Precincts. Delaware................................ 92 56 Half-Day................................ 4 55 Leavenworth........................... 275 511 Atchison................................. 12 29 Kickapoo............................... 728 171 Franklin................................. 10 94 Wyandotte............................. 134 200 Douglas.. 13 27 Stranger................................. 68 168 - - 39 205 1, 297 1,046 ATCHISON COUNTY.Y. ATC~~~~~~~~JHNSON COUNTY. * Oxford.................................. - - Grasshopper........................... 31 55 McCamish 10 32 Walnut............................. 88 22 Lexington.39 19 Mount easan........................ 42 80 Monticello. 48 6 Shannon........................ 205 158 Shawnee.............................. 68 13 36 5Spring Hill....................... 4 7 DONIPHAN COUNTY. Shannt Township.........................69 57........ 212 96 Centre Township. Fo Justioe of the Peace 124 votes were Iowa....................................110 113l polled; all Demooratic. Wolf River............................. 51 53 Palermo. 23 50 Washington.54 79 DOUGLAS COUNTY. Wayne........................ 163 147 Lecompton......................... 138 294 Burr Oak........................ 27 75 Washington......................... 34 268 Calhoun.................................. 4 215 497 574 Wakarusa......................... 11 905 BROWN COUNTY. 187 1,682 Walnut Creek........................ 3 46 7 Locknane.11 10 SHAWNEE COUNTY. Lowknane................................ 11 13 p o lled CoUNtY. Irving........................ 23 43 Tecuseh............................. 52 126 Claytonville.35 37 o........................Topeka............ 4 334 - Burhingame............................ - 112 Burr -ak 72 136 Wakarusa............................ 5 91 MARSHALL COUNTY. Brownsville............................. - 86 Marysville.............................. 160 1 61 749 NEMA RICHARDSON COUNTY. Red Vermnilion 1 44 W ahaunsee.- 74 Wal nuee........................... - 74 RedV r ichmond......................... 8 44 Alma.................................. - 37 Richmond............................... 8 66 Capsoena....; 5 10 Mission............................. - 16 Wheatland............................. - 128 - _- DAVIS COUNTY. 30 145 Ashland.............................. 11 33 RILEY COUNTY. Chelolah............................. 2 8 Manhattan.5 123 Clark Creek............................. - 19 Montague. 15 31 Zandale.- 46 Ogden........................ Riley City......................... 17 20 Randolph........................ 6 18 30 126 106 251 BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY. POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY. Emporia. 137 Louisville........................ 10 30 Americus............................ - 36 St George............. I 22 Geo. Newberry's............................ 2 25 uRichmond............................... 8 66..... *Pottawatomie........................ 1 34 J. Nathan ory's..................... - 41 Vienna.................................. - Agnes City.............................. 5 27 Blue.............................2.......... 4 51 7 Blue.4 51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 266 16 148 BOURBON COUNTY. JEFFERSEON COUNTY. Drywood................................. 9 3 Slough Creek......46 56 ussell........................ 12 2 ~~~~Hickory Point....~ 35~~C 43Fort Scott............................. 99 24 onskrawk Pe........................ 3........ 33 47 Zsawne e................................. - - 46 O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sgden...................................... 22 79 Kaw City..... - 6g.... 22 20 Kentucky............................ 42 12 175 96 Grasshopper Falls........................D 16 170 9 34 -DORN COUNTY. 189. 344 Dorn............................... 1I 2 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 151 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. ALLEN COUNTY. a FRANKLIN COUNTY. Precincts. Precincts. Deer Creek............................. 1 33 St. Bernard........ 2 153 Cofachique.............................. 16 20 Musquito Bran ch......- 90 Cole Creek.............................. 3 12 Peoria........................1 66 - -6 Ohio City................................ 7 36 20 65GREENWOOD COUNTY. 10 345 Greenville............................... 8 6 Pleasant Grove....................... 5 8 Pl eeasantnGove l 8 6 ANDERSON COUNTY. - Cresco..................................... 1 35 13 14 Addington. - 32 COFFEY COUNTY. Shannon................................ 1 66 Neosho City 2 51 Greeley........................... - 68 Burlington.............................. - 133 Hyatt..60 LeRoy.................................... 26 31 Ottumwa................................ 20 50 2 261 ~48 265 LINN COUNTY. MADISON COUNTY. Paris Township....................... 65 79 Columbia............................ 7 69 Tate.................. 39 25 Centreville............................ 14 23 LYKINS COUNTY. Sot3 LYKINS COUNTY. Scott....................................... 33 - Miami..................................... 4 23 Mound City............................. 2 63 Stanton................................... 4 60 Potosi..................................... 10 4 Paola...................................... 51 26 Jackson................................. 4 12 Osawatomie............................ - 239 Breckinridge........................... 11 8 59 348 178 214 Total vote for E. Ransom..................................................................................... 3,799 Total vote for M. J. Parrott.......:.......................................................................... 7,888 Free-State m ajority.................................................................................... 4,089 Oxford, in Johnson county, near Missouri, polled 1,628 Pro-Slavery votes, nearly all illegal. McGee county polled 1,200 Pro-Slavery votes, nearly all illegal. Kickapoo did the same. Governor Walker set the election returns aside for informality, not for fraud. OCTOBER.-Baker University established at Palmyra, twelve miles south of Lawrence, now Baldwin City. -Gerrit Smith, who had been giving $1,000 a month for the relief of Kansas, discontinues the princely donation. OCTOBER 19.-Governor Walker and Secretary Stanton issue a proclamation rejecting the whole return from Oxford precinct, Johnson county, which represented that 1,628 votes had been cast there on the 5th and 6th instant. This return was a manuscript roll fifty feet long, containing the names of 1,628 persons as having voted at Oxford precinct- a place containing eleven houses. If admitted, by transferring from the Free-State to the Pro-Slavery side three Councilmen and eight Representatives for the district of which this precinct formed a part, it would have changed the party character of the Legislature. A Free-State meeting was held at Lecompton October 19. Philip C. Schuyler was President, and Richard Realf and O. E. Learnard Secretaries. Resolutions were passed exposing the fraudulent vote cast at Oxford, Kickapoo, and in McGee county. OCTOBER 20.-A Democratic meeting held in Lecompton passes seventeen resolutions condemning Walker and Stanton. Dr. B. Little, of Bour ~152 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. bon county, is Chairnian, and Major G. D. Hand, of Johnson county, Secretary. OCTOBER 20.-Judge Cato, of the Second District, issues a peremptory mandamus to Governor Walker and Secretary Stanton to compel them to issue certificates of election to the Pro-Slavery candidates for the Legislature in Douglas and Johnson counties, who claimed an election through the fraudulent vote cast at Oxford. A written refusal was sent to Judge Cato. OCTOBER 22.- Governor Walker and Secretary Stanton issuea proclamation rejecting the returns from McGee county, where three precincts had cast more than 1,200 votes. This county covered the Cherokee Indian land, in the southeastern part of the State. The Free-State or Republican Party has carried every election in Kansas since this date-usually by two to one.. OCTOBER 27.-Certificate of election issued to Marcus J. Parrott, elected Delegate to the Thirty-fifth Congress. OTBER 31.-The first court ever held in Lawrence now in session; Samuel N. Wood, Justice of the Peace. NOVEMBER 1. —Robert Crozier sells his interest in the Leavenworth Times to Champion Vaughan. NOVEMBER 11.- Free-State Convention at Lawrence. The object of the Convention was to organize the Republican party. It was notlargely attended. NOVEMBER 16.- Gov. Walker leaves the Territory, to be " absent on business three or four weeks." NOV~tMBER 19.- Shawnee Indian lands thrown open for purchase and pre-emption. NOVEMBER 23.- A convention at Topeka declares in favor of setting the Free-State Government in motion. C. K. Holliday is President, and S. N. Frazier and Guilford Dudley Secretaries. NOVEMBER 24. - Convention at Leavenworth to organize a Free-State Democratic party. It does not meet with success. NOVEMBER 28. -G. W. Deitzler, John Speer, Lyman Allen, and a majority of the members elected to the Legislature, ask Acting Gov. Stanton to call an extra session of the Legislature, and pledge themselves not to engage in general legislation. The request is concurred in by G...W. Brown, G. W. Smith, C. Robinson and J. H. Lane. NOVEMBER 28.-Stephen A. Douglas opposes the Lecompton Constitution. DECEMBER.-Pottawatomies go to Washington to arrange a sale of theirlands south of the Kansas river. Land offices at Doniphan and Ogden are open. DECEMBER 1.-Secretary Stanton calls an Extra Session of the Legisla-. ture, to meet December 7th. I857.1 ANNALS OF KANSAS. 153 -The following is a list of the papers published in the Territory at this date: Herald, Leavenworth, Pro-Slavery. Constitutionalist, Doniphan, Pro-Slavery. Herald of Freedom, Lawrence, Free-State. Kansas Chief, White Cloud, Free-State. Triune, Topeka, Free-State. Zeitung, Atchison, Free-State. Pioneer, Kickapoo, Pro-Slavery. Era, Geary City, Free-State. Squatter Sovereign, Atchison, now Free- Advertiser, Elwood, Neutral. Times, Leavenworth, Free-State. [State. Young America, Leavenworth, Whig. Republican, Lawrence, Free-State. National Democrat, Lecompton, Democratic Leader, Centropolis, Free-State. Gazette, Sumner, Neutral. Chi uindowan, Qudaro, Free-State. Citizen, Wyandotte, Democratic. News, Emporia, Free-State. Journal, Leavenworth, Pro-Slavery. -The following papers have suspended: FreemanTopeka, Free-State. Freemen's Champion, Prairie City, FreeJournal, Topeka, Free-State. Register, Wyandotte, Free-State. [State. Journal, Ottumwa, Free-State. Union, Lecompton, Pro-Slavery Free-State, Delaware, Free-State. Note-Book, Tecumseh, Pro-Slavery. DECEMBER 2.-Free-State Convention at Lawrence. Charles Robinson presided; Secretaries, William A. Phillips, A. Wattles, and E. G. Macy. Committee on Resolutions: James H. Lane, Champion Vaughan, W. V. Barr, J. Rymal, Charles F. Kob, H. Evans, S. Westover, Charles A. Foster, T. Dwight Thacher, G. W. Gilmore, C. K. Holliday, J. K. Goodin, P. B. Plumb, L. F. Carver, G. A. Cutler. The resolutions repudiate the Lecompton Constitution; denounce the proposed elections of December 21 and January 4; ask the Extra Session of the Legislature to submit the Topeka and the Lecompton Constitutions to a vote of the people, and to proide that "the Constitution which shall'receive a majori t of all the legal votes shall become the fundamental law of the State of Kansas." Secretary, Stanton is thanked for calling an Extra Session of the Legislature. DEFCEMBER 7.-Meeting of the Legislature at Lecompton; Message from Secretary Stanton, asking for the submission of the whole Constitution to a vote. It is a fair and able statement of the laws and the elections relatin'g to the Lecompton Constitution. A joint resolution is passed, asking Congress to admit Kansas under the Topeka Constitution. -At the opening of the Thirty-fifth Congress, M. J. Parrott takes his seat as a Delegate. -President Buchanan, in his Message, endorses the Lecompton Constitutional Convention, and urges Congress to admit Kansas uinder that Constitution. He says: "The Kansas-Nehraska act did not require the submission of any portion of the Constitution to an election, except that which relates to the domestic institution of Slavery." D.ECEMBER 8.-Officers of the Council: President, C. W. Babcock; Secretary, Joel K. Goodin; Assistant Secretary, G. A. Colton; Sergeant-at-Arms, A. Cutler; Engrossing Clerk, D. H. Weir; Enrolling Clerk, B. T.-Hutchins; Chaplain, S. Y. Lum; President pro tern., C. K. Holliday. Officers of the -House: G. W. Deitzler, Speaker; C. F. Currier, Chief Clerk; W. B. Parsons, Assistant Clerk; G. F. Warren, Sergeant- at-Arms; T. A. Blake, Doorkeeper; Henry C. Sargent, Enrolling Clerk-; Guilford Dudley, ~154 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. Engrossing Clerk; Robert Speer, Messenger; Rev. Charles H. Lovejoy, Chaplain. DECEMBER 9.-Pro-Slavery convention at Lecompton; nominationof the following candidates for State officers under the Lecompton Constitution: Governor, Frank J. Marshall, of Marshall county; Lieutenant Governor, William G. Mathias, of Leavenworth; Secretary of State, W. T. Spicely, of Douglas county; Auditor, Blake Little, of Bourbon county; Treasurer T. J. B. Cramer, of Douglas county; for Congress, Joseph P. Carr, of Atchison. The resolutions declare it to be the duty of every true Democrat to support the Lecompton Constitution; they accuse Secretary Stanton of a "corrupt contract with the Black Republicans in calling an Extra Session of the Legislature," and declare the fullest confidence in the administration of James Buchanan. "Resolved, That though a Reeder, a Geary and a Walker have sought to reduce and prostitute the Democracy to the unholy ends of the Abolitionists, yet we rejoice that their careers have closed in Kansas in contempt and infamy to themselves and without injury to the Democratic party. "Resolved, That in the approaching election we shall hail all who stand y us as National men and sound Democrats, and can only regard all who join in opposition to our Constitution as Black Republicans and enemies to the Union." DECEMBER 10.-The House admits to seats from Leavenworth county H. Miles Mdore, George H. Keller, William M. McClure, J. P. Hatterscheidt, 0. A. Bassett, William Pennock, R.:G. Elliott, and Patrick R. Orr. DECEMBER 11.-The Legislature, in joint session, elects W. W. Ross Public Printer and R. G. Elliott Superintendent of Printing. A joint resolution is adopted reaffirming the People's Constitution, framed at Topeka, October 23, 1855. R. Crozier,-J.-Wright and J. P. Root are admitted to the Cotuncil in place of J. A. Halderman, A. C. Davis and J. W. Martin. - Lewis- Cass, Secretary of State, writes to James W. Denver that Stanton has been removed because he called a special session of the Legislature, and that Denver is appointed in Stanton's place. DECEMBER 14.-Passage of a joint resolution in relation to the Lecompton Constitution. DECEMBER 1-6.-The Legislature, in joint session, elects the following Militia officers: Major General, James H. Lane; Brigadier Generals, I. G. Losee. S. V. Jamieson, Asa Hall, George S. Hillyer, Samuel Walker, L. G. Cleveland, C. W. McDaniel, John H. Whistler; Adjutant, Charles Chadwick; Commissary, Hiram Houser; Inspector, J. Finn Hill; Quartermaster, S. W. Eldridge, Surgeon, S. B. Prentiss. DECEMBER 16.-Secretary Stanton requests General Harney to send troops to Fort Scott to act as a "posse comitatus to aid in the execution of legal process." DECEMBER 17.-Passage of an act submitting the Lecompton Constitution to a vote of the people on the 4th of January.I DECEMBER 17.-The Legislature adjourns. Before the adjournment, Stanton receives notice of his removal. DECEMBER 17.-Governor Walker's letter resigning his office. It is a long statement, addressed to Secretary Cass. 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 155 DECEMBER 17.-Troubles at Fort Scott and on the Little Osage. Secretary Stanton sends troops to Fort Scott. The troubles originated in 1856, when the Free-State men were driven from their claims. In the spring of'57, these men came back and attempted to take possession of their claims. Warrants were issued in Fort Scott for their arrest. The Free-State men then organized a Squatter Court, and tried and fined those who had taken their property. Deputy Marshal Little attempted to arrest the "Court," with a posse of forty men. The Free-State men were in a fortified log house. Considerable firing was done on both sides; no one was killed, and no arrests were made. Little retired. DECEMBER 18.-Secretary Cass briefly replies to Governor Walker. DECEMBER 18.-Win. S. Harney, Colonel of Second Dragoons, writes to Secretary Stanton that he will send troops wherever wanted "to insure a full and free vote to the people" at the approaching election. Troops were sent to Doniphan, Atchison,. Palermo, and Fort Scott, and requested by Stanton for Shawnee and Oxford. DECEMBER 19. - Secretary Stanton issues a proclamation appointing commissioners for the election to be held January 4th. DECEMBER 19.- John Calhoun asks Secretary Denver to be present when the returns are opened of the election to be held on the 21st. DECEMBER 21.-J. W. Denver takes the oath of office before Judge Sterling G. Cato. -Secretary Denver issues an address. He quotes from Secretary Cass's letter, and says the elections shall be fairly conducted. -Secretary Denver asks Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, to send him eleven thousand dollars, for Legislative expenses. "There is not a dollar now on hand here." -Election on the Lecompton Constitution. The Free-State men abstain from voting. Calhoun announces the vote as for the "Constitution with slavery," 6,226; "Constitution with no slavery," 569. The Commissioners appointed by the following Legislature to investigate this election reported the illegal vote at Kickapoo, 700; at Delaware City, 145; at Oxford, 1,200; at Shawnee, 675; total, 2,720. 156 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1857. ELECTION OF STATE OFFICERS UNDER THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTION, DECEMBER 21, 1857. Lieut. Secretary A i Treasu'r. Congress. Governor Governor of State. Auditor. Treas'. Congess. onstittion. COUNTIES. 2.. I 8 cO.I.ES~~: S ei tSWtWA Doniphan........ 674 193 673 193 671 193 673 193 674 193 673 318 537 72..... Atahison...........368 35... Leavenworth.2...........36. 1735 142 9 Leavenworth ~~~............................................................14'Brown and Nemah a....} 80 223 80 223 80 223 80 223 80 223 80 22320 60 24...... Calhoun........35 205 36 20 36 205 36 205 36 205 35 204 12 51 Jefferson........177 283 177 285 176 269 126 230 176 285 176 287 69 22...... Marshall.......72 47 62 571 62 57 62 57 62 57 62 57 232 41...... Riley.............10 181 12 181 11 181 11 182 9 184 11 182 6 14. Johnson......... 1755 186 1755 181 1756 180 1756 181 1755 182 1756 227 2075 25...... Lykins......... 149 368 149 350 149 365 150 353 149 356 148 365 81...... Linn.............. 380 360 381 360 383 358 381 360 381 360 382 360 183 46...... Bourbon........523 281 522 281 523 281 521 281 474 281 522 276 366 78 McGee........... 276...... 274...... 276...... 278...... 274...... 278..... 31 1. Dorn.......... 120...... 120...... 120...... 12...... 12...... Allen......... 21 172 20 167 21 172 21 172 21 172 21 172 20 1...... Douglas......... 137.......'137 35.... Frankliderson &... 3 577 3577 4576 2 567 3 577 3 576 1 1...... Franklin... I... Shawnee...... 571 333 56 330 49 331 53 333 58 333 57 532 51 7...... Weller and Coffey....... 6 348 3 349 3 351 3 349...... 351 6 351............ Woodson.....4......... 48.. 48 48...... 48...... 48............. Br'kinridge) and Rich-...... 84..... 84. - 84. 84. 84...... 84........ ardson...... Davis.... 377737773577 77 37 77 381 76 5 1...... This is a complete record of all the returns in the office of the Secretary of State. There are no returns from Pottawatomie, Washington, Dickinson, Wilson, Greenwood, Godfrey, Madison, Wise, Hunter, and Butler counties. DECEMBER 21.-C. W. Babcock and G. W. Deitzler, invited by John Calhoun, were present when the returns of the election of December 21st were opened (Jan. 13, 1858), and reported to the Legislature that the vote for the Constitution with Slavery was 6,143; with no Slavery, 569. They report the fraudulent vote at Oxford, Johnson county, as 1,266; at Shawnee, Johnson county, as 729; at Kickapoo, Leavenworth county, 1,017. On the State ticket they report: FREE-STATE. Smith, Roberts, Schuyler, Mead, Goodin, Parrott, Gov'r. Lt. Gov. Sec'y. Treas. Aud'r. Cong. 6,875 6,947 6,867 6,885 6,813 7,260 PRO-SLAVERY. Marshall. Mathias. Spicely. Cramer. Little. Carr. 6,545 6,446 6, 566 6,514 6, 509 6,574 FREE-STATE MAJORITIES. 330 501 301 371 304 696 They report the fraudulent votes on this ticket, at Oxford, Shawnee, Kickapoo, and in other places not named, as amounting to 3,000. But these are included in the foregoing returns. For the Legislature, under the Lecompton Constitution, they report that the Free-State men have elected 29 mem 1857.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 157 bers of the House, and 13 of the Senate; the Pro-Slavery, 15 in the House, and 6 in the Senate. The State Legislature under the Lecompton Constitution was elected December 21, 1857. The result was not officially made known until March 19, 1858, when John Calhoun, then in Washington, D. C., published a letter in the Washington Star in which he said he should issue certificates of election to the following persons: SENATE. 1st district......Doniphan county........................Sidney Tennent. 2d district......Atchison county..........................J. T. Hereford. 3d district......Doniphan and Atchison counties.. R. S. Kelley. 4th district......Leavenworth county....................C. Vaughan, G. Sparks, C. Chadwick. 5th district......Brown, Nemaha and Pottawatomnie counties.............................A. Johnson. 6th district......Riley, Marshall, Dickinson and Washington counties................Amory Hunting. 7th district......Jefferson and Calhoun..................A. G. Patrick 8th district......Johnson.......................... A. Paine, E. S. Wilkinson. 9th district...... Lykins, Anderson and Franklin...H. H. Williams. 10th district......Linn............................................C. A. Hamilton. 11th district......Bourbon and McGee....................Blake Little. 12th district......Douglas.......................................Robert Morrow, W. S. Bonnifield. 13th district......Shawnee........................... Wm. Oakley. 14th district......Dorn, Allen, etc.......................... J. P. Cox. 15th district......Richardson, Davis, Wise, etc.........H. P. Leonard.' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1st district......Doniphan....................................C. B. Whitehead, J. R. Boyd, Albert Head, G. R. Wilson. 2d district......Atchison......................................B. Bay, A. Elliott, J. P. Wheeler, J. B. Church. 3d district......Leavenworth.......................... Win. Kempf, J. W. Morris, G. J. Park, J. H. Noteware, Barz. Gray, George W. Gardiner,W. Pennock, P. R. Orr. 4th district......Brown and Nemaha.....................E. N. Morrill. 5th district......Calhoun and Pottawatomie............ J. N. Parrott. 6th district......Jefferson......................................H. Owens, S. S. Cooper. 7th district......Marshall and Washington............J. E. Clardy. 8th district......Riley...........................................N. Berry. 9th district......Johnson......................................W. J. Sherraff, A. A. Cox, HI. W. Jones, J. B. Wiley. 10th district......Lykins........................................Chas. A. Foster. 11th district.....Linn............................................J. E. Mooney, T. H. Barlow. 12th district......Bourbon......................................W. D. Campbell, J. C. Simms. 13th district......McGee, Dorn and Allen................E. D. Hart. 14th district......Douglas.......................................E. S. Lowman, J. E. Stewart, S. T. Shore, J. Gardiner, J. A. Wakefield. 15th district......Anderson and Franklin...............Perry Fuller. 16th district......Shawnee......................................J. L. Dolman, R. M. Fish. 17th district......Weller and Coffby........................A. Crocker. 18th district......Woodson, Wilson, etc.................... H. Crittenden. 19th district......Breckinridge and Richardson......John R. Swallow. 20th district......Davis, Wise, Butler and Hunter...E. R. McCurdy. DECEMBER 23 AND 24. - Free-State Convention at Lawrence. Thomas Ewing, jr., M. F. Conway, George W. Smith and Charles Robinson favored the policy of voting for State officers and Members of the Legislature on the 4th of January. In the Convention on the 24th, resolutions to that effect were adopted, and the following State ticket nominated: Governor, Geo. W. Smith; Lieutenant Governor, W. Y. Roberts; Secretary of State, P. C. Schuyler; Treasurer, A. J. Mead; Auditor, Joel K. Goodin; for Congress, M. J. Parrott. These men all opposed the.Lecompton movement, but thought it best to take part in the election of State officers. DECEMBER 24.-A Democratic Convention at Leavenworth utterly repudiates the Lecompton movement, and endorses Walker and Stanton. Among those who take part in the Convention are Saunders W. Johnston 158 ANNALS OF KANSA [1858. James Christian, John A. Halderman, John P. Slough, H. B. Denman, A. G. Ege, Robert L. Ream, S. W. Driggs, and J. C. Hemingray. The Convention unanimously adopt a Memorial asking Congress to give the Lecomption Constitution "no countenance nor encouragement whatever, but to reject it in consideration of the regard you have for the people of the Territory." Congress is asked to pass an act similar to the one given the people of Minnesota Territory, by which the people of Kansas may frame a Constitution, submit it to the people, and be admitted under it, after a ratification by the people. DECEMBER 26.-Secretary Denver issues a proclamation declaring that United States troops shall be so distributed over the Territory "as to preserve order and ensure to every one entitled a fair opportunity of voting." 1858. The Territory oontains, according to the American Cyclopdia, the following Indian reservations: New York Indian, 1,658,000 acres; Pottawatomies, 756,000; Kansas, 256,000; Delawares, 256,000; Otoes and Missouris, 160,000; Kickapoos, 128,000; Sacs and Foxes, 32,000; Wyandottes, 24,960. JANUARY 2.-Secretary Denver writes to Marshal Dennis that the judges of election, and not his deputies, must decide on the "legality or illegality of the votes offered at the polls." JANUARY 4.-Third Session of the Territorial Legislature at Lecompton. The following are the members of the Council: Allen, Babcock, Crozier, Harding, Learnard, Mead, Nash, Patrick, Root, Wright, Carr, Holliday, and Standiford. Officers of the Council: Carmi W. Babcock, President; Cyrus K. Holliday, President pro tern.; Joel K. Goodin, Secretary; Gustavus A. Colton, Assistant Secretary; Abram Cutler, Sergeant-at-Arms; Jacob Branson, Doorkeeper; D. H. Weir, Engrossing Clerk; Benj. T. Hutchins, Enrolling.Clerk; S. Y. Lum, Chaplain. Members of the House: First Representative District, composed of Leavenworth county: George H. Keller, H. Miles Moore, R. G. Elliott, 0. A.' Bassett, William M. McClure, William Pennock, Patrick R. Orr, J. P. Hatterscheidt. Second Representative District, composed of Atchison county: Archibald Elliott, John Bennett. Third Representative District, composed of Doniphan county: B. H..Brock, C. Graham, H. Stratton, J.. B. Wheeler, A. A. Jamieson. Fourth and Fifth Representative Districts, composed of Brown and Nemaha counties: E. N. Morrill. Sixth Representative District, composed of Marshall county: J. P. Miller. Seventh Representative District, composed of Jefferson county: Henry, Owens, J. P. Cooper. Eighth Representative District, composed of Calhoun county: Asa Reynard. Ninth Representative District, composed of Riley and Pottawatomie counties: Charles Jenkins, Abram Barry. 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 159 Tenth Representative District, composed of Douglas and Johnson counties: John Speer, George W. Deitzler, Oliver Barber, Hiram Applema, Andrew T. Still, George W. Zinn, Gideon Seymour, John Lockhart. Eleventh Representative District, composed of Shawnee county: James A. Delong. Twelfth Representative District, composed of Davis, Wise, Richardson and Breckinridge; Thirteenth, composed of Weller Madison, Butler, Hunter and Greenwood; Fourteenth, composed of Bourbon, Godfrey, Wilson, Dorn and McGee; Fifteenth, composed of Allen, Coffey and Woodson; Sixteenth, composed of Anderson and Franklin: John Curtis, Christopher Columbia, Samuel Stewart. Seventeenth Representative District, composed of Linn county: A. Danford, R. B. Mitchell. Eighteenth Representative District, composed of Lykins county: John Hanna,'A. J. Shannon- there being a vacancy in the Second District of one member. Officers of the House: George W. Deitzler, Speaker; Cyrus F. Currier, Chief Clerk; William B. Parsons, Assistant Clerk; Geo. F. Warren, Sergeant-at-Arms; T. A. Blake, Doorkeeper; Robert Speer, Messenger; C. H. Lovejoy, Chaplain. JANUARY 5.-The Free- State Legislature meets at Topeka. Harris Stratton elected Speaker of the House, and J. P. Root President of the Senate. Gov. Robinson, in his Message, urges the eping up of the State organization. It is published in the Quindaro Chindowan. JANUARY 5.-Message received from J. W. Denver, Secretary and Acting, Governor. The following, on the Lecompton Constitution, is copied from the Message to show what ".sovereigns" and how "perfectly free" the squatters were in "regulating their affairs in their own way".: "Before engaging in the business of legislation, however, I will direct your attention to a Constitution, recently framed by a Convention sitti ng in this place. The second section of the schedule reads as follows: "'SEC.'2. All laws now of force in the Territory of Kansas, which are repugnant to this Constitution, shall continue and be of force until altered, amended or repealed by a Legislature assembled under the provisions of this Constitution.' "This was signed on the 7th day of November, 1857, and, under its provisions, submitted to the people on the 21st da y of December last. It was again submitted to a vote of the people by an act of the Legislature, approved December 17, 1857, only one of the political parties voting at a time on these propositions, and the others absenting themselves from the poiis. In this condition it will probably be sent to Congress, and it may be as well for you to delay any important legislation until you can ascertain what action Coingress will take in the premises; for, should Kansas be admitted as one of the States of the Union, under this Constitution, it would have the effect to nullify all your acts, and revive such as you may have repealed." Adjourned to Lawrence. JANUARY 7.-The Free-State Legislature adjourns to Lawrence, and asks the Territorial Legislature to substitute the State for the Territor3'al organization. Benj. Harding and C. K. Holliday,.of the Territorial Council,.report adversely. A similar report is made in the House by S. S. Cooper, John Speer, W. P. Badger, E. N. Morrill and H. Miles Moore. Soon after, the State Legislature adjourned. JANUARY 7.-J. H. Stringfellow writes to the Washington Union against 160 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution. To do so, he says, will break down the Democratic party at the North, and seriously endanger the peace and interests of Missouri and Kansas, if not of the whole Union. The Slavery question in Kansas, he says, is settled against the South by immigration. JANUARY 8.-Legislature meets at Lawrence. JANUARY 9.-Death announced of Hiram B. Standiford, member of the Council from the Tenth District, Franklin county. He died January 3d. A journal is printed each day. The books containing the journals of the two houses were not printed till 1861. JANUARY 14.-A proclamation is issued by J. W. Denver, Acting Governor, C. W. Babcock, President of the Council, and George W. Deitzler, Speaker of the House, announcing the following as the result of the election held January 4th on the Lecompton Constitution: t OAnties...: g Leavenworth..................................................................................1,997 10 3 Atchison.........................................................536 4............................... 536 Doniphan...................................................................................... 561 1 2 Brown............................................................................................. 187 2...... Nemaha........................................................238 1.................................. 238 Marshall................................................................. 66............... Riley............................................................................................. 287 7 P'ottawatomie.'207 2 Pottawatonie.................................................................................. 207 2...... Calhoun...249........ Jefferson........................................................377 1...... Johnson........................................................ 292 2...... Lykins......................................................... 358 1 1 Linn... 510 1 3 Bourbon.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~268 55.. -Douglas.......................................................26 55...... 167 2 Douglas. 1,647 21 2 Franklin.......................................................... 304............. Anderson.......................................................... 177............. Allen.............................................................................................. 191 1 4 Shawnee......................................................................................... 832 28 3 Coffey............................................................................................ 463......... 4 Woodson.......................................................... 50............. Richardson..................................................................................... 177 Breckinridge........................................................191.......................................... Madison........................................................................40................. Davis..........................................................21................................ Total.......................................................................................10,226 138 23 JANUARY 15.-Champion Vaughan elected Public Printer. He resigns, and William W. Ross is elected. General Lane makes a report to the Legislature on the troubles in Bourbon county. (See House Journal, pp. 84-5.) JANUARY.-The Daily Ledger issued in Leavenworth, by George W. McLane. JANUARY 20.-Smith, Roberts, Schuyler, Mead, and Goodin, the State officers elected under the Lecompton Constitution, memorialize Congress to defeat that instrument, and not to admit Kansas under it. JANUARY 21.-The Legislature appoints Henry J. Adams, E. L. Taylor, 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 161 Thomas Ewing, J. B. Abbott, Ely Moore, and Dillon Pickering, to investigate the frauds of the last two elections. Act passed for election of delegates to a Constitutional Convention in March. Act passed over the Governor's veto, locating the seat of government at Minneola. JANUARY 21.-John D. Henderson having been arrested in Lawrence, Judge Lecompte grants a habeas corpus for his release. A Deputy Marshal applies to General Harney for troops to execute Lecomptes writ. General Harney refers the matter to Secretary Denver, and Denver replies that he cannot sanction the application of the Marshal. JANUARY 23.-Joseph P. Carr, of Atchison, resigns his seat in the Counl. He had not claimed it. JANUARY 23.-A newspaper gives the "lifetime of Kansas Governors:" No. 1: A. H. Reeder, reached here October 6, 1854; removed July 31, 1855. Term of service, ten months. No. 2: W. Shannon, reached here September 1, 1855; removed August 21,1856. Term of service, twelve months. No. 3: J. W. Geary, reached here September 9, 1856; resigned March, 1857. Term of service, six months. No.:. J. Walker, reached here May 24th, 1857; resigned December 7, 1857. Term of service, seven months. JANUARY 26.-David Sibbitt elected to the Council in the place of H. B. Standiford, deceased, from the Tenth Council District. JANUARY 27.-Mr. Holliday presents a resolution asking for the annexation of that part of the Territory of Nebraska lying south of the Platte river. JANUARY 29.-Fred. P. Stanton publishes a letter in the National Intelligencer, defending his official career in Kansas. -A census of Oxford, taken by act of the Legislature, shows that it contains only forty-two voters. In October, Oxford polled, according to th e returns, 1,628 votes; December 21, 1,266 votes; January 4, 738 votes. FEBRUARY 2.-President Buchanan sends the Lecompton Constitution to the Senate, with a Message, asking iti acceptance. Green, of Missouri, presents the majority report in favor of admission uinder the Constitution; Douglas, of Illinois, presents a minority report; another minority report was mnade by Collamer and Wade. In the House the subject of the Lecompton Constitution was referred to a Select Committee, by a vote of 114 to 111. In the House, Alex. H. Stephens presents the majority report, signed. by eight members of the Committee. Harris, of Illinois, presents the minority report, against admission under the Lecompton Constitution, signed by the other seven members of the Special Committee. -The Committee investigating the election frauds find the Delaware Crossing returns in a candle-box which had been buried under a wood-pile, at Lecompton. Thomas' Ewing, jr., obtained a search-warrant from Judge Josiah Miller, of Lawrence, and Samuel Walker, Sheriff, executed it, and found the candle-box. The returns were buried by Gen. L. A. Maclean, 11 ~162 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858 Chief Clerk of Surveyor General John Calhoun. On the night of January 28th, Maclean fled from the Territory, as Calhoun had already done. FEBRUARY 6.- The following Message is received from Secretary Denver: To the Council of the Legislative Assembly: GENTLEMEN: A bill entitled "An act repealing'An act to punish offences against slave property,"' has been presented to me for my approval. The act referred to is a very stringent one, perhaps much more so than necessary, but, so long as the Territorial existence continues here, the owners of slaves have a right to clain protection for their property at the hands of the law-making power. The peculiar character of this property requires the enactment of laws, for its management and control, different, in many respects, from that which is required for any other. I cannot, therefore, give my consent to the repeal of all laws on this subject, until there shall be some other enactment to take their place, so long as Slavery is recognized and allowed to exist in this Territory. With these objections, the bill is herewith returned to the house in which it origi~~~~~~~nated. ~J. W. DENVER, Acting Governor. FEBRUARY 6, 1858. All acts of Territorial Legislatures abolishing Slavery were vetoed by the Governors. FEBRUARY 8.- Secretary Denver vetoes the bill removing the Capital to Minneola. The House passes the bill by 28 to 9. FEBRUARY 10.-Luther C. Challis succeeds Mr. Carr as a member of the Council. -Passage of a bill for a Constitutional Convention. FEBRUARY 11.-The Legislature, in joint session, elect Caleb S. Pratt Ward L. Lewis, and Ashael Hunt, Penitentiary Commissioners. FEBRUARY 12.-Acts passed establishing codes of civil and criminal procedure. - The Council confirm J. H. Noteware as Superintendent of Common Schools. The militia officers elected at the Extra Session are re-elected. FEBRUARY 12.-Henry J. Adams, Thomas Ewing, jr., E. L. Taylor, Dillon Pickering, J. B. Abbott, and H. T. Green, Commissio~ners to investigate election frauds, report to Governor Denver. They expose in detail the fraudulent vote cast at Kickapoo, Delaware City, Delaware Agency, Shawnee, and Oxford. They decide that the following illegal votes were cast at the election on the acceptance of the Lecompton Constitution, December 21st, 1857: At Kickapoo, 700; Delaware City, 145; Oxford, 1,200; Shawnee, 675: total, 2,720. And the following illegal votes at the election of January 4th, 1858, for officers under the Lecompton Constitution: At Kickapoo, 600; Delaware City, 5; Delaware Agency, 336; Oxford, 696; Shawnee, 821: total, 2,458. Of the returns from Delaware Agency (commonly called "Delaware Crossing"),, of the election held January 4th, the Committee say they " were honestly made out by the officers of the election, and subsequently 336 names were forged upon them, by or with'the knowledge of John D. Henderson; and that John Calhoun was particeps eriminis, after the fact." FEBRUARY 13.-Legislature adjourns. The volume of general laws of th is session contains 469 pages; the special laws fill 398 pages. The city incorporation acts relate to Atchison, Elwood, Geary, Lawrence, Lecompton, Leavenworth, Olathe, Palermo, 1858;] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 163 Quindaro, Tecumseh, Topeka, and White Cloud. Of town companies, there are 175 incorporated, among them Burlington, Burlingame, Cottonwood Falls, Holton, Humboldt, Marmaton, Mapleton, Minneola, Mound City, Sabeta, Seneca, Spring Hill, and Wyandotte. Much time was given to the passage of private bills for banks, railroads, etc. The most obnoxious of the Pro-Slavery laws were repealed. The bill for a convention to frame a new Constitution was passed so late in the session that Governor Denver insisted that it had failed to become a law. FEBRUARY 13. -J. E. Johnston, Lieutenant Colonel First Cavalry, havingexplored the southern boundary of Kansas with the view of ascertaining the practicability of constructing a railroad by this route to the Rio Grande, reports to Secretary Floyd. FEBRUARY 15.-Two mounted companies ordered to Fort Scott, to report to Judge Williams or to John H. Little, Deputy Marshal. -The Leavenworth Daily Times issued, by Champion Vaughan and J. Kemp Bartlett. -Freemen's Champion, published by S. S. Prouty, at Prairie City, is revived after a temporary suspension. MAR 4.-Last meeting of the Topeka Legislature; no quorum present. -In the spring, James Redpath started the Crusader of Freedom, at Doniphan. It was short-lived. MARCH 9.-Election of the following delegates to the Constitutional Convention. About 9,000 votes were cast: Jefferson County. - Edward Lynde, James Monroe, J. C. Todd, A. W. Mccauslin. Shawnee. -A. L. Winans, Lucian Fish, R. M. Fish, H. W. Curtis, Win. W. Ross, John Ritchie. Atchison. - Frank G. Adams, Caleb May, G. M. Fuller, C. A. Woodworth, H. S. Baker. Breckinridge. - P. B. Plumb, Win. McCulloch, John R. Swallow. Butler and Hunter. - Samuel Stewart. Madison. - G. D. Humphrey. L3inn. -A. Danford, Thomas H. Butler, Robt. B. Mitchell, Robt. Ewing. Bron.-A. B. Anderson, Orville Root, A. W. Williams..Bichardson. - James Fletcher, Henry Harvey. Anderson. -W. F. M. Amy~, Win. Sprigs W. L. Webster. Coffey.-R. A. Kiuzie, D. A. Hawkins, J. M. Elliott. Calhoun.-W. B. Bowker, Adam Fuller. Lykins. -G., A. Colton, Thomas Roberts, Chas. A. Foster, A. Knapp. Franklin. -Joel K. Goodin, J. G. Rees. Wells.-A. H. Shurtleff. Allen and Bourbon. -W. R. Griffith, M. H. Hudson, G. A. Nuller, A. G. Carpenter, G. W. Campbell. Douglas and Johnson. - M. F. Conway, E. S. Scudder, Charles H. Branscomb, A. Soule, W. R. Monteith, J. M. Shepherd, John L. Brown,. D. Pickering, Charles May~o, James D. Allen, T. Dwight Thacher, James S. Emery, Samuel N. Wood. 164 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. Doniphan, etc.- James H. Lane, Wm. V. Barr, A. Larzelere, W. Fleming, Hugh Robertson, Charles E. Perham, W. D. Beeler, J. F. Hampson. Riley. Isaac T. Goodnow, F. N. Blake, Geo. W. Higibotam. Pottawatomie. -U. Cook, J. D. Adams. Dovis.-J. H. Pillsbury. Nemaha.-S. S. Wright, R. U. Torrey. Woodson. - R. Austin. Greenwood. -M. L. Ashmore. Wise. -H. J. Espy. Leavenworth.-Henry J. Adams, Thomas Ewing, jr., John P. Hatterscheidt, John C. Douglass, James Davis, W. Y. Roberts, J. M. Walden, Win. H. Coffin, Thomas Trower, H. P. Johnson. Riehardson.-James M. Winchell. Not Assigned.- B. B. Newton, James Telfer, G. W. K. Twombly. MARCH 12.-The steamer Minnie Belle arrives at Lawrence. On the 24th of April she had made three trips to Lawrence. MARCH 13.- The editor of the Herald of Freedom returns after two weeks' absence, and expresses his thanks "to his orthy foreman, T. A. Osborn, Esq., for the very satisfactory manner he has conducted its columns. MARCH 23.-The Constitutional Convention met at Minneola. Called to order by W. Y. Roberts. The vote for temporary Chairman stood: M. F. Conway, 37; A. Danford, 19. Informal ballot for President: J. H. Lane, 43; H. J. Adams, 9; T. D. Thacher, 7; Thomas Ewing, jr., 5; W. Y. Roberts, 4; D. Pickering, 1. James H. Lane was then elected President by acclamation. Samuel F. Tappan was elected Clerk, B. T. Hutchins Assistant Clerk, George F. Warren Sergeant-at-Arms, John Kimball Assistant, and Richard J. Hinton Reporter. There were seventy-two delegates, present. The Convention once decided to adjourn -to Topeka, but, on the 24th, it adjourned to Leavenworth, to reassemble on the evening of the 25th. -The bill of Senator James S. Green, of Missouri, introduced February 19, passed the Senate March 23, by 33 to 25. It proposed to admit Kansas under the Pro-Slavery Constitution framed at Lecompton. The boundaries named in the bill, for the State, were the same as those of the Territory under the Organic Act. For this bill, the House adopted, by 120 to 112, the Crittenden-Montgomery substitute. It proposed to resubmit the Lecompton Constitution to the people of' Kansas.. If they adopted it, the State was to be admitted; if they rejected it, provision was made for holding a new Constitutional Convention. MARCH 25. -The Constitutional Convention met at Melodeon Hall, Leavenworth. MARCH 26.-After appointing the Committees, General Lane resigned the position of President of the Convention. Martin F. Conway was elected President; the opposing candi date was Thomas Ewing, jr. MARCH 27.-Two Free-State men, Denton and Hedrick, killed by Ruffians at. night, near Fort Scott. Hardwick and Brockett were reported as members of the murdering gang. MARCH 31.-Joseph Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, speaks in an AntiLecompton meeting at Leavenworth. 1~858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 165.APRIL.-The House refuses to reject the Senate bill, 95 voting to reject, and 137 against it. The amendment offered by Crittenden in the Senate, and lost, was adopted by the House by 120 to 112. The Senate, on motion of Green, rejected the bill thus amended, by 34 to 22. APRIL.3.-The Leavenworth Constitutional Convention adjourns. APRIL 7.-On motion of Win. Montgomery, of Pennsylvania, the House adhered to its amendment, by 119 to 111. APRIL 13.-The Senate voted, 30 to 24, for a committee of conference. APRIL 14.-The House voted, 109 to 108, on motion of Wm. H. English, of Indiana, to agree to a conference committee. The committee consisted of James S. Green of Missouri, R. M. T. Hunter of Virginia, and W. H. Seward of New York, of the Senate; and William H. English of Indiana, Alex. H. Stephens of Georgia, and William A. Howard of Michigan, on the art of the House. APRIL-Wm. A. Phillips founds the town of Salina. -Morris appointed Receiver, and Moorah Register, at Ogden; Alson C. Davis, United States District Attorney; B. I. Newsom, Agent for Shawnees, and W. P. Badger, for Kickapoos. Isaac Winston appointed United States Marshal. Dennis was removed for opposition to the Lecompton Constitution. APRIL.-At Fort Scott, troops attempting to. arrest Free-State men are fired upon. APRIL 23.-English reports the following compromise bill. Seward and Howard dissent: Whereas, The' People of Kansas did, by a Convention of Delegates assembled at Lacompton, on the 7th day of November, 1857, for tbat purpose, form for themselves a Constitution and State Government, which Constitution is republican; and "1Whereas, At the same time and place, said Convention did adopt an ordinance which asserts that Kansas, when adsnitted as a State, will have an undoubted right to tax the lands within her limits belonging to the United States, and proposed to relinquish said asserted right if certain conditions set forth in said ordinance be accepted and agreed to by the Congress of the United States; and "1Whereas, Said Constitution and ordinance have been presented to Congress by order of said Convention, and the admission of said Territory into the Union thereon as a State requested; and " Whereas, Said ordinance is fiot acceptable to Congress, and it is desirable to ascertain whiether the people of Kansas concur in the changes in said ordinance hereafter stated, and desire admission into the Union as a State as herein proposed:- therefore, "Be it enacted, etc., That the State of Kansas be and is hereby admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever, but upon -this fundamental condition precedent, namely: That the question of admission with the following proposition, in. lieu of the ordinance framed at Lecompton, shall be submitted to the -vote of the people of Kansas, and assented to by them, or the majority of tbe voters voting at an election to be held for that purpose, namely: That the following propositions be and the same are hereby offered to said people of Kansas for their free acceptation, etc. "And be it further enacted, That the following propositions be, and the same are hereby offered to the said people of Kansas for their free acceptance or rejection, which, if accepted, shall be obligatory upon the United States and upon the said State of Kansas, to wit: "First: That sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township of public lands in ssid State, and where either of said sections or any part thereof has b een sold 166 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. or otherwise disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto, and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to the said State for the use of schools. "Second: That seventy-two sections of land shall be set apart and reserved for the use and support of a State University, to be selected by the Governor of said State, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and to be appropriated and applied in such manner as the Legislature of the said State may prescribe for the purpose aforesaid, but for no other purpose. "Third: That ten entire sections of lands, to be selected by the Governor of said State, in legal subdivisions, shall be granted to said State for the purpose of completing the public buildings, or for the erection of others at the seat of Government, under the direction of the Legislature thereof. "Fourth: That all the salt springs within the said State, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjoining, or as contiguous as may be to each, shall be granted to said State for its use, the same to be selected by the Governor thereof, within one year after the admission of said State, and when so selected, to be used or disposed of on such terms, conditions and regulations as the Legislature shall direct: Provided, That no salt spring, or land, the right whereof is now vested in any individual or individuals, or which may be hereafter confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuals, shall by this article be granted to said State. "Fifth: That five per centum of the proceeds of the sales of all public lands lying within the said State, which shall be sold by Congress after the admission of said State into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to said State, for the purpose of making public roads and internal improvements, as the Legislature shall direct: Provided, That the foregoing propositions herein offered to the State of Kansas shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the land of the United States, or with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing title in said soil to bona fide purchasers thereof, and that no tax shall be imposed on land belonging to the United States, and that in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than resident. "Sixth: And that said State shall never tax the lands or property of the United States. "SECTION 1. That the State of Kansas be and is hereby admitted into the Union, on an equal footing with the original States, with the Constitution framed at Lecompton; and this admission of her into the Union as a State is here declared to be upon this fundamental condition precedent, namely: That the said constitutional instrument shall be first submitted to a vote of the people of Kansas, and assented to by them, or a majority of the voters, at an election to be held for the purpose. At the said election, the voting shall be by ballot, and by endorsing on his ballot, as each voter may please, "For proposition of Congress and admission," or, "Against proposition of Congress and admission." The President of the United States, as soon as the fact is duly made known to him, shall announce the same by proclamation; and thereafter, and without any further proceedings on the part of Congress, the admission of the State of Kansas into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects whatever, shall be complete and absolute; and said State shall be entitled to one Member in the House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States until the next census be taken by the Federal Government. But, should the majority of the votes be cast for "Proposition rejected," it shall be deemed and held that the people of Kansas do not desire admission into the Union with said Constitution, under the conditions set forth in said proposition; and in that event the people of said Territory are hereby authorized and empowered to form for themselves a Constitution and State Government, by the name of the State of Kansas, according to the Federal Constitution, and may elect Delegates for that purpose whenever, and not before, it is ascertained, by a census duly and legally taken, that the population of said Territory equals the ratio of representation required for a Member of the House of Representatives of the United States; and whenever thereafter such Delegates shall assemble in convention. they shall first determine by a vote whether it is the wish of the people of the proposed State to be admitted into the Union at that timne, and, if so, shall proceed to form a Constitution, and take all necessary steps for the establishment of a State Government, in conformity with the Federal Constitution, subject to such limitations and restrictions as to the mode and manner of its approval or ratification by the people of the proposed State as they may 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 17 have prescribed by law, and shall be entitled to admission into the Union as a State under such Constitution, thus fairly and legally made, with or without Slavery, as said Constitution may prescribe. "SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of ensurifig, as far as possie -that the elections authorized by this act may be fair and free, the Governor, United States District Attorney and Secretary of the Territory of Kansas, and the presiding officers of the two branches of its Legislature, namely, the President of the Council and Speaker of the House of Representatives, are hereby constituted a Board of Comissioners to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and to use all the means necessary and proper to that end. Any three of them shall constitute a Board; and the Board shall have power and authority to designate and establish precincts for voting,.or to adopt those already established; to cause poils to be opened at such places as it may deem proper in the respective counties and election precincts of said Territory; to appoint, as judges of election at each of the several places of voting, three discreet and respectable persons, any two of whom shall be competent to act; to require the sheriffs of the several counties, by themselves or deputies, to attend the judges at each of the places of voting, for the purpose of preserving peace'and gooa order, or the said Board may, instead of said sheriffs ind their deputies, appoint, at theirdiscretion and in such instances as they may choose, other fit persons for the same purpose. The election hereby authorized shall continue one day only, and shall not be continued later than sundown on that day. The Board shall appoint the day for holding said election, and said Governor shall announce the same by proclamation, and the day shall be as early a one as is consistent with due notice thereof to the people of said Territory, subject to the provisions of this act. The said Board shall have full power to prescribe the te, manner and place of said election, and to direct the time and manner of the returns -thereof, which returns shall be made to said Board, whose duty it shall be to announce the result by proclamation; and said Governor shall certify the Sae to the President of the United States without delay. "SEc. 3. And be it further enacted, That in the election hereby authorized all white male inhabitants of said Territory, over the age of twenty-one years, who posses the ualifications which were required by the laws of said Territory for a legal voter at the.last general election for a member of the Territorial Legislature, and none others, shall be allowed to vote; and this shall be the only qualification required to entitle the citizens to the right of suffrage in said elections; and if any person not so qualified shall -vote, or offer to vote, or if any person shall vote more than once at said election, or shall make, or cause to be made, any false, fictitious or fraudulent returns, or shall Alter or change any returns of said election, such person shall, upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction, be kept at hard labor not less than six months, and not snore than three years. "SEc. 4. And be it further enacted, That the members of the aforesaid Board of Commissioners, and all persons appointed by them to carry into effect the provisions of this act, shall, before entering upon their duties, take an oath to perform faithfully the.duties of their respective offices; and on failure thereof, they shall be liable and subject -to the same charges. and penalties as are provided in like bases under the Territorial laws. "SEC. 5. And be, it further enacted, That the officers mentioned in the preceding sec-tion shall receive for their services the same compensation as is given for like services -under the Territorial laws.'" -APRtIL 28 AND 29.-Free-State Convention at Topeka, to nominate officers under the Leavenworth Constitution. President, C. B. Lines, Wabaunsee; Vice Presidents, Thos. Ewing, John W. Robinson, iR. B. Mitchell, A. Polley; Secretaries, S. F. Tappan, T. D. Thacher,. P. B. Plumb, E. Russell. That part of the call asking for the nomination of U. S. Senators was postponed. -The following ticket was nominated: Governor, Henry J. Adams, Leavenworth; Lieutenant Governor, Cyrus K. Holliday, Topeka; Secretary of State, E. P. Bancroft, Emporia; Treasurer,,J. B. Wheeler, Doniphan-; AuLditor, Geo. S. Hillyer, Grasshopper Falls; ~168 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. Attorney General, Chas. A. Foster, Osawatomie; Superintendent of Public Instruction, J. M. Walden, Quindaro; Commissioner of School Land, J. W Robinson, Manhattan; Representative in Congress, M. F. Conway, Lawrence; Supreme Judges, Wm. A. Phillips, Lawrence, 2 years; Lorenzo Dow, Topeka, 4 years; Win. McKay, Wyandotte, 6 years; Reporter of Supreme Court, Albert D. Rilardson, Sumner; Clerk of Supreme Court, W. F. M. A y, Hyatt.. The following platform was adopted: "Resolved, That we, the representatives of the Free-State party, do heartily accept the Leavenworth Constitution, and do pledge ourselves to favor its adoption and ratification by the people. "Resolved, That should Congress accept the application accompanying the Lecompton Constitution, and admit Kansas as a sovereign State into the Union, without the condition precedent that said Constitution, at a fair election, shall receive the ratification of the people of Kansas, then we will put the Leavenworth Constitution, ratified by the people, and the government under it, into immediate and active operation as the organic law and living Government of the State of Kansas; and that we will support and defend the same against any opposition, come from.whatever quarter it may. "Resolved, That, at the election upon the Constitution, the voters of Kansas be requested to vote for or against negro suffrage, and for or against separate schools for white and negro children; and if a majority of the votes cast be against negro suffrage, it shall operate as instructions to the first Legislature to submit to the people at once an amendment of the Constitution prohibiting negro suffrage; and if a majority of the votes cas be in favor of separate schools, it shall operate in like manner as instructions to the first Legislature to submit an amendment providing for separate schools for white and negro children, except in districts where the people by general consent shall allow the school to be in common." The following Central Committee was appointed: J. M. Winchell, John McKee, G. E. Budington, A. D. Richardson, Jos. Thompson, A. Larzelere, W. Crosby, James Richardson, B. B. Newton', J. D. Adams, E. P. Bancroft, W. W. Ross, 0. E. Learnard, S. D. Humphrey, W. A. Ela, James Blood, P. H. Townsend, Chas. Mayo, Cyrus Tator, P. P. Elder, W. F. M. Arny, Jesse Brown, W. R. Griffith, B. Jordan. APRIL 30. -The compromise bill, otherwise known as the "English Swindle" and " Lecompton, junior," passes the House by 112 to 103, and the' Senate by 30 to 22. Broderick, Crittenden, Douglas and Stuart vote with the Republicans. The President signed the bill May 4th. THE LEAVENWORTH CONSTITUTION. Fr-amed byp the Const'itutionacl Convention its session at Leevenworth, signed by the, Members' thereof, April 3d, 1858, end adope byte aepl ye 18th, 1858. ORDINANCE. By the authority of the people of Kansas, be it ordained by this Convention, irrevocably, that the State of Kansas will never, without the consent of Congress, interfere with the title of the United States to the public domain, or unsold lands within the' limits of said State, or the primary right of the United States to dispose of the same, or with any regulation which Congress may prescribe for securing the title thereof to pur-' chasers in good faith; and also, that no tax or other assessment shall he imposed upon the lands belonging to the United States: Provided, That the conditions following shall. be accepted and agreed to by the Congress of the United States: First. The sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township, including Indian Reserve of Trust Lands, in said State, (and where either of such sections, or any' part thereof, has been sold or otherwise aliened or appropriated, other lands equivalent thereto, as nearly contiguous as possible,) shall be granted to the said State exclusively' for the use of the common schools. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 169 Second. That seventy-two sections of land shall be set apart and reserved for the use and support of a State university, and sixty sections for the use and support of four district colleges, to be located in the four equal divisions of the State -said lands to e selected by the Governor of the State, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Third. That thirty-six sections of land, to be selected by the Governor of said State, shall e granted to said State for the purpose of the erection of public buildings at the sat of Government, and the erection of buildings for the various public benevolent institutions created by the State Constitution. burth. That the salt springs, and gold, silver, copper, lead or other valuae mines, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjacent, shall be granted to the said State, to be selected, used or alienated as may hereafter be prescribed by law. Fifth. That five per centum of the net proceeds of the siles of public lands within said State, sold by Congress after the admission of said State into the Union, shall e paid to the said State for the purpose of creating a common school fund, the principal to be held sacred, and the interest to be applied to the education of the children of Kansas. Sixth. That each alternate section of land now owned, or which may hereafter be acquired, by the United States, lying, for six miles in width, on each side of the following lines of railroads, shall be granted by Congress to the State of Kansas: FirstCommencing on the Missouri State line, at some point south of the fourth standard parallel line, and traversing Southersn Kansas westwardly. Second -Commencing at some point on the Missouri river, or Missouri State line, and traversing Central Kansas westwardly. Third-Commencing at some point on the Missouri river, and traversing Northern Kansas westwardly. Fourth - Commencing at some point on the Missouri river, and running southerly in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico. Proided, That should the alternate sections along the lines of said railroads be disposed of, an equal number of sections shall be selected from any other public lands contiguous to said railroads; said lands to be reserved and conveyed to the State for the purpose of aiding In the construction of said railroads, under such rules and restrictions as may hereafter he prescribed by law. The Congress of the United States, in conjunction with the proper authorities of this State, may adopt the necessary measures for carrying the general provisions herein contained into effect. PREAMBLE. We, the People of the Territory of Kansas, grateful to Almighty God for our Freedomn, by-our Delegates in Convention assemiqled, having the right of admission into the Union as one of the United States of America, consistent with the Federal Constitution, and hy-virtue of the treaty of cession by France to the United States, of the Province of Louisiana, believing that the time has arrived when our present political condition should cease, and the right of self-government be asserted, in order to secure to ourselves and our posterity all the rights of life, liberty, and property, and the free pursuit of happiness, ordain the following Constitution as the Organic Law of a free and independent State, by the name and style of the STATE OF KANSAS, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri, where. th e thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crosses the same; thence west on said parallel to the eastern boundary of New Mexico; -thence north on said boundary to latitude thirty-eight; thence following said boundary westward to the eastern boundary of the Territory of Utah, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains; thence northward on said. summit to the fortieth parallel of latitude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State to the place of beginning. ARTICLE I.-BILL OF RIGHTS. SECTION 1. All men. are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain.inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining happiness and safety; and the right of all men to the control of their persons exists prior to law, and is inalienable. SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are ~170 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. founded on their authority and are instituted for their equal protection and benefit; and they alone have the right, at all times, to alter, reform or abolish their form of government in such manner as they may think proper. No special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted by the General Assembly which may not be altered, revoked or repealed by the same authority. SEC. 3. The people have a right to assemble, in a peaceable manner, to consult for their n good, to instruct their Representatives, and to petition the General Assembly for the redress of grievances. SEC. 4. The people have the right to bear arms for their defence and security, but standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. SEc. 5. The right of trial by jury shall be inviolate, and extend to persons of every condition. SEC. 6. Tere shall be no Slavery in this State, and no involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of crime, whereof the parties shall have been duly convicted. SEC. 7. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or maintain any form of worship against his consent; and no preference shall be given by law to any religious society;nor shall any interference with the right of conscience be permitted. No religious test shall be required as a qualification for office, nor shall any person be incompetent to be a witness on account of religious belief; but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to dispense with oaths or affirmations. Religion, morality, and knowledge, however, being essential to good government, it shall be the duty of the Legislature to make suitable provisions for the protection of all religious denominations in the peaceable enjoyment of their modes of worship, and for the encouragement of schools and the means of instruction. SEC. 8. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. SEC. 9. All persons shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offences where the proof is evident or the presumption great. Excessive hail shall not be re-',quired, nor excessive fines imposed; no cruel or unusual punishment inflicted. SEC. 10. Except in cases of impeachment, and cases arising in the army or navy, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger, and cases of petit larceny and other inferior offences, no person shall be held to answer for a capital'or otherwise infamous crime, unless upon presentment or indictment of a grand jury. In any trial, in any court, the accused shall be allowed to appear and defend in person,,or by counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him; to meet the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory process to procure the attendance of witnesses us his behalf, and a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the county or district in which the offence is alleged to have been committed; nor shall any person be compelled in a criminal case to be a witness. against himself, or be twice put in jeopardy for the same offence. SEC. 11. Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjetbeing responsible for. the abuse of such right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In. all prosecutions for libel, the truth of the charge may be given in evidence to the jury, and if it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libellous is true, and was published with good motives, and for justifiable ends, the accused shall be acquitted. SEC. 12. No person shall be transported out of the State for any offence committed within the same, and no conviction in this State shall work a corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate. SEC. 13. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, except in a manner prescribed by law. SEC. 14. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and possessions, against unreasonable searches and seizures,, shall be inviolate; mdn warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmnation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons and things to be seized. SEC. 15. No person shall be imprisoned for debt in any civil action, or mesne or final process, except in cases of fraud. 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 171 SEC. 16. All courts shall be open; and every person for an injury done him or his land, goods, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and justice administered without denial or delay. SEC. 17. No hereditary emoluments, honors or privileges shall ever be granted or conferred by this State. SEC. 18. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised, except by the General Assembly. SEC. 19. Private property shall ever be held inviolate, but subservient to the public welfare. When taken in time of war, or other public exigencies imperatively requiring its immediate seizure, or for the purpose of making or repairing roads, which shall be open to the public without charge, a just compensation shall be made to the owners in money; and in all other cases where private property shall be taken for public uses, a compensation therefor shall first be made in money, or first secured by depositing money, and such compensation shall be estimated by a jury, without deduction for benefits to any property of the owner. SEC. 20. The payment of a tax shall not be a qualification for exercising the right of suffrage. SEC. 21. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people; and all powers not herein delegated, remain with the people. SEC. 22. No indenture of any persons made and executed out of the bounds of the State, shall be valid within the State. ARTICLE II. -ELECTIVE FRANCHISE. SECTION 1. In all elections not otherwise provided for by this Constitution, every male citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, who shall have resided in the State six months next preceding such election, and ten days in the precinct in which he may offer to vote, and every male person of foreign birth of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, who shall have resided in the United States one year, in this State six months, and in the precinct in which he may offer to vote, ten days next preceding such election, and who shall have declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, conformably to the laws of the United States, ten days preceding such election, shall be deemed a qualified elector. SEC. 2. No soldier, seaman, or mariner, in the army or navy of the United States, or of their allies, shall be deemed to have acquired a residence in this State in consequence of being stationed within the same; nor shall any such soldier, seaman or marine have the right to vote. SEC. 3. No person shall be deemed to have lost his residence in this State by reason of his absence, either on business of this State or of the United States. SEC. 4. Every person shall be disqualified from holding office during the term for which he may have been elected, who shall have given or offered a bribe or reward to procure his election. SEC. 5. Every person who shall give or accept a challenge to fight a duel, or who shall knowingly carry to another person such challenge, or who shall agree to go out of this State to fight a duel, shall be ineligible to any office of trust or profit in this State. SEC. 6. The General Assembly shall have power to deprive of the right of suffrage and to render ineligible to office, any person convicted of an infamous crime. SEC. 7. No person holding a lucrative office or appointment under the Constitution or laws of the United States, or of this State, shall be eligible to a seat in the General Assembly, nor shall any person hold more than one lucrative office at the same time, except as in this Constitution expressly permitted: Provided, That offices in the militia to which there is attached no annual salary, where the compensation does not exceed ninety dollars per annum, shall not be deemed lucrative. SEC. 8. No person who may hereafter be collector or holder of public moneys shall be eligible to any office of trust or profit in the State until he shall have accounted for and paid into the proper treasury all sums for which he may be accountable. SEC. 9. Any person who shall commit a fraud tending to affect the result of any election in this State, shall, on conviction thereof, be forever ineligible as an elector. ARTICLE III.-DISTRIBUTION OF POWERS. SECTION 1. The powers of the Government shall be divided into three separate depart ~172 ANNALS OF KANSAS [1858. ments -the Legislative, the Executive (including the Administrative), and the Judicial; and no person charged with official duties under one of these departments shall exercise any of the functions of another, except as in this Constitution expressly provided. ARTICLE IV.-LEGISLATIVE. SECTION 1. The Legislative power of the State shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SE. 2. The Senators and Representativesshall be chosen annually by the qualified electors ofthe respective counties or districts for which they are chosen, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November. Their terms of office shall be one year, and shall commence on the first day of January next after their election. SEC. 3. There shall be elected at the first election twenty-five Senators and seventyfive Representatives, and the number afterward shall be regulated by law; and the General Assembly shall, in all apportionments for members of the Legislature, establish single Representative and single Senatorial Districts. SEC. 4. No person shall be eligible to the office of Senator or Representative who shall not at the time of his election possess the qualifications of an elector. SEC. 5. Each house, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall choose its own officers, determine its own rules of proceeding, punish its members for disorderly conduct, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected to the house, expel a member, but not a second time for the same cause; and shall judge of the qualification, election and return of its own members, and have all other powers necessary to secure its safety, and the undisturbed transaction of its business. SEC. 6. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, which shall be published. The yeas and nays on any question shall, at the request of two members, be taken, and entered on the journal. SEC. 7. Any member of either house shall have the right to protest against any act or resolution -thereof; and such protest and reason therefor shall, without alteration, commitment, or delay, be entered on the journal. S.. All vacancies which may occur in either house shall, for the unexpired term, be filled by elqction as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 9. Senators and Representatives shall, in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during the session of the General Assembly, and in going to and returning from the same; and for words spoken in debate they shall not be questioned in any other place. SEC. 10. A majority of all the members elected to each house, voting in the affirma-. tive, shall be necessary to pass a bill or joint resolution, and all bills and joint resole-. tions so passed shall be signed by the presiding officers of the respective houses, and presented to the Governor for his approval. SEC. 11. The doors of each house, and of committees of the whole, shall be kept- open. Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than two days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting, except for personal safety. SEC. 12. Every bill shall be read by sections in each house on three several days, except in case of emergency. Two-thirds of the house where such bill is pending may, if deemed expedient, suspend the rules on a call of the yeas and nays; but the reading of a bill by sections on its final passage shall in no case be dispensed with; and the vote on the final passage of every bill and joint resolution shall be taken by yeas and nays, and entered on the journal. SEC. 13. Every act shall contain but one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title. Bills may originate in either house, but may be altered, amended or rejected by the other. SEC. 14. In all cases where a general law can be made applicable, special laws shall not be enacted. SEC. 15. No act shall ever be revived or amended by mere reference to its title, but the act revived or the section amended shall be set forth as amended or revived at full length. SEC. 16. No general act shall take effect. until the same shall have been published and circulated in the counties of the State by authority, except in case of emergency, which emergency shall be declared in the preamble or the body of the law. 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 173 Sc. 17. The election and appointment of all officers, and the filling of all vacancies not otherwise provided for by this Constitution, or the Constitution of the United States, shall e made in such manner as shall be prescribed by law; but no appointing power shall e exercised by the General Assembly, except as provided in this Constitution and in the election of the United States Senators, and in these cases the vote shall e taken viva voce. SE. 18. The General Assembly shall not have power to enact special laws annulling the contract of marriage. SEc. 19. The General Assembly shall not have power to pass retroactive laws, or laws impairing the obligation of contracts, but may by general laws authorize the courts to carry into effect, upon such terms as shall be just and equitable, the manifest intention of parties and officers, by curing omissions, defects and errors in instruments and proceedings arising out of a want of conformity with the laws of this State. Sc.20. The style of the laws of this State shall be, "Be it enacted by th Geerl Assembly of the State of Kansas." SC 21. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. A impeachments shall be tried by the Senate, and, when sitting for this purpose, the 11Senators be upon oath or affirmation to do justice according to law and evidence. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the Senators present. SE. 22.The Governor, and all other civil officers under the laws of this State, shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office; but judgment in such ases shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold any fice of honor, trust, or profit under the laws and Constitution of this State. The party, hether convicted or acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. SC. 23. Within one year after the ratification of this Constitution, and within-every two years subsequently, for the term of ten years, an enumeration of all the inhabitants of this State shall be made in such manner as shall be directed by law. 1c. 24. All regnular sessions of the General Assembly shall be held at the Capital of the State, and shall commence on the first Monday of January, annually. SEm. 25. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. SEc. 26. The members of the General Assembly shall receive for their services the sum -of four dollars per day for each and every day they are actually in attendance at any regular or special session, aind four dollars for every twenty miles they shall travel in going to and returning from th~e place of meeting, by the usually travelled route; and no- regular -session -of the General Assembly, except the first under this Constitution, shall extend beyond the term of sixty days, nor any special session more than forty dAys. SEc. 27. Every bill or resolution shall, before its final passage, be printed for the use of the General Assembly. ARTICLE V. - ExECUTIVE. SECTION 1. The.Executive Department shall consist of a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer of State, Auditor. of State, and Attorney General,. who shall be chosen by the- electors of the State at the same time and place of voting as for members of the General Assembly. SEC. 2. The term of office of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, Auditor, Secretary of State and Attorney General, shall commence on the first day of January next after t-heir election, and shall continue for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. No person shall be eligible for the above offices more than two out of three consecutive terms. SEC. 3. The returns of every election for the officers named in the preceding section shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government by the returning officers, directed to the Secretary of State, who shall lay the same before the General Assembly at'their first meeting thereafter, when they shall open and -canvass th~em and publish and declare the. result thereof in the presence of a majority of the members of both houses. The persons having the highest number of votes shall'ho declared duly elected and the-certificate thereof given; to-s~uch persons, signed- by the presiding officers of -both houses; but-if a.ny two -or mor-e shell havethe highoste-nd, equal unumber-of -votes -for the ~174 ANNALS OF KANSAS. same office, one of them shall be chosen by a vote of the two houses of the General Assembly in joint session. SEC. 4. The executive power shall be vested in a Governor. SEC. 5. He may require information in writing from the officers in the Executive Department upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and shall see that the laws are faithfully executed. SEC. 6. He shall communicate at every session by message to the General Assembly thecondition of the affairs of the State, and recommend such measures as he shall deem expedient for their action. SEC. 7. He may on extraordinary occasions convene the General Assembly by proclamation, and shall state in such proclamation the purpose for which they are covened; and the General Assembly shall enter upon no legislative business except that for which they were especially called together. SEC.. In case of disagreement between the two houses in respect to the time of adjournment, he shall have power to adjourn the General Assembly to such time as he may think proper, but not beyond the regular meetings thereof. SEC. 9. He shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Military in the State, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States. SEC. 10. The pardoning power shall be vested in the Governor, under such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 11. There shall be a seal of the State, the device for which shall be agreed upon by the General Assembly, and which shall be kept by the Governor, and used by him officially, and shall be called "The Seal of the State of Kansas." SEC. 12. All grants and commissions shall be issued in the name and by the authority of the State of Kansas, sealed with the seal thereof, signed by the Governor, and countersigned by the Secretary of State. SEC. 13. No member of either house of Congress, or other persons holding office under the authority of this State, or of the United States, shall execute the duties of Governor except as herein provided. SE. 14. In the case of death, impeachment, resignation, removal, or other disability of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall exercise the duties of the office of Governor, until another Governor shall be duly qualified, or the disability be removed; but in such case another Governor shall be chosen at the next annual election for members of the General Assembly, unless such death, resignation, impeachment, removal or other disability shall occur within three calendar months immediately preceding such next annual election, in which case a Governor. shall be chosen at the second succeeding annual election for members of the General Assembly; and in case of the death, impeachment, resignation, removal or other disability of the Lieutenant Governor, the President of the Senate pro tempere shall exercise the office of Governor until another Governor shall be duly qualified as aforesaid. SEC. 15. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate, but shall vote only when the Senate is equally divided, and shall be entitled to the same pay as the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and in case-of his death, resignation, impeachment, removal from office, or when he shall exercise the office of Governor, the Senate shall choose a President pro tempore. SEC. 16. Should the office of Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State, or Attorney General, become vacant, for any of the causes specified in the fourteenth and fifteenth sections, the Governor shall fill the vacancy orvacancies until the disability is removed or a successor is elected and qualified. Every such vacancy shall be ifilled by election, at the first general election that occurs more than thirty days after such vacancy shall have occurred, and, the person chosen shall hold the office for the full term fixed in the second section of this article. SEC. 17. The officers mentioned in this article shall, at stated times, receive for their services compensation to be fixed by law, which shall neither be increased or diminished during the period for which they shall have been elected. SEC. 18. The officers of the Executive Department, and of the public State institutions, shall, at least ten days preceding each regular session of the General Assembly, severally report to the Governor, who shall transmit the same to the General Assembly. SEC. 19. Every bill which shall have passed both houses shall be presented to the Governor. If he approve, he shall sign the same; but if he shall not approve, he shall 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 175 return it with his objections to the house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large upon the journal, and proceed to reconsider the bill. If after such reconsideration a majority of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the other house, by which, likewise, it shall be reconsidered, an'd if approved by a majority of that house, it shall be a law; but in such case the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for or against the bill shall be entered upon the journals of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within three days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, it shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the General Assembly by adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. ARTICLE VI.-JUDICIAL. SECTrION 1. The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, County Courts, Justices of the Peace, and in such other courts inferior to the Supreme Court as may be established in the manner hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of three Judges, a majority of whom shall form a quorum. It shall hold at least one term each year, at the seat of Government, and such other terms, there or elsewhere, as may be required by law. SEc. 3. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the State at large, at the first election under this Constitution. The term of one of said Judges shall be two years, of another four years, of another six years, and at all subsequent elections the term of each of said Judges shall be six years. SEC. 4. The Judge having the shortest term to serve, not holding by appointment, shall be Chief Justice. SEC. 5. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the speedy publication of the decisions of the Supreme Court. SEC. 6. There shall be elected by the voters of the State, a Clerk, and a Reporter, for the Supreme Court, who shall hold their offices for three years. SEC. 7. The Circuit Courts shall each consist of one Judge. The State shall be divided into judicial circuits, and a Judge for each circuit shall be elected by the voters thereof. He shall, while in office, reside in the circuit for which he is chosen, and his term of office shall be three years. SEC. 8. Until otherwise provided by law, there shall be five judicial circuits, as follows: The First, comprising the counties of Leavenworth, Jefferson, Atchison, Doniphan, and Brown; the Second, the counties of Calhoun, Nemaha, Pottawatomie, Marshall, Riley, Washington, and Clay; the Third, the counties of Shawnee, Douglas, Johnson, Lykins, Franklin, and Weller; the Fourth, the counties of Linn, Bourbon, Coffey, Anderson, Allen, Woodson, Wilson, Dorn, and McGee; the Fifth, the counties of Richardson, Breckinridge, Madison, Greenwood, Godfrey, Hunter, Butler, Wise, Davis, and Dickinson. SEC. 9. The General Assembly may provide by law that that the Judge of one circuit may hold the courts of another circuit in case of necessity or convenience. SEC. 10. The County Courts shall each consist of one Judge, who shall be elected by the voters of each county. He shall reside in the county; and his term of office shall be two years. SEC. 11. A sufficient number of Justices of the Peace shall be elected by the voters in each township of the several counties. Their term of office shall be two years. SEC. 12. All Judges other than those hereinbefore provided for shall be elected by the electors of the judicial district over which their jurisdiction may extend, but not for a term of office longer than six years. SEC. 13. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, the Circuit Courts, the County Courts, the Justices of the Peace, and such other courts as may be created, shall be fixed by law; and the Judges of the courts shall respectively have and exercise such power and jurisdiction at chambers as may be provided by law.: SEC. 14. Judges may be removed from office by concurrent resolution of both houses of the General Assembly, if two-thirds of the members elected to each house concur therein; but no such removal shall be made except upon complaint, the substance of which shall be entered upon the journal, nor until the party charged shall have notice thereof, and an opportunity to be heard. ~176 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. Sc. 15. In case the office of any Judge shall become vacant before the expiration of the term for which he was elected, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment y the Governor until a successor shall be elected and qualified; and such successor shall e elected for the residue of the unexpired term, at the first annual election that occurs more than thirty days after such vacancy shall have happened. SEC. 16. The compensation of the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the Circuit Courts shall not be increased or diminished during their term of office, and they shall receive no fees or perquisites, nor hold any office of profit and trust under the State, other than a judicial office. SEC. 17. The General Assembly may at any time increase the number of the Judges of the Supreme Court, may increase or diminish the number of judicial circuits, or change the circuits, or may establish other courts by a law passed by two-thirds of the memers elected to each house; but no such change, addition or diminution shall vacate the office of any Judge. SEC. 18. There shall be elected in each county, by the electors thereof, one Clerk of the Courts, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor shall e elected and qualified. He shall be Clerk of the County Court and Circuit Court in the county in which he is chosen. SEC. 19. There shall be elected in each county by the voters thereof one County Attorney, wh shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until his successor shall e elected and qualified. c. 20. The duties, compensation, fees and perquisites of the officers provided for in this article shall be fixed by law. SEC. 21. The style of all process shall be, "The State of Kansas." All prosecutions shall e carried on in the name and by the authority of the State of Kansas; and all indictments shall conclude, "against the peace and dignity of the State of Kansas." ARTICLE VII.-EDUCATION. ScN 1. The stability and'perpetuity of free republican institutions depend upon the intelligence, aind virtue of the, people; therefore it is declared to he the duty of -the State to establish by law, at the earliest possible period, a uniform system of free~sehools, in which every child in the State shall he entitled to receive a good commson school education at the public expense. SEC. 2. The principal of all school funds, from whatever source, shall he the commaon property of the State, and may be increased, but shall forever be preserved inviolate and undiminished. SEC..3. The income of the school fnnd shall hedevoted exclusively to the support of schools, and, together with any funds raised in any other snanner for school purposes, shall be distributed, through the county or township treasurers, to the several school districts, in some equitable proportion to the number of children and youth resident. therein, hetween the ages of five and twenty-one years. SEC. 4. The school lands shall never he sold until such sale is authorized hy a free and fair vote of the people of Kansas, hut, subject to a valuation every three years, may be leased at a per centum established by law. SEC. 5. No religious sect or sects shall ever have any right to, or control of, any part of the school fends of this State. SEC. 6. The General Assembly shall make such provision, by taxation or otherwise, as, with the income arising from the school fund, will secure, throughout the State, th e maintenance of a thorough and uniform system of commosi schools, which shall be kept up and supported in each district at least four months in each year, and shall be open and free to every child in the State between the ages of five and twenty-one years. SEC. 7. As the. means of the State will admit, educational institutions of a higher grade shall be established by law so as to form a complete system of public inst ruction, embracing th e primary, normal, preparatory, collegiate and university departments. SEC. 8. At the first~ election of State, officers,. and biennially thereafter, the people' shall elect a.- Superintendent of Public Instruction, whose duties laud compensation shall be prescribed by law. SEc. 9.. At thae firsteleetion, of State, officers, and biennially: thereafter, there, shall, be elected by the people a Commissioner of School. Funds, who shall harve the charge,Of 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 177 the school lands and the principal of the school fund, whose duties and compensation shall be prescribed by law. ARTICLE VIII.-PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly, at as early a date as possible, to provide State Asylums for the benefit, treatment and instruction of the blind, deaf and dumb, and insane. SEC. 2. The General Assembly shall make provision for the establishment of an asylum for idiots, to be regulated by law. SEC. 3. The General Assembly shall make provision for the establishment of houses of refuge for the correction, reform and instruction of juvenile offenders. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to make provision as soon as possible for a State Hospital and State Penitentiary: Provided, That not more than one of the aforesaid institutions shall be located in any county of this State, the location to be determined by a vote of tae electors at large at any general election, and that the directors and superintendents of the same shall be elected by the people. SEC. 5. The respective counties of the State shall provide in some suitable manner for those inhabitants who, by reason of age, infirmity or other misfortune, may have claims upon the sympathy and aid of society, under provision to be made by the laws of the General Assembly. ARTICLE IX. - MILITIA. SECTION 1. The Governor shall be Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State, excepting when these forces shall be actually in the service of the United States, and shall have power to call out any part, or the whole, of said military forces to aid in the execution of the laws, to suppress insurrection, and to repel invasion. SEC. 2. All male citizens of this State, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, excepting those who are conscientiously opposed to bearing arms, and such others as may be by law exempted shall be enrolled in the militia, and held to perform such military duty as by law may be required. SEc. 3. The General Assembly shall provide by law for organizing and disciplining the militia in such manner as it shall deem expedient. ARTICLE X. -PUBLIC DEBT. SECTION 1. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation by law. SEC. 2. The credit of the State shall never be given or loaned in aid of any individual, association or corporation. SEC. 3. For the purpose of defraying extraordinary expenditures, the State may contract public debts, but such debt shall never in the aggregate exceed one hundred thousand dollars, unless authorized by a direct vote of the people at a general election. Every such debt shall be authorized by law, and every such law shall provide for the payment of the annual interest of such debt, and the principal within ten years from the passage of such law; and such appropriation shall not be repealed until the principal and interest shall have been wholly paid. SEC. 4. The Legislature may also borrow money to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the State in timue of war; but the money thus raised shall be applied exclusively to the object for which the loan was authorized, or repayment of the debts thereby created. SEC. 5. No scrip, certificate, or other evidence of State debt whatever, shall be issued, except for such debts as are authorized by the third and fourth sections of this article. ARTICLE XI. -FINANCE AND TAXATION. SECTION 1. The levying of taxes by the poll is grievous and oppressive; therefore, the General Assembly shall never levy a poll tax for county or State purposes. SEC. 2. Laws shall be passed taxing, by a uniform rule, all real and personal property, according to its true value in money; but burying grounds, school houses, and other property used exclusively for educational purposes, houses used exclusively for public worship, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value, institutions of public charity, public and municipal property used exclusively for public and municipal purposes, and personal property to an amount not exceeding in value two hundred dollars for each 12 ~17-8 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. head of a family, may by general laws be exempted from taxation, but all such laws shall e subject to alteration or repeal; and the value of all such property, so exempted, shall from time to time be ascertained and published, as may be directed by law. SE. 3. The General Assembly shall provide for raising revenue sufficient to defray the expenses of the State for each year; and also a sufficient sum to pay theinterestand schpart of the principal of a State debt, if any such debt shall accrue, as may be directed by law. SEC. 4. No tax shall be levied except in pursuance of law; and every law imposing a tax shall state distinctly the object of the same, to which only it shall be applied. SEC. 5. The State shall never contract any debt for purposes of internal improvements. SEC. 6. In the passage in either house of the General Assembly of any law which imposes, continues, or renews a tax, or makes, continues, or renews an appropriation of public or trust moneys, or to release, discharge, or commute a claim or demand of the State, the vote shall be taken by yeas'and nays, which shall be duly entered on the journal; and three-fifths of all the members elected to such house shall, in all such cases, be requisite to constitute a quorum. ARTICLE XII. - COUNTIES, AND COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The General Assembly shall provide by law for submitting to the people of each county, at an annual election, the question of the location of the county seats; and the General Assenibly may change the lines of counties, but shall by law submit such proposed alterations to the electors of the county or counties affected therebyat a general election; said alterations to be made to township lines, as far as practicable. SEC. 2. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the creation and election of county, city, town and township officers. SEC. 3. All officers whose election or appointment is not provided for by this Constitution, shall be elected by the people or appointed, as the General Assembly may by law ovision shall be ade by law for the removal for mict. SEC. 4. Provision shall be mhade by law for the removal, for misconduct or malversation in office, of all officers whose powers and duties are not local or legislative, and who shall be elected at general elections, and also for supplying vacancies created by, such removal...SEC. 5.. The Legislature may declare the cases in which any office shall. be deemed-vacant, where no provision is made for that purpose in this Constitution. ARTICLE XIII.-EL.ECTIONeS. SECTION 1. All electioss shall be free and equal. SEC. 2. Electors shall, in all cases except treason, felony,, and breach of the peace,.be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections, and in going to and returning from them. SEC. 3. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by the General Assembly, or by either branch thereof, shall be viva voce. SEC. 4. All general elections shall he held on the Tuesday next succeeding. the first Monday in November of each year. SEC. 3. Returns of elections for Members of Congress, the General Assembly, and all. other officers not otherwise provided for, shall be made to the Secretary of State, in such manner as may be prescribed by law. ARTICLE XIV.- CORPORATIONS. SEc'rioN 1. Corporations may be created under general law, but shall not be created' by special acts, except for municipal purposes. All general laws and special actsauthorizing or creating corporations may be altered from time to time, or repealed. SEC. 2. Dues from corporations shall be secured by such individual liability of the stockholders and other means as shall be prescribed by law, and' each stockholder of a corporation or joint-stock association, except corporations for charitable purposes and railroad corporations, shall he individually liable over and above the. stock by him or'her owned, and any amount unpaid thereon to a further sum at least equal in amount to such stock. SIEC. 3. The property of corporations, except for charitable and religious purposes,' ANNALS OF KANSAS. 179 n existing, and to be hereafter created, shall be subject to taxation the same as the property of individuals. SEC. 4. All real estate or other property of religious corporations shall vest in trustees, whose election shall be by the members of such corporation. SEC. 5. The General Assembly shall provide for the organization of cities and villages by general laws, and restrict their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, so as to prevent the abuse of such power. SEC. 6. The term corporations as used in this article shall be construed to include all associations and joint-stock companies having any of the powers or privileges of corporations not possessed by individuals or partnerships; and all such corportions shall have the right to sue, and shall be subject to be swed, in all courts, the sam as natural persons. ARTICLE XV.- JURISPRUDENCE. SECo.. The General Assembly at its first session under this Constitution shall constitute a commission, to consist of three persons not members of the Senate or House of Representatives, whose duty it shall be to revise, reform, simplify, and abridge the rules of practice, pleading, and proceeding in the courts of record of this State, abolishing the forms of action known to the common law, and distinctions as to form between proceedings at law and in equity. SEC. 2. The proceedings of the Commissioners shall be reported to and be subject to the action of the General Assembly. SEC. 3. All the proceedings of the courts of this State shall be instituted and conducted in the English language, avoiding, as far as practicable, the use of technical terms. ARTICLE XVI.-MISCELLANEOUS. SECTION 1. No person shall be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, outlwed, exiled, or in any manner deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by the judgment of his peers and the law of the land. SEC. 2. The printing of the laws and journals, bills, legislative documents and papers for each branch of the General Assembly, and all printing for the Executive and other departments of State, shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, by such officers and in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 3. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the protection of the rights of women, married and single, in the acquiring and possessing of property, real, personal, and mixed, separate and apart from the husband or other person, and shall also provide for the equal rights of women in the protection, with the. husband, of their children, dur ing their minority; also shall provide for the securing of a homestead, which, without the consent of the wife, she cannot be divested of. SEC. 4. No person shallI be elected or appointed to any office in this State unless he possess es the qualification of an elector at the time of his election or appointment. SEC. 5. There shall be established in the'Secretary of State's office a Bureau of Sta-. tistics and Agriculture, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law; and provision shall. be made by the General Assembly for the organization and encouragement of State and County Agricultural Associations. SEC. 6. Lotteries, gift enterprises, and the sale of lottery and gift-enterprise tickets, fot any purpose whatever, shall be forever prohibited in the State. SEC. 7. A homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of laud, or, in lieu thereof, a house and lot, or other property not exceeding in value two thousand dollars, belonging to any one family, shall by law be exempted from forced sale under any process of law, and shall -not be alienated without tlse joint consent of husband and wile, in cases where that relation exists; but no property shall be exempt fromt sale for taxes or for the payment of obligations contracted for its purchase. SEC. 8. This State shall have jurisdiction concurrent with the State of Missouri, on the Missouri river, so far as the said river may be the common boundary of the two States., SEC. 9. For the purpose of preserving the public health, the General Assembly shall have power to pass general sanitary laws. *SEC. 10. No lease or grant of agricultural land for a longer period than twelve years, 4ereafter to be made, in which shall be reserved any rent or~servic~e of any kind, shall be valid; and all fines, quarter-sales, or other like restraints upon transfer, ]reserved in ~180 ANNALS OF KANSAS. any lease of land, hereafter to be made, shall be void, provided that this article shall i no wise interfere with the disposition of the school lands of the State. SEC. 11. In all cases where it shall be necessary to sell any of the lands granted by Congress, said sales shall not be made without one year's notice through publication in the county or counties where the lands lie, and an advertisement in two or more central newspapers of the State; and there shall be a valuation of said lands by.disintereted persons, and no lands shall be sold at a less price than the valuation. ARTICLE XVII.-BANKS AND CURRENCY. SECTION 1. No bank shall be established otherwise than under a general banking law. SEC. 2. If the General Assembly shall enact a general banking law, such law shall provide for the registry and countersigning by the Auditor of State of all bank notes or paper credit designed to be circulated as money. SEC. 3. It shall be further provided that such bank notes or paper credits shall be amply secured by the deposit with the proper officer of State of bonds of interest-paying States, or the United States. SEC. 4. All bills or notes issued as money shall be at all times redeemable in gold or silver. SEC. 5. Holders of bank notes shall be entitled, in case of insolvency, to preference of specie payment, over all other creditors. SEC. 6. The State shall not be a stockholder in any bank or banking institution. SEC. 7. All banks shall be required to keep officers and proper offices for the issue and redemption of their paper, at some convenient point within the State. Sc. 8. Any general banking law passed by the General Assembly of this State may at any time be altered, amended, or repealed. S. 9. No general banking law shall have any force or effect until the same shall have been submitted to a vote of the electors of the State, at some general election, and having been approved by a majority of all the votes given on that subject at such electARTICE XVIII.-AMENDMENT. ARTICLE XVIII.-AmIENDMENTS. SECTION 1. Propositions for the amendment of this Constitution may be made by either branch of the General Assembly; and if three-fifths of all the members elected to each house concur therein, such proposed amendments shall be entered on the journals, witls the yeas and nays; and the Secretary of State shall cause the same to be published in at least one newspaper in each county of the Slate where a newspaper is published, for three months preceding the next election for Senators and Representatives, at which time the same shall be submitted to the electors for thcir approval or rejection; and if a majority of the electors voting on said amendments, at said election, shall adopt such amendments, the same shall become a part of the Constitution. When more than one amendment shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to enable the electors to vote on each ausendmnent separately. SEC. 2. Whenever three-fifths of the members elected to each branch of the General Assembly shall think it necessary to call a Convention to revise, amend or change this Constitution, they shall recommend to the electors to vote at the next election of members of the General Assembly for or against a Convention; and if a majority of all the electors voting at said election shall have voted for a Convention, the General Assembly shall, at its next regular session, provide by law for calling the same. The Convention shall consist of as many members as the House of Representatives, and shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall meet within three months after their election,.at the Capital of the State, for the purpose aforesaid. SEC. 3. At the general election to be held in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in each tenth year thereafter, the question, "Shall there be a Convention to revise, alter or amend the Constitution?" shall be subluitted to the electors of the State; and in case a majority of the electors voting at such election shall decide in favor of a Convention, the Geiseral Assembly, at its next regular session, shall provide by law for the election of delegates, and the assembling of such Convention, as provided in the preceding section; but no amendment or revision of this.Constitution agreed upon by any Convention in pursuance of this article, shall take~effect until. the same shall have been submitted to the electors of the State, and adopted by a majority of those voting. thereon. ANNALS OF KANSAS. 181 SCHEDULE. ScioN 1. In order that no inconvenience may arise from the change from a Territorial to a State Government, it is declared that no existing rights, suits, prosecutions (except for political offences), claims or contracts, shall be affected by a change in the form of government, except as otherwise declared in this Constitution. But no det of theTerrtory shall be assumed by the State, except by a law passed by a vote of twothirds of each branch of the General Assembly. SC. 2. This Constitution shall be submitted to a vote of the people for approval or rejection, on the third Tuesday of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. 11The vote shall be by ballot, and those in favor of the Constitution shall write or print upon thei ballots the words, "For the Constitution," and those opposed to the Constitution shall write or print upon their ballots the words, "Against the Constitution." Said election shall be conducted according to the provisions of section thirteen of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas, passed February -, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "An act to provide for the election of Delegates to a Convention to frame a State Constitution." SE. 3At the same time and place, and under the provisions of the section aforesaid, of the Act aforesaid, an election shall be held for members of the General Assebly, for State officers, for Judges, and for Member of Congress to represent the State of Kansas in the Thirty-fifth Congress of the United States. SE. 4. If this Constitution, upon being submitted to the people, shall be approved by a majority of the legal votes cast thereon, a copyof the same, certified by the President and Secretary of the Convention, together with a Memorial framed by the Conention, asking admission into the Union, and a certified statement of the vote on the ratification thereof, shall be transmitted, as soon as practicable, by the Governor, President of the Council, and Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Kansas, or any two of'them, to the President and Congress of the United States. S. 5. Provided this Constitution shall be ratified by the people, then, upon the admission of Kansas into the Union as a State, this Constitution shall be in full force, the State officers shall immediately enter upon the performance of their duties, and the Governor shall immediately, by proclamation, convene the General Assembly. Smc 6. The members of the first General Assembly shall hold their offices until and including December thirty-first, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. SEc. 7. The State officers and Supreme and District Judges elected under this constitution shall hold their respective offices for the same length of time as though their term of office commenced on January first, one thousand eight hundred And fifty-nine. SE~c. S. The Governor is authorized to adopt a seal, to be the seal of the State of Kansas, until otherwise provided for by law. SEC. 9.- Until otherwise provided by law, the State shall be divided into Senatorial districts, and Senators apportioned to them as follows: The First District shall consist of Leavenworth county, and shall be entitled to three Senators; the Second District shall consist of Atchison county, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Third District shall -consist of Doniphan county, and shall be entitled to two Senators; the Fourth District shall consist of Jefferson county, and be entitled to one Senator; the Fifth District shall consist of the counties of Brown and Calhoun, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Sixth District shall consist of the counties of Nemaha, Marshall and Washington, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Seventh District shall consist of the counties of Pottawatomie and Richardson, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Eighth District'shall consist of the counties of Riley, Clay, Dickinson, Arapahoe, and all the western part of Kansas, not otherwise attached, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Ninth District shall consist of the counties of Breckinridge, Wise and Davis, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Tenth District shall consist of the counties of Shawnee and Weller, and shall be entitled to two Senators; the Eleventh District shall consist of the counties of Butler, Hunter, Woodson, Greenwood, Madison, Godfrey and Wilson, and.shall be entitled to one Senator; the Twelfth District shall consist of the county of Coffey:and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Thirteenth District skall consist of the county'of:Dougl'as, and shall be entitled to two Senators; the Fourteenth District shall consist'of'-the county of Johnson, and be entitled to one Senator; the Fifteenth District shall'consist of the county of Lykins, and be entitled to one Senato r; the Sixteenth District shall consist of the county of Franklin, and be entitled to one Senator; the Seventeenth ~182 ANNALS OF KANSAS. District shall consist of the county of Anderson, and be entitled to one Senator; the Eighteenth District shall consist of the county of Linn, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Nineteenth District shall consist of the county of Bourbon, and shall be entitled to one Senator; the Twentieth District shall consist of the counties of Allen, Dorn and McGee, and shall be entitled to one Senator.. SEC. 10. The State shall be divided into Representative districts, and members apportioned thereto as follows: First District, Leavenworth county, ten members; Second, Atchison, three; Third, Doniphan, five; Fourth, Jefferson, three; Fifth, Brown, two; Sixth, Nemaha, two; Seventh, Pottawatomie, two; Eighth, Calhoun, one; Ninth, Marshall and Washington, one; Tenth, Riley, three; Eleventh, Clay and Dickinson, one; Twelfth, Davis, one; Thirteenth, Wise, one; Fourteenth, Butler and Hunter, one; Fifteenth, Richardson, one; Sixteenth, Breckinridge, two; Seventeenth, Madison, one; Eighteenth, Greenwood, one; Nineteenth, Woodson, one; Twentieth, Coffey, two; Twenty-first,Weller, one; Twenty-second, Shawnee, four; Twenty-third, Doulas, seven Twenty-fourth, Johnson, three; Twenty-fifth, Lykins, three; Twenty-sixth, Lin, three; Twenty-seventh, Franklin, two; Twenty-eighth, Anderson, two; Twenty-ninth, Allen, one; Thirtieth, Bourbon, three; Thirty-first, McGee, Dorn, Wilson and Godfrey, one; District Number Thirty-two to consist of all the western part of Kansas, not otherwise attached, including the county of Arapahoe, one member. SEC. 11. The General Assembly at its first session shall provide for receiving proposals for the location of the seat of Government, and shall publish such proposals and also a plan for the purchase of a site by the State, and then submit them to a full and fair vote of the people, at the first general election after such session; and if no proposal or plan submitted shall receive a majority of all the votes cast, then they shall be submitted at each subsequent ancgeneral election until such choice shall be ade; and when a proposal or plan shall be adopted, the Legislature shall provide for the location at the place or in the manner designated, and for the application of the profits which may accrue to the State therefrom, to the benevolent institutions of the State; and when the seat of Government shall have been thus located, it shall not be changed but by a law ratified by a direct vote of the people; and until the selection provided for in this section shall be made, Topeka shall be the _eat of Government. SEC. 12. The first General Assembly shall provide by law for the submission of the,question of universal suffrage to a vote of the people at the first general election- of members of the General Assembly, provided that the qualifications Of voters a t that election shall be the same as at the vote on the submission of the Constitution. M. F. CONWAY, Presideet. F. G. ADAMS. AMASA SOULE. LUCIAN FISHi. H1. S. BAKER. J. M. SHEPHERD. W. W. Ross. G. M. FULLER. T. DWIGHT THACHER, JOHN RITCHIE. CALEB MAY. SAM'L N. WOOD. ALFRED L. WINANS. CALEB A. WOODWORTH. Wms. V. BARR. G. D. HUMPHREY. W. F. M. AENY. W. D. BEELER. A. H.. SHURTLEFF. WILLIAM SPRIGGS. Jos. F. HAMPSON. H. AUSTIN. Wm. L. WEBSTER. Tseos. H. BUTLER. H. J. ESsPY. Wm. R. GRIFFITH. A. DANFORD. HENRY J. ADAMS. B. B. NEWTON..ROBERT EwiNe,. WMs. H. COFFIN. WM. MOCULLOCH. ROBT. B. MITCHELL. JOHN C. DOUGLASS. P. B. PLUMB. CHAI.s. A. FOSTER. JAMES DAVIS. J. R. SWALLOW. GUSTAVUS A. COLTON. THOS. EWING, JH. A. B. ANDERSON. ALBURTUS KNAPP. J. P. ]HATTERS'CHE1DT. ORVILLE ROOT. J. K. GooDIN. H. P. JOHNSON. A. W. WILLIAMS. J. G. REES. J. H. LANE. SAMUEL STEWART. URIAH COOK. ALFRED LARZELERE. Wm. E. BOWKER. EDWARD LYNDE. CHAS. S. PERHAM. R. A. KINZIE. JAMES MONROE,. - HUGH- ROBERTSON. J. M. ELLIOTT. A. WV. MCCAUSLIN. JOSIAH H. PILLSBURY. JAMES D. ALLEN. JONATHAN C. TODD. M. L. ASHMORE. C. H. BRANSCOMB. R. U. TORRY. W. Y. ROBERTS.. JOHN L. BROWN. JAMES FLETCHER. THOMAS TROWER. JAMES S. EMERY. HRNRY HARVEY. JAMES TELFER. CILARLES MAYO. IF. N. BLAKE. G. W. K. TWOMBLY. WE. R. MONTIETH. ISAAC T. GoODNOW. JAMES M. WiNC'HELL. D. PICKERING. G. WV. HioINBOTMAM. J. M. WALDEN. E. S. SCUDDER. R. M. FISH. SAMUEL F. TAPPAN, Secretary. I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the Constitutiomo adopted by the,Convention at Leavenworth, April 3d, 1858, from the original draft now in my possession. M. F. CONWAY, Presidenst of the Ceonvesstieon. LEAVENWORTH, APRIL 5, 1858. 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 183 MAY 12.-James W. Denver takes the oath of office as Governor, and Hugh S.Walsh as Secretary. Governor Denver orders Samuel Walker, Sheriff of Douglas county, to arrest the band of lawless armed men acting under James Montgomery. MAY 18.-Vote on the Leavenworth Constitution, State officers and Legislature. Rev.Richard Cordley starts the Congregational Record, at Lawrence. MAY 19.-The Marais des Cygnes massacre. Tomlinson says Hamiltons party consisted of twenty-five persons. He gives the following names: Charles A. Hamilton, Dr. John Hamilton, Alvin Hamilton, Luke Yealock, William Yealock, Thomas Jackson, Brockett, Harlin, Beach, and Mattock. They lived near or in West Point, Missouri. They reached the Trading Post, in Linn county, early in the afternoon, and arrested John F. Campbell and G. W. Andrews, who were in the store. William Stillwell was next arrested. They then made other arrests of Free-State men in the vicinity, placed the prisoners in Stillwell's wagon, and started towards Missouri. Soon after, Rev. Charles Reed was arrested, and Andrews was released. The prisoners numbered nine. About three miles from the Trading Post they halted. Brockett then came up, with Snyder, the blacksmithas a prisoner. The prisoners were ordered to form in line a few yards from the Ruffians. The order to fire was given, and every FreeState man fell. Five were killed instantly, and all the others, except one, badly wounded. The one slightly wounded was, soon after, shot through the head and killed. The others feigned death. The Ruffians robbed the bodies and rode off. The murdered men were William Stillwell, Patrick Ross, Mr. Colpetzer, Michael Robinson, John F. Campbell; the wounded were William Hairgrove, Asa Hairgrove, Charles Reed, Amos Hall, and Charles Snyder. Robert B. Mitchell with a party of men, among them Montgomery, proceeded to West Point in pursuit of the murderers, but came back'without having-done anything. The following poem was written by John G. Whittier, and was published in the Atlantic Monthly, in September, 1858: LE MARAIS DU CYGNE. * A blush as of roses -In the. homes of their rearing, Where rose never grew! Yet warm with their lives, Great drops on the bunch-grass, Ye wait the dead only, But not of the dew! Poor children and wives! A taint in the sweet air Put out the red forge-fire, For wild hees to shun! The smith shall not come; A stain that shall never Unyoke the brown oxen, Bleach out in the sun!'The ploughman lies dumb. Back, steed of the prairies! Wind slow from the Swan's Marsh, Sweet. song-bird, fly back! 0 dreary death-traini, Wheel hither, bald vulture! With pressed lips as bloodless Gray wolf, call thy pack! As lips of the slain! The foul human vultures Kiss down the young eyelids, Have feasted and -fled; Smooth down the gray hairs; The wolves of the Border Let tears quench the curses Have crept from the dead. That burn through your prayers. *Temsar fuamdaduofnigmni otenKna tokplace near theMarais du cygne of the Frenoh voyageurs. ~184 ~ ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. From the hearths of their cabins, Strong man of the prairies, The fields of their corn, Mourn bitter and wild! Unwarned and unweaponed, Wail, desolate woman! The victims were torn,- Weep, fatherless child! By the whirlwind of murder But the grain of God springs up Swooped up and swept on From ashes beneath, To the low, reedy fen-lands, And the crown of His harvest The Marsh of the Swan. Is life out of death. With a vain plea for mercy Not in vain on the dial No stout knee was crooked; The shade mnoves along In the mouths of the rifles To point the great contrasts Right manly they looked. Of right and of wrong; How paled the May sunshine, Free homes and free altars Green Marais du Cygne, And fields of ripe food; When the death-smoke blew over The reeds of the Swan's Marsh, Thy lonely ravine! Whose bloom is of blood. On the lintels of Kansas That blood shall not dry; Henceforth the Bad Angel Shall harmless go by; Henceforth to the sunset, Unchecked on her way, Shall liberty follow The march of the day. MAY 21.-Twenty men leave Lawrence for "the gold region in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains in Kansas." This was the first, or one of the earliest, expeditions to Pike's Peak, or Colorado. The journey is pleasantly described by William B. Parsons in the Kansas, Magazine of June, 1872, vol. I, p. 552. MAY 29.- Samuel Walker marches to Fort Scott; Montgomery and a large party of mounted men go with him from iRaysville, leaving, there ~on the 29th.'Arriving -in Fort Scott, Walker divided the men into three divisions. Tomlinson says: "One company surrounded Sheriff~ Hill's house. another the Pro-Slavery Hotel (McKay's), and the third the house of the notorious Clarke "- the murderer of Barber. Clarke defied arrest, but* Walker arrested him. After leaving town, Walker arrested Montgomery, for whom also he had a writ. Walker was the Sheriff of Douglas county and a Deputy U. S. Marshal. On the 30th, at iRaysville, news was brought to him that Clarke and the other Pro-Slavery men he had arrested in Fort Scott had been released, without a trial, and were again at large. Walker then released Montgomery from arrest. JUNE.-D. H.' Huyett visits Kansas to take sketches for a book. JUNE 3.- Gains Jenkins killed by James HI. Lane, at Lawrence. The cause of the difficulty was a contested land claim. JUNE 3.- Gov. Denver announces August 2d as the day of the election under the English bill, or act of Congress of May 4th. JUNE 5.-Alson C. Davis takes the oath of office as United States Attorney. JUNE 6.-Capt. James Montgomery enters Fort Scott, at midnight. JUNE 8.- Conference meeting at West Point, Bates county, Mo. Six delegates went from border counties in Kansas. Bates, Vernon and Jasper counties, Missouri, were represented by about two hundred men. An agroee 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 185 ment was signed by the delegates from the two States. It was a pledge against invasion, from either side of the line, and a promise by the Missourians to assist in bringing to justice Capt. Hamilton and all the men engaged in the Marais des Cygnes massacre. JUNE 15.-Gov. Denver, at Fort Scott, makes an agreement with the citizens of Fort Scott and Bourbon county; he agrees to withdraw the troops, and they to keep the peace. JUNE 17.-Abram Lincoln addresses a Republican Convention in Springfield, Ill., and says: "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this Government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to dissolve; but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of Slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind will rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward until it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South... We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was inaugurated with the avowed object and confident promise of putting an end to Slavery agitation. Under the operation of this policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has constantly augmented." The debate between Lincoln and Douglas, candidates for the United States Senate, takes place this summer, and attracts national attention. It proves to be a canvass for the Presidency. JUNE 17.-Governor Denver addresses a meeting at Chouteau's Trading Post, Linn county, and agrees to station Major Weaver on the border with a force of sixty men, to protect the eastern line of the county. Governor Robinson and Captain James Montgomery are present, and concur with Governor Denver in his peace policy. JUNE 18.-United States Marshal Winston removed, and W. P. Fain appointed. JUNE 22.-J. Calhoun, "President of the Constitutional Convention,"l issues certificates of election to the members of the Legislature under the Lecompton Constitution, elected December 21, 1857. In a letter from Nebraska City, dated July 2, 1858, General Calhoun writes to Governor Denver: "1For State officers I shall issue no certificates, as I do not deera it my right to do so. If the Constitution go into operation it will he my duty to convene the Legislature, and at its meeting I will lay before that body a statement of the returns, or the returns themselves, and let it determine who are -elected State officers." JUNE 25.- Captain Nathaniel Lyon, commanding United'States troops at Fort Scott, writes to Governor Denver that "the agreement made by the people'here on the occasion of your late visit has been entered upon in good faith, and to this time fully observed." JUNE 26.-Commissions issued to A. J. Weaver, Captain., and the other, officers of the Linn county company, of volunteers, under an act of the Legislature, "to suppress the disturbances in Bourbon county." JUNE 30.- Hiram J. Strickler commissioned as -Librarian of the Territory. JULY.-Joseph Williams and Rush Elmore Associate Justices until the admission of the State. Elmore was reappointed in place of Cato, who, leaves the Territory. JULY 3.- Governor Denver leaves Leavenworth for Washington. 186 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858, -Organization of a Board of Education for the city of Leavenworth. George Wetherell taught the first public school, beginning July 5. -Ward B. Burnett, of New York, appointed Surveyor General, vice John Calhoun. JULY 8.-The Fort Scott Democrat says Sheriff Roberts' has recovered nearly all the horses stolen by Rev. John E. Stewart. This Stewart sometimes took the name of Captain "Plum," and sometimes of Captain Montgomery, and looked upon all horses as Pro-Slavery. JULY 13.-A. J. Isacks sends to Secretary Walsh the certificates of the members of the Legislature elected under the Lecompton Constitution, received by him from John Calhoun, at Nebraska City, with Calhoun's letter. JULY 14.-Destructive fire in Leavenworth. The Market Hall, Christian Church and many other buildings burned. JULY 15.-Major T. W. Sherman writes that the troops will be kept in FortScott, as Governor Denver had last requested. AUGUST 2.-Vote on the Lecompton Constitution, as submitted by the English Bill. DOUGLAS COUNTY. DONIPHAN COUNTY. 0 ci C1.. Lawrence................................ 718 4 White Cloud........................... 61 9 Lecompton.............................. 122 27 Iowa Point............................. 106 100 Franklin................................ 75 3 Highland................................ 36 1 Bloomington........................... 186 2 Troy.......................85 98 Eudora.................................... 103 - Elwood.................................... 129 38 Prairie City............................. 123 - Palermo 69 7 Palmyra................................. 109 - Wathena................................ 40 37 Willow Springs........................ 157 3 Doniphan................................ 160 44 Big Springs......................... 66 - Colum bus................................ 113 27 Coal ('Creek.............................. 57 Wolf Creek............................. 53 59 Twin Mound............................ 18 1 Geary City.............................. 75 1 Blanton................................... 64 - - 927 421 1,785 40 BROWN COUNTY. SHAWNEE COUNTY. Ha41 H amlin................................... 41 3 Tecumseh................................ 187 29 Hiawatha................................83 1 Brownville.............................. 127 1 Plymouth................................ 22 Topeka................................... 246 10 Mt. Roy................................. 21 6 Burlingame............................. 115 - Claytonville............................ 68 25'Versailles................................ 14 - Locknane................................ 28 3 Wakarusa................................ 59 1 - 243 36 748 41 NEMAHA COUNTY. LEAVENWORTH COUNTY. Seneta.33 5 [,EAVENWORTH COUNTY. ~~~Seneca.................................... 33 5 Leavenworth...........................1,610 138 Central City......................... 89 - Delaware............................ 79 75 Wheatland......................... 40 Wyandotte.............................. 203 84 Granada............................. 35 2 Quindaro................................. 130 16 Capioma................................. 30 5 Easton........................ 60 41 - Alexandria............................. 68 14 227 12 Kickapoo...............................: 53 90 LYKINS COUNTY. 203 Paola..................... 26 27 ATCHISON COUNTY. Mianiville............................. 70 20 Atchison................................. 151 140 Stanton.31 - 221 13 Middle CSrenek1..................................9. 1 - Sumner................................... 7 6 Richiand........................... 11 18 Pardee.................................... 6 8 A rde.5. 14 Marysville............................... 23 aene...s.......................... 226 3 Independence.......................... 17 2 O Xt. Pleasant.......................... 35 4 Mt.' ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~440 99 Fort William 4e........................ 14 MGEE COUNTY. 616 260 Shoal Creek............................ 14 6 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 187 ~.~. BOURBON COUNTY.,. MADISON COUNTY. CZ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'::. ~.~ Raysville................................. 53 - Columbia................................ 75 - Mapleton................................ 84 1 Eagle City............................ 62 - Marmaton............................... 41 - Hesperia............................. 21 - Barnesville.............................. 46 4- - Osage...................................... 30 - 158 - Mill Creek.............................. 26 - WISE COUNTY. Drywood................................ 50 13 Cottonwood Falls 30 Drywood. 50 13 ~~~~~~Cottonwood Falls...........30 - Fort Scott.............................. 81 19 Council Grove........................ 26 6 Sprattsville.............................. 18 - Diamond Springs..................... 9 - 429 37 65 6 ALLEN COUNTY. HUNTER COUNTY. Cottage Grove.......................... 23 - Eldorado................................. 23 - Deer Creek.............................. 23 - Cofachique.............................. 78 18 RILEY COUNTY. Humboldt.............................. 85 6 Randolph................................ 30 - Martin's Creek........................ 65 - Ogden................................... 42 17 Osage.....17 - Manhattan............................ 132 1 Wray's........................ 65 - Kent...................................... 23 2 _- - Republican............................. 31 2 268 23 - DORN COUNTY. 258 22 JEFFERSON COUNTY. Osage Mission.......................... - 9 Grasshopper Falls................... 166 6 ANDERSON COUNTY. Oskaloosa................................ 93 15 Hyatt...................................... 55 Osawkee................................ 75 25 Shannon................................. 109 3 Hardtville............................... 77 63 Cresco40 1 Rising Sun......................... 420 CRisin................................. 40 Addington.32 --- Addington................................... 32 - W alker.................................... 70 441 151 Walker.70 - ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~441 151 CALHOUN COUNTY. 313 4 Jefferson Township................. 61 8 LINN COUNTY. Holton.................................... 99 13 o~tosi.~ 44 4 Douglas.l.....90 11 Centreville.............................. 79 - 250 32 Mound City.............................. 150 2 250 32 Scott.58 8 R1CHARDSON COUNTY. S ot....................................... 5 Liberty................................... 13 - Mission Creek.......................... 19 - Tate....................................... 57 2 Wabaunsee.............................. 71 - Breckinridge........................... 21 27 Wilmington........................... 38 - - Alma............................ 16 - 422 43 - - FRANKLIN COUNTY. 144 - Centropolis........................ 155 - WOODSON COUNTY. Ohio City................................. 52 3 Reeder........' Ottawa................................... 45 1 Belmont.............................. 121 2 Peoria... 59 2 Neosho FallsJ Pottawatomie.......................... 65 - DAVIS COUNTY. 376 6 Ashland................................. 27 5 JOHNSON COUNTY. Riley....................................... 42 16 Lexington.............................. 29 39 Zeandale......................... 54 6 Monticello...................' 14 9 - - Shawnee.80 41 123 27 Oxford................................... 1 1 Oxford...............................13 16 COFFEY COUNTY. McCamish............................... 77 5 Burlington.............................. 120 - Spring Hill.............................. 37 5 Neosho City........................... 64 1 Gardner.................................. 100 3 LeRoy.................................... 180 15 Aubrey................................... 5 6 Ottumwa................................ - 2 Olathe.................................... 69 31 - - ~~-~~~ ~~ 364 18 424 154 POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY. BRECKINRIDGE COUNTYJuit.34 BRECKINRIDGE COUNTY. Juniata................................... 39 4 Emporia................................. 104 - St George............................... 58 3 Kansas Centre........................ 33 2 Louisville................................ 37 1 Americus................................. 20 - Shannon.................................. 16 - Agnes City.............................. 20 2 Vienna................................... 46 - Cottonwood............................. 17 - Pottawatomie.......................... 40 194 4i 236 8 ~188 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [158. The official result was declared to be 1,788 for the proposition, and 11,300 against it; majority against it, 9,512. The proclamation was signed by J. W. Denver, Hugh S. Walsh, A. C. Davis, and G. W. Deitzler-C. W. Babcock being absent. Some returns were not counted that are given in the foregoing table. AUGUST.-Jacob Stotler unites with P. B. Plumb in publishing the Emporia News. The News, White Cloud Chief, and Leavenworth Times were established in 1857. -E. R. Smith appointed United States Mail Agent. AUGUST 5.-Governor Denver writes to Fort Leavenworth that oops are no longer needed at Fort Scott. AUGUST 13.-Rush Elmore takes the oath of office as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. SEPTEMBER 1.-The Massasoit House opened at Atchison, by Thoma Murphy. SEPTEMBER. -A Masonic Lodge organized at Emporia. Lawrence D. Bailey, W. M.; C. V. Eskridge, Secretary. Frank F. Barclay starts a French paper, L' Estafette du Kansas, at Leavenworth. -Asa Hairgrove and William Hairgrove, of Linn county, bring suit gainst Charles A. Hamilton, Algernon Hamilton, James Tate, Lewis Henderson, W. B. Brockett and others, for shooting and dangerously wounding them on the 19th of May. -Hockaday, Burr & Co. begin outfitting trains at Atchison for Salt Lake. -Charles Hays, who murdered Buffum in 1856, is arrested at Atchison. -The Minnie Belle makes a trip to Manhattan. -"Pike's Peak"~ becomes the leading topic of the Kansas press. - Samuel J. Jones, the notorious ex-Sheriff of Douglas county, who led the expedition against Lawrence, May 21, 1856, is appointed Collector of the district Paso del Norte. G. W. Clarke, the murderer of Barber, is made a Purser in the Navy. - Colonel Titus leaves for Sonora. -W. W. & E. G. Ross retire from the Topeka Tribune. The paper was revived by Farnsworth & Cummings. SEPTEMBER 5.-Governor Denver resigns, to take effect October 10th. SEPTEMBER 18. -Governor Denver writes to Secretary Cass that Captain Weaver's company has been the means of preserving the peace in the southern part of the Territory, but that he intends to discharge it November 6th. OCTOBER 4.-Election of members of the House (Territorial Legislature), and Territorial. Superintendent of Common Schools. FIRST DISTRICT - LEAVENWORTH COUNTY-Eight Members. Adam Fisher.....................931 A. M. Clark.....................1110 Fred. Brown.....................891 James L. McDowell...............1142 W. P. Gambell...................914 Lyman Scott....................1109 0. B. Hohnan.....................819 Charles F. Kob.loll................1 Pascal S. Parks...................916 W. Y. Roberts...................1313 I. A. S.- Hanford...................924 John W. Wright..................1002 Philip-T. Colby...................901 James Medill...................1101 George P. Nelson..................923 0. M. Marsh....................1100 Su~perntendent of Schools. Perry Fuller (Dem.)................405 1 S. W. Greer (F. S.).................436 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 189 SECOND DISTRICT-ATCHISON-Three Members. John B. Irvin...................................... 492 S. J. H. Snyder.................................... 422 H. Weider........................................... 534 D. McIntyre........................... 460 L. Dickerson....................................... 562 A. D. Richardson........................... 369 Superintendent of Schools. S. W. Greer............................................................................................................ 429 THIRD DISTRICT-DONIPHAN-Five Members. Ward L. Lewis.................................... 243 John F. Sparks................................... 271 Robert Graham................................... 236 Benjamin Wrigley............................... 272 A. Larzelere........................................ 259 Joseph Penny...................................... 278 A. J. Allison....................................... 237 J. W. Shepherd.................................... 275 Thomas Stevenson.............................. 242 Wm. C. Croft....................................... 25 Iowa, Washington, and Wolf River townships not counted in the official abstract. Superintendent of Schools. John Bayless............... 211 - Hill........................ 194 S. W. Greer...................37 FOURTH AND FIFTH DISTRICTS-BROWN AND NEMAHA. George Graham...................... 129 H. Sutherland.......................................28 H. H. Patterson...................................73 Lloyd D. Ashby.................... 2 SIXTH DISTRICT-MARSHALL. Thrown out; "voted by ballot, contrary to law." SEVENTH DISTRICT-JEFFERSO-wN-WO Members. Henry Owens...................................... 212 Edward Lynde.................................... 231 Franklin Finch............................. 279 Daniel W. Guernsey............................ 229 H. G. Turner................................. 97 Superintendent of Schools. S. W. Greer........................................... 17 [ Perry Fuller.......................................... EIGHTH DISTRICT-CALHOUN-One Member. Golden Silvers..................................... 163 I Martin Anderson................................ 104 Superintendent of Schools. S. W. Greer..................................................................................................... 107 NINTH DISTRICT-RILEY AND POTTAWATOMIE-TwO Members. Abraham Barry........... 133 [ Thomas R. Points......... 231 [ Daniel L. Chandler.........9 Superintendent of Schools. J. H. Noteware.................................... 120 I Isaac T. Goodnow.................................92 TENTH DISTRICT-DOUGLAS AND JOHNSON-Eight Members. Rtobert Morrow................................. 1342 P. H. Townsend................................. 986 C. H. Branscomb................................ 1311 A. Curtiss........................................... 915 Levi Woodard................................... 1357 H. J. Canniff..................................... 976 F. F. Bruner....................................... 421 John Lockhart................................... 1015 P. H. Berkaw.................................... 437 J. E. Corliss....................................... 227 Samuel Shore.................................... 417 J. B. Hovey....................................... 1296 David Martin......... 443 Superintendent of Schools. S. W. Greer.............. 1103 I Perry Fuller.................. 130 l W. F. M. Arny...............6 ELEVENTH DISTRICT-SHAWNEE-One Member. George B. Holmes................................ 311 1 A. L. Winans........................................ 258 Superintendent of Schools. S. W. Greer.................... 347 j W. F. M. Arny............... 89 erry Fuller............ 4 TWELFTH TO SIXTEENTH DISTRICTS-RICHARDSON, DAVIS, WISE, BRECKINRIDGE, WELLER, MADISON, BUTLER, HUNTER, GREENWOOD, BOURBON, (GODFREY, WILSON, DORN,. MCGEE, WOODSON, COFFEY, ALLEN, ANDERSON, AND FRANKLIN. L. D. Bailey........................................ 898 A.G. Osborn........................64 T. R Roberts........................... 975 J. B. Scott............................................45 William Spriggs..................................1090 William B. Marshall.............. 35 A. L. Dunn....... 233 Superintendent of Schools. W. F. M. Arny....................... 283 I S. W. Greer...........................................49 J. H. Noteware.......................... 61 Perry Fuller................................... 1 ~190 ANNALS OF KANSAS. SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT —LINN-t0 Members. A. Danford........................................... 344 A. Curtiss...................146 R. B.Mitchell.323 | Robert Ewing..................... Superintendent of Schools......................................... 170 W. F. M. Arny....................... 141 EIGHTEENTH DISTRIG-LYKINS-TwO Members. M. F. Holaday.................... 363 Samuel H. Houser............231 Abram Ellis....................................... 273 William Walters.................208 Superintendent of Schools................. W. Greer...... 161 I J. H. Noteware................. 22 I W. F. M. Arny. OCTOBER. -Arapahoe county, covering the Pike's Peak region, is organized by Gov. Denver, and officers appointed. OCTOBR 10.-On the resignation of Gov. Denver, Secretary Hugh S. Walsh becomes Acting Governor. OCTOBER 25.-Win. H. Seward makes a speech at Rochester New York, in which he says: "Shall I tell you what this collision means? They who think it is accidental, unnecessary, the work of interested or fanatical agitators, and therefore ephemeral, mistake the case altogether. It is an irrepressible conflict between opposing and enduring forces, and it means that the United States must and will, sooner or later, become either entirely a slaveholding nation, or entirely a free-labor nation.It is the failure to comprehend this great truth that induces so many unsuccessful attempts at final compromise between the Slave and Free States, and it is the existence of this greatfact that renders all such pretended compromises, when made, vain and ephemeral. Startling as this saying may appear to you, fellow-citizens, it is by no means an riginal or even a modern one." NOVEMBER 9. -Gov. Denver issues a parting address to the people. NOVEMBER 10.- A letter from Osage, in the Leavenworth Journal, says:: "George W. Clarke, a pet in the Land Office at Fort Scott, was the real cause of all the troubles in that region, and a company of dragoo ns had to be stationed there to protect him from the merited vengeance of an outraged. people." He says Clarke "in the summer of 1856, plundered, robbed and burned out of house and home nearly every Free-State settler in. Linn. county, while his hands were steeped in innocent blood, and the light of burning buildings marked his course."~ NOVEMBER 12.- Capt. James Montgomery learns that he has been indicted for destroying the ballot-box at Sugar Mound, on the 4th of January. - On the three following days and -nights several persons in: Linn co unty are jayhawked, and the crimes are charged to Montgomery's band. NOVEMBER 16. -The houses of Poyner and Lemon, near Fort Scott, are robbed. Ben.- Rice, indi~ted for the murder of Travis, is arrested and lodged in the Fort Scott jail. Nov'EMBER 19. - Samuel Medary appointed Governor. NOVEMBER 20.-Jeremiah S. Black, U. S. Attorney General, decides that the Legislature had no right to take the seat of Government away. from Lecompton. NOVEMBER 23. -Hugh S. Walsh, Acting Governor, says: "The notorious James Montgomery, encouraged by the support of a leading Republican press in the Territory, has recommenced his system of marauding and plundering in the county of Linn." 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 191 NOVEMBER 25.-Democratic Territorial Convention at Leavenworth. Called to order by Col. Dickey, of Topeka. President, Joel K. Goodin. Vice Presidents, M. C. Dickey, A. J. Isacks, E. S. Dennis, H. P. Petriken, W. H. Gill, Daniel Killen, W. P. Badger, W. P. Campbell, James Garvin Jeremiah Murphy, Isaac E. Eaton, John H. McDowell, H. Miles Moore, James Christian. Secretaries, Cyrus L. Gorton, R. D. Campbell, S. W. Driggs, Lucien J. Eastin, Frank F. Barclay, C. H. McLaughlin. Cyrus F. Currier and Alson C. Davis conducted the President to the chair. John A. Halderman, R. N. Sherwood, Saunders W. Johnston, A. C. Davis, S. K. Husoh, Dr. James Davis, H. B. Denman, and F. F. Bruner, reported the following resolutions: W rea, The causes which have hitherto divided and estranged the people of Kansas no longer exist; and Wheres, The members of this Convention, animated by a sincere devotion to the Constitution and the Union, the rights of the States and the sovereign and the reserved rights of the people; and being profoundly impressed with the importance and necessity of a political organization which shall embody and render effeibctive these sentiments, we do hereby agree to unite and be known as the Democratic party of Kansas: and as such, "eslved, That we affirm our abiding faith and confidence in the principles of the Democratic party, as enunciated in the Cincinnati Platform. 2. That the people of this Territory are indebted to the Democratic party for the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which opened this magnificent domain to settlement, and recognized their sovereign right and their capacity to form and regulate their institutions in their own way. 3. That we repudiate the dogma of the Republican party'that Congress has sovereign power over the Territories of the United States for their government, as a denial of the right and capacity of the people to govern themselves, and declare our devotion to the principles of popular sovereignty, and our hostility to Congressional despotism. "4. That great danger is to be apprehended from the negro Iequality tendencies of the Republican party, as manifested in their conventions; and inasmuch as the slavery question is settled beyond the possibility of further controversy, we hereby declare in favor of the entire exclusion of free negroes from the future State of Kansas. "15. That in view of the many hardships to which set tlers upon public lands are subjected, and the enhanced value which they confer upon the lands held by Government, we would most respectfully but urgently press upon Congress the justice and propriety of selling a quarter-section of land to every actual settler who shall remain upon and improve the land for three consecutive years, at the actual cost of survey, and issuing a patent, and that all public lands in this Territory be withdrawn from the market for three years, and left open to pre-emptors. "16. That we most respectfully but earnestly urge upon the General Government the.necessity of immediately extinguishing the Indian title to the Reservations within this Territory, and opening the same for settlement under the pre-emption law. "17. That we confidently appeal to the justice and liberality of the General Government in behalf of public improvements in this Territory, and urge that a generous grant of the public lands, and liberal appropriations, be made in aid of railroads, wagonroads, bridges, and all necessary Territorial and county buildings. "8. That our rich mineral resources deserve the fostering care of the Government, and that we urge a wise and liberal legislation in aid of the, development especially of the iron, copper, lead and gold fields of the Territory. "19. That in addition to the lands already set apart for school purposes, we claim from the Government such additional grants as will make good the loss from Indian Reservations and pre-emptions before surveys were made; and also ample endowments for a male and female university; and that we respectfully urge the propriety of perfecting the title to the Territory, that the people therein may immediately enjoy the benefits arising from such grant. 192 ANNALS OF KANSAS. "10. That the Democracy of Kansas are in favor of the establishment and liberal endowment of free schools for the education of the children of the Territory. "11. That indemnity for all losses sustained in the past political troubles in Kansas, should be fully and promptly made by the General Government, and that a commission should be immediately appointed to ascertain and adjust them. "12. That we demand of the Legislative Assembly of this Territory the immediate revision of the present Representative apportionment, so that the people may e fully and fairly represented in that body." Among those who took part in the Convention were Samuel A. Stinson, 0. B. Holman, P. T. Colby and Judge George W. Purkins. NOVEMBER 27.-There are now twenty newspapers in the Territory. Lawrence has 2; Lecompton, 1; Topeka, 1; Emporia, 1; Junction City, 1; Wyandotte, 2; Leavenworth, 5; Atchison,2; Palermo, 1; Troy, 1; White Cloud, 1; Elwood, 1; Fort Scott, 1. DECEMBER 1.- Samuel Medary takes the oath of office as Governor, before Chief Justice Taney, at Washington. The oath recorded at Lecompton December 18th. -A meeting of citizens of Bourbon county held at Ray's Mill. W. R. Griffith, President; J. E. Jones, Secretary. They repudiate violence and lawlessness, and pledge themselves to bring the guilty to pnishment. A motion to go to Fort Scott and release Ben. Rice was withdrawn. DECEMBER 11.-Poles for the telegraph are up as far as Leavenworth, via Jefferson and Kansas Cities. DECEMBER 16.-Captain Montgomery, with sixty-eight men, enters Fort Scott and releases Benjamin Rice, a Free-State prisoner and Jayhawker. J. 11. Little, who -had fired on Montgomery's men, was killed, and his store jayhawked. DECEMBER 17. -Gov. Medary arrives at Lecompton. DECEMBER 20. -John Brown and his men go into Missouri and liberate fourteen slaves. The Governor of Missouri offers a reward of $3,000, and President Buchanan $250, for the arrest of Brown. Brown goes north through Kansas with his negroes. At Holton an attempt by men from Atchison to capture him ends in a failure. The retreat of the Pro-Slavery men is called " The Battle of the Spurs." The next Legislature passed an amnesty act for" "criminal offences growing out of any political diffrence of opinion." DECEMBER 28.- Gov. Medary informs President Buchanan and the commanding officers at Forts Leavenworth and Riley of the disturbances created by Montgomery in Bourbon, Linn and Lykins counties, and asks for military assistance. - Sentinel started at Junction City; Benj. H. Keyser, editor; Geo. W. Kingsbury, printer. Soon after', the'Statesman appeared, published by Kingsbury and W. S. Blakely. This was succeeded by the Kansas Statesmain, by Samuel A. Medary. DECEMBER 31. - Gov. Robert M. Stewart, of Missouri, telegraphs that he will aid the Governor of Kansas. DECEMBER 31. -A book published with the following title: "Kansas. in Eighteen Fifty-Eight: Being chiefly a history of the Recent Troubles in the Territory,. By William P. Tomlinson.'Kansas, sir, is the Cinderella 1858.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 193 of the American family. She is buffeted; she is insulted; she is smitten and disgraced; she is turned out of the dwelling, and the door locked against her. There is always, however, a fairy that takes care of the younger daughter, if she be the most honest, the most virtuous, the meekest and the most enduring of the domestic household.'-Speech of Win. H. Seward in the U. S. Senate, 1858. New York: H. Dayton, Publisher. 1859." The book is dedicated to Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, "the unwavering friend of Kansas." It contains 304 pages. Mr. Tomlinson spent the summer of 1858 in Linn and Bourbon counties, riding with Montgomery and associating with the Free-State men. His book is a defence of the course pursued by the Free-State men in the southeast, and a grateful tribute to James Montgomery. It reads like a romance, and will grow more attractive as the years go by. There are no bad Free-State men in it, and no good Pro-Slavery men. The writer lived on an Indian pony, and was fascinated with the scenery, the climate, the men and the life he found on the border- as hundreds of other young men were in those days. The following sketch of Montgomery is compiled from its pages. He was born in Ohio, in 1813: while a child, his parents removed to Kentucky. He joined the Campbellite church and became a preacher. In 1854, Montgomery moved to Missouri, and came into Kansas soon after it was opened for settlement. He settled in Linn county, at the head of Little Sugar creek, a branch of the Marais des Cygnes. He was a leading Free-State man from the beginning. In 1856, the Pro-Slavery General Clarke sent a squad of Ruffians to Montgomery's house to arrest him; Montgomery was absent; his house was burned. Many attempts were made to arrest Montgomery, but they failed. Linn was a Pro-Slavery county. The Pro-Slavery leaders inaugurated the bushwhacking policy; they plundered and drove from their homes Free-State men. Montgomery made no attempt to retaliate until 1857, when he formed the "Self-Protective Company," and took the field. He warned the leading Pro-Slavery men of the county to leave the Territory. They obeyed, peace followed, and Montgomery returned to his home. In December, 1857, the Free-State settlers on the Little Osage river, in Bourbon county, sent for Montgomery. In the summer of 1856, General Clarke drove off the Free-State settlers on that river. In 1857, many of these men came back and attempted to recover their homes. The ProSlavery county officers issued writs for the arrest of these robbed and plundered Free-State men, many of whom had been indicted. They retaliated by organizing a Free-State "Squatter Court," in opposition to the U. S. Court of Judge Joe. Williams, at Fort Scott. Pro-Slavery men were brought before this Court, and compelled to restore the claims and stock stolen from Free-State settlers. On the 16th of December, 1857, Deputy U. S. Marshal Little, of Fort Scott, with a formidable posse, attempted to capture the Squatter Court. A fight ensued; one of Little's men was killed, two badly wounded, and several horses shot; and Little retired, with his writs in his pocket, and no prisoners. Montgomery then warned and drove off the Pro-Slavery men who occupied Free-State claims, on the Little Osage and the Marmaton, and retired to Raysville, in Bourbon county. 13 194 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1858. Six Free-State men arrested by Little were imprisoned in Fort Scott; after some weeks of imprisonment, all but one, Beason, escaped. On the 4th of January, 1858, Montgomery destroyed a ballot:box, at Sugar Mound, Linn county. He was opposed to voting for State officers under the Lecompton Constitution, and the box he destroyed was the one containing those ballots. The troubles on the Little Osage led Governor Denver to order a company of dragoons to Fort Scott. This encouraged the Ruffians to revive their old policy. On the night of the 27th of March, 1858, they made a raid on the Little Osage. Mr. Denton, a Free-State man, was assassinated. He lived two hours, and charged the crime to Brockett and Hardwick. The house of Mr. Davis was then visited, fired into, and Davis slightly wounded. The next victim was Mr. Hedrick, who was instantly killed while standing in the doorway of his own house. Soon after this, Montgomery with eight men crossed the Marmaton, near Fort Scott, in pursuit of horse-thieves. His presence soon became known, and Captain Anderson, of the regular army, took some thirty of his dragoons, and went out to arrest the irregulars. There was a chase over the prairie. Montgomery halted at a deep ravine on Yellow Paint creek. It could only be approached in front. His men threw themselves from their horses, and formted in line. Three times Anderson was ordered to halt. He continued to advance, and was fired upon. The regulars fired once, wheeled and fled. One dragoon was killed, one mortally wounded; Anderson was wounded, and his horse shot under him. One Free-State man was slightly wounded. This was the first and only time that the Free-State men resisted and fired upon U. S. troops. The murderers arrested by Samuel Walker, at Fort Scott, having been released, Montgomery decided on striking a blow on that Pro-Slavery stronghold, "to convince the citizens that unless there was a change their town must fall." On the night of June 6th he left his headquarters on the Marmaton, and took up the march for Fort Scott. Attempts were made to fire the Fort and the Pro-Slavery Hotel, but they failed. Citizens came out to extinguish the fires, "but scarcely had they collected before a fire was opened upon them by the men of Montgomery." One dwelling-house "received several bullets," and another "was completely riddled with balls." Had the town been burned, history would have classed this raid with Quantrell's at Lawrence, in 1863. Montgomery retreated with his men to the Big Bend of the Marmaton, five miles off, awaiting an attack at daylight. None was made. Governor Denver left Lawrence June 9th, with Governor Charles Robinson, Judge John Wright, A. D. Richardson, Lewis N. Tappan, Edmund Babb and others, for Fort Scott. Montgomery joined the party at Moneka, Linn county. At Raysville, Bourbon county, Governor Denver made a speech. His terms of peace are thus reported by Tomlinson: 1. The withdrawal of United States troops from Fort Scott. 2. The election of new county officers in Bourbon county. 3. The stationing of troops along the Missouri' frontier, to protect the settlers of the Territory from invasion. 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 195 4. The suspension of the execution of all old writs until their legitimacy is authenticated before the proper tribunal. 5. The abandonment of'the field by Montgomery and his men, and all other parties of armed men, whether Free-State or Pro-Slavery. Montgomery immediately accepted these terms. At Fort Scott Gov. Denver made a speech, and presented the same terms. The Pro-Slavery men were dissatisfied. Judge Wright, a Free-State man, followed Gov. Denver; his statements were disputed by ex-Gov. Ransom, and a bloody collision was nearly provoked. Gov. Denver left Fort Scott June 16th. Montgomery disbanded his men, the troops left Fort Scott, and Capt. Weaver was stationed at the Trading Post with a company of soldiers to protect the border. Mr. Tomlinson thus describes Montgomery's residence: "A rude log building, not exceeding ten by twelve in dimensions, situated on a gentle elevation; the height of the structure not over eight feet; the whole covered with a rough shed roof of split strips of oak." The following portrait of Montgomery is copied from a letter published in the New York Evening Post, in 1858: "In conversation he talks mildly, in a calm, even voice, using the language of a cultivated, educated gentleman. His antecedents are unexceptionable; he was always a Free-State man, although coming from a Slave State, where he was noted as a good citizen, and for his mild, even temperament. In his daily conduct he maintains the same character now; but when in action, and under fire, he displays a daring fearlessness, untiring perseverance, and an indomitable energy that has given him the leadership in this border warfare. His discretion, courage, and acknowledged ability, have gained him what he will continue to receive-the confidence and support of the southern tier of counties. Montgomery's enrolled company numbers from four to five hundred men, all of whom are old residents of the Territory, and are, consequently, familiar with the peculiar mode of fighting pursued by the Border Ruffians. Some of them are desperate men, and could their histories be told, you would not wonder that they followed their Border-Ruffian persecutors to the bitter end. There are two boys in that company whose dying father charged them to avenge his cowardly murder. Five bullets pierced his body as he stepped from the door-sill to extend the hospitalities of his cabin to his murderers. Oth'ers have been robbed at home, or on the highways, and not one of them but what has suffered some outrage or indignity from those villains headed by Brockett, Hamilton, Clarke and Titus. Notwithstanding every incentive to retaliate actuates these men to demand blood for blood, yet Montgomery is able to control and direct them. He truly tempers justice with mercy, and he has always protected women and children from harm, and has never shed blood except in conflict, or in self-defence. Such is the portrait of the Kansas Hero-James Mohtgomery." 1859. JANUARY 3.- Meeting of the Territorial Legislature, at Lecompton. Members of the Council: Lyman Allen, Robert Crozier, Luther D. Challis, Edwin S. Nash, David Sibbet, Cyrus K. Holliday, Benjamin Harding, Andrew J. Mead, A. G. Patrick, Joseph P. Root, Carmi W. Babcock, John Wright, and 0. E. Learnard. Officers of the Council: President, C. W. Babcock; Vice President, C. K. Holliday; Secretary, A. Smith Devenney; Sergeant-at-Arms, P. Wiley; Doorkeeper, Asaph Allen; Assistant Secretary, G. A. Colton; Docket Clerk, E. P. Heberton. Message from Governor Medary. It is a calm and unobjectionable paper. ~196 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. Members of the House: First District, Wm. Y. Roberts, John W. Wright, Lyman Scott, A. M. Clark, J. L. McDowell, James Medill and 0. M. Marsh, of Leavenworth county; Second, Luther Dickerson, Harrison Weider and J. B. Irvin, of Atchison county; Third, A. Larzelere, Ward L. Lewis, A. J. Allison and Thomas Stevenson, of Doniphan county; Fourth and Fifth, George Graham, of Nemaha county; Sixth, T. S. Vaile, of Marsall county; Seventh, Franklin Finch and Edward Lynde, of Jeffrson county; Eighth, Golden Silvers, of Calhoun county; Ninth, Abraham Barry, of Riley county; Tenth, Robert Morrow, Charles H. Branscomb, P. H. Townsend, Levi Woodard, H. J. Canniff and A. Curtiss, of Douglas county, and John Lockhart, of Johnson county; Eleventh, George B. Holmes of Shawnee county; Twelfth and Thirteenth, William Spriggs, of Anderson county; Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifeeh, L. D. Bailey, of Breckinridge county; Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth, T. R. Roberts, of Bourbon county; Seventeenth, R. B. Mitchell and A. Danford, of Linn county; Eighteenth, M. F. Holaday and William Walters, of Lykins county. John B.-Irvin was elected Speaker pro tem., and Chas. H. Branscomb Clerk pro tern. Officers of the House: Speaker, A. Larzelere; Chief Clerk, Byron P. Ayres; Assistant Clerk, P. P. Elder; Sergeant-at-Arms, Geo. F. Warren; Doorkeeper, Geo. W. Smith, jr.; Journal Clerk, A. D. Richardson; Chaplain, Rev. E. Nute; Engrossing Clerk, A. C. Soley; Docket Clerk, John M. Funk; Enrolling Clerk, S. C. Smith. Governor Medary transmits the report of H. J. Strickler, Commissioner to audit claims for losses during the troubles. The claims presented to the Commissioner amounted to $301,225.11; amount awarded, $254,279.28. They have been sent to Congress, and referred to the Committee on Claims. The Comptroller estimates the taxable property of, the Territory at $25,000,000. In the Delaware Land District (Kickapoo Land Office), 1,196,129.19 acres of land have been sold; at the Lecompton Land Office, 1,095,313.09. The town-site property sold in trust for the Delaware Indians amounted to $28,612.25. The Legislature' is asked to give its attention to the serious disturbances in Bourbon and Linn counties. JANUARY 4.-Legislature adjourns to Lawrence. JANUARY 6.-The Leavenworth Constitution is submitted to the U. S. Senate, with a petition asking the admission of Kansas under it. No action is taken. JANUARY 7.-Legislature meets at Lawrence. Rev. Charles Reynolds elected Chaplain of'the Council. J. J. Ingalls elected Engrossing Clerk. -Sheriff Samuel Walker reports the disturbances in Linn and Botirbon counties, caused by John Brown and James Montgomery. He says Montgomery will cease fighting if the Pro-Slavery men he had run out will stay out, and his men are not punished for their recent acts. - Gov. Stewart sends a Special. Message to the Missouri Legislature on the invasio n of southwest Missouri by Kansans. JANUARY 8.- Capt. W. S. Walker, U. S. A., is ordered to Fort Scott. Capt. A. I. Weaver is ordered by Gov. Medary to enroll a company of men. JANUARY 9.-T. Dwight Thacher is elected Public Printer, receiving 241 .ANNiALS OF KANSAS. 197 votes, to 11 for P. B. Plumb. The Secretary of the Territory continued to control the printing; he authorized it to be done by Joel K. Goodin, who employed Geo. W. Brown to do the work. JANUARY 10.- P. T. Colby, of Quindaro, appointed United States Marshal. JANUARY 11.-Message from Gov. Medary to the House, in regard to the difficulties in Linn and Bourbon counties. It gives an account of Montgomery's raid on Fort Scott, Dec. 16th, the killing of J. H. Little, release of Benj. Rice, the pillaging of the Fort Scott Hotel and Little's store, and the stealing of fifteen negroes by Capt. Brown. One statement made to him is this: "Good citizens, that formerly sustained those men, begged to have something done to stop the'Jay-Hawking,' as they termed it, or their counties would be depopulated." Montgomery was asked' if no means could be devised by which he could be induced to desist driving men out of the Territory for opinion's sake?' His reply was,'that if the Governor would give it to him, in black and white, that none of his men should be arrested for anything that had been done; and that the Pro-Slavery men that he had run out should stay out; and that Sheriff Bull should be removed, and Mr. Moore appointed in his stead-then they would stop, and that he would assist the ofcers to enforce the laws: if not, he would fight it out.' "Capt. Brown was fortifying himself on Sugar creek, some twelve miles from the State line. He says he will resist any officers sent to take him." The Secretary of the Interior authorizes Gov. Medary "to offer a reward of 250 each, for the apprehension of Capts. Montgomery and Brown." The message is referred to a special committee. That committee reported that -it would sustain the Governor in all legal measures to restore peace. JANUARY 12.-The Legislature elects Win. McKay, Ed. S. Lowman and James McCahon Codifying Commissioners. JANUARY 12.-Capt. Walker, U. S. A., on orders from Washington, is commanded to return. JANUARY 15.-The report of H. J. Strickler, Commissioner for Auditing.Claims, is published in the House Journal, pp. 83 to 96. He was appointed under an act of 1857,2 to audit claims for property lost since the organization of the Territory. JANUARY 16.- Ep. Ransom and 116 citizens of Fort Scott petition the Governor to establish martial law in Linn, Bourbon, Allen and Anderson -counties. JANUARY 16.- Colonel Sumner returns to the command of Fort Leavenworth. JANUARY 19.-Captain James Montgomery makes a speech in the Congregational Church, Lawrence, defending his course in Linn and Bourbon counties. JANUARY 21.- Governor Medary writes to Secretary Cass that he has received his commission, dated December 22, 1858. JANUARY 24.- Charley Fisher, a fugitive slave, is rescued by Free-State men, at Leavenworth. Lewis Ledyard Weld, D. R. Anthony, Champion Vaughan, George W. Gardiner, David H. Bailey, Robert W. Hamer and other Republicans were engaged in giving Fisher his freedom. In Leav*~enwor, Fisher was a barber. In Mississippi, after the war, he became a ~198 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. State Senator. One of the cases arising out of this rescue is reported in McCahon's Reports. JANUARY 25.-Dr. John Doy and Charles Doy, his son, with thirteen Missouri slaves, arrested in Kansas, are taken to Weston, Mo., and placed in the Platte county jail. Charles afterwards escaped. JANUARY 25.-The telegraph is completed to Leavenworth, via Wyandotte. JANUARY 31.-Governor Medary writes the following letter to Colonel E. V. Sumner: "You will furnish Deputy Marshal Colby., the bearer of this, with such military forces as he may think necessary to secure Captain Brown, who is now in Calhoun county, K. T., on his way to Nebraska and Iowa." FEBRUARY 11.-Governor Medary appoints H. J. Strickler, Auditor, and Robt. B. Mitchell, Treasurer. Legislature adjourns. FEBRUARY 11.-An act was passed, to authorize the Governor to employ counsel to defend Dr. John Doy; (Wilson Shannon and A. C. Davis defended him, for freeing slaves); an act apportioning the Legislature; providing for Territorial Auditor and a Treasurer; for the adjustment of claims; acts establishing codes of civil and criminal procedure; an act granting amnesty for political offences; for the formation of a Constitution and State Government; defining judicial districts; organizing the counties of Wandotte and Butler, and repealing the Bogus Laws. A joint resolution was passed, requesting Congress to attach to Kansas that portion of Nebraska south of the Platte river. A bill abolishing and prohibiting Slavery was not signed by Governor Medary. At midnight, when the session closed, a bonfire was made, and copies of the Bogus Statutes, the laws of 1855, burned. The Executive Committee, under the University law, consists of C. E. Miner, T. Dwight Thacher, Win. Bishop, Chas. Reynolds, G. W. Hutchinson, Chas. H. Branscomb, James Blood, and Robert Morrow. Six counties were authorized to issue bonds. The general laws fill 720 pages. There are 233 pages. of special laws. The Atchison and Pike's Peak R. R. Co. is incorporated; a University at Lawrence, the cities of Baldwin, City, Elwood, Eudora, Wyandotte, Quindaro, White Cloud, and others; and the towns of Grasshopper Falls, Highland, Council Grove, Garnett, Junction City, Salina, Wabaunsee, and others. FEBRUARY 23.-Celebration at St. Joseph, Mo., of the opening of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. MARCH 7.-Governor Medary issu-es a proclamation, calling an election for or against holding a Constitutional Convention.'MARCH.-Samuel Stover, of Wyandotte, appointed Agent of the Delaware Indians, vice B. F. Robinson. -John Pettit, of Indiana, confirmed as Chief Justice of Kansas. MARCH 24.-Trial of John Doy at St. Joseph. The jury does not agree. MARCH 28.-Election for or against a Constitutional Convention. APRIL 2.-John Pettit takes the oath as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, at Leavenworth, before Samuel D. Lecompte. APRIL 5.- Governor R. M. Stewart, of Missouri, writes to Governor 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 199 Medary that he has sent Adjutant General G. A. Parsons to Cass, Bates, and Vernon counties, Mo., to protect the Missouri border from marauding incursions. APRIL 14.-Governor Medary writes to Governor Stewart that he does not think there is any trouble on this side of the line. APRIL 16.-Governor Medary in a proclamation declares the following to be the result of the election held March 28-the first of the elections under the Wyandotte Constitution movement:. l~~~~~~~~~h COunties. 2.. Anderson.......................................................................... 176 7 183 Atchison...................................................................................308 32 340 Bourbon................................................................................ 333 47 380 Breckinridge........................................................................... 16 329 Butler................................................................................... 15 2 17 Coffey..184................................................... 134 318 Doniphan.......................................................................... 343 192 535 Douglas.................................................................................... 405 164 569 Franklin.......................................................................92 1 93 Jackson..................................................... 107 47 154 Jefferson........................................................................219 202 421 Johnson...........:..................................................................... 301 65 366 Leavenworth...................................................................... 989 272 1,261 Linn......................................................................................... 341 6 347 Morris..................................................................................... 63 14 78 Nemaha.................................................................... 120 39 159 Pottawatomie........................................................................ 66 29 95 Riley....................................................................................... 119 54 173 Shawnee.................................................................................. 359 67 426 Wabaunsee.......;121............ 121 Wabaunsee ~~.............................,..........................................12 Wyandotte............................................................................ 254 31 285 Woodson..................................................................................77 4 81 Total.................................................................. 5,306 1,425 6,731..~~~~~~~~~5 Majority for a Constitution and State Government, 3,881. There were no returns from the following counties: Allen, Brown, Broderick, Chase, Clay, Davis, Dickinson, Dorn, El Paso, Fremont, Godfrey, Greenwood, Hunter, Lykins, Madison, Marshall, McGee, Montana, Oro, Osage, Washington, and Wilson. The following returns were sent to the Governor instead of the County Boards, and were not counted: Townships. Counties. Clinton...........................................Douglas.................... 148 6 154 St. Marysville................................. Lykins......................... 19 32 51 Humboldt............................ Allen......................... 70......... 70 Cofachique............................ Allen..................46 16. 62 Walnut.o.. wn.................................... 23 3 26 Plymouth........................................... Brown.................................... 48 Plymouth.....................Brown.48 48 Irving............................................. Brown.................................... 55......... 55 Centropolis............................ Franklin................................ 24 12 36 Total................................................... 433 69 502 APRIL 19.- Governor Medary calls an election for delegates, and their meeting in Convention at Wyandotte. 200 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. MAY.- Four steamboats arrive at Lawrence. The Gus Linn went thirty miles up the Smoky Hill river. Col. R. H. Nelson, who was a passenger on the Linn, believed she could have gone with ease 100 miles farther. MAY 11.-A Democratic Convention at Tecumseh adopts the following platform: "Whereas, The members of this Convention have met in pursuance of a call of the Central Comniittee of the Democratic party of Kansas, and being animated by a sincere devotion to the Constitution of the Union, the rights of the States and the sovereign and reserved rights of the people; and "Whereas, The Slavery question is practically settled in favor of a Free State, beyond the possibility of further controversy; and "Whereas, We recognize no difference between Pro-Slavery and Free-State men as such: therefore, be it "Resolved, That we affirm our abiding faith and confidence in the principles of the Democratic party, as enunciated by Jefferson, Madison, Jackson and the founders of our Government, and re-enunciated in the Cincinnati platform. "2. That we affirm the absolute sovereignty of the States of this Union in regard to their domestic institutions, and the perfect compatibility of the confederation of Free and Slave States to exist harmoniously together under the provisions of our Federal Constitution. " 3. That the people of the Territory, according to the true meaning of the Act of Congress known as the' Kansas-Nebraska Act,' have the sole and exclusive right, in the organization of a State Government, to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, by the will of the majority, fairly and fully expressed at the ballot-box, subject only to the Constitution of the United States. "4. That non-intervention by Congress with the domestic institutions of the States or Territories is the vital and distinct feature of the Democratic party, and any deviation from that principle, either for or against those institutions, is impolitic, illiberal and unjust.'5. That we assert the original and essential inferiority of the negro race, and hereby call upon the Constitutional Convention to prohibit negro and mulatto suffrage, and exclude all free negroes from the future State of Kansas. "6. That said Convention should submit said Constitution to a direct vote of the people, for ratification or rejection. "7. That the Democratic party condemns all efforts to array the people of this Union against one another, either on account of locality, birth-place or religion, but, on the contrary, practise what in theory it professes, that patriotic spirit which united the people of every clime in the great struggle for American independence. "8. That the registry law passed by a majority of the late Legislature is anti-Democratic, infamous, and contrary to justice. "9. That the unequal and oppressive tax law passed by a majority of the late Legislature meets with the unqualified disapprobation of the Democratic party. " 10. That the objects of the pre-emption law would be better effected by giving a homestead to every bona fide settler and cultivator of the public land, without limit as to time; and that we respectfully urge upon the President of the United States the propriety of postponing the public sales of the Government lands in Kansas for at least twelve months." MAY 12.-A Convention held at Big Springs, to reorganize the FreeState party. George W. Smith called the Convention to order. Robert Riddle, of Jefferson county, presided; George W. Brown was one of the secretaries. Fred. P. Stanton reported the resolutions. They endorse the Big Springs platform of 1855, and favor the continuance of the Free-State party until the Territory becomes a State. E. S. Lowman, P. C. Schuyler, C. V. Eskridge, W. Y. Roberts, H. W. Martin, Ed. S. Nash, Capt. Samuel Shore and other Free-State men favored the movement. The Convention was not large, and was not sustained by the people. 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 201 MAY.- Horace Greeley arrives in Leavenworth. He is visited by the Typographical Union and by prominent citizens. He delivers a lecture. MAY 18.-Convention at Osawatomie. Organization of the Republican arty in Kansas. The Convention was called to order by T. Dwight Tacher, of Lawrence. Henry Fox, of Shawnee county, was made the Temporary Chairman, and T. D. Thacher Secretary. Committee on Cre dentis: E. Heath, A. Danford, P. Shepherd, James L. McDowell, John A. Martin William Spriggs, and A. J. Shannon. Committee on Permanent Organization: Branscomb, Fearl, Lawrence, Fletcher, Delahay, McKay, Larzelere, Rapp, Burnett, Pomeroy, Gilpatrick, and Shannon. The Co mittee reported as follows: President: Oscar E. Learnard, of Coffey county. Vice Presidents: Nathan Price, of Doniphan county; Samuel C. Pome roy, of Atchison; Thomas Ewing, jr., of Leavenworth county; Joseph Speck, of Wyandotte county; Erastus Heath, of Douglas county; Henry Fox, of Shawnee county; D. W. Houston, of Anderson county; and E. G Jewellof Bourbon county. Secretaries: Daniel W. Wilder, of Doniphan county; T. Dwight Thacher, of Douglas county; J. F. Cummings, of Shawnee county; and John A. Martin, of Atchison county. The Convention was then addressed by Horace Greeley. In the course of his speech Mr. Greeley said: "The able and gallantLincoln, of Illinois, whom we had hoped to meet and hear to-day, has happily illustrated the Squatter Sovereignty principle thus: If A. want to make B. a slave, C. must not interfere to prevent him.'" The following is the.conclusion of Mr. Greeley's speech: "Freemen of Kansas!l I would inspire you with no unwarranted, no overweening confidence of success in the great struggle directly before us. I have passed the age of illusions, and no longer presume a party or cause destined to triumph merely because I know it should. On the contrary, when I consider how vast are the interests and in-' fluences combined to defeat us-the Three Thousand Millions of property in human flesh and blood -the subserviency of Commerce to this great source of custom and profit-the prevalence of ignorance and of selfishness affecting the many Millions prodigally lavished by the wielders of Federal authority-the lust of Office and the prevalence of Corruption - I often. regard the struggle of 1860 with less of hope than of apprehension. Yet, when I think of the steady diffusion of intelligence -the manifest antagonism between the Slavery Exten sionists and the interests of Free Labor - when I consider how vital aud imminent is the necessity for the passage of the Free Land bill -when I feel how the very air of the Nineteenth Century vibrates to the pulsations of the great heart of Humanity, beating higher and higher with aspirations for Univer-' sal Freedom, until even barbarous Russia is intent'on striking off the shackles of her fettered Millions -I1 cannot repress the hope that we are on the eve of a grand, benefi-. cent victory. But, whether destined to be waved in triumph over our next great battle.' field, or trodden into its mire through our defeat, I entreat you to keep the Republican.flag flying in Kansas, so long as one man can anywhere be rallied to defend it. Defile not the glorious dust of the martyred dead whose freshly-grassed graves lie thickly around us, by trailing that flag in dishonor or folding it in cowardly despair on this soil so lately reddened by their patriotic blood. If it be destined, in the mysterious.Providence of God, to go down, let the sunlight which falls lovingly upon their graves catch the last defiant wave of its folds in the free breeze which sweeps over these prairies; let it be burned, not surrendered, when no one'remains to uphold it; and let its ashes rest forever with theirs by the banks of the Marais des Cygnes!" Gtymmittee on Platform: A. Larzetere, John A. Martin, Thos. Ewing, jr., ~202 ANNALS OF KANSAS [1859. James McCahon, Chas. F. deVivaldi, W. H. Smythe, C. K. Holliday, T. D. Thacher, D. W. Houston, W. Y. Roberts, A. J. Shannon, T. R. Roberts, Silas Fear, and Wm. A. Phillips. Mr. Ewing, Chairman of the Committee, reported the following platform: Whereas, Since the organization of the Territory of Kansas, the Democratic party has been inthe control of the Legislative and Executive Departments of the Government; and Whereas, It has used those powers, which should have been exerted to foster and sustain, only to oppress our people; violated every principle it claimed to advocate; protected and supported invasions by foreign mobs, which burned our towns, plundered our houses, wasted our sustenance, destroyed our presses, and murdered our people; evinced a total disregard of popular rights and a settled determination to force the institution of negro slavery upon us; attempted to put in execution laws which, for injustice, cruelty and fraud, have scarcely been paralleled in the history of the most barbarous ages; supported that creature of infamous usurpation, the Lecompton Constitution, by Federal bayonets in Kansas, and by official patronage and Executive corruption at the national capital; made an invidious and disgraceful distinction between Slave and Free Constitutions, by offering us a bribe to enter the Union under the former without a Representative population, and refusing us admission under the latter until we had a population of 93,000; appointed corrupt and obnoxious judicial and executive officers over us, whose partisan sympathies and partial decisions have prevented the administration of justice; and by a long train of abuses, crimes and usurpations proved itself the itter foe of the people of Kansas and the enemy of popular rights everywhere; and Whereas, The Republican party has on all occasions evinced a devotion to popular rights and an attachment to the best interests of the nation that deserve our approval; and has, by its adherence to the principles of the fathers of the Revolution, and its earnest support of the cause of Freedom in Kansas, won our approbation and gratitude; and " Whereas, We believe the time has come for the people of Kansas to take a position and affiliate with a party national in its organization and objects: therefore, "Resolved, That we, the people of Kansas, in Delegate Convention assembled, do proceed to organize the Republican party; and declare our principles as follows: "Reselved, That we affirm that the only true basis of Free Governments, and of popular rights, for all countries and times, is to be found in the great self-evident truths,enunciated by Thomas Jefferson and the Fathers of the Republic, in the Declaration of.Independence. "1Reselved, That while we declare our submission to the Constitution and Laws of the United States, and disclaim all control over Slavery in the States in which it exists,'ve,hold that the Constitution does not carry Slavery into the Territories, but that it is the creature of special enactment, and has existence only where supported by it; and we reprobate and condemn the perversion of the power of the Supreme Court of the United States to sectional demands and party -purposes. "Reselved,' That, with the founders of the Republic, we believe that Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and that it is proper that the people of an organized Territory should he permitted. to elect their own officers, and enact their own laws, free from Congressional and Executive control. "1?esolved, That Freedom is national, and Slavery sectional, and that we are inflexibly opposed to the extension of Slavery to soil now free. "Resolved, That we condemn the Administration for its feebleness and impotency in the enforcement of the law prohibiting the importation of African slaves into the United States, and demand such further legislation by Congress as will forever suppress the inhuman traffic. "Beselved, That the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention be requested to incorporate in the Bill of Rights in, the Constitution a provision that neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in Kansas,. except in punishment of crime. "Reselved, That the passage of a liberal Homestead Bill, giving 160 acres of land to every citizen who will settle upon and improi'e it, would be a measure just in principle, ~1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 203 sound in. policy, and productive of the greatest good to the people of the nation; and that we regard the defeat of Mr. Grow's bill in the Senate, by the Democratic party, as a direct blow at the laboring classes of the country, and as unworthy of the liberality of a great Government. "eslved, That the President, in ordering the public lands in this and other Territories to e sold during a season of universal depression, thus impoverishing thousands of or fellow-citizens, has been guilty of an act of injustice without parallel in the history of a free Government, and that the Republicans, for their generous though unsuccessful effort to secure the postponement of the sales, deserve the thanks of the people of Kansas and the West. "Reslved, That we protest against any action which would put the adopted citizen under greater political disabilities than those imposed by the naturalization laws of the United States. "Reslved, That the people of the West, the Commerce of whose lakes and rivers -in spite of the neglect of Democratic Administrations and Congresses -has grown to be three-fold greater than the whole foreign commerce of the country, will hold, henceforth, the Empire of the Government, and should unite in inaugurating a national policy which will open and improve the rivers and harbors of the country, and highways over the interior of the Continent for the great and growing commerce of the Plains, and that a railroad to the Pacific by the most central and practicable route is imperatively demanded by the interests of the whole country,.and the Federal Government ought to render immediate and efficient aid in its construction." The several delegations selected the following Central Territorial Committee: as. Blood, W. W. Lawrence, Douglas county; A. C. Wilder, W. Tholen, Leavenworth county; A. Larzelere, Doniphan county; B. Gray, Wyandotte county; H. H. Williams, Lykins county; John Ritchie, Shawnee county; Geo. Graham, Nemaha county; S. D. Houston, Riley county; J. C. Burnett, Bourbon county; S. C. Pomeroy, Atchison county; W. A. Phillips, Arapahoe county; John Chip, Johnson county; A. D. Richardson, Mining District. The Committee met and appointed the -following Executive Committee: S. C. Pomeroy, Chairman; A. C. Wilder, Secretary; - Jas. Blood, Win. Tholen, John Ritchie. MAY- 18.-The Leavenworth Herald issues a daily. MAY.- Horace Greeley writes from Leavenworth to the New York Tribune that "the twin curses of Kansas, now that the Border - Ruffians have stop ped ravaging her, are Land Speculators and One-Horse Politicians." The latter, he says,-. "gravitate irresistibly toward the Sham Democracy,.in whose embrace the whole tribe will bring up sooner or later." And where did H. G. go? He thinks Leavenworth has 1,000 houses and 10,000 inhabitants, and Lawrence half as many. In another letter Mr. Greeley says: "I like Kainsas -that is natural Kansas -hetter than I expected to. The soil is richer and deeper; the timber is more generally diffused; the country more rolling, than I had supposed them.... I consider Kansas well watered - no Prairie State better.... Springs, streams, creeks, rivers, are quite universal." In a later letter Mr. Greeley says: "II did not speak long in Lawrence, for I trust words are not there needed. Her people have had practical illustrations of the great. issues which divide the country, and are not likely soon to forget them. "1Of course, her pioneers will die or hecome dispersed; new men will come In or rise up to fill their places, and' another king arose who knew not Joseph,' will find its parallel in her future." In an Overland letter, written on the Plains, Mr. Greeley said: "I believe I have now descended the ladder of artificial life nearly to its lowesJ 2 0-4- ANNALS OF KANSAS [1859. round. If the Cheyennes -thirty of whom stopped the last Express down on the route we must traverse, and tried to beg or steal from it-should see fit to capture and strip us, we should of course have further experience in the same line; ut for the present the progress I have made during the last fortnight towards the primitive Simplicity of human existence may be roughly noted thus: May 12th-Chicago.- Chocolate and morning newspapers last seen on the breakfast. table. 23dLeavenworth.-Room-bells and baths make their last appearance 24th-Topeka.-Beefsteak and washbowls (other than tin) last visible. Barber ditto. 26th-Manhattan.-Potatoes and eggs last recognized among the blessings that'brighten as they take their flight.' 27th-Junction City.-Last visitation of a boot-black, with dissolving views of a broad bedroom. Chairs bid us good-bye. "28th-Pipe Creek.-Benches for seats at meals have disappeared, giving place to bags and boxes. We (two passengers of a scribbling turn) write our letters in the Express wagon that has borne us by day, and must supply us lodgings for the night." MAY 30.-Samuel N. Wood starts the Press, at Cottonwood Falls. In October, it was removed to Council Grove, and there published about three years. JUN 4.-G. O. Chase starts the Atchison Union. It was sold to Adams Stebbins in the winter of 1861. During the city election, in 1861, the Union and Champion issued Dailies, the latter paper's daily edition taking the name of Union Banner. JNE.-Delegates elected to the Wyandotte Convention; 14,000 votes ast; the Republicans elect 35, the Democrats 17 delegates. JUNE.-The second trial of Dr. Doy resulted in his conviction, for negrostealing. He was sentenced to the Penitentiary, for five years. -Five counties in southern Nebraska elected delegates to the Wyandotte Convention; one of the delegates, IR. W. Furnas, has recently been Governor of Nebraska. JUNE~ 25.-The Free Press issued at Elwood, by A. L. Lee and D. W. Wilder. It raises the name of Win. H. Seward for President,2 and Abraham Lincoln for Vice President. JULY 5.- Governor Medary issues a proclamation declaring the vote on the election of delegates to the Wyandotte Convention, as follows: FIRST DISTRICT - LEAVENWORTH COUNTY - TEN DELEGATES. Samuel A. Stinson................1778 Samuel Hipple................... 1770 Marcus J. Parrott................1358 Thomas Ewing. jr.................1328 William Perry...................1708 Robert Cole Foster.................1761 Roger F. Kelly...................1286 George W. Gardiner...............1304 John P. Slough..................1773 Adam D. McCune.................1735 William Engleman...............1267 Josiah- Kellogg...................- 1325 Frederic Brown..................1738 John Wright.....................1731 John E. Gould...................1288 George Dickinson.................1288 William C. McDowell..............1783 Pascal S. Parks..................1735 Charles G. Foster................1298 B. W. Williams....................128S SECOND DISTRICT - ATCHISON COUNTY - THREE DELEGATES. Robert Graham....................433 J. W. Smith......................332 R. H. Weightman......................... 342f John J. Ingalls...................411 Caleb May............................. 411 F. Lombard......................32.5 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 205 THIRD DISTRICT -DONIPHAN COUNTY-FIVE DELEGATES. Robert J. Porter................................. 651 V. D. Markham................................... 531 Albert L. Lee.......... 526 Benjamin Wrigley.............................. 648 John W. Forman................................ 694 E. Fleming......................................... 514 Franklin Grube................................. 540 E. M. Hubbard.................................... 669 John Stiarwalt................................... 684 William Lewis.................................... 558 FOURTH DISTRICT-BROWN COUNTY-ONE DELEGATE. Samuel A. Kingman........................... 93 1 Samuel C. Shields.............................. 19 FIFTH DISTRICT -NEMAHA COUNTY-ONE DELEGATE. Thomas S. Wright.............................. 74 1 C. Bre................................................. 11 SIXTH DISTRICT-MARSHALL AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES-ONE DELEGATE. J. A. Middleton................................... 83 J. D. Brumbaugh................................. 63 SEVENTH DISTRICT-JEFFERSON COUNTY-ONE DELEGATE. C. B. McClelland................................. 278 | Henry Buckmaster............................ 249 EIGHTH DISTRICT-JACKSON COUNTY-ONE DELEGATE. Ephraim Moore.................................. 186 1 Aaron Foster...................................... 145 NINTH DISTRICT-RILEY COUNTY -ONE DELEGATE.. D. Houston...................................... 104 I Amory Hunting................................ 34 TENTH DISTRICT-POTTAWATOHIE COUNTY-ONE DELEGATE. Luther R. Palmer................................ 73 I Uriah Cook........................................ 69 ELEVENTH DISTRICT-JOHNSON COUNTY-TWO DELEGATES. J. T. Barton....................................... 375 John T. Burris.................................... 348 David Martin...................................... 346 C.' F. Stratton...................................... 331 TWELFTH DISTRICT-DOUGLAS COUNTY-SEVEN DELEGATES. James. Blood....................................... 762 W. T. Spicely........................................ 313 Charles Willemsen.............................. 335 N. C. Blood.......................................... 766 Solon 0. Thacher.............................. 763 ThomasMajors.................................... 328 George A. Reynolds............................. 374 P. H. Townsend............................ 761 L. R. Williams.................................... 769 J. L Brown......................................... 323 J. Church........................................... 324 E. Stokes............................................. 760 William Hutchinson........................... 701 R. C. Dix........................................... 321 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT-SHAWNEE COUNTY-THREE DELEGATES. John P. Greer..................................... 543 Henry Fox.......................................... 170 John Ritchie....................................... 335 Hiram D. Preston................................60 H. D. Preston...................................... 325 Edward Hoagland............................... 171 Jeremiah Murphy................................ 50 J. Murphey........................153 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT-WABAUNSEE, DAVIS, DICKINSON, AND CLAY COUNTIES-ONE DELEGATE. Edmund G. Ross................................ 152 1 J. R. McClure....................................... 105 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT -LYKINS COUNTY-TWO DELEGATES. Benjamin F. Simpson......................... 443 W. P. Dutton................................ 431 Harry Torrey...................................... 311 G. W. Cavert.............. 325 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT-FRANKLIN COUNTY-ONE DELEGATE. James Hanway.................................... 217 I Joab Toney......................................... 116 206 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT-OSAGE, BRECKINRIDGE, MORRIS, AND CHASE COUNTIES- TWO DELEGATES. James M. Winchell.............................. 316 Samuel N. Wood....................... 289 William McCulloch.............................. 321 H. J. Espy.......................................... 280 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT - LINN COUNTY - TWO DELEGATES. J. M. Arthur....................................... 455 I Josiah Lamb........................ 446 H. M. Dobyns.................................... 315 J. Farris............................................. 314 NINETEENTH DISTRICT - ANDERSON COUNTY- ONE DELEGATE. James G. Blunt................................... 98 I W. F. M. Amrny.................................... 93 TWENTIETH DISTRICT - COFFEY AND WOODSON COUNTIES- TWO DELEGATES. Allen Crocker.................................... 222 Hiram Hoover.................................... 27 Samuel E. Hoffman............................. 187 J. ID. Carney............................... 107 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT-MADISON, HUNTER, BUTLER, GREENWOOD, GODFREY, AND WILSON COUNTIES - ONE DELEGATE. Returns from Madison county only. George H. Lillie.......................................................................... 49 TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT - BOURBON, M'GEE, AND DORN COUNTIES - TWO DELEGATES. Returns from Bourbon county only. J. C. Burnett.......................................281 W. R. Griffith..................................... 294 Ezra Gilbert........................................ 229 Hugh Glenn...................'220 TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT - ALLEN COUNTY - ONE DELEGATE. J. H. Signor........................................ 175 I C. S. Clark................... 169 WYANDOTTE COUNTY-VOLUNTARY VOTE. J. E. Bennett..................................... 295 J. B. Welborn................................ 293 W. Y. Roberts...................................... 237 Fielding Johnson................................ 240 -Gov. Medary proclaims the election of the following delegates: Leavenworth County.-Samuel A. Stinson, William Perry, John P. Slough, Frederic Brown, William C. McDowell, Samuel Hipple, Robert C. Foster, Adam D. McCune, John Wright, Pascal S. Parks. Atchisoe County.- Robert Graham, Caleb May, John J. Ingalls. Doniphan County.-Robert J. Porter, Jdhn W. Forman, John Stiarwalt, Benj. Wrigley, E. M. Hubbard. Brown County.-Samuel A. Kingman. Nemaha County.- Thomas S. Wright. Marshall and Washington Counties.- J. A. Middleton. Jefferson County.-C. B. McClelland. Jackson County.-Ephraim Moore. Riley County.-S. D. Houston. Pottawatomie Connty.-Luther R. Palmer. Johnson County.-J. T. Barton, John T. Burris. Douglas County.-James Blood, Solon O. Thacher, L. R. Williams, Wm. Hutchinson, N. C. Blood, P. H. Townsend, Edwin Stokes. Shawnee County.-John P. Greer, John Ritchie, H. D. Preston. Wabaunsee, Davis, Dickinson, and Clay Counties.-Edmund G. Ross. Lykins County.-Benj. F. Simpson, W. P. Dutton. Franklin County.-James Hanway. Osage, Breckinridge, Morris, and Chase Counties.- James M.Winchell, Wm. McCulloch. Linn County.-James M. Arthur, Josiah Lamb. Anderson County.-James G. Blunt. Coffey and Woodson Counties.-Samuel E. Hoffman, Allen Crocker. 1859.1 ANNALS OF KANSAS. 207 Madison, Butler, Hunter, Greenwood, Godfrey, and Wilson Counties.- George H. Lilie. Bourbon, McGee, and Dorn Counties.-Williamn R. Griffith. Allen County.-James H. Signor. The Democrats elected seventeen delegates: ten from Leavenworth, four from Doniphan, and one each from Jefferson, Jackson and Johnson. The remaining thirty-five delegates were Free-State men or Republicans. JULY.-Meeting of the Constitutional Convention at Wyandotte. List of Memers: Names. County. P. O. Address. Where born. Avocati J*. Linn............... Centreville...... Indiana........ 42 Farmer. Josiah Lamb........ Linn............... Mound City..... Indiana........ 42 Mechanic. Caleb.......... Atchison......... Pardee.......... Kentucky...44 Farmer. S. A. Kingman.. Brown.......... Hiawatha........ Mass............ 38 Lawyer. J. J.Ingalls......... Atchison......... Sumner...........Mass...........34 Lawyer. John P. Greer. Shawnee......... Topeka............ Ohio...........38 Lawyer.. L. Williams. Douglas.......... Franklin........ Kentucky...42 Merchant. J. A. Middleton.. Marshall......... Nottingham... Pennsylv......25 Lawyer. B. F. Simpson.. Lykins.......... Paola..........Ohio........ 23 Lawyer. P. H. Townsend.. Douglas.......... Big Springs...... New Hamp...33 Lawyer.. n......Shawnee......... Burlingame..... New Hamp... 28 Farmer. J. C. Burnett.....Bourbon... Mapleton......... Vermont...... 34 Farmer. W.. Griffith..Bourbon.........Marmaton...... Indiana........39 Farmer...........Douglas.......... Baldwin City... Vermont......42 Merchant........ S. Wrigh.. Nemaha.......... Granada......... Pennsylv......50 Lawyer. G.. Lillie.......... Madison.......... Emporia......... Ohio. 35 Lawyer. n. E. Hoffman Woodson......... Neosho.......... Pennsylv...... 25 Lawyer......... C.. Coffey............ Burlington...... Indiana........34 Farmer. L. R. Palmer. ottawatomie.. Louisville........ New York....40 Physician. Jas. G. Blunt..... derson........ Walker............ Maine........ 33 Physician. Jas. Hanway.. Franklin........ Shermanville... England.......49 Farmer. W on.... Douglas........... Lawrence........ Vermont......35 Farmer. Jas......... Douglas........... Lawrence........ Vermont......39 Merchant.. 0. Thacher..... Douglas........... Lawrence........ New'York....28 Lawyer. Ed......... Douglas...........Clinton........... Pennsylv......35 Manufacturer. S. D. Houston Riley.............. Manhattan..... Ohio............0 Farmer. J. P. Slough. Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... Ohio...........30 Lawyer. W. McCulloch......Morris............ Council Grove.. Scotland...... 44 Farmer. C. B. Melelland... Jefferson......... Oskaloosa........ Ohio...........30 Merchant. J. n W. Forman Doniphan........ Doniphan........ Kentucky.....40 Merchant. J. Stiarwalt. Doniphan........ Palermo.......... Ohio...........45 Farmer. rE. M. Hubbard. Doniphan........ Highland........ Kentucky.... 30 Merchant......... Parks. Leavenworth. Kickapoo........ Indiana........ 26 Lawyer. Fred. Brown.. Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... Germany......33 Manufacturer. Sam Hipple. Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... Pennsylv......28 Land Agent. S. A. Stinson. Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... Maine..........26 Lawyer. W. C. McDowell. Leavenworth.. Leavenworth.. Ohio 31 Lawyer. A. D e...... Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... Ohio...........31 Farmer. John Wright.......Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... Indiana........33 Farmer. W. Perry......... Leavenworth.. Leavenworth... New York....28 Lawyer. R. C. Foster. Leavenworth.. Delaware......... Kentucky.....24 Lawyer. Robt. Graham...... Atchison......... Atchison......... Ireland........ 55 Merchant. J. T. Barton. Johnson......... Olathe............ Virginia.......28 Physician. E. Moore......... Jackson........... Holton.........Ohio........ 38 Manufacturer......... Doniphan........ Troy............... Ohio........29 Lawyer. W. l....... Lykins........... Stanton........... New Hamp...42 Farmer......... Shawnee......... Topeka.........Ohio........ 41 Farmer....... G. Ross. Wabaunsee..... Glenross......... Ohio...........32 Printer........ H. Signor. Allen.............. Humboldt...... New York....25 Surveyor.......... Doniphan........ Troy............... Pcnnsylv......28 Merchant. J. M. Winch Osage.............. Superior......... New York.... 35 Farmer. J. T. Burs Johnson......... Olathe............ Ohio............ 28 Lawyer. OFFICERS. Names. Ofle. Cbunty. P.O. Address. Where born. | Avocat. J. M. Winchell.. President.. I..Osage...Superior. New York.. 35 Farmer. John A. Martin. Secretary.......Atchison.. Atchison....Pennsylv... 21 Editor. G. F. Warren.... Sergeant-at-Arms, Douglas... B'idwin Cityl Maine.......Farmer. 208 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [i859. S. A. Kingman was chosen temporary President, and John A. Martin Secretary. James M. Winchell was chosen President, receiving 32 votes, to 13 for J. T. Barton, the Democratic candidate. This is the first Constitutional Convention in the Territory which contains members of both political parties. For Secretary, John A. Martin is elected by 32 votes, to 15 for William Spencer. Assistant Secretary, J. L. Blanchard, of Anderson county; Sergeant-at-Arms, George F. Warren; Doorkeeper, J. M. Funk; Chaplain, Werter R. Davis. The proceedings were published in the Daily Commercial Gazette, printed at Wyandotte by S. D. Macdonald. Seats are refused to Samuel N. Wood and H. J. Espy, Winchell and McCulloch having, been elected from that district. The Constitution of Ohio is adopted as a "model or basis of action," receiving 25 votes, to 23 for Indiana and one for Kentucky. Seats are refilsed to Bennett and Welborn, of Wyandotte county, that new county being represented as a part of Leavenworth. Ariel E. Drapier is elected Reporter. Seventeen members protest against the exclusion of the Wyandotte delegates. S. O. Thacher is elected President pro tern. Chairmen of Committees: Preamble, Hutchinson; Executive, Greer; Legislative, Thacher; Militia, Blunt; Judiciary, Kingman; Electors, Townsend; Schedule, Burris; Apportionment, Preston; Corporations, Graham; Education, Griffith; Counties, Ritchie; Ordinance, Jas. Blood; Finance, Simpson; Amendments, Houston; Federal Relations, T. S. Wright; Phraseology, Ingalls. On the 11th, Richard J. Hinton and Robert St. Clair Graham were elected Enrolling Clerks, and Edwin S. Nash Journal Clerk. Credentials are presented of delegates elected from that part of Nebraska south of the Platte. A petition is received asking that the elective franchise be given to women. Mr. Ritchie presents a resolution asking that power be conferred on the Legislature to enact a prohibitory liquor law. Mr. McCune asks for the exclusion of free negroes from a residence in the State. On the 12th, Messrs. Nichols, Reeves, Furnas, Hewett, Keeting, Chambers, Taylor, Niles, Croxton, Cheever, Bennett, Dawson, and Doan, the Nebraska delegates, are given seats as honorary delegates, with the privilege of discussing the northern boundary question. The New England Emigrant Aid Society ask for the allowance of their claim, by the Kingman Claim Commission, of $20,000, the value of the Free-State Hotel destroyed at Lawrence in May, 1856. The claim had been rejected because the owners were not citizens of the Territory. A resolution of Mr. McDowell to exclude free negroes is laid on the table by 26 to 21. On the 15th, the Nebraska delegates were heard. On the 16th it was voted by 25 to 13 that the northern boundary remain unchanged, and the western boundary be the twenty-third meridian. On the 19th, Blunt, Slough, Ingalls, Arthur, and Stinson, protest against the homestead exemption, because "its provisions are unjust, invidious, and open to fraudulent construction." McClelland, Moore, Forman, Wrigley, Barton, Hipple, Hubbard, Brown, and Stiarwalt, protest against the same section "because its passage is calculated to utterly destroy the credit of the citizens of Kansas, and the law is not uniform in its operation." On the 22d, the Report of the Kingman 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 209 Commission on Claims is presented, and referred to the Committee on Ordinance and Public Debt. It is published in the proceedings. On the 23d, Topeka is made the temporary capital, the vote standing: Topeka 26, Lawrence 14, Atchison 6. On the 25th, Mr. Hubbard says of Mr. Hutchinson: "He offered me a good lot if I would vote for Lawrence. And then he said the title should be good; and he would make the same offer to any other Democratic member of the Convention. I say, sir, he has sworn to a lie." Mr. Hutchinson had denied offering the bribe. He made no statement now in reply to Mr. Hubbard, and the subject was laid on the table. On the 27th, Stinson, Stiarwalt, McClelland, Slough, McDowell, Forman, Foster, McCune, Moore, Hubbard, Barton, and Wrigley, file a protest against "the apportionment of the State for Representative purposes." On the 28th, it is voted by 35 to 8 to submit the homestead clause to the people. The western boundary line is made the 25th meridian. On the 29th, the Constitution is completed and signed by thirty-four Republican members of the Convention. The proceedings of the Convention were published by S. D. Macdonald, in a volume of 485 pages. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS. ADOPTED AT WYANDOTTE, JULY 29, 1859. ORDINANCE. Whereas, The Government of the United States is the proprietor of a large portion of lands included in the limits of the State of Kansas, as defined by the Constitution; and Whereas, The State of Kansas will possess the right to tax such lands for the purpose of government, and for other purposes: now, therefore, Be it ordained by the people of Kansas, That the right of the State of Kansas to tax such lands is relinquished forever, and the State of Kansas will not interfere with the title of the United States to such lands, nor with any regulation of Congress in relation thereto, nor tax non-residents higher than residents: Provided always, That the following conditions be agreed to by Congress: SECTION 1. Sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six, in each township in the State, including Indian Reservations and Trust Lands, shall be granted to the State for the exclusive use of common schools; and when either of said sections, or any part thereof, has been disposed of, other lands of equal value, as nearly contiguous thereto as possible, shall be substituted therefor. SEC. 2. That seventy-two sections of land shall be granted to the State for the erection and maintenance of a State University. SEC. 3. That thirty-six sections shall be granted to the State for the erection of public buildings. SEC. 4. That seventy-two sections shall be granted to the State for the erection and maintenance of charitable and benevolent institutions. SEc. 5. That all salt springs, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjacent to each, together with all mines, with the lands necessary for their full use, shall be granted to the State for works of public improvement. SEc. 6. That five per centum of the proceeds of the public lands in Kansas, disposed of after the admission of Kansas into the Union, shall be paid to the State for a fund, the income of which shall be used for the support of the common schools. SEC. 7. That the five hundred thousand acres of land to which the State is entitled under the act of Congress entitled "An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of public lands and grant pre-emption rights," approved September 4,1841, shall be granted to the State for the support of common schools. SEC. 8. That the lands hereinbefore mentioned shall be selected in such manner as may be prescribed by law; such selections to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the United States. 14 210 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. PREAMBLE. We, the people of Kansas, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges, in order to ensure the full enjoyment of our rights as American citizens, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the State of Kansas, with the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri, where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crosses the same; thence running west on said parallel to the twenty-fifth meridian of longitude west from Washington; thence north on said meridian to the fortieth parallel of north latitude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State to the place of beginning. BILL OF RIGHTS. SECTION 1. All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and are instituted for their equal protection and benefit. No special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted by the Legislature which may not be altered, revoked or repealed by the same body; and this power shall be exercised by no other tribunal or agency. Stc. 3. The people have the right to assemble, in a peaceable manner, to'consult for their common good, to instruct their Representatives, and to petition the Government, or any department thereof, for the redress of grievances. SEC. 4. The people have the right to bear arms for their defence and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be tolerated, and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. SEC. 5. The right of trial by jury shall be inviolate. SEC. 6. There shall be no slavery in this State; and no involuntary servitude, except for the punishment of crime, Whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. SEc. 7. The right to worship God according to the dictates of conscience shall never be infringed; nor shall any person be compelled to attend or support any form of worship; nor shall any control of or interference with the rights of conscience be permitted, nor any preference be given by law to any religious establishment or mode of worship. No religious test or property qualification shall be required for any office of public trust, nor for any vote at any election, nor shall any person be incompetent to testify on account of religious belief. SEC. 8. The right to the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless the public safety requires it in case of invasion or rebellion. SEC. 9. All persons shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offences, where proof is evident or the presumption great. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel or unusual punishment inflicted. SEC. 10. In all prosecutions, the accused shall be allowed to appear and defend in person or by counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him; to meet the witness face to face, and to have compulsory process to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf, and a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the county or district in which the offence is alleged to have been committed. No person shall be a witness against himself, or be twice put in jeopardy for the same offence. SEC. 11. The liberty of the press shall be inviolate; and all persons may freely speak, write or putblish their sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right; and in all civil or criminal actions for libel, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury, and if it shall appear that the alleged libellous matter was published for justifiable enids, the accused party shall be acquitted. SEC. 12. No person shall be transported from the State for any offence committed within the same; and no conviction in the State shall work a corruption of blood or forfeiture of estate., SEC. 13. Treason shall consist only in levying war against the State, adhering to its enemies, or giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the evidence of two witnesses to the overt act, or confession in open court. SEC. 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the occupant, nor in time of war, except as prescribed by law. SEC. 15. The right of the people to be secure in their persons and' property agaiist 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 211 unreasonable searches and seizures shall be inviolate, and no warrant shall issue but on probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or property to be seized. SEC. 16. No persod shall be imprisoned for debt except in case of fraud. SEC. 17. No distinction shall ever be made between citizens and aliens in reference to the purchase, enjoyment or descent of property.;SEC. 18. All persons, for injuries suffered in person, reputation or property, shall have remedy by due course of law, and justice administered without delay.,SEC. 19. No hereditary emoluments, honors or privileges shall ever be granted or conferred by the State. SEC. 20. This enumeration of rights shall not be construed to impair or deny others -retained by the people, and all powers not herein delegated remain with the people. ARTICLE I. —EXECUTIVE. ~'SEcTION 1. The,Executive Department shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenaant.Governor,: Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall be chosen by the electors of the State at the time and place of voting for members of the Legislature, and shall hold their offices for the term of two years from the second Monday in January, next after their election, and until'their-successOrs are elected and qualified. SEC. 2. Until otherwise provided by law, an abstract of the returns of every election, for the offices named in the foregoing section, shall be sealed up and transmitted, by the Clerk of the Board of Canvassers of the several counties, to the Secretary of State,'who, with the Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General, shall constitute a Board of State Canvassers, whose duty it shall be to meet at the State capital on the second Tuesday of December succeeding each election for State officers, and canvass the vote for such officers and proclaim the result; but in case any two or more have an equal and'the highest number of votes, the Legislature shall, by joint ballot, choose one of said lpersons so having an equal and the highest number of votes for said office. SEc. 3. The supreme executive power of the State shall be vested in a Governor, who shall see that the laws are faithfully executed. SEC. 4. He may require information in writing from the officers of the Executive -Department upon any subject relating to their respective duties. SEC. 5. He may, on extraordinary occasions, convene the Legislature by proclamation, and shall, at the commencement ofevery session, communicate in writing such'information as he may possess in reference to the condition of the State, and recom-mend such measures as he may deem expedient. SEC. 6. In case of disagreement between the two houses in respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn the Legislature to such time as he may think proper, not beyond its regular meeting. SEC. 7. The pardoning power shall be vested in the Governor, under regulations and restrictions prescribed by law. SEC. 8. There shall be a seal of the State, which shall be kept by the Governor, and used by him officially, and which shall be the great seal of Kansas. SEC. 9. All commissions shall- be issued in the name of the State of Kansas; signed by the Governor, countersigned by the Secretary of State, and sealed with the great seal. SEC. 10. No member of Congress or officer of the State, or of the United States, shall hold the office of Governor except as herein provided. SEC. 11. In case of death, impeachment, resignation, removal or other disability of the Governor, the power and duties of the office for the residue of the term, or until the disability shdll be removed, shall devolve upon the President of the Senate. SEC. 12. The Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate, and shall vote only when the Senate is equally divided. The Senate shall choose a President pro tempore to preside in case of his absence or impeachment, or when he shall hold the office of Governor.:SEc. 13. If the Lieutenant Governor, while holding the office of Governor, shall be.impeached or displaced, or shall resign or die, or otherwise become incapable of performing the duties of the office, the President of the Senate shall act as Governor until 212 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. the vacancy is filled or the disability removed; and if the President of the Senate, for any of the above causes, shall be rendered incapable of performing the duties pertaining to the office of Governor, the same shall devolve upon the Speaker of the House of Representatives. SEC. 14. Should either the Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney General or Superintendent of Public Instruction become incapable of performing the duties of his office, for any of the causes specified in the thirteenth section of this article, the Governor shall fill the vacancy until the disability is removed, or a successor is elected and qualifibd. Every such vacancy shall be filled by election, at the first general election that occurs more than thirty days after it shall have happened, and the person chosen shall hold the office for the unexpired term. SEC. 15. The officers mentioned in this article shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation to be established by law, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which they shall have been elected. SEC. 16. The officers of the Executive Department, and of all public State institutions, shall, at least ten days preceding each regular session of the Legislature, severally report to the Governor, who shall transmit such reports to the Legislature. ARTICLE II. —LEGISLATIVE. SECTION 1. The Legislative power of the State shall be vested in a House of Representatives and Senate. SEC. 2. The first House of Representatives under this Constitution shall consist of seventy-five members, who shall be chosen for one year. The first Senate shall consist of twenty-five members, who shall be chosen for two years. After the first election, the number of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives shall be regulated by law; but shall never exceed one hundred Representatives and thirty-three Senators. SEC. 3. The members of the Legislature shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of three dollars for each day's actual service at any regular or special session, and fifteen cents for each mile travelled by the usual route in going to and returning from the place of meeting; but such compensation shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum of two hundred and forty dollars for each member, as per diem allowance for the first session held under this Constitution, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars for each session thereafter, nor more than ninety dollars for any special session. SEC. 4. No person shall be a member of the Legislature who is not at the time of his election a qualified voter of, and resident in, the county or district for which he is elected. SEC. 5. No member of Congress or officer of the United States shall be eligible to a seat in the Legislature. If any person, after his election to the Legislature, be elected to Congress, or elected or appointed to any office under the United States, his acceptance thereof shall vacate his seat. SEC. 6. No person convicted of embezzlement or misuse of the public funds shall have a seat in the Legislature. SEC. 7. All State officers, before entering upon their respective duties, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and faithfully to discharge the duties of their respective offices. SEC. 8. A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum. Each house shall establish its own rules, and shall be judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members. SEC. 9. All vacancies occurring in either house shall be filled for the unexpired term by election. SEC. 10. Each house shall keep and publish a journal of its proceedings. The yeas and nays shall be taken, and entered immediately on the journal, upon the final passage of every bill or joint resolution. Neither house, without the consent of the other, shall adjourn for more than two days, Sundays excepted. SEC. 11. Any member of either house shall have the right to protest against any bill or resolution; and such protest shall, without delay or alteration, be entered on the journal. 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 213 SEC. 12. All bills shall originate in the House of Representatives, and be subject to amendment or rejection by the Senate. SEC. 13. A majority of all the members elected to each house, voting in the affirmative, shall be necessary to pass any bill or joint resolution. SEC. 14. Every bill and joint resolution passed by the House of Representatives and Senate, shall, within two days thereafter, be signed by the presiding officers, and presented to the Governor; if he approve it, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it to the House of Representatives, which shall enter the objections at large upon its journal, and proceed to reconsider the same. If, after such reconsideratien, two-thirds of the members elected shall agree to pass the bill or resolution, it shall be sent, with the objections, to the Senate, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of all the members elected, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the vote shall be taken by yeas and nays, and entered upon the journals of each house. If any bill shall not be returned within three days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to the Governor, it shall become a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Legislature, by its adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not become a law. SEC. 15. Every bill shall be read on three separate days in each house, unless in case of emergency. Two-thirds of the house where such bill is pending may, if deemed expedient, suspend the rules; but the reading of the bill by section, on its final passage, shall in no case be dispensed with. SEC. 16. No bill shall contain more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no law shall be revived or amended, unless the new act contain the entire act revived, or the section or sections amended, and the section or sections so amended shall be repealed. SEC. 17. All laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation throughout the State; and in all cases where a general law can be made applicable, no special law shall be enacted. SEC. 18. All power to grant divorces is vested in the district courts, subject to regulation by law. SEC. 19. The Legislature shall prescribe the time when its acts shall be in force, and shall provide for the speedy publication of the same; andsno law of a general nature shall be in force until the same be published. It shall have the power to provide for thg election or appointment of all officers, and the filling of all vacancies not otherwise provided for in this Constitution. SEC. 20. The enacting clause of all laws shall be, "Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas;" and no law shall be enacted except by bill. SEC. 21. The Legislature may confer upon tribunals transacting the county business of the several counties such powers of local legislation and administration as it shall deem expedient. SEC. 22. For any speech or debate in either house, the members shall not be questioned elsewhere. No member of the Legislature shall be subject to arrest —except for felony or breach of the peace — in going to or returning from the place of meeting, or during the continuance of the session; neither shall he be subject to the service of any civil process during the session, nor for fifteen days previous to its commencement, SEC. 23. The Legislature, in providing for the formation and regulation of schools, shall make no distinction between the rights of males and females. SEC. 24. No money shall be drawn' from the treasury except in pursuance of a specific appropriation made by law, and no appropriation shall be for a longer term than one year. SEC. 25. All sessions of the Legislature shall be held at the State capital, and all regular sessions shall commence annually., on the second Tuesday of January. SEC. 26. The Legislature shall provide for taking an enumeration of the inhabitants of the State, at least once in ten years. The first enumeration shall be taken in A. D. 1865. SEC. 27. The House of Representatives shall have the sole power to impeach. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate, and when sitting for that purpose, the Senators shall take an oath to do justice according to the law and the evidence. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators elected. SEC. 28. The Governor, and all other officers under this Constitution, shall be subject 214 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office; but judgment in all such cases shall not be extended further than to removal from office, or disqualification to, hold any office of profit, honor or trust under this Constitution; but the party, whether convicted or acquitted, shall be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. ARTICLE III. —JUDICIAL. SECTION 1. The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a. Supreme Court, Dis,. trict Courts, Probate Courts, justices of the peace, and such other courts,;inferior. to thej Supreme Court, as may be provided by law; and all courts of record. shall. have-a.seali, to be used in the authentication of all process. SEC. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of one Chief Justice and two. Associate.Jus? tices (a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum), who shall be- elected by the electors! of the State at large, and' whose term of office, after the first,. shall be six years. At the first election, a Chief Justice shall be chosen for six years,. one. Associate Justicei for four years, and one for two years. SEC. 3. The Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction, in proceedings- in q on warranto, mandamus and habeas corpus, and such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law. It shall hold one term each year at the seat of Government, and, stch, other terms at such places as may be provided by law; and its.jurisdiction shall be coextensive with the State. SEC. 4. There shall be appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Court a Reporter and Clerk of saiad court, who shall hold their offices two years, and whose duties. shall: be prescribed by law. SEC. 5. The State shall be divided into five judicial districts, in each of which there. shall be elected, by the electors thereof, a District Judge, who shall hold his office for the term of four years. District Courts shall be held at such times and places as may be~ provided by law. SEC. 6. The District Courts shall have such jurisdiction in their respective districts as may be provided by law. SEC. 7. There shall be elected, in each organized county, a Clerk of the District Court, who shall hold his office two years, and whose duties shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 8. There shall be a Probate Court in each county, which shall be a court of record, and have such probate jurisdiction and care of estates of deceased persons, minors,, and persons of unsound minds, as may be prescribed by law, and shall have jurisdiction in, cases of habeas corpus. This court shall consist of one Judge, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the county, and hold his office two years. He shall be his. own clerk, and shall hold court at such. times and receive for compensation such fees may be prescribed by law. SEC. 9. Two justices of the peace shall be elected in each township, whose term of office shall be two years, and whose powers and duties shall be prescribed by law. The justices of the peace may be increased in any township by law. SEC. 10. All appeals from Probate Courts and justices of the peace shall be: to the district court. SEe. 11. All the judicial officers provided for by this article shall be elected at the first election under this constitution, and shall reside in their respective townships, counties or districts during their respective terms of office. In case of vacancy in any judicial office, it shall be filled by appointment of the Governor, until the next regular. election that shall occur more'than thirty days after such vacancy shall have happened. SEC. 12. All judicial officers' shall hold their offices until their successors shall have: been. qualified. SEC. 13. The Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of the District Court shall, at stated times, receive for their services such compensation as may be provided by law, which shall not be increased during their respective terms of office: Provided, Such comnpensation shall not be less than fifteen hundred dollars to each justice or judge each. year; and such justices or judges shall receive no fees or perquisites, nor hold any other office of profit or trust under the authority of the State or the United States during the. term of office for which said justices and judges shall be elected, nor practice law il. any of the courts of the State during their continuance in office. SEC. 14. Provisions may be made by law for the increase of the number of judicial 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 21.5 districts whenever two-thirds of the members of each house shall concur. Such districts shall be formed of conipact territory and bounded by county lines, and such increase shall not vacate the office of any judge. SEC. 15. Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of the District Courts may be removed from office by resolution of both houses, if two-thirds of the members of each house concur; but no such removal shall be made except upon complaint, the substance of which shall he entered upon the journal, nor until the party charged shall have had notice and-opportunity to be heard. SEC. 16. The several justices and judges of the courts of record in this State shall have such jurisdiction at chambers as may be provided by law. SEC. 17. The style of all process shall be,'! The State of Kansas;" and all prosecutions shall be carried on in the name of the State. SEC. 18. Until otherwise provided by law, the First District shall consist of the counties of Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Jefferson, and Jackson; the Second District shall consist of the counties of Atchison, Doniphan, Brown, Nemaha, Marshall, and Washington; the Third District shall consist of the counties of Pottawatomie, Riley, Clay, Dickinson, Davis, Wabaunsee, and Shawnee; the Fourth District shall consist of the counties of Douglas, Johnson, Lykins, Franklin, Anderson, Linn, Bourbon, and Allen; the Fifth District shall consist of the counties of Osage, Coffey, Woodson, Greenwood, Madison, Breckinridge" Morris, Chase, Butler, and Hunter. SEC. 19. New or unorganized counties shall, by law, be attached for judicial purposes to the most convenient judicial districts. SEC. 20. Provisions shall be made by law for the selection, by the bar, of a pvo tern. Judge of the District Court, when the Judge is absent or otherwise unable or disqualified to sit in any case. ARTICLE IV.-ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. All elections by the people shall be by ballot; and all elections by the Legislature sh ll be viva voce. SEC. 2. General elections shall be held annually on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November. Township elections shall be held on the first Tuesday of April, until otherwise provided by law. ARTICLE V.-SUFFRAGE. SECTION 1. Every white male person, of twenty-one years and upward, belonging to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in Kansas six months next preceding any election, and in the township or ward in which he offers to vote at least thirty days next preceding such election, shall be deemed a qualified elector: First, Citizens of the United States. Second, Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization. SEC. 2. No person under guardianship, non compos mentis, or insane, shall be qualified to vote; nor any person convicted of treason or felony, unless restored to civil rights. SEC. 3. No soldier, seaman, or marine, in the army or navy of the United States, or of their allies, shall be deemed to have acquired a residence in the State in consequence of being stationed within the same; nor shall any soldier, seaman or marine have the right to vote. SEC. 4. The Legislature shall pass such laws as may be necessary for ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established. SEC. 5. Every person who shall give or accept a challenge to fight a duel, or who shall knowingly carry to another person such challenge, or shall go out of the State to fight a duel, shall be ineligible to any office of trust or profit. SEC. 6. Every person who shall have given or offered a bribe to procure his election, shall be disqualified from holding office during the term for which he may have been elected. SEC. 7. Electors, during.their attendance at elections, and in going to and returning therefrom, shall be privileged from arrest in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of the peace. 216 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1.859. ARTICLE VI.-EDUCATION. SECTION 1. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have the general supervision of the common school funds and educational interests of the State, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law. A Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be elected in each county, whose term of office shall be two years, and whose,duty and compensation shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall encourage the promotion of intellectual, moral, scientific and agricultural improvement, by establishing a uniform system of common schools, and schools of higher grade, embracing normal, preparatory, collegiate, and university departments. SEC. 3. The proceeds of all lands that have been, or may be, granted by the United States to the State, for the support of schools, and the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new State, under an act of Congress distributing the proceeds of public lands among the several States of the Union, approved September 4, A. D. 1841, and all estates of persons dying without heir or will, and such per cent. as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands in this State, shall be the common property of the State, and shall be a perpetual school fund, which shall not be diminished, but the interest of which, together with all the rents of the lands, and such other means as the Legislature may provide, by tax or otherwise, shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of common schools. SEC. 4. The income of the State school funds shall be disbursed annually, by order of the State Superintendent, to the several County. Treasurers, and thence to the Treasurers of the several school districts, in equitable proportion to the number of children and youth resident therein, between the ages of five and twenty-one years: Perovided, That no school district in which a common school has not been maintained at least three months in each year shall be entitled to receive any portion of such funds. SEC. 5. The school lands shall not be sold unless such sale shall be authorized by a vote of the people at a general election; but, subject to revaluation every five years, they may be leased for any number of years not exceeding twenty-five, at a rate established by law. SEC. 6. All money which shall be paid by persons as an equivalent for exemption from military duty; the clear proceeds of estrays, ownership of which shall vest in the taker-up; and the proceeds of fines for any breach of the penal laws, shall be exclusively applied in the several counties in which the money is paid or fines collected, to the support of common schools. SEC. 7. Provisions shall be made by law for the establishment, at some eligible and central point, of a State University, for the promotion of literature and the arts and sciences, including a normal and agricultural department. All funds arising from the sale or rents of lands granted by the United States to the State for the support of a State University, and all other grants, donations or bequests, either by the State or by individuals, for such purpose, shall remain a perpetual fund, to be called the " University fund;" the interest of which shall be appropriated to the support of the State University. SEC. 8. No religious sect or sects shall ever control any part of the common school or University funds of the State. SEC. 9. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary of State and Attorney General shall constitute a Board of Commissioners for the management and investment of the school funds. Any two of said Commissioners shall be a quorum. ARTICLE VII.-PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. SECTION 1. Institutions for the benefit of the insane, blind, and deaf and dumb, and such other benevolent institutions as the public good may require, shall be fostered and supported by the State, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law. Trustees of such benevolent institutions as may be hereafter created shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and upon all nominations made by the Governor, the question shall be taken in yeas and nays, and entered upon the journal. SEC. 2. A Penitentiary shall be established, the directors of which shall be appointed or elected, as prescribed by law. 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 217 SEC. 3. The Governor shall fill any vacancy that may occur in the offices aforesaid, until the next session of the Legislature, and until a successor to his appointee shall be confirmed and qualified. SEC. 4. The respective counties of the State shall provide, as may be prescribed by law, for those inhabitants who, by reason of age, infirmity or other misfortune, may have claims upon sympathy and aid of society. ARTICLE VIII.-MILITIA. SECTION 1. The militia shall be composed of all able-bodied white male citizens between the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years, except such as are exempted by the laws of the United States or of this State; but all citizens, of any religious denomination whatever, who, from scruples of conscience, may be averse to bearing arms, shall be exempted therefrom, upon such conditions as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall provide for organizing, equipping and disciplining the militia in such manner as it shall deem expedient, not incompatible with the laws of the United States. SEC. 3. Officers of the militia shall be elected or appointed, and commissioned in such manner as may be provided by law. SEC. 4. The Governor shall be Commander-in-Chief, and shall have power to call out the militia to execute the laws, to suppress insurrection, and to repel invasion. ARTICLE IX. —COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP ORGANIZATION. SECTION i. The Legislature shall provide for organizing new counties, locating county seats, and changing county lines; and no county seat shall be changed without the consent of a majority of the electors of the county, nor any county organized, or the lines of any county changed so as to include an area of less than four hundred and thirtytwo:square miles. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall provide for such county and township officers as may be necessary. SEC. 3. All county officers shall hold their offices for the term of two years, and until their successors shall be qualified; but no person shall hold the office of sheriff or county treasurer for more than two consecutive terms. SEC. 4. Township officers, except justices of the peace, shall hold their offices'one year from the Monday next succeeding their election, and until their successors are qualified. SEC. 5. All county and township officers may be removed from office in such manner and for such cause as shall be prescribed by law. ARTICLE X.-APPORTIONMENT. SECTION 1. In the future apportionment of the State, each organized county shall have at least one Representative; and each county shall be divided into as many districts as it has Representatives. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the first Legislature to make an apportionment, based upon the census ordered by the last Legislative Assembly of the Territory; and a new apportionment shall be made in the year 1866, and every five years thereafter, based upon the census of the preceding year. SEC. 3. Until there shall be a new apportionment, the State shall be divided into election districts; and the Representatives and Senators shall be apportioned among the several districts as follows, viz.: First District.-Doniphan county, four Representatives, two Senators. Second District.-Atchison and Brown counties, six Representatives, two Senators. Third District.,-Nemaha, Marshall, and Washington counties, two Representatives, one Senator. Fourth District.-Clay, Riley, and Pottawatomie counties, four Representatives, one Senator..Fifth District. —Dickinson, Davis, and Wabaunsee counties, three Representatives,. one Senator. Sixth District.-Shawnee, Jackson, and Jefferson counties, eight Representatives, two Senators. Seventh District.-Leavenworth county, nine Representatives, three Senators. 218 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [l859i Eighth District.-Douglas, Johnson, and Wyandotte counties, thirteen Represeentatives, four Senators. Ninth District.-Lykins, Linn, and Bourbon counties, nine Representatives, thrQ:. Senators. Tenth District.-Allen, Anderson, and Franklin counties, six Representatives, twoi Senators. Eleventh District.-Woodson and Madison counties, two Representatives, one Senator. Twelfth District. —Coffey, Osage, and Breckinridge counties, six Representatives, two Senators. Thirteenth District.-Morris, Chase, and Butler counties, two Representatives4 qpon. Senator. Fourteenth District.-Arapahoe, Godfrey, Greenwood, Hunter,Wilson, Dorn, and 1cGee, counties, one Representative. ARTICLE XI.-FINANCE AND TAXATION. SECTION 1. The Legislature shall provide for a uniform and equal rate of assessment: and taxation; but all property used exclusively for State, county, municipal, literary, educational, scientific, religious, benevolent, and charitable purposes, and personai property to the amount of at least two hundred dollars for each family, shall be exempted from taxation. SEC. 2. The Legislature shall provide for taxing the notes and bills discounted or purchased, moneys loaned, and other property, effects, or dues of every description (without deduction), of all banks now existing, or hereafter to be created, and of all bankers, so that all property employed in banking shall always bear a burden of taxation equal to that imposed upon the property of individuals. SEC. 3. The Legislature shall provide, each year, for raising revenue sufficient to, defray the current expenses of the State. SEC. 4. No tax shall be levied except in pursuance of a law, which shall distinctly state the object of the same, to which object only such tax shall be applied. SEC. 5. For the purpose of defraying extraordinary expenses, and making public improvements, the State may contract public debts; but such debts shall never, in the, aggregate, exceed one million dollars, except as hereinafter provided. Every such debt, shall be authorized by law for some purpose specified therein, and the vote of a majority of all the members elected to each house, to be taken by the yeas and nays, shall bq necessary to the passage of such law; and every such law shall provide for levying. au annual tax sufficient to pay the annual interest of such debt, and the principal thereof, when it shall become due; and shall specifically appropriate the proceeds of such taxes to the payment of such principal and interest; and such appropriation shall not be repealed, nor the taxes postponed or diminished, until the interest and principal of such debt shall have been wholly paid. SEC. 6. No debt shall be-contracted by the State, except as herein provided, unless the proposed law for creating such debt shall first be submitted to a direct vote of the electors of the State, at some general election; and if such proposed law shall be ratified by a majority of all the votes cast at such general election, then it shall be the duty of the Legislature next after such election to enact such law and create such debt, subject tq all the provisions and restrictions provided in the preceding section of this article. SEC. 7. The State may borrow money to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the State in time of war; but the money thus raised shall be applied-exclusively to, the object for which the loan was authorized, or to the repayment of the debt thereby created. SEc. 8. The State shall never be a party in carrying on any works of internal improvement. ARTICLE XII.- CORPORATIONS. SECTION 1. The Legislature shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers. Corporations may be created under general laws; but all such laws may be amended or repealed. SEC. 2. Dues from corporations shall be secured by individual liability of the stockholders to an additional amount equal to the stock owned by each stockholder, and such other means as shall be provided by law; but such individual liabilities shall not apply -to railroad corporations, nor corporations for religious or charitable purposes. 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 21 SEC. 3. The title to all property of religious corporations shall vest in trustees, whos( election- shall be by the members of such corporations. SEC. 4. No right of way shall be appropriated to the use of any corporation until full compensation therefor be first made in money, or secured by a deposit of money, to th( owner, irrespective of any benefit from any improvement proposed by such corporation. SEC. 5. Provision shall be made by general law for the organization of cities, townr and villages; and their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and loaning their credit, shall be so restricted as to prevent the abuse of sucl power. SEC. 6. The term corporation, as used in this article, shall include all associations and joint-stock companies having powers and privileges not possessed by individuals and partnerships; and all corporations may sue and be sued in their corporate name. ARTICLE XIII.-BANKS AND CURRENCY. SECTION 1. No bank shall be established otherwise than under a general banking law SEC. 2. All banking laws shall require, as collateral security for the redemption of th( circulating notes of any bank organized under their provision, a deposit with the Auditol of State of the interest-paying bonds of the several States or of the United States, at the cash rates of the New York stock exchange, to an amount equal to the amount of circulating notes which such bank shall le authorized to issue, and a cash deposit in its vaultm of ten per cent. of such amount of circulating notes; and the Auditor shall register and countersign no more circulating bills of any bank than the cash value of such bonds when deposited. SEC. 3. Whenever the bonds pledged as collateral security for the circulation of any bank shall depreciate in value, the Auditor of State shall require additional security, or curtail the circulation of such bank to such extent as will continue the security unimpaired. SEC. 4. All circulating notes shall be redeemable in the money of the United States. Holders of such notes shall be entitled, in case of the insolvency of such banks, to preference of payment over all other creditors. SEC. 5. The State shall not be a stockholder in any banking institution. SEC. 6. All banks shall be required to keep offices and officers for the issue and redemption of their circulation, at a convenient place within the State, to be named on the circulating notes issued by such bank. SEC. 7. No banking institution shall issue circulating notes of a less denomination than five dollars. SEC. 8. No banking law shall be in force until the same shall have been submitted to a vote of the electors of the State at some general election, and approved by a majority of all the votes cast at such election. SEC. 9. Any banking law may be amended or repealed. ARTICLE XIV.-AMENDMENTS. SECTION I. Propositions for the amendment of this Constitution may be made by either branch of the Legislature; and if two-thirds of all the members elected to each house shall concur therein, such proposed amendments, together with the yeas and nays, shall be entered on the journal, and the Secretary of State shall cause the same to be published in at least one newspaper in each county of the State where a newspaper is published, for three months preceding the next election for Representatives, at which time the same shall be submitted to the electors for their approval or rejection; and-if a majority of the electors voting on said amendments at said election shall adopt the amendments, the same shall become a part of the Constitution. When more than one amendment shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately; and not more than three propositions to amend shall be submitted at the same election. SEC. 2. Whenever two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature shall think it necessary to call a Convention to revise, amend or change this Constitution, they shall recommend to the electors to vote at the next election of members to the Legislature for or against a Convention; and if a majority of all the electors voting at such election shall have voted for a Convention, the Legislature shall, at the next session, provide for calling the same. 220 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. ARTICLE XV.- MISCELLANEOUS. SECTION 1. All officers whose election or appointment is not otherwise provided for, shall be chosen or appointed as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 2. The tenure of any office not herein provided for may be declared by law; when not so declared, such office shall be held during the pleasure of the authority making the appointment; but the Legislature shall not create any office the tenure of which shall be longer than -four years. SEC. 3. Lotteries and the sale of lottery tickets are forever prohibited. SEC. 4. All public printing shall be let, on contract, to the lowest responsible bidder, by such executive officer and in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 5. An accurate and detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the public moneys, and the several amounts paid, to whom, and on what account, shall be published, as prescribed by law. SEC. 6. The Legislature shall provide for the protection of the rights of women, in acquiring and possessing property, real, personal and mixed, separate and apart from the husband; and shall also provide for their equal rights in the possession of their children. SEC. 7. The Legislature may reduce the salaries of officers who shall neglect the performance of any legal duty. SEC. 8. The temporary seat of government is hereby located at the city of Topeka, county of Shawnee. The first Legislature under this Constitution shall provide by law for submitting the question of the permanent location of the capital to a popular vote,. and a majority of all the votes cast at some general election shall be necessary for such location. SEC. 9. A homestead, to the extent of one hundred and sixty acres of farming land,. or of one acre within the limits of an incorporated town or city, occupied as a residence by the family of the owner, together with all improvements on the same, shall be exempted from forced sale under any process of law, and shall not be alienated without the joint consent of husband and wife, when that relation exists; but no property shall be exempt from sale for taxes, or for the payment of obligations contracted for the purchase of said premises, or for the erection of improvements thereon: Provided, The provisions of this section shall not apply to any process of law obtained by virtue of a lien given by the consent of both husband and wife. SCHEDULE. SECTION 1. That no inconvenience may arise from the change from a Territorial Government to a permanent State Government, it is declar ed by this Constitution that all suits, rights, actions, prosecutions, recognizances, contracts, judgments, and claims, both as respects individuals and bodies corporate, shall continue as if no change had taken place. SEC. 2. All fines, penalties and forfeitures, owing to the Territory of Kansas, or any county, shall inure to the use of the State or county. All bonds executed to the Territory, or any officer thereof, in his official capacity, shall pass over to the Governor, or other officers of the State or county, and their successors in office, or the use of the State or county, or by him or them to be respectively assigned over to the use of those concerned, as the case may be. SEC. 3. The Governor, Secretary and Judges, and all other officers, both civil and military, under the Territorial Government, shall continue in the exercise of the duties of their respective departments until the said officers are superseded under the authority of this constitution. SEC. 4. All laws and parts of laws in force in the Territory, at the time of the acceptance of this Constitution by Congress, not inconsistent with this Constitution, shall continue and remain in full force until they expire or shall be repealed. SEC. 5. The Governor shall use his private seal until a State seal is provided. SEC. 6. The Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Treasurer of State, Attorney General, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall keep their respective offices at the seat of Government. SEC. 7. All records, documents, books, papers, moneys, and vouchers, belonging andpertaining to the several Territorial courts and offices, and to the several districts and 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 221 county offices, at the date of the admission of this State into the Union, shall be disposed of in such manner as may be prescribed by law. SEC. 8. All suits, pleas, plaints, and other proceedings pending in any court of record, or justice's court, may be prosecuted to final judgment and execution; and all appeals, writs of error, certiorari, injunctions, or other proceedings whatever, may progress and be carried on as if this Constitution had not been adopted; and the Legislature shall direct the mode in which such suits, pleas, plaints, prosecutions, and other proceedings, and all papers, records, books and documents connected therewith, may be removed to the courts established by this Constitution. SEC. 9. For the purpose of taking the vote of the electors of this Territory for the ratification or rejection of this Constitution, an election shall be held in the several voting precincts in this Territory, on the first Tuesday in October, A. D. 1859. SEC. 10. Each elector shall express his assent or dissent by voting a written or printed ballot, labelled, " For the Constitution," or, "Against the Constitution." SEC. 11. If a majority of all the votes cast at such election shall be in favor of the Constitution, then there shall be an election held in the several voting precincts on the first Tuesday in December, A. D. 1859, for the election of. members of the first Legislature, of all State, district and county officers provided for in this Constitution, and for a Representative in Congress. SEC. 12. All persons having tho qualifications of electors, according to the provisions of this Constitution, at the date of each of said elections, and who shall have been duly registered according to the provisions of the registry law of this Territory, and none others, shall be entitled to vote at each of said elections. SEC. 13. The persons who may be judges of the several voting precincts of this Territory, at the date of the respective elections in this schedule provided for, shall be the judges of the respective elections herein provided for. SEC. 14. The said judges of election, before entering upon the duties of their office, shall take and subscribe an oath faithfully to discharge their duties as such. They shall appoint two clerks of election, who shall be sworn by one of said judges faithfully to discharge their duties as such. In the event of a vacancy in the board of judges, the samc shall be filled by the electors present. SEC. 15. At each of the elections provided for in this schedule, the polls shall be opened between the hours of nine and ten o'clock, A. M., and closed at sunset. SEC. 16. The tribunals transacting county business of the several counties shall cause to be furnished to the boards of judges, in their respective counties, two poll books for each election hereinbefore provided for, upon which the clerks shall inscribe the name of every person who may vote at the said elections. SEC. 17. After closing the polls at each of the elections provided for in this schedule, the judges shall proceed to count the votes cast, and designate the persons or objects for which they were cast, and shall make two correct tally lists of the same. SEC. 18. Each of the boards of judges shall safely keep one poll book and tally list, and the ballots cast at each election, and shall, within ten days after such election, cause the other poll book and tally list to be transmitted, by the hands of a sworn officer, to the clerk of the board transacting county business in their respective counties, or to which the county may be attached for municipal purposes. SEC. 19. The tribunals transacting county business shall assemble at the county seats of their respective counties, on the second Tuesday after each of the elections provided for in this schedule, and shall canvass the votes cast at the elections held in the several precincts in their respective counties, and of the counties attached for municipal purposes. They shall hold in safe keeping the poll books and tally lists of said elections. and shall, within ten days thereafter, transmit, by the hands of a sworn officer, to the President of this Convention, at the city of Topeka, a certified transcript of the same, showing the number of votes cast for each person or object voted for at each of the several precincts in their respective counties, and in the counties attached for municipal purposes, separately. SEC. 20.' The Governor of the Territory, and the President and Secretary of this Convention, shall constitute a Board of State Canvassers, any two of whom shall be a quorum; and who shall, on the fourth Monday after each of the elections provided for in this schedule, assemble at said city of Topeka, and proceed to open and canvass the votes cast at the several precincts in the different counties of the Territory, and declare 222 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. the result; and shall'immediately issue certificates of election to all persons (if any) thus elected. SEC. 21. Said Board of State Canvassers shall issue their proclamation, not less than twenty days next preceding each of the elections provided for in this schedule. Said proclamation shall contain an announcement of the several elections; the qualifications of electors; the manner of conducting said elections and of making the returns thereof, -as in this Constitution provided; and shall publish said proclamation in one newspaper in each of the counties of the Territory in which a newspaper may be then published. SEC. 22. The Board of State Canvassers shall provide for the transmission of authenticated copies of the Constitution to the President of the United States, the President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. SEC. 23. Upon official information having been by him received of the admission of Kansas into the Union as a State, it shall be the duty of the Governor elect under the Constitution to proclaim the same, and to convene the Legislature, and do all things else necessary to the complete and active organization of the State Government. SEC. 24. The first Legislature shall have no power to make any changes in -county'lines. SEC. 25. At the election to be held for the ratification or rejection of this Constitu-:tion, each elector shall:be permitted vote on the homestead provision contained in the'article on "Miscellaneous,":by depositing a ballot inscribed, " For the homestead," or, "Against the homestead;"'and, if a majority of all-the'votes cast -at said election shall be against said provision, shall'be'stricken from the Constitution. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That the Congress of.the United States is hereby'requested, upon the application of Kansas for admission into the Union, to pass an act granting to the State forty-five hundred thousandacres of land to aid in the construction of railroads'and -other internal improvements. Resolved, That Congress be further requested to pass an act appropriating fifty thousand acres of land for the improvement of the Kansas river from its mouth toFort Riley. Resolved, That Congress be further requested to pass an act granting all swamp lands within the State for the benefit of common schools. Resolved, That Congress be further requested to pass an act appropriating five hundred thousand dollars, or, in lieu thereof, five hundred thousand acres of land, for the payment of the claims awarded to citizens of Kansas by the claim commissioners appointed by the Governor and Legislature of Kansas, under an act of the Territorial Legislature, passed February 7, 1859. Resolved, That the Legislature shall make provision for the sale or disposal of the lands granted to the State in aid of internal improvements and for other purposes, subject to the salme rights of pre-emption to the settlers thereon as are now allowed by law to settlers on the public lands. Resolved, That it is the desire of the people of Kansas to be admitted into the Union -with this Constitution. Resolved, That Congress be further requested to assume the debt of this Territory. Done in Convention at Wyandotte, this 29th day of July, A. D. 1859. JAMES M. WINCHELL, President of the Kansas Constitutional Convention, and Delegate from Osage County. JOHN A. MARTIN, Secretary. ROBERT GRAHAM. JAMES M. ARTHUR. P. H. TOWNSEND. JOHN JAMES INGALLS. JOSIAH LAMB. WM. HUTCHINSON. CALEB MAY. WM. MCC(ULLOCH. N. C. BLOOD. J. A. MIDDLETON. JAS. G. BLUNT. EDMUND (. Ross. S. D. HOUSTON. J. C. BURNETT. JAS. HANWAY. LUTHER R. PALMER. WM. R. GRIFFITH. ALLEN CROCKER. JOHN TAYLOR BURRIS. SAM'L A. KINGMAN. SAM'L E. HOFFMAN. JOHN P. GREER. ROBT. J. PORTER. JAMES A. SIGNOR. JOHN RITCHIE. JAMES BLOOD.' GEO. H. LILLIE. -H. D. PRESTON. S. 0. THACHER. R. L. WILLIAMS. BENJAMIN F. SIMPSON. EDWIN STOKES. W. P. DUTTON. 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 223 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE II. Section 2 was amended, November 4, 1873, as follows: "SECTION 2. The number of Representatives and Senators shall be regulated by law, but shall never exceed one hundred and twenty-five Representatives and forty Senators. From and after the adoption of the amendment, the House of Representatives shall admit one member from each county in which at least two hundred and fifty legal votes were cast at the next preceding general election; and each organized county in which less than two hundred legal votes were cast at the next preceding general election shall be attached to, and constitute a part of, the Representative District of the county lying next adjacent to it on the east." Section 12 was amended, November 8, 1864, as follows: "SECTION 12. Bills may originate in either house, but may be amended or rejected by either." ARTICLE V. Section 2 was'amended, November 5, 1867, as follows: "SECTION 2. No person under guardianship, non compos mentis, or insane; no person'convicted of felony, unless restored to civil rights; no person who has been dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States, unless reinstated; no person guilty of defrauding the Government of the United States, or any of the States thereof; no person guilty of giving or receiving a bribe, or offering to give or receive a bribe; and no person who has ever voluntarily borne arms against the Government of the United States, or in any manner voluntarily aided or abetted in the attempted overthrow of said Government, except all persons who have been honorably discharged;from the military service of the United States since the first day of April, A. D. 1861,:provided that they have served one year or more therein, shall be qualified to vote or hold office in this State, until such disability shall be removed by a law passed by a vote -:f two-thirds of all the members of both branches of the Legislature." Section 3 was amended, November 8, 1864, as follows: "'SSECTION 3. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost'a residence by reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State or of the United States, or of the high seas; nor while a student of any seminary of learning; nor while kept at any'almshouse, or other asylum, at public expense; nor while con-''fined in'any public prison: and the Legislature may make provision for taking the 0votes of electors who may be absent from their townships or wards, in the volunteer military service of the United States, or the militia service of this State; but nothing herein contained shall be deemed to allow any soldier, seaman or marine in the regular army or navy of the United States the right to vote." ARTICLE XIII. Section 7 was amended, November, 1861, as follows: "No banking institution shall issue circulating notes of a less denomination than one dollar." ARTICLE XV. Section 4 was amended, November 3, 1868, as follows: "All public'printing shall be done by a State Printer, who shall be elected by the Legislature in joint session, and shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. The joint session of the Legislature for the election of a State Printer shall be on the third Tuesday of January, A. D. 1869, and every two years' thereafter. All public printing shall be done at the capital, and the prices for the same'sball be regulated by law." 224 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. The following amendment will be voted upon by the people in November, 1875: SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1. PROPOSED AMENDMENT to section three of the Constitution of the State, regulating the time of electing and compensation of members of the Legislature. Be it resolved by the Legislatire of the State of Kansas, two-thirds of the members elected to each [house] concurring therein: [SEcTION 1.] The following proposition to amend the Constitution of the State of Kansas shall be submitted to the electors of the State at the general election of eighteen hundred and seventy-five: PROPOSITION ONE: Section twenty-five of article two shall be amended so as to read as follows: Section 25. All sessions of the Legislature shall be held at the State capital, and beginning with the session of eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, all regular sessions shall be held once in two years, commencing on the second Tuesday of January of each alternate year thereafter. PROPOSITION TWO: Section three of article eleven shall be amended so as to read as follows: Section 3. The Legislature shall provide, at each regular session, for raising sufficient revenue to defray the current expenses of the State for two years. PROPOSITION THREE: The following shall constitute section twenty-nine of article two: Section 29. At the general election held in eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and thereafter, members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for two years, and members-of the Senate shall be elected for four years. SEC. 2. The following shall be the method of submitting said proposition of amendment: The ballots shall be either written or printed, or partly printed and partly written. In regard to proposition one, the form of the ballots shall be, "For proposition one to amend the Constitution," "Against proposition one to amend the Constitution;" in regard to proposition two, the form of the ballots shall be, "For proposition two to amend. the Constitution," "Against proposition two to amend the Constitution;" in regard to proposition three, the form of the ballots shall be, "For proposition three to amend the Constitution," "Against proposition three to amend the Constitution." SEC. 3. This joint resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book. JUrY.-The report made to the Constitutional Convention by Edward Hoogland, Henry J. Adams and Samuel A. Kingman, Commissioners under the act of February 7, 1859, "to provide for the adjustment and payment of claims," was printed by order of the United States House of Representatives in 1861, and is one of the documents of the second session of the Thirty-sixth Congress. It is published in two octavo volumes, and contains 1767 pages. The first act for the auditing of claims was passed February 23, 1857. Hiram J. Strickler was the Commissioner under this act. Mr. Hoogland was appointed by the Governor, Mr. Adams elected by the Council, and Judge Kingman chosen by the House. The Legislature, on joint ballot, elected William McKay the Attorney of the Board. The claims allowed by this Commission amount to $412,978.03. The Commissioners believe that more than two hundred lives were lost, and not less than two millions in money, during the Territorial troubles. The Report is made up of affidavits of claimants, who tell the story of their losses in their own way, and it is altogether unique and invaluable as a historical record. Testimony was taken in 463 cases. Congress made no appropriation. On certificates of the Commission, the Territorial Auditor issued warrants on the Treasurer to the amount of $349,933.63. The Treasurer issued bonds on the warrants to the amount of $95,700. The Legislature refused 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 225 to make the Territory responsible for this debt. The first State Legislature, in 1861, took similar action. JULY 16.-Treaty with "the Swan Creek and Black River band of Chippewas of Kansas Territory." The reservation of 8,320 acres, in Franklin county, Kansas, set apart for the entire band, shall inure to the benefit of that portion of said band now residing thereon. The Munsees, or Christian Indians, are united with said band. JULY 23.-Dr. John Doy is rescued from the jail in St. Joseph. Dr. Doy afterwards published a book, giving a history of his experience in Kansas and Missouri. His son Charles died suddenly in southern Kansas, and the father in Michigan —neither from disease. AUGUST 3.-Republican Convention at Lawrence, to nominate a Delegate to Congress. Called to order by S. C. Pomeroy. J. P. Root, of Wyandotte, was elected temporary Chairman, and Albert L. Lee, of Elwood, Secretary. The permanent officers were as follows: President: Jas. M. Winchell, of Osage county. Vice Presidents: Chas. Chadwick, of Wyandotte county; Warren W. Guthrie, of Brown county; Chas. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee county; B. F. Simpson, of Lykins county; and Silas Fearl, of Coffey county. Secretaries: Albert L. Lee, of Doniphan county, and Jacob Stotler, of Breckinridge county. The vote on candidate for Congress stood thus: M. J. Parrott, 57; M. F. Conway, 26; A. Danford, 11; Chas. A. Foster, 3; S. C. Pomeroy, 3; Benj. Harding, 1, and two blanks. Necessary to a choice, 52. On motion of C. B. Lines, the nomination of Mr. Parrott was made unanimous. On motion of Wm. A. Phillips, of Arapahoe, Mr. Parrott was pledged the support of every Republican voter in the Territory. AUGUST 17.-Democratic Convention at Topeka. Saunders W. Johnston nominated for Delegate in Congress. SEPTEMBER 12.-James M. Winchell, President, and John A. Martin, Secretary, issue a proclamation calling an election on the Wyandotte Constitution, to ratify or reject it. SEPTEMBER.-Anson Burlingame visits Kansas. The Republicans of Leavenworth gave him a supper. D. R. Anthony presided, and James McCahon acted as toastmaster. OCTOBER 1.-Treaty with the Sacs and Foxes. -The State Record started at Topeka by E. G. and W. W. Ross. OCTOBER 4.-The Wyandotte Constitution adopted. Vote for the Constitution, 10,421; against, 5,530; for the homestead clause, 8,788; against, 4,772. OCTOBER 5.- Treaty with the Kansas Indians. A portion of their reservation set apart and assigned in severalty to members of the tribe. OCTOBER 12.- Republican State Convention at Lawrence. William A.'Phillips was elected temporary Chairman of the Convention, receiving 31 votes to 29 for James M. Winchell. Leavenworth county appeared in the Convention with two sets of delegates, one favorable to the nomination of H. P. Johnson for Governor, and the other to Henry J. Adams. The mat15 226 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. ter was compromised, and both candidates killed, by selecting four from each delegation to represent the county in the Convention. President: William A. Phillips. Secretaries: P. B. Plumb and J. A. Martin. A motion to nominate the Congressman first was defeated, by a vote of 38 to 36. Mr. Vaughan then nominated H. P. Johnson, and Mr. Thaclier, Charles Robinson, for Governor. The whole number of votes cast was 77, Robinson receiving 43, and Johnson 34. Lieutenant Governor: J. P. Root received 39 votes, Mr. Fish 15, A. Larzelere 14, and 9 scattering. Secretary of State: J. W. Robinson 43, James Fletcher 24, and 9 scattering. Auditor: On the second ballot George S. Hillyer received 45, and Asa Hairgrove 24. Treasurer: On the second ballot Wm. Tholen received 49, and T. P. Herrick 25. Attorney General: On the first ballot B. F. Simpson received 37, John C. Douglass 17, D. W. Houston 14, and Ed. S. Lowman 8. Superintendent of Public Instruction: W. R. Griffith was nominated on the first ballot, having received 49 votes to 16 for Davis and 8 scattering. Congressman: On the first ballot M. F. Conway received 48, and 0. E. Learnard 29. Judges: Thomas Ewing, jr., Chief Justice, and Samuel A. Kingman and'Lawrence D. Bailey, Associates, were nominated by acclamation. OCTOBER 16.-Captain John Brown, with twenty-one men, takes possession of the town of Harper's Ferry, Virginia. OCTOBER 18.-Anson Burlingame speaks at Topeka. He also visits Burlingame, Osage county. OCTOBER 25.-Democratic Convention at Lawrence. Called to order by J. P. Slough. Temporary Officers: G. H. Fairchild, Atchison, Chairman; B. P. Ayers, of Linn county, Secretary. Oficers: President, G. H. Fairchild; Vice Presidents, J. Stiarwalt, John Wright, E. Jones, C. E. Haskins, D. Goodin, Jesse Clover, T. J. Fortaine, J. G. Sparrey, J. F. Cooper, C. K. Miner, Seth Killam, Hiram Moran; Secretaries, B. P. Ayers, A. G. Otis, S. A. Medary, A. S. Devenney, A. Jones. Ballot for Governor: Samuel Medary 43, H. B. Denman 27, C. K. Holliday 10. For Lieutenant Governor, John P. Slough was nominated by acclamation. For Chief Justice, Judge Joseph Williams received 54 votes, Judge Purkins 29. For Member of Congress: John A. Halderman 41, Robert B. Mitchell 35, Robert S. Stevens 5. For Attorney General: Orlin Thurston, of Allen, 39; W. D. Wood, of Doniphan, 21; G. W. Willey, of Lykins, 18. On the second ballot Thurston was declared the nominee. For Auditor: J. K. Goodin 51; C. R. Deming, of Marshall, 25. For Treasurer: R. J. Pease, of Atchison, 44; J. E. Jones, of Bourbon, 31. For Secretary of State: A. P. Walker, of Douglas, 43; J. M. Giffen, of Johnson, 34. For Associate Justices: R. B. Mitchell was nominated by acclamation, and Samuel A. Stinson over H. Miles Moore. OCTOBER 31.-The Governor sets apart Thursday, November 24th, as a day of Thanksgiving. NOVEMBER 1.-Governor Medary proclaims the following as the result of the vote on the Wyandotte Constitution, at the election held on the 4th of October: 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 227 Names of Counties. 5 aI Allen.............................. 244 159 201 152 Anderson....266 80 206 109 Arapahoe (no returns)............................................................ Atchison...............6............. 694 581 412 587 Bourbon..................................................................... 464 256 530 102 Breckinridge............................................................... 545 26 425 19 Brown............................................................... 269 103 173 - 163 Butler..............................................................27 1 28.. Chase (no returns)................................................................. Clay (no returns).................................................................... Coffey........................................................................... 434 121 360 115 Davis (no returns)..................................................................... Dickinson (no returns).......................................................................... Doniphan....................................................................... 743 630 592 690 Dorn (no returns).................................................................. Franklin..................................................................... 301 111 252 111 Greenwood....................................... 24 16 33 3 Hunter (no returns)....................................................... Jackson.................................................................... 224 170 138 185 Jeffe rso n........................................................................ 392 354 345 131 Johnson........................................................... 373 377 316 113 Leavenworth......................................................... 1,143 1,088 1,019 1,045 Linn............................................... 549 157 455 169 Lykins...................9........................................... 492 295 455 225 M adison................................................................ 82 4 60 23 M arshall (no returns)........................................................................................ McGee (no returns)....................................................................................... M orris.................................................................. 50 22 13 Nemaha............................................... 200 44 104 63 Osage............................................... 44........... 42 2 Pottawatomie.................................................. 93 68 76 49 Riley................................... 296 128 202 52 Shawnee........................................................................ 671 109 666 60 W abaunsee................................................ 110 14 65 17 W ilson (no returns)............................................................................................ W yandotte.................................................................. 274 205 166 260 W oodson (no returns).............................................................. Total..................................................... 10,421 5,530 8,788 4,772 The "Constitution" and "Homestead," therefore, having received a majority of the votes cast, are adopted by the people of Kansas. NOVEMBER 8.-Territorial election for Delegate in Congress. Saunders W. Johnston was the Democratic and Marcus J. Parrott the Republican candidate. Name of County. Johnston Parrott. Total. Arapahoe....................................... 38 22 60 Atchison........................................................................... 654 531 1, 185 Anderson................................. 105 238 343 Allen........................................ 207 203 410 Brown........................................ 25 272 297 Breckinridge........................................ 145 371 516 Butler.............1........................................... 47 48 Bourbon.............................................................. 251 368 619 Coffey........................................ 170 285 455 Chase................................................................................... 126 126 Clay (attached to Riley). Doniphan.............................................................................. 762 768 1,530 Dickinson...................................................................... Davis.................................................................................... 127 94 221 Douglas................................................................................. 353 993 1, 346 Dorn (attached to Bourbon). Franklin.............................................................................. 172 265 437 228 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. VOTE FOR TERRITORIAL DELEGATE IN CONGRESS-Concluded. Name of County. Johnston Parrott. Total. Greenwood..................................................................................................... Godfrey (attached to Coffey). Hunter (attached to Breckinridge). Jackson................................................................................. 179 222 401 Jefferson.............................................355.................................. 355 367 722 Johnson............................................................................ 482 408 890 Leavenworth........................................................................ 1,391 1,109 2,592 Lykins..... 355 453 808 Linn......33....3........................... ] 373 563 936 Madison................................................ 6 81 87 Morris.................................................. 114 41 155 Marshall and Washington............................. 179 146 325 McGee (attached to Bourbon). Nemaha................................................................................ 41 228 270 Osage............................................................................ 1 31 32 Pottawatomie................................................................ 33 121 154 Riley.................................................. 97 298 395 Shawnee.................................................. 167 535 702 Wabaunsee.................................................. 8 121 129 Wyandotte................................................. 321 289 610 Woodson................................................................... 77 87 164 Wilson (attached to Allen). Total.................................................................7,232 9,708 16,949 Parrott's majority, 2,746. NOVEMBER 8.-Election of Territorial Legislature: COUNCIL.-(Each District One Member.) FIRST DISTRICT - DONIPHAN. George M. Beebe............................. 762 ] William D. Beeler................................ 748 SECOND DISTRICT - ATCHISON AND JACKSON. M. R. Benton........................................ 741 I W. J. Marion...................................... 815 THIRD DISTRICT - LEAVENWORTH. William G. Mathias.............................1267 I James L. McDowell.............................1221 FOURTH DISTRICT — LEAVENWORTH AND JEFFERSON. J. M. Christison........................ 1692 Adam Fisher..................................1101 FIFTH DISTRICT -BROWN, NEMAHA, POTTAWATOMIE, MARSHALL, AND WASHINGTON. Luther R. Palmer................................ 476 j Warren W. Guthrie............................. 201 George Graham................................ 187 I Charles R. Deming.............................. 182 SIXTH DISTRICT -RILEY, CLAY, DAVIS, DICKINSON, WABAUNSEE, AND MORRIS. J. B. Woodward.......................... 573 I H. N. Williams................................. 320 SEVENTH DISTRICT - SHAWNEE, OSAGE, AND BRECKINRIDGE. Chester Thomas......................... 909 1 Philip C. Schuyler.............................. 238 EIGHTH DISTRICT — DOUGLAS. James M. Hendry............................... 893 [ George A. Reynolds............................. 435 NINTH DISTRICT -DOUGLAS, FRANKLIN, AND ANDERSON. P. P. Elder.149................... 1492 Isaiah Pile................................. 607 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 229 TENTH DISTRICT- WYANDOTTE. AND JOHNSON. Charles G. Keeler................................ 765 1 Alfred Gray................................. 702 ELEVENTH DISTRICT —LINN AND LYKINS. W. W. Updegraff............................ 994 [ Joseph H. Barlow.............................. 781 TWELFTH DISTRICT —BOURBON, ALLEN, M'GEE, DORN, WOODSON, AND WILSON. Watson Stewart.............................. 642 1 N. S. Goss.................................. 550 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT-COFFEY, MADISON, HUNTER, BUTLER, CHASE, GODFREY, AND GREENWOOD. John C. Lambdin............................. 341 Hiram Hoover........................ 210 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FIRST DISTRICT - DONIPHAN - THREE MEMBERS. Thomas Vanderslice........................... 747 Carey B. Whitehead........................... 759 Hugh Robertson............................... 752 Thomas A. Osborn.............................. 731 Philip Burke.................................... 731 B. O'Driscoll............. 728 SECOND DISTRICT - ATCHISON -TWO MEMBERS. William Noel.................... 659 F. Lombard................................. 658 R. A. Van Winkle..................... 506 I James Auld................ 495 THIRD DISTRICT - LEAVENWORTH - FOUR MEMBERS. Fred. Brown...............................1314 Jeremiah Clark..................................1123 Pascal S. Parks...................................1372 Benjamin H. Twombly...................... 1133 John Wright......................................1293 C. H. W. Ettinger................................1114 J. C. Murphy......................................1275 A. M. Clark................................1163 FOURTH DISTRICT - JEFFERSON - TWO MEMBERS. Edward Lynde................................... 372 i Henry Buckmaster............................. 329 T. A. Blake........................................ 370 James H. Jones................................... 328 FIFTH DISTRICT -POTTAWATOMIE AND WABAUNSEE- ONE MEMBER. Amasa Bartlett............................... 234 Charles Jenkins.................................. 82 SIXTH DISTRICT - JACKSON - ONE MEMBER. Byron Steward............................... 217 William Cline.................................. 183 SEVENTH DISTRICT- WYANDOTTE - ONE MEMBER. Wm. L. McMath............ 295 I Thos. J. Williams......... 295 1 A. B. Bartlett...... 39 EIGHTH DISTRICT-BROWN- ONE MEMBER. H. R. Dutton.................... 232 I A. B. Anderson............................... 60 NINTH DISTRICT-NEMAHA-ONE MEMBER. Morton Cave (vote not given in official abstract.) TENTH DISTRICT- MARSHALL AND WASHINGTON - ONE MEMBER. J. S. Magill........................................ 162 George G. Pierce................................. 160 230 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. ELEVENTH DISTRICT - RILEY AND CLAY - ONE MEMBER. Daniel L. Chandler............................. 268 1 George Montague................................ 174 TWELFTH DISTRICT —DICKINSON AND DAVIS - ONE MEMBER. Robert Reynolds.............................. 136 J. W. Blaine.................................. 83 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT - BRECKINRIDGE - ONE MEMBER. Stephen G. Elliott.............................. 387 i E. C. Stevens............................... 101 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT -SHAWNEE - TWO MEMBERS. William H. Fitzpatrick....................... 524 1 Cyrus K. Holliday............................. 152 S. R. Caniff......................................... 524 N. 0. Case......................................... 155 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT -DOUGLAS - THREE MEMBERS. Paul R. Brooks................................. 992 Edwin Mervin................................... 335 William A. Rankin............................. 965 George W. Zinn................................... 334 Erastus Heath.................................... 991 L. A. Prather..................................... 338 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT - JOHNSON - TWO MEMBERS. Charles Sims................. 511 Josiah E. Hayes................................. 385 L. S. Cornwall................................ 477 D. W. Scott................... 389 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT - LYKINS —ONE MEMBER. Gustavus A. Colton.............................. 471 I George W. Dall.................................... 368 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT - LINN - ONE MEMBER. J. H. Jones.......................................... 490 I John T. Alexander............................. 394 NINETEENTH DISTRICT - LYKINS AND LINN —ONE MEMBER. William R. Wagstaff.......................... 847 I James Montgomery............................. 838 TWENTIETH DISTRICT-ANDERSON - ONE MEMBER. Thomas Lindsay................................. 296 I Samuel Anderson............................. 5 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT - FRANKLIN- ONE MEMBER. Henry Shively................................. 221 I John F. Javens.................................. 216 TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT-COFFEY AND OSAGE-TWO MEMBERS. O. H. Sheldon................. 309 A.A. Burr.................... 177 George W. Nelson............................... 335 Doc. Howell.................................. 136 TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT —MADISON, CHASE, AND MORRIS - ONE MEMBER. T. S. Huffaker............... 121 1 S. N. Wood.................... 86 I S. G. Britton................ 34 TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT -BUTLER, GREENWOOD, HUNTER, GODFREY, AND WOODSON - ONE MEMBER. P. G. D. Morton................................... 149 I E. I. Brown........................................ 124 TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT —ALLEN, WILSON, DORN, AND M'GEE -.ONE MEMBER. John W. Scott.................................. 213 I Nimrod Hawkins................................ 195 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 231 TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT — BOURBON-ONE MEMBER. Horatio Knowles................................. 359 i George Hubbard......................... 259 TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT — ARAPAHOR- ONE MEMBER. R. Sopris....................................... 219 1 David Gregory.................................... 17 DECEMBER I. —Abram Lincoln arrives in Elwood, and makes a speech that evening. He was met at St. Joseph by M. W. Delahay and D. W. Wilder. His speech was substantially the same he made soon afterwards at the Cooper Institute, New York, and one of the ablest and clearest ever delivered by an American statesman. DECEMBER 2.-John Brown executed. DECEMBER 3.-The Leavenworth Times says: "The Hon. Abe Lincoln is on Kansas soil. He has spoken at Elwood, Troy and Doniphan. Last night he spoke at Atchison. To-day at noon he arrives in Leavenworth. To-night he speaks at Stockton's." He received a public reception, and made two speeches, one on the 3d and one on the 5th. DECEMBER 5.- Meeting of the 36th Congress. John Sherman, of Ohio, the Republican candidate for Speaker, had approved of an Anti-Slavery book written by Hinton R. Helper, of North Carolina. John B. Clark, of Missouri, offered a resolution declaring any member unfit to be Speaker *who had signed a recommendation of Helper's "Compendium of the Impending Crisis." The resolution was long debated, but did not come to a vote. DECEMBER 5.-In the Senate, Mr. Mason, of Virginia, moved the appointment of a committee to enquire into the facts connected with the seizure of the United States Armory at Harper's Ferry, by John Brown and his confederates; adopted. Mr. Trumbull, of Illinois, moved to include in the investigation the seizure of the Arsenal at Franklin, Mo., by the invaders of Kansas, in 1855; rejected. The committee consisted of Mason, Fitch, Jefferson Davis, Doolittle and Collamer. The majority report, signed by Mason, Fitch and Davis, absolved all persons except Brown and his men from any connexion with the invasion. The committee examined several witnesses from Kansas. Governor. Lieut. Gov. ISec'y of State. Treasurer. A Suditor ntuto.[he ut. (ofu r e r. [(w er.) tt' e'. vges I [ Sut. ofPub.[.'.Asso'te J~stice Asso'te,Pstice epstu l:~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~Adtr ~ -~ ~tio. CheJUtc.~!~ou yers) (Toer. At' Gc'. C s. COUNTIES. ~~crc,~~ ~t o~a~ btl~ ii s Atchison....... 644 585 644 581 645 581 632,586 645 583 1'646 8 4 7 9 9 9 7 7 1 3 3 Allen............ 1741 136 175 I134[ 175 [135[ 1761 135[ 175 [135 I175 I135 112 134 174 [135 [1741 135 165 I141[ 175 [135 Anderson......[ 160[ 891 162I 89I 162[ 89[ 162[ 89 /1621 88] 162[ 88 150 92 162I 891 1621 89I 162I 89 [160/s Brown............/ 273[ 81[ 271[ 80I 272[ 81[ 273[ 81[ 273[ 81]~:...1..'......[ 271t 80[ 280 71 274[8 7 1 28 Q Breckinridge.. 398 /'122 [405 /109 I413 [111 I413 [110 I411-[ 111 I413 ["'11" 411 I111 413 1109 356 1 0 9 2.........7 1o9 /.o 14512751147127511351273I 1501 172[ 1491 2721 1511 2751 1471 2751 148 274 148 214 4 Chase.........o19 1 0- 1 2 0 9 0 19 I 09 1 0 0 8 ~1o9 1 1 0 Coffey............I 223[ 101 I228/ 98 I228 [981 228[ 98[ 227 [99J 229'[97 [ 227I 97 ]2291 981 228[ 98[ 227] 99[ 223[ 100 Doug~las..........[1,018 t 334 11, 093[ 324 /1, 093 [ 35 [1,100/ 324 11,097[ 330 [1,094[ 330 Jl, 086 341 [1,100[ 328 (1,093[ 333 II 097[ 325 [1,057[ 341 IDoniphan.......I 476 [371 [472[ 327 I473I 3771 472[ 376[ 466 t3801 472 [3771 472[ 376[ 472[ 375[ 472[ 376 [ 473[ 378 ]470[ 382 IDi'k'n &IDavisl 60 117/ 50[ 117 I50, 115[ 48[ 115[ 49[ 115[ 481 116 491 116[ 49[ 115 48[ 116[ 49[ 116[ 30[ 115 ) Franklin........[ 249I 1211250[ 120[ 249[ 121[ 250I 122[ 245[ 116[ 249[ 122l 241[ 129[ 250[ 121[ 250[ 122[ 25011221242 ]124 Greenwood.. 23 6 23 6 23 6 23 6 23 6 23 6 23 6 23 6 2 4 5 2 Hunter.......... 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 /ako..... 169 I170/ i70 [169 /170 169/ 170 I1691 169 I169 [170 I169 170 I169 [169 [169 ]169 [169j 170 i169 / 70iO 169 Jefferson........[ 332 I293[ 333[ 295[ 332[292[ 3321293 330128113311292 3291 294[ 3281 2961 331[ 293] 329 292[ 332[294 Johnson........[ 306 [425 /310 [424[ 310 [425[ 310 [423 [308 [425 [308 ]425 309 [422 ]308 [423 [308 [421 ]307 f424 [303 [426 Leavenworth.[ 997 [1,404 ]975 I1 433 [965 I,406 [1,022 [1 372[ 965 I1 4031 961 [1 402 I,098 I1 312] 952 I1 415[ 961 I1 404 ]96 1 tl405 [878 I1 515 C Linn..:...........[ 222[ 132 I226'131 /225'131 [224'131 I224'135 I224'131 [ 238 I 118 [226 ] 130 [199 I 159 /225 [ 131 /219 I 127 Lykins...........[ 312[ 200[ 313[ 189 [315t 190[ 314] 204[ 300] 190] 314[ 1901 306 203[ 3151 313[ 190[ 192[ 301 [186 [314I 195 Madison........] 47 [ 47 7 47 [ 47 / 47 [ 4 7[ 4 7 [7 7 [ 47 [7 ]47 [ Marshall........[ 40 69t 40 [ 9 4 69 /40 69[ 40 [69 I40 ]8 69 [0 40 [9 68 69 40 ]9 40 Morrs.......,,. 4 i 541 59 ]54[ 59[ 54I 59 [54[ 591 54[ 59[ 54] 59[ 54[ 59[ 47t 66 [54[ 59 [52[ 60 ~ Nemaha......... 128 [60I 129 ]60 128 [60/ 128 [60 [127 ]66 [127 591 127 I 0 12 60 I2 6 128 1 6 Osage............ 24 2 12 12[ 2 [2 12 21 12[ 2 [4 12]2 1 2 2 2 Pottawatomie] 133 35[ 131 I37 [135 34 [135[ 39 /134] 35] 135 [34[ 136[ 34[ 135 3 3 4 15 3 2 Rie....... 2341 95] 232I 97 [196 ]113] 235 [96 [235,I 96[ 234 [ 94[ 235[ 97 [2341 97 ]235[ 97 I233 [96 [228 ]101 Shawnee........I 569 171 ]567 I173 /570 ]175 [566 [175 [567 ]175 ]568 175 I567 [7 5 177 41 7 6 7 5 8 Wbus...] 128[ 17t 119 [16 [119 [16[ 126I 15 /127 [16 I'102 [16] 1291 16 [128[ 16 [1281 16 [128 ] 5 12 Woodson........ 6 7 5 8 5 9 5 9,8 3 8 3 7. 0 8 3 6 4 8 3 8 3 oo ~ ota1....1,0 6.39,9.39,6.39,3.3 78 56,9 127.01.3 1.8 1.3 ~?~-~I~-~?~-~-~?~-~I~-~?~-~-~?~-~]5~-~?.-~ ~ ~ ~.-~72~~? ~ ~ ~?; 5.49,8.~ 764557 ~1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 233 DECEMBER 6.-Vote on State Senators. Republicans are marked with a star. FIRST DISTRICT. Names.: H. N. Seaver*. 424 1 T. A. Osborn *............................................................. 483 130 C. H. Hatcher............................................................. 423......... X. K.'Stout............................................................................................... 353......... SECOND DISTRICT. Names. r John A. M artin *............................................................ 644 266 910 290 H. R. Dutton*........................................................ 628 297 925 2499 Samuel W. Wade................................................. 574 46 620......... G. O. Chase................................................................. 596 80 676......... THIRD DISTRICT. Names. I R. W. Terry*................................................ 40 109 149 21 J. E. Clardy................................................. 63 65 128......... FOURTH DISTRICT. Names. S. D. Houston*..................................................................... 136 233 369 242 S. D. HIouston *.136 233 369 242 W. H. Herbert..................................................................... 33 94 127......... FIFTH DISTRICT. Names. J. M. Hubbard*................................................................... 35 109 144 5 Robert Reynolds................................................. 122 17 139......... SIXTH DISTRICT. Names.. H.W. Farnsworth*................................................... 492 325.167 984 257 Edward Lynde *........................................ 515 318 168 1001 409 C. K. Holliday................................................... 253 306 168 727......... G. A. Buck............................... 144 280 168 592......... 234 ANNALS OF KANSAS.' [1859. SEVENTH DISTRICT. N mames.I o John H. McDowell.................................................................. 1445 483 H. B. Denman...................................................................... 1424 435 Jesse Connell.............................................................................. 1328 290 David H. Bailey*...................................................... 962......... Matt. Franc e*..................................................................... Jas. L. McDowell*.................................................................................... 1038......... EIGHTH DISTRICT. Names. t John Lockhart.................................................................. 1081 297 1378 630 Josiah M iller*...................................................................... 1020 303 1323 594 Robert Morrow *.................................................. 1068 308 1376 609 O. B. Gunn*........................................................................ 1072 306 1378 635 A. S. Devenney.................................................................... 327 421 748......... S. O. Hemmenway.................................................. 305 424 729......... S. K. Huson.......343..................................................343 424 767....... G. W. Veale.......................................................................... 319 424 743......... NINTH DISTRICT. Names. - a. J. C. Burnett*.................................................... 270 218 314 802 341 J. F. Broadhead*....................................................... 275 201 311 787 321 J. A. Phillips *......................................................... 275 217 287 779 304 Geo. A. Crawford 141 140 180 461......... Harry Torrey............................................................ 140 132 194 466......... Jos. H. Barlow.............................. 140 147 188 475......... TENTH DISTRICT. Names.... 3 P. P. Elder*............................................................ 169 161 239 569 289 W m. Spriggs*.............................................................169 172 246 587 233 W m. Pennock........................ 76 81 123 280......... John R. Goodin................................. 139 84 131 354......... ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Names. S. E. Hoffman*.................................................. 17 45 62 8 Russell Austin.............................................................. 30 30......... John L. Dunn...........................38.........8 16 54.........16 54 1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 235 TWELFTH DISTRICT. C.__ J. W. Kerrlt.....................................................................409 221 9 639 408 E. P. Bancroft*......................................................... 383 229 12 624 410 R. M. Ruggles............................................................131 98 2 231. John J. Sanders........................................................ 114 98 2 214. t Kerr died before the session, and H. S. Sleeper was chosen to the vacancy. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. Names. a S. N. Wood*...................................................... 106 55 161 101 H. J. Espy............................. 8 52 60. The vote for Representatives is not announced in the official paper, the Atchison Champion, but a note states that it did not vary materially from that for Senators. The returns are not on file in the Secretary of State's office..First District.-T. P. Herrick, F. W. Emery, A. Lowe, Republicans; W. C. Kimber, Democrat. Second District.-William H. Grimes, E. P. Lewis, Thomas Butcher, C. B. Keith, A. Elliott, Ira Smith, Republicans. Third District. —David C. Auld, D. E. Ballard, Republicans. Feburth District.-Ambrose W. Mussey, Thomas Price, William H. Smith, F. N. Blake, Republicans. Fifth District. —Earnest Hoheneck, Abner Allen, Republicans; E. J. Lines, Democrat. Sixth District. —Henry Buckmaster, Jerome Kunkel, John E. Moore, S. R. Caniff, H. Heberling, H. W. Curtis, A. Ray, William E. Bowker, Republicans. Seventh District.- R. P. (C. Wilson, W. P. Gambell, John Benz, Isaac E. Eaton, N. Humher, L. T. Smith, John D. Crafton, Charles Starns, Jameg M. Calvert, Democrats. Eighth District.-Amasa Soule, James B. Abbott, E. D. Thompson, W. D. Blackford, D. M. Alexander, Oliver Barber, L. Woodard, J. C. Bartlett, James F. Legate, J. E. Corliss, J. E. Hayes, James McGrew, Alfred Gray, Republicans. Ninth District.-J. F. Neal, Horatio Knowles, S. B. Mayhern, J. A. Jones, Andrew Stark, J. W. Stewart, Abram Ellis, Cyrus Tator, Gustavus A. Colton, Republicans. Tenth District.-W. W. H. Lawrence, Jacob Marcell, W. F. M. Arny, S. J. Crawford, B. L. G. Stone, N. B. Blanton, Republicans. Eleventh District.- George H. Lillie, Alanson K. Hawkes, Republicans. Twelfth District.- 0. H. Sheldon, B. Wheat, W. R. Sanders, G. A. Cutler, R. W. Cloud, G. H. Rees, Republicans. Thirteenth District.-A. J. Chipman, P. G. D. Morton, Republicans. Fourteenth District. —John S. Rackliff, Republican. RECAPITULATION. Republicans. Democrats. Senate........................................................................................ 22 3 House........................................................................................ 64 11 Total..............................'............................................ 86 14 DECEMBER 6.-Election of District Judges under the Wyandotte Constitution: FIRST DISTRICT. ~Coe~~unties. ~ WilliamC. George W.__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ McDowell. Gardiner. Jackson ~~..... r.............~~~~~~~ 182 169 Jefferson.............................................................. 295 316 Leavenworth............................................................................... 1428 964 Total..................................................................... 1905 1449.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.1.0_5 236 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1859. SECOND DISTRICT. _ _.. Counties.. Atchison..................................................... 631 599...... Brown...................................................... 274 80...... M arshall...................................................................................... 40 4 63 Nemaha................................................................................... 129 46...... Doniphan.................................................................................... 466 359...... Total.................................................................................... 1560 1.088 63 THIRD DISTRICT. Counties. Davis and Dickinson........................................................... 29 119 15 Pottawatomie....................................................................................... 31 120 Riley................................................... 10 140 177 W abaunsee.................................................... 93 16 14 Shawnee.................................................................................. 458 79 136 Total.............................................................. 590 385 462 FOURTH DISTRICT. Counties. Z Allen.................................................................................................... 172 136 Anderson............................... 142 97 Bourbon................................................7.................................... 273 140 Douglas......................................... 941 454 Franklin............................................................................................... 232 138 Johnson................................................................................... 304 423 Linn...................................................................................................... 193 152 Lykins......... 311 192 Total.................................................................................................. 2568 1732 FIFTH DISTRICT. Counties. -7' Breckinridge............................170 323 Chase....................................................................................96......... 96 31 Greenwood 22 7 Hunter.........................3.................................................................... 3 18 Madison..............................................................................17 37 Coffey 167 143 Morris...............................................................50 32 Osage..................................................................................................... 13 1 W oodson.........................................78 15 Total.................................................................................................. 616 607 '1859.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 237 DECEMBER 25.-A book published with this title: "The Public Life of Capt. John Brown, by James Redpath, with an Autobiography of his Childhood and Youth. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge." pp. 407. The author returns thanks to Dr. Thomas H. Webb, of Boston, and Richard J. Hinton, of Kansas, for assistance in preparing the book. It is an earnest and sincere book, and an enthusiastic defence of John Brown's character and acts. It contains much Kansas history, of which Mr. Redpath was an eye-witness. This is the most radical Kansas book published up to this time. Redpath believed that Slavery was a crime, and that. it was as much an evil by all means to be put down as murder was, or any other villany. The book had a great sale, and must have convinced as well as startled thousands of men. Like Brown's heroic martyrdom, it hastened the day of emancipation. His statement of Brown's connexion with the Pottawatomie murders is the same as Sanborn's, and is as follows: "On the 2d of November, 1859, Judge Russell, of Boston, and his wife, arrived in Charlestown, and had an interview with John Brown. The Judge spoke of the charge preferred by an Administration journalist in Kansas against the Captain, which accused him of having killed the Ruffians of Pottawatomie. The old man declared that he did not, in any way, participate in their execution; but thought here, in jail, as he had believed in Kansas, that the act was just and necessary." John Brown's understanding of Christianity is well shown by the following incident: "Brown was visited yesterday by Rev. James H. March, of the M. E. Church. The reverend gentleman having advanced an argument in favor of the institution of Slavery as it now exists, Brown replied to him, saying,'My dear sir, you know nothing about Christianity; you will have to learn the A B C's in the lesson of Christianity, as I find you entirely ignorant of the meaning of the word. I of course respect you as a gentleman, but it is as a heathen gentleman."' On the first of November, 1859, Captain Brown was brought into Court to receive the sentence of death. Here is his last speech: "I have, may it please the Court, a few words to say. "In the first place, I deny everything but what I have all along admitted-the design on my part to free the slaves. I intended certainly to have made a clear thing of that matter, as I did last winter, when I went into Missouri, and there took slaves without the snapping of a gun on either side, moved them through the country, and finally left them in Canada. I designed to have done the same thing again, on a larger scale. That was all I intended. I never did intend murder, or treason, or the destruction of property, or to excite or incite slaves to rebellion, or to make insurrection. "I have another objection: and that is, it is unjust that I should suffer such a penalty. Had I interfered in the manner which I admit, and which I admit has been fairly proved -(for I admire the truthfulness and candor of the greater portion of the witnesses who have testified in this case)-had I so interfered in behalf of the rich, the powerful, the intelligent, the so-called great, or in behalf of any of their friends, either father, mother, brother, sister, wife, or children, or any of that class, and suffered and sacrificed what I have in this interference, it would have been all right, and every man in this Court would have deemed it an act worthy of reward rather than punishment. "This Court acknowledges, as I suppose, the validity of the Law of God. I see a book kissed here which I suppose to be the Bible, or, at least, the New Testament. That teaches me that all things' whatsoever I would that men should do unto me I should do even so to them.' It teaches me further, to'remember them that are in bonds as bound with them.' I endeavored to act up to that instruction. I say, I am yet too young to understand that God is any respecter of persons. I believe that to have interfered as I have done, as I have always freely admitted I have done, in behalf of His despised poor, was not wrong, but right. Now, if it is deemed necessary that I should 238 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1860. forfeit my life for the furtherance of the ends of justice, and mingle my blood further with the blood of my children, and with the blood of millions in this slave country whose rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments —I submit: so let it be done. "Let me say one word further. "I feel entirely satisfied with the treatment I have received on my trial. Considering all the circumstances, it has been more generous than I expected. But I feel no consciousness of guilt. I have stated from the first what was my intention and what was not. I never had any design against the life of any person, nor any disposition to commit treason, or excite slaves to rebel, or make any general insurrection. I never encouraged any man to do so, but always discouraged any idea of that kind. " Let me say, also, a word in regard to the statements made by some of those connected with me. I hear it has been stated by some of them that I have induced them to join me. But the contrary is true. I do not say this to injure them, but as regretting their weakness. There is not one of them but joined me of his own accord, and the greater part at their own expense. A number of them I never saw, and never had a word of conversation with, till the day they came to me, and that was for the purpose I have stated. "Now I have done." 18 60. JANUARY 2.-Legislature meets at Lecompton. Message from Governor Medary. It reviews the legislation of the last session, points out defects, and urges needed amendments. "The utmost peace and quiet has pervaded the whole Territory." The following is a list of the members (Democrats in Italic, and Republicans in Roman): COUNCIL. 1st District..................... Geo.. Beebe. 8th District..................Jas. M. Hendry. 2d District..................... W. J. Marion. 9th District..................P. P. Elder. 3d District............ W. G. Mathias. 10th District.................. C. G. Keeler. 4th District.....................J M. Christison. 11th District..................W. W. Updegraff. 5th District.....................L. R. Palmer. 12th District...............Watson Stewart. 6th District.....................J. B. Woodward.'* 13th District..................John C. Lambdin. 7th District....................Chester Thomas. REPRESENTATIVES. (. B. Whitehead. 14th District......... W. H. Fitzpatrick. 1st District.................- Thos. Vanderslice.. S. R. Canid. (Hugh Robertson. (Paul R. Brooks....2d Distrct. F. Lombard. 15th District............... Wm. A. Rankin. Wm. Noel. Erastus Heath. Pascal S. Parks. h Chas. Sims. l Fred. Brown.. 16t District............... L. S. Cornwall. John Wright. 17th District..................G. A. Colton. John C. Murphy. 18th District..................J. H. Jones. 4th District................. A. Blake. 19th District..................Wm.. WTagstaff. Edward Lynde. 20th District.......... Thomas Lindsay. 5th District.................. A. Bartlett. 21st District..................Henry Shively. 6th District..................Byron Steward. 22d........... D t O. H. Sheldon. 7th District.................... L. Me th. G. W. Nelson. 8th District....................H. R. Dutton. 23d District..................Sam'l N. Wood. 9th District....................Morton Cave. 24th District..................P. G. D. Morton. 10th District....................J. S. Magill. 25th District..................John W. Scott. 11th District................. Dan. L. Chandler. 26th District..................Horatio Knowles. 12th District....................Robert Reynolds. 27th Dist. (Pike's Peak)..R. Sopris. 13th District....................Steph. G. Elliott. The Council consisted of 9 Republicans and 4 Democrats, and the House of 23 Republicans and 16 Democrats. Officers of the Council: W. W. Updegraff, President; John J. Ingalls, Clerk; A. Cutler, Assistant Clerk; H. M. Selden, Sergeant-at-Arms; J. K. Rankin, Doorkeeper. Oficers of the House: Speaker, G. A. Colton; Chief Clerk, M. W. Delahay; 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS.. 239 Assistant Clerk, N. J. Chipman; Sergeant-at-Arms, G. F. WVarren; Doorkeeper, William House; Docket Clerk, John W. Day; Engrossing Clerk, J. L. Wilson; Enrolling Clerk, Andrew Stark; Journal Clerk, H. C. Chase; Second Assistant Clerk, Samuel F. Tappan. JANUARY 4. —Report received from S. W. Greer, Superintendent of Schools. It is a long and interesting paper. The following table is copied from it: ABSTRACT OF ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORTS OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS.;~~~a t'. o C. _ ifC Vi i Anderson............................ 13 558 227 25 12 $371 60 $300 00 $497 09 Bourbon.............................. 7 74........12 6...... Douglas............................. 36 1,805... 92 33 860 33 950 00 7 44 Franklin.............................. 10 226....... 7..........3.................. Jackson................................ 11 396.................... Jefferson.............................. 18 447 183 33 12 456 34 787 50 15 50 Johnson............................... 25 543 274 36 16 1,308 00............... 8 44 Leavenworth........................ 32 1,436 730 60 24 3,368 75 4,816 17 8 18 Lykins................................ 11 144 52 21 9........................ 60 00 Nemaha.............................. 6 180 180 20 8...................................... Osage................................... 2............................. Pottaatomie...................... 182..... 9 00....... 00....... 30 00 Shawnee.............................. 14.................................. Brown....................... 4 204 95 15 2 980 00 3 80.... Atchison.............................. 24 591 396 33..... 700 00............... 3,675 00 Doniphan............................ 3 165 4............ Total...........................222 7,029 2,087 351 136 $7,045 23 $6,233 67 6,883 50 The Legislature votes to adjourn to Lawrence. JANUARY 5.-Milton R. Benton is given the seat in the Council occupied by W. J. Marion, as a member from the Second District. JANUARY 5.-Message from the Governor vetoing the joint resolution adjourning the Legislature to Lawrence. The House passes the resolution over the veto by 22 to 7. The Council, on the 6th, passed the resolution by 9 to 4. JANUARY 7.-The Legislature meets at Lawrence. JANUARY 18.-The House votes, by 33 to 1, to adjourn; the Council concurs, by 6 to 3. -Geo. G. Pierce is awarded the seat of Mr. Magill, in the House, as the member from the Tenth District. -The Council Journal of this Session contains 95 pages; the House Journal 162 pages. The journals of the session immediately following are published separately, as of a new Legislature, and are voluminous. JANUARY 18. —W. F. M. Arny before the Harper's Ferry Committee, in Washington. JANUARY 18.-Gov. Medary issues a proclamation summoning the Legislature to meet at Lecompton on the 19th. JANUARY 19.-Meeting of the Legislature at Lecompton. Both houses re-elect their recent officers. They vote to adjourn to Lawrence. 240 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1860;. JANUARY 20. —Message from the Governor. Report received from Auditor Strickler. The Governor vetoes the bill adjourning to Lawrence. It is passed over the veto. JANUARY 21.-The Legislature meets at Lawrence. The Census Report is published in the Council Journal, pp. 136-40, and the Report of Treasurer Mitchell on pages 140-42. He reports $90,600 issued in Claim bonds to redeem Claim warrants.' FEBRUARY 1.-Wm. Pennington, of New Jersey, is elected Speaker of the House, by the Republicans, on the 44th ballot, receiving 117 votes, to 116 for all others. Sherman withdrew as a candidate. -A Kansas Historical Society is organized at Lawrence. Samuel A. Kingman delivers the address. FEBRUARY 6.-Telegraph completed to St. Joseph, via Leavenworth and Atchison, by C. M. Stebbins & Co. FEBRUARY 7.-Ground broken on the "Kansas Central" Railroad, at Wyandotte. -A Legislative Committee reports 97,570 as the population of Kansas. The census as made to and reported by the Governor gave a population of 71,770. FEBRUARY 11.-Mr. Beebe, Democrat, makes a report against the bill abolishing slavery, as follows: "A minority of your Committee, to whom was referred House Bill No. 6,'An Act to prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude in the Territory of Kansas,' having had the same under consideration, and having found that there is now invested in this Territory between one-fourth and one-half a million of dollars' worth of property in slaves; and believing that the immediate prohibition of an existing right of property in any given article is beyond either the legislative power of the States or Territories, as contravening the letter and spirit of articles four and five of the'Amendments' to the Federal Constitution, recommend to your honorable body the ildefinite postponement of the said bill. G. M. BEEBE, a Minority of your Committee." The Council pass the bill by 9 to 4, the noes being Beebe, Christison, Keeler, and Mathias. FEBRUARY 14.-The President of the U. S. Senate presents the Constitution of Kansas, framed at Wyandotte. FEBRUARY 17.-The Governor appoints, and the Senate confirms, H. J. Strickler as Auditor. FEBRUARY 20.-A very long message from Gov. Medary vetoing the bill abolishing Slavery. He quotes the act organizing the Territory, and says: "You claim, under this declaration in the Organic Act, the right to prohibit Slavery in the Territory of Kansas. By so doing, you mistake both the words and the meaning, and misconceive the true spirit of the text." It is passed over the veto by the following vote: IN THE HOUSE-Yeas: Messrs. Brown, Bartlett, Brooks, Chandler, Caniff, Cornwall, Cave, Dutton, Elliott, Fitzpatrick, Heath, Jones, Knowles, Lindsay, Morton, Nelson, Parks, Pierce, Robertson, Rankin, Steward, Sims, Shively, Sheldon, Scott, Sopris, Wagstaff, Wood, and Mr. Speaker Colton. Nays: Messrs. Lombard, Murphy, McMath, Noel, Reynolds, Vanderslice, and Whitehead. IN THE COUNCIL —Yeas: Messrs. Updegraff (President), Benton, Lambdin, Thomas, Hendry, Woodward, Palmer, Stewart, and Elder. Nays: Messrs. Christison, Beebe, Keeler, and Mathias. FEBRUARY 20.-Report of the Special Committee on the Claims Com 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 241 mission; published in House Journal, page 481. A full statement is given of the Territorial bonds issued for claim warrants, and all the facts relating to the transaction. On page 531, a copy is given of the bonds issued. Wm. H. Fitzpatrick issued a minority report, which led to the defeat of the bond scheme. - Gov. Robinson before the Harper's Ferry Committee. FEBRUARY 22.-Railroad completed from St. Joseph to Atchison. FEBRUARY 27.-Lincoln's Cooper Institute speech. The N. Y. Tribune said: "No man ever made such an impression on his first appeal to a New York audience." FEBRUARY 27. —The Legislature adjourns. The volume of general laws contains 264 pages. Among the Acts passed were the following: Authorizing Doniphan, Douglas, Johnson, and Leavenworth counties, and Leavenworth City, to issue bonds; the name of McGee county is changed to Cherokee; the eastern boundary of Neosho county is defined; the lines are changed of Davis, Chase and Butler counties; Dickinson, Clay, Greenwood, Irving, Marion, Otoe, Peketon, Republic, Shirley, Ottawa, Saline and Washington counties are organized; defining judicial districts; to prohibit the recording bf deeds in Land District Recorders' offices, and to secure their record in the office of the Register of Deeds; abolishing slavery. The volume of private laws contains 455 pages. Among the cities incorporated are Denver and Auraria (now in Colorado), Burlingame, Paola, and Troy; among the towns are Alma., Bellemont, Carlyle, Fort Scott, Iola, Irving, Louisville, Marion, Neosho Falls, Osawatomie, Ottumwa, and Stanton. Forty-three bills are passed granting divorces. FEBRUARY 29. —Senator Seward delivers an elaborate.speech in favor of the immediate admission of Kansas. -This was a very dry year. Large amounts of money and goods were sent from the North and East for the relief of Kansas, and were chiefly distributed by S. C. Pomeroy, at Atchison. The Legislature of New York appropriated $50,000; an appropriation was also made by the Wisconsin Legislature, and every Free State contributed generously. MARCH 15.-The Topeka Record publishes a long letter from Governor Robinson in regard to his testimony before the Harper's Ferry Committee. He says: "Not one word of my testimony can be construed against the Free-State party; on the contrary, I fully endorsed that party, with all its actions, and it will so appear in the testimony, if ever-printed." MARCH 16.-Aaron D. Stevens and Albert IHazlett, John Brown's men, executed at Charlestown, Virginia. James Montgomery and a few of his men went from Kansas to rescue these men from prison, but were prevented by the deep snow. Thomas W. Higginson organized a New England and New York party, and they met Montgomery at Harrisburg. MARCH 20.-Reports of a raid by Missourians in Bourbon county. MARCH 20.-Iron arrives in Kansas, and track-laying begins on the Elwood and Marysville Railroad. This is the first railroad iron laid down on Kansas soil. MARCH 25.-James E. Jones, of Fort Scott, takes the office of Register, at the Lecompton Land Office, in place of Ely Moore, deceased. 16 242 ANNALS OF KANSAS.' [1860. MARCH 26.-Wm. A. Phillips writes from Lawrence to the Topeka Record, denying that he was engaged in John Brown's revolutionary plans; accusing Governor Robinson of giving his peculiar testimony in order to secure land grants; giving M. F. Conway the credit for repudiating the bogus Missouri Legislature of 1855; and regretting that the Topeka movement was abandoned by the Grasshopper Falls Convention, and the Territorial Government taken possession of. MARCH 27.-Democratic Convention at Atchison.'Dr. W. R. Crane, of Doniphan, President; James A. Burton, of Leavenworth, Secretary. The following Delegates were elected to the Charleston National Convention: John A. Halderman, Isaac E. Eaton, John P. Slough, and H. Miles Moore, Leavenworth; George M. Beebe, Doniphan; Charles W. Blair, Bourbon; William Weer, Wyandotte; Jvames Christian, Douglas; Charles Sims, Johnson; Robert B. Mitchell, Linn; Cyrus'K. Holliday, Shawnee; Robert Wilson, Riley. The Convention passed the following resolutions: "Resolved, That the law prohibiting Slavery in this Territory, recently passed by the Republican party in the Territorial Legislature, is in disregard of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, in contravention of the Constitutional rights of fifteen of the States of this Union, and calculated to weaken the bonds of the Union. "Resolved, That Samuel Medary, Governor of this Territory, in vetoing this unconstitutional law, and Messrs. Noel, Lombard, Beebe, Mathias, Christison, Keeler, Murphy, Reynolds, Whitehead, Vanderslice, and McMath, members of the Territorial Assembly of Kansas, in sustaining by their v6tes the Governor's veto, have deserved well of the Democracy of Kansas and of their whole country." MARCH 29.-Mr. Grow, from the Committee on Territories, recommends the admission of Kansas into the Union, under the Wyandotte Constitution. The following is copied from the report: "As to population, if there was any doubt on that point, your committee regard it as waived by the action of Congress. A majority of both houses, on the 13th day of April, A. D. 1858, declared by vote that there was sufficient population within the limits now proposed for Kansas to enable it to be admitted as a Slave State; and certainly that same population increased by two years' immigration should be, in the judgment of your committee, sufficient for a Free State, unless Congress proposes to establish one rule as to population for the admission of Slave States, and another and a different one for Free States. " Your committee, therefore, deem it unnecessary to enquire into the precise number of the present population of Kansas, for if under ordinary circumstances there could be any objections on that point, they have, so far as Kansas is concerned, been twice waived by the action of Congress. In addition to the instance just cited, the House of Representatives four years ago passed an act for the admission of the State; and the Senate passed an act for the immediate formation of a State Government, in order to such admission, without regard to population. Since the first action of Congress the population has more than doubled, and has increased very largely since the last." J. B. Clark, Democrat, of Missouri, in the House, presents a minority report. APRIL 2.-Leavenworth appropriates money to survey the Smoky Hill route to Pike's Peak. -Frank M. Tracy, of the Elwood Press, becomes editor of the St. Joseph Free Democrat. APRIL 3.-The first Pony Express leaves St. Joseph for San Francisco. It is a weekly express. 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 243 APRIL 4.-Frank B. Sanborn, of Concord, Mass., an officer of the Kansas Emigrant Aid Society, and a confidential friend of John Brown, arrested to appear before the Harper's Ferry Committee, is released by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. APRIL 11.-The House votes to admit Kansas under the Wyandotte Constitution: Yeas: Charles F. Adams, Adrain, Aldrich, Allen, Alley, Ashley, Babbitt, Barr, Barrett, Beale, Bingham, Blair,. Blake, Brayton, Briggs, Buffinton, Burch, Burlingame, Burnham, Butterfield, Campbell, Carey, Carter, Case, Horace F. Clark, Clark B. Cochrane, John Cochrane, Colfax, Conkling, Cooper, Corwin, Covode, Cox, Curtis, Dawes, Delano, Duell, Dunn, Edgerton, Edwards, Eliot, Ely, Etheridge, Farnsworth, Fenton, Ferry, Florence, Foster, Fouke, Frank, French, Gooch, Grow, Gurley, Hale, Hall, Haskin, Helmick, Hickman, Hoard, Holman, Howard, Humphrey, Hutchins, Irvine, Junkin, Francis W. Kellogg, William Kellogg,. Kenyon, Kilgore, Killinger, Larrabee, DeWitt C. Leach, Lee, Logan, Longenecker, Loomis, Lovejoy, Marston, Charles D. Martin, McClernand, McKean, McKnight, McPherson, Montgomery, Moorhead, Morrill, Edward Joy Morris, Isaac N. Morris, Morse, Niblack, Nixon, Olin, Palmer, Pendleton, Perry, Pettit, Porter, Potter, Pottle, Rice, Riggs, Christopher Robinson, James C. Robinson, Royce, Schwartz, Scranton, Sedgwick, Spaulding, Spinner, Stanton, Stevens, William Stewart, Stout, Stratton, Tappan, Thayer, Theaker, Thompkins, Train, Trimble, Vallandigham, Vandever, Verre, Waldron, Walton, Cadwallader C. Washburn, Elihu B. Washburne, Israel Washburne, Webster, Wells, Wilson, Windom, Wood, and Woodruff-134. Nays: Green Adams, Thomas L. Anderson, William C. Anderson, Ashmore, Avery, Barksdale, Bocock, Bonham, Boteler, Boyce, Brabson, Branch, Bristow, Burnett, John B. Clark, Clopton, Cobb, James Craig, Burton Craige, Crawford, Curry, Davidson, H. Winter Davis, Edmundson, English, Garnett, Gartrell, Gilmer, Hamilton, Hardeman, John T. Harris, Hatton, Hawkins, Hill, Hindman, Houston, Hughes, Jackson, Jenkins, Jones, Keitt, Lamar, James M. Leach, Leake, Love, Mallory, Maynard, McQueen, McRae, Miles, Millson, Laban T. Moore, Sydenham Moore, Nelson, Noell, Pugh, Quarles, Reagan, Ruffin, Scott, Sickles, Simms, Singleton, William Smith, William N. H. Smith, Stallworth, Stevensonf Stokes, Thomas, Vance, Whiteley, Winslow, and Woodson -73. APRIL 11.-Republican Convention at Lawrence to elect Delegates to the Chicago National Convention, and to select Presidential Electors. Called to order by A. C. Wilder. Temporary Officers: Edward Lynde, of Jefferson, Chairman; John J. Ingalls, of Atchison, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: John A. Martin, Geo. W. Gardiner, James Fletcher, J. C. Burnett, J. C. Lambdin, S. N. Wood, L. R. Palmer. The following is a list of delegates: Doniphan County. —J. B. Maynard, H. Housel, T. P. Herrick, G. H. Robb, and J. B. Wheeler. Atchison. —John A. Martin, E. B. Grimes, H. L. Davis, E. P. Lewis, and J. J. Ingalls. Brown. —Dr. H. Seaborn. Marshall and Pottawatomnie.- L. R. Palmer. Clay, Dickinson and Davis.- J. B. Woodward. 244 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1860. Riley.- J. W. Robinson and D. L. Chandler. Wabaunsee.- C. B. Lines. Shawnee.- R. M. Fish, Dr. James Fletcher, L. Dow, and Chester Thomas. Jefferson. —E. Lynde and George M. Dix. Leavenworth.-A. C. Wilder, G. W. Gardiner, G. W. Still, E. McCrillus, Wm. Tholen, A. W. McCauslin, O. E. Brecklin, A. Soule, and George Dickinson. Douglas.-Wm. A. Phillips, Michael Oswald, J. H. Shimmons, J. C. Steele, J. H. Johnson, and D. M. Alexander. Johnson.-J. E. Hayes, J. T. Burris, and J. F. Legate. Wyandotle.- G. E. Budington and S. A. Cobb. Lyikins.-W. W. Updegraff, A. J. Shannon, and W. J. McCowan. Linn.-Captain James Montgomery. Bourbon. —J. C. Burnett and P. Hutchins. Anderson.- J. R. Eaton and Dr. R. Gilpatrick. Franklin.-W. W. H. Lawrence and P. P. Elder. Madison.- L. L. Jones, of Lawrence. Coffey.- Orville L. Ford. Osage.- H. D. Preston. Breckinridge.- M. Bailey and J. Stotler. Morris. —S. N. Wood. Chase, Greenwood, ahd Hunter. —P. G. D. Morton. Butler, —J. C. Lambdin. Arapahoe. —John Mack. Nemaha, Jackson, Allen, and Woodson.-Not represented. Committee on Permanent Organization: Messrs. T. P. Herrick, E. B. Grimes, G. W. Gardiner, G. W. Still, H. Seaborn, L. B. Woodward, M. Bailey, J. H. Johnson, P. P. Elder, J. F. Legate, A. J. Shannon, P. Hutchins, and P. G. D. Morton. Central Committee: A. Larzelere, E. P. Lewis, A. C. Wilder, E. Lynde, A. Bartlett, S. N. Wood, E. P. Bancroft, Wm. A. Phillips, W. J. McCowan, J. E. Jones, O. E. Learnard. The Committee on Permanent Organization reported the following as permanent officers of the Convention: President, E. Lynde; Vice Presidents, J. B. Maynard, E. McCrillus, and C. B. Lines; Secretaries, J. Stotler and J. E. Hayes. On motion of Mr. Martin, the Convention proceeded to ballot for five Delegates. On motion, Messrs. Martin and Budington were appointed tellers. Several gentlemen were put in nomination, when the balloting was commenced, the first of which resulted as follows: A. C. Wilder received 58 votes; John A. Martin, 48; W. W. Ross, 41; Win. A. Phillips, 48; A. G. Proctor, 39; F. N. Blake, 33; J. C. Burnett, 29; J. B. Wheeler, 23; C. Chadwick, 24; L. R. Palmer, 16; scattering, 7. On motion of Dr. J. W. Robinson, the five gentlemen having the highest number of votes were declared elected by acclamation. On motion of Mr. Phillips, John P. Hatterscheidt was elected as an additional Delegate to the Chicago Convention. Mr. Phillips was then called upon the stand and made a few remarks, taking strong ground for Mr. Seward for the next President. He closed by offering a resolution, which,was adopted with but one or two dissenting voices: "Resolved, That Wm. H. Seward is the first representative man of the Republican party, and the first choice of the Republicans of Kansas for the Presidency in 1860." 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 245 Mr. Fish moved that the Convention now proceed to elect three Presidential Electors for the State of Kansas. Carried. The Chair appointed Messrs. Updegraff and Elder as tellers. The first ballot resulted as follows: T. Dwight Thacher, 48; R. Gilpatrick, 41; C. B. Lines, 48; Gardiner, 24; McKay, 24; Seaver, 22; scattering, 6. The three gentlemen receiving the highest number of votes were declared elected. Mr. Phillips offered a series of resolutions denouncing certain "Territorial bonds and warrants, issued for claims allowed under the commission created and authorized by the Legislature of.1859;" and charging the Territorial officers with "palpable perversions of duty in giving these evidences of Territorial indebtedness for such claims," and calling for "a committee of five to ascertain the precise amount of bonds issued on such claims, and to publish a notification in the Territorial and New York city papers, warning indocent purchasers from investing their means in these spurious bonds, which the people of Kansas have never authorized and do not wish to be responsible for." These resolutions called forth an excited discussion, which lasted several hours, and was participated in by several members of the Convention. The result was the adoption of the following as a substitute, offered by Mr. C. B. Lines: "Whereas, The Executive officers of this Territory have issued a large amount of bonds and warrants, purporting to be based upon certain claims for losses during the war and troubles in Kansas, and in satisfaction of said claims: therefore, "Resolved, That we believe said bonds and warrants were issued without authority of law, and that the issue thereof involves a gross act of infidelity on the part of public officers to the people of the Territory, and a fraud upon the public.'Resolved, That while we recognize the validity of the claims aforesaid, as against the General Government, so far as they have been or may be established by authority of law, we denounce as unjust and absurd, any attempt that has been, or may be made to collect the first dime of the amount from the people of this Territory." Organization of the State Central Committee, and address of its members: A. C. Wilder, Chairman, Leavenworth City; E. P. Bancroft, Secretary, Emporia, Breckinridge county; A. Larzelere, Wathena, Doniphan tounty; Wm. A. Phillips, Lawrence, Douglas county; E. P. Lewis, Sumner, Atchison county; E. Lynde, Grasshopper Falls, Jefferson county; A. Bartlett, St. George, Pottawatomie county; S. N. Wood, Council Grove, Morris county; W. H. H. Lawrence, Minneola, Franklin county; Geo. E. Budington, Quindaro, Wyandotte county; W. J. McCowan, Stanton, Lykins county; J. H. Jones, Twin Springs, Linn county; 0. E. Learnard, Burlington, Coffey county. APRIL 20."On Friday, April 20th, Deputy U. S. Marshal L. Arms was shot by John Ritchie, at.Topeka, and immediately expired. The cause of this fatal encounter was the attempt by Arms to arrest Ritchie for an alleged offence committed during the political troubles of 1856. The arrest was in direct violation of the Amnesty Act passed by the Legislature of 1859, and Ritchie had often declared that he would not submit to any such illegal seizure of his personf. A preliminary examination was had before Justice Miller on the 21st inst. Ritchie was defended by Lorenzo Dow, J. H. Lane and A. Winants, Esqs., 246 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1860. and was discharged. We hope that this is the last of these old and infamous accusations. The citizens at Topeka have held a meeting and passed resolutions approving of Ritchie's defence of his life and liberty."-Elwood Free Press, April 28th. APRIL 28.-The Elwood Free Press of this date says: "On Monday last, April 23d, the Directors of the Elwood and Marysville R. R. placed on their track the locomotive'Albany,' an engine which has been used from Boston to the Missouri, as railroads have successively stretched their length toward the setting sun. "On Tuesday, several cars were brought across the river, and a large concourse of people gathered to celebrate the actual opening of the first section of the Great Pacific Road. Col. M. Jeff. Thompson, President of the Elwood and Marysville road; Willard P. Hall, President of the St. Joseph and Topeka road; Gov. Robert M. Stewart, of Missouri, and others, addressed the crowd on the great topic of the day." APRIL 28.- Sixth day of the National Democratic Convention, at Charleston. Delegates from the Southern Stated secede. MAY 1. —George M. Beebe appointed Secretary in place of Hugh S. Walsh. MAY:7.-Mr. Wade's motion, in the Senate, to take up the bill for the admission of Kansas, defeated by the following vote: Yeas: Anthony, Bigler, Bingham, Cameron, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Dixon, Doolittle, Durkee, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Hamlin, Harlan, King, Seward, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, and Wilson-26. Nays: Bayard, Benjamin, Bragg, Bright, Brown, Chestnut, Clingman, Davis, Fitch, Fitzpatrick, Green, Gwin, Hammond, Hemphill, Hunter, Iverson, Andrew Johnson, Lane, Latham, Mallory, Mason, Nicholson, Pierce, Polk, Powell, Rice, Sebastian, Slidell, Thompson, Toombs, Wigfall, and Yulee-32. MAY 16-18.-The Republican National Convention, at Chicago, nominates Abraham Lincoln for President, and Hannibal Hamlin for Vice President. The following were planks in the platform adopted: " 10. That in the recent vetoes, by their Federal Governors, of the acts of the Legislatures of Kansas and Nebraska, prohibiting Slavery in those Territories, we find a practical illustration of the boasted Democratic principle of Non-Intervention and Popular Sovereignty, embodied in the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and a demonstration of the deception andtfraud involved therein. " 11. That Kansas should, of right, -be immediately admitted as a State under the Constitution recently formed and adopted by her people, and accepted by the House of Representatives." MAY 19.-Solon 0. Thacher retires from the Lawrence Republican. -The Emporia News is enlarged. It is published by P. B. Plumb, Jacob Stotler, and Dudley Randall. MAY 30.-John B. Floyd, Secretary of War, writes to Jeff. Davis, chairman of the Military Committee of the Senate, recommending a wagon-road from Fort Leavenworth, along the Smoky Hill fork, to Denver City. -Treaty with the Delawares. Eighty acres are assigned to each member of the tribe, to be held in severalty. The Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company to have the preference of purchasing the remainder of the Delaware land, at not less than $1.25 an acre. 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 247 JUNE 1.POPULATION OF KANSAS, JUNE 1, 1860, AS TAKEN BY THE MARSHAL OF THE TERRITORY. Counpties. r tionla Cattle. Swine. Horses. Mules. Sheep. Leavenworth........................................ 12,900 4,970 10,138 1,208 117 1,600 Douglas............................................... 9, 207 7, 977 10, 674 1, 836 115 614 Doniphan................................ 8,148 5,105 12, 700 1,175 73 1,953 Atchison.............................................. 7,747 6,042 7,300 972 74 1, 539 Linn.................................................. 6,347 5,470 7,500 1,407 85 1,705 Bourbon................................ 6,102 6,480 8,040 1, 740 100 2,055 Lykins....... 5, 095 4, 550 7,760 1,177 70 600 Johnson........................................ 4,513 3,020 3,932 875 87 88 Jefferson........................................ 4,446 4, 020 9,660 950 77 839 Shawnee.............................................. 3, 405 3,300 4, 650 670 -25 94 Breckinridge......................................... 3, 164 3,708 4, 033 733 37 508 Allen........................................ 3,120 5,043 3,060 951 50 710 Franklin............................................. 3,040 3,955 5, 560 816 49 780 Coffey............................................. 2, 845 3,109 3, 967 590 25 199 Brown.................................................................................................. Wyandotte.......................................... 2, 609 1,000 1,095 400 15........ Nemaha....................................... 2, 551.................................... Anderson................................ 2,403 2,1.51 2, 894 448 26 864 Marshall................................ 2,275 756 795' 150 12 144 Jackson................................. 2, 207 1,890 2,000 324......... 672 Godfrey *................................ 1, 893.............................................:......... Pottawatomie................................ 1, 856...................................................... McGee............................................. 1,501 2,073 3, 314 507 35 579 Riley......................1....................... 1,268 836 2,320 189 8 6 Davis............................................... 1,194 889 1, 296 136 19 33 Osage........................................ 1,187 1,529 1,822 217 9 65 Wabaunsee........................................... 993.................................. Chase.................................................... 912 680 840 46 8 89 Morris................................................. 800 932 1,090 174 27 110 Madison................................. 680 762 940 116 5 8 Butler.................................. 640 413 234 59 5 47 Dickinson............................................. 403 105 284 23 3 7 Washington........................................ 387.................................... Greenwood*................................ 360 564 360 90 2 20 Hunter................................................. 194 156 55 19.......... 40 Clay..................................................... 170 112 356 18 1........ Woodson *.............................................. 77 1,458 1, 667 193 9 194 Dorn................ 50 40 18 20 2........ Wilson *............................................... 27........................................ Pike's Peak................................ 24.................................... Total............................................. 143,643 83,155 120,352" 18,289 1,170 16,252 *The census of these four counties was taken by one assistant, and I presume the -farms were all taken in and included in the returns of Greenwood and Woodson. I cannot give the amount of stock in the counties of Washington, Wabaunsee, Pottawatomie, Nemaha and Brown. No stock is included in the above returns except such as was owned by farmers and reported with the farms.-Remarcks by the Marshal. JUNE 4. —Charles Sumner, after a silence of four years, makes a speech in the Senate for the admission of Kansas. His last speech in the Senate was for Free Kansas, and led to the murderous assault by Preston S. Brooks, of South Carolina. After debate, Mr. Hunter moved to postpone the Kansas Bill. Mr. Fessenden demanded the yeas and nays, and the question was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Yeas: Messrs. Bayard, Benjamin, Bigler, Bragg, Bright, Brown, Chestnut, Clingman, Davis, Fitch, Fitzpatrick, Green, Gwin, Hammond, Hemphill,Hunter, Iverson, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Tennessee, Kennedy, Lane, Mallory, Mason, Pearce, Polk, Powell, Rice, Saulsbury, Sebastian, Slidell, Toombs, Wigfall, and Yulee —33. Nays: Messrs. Anthony, Bingham, Cameron, Chatldler, Clark, Collamer, 248 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1860. Dixon, Doolittle, Durkee, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Hamlin, Harlan, King, Latham, Pugh, Seward, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, and Wilson -27. This was the usual vote in the Senate on the bill for the admission of Kansas, until the Rebel Senators withdrew, in January, 1861. JUNE 13. — Ground broken at Atchison for the Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad. JUNE 18.-The Democratic Convention reassembles at Baltimore. After another secession, Stephen A. Douglas is nominated for President, and Benjamin Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, for Vice President. Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, was afterwards substituted for Mr. Fitzpatrick. The seceders nominate John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, for President, and Joseph Lane, of Oregon, for Vice President. JUNE 20.-The Auburn (Shawnee county) Docket issued, by David B. Emmert. JULY.-The Independent started at Oskaloosa, by J. W. Roberts and J. W. Day. JULY 1.-George M. Beebe takes possession of the Secretary's office. JULY 19.-Celebration at Elwood of the completion of the railroad to Wathena —the first railroad in the Territory. JULY 25.-Ground broken at Kansas City, Mo., for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. -William H. Gill retires from the Leavenworth Herald; it is now published by Winm. P. Fain & Co., and edited by Ward Burlingame. -A Lincoln and Hamlin newspaper at Lexington, Mo., is destroyed by a mob. AUGUST.-Judge Pettit grants a perpetual injunction on the Provisional Government of Jefferson Territory, or "Pike's Peak." - S. A. Cobb is the editor of the Wyandotte department of the Quindaro Tribune. SEPTEMBER."This section of country is now suffering severely from an inundation of grasshoppers, which are destroying what the drought has left. Late corn, buckwheat, potatoes and turnips are fast being destroyed. Many of our farmers are cutting thee corn now for the purpose of saving the fodder. Misfortunes never come singly, and Kansas has had enough of them this year to last for several years to come. If it is true that this is a world of compensations, we shall look for rousing crops and unchecked prosperity in Kansas for the next five years, at least, as compensation for the disasters of the last twelve months."-Emporia News. SEPTEMBER 17.-Gordon, the murderer, who was arrested near Denver, by Sheriff Middaugh, and brought to Leavenworth, before Judge Pettit, was discharged for want of jurisdiction. From three to eight o'clock p. m. there was a terrible struggle to take the prisoner from the officers and hang him. James L. McDowell, the Mayor, who had organized a large posse to preserve the peace, at last triumphed. SEPTEMBER 22.-William H. Seward arrives in St. Joseph, and makes a brief speech. He was met by John A. Martin of Atchison, Martin F. Conway of Lawrence, and A. C. Wilder, David H. Bailey, and John C. Vaughan of Leavenworth. 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 249 SEPTEMBER 22.-Drought Convention in Topeka. SEPTEMBER 24.-Reception of William H. Seward in Leavenworth. He is introduced by A. C. Wilder. SEPTEMBER 26.-Senator Seward welcomed to Lawrence by George W. Deitzler and Charles Robinson. He makes an elaborate speech. Mr. Seward made a hasty visit to Topeka. SEPTEMBER 28.-Senator Seward has a public reception at Atchison. He is introduced by John A. Martin. OCTOBER.-The carrying of the October elections was very satisfactory to the people of Kansas. They read these lines by Whittier with enthusiasm: Not vainly we waited and counted the hoursThe buds of our hope have burst forth into flowers. No room for misgivings —no loop-hole of doubtWe've heard from the Keystone! The Quakers are out. The plot has exploded —we've found out the trick: The bribe goes a begging; the fusion won't stick. When the Wide-Awake lanterns are shining about, The rogues stay at home, and the true men come out! The good State has broken the cords for her spun; Her oil-springs and water won't fuse into one; The Dutchman has seasoned with Freedom his kraut; And slow, late, but certain, the Quakers are out! Give the flags to the winds!-set the hills all aflame: Make way for the man with the patriarch's name! Away with misgivings —away with all doubt, For LINCOLN goes in when the Quakers come out! OCTOBER 17.-Railroad Convention held at Topeka. Officers: President, W. Y. Roberts; Vice Presidents, W. F. M. Arny, Charles Robinson, Judge Medberry, Thomas Ewing, jr., P. T. Abell, A. J. Mead, W. A. Ela. Secretaries, John A. Martin, J. F. Cummings, C. F.'de Vivaldi. The following Schedule was adopted: "Resolved, That a memorial be presented to Congress asking an appropriation of public lands to aid in the construction of the following railroads in Kansas: "' 1. A railroad from the western boundary of the State of Missouri, where the Osage Valley & Southern Kansas Railroad terminates, westwardly by way of Emporia, Fremont and Council Grove, to the Fort Riley Military Reservation. " 2.; A railroad from the city of Wyandotte (connecting with the P. & G. R. R. and the Pacific R. R.) up the Kansas Valley by way of Lawrence, Lecompton, Tecumseh, Topeka, Manhattan, and the Fort Riley Military Reservation, to the western boundary of the Territory. "3. A railroad running from Lawrence to the southern boundary of Kansas, in the direction of Fort Gibson and Galveston Bay. "4. A railroad from Atchison, by way of Topeka, through the Territory, in the direction of Santa Fe.' 5. A railroad from Atchison to the western boundary of Kansas." About 125 delegates were present, representing the counties of Atchison, Breckinridge, Allen, Doniphan, Davis, Jackson, Lykins, Leavenworth, Morris,.Anderson, Coffey, Clay, Douglas, Riley, Pottawatomie, Osage, Jefferson, Wabaunsee, Wyandotte, and Shawnee. 250 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1860. NOVEMBER 6.-Election of Territorial Legislature: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FIRST DISTRICT - DONIPHAN - THREE MEMBERS. E. J. Jenkins...................................... 927 W. H. Wilson...................................... 931 S.D. Benight..................................... 872 R. M. Williams.................................... 964 Uriah Griffith................................ 917 SECOND DISTRICT - ATCHISON -TWO MEMBERS. George H. Fairchild........................... 682 Robert McBratney.............................. 460 John Kean........................................ 650 1 A. S. Speck................................... 473 THIRD DISTRICT- LEAVENWORTH —FOUR MEMBERS. William Perry..................................1115 David H. Bailey..................................1116 Wm. P. Fain..............................1063 Samuel F. Atwood..............................1082 Charles Starns...............................1109 Boaz W. Williams...............................1082 N. Humber.................................1111 William Kelsey............................ 1104 FOURTH DISTRICT — JEFFERSON —TWO MEMBERS. Henry Buckmaster............................. 364 Edward Lynde................................... 280 David L. Lakin................................. 400 T. D. Kuykendall.......................... 272 FIFTH DISTRICT - POTTAWATOMIE AND WABAUNSEE - ONE MEMBER. Charles B. Lines................................. 142 John L. Wilson................................. 1 SIXTH DISTRICT - JACKSON - ONE MEMBER. Martin Anderson......................................... 211 SEVENTH DISTRICT- WYANDOTTE - ONE MEMBER. Wm. Y. Roberts............................ 282 I William Weer.................................... 163 EIGHTH DISTRICT-BROWN-ONE MEMBER. Warren W. Guthrie............................ 261 Ira J. Lacock................................ 161 NINTH DISTRICT-NEMAHA-ONE MEMBER. Ch,as. C. Coffinberry............................. 161 TENTH DISTRICT - MARSHALL AND WASHINGTON-ONE MEMBER. J. D. Brumbaugh........... 157 I J. E. Clardy................... 81 George G. Pierce........... 151 ELEVENTH DISTRICT —RILEY AND CLAY-ONE MEMBER. Walter C. Dunton................................ 142 James Boyle................................... 4 TWELFTH DISTRICT —DICKINSON AND DAVIS-ONE MEMBER. Robert Reynolds.............................................................................................. 217 THIRTEENTH DISTRICT - BRECKINRIDGE - ONE MEMBER. George H. Lillie................................. 366 I Perry B. Maxson................................. 211 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT -SHAWNEE -TWO MEMBERS. W.. H. Fitzpatric............................. 284. N. Rober..........y6............. 70 C. K. Holliday..................................... 136 J. P. Greer.......................................... 269 Wm. E. Bowker............. 284 J. W. Brown................................... 253 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT-DOUGLAS — THREE MEMBERS. George W. Deitzler........................ 538 Paul H. Berkau.................................. 377 John P. Cowles.................................... 423 J. G. Scott........................................... 243 Alois Thoman.................................... 534 G. W. Bell.................................... 263 1860.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 251 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT - JOHNSON - TWO MEMBERS. John T. Burris........................ 343 J. T. Campbell................................ 333 F. E. Henderson............... 328 John Evans......................................... 409 SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT - LYKINS —ONE MEMBER. Benjamin F. Simpson.......................... 492 I John M. Roberts................................. 331 EIGHTEENTH DISTRICT - LINN - ONE MEMBER. John T. Snoddy.............. 405 1 J. H. Barlow............... 08 I J. W. Garrett..........1...... 82 NINETEENTH DISTRICT —LYKINS AND LINN —ONE MEMBER. George W. Miller......................... 870 I Robert Ewing...................................... 756 TWENTIETH DISTRICT-ANDERSON -ONE MEMBER. Rufus Gilpatrick................................ 178 W. F. M. Arny.................................... 118 George W. Iler.................................... 122 Isaac Hiner......................................... 12 TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT - FRANKLIN- ONE MEMBER. James Hanway.............................. 244 D..... C.....................................11 Harlan P. Welsh.................. 178 Green Perkins......................................1 TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT —COFFEY AND OSAGE -TWO MEMBERS. D. A. Hawkins............................. 377 Levi Empie................................. 339 James M. Winchell............................. 364 H. D. Preston...................................... W. A. Jenkins................................. 348 John Smith.........................................1 TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT - MADISON, CHASE, PEKETON, AND MORRIS - ONE MEMBER. T. S. Huffaker............... 99 I N. B. Moulton............... 102 I Samuel N. Wood............ 177 TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT -BUTLER, GREENWOOD, HUNTER, GODFREY, AND WOODSON - ONE MEMBER. Pusey Graves...................................... 109 N. S. Goss..................................... 79 TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT -ALLEN, WILSON- DORN, AND CHEROKEE - ONE MEMBER. John W. Scott.................................... 124 N. B. Blanton...................................... J. W. Tibbet 108 I John Wesel.................................. TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT - BOURBON —ONE MEMBER. J. C. Burnett................................. 487 I Chas. W. Blair.................................... 37 J. T. Neal............................................ 322 W. R. Griffith. TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT —ARAPAHOE- ONE MEMBER. E. M. McCook..............1855 HI. H. C. Harrison.............557 I C. B. Clemens..............1083 NOVEMBER 9.-Russell Hinds, of Linn county, a kidnapper, tried and hung by a vigilance committee. NOVEMBER 12.- Gov. Dennison, of Ohio, asks the people, on Thanksgiving Day, to contribute for the relief of the people of Kansas. NOVEMBER 14.-Territorial Relief Convention at Lawrence. Robert S. Mitchell, President; R. G. Elliott and John A. Martin, Secretaries. The following Territorial Committee appointed: S. C. Pomeroy, James L. McDowell, William Y. Roberts, Samuel A. Kingman, F. P. Baker, C. B. Lines, C. S. Lambdin, F. N. Blake, Rev. Wm. Bishop, Dr. Ayres, Lewis Bodwell, Rev. Chas. Reynolds, A. Spaulding, J. C. Burnett. S. C. Pomeroy 252 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. elected President; Rev. C. Reynolds, Vice President; James L. McDowell, Secretary; George H. Fairchild, Treasurer. NOVEMBER 19.-George M. Beebe, Secretary and Acting Governor, asks H. J. Strickler, Adjutant General, what force can be put in the field one week from date, to meet the pending difficulties in Linn county. He asks 200 men of General Harney. NOVEMBER 28.-Governor Medary and General Harney leave Leavenworth for Fort Scott; United States troops ordered to.go there. DECEMBER 8.-The military expedition sent by Governor Stewart, of Missouri, to Fort Scott, in command of General D. M. Frost, is encamped near the State line, in Missouri. -A Convention at Mound City justifies the hanging of Russell Hinds and Samuel Scott, and the shooting of L. D. Moore. DECEMBER 20.-Frank M. Tracy, Daniel W. Wilder, and Bernard P. Clhenoweth indicted for publishing the Free Democrat, a Free-State paper, at St. Joseph, Mo. Robert Tracy, Joseph Thompson, and Prince Langdon, printers, and C. C. Woolworth, bookseller, also indicted. DECEMBER 31.-Judge Pettit declares unconstitutional the law abolishing slavery in Kansas. The suit was brought by Samuel Haley against F. R. Foard, to recover a slave woman named Fanny. This was the last blow struck at the people-perfectly-free dogma. 1861. JANUARY 1.-The report of General Harney to the War Department, on the Fort Scott difficulties, is published. He says: "I am satisfied that the greater part, if not all, the donations which are sent to the sufferers in Kansas goes into the hands of this band," (Montgomery and Jennison,) "and the greater portion of it is perverted from the use intended, by purchasing arms and munitions of war forcarrying out their plans." JANUARY 2.-John C. Douglass commissioned as Territorial Superintendent of Common Schools. JANUARY 4.-Despatch received at Fort Leavenworth from General Winfield Scott, ordering every man and horse to be ready to start for Baltimore at any moment. JANUARY 5.-S. C. Pomeroy, President of the Relief Committee, reports total amount of goods received, 867,.619 pounds. JANUARY 7.-The Legislature meets, at Lecompton. Officers of the Council: W. W. Updegraff, President; John J. Ingalls, Secretary; Jacob Stotler, Assistant Secretary; J. Y. Hewitt, Sergeant-at-Arms'; C. L. Caldwell, Doorkeeper. Officers of the House: Speaker, John W. Scott; Chief Clerk, Alfred Gray; Assistant Clerk, George W. Still; Sergeant-at-Arms, F. D. Sawin; Doorkeeper, H. Gibbs; Docket Clerk, Edwin S. Nash; Journal Clerk, Arthur Gunther; Enrolling Clerk, John L. Wilson. The Clerks were sworn in by Judge Elmore. JANUARY 8.-The Legislature votes to adjourn to Lawrence. JANUARY 9.-Meeting of the Legislature at Lawrence. JANUARY 9.-Meeting of the Relief Committee in Lawrence. S. A. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 253 Kingman declines to serve on the Committee, and W. W. Guthrie is appointed. W. F. M. Arny is made the general shipping agent of the Committee. JANUARY 10.-Message from George M. Beebe, Acting Governor, Gov. Medary having resigned. The Governor says: "If God in'his wrath shall tolerate the worst portent of this tempest of passion, now so fiercely raging, Kansas ought, and I trust will, declining identification with either branch of a contending family, tendering to each alike the olive offering of good-neighborship, establish, under a Constitution of her own creation, a Government to be separate and independent among the Nations." Beebe was a Democrat, appointed by Buchanan. JANUARY 11.-Rev. Chas. Reynolds elected Chaplain of the Council. JANUARY 16.-J. H. Lane writes to the Lawrence Republican that Missouri and Kansas ought to live at peace. He suggests the appointment of "a mixed commission" to confer with the Legislature of Missouri in regard to the maintenance of friendly relations. JANUARY 18.-The Relief Committee acknowledge the receipt of goods to the amount of 1,062,552 pounds, besides garments, boots and shoes, and cloth. JANUARY 19.-James Green, of Missouri, in the Senate, proposes to change the boundary of Kansas. He is opposed by Seward, Douglas, Pugh, Latham and Bigler, and his amendment is lost by 31 to 23. JANUARY 21.-The bill for the admission of Kansas passes the Senate. Ayes: Anthony, Baker, Bigler, Bingham, Bright, Cameron, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Crittenden, Dixon, Doolittle, Douglas, Durkee, Fessenden, Fitch, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Johnson of Tennessee, King, Latham, Morrill, Pugh, Rice, Seward, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Thompson, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, and Wilson-36. iNoes: Benjamin, Bragg, Clingman, Green, Hemphill, Hunter, Iverson, Johnson of Arkansas, Kennedy, Mason, Nicholson, Polk, Powell, Sebastian, Slidell, and Wigfall -16. JANUARY 21.-Three military companies organized in Leavenworth. JANUARY 28.-The House passes the Kansas admission bill, by 117 to 42. JANUARY 28.-The Leavenworth Daily Conservative started. D. R. Anthony, Publisher; D. W. Wilder, Editor. Mathew Weightman, George F. Prescott, Henry Buckingham and George C. Hume were members of the publishing company. STATE ORGANIZATION. 18 61. JANUARY 29.-President Buchanan signs the bill, and Kansas becomes a State. AN ACT FOR THE ADMISSION OF KANSAS INTO THE UNION. Whereas, The people of the Territory of Kansas, by their representatives in Convention assembled, at Wyandotte, in said Territory, on the twenty-ninth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, did form for themselves a Constitution and State Government, republican in form, which was ratified and adopted by the people at an election held for that purpose, on Tuesday, the fourth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and the said Convention has, in their name and behalf, asked the Congress of the United States to admit the said Territory into the Union as a State, on an equal footing with the other States: therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. That the State of Kansas shall be, and is hereby declared to be, one of the United States of America, and admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever. And the said State shall consist of all the territory included-within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning at a point on the western boundary of the State of Missouri where the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude crosses the same; thence west on said parallel to the twenty-fifth meridian of longitude west from Washington; thence north on said meridian to the fortieth parallel of latitude; thence east on said parallel to the western boundary of the State of Missouri; thence south with the western boundary of said State to the place of beginning: Provided, That nothing contained in the said Constitution respecting the boundary of said State shall be construed to impair the rights of person or property now pertaining to the Indians in said Territory, so long as such rights shall remain unextinguished by treaty between the United States and such Indians, or to include any territory which, by treaty with such Indian tribe, is not, without the consent of such tribe, to be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction of any State or Territory; but all such territory shall be excepted out of the boundaries, and constitute no part, of the State of Kansas, until said tribe shall signify their assent to the President of the United States to be included within said State, or to affect the authority of the Government of the United States to make any regulation respecting such Indians, their lands, property, or other rights, by treaty, law, or otherwise, which it would have been competent to make if this act had never passed. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That until the next general apportionment of Representatives, the State of Kansas shall be entitled to one Representative in the House of Representatives of the United States. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be construed as an assent by Congress to all or any of the propositions or claims contained in the ordinance of said Constitution of the people of Kansas, or in the resolutions thereto attached; but the following propositions are hereby offered to the said people of Kansas for their free acceptance or rejection, which, if accepted, shall be obligatory on the United States, and upon the said State of Kansas, to wit: 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 255 First: That sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six, in every township of public lands in said State, and where either of said sections or any part thereof has been sold or otherwise been disposed of, other lands, equivalent thereto and as contiguous as may be, shall be granted to said State for the use of schools. Second: That seventy-two sections of land shall be set apart and reserved for the use and support of a State University, to be selected by the Governor of said State, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and to be appropriated and applied in such manner as the Legislature of said State may prescribe for the purpose aforesaid, but for no other purpose. Third: That ten entire sections of land, to be selected by the Governor of said State, in legal subdivisions, shall bie granted to the said State for the purpose of completing the public buildings, or for the erection of others at the seat of government, under the direction of the Legislature thereof. Fourth: That all salt springs within said State, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjoining or as contiguous as may be to each, shall be granted to said State for its use, the same to be selected by the Governor thereof within one year after the admission of said State, and when so selected to be used or disposed of on such terms, conditions and regulations as the Legislature shall direct: Provided, That no salt spring or land, the right whereof is now vested in any individual or individuals, or which may be hereafter confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuals, shall, by this article, be granted to said State. difth: That five per centum of all sales of all public lands lying within said State, which shall be sold by Congress after the admission of said State into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to said State for the purpose of making public roads and internal improvements, or for other purposes, as the Legislature shall direct: Provided, That the foregoing propositions hereinbefore offered are on the condition that the people of Kansas shall provide by an ordinance, irrevocable without the consent of the United States, that said State shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil within the same by the United States, or with any regulations Congress may find necessary for securing the title in said soil to bona fide purchasers thereof. Sixth: And that the said State shall never tax- the lands or property of the United States in said State: Provided, however, That in case any of the lands herein granted to the State of Kansas have heretofore been confirmed to the Territory of Kansas for the purposes specified in this act, the amount so confirmed shall be deducted from the quantity specified in this act. SEc. 4. And be it further enacted, That from and after the admission of the State of Kansas, as hereinbefore provided, all the laws of the United States, which are not locally inapplicable, shall have the same force and effect within that State as in other States of the Union; and the said State is hereby constituted a Judicial District of the United States, within which a District Court, with like powers and jurisdiction as the District Court of the United States for the District of Minnesota, shall be established; the Judge, Attorney and Marshal of the United States, for the said District of IKansas, shall reside within the same, and shall be entitled to the same compensation as the Judge, Attorney and Marshal of the District of Minnesota; and in all cases of appeal or writ of error heretofore prosecuted and now pending in the Supreme Court of the United States, upon any record from the Supreme Court of Kansas Territory, the mandate of execution or order of further proceedings shall be directed by the Supreme Court of the United States to the District of Kansas, or to the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas, as the nature of such appeal or writ of error may require; and each of those courts shall be the successor of the Supreme Court of Kansas Territory as to all such cases, with full power to hear and determine the same, and to award mesne or final process therein. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Judge of the District Court for the District of Kansas shall hold two regular terms of the said Court annually, at the seat of government of the said State, to commence on the second Mondays of April and October. in each year. Approved 29th of January, 1861. 256 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. The signing of the bill by Buchanan is made known in Leavenworth by a despatch from Marcus J. Parrott to the Conservative. That paper prints an Extra, and D. R. Anthony carries it to Lawrence. The Legislature thanks the paper for its enterprise. Captain Frank B. Swift, Caleb S. Pratt, Edward Thompson, and James C. Horton, with a large company, go to Captain Bickerton's farm, where the "Old Sacramento" is buried, dig it up, take it to Lawrence, and consume the night in saluting the admission of Kansas. It is also a holiday in Leavenworth, all parties joining in salutes, speeches and songs. The portion of the State of Kansas which came from Mexico, and did not form a part of the Louisiana Purchase, is bounded on the north by the Arkansas river, on the east by the twenty-third meridian, on the south by the thirty-seventh parallel, and on the west by the twenty-fifth meridian. The estimated area is 7,776 square miles. The counties in this southwestern part of the State are now (1875) called: Kansas, Stevens, Seward, Meade, Stanton, Grant, Arapahoe; with parts of Clark, Ford, Foote, Sequoyah, Kearney, and Hamilton. The United States Census Report for 1870 (p. 5.92) says this tract was "ceded by the State of Texas, and was not included in the Territory of New Mexico." JANUARY 29. —The report of the Special Committee on Claim Bonds is published in the House Journal, pages 316 to 347. JANUARY 29.-Ed. F. Schneider, Editor of the Times, gives a sketch of Leavenworth papers. The Weekly Herald was started in September, 1854, by Adams & Osborne. In December, Lucien J. Eastin became the editor, the publishers being Eastin & Adams. The Daily Herald appeared May 17, 1859; Wm. H. Gill, Editor, and Gill, Eastin, W. H. Adams and C. H. McLaughlin publishers. The paper was discontinued in October, 1860, but was revived the next month by Satterlee & Wilson, with Chas. W. Helm as editor. The Weekly Register was started in the spring of 1855, by Delahay & Sevier, with Mark W. Delahay as editor. It was a Free-State paper, and was mobbed and thrown into the Missouri on the night of Dec. 22, 1855. The Weekly Journal, Pro-Slavery, was started in the spring of 1856, by ~J. D. Henderson. The Daily Journal, by McLaughlin & Hutchison, came out in May,'58. It was short-lived. In the latter part of 1857, Geo. W. McLane issued The Young America. It died in January, 1858, and the Daily Ledger was born. This paper died early in July,'59. L'Estafette du Kansas, a French paper, by Frank Barclay, was born and died in'59. The Despatch began in July,'59, and lived about eighteen months. Jeff. L. Dugger started the State Register in August, 1859. It died early. There have been several German papers. The Weekly Times was issued March 7, 1857; the Daily Times, Feb. 15, 1858. FEBRUARY 1. -Both houses pass a resolution "to elect two U. S. Senators from the State of Kansas." FEBRUARY 2.-Adjournment of the Legislature. The general laws passed by the last Territorial Legislature, in 1861, fill 35 pages; the private laws of the same session fill 68 pages. They are bound in one volume. One excellent law declares how many clerks each house shall have, fixes their 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 257 salary, and declares that no extra compensation shall be allowed to any one of them. The only other general law of importance pronounced illegal the bonds issued in payment of claims for losses. Of the private laws, twenty are "divorces;" one incorporates the Lawrence University of Kansas; one the Episcopal Female Seminary, at Topeka, and one incorporates the city of Marysville. FEBRUARY 4.-Rebel delegates meet at Montgorhery, Ala., to organize a Confederate Government. FEBRUARY 9.- Gov. Robinson sworn into office. He asks the Legislature to meet on the 26th of March. He appoints M. F. Conway, Thos. Ewing, jr., Henry J. Adams and James C. Stone to represent Kansas in the "Peace Conference," at Washington. Ewing and Stone voted for "peace" and compromise. FEBRUARY 9.-Jefferson Davis and Alex. H. Stephens elected Provisional President and Vice President of the Confederacy, by the Montgomery Convention. FEBRUARY 11. —President Lincoln leaves Springfield for Washington. FEBRUARY 15.-The New York Legislature appropriates $50,000 for the relief of Kansas sufferers. FEBRUARY 16.-Trask & Lowman buy the Herald of Freedom office, and issue the Lawrence State Journal. John P. Greer has bought the Topeka Tribune. FEBRUARY 18.-The Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians cede all their land to the United States except a tract between the Sandy Fork of the Arkansas and the Purgatory river. FEBRUARY 20.-Captain James Montgomery writes to the Governor that the southern border is in danger. FEBRUARY 22.-President Lincoln's night journey from Harrisburg to Washington, in order to prevent an anticipated outrage at Baltimore. MARCH 2."Amendment of the Constitution.-The two chambers of Congress jointly Resolved, That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution, viz.: "'ARTICLE 13. No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.' "Approved March 2, 1861." Kansas did not ratify this amendment. It did not become a part of the National Constitution. MARCH 4.-Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln. MARCH 5.-Election to fill vacancies in the Legislature, in the Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth districts. Werter R. Davis is elected in the Eighth, over L. L. Jones, J. W. Scott in the Tenth, and H. S. Sleeper in 17 258 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. the Twelfth. In the Third district, Samuel Lappin is elected in place of Mr. Torrey. The following is the vote of the Ninth district: Towns and Precincts. h BOURBON COUNTY. Fort Scott........48 2 114 Mapleton........................................ 84 1 1 Franklin.........................................46 Marmaton............................................. Marion................................................................ Dry Wood............................................................................. 25 Freedom............................................................................................ 75 Osage................................................................................................ 40 Total.......................................................................................... 443 3 115 LINN COUNTY. Mound City.................................... 6 36 33 Centreville............................................................................... 44......... 26 Potosi............................................................................3........ 3 Moneka................... 14 6 16 Paris 48..... 79 Trading Post.................................................................................... 32......... 45 Twin Spring Post................................................................................ 43 9 21 T otalwn Springs...................................................................................277 5 1 183 LYKINS COUNTY. Osawatomie................... 145....... 2 Stanton................................................................................................ Paola...................................................................................... 64......... 135 Osage................................................................................................... 27 Total.......................................................................................... 330 1 165 Middle Creek gave 20 majority for Miller; Mound 17 for Updegraff. MARCH 6.-Treaty of the Sacs and Foxes of Missouri and the Iowas, with the United States. MARCH 8.-Archibald Williams, of Illinois, appointed United States District Judge of Kansas. MARCH 10. —Linn county organizes the first militia regiment in the State. Among the Captains are Charles R. Jennison and J. F. Broadhead. MARCH 25.-The Republicans are said to have 86 and the Democrats 14 members of the Legislature. MARCH 26.-Meeting of the first State Legislature. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names. P. O. Address. County. Born. From. Avocat'n. Pol. t J. P. Root*......... Wyandotte... Wyandotte.. Mass.. Conn. 34 Phys'n. Rep.. M E. P. Bancroft...... Emporia...... Breckinridge N. Y.. Mich. 32 L'nd Ag Rep.. M J. F. Broadhead... Mound City.. Linn........... N. Y.. N. Y.. 30 Lawyer Rep.. M J. C. Burnett........ Mapleton...... Bourbon...... Vt..... Vt..... 35 Lawyer Rep.. M J. Connell............ Leavenw'th.. Leavenw'th.. Ky.... Ky.... 42 Farmer Dem M H. B. Denman...... Leavenw'th.. Leavenw'th.. Ohio.. Ohio.. 32 Lawyer Demi S H. R. Dutton....... Hiawatha..... Brown......... N. Y.. Iowa.. 34 Surv'y'r Rep.. S P. P. Elder........... Ohio City..... Franklin.......... Me.... 38 Attor'y. Rep.. M H. W. Farnsworth Topeka......... Shawnee...... iTt..... Conn. 44 Miller.. Rep.. M O. B. Gunn........... Wyandotte... Wyandotte.. Mass.. Ind... 32 Civ. E'g Rep.. M S. E. Hoffman...... Neosho Falls Woodson...... Penn. Iowa.. 26 Lawyer Rep.. S S. D. Houston...... I Manhattan.. Riley........... Ohio.. Iowa.. 42 Farmer Rep.. M J. M. Hubbard..... Wabaunsee... Wabaunsee.. Conn. Conn. 28 Farmer Rep.. S S. Lappin..... Seneca.... Nemaha....... Ohio.. La..... 30 Farmer Rep.. M,~~~~~~~~~~~. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 259 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE - Concluded. Names. P. O. Address. County. Born. From.' Avocat'n. Pol. t J. Lockhart......... Hibbard....... Johnson...... Scot'd Ill..... 28 Farmer Rep.. M E. Lynde.............. Grassh'r F'ls Jefferson...... Conn. Ohio.. 40 Farmer Rep.. M J. A. Martin......... Atchison...... Atchison...... Penn. Penn. 23 Editor... Rep.. S J. H. McDowell.... Leavenw'th.. Leavenw'th.. Va.... Ky.... 36 Dem M Josiah Miller....... Lawrence..... Douglas....... S. C... S. C... 31 Lawyer Rep.. M R. Morrow........... Lawrence..... Douglas........ N. J.. Wis.... 35 Specul'r Rep.. M T.A. Osborn....... Elwood......... Doniphan..... Penn. Mich.. 24 Lawyer Rep.. S J. A. Phillips....... Paola......... Lykins........ N.C... Ind... 24 Lawyer Rep.. S H. N. Seaver........ Highland..... Doniphan.... N. Y.. N. Y.. 50 Farmer Rep.. M H1. S. Sleeper........ Neosho R'p's Breckinridge N. Y.. Ill......28 Surv'y'r Rep.. S W. Spriggs........... Garnett........ Anderson..... Ky.... Ind... 34 Lawyer Rep.. M S. N.Wood..... CncilGrove Morris......... Ohio.. Ohio.. 35 Farmer Rep.. M J. J. Ingalls, Secretary............... Atchison...... Atchison......Mass.. Mass.. 26 Lawyer Rep.. S J. Stotler, Assistant Secretary.... Emporia...... Breckinridge Md.... Ohio.. 26 Editor... Rep.. M J. R. Lambdin, Journal Clerk... Chelsea........ Butler.......... Va..... Ky.... 26 Clerk... Rep.. S D. Wilson, Docket Clerk............... Ogden......... Riley............ Ohio.. Ohio.. 31 Lawyer Rep. S A. W. Pickering, Engross'g Clerk Neosho Falls Woodson...... Ohio.. Ill..... 23 Student Rep.. S T. S. Wright, S'g'tat-Arms........... Seneca.......... Nemaha....... Pen. Ind... 52 Lawyer Rep.. M H. M. Robinson, Door Keeper..... Hiawatha..... Brown........Ind... In... 27 Mch'ic Rep... M F. R. Davis, Messenger............ Lawrence..... Douglas....... N. Y.. N. Y..I 11 Mess'g'r Rep.. S *President. -tMarried or single. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE. Name. P. 0. Address. County. Born. From. Age Avocat'n. Po.. t W. W. Updegraff* Osawatomie.. Lykins........ Penn. Ind 39 Pysn.. Rep.. M I3 IPys'n..l Rep..[ M W. F. M. Arny...,. Hyatt.......... Anderson......C.. Ill...48 Farmer. Rep.. M J. B. Abbott......... Lawrence.... Douglas........ Conn. Conn. 42 Mech'ic Rep.. M P. M. Alexander... Lawrence.... Douglas........ Ill.. Ill...34 Farmer Rep.. M A. Allen............... Wabaunsee.. Wabaunsee.. Ohio.. Ohio.. 33 Farmer Rep.. M D. C. Auld............ Nottingham Marshall...... Penn. Ohio.. 51 Farmer Rep.. M D. E. Ballard........ Washington Washington Vt Iowa.. 24 Farmer Rep.. S 0. Barber.........Kanwaka Douglas....... Penn Ohio.. 44 Farmer Rep.. M J. C. Bartlett........ Topeka......... Shawnee...Ohio.. Ind.... 31 Merch... Rep.. M J. J. Bentz...........Leavenwth.. Leavenwth.. Gery. Mo.....34 Merch... Rep.. M W. D. Blackford... Lawrence.... Douglas........ Penn. Penn. 26 Lawyer Rep.. S F. N. Blake......... Junctn City Davis............ Me.....Ill 36 Editor.. Rep.. S N. B. Blanton... Humboldt... Allen............ Mo.....Mo..... 30 Farmer Rep.. M W. E. Bowker...... Indianola.... Shawnee. Me..... Me..... 31 Farmer Rep.. S E. J. Brown........ LeRoy......... Coffey.. N. Y.. Ohio.. 33 Farmer Deam. S HE. Buckmaster....: Oskaloosa.... Jefferson...... Penn. Ohio.. 46 IPhys'n.. Rep.. M T. Butcher........... Atchison...... Atchison...... Penn Wis... 50 Contor. Rep.. M J. M. Calvert........ Kickapoo...... Leavenw'th.. Ky. Mo. 46 Farmer Ben M S. R. Caniff.......... Burlingame. Osage........... N. Y.. N. Y.. 28 Manuf.. Rep.. M A. J. Cbipman..... C'ncil Grove. Morris......... Vt...... Mich.. 26 Merch... Rep.. S R. W. Cloud......... Waterloo Breckinridge Ohio.. Ohio.. 45 Farmer Rep.. M G. A. Colton......... Paola........... Lykins......... Vt...... Ill..... 31 Lawyer Rep.. M J. E. Corliss......... Shawnee...... Johnson...... Vt...... Iowa.. 53 Farmer Rep.. M J. D. Crafton........ Leavenw'th. Leavenw'th.. Va...., Ky.... 40 Merch... Dem M S. J. Crawford...... Garnett........ Anderson..... Ind.... Ill 26 Lawyer Rep.. S H. W. Curtis........ Topeka......... Shawnee Ohio.. Ill 39 Farmer Rep.. M G. A. Cutler......... LeRoy......... Coffey.......... Tenn. Mo..... 30 ].Phys'n. Rep.. M W. R. Davis......... Baldwin City Douglas........ Ohio.. Ill 46 Prof. Rep.. M A. Ellis................ New Lanc'r.. Lykins........ Ohio.. Ohio..44 Farmer Rep.. M. I. E. Eaton........... Leavenw'th. Leavenw'th.. Ohio.. Ohio.. 40 Cont'or. Dem] M A. Elliott............. Pardee.......... Atchison...... S. C... Mo.....5 4 Farmer Rep.. M F. W. Emery........ Palermo....... Doniphan. M..... Me..... 25 Editor.. Rep.. S W. P. Gambell..... Leavenw'th. Leavenw'th.. N. Y.. N. Y.. 29 Lawyer Demr M W. H. Grimes...... Atchison...... Atchison...... Md..... Ohio.. 57 Phys'n.. Rep.. M A. Gray............... Quindaro Wyandotte... N. Y.. N. Y.. 29 Lawyer Rep.. M A. K. Hawkes...... Hartford...... Breekinridge Mass.. Mass.. 32 Farmer Rep.. M *Speaker. t Married or single. 260 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE- Coneiluded. Name. P. O. Address. County. Born. Prom. Age Avocat'n. Pol. f J. E. Hayes..........Olathe.........Johnson.......N. H.. Ill..... 42 Merch... Rep.. M H. H. Heberling... Ridgeway..... Osage........... Va..... Ohio.. 52 Farmer Rep.. M T. P. Herrick....... Highland..... Doniphan..... N. Y.. NY.. 28 Lawyer Rep.. M E. Hoheneck........ Wabaunsee.. Wabaunsee... Prus... Ohio.. 32 Distil'r. Rep.. S N. Humber.......... Easton.......... Leavenw'th.. Ky..... Mo..... 46 Farmer Dem I J. H. Jones.......... Twin Sp'ngs. Linn............. Va..... Iowa.. 35 Farmer Rep.. M W. C. Kimber...... Palermo....... Doniphan..... Ohio.. Mo.... 33 Miller... Dem M C. B. Keith.......... Muscotah..... Atchison...... Vt...... Mich.. 29 Merch... Rep.. M H. Knowles... Marmaton... Bouron...... WMe..... is.... 40 Merch... Rep.. M J. Kunkel............ Lecompton... Douglas....... Penn. Penn. 42 Merch... Rep.. M W.W.H.Lawrence Peoria City... Franklin...... Ohio.. Ohio.. 34 Lawyer Rep.. S J. F. Legate....... Lexington... Johnson....... Mass.. Miss.. 31 Lawyer Rep.. M E. P. Lewis........ Sumner........ Atchison...... Penn. Penn. 24 Lawyer Rep.. S E. J. Lines........... Wabaunsee... Wabaunsee.. Conn. Conn. 31 Lawyer Dem M A. Low................. Doniphan..... Doniphan..... Md..... Ohio.. 49 Merch... Rep.. M J. McGrew........... Wyandotte.. Wyandotte... Penn. Iowa.. 39 Merch... Rep.. M S. B. Mahurin...... Fort Scott.... Bourbon...... Ky..... Texas 30 Farmer Rep.. M J. A. Marcell........ Minneola..... Franklin...... N. J.... Y.. 43 Farmer Rep.. M J. E. Moore.......... Auburn....... Shawnee...... N. J...-Ill..... 32 Clergy... Rep.. M P. G. D. Morton.... Chelsea........ Butler......... Me..... Mass.. 35 Lawyer Rep.. S A. U. Mussey....... St. George.... Pottawato'e.. Vt...... Vt...... 27 Farmer Rep.. M J. T. Neal............ Barnesville.. Bourbon....... Tenn. Ill..... 30 Phys'n.. Rep.. M T. Pierce............. Henryville... Riley............Ohio'.. Ohio.. 38 Farmer Rep.. M J. S. Rackliff........ Medoc.......... Platte........... Me..... Me.....39 Farmer Rep.. M A. Ray................. Holton Jackson....... Ohio.. Ohio.. 46 Farmer Rep.. M G. H. Rees........... Americus..... Breckinridge Ohio.. Iowa 42 Farmer Rep.. M W. R. Saunders..... LeRoy......... Coffey.......... N. Y.. N. Y.. 40 Farmer Rep.. M J. W. Scott........... Carlyle......... Allen............ Penn. Ind.... 36 Phys'n.. Rep.. M 0. H. Sheldon...... Superior....... Osage........... N. Y.. N. Y.. 27 Farmer Rep..: J. H. Smith.........Roinson......Brown......... Conn. Conn. 45 Farmer Rep.. M L. T. Smith.......... Leavenw'th.. Leavenw.'th.. N. Y.. Mich.. 33 Hotel P. Dem M W. H. Smyth....... Manhattan... Riley............ Me..... Iowa. 26 Civ. En. Rep.. S C. Starns.............. Leavenwth. Leavenw'th. Tenn. Mo.....48 Farmer Dem M A. Stark............... Moneka.......Linn............ Con. Con. 27 Farmer Rep.. M J. W. Stewart. Baldwin City Douglas........ Ohio.. Iowa 40 Clergy.. Rep.. M E. D. Thompson Lawrence..... Douglas. N. Y N. Y.. 23 Banker. Rep.. S B. Wheat............. LeRoy......... Coffey......... a Va..... 52 Farmer Rep.. M R. P. C. Wilson..... Leavenw'th. Leavenw'th.. Mo..... Texas 25 Lawyer Dem S L. Woodard......... Eudora........ Douglas........ Ind.... Ind.... 30 Farmer Rep.. M D. B. Emmert, Chief Clerk....... Auburn........ Shawnee...... Penn. Ill 24 Editor... Rep.. S A. R. Banks, Ass't Ch'f Clerk......... Minneola...... Franklin...... Ohio.. Penn. 2 Lawyer Rep.. S Arthur Gunther, Journal Clerk... Lawrence.... Douglas.......Sax'n. Wis... 23 Clerk.... Rep.. S T. Hopkins, Docket Clerk..... Miami.......... Lykins......... Penn. Iowa.. 27 Mech.... Rep.. S D. M. Adams, Engrossing Clerk... Zeandale......Wabaunsee.. N. H.. N. H.. 28 Farmer. Rep.. M B. P. Noteman, Enrolling Clerk. Olathe......... Johnson....... N. Y.. Ill..... 36 Merch... Rep.. M C. Clarkson, Ser-l geant-at-Arms.. Leavenw'th.. Leavenw'th.. Penn. N. Y.. 49 Merch... Rep.. M F. House, Assist. Serglt-at-Arms.. Wyandotte... Wyandotte.. Vt......N. Y.. 31 Lawyer Rep.. S W. V. Barr, Doorkeeper..............Iowa Point... Doniphan... N. J... N. Y.. 46 Mech.... Rep.. M C. T. K. Prentice, Messenger........ McKinney...Douglas.......Conn. N. Y.. 14 Clerk.: Rep.. S A. L. Bartlett, Messenger.......Topeka.........1Shawnee...... Ohio.. Ind... 9 Clerk.... Rep.. S j Married or single. MARCH 26. —Seven Slave States have seceded from the Union. South Carolina led, passing her Ordinance of Secession, without any dissenting votes, Dec. 20th, 1860. -William Tholen, of Leavenworth, elected State Treasurer, entered the volunteer service, and did not act as Treasurer. H. R. Dutton, of Brown county, was appointed Treasurer by the Governor. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 261 MARCH 30.-Message from Gov. Robinson. It is comprehensive and able. APRIL.-Mark W. Delahay appointed Surveyor General. APRIL 1.-Suspension of the Lecompton Democrat. APRIL 1.-Fred. P. Stanton gets the vote of the Senate for U. S. Senator "from the south side of the Kaw." APRIL 3.-Heavy rain, all over the State, the first of any importance for months. APRIL 4. —:Election of United States Senators, by the following vote: James H. Lane............. 55 S. D. Houston................................. 1 S. C. Pomeroy................................. 52 S. A. Kingman........................ 3 Marcus J. Parrott................................. 49 A. J. Isacks.................................. 11 F. P. Stanton................................ 21 M. F. Conway....................................... 1 M. W. Delahay................................ 2 There was only one ballot. The voting continued two hours, in which interval Lane fluctuated between 45 and 64, Pomeroy between 49 and 57, Parrott between 47 and 60, Stanton between 10 and 32, Delahay between 2 and 11, and Kingman between 3 and 18. Fifty-eight members changed their votes. This vote-changing precedent has been faithfully followed, in Legislatures and Conventions, up to the time of going to press. In the spring, Driggs, Faris and Moore moved the Lecompton Democrat office to Atchison, and issued the Bulletin. It died that year. APRIL 8.-Judge Williams opens the United States Court, at Topeka. APRIL 9.-Lane endorsed in Leavenworth. All the politicians go to Washington to get office. APRIL 12.-Bombardment of Fort Sumter by Rebels. Beginning of the Pro-Slavery Rebellion. APRIL 13.-Illinois and Wisconsin currency no longer in use as a circulating medium. Great losses occasioned by Wild-Cat banks. APRIL 15.-President Lincoln calls for 75,000 men to enforce the laws, and asks Congress to meet July 4th. APRIL 16.- Dinner given to Judge John Pettit by the Leavenworth bar. -W. F. M. Arny reports to the Legislature that relief goods have passed through his hands weighing 9,197,300 pounds. Of this amount, 3,051,304 pounds were for seed. The money furnished by the Legislatures of New York and Wisconsin, and the New York City Committee, and $22,481.93 in addition, has been expended. No details are given. Wagons are still taking relief goods from Atchison. APRIL 17. —Governor Claib. Jackson, of Missouri, replies to the President's call for 75,000 men: "Not one man will the State of Missouri furnish to carry on such an unholy crusade." — Captain Samuel Walker, of Lawrence, tenders to Governor Robinson a company of 100 men. A meeting is held in Atchison to form a military company. "Coercion" is voted down, and the Union company is not organized. APRIL 18.-The steamboat "New Sam Gaty" arrives at Leavenworth, from St. Louis, with a Rebel flag flying. An immense crowd collects on the Levee, and the Captain is compelled to take down the traitor ensign 262 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. and run up the Stars and Stripes. This was the decisive day for Leavenworth. APRIL 20.-Seven military companies inr Douglas county; nine in Leavenworth; one is ordered to Fort Leavenworth for thirty days' service. -The Rebels seize the United States Arsenal at Liberty, Missouri. -Samuel Walker and James C. Stone made Major Generals of the State militia. APRIL 25. —Military companies organized in nearly every county. APRIL 26.- M. Jeff. Thompson takes into St. Joseph the arms stolen at Liberty. -A night guard is organized by citizens of Leavenworth to defend the town. This service continues to be voluntarily performed, whenever necessary, during the whole war. APRIL 27.-Destructive fire in Leavenworth. APRIL 29. -Report of Legislative Committee on Blue Mont Central College. The Trustees of the College voted, February 28, to give it to the State. — Captain J. L. Reno has charge of the arsenal at Fort Leavenworth. He became a Major General, and was killed at Gettysburg. Reno county bears his name. MAY 1. —A rebel camp in St. Joseph remains unmolested. Rebel flags wave in St. Joseph, Kansas City, Iatan, Weston, Platte City, and Independence, Mo. MAY 1.-The following appointments are announced: Chester Thomas, Mail Agent; J. C. Burnett, Register Fort Scott Land Office; A'. Low, Register Kickapoo Land Office; Ira Smith, Receiver Kickapoo Land Office; F. G. Adams, Register Lecompton Land Office; C. B. Lines, Receiver Lecompton Land Office; H. W. Farnsworth, Kaw Indian Agent; G. A. Colton, Miami Indian Agent; Charles B. Keith,. Kickapoo Indian Agent; D. R. Anthony, Postmaster at Leavenworth; James Fletcher, Postmaster at Topeka; John A. Martin, Postmaster at Atchison; Jacob Stotler, Postmaster at Emporia. MAY 2. -- Extra Session of the Missouri Legislature. The following is copied from the Message of Governor Claiborne F. Jackson: " Our interests and sympathies are identical with those of the Slaveholding States, and necessarily unite our destiny withltheirs. The similarity of our social and domestic institutions, our industrial interests, our sympathies, habits and tastes, our common origin, territorial congruity, all concur in pointing out our duty in regard to the separation now taking place between the States of the old Federal Union." There were 114,965 slaves in Missouri. MAY 6. —George H. Fairchild elected Mayor of Atchison, by 100 majority, over Ike Hascall, Border-Ruffian. -John T. Burris is appointed United States District Attorney; W. W. Ross, Pottawatomie Agent; P. P. Elder, Osage Agent at Fort Scott; Josiah Miller, Postmaster at Lawrence; S. D. Houston, Receiver at Junction City; John Hutchinson, Secretary of Dakota. MAY 9.-Death of H. F. Otis, Mayor of Topeka. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 263.MAY 10.-A Topeka letter of Ingalls, in the Conservative, has this description of Lane: "It would be hard to give a rational and satisfactory analysis of the causes of Gen. Lane's popularity as an orator. Destitute of all graces of the art, he possesses but few even of its essentials; he writhes himself into more contortions than Gabriel Ravel in a pantomime; his voice is a series of transitions from the broken scream of a maniac to the hoarse rasping gutturals of a Dutch butcher in the last gasp of inebriation; the construction of his sentences is loose and disjointed; his diction is a pudding of slang, profanity and solecism; and yet the electric shock of his extraordinary eloquence thrills like the blast of a trumpet; the magnetism of his manner, the fire of his glance, the studied earnestness of his utterance, find a sudden response in the will of his audience, and he sways them like a field of reeds shaken in the wind. Devoid of those qualities of character which excite esteem and cement the enduring structure of popular regard, he overcomes the obstacles in the path of achievement by persistent effort and indomitable will." MAY 10.-Capt. Nathaniel Lyon and Col. Francis P. Blair, at the head.of 6,000 Union volunteers, many of'them Germans, surround the Rebel State Guard, at St. Louis, and take them prisoners. Gen. D. M. Frost was in command of the Rebels. This movement saved Missouri to the Union MAY 14.-A. M. Clark and J. C. Stone write to the Governor that they cannot negotiate the Kansas bonds. -Stampede of Union men from Western Missouri. MAY 15. —Topeka letter of J. J. Ingalls: " Mr McDowell, from the Committee on State Library, submitted a new report on the subject of a State seal this morning. The device represents a mountain horizon, and a prairie foreground traversed by a'schooner' bound for the Peak; a rising sun illuminates a retreating herd of buffalo, and a farmer following the plough. The motto suggested is the terse, emphatic and appropriate legend,'WE WILL.' The design is decidedly the most original and suggestive which has yet been presented, though Mr. Denman suggests that it might be better to change the motto to'WE WON'T.'" -George W. Brown, late of the Herald of Freedom, becomes a resident of Paola. MAY 20."The vexed question of a State seal has at last received its quietus at the hands of a conference committee. The new design embraces a prairie landscape, with buffalo pur-.sued by Indian hunters, a settler's cabin, and a ploughman with his team, a river with a steamboat, a cluster of thirty-four stars surrounding the legend,'AD ASTRA PER ASPERA,' the whole encircled by the words,'Great Seal of the State of Kansas, 1861.' "-J. J Ingalls, in Coneservative. MAY 21."Directly after General Butler's accession to command at Fortress Monroe, three -negro slaves came within his lines from the Rebel lines adjacent, stating that they -were held as property by Colonel Mallory, of the Confederate forces in his front, who was about to send them to the North Carolina seaboard, to work on the Rebel fortifica-tions there in progress, intended to bar that coast against our arms. General Butler heard their story, was satisfied of its truth, and said:'These men are contraband of war; set them at work.' "-Greeley's Conflict, vol. II p. 238. MAY 21."Judge Lambdin, who is just from Butler county, states that the reports -of damage.done by grasshoppers are not exaggerated. The insects have travelled a belt of country about six miles wide, devouring every green thing. Young fields of wheat have been completely destroyed by their ravages, not one blade remaining; early corn and vegetables and the foliage of trees have suffered with equal severity; and the evil seems to be on the increase, with no means of prevention."-Topeka Letter in Conservative. MAY 22.- Republican Congressional Convention at Topeka. Thirty 264 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. counties send 55 delegates. Called to order by A. C. Wilder. On motion of Wm. A. Phillips, Dr. R. Gilpatrick was made temporary Chairman, and J. H. Signor, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: T. D. Thacher, F. G. Adams, L. R. Palmer, R. Crozier, James Montgomery. Committee on Permanent Organization: C. P. Twiss, F. A. Bliss, J. A. McCall, A. D. Brown, C. V. Eskridge. Ofcers: President, R. Gilpatrick; Vice Presidents, A. L. Lee, James L. McDowell, R. M. Fish, T. W. Satchel; Secretaries, D. R. Anthony, J. H. Signor. Ballot for Member of Congress: M. F. Conway 37, Ed. Lynde 8, R. M. Williams 6; Montgomery, Watson and Updegraff, one each. The following resolutions, offered by D. R. Anthony, are adopted: "Resolved by the Republican Party of the State of Kansas in Convention assembled, That the existing condition of national affairs demands the emphatic and unmistakable expression of the convictions of the people of the State, and that Kansas allies herself with the uprising Union hosts of the North to uphold the policy of the Administration. "Resolved, That the grave responsibilities of this hour could not have been safely postponed, and that they have not arrived too soon, and that in the present war between Government and Anarchy the mildest compromise is treason against humanity. "Resolved, That we spurn as specious sophistries all' suggestions for the peaceful dismemberment of the Union, and pledge our fortunes and our honor to its maintenance, intact and inviolate." The following State Committee was appointed: A. C. Wilder, T. D. Thacher, W. C. Dunton, J. F. N ewlon, Ed. Russell, D. W. Houston, Loring Farnsworth. MAY 23.-A. C. Wilder elected Chairman, and T. D. Thacher Secretary, of the Republican State Committee. MAY 24. —Railroad completed to Weston, Missouri; a line of boats from Leavenworth to Weston. MAY 28.-The First Kansas organizing, in the western part of Leavenworth. JUNE 1. —F. P. Stanton appointed to take charge of military affairs in New Mexico. — Col. Emory and Maj. S. D. Sturgis arrive at Fort Leavenworth from the South with United States troops. JUNE 3.- Gen. Lyon in command of the Military Department of the West. - Death of Stephen A. Douglas. He had given warm and efficient support to the Union cause and to President Lincoln. ~ -A Rebel flag captured at Iatan, Mo., and brought to Leavenworth by Frank H. Drenning, Frank M. Tracy, Thos. Merrick, G. Mellen Lewis, Richard D. Lender, Wm. Smart, James Liddle, Emil Umfried, Mr. Voeth, Fred. Amerine, Theo. Kroll, and Henry Laurenzier. These men were all from the Elwood Guards, and the Leavenworth Steuben Guards, a German company, and all soldiers of the First Kansas. Drenning was struck by two balls; two bullets entered Umfried's body and one his leg, and Voeth was shot in the leg. It was the first Rebel flag captured, and created intense excitement, many prominent men opposing the act as illegal. A public meeting in Lawrence endorsed the act of the soldiers, and the Leavenworth Conservative for sustaining them. JUNE 4.-Adjournment of the Legislature. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 265 -The name of Lykins county was changed by the Legislature to Miami; of Dorn to Neosho, and of Godfrey to Seward. An act was passed providing for the election of a District Attorney in each Judicial District, and an act calling an election for the permanent location of the State capital. The acts authorizing the issue of bonds created much discussion. JUNE 4.- Organization of the First Kansas. JUNE 10.-Captain Alfred Sully goes from Fort Leavenworth to St. Joseph, with a force of regulars, to organize a Home Guard. JUNE 11.-Conway elected to Congress. -The Second Kansas organized at Lawrence. -Capt. Prince leaves Fort Leavenworth with regulars for Kansas City. JUNE 13.-Seven companies of the First Kansas leave Leavenworth for Kansas City. The Second Kansas starts from Lawrence for Kansas City. JUNE 13.- Sol. Miller publishes Legislative Sketches in the White Cloud Chief. This is one of them: "W. F. M. &c. ARNY.- Mr. Amy is one of the Representatives from the Anderson District. He was born on the Peak of Teneriffe, in a very dry season; and the soothsayers who were present upon the melancholy occasion, predicted that wherever he went drought would follow him. Such has been his experience in Kansas. His name originally was' Nary,' and is supposed to have signified that' nary' thing would grow where he cast his lot. Thus, Kansas has recently experienced the calamity of'nary' corn,'nary' wheat,'nary' beans,'nary' grass seed,'nary' clothing for volunteers, etc. By some means, the letters forming his name have become transposed, and he is now called'Arny.' His parents found great difficulty in deciding upon a name for him -they had so many from which to choose, and so many letters of the alphabet looked well in a name. They finally hit upon a plan to settle the question. The old man resolved to fashion all the letters of the alphabet out of potter's clay, then throw them against the side of the house, and as many of them as stuck to the wall, those letters should form initials of his name; but those that fell off, should be discarded. He carried out his design - it was a good day for the business, and nearly all the letters stuck!" JUNE 13.-An article by R. C. Satterlee, in the Leavenworth Herald, on the Iatan flag matter, charging D. R. Anthony, of the Conservative, with falsehood, led to a shooting affray between the two men, in which Satterlee was killed. Anthony was tried before Judge McDowell, and acquitted. JUNE 17. —Gov. Robinson calls for more troops. -Gen. Lyon defeats Claib. Jackson at Booneville, Mo. JUNE 20.- Second Kansas organized. -The remainder of the First Kansas go to Kansas City. JUNE 22.-Fall of a brick block at Wyandotte. JUNE 24.- The First Kansas and regulars, under Maj. Samuel D. Sturgis, leave Kansas City for Springfield, Mo. JUNE 25.-James H. Lane publishes a statement in the Conservative in which he says: "On the 20th instant I was duly appointed a Brigadier General in the volunteer force of the United States." JUNE 26.-The Second Kansas leaves Kansas City. JULY 2.-Treaty between the United States and the Delawares. Delaware lands pledged by the Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western R. R. Co. to secure its bonds. JULY.- Surveyor General's office removed from Nebraska City to Leavenworth. 266 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. JULY 4.-The printers in the First and Second regiments issue a paper from a Rebel office, in Clinton, Mo. JULY 7.-The Kansas troops, under Sturgis, meet Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, at! Grand River. JULY 9. — Gen. Fremont in command of the Western Department, at St. Louis. JULY 12.-Organization of the Fifth Kansas begins. JULY 12.-Senator Foot, of Vermont, presents the credentials of Frederick P. Stanton, from Gov. Robinson, as Senator from Kansas, in place of Lane. They are referred to the Judiciary Committee, after a statement from Lane that "this looks like an attempt to bury a man before he is dead." Stanton was appointed because Lane-had accepted a commission as Brigadier General. JULY 14.-O. E. Learnard, of the Fifth District, having resigned, Gov. Robinson appoints Robert M. Ruggles, of Emporia, Judge of that district. JULY 15.-M. S. Adams, C. S. Lambdin, and Charles Starns, Commissioners to determine the location of the Penitentiary, take the oath of office, at Leavenworth. They bought a site in that county, November 25th. JULY 15. —The Third Kansas organized; James Montgomery, Colonel. JULY 18.-The first Overland coach arrives; seventeen days from San Francisco. JULY 21.-Panic and retreat of the Union army from the Bull Run battlefield. JULY 24.-Organization of the First Battery. JULY 25. —By the vote of a Union meeting in Leavenworth, business houses close in time every day -to allow all citizens time to drill. AUGUST.-During the summer the State lands were selected by S. E. Hoffman, E. P. Bancroft and H. B. Denman. Their Report, dated January 14, 1862, is published in the State Documents. The following is copied from it: "The following list will show the quantity of lands the State is entitled to under the provisions of the act of admission, and under the provisions of other acts of Congress: "1st. In section 3d of the act of admission,'sections number 16 and 36 in every township of public lands in the State are granted for the use of schools, and where either of said sections, or any part thereof, have been sold or otherwise disposed of, other lands equivalent thereto.' The quantity of land that would inure to the State under this provision, estimating the quantity from the number of surveyed townships taken from the records of the Surveyor General's office, would be, in the aggregate, ~800,292 acres. "2d. For the use and support of a State University, 46,080 acres: "3d. For the purpose of completing or erecting public buildings at the seat of government, 6,400 acres. "4th. Twelve salt springs, with six sections of land to each, 46,080 acres. "5th. Under the act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, 500,000 acres. "6th. Amount of land selected under the provisions of an act entitled'An act to authorize settlers-upon the 16th and 36th sections, who settle before the surveys of the public lands, to pre-empt their settlements,' approved February 26, A. D. 1859, to make up deficiencies where either townships or sections are fractional, 60,988 acres. "Making the aggregate amount of lands to which the State is entitled under the provisions of the act of admission and other acts of Congress, 1,459,840 acres." AUGUST 3.-Captain Sully takes Independence, Missouri. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 267 AUGUST 9.-The Rebel John Matthews drives sixty Union families from the Neutral Lands. AUGUST 10.-Battle of Wilson's Creek, ten miles south of Springfield, Missouri. The following is copied from Greeley's Conflict: "The First Missouri, First and Second Kansas, and First Iowa regiments, with Steele's battalion of Regulars, won immortal honor by the persistent and heroic gallantry with which they for hours maintained their ground against immense odds. The Rebels were repeatedly driven back in confusion, and the firing would be nearly or quite suspended for ten or twenty minutes; when, perceiving their decided superiority in numbers, since the rout and flight of Sigel's command, the Confederate officers would rally-their men and bring them once more to the charge. Meantime, Gen. Lyon, who had led out his own little army to fight, against his own judgment, upon the representation of Gen. Sweeny that to abandon all southwest Missouri without a battle would be worse than a defeat, and who had evinced the most reckless braveW throughout, had been twice wounded, and had had his horse killed under him. The second ball struck him in the head, and seemed for the moment to confuse him. He walked a few paces to the rear, saying to Major Schofield, his Adjutant,'I fear the day is lost;' to which Schofield responded,'No, General; let us try them once more.' Major Sturgis offered him his own horse, which Lyon at first declined, but soon after mounted, and, bleeding from his two wounds, swung his hat in the air, and called upon the troops nearest him to prepare for a bayonet charge on the lines of the enemy. The Second Kansas rallied around him, but in a moment its brave Col. Mitchell fell severely wounded, and his soldiers cried out:' We are ready to follow - who will lead us?'' I will lead you.!' replied Lyon;' come on, brave men!' and at that moment a third bullet struck him in his breast, and he fell mortally wounded." The fight opened at 5 A. M., and closed at 11:30. Gen. Ben. McCulloch's Report admits a loss of 265 killed, 800 wounded, and 30 missing. Our reports make our loss 223 killed, 721 wounded, and 292 missing. McCulloch says his force numbered 11,300, and 15 pieces of artillery. We had 5,000 troops in the beginning of the engagement, and less than 4,000 during the last four hours. AUGUST 14.-Fremont declares martial law in Missouri. AUGUST 17. —Gen. Lane fortifies at Camp Lincoln, Bourbon county. AUGUST 18.-Organization of the Sixth Kansas begins. AUGUST 31.-Gen. Fremont issues a General Order, from which the following is copied: "The property, real and personal, of all persons in the State of Missouri who shall take up arms against the United States, or shall be directly proven to have taken active part with their enemies in the field; is declared to be confiscated to the public use; and their slaves, if any they have, are hereby declared free men." SEPTEMBER. — George W. Kingsbury starts, at Junction City, the Smoky Hill and Republican Union. -H. T. Geery starts the Frontier, at Junction City. Geo. E. Dummer soon succeeds him. In March, 1862, two companies of Kansas soldiers destroyed the office. SEPTEMBER 2.- Battle of Dry Wood. Rebels under Rains; Union men under Cols. Montgomery, Jennison, and Johnson, and Capts. Moonlight, Ritchie, Williams and Stewart. SEPTEMBER 3. — Platte River Bridge massacre. Barclay Coppoc and others were killed. Coppoc was with John Brown at Harper's Ferry, and was a Lieutenant in Montgomery's regiment when killed. His remains 268 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. were given a military burial at Leavenworth, on the 6th. Nineteen persons were killed in this Rebel massacre. SEPTEMBER 4. — St. Joseph in the hands of Rebels. - Skirmish at Shelbina, Mo. Capt. J. R. McClure, of the Second Kansas, has his foot shot off. SEPTEMBER 7. —Atchison in danger. Five companies go to her assistance from Jefferson, Jackson and Doniphan counties. SEPTEMBER 8.- The First Kansas at Hannibal. SEPTEMBER 11. — President Lincoln orders Gen. Fremont to so modify his Emancipation Order as to make it conform with the provisions of the act of Congress on the same subject. SEPTEMBER 12. —Humboldt sacked by Rebels. SEPTEMBER 15. — The Second Kansas arrives in Leavenworth. The regiment given a public reception on the 16th. SEPTEMBER 20. —Siege of Lexington, Mo. Surrender of Cols. Mulligan, Peabody and Marshall, with 2,500 men, after four days' struggle. SEPTEMBER 17.-Battle of Morristown, Mo. Col. H. P. Johnson, of Leavenworth, killed. SEPTEMBER 20.-The John Brown song first sung in Leavenworth. SEPTEMBER 21. —Col. Judson, of the Sixth Kansas, returns from the Neutral Lands, having routed the marauders and killed Matthews. SEPTEMBER 23.- Lane takes Osceola and burns it. SEPTEMBER 25.- Gen. Prentiss takes command at St. Joseph. SEPTEMBER 26.-Vanity Fair, the New York humorous paper, publishes the following: K. T. DID. "We learn from Kansas Territory, that Captain Jennison, of border fame, has offered six hundred of his well-known'Jayhawkers,' all bold riders and well mounted, to the Union cause; also, that other mounted regiments will shortly be organized. Good for K. T.! "- Western Paper. From her borders, far away, Thirty score JAYHAWKERS bold, Kansas blows a trumpet call, Kansas men of strong renown, Answered by the loud "hurrah!" Rally round the banner old, Of her troopers, one and all. Casting each his gauntlet down. "Knife and pistol, sword and spur!,' "Good for Kansas," one and all Cries K. T.- Cry to her; "Let my troopers all concur Riding to her trumpet call, To the old flag, no demur - Blithe as to a festival, Follow me!" All concur! Hence the song of jubilee, Hence the revel and the glee, Platyphill~s from the tree, As the chanter from the tree, High among the branches hid, High among the branches hid, Sings all night so merrily- Sings all night so merrily"K. T. did, * "K. T. did! She did- she did!" She did- she did!" SEPTEMBER 30.-Lane's brigade arrives in Kansas City. Sturgis is there. OCTOBER.- Organization of the Third Battery. Seventh Kansas organized. OCTOBER 8.- Col. D. R. Anthony Provost Marshal of Kansas City. 1861.] ANNALS OF K4NSAS. 269 OCTOBER 9. —First Annual Meeting of the State Temperance Society, at Topeka. OCTOBER 11.-Sturgis and Lane leave for Springfield, Mo. OCTOBER 16.-Humboldt burned by Rebels. -The following petition led to a meeting of the Republican State Committee at Topeka, and the nomination of a State ticket: -"We, the undersigned citizens, suffering in common with others from the impotency or malice of the present State Executive, and earnestly desiring a State Government that will in a patriotic and energetic manner defend our people from invasion —knowing that by the plain and emphatic provisions of the State Constitution the term of our State officers expires on the first day of January, and that the legislative enactment continuing the State officers beyond that time is null and void, and that there is not sufficient timne, before the election, to hold a Nominating Convention, do respectfully pray your honorable body to nominate a full State ticket of efficient Union men, without reference to their political antecedents - men who will conduct the State Government with reference to the good of the whole country, and not upon mere personal grounds." The Committee made the following ticket and platform: For Governor, George A. Crawford, of Bourbon county; for Lieutenant Governor, Joseph L. Speer, of Jefferson county; for Secretary of State, J. W. Robinson, of Riley county; for Attorney General, Samuel A. Stinson, of Leavenworth county; for Treasurer, H. R. Dutton, of Brown county; for Auditor, James R. McClure, of Davis county; for Superintendent of Public Instruction, H. D. Preston, of Osage county. "Resolved, That the vigorous prosecution of the present war, the earnest and hearty support of the Administration in its efforts to crush out the rebellion, the maintenance of the Constitution, the enforcement of the laws, and the preservation of the Union, are the issues upon which these nominations are made." OCTOBER 24.-Organization of the Ninth Kansas begins. OCTOBER 25. —Gardner, Johnson county, sacked. OCTOBER 30. —Settlers driven from Mine creek, Linn county. NOVEMBER 2.-Lane and Sturgis reach Springfield. — Gen. Fremont removed. NOVEMBER 5.-Election. Vote on State Capital: Topeka, 7,996; Lawrence, 5,291; all others, 1,184. The State Board did not canvass the vote given for the George A. Crawford State ticket. ATTORNEY GENERAL (to fill vacancy.) Samuel A. Stinson received 11,971 votes, and is elected. STATE TREASURER (to fill vacancy.) H. R. Dutton.................................. 11,748 1 J. H. Lane............................................. 8 H. R. Dutton elected. STATE SENATORS (to fill vacancies.) SECOND DISTRICT-ATCHISON AND BROWN COUNTIES. W. B. Barnett............. 1284 I John J. Ingalls............ 814 I George W. Bowman......... 705 W. B. Barnett and John J. Ingalls elected. FOURTH DISTRICT -CLAY, RILEY, AND POTTAWATOMIE COUNTIES. M. L. Essicks................................... 454 1 J. D. Adams.................... 18 M. L. Essicks elected. 270 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. SIXTH DISTRICT -SHAWNEE, JACKSON, JEFFERSON, AND OSAGE COUNTIES. C. K. Holliday............ 980 D. Lakin................................. 230 J. C. Bartlett................................ 884 W. A. Shannon................................. 1 C. K. Holliday elected. EIGHTH DISTRICT —DOUGLAS, JOHNSON, AND WYANDOTTE COUNTIES. John Speer..................................... 1357 Robert S. Stevens...............................1687 James F. Legate................................ 1141 Charles G. Keeler............................... 1828 Charles G. Keeler and Robert S. Stevens elected. NINTH DISTRICT —BOURBON, LINN, AND MIAMI COUNTIES. Alonzo Curtis............... 856 [ Thomas Roberts............ 849 I Horatio Knowles......... 830 Alonzo Curtis elected. TENTH DISTRICT —ALLEN, ANDERSON, AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES. Jacob G. Reese................................... 442 A. Stewart....................................... 388 Jacob G. Reese elected. REPRESENTATIVES. FIRST DISTRICT - DONIPHAN COUNTY. Sol. Miller........................... 70 Franklin Grube.................................. 698 Ed. Russell................................. 680 Lyman Nash................................... 212 Joseph Penny................................... 534 Sol. Miller, Ed. Russell, Joseph Penny, and Franklin Grube elected. SECOND DISTRICT -ATCHISON AND BROWN COUNTIES. Thomas Murphy................................ 1247 M.. C. Willis.......................................... 435 A. W. Johnson................................. 1164 P. H. Fay........................................ 231 R. A. Van Winkle.............................. 1139 A. W. Robertson............................... i73 James B. Church................................ 28 James D. Church................................ 922 C. H. McCauley.................................. 28 0. H. McCauley.............................. 888 John Keen................................... 513 J. J. Patterson............................... 968 J. B. Reynolds................................... 450 S. B. Davis................................... 478 F. Roache.................................. 453 Thomas Murphy, A. W. Johnson, R. A. Van Winkle, Jas. D. Church, O. H. McCauley, and J. J. Patterson elected. THIRD DISTRICT-NEMAHA, WASHINGTON, AND MARSHALL COUNTIES. Harrison Foster.................................. 427 N. J. Leland.................................. 276 J. C. Smith.......................................... 94 S. F. Snider.......................... 26 F. P. Baker........................................ 353 John E. Smith.................................... 80 D. C. Auld............;.................... 168 Harrison Foster and F. P. Baker elected. FOURTH DISTRICT-CLAY, RILEY, AND POTTAWATOMIE COUNTIES. 1. T. Goodnow.................................... 463 [ Welcome Wells.......................... 448 Davies Wilson.......... 510 O. J. Grover.................................. 505 I. T. Goodnow, Davies Wilson, Welcome Wells, and 0. J. Grover elected. FIFTH DISTRICT —DICKINSON, DAVIS, AND WABAUNSEE COUNTIES. A. G. Robinson............................ 228 J. B. Ingersoll........................... 272 Geo. Montague.................................. 189 A. C. Pierce................................. 278 Geo. Freeman................................. 181 T. F. Hersey................................ 317 J. B. Ingersoll, T. F. Hersey, and A. C. Pierce elected. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 271 SIXTH DISTRICT-SHAWNEE, JEFFERSON, JACKSON, AND OSAGE COUNTIES. H. W. Martin................................. 1562 J. M. Huber................................... 1752 Golden Silvers................................. 1533 Jeremiah Sabin.................................. 1420 P. E. Havens.................................. 1630 J. B. Parrott................................. 199 C. H. Welch.................................... 1519 Jesse Hendrickson............................. 183 M. Anderson................................ 1539 J. W. Mann................................... 154 A. Spaulding.................................... 1559 H. W. Martin, Golden Silvers, P. E. Havens, C. H. Welch, M. Anderson, A. Spaulding, J. M. Huber, and Jeremiah Sabin elected. SEVENTH DISTRICT —LEAVENWORTH COUNTY. M. S. Adams................................... 1236 Charles Starns................................. 1209 T. J. Logan................................... 1041 I John P. Huesgen............................... 1078 G. W. Gardiner............................... 770 B. B. Moore.................................. 1067 E. McCrillus...................................... 1195 Thos. O'Guartney.............................. 1128 Geo. Gosling................................ 1076 Chas. H. Grover................................ 1106 James Medill..................................... 1189 John P. Mitchell............................... 984 Geo. W. Baird................................... 1039 J. H. Canady..................................... 1004 Thos. Carney..................................... 1307 John McCarthy................................ 1232 Jas. A. McGonigle............................. 1297 M. S. Adams, E. McCrillus, Jas. Medill, Thos. Carney, Jas. A. McGonigle, Chas. Starns, Thos. O'Guartney, Chas. H. Grover, and John McCarthy elected. EIGHTH DISTRICT —DOUGLAS, JOHNSON, AND WYANDOTTE COUNTIES. Sidney Clarke.................................. 1367 B. W. Hartley................................. 2515 R. L. Williams............................. 1679 W. M. Shean................................... 2692 A. Thoman...................... 2685 Jas. McGrew.................................. 2710 Samuel Black.................................. 2677 W. W. Dickinson.............................. 2204 Chauncey L. Steel.............................. 2594 Geo. W. Smith................................... 1424 E. G. Macy........................................ 2554 Geo. W. Benum................................. 620 J. L. Jones....................................... 2554 Eli McKee.......................................... 475 D. T. Mitchell.......................... 2693 John Giffen....................................... 485 W. H. M. Fishback........................... 2498 L. D. Williams.386 G. W. Smith, W. W. Dickinson, Jas. McGrew, W. M. Shean, B. W. Hartley, W. H. M. Fishback, D. T. Mitchell, J. L. Jones, R. L. Williams, E. G. Macy, Chauncey L. Steel, Samuel Black, and A. Thoman elected. NINTH DISTRICT-BOURBON, LINN, AND MIAMI COUNTIES. James C. Marshall............................... 484 George A. Reynolds............................. 874 J. B. McGrew.................................. 468 Eli G. Jewell.................................. 864 Josiah Lamb...................................... 482 William T. Jones................................. 865 W. R. Wagstaff.......................... 746 F. Muse................................... 381 I-enderson Rice................................... 862 George E. Dennison............................. 372 William Carr........................................837 A. Stark.................................... 334 William T. Jones, James C. Marshall, J. B. McGrew, Josiah Lamb, William R. Wagstaff, Henderson Rice, William Carr, George A. Reynolds, and Eli G. Jewell elected. TENTH DISTRICT-ALLEN, ANDERSON, AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES. Jacob A. Marcell..................... 952 T. B. Killen............................... 560 D. M. Valentine................... 830 J. N. Phillips................................ 261 W. H. McClure.................................... 597 J. S. Pile.................................... 312 J. B. Lowrie......................................... 399 Mathew Porter.................................. 252 Lowrie.................... 135 John T. Lanter.................................. 220 C. S. Clark................................... 781 Jacob A. Marcell, D. M. Valentine, W. H. McClure, J. B. Lowrie, C. S. Clark, and T. P. Killen elected. 272 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. ELEVENTH DISTRICT —WOODSON AND MADISON COUNTIES. Benjamin F. Van Horn........................ 112 1 A. K. Hanks...................................... 14 E. J. Brown................................... 123 Benjamin F. Van Horn and E. J. Brown elected. TWELFTH DISTRICT —OSAGE, COFFEY, AND BRECKINRIDGE COUNTIES. O. H. Sheldon................................. 865 Watson Foster.................................. 383 J. H. Leard................................... 654 Charles Morse................................. 382 P. B. Plumb................................... 591 A. G. Miller.................................. 373 P. B. Maxson.................................. 581 C. V. Eskridge................................ 539 J. Jenks................................... 211 H. W. Watrous................................. 332 F. W. Potter.................................. 592 0. H. Sheldon, J. H. Leard, P. B. Plumb, P. B. Maxson, F. W. Potter, and C. V. Eskridge elected. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT-MORRIS, BUTLER, AND CHASE COUNTIES. H. S. Hunt.................................... 106 I M. R. Leonard.................................... 189 C. Columbia.............................. 303 A. R. Page........................................... 92 C. Columbia and M. R. Leonard elected. FOURTEENTH DISTRICT-ARAPAHOE, GODFREY, GREENWOOD, HUNTER, WILSON, DORN, M'GEE, AND SALINE COUNTIES. Horace L. Jones, 24. Horace L. Jones elected. JUDGE (to fill vacancy). FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT-COFFEY, CHASE, BRECKINRIDGE, MORRIS, MADISON, AND OSAGE COUNTIES. R. M. Ruggles.................... 965 1 W. R. Saunders................................ 589 R. M. Ruggles elected. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT-WYANDOTTE, JACKSON, JEFFERSON, AND LEAVENWORTH COUNTIES. J. C. Douglass................................ 1665 I Thomas P. Fenlon.............................. 1966 Thomas P. Fenlon elected. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT —ATCHISON, DONIPHAN, BROWN, NEMAHA, AND MARSHALL COUNTIES. Joseph F. Babbitt, 2,376. Joseph F. Babbitt elected. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT-CLAY, DAVIS, RILEY, WABAUNSEE, POTTAWATOMIE, DICK-. INSON, SHAWNEE, AND SALINE'COUNTIES. A. H. Case................... 732 W. P. Douthitt................................ 240 L. McArthur................... 663 A. H. Case elected. FOURTH DISTRICT- ANDERSON, ALLEN, BOURBON, DOUGLAS, LINN, MIAMI, JOHNSON, AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES. Samuel A. Riggs................................ 2389 I W. F. Woodworth.............................. 1703 Samuel A. Riggs elected. FIFTH DISTRICT; —COFFEY, CHASE, BRECKINRIDGE, MORRIS, MADISON, BUTLER, WOODSON, AND OSAGE COUNTIES. George H. Lillie......... 878 I Silas Fearl.................. 520 I P. B. Plumb.............. 49 George H. Lillie elected. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 273 AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION AND BANKING LAW.'ID COUNTIES. C iCO sN TIE. z S oi. I Allen......Allen............................................ Anderson......................... Anderson.......................... Atchison............................... 533 287 Atchison............................... 558 - 276 Brown................................... 226 16 Brown................................. 235 7 Butler................................. 8......... Butler...............8............ 8 Breckinridge.......................... 218 165 Bouron................................ 86 33 Bourbon................................. 93 38 Breckinridge......................... 200 134 Chase................................. 93 18 Chase.................................. 75 23 Coffey.................................... 97 119 Coffey.................................. 95 8 Cherokee...................................... Cherokee.............................. Davis..................................... Davis.................................................. Dickinson............................. 4 63 Dickinson.................................... Doniphan............................... 278 123 Doniphan.. 239 71 Douglas.................................. 128 187 Douglas................................ 229 180 Franklin................................ 26 41 Franklin............................. 220 79 Jackson.................................. 173 Jackson............................. 118 97 Jefferson......................................... Jefferson........................ Johnson................................ 386 56 Johnson.............................. 379 14 Linn.................................... 274 90 Lin.................................... 314 58 Leavenworth......................... 1,221 276 Leavenworth........................ 139 1,324 Miami............................. 156 50 Miami....................... 95 65 Madison................................ 28 7 Madison..................... 25 3 Morris.................................. 49 46 Morris............................... 36 50 Marshall....................... 88 50 Marshall...................... 83 90 Nemaha................................ 178 218 Nemaha.............................. 212 169 Osage.................................... 38 95 Osage................................. 60 61 Riley.................................. 87 87 Riley.................................. 83 91 Pottawatomie....................... 7 177 Pottawatomie................... 49 91 Shawnee................................ 179 312 Shawnee.............................. 154 246 Saline......................................... 33 Saline................................. 1 13 Wabaunsee........................... 89 31 Wabaunsee...... 75 43 Wyandotte........................... 99. 43 Washington............... 13 12 Washington.......................... 22 Wyandotte.......................... 103 36 Woodson................................ 62 7 Woodson.............................. 73 Total................................4,655 2, 807 Total..................733 3,343 The amendment made to the Constitution is as follows: "No banking institution shall issue circulating notes of a less denomination than one dollar." NOVEMBER 8.-D. R. Anthony sells the Conservative to D. W. Wilder. On the 16th of January, 1862, Mathew Weightman became a partner in its publication. NOVEMBER 11.-General Halleck in command at St. Louis. NOVEMBER 12.-Creation of the Department of Kansas, with Major General David Hunter in command. NOVEMBER 15.-Return of the Kansas Brigade to Fort Scott. -Treaty by which the Pottawatomies are to dispose of their land to the Leavenworth, Pawnee and WVestern Railroad Company. NOVEMBER 19.-The Missouri Rebel Legislature pass an Ordinance of Secession. NOVEMBER 25.-General Hunter arrives at Fort Leavenworth. NOVEMBER 30.-General James W. Denver ordered to report at Fort Scott. DECEMBER 6.-The Lawrence Republican says: In the following table we give the vote on all the candidates for State officers. The eandidates voted for, as all our readers will recollect, are as follows: For Governor, George A. Crawford; for Lieutenant Governor, Joseph L. Speer; for Secretary of State, 18 274 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. J. W. Robinson; for Treasurer, H. R. Dutton; for Auditor, J. R. McClure; for Attorney General, S. A. Stinson; for Superintendent of Public Instruction, H. D. Preston. Counties. S 8 c Allen........................................ 208 205 207 209 209 208 205 Douglas *.................................................................. Dickinson............................... 83 83 83 82 83 83 Chase........................................ 83 73 72 132 133 68 68 Atchison *......................................................................................................... Coffey........................................ 532 527 529 533 530 530 531 Breckinridge................................ 55 55 55...................... 56 55 Morris.................................. 80 78 78.................... 83 Miami............................................ 274 284 286 286 291 288 287 Madison................................. 58 58 58 58 58...58 58 Johnson................................ 392 353 357 417 514 357 366 Riley................................... 245 253 229 244 241.......... 235 Saline................................12 2 1............ 12 1 12 12 12 12 Linn............................................ 383 387 383 372 383 386 383 Wabaunsee.................................... 93 93 91 90 80 88 89 Brown....................................... 22 21 21............... 21 21 Nemaha............................ 15 14 14....................... 11 2 Jefferson *........................................................................................................... Jackson........................................ 207 211 216 224 208 222 221 Washington................................... 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 Doniphan.......................... 311 285 237 625 652 258 252 Franklin...........................2........... 263 265 265 202 202 294 264 Butler *............................................................................................................ Pottawatomie................................. 270 269 269 270 273 273 250 Davis.................................... 211 211 202 213 210 212 208 Woodson........................................ 78 74 74 77 80 74 74 Wyandotte.................................... 347 344 349 390 591 348 341 Osage.......102......122......12........ 101...128.... 102 122 125 128 124 Leavenworth *.................................................................................................... Marshall................................ 67 81 81 54 53 79....81 Cherokee.......................................11 11 11 11 11 11 Bourbon.................................... 177 185 182 69 69 186 184 Anderson....195...................................91 181 191 191 191 191 Shawnee........................................ 608 595 617 676 677 622 594 * No returns from the above five counties. "In the above table, it will be observed, George A. Crawford had 5,436 votes, with Atchison, Douglas, Leavenworth and Jefferson unreturned-the canvassers refusing to recognize the vote. Douglas county, which was not counted by the judges, gives Crawford 551 votes; Lawrence counted would add at least 200 to that. Let us estimate the unreturned counties, and see how the vote stands: Vote returned, as per table............... 5,436 Atchison (estimated)........................ 400 Douglas, as returned by township Leavenworth (estimated).................. 750 judges except Lawrence..................... 551 Jefferson (estimated)........................ 100 Lawrence (estimated)....................... 200 Total....................................................................................................... 7,437 "The entire vote on the State Capital is 14,461. This would show that Crawford received 200 more than half the votes cast even upon the Capital question, which called out a very large vote." DECEMBER 7.-Carl Horne sentenced to be hanged in Leavenworth - the first capital conviction in Kansas. DECEMBER 11.-Rebel raid on Potosi, Linn county. DECEMBER 14.-Major H. H. Williams, of the Third Kansas, takes Papinsville and Butler, Missouri. D-ECEMBER 17.-General Lane receives a new military appointment. DECEMBER 20.-The Eighth Kansas at Westport, Missouri. One hundred contrabands, freed by Col. Anthony, at Independence, arrive at Leavenworth in gay procession. DECEMBER 31.-First Kansas ordered to Kansas City and Fort Scott. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 275 DECEMBER 31.-The State printing for the comling year has been given out to the following persons: Laws and Journals —J. H. Bennet, of Grasshopper Falls. Documents and Blanks —Trask & Lowman, of Lawrence. Legislative Printing-J. F. Cummings. The binding was let to John Dodsworth and J. H. Bennet. -The following facts relating to Kansas regiments are copied from the Report printed while Thomas J. Anderson was Adjutant General. Volume I contains 1,116 pages; volume II, 1,146 pages. The compilation was made from the original rolls by Samuel S. McFadden and Henry L. Isbell, who had both been soldiers in the Second Kansas. The volumes were printed by W. S. Burke, at Leavenworth, in 1867. FIRST REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS -INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Mouster. Remarks. COLONEL. George W. Deitzler........ May 28, 1861 Wounded in action, August 10, 1861, at Wilson's Creek, Mo.; prom. Brig. Gen., Nov. 29, 1862. William Y. Roberts...... June 16, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. LIEUT. COLONEL. Oscar E. Learnard......... May 28, 1861 Resigned, July 25, 1862. Otto M. Tennison......... Aug. 16, 1862 Dismissed, May 10, 1863. Newell W. Spicer......... June 15, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. - MAJOR. John A. Halderman...... May 28, 1861 Resigned, April 30, 1862. William Y. Roberts...... May 12, 1862 Promoted Colonel, June 15, 1863. James Ketner............... June 19, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. ADJUTANT. Edwin S. Nash............. June 1, 1861 Promoted Captain Co. G, June 1, 1862. John A. Henry.............. Nov. 21, 1862 Assigned to Co. B, Veteran Batt., May 26, 1864. QUARTERMASTER. George H. Chapin......... June 3, 1861 Resigned, October 25, 1861. Charles F. Garrett.......... Promoted Captain and A. Q. M., April 26, 1862. John H. W. Mills.......... May 12, 1862 Promoted Captain and A. C. S., Feb. 19, 1863. Martin H. Dickenson.... July 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SURGEON. George E. Budington..... July 24, 1861 Resigned, March 12, 1863. Mahlon Bailey.............. June 1, 1863 Mustered out with the regiment. ASST. SURGEON. Samuel D. Smith........... June 1, 1861 Resigned, April 16, 1862. Mahlon Bailey............. May 27, 1862 Promoted Surgeon, June 1, 1863. Charles King..................................... Resigned, December 10, 1862. Joseph Speck................ June 3. 1863 Assigned to Veteran Batt., May 28, 1864; musCHAPLAIN. tered out, August 30, 1865. Ephraim Nute, jr......... June 10, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Bernard P. Chenoweth.. May 30, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Peter A. Josephs.......... May 30, 1861 Resigned, August 14, 1861. Charles O. Smith.......... Sept. 1, 1861 Resigned, October 29, 1862. Robert Tracy................ Feb. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Charles O. Smith........... June 3, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 1, 1861. Frank M. Tracy............ Sept. 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant Co. I, April 12,'62. Robert Tracy................ May 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 1, 1863. Christopher H. Ford...... Nov. 17, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. 276 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster.l Remarks. CAPTAIN. William Y. Roberts...... May 28, 1861 Promoted Major, May 12, 1862. John P. Alden.............. May 12, 1862 Promoted Captain and A. C. S. Vols., July 2,'63. Michael Mack............... Feb. 21, 1864 Assigned to Co. B, Veteran Battalion. FIRST LIEUT..John P. Alden.............. May 28, 1861 Wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's C'k, Mo.; promoted Captain, May 12, 1862. Michael Mack............... July 27, 1862 Promoted Captain, February 21, 1864. SECOND LIEUT..John W. Dyer............... June 8, 1861 Killed in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek. Hubbard H. Sawyer...... Sept. 1, 1861 Resigned, July 5, 1862..Aaron W. Merrill......... July 8, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY C. Name and'Rank. Date of Muster.1 Remarks. CAPTAIN.'Peter McFarland......... May 29, 1861 Severely wounded, August 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek; resigned, December 11, 1862. James Reed.................. Jan. 23, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James Phillips............. May 29, 1861 Resigned, December 5, 1861. ~Mathew Malone............ Dec. 1, 1861 Resigned, February 14, 1862. James Reed.................. Mar. 1, 1862 Promoted Captain, January 23,.1863. Edward Reiley.............. Nov. 20, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Mathew Malone............ May 29, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 1, 1861. James Reed............. Dec. 4,1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 1, 1862. Edward Reiley...........| May 10, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, November 20,'6. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster.' Remarks. CAPTAIN. Frank B. Swift............... June 3, 1861 Wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's C'k; resigned May 26, 1862. Newell W. Spicer.......... May 26, 1862 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June 1, 1863. Milton Kennedy........... Dec. 8, 1863 Assigned to Veteran Company D, June 16, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Newell W. Spicer.......... June 3, 1861 Promoted Captain, May 26, 1862. John W. Stone.............. May 26, 1862 Resigned, January 19, 1863 Milton Kennedy........... April 13, 1863 Promoted Captain, December 8, 1863. William H. Earl........... Dec. 8, 1863 Assigned to Veteran Company D, June 16, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. Caleb S. Pratt............... June 3,1861 Killed in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek. John W. Stone............. Sept. 12, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 26, 1862. Milton Kennedy. May 26, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 13, 1863. William H. Earl...... April 13, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 8, 1863. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of M~uster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Powell Clayton............ May 29, 1861 Promoted Lieut. Col. Fifth Kas. Cav., Feb. 1,'62. Lewis Stafford............... Feb. 1, 1862 Accidentally killed,Young's Pt., La., Jan. 31,'63. George M. Reeder......... May 1, 1863 Resigned, October 8, 1863. William C. Barnes........ Jan. 18, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Lewis Stafford.............. May 29, 1861 Promoted Captain, February 1, 1862. Alexander C. Soley...... Feb. 1, 1862 Resigned, April 28, 1862. George M. Reeder......... May 1,1862 Promoted Captain, May 1, 1863. James H. Cowan........... May 1,1863 Resigned, August 1, 1863. William C. Barnes......... Dec. 10, 1863 Promoted Captain, January 17, 1864. James Fitzpatrick......... Jan. 18, 1864 Killed-shot by Adjutant Henry, May 21, 1864, SECOND LIEUT. Vicksburg, Miss.'Azel W. Spaulding........ June 5, 1861 Resigned, October 31, 1861. Alexander C. Soley...... Nov. 12, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 1, 1862. Lindsay Knapp............ Feb. 1, 1862 Resigned, April 28, 1862.,James H. Cowan........... April29, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 1, 1863.'William C. Barnes........ May 1, 1863 Promoted First Lieut., Dec. 10, 1863; wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 277 COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel Walker............. June 1, 1861 Promoted Major Fifth Kas. Cav., May 24, 1862. Theron Tucker............ May 26, 1852 Wounded in action, Feb. 10, 1863, near Lake FIRST LIEUT. Providence, La.; must'd out with regiment. Levant L. Jones............ June 1, 1861 Killed in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek. Theron Tucker............ Aug. 10, 1861 Promoted Captain, May 26, 1862. Joseph Gilliford............ May 26, 1862 Resigned, June 14, 1862. Shubal P. Thompson..... July 1, 1862 Promoted Captain 16th Kas. Cav., Jan. 13, 1864. Frederick W. Paetz...... Apr. 17, 1864 Wounded; Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Crk., Mo., and May, 1863, Lake Providence, La.; mustered SECOND LIEUT. out with regiment. Edwin S. Nash.............. June 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieut. and Adjt., June 1, 1861. Theron Tucker............. June 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, August 10, 1861. Joseph Gilliford............ Sept. 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 26, 1862. Shubal P. Thompson..... May 26, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 1, 1862. Frederick W. Paetz...... Aug. 10, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 17, 1864. COMPANY G. Name and Bank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Job B. Stockton............ May 29, 1861 Resigned, July 15, 1862. Ed. S. Nash.................Nov. 21, 1862 Resigned, March 17, 1863. Abraham Funk........... June 25, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James Ketner............... May 29, 1861 Promoted, Captain Co. K, August 19, 1861. Hugh D. McCarty......... Oct. 1, 1861 Wounded in action, August 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek, Mo.; resigned July 15, 1862. Abraham Funk............ July 30, 1862 Promoted Captain, June 25, 1863. Alonzo J. Brown........... June 25, 1863 W. in action -; prom. Capt. Co. H, July 8,1863. Calvin G. Beach............ July 8, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. Hugh D. McCarty......... May 29, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, October 1, 1861. Abraham Funk............ Oct. 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 30, 1862. Alonzo J. Brown...........July 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 25, 1863. Joseph Pennock............ May 30, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Daniel McCook............ May 31,1861 Resigned, November 10, 1861. Otto M. Tennison.......... Nov. 10, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Aug. 16, 1862. Sylvester T. Smith........ Oct. 24, 1862 Resigned, February 27, 1863. Henry M. Howard........ Mar. 31, 1863 D)ismissed, May 31, 1863, per special order War Dept., Adjt. General's Office, May 18, 1863. Alonzo J. Brown........... July 11, 1863 Resigned, Mar. 21, 1864, to accept appointment in Veteran Reserve Corps. Curtis M. Benton.......... Apr. 27, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. James A. McGonigle...... May 31, 1861 Resigned, October 3, 1861. Otto M. Tennison.......... Oct. 3, 1861 Promoted Captain, November 10, 1861. Michael Bransfield........ Nov. 10, 1861 Resigned, May 1, 1862. Henry M Howard......... May 1, 1862 Promoted Captain, March 31, 1863. George M. Dilworth...... Mar. 31, 1863 Killed in action, May 10, 1863, at Pinhook, La. Curtis M. Benton.......... July 11, 1863 Promoted Captain, April 27, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. Michael Bransfield........ June 5,1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, Nov. 10, 1861. Sylvester T. Smith........ Feb. 11, 1862 Promoted Captain, October 24, 1862. George M. Dilworth...... Aug. 16, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 31, 1863. Martin H. Dickenson.... May 1, 1863 Prom. First Lt. and Reg. Qr. Mastr., JuLly 1,'63. 278 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of SMuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Gustavus Zesch............ May 27, 18'61 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Henry Sarstedt............. May 27, 1861 Resigned, February 2, 1862. Emil Umfried............... Feb. 2, 1862 Resigned, April 12, 1862. Frank M. Tracy............ April 12, 1862 Resigned, October 29, 1862. Frederick Hubert......... Oct. 29, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Emil Umfried............... May 27, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 2; 1862. Frederick Hubert......... May 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, October 29, 1862. Francis Becker............. Oct. 29, 1862 Killed in action, June 9, 1863, Lake Provid., La. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Reeartks. CAPTAIN. George H. Fairchild...... May 31, 1861 Resigned, August 9, 1861. James Ketner............. Sept. 1, 1861 Promoted Major, June 19, 1863. John W. Murphy.......... June 27, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Camille Aguiel.............. May 31, 1861 Killed in action, Aug. 10, 1861,Wilson's Ck., Mo. Rinaldo A. Barker........ Sept. 1,1861 Resigned, April 1, 1862, Lawrence, Kansas. Jerome G. Miner........... May 1, 1 62 Killed in action, Oct. 5,1862, near Corinth, Miss. John W. Murphy..........] Oct. 28, 1862 Promoted Captain, June 27, 1863. George W. Hutt............ June 27, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Rinaldo A. Barker........ May 31, 1861 Prom. First Lieut., Sept. 1,'61; wounded in act'n in head, foot, left hand, Aug. 10,'61,Wils. Ck. Jerome G. Miner........... Oct. 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 1, 1862. John W. Murphy... May 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, October 28,1862. George W. Hutt............ Oct. 28, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, June 27, 1863. Joseph W. Martin......... July 10, 1863 Transferred to Co. B, Vet. Bat., May 29, 1864. NEW COMPANY B-VETERAN MOUNTED INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Michael H. Mack......... Feb. 21, 1864 Resigned, July 19, 1864. John A. Henry............. Aug. 25, 1865 Mustered out, Aug. 30,1865, Lit. Rk., Ark., per S. FIRST LIEUT. I O0. NO. 2, Hdqrs. Dept. La. & Tx., July 19,1865. John A. Henry............. Nov. 21, 1862 Promoted Captain, August 25, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Joseph W. Martin......... July 10, 1863 Killed at Atchison, Kas., Nov. 8, 1864, while absent on sick leave. Van Buren Rice............ Feb. 1, 1865 Mustered out, August 30,1865, Little Rock, Ark. NEW COMPANY D —VETERAN MOUNTED INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster.j Remarks. CAPTAIN. Milton Kennedy.......... Dec. 8, i863 Mustered out, August 30,1865, Little Rock, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. William H. Earl............ Dec. 8, 1863 Resigned April 26, 1865. John McCoach.............. July 1, 1865 Mustered out, August 30,1865, Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. John A. Henry............. July 1, 1865 Promoted Captain Veteran Co: B, Aug. 25, 1865. The following is a list of the battles and skirmishes in which the First Kansas Volunteer Infantry were, in whole or in part, engaged: Dug Springs, Mo., August 3, 1861; Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861; Brownsville, Tenn., September, 1862; Trenton, Tenn., September 17, 1862; 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 279 Chewalla, Miss., October 5, 1862; Tuscumbia Mount, Miss., October 5, 1862; Lumpkin's Mills, Miss., December, 1862; Tallahatchie, Miss., December, 1862; Old River, La., February 10, 1863; Hood's Lane, La., February 10, 1863; Black Bayou, La., February 10, 1863; near Lake Providence, La., Feb. 10, 1863; Caledonia, La., May 10, 1863; Pinhook, La., May 10, 1863; Bayou Tensas, La., May 17, 1863; Holly Brook, La., June 9, 1863; Lake Providence, La., June 9, 1863; Lake Providence, June 29, 1863; Baxter's Bayou, La., June 9, 1863; Cross Bayou, La., September 14, 1863; Alexandria, La., September 20, 1863; Big Black river, Miss., October 8, 1863; Tallahatchie, Miss., November 30, 1863; Columbia, Ark., June 2, 1864; Atchafaluya Bayou, Ark., October 4, 1864; Salem, Miss.; Richmond, La.; Bayou Macon, La.; Yazoo City, Miss.; Benton, Miss. SECOND REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Robert B. Mitchell......... June 20, 1862 Retained in service and transferred to the SecLIEUT. COLONEL. ond Kansas Volunteer Cavalrv. Charles W. Blair........... June 20, 1861 Resigned, October 9, 1861. MAJOR. William F. Cloud.......... June 20, 1861 Retained in service and transferred to the SecADJUTANT ond Kansas Cavalry. Edward D. Thompson... June 20,1861 Mustered out with regiment October 31, 1861. QUARTERMASTER. Shaler W. Eldridge........ June 20,1861 Mustered out with regiment. SURGEON. Aquila B. Massey.......... June 20, 1861 Absent on detached service at time of musterASSISTANT SURGEON. out of regiment. Eliphalet L. Pattee........ June 20, 1861 Absent on detached service at time of musterCHAPLAIN. out of regiment. Randolph C. Brant........ June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Leonard W. Hone......... June 20,1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas Fulton............ June 20,1861 Mustered out with reg't, Oct. 31,'61; wounded SECOND LIEUT. in action Aug. 10, 1861, at Wilson's Creek, Mo. Luther H. Wentworth... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with reg't Oct. 31, 1861; wounded THIRD LIEUT. in action Aug. 10,'61, at Wilson's Creek, Mo. James C.20,1861 Disch'd by order of Gen. Fremont, Aug. 31,'61. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James R. McClure......... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with reg't, Oct. 31,1861; wounded FIRST LIEUT. in action, September 4, 1861, at Shelbina, Mo. Anson R. Spinner......... June 20,1861 Resigned, August 31, 1861. SECOND LIEUT. James P. Downer.......... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861; promoted First Lieutenant, Sept. 1, 1861. Edward C. D. Lines....... Aug. 31,1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. THIRD LIEUT. Edward C. D. Lines....... June 20, 1861 Promoted Second Lieut., Aug. 31, 1861; wounded in action, Aug. 10, 1861, at Wilson's Creek, Mo. 280 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of- Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Simeon F. Hill.............. June 20, 1861 Mustered out, October 31, 1861. FIRST LIEUT. James W. Parmeter....... June 20,1861 1 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. SECOND LIEUT. Warren Kimball........... June 20,1861 Resigned, July 20, 1861. John K. Rankin............ Sept. 1, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. THIRD LIEUT. John K. Rankin............ June 20, 1861 Promoted Second Lieutenant, Sept. 1, 1861. COMPANY D. Vame and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Joseph Cracklin............ June 20,1861 Resigned, October 1, 1861. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas J. Sternbergh... June 20,1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. SECOND LIEUT. Lucius J. Shaw.............. June 20, 1861 Died, September 5, 1861, of injury received at THIRD LIEUT. Platte river bridge, Mo., September 2, 1861..Edward D. Thompson................... Promoted First Lieut. and Adj't, May 25, 1861. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Resmarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel J. Crawford....... June 20, 1861 Retained in service and transferred to Second FIRST LIEUT. Kansas Cavalry. John G. Lindsay........... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. SECOND LIEUT. A. R. Morton................. June 20, 1861 Absent Without leave since August 7, 1861. Samuel K. Cross............ Sept. 1, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, October 31, 1861. THIRD LIEUT. Samuel K. Cross............ June 20, 1861 Promoted Second Lieutenant, Sept. 1, 1861. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Rernarks. CAPTAIN. Byron P. Ayers............. June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Ezekiel Bunn.............. June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIIUT. Barnett B. Mitchell....... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. THIRD LIEUT. David R. Coleman......... June 20, 1.861 Disch'd by order Gen. Fremont, Aug. 31, 1861. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of liuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Avra P. Russell............ June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment; wounded acciFIRST LIEUT. dentally, Sept. 11, 1861, at Shelbina, Mo. Charles P. Wiggins........ June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment; wounded in acSECOND LIEUT. tion, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek. Jacob A. Graham.......... June 20, 1861 Absent without leave since August 30, 1861. THIRD LIEUT. Robert Newell............... June 20, 1861 Killed in action, Aug. 10, 1861, Wilson's Creek. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 281 COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of lMuster. l Remarks. CAPTAIN. William F. Cloud............................... Promoted Major, May 22, 1861. Andrew J. Mitchell....... June 20, 1861 Promoted from First Lieut. to Captain, May 23, FIRST LIEUT. 1861; mustered out with regiment. Charles S. Hills............. June 20, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant May 23, 1861; musSECOND LIEUT. tered out with regiment. Joseph A. Fuller........... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. THIRD LIEUT. William T. Galliher...... June 20, 1861 Discharged by order Gen. Fremont, Aug. 31,'61, COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel N. Wood........... June 20, 1861 Transferred to Fremont's Battalion. FIRST LIEUT. Charles Dimon....... J..... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Edward G. Pierce......... June 20, 1861 Mustered out with the regiment. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William Tholen............ June 25,1861 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Gustavus Schreyer........ June 25,1861 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Ferdinand Jaedicke...... June 25,1861 Mustered out with regiment. THIRD LIEUT. James C. Bunch............ June 20, 1861 Discharged at St. Louis, Mo., August 31, 1861. SECOND REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS - CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of AMuster. Remarks.. COLONEL. Robert B. Mitchell........ June 20, 1861 Promoted Brigadier General United States Volunteers, April 8, 1862. William F. Cloud.......... June 1, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 19, 1865, Leavenworth, Kas& LIEUT. COLONEL. Owen A. Bassett............ Aug. 1, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 19, 1865, at Little Rock, Ark. MAJOR. Charles W. Blair........... Feb. 28, 1862 Promoted Colonel 14th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, October 13, 1863. Julius G. Fisk............... Jan. 1, 1862 Mustered out, April -18, 1865, at Little Rock, Arkansas; wounded in action, November 28, 1862, at Cane Hill, Ark. William F. Cloud.......... June 20, 1861 Promoted Colonel 10th Kansas Volunteer Infantry, March 27, 1862. James M. Pomeroy....... Feb. 28, 1862 Transferred to Ninth Kansas Cavalry by General Order No. 1, dated Headquarters Kansas State Militia, March 27, 1862. Thomas B. Eldridge...... Jan. 4, 1862 Mustered out, March 20, 1862, at Camp Blair, Kansas, as supernumerary. Henry Hopkins............ Nov. 13, 1863 Mustered out, Jan. 13, 1865, Leavenworth, Kas. John Johnston............. May 11, 1865 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. ADJUTANT. John Pratt.................... Nov. 11, 1861 Promoted Captain and Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers, Feb. 6, 1863. Morris Enright.............. Feb. 7, 1863 Dismissed the service by S. O. No. 387, dated W. D., A. G. O., November 7, 1864. 282' ANNALS OF KANSAS!. [1861. SECOND REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS — CAVALRY- Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. ADJUTANT. Henry L. Isbell............ Mar. 26, 1865 Mustered in to date prior to discharge as Serg. Maj. by S. 0. 649, W. D., A. G. O.; mustered BATTALION ADJUTANT. out August 11, 1865, at Lawrence Kansas. David R. Coleman......... Feb. 28, 1862 Mustered out, September 6, 1862, General Order No. 126, W. D., A. G. O. Joseph Cracklin............ Mar. 20, 1865 Mustered out, September 6,1862, General Order No. 126, W. D., A. G. O. William B. Parsons........ ar. 20, 1865 Transferred to 9th Kansas Cav., June 17, 1862. QUARTERMASTER. Cyrus L. Gorton............ Nov. 2, 1861 Promoted Captain and Assistant Quartermaster United States Volunteers, June 11, 1864. Clarence J. Williams..... Pec. 8, 1864 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, at Ft. Gibson, C. N. BATTALION Q. M. Elizur T. Goodrich.................... Ordere1 to report at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, COMMISSARY. May, 1862; no further record of him. Luther H. Wood........... Jan. 1, 1862 Resigned onr account of disability, October 19, SURGEON. 1864, at Fort Smith, Ark. Joseph P. Root.......... Dec. 28, 1861 Mustered out, Apr. 18, 1865, at Little Rock, Ark. ASST. SURGEON. George B. Wood............ Jan. 1, 1862 Resigned on account of ill health, September 27, 1862, in the field, Missouri. John W. Robinson....... Oct. 23, 1862 Died of chronic dysentery at Fort Smith, Ark., December 10, 1863. Valentine V. Adamson.. Sept. 27, 1861 Mustered out, June 22, 1862, at Ft. Gibson, C. N. CHAPLAIN. Charles Reynolds.......... Jan. 1, 1862 1 Mustered out, Dec. 31, 1864, at Fort Scott, Kas. COMPANY A. Name and Rank.'Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel J. Crawford...... June 20, 1861 Promoted Col. 2d Kas. Col'd Vols., Dec. 6, 1863. John Johnston.............. Jan. 8, 1864 Mustered out, 4pril 14, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. John Johnston.............. Nov. 15, 1861 Promoted Captain, January 8, 1864. Samuel K. Cross............ Jan. 8, 1864 Mustered out, April 14,1865, Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Samuel K. Cross............ Apr. 10, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 8, 1864. Charles A. Archer......... Feb. 8, 1864 Must'd in to date prior to dis'ge as Serg't by S. O. 447, W. D., A. G. O.; must'd out,April 14, 1864. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Dale of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Elias S. Stover.............. Nov.. 19, 1863 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. FIRST LIEUT. William P. Phillips...... Jan. 11, 1864 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. SECOND LIEUT. Robert D. Watts........... Apr. 21, 1865 1 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Daniel S. Whittenhall... Dec. 31, 1861 Resi'd for disability, Apr. 4,'63, Springfield, Mo. Edward C. D. Lines...... Feb. 23, 1863 Transferred from Co. K, May 4, 1863; killed in action, Sept. 1,'63, Backbone Mountain, Ark. Edgar A. Barker........... Nov. 1, 1863 Assigned to new Co. C, March 18, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Samuel C. Harrison...... Dec. 31, 1861 Deserted to the enemy, February 8, 1862. Edward C. D. Lines....... Feb. 20, 1862 Promoted Captain Co. K, February 23, 1863. Edgar A. Barker........... May 4, 1863 Promoted Captain, November 1, 1863. Henry S. Jenks............ Jan. 11, 1864 Mustered out, Jan. 11, 1865, Fort Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. William M. Hook......... Dec. 31, 1861 Resigned, March 27, 1863, Springfield, Mo. Henry S. Jenks........... May 4, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 11, 1864. Alfred B. Hopkins......... Jan. 11, 18641 Mustered out, Jan. 10, 1865, Fort Leavenworth. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 283 COMPANY D. Nanme and Rank. Date of Muster.. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Amaziah Moore............ Dec. 11, 1861 Resigned on acc't of physical dis., Aug. 12, 1863. John A. Lee................. May 30, 1864 Assigned to new Company D, March 18, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Amaziah Moore............ Nov. 20, 1861 Promoted Captain, December 11, 1861. Robert White............. Dec. 11, 1861 Resigned, April 30, 1862, at Fort Riley, Kas. Horace L. Moore........... May 1, 1862 Promoted Lt. Col. of 4th Ark. Cav., Feb. 18,1864. George W. Stabler......... May 1, 1864 Assigned to new Company D, March 18, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Horace L. Moore.......... Dec. 11, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 1, 1862. John B. Dexter............ May 1, 1862 Promoted Capt. and A. Q. M. U. V., June 4,1864. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Gardner............... Dec. 16, 1861 Mustered out, January 26,1865, at Leavenworth. ~FIRST LIEUT. John Gardner............... Nov. 4, 1861 Promoted Captain, December 16, 1861. Elias S. Stover............... Dec. 16, 1861 Promoted Captain Company B, Nov. 29, 1863. SECOND LIEUT. Augustus T. Lovelette... Dec. 16, 1861 Mustered out, January 26, 1865, at Leavenworth. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Hugh Cameron,............ Dec. 27, 1861 Promoted Lieut. Col. 2d Ark. Cav., Feb. 17,1864. James C. French........... March 2, 1864 Mustered out, January 18,1865, at Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. Hugh Cameron........... Nov. 7, 1861 Promoted Captain, December 27, 1861. James C. French........... Dec. 27, 1861 Promoted Captain, March 2, 1864. George W. Morgan........ Aug. 1, 1864 Assigned to duty as First Lieutenant of new SECOND LIEUT. Company D, March 18, 1865. Albert Schroeder........... Dec. 27, 1861 Resigned, March 7, 1862, at Leavenworth, Kas. John A. Lee.............. Mar. 13, 1862 Promoted Captain Company D, May 30, 1864. COMPANY G. Name and.Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Austin W. Matthews..... Jan. 7, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 13,'65, at Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. Austin W. Matthews..... Jan. 3,1862 Promoted Captain, January 7, 1862. Patrick Cosgrove........... Jan. 7, 1862 Promoted Captain Co. L, March 21, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. Gideon M. Waugh......... Jan. 7, 1862 Promoted Lieut. Col. 2d Ark. Cav., Jan. 7, 1864. Philander W. Straw...... May 23, 1864 Assigned to duty as Second Lieutenant in new Co. D, March 18, 1865; prisoner of war, captured near Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, 1864. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Arthur Gunther........... Mar. 8, 1862 Must. out, March 18, 1865, at Little Rock, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. David E. Ballard........... Jan. 10, 1862 Resigned, Feb. 15, 1865, at Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. John K. Rankin........... Mar. 8, 1862 Mustered out, March 18, 1865. 284 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861, COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel A. Williams...... Nov. 22, 1861 Resigned, March 28, 1862, at Shawnee, Kansas. Byron P. Ayers............ Mar. 28, 1862 Resigned, March 27, 1863, at Springfield, Mo. Charles Dimon.............. Nov. 4, 1863 Must. out, Jan. 10, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. Robert H. Hunt............ Nov. 23, 1861 Resigned, September 3, 1862. Clarence J. Williams..... Oct. 20, 1863 Prom. First Lt. and Regt'l Qr. Mr., Dec. 7,'64; SECOND LIEUT. wounded in left shoulder Dec. 20,'63, in Ark. Harvey A. Smith......... Nov. 28, 1861 Resigned, March 28, 1862, at Shawnee, Kansas. Charles Dimon.............. Mar. 28, 1861 Commissioned First Lieut., April 11, 1863, and placed on duty as such, but not mustered; promoted Captain Co. I, November 4, 1863. Edward Ross................. May 4, 1863 Assigned to duty as 2d Lt. new Co. C, Mar. 18,'65 COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Avra P. Russell............ Apr. 5, 1862 Died, December 12,1862, in Field Hospital near Prairie Grove, Ark., of wounds received in battle Dec. 7, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Ark. Edward C. D. Lines....... Feb. 23, 1863 Transferred to Co. C, May 4, 1864. John M. Mentzer.......... June 3, 1863 Must. out, Apr. 17, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kas.; FIRST LIEUT. W. in right limb near Camden,Ark.,Apr. 20,'64. Avra P. Russell............ Dec. -, 1861 Promoted Captain, April 5, 1862. Pamett B. Mitchell........ Apr. 5, 1862 Mustered out, Apr. 17,'65, at Leavenworth, Kas, SECOND LIEUT. John M. Mentzer......... Apr. 5, 1862 Promoted Captain, June 3, 1863. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. patrick Cosgrove........... Mar. 2, 1864 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. FIRST LIEUT. Joseph Hutchison......... Mar. 1, 1864 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. SECOND LIEUT. John 0. Miller............... Mar. 1, 1864 Must. out, Sept. 8,'65, Leav., to date Aug. 11,'65, NEW COMPANY C. lVame and Rank. Date of Muster.! Remarks. CAPTAIN. Edgar A. Barker............ Nov. 1, 1863 Resigned, May 23, 1865, at Fort Gibson, C. N. George W. Stabler......... June 9, 1865 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. FIRST LIEUT. George W. Stabler......... May 1, 1864 Promoted Captain, June 9, 1865. Henry L. Isbell............ June 9, 1865 Must.-in as First Lt. new Co. C revkd., and must. SECOND LIEUT. as First Lt. & Adjt. 2d Ks. Cv., date Mch. 26,'65. Edward Ross................ May 4, 1863 Resigned, May 8, 1865, at Lewisburg, Ark. Nathan W. Mott............ June 9, 1865 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. NEW COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John A. Lee.................. May 30, 1864 Mustered out, June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N. FIRST LIEUT. George W. Morgan........ Aug. 1, 1864 Resigned, May 1, 1865, at Lewisburg, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Philander W. Straw...... May 23, 1864 Mustered out, June 14, 1865, Leavenworth, Kar. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 285 List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Little Santa Fe ( Cos. D and M) -Killed, E. M., 1. Coon Creek -Missing, E. M., 5. Newtonia (October 5, 1862,)-No loss. Hazel Bottom (B and M)-Missing, E. M., 1. Elk Horn Tavern —No loss. Sugar CreekNo loss. Cross Hollow-No loss. Old Fort Wayne-Killed, E. M., 4; wounded, E. M., 2; missing, E. M., 1. Boonesboro'-Wounded, E. M., 1. Cove Creek-No loss. Pineville (C and M)-Killed, E. M., 1. Cane Hill-Killed, E. M., 1. Carthage (November 27, 1862)-Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 1. Boston Mountain-No loss. Reed's MountainKilled, E. M., 2; wounded, E. M., 5. Prairie Grove-Killed, E. M., 3; wounded, O. 1, E. M. 11; missing, E. M., 1. Dripping Spring —Killed, E.:M., 2. Bentonville (May 22, 1863)-H and M-No loss. Carthage (May 24, 1863)-No loss. Honey Springs —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Bentonville (August 15, 1863)-No loss. Perryville-No loss. Devil's Backbone-Killed, O. 1, E. M. 2; wounded, E. M., 4. Dardanelle-No loss. Newtonia (September 27, 1863)-E and M-No loss. Choctaw Nation-Missing, E. M., 1. Fouche le Faix Mountain (D and M)-No loss. Roseville (November 12, 1863) —E and M-Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 5. Clarksville -Killed, E. M., 1. Caddo Gap (December 4,1863)-B and M-No loss. Waldron (December 30, 1863)-Killed, E. M., 2; wounded, E. M:, 6. Baker's Spring-Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 2. Little Missouri River (A, D, and M)-No loss. Sulphur Springs (G and M)No loss. Caddo Gap (January 26, 1864)-Missing, E. M., 1. Dallas (F, H, K, and M)-No loss. Waldron (February 1, 1864)-Wounded, E. M., 1. Mountain Fork-No loss. Caddo Mountain-Wounded, E. M., 1. Scott's Farm —Wounded, E. M., 1. Caddo Gap (Feb. 16, 1864)-Wounded, E. M., 1. Danville —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Roseville (March 29, 1864)-B, E, and M -Killed, E. M., 1. Roseville (April 4, 1864)-D, E, and M-Killed, E. M., 5; wounded, E. M., 11. Prairie D'Ann-No loss. Roseville (April 15, 1864)-A and M-Wounded, E. M., 1. Poison Springs-Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 5. Jenkins's Ferry-No loss. Fort Smith (July 29, 1864)-Killed, E. M., 1. Crawford County-Killed, E. M., 2. Fort Smith (September 1, 1864)-Killed, E. M., 1. Fort Gibson-Killed, E. M., 2; missing, O., 2, E. M., 46. Cabin Creek-Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 2. Dardanelle (January 14, 1865)-A, B, and M-No loss. This list is copied from the United States Official Army Register of Volunteers, issued by the Adjutant General, at Washington, July 16, 1867. "E. M." means Enlisted Men; "O," Commissioned Officers. FIFTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Hampton P. Johnson............. Killed in action. Sept. 17,1861, Morristown, Mo. Powell Clayton............. Mar. 7, 1862 Promoted Brig. Gen. U. S. V., August 1, 1864. LIEUT. COLONEL. John Ritchie...................................... Prom. Col. Second Indian H. G., March 28, 1862. Powell Clayton............. Dec. 28, 1861 Promoted Colonel, March 7, 1862. Wilton A. Jenkins........ May 1, 1862 Mustered out, May 7,-1864, Fort Leavenworth, Kas., per S. 0. 171, Headquarters Dep. Ark. Thomas W. Scudder...... Oct. 29, 1864 Mustered out, January 4, 1865. 286 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. FIFTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS - CAVALRY- Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. MAJOR. James H. Summers............................. Resigned, March 16, 1862. Wilton A. Jenkins........ Feb. 28, 1862 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 1, 1862. S. E. Hoffman............... April10,1862 Resigned, August 6. 1862. Samuel Walker............. May 24, 1862 Promoted Lt. Col. 16th Kas. Cav., Oct. 29, 1864. Thomas W. Scudder...... Sept. 1, 1862 Promoted Lieut. Col., October 29,1864; wounded in action, Oct. 26, 1863, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Stephen R. Harrington.. Oct. 29, 1864 Mustered out, January 10, 1865. ADJUTANT. Stephen R. Harrington................. Promoted Captain Company K, July 1, 1862. George W. DeCosta....... Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted Paymaster U. S. A., April 21, 1864. Lawrence Murphy........ July 9, 1864 Mustered out, January 4, 1865. QUARTERMASTER. James Davis.................. Aug. 16, 1861 Prom. Capt. and A. C. S., U. S. V., Aug. 1, 1862. Alfred Gray.................. April 19,1861'Resigned on account of disability, March 24, 1864; was on detached service with Gen. Vandever from June 30,1863, to date of discharge. E. D. Hillyer................. Mar. 1, 1863 Resigned, August 16, 1864. COMMISSARY. George W. Stevens........ Mar. 3, 1863 Resigned, May 17, 1864. James F. Vaughn......... June 3, 1864 Mustered out, Jan. 10, 1865, Leavenworth, Kas. SURGEON. E. B. Johnson................................ Discontinued as Surgeon upon reorganization of regiment in spring of 1862. A. J. Huntoon............... Jan. 5, 1862 Dismissed, March 30, 1863, Helena, Arkansas. William B. Carpenter... May 8, 1863 Mustered out, Sept. 7, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. ASSISTANT SURGEON. E. P. Sheldon................ Jan. 1, 1862 Died of disease at Fort Scott, Kas., April 3,'62. William B. Carpenter... May 27, 1862 Promoted Surgeon, May 8, 1862. Samuel Whitehorn........ May 13, 1863 Resigned, October 30, 1863. David R. Porter............ Aug. 1, 1863 Mustered out, Aug. 10, 1865, Leavenworth, Kas. CHAPLAIN. Hugh. D. Fisher.................................. Mustered out, 1864, Leavenworth, Kansas. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Ritchie................. July 16, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Sept. 10, 1861. William F. Creitz......... Sept. 11, 1861 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. William F. Creitz.......... July 16, 1861 Promoted Captain, September 11, 1861. Thomas W. Scudder...... Sept. 11, 1861 Promoted Major, September 1, 1862. Stephen J. Jennings...... Sept. 15, 1862 Mustered out, April 6, 1865, Leavenworth; capSECOND LIEUT. tured by enemy,Mark's Mills,Ark.,Apr.25,'64. Reuben A. Randlett...... July 16, 1861 Resigned, June 11, 1862. Stephen J. Jennings...... Jan. 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 15,1862. Joseph McCarty.................................. Promoted Captain Company C, April 8, 1864. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John R. Clark............... Aug. 12, 1861 Died, May 21, 1862, of gun-shot wound received from provost guard, Springfield, Mo. Harrison Kelly............. Oct. 11, 1862 Mustered out, September 3,1864, Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. John McIntosh............ Aug. 12, 1861 Resigned, October 11, 1862. Alfred Gray.................. Apr. 19, 1862 Transferred to staff as Regim'l Quartermaster. Melton F. Clark............ Oct. 24, 1863 Mustered out, September 3,1864, Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. Hadley J. Alley............ Aug. 12, 1861 Resigned, March 14, 1862. Melton F. Clark............ Apr. 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, October 24, 1863. Samuel Cargo............... Aug. 1, 1863 Dishonorably mustered out, February 22, 1864, per S. 0. 87, W. D., A. G. O., Feb. 22l 1864. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 287 COMPANY C. Name and Rdnk. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Garret Gibson............... Aug. 12, 1861 Resigned May 25, 1863. Joseph McCarty......... Apr. 18, 1864 Mustered out, September 7,1864, Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. James H. Summers........ Aug. 12, 1861 Promoted Major, September 10, 1861. Charles G. Bridges........ Sept. 10, 1861 Resigned, April 8, 1862. Jeremiah Sanders......... Apr. 8, 1862 Resigned, April, 1864; wounded in action, May SECOND LIEUT. 25, 1863, Pope's Plantation, near Helena, Ark. Charles G. Bridges........ Aug. 12, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 10, 1861. Oliver H. P. Cox........... Sept. 10, 1861 Resigned, July 14, 1862. David D. Dailey............ Dec. 31, 1862 Mustered out, December 18, 1863. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry C. Seaman......... July 24, 1861 Dismissed, Aug. 24, 1863, per S. 0. 410, W. D., A. D. O., Sept. 12,'63, for absence without leave. Orlin E. Morse.............. May 13, 1863 Mustered out, September 5,1864, Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. Joseph H. Trego........... July 24, 1861 Resigned, October 17, 1862, Helena, Ark. Orlin E. Morse............ Dec. 31, 1862 Promoted Captain, May 13, 1863. Asa D. Perrin............... May 13, 1863 Mustered out, September 5,1864, Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. Orlin E. Morse.............. July 24, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 31, 1862. Asa D. Perrin. Dec. 31, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 13, 1863. Lawrence Murphy........ May 13, 1863 Promoted First Lieut. and Adjt., July 9,1864. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James S. Hunt.............. Aug. 9, 1861 Res'd on acct. of dis., Apr. 16,'62, Carthage, Mo. John F. Young.............. Apr. 10, 1862 Mustered out, Sept. 8, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. John F. Young.............. Aug. 9, 1861 Promoted Captain, April 16, 1862. Ebenezer J. Barnes....... June 12, 1862 Promoted Captain Company I, October 1, 1862. Edwin D. Hillyer..................... Promoted Reg. Quartermaster, May 7,1864. James M. Lane............. May 17, 1864 Mustered out, Sept. 8, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. SECOND LIEUT. James M. Heddens........ Aug. 9,1861 Promoted First Lieutenant Co. K, Sept. 1, 1862. Henry A. Simons.......... Nov. 17, 1862 Dishonorably mustered out, Feb. 22, 1864, Pine Bluff, Ark., by order of General Steele. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James M. Williams........ July 12, 1861 Resigned, May 15,1862. Henry Moore................. Dec. 13, 1861 Mustered out, Aug. 11,'64, Leav., Kas.; wounded in right wrist in action, May 11, 1863, at Mt. FIRST LIEUT. Vernon, Mo. Henry Moore................ July 12, 1861 Promoted Captain, December 31, 1862. Ansel D. Brown............ Dec. 31, 1862 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. SECOND LIEUT. Ansel D. Brown............ July 12, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, Dec. 31, 1862. Grover Youngs............. Dec. 31, 1862 Mustered out, August 11, 1864. 288 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Wilton A. Jehkins........ Nov. 8, 1861 Promoted Major, February 28, 1862. Edward G. Pierce.......... Mar. 3, 1862 Resigned, June 23, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Wilton A. Jenkins........ Oct. 10, 1861 Prom6ted Captain, November 8, 1861. Joseph E. McComas...... Nov. 8,1861 Res'd, acct. of ill health, Oct. 14,'62, Helena, Ark. Edwin W. Jenkins........ Oct. 17, 1862 Mustered out, Dec. 3, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. SECOND LIEUT. Harrison Kelly............ Nov. 8, 1861 Promoted Captain Co. B, October 11, 1862. Aaron J. Totten............ Oct. 17, 1862 Resigned, August 24, 1863. Deloss Miller................. Nov. 1, 1863 Mustered out, April 6,'65, Leav., Ks.; prisoner war, capt'd near Pine Bluff, Ark., Mar. 9,'64. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel C. Thompson.... Nov. 14, 1861 Was mustered out as Captain and mustered as First Lieut., Feb. 9, 1862, and again mustered as Captain, March 17, 1862; mustered out, FIRST LIEUT. December 8, 1864, Leavenworth, Kansas. William E. Rowe........... Nov. 16, 1861 Mustered out, January 28, 1862. Samuel C. Thompson..... Feb. 9, 1862 Promoted Captain, March 17, 1862. Alfred Brant................. Mar. 17, 1862 Mustered out, Dec. 8, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. SECOND LIEUT. George R. Huston......... Nov. 16, 1861 Mustered out, January 28, 1862. Mason W. Benjamin...... Mar. 17. 1862 Resigned, March 19, 1864, Pine Bluff, Arkansas; wounded in action/ May 11, 1863, Mount Vernon, Missouri. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Lockhart.............. Mar. 17, 1862 Died of disease, Helena, Ark., Sept. 14, 1862. Ebenezer J. Barnes....... Oct. 1, 1862 No date ofmuster-out appears on muster-out FIRST LIEUT. rolls. James B. Harvey.................. Mustered out, February 7, 1862, Fort Lincoln, Kansas. John Lockhart.............. Feb. 7, 1862 Promoted Captain, March 17, 1862. James L. Stewart........... Mar. 18, 1862 Resigned, August 1, 1862. Andrew Fyfe................ Dec. 31, 1862 Discharged for disability, August 23, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. James L. Stewart...................... Promoted First Lieutenant, March 18, 1862. Andrew Fyfe................. Mar. 18, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, Dec. 31, 1862. Thomas Stevenson......... Dec. 31, 1862 Mustered out, June 22,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Adoniramn J. Miller....... Mar. -, 1862 Resigned, July, 1862; was sworn into service Oct. 1, 1861; was commissioned and mustered Feb. 8, 1862, to cover previous service, and on same date mustered out on account of Company being below the minimum; was again commissioned and mustered March -, 1862. Stephen R. Harrington.. July 1, 1862 Promoted Major, October 29, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. William E. McGinnis........................... Mustered out, Feb. 9, 1862; cause unknown. Jeremiah C. Johnson.... Feb. 2, 1862 Resigned, April 16, 1862. James M. Heddens...... Sept. 1, 1862 Resigned, April 28, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Alexander Rush................. Mustered out, Feb. 9, 1862; cause unknown. Edwin W. Jenkins......... April 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieut. Co. G, October 17, 1862. William J. Brewer......... Oct. 17, 1862 Resigned, December 8, 1862. James C. Wood.............. Dec. 31, 1862 Resigned, February 18, 1865. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 289 COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of lfuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James H. Young.......... May 14, 1863 Transferred to Fifteenth K. V. C., July 20,1865. FIRST LIEUT. James H. Young.......... April 22, 1863 Promoted Captain, May 14, 1863. Tobias J. Hadley........... June 4, 1863 Resigned, September 13, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. William F. Goble......... May 30, 1863 Transf'd to new Co. B, 16th K. V. C., July 20,'65. COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William H. Lindsey...... July 23, 1863 Resigned, February 20, 1865. Livingston G. Parker.... April 29, 1863 Transf'd to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20,'65. FIRST LIEUT. Livingston G. Parker.... Sept. 25, 1863 Promoted Captain, April 29, 1865. Henry N. Dunlap......... June 1, 1865 Transf'd to new Co. B, 15th K. V. C., July 20,'65. SECOND LIEUT. Henry N. Dunlap......... Sept. 24, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, June 1, 1865. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Harrisonville-No loss. Ball's Mills-No loss. Fort Scott (Sept. 1, 1861)-No loss. Fort Scott (Sept. 3, 1861)-Wounded, E. M., 1. Dry Wood —Wounded, E. M., 7; missing, E. M., 1. Papinsville —No loss. Morristown — Killed, O., 1; E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 3. OsceolaWounded, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 1. West Point —Killed, E. M., 1. Butler-Killed, E. M., 1. Little Santa Fe-No loss. Turnback CreekKilled, E. M., 1. Eminence-Killed, E.M., 1. Salem -No loss. Black Run —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 3. Trenton —Killed, E. M., 1. Parkersville-No loss. Oakland-No loss. Little Rock Road (G)Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Mount Vernon —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Polk's Plantation - Killed, E. M., 3; wounded, E. M., 7. Helena (May 25, 1863)- Killed, E. M., 5; wounded, E. M., 7; missing, O., 2, E. M., 20. Helena (July 4, 1863) — Killed, E. M., 3; wounded, E. M., 2. Little Rock-Killed, O., 1. Brownsville-Killed, E. M., 1. Tulip — No loss. Pine Bluff (Oct. 25, 1863) —Killed, E. M., 7; wounded, E. M., 9; missing, E. M., 1. Monticello —Missing, E. M., 1. Pine Bluff (Jan. 19, 1864) —Missing, E. M., 1. Blancheville-Missing, E. M., 7. Long View —No loss. Mount Elba — Missing, E. M., 1. Swan Lake — Killed, E. M., 1. Mark's Mills —Killed, E. M., 5; wounded, E. M., 7; missing, O., 2, E. M., 42. Brewer's Lane —Wounded, E. M., 1. Lexington-Wounded, E. M., 1. Little Blue-No loss. Independence-No loss. Big Blue-No loss. Osage —No loss. Newtonia-Killed, E. M., 1.Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the United States Army. 19 290 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. SIXTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of M2lster. Remarks. COLONEL. William R. Judson........ July 27, 1861 Mustered out, March 11,'65, Leavenworth, Kas. LIEUT. COLONEL. Lewis R. Jewell............ July 27, 1861 Died, November 30,1862, of wounds received in action November 28, 1862, Cane Hill, Ark. William T. Campbell..... Dec. 1, 1862 Mustered out, March 18,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. MAJOR. William T. Campbell..... July 27, 1861 Promoted Lieut. Colonel, December 1, 1862. Wyllis C. Ransom......... Mar. 14, 1862 Mustered out. George W. Veale........... Dec. 1,1862 Resigned, October 10, 1863. John A. Johnson.......... July 1, 1863 Mustered out, March 18,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. David Mefford.............. July 27, 1864 Mustered out, July 18,1865, DeVall's Bluff,Ark.; prisoner of war, captured at Muzzard Prairie, ADJUTANT. Ark., July 27, 1864. Charles O. Judson......... Sept. 10, 1862 Resigned, March 7,1862, Ft. Leavenworth, Kas. Isaac Stadden............... Mar. 7, 1862 Mustered out, Aug. 15,'62, Ft.Leavenworth,Kas. William Burgoyne........ Sept. 6, 1862 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. BATTALION ADJUTANT. William R. Judson, jr... May 15, 1862 Mustered out, September 6, 1862. QUARTERMASTER. George J. Clarke........... Sept. 10, 1861 Assigned to duty as 1st Lt. Co. H, March 3,'62. Simeon B. Gordon......... Mar. 14, 1862 Mustered out, August 15, 1862. Charles W. Jewell......... Nov. 7, 1862 Resigned, October 14, 1864. Levi Bronson............... Jan. 12, 1865 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. COMMISSARY. John S. Lane................ Jan. 8, 1863 Mustered out, March 18,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SURGEON. John S. Redfield............ July 27, 1861 Mustered out, Feb. 21, 1865, Clarksville, Ark. Wesley Mellick............. Mar. 17, 1865 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Joseph R. Smith............ Jan. 6, 1862 Died of disease, Fort Scott, Kas., Aug. 2, 1862. Stephen A. Fairchilds... Aug. 25, 1862 Killed by guerillas, April 5,'64, Roseville, Ark. Wesley Mellick............. Sept. 9, 1862 Promoted Surgeon, March 17, 1865. CHAPLAIN. Richard Duvall............ Mar. 7, 1862 Resigned, June 18, 1863. William Willson........... July 18, 1863 Mustered out, March 11, 1865, Leavenworth,Kas. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George W. Veale........... July 21, 1861 Promoted Major, December 1, 1862. John A. Johnson......... Dec. 1, 1862 Promoted Major, July 1, 1863. Thomas Crooks............. Sept. 1, 1863 Mustered out, March 27, 1865,Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. Matthew Clary.............. July 21, 1861 Resigned, September 1, 1862. John A. Johnson......... Sept. 1, 1862 Promoted Captain, December 1,1862; wounded in left lung while charging enemy's battery at Cane Hill, Ark., November 28, 1862. Thomas J. Darling........ Feb. 1, 1863 Dicharged on account of physical disability, SECOND LIEUT. March 19, 1864. John A. Johnson......... July 21, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 1, 1862. Thomas J. Darling........ Sept. 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 1, 1863. Thomas Crooks............. Feb. 1, 1863 Promoted Captain, September 1, 1863. Thomas G. Howell......... Sept. 1, 1863 Transferred to new Company A, April 8, 1865. COMPANY B. Naame and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Elijah E. Harvey........... Aug. 12, 1861. Mustered out,November 18,1864, Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. Jacob Morehead............ Aug. 12, 1861 Mustered out, November 18, 1864, Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. Reason R. McGuire....... Aug. 12, 1861 Mustered out, November 18,1864, Leavenworth. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 291 COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Ilfuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Harris S. Greeno..........Aug. 24, 1861 Prom. Major 4th Ark. C., Oct. 16,1864; wounded FIRST LIEUT. in action, July 2, 1862; also Aug. 24, 1862. Reese J. Lewis.............. Aug. 24, 1861 Mustered out, Dec. 1, 1864, Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. David Mefford............... Aug. 24, 1861 Promoted Captain Company H, March 3, 1862. Richard L. Phillips. Mar. 7, 1862 Mustered out, December 1, 1864, Leavenworth. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of M'uster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John W. Orahood......... Aug. 25, 1861 Dismissed the service, September 22, 1863, for absence without leave. David Goss................... Jan. 4, 1864 Mustered out, Jan. 5, 1865, at Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. Joseph Hall.................. Aug. 25, 1861 Resigned, June 1, 1863. David Goss.................... July 15, 1863 Promoted Captain, January 4, 1864. Hiram P. Barrick......... Jan. 4, 1864 Mustered out, Jan. 5, 1865, at Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. John S. Lane............... Aug. 25, 1861 Promoted First Lt. and R. C., January 8,1863. David Goss.................... Jan. 8, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 15, 1863. Hiram P. Barrick......... July 15, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 4, 1864. William H. Shattuck..... Jan. 4, 1864 Assigned to duty as Second Lieutenant in new Co. A, March 21, 1865. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry M. Dobyns......... Sept. 2, 1861 Killed in action, Oct. 23,'64, at Cow Creek, Mo. FIRST LIEUT. Brainard D. Benedict.... Sept. 2, 1861 Died of consumption, at Mound City, Kansas, February 20, 1863. Anson J. Walker........... Mar. 13, 1863 Mustered out, March 27, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Herbert Robinson......... Sept. 2, 1861 Mustered out, March 9, 1862. Anson J. Walker........... Mar. 12, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 13, 1863. John M. Defriese......... Mar. 13, 1863 Mustered out, March 27, 1865. COMPANY F. Nasme and Rank. Date of Atluster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles F. Clarke.......... Oct. 21, 1861 Promoted Capt. and Asst. Adjt. Gen. U. S. Vols. Frederick W. Schuarte.. Mar. 28, 1862 Transferred as Second Lieutenant to the Second U. S. Cavalry, July, 1862. William Gordon............ Sept. 15, 1862 Resigned, August 4, 1863. Charles 0. Judson......... Sept. 18, 1863 Assigned to new Co. A, March 18, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Charles F. Clarke......... Oct. 4, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 21, 1861. Frederick W. Schuarte.. Oct. 21, 1861 Promoted Captain, March 28, 1862. William Gordon............ July 1, 1862 Promoted Captain, September 15, 1862. Charles W. Jewell......... Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted First Lt. and R. Q. M., Nov. 7, 1862. William R. Judson, jr... Nov. 20, 1862 Mustered out, April 17, 1865, at Leavenworth. SECOND. LIEUT. William Gordon............ Oct. 20, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 1, i862. Charles King................. July 1, 1862 Resigned, September 18, 1862. John P. Grassberger...... Oct. 15, 1862 Mustered out, Nov. 19, 1864, at Leavenworth. 292 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nathaniel B. Lucas....... Feb. 4, 1862 Transf. as Capt. to 18thU. S. Col.V., April 6,1864. Robert Henderson......... Dec. 9, 1864 Mustered out, May 19, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark.; wounded in action, April 18, 1864, Poison FIRST LIEUT. Springs, Ark. John M. Laing.............. Dec. 30, 1861 Promoted Major 15th K. C., October 15, 1863. Robert Henderson.......... Jan. 1, 1864 Promoted Captain, December 9, 1864. Ebenezer W. Lucas...... Mar. 15, 1865 Mustered out May 19, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. John M. Dunn.............. May 26, 1862 Resigned September 15, 1862. Robert Henderson......... Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 1, 1864. Ebenezer W. Lucas........ Jan. 1, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 15, 1865. Daniel Braman................................ Commissioned and assigned to duty as Second Lieutenant, but never mustered. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. I Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. David Mefford...............Feb. 7, 1862 Promoted Major, July 27, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. George J. Clark............ Feb. 1, 1862 Prom. Capt. Company E, 14th K.C., Aug. 21,1863. SECOND LIEUT. Albert H. Campbell....... Feb. 1, 1862 Prom. Capt. Company G, 14th K. C., Sept. 8, 1863. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John T. Blake.............. May 26, 1863 Mustered out April 1, 1866, to date July 18,1865. FIRST LIEUT. Silas D. Harris.............. May 26, 1863 Mustered out July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Levi T. Stewart............ May 26, 1863 Resigned May 2, 1865. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Rogers................. Aug. 15, 1861 Mustered out as Captain, March 7, 1862, Fort Scott, Kas., and mustered in as First Lieut. John Rogers................. April 1, 1862- Killed in skirmish June 2, 1864, near Ft. Scott. FIRST LIEUT. Charles H. Haynes........ Aug. 15, 1861 Mustered out March 7, 1862, Fort Scott, Kas. John Rogers................. Mar. 7, 1862 Promoted Captain, April 1, 1862. Charles H. Haynes........ April 1, 1862 Prom. Capt. Company B, 16th K.C., Ju ne 28, 1863. John G. Harris............. July 16, 1863 Resigned on account of disability, Feb. 11, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. Levi Hatch.................. Aug. 15, 1861 Mustered out March 7, 1862, Fort Scott, Kas. John G. Harris............. April 1, 1862 | Prom. First Lt., July 16,1863; severely wounded in neck in action, Nov. 28, 1862,Cane Hill,Ark. William M. Smalley......July 16, 1863 Mustered out March 27, 1865, Leavenworth. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of lMuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry P. Ledger............ June 18, 1863 Mustered out, July 18,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Henry P. Ledger..................... Promoted Captain, June 18, 1863. Jefferson DentoD........... June 18, 1863 Died of small-pox, Ft. Scott, Kas., Nov. 20,'63. Leonard J. Swingley..... Feb. 15, 1864 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Leonard J. Swingley..... June 18, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 15, 1864. James Graham.............. Oct. 1, 1864 Mustered out, July 18,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 293 COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John W. Duff............... July 30, 1863 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. James Brooks............... July 30, 1863 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. John C. Anderson........ July 30, 1863 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. NEW COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles 0. Judson......... Sept. 18, 1863 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas G. Howell........ Mar. 21, 1865 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. William H. Shattuck..... Jan. 4, 1864 Mustered out, July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Dry Wood (Sept. 2, 1861)-Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Morristown-Wounded, E. M., 2. Osceola —No loss. Carthage-Wounded, E. M., 1. Diamond Grove —Wounded, E. M., 1. Lost Creek —No loss. Tabourville -No loss. Clear Creek -Wounded, E. M., 4. Hickory Grove (Aug. 23, 1862) —No loss. Coon Creek —Killed, E. M., 2; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 21; missing, E. M., 1. Hickory Grove (Sept. 19, 1862,) — Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 2. Granby-No loss. Newtonia (Sept. 30, 1862) -Wounded, E. M., 5; missing, E. M., 1. Newtonia (Oct. 4, 1862)-No loss. Old FortWayne —No loss. Bastin Mountain-No loss. DryWood (Nov. 9, 1862) -Killed, E. M., 1. Cane Hill —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, 0. 3, E. M. 9. Prairie Grove-Missing, E. M., 1. Webber Falls (April 11, 1863)-No loss. Webber Falls (April 26, 1863) —No loss. Fort Gibson-Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 2. Cabin Creek (July 1, 1863) — No loss. Honey Springs-Wounded, E. M., 5. Webber Falls (Oct. 12, 1863) — Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 1. Baker's Springs -Missing, E. M., 1. Roseville-Killed, E. M., 14. Stone's Farm —Killed, E. M., 6. Prairie D'Ann —No loss. Moscow-No loss. Dutch Mills —Missing, E. M., 9. Camden-Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 3. Poison SpringsWounded, O. 1, E. M. 1; missing, 0. 1, E. M. 3. Princeton -Missing, E. M., 2. Jenkins's Ferry-Missing, E. M., 1. Dardanelle-Killed, E. M., 2; wounded, E. M., 1. Clarksville — Missing, E. M., 1. Fayetteville -Killed, E. M., 1. Iron Bridge -Killed, E. M.1 Mazard Prairie-Killed, E M, 11; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 5; missing, 0. 2, E. M..151. Lee's Creek —Missing, E. M., 1. Van Buren-Killed, E. M., 1. Fort Smith-Missing, E. M., 1. Cabin Creek (Sept. 19, 1864)-Missing, E. M., 11. Fort Scott-Killed, E. M., 1. Cow Creek-Killed, O., 1. Training Post-No loss.-U. S, Army Register. 294 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. SEVENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Charles R. Jennison...... Oct. 28, 1861 Resigned, May 1, 1862. Albert L. Lee............... May 17, 1862 Promoted Brigadier General Vols., Nov. 29,'62. Thomas P. Herrick....... June 11, 1863 Mustered out, September 28, 1865. LIEUT. COLONEL. Daniel R. Anthony....... Oct. 29, 1861 Resigned, September 3, 1862. Thomas P. Herrick....... Sept. 3, 1862 Promoted Colonel, June 11, 1863. David W. Houston........ July 1, 1863 Discharged for disability, February 1, 1864. William S. Jenkins....... Mar. 21, 1864 Mustered out, November 14, 1864. Francis M. Malone........ Nov. 19, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, Sept. 29, 1865. MAJOR. Daniel R. Anthony....... Sept. 29, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 29, 1861. Thomas P. Herrick....... Oct. 28, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Sept. 3,1862. Albert L. Lee................ Oct. 29, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 17, 1862. John T. Snoddy............ July 22, 1862 Resigned, March 6, 1863. Clark S. Merriman........ Oct. 31, 1862 Resigned, July 13, 1863. William S. Jenkins........ May 27, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, March 21, 1864. Francis M. Malone........ Aug. 12, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 19, 1864. Charles H. Gregory....... April 18,1864 Mustered out with regiment, Sept. 29, 1865. Levi H. Utt.................. Nov. 17,-1864 Mustered out with regiment. ADJUTANT. John T. Snoddy............ Oct. 14, 1861 Mustered out, July 17, 1862, per G. O. No. 26. William O. Osgood........ May 28,1862 Mustered out, July 29, 1862. Frederick W. Emery..... Oct. 30, 1862 Promoted Capt. and A. A. Gen., June 30, 1863. Simeon M. Fox............ Dec. 27, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. QUARTERMASTER. Robert W. Hamer........ Oct. 15, 1861 IMustered out, July 17, 1862, per G. O. No. 25. Ebenezer Snyder.......... July 23, 1863 Mustered out, December 3, 1864. James Smith................. Jan. 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMMISSARY. Lucius Whitney............ July 22, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SURGEON. Joseph L. Wever........... Jan. 10, 1862 Resigned, June 7, 1864. Joseph S. Martin........... July 18, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Joseph S. Martin........... Nov. 5, 1861 Promoted Surgeon, July 18, 1864. Joel J. Crook................ Oct. 10, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. CHIAPLAIN. Samuel Ayers............... Oct. 14, 1861 Resigned August 31, 1862. Charles H. Lovejoy....... April19, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, Sept. 29, 1865. COMPANY A. Namne and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas P. Herrick....... Aug. 31, 1861 Promoted Major, October 28, 1861..tevi H. Utt.................. Oct. 28, 1861 Promoted Major, November 17, 1864; wounded in action, April 2, 1863, Leighton, Ala. Bazil C. Sanders............ Feb. 6, 1865 Mustered out, September 2q, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Levi H. Utt.................. Aug. 31, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 28, 1861. Aaron M. Pitts.............. Oct. 28,1861 Promoted Captain Company D, October 3, 1862. Bazil C. Sanders............ Dec. 5,1862 Mustered out, January 3, 1865. Henry M. Campbell.....Jan. 18, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Thomas H. Lohnes........ Aug. 31, 1861 Resigned, February 13, 1862. Jacob M. Anthony........ Apr. 2, 1862 Promoted Captain Company I, May 16,1863. DeWitt C. Taylor.......... May 18, 1863 | Mustered out, November 14, 1864. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Fred. Swoyer................ Oct. 5, 1861 Killed in action, Jan. 3, 1864, Somerville, Tenn. William S. Moorhouse... June 23, 1863 Mustered out, March 7, 1865, St. Louis. FIRST LIEUT. Fred. Swoyer............... Sept. 15, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 5, 1861. Isaac Gannett............... Oct. 5, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, September 29,'65. SECOND LIEUT. William S. Moorhouse... Sept. 10, 1861 Promoted Captain, April 22, 1863. Charles L. Thompson.... Apr. 22, 1863 1 Mustered out with regiment. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 295 COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William S. Jenkins........ Sept. 5, 1861 Promoted Major, May 27, 1863. James Smith................ July 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Francis M. Ray............ Oct. 10, 1861 Resigned, December 8, 1861. James D. Snoddy.......... Dec. 22, 1861 Resigned, December 30, 1862. John A Farmer............ Dec. 30, 1862 Resigned, July 23, 1863. Bayless S. Campbell...... Oct. 31i 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. James Smith................. Oct. 10, 1861 Promoted Captain, July 1, 1863. Bayless S. Campbell...... July 23, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, October 31, 1863. John H. Wildey............ May 2, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. IDate of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Clark S. Merriman........ Sept. 3, 1861 Promoted Major, October 3, 1862. Aaron M. Pitts.............. Oct. 3, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Andrew Downing......... Sept. 3, 1861 Mustered out, September 27, 1864. William Henry............. Dec. 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Isaiah J. Hughes...........Sept. 3,1861 Resigned, June 2, 1863. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George J. Yeager........... Aug. 4, 1861 Resigned, October 8, 1861. Charles H. Gregory....... Oct. 9, 1861 Promoted Major, April 8, 1864. John Noyes, jr.............. May 19, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Charles H. Gregory....... Aug. 4, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 9, 1861. Russell W. Maryhugh... Oct. 18, 1861 Mustered out, October 12, 1864. Edwin L. Saunders........ Jan. 6, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John Noyes, jr.............. Oct. 18, 1861 Promoted Captain, May 19, 1864. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Francis M. Malone........ Sept. 14, 1861- Promoted Major, August 12, 1863. Edward Colbert............ Oct. 26, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Amos Hodgeman........... Sept. 25, 1861 Promoted Captain Company H, July 23, 1863. John Clark................... Oct. 26, 1863 Resigned, February 15, 1865. John W. Moore............ July 17, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John A. Tanner............ Sept. 14, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant Co. C, Oct. 31, 1862. Edward Colbert............ Oct. 31, 1862 Promoted Captain, October 26, 1863. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. I Remarks. CAPTAIN. Edward Thornton......... Oct. 29, 1861 Mustered out, September 29, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Edward Thornton......... Oct. 12, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 29, 1861. David W. Houston........ Oct. 29, 1861 Promoted Captain Co. H, September 30, 1862. Harmon D. Hunt.......... Apr. 2, 1863 Mustered out, November 30, 1864. Zachariah Norris.......... Jan. 17, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Christr. C. Tompkins... Oct. 29, 1861 Resigned, February 1, 1862. Richard H. Kerr........... Feb. 11, 1862 Dismissed the service per G. O. No. 195, dated War Dept., Adjt. Gen.'s Office, Nov. 24, 1862. Zachariah Norris........ Aug. 31, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 17, 1865. William A. Pease....... July 1, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. 296 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Mluster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Marshall Cleveland*..... Oct. 14, 1861 Resigned, November 1, 1861. Horace Pardee.............. Nov. 8,1861 Resigned, May 15, 1862. James L. Rafety............ May 15, 1862 Discharged by S. O. No. 319, August 31, 1862. David W. Houston........ Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, July 1, 1863. Amos Hodgeman........... July 21, 1863 Died, October 16, 1863, near Oxford, Miss., of wounds received in action at Wyatt, Miss., October 10, 1863. Charles L. Wall........... Apr. 6, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James L. Rafety........... Oct. 7, 1861 Promoted Captain, May 15, 1862. John Kendall.............. May 15, 1862 Dismissed the service per G. O. No. 195, dated War Dept., Adjt. Gen.'s Office, Nov. 22, 1862. Charles L. Wall............ Sept. 1, 1862 Promoted Captain, April 6, 1864. Samuel N. Ayers........... May 28, 1864 Resigned, March 20, 1865. Wallace E. Dickson...... July 17, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Charles E. Gordon......... Oct. 14,1861 Resigned, February 11, 1862. John Kendall............... Mar. 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 15, 1862. Charles L. Wall............ May 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 1, 1862. Samuel R. Doolittle...... Sept. 1, 1862 Resigned, March 3,1863. Joseph H. Nessel......... Apr. 8, 1863 Dismissed the service, April 18, 1864. *"Cleve," the Jayhawker. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John L. Merrick........... Nov. 29, 1861. Resigned, November 27, 1862. Jacob M. Anthony........ May 16, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Robert Hayes............... Nov. 29, 1861 Died of disease, at Corinth, Miss., Sept. 20, 1862. William W. Howe......... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, December 1, 1863. William Weston........... Apr. 8, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Edwin Miller.............. Nov. 23, 1861 Resigned, September 27, 1865. William Weston............ Oct. 18, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 8, 1864. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of.Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Brown, jr............. Jan. 10, 1862 Resigned on account of disability, May 27, 1862. George H. Hoyt............ May 27, 1862 Resigned on account of disability,Sept. 3, 1862. Burr H. Bostwick......... Oct. 30, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Burr H. Bostwick......... Nov. 12, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 30, 1862. William W. Crane......... Sept. 13, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. George H. Hoyt............ Nov. 11, 1861 Promoted Captain, May 27, 1862. Frederick W. Emery..... May 27, 1822 Promoted First Lieut. and Adjt., Oct. 30, 1862. Thomas J. Woodburn... Oct. 30, 1862 Killed in act., Dec. 5,'62, near Coffeeville, Miss. William W. Crane......... Aug. 15, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, Sept. 13,1863. List of battles, etc., in -which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Little Blue (Cos. A, B, and H) -Killed, E. M., 7; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 8. Little Santa Fe —Wounded, E. M., 1. Independence (November 26, 1861)-Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Columbus-Killed, E. M., 5. Kossuth —Killea, E. M., 5; wounded, E. M., 6. Rienzi (September 9, 1862) -Wounded, E. M., 1. Rienzi (September 18, 1862) —Wounded, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 2. Baldwin —Killed, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 2. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 297 Corinth (Oct. 3-4, 1862) —Wounded, E. M., 1. Ruckersville -Wounded, E. M., 1. Jumpertown —No loss. Cold Water-No loss. Holly SpringsWounded, E. M., 1. Oxford -No loss. Coffeeville -Killed, 0. 2, E. M. 2; wounded, O; 2, E. M. 8; missing, E. M., 4. Somerville — Killed, O. 1, E. M. 3; wounded, E. M., 2 missing, E. M., 1. Germantown (Jan. 27, 1863) — No loss. Cold Water Station —No loss. Germantown (April 1, 1863)Missing, E. M., 1. Salisbury —Killed, E. M., 1. Leighton -Wounded, O., 1. Tupelo (May 5, 1863) -Wounded, E. M., 2. Florence — Wounded, E. M., 3; missing, E. M., 3. Hamburg-Wounded, E. M., 2. Iuka (July 7, 1863)No loss. Iuka (July 14, 1863) —Wounded, E. M., 1. Corinth (August 16, 1863)-No loss. Swallows' Bluff (A and C)-Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 3. Byhalia —No loss. Wyatt —Killed, E. M.; 3; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 6; missing, 0. 1, E. M. 3. Ripley-Wounded, O., 1. King's Creek-Missing, E. M., 1. Memphis —Killed, E. M., 1. La FayetteKilled, E. M., 1. New Albany-Wounded, E. M., 1. Tupelo (July 14, 1864) —Wounded, E. M., 1. Ellistown — Killed, E. M., 1. Tupelo (July 25, 1864)-No loss. Tallahatchie River-No loss. Hurricane Creek — Wounded, E. M., 2. Independence (October 22, 1864) —No loss. Big Blue —Wounded, E. M., 1. Little Osage River —No loss. — U. S. Army Register. EIGHTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Henry W. Wessels..................... Promoted from Maj. 6th U. S. Inf.; ord. to rejoin com'd in U. S. A., per G. 0. 4,W. D., series'62, Robert H. Graham.................. Discharged, January 27, 1864, to date Nov. 11, 1862; died near St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 11, 1862, John A. Martin............ Nov. 1, 1862 Mustered out, November 15, 1864. LIEUT. COLONEL. John A. Martin............. Oct. 27, 1861 Promoted Colonel, November 1, 1862. James L. Abernathy...... Nov. 1, 1862 Resigned, November 8, 1863. Edward F. Schneider..... Dec. 21, 1863 Resigned, June 11, 1864. James M. Graham......... June 26,1864 Resigned, September 23, 1864, Atlanta, Ga. John Conover............... Oct. 21, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. MAJOR. Edward F. Schneider..... Sept. 17, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Dec. 21, 1863. James M. Graham......... Dec. 21, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June 26,1864. John Conover............... Aug. 23, 1864 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Oct. 21, 1864. Henry C. Austin.......... Nov. 16, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. ADJUTANT. Sheldon C. Russell......... Oct. 23, 1861 Resigned, November 15, 1862. James E. Love............... Nov. 17, 1862 Promoted Captain Company K, July 16, 1863. Solomon R. Washer...... July 31, 1863 Mustered out with regiment; wounded in acQUARTERMASTER. tion, September 19, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga. E. P. Bancroft............... Oct. 22, 1861 Promoted Major Ninth K. V. C., April 1, 1862. Benjamin B. Joslin......................... Mustered out Feb. 28,'62, date of consolidation. Alfred Robinson........... April 2, 1862 Absent without leave; name dropped from the rolls after three years' service; supposed to have been mustered out. Adam Cosner................ Sept. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SURGEON. J. B. Woodward............ Oct. 4, 1861 Transferred to 9th K. V. C., February 28, 1862, Oliver Chamberlain...... Dec. 10, 1861 Resigned, September 22, 1864. Nathaniel C. Clark........ Nov. 14, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. ASST. SURGEON. George W. Hogeboom.. Oct. 23, 1861 Promoted Surgeon 11th K. Vols., Sept. 25, 1862, John Butterbaugh......... Nov. 9, 1862 Resigned, March 4, 1864. Samuel E. Beach........... May 25, 1863 Died of disease, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1863. Edwin J. Talcott........... May 1, 1864 Resigned, February 15, 1865. CHAPLAIN. John Paulson............... June 17, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. 298 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James L. Abernathy...... Aug. 28, 1861 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 1, 1862. Samuel Laighton........... Oct. 1, 1862 Resigned, November 27, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Samuel Laighton........... Aug. 28, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 1, 1862. Roland Risdon.............. Oct. 1, 1862 Resigned, April 13, 1864. Eli Balderston............... July 1, 1864 Promoted Captain Company G, Oct. 12, 1864. Ferdinand A. Berger..... Oct. 21, 1864 Mustered out with regiment; severely wounded SECOND LIEUT. in action, Dec. 16, 1864,7Nashville, Tenn. John Conover............... Aug. 28, 1861 Promoted 1st Lieut. Co. F, December 12, 1861. Seth Foot..................... Dec. 12, 1861 Died of disease, Farmlersburg, Ia., May 14,1864. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. David Block.................. Sept. 2, 1861 Resigned on account of disability, Apr. 20,1863. Claudius Keifer............. May 14, 1863 Wounded in right thigh in action, Sept. 19,1863,'.Chicamauga, Ga.: wounded in arm and thigh in action, August 4, 1864, Atlanta, Ga.; no FIRST LIEUT. evidence of muster-out on file. Charles Alton............... Sept. 2, 1861 Resigned, May 7, 1863. Zacharias Burkhardt..... May 27, 1863 Died, Atlanta, Ga., October 28, 1863, in Rebel prison of wounds received in action, September 19, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga. August Schulz.............. Feb. 3, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Martin Manerhan......... Sept. 3, 1861 Resigned, July 15, 1862. Claudius Keifer............ July 21, 1862 Promoted Captain, May 14, 1863. William Backer............ May 27, 1863 Deserted, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. -, 1863. Zacharias Burkhardt..... May 14, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 27, 1863. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. |Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James M. Graham......... Nov. 7, 1861 Promoted Major, December 21, 1863. Richard R. Bridgland.... Mar. 8, 1864 Resigned, October 12, 1864. George H. Robb............ Mar. 1, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John G. Becktold........... Sept. 20, 1861 Resigned, June 3, 1863. Richard R. Bridgland.... June 19,1863 Promoted Captain; March 8, 1864. George H. Robb............ Apr. 17, 1864 Promoted Captain, March 1, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Richard R. Bridgland... Sept. 20, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, June 19, 1863. William Becker............ Oct. 24, 1863 Died of chronic diarrhoea, Chattanooga,Tenn., I November 21, 1863..COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Arthur W. Williams...... Nov. 9, 1861 Resigned, February 2, 1863. Stephen B. Todd........... April 29, 1863 Resigned on acc't of disability, August 12, 1863. John L. Graham............K................... Killed in action September 19,1863,Chicamauga, Ga., before being mustered in. Philip Rockefeller......... Nov. 4, 1861 Resigned, August 13, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Arthur W. Williams...... Oct. 10, 1861 Promoted Captain, November 9, 1861. Stephen B. Todd........... Nov. 9, 1861 Promoted Captain, April 29, 1863. John L. Graham............ April 30, 1863 Promoted Captain, September 13, 1863. Philip Rockefeller......... Sept. 15, 1863 Promoted Captain, November 4, 1863. Valentine S. Fisk......... Nov. 24, 1863 Mustered out, January 27,1865, Nashville,Tenn., by reason of having served three years. Thomas Adamson......... Sept. 2, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John L. Graham........... Nov. 9, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 30, 1863. Philip Rockefeller......... April 30, 1863 1 Promoted First Lieutenant,September 15, 1863. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 299 COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Greelish............... Nov. 5, 1861 Resigned, June 6,1864; wounded in action, September 19, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga. Henry C. Austin........... Jan. 60, 1862 Promoted Major, November 16, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. John Greelish.................................... Promoted Captain, November 5, 1861. Milton Rose.................. Nov. 5, 1861 Mustered out, Dec. 5, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Elisha D. Rose.............. Dec. 6, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Daniel D. Rooks........... Nov. 5, 1861 Resigned, July 13, 1862. Solomon R. Washer..... July 28, 1862 Prom. First Lieut. and Adjutant, July 31t 1863. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. A. W. J. Brown............ Jan. 1, 1862 Mustered out, Feb. 28, 1862, Osawatomie, Kas. John Conover............... Mar. 15, 1862 Promoted Major, August 23, 1864. A. Earl Beardsley......... Jan. 20, 1865 Dismissed, July 24, 1865, for absence without FIRST LIEUT. leave. William S. Newbery...... Aug. 28, 1861 Resigned, April 29, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. John Conover............... Dec. 12, 1861 Promoted Captain, March 15, 1862. James A. Neff............... Aug. 23, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. J. Milton Hadley......... Mar. 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieut. 9th K.V. C., June 25,1863. W. J. Larimer............... Jan. 1, 1862 Mustered out as supernumerary, February 28, 1862, Leavenworth, Kas. A. Earl Beardsley......... Aug. 23, 1863 Promoted Captain, Jan. 10, 1866; wounded in action, Sept. 20, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga.; also July 2, 1864, Kenesaw, Ga. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nicholas. Harrington..... Dec. 1, 1861 Resigned, Sept. 9, 1863, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Robert Flickenger......... Oct. 5, 1863 Resigned, April 6, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. Eli Balderston.............. Oct. 12, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Nicholas Harrington..... Oct. 2, 1861 Promoted Captain, December 1, 1861. Robert Flickenger......... Dec. 1, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 5, 1863. David Baker............... Sept. 10, 1863 No evidence of muster-out on file; wounded in SECOND LIEUT. action, Sept. 19, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga. Joseph Randolph.......... Dec. 1, 1861 Resigned, July 24, 1863, Murfreesboro, Tenn. COMPANY H. Nante and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. - CAPTAIN. Edgar Trego............... Jan. 30, 1862 Killed in action, Sept. 19,'63, Chicamauga, Ga. Samuel R. Stanley........ Sept. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Frank Curtis................ Jan. 30, 1862 Discharged for disability, July 6, 1864; wounded in action, Sept. 20, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga. Samuel R. Stanley........ July 7, 1864 Promoted Captain, September 1, 1864. Adam Cosner................ Sept. 1, 1864 Transferred to Field and Staff as regimental SECOND LIEUT. Quartermaster, September 15, 1865. Harvey C. Blackman..... Jan. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain in U. S. Colored Troops. 300 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry C. Austin.......... Jan. 30, 1862 Transferred to Co. E, to date July 4, 1864; wounded in action, September 19, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga.; captured July 4, 1864, while absent from his command. Marion Brooks............. Sept. 16, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Henry C. Austin.......... Oct. 24, 1861 Promoted Captain, January 30, 1862. Marion Brooks.............. Jan. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain, September 16, 1864. Charles Slawson............ Oct. 21, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Lewis B. Graham........... Mar. 12, 1862 Mustered out August 1, 1862, Jacinto, Miss. Byron Slemmons........... Mar. 23, 1863 Resigned, July 17, 1865; wounded in action, September 19, 1863, Chicamauga, Ga. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Mfuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William S. Herd............ Oct. 24, 1861 Resigned on account of disability, June 16,'63. James E. Love............... July 16, 1863 Mustered out, May 15, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. James E. Love............... Oct. 10, 1861 Promoted 1st Lieut. and Adjutant, Nov. 17,'62. William H. Babcock...... Mar. 23, 1863 Resigned, June 28, 1864. Jacob Niuffer.............. Aug. 30, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Fred. R. Neat............... Jan. 1, 1862 Resigned, February 22, 1862. William H. Babcock...... April 19, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 23, 1863. Augustin J. Quinn........ Mar. 23, 1863 Discharged for disability, Dec. 28,'64, Cin., O. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Rocky Bluff-No loss. Chaplin Hills-No loss. Lancaster-No loss, Chicamauga- Killed, 0. 2, E. M. 34; wounded, 0. 7, E. M. 141; missing, E. M., 19. Chattanooga-Killed, E. M., 5; wounded, 0. 2, E. M. 25. Resaca —. Peachtree Creek-Wounded, E. M., 1. Atlanta - Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, 0. 2, E. M. 17; missing, 0. 1. E. M. 1. NashvilleKilled, E. M., 8; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 27.-U. S. Army Register. NINTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS - CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remrarks. COLONEL. Edward Lynde.............. Mar. 24, 1862 Mustered out, Nov. 25, 1864, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. LIEUT. COLONEL. Charles S. Clarke.......... Jan. 2, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16, 1865, DeVall's Bluf Ark. Willoughby Doudna...... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. MAJOR. James M. Pomeroy........ Feb. 28, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. Edward P. Bancroft...... April 1, 1862 Resigned, February 19, 1863. Willoughby Doudna...... Aug. 21, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 15, 1865. Luin K. Thacher........... Jan. 5, 1863 Mustered out, Nov. 25,1864, DeVall's Bluff, Ark.; I wounded in skirmish, Osage river, Mo., 1863. J. Milton Hadley.......... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. ADJUTANT. Luin K. Thacher........... Oct. 14, 1862 Promoted Major, January 5, 1863. Albert D. Searl.............. July 9, 1863 Resigned, October 10, 1864. BATTALION ADJT. John W. Hatcher.......... April 1, 1862 Promoted Reg'l Commissary, October 14, 1862. Hayden M. Thompson... May 28, 1862 Mustered out, July 29, 1862. QUARTERMASTER. William Rosenthal........ Feb. 5, 1863 Resigned, September 12, 1864. Jonathan B Snider......Oct. 31, 1864 Mustered out, July 17, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 301 NINTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-CAVALRY- Continued. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COMMISSARY. John W. Hatcher......... Oct. 14, 1862 Resigned, August 12, 1864. Isaac O. Pickering........ Sept. 3, 1864 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SURGEON. Henry C. Bostwick........ Mar. 27, 1862 Resigned, January 2,1863. William Wakefield........ April 4, 1863 Mustered out, March 8,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. ASSIST. SURGEON. William Wakefield........ Sept. 2, 1862 Promoted Surgeon, April 4, 1863. Norman T. Winans....... April 6, 1863 Mustered out, Nov. 25, 1864, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. Abijah J. Beach............ Jan. 14, 1864 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. CHAPLAIN. Gilbert S. Northup........ Mar. 27, 1862 Resigned, March 9, 1863. Strange Brooks............. Mar. 24, 1864 Mustered out, Nov 25, 1864, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George F. Earl.............. Oct. 24, 1861 Mustered out, November 19, 1864, Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. George F. Earl.............. Sept. 13, 1861 Promoted Captain, October 24, 1861. Joshua A. Pike............ Oct. 24, 1861 Promoted Capt. Company K, January 24, 1863. Albert D. Searl............. Jan. 1, 1863 Promoted Adjutant, July 9, 1863. Amzi J. Steele............... July 19, 1863 Assigned to new Company A. SECOND LIEUT. Albert D. Searl............. Oct. 24, 1861 Promoted First Lieut., January 24, 1863. Benton Smith............... Jan. 27,1863 Resigned, April 8, 1864. Henry C. Davis............. June 23, 1864 Mustered out, November 19, 1864, Leavenworth. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Asaph Allen................. Nov. 20, 1861 Mustered out Nov. 19, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. Asaph Allen................. Oct. 12, 1861 Promoted Captain, November 20, 1861. Lemuel.T. Heritage...... Nov. 20, 1861 Resigned, March 28, 1862. Robert Madden............[ April 5, 1862 Resigned, April 19, 1863. Henry Brandley...........] May 17, 1863 Assigned to new Company B. SECOND LIEUT. Robert Madden............. Nov. 20, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 5, 1862. Henry Brandley........... June 1, 1862 Promoted 1st Lieut., May 17, 1863; wounded by Indians, Feb. 27, 1963, near Ft. Halleck, Col. Hugh W. Williams. May 17, 1863 Resigned, April 8, 1864. William T. Kirby. June 24,1864 Mustered out, Nov. 19,'64, Leavenworth, Kan. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. IDate of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John E. Stewart............ July 24, 1861 Mustered out, Oct. 25,'64, Leavenworth, Kan. FIRST LIEUT. John Bowles................. July 24, 1861 Prom. Lt. Col. 1st Kas. Col'd Inft., Jan. 29,'63. Lorendus B. Conant..... Jan. 29, 1863 Assigned to duty as Ist Lieut. new Company A. SECOND LIEUT. Wash. J. Buchanan....... July 24, 1861 Resigned, April 12, 1862. Lorendus B. Conant..... Apr. 12, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 29, 1863. Robert C. Philbrick...... Mar. 3, 1863 Assigned to duty as 2d Lieut. new Company A. 302 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of inster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles F. Coleman...... Oct. 19, 1861 Mustered out, Dec. 19, 1864, Little Rock, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Anderson C. Smith........ Oct. 19, 1861 Resigned, May 20, 1862. Austin G. Carpenter...... May 20, 1862 Mustered out, Dec. 19, 1864, Little'Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Avery T. Spencer.......... Oct. 19, 1861 Killed in action, Feb. 19,1863, Spring River, Mo. Jeremiah R. Sencenich.. Mar. 2, 1863 Assigned to new Company D. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry Flesher..............[ Oct. 19, 1861 Mustered out, Jan. 16, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Claudius M. Meek........ Oct. 19,1861 Resigned, May 22, 1862. Nimrod Hankins........... June 10, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Jesse Parsons.. Oct. 19, 1861 Mustered out, Jan. 16,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of iuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Benjamin F. Goss......... Jan. 16, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Isaac W. Dow............... Jan. 16, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Henry H. Opdyke........ Jan. 16, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Willoughby Doudna......' Dec. 17, 1861 Promoted Major, August 21, 1863. J Milton Hadley.......... Nov. 1, 1863 Assigned to new Company C. FIRST LIEUT. Lewis C. Thompson...... Oct. 15,1861 Resigned, May 16, 1862. Luin K. Thacher........... May 1, 1862 Promoted Adjutant. October 14, 1862. J. Milton Hadley.......... June 25, 1863 Promoted Captain, November 1, 1863. Samuel M. Stansbury... Dec. 15, 1863 Mustered out, Jan. 16,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. John N. Walkup.......... Oct. 15, 1861 Died of disease, Easton, Kansas, June 6, 1862. Henry B. Hall.............. June 10, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas P. Killen........ Jan. 2, 1862 Mustered out, Jan. 16,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. James W. Christian...... Jan. 2, 1862 Resigned, August -, 1862. James Crane................. Mar. 17, 1863 Mustered out, Jan. 16,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Horatio N. F. Reed...... Jan. 2,1862 Promoted Captain Co. I, May 28, 1862. James Crane................. May 28, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 17, 1863. John M. Singer............. Mar. 21, 1863 Resigned, January 12, 1865. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 303 COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of luIster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Horatio N. F. Reed......I May 28, 1862 Mustered out, March 22,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Matthew Cowley........... Mar. 6, 1862 Died of disease, Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 7, 1864. Jeremiah D. Conner...... Jan. 9, 1865 Mustered out, March 22,'65, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Albert S. W. Knapper.,. Nov. 6, 1861 Prom. Captain Co. B, 16th K. V. C., Dec. 19, 1863. Jeremiah D. Conner..Jan. 31, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 9, 1865. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas M. Bowen........ July 30, 1862 Prom. Col. Thirteenth K. V. I., Sept. 20, 1862. Joshua A. Pike............. Jan. 24, 1863 Resigned, September 20, 1864. Wm. J. Houghawout..... Nov. 3, 1864 Mustered out, June 24, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas M. Bowen......... July 11, 1862 Promoted Captain, July 30, 1862. John D. Wells............... Aug. 4, 1862 Resigned, June 24, 1863. John K. Whitson.......... Sept. 25, 1863 Mustered out, June 24, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Francis N. Sales............ Aug. 4, 1862 Resigned, March 9, 1863. Wm. J. Houghawout..... April 19,1863 Promoted Captain, Nov. 3, 1864; was wounded in action, Oct. 23, 1864, Hurricane Creek, Ark. Charles Johns............... Dec. 6, 1864 Mustered out, June 24,1865. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John I. DeLashmutt...... Aug. 31,1863 Resigned, April 18, 1865. James L. Arnold........... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. John I. DeLashmutt..... May 2, 1863 Promoted Captain, August 31, 1863. James L. Arnold........... Sept. 21, 1863 Promoted Captain, March 15, 1865. Willard Raymour......... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Charles C. Southard...... Aug. 15, 1863 Resigned, December 31, 1864. COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Msuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Wm. W. P. McConnell... Aug. 21, 1863 Resigned, Sept. 30,1864, Little Rock, Arkansas. John L. Price...............I Dec. 24, 1864 Mustered out, July 17, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Stephen L. Kenyon......[ Dec. 20, 1863 Mustered out, July 17,1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. John L. Price............... Dec. 3, 1863 Promoted Captain, December 24,1864. NEW COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Amzi J. Steele.............. Feb. 16, 1863 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT.. Lorendus B. Conant...... Jan. 29, 1863 Resigned, January 7, 1865. Robert C. Philbrick...... May 20, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Robert C. Philbrick. Mar. 3, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 20, 1865. I Iar. 3, 186 304 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. NEW COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry Brandley........... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Henry Brandley........... May 17, 1863 Promoted Captain, May 15, 1865. Joseph L. Denison....... May 20, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Lewis McHone............. May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. NEW COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. J. Milton Hadley. Dec. 5, 1863 Promoted Major, May 15, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. David M. Hester........... Mar. 14, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Henry B. Hall............... June 10, 1862 Resigned, February 10, 1865. Edwin G. Parker........... May 13, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. NEW COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remnarks. CAPTAIN. Jeremiah R. Sencenich.. May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. FIRST LIEUT. Lewis Edmundson......... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Jeremiah R. Sencenich.. Mar. 2, 1863 Promoted Captain, May 15, 1865. Aaron M. Thomas......... May 15, 1865 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at DeVall's Bluff, Ark. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Medoc (Co. C) —No loss. Ball's Mills (C) —No loss. Dry Wood (C)Killed, E. M., 3; wounded, E. M., 1. Morristown (C)-No loss. Osceola (C)-No loss. Locust Grove (D, E, and H) — Killed, E. M., 1. Newtonia (D, E, F, and H) — Killed, E. M., 2; wounded, E. M., 5; missing, E. M., 2. Cane Hill (November 28, 1.862)- No loss. Cane Hill (January 2, 1863, H) - Missing, E. M., 2. Spring River (D) - Killed, O., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Fort Halleck (B) -Wounded, O., 1. Westport (E and K) -Killed, E. i., 14; wounded, E. M., 6. Blue River (K) — No loss. Cabin Creek (C) -Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Grand Pass (B) -Wounded, E. M., 6. Honey Springs (C) -No loss. Brooklyn (K)-No loss. Baxter Springs —Killed, E. M., 1. Harrisonville (G) — Killed, E. M., 1. Fayetteville (C) —Killed, E. M., 1. Frog Bayou —No loss. Bull Bayou —Killed, E. M., 1. Bull Creek (i) — No loss. Whitlen's Mills-Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Hurricane CreekKilled, E. M., 1; wounded, 0., 1.-U. S. Army Register. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 305 TENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS -INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Miuster. Rensarks. COLONEL. James Montgomery...... July 24, 1861 Transferred to Second Regiment South Carolina Colored Volunteers. William Weer............... June 20, 1861 Dismissed the service by G. 0. No. 123, dated Headq'rs Dept. of Mo., St. Louis, Aug. 20,'64. William F. Cloud.......... Mar. 28, 1862 Transferred to Second K. V. C., June 1, 1862. LIEUT. COLONEL. James G. Blunt............. July 24, 1861 Promoted Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., April 8, 1862. John T. Burris.............. July 24, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, August 20, 1865; promoted Brevet Colonel, March 13, 1865. Charles S. Hills............ Mar. 1, 1865 Promoted Brevet Colonel, March 25, 1865; musMAJOR. tered out, Aug. 30, 1865, at Montgomery, Ala. Otis B. Gunn....................................... Resigned, May 5, 1862. Henry H. Williams...... July 24, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, August 20, 1864. ADJUTANT. Casimio B. Zulavsky...... July 24, 1861 Mustered out, date unknown. James A. Phillips......... July 24, 1861 Promoted Major Third Indian H. G., July 20,'63. Thomas McGannon...... May 29, 1863 Mustered out with the regiment, Aug. 20, 1864. QUARTERMASTER. Alfred Larzelere........... Aug. -,1861 Assigned to Third Indian Home Guards. Alfred Gray.................. Feb. 11, 1862 Transferred to Co. B, Fifth Kansas Cavalry. John G. Haskell............ July 24, 1861 Prom. Capt. and A. Q. M., U. S. Vols, June 11,'62. Alfred J. Lloyd............ Aug. 13, 1862 Prom. Capt. and A. Q. M., U. S. Vols., April 7,'64. SURGEON. Albert Newman............ July 24, 1861 Mustered out, February 14, 1862. Mahlon Bailey.................................... Resigned, May 2, 1862. John W. Scott............. Aug. 15, 1861 Resigned, May 9, 1863. J. B. Woodward............ Oct. 4,1861 Resigned, May 20, 1864. Henry H. Tuttle.......... June 7, 1864 Mustered out, Aug. 30,'65, at Montgomery, Ala. ASST. SURGEON. Edwin H. Grant...................... Mustered out, date unknown. Richard W. Shipley.................... No evidence of muster-out on file. George A. Miller........... Aug. 28, 1862 Resigned, date unknown. P. Gould Parker............ Mar. 20, 1862 Resigned, July 23, 1864. Henry H. Tuttle........... Sept. 10, 1862 Promoted Surgeon, June 7, 1864. CHAPLAIN. H. H. Moore................. July 24, 1861 Mustered out, February 14, 1862. Reeder M. Fish............. Sept. 4, 1861 No evidence of muster-out on file. John H. Drummond...... May 1, 1862 Mustered out with regiment, August 20,1864. COMPANY A. Namse and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Josiah E. Hayes............ July 16, 1861 Resigned, June 12, 1862. Thomas E. Milhoan...... June 23, 1862 Mustered out, Aug. 18, 1864, at Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas E. Milhoan...... July 16, 1861 Promoted Captain, June 23, 1862. Stephen J. Willes......... Aug. 26,.1862 Transferred as First Lt. Co. F, Fourth Reg. V. R. C., Nov. 7,1863; severely wounded in right hip in action, Dec. 7,'62, at Prairie Grove, Ark. William B. Stone........... Nov. 10, 1863 Assigned to duty to new Co. C. SECOND LIEUT. Fernando H. Burris...... July 16, 1861 Resigned, April 16, 1862. William B. Stone........... May 24, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, Nov. 10, 1863. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Matthew Quigg............. July 16, 1861 Mustered out, Aug. 19, 1864, Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. Seth M. Tucker............ July 16, 1861 Transferred to Company I, August 19, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. David Whittaker.......... July 16, 1861 No evidence of muster-out on file; absent on det. service date of muster-out of company. 20 306 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. COMPANY C. Name Rad Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John A. Foreman..................... Promoted Major 3d Indian Regt., July 11, 1862. William R. Allen.......... July 30, 1861 Mustered out, February 13, 1862. George D. Brooke......... July 12, 1863 Assigned to new Company C. FIRST LIEUT. George D. Brooke......... July 24, 1861 Promoted Captain, June 12, 1863. Joseph K. Hudson...................... No evidence of muster-out on file. SECOND LIEUT. Isaac M. Ruth............... July 24, 1861 No evidence of muster-out on file. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Eli Snyder.................. Resigned, May 27, 1862. Charles S. Hills............ May 11, 1862 Assigned to new Company A. FIRST LIEUT. John Downing............. Feb. -1862 Mustered out, Feb. 11, 1862, per G. O., W. D., series of 1862. George D. Brooke......... July 24, 1861 Transferred to Company C, September 28,1862. Frederick A. Smalley.... Sept. 1, 1862 Assigned to new Company D. SECOND LIEUT. Frederick A. Smalley... July 24, 1861.Promoted First Lieutenant, September 1, 1862. Robert W. Wood........... Sept. 1, 1862 Assigned to new Company A. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John F. Broadhead....... July 25, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, August 18, 1864. Samuel Stevenson......... Aug. 2, 1861 Died of disease, Mound City, Kas., 1861. FIRST LIEUT. David Schorn.................................... Died, Dec. 18, 1862, Fayetteville,Ark., of wounds rec'd in action, Dec.7, 1862, Prairie Grove,Ark. James McArthur........... Aug. 2, 1861 Mustered out, February 14,1862. William B. Keith.......... Mar. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William B. Keith.......... Aug. 2, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 1, 1863. Solomon Smith............. May 20, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remzarks. CAPTAIN. John J. Boyd................. Aug. 6, 1861 Resigned, August 11, 1862. Nathan Price............ Sept. 15, 1862 Mustered out with regiment, August 19, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Nathan Price................. Aug. 13, 1861 Promoted Captain, September 15, 1862. Cyrus Leland, jr............ Sept. 15, 1862 Resigned, January 1, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Cyrus Leland, jr............ Aug. 6, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 15, 1862. John Bryan.................. Oct. 28, 1862 Assigned to new Company B. COMPANY G. Name and Rank.'Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James H. Harris............ July 15, 1861 Must. out, March 4, 1862, and remust. as 1st Lt. James M. Harvey......... Aug. 7, 1861 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John U. Parsons........... Aug. 7, 1861 Died of measles, Lawrence, Kas., Dec. 22, 1861. William C. Harris.................. Mustered out, March 4, 1862. James H. Harris........... Mar. 4, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Josephus D. Warner...... Aug. 7, 1861 Resigned, December 30, 1862. Andrew G. Ege............ Aug. 16, 1861 No evidence of muster-out on file. Gregor Wohlwend......... April 23 1862 Died of consumption, Alton, Ill., March'10, 1864. John C. Anderson....................... Mustered out, March 4, 1862. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 307 COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of ilster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Napoleon B. Blanton..... Mar. 4, 1862 Resigned, February 2, 1863. Samuel J. Stewart......... Feb. 15, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, August 18, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Samuel J. Stewart......... Aug. 7, 1861 Promoted Captain, January 15,1863. James H. Signor............ Feb. 15, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, August 18, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. James H. Signor................................. Promoted First Lieut., February 15,1863. Levi Rittenhouse.......... Mar. 8, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, August 18, 1864. COMPANY I. Vame and Rank. Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles P. Twiss............ July 24, 1861 Resigned, July 18, 1862. William C. Jones........... July -, 1862 Assigned to new Company B. FIRST LIEUT. William C. Jones........... July 24, 1861 Promoted Captain, July -, 1862. James A. Pope.................................. Resigned, February 15,1863. John F. Hill................................ Prom. Major 14th Kas. Vol. Cav., Sept. 18, 1863. John E. Thorp.............. April 26,1864 Assigned to new Company B. Seth M. Tucker............. July 16, 1861 Mustered out with regiment, August 19, 1864; SECOND LIEUT. transferred from Company B. James R. McClelland..... July 24, 1861 Died, Fort Scott, Kansas, December 11, 1861. Pemberton R. Eves....... July 24, 1861 Mustered out, March 15, 1862. James A. Pope.............. Feb. 27, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant. John E. Thorp.............. Mar. 10, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 26, 1864. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Greenville Watson........ Aug. 12, 1861 Resigned, March 23, 1863. Jerome T. Kelly...................... Mustered out, July 12, 1862, St. Louis, Mo., by order of General Halleck. Charles S. Hills............ May 11, 1862 Transferred to Company D, May 25, 1863. Horace G. Loring......... April 3, 1863 Mustered out, August 19, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. Elijah Fleming............ Aug. 12, 1861 Resigned, August 1, 1862. Horace G. Loring.......... Aug. 1, 1862 Promoted Captain, April 3, 1863. John Sherrin................ April 3, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. James Davis.................. Aug. 12, 1861 Promoted Regimental Quartermaster Fifth K. V. C., September 2, 1861. Horace G. Loring......... Sept. 2, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, August 1, 1862. John Sherrin...............I Aug. 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 3,1863. Thomas McGannon...... April 3, 1863 Promoted Adjutant, May 29, 1863. George W. May............. May 30, 1863 Assigned to new Company D. NEW COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles S. Hills............ May 11, 1862 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, March 1, 1865. Robert W. Wood........... Mar. 1, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, August 30,1865. FIRST LIEUT. Cyrus Leland................ Sept. 13, 1862 Resigned, December 29, 1864, per S. O. No. 360, Department of Missouri, 1864. Robert W. Wood............ Jan. 25, 1865 Promoted Captain, March 1, 1865. Porter W. Phillips........ Mar. 1, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, August 80, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Robert W. Wood........... Sept. 1, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 25, 1865. Henry Banblitts........... July 1, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, August 30, 1865. 308 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. NEW COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of iMfuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William C. Jones........... July -, 1862 Mustered out with regiment, August 30,1865. FIRST LIEUT. John E. Thorp.............. April 26, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, August 30,1865. SECOND LIEUT. John Bryan.................. Oct. 28, 1862 Died, May 14,'65, New Orleans, La., of wounds received in action,April 9,'65, Ft.Blakely,Ala. William M. Wicks........ May 14, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, August 30, 1865. NEW. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George Brooke............. June 12, 1863 Mustered out, June 16, 1865. FIRST LIEUT., William B. Stone.......... Nov. 10, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, August 30, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. George W. May. May 30, 1863 Transferred to new Company D. NEW COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Mluster. Remarks. FIRST LIEUT. Frederick A. Smalley... Sept. 1, 1862 Mustered out, January 20, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. eorge W. May............ May 30, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, August 30, 1865. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Prairie Grove —Killed, E. M., 7; wounded, 0. 2, E. M. 58. Franklin -Wounded, E. M., 6. Nashville -Wounded, E. M., 17. Fort Blakely -Killed, E. M., 5; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 10. — U. S. Army Register. FIRST KANSAS BATTERY —LIGHT ARTILLERY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas Bickerton......... July 24, 1861 Mustered out, February 15, 1862, orders W. D. Norman Allen............... Feb. 25. 1862 Died of pneumonia, St. Louis, Mo., July 10,'63. Marcus D. Tenney......... Aug. 27, 1863 Mustered out, July 17, 1865, Leavenworth, Kas. FIRST LIEUT. Norman Allen.............. July 24, 1861 Promoted Captain, February 25, 1862. Alonzo Kent................. July 20, 1861 Resigned, May 14, 1862. Marcus D. Tenney........ Jan. 15, 1862 Promoted Captain, August 27, 1863. John C. Stoneburner..... May 15, 1862 Resigned, September 11, 1862. Moses D. Baldwin......... Sept. 11, 1862 Resigned June 13, 1863.'Thomas Taylor............. July 10, 1863 Mustered out, July 17, 1865, Leavenworth, Kas.,John B. Cook................ Aug. 27, 1863 Mustered out, July 17, 1875, Leavenworth, Kas. SECOND LIEUT. Hartson R. Brown........ July 24, 1861 Mustered out, February 15, 1862, orders W. D.'Thomas Taylor............. Aug. 1, 1861 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 10, 1863. Moses D. Baldwin......... Feb. 25, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, September 11, 1862. John B. Cook................ Sept. 11, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, August 27, 1863. Michael Kearney.......... July 10, 1863 Mustered out, July 17,1865, Leavenworth, Kas..James N. Nolan............ Aug. 27, 1863 Mustered out, March 4, 1865. List of battles, etc., in which this battery participated, showing loss reported in each: Ball's Mills —No loss. Dry Wood —No loss. Morristown —No loss. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 309 Osceola -no loss. Newtonia -No loss. Prairie Grove - Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 8.- U. S. Army Register. OFFICERS FROM KANSAS COMMISSIONED BY THE PRESIDENT. MAJOR GENERAL. ASS'T QUARTERMASTERS - (CONCLUDED.) Names. Date of Commission. Names. Date of Comrn ission James G. Blunt.........November 29, 1862. S. Lappin................. November 26, 1862. Chester Thomas........ February 9, 1863. BRIGADIER GENERALS. Willis C. Goff........... February 19, 1863. Adam Fisher............ February 19, 1863. Robert B. Mitchell........ April 8, 1862. George Alden...........March 12,1863. James G. Blunt.........f April 8, 1862. William A. Rankin... July 30, 1863. Albert L. Lee............ November 29, 1862. James E. Jones......... February 23, 1864. George W. Deitzler... November 29, 1862. John B. Dexter......... February 29, 1864. Thomas Ewing,jr...... March 13, 1863. Alfred J. Llovd.......... April 7, 1864. Powell Clayton......... August 1, 1864. Cyrus L. Gorton....... May 18, 1864. Henry H. Gillum...... August 22, 1864. AIDES-DE-CAMP. Franklin F. Bruner... February 25, 1865. Majors. T. J. Weed............... January 29, 1862. COMMISSARIES OF SUBSISTENCE. Champion Vaughan.. January 29, 1862. Captains. John Ritchie............ January 29, 1862. A. Carter Wilder...... August 7, 1861. Captains. Harvey A. Smith...... April 25, 1862. James R. McClure..... January 29, 1862. Robert Graham......... June 11, 1862. William A. Phillips... January 29, 1862. Oliver Barber............ June 11, 1862. Avra P. Russell........ January 29, 1862. Edmund N. Morrill... August 9, 1862. ASSISTANT ADJUTANTS GENERAL. Robert W. Hamer..... August 9, 1862. Mliajors. James Davis............. September 5, 1862. Charles Mundee........ August 16, 1862. James Christian........ September 5, 1862. Thomas J. Anderson. May 25, 1863. M. S. Adams.............. September 5, 1862. Frederick W. Emery. February 6, 1865. Erastus Heath...........September 30, 1862. Captains. John E. Gould........... November 26, 1862. Marcus J. Parrott...... August 3, 1861. George L. Gaylord..... February 9, 1863. Charles Mundee........ August' 24, 1861. George W. Gardiner.. February 19, 1863. Daniel McCook......... November 9, 1861. J. H. W. Mills........... February 19, 1863. Thomas Moonlight... April 14,1862. John P. Alden......... July 2,1863. W. W. H. Lawrence... April 14, 1862. David G. Peabody..... July 30, 1863. Charles F. Clarke...... June 12, 1862. Demas M. Alexander July 30, 1863. John Pratt............... October 29, 1862. Stephen A. Cobb. May 18, 1864. Sidney Clarke..........February 9, 1863. Rufus R. Edwards July 2, 1864. Thomas J. Anderson. February 27, 1863. H. Miles Moore......... July 7, 1864. William Tholen........ March 13, 1863. Henry W. Fick......... July 7, 1864. Frederick W. Emery. March 13, 1863. Nelson Z. Strong. February 25, 1865. John Willans........ May 22, 1863. SURGEONS. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER S. Ml]ajors. Captains. Henry Buckmaster... June 28, 1862. Martin H. Insley...... August 6, 1861. Samuel B. Davis........ February 19, 1863. Charles F. Garrett..... April 25, 1862. Geo.W. Hogeboom... July 19, 1863. Theodore S. Case...... June 9, 1862. John G. Haskell........ June 11, 1862. ADDITIONAL PAYMASTERS. Prince G. D. Morton.. June 11, 1862..Mliajors. Edmund B.Whitman July 18, 1862. Henry Foote......... June 1, 1861. George F. Warren..... July 30, 1862. Henry J. Adams....... September 5, 1861. Oliver S. Coffin......... September 24, 1862. Daniel M. Adams...... February 19, 1863. Edward B. Grimes..... September 29, 1862. Hiram S. Sleeper..... February 19, 1863. George W. McLane... October 20, 1862. Shaler W. Eldridge... March 11, 1863. James A. Finley.......November 26, 1862. Josiah Miller............ July 28, 1863. Samuel Hipple.......... November 26,1862. George W. De Costa.. April 21, 1864. FIRST INDIAN REGIMENT. NVames. Rank. Date of Commission. William A. Phillips..................... Major....................................... June 2, 1862. James A. Phillips...................... Major....................................... July 10, 1862. J. H. Gillpatrick........................ First Lieutenant and Adjutant.. November 1, 1862. Salmon S. Prouty....................... First Lieutenant and R. Q. M... June 21, 1862. John T. Cox-.............................. First Lieutenant and R. Q. M... February 28, 1863. John Chess................................. First Lieutenant and Adjutant.. May 28, 1863. Alfred F. Bicking....................... First Lieutenant...................... September 10, 1862. Ferdinand R. Jacobs.......: First Lieutenant.......... September 10, 1862. Robert T. Thompson.................. First Lieutenant.................... April 1, 1863. 310 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1861. FIRST INDIAN REGIMENT-CONCLUDED. Namles. Rank. Date of Co7nmission. Francis J. Fox.......................... First Lieutenant...................... September 10, 1862. Albert Flanders......................... First Lieutenant....................... July 1, 1863. Benj. F. Ayres........................... First Lieutenant....................... March 29, 1863. Milford J. Burlingame............... First Lieutenant....................... December 28, 1863. Frederick Crafts................. First Lieutenant...................... September 10, 1862. Eli C. Lowe.................... First Lieutenant....................... September 10, 1862. William Roberts................. Second Lieutenant................... July 1, 1863. John D. Young.......................... Second Lieutenant...................j August 25, 1864. SECOND INDIAN REGIMENT. Names. Rank. Date of Commnission. John Ritchie.............................. Colonel.................................... Fred. W. Schuarte..................... Lieutenant Colonel................... E. W. Robinson.......................... First Lieutenant and Adjutant.. John C. Palmer.......................... First Lieutenant and Adjutant.. George Huston......................... First Lieutenant and R. Q. M... A. J. Ritchie..................... Surgeon. M. A. Campdorus........................ Assistant Surgeon..................... James H. Bruce......................... Captain................................ May 27, 1863. Joel Moody............. Captain.................................... Unknown. Charles Lenhart............. First Lieutenant....................... October 15, 1862. John M. Hunter........................ First Lieutenant....................... September 14, 1862. James H. Bruce.......................... First Lieutenant....................... Unknown. William H. Kendall.................. First Lieutenant....................... December 8, 1862. John Moffit................................ First Lieutenant....................... Unknown. E. P. Gillpatrick........................ First Lieutenant....................... Unknown. A. J. Waterhouse........................ First Lieutenant....................... Silas Hunter.............................. First Lieutenant....................... June 2, 1862. David A. Painter........................ First Lieutenant....................... June 2, 1862. Scott.............................. First Lieutenant....................... June -, 1862. THIRD INDIAN REGIMENT. Names. Rank. Date of Commission. William A. Phillips.................... Colonel.................................... July 11, 1862. John A. Foreman......................I Major....................................... July 11, 1862. William Galliher........................ First Lieutenant and Adjutant... July 11, 1862. Alfred Larzelere........................ First Lieutenant and R. Q. M... July 11, 1862. A. C. Spillman........................... Captain.................................... November 4, 1862. Henry S. Anderson..................... Captain.......................... November 15, 1862. Maxwell Phillips........................ Captain.................................... May 28, 1863. Solomon Kaufman..................... Captain.May 28, 1863. Luke F. Parsons........................ First Lieutenant....................... July 11, 1862. John S. Hanway........................ First Lieutenant..................... July 11, 1862. Andrew W. Robb....................... First Lieutenant....................... July 11, 1862. Harmon Scott............................ Lieutenant...................... July 11, 1862. Benjamin Whitlow..................... First Lieutenant........................ July 11, 1862. Charles Brown.......................... First Lieutenant....................... April 1, 1863. William McCulloch.................... Second Lieutenant.................... December 31, 1862. Basil G. McCrea.......................... Second Lieutenant.................... December 31, 1862. Jule C. Cayott.Second Lieutenant.................... May 28, 1863. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Namnes.' Rank. Date of COns7mission. James M. Steele... Lieutenant Colonel............... December 10, 1863. Josiah Sample.......................... aptain....................................March 1, 1864. E. P. Gillpatrick........................ Captain...................... March1, 1864. William H. Smith....................... Captain.......................... March, 1864. John Hayes, jr......................... Captain.................................... March 1, 1864. James W. Gilgus.Captain.March 1, 1864. Thomas Prastor First Lieutenant....................... March 1, 1864. 1861.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 311 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH U. S. COLORED TROOPS —CONCLUDED. Names. Rank. Date of Commission. Wm. H. T. Wakefield................ First Lieutenant....................... January 22, 1864. Ben. B. Thompson...................... First Lieutenant....................... March 1, 1864. Theodore C. Weaver.................. First Lieutenant....................... April 1, 1865. Abram Smith............................ Second Lieutenant.................... March 1, 1864. Wm. C. Kern................ Second Lieutenant.................... March 1, 1864. Alanson Simons......................... Second Lieutenant.................... January 26, 1864. EIGHTEENTH U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Namnes. Rank. Date of Commission. John J. Sears............................Lieutenant Colonel................... August 18,1864. Lewis D. Joy.............................. Major....................................... September 10, 1864. Nathaniel B. Lucas..................... Captain.................................... April 2, 1864. L. O. Snoddy.............................. First Lieutenant and Adjutant.. June 4, 1864. Wm. H. Dodge........................... First Lieutenant and R. Q. M... June 4, 1864. Solomon Smith........................... Captain.................................... October 7, 1864. George J. Drew........................... First Lieutenant....................... June 20, 1864. Charles H. Goodier..................... First Lieutenant....................... September 9, 1864. Josiah R. Drew.......................... Second Lieutenant.................... August 8,1864. Wm. H. Dunlap.......................... Second Lieutenant.................... September 16, 1864. Thomas B. Murdock................... Second Lieutenant.................... October 8, 1864. FIFTY-SEVENTH U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Name. Rank. Date of Commission. Silas Hunter.............................. Lieutenant Colonel.................. February 20, 1866. SIXTY- FIFTH U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Name. Rank. Date of Commission. Abner Doane.............................. First Lieutenant....................... February -, 1864. SEVENTY-SECOND U. S. COLORED TROOPS. Name. Rank. Date of Conmission. James M. Iliff............................First Lieut. and R. Q. M........ June 24, 1864. SECOND ARKANSAS INFANTRY. Vanses. Rank. Date of Commission. G. M. Waugh............................. Lieutenant Colonel.................. March -, 1864. J. K. Klinefelter........................ First Lieutenant and Adjutant.. April —, 1864. Ira D. Bronson........................... Captain.................................... May -, 1864. M. A. Payne............ First Lieutenant...May -,1864. Wm. W. Tibbs............ Second Lieutenant.May -, 1864. FOURTH ARKANSAS INFANTRY. Names. Rank. [Date of Commission. Horace L. Moore............ Lieutenant Colonel................... May -, 1864. H. S. Greeno............ Major................................. September 8, 1864. Henry Wood............................. Captain.................................... Wm. J. Hunter............ Captain.................................... July 29,1864. Howard Schuyler........................ Captain.................................... December -, 1864. Hugh Quinn.............................. First Lieutenant....................... John Tenant.............................. Second Lieutenant................. October 16, 1864. 312 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. FIFTH U. S. VOLUNTEERS. Nasmes.'Rank. Date of Commission. Thomas Hughes......................... First Lieutenant...................... April 15, 1865. Henry M. Herman.......... First Lieutenant....................... April 18, 1865. Chas. H. Hoyt........................... First Lieutenant....................... May 1, 1865. Win. M. Harshberger.................. Second Lieutenant................... April 8, 1865. DECEMBER 31.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............. $4,150 00 Miscellaneous accounts.............. $6,306 07 Secretary's Department.............. 2,525 00 Commissioners to select lands..... 1,500 00 Auditor's Department................. 2,510 00 Adjutant General's Department.. 586 79 Treasurer's Department............. 1,420 00 Quartermaster's Department...... 261 75 Sup't of Public Instruction........ 1,700 00 War expenses............................ 3,450 54 Attorney General....................... 963 31 Exp. issu'g and negotiat'gbonds.. 1,087 20 Judiciary Department................ 13,203 00 Comm'rs to locate Penitentiary.. 182 50 Legislative exps. and Journals... 26,291 53 sate.1,6 53 Total expenses for 1861.............$84,821 99 State Printing........................... 18,684 30 1t862. JANUARY 1.-The following papers are now published in the State: Independent, Oskaloosa, John W. Day and J. W. Roberts; Gazette, Grasshopper Falls, P. H. Hubbell; Express, Manhattan, James Humphrey; Frontier News, Junction City, Geo. E. Dummler; State Record, Topeka, E. G. Ross; Tribune, Topeka, Cummings & Shepherd; News, Emporia, Jacob Stotler; Herald, Osawatomie, C. E. Griffith; Republican, Lawrence, John Speer; State Journal, Lawrence, Trask & Lowman; Gazette, Wyandotte, R. B. Taylor; Post (German), Wyandotte; Shield & Banner, Mansfield, Linn county, J. Lyman; Neosho Valley Register, Burlington, S. S. Prouty; Smoky Hill and Republican Union, Junction City, George W. Kingsbury; Mirror, Olathe, John Francis; Chief, White Cloud, Sol. Miller; Union, Hiawatha, J. G. Parker; Union, Atchison, William H. Adalns; Champion, Atchison, John A. Martin; Zeitung (German), Semi-weekly, Leavenworth, L. Sousmnan; Times, Daily and Weekly, Leavenworth, J. Kemp Bartlett; Conservative, Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, Leavenworth, D. W. Wilder. There are twenty-three in the list; eight still live. JANUARY 9.- Capt. John Brown, jr., arrives at Leavenworth with enough men to fill up his company. JANUARY 9.-Judge Saunders W. Johnston presents to the Supreme Court the petition of Geo. A. Crawford praying for a peremptory writ of mandamus to compel the Board of Canvassers to count the votes cast for him for Governor. -Major Chas. G. Halpine ("Miles O'Reilly") is Adjutant for General Hunter, at Fort Leavenworth. JANUARY 14. —Meeting of the Legislature. Memnbers of the Senate: E. P. Bancroft, J. F. Broadhead, Alonzo Curtis, J. Connell, H. B. Denman, Jacob G. Rees, C. K. Holliday, O. B. Gunn, S. E. Hoffman, M. L. Essick, J. M. Hubbard, S. Lappin, Chas. G. Keeler, Ed. Lynde, John J. Ingalls, Wm. B. Barnett, Robert S. Stevens, R. Morrow, T. A. Osborn, J. A. Phillips, H. N. Seaver, W. Spriggs, H. S. Sleeper, S. N. Wood. 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 313 Officers of the Senate: A. R. Banks, Secretary; C. K. Gilchrist, Assistant Secretary; J. G. Kelsey, Journal Clerk; O. F. Ingraham, Engrossing Clerk; J. R. Montgomery, Docket Clerk; J. S. Pigman, Sergeant-at-Arms; S. H. Fairfield, Doorkeeper F. Jackson, Messenger. Members of the House: Adams, Anderson, Baker, Brown, Carney, Church, Columbia, Dickinson, Eskridge, Fishback, Foster, Goodnow, Grover (4th District), Grover (7th District), Grube, Havens, Hersey, Huber, Ingersoll, Jewell, Johnson, Jones (8th District), Jones (9th District), Jones (14th District), Karr, Lamb, Leard, Leonard, Lowry, Macy, McAuley, Marcell, Martin, Medill, Maxson, Miller, Mitchell, Murphy, McCarthy, McClure, McCrillus, McGonigle, McGrew (8th District), McGrew (9th Distnict), O'Guartney, Patterson, Penney, Pierce, Plumb, Potter, Reynolds, Rice, Russell, Sabin, Shean, Spaulding, Silvers, Smith, Starns, Steele, Thoman, Valentine, Van Horn, Van Winkle, Welch, Wells, Wilson, Williams. Officers of the House: M. S. Adams, Speaker; John Francis, of Johnson county, Chief Clerk; Charles Clarkson, Sergeant-at-Arms; G. W. Griffith, Assistant Clerk; Dan. M. Adams, Engrossing Clerk; Mr. Moffit, Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms; Mr. McKinney, Docket Clerk; Mr. Watson, Journal Clerk; Robt. S. Parham, Enrolling Clerk. JANUARY 15.-Union Indians defeated in the Indian Territory and driven to Kansas. They are encamped on Fall River. JANUARY 21. —Sidney Clarke, contestant, admitted to the seat of George W. Smith, in the House. JANUARY 21.-Publication of the decision of the Supreme Court overruling the motion of Geo. A. Crawford. The Court declares the election of Governor in 1861 illegal; opinion by Chief Justice Ewing. (State of Kansas, ex rel. C1rawford, vs. Robinson, I Kan., 17.) JANUARY 23.-Opotheyoholo, Chief of the Creek Nation, meets General Hunter and tells him the condition of affairs in the Indian Territory. -The Thirteenth Wisconsin arrives in Leavenworth. JANUARY 23.-The Legislature accepts a present of twenty acres of land, from the Topeka Town Association, as a site for the Capitol. JANUARY 27. —Gen. Lane arrives in Leavenworth, as a Major General, to take command of an expedition to the Gulf. JANUARY 29. -The Ninth Wisconsin reaches Leavenworth. FEBRUARY 1. —Organization of the Tenth Kansas. FEBRUARY.-Wm. S. Blakely and George W. Martin become the publishers of the Union, at Junction City. FEBRUARY 4.-Reception of the First Kansas, in Leavenworth. -Investigation by the Legislature of the bond negotiations made by Robert S. Stevens. The State reported to have lost $40,000. FEBRUARY 12.-Death of W. R. Griffith, Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Topeka. FEBRUARY 12.-An interesting printing swindle is exposed by Sol. Miller and P. B. Plumb. See House Journal, pp. 213 to 224. FEBRUARY 14.-The report of the House Committee on the negotiation 314 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. of State bonds is published. It concludes with a resolution impeaching the Governor, Secretary of State, and Auditor. The report is signed by Martin Anderson, H. L. Jones, B. W. Hartley, Sidney Clarke, and Thomas Carney. The House adopted the resolution by sixty-five votes in the affirmative, and none in the negative. FEBRUARY 15.-The Impeachment Managers, on the part of the House, are P. B. Plumb, of Lyon; F. W. Potter, of Coffey; A. Spaulding, of Jefferson; W. R. Wagstaff, of Miami; D. Wilson, of Riley. Attorney General, S. A. Stinson. FEBRUARY.-The Supreme Court holds that acts of the Territorial Legislature, passed after the admission of the State into the Union, are valid; opinion by Judge Kingman. (State of Kansas, ex rel. Hunt, vs. Meadows, 1 Kan., 90.) FEBRUARY 20.-Kansas now has 9,000 soldiers in the field. FEBRUARY 21.-Thos. Roberts admitted to the seat in the Senate made vacant by the resignation of James A. Phillips. FEBRUARY 26.-Wilson Shannon, Fred. P. Stanton and Nathan P. Case appear as counsel for the impeached officers. FEBRUARY 26.-James H. Lane writes to the Legislature that he has failed to make a satisfactory arrangement with Gen. Hunter; that he will not lead a military expedition to the Gulf; that he has resigned his Brigadiership, and that he will return to the Senate. FEBRUARY 28.-The Daily Inquirer started in Leavenworth, by Adams & Driggs; Burrell E. Taylor, Editor. A meeting called to mob the paper was addressed by M. W. Delahay and D. W. Wilder, favoring free speech, and the meeting of argument with argument. MARCH 1.-The seats in the Senate of Bancroft, Broadhead and Gunn are declared vacant, ostensibly because they had accepted commissions in the volunteer service. They were friends of Robinson and enemies of Lane. Horatio Knowles is admitted to Broadhead's seat, and J. M. Rankin to Bancroft's seat. MARCH 5.-Jas. C. Horton elected Assistant Journal Clerk of the Senate. MARCH 5.-Formation of the State Agricultural Society. Meeting in the hall of the House of Representatives, Topeka. Officers: President, Lyman Scott, of Leavenworth; Secretary, F. G. Adams, of Shawnee; Treasurer, Isaac Garrison, of Shawnee; Executive Committee, E. B. Whitman, of Douglas; F. P. Baker, of Nemaha&; W. A. Shannon, of Lyon; C. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee; J. C. Marshall, of Linn; Martin Anderson, of Jackson; Thos. Arnold, of Coffey; J. W. Sponable, of Johnson; Welcome Wells, of Riley; R. A. Van Winkle, of Atchison. No Fair was held. MARCH 6.-Adjournment of the Legislature. This Legislature compiled the laws; the volume of laws fills 1116 pages. Among the acts passed were the following: Accepting the terms imposed by Congress upon the admission of the State; Apportioning the State for Senators and Representatives; Codes of civil and criminal procedure; Establishing a Criminal Court in 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 315 Leavenworth county; Organizing the county of Greenwood; Changing the name of Breckinridge county to Lyon; Creating a State Board of Equalization; Homestead exemption law; Providing for the management of the School fund and the University fund; Repealing the law of Feb. 9, 1858, establishing the office of Land District Recorder; Establishing the salaries of State officers, Judges, and Members and Clerks of the Legislature. MARCH 6, 7, 8.-Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas. MARCH 7.-"The notorious Quantrell, alias Hart," plunders Aubrey and kills three citizens. MARCH 9.-Arthur Gunther, of Lawrence, having been commissioned as a Captain in the Second Kansas, the Conservative publishes the following copy of a certificate which Gunther carries in his pocket: HEADQUARTERS KANSAS VOLUNTEERS, LAWRENCE CITY, Dec. 12, 1855. This is to certify that A. GUNTHER faithfully and gallantly served as Private in the Wakarsusa Liberty Guards, Kansas Vol- * unteers, from the 27th day of November, 1855, to the 13th day of December, 1855, in defending the City of Lawrence, in Kansas Territory, from demolition by foreign invaders; when he was honorably discharged from said service. H. F. SANDERS, Captain. LYMAN ALLEN, Col. COrn. 1st Reg. Kas. Vols. J. H. LANE, Gen. 1st Brig. KIas. Vols. C. ROBINSON, Major General. MARCH 13.-Treaty with the Kansas Indians; improvements by certain settlers to be paid for. MARCH 14.-John A. Martin, Lieutenant Colonel of the Eighth Kansas, is appointed Provost Marshal of Leavenworth. MARCH 15.-Kansas soldiers at Fort Riley destroy the office of the Kansas Frontier News, a disloyal paper published at Junction City. -Gen. Denver ordered to take command in Kansas; Gen. Deitzler to join Curtis, in Arkansas. -The Conservative says: "The Ninth, Twelfth and Thirteenth Wisconsin, the First, Third, Fifth and Sixth Kansas, and Capt. Rabb's Battery, are now at Fort Scott. The Fourth is at Wyandotte, the Seventh at Humboldt, and the Second at Shawneetown. The headquarters of the Eighth are here, but the regiment is widely scattered." MARCH 25."There are now in southern Kansas between six and seven thousand Indians, refugees from the Rebels within the Indian Territory. A large number of these are encamped at Leroy, Coffey county, on the Neosho river, at which place is established the headquarters of their Superintendent, and various agents. Leroy is also the depot from which supplies are issued. The principal tribes to which these refugees belong are the Creeks, Seminoles, Cherokees and Chickasaws, with a few scattered Wichitas and other prairie tribes, whose location is west of Forts Cobb and Arbuckle. They have now been in Kansas since the middle of January, a period of two months. Much suffering has been endured by them. Before relief was afforded by Gen. Hunter, scores of these people died of hunger, cold, and the diseases superinduced by these causes. Among these Indians (whose numbers have lately been augmented by the arrival of several fragmentary tribes of Quapaws, Senecas, etc.) are about 2,000 warriors, good and effective braves, who only need arms and ammunition to make them a useful force."-Conservative. 316 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. MARCH 26.-Defeat of the First Colorado, at Pigeon's Ranch,'New Mexico. John P. Slough is the Colonel, Samuel F. Tappan Lieutenant Colonel, and the regiment is largely made up of Kansas men. MARCH 28.-Der Deutsche Krieger is the name of a German paper issued by the Ninth Wisconsin, at Fort Scott. -Prof. S. M. Thorp, of Lawrence, is appointed Superintendent of Public Instruction. APRIL 1. —Robt. B. Mitchell and James G. Blunt are appointed Brigadier Generals. APRIL 6. —Battle of Pittsburgh Landing. MAY 2. — Gen. Blunt commands the Department of Kansas. -The First Indian regiment organized at Leroy. MAY 8. —Congress appropriates $100,000 to pay the Lane Brigade. MAY 9.- Gen. Hunter, in South Carolina, issues an emancipation proclamation. MAY 11.-The Jayhawker Cleveland, alias Moore, alias Metz, killed at thee Marais des Cygnes, by Lieut. Walker's men, of the Sixth Kansas. His body was taken to Osawatomie. He had been in Kansas twelve months. Was mustered in as a Captain in Jennison's regiment, but very soon mustered out. He stole in the name of Liberty. MAY 17.-Kansas troops ordered to Corinth, Mississippi. MAY 19.-Lincoln revokes Hunter's proclamation. MAY 20.-Passage of the homestead law. It is chapter 75 of the U. S. Statutes of 1862. MAY 22.-Organization of the First Indian regiment. MAY 24.-Wmin.. A. Barstow, Colonel Third Wisconsin, Provost Marshal General of the State; Maj. Elias A. Calkins, of the Third Wisconsin, Provost Marshal of Leavenworth. MAY 27, 28, 29.-The First, Seventh and Eighth Kansas, the Second Kansas Battery, and the Twelfth and Thirteenth Wisconsin, sail from Leavenworth towards Corinth. MAY 27. —Capt. John Brown, jr., resigns, and Lieut. Geo. H. Hoyt is appointed Captain. MAY 30. —Col. Wm. Weer, of the Tenth Kansas, given command of the Indian expedition. JUNE 2.-The Senate meets as a Court of Impeachment. Counsel for defence, Wilsofi Shannon, Fred. P. Stanton, and N. P. Case; prosecution, Samuel A. Stinson, Azel Spaulding, Davies Wilson, and W. R. Wagstaff. JUNE 3.-The Conservative is printed on a Hoe Cylinder Press, the first one brought to the State. Francis J. Nutz puts it up. JUNE 3. — Stephen A. Cobb sworn in as the successor of Senator O. B. Gunn. -Thos. A. Osborn elected President pro tern. of the Senate over John J. Ingalls, on the fourteenth ballot. -The trial of John W. Robinson, Secretary of State, begins. JUNE 6.-Byron Sherry elected Journal Clerk, and Richard J. Hinton and Robert Parham, Reporters. 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 317 JUNE 11.-The following is copied from the argument of Attorney General Stinson: "Now, may it please this honorable Court, where is the first word of legal or competent testimony tending to show that Hillyer and Robinson might not have sold these bonds without the assistance or intervention of Stevens? We have the unsupported and somewhat interested opinion of Stevens on the point. We have the testimony of counsel in their Congressional experiences. "MR. STANTON: I did not testify. "MR. STINSON: I meant this remark in no disrespectful sense. I referred to the Congressional experiences which I understood you and'Gov. Shannon to favor the Court with. "MR. STANTON: The Attorney General is mistaken; I gave no Congressional experiences. "MR. STINSON: Then I will throw the burden on Gov. Shannon. He must stand it, for he is not here to defefid himself. "The only reason seems to be that they understood from Senator Pomeroy that they better not try. Take this testimony together, and if it all be true, that distinguished Senator seems to have been drawn into the meshes of this web of conspiracy and fraud. He testified, in his deposition, that he is' a laborer.' The Scripture says' the laborer is worthy of his hire.' Let us, for the honor of the State, if we can, so liberally and charitably construe this testimony as to exclude the idea that the laborer received his hire in this transaction. Even this allusion may do injustice to an innocent man; but he who touches pitch must be defiled. The people of the State will gratefully accept, and at the same time earnestly insist upon, a full explanation of Mr. Pomeroy's connexion with this transaction." JUNE 12.-The following is copied from the Report of the Trial: "The first Article of Impeachment was read by the Secretary pro tens. "ARTICrEr 1. That the said John W. Robinson was, prior to the third day of June, A. D. 1861, ever since has been, and still is, Secretary of State of said State of Kansas. That on the fifth day of June, A. D. 1861, the said John W. Robinson, as Secretary of State, together with the Governor and Auditor of said State, was authorized and empowered to negotiate and sell the bonds of the State, the issuance of which was provided for in the act authorizing the negotiation of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the bonds of the State of Kansas, to defray the current expenses of the State, approved May 1, 1861. "That bonds of the State of Kansas, to defray the current expenses of said State as aforesaid, were prepared, executed, and issued according to law. "That the said John W. Robinson, being so empowered to sell and negotiate said bonds, did authorize and empower one Robert S. Stevens to negotiate and sell said bonds, to the amount of eighty-seven thousand two hundred dollars, at any price over sixty per centum upon the amount of said bonds, he, the said Stevens, paying to the State no more than sixty per centum of said amount; that under said agreement, and with the full knowledge and consent of said Robinson, said Stevens proceeded to sell and deliver a large amount of said bonds, to wit, the amount of fifty-six thousand dollars of said bonds, at the rate of eighty-five per centum on said amount of fifty-six thousand dollars, all of which was well known to said Robinson; and under the said agreement, with the full knowledge and consent of said'Robinson, said Stevens paid over and accounted to said State for only the amount of sixty per centum on said bonds so sold as aforesaid, which said agreement, so made and entered into by said Robinson, was in direct violation of the laws of said State in this, that under the said.laws said bonds could not be sold for less than seventy per centum on the amount of said bonds; and was in violation of the official duties of the said Robinson in this, that the said State. was, by said agreement, defrauded out of its just rights, in that said State was entitled to receive the full amount for which said bonds were sold, while in truth and in fact, with the full knowledge and consent of the said Robinson, said bonds were sold for,eighty-five per centum upon the dollar of the amount of said bonds, while in truth and 318 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. in fact the said State did not receive more than sixty per centum upon the whole amount of said bonds so sold: whereby said John W. Robinson betrayed the trust reposed in him by the State of Kansas, subjected said State to great pecuniary loss, and has thereby been guilty of a high misdemeanor in said office of Secretary of State aforesaid." " The President pro tern. then took the opinion of the members of the Cqurt respectively, in the form following: "Mr. -, how say you? Is the respondent, John W. Robinson, Guilty or Not Guilty of a High Misdemeanor, as charged in this Article of Impeachment? "The following gentlemen voted GUILTY, in response to the Chair: Messrs. Bayless, Cobb, Connell, Curtis, Essick, Holliday, Hubbard, Keeler, Knowles, Lambdin, McDowell, Osborn, Rankin, Rees, Roberts, Sleeper, and Spriggs-17. "Those voting NOT GUILTY were: Messrs. Barnett, Ingalls, Denman, and Lappin -4." "The President then arose, and recapitulated the votes thus: " On the first Article of Impeachment, seventeen gentlemen having voted Guilty, and four Not Guilty; on the second, ten gentlemen having voted Guilty, and eleven gentlemen Not Guilty; on the third, eight gentlemen having voted Guilty, and thirteen Not Guilty; on the fourth, five gentlemen having voted Guilty, and sixteen Not Guilty; on the fifth, seven gentlemen having voted Guilty, and fourteen gentlemen Not Guilty; on the sixth, twenty-one gentlemen having voted Not Guilty; on the seventh, twenty-one gentlemen having voted Not Guilty; on the eighth, twenty-one gentlemen having voted Not Geuilty - it therefore appears, that John W. Robinson is found Guilty of High Misdemeanor in office, as charged in the first Article of Impeachment, and is acquitted on the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth Articles." The Senate then voted to remove Secretary Robinson from office, by 18 to 3. The trial of Geo. S. Hillyer, Auditor, followed. JUNE 15.-The Leavenworth Inquirer suppressed by Gen. Blunt. JUNE 16.-The following is copied from page 396 of the Trial: "The President then arose, and recapitulated the vote thus: "On the first Article of Impeachment, seventeen gentlemen having voted Guilty, and four Not Guilty; on the second, nine gentlemen having voted Guilty, and twelve Not Guilty; on the third, six gentlemen having voted Guilty, and fifteen Not Guilty; on the fourth, five gentlemen having voted Guilty, and sixteen Not Guilty; on the fifth, no gentleman having voted Guilty, and nineteen Not Guilty; on the sixth, four gentlemen having voted Guilty, and seventeen Not Guilty; on the seventh, twenty-one gentlemen having voted Not Guilty-it therefore appears, that George S. Hillyer is found Guilty of High Misdemeanor in office, as charged in the first Article of Impeachment, and is Acquitted on the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh Articles." The Senate then voted, by 18 to 2, to remove Auditor Hillyer from office. The following is the Article on which he was found guilty: "ARTICLE 1. That the said George S. Hillyer, as Auditor of State of the State of Kansas, was, together with the Secretary of State and Governor of said State, by the laws of said State, authorized and empowered to negotiate and sell the bonds of the State, the issuance of which was provided for in the act authorizing the negotiation of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the bonds of the State of Kansas, to defray the current expenses of the State, approved May 1, 1861. "That bonds of the State of Kansas, to defray the current expenses of the State as aforesaid, were prepared, executed, and issued according to law. " That the said George S. Hillyer, being so empowered to sell and negotiate said bonds, did authorize and empower one Robert S. Stevens to negotiate and sell said bonds to the amount of eighty-seven thousand two hundred dollars, at any price over sixty per centum upon the amount of said bonds, he, said Stevens, paying to the State no more than sixty per centum of said amount; that under said agreement, and with the full knowledge and consent of said Hillyer, said Stevens proceeded to sell and deliver a large amount of said bonds, to wit, the amount of fifty-six thousand dollars of said bonds, at the rate 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 319 of eighty-five per centum on said amount of fifty-six thousand dollars, all of which was well known to said Hillyer; and under the said agreement, with the full knowledge and consent of said Hillyer, said Stevens paid over and accounted to said State for only the amount of sixty per centum upon said bonds so sold, which said agreement so made and entered into by said Hillyer, was in direct violation of the laws of said State in this, that under said laws said bonds could not be sold for less than seventy per centum on the amount of said bonds; and was in violation of the official duty of said Hillyer in this, that said State was by said agreement defrauded out of its just rights, in that said State was entitled to receive the full amount for which said bonds were sold, while in truth and in fact, with the full knowledge and consent of said Hillyer, said bonds were sold for eighty-five per centum upon the dollar, and the State did not receive therefrom more than sixty per centum upon the bonds so sold: whereby said Hillyer betrayed the trust reposed in him by the State of IKansas, subjected said State to great pecuniary loss, and has thereby been guilty of high misdemeanor in his said office of Auditor of State aforesaid." The trial of Gov. Robinson followed, and was concluded the same day. His acquittal is thus announced: "The President then arose, and recapitulated the votes thus: ".On the first Article, two gentlemen have pronounced Guilty, and nineteen Not Guilty; on the second Article, there is an unanimous vote of Not Guilty; on the third Article, there is an unanimous vote of Not Guilty; on the fourth Article, there is an unanimous vote of Not Guilty; on the fifth Article, one has said Guilty, and twenty Not Guilty: hence it appears that there is not a constitutional majority of votes finding Charles Robinson Guilty on any one Article. It therefore becomes my duty to declare that Charles Robinson stands Acquitted of all the Articles exhibited by the House of Representatives against him." The Court adjourns. The volume of "Proceedings in the Impeachment Cases" contains 425 pages. The printing was superintended by Senator Ingalls. The report was made by R. J. Hinton. JUNE 18.-D. R. Anthony, Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventh Kansas, issued an Order concluding as follows: "Any officer or soldier of this command who shall arrest and deliver to his master a fugitive slave, shall be summarily and severely punished, according to the laws relative to such crimes." For issuing this Order, Col. Anthony was arrested and deprived of his command in Tennessee. JUNE 20. —Decision of Attorney General Edward Bates published. Gov. Robinson had commissioned A. L. Lee as Colonel of the Seventh. Lieut. Gov. Root gave Chas. W. Blair a commission for the same position. Gen. Blunt referred the question to the U. S. Attorney General, and received this reply: " The absence of Governor Robinson from the State did not create the disability contemplated by the Constitution of Kansas, by which the Lieutenant Governor would be authorized to perform the duties of Governor." Since this time the Private Secretary of the Governor has acted as Governor when the Governor has been absent. JUNE 22. —Organization of the Second Indian regiment. JUNE 24.-Treaty with the Ottawa Indians. The Ottawas to become citizens in five years; lands to be divided between them; 20,000 acres set apart for the purpose of endowing a school; ten acres for the benefit of the Ottawa Baptist Church, etc. C. C. Hutchinson is the Ottawa Indian Agent. JUNE 28.-Treaty with the Kickapoos. A portion of their lands to- be 320 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. set apart and held in severalty; the remainder to be sold. New homes to be purchased in the Indian country. The Atchison & Pike's Peak R. R. Co. may buy the lands, to be sold at $1.25 an acre. JUNE 30.-Bill and Jim Anderson, Quantrell and others, make a raid into the State, shoot A. I. Baker and Segur, and set fire to the building they are in. Segur escapes and dies, while Baker dies immediately, and his body is burned to ashes. The Emporia News publishes the report. JULY 1.-Incorporation by Congress of the Union Pacific Railroad Comlpany. The following is a summary of the law —chapter 120 of the U. S. Statutes: "3. There is granted to the Company every alternate section of public land, designated by odd numbers, to the amount of five alternate sections per mile on each side of said railroad, on the line thereof, and within the limits of ten miles on each side, not sold, reserved, or otherwise disposed of by the United States, and to which a pre-emption or homestead claim may not have attached, at the time the line of said road is definitely fixed. "5. When 40 miles are finished, the Secretary of the Treasury shall issue to said Company bonds of the United States of $1,000 each, payable in thirty years, bearing six per cent. interest (payable semi-annually), which interest may be paid in United States Treasury notes, or any other money or currency which the United States have or shall declare lawful money and a legal tender, to the amount of sixteen bonds per mile for each section of forty miles; and to secure the repayment to the United States, all such bonds constitute a first mortgage in favor of the United States. "8, 9. The Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company of Kansas are authorized to construct a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri river, at the mouth of the Kansas, to connect with the Pacific Railroad of Missouri, to the one hundredth meridian of longitude, upon the same terms and conditions as provided for the construction of the Pacific Railroad, and to meet and connect with the same at the meridian aforesaid; and said railroad through Kansas shall be so located that the several roads from Missouri and Iowa, authorized to connect with the same, can make connexion within the limits prescribed in this act, provided the same can be done without deviating from the general direction of the whole line to the Pacific coast. "10. The Kansas Company shall complete 100 miles of road in two years, and 100 miles a year thereafter; the California Company 50 miles in two years, and 50 miles a year thereafter; and after either or both companies have finished their own roads, they may unite on equal terms in the construction of the main line. The same is permitted to the Hannibal and St. Joseph, and the Pacific Railroad Company of Missouri, so far as to assist the Kansas Company to construct the Leavenworth branch. "13. The Hannibal and St. Joseph Company may extend their road via Atchison, to unite with the road through Kansas; and the Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company may construct their road from Leavenworth to unite with the road through Kansas." By the act there is to be a continuous railroad ready for use, from the Missouri to the Sacramento,- by July 1, 1876. JULY. 2.-Passage of the act giving lands for Agricultural Colleges. It is chapter 130 of the U. S. Statutes, and is thus summarized: "Public lands (not mineral), not exceeding 30,000 acres for each Senator and Representative in Congress, are apportioned to the several States; the proceeds of the sale of such lands shall be invested in stocks of the United States, or of the States, or some other safe stocks, yielding not less than five per cent.; and the moneys so invested shall constitute a perpetual fund, the capital of which shall remain forever undiminished, and the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated, by each State which may take and claim the benefit of this act, to the endowment, support and maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 321 as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the Legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life." JULY 15. —The Bourbon County Monitor issued at Marmaton, by D. B. Emmert. JULY 23. —Ex-Governor Reeder visits Kansas. AUGUST 4.-J. H. Lane opens an office in Leavenworth as a Recruiting Commissioner, to enlist colored as well as white soldiers, receiving his authority from Washington. The colored men are at first enlisted as laborers. AUGUST 8.- Gen. Blunt leaves Leavenworth to take command of the Indian Expedition, now in the Indian Territory. AUGUST 12.-P, B. Plumb and E. G. Ross begin enlisting men for the Eleventh. AUGUST 15. —Orders are issued in Missouri, signed Upton Hays and W. C. Quantrile, declaring that all men going to Federal posts to enlist in the Federal army will be shot where taken. AUGUST 19. —John Ross, Chief of the Cherokees, arrives in Leavenworth. -E. G. Ross sells the Topeka Record to S. D. Macdonald and F. G. Adams. SEPTEMBER. — Organization of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Kansas. SEPTEMBER 6.-The Judicial Convention at Hiawatha unanimously renominates Albert H. Horton for Judge. SEPTEMBER 7.- Quantrell enters Olathe with a large force, kills several men, robs the stores, and destroys the offices of the Mirror and the Herald. — Governor Robinson issues an order for a complete organization of the Militia. The name of S. R. Shepherd appears as Secretary of State. SEPTEMBER 10.-Organization of the Second Battery. SEPTEMBER 12.-T. Dwight Thacher resumes the publication of the Lawrence Republican. SEPTEMBER 13.-Thos. Ewing, jr., resigns, as Chief Justice, to take command of the Eleventh regiment. -John A. Halderman is appointed Major General of the Militia of northern Kansas. SEPTEMBER 16.-Organization of the Third Indian regiment. SEPTEMBER 17.-Battle of Antietam. SEPTEMBER 17.-Republican State Convention at Topeka. Called to order by T. Dwight Thacher. Vote for Chairman: F. P. Baker, of Nemaha, 41; James Scott, of Linn, 28. M. R. Dutton was chosen Secretary. Committee on Credentials: Legate, Murdock, Burnett, Odell, Wheeler, Bishop, and Wakefield. Committee on Permanent Organization: Colton, McDowell, Thomas, Empie, Maxson, Drinkwater, and Pound. Officers: President, F. P. Baker, of Nemaha; Vice Presidents, George W. Gardiner of Leavenworth, Coldman of Coffey, Shipley of Miami; Secretaries, M. R. Dutton of Jefferson, Griffith of Franklin, D. B. Emmert of Bourbon. The call for the Convention placed the nomination of the Member of 21 322 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. Congress before that of Governor. Ed. Russell, of Doniphan, moved to nominate in that order.. Lost, by 27 to 41. This was a triumph of Lane and Carney, and the defeat of George A. Crawford. Committee on Resolutions: Woodworth, of Atchison; Sherry, of Nemaha; Crosby, of Jefferson; McKee, of Leavenworth; and Scott, of Linn. Committee to Investigate Chdrges of Corruption Against Certain Candidates: McDowell, Russell, Fairchild, Thomas, Riggs, Burnett, and Reynolds. Adjourned till morning. On reassembling, the Committee reported that there were no charges worthy of consideration. Ballot for Governor: Thomas Carney, 42; George W. Collamore, 22; William A. Phillips, 9. Ballot for Lieutenant Governor: Thomas A. Osborn, of Doniphan, 50; John J. Ingalls, of Atchison, 22; George A. Crawford, of Bourbon, 2. On motion of James F. Legate, of Johnson, George A. Crawford was nominated for Secretary of State by acclamation. A committee appointed to wait on Mr. Crawford reported that he accepted the nomination unconditionally. In fact, he absolutely refused the nomination. Ballot for Auditor: Asa Hairgrove, of Linn, 39; Samuel Lappin, of Nemaha, 24; C. S. Lambdin, of Butler, 9; Martin Anderson, of Jackson, 3. Ballot for Treasurer: William Spriggs, of Anderson, 40; Judge John A. Wakefield, of Douglas, 32; John R. Swallow, of Lyon, 3. Ballot for Superintendent of Public Instruction: Isaac T. Goodnow, of Riley, 34; John Francis, of Johnson, 17; S. W. Greer, of Leavenworth, 2; S. M. Thorp, of Douglas, 3; Wm. A. Bishop, of Saline, 6; Abram Ellis, of Miami, 9; H. D. Preston, of Osage, 2; Watson, 1. Prof. Goodnow was, on motion, declared the nominee. Ballot for Attorney General: Warren W. Guthrie, of Brown, 42; C. K. Gilchrist, of Shawnee, 29; Mr. Lowe, 1. Associate Justice: L. D. Bailey, of Lyon, 31; Azel Spaulding, of Jefferson, 13; J. H. Watson, of Lyon, 21; Judge McKay, of Wyandotte, 8. On the second ballot Bailey received 44, Watson 28. EVENING SESSION. —First ballot for Congress: A. C. Wilder 29, M. F. Conway 25, T. D. Thacher 10, W. W. H. Lawrence 10, Wm. A. Phillips 1. Second ballot: Wilder 34, Conway 27, Thacher 11, Lawrence 4. Sixth ballot: Wilder 37, Conway 23, Thacher 15. Seventh ballot: Wilder 41, Conway 20, Thacher 14. A letter is read from Thos. Ewing, jr., in which he says he will not resign as Chief Justice, unless he receives a commission as Colonel of the Eleventh. State Central Committee: Samuel F. Atwood of. Leavenworth, John J. Ingalls of Atchison, Sidney Clarke of Douglas, W. R. Saunders of Coffey, J. F. Newlon of Lyon, Chester Thomas of Shawnee, L. R. Palmer of Pottawatomie. Speeches were made by Thos. Carney, A. C. Wilder, J. H. Lane, J. C. Vaughan, C. R. Jennison, and John A. Wakefield. The following platform was adopted: "Resolved, That, as the representatives of the people of Kansas, we do most heartily endorse the administration of the President of the United States; that, having implicit confidence in the integrity of his character, and the steadfastness of his purpose, we will co-operate with him to the extent of our ability in his efforts to preserve and per 1862.] AIVNALS OF KANSAS. 323 petuate the Union; that we desire a vigorous prosecution of the war, and a speedy and effectual vindication of a just and liberal Government, sought to be overthrown. "Resolved, That we have full confidence in the ability and integrity of the nominees of this Convention; that we pledge to them our united support; and that we invite all friends of the Union, and advocates of the sentiments above enunciated, to co-operate with us in securing their election." SEPTEMBER 18.-D. R. Anthony, Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventh, resigns and returns to Leavenworth, from Mississippi. — Appearance of the Leavenworth Evening Bulletin, published by Henry Buckingham, A. N. Hamilton and George F. Prescott. -The Conservative, during the campaign, edited by Ward Burlingame. -Burrell B. Taylor is again editing the Inquirer. SEPTEMBER 22.-President Lincoln's first Emancipation Proclamation. The Chicago Tribune says: "So splendid a vision has hardly shone upon the world since the day of the Messiah." SEPTEMBER 24.-The body of Capt. John Lockhart; of the Fifth, reaches Leavenworth, from Helena, Ark. He was one of the truest and worthiest of the young pioneers and soldiers of Kansas. His family resided at McCamish, Johnson county. -Capt. P. B. Plumb, of Company C, Eleventh Regiment, is elected Major. SEPTEMBER 29.-Union State Convention at Lawrence. Called to order by Mr. Graves, of Woodson. W. W. Updegraff, of Miami, temporary Chairman, J. K. Goodin, of Franklin, Secretary. Committee on Permanent Organization: Thos. Murphy of Atchison, A. J. Mead of Riley, Benj. F. Simpson of Miami, Hadley of Wyandotte, Ford of Douglas, Samuel A. Stinson of Leavenworth, N. S. Goss of Woodson. Officers: President, W. W. Updegraff; Vice Presidents, Chas. G. Keeler of Johnson, Graves of Woodson, Benton of Atchison; Secretary, Hovey E. Lowman, of Douglas. Committee on Platform: Stinson, Mead, Benton, Goss, Hadley, Roberts of Miami, and Ford of Douglas. The following platform is adopted: "First: That the condition of our country and State imperatively demands that all good and loyal citizens should, without distinction of party, unite in supporting the National Government in its efforts to crush the rebellion, and in maintaining the liberties of our people against threatened assaults from powerful and tyrannical political demagogues. "Second: That there are now no open questions in regard to the present policy of the National Administration; its only policy should be to maintain the integrity of the Government, and re-establish the authority of the Constitution and the laws at every sacrifice. "Third: That while there are among us differences of opinion upon minor questions of policy in the prosecution of the war, we are all agreed that the measures adopted should be those which will bear with the most crushing effect upon the Rebellion. "Fourth: That the people, absorbed in the dangers which menace the country and the State, have neglected and abandoned the old political organizations, and these organizations have become the exponents of the schemes and ambition of demagogues and cliques. They present no issues of principles or policy, and only serve as the machinery to corrupt the elective franchise, and divide the loyal men of the nation. "Fifth: That recent events in our own State have demonstrated the danger and disgrace attendant upon the active continuance of party organizations at this time. Fed 324 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. eral patronage imprudently entrusted to dishonest politicians; open pecuniary bribery, and every species of corruption, have notoriously controlled the action of a recent political convention in this State, and placed in nomination candidates for office tainted with the disgrace of the assembly which presented them. To defeat this scheme, devised to control the destinies of the State by bribery, we pledge ourselves to use our most earnest and determined efforts. "Sixth: That the people of Kansas love their liberties too dearly, and prize the elective franchise too highly, tamely to submit to the threatened attempt to control the coming election by violence from any quarter. Against corruption we will appeal to the honesty and integrity of the people; but at the sacrifice of life itself we will defend the purity and the freedom of the ballot box from armed interference." The following nominations were made by acclamation: Governor, W. R. Wagstaff, of Miami; Lieutenant Governor, John J. Ingalls, of Atchison; Secretary of State, James Humphrey, of Riley; Treasurer, D. L. Lakin, of Jefferson; for Congress, M. J. Parrott, of Leavenworth; Attorney General, David P. Lowe, of Linn; Chief Justice, Willard P. Gambell, of Leavenworth; Associate Justice, Ed. S. Lowman, of Douglas. Ballot for Auditor: N. S. Goss, 22; C. G. Keeler, 13. For Superintendent of Public Instruction: E. D. Brown, of Wyandotte, 22; S. M. Thorp, of Douglas, 8. State Central Committee: James C. Horton, of Douglas, A. J. Mead of Riley, M. R. Benton of Atchison, J. M. Roberts of Miami, A. L. Williams of Shawnee. There were delegates in the Convention from eleven counties: Nemaha, Leavenworth, Atchison, Wyandotte, Johnson, Miami, Douglas, Franklin, Woodson, Riley, and Shawnee. OCTOBER 1.- Democratic State Convention at Topeka. A. G. Ege, of Doniphan, President; Wm. Roy, of Johnson, and Wm. Shepherd, of Leavenworth, Secretaries. A resolution was passed to make no nominations. State Committee: H. B. Denman, N. J. Marvin, A. G. Ege, Hugh S. Walsh, Robt. Reynolds, Chas. Sims, N. S. Goss, John Martin, Robt. Graham. The following platform was adopted: "Whereas, The Democratic party stands to-day where it has always stood, on the Constitution and Laws of the land, and an economical administration of the Government thereof; and " Whereas, We believe that the Democratic party by its time-honored policy made this country great, powerful and prosperous, and the people happy; and "Whereas, We still have abiding faith in its power and willingness to save: therefore, "Resolved, 1st. That to the Democratic party we look for the political salvation of the country, the maintenance of the Constitution inviolate, and a faithful administration of the Government, and the liberty of citizenship. "2d. That we will uphold and defend the principles of the Democratic party, the Constitution of our country, and the laws of the land made in pursuance thereof. "3d. That we deeply regret the present unfortunate condition of our beloved country, and hope that such measures may be adopted by the Government so that the Constitution may be preserved as it is, and that the country may be restored as it was, and the States again united in one common sisterhood. "4th. That the Constitution, and laws made in pursuance thereof, are and must remain the supreme law of the land, and as such must be preserved and maintained in their proper and rightful supremacy; that the rebellion now in arms against them,must be suppressed, and it is the duty of all good citizens to aid the General Government in all legal and constitutional measures necessary and proper to the accomplishment of this end. "5th. That we recommend to the Democracy of the several counties of this State 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 325 to organize immediately, and in every Senatorial and Representative District run a candidate or candidates (as the case may be) for the State Legislature. "6th. That this Convention appoint a State Democratic Central Committee, with usual powers." OCTOBER 1.-Chester Thomas elected Chairman and Samuel F. Atwood Secretary of the Republican Committede W. W. H. Lawrence, of Franklin county, put on the Republican ticket for Secretary of State. The Republican State ticket is supported by eighteen papers; the Union ticket by four, viz.: Leavenworth Times, Lawrence State Journal, Atchison Champion and Manhattan Express. The Leavenworth Inquirer, Atchison Union and Fort Scott Bulletin are straight Democratic or neutral. OCTOBER 4. — Rebels defeated at Corinth. OCTOBER 8.-Battle of Perryville, Kentucky. OCTOBER 10.-James F. Legate, U. S. Assessor, enters upon his duties; office at Lawrence. Wm. G. Mathias is a straight Democratic candidate for Congress. OCTOBER 16.-The Union Crusader, edited by Benj. F. Simpson, is issued at Paola. OCTOBER 17.- Quantrell and his gang make a foray into Johnson county, kill three men and burn thirteen buildings. They killed two teamsters a -few miles south of Shawnee, and stole their loaded wagons. OCTOBER 17. —An Address to the People, issued by the Republican Committee. -The First Kansas Colored is organized near Fort Lincoln, Bourbon county, and ordered to Baxter Springs. The Thirteenth is at Fort Scott, the Twelfth'on the eastern border, and the Eleventh has left to join Blunt. OCTOBER 21.-D. P. Lowe declines the Union nomination for Attorney General, and Louis Carpenter, of Lawrence, is nominated. OCTOBER 22.-J. H. Watson is placed on the Republican ticket as the candidate for Chief Justice. The Convention made no nomination. OCTOBER 27.-Thomas Ewing, senior, makes an argument in a land case at Topeka. The suit was brought by the United States against John Conner, Chief of the Delaware Tribe, and others, to set aside and cancel a patent issued by the United States for a large tract of land, known as the Government Farm, adjoining Leavenworth. Crozier and Gambell appeared for the United States; Ewing, Stinson and Isacks for the defen ce OCTOBER 30.-Joseph Killerman, his wife and two children burned to death in a prairie fire, near Cresco, Anderson county. NOVEMBER 1.-John A. Martin promoted to Colonel of the Eighth. NOVEMBER 4. -State election. On the following page will be found the. vote on the State tickets. VOTE OF CANDIDATES. _. _. -._. e. -O.... _ - F 0 0 P CD aCD to C 0 NAMES.: o CD o Governor: Thomas Carney.............. 231 190 232 229 23 413 07 3241344 879 68 2 98 203 504 368 1, 612 463427 235 415 72 313 126 200 177 60 45 156 42 61183 10,090 W. R. Wagstaff*.................... 122 96 759 22 14 86 11 121 83 22 627 237 175 27 151 294 238 1, 033 171 66 61 361 74 64 52 41 96 10 145 16 15 50 123 5,463 Lieut. Governor. Thomas A. Osborn............... 228 192 148 227 23 438 107 319 131 30 866 750 327 108 186 251 368 1, 336 466 425 270 430 72 290 118 152 178 62 262 136 45 54 48 9,023 John J. Ingalls*.................... 121 93 794 24 12 49 10 123 86 35 617 105 155 6 169 534 230 833 159 65 29 351 67 931 55 83 97 9 332 35 11 52 251 5,685 Secretary of State: W. W. H.' Lawrence.............. 241 186 213 228 23 430 107 326 130 40 8701 694 337 107 195 431 368 1, 3111 449 1420 174 431 72 303 129 173 171 63 451 138 45 56 195 9 507 James Humphrey *................ 98 95 768 22 11 49 11 123 8837 626208 143 20 157 363 232 1, 040160 64 71 357 67 88 45 66 103 9 138 34 1151 101 5,450 Auditor of State: Asa Hairgrove................ 209 188 219 230 23 456 107 293 131140187416941331 107 194 433 366 1,314148814231243 432 71 304 118 175 180 63 462 157 45 24 190 9,584 N. S. Goss *.............................]146 99 762 22 14 26 11 154 87 138 6281221 168 20 160 352 232 1,252 123 65 58 347 78 81 45 62 96 9 137 16 11185 110 5,615 State Treasurer: William Sprigs..................... 15243 213 196 23 428 107 314 13439 876 679 331 106 184 277 365 1,023 472 422 253 428 72 302 126176 179 64272 138 45 70 47 9 095 David L. Lakin *....................123 19 769 56 14 54 11 129 87 39 6291236 169 20 172 520 233 1, 343 156 67 49 350 78 83 54 63 98 9 327 34 11 34 258 6,294 Attorney General: Warren W. Guthrie............... 218 189 226 228 23 438 107 320 135 43 852 751 332 107 195 435 365 1, 311 469 424 266 427 72 310 118 167 179 64 463 157 45 40 51 9, 553 Louis Carpenters.................. 52 97 757 28 12 48 131125 76/36 642 154 147 17 158 3601232 1,042 155 57 291349 34 76 581 56 96 9 132 15 115812451 5,376 Supt. Public Instruction: Isaae T. Goodnow..................218 192 225 229 23 440 107 321 131 54 872 695 331 105 195 429 363 1, 317 468 423 276 424 72 317 135 164 172 64 464 154 45 54 51 9,530 E. D. Brown*........................122 94755 22 12 47 11 125 82 23 66 206 152 20 158 364 234 1,038154 65 24 35272 76 35 66 96 9 134 16 11532431 5,497 Chief Justice Supreme Court: John H. Watson................. 218 182 231 194 23 417 106 316 1341 871681 312 100 195 427 351 1, 120..463 405 266 427 33 301 100 177 181 63 442 157 45 54 155 9,176 Willard P. Gambell*...............131 791685 52 14 67 11 129 8839 629!235 171 22 159 365 233 1,521 159 70 35 348 99 88 45 62 97 9 152 16 11 45 153 6,016 Associate Justice Supreme Court: Lawrence D. Bailey............... 217 189 220 231 23 275 107 320 131 42 852 692 329 107 194 435 366 1,288 470 385 226 426 73 305 120 150 181 64 471 157 45 54 52 9,197 E. S. Lowman*......................124 961763 21 131213 11 121 8637 6491981 1721 20 157 361 23111,052 155 86 45 323 70 80 47 62 97 9 126 16 11 5312461 5,751 Representativein Congress: A. C. Wilder........................ 223 191 255 228 23 460 107 325 133 39 893 679 330 105 193 438 369 1, 340 461 420 202 464 71 293 116 188 175 62 446 154 41 60 191 9, 676 Marcus J. Parrott*................ 58 94 624 24 7 32...101. 85]405561192 133 8 119 1296 212 948 168i 71 351289 14 851 521 52 95 11 1061 16 15 30 98 4,666 Wm.G.M athias..... 63.....100 6 1 4..... 19 40 33 14 35 52 5 348......o. 60 11 60 6 4........ 37..... 20 4 930 *Union. t Democrat. 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 327 The following is the Legislative and Judicial vote: SENATORS. First District.-Whole number of votes cast, 1,574; of which Sol. Miller received 651 Abraham Bennett 661, Robert J. Nesbitt 206, John Bayless 51. Sol. Miller and Abraham Bennett were elected. Second District.-Whole number of votes cast, 1856; C. G. Foster received 743, Joshua Wheeler 736, C. A. Woodworth 153, W. J. Mason 58, R. St. Clair Graham 166. C. G. Foster and Joshua Wheeler were elected. Third District.-Whole number of votes cast, 7,895; C. B. Pierce received 1,362, John Wilson 1,573, F. P. Fitzwilliam 1,388, Henry B. Keller 1,274, H. Miles Moore 1,208, H. Markson 1,090. C. B. Pierce, John Wilson and F. P. Fitzwilliam were elected. Fourth District.-Whole number of votes' cast, 785; Azel W. Spalding received 499, C. A. Buckmaster 286. Azel W. Spalding was elected.!ifth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 632; Byron Sherry received 632, and was elected. Sixth District -Whole number of votes cast, 543; Rufus Ousley received 233, Rufus Ousler 193, A. J. Francis 117. Rufus Ousley was elected. Seventh District.-Whole number of votes cast, 620; T. H. Baker received 610, Peter From 7, T. S. Vail i, F. Paulson 1, James Bromwell 1. T. H. Baker was elected. Eighth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 591; David Brockdvay received 265, F. W. Giles 158, L. McArthur 142, Erastus Tefft 26. David Brockway was elected. Ninth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 2,899; W. F. Woodworth received 1,378, John A. Beam 760, S. M. Thorp 751.' W. F. Woodworth and John A. Beam were elected. Tenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 550; W. H. M. Fishback received 343, John M. Giffen 197, William Holmes 10. W. H. M. Fishback was elected. Eleventh District.-Whole number of votes cast, 771; Johnson Clark received 418, J. H. Pratt 353. Johnson Clark was elected. Twelfth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 295; James McGrew received 293, A. J. Reeves 1, Byron Judd 1. James McGrew was elected. Thirteenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 612; David P. Lowe received 418, J. W. Garnett 194. David P. Lowe was elected. Fourteenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 464; Isaac Ford received 431, E. Williams 33. Isaac Ford was elected. Fifteenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 276; M. R. Leonard received 162, W. B. Hernill 105, E. H. Sanford 9. M. R. Leonard was elected. Sixteenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 461; Orlin Thurston received 256, S. D. Redos 205. Orlin Thurston was elected. Seventeenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 780; D. M. Valentine received 565, James Y. Campbell 215. D. M. Valentine was elected. Eighteenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 589; F. W. Potter received 583, A. Lane 3. F. W. Potter was elected. Nineteenth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 564; P. B. Maxson received 564, and was elected. Twentieth District.-Whole number of votes cast, 517; S. M. Strickler received 386, L. B. Perry 131. S. M. Strickler was elected. REPRESENTATIVES. First District.-Votes cast, 179; F. E. Armstrong received 1, J. P. Johnson 178, and was elected. Second District.-Votes cast, 126; S. F. Soller received 15, N. C. Clark 111, and was elected. Third District.-Votes cast, 186; Lyman Nash received 41, Ed. Russell 145, and was elected. 328 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. Fourth District.-Votes cast, 201; Frederick Lyman received 60, William H. Hanson 141, and was elected. Flifth District.-Votes cast, 156; Hazel Frick received 56, John W. Forman 100, and was elected. Sixth District.-Votes cast, 234; C. W. Edgar received 6, W. C. Smith 25, G. W. Glick 203, and was elected. Seventh District.-Votes cast, 237; W. P. Lamb received 38, G. W. Bowman 199, and was elected. Eighth District.-Votes cast, 264; F. M. Williams received 123, Samuel Hollester 141, and was elected. Ninth District.-Votes cast, 125; A. B. Wakefield received 20, S. J. H. Snyder 105, and was elected. Tenth District.-Votes cast, 102; H. Perry received 4, F. Roach 41, H. S. Baker 57, and was elected. Eleventh District.-Votes cast, 103; D. H. Babbitt 6, Noah Hanson 1, F. T. Neal 3, Ira J. Lacock 93, and was elected. Twelfth District.-Votes cast, 138; Noah Hanson received 60, George E. Irwin 78, and was elected. Thirteenth District.-Votes cast, 182; Samuel Lappin received 1, J. C. Hibbard 73, Richard Bradley 108, and was elected. Fourteenth District.-Votes cast, 210; F. P. Baker received 96, John S. Hidden 114, and was elected. Fifteenth District.-Votes cast, 312; scattering 11, It. R. Edwards 142, Jacob Weisbach 159, and was elected. Sixteenth District.-Votes cast, 58; H. G. Hollenberg received 58 votes, and was elected. Seventeenth District.-Votes cast, 172; S. V. Lee received 172 votes, and was elected. Eighteenth District.-Votes cast, 344; John B. Hubbell received 151, R. S. Craft 192, and was elected. Nineteenth District.-Votes cast, 289; E. Bailey received 2, Isaac Hall 105, G. M. Lee 182, and was elected. Twentieth District.-Votes cast, 189; John Hays received 1, George Barrett 188, and was elected. Twenty-first District.-Votes cast, 292; D. McElvey received 4, S. Kerr 75, James Peterson 103, J. H. Jones 110, and was elected. Twenty-second District.-Votes cast, 491; E. Welsh received 241, Abraham Brown 250, and was elected. Tswenty-third District.-Votes cast, 512; M. Solleder received 135, Josiah Kellogg 377, and was elected. Tswenty-fourth District.-Votes cast, 356; R. H. Housley received 146, H. W. Ide 210, and was elected. Tlwenty-fifth District.-Votes cast, 334; Allen Pierce received 121, Warren A. Lattin 213, and was elected. Twenty-sixth District.-Votes cast, 222; R. E. Petherbridge received 86, Chas. H. Grover 136, and was elected. Twenty-seventh District.-Votes cast, 128; H. C. Branch received 43, Thos. O. Gwartney 85, and was elected. Tswenty-eighth District.-Votes cast, 164; John Wright received 76, D. F. Walker 88, and was elected. Twenty-ninth District.-Votes cast, 200; J. L. Wallace received 93, James Medill 107, and was elected.'Thirtieth District.-Votes cast, 164; D. H. Mitchell received 52, R. Cole Foster 112, and was elected. Thirty-first District.-Votes cast, 293; James Halland received 1, M. W. Bottom 292, and was elected. 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 329 Thirty-second District.-Votes cast, 267; W. N. Kerr received 74,C. H. Stratton 193, and was elected. Thirty-third District.-Votes cast, 114; A. H. Gregg received 43, D. G. Campbell 71, and was elected..Thirty-fourth District.-Votes cast, 195; S. Bradbury received 83, William Williams 112, and was elected. Thirty-fifth District.-Votes cast, 368; T. D. Thacher received 163, George Ford 205, and was elected. Thirty-sixth District.-Votes cast, 257; Joel Grover received 105, J. S. Emery 152, and was elected. Thirty-seventh District.-Votes cast, 201; D. W. Pingree received 86, John W. Vaughn 115, and was elected. Thirty-eighth District.-Votes cast, 240; - Zelvey received 61; C. S. Steele, 179, and was elected. Thirty-ninth District.-Votes cast, 230; Henry Monson received 104, D. T. Mitchell 126, and was elected. Fortieth District.-Votes cast, 204; A. Curtiss received 70, W. Foster 134, and was elected. Forty-first District.-Votes cast, 344; T. G. Thornton received 1, J. A. Steele 149, W. P. Douthitt 195, and was elected. Forty-second District.-Votes cast, 238; Henry Fox received 96, John T. Ward 142, and was elected. Forty-third District.-Votes cast, 228; T. Roberts received 70, Isaac Christie 158, and was elected. Forty-fourth District. —Votes cast, 302; M. F. Holaday received 117, John M. Ellis 185, and was elected. Forty-fifth District.-Votes cast, 211; Samuel Jackson received 102, S. C. Convoy 109, and was elected. Forty-sixth District.-Votes cast, 97; scattering 2; Daniel Underhill received 95 votes, and was elected. Forty-seventh District.-Votes cast, 219; W. L. Henderson received 85, Fontley Muse 48, George E. Dennison 86, and was elected. Forty-eighth District.-Votes cast, 140; A. H. Smith received 29, J. M. Sayer 111, and was elected. Forty-ninth District.-Votes cast, 151; J. W. Babb received 22, T. F. Wilson 48, J. F. Broadhead 81, and was elected. Fiftieth District.-Votes cast, 67; L. D. Clevenger received 26, D. B. Jackman 41, and was elected. Fifty-first District.-Votes cast, 112; scattering 13; W. T. Jones received 37, J. Hawkins 62, and was elected. Fifty-second District.-Votes cast, 97; David R. Cobb received 97 votes, and was elected. Fifty-third District.-Votes cast, 205; Charles F. Drake received 205 votes, and was elected. Fifty-fourth District.-Votes cast, 248; James Falkner received 86, A. W. T. Brown 162, and was elected. Fifty-fifth District.-Votes cast, 91; J. A. Christie received 43, J. H. Campbell 48, and was elected. Fifty-sixth District.-Votes cast, 155; G. W. Iler received 1 vote, C. W. Fraker 48, Isaac Hiner 106, and was elected. Fifty-seventh District.-Votes cast, 116; S. Marsh received 43, Jackson Means 73, and was elected. Fifty-eighth District.-Votes cast, 260; J. K. Goodin received 128, G. W. E. Griffith 136, and was elected. 330 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. Fifty-ninth District.-Votes cast, 231; B. C. Sanford received 74, H. B. Beeson 157, and was elected. Sixtieth District.-Votes cast, 174; scattering 26; P. C. Schuyler received 71, James Rogers 77, and was elected. Sixty-first District.-Votes cast, 223; H. McMahan received 92, Horace Tucker 131, and was elected. Sixty-Second District.-Votes cast, 215; E. Robinson received 87, W. R. Saunders 128, and was elected. Sixty-third District.-Votes cast, 110; A. McCartney received 110 votes, and was elected. Sixty-fourth District.-Votes cast, 182; C. V. Eskridge received 182 votes, and was elected. Sixty-fifth District.-Votes cast, 161; G. J. Tallman received 66, F. R. Page 95, and was elected. Sixty-sixth District.-Votes cast, 122; W. A. Shannon received 46, John W. Loy 76, and was elected. Sixty-seventh District.-Butler county, no returns. Sixty-eighth District.-Votes cast, 114; E. A. Alford received 114 votes, and was elected. Sixty-ninth District.-Votes cast, 155; J. E. Bryan received 77, William Downing 78, and was elected. Seventieth District.-Votes cast, 171; J. B. Ingersoll received 77, D. M. Johnston 83, and was elected. Seventy-first District.-Votes cast, 183; G. F. Gordon received 96, W. H. McKinley 69, J. C. Kennet 18. G F. Gordon was elected. Seventy-second District.-Votes cast, 381; A. Todd received 110, R. E. Fullington 271, and was elected. Seventy-third District.-Votes cast, 77; Robert S. Miller received 77, and was elected. Seventy-fourth District.-Votes cast, 72; H. L. Jones received 20, R. H. Bishop 52, and was elected. Seventy-fifth District.-Votes cast, 121; B. F. Van Horn received 46, J. Kinner 75, and was elected. DISTRICT JUDGE. Second District.-Whole number of votes cast for Judge of the District Court, 2,657; scattering 28; Albert H. Horton received 2,629 votes, and was elected. NOVEMBER 15. —Completion of the survey of the Pottawatomie Reserve, by the Interior Department. NOVEMBER 20.-The New York Tribune of November 20th publishes the following: "Cottonfrom Kansas. —Garbutt, Black & Hendricks, Nos. 87 and 89 Warren street, have a bale of good, fair, short-staple cotton, unginned, grown in Kansas this year. A sample before us shows the seeds well ripened, and quality of lint equal to Tennessee Upland. "A manufacturer says of a sample from Madison, Indiana: "'As to quality, but little more could be desired than is shown in the specimen, of which the fibre, though not long, is fine, strong, silky and uniform. The same is true of the Kansas sample.' " NOVEMBER 28.-Battle of Cane Hill, Arkansas. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department........... $3,437 92 State Library........................... 2,000 00 Secretary's Department............ 3,428 21 Legislative exp. and Journals.... 27, 861 71 Auditor's Department............... 2,892 07 Printing................................... 25,288 25 Treasurer's Department........... 1,653 50 Impeachment case.................... 7,171 58 Sup't of Public Instruction....... 1,512 64 Commissioners to select lands... 2, 871 60 Attorney General..................... 1,087 98 Educating deaf and dumb......... 294 25 Quartermaster General............. 500 00 Miscellaneous expenses............ 4, 077 45 Adjutant General..................... 711 79 Judiciary Department............... 15,254 21 Total for 1862.....................$100, 043 16 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 331 DECEMBER 6. —Claiborne F. Jackson, Rebel Governor of Missouri, dies at Little Rock, Ark. Thos. C. Reynolds, Lieutenant Governor, assumes to be Governor. DECEMBER 7. —Gen. Blunt gains a victory at Prairie Grove, near Fayetteville, Ark. The Kansas troops with Blunt are: part of the Ninth, Col. Lynde; the Sixth, Col. Judson; the Tenth, Col. Weer; the Eleventh, Col. Ewing; the Thirteenth, Col. Bowen; part of Blair's Battery, under Lieut. Ed. A. Smith; Allen's Battery, under Taylor and Tenney, and Stockton's Battery. The battle is called Prairie Grove. The following is copied from Greeley's Conflict, vol. II, p. 40: "At 1:45 P.M., Gen. Blunt, in advance of his division, came into full view of the field where the battle was fiercely raging. The Rebels were very strongly posted on high, rolling ground, covered by timber, and only approached from the north over large, open fields, which afforded no cover, save that a part of them bore a crop of ripe corn. Blunt's eccentric advance had brought him in front of the enemy's left, where they had been massing a large force for the purpose of flanking Herron's position. The flankers found an enemy much nearer than they expected, and were at once hotly engaged with Blunt's division. Its three batteries, firing shell and case-shot at short range, soon proved an overmatch for the two Rebel batteries opposed to them, driving them and their supports back into the woods, where they were charged by Col. Weer, leading the Tenth, Thirteenth, and part of the Second and Eleventh Kansas and Twentieth Iowa, and a musketry fight of three hours was maintained with equal energy by the contending hosts. Meantime, our batteries were advanced at various points, and served with rare efficiency; Lieut. Tenney, with six 10-pound Parrotts, repelling with shell and canister, while unsupported, a formidable infantry attack. Here fell the Rebel Gen. Stein, of Missouri. A battery of ten guns, well supported, opening upon Tenney, he in ten minutes silenced its clamor, dismounting two of the guns, and driving off the residue. An attempt to capture Rabb's and Hopkins's batteries, which were supported by the Eleventh Kansas, Lieut. Col. Moonlight, was defeated with fearful slaughter.... Our loss in this battle was 167 killed, 798 wounded, and 183 missing-total, 1,148." -Blunt gained a victory at Newtonia, October 4th; at Old Fort Wayne, October 22d; and at Cane Hill, November 28th. DECEMBER 16.-M. S. Adams is appointed Brigade Commissary, and Judge Geo. W. Gardiner Quartermaster. DECEMBER 29.-Blunt takes Van Buren, Arkansas. - Gov. Carney appoints Ward Burlingame Private Secretary. DECEMBER 31.-Battle of Stone River. DECEMBER 31. —S. R. Shepherd, appointed Secretary of State to succeed J. W. Robinson, makes the Annual Report. -The Supreme Court declared valid the action of the Senate sitting as a Court of Impeachment; opinion by Kingman, Ewing and Bailey concurring. The information states that Auditor Hillyer and Secretary Robinson have held office since the 16th day of June, 1862. The respondents assert that the Senate had no constitutional existence. The report of the case gives the facts and dates in the Impeachment proceedings. (The State, ex rel. Adams, vs. Hillyer, 2 Kan., 17.) -Chas. Chadwick, Adjutant General, makes a report to Gov. Robinson. A list is given of all the officers of the militia. The Report fills 50 pages, and is published with the State documents. -S. M. Thorp, appointed Superintendent of Public Instruction in place of W. R. Griffith, deceased, makes the Annual Report. 332 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. -George W. Collamore, Q. M. General of the Militia, makes a Report. -The Auditor's Annual Report is made by David L. Lakin, appointed to succeed Geo. S. Hillyer. ELEVENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS - CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Thomas Ewing, jr......... Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted Brig. Gen. U.S. Vols., March 13, 1863. Thomas Moonlight........ Apr. 25, 1864 Mustered out, July 17,'65, at Ft. Kearney, N. T. LIEUT. COLONEL. Thomas Moonlight....... Sept. 20,1862 Promoted Colonel, April 25, 1864. Preston B. Plumb......... May 17, 1864 Must. out, Sept. 13, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth. MAJOR. Preston B. Plumb......... Sept. 25, 1862 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 17, 1864. ~Martin Anderson.......... Nov. 22, 1863 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'65, at Ft. Leavenworth; promoted Colonel by brevet, March 13, 1865. Edmund G. Ross........... Apr. 24, 1864 Mustered out, Sept. 20,'65, at Ft. Leavenworth; prom. Lieut. Colonel by brevet, March 13,'65. Nathaniel A. Adams..... May 19, 1864 Mustered out, August 9, 1865. ADJUTANT. John Willans............... Sept. 4, 1862 Promoted Captain and Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Volunteers, May 31, 1863. James E. Greer............ Nov. 2, 1863 Promoted Captain Co. I, August 20, 1864. Ira I. Taber.................. Oct. 12, 1864 Mustered out, August 19, 1865. QUARTERMASTER. James R. McClure........ Sept. 10, 1862 Mustered out, August 10, 1865. COMMISSARY. Robert J. Harper......... Oct. 8, 1863 Mustered out, August 19, 1865. SURGEON. George W. Hogeboom... Sept. 27, 1862 Resigned, June 2, 1863. Richard M. Ainsworth.. June 23, 1863 Dismissed by order of President, July 21, 1865. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Richard M. Ainsworth.. Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted Surgeon, June 23, 1863. Josiah D. Adams.......... Oct. 11, 1862 Mustered out, September 20, 1865. Granville C. Taylor...... Apr. 19, 1864 Mustered out, August 19, 1865. CHAPLAIN. James S. Cline............... Oct. 11, 1862 Mustered out, July 7, 1865. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Lyman Scott................. Aug. 27, 1862 Resigned, February 20, 1863. Henry E. Palmer.......... Mar. 24, 1863 No evidence of muster-out on file. FIRST LIEUT. John Owens................. Aug. 27, 1862 Died of pneumonia at Camp Babcock, Arkansas, November 19, 1862. Henry E. Palmer......... Dec. 31, 1862 Promoted Captain, March 24, 1863. Joseph L. Thornton...... May. 17, 1863 Mustered out, September 26, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Henry E. Palmer......... Aug. 27, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 31, 1862. Collins T. Slane............ May 2, 1863 Mustered out, September 26, 1865. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Martin Anderson......... Aug. 30, 1862 Promoted Major, November 22, 1863. Louis F. Greene............ Nov. 23, 1863 Mustered out with company, August 31, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Amos C. Smith.............. Aug. 30, 1862 Resigned on account of disability, Feb. 3, 1863. Louis F. Greene............ Mar. 29, 1863 Promoted Captain, November 23, 1863. Ira I. Taber.................. Dec. 8, 1863 Promoted Adjutant, October 12, 1864. John B. Parrott............ Dec. 15, 1864 Mustered out with company, August 31, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Louis F. Greene............ Aug. 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 29, 1863. Ira I. Taber.................. June 19, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 8, 1863. John B. Parrott.......... Dec. 9, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 15, 1864. James B. Hastings........ Dec. 30, 1864 Mustered out with company, August 31, 1865. 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 333 COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Preston B. Plumb......... Sept. 10, 1862 Promoted Major, September 25, 1862. Lemuel T. Heritage...... Sept. 25, 1862 Resigned on account of disability, September 7, 1863; wounded in knee in action, December 2, 1862, Prairie Grove, Ark. Henry Pearce................ Sept. 19, 1863 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Henry Pearce.............. Sept. 10, 1862 Promoted Captain, September 19, 1863. William V. Phillips...... Sept. 19, 1863 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. William V. Phillips...... Sept. 10, 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant, September 19,1863. George M. Walker........ Sept. 20, 1863 Mustered out, September 22, 1865. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Jerome Kunkel............ Sept. 13, 1862 Cashiered by sentence G. C. M., G. 0. No. 52, dated W. D., A. G. O., Oct. 7, 1864. Peleg Thomas............... Dec. 13, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 13, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Elias Gibbs.................. Sept. 13, 1862 Cashiered by sentence G. C. M., G. O. No. 52, dated W. D., A. G. O., Oct. 7, 1864. Green A. Dewey............ Dec. 13, 1864 Mustered out with company. SECOND LIEUT. Peleg Thomas..... Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted Captain, December 13,1864. Wm. B. Godfrey......... Dec. 13, 1864 Mustered out with company. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Edmund G. Ross........... Sept. 13, 1862 Pronloted Major, April 29, 1864. John D. Walker............ June 18, 1864 Mustered out with company, August 7, 1865. FIRST. LIEUT. Charles Drake.............. Sept. 13, 1862 Resigned, March 15, 1864. George T. Robinson...... July 7, 1864 Mustered out, July 17, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Nathan P. Gregg........... Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted Captain Company M, April 19,1864. Caleb S. Smith............... Jan. 18,1864 Mustered out with company. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. |Date of Muster.' Remarks. I CAPTAIN. Jacob G. Rees............... Sept. 11, 1862 Resigned, February 23, 1865. John G. Lindsay........... May 1,1865 Mustered out with company, August 31, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. John G. Lindsay........... Sept. 11, 1862 Promoted Captain, May 1, 1865. George W. Simons......... June 30, 1865 Mustered out with company, August 31, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. George W. Simons......... Sept. 11, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, June 30, 1865. Marvin H. Payne......... July 1, 1865 Mustered out with company, August 31, 1865. COMPANY G. Name and Rank.'Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nathaniel A. Adams...... Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted Major, May 19, 1864. Grenville L. Gove......... May 19, 1864 Died of brain fever, Olathe, Kas., Nov. 7, 1864. Alfred C. Pierce............ Dec. 26, 1864 Mustered out, August 18, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Grenville L. Gove......... Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted Captain, May 19, 1864. Alfred C. Pierce............ May 19, 1864 Promoted Captain, December 26, 1864. Thomas Huey............... Dec. 26, 1864 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Alfred C. Pierce............ Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 19, 1864. Samuel Long.................. May 29, 1864 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1865. 334 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Joel Huntoon............. Sept. 15, 1862 Mustered out with company, Sept. 13, 1865; FIRST LIEUT. promoted Colonel by brevet, Sept. 24, 1865. Harrison Hannahs........ Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted Captain 50th Mo. Inf., Nov. 15, 1864. John W. Ridgway......... Dec. 24, 1864 Mpstered out with company, Sept. 13, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. John W. Ridgway......... Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieut., December 24, 1864. Sherman Bodwell.......... Jan. 1, 1865 Mustered out with company, Sept. 13, 1865. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Mauster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Lewis D. Joy................. Sept. 15, 1862 Prom. Major 18th U. S. Col.V. Inf., Sept. 13,1864. James E. Greer............. Aug. 20, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Josiah B. McAfee.......... Sept. 16, 1862 Resigned, February 19, 1863. William Y. Drew........... Mar. 7, 1863 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. William Y. Drew........... Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 7, 1863. James J. Clancy............ Mar. 7, 1863 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. |Date of f2Jlster.1 Remarks. CAPTAIN. John M. Allen.............. Sept. 15, 1862 Mustered out with company, Sept. 13, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Josiah M. Hubbard....... Sept. 15, 1865 Mustered. out with company, Sept. 13, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Henry C. Haas.............. Sept. 15, 1862 Promoted Major 15th K. V. C., October 20, 1863. Paul P. Grim................ Sept. 26, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 13, 1865. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of _Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry Booth................ Apr. 18, 1864 Mustered out with company, September 26, 1865; wounded in left shoulder and right FIRST LIEUT. arm, in action, Walnut Creek, Kansas. Henry Booth................ Mar. 23, 1864 Promoted Captain, April 18, 1864.. Jacob Van Antwerp...... Apr. 18, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. William Booth.............. Apr. 18, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nathan P. Gregg........... Apr. 19, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Joseph D. Greer............ Apr. 19, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Henry C. Lindsey......... Apr. 19, 1864 Mustered out with company, Sept. 26, 1865. List of bAttles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Old Fort Wayne-No loss. Cane Hill-Wounded, E. M., 3. Boston 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 335 Mountain -Wounded, E. M., 3. Prairie Grove - Killed, E. M., 2; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 19. Scott's Ford —Wounded, E. M., 1. Deep Water CreekNo loss. Lexington — Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1; missing, E. M,, 1. Little Blue-Killed, E. M., 5; wounded, 0. 2, E. M. 14; missing, E. M., 1. Independence-Wounded, E. M., 1. Big Blue-Killed, E. M., 3; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 8. Cold Water Grove —No loss. Mine Creek —No loss. Sage Creek-No loss. Deer Creek —Killed, E. M., 1. Platte Bridge (June 3, 1865)- Killed, E. M., 1. White River- No loss. Rock Creek -No loss. Fort Halleck —No loss. Platte Bridge (July 26, 1865) Killed, E. M., 26; wounded, E.M., 2. —U. S. Army Register. TWELFTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Charles W. Adams......... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Brev. Brig. Gen., Feb. 13,'65; wounded in action, Apr. 30,'64, Jenkins' F'ry, Ark.; LIEUT. COLONEL. mustered out with regiment, June 30,'65. Josiah E. Hayes............ Sept. 30, 1864 Promoted Brev. Brig. Gen.; wounded in action and captured by the enemy, Apr. 30,'64, Jenkins' F'ry, Ark.; limb amputated above knee; MAJOR. exch'ged Feb. 25,'65; must'd out, July 15,'65. Thomas H. Kennedy...... Sept. 30, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. ADJUTANT. Charles J. Lovejoy......... Sept. 30, 1862 Resigned, April 28, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. QUARTERMASTER. Andrew J. Shannon...... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain and Assistant Provost Marshal, March -, 1864. Joshua Clayton............ May 22, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SURGEON. Cyrus R. Stuckslager..... Sept. 30, 1862 Mustered out with regiment, June 30, 1865; captured by the enemy, April 30, 1864, Jenkins' ASST. SURGEON. Ferry, Ark.; exchanged, June 28, 1864. Thomas Lindsay........... Sept. 30, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. John F. Everhart.......... Sept. 30, 1862 Resigned, November 4, 1863. CHAPLAIN. Werter R. Davis............ Sept. 30, 1862 Resigned, January 26, 1864. William Sellers............. Mar. 26, 1864 Resigned, April 13, 1865. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. |Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James D. Chesnut......... Sept. 25, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John H. Tullis.............. Sept. 25, 1862 Resigned, Feb. 9,1865, Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Nathan R. Stone........... Sept. 25, 1862 Died of disease, Westport, Mo., Oct. 13,1862. Andrew Hooper............ Oct. 13, 1862 Mustered out, April 10, 1864, per S. O. No. 200, from Headquarters Dept. of Arkansas. COMPANY B. Name and BRank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas H. Kennedy..... Sept. 25, 1862 Promoted Major, September 30, 1862. George W. Umbarger..... Sept. 30, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Lewis W. Hover............ Sept. 25, 1862 Dismissed the service, August 4, 1864. Martin L. Town............. Mar. 6, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. George W. Umbarger...... Sept. 25, 1862 Promoted Captain, September 30, 1862. Martin L. Town............ Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 6, 1865. 336 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nick L. Benter.............. Sept. 26, 1862 Assassinated, April 2, 1864, Hot Springs, Ark. William O. Hubbell...... July 19, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. William 0. Hubbell...... Sept. 26, 1862 Promoted Captain, July 19, 1864. William B. Nichols...... July 19, 1864 Resigned, August 3, 1864. William A. Wells......... Oct. 30, 1864 Resigned, May 9, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. William B. Nichols........ Sept. 26, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 19, 1864. Samuel S. Kirkham...... Oct. 30, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George W. Ashby......... Sept. 25, 1862 Resigned, May 29, 1865, Arkansas. FIRST LIEUT. Henry Shively.............. Sept. 25, 1862 Resigned, August 4, 1864, Arkansas. Alfred Johnson............ Jan. 5, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Alfred Johnson............ Sept. 25, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 5, 1865. Wm. H. Baker............. Jan. 5, 1865 Died of disease, in Hospital, Little Rock, Ark., May 30, 1865. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Mauster. Rensarks. CAPTAIN. James M. Steele............ Sept. 26, 1862 Promoted Lieut. Colonel 113th U. S. Colored Troops, January 16, 1864. A. Jackson Jennings..... Jan. 16, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. A. Jackson Jennings..... Sept. 26, 1862 Promoted Captain, January 16, 1864. James H. Pleasants...... Jan. 16, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. James H. Pleasants...... Sept. 16, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 16, 1864. Henry S. Crumrine...... May 24, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date'of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Clark McKay...............] Sept. 26, 1862 Resigned, April 11, 1864. George W. S. Bell.......... Dec. 7, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. George W. S. Bell.......... Sept. 26, 1862 Promoted Captain, December 7, 1864. Charles Cochrane......... Jan. 5, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Allen Crocker..............Sept. 26, 1862 Resigned, July 23, 1864, Arkansas. COMPANY G. Name and Rank..Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Ezekiel Bunn............... Sept. 30, 1862 Resigned, February 10, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. Alexander McAuthor... Mar. 22, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Alexander McAuthor... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain, March 22, 1865. Franklin Newell........... Mar. 22, 1865 Resigned, May 25, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Franklin Newell........... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 22, 1865. 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 337 COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James W. Parmeter...... Sept. 30, 1862 Dismissed, July 7, 1864. Augustus W. Burton...... Jan. 26, 1865 Mustered out with company, August 6, 1865, FIRST LIEUT. Fort Riley, Kas. Augustus W. Burton..... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain, January 26, 1865. William Pellett............ Mar. 10, 1865 Mustered out with company. SECOND LIEUT. William Pellett.......... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 10, 1865. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Joseph T. Gordon...... Sept. 30, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. George Ellis.................. Sept. 30, 1862 Killed in act'n, Ap'l 30,1864, Jenkins' Ferry,Ark. James H. Berkshire...... Aug. 13, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Demas M. Alexander..... Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain and A. C. S., July 30, 1863. William H. Lindsey...... Oct. 15, 1862 Prom. 1st Lt. Co. M, 16th K.V. C., June 25,1863. James H. Berkshire...... Sept. 15, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, August 13, 1864. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. |Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John J. Sears................ Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Major 3d Mo. Col.Vol., Feb. 16, 1864. Peter J. Miserez............ May 26, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Peter J. Miserez............ Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted Captain, May 26, 1864. William Barrett........M... May 26, 1864 Resigned, May 20, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. William Barrett............ Sept. 30, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 26, 1864. Horace A. B. Cook.......... May 26, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Baxter Springs —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1. Prairie D'Ann -Wounded, E. M., 2. Jenkins' Ferry-Killed, 0. 1, E. M. 7; wounded, 0. 4, E. M. 25; missing, 0. 2, E. M. 10. Fort Smith —Wounded, E. M., 1. - U. S. Army Register. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS —INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster., Remarks. COLONEL. Thomas M. Bowen........ Sept. 20, 1862 Brevet Brigadier General, January 13, 1865; LIEUT. COLONEL. mustered out, June 28, 1865. John B. Wheeler........... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment, June 26, 1865. MAJOR. Caleb A. Woodworth..... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out, June 26, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. ADJUTANT. William P. Badger........ Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, October 10, 1863. George W. Smith.......... Oct. 13, 1863 Mustered out, June 26, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. QUARTERMASTER. Cyrus Leland............... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out, June 26, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. SURGEON. William H. Grimes........ Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, October 20, 1864, Arkansas. Amos H. Caffee............ Feb. 13, 1865 Mustered out, June 26, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. ASSISTANT SURGEON. John Becker................. Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, February 27, 1864, Arkansas. Richard W. Shipley...... Oct. 1, 1862 Resigned, October 6, 1863, Departm't Missouri. CHAPLAIN. Daniel A. Murdock..... Sept. 20, 1862 Died of disease, April 28, 1863, Springfield, Mo. Ozem B. Gardner.......... Sept. 1, 1863 Killed in action, Nov. 25,'64, Timber Hill, C. N. 22 338 ANIVALS OF KANSAS. [1862. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel Flickinger......... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment, June 26, 1865, FIRST LIEUT. Little Rock, Ark. Joseph A. Nixon........... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, September 29, 1863. Alfred A. Clutter........... Dec. 22, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Alfred A. Clutter........... Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 22, 1863. Alexander Berry.......... Jan. 25, 1864 Resigned, September 26, 1864. Harvey L. McAdams..... Jan. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry Haverkorst........ Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, April 20, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. Marion N. Beeler.......... May 19, 1863 Died, August 13, 1864, Van Buren, Arkansas, of wounds received in skirmish, August 1, 1864. Edward P. Perkins....... Dec. 6, 1864 No evidence of muster-out on file. FIRST LIEUT. Marion N. Beeler.........; Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted Captain, May 19, 1863. John F. Kotsch............ May 27, 1863 Resigned, May 20, 1864, Van Buren, Ark. Antoine Brentano......... Sept. 27, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. August Langehemeken.. Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, March 27, 1863, Springfield, Mo. Edward P. Perkins........ May 23, 1863 Promoted Captain, December 6, 1864. COMPANY C. Namne and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Hugh Robertson........... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, July 12, 1863. Jeremiah Frankhouse..J Nov. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Jeremiah Frankhouse...[ Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted Captain, November 1, 1863. Alfred C. Low...............j Nov. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Alfred C. Low............... Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, November 1, 1863. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry R. Neal.............. Sept. 19, 1862 Resigned, January 16, 1865. Robert Manville........... Mar. 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John Batsell................. Sept. 19, 1862 Resigned, December 5, 1863. Robert Manville............ Mar. 12, 1863 Promoted Captain, March 9, 1865. John L. McCully........... Mar. 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Robert Manville............ Sept. 19, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 12, 1863. John L. McCully........... Mar. 12, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, March 9, 1865. COMPANY E. Name and Bank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Perry Hutchinson........i Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, July 17, 1863. James H. McDougall..... Dec. 4, 1863 Dismissed the service per special order No. 127, FIRST LIEUT. dated Little Rock, Arkansas, May 29, 1865. James H. McDougall..... Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted Captain, December 4, 1863. William W. Griffin........ Jan. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John N. Cline............... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, Odtober 12, 1863. 1862.] ANNALS OF KAlSAS. 339 COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Miuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John E. Hayes............... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, May 3, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Archimedes S. Speck.... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, July 12, 1863. William J. May............ Dec. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William J. May............ Oct. 4, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 1, 1863. Robert B. Grimes........Dec. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William S. Blackburn... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. K Levi Hensel................. Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Daniel C. Auld.............. Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, April 2, 1863, at Springfield, Mo. Nathaniel Slosson......... Apr. 22, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Orlando H. Macauley.... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James C. McElroy........] Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Theodore Collins.......... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, April 28, 1863. John F.. Shields............ June 10, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of M2uster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Shilling............... Sept. 20, 1862 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Alonso Bradner........... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, August 20, 1864, Little Rock, Ark. John H. Croft............... Jan. 6, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Langden M. Risley........ Sept. 20, 1862 Died, January 22 1863, Fayetteville, Ark., of wounds received in action, December 7,1862, Prairie Grove, Ark. John H. Croft............... Mar. 2, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 6, 1865. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Rnuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Patrick McNamara...... Sept. 20, 1862 Discharged, May 15, 1865, Little Rock, Ark., per FIRST LIEUT. G. O. No. 8, W. D., series of 1865. Daniel C. O'Keefe......... Sept. 20, 1862 Resigned, August 15, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. Hugh Dougherty.......... Feb. 8, 1864 Resigned, May 29, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. SECOND LIEUT. Hugh Dougherty.......... Sept. 20, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 8, 1864. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: ~ Cane Hill-No loss. Prairie Grove —Killed, E. M., 7; wounded, 0. 2, E. M. 33; missing, E. M., 6.- U. S. Army Register. 340 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1862. FIRST REGIMENT KANSAS COLORED VOLUNTEERS-INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. James M. Williams........ May 2, 1863 Promoted Brevet Brig. General, Feb. 13, 1865; LIEUT. COLONEL. mustered out, Pine Bluff, Ark., Oct. 1, 1865. James M. Williams........ Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted Colonel, May 2, 1863. John Bowles................. May 2, 1863 Mustered out per S. O. No. 335, W. D., dated June 1, 1865, to take effect December 17, 1864. Richard G. Ward.......... April 22, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, October 1, 1865. MAJOR. John Bowles................. Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, May 2, 1863. Richard G. Ward........... May 2, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, April 22, 1865. ADJUTANT. Richard J. Hinton........ Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted Captain 2d K.V. C. I., Oct. 21, 1863. William C. Gibbons....... Jan. 27, 1864 Mustered out, May 15, 1865. QUARTERMASTER. Elijah Hughes............... Jan. 13, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, October 1, 1865. SURGEON. Samuel C. Harrington... Jan. 15, 1863 Resigned, January 26, 1864. J. Fulton Ensor............ Nov. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment,:October 1, 1865. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Eliab G. Macy............... Jan. 26, 1863 Resigned, June 15, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. Abijah D. Tenny........... May 2, 1863 Resigned, July 20, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. Chauncey S. Burr.......... April 23, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, October 1, 1865. CHAPLAIN. George W. Hutchinson.. May 2, 1863 Resigned, June 18, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Richard G. Ward........... Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted Major, May 2, 1863. Elkanah Huddleston..... May 2, 1863 Mustered out on detachment-roll,Leavenworth, FIRST LIEUT. Kas., Oct. 31, 1865, to date Oct. 26, 1865. Elkanah Haddleston..... Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted Captain, May 2, 1863. Benjamin G. Jones........ May 2, 1863 Promoted Captain Company B, Feb. 11, 1865. William R. Smith......... July 10, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Ezekiel A. Coleman...... Jan. 13, 1863 Dismissed the service per S. O. No. 99, W. D., 1865, to date February 1, 1864. William R. Smith........... April 22, 1865 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 10, 1865. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George J. Martin........... Jan. 13, 1863 Resigned, April 10, 1864. Benjamin G. Jones........ Feb. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. William G. White......... Jan. 13, 1863 Resigned, February 23, 1863, Fort Scott, Kas. Luther Dickinson......... Feb. 24, 1863 Resigned, September -, 1865. Walter J. Dallas............ Sept. 14, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Luther Dickinson......... Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, February 24, 1863. John Topping............... Feb. 24, 1863 Killed in action, April 18,1864, Poison Sp., Ark. Walter J. Dallas........... July 12, 1865 Promoted First Lieutenant, Sept. 14, 1865. COMPANY C..Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John R. Graton............ Jan. 13, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Augustus T. Sholes........ Jan. 13, 1863 Promoted Captain Company K, July 21, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Benjamin W. Welch...... Jan. 19, 1863 Promoted Captain Company K, May 2, 1863. Eberle Q. Macy.............. May 6, 1863 Killed in action, November 19, 1864, Timber Hills, C. N. Alfred T. Jackson......... Aug. 18, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. -~~Zi 1862.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 341 COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Andrew J. Armstrong... Jan. 13,1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Daniel D. McFarland...[ Jan. 13, 1863 Resigned, July 20, 1864, Fort Smith, Arkansas. James A. McGinnis...... Feb. 20, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. G. Mellen Lewis........... Jan. 13,1863 Promoted Captain Company 1, Feb. 11, 1865. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Luther A. Thrasher...... Dec. 14, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John Overdeaw............ Jan. 13, 1863 Resigned, July 4. 1864. Eli F. Bowton............... April 23, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William C. Gibbons. Ja. 13, 1863 Promoted First Lieut. and Adj., Jan. 27, 1864. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Ethan Earle.................. Jan. 13, 1863 Resigned, June 21, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. Shabua S. Creps............ Feb. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Joseph Gardner............. Jan. 13, 1863 Died of chronic diarrhcea, Camp Davis, C. N., August 24, 1864. Shebua S. Creps............ Aug. -, 1863 Promoted Captain, February 11, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Asa Reynard................. Jan. 13, 1863 Resigned, May 2, 1863. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William H. Smallwood.. Mar. 9, 1863 Resigned, April 19, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. Bethuel Hitchcock........ Aug. 16, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Bethuel Hitchcock........ Mar. 9, 1863 Promoted Captain, Aug. 16, 1865; was captured SECOND LIEUT. April, 1864, Poison Springs, Ark.; exchanged. Andrew J. Smith........... May 2,'1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Ransom Ward............... May 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment, FIRST LIEUT. Charles J. Coleman....... May 1, 1863 Killed in ac'n, Apr. 18,'64, Poison Springs, Ark. John H. Mockett.......... Sept. 14,1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Wm. T. Edgerton.......... May 1, 1863 Resigned, November 14, 1863. John H. Mockett............ April 22, 1865 Promoted First Lieutenant, Sept. 14, 1865. 342 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of uster. earks. CAPTAIN.' Benjamin F. Van Horn. May 1, 1863 Resigned, January 19, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. G. Mellen Lewis............ Feb. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment.. FIRST.LIEUT. Ransom L. Harris......... June 27, 1863 Resigned, June 18, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. Dyer W. Hitchcock....... April 26, 1865 Mustered out with- regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Horace H. Johnson....... Dec. 24, 1863 Resigned, October 20, 1864. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Mfuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Benjamin W. Welch...... May 2, 1863 Killed in skirmish with guerillas, November 19, 1864, Timber Hills, C. N. Augustus T. Sholes........ July 21, 1865 No evidence of muster-out on filb. FIRST LIEUT. David M. Sutherland..... May 2, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Albert E. Saviers........... May 2, 1863 Discharged for disability, February 25, 1865, Fort Smith, Ark. SECOND KANSAS BATTERY-LIGHT ARTILLERY. Name and Rank. Date of 1fuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Edward A. Smith.......... July 4, 1863 Mustered out, August 11, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Edward A. Smith.......... Aug. 25, 1862 Promoted Captain, July 4, 1863. David C. Knowles......... Sept. 19, 1862 Mustered out, August 11, 1865. Andrew G. Clark........... Aug. 8, 1863 Mustered out, August 11, 1865. SECOND LIEUT.'Andrew G. Clark........... Sept. 10, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, August 8, 1863. Aristarchus Wilson....... Sept. 19, 1862 Mustered out, August 11, 1865. William Requa............. Aug. 8, 1863 Mustered out, August 11, 1865. List of battles, etc., in which this battery participated, showing loss reported in each: Newtonia-No loss. Cane Hill-No loss. Sherwood-Killed, E. M., 3. Cabin Creek-No loss. Honey Springs —Wounded, O., 1. Fort Smith — No loss.- U. S. Army Register. 1863. JAN. 1.-Emancipation confirmed by President Lincoln's Proclamation. JAN. 1.-The Lawrence Weekly Tribune started, by John Speer. -Col. William A. Phillips in possession of Fort Gibson. JaN. 3.-Dr. R.-Gillpatrick arrives from Washington, with commissions for the:officers of the Second and Third Indian Regiments. JAN. 12.;-State officers sworn in. JAN. 13.-Meeting of the Legislature. — The First Colored Regiment mustered, at Fort Scott. — Officers of the Twelfth commissioned. JAN. 13.-Message from Gov. Carney. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 343 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names. Age. P. O. Address. County. Avocation. Thomas A. Osborn, President..... 26'Elwood................. Doniphan'::... Lawyer. Thomas H. Baker........3............ 35 Irving,....... Marshall......M Lawyer. S. M. Thorp............................... 32 Lawrence............. Douglas....... Lawyer. A. Bennett............................... 44 Troy..................... Doniphan.... Minister. David Brockway..................... 32 Topeka.................. Shawnee...... Lawyer. Johnson Clark........................... 34 Osawatomie.......... Miami......... Farmer. W. H. M. Fishback.................... 30 ()lathe........ Johnson...... Lawyer. F. P. Fitzwilliam....................... 26 Leavenworth........ Leavenworth Lawyer. Isaac Ford................................ 46 Rockford.'............. Bourbon....... Farmer. Cassius G. Foster....................... 25 Atchison.............. Atchison......'Lawver. M. R. Leonard.......................... 35 Bazaar................... Chase........... Physician. D. P. Lowe................................. 40 Mound City........... Linn............ Lawyer. P. B..Maxson........................... 34 Fremont........... Lyon............ Farmer. James McGrew........................... 41 Wyandotte............ Wyandotte... Merchant. Sol. Miller............................... 32 White Cloud......... Doniphan.... Printer. Rufus Oursler........................ 36 Circleville............ Jackson........ Merchant. C. B. Pierce............................... 31 Leavenworth........ Leavenworth Lawyer. F. W. Potter..................... 29 Burlington............ Coffey........... Laborer. Byron Sherry............................ 28 Seneca.................. Nemaha........ Lawyer. Azel W. Spalding........................ 25 Grasshopper Falls.. Jefferson...... Lawyver. Samuel M. Strickle.................. 31 Junction City........ Davis........... Merchant. Orlin Thurston........................... 28 Humboldt............ Allen............ At'y-at-Law. D. M. Valentine......................... 32 Peoria City.......... Franklin...... Lawyer. Joshua Wheeler......................... 36 Pardee.................. Atchison...... Farmer. John Wilson.............................. 34 Leavenworth......... Leavenworth Merchant. Wilbur F. Woodworth................. 35 Baldwin City......... Douglas........ Lawyer. John Francis. Secretary............. 30 Olathe.................. Johnson...... Printer. John G. Otis, Assistant Secretary, 24 Topeka................. Shawnee...... Lawyer. Win. Boulton, Journal Clerk...... 41 Seneca................. Nemaha....... Carpenter. Davies Wilson, Docket Clerk...... 32 Emporia............... Lyon............ At'y-at-Law. Jno. Van Horn, Engrossing Clerk, 26 Baldwin City......... Douglas........ echanic. Hugh A. Cook, Sergeant-at-Arms, 35 Minneola............... Franklin...... Farmer. LeRoy Crandall, Doorkeeper...... 36 Fremont............... Lyon... Farmer. Albert L. Bartlett, Messenger...... 10 Topeka..... Shawnee Clerk. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ~Names. Age P. O. Address. County. Avocation. Josiah Kellogg, Speaker............ 32 Leavenworth...... Leavenworth...... Lawyer. E. A. Alford............................. 34 Bazaar............. Chase..... Farmer. H. S. Baker.............................. 29 Atchison............ Atchison............ Farmer. H. V. Beeson............................. 54 Stanton............ Franklin............ Farmer. G. W. Barrett........................... 30 Mount Florence.. Jefferson............ Farmer. R. H. Bishop............................. 34 Salina................ Saline................. Farmer. M. W. Bottom........................... 52 Quindaro........... Wyandotte......... Builder. G. W. Bowman......................... 46 Atchison....... Atchison............ Farmer. R. Bradley................................ 41 Ash Point........... Nemaha............. Farmer. J. F. Broadhead........................ 36 Mound City........ Linn.................. Farmer. A. Brown................................. 52 Leavenworth...... Leavenworth...... Land Agent A. W. J. Brown......................... 45 Iola.................... Allen................. Farmer. D. G. Campbell.......................... 42 Shawnee........... Johnson............ Farmer. J. H. Campbell.......................... 44 Carlyle............... Allen................. Farmer. N. C. Clark................................ 41 Columbus........... Doniphan.......... Physician. J. Christie................................. 34 Stanton.............. Miami............... Farmer. D. R. Cobb................................ 35 Marmaton.......... Bourbon............. Co. Officer. L. C. C(onrey.......................... 53 Osawatomie....... Miami............... Physician. R. S. Craft................................. 32 Holton............... Jackson............... Physician. G. E. Dennison........................ 43 Moneka............. Iinn............. Physician. W. P. Douthitt....................... 34 Topeka.............. Shawnee..:... Lawyer. Wm. Downing........................... 41 Council Grove..... Morris.............. Farmer. C. F. Drake.............................. 29 Fort Scott........... Bourbon....... Merchant. J. M. Ellis................................ 39 Paola..................... armer. J. S. Emery.............................. 32 Lawrence........... Douglas............Lawyer. C. V. Eskridge......... 28 Emporia............ Lyon................ Merchant. George Ford......... 51 Lawrence.......... Douglas............erchant. J. W. Foinman...........................44 Doniphan.......... Doniphan.......... Miller.. W. Foster................................ 41 Clinton.............. Douglas........ Farmer. R. C. Foster.............................. 28 Delaware City.... Leavenworth Teamster. B. E. Fullington........................ 43 Batchelor............. Riley................ Farmer. 344 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTAtIVES-CONCL'D. Names. Age P. O. Address. County. Avocation. G. W. Glick.................... 34 Atchison............ Atchison.......... Lawyer. G. F. Gordon............................. 37 West Point......... Davis.................. Farmer. G. W, E. Griffith........................29 Minneola........... Franklin............ Lawyer. C. H. Grover.............................32 Le...... Leavenworth..... Farmer. T. O'Gwartney........................ 39 Easton............... Leavenworth..... Farmer. W. P. Hanson.......................... 31 Palermo............ Doniphan.......... Carpenter. William Harrison.................. 49 Chelsea............... Butler............. Farmer. J. Hawkins...............................56 Mapleton............ Bourbon......... Physician. J. S. Hidden............................ 42 Centralia............ Nemaha............. Physician. J. Hiner.................................... 4 Garnett.......... Anderson....... Farmer. H. G. Hollinberg.......................34 Marysville.......... Washington........ Farmer. S. Hollister............... 33 Sumner.......... Atchison............ Miller. H. W. Ide................................29 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth..... Lawyer. G. E. Irwin............................. 32 Hamlin............. Brown................ Physician. D. B. Jackman..........................38 Fort Lincoln...... Bourbon.......... Teacher. J. P. Johnson........................... 40 Highland........... Doniphan......... Farmer. D. M. Johnston............... 36.......... 36 Mission Creek..... Wabaunsee....... Farmer. J. H. Jones.............................. Kaw City......... Jefferson........... Farmer. J. Kinner.............................. 47 Eureka....... reenwood...... Farmer. I J. Lacock.............................. 27 Hiawatha...........Brown............... Lawyer. W. A. Lattin.......................... 36 Leavenw'th City. Leavenworth..... Farmer. S. V. Lee................................... Pottawatomie..... Farmer. G. M. Lee.................................28 Winchester........ Jefferson............ Farmer. J. W. Loy................................. 32 Americus........... Lyon.................. Farmer. J. Means...................................30 Cresco............... Anderson........... Farmer. A. McCartney........................... Neosho Falls......Woodson............ Physician. J. Medill.............................. 35 Springdale.......... Leavenworth..... Farmer. R. S. Miller............................... 24 Abilene............ Dickinson........... Surveyor. D. T. Mitchell........................... 31 Lecompton.......... Douglas.............. Lawyer. F. R. Page................................ 32 Neosho Rapidst... Lyon.................. Farmer. F. R. Page. 32 Neosho Rapids... Lyon...... Farmer. J. Rogers 34 Burlingame................................ 34 Burlingame...... Osage.................. Lawyer. Ed. Russell................................ 30 Elwood............... Doniphan.......... Farmer. W. R. Saunders......................... LeRoy................ Coffey................. Lawyer. J. N. Sayer............................. 37 Blooming Grove.. Linn.................. Farmer. S. J. H. Snyder..........................50 Morovia............Atchison............ Farmer. C. S. Steel............................. 32 Willow Springs... Douglas........... Farmer. C. H. Stratton........................ 34 Lexington.......... Johnson............ Farmer. H. Tucker...............................38 Ottumwa............ Coffey................. Physician D. Underhill.............................37 Jackson............ Linn.................. Farmer. J. W. Vaughn.........................44 Baldwin City...... Douglas............. Farmer. D. F. Walker........................... 58 Springdale......... Leavenworth..... Merchant. J. T. Ward................................ Tecumseh........... Shawnee............ Farmer. J. Weisbach.............................. 31 Marysville.... Marshall............ Merchant. W. Williams............ 33 Gardner............ Johnson............ Mechanic. A. R. Banks, Chief Clerk 27.............. Shawnee............ Clerk. J. W. Day, Assistant Clerk........29 Oskaloosa........... Jefferson............ Lawyer. H. P. Welsh, Journal Clerk.......28 Minneola......... Franklin........ Lawyer. A. Ellis, Engrossing Clerk........47 Miami............... Miami.............. Farmer. C. S. Lambdin, Enrolling Clerk.. 533 Plymouth.......... Lyon............... Paper M'kr. Wm. Wilson, Docket Clerk........40 Lecompton...... Douglas............. Clergyman. H. A. Burgess, Serg't-at-Arms.. 31 Lexington............. Farmer. E. Cobb, Ass't Serg't-at-Arms..... 47 Junction City.... Davis........ Carpenter. E. Downard, Doorkeeper.......... 21 Elwood............... Doniphan.......... Teacher. M. B. Crawford, Ass't D'rkeeper. 236 Topeka.............. Shawnee............House Jr. Joseph Farren, Page.................14 Lawrence.......... Douglas. William Griffith, Page............. 14 Topeka............ Shawnee JANUARY 13. —Meeting of the State Agricultural Society, at Topeka. Oficers: President, L. D. Bailey, Lyon county; Secretary, F. G. Adams, Shawnee county; Treasurer, F. P. Baker, Nemaha county. Executive Committee: J. P. Johnson, Doniphan county; G. W. Collamore, Douglas county; David L. Lakin, Jefferson county; Abram Ellis, Miami county; S. M. Strickler, Davis county; J. S. Hidden, Nemaha county; C. Starns, Leavenworth county; J. R. Swallow, Lyon county; J. C. Marshall, Linn county; C.B. Lines, Wabaunsee county. JANUARY 14.-The Senate passes unanimously a resolution introduced by D. P. Lowe, thanking the officers and soldiers of Blunt's command for 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 345 their victories at Newtonia, in Missouri; at old Fort Wayne, in the Indian Nation; and at Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, and Van Buren, in Arkansas. JANUARY 14.-The Fort Scott Bulletin publishes a letter written by Geo. A. Reynolds, in Washington, in which he says: "About a month since, Sidney Clarke, Esq., while on his way to Washington, with the audited accounts of the irregular claims of Lane's Brigade, had the misfortune to lose his carpet-bag with all the papers connected with that service. The bag was stolen from him while in Baltimore. Since then hne has used every effort to recover them, but without any success. I fear it will greatly delay the payment of the claims, and perhaps the business will all have to be done over again." JANUARY 19.-Benj. P. Shillaber writes a poem for the Printers' Festival, given at Leavenworth. JANUARY 24.-The new Board of State Canvassers declare John H. Watson Chief Justice, he having received 8,918 votes, to 6,006 for W. P. Gambell. The old Board declined to canvass the vote, and the Supreme Court sustained the old Board. The Court holds that the acceptance of an office under the United States by a judicial officer does not of itself work a vacancy in the office; that the vacancy in the office of Chief Justice occurred November 28th, 1862, when Ewing resigned; that the vacancy was properly filled by the Governor, who appointed Nelson Cobb Chief Justice on that day. On the 4th of November, 1862, John H. Watson received a majority of all the votes cast for Chief Justice. Opinion by Judge Kingman. (The State, ex rel. Watson, vs. Cobb, 2 Kan., 32.) JANUARY 17.-Fort Scott re-established as a permanent military post. -The President appoints Samuel Lappin, Geo. F. Warren and Chester Thomas, jr., Quartermasters. JANUARY 27.-A book is printed in Leavenworth, called The Philosophy of Truth; written by F. Holiday Burris. FEBRUARY 4.-S. M. Thorp admitted to the Senate, in place of John A. Beam. FEBRUARY 10.-The Leavenworth Daily Inquirer, a Secession paper, ceases to exist. The presses were destroyed at 10:30 A. M., the type thrown out of the window, and the cases burned, on Shawnee street, near Main. Burrell B. Taylor, the editor, ran away. FEBRUARY 13.-Execution of Carl Horne. MARCH 1. — Guilford Dudley is appointed Adjutant General. -Dan. M. Adams and H. S. Sleeper appointed Paymasters. MARCH 2.-Geo. W. Collamore elected Mayor of Lawrence. MARCH 3.-Adjournment of the Legislature. The important acts of the Legislature were as follows: A joint resolution accepting the act of Congress giving land for an Agricultural College; Establishing the Agricultural College in Riley county, provided that the Trustees of Bluemont College cede its land to the State in fee simple; An act for the government of the Agricultural College; Providing for the selection of the College lands; Giving Prof. P. A. Emery a salary for teaching the deaf and dumb; Funding the Territorial debt; Procuring temporary buildings for State offices; Making 346 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. unorganized counties municipal townships; Providing for an Insane Asylum at Osawatomie; Changing the name of Grasshopper Falls to Sautrell Falls; Providing for building a Penitentiary; Paying a premium on the manufacture of salt; Establishing a State Normal School at Emporia; Authorizing two school districts in Lyon county to issue bonds (this seems to be the first act of this kind); Establishing the State University at Lawrence. The volume of laws contains 128 pages. Since the admission of the State, public and private laws are published in the same volume. MARCH 3.-The following is a summary of chapter 98, laws of Congress of 1863, granting lands to Kansas railroads: "Grants to Kansas, to aid the construction: First, of a railroad and telegraph from the city of Leavenworth, by the way of the town of Lawrence, and via the Ohio City crossing of the Osage river, to the southern line of the State, in the direction of Galveston Bay in Texas, with a branch from Lawrence by the valley of the Wakarusa river, to the point on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad where said road intersects the Neosho river. Second, of a railroad from the city of Atchison, via Topeka, the capital of said State, to the western line of the State, in the direction of Fort Union and Santa Fe, New Mexico, with a branch from where this last-named road crosses the Neosho, down said Neosho valley to the point where the said first-named road enters the said Neosho valley; every alternate section of land, designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of said roads, and each of its branches. If any such lands are sold or pre-empted, other as near as possible shall be given in lieu, but in no case further than twenty miles from the line of road; the granted lands to be applied exelusively to aid the roads. The sections among these lands remaining to the United States are not to be sold for less than double the minimum price, nor subject to private entry until first offered at public sale, except in case of actual settlers, who may buy at minimum price; the homestead law also applies to all these lands. The roads are to be free to the United States for carrying troops or any property. Rules for disposing of the lands are set down. If no part of the roads is done in ten years, the grant is void." -Passage of an act by Congress for the removal of Indians from Kans~s. MARCH 8.-Rev. C. C. Hutchinson reappointed Ottawa Indian Agent. MARCH 18. —Governor Carney goes to Washington, and Lieut. Gov. Osborn goes to Topeka, to act in his absence. -E. N. Morrill is appointed Commissary; Oliver S. Coffin and Geo. Allen, Quartermasters; S. W. Eldridge and John B. Wheeler, Paymasters. MARCH 13.-Thos. Ewing, jr., is made a Brigadier General; Captain Wm. Tholen, Adjutant General, and Captain M. H. Insley is appointed Quartermaster in the Regular Army. APRIL.- Organization of the Fourteenth Kansas begins. APRIL 6.-D. R. Anthony elected Mayor of Leavenworth. APRIL 14.-T. Dwight Thacher becomes the proprietor of the Kansas City (Mo.) Journal. APRIL 25.-Dr.. Rufus Gillpatrick killed at Webber's Falls, Cherokee Nation, while dressing the wounds of a Rebel soldier. APRIL 28.-C. W. Babcock makes arrangements for bridging the Kaw at Lawrence. APRIL 30.-The Commissioners appointed by the Governor report to him that they have selected forty acres of land near Lawrence as a site for the University buildings. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 347 MAY.-LThe Kansas Farmer founded by Lawrence D. Bailey, Topeka. The size of the printed page is 41 by 7~ inches. MAY 1.- Governor Carney sells State bonds in New York at 95-.' MAY 2.-Battle of Chancellorsville. MAY 18.-A ruffian and thief named Sterling hung by the citizens of Atchison. On the 23d, about 300 men from the country went into Atchison, took Mooney and Brewer, two other members of the gang, and hung them. MAY 20. —Col.'William A. Phillips has an engagement with Col. Coffey, at Fort Gibson (now called Fort Blunt.) JUNE 1. —Sidney Clarke appointed Provost Marshal for Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. JUNE 3.-Two desperadoes, James Melvine and William Cannon, hung at Highland by citizens. JUNE 11. — Col. James Montgomery, of Kansas, with his colored regiment, leaves Hilton Head for a raid in Georgia. — Vallandigham, nominated for Governor of Ohio. JULY 1. —Col. James M. Williams, of the First Kansas Colored, 800 strong, and 500 Indians, has a fight at Cabin creek with a force of Texans and Indians under Stand Waitie. Complete Union victory. JULY 3.-Final battle of Gettysburg; retreat of Lee. JULY 4.-Surrender of Vicksburg. The rebellion reaches its climax. JULY 8.-The Mississippi opened. -James McCahon and A. R. Banks made' Provost Marshals of Kansas; Ed. Russell and A. J. Shannon, Commissioners. JULY 12.-John Morgan's raid in'Ohio.;JULY 13.-Great draft riot in New York. JULY 17.-Blunt gains a victory' over Cooper, at Honey Springs, sbuth of the Arkansas, in the Indian Territory. JULY 27.-Organization of the Agricultural College; the first term to begin September 2. AUGUsT.-Death of Archibald Williams, United States District Judge. AUGUST 17.-The Commissioners appointed by the Governor report to him that they have selected twenty acres of land adjoining Emporia as a site for the Normal School. AUGUST 21. —The Quantrell Massacre, at Lawrence. The following account, by Rev. Rtichard Cordley, D.D., is copied from Blackburn's Gazetteer of Kansas. Dr. Cordley wrote a longer sketch for the Annual Register. A pamphlet of considerable length, describing the Massacre, was written by Hovey E. Lowman. "Early in the summer of 1863, a large band entered Olathe, one night, about midnight. They took most of the citizens prisoners, and kept them till their work was done. They plundered the town, carried off what they wanted, and destroyed other property, and left before daylight. They killed some seven men. "Some time after, they sacked the town of Shawnee twice. In addition to robbery, they here burned most of the town. Several were killed here also. Individual murders and house-burning were common. "On the 20th of August, a body of between three and four hundred crossed the 348 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. State line at sundown. Riding all night, they reached Lawrence at daybreak. They dashed into the town with a yell, shooting at everybody they saw. The surprise was complete. The hotel, and every point where a rally would be possible, was seized at once, and the ruffians then began the work of destruction. Some of the citizens escaped into the fields and ravines, and some into the woods, but the larger portion could not escape at all. Numbers of these were shot down as they were found, and often brutally mangled. In many cases the bodies were left in the burning buildings and were consumed. The Rebels entered the place about five o'clock, and left between nine and ten. Troops for the relief of the town were within six miles when the Rebels went out. One hundred and forty-three were left dead in the streets, and about thirty desperately wounded. The main street was all burned but two stores. Thus, about seventy-five business houses were destroyed, and nearly one hundred residences. They destroyed something near two millions of property, left eighty widows and two hundred and fifty orphans, as the result of their four hours' work. Scenes of brutality were enacted, which have never been surpassed in savage warfare. The picture is redeemed only by the fact that women and children were in no case hurt." The first news of the event was brought to Leavenworth by James F. Legate. The first full newspaper description of it was written by George T. Isbell, for the Leavenworth Conservative, and telegraphed thence through the country. A book called "Shelby and his Men; or the War in the West," was printed in Cincinnati in 1867. It is a Confederate history. The following is copied from pages 400, 401: "About daylight on the morning of August 21, 1863, Quantrell, with three hundred men, dashed into the streets of Lawrence, Kansas. Flame and bullet, waste and pillage, terror and despair, were everywhere. Two hundred were killed, Death was a monarch, and men bowed down aad worshipped him. Blood ran in rivulets. The guerillas were unerring shots with revolvers, and excellent horsemen. General Lane saved himself by flight; General Collamore took refuge in a well, and died there. Poor Collamore! He should have kept away from the well, upon the principle that actuated the mother who had no objection to her boy's learning how to swim, if he didn't go near the water. Printers and editors suffered. Speer of the Tribune, Palmer of the Journal, Trask of the State Journal, hadn't time even to write their obituaries. Two camps of instruction for white and negro soldiers, on Massachusetts street (of course), were surrounded and all their occupants killed. Every hotel, except the City Hotel, was burned. Other property, valued at two million dollars, was also fired and consumed..... Massachusetts street was made a mass of smouldering ruins. Sometimes there is a great deal in a name-in this instance more than is generally the case. After killing every male inhabitant who remained in Lawrence, after burning the houses in the town and those directly around it, Quantrell very quietly withdrew his men into Missouri and rested there, followed, however, at a safe distance, by General Lane, who made terrible threats, but miserable fulfilments. Two hundred white abolitionists, fifty or sixty negroes, and two millions of dollars worth of property were fearful aggregates of losses." AUGUST 22.-The citizens of Leavenworth raise $10,000 for the relief of Lawrence. AUGUST 23.- Blunt crosses the Arkansas. -The following order issued by Gen. Thomas Ewing, jr.: "GENERAL ORDER NO. 11.] KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 23d, 1863. "All persons living in Jackson, Cass and Bates counties. Missouri, and that part of Vernon county included in this district, except those living within one mile of the limits of Independence, Hickman's Mill, Pleasant Hill and Harrisonville. and except those in Kaw Township, Jackson county, north of this creek and west-of the Big Blue, embracing Kansas City and Westport, are hereby ordered to remove from their places of residence within fifteen days from the date hereof. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 349 "Those who within that time prove their loyalty to the satisfaction of the commanding officer of the military station nearest their present places of residence, will receive from him certificates stating the fact of their loyalty, and the names of the witnesses by whom it can be sworn. All who have received such certificates will be permitted to remove to any military station in this district, or to any part of Kansas except the counties on the eastern border of the State. All others shall remove out of this district. Officers commanding companies and detachments serving in companies will see that this paragraph is promptly obeyed. "All hay or grain in the field or under shelter, in the district from which the inhabitants are required to remove, within reach of the military stations after the 9th of September next, will be taken to such stations and turned over to the proper officers there, and a report of the amount so turned over made to the district headquarters, specifying the names of all loyal owners and the amount of such produce taken from them. All grain and hay found in such districts after the 9th of September next, not convenient to such stations, will be destroyed." SEPTEMBER.- Organization of the Fifteenth Kansas begins. SEPTEMBER 7.-M. M. Murdock founds the Burlingame Chronicle. W. F. Chalfant, the present proprietor, bought it in January, 1872. SEPTEMBER 8.-Convention at Paola. President, T. A. Osborn; Vice Presidents, A. H. Dean, D. P. Lowe, I. Ford, W. H. M. Fishback, Johnson Clark, J. A. Woodworth, D. M. Valentine; Secretaries, D. W. Wilder, D. B. Emmert, Henry Buckingham, James C. Horton. Resolutions adopted asking the removal of Generals Schofield and Ewing, and the establishment of a new military department. SEPTEMBER 10. —Samuel Hallett at work on the Kansas Pacific Railway at Wyandotte. SEPTEMBER 19.-Battle of Chicamauga. OCTOBER 6.-First State Fair, held at Leavenworth. OCTOBER 6.-The following account of the massacre at Baxter Springs, Kansas, is copied from Greeley's Conflict, vol. II, p. 452: "General Blunt, having been on business to Kansas, was returning with a small cavalry escort to Fort Smith, when he was struck, near Baxter's Springs, Cherokee Nation, by Quantrell, with 600 guerillas, and most of his small escort killed or disabled: among the eighty killed - nearly all after they had been captured-were Major H. Z. Curtis, son of Major General S. R. Curtis, and several civilians. [General Curtis named Fort Zarah for this son.] General Blunt, rallying some fifteen of his guard, escaped capture and death by great coolness and courage; their persistency in boldly fighting creating a belief that they were the van of a heavy force. A considerable train that accompanied them was sacked and burned. The attack was made very near the little post known as Fort Blair, which was next assailed; but its defenders, though few, were brave, and well led by Lieutenant Pond, Third Wisconsin Cavalry, who bleat the enemy off, inflicting a loss of eleven killed and many more wounded. General Blunt and his remnant of escort kept the prairie till night, then made their way to the post. They had not ventured thither before, apprehending that it had been taken." OCTOBER 6.-The Provost Marshal General writes that Kansas has furnished for the United States service the number of 4,440 troops in excess of all calls. Her white soldiers number 9,613. Colonel Fry's statement does not include the colored regiment, nor 2,262 Indians enrolled in three regiments, in Kansas, in 1862. OCTOBER 7.-Meeting of State Editors at Leavenworth. D. H. Bailey, President; F. P. Baker, Secretary. On the 8th a Society was formed, with 350 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. the following officers: President, John Speer; Vice President, Hovey E. Lowman; Secretary, D. H. Bailey; Treasurer, D. W. Wilder. -Mark W. Delahay appointed United States District Judge. OCTOBER 8.-The Republican State Committee meets in. Leavenworth, and nominates Robert Crozier for Chief Justice. -D. W. Wilder appointed Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska. OCTOBER 16.-The Fifteenth Regiment mustered. OCTOBER 21.-Henry C. F. Hackbusch appointed Chief Clerk of Surveyor General. OCTOBER 23.-Discontinuance of the Delaware Land District-office at Atchison. OCTOBER 25. —Battle of Pine Bluff. "Pine Bluff, on the south bank of the Arkansas, fifty miles below Little Rock, was occupied, early in October, by Colonel Powell Clayton, Fifth Kansas Cavalry, with 350 men and four guns. Marmaduke, at Princeton, forty-five miles south, resolved to retake it. By the time he advanced to do so, Clayton had been re-enforced by the First Indiana Cavalry; so that now he had 600 men and nine light guns. "Marmaduke, with twelve guns and a force estimated at 2,500, advanced in three columns, and poured in shell and canister for five hours, setting fire to the place; but Clayton had organized 200 negroes to barricade the streets with cotton bales, by whose services the fire was stopped without subtracting from his slender fighting force. The Rebel shells burned the Court House and several dwellings, battering most of the residue; but they could not take the town, and at 2 P. M. drew off, having lost 150 killed and wounded, beside 33 prisoners. Our loss was but 17 killed and 40 wounded —five of the former and twelve of the latter among the negro volunteers.'?-Greeley's Conflict, vol. II, p. 453. NOVEMBER 1. —A book published, called "History of American Conspiracies." By Orville J. Victor. New York:' James D. Torrey. 1863. One chapter is given to the "Kansas-Nebraska troubles," and one to "John Brown's Conspiracy." It contains a steel engraving by John Rogers, designed by Felix O. C. Darley, "Missourians going to Kansas to'vote."' The "voters" are well-armed assassins, and the engraving spirited. NOVEMBER. — Organization of the Sixteenth Kansas begins. — Location of the Insane Asylum, at Osawatomie. NOVEMBER 2.-The conditions of the act of February 20 having been complied with, Governor Carney issues a proclamation declaring the State University to be permanently established at Lawrence. NOVEMBER 3.-Election. The following is the canvass of the vote: JUDICIAL VOTE. CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. Robert Crozier................................12, 731 Scattering........................................... 14 DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties. X L Jackson............................................................................ 147...... 147 147 Jefferson......................................................................... 784....... 784 784 Leavenworth.199 10 2005 1985 Leavenworth............................................................ 1995 10 2005 1985 Wyandotte................................................. 307 36 343 271 Total..........................................................3279 3187 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 351 DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties. bAtchison.....929.....................929.................. 929 929 Brown...................................................... 30... 303 303 Doniphan.......... 855............................................ 855 855 Marshall............................................. 337.........7........ 337 337 Nemaha............................................. 284 9 10 303......... Total.7 29..................................... 2727 2689 DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties. Davis...................................... 113 109..... 222 4......... Dickinson....................................... 57 13........ 70 44......... Pottawatomie............................................... 131 24 6 161 107......... Saline................................................ 42 23......... 65 19......... Shawnee........................................ 276 240......... 516 36......... W abaunsee............................................... 51 85......... 136......... 34 Riley.................... 114 108......... 222 6........ Total................................................... 1392 182........ DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties., Allen.........209................... 290.0.................. 290......... Anderson.....................................138.................. 138......... Bourbon.................................................................. 239 187......... 426 52 Douglas.............................................................. 821 58 12 891 763 Franklin............................................ 181 1........ 182 180 Johnson......................................... 271 85........ 356 186 Linn....................................... 467.......67........ 467 467 Miami........................................ 426 426 Total...................................'........................... 3176 2502 DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties.' | Chase....................................... 55 52 2 109 3.... Coffey.............................................................. 86 6 248 3162 Greenwood..................................................... 31 11 39 81......... 8 Lyon..................................................... 137 309 62 508.................... Morris............. 89......... 30 119 59 Osage............................. 169 1 29 199 140....... Woodson................................................................... 85 Butler.1n 1 1 23 20................................................ TButler........................6 21 4.23 26......... Total......................................................... 1464 262......... DISTRICTATTORNEY FORFIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 352 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. REPRESENTATIVES. Counties. Names. P 1 Doniphan....................... J.P. Johnson.......................... 133 58......... W. R. Parker.......................... 75............... T. C. Shreve................. 50......... 258 2................................. W.J. Orem.............................. 999 31..... E. Fleming.............................. 68......... 167 3................................. F. H. Drenning....................... 104 104 104 4..................................... C. C. Camp....................... 175 175 175 5..................................... J. W. Forman......................... 105 44......... S.W. Lloyd............................'61......... 176 880 6 Atchison........................ G.W. Glick............................. 189 183......... J. Saqui.................................. 6......... 195 7................................. Jacob Saqui............................. 208 132........ William Dean........................ 76......... 284 8...................................... Asa Barnes............................ 232 231......... Samuel Hollister...........233 9....................................... B. W. Williams................ 124 122......... Scattering.............................. 2......... 126 10......................................J. C. Batsell............................ 83 83 83 921 11 Brown........................... Ira J. Lacock.......................... 115 53...... L. C. Dunn..62................ 62................. Scattering............................... 1... 178 12....................................... George E. Irwin....................... 73 28......... George E. IrwSavin............................. 45......... 118 296 13 Nemaha........................ Richard Bradley.................... 133 39......... George raham..................... 94......... 227 14...................................... J..S. Hidden...................... 134 69......... J. Hodgins.............................. 65......... 199 426 15 Marshall........................D. Brumbaugh.............. 224 117......... T. S. Vail................................ 107......... 331 331 16 Washington................... G.H. Hollinberg..................... 48 48 48 48 17 Pottawatomie................ O. J. Grover............................. 131 99........ F. N. Sales.32................ 32......... 163 163 18 Jackson.J. W. Williams.................... 190 69......... G. M. Lee.61...................... 61.................. N. Leaventon.......................... 25......... 272 20....................................... E. M. Hutchins...................... 116 18... Rohert Riddle.......................... 98.... 214 21............................... M. Barnes.............................. 149 51...] 2 G.W. Gray.............................. 98......... 733 22 Leavenworth................ William Freeland.....................340 182......... W.. Gam ell......................... 158......... 498 23....................................... Josiah Kellogg ~ ~..................... 492 492 492 24...........................George A. Moore..................... 390 301......... John L. Pendery.................... 89......... 479 25................................ James B. Laing....................... 251 71......... W. A. Lattin.......................... 180......... 431 26............................... Jacob W. Craig........................121 66........ Charles H. Grover.................. 55.... 176 27......................................George R. Houts.................... 60 14... P. E Thornton................... 146......... 106 28....................................... David F. Walker..................... 62 18......... John Wright........................... 44.................. Isaac M. Pierce....................... 15.... 121 29................................ Thomas Trower...................... 113 61......... James L. Wallace..........1.......... 52......... 165 30...................................... Ben. H. Twombly.................... 97 21........ H. T. Green.76.. 1732641.............. 76......... 173 2641 31 W.yandotte..................... M. W. Bottom.......................... 190 84......... B. B. Hadley........................... 106.................. A. Guthrie............................... 45......... 341 341 32 Johnson.................... C. H. Stratton................. 126 103......... W. D. Butt........................ 23......... 149 33....................................... D. G. Campbei.Wllke r............... 71 22'...... S. B. Bell W 49......... 120 34..................................... ~ Harry McBride ~...................... 75 75 75 344 35 Douglas.........................s T. J. Steinberg...................... 254 254 254 36...................................... J. S. Emery............................. 114 63......... S. J. Willes.51........................ 5......... 165 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 353 VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVES — (CONTINUED). Counties. Names. q X 37 Douglas (concluded)....... Clarkson Reynolds.................. 71 41 W. G. Piper............................. 30.. 101 38....................................... A. Thoman............................ 66 3 Levi Woodard.........: 63......... 129 39...... J. A. Wakefield............... 114 59. William Brass.. 55..................169 40...................................... William Draper................... 90 88. Scattering........................... 2... 92 910 41 Shawnee........................ J. F. Cummings...................... 194 83. W. P. Douthitt................................ Scattering........................... 308 42...................................... Henry Fox.............................. 107 11. J. L. Weightman..................... 95 Scattering............................. 203 511 43 Miami............................ William Chesnut..................... 84 39 Thomas Roberts.. 45......... 129 44.................................... T. H. Ellis............................... 134 134 134 45................................... W. G. McCollock..................... 93 29. R. Hiner................................. 64......... 15 420 46 Linn.............................. William Snooks....................... 45 1 Richard Hill........................... 44......... 89 47....................................... J. H. Belding........................... 87 87 87 48.........Samuel yres.......................... 53 53 53 49..................................... Jeff. Fleming.......................... 102 102 102 331 50 Bourbon........................ William Stone................. 55 47. A. Warner....................... 8....... 3 51. R. P. Stevens....................... 51 28. M. T. Jones............................. 23 J. Hawkins............................. 19.... 93 52...................................... D. R. Cobb.............7................ 87 87 87 53...................................... J. G. Miller............................. 176 174 G. A. Revnolds........................ 2......... 178 421 54 Allen............................. D. Rogers................................ 142 42. J. R. Goodin........................... 100......... 242 55....................................... J. M. Evans............................ 35 3. J. W. Scott.. 32...................... 67 309 56 Anderson........................ Henry Cavender..................... 86 14. Isaac H ic............................. 72.... James Adams.......................... 7......... 165 57...................................... B. M. ingo............................. 72 59. R. Kirkland............................. 13......... 85 250 58 Franklin........................ Isaiah Pile.............................. 81 78.... Scattering........................ 3 84....... 59 J e.......................... es N. Smith................ 80..... 80" 80 164 60 Osage.James Rogers................. 99 1. P. C. Schuyler........................ 97 197 61 Coffey........................... Job Throckmlorton.................. 137 111. Joseph Jenks.......................... 26.. 163 62 William R. Saunders.. 98 23......... Abijah Jones.. 75....................... 173 336 63 Woodson........................ A. W. Pickering..................... 80 80 80 80 64 Lyon............................. C.. Eskridge......................... 13 17.... Jacob Stotler........................... 118.. 253 65....................................... A. K. Hawks.......................... 62 16. G. H. Lillie.............................. 46. Isaiah Booth........................... 26. E. H. Sanford........................ 29. W. H. Mickel.................... 4......... 167 66....................................... Joseph Frost........................ 56 10......... R. H. Abraham........................ 46.. 102 522 67 Butler........................... G. T. Donaldson....................... 19 4. L. Mi. Pratt........................ 13 34 34 68 Chase............................. A. L. Alford............................. 76 44 H. L. Scribner........................ 32......... 108 108 69 Morris........................... S. N. Wood............... 96........46. William Downing.................... 50......... 146 146 70 Wabaunsee..................... D. M. Johnstoni....................... 109 8. F. Weir................................... 24 W. Mitchell........................ 2...... 35 135 71 Davis................... P. Z. Taylor............................ 130 19 W. S. Gilbert................................... 241 241 23 354 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. VOTE FOR REPRESENTATIVES — (CONCLUDED.) Countie. Names., 72 Riley............................B. E. Fullington..................... 150 66 Robert Fleming....................... 84......... 234 234 73 Dickinson................. G. F. Hersey.69 69 69 69 74 Saline.................. H. L. Jones.............................. -42 20 I H. Whiteley........................... 22......... 64 64 75 Greenwood..................... James Kenner........................ 2 63 51 Jochan Keyes.......................... 12........ 75 75 Total....... I....1I|22,9 VOTE FOR SENATOR OF THE NINTH DISTRICT, DOUGLAS COUNTY, TO FILL A VACANCY. Robert G. Elliott............................................................................ 906 RECAPITULATION OF VOTES. CHIEF JUSTICE. Robert Crozier.......,.............................................................................................12, 731 Scattering............................................................................................................ 14 Total..........................................................................12,745 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. First District...................................................................................................... 3,279 Second District........................ 2,727 Third District.............................. 1,392 Fourth District.................................................................................................. 3,176 Fifth District................................ 1,464 Total.........................12, 038 REPRESENTATIVES. Total vote for all the candidates........................................1 2 992 NOVEMBER 19. —Speech of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, on the occasion of dedicating a National Cemetery.* "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now, we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final restingplace for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. "But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow, this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work that they have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." NOVEMBER 24. —Capture of Lookout Mountain —the "fight above the clouds." *" There is what I call the American Idea. This Idea demands, as the proximate organization thereof, a Democracy; that is, a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people; of course, a government of the Principles of Eternal Justice, the unchanging Law of God: for shortness' sake I will call it the Idea of Freedom."-THEODORE PARKER. Speech at the New England Anti-Slavery Convention, Boston, 3M1ay 29, 1850. 1863.] ANNALS OF KAIVSAS. 355 NOVEMBER 30. —Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $4,230 00 Judiciary Department........... 15,243 58 Secretary's Department............ 5,025 84 Legislature and Journals......... 26,918 23 Auditor's Department............... 3,340 83 Printing Department................. 9,132 89 Treasurer's Department............ 2,116 00 Educating deaf and dumb.......... 913 85 Superintendent of Public In- Capitol grounds........................ 1,000 00 struction................................ 1,648 30 Selecting agricultural lands....... 1,000 00 Attorney General..................... 1,120 58 Miscellaneous accounts.............. 13,723 14 Quartermaster General.............. 500 00 AdjQ~ut~anr~t G~~eneraG1 Total for 1863..... $86,869 24 Adjutant General..................... 9,57 00.................. DECEMBER 1. —Death of Lyman Allen, at Lawrence. He came to Kansas in March, 1855, filled many public positions, and was a man of high character. -The Lawrence bridge is nearly completed. It is 690 feet in length. It has been built by C. W. Babcock, E. D. Thompson, Josiah Miller, and M. J. Parrott. DECEMBER 10.-The State "capitol building," so called, built by Mills, Farnsworth, Gordon, and Gage, completed and leased to the State. DECEMBER 11. —Death of J. W. Robinson, Surgeon of the Second Kansas, at Fort Smith. He was generally believed to be innocent of intentional wrong-doing in the sale of the State bonds —an illegal act for which he was impeached, as Secretary of State, and removed from office. No other Kansas politician has died of a broken heart. DECEMBER 16.-The Conservative reviews a pamphlet published by M. Neidner & Co., St. Louis, 1854. It is entitled "Negro Slavery No Evil, or the North and the South," and is a "Report Made to the Platte County Self-Defensive Association, by a Committee, through B. F. Stringfellow, Chairman." To the men sent to Kansas by the Emigrant Aid Societies the writer says: "We offer no argument but that of the strong arm;" "they are to us as would be a band of Blackfeet or Camanches;" "we would be justified in marching to their camp, and driving them back to their dens, without waiting for their attack;" "robbers and murderers have no right to call on the law for protection." The pamphlet contains forty pages. -The Second Kansas (colored) is in camp at Fort Smith, Ark. -Mr. Brinkerhoff, the pioneer conductor of the K. P., arrives. DECEMBER 18. —Col. Wm. A. Phillips defeats a Rebel force n.ear Fort Gibson. DECEMBER 19.-Fort Gibson attacked by Stand Waitie; he is repulsed. DECEMBER 22.- Wilkes Booth plays Richard III at the Leavenworth Theatre. DECEMBER 22.- The following is copied from the report made to I. T. Goodnow, Superintendent of Public Instruction, by Joseph Denison, President of the Agricultural College: "The commissioners, appointed to locate the lands donated by Congress to the Kansas State Agricultural College, have done their work very faithfully, as we have good evidence to believe, having visited and inspected each quarter-section in person; and they affirm that each quarter-section is suitable to make a good farm. The 90,000 acres of land for the endowment of the College are mostly located (76,000 acres) and designated, and their minimum value cannot be less than $2.50 per acre, making the minimum value of the endowment two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($225,000.) Add to this the value of the College buildings, with the library, etc., and one hundred acres of land adjoining, estimated in July last at $25,000, and since increased by donations in 356 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. musical instruments, electrical machines, furniture, etc., about $900, and you have the present assets of the institution. About $600 more are already pledged to the institution, by subscription, and this amount is expected to be still largely increased." DECEMBER 31.-The Directors of the Penitentiary report that they have made a contract for building a Penitentiary. DECEMBER 31.-W. W. Guthrie, Attorney General, makes a report which is published with the State documents - a good precedent. DECEMBER 31.-The report of the Secretary of State contains a list of the lands selected by E. P. Bancroft, H. B. Denman and S. E. Hoffman for the State. They are: 46,080 acres, containing twelve salt springs, granted by Congress by the Act of Admission and confirmed to the State by the Secretary of the Interior; 6,376.36 acres for public buildings; 48,886.35 acres for the State University; 17,638.59 acres confirmed to the State in lieu of sections 16 and 36 which had been settled upon and disposed of before the surveys -total number of acres selected, 115,981.50; DECEMBER 31. —P. A. Emery reports fifteen pupils in his deaf-mute school at Baldwin City, Douglas county. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS- CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Charles W. Blair........... Nov. 20, 1863 Mustered out on detached roll, Leavenworth, LIEUT. COLONEL. Kansas, Aug. 21, 1865, to date Aug. 11, 1865. Charles W. Blair........... Sept. 26, 1863 Promoted Colonel, November 20, 1863. John G. Brown............ May 5, 1864 Resigned, August 5, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. J. Finn Hill.................. Nov. 22, 1864 Died of pulmonary consumption, St. Louis, Missouri, May 11, 1865. Albert J. Briggs............ June 3, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, June 25, 1865. MAJOR. Daniel H. David............ Sept. 26, 1863 Dismissed, January 7,1864, Fort Smith, Ark. Charles Willetts........... Nov. 12, 1863 Resigned, April 28, 1865, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. John G. Brown............ Nov. 20,.1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, March 5, 1864. J. Finn Hill................. Jan. 20, 1864 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 22, 1864. William O. Gould......... Mar. 19, 1864 Mustered out on detached roll, Leavenworth, Kansas, Aug. 22, 1865, to date Aug. 11, 1865. Albert J. Briggs............ May 4, 1865 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, June 3, 1865. William N. Bixby......... June 3, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. ADJUTANT. William O. Gould......... Nov. 1, 1863 Promoted Major, March 19, 1864. Alexander D. Nieman....July 29, 1864 Promoted Captain Company D, June 4, 1865. George W. Williams..... June 10, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. QUARTERMASTER. George W. Huston........ Oct. 17, 1863 Prisoner of war from June 18, 1864, to May 27, COMMISSARY., 1865'; mustered out with regiment. Josiah C. Haskell........ Nov. 9, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. Count S. Steel............... June 3,1865 Died of pneumonia on board steamer, on the SURGEON. Arkansas river, May 4,1865. Albert W. Chenoweth... Jan. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. ASST. SURGEON. Albert W. Chenoweth... Aug. 21, 1863 Promoted Surgeon, January 1, 1864. Willis J. Peak.............. Aug. 20, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remar ks. CAPTAIN. William Larimer, jr...... Aug. 12, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Colden C. Whitman...... May 19,1863 Killed by guerillas, near Waldron, Arkansas, September 19, 1864. Alexander D. Nieman... Nov. 11, 1863 Promoted Adjutant, July 29, 1864. SECOND LIEUT. Robert H. Pierce........... Aug. 24, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 357 qoMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles H. Haynes........ June 18, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT, James Morris............... June 18, 1863 Dismissed, March 4, 1865, Pine Bluff, Ark., per S. 0. 36, from Headq'rs Dept. of Arkansas. Judson B. Taylor......... Mar. 4, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Andrew M. Anderson... June 18, 186J Discharged, Dec. 2, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark., per S. 0. 99, Dept. of Arkansas. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles Willetts............ Aug. 6, 1863 Promoted Major, November 12, 1863. Benjamin F. Henry...... Feb. 23, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John G. Brown............ Aug. 6, 1863 Promoted Major, November 20, 1863. William C. Smith.......... Feb. 23, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. J. F. Dalton.................. Aug. 6, 1863 Dishonorably mustered out of service, Aug. 26, 1864, to date Jan. 21, 1864, Fort Smith, Ark. Pemberton R. Eves....... July 29, 1864 Mustered out, April 13, 1865. Andrew J. Mowry......... June 4, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William N. Bixby......... Sept. 5, 1863 Promoted Major, June 3,1865. Alexander D. Nieman... June 4, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Samuel L. Jennings...... Sept. 5, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. William N. Bixby......... Aug. 14, 1863 Promoted Captain, September 5, 1863. SECOND LIEUT. James H. Berry............ Sept. 5, 1863 Dismissed the service, January 27, 1864. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George J. Clark............. Aug. 21, 1863 Mustered out on detached roll, Fort Scott, Kas., FIRST LIEUT. Auguist 11, 1865. Benjamin F. Josling...... Aug. 21, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William B. Clark........... Sept. 16, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Albert J. Briggs............ Aug. 26, 1863 Promoted Major, June 3, 1865. John A. Huff............... June 4, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John A. Huff............... Aug. 26, 1863 Promoted Captain, June 4, 1865. William D. Parish......... June 7, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William D. Parish......... Aug. 26, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, June 7, 1865. 358 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Albert H. Campbell...... Sept. 8, 1863 Mustered out, March 20, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Count S. Steel............... Sept. 8, 1863 Promoted Regimental Commissary, June 3,'65. John A. English........... June 4, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. James M. Kilgore......... Sept. 8, 1864 Mustered out, July 1, 1864, at Little Rock, Ark. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas Stephenson...... Sept. 26, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James A. Ogan.............. Sept. 26, 1863 Dismissed the service, August 2, 1865, at LawSECOND LIEUT. rence, Kansas. Dudley Sawyer............. Sept. 26, 1863 Mustered out, August 2, 1865. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. |Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Merimoth O. Teeple......[ Nov. 4, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. George L. Bowen........... Nov. 4, 1863 Resigned, February 11, 1865. Joseph Rickabaugh........ Apr. 20, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Joseph Rickabaugh........ Nov. 4, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, April 20, 1865. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Godfrey B. Nuzum........[ Feb. 19, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Josephus Utt. Nov. 5, 1863 Resigned, July 28, 1864, at Fort Smith, Ark. David Handley............ Sept. 26, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Henry Minton.............. Feb. 7, 1864 Must. out with reg't, June 25,'65; was prisoner of war from April 26, 1864, to April 15, 1865. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of Muste'. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles Harris.............. Oct. 20, 1863 Dismissed the service, June 3,'65, Little Rock, FIRST LIEUT. Ark. Charles Harris............. July 30, 1863 Promoted Captain, October 20, 1863. Joseph Pratt................. Oct. 20, 1863 Discharged, Fort Smith, Ark., April 28, 1865, to date November 29, 1864 William Jones.............. Apr. 18, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William Writtenberry... Oct. 19, 1863 Resigned, February 11, 1865. COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Muaster. Remaks. FIRST LIEUT. Alexander F. Barnes.....[ July 1, 1864 Killed in Cherokee Nation, date unknown. George Patterson........... May 31, 1865f Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William L. Trott............Deserted, Fort Gibson, C. N., Sept. 2, 1864. [~ 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 359 List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Waldron (Co. A)-Killed, O., 1; wounded, E. M., 2; missing, E. M., 1. Baxter Springs (A)- Killed, E. M., 17; wounded, E. M., 3; missing, E. M., 5. Flint Creek-Killed, E. M., 1. Prairie D'Ann- Missing, E. M., 2. Poison Springs — Missing, E. M., 4. Jenkins's Ferry-No loss. OzarkKilled, E. M., 2; missing, E. M., 1. Camp Verdigris (M) —No loss. Cabin Creek-Missing, E. M., 3. Vache Grass - Killed, E. M., 8; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 1; missing, E. M., 4. Big Blue - Killed, E. M., 1. —U. S. Army Register. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS —CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Charles R. Jennison...... Oct. 17, 1863 Wm. F. Cloud............... July 26, 1865 Mustered out, Oct. 19, 1865, at Leavenworth. LIEUT. COLONEL. George H. Hoyt............ Oct. 17, 1863 Resigned, July 19, 1865; promoted Brev. Brig. Gen., March 13, 1865. Henry C. Haas.............. Sept. 3, 1865 Mustered out, Oct. 19, 1865, Leavenworth. MAJOR. Robert H. Hunt............ Oct. 2, 1863 Promoted Brev. Lt. Col., June 19, 1865. John M. Laing.............. Oct. 19, 1863 Henry C. Haas............. Oct. 20, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Sept. 3, 1865. Benj. F. Simpson........... June 7, 1865 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. Leroy J. Beam.......... Sept. 27, 1865 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. ADJUTANT. Joseph Mackle.............. Sept. 1, 1863 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. QUARTERMASTER. George W. Carpenter..... Sept. 1, 1863 Promoted Captain and A. Q. M.. U. S. Vols., November 22, 1864. Samuel P. Warren......... Mar. 22, 1864 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. COMMISSARY. John Francis................. Oct. 27, 1863 Resigned, June 12, 1865. George E. Clark............ Aug. 20, 1865 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. SURGEON. Aug. E. Denning........... Sept. 28, 1863 Died, Leavenworth, January 6, 1864. Edward Twiss............... June 14, 1864 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. ASSIST. SURGEON. Edward Twiss............... Oct. 31, 1863 Promoted Surgeon, June 14, 1864. Samuel Ashmore........... Sept. 27, 1864 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. CHAPLAIN. Benj. L. Read................ Oct. 23, 1863 Mustered out, October 19, 1865. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of.Mluster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John A. Wanless........... Nov. 23, 1863 Wm. H. Morris............ June 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment, October 19, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. James Wilson............... Sept. 17, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. D. W. Wallingford......... Aug. 29, 1863 Honorably discharged, April 28, 1865. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John L. Thompson....... Oct. 6, 1863 Dismissed the service, March 20, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. John Murphy............... Sept. 17, 1863 Transferred to Company C, August 22, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. David J. M. Wood......... Mar. 18, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. 360 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of ifuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Benjamin F. Simpson.... Oct. 6, 1863 Promoted Major, June 7, 1865. James H. Young........... May 14, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Joseph Phillips............. Sept. 18, 1863 Resigned, May 20, 1865, Paola, Kas. John Murphy............... Sept. 17, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Isom Smith.................. Oct. 6, 1863 Resigned, April 30, 1864. Ralph J. Farnsworth.... June 15, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of.IMlster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Tyrus J. Hurd.............. Nov. 19, 1863 Resigned, June 13, 1865. Leroy J. Beam.............. Aug. 15, 1865 Promoted Major, September 27, 1865. Darius J. Lobdell.......... Sept. 26, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Abraln Ellis.................. Sept. 11, 1863 Resigned, February 22, 1865. Leroy J. Beani.............. May 10, 1865 Promoted Captain, August 15, 1865. Edward Thomles........... Oct. 4, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Leroy J. Beam.............. Oct. 2, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, May 10, 1865. Darius J. Lobdell.......... May 10, 1865 Promoted Captain, September 26, 1865. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Curtiss Johnson............ Nov. 24, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John T. Smith.............. Dec. 11, 1863 Resigned, May 30, 1865. William H. H. Grinter.. Oct. 10, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William H. Bisbee......... Nov. 9, 1863 Mustered out, May 18, 1865. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Mluster. Remnaks. CAPTAIN. Orren A. Curtis............ Oct. 2, 1863 Mustered out, to date April 27, 1865. Robert F. Bowman........ June 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas J. Bragg........... Oct. 2, 1863 Dismissed the service, July 25, 1864, per sentence G. C. M. Luther H. Wentworth... Sept. 8, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Robert F. Bowman....... Oct. 2,1863 Promoted Captain, June 7, 1865. Allison J. Pliley........... Sept. 1, 1865 Discharged. July 31, 1865, per S. O. No. 9, Headquarters Dept. Missouri. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of.ifuster. Remnarks. CAPTAIN. Charles 0. Smith........... Sept. 26, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Francis M. Hall............ Sept. 16, 1863 Resigned, August 14, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Henry L. Barker........... Nov. 14, 1863 Resigned, September 22, 1865. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 361 COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Oscar F. Dunlap............ Oct. 2, 1863 Resigned, June 10, 1865. Jacob A. Sloneker......... Oct. 7, 1865 Mustered out, Dec. 7, 1865, Fort Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. Reeder M. Fish............ Oct. 2, 1863 Dismissed the service per S. O. No. 232, W. D., A. G. O., July 9, 1864. L. Craig Shields............ Nov. 23, 1864 Mustered out with company. SECOND LIEUT. Francis E. Smith........... Oct. 2, 1863 Dismissed the service per G. O. No. 232, W. D., A. G. O., June 9, 1864. Edward Gill.................. Sept. 20, 1864 Mustered out with company. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel W. Greer.......... Oct. 14, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Stutely S. Nichols......... Oct. 14, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William H. Morris........ Oct. 14, 1863 Promoted Captain Co. A, June 9, 1865. Zena A. Mason.............. July 19, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Joseph B. Swain............ Oct. 10, 1863 Dismissed the service, March 20,'65; reinstated, to date March 20, 1865, per S. O. 224, W. D. Anson J. Walker........... May 24,1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. George W. Roberts........ Oct. 10, 1863 Dismissed, May 23,'64, by gen'l court martial. Hiram E. Turner.......... July 8, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John H. Roberts........... Oct. 10, 1863 Dismissed, May 23,'64, by gen'l court martial. Justin N. Ayers............ July 9, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Dick D. Rooks.............. Oct. 16, 1863 Died of pneumonia, Ft. Scott, Kan., March 15,'64. Orloff Norton............... Mar. 28, 1864 Killed by guerillas, Cane Hill, Ark., Nov. 11,'64. Alonzo Donovan........... Jan. 14, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Alonzo Donovan........... Sept. 29, 1863 Promoted Captain, January 14, 1865. Henry Gronheim.......... Jan. 14, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Orloff Norton.............. Nov. 14, 1863 Promoted Captain, March 28, 1864. Henry Gronheim......... April 8, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 14, 1865. David M. Wood............ Nov. 18, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Mustei. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Edward B. Metz............ Oct. 17, 1863 Dismissed the service, May 12, 1865, per sentence of G. C. M. William A. Johnson..... June 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Emmett Goss............... Oct. 8, 1863 Killed by guerillas, November 12, 1864, near Cane Hill, Arkansas. Jacob A. Sloneker......... Dec. 27, 1864 Promoted Captain Company H, October 7,1865. SECOND LIEUT. William A. Johnson...... Oct. 17, 1863 Promoted Captain, June 9, 1865. Edmund Mercer............July 20, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. 362 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. NEW COMPANY B. Namre and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Livingston G. Parker.... April 29, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Henry N. Dunlap......... June 1, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William F. Goble......... May 30, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Clear Creek (Cos. D and L) —Wounded, E. M., 2. Lexington - Wounded, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 1. Little Blue-Killed, E. M., 3; wounded, O. 2, E. M. 35. Independence -Wounded, E. M., 2; missing, E. M., 6. Big Blue-Killed, E. M., 2; wounded, 0. 1, E. M. 21; missing, E. M., 3. Osage-Missing, E. M., 1. Newtonia -Wounded, E. M., 10.U. S. Army Register. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS —CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Werter R. Davis............ Oct. 8, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, Nov. 28, 1865. LIEUT. COLONEL. Werter R. Davis............ Mar. 10, 1864 Promoted Colonel, October 8, 1864. Samuel Walker............ Oct. 8, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, Dec. 6, 1865. MAJOR. James A. Price.............. Feb. 29, 1864 Resigned, October 7, 1864. Wilber F. Woodworth... April 27, 1864 Resigned, June 20, 1865. James Ketner............... Oct. 8, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, December 6, 1865; promoted Brevet Colonel, March 13, 1865. Clarkson Reynolds........ Oct. 8, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, December 6, 1865. ADJUTANT. Philip Doppler.............. Nov. 18, 1863 Promoted Captain Company E, Feb. 4, 1865. Jonas G. Dodge............ Mar. 20, 1865 Mustered out, November 28, 1865. QUARTERMASTER. William B. Halyard...... Nov. 24, 1863 Mustered out, November 28, 1865. COMMISSARY. William P. Miller........ June 30, 1864 Mustered out, November 28, 1865. SURGEON. James P. Erickson.........July 1, 1864 Died of chronic dysentery, Fort Conner, D. T., September 21, 1865. John A. Hart............... Nov. 16, 1865 Mustered out, November 28, 1865. ASSIST. SURGEON. George A. Benjamin..... Mar. 6, 1865 Dismissed for incompetency, March 18, 1865, to date from muster-in. John A. Hart................ May 20, 1865 Promoted Surgeon, November 16, 1865. CHAPLAIN. Thomas J. Ferril.......... Oct. 8, 1864 Mustered out, November 28, 1865. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of M'uster.. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nathan Ames............... Nov. 12, 1863 Mustered out'with regiment, Dec. 6, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. Alexander Montgomery Feb. 13, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Alfred Thornbrugh...... Jan. 23, 1864 Discharged for disability, May 8, 1865. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 363 COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Albert S. W. Knapper... Dec. 19, 1863 Cashiered per S. O. No. 45, Dept. of Kansas, dated Leavenworth, Kansas, August 19, 1864. John K. Wright............ Oct. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. McGinly M. Neely........ Jan. 21, 1864 Promoted Captain Co. E, October 9, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. John K. Wright............ Feb. 2, 1864 Promoted Captain, October 1, 1864. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. [Date of 1uster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Shubial P. Thompson... Jan. 13, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James W. Hendrix........ Dec. 22, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William R. Lambdin.... Jan. 9, 1864 Resigned, March -, 1864. Charles Ballance........... Mar. 15, 1864 Promoted First Lieut. Co. G, October 7, 1865. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Kendall............... Feb. 4, 1864 Dismissed the service per special order No. 276, FIRST LIEUT. Department Missouri, series of 1865. Henry T. Stith.............. Dec. 29, 1863 Dismissed the service per special order No. 15, War Department, dated January 10, 1865. James L. Walker.,......... Mar. 31, 1865 Died, October 22, 1865, of gunshot wounds. SECOND LIEUT. Silas Dexter.................. Feb. 5, 1864 Discharged per S. O. 433, W. D., dated August 11, 1865, to take effect January 10, 1865. James A. Spencer......... Feb. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Philip Doppler.............. Feb. 4, 1865 Resigned, June 20, i1865. McGinly M. Neely........ Oct. 9, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Charles Guenther......... Jan. 7, 1864 Promoted Captain Co. M., November 3, 1864. Esculapius Buckmaster. Nov. 1, 1864 Resigned, July 17, 1865. Thomas E. Mills............ Nov. 22, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Esculapius Buckmaster. Mar. 16, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant, November 1, 1864. Thomas E. Mills............ Jan. 12, 1865 Promoted First Lieutenant, Nov. 22, 1865. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Adoniram J. Miller...... April 27, 1864 Resigned, June 15, 1865. Andrew J. Barber......... Sept. 25, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Hiram Malotte.............. Jan. 21, 1864 Dismissed the service, March 8, 1865. Andrew J. Barber......... April 14, 1865 Promoted Captain, September 25, 1865. Franklin Ellis.............. Nov. 16, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Jeremiah H. Malcomb... April 29, 1864 Discharged, January 27, 1865, per S. O. No. 23, from Headquarters Department of Kansas. 364 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John W. Hall............... Mar. 2, 1864 Resigned, June 28, 1865. Euphrates Shepherd..... Oct. 7, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John W. Hall............... Jan. 22, 1864 Promoted Captain, March 2, 1864. Jacob H. Cassidy........... Mar. 2, 1864 Resigned, June 30, 1865. Charles Ballance........... Oct. 7,1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Euphrates Shepherd...... Mar. 1, 1864 Promoted Captain, October 7, 1865. Samuel C. Gilliland....... Oct. 7, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. H. W. Stubblefield......... April 2, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Wesley T. Smith....M..... Mar. 16, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. David J. Keller............. April 2) 1864 Resigned, July 27,1865. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Absalom Hyde.............. June 18, 1864 Mustered out with company, Nov. 28, 1865. FIRST LIEUT. George R. Barricklow... April 13, 1864 Mustered out with company, Nov. 28, 1865. SECOND LIEUT. Charles Byer................ June 10, 1864 Resigned, November 22, 1865. COMPANY K. name and Rank. |Date of Muster.| Remarks. CAPTAIN. Nathaniel C. Cradit...... Oct. 1, 1864 Discharged April 21, 1865, per S. 0. 178, W. D. Bradford S. Bassett...... May 17, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Michael C. Clary........... May 5, 1864 Resigned, September 6, 1865. John S. Edie............... Nov. 25, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John S. Edie.............. Oct. 12, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant, November 25, 1865. COMPANY L. Namedand Rank. Date of Mfuster. Remzarks. CAPTAIN. William B. Tompkins... Oct. 7, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. George Wolfe...............] May 4, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Ira G. Robertson........... Oct. 15, 1864 Promoted Captain Co. M, February 4,1865. William A. F. Ahrberg.. Feb. 10, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 365 COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of 3luster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas Hughes............ May 21, 1864 Dismissed the service, October 14, 1864. Charles Guenther......... Nov. 3, 1864 Resigned, June 21, 1865. Ira G. Robertson........... Feb. 4, 1865 Dismissed the service, June 14, 1865, per S. 0. No. 300, War Department. Thomas Flanagan......... Sept. 26, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas Hughes........... Mar. 10, 1864 Promoted Captain, May 21, 1864. Thomas Flanagan......... May 21, 1864 Promoted Captain, September 26, 1865. Joshua Mitchell............ Sept. 26, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Samuel P. Curtis........... June 4, 1864 Resigned, August 23, 1865. List of battles, etc., in which this regiment participated, showing loss reported in each: Camden Point (Co. F)-No loss. Lexington -No loss. Little Blue -Wounded, E. M., 3. Independence-Wounded, E. M., 1. Big BlueWounded, E. M., 2. Little Osage River —No loss. Newtonia —Killed, E. M., 3. Powder River —Killed, E. M., 1; wounded, E. M., 1.-U. S. Arsny Register. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS —INFANTRY. Namne and Rank. IDate of 1Muster. Remarks. LIEUT. COLONEL. Samuel A. Drake........... July 28, 1864 No evidence of muster-out on file. ADJUTANT. D.C. Strandridge........... July 28, 1864 No evidence of muster-out on file. QUARTERMASTER. B. D. Evans................ July 28, 1864 No evidence of muster-out on file. ASSISTANT SURGEON. George E. Budington. July 28, 1864 No evidence of muster-out on file. COMPANY A. Vame and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John W. Murphy.......... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, Nov. 16, 1864. FIRST LIEUT. George DeSanno............July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. James Kelsey............... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of MIluster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. William C. Barnes......... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Isaac W. Houts............ July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Thomas G. Peppard...... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY C, Nfame and Rank. Date of MIuster. Remarks. FIRST LIEUT. Asa R. Bancroft............ July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Mincher Condray......... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. 366 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Richard D. Mobley....... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Mason M. Hovey........... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Albion H. Whitcomb..... July 28, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Herbert Robinson........ Aug. 18, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Perry G. Noel............... Aug. 18, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John T. McKown......... Aug. 20, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND REGIMENT KANSAS COLORED VOLUNTEERS-INFANTRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Samuel J. Crawford...... Nov. 1, 1863 Resigned, December 2, 1864; promoted BrigaLIEUT. COLONEL. dier General by brevet, March 13, 1865. Horatio Knowles.......... Nov. 1, 1863 Resigned, May 24, 1864, Little Rock Ark. James H. Gillpatrick.... Nov. 9, 1864 Mustered out with regiment, October 9, 1865. MAJOR. James H. Gillpatrick.... Oct. 1, 1863 Promoted Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 9, 1864. Jerome A. Soward......... Dec. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. ADJUTANT. John R. Montgomery.... July 14, 1863 Promoted Captain Company E, January 1,1865. William D. Clark.......... Apr. 8, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. QUARTERMASTER. Edwin Stokes............... Aug. 12, 1863 Resigned, April 22, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. George E. Hutchinson... Apr. 11, 1863 Transferred to Company D, September 17,1865. Reuben F. Playford...... Sept. 6, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SURGEON. George W. Wolgamott... Jan. 27, 1864 Resigned, April 22, 1864, Camden, Ark. D. A. Morse.................. Mar. 28, 1865 Resigned, July 11, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. ASST. SURGEON. Francis P. Thomas........ July 27, 1863 Discharged per S. O. 181, W. D., dated April 20, 1866, on account of insanity, to take effect May 5, 1865. Jesse D. Wood............... Nov. 1,1863 Mustered out with regiment. CHAPLAIN. Josiah B. McAfee.......... Nov. 6, 1863 Resigned, January 16, 1865. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Samuel Sanders............ Aug. 19, 1863 Resigned, June 2, 1864. Charles Scofield............ Apr. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Ralph E. Cook............... Aug. 19, 1863 Killed in action, Oct. 6,'63, Baxter Springs, C. N. John R. F. Shull........... Nov. 10, 1863 Resigned, March 8,1865. Jesse Buckman............. July 12, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Charles Scofield............ Aug. 19, 1863 Promoted Captain, April 11, 1865. 1863.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 367 COMPANY B. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Richard J. Hinton......... Oct. 21, 1863 No evidence of muster-out on file. FIRST LIEUT. John M. Cain............... Sept. 2, 1863 Promoted Captain Co. G, October 9, 1864. James M. Trant............ Jan. 16, 1865 Resigned, March 8, 1865. Joshua J. Locker........... July 12, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. James M. Trant............ Sept. 2, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 16, 1865. Joshua J. Locker........... Nov. 10, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 12, 1865. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James A. Soward........... Aug. 26, 1863 Promoted Major, December 1, 1864. Marcus F. Gillpatrick... Dec. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John E. Hayes.............. Aug. 26, 1863 Mustered out, to date December 11, 1864, per S. 0. No. 60, W. D., A. G. O., Feb. 10, 1866. George E. Hutchinson... Apr. 15, 1865 Promoted Regt'l Quartermaster, April 23, 1865. Thomas Adair.............. July 8, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Thomas Adair............. Aug. 26, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, July 8, 1865. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster.| Remarks. CAPTAIN. Frank Kister............... Sept. 4, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Reuben F. Playford...... Sept. 6, 1863 Transferred to field and staff as Regimental Quartermaster, September 17, 1865. George E. Hutchinson... Apr. 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William M. Mercer........ Sept. 4, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant Co. H, Dec. 1, 1864. Benjamin B. B. Reppert Apr. 23, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George W. Sands........... Sept. 10, 1863 Resigned, August -, 1864. John R. Montgomery... Jan. 1, 1865 Mustered out. on det. roll, Little Rock, Ark., FIRST LIEUT. January 10, 1866. Henry DeVilliers......... Sept. 10, 1863 Resigned, April 19, 1865. Ireneeus C. Myers......... July 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. William J. Brown......... Sept. 10, 1863 Resigned, February 12, 1864. Henry F.'Best..... Nov. 10, 1864 Promoted First Lieut. Co. G, July 11, 1865. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James Adams............... Oct. 20, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Samuel Kaisennan........ Oct. 20, 1863 Resigned, April 10, 1864, Little Rock, Ark. Isaiah Nichols............... Dec. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Isaiah Nichols.............. Oct. 20, 1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, December 1, 1864. 368 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1863. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Mulster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Ebenezer H. Curtiss...... Nov. 1, 1863 Resigned, April 22, 1864, Camden, Ark. John M. Cain............... Oct. 9; 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. David E.-Westervelt..... Nov. 1, 1863 Dismissed the service per S. O. No. 322, dated Headquarters Dep't Arkansas, Dec. 31, 1864. Henry F. Best............... July 11, 1865 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. George E. Hutchinson... Nov. 1, 1863 Prom. 1st Lt. and Reg'l Q. M., April 23, 1865. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Alexander Rush........... Nov. 1,1863 Killed in action April 30,1864, Jenkins's Ferry, Ark. Orlando S. Bartlett........ Nov. 10, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Orlando S. Bartlett........ Nov. 1, 1863 Promoted Captain, November 10, 1864. William M. Mercer........ Dec. 1, 1864 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT.' Daniel K. Harden......... Nov. 1,1863 Resigned. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. James L. Rafety........... Nov. 1, 1863 Dismissed the service per G. O. No. 71, dated FIRST LIEUT. Headquarters Dep't of Ark., July 13, 1865. Marcus F. Gillpatrick... Nov. 1, 1863 Promoted Captain Company C, Dec. 1, 1864. Harry C. Chase............ Dec. 1, 1864 No evidence of muster-out on file. SECOND LIEUT. Harry C. Chase............. Nov. 1,1863 Promoted First Lieutenant, Dec. 1, 1864. Ireneeus C. Myers. Nov. 10, 1864 Promoted First Lieutenant Co. E, July 11, 1865. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of.Mulcster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Branson...............Nov. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment.!FIRST LIEUT. William G. White......... Nov. 1, 1863 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Jesse Buckman............. Nov. 1, 1863 Promoted First Lieut. Co. A, July 11, 1865. THIRD KANSAS BATTERY —LIGHT ARTILLERY. Namne and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Henry Hopkins............. Nov. 27, 1861 Promoted Major 2d Kan. Cav., Oct. 15, 1863. John F. Aduddell......... Jan. 26, 1864 Mustered out, January 19i 1865. FIRST LIEUT. John F. Aduddell......... Oct. 28, 1861 Promoted Captain, January 26, 1864. Bradford S. Bassett........ Jan. 26, 1864 Mustered out, April 17, 1865, Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. Oscar F. Dunlap............ Oct. 28, 1861 Resigned, May 15, 1862. Bradford S. Bassett...... May 15, 1862 Promoted First Lieutenant, January 26, 1864. Levinus Harris............. Mar. 21, 1864 Mustered out, January 19, 1865. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS.. 369 List of battles in which this battery was engaged: Hazel Bottom -Wounded, E. M., 1; missing, E. M., 1. Shell's Mills - No loss. Old Fort Wayne - No loss. Cane Hill - No loss. Prairie Grove - No loss. Van Buren- No loss. Honey Springs — Killed, E. M., 2.U. S. Army Register. INDEPENDENT COLORED KANSAS BATTERY —LIGHT ARTILLERY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Hezekiah F. Douglass... Feb. 27, 1865 Mustered out, July 22, 1865, Leavenworth. FIRST LIEUT. William D. Mathews..... Feb. 27, 1865 Mustered out, July 22, 1865, Leavenworth. SECOND LIEUT. Patrick H. Minor......... Feb. 27, 1865 Died of disease, Leavenworth, March 22, 1865. 1864. JANUARY.-Publication of the first number of the Kansas Educational Journal. It continued to be published in book form through nine volumes and years, and was then continued about one year in a quarto form, ceasing to exist about the end of 1874. It was mainly supported by an annual appropriation made by the State. The first volume contains 344 pages. It is edited by H. D. McCarty, and printed at the Bulletin office, Leavenworth. The Associate Editors are D. P. Mitchell and B. L. Baldridge, Leavenworth; Richard Cordley and Miss Lois Reynolds, Lawrence; Peter McVicar and Mrs. E. H. Mabie, Topeka; James Rogers, Burlingame; R. K. McCartney, Grasshopper Falls; Isaac T. Goodnow, Manhattan; Miss H. A. Earhart, Pardee; Miss A. J. Ellinwood, Chicago, Ill.; and Miss Mary J. Watson, Emporia. The State Teachers' Association was formed at Leavenworth, September 29,1863. The first Teachers' Association in the State was formed at Leavenworth, March 14, 1863. The Journal published 32 pages a month. The April number gives the State Geological Corps: B. F. Mudge, State Geologist; Frederick Hawn, Assistant; G. C. Swallow, Paleologist; Tiffin Sinks, Chemist and Meteorologist; C. A. Logan, Botanist, with charge of the Sanitary Relations of the State. JANUARY 1.-Kansas made a military department, with Gen. Samuel R. Curtis in command. JANUARY 12.-Meeting of the State Agricultural Society, at Topeka. Officers: President, L. D. Bailey, of Douglas; Secretary, F. G. Adams, of Shawnee; Treasurer, Wm. Spriggs, of Anderson. Executive Committee: R. G. Elliott, of Douglas; J. W. Sponable, of Johnson; S. M. Strickler, of Davis; P. B. Maxson, of Lyon; S. S. Tipton, of Anderson; J. L. McDowell, of Leavenworth; J. L. Hidden, of Nemaha; C. Starns, of Leavenworth; J. P. Johnson, of Douglas; D. L. Lakin, of Jefferson. No Fair was held this year. JANUARY 12.-Meeting of the Legislature. 24 370 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. STATE SENATORS. Names. P. O. Address. County. 1 Abram Bennett.......................... Troy.................................. Doniphan. 1 Sol. Miller.................................. White Cloud....................... Doniphan. 2 Cassius G. Foster....................... Atchison............................. Atchison. 2 Joshua Wheeler.......................... Pardee................................ Atchison. 3 F. P. Fitzwilliam........................ Leavenworth................... Leavenworth. 3 Claudius B. Pierce...................... Leavenworth...................... Leavenworth. 3 John Wilson.............................. Leavenworth...................... Leavenworth. 4 A. W. Spalding.......................... Grasshopper........................ Jefferson. 5 Byron Sherry............................. Seneca............................... Br'wn and Nemaha 6 Rlufus Oursler............................. Circleville........................... Jackson and Pottawatomie. 7 Thomas H. Baker........................ Irving................................ Marshall,Riley and Washington. 8 David Brockway........................ Topeka.............................. Shawnee. 9 Robert G. Elliott........................ Lawrence........................... Douglas. 9 Wilber F. Woodworth................ Baldwin City..................... Douglas. 10 W. H. M. Fishback..................... Olathe................................. Johnson. 11 Johnson Clark........................... Osawatomie........................ Miami. 12 James McGrew........................... Wyandotte......................... Wyandotte. 13 David P. Lowe........................... Mound City........................ Linn. 14 Isaac Ford................................. Rockford........................... Bourbon. 15 M. R. Leonard.......................... Bazaar............................... Morris, Chase and Butler. 16 Orlin Thurston.......................... Humboldt.......................... Allen and Woodson 17 David M. Valentine.................... Peoria City........................ Anderson and Franklin. 18 F. W. Potter..................... Burlington.........................Coffey and Osage. 19 Perry B. Maxson......................... Fremont............................ Lyon and Greenw'd 20 Samuel M. Strickler.................... Junction City..................... Wabaunsee, Davis, D'kinson, Saline. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Name. Vote County. b Names. Vote Couuty. 1 J. P. Johnson........ 258 Doniphan. 39 J. A. Wakefield..... 169 Douglas. 2 W. J. Orem............ 167 Doniphan. 40 Wm. Draper........... 92 Douglas. 3 F. H. Drenning..... 104 Doniphan. 41 J. F. Cummings..... 308 Shawnee. 4 C. C. Camp............ 175 Doniphan. 42 Henry Fox............203 Shawnee. 5 J. W. Forman........ 166 Doniphan. 43 Win. Chestnut........ 129 Miami. 6 George W. Glick.... 195 Atchison. 44 Thomas H. Ellis.... 134 Miami. 7 Jacob Saqui........... 284 Atchison. 45 W. G. McColloch.... 157 Miami. 8 Asa Barnes............ 233 Atchison. 46 Wm. Snooks......... 89 Linn. 9 Boaz W. Williams.. 126 Atchison. 47 J. H. Belding......... 87 Linn. 10 J. C. Batsell............ 83 Atchison. 48 Samuel Ayers......... 53 Linn. 11 Ira J. Lacock......... 178 Brown. 49 Jefferson Fleming.. 102 Linn. 12 Geo. E. Irwin........ 118 Brown. 50 Wm. Stone............. 63 Bourbon. 13 Richard Bradley... 227 Nemaha. 51 R. P. Stevens......... 93 Bourbon. 14 J. S. Hidden........... 199 Nemaha. 52 D. R. Cobb............ 87 Bourbon. 15 J. D. Brumbaugh... 331 Marshall. 53 J. G. Miller............ 178 Bourbon. 16 G. H. Hollinberg... 48 Washington. 54 D. Rogers............... 142 Allen. 17 O. J. Grover........... 163 Pottaw'mie. 55 J. M. Evans............ 35 Allen. 18 J. W. Williams...... 311 Jackson. 56 H. Cavender........... 165 Anderson. 19 C. A. Beach........... 272 Jefferson. 57 Benj. M. Lingo...... 85 Anderson. 20 E. M. Hutchins..... 214 Jefferson. 58 Isaiah Pile............. 84 Franklin. 21 M. Barnes.............. 247 Jefferson. 59 James N. Smith..... 80 Franklin. 22 Wm. Freeland....... 498 Leavenw'th. 60 James Rogers........ 197 Osage. 23 Josiah Kellogg...... 492 Leavenw'th. 61 Job Throckmorton. 163 Coffey. 24 Geo. A. Moore........ 479 Leavenw'th. 62 Wm. R. Saunders.... 173 Coffey. 25 James B. Laing...... 431 Leavenw'th. 63 A. W. Pickering..... 80 Woodson. 26 J. W. Craig............ 176 Leavenw'th. 64 C. V. Eskridge........ 253 Lyon. 27 G. R. Houts........... 110 Leavenw'th. 65 A. K. Hawks.......... 167 Lyon. 28 D. F. Walker......... 121 Leavenw'th. 66 Joseph Frost......... 102 Lyon. 29 Thomas Trower..... 165 Leavenw'th.'67 G. T. Donelson\...... Butler. 30 B. H. Twombley..... 173 Leavenw'th. 68 A. L. Alford........... 108 Chase. 31 M. W. Bottom....... 341 Wyandotte. 69 S. N. Wood............ 146 Morris. 32. HI. Stratton........ 149 Johnson. 70 D. M. Johnston..... 135 Wabaunsee. 33 D. G. Campbell...... 120. Johnson. 71 P. Z. Taylor.......... 241 Davis. 34 Harry McBride...... 75 Johnson. 72 B. E. Fullington..... 234 Riley. 35 T. J. Sternbergh..... 254 Douglas. 73' T. F. Hersey......... 69 Dickinson. 36 James S. Emery..... 165 Douglas. 74 H. L. Jones............ 64 Saline.. 37 Clarkson Reynolds. 101 Douglas. 75 James Kenner...... 74 Greenwood. 38 Alois Thoman......... 129 Douglas. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 371 Officers of the Senate: John T. Morton, Secretary; John T. Weaver, Assistant Secretary; Alson I. Sherwood, Journal Clerk; W. F. Cotton, Docket Clerk; John Van Horn, Engrossing Clerk; H. A. Cook, Sergeant-at-Arms; Leroy Crandall, Doorkeeper; A. L. Bartlett, Messenger. Officers of the House: Josiah Kellogg, Speaker; W. R. Saunders, Speaker pro tern.; A. R. Banks, Chief Clerk; J. B. Oliver, Assistant Clerk; H. P. Welsh, Journal Clerk; H. B. Waldron, Docket Clerk; C. S. Lambdin, Enrolling Clerk; D. F. Drinkwater, Engrossing Clerk; H. A. Burgess, Sergeant-at:Arms; Edward Cobb, Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms; - Detrick, Doorkeeper. JANUARY 13.-Message from Governor Carney. JANUARY 18. —Robt. G. Elliott takes his seat in the Senate, as the successor of S. M. Thorp, killed in the Lawrence Massacre. JANUARY 25.-Burning of Stockton's Hall, the Union Theatre building, Leavenworth. JANUARY 29. —General Thayer succeeds General McNeil in command of the District of the Frontier. JANUARY 30.-A wagon train, loaded with Fort Scott coal, arrives in Leavenworth. -The Annual Register gives the following list of the Baptist Ministers in the State: Names. Post Office. County. Alderson, L. A................................ Atchison.................. Atchison. Alward, E...................................... Topeka.................................. Shawnee. Alvord, Nelson..........,.................... Wathena.......................... Doniphan. Brant. R. C.................. Leavenworth City........................ Leavenworth. Barrett, T. W.................................. Leavenworth City........................ Leavenworth. Bell, G. W. S................................... Ottumwa................ Coffey. Curtis, Alonzo................................. Hiawatha................... Brown. Cabal, H.......................................... Elizabethtown.....................Allen. Dooley, Wm................................... Ottumwa............................. Coffey. Dean, A. H...................................... Paola................................... Miami. Evans, R. P.......... Lanesfield.................................... Johnson. Freeman, -............................... Fort Scott................................... Bourbon. Gibson, -.................................... Garnett................................. Anderson. Hutchinson, C.C............................ Lawrence.................................... Douglas. Harris, Israel................................. Humboldt..................................... Allen. Jones, J. T...................................... Ottawa Creek............................ Franklin. Kermott, W. J................................. Leavenworth City........................ Leavenworth. Lackey, J. M................................... Manhattan................................... Riley. Pratt, J. G....................................... Leavenworth City........................ Leavenworth. Perkins, A...................................... Atchison..................................... Atchison. Patterson,................................ Forest Hill................................... Lyon. Ritter, Joseph................................. Paris........................................... Linn. Sands, G. W................................... Elizabethtown............................. Allen. Taylor, J. B.................................... Waterloo..................................... Lyon. Upham, W.................................. Lawrence................................ Douglas. Veatch, E....................................... Lawrence................................ Douglas. Waddell, D........................ Atchison...................................... Atchison. Webb, S. M........................... Humboldt..................................... Allen. "The aggregate number of Baptist churches in Kansas is about forty-eight, and number of members, 1,231." JANUARY.-Indian Agents in the State: H. W. Farnsworth, of the Kaws; G. A. Cutler, of the Creeks; G. A. Colton, of the Weas, Peorias, Piankeshaws, Kaskaskias, and Miamis; P. P. Elder, of the Osages; H. W. Martin, of the Sac and Foxes; C. C. Hutchinson, of the Ottawas; C. B. Keith, of 372 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. the Kickapoos; Fielding Johnson, of the Delawares; J. B. Abbott, of the Shawnees; W. W. Ross, of the Pottawatomies. -The Annual Register says the first Minister of the Presbyterian Church (O. S.), who settled in Kansas, was Rev. S. M. Irvin. He was appointed by the Foreign Board to superintend the Iowa (Indian) Mission, near what is now Highland, in Doniphan county. This was in 1835. In the year 1857, the General Assembly, in session at Lexington, Ky., constituted two Presbyteries within the Territory, under the names of "Highland" and "Kansas." The former met and organized, November 6, at Highland, with three Ministers present, and two churches represented. The Ministers were S. M. Irvin, W. H. Honnell and D. A. Murdock; the churches represented were Highland and Lodiana, the latter in Brown county, near Kennekuk. The Presbytery of Kansas failed to organize, and was, by the Assembly of 1858, merged in that of Highland, which now covers the whole of Kansas and Colorado. There are now (1864) under its care twenty-two churches, with sixteen Ministers. The Presbytery at its last meeting, held in Leavenworth, adopted a paper by which their whole field is thrown into Missionary districts. Special attention is given to education, and the University of Highland, Mapleton Academy and Iola High School are affording excellent advantages to the youth of the State. Organized and growing churches may be found in Leavenworth, Lawrence, Atchison, Topeka, Highland, Lecompton, Salina, Bethel, Fort Scott, Carlyle, Burlingame, Twin Springs, Elm Grove, Denver City, and in other towns. -An article by Rev. James H. Defouri, of Topeka, in the Annual Register, says "the Catholic population of Kansas is from 15,000 to 20,000 souls, spread all over the State, in a great many congregations, large and small. The Right Rev. J. B. Miege, D. D., is the Bishop of the Diocese. Under him, to minister to the wants of Catholics, are eighteen priests and several religious communities." Leavenworth has the Cathedral, St. Mary's Academy, the largest boardingschool for young ladies in the State, directed by the Sisters of Charity, and a large Hospital under the care of the same Sisters. There is also a German Catholic Church. "Atchison County.-St. Benedict's Church, Rlev. Augustin Wirth, Pastor; Assistants, R. R. Thomas and X. Attached to the Church is St. Benedict's College, for young men, Very Rev. Wirth, Principal; also, a boarding-school for young ladies, under the direction of-the Benedictine Sisters. The counties of Atchison, Doniphan and Brown are attended from Atchison. "Pottawatomie County. —St. Mary's Mission Church of the Immaculate Conception, Very Rev. J. F. Deils, S. Y., Pastor; Assistants, R. R. Galland, Dumortier, and Laigniel, S. Y. A large school for Indian boys is under the direction of the Company of Jesus, Very Rev. J. F. Deils, Principal. Another school, for Indian girls, is under the direction of the ladies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Both schools are very numerous and flourishing. The counties of Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee, Riley, Morris, Davis, Dickinson, Saline, Chase, Lyon and Clay are attended from St. Mary's Mission. "Nemaha County.-Seneca Church of St. Patrick, Rev. John Meurs, Pastor. Under his direction is a Catholic school, and also the district school. The counties of Nemaha, Marshall, Jackson and Washington are attended from Seneca. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 373 "Shawnee County.-Topeka, Church of the Assumption of the B. V. M., Rev. James H Defouri, Pastor. Attached to the Church is a select school, in a prosperous condition; Principal, Rev. J. H. Defouri; Assistant, James J. Kennedy, Esq. The counties of Shawnee, Osage, Jefferson, and part of Douglas, are attended from Topeka. "Douglas County.-Lawrence, Church of St. John, Rev. Sebastian Farre, Pastor. The counties of Douglas, Johnson, Lykins and Franklin are attended from Lawrence. "Anderson County.-Near Scipio, Church of St. Boniface, Rev. Oloys Meyer, Pastor. The counties of Linn, Anderson and Coffey are attended from Scipio. "Osage Indian Land. —Catholic Mission, under the direction of the Fathers of the Company of Jesus. Church of St. Francis de Hieronymo, Very Rev. J. Schoenmakers, Pastor; Assistants, R. R. X. Hocken, and P. Ponzilione and X. The Jesuit Fathers, notwithstanding the losses sustained by them on account of the Southern Rebellion, direct a large school for boys. The Mission has also a large school for Indian girls, under the direction of the Sisters of Loretto. The counties of Bourbon, Allen, Woodson, Greenwood, etc., are attended from the Osage Mission." The Annual Register gives the following list of Ministers in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ: Josiah Terrel.........................Mound City. W. R. Eggleston...............Centralia. W. A. Cardwell.......................Big Springs. J. Rogers.........................Mount Florence. J. S. Gingerich........................Lawrence. S. B. McGrew...................Mound City. Samuel Kretsinger.................Black Jack. H. C. Dennison................Greeley. Martin Seliler.....................Ridgeway. L. O. Mouer....................Burlingame. W. Huffman.............. Lancaster....Lancaster. T. W. Jessup....................Burlingame. H. A. Bell..............................Mound City. A. P. Floyd....................Fremont. A. Prescott.............. Oskaloosa. B. F. Lewis................H......olton. Wm. Phillips..........................Hum boldt. J. H. Bonebrake..............Auburn. George Bonebrake..................Auburn. H. M. Greene..................Twin Mound. N. Bixler................................Emporia. B. F. Moore......................Lecompton. C. Zook.................................Holton. M. Husted.......................Burlington. A. M. Thornton.....................Richfield. D. Kling........................Manhattan. S. G. Elliott............................Fremont. H. D. Healey....................Tecumseh. E. Lewis.................................Holton. Aaron Silver.....................Big Blue. The following facts in regard to Marshall county are copied from the Annual Register: "Marshall county was first settled by A. G. Woodward, in 1848. He kept a trading post at Independence Crossing, on Big Blue, six miles south of Marysville. The next settler was F. J. Marshall, who settled where the present military road crosses Big Blue river, and where the present town site of Marysville is situated, in the year 1850, and established a ferry and trading post, and sold articles of merchandise to the California emigrants, and traded goods for furs with the different tribes of Indians, when the Big Blue valley was the hunting ground for the Pawnees, Cheyennes, Otoes, and Sioux Indians. The next settlements were made by John D. Wells on Black Vermilion, George Manley on Manley's creek, and George Guittard, sen., where Guittard's Station is now situated, on the military road, twelve miles east of Marysville. The county in 1860 contained a population of 2,280. "The first Probate Judge was Jame~ Doniphan, who held the first term on the 10th day of October, 1855, when the Probate Courts had jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases. "The first Sheriff was Alexander Clark, commissioned in October, 1855, and was killed in June, 1856, while attempting to arrest two horse thieves. "The first board of County Commissioners was W. N. Glenn, John D. Wells and A. M. L. Duncan. Their first session was in October, 1855." FEBRUARY 5.-Hawkins Taylor appointed Mail Agent. FEBRUARY 6.-Reception of the Seventh Kansas in Leavenworth. - John T. Snoddy and James D. Snoddy buy the Elwood Press of H. D. Hunt, and remove it to Mound City. 374 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. FEBRUARY 6.-The following Senators protest against the election of a U. S. Senator this winter: Abram Bennett, R. G. Elliott, M. R. Leonard, Jas. McGrew, Rufus Oursler, F. W. Potter, S. M. Strickler, and D. M. Valentine. Nineteen members of the House sign a similar protest. FEBRUARY 9. —Joint Convention of the two Houses to elect a U. S. -Senator for the term beginning March 4, 1865. The result of the vote was: For Thos. Carney, 68; "Against a fraud," 1; Excused and declined to vote, 27; Blank, 2. Governor Carney was declared elected. FEBRUARY 20.-Battle of Olustee, Fla. Colonel James Montgomery, of Kansas, and Colonel Thos. W. Higginson, of Massachusetts, commanding colored regiments, were in this engagement. "Our left column, Colonel Montgomery, came last into the fight, just in time to stop;a Rebel charge. The Fifty-fourth Massachusetts went in first, followed by the First North Carolina (both Black). They were of course overpowered; but the latter left its Lieut. Colonel, Major and Adjutant dead on the field. It was admitted that these two regiments had saved our little army from being routed.'- Greeley's Conflict, vol. lI, p. 531. FEBRUARY 29.-Reception of the Eighth Kansas in Leavenworth. MARCH 1. —Adjournment of the Legislature. Among the acts passed were the following: Allowing each county along the line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad to issue $200,000 in bonds for that road; Authorizing school districts to issue bonds; Providing for the election of County Attorneys; Appointing commissioners to locate a Blind Asylum in Wyandotte county; Authorizing Wyandotte county to issue $100,000 in bonds to the Union Pacific Railway Company, Eastern Division; Proposing an amendment to the Constitution, allowing soldiers and others to vote; Locating the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Olathe; Authorizing the Governor to appoint a State Geologist; Abolishing grand juries; Amending the act incorporating the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Fort Gibson Railroad Company (it authorizes a branch from Lawrence through the Wakarusa Valley, to the A. T. & S. F. R. R.); Establishing a Bureau of Immigration; Accepting the grant of lands for railroads made by Congress March 3, 1863; Changing the name of Sautrell Falls to Grasshopper Falls; Changing the site of the Penitentiary; Organizing the State Normal School; Organizing the University; Refunding to certain counties the Territorial taxes paid by them for 1860; and a law submitting to the people in November the question whether the School Lands shall be sold. MARCH 12.- Gen. Grant Commander-in-Chief. APRIL 10. —The first volume of Horace Greeley's American Conflict issued. It contains several chapters giving important events in our annals. APRIL 12.-William W. Bloss becomes one of the editors of the Conservative. APRIL 20.-The War Department credits the State with 1,529 colored troops. APRIL 20.-Thomas A. Osborn appointed U. S. Marshal. APRIL 21.-Republican State Convention at Topeka. Gov. Carney sends a letter to the Convention resigning all claims to the office of United States Senator. Called to order by Sidney Clarke. John W. Scott temporary Chairman, M. M. Murdock Secretary. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 375 Committee on Credentials: Foster, Irvin, Hoaglin, Reynolds, and Jones. Committee on Permanent Organization: McGrew, Guthrie, Thornton, Sherry, and Camp. Officers: President, John W. Scott, of Allen; Vice Presidents, S. H. Glenn of Atchison, A. G. Procter of Lyon, S. C. Russell of Douglas, W. S. Hoaglin of Jackson; Secretaries, M. M. Murdock, of Osage; J. W. Roberts, of Jefferson. Committee on Resolutions: Bowen, Foster, Sternberg, Hofmann. Danford, Procter, Strickler, McDowell, Snoddy. Vote for Delegates to the* Baltimore National Convention: James H. Lane 44, A. Carter Wilder 49, Thomas M. Bowen 49, W. W. H. Lawrence 49, Martin H. Insley 51, F. W. Potter 49. Alternates: C. W. Babcock 50, S. A. Cobb 50, John M. Price 49, Robert McBratney 48, G. A. Colton 50, H. W. Farnsworth 50. State Central Committee: Sidney Clarke, J. C. Burnett, J. M. Rankin, A. Low, James McCahon, W. S. Hoaglin, Jacob Stotler. The following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved, That the people of the State of Kansas have implicit confidence in the integrity, ability, prudence and patriotism of Abraham Lincoln. That he is their unqualified choice for re-election, and that a change in the Chief Executive at this critical time would prove detrimental to the cause of the Union and endanger our liberties as a people. "Resolved, That the delegates from this State to the Baltimore Convention be instructed to cast their votes, and exert their entire influence, to secure the renomination of Abraham Lincoln to the Presidency. "Resolved, That Slavery was the cause and now constitutes the strength of the Rebellion, and that we see no hope of permanent peace until the principles of Liberty enunciated in the Declaration of Independence are carried into practice, and that we subscribe to the doctrine of Universal Human Freedom. "Resolved, That the question whether Slavery is to be perpetuated or not is no longer exclusively a State, but a National one, and it is therefore proper that the Constitution of the United States should be so amended as to secure Freedom to every human being within its jurisdiction. "Resolved, That at this, the first Convention which has met since the session of the Legislature which perpetrated the Senatorial Swindle, we, the representatives of the people, for them and in their name, do set the seal of condemnation upon said act, and denounce it as a Fraud unparalleled in the history of political frauds. "Resolved, That we regard the law giving to our citizens in the United States volunteer service the privilege of exercising the elective franchise as an act of justice to those who are willing to imperil life in defence of our liberties. "Resolved, That the letter of Gov. Carney to this Convention, declining to consider himself a Senator, is another evidence of the weakness of any policy to obtain power under a Republican Government without the consent of the people." -Death of John T. Snoddy, recently Major in the Seventh Kansas, at Mound City. APRIL 30.-Battle at Jenkins's Ferry, the crossing of the Saline, Arkansas. Greeley's Conflict says: "We had one section of a battery on the field, but could not use it. A section of a Rebel battery appeared and fired one round, when the Twenty-ninth Iowa and Second Kansas charged across the field, and brought away the guns. "When all was over, and our men had crossed the river, Kirby Smith sent a flag of truce; but, finding only a burial party, instead of an army, he made haste to capture these and claim a victory." MAY 3.-Grant crosses the Rapidan. 376 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. MAY 4.-A despatch from Washington says Kansas has raised 4,500 troops in excess of all calls, and that there will be no draft. MAY 11.-Grant proposes "to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer." MAY 13.- S. A. Cobb is appointed Commissary, C. C. Willetts Paymaster, and C. L. Gorton Quartermaster. MAY.-Publication of the Second Annual Catalogue of Baker University, at Baldwin City. Board of Trustees: First year, H. D. Fisher, G. W. Paddock, S. Brooks, S. Parker; second year, S. Kieffer, J. W. Frame, S. N. Walker, W. G. Piper; third year, R. P. Duval, H. Barricklow, C. Steuckeman, S. H. Watson; fourth year, L. B. Dennis, N. Taylor, D. P. Mitchell, Geo. H. Weaver. The number of pupils is 204. The second annual address is delivered by Rev. D. P. Mitchell. The Kansas and Nebraska Annual Conference, held at Nebraska City, April 16, 1857, took the initiative in the establishment of Baker University. Rev. A. Still and Rev. L. B. Dennis were authorized to assign to the Methodist Episcopal Church bonds for 700 acres of land given by the Palmyra Town Company for an institution of learning. The building was begun in the winter of 1858.. In September, 1858, Rev. Werter R. Davis was elected President. He resigned June 25, 1862, and Rev. G. W. Paddock was elected President. JUNE 1. —Democratic State Convention at Topeka. Wilson Shannon, President; John R. Goodin, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: W. G. Mathias, Hugh S. Walsh, Isaac E. Eaton, J. P. Taylor, Judge Miller. The following delegates to the Chicago National Convention were elected: W. C. McDowell, Wilson Shannon, Orlin Thurston, L. B. Wheat, H. J. Strickler, J. P. Taylor. Presidential Electors: Nelson Cobb, Thomas Bridgens, John W. Forman. State Committee, W. P. Gambell, Isaac E. Eaton, Edward Carroll, E. J. Lines, H. S. Walsh, Dr. Milligan, Allen White, O. P. Haughawout, A. G. Otis. The Convention passed a resolution declaring it expedient to establish a Democratic journal in Leavenworth, and the following, offered by Mr. Gambell: "Resolved, That we are in favor of making Kansas a free white State." JUNE 1.-Railroad Convention of the Border Tier counties, at Paola; W. R. Wagstaff, President. The Convention asks for a land grant and appropriations for a railroad from the Missouri river to the Gulf. JUNE 4.-Neosho Valley Railroad Convention, at Emporia; S. M. Strickler, President. Articles of Association were drawn up for a railroad from a point near Fort Riley, through the Neosho Valley, in, the direction of Galveston. Robert M. Ruggles was made President of the Association. JuNE.-The first catalogue published of the Agricultural College; there are 108 pupils. JUNE 7, 8.-National Republican Convention at Baltimore. Nomination of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. JULY 1. —Act of Congress (chapter 198, U. S. Stats.) giving every alter 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 377 nate section of land designated by odd numbers, for ten sections in width on each side of the road, for a railroad and telegraph from Emporia, via Council Grove, to Fort Riley. The Wakarusa branch road is changed to run from Lawrence to Emporia, and is to receive the same grant made by the act of March 3, 1863. The Leavenworth, Lawrence & Ohio City road is required to run via Baldwin City. JULY 2.-The following is copied from the act of Congress (chapter 216, U. S. Stats.) relating to Pacific railroads: "SEc. 9... And provided further, That any company authorized by this act to construct its road-and telegraph from the Missouri river to the initial point aforesaid, may construct its road and telegraph line so as to connect with the Union Pacific Railroad at any point westwardly of such initial point, in case such company shall deem such westward connexion more practicable or desirable; and in aid of the construction of so much of its road and telegraph line as shall be a departure from the route hereinbefore provided for its road, such company shall be entitled to all the benefits, and be subject to all the conditions and restrictions of this act: Provided fisrther, however, That the bonds of the United States shall not be issued to such company for a greater amount than is hereinbefore provided, if the same had united with the Union Pacific Railroad on the 100th degree of longitude; nor shall such company be entitled to receive any greater amount of alternate sections of public lands than are also herein provided. " SEC. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Leavenworth, Pawnee & Western Railroad Company, now known as the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern Division, shall build the railroad from the mouth of the Kansas river, by way of Leavenworth; or. if that be not deemed the best route, then the said Company shall, within two years, build a railroad from the city of Leavenworth to unite with the main stem at or near the city of Lawrence; but to aid in the construction of said branch the said Company shall not be entitled to any bonds. And if the Union Pacific Railroad Company shall not be proceeding in good faith to build the said railroad through the Territories when the Leavenworth, Pawnee & Western Railroad'Company, now known as the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern Division, shall have completed their road to the 100th degree of longitude, then the last-named Company may proceed to make said road westward until it meets and connects with the'Central Pacific Railroad on the same line. And the said railroad from the mouth of Kansas river to the one hundredth meridian of longitude shall be made by the way of Lawrence and Topeka, or on the bank of the Kansas river opposite said towns: Provided, That no bonds shall be issued or land certified by the United States to any person or company for the construction of any part of the main trunk-line of said railroad west of the one hundredth meridian of longitude and east of the Rocky Mountains, until said road shall be completed from or near Omaha, on the Missouri river, to the said one hundredth meridian of longitude." JULY 2.-Report that Colonel Dan McCook, formerly of the First Kansas, is fatally wounded. -Captain William D. Mathews begins to raise a Colored Battery. — General Curtis authorized to raise a regiment of Hundred Days Men. It was called the Seventeenth. — Gold quoted 276. JULY 24.-Indian raids on Cow Creek and Fort Larned; stock and wagons stolen. JULY 27.-Samuel Hallett killed at Wyandotte. He was building the Pacific Railroad. — General Curtis in the Arkiansas Valley, in southwestern Kansas, establishing posts to protect the Santa Fe mail route. JULY 27."General Gano, with 1,500 Rebels, surprised an outpost of Fort Smith, held by Captain Mefford, with 200 of the Fifth Kansas, whom he captured, with 82 of his men, after 378 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. we had lost 10 killed, 15 wounded, to 12 killed, 20 wounded, of the enemy. Gano, of course, got away before he could be reached from Fort Smith."- Greeley's Conflict, vol. II, p. 555. AUGUST 3.-State Convention of colored men to ask that the word "white" be struck out of the Constitution. AUGUST 5.-Farragut's victory at Mobile Bay. AUGUST 10.-Serious Indian raid on the Little Blue, near Marysville. AUGUST 14.-Death of Judge Elmore. AUGUST 29.-Four companies of the Fifth Kansas, under Major Samuel Walker, arrive in Leavenworth from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. AUGUST 29.-National Democratic Convention, at Chicago. McClellan and Pendleton nominated for President and Vice President. SEPTEMBER 1.-Hood evacuates Atlanta. -In the fall, Frank G. Adams started the Atchison Daily Free Press. It was consolidated with the Champion in August, 1868. SEPTEMBER 6.-Fort Zarah established, by Gen. Curtis. SEPTEMBER 8.-Republican State Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by Jacob Stotler. M. R. Dutton, temporary Chairman; John T. Cox, Secretary. Committee on C~Oedentials: Emmert, of Bourbon; Tholen, of Leavenworth; Hunt, of Lyon; Ballard, of Washington; Riddle, of Jefferson. Committee on Permanent Organization: Sears, of Franklin; Shepherd, of Wabaunsee; McGrew, of Wyandotte; Low, of Doniphan; Limbocker, of Pottawatomie. Officers: President, J. T. Cox, of Coffey; Vice Presidents, Winm. M. Inman of Franklin, Capt. Bowman of Atchison, Winm. Tholen of Leavenworth, W. E. Bowker of Shawnee, Thaddeus Prentice of Douglas; Secretaries, B. B..Lockwood of Morris, F. G. Adams of Atchison. Voted to admit three delegates from each white regiment. First ballot for Governor: George A. Crawford, 23; Samuel J. Crawford, 16; W. W. H. Lawrence, 21; T. A. Osborn, 12; S. D. Houston, 3; J. C. Burnett, 3; J. W. Scott, 3; R. Riddle, 1. Sixth ballot: S. J. Crawford, 51; G. A. Crawford, 31. Ballot for Member of Congress: Sidney Clarke, 46; A. C. Wilder, 35; D. R. Anthony, 3; Blank, 1. For Lieutenant Governor: James McGrew, 38; J. W. Scott, 20; S. M. Strickler, 16. R. A. Barker, of Atchison, was nominated for Secretary of State by acclamation. For Auditor: John R. Swallow, 39; J. C. Lambdin, 22; C. L. Palmer, 7; Chester Thomas, 4. Wm. Spriggs, of Anderson, was nominated for Treasurer by acclamation. For Attorney General: J. D: Brumbaugh, 51; John T. Burris, 25. I. T. Goodnow was renominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Jacob Safford was nominated by acclamation for Associate Justice. For Presidential Electors: Ellsworth Cheeseborough, of Atchison; Nelson McCracken, of Leavenworth; Robert McBratney, of Davis. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 379 Mr. Cheeseborough and Mr. McCracken died before election day. The electors finally voted for were Robert McBratney, Thomas Moonlight and W. F. Cloud. SEPTEMBER 13.-The Republican Union State Convention at Topeka made the following nominations: For Governor, Solon 0. Thacher, of Douglas; Lieutenant Governor, John J. Ingalls, of Atchison; Secretary of State, William. R. Saunders, of Coffey; Treasurer, J. R. McClure, of Davis; Auditor, Asa Hairgrove, of Linn; Attorney General, Hiram Griswold, of Leavenworth; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Peter McVicar, of Shawnee; Associate Justice, Samuel A. Kingman, of Brown; for Congress, Albert L. Lee, of Doniphan. The following platform was adopted: "Resolved, That we are in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war against the Rebellion, and no compromise with traitors against the Government. "Resolved, That as Kansas in the past has been most lavish of her men and means in sustaining the country against treason, so in the future she will ever be found among the foremost in standing by and supporting the Government, "Resolved, That we endorse the platform of the Baltimore Convention, and most earnestly recommend that all loyal voters in Kansas give to Lincoln and Johnson their undivided support. "Resolved, That the corruptionists and plunderers who are robbing the nation of the material aid necessary to carry on the war with success are the most efficient aiders of Jeff. Davis and the Rebellion, and must be put down. "Resolved, That the practice of the utmost economy consistent with an efficient administration of the affairs of the Government is imperatively the duty of both National and State Administrations. "Resolved, That the noble sons of Kansas, who have been and are now in the field, asserting the supremacy of the nation over armed treason, and conferring brilliant renown upon our young State, deserve and receive the most hearty sympathy and support of the people of the State. "Resolved, That the people have the right to assemble in a peaceful manner, to consult for all lawful purposes, and that the threats of violent interference by a faction of corrlupt revolutionists with the exercise of the elective franchise receive our unqualified disapprobation. "Resolved, That we believe it to be theduty of all good men, irrespective of party, to unite in putting down the'one-man power' in Kansas, the'corrupt and tyrannical exercise of which has brought disgrace and untold evil upon the State." SEPTEMBER 13.-The Democratic State Convention at Topeka adopted the following platform: "Whereas, The Delegate Convention of the Republican party, this day assembled at the Capital, has passed a resolution reaffirming the principles and re-establishing the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States to every citizen thereof, and has declared that liberty of speech and of the press shall remain inviolate, and shall be maintained inviolate at all hazards throughout this State, and have moreover nominated candidates for the various offices to be filled at the next election, men who have given evidence of devotion to those principles, and whose past record affords ample guarantee that their principles will be faithfully carried out in the administration of the government of the State: therefore, "Resolved, That this Convention deem it inexpedient for the Democratic party of Kansas to nominate a State ticket, to be supported at the ensuing election, and we deem it impolitic for any Democrat in the State to permit his name to be used as a candidate for any State office or member of Congress. "Resolved, That we hereby ratify the nomination of George B. McClellan, of New Jersey, for President, and George H. Pendleton, of Ohio, for Vice President, and pledge them our undivided support. "Resolved, That we hereby ratify and adopt the Chicago platform as understood and 380 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. construed by General George B. McClellan in his letter accepting the nomination of the Chicago Convention for President of the United States. "Resolved, That we believe, in justice to.our brave soldiers from this State, who are periling their lives in defence of the Constitution, the Union, and our homes, that the Constitution of the State should be so amended as to permit such soldiers to exercise the right of suffrage, and that we, as a party, are heartily in favor of the proposed amendment to our Constitution for that purpose. "Resolved, That all Democratic papers in the State publish the following ticket: For President, George B. McClellan, of New Jersey. For Vice President, George H. Pendleton, of Ohio. For State Electors, Nelson Cobb, of Douglas; Thomas Bridgens, of Bourbon; and Andrew G. Ege, of Doniphan county." SEPTEMBER 20.-W. W. Bloss becomes the editor of the Leavenworth Times. D. R. Anthony and Sidney Clarke buy the Bulletin. - Government train burned at Cabin Creek. SEPTEMBER 27. —General Ewing arrives at Rolla, Mo., after being surrounded at Harrison by Price's forces. OCTOBER 1.- General Sterling Price reported advancing towards Kansas with 15,000 men. He crossed the Arkansas, coming north at Dardanelles, Pope county, Arkansas, with from 5,000 to 15,000 men. His army was greatly increased in Arkansas and Missouri. Rosecrans was in command at St. Louis, and Steele at Little Rock. A supply train from Fort Scott to Fort Gibson was captured September 19, by General Gano, at Cabin Creek. Governor Carney learned of the Rebel advance September 24. General Thomas Ewing, jr., commanded the southeast Missouri district. He reached Pilot Knob with 1,051 men, September 26, and had an engagement with Marmaduke on the 27th. He then retreated, marching north and west. He was attacked at Harrison on the 29th and 30th, and withdrew to Rolla October 1st. OCTOBER 2.-General Samuel R. Curtis, at Fort Leavenworth, learns that Price is coming west. OCTOBER 8.-General Alfred Pleasonton takes command at Jefferson City. He sends General John B. Sanborn with 4,100 mounted men to follow Price. OCTOBER 8.-Governor Carney calls out the State Militia. George W. Deitzler, Major General of the Militia; John T. Morton, Adjutant General. OCTOBER 9.-General Curtis calls all United States troops into the field to resist Price. OCTOBER 9.-General Blunt arrives at Olathe. OCTOBER 10.-General- Curtis proclaims martial law in Kansas. James H. Lane assigned to duty on his staff. OCTOBER 11.-General Blunt takes command at Olathe, relieving General Sykes. The Militia assembled at Olathe number 6,816; at Atchison, 1,154; at Paola, 1,872; at Mound City, 1,180; at Fort Scott, 1,050; at Wyandotte, 550. All are soon concentrated on the border. OCTOBER 20.-Engagement at Lexington, Mo., and retreat to the Little Blue. OCTOBER 21.-Battle along the Little Blue; fall back to the Big Blue, six miles east of Kansas City. Price and his whole army engaged. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 381 OCTOBER 22.-Battle of the Big Blue; Union victory. Generals Pleasonton and Sanborn reach the Little Blue, and occupy Independence at night. General Curtis's command consists of the Eleventh, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Kansas, a battalion of the Third Wisconsin, a section of the Second Kansas battery, McLain's Colorado battery, and Captain Dodge's Ninth Wisconsin battery-in all, about 4,500 men. Citizens of Kansas now under arms estimated to number 20,000. OCTOBER 23.-Battle of Westport. Defeat and retreat of Price. Colonel Moonlight moves down the Kansas border in advance. A raid is made on Marmaton, Bourbon county, six citizens killed, and the town sacked and fired. Price enters Kansas in Linn county, a few miles south of West Point, Mo., and remains in the State, in that county and Bourbon, until he crosses the Marmaton, reaching the farthest point west in Linn county. OCTOBER.-Publication of the first volume of Supreme Court Reports. Elliot V. Banks, Reporter. Preston B. Plumb, appointed the first Reporter, resigned in October, 1862. Louis Carpenter was appointed in January, 1863, and was killed in the Lawrence Massacre, August 21, 1863. The second and third volumes were issued in 1866; the fourth in 1868; the fifth in 1871-all by Banks. William C. Webb was appointed Reporter, and the sixth volume appeared in May, 1872, the seventh in November, 1872; the eighth and ninth in 1873; the tenth, eleventh and twelfth in 1874; the thirteenth in 1875. The following facts are obtained from these volumes: Archibald Williams, United States District Judge, died in September, 1863. Robert Crozier was United States District Attorney until elected Chief Justice, in 1863. James S. Emery succeeded him as Attorney. John T. Morton was succeeded as United States Clerk by Frank G. Adams, in 1863. Nelson Cobb was appointed Chief Justice December 28, 1862. Clark J. Hanks succeeded F. G. Adams as United States District Clerk in 1863; in 1865, Adolphus S. Thomas succeeded Mr. Hanks. Andrew Stark was the Clerk of the Supreme Court in 1865. David J. Brewer was Judge of the Leavenworth Criminal Court in 1864, and was succeeded in 1865 by Peter McFarland. Samuel A. Riggs was appointed United States District Attorney in 1867, and Charles C. Whiting, United States Marshal. Hiram Griswold was appointed Commissioner in Bankruptcy. E. B. Fowler was appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court in 1868. He was succeeded by A. Hammatt in July, 1870. J. F. Broadhead succeeded Judge Lowe in March, 1871. D. W. Houston was appointed United States Marshal May 13, 1869. Albert H. Horton became United States District Attorney. Henry G. Webb was appointed Judge of the Eleventh District November 17, 1870.. William C. Webb was appointed Reporter April 1, 1871. Charles Chadwick was appointed Attorney General July 30, 1860, B. F. Simpson having resigned and entered the service. John F. Dillon was appointed United States Circuit Judge December 22, 1869, and held his first term of court here in May, 1870. Cyrus O. French was appointed Register in Bankruptcy in 1871. B. W. Perkins was appointed Judge of the Eleventh 382 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. District in March, 1873. C. I. Scofield was appointed United States District Attorney in June, 1873; he was succeeded by George R. Peck, in January, 1874. William S. Tough was appointed United States Marshal in April, 1873. J. Jay Buck was appointed' Register in Bankruptcy in 1874. OCTOBER 24.-The force in pursuit of Price numbers 10,000. There is a skirmish at Coldwater Grove, fifteen miles below Santa Fe. Pleasonton takes the right. Moonlight reaches Mound City at midnight, after a march of sixty-five miles. A part of the Rebel army encamps at the Trading Post. They murder and burn as they run. OCTOBER 25. —Decisive day for Kansas. Battle near Mound City. Price commands the Rebels. We capture Gens. Marmaduke and Cabel, with nine guns and 800 men. Rebels retreat across Mine Creek. Two hundred Rebels buried there. Mound City made a hospital for the wounded of both armies. *Another engagement on the Little Osage. McNeil and Pleasonton in advance. Rebels retreat eastward, leaving Fort Scott to the right. The Rebels make another stand on the Marmaton, six miles east of Fort Scott. The battle is called Charlott, from a creek and farm on the field. It is a Union victory. Gen. Curtis reaches Fort Scott, and rescinds the order proclaiming martial law. OCTOBER 26. —Gen. Curtis leaves Fort Scott with Moonlight's brigade, moving towards Lamar and Carthage. Gen. Blunt follows with the brigades of Jennison and Ford. McNeil had followed the retreating foe. OCTOBER 27.-The brigades of Sanborn and Benteen leave Fort Scott, and join in the pursuit. Curtis camps at Shanghai. OCTOBER 27.- Gov. Carney orders the Militia to return to their homes. OCTOBER 28.- Curtis reaches Carthage. OCTOBER 28.-Fight at Newtonia. Blunt begins alone. Sanborn comes up. Another struggle, and thle Rebels abandon the field. OCTOBER 29.-Rosecrans orders all the troops of his Department to return to their districts. Congratulatory order from Gen. Deitzler. OCTOBER 30. —Lieut. Gen. Grant orders the pursuit of Price to be resumed. NOVEMBER 1.- Curtis at Pea Ridge. NOVEMBER 3.-March to Sugar Creek. NOVEMBER 4.-Curtis at Fayetteville. NOVEMBER 5.-Our army encamps on the Prairie Grove battle-field. NOVEMBER 6.-Cane Hill reached. Price crosses the Arkansas. NOVEMBER 8.-Generals Curtis and Blunt reach the Arkansas. The object of the campaign is accomplished. Both Generals issue congratulatory orders. General Curtis said: "The pursuit of. Price in 1864, and the battles of Lexington, Little Blue, Big Blue, Westport, Marais des Cygnes, Osage, Charlott and Newtonia, will be borne on the banners of the regiments who shared in them; and the States of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Arkansas may glory in the achievement of their sons in this short but eventful campaign." 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 383 General Blunt said: "On the 16th of October, the brigades of Colonel Jennison and Colonel Moonlight, numbering in all but 2,000 men, marched from Hickman's Mills, Mo., to Pleasant Hill, Holden and Lexington, to make a reconnoissance. "On the 19th of October, at 11 A. M., we were attacked at Lexington by the enemy, 26,000 strong, and held the position until their entire army was developed, when our little force retired fighting and in good order, until the darkness of night put an end to the contest. "On the 21st, the brigades of Colonels Jennison, Ford and Moonlight, numbering only 3,500 men, fought the battle of the Little Blue, contesting stubbornly every foot of ground with an enemy five to one against them, with the most glorious results. In this contest the Second Brigade, under Colonel Moonlight, is entitled to special commendation for the gallant manner in which they fought the enemy's advancing columns until re-enforcements arrived. "On the 22d, the brigades of Colonels Jennison and Moonlight stubbornly contested the advance of the enemy at the crossing of the Big Blue, and at the State Line (after the enemy had forced a passage at Byrom's Ford), checking his right flank, and punishing him severely. "Thus by striking the enemy in front, and by three days' severe fighting, he was firmly held in check until the command of Major General Pleasonton was enabled to check and attack his rear at Independence, and co-operate with us in obtaining the glorious results of the battle of Westport on the 23d, when the entire Division (including Colonel C. W. Blair's brigade of Kansas State Militia) attacked the enemy's front, and, after a severe conflict, turned his right flank, which resulted in his complete defeat and rout. "In this day's contest credit is due to several regiments of Kansas State Militia for the gallant part they bore, which will be appropriately noticed in official reports." General Blunt gives credit to the Second Colorado and to General Pleasonton for the courage displayed "in the battles of the Osage, on the 25th," and to Colonel Moonlight for the victory St Mound City. All was honorable to the Militia in this campaign. Their sacrifices and heroism were not less glorious and patriotic than the deeds of the fathers of the country at Lexington, Bunker Hill, and on the other fields of the Revolution. All was honorable until the question of their pay came up in Congress, and until the scrip was hawked about by speculators in Kansas. Dishonor marked these transactions. Delay was made in Congress in order that the scrip might be depreciated. The Militiamen sold it for nearly nothing. When the money reached Kansas it was so disbursed as to call for the following censure —made by the Legislative Committee, March 2, 1874: "Owing to the brief time allotted to your Committee in which to perform the work assigned them, they have been unable to make a detailed examination of the vouchers, papers, and accounts of the office of the Treasurer, and have not been able to count all of the Military scrip returned by the Treasurer to the Auditor as vouchers for the payment of money thereon; but your Committee, from their examination of the scrip, cannot but express the opinion that payments by the Treasurer out of this fund were carelessly and negligently made. In numerous instances, payments were made on scrip presented without the signature of the Treasurer thereto, and scrip was accepted and paid without the name of the payee being endorsed thereon. Such a practice necessarily opened the way to an improper disbursement of this fund, and an opportunity for money to be wrongfully drawn from the Treasury." This report is signed by Albert H. Horton, T. F. Robley, S. N. Latta, and E. K. Townsend, and is found on page 4 of Proceedings of the Court of Impeachment, published in 1874. NOVEMBER 8.-Election. Abraham Lincoln re-elected President. 384 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. VOTE FOR STATE OFFICERS, AND CONGRESSMAN. Governor. Lieut. Gov. Sec. of State. Auditor. Counties. O. _ Allen............................................... 225 96 226 94 225 93 224 39 Anderson....................................... 239 57 229 60 224 60 229 60 Atchison......................................... 555 622 525 644 681 498 531 644 Bourbon........................................ 864 166 866 150 865 145 868 148 Butler........................................ 35 25 35 25 35 25 -35 25 Brown........................................ 207 156 214 147 210 152 211 152 Coffey............................................. 278 149 285 142 280 144 282 147 Chase.............................................. 60 67 63 66 64 65 66 69 Douglas................................... 959 595 1,009 576 1,010 571 1,018 565 Doniphan.......................... 634 516 593 543 668 481 595 545 Davis.................................. 134 91 134 91 133 92 134 91 Dickinson....................................... 44 20 43 20 42 20 42 20 Franklin........................... 320 127 331 113 331 112 330 113 Greenwood..................................... 96 18 41 8 97 8 97 22 Jefferson.............................. 635 379 628 371 631 374 628 376 Jackson........................................... 620 112 259 113 258 115 258 113 Johnson................................. 258 179 264 265 260 264 254 276 Linn............................................... 299 448 254 487 234 500 301 406 Lyon......................... 440 113 449 101 447 104 436 106 Leavenworth................................... 1,350 2, 077 1, 343 2, 079 1,360 2, 063 1, 348 2, 071 Miami........................................ 439 266 434 264 431 263 431 263 Morris................................... 50.105 48 106 48 104 47 108 Marshall............................... 170 146 170 145 172 145 173 145 Nemaha........................................ 250 131 253 127 255 123 254 124 Neosho........................................ 2 24......... 27......... 26......... 27 Osage............................................. 121 68 120 68 88 89 119 69 Pottawatomie................................. 173 87 168 94 167 92 168 92 Riley........................................ 160 111 159 111 161 110 157 114 Shawnee..................................... 427 132 384 275 387 272 359 279 Saline.............................................. 50 55 55 57 48 57 40 66 Washington....................................' 59 43 56 47 57 46 56 47 Wilson........................... 19 7 19 7 19 7 19 7 Woodson........................................ 56 46 56 46 55 47 56 46 Wabaunsee............................. 116 63 102 75 102 75 106 72 Wyandotte.................................... 176 339 234 278 176 335 194 314 Total home vote......................... 10, 196 7, 840 10, 047 7, 822 10,225 7,676 10, 066 7, 833 Soldiers' vote.............. 2,191 608 2,047 671 1,996 587 1,967 657 Total vote................................... 13,387 8,448 12, 094 8,493 12,221 8,2631 12,033 8,490'.~.'. Treasurer. Att'y Gen. Supt. Inst'n. Ass'te Just. Rep in Cong. Allen.................. 218 101 224 93 224 93 224 93 192 126 Anderson............... 207 76 1901 60 200 59 227 60 220 63 Atchison.................... 531 641 5191 644 555 609 533 647 508 659 Bourbon................ 865 146 862 1461 868 145 864 146 760 243 Butler.......................... 35 251 35 25 35 25 35 25 26 30 Brown.. 249 114 122 165 281.80 184 169 146 219 Coffey........................ 285 143 284 1451 1 281 1461 280 146 265 164 Chase.......................... 64 65 63 65 63 64 64 65 59 67 Douglas................. 1,022 561 1,010 57511 929 617 987 597 977 598 Doniphan..................... 586 622 540 581 617 527 537 612 495 655 Davis........................... 108 134 91 1341 90 1 134 91 128 92 Dickinson................. 43. 18 43 20|| 45 18 451 18 41 19 Franklin............... 341 102 331 191 335 101 331 113 317 125 Greenwood............... 97 13 9 13 27 13 97 7 96 13 Jefferson............... 629 372 608 385 627 362 606 382 597 302 Jackson.............. 259 113 256 114 259 113 259 112 254 117 Johnson................ 258 275 -261 265 266 16311 261 265 235 288 Linn...................... 239 503 127 503 265 4681 235 482 191 541 Lyon.................. 451 97 447 9911 456 91 448 99 413 132 Leavenworth............... 1, 346 2, 076 1, 324 2,100 1,35312,06311 1,34212,080 1,16212,230 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 385 VOTE FOR STATE OFFICERS, AND CONGRESSMAN-CONCLUDED. Treasurer. Att'y Gen. Supt. Inst'n. Ass'te Just. Cong. Counties. Qpsn Miami.......................... 435 261......... 261 435 261 434 262 413 277 Morris.......................... 48 105 44 503 56 93 47 103 36 118 Marshall...................... 172 146 190 122 176 139 167 148 149 167 Nemaha...................... 257 122 212 143 261 120 227 152 227 152 Neosho................................ 20......... 26......... 26......... 26................. Osage.......................... 117 72 115 72 122 53 113 76 114 73 Pottawatomie............... 166 93 165 93 166 94 173 86 158 98 Riley........................... 154 112 150 119 167 94 168 102 145 135 Shawnee..................... 394 268 376 281 395 263 373 278 379 280 Saline......................... 48 57 45 59 51 44 49 55 42 62 Washington.................. 57 46 46 46 64 37 55 41 57 46 Wilson.......................... 19 7 19 7 19 7......... 7 19 7 Woodson....................... 56 46 56 46 56 4 56 46 55 47 Wabaunsee.................. 104 73 105 71 104 72 104 72 102 77 Wyandotte................... 176 335 176 332 190 314 174 339 168 343 Total home vote........ 10,044 7,935 9,22917,984 10,119 7,608 9,833 8;002 9,1568,668 Soldiers' vote................. 2,007 591 1,870 593 2,027 555 1,988 634 1,674 1,042 Total vote................. 12,051 8,526 11,099 8,577 12,1468,163 11,8218,636 10,830 9, 710 VOTE ON AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION, AND SALE OF SCHOOL LAND. Amendments to Const'n. Sale of SchoolLand. Counties. Sec. 3, Art. 1. Sec.l12, Art. 2. For. Agst. For. Agst. For. Ags4. Allen.................................................................. 284........ 260 3[ 251 7 Anderson............................................................ 76 1 35 1 92 30 Atchison........................................ 786 441 648 96} 389 221 Bourbon............................................................. 860........ 861........ 92 3 Butler.................................................................................................. Brown.................................... 344 1 236 53. 208 65 Coffey................................................................ 286........ 279........ 65 1 Chase........................................ 117 9 117 9 117 9 Douglas............................................... 1,066 101 1,057 103 50 528 Doniphan...................................................... 889 3 765 3 343 145 Davis................................................... 197 21 197 21 126 8 Dickinson........................................................... 60........ 60........ 43 33 Franklin.............................................................. 275 4[ 275 2 74........ Greenwood........................................................... 69........ 69........ 45........ Jefferson...................................................................... Jackson......................................................................... Johnson......................................2...... 15 1 151 34 113 15 Linn............................................ 534 1 504 30[ 21 10 Lyon...................................................... 533 20 496 49[ 501 46 Leavenworth.............................................. 1,017 109 717 183 36 555 Miami...................................................... 434 2 35........'72 15 Morris......................................................... 142 12 138 13[ 150 2 Marshall........................................................... 238 10 239 9 225 27 Nemaha............................................................. 306 2 299 4 153 24 Neosho...................................................................."17...... 3......1 4...... Osage.................................................................. 157 3 149 11................. Neoshott.wato.i e....................................................... Riley...................................................................I Pottawatomie........................ 607....................4... Saline.................................................... Shalinee.................................................................'/11:10 il.......1'0..... ~ 1.... 19/ Washington............................................................ 64........ 64 1....... 71........ Wilson........................................................................... Woodson.............................. "......................... Wabaunsee.................................................. 164 2 154 9 77 44 Wyandotte............................................................................. Total home vote......9 7 2 5............................. 9,870 329 8,438 625 3,437 2,186 Soldiers" vote............................................. 886..... 270 1 75 145 Total vote........ 10 756 3291 8, 708 626 3,51212,331 25 386 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864: VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Counties. Names. 8 O 1 Doniphan............................ F. H. Drenning................................... 631 6 N. Price............................................... 562 5 J. T. Lane.................................. 542 76 W. J. Orem.................................... 504 55 2 Atchison................................. M. Quigg............................................. 673. Thomas Murphy................................. 571 83 J. Wheeler........................... 545...... J. J. Patterson..................................... 509 1 3 Leavenworth.......................... H. Foote................................... 2008 15 J. F. Legate.................................. 1, 979 32 W. P. Gambell.1................... 1, 895 15 M. L. Grant.........................................1479 79 G. D. Parks.............1............................ 1422 98 F. Wellhouse............................... 1, 384. 93 4 Jefferson................................. J. H. Jones........................................' 974 20 5 Brown.................................... Samuel Spear................................... 221...... James A. Pope................................... 131...... Nemaha............................... Samuel Spear.................................. 254......l^a~ - James A. Pope..................................... 120.6 Jackon................................... J. Groverer..........24.................. 242 Pottawatomie......................... 0. J. Grover.................................. 239...... Scattering........................................ 2... 7 Marshall........................ C. Manning................................ 181 42 W. A. Adams...................................... 131 28 Riley................................. E. C. Manning................................. 128...... W. A. Adams................... 138...... Washington......................... E. C. Manning.................................61..... W. A; Adams................... 39... 8 Shawnee.................................. Dan......... 361 14 G. W. Veale.......... 293 1 9 Douglas............................... John Speer.................... 1, 008 104 Oliver Barber......................... 993 73 R. W. Ludington............................ 585 15 C. S. Warren................................. 572 15 10 Johnson................................ T. C. Milhoan...................................... 292 3 J. T. Weaver....................................... 236' 8 11 Miami.................................... G. A. Colton........................................ 420 59 J. H. Pratt................................ 270.4 12 Wyandotte.............................. William Weer.................................... 271..... Byron Judd.................................... 237 22 13 Linn................................. - Smith........................................... 453 4 - Jones........................................ 264.1 14 Bourbon................................ A. Danford......................................... 817 76 Scattering........................................ 10..... 15 Morris.................................... H. L. Hunt................................ 101...... R. B. Lockwood................................ 61 21 Chase..................................... H. L. Hunt........................................ 69...... R. B. Lockwood.............................. 55...... Butler..................,............. H. L. -Hunt........................................ 23 R. B. Lockwood................................ 34.... 16 Allen..................................... C. P. Twiss................................... 227 3 J. L. Fletcher............ 84 Woodson................................ C. P. Twiss................................... 58...... J. L. Fletcher................................ 43..... Wilson................... Twiss.................. 26...... Neosho.................................. C. P. Twiss................................... 1...... J. L. Fletcher................................ 29...... 17 Anderson........................ D. W. Houston................................. 254 90 Scattering............................................ Franklin............................... D. D W. Houston................................ 368...... Blair............................. 67... 18 Coffey................................... F. W. Potter.................................. 283 36 James Rogers.................................. 142...... Osage..................................... W. Potter....................................... 85.... James Rogers............................... 99...... 19 Lyon..................................... C. V. Eskridge..................................... 351...... P. B. Maxson.................................. 188 13 Greenwood..................... V. Eskridge................................ 44 42 P. B. Maxson....................................... 63...... 20 Wabaunsee............... W..... K. Bartlett..................................... 10 22 R. S. Miller.............................. 67 23 Davis.. W.. Bartlett..................................... 144...... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 387 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE —CoNCLuDED. Counties. Nanmes. 20 Davis.................................... R. S. Miller...................................... 30... Dickinson W. K. Bartlett.47. Dickinson.............................. W. K. Bartlett.................................... 47...... R. S. Miller...................................... 15...... Saline..................................... K. Bartlett.................................... 59 R. S. Miller........................................ 40...... VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. aCunties. Names. e Re 1 Doniphan..................... E. Detrick.......................... 156 7 J. Dillon............................................... 2.................................... D: L. Payne.134................... 134...... R. George.............................................* 74... J. Normelle......................................... 1...... 3 8................E................... E. Russell................................ 112 1 E. Downard................................. 82 4 C. Leland..................................... 81......:::::::::5...:::::::::::: A:. Flickingerow...................................... 9...... 6 Atchison................................ G. W. Glick....................................... 132...... E. K. Blair.................................. 112 12.............. G. eorge. Fairchild........................................4 H. C. Purcell........................................ 46...... G.W. Bownan.................................... 119...... M.. Benton...................................... Dr. Larry.................. 13 Nemaha................................. J. D. Sammons...... 107...... J. M. HiPurcell.....46.................. ~14................................................ C. C. Coffi nbut...................... ~............ 129...... Nico11 Brownsonli............................................ G. B. Ranso m................................. 0...... 12.......................... Sutherland................................... 137.... J. ES. Tyler.................................. 120...... 13 Nemaha............................. James M elan................................... 213...... J. M. Hickston..........88............................ 98...... 14. C.CoGranger................................. 49...... 19 Jefferson................................. M. R. Duttonbu...................................... 167...... - ew icolson.................................. 159...... 15 Marshall J..................... R.D. We lls.................................. 13.....3 4 S. B.Todd.....133....................................... 21................................................. A. B.H endrick s.................................. 186...... 16 Washington............................. R. Darby........ 12 T. R. Bayn~........................................... 39...... G. H. wthorliner......50............. 36...... 17 Pottawat omie...............Russell Church.............................. 137...... J. E. Clardy................................. 478 7 S. McFar n120................................. 225 31 18 Jackson.. James McLelan.....23.............. 9 1 J. J. Preston........................98...................... 320 8 W. Gra nger................. 164 30 9 Jeffers................................M. R. Dutton....................................... 296 2 Lewis Trower. 159................... 256. 20..................................... MRo ert Ri ddle................................143........ 28 4 C. Hicks..................... 21...A. B. Hendricks.................................... M.. Baldwi n......................................112 T. R. Bayn............. enne................... 116...... - Hawthorn........ Scattering............................................... 22 Leavenworth......................... T.M. O'Brien.................................478 7 S. McFarland.225 31 J. M. Brown.39 1 23................................................ H. Smith.320 8 C. H. Robinson.164 30 24................................. S.F. Atw ood.296 2 C. J. Hanks................................256 - 6 25..... M. Jordon.328 4 J. Walkinshaw................................220 9 26................................ L. Kennedy.116. 388 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE —CONTINUED. Cobunties. Names. 26 Leavenworth (concluded)......... J. Mize............................107 11 27...................................... T. O'Gwartney............................. 94...... W. S. Marvin...................................... 62 9 28............................................... E. Stafford........................ 94 8 D. F. Walker.............................. 70.... 29........................................ J. T. Salsbury..... 135 5 Thomas Kincaid................................. 93. Scattering.......................................... 30................................................ R. C. Foster................... 124...... H. Brandt.76.................................... 81 W yandotte............................. C. S. Glick...................................... 267. T. A. Gruiter................... 240 14 32 Johnson................................. C. H. Stratton................................. 135 5 J. E. Corliss......................................... 101 1 3.............................................. G. Campbell.82...................... 82...... J. D. Tinderson.......................... 60...... 34.................................... C.. Dillie..9...................... 92...... L. Bradbury....................................... 49 85 Douglas................................... F. B. Swift....................................... 253 23 R. A. Hays....................................... 222... 36.............................. R. Kennedy..................................... 127 1 J. M. Shepherd................... 103...... 37..................................... W. Craig.............................184...... L. L. Hartman................... 40 14 38....................E S................. E. S. Scudder......................... 140...... E. H. Vanhcesen................................ 96...39................................................ W. Morrow.........................117 1 R. Young....................................... 83..... 40................................................ W. Draper........... 149 20 J. C. Steele............................ 38 41 Shawnee................................ S. D. Macdonald................... 223 4 W. W. Ross.174.................. 174...... 42................................................ James Fletcher.................................. 120.... A. M. Thornton.............................. 117 1 S. Parker.............................. 62.... 43 Miami..................................... H. Rice................................................ J. W. Jennison..................................... 79 -44................................................ W. L. Houts................................. 131 21 R. W. Massey...................................... 127 2 -45............................................. W. Carr............................... 109 6 W. Hoffman.................... 94 17 -46 Linn.................................... A. J. Loomis...................................... 47............................... J. Hodson.89............................ 89...... W. H. Weatherman............................. 67 S. J. Addis.................................. C. Clark........................................ 15... 48................................................ W. Goss.................6............. 66 25 i T. J. Coseboom................................. E. A. Deland............................. 25.... 49................................... J. F. Broadhead...........................90 9 E. Smith................................73...... 50 Bourbon..........................L..... D. Clevinger................................. 95 D. B. Jackman................................... 48. 51................................................ D. L. Campbell.............................. 123 2 T. S. Brockman..................... 1...... 52.......................................... W. Griswold.............. 203...... D. R. Cobb........................................... Green.....2 53.................... W. Z. Strong............................... 348 54 Scattering........................................ 21... 54 Allen....................................... W. Stewart................................ 144...... J. McClure........................................ 50...... Scattering.............................. 2.5............................ J. A. Christy............................ 79. 56 Anderson................................ H. Cavender................................ 96...... J. H. Hiner......................... 73...... 57.....................W............ A. G. W est.............................. 68...... J. Gibson.................................26...... Scattering.......................................... 2..58 Franklin................................ A. Cook..........................141 2 J. Parkinson.............................. 71.... 69............................................... J. Hanway.............................. 144 8 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 389 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE-CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. l G 59 Franklin (concluded)............... H. F. Sheldon................................. 71..... 60 Osage.......................0.............. HO.. Browne...................................... 98 8 G. Becker....................................... 86. 61 Coffey..................................... J. Throckmorton............................... 176 212 Scattering.......................5................ 5..... 62....................................... W. B. Perry........................104 3 A. Stewart.................................. 100..... Scattering..... 5...... 63 Woodson................................ J. Foster.................................. 56..... J. Moody.45................................ 45... 64 Lyon...................................... J. Stotler........................................... 210 35 T. Anner............................................. 30..... 65............................... F. R. Page....................................... 97 4 G. J. Tallman...................................... 52...... D. H. Baker.................... 36..... 66.............................................. R. Abraham................... 65 3 O. ing...............................................33 3 W. Grinnell................................... 24 1 67 Butler................................ J. R. Mead...................................... 31 3 A. Ellis........................................ 24...... 68 Chase....................................E. A. Alford................................. 69. M. R. Leonard............................... 85 16 69 Morris................................. J. Spencer................ 104..... J. Carey........................................ 56 70 Wabaunsee............................. H. D. Shepherd............................... 108 2 G. Swanzinger.............................. 65 8 71 Davis....................................A. W. Callen.................................. 198 28 72 Riley..................................... J. M. Harvey...................................... 178 20 R. Nehaukee.............................. 81 6 73 Dickinson............................. C. Kohler............................... 41..... J. Irwin............................................. 23.... 74 Saline..................................... H. Bishop........................................ 49 2 N. B. Hues............................................ 50..... 75 Greenwood............................. W. Martindale............................... 58..... 76 Wilson.......................... D. C. Finn....................................... 25..... 77 Neosho......................................................................... 32..... VOTE FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT, NOVEMBER 8, 1864. Counties. i:: ~ Allen........................................ 250 250 211 39 73 73 72....... Anderson................................. 257 256 238 18 37 37 37...... Atchison........................... 785 785 522 275 380 378 380...... Bourbon................................... 955 960 894 63 126 126 126...... Brown...................................... 362 362 195 167 3 3 3...... Butler....................................... 41 39 9 32 19 19 19 2 Chase....... -...................... 79 79 17 64 47 47 47...... Coffey....................................... 307 307 283 25 124 124 124...... Davis........................ 151 153 90 63 65 65 65...... Dickinson *......................... 42 42......... 42 20 20 20...... Doniphan........................ 1,084 1,081 338 748 19 19 21...... Douglas...............1................... 1, 349 1,353 1,032 -328 198 194 192...... Franklin................................... 391 395 350 67 42 23 44...... Greenwood.............................. 162 106......... 7 15 16 16 74 Jackson *................................. 266 267 238 21 105 106 104...... Jefferson........................ 831 855 601 270 178 178 178...... Johnson........................ 411 437 282 159 105 105 106...... Leavenworth............................ 2,122 2,139 1,440 749 1,379 1,371 1,371...... Linn......................................... 704 689 370 332 62 62 62...... Lyon....................................... 488 487 462 27 69 69 69....... *The votes of those counties with a * attached to their names were not canvassed, owing to the fact that the returns were not sent in the time prescribed by law. 390 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. VOTE FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT, NOVEMBER 8, 1864- CONCLUDED. n. a Counties. m a * Marshall.................................. 260 59 59....59........... Miami................................... 621 614 462 174 79 80 80...... Morris........................ 70 70........ 70 98 98 98...... Nemaha........................ 341 341 12 830 30 30 30...... Neosho *........................ 24 24......... 24 11 11 11. Osage................................ 166 167 115 51 27 27 27...... Pottawatomie.......................... 212 213 150 71 35 35 34...... Riley....................................... 213 220 76 149 51.50 51...... Saline*.................................... 75 75......... 75 34 34 34...... Shawnee........................ 574 573 391 186 75 75 7 5... Washington............................ 93 93......... 56........................... 36 Wabaunsee............................. 163 163 50 113 7 7 7...... Wilson*..21 21......... 21 5 5 5...... Wyandotte..................... 285 285 7 279 190 190 190...... Woodson............................... 67 67 45 22 35 35 35...... Total................................ 14,162 14,228 8,888 5;375 3,802 3871 3,782 112 Abstract of the Soldier vote for Electors of President and Vice President, not canvassed; the returns were not in the time prescribed by law: "Soldier Vote.-,Robt. McBratney, 2,867; Winm. F. Cloud, 2,586; Thos. Moonlight, 1,543; M. J. Parrott, 828; Nelson Cobb, 34; J. Bridgens, 34; A. G. Ege, 36; E. Cheeseborough, 543. RECAPITULATION. oVote.. a Home vote................. 14,162 14,228 8,880 5,375 3,802 3,871 3,782 112 Soldier vote...;...... 2, 867 2,586 1,543 828 34 34 36 543 Total................. 17,029 16,814 10,423 6,203 3,836 3,905 3,818 655 VOTE FOR DISTRICT JUDGES. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties. a Leavenworth........................................ 2, 009 1,362.......... Wyandotte.................................................................... 335 170 3,.876 Wyandotte.335 170 3, 876 Soldier vote.19 95.......... 114 Soldier vote............................................................... 19 95............ SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties. Atchison......................................................................89............ Brown................................................ 297............... Doniphan.......................................................................... 857................... Marshall........................................ 157..................... Nemaha........................................ 371 2 2, 273 Soldier vote..................................................... 24 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 39J VOTE FOR DISTRICT JUDGES - CONCLUDED. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties... Davis............................................. 24 35 36 37.................... Dickinson......9......... 4 35.................... Jackson...................1................................ 164 37 33............................. Jefferson.................................... 559 349 43 16..................... Pottawatomie................... 126 80- 33 12..................... Riley.................................. 57 15..................... Saline.............................................................. 19 2 19..................... Shawnee.... 218.... 334 95 1..................... Wabaunsee........................................ 25 86 43 2 22 2, 812 oldier vote............................................ 49 9 11 2..................... 71 I Q t1 FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Anderson.204 22..................... Allen............................................35.......................... 35 Bourbon.....,.865.........................8............ Douglas.................................................................. 856 702..................... Franklin........................................396 21..................... Johnson.279 4...................................... 279 4........... Linn.................. 102 469................. Miami....................................................................03 263................... Miami 403 263 Neosho......................................... 29 39 4,915 Soldier vote.......................... 14.............. 473 FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. g.::. o.unties.:Butler..........................................30 Chase............-..........................64 64....... Coffey..................................................................... 257 167..................... Greenwood..................... 77 21 Lyon........................................ 354 181.............. Morris........................41 121 OU~~~~sage~~.........................1 11 Wilson......................................................19..... 7 Woodson................................................... 55 47 9 1,728 Soldier vote..................................... 5 4 7................. 71 Soldier vote....50 21.....................71 The vote given to Marcus J. Parrott as a Presidential Elector was Republican, but Anti-Lane. That was the issue between Republicans during the canvass.,, The Price Raid made Lane successful. NOVEMBER 9.-. Gen. Curtis moves toward Fort Scott, by way of Fort Gibson.: Gen. Blunt moves to Fort Smith. Gens. Blunt and Herron soon arrive in Leavenworth, by way of Gibson and Scott. NOVEMBER 16. —Sherman leaves Atlanta. 392 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. NOVEMBER 16.-Joseph Bond starts the Herald, at Humboldt —the first paper printed there. J. H. Young soon became one of the publishers. John R. Goodin was one of the editors. The Herald lived a year. NOVEMBER 28.-First excursion train from Wyandotte to Lawrence. NOVEMBER 30.-Battle of Franklin. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $5,549 72 Visiting regts. and def'gborder.. 11,800 00 Secretary's Department............ 4,906 32 Deaf and Dumb Asylum............ 2,115 14 Auditor's Department............... 3,032 90 Agricultural College.................. 3,778 28 Treasurer's Department............ 1,981 47 Normal School.......................... 1,013 00 Supt. of Public Instruction....... 1,685 00 Immigration fund..................... 1,509 00 Attorney General..................... 1,330 62 State Geologist.......................... 2,956 77 Judiciary................................. 12,901 79 Rent of Capitol Building........... 1,500 00 Printing................................... 21,214 64 Capitol grounds........................ 851 35 Legislature and Journals........... 23,023 38 Land offices........................... 1,640 50 Penitentiary............................. 31,693 06 Miscellaneous expenses............ 1,809 01 Adjutant General..................... 3,553 51 Quartermaster........................ 750 00 Total for 1864.....................$143, 595 46 — Price crossed the Red River, halted at Bonham, and finally selected Clarksville, Texas, for his headquarters. Thos. C. Reynolds, who claimed to be the Confederate Governor of Missouri, published a long letter reviewing the Raid, and severely censuring Gen. Price for its failure. DECEMBER 9. —Chivington's Indian fight and Indian massacre near Fort Lyon. DECEMBER 13.-Hazen captures Fort McAllister. -Sherman's report of his great March to the Sea. DECEMBER 15.-Victory of Thomas, near Nashville. DECEMBER 21.-Sherman occupies Savannah. DECEMBER.- B. F. Mudge, State Geologist, makes his first Annual Report. It is a pamphlet of 56 pages. -Publication of the Kansas Annual Register for 1864. Andrew Stark editor. The plan of the Register originated with Judge L. D. Bailey, and he hoped to have it published annually. This number is printed at the Bulletin office, Leavenworth, and contains 265 pages of interesting matter. The history of religious societies in the State, and of counties, is peculiarly valuable. Dr. Richard Cordley writes a sketch of Lawrence, twenty pages long. The book contains lithographic pictures of Thomas Carney, Thomas Ewing, jr., James H. Lane, A. C. Wilder, George W. Deitzler, and James G. Blunt. DECEMBER 31.-The report of W. W. H. Lawrence, Secretary of State, gives a list of 495,552 1-5 acres of land selected for the State under the act of Congress of September 4, 1841. DECEMBER 31.-Publication of the report of C. K. Holliday, Adjutant General. It is a book of 714 pages, contains a history of the Price Raid, and gives a roster and brief history of the volunteer regiments. The following list of the Militia engaged in the Price Raid is copied from the report: 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 393 COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND STAFF. Names. Rank. Dmte on Residence. Remarks.' Commission. Thomas Carney.... Com'der-in-Chief... Jan. 12, 1863 Leavenworth In'g'dJan. 12,'63. Guilford Dudley... AdjutantGeneral... Mar. 2, 1864 Topeka......... Res., Apr. 30, 64. C. K. Holliday...... AdjutantGeneral... May 2,1864 Topeka.................................... Edward Russell.... Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2, 1864 Elwood.................................... David Brockway... Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2, 1864 Topeka.................................... Jas. A. McGonigle Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2,1864 Leavenworth........................... F. H. Drenning.... Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2, 1864 Elwood.................. W. H. M. Fishback Lieut. Colonel........ Mar, 2, 1864 Olathe.......... Pro'ed Brig. Gen. W. P. Dutton..... Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2, 1864 Paola....................................... J. R. Swallow....... Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2, 1864 Emporia................................. D. P. Lowe........... Lieut. Colonel........ Mar. 2, 1864 Mound City.. Resigned. S. F. Atwood......... Lieut. Colonel........ April 29, 1864 Leavenworth Resigned. R. A. Randlett...... Lieut. Colonel........ May 18, 1864 Topeka.................................... Win. C. Crawford.. Lieut. Colonel........ Oct. 10, 1864 Topeka................................. A. S. Hughes........ Lieut. Colonel........ Oct. 10, 1864 Atchison........................... Wm. Rosenthal.... Lieut. Colonel........ Oct. 10, 1864 Atchison................................. John W. Brown... Lieut. Colonel........ Oct. 10, 1864 Auburn.................................... MAJOR GENERAL AND STAFF. Geo. W. Deitzler.... Major General....... Feb. 29, 1864 Lawrence................................. John T. Morton... Asst. Adjt. General April 20, 1864 Topeka.................................... R. A. Randlett..... Asst. Quar'master..I May 13, 1864 Topeka......... Resigned. Sam. F. Atwood... Asst. Quar'master..I May 18, 1864....................................... Chas. Chadwick... Major.................... May 13, 1864 Lawrence................................. Geo. T. Robinson. Major.................... May 13, 1864 Topeka......... Resigned. Lewis C.Wilmarth Major.................... July 15, 1864 Topeka.................................... John J. Ingalls..... Major.................... May.13, 1864 Atchison................................. Thomas White...... Major.................... May 13, 1864 Council Gr've Deceased. Elisha G. Moon.... Major................... Sept. 7, 1864 Topeka.................................... H. Stein................ Major.................... May 13, 1864 Leavenworth.......................... John A. Leffker... Major................... May 13, 1864 Moneka..................................., FIRST BRIGADE K. S. M. S. A. Drake........... Brig. General......... Feb. 29,1864 Leavenworth Com. Lt. Col. Vol. M. S. Grant......... Brig. General......... Aug. 22, 1864 Leavenworth........................... Alonzo Hastings.. Capt. and A. A. G... April 13, 1864 Leavenworth........................... George O. Eddy.... Capt. and A. Q. M.. April 13, 1864 Leavenworth Resigned. E. H. Marsh....... Capt. and A. Q. M.. Oct. 17, 1864 Leavenworth........................... Ed. D. Thompson.. Capt. and A. C....... April 13, 1864 Lawrence...... Resigned. Peter Ridenour.... Capt. and A. C....... Oct. 17, 1864 Lawrence............................... J. H. Dubois......... st Lt. and A. D. C. April 13, 1864 Leavenworth........................... John Gray.......... 1st Lt. and A. D. C. April 13, 1864 Atchison...... Resigned. David Stettauer... 1st Lt. and A. D. C. Oct. 17, 1864 Leavenworth........................... G. M. Lee............. 1st Lt. and A. D. C. Oct. 17, 1864 Leavenworth........................... SECOND BRIGADE.K. S. M. Byron Sherry...... Brig. General......... Feb. 29, 1864 Seneca................................... John E. Smith...... Capt. and A. A. G..] May 13, 1864 Seneca..................................... J. Weisbach......... Capt. and A. Q. M..] May 13, 1864 Marshall Co.............................. G. H. Hollinberg..g Capt. and A. Com... May 13, 1864 Wash'g'n Co..I........................... H. M. Robinson.... Capt. and A. D. C... May 13, 1864 Brown Co................................. Alfred Saxey........ 1st Lt. and A. D. C. May 13, 1864 Doniphan......................... THIRD BRIGADE K. S. M. W. H. M. Fishback Brig. General......... June 9, 1864 Olathe................................ Harry McBride... Capt. and A. A. G.. Aug. 22, 1864 Johnson Co............................... James P. Way...... Capt. and Comrn...... Aug. 22, 1864 Johnson Co............................... John P. Weaver.... Capt. and A. Q. M.. Aug. 22, 1864 Olathe......... Resigned. James B. Hovey.... Capt. and A. Q. M.. Oct. 8, 1864 Spring Hill.............................. J. B. Hovey......... Ist Lt. and A. D. C. Aug. 22, 1864 Spring Hill... Pr. C. & A. Q. M. Horace Pardee...... 1st Lt. and A. D. C. Aug. 22, 1864 Spring Hill............................... H. A. Burgess........ 1st Lt. and A. 1). C. Aug. 22, 1864 Spring Hill...I........................... W. W. Updegraff.. 1st Lt. and A. D. C. Oct. 20, 1864 Osawatomie............................. FOURTH BRIGADE K. S. M. John B. Scott....... Brig. General......... Feb. 29, 1864 Le Roy.................................... E. Robinson......... Capt. and A. A. G.. Mar. 22, 1864 Le Roy................................... James F. Walker.. Capt. and A. Q. M.. Mar. 22, 1864 Garnett............................ M. E. Grimes........ Capt. and Com rn....... June 14, 1864 Le Roy.................................... 394 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. FIFTHI BRIGADE K. S. M. Namnes. Rank. RDae of Residence. Remarks. Commission. John T. Snoddy.... Brig. General Feb. 29, 1864.................. Deceased. S. N. Wood........... Brig. General'Feb.'29, 1864 Council Grove.................................... H. C. Akin.......... Capt.&A.A.G. Mar. 24, 1864 Council Grove......................... R. A. Randlett...... Cpt. &'A.Q.M. Mar. 14, 1864 Topeka............ Resigned. W. R. Frost......... Cpt. & A.Q.M. May 24, 1864 Topeka................................. Amos D. Craigue.. Cpt. & A.Q.M. Mar. 25, 1864 Topeka.................................. G. T. Donaldson... lstLt.&A.D.C. Mar. 25, 1864 Chelsea............ Resigned. T. F. Hersey........ lstLt.&A.D.C. May 24, 1864 Abilene........................................... Asa R. Bancroft... lstLt.&A.D.C. May 25, 1864 Emporia.... E. Woodman........ 1stLt.&A.D.C. May 25, 1864 Manhattan....................................... FIRST REGIMENT K. S. M. S. A. Drake.......... Colonel...... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth PromotedBrig. Gen. C. H. Robinson...... Colonel. Mar. 19, 1864 Leavenworth.................................. Jas. A. McGonigle Lieut. Col..... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Promoted Gov. Staff.. D. McCarty..... Liet. Col..... Mar. 19, 1864 Leavenworth................................... L. Shindling......... Major........... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth. Alonzo Hastings... Adjutant..... Nov. 23, 1863 Leavenworth Resigned. Francis S. Drake..[ Adjutant..... May 24, 1864 Leavenworth................................... A. J. Angell......... Quar'master. Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Resigned. Henry S. Burr... Quar'master. July 18,1864 Leavenworth Resigned. W. S. Vandoren... Quar'master. Oct. 10, 1864 Leavenworth................................... C. A. Logan......... Surgeon....... June 29, 1864 Leavenworth................................... COMPANY A. Wm. Shepherd..... Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Resigned. H. P. Scott........... Captain.. July 21, 1864 Leavenworth................................... H. P. Scott........... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Promoted Captain. E. F. Root.......... First Lieut... July 21, 1864 Leavenworth.................. A. D. Nieman...... Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Resigned. H. C. Keller......... Second Lieut July 21, 1864 Leavenworth. COMPANY B. Jas. McCahon...... Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Com. rev. June 23,'64. H. D. McCarty..... First Lieut....I Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Promoted. John R. Bailey...... Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. D. R. Churchill..... Second Lieut Oct. 15, 1864 Leavenworth................................... COMPANY C. C. R. Robinson.....] Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. O. C. Beeler......,[i; Captain....... Sept. 14, 1864 Leavenworth........ George Einstein... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.." Resigned. E. Hallett........... First Lieut... Sept. 14,1864: Leavenworth................................... H. W. Kastor....... Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. D. Sibbett............ Second Lieut Sept. 14, 1864 [ Leavenworth................................. COMPANY D. W. S. Vandoren....] Captain...... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resign'd, April 28,'64. L. B. Wheat......... Captain....... July 1, 1864 Leavenworth... L. B. Wheat......... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Promoted Captain. Edward Carroll... First Lieut... Jult 1, 1864 Leavenworth. Edward Carroll... Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth Promoted First Lt. James S. Crow.... Second Lieut July 22, 1864 Leavenworth................................. COMPANY E. M. Bransfield... Captain Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth................................ D. N. Mitchell....... First Lieut.. Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.................................. Simon Shaw........ Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.................................. COMPANY F. Henry Sarsted.....I Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth......... Joseph Walters...[ First Lieut..., Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.................... Charles Schiller...l Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth..l................................. 1864.] ANNALS- OF KANSAS. 395 COMPANY G, FIRST REGIMENT K. S. M. Na es. Rank. Datle of Residence. Remarks. Commissiodn. Martin Smith...... Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth................................... John Berringer... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth. Philip Depper...... Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth. COMPANY H. AugustusM. Sattig Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.................................. Thomas Hughes... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. H. S. McClelland.. First Lieut... Aug. 24, 1864 Leavenworth.................................. H. S. McClelland..] Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Promoted First Lt. Henry Frank...... Second Lieut Aug. 24, 1864 Leavenworth. COMPANY I. F. Lathy.............. Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth................................. Philip Doyle. First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth................................. D. Bishop............ Second Lieutj Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth................................... COMPANY K. Harvey W. Ide.....I Captain....... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. J. C. Walkinshaw Captain....... May 16,1864 L eavenworth.. Resigned. John Hollusk...... Captain....... Oct. 14, 1864 Leavenworth......................... John Holland...... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. Henry Teeple...... First Lieut... Oct. 14, 1864 Leavenworth.. Charles N. Palmerl Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth.............................. BATTERY. Henry Mehl........ Captain.... Sept. 17, 1863 [ Leavenworth.* ------— A* — Charles Besser..... First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth HenryDeckelman Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Leavenworth................................ COMPANY L. F. M. Christian....] Captain. June 29, 1864 Delaware City.... F. S. Churchill First Lieut... June 29, 1864 Delaware City.. A. J, Nuckles.. Second Lieut June 29, 1864 Delaware City............. SECOND REGIMENT K. S. M. W.W.H.Lawrence Colonel......... Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka........... Resigned, Nov. 18,'63. R. A. Randlett..... Colonel........ Nov. 30, 1863 Topeka........... Resigned. Geo. W. Veale...... Colonel......... May 9,1864 Topeka.......................................... R. A. Randlett..... Lieut. Col..... Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka........... Promoted Colonel. Henry M. Greene. Lieut. Col..... July 15; 1864 Monmouth...... Wounded, battle of I Blue, Oct. 22, 1864. Andrew Stark...... Major........... Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka....................................... E. P. Kellam......... Adjutant...... Sept. 21, 1863 Topeka....................................... Sam'l J. Reeder... Quar'master Nov. 4, 1863 Indianola...... Taken pris., battle of Blue, Oct. 22, 1864. S. E. Martin.......... Surgeon....... Sept. 21, 1863 Topeka............................................ COMPANY *. L. Farnsworth..... Captain....... Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka........... Resigned. Geo. W. Veale...... Captain..... April 20, 1864 Topeka........... Promwed Colonel. Daniel H. Horne..I Captain....... May 14, 1864 Topeka................................. S. R. Remington... First Lieut... Sept. 17,-1863 Topeka................................. D. A. Hunter...... Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka...... Resigned. Geo. 0. Wilmarth. Second Lieut April 20, 1864 Topeka................................... COMPANY B. R. A. Randlett..... Captain....... Aug. 25, 1863 Topeka........... Promoted Lieut. Col. A. J. Huntoon...... Captain....... Nov.. 27, 1863 Topeka........... Prisoner battle Blue. A. J. Huntoon...... First Lieut... Aug. 25, 1863 Topeka.... Promoted Captain. James R. Parker.. First Lieut... Nov.. 27, 1863 Topeka.....'................................. Andrew Stark...... Second Lieut Aug. 25, 1863 Topeka..... Promoted Major. S. W. Higby......... Second Lieut Nov. 27, 1863 Topeka. Prisoner battle Blue. 396 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY C, SECOND REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. J. B. Hammon..... Captain........ Aug. 26, 1863 Tecumseh....................................... J. Tyler............... First Lieut... Aug. 26, 1863 Tecumseh....... Resigned. C. S. Pyle............. First Lieut... May 16, 1864 Tecumseh........ Removedto Ft.Scott. J. Tyler............... First Lieut... Oct. 10, 1864 Tecumseh........ Hiram Ward........ Second Lieut Aug. 26, 1863 Tecumseh........................................ COMPANY D. O. A. Curtis...... Captain........ Sept. 2, 1863 Indianola....... Resigned. Sterling B. Miles.. Captain........ Sept. 17, 1863 Indianola....... Wounded battle Blue. Sterling B. Miles.. First Lieut... Sept. 2, 1863 Indianola....... Promoted Captain. G. P. Clark........... First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Indianola....... Resigned. Samuel J Reeder. Second Lieut Sept. 2, 1863 Indianola....... Resigned. Thos. H. Heller... Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 Indianola................................. COMPANY E. John H. Banks..... Captain....... June 9, 1864 Topeka................................ Wm. P. Douthitt.. First Lieut.......................... Topeka. John H. Banks..... Second Lieut Dec. 21, 1863 Topeka........... Promoted Captain. Samuel Harriott... Second Lieut June 9, 1864 Topeka...................................... COMPANY F. James Thompson. Captain....... Sept. 2, 1863 Big Springs................................ Dennis Mariatty...] First Lieut... Sept. 2, 1863 Big Springs..................... P. H. Glenn......... Second Lieut Sept. 2, 1863 Big Springs................................ COMPANY G. Harvey McCaslin. Captain....... Sept. 5, 1863 Auburn........... Resigned. H. E. Bush........... Captain....... Sept. 18, 1863 Auburn........... Wounded Oct. 22,'64. H. E. Bush........... First Lieut... Sept. 18, 1863 Auburn........... Promoted Captain. H. L. Shumway... First Lieut... Sept. 18, 1863 Auburn........... W. H. DeLong...... Second Lieut Sept. 18, 1863 Auburn.... Died of wounds. COMPANY H. Charles C. Neal.... Captain....... Sept. 7, 1863 Williamsport... Resigned. Perry Tice.......... Captain....... June 4,1864 Willlamsport.................................... Perry Tice........... First Lieut... Sept. 7, 1863 Williamsport...I Promoted Captain. Joseph Young...... First Lieut... June 4, 1864 Williamsport..I................................. Henry K.Winans. Second Lieut Sept. 7,1863 Williamsport................................. COMPANY I. J. L. Wightman... I Captain....... Sept. 9, 1863 Richland........ Resigned. William Disney... Captain....... May 20, 1864 Richland. William Disney.... First Lieut... Sept. 9, 1863 Rihland........Promoted Captain. John Helton........ First Lieut... May 20, 1864 Richland. John Helton........ Second Lieut Sept. 9, 1863 Richland...... Promoted First Lt. William Reed...... Second Lieut May 20, 1864 Richland......................................... COMPANY K. Alexander Bailey Captain....... June 4, 1863 Osage county... 1 J. B. Stewart........ Captain.......Ma 16, 1864 Burlingame..... Transferred to S. F. Edwin Timms...... First Lieut... May 4, 1863 Burlingame..... Battalion. Geo. W. BerrilO... Second Lieut May 4, 1863 Burlingame..... COMPANY L. D. B. Burdick...... Captain....... Nov. 14, 1863 Ridgeway................................. R. Clark............... First Lieut... Nov. 14, 1863 Ridgeway.............................. Wm. McNaught... Second Lieut Nov. 14, 1863 Ridgeway......................................... M. Heils.............. Second Lieut May 16, 1864 Ridgeway........................................ COMPANY M. J. W. Mossman..... Captain....... Sept. 26, 1863 1 Wabaunsee............................... Peter S. Wemple...I First Lieut... Sept. 26, 1863 Mission Creek T. K. Thompson:... Second Lieut] Sept. 26, 1863 Mission Creek................................... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 397 BATTERY SECOND REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. DaC e of Residence. Remarks. Commision. W.W.lI.Lawrence Captain........ Aug. 24, 1863 Topeka.......... Resigned. Ross Burns.......... Captain....... Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka......... Wounded. Ross Burns.......... First Lieut... Aug. 24, 1863 Topeka......... Promoted Captain. Samuel Hall.....'" First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka........... Resigned. Tobias Billings.... First Lieut... July 19, 1864 Topeka....................................... Samuel Hall........ Second Lieut Aug. 24, 1863 Topeka.... Promoted First Lt. Chas. H. Wyckoff. Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 Topeka..... Prisoner. THIRD REGIMENT K. S. M. F. B. Swift........... Colonel...... Nov. 2,1863 Lawrence....... Resigned. Chas. Willemsen...I Colonel........ Feb. 13, 1864 Lawrence........................................ James S. Moore.... Lieut. Col..... Nov. 13, 1863 Lawrence....... Resigned. Newell W. Spicer.. Lieut. Col..... Oct. 13, 1864 Lawrence...................................... Andrew Still........ Major........... Nov. 13, 1863 Lawrence....... Resigned. Joseph E. Riggs... Major.......... Oct. 17, 1864 Lawrence....................................... S. S. Horton........ Adjutant... Nov. 13, 1863 Lawrence........................................ Paul R. Brooks..... Quar'master Nov. 13, 1863 Lawrence...................................... COMPANY A. Holland Wheeler.[ Captain........ Aug. 17, 1864 Lawrence Richard Huggardl First Lieut... Feb. 13,1864 Lawrence.Ii... Removed. R. W. Sparr......... First Lieut... Aug. 17, 1864 Lawrence................................. R. A. Watts......... Second Lieut Aug. 17, 1864 Lawrence........................ COMPANY C. John H. Wilder Cap n...... Captain Dec. 12, 1863 Lawrence........................................ Samuel J. Kimball First Lieut... Dec. 12 1863 Lawrence................................. C. A. Faris........... Second Lieut Oct. 4, 1864 Lawrence..................................... COMPANY D. James Brandon.... Captain Sept. 17, 1863 Lecompton...................................... John Hornback...] First Lieut...Sept. 17 1863 Lecompton...................................... Jas. D. TodhunterI Second Lieut Aug. 2 1864 Lecompton.......................... COMPANY E. Frank B. Swift..... Captain....... Oct. 13, 1864 1 Lawrence.......I................................ James D. Faxon...I First Lieut. Oct. 13 1864 Lawrence.................................. Eph. W. Baker.....| Second Lieutl Oct. 13, 1864 Lawrence.......I.....:...:......... COMPANY F. W. T. Hindman... Captain....... Dec. 12,1863 Wakarusa...................................... W. B. Kennedy... First Lieut. Dec. 12 1863 Wakarusa................................. Wm. Meairs......... Second Lieutl Dec. 12, 1863 Wakarusa......................................... COMPANY G. L. G. Anderson..... Captain....... Oct. 14, 1864 Franklin........................................ J. D. Herrington.. First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1864 Franklin..................... John McFarland..I Second Lieutj Aug. 10, 1864 Franklin......................................... COMPANY H. Whitford Thurber Captain....... Dec. 12, 1863 Wakarusa................. David C. Adams... First Lieut.. Dec. 12 1863 Wakarusa........................ Wm. B. Baker...... Second Lieut Dec. 12 1863 Wakarusa................................. COMPANY I. J. C. Vincent........ Captain....... July 5, 1864I Lecompton....................................... Chas. H. Rand...... First Lieut... July 5, 1864 Lecompton.............. Jacob Redinger.... Second Lieutl July 5, 1864 Lecompton............... COMPANY K. A. R. Leonard.... Captain......[ June 25, 1864 Kanwaka................................. Robert J. Barber.. First Lieut.. June 25 1864 Kanwaka........... John Barber........ Second Lieut June 25 1864 Kanwaka.............. 398 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY L, THIRD REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. ~ R. A. Steele.........j Captain....... July, 12, 1864. Bloomington... William Draper... First Lieut... July' 12,1864 Bloomington. C. W. Ferrier...... Second Lieut July 12, 1864 Bloomington................................. COMPANY M. C. M. Meek..........j Captain...... Aug. 2, 1864 Lawrence...................................... Benton Smith...... First Lieut... Aug 2 1864 Lawrence.... B. D. Palmer........I Second Lieutl Aug. 2, 1864 Lawrence........................................ FOURTH REGIMENT K. S. M. S. S. Cooper........ Colonel........ Nov. 4, 1863 Oskaloosa....... Removed from dist. Wm. D. McCain... Colonel......... Nov. 16, 1864 Oskaloosa....................................... J. B. Hubbell...... Lieut. Col..... Nov. 4, 1863 Oskaloosa...... Prom. Colonel 20th. N. F. Hewitt........ Lieut. Col..... Oct. 17, 1863 Oskaloosa. G. B. Carson....... Quar'master Nov. 16, 1864 Oskaloosa....................................... C. B. McClellan... Adjutant...... Nov. 16, 1864 Oskaloosa.......................... J. B. Divilbiss...... Surgeon....... Nov. 16, 1864 Oskaloosa. COMPANY A. Company A transferred to Twentieth Regiment. COMPANY B. Company B transferred to Twentieth Regiment. COMPANY C. Jerome B. Hazen.. Captain.......I Sept. 2, 1a63 Oskaloosa............................... Wm. D. McCain.... Captain...... I Dec. 7, 1863 Oskaloosa........ Promoted Colonel. Wm. D. McCain... First Lieut... Sept. 2, 1863 Oslaloosa........ Promoted Captain. W. L. Demming...J First Lieut...1 Dec. 7, 1863 Oskaloosa......................................... W. L. Demming... Second Lieut, Sept. 2, 1863 Oskaloosa........ Promoted First Lt. Eli Evans........... Second Lieut Dec. 7, 1863 Oskaloosa....................................... COMPANY D. John W. Rodgers. Captain....... Sept. 5, 1863 Winchester. W. P. Wilt.......... First Lieut... Sept. 5, 1863 Winchester..... Resigned. Hiram Webb....... First Lieut... Oct. 15, 1863 Winchester............................ A. J. Gafford........ Second Lieut Sept. 5,1863 Winchester.....Resigned. John H. Webb..... Second Lieut Jan. 26, 1864 Winchester...................................... COMPANY E. William Estes......l Captain....... Sept. 10, 1863 Kentucky Tp... Resigned. Andrea Dehort.... Captain....... July 1, 1864 Kentucky Tp............................ William Cather.... First Lieut... Sept. 10, 1863 Kentucky Tp.................................... Joseph Culton...... Second Lieut Sept. 10, 1863 Kentucky Tp.............................. COMPANY F. E. M. Hutchins.... I Captain....... Sept. 16, 1863 Grassh. Falls... Resigned. N. F. Hewitt........l Captain....... Sept. 29, 1864 Grassh. Falls... Promoted Lieut. Col. Wm. A. Cowen...... Captain. Oct. 17, 1863 Grassh. Falls.. John Beland........I. First Lieut... Sept. 16, 1863 Grassh. Falls.................................. Sam'l D. Divilbiss Second LieutJ Sept. 16, 1863 Grassh. Falls.. Resigned. George Riffert...... Second Lieut July 6, 1864 Grassh. Falls............ COMPANY G. James H. Jones... I Captain.. Sept. 19, 1863 Kaw City................. James M. Huber.. First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Kaw City John J. Townsendl Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 Kaw City:::::::................ COMPANY H. Golden Silvers...... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 J Mt. Florence...l............................ Newell Colby..... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Mt. Florence John Rippetoe..... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Mt. Florence.......................... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 399 COMPANY I, FOURTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank Date Residence. Remarks. Commission. A. G. Patrick...... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Mt.-Florence... Removed out of Dist. W. C. Butts........ Captain....... July 1, 1864 Grassh. Falls.................................... W. C. Butts......... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Grassh. Falls... Promoted Captain. W. G. Keech........ First Lieut... July 1, 1864 Grassh. Falls.................................... S. B. Hogan......... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1864 Grassh. Falls.................................... COMPANY K.J. W. Houtz......... Captain...... Sept. 22, 1863 Winchester.................................... J. J. Martin.....:... Second Lieutl Sept. 22, 1863 Winchester...................................... COMPANY L. Ephraim Bainter... Captain...... Dec. 7, 1863 1 Osawkee.......... Resigned. John Freek......... Captain..... Nov. 14, 1864 Osawkee................................... John Freek.........FirstLieut... Dec. 7, 1863 Osawkee. Promoted Captain. Johnson Kennedy First Lieut... Nov. 14, 1864 Osawkee..................................... Horace C. Deming Second Lieut Dec. 7, 1863 Osawkee........ Resigned. Jas. D. Nesbitt..... Second Lieut Nov. 14, 1864 Osawkee......................................... COMPANY M. Henry Morley...... Captain....... Jan. 13, 1864 Oskaloosa........ Resigned. John L. Patterson Captain....... May 14, 1864 Sarcoxie.......................................... J. O. Reed........... First Lieut... Dec. 7, 1863 Oskaloosa....... Resigned. Moses D. Baldwin First Lieut... May 14, 1864 Sarcoxie........Resigned. D. M. Smith......... First Lieut... July 6, 1864 Oskaloosa......................................... David M. Smith... Second Lieut Dec. 7, 1863 Oskaloosa........ Promoted First Lt. Jesse D. Miller..... Second Lieut May 14, 1864 Sarcoxie........Resigned. Amos M. Fawcett. Second Lieut July 6, 1864 Oskaloosa......................................... COMPANY N. F. M. Whitlow..... Captain. Dec. 7, 1863 I Sarcoxie................................. Thomas R. Bayne Captain....... Oct. 15, 1864..................................... M.J.Bundy......... First Lieut... Dec. 7, 1863 Sarcoxie.......... Removed from Dist. H. B. Hatton........ First Lieut... June 14, 1864 Sarcoxie.................................. William Williams Second Lieut Dec. 7, 1863 Sarcoxie......... Removed from Dist. Thomas J. Hare... Second Lieut June 14, 1864 Sarcoxie......................................... COMPANY 0. J. M. Hawthorne..l Captain......Nov. 1,1864 I Jefferson Co.-........................ Noah W. Moon'. First Lieut Nov. 1 1864 Jef erson Co Sylvester Alton... Second LieutL Nov. 1, 1864 l Jefferson Co.... FIFTH REGIMENT K. S. M. G. A. Colton........ Colonel........ Sept. 28, 1863 Paola..............................................'G. H. Hume........ Lieut. Col..... Sept. 28, 1863 Paola............................ Assail Hunt......... Major........... Sept. 28, 1863 Paola............................................... T. J. Hedges..... Adjutant...... Sept. 28, 1863 Paola.............................................. B. Snyder............ Quar'master Sept. 28, 1863 Paola............................................... COMPANY A. John P. Dodd...... Captain..... Sept. 4, 1863 Osage.............................................. S. Underhill....... First Lieut... Sept. 4, 1863 Osage............. W. G. McCollock.. Second Lieut Sept. 4, 1863 Osage..................... COMPANY B. Charles Rice........ Captain....... Sept. 5, 1863 Stanton.......... Resigned. J. K. Landers...... Captain....... July 25, 1864 Stanton........................................... P. P. Bingham..... First Lieut... July 25, 1864 Stanton....................................... Joel Goodrich...... Second Lieut Sept. 5,1864 Stanton......... Resigned. W. P. Bowen........ Second Lieut July 25, 1864 Stanton........................................... COMPANY C. G. H. Hume......... Captain.......1 Oct. 4, 1863 New Lancaster. John Massey....... First Lieut... Oct. 4, 1863 New Lancaster...... R. S. Hiner......... Second Lieut Oct. 4, 1863 New Lancaster............................ 400 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY D, FIFTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. RBank. Date of R esidence. Remarks. Commission. H. Pardee........... Captain....... Sept. 28,1863 Paola................................................ Jacob Snyder....... First Lieut... Sept. 28, 1863 Paola................................................ W. W. Childer..... Second Lieut Sept. 28, 1863 Paola................................................ COMPANY E. Elias Snyder........ Captain....... Sept. 28, 1863 Osawatomie.... Resigned. Thomas Roberts... Captain....... July 18, 1864 Osawatomie.... Resigned. W. R. Wagstaff.... Captain....... Aug. 22, 1864 Paola................................................ James Bell........... First Lieut... Aug. 28, 1864.................. Resigned. Henry Smith...... First Lieut... July 18,1864.................. Resigned. Martin Dale......... First Lieut... Aug. 22, 1864........................................ Matt Stephens...... Second Lieut Sept. 28, 1863 Osawatomie..... Resigned. C. M. Stephens..... Second Lieut July 18, 1864........... Resigned. M. D. Gossett....... Second Lieut July 8, 1864........................................................ COMPANY F. L. A. Arnott......... First Lieut...I Sept. 28, 1863 1 Indianapolis... Resigned. W. J. Ellis........... Second Lieut[ Sept. 28, 1863 l Indianapolis................................. COMPANY G. G. B. Trayler....... Captain....... Sept. 9,1863 St. Marysville................................ H. L. Lyon.......... First Lieut... Sept. 9,1863 St. Marysville.................................. S. W. Spear....... Second Lieut Sept. 9,1863 St. Marysville.. Resigned. James V. Lyon..... Second Lieut Aug. 2, 1864 Lyons..................................... COMPANY H. James Ray........... Captain....... Sept. 28, 1863 Richland...................... F. N. Dodd........... First Lieut... Sept. 28, 1863 Richland................. J. W. Pile............. Second Lieut Sept. 28, 1863 Richland...... Removed from Dist. Charles N. White. Second Lieut April 25, 1864 Richland......................................... COMPANY I. G. W. Raney....... Captain....... Nov. 5, 1863 Wea................ Resigned. W. B. Keith......... Captain....... Sept. 19, 1864 Paola............................................... G. W. Wise......... First Lieut... Nov. 5,1863 Wea................ Resigned. Peter Reynolds.... First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1864 Paola................................. J. A. Hicks.......... Second Lieut Nov. 5, 1863 Wea................................................. COMPANY K. Seth Clover.......... Captain....... Sept. 8, 1863 Paola............. Resigned. Thomas Roberts... Captain....... July 18,1864 Osawatomie...................................... Thos. J. Hedges... First Lieut... Sept. 8,1863 Osawatomie..... Promoted. Henry B. Smith...I First Lieut... July 8,1864 Osawatomie...................................... M. D. Gossett....... Second Lieut Sept. 8, 1863 Osawatomie..... Resigned. C. M. Stephens..... Second Lieut July 18,1864 Osawatomie................................. SIXTH REGIMENT K. S. M. James D. Snoddy..1 Colonel........ June 13, 1864 Mound City...................................... H. Robinson...... Major.......... June 30, 1864 Mound City...................................... E. R. Smith......... Adjutant..... June 30, 1864 Mound City...................................... James L. Scott..... Quarterm'r.. June 30, 1864 Mound City..................................... L. B. Hiatt.......... Surgeon...... June 30, 1864 Mound City................................. COMPANY A. Justin N. Ayres...l Captain....... Sept. 4, 1863 Centreville.................. Charles Barnes.... Captain....... Aug. 2, 1864 Centreville...................................... H. Robinson........ First Lieut... Sept. 4,1863 Centreville...... Promoted Major. D. F. Park........... First Lieut... Aug. 2, 1864 Centreville...................................... Benj. F. Bradley... Second Lieut Sept. 4,1863 Centreville...... Resigned. Jesse Brown....... Second Lieut Aug. 28, 1864 Centreville....................................... 1864.] ANNALS OFT KANSAS. 401 COMPANY B, SIXTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Dao e of Residence. Remarks. Commission. M. P. McDaniels... Captain....... Sept. 10, 1863 Paris, Linn Co. Removed. W. S. McDowell... Captain....... June 3, 1864 Paris, Linn Co. Resigned. Nelson Knight..... Captain....... Aug. 2, 1864 Paris, Linn Co................................. Jeremiah Farris... First Lieut... Sept. 10, 1863 Paris, Linn Co. Resigned. Owen D. Botkin... First Lieut... Aug. 2, 1864 Paris, Linn Co.................................. John M. Honnis... Second Lieut Sept. 10, 1863 Paris, Linn Co. Resigned. J. S. Corbin......... Second Lieut Aug. 2, 1864 Paris, Linn Co................................. COMPANY C. J. H. Trego......... Captain....... Dec. 31, 1863 Linn county...I Resigned. Theo. F. Wilson... Captain....... Aug. 2, 1864 Linn county...I................................. Dennis Gray........ First Lieut... Dec. 31, 1863 Linn county... Resigned. J. J. Calton.......... First Lieut... Aug. 2, 1864 Linn county.................................... A. S. Potter......... Second Lieut Dec. 31, 1863 Linn county... Resigned. Lyman Strong..... Second Lieut Aug. 2, 1864 Linn county.................................... COMPANY D. M. McDaniels...... Captain....... Dec. 31, 1863........................ Resigned. T. L. Wilson........ Captain....... Aug. 5,1864....................................... Elias Snook.......... First Lieut... Dec. 31, 1863........................ Resigned. W. J. Brewer....... First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864........................]............... A. W. Long.......... Second Lieut Dec. 31, 1863........................ Resigned. John Rice............ Second Lieut Aug. 5, 1863......................................................... COMPANY E.'T. L. Wilson......... Captain....... Dec. 31, 1863 Linn county.... Resigned. T. M. Crawford... Captain....... Aug. 5, 1864 Linn county..................................... W. J. Brewer....... First Lieut... Dec. 31, 1863 Linn county.... Resigned. G. H. B. Hopkins.. First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864 Linn county.... A. L. Hills........... Second Lieut Dec. 31, 1863 Linn county..................................... COMPANY F. Herbert Robinson Captain....... Dec. 31,1863....................... Resigned. William Lewis..... Captain....... Aug. 5, 1864.......................I Resigned.l ----..... John H. Belding... First Lieut... Dec. 31, 1863........................ Resigned. Jeremiah Fanes... First Lieut... Sept. 10, 1863......................................... James P. Way...... Second Lieut Dec. 31, 1863....................................................... COMPANY G. David Lindsey..... Captain....... Oct. 31, 1863 Linn county.... Res., June 13, 1864. Isaac Morris......... Captain....... Dec. 15, 1863 Linn county..................................... Robt. P. Stephens. First Lieut... Oct. 31, 1863 Linn county.................................... Aaron Lamb........ Second Lieut Oct. 31, 1863 Linn county.... Resigned. Asbury S. Potter.. Second Lieut Dec. 15, 1863 Linn county................................ COMPANY H. John F. Clippard.l Captain....... Aug. 5, 1864............... B. F. Bradley....... First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864....................................... COMPANY I. Wm. Lounsbury... Captain.... Aug. 5, 1864............... Elias Snook...... First Lieut... Aug. 5,1864............g..... Resigned. Nathaniel Oats... First Lieut................................................................. T. C. Crague......... SecondLieut Aug. 5,1864........................ Resigned. William C. Ryan.. Second Lieut..................................................................... COMPANY K. ZebadiahW.Lason Captain...;.. Aug. 5,1864................... —-1 —--- Elias Snook........... First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864..................1 T. C. Crague........ Second Lieut Aug. 5, 1864....................................... COMPANY L. David Lindsey..... Captain....... Oct. 31, 1863....................................... John H. Belding........... First Lieut... Oct. 31, 1863 Aaron Lamb....... Second Lieut Oct. 31, 1863..................................... 26 402 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY M, SIXTH REGIMENT K. S.. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. Amos W. Long... Captain. Aug. 5,1864....................................... Mark T. Phelps... First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864....................................... Stephen B. Griffin Second Lieut Aug. 5, 1864...................................... COMPANY N. C. C. Hadsell....... Captain.... ug. 5, 1864................... William Goss....... First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864................................. A. H. Smith......... Second Lieut Aug. 5, 1864. SEVENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. PeterMcFarland..[ Colonel........l Dec. 9, 1863 Leavenworth............................. R. N. Hershfield... Liut.Col... Dec. 9, 1863 Leavenworth................................. E. L. Stanley Major........ Dec. 9, 1863 Leavenworth........................ Chas. A. Clarke.... Adjutant...... Dec. 9,1863 Leavenworth. Res., Nov. 2, 1864. COMPANY A. T. C. Stevens....... Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 Leavenworth.. Res., April 28, 1864. W. C. Higginson... Captain..... July 15, 1864 Leavenworth......................... W. L. Easson........ First Lieut... July 15, 1864 Leavenworth................................. W. C. Zentmeyer.. Second Lieut July 15, 1864 Leavenworth................................... COMPANY B. Kearney Cusick... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. W. H. Hays..... Captain...... July 15, 1864 Leavenworth.................................. Ed. Sherlock....... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. J. B. Ludlum....... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.................................. John Dugan........ Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. J. H. Lyon.......... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth............................... COMPANY C. Smith D. Woods... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. T. A. Hurd........... Captain....... July 15,;1864 Leavenworth................... T. A. Hurd........... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.. Promoted Captain. S. Hastings...... First Lieut... July 15, 1864 Leavenworth.......................... S. Hastings.......... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.. Promoted First Lieut G, W. Foster....... Second Lieut July 15, 1864 Leavenworth.................................. COMPANY D. Oliver Diefendorf Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned. Edward Reilly..... Captain....... July 5, 1864 Leavenworth.................................... John B. Ludlum... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth............................ J. H. Lyon........... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth..... This Company transferred to Nineteenth Regiment, as Company E. COMPANY E. A. C. Harlow........ Captain.......1 Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth...I................................. J. S. Spear...... First Lieut...I Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.................................... Frank Goble........ Second.Lieuti Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth........................... COMPANY F. George Einstein... Captain....... July 5, 1864 Leavenworth.................................... Peter Huesgen..... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth...I Resigned. Morris Kayser..... First Lieut... July 5, 1864 Leavenworth................................. N. W. West......... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned. D. A. Comstock... Second Lieut July 5,1864 Leavenworth.................................... COMPANY G. R. H. Kerr........... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth............................ JohnFirst ieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.................................... John Kaczynsky.. First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Thomnas Kyle...... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth.................................. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 403 COMPANY H, SEVENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. CommDate isof Residence. Remarks. Commission. Robert Ward....... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned. Gust. Bayer......... Captain....... July 15,1864 Leavenworth...I................................. B. F. Toombley... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned. Charles Schiller... First Lieut... July 15, 1864 Leavenworth..................................... S. J. McCown....... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned.. Louis Brusher...... Second Lieut July. 5, 1864 Leavenworth................................. COMPANY I. Crawford Moore... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth...l Resigned. James McCahon... Captain.......l July 15, 1864 Leavenworth.................................... James J. Daniels.. First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned. George S. Smith... First Lieut... July 15, 1864 Leavenworth... I................................. Richard Gilstrap.. Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth... Resigned. A. McFarland...... Second Lieut July 15, 1864 Leavenworth.................................... COMPANY K. William Smith..... Captain. Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth. Wm. V. French... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth......... William Hills...:... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Leavenworth...:................................. COMPANY M. Geo. W. Baird...... Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 Easton....... J. J. Robinson..... FirstLieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Easton............ J. C. Baird........... Second Lieuti Dec. 8, 1863 Easton............I:::::: COMPANY N. James Hendersoni Captain....... I Dec. 8, 1863 Easton............ John Thornbury.. First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Easton............ Win. T. Martin...' Second Lieutl Dec. 8, 1863 Easton................................. COMPANY 0. Transferred to Nineteenth Regiment, as Company G. COMPANY P. Transferred to Nineteenth Regiment, as Company B. COMPANY Q. EdwardSherlock.. First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Leavenworth...........................'John Dugan........I Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 Leavenworth..l......................... COMPANY R. Ed. S. Menegar..... Captain. Dec. 8, 1863 I Delaware......... Gilbert M. Piper... First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Delaware. Joseph Drees....... Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 Delaware................................. EIGHTH REGIMENT K. S. M. S. N. Wood........... Colonel......... Nov. 10, 1863 Council Grove Promoted Brig. Gen. Wm. S. Smith...... Colonel......... July 4,1864 Cot'nw'd Falls W. S. Smith......... Lieut. Col..... Nov. 10, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls Promoted Colonel. R. B. Lockwood... Lieut. Col..... July 14, 1864 Council Grove R. 3. Lockwood... Major........... Nov. 10, 1863 Council Grove Promoted Lieut. Col. A. S. Pollard........ Major........... July 14, 1864 Council Grove.'Thomas White..... Adjutant...... Dec. 21, 1863 Council Grove Deceased. John H. Scribner Quar'master Dec. 21, 1863 Council Grove. J. H. Bradford...... Surgeon....... Dec. 21, 1863 Council Grove COMPANY A. S. N. Wood.......... Captain....... May 20, 1863. Council Grove Promoted Colonel. James Cairey....... Captain....... Nov. 14, 1863 Council Grove................................. R. B. Lockwood... First Lieut... May 20, 1863 Council Grove Promoted Major. James Cairey...... First Lieut... Oct. 1, 1863 Council Grove Promoted Captain. Joseph Dunlap.....I First Lieut... Nov. 14, 1863 Council Grove James Cairey....... Second Lieut May 20, 1863 Council Grove Promoted First Lt.. Theodore Jones Second Lieut Oct. 1, 1863 Council Grove. 404 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY B, EIGHTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Renmarks. Commission. W. S. Smith........ Captain....... Sept. 16, 1862 Cot'nw'd Falls. Promoted Lieut. Col. A. S. Howard....... Captain....... Jan. 13, 1864 Cot'nw'd Falls.................................. A. S. Howard....... First Lieut... Sept. 16, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls. Promoted Captain. H. E. Snyder........ First Lieut... Jan. 13,1864 Cot'nw'd Falls................................. H. L. Hunt......... Second Lieut Sept. 16, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls................................. COMPANY C. William F. Lard.. Captain......... Sept. 8,1863 Council Grove James E. Bryan... First Lieut...! Sept. 8, 1863 Council Grove.................................. rm y... Second L Sept.'8, 1863 Council Grove.l................................. Jacob A. B. Bear... Second Lieut Sept. 8, 1863 Cuncil Grove................................. COMPANY D. Charles Gunter....I Captain...... Sept. 22, 1863 I Clark's Creek..l................................ Henry Baxter...... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Clark's Creek.. Cartney Holmes... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Clark's Creek.. COMPANY E. S. D. Price............ Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 1 Neosho Falls.................................... T. J. Lambert...... First Lieut.. Sept. 22, 1863 Neosho Falls... M. Clay............ Second Lieuti Sept. 22, 1863 Neosho Falls................. COMPANY F. H. H. Doolittle..... Captain....... Nov. 11, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls. Resigned. Geo. W. Williams. Captain....... Mar. 17, 1864 Cot'nw'd Falls............. O. H. Drinkwater. First Lieut... Nov. 11, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls. Resigned. M. R. Leonard...... First Lieut... Nov. 25, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls.................................. Asa Taylor........... Second Lieut Nov. 11, 1863 Cot'nw'd Falls. COMPANY G. G. F. Donaldson... Captain....... Sept. 28, 1863 Chelsea............................................. John Spencer...... First Lieut... Sept. 28, 1863 Chelsea.................... D. Llewellyn........ Second Lieuti Sept. 28, 1863 Chelsea...................................... NINTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Frank M. Tracy... Colonel........ Feb. 17,1864 Doniphan.................................... Sylvest. Bonesteel Lieut. Col..... Feb. 17,1864 Highland......................... Lewis Tracy........I Major....... Feb. 17,1864 Elwood................................. A. Saxey........... Adjutant...... Feb. 17, 1864 Troy.............................................. A. J. Miner....... Quarmaster. Feb. 17,1864 Troy................................... N. Harrington.... Surgeon..... Feb. 17, 1864 Troy..................... COMPANY A. G. W. Barr........... Captain....... Oct. 17, 1863 Elwood.......................................... T. A. Hays...........l First Lieut Oct 17,1863 Elwood........... I.................................. Lewis Tracy......... Second LieutI Oct. 17, 1863 Elwood........... Promoted Major. COMPANY B. S. Bonesteel......... Captain....... Sept. 19, 1863 Highland........ Promoted Lieut. Col. John Dillon......... Captain....... Feb. 17, 1864 Highland... John Dillon.......... First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Highland......:Promoted Captain. James Williams... First Lieut... Feb. 17, 1864 Highland.. Jesse W. Jones..... Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 Highland................................. COMPANY C. Frank M. Fracy.. Captain....... June 20, 1863 Doniphan........ Promoted Colonel. Robert J. Wynn... Captain...... Feb. 17, 1864 Doniphan......................................... Robert'J. Wynn... First Lieut... June 20, 1863 Doniphan........ Promoted Captain. Cyrus C. Camp..... First Lieut... Feb. 17, 1864 Doniphan........................................ A. A. Gardner..... Second Lieut June 20, 1863 Doniphan........ Removed from Dist. J. R. Plummer..... Second Lieut Feb. 17, 1864 Doniphan............................... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 405 COMPANY D, NINTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. James Wake......... Captain....... Sept. 19, 1863 Wathena......... Resigned. Benj. Harding..... Captain....... Apr. 13, 1864 Wathena.......................................... Abrah'm Johnson First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Wathena...... Resigned. Augustus Miller... First Lieut... Apr. 13, 1864 Wathena.......................................... Young Guthery... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Wathena......... Resigned. J. O. Larzelere..... Second Lieut Apr. 13, 1864 Wathena................................ COMPANY E. F. W. Ledington... Captain....... Sept. 22, 1863 Doniphan........ Resigned. Elijah Fleming.... Captain....... Aug. 5,1864 Doniphan......................................... A. B. Symms....... First Lieut...I Sept. 22, 1863 Doniphan........ Resigned. C. Nahnung.........I First Lieut... Aug. 5, 1864 Doniphan......................................... N. S. Sprowls..... Second Lieut Sept. 22, 1863 Doniphan...... Resigned. Daniel Jacks....... Second Lieut Aug. 5,1864 I)oniphan......................................... COMPANY F. A. S. Addis........... Captain.......Sept. 22, 1863 Doniphan......................................... Arthur Larkin.... First Lieut... Sept. 22, 1863 Doniphan......................., H. N. Short......... Second Lieutl Sept. 22, 1863 Doniphan.................................. COMPANY G. S. Anderson....... Captain....... Oct. 12, 1863 Palermo.......... P. Grady.......... First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1863 Palermo.............................. R. Myers.............. Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1863 Palermo..................... COMPANY H. William Orem....... Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 Syracuse.........I.............................. James iH. Long.....] First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Syracuse Patrick Kirwin..... Second Lieutl Dec. 8, 1863 Syracuse......... COMPANY I. J. T. Lane............. Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 Iowa Point...... Resigned. James M. Powell.. Captain....... July 18, 1864 Iowa Point....................................... W. H. Nesbitt...... First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Iowa Point...... Resigned. A. H. Acton......... First Lieut... July 18, 1864 Iowa Point...................................... C(. W. McCoy........ Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 Iowa Point...... Resigned. Fred. Breckholter Second Lieut July 18, 1864 Iowa Point....................................... COMPANY K. C. W. Noyes........ Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 White Cloud.................................... H. F. Macy.......... First Lieut... Dec. 8,1863 White Cloud... Allen Hollencraft Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 White Cloud:............................... COMPANY L. Albert Perry........ Captain. July 1, 1864 l Troy....................................... Joseph Hayton..... First Lieut... July 1, 1864 Troy................................................ J. L. Zimmerman. Second Lieut July 1, 1864 Troy............................. COMPANY M. James M. Tracy.... Captain.......I Oct. 19, 1864 Elwood............ D. B. Jones I....... First Lieut... Oct. 19, 1864 Elwood........................................... Archibald Craig.... Second Lieut| Oct. 19,1864 Elwood........................................... TENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. William Pennock Colonel......... Nov. 18, 1863 Centropolis................. Miles Morris........ Lieut. Col..... Nov. 18, 1863 Garnett..........I............................. A. Wiley.............. Major....... lNov. 18, 1863 Garnett.......... J. K. Goodin........ Adjutant.....I Dec. 1, 1863 Minneola......... Pro. Captain Co. A. Irwin C. Hughes.. I Quar'master Dec. 1, 1863 Minneola........ M. F. HI oladay.... Surgeon....... Oct. 10,1864 Lane............... 406 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY A, TENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. DaC e of Residence. Remarks. Commission. William Pennock Captain....... Sept. 10, 1863 Centropolis..... Promoted Colonel. J. K. Goodin........ Captain....... Dec. 10, 1863 Minneola........ Commis'n revoked. James Harris...... Captain...... Dec. 8, 1863 Centropolis...... Commis'n revoked. W. S. Delano........ Captain....... Feb. 11, 1864................... Entered U. S. service. James W. Jane..... Captain..... June 7,1864 Minneola.......................................... James Harris....... First Lieut... Sept. 10, 1864 Centropolis..... Promoted Captain. Charles Clark...... First Lieut... Feb. 11,1864....................................... W. S. Delano........ Second Lieut Sept. 10, 1683.................. Promoted Captain. John Clark......... Second Lieut Mar. 14, 1864............................................. COMPANY B. Miles Morris........ Captain.......I Sept. 19, 1863 Garnett.......... Pro. Lieut. Colonel. George W. Iler...... Captain....... Dec. 24, 1863 Garnett.......................................... A. W. Jones........ First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Garnett Resigned. James Reynolds.... First Lieut... May 16, 1864 Garnett.................................. Junius Reynolds.. Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1864 Garnett Pro. First Lieut. H. Cavender........I Second Lieut May 16, 1864 Garnett.::-.:::-................................. COMPANY C. R. E. Jenness......Captai....... Sept. 19, 1863 I Peoria............. W. D. Springer.... First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Peoria............. G. B. Davidson..... Second Lieutd Sept: 19, 1863 Peoria........................................... COMPANY D. William Benton... Captain.......I Sept. 19, 1863 I Peoria..... Anders'nJohnson First Lieut....... Sept. 19, 1863 Peoria........................................... S. Wheatly...........I Second Lieuti Sept: 19, 1863 Peoria.............................................. COMPANY E. Hardy Warren..... Captain....... Sept. 24, 1863 ] Mt. Gilead....... Harrison Lowrey. First Lieut... Sept. 24, 1863 Mt. Gilead.................................... John Fox........... Second Lieut| Sept. 24, 1863 Mt. Gilead....................................... COMPANY F. Milton Pettibone..l Captain.......I Oct. 2, 1863 Ottawa........................................ Thomas Taylor.... First Lieut. Oct. 2, 1863 Ottawa...... A. Rankin...........I Second Lieutl Oct. 2, 1863 Ottawa.................................. COMPANY G. Mars Burrell........ Captain....... Oct. 12, 1863 Ohio City.........l................................. John W. Gannon. First Lieut... Oct. 12,1863 Ohio City................................. JohnWalruff....... |Second Lieutl Oct. 12, 1863 Ohio City..................................... COMPANY H. S. H. Case........... Captain..... Oct. 28, 1863 Anderson Co... Removed from Dist. J. A. Cunningham Captain.......I Sept. 3, 1864 Berea........................................ John N. Bronell.. First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863....................................... D. W. Hoov er. Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 COMPANY I. Jas. McLaughlin..1 Captain........ Nov. 10, 1863 Garnett Henry Fenerbornj First Lieut... Nov. 10, 1863 Garnett. Removed from Dist. David Wright...... First Lieut... June 27, 1864 Garnett. James S. Smith.... Second Lieut Nov. 10, 1863 Garnett........................................... COMPANY K. James B. Loury... Captain.......I Dec. 12, 1863 Reeder P. O............................... David S. Easton... First Lieut... Dec. 12, 1863 Reeder P. O.... Resigned. Samuel Patton..... First Lieut... July 22, 1864 Mineral Point............................ W. H. Hooper..... Second Lieut Dec. 12,1863 Reeder P. O...................................... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 407 COMPANY L, TENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. W. H. H. Lour... Captain....... July 14, 1864 Ottawa........... Resigned. Edward Smith...... FirstLieut... July 14,1864 Ottawa........................................... F. F. Johnson...... Second Lieut July 14,1864 Ottawa........... Resigned. ELEVENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. A. J. Mitchell...... Colonel......... Oct. 28, 1863 Emporia......... J. C. Bunch......... Lieut. Col..... Oct. 28, 1863 Emporia......... Resigned. R. H. Abraham.... Major.......... Oct. 28, 1863 Emporia..J. Stotler............. Adjutant...... Oct. 28, 1863 Emporia.................................. N. S. Storrs.... Quar'master May 30, 1864 Emporia....J.A. M~oore..........I Surgeon....... April 18, 1864 Emporia.J.A.Moore... Surgeon....... Aprill8,1864 Emporia...................................... COMPANY A. A. R. Bancroft..... Captain....... Sept. 10, 1863 Emporia.................... G. D. Humphrey.. First Lieut... Sept. 10,1863 Emporia................................ J. D. Gilchrist...... Second Lieut Sept. 10, 1863 Emporia......... Resigned. G. W. Frederick...[ Second Lieut Aug. 5,1864 Emporia....................................... COMPANY B. MalcolmCampbelll Captain....... Sept. 26, 1863 1 Plymouth............ A. J. Reeves........ First Lieut... Sept. 26, 1863 Plymouth...................................... David McCool...... Second Lieutl Sept. 26, 1863 Plymouth........................................ COMPANY C. Alfred B. Elliott.. Captain....... Sept. 26, 1863 Fremont...... J. W. Loy............ Second Lieutl Sept. 26, 1863 Fremont.................................... COMPANY D..J. C. Hill.............. Captain...... Sept. 29, 1863 Americus................. J.. White First ieut....... Sept. 29, 1863 Americus.........Joseph Kempton.. Second Lieut Sept. 29, 1863 Americus......................................... COMPANY E. Transferred to Santa Fe Battalion. COMPANY F. P. H. Hunt........... Captain....... May 16, 1864 I Emporia......... Ed. Borton........... L May 16,1864 Emporia.......................................... Ed. Borton..., First Lieut... May 16, 1864 Emporia. M. B. Jacobs........ Second Lieut May 16, 1864 Emporia..:.............................. COMPANY G. Wm. E. McGinnisl Captain...... Sept. 8,1864 Hartford........................ Wm. K.Maybury. First Lieut... Sept. 8, 1864 Hartford.........,G. Griffith............ Second Lieut Sept. 8, 1864 Hartford:::::............ TWELFTH REGIMENT K. S. M. L. S. Treat........... Colonel......... Dec. 12, 1863 1 Atchison..........................................S. O. Hilton........ Lieut. Col..... Dec. 12, 1863 Atchison...........................................J. C. Batsell......... Major........... Dec. 12, 1863 Atchison......... Resigned. ~Geo. H. Hawkins. Adjutant..... Jan. 30, 1864 Monrovia........ Resigned. G.M. Woodworth. Adjutant..... Aug. 29, 1864 Monrovia.........................................Junius F. Brown.. Quar'master Jan. 30, 1864 Atchison................................ Chas.Williamson.. Surgeon...... July 8,1864 Atchison................................. COMPANY A. AsaBarnes........ Captain.. 17,1863 Mt. Pleasant....... G. W. Thompson.. First Lieut... Jan. 20, 1864 Mt. Pleasant................................ J. Maxwell.......... Second Lieutl Jan. 20, 1864 Mt. Pleasant-..,............................ COMPANY B. Sam'l M. BowmanI Captain....... Sept. 18, 1863 I Kickapoo... Resigned. Sam'l L. Hollisterl Captain....... Dec. 7, 1863 Kickapoo................................. Ferdin'd Jaedickel First Lieut... Sept. 18, 1863 W. Creek........ Resigned. Wm. H. Cook...... I First Lieut... Sept. 3, 1864 W. Creek..................................... Fred. Christy...... Second Lieut Sept. 18, 1863 W. Creek........ Resigned. Wm. J. Bailey...... Second Lieut Sept. 3, 1864 iW. Creek....................................... 408 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864, COMPANY C, TWELFTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Comsmissions. Geo. J. Weaver..... Captain....... May 26, 1864 Atchison........................................... Geo. J. Weaver..... First Lieut... Sept. 18, 1863 Atchison......... Promoted Captain. Henry F. Smith... First Lieut... May 26, 1864 Atchison.......................................... Henry F. Smith... Second Lieut May 18, 1863 Atchison....... Promoted First Lt. Jas. W. Truesdale Second Lieut May 26, 1864 Atchison.......................................... COMPANY D. Hezekiah J. Crist. Captain....... Jan. 27, 1864 Huron....................................... Sam. H. Cozard.... First Lieut... Oct. 22, 1863 Monrovia......................................... Eli Watson......... First Lieut... Jan. 27, 1864 Huron....................................... Hezekiah J. Crist. Second Lieut Oct. 23, 1863 Monrovia........ Promoted Captain. G. M. Fuller......... Second Lieut Jan. 27, 1864 Monrovia........ Removed from Dist. Wm. H. Sidner..... Second Lieut May 19, 1864 Huron............................................ COMPANY E. Robert White...... Captain......... Oct. 3, 1863 Eden....................... John English...... FirstLet... Oct. 3, 1863 Eden.............................................. Milton F. Steeter..| Second Lier;t Oct. 3, 1863 Eden COMPANY F. A. S. Best............ Captain....... Nov. 5, 1863 Monrovia................... Benj. Walleck...... First Lieut... Nov. 5, 1863 Monrovia........ Removed. Henry Widner.... First Lieut... June 9, 1864 Monrovia........ Resigned. John N. Holliday. First Lieut... Aug. 22, 1864 Monrovia........................................ Geo. W. Hawkins. Second Lieut Aug. 5,1864 Monrovia. Promoted Adjutant. John Graves....... Second Lieut June 9, 1864 Monrovia. COMPANY G. William M. Ham.. Captain....... Nov. 23, 1863 Kennekuk...... Resigned. Martin C. Willis... Captain....... May 18, 1864 Atchisoh Co..................................... Wm. P. Badger.... First Lieut... Nov. 23, 1863 Atchison Co.... Resigned. William M. Ham.. First Lieut... Oct. 10, 1864 Atchison Co...................................... T. W. Carter........ Second Lieut Nov. 23, 1863 Atchison Co.... COMPANY H. A. J. Evans..........l Captain....... Dec. 7, 1863 Atchison Co........... L. A. Wait..........l First Lieut... Dec. 7, 1863 Atchison Co....l Resigned. Orren D. Haskell.l First Lieut... Oct. 6, 1864,Atchison Co.... J. R. Underwood.. Second Lieut Dec. 7, 1863 Atchison Co.... COMPANY K. William Jackson..l Captain.......I Dec. 7, 1863 1 Atchison Co.... G. L. Gove....... First Lieut... Dec. 7,1863 Atchison Co.................................... Julius Newman...I Second Lieutt Dec. 7, 1863 Atchison Co....................... THIRTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Julius A. Keeler... Colonel....... Oct. 13, 1863 Johnson Co....................................... Alex. S. Johnson.. Lieut. Col..... Oct. 13, 1863 Johnson Co.................................... J. Nicholson......... Major......... Oct. 13, 1863 Johnson Co................................. W. A. Ocheltree... Adjutant...... Oct. 13, 1863 Johnson Co Resigned. William Roy........ Adjutant...... Oct. 13, 1864 Johnson Co................................... Benj. B. Francis...I Quar'master. Oct. 13, 1863 Johnson Co................................. W. D. Bull...... Surgeon....... Oct. 13,1863 Johnson Co..................................... COMPANY A. Geo. F. Warnick... Captain....... Oct. 13, 1863 Lexington......I.................................. John Johnson..... Captain....... Oct. 8,1864 DeSoto.............................................. J. R. Baldwin. First Lieut... Oct. 13, 1863 Lexington.................................. J. D. Baird........... First Lieut... Oct. 8, 1864. G. W. Train......... Second Lieut Oct. 13, 1863 Lexington....................................... Jonath'n Dowdle.. Second Lieut Oct. 8, 1864 DeSoto............l.................................. COMPANY B. Jos. H. Gamble.. Capta.... Sept. 19, 1863 Westport......................................... J. A. Pemblerton.. First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Westport..................................... A. Waldsmith......I Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 l Westport.......................................... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 409 COMPANY C, THIRTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. BNames.. [ RBank. Datle oNf Residence. Remarks. Commission. J. C. Stuck........... Captain....... Oct. 13, 1863 Monticello......]............................. Samuel Garrett.... First Lieut... Oct. 13, 1863 Monticello.......................... A. Robards......... Second Lieut Oct. 13, 1863 Monticello...... Resigned. Wm. B. Cortin..... Second Lieut May 13, 1864 Monticello....................................... COMPANY D. A. S. Johnson...... Captain.......I Sept. 19, 1863 Eastport.......................................... T. C. Porter......... First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1863 Eastport....................................... P. G. Cross......... Second Lieut Sept. 19, 1863 Eastport.......................................... COMPANY E. SamuelMcGinnis. Captain....... Sept. 19, 1863 Olathe....................................... John James......... First Lieut.. Sept. 19, 1863 Olathe........................................ William Henry... Second Lieutl Sept. 19, 1863 Olathe......................................... COMPANY F. H. M. Dresher...... Captain....... Nov. 20, 1863 McCamish....... David Martin...... Captain....... Sept. 12, 1863 Lanesfield................. S. K. Wilhite........ First Lieut... Nov. 20, 1863. H. L. Ward........ Second Lieut Nov. 20, 1863................. 1 COMPANY G. E. Davis....... Captain....... Oct. 13, 1864 Gardner..................................... John Kizer....... First Lieut... Oct. 13, 1864 Gardner..................................... John Bradbury.... Second Lieutl Oct. 13, 1864 Gardner........................................ COMPANY H. Wm. Waterhouse. Captain....... Oct. 13, 1863 Aubrey................................. Franklin Trekell. I First Lieut.. Oct 13, 1863 Aubrey....:....... Resigned. Thos. Dougherty..I Second Lieutl Oct. 13, 1863 Aubrey. Thos. Dougherty. IScn iu c,1,83 Aubrey............................................. COMPANY I. Thos. A. Parker... Captain....... Oct. 13,1863 Spring Hill.............................. John Mosier........ First Lieut... Oct. 13, 1863 Spring Hill................... J. M. Galaway...... Second Lieut Oct. 13, 1863 Spring Hill.... FOURTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. D. W. Scott......... Colonel. Nov. 9, 1863 Ogden............ Resigned. Jas. M. Harvey... Colonel......... Oct. 19, 1864 Ogden............]........................... E. L. Patee....... Lieut. Col..... Oct. 9, 1863 Manhattan..... Resigned. Frank Mansfield.. Lieut. Col..... Jan. 27, 1864 Manhattan..................................... T. S. St. John....... Major........ Nov. 9, 1863 Zeandale.................................. Joseph Carney..... Adjutant...... Nov. 24, 1864 Manhattan...................................... Ephraim Warner. Quar'master. Nov. 24, 1864 Ogden......................................... O. E. Dickenson... Surgeon....... Nov. 24, 1864 Manhattan...................................... COMPANY A. A. Todd............... Captain....... Jan. 27, 1864 Manhattan................................. Ambrose Todd..... First Lieut... Sept. 10, 1863 Manhattan... Promoted Captain. A. Dodge.............. First Lieut... Feb. 22, 1864 Manhattan................................. E. B. Sneyth........ Second Lieut Sept. 10,1863 Manhattan Resigned. Asaph Browning.. Second Lieut May 14, 1864 Manhattan..... Resigned. Geo. B. Brown..... Second Lieut Sept. 10, 1864 Manhattan................................. COMPANY B. Martin Matuerhan Captain....... Sept. 16, 1863 Manhattan................................. John Fleming..... First Lieut... Sept. 16, 1863 Manhattan..... Removed from Dist. Geo. W. Wisner... First Lieut... July 14, 1864 Manhattan...................................... Geo. W. Wisner... Second Lieut Feb. 4, 1864 Manhattan..... PromotedFirst Lieut Samuel Jack........ Second Lieut July 14, 1864 Manhattan.................................... COMPANY C. Chauncey Noyes.. Captain....... Oct. 2, 1863 Wabaunsee................................ William Mitchell.. First Lieut... Oct. 2, 1863 Wabaunsee..... Promoted to Staff. Geo. S. Burt......... First Lieut... Mar. 14, 1864 Wabaunsee..................................... Geo. S. Burt....... Second Lieut Oct. 2, 1863 Wabaunsee..... PromotedFirstLieut WalterS.Griswold Second Lieut Mar. 14, 1864 Wabaunsee..........................|...... 410 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY D, FOURTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of mmis Residence. Remarks. Edward Knapp... Captain....... Oct. 10, 1863 Wabaunsee...................................... Joseph True........ First Lieut... Oct. 10, 1863 Wabaunsee................................. William Lange..... Second Lieut Oct. 10, 1863 Wabaunsee...................................... COMPANY E. F. N. Sas........... Captain....... Oct. 21, 1863 Westmoreland Resigned. Sargent Moody... Captain....... July 11, 1864 Westmoreland................................. J. S. Betts............ First Lieut... Oct. 21, 1863 Westmoreland.......... F. Blockskey....... Second Lieut Oct. 21,1863 Westmoreland............... COMPANY F. John H. Curtis. Captain...... Nov. 30,1863 Ogden.................J. M. Myres.........] First Lieut...' Dec. 30, 1864 Ogden.......... C. M. Dyehe........ Second Lieutl Dec. 7, 1864 Ogden....................................... COMPANY G. L. W. Craub........ Captain....... Oct. 31, 1863 St. George................................. J. N. Linbocker... Captain....... May 26, 1864 Louisville................................. J. N. Linbocker... First Lieut... Oct. 31, 1863 St. George........ Promoted Captain. J. H. Clark.......... First Lieut... May 26, 1864 Louisville......................................... John H. Clark... Second Lieut Oct. 31, 1863 Louisville........ Promoted FirstLieut F. J. Crawford.... Second Lieut May 26, 1864 Louisville......................................... COMPANY H.,C. W. Knapp..Captain4, 186 Wild....... C).W. Knapp....... Captain.......:l Nov. 4,1863 Wild Cat...........................................D. C. Piercf........ First Lieut... Nov. 4, 1863 Riley county................................ B. H. Fuller......... Second Lieutl Nov. 4, 1863 Riley county................................... COMPANY I. Mincher Coudray.l Captain.. Mar. 26, 1864 Shawnee Tp................................ MincherCoudray. First Lieut... Nov. 9, 1863 Shawnee Tp.... Promoted Captain.:S. M. Wilhite.... First Lieut... May 16, 1864 Manhattan................................. John Dial.......... Second Lieut Nov. 9, 1863 Shawnee Tp..................................... COMPANY K. C. P. McDonald... Captain....... July 14,1864 Zeandale.........,C. P. McDonald... First Lieut... Dec. 9, 1863 Wabaunsee'Co.I Promoted Captain. W. F. Smith........ First Lieut... July 14, 1864 Wabauinsee Co. W. F. Smith........ Second Lieut Dec. 9, 1863 Wabaunsee Co. Promoted First Lieut COMPANY L. Charles Webber... First Lieut... Dec. 9, 1863 Mill Creek.'WilliamHorn..... Second Lieutl Dec. 9, 1863 Wabaunsee Co................................. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M..John T. Price...... Colonel........l Nov. 4, 1863 Junction City................................... William Gordon.. Lieut. Col.... Nov. 4, 1863 Junction City.. Wm. S. Blakely... Major.......... Nov. 4, 1863 Junction City.. R. E. Laurenson...... Adjutant...... Nov. 17,1863.....Junction City................................... P. Z. Taylor.... Quar'master Nov. 17, 1863 Junction City................................... E. W. Seymour..... Surgeon....... Nov. 17, 1863 Junction City................................... COMPANY A..A. W. Callen.......[ Captain.......I Oct. 31, 1863 I Junction City..]................................. J. F. Schmidt...... First Lieut... Nov. 24, 1863 Junction City.................................. John Gross..........Second Lieutl Feb. 15, 1864 Junction City................................... COMPANY B. George Ware........ Captain....... Oct. 31, 1863 Junction City................................... Winm. Mullhayen... First Lieut... Oct. 31, 1863 Junction City... J. Fred. Staats.....l Second Lieut Oct. 31, 1863 Junction City.................................. 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 411 COMPANY C, FIFTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. RDate of Residence. Remarks. Moses Younkin... Captain....... Oct. 31, 1861 Gatesville........ En. in U. S. service. Marshall Barry... Captain....... May 20, 1864....................................... MaxwellSaunders First Lieut... Oct. 31, 1863 Gatesville........ Removed to Ky. S. D. Kirby......... First Lieut... May 20, 1864 Gatesville......................................... Lewis Laftice...... Second Lieut Oct. 31, 1863 Gatesville........ En. in U. S. service. D. H. Meyers...... Second Lieut May 20, 1864- Gatesville......................................... COMPANY D. C. H. Thompson...J Captain....... Nov. 4, 1863 I Dickins'n Co...I................................. John Irwin'W....... First Lieut. Nov 4, 1863 Dickins'n Co...............t......... Samuel Richards..I Second Lieut Nov. 4, 1863 Dickins'n Co...I..................... COMPANY E. DavidChurch......l Captain....... Jan. 12,1864 Junction City.................................. David Church...... First Lieut... Jan. 9, 1864 Junction City.. Promoted Captain. Charles Salcheo... First Lieut... Jan. 12, 1864 I Junction City................................... Samuel Orr..........Second Lieut Jan. 9, 1864 Junction City.................................. COMPANY F. George A. Taylor.l Captain....... Nov. 24, 1863 Kenton........................................... P. Z. Taylor......... First Lieut... Nov. 24, 1863 Junction City.. Promoted Quar'm'r. R. D. Mobley....... First Lieut... Feb. 17, 1864 Junction City................................. James H. Brown...I Second Lieut Nov. 24, 1863 Kenton........................................... COMPAINY G. H. L. Jones:::..... Captain...... Nov. 24, 1863 Salina........................................ C. Harver...... First Lieut... Nov. 24, 1863 Salina............................................ Timothy Rioridan Second Lieut Nov. 24, 1863 Salina.............................................. COMPANY H.; Charles Briggs..... First Lieut... Nov. 30, 1863 Ashland... W. B. Mead. Second Lieut Nov. 30, 1863 WT. B. Mead.....,... Second Lieut Nov. 30, 1863 Ashland.......................................... COMPANY I. A. H. Rose...... Captain....... June 8, 1864 Solomon City....................... E. Schaltenbrund. First Lieut... June 8, 1864 Solomon City........................ And. J. Ingersoll.. Second Lieut June 8, 1864 Solomon City................................. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. F. W. Potter......... Colonel........ Dec. 24, 1863 Burlington...................................... A. S. Goss............ Lieut. Col.... Dec. 24, 1863 Neosho Falls................................... Wm. B. Perry...... Major........... Dec. 24, 1863 Le oy................................. S. C. Jenkins........ Adjutant...... Dec. 24, 1863 Le Roy.......................................... Orson Kent......... Quar'master Dec. 24,1863 Burlington............................... W. Manson.......... Surgeon....... Dec. 24, 1863 Le Roy.................................... COMPANY A. Joseph Jenks Captain......Oct. 12, 1863 Ottum a....... D. H. Houtt........ First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1863 Ottumwa................................. N. C. Terrill......... Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1863 Ottumwa....................................... COMPANY B. F. W. Potter........ Captain....... Oct. 3,1863 Burlington...... Promoted Colonel. A. A. Burr........... Captain....... Dec. 24, 1863 Burlington................................. A. A. Burr........... First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1863 Burlington...... Promoted Captain. George Gisey....... First Lieut... Dec. 24, 1863 Burlington..................................... Theodore O'Leary Second Lieut Oct. 3, 1863 Burlington................................. 412 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY C, SIXTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. CDate of esidence. Remarks. Commission. Curtis Phillips..... Captain....... Oct. 12, 1863 Le Roy........................................ John A. Robinson First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1863 Le Roy.................................... Wm. B. Perry...... Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1863 Le Roy............................................. COMPANY D. James A. Stewart.1 Captain....... Oct. 12, 1863 Le Roy........................................ Payton Casner...... First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1863 Le Roy............................ Asa Whitney........ Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1863 Le Roy................................. COMPANY E. Mark McLeese..... Captain. Oct. 28, 1863 Ottumwa...................................... J. S. Harrell......... First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863 Ottumwa......................................... Joseph Leabo........ Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 Ottumwa......................................... COMPANY F. Wm. W. Brazell... Captain....... Oct. 28, 1863 Greenwood. Oscar Coy............ First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863 Pleasant Gr've........................ John Estess......... Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 Pleasant Gr've................................ COMPANY G. Joseph H. Gunby.1 Captain....... Oct. 28, 1863 Belmont.......... Resigned. James E. Walkins First Lieut... i Oct. 28, 1863 Belmont.................................. Robt. N. Daniels... Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 Belmont........................................... COMPANY H. B. R. Smith.......... Captain...... Dec. 12, 1863 Neosho Falls.................................... Owen Deveny..... First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863 Neosho Falls.................................... B. R. Smith.......... Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 Neosho Falls... Promoted Captain. G. L. Wait....... Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 Neosho Falls... Resigned. Nathan Keller..... Second Lieut Oct. 14, 1864 Neosho Falls...I................................. COMPANY I. John Douglas...... Captain.......I Nov. 2, 1863 Le Roy..... Samuel J. Carter.. First Lieut... Nov. 2,1863 Le Roy........... Warren Crandal... Second Lieuti Nov. 2,1863 Le Roy........................................... COMPANY K. Charles Puffer......I Captain....... Nov. 2,1863 Burlington....................................... J. Throckmorton. First Lieut... Nov. 2, 1863 Burlington................................. Thomas Ormald... | Second Lieut Nov. 2, 1863 Burlington...... COMPANY L. A. Williams......... Captain....... Dec. 11, 1863 Eureka.................................. H. J. Cantrell...... First Lieut... Dec. 11, 1863 Eureka.................................. T. J. Jones........... Second Lieut. Dec. 11, 1863 Eureka....................................... COMPANY M. John Duncan...... I Captain....... Dec. 11, 1863 I Shell Rock....................................... Chas. H. Norton... First Lieut... Dec. 11, 1863 Shell Rock................... Wm. W.Duncan... Second Lieutl Dec. 11, 1863 Shell Rock............................... SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. E. C. Manning..... Colonel........ Nov. 14, 1863 Marysville..................................... H. G. Hollenburg. Lieut. Col..... Nov. 14, 1863 Washington.............................. John D. Wells...... Major........... Nov. 14, 1863 Washington..................................... J. D. Brumbaugh..I Adjutant...... Nov. 14, 1863 Marysville............................ E. Putney.......... Quarmaster Nov. 14, 1863 Nottingham..................................... C. J. Lee.............. Surgeon..... Nov. 14, 1863 Marysville....................................... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 413 COMPANY A, SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. William Henry.... Captain....... Nov. 27,1863 Marysville....................................... Wm. McClosky..... First Lieut.... Feb. 22, 1864 Marysville..................................... Henry Ogle........ Second Lieut Oct. 31, 1863 Marysville....................................... COMPANY B. Andrew D. Lane.. Captain.... Nov. 14, 1863 Irving............................................. Theodore S. Vaile. Captain....... Aug. 13, 1864 Irving......................................... Wm. A. McLain... First Lieut.... Nov. 14, 1863 Irving....................................... Thomas Baker........ Second Lieut Nov. 14, 1863. Irving........................................... Sidney H. Warren Second Lieut Aug. 13, 1864 Irving............................................. COMPANY C. IsaacM.Schooley. Captain. D 21863 Clifton............................................. Jas. M. Hagaman. First Lieut... Dec. 2, 1863 Clifton.......................................... Samuel C. ChesterI Second Lieut Dec. 2, 1863 Clifton...................................... COMPANY D. J. McNulty.......... Captain....... May 24, 1864 Washington..... Removed from Dist. A. S. Vaught......... Captain....... June 28, 1864 Washington..................................... Henry Clark........ First Lieut... June 9,1864 Washington................................. Joel Snyder......... Second Lieut June 9, 1864 Washington..................................... COMPANY E. James Kelley....... Captain.... Dec. 14, 1864 Nottingham....... Robert Morrison.. First Lieut I Dec. 14, 1864 Nottingham............ John D. Wilson....I Second Lieutf May 24, 1864 l Nottingham..................................... COMPANY F. Frank Schmidt..... Captain....... I May 24, 1864 Marysville....................................... R. Y. Shubley...... First Lieut I May 24, 1864 I Marysville................................. H. P. Wells.......... Second Lieutj May 24, 1864 Marysville...................................... EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT, K. S. M. P. L. Hubbard...... Colonel........ Mar. 7, 1864 Atchison......... Resigned. Matthew Quigg.... Colonel........ Sept. 10, 1864 Atchison.......................................... G. M. K hl........... Lieut. Col..... Mar. 7, 1864 Atchison......................................... J. M. Crowell...... Major.......... Nov. 23, 1864 Atchison...................................... A. S. Hughes........ Adjutant...... Apr. 13, 1864 Atchison......... Resigned. S. Heselberger...... Adjutant...... Aug. 11, 1864 Atchison.......................................... Virgil W. Parker.. Quar'master Apr. 13, 1864 Atchison.......................................... W. W. Cochrane... Surgeon........ Apr. 13, 1864.Atchison......................................... COMPANY A. E. Butcher........ Captain...... Sept. 2,1863 Atchison................................ F. W. McLaughlin Second Lieut Sept. 2,1863 Atchison.............................. COMPANY B. Wm. Bowman...... Captain....... Sept. 8, 1863 Atchison.........IResigned. Thomas Murphy.. Captain....... July 8, 1864 Atchison.......................................... Jacob Saqui......... First Lieut... Sept. 8, 1863 Atchison......... Resigned. A. H. Whitcomb... First Lieut... July 8, 1864 Atchison..... Resigned. A. J. L. Philbrick. First Lieut... Aug. 16, 1864 Atchison.......................................... C. Neal................. Second Lieut June 3, 1864 Atchison.......................................... COMPANY C. Geo. W. Taylor..... Captain........ Sept. 11, 1863 Atchison................. John Heartha...... First Lieut... Sept. 11, 1863 Atchison........................................ Henry Buchanan.[ Second Lieut Sept. 11, 1863 Atchison.......................................... COMPANY D. Lewis Higby........Captain.......l Sept. 17, 1863 Atchison.......... S. T. Waltere........ First Lieut... Sept. 17, 1863 Atchison.................. PT.Doland...........Second Lieut Sept. 17, 1863 Atchison......... P.............Se d Sept. 17, 1863 Atchison.......................................... 414 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY E, EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. Robert Breedlore. Captain....... Oct. 12, 1863 Pardee.......................................... B. F. Whittaker... Captain Sept. 16, 1864 Pardee.......................................... D. M. Stillman..... First Lieut... Oct. 12, 1863 Pardee........................................ S. P. Griffin......... Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1863 Pardee............................................ NINETEENTH REGIMENT K. S; M. M. S. Grant......... Colonel......... May 13, 1864 Leavenworth.. Promoted Brig. Gen. B. F. Akers......... Colonel........ Sept. 3, 1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. A. C. Hogan....... Colonel......... Oct. 14,1864 Leavenworth............................... J. A. Neice........... Lieut. Col..... June 3,1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. A. C. Hogan....... Lieut. Col..... Sept. 3, 1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. John Wright........ Lieut. Col..... Oct. 14, 1864 Leavenworth................................... William Smith..... Major.......... June 3, 1864 Leavenworth.................................. John Freeland..... Adjutant... Juine 3, 1864 Leavenworth................................... E. M. Marsh......... Quar'master May 13, 1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. J. W. Skinner...... Quarmaster Oct. 14, 1864 Leavenworth................................... Tiffin Sinks....... Surgeon...... May 13, 1864 Leavenworth................................. COMPANY A. Benj. F. Akers...... Captain........ June 3, 1864 Leavenworth.. Promoted Colonel. Thomas R. Clark.. Captain........ Nov. 1, 1864 Leavenworth................................... Thomas R. Clark.. First Lieut... June 3, 1864 Leavenworth.. Promoted Captain. Joseph Kesler...... First Lieut... Nov. 1,1864 Leavenworth................................... A. O. Bangs......... Second Lieut June 3, 1863 Leavenworth.. Resigned. Patrick McGraw.. Second Lieut Nov. 1,1864 Leavenworth................................... COMPANY B. Joseph Goble....... Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 Kickapoo......... C. F. Lublin........ First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Kickapoo......................................... J. W. Craig....... Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 Kickapoo......................................... COMPANY C. Nels'nMcCracken Captain....... June 3,1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. Jas. L. McDowell.. Captain...... Oct. 12, 1864 Leavenworth................................... Peter Huesgen.... First Lieut... June 3, 1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. John W. Spratley. First Lieut... Oct. 14, 1864 Leavenworth................................... N. W. West......... Second Lieut June 3, 1864 Leavenworth.. Resigned. Chas. Schincke..... Second Lieut Oct. 14, 1864 Leavenworth................................... COMPANY D. Thomas Trower... Captain.......June 3, 1864 Springdale'...... A. D. McCune...... First Lieut... June 3, 1864 Springdale....................................... Crayton Carney... Second Lieut June 3, 1864 Springdale....................................... COMPANY E. John Wright........ 8, 1863 Springdale...... E. D. Bowen........ First Lieut... June 3, 1864 Springdale....................................... David N. Gilbert..I Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 Springdale....................................... COMPANY F. John Francis....... Captain....... July 3,1864 Stranger....................... William Franck... First Lieut... July 3, 1864 Stranger........ Resigned. Lorenzo Wallace..' First Lieut... Oct. 14, 1864 Stranger......................................... Lorenzo Wallace.. Second Lieut July 3, 1864 Stranger......... Promoted First Lt. David C. Morrow.. Second Lieut Oct. 14, 1864 Stranger......................................... COMPANY G. A. C. Hogan........ Captain....... Dec. 8, 1863 Salt Creek....... Promoted. Jesse Connell...... Captain....... Oct. 14, 1864 Salt Creek........................................ John Duffin........ First Lieut... Dec. 8, 1863 Salt Creek........................................ J. Harris.......... Second Lieut Dec. 8, 1863 Salt Creek........................................ 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 415 COMPANY H, NINETEENTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. Crawford Moore... Captain....... June 3,1864 Stranger....................................... Sam'l F. Burdett.. First Lieut... June 3, 1864 Stranger............................... Richard Gilstrap.. Second Lieut June 3, 1864 Stranger........................................... COMPANY I. F. Wellhouse....... Captain..... June 3, 1864 Pleasant Ridgel............................. W. I. Johnson..... First Lieut...I June 3, 1864 Pleasant Ridge' R. E. Petherborge Second Lieutj June 3, 1864 Pleasant Ridge COMPANY K. A. C. Harlow........ Captain...... June 3, 1864 Delaware........ JamesL.Spears.... First Liet. June 3 1864 Delaware..................................... Frank M. Goble... Second Lieut June 3, 1864 Delaware................. COMPANY L. Walter S. Kerr..... Captain....... June 3, 1864 Springdale.................................... A. W. Walker...... First Lieut... June 3, 1864 Springdale....................................... H. G. Talcott........ Second Lieut June 3, 1864 Springdale................................... COMPANY M. William Orr........l Second Lieutl Oct. 14, 1864 1..........;............................................ COMPANY 0. J. E. Bauserman.. Captain..... Oct. 17, 1864 l Leav'worth Co. E. S. Dunham...... First Lieut.. Oct. 17, 1864 Leav'worthCo................................ Abner Haskins... Second Lieut Oct. 17, 1864 Leav'worth Co................................. COMPANY N. James McCune..... Captain.......Oct. 18, 1864............[;!! J. L. Hamby........ First Lieut... Oct. 18, 1864................ H. W. Harrison... Second Lieut Oct. 18, 1864................... TWENTIETH REGIMENT K. S. M. John B. Hubbell.. Colonel......... June 28, 1864 Holton..................................... James McClellan.. Lieut. Col..... June 28,1864 Holton............................................ William Knipe..... Major........... June 28, 1864 Circleville.................................. W. L. Burns......... Adjutant.... Ot. 3, 1864 W. L. Burns..........- Adjutant...... Oct. 13, 1864..................ii...............i.............. P. M. Hodges....... Quar'master. Oct. 13, 1864................................. B. F. Fuller.......... Surgeon....... Oct. 10, 1864. COMPANY A. J. F. M. Walters... Captain.. June 14,1864 Holton.............................. J. N. Walton........ First Lieut... June 14, 1864 Holton............ Winm. Beh tsker...... First Lieut... Sept. 19, 1864 Holton............................ Hugh McBride..... Second Lieut June 14, 1864 Holton............................................ COMPANY B. J. S. oa g Captain....... June 1,1864 Holton.................................. J. Taylor I......... First Lieut... June 1, 1864 Holton................. Winm. L. Burns..... Second Lieut June 1, 1864 Holton............................... COMPANY C. S. J. Fosterst Lie..... June 29, 1864 Cirleville Promoted Capt. Co. F. Homer Heathman Second LieutI June 29, 1864 Circleville....... Pro'ted 1st Lt. Co. F. J. B. Coffin........... Second LieutJ June 29, 1864 Circleville......................................... 416 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY D, TWENTIETH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. James McLellan... Captain........ july 30, 1863 Cedar Creek.. Promoted. J. L. Finnicum.... Captain....... Aug. 9, 1864 Holton................................. Stephen J. Elliott First Lieut... July 30, 1863 Cedar Creek..... John Coleman..... Second Lieut July 29, 1863 Cedar Creek...................................... COMPANY E. R. J. Tolin...... Captain.......1 Feb. 4, 1864 Aurora City.................................... C. C. Branhan...... First Lieut...I Feb. 4, 1864 Aurora City..... A. C. Cochran...... Second LieutI Feb. 4, 1864 Aurora City..... COMPANY F. S. J. Foster.......... Captain....... Oct. 10, 1864 Circleville...... H. Heathman FirstLieut... Oct. 12,1864 Circleville..................... B. F. Niswander.. Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1864 Circleville.................................. | COMPANY G. O. J. Grover......... Captain..... Oct. 13, 1864 Vienna, Pott'ie................................. R. S. Wooley........ First Lieut...} Oct. 13, 1864 Vienna, Pott'ie. Moses Day...........I Second Lieut Oct. 13, 1864 Vienna, Pott'ie TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT K. S. M. Sandy Lowe......... Colonel......... Sept. 23, 1864 I Willow Springs.................... F. L. Robinson..... Lieut. Col..... Sept. 23, 1864 Baldwin City........................... A. T. Still........... Major........... Sept. 23, 1864 Baldwin City... George F. Smith... Adjutant Sept.23 1864.............. E. A. Barrett........ Quar'master. Sept. 23,'1864......................................... Wm. D. Martin.... Surgeon..... Sept. 23, 1864 Baldwin City......................... COMPANY A. C. Tefft................I Captain....... Oct. 14, 1862 1....................................... COMPANY B. Sylvester Creel.....l Captain....... Sept. 16, 1863 I Wash. Creek.................................... R. N. Woodward.. First Lieut... Sept. 16, 1863 Wash. Creek.................................... D. C. Holbert........I Second Lieut Sept. 16, 1863 Wash. Creek.................................. COMPANY C. J. H. Lafland.......I Captain.......] Dec. 12, 1863 I Blue Mound...................................... H. R. Saunders.. First Lieut... Oct. 16, 1863 Daniel Street........ Second Lieut Oct. 16, 1863.............................................. COMPANY D. J. W. Pingree...... Captain..... May 7, 1864 | Baldwin City...I................................. H. E. Badwell..... First Lieut... Oct. 10, 1864 Baldwin City... Daniel F. Feye..... Second Lieut Oct. 10, 1864 1 Baldwin City..:............ COMPANY E. Henry Webber.....{ Captain......I Aug. 2, 1864 Clinton............ Sam'l W. Metsker First Lieut... Aug. 2,1864 Clinton................... Wmin. M. Baldwin:.. Second Lieut) Aug. 2,1864 Clinton............................................ COMPANY G. Barton Andrews..] Captain........ Sept. 21,1863 Silas Dexter........ First Lieut... Oct. 14, 1864...................... David Foster........ Second Lieutj Oct. 14, 1864.................. COMPANY H. W. A. David.........I Captain....... Sept. 5, 1863 Prairie City...................................... James Skaggs......i First ILeut... Sept. 5, 1863 Prairie City................... Elisha Brown...... |Seconds Lieut] Sept. 5, 1863 Prairie City...... 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 417 COMPANY K, TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. G. F. Sprague.... Captain....... June 29, 1864 Prairie City................................. James Ashley...... First Lieut... June 29, 1864 Prairie City................................. Joseph Meadow... Second Lieut June 29, 1864 Prairie City................................. COMPANY L. Jackson Bell........Captain....... Dec. 31, 1863 Black Jack...................................... John McKilip...... First Lieut.. I Dec. 31, 1863 Black Jack...... M. Thompson...... Second Lieutl Dec. 31, 1863 Black Jack......J................................. COMPANY M. Julius Fisher....... I Captain....... Sept. 16, 1863 Eudora............................................. Christian Stroble. First Lieut.-. Sept. 16, 1863 Eudora................................ Freder'k Galfkon I Second Lieutj Sept. 16, 1863 Eudora................................... TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT K. S. M. James P. Taylor.. Colonel........ Sept. 7, 1864 Seneca............ Lewis Sheely...... Lieut. Col..... Sept. 7,1864 Nemaha Co................................. Isaac E. Coleman.. Major....... Sept. 7,1864 Nemaha Co....................................... William F. Wells.. Major........... Sept. 7, 1864 Nemaha Co................................. J. S. Hidden........ Adjutant...... Sept. 7, 1864 Nemaha Co....................................... Bolivar Scofield... Surgeon...... Sept. 7, 1864 Nemaha Co....................................... COMPANY A. Lew. J. McGowanl Captain....... Sept. 25, 1863 Seneca............................................ Asa Titus............. First Lieut... Sept 22, 1863 Seneca........................................... William Forbion.......... Second Lieut Sept. 25, 1863 Seneca............................................. COMPANY B. Robert Little....... Captain.......J Sept. 19, 1863 I Muddy Creek...]................................ Jacob Shoemaker. First Lieut.. Sept. 19, 1863 Brown County................................. Josiah Travis...... Second Lieutl Sept. 19, 1863 Brown County.............................. COMPANY C. J. H. Higgins...... Captain....... June 22, 1864 Red Vermil'n.................................. Ephr'm Blankley.I First Lieut June 22, 1864 Red Vermil'n................................. M. N. Shepherd... I Second Lieut.I June 22, 1864 Red Vermil'n................................. COMPANY D. Wm. C. Vasser..... Captain....... June 9, 1864 Albany............................................ Nicholas Vasser... First Lieut... June 9,1864 Albany.................................. Rob'tWilliamson. Second Lieutj June 9, 1864 Albany.......................... COMPANY E. Morton Cave........Captain....... Jan. 22, 1864 Nemaha Tp..................................... William Weaks First Lieut Jan. 22,1864 Nemaha Tp.............................. George Frederick. Second Lieutl Jan. 22, 1864 Nemaha Tp..................................... COMPANY F. T. S. Wright.........I Captain....... Aug. 25, 1864 l Grenada.......................................... John Stanley First Lieut.. Aug. 25, 1864 Grenada................................. Daniel Woodman.. Second Lieutl Aug. 25, 1864 Grenada......................... COMPANY G. J. N. Cline.... Captain. Sept. 27, 1863 Lincoln............................. N. Hocker....:.... First Lieut... June 22, 1863 Lincoln................................. J. G. Jones........... Second Lieut June 22, 1863 Lincoln.......................... 27 418 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1864. COMPANY H, TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. DCoassie of Residence. Remarks. Commission. Aaron Magill...... Captain.... Sept. 21, 1864 Sabetha...................................... Michael McGenty First Lieut... Dec. 7, 1863 Sabetha................................. Coga Fox............. Second Lieut Dec. 7, 1863 Sabetha............................................ COMPANY I. N. W. Dressy....... Captain....... IOct. 1, 1864 Centralia........ H. Smith........ First Lieut. Oct! 1, 1864 Centralia........ L. Lochmuller...... Second Lieutl Oct. 1, 1864 Centralia........ TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT K. S. M. William Weer...... Colonel......... Oct. 15, 1864 Wyandotte....................................... Joseph Gilliford... Lieut. Col..... Oct. 15, 1864 Wyandotte....................................... Isaiah Walker..... Quar'master Oct.' 15, 1864 Wyandotte................................. George B. Wood... Surgeon....... Oct. 15, 1864 Wyandotte................................ COMPANY A. J. G. McKibban... Captain..... Oct. 28,1863 Quindaro........ Theodore Bartles.. Captain....... July 18, 1863 Quindaro........ Isaac Lemons...... First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863 Quindaro..................................... Joseph Turk........ Second Lieut Oct. 28,1863 Quindaro...................................... COMPANY B. Jas.M.Chinault... Captain.......Nov. 9,1863 Muncytown..................................... Patrick Reedy..... First Lieut... Nov. 9, 1863 Muncytown................................. Michael Collins... Second Lieut Nov. 9,1863 Muncytown.. Resigned. John E. Johnson.. Second Lieut Aug. 16, 1864 Muncytown.............................. COMPANY C. Matthew Clarry... Captain....... June 23, 1864 Wyandotte............................ Isaac N. White..... First Lieut. June 23, 1864 Wyandotte.......................... Robert Halford.... Second Lieut June 23, 1864 I Wyandotte....................... COMPANY D. Philip Hascher....l Captain... June 23, 1864 Wyandotte................................ Hermann Stach...First Lieut June 23, 1864 Wyandotte.................. J. Muenzewmier..I Second Lieutl June 23, 1864 | Wyandotte.......................... COMPANY E. Joseph Gilliford... Captain....... July 21, 1864 Wyandotte..... Promoted. Philip Knoblock.. Captain....... Oct. 10, 1864 Wyandotte.................................... Rynear Morgan... First Lieut... July 21, 1864 Wyandotte...................................... Martin Stewart.... Second Lieut July 21, 1864 Wyandotte...................................... COMPANY F. Thos. A. Gruiter..l Captain.. Aug. 13,1864 Muncytown................................ L. B. Pratt........ First Lieut...I Ag 13 1864 L. B. Pratt... First Lieut... Aug. 13, 1864 Muncytown..................................... Jacob Maigly....... Second Lieutl Aug. 13, 1864 Muncytown..................................... COMPANY G. Hiram Wood........ I Captain...... Oct. 14, 1864 Wyandotte................................. N.A. Reicheneck'rI First Lieut... Oct. 14,1864 Wyandotte............................... Jas. Brown......... Second Lieut Oct. 14, 1864 Wyandotte................................. COMPANY H. Chas. S. Glick...... Captain........ Oct. 14, 1864 Wyandotte................................. Wm. J. Huffaker.. First Lieit.. Oct. 19, 1864 Wyandotte................................ Francis House..... Second Li eut Oct. 19, 1864 Wyandotte...................................... COMPANY I. S. S. Sharp...........I Captain.......I Oct. 17, 1864 *...................... Wm. J. Fulton..... First Lieut...I Oct. 17, 1864 T. W. Packs..1....... Second Lieutl Oct. 17, 1864 1......i...........11.......I 1864.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 419 TWENTY- FOURTH REGIMENT K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. Isaac Staddin...... Colonel......... Oct. 22, 1864 Fort Scott....................................... John Van Fossen.. Lieut. Col..... Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co...................................... Joseph Ury.......... Major........... Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co...................................... A. Danford...... Adjutant..... Oct. 22, 1864 Fort Scott............................ J. T. Bridgens...... Quar'master Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co...................................... COMPANY A. John T. White..... First Lieut... Oct. 22, 1864 I Fort Scott... C. B. Hayward..... Second Lieutl Oct. 22, 1864 Fort Scott................................. COMPANY B. W. C. Dennison... First Lieut................. Oct. 22,1864 Bourbon Co................ R. D. Lender........ Second Lieutl Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co..... COMPANY C. James B. Skeen... Captain....... Oct. 22,1864 Bourbon Co................................... Thomas Barnes... First Lieut... Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co................................. C. B. Maurice....... Second Lieutl Oct: 22, 1864 Bourbon Co................................. COMPANY D. J. C. Hinkley...... Captain...... Oct. 22,1864 1 Bourbon Co.. Robert Stalker..... First Lieut... Oct. 22, 1864 ] Bourbon Co COMPANY E. HenryT. Coffman Captain......Oct. 22,1864 Bourbon Co.................................... Robert Adams...... First Lieut... Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co..... Wm. P. Gray....... Second Lieut Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co..... COMPANY F. J. C. Ury........ Captain...... Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co..................................... J. B. Cabiniss...... First Lieut... Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co................................. S. Streeter........... Second Lieut Oct. 22, 1864 Bourbon Co...................................... SANTA FE BATTALION, K. S. M. M, M. Murdock.... I Colonel....: May 26,1864 Burlingame............................... W. F. Aderholt.... I Major...... May 26, 1864 Wilmington.................................. COMPANY A. John Hodgson..... Captain....... May 14,1864 Wilmington.... E. H. Sanford...... First Lieut... May 14, 1864 Wilmington............. Levi Smith......... First Lieut... May 30, 1864 Wilmington.................................... W. F. Aderholt... Second Lieut May 14, 1864 Wilmington.................................. R. J. Murs........... Second Lieut May 30, 1864 Wilmington.................................... COMPANY B. J. B. Stewart........ Captain....... May 16, 1864 Burlingame.................................... Edward Timms First Leut. June 4 1863 Burlingame......... Geo. W. Perrill..... Second Lieut June 4, 1863 Burlingae................................. BOURBON COUNTY BATITALION, K. S. M. Geo. P. Eaves....... Lieut. Col....., June 13, 1864 1 Marmaton..................................... COMPANY A. DavidD.Roberts. Captain....... Oct. 12,1863 FortLincoln.................................. Isaac Burton....... First Lieut. Oct. 12,1863 Fort Lincoln C.W. Campbell..... Second Lieut Oct. 12, 1868 Fort Lincoln............................ COMPANY B. Dyer Smith....... Captain.... Oct. 28,1863 Marmaton..... D. R. Radden.... First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863 Marmaton................................ B. R. Wood....... Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 JMarmaton......I................................!~~~~~CMAYA 420 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1865. COMPANY C, BOURBON COUNTY BATTALION, K. S. M. Names. Rank. Date of Residence. Remarks. Commission. John J. Stewart... Captain....... Oct. 28,1863 Mill Creek....................................... John Blair........... First Lieut... Oct. 28, 1863 Mill Creek.................................. Elias M. Marshall Second Lieut Oct. 28, 1863 Mill Creek...... t................................. COMPANY D. S. B. Mahurn...........Captain. Nov. 4,1863 Fort Scott....... John Hamilton... First Lieut... Nov. 4, 1863 Fort Scott....... John C. Audrick... Second Lieut Nov. 4, 1863 Fort Scott....... COMPANY E. Benj. F. Gumm... Captain........ Dec. 11, 1863 Marion Prec't................................... Benj. F. Gumm... Captain....... July 13, 1864 Turkey Creek... Nathan Baker..... First Lieut.../ July 13, 1864' Turkey Creek................................... William Goff........ Second Lieut July 13, 1864 Turkey Creek.. COMPANY F. Isaac Morris....... Captain....... Dec. 15,1863 Xenia....... Robert S. Stevens.. First Lieut... Dec. 15, 1863 Xenia.... Asbury S. Potter..I Second Lieut Dec. 15, 1863 Xenia....................................... COMPANY G. W. A. Shannon....I Captain.......[ June 20, 1864 Fort Scott....................... N. J. Roscoe........ First Lieut... June 20, 1864 Fort Scott........ l. David McComas... Second Lieut June 20, 1864 Fort Scott......................... 1865. JANUARY 1.-John A. Martin returns to the Atchison Champion. It had been edited by John J. Ingalls about three years. JANUARY 9.- State officers sworn in. JANUARY 10.-Meeting of the Legislature. LIST OF MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Members and Officers. Post Office Address. County. Avocation. James McGrew, President............... 43 Wyandotte......... Wyandotte..... Merch't. Bartlett, H. W. E........................... 40 Junction City...... Davis............. Merch't. Barber, Oliver................................ 48 Kanwaka............ Douglas........... Farmer. Colton, Gustavus A........................ 35 Paola.................. Miami......... Farmer. Danford, A................................... 35 Fort Scott............ Bourbon.......... Lawyer. Drenning, Frank H........................ 28 Elwood............... Doniphan........ Lawyer. Eskridge, Chas. V........................... 30 Emporia............ Lyon.............. Merch't. Foote, Henry................................. 36 Leavenworth...... Leavenworth.. Gambell, W. P................................ 33 Leavenworth...... Leavenworth.. Attorney Grover, O. J.......................... 37 Neuchatel............ Nemaha......... Farmer. Houston, D. W................................ 37 Garnett............ Anderson........ Lawyer. Horne, Daniel HI............................. 36 Topeka............ Shawnee......... Farmer. Jones, J. H.................................... 37 Kaw City............ Jefferson......... Farmer. Legate, Jas. F................................ 36 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth.. Farmer. Lane, J. T...................................... 33 Iowa Point.......... Doniphan........ Merch't. Manning, E. C................................ 26 Marysville.......... Marshall......... Printer. Milhoan, T. E................................ 32 Olathe................ Johnson......... Farmer. Murphy, Thomas............................ 36 Atchison............ Atchison......... Hotel k'r Potter, F. W.................................. 31 Burlington.......... Coffey........... Laborer. Quigg, Mathew................................ 28 Atchison............ Atchison........ Clerk. Spear, S.......................................... 48 Hiawatha............ Brown............ Farmer. Speer, John.................................... 47 Lawrence............ Douglas........... Printer. Smith, A. H.................................. 37 Blooming Grove.. Linn.............. Farmer. Twiss, Charles P.............................. 31 Iola..................... Alen Lawyer. Weer, William............................. 40 Wyandotte......... Wyandotte....... Lawyer. A. Smith Devenney, Secretary........ 30 Olathe................ Johnson.......... Lawyer. W. S. Newberry, Assistant Secretary 30 Iola..................... Allen............. Lawyer. M. M. Murdock, Docket Clerk......... 29 Burlingame......... Osage.......... Editor. Ira H. Smith, Journal Clerk.......... 49 Topeka................ Shawnee......... LandAgt L. M. Benedict, Engrossing Clerk.... 34 Vienna............... Pottawatomie.. Farmer. W. B. Bowman, Enrolling Clerk...... 35 Wyandotte.......... Wyandotte..... Lawyer. T. Mills, Sergeant-at-Arms............. 51 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Mason. Wm. Thompson, Doorkeeper........... 32 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Farmer. Win. Young, Assistant Doorkeeper.. 23 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Mason. Clarence Walrod, Page.................... 12 Paola.................. Miami............ Student. Charles Horne, Page....................... 11 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Student. 1865.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 421 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Members.. Post Office Address. County. Avocation. Jacob Stotler, Speaker............30 Emporia................ Lyon................. Printer. Abraham, R. H.:................ 37 Emporia................ Lyon................. Farmer. Atwood, Samuel F.................. 34 Leavenworth.........Leavenworth..... Convey'cer Benton, Milton R................ 49 Atchison................. Atchison......... Farmer. Broadhead, J. F................ Linn.................. Lawyer. Browne, 0. H........................ 45 Ridgeway............... Osage................ Farmer. Callen, A. W.......................... 32 Junction City......... Davis.......... Lawyer. Campbell, D. G............................. Johnson............ Farmer. Campbell, D. L.................... 40 Mapleton................ Bourbon............ Merchant. Cavender, Henderson............ 31 Garnett.................. Anderson.......... Merchant. Christy, J. A.......................... 2 ol........................ Allen.................. Farmer. Church, R.............................. 55 Westmoreland........ Pottawatomie..... Farmer. Cleavenger, L. D.................... 44 Fort Scott.............. Bourbon.......... Physician. Coffinberry, Chas. C............... 36 Lincoln................. Nemaha.......... Farmer. Cook, Hugh A........................37 Minneola................Franklin........... Farmer. Craig, Warner........................ 28 Black Jack............. Douglas.............. Farmer. Darby, Rufus........................ 49 Washington........... Washington...... Farmer. Detrick, D.............................. 49 Highland............. Doniphan........... Farmer. Dille, C. L.............................. 48 LaJohnson............ Farmer. Draper, William..................... 33 Clinton................... Douglas............. Farmer. Dutton, M. R....................... 34 Oskaloosa......... Jefferson............ Farmer. Fairchild, G. H.................... 31 Atchison................. Atchison............ Banker. Finn, Daniel C............... 28........ Syracuse......... Wilson............... Lawyer. Foster, Robert Cole................ 30 Leavenworth......... Leavenworth..... Laborer. Fletcher, James..................... 35 Tecumseh............... Shawnee............ Farmer. Glick, Charles S..................... 32 Wyandotte City...... Wyandotte......... Lawyer. Glick, G. W.......................... 38 Atchison.............. Atchison......... Attorney. Goss, William...................... 34 Blooming Grove...... Linn.......... Farmer. Griswold, Nelson............... 44 Turkey Creek......... Bourbon......... Farmer. Hanway, James..................... 56 Lane....................... Franklin........... Farmer. Harvey, James M................. 31 Fort Riley.. Riley............... Farmer. Hendrick, A. B...................... 35 Rising Sun........... Jefferson......... Farmer. Hodgson, J............................59 Paris..................... inn.................. Farmer. Houts, W. L........................... 33 Paola............... Merchant. Hughes, N. B.. 31 Salina.................... Saline............... Physician. Jordan, Michael............... 45 Leavenworth......... Leavenworth..... Hotelk'per Karr, William........................ 51 New Lancaster....... Miami................ Farmer. Kennedy, J. R....................... 41 Lawrence.............. Douglas.............. Farmer. Kennedy, Lawrence.............. 47 Pleasant Ridge....... Leavenworth..... Farmer. Kohler, C............................. 30 Junction............... Dickinson......... Smith. Leland, Cyrus, jr................... 23 Troy....................... Doniphan........... Soldier. Leonard, M. R....................... 37 Bazaar.................... Chase................. Physician. Loomis, A. J......................... 39 Twin Springs.......... Linn.................. Farmer. Low, A................................... 53 Doniphan............... Doniphan........... Farmer. Macdonald, S. D..................... 39 Topeka................... Shawnee............ Printer. Martindale, Wm..................... 29 Madison.................. Greenwood........ Farmer. McClellan, J.................. 44 Holton.................... Jackson............. Farmer. Mead, James R...................... 28 Towanda............... Butler............... Merchant. Moody, Joel.......................... 31 Belmont................. Woodson............ Lawyer. Morrow, William................... 37 Lecompton............ Douglas.............. Merchant. O'Brien, T. M....................... 34 Leavenworth.........Leavenworth..... Mil. Att'y. O'Gwartney, Thos.................. 42 Easton.................... Leavenworth..... Farmer. Page, F. R.............................. 34 Neosho Rapids........ Lyon................. Farmer. Payne, D. L........................... 28 Columbus............... Doniphan........... Farmer. Perry, William B.................. 24 LeRoy.................... Coffey............... Merchant. Rawlings, N. P................ 39 Robinson................ Brown............. Farmer. Riddle, Robert....................... 36 Grasshopper Falls... Jefferson............ Farmer. Rice, H................................ 39 Osawatomie............ Miami................ Farmer. Rogers, H. D.......................... 33 Humboldt............... Neosho.............. Laborer. Russell, Ed............... 32 Elwood................... Doniphan........... Farmer. Sammons, I. D....................... 30 Albany.............N...... emaha............ Stock rais'r Salisbury, J. P....................... 40 Leavenworth......... Leavenworth..... Farmer. Scudder, E. S.................. 47 Willow Springs....... Douglas.............. Farmer. Shepherd, H. D..................... 26 Wilmington........... Wabaunsee......... Merchant. Smith, Henry........................ 34 Leavenworth......... Leavenworth..... Merchant. Snyder, S. J. H..................... 52 Monrovia............... Atchison............. Farmer. Stafford, E............................. 36 Springdale.............. Leavenworth..... Physician. Spencer, J............................. 34 Council Grove......... Morris............. Farmer. Stewart, Watson................. 38 Humboldt............ Allen.................. Farmer. Storch, George....................... 30 Kennekuk............. Atchison............ Merchant. Stratton, C. H........................36 DeSoto................... Johnson............. Farmer. Strong, N. Z........................... 37 Fort Scott............... Bourbon............ Lawyer. Sutherland, D. H................ 46 New Eureka............ Brown............. Farmer. 422 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1865. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - CONCL'D. 3fembers and Officers.' P. O. Address. County. Avocation. Swift, Frank B...................................... 30 Lawrence..... Douglas........ Printer.' Throckmorton, Job.............................. 30 Burlington...... Coffey.......... Farmer. Wells, John D...................................... 34 Barrett........... Marshall...... Farmer. West, AG........................................... 43 Ozark.............. Anderson.... Farmer. D. B. Emmert, Chief Clerk.................... 28 Fort Scott....... Bourbon....... Publisher. Freeman Bell, Assistant Clerk.............. 31 Topeka........... Shawnee...... Farmer. C. S. Lambdin, Journal Clerk................ 56 Plymouth........ Lyon........... Farmer. John MacReynolds, Docket Clerk......... 32 Paola.............. Miami...... Printer. D. F. Drinkwater, Engrossing Clerk...... 27 Cedar Point..... Chase...... Farmer. John T. Cox, Enrolling Clerk................ 44 Ottumwa........ Coffey......... Lawyer. J. E. Follansbee, Ass't Journal Clerk..... 25 Topeka............ Shawnee...... Teacher. J. D. Farren, Sergeant-at-Arms............. 54 Lawrence....... Douglas....... Teacher.'Thos. Archer, Ass't Sergeant-at-Arms.... 31 Topeka........ Shawnee...... Merchant. M. B. Crawford, Doorkeeper.................. 28 Topeka......... Shawnee...... Carpent'r. C. T. K. Prentice, Assistant Doorkeeper 17 McKinney's.... Douglas......... Farmer. William Miller, Page............................. 18 Ridgeway........ Osage.......... Farmer. Albert L. Bartlett, Page........................ 12 Neosho Rapids Lyon..... Farmer. Wm. R. Griffith, Page........................... 16 Topeka............ Shawnee...... Farmer. JANUARY 11. —Free Missouri sends greeting to the Kansas Legislature. -Message from Gov. Crawford. JANUARY 12.-James H. Lane elected U. S. Senator, for the term beginning March 4, 1865. Lane received 82 votes, Wm. A. Phillips 7, Wm. C. McDowell 4, C. B. Brace 2, W. Y. Roberts 2, B. M. Hughes 1. The election is followed by a banquet. JANUARY 12.-Meeting of the State Agricultural Society, at Topeka. Officers:'President, L. D. Bailey, of Douglas county; Secretary, John S. Brown, of Douglas; Treasurer, Wm. Spriggs, of Anderson. Executive Committee: R. G. Elliott, of Jefferson; H. B. Keller, of Leavenworth; S. Hubbard, of Wyandotte; A. W. J. Brown, of Allen; James B. Maynard, of Doniphan; C. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee; J. W. Sponable, of Johnson; S. M. Strickler, of Davis; P. B. Maxson, of Lyon; S. S. Tipton, of Anderson. No Fair was held this year. JANUARY 16.-Joel Moody admitted to the seat in the House, of Jonathan Foster, from the Sixty-third District, Woodson county. JANUARY 17. —C. K. Holliday, Adjutant General, makes the following statement in regard to Kansas troops, to Gov. Crawford: No. of Regiment. it 3. First Regiment.......... Infantry... 3 years May, 1861 986 206 1,192 116 Second Regiment....... Infantry... 3 mths May, 1861 650......... 650......... Second Regiment....... Cavalry.... 3 years Fall, 1861 870 403 1, 273 56 Fifth Regiment......... Cavalry.... 3 years Fall, 1861 900 420 1, 320 29 Sixth Regiment......... Cavalry.-... 3 years Fall, 1861 851 654 1,505' 79 Seventh Regiment...... Cavalry.... 3 years Oct., 1861 902 356 1, 258 455 Eighth Regiment....... Infantry... 3 years Oct., 1861 719 243 962 218 Ninth Regiment......... Cavalry.... 3 years Spring, 1862 817 710 1,527 31 Tenth Regiment........ Infantry... 3 years Aug., 1861 777 250 1,027 182 Eleventh Regiment.. Cavalry.... 3 years Sept., 1862 916 498 1,414. Twelfth Regiment...... Infantry... 3 years Sept., 1862 910 103 1,013.'Thirteenth Regiment. Infantry... 3 years Sept., 1862 890 93 983. Fourteenth Regiment. Cavalry..... 3 years Dec., 1863 1,070 53 1,125......... Fifteenth Regiment... Cavalry.... 3 years Oct., 1863 1,015 208 1,223 Sixteenth Regiment... Cavalry.... 3 years Oct., 1864 1,000 42 1,042. Seventeenth Reg't......Infantry... 100 dys July, 1864 455......... 455. First Regiment (Col'd) Infantry... 3 years Jan., 1863 869 223 1,092. Second Reg't (Col'd)... Infantry... 3 years Nov., 1863 901 36 937. 1865.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 423 COL. HOLLIDAY'S REPORT —Concluded. No. of Regiment. Z a - ~. Z: tQ Q Zs First Battery............ Artillery.. 3 years —, 1861 150 23 173 43 Second Battery.......... Artillery.. 3 years.Aug., 1862 140 12 152......... Third Battery............ Artillery.. 3 years March, 1863 126 20 146......... Inde'dent Bat. (Col'd).. Artillery.. 3 years.... 54...... 54 Cr. by enl'nts in other States.......................................................................... 74. Total.................................................... 20, 597 1, 209 Add Veterans............. 1, 209......... Grand aggregate.............................................I......... 21, 806 "The foregoing exhibit sho~ws the number of the several regiments of Kansas volunteers in the service of the United States since the commencement of the war; the arm of service with which they were connected' term of service; date of organization; original strength of regiments; number of recruits added since organization; aggregates of regiments, and veterans re-enlisted: making in all a grand aggregate of 21,806 men. "Of the foregoing aggregate of 21,806 men, the Second Infantry was in the service for a period of only three months, and the Seventeenth Infantry for one hundred days. The Second numbered 650 men; the Seventeenth 455 men; making a total of 1,105 men. These reduced to three-years men-the standard of measurement adopted by the Department of War —would lessen the foregoing aggregate 1,009 men, and render it equal to 20,797 three-years men. "The foregoing exhibit embraces all the white and colored troops enlisted in the volunteer service of which this office has any official information. "It embraces also a number of Indians who were regularly recruited in the white regiments. These were our home Indians, such as the Delawares, Shawnees, Pottawatomies, etc.; many of them having been made citizens of the United States by act of Congress. It is impossible to separate these home Indians, or distinguish them from other members of the regiments, as they are reported here the same as other volunteers. Of this number, 2,083 are.colored. "In addition to the foregoing, there are three regiments of Indians in the service, officered, originally, almost exclusively by citizens from Kansas. These regiments have never reported to this office, consequently I can make no estimate of their numbers. "The First and Second of, the Indian Regiments, and part of the Third, were recruited in Kansas; the credits, however, consisting chiefly of refugee Indians, from the Cherokee and Creek Nations. A part, however, were resident Indians whose lands were, and still are, within the limits of our State, and whose homes and firesides are still here." JANUARY 19.-Legislature adjourns to the 23d, to take a railroad excursion to Lawrence and Wyandotte. -Report of Senate Committee to the petition of Nathan Price, that J. T. Lane is elected Senator from the First District. JANUARY 26.-Overland mail line from Atchison reopened, after having been closed three weeks. JANUARY 27.-A cotton gin at Burlington is doing a good business. JANUARY 30.-Report of Senate Committee that the Auditor has drawn warrants to pay claims of officers and men in service in the State Militia, amounting to $62,800. JANUARY 30.-Alex. H. Stephens, R. M. T. Hunter and Judge Campbell come within Grant's lines as Peace Commissioners. 424 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1865. FEBRUARY 1.- Congress passes the Constitutional Amendment abolishing Slavery. FEBRUARY 1.-The mail service in this State, for the year ending June 30, 1864, cost $83,736; receipts, $58,644. FEBRUARY 2.-Lincoln and Seward meet the Peace Commissioners at Fortress Monroe. -Gold in Richmond, 4,400 per cent. premium. FEBRUARY 6.-A Special Committee reports in favor of relocating the Penitentiary. FEBRUARY 7.-Gen. Samuel R. Curtis leaves Fort Leavenworth, and is succeeded by Gen. G. M. Dodge. FEBRUARY 10.-Report of House Special Committee, that D. Rogers is not entitled to a seat from Neosho county: "In the organization of Neosho county, we find on file in the Secretary of State's office the necessary papers to complete such organization. We find from the. evidence before us that D. Rogers, S. E. Beach and Rufus Estes, who filed the affidavit as to the number of inhabitants of the county of Neosho, are residents of Allen county. That of the thirty-one persons representing themselves as resident freeholders of Neosho county, a. large majority are residents of Allen county; and that J. L. Fletcher, who was appointed Special Clerk, and the three persons appointed County Commissioners, are residents of Allen county." FEBRUARY 15.-A draft begins, for the first time in the State, and because full credits have not been given. — Much talk in the newspapers about cattle stolen from the Indian Territory. FEBRUARY 17.-Sherman occupies Columbia, South Carolina. FEBRUARY 18. —Gov. Crawford appoints the following Militia officers: Wm. F. Cloud, Major General, K. S. M.; D. E. Ballard, Quartermaster General, K. S. M.; John K. Rankin, Inspector General and Paymaster General; N. T. Winans, Surgeon General. FEBRUARY 20.-Adjournment of the Legislature. It was a very short session. Among the laws made were the following: Authorizing counties and cities to issue bonds to railroad companies; Providing for taking the first census; To encourage the growth of forest trees; For a geological survey; For the incorporation and regulation of railroad companies; For the payment of claims arising out of the Price Raid and the expeditions of Gen. Curtis against the Indians, in July and August, 1864; For the government of the Insane Asylum; To prevent the bringing of Texas stock into the State. FEBRUARY 21. —The Eleventh Kansas, Col. Plumb, leaves Fort Riley for Fort Kearney. FEBRUARY 25.-G. C. Swallow appointed State Geologist. - Gen. Thos. Ewing, jr., leaves the army. MARCH 3.-Summary of a law passed by Congress, chapter 88 of U. S. Statutes: "Allows the Central Pacific Railroad Company, and the Western Pacific Railroad Company, of California; the Union Pacific Railroad Company; the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern Division; and all other Companies provided for in Pacific Railroad Act of July 2, 1864 (see Statutes 1864, ch. 210), to issue their six per centum thirty years' bonds upon their separate roads, and to issue their bonds respectively to the extent of 100 miles in advance of a continuous completed line of construction. The 1865.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 425 assignment made by the Central Pacific Railroad Company of California, to the Western Pacific Railroad Company of that State, of the right to construct all that portion of the railroad and telegraph from San Jose to Sacramento, is ratified. The first twenty miles of the road must be completed one year from July 1, 1865, and the entire road within four years thereafter." MARCH 4.-Reinauguration of Lincoln. Conclusion of his Address: "Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the- conflict might cease with, or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. "Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes his aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has his own purposes.'Woe unto the world because of offences, for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh.' If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of these offences, which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through his appointed time, he now wills to remove, and that he gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may soon pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid with another drawn by the sword; as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said,'The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.' " With malice towards none, with charity to all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the Nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphans; to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." MARCH 10.-Major Thos. J. Anderson appointed Adjutant General. MARCH 15.-The draft in Kansas suspended. -Hiram S. Sleeper appointed Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska. Henry C. Fields Chief Clerk. MARCH 17. -Death of L. A. Maclean, staff officer of Gen. Sterling Price; formerly chief clerk of John Calhoun, at Lecompton. MARCH 18.- Geo. A. Crawford orders machinery for a Woollen Factory, at Fort Scott. -All the Kansas regiments at Fort Smith, Ark., five in number, leave there. APRIL. —Geo. W. Martin revives the Union, and calls it the Junction City Union. APRIL 1. —Battle of Five Forks; great victory of Sheridan.-Grant closing around Petersburg. APRIL 2.-Advance on Petersburg. Petersburg and Richmond evacuated, Departure of Jeff. Davis. APRIL 3.-Weitzel occupies Richmond. APRIL 4.-Lincoln in Richmond. APRIL 8. —Great Jubilee in Leavenworth over the Union victories and the end of the war. There were similar celebrations all over the State. APRIL 9.-Surrender of Lee at Appomattox Court House. APRIL 10.-Hiram T. Beman appointed Assistant Adjutant General. 426 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1865. APRIL 14.-Assassination of President Lincoln, by John Wilkes Booth, at Ford's Theatre, at 10 o'clock P. M. Murderous attack upon Secretary Seward, by Payne. APRIL 15.-President Lincoln dies, at 22 minutes past 7 o'clock A. M. -Andrew Johnson takes the oath of office as President. APRIL 15. — Gov. Crawford appoints April 23d as a day of fasting and prayer, on account of the assassination of President Lincoln. APRIL 18.-Terms of surrender by Johnston to Sherman. APRIL 22. —Elijah Sells appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs, vice William G. Coffin, resigned. MAY 4. —Burial of Abraham Lincoln in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois. MAY 5.-E. C. K. Garvey and C. K. Holliday buy the Topeka Tribune of Andrew Stark. -Gen. R. B. Mitchell appointed to command the District of Kansas. MAY 10.- Capture of Jeff. Davis, at Irwinville, Georgia. -A census taken in this month gives the State a population of 135,807. MAY 13.-Artemus Ward thanks the Leavenworth Typographical Union for electing him an honorary member. Among other things, he says: "It is the first time I was ever elected to anything. I once ran for County Clerk in this State, (Ohio,) but an ignorant and ruffianly people defeated me by some three thousand five hundred scattering votes. The civil war soon followed. Events since that there time are matters of history. I need not speak of them." JUNE 1. —James Christian and Milton W. Reynolds buy the Lawrence State Journal. JUNE 2.-Kirby Smith and Magruder formally surrender their forces at Galveston. JUNE 26.-Work begun on the Leavenworth and Lawrence Railroad. -The Home Journal started in Ottawa, by I. S. Kailoch and Charles T. Evans. Ottawa is one year old. JULY 1. —"The Army of the Border" published by Church & Goodman, Chicago. It is a book of 351 pages, written by Richard J. Hinton, and is a history of the Price Raid of 1864. The pursuit and defeat of Gen. Price was the most important event in the history of the State, and it is fortunate that this record was made. The writer spent ten years in Kansas in unselfish and heroic service, and his name is gratefully remembered. The rebel account of this campaign is given in the book called "Shelby and his Men; or the War in the West." The author says: "No prisoners were taken, and why should there be?.. Shelby was leaving Kansas and taking terrible adieus. He was fighting the devil with fire, and smoking him to death. Hay stacks, houses, barns, produce, crops and farming implements were consumed before the march of his squadrons, and what the flames spared the bullet finished. On those vast plains out west there, the jarring sabre-strokes were unheard, and the revolvers sounded as the tapping of woodpeckers. Shelby was soothing the wounds of Missouri by stabbing the breast of Kansas. For the victims of Lane and Jennison he demanded life for life and. blood for blood. The interest had been compounded, but he gathered it to the uttermost farthing. Fort Scott lay before him like a picture, mellowed by haze and distance, and the orders for its destruction had gone 1865.] ANNALS OF KAn'SAS. 427 forth.... I know not what feelings this exultation over fire and pillage may awaken in the breasts of Yankees, and I care not."-pp. /47, A48. JULY 12.-Railroad meeting in behalf of the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Fort Gibson road, at Ottawa. Called to order by Gen. Lane, President of the road. The amount of bonds to be voted by each county fixed upon. JULY 13.-Return of the Twelfth Kansas to Lawrence, where the regiment is to be mustered out. -Gen. John Pope ordered to Fort Leavenworth. JULY 17.-The Lawrence Journal appears as a Daily. -Petroleum excitement in Miami and Bourbon counties. JULY 26.- Second Annual Meeting of the State Teachers' Association, at Atchison. JULY 26.-Books opened at Lawrence for the St. Louis, Lawrence & Denver Railroad. -Damaging floods in different parts of the State. -Escort train of Company H, Eleventh Kansas, burned at Red Buttes by Indians, and several soldiers killed. -Mathews's Colored Battery mustered out. JULY 28.-A. T. & S. F. R. R. meeting in Topeka. Atchison, Jefferson, Shawnee, Osage, Lyon and Chase counties agree to vote bonds September 12th; the same day that bonds are to be voted for the L. L. & F. G. R. R. AUGUST 3.-Gov. Crawford writes to Secretary Harlan that the Osages and Cherokees are holding land in Kansas to which they have no title. AUGUST 4. —Capt. E. A. Smith's Second Kansas Battery arrives at Fort Leavenworth, to be mustered out. AUGUST 7.-Isaac E. Eaton reports from Denver to D. A. Butterfield that the Smoky Hill expedition is successful, and that route the best. — Col. Thos. Moonlight resigns. AUGUST 16.-The steamboat E. Hensley, Capt. Burke, built at Leavenworth, makes a trip to Lawrence. AUGUST 21.-Kansas U. S. Provost Marshal offices abolished. AUGUST 28. —Election, at Olathe, of Directors of the Kansas and Neosho Valley R. R. Co. Col. Kersey Coates elected President. -Col. S. W. Eldridge is building, for the third time, She Eldridge House, at Lawrence. AUGUST 31.-J. M. Edmunds, Commissioner of the General Land Office, replies to Gov. Crawford that his views in regard to the boundaries of the Osage and Cherokee lands are erroneous. Some time later, G. J. Endicott made a new survey; his conclusion was that the authorities at Washington were wrong. The correspondence is given in the Message of Gov. Crawford, January 10, 1866. One point of the dispute was the location of "White Hair's Village." SEPTEMBER 10.-All Kansas troops ordered to be mustered out as soon as they can reach home. SEPTEMBER 29.-Treaty with the Great and Little Osage Indians. The Osages sell to the United States the lands bounded as follows: "Beginning at the southeast corner of their present reservation, and running thence north with the eastern boundary thereof fifty miles to the northeast corner; thence 428. ANNALS OF KAINSAS. [1865. west with the northern line thirty miles; thence south fifty miles, to the southern boundary of said reservation; and thence east with said southern boundary to the place of beginning." The United States agree to pay $300,000 for the land. They also cede to the United States a tract of land twenty miles in width from north to south, off the north side of the remainder of their present reservation, and extending its entire length from east to west. OCTOBER 14.-Treaty with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes. OCTOBER 15.- George T. Isbell becomes the publisher of the Grasshopper Falls Jeffersonian. OCTOBER 17.-The claims before the Price Raid Commission amount to nearly $2,000,000. OCTOBER 18.-Public reception of Gen. W. T. Sherman in Leavenworth. He was received in Lawrence on the 19th. -The pontoon bridge at Topeka completed. -Major B. S. Henning takes up his residence at Lawrence, and superintends the Leavenworth and Lawrence Railroad. OCTOBER 30.-President Johnson, after a long controversy, accepts the first forty miles of the Kansas branch of the Pacific Railroad. -Death of Lewis Tracy, Esq., in Doniphan county. He was one of the earliest citizens of Kansas and of the Platte Purchase, in Missouri. He joined the Union army when more than sixty years old. NOVEMBER 2.-Annual election. SENATORS TO FILL VACANCIES. 9TH lST DIST. 2D DIST. 11TH DIST. 14T4H DIST. 15TH DIST. DIST.11HIT.!TDI. Counties.. a~~~~~~ f0. a attz a a ~a a a Doniphan.. 680 538.............................................................................. Atchison...................... 730 519........................................................... Douglas...................................... 1,575................................................ Miami............................................ 72 21...................................... Bourbon.......................................................459 415 1......... Butler......."22" 25 Chase............................................ 78 65 Morris...............105 75 Marion........................................25..............................................................................................250 165 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. Counties. Names. (lb.' IDoniphan.................... Charles E. Fox......................... 180 John H. Utt............................. 139 41 319 2.................................... Robert H. Montgomery............ 121 William J. Orem..................... 64 57 185 3............................... Lyman ash........................... 119 W. H. Smallwood..................... 98 21 217 4............................... W. Harrington........................ 141 Robert Myres.......................... 125 16 266 1865.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 429 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE —CONTINUED. Coubnties. Names.. 5 Doniphan (continued).. E. M. Stratton........................ 64 F. E. Micks........................... 50 F. E.SMix................................. 42 E. A. Beauchary....................... 8 164 1,151 6 Atchison.................... G. W. Glick.............................. 185 E. K. Blair............................... 165 20 350 7................. William Jackson................... 217 Robert Manville.................... 141 76 358 8................................... W. S. Cain.............. 154 M. It. Benton.......................... 9 85 223 9........................ Milo Carlton............................. 145 Joseph Dousbough.................... 9 136. 154 10........................ George W. Stabler.... 55 19 Orvill Lee................................. 36 W. K. Shimp............................ 29 120 1,205 11 Brown......................... Ira J. Lacock....................... 143 143 12........................ Chase E. Parker....................... 110 66 John M. Meidith.................... 44 P. B. Rust................................. 4 C. B. Sanders.................. 1 159 302 13 Nemaha................... George Graham................129 129 14.................................. James K. Gross........................ 30 Joseph Hanners....................... 84 S. H. Andrews.......................... 1 199 328 15 Marshall..................... James Smith............................ 187 42 S. B. Todd............................... 145 332 332 16 Washington........ G. H. Hollenberg.................. 90 47 R. H. West......................... 43 133 133 17 Pottawatomie............. H. P. Smith...................... 202 50 S. Moody.......................... 152 354 354 18 Jackson....................... James McLellan................. 189 85 John Rippetoe................... 104 Golden Silvers...................... 78 371 371 19 Jefferson..................... Walter N. Allen................. 189 40 J. M. Johnson............... 149 338 338 20......................... George Van Gaasbeek............... 134 Robert Riddle....................... 94 40 228 21......................... Jerome Kunkel................. 119 5 A. Venard.......................... 114 B. W. Whitlow......................... 40 J. N. O. P. Wood..................... 80 M. D. Baldwin......................... 85 438 1, 004 22 Leavenworth.............. T. M. O'Brien............230 112 E. N. O. Clough........................ 118 W. G. Mathias......................... 113 461 23.................................. Josiah Kellogg.........................233 233 24.......................... C. R. Jennison........ 289 5 W. F. Cloud.............................. 284 537 25........................ Auley McAuley....................... 362 362 26.................................. Fred. Wellhouse..................... 84 50Will. F. Goble............34 118 27. N Humber.............................. 81 23 J. C. Baird......................... 58 139 28................................... J. Knight................................. 137 23 Walker Kerr........................... 114 251 29........................ Jos. P. Bauserman.................. 71 28 J. M. O r................................. 11 Milton Sloan....................... 43 125 30..................................... Cole Foster........................ 92 49 J. D. Ross.......................... 43 135 2, 397 31 Wyandotte.................. Isaiah Walker................... 325 167 James D. Chestnut.............. 158 Scattering................................ 492 32 Johnson...................... John T. Burris.239 80 John C. Collins...................... 159 389 33..................................P. A. S. Johnson........................... 57 95 N. Pursell........................ 62 F. Strausser....................... 35 254 34..........G.......... arret C. Rue........................... 122 22'Thomas A. Parker.............. 100 Young.2 224 876 35 Douglas................... John K. Rankin....................... 654 654 430 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1865. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE-CONTINUED. Cbunties. Names. X C; 36 Douglas (concluded)..... George W. Smith...................... 101 23 E. R. Falley........................... 78 179 37......................... Warner Craig........................... 113 113 38........................ Levi Woodard.......................... 188 188 39.................................... J. H. Bonebrake.......................98 52 98 A. J. Parrish........................... 46 46 W. S. Kirby............................. 21 165 40...................... James H. Kelley................ 135 135 1,434 41 Shawnee..................C... K. Holliday........... -....... 334 132 W. W. H. Lawrence............... 202 536 42........................ James Fletcher........................ 155 58 John S. Ward...........................97 252 788 43 Miami....................... H. B. Smith........................... 150 116 Z. Baker................................ 34 184 44.................................... R. W. Massey.................. 189 80 John McReynolds....................[ 159 348 45...................... Sylvester Underhill.................. 231 231 763 46 Linn......................... D. Harmon....................... 62 12 R. Hill............. 50 112 47................................. J. M. Arthur.................. 101 5 Jonathan Hodgson................... 96 Scattering................................ 9. 197 48....................................J C. Quinn............................. 111 52 John S. Leave.......................... 59 170 49................. J. M. Brice.............................. 94 44 James D. Snoddy..................... 50'Scattering................................ 144 623 50 Bourbon...................... W.H. Green............................. 79 28 T. L. Wilson............................. 51 130 51.......................... Joseph L. Wilson..................... 136 99 H. Goff................................... 37 173 52.................. Nelson Griswold....................... 141 139 Scattering..........2....... 2 143 53.................................... C.W. Blair 264 119 W. A. Shannon........................ 145 409 855 54 Allen.................. Joseph Bond......................... 161 73 W. C. Jones 88 - Christy......................... 250 55......................F. W. Power................ 66 18 John A. Christy...................... 48 114 364 56 Anderson................. H. Cavender............................. 99 1 - McShane........................... 98 J. Hiver................................... 48 245 57......................... J. W. Stewart.......................... 52 21 D. L. Duff................................ 31 John Smith.............................. 13 S. L. Fullenwider..................... 20 116 361 58 Franklin..................... William Pennock..................... 78 22 Alfred Johnson.................... 56 A. Johnson.............................. 2 136 59............................... Jacob G. Reese................... 189 186 James Hanway....................... 3 192 328 60 Osage......................... H. D. Preston.......................... 129 53 P. C. Schuyler......................... 76 S. P. Hart................................ 39 244 244 S. P. Hart.39 244 244 61 Coffey........................ Charles Cochrane..................... 174 61 J. M. Rankin........................... 113 287 62........................ A. N. Coffin.............................. 123 A. Jones................................. 111 12 W. A. Ela............................. 16 150 537 63 Wilson..................... Isaac W. Dow................ 92 52 W. B. Stines.40 Scatterin g g...................1.......... 133 133 64 Lyon........................... Jacob Stotler............................ 251 250 Scattering............................ 1..... 252 65..................................... E.H. Sanford......................155 152 Scattering................................ 3 158 66.............................. Charles Drake......... 77 38 S. L. Loy................................. 39 Scattering................................ 120 530 67 Butler..................... D. L. McCabe........................... 37 25 L. M. Pratt............................. 12 S. W. Satchell.......................... 54 54 1865.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 431 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE —CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. M 68 Chase.......................... S. N. Wood............................ 105 59 O. H. Drinkwater..................... 46 249 249 69 Morris.......................J. J.. Bradford.......................... 101 23 R. B. Lockwood..................... 78 179 179 70 Wabaunsee................. DH.. Shepherd...................... 77 77 77 71 Davis....................... A. AW. Callen......................... 248 238 J. P. Wiley......................... 5 L. B. Perry.............................. 3 Scattering................................ 258 268 72 Riley....................J. M. Harvey...........................282 281 J. H. Phelps............................. 283 283 73 Dickinson................. C. H. Kohler............... 39 3 Dan. Jones...... 36 75 75 74 Saline............. W. A. Phillips........................... 74 1 H. L. Jones...............................73 147 147 75 Greenwood.................. William Martindale................. 84 31 W. B. Godfrey.......................... 53 W. W. Brazel........................... 11 148 148 76 Woodson.................... Henry Pearman....................... 69 23 A. Thompson........................... 46 115 115 77 Neosho....................... Darius Rogers........................... 50 Scattering.................... 50 50 78 Marion....................... A. Moore............................. 288 28 NOVEMBER 15.-Telegraph completed to Topeka. -Prof. Swallow discovers marble at Fort Scott. -The Eighth Kansas is at San Antonio, Texas. — Grading in progress on the railroad between Leavenworth and Wyandotte. NOVEMBER 16.-The Sixteenth Kansas arrives at Fort Leavenworth, from the Plains. NOVEMBER 20.- Col. Vliet leaves Lawrence to survey the L. L. & Ft. G. R. R., and the Emporia branch. NOVEMBER 23. —The first rail laid on the Atchison and Pike's Peak R. R. -Major B. F. Simpson returns to the practice of law, in Miami county. -The Lawrence and Pleasant Hill Railroad is surveyed. NOVEMBER 27.-Major O. B. Gunn leaves Atchison to survey the A. T. & S. F. R. R. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $6,325 00 Legislature and Journals........... 23,287 95 Secretary's Department............ 5, 421 45 State Normal School................. 2, 000 00 Auditor's Department............... 2,960 54 Penitentiary............................ 21,506 22 Treasurer's Department,........... 2,767 00 Geological Survey..................... 7,500 00 Sup't of Public Instruction....... 1, 866 85 Deaf and Dumb Asylum........... 2, 041 11 Attorney General..................... 1,031 48 Agricultural College................. 3,316 50 Adjutant General..................... 6, 042 50 Capitol grounds and building.... 42,492 15 Quartermaster General............. 1, 480 94 Military purposes..................... 2, 992 19 Paymaster General................... 1,000 00 Taking census.......................... 2, 997 07 Judiciary Department............... 15,691 95 Rent of Capitol building........... 3,000 00 Printing................................... 24,979 74 Miscellaneous expenses........... 3,715 72 Military Companies.................. 2, 789 23 Total for 1865..........$187,105 59 DECEMBER 9. —The Topeka Leader issued, by J. F. Cummings & Co.; Ward Burlingame Editor. 432 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. -Western Home Journal, at Ottawa, edited by I..S. Kalloch and C. CQ. Hutchinson. DECEMBER 13. — Col. Winm. A. Barstow, of the Third Wisconsin, dies in Leavenworth. DECEMBER 14.-The Adjutant General reports that Kansas furnished the General Government during the war 19,812 men. -A telegraph office is established at Troy. -Robert B. Mitchell appointed Governor of New Mexico. DECEMBER 15.-The Report of R. A. Barker, Secretary of State, says the census taken in May is not yet classified and arranged. It contains a list of the bonds issued under the act of March 1, 1864, to refund taxes, amounting to $39,675; a list of the bonds issued to fund the Territorial debt, under the act of Feb. 20, 1863, amounting to $57,300 issued to date; and a list of the land selected by Johnson Clark, P. B. Maxson and Daniel Mitchell for the Agricultural College, amounting to 82,313.53 acres. DECEMBER 15.-The report of President Denison, of the Agricultural College, to Superintendent Goodnow, says the Catalogue contains the names of 113 students. -G. W. Paddock, Regent, reports that the Regents of the University held their first meeting March 21. R. W. Oliver was elected Chancellor; G. W. Paddock, Secretary; G. W. Deitzler, Treasurer; and Jas. S. Emery, Librarian. The officers, with Solon O. Thacher and Charles Robinson, were made an executive committee. James H. Lane and the City of Lawrence have given an additional site of eight acres of land. A new building, fifty feet square, is in process of erection. -Prof. Joseph Mount has charge of the Deaf and Dumb school, at Baldwin City. -The Normal School opened at Emporia, February 15, with 18 students. L. B. Kellogg and H. B. Norton are the teachers. -Fifty miles of the Kansas Pacific road are completed. -The Leavenworth Conservative publishes long military histories, written by Col. Moonlight and Col. Jennison. 1866. JANUARY 3.- Officers of the State Agricultural Society, elected at Topeka: President, L. D. Bailey, of Douglas; Secretary, John S. Brown, of Douglas; Treasurer, Wm. Spriggs, of Anderson; Superintendent, J. L. McDowell. Executive Committee: C. B. Lines of Wabaunsee county, J. W. Sponable of Johnson, H. J. Strickler of Shawnee, G. W. Deitzler of Douglas, S. S. Tipton of Anderson, R. G. Elliott of Jefferson, H. B. Keller of Leavenworth, Alfred Gray of Wyandotte, A. W. J. Brown of Allen, Jas. B. Maynard of Doniphan. State Fair held at Lawrence. JANUARY 5.-James H. Lane returns to Leavenworth from Washington, 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 433 and makes a speech on Reconstruction, and endorsing President Andrew Johnson. -The Eighth Kansas arrives in Atchison. JANUARY 8.-Report of G. C. Swallow, State Geologist, 94 pages; of Maj. F. Hawn, Assistant, 28 pages; of C. A. Logan, on the Sanitary Relations of Kansas, 50 pages; of Tiffin Sinks, on the Climatology of Kansas, 20 pages. The following tables are copied from Dr. Sinks's Report: TABLE OF MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR SEASONS AND YEARS. Location. E Fort Leavenworth... 390211 94044' 896. 53076 74005 53066 29076 1080 -300 52081 Fort Riley............... 839 00 196 30 1,180 55 85 79 12 56 09 27 98 106 -23 53 47 Fort Scott................ 37 45 194 35 1, 000 54 75 74 95 55 27 32 93 98 -10 54 48 Fort Larned............ 38 15 99 20 1,780 50 76 77 43 54 34 32 12.................. 53 66 Fort Kearney.......... 40 38 [98 57 2, 360 46 81 71 47 49 35 23 04 102 -28 47 66 St. Louis.................. 38 40 90 05 450 54 15 76 19 55 44 32 27 107 -18 54 51 Cincinnati............... 39 05 84 29 500 53 80 73 70 53 60 33 80 106 -17 53 70 Pittsburgh............... 40 32 80 02 704 49 97 71 47 51 43 30 59 100 -18 50 86 TABLE OF MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR MONTHS. Locationa. _1'Ci Fort Leavenworth. 28000 31015 4222 55047 63064 71031 76067 74016 66016 54046 40036 29077 Fort Riley............ 24 73 31 49 44 06 56 03S67 47 76 40 82 26 78 71 72 55 55 60 40 13 27 73 Fort Scott.............. 32 91 34 98 43 13 55 72 65 48 72 11 77 22175 53168 62 55 23 41 91131 09 Fort Larned..........27 18 35 09 43 03 52 92 56 43 73 49 79 84 78 98 70 28 52 36 40 39 34 09 Fort Kearney........ 21 14 26 11 34 50 47 13 58 81 68 51 73 56 72 33 64 42 49 56 34 07 21 87 St. Louis.............. 35 44 33 43 42 30 55 08 65 07174 20 78 22176 16169 58 54 20 42 55131 93 Cincinnati............ 38 50 34 10 43 40 54 50163 50 71 10 76 30 73 70 65 50 53 00 42 30 33 80 Pittsburgh............29 25 31 16 39 0249 96.60 92 69 22,72 98 71 21 63 58150 91 39 80 31 35 MEAN PRECIPITATION OF RAIN, CALCULATED FOR SEASONS AND YEARS. Places of Observation. C Fort Leavenworth........................................ 7.32 13.03 7.57 3.42 31.34 30 Fort Riley............................................. 5.62 10.68 5.87 2.72/ 24.90 5 Fort Scott....................................................... 12.57 16.37 8.39 4.79 42.12 10 Fort Larned........................................ 5.36 8.45 4.01.81 18.63 4 Fort Kearney................................. 6.80 10.62 4.85 1.50 23.77 13 St. Louis........................................................ 12. 30 14.14 8.94 6.94 42.32 19 Cincinnati...................................... 12.14 13.70 9.90 11.15 46.89 20 Pittsburgh.................................. 9.38 9.87 8.23 7.48 34.96 18 Athens, Illinois............................................... 12.20 13.30 9.20 7.10 41,80 10 "Taking the records at Forts Leavenworth, Riley and Scott as a basis for calculation, the mean annual precipitation of rain for the eastern half of the State is 32 78-100 inches. The mean for the western half is about 24 inches. "The mean for Minnesota is 30 inches, for Wisconsin 32 inches, and for Michigan 30 inches." 28 434 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. JANUARY 9.-Meeting of the Legislature. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Members and QOlcers. P. O. Address. County. Avocation. James McGrew, President............... 44 Wyandotte......... Wyandotte..... Merch't. Akin, Eugene L............................. 28 Lawrence............ Douglas........... Lawyer. Anderson, David............................. 41 Paola.................. Miami............. Farmer. Bartlett, W. K................................. 40 Junction City...... Davis.............. Merch't. Barber, Oliver................................. 49 Kanwaka............ Douglas........... Farmer. Drenning, F. H.............................. 28 Wathena............. Doniphan........ Lawyer. Emmert, D.B................................. 29 Fort'Scott............ Bourbon......... Publis'r. Eskridge, C. V................................ 31 Emporia............ Lyon.............. Merch't. Foote, Henry................................. 36 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth... Farmer. Gambell, W. P................................. 33 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth... Attor'ey. Grover, O. J............. 38 America City.... Nemaha......... Farmer. Houston, D. W............ 37 Garnett............... Anderson........ Lawyer. Horne, D. H.................................... 36 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Land Ag. Jones, J. H..................................... 38 Kaw City............ Jefferson......... Farmer. Legate, J. F.................................... 37 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth... Farmer. Manning, E. C................................. 27 Marysville........... Marshall......... Printer.' Miller, Sol................................... 35 White Cloud........ Doniphan........ Printer. Milhoan, T. E................................. 33 Olathe................. Johnson.......... Farmer. Wheeler, Joshua............................ 39 Pardee................. Atchison......... Farmer. Potter, F. W................................... 32 Burlington.......... Coffey.......... Laborer. Quigg, M.................................. 29 Atchison.............. Atchison......... Clerk. Riggs, Reuben................................ 56 Marion Centre..... Marion........... Lawyer. Spear, S....................................... 49 Hiawatha........... Brown............ Farmer. Smith, A. H................................... 38 Blooming Grove... Linn............... Farmer. Twiss, Charles P............................. 32 Iola..................... Allen.............. Lawyer. Weer, William................................ 41 Wyandotte......... Wyandotte...... Lawyer. A. R. Banks, Secretary.................... 30 Lawrence........... Douglas........... Lawyer. A. Hitchcock, Assistant Secretary... 38 Lawrence........... Douglas........... Minister. W. F. Goble, Docket Clerk............... 27 Pleasant Ridge..... Leavenworth... Book'er. Ira H. Smith, Journal Clerk............ 49 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Land Ag. L. M. Benedict, Engrossing Clerk.... 34 Vienna........ Pottawatomie.. Farmer. W. B. Bowman, Enrolling Clerk...... 35 Wyandotte......... Wyandotte...... Lawyer. T. Mills, Sergeant-at-Arms.............. 51 Topeka................ Shawnee...... Mason. Wm. Thompson, Doorkeeper........... 32 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Farmer. G. Y. Arnold, Assistant Doorkeeper 23 Topeka............ Shawnee......... Merch't. Clarence Walrod, Page.................... 12 Paola.... Miami............. Student. J. T. Miller, Page........................... 14 Topeka.... Shawnee..... Student. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 3lembers. P. O. Address. County. Avocation. John T. Burris, Speaker............... 37 Olathe................. Johnson.......... Lawyer. Allen, W. N................................. 32 Oskaloosa............ Jeffrson......... Lawyer. Arthur, J. M................................ 49 Centreville.......... Linn............... Farmer. Bauserman, J. P.......................... 25 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth... Farmer. Blair, C. W................................... 37 Fort Scott............ Bourbon......... Lawyer. Bradford, J. H............................. 37 Council Grove...... Morris............ Physician. Brice, S. M.................................. 51 Mound City......... Linn.............. Physician. Bond, Joseph............................. 45 Humboldt............ Allen.............. Printer. Bonebrake, J. H......................... 35 Lecompton......... Douglas........... Physician. Cain, W. S................................... 29 Atchison.............. Atchison.......... Farmer. Callen, A. W.............................. 33 Junction City...... Davis.............. Lawyer. Carlton, Milo..............................51 Pardee................. Atchison......... Farmer. Cavender, H................................32 Garnett............... Anderson....... Merchant. Craig, Warner............................. 29 Baldwin City...... Douglas........... Farmer. Cochrane, Charles........................ 32 Ottumwa............ Coffey........... Farmer. Coffin, A. V................................. 46 Le Roy............... Coffey........... Everyth'g. Drake, C.................................... 29 Americus.......... Lyon............. Farmer. Dow, Isaac W.............................. 33 Neosho Falls........ Woodson......... Mechanic. Fletcher, James........................... 36 Tecumseh.......... Shawnee......... Farmer. Foster, R. C................................. 31 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth... Teamster. Fox, Charles E............................ 31 Highland............ Doniphan........ Farmer. Graham, George........................... 45 Seneca.......... Nemaha......... Merchant. Green, W. H.............................. 38 Fort Lincoln........ Bourbon. Glick,G. W.............................. 38 Atchison.............. Atchison......... Attorney. G]~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ 8Fr incoln G.W.....................:I 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 435 MEMIBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCL'D. Mllembers and Officers.: P. O. Address. County. Avocation. Griswold, Nelson.......................... 45 Turkey Creek...... Bourbon.......... Farmer. Gross, James R............. 34 America City...... Nemaha......... Freighter. Harmon, 0. D.............................. 37 Twin Springs...... Linn............... Farmer. Harrington, N............................. 42 Palermo............... Doniphan....... Physician. Harvey, J. M.............................. 32 Fort Riley........... Riley............... Farmer. Hollenberg, G. H......................... 38 Marysville........... Washington..... Farmer. Holliday, C. K............................. 38 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Lawyer. Humber, N.................................. 50 Easton................. Leavenworth... Farmer. Jackson, W................................. 32 Atchison............ Atchison......... Farmer. Jennison, C. R............................. 32 Leavenworth....... Leavenworth... Farmer. Johnson, A.S.............................. 33 Shawnee.............. Johnson.......... Farmer. Kellogg, Josiah........................... 33 Leavenworth.......Leavenworth... Lawyer. Kelly, James H........................... 40 Willow Springs.... Douglas........... Farmer. Knight, Jonathan........................ 32 Tonganoxie......... Leavenworth... Farmer. Kohler, C.................................. 31 Junction City...... Dickinson....... Mechanic. Kunkel, Jerome.......................... 38 Rising Sun........... Jefferson......... Lumber'n. Lacock, Ira J............................... 31 Hiawatha............ Brown............ Lawyer. Martindale Wm.......................... 30 Madison............... Greenwood..... Farmer. Massey, R. W............. 43 Paola.................. Miami............. Lawyer. Montgomery, R. H............. 27 Columbus. Doniphan....... Teacher. Mix, F. E.................................. 27 Atchison.............. Doniphan........ Farmer. Moore, A. A................................. 54 Marion Centre..... Marion........... Rancher. McAuley,'A.............54 Leavenworth...... Leavenworth.. Lawyer. McCabe, David L......................... 34 Eldorado.............. Butler............ Bl'ksmith. McLellan, James......................... 45 Holton................. Jackson......... Farmer. Nash, Lyman.............................. 45 Wathena............. Doniphan........ Mechanic.. O'Brien, T. M............................. 35 Leavenworth...... Leavenworth.. Mil.att'y.. Parker, C. E.................................41 Carson................. Brown............ Farmer. Pearman, H.................................43 Belmont............... Wilson............ Farmer. Pennock, Wn.............................. Minneola............ Franklin......... Farmer.. Preston, H. D..............................36 Burlingame... Osage.Farmer. Phillips, Wm. A............................39 Salina.................. Saline Journalist. Power, F. M................................. Iola..................... Allen............. Farmer. Quinn, J. C................................. 56 Mvound City....... Linn............... Farmer. Rankin, Jno. K........................... 28 Lawrence.......... Douglas........... Laborer. Rees, J. G................... 40 Mount Gilead...... Franklin......... Farmer. Rogers, D................................. 34 Humboldt.......... Neosho........... Merchant. Rue, G. C..................................... 42 Gardner.............. Johnson......... Merchant. Sanford, Eph. H........................... 43 Allen................... Lyon.............. Lawyer. Stabler, Geo. W............................ 30 Huron................ Atchison......... Stock r'ser. Shepard, H. D.............................. 27 Wilmington......... Wabaunsee...... Merchant. Stewart, J. W.............................. 4 Garnett............... Anderson......... Miller. Smith, James............................... 28 Barrett................ Marshall......... Farmer. Smith, H. P................................. 35 Rock Creek......... Pottawatomie.. Miller. Smith, Geo. W.................... 60 Lawrence............ Douglas........... Lawyer. Smith, H; B................................. 33 Osawatomie......... Mianmi............. Merchant. Stotler, Jacob............................ 31 Emporia.............. Lyon.............. Printer. Underhill, S........42......................... Osawatomie. Miami............. Farmer. Van Gaasbeek, Geo...................... 50 Grasshopper Falls Jefferson......... Farmer. Walker, Isaiah............................. 40 Wyandotte........... Wyandotte...... Merchant. Wellhouse, F.............................. 37 Pleasant Ridge..... Leavenworth.. Farmer. Wilson, Joseph S......................... 49 Mapleton............ Bourbon......... Farmer. Wood, S. N................................... 40 Cottonwood Falls. Chase.............. Farmer. Woodard, Levi............................ 35 Eudora................ Douglas........... Farmer. John T. Morton, Chief Clerk......... 44 Topeka............... Shawnee......... Lawyer. John E. Thorpe, Assistant Clerk... 26 Iola..................... Allen.............. Farmer. Wm. R. Brown, Journal Clerk...... 25 Lawrence............ Douglas........... Lawyer. J. A. Soward, Docket Clerk........... 31 Wyandotte........... Wyandotte...... Merchant. Dwight G. Hull, Engrossing Clerk. 24 Atchison.............. Atchison......... Bookk'per. W. H. Cowan, Enrolling Clerk......24 Topeka................ Shawnee......... Clerk. Thos. Archer, Sergeant-at-Arms... 32 Topeka................ Shawnee........ Trader. L. W. Graham, Ass'tSerg.-at-Arms 33 Elmendaro........... Lyon............... Farmer. G. Pharaoh, Doorkeeper............... 24 Lawrence............ Douglas........... File cutter. C. T. K. Prentice, Ass't Doork'per. 18 Lawrence............ Douglas........... Farmer. Wm. R. Griffith, Page.................. 17 Topeka.............. Shawnee......... Farmer. Wm. Miller, Page......................... 19 Ridgeway............ Osage.............. Student. Francis J. Rice, Page.............. 12 Topeka...... Shawnee......... Student. JANUARY 9.-The following is copied from Gov. Crawford's Message: "Baker University, located at Baldwin City, Douglas county, is under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Chtrch; Lane University, in the same county, is under the 436 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. supervision of the United Brethren Church; Ottumwa College, at Ottumwa, Coffey county, is under the management of the Christian Church; Highland University, at Highland, Doniphan county, is under the control of the Presbyterian Church; Ottawa University, at Ottawa City, Franklin county, is under the care of the Baptist Church; Lincoln College, at Topeka, belongs to the Congregational Church; the Episcopal Church has a Female Seminary at Topeka; Wetmore Institute, at Irving, Marshall county, is under the control of the Presbyterian Church; the Methodists are erecting one at Circleville, in Jackson county, which will soon be ready for occupation; they also own Hartford Institute, at Hartford, Lyon county." -There are about 300 miles of railroad in the State. -Baker University, at Baldwin City, has 202 students. JANUARY 11.-The Price Raid Commission have audited claims amounting to $400,000. -Lawrence has a woollen factory nearly completed. -Thos. Murphy, Indian Superintendent, pays the Ottawa Indians their last annuity. Of their lands, 87,000 acres are to be sold to settlers; 20,000 acres are given to the College now in process of erection. -Senator Lane addresses the citizens of Topeka, in behalf of Andrew Johnson's policy; his resolutions are adopted, as they had been in Leavenworth. JANUARY 12.-T. J. Anderson, Adjutant General, reports that we lost 472 officers and 7,344 enlisted men during the war. JANUARY 17.-Meeting in Topeka to form a State Editors' and Publishers' Association. R. B. Taylor Chairman, John A. Martin Secretary. Eighteen papers represented. -The Burlington Woollen Factory is in operation. JANUARY 26.-A bill has passed the Senate giving 500,000 acres of State lands to railroads. It passes the House February 17th, by 44 to 27, and against the written protest of twenty-three members. See House Journal, p. 483. The Attorney General declares the bill constitutional. House Journal, pp. 494-8. FEBRUARY 12.-Theodore C. Sears, by invitation, addresses the Legislature on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln. -Wool-growing becomes an important interest in Andersan county. FEBRUARY 20.-Death of Samuel A. Stinson, of Leavenworth, at Wiscasset, Maine. Mr. Stinson was a member of the Wyandotte Convention, had been Attorney General of the State, and was one of the most brilliant, successful and popular lawyers in the State. FEBRUARY 27.-Adjournment of the Legislature. Among the acts passed were the following: Apportioning the State for Senators and Representatives; Seventeen acts relating to bonds; Defining the boundaries of Neosho county; Providing temporary buildings at Olathe for a Deaf and and Dumb Asylum; Encouraging the growth of forest trees; Giving the 500,000 acres of land granted to, Kansas under the act of Sept. 4, 1841, to the following railroad companies: The Northern Kansas, from Elwood; the Kansas and Neosho Valley (for a road through Johnson, Miami, Linn, and Bourbon counties); the Union Pacific Railway, Southern Branch, from Fort Riley along the Neosho Valley; and to the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Fort Gibson Railroad Company —the lands to be sold for the ben 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 437 efit of these companies, by an Agent appointed by the Governor; -An act for the protection of State and county treasuries; Changing the name of the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Fort Gibson Railroad Company to the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad Company; Issuing bonds to build the Penitentiary; For the erection of a State House, and the sale of public lands; For the sale of Normal School lands; For the sale of University lands; For the sale of Agricultural College lands. MARCH 1. —A coal mine is in successful operation near Ridgeway, Osage county. MARCH 8. —Proposals are published for building a portion of a State Penitentiary. MARCH 10.- Col. John W. Horner is elected President of Baker University. MARCH 19.-Jas! L. McDowell becomes Postmaster at Leavenworth. — E. C. Manning revives the Big Blue Union. -The track on the Pacific road is laid to Silver Lake, twelve miles west of Topeka. MARCH 20.-The names of five soldiers who were buried at Andersonville are published. They belonged to the Eighth Kansas. MARCH 29.-Proposals are published for building a portion of the State Capitol. APRIL.-Gov. Crawford sells in New York $60,000 Penitentiary and $70,000 Public Improvement State bonds, at 91 cents on the dollar. APRIL 6.-J. H. Lane, in the Senate, makes a bitter speech supporting the President's policy, but indignantly denying that he wears Andrew Johnson's collar. APRIL 12.-Ira J. Lacock takes charge of the Hiawatha Sentinel. APRIL 14.-A public meeting in Lawrence strongly condemns the course of Senator Lane. The resolutions were reported by Major E. G. Ross. -Gen. John W. Whitfield writes from Austin, Texas: " We got whipped, and there is no use to talk. I am the most loyal man now you ever saw." APRIL 14.-A meeting in Fort Scott, called to support Johnson and Lane, denounces both. APRIL 18.-The Humboldt Union started: W. T. McElroy, Publisher; Orlin Thurston, Editor. T. C. Sherman, W. R. Spooner and D. B. Emmert have been partners of Mr. McElroy. APRIL 20.-First National Bank of Topeka organized. -The Ben. Holladay Overland Mail runs from the terminus of the Pacific road to Denver. -G. A. Colton takes charge of the Paola Free Press. MAY 12. —Meeting in Hiawatha to take measures to consolidate the Northern Kansas R. R. Co. with the St. Joseph and Denver. Samuel Lappin President, F. H. Drenning Secretary. MAY 13.-A farmer killed by Indians on the Solomon.'MAY 14.-Ward Burlingame succeeds T. C. Sears as editor of the Conservative. -R. St. Clair Graham appointed Judge, vice Albert H. Horton, resigned. 438 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. MAY 15.-Trains begin running on the Leavenworth branch, to Lawrence. R. H. Shoemaker is Superintendent of the road. MAY 20. —Six men killed by Indians, fifteen miles west of Lake Sibley. TABLE SHOWING THE POPULATION OF THIE STATE, MAY, 1865. Counties. Allen...45.................................................................. 2,450 287......... 2, 737 Anderson.............................................. 2,544 115......... 2, 659 Atchison...................................................................... 8,316 613......... 8,929 Butler...................................................................... 276 18....... 294 Brown.......................................................................... 107......... 2, 891 Bourbon.............................................. 7,174 787.......... 7,961 Eight-mile strip neutral lands, south of Bourbon county. 595 1......... 596 Clay................................... 2...38................................ 238 Coffey.............................................. 3,127 256......... 3,383 Chase............................................. 870..................... 870 Douglas............................. 13, 36'2'078"...... 15, 814 Doniphan................................................ 8,787 808......... 9,595 Davis.............................................. 1,167 22 1,189 Dickinson.................................... 442....................... 442 Franklin...........................3............ 3,583 112......... 3,695 Greenwood.............................................., 187 1.................... 1,187 1188 Jefferson................................ 5 84 269.................................. 5,853 Jackson................................. 2,940 22..............2......... 2,962 Johnson.............................................. 5, 469 342 382 6,093 Linn............................................................ 5,853 69......... 6,543 Lyon*.......................................................................... 2, 200 48. 2, 248 Leavenworth.............................................................. 20,882 3,374......... 24,256 Miami.............................................. 5,842 309......... 6,151 Morris....................................1,11................................. 1,141 Marion.............................................. 161 1 162 Marshall....................................................................... 2, 346 3.. 2, 349 Nemaha...................................................................... 2,615 23......... 2,638 Neosho........................................... 698 79......... 777 Ottawa..............................................178.......................... 178 Osage........................................................................... 29......... 1,169 Pottawatomie............................................................... 2,022 97.. 2,119 Riley.......................................................................... 1,802 11......... 1,813 Shawnee..................................................................... 3,201 257.. 3,458 Saline........................................................................... 472 1......... 473 Washington t.............................................................................................. Woodson.......................................................................,108 199......... 1307 Wabaunsee................................................................... 1, 043 38.. 1,081 Wyandotte...................................................3, 323 1,504......... 4,827 Wilson t................................................................................................ Total................................... 127, 270 12,527 382 140,179 Sixty-fifth District not returned. t Not reported. At a meeting of the State Central Democratic Committee at Leavenworth, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: " Whereas, In the present crisis in public affairs it becomes the duty of every political organization and every individual who has the interest of his country at heart, so far as its or his action can influence public opinion, to faithfully, honestly, and fearlessly express that opinion: be it, therefore, by the State Central Committee of the State of Kansas, "Resolved, 1. That, representing and speaking in behalf of eight thousand Democratic voters of the State, we hold as fundamental principles that the Federal Constitution and the laws passed in pursuance thereof, ever are supreme throughout the limits of. the United States, and in each and every State, North, South, East and West; and that,all men, President, Senators, Congressmen, and private individuals, are bound by them, and as officers and citizens, should, in every act, submit to and be guided by their spirit. 2. That we cordially uphold and stand by the administration of President Johnsqn, in so far as his public policy has indicated that his purpose has been and is to uphold the principles upon which the Government was founded, and to sustain the rights of the people and all the States equally. 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 439 3. That without regard to past political differences, we invite the co-operation of all men in the State in securing to our State Government officers of acknowledged capacity and integrity. 4. That we distinctly repudiate all idea of permitting any longer our party organization to become in any way submissive to the political or personal fortunes of any man or set of men outside of the party, and, upon the principles heretofore set forth, whether victory or defeat be the result. 5. That the interests of the party imperatively require the establishing of a Democratic organ at Leavenworth City. 6. That the chairman be authorized and requested to call a State Convention, at such time and place as he shall deem proper, to select a ticket for State officers and Member of Congress, to be voted for at the ensuing election. T. P. FENLoN, Secretary pro tern.. P. GAMBELL, Chairman. JUNE. —The Educational Journal is published at Topeka. -In the summer, Samuel N. Wood starts the Chase County Banner. Theodore Alvord published it from August 3, 1867, till November, 1868. In 1870, the Banner stopped, and the press went to Winfield. F. E. Smith published the Banner one year. JUNE 1.-Bridge over the Kaw, at Wyandotte, nearly completed. -The towns of Chetopa, Wamego, Solomon and Montana begin to be talked about. — Survey begun on the Fort Scott and Sedalia road. JUNE 8.-J. H. Lane votes with the rest of the Republican Senators, for the Constitutional Amendment. JUNE 10. —M. F. Conway nominated as Consul to Marseilles. He sustains Johnson's policy., JUNF, ll.-Senator Lane obtains leave of absence. He arrives in Lawrence on the 16th. JUNE 20. —Meeting of the Republican Committee at Topeka. State Convention to be held September 5th. -Gen. Lane passes Leavenworth on his way East. JUNE 23.-The Fenian company raised in Leavenworth returns to that city. -Robert Tracy enlarges the Troy Reporter. JUNE 25. —Gen. Lane reported seriously ill, at the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis. JUNE 25. —The Missouri Pacific completed to Kansas City. JUNE 27.-Neosho county is receiving a very large immigration. -The L. L. & G. is located to nearly the southern boundary of the State. -The season is a very wet one. -Lawrence city and Douglas county have voted bonds to the Pleasant Hill road. — )oniphan county has voted bonds to the Denver road. -Steamboats still running from Weston to Kansas City. -Judge Bailey asks the poet Whittier to be present at the State Fair, at Lawrence. JUNE 28.-Gen. Lane arrives at Kansas City. -John Speer confirmed as Collector. JUNE 29. —Gen. Lane arrives in Leavenworth, and stops with his brotherin-law, Gen. McCall, at the Government farm, on the Fort Reservation. 440 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. -Santa Fe coaches now start from Junction City. JULY 1.-The Conservative of Tuesday, July 3d, says: "On Sunday evening, (July 1st,) being apparently in comparative good health and sound mind, Senator Lane rode out with Mr. McCall from the Farm House. During the time he made excuse to leave the carriage several times, seemingly having a morbid plan of self-destruction, until, arriving at a gate, McCall alighted to open it. As the latter reached the gate, Senator Lane sprang from the carriage and, being then in the rear of it, exclaimed,'Good-bye, Mac.,' and immediately fired a pistol, the muzzle being placed in his mouth. The ball struck the roof of the mouth and emerged from about the upper centre of the cranium, having passed through the brain and almost perpendicularly through the head. With a convulsive spring into the air, the Senator fell, apparently lifeless, to the earth. The evidently pulseless body was immediately placed in the carriage by those accompanying -McCall and Capt. Adams, (a brother of Gen. Lane's son-in-law) — and taken to the house, and surgeons summoned as speedily as possible, who proceeded to make examination as to the nature and extent of the wound. ~At present writing (12 M.) the Senator is still unconscious, and no hopes are entertained of his recovery." On the 6th the same paper said: " Gen. Lane recognizes persons, and converses to some extent with his friends." The Senator died on Wednesday, July 11th, at 11:55 A. M. James Henry Lane was the son of Amos Lane, and was born in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, June 22, 1814. In 1846, he became Colonel of a regiment raised to engage in the Mexican war; in 1847, he became Colonel of another Indiana regiment; in 1849, he was elected Lieutenant Governor; in 1852, he was a Democratic Presidential Elector, and was elected to Congress; in April, 1855, he came to Kansas. In this State, in politics, he was the King. JULY 1.-The first through passenger' train leaves Leavenworth for St. Louis, on the Missouri River and Missouri Pacific lines.. -E. C. Manning starts the Radical, at Manhattan. JULY.-Indian raid on White Rock river; they rob citizens and violate women. JULY 3. —State Teachers' Association meets at Lawrence. Officers: President, P. McVicar; Recording Secretary, L. B. Kellogg; Corresponding Secretary, John S. Brown; Treasurer, Miss Carrie Collins. Executive Committee: D. J. Brewer, B. F. Mudge, R. K. McCartney, Orlando Sawyer. JULY 3.-Chapter 159 of the U. S. Statutes authorizes the.U. P. R. R., Eastern Division, to designate its general route and file a map before December 1. The road is to unite with the Union Pacific at a point not more than fifty miles west of the meridian of Denver. Heretofore the line followed the Republican valley; now it goes up the Smoky Hill. JULY 4.-At the Soldiers' Celebration, at Topeka, Gen. Blunt makes a speech formally presenting the battle-flags to Gov. Crawford. The oration is delivered by Samuel A. Kingman. JULY 4.-Treaty with the Delawares. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to sell the remainder of the Delaware lands to the Missouri River R. R. Co., at not less than $2.50 an acre. JULY 9.-Work begun on the St. Joseph and Denver road. JULY 19.-Treaty with the Cherokees. The right of way granted to a railroad from the east, and to one from the north. The Cherokees cede to 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 441 the United States the tract of land in Kansas sold to the Cherokees in 1835; also that strip of land in Kansas ceded to the Cherokees in that treaty. These lands are to be sold at not less than $1.25 an acre. The United States agrees to run the boundary line between the Cherokee country and the States of Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas. The Senate added a proviso to the treaty, allowing the lands to be sold in a body at $1 an acre. JULY 20.-Governor Crawford appoints Major Edmund G. Ross United States Senator. -W. F. Cloud, Major General of the Militia, calls for a cavalry regiment to protect the frontier against Indians. JULY 21.-Major W. C. Ransom shot by bushwhackers, in Kansas City, and severely wounded. The attempted assassination was caused by Major Ransom's gallant service on the border during the war. JULY 23. —Congress (Chap. 212, U. S. Statutes) grants lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph from Elwood, westwardly, via Marysville, so as to effect a junction with the Union Pacific Railroad, with the usual guarantees to settlers under the homestead and other laws. The sections within ten miles of the road which are not granted shall not be sold for less than double the minimum price of the public land. For every ten consecutive miles of road completed, patents shall issue for so many sections of land as lie opposite and coterminous with said completed sections. If the road is not completed within ten years, the land remaining unpatented shall revert to the United States. JULY 25.-The National Union Club, at Leavenworth, elects the following delegates to the Philadelphia Convention of August 14th: Hugh Ewing, Charles W. Blair, V. Nicholas Smith, James L. McDowell, Hiram S. Sleeper, G. A. Colton. JULY 25.-Congress (Chap. 241, U. S. Statutes) grants lands to the State of Kansas to aid in the construction of the Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad and its extension to Red river. This road became the Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf. JULY 26.-Congress (Chap. 270, U. S. Statutes) grants land to aid in the construction of a Southern Branch of the Union Pacific Railway and Telegraph, from Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas. This road became the Missouri, Kansas and Texas. JULY 28.-Bayard Taylor returns east, after a lecturing tour and visit in Kansas and Colorado. -The Democrats elect the following delegates to the Philadelphia Convention: W. P. Gambell, G. W. Glick, J. L. Pendery, Orlin Thurston, T. P. Fenlon, E. F. Campbell. Alternates: F. P. Fitzwilliam, Isaac Sharp, W. A. Tipton, R. M. Ruggles, Charles Rubicam. JULY 30.-The President sends Victoria a message by the Atlantic cable, AUGUST 1.-The Second Annual Report of the Superintendent of Public Schools of Leavenworth is published. It fills 56 pages, and is an admirably prepared document. David J. Brewer is the Superintendent. AUGUST 1.-Work begun on the L. L. & G., at Lawrence. AUGUST 4.- Gen. Albert L. Lee returns to the State. He makes a speech in Leavenworth, on the 11th. 442 AVNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. - Secretary Harlan agrees to have the Neutral Lands surveyed. AUGUST 16.-Col. Wm. A. Phillips speaks in Leavenworth. AUGUST. — Settlers on Lulu creek, a branch of the Solomon, driven off by Indians. Settlers' fields destroyed on the upper Republican. AUGUST 18.-McReynolds & Simpson issue the Paola Republican. -Trains are running to Manhattan. -Jack Henderson visits Leavenworth. He is appointed Indian Agent, at Santa Fe, by Andy Johnson. AUGUST 31.-The National Union Committee hold a meeting in Leavenworth, and issue a call for a State Convention at Topeka. The Democrats join in the call. SEPTEMBER 5.-Major General John Pope erects the initial stone of the Neosho Valley R. R., at Junction City. Speeches by Robert McBratney, N. S. Goss, and others. SEPTEMBER 5. —State Republican Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by Jacob Stotler. Vote for temporary Chairman: J. P. Root, 47; Geo. Graham, 33. M. R. Dutton, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: Geo. T. Isbell of Jefferson, Lulell of Saline, Crane of Shawnee, Leland of Doniphan, Harden of Lyon. Committee on Permanent Organization: Russell of Cherokee, Beates of Davis, Cavender of Anderson. A despatch was sent to the Loyal Southern Convention, at Philadelphia. J. P. Root was elected President; M. R. Dutton and Dr. Lulell, Secretaries. Samuel J. Crawford was renominated for Governor, receiving 64 votes, to 18 for Andrew Akin, of Morris county. Committee on Resolutions: Speer, Keith, Pearsall, Anthony and Prouty. Vote for Lieutenant Governor.-first ballot: McGrew 12, Strickler 14, Green 20, Updegraff 3, Barr 6, Elder 12, Burris 9, Larimer 6. Second ballot: McGrew 11, Strickler 16, Green 27, Barr 1, Elder 15, Burris 11. Third ballot: Green 55, Elder 17, Strickler 10. Vote for Secretary of State-first ballot: Barker 40, Emmert 29, Moonlight 12, Day 1. Second ballot: Barker 44, Emmert 32, Moonlight 6. J. R. Swallow was renominated for Auditor by acclamation. Vote for Treasurer —first ballot: Anderson 30, Lappin 22, Johnson 22, Twiss 6, Mills 2. Second ballot: Anderson 50, Lappin 17, Johnson 14, Twiss 1. For Superintendent.of Public Instruction: McVicar 51, Hartman 31. For Attorney General: Geo. H. Hoyt 59, J. D. Brumbaugh 15, J. M. Rankin 8. For Chief Justice: Samuel A. Kingman 43, David P. Lowe 39. Sidney Clarke was nominated for Congress by acclamation. A. D. Richardson, of the New York Tribune, made a brief speech. State Committee: H. D. Fisher, R. B. Taylor, Geo. W. Gardiner, Frank H. Drenning, Jacob Stotler, D. B. Emmert, Chas. C. Whiting. F. H. Drenning was elected Chairman, and C. C. Whiting Secretary. 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 443 The following platform was adopted: "To give expression to the sentiment and opinion of the loyal people of Kansas, we the delegates assembled in State Convention, do hereby adopt the following resolutions: "Resolved, That with devout thankfulness and gratitude to God, who has delivered us from the anarchy and desolation of war —who has overthrown and broken the cursed power and crime-creating institution of Slavery —and with unfaltering faith and trust in the eternity of Good, and in the divinity of Justice-we hereby reaffirm our devotion to liberty and to the sacred and inalienable rights of man. "Resolved, That in the great and awful wickedness which our President has perpetrated in making treason a virtue and loyalty a crime; in giving to Rebels the protection, and to their anarchy the sanction of law; in casting upon the noble and sacrificing Unionists of the South the scorn and the insolence of tyrannic power; in fostering and encouraging the spirit of disaffection among the Rebels, and in crushing the dawning hopes of the freedmen; in usurping and overriding the authority of Congress, and in trampling upon the sovereignty of States; and in his audacious and crowning wickedness in calling our Representatives'An assumed Congress,' meaning the tyrant's threat at anarchy or absolute power-has lost our confidence and respect, and to his insolence and threats we hurl back our defiance and scorn. "Resolved, That our Congress, for their unwavering fidelity to duty, to the freedmen, and the Government; for their undaunted heroism in resisting the encroachments of the President; for their stern and unswerving purpose to reward loyalty and punish treason, and for their love of justice, we extend to them the gratitude and thanks of a grateful people. And to our Senator and Member of Congress, because they have obeyed the wishes and not trifled with the conscience of their constituents -from the bottom of our hearts we extend to them the hand of greeting, and say,' Well done, good and faithful servants.' "Resolved, That we recommend to the next Legislature the submission of the question of impartial suffrage to a vote of the people of Kansas." SEPTEMBER 9.-Northwestern Kansas and Fort Kearney, Neb., overrun with grasshoppers. They are in Nemaha and Marshall counties. The Wyandotte Gazette is quoted in the Conservative as saying: "Between Topeka and Wamego they fill the air like snow-flakes in a winter storm." -The Conservative gives a list of thirty-seven newspapers published in the State; thirty-one support the Republican ticket, five oppose it, and one is doubtful. -Survey of the Neutral Lands is soon to be made. SEPTEMBER 12.-Grasshopper visitation at Osage Mission. "Most all the crops were saved." In the spring of 1867 they hatched, but "a sudden freshet swept them all away." SEPTEMBER 12.-Dedication of the State University. Solon O. Thacher delivers the oration. SEPTEMBER 14.-Grasshoppers reach Lawrence. SEPTEMBER 15.-Grasshoppers in Leavenworth county. — Colonel Charles W. Blair Postmaster at Fort Scott., SEPTEMBER 20.-Prospectus issued of the Leavenworth Commercial, to be published by George F. Prescott, George C. Hume and A. F. Callahan. -The Right Reverend Thomas H. Vail, Bishop of Kansas, resigns the Rectorship of the Atchison Episcopal church, and is succeeded by Reverend John Bakewell. -National Union State Convention at Topeka. Called to order by James L. McDowell. G. A. Colton, temporary chairman. Secretaries, M. W. Reynolds, Charles Hayward, A. F. Callahan, and Bond of Allen. Committees: Permanent Organization-James Ketner, Royal Baldwin, 444 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. Charles W. Adams, Charles Thompson, Richard Burr; Resolutions-G. W. Glick, W. C. McDowell, S. H. Fletcher, James L. McDowell, Edwards; Credentials-J. L. Pendery, T. J. Dolan, L. R. Palmer, H. G. Wilson, Wilkinson. President: Win. C. McDowell. Vice Presidents: Hiram S. Sleeper, J. W. Forman, J. R. McClure, James Christian, Richard Burr. Secretaries: M. W. Reynolds, Charles Hayward, A. F. Callahan, Bond of Allen, and Campbell of Morris. On motion of L. B. Wheat, J. L. McDowell was nominated for Governor by acclamation. On motion of G. W. Glick, J. R. McClure, of Davis, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor by acclamation. On motion of Mr. Bridgens, of Bourbon, Colonel M. Quigg, of Atchison, was nominated for Secretary of State by acclamation. On motion of T. P. Fenlon, Ross Burns, of Shawnee, was nominated for Attorney General by acclamation. On motion of Charles S. Glick, I. S. Walker, of Wyandotte, was nominated for Treasurer by acclamation. On motion of R. C. Foster, N. S. Goss, of Woodson, was nominated for Auditor by acclamation. On motion of G. W. Glick, Joseph Bond, of Allen, was nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction by acclamation. H. T. Wilson, of Bourbon, nominated Wilson Shannon for Chief Justice. Governor Shannon declined in favor of Nelson Cobb, who was nominated by acclamation. On motion of L. B. Wheat, Charles W. Blair, of Bourbon, was nominated for Member of Congress by acclamation. State General Committee: G. W. Glick, J. B. Sharp, George A. Reynolds, Samuel H. Fletcher, J. L. Pendery, James A. McGonigle, James Ketner, F. P. Fitzwilliam, H. S. Sleeper. The following platform was adopted: "Whereas, The exigencies of the times, so startling that wise men fear revolution - so pregnant with the destiny of constitutional government that patriotism and statesmanship alike tremble for the future -so alarming that the fundamental principles of our Republican Government are in danger of being disowned and repudiated and substituted by the caprice of revenge and the madness of fanaticism —demand of all who love the Constitution and the Government of our fathers, that in a spirit of patriotism which places our country and our cherished institutions above party, they should earnestly and zealously labor for the speedy restoration of the Union under the Constitution: therefore, be it "Resolved, 1. That we heartily endorse the resolutions and address of the National Union Convention that met at Philadelphia. "2. That inasmuch as the war is over and peace is again restored to our recently distracted country, and inasmuch as the blood and treasure expended by those who cherished the Union of the States and the supremacy of the Constitution, were poured out so freely in vindication of constitutional government, it becomes the bounden duty of all good men to see to it that the great sacrifices of the war were not made in vain, but that the triumph of our arms becomes the triumph of those great principles of government bequeathed to us by our ancestors. "3. That in the great crisis of our country growing out of the disagreement between Congress and the Administration, we heartily endorse the policy of President Johnson 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 445 in his manly defence of the Constitution and the Union against the assaults of a partisan Congress and a fanatical party to destroy the Government bequeathed to us by our fathers. "4. That it is the constitutional right of every State in the Union, through its loyal representatives in both houses of Congress, to participate in the National Legislature, subject alone to the right of each house to judge of the election and qualification of its members; and States cannot legally be disfranchised or punished for the actions of any of their citizens. "5. That inasmuch as the Southern States lately in rebellion have repealed their ordinances of secession, repudiated ihe so-called Confederate debt, and accepted the constitutional amendment abolishing Slavery throughout the jurisdiction of the United States, the continued refusal of Congress, through its session of eight months, to recognize the right of Congressional representation to ten States in the Union, and subject to the Constitution, is at war with the, genius and spirit of our institutions, and revolutionary in its character. "6. That the war has definitely settled the question that the right of secession is a political heresy; and that no State nor combination of States can throw off their primal allegiance to the General Government;,and that the Constitution, and the laws passed in pursuance thereof, are the supreme law of the land, ordinances and statutes to the contrary notwithstanding. "7. That the officers and soldiers of the war have our unfeigned thanks for their patriotic defence of the Union, and their glorious triumphs in the conflict of arms; and with them we join in denouncing the meanness of Congress in voting to its members an increase of pay at the rate of thirty-three dollars per day, while voting to the soldiers wh6 periled their lives for the Union, a bounty of only fifty dollars for two years' service in fighting for the Union. "8. That the prodigality, corruption and imbecility of the present officials of this State merits and ought to receive the severest reprobation of the honest, tax-ridden people of the State. "9. That we condemn the criminal conduct of the present Executive in neglecting or refusing to extend the protection of the State to the hardy pioneers of our western borders against Indian hostilities and savage barbarities daily and notoriously committed against them. " 10. That in its revolutionary action the Congress of the United States, demanding as a condition precedent to the right of representation, the recognition of negro equality and negro suffrage, has promulgated a dogma abhorrent to the feelings of the American people, and arrogated to itself a power that, under the Constitution, belongs exclusively to the States; and that we, in opposition to the real policy of the Radicals, declare our unalterable determination to oppose negro suffrage in the State of Kansas.", -A resolution was adopted asking the removal from office of men who opposed the President; and another sympathizing with the Irish people in their effort to restore their lost liberties. OCTOBER.- State Musical Convention at Lawrence. -P. McVicar is the editor of the Educational Journal. OCTOBER.- Settler killed by Indians west of Lake Sibley. OCTOBER 2.-State Fair at Lawrence. -Hugh Ewing appointed Minister to the Hague, and credited to Kansas. -M. J. Parrott and A. L. Lee are on the stump for the Republican ticket. OCTOBER 7.-The Kansas Pacific track laid to the old town of Pawnee; the United States Commissioners inspect 130 miles of the road. 446 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. OCTOBER 16.-General George A. Custer leaves Leavenworth to take command at Fort Riley. OCTOBER 17.-Laying of the corner-stone of the State Capitol by the Grand Lodge of Masons. OCTOBER 18.-John Speer turns over the United States Collector's office to Edward Carroll, of Leavenworth. OCTOBER 20. —James M. Harvey, a member of the House last winter, is nominated for the Senate. OCTOBER 27.-Topeka Daily Tribune issued. -H. B. Denman, of Leavenworth, appointed Indian Superintendent of the Northern Superintendency. NOVEMBER 1.-The Junction City Union published as a Daily to August 1st, 1867. -Leavenworth has six daily papers. NOVEMBER 6.-Election. The following is the vote on State tickets: GOVERNOR. LIEUT. GOV. SEC.OF STATE STA. AUDIT'R STATE TREAS CoLunties. G1. Allen.................... 407 168 406 169 404 169 397 168 405 168 Anderson............. 367 56 371 58 1 371 56 348 57 369 56 Atchison.............. 1,120 609 1,134 604 1, 128 608 1,134 605 1,134 604 Bourbon.............. 855 404 856 405 855 405 855 404 856 402 Brown............. 452 36 453 36 451 36 453 36 450 36 Butler............. 61 27 61 27 61 27 63 26 60 27 Chase............. 155 31 156 24 157 24 156 24 157 24 Cherokee........ 2721 49 271 49 272 49 272 49 271 49 Clay.................... 102 4 101 4 102 4 102 4 102 4 Coffey.................. 402 228 405 229 404 228 403 229 405 227 Davis................... 341 200 338 187 341 201 341 203 341 201 Dickinson........... 101 93 99 96 100 95 100 94 100 94 Doniphan............. 1,233 366 1,248 349 1, 238 360 1,245 351 1,234 351 Douglas............... 1,729 459 1,787 402 1,817 397 1,817 394 1,816 394 Franklin.............. 747 112 750 110 725 111 729 110 751 110 Greenwood.......... 168 41 168 4 168 4 168 4 168 4 Jackson.............. 371 149 365 125 368 139 367 138, 276 148 Jefferson.............. 829 423 840 432 836 425 837 426 772 442 Johnson.............. 846 404 846 401 848 421 848 417 840 424 Leavenworth....... 1,944 2,247 2, 016 2,191 2,034 2,179 2, 019 2,172 2,018 2,188 Linn.................. 781 185 805 181 804 182 805 182 803 182 Lyon................... 647 61 651 51 652 51 649 54 649 52 Marshall.............. 560 33 556 25 534 25 556 25 553 25 Marion............. 41 14 21 34 20 29 32 18 34 14 Miami.................. 778 362 778 362 781 359 783 360 781 361 Morris.............. 113 133 112 132 112 132 111 128 112 132 Nemaha.............. 384 177 385 177 385 177 385 177 379 179 Neosho............... 266 61 261 66 259 67 256 70 261 66 Osage............. 272 46 272 40 282 39 282 40 280 40 Ottawa................. 92. 89 4 93...... 93......... 93...... Pottawatomie...... 389 162 388 159 389 159 389 159 383 161 Riley................... 369 24 363 27 366 24 369 24 368 24 Saline................. 210 37 210 37 210 37 210 37 208 37 Shawnee............. 886 200 885 198 894 193 898. 189 905 178 Shirley................. 48....... 48......... 48........ 46......... Washington......... 115 115...... 116...... 116..... 116......... Wabaunsee.......... 245 23 253 13 257 13 254 14 255 14 Wilson................. 157 53 144 53 151 53 149 54 150 53 Woodson.............. 117 53 117 53 53 86 84 118 52 Wyandotte.......... 398 458 393 463 393 460 393 461, 373 480 Total..............19, 370 8,152 19, 517 7, 977 19, 571 7, 991 19, 516 7, 988 19,392 8, 008 _~~~~~~~i /1 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 447 VOTE ON STATE OFFICERS - Concluded. SUPT. PUB. INS. ATT'Y GENERAL. CHIEF JUSTICE. MEM. OF CONG. Anderson............ 37 0 56 299 60 370 56 366 5 Brown.............. 454 36 430 36 436 36 448 3 Counties. n n ob Alen............. 402 158 393 169 404 97 168 394 169 Anderson............ 370 56 299 60 370 272 56 366 58269 Atchison............. 1,136 602 1,125 602 1,149 4588 1 133 608 Bourbon.............. 852 406 852 405 856 408 841 407 Brown................ 454 36 430 36 436 36 448 35 Butler................. 60 27 32 49 60 27 58 27 Chase................. 156 22 126 24 97 16 153 30 Cherokee............ 273 49 274 48 272 49 269 50 Clay..................... 101 4 101 4 102 4 99 4 Coffey.................. 405 228 394 228 404 226 405 226 Davis................... 340 201 339 202 340 200 340 201 Dickinson............ 100 94 99 95 100 94 79 94 Doniphan............ 1, 245 351 1,238 353 1,247 350 1,225 366 Douglas............... 1, 816 389 1,762 407 1,660 414 1, 758 429 Franklin.............. 749 109 742 110 752 108 741 112 Greenwood.......... 168 4 168 4 167 4 168....... Jackson............... 367 137 332 149 360 141 361 152 Jefferson............, 833 424 494 537 732 426 820 435. Johnson............... 849 398 805 448 851 417 836 427 Leavenworth...... 2,016 2,182 1,963 2,193 2,008 2,179 1,982 2,206 Linn.................... 803 182 695 236 793 182 777 187 Lyon.................. 648 52 174 270 651 51 643 62 Marshall............. 533 24 555 25 551 22 560 32 Marion............... 20 29 18 30 20 29 18 35 Miami................. 783 361 746 370 782 362 765 367 Morris................. 112 132 104 132 112 131 104 134 Nemaha.............. 384 176 383 176 378 175 378 179 Neosho -.............. 259 62 252 70 259 65 206 79 Osage.................. 282 39 269 42 282 40 272 44 Ottawa............. 93.......... 90............ 93............ 92 1 Pottawatomie...... 388 159 381 161 389 162 390 159 Riley.................. 367 24 352 26 368 24 368 24 Saline.................. 211 37 201 37 210 37 209 37 Shawnee.............. 895 189 810 248 907 178 868 204 Shirley............... 48............ 48............ 48............ 48......... Washington......... 116............ 101............ 115............ 114........ Wabaunsee......... 258 11 198... 48 253 14 259 12 Wilson................ 149 54 149 54 148 53 148 94 Woodson.............. 117 52 116 52 118 52 115 54 Wyandotte.......... 391 465 313 481 386 466 392 462 Total.............. 19, 549 7,945 17, 916 8,581 19,236 7,955 19, 201 8,106 NOVEMBER 6.-Vote for District Judge in the Second District: CANDIDATES. ~.Q Names of Counties. S Atchison..............................................................1......................... 579............... Doniphan................................................................................ 1,228 M arshall.................................................................................................. 529 Marshall'.............................................................. 529 1 Washington.............................................................. 55 60 Nemaha................................................................................... 513 Total................................................................................................. 4,360 61 448 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Counties. Names. c. 1 Doniphan.......................... A. Low.................................... 1,177 N. G. Clarke............................ 1,155 D. M. Johnston.......................... 367 J. W. Jenkins.................... 232 W. Ellsworth. 75 W.-Ellsworth........................... 75 2 Atchison........................... J. M. Price................................ ~ 1,149 J. KE. Fisher.............................. 1,124 F. M. McLaughlin.................... 605 M. R. Benton............................ 574 3 Leavenworth.................... P. McFarland........................... 2, 264 R. C. Foster.............................. 2, 052 H. C. Haas................................ 2, 020 J. Medill.................................. 1,875 T. O'Gwartney......................... 1,685 C. R. Jennison.....................,591 W. S. Jenkins........................... 396 4 Jefferson...........................S. S. Cooper............................. 739 247,A. G. Patrick............................. 492 1,231 5 Nemaha........................... George Graham....................... 347 J. E. Smith............. 179 Brown.............................> George Graham........................ 410 523 J. E. Smith............................... 55 Scattering................................ 1 992 6 Jackson............................ W. H. Dodge............................ 276 Golden Silvers........................... 221 Pottawatomie.................... W. H. Dodge............................. 380 275 Golden Silvers.......................160 J. E. Clardy.............................. 3 1,040 7 Washington....................... M. Harvey..................116 G. H. Hollenberg..................... 2 Marshall............................ J........................... 553 Riley.............................. J. M. Harvey........................... 360 1,065 D. S. Chandler.......................... 9 Shirley........... M. Harvey........................... 47 1, 087 S Shawnee......................... G. W. Veale.............................. 621 154 C. K. Holliday.......................... 467 1, 088 9 Douglas............................ S. A. Riggs................................ 1,820 L. F. Greene........................... 1,814 Homer Hays.20 John Speer............................... 10 Johnson.........J.................. B. Abbott.............................. 697 123 A. S. Johnson...................... 574 Scattering................................ 1 1,372 11 Miami............................... B. F. Simpson......................... 756 393 J. W. Gossett............................. 363 1,119 12 WyandotteJ. B. Sharp........................................559 269 L. L. Hartman................290 849 13 Linn.......................... D. Underhill............................. 748 577 J. Hodgson....................... 171 Scattering............................... 6 925 14 Bourbon........................... B. E m mert........................... 826 J. H. Couch.............................. 419 Cherokee.......................... D. B. Emmert....................263 588 J. H. Couch.............................. 82 1,590 15 Butler.............................. S. N. Wood.............................. 59 Reuben Riggs........................... 28 Chase................................ S. N. Wood.......................... 130 Reuben Riggs........................ 51 Marion............................. S. N. Wood................................ 12 Reuben Riggs..................39 Morris............................. S. N. Wood................................ 75 7 Reuben Riggs........................... 151 545 16 Allen..................... J. W. Scott................................ 335 W. Doudna............................... 198 Neosho............................. John W. Scott......................... 225 W. Doudna............................... 82 Wilson............................. John W. Scott........................... 80 W. Doudna............................... 117 Woodson........................... John W. Scott..............104 285 W. Doudna.............................. 62 17203 W. Doudna 62 1,203 17 Anderson.......................... A. Wiley.................................. 249 H. P. Welch.............................. 163 Franklin........................... A. Wiley.................................. 577 407 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 449 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE-CONCLUDED. Counties. Names.' e Franklin (concluded)......... H. P. Welch................................ 256 1, 245 18 Coffey............................... James Rogers.............................. 427 Orlando Walking........................ 145 Osage............................... James Rogers............... 213 437 Orlando Walking......................... 58 Scattering................................... 1 844 19 Lyon...............................P. B. Maxson.............................. 644 E. H. Sanford.............................. 83 Scattering................................... 1 Greenwood....................... P. B. Maxson........................... 88 E. H. Sanford........................... 79 900 20 Davis...............................W. S. Blakely...................... 345 Abram Barry...................... 197 Dickinson....................W..... S. Blakely...................... 103 Abram Barry........................... 91 Saline........................... W. S. Blakely.............................. 105 472 Abram Barry........................... 37 L. F. Parsons............................... 100 Ottawa............................. W. S. Blakely.............................. 76 L. F. Parsons........................... 16 Wabaunsee....................... W. S. Blakely...................... 124 L. F. Parsons....................... 134 Abram Barry.............................. 4 W. M. S. Blakely......................... 8 Clay................................ W. S. Blakely.............................. 35 Abram Barry.............................. 4 L. F. Parsons............................... 66 1,442 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE. a Ceunties. Nasnes. n e 1 Doniphan...................... W. R. Parker....................... 220 51 N. M. Keith.......................... 169 389 2....................................... G. H. Robb........................... 130 39 J. Normille........................... 91 R. Small............................... 79 300 3....................................... B. D. Evans.......................... 255 210 A. J. Haskell........................ 45 300 4.......................... E. J. Jenkins....................... 227 137 A. Perry....... 90 317 5....................................... R. Flickinger....................... 186 103 A. G. Ege..................... 83 269 1,575 Atchison........................ Wm. Bowman....................... 233 59 E. Button. 174 407 E. Button.......................... 174 407 7........................................ G. W. Bowman..................... 356 238 W. Jackson.......................... 118 L. S. Treat........................... 2 476 8....................... G. W. Thompson.................. 205 31 J. Howell..............4........... 174 379 9.......................... W. J. May............................ 188 158 S. Pardee............................. 30 218 10.......................... M. J. Cloyce........................ 113 59 D. W. Cozard........................ 54 J. W. Perry.......................... 40 207 1,687 11 Brown........................... M. C. Willis.......................... 192 J. W. Overholzer.................. 114 78 306 12....................................... E. Parker........................ 158. 149 Robert Rhea........................ 9 167 473 13 Nemaha.................... T. B. Collins....................... 148 14 J. P. Taylor.......................... 134 Scattering........................... 5 287 14.......................... Joseph Hanemum................. 107 44 J. S. Hidden......................... 63 P. Hamilton....................... 60 -A. S. Kenoyer.................... 31 Scattering......1......... 262 549 15 Marshall......................... J. D. Wells.............. 307 3 J. W. Bollinger.................... 304 611 29 450 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE-CONTINUED. Counties. Names.; m 16 Washington................... D. E. Ballard...................... 69 17 G. H. Hollenberg........... 52 121 121 17 Pottawatomie................. W. Jenkins....................... 373 284 F. M. Sales.......................... 89 H. Smith............................... 61 523 523 18 Jackson.......................... P. Bryant.............................. 207 138 IR. Hogg................................ 69 276 J. B. Oliver.......................... 89 30 J. W. Williams...................... 59 79.......................... J. Rippetoe........................ 45 A. C. Beckwith...................... 30 Scattering........................... 8 231 507 19 Jefferson........................ F.M. Johnson....................... 280 161 C. A. Buck.................... 119 399 20....................................... C. Butts............... 161 25 L. Prentice........................ 136 H. Smith.............................. 39 336 21....................................... A. Venard............................. 341 161 S. R. Bayne.......................... 180 521 1,256 22 Leavenworth................. John Harrison...................... 323 79 T. J. Darling......................... 244 Ira Taylor............................ 102 Scattering............................. 1 670 23....................................... M. Przybylowicz................... 282 103 G. A. Moore........................... 179 H. Miles Moore..................... 156 617 24....................................... H. Allen............................. 412 410 Scattering............................ 2 414 25..................................... John Dugan.......................... 269 24 Levi Houston........................ 245 A. McAuley........................ 240 754 26........................................ L. Kennedy.......................... 198 55 F. Wellhouse........................ 143 341 27....................................... J. Turner.............................. 131 72 G. W. Baird........................... 59 190 28............ J. F. Knight................ 190 59 B. B. Moore........................... 131 321 29....................................... John Faulkner.................... 198 63 S. S. Nichols....................... 135 333 30.......................... S. D. Lecompte...................... 144 33 W. Dunlap........................... 111 H. Brandt........................... 51 306 3,946 31 Wyandotte.................... Dan. Killen........................... 217 97 J. A. Soward.......................... 120 337 80...................................... T. J. Barker.......................... 305 110 Alfred Gray......................... 195 Scattering............................. 2 502 839 32 Johnson........................ M. B. Lyon........................... 282 56 H. McBride........................... 226508 33....................................... Albert Johnson..................... 229 19 D. G. Campbell...................... 210 Scattering........................ 2 441 34..................................... J. W. Sponable...................... 202 92 R. Addy................................ 110 312 1261 35 Douglas.................... Josiah Miller........................ 716 716 36....................................... T. H. Kennedy..................... 158 9 I1 C. W. Babcock...................... 149 307 37....... J. K. Goodin.............152 2 G. C. Snow.......................... 150 302 38.......................... Sam. Hindman...................... 135 36 Allen Pierce.......................... 99 234 39....................................... T. H. Clark........................... 137 12 W. M. Nace.......................... 125 262 40.......................... W. Draper........................... 126 46 J. C. Coleman....................... 80 206 2,027 41 Shawnee..................... J. M. Spencer................... 398 79 A. H. Case............................. 319 J. B. Whitaker..................... 39 756 42,..................... S. E. A. Palmer.............. 185 111 J. A. Powell....................... 74 Ben. Stees.............................. 65 324 1,080 43 Miami...................... W. W. Updegraff.................. 248 248 44.......................... J. A. Kendall........................ 286 11 1866.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 451 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE —CONTINUED. Counties. Names. C 44 Miami (concluded)......... A. G. McKenzie.....................275 561 45.................................. William Huffman................. 225 141 D. M. Sheldon...:................... 84 309 1118 46 Linn.................... 0. cHarmon..........D........... 118 111 Scattering............................. 7 125 47....................................... Enoch Estep....................... 218 141 J. N. Hight........................... 77 295 48................... J. S. Lane............................. 268 265 N. McCord....................... 3 271 49....................................... J. P. Way.......................... 202 199 Scattering.......................... 3 205 896 50 Bourbon........................ W. A. McIntosh.................... 104 23 A. W. Burton....................... 81 Scattering............................. 34 219 51...................................... Joseph Wilson...................... 170 132 M. E. Hudson....................... 38 208 52............................. W. F. Travers....................... 204 150 B. F. Gumm.......................... 54 Scattering............................. 6 264 53.................................. S. A. Manlove....................... 271 1 B. P. McDonald.................... 270 541 1,232 54 Allen.....J.. Goodin.......................... 233 52 H. D. Parsons........................ 180 J. Sansom g 2....................... 2 415 55.................... F. M. Bower............... 74 13 E. Fisk................................. 61 135 550 56 Anderson....................... Thomas Lindsay.................. 133 4 C. P. Alvey........................... 129 262 57..................................... W. M. Hamby....................... 124 83 J. S. Johnson...................... 41 165 427 58 Franklin........................ M. Luce............................ 194 100 H. Bell......................... 94 288 59....................................... W. E. KEibbee....................... 502 461 M. F. Holaday.................... 41 543 831 60 Osage............................ H. C. Sheldon............1.......... 130 24 D. B. Foster.........0............. 106 S. R. Canif.......................... 183 Scattering............................. 1320 320 61 Coffey......................... Job Throckmorton................ 201 112 William Gans....................... 89 290 62....................................... Allen Crocker.177 25 R. - Burr...................152......... 152 E. E. Coffin.......................... 1330 620 63 Woodson...................... H. J. Gregory....................... 95 39 0. Deviney n.......................... 56 Scattering............................. 15 166 166 64 Lyon... P. B. Plumb........................ 223 114 C. V. Eskridge...................... 109 332 65......................... R. Harper....................... 80 9 D. K. Hardin....................... 71 Dan. Hendricks............ 58 S. C. Martin.................... 21 230 66....................................... J. D. Jaquith....................... 132 128 Scattering............................. 4 136 698 67 Butler......................... J. D. Conner........................ 37 10 J. P. oodale........................ 27 J. H. Adams......................... 24 88 88 68 Chase....................................................... 117 53 H. E. Snyder........................ 64 H. L. Scribner....................... 9 190 190 69 Morris......................... C. Columbia........................ 134 23 Thomas Collins...................111..... 245 245 70 Wabaunsee.................... H. J. Loomis........................ 168 74 D. M. Ada s........................ 94 262 262 71 Davis............................. E. S. Stover.......................... 339 154 H. F. Hale....................... 185 524 524 72 Riley.............................. H. B...........H........... 361 361 361 73 Dickinson...................... C. H. Thompson.................... 98 3 D. R. Emery......................... 95 193 193 74 Saline...................... A. C. Spilman....................... 158 83 H. L. Jones........................ 75 C. H. Martin..............2....... 5 238 238 76 Greenwood................... Tucker........................... 129 94 452 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1866. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE-CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. ~ a 75 Greenwood (concluded)... G. H. Lillie........................ 35 164 164 76 Marion...........................A. A. Moore....................... 39 27 C. R. Roberts............... 12 51 77 Wilson...................... J. W. Jewitt..................... 112 17 J. Keys............................. 95 207 207 78 Neosho....................... D. Rogers........................... 297 278 J. C. Weibley..................... 19 M. C. Wright.................... 4 320 320 81 Ottawa....It........... R. D. Mobley..................... 94 93 Scattering.......................... 1 95 95 82 Clay.............................. L. Gates............................. 67 32 J. P. Byon......................... 35 102 102 83 Cherokee........................ D. C. Fipn.......................... 129 6 H. Harryman..................... 123 J. Sherwood....................... 75 J. M. Reed.......................... 25 352 352 84 Shirley..........................J. P. Rupe.......................... 27 6 D. M. Hagarman............... 21 48 48 Total......................................................... 26, 753 NOVEMBER 30. —Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department...... $5,803 06 Agricultural College.................. 5,673 00 Secretary's Department........... 5,825 68 State University........................ 2, 885 98 Auditor's Department............... 3,932 00 Normal School.......................... 13,000 00 Treasurer's Department............ 2,980 88 Deaf and Dumb Asylum............ 6,200 00 Supt. of Public Instruction....... 1,751 86 Insane Asylum......................... 3,500 00 Attorney General..................... 1,021 53 Military companies................... 2,621 00 Adjutant General............... 9,474 60 Legislature and Journals......... 25,204 05 Judiciary................................. 14,582 99 Miscellaneous expenses............ 2,899 60 Printing................................... 17,405 11 Railroad Land Agent................ 1,236 28 Penitentiary........................ 68,926 66 Capitol Building........................ 41,540 88 Total for 1866..................... $236,465 16 NOVEMBER 30.-The following statement of Price Raid claims is copied from the report of T. J. Anderson, Adjutant General: "The claims audited by the Board of Commissioners up to November 1, 1866, are as follows: Services rendered....................................................................................... $197,327 34 Materials, supplies, and transportation furnished............................... 152,530 54 Damages sustained............................. 106,806 05 Miscellaneous claims............................... 36,290 90 Total............................................................................................... $492,644 83 "There are in the possession of the Board a number of claims received after the 1st day of November, which they could not act upon." The United States Senate passed a bill to pay $259,474.13 of Price Raid claims. The House failed to pass it. -During the year Paola has erected buildings valued at $108,300. DECEMBER.-The trade of Leavenworth for the year is estimated at $32,440,000. DECEMBER 1.-The Directory and Shippers' Guide, for Kansas and Nebraska, issued by Holland & Co. DECEMBER 7.- State Encampment of the Veteran Brotherhood meets in Topeka. John A. Martin elected Commander-in-Chief. 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 453 DECEMBER 8.-The Leavenworth Board of Trade condemns the County Board for subscribing $300,000 to the stock of the P. C. & F. D. R. R. Co. -John Willans succeeds Geo. W. Martin as Register of the Junction City Land Office. DECEMBER 15.-The Normal School Visitors report that the new building is nearly completed. It is forty by sixty feet on the ground, and two stories high. A boarding-house is also nearly finished. President Denison, of the Agricultural College, reports 150 students, and the completion of the boarding-house. E. J. Rice, President of University Faculty, says the first session opened September 12, with three Professors and forty students. Board of Regents, State Agricultural College: L. D. Bailey, S. D. Houston, J. G. Reaser, John Pipher, T. H. Baker, W. L. Woodworth, R. Cordley, E. Gale, D. Earhart. Board of Directors, State Normal School: James Rogers, T. S.'Huffaker, C. V. Eskridge, J. W. Roberts, G. C. Morse, J. M. Rankin. Board of Regents, State University: Chas. Robinson, J. D. Liggett, Wm. A. Starrett, T. C. Sears, J. S. Emery, D. P. Mitchell, S. O. Thacher, C. B. Lines, Joseph S. Wever, E. M. Bartholow, G. W. Paddock, C. K. Holliday. DEcEMBER 18.-R. A. Barker, Secretary of State, says in his Report: " It appears from the records in this office, that during the year ending November 30, 1866, there was issued and registered, under the provisions of'An act entitled'An act to fund the Territorial debt,' approved February 20, 1863,' the sum of $4,900 in bonds, making the total amount of bonds issued and registered, $62,200." — Opening of the Wyandotte bridge. DECEMBER 28.-The military commission have allowed Price and Curtis Raid claims, amounting to $492,944.83; claims audited by previous commissions, $224,200.46; total claims against the United States, $717,145.59. 1 867. JANUARY 1. —Catalogue issued of Lincoln College. Number of students, 92. Trustees: Lewis Bodwell, President; S. D. Storrs, J. D. Liggett, Ira H. Smith, Richard Cordley, Harrison Hannahs, John Ritchie, H. D. Rice, William E. Bowker, J. W. Fox, H. W. Farnsworth. JANUARY. —Dedication of. the Normal School building, at Emporia. H. B. Norton writes a Dedication Hymn, of which the following is the concluding stanza: "By all the progress and the might Which other ages shall unfoldBy all the brilliant beams that light The Future's skies of morning goldBy all that sheds a cheering ray Upon the path the Past has trodWe dedicate its walls, this day, To Truth, to Freedom, and to God!" JANUARY.-The Report of Provost Marshal General Fry shows the pro 454 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. portion per thousand men which each loyal State contributed to the item of mortality. Kansas heads the column; her proportion was 61.01; Vermont is second, 58.22; and Massachusetts third, 47.76. Gen. Fry says: " Kansas shows the highest battle mortality of the table.... The same singularly martial disposition which induced above half of the able-bodied men of the State to enter the army without bounty, may be supposed to have increased their exposure to the casualties of battle after they were in the service." Among the Kansas troops, the number of officers killed in battle was 36; enlisted men, 923. Number of officers died of wounds, 8; enlisted men, 259. Number of officers died of disease, 24; enlisted men, 2,170. -The first term of the present Governor does not conclude until the Legislature has been in session six days. -The State Record issues a Daily. JANUARY 8. —Meeting of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Names. Former P. O. County. Where Born. ~ Avocation. S. J. Crawford, Governor. Garnett......... Anderson...... Indiana........ 31 Lawyer. N. Green, Lieut. Gov....... Manhattan.... Riley........ Ohio............ 29 Minister. R. A. Barker, Sec. of State Atchison........ Atchison........ Vermont... 36 Attorn'y. J. R. Swallow, Auditor.... Emporia........ Lyon...... New Jersey... 46 Printer. M. Anderson, Treasurer.. Circleville......Jackson......... Ohio............ 49 Farmer. P. McVicar, Sp't Pub.Inst. Topeka......... Shawnee..... NewBrunsw. 37 Minister. G. H. Hoyt, Att'y General Leavenworth Leavenworth Massach'tts.. 29 Attorn'y. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. Former P.O.I County.'WhereBorn. | Avocation. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice. Atchison... Atchison... Massachusetts 48 Attorn'y. J. Safford, Associate Justice. Topeka Shawnee...] Vermont......... 39 Lawyer. L. D. Bailey, Associate Justice Clinton Douglas..... NewHampsh... 47 Lawyer. JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURTS. Names. Districts. P. O. Address. County. D. J. Brewer.................................... First...............Leavenworth Leavenworth. R. St. Clair Graham........................ Second............ Atchison............ Atchison. C. K. Gilchrist............... Third.............. Topeka......... Shawnee. D. M. Valentine.............................. Fourth............ Ottawa......... Franklin. J. H. Watson.................................. Fifth............... Emporia............ Lyon. D. P. Lowe............... Sixth.............. Mound City........ Linn. Wm. Spriggs................................ Seventh........... Garnett............. Anderson. Jas. Humphrey............................. Eighth............ Manhattan......... Riley. S. N. Wood...................... Ninth.............. CottonwoodFalls Chase. 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 455 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names. P. 0. Address. County. Where Born.' Avocation. N. Green, President......... Manhattan...... Riley............ Ohio......... 29 Minister. Abbott, James B.............. DeSoto............ Johnson.......Conn......... 48 Mechanic. Blakely, William S........... Chapman Cr'k. Dickinson... New York. 28 Merchant. Clark, N. C...................... Wathena......... Doniphan..... Ohio......... 44 Physician. Cooper, S.S..................... Oskaloosa....... Jefferson...... Illinois..... 40 Physician. Dodge, William H............ Holton............ Jackson....... Kentucky.. 32 Lawyer. Emmert, D. B.................. Fort Scott....... Bourbon...... Penn........ 30 Publisher. Fisher, J. K..................... Huron......... Atchison...... Pein........ 42 Farmer. Foster, R. C.*................... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Kentucky.. 32 Lawyer. Graham, George............... Seneca............ Nemaha...... New York. 46 Merchant. Greene, L. F.................... Baldwin City... Douglas........ Ohio......... 31 Farmer. Haas, H. C....................... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Germany.. 32 Carpenter. Harvey, James M............ Fort Riley...... Riley........... Virginia.... 33 Farmer. Low, A............................ Doniphan........ Doniphan..... Maryland.. 55 Farmer. McFarland, P............ Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th.. Ireland...... 34 Farmer. Maxson, P. B................... Emporia......... Lyon........... R'deIsland 39 Farmer. Price, J. M...................... Atchison...... Atchison...... Kentucky.. 37 Lawyer. Rogers, James................. Burlingame.... Osage........... New Hamp 38 Lawyer. Riggs, Samuel A........... Lawrence....... Douglas....... Ohio..... 31 Lawyer. Scott, J. W....................... Iola................. Allen........... Penn........ 42 Physician. Sharp, J. B....................... Wyandotte...... Wyandotte... Ohio........ 31 Lawyer. Simpson, B. F.................. Paola............... Miami.......... Ohio..... 30 Lawyer. Underhill, D.................... Jackson........... Iinn............ Indiana..... 40 Farmer. Veale, G. W..................... Topeka........... Shawnee...... Indiana..... 33 Freighter. Wiley, A......................... Ottawa............ Franklin...... Ohio..... 42 Physician. Wood, S.N...................... Cotton'd Falls. Chase.......... Ohio......... 41 Farmer. A. R. Banks, Secretary..... Lawrence....... Douglas........ Ohio.. 31 Lawyer. Jos. Speck, Assist. Sec'y * Wyandotte..... Wyandotte... Penn........- Physician. M. R. Dutton, Jour. Clerk. Grantville...... Jefferson...... Conn........37 Farmer. W. F. Goble, Docket Cl'k * Pleasant Ridge Leavenw'th. Iowa.........29 Book-k'per A. J. Simpson, Eng. Cl'k * Carlyle........... Allen........... Indiana..... 25 Carpenter. Geo. B. Holmnes, Enr. Cl'k. Topeka........... Shawnee...... Mass......... 50 Clerk. D.L. Payne,Ser.-at-Arlns * Troy............... Doniphan..... Indiana....30 Farmer. J.Drew, As't Ser.-at-Arms Burlingame.... Osage........... New York. 65 Farmer. Geo. W. Weed, Doork'r*.. Pardee............. Atchison...... New York. 31 Farmer. G.Pharaoh,Ass't Doork'r * Louisville........ Pottawato'ie. Prussia 27 None. Clarence Walrod, Page*...j Paola.............. Miami.......... Illinois..... 14 Student. Wm. R. Griffin, Page *...... Topeka........... Shawnee...... Ohio...... 18 Student. Wm. H. Fletcher, Page *... Topeka........... Shawnee...... Indiana..... 14 Student. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born.'f Avocation. P. B. Plumb, Speaker*..... Emporia.......... Lyon........... Ohio........ 30 Farmer. Allen, Harvey............ L..... eavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Ohio......... 42 Cab't m'kr. Barker, Thomas J............ Wyandotte...... Wyandotte... Virginia.... 38 Farmer. Booth, Henry*................ Manhattan...... Riley............ England.... 28 Farmer. Bowman, George W.t....... Atchison......... Atchison...... Penn........ 52 Farmer. Bowman, William............ Atchison......... Atchison....... New Hamp 38 Miller. Brandley, Harry.............. Bazaar............ Chase.......... Switzerl'd.. 25 Farmer. Bryant. Peter.................. Banner............ Jackson........ Illinois...... 29 Farmer. Butts, W. C...................... Grass'per Falls Jefferson...... New York. 33 Farmer. Bent, C. H.*..................... Oswego............ Labette........ New York. 28 Farmer. Clark, T. H.*.................... Big Springs...... Douglas........ New Hamp 37 FarmerCloves, M.J..................... Lancaster....... Atchison...... Vermont... 40 Farmer. Collins, T. B..................... Albany............ Nemaha...... Ohio......... 33 Farmer. Columbia, Charles*.......... Council Grove.. Morris..... Ohio......... 40 Blacksm'h. Conner, J. D.*.................. Eldorado.......... Butler.......... Ireland...... 29 Farmer. Crocker, Allen................. Burlington...... Coffey.......... Indiana..... 42 Farmer. Draper, William............... Clinton............ Douglas........I New York. 35 Farmer. Dugan, John.................... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Ireland...... 26 Contractor Estep, Enoch................... Paris............... Linn............ Illinois... 41 Farmer. Evans, B. D..................... Elwood........... Doniphan..... Penn........ 37 Mechanic. Faulkner, J. K................. Stranger........ Leavenw'th..[ Virginia.... 32 Farmer. Finn, D. C........................ Pleasant View. Cherokee.....New York. 30 Lawyer. Flickinger, R................... Geary City...... Doniphan..... Penn........ 33 Lumber'n. Gates, Lorenzo................. Gatesville........Clay......... New York. 44 Farmer. Goodin, Joel K.......... Baldwin City... Douglas........ Ohio....... 42 Attorney. Goodin, J.R.......... Humboldt...... Allen........... Ohio......... 27 Lawyer. Gregory, H. J.................. Belmont......... Woodson...... Tennessee 40 Farmer. The names marked thus * are single. Those marked thus t are widowers. 456 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONCL'D. Names. P. 0. Address. County. Where Born.'5! Avocation. Hamby, William N........ Garnett.......... Anderson.... N.Carolina 52 Farmer. Hannon, J....................... Leavenworth.. Leavenwo'th Ireland......}29 Hannum, J...................... America City... Nemaha....... Ohio........./52 Farmer. Harmon, O. D.................. Twin Springs... Linn............ Ohio......... 38 Farmer. Harper, G. R................... Neosho Rapids Lyon........... Penn......... 41 Merchant, Hindman, S.................... Willow Springs Douglas........ Ohio......... 52 Farmer. Hollenberg, G. H............ Marysville...... Washington Hanover... 41 Farmer. Huffmnan, William............ New Lancaster Miami.......... Ohio......... 51 Minister. Jaquith, J. D.................... Americus........ Lyon........... Vermont... 45 Lawyer. Jenkins, E. J................... Troy...............Doniphan..... Ohio......... 33 Lawyer. Jenkins, R. W.................. Vienna........... Pottawat'minie Kentucky. 36 Farmer. Jewitt, J. W..................... Coyville.......... Wilson......... Illinois.....123 Farmer. Johnson, A...................... Shawnee......... Johnson....... New York. 56 Farmer. Johnson, F. M.................. Winchester...... Jefferson...... Indiana.... 40 Tradesman Kendall, J. A................... Squiresville.... Mliami......... Kentucky.. -- Farmer. Kennedy, L..................... Pleasant Ridge Leavenwo'th Ireland..... 50 Farmer. Kennedy, T. H................ Lawrence........ Douglas........ Ohio......... 34 Farmer. Kibbe, William E............ Ohio City........ Franklin..... New York. 33 Farmer. Killen, Daniel.................. Wyandotte..... Wyandotte.. Penn........ 49 R.R. Cont'r Knight, Jonathan............ Tonganoxie..... Leavenwo'th Penn........ 34 Various. Lane, J. S........................ Blooming G've Linn............ New York 34 Merchant. Luce, J. M....................... Centropolis..... Franklin...... New York. 36 Laborer. Lecompte, S. D................. Leavenworth.. Leavenwo'th Maryland.. 52 Lawyer. Lindsay, Thomas............. Garnett.......... Anderson... Ohio.........40 Physician. Loomis, H. J.................... Mission Creek. Wabaunsee... Ohio......... 38 Farmer. Lyon, M. B...................... Monticello...... Johnson....... Ohio......... 45 Farmer. Manlove, S. A.................. Fort Scott....... Bourbon...... Illinois...... 27 Merchant. May, William J.............. Monrovia....... Atchison...... Indiana.... 28 Farmer. McIntosh, W. A.............. Barnesville..... Bourbon...... New York. 32 Farmer. Miller, Josiah.................. Lawrence........ Douglas....... S. Carolina 37 Merchant. Mobley, IR. D.*................. Salina............ Ottawa......... Kentucky.. 32 Farmer. Moorej A. A..................... Marion Center. Marion........ Ohio......... 32 Merchant. Oliver, J. B...................... Rossville......... Jackson....... Penn........ 25 Merchant. Palmer, S. E. A............... Auburn......S... Shawnee...... Penn........ 33 Farmer. Parker, C. E.................... Carson............ Brown.......... Maine...... 42 Farmer. Parker, W. R................. Iowa Point...... Doniphan...., N.Carolina 66 Farmer. Power, F. M.................... Carlyle.......... Allen............ Indiana..... 35 Farmer. Przybylowicz, M.............. Leavenworth.. Leavenwoth Poland....../40 Butcher. Robb, George H............... Troy............... Doniphan..... Penn........ 32 Farmer. Rogers, D........................ Rogers's Mill... Neosho........ New York. 35 Merchant. Rupe, J. B.*..................... Elk Creek........ Shirley........Indiana..... 32 Farmer. Sheldon, H. C.................. Burlingame..... Osage.......... New York. 37 Farmer. Spencer, James M............ Topeka............ Shawnee...... New York. 35 Lawyer. Spillman, A. C.................. Salina............ Saline.......... Miss.......... 29 Farmer. Sponable, J. W................. Gardner........ Johnson....... New York. 35 Farmer. Stover, E. S.*.................... Junction City.. Davis........... Maine...... 30 Mechanic. Thompson, C. I............... Abilene....... Dickinson... Virginia... 36 Farmer. Thompson, G. W.............. Atchison.......... Atchison...... Kentucky.. 39 Farmer. Throckmorton, Job.......... Burlington...... Coffey......... Ohio......... 32 Farmer. Travis, W. F.................... Marmaton....... Bourbon...... Ohio........./37 Minister. Tucker, Edwin................. Eureka.......... Greenwood..l Vermont... 30 Farmer. Turner, Joshua................ Easton............ Leavenwo'th Missouri... 38 Farmer. Updegraff, W. W.............. Osawatomie..... Miami.......... Penn........ 45 Physician. Venard, A........................ Osawkee......... Jefferson...... Ohio........./38 Physician. Way, James P.................. Mound City..... Linn............ Indiana.... 40 Merchant. Wells, J. D....................... Barrett's P. 0... Marshall...... Kentucky.. 39 Farmer. Willis, M. C..................... Kennekuk...... Brown......... Tennessee 36 Farmer. Wilson, J. S..................... Mapleton........ Bourbon....... Kentucky.. 50 Farmer. John T. Morton, Chief Cl'k Topeka........... Shawnee...... Mass......... 45 Lawyer. J. H. Prescott, Ass't Cl'k* Salina............ Saline.......... N. IH......... 26 Farmer. Wm. R. Brown, Jour. Cl'k* Emporia.......... Lyon...........New York. 26 Lawyer. G.D.Stinehaugh,Enr.Cl'k~* Ohio City........ Franklin...... Ohio......... 26 Clerk. Asa Hairgrove, Eng. Cl'k.. Topeka........... Shawnee... Georgia..... 41 Mechanic. D.B. Jackman, Dock. Cl'k* Fort Lincoln... Bourbon....... Mass......... 42 Lawyer. J.A. Hunter, Ser.-at-Arms Topeka........... Shawnee...... Ohio......... 35 Farmer. M.B.Crawford,As.S.-at-A's Topeka..... Shawnee...... Ohio......... 30 Carpenter. J. M. Adair, Doorkeeper t.. Burlington...... Coffey......... Kentucky.. 65 Wagonm'r. M. R. Moore, Ass't Doork'r Topeka........... Shawnee...... Ind;ana.... 20 Bummer. Frank Rice, Page*........... Topeka........... Shawnee...... Indiana.... 13 Student. Charlie Painter, Page *..... Emporia.......... Lyon........... Ohio......... 11 Student. Willie Miller, Page*........ Ridgeway....... Osage........... Ohio......... 20 C. N. Norton, Page*......... Topeka........... Shawnee...... NewYork. 16 None. The names marked thus * are single. Those marked thus t are widowers. 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 457 JANUARY 15. — Meeting of the veterans of 1855-6, in the Senate Chamber. Henry J. Adams presides. Speeches are made by M. J. Parrott, Charles Robinson, and C. B. Lines. JANUARY 16. —Election of the following officers of the State Agricultural Society: President, R. G. Elliott, of Douglas; Secretary, H. J. Strickler, of Shawnee; Treasurer, C. B. Lines, of Shawnee; Superintendent, J, L. McDowell. Executive Committee: M. J. Alkire, of Shawnee; H. C. Cross, of Lyon; S. S. Tipton, of Anderson; W. G. Coffin, of Leavenworth; J. W. Sponable, of Johnson; G. W. Deitzler, of Douglas; B. W. Williams, of Atchison; M. R. Dutton, of Jefferson; W. A. Phillips, of Saline; Alfred G3ray, of Wyandotte. A Fair was held at Lawrence. JANUARY 17. —Colonel John C. Vaughan delivers the address before the Publishers' and Editors' Association, at Topeka. The Association asks the Legislature to create the office of State Printer. — General W. W. Wright, Superintendent of the Kansas Pacific, writes to Governor Crawford that the work was begun in August, 1863; forty miles were built in 1864; in 1865-6, 110 miles were completed, including the line from Leavenworth to Lawrence; the track is now laid to the 155th mile-post, twenty miles beyond Fort Riley; Shoemaker, Miller & Co. are to complete the road to the 385th mile-post. JANUARY 18.-The town of Osage Mission laid out, by George A. Crawford, Chas. D. Drake and others. -The Insane Asylum at Osawatomie has four inmates. JANUARY 22. -the Senate votes for United States Senator for the long term, as follows: S. C. Pomeroy, 16; A. L. Lee, 8; D. R. Anthony, 1. For the short term, the vote stands: Thos. Carney, 9; S. O. Thacher, 5; E. G. Ross, 5; I. S. Kalloch, 3; George A. Crawford, 1; J. P. Root, 1; S. D. Houston, 1. JANUARY 22. —The House votes as follows for United States Senator for the short term: Thomas Carney, 32; E. G. Ross, 24; S. O. Thacher, 14; I. S. Kalloch, 8; Werter R. Davis, 3; Charles Robinson, 2; George A. Crawford, 1. JANUARY 23. —Election of United States Senators. Vote for the long term, beginning March 4, 1867: S. C. Pomeroy, 84; A. L. Lee, 25. For the short term: Edmund G. Ross, 68; Thomas Carney, 40; Samuel A. Riggs, 1. There is only a single ballot for each Senator. -A movement on foot to cause the State to purchase a building at Olathe for the Deaf and Dumb School. — The town of Ellsworth laid out. — Charles G. Leland, of the Philadelphia Press, writes a song: "Hans Breitmann vent to Kansas." FEBRUARY 1. —Coaches make the trip from Junction City to Santa Fe in seven days. — A suspension bridge is to be built at Ottawa. -The foundation of the Capitol is reported to be worthless, being made of rotten stone. 458 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. -John N. Holloway, of Indiana, is collecting materials fbr a History of Kansas. FEBRUARY 6.-Douglas county votes bonds to the L. L. & G. Road. -Ed. D. Thompson, of Lawrence, is appointed Register of the Santa Fe Land Office. FEBRUARY 9. —The Legislature votes to investigate the Senatorial election. FEBRUARY 12. —George A. Crawford, by invitation, addresses the Legislature on the life and services of Abraham Lincoln. -The Marais des Cygnes bridged at Osawatomie. -Bridges swept away at Wyandotte, Topeka (pontoon), Manhattan, and Fort Riley. -The Lawrence Tribune published a letter from S. C. Pomeroy to Geo. W. Deitzler. Of Wm. Sturges, of Chicago, the Senator says: "I hope you will not distrust him, but use him and his associates in the most confiding and liberal spirit." Mr. Sturges is announced as President of the L. L. & G. R. R. FEBRUARY 15.-The Atchison and Pike's Peak R. R., 40 miles, receives $640,000 in Government bonds; the Union Pacific, Eastern Division, 155 miles, $2,480,000. -The Freedmen's University, at Quindaro, is said to be in a flourishing condition. FEBRUARY 18. —Treaty with the Sacs and Foxes. Lands ceded to the United States. New reservation provided in the Indian country. FEBRUARY 21.- The Legislature elects Wm. Bowman, John Hammond and Daniel Killen State House Commissioners. -The Salina Herald issued, by B. J. F. Hanna. FEBRUARY 23.- Treaty with the Senecas, Mixed Senecas and Shawnees, Quapaws, Confederated Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas and Piankeshaws, Ottawas of Blanchard's Ford and Roche de Bceuf, Miamies, and certain Wyandottes. It is provided that these Indians, now residing in Kansas, shall remove to new homes in the Indian Territory. Treaty with the Pottawatomies, to provide a new home in the Indian country. The Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company having failed to buy their lands, they may be purchased by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company. -The State Senate discusses a bill which proposes a five-million State railroad debt. -Hiawatha has a flour mill driven by wind. - Judge Greer retires from the Topeka Daily Tribune. -The United States Senate rejects the nomination of Edward Carroll as United States Collector, John Ritchie, Register at Topeka, and John Willans, Register at Junction City. -The Legislature makes four new judicial districts. FEBRUARY 25.-The Investigating Committee conclude their report as follows: "And while this testimony is not sufficient of itself to authorize your Committee to make a special recommendation for definite action on the part of the Senate, they here 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 459 record their convictions that money has been used for the base purposes of influencing members of the Legislature to disregard the wishes of their constituents, and to vote as money dictated, and regret their failure to procure the evidence necessary to demonstrate the facts to the people of the State."-Senate Journal, pp. 755 to 767. FEBRUARY 26.-The gopher bill was changed by the Senate into a grasshopper bill, giving a bounty for all scalps of grasshoppers furnished with the ears.-Judge Lecompte, of the House, delivers a poem. —S. A. Riggs, James McCahon and John M. Price are appointed to codify the laws; Geo. A. Crawford and L. D. Bailey, Commissioners of Immigration. FEBRUARY 26.-The Governor makes the following appointments: Regents of the State University: D. P. Mitchell, G. W. Paddock, W. A. Starrett, J. L. Wever, T. C. Sears. FEBRUARY 28. -Death at Wyandotte of Col. Wm. Weer. He had been U. S. District Attorney and Colonel of the Tenth Regiment. He was a man of unusual intellectual power. His remains were taken to Illinois for burial. MARCH 1.-Young grasshoppers appear near Leavenworth. The Oskaloosa Independent reports early hatching and premature death of the gryllus. MARCH 2.-Congress passes a joint resolution for the reduction of the Fort Riley Military Reservation, and granting land to build a bridge over the Republican. MARCH 2.-State Historical Society organized. Samuel A. Kingman, President; C. K. Holliday, Vice President; D. W. Stormont, Treasurer; Andrew Stark, Librarian; S. D. Bowker, Corresponding Secretary; George A. Crawford, Recording Secretary. MARCH 3.-Adjournment of the Legislature. Among the acts passed were the following: Ratifying the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; For building a Blind Asylum at Wyandotte; Issuing $100,000 in bonds for the Penitentiary; Issuing $15,500 in bonds for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum; Issuing $100,000 in bonds for the State House; Changing or defining the boundaries of Wilson, Labette, Dickinson, Bourbon, Crawford and Cherokee counties; Defining the boundaries of Montgomery, Greenwood, Howard, Butler, Cowley, Marion, McPherson, Sedgwick, Sumner, Jewell, Mitchell, Lincoln, Ellsworth, Rice, Reno, Harper, Smith, Osborne, Russell, Barton, Stafford, Pratt, Barbour [should be spelled Barber], Phillips, Rooks, Ellis, Rush, Pawnee, Kiowa, Comanche, Norton, Graham, Trego, Ness, Hodgeman, Ford and Clark counties; Accepting a grant of land for bridging the Republican, at Fort Riley; Providing for the assumption by the State of the Price Raid claims, and referring them again to a special committee; Changing the name of Shirley county to Cloud; Making the Freedmen's University, at Quindaro, a present of State taxes. Three amendments to the Constitution were submitted to the people; one on negro suffrage, one on woman suffrage, and one disfranchising certain soldiers. MARCH 3.-J. R. McClure is confirmed as Register at Junction City, and C. W. Blair as Postmaster at Fort Scott. H. W. Martin is rejected as Agent of the Sacs and Foxes. H. L. Taylor, for the Shawnees, and Geo. C. Snow, for Osages, are confirmed. Nathan Price, for the Kickapoos, and Forrest R. Page, for the Kaws, are rejected. -"Beyond the Mississippi," by Albert D. Richardson, published at 460 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. Hartford, Conn. Another edition was issued in 1869. It is a book of 620 pages, about one-third of it made up of letters written by Mr. Richardson from'Kansas, to the Boston Journal and New York Tribune, between 1857 and 1867. It is profuisely illustrated, and gives a graphic picture of affairs in Kansas —men, scenery, events. It is not history, but an entertaining story, well preserving the spirit of the times. Its exaggerations are characteristic of the people and the period, but they prevail to such an extent that nothing can be copied here. MARCH 4.-D. P. Lowe is appointed Judge of the Sixth District, Wm. Spriggs of the Seventh, Jas. Humphrey of the Eighth, Samuel N. Wood of the Ninth. MARCH 8.-Thos. Moonlight is confirmed as U. S. Collector. -Chas. C. Whiting is confirmed as U. S. Marshal, vice Thos. A. Osborn, removed. MARCH 13.-The Platte Country R. R. is completed from Weston to a point opposite Leavenworth. -Joel Huntoon is confirmed as Register at Topeka. -Court House burned at Troy. MARCH 18.-E. S. Stover is confirmed as Agent for the Kansas Indians, and A. Wiley for the Sacs and Foxes. -John W. Scott is rejected as Register at Humboldt. MARCH 19.-The Atchison Champion says there are 6,866 Indians in the State. Treaties have been made for their land-1,071,946 acres. MARCH 20.-The Missouri Valley Press Association organized; sixteen dailies represented. D. R. Anthony, of the Bulletin, elected President; John W. Wright, of the Conservative, Secretary; John Speer, of the Lawrence Tribune, Treasurer. MARCH 26.-Governor Crawford appoints D. E. Ballard, W. H. Fitzpatrick and Wm. N. Hamby, Commissioners, to re-audit and correct the Price Raid awards. APRIL 1.-Rev. Hiram R. Revels, afterwards United States Senator from Mississippi, is the pastor of the African Methodist Church, Leavenworth. -John A. Halderman is elected Mayor of Leavenworth, Samuel Kimball of Lawrence, and Cassius G. Foster of Atchison. APRIL 2.-The Kansas Pacific sells Delaware lands at Lawrence, at auction, at good figures. APRIL. - Gov. Crawford sells $30,000 of State bonds to the School Commissioners, at 91 cents on the dollar. In New York, he sells $100,000 at the same price. The remaining $70,000 are sold in New York by Auditor Swallow, in September, at 90 cents on the dollar. APRIL 2. -John G. Haskell appointed Quartermaster General. APRIL 3. —Impartial Suffrage Convention at Topeka. Lucy Stone Blackwell, Mr. Blackwell and Mrs. C. I. H. Nichols make speeches. A State Association formed. President, Gov. S. J. Crawford; Vice President, Lieut. Gov. N. Green; Corresponding Secretary, Samuel N. Wood; Recording Secretary, Miss Minnie Otis; Treasurer, John Ritchie. 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 461 APRIL 8. -- Samuel A. Riggs confirmed as United States District Attorney, vice James S. Emery. -The locomotive within five miles of Salina. -Colorado had grasshoppers in 1864 and 1865. They did not come to Kansas. APRIL 17. —A. F. Callahan retires from the Leavenworth Commercial. -Death, in New York, of George L. Stearns, the early friend of Kansas and John Brown. APRIL 22.-Death of George Dimon, ex-Mayor, and proprietor of the Wilder House, Fort Scott. -Marriage of Bishop Vail, in Philadelphia. -D. J. Silver & Son, State House contractors, have removed the defective stone, and are putting in new foundations. APRIL 24.-Earthquake shock, at 2:45 P. M., in eastern Kansas and western Missouri. A second shock soon followed. A few chimneys fell. APRIL 29. —Trains run to Salina. -James F. Legate appointed Mail Agent for Kansas and New Mexico. APRIL 30.- Gens. Hancock and Custer lead an expedition against Indians, in western Kansas. MAY 1.-John K. Rankin takes possession of the Lawrence Post Office. -A. H. Hallowell is succeeded, on the Kansas City Journal, by John Wilder. -Emporia ships 20,000 pounds of flour, by flatboat, to Fort Gibson. -Grasshoppers destroying crops in some localities.' MAY 6.-A. Anderson succeeds W. W. Wright as Superintendent of the Kansas Pacific. -The Atchison Daily Free Press, L. R. Elliott, Editor, enters upon its fifth volume. -Lucy Stone is stumping the State for woman suffrage. -Geo. T. Isbell removes the Jeffersonian from Grasshopper to Oskaloosa. MAY 14.-Laying of the corner-stone of Odd Fellows' Hall, Leavenworth. MAY 15.-Meeting of the Republican State Committee, at Topeka.~ Steps taken to canvass the State in behalf of negro suffrage. — Grasshoppers industrious. -Bourbon county votes bonds to the Sedalia road. MAY 22.- M. H. Insley's name is published as one of the proprietors of the Leavenworth Conservative. -That paper says: "It is believed that the grasshoppers will do no damage. The birds are eating them, and they are otherwise mysteriously disappearing." MAY 23.-Subscription books of the Atchison and Nebraska City R. R. opened. — Miami county issues bonds to the Border Tier road. -Robert Tracy sells the Wathena Reporter to Ed. H. Snow and Geo. W. Larzelere. JUNE.-Third Annual Catalogue issued of the Agricultural College. Number of students, 178. 462 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. JUNE 1.-The Leavenworth Medical Herald, a monthly, issued by Drs. C. A. Logan and Tiffin Sinks. -Hiram Griswold is appointed Register in Bankruptcy. -Contract let for a court house in Jefferson county. — Grasshoppers leave Coffey and Greenwood counties; no damage done since the recent heavy rains; crops fine. JUNE 6. —Simon Cameron and other Eastern men-make a journey to the end of the Kansas Pacific track. JUNE 9.-Ben. F. Wade, Z. Chandler, J. A. J. Creswell, Richard Yates, Lyman Trumbull, John Covode, and others, arrive in Leavenworth. -Twenty-three houses burned in Atchison. JUNE 10.-Wade, Covode and George Francis Train make speeches in Lawrence. They pass on to the end of the track. -Leavenworth county and Platte county, Mo., overrun with grasshoppers. JUNE 14.-Death of Jacob Saqui, a leading Mason, at Atchison. He had been Grand Master of the Grand Lodge for six years. -- Great flood at Salina and Ellsworth. -There are 10,000 Sunday school children in the State, and over 1,000 teachers. -No grasshoppers south of Ottawa. -A poem called "Osseo, the Spectre Chieftain," by Evander C. Kennedy, is published in Leavenworth. -Indian raid in western Kansas. JUNE 24.- Grasshoppers begin to fly. -Murders by Indians daily reported. Gen. Hancock starts for Denver, tq open the route. -There have been no grasshoppers in Junction City, or west of that place. They laid eggs and hatched only in the northeastern counties, and in Missouri. -Gen. Custer loses sixty men in a fight with Indians, near the headwaters of the Republican. JUNE 29.-The Leavenworth Bulletin sold by D. R. Anthony. Geo. T. Anthony ceases to be its editor. JUNE 29.- Gen. W. T. Sherman authorizes Gov. Crawford to call out a volunteer battalion to protect the frontier. Four companies were raised — the Eighteenth Kansas Cavalry -for four months' service. JULY 1.-The Examining Commissioners of the Price Raid Claims, D. E. Ballard, W. N. Hamby, and W. H. Fitzpatrick, make a report to Governor Crawford, of which he speaks as follows in his Message, in January, 1868: "On the 1st day of April last, the Commission met, organized, and entered upon the laborious task to be performed. "After a thorough and careful investigation and re-examination, which consumed the entire time allowed by law, the Commission made their report to me, on the 1st day of July, 1867; which report I herewith transmit, and from which I deduce the following: Amount allowed for services....................................................................... $218,398 75 Amount allowed for services, supplies and transportation........................... 81, 682 32 Amount allowed for services-damages sustained....................................... 131,693 83 Amount allowed for services, property lost, and miscellaneous..................... 35,518 47 Whole amount allowed by Examining Commission............................ $467,293 37 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 463 Amount allowed by Price Raid Commission for supplies, transportation, property lost, and miscellaneous............................................................ $367, 548 70 Amount allowed by Examining Commission for supplies, transportation, damages, property lost, and miscellaneous............................................ 248,894 62 Difference.............................................................. $118,654 08 "It will thus be seen that the awards of the Examining Commission are one hundred and eighteen thousand six hundred and fifty-four dollars and eight cents ($118,654.08) less than the amount allowed by the Price Raid Commission. A portion of this discrepancy can doubtless be accounted for by an honest difference of opinion between the two Boards in regard to the prices of material, supplies, &c.; while another portion, I regret to say, can only be accounted for by a package of forged or fabricated vouchers, amounting to some eighteen thousand dollars, which were placed in my possession by the Examining Commission when they made their report, in compliance with the law. These forged or fabricated claims purport to have been sworn to before the Secretary of the Price Raid Commission. Whether he has been imposed upon by unknown parties is not for me to determine; but I respectfully refer the whole subject to the Legislature, with the earnest recommendation that a thorough and searching investigation be made of the entire affair, so as to prevent undue suspicion from attaching to those who might be farthest from the commission of such a crjme. Besides, if the Commission should have been mistaken in judging these claims to be forged when in fact they were genuine, then an investigation is due, in order that the innocent may not suffer." JULY 1.-Governor Crawford issues a proclamation calling for eight companies of cavalry to fight Indians. -Theodore Alvord & Co. publish the Banner, at Cottonwood Falls. -Death of Delos F. Drinkwater, a pioneer, in West Virginia. — M. C. Wheeler Postmaster of Paola, vice John McReynolds, of the Republican. - George A. Crawford becomes one of the editors of the Kansas Farmer. JULY 4.-State Teachers' Association, at Topeka. President, B. F. Mudge; Recording Secretary, Miss M. J. Watson; Corresponding Secretary, D. L. Bradford; Treasurer, H. D. McCarty; Executive Committee: Kellogg, Horner, Rice, Pierce, and Putnam. JULY 5.-The cars are running to Ellsworth. JULY 6.-Coffey county has voted $200,000 in bonds for the Neosho Valley road. JULY 9.-Grasshoppers all gone from Leavenworth. Their presence in a part of the State created no panic or alarm. -Colonel George H. Hoyt edits the Conservative. -R. B. Taylor returns to the Wyandotte Gazette. JULY 15.-The Eighteenth Kansas mustered into the United States service. The Report of Adjutant General McAfee says: "During the month of July a battalion of four companies was organized by authority from Lieutenant General Sherman, to protect the western settlements; to guard the employes of the Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division, and the travel on the great highways leading to the west and southwest. The Battalion was commanded by Major H. L. Moore, of Lawrence, formerly Lieut. Colonel of the Fourth Arkansas Cavalry; Company A, by Captain Henry Lindsey, of Topeka, with Lieutenants Thomas Hughes and John H. Wellman; Company B, Captain Edgar A. Barker, with Lieutenants John W. Price and Samuel L. Hybarger, succeeded by Francis M. Stahl; Company C, by Captain Geo. B. Jenness, with Lieutenants Peleg Thomas and James Reynolds; Company D, by Captain David L. Payne, with Lieutenants John M. Cain and Henry Hegwer. The Battalion consisted of 358 officers and enlisted men." JULY 16. —Death of Judge Wm. C. McDowell, of Leavenworth, in St. Louis. He fell from the top of a coach while riding from the Southern 464 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. Hotel to the Pacific depot; one wheel passed over his body. The Kansas friends with him were Thos. Carney, E. Stillings, J. C. Burnett, W. P. Gambell, J. W. Scott, John Speer, and Win. Spriggs. Judge McDowell was a member of the Wyandotte Convention, and the first Judge of the Leavenworth district. He was a man of very brilliant talents, of spotless integrity, and was universally beloved. JULY 17.-Rev. Olympia Brown and Miss Bessie Bisbee are speaking in the State for woman suffrage. -A post office is established at Ellsworth, and letters are no longer detained at Fort Harker. JULY 18.-The Topeka Record says the Price Raid Commissioners threw out $118,000 of the $360,000 claims allowed. "A large number of the claims are said to be marked on the margin of the rolls,'Forged or fabricated."' -The News started at Holton, by A. W. Moore. -The cholera is raging at Fort Harker. -Crops good all over the State. -Davis county votes bonds to the Neosho Valley road. The counties have voted that road $800,000. JULY.-Second Annual Catalogue issued of the State University. John Fraser, President and Chancellor. Number of students, 105. JULY 24.-Silver & Son, contractors, withdraw from work on the State IHouse; the contract is given to Bogert and Babcock. -Cholera at Ellsworth. Fifteen Kansas soldiers have died at Fort Larned, of cholera. The Eighteenth Battalion is at Larned. AUGUST 1.-Seven men of a railroad grading party killed by Indians, twenty miles east of Fort Hays. AUGUST 2. —The Agricultural College lands offered for sale. -John S. Brown, of Lawrence, retires from the Kansas Farmer. -W. K. McCoy & Bros., of Springfield, Ill., establish a stock-yard for Texas cattle, at Abilene. AUGUST 10. —A new bridge is completed at Wyandotte. -Maj. W. F. Downs, of the Central Branch, is selling the Kickapoo lands, of which the Company owns 152,417 acres. AUGUST 12. -The men who burned the Platte river bridge, in 1861, are arrested in St. Joseph. AUGUST 15. -First passenger train over the Valley road, opposite Leavenworth. - The Eighteenth Battalion ordered from Fort Dodge to Fort Hays. AUGUST 18. —Thomas J. Anderson resigns, and J. B. McAfee is appointed Adjutant General. Ward Burlingame succeeds Capt. McAfee as Gov. Crawford's Private Secretary. AUGUST 20. —Gen. Sheridan ordered to Kansas. AUGUST 21. -Corner-stone laid of the first abutment of a bridge across the Missouri, at Kansas City. Octave Chanute, Chief Engineer. - Fight with Indians on the Solomon. -Capt. J. K. Fisher, of Atchison, is appointed Revenue Inspector. 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 465 AUGUST 23. —Arrangements made with Dull & Gowan, and others, to build the Neosho Valley road. -Mr. Bogert has a large force at work on the basement of the State House. - The building of J. E. Hays, Olathe, has been bought for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. AUGUST 29. - Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton leave New York to advocate woman suffrage in Kansas. SEPTEMBER 1. —George T. Anthony enlarges the Kansas Farmer. SEPTEMBER 3.-John B. Irvin dies, at Jonesboro', Ill. Dr. Irvin lived at Kennekuk, had been a member of the Legislature, and was an early and leading citizen of Atchison county. SEPTEMBER.-Kellogg and Norton become the Editors of the Educational Journal. It is published at Emporia. SEPTEMBER 5.-Leading Republicans meet at Lawrence, and organize a campaign in favor of negro and against woman suffrage. D. W. Houston' is Chairman, and John A. Martin, Secretary, of the meeting. An AntiFemale Suffrage State Committee appointed: C. V. Eskridge, Chairman; E. C. Manning, Secretary. The members of the State Committee are as follows: S. A. Kingman, Jno. A. Martin, C. G. Foster, T. C. Sears, G. H. Hoyt, H. C. Haas, J. G. Blunt, S. A. Riggs, G. W. Deitzler, E. M. Bartholow, T. B. Eldridge, Geo. W. Smith, J. W. Roberts, R. J. Harper, Martin Anderson, Geo. W. Martin, D. W. Parker, B. F. Simpson, J. D. Snoddy, S. A. Manlove, D. W. Houston, I. S. Kalloch, C. C. Whiting, J. R. Swallow, J. F. Cummings, O. H. Sheldon, J. B. Orwig, Jacob Weisbach, C. G. Allen, Andrew Akin, P. B. Plunib, J. Stotler, H. N. Bent. — Grasshoppers leave Omaha. Since they left Kansas they have done much damage in western Missouri and southwestern Iowa. -National Cemeteries are to be established at Forts Leavenworth and Scott. SEPTEMBER 11.-Reception of General P. H. Sheridan in Leavenworth. SEPTEMBER 18.-Iron received at Atchison for the next section of the Central Branch. -Indians continue their attacks on railway men, beyond Hays. — Grasshoppers appear on the Cottonwood river. They are seen in the air in Leavenworth, flying southwest "in great numbers." SEPTEMBER 18.-Democratic State Convention at Leavenworth. F. P. Fitzwilliam, President; P. Z. Taylor, Vice President; J. A. Berry and A. A. Tousley, Secretaries. The following platform is adopted: "Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Convention, public credit can only be sustained, public confidence in our institutions preserved, and the general prosperity of all classes of our people maintained, by a return to a system of rigid economy and retrenchment in national, state and county expenses. "2. That, as charity should always begin at home, so should economy and the cutting-down of expenses begin in the curtailment of our national, state and county extravagances, and in abolishing all useless expenditures; and we demand the same at the hands of our national, state and county authorities. "3. That we are in favor of a system of equal taxation, predicated upon all property and valuables, that the burden of labor may be lightened. "4. That we are opposed to an aristocracy exempted by partial legislation from taxation or bearing any portion of the burdens of government. 30 466 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. "5. That we demand the redemption of the United States Government bonds in the same currency by which they were contracted, that there may be no unjust discrimination between the citizen and the bondholder. "6. That equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever sect, rank or condition, is a cardinal doctrine of Democracy, and that unequal taxation is one of the sources of the discontent which now prevails throughout the land; that we demand that the three thousand millions of bonds on which no state, county or municipal taxes are paid shall be placed upon the duplicate in every state and county in the land, so that all men shall stand equal before the laws, and that the children of the rich and poor may start fairly in the race of life, without governmental favor or governmental oppression. " 7. That we do not regard a national debt as a national blessing, but, on the contrary, as a sore and great calamity to any people. The down-trodden masses of the Old World, suffering for ages the oppression and penalty, caused by the ambition of rulers, and the wars of privileged dynasties, have no reason to love the tyrants who saddled upon their backs ponderous national cumbrances. Such debts are constant drains upon the manhood of nations, and pander alone to the passions of the non-producer and the worthless. As citizens we desire to see our national debt paid to the last dollar-paid without delay -in the same national currency that the farmer gets for his products, the artisan for the work of his hands, the laborer for his toil and sweat, and the merchant for his goods. When the people of the United States do this, they will have fully discharged their duty, and none but moneyed Shylocks, or their tools and apologists, will ask for more. "8. That we are opposed to all the proposed amendments to our State Constitution, and to all unjust, intolerant, and proscriptive legislation, whereby a portion of our fellow-citizens are deprived of their social rights and religious privileges." SEPTEMBER 23. —German Convention at Topeka. H. C. Haas, President; August Tauber, Secretary. The sentiment of the Convention in favor of adhering to the Republican party, allowing full latitude of individual opinion and action, and opposition to sumptuary laws. - Gov. Crawford tenders a regiment to Gen. Sherman, the Indian hostilities still continuing. -P. H. Hubbell starts the Grasshopper Falls Gazette. -J. W. Cook is building a woollen factory at Wathena. - Lyon county is building a court house. - The Hutchinson Family singing for woman suffrage. OCTOBER 1. —Henry Buckingham buys an interest in the Leavenworth Times. — Jefferson county votes on two railroad propositions. -Doniphan county votes on the Nebraska and Denver roads. -The Central Branch is graded to the Blue. OCTOBER 3.-Two men hung by a Vigilance Committee at Ellsworth. -Spring Hill, Johnson county, growing rapidly. — Samuel N. Wood leads the woman suffrage campaign. -Blind Asylum at Wyandotte completed. OCTOBER 11.-General Sherman telegraphs that the United States will pay the Eighteenth, when it is mustered out. -Excellent crops in every county. OCTOBER 14.-The Leavenworth Commercial says the State funds are in Dan. M. Adams's keeping, and are now invested in cattle. OCTOBER 15.-The Kansas Pacific has completed 338 miles of its road. -W. F. Goble starts the Kansas Central paper, at Olathe. -Basil M. Simpson edits the Paola Republican. 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 467 OCTOBER 15. —Ground broken at Junction City for the Neosho Valley road. Speeches by Thaddeus H. Walker, Geo. T. Anthony and others. -Heavy Texas cattle trade at Abilene. OCTOBER 21.-Treaty made with the Kiowas and Comanches, on Medicine Lodge Creek. New reservation defined. OCTOBER 28.-By treaty with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, made on Medicine Lodge Creek, these tribes are located on a reservation in the Indian Territory. OCTOBER 28.-Frank H. Drenning, Chairman of the State Committee, issues an address to Republican voters, in behalf of negro suffrage. -Indian Peace Commissioners at Medicine Lodge Creek. OCTOBER 29.-The Eighteenth Battalion ordered to Fort Harker, to be mustered out. NOVEMBER 4.-Geo. Francis Train concludes his campaign for female suffrage, and leaves the State. NOVEMBER 5.-Annual election. VOTE ON THE VARIOUS PROPOSITIONS TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE. Striking oust the Striking out the Restricting the Counties. ord " White." word "Male." elective franchise. Counties. For. Against. eFor Against. For. Against. Allen................................... 324 266 243 303 454 163 Anderson.................................... 258 259 218 275 393 138 Atchison............................. 412 1,161 345 1,235 736 884 Bourbon................................ 550 725 464 736 1,350 33 Brown................................... 265 346 248 341 342 222 Butler........................................ 33 70 28 76 39 64 Chase........................................... 120 123 118 125 164 83 Clay................................... 47 53 39 58 78 32 Crawford...................................... 50 199 45 150 150 41 Cherokee................................ 200 186 249 239 254 110 Coffey................................... 239 434 299 350 272 364 Davis................................... 183 383 167 364 281 304 Dickinson................89................ 95 34 140 151 44 Doniphan............................ 338 1,425 355 1,390 576 1,126 Douglas................................ 1, 017 1,147 652 1,464 1,484 635 Franklin................................ 280 539 120 709 652 175 Greenwood............................... 133 198 99 198 234 56 Jackson................................. 173 445 162 387 301 310 Jefferson................................ 392 1,159 335 1,158 649 894 Johnson...................................... 400 852 325 866 655 438 Labette....................................... 115 213 95 217 207 134 Leavenworth.............................. 890 2, 703 1,588 1,775 1,135 2, 289 Linn............................................ 340 798 253 791 737 178 Lyon.......................................... 503 273 209 565 701 92 Marion....................................... 13 58 16 59 16 56 Marshall...................................... 167 427 160 410 304 229 Miami........................................ 486 865 243 970 850. 413 Morris........................... 48 212 66 203 71 190 Nemaha....................................... 251 421 227 427 396 178 Neosho................................ 151 322 101 367 236 180 Osage................................... 207 143 121 238 225 113 Ottawa........................................ 44 27 34 32 57 15 Pottawatomie.............................. 226 456 155 501 352 336 Riley........................................ 351 277 218 378 329 267 Shawnee........................... 494 670 439 731 900 234 Saline........................... 162 219 132 233 252 123 Wabaunsee................................... 149 108 114 152 230 28 Washington............................. 39 118 19 143 93. 78 Wilson................................. 36 138 43 170 132 81 Woodson...................................... 88 149 94 141 187 56 Wyandotte................................ 159 826 168 798 235 779 Total............................ 10,483 19,421 9,070 19,857 16,860 12, 165 468 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. SENATORS TO FILL VACANCIES. 3 Counties. Names. 2 Atchison......... Samuel Hipple........................... 966[ 246 R. A. Van Winkle....................... 726 1,692 9 Douglas............................. E. Learnard.......................... 1,315 342 John W. Horn er........................ [ 972 2, 286 14 Bourbon................M....................... 814 Crawford.......................... W. M. Matheny........................ 197 Cherokee................................................. 61 Bourbon.................................. 61 Crawford.......................... C. F. Drake.......................... 201 Cherokee...................................................... 45 2,277 15 Butlerr........................................................... 6 Marion. A. A. Mooreq.66 Chase............................. 108 Morris.................................................. 162 63 Butler...................................................... 55 Chase................................ J. W. McMillan...... 139 Marion............................. 7 Morris..................................................... 118 701 17 Anderson. P. P. Elder.5 Fr17 A nderson............................. 812 1,312 1,312 Franklin...................................... MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. Counties. Naes. N a ms 1 Doniphan.................... Thos. J. Vanderslice................. 158 36 Israel May.............................. 122 Wim. R. Parker........................ 100 H. N. Seaver........................... 100 480 2.................................... H. C. Moore............................. 229 148 George Flemming..................... 81 W. D. Rippey............1............ 14 John P. Bitner........................ 11 335 S......................... W. H. Smallwood..................... 129 10 E. D. McClelland..................... 119 E. G. Westcott.......................... 54 N. Abbey................................. 10 312 4.................................... E. J. Jenkins.......................... 350 346 Daniel Bursk........................... 4 John Martin............................ 2 356 5......................... J. H. Philbrick........................ 181 90 Wm. Kirby.............................. 91 272 6 Atchison..................... Geo. W. Glick........................... 323 160 1, 755 W. W. Guthrie........................ 163 486 7.................................... A. Byram................................189 52 John Gray.............................. 136 325..George W. Thompson.............. 197 155 J. Potter................................. 45 242 9........................ B. W. Williams.................... 140 4 J. W. Breadlove.................... 136 Scattering............................... 2 278 10...................... W. L. Johnson........................ 113 8 Win. Martin.....................95 208 1,539 11 Brown........................ E. Bierer............................... 217 84 Ira J. Lacock............................ 133 Scattering................................ 3 353 12.................................... John Downs.............................. 185 154 J. S. Tyler................................ 29 212 565 13 Nemaha..................... Philip Rockefeller..................... 201 44 J. P. Taylor.............................. 157 Scattering................................ 2 360 14.................................... John Hodgins.......................... 195 31 J. F. Hocker.............................. 164 359 719 15 Marshall...................... G. Patrick............................. 339 339 339 16 Washington................ F. Snyder.............................. 91 50 R. P. West......................... 41 Vernon Parker.......................... 40 172 172 17 Pottawatomie............. W. Jenkins........................... 368 4 Martin Mannerhan.................... 364 732 732 1867.] ANVALS OF KANSAS. 469 MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE-CONTINUED. ~~ | Counties. Names. ~. - I t A 18 Jackson.................. D. W. C. Locke.......................... 198 115 Peter Dickson........................... 83 Scattering............................... 4 285 79........................ George W. Miller....................... 145 81 George Ewbank........................ 64 Golden Silvers........................... 56 265 550 19 Jefferson..................... John B. Johnson................ 238 62 Thomas Housh................. 176 Stephen Stiers....................... 69 483 20.................................... W. C. Butts.......................... 179 24 D. H. Frazier.......................... 155 334 21......................... Robert Armstrong.................... 491 191 J. D. Rollins.............................. 300. 791 1, 608 22 Leavenworth.............. W. P. Gambell.................. 232 24 James McCahon................ 308 640 23.....................................Miles Moore.................. 315 53 C. D. Roys................................. 262 577 24.................................... C.R. Jennison.......................... 319 12 M. S. Adams.......................... 307 626 25............................... Mathew Ryan.......................... 411 200 Daniel Shire.............................. 211 622 26................................. W. H. Hastings......................... 189 116 J. R. Deland................... 73 262 27........................ James Cooley.................. 121 60 William Kincaid.......... 6....... 61 182 28................................. Seth Hollingsworth............... 260 90 Jos. W right............ 110 310 29.. J. L. Wallace................. 188 87 J. B. Pickering................. 101 289 30........................ Thos. L. Towne......................... 136 6 S. D. Lecompte.......................... 130 266 3, 774 31 Wyandotte.................. Vincent J. Lane................. 239 28 Stephen A. Cobb................ 211 450 80 S............. Richard Hewitt........................ 434 302 Thom A. Grinter................ 132 566 1,016 32 Johnson................... J. P. Robinson.......................... 325 93 C. E. Lewis.......................... 232 557 33.................................... G. Campbell.......................... 249 40 Abner Arrasmith..................... 207 J. McAuley.......................... 1 455 34.................................... J. B. Bruner.......................... 180 52 Dan Martin.............................. 128 308 1,220 35 Douglas...................... George W. Smith....................... 432 58 Wilson Shannon, jr.............. 374 T. H. Lescher........................... 135 Wm. Haseltine.......................... 10 951 36............................. Joel Grover.................... 135 13 James Bryson............................ 122 257 37.................................... Joel K. Goodin................. 230 158 Amos Walton.................. 72 302 38.................................... C. M. Sears............................... 300 300 39.................................... G. W. Zinn.................... 216 216 40.................................... Horace Tucker.......................... 145 63 Henry Webber.......................... 82 227 2,253 41 Shawnee..................... John Guthrie.................. 657 438 A. L. Williams.......................... 219 876 42.................................... James Fletcher......................... 201 32 L. J. Beam................................ 169 370 1, 248 43 Miami........................ H. H. Williams.......................... 230 137 W. B. Keith.............................. 93 323 44................................... J. W. Gosset........332........... 21 E. H. Topping........................... 311 643 45.................................... Wm. Huffman........................... 210 10 W. H. Wilhite.................. 179 398 1, 364 46 Linn....... A. A. Smith.............................. 155 83 W. J. ray................................ 72 Richard Hill............................. 1 223 47................................... Henry Blackburn..................... 17 88 Sam. Ayres............................. 90 John Fletcher........................... 1 269 48..................................... J. W. Garret.............................. 246 83 B. J. Long.......................... 162 408 49......................... James D. Snoddy....................... 121 53 470 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE-CONTINUED. Cbunties. Names. 49 Linn (concluded)......... T. J. Baskerville....................... 68 Joel Moody................... 1 100 1,096 50 Bourbon..................... Wi. Wm. inton............................. 169 105 S. MI. Allen............................. 64 233 51................................... B. F. Sualley............................ 161 67 - Taylor.............................. 97 251 52............................ J. B. Moore......................... 218 140 B. F. Gumm.............................. 78 296 53.................................... E.M. Hulett............................... 323 49 W. C. Webb.................... 274 597 1,387 54 Allen.......................N. B. Blanton................. 292 159 J. N. Phillip.............................. 137 436 Scattering................................ 3 55............................... Lewis Edmunson....................... 88 14 Wmi. O. Keith........................... 54 180 616 J. H. Campbell.......................... 38 56 Anderson................... T. G. Headley.................. 182 40 D. W. Houston.......................... 142 324 57................................ W. N. Hamby.................. 111 8 P. T. Mathews.......................... 103 214 538 58 Franklin..................... James Foster.......................... 127 50 Capt. James.......................... 77 T. Jones................................... 53 E. D. Coburn...................... 33 290 59.....................................P. Welsh............. 448 51 448 738 60 Osage......................... J. R. Stewart............................. 123 S. R. Caniff........................... 72 M. Rambo................................. 62 M. Hupp.................................. 61 D. B. Burdick........................... 58 M. W. Richardson.........1...... 1 377 377 61 Coffey....................... Harrison Kelley............... 172 16 H. N. F. Read........................... 156 328 62................................... H. Smith.............................. 363 361 - Read............................... 2 365 693 63 Woodson.................... David W. Finney............... 125 5 John H. Bayer................. 120 245 245 64 Lyon.................. P. B. Plumb.............................. 332 258 Mark Patty.............................. 74 Scattering................................. 2 408 65................................ A. J. Andrews.........................:. 118 10 D. K. Hardin........................... 108 226 66................................... J. D. Jaquith.................. 133 86 Watson Grinnell............... 47 180 814 67 Butler......... G. T. Donaldson................. 42 2 L. M. Pratt.............................. 40 H. D. Kellogg........................... 19 D. M. Bronson.......................... 10 Scattering................................ 2113 113 68 Chase......................... H. Drinkwater.........1...... 141 13 Henry Brandley................ 125 266 266 69 Morris........................ Isaac Sharp.............................. 177 71 A. B. Spencer.................. 106 283 283 70 Wabaunsee................. William Mitchell................ 259 259' 259 71 Davis..................... John K. Wright........................ 327 41 David Monfort.......................... 286 613 613 72 Riley.......................... D. D.M. Johnson................. 246 15 Gottlieb Schauble................ 231 Henry Booth............................ 192 Scattering................................. 2 671 671 73 Dickinson.................. William Lamb.......................... 101 18 Eliphalet Barber....................... 83 184 184 74 Saline........................ F. Millard................... 227 97 L. F. Parsons.................. 130 H. L. Jones............................... 46 403 403 75 Greenwood.................. Edwin Tucker.................. 132 19 L. Clogton................................. 113 J. J. Barrett.......................... 63 J. C. Clogston........................... 1 309 309 76 Marion...................... C. 0. O Fuller....................67 59 G. H. Costello................. 8 75 75 77 Wilson........................ P. Fay...................................... 175 150 Dr. McCartney................. 25 200 200 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 471 MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE - CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. I a 78 Neosho........................ Thomas H. Butler..................... 237 83 D. T. Mitchell........................... 154 A. F. Neely.............................. 154 545 545 81 Ottawa........................ R. D. Mobley............................. 50 9 H. H. Tucker............................ 41 91 91 82 Clay............................ Magnus H. Ristine.................... 113 113 113 83 Cherokee................. N. D. Ingraham........................ 328 130 C. C. McI)o ell......................... 198 526 526 84 Cloud.......................... James M. Hagaman.................. 32 85 Labette.................. W. C. Watkins......................... 206 10 J. S. Waters............. 4............. 196 402 402 86 Crawford.................... John Hamilton........................ 217 43 J. Warmley.174 391 391 88 Ellis.......................... W. E. Webb............................ I 212 73 R. M. Fish..................... 139 W. J. Ohler...................... 128 J. G. Duncan................... 2 481 481 Total vote in State................................................................................ 31,413 VOTE CAST FOR JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS, FOR THE SIXTH, SEVENTH, EIGHTH AND NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. Counties. Names. Vote of Vote of County. District. Bourbon......................... D. P. Lowe........................... 1,432 I Crawford......................... P. Lowe........................... 393..... Cherokee.......................... P. Lowe........................... 416 Linn............................... D. P. Lowe.......................... 1, 223 Miami...............................P. Lowe........................... 1,376 4,840 4, 840 Anderson....................... John R. Goodin.................... 205 Allen.............................. John R. Goodin................... 378 Labette....... Goodin.................... 196 Neosho........................... John R. Goodin.................... 290 Wilson........................... John R. Goodin.................... 152 Woodson......................... John R. Goodin.................... 163 207 7... Allen.............................. Nelson F. Acres................... 263 Anderson........................ Nelson F. Acres.................... 304 Lahette................... Nelson F. Acres................... 201 Neosho... Nelson F. Acres.................. 228 Wilson..................... Nelson F. Acres.................... 102 Woodson.......................... Nelson F. Aces................... 79 eWoodson.......................... Willian Spriggs................... 1 2, 562 f Clav................................ James Humphrey................ 109 Cloud............................. James Humphrey................ 61 Davis............................... James Humphrey................. 313 Dickinson....................... James Hu ph.....r 199 Ottawa............................. James Humphrey................. 54..... Riley............................ James Humphrey........5.... 515 Saline.............................. James Humphrey................ 312 131 Davis..............................S. B. White........................ 219 Saline............................. S. B. White................. 25 Riley............................... Scattering........................ 1 811 Butler............................ W. R. Brown................. 33 Chase.............................. W. Brown.............. 139 Marion........................... W. R. Brown....................... 65 43 Butler.............................. S. N. Wood........................ 71 i Chase.......S................ N. Wood...................... 115 Marion........................... N. Wood.... 8 431 NOVEMBER 5.-Ross Steele & Co. bring suit against the U. P. R. R., E. D. They were the contractors before the road was sold to Hallett and Fremont. -On negro suffrage, the State followed the saying of a well-known politician: "Talk for it; vote agin it." -The L. L. & G. done one mile south of Lawrence. 472 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. -A coal company is formed at Burlingame. -The Hays City Advance issued, by Joseph Clarke, W. H. Bisbee and Willis Emery. NOVEMBER 6.- 0. H. Browning, Secretary of the Interior, writes to Geo. A. Crawford that James F. Joy has bought the Cherokee Neutral Lands. They have been appraised by Wm. A. Phillips and John T. Cox. Mr. Joy represents the Border Tier railroad. -Woodson county voted against railroad bonds. NOVEMBER 22.- Completion of the Kansas City and Cameron railroad. NOVEMBER 30.In obedience to your orders [Gov. Crawford's], I have had duplicate copies of all pay-rolls made, which are now ready for binding. The claims arising out of the Price Raid are as follows: On pay-rolls........................................ $218, 398 75 Material, supplies, and transportation......................................................... 81, 682 82 Damages............................................................................................ 131,693 83 Miscellaneous claims.......................................................... 35, 518 47 Total.................................................................................................... $467, 293 37 Amount justly due the State of Kansas from the U. S. Government: Claims for expenditures for 1861 and 1862................................... $12, 351 04 Allowed on the above claim................................... 9, 360 82 Balance due the State................................... $2, 990 22 Military bonds of 1864................................................................................. $100, 000 00 Military bonds of 1866................................. 40,000 00 Interest on the above, about................................... 30, 000 00 Miscellaneous claims, about........................................................................ 12, 000 00 Arising out of Price Raid................................... 467, 293 37 Aggregate......................2........................................ $652,283 59 -Report of Adjutant General McAfee. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $8,191 23 Normal School.......................... 13,997 97 Secretary's Department............ 7,434 70 University................................ 9,380 26 Auditor's Department............... 3,927 17 Insane Asylum........................ 7,759 00 Treasurer's Department............ 2,831 05 Deaf and Dumb Asylum........... 9,930 90 Sup't of Public Instruction;...... 2,030 58 Agricultural Society.................. 6, 000 00 Attorney General..................... 2,055 15 Agricultural College................. 12,138 90 Adjutant General..................... 4, 764 34 Railroad Land Agent............... 1, 641 90 Judiciary Department............... 22, 839 36 Blind Asylum........................... 10,034 00 Legislature and Journals........... 28, 473 50 Military expenses.................... 1, 860 00 Printing Department............... 13,891 02 Miscellaneous expenses............ 2,683 60 Capitol building and grounds*.. 91,487 61 Penitentiaryt........................... 155,946 49 Total for 1867...................... $419,298 73 *Of State Capitol expenditure, $89,513.01 is from the sale of $100,000 in bonds. t Of Penitentiary expenditure, $89,329.16 is from the sale of $100,000 in bonds. NOVEMBER 30.-The following facts in regard to Lincoln College-afterwards changed to Washburn -are copied from a statement of S. D. Bowker to Superintendent McVicar: " The purpose of founding an institution of learning of a high literary and religious character early took possession of the minds of the people of Kansas. The project first came up for general discussion in 1857, at which time measures were adopted to secure a fitting location for such an enterprise. Unforeseen difficulties, however, attended the settlement of the Territory and the formation of a State Government. Repeated hostile invasions, the hardships of the year of famine, and the tumult arising from the war, compelled the suspension, for a time, of all active effoft for the establishment of the College. On the return of peace, the interest hitherto manifested took a tangible 1867.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 473 form, and on the 6th of February, 1865, an act of incorporation was secured under the name of'Lincoln College.' "Lincoln College is located at Topeka, Kansas. Topeka, the Capital of the State, is situated on the Kansas river, about sixty miles from its junction with the Missouri, at a point on the Pacific Railroad, 350 miles west of St. Louis. The city is built on elevated prairie ground, about one mile south of the river. "An elegant stone edifice for the Preparatory Department was completed in the autumn of 1865. The building is located at the southeast corner of the Capitol Square, one of the most sightly positions in the city. Its rooms for recitations and general exercises will accommodate some 150 students; besides these it has rooms for library and cabinet. The first term of the College opened January, 1866, with five teachers and over thirty students; among the latter were representatives from six or seven different counties of the State." DECEMBER.-Report of the Codifying Commissioners. It fills an octavo volume of 1021 pages. DECEMBER 6.-Topeka Daily Tribune re-issued, under the management of J. P. Greer and A. L. Williams. — Lawrence is made headquarters of the K. P. road. George Noble is Division Superintendent. DECEMBER 10. —Geo. T. Anthony becomes editor of the Conservative. -The Smoky Hill is bridged at Salina. ] DECEMBER 10.-First annual meeting of the State Horticultural Society, at Lawrence. President, Wm. Tanner; Vice President, Charles B. Lines; Secretary, G. C. Brackett; Treasurer, S. T. Kelsey. DECEMBER 18.-Last payments made, at Paola, to the confederated tribes, Peoria, Kaskaskia, Wea and other Indians. They number 204 persons. When they came to Kansas, in 1846, they numbered about 800. They go to the Indian Territory. -The K. P. done to the 335th mile-post. DECEMBER 20.- Completion of the Republican river bridge, at Junction City. -John Severance is to receive $55,000 for completing the St. Jo. & De R. R. to Troy. DECEMBER 21.-Stock books opened of the Kansas and Missouri Bridge Co., at Leavenworth, and $59,100 subscribed. DECEMBER 23. —Gov. Hayes appoints Ed. F. Schneider Adjutant General of Ohio. He had been Major of the Eighth Kansas, and editor of the Leavenworth Times. DECEMBER 29.-Last rail laid on the 100th mile of the Central Branch. DECEMBER 30.-There are 523 miles of railroad in the State. The K. P. is within 35 miles of the western boundary -main line completed, 335 miles; Leavenworth branch, 33 miles. The Central Branch is operating 90 miles. The L. L. & G. is done to Ottawa, 27 miles. -A book appears with this title: "History of Kansas, from the First Exploration of the Mississippi Valley to its Admission into the Union. By J. N. Holloway, A. M. Lafayette, Ind. James, Emmons & Co., Journal Buildings." pp. 584. This is the most bulky of the books on Kansas, but probably contains less reading matter than Mrs. Robinson's. Like the other histories, it has no index; the important facts published in it are badly arranged, and it is not easy to find any special subject in regard to which the 474 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1867. reader may want information. The opinions, the grammar, and the spelling, especially of proper names, might be criticised. The author was a non-resident, and it is really surprising that the book is so complete. It ends with the admission of the State into the Union. The book had a large:sale, but Mr. Holloway has not received the credit which his industry justly entitled him to. EIGHTEENTH KANSAS CAVALRY BATTALION. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. MAJOR. Horace L. Moore........... July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion, Nov. 15, 1867. COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Horace L. Moore........... July 15, 1867 Promoted Major, July 15, 1867. -Henry C. Lindsey......... July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. FIRST LIEUT. Thomas Hughes........... Jly 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. SECOND LIEUT. John H. Wellman. July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. COMPANY B. Nanse and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Edgar A. Barker........... July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. FIRST LIEUT. John W. Price.............. July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. SECOND LIEUT. Samuel L. Hybarger July 15, 1867 Died of cholera, Fort Larned, Kas., July 26,'67. Francis M. Stahl........... Aug. 8, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George B. Jenness......... July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. FIRST LIEUT. Peleg Thomas............... July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. SECOND LIEUT. Janius Reynolds.. July 15,1867 Mustered out with battalion. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. David L. Payne............ July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. FIRST LIEUT. John M. Cain............... July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. SECOND LIEUT. Henry Hegwer............. July 15, 1867 Mustered out with battalion. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 475 1868. JANUARY 1.-Die Fackel, a German paper, removed from Wyandotte to Atchison. JANUARY 7. —Jefferson county votes bonds to the A. T. & S. F., and the Lawrence, Oskaloosa and Atchison road, by 64 majority. At a previous election the propositions were defeated. -The Olathe Central and Paola Republican publish county histories. JANUARY 7.-In reply to a resolution, Secretary Browning sends a message to Congress on Indian land sales in Kansas. The Cherokee Neutral Lands were sold to James F. Joy, October 9th, at a dollar an acre, without an official notice that bids would be received for the land. The patent will be issued when the purchase-money is received. The Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad Company gave $1.25 an acre for 123,832 acres of Kickapoo land. The Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad Company bought 223,966.78 acres of Delaware lands, known as the Delaware Diminished Reserve. Of these lands, 92,589.22 acres have been paid for and patented to Leonard T. Smith, President of the Missouri River Railroad Company. Other land sales, under treaties, are mentioned in the communication. JANUARY 10. —State officers pass over the L. L. & G., preparatory to giving it 125,000 acres of State land. JANUARY 11.-Mrs. Stanton publishes an article in the Revolution, on the woman suffrage campaign in Kansas. She believes the vote cast for female suffrage was in the main Democratic. JANUARY 14. —M1eeting of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born.' Avocation. S. J. Crawford, Governor..... Garnett....... Anderson..... Indiana..... 32 Lawyer. N. Green, Lieut. Governor... Manhattan... Riley........... Ohio........ 30 Minister. R. A. Barker, Sec. of State... Atchison...... Atchison..V... Vermont... 37 Attorney. J. R. Swallow, Auditor........ Emporia..... Lyon...... N. Jersey.. 47 Printer. M. Anderson, Treasurer...... Circleville... Jackson........ Ohio....... 49 Farmer. P. McVicar, Supt. Pub. Inst. Topeka........ Shawnee...... N. Bruns'k 38 Minister. Geo. H. Hoyt, Att'y General Leavenworth Leavenworth Mass......... 30 Attorney. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born. ~ Avocation. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice...I Atchison...... Atchison Mass......... 50 Attorney. Jacob Safford, Associate Justice Topeka. Shawnee Vermont... 40 Lawyer. L. D. Bailey, Associate Justice Clinton... Douglas.. New Hamp 46 Lawyer. JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURTS. NYames. Post Office Address. County. D. J. Brewer.................................. 1 Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. R. St. Clair Graham.......................... 2 Atchison.................... Atchison. C. K. Gilchrist............................... 3 Topeka....................... Shawnee. D. M. Valentine............... 4 Ottawa........................ Franklin. J. H. Watson........................................ 5 Emporia...................... Lyon. D. P. Lowe.............................................6 Mound City................. Linn. John R. Goodin............... 7 Humboldt................... Allen. James Humphrey...................................... 8 Manhattan.................. Riley. William R. Brown................................... 9 Cottonwood Falls........ Chase. 476 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868, MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born.' Avocation. N. Green, President......... Manhattan...... Riley........... Ohio......... 29 Minister. Abbott, James B............... DeSoto............ Johnson....... Conn........ 67 Convey'cer Blakely, William S........... Junction City.. Davis........... New York. 38 Merchant. Clark, N. C...................... Columbus........ Doniphan..... Ohio......... 34 Physician. Cooper, S. S..................... Oskaloosa........ Jefferson...... Illinois.... 26 Physician. Dodge, William H............ Holton............ Jackson........ Kentucky.. 51 Lawyer. Elder, P. P....................... Ottawa............ Franklin... Maine....... 34 Banker. Foster, R.C..................... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Kentucky. 31 Lawyer. Graham, George.............. Seneca............ Nemaha...... New York. 66 Merchant, Greene, L. F.................... Baldwin City... Douglas........ Ohio......... 32 Farmer. Haas, H. C....................... Leavenworth.. Leavenw' th. Germany... 28 Carpenter. Harvey, James M............ Fort Riley...... Riley............ Virginia.... 16 Farmer. Hipple, Samuel............. Monrovia........ Atchison...... Penn........ 19 Farmler. Learnard, O. E................. Lawrence....... Douglas........ Vermont... 14 Farmer. Low, A............................ Doniphan........ Doniphan..... Maryland.. 30 Farmer. Matheny, W. M........... Baxter Springs Cherokee K..... entucky.. 49 Lawyer. Maxson, P. B.................. Emporia......... Lyon........... R'de Island 29 Farmer. McFarland, P.................. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Ireland...... 45 Farmer. Moore, A. A..................... Marion Centre Marion........ Ohio......... 41 Merchant. Price, John M................. Atchison......... Atchison...... Kentucky. 33 Lawyer. Rogers, James................. Burlingame..... Osage.......... NewHamp 45 Lawyer. Scott, J. W....................... Iola................. Allen............ Penn........ 33 Physician. Sharp, Isaac B.................. Wyand'te City. Wyandotte... Ohio......... 47 Lawyer. Simpson, B. F.................. Paola.............. Miami.......... Ohio........ 32 Lawyer. Underhill, D.................... Jackson.......... Linn............ Indiana..... 33 Farmer. Veale, G. W..................... Topeka............ Shawnee...... Indiana..... 34 Freighter. E. C. Manning, Secretary.. Manhattan...... Riley........... New York. 47 Printer. Jos. Speck, Assist. Sec'y... Wyandotte...... Wyandotte.. Penn........ 35 Physician. M. R. Dutton, Jour. Clerk. Grantville....... Jefferson...... Conn........ 56 Farmer. J. H. Titsworth, Dock. Cl'k Pardee............ Atchison...... New Jers'y 35 Teacher. A. J. Simpson, Eng. Clerk. Carlyle........... Allen........... Indiana..... 40 Carpenter. Geo. B. Holmes, Enr. Cl'k. Topeka........... Shawnee...... Mass......... 35 Land Ag't. M.W. Reynolds, Offic'l Rep Lawrence........ Douglas........ New Jers'y 32 Journalist. D. L. Payne, Ser.-at-Arms. Troy................Doniphan..... Indiana.... 38 Soldier. J. Drew,As't Ser.-at-Arms. Burlingame..... Osage........... New York. 39 Farmer. Geo. W. Weed, Doork'per.. Pardee............. Atchison...... New York. 43 Farmer, G. Pharaoh,As't Doork'per Louisville........ Pottawat'ie.. Prussia..... 32 Farmer. Clarence J. Walrod, Page.. Paola............... Miami......... Illinois...... 32 Clerk. William R. Griffith, Page.. Topeka........... Shawnee...... Ohio......... 41 Teamster. Wm. H. Fletcher, Page..... Erie............... Neosho........ Indiana..... 34 Farmer. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born. Avocation. Geo. W. Smith, Speaker... Lawrence........ Douglas........ Pennsylv... 62 Attorney. Andrews, A. J.................. Neosho Rapids Lyon........... Ohio......... 42 Farmer. Armstrong, Robert............ Perry.............. Jefferson...... Indiana..... 43 Farmer. Bierer, Everard............. Hiawatha........ Brown......... Penn........ 41 Lawyer. Blackburn, Henry............ Linnville........ Linn............ En'glad.... 54 Farmer. Blanton, N. B.................. Humboldt...... Allen............ Missouri... 38 Farmer. Bruner, J. B..................... Gardner.......... Johnson...... Penn...... 30 Merchant. Butler, T. H.................... Erie.......... Neosho........ Ohio......... 45 Farmer. Butts, W. C...................... Grassh'r Falls.. Jefferson...... New York. 34 Farmer. Byram, A........................ Atchison......... Atchison...... Kentucky.. 75 Farmer. Campbell, D. G................ Shawnee......... Johnson...... Tennessee 47 Farmer. Cooley, James.................. Mt. Pleasant... Leavenw'th. Kentucky.. 44 Farmer. Donaldson, G. T.............. Chelsea........... Butler...... Ohio......... 36 Farmer. Downs, John.................... Albany............ Brown......... New York. 39 Farmer. Drinkwater, O. H............ Cedar Point..... Chase........... Penn........ 32 Farmer Duncan, Charles C........... Ellsworth....... Ellsworth..... Ohio......... 24 Grocer. Edmundson, Lewis.......... lola................. Allen........... Penn........ 36 Plasterer. Fay, P............................. New Albany... Wilson........ New York. 49 Miller. Finney, D. W........... Neosho Falls... Woodson...... Indiana..... 26 Merchant. Fletcher, James............... Tecumseh....... Shawnee..... Penn........ 38 Farmer. Foster, James N............... Peoria City...... Franklin..... Indiana..... 30 Farmer. Fuller, C. O................;.... Marion Centre. Marion........ New York. 39 Farmer. Gambell, W. P.................. Leavenworth... Leavenw'th. New York. 34 Attorney. Garrett, J. W................... Potosi............. Linn............ New York. 58 Farmer. Glick, G. W...................... Atchison......... Atchison...... Ohio......... 40 Attorney. Goodin, Joel K................. Baldwin City... Douglas..... Ohio........ 45 Attorney. Gossett, J. W................... Paola.............. Miami.......... Kentucky.. 39 Physician. 4868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 477 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CoNcLUDED. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born. ~ Avocation..Grover, Joel.................... Lawrence....... Douglas........ New York- 43 Farmer..Guthrie, John.................. Topeka............ Shawnee...... Indiana..... 38 Attorney. Hagaman, James M......... Elk Creek........ Cloud.......... NewYork.. 37 Farmer..Hamby, W. N.................. Garnett........... Anderson..... North Car. 52 Farmer. Hamilton, John............... Hamilton........ Crawford..... Pennsylv... 52 Farmer. Hastings, W. H............... Pleasant Ridge Leavenw'rth North Car. 38 Farmer. Headley, T. G.................. Garnett....... Anderson..... Indiana.....}49 Farmer. Hewitt, Richard............... Wyandotte...... Wyandotte.. New York.. 63 Physician. Hinton, William.............. Fort Lincoln... Bourbon...... Kentucky.. 40 Farmer. Hodgins, I........................ Centralia......... Nemaha...... New York. 38 Dairyman. Hollingsworth, S.............. Tonganoxie..... Leavenw'rth Ohio.........42 Farmer.,Huffman, William... New Lancaster Miami........ Ohio......... 52 Minister. Hulett, E. M..................... Fort Scott........ Bourbon..... New York. 28 Attorney. -Ingraham, Nathan D........ Baxter Springs Cherokee..... Ohio......... 42 Nurs'yman Jaquith, J. D.................... Americus......... Lyon........... Vermont... 46 Farmer. Jenkins, E. J................... Troy............... Doniphan..... Ohio......... 34 Lawyer. Jenkins, R. W.................. Vienna............ Pottawato'ie Kentucky.. 37 Farmer. Jennison, C. R................. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'rth New York. 33 Farmer.,Johnston, D. M................ Manhattan...... Riley............ New York. 41 Laborer. Johnson, J. B.................. Oskaloosa........ Jefferson...... Illinois...... 25 Lawyer. Johnson, W. S............... Lancaster........ Atchison...... Virginia.... 34 Farmer. Kelley, Harrison.............. Ottumwa........ Coffey......... Ohio......... 30 Farmer. Lamb, William................. Detroit.......... Dickinson... North Car. 61 Farmer. Lane, Vincent J............... Wyandotte...... Wyandotte... Pennsylv... 70 R. R. contr. Lecompte, Samuel D........ Leavenworth.. Leavenw'rth Maryland.. 53 Lawyer. Locke, D. W. C................. Holton............ Jackson....... Vermont... 31 Farmer. Millard Ed. F................ Salina............ Saline......... Michigan... 25 Merchant. Miller, G. W..................... South Cedar..... Jackson...... Kentucky.. 32 Farmer. Mitchell, William............ Wabaunsee...... Wabaunsee.. Scotland.... 42 Farmer. Mobley, R. D................... Minneapolis.... Ottawa......... Kentucky. 33 Farmer.,Moore, J. B...................... Fort Scott........ Bourbon...... Illinois...... 34 Farmer. Moore, H. C..................... Troy............... Doniphan..... Kentucky.. 38 Farmer. Moore, H. Miles............... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'rth New York. 38 Attorney..Patrick, A. G.................... Irving............. Mlarshall...... Indiana..... 40 Printer. Philbrick, J. L................. Doniphan........ Doniphan..... New Hamp 42 Insur. ag't. Plumb, P. B..................... Emporia......... Lyon........... Ohio......... 30 Attorney. Ristine, M. H................... Clay Centre..... Clay............. Indiana..... 49 Carpenter. Robinson, J. P................. DeSoto............ Johnson...... Indiana... 34 Physician. Rockefeller, Philip........... Albany...........Nemaha...... New York. 46 Mechanic. Ryan Mathew............. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'rth Ireland.... 49 T.cattle t'r. Sears, Charles M.............. Eudora........... Douglas........ New York. 38 St'e mason. Sharp, Isaac.................... Council Grove Morris......... Pennsylv... 36 Attorney. Smalley, B. F................... Xenia............. Bourbon...... Ohio......... 40 Farmer. Smallwood, W. H............ Wathena......... Doniphan..... Kentucky.. 26 Farmer.:Smith, A. A..................... Twin Springs... Linn............ Ohio......... 38 Physician.,Smith, P. H..................... Leroy.............. Coffey......... New York. 40 Merchant. Snoddy, James D.............. Mound City..... Linn............ Pennsylv... 29 Attorney. Snyder, S. F..................... Washington.... Washington Kentucky.. 69 Farmer. Stewart, J. R.................... Burlingame..... Osage........... Pennsylv... 38 Lawyer. Thompson, G. W.............. Atchison......... Atcbison.....Kentucky.. 40 Farmer. Tucker, Edwin................. Eureka........... Greenwood.. Vermont... 31 Farmer. Tucker, Horace............... Sigel............... Douglas........ Conn......... 43 Hortic'st. Vanderslice, Thomas J..... Highland......... Doniphan..... Kentucky.. 40 Farmer. Wallace, James L............. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'rth North Car. 52 Physician. Watkins, W. C................. Oswego............ Labette........ Tennessee. 33 Lawyer. Webb, W. E..................... Hays City....... Ellis New York. 29 Op. in land Welsh, H. P..................... Ottawa............[Franklin..... Ohio......... 34 Attorney. Williams, B. W................ Monrovia........[Atchison...... North Car. 51 Farmer. Williams, H. H................ Osawatomie..... Miami......... New York. 39 Merchant. Wright, John K............... Junction City.. Davis........... Indiana.... 33 Merchant. Zinn, George W............... Lecompton Douglas........ Ohio......... 58 Farmer. John T. Morton, ChiefC'k Topeka............/Shawnee...... Mass......... 46 Lawyer. E. C. Kennedy, Ass't Clerk Leavenworth... Leavenw'rth Indiana.... 26 Lawyer. J. M. Mahan, JournalCl'k Junction City.. Davis........... Ohio......... 29 Lawyer.M. R. Moore, Docket Cl'k. Topeka............ Shawnee...... Indiana..... 21 Stud't L. C. Emma Hunt, Enroll'g C'k Emporia........ Lyon....... Indiana.....- Student. N. Merchant, Engross. C'k Peoria City...... Franklin..... New York. 37 Farmer. H. C Hollister, Reporter.. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'rth New York. 34 Stenogr. H. H. Sawyer, S.-at-Arms. Wyandotte...... Wyandotte.. Vermont... 87 Trader. M. B. Crawford, A. S.-at-A. Topeka............ Shawnee...... Ohio......... 31 House car. Horace Gibbs, Doorkeeper Oskaloosa........ Jefferson...... Ohio.........41 Farmer. -C. S. Norton, Asst. Doork'r Topeka............ Shawnee...... New York. 17 Student. Frank J. Nice, Page......... Topeka........... Shawnee...... Indiana.....14 Merchant. ~,Chas. F. Painter, Page...... Emporia......... Lyon........... Ohio.........11 Student. Edwin S. Eldridge, Page... Lawrence........ Douglas....... Mass.........15 Printer. 478 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. JANUARY 14.-The Commissioners to codify the laws make a statement of their work to the Legislature. JANUARY 15.-Election of the following officers of the State Agricultural Society, at Topeka: President, R. G. Elliott, of Douglas; Secretary, H. J. Strickler, of Shawnee; Treasurer, C. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee; Superintendent, P. G. Lowe. Executive Committee: M. J. Alkire of Shawnee, W. G. Coffin of Leavenworth, J. W. Sponable of Johnson, B. W. Williams of Atchison, Josiah Miller of Douglas, M. R. Dutton of Jefferson, Alfied Gray of Wyandotte, W. L. Harrison of Franklin, A. B. Whiting of Riley, J. W. Scott of Allen. A Fair was held at Leavenworth. JANUARY 17.-Meeting of the Editorial Association, at Topeka. Address by Milton W. Reynolds, of the Lawrence Journal. Officers elected: President, R. B. Taylor; Vice Presidents, John A. Martin, M. W. Reynolds, Geo. W. Martin; Secretary, S. D. Macdonald; Treasurer, P. H. Peters. John A. Martin was elected to deliver the next address. John A. Martin, John Speer and James D. Snoddy were appointed to memorialize the Legislature to so amend the Constitution as to create the office of State Printer. JANUARY 17.-Report of State House Commissioners. (House Journal, pp. 98 to 104.) JANUARY 18.-Report on Blind Asylum building. (House Journal, pp. 125 to 129.) -The Delaware Indians pass through Lawrence, to their new home in the Indian Territory. JANUARY 23.-Message from the Governor, on the Penitentiary. (House Journal, pp. 192-4.) JANUARY 23.-In the contest of Stephen A. Cobb against Vincent J. Lane, the House decides that Lane is entitled to his seat. JANUARY 31.-A fire in Leavenworth burned the Mercantile Library. Besides many valuable books, it contained files of the Leavenworth Herald (presented to the Library by Eugene F. Havens), and many other State newspapers. The generous enterprise of the citizens soon supplied a new Library, equal in size to the one destroyed..In 1869, Alonzo L. Callahan wrote a history and compiled a Catalogue of the Library. It was published by the Times and Conservative. -A Legislative Committee, investigating the original Price Raid awards, finds that many claims were dishonestly allowed. — Jackson county is building a Court House. FEBRUARY 1.-There are eleven Daily and fifty Weekly papers in the State. FEBRUARY 3.-T. Dwight Thacher issues the Evening Republican', at Lawrence. FEBRUARY 4.-Meeting of the Historical Society, at Topeka. Address by Judge Kingman, the President. George A. Crawford read a paper on the Calhoun Candle-box. Officers elected: President, S. A. Kingman; Vice President, J. R. Swallow; Recording Secretary, George H. Hoyt; Corresponding Secretary, George A. Crawford; Treasurer, D. W. Stormont; Librarian, P. McVicar. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 479 FEBRUARY 4. —Governor Crawford makes a statement of the money due the State by the United States. (See Senate Journal, pp. 220-1.) FEBRUARY 5.-Death of Willard P. Gambell, a member of the House, from Leavenworth. Mr. Gambell had lived in Kansas about ten years, and probably had no superior among our citizens as a lawyer. FEBRUARY 6.-S. D. Macdonald retires from the Topeka Record, and F. P. Baker becomes sole proprietor. FEBRUARY 13.-Meeting of the Republican Committee, at Topeka. Frank H. Drenning, Chairman; George A. Crawford, Secretary pro tem. Convention called for March 25th. FEBRUARY 14.-Reports of State officers begin to appear. FEBRUARY 15.-A Senate Committee reports in favor of concentrating the State institutions at Topeka. (Senate Journal, pp. 319-21.) FEBRUARY 17.-Report of Joint Legislative Committee on the action of the different Price Raid Commissions. (Senate Journal, pp. 339 to 345.) FEBRUARY 18.-Report of Superintendent McVicar on school lands lost to the State. (Senate Journal, pp. 364 to 370.) FEBRUARY 19.-James McCahon elected to the seat made vacant by the death of Willard P. Gambell. FEBRUARY 21.-Report of Committee on building Penitentiary. (Senate Journal, 416 to 423, and 449 to 452.) The testimony is given in House Journal, pp. 658 to 689. FEBRUARY 24.-The lower house of Congress passes a resolution to impeach President Johnson, by 126 to 46. FEBRUARY 25.-P. B. Plumb's resolution, endorsing the impeachment of Johnson, passes the House by 47 to 28. FEBRUARY 26.-Democratic State Convention, at Topeka. A. J. Mead, President; Jos. Oliver, Geo. F. Prescott, and H. C. Hollister, Secretaries. Delegates elected to the National Convention: Wilson Shannon, jr., Lawrence; Thos. P. Fenlon, Leavenworth; Chas. W. Blair, Fort Scott; Geo. W. Glick, Atchison; A. J. Mead, Manhattan; Isaac Sharp, Council Grove. The following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved, That we regret the unhappy differences between the Radical party in Congress and the President, and condemn the attempt on the part of Congress to strip the Presidential office of its constitutional authority, and the Supreme Court of its proper functions, in order that they may carry out their unprecedented schemes of negro supremacy in certain States, in violation of the Constitution of the United States, and contrary tp the sentiments and feelings of the great bulk of the population of the Union. "Resolved, That we are in favor of guaranteeing to each State in this Union a republican form bf government, under the control of the white race. "Resolved, That we have full confidence in the sober second thought of the people, and feel confident that, at the next election, they will so decide as to do justice to the fundamental law, promote the ends of justice, and reunite the States of this once glorious Union in harmony and peace. "Resolved, That the distrust of business men throughout the Union, and want of confidence in pecuniary matters, caused by the neglect of the Congress of the United States to present and perfect measures in regard to taxation and currency, is evidence of want of capacity to appreciate the situation, or indifference to the general welfare. "Resolved, That an equal and uniform rate of taxation upon all property and valuable assets, of both rich and poor alike, is the true doctrine of a republican government. 480 ANN.ALS OF KANSAS. [1868. *"Resolved, That gold for the rich and paper for the poor is oppressive and unjust, and -an equal and uniform currency for the whole people is demanded by both honor and justice, and the Congress of the United States would be more properly engaged in relieving the burthens of the people than in struggles for political power. "Resolved, That the flag of our country should protect the rights of persons and property of all our citizens, both native and foreign-born, in all parts of the world, and the Government should take prompt measures to make that protection certain and effective." Speeches were made by Chas. W. Blair, Geo. W. Glick, and Thomas P. Fenlon. FEBRUARY 27.-Report of Committee in relation to Governor Crawford and the Kansas Pacific. (House Journal, pp. 835, 841, 847.) MARCH 2."The following gentlemen were confirmed as Regents of the State University: C. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee county; Rev. John Ekin, of Shawnee county; and Bishop Thomas H. Vail, of Douglas county. "For Regents of the Agricultsural College: Thomas H. Baker and E. C. Manning, of Riley county; and Rev. Charles Reynolds. of Davis county. "For Directors of the State Normal School: G. C. Morse, of Lyon county; James Rogers, of Osage county; T. S. Huffaker, of Morris county; L. D. Bailey, of Douglas county; and S. S. Prouty, of Coffey county. "For Adjutant General: J. B. McAfee, of Jefferson county. "For Quartermaster General: J. G. Haskell, of Douglas county. "For Directors of the Penitentiary: T. C. Sears, of Leavenworth county; A. Low, of Doniphan county; and M. R. Dutton, of Jefferson county." —Senate Journal, p. 609. MARCH 2.-Maj. Gen. P. H. Sheridan resumes command of the Department of the Missouri, at Fort Leavenworth. MARCH 3.-Last business of the Legislature —passing a new Price Raid'bill, and the code. MARCH 4.-Adjournment of the Legislature. Two volumes of laws are published, one called the General Statutes, (as revised by Price, Riggs and McCahon,) containing 1270 pages, and one called Special Laws, (although general laws are published in it,) containing 104 pages. Among the laws made were the following: State bonds for Penitentiary, $50,000; State bonds for Capitol, $150,000; State bonds for Insane Asylum, $20,000; Defining the boundaries of Gove and Wallace counties; A resolution for the protection of settlers on the Cherokee Neutral Lands. The Laws were printed by John Speer, at Lawrence. Edward P. Harris.superintended the printing, and the General Laws and Special Statutes of 1868 are the best specimens of legal printing, the most accurate and handsome volumes, we have in the State. MARCH 4.-Legislative excursion to Hays City and the end of the track, at Coyote. MARCH 5.-The two German papers of Leavenworth consolidate, and take the name Zeitung. -Senator Ross is reported by telegraph as opposed to impeachment. -P. H. Hubbell stops the Grasshopper Falls Gazette, and starts the Ellsworth Advocate. -Meetings of settlers on the Osage and Neutral Lands, demanding a chance to buy their homes at the price established by law. -Douglas county twice enjoined from issuing bonds to the L. L. & G. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 481 MARCH 25. — Republican State Convention, at Topeka. John W. Sc ott temporary Chairman, and E. C. Manning Secretary. Committee on Credentials: James C. Horton, Byron Sherry, Benjamin F. Simpson, A. J. Huntoon, E. S. Stover. On Organization: J. A. Johnson, P. P. Elder, Charles Drake, A. Low, J. W. McMillan, R. D. Mobley, John Speer, F. W. Potter, Henry Booth. On Resolutions: I. S. Kalloch, Albert H. Horton, Ed. R. Smith, J. B. Johnson, P. C. Schuyler, A. J. Bell, John W. Scott. Officers: President, John T. Burris; Vice Presidents, Wm. A. Phillips, T. C. Sears, J. B. Johnson, P. P. Elder, J. W. McMillan, A. Low, J. T. Lanter, A. J. Huntoon, A. H. Horton; Secretaries, F. G. Adams, W. A. Cormany, John Speer. The following were elected delegates to the National Convention: C. W. Babcock, B. F. Simpson, S. S. Prouty, John A. Martin, N. A. Adams, Louis Weil. Alternates: A. Danford, C. P. Twiss, F. P. Baker, Cyrus Leland, jr., J. W. McMillan, J. A. Weisbach. The following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved, That the Republican party of Kansas, through its delegates assembled in State Convention, hereby reaffirms its devotion to the principles of justice, equality and nationality which were triumphantly vindicated in the late war, and that the reconstruction of the Union upon the basis of the equality of all men before the law, the complete extirpation of Slavery and the ideas which gave it birth, the speedy restoration of permanent peace and prosperty, and the preservation of the public faith and national credit untarnished and inviolate, are all dependent upon the triumph of the great Republican party of the country at the ensuing Presidential election. "Resolved, That regarding the splendid military record of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant with unfeigned admiration, having faith in his wisdom, integrity, prudence and firmness; believing his name synonymous with our cause, and that he is emphatically the man for the times, we cheerfully add our voice to the loud acclaim in his behalf, and instruct the delegates from Kansas to the National Republican Convention at Chicago to cast their votes as a unit in favor of his nomination for the office of President of the United States. "Resolved, That while recognizing the ability and public services of others whose names have been presented to the country, we hereby declare Hon. S. C. Pomeroy as the first choice of the Republican party in this State for the office of Vice President. His early and consistent identification with the cause of human freedom, his patriotic services in Congress, his earnest and uniform devotion to the wants and interests of his constituents, as well as his great prudence and firmness, give assurance that his nomination would inspire universal confidence and enthusiasm, and in his election the loyal people of the nation would have for Vice President'a man we can trust.' "Resolved, That this Convention express thanks to the soldiers and sailors of the Union who fought and conquered armed Rebels, and stood true to the principles which they vindicated and the flag which floated over them and led them to victory; and that their heroic sacrifices and services will forever be remembered with gratitude by the people of the country which has been saved through their valor and patriotism. "Resolved, That every American citizen, whether by birth or adoption, is entitled to the protection of the nation and its flag; and while it is incumbent on the Government to institute negotiations for the establishment of an international law for expatriation, recognizing naturalization by one nation as terminating allegiance due to another, and conferring all rights of citizenship, it is no less its duty to vindicate its people, of all classes, whether native or naturalized, from oppression or interference, either at home or abroad, when in the legitimate exercise or defence of their personal rights. "Resolved, That we tender our most cordial thanks to Edwin M. Stanton, the statesman of the old Roman type, stern, steadfast and true, for the firmness and patriotism with which he has maintained the majesty of the law and the rights of the people against the attempted invasion of a faithless and wicked Executive. 31 482 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. "Resolved, That we approve the action of the House of Representatives in its arraignment of Andrew Johnson for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, and we earnestly call upon the Senate of the United States, sitting as a Court of Impeachment, to proceed with the trial of the President without fear, favor or affection, and we pledge the people of Kansas to stand by and maintain the just judgment of the law. "Resolved, That, believing the ensuing Presidential election will settle finally and conclusively, if rightly determined, the great issues brought upon us by the Rebellion, and being convinced that the work which was done in putting down the Rebellion was well and righteously done, and should stand, we exhort our fellow-Republicans throughout the State to perfect and complete their party organizations, and to provide forthwith for the systematic diffusion of political intelligence, by journals and otherwise, and to organize for a vigorous and efficient canvass henceforth to the close of the polls in November next." MARCH 28.-Nat. G. Barter buys the Border Sentinel, Linn county, of Joel Moody. MARCH. —S. T. Kelsey's forest at Ottawa attracts general attention. He has cultivated twenty-five acres. — Cheese-making has become an important industry at Centralia, Nemaha county. MARCH 30. —Methodist Conference at Lawrence. Bishop Thompson presides. I. P. Mitchell and W. R. Davis elected to the General Conference. Presiding Elders, A. B. Leonard, C. R. Rice, J. D. Knox. APRIL.-A book published called "History and Directory of Doniphan County; Sketches of Each Village in the,,County; Citizens' and Business Directory. R. F. Smith, Editor. Smith, Vaughan & Co., Publishers." pp. 348. The book contains many important facts, is not well printed, and its main purpose is advertising, not history. APRIL 6.-Burning of the Leavenworth Zeitung office; it was owned by Louis Weil. APRIL 7.-The Douglas county bonds are to be given to the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad Company. - Contract for building the east wing of the Insane Asylum, at Osawatomie, let to S. M. Larkins, of Paola, at $25,934. -Kansas Pacific done to the 385th mile-post. APRIL.-A resolution passed by Congress to enable settlers to buy the Osage Ceded Lands. APRIL 16.-Alex. McDonald, formerly of Fort Scott, is elected United States Senator from Arkansas. Powell Clayton, formerly of Leavenworth, is Governor, and Thomas M. Bowen, formerly of Marysville, is Chief Justice. APRIL 23.-Meeting at Emporia of the "Wichita Town and Land Company." W. W. H. Lawrence, President; E. P. Bancroft, Secretary. The Secretary was authorized to make a map of Wichita. APRIL 27. — Supplemental treaty with the Cherokees. On the 30th of August, 1866, Secretary Harlan made a contract with the American Emigrant Company, of Connecticut, for the sale of the Cherokee Neutral Lands. Secretary Browning regarded this sale as illegal, and, on the 9th of October, 1867, he made a contract to sell the lands to James F. Joy. It is now agreed, April 27th, 1868, that the American Emigrant Company shall assign its contract to Joy, and the contract is reaffirmed and declared valid, as herein modified; the contract between Browning and Joy is cancelled. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 483 MAY 5.- D. W. Wilder returns to the Leavenworth Conservative. MAY 5.- D. L. Moody, the famous Chicago revivalist, speaks in Laing's Hall, Leavenworth, to immense audiences. MAY 14.-Wm. A. Phillips announces that the Cherokee Neutral Land Commissioners have finished their labors in the field, and will send their plats to Washington. MAY 16.-President Johnson acquitted. Senator Ross voted against impeachment. MAY 20. —Republican Convention at Chicago. Grant and Colfax nominated for President and Vice President. MAY 20.-Houston Nesbitt and H. H. Stafford begin the publication of the Jefferson County Democrat, at Oskaloosa. MAY 27.-Treaty with the Osage Indians, selling their land to the L. L. & G. R. R. Co., at twenty cents an acre. There are 8,000,000 acres. JUNE 3.-F. P. Baker starts the Daily Record, at Topeka. JUNE 4.-E. S. Stover, Agent of the Kaws, informs Gov. Crawford that the Cheyennes are fighting the Kaws, on the Kaw reservation. JUNE 9. —E. R. Trask starts the Register, at Oswego. JUNE.-The Senate confirms a supplemental treaty selling the Neutral Lands to James F. Joy. -The State officers memorialize the United States Senate against confirming the Osage treaty. JUNE 26.-Centre College, Kentucky, confers the degree of Doctor of Divinity on Rev. J. G. Reaser, of Leavenworth. JUNE 29.-Dr. Hartwell Carver makes a journey over the NebraskaPacific, and sends the editor of the Conservative his "blessing and benediction." Dr. Carver is called the Father of the Pacific road, having advocated it before Whitney and Benton. His first article urging a road across the continent was published in the New York Courier and Enquirer, August 11th, 1837. JUNE 29.-A letter of R. J. Hinton, in the Worcester (Mass.) Spy, gives the following statement of sales by the Government, of Kansas Indian land: Reservation. When Sold. To Whom. Acres Sold. Per Acre. Delaware............... August 31, 1866............ Len. T. Smith.........9.. 92,598.33 $2 50 Kickapoo................ August 16, 1865............ Atchison & P. P. R. R.. 123, 832.61 1 25 Ottawa................... June, 1864, to July, 1866 Different persons......... 18,405.63 2 31 Sac & Fox............... Since January 1, 1864... Hugh McCulloch......... 2, 220.76 1 73 Sac & Fox.................................................. Carney & Stevens........ 2,490.36 1 84 Sac & Fox................................................... Wm. R. McKean......... 29,677.21 64 Sac & Fox....................................... Fuller & McDonald...... 39,058 27 73 Sac & Fox.......................................... Robert S. Stevens......... 51,689. 31 71 Sac & Fox................................................. John McManus........... 142,915,90 1 09 Sac &Fox................................................... Other persons.............. 20,667,85 2 42 Kaw....................... Since January 1, 1864... J. W. McMillan........... 2, 946,59 1 16 Kaw.................................... Northrup & Chick....... 7,519. 66 1 28 Kaw.................................... Other persons.............. 23, 505, 07 1 50 Cherokee Neutral... October 9, 1867............ James F. Joy............... 800,000.00 1 00 JULY 2.-State Teachers' Association at Emporia. Officers: President, D. J. Brewer, Leavenworth; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Gorham, Emporia; Corresponding Secretary, Joseph Denison, Manhattan; Treasurer, Miss E. D. Copley, Paola; Executive Committee, B. F. Mudge, Man 484 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. hattan; D. T. Bradford, Atchison; D. H. Robinson, Lawrence; M. D. Gage, Junction City; E. F. Heisler, Wyandotte. L. B. Kellogg and H. B. Norton continued as editors of the Journal. JULY 6.- National Democratic Convention in New York. On the 9th, Horatio Seymour was nominated for President, on the twenty-second ballot. Frank P. Blair was unanimously nominated for Vice President. Thomas Ewing, jr., was a candidate for Vice President, and was defeated by Order No. 11. JULY 9.-The United States Senate passes a bill to pay the Price Raid claims. JULY 14.-A pamphlet reporting the Impeachment investigation reaches Kansas. It is claimed that a letter signed by S. C. Pomeroy and sent to James F. Legate, was forged by Mr. Luce. Thurlow Weed and Edmund Cooper, Johnson's Private Secretary, seem to have declared that the letter was genuine. The committee acquit Pomeroy of trying to sell his vote to President Johnson. JULY. —S. G. Mead starts the Eureka Herald. JULY 15.-Republican State Convention called, to meet September 9th. JULY 16.- Generals Grant and Sherman arrive in Leavenworth, and are received by General Sheridan. On the 17th there was a public reception at the Club Rooms. On the 18th the three Generals started for Denver. JULY 20.-Congress authorizes the sale of twenty acres of the Fort Leavenworth reservation, for cQal-mining purposes. JULY 20. —Congress grants the right to bridge the Missouri at Leavenworth, and at St. Joseph. JULY 22.-Dr. Wm. H. Saunders sends the Lawrence Republican the following analysis of our upland prairie soil: Organic matter................................. 11.00 Silica............................................... 69.83 Alumina........................................... 8.66 Sesquioxide of iron........................ 2.05 Potassa................................. 1.15 Soda...............................................a trace Lime.................... 3.23 Magnesia............................... 2.00 Chlorine........................................ 0.00 Sulphuric acid................................a trace Phosphoric acid................................ 2.08 1oo.oo "The lower or bottom prairie contains more organic matter. We have a soil rich in all the chemical elements necessary for a vigorous growth of vegetation." JULY 29.-Democratic State Convention at Topeka. Called to order by Thomas- P. Fenlon. W. R. Wagstaff, of Miami, temporary Chairman; P. Z. Taylor, of Davis, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: Wilson Shannon, jr., of Douglas, J. E. Clardy, of Pottawatomie, George Kingsley of Miami, P. Chitwood of Linn, Thomas P. Fenlon of Leavenworth. Committee on Organization: T. M. O'Brien of Leavenworth, R. Aldy of Johnson, John Martin of Shawnee, Adam Dobson of Franklin, Seth Clover of Miami, C. H. Armes of Ellis, A. G. Ege of Doniphan, R. C. Whitney of Davis, Samuel Hipple of Atchison. Oficers' President, Daniel Vanderslice, of Doniphan; Vice Presidents, F. P. Fitzwilliam of Leavenworth, W. T. Shirley of Miami, John B. Scott of Coffey, Thomas Dixon of Riley, D. G. Campbell of Johnson, A. Byram of Atchison, N. Hoysradt of Douglas, John A. Miller of Bourbon, S. C. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 485 Gephart of Jefferson, Reuben Riggs of Marion, J. P. Taylor, of Nemaha, G. W. Miller of Jackson, John L. Rice of Shawnee; Secretaries, P. Z. Taylor of Davis, P. H. Tiernan of Leavenworth, P. G. Parker of Johnson, Isaac B. Sharp of Wyandotte, Thomas Dolan of Atchison, A. Dobson of Franklin, P. Chitwood of Linn, A. O. Robbins of Ellsworth, W. S. Kanugh of Chase; Sergeant-at-Arms, James A. Cornell of Shawnee; Pages, Frank Rice and Charles Prodnell. Committee on Resolutions: J. W. Morris, A. G. Otis, H. S. Walsh, D. G. Campbell, J. M. Jarboe, W. H. Warner, A. McCartney, C. H. Armes, Reuben Riggs. Isaac E. Eaton read the report of the caucus on a plan of organization, as follows: "The committee of the Democratic caucus to whom was referred the subject of party organization, make the following recommendations: "1. That a committee consisting of one from each county, to be designated by the respective delegations, shall be appointed to constitute a committee on party organization, and that the postoffice address of such committee shall be reported to the Convention. "2. That a Central Committee of nine be appointed to serve as a State Central Committee for the ensuing year. "3. That the Committee on Party Organization be instructed to cause a thorough organization of the party in the several counties of the State, and have made out a list of all the voters in their respective counties, under the designation of'Democrat,''Radical,' and'Doubtful,' and that they forward, on or before the 1st day of September next, a copy of said list, and such other information as they think may tend to advance the interests of the Democratic cause, to the Chairman of the State Central Committee." Geo. W. Glick was nominated for Governor by acclamation. Maxwell McCaslin was unanimously nominated for Lieutenant Governor. Wilson Shannon, jr., was nominated for Secretary of State. Gottlieb Schauble, of Riley, was nominated for Auditor. For Treasurer, Adam Brenner, of Doniphan, received 42 votes; Allen McCartney, of Bourbon, 93. Ross -Burns, of Shawnee, was nominated for Attorney General by acclamation. Archibald Beatty, of Wyandotte, was nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction, by acclamation. W. R. Wagstaff was nominated for Associate Justice. Charles W. Blair, of Bourbon, was nominated for Congress, by acclamation. The following Presidential Electors were selected: Leonard T. Smith, Leavenworth; P. Z. Taylor, Davis; Orlin Thurston, Allen. The following platform was adopted: "Resolved, That the Democracy of the State of Kansas in convention assembled, do hereby ratify and reaffirm the platform of principles adopted by the National Democratic Convention of July 4th, 1868, and we heartily and cheerfully endorse the nomination of Horatio Seymour, of New York, for President, and Frank P. Blair, of Missouri, for Vice President, and pledge to them our earnest and energetic support. "Resolved, That the bonded debt of the United States should be paid according to the terms of its creation, and all that portion thereof which is not designated to be paid in coin should be paid in greenbacks; that whatever money is received by the laborer for his work, by the farmer for his produce, by the soldier's widow as her pension, should also be received by all other creditors of the United States where express provision is not made by law to the contrary." 486 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. "Resolved, That the National Bank currency should be called in, and the bonds pledged for their redemption cancelled, and lawful money of the United States substituted in their place, thereby saving some eighteen millions of coin interest per annum for the redemption of the bonded debt. A "Resolved, That while we are in favor of education for all, we are opposed to mixed schools of black and white children, and are in favor of separate schools for each race. "Resolved, That we are in favor of the speedy removal of all Indians from the State, and the extinction of all Indian titles as speedily as possible, and that in the making of all treaties for the Indian-reservations in the State of Kansas, we demand that the same shall be opened to actual settlers under the homestead and pre-emption laws, and that sections 16 and 36 be secured and set apart for the public. "Resolved, That we hereby denounce the profligate expenditures of the public money of the people of the State of Kansas by the Radical party, and that we denounce as oppressive and unjust the excessive taxation that has been levied on the people of this State by that party. "Resolved, That we owe a debt of lasting gratitude to the soldiers and sailors of the United States for their services in suppressing the rebellion, and that their services will be held in grateful remembrance by the American people. Committee on Organization: Allen, W. E. Grover, Humboldt; Atchison, W. P. Waggener, Atchison; Bourbon, W. H. Warner, Fort Scott; Chase, H. L. Hunt, Cottonwood Falls; Crawford, C. H. Strong; Cherokee, Wm. W. Cooke; Davis, Robert Reynolds; Dickinson, H. C. Brown, Abilene; Doniphan, Daniel Vanderslice, Highland; Douglas, Ely Moore, Lawrence; Ellis, M. W. Soule, Hays City; Ellsworth, J. H. Kimkle, Ellsworth; Franklin, Adam Cobson, Ottawa; Jackson, Z. G. Williams, Holton; Jefferson, S. C. Gephart, Oskaloosa; Johnson, W. B. White, Olathe; Labette, Watkins, Chetopa; Leavenworth, J. L. McDowell; Linn, J. H. Barlow, Paris; Marion, Reuben Riggs, Marion Centre; Miami, Geo. Kinsley, Paola; Morris, James A. Robbins, Council Grove; Nemaha, James Taylor, Seneca; Neosho, John O'Grady, Osage Mission; Osage, N. L. Wyatt, Burlingame; Pottawatomie, J. E. Clardy, Wamego; Riley, A. B. Brookfield, Ogden; Shawnee, H. E. Norton, Topeka; Wabaunsee, E. J. Lines, Wabaunsee; Wilson, Wm. M. Brown, New Albany; Woodson, O. P. Haughawout, Neosho Falls; Wyandotte, Chas. S. Glick, Wyandotte. State Central Committee: J. L. McDowell, Leavenworth; T. M. O'Brien, Leavenworth; Robert Ferberger, Atchison; A. Byram, Atchison; Isaac B. Sharp, Wyandotte; Nicholas Hoysradt, Douglas; Hugh S. Walsh, Jefferson; A. J. Mead, Riley; N. S. Goss, Woodson. JULY 31.-Frank P. Blair is serenaded, and makes a speech in Leavenworth. He is one of the Pacific Railroad Commissioners. AUGUST 10.-Indian outrage on Spillman's Creek. Cheyennes and Arapahoes reported in the Solomon Valley. AUGUST 11.-The Atchison Champion and Free Press consolidated; John A. Martin and Frank A. Root, Publishers; Frank G. Adams retires. AUGUST 13, 14.-Ten settlers killed and four wounded, in the Solomon Valley, by Indians. Raids along the Republican and Saline. AUGUST 18.-Gen. Alfred Sully in pursuit of Indians on the Solomon. -J. B. McAfee reports eight men killed at Asher Creek. AUGUST.- Geo. T. Anthony appointed United States Collector. AUGUST 20.-Gen. Sheridan and Col. Forsyth leave Fort Leavenworth for Fort Harker. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 487 AUGUST 23.-Gen. Sheridan reports that the Indians have killed twenty citizens of Kansas, and wounded many more. He directs their forcible removal to their reservations. AUGUST 27.-Prof. Louis Agassiz, Roscoe Conkling, Ward Hunt, and other Eastern men, visit Leavenworth. Agassiz said he had never seen such good soil as he had seen in Kansas and Missouri. The peaches, apples, pears and grapes, he thought equal to any he had ever tasted. Of the Catholic Cathedral he said: "It is an anachronism; it represents the past. That great free-school building pleases me better; that represents the future. Mankind will probably continue to worship, but not in this way." He speaks of Prince Neuwied, who explored the Missouri up to the Yellowstone, and says his report is marvellous for its accuracy and ability. His Reise durch Nordamerika was published at Coblentz in 1838-43, and an English version in London, in 1843. The report is second to Lewis and Clarke in time, bhut first in geological importance. The Conservative reprints Longfellow's poem on Agassiz: "And he wandered away and away With Nature, the dear old nurse, Who sang to him night and day The rhymes of the universe." AUGUST 31.-An immense army of grasshoppers comes down to the ground in Leavenworth. No harm is done; it is a year of the greatest prosperity. SEPTEMBER 9. —Republican State Convention at Topeka. Called to.order by F. H. Drenning. Temporary Chairman, George Graham; Secretary, Alfred Gray. Committee on Credentials: S. A. Cobb, J. Stotler, J. H. Gillpatrick, C. C. Whiting, A. Low, J. T. Lanter, Alfred Spear. Committee on Permanent Organization: J. E. Hayes, Dr. Hathaway, D. Carmichael, J. S. Hidden, Gregory of Woodson, W. P. Douthitt, P. B. Maxson. Officers: President, D. R. Anthony; Vice President, Josiah E. Hayes; Secretaries, M. M. Murdock and B. J. F. Hanna. Committee on Resolutions: Joshua Wheeler, John Schott, A. G. Chase, A. Danford, J. Stotler, J. H. Gillpatrick, I. S. Kalloch, Jos. Clarke, F. W. Potter. First ballot for Governor: Geo. A. Crawford 35, James M. Harvey 31, Thos. Carney 23, T. H. Walker 1. Second ballot: Crawford 36, Harvey 30, Carney 22, Walker 1, Deckelman 1. Third ballot: Crawford 37, Harvey 28, Carney 23, Phillips 1, Walker 1. Fourth ballot: Crawford 40, Harvey 25, Carney 24, Hayes 1. T. A. Osborn withdrew the name of Thos. Carney. Fifth ballot: Harvey 50, Crawford 39, Carney 1. Ballot for Congressman: Sidney Clarke 55, S. J. Crawford 12, Jas. D. Snoddy 7, T. D. Thacher 11, J. W. Scott 3. First ballot for Lieutenant Governor: C. V. Eskridge 40, C. G. Foster 31,'Geo. H. Hoyt 12, Jos. L. Speer, 5. Second ballot: Eskridge 50, Foster 31, Hoyt 5, Speer 2. Convention adjourned to the 10th. First ballot for Associate Justice: C. K. Gilchrist 22, L. D. Bailey 18, A. M. Sawyer 9, D. M. Valentine 23, John T. Burris 11, Geo. W. Gardiner 3, A. H. Horton 1. 488 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. Second ballot: Valentine 36, Gilchrist 24, Bailey 11, Sawyer 1, Burris 9, Gardiner 1. Third ballot: Valentine 54, Gilchrist 27, Burris 6, Bailey 3, Gardiner 1. For Secretary of State: Thomas Moonlight received 71 votes, and J. B. McAfee 19. For Auditor: A. Thoman 63, S. S. Prouty 23, J. R. Swallow 1. For Treasurer: George Graham 50, M. Anderson 29, John Hosick 5, John M. Funk 5, S. S. Prouty 1. First ballot for Attorney General: E. J. Jenkins 33, A. Danford 18, D. J. Brewer 18, A. L. Williams 5, John Q. Porter 5, Johnson 3, D. B. Hadley 1. Second ballot: Danford 37, Jenkins 34, Brewer 11, Williams 3, Johnson 1. Third ballot: Danford 48, Jenkins 34, Williams 3. P. McVicar was nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction by acclamation. Presidential Electors: I. S. Kalloch, D. R. Anthony, A. H. Horton. State Committee: George W. Martin, E. J. Jenkins, B. F. Simpson, P. P. Elder, T. A. Osborn, E. L. Akin, J. M. Spencer, I. N. Dow, M. M. Murdock. The following resolutions were adopted: "1. The Union Republican party of the State of Kansas, in Delegate Convention assembled, pledges its earnest and positive adherence to the principles and platform of the National Union Republican Party, adopted at Chicago, and to the nominees of the Convention, Gen. U. S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax, its most cordial and enthusiastic support. " 2. The history of the Democratic party in Kansas, from its earliest attempt to force the system of human Slavery upon a reluctant people, its systematic violation of the ballot, its perfidious apathy during the struggle for national existence, is a record of violence, cowardice and fraud. Its leaders and its principles are unchanged, and deserve alike the unqualified opposition of every citizen who believes in the supremacy of the. law and the perpetuity of free institutions.' 3. The studied and persistent hostility of the Democratic party to the prosecution of the war for the preservation of the Union, its constant and malignant efforts in the North to perplex the Government and dishearten the people, and its open and undisguised treason in the South; its position of uncompromising opposition to every measure originated for the safety of the nation; its nomination of candidates for President and Vice President who propose, if elected, to trample in the dust laws duly enacted, to disperse State governments constitutionally established, and undo the wosk of reconstruction with violence and blood, impel all friends of the Republic, with renewed energy, to rally in ardent support of the Republican party, around which the hopes of the Nation clustered in its darkest hours. "4. During the eight years of its possession of National power, the Republican party has proved itself equal to the sacred trust which the Nation confided to its charge, and' achieved results which have no parallel in the annals of the political organizations of the world. Its career has been one of beneficence to the poor, justice to the oppressed, and fidelity to those immutable principles without which a Republic is impossible. By the development of the Pacific Railroad system, it has incalculably augmented our resources, and'enlarged the national domain; by the Homestead enactments it has increased the wealth and population of the West; by the eight-hour law it has proved its loyalty to labor; by its assertion of the doctrine of expatriation it has evinced its devotion to the rights of our foreign-born citizens; by the adoption of the Fourteenth Constitutional Amendment it has irrevocably secured the results of the war, elevated citizenship, established the national credit, emancipated and enfranchised a race, and dedicated a continent to Freedom. In the future, as in the past, it will continue to advocate those measures which will promote economy, national honesty, domestic concord, and friendly relations with foreign powers, to the end that we may have a government of laws and not of men. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 489 "5. In the distribution of public lands and Indian reserves we demand the full protection of the rights of settlers, and the reservation of the 16th and 36th sections, to which the State is justly entitled, for educational purposes. Wholesalelgrants of territory to speculators and foreign corporations are unfavorable to the interests of the community, and inconsistent with the objects for which the National domain should be distributed. We especially condemn the policy of disposing of Indian reservations to railroad or land monopolies, and insist that such lands be immediately opened to actual settlers, at not more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. We demand, in the name of our frontier settlers, that the uncivilized Indians be driven from the State, and the civilized tribes be speedily removed to the Indian country. "6. To our Member of Congress, who favored and labored for the arraignment of Andrew Johnson, for high treason and misdemeanors in office, and to our Senator, who promptly pronounced him guilty thereof by his recorded vote, we extend the gratitude and thanks of a grateful people." SEPTEMBER 14.-W. S. Burke buys the Leavenworth Bulletin. -Ihn the fall, Nelson Abbott established the Atchison Daily Patriot. SEPTEMBER 14. —Governor Crawford calls for five companies of Cavalry, for three months' service on the frontier. They were soon raised, and sent to Lake Sibley, Ayersburg (in the Solomon valley), Salina, and Marion Centre. SEPTEMBER 17.-Wilder & Sleeper buy the Times, and the consolidated paper is called the Times and Conservative. SEPTEMBER 17. —Colonel Geo. A. Forsyth is surrounded by Indians, on the North Fork of the Republican, receives two nearly fatal wounds, and loses several men. Among the killed are Lieut. F. H. Beecher and Surgeon John H. Mooers. The fight lasted eight days. -P. P. Elder is elected Chairman, and M. M. Murdock Secretary, of the Republican Committee. SEPTEMBER 18. —Execution of Melvin Baughn, at Seneca. He killed Jesse S. Dennis, in 1866. -L. R. Elliott buys and consolidates the Manhattan Radical and Independent. The new paper is called the Standard. SEPTEMBER 28.-A company of Militia, raised by Governor Crawford, is marching southwest. SEPTEMBER 29.-State Fair at Leavenworth. SEPTEMBER 30.-Meeting of the Missouri Valley Associated Press. D. W. Wilder is elected President, and Geo. F. Prescott, Secretary. - Colonel T. J. Peter makes arrangements to build the A. T. & S. F. R. R. OCTOBER 1.-It is announced that the General Statutes will be delivered October 31st, and take effect after that date. -Indian outrages near Ellsworth and Fort Zarah. OCTOBER 9. -General Sheridan, near Fort Hays, calls on the Governor for a regiment to fight Indians. OCTOBER 10.-Proclamation of Governor Crawford, calling for a regiment of volunteers, for six months' service. OCTOBER 13.-Eleventh Annual Session of the Odd Fellows, at Atchison; membership, 1,575. OCTOBER 13.-Four men killed and one wounded by Indians, in the Solomon valley. Two women have been carried into captivity by Indians. OCTOBER 15.-The Leavenworth Call issued, by Joseph Clarke, Henry Buckingham, and W. H. Bisbee. 490 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. SEPTEMBER 19. —Mrs. Bassett and infant child captured by Indians, on the Solomon. OCTOBER 20.-Company A, of the Nineteenth Kansas, mustered in, at Topeka. OCTOBER 30.-John M. Haeberlein starts the Freie Presse, Daily, in Leavenworth. -A despatch from Grinnell says the Indians tore up the track, thirtyfive miles from Sheridan, and threw off six cars. NOVEMBER.-Wm. Tanner, Leavenworth, has chestnut trees eight years old fifteen feet high. NOVEMBER.-The Springfield, Mass., Republican says: "Prof. Agassiz is fairly seething with enthusiasm over his visit to Kansas. All Brazil was nothing to what he has seen of natural beauty and scientific revelations." NOVEMBER 3.-Annual election. VOTE FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. Cbunties. a ~~~~~~~~ C'i si Allen............................................... 693 691 690 200 191 202 Anderson.......................................... 612 611 610 130 130 130 Atchison.......................................... 1,297 1,295 1,295 934 934 934 Bourbon........................................ 1,443 1,441 1,442 486 486 486,rown.................................... 691 689 690 178 178 178 Butler.......................................... 135 135 135 93 93 93 Chase................................................ 243 243 243 71 71 71 Chase.2~~~~~~43l 2431 2431 71 [ 71 [ 71 Clay.............................................. 17 175 175 21 21 21 Crawford................................ 479 479 480 265 264 264 Coffey............................................... 637 637 636 261 261 261 Cloud................................................ 100 100 100 11 11 11 Davis............................................... 371 372 373 256 258 256 Dickinson......................................... 194 194 194 98 98 98 IDoniphan........................................ 1,549 1,573 1,573 721 721 721 Douglas......................................... 2, 434 2,427 2,418 609 609 609 Ellis................................................ 68 68 68 171 171 171:Ellsworth......................................... 159 161 1 135 [ 138 135 Bllsworth.13~~~~~~9 161 I 161 I 135 138~s 135 Franklin.........................................., 030 1,03 1,060 319 317 316 Greenwood................................ 341 341 341 98 98 98 Jackson............'.......................... 553 553 553 313 313 313 Jefferson......................................... 1,268 1,268[ 1,266 724 724 724 Johnson.......................................... 1,487 1,485 1,487 723 723 723 Lahette............................................. 617 617 617 166 166 166 Leavenworth............................. 2, 671 2,623 2,664 2,330 2, 315 2,315 Linn................................................,310 1,310 1,310 415 416 416 Lyon................................................ 946 941 942 110 110 110 Marion............................................. 52 52 52 47 47 47 Marshall.......................................... 514 514 514 228 228 228 Miami.............................................. 1, 250 1,248 1,243 557 557 557 Morris............................................. 155 154 155 172 171 171 Nemaha............................ 591 591 590 272 272 272 Neosho~~~~.7....08[ 707[ 707 [409[ 411 411 Neosho................................... 708 707 707 411 Osage.................................... 422 422 422 83.83.83 Ottawa............................................. 136 136 136................................. Pottawatomie................................... 613 613 613 300 300 299 Republic.......................................... 62 62 62 3 3 3 Riley................................................ 587 587 586 130 129 130 Shawnee.......................................... 1, 351 1,348 1, 345 450 450 450 Saline............................................. 348 345 345 117 116 114 Wabaunsee....................................... 333 332 333 41 41 41 Washington...................................... 202 202 202 52 52 52 Wilson.............................................. 368 368 368 192 192 192 Woodson.......................................... 263 264 263 81 81 81 Wyandotte....................................... 569 568 568 628 628 628 Total........................................ 30,028 29,968 30,027 13,620 13,578 13,571 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 491 VOTE FOR STATE OFFICERS. GOVERNOR. LIEUT. GOV. SEC. OF STATE. AUDITO. Counties. yG rs. ~... Allen.................... 684 206 682 204 683 204 683 203 Anderson............. 609 134 606 134 613 131 613 131 Atchison.............. 1,221 1,012 1, 272 960 1,285 953 1,281 956 Bourbon.............. 1,433 492 1,434 292 1,435 491. 1,435 491 Brown................. 681 185 684 182 683 181 685 182 Butler................. 135 96 133 96 136 93 137 92 Chase.................. 243 73 218 81 243 72 243 73 Clay............. 173 22 172 22 167 22 168 22 Crawford............. 478 267 475 267 473 266 412 333 Coffey.................. 630 269 624 264 631 263 635 264 Cloud.................. 100 11 100 11 100 10 100 11 Davis................... 374 253 366 260 366 261 369 258 Dickinson........... 196 97 196 97 194 98 194 98 Doniphan............. 1,547 743 1,555 734 1,562 715 1,563 733 Douglas............... 2, 398 631 2,357 626 2, 366 646 2,374 627 Ellis..................... 49 135 40 140 48 135 49 134 Ellsworth............ 164 133 161 137 161 137 161 137 Franklin............. 1,065 320 1,043 320 1,068 278 1,066 320 Greenwood.......... 340 102 334 101 342 100 344 101 Jackson............. 536 332 547 320 545 319 547 319 Jefferson.............. 1,247 749 1,245 744 1,255 741 1,260 737 Johnson............. 1,480. 735 1,480 732 1,478 732 1,482 732 Labette............ 615 168 613 168 Leavenworth....... 2, 657 2,348 2,660 2,343 2,657 2,334 2,664 2,328 Linn................... 1,289 438 1,289 430 1,293 427 1,288 426 Lyon.............. 937 115 891 114 939 110 937 112 Marion............... 52 47 52 47 52 47 52 47 Marshall.............. 497 238 507 234 506 232 509 232 Miami.................. 1,272 570 1,166 619 1,237 568 1,244 566 Morris.............. 155 172 155 171 154 173 156 171 Nemaha.............. 579 287 585 280 586 280 586 280 Neosho............... 706 410 706 411 708 403 707 410 Osage.................. 421 83 412 83 417 83 421 83 Ottawa................. 180 5 178 6 177 6 179 6 Pottawatomie...... 597 315 595 315 599 313 599 312 Republic............. 63 3 63............ 63............ 63......... Riley................... 588 129 581 133 583 133 562 457 Shawnee............. 1,340 453 1,093 453 1, 337 438 1,328 450 Saline.................. 350 115 345 116 349 114 349 116 Wabaunsee.......... 341 43 318 40 333 37 345 41 Washington......... 202 56 202 66 201 57 201 56 Wilson................. 340 184 341 185 343 185 343 185 Woodson.............. 264 81 259 82 264 81 264 81 Wyandotte.......... 567 624 566 629 568 629 571 627.Total.............. 29,795 13,809 29, 301 13, 849 29,200 13,498 29,169 13,640 STATE OFFICERS, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, AND MEMBER OF CONGRESS. TREASURER. ATT'Y GEN'L. SUP. PUB. IN. ASSOC. JUS. MEM. OF CON. Counties. b Sc Cbo Q.. Allen................... 683 204 683 204 687 204 681 204 662 214 Anderson............ 614 131 613 133 613 130 606 133 601 131 Atchison.............. 1,278 956 1,279 956 1,281 956 1,279 905 1,269 965 Bourbon.............. 1,435 491 1, 435 487 1,434 491 1, 435 491 1,417 507 Brown................. 685 182 684 180 686 181 685 181 687 181 Butler................. 137 92 133 96 137 92 137 92 138 98 Chase.................. 243 73 139 76 243 73 240 76 240 75 Clay.................... 172 22 171 22 163 22 172 22 172 9 Crawford............ 474 267 465 267 478 267 474 267 476 265 Coffey.................. 634 264 635 264 632 266 634 264 624 270 Cloud.................. 100 10 100 11 101 10 100 5 99 10 Davis................... 366 260 365 260 366 260 366 260 365 260 Dickinson............ 194 98 194 98 195 1 97 194 97 193 98 Doniphan........... 1,562 732 1,562 733 1,563 1 730 1,564 1 607 1,556 824 492 ANNALS OF'KANSAS. [1868. STATE OFFICERS, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, AND MEMBER OF CONGRESS —CONCL'D. TREASURER. ATT'Y GEN'L. SUP, PUB. INS, ASSOC. JUS. MEM. OF CON. Counties. b a. Douglas............... 2,404 625 2,406 625 2,388 634 2,399 704 2,191 671 Ellis.................... 49 134 49 134 50 134I 49 134 51 142; Ellsworth............ 161 137 160 138 161 135 162 137 162 137 Franklin.............. 1,067 320 1,067 319 1,067 320 1,065 323 1,040' 327 Greenwood.......... 342 100 342 100 344 101 341 99 340 101 Jackson............... 550 320 546 323 551 3191 544 319 543 321 Jefferson..............1,261 734 1,260 739 1, 258 736! 1 260 739 1,244 7386 Johnson............... 1,482 737 1,483 730 1,482 7324 1,880 732 1,475 733 Labette..........589 158 Leavenworth. 2,672 2,339 2,676 2,323 2,665 2,327 2,662 2,329 2,618 2,352 Linn.................... 1,300 425 1,291 429 1,296 420 1,291 434 1,2911 426 Lyon....... 939 112 938 115 939 111 939 113 926 118 Marion............... 52 47 52 47 52 47 52 39 47 47 Marshall............. 508 233 509 213 502 232 510 232 508 231 Miami................. 1,254 566 1,253 566 1,257 567 1,193 611 1,230 572 Morris................. 155 171 155 1721 156 17111 155 170 149 173 Nemaha.............. 587 271 587 2781 586 280 587 2801 584 282 Neosho............... 708 409 708 410 707 410 707 409 679 420( Osage.................. 421 83 421 83 422 83 421 83 413 84 Ottawa................. 184 6 184 6 184 6 184 5 184 6 Pottawatomie...... 598 313 597 314 595 315 598 314 598 314 Republic.......... 63.......... 63......... 63......... 63......... 62 3 Riley.................. 585 133 385 134 587 132 585 134 574 136 Shawnee.............. 1, 331 439 1,293 485 1,333 440 1, 325 451 1,272 461 Saline.................. 350 115 349 116/ 350 1091 349 11511 348 116 Wabaunsee......... 345 40 333 53 346 41 344 41 340 42 Washington......... 201 57 201 57 201 57 201 57 202 54 Wilson................. 336 191 343 185 343 185 343 185 341 183 Woodson.............. 262 83 264 81 262 82 265 80 2641 81 Wyandotte.......... 570 627 571 626 563 633[ 568 628 560 633 Total.............. 29,338 13,544 i 29, 247 13, 588, 29,289 13,547 29,209 13,500 29, 324113, 969 VOTE FOR JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT, IN THE FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, AND FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. (p District. Counties. District. Coucnties. Q First......... Leavenworth.....2,599 2,376 Third...... Jefferson 1,261 Wyandotte......... 571 624 Shawnee............1,72 5 Wabaunsee......... 384 Total...............13, 170 3,000 Pottawatomie..... 910 -________ - _______________ - Jackson.............. 846 Total.............,153 5 District. Counties. - ~~~~~~~~~~~ Second...... Atchison............ 009 1,218 District. Counties.. Brown............... 621 225 Doniphan........... 1,363 833 s Washington...... 191 67 Republic............ 63.. Fourth... Douglas.............. 2,137 826 Nemaha............ 533 327 Franklin........... 1,038 341 Marshall.......387 343 Johnson............ 1,409 793 Total...............4,167 3,013 Total..............4 584 1,960 District. Counties. District. Counties. 1.3 ct4 Fifth......Lyon........ 808 93...... Fifth...... Greenwood... 309 49...... Osage....... 396 99...... Morris......... 149......... 174 Coffey..........496 379 Total 2,158 620 174 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 493 VOTE FOR STATE SENATORS. Counties. Namnes. e Counties. NAames. QZ I1 Doniphan... E. J. Jenkins......1452 718 14 Bourbon... M. V. Voss......... 14231123 Doniphan... W. H. Smallwood 1518 764 Crawford... M. V. Voss.........448 Doniphan... D. Vanderslice.... 754 Cherokee................I.. Doniphan... W. J. Stout......... 734 Bourbon... J.'E.IcKeighan 481 2 Atchison..... W. H. Grimes..... 1260 252 Crawford... J. E. McKeighan 271 Atchison..... S. J. H. Snyder... 1214 253 Cherokee................................. Atchison..... J.W. Forman.....1018 15 Butler........J. R. Mead....... 128 13 Atchison..... Samuel Ripple.... 961 Chase........ J. R. Mead......... 216.3 Leavenw'th. John McKee.......2690 196 Marion......J. R. Mead......... 47 Leavenw'th Wm. Larimer...../2579 232 Morris....... J. R. Mead.........138 Leavenw'th MI. Smith............[2542 271 Butler........ Isaac Sharp.......82 Leavenw'th J. A. Halderman. 2494 I Chase........ Isaac Sharp.......81 Leavenw'th J. W. Morris........]2347 Marion......]Isaac Sharp....... 45 Leavenw'th T. O'Gwartney.... 2271 Morris....... Isaac Sharp....... 186 4 Jefferson.... J. C. Bailey.........11253 514 16 Allen........ J. C. Carpenter.. 686 1695 Jefferson.... G. B. Carson........ 739 Labette J. C. Carpenter.. 653.5 Brown......... Albert G. Spear... 631 699 Neosho...... J.C. Carpenter 615 Nemaha...... Albert G. Spear... 557 Wilson...... J. C. Carpenter.. 363 Brown......... J. Martin............ 186 Woodson... J.C. Carpenter.. 265 Nemaha...... J. Martin............ 303 Allen........ F.M. Frost...... 197 Brown....... Scattering........... 4 Neosho...... F.M. Frost...... 449 Nemaha...... Scattering........... 2 Wilson......F. M. Frost......161 6 Jackson......0. J. Grover........ 549 452 Woodson... F.M. Frost...... 80 Pottawat'ie O. J. Grover........ 556 [ Labette..... C. F. Hutchings. 9 Jackson...... J. Richey...........317 17 Anderson.. E.S. Niccolls.....307 334 Pottawat'ie J. Richey....... 366 Franklin... E. S. Niccolls..... 897 7 Cloud.......... A. A. Carnahan... 81 932 Anderson.. D. W. Houston.. 391 Marshall..... A. A.Carnahan... 505 Franklin... D.W.Houston.. 479 Republic.... A. A. Carnahan 58 Anderson.. Scattering......... 1 Riley.......... A. A.Carnahan... 555 18 Coffey........ M. M. Murdock.. 641 1051 Washington A. A. Carnahan... 196 Osage......... M.M. Murdock.. 410 Cloud.......... A. Smith.............20 19 Greenwood E. Tucker.........326 1270 Marshall..... A. Smith.............[232 Lyon.........[E. Tucker.........945 Republic..... A. Smith............. 3 Greenwood Scattering......... 1 Riley.......... A. Smith.............151 20 Clay..........J. H. Prescott... 168 779 Washington A. Smith............. 57 Davis.........J. H. Prescott... 332 Riley.......... B. F. Mudge........ 2 Dickinson.. J. H. Prescott... 177.8 Shawnee..... W.H. Fitzpatrick 1087 479 Ellis.......... J. H. Prescott... 43 Shawnee..... John Martin....... 608 Ellsworth... J. H. Prescott... 147 9 Douglas...... Levi Woodard... 2399 1756 Ottawa......J. H. Prescott... 174 Douglas......0. E. Learnard... 235511718 Saline...... J. H. Prescott... 263 Douglas..... S. K. Huson........643 Waaunsee J. H. Prescott. 369 Douglas...... W. M. Nace........ 637 Clay.......... R. E. Laurenson 15 10 Johnson...... Abner Arrasmith 1445 688 Davis......... R.E. Laurenson 296 Johnson.11 D. G. Campbell... 757 Dickinson.. R. E. Laurenson 113 11 Miami.........H. H. Williams... 1217 642 Ellis.......... R. E. Laurenson 136 Miami......... E.Darniello........ 575 Elsworth..R. E. Laurenson 141 12 Wyandotte.. C. S. Glick............ 581 5 Ottawa...... R.E. Laurenson 8 Wyandotte.. S. A. Cobb...........576 Saline........ E.Laurenson 166 13 Linn.......... J. F. Broadhead... 1270 838 Wabaunsee R.E. Laurenson 19 Linn.......... R. S. Kelso, jr..432 Scattering.. 1 Linn............Scattering.......... 1 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Counties. Names..'. 1 Doniphan....................... J. S. Martin.......................... 430 245 T. J. Vanderslice.................. 185 615 2...................................... G. W. Wood.......................... 280 118 Charles Ladwick.................. 162 442 3....................................... A.J. Mowry........................ 214 30 M. Bryant............................ 184 398 4....................................... I. C. Hawkins..................... 202 22 Joseph Randolph................. 180 David Lee............................ 80 462 5....................................... David Whitaker.................. 175 17 L. A. Hoffman...........'...... 158 333 2,250 6 Atchison........................ Oliver Davis........................ 309 41 J. S. Galbraith..................... 268 557 494 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED. Counties, Names. 7 Atchison (concluded)...... A. J. Evans........................... 276 110 H. Myer................................ 166 442 8...................................... G. W. Thompson.................. 258 39 S. Hollister.......................... 219 477 9....................................... Joseph Logan........................ 280 154 J. Kirkpatrick..................... 126 406 10....................................... W. M. Hamm.................. 188 82 W. Martin............................ 106 294 2,196 11 Brown.......................... M. B. Bowers........................ 428 298 S. Smouse............................. 130 Scattering............................. 1 559 12............................ George E. Irwin.................... 130 11 J. S. Tyler........................... 119 John Meredith..................... 42 291 850 13 Nemaha........................ Samuel Lappin..................... 291 161 J. P. Koelzer............... 1......... 130 Scattering............................ 1 422 14....................................... Daniel Helphrey................... 241 58 W. S. Mathews...................... 183 424 846 15 Marshall......................... W illiam Smith..................... 444 160 Thomas Wells....................... 284 728 728 16 W ashington................... Rufus Darby......................... 179 113 W. Lovering.......................... 66 24 245 17 Pottawatomie................. P. Y. Baker........................ 546 218 J. W. W eiler........................ 328 874 874 18 Jackson......................... J. L. W illiams....................... 319 101 J. B. McComas....................... 218 537 79....................................... N. J. Allen............................ 184 61 G. W. Miller.......................... 123 307 844 19 Jefferson....................... J. B. Johnson........................ 405 233 A. J. Miller........................... 172 577 20....................................... William Crosby..................... 250 90 W. C. Butts........................... 160 410 21....................................... F. Gilluly............................. 560 165 H. S. W alsh.......................... 395 955 1, 942 22 Leavenworth................. P. H. Tiernan....................... 353 38 H. P. Scott........................... 315 668 23....................................... Josiah Kellogg......................' 379 67 G. F. Prescott........................ 312. 691 24...................................... S. Adams.......................... 538 210 J. McCarthy.......................... 322 860 25.. R, V. Flora........................... 483 180 C. Currier.............................. 303 786 26....................................... N. Palmer........................ 209 69 George B. Coffin.................... 140 349 27....................................... N. Hum ber........................... 126 25 A. G. Chase........................... 101227 28....................................... T. McIntosh.......................... 301 73 David Smith.......................... 228 529 29....................................... Joseph Howell..................... 239 44 J. L. W allace........................ 195 434 30.................................... James J. Larimer.................. 225 46 J. D. Revnerson.................... 179 404 4,948 31 Wyandotte...................H. H. W. Cook........................... 250 71 D. Ryers........................ 179 429 80...................................... Thomas Feeney..................... 426 114 D. B. Hadley........................ 312 Scattering........................ 4 742 1,171 32 Johnson....................... R. E. Stephenson.................. 641 358 J. P. Robinson...................... 283 724 33....................................... D. B. Johnson....................... 495 164 J. W atts................................ 331 826 34...................... J. T. Rankin........................ 290 134 J. M. W illis.......................... 156 446 1,996 35 Douglas.......................... James Blood.......................... 867 590 E. B. Chadwick..................... 277 1,114 36....................................... Joel Grover........................... 265 207 J. J. McGhee........................ 58 N. Cameron........................... 46. 369 37....................................... Amos W alton........................ 188 17 *H. E. Cowgill........................ 171 G. W. W ood.......................... 44 403 38....................................... A. Brundage........................ 365 326 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 495 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - CONTINUED. -r Counties. Names. ~ i 38 Douglas (continued)....... J. Deskins... 39 404 39........................... J. L. Jones..................... 165 40 W. Pennington................ 125 270 40...................................;.. L. D. Bailey........................... 236 165 H. Webber............................ 71 307 2 66341 Shawnee........................ J. Guthrie............................ 854 510 George L. Young................... 344 1 198 42....................................... Perry Tice............................ 345 201 E. Carriger............................ 142 487, 685 43 Miami.................... S. -Iymer.............................. 327 156 W. H. Willhoit....................... 498 44........................................ J. Taylor........................... 536 164 P. G. Parker....................... 372 908 45..................................... Reuben Smith............ 333 291 L. D. Williams..................... 42 375 1,781 46 Linn............................. A. G. Seaman........................ 223 205 G. Hart................................. 18 241 47...............J........................ J.. Madden........................ 225 74 J. Chitwood.......................... 151 376 48....................................... S. R. Hungerford.................. 486 303 R. S. Kelso............................ 183 669 49....................................... J. D. Snoddy........................ 258 145 H. P. Clay............................. 371 1,657 50 Bourbon......................... D. Roberts........................ 248 204 E. G. Morrell..................... 44 Scattering............................ 295 51....................................... L. Roberts............................. 263 176 J. B. Groesbeck..................... 87 350 52....................................... J. B. Moore........................... 407 341 E. Williams........................... 66 473 53............................... W. Simpson...................... 460 149 E. M. Hulett.................... 311 771 1, 880 54 Allen............................ 267 63 M. Neal................................. 204 W. S. Newbury.................... 146 617 55........................ G. B. Inge............................. 221 189 A. Allen............................... 32 Scattering............................. 1 254 871 56 Anderson....................... John Butterbaugh................. 251 77 E. P. Gilpatrick..................... 174 Scattering............................. 1 426 57................................. Charles Gregg........................ 275 275 275 701 58 Franklin................... J. McClenahan.................... 400 262 G. W. Ashby..........1............. 138 538 59....................................... T. C. Bowles....................... 646 468 A. W. Adams................... 178 824 1,362 60 Osage........................... M. B. Hupp........................... 277 184 J. Law.................................. 93 G. B. Jackson........................ 84 454 454 61 Coffey........................ J. A. McGinnes..................... 298 156 W. J. Sanders........................ 142 440 62...................E.................... E. Coffin........................... 279 119 W. Crandall........................... 160 Scattering............................ 8 447 887 63 Woodson....................... B. F. Johnson........................ 264 186 Peter Yohon........................ 78 342 342 64 Lyon............................. J. Stotler............................. 484 483 Scattering............................ 1 485 65....................................... J.M. Hunter....................... 141 26 S. G. Britton......................... 115 R. Best................................ 75 331 66....................................... C. Drake.............................. 193 193 193 1,009 67 Butler........................ T. R. Wilson.......................... 134 48 W. C. Black........................ 86 220 220 68 Chase............................ E. B. Crocker........................ 223 139 A. Miller................ 84 307 307 69 Morris.......................... H. W. McNay....................... 162 1 M. Conn............... 161 323 323 70 Wabaunsee................... S. R Weed............................ 262 139 W. Mitchell........................... 123 Scattering........................... 2 387.387 71 Davis...................... A. C. Pierce........................... 361 105 J. H. Brown......................... 256 617 617 496 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF' THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. J. 72 Riley.............................. Ed. Secrest............................ 584 451 J. T. Pritner......................... 133 717 717 73 Dickinson...................... Cyrus Kilgore....................... 188 86 E. Bar ber.............................. 102 290 290 74 Saline............................. J. Ma ltby..............................198 60 J. Hambarger........................ 138 T. Anderson.......................... 116 452 452 75 Greenwood..................... W. F. Osborn........................ 306 181 B. F. Humphrey.................. 125 Scattering 1 432 432 76 Marion........................... A.E. Case............................. 56 13 R. Riggs................................ 43 99 99 77 Wilson........................... W..F. Travis.................... 315 122 R.M. Nelson........................ 193 508 508 78 Neosho.......................... Thomas H. Butler.................. 629 176 S. L. Colter.......................... 453 1, 082 1,082 81 Ottawa........................... Wallace W. Lambert............. 96 4 James Gable.......................... 92 188 188 82 Clay.............................. M.H. Ristine....................... 98 3 J. B. McLaughlin.................. 95 193 193 84 Cloud............................. J.N. Dalrymple..................... 93 93 93 93 85 Labette.........................D. D.D. McGeath....................... 567 361 W. C. Watkins....................... 206 773 773 86 Crawford....................... James Wamsley..................... 467 202 John Hamilton..................... 265 732 732 87 Ellis............................... J.F. Wright.......................... 138 100 U. E. Thurmond................... 38 Scattering............................ 8 184 184 88 Ellsworth................... Z. Jackson....................... 185 74 J. E. New.............................. 111 J. Miller 1 297 297 90 Republic............................. 37 9 M. Schooley...28.65....................... 28 65 65 VOTE CAST FOR AMENDMENT TO SECTION 4, ARTICLE 15, OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS. Counties. For. Ag'nst Counties. For. Ag'nst Allen................................... 448 31 Leavenworth........................ 393 262 Anderson............................ 130 207 Linn.................................... 1,246 41 Atchison............................. 431 17 Lyon................................... 81 3 Bourbon.............................. 54 1,128 Marion................................. 36 1 Brown................................. 431 158 Marshall............................................... Butler................................ 36 10 Miami........................................... Chase.......................................... Morris................................. 88 55 Clay..................................... 139 4 Nemaha................................ 657 144 Crawford...................................... Neosho................................ 262 361 Cherokee..................................... Osage................................... 141 155 Coffey................................... 549 297 Ottawa..................................... Cloud.......................................... Pottawatomie....................... 700 73 Davis............................................ Republic................................................. Dickinson........................... 258 9 Riley................................... 236 323 Doniphan................................ Shawnee............................. 1,421 161 Douglas.............................. 943 590 Saline................................. 158 101 Ellis....................................... Wabaunsee.......................... 345 37 Ellsworth........................ 172 7 Wallace.......................... Franklin.............................. 273 278 Washington........................ 165 6 Greenwood......................... 196 33 Wilson.......................................... Jackson................................ 238 242 Woodson........................... 264 33 Jefferson.............................. 793 144 Wyandotte........................... 250 177 Johnson...................... 1, 677 294 Labette............................. 260 33 Total........................... 13,4.1 5,415 NOVEMBER 4.-Gov. S. J. Crawford resigns, to take command of the Nineteenth Regiment. Lieutenant Governor Green takes the oath as Governor. The regiment left camp, at Topeka, on the 5th. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 497 NOVEMBER 15.- Gen. Sheridan makes a report to Gen. Sherman, in which a complete history is given of the Indian campaign in Kansas. He demands that the War Department "have sole and entire charge of the Indians." "It is the interest of the nation and humanity to put an end to this inhuman farce. The Peace Commission, and the Indian Department, and the Military and the Indians, make a'balky team.' The public treasury is depleted, and innocent people murdered, in the quadrangular management, in which the public treasury and the unarmed settlers are the greatest sufferers." NOVEMBER 19.-Lincoln College, Topeka, takes the name of Washburn, from its benefactor, Hon. Ichabod Washburn, of Worcester, Mass. NOVEMBER 27. —Gen. Custer defeats the Cheyennes in a battle on the Washita river, near the Antelope Hills, Indian Territory. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............. $5,518 73 Insane Asylum......................... 30, 952 13 Secretary's Department............ 6,631 07 Deaf and Dumb Asylum............ 10,300 00 Auditor's Department............... 3,321 45 BlindAsylum......................... 14,222 11 Treasurer's Department............ 5,050 07 Agricultural College.................. 8,275 00 Attorney General..................... 1,250 00 Agricultural Society................. 3, 500 00 Supt. of Public Instruction....... 2,100 00 State University......................... 6,966 00 Adjutant General..................... 5,085 25 Normal School.......................... 5,186 00 Judiciary................................. 20,350 00 Transcribing Journals.............. 1,286 00 Printing........................ 35,251 10 Military expenses...................... 1,140 27 Capitol building and grounds*... 141,333 39 Miscellaneous expenses............ 1,455 80 Legislative expenses.................. 31, 068 00 Penitentiary t........................... 116,906 72 Total for 1868.................... $457,149 09 $150,000 in bonds issued for Capitol; proceeds in above, $137,180.69. t$50,000 in bonds issued for Penitentiary; proceeds in above, $45,588.35. NOVEMBER 30. —First Annual, Report of the Trustees of the Blind Asylum. The Trustees are F. P. Baker, Wm. Larimer and Frederick Speck. NOVEMBER 30.-Report of the officers of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. The Board of Trustees consists'of: A. S. Johnson, President, Mission, Johnson county; Frank E. Henderson, Secretary, Olathe; G. H. Lawrence, Treasurer, Olathe; J. K. Goodin, Baldwin City; D. L. Lakin, Topeka. NOVEMBER 30.-Superintendent McVicar, in his Report, says he has brought suit to test the constitutionality of the law giving 500,000 acres of lands to railroads; that of the 800,000 acres of Cherokee Neutral Lands, "not a single acre is reserved for the benefit of common schools;" and that no reservation was made in the Osage Treaty for the benefit of schools. He says: The following is a summary of the amount of school lands lost to the State by Indian Reservations and Trust Lands within the limits of Kansas: School lands on 16th and 36th sections of Indian Reservations - In Topeka U. S. Land District....................................................................... 159,269.44 In Cherokee Neutral Tract........................................................................... 53,000 In Neosho and Labette counties.................................................................... 55,000 In Osage Reserve, Trust Lands.................................................................... 500,000 Total acres............................................................................................. 767,269.44 DECEMBER 1.-Perry Fuller is Collector of the Port, at New Orleans. -Judge A. H. Horton, Presidential Elector, carries the vote to Washington. DECEMBER 2.-A building at Salina robbed of forty-three stand of Spencer arms and several thousand rounds of ammunition, owned by the State. 32 498 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. DECEMBER 4. —State officers accept ten miles of the St. Joseph and Denver R. 1E. Geo. W. Veale, State Agent, sells 104,632 acres to Dudley M. Steele, at $1.25 per acre -being the remainder unsold of the 125,000 acres given to the road. The railroad company draw the money ($130,790) from the State Treasurer. DECEMBER 8.-The Catholic Cathedral, at Leavenworth, dedicated. -F. P. Baker enlarges the Topeka Daily Record. DECEMBER 13.-The Fort Scott road is completed twenty-three miles. State officers visit and accept it, and it is now entitled to 125,000 acres of State land. DECEMBER 15.-James Hanway, Daniel Underhill, and S. L. Adair, Trustees, make the Fourth Annual Report of the Insane Asylum, at Osawatomie. The new building is now occupied. W. W. Updegraff is the Steward. DECEMBER 30.-The following is copied from the Report of J. B. McAfee, Adjutant General: "The killed, as far as can be ascertained, on the border and on the plains, within the limits of this State, during the year, number from eighty to one hundred persons. "Claims of the State of Kansas against the United States Government: Military bonds of 1864.............................................................. $100, 000 00 Military bonds of 1866.................................... 40, 000 00 Military bonds of 1868............................................................. 30, 000 00 Balance due from 1861 and 1862.............................................................. 2, 990 22 Interest on above, about............................................................................. 40, 000 00 Miscellaneous claims, about........................................................................ 12, 000 00 Price Raid claims....................................................................................... 490, 000 00 Military claims of 1868, about..................................................................... 100, 000 00 W hole amount...................................................................................... $814, 990 22 "The great famine in Sweden has been causing tens of thousands to immigrate to this country; a great portion of them might, with proper effort, be secured to this State, Large'purchases have already been made in Republic, Jewell, Cloud, Mitchell, Ottawa. Lincoln, Saline and McPherson counties. Those having already settled in Republic county are very apprehensive of Indian troubles, and one raid might break up entirely the settlement and deter the others from coming to it." NINETEENTH REGIMENT KANSAS VOLUNTEERS-CAVALRY. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. COLONEL. Samuel J. Crawford...... Nov. 4, 1868 Resigned; resignation accepted, Feb. 12,1869. Horace L. Moore........... Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. LIEUT. COLONEL. Horace L. Moore........... Oct. 30, 1868 Promoted Colonel; date of com., Mar. 8, 1869. William C. Jones........... Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. MAJOR. William C. Jones........... Oct. 26, 1868 Promoted Lt. Col.; date of com., Mar. 8, 1869. Charles Dimon.............. Oct. 30, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. Richard W. Jenkins...... Nov. 4, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. Milton Stewart............. Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. SURGEON. Mahlon Bailey.............. Oct. 16, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. ASSISTANT SURGEON. Ezra P. Russell............ Oct., 20, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. Robert Aikman............ Nov. 11, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. ADJUTANT. James M. Steele............ Oct. 20, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. QUARTERMASTER. Luther A. Thrasher...... Oct. 17, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. COMMISSARY. John Johnston............. Oct. 20, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. 1868.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 499 COMPANY A. Name and Rank. Date of Msster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Allison J. Pliley........... Oct. 20, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. FIRST LIEUT. B. D. Wilson.................] Oct. 20, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. SECOND LIEUT. Raleigh C. Powell..................... Resigned, and resignation accepted, Jan. 5,'69. Joseph Beacock........... Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. COMPANY B. Name and Rank. |Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles E. Reck............Oct. 23, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. FIRST LIEUT. Henry H. McCollister... Oct. 28, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. SECOND LIEUT. Charles H. Champney... Oct. 23, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. COMPANY C. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles P. Twiss........... Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. FIRST LIEUT. Walter J. Dallas........... Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. SECOND LIEUT. Jesse E. Parsons............ Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment, April 18, 1869. COMPANY D. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. John Q. A. Norton........ Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. John S. Edie.................. Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Charles H. Hoyt............ Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY E. Name and Rank. Date of MMuster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Thomas J. Darling........ Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Wm. B. Bidwell........... Oct. 26, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Charles T. Brady. Nov. 4, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY F. Name and Rank. Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. George B. Jenness......... Nov. 4,1868 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. DeWitt C. Jenness........ Oct. 27, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. John Fellows............. Oct. 27, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. 500 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1868. COMPANY G. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles Dimon.............. Oct. 28, 1868 Promoted Major, October 30, 1868. Richard D. Lender........ Nov. 4, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Richard D. Lender........ Oct. 28, 1868 Promoted Captain. Myron A. Wood............ Nov. 4, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Myron A; Wood............ Oct. 28, 1868 Promoted First Lieutenant. Henry C. Litchfield...... Nov. 4,1868 Resigned, and resignation accepted Jan. 22,'69. James W. Brown........... Mar. 23. 1868 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY H. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. David L. Payne............ Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Mount A. Gordon......... Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Robert M. Steele............ Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY I. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Roger A. Elsworth......... Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. James J. Clancy............ Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Jamnes M. May. Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY K. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Milton Stewart.............. Oct. 29, 1868 Promoted Major. Date of com., March 8, 1869. Emmet Ryus................. Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out with regiment. FIRST LIEUT. Emmet Ryus................. Oct. 29, 1868 Promoted Captain. Charles H. Hallett......... Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out with regiment. SECOND LIEUT. Charles H. Hallett......... Oct. 29, 1868 Promoted First Lieutenant. Robert 15. Sharp............ Mar. 23, 1869 Mustered out with regiment. COMPANY L. Name and Rank. Date of Master. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Charles H. Finch......... Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. FIRST LIEUT. Henry E. Stoddard........ Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. SECOND LIEUT. Winfield S. Tilton........ Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 501 COMPANY M. Name and Rank. Date of Muster. Remarks. CAPTAIN. Sargent Moody.............. Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. FIRST LIEUT. James Graham.............. Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869, SECOND LIEUT. James P. Hurst............ Oct. 29, 1868 Mustered out, April 18, 1869. 1869. JANUARY.- Sheridan's Indian campaign is described at length in a book called: "Sheridan's Troopers on the Borders: A Winter Campaign on the Plains, by DeB. Randolph Keim. With numerous engravings. Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelinger." pp. 308. It is a well-written and handsomely-printed book. It begins with the writer's arrival in Leavenworth, in the summer of 1868, and ends with the completion of Sheridan's campaign against the Indians, in March, 1869. Forsyth's fight at Arrickaree Fork, Sept. 17, 1868, the massacres on the Saline and the Solomon, the battle of Washita, and many other interesting events, are narrated. — During the past year, Baker University has had 181 students, Washburn College 57, Episcopal Female Seminary 90. JANUARY 1. —Ward Burlingame, who was the Private Secretary of Govs. Carney and Crawford, receives the appointment from Gov. Harvey. JANUARY 12.-Meeting of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Names. Former P. O. County. Where Born. X Avocation. J. M. Harvey, Governor.. Fort Riley...... Riley............. Virginia........] 35 Farmer. C. V. Eskridge, Lt. Gov... Emporia..... Lyon............. Virginia....... 37 Mercha't. T. Moonlight, Sec. of State Leavenworth. Leavenworth Scotland...... 35 A. Danford, Att'y Gen..... Fort Scott...... Bourbon..... New Hamp... 39 Attorn'y. P. McVicar, Sp't Pub.Inst. Topeka......... Shawnee........ NewBrunsw. 39'Minister. Geo. Graham, Treasurer.. Seneca... Nemaha........ New York.... 49 Mercha't. A. Thoman, Aud. of State Lawrence...... Douglas......... Switzerland.. 39 Farmer. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. Former P.O. County. Where Born. Avocation. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice. Atchison... Atchison... Massachusetts 51 Attorn'y. J. Safford, Associate Justice. Topeka..... Shawnee... Vermont.........1 Lawyer. D. M. Valentine, Asso. Justice Ottawa...... Franklin... Ohio.............. 38 Lawyer. JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURTS. Names. Districts. P. O. Address. County. H. W. Ide............................... First............... Leavenworth Leavenworth. Nathan Price..................... Second............ Troy.................. Doniphan. John T. Morton................................ Third.............. Topeka.............. Shawnee. Owen A. Bassett............................... Fourth............ Lawrence...... Douglas. J. H. Watson.................................... Fifth.......... Emporia............ Lyon. D. P. Lowe....................... Sixth......... Mound City........ Linn. John R. Goodin............................... Seventh... Humboldt.......... Allen. James Humphrey............................. Eighth............ Manhattan......... Riley. William. R. Brown............................ Ninth.............. Cottonwood Falls Chase. John T. Burris................................. Tenth.............. Olathe................ Johnson. -Barzillai Gray, Judge Criminal Court, Leavenworth county. 502 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1869. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born. Avocation. Eskridge, C. V., President Emporia......... Lyon...t....... Virginia.... 37 Merchant. Arrasmith, Abner............ Olathe........... Johnson....... Kentucky.. 56 Farmer. Bailey, J. C.................... Perryville...... Jefferson...... Penn........ 34 Merchant. Broadhead, J. F.............. Mound City..... Linn............ New York. 38 Lawyer. Carnahan, A. A............... Clyde............ Cloud........... Ohio......... 30 Attorney. Carpenter, John C............ Erie............... Neosho......... Penn........ 30 Attorney. Cobb, Stephen A.............. Wyandotte..Wyandotte... Minnesota. 35 Attorney. Fitzpatrick, W. H............ Topeka........... Shawnee...... Kentucky.. 47 Farmer. Grimes, W. H.................. Atchison......... Atchison....... Maryland.. 65 Physician. Grover, 0. J..................... Savannah........ Pottawato'ie. New York. 41 Farmer. Jenkins, E. J.................. Troy............... Doniphan..... Ohio......... 35 Lawyer. Larimer, William............ Delaware T'p... Leavenw'th. Penn 59 Farmer. Learnard, 0. E................. Lawrence....... Douglas........ Vermont... 36 Farmer. Mead, James R................. Towanda....... Butler........... Vermont... 31 Farmer. Murdock, M. M...... Burlingame.... Osage........... Virginia.... 31 Editor. McKee, John........... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Missouri... 41 Civil Eng. Niccolls, E. S............ Garnett........ rt..... Anderson..... Penn........39 Farmer. Prescott, J. H.................. Salina.......... Salne......... New Hamp 38 Attorney. Schmidt, Martin............... Leavenworth. Leavenwth Germany.. are35 r Smallwood, W. H............. Wathena...........Doniphan.... Kentu cky.. 27 Farmer. Snyder, S.J.H................. Monrovia........ Atchison...... Maryland.. 56 Farmer. Spear, A. G...................Hiawatha..... Brown........ Ohion......... 33 Farmer. Tucker, Edwin................. ureka.......... Greenwood Vermont... 32 Farmer. Voss, M. V....................... F ort Sc ott......... Bourbon...... Ohio......... 30 Attorney. Williams, H., H............... Osawatomie Miami........ New York. 40 Merchant. Woodard, Levi................... Eudora........... Douglas........ Indiana..... 3 Farmer. Geo. C. Crowther, Secy........ Irwin.............. Marshall...... Conn......... 1 Editor. J. D. GilEchrist, As't Secy.I Oskaloosa........ Jefferson...... New Hamp 28 Attorney. D. M. Bronson, Jour' l Clik Eldorado.......... Butler........ New York. 31 Attorney. L. M. Benedict, Dock't Clk Vienna............ Pottawato'ie New York. 38 Farmer. H. H. Carr, Engros'g Cl' k Eudora......... Douglas.... Ohio......... 34 Attorney. N. Merchant, S'gt-at-Ar's Prairie City..... Franklin...... New York. 38 Farmer. George W. Weed, Doork'r Pardee......... Atchison...... New York. 33 Farmer. A. A. House, As't Doork'r Junction City.. Davis........... Ohio......... 18 Student. Edwin C Eldridge, Page... Lawrence....... Douglas. Ohio......6... Student. William H. Fletcher, Page Erie......... Neoshoe......... Indiana....15 Student. William R. Griffith, Page.. Topeka......Shawnee OS......Ohio............ Student. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. P. 0. Address. County. Where Born. Avocation. Adams, M. S., Speaker...... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. New Hamp. 42 Lawyer. Allen, N. J.................... North Heder... Jackson....... Penn........ 27 Farmer. Bailey, L. D..................... Clinton............ Douglas....... New I amp 49 Farmer. Baker, P. Y..................... Westmoreland. Pottawato'ie Illinois..... 26 Farmer. Blood, James.................. Lawrence........ Douglas........ Wisconsin 48 Farmer. Bowers, M.B................ White Clo ud.... Brown....... Pen n........ 38 Farmer. Bowles, T.C..................... Ottawa............ Franklin Ohio.........140 Lawyer. Brundage, A.................... Prairie City..... Douglas........ Penn........ 68 Farmer. Butterbaugh, J................. Garnett.......... Anderson.... Maryland.. 36 Farmer. Butler, T..................... Erie............... Neosho........ Ohio.........145 Farmer. Case, Alexander E............ Marion Centre Marion........ Penn........... Coffin, E.E....................... Le Roy....._... Coffey.......... Indiana.....]30 Cattle D'r. Cook, H.W..................... Wyandotte...... Wyandotte... Ohio.........136 Lawyer. Crocker, E. B.................. Bazaar............ Chase.......... Michigan... 30 Farmer. Crosby, William............ Grass'per Falls Jefferson...... Maine.......136 Merchant. Dalrymple, J. N............... Clyde.............. Cloud.......... Ohio.........31 Farmer. Darby, Rufus................... Washington.... Washington. Ohio.........152 Farmer. Davis, Oliver.................... Atchison......... Atchison...... Mass.........[33 Drake,C.......................... Americus......... Lyon........... Ohio.. 32 Farmer. Evans, A. J..................... Atchison......... Atchison...... Ohio.......... 40 Farmer. Feeney,T........................ Wyandotte Wyandotte... Ireland......132 Farmer. Flora, R. V...................... Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Virginia.... 55 Bricklayer. Gilluly, Francis............... Oskaloosa. Jefferson...... Mass......... 51 Farmer. Gregg, Charles................. Mineral Point.. Anderson.... New York. 41 Farmer. Grover, Joel..................... Lawrence....... Douglas........ New Jers'y 44 Farmer. Guthrie, John.................. Topeka. Shawnee...... Indiana.....[39 Attorney. Hamm, W. M......... Muscotah. Atchison...... Kentucky.. 34 Farmer. Hawkins, H.C................. Troy............... Doniphan..... New York. 38 Attorney. Helphrey, D..................... America......... Nemaha...... Ohio.........137 Farmer. Howell, Joseph................ Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. New Jers'yI 35 Farmer. 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 503' MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONCLUDED. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born. ~ Avocation. Humber, N...................... Easton............ Leavenwo'th Kentucky. 53 Farmer. Hungerford, S.............. Blooming G've Linn............ Vermont... 38 Miller. Hunter, J. M.................... Forest Hill..... Lyon............ Penn........ 31 Farmer. Hupp, M. B..................... Ridgeway........ Osage........ Ohio.........[33 Farmer. Hymer, Samuel............... Rockville........ Miami.......... Indiana.... 39 Farmer. Inge, J.- B........................ Geneva.......... Allen........... Virginia... 43 Farmer. Irwin, G. E...................... Hamlin......... Brown......... Kentucky.. 30 Physician. Jackson, Z....................... Fort Harker... Ellsworth..... Penn........42 Merchant. Jones, J. L....................... Lecompton...... Douglas........ Mass......... 38 Farmer. Johnson, J. B.................. Oskaloosa........ Jefferson..... Illinois......26 Lawyer. Johnson, D. B.................. Shawnee......... Johnson....... Ohio......... 28 Farmer. Johnson, B. F.................. Neosh5 Falls... Woodson...... Virginia.... 28 Carpenter. Kellogg, Josiah................ Leavenworth... Leavenwo'th New York. 32 Lawyer. Kilgore, Cyrus................. Abilene........... Dickinson.... Penn........55 Lawyer. Lambert, W. W................ Lindsey........... Ottawa......... New York. 34 Farmer. Lappin, Samuel............... Seneca............ INemaha....... Ohio.........[38 Farmer. Larimer, J. I.................... Leavenworth... Leavenwoth Penn........49 Farmer. Logan, Joseph.................. Monrovia........ Atchison...... Indiana.... 35 Farmer. Madden,J. JH................... Mound City..... Linn............ illinois..... 27 Farmer. Maltby, Joel..................... Salina............. Saline.......... Coun........ 55 Farmer. iMartin, J S..................... Highland........ Doniphan..... Ohio........ 38 Physician. Moore, J. B..................... Fort Scott........ Bourbon...... Illinois...... 35 Farmer. Mowry, A. J..................... Wathena......... Doniphan..... New York. 36 Farmer. McClenahan, John.......... Ottawa............ Franklin...... Ohio......... 35 Farmer. McDowell, C.C................ Wirtonia......... Cherokee...... Virginia....48 Physician. McGinnis, J. A................. Hartford......... Coffey......... Indiana.... 32'Farmer. McGrath, -............................................................... McIntosh, T..................... Tonganoxie..... Leavenwo'th McNay, H. W.................. Council Grove.. Morris......... Ohio......... 43 Saddler. Osborn, W. F................... Virgil.............. Greenwood.. Indiana..... 41 Farmer. Palmer, R. E.................... Kickapoo......... Leavenwo'th Virginia.... 24 Farmer. Pierce, A. C..................... Junction City.. Davis.......... New York. 33 Lawyer. Porter, J.Q..................... Humboldt....... Allen............]Indiana.... Lawyer. Rankin, J. T.................... Spring Hill...... Johnson....... Tennessee 46 Merchant. Ristine, M.H................... Clay Centre..... Clay............. Indiana....50 Carpenter. Roberts, D. D................... Fort Lincoln... Bourbon...... Indiana.... 31 Farmer. Roberts, L......................... Dayton............ Bourbon....... New York. 60 Farmer. Seaman, A. G................... Jackson......... Linn......... New York. 34 Farmer. Secrest, E........................ Randolph........ Riley........... Switzerl'd.. 36 Farmer. Simpson, William............Crawford...... Illinois..... 31 Farmer. Smith, W. H....................Barrett............ Marshall..... Penn........ 26 Loafer. Smith, R.......................... Osawatomie.... Miami.......... England.... 36 Farmer.,Snoddy, J..................... Mound City..... Linn............ Penn........ 30 Attorney. Stevenson, R. E............... Olathe........... Johnson....... Illinois.....29 Farmer. Stotler, Jacob.................. Emporia......... Lyon........... Maryland.. 35 Printer. Taylor, T. J..................... Paola.............. Miami......... Virginia.... 67 Minister.'Tice, Perry...................... Topeka............ Shawnee... Penn......... 47 Farmer. Tiernan, P.................. Leavenworth... Leavenwo'th Missouri... 27 Printer. Thompson, G. W.............. Atchison......... Atchison...... Kentucky.. 41 Farmer.'Travis, W. F..................... Coyville........... Wilson......... Ohio......... 38 Farmer. Jhler, William................. Fort Wallace... Wallace........ Penn........ 41 Wheel'ght. Wamsley, James.............. Crawfordsville. Crawford..... Ohio............ Blacks'th. Walton, Amos.................. Vinland........... Douglas........ Penn.......30 Farmer. Weed, S. R....................... Alma............... Wabaunsee... Miss.......... 36 Clerk. West, R. P....;..Salt Marsh...... Republic...... Indiana..... 38 Minister. Whitaker, David.............. Doniphan......... Doniphan..... Penn........... Farmer. Williams, J. L.................. Holton............ Jackson....... Ohio......... 48 Physician. Wilson, T. R.................... Eldorado......... Butler......... Penn........]38 Farmer. Wood, G. W..................... Troy............... Doniphan..... Missouri... 27 Farmer. Wright, J. F..................... Hays City....... Ellis............ New York... Merchant. H. C. Olney, Chief Clerk.. Atchison......... Atchison...... New York. 27 Editor. J. C. Pratt, Ass'tClerk...... Madison, Wis.. Potter......... Penn........ 24 Surveyor..J. H. Mayhan, Jour. Clerk Abilene........... Dickinson... Ohio......... 30 Lawyer. W. H. Cox, Ass't Jour. Cl'k Abilene........... Dickinson... Kentucky.. 27 Dentist. M. -R. Moore, Docket Clerk Topeka........... Shawnee...... Indiana..... 22 Clerk. MissH. R. Henry, Enr.C'k Holton........... Jackson........ Illinois...... 24 Teacher. JoshuaMitchell, Engr. C'k Centralia........ Nemaha...... Maine...... 27 Farmer. G.A. Schreiner, Serg.-at-A. Wyandotte..... Wyandotte.. Germany... 37 Pilot. John Drew, Ass't S.-at-A... Burlingame.....[Osage........... England....62 Farmer. Adam H. Beck, Doorkeep'r Ottawa............ Franklin...... Ohio......... 26 Silversth. C. S. Norton, Ass't Doork. Topeka............ Shawnee...... New York. 18 Printer. Francis J. Rice, Page..... Topeka...........|Shawnee... Indiana... 15 Student. Willie H. Davis, Page...... Topeka........... Shawnee...... Indiana..... 12 Student. Willie H.Weymouth, Page Topeka......... Shawnee..... Kansas..... 13 Carpenter. Harry Finity, Page.. Topeka........... Shawnee...... Illinois..... 17 -504 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1869. JANUARY 13. Election of the following officers of the State Agricultural Society, at Topeka: President, R. G. Elliott, of Douglas; Secretary, H. J. Strickler, of Shawnee; Treasurer, C. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee; Superintendent, Alfred Gray. Executive Committee: M. J. Alkire of Shawnee, Jas. Larimer of Leavenworth, J. W. Sponable of Johnson, Josiah Miller of Douglas, A. B. Whiting of Riley, J. N. Insley of Jefferson, Alfred Gray of Wyandotte, S. T. Kelsey of Franklin, J. W. Scott of Allen. Fair held at Lawrence. JANUARY 19.-Election of State Printer: First ballot: S. S. Prouty 23, S. D. Macdonald 6, Sol. Miller 13, W. S. Burke 7, John A. Martin 5, Jacob Stotler 12, Geo. C. Crowther 4, John Speer 12, Geo. W. Martin 7, Geo. F. Prescott 5, R. B. Taylor 3. Second ballot: Prouty 38, Macdonald 21, Miller 20, Speer 18, Prescott 5, Taylor 3, Stotler 1. Third ballot: Prouty 42, Macdonald 22, Speer 22, Miller 19, Prescott 2. Fourth ballot: Prouty 69, Macdonald 19, Speer 16, Miller 4. JANUARY 20.-State Convention of colored people, at Topeka. They ask the Legislature to memorialize Congress to provide for negro suffrage. Wm. D. Mathews, of Leavenworth, was made Chairman of a State Committee. JANUARY 20.-The seat of Charles S. Glick, Senator from Wyandotte county, is given to S. A. Cobb, contestant. FEBRUARY 4.-Woman Suffrage Convention, at Topeka. President, Mrs. E. Bliss; Vice Presidents, Rev. W. A. Starrett and Rev. D. H. Johnston; Secretaries, Mrs. D. Ogden and A. L. Winans. FEBRUARY 6.-R. D. Mobley, of Ottawa county, is appointed State Agent for the sale of railroad lands. FEBRUARY 9.-Death of Wm. Y. Roberts, at Lawrence. The Senate passes appropriate resolutions. FEBRUARY 9.-Report of Committee on Penitentiary. (Senate Journal,, pp. 294 to 300, and 526 to 529; and House Journal, pp. 524 to 530.) — Report of Adjutant General of troops raised under all calls during the war. (House Journal, pp. 506 to 516.) FEBRUARY 12.-Report of Committee on State House building expenses. (Senate Journal, pp. 359 to 363, and 608, 609.) FEBRUARY 23.-Report of Senate Committee on State Treasurer: "Your Committee beg respectfully to direct attention to the unsatisfactory character of the late Treasurer's last annual report. By that report it would appear that the permanent school fund invested is only $86,613.50, whereas your Committee found in the hands of the Treasurer, belonging to said fund, bonds amounting to $186,950, which had been turned over to the present Treasurer by the late incumbent in that office. They would further state that they found in the hands of the present Treasurer, received from the same source, bonds, belonging to the State University fund, amounting to $10,300, of which no mention whatever is made in the late Treasurer's last annual report. Your Committee are of the opinion that section 48 of'An act relating to the forms and duties of the State officers of the Executive Department,' chapter 102 of General Statutes, clearly makes it the duty of the State Treasurer, in his annual report, to present a full exhibit of the State funds of every kind and character in the custody of the State Treasurer, instead of simply an exhibit of his receipts and disbursements during the year, as presented in the-late Treasurer's last annual report.... 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 505 Your Committee desire to call attention to section 52, chapter 102 of the compiled statutes, which provides that the Governor, Secretary of State and Auditor shall con-, stitute a board of examination, whose duty it shall be, once a month at least, without previous notice, to make a thorough and complete examination of all the books, vouchers, accounts, records, bonds, securities, claims, assets, and e1Tects, which are or' should be in the treasury. And shall count all moneys in the treasury, and compare the books, vouchers, accounts, and records of the same. "Your Committee are of the opinion that the provisions of this section should be strictly complied with, as the intention of the section was to prevent any State Treasurer from loaning, speculating in, or otherwise using, the funds of the State. By' making this examination, the exact condition of the treasury, each month, would be known, and be an answer to the rumors constantly afloat of parties speculating with the funds of the State."-Senate Journal, pp. 493 to 497. FEBRUARY 27.-The Legislature ratifies the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the Un;ted States. The ratification is defective, and the amendment goes over to the next Legislature. MARCH 3.-Appointments: William S. Moorhouse, of Atchison county, Adjutant General; H. T. Beman, of Shawnee county, Assistant Adjutant General; William Burgoyne, William C. Jones, and Frank H. Drenning, Aides-de-Camp to the Commander-in-Chief; Frederick Speck, F. P. Baker, and William Larimer, Trustees of the Blind Asylum; H. H. Sawyer, Superintendent of the Blind Asylum; J. M. McClenahan, of Franklin county, and B. J. F. Hanna, of Saline county, Regents of the State Agricultural College; Harrison Kelley, of Coffey county, and E. Hensley, of Leavenworth county, Directors of the Penitentiary. MARCH.- Gov. Harvey appoints Z. Jackson, of Ellsworth county, Edson Baxter, of Saline county, and James F. Tallman, of Washington county, Commissioners under the act of March 3, to audit and report claims for losses, in 1867 and 1868, from Indian depredations. MARCH 4.-S. S. Prouty and J. B. Davis buy the Topeka Leader of J. F. Cummings. This was No. 13, vol. 4. Mr. Cummings had published this paper and the Topeka Tribune, and was in the office with Mr. Garvey when the first Topeka paper was issued —the Kansas Freeman, July 4, 1855. The last number of the Leader was probably the one issued April 8th. MARCH 4.-Legislature adjourns. Among the acts are the following: Issuing $75,000 State bonds for military expenses of 1868; Issuing $100,000 State bonds "for the purpose of providing a military contingent fund, to be used in protecting the frontier of the State" (the Attorney General, Adjutant General and Auditor are to audit the claims presented); Issuing $70,000 State bonds to aid in completing the east wing of the Capitol; Issuing $14,000 State bonds to defray expense of raising the Nineteenth Regiment; A joint resolution for a committee of five to investigate all the accounts connected with the building of the Capitol; Providing for a commission to audit Price Raid and Curtis Expedition claims; Providing for the election of a Public Printer;. For the settlement of losses from Indian raids in 1867 and 1868; Giving'certain salt lands to the Normal School; For the investigation of Penitentiary accounts; Making County Clerks assessors of railroad property; Authorizing the Governor to appoint an Agent to buy seed wheat for destitute citizens on the western frontier, and appropriating $15,000. 506 ANNALS OF KANSAS..[1869. MARCH 23.-The Secretary of State and Treasurer meet under the act of February 9, and issue bonds to pay the military expenses incurred in 1868. MARCH 30.-The first locomotive, the "C. K. Holliday," passes over the A. T. & S. F. R.,R. bridge, at Topeka. MARcH 31.-The Nineteenth Regiment is ordered to Hays City, to be mustered out. APRIL 3.-Burning of the Topeka Record office. The paper was reissued, April 6th. APRIL 7.-Congress passes a resolution, for the relief of the settlers on the Shawnee absentee lands. APRIL 10.]ly an act of Congress, in the form of a joint resolution, approved April 10, 1869, sections 16 and 36 on that part of the Osage reservation known as the Osage ceded and trust lands, have been secured to the State, for the support of public schools. This provision of the act referred to includes all of sections 16 and 36, or their equivalents, in Labette and Neosho counties, and, by a construction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, all of sections 16 and 36, or their equivalents, on what is known as the "Twenty-mile strip," on the north of the Osage diminished reserve, and extending from the west line of Neosho county through the south part of Wilson, Greenwood and Butler counties, to the west line of the Osage reserve, a distance of about two hundred and fifty miles. The amount of school lands thus secured to the State by the act of Congress of the 10th of April last, is as follows: In Labette county..................................................................................... 22, 408 acres In Neosho county..................................................................................... 20,480 acres On the Twenty-mile strip.........................................................................177,777 acres Total................................................................................................220, 665 acres — Supt. Me Vicae-'s Report. APRIL 13.-C. W. Babcock is appointed Surveyor General; Geo. W. Martin, Register of the Junction City Land office; Watson Stewart, Register at Humboldt, and G. E. Beates, of Junction City, U. S. Assessor. APRIL 14. —Henry C. F. Hackbusch, of Leavenworth, appointed Chief Clerk of Surveyor General. APRIL.-Levi Woodard, David Whitaker and T. J. Taylor meet at Topeka, to audit claims growing out of the Price Raid and the Indian Expedition under General!Curtis, in July and August, 1864. MAY.-Surveyor General's office removed from Leavenworth to Lawrence. MAY 1. —Issue of the Topeka Daily Commonwealth, by Prouty, Davis & Crane. MAY 10.-Capt. Henry King and Maj. A. W. Edwards, partners of F. P. Baker in the State Record, arrive from Illinois. MAY 14.-Geo. H. Hoyt is appointed U. S. Mail Agent, and D. W. Houston U. S. Marshal. MAY 20.-Grasshoppers in Leavenworth; reported in the Times and Conservative; no report of their appearance in other parts of the State. MAY 21.-Indian raid on the Republican. Killing and plundering of settlers on White Rock creek, Republic county. Six men and one woman killed, and two boys captured.'MAY 25.-Albert -H. Horton sworn in as U. S. District Attorney, succeeding Samuel A. Riggs. -Gov. Harvey asks Gen. Schofield to send troops to preserve peace on the Neutral Lands. 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 507 MAY 30.- Indian raid on the Saline; thirteen persons killed and wounded. MAY 31.-Gov. Harvey issues a proclamation enjoining the people of Cherokee and Crawford counties to yield obedience to the officers of the law. He asks that a detachment of troops be sent to the Cherokee Neutral Lands to assist the civil officers in the preservation of peace. JUNE. — W. S. Moorhouse, Adjutant General, stations Militia on Plum creek, Fisher creek, Spillman creek, on the Saline, on Beaver creek, on the Republican, and on Turkey creek, near the Little Arkansas. The following is copied from his Report, dated December 20th: "The following is the battalion, as originally mustered in: "Company A —Captain, A. J. Pliley; First Lieutenant, C. B. Whitney; Second Lieutenant, John Marshall; fifty-four men. "Company B —Captain, W. A. Winsell; First Lieutenant, Joseph Becock; Second Lieutenant, B. C. Lawrence; sixty-one men. "Company C —Captain, I. N. Dalrymple; First Lieutenant, H. H. Tucker; seventy men. " Company D —Captain, Richard Stanfield; First Lieutenant, Herod Johnson; sixtyfive men. "Detachment-Second Lieutenant, C. Stinson; thirty men. "iMaking an aggregate of eleven commissioned officers, and three hundred enlisted men; considerable more than the number authorized by law. This excess was caused from the fact that during the high water all communication with the frontier was cut off, and men were recruited more rapidly than I anticipated. The number was gradually reduced to one hundred and fifteen, at the final muster-out, on Nov. 20th, 1869. "The total expense of the battalion is $82,833.26." JUNE 25.-The Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Education of the City of Leavenworth is a book of 270 pages, printed by John C. Ketcheson, and the best specimen of printing yet seen in the State. The Superintendent of the schools is P. J. Williams, recently of New York. JUNE 26.-Flood in Chapman creek; thirteen lives lost. Water four feet,deep on the bottoms, at Junction City. It is a very wet and fruitful year. JUNE 29. —State Teachers' Association, at Manhattan. Officers elected: President, I. J. Banister, of Paola. Executive Comvmittee: E. F. Heisler of Wyandotte, Mrs. J. H. Gorham of Emporia, Miss E. M. Dickinson of Atchison, P. J. Williams of Leavenworth, and P. Fales of Franklin county, Recording Secretary, Miss Alice L. Norton, of Manhattan; Corresponding Secretary, Thomas C. Dick, of Jefferson county; Treasurer, Miss Lizze Ela, of Emporia. JUNE 30.-Association of County and City Superintendents, at Manhattan. Officers: President, Peter McVicar; Vice Presidents, Philetus Fales, A. D. Chambers, P. J. Williams; Secretary, E. Gale. Executive Committee: I. J. Banister, E. F. Heisler, T. C. Dick. JULY.-Publication of "The Discovery of the Great West," by Francis Parkman. It is a history of French discovery, exploration and dominion in North America. The heroes of the volume are Robert Cavalier de La Salle (born at Rouen, in 1643), Jean Nicollet (first Frenchman who penetrated to one of the northern tributaries of the Mississippi), Louis Joliet (born in Quebec, in 1645), Father Marquette, Father Hennepin, Tonty; and the Sieur de la Motte. JULY 28.-Neutral Land Settlers' meeting at Jacksonville, Neosho county. President: Dr. C. C. McDowell. Vice Presidents: Dr. Moore, of Crawford; 508 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1869 William R. Laughlin, of Cherokee; William Logan,.of Labette; and Bry — ant Purcell, of Neosho. Secretaries: C. D. Sayrs, of Crawford; J. N. Ritter, of Cherokee; J. C. Coulter, of Labette; and William H. Maguire, of Neosho. Resolutions were passed against the land-grant system; requesting Senators Ross and Pomeroy to resign; and against the claim of James F. Joy to a title in the Neutral Lands. AUGUST 4.-The Monitor and the Post, Fort Scott Dailies, are admitted to the Associated Press, and entitled to receive despatches. -United States soldiers are guarding railroad graders in Crawford county. -This is one of the railroad-bond-voting years. AuGuST.-Sale of Agricultural College lands during the month, 5,720 acres, at $4.75 per acre. The whole amount received from sales to date, $164,000. SEPTEMBER 1.-The third Price Raid Commission reports to Governor Harvey that it has allowed claims amounting to $72,380.54. These were in part Price Raid claims, and in part claims arising from the Indian Expedition of Major General Samuel R. Curtis, in July and August, 1864. -E. R. Trask starts the Pioneer, at Independence, Montgomery county. SEPTEMBER 10.-Railroad open from Leavenworth to Atchison. SEPTEMBER 15.-The National Pomological Society, at Philadelphia, by a unanimous vote, awards to Kansas its great gold medal "for a collection of fruit unsurpassed for size, perfection and flavor." SEPTEMBER 18.-Charles B. Lines writes from Philadelphia that the Kansas fruit has received the highest award. SEPTEMBER.-A "Manifesto of the People of the Cherokee Neutral Lands" issued. It is a pamphlet of twenty-two pages, and is signed by C. C. McDowell and W. R. Laughlin, of Cherokee county, and A. Perry and C. Dana Sayrs, of Crawford county. The following is copied from the pamphlet: "In 1803, our Government bought from France what has since been known as the'Louisiana Purchase,' of which the Cherokee neutral land is an integral part. "After Missouri became a State, and its western counties were being settled, for the protection of its inhabitants, the Government treated, in 1827, with the Osage Indians, for this tract of land, with the stipulation that neither the Indians nor the whites should occupy the same, thus placing a strip fifty miles north and south by twenty-five east and west as a barrier between the white and the red men. So it remained until the treaty-making power gave the Cherokee Nation the right to occupy the tract. "In 1866, by a' treaty,' they gave back the land to the United States, and attempted to do so'in trust,' and to empower the Secretary of the Interior to sell the neutral land. "One of the last official acts of the then Secretary of the Interior (Harlan) was to sell as much of the tract as was not'occupied by actual settlers at the date of the treaty,' to the'American Emigrant Company,' for one dollar per acre. "But Secretary Browning, on assuming the office, procured the opinion of Attorney Stanbery that Harlan's sale was' illegal and void;' and on that' opinion' set the sale aside. Browning then proceeded to sell the residue of the tract not'occupied by actual settlers at the date of the treaty,' to James F. Joy, of Detroit, Michigan, at one dollar per acre, although Fremont had offered one dollar and a quarter per acre for it. "The Emigrant Company threatened litigation, and matters remained secretly in negotiation until June 6, 1868, when, to the utter surprise of the settlers, a supplemental 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 509 treaty was put through the Senate, which assumed to cancel Mr. Joy's contract with Browning, and to assign to him the contract of the Emigrant Company. Such is a very brief outline of the strange transactions by which the'rings' cast lots for the garments of the settlers, and proposed to divide among themselves the gains of this most infamous of all'jobs' for robbing the settlers of the West." OCTOBER.-The North American Review of this date (vol. CIX, pp. 401, 402) contains a paper by Lewis H. Morgan, on Indian Migrations, from which the following is copied: "The most perfect display of the prairies is found in the eastern parts of Kansas and Nebraska. It is no exaggeration to pronounce this region, as left by the hand of Nature, the most beautiful country in its landscape upon the face of the earth. Here the forest is restricted to narrow fringes along the rivers and streams, the courses of which are thus defined as far as the eye can reach, whilst all between is a broad expanse of meadow-lands, carpeted with the richest verdure and wearing the appearance of artistically graded lawns. They are familiarly called the rolling prairies, because the land rises and falls in gentle swells, which attain an elevation of thirty feet, more or less, and descend again to the original level, within the distance of one or more miles. The crest-lines of these motionless waves of land intersect each other at every conceivable angle, the effect of which is to bring into view the most extended landscape, and to show the dark green foliage of the forest trees skirting the streams in pleasing contrast with the light green of the prairie grasses. In their spring covering of vegetation these prairies wear the semblance of an old and once highly-cultivated country, from the soil of which every inequality of surface, every stone, and every bush has been carefully removed and the surface rolled down into absolute uniformity. The marvel is suggested how Nature could have kept these verdant fields in such luxuriance after man had apparently abandoned them to waste. This striking display is limited to about one hundred and thirty miles in the eastern part of Kansas, and a narrower belt in eastern Nebraska." OCTOBER. —James McCahon, of Leavenworth, edits a volume of decisions of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Kansas. Published by Callaghan & Cockcroft, Chicago. pp. 298. OCTOBER 1. —Excursion on the Neosho Valley Railroad from Junction City, twenty-five miles. The road is inspected by State officers preparatory to giving it 125,000 acres of land. Robert S. Stevens is the manager of the road. -State Convention of Spiritualists, in Topeka. Dr. F. L. Crane, President; Secretary, Miss Jennie Crowe. OCTOBER 4.- Excursion on the Santa Fe Railroad, from Topeka to Burlingame. Gov. Harvey accepts the twenty-six miles. OCTOBER 27.-Railroad open to Council Grove. — Convention of colored men at Topeka. Wm. D. Mathews, President; J. W. Scott and W. R. Conner, Secretaries. NOVEMBER 2.-Annual election. VOTE FOR JUDGE IN THE TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Counties s.Hsiramsh b a' Ma j. Johnsontte............................................................. 773 728 45 -W yandotte.......................................... 924 172 752 Miami................................................................................. 1,226 113 1,113 Total............,................................................... 2,923 1,013 1,910 510 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1869. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Counties. Names. a a 1- Doniphan................... S. F. Nesbitt............................. 319 304 George W. Neal....................... 14 333 2....................A............... A. Hazen................................. 110 71 E. Fleming.............................. 39 149 3.................................... A. J. Mowry............................ 22 252 252 4...................................E. H. LeDuc............................. 220 99 F. Hartley.............................. 121 341 5......................... David Whitaker....................... 132 2 William Ege............................ 130 262 1,337 6 Atchison..................... Thomas Murphy...................... 480 480 480 7.................................... a............. A J Evans................. 273 270 RA. J. Eivans.............................. 2 W. J. Burge............................. 1 276 8;......................... J. Parsons......................... 234 60 James Stallons...............:......... 174 408 9.................................... Joseph Logan........................... 217 209' D. Campbell............................ 8 J. Robinson............................. 2 B. W. Williams........................ I 228 10.................................... E. H. Baliff............................. 167 104 D. P. Erp................................. 63 230 1 622 11 Brown........................ J. F. Babbitt.......................... 317 204 E. Bierer............................... 113 430 12......................... A. Curtis................................. 102 46 D. L. Anderson........................ 56 158 588 13 Nemaha.................. L. Hensel................................ 204 18 G. W. Collings.......................... 186 Mrs. Hawley........................... 3 William Barnes....................... 2 P. McQuaid............................ 1 J. Maston.............................. 1 397 14........................ William Morris....................... 245 117 F. A. Stickle............................ 128 373 770 15 Marshall..................... John D. Wells.......................... 378 172 J. J. Sheldon........................... 206 584 584 16 Washington................ Andrew S. Wilson..................... 182 70 Rufus Darley.......................... 112 294 294 17 Pottawatomie.............. John H. Clark......................... 387 82 Charles C. Duncan.................. 305 692 692 18 Jackson...................... J. L. Williams......................... 267 44 W. H. Dodge............................ 223 490 79........................ Byron Stewart.......................... 151 41 N. Y. Allen.............................. 110 261 751 19 Jefferson..................... Levi Wilhelm........................... 332 46 E. D. Russell........................... 286 618 20.................................... W. C. Butts........................... 213 157 Calvin Smith........................... 56 R. Riddle................................ 5 - Cowan............................. 1 275 21.................................... David Rorick........................... 392 82 D. E. L. Kretsinger.................. 310 A. F. Magrew.......................... 132 834 1,727 22 Leavenworth.............. Byron Sherry........................... 444 270 William Freeland..................... 174 618 23...................... Josiah Kellogg........................ 294 57 J. B. Zeigler............................ 237 531 24.................................... J. A. Halderman........... 343 103 E. Russell............................... 240 583 25.................................... Daniel Shire......................... 284 17 R. V. Flora............................ 267 551 26............................. Charles H. Grover.................... 134 25 J. F. Hathaway....................., 109 243 27.................................... W. F. Ashley........................... 130 30 R. A. Kelsey........................... 100 230 28................................ S. B. Stewart......................... 210 50 E. M. Harkins.....................160 Seth Hollingsworth.................. 49 419 29........... John K. Faulkner.................... 227 4 Joseph Howell......................... 223 450 30...................................J. I. Larimer................. 194 3 James Bauserman................... 191 385 4,010 31 Wyandotte.................. Vincent J. Lane................. 273 147 H. W. Cook.............................. 126 399 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 511 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED, Coounties. Names. r 80 Wyandotte (concluded) John T. Makay..................... 406 92. James Peak......................... 314 720 1,119 32 Johnson......... John T. Burris......................... 489 210 John M. Giffen......................... 279 768 33.................................... John Lusher........................... 345 187 Amos A. Fay.......................... 158 James McAuley........................ 7 A. Payne................................ 1 511 34..................................... Frederick Ridlon..................... 140 21 William Maxwell..................... 119 259 1,535 35 Douglas..................... William H. Sells....................... 434 118 Josiah Miller....................... 316 750 36....................... George Benson......................... 67 21 E. D. Ladd.............................. 46 113 37......................... Elijah Sells.............................. 176 105 Amos Walton.......................... 71 247 38.................................... A. J. Jennings......................... 111 1 11 111 39......................... W. H. Peckham....................... 100 3 J. H. Bonebrake....................... 97 197 40.................................... William B. Disbrow................. 90 90 90 1,508 41 Shawnee..................... John Guthrie.......................... 895 895 895 42......................... John W. Brown........................ 291 204 James Fletcher........................ 87 378 79......................... Byron Stewart........................ 23 23 23 1,296 43 Miami........................ Reuben Smith.......................... 188 74 Johnson Clark......................... 114 302 44......................... E. H. Topping......................... 510 314 J. W. Gossett........................... 196 II. Torrey................................ 110 816 45......................... C. W. Green..................15........ 3 85 A. Ellis................................... 68 221 1, 339 46 Linn........................ John Dixon.................. 103 82 O. D. Harmon........................ 21 Lander Redfield.............. 6 130 47......................... William B. Scott..................... 93 15 Herbert Robinson.................... 78 171 48......................... J. W. Babb.............................. 175 67 Morris Howard........................ 108 N. C. Gunn.............................. 2 285 49......................... James D. Snoddy..................... 171 170 J. H. Stearns........................... 1 T. J. Bakerville.........................1 J. L. Carter............................ 1 174 760 50 Bourbon............J......... A. Tiffany........................... 135 91 D. D. Roberts......................... 44 D. B. Jackman........................ 14 193 51..................................... C.W. Libby.................... 135 129 J. B. Britton............................ 6 S. N. Northway........................ 2 John Brown............................ 1 J. A. Casteel............................ 1 145 52................................... George. Eves........................ 136 121 Scattering.............................. 1551 53.......................... W. C. Webb.............................. 434 209 J. S. Miller.............................. 225 Scattering.............................. 1 660 1,149 54 Allen.................. J. C. Redfield........................... 281 25 H. D. Parsons......................... 26 537 55......................... J. D. Hosley.......................... 126 101 A. Cozine.......................... 25 E. C. Bray.............................. 12 163 700 56 Anderson.................. John G. Lindsay...................... 188 14 George W. Cooper.................... 174 362 57........J. H. Whitford......................... 107 49 Jackson Means........................ 58 165 527 58 Franklin..................... George T. Pierce...................... 242 242 242 59......................... James Hanway........................ 465 206 William H. Clark..................... 259 D. Holaday.1................. 14 738 980 60 Osage.................... J. Wilkins....................... 323 8 John Russell......................... 315 Ellis Lewis.......................... 138 776 776 61 Coffey......................... Elihu E. Coffin......................... 24 181 512 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1869. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. 61 Coffey (concluded)....... James L. Ward......................... 64 J. M. Cole................................ 12 321 62........................ Hardin McMahon..................... 223 46 Silas Fearl................................ 179 Miss Upton.............................. 1 405 726 63 Woodson.................... H. J. Gregory........................... 184 71 C. B. Graves.......................... 113 297 297 64 Lyon.......................... Jacob Stotler............................. 559 486 R. M. Ruggles........................... 73 632 65.................... J. M. Hunter............................. 122 28 \ Oliver Phillips.......................... 94 216 66..................... Charles Drake......................... 153 152 T. C. Hill................................. 1 William Null........................... 1 155 1,003,67 Butler.................. H. Small......................... 113......... 38 H. D. Lamb............. 7.. 75 D. W. Boutwell.......................... 31 L. B. Snow............................... 2 Small................................ 2 Boutwell............................ 2 J. Boswell..........................1...... Lamb............................... 1 227 227,68 Chase..................... F. B. Hunt................................ 90 6 H. Brandley............................ 84 A. S. Howard........................... 73 H. L. Hunt.............................. 1 248 248 69 Morris..................... Charles G. Parker..................... 191 27 H. W. McNay........................... 164 355 355 70 Wabaunsee................. H. Pinkerton........................ 234 209 L. H. Pillsbury......................... 25 H. C. McKey............................. 260 260 71 Davis......................... John K. Wright........................ 317 126 R. Howard................................ 191 508 508 72 Riley........................... Edward Secrest........................ 372 41 George W. Higinbotham............ 331 William Higinbotham.......1...... 1 704 704 73 Dickinson.................. Conrad Kohler......................... 188 22 J. F. Staatz................................ 166 354 354 74 Saline........................ J. H. Snead............................ 302 72 Thomas Anderson............ 230 532 532 75 Greenwood.................. W. F. Osborn............................ 139 4 J. R. Bullion............................ 135 274 *274 76 Marion...................... Levi Billings.......................... 74 73 William Layer...................... 1 75 75 77 Wilson........................ No returns. 78 Neosho........................ Thomas H. Butler..................... 557 211 A. T. Filley.............................. 346 A. H. Holeman........................ 216 1,119 1,119.81 Ottawa........................ Wallace W. Lambert................ 112 34 Elijah Smith............................ 78 190 190 82 Clay............................ L. Gates................................... 197 165 George Taylor........................ 32 J. B. McLaughlin....................... 4 233 233 83 Cherokee................. No returns..84 Cloud....................... A. L. Shelhamer....................... 108 34 B. HI. McEckron........................ 74 182 182:85 Labette....................... No returns. 86 Crawford................... S. J. Langdon......................... 546 396 John T. Voss............................. 150 A. A. Fletcher.......................... 111 Isaac Ford................................ 21 828 828:87 Ellis.......................... J. V. Macintosh......................... 16 J. F. Wright.............................. 98 212 212.88 Ellsworth.................... John H. Edwards..................... 199 90 Z. Jackson................................ 109 William N. Anderson................ 1 309 309 89 Wallace...................... Simon Motz.............................. 137 58 Joseph Speck............................ 79 216 216 00 Republic.................... R. P. West............................... 68 13 John Manning............ 55 123 123 Montgomery (new Co.) John E. Adams.. 158 48 E. Fitch................................... 110 268 268 Total vote............................................................................. 33,310 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!...........3,1 1869.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 513 NOVEMBER 6.-Amos Sanford starts the Workingman's Journal, at Columbus, Cherokee county. NOVEMBER' 10.-Noble L. Prentis arrives in Topeka, from Illinois, and takes a position on the,Daily Record.-The Fort Scott Monitor appears as a daily. —Our New Home, a Scandinavian paper, is started at Frankfort, Marshall county. -The Kansas City Times says Quantrell was born in Maryland, "where his mother and two sisters now reside:" that while he and his brother were going through Kansas to Pike's Peak, his brother was killed, and Quantrell wounded; that Quantrell "came back to remember and avenge;" that he was shot in a skirmish, in Kentucky, and died at Louisville, in a hospital. NOVEMBER 11.-W. R. Warner and E. A. Wasser establish the Girard Press. July 14, 1871, the office was burned by a mob. The paper reappeared three weeks afterwards. A. P. Riddle bought Dr. Warner's interest, June 16, 1873. Criwford county has had three other short-lived papers. -Ex-Governor Robert J. Walker dies, in Washington, aged sixty-eight. NOVEMBER 15. —The Kansas Farmer publishes the picture called "Droughty Kansas," designed by Henry Worrall, of Topeka, and photographed by J. Lee'Knight. NOVEMBER 25.-A. D. Richardson fatally shot in New York City, by Daniel McFarland. NOVEMBER 30.-The Auditor's Report says: " The State of Kansas has, for the protection of her frontiers, already expended an amount of $346,000, and besides this assumed Price Raid claims to the amount of half a million, making a total of $846,000, which ought to be paid by the General Governmnent." NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $5, 483 50 Capitol building and grounds*.. 117, 005 01 Secretary's Department............ 8,440 54 Penitentiary........................... 106,644 83 Auditor's Department............... 4,010 10 Sheriffs conveying prisoners to Treasurer's Department............ 3,017 93 Penitentiary.......................... 2,566 49 Attorney General..................... 4,325 00 State House Commissioners...... 1,500 00 Sup't of Public Instruction....... 1,951 06 Horticultural Society............... 500 00 Adjutant General..................... 1, 552 13 Price Raid Commissioners........ 1,269 22 Judiciary Department............... 29, 230 66 Rent of Capitol Building.......... 2,000 00 Legislative expenses................. 26,102 91 Printing........................ 54,012 25 Blind Asylum........................... 10,092 80 Transcribing Journals.............. 1,343 18 Insane Asylum........................ 28,707 37 Agricultural Society.................. 3,500 00 Deaf and Dumb Asylum.......... 12, 815 23 Indian Raid Commissioners...... 477 40 State University....................... 11,993 60 Seed wheat............................... 14,117 10 Normal School........................ 9, 930 62 Miscellaneous accounts............. 2, 287 84 Agricultural College................. 9, 394 22 Total for 1869.....................$471,270 99 *Seventy thousand dollars in bonds were issued, and sold for $66,442.57, whioch is included in this amount. DECEMBER. —J. W. Foster's new book on the Mississippi Valley gives the annual rainfall in different parts of the country, as follows: Cincinnati, Ohio.................................46.69 San Francisco, Cal........................... 21.95 New York City..............42.23 El Paso, New Mexico.........................11.21 Fort Scott, Kansas.............................42.12 Fort Yuma................................. 3.15 Ann Arbor, Mich............................. 28.60 DECEMBER.-The State University has had, during the year, 143 stu33 514 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1869. dents;'the Agricultural College, 173; the Normal School, 198. Prisoners in the Penitentiary, 186; patients in the Insane Asylum, 31; pupils in the Blind Asylum, 20; pupils in the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 34. — General Phil. Sheridan makes an official report of his Indian campaign, from October 15, 1868, to March 27, 1869. -Leavenworth county paid school teachers, during the year, $34,506.96; value of school houses in the county, $] 31,336. DECEMBER 7.-The locomotive arrives in Emporia. DECEMBER 10.-John F. Dillon appointed United States Circuit Judge. DECEMBER 14. —Colonel Hoyt resigns as Mail Agent. A. Low, of Doniphan, appointed. -Adjutant General Moorhouse pays the militia. DECEMBER 14.-Third Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Society, at Ottawa. Officers elected: President, William Tanner, of Leavenworth; Vice President, C. B. Lines, of Wabaunsee; Secretary, G. C. Brackett, of Lawrence; Treasurer, S. T. Kelsey,'of Ottawa. DECEMBER 15.-John W. Delaney retires from the Junction City Union, and George W. Martin becomes sole proprietor. - State House ready for occupancy. DECEMBER 15.-The following is copied from the Report of Superintendent McVicar: "The whole number of school houses reported is 1,213; a gain of 260 over last year. A fine edifice was completed in the city of Atchison during the year, at a cost, including furniture, of about $40,000. This edifice was recently destroyed by fire. It was insured, however, for $30,000, and upon the ruins another edifice will soon stand complete. Wathena, in Doniphan county, has erected a school building at a cost of $10,000. At Troy, an edifice is in process of erection, at a cost of $8,000. Seneca, the county seat of Nemaha county, completed an edifice valued at $15,000. The city of Fort Scott has taken steps to build a house worth about $30,000. Topeka has laid the foundation for an edifice at a cost of $34,000. At Leroy, an edifice has been erected, at a cost of nearly $10,000. School houses have been built at Irving, Manhattan, Neosho Falls, Oswego, Washington, Alma, Olathe, and at many other central points in the State. In addition to these, a greater number of good school houses have been built in rural communities than in any previous year." On "the 500,000-acre case," the Report says the Supreme Court "has declined to give any decision on the main point involved, on the ground of alleged informalities in the presentation of the case." The Report says the school lands lost to the State on the Cherokee Neutral Lands amount to 50,000 acres. DECEMBER 20.-R. S. Stevens receives a patent from the Governor for lands set apart for the Neosho Valley R. R. Trains are running regularly to Emporia. DECEMBER.-The Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf road completed to Fort Scott. DECEMBER 25.-The State officers leave the old buildings on Kansas Avenue, and go into the new building on Capitol Square, the east wing of which is completed. DECEMBER 30.-The State House Commissioners report that $417,588.29 has already been expended on the State House. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 515 1870. JANUARY.-B. F. Mudge writes to the Kansas Farmer of a visit to Fort Scott: "At the farm of John G. Stuart, on the Marmaton, southwest of Fort Scott, I saw a remarkable natural curiosity, in the form of a boiling, burning spring. In sinking an artesian boring, Mr. Stuart, at a depth of 230 feet, struck a stream of gas. After.he discontinued the boring, water filled the basin; but the gas continued to rise in large quantities. This was accidentally set on fire, and has continued to burn without interruption for over two months. The gas rises with such force that the water is in a state of violent agitation, as if from the most intense heat. The flames rise from the surface of the water to the height of four to six feet, and three feet in diameter. It presents a novel and beautiful appearance." The supply of gas seems inexhaustible. Many years before, near the old Fort, the same result followed a similar experiment. JANUARY 1.-Tht L. L. & G. is graded nearly to Garnett. -Frank A. Root starts the Waterville Telegraph. -The Osage Mission Journal says White Hair, the head chief of the Osages, died on Christmas eve, at his camp on the Verdigris. JANUARY 11. -Meeting of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Names. Former P. 0. County. Where Born. X Avocations. J. M. Harvey, Governor.. Fort Riley...... Riley............. Virginia........ 36 Farmer. C. V. Eskridge, Lt. Gov... Emporia........ Lyon............. Virginia....... 38 Mercha't. T. Moonlight, Sec. of State Leavenworth. Leavenworth Scotland...... 36 A. Danford, Att'y Gen..... Fort Scott...... Bourbon......... New Hamp... 40 Attorn'y. P. McVicar, Sp't Pub.Inst. Topeka......... Shawnee........ NewBrunsw. 40 Minister. Geo. Graham, Treasurer.. Seneca........... Nemaha........ New York.... 50 Mercha't. A. Thoman, Aud. of State Lawrence...... Douglas......... Switzerland.. 40 Farmer. S. S. Prouty, State Printer Topeka..... Shawnee....... New York.... 38 Printer. D. Whitaker, Adj. Gen..... Doniphan...... Doniphan...... 34 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. ForerP.O.I County. WhereBorn. Avocation. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice. Atchison... Atchison... Massachusetts 52 Attorn'y. J. Safford, Associate Justice. Topeka.. Shawnee... Vermont......... 42 Lawyer. D. M. Valentine, Asso. Justice Ottawa... Franklin...I Ohio.39 Lawyer. JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURTS. Names. Districts. P. O. Address. County. H. W. Ide......................................... First............... Leavenworth..... Leavenworth. Nathan Price.................................. Second............ Troy.................. Doniphan. John T. Morton................................ Third.............. Topeka.......... Shawnee. Owen A. Bassett................................ Fourth............ Lawrence.......... Douglas. J. H. Watson.................................. Fifth............... Emporia............ Lyon. D. P. Lowe................... Sixth.............. Mound City........ Lnn. John R. Goodin................................ Seventh........... Humboldt.......... Allen. Wm. H. Canfield............................... Eighth............ Junction City..... Davis. William R. Brown............................ Ninth.............. CottonwoodFalls Chase. Hiram Stevens................................ Tenth.............. Paola................. Johnson. Wm. C. Webb.................................. Eleventh......... Fort Scott.......... Bourbon. -Barzillai Gray, Judge Criminal Court, Leavenworth county. 516 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names. P. O. Address. County. Where Born. Avocation. Eskridge, C. V., President Emporia......... Lyon........... Virginia........ Merchant. Arrasmith, Abner............ Olathe............ Johnson....... Kentucky.. 10 Farmer. Bailey, J. C...................... Perryville...... Jefferson...... Penn...... 4 Merchant. Broadhead, J. F............... Mound City..... Linn............ New York. 13 Lawyer. Carnahan, A. A............... Clyde............. Cloud........... Ohio........ 7 Attorney. Carpenter, John C............ Erie................ Neosho..... Penn........ 16 Attorney. Cobb, Stephen A.............. Wy...... Wyandotte... Minnesota. 12 Attorney. Fitzpatrick, W. H............ Topeka........... Shawnee...... Kentucky.. 8 Farmer. Grimes, W. H............. Atchison......... Atchison....... Maryland.. 2 Physician. Grover, O. J..................... Savannah....... Pottawato'ie. New York. 6 Farmer. Jenkins, E. J......... Troy........ Doniphan..... Ohio........ 1 Lawyer. Larimer, William........... Delaware T'p... Leavenw'th. Penn........ 3 Farmer. Learnard, O. E................. Lawrence....... Douglas....... Vermont... 9 Farmer. Mead, James R................. Towanda........ Butler.......... Vermont... 15 Farmer. Murdock, M. M................ Burlingame.... Osage........... Virginia. 18 Editor. McKee, John.................. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th. Missouri... 3 Civil Eng. Niccolls, E. S................. Garnett........... Anderson..... Penn........17 Farmer. Prescott, J. H.................. Salina............ Saline......... New Iamp 20 Attorney. Schmidt, Martin.............. Leavenworth.. Leavenw'th.. Germany.. Smallwood,'W. H............ Wathena........ Doniphan.... Kentucky.. 1 Farmer. Snyder, S. J. H................. Monrovia........ Atchison...... Maryland.. 2 Farmer. Spear, A. G...................... Hiawatha........ Brown. Ohio 5 Farmer. Tucker. Edwin................. Eureka............ Greenwood... Vermont... 19 Farmer. Voss, M. V....................... Fort Scott........ Bourbon...... Ohio......... 14 Attorney. Williams, H. HII............... Osawatomie... Miami.......... New York. 11 Merchant. Woodard, Levi:.......... Eudora........... Douglas........ Indiana 9 Farmer. Geo. C. Crowther, Sec'y..... Irwin.............. Marshall...... Conn.............. Editor. J. D. Gilchrist, As't Sec'y. Oskaloosa....... Jefferson...... NewHamp... Attorney. D. M. Bronson, Jour'l Cl'k Eldorado.......... Butler.......... New York... Attorney. L. M. Benedict, Dock't Cl'k Vienna............ Pottawato'ie New York....... Farmer. H. H. Carr, Engros'g Cl'k Eudora........... Douglas........ Ohio............ Attorney. N. Merchant, S'gt-at-Ar's Prairie City..... Franklin...... New York. Farmer. George W. Weed, Doork'r Pardee............. Atchison...... New York. Farmer. A. A. House, As't Doork'r Junction City.. Davis........... Ohio............ Student..Edwin C. Eldridge, Page... Lawrence....... Douglas........ Ohio............ Student. William H. Fletcher, Page Erie............... Neosho........ Indiana.......... Student. William R. Griffith, Page.. Topeka.... Shawnee...... Ohio..... Student. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. Dist. P. O. Address. County. Adams, John E................................................................................ Montgomery. Ashley, W. F................................. 27 Easton.............................. Leavenworth. Baliff, E. H..................................... 0 Lancaster.......................... Atchison. Babbitt, J. F................................... 11 Hiawatha........................... Brown. Babb, J. W...................................... 48........................................ Linn. Benson, George.............................. 36 Bishop, W. P.................................. O5 swego............................ Labette. Billings, Levi................................. 76 Marion Center.................. Marion. Butts, W. C..................................... 20 Grasshopper Falls.............. Jefferson. Burris, John T................................ 32 Olathe............. Johnson. Butler, Thomas H........................... 78 Erie................................. Neosho. Brown, John W.............................. 42 Auburn............................. Shawnee. Clark, John H................................. 17 Louisville.......................... Pottawatomie. Coffip, Elihu E................................ 61 Le Roy.............................. Coffey. Curtis, A......................................... 12 Carson.............................. Brown. Disbrow, William B........................ 40 Clinton............................. Douglas. Dixon, John................................... 46 La Cygne........................... Linn. Drake, Charles............................... 66 Americus......................... Lyon. Edwards, John H............................ 88 Ellsworth......................... Ellsworth. Evans, A. J..................................... 7 Atchison........................... Atchison. Eves, George P.......................... 52 Turkey Creek.............. Bourbon. Faulkner, John K........................... 29 High Prairie.................... Leavenworth. Gates, L.......................................... 82 Gatesville....... Clay. Green, C. W................................... 45 Fontana........................... Miami. Gregory, H. J................................. 63 Belmont........................... Woodson. Grover, Charles H......................... 26 Salt Creek Valley.............. Leavenworth. Guthrie, John......41....................... 41 Topeka............................. Shawnee. Hazen, A......2............................. 2 Columbus...........................Doniphan. Halderman, J. A............................ 24 Leavenworth City.............. Leavenworth Hanway, James.............................. 59 Ohio City.......................;.. Franklin. Hensel, L......................................1 13 Seneca.............................. Nemaha. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 517 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES- CONCLUDED. Names. Dist. P. 0. Address. County. Hosley, J. D.................................... 55 Ozark..............................Allen. Hunt, F. B...................................... 68 Cottonwood Falls............. Chase. Hudson, T. J................................... 77........................................ Wilson. Hunter, J. M.................................. 65 Forest Hill..................... Lyon. Jennings, A. J................................. 38 Eudora............................. Douglas. Kellogg, Josiah............................... 23 Leavenworth City............ Leavenworth. Kohler, Conrad............................ 73 Lyons.............................. Dickinson. Lambert, Wallace W.................... 81 Lindsay............................ Ottawa. Langdon, S. J................................. 86 Iowa City.......................... Crawford. Lane, Vincent J............I........ 31 Wyandotte City................. Wyandotte. LeDuc, E. H.....................4 n...... 4 T......ry........................... Doniphan. Larimer, J. I................................... 30 Leavenworth City............. Leavenworth. Libby, C. W.................................... 51 Xenia.............................. Bourbon. Lindsay John G............................. 56 Garnett.............................Anderson. Logan, Joseph................................ 9 Monrovia.......................... Atchison. Lusher, John................................. 33 Aubrey............................. Johnson. Macintosh, J. V...............................87 Hays City....... Ellis. Makay, John T............................... 80 Quindaro.......................... Wyandotte. McMahon, H................................... 62 Ottumwa.......................... Coffey. Morris, William.............................. 14 Wetmore........................... Nemaha. Mowry, A. J................................... 3 Wathena......................... Doniphan. Mot, Simon................................... 89 Sheridan...........................Wallace. Murphy, Thomas............................ 6 Atchison........................... Atchison. Nesbtt, S. F.................................... Highland......................... Doniphan. Osborn, W. F................................. 75 Virgil................. Greenwood. Parson, J....................................... 8 Mount Pleasant................. Atchison. Parker, Charles G........................... 69 Council Grove................... Morris. Peckham, W. H.............................. 39 Big Springs..................... Douglas. Pierce, George T............................. 58 Ottawa.............................. Franklin. Pinkerton, J. H.........Aue................... 70 abaunsee...................... Wabaunsee. Reddeld, J................................... 54 Humboldt........................ Allen. Ridlon, Frederick........................... 35 M Camish....................... Johnson. Rorick, David...................... 21 Perryville....................... Jefferson. Sanford, Amos................................ 83 Columbus.......................... Cherokee. Scott, William B.............................. 47 Oakwood........................... Lion. Secrest, Edward............................. 72 Randolph...........................Riley. Sells, William H.............................. 35 Lawrence........................ Douglas. Sells, Elijah.................................. 37 Baldwin City..................... Douglas. Sherry, Byron................................ 22 Leavenworth City............. Leavenworth. Shire, Daniel.................................. 25 Leavenworth City............. Leavenworth. Shelhamer, A. J.............................. 84....................................... Cloud. Small, I...................................... 67........................................ Butler. Smith, Reuben................................ 43 Osawatomie...................... Miami. Snead,.J. H.................................... 74 Salina.............................. Saline. Snoddy, James D.......................... 49 Mound City........................Lion. Stewart, Byron................................ 79 Mount Florence................ Jackson. Stewart; S. B................................... 28 Tonganoxie...................... Leavenworth. Stotler, Jacob................................ 64 Emporia........................... Lyon. Tiffany, J. A................................... 50 Barnesville....................... Bourbon. Topping, E. H................................. 44 i ola n............................... Miami. Webb, W. C.................................... 53 Fort Scott.........................Bourbon. Wells, John D................................. 15 BaIretts Mill..................... Marshall. West,. P....................................... 90 Salt Marsh........................ Republic. Whitaker, David........................... 5 Doniphan........................ Doniphan. Whitford, J. H............................... 57........................................ Anderson. Wilson, A. S.................................... 16 Washington.................... Washington. Williams, J. L................................. 18 Holton...............................Jackson. Wilhelm, Levi........................ 19 Winchester.................. Jefferson. Wilkins, J...................................... 60 Valley Brook............... Osage. Wright, John K.............................. 71 Junction City................. Davis. Hi. C. Olney, Chief Clerk.................. A......... tchison........................... Atchison. A. W. Hayes, Assistant Clerk........., H mTopeka............................. Shawnee. H. Brandley, Journal Clerk...............................................................Johnson. F. W. Watson, Docket Clerk.......................................................... Coffey. Miss Emma D. Campbell, Enr. Clerk......... Topeka........................... Shawnee. H. H. Tucker. Engrossing Clerk................ Lawrence......................... Douglas. Mrs. Sarah J. Neal, Ass't Eng. Clerk.........Atchison........................... Atchison. Geo. A. Schriner, Sergeant-at-Arms.......... Wyandotte....................... Wyandotte. M. B. Crawford, Ass't Ser.-at-Arms........... Topeka............................ Shawnee. A. H. Beck, Doorkeeper.......................... Ottawa.............................. Franklin. John Helwig, Assistant Doorkeeper.................................... Leavenworth. Willie Davis, Messenger.......................... Topeka..................... Shawnee. Ephie Smith, Messenger........................... Wyandotte....................... Wyandotte. Edward Matthews, Messenger.................. Leavenworth.................. Leavenworth. Thomas Parks, Messenger.......................... Wyandotte.......................... Wyandotte. 518 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. JANUARY 17.-Annual meeting of the Editorial Association. Address by R. B. Taylor, of the Wyandotte Gazette. JANUARY 19.-Annual meeting of the Kansas and Missouri Associated Press, at Leavenworth. The seventeen dailt papers in the Association pay for their regular despatches $14,295 a year. D. W. Wilder re-elected President, and Geo. F. Prescott Secretary. JANUARY 21.-Hiram R. Revels is elected to the United States Senate from Mississippi. He had been a resident of Leavenworth. JANUARY 26.-Disclosure in regard to ex-Collector Speer made in the Topeka Record. JANUARY 26.-Auditor Thoman makes the following statement to the House: STATE PENITENTIARY. Total amount expended during the years 1863 to 1869, inclusive.................. $442, 502 72 INSANE ASYLUM. Total amount expended during the years 1867 to 1869, inclusive.................. 67,423 50 DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. Total amount expended during the years 1862 to 1869, inclusive.................. 44,457 49 BLIND ASYLUM. Total amount expended during the years 1867 to 1869.................................. 31,814 91 Total expended................................................................................ $586,198 62 JANUARY 26.-Report of House Committee that the State Treasurer lends the State money to the Topeka Bank, and receives four per cent. on current balances. (House Journal, pp. 319 to 341.) JANUARY 31.-Report of State-House Investigating Committee. (Senate Journal, pp. 173 to 177.) JANUARY 31.-Report of Penitentiary Investigating Committee. (Senate Journal, p. 178.) FEBRUARY 1.-The Commonwealth defends the Treasurer. The Record says: "Here is a clearly-established case of open, persistent, and flagrant disobedience -virtual defiance, indeed -of the law; and a prima facie case of collusion between the Treasurer and his bankers to use the surplus money of the State for purposes of.private speculation." FEBRUARY 4.-The House appoints a Committee of five to visit the Neutral Land, and investigate the matter of sending United States troops there. The Report made fills 164 pages. FEBRUARY 14.-The House is visited by Thomas Warren, born in Virginia, February 14, 1770, and one hundred years old to-day. He came to Kansas in 1854. With Mr. Warren were Thomas C. Hannum, born in Pennsylvania, aged 84; Amos Morris, born in Pennsylvania, aged 82; Gamaliel Garlinghouse, born in New Jersey, aged 78; John Callaham, born in South Carolina, aged 75; Lewis Buckingham, born in New York,;aged 72; and Sabin Kellam, born in Vermont, aged 80. (House Journal, pp. 652-3.) FEBRUARY 16.-Appointments confirmed: John A. Halderman and J. G. Reaser of Leavenworth county, Charles Robinson of Douglas county, George A. Crawford of Bourbon county, and F. W. Giles of Shawnee 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. - 519 county, Regents of the State University; David Whitaker of Doniphan county, Adjutant General. FEBRUARY 17.-Report of House Committee on Cherokee Neutral Lands. (House Journal, pp. 735 to 894.) J. H. Snead makes a special report. (House Journal, pp. 916 to 920.) FEBRUARY 22. —The Treasurer reports that the money deposited with the Topeka Bank "has this day been withdrawn therefrom." FEBRUARY 23.-Legislative excursion to Burlington, over the M. K. & T. R. W. The Committee on Resolutions consisted of M. V. Voss, Josiah Kellogg, John T. Burris, E. J. Jenkins, J. A. Halderman, John McKee, John R. Goodin, Jacob Stotler, V. J. Lane, S. S. Prouty, Henry King, T. D. Thacher, M. M. Murdock,'J. S. Redfield, Isaac Sharp, J. W. Horner, John K. Wright, and Jos. Clarke. FEBRUARY 24.-V. P. Wilson starts the Chronicle, at Abilene. FEBRUARY 26. —Secretary Moonlight makes a report on the issue of State bonds. (Senate Journal, pp. 476-8.) FEBRUARY 28.-Report of Committee investigating Treasurer and Auditor. The majority report says: "We find that there is no authority in law for depositing the funds of the State in any local or State bank; that State funds have been so deposited by the Treasurer in the Topeka Bank, in the city of Topeka; that the Treasurer claims that it is impossible for him to perform his duties as'such officer with safety to the State, and maintain the credit of the State, without making such deposits, in order to keep the funds in a secure place, and meet the interest on the bonds of the State as it falls due in New York. [See concluding portions of Graham's testimony submitted.] Whether the necessity claimed to exist by Mr. Graham justifies the failure to comply with the law on the statute books by Mr. Graham, we do not attempt to pronounce; we simply state it is in the course of established precedent. " We find that, by the testimony, there was no agreement between the Treasurer and the Topeka. Bank, or any person for the bank, for the Treasurer, or either of them, whereby Mr. Graham was to receive interest on deposits of funds of the State; that there does appear upon the books of said bank a credit to Mr. Graham, to the amount of $1,056.70, arising from interests on deposits of State funds, which, if credited at all,;should have been placed to the credit of the State; but that such credit was made to the individual account of Mr. Graham, without the knowledge or consent of said Graham, and that he immediately caused such credit to be erased from his personal account on the books of said bank, as soon as he learned of its existence." [See testimony of Geo. G. Corning, President, J. R. Swallow, Cashier, and Geo. Graham.] The minority report says: "The undersigned is of opinion that any toleration of a disregard of the provisions of law governing public officers is demoralizing in its tendency, and destructive of that security which is absolutely essential for the protection of the funds of the State. If the law is obnoxious, the best way to get rid of it is. as has been well said by General Grant, to enforce it strictly. Official bonds are not sufficient security to protect the State, where there is not integrity and a faithful adherence to the oath of office in the discharge of the important duties imposed by law. Without the most scrupulous respect for laws by the officers charged with their execution, security is gone and legislation a farce."-Senate Journal, pp. 525 to 560. MARCH. —Beck, Follett and McClure start the Index, at Cottonwood Falls. It was published nine months, when Yale & Gifford moved it to Wichita and started the Tribune. -Publication of a book with this title: "The Early History of St. Louis and Missouri, from its first Exploration by white men, in 1673, to 1843. 520 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. By Elihu H. Shepard, formerly Professor of Languages in St. Louis College. St. Louis: Southwestern Book and Publishing Company." pp. 170. MARCH 3.-Adjournment of the Legislature. Among its acts are the following: Providing a room in the Capitol for the Agricultural Society; Authorizing Lawrence to issue $100,000 in bonds, to aid in erecting a building for the University; Authorizing the State School Commissioners to buy the Lawrence University bonds, (eighteen acts relate to bonds); Establishing a Normal School in Northern Kansas (Leavenworth); Creating the office of State Librarian, and a Board of Directors of the State Library; Incorporating the city of Wathena; Ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. MARCH 4.-T. B. Murdock establishes the Walnut Valley Times, at Eldorado. It is the oldest paper south of Emporia and west of Eureka. MARCH 24.-Annual Conference M. E. Church, at Topeka, Bishop Clark presiding. -The K. P. road is finished to Kit Carson, eighty-two miles west of Sheridan. MARCH 16.-William C. Webb appointed Judge of the new judicial district-Crawford, Cherokee, Labette, Montgomery, and Howard counties. APRIL 1.-Sidney Clarke reports to the House the arguments of James F. Joy and W. R. Laughlin, on the Cherokee Neutral Land question. It is Report No. 53, 2d Session 41st Congress, and contains 32 pages. APRIL.-The vote of the five principal cities in the State at the city election, the first week in April, stood as follows: Leavenworth, 2,859; Topeka, 1,374; Lawrence, 1,217; Atchison, 1,069; Fort Scott, 1,026. - George T. Isbell becomes local editor of the Leavenworth Conservative. APRIL 20.-Celebration at Humboldt of the arrival of the M. K. & T. R. W. APRIL 20.-John S. Gilmore starts the Wilson County Citizen. APRIL 24. —'hee Topeka Record says of the ex-Collector case that the defalcation is about $160,000, and that there has been "perjury and forgery on the part of somebody." Supervisor Marr is removed from this district, and McDonald and Joyce, of the St. Louis whiskey ring, sent here. MAY 3.7-The Normal School for Northern Kansas established at Leavenworth. MAY 5.-Three men killed by Indians on Limestone creek, Mitchell county. No other lives lost by Indian raids during the year. United States troops are stationed in the Republican, Solomon and Saline valleys. MAY 10.-Indians reported in Jewell county. MAY 10.-Seven outlaws from the Indian Territory break into the house of J. N. Roach, at Ladore, Neosho county, dangerously wound him, and outrage his two daughters. One of the ruffians was killed by his own party, in a quarrel; five others were caught by the citizens and hung on one tree. MAY 11.-Episcopalian Convention at Junction City. — Congress establishes the Arkansas Land District. -Congregationalists meet at Leavenworth. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 521 MAY 12.-Baxter Springs celebrates the completion of the Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad. - Corner-stone of Methodist church laid at Atchison. MAY 19. —Fort Scott entertains the Missouri editors. MAY 29.-The Chronicle reports 150,000 head of cattle on the way from Texas to Abilene. -Burning of the old Topeka House. MAY 31.-Henry Buckingham starts the Republican Valley Empire, at Clyde. It was the first paper printed in either the Republican or Solomon valleys. It was removed to Concordia, December 24, 1870. H. E. Smith, the present publisher, bought the Empire in November, 1872. Cloud county has had five other papers, all short-lived. JUNE. —An illustrated political pamphlet of 32 pages, published at Topeka. It bears this title: "Political Affairs in Kansas. A Review of the Official Acts of our Delegation in Congress. Shall Inefficiency and Corruption be Sustained? The Issues of the Coming Political Campaign. A new Deal and less Steal." It contains eleven wood cuts. The tract is especially aimed at S. C. Pomeroy and Sidney Clarke. JUNE 3.-Major Henry J. Adams dies, at Waterville. He was the first Free-State Mayor of Leavenworth, and one of our best public men. JuNE 4.-The Champion says Atchison has fifteen public and secret societies. JUNE 8.-Eleventh Annual Baptist Convention, at Lawrence. -The Salina Herald is enlarged. -The New Hampshire Agricultural Society grants a diploma for Kansas fruit. JUNE 13.-The first court in Sedgwick county, held by Judge Wm. R. Brown. JUNE 14.-Abram Burnett, a Pottawatomie Chief, of 406 pounds, dies, near Topeka. -Perry Fuller gives a bond, in the sum of $50,000, for his appearance to answer certain Custom-House charges against him, in New Orleans.. JUINE 18.-The United States House of Representatives passes a bill to pay citizens of Kansas for losses during the Border-Ruffian war, in 18551856. It makes the United Circuit Judge the Commissioner to receive and examine claims, and appropriates $500,000. JUNE 20. —The Sons of Temperance pass resolutions eulogizing the late Dr. Amory Hunting. -The La Cygne Journal issued. There are 1,283 miles of railroad in the State; Kansas Pacific, 454; Missouri, Kansas and Texas, 182; Union Pacific, Central Branch, 100; Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston, 64; Missouri River, Fort Scott and. Gulf, 102; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, 27; Leavenworth, Atchison and Northwestern, 21; Missouri River, 28; St. Joseph and Denver, 40. By the acts of Congress of July 1, 1862, and July 2, 1864, the Kansas Pacific Railway received, in bonds, from the Government $6,303,000; and 522 ANNALS OF, KANSAS. [1870. the Central Branch, $1,600,000. The bonds given by the Government to all the Pacific roads (under acts bearing these-dates) amounted to $64,618,832. JUNE 21.-Col. Bernard P. Chenoweth, formerly Captain of Company A, First Kansas Regiment, dies at Canton, China, where he was United States Consul. JUNE 27. —The Leavenworth Coal Company begins to take out coal. JUNE 28.-Annual Meeting of the State Teachers' Association, at Wyandotte. Officers elected: President, J. Evans Platt, of Manhattan; Recording Secretary, Miss E. M. Dickinson, of Quindaro; Corresponding Secretary, D. J. Evans, of Topeka; Treasurer, Miss Matilda J. Upton, of Burlington; Executive Committee, David Donovan, of Leavenworth; State Superintendents, M. D. Gage, of Junction City, Frank H. Snow, of Lawrence, and A. D. Chambers, of Hartford. JUNE.-U. S. Census taken. VALUE. 03: a S~E 5-, County. a a 16 I.. Allen....................... 3,082 7, 023 30, 288 $1,392,595 $64, 060 $424,468 Anderson............................. 2, 393 5,204 29,433 1,318,618 82,400 450,763 Atchison....................... 7,729 15,472 72,788 3,405,515 207,415 1,128,633 Bourbon................................. 6,101 15,102 105, 972 4, 371,975 248,070 1, 289,676 Brown.................................. 2,607 6,823 50,189 2,272, 272 118,468 457,283 Butler................................... 437 3,072 11,054 451, 955 40, 804 147,568 Chase.................................... 808 1,992 9,137 853,082- 36, 400 160, 882 Cloud................................... 2,323 94,460 552,819 40,476 166,851 Cherokee..................................... 11, 047 55,682 1,041,239 131,420 812,638 Clay...................................... 163 2,942 10, 805 619,585 49, 395 184,761 Coffey..................... 2,842 6,335 34, 420 1, 874,810 86,555 512,758 Cowley............................................. 1,174 2,327 317,120 19,461 133, 817 Crawford...................................... 8,005 60, 044 2,393,155 133, 646 705, 495 Davis................................... 1,163 5,600 23,915 782,110 36, 695 275,628 Dickinson............................. 378 3, 037 10, 924 629,707 29, 712 171,882 Doniphan.............................. 8,083 13,971 71,275 220,982 149,189 895, 582 Douglas................................. 8,637 20,582 94, 775 3,177,403 148,326 1,432,014 Ellis............................................. 2, 041........................................................ Ellsworth.................................... 1,350 2,449 111,390 9,880 51, 946 Franklin.............................. 3,030 10,406 75,587 3,322,930 177,247 947, 565 Greenwood.......................... 759 3, 485 20,130 979, 153 40, 502 312,922 Howard....................................... 2, 706 2,251 89, 280 7,205 50, 677 Jackson................................ 1,936 6,053 41,388 2,305,240 84,995 844,801 Jefferson............................... 4,459 12,526 91,004 4,218,363 172,187 1,001, 762 Jewell................................... 205 960 37, 050 3,008 21, 620 Johnson................................. 4, 364 13,725 129,435 4,545,235 210, 167 1,195,923 Labette.................................... 9,979 39,029 1,664,181 92,141 449,369 Leavenworth........................ 12, 606 32,472 106,221 5,131, 173 148,581 1,395,865 Lincoln................................. 516 1, 226 68, 050 4, 931 4,710 Lin...................................... 6, 336 12,198 89, 557 3,547,218 154,509 944,887 Lyon.......................... 197 8, 016 19,163 1, 271, 622 55,518 324,045 Marion................. 74 767 3, 201 182, 650 13, 479 105, 527 Marshall...2, 280 7,228 34, 988/ 1,549,220 79, 013 518,177 McPherson..................................... 917 3, 129 169, 499 119, 778 37, 231 Miami.................................. 4,980 11,729 95,138 3,965,724 143,810 871,316 Mitchell...................................... 498 33, 322 102, 355 19, 282 5,131 Montgomery................ 7, 613 18,743................ 32, 364 240, 261 Morris.. 770 2,218 7,821 415,496 22,460 144,818 Nemaha.. 2,436 7,296 40,416 1,956,.530 112, 877 539,341 Neosho.........1,223 38, 320 1,445,508 77, 897 446,042 Ness..................................... I................ 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 523 UNITED STATES CENSUS -Concluded. at a. VALUE. ns,. S3, k a g n & Cbunty. 3 an a Osage.......................... 1,113 7 631 28,649 $1,903,211 $106, 895 $401, 276 Ottawa................................. 2, 130 11, 342 541,510 33, 791 168,554 Pawnee....................... 1........................................................ Pottawatomie............. 1,529 7, 888 31, 642 1, 883, 120 107, 908 746,095 Republic................................. 1, 290 11, 180 334,200 19, 401 131,500 Rice....................................... 8 1, 800........................ Riley...... 1, 124 5,104 26, 076 1, 614,165 83, 216. Rooks..45.................................................. 461, 340 Rush.................................. Rush...................................... 75........................................................... Saline....................... 4,206 23,197 1, 121, 462 69,130 309, 777 Sedgwick............1................... 1, 096 3,422 259, 374 2, 137 144, 051 Shawnee............. 3,513 13,035 47, 512 4, 415, 410 176, 062 983,160 Smith...................................... 66 407 25, 200 875 9, 600 Wabaunsee............. 1, 023 3, 373 325 963, 008 62, 825 219,465 W allace....................................................................................... Washington............... 383 3, 970 9,781 413, 490 26, 054 165, 751 Wilson.................... 27 6, 494 12,808 766,070 52, 301 272,242 Woodson.................... 1, 488 3,827 10, 026 485,170 20, 960 149,700 Wyandotte............ 2, 609 10, 066 26,553 1, 411, 087 36, 371 384,439 Total...... 107,204. 362307 1,920, 610 $78,891,098 $4,202,272 $24,351,585 The increase per cent. in population of Kansas from 1860 to 1870 was 235.99. Maine and South Carolina increased less than one per cent. each in that decade. The average increase for all the States and Territories was 21.52 per cent. JULY.-A book issued, called "Gazetteer and Directory of the State of Kansas: Containing Concise Descriptions of the Cities, Towns and Villages of the State, with the Names of Professional and Business Men. With a Map. Lawrence, Kansas: Blackburn & Co., Publishers. 1870." pp. 303. The historical sketch is written by Richard Cordley. Milton W. Reynolds writes the paper on "Kansas as a Field for Immigration." Jas. R. McClure Register at Junction City, writes a land article. The following list of newspapers is given: Place. Name of Paper. Issue. Publisher or Proprietor. Abilene................ Chronicle.................... Weekly................ V. P. Wilson. Alma................... Herald........................ Weekly................ Sellers & Fairfield. Altoona............... Union........................ Weekly................ Bowser & Brown. Atchison.............. Champion and Press... Daily and Weekly. John A. Martin. Atchison.............. Patriot....................... Daily and Weekly. Nelson Abbott. Baxter Springs..... Sentinel...................... Weekly................ Lyons & Coulter. Burlingame......... Chronicle.................... Weekly................ M. Marshall Murdock. Burlington........... Patriot....................... Weekly...............A. D. Brown. Chetopa............... Advance..................... Weekly.........H...... Horner & Fitch. Columbus............ Workingman's Journ'l Weekly................ Printing Company. Council Grove...... Advertiser.................. Weekly................ Wallace H. Johnson. Cottonwood Falls. Banner....................... Weekly................ Frank E. Smith. Detroit............... Western News............ Weekly............. A. W. Robinson. Eldorado.............. Walnut Valley Times.. Weekly................ Murdock & Danford. Emporia............ News.......................... Weekly.... Stotler & Williams. Emporia:............. Tribune..................... Weekly................ Main & Nixon. Erie..................... Dispatch..................... Weekly................ imball & Benton. Eureka............. Herald........................ Weekly................ S. G. Mead. Frankfort............ Our New Home........... Weekly................ J. Andersen. Fort Scott............ Monitor..................... Daily and Weekly. George A. Crawford. 524 ANNALS OF IKANSAS. [1870. LIST OF NEWSPAPERS-Concluded. Place. Name of Paper. Issue. Publisher or Proprietor. Fort Scott............ Post........................... Daily and Weekly. Schiller & Herrington. Fredonia............ Courier............... Weekly..... J. R. Jennings. Garnett.............. Plaindealer................. Weekly................ D. E. Olney. Girard................. Press.......................... Weekly..... Warner & Wasser. Hiawatha............ Sentinel..................... Weekly................ David Downer. Holton.......... Press.......... i.............. Weekly................ A. W. Moore Humboldt........... Union........................ Weekly...............W. T. McElroy. Independence...... Pioneer....................... Weekly...............E. R. Trask. Irving.................. Recorder..................... Weekly................ Crowther & Smith. Junction City...... Union........................ Weekly................ Geo. W. Martin. Lawrence...... Republican Journal... Daily................. Kalloch,Thach'r&ReyWestern Home Jour... Weekly............ nolds. Lawrence............ Kansas Tribune...:..... Daily and Weekly. John Speer. Leavenworth...... Bulletin...................... Daily and Weekly. Wm. S. Burke. Leavenworth...... Commercial................. Daily and Weekly. Prescott & Hume. Leavenworth...... Evening Call............... Daily.................... J. Clarke & Co. Leavenworth...... Freie Presse............... Daily...................J. M. Haeberlein. Leavenworth...... Kansas Farmer........... Monthly............... George T. Anthony. Leavenworth...... Times & Conservative.. Daily and Weekly. Wilder & Sleeper. Louisville............ Gazette........................ Weekly................ P. McClosky. Lyndon............... Signal......................... Weekly................ Leslie J. Perry & Co. Manhattan.......... Standard..................... Weekly..... L. R. Elliott. Medina............... New Era..................... Weekly.............. Solomon Weaver. Mound City......... Sentinel..................... Weekly................ Nat. G. Barter. Neosho Falls........ Democrat................... Weekly..... J. B. Boyle. Netawaka............ Herald........................ Weekly................ Frank H. Stout. Olathe................. Mirror........................ Weekly................ McKee & Dempsey. Olathe................. News Letter............... Weekly................ J. A. & H. F. Canutt. Osage Mission...... Journal..................... Weekly...............J. H. Scott. Oskaloosa............ Independent............... Weekly...............J. W. Roberts. Oskaloosa............ Statesman.................. Weekly................ Ben. R. Wilson. Oswego............... Register..................... Weekly................. E. R. Trask. Ottawa................ Journal...................... Weekly................ Patterson & Hand. Paola.................. Advertiser.................. Weekly............... W. M. Mitchell. Paola................... Republican.................. Weekly................ Basil M. Simpson. Pleasanton.......... Press........................... Weekly................ Lewis & Winfree. Salina.erald........................ Weekly............... B. J. F. Hanna. Seneca................. Independent Press...... Weekly...............G. W. Collings. Seneca................. Courier....................... Weekly................ John P. Cone. Topeka......... Advertiser.................. Monthly............... Mills & Smith. Topeka.............. Commonwealth........... Daily and Weekly. Proluty, Davis & Crane. Topeka... State Record............... Daily and Weekly. Baker & King. Troy.................... Republican.................. Weekly...............C. G. Bridges. Wamego.............. Valley....................... Weekly...............T. T.. Lowe & Co. Washington........ Observer..................... Weekly.... J. J. Tallman. Waterville........... Telegraph.Weekly.... Frank A. Root. Wathena............. Reporter..................... Weekly................ Drenning & Holt. White Cloud. Chief.......................... Weekly................ Sol. Miller. Wyandotte.......... Gazette............Weekly............... F. A. Kessler. The following is copied from page 106: "The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas will meet in Atchison, on the third Wednesday in October, 1870. M. W. John H. Brown, Grand Master; R. W. E. T. Carr, Grand Secretary, both of Leavenworth. "Most Excellent Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Kansas meets in Atchison on the third Tuesday in October, 1870. M. E. Owen A. Bassett, Grand High Priest, Lawrence; R. E. E. T. Carr, Grand Secretary. "The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Kansas meets in annual conclave, in Atchison, on the third Monday in October, 1870. Sir William 0. Gould, R. E. Grand Commnander, Leavenworth; Sir E. T. Carr, Grand Recorder." There is a Masonic Lodge at Iowa Point, five at Leavenworth, one at Wyandotte, Pleasant Ridge, Atchison, three at Lawrence, Junction City, two at Fort Scott, Ottumwa, Emporia, America City, Oskaloosa, Tecumseh, Manhattan, two at Topeka, Ottawa, Olathe, Circleville, Grasshopper Falls, Paris, Baldwin City, Osawatomie, High Prairie, Le Roy, Mapleton, Humboldt, Doniphan, Auburn, Mound City, Silver Lake, Hiawatha, Council 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 525 Grove, Paola, Iola, Seneca, DeSoto, Blooming Grove, Holton, Monticello, Garnett, Easton, Xenia, Monrovia, Petersburg, Perryville, Granada, Shawnee, Troy, Spring Hill, Coyville, Mount Pleasant, Timber Ridge, Salina, Twin Springs, Oswego, Wathena, Gardner, Burlington, Frankfort, Pardee, Salt Lake City, Baxter Springs, Huron, Chetopa, Augusta, Wamego, Erie, Neosho Rapids, White Cloud, Burlingame, Cottonwood Falls, New Albany, Neosho Falls, Eudora, Lindsay, Waterville, Centralia, Clinton, Winchester, Montana, Pleasanton, and North Topeka. There are Chapters at Atchison, Leavenworth, Fort Scott, Lawrence, Topeka, Wyandotte, Ottawa, Grasshopper Falls, Oskaloosa, Olathe, Humboldt, Emporia, Manhattan, Oswego, Troy, Doniphan, and Chetopa. There are Commanderies at Leavenworth, Atchison, Fort Scott, Lawrence, and Topeka. The following is copied from pages 111, 112: "INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS.- The Grand Lodge of this order was instituted at Tecumseh, June 2, 1858. It is a movable body, meeting annually on the second Tuesday in October, at the place selected at its previous session, and composed of its officers and duly elected representatives from the subordinate Lodges. The present basis of representation is one from each Lodge of seventy-five members or less, and one for each additional fifty or fraction. The present number of Lodges is forty-eight, and number of members, three thousand. The following list will show where these Lodges are located, and the nights of meeting: Place of Meeting. Name of Lodge. No. Night. Names of D. P. G. M. Topeka.................. Shawnee.................. 1 Tuesday............ C. O. Smith. Leavenworth............. Leavenworth,........... 2 Tuesday............ Sam. F. Burdett. Wyandotte.............. Summonduwot......... 3 Monday............ Fred. Speck, M. D. Lawrence.................. Lawrence................ 4 Tuesday............ O. Sholes. Atchison.................... Friendship............... 5 Tuesday............ Wm. L. Challiss. White Cloud......... White Cloudl............. 6 Leavenworth............ Germania................ 9 Thursday........ George Walter. Paola................. Paola................ 11 Friday.............. D.B. Wilson. Burlingame.............. Burlingame............. 14 Friday.............. H. Dubois. Emporia..................... Union..................... 15 Tuesday........... John Bay. Garnett..................... Garnett.................... 16 Tuesday........... J. L. Kircheval. Manhattan................ Manhattan............... 17 Thursday......... Edgar Rogers. Lawrence.................. Halcyon......... 18 Wednesday....... James S. Crew. Seneca...................... Seneca..................... 19 Thursday......... Mound City............... Magnolia.................. 20 Saturday........... E. P. Bunn. lola........................... Iola................. 21 Tuesday............ W.S. Newberry. Fort Scott.................. Fort Scott................. 22 Monday............ W. A. Shannon. Gardner.................... Gardner.................. 23 Tuesday........... V. R. Ellis. Ottawa............... Ottawa....................24 Saturday........... H. F. Sheldon. Junction City............ Frontier.................. 25 Monday........... Geo. W. Martin. Pardee....................... Pardee............... 26 Monday.......... John Davidson. Leavenworth............ Metropolitan.. 2... 27 Friday.............. James S. Crow. Salina....................... Slina.................... 28 Thursday........ B. J. F. Hanna. Burlington................ Burlington............... 29 Tuesday............ W. H. Hickeox. Humboldt................. Humboldt............... 30 Wednesday....... J.C. Chambers. Baldwin City............. Baldwin City........... 31 Monday........... L. J. Dallas. Oskaloosa................. Eagle....................... 32 Tuesday............ L. J. Trower. Atchison.................... Schiller.......... 33 Wednesday,....... Jacob.Pohler. Holton....................... Holton..................... 34 Tuesday..........A. W. Moore. Barnesville................ Samaritan............... 35 Wednesday........ DK. Nickerson. Oswego...................... Oswego................... 36 Wednesday....... M. Read. Coyville.................. Wildey.................37 Saturday..........T. J. Hudson. Troy.......................... Troy....................... 38 Tuesday........ X. K. Stout. Le Roy......... Prairie.................... 39 Tuesday........... Abijah Jones. Topeka...................... Topeka.................... 40 Wednesday....... A. Cannon. Wathena.................... Phcenix....................41 Wednesday......P. M. Sturges. -Eudora...................... Eudora......... 42 Saturday........ F. Bernitz. 526 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. NAMES AND LOCATION OF LODGES- Concluded. Place of Meeting. Name of Lodge. No. Night. Name of D. P. G. M1. Council Grove............ Council Grove........... 43 Saturday........... Isaac Sharp. Erie.......................... Erie........................ 44 Saturday........... John Smith. Perry........................ Hope...................... 45 Monday............ David Rorick............................Neosho Rapids......... 46 Clinton..................... Clinton..................... 47 Chetopa..................... Chetopa................... 48 Neosho Falls.............. Grove.............................. J. F. Cooper. Jacksonville............... Jacksonville............. 0 Baxter Springs........... Baxter Springs......... 51 Eureka..................... Eureka..................... 52 "Degree Lodges: Lawrence, Kaw Valley, No. 1; Topeka, Capital City, No. 2. "Rebekah Degree Lodges: Topeka, Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 1; Fort Scott, Rebekah, Degree Lodge, No. 2; Holton, Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 3. "Grand Lodge: The officers of the Grand Lodge for 1869-70 are: H. J. Canniff, M. W. Grand Master, Prairie City; John Pipher, R. W. D. Grand Master, Manhattan; D. B. McDougall, R. W. Grand Warden, Burlingame; Samuel F. Burdett, R. W. Grand Secretary, Leavenworth; James S. Crow, R. W. Grand Treasurer, Leavenworth; C. A. Logan, Leavenworth, -Levi Empie, Burlingame, Representatives to G. L. U. S. The session of 1870 will be held at Fort Scott, on Tuesday, October 11. "Grand Encampment: This body was organized October 9, 1866, with five subordinate Encampments, since which time they have increased to twelve. It is composed of its officers and duly-elected representatives, upon a similar basis to that of the Grand Lodge. It meets annually, at the same time and place as the Grand Lodge. The subordinate Lodges are located as follows: Leavenworth, Far West, No. 1; Leavenworth, Schiller, No. 2 (German); Topeka, Shawnee, No. 3; Lawrence, Mount Oread, No. 4; Burlingame, Osage, No. 5; Atchison, Hesperian, No. 6; Fort Scott, Rising Star, No. 7; Oskaloosa, Hebron, No. 8; Wyandotte, Wyandotte, No. 9; Ottawa, Lincoln, No. 10; Garnett, Wildey, No. 11; Junction City, Jerusalem, No. 12. The present number of members is about 450." JULY.-The Oskaloosa Independent says: "The first type of the Kansas Freeman, at Topeka, was set on the open prairie, under a June sun." JULY 1.- Salina ships beef to New York, in refrigerator'cars. JULY 4.-Large meeting at Ladore, of settlers on the Osage Lands. JULY 7.-Death of Judge Josiah Miller, at Lawrence. He was a native of South Carolina, came here in August, 1854, and was an ardent FreeState man. In January, 1855, he established the "Free State" newspaper; it was destroyed May 21st, 1856. JULY.-The cash value of photographed letters is determined. -Geo. T. Anthony, U. S. Collector, travels over the State, in search of the "dead, insolvent, bankrupt, and absconded." -Perry Fuller is living with Colonel E. P. Boudinot, in the Indian Territory, near Chetopa. -A new College is building, at St. Mary's Mission. JULY 7.-Congress establishes the Republican Land District. JULY 12.-Meeting of the Presbyterian Synod, at Topeka. -W. A. Shannon appointed Receiver of the Land Office at Augusta, and Thos. J. Sternberg Receiver of the Republican Land District. JULY 15. —Congress provides for the removal of the Osage Indians, and the sale of their land. JULY 20.-The Santa Fe R. R. completed to Emporia. -Labor Union Convention, at Leavenworth. Amos Sanford and F. P. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 527 Baker were elected delegates to the National Labor Congress. W. V. Barr, President; B. F. Sylvis, Secretary; H. B. Carter, Treasurer; Executive Committee, W. R. Laughlin, John C. Ketcheson, A. R. Johnson, Hugh Cameron, and S. Markham. JULY 30.-Iowa editors visit Leavenworth and Topeka. — Coal mining at Burlingame. AUGUST.-"Kansas, as She Is," is the name of a pamphlet of 64 pages, printed in Lawrence by the "Kansas Publishing Company." The object of the book is to promote immigration. AUGUST 1.-Judge David P. Lowe, of Fort Scott, addresses the "Fifteenth Amendment" Convention, at Leavenworth. Senator Revels is present. AUGUST 9.-The Republican Committee, P. P. Elder, Chairman, and M. M. Murdock, Secretary, meets at Lawrence. State Convention to be held September 8th. -A. J. and W. T. Lea issue the Independent, at Columbus. -Mount St. Mary's Academy, near Leavenworth, completed. AUGUST 13. —Senator E. G. Ross exposes the Black Bob Land Fraud, in the Topeka Record. AvGUsT. —Killing of John Sanderson, a notorious outlaw, by a mob, in Davis county. Three associates sent to the penitentiary, and several others driven out of the country. AUGUST 19.-Railroad completed from Olathe to Ottawa. AUGUST'27.- Colonel A. S. Johnson removes from Johnson county (which was named for his father) to Topeka. He is the first white male born in Kansas. -E. G. Mains starts the Arkansas City Traveller. SEPTEMBER 5.-State Natural History Society, at Lawrence. Oficers elected: President, John Fraser; Vice President, B. F. Mudge; Secretary, J. D. Parker; Treasurer, F. H. Snow; Curators, B. F. Mudge and F. H. Snow. — In the fall, Leslie J. Perry and A. A. Putnam started the Augusta Crescent. J. B. Davis bought the paper, and changed the name to Republican. U. A. Albin bought the office, and removed it to McPherson county. SEPTEMBER 8.-Republican State Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by P. P. Elder. James D. Snoddy received 101 votes for temporary Chairman, and John A. Martin 76. J. B. Johnson, of Jefferson county, was elected temporary Secretary. On motion of Geo. A. Crawford, it was voted to make nominations by a viva voce vote. The temporary were made the permanent officers. Informal ballot for Congressman: Sidney Clarke 77, D. P. Lowe 58, M. S. Adams 18, John Ritchie 6, Jacob Stotler 15, D. R. Anthony 12, W. P. Borland 1, S. J. Crawford 1, Thos. Moonlight 10. First formal ballot: D. P. Lowe 84, Sidney Clarke 77, M. S. Adams 17, J. Stotler 3, T. Moonlight 8, D. R. Anthony 9. All the opponents of Clarke changed to Lowe, and the nomination was made unanimous. The Convention reassembled on the 9th. 528 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. Ballot for Governor: James M. Harvey 125, D. R. Anthony 45, Thos. A. Osborn 24. Ballot for Lieutenant Governor: P. P. Elder 92, E. C. Niccolls 18, David Gordon 48, J. C. Carpenter 35. P. P. Elder's nomination made unanimous. Ballot for Associate Justice: David J. Brewer 113, James Rogers 22, Mr. Beale 5, W. W. Nevison 13, David Brockway 6, Judge Safford 30. Ballot for Secretary of State: W. H. Smallwood 139, Winm. M. Twine 24, Thos. Moonlight 13. Alois Thoman was unanimously nominated for Auditor. Ballot for Treasurer: Josiah E. Hayes 89, George Graham 48, John Francis 34. Ballot for Attorney General: A. L. Williams 70, J. B. Johnson 55, H. W. Cook 9, J. L. Stillwell 12. H. D. HcCarty was unanimously nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction. State Central Committee: D. R. Anthony, John A. Martin, H. T. Beman, Elijah Sells, Jacob Stotler, S. A. Manlove, John W. Scott, B. J. F. Hanna, T. B. Murdock, H. W. Cook, J. R. Hallowell, W. D. Mathews, W. R. McLain, David Gordon. John A. Martin reported the following platform: "1. The Union Republican party of Kansas, in delegate convention assembled, reaffirms its adherence to, and its faith in, the principles of universal liberty, justice and humanity, for which it has during ten years past zealously and successfully battled, and upon which it has now securely and forever established the foundations of the Government. "2. It points with pride to a career of victory unsullied by a single act of national cowardice, wrong, or inhumanity. It has, during its administration of public affairs, crushed the most gigantic rebellion that ever assailed the Government, broken the shackles of a race long enslaved, and elevated them to the dignity and privileges of citizenship; enacted and put into operation a beneficent homestead law; originated and perfected a splendid system of highways across the continent; secured the recognition of the doctrine of expatriation; and in all things proved itself equal to the sacred trusts committed to its hands. "3. The Republican party, with such a record, needs to make no flaunting promises of future fidelity to the great principles upon which its organization is based. But this convention of delegates, representing the Republicans of Kansas, takes occasion to *express the conviction and purpose of the party: First, To maintain and defend the fruits of its victory in the field; namely, the unity of the republic, the abolition of slavery, the enfranchisement of the colored race, and equal rights for all. Second, To protect and preserve the fruits of its victory in legislation; namely, the homestead law in its whole letter and spirit, the law of expatriation, and a wholesome system of public improvements. " 4. In the future, as in the past, the Republican party will continue to advocate the.measures which will promote economy, national honesty, domestic concord, and fripndly relations with foreign powers -to the end that we may have a government of laws, and not of men. "5. We cordially endorse the patriotic, honest, and economical administration of President Grant, and hail with satisfaction the rapid reduction of the national debt, which its faithful collection of public revenues and honest application of them brought.about. "6. In the struggle now going on in Europe our sympathies are heartily with the German people. Their triumph is a victory of liberal principles. We rejoice in the overthrow of the Napoleon dynasty, and earnestly pray that the war may result in the.organization and permanent establishment of a republican form of government in France and other European nations. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 529 "7. That the Republican party stands pledged to remove all disqualifications and restrictions imposed upon the late Rebels, in the same measure as the spirit of disloyalty may die out, and may be consistent with the safety of the loyal people. "8. In the distribution of public lands and Indian reserves, we demand the full protection of the rights of settlers, and the reservation of the 16th and 36th sections to which the State is entitled for educational purposes. Wholesale grants of land to speculators and foreign corporations are unfavorable to the interests of the community, and inconsistent with the objects for which the national domain should be distributed. We especially condemn the policy of disposing of Indian reservations to railroad or land monopolies, and insist that such lands be immediately opened to actual settlement, at not more than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre." The following resolution, offered by John T. Voss, of Crawford county, was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That the policy of granting subsidies of public lands to capitalists and monopolies is condemned, and that we repudiate the action of certain of our Republican Representatives in Congress in the sale of the Cherokee Neutral Lands." D. R. Anthony was made Chairman and Jacob Stotler Secretary of the State Committee. SEPTEMBER 14. — Emporia celebrates the opening of the Santa Fe road. SEPTEMBER 15. - Old settlers' meeting at Lawrence. President: Charles Robinson. Vice President: John A. Wakefield. Secretary: Joseph Savage. Speeches by William A. Phillips, Charles H. Lovejoy, Dan. Horne, S. C. Pomeroy, Rev. E. Nute, James F. Legate, D. R. Anthony, John Speer, J. B. Abbott, Captain Bickerton, S. O. Thacher, and S. N. Simpson. All united in singing the anthem, "John Brown." SEPTEMBER 15.-Democratic State Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by Hugh S. Walsh. Isaac Sharp temporary Chairman, and C. C. Duncan Secretary. Committee on Credentials: R. V. Flora, Wm. Evington, G. W. Miller, Dr. Bowen, T. C. Irwin, H. D. Wilson, J. D. Rush, Daniel Montfort, J. H. Castello, W. H. Brady, J. D. O'Conner. Committee on Platform: Thomas P. Fenlon, J. L. Berry, H. J. Strickler, George A. Reynolds, J. R. Gates, S. A. Williams, O. Thurston, T. B. Bickersham, A. White, Charles S. Glick, M. V. B. Bennett. Committee on Organization: W. N. Allen, T. P. Fenlon, Wm. Mitchell, Dr. Couch. Officers of Convention: President, P. G. Parker, of Johnson; Vice Presidents, Isaac E. Eaton of Leavenworth, W. P. Hetherington of Atchison, S. C. Gephart of Jefferson, A. J. Allen of Franklin, H. T. Wilson of Bourbon, G. A. Bowlus of Allen, J. R. McClure of Davis; Secretaries, George F. Prescott of Leavenworth, Nelson Abbott of Atchison, J. L. Goode of Bourbon, Ely Moore of Douglas. The Convention adopted the following platform: "The Democratic party of Kansas submits to the voters of the State the following declaration of principles, to which it invites their earnest attention and support: " The preservation of the rights of the States as members of the Federal Union intact. "The speedy restoration of all the States to perfect equality and self-government. "The immediate removal of all political disabilities incurred by citizens in the late war. "The recognition of all amendments to the Constitution as of the same binding force as the original text; but as the autocratic method of ratifying the recent amendments by a partisan majority excited the alarm of all good citizens, it shall hereafter be understood as the law of the land that the Constitution of the United States is not to be 34 530 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. touched by any political party until the people shall have had a full, fair and honest hearing on the proposed change. " That the substitfution of treasury notes for the national bank currency is a measure of imperative necessity and economy. "That as the confidence in the national bank currency only exists by reason of the Government bonds which are deposited as their security, it is an unnecessary extravagance to pay eighteen millions of gold per annum to those institutions for doing what might be better done by the Government itself. "That the one hundred and forty-four millions of gold, equal to two hundred millions in currency, which has been paid to them in the last eight years, would have been better applied in payment of the national debt than paid to the bonded interests in these banks, which have escaped taxation, and taxation alike upon all species of property, whether gold, greenbacks, national currency, or bonds. "Reduction, if not abolition, of the hateful and oppressive internal revenue tax. -"A thorough reform, and strict economy, in all the branches of the Government. "Payment of the national debt in accordance with the law authorizing its creation. And we demand a repeal of the act of Congress providing for the payment of the FiveTwenties in coin. "A national currency, secure against the effect of speculation, and distributed in a just ratio between the States. "That, as a large part of the Territorial domain has been given away to railroad and other monopolies, and as large land estates are the evil and impoverishment of a nation, we oppose any further squandering of public lands; and we would reserve them for settlers, in good faith, and as a means of legitimate reward to the Government. -' "We condemn, as dangerous to liberty, and subversive of the Constitution, the late military interference by the Federal administration in the State election in North Carolina. If such action be permitted to go unchallenged in one State, it is an invitation for a like outrage in another; a concession that the elective franchise-the basis of our Government - may, at the pleasure of the President, be controlled by the power of the bayonet. "We welcome the birth of a new Republic in Europe, and extend sympathy to any people aspiring to or struggling for liberty and self-government; and we trust that the present struggle in Europe will result in the downfall of imperialism, and the establishment of a republican government.'" That the law of self-preservation - the first dictate of reason - the interests of the laboring and industrial class, demand that Chinese laborers shall not be colonized into this country. " That no advantage that may seem to be in view from their cheap labor, almost of a servile character, will justify the grave consequences to be fairly apprehended from a systematic introduction of these people to our shores. " That we deem the sessions of the Legislature too long and too expensive, producing in their legal enactments but poor equivalent for the taxes necessary to pay for their support; and in the name of a people taxed almost beyond endurance, we demand short sessions, small appropriations, and healthy constitutional legislation; and at the hands of all departments of the State Government, legislative, executive and judicial, the prompt, efficient and honest discharge of their duties. " That the general history of the Radical administration in this State is one of fraud, corruption and imbecility; a disgrace and blot upon the fair fame of our gallant and heroic people; the journals of our Legislative Assembly are stained with the deeds of impeachments, of mislegislation, on account of bribery, corruption and malfeasance in office; and the evil has become so grievous that it behooves the people in their majesty to throw off the shackles that corrupt politicians have placed on them, and elect honest and competent men to office. " That we condemn, as not only unauthorized by, but in direct violation of, the Federal and State Constitution, the quartering of United States troops upon the people of Cherokee and Crawford and other counties, in the interest of the person or persons claiming to own the lands in that vicinity. The question was and is a legal one, to be finally decided by the courts having jurisdiction thereon; and the quartering of Federal troops upon the settlers is not only a'n outrage upon their rights, but a gross violation of Federal and State supreme law, and a disgrace and shame upon the authorities of the State, who have thus invoked this unlawful and dangerous agency. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 531 "Resolved, That we are in favor of a tariff for revenue only; and we demand that the burdens of taxation shall be fairly and equally adjusted. Recognizing labor as the foundation and source of our national prosperity, it is both the duty and interest of the Government to foster and protect it, and that no adjustment to that end can be made without striking from the statute books the present unjust and odious tariff laws, a system of taxation based upon favoritism, and which has destroyed American commerce and oppressed the people of the great agricultural regions; which has compelled the many to pay tribute to the few, and which has built up monopolies that control, not only every American market, but also the legislation of Congress; and we demand that the prime articles of necessity, such as tea, coffee, sugar, salt, and those fabrics which constitute the wearing apparel of the workingman and his family, shall be placed upon the free list. "Resolved, That the legislation of the dominant party, by which the bondholder,' who speculated in the blood of the soldier,' receives gold, and the soldier who shed his blood to preserve the Republic, his widow and orphans, receive greenbacks, is an unjust discrimination; and that we demand such legislation as will make no distinction between the creditors of the Government. "Resolved, That the brave man's blood is worth Shore than the rich man's money, and that there should be but one currency for the rich and the poor, the bondholder and soldier; and that, if favors should be extended, they are due to the brave man who periled his life for our preservation, the widows and orphans of our dead heroes, and not the speculator. "Resolved, That this Convention invite the fellowship and co-operation of earnest and good men, of all parties, to unite with us in the election of the nominees now put forward by this Convention, upon the platform submitted. "Resolved, That the Democratic party recognize the necessity of organization among the laboring classes and their friends, as a means of their self-protection against the encroachments of capital, and that the' Labor Union,' so called, have its largest sympathy; and we respectfully invite the attention of that organization and its members to the efforts of the Democratic party in behalf of the laboring classes, and earnestly desire and request their co-operation with us in the use of every means to foster and advance the best interests of the laboring classes." For Secretary of State: Chas. C.. Duncan, of Pottawatomie, received 130 votes; John M. Giffen, of Johnson, 10. Hardin McMahon, of Coffey, unanimously nominated for Auditor. For Treasurer: S. C. Gephart, of Jefferson, 119; A. C. Snell, of Davis, 22. A. W. Rucker, of Cherokee, unanimously nominated for Attorney General, and Thomas S. Murray, of Douglas, for Superintendent of Public Instruction; Robt. M. Ruggles, of Lyon, for Associate Justice; R. Cole Foster, of Leavenworth, for Congress; and Isaac Sharp, of Morris, for Governor. State Committee: Thos. P. Fenlon, H. Miles Moore, Geo. W. Glick, John Martin, S. G. Stoughton, Ellis Lewis, Samuel A. Williams, O. P. Houghawout, H. L. Hunt, P. G. Parker, M. V. B. Bennett. SEPTEMBER 22.-Workingmen's State Convention, at Topeka. President, C. O. Smith; Vice Presidents, Douglas of Cherokee, Moore of Nemaha; and Pollock of Leavenworth; Secretaries, A. Sanford and B. P. Sylvis. The platform endorses the platform of the National Labor Reform party; demands that all acts of the Legislature shall be adopted by a popular vote before they become laws; favors exempting $1,000, instead of $200, from taxation; honest men for office; no treaty with Indians without an act of Congress; each human being born with a natural right to land; favors Republics in Europe; asks for the removal of political disabilities; condemns James M. Harvey, and his Neutral Land policy; sympathizes with the Black Bob and all other settlers, who are struggling for their rights. Ballot for Candidate for Congress: John C. Vaughan 13, G. T. Pierce 5, 532 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. Geo. H. Hoyt 3. Col. Vaughan was nominated, but declined, and Hon. Amos Sanford was nominated. The other nominations, as follows: Governor, W. R. Laughlin; Lieut. Governor, T. Moore, of Nemaha; Secretary of State, G. T. Pierce; Auditor, W. C. Fowler, of Jefferson; Treasurer, T. S. Slaughter, of Johnson; Superintendent of Public Instruction, H. D. McCarty; Attorney General, Geo. H. Hoyt; Associate Justice, G. M. Harrison, of Montgomery. State Committee: J. S. Vincent of Cherokee, H. Cameron of Douglas, B. F. Sylvis of Leavenworth, Jos. Briggs of Franklin, L. W. Sargent of Nemaha, Isaac Fowler of Jefferson, H. H. Tillman of Bourbon, T. S. Slaughter of Johnson, E. Keller of Crawford, and C. O. Smith of Shawnee. SEPTEMBER 21.-Jos. P. Root, of Wyandotte, appointed Minister to Chili. SEPTEMBER 25.-The Democratic Standard started, at Lawrence. SEPTEMBER 27.-State Fair at Ft. Scott. Annual Address by Senator Ross. SEPTEMBER 30. —Election on the State Fair grounds, at Fort Scott, of the following officers of the State Agricultural Society: President, I. S. Kalloch, of Douglas; Vice President, 0. E. Learnard, of Douglas; Secreitary, H. J. Strickler, of Shawnee; Superintendent, Alfred Gray. Executive Committee: Alfred Gray, of Wyandotte; James I. Larimer, of Leavenworth; S. T. Kelsey, of Franklin; J. N. Insley, of Jefferson; J. W. Scott, of Allen; N. A. Adams, of Riley; E. S. Niccolls, of Anderson; Andrew Wilson, of Jefferson; John Inlow, of Johnson. OCTOBER.- Emporia is building two large boarding-houses for the use of the students of the Normal School. OCTOBER 8. —Horace Greeley lectures in Union Hall, Topeka. He also spoke in Lawrence. -The candidates of the Labor Reform party withdraw. Mr. Sanford supports R. C. Foster. OCTOBER 12.-Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows in session at Fort Scott. OCTOBER 18.-The Kansas Pacific gives an excursion to Denver to Kansas editors. -The New York Tribune publishes a letter from Mr. Greeley, dated Topeka, October 9th, in which he says: "Settlers are pouring into eastern Kansas by car-loads, wagon-loads, horse-loads, daily, because of the fertility of her soil, the geniality of her climate, her admirable diversity of prairie and. timber, the abundance of her living streams, and the marvellous facility wherewith homesteads may here be created..... Having exposed freely the errors, as I see them, of all parties, I hardly need restate that Kansas, in spite of them all, is going ahead magnificently; and I predict that the child is born who will see her fifth if not fourth in population and production among the States of our Union." OCTOBER 18. —The Grand Lodge of Good Templars meets at Lawrence. OCTOBER 19.-The Grand Lodge of Masons meets at Atchison. OCTOBER 20.-James W. Steele "takes some stock" in the State Record Company. OCTOBER 26.-Iola celebrates the arrival of the L. L. G. & R. R. OCTOBER 27. —Berry and Campbell start the Humboldt Statesman. It died in May, 1872. NOVEMBER 1.- Great freshet all over the State. The streams reported.higher than at any time since 1858. -Isaac Sharp starts the Council Grove Democrat. 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 533 NOVEMBER 2.-The Emporia News issues a Daily. NOVEMBER 4.- Senator Pomeroy writes from Muscotah to Joseph Savage, of his historical article in the New York Ledger, published in October, that it was written by a reporter for that paper, "as I am told." "I never saw it until it appeared, printed, in the Ledger." NOVEMBER 8.-Annual election. VOTE FOR GOVERNOR, LIEUT. GOVERNOR, AND SECRETARY OF STATE. GOVERNOR. LIEUT. GOVERNOR. SECRETARY OF STATE. a~ a I[~~~~~~~~~~ Counties. 3.~ i,~8' 115~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F a a. o ~ c Allen................. 913 334........ 909 335....... 913 335..... Anderson.......... 721 156......... 705 164........ 720 164...... Atchison........... 1,292 911....... 1,290 910......... 1,288 914..... Bourbon........... 1,252 784......... 1,276 768......... 1,282 767..... Brown............. 612 191........ 611 192........ 608 193...... Butler.............. 925 228......... 926 227....... 927 227...... Chase............... 194 50......... 189 49......... 189 49...... Clay................. 438 30......... 446 21........ 416 36...... Crawford........... 346 884...... 375 870......... 385 873 Cherokee......... 385 1,272........ 418 29 950 427 293 951 Coffey......... 824 301......... 819 303.... 782 301...... Cloud............... 311 80......... 313 80.... 315 80...... Cowley............ 255 92......... 254 88......... 254 94..... Davis................ 520 259......... 489 286......... 483 292...... Dickinson....... 327 180........ 323 180........ 324 180...... Doniphan.......... 1,339 674......... 1,339 678......... 1,322 675...... Douglas......... 2,705 733.......... 2,698 736. 2, 709 738...... Ellis.................. 109 312......... 105 313...... 104 313....... Ellsworth........ 182 48......... 183 48..... 183 14...... Franklin..........1,105 343......... 1,049 391 13 1,105 366 16 Greenwood...... 320 101......... 317 105....... 319 104..... Howard........... 505 110........ 500 115......... 511 109...... Jackson............ 576 329......... 579 330......... 579 330...... Jefferson.......... 1,338 862....... 1,331 789......... 1,331 867..... Johnson......... 1,472 749......... 1,476 746......... 1,484 738..... Jewell............... 123..................... 124..................... 113.................. Labette.. 1,027 650......... 1,035 641......... 1,049 645...... Leavenworth... 2,625 2,076......... 2,633 2,080....... 2,635 2,072...... Linn................ 1,291 295......... 1,288 296......... 1,291 297...... Lyon.............. 1,284 272......... 1,283 270......... 1,293 270...... Lincoln............ 150 5......... 151 4......... 150 5...... MEarion............ 89 89......... 82 94..... 82 93...... Marshall..........1,028 384......... 1,020 387......... 1,022 387...... Miami........ 1,057 562......... 1,048 564........ 1,059 561..... Mitchell......... ~~~~Mitchell... 120 20......... 107 35......... 101 39..... Morris........... 243 261....... 262 245........ 261 246...... Montgomery..... 868 688 97 889 680 89 895 678 8 McPherson...... 197 1......... 197 1........ 197 1...... Nemaha.......... 679 410.......... 691 396......... 688 405..... Neosho....... 709 1,292 11 823 1,246......... 873 1,222...... Osage............ 1608 317 1,609 315......... 1,615 313...... Osage............... 1,608 317 35........ Ottawa........... 395 2........ 391 2......... 394 2...... Pottawatomie.. 632 521......... 636 631 524 Republic..' " 316 9......... 317 9........ 316 9. Riley.. 693 146......... 690 151........ 684 158. Saniee...........43... Shawnee..... 1,689 440......... 1,694' 438......... 1,702 445.... Saline.. 819 189......... 809 189......... 809 187...... Saline8 19....... / 809 [[89 Sedgwick......... 377 208......... 375 205......... 372 206...... Wabaunsee....... 4 57......... 474 54........ 474 54...... Wallace.......... 34 97......... 32 96..... 33 99...... rWashington...... 882 152........ 882 152......... 883 150..... Washington...........12 Wilson 942 390......... 936 370......... 940 392...... Woodson......... 459 190......... 460 189........ 461 190...... Wyandotte....... 904 760......... 891 772......... 890 773...... Total........... 40,666 20,469 108 40,749 19,422 1,052 40,873 19,475 1052 534 ANNVALS OF KANSAS. [1870. VOTE FOR AUDITOR, TREASURER, AND ATTORNEY GENERAL. AUDITOR. TREASURER. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Counties.. Allen................... 913 335......... 913 335...... 912 336...... Anderson............ 724 157........ 723 161...... 718 165...... Atchison.............. 1,286 914 1, 283.918...... 1,285 918...... Bourbon.............. 1,213 765. 1,282 765...... 1,280 766...... Brown................. 61 192... 61 192...... 609 192. Butler.............. 907 227........ 925 228...... 918 227. Chase.................. 188 50........ 190 50...... 187 50...... Clay............ 447 35......... 447 221...... 447 21...... Crawford............. 398 856......... 383 872...... 391 747...... Cherokee............ 427 297 942 426 1,232...... 416 1, 085...... Coffey.................. 800 318......... 823 300...... 819 300...... Cloud.................. 313 80.. 313 80...... 314 79...... Cowley................ 254 94.. 254. 94...... 24 94...... 27 94 Davis............. 490 287..... 483 294...... 485 292...... Dickinson............ 324 180......... 323 180...... 323 180...... Doniphan............ 1,340 679. 1,339 680...... 1,341 678...... Douglas................ 2, 721 717......... 2,525 721....... 2, 710 739...... Ellis................... 105 312 1......... 04 312...... 104 313...... Ellsworth............. 182 14......... 183 14...... 183 4 14...... Franklin.............. 1,116 364 10 1,110 365 11 1,109 365...... Greenwood........... 321 103......... 320 103...... 320 103...... Howard.............. 507 110 500 110......11 509 110...... Jackson............... 579 330 579 330...... 576 330...... Jefferson.............. 1,334 867 1,235.930...... 1, 297 87l...... Johnson.............. 1,469 745......... 1,554 619. 1,483 736...... Jewell................ 121................... 121.120. Labette.............. 1,052. 645......... 1, 055 639...... 1, 049 642..... Leavenworth...... 2,639 2,067 2,634 2,077...... 2,629 2, 076...... Linn.................... 1,291 296. 1,292 295...... 1, 292 295...... Lyon............. 1,292 267......... 1,292 270...... 1,289 269...... Lincoln............... 150 5......... 150 5...... 150 5...... Marion............. 72 93......... 82 93...... 82 94...... Marshall............. 1,023 387......... 1,022 / 387...... 1,022 387...... Miami............. 1,057 562......... 1,058 562...... 1,056 563...... Mitchell.............. 104 35......... 98 34...... 100 35...... Morris................ 263 244 263 244...... 263 244...... Montgomery........ 898 677 84 911 675 74 896 675 77 McPherson.......... 197 1......... 197 1...... 197 1...... Nemaha............... 698 399...... 691 401...... 693 404. Neosho................. 882 1,213......... 863 1,214...... 880 1,213...... Osage.................. 1,614 314......... 1,611 314...... 1, 614 314...... Ottawa............... 394 1...... 394... 2...... 319 2...... Pottawatomie....... 637 517......... 636 519...... 635 520. Republic......... 16.... 316 9...... 316 9...... Riley.................. 690 152......... 688 153...... 690 150..... Shawnee.............. 1, 732 408......... 1,698 440...... 1,745 351...... Saline................ 809 189......... 810 188...... 810 188...... Sedgwick............ 364 202......... 375...... 374 204...... Wabaunsee......... 475 54......... 476 54...... 467 54...... Wallace............... 33 96......... 33 96...... 33 96. Washington......... 881 152......... 871 167...... 880 152...... Wilson................. 942 392 934 340...... 937 390...... Woodson.............. 462 189 460 190....... 461 189...... Wyandotte........... 892 768......... 892 772...... 89 773...... Total................. 40, 949 19, 362 1, 036 40, 651 20,449 85 40,898 20,006 77 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 535 VOTE FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, AND MEMBER OF CONGRESS. SUP. PUB. INS. ASSOC. JUSTICE. MEM. OF CON. Counties. i~'B E. Ob COs Allen.......................................... 914 335 913 335 910 385 Anderson................................ 717 164 727 - 157 711 169 Atchison........................ 1,287 918 1, 287 923 1, 286 914 Bourbon........................................ 1:286 767'l283 768 1 290 750 Bourbo. 1, 286 767 1,283 768 1,290 750 Brown..................................... 609 190 611 192 612 192 Butler........................................ 925 227 924 231 924 227 Chase.......................... 190 50 182 55 189 50 Clay........................................ 445 16 446............ 434 27 Clay. 445 16 446 434 27 Crawford...................................383 871 382.875 374 873 Cherokee........................1, 370 293 1, 368 297 424 1,256 Coffey.................................827 299 810 311 823 301 Cloud........................................ 315 80 313 80, 312 80 Cowley......................2.................. 254 94 254 94 254 94 Davis......................................... 487 289 484 293 482 293 Dickinson..................................... 324 180 323 180 321 181 Doniphan..................................... 1,342 676 1,337 676 1340 680 Douglas........................... 2,704 745 2,715 736 2,671 749 Ellis................................... 104 313 109 305 105 312 Ellsworth...........................1............................, 182 48 Franklin........................ 1,125 364 1,109 368 1,093 371 Greenwood................. 320 103 314 110 511 110 Howard.................................... 511 110 508 110. 318 103 Jackson................................. 579 329 579 330 564 329 Jefferson...................................... 1,325 863 1,322 806 1,318 878 Johnson.................................... 1,517 731 1,483 739 1,440 743 Jewell.......................................... 19............ 1 12213 10 Labette........................................ 1,051 636 1,046 646 1,027 650 Leavenworth................................ 2,682 2,034 2,664 2, 037 2,537 2,190 Linn....................................... 1,293 290 1,291 296 1,274 291 Lyon..............1,296 268 1,265 295 1,282 27.5 Lincoln...............................150 5 150 5 151 5 Marion........................................ 82 94 80 95 86 92 Marshall........................ 1, 022 386 1,021 328 1, 020 388 Miami............................ 1,058 561 1,057 562 1, 064 555 Mitchell.......................... 96 35 83 20 79 61 Morris.................................. 263 244 263 243 266 242 Montgomery............................... 974 681 897 678 883 770 McPherson..................... 197 1 197 1 197 Nemaha...................................... 687 404 693 405 687 408 Neosho......................................... 890 1,212 887 1,214 701 1,301 Osage......................................... 1,615 313 1,608 321 1,605 319 Ottawa................................. 395 2 394 2 382 2 Pottawato ie............................... 637 518 635 519 629 523 Republic...................................... 316 9 316 9 318 9 Riley............................. 689 153 698 145 689 152 Shawnee....................................... 1,700 415 1,698 441 1,646 457 Saline.......................................... 810 188 808 188 809 187 Sedgwick...................................... 371 205 372. 210 370 325 Wabaunsee................I.............. 476 54 474 54 472 54 Wallace.................................. 33 87 34 92 33 100 Washington........................... 882 155 880 151 878 151 Wilson....................................... 943 391 941 391 930 399 Woodson................................. 460 190 465 190 456 196 Wyandotte................................... 891 770 895 761 896 772 Total...................................... 42,121 19,322 41, 717 19, 280 40,368 20,950 536 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. VOTE FOR JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS, FOR THE EIGHTH AND ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. Counties. 1 I Clay.................................................................................... 445 Cloud................................................................................. 395 Davis................................................................................... 772 Dickinson............................................................................ 326 Ellsworth............................ 278 8 Ottawa.......................................................................... 231 8... Ottawa 231.................... Riley................................................................................ 842 Jewell.................................................................................. 92 Mitchell............................................................................... 42 Saline............................................................................. 902 McPherson..................................................... 193 Republic...................................................... 42 Crawford................................................................. 859 372 Cherokee...................... 1,213 427 1I... Labette -.. 1,358..325 Montgomery...................................................................... 815 604 Howard......................................................... 347 51 Total................................................................................ 4,560 4,592 1,779 VOTE FOR STATE SENATORS. G Counties. Names. -. Coutnties. Names. 1 Doniphan.. Sol. Miller........... 1787 1632 7 Riley......... A. Simis, jr......... 148 I. Wood............... 1705 1550 Wash'gton. A. Simis, jr......... 206 Adam Brenner... 155 8 Shawnee.... W.H.Fitzpatrick 1487 911 2 Atchison... John M. Price..... 1254 341 Shawnee.... W. V. Barr... 576 Joseph Logan...... 1201 208 9 Douglas..... J. C. Vincent....... 2492 1669 Samuel Hipple... 993 L. J. Worden......1568 371 W. Hetherington 913 Samuel A. Riggs.. 1197 George J. Martin. 16 W. M. Nace........ 823 3 Leavenw'h W. S. Van Doren. 2565 1165 S. K. Huson........ 650 H. C. Haas..........2484 374 10 Johnson... G. M. Bowers...... 816 211 Josiah Kellogg... 2338 111 A. S. Devenney... 605 B. B. Moore......... 2127 J. B. Marshall..... 494 Wm. Larimer...... 2110 D. G. Campbell... 173 W. D. Mathews... 1399 J. E. Corliss........ 127 G. W. Gardiner.... 41 11 Miami.. E. H. Topping..... 965 315 A. D. Moorehead. 3 W. D. Hoover...... 650 4 Jefferson... G. W. Hogeboom. 1113 108. Johnson Clark.... 1 W. C. Garrett...... 1005 12 Wyandotte George P. Nelsonl 8811 128 James H. Jones... 67 f Alfred Grav........ 753 Scattering........... Scattering........... 7 5 Brown....... Joseph Cracraft... 346 87 13 Linn....... James D. Snoddy 849 175 Nemaha...../J. Cracraft........642 David Linton...... 674 Brown........ W. B. Slosson.....452 Scattering........... 8 Nemaha..... W. B. Slosson...... 449 14 Bourbon H. D. Moore........ 822 796. Nemaha..... A. W. Tracey...... 1 Crawford.... H. D. Moore...... 836 6 Jackson.... James McLellan.. 459 153 Cherokee... H. D. Moore........ 1171 Shawnee... James McLellan.. 25 Bourbon C. G. Hawley..... 1171 Pot'watmie James McLellan.. 633 Crawford.... C. G. Hawley......389 Jackson.... C. G. Waynant... 435 Cherokee... G. Hawley.. 473 Shawnee.... C. G. Waynant.... 10 Bourbon Scattering.......... 38 Pot'watmie C. G. Waynant.... 519 Cherokee Scattering........... 2 7 Cloud........ Phil. Rockefeller. 217 568 15 Butler........ E. S. Stover.........912 1153. Marshall... Phil. Rockefeller. 387 Chase........E. S. Stover......... 114 Republic...[ Phil. Rockefeller. 223 Cowley....... E. S. Stover......... 322 Riley......... Phil. Rockefeller. 303 Marion...... E. S. Stover....... 75 Wash'gton. Phil. Rockefeller. 743 Morris...... E. S. Stover..........278 Cloud........ A. G. Barrett....... 80 Sedgwick... E. S. Stover......... 382 Marshall... A. G. Barrett....... 658 Butler........ H. L. Hunt......... 245 Republic... A. G. Barrett....... 93......... H. L. Hunt........ 107 Riley......... A. G. Barrett....... 387 |. | Cowley...... H. L. Hunt....... 15 Wash'gt)fli. A. G. Barrett....... 87 - Marion...... H. L. Hunt......... 102 Cloudl. * A.. Simis, jr......... 921 1 Morris....... H. L. Hunt......... 227 Marehd h, A. Simis, jr.........347 Sedgwick... H. L. Hunt. 234 Reptrblic... I A. Simis, jr......... 9 Butler........ Scattering........... 1 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 537 VOTE FOR STATE SENATORS- CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. Counties. Names. 16 Allen........ H. C.iWhitney.... 3731167 191 Greenwood Jacob Stotler...... 319 1852 Labette..... H. C. Whitney.... 9031 Lyon.........Jacob Stotler......1344 Montg'ery. H. C. Wbitney.... 687 Lyon......... T. G. Wibley....... 11 Neosho.....H. C. Whitney.... 1791 Greenwood O.Shannon......... 1 Woodson... H. C. Whitney.... 149 Lyon......... Scattering........... 20 Wilson...... H. C. Whitney.... 712 20 Clay........... J. H. Prescott..... 445 2259 Howard..... H. C. Whitney.... 153 Davis........ J. H. Prescott..... 429 Allen......... J.H. Crichton..... 773 Dickinson.. J. H. Prescott..... 274 Labette...... J. H. Crichton..... 768 Ellis........... J. H. Prescott... 406 Montg'ery. J. H. Crichton..... 853 Ellsworth.. J. H. Prescott..... 159 Neosho...... J. H. Crichton..... 327 Wallace...... J. H. Prescott..... 116 Woodson... J. H. Crichton..... 328 Ottawa...... J. H. Prescott.....254 Wilson...... J. H. Crichton..... 548 Saline........ J. H. Prescott.....722 Howard...: I J. H. Crichton..... 4 Wabaunsee J. H. Prescott....486 Allen........ J. W. Richards... 64 Mitchell..... J. H. Prescott..... 7 Montg'ery. Scattering.......... 2 McPherson J. H. Prescott....185 Woodson... Scattering.......... 2 Clay........... T. F. Hersey....... 18 Howard.... Scattering.......... 1 Davis......... T. F. Hersey.......347 17 Anderson.. T.C. Sears.......... 542 612 Dickinson.. T. F. Hersey.......216 Franklin.. T. C. Sears......... 838 Ellis.......... T. F. Hersey....... 2 Anderson.. Preston Bowen... 315 Ellsworth... T. F. Hersey..... 62 Franklin... Preston Bowen... 453 Ottawa...... T. F. Hersey.....135 Franklin... A.M. Blair......... 119 Saline........ T. F. Hersey.......257 18 Coffey........ M. M. Murdock... 490 283 Mitchell.... T. F. Hersey.....185 Osage.......M. M. Murdock... 1066 McPherson T. F. Hersey....... 2 Coffey........ Silas Fearl.......... 504 Ottawa...... Z. Jackson........... 1 Osage....... Silas Fearl.......... 769 McPherson Z.Jackson........... 5 Coffey........ Benjamin Wright 46 Wabaunsee W. V. Barr......... 2 Osage........ - Rynerson..... 1 Saline........ - Hersey........ 1 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Counties. Namtes. S _ _ _ - Doniphan.................... Thomas H. Moore.................... 391 257 George Neal............................. 134 525 2.................................. Abram Bennett....................... 133 90 R. Morley................................ 43 176 3.................................... A.J. Mowry............................. 155 8 Edward Searcy........................ 147 J. G. Robertson........................ 115 E. D. McClellan........................ 36 453 4................................... S. G. Whittaker........;............... 210 9 C. J. Jones............................... 201 411 5......J.. B. Kennedy.......................... 176 10 Wm. M. Ege............................. 166 342 1,907 6 Atchison..................... Thomas Murphy..................... 422 123 J. H. Sawyer........................... 299 721 7.................................... S.C. King............................... 210 15 J. M. Lindley........................... 195 405 8.................................... Asa Barnes.............................. 235 122 John Parsons........................... 113 J. Falkner................................ 3 351 9................................... S. P. Griffin............................. 236 103 G. A. Cushman........................ 133 369 10.................................... Joseph C. Wilson..................... 204 115 J. G. McCannon....................... 89 293 2,139 11 Brown.......................J. F. Babbitt........................... 225 24 Charles Knabb........................ 201 A. G. Spear.............................. 132 558 12................................... C. E. Parker............................. 196 190 G. E. Irwin............................. 6 O. Fountain............................. 4 206 764 13 Nemaha...................... Richard Johnson..................... 310 13 W. W. Stewart........................ 297 A. W. Stewart......................... 2 M. Lanham............................. 1 610 14............................... A. Simons................................ 248 24 F. A. Stickle............................. 224 472 1,082 538 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED. Counties. Nanmes. t A. 15 Marshall.................... W.. Smith........................... 525' 39 J. D. Wells.......................... 486 Perry Hutchinson.................... 398 1,409 1,409 16 Washington................ A. S. Wilson................. 484 54 B. W. Williams........................ 430 S. P. Botes............................... 88 1,002 1,002 17 Pottawatomie............ H. C. Linn.................... 685 228 J. P. Shannon......................... 457 1,142 1,142 18 Jackson.................... J. L. Williams........................ 369 127 D. H. Sutherland............... 242 611 79.................................... C. R. Burns......................... 148 23 G. W. McReynolds.................. 125 273 884 19 Jefferson.................... John Willitts........................... 351 22 Henry Ogle............................. 329 680 20........................ William C. Butts...............192 4 E D. illyer............................ 188 W.. Taylor............................ 441 21.................................... Joseph L. Speer........................ 433 68 David Rorick........................... 368 J. C. Northrup........................ 210 J. Rowrick.........................., 012 2, 133 22 Leavenworth.............. Thomas J. Darling................... 397 18 J. B. Kitchen........................... 379 776 23.................................... R. D. Colley.............................. 383 193 C. M. Williams........................ 190 573 24................................... JF. Legate.......................... 395 119 John Conover.......................... 276 Cole McCrea........................... 5 676 25................................ T.P. Fenlon..................... 408 181 F. Welhouse.......................... 227 635 26.................. J. J. Crook................ 158 7 J. F. Hathaway....................... 151 309 27................................... W. F. Ashby......................... 132 24 J. W. Houts............................. 108 240 28....................................A. C. Williams........................... 261 30 George M. Jewett.................... 231 492 29.................................... Joseph Howell......................... 254 21 J. F. Barrett............................. 233 487 30................................... Levi Churchill......................... 210 11 John Johnson......................... 199 C. R; Jennison.......................... 6 415 4, 603 31 Wyandotte.................. Rufus E. Cable.......................... 360 228 V. J. Lane............................ 132 William Richart....................... 107 599 80.................................... K. Hudson...........................467 97 Alex. J. Campbell..................... 370 W. M. Donahoe........................ 204 1,044 1,640 32 Johnson.................. William Williams..................... 360 33 H. L. Taylor........................... 327 J. W. Haws.............................. 261 948 33.................................... B. Johnson........................... 464 273 B. F Hollenback..................... 191 655 34................................... D. Clapp........................... 252 37 T. E. Pearce.......................... 215 467 2,070 35 Douglas..................... W. G. Melville......................... 729 98 H. S. Clarke..................... 631 Wilson Shannon, jr................. 226 1, 586 36................ George on.................... 159 28 R. L. Williams.............. 131 George A. Reynolds.................. 75 365 37.................................... Elijah Sells.............................. 291 142 William Roe........................ 149 440 38................................ C. W. Ingle.......................... 193 106 0. G. Richards.......................... 87 Henry Fager...................... 57 337 39................................... W... H Peckham........................ 156 25 A. R. Greene......................... 131 Charles Ingersoll..................... 25 312 40.................................... H. C. Fisher......................... 174 90 J. T. Mitchell.......................... 84 H. C. Hayden.......................... 33 291 3, 331 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 539 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF' THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - CONTINUED. i. Counties. Names' r 41 Shawnee....................... G. W. Veale.......................... 1,194 916 George L. Young.................. 28 1, 472 42....................................... Jacob Haskell.................... 208 11 E. Carriger.......................... 197 J. W. Brown......................... 172 577 79.......................... George W. McReynolds......... 25 15 Charles R. Burns.................. 10 35 2, 384 43 Miami........................... H.B. Smith.......................... 211 120 B. F. Martin......................... 91 Scattering............................. 2 304 44....................................... F. Simpson........................ 459 67 T. M. Carroll......................... 392 851 45.......................... J. M. Carpenter................... 28 28 C. Eby.......................... 200 428 1,279 46 Linn.............................. Scott Shattuck.......... 8.......... 119 48 J. S. Payne.......................... 71 190 47....................................... D. A. Crocker....................... 190 76 J. Hodgson....................... 114 William Taylor..................... 2 Nelson Brown....................... 307 48....................................... A. Barber........................ 502 229 G. H. B. Hopkins.................. 273 Henry Plumb....................... 1 776 49........................................ S. M. Brice....................... 221 206 D. Forrister.......................... 15 J. M. Die............................ 1 237 1,510 50 Bourbon......................... W. H. Green......................... 168 167 J. A. Tiffany......................... 1 169 51....................................... C. W. Libby.......................... 158 24 L. Alsop............................... 134 292 52....................................... C S. Steele........................... 202 84 E. Williams........................... 118 320 53................................ W. C. Webb........................... 587 31 S. A. Williams....................... 556 1,143 1,923 54 Allen............................. J.C. Redfield........................ 554 119 H. D. Parsons........................ 435. 989 55.................................... J. F. Knowlton..................... 125 41 L. Edmondson....................... 84 N. F. Acres........................... 42 251 1, 240 56 Anderson....................... John G. Lindsay................... 272 13 Geo. W. Cooper..................... 259 531 57.......................... Thomas Thompson..............163 24 J. H. Whitford..................... 139 302 833 58 Franklin......... J.......... J. M. Luce............................. 252 16 R. E. Jenness........................ 236 Wm. Pennock...................... 3 491 59....................................... H. P. Welsh 2...23........... 502 232 Wm. Pennock....................... 270 W. H. Ambrose.................... 169 941 1,432 60 Osage........................... Win. Whistler.837............... 837 98 A. H. Jumper....................... 739 Ellis Lewis........................, 295 Scattering....................14. 1,885 1,885 61 Coffey............................ Charles Puffer....................... 365 88 F. A. Atherly....................... 277 642 62................................. C. B. Butler........................... 265 66 E... Coffin....................... 199 464 1,106 63 Woodson....................... G. A. Bpgart......................... 248 58 Michael Redy....................... 190 Thomas H. Davidson............ 184 Scattering.1..6................ 16 638 638 64 Lyon.......................... R. M. Overstreet................... 529 108 C. V. Eskridge....................... 421 960 65.......................... F. R. Page 32............... 179 32 W. F. Gould........................ 147 326 66....................................... T. C. Hill............................ 149 52 Charles Drake....................... 97 246 1,522 67 Butler............................ L. S. Friend.......................... 687 227 T. H. Baker........................... 410 John L. Pratt........................ 47 D. M. Bronson....................... 1,145 1,145 68 Chase............................'S. M. Wood.......................... 138 38 H. E. Snyder......................... 100 238 238 540 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870, VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES -CONCLUDED. Counties. Names. 69 Morris................... James Phinney.................. 287 73 I. Hammond.................... 214 501 501 70 Wabaunsee.................... J. H. Pinkerton..................... 483 452 T. K. Thomson..................... 31 H. L. Hunt........................... 5 H. C. Tapscott....................... 3 522 52 71 Davis............................ S. M. Strickler....................... 432 88 John T. Price....................... 344 776 766' 72 Riley............................. J. M. Morris.......................... 351 50 W. S. Crump....................... 182 M. D. Waters........................ 301 834 834 73 Dickinson............... Ephraim Warner.................. 253 10 A. S. Davidson...................... 243 496 496 74 Saline................... J. H. Snead........................... 466 9 R. H. Bishop..................... 458 I. F. Clark........................... 54 Scattering............................ 2 981 981 75 Greenwood..................... F. Osborn........................ 219 50 I. R. Phenis........................... 169 Scattering............................. 23 411 411 76 M arion.......................... A. A. Moore.......................... 131 82 Thomas W. Bowm................. 49 Scattering............................. 1 181 181 77 Wilson........................... A. McCartney....................... 707 81 John Russell......................... 626 1, 333 1, 333 78 Neosho......................... S. W. Irwin.......................... 892 296 John O'Grady.........5............ 596 G. W. Gabriel....................... 359 S. W. Foster......................... 139 J. C. Blair............................ 137 H. S. Dodd........................ 53 2,176 2, 176 81 Ottawa........................... Jacob Campbell..................... 204 16 C. S. Wyeth....................... 188 Scattering............................. 393 393 82 Clay............................ J. B. McLaughlin.................. 257 47 George Taylor....................... 210 467 467 83 Cherokee................. George W. Wood........ 1.... 1,159 690 J. R. Hallowell................ 469 J. D. O'Conner....................... 21 1,649 1,649 84 Cloud.......B............. B.H. McEckron.................... 238 81 Joseph Berry........................ 157 395 395 85. Labette........................... M. Marsh.......................... 923 157 D. C. Hutchinson.................. 766 Scattering........................... 6 1, 695 1,695 86 Crawford................... S. J. Langdon....................... 676 289 F. M. Mason.......................... 387 W. B. Bond.......................... 189 1,252 1,252 87 Ellis.............................. H H. Metcalf....................... 293 169 H. J. McGaffigan.................. 124 417 417 88 Ellsworth................. A. W. Bayer........................ 170 51 D. B. Long.......................... 119 M. Newton.........................7.. 296 296. 89 Wallace.................. George E. Higday................. 115 55 Alonzo P. Wise..................... 60 175 175 90 Republic...................... N. T. Van Natta.................... 210 98 G. W. Johnson..................... 112 322 322 Montgomery.................. L. Bond........................ 863 170 Wm. H. Allison.............. 693 W. H. Clark......................... 94, 650 1,650 Howard.................. James Reynolds.......3...52..... 306 52 J. Y. Campbell..................... 254 E. R. Cutler....................... 95 655 655 Cowley.......................... E.C. Manning...................:.. 203 53 H. B. Norton..........150 353 353 Sedgwick....................... M. Steele.......................... 376 65 E. W. Smith........................ 311 687 687 McPherson.................... Olof Olson......................... 117. 35 J. M. Underwood............ 82 199 199 Lincoln.................. Ira C. Buzick........................ 151 151 151 151 Mitchell........................ H. Cawker....................... 134 80 John W. Rees....................... 54 G. W. Stinson.................... 46 234 234 Jewell.................. Felix T. Gandy..................... 81 31 Dennis Taylor.......50.... 131 131 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 541 The political standing of the Legislature is as follows: Joint Senate. House. Ballot. Republicans........................................ 21 87 108 -Democrats..................................................................................... 2 8 10 Independents............................................................................... 2 3 5 Republican majority............................................................ 17 76 93 NOVEMBER 8.-Chief Justice Chase writes to Samuel N. Wood: "I am glad to read such favorable accounts of the county with which you have done me the honor to associate my name." NOVEMBER 8.-Rev. Pardee Butler visits Topeka. -Excitement in Butler county; Vigilance Committee make arrests;.Jack Corbin and Lewis Booth were hung; James Smith shot and killed. On the night of December 2, Mike Drea, Wm. G. Quimby, Dr. Morris, and his son, Aleck Morris, were hung, near Douglas. They were horse thieves.and murderers. Adjutant General Whittaker went to Eldorado, with arms, and ordered the militia of the county to be called out, but afterwards countermanded the order. NOVEMBER 10.- Conference of the United Brethren, at Lecompton. NOVEMBER 22.-.-Railroad celebration at Humboldt. NOVEMBER 24.-The Germans of Kansas collect and send to the Fatherland, $5,762.25, for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $5,009 80 Normal School.......................... 10, 398 67 Secretary's Department............ 10,849 70 Capitol Building...................... 23,598 52 Auditor's Department............... 4,312 50 Penitentiary,........:............... 35,999 32 Treasurer's Department............ 3, 050 00 Sheriffs conveying prisoners..... 2,838 05 Attorney General..................... 1,181 00 Horticultural Society............... 291 75 ~Sup't of Public Instruction....... 2,699 34 Agricultural Society.................. 2,500 00 Adjutant General..................... 1,498 00 Sale of Agricult'l College lands, Judiciary......................... 33,972 26 I. T. Goodnow........................ 4,350 71 Legislative expenses...............:. 34,667 02 Transcribing Journals.............. 1,300 00 Blind Asylum......................... 8,900 00 Home for Friendless Women..... 10, 000 00 Insane Asylum......................... 13,067 00 Printing.................................. 35,605 50 Deaf and Dumb Asylum........... 13, 93 38 Miscellaneous accounts............. 795 87.State University....................... 14,570 33 Regents...................::.............. 447 20 Total for 1870.................$275, 095 92 DECEMBER 6.-Fourth annual session of the State Horticultural Society, at Manhattan. Oficers elected: President, Wm. M. Howsley, Leavenworth; Vice President, B. F. Mudge, Manhattan; Secretary, George C. Brackett, Lawrence; Treasurer, S. T. Kelsey, Pomona; Trustees, C. H. Cushing, Leavenworth, James Christian, Lawrence, S. S. Hougham, Manhattan. DECEMBER 12.-The report of Adjutant General Whittaker gives the following table showing the number of persons drawing pensions from the -United States at the office of C. B. Lines, Agent at Topeka: 542 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1870. Name of Regiment. S First Kansas Infantry............................... 38 15 Second Kansas Infantry and Cavalry.................................. 18 13 Fifth Kansas Cavalry........................................ 15 24 Sixth Kansas C avalry................................................................................. 21 37 Seventh Kansas Cavalry................................14 7 Eighth Kansas Infantry.............................................................................46 32 Ninth Kansas Cavalry........................................ 17 44 Tenth Kansas Infantry................................ 12 16 Eleventh Kansas Cavalr........................................................................... 28 40 Twelfth Kansas Infantry........................................................................... 15 23 Thirteenth Kansas Infantry.................................................. 27 22 Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry............................................................ 6............ 11 Fifteenth Kansas Cavalry................................ 20 13 Sixteenth Kansas Cavalry................................. 7 10 Second Kansas State Militia....................................................................... 10 9 First Kansas Battery..................................4 3........................... 4 3. Second Kansas Battery...........................................................4 5 First Kansas Colored................................................................................. 19 Second Kansas Colored.............................................................................. 9 3 Eighteenth United States Colored Infantry......................................................... 4 Total................................................................................................... 320 350 DECEMBER 12."The claims allowed by the second and third Boards of Commissioners (appointed for the purpose of auditing the Price Raid claims of 1864, and the Indian expedition under Major General Curtis, in July and August of the same year), up to September 1st, 1869, are as follows: Services rendered....................................................................................... $233, 345 47 Materials, supplies and transportation furnished......................................... 111, 352 53 Damages sustained..................................................................................... 159, 191 34 Miscellaneous claims................................................................................... 36, 627 64 "In addition to this amount allowed by these Commissioners, there have been audited by special committees of the Legislature, and by the Auditor and Treasurer of State, claims for services amounting to six thousand seven hundred and one dollars and thirteen cents ($6,701.13.) This will make the total amount of this debt five hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars and eleven cents ($547,218.11.) " The State has assumed five hundred thousand dollars of this debt, leaving the balance unassumed. I would therefore respectfully suggest that your Excellency recommend the assumption of this balance, by the State, of forty-seven thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars and eleven cents ($47,218 11.) " The State has also expended for the protection of her frontiers three hundred and forty-six thousand dollars ($346,000), making the grand total of indebtedness eight hundred and ninety-three thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars and eleven cents ($893,218.11), which ought to be paid by the General Government."-Report of Adjutants General Whittaker. DECEMBER 15. —The following is copied from the Report of Superintendent McVicar: "By a recent ruling of the Hon. J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior, dated August 16, 1870, all rights of the State to sections sixteen and thirty-six on the Osage Trust Lands are denied. The Secretary says:' The lands embraced in the second article of the Osage Treaty of September 29th, 1865, are required to be sold in trust for the benefit of the Indians. The United States acquired no beneficial interest in them, and in no sense can they be considered public lands. The State, therefore, has acquired no right through the United States to any part of said lands, and is not entitled to equivalents for such of the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections as may be disposed of to pre-emptors.' "It seems strange that the Secretary should rule that the State has acquired no right through the United States to any part of said lands, when the joint resolution of Con 1870.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 543 gress, approved April 10th, 1869, expressly provides,' That the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections in each township of said lands shall be reserved for State school purposes.' But the point on which the Secretary seemed to base his decision is, that the trust lands are notpublic lands, and therefore do not come within the provisions of the act of admission, in accordance with which the joint resolution grants the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections. By this technical construction and decision, the State is deprived of nearly 200,000 acres of school lands on the trust tract, or about one million dollars of permanent school fund. It remains with the Legislature to determine what measure, if any, can be taken to test the rights of the State in the premises." "The Diminished Osage Reserve embraces a tract of country thirty miles wide, north and south, by over two hundred miles east and west, and extending along the south line of the State from the west line of Labette county to the western boundary of the Osage Reserve. After two years and more of varied fortunes, commencing with the notorious'Sturges Treaty,' and followed by amended bills and supplements to bills, this tract was finally opened to settlement by virtue of section fifteen of the Indian Appropriation Bill, approved July 15, 1870, which provides that the lands of the Osage Indians in Kansas, including the trust lands north of the Diminished Reservation,' shall be opened to settlement after survey, excepting the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections, which shall be reserved to the State of Kansas for school purposes.' The bill is silent in regard to questions tlhat will probably arise soon. A large portion of these school lands on the Diminished Reserve, and the best of them, were settled upon prior to the passage of the act, and prior to survey, while the lands were in possession of the Indians. The bill does not open the lands to settlement until after the survey, which in the case of the Diminished Reserve has not yet been made. What then are the rights of the State in case of school lands already settled upon within the Diminished Reserve, and which will be settled upon before the survey can be made?" " Owing to a reaction in the public mind in regard to the disposal of the Indian Reserves, there has been added to the common school endowment of the State during the past four years, by acts of Congress, approved April 10, 1869, and July 15, 1870: In Labette county.................................................................................. 22, 408 acres. In Neosho county.................................................................................. 20, 480 acres. On Trust Lands................................................................................... 177,777 acres. On Diminished Osage Reserve................................. 266, 666 acres. Equivalents located and confirmed................................................. 7, 404 acres. Total............................................................................................... 494,755 acres." This year ends the second term of Superintendent McVicar, one of the ablest and most valuable men the State has had in any public office. DECEMBER 15.-Senator Pomeroy writes from Washington to Robert Bonner, of the New York Ledger, restating his previous restatement. He now says the article' was written by an amanuensis. Mr. Bonner gave Mr. Pomeroy $200 for the article, and publishes a receipt, every word of which "is in the handwriting of the distinguished Senator." DECEMBER 16.-The M. K. & T. R. W. is laying track west of Fort Scott, and east of Parsons. -The Lawrence Journal says that during the past two years the K. P. R. W. has sold 700,000 acres of land, for $2,000,000. The Swedish colony, in Saline county, has taken 22,000 acres; the Scotch colony, in Dickinson county, 47,000 acres; the English colony, in Clay county, 32,000 acres; and the Welsh colony, in Riley county, 19,000 acres. DECEMBER 17.-Attempt in Leavenworth to recover the right of way through the city, granted to the Leavenworth, Atchison and Northwestern Railroad Company. -Jefferson county has seventy-nine school houses. DECEMBER 20. —Atchison is lighted by gas. 544 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. DECEMBER 24.-There are fifty-five school-houses in Franklin county. DECEMBER 21.-Leslie J. Perry sells the Garnett Plaindealer. -D. W. Wilder removes to Fort Scott, and becomes, January 1st, the Editor of the Monitor. — Gov. Harvey, in his Message, in January, says the safety of the frontier during the year was mainly caused by the exertions of General John, Pope, commanding the Department of the Missouri. He placed all available troops on the frontier, under the command of General Custer. DECEMBER 27.-D. Dickinson, State Librarian, reports 6,306 volumes in the Library, 577 having been added during the year. He asks that "the whole matter of exchange with the several States be committed to the Librarian." -Meeting of the State Teachers' Association, at Leavenworth. Officers elected: President, Philetus Fales, of Ottawa; Corresponding Secretary, F. H. Snow, of Lawrence; Recording Secretary, Mrs. H. A. Monroe, of Atchison; Treasurer, L. Emma Haynes, of Wabaunsee; Executive Committee, HE. D. McCarty of Leavenworth, J. A. Banfield of Topeka, Flora L. Allen of Leavenworth, E. M. Dickinson of Wyandotte. DECEMBER 30.-During the year, Lane University has had 130 students, Washburn College 45, Baker University 140, Hartford Institute 80, Wetmore Institute 125, Episcopal Female Seminary 148, Emporia Normal School 243, Leavenworth Normal School 61, State University 213, Agricultural College 286. 1871. JANUARY.-There are eighty papers in the State. -The station-houses along the line of the M. K. & T. road are painted with Fort Scott paint, and the cement used for its bridges is made at Fort Scott. -The Herald is started, at Ottawa, by Anderson & Tone. -A. G. Chase is one of the editors of the Kansas Farmer. — Scott & Howard publish the Osage Mission Journal. Peffer & Wellman publish the Fredonia Journal. -The Kansas Annual and Farmer's Record, for 1871. By William A. Brice, Leavenworth. Pages, 76. -Cash sales of coal in Fort Scott, $900 a day. -Fifty new buildings in Osage Mission. — Quarry of flagstone opened at Osage City. -New Methodist church dedicated at Burlington. D. P. Mitchell and C. R. Rice conduct the services. -The Republican Valley Empire, published by Henry Buckingham, removes from Clyde to Concordia. -Major E. P. Bancroft's new Hall, in Emporia, is nearly finished. JANUARY 9.-State officers sworn in, by Chief Justice Kingman. JANUARY 10.-The A. & N. R. R. reaches White Cloud. JANUARY 11.-Reported death of Perry Fuller, at Washington. JANUARY 12.-Death of James McCahon, in Leavenworth, aged 37 years. He was twice appointed to codify our laws, was a leading lawyer, issued a 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 545 volume containing the decisions of our Territorial courts, was Provost Marshal of the State during the war, a very prominent Republican, and a man of the highest character. He was born in Pennsylvania, and first settled in Doniphan county, and edited the Geary City Era. -W. H. Johnson discontinues the Council Grove Advertiser, and goes to Salina. JANUARY 12.-Nathan Cree becomes the editor of the Lawrence Standard, and retains the position until September 26, 1872. -Meeting of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Names. P. O. Address. County. James M. Harvey, Governor........................... Fort Riley................... Riley. P. P. Elder, Lieutenant Governor.................... Ottawa........................ Franklin. W. H. Smallwood, Secretary of State.............. Wathena..................... Doniphan. A. L. Williams, Attorney General.................. Topeka........................ Shawnee. H. D. McCarty, Supt. of Public Instruction..... Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. J. E. Hayes, State Treasurer........................... Olathe.......................... Johnson. A. Thoman, Auditor of State......................... Topeka.................... Shawnee. S. S. Prouty, State Printer............................... Topeka........................ Shawnee. David Whittaker, Adjutant General............... Doniphan..................... Doniphan. D. Dickinson, State Librarian........................ Oskaloosa..................... Jefferson. W. C. Webb, Supt. Insurance Department...... Fort Scott..................... Bourbon. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. P. O. Address. County. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice........................ Atchison..................... Atchison. D. J. Brewer, Associate Justice....................... Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. D. M. Valentine, Associate Justice................ Ottawa........................ Franklin. JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURTS.;Vames. Districts. P. O. Address. County. H. W. Ide......................................... First............. Leavenworth Leavenworth. Nathan Price............. Second............ Troy. Doniphan. John T. Morton......:......................... Third.......... Topeka......... Shawnee. Owen A. Bassett............................... Fourth............ Lawrence........... Douglas. J. H. Watson.................................. Fifth........ Emporia... Lyon. J. F. Broadhead................................ Sixth....... Mound City........ Linn. John R. Goodin................................ Seventh........ umboldt.......... Allen. Wm. H. Canfield.............................. Eighth............ Junction City..... Davis. William R. Brown........................... Ninth........ Cottonwood Falls Chase. Hiram Stevens............................................. Paola................. Johnson. H. G. Webb...................................... Eleventh......... Oswego............... Labette. A. S. Wilson..................................... Twelfth........... Washington...... Washington. -Barzillai Gray, Judge Criminal Court, Leavenworth county. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Names. Dist. P. O. Address. County. P. P. Elder, President................. Ottawa.................. Franklin. Bowers, G. M...10.......................... 10 Lenexa........................ Johnson. Cracraft, Joseph................................ 5 Ca.................... Nemaha. Fitzpatrick, W. H................................. 8 Topeka............... Shawnee. Haas, H. C...................................... 3 Leavenworth............ Leavenworth. Hogeboom, G. W.................................. 4 Oskaloosa..Jefferson. Kellogg, Josiah..........3................ 3 Leavenworth............. Leavenwortlh 35 546 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE —CONCLUDED. Names. Dist. Post Office Address. County. Logan, Joseph.................................. 2 Effingham.................. Atchison. Miller, Sol............................................. 1 White Cloud............... )Doniphan. Moore, H. D..................................... 14 Monmouth................. Crawford. Murdock, M.M.................................... 18 Burlingame................. Osage. McLellan, James................................... 6 Holton.......... Jackson. Nelson, George P................................ 12 Wyandotte................. Wyandotte. Prescott, J. H....................................... 20 Salina........................ Saline. Price, John M....................................... 2 Atchison..................... Atchison. Rockefeller, Philip................................ 7 Washington.......... Washington. Sears, T. C............................................... Franklin. Snoddy, James D................................... 13 Mound City................ Linn. Stover, E. S...............................1.......... 15 Council Grove.......... Morris. Stotler, Jacob................................... 19 Emporia..................... Lyon. Topping, E. H....................................... 11 Paola.......................... Miami Van Doren, W. S................................ 3 Leavenworth.......... Leavenworth. Vincent, J. C...................................... 9 Lawrence................... Douglas. Whitney, H. C...................................... 16 Humboldt.................. Allen. Wood, J....................................... 1 Doniphan.................... Doniphan. Worden, L. J....................................... 9 Lawrence................... Douglas. George C: Crowther, Secretary........................ New Chicago............... Neosho. Charles C. Prescott, Ass't Secretary............... Salina......................... Saline. William Bolton, Journal Clerk... Seneca........................ Nemaha. J. Cary French, Docket Clerk........................ Dover.......................... Shawnee. Mrs. Sarah J. Neal, Engrossing Clerk............. Atchison..................... Atchison. Mrs. H. E. Holman, Enrolling Clerk....................................... Greenwood. George H. Sclreiner, Sergeant-at-Arms........... Wyandotte................. Wyandotte. J. R. Kennedy, Ass't Sergeant-at-Arms.......... Olathe........................ Johnson. George W. Weed, Doorkeeper........................ Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. D. B. Aker, Assistant Doorkeeper...................................................... Marshall. Ephie Smith, Page........................................ Wyandotte................. Wyandotte. Harry Whitney, Page............ Humboldt.................. Allen. Jennie Griffith, Page....................... Topeka........................ Shawnee. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. Dist. Post Office Address. County. Ashby, W. F....................................... 27 Easton.................. Leavenworth. Babbitt, J. F......................................... 11 Hiawatha.................... Brown. Barnes, Asa............................8...... Locust Grove............... Atchison. Barber, A....................................... 48 Paris.......................... Linn. Bayer, A. W....................................... 88 Ellsworth.................... Ellsworth. Bennett, Abram.................................. 2 East Norway............... Doniphan. Baker, T. H....................................... 67 Augusta.................... Butler. Benson, George W................................. 36 Lawrence.................. Douglas. Bogart, G. A....................................... 63 Toronto..................... Woodson. Bond, T. L............................................ Elk City..................... Montgomery. Brice, S. M....................................... 48 Mound City................. Linn. Burns, C. R........................................ 79 North Topeka............. Shawnee. Butts, William C................................. 20 Grasshopper Falls...... Jefferson. Butler, C. B.......................................... 62 Leroy.......................... Coffey. Buzick, Ira C............................ Elk Horn.................... Lincoln. Cable, Rufus E...................................... 31 Wyandotte................. Wyandotte. Carpenter, J. M.................................... 45 New Lancaster............ Miami. Cawker, E. H............................................... Cawker City................ Mitchell. Campbell, Jacob................................... 81 Summerville............... Ottawa. Churchill, Levi.........30........................... Fairmount................ Leavenworth. Clapp, J. D....................................... 34 Gardner..................... Johnson. Colley, D. D....................................... 23 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Crook, J. J............................................ 26 Kickapoo.................... Leavenworth. Crocker, D. A...................................... 47 Mound City................ Linn. Darling, Thomas J................................ 22 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Fenlon, T. P....................................... 25 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Fisher, H. C....................................... 40 M rio........................ ouglas. Gandy, Felix T....................... Jewell City.................. Jewell. Green, W. H......................................... 50 Osaga.......................... Bourbon. Griffin, S. P....................................... 9 Pardee........................ Atchison. Haskell, Jacob................................... 42 Dover.......................... Shawnee. Hill, T. C....................................... 66 Americus.................... Lyon. Higday, George E................................. 89 Wichita...................... Wallace. Howell, Joseph................................... 29 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. 1871.] ANNAL$ OF KANSAS. 547 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE-CONTINUED. Names. Dist. Post Office Address. County. Hudson, J. K....................................... 80 Glen Park.............. Wyandotte. Ingle, C. W....................................... 38 Prairie City................. Douglas. Irwin, S. W...................................... 78 New Chicago............... Neosho. Johnson, D. B....................................... 33 Shawnee...................... Johnson. Johnson, Richard................................. 14 Seneca......................... Nemaha. Kennedy, J. B....................................... 5 Doniphan.................... Doniphan. King, C. S....................................... 7 Atchison..................... Atchison. Knowlton, J. F.................................... 55 Geneva............. Allen. Langdon, S. J....................................... 86 Iowa City.................... Crawford. Legate, J. F....................................... 24 Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. Libby, C. W....................................... 51 Xenia........................ Bourbon. Lindsay, John G.................................... 56 Garnett...................... Anderson. Linn, H. C........................................ 17 St. Mary's................ Pottawatomie. Luce, J. M....................................... 58 Centropolis................. Franklin. Manning, E. C........................................ Winfield..................... Cowley. Mahr, J. M...................................... 85 Montana..................... Labette. Mellville, W. G.............................. 35 Lawrence................... Douglas. Metcalf, H. H....................................... 87Ellis. Mowry, A. J....................................... 3 Wathena..................... Doniphan. Morris, J....................................... 72 Ogden............. Riley. Moore, A. A....................................... 76 Marion Centre............ Marion. Moore, T. H....................................... Iowa Point................. Doniphan. Murphy, Thomas................................ 6 Atchison.................... Atchison. McCartney, A....................................... 77 Neodesha............. Wilson. McEckron, B. H.................................... 84 Clyde......................... Cloud. McLaughlin, J.B................................. 82 Clay Center................ Clay. Olson, Ulof................................................... Lindsburg................... McPherson. Osborn, W. F....................................... 75 Virgil.......................... Greenwood. Overstreet, R. M................................... 64 Emporia..................... Lyon. Page, F. R............................................. Lyon. Parker, C. E....................................... 12 Walnut Creek............ Brown. Peckhain, W. H................................... 39 Big Springs............. Douglas. Phinney, James................................... 69 Council Grove............ Morris. Pinkerton, J.H.................................... 70 Alm........................... Wabaunsee. Puffer, Charles...................................... Burlington.................. Coffey. Redfield, J. C....................................... 54 Humboldt................ Allen. Reynolds, James........................................ Longton..................... Howard. Sells, Elijah...................................37 Lawrence................... Douglas. Shattuck, Scott................................... 46 Twin Springs.............. Linn. Simons, A....................................... 14 Seneca........................ Nemaha. Smith, W. H.................................. 15 Marysville.................. Marshall. Smith, H. B........................................ 43 Osawatomie................. Miami. Snead, J. H....................................... 74 Salina................ Saline. Speer, Joseph L................................ 21 Newman.................... Jefferson. Steele, C. S....................................... 52 Uniontown................. Bourbon. Steele, J. M.............................................................. Sedgwick. Strickler, S. M...................................... 71 Junction City.............. Davis. Thompson, Thomas.............................. 57 Garnett....................... Anderson. Van Natta, N. T................................ 90 Belleville............... Republic. Veale, G. W....................................... 41 Topeka........................ Shawnee. Warner, Ephraim................................ 73 Detroit............. Dickinson. Webb, W. C....................................... 53 Fort Scott.............. Bourbon. Welsh, H. P........................................ 59 Ottawa........................ Franklin. Whittaker, S. G................................... 4 Troy........................... Doniphan. Whistler, William................................ 60 Quenemo............. Osage. Wilson, A. S....................................... 16 Washington.............. Washington. Wilson, J. C......................................... 10 Muscotah................... Atchison. Williams, J. L.. 18 Holton........................ Jackson. Williams, William................................. 32 Olathe........................ Johnson. Williams, A. C....................................... 28 Tonganoxie................. Leavenworth. Willetts, John...................................... 19 Grove City.................. Jefferson. Wood, S. M.................................... 68 Cottonwood Falls......... Chase. Wood, George W................................... 8 Colutmbus.................... Cherokee. Simpson, B. F., Speaker........................ 44 Paola......................... Miami. A. R. Banks, Chief Clerk..................... Lawrence................... Douglas. S. F. Burdett, Assistant Clerk................ Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. D. W. Henderson, Journal Clerk............................................... Saline. William H. Price, Docket Clerk................................................ Atchison. Miss Carrie Sain, Enrolling Clerk........... Topeka.................. Shawnee. Miss Carol M. Crouse, Engrossing Clerk,......... Oswego........................ Labette. Mrs. R. Flower, Asst. Engrossing Clerk,........Topeka........................ Shawnee. W. D. Knox, Sergeant-at-Arms.............. Junction City.............. Davis. A. D. Johnson, Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms...................................... Johnson. A. H. Beck, Doorkeeper....................... Ottawa................... Franklin. 548 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE-CONCLUDED. Names. Post Office Address. County. John Helwig, Assistant Doorkeeper............................. Atchison. Miss Jennie Maxwell, Page.............................. Topeka....................... Shawnee. Miss Hattie Butler, Page................................. Topeka........................ Shawnee. T. H. Earnest, Page..................................... Ottawa........................ Franklin. Frank Hunt, Page........................................ Topeka........................ Shawnee. Ed. Mathews, Page.................................... Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. W. M. Young, Page.................................... Wathena..................... Doniphan. Mart. Reynolds........................................ Longton...................... Howard. JANUARY 13.-Ex-Gov. Thos. Carney says he is not a candidate for the Senate. JANUARY 16. —Episcopal Convention at Atchison-the first of the Diocese of Kansas. - C. B. Lines reappointed United States Pension Agent. JANUARY' 17.-Election of State Printer. First ballot: S. S. Prouty 41, Sol. Miller 31, F. P. Baker 27, George F. Prescott 13. Joseph Clarke 9, C. G. Patterson 1. Second ballot: Prouty 46, Miller 32, Baker 28, Prescott 11, Clarke 5. Third ballot: Prouty 67, Miller 25, Baker 24, Prescott 4, Clarke 2. Necessary to a choice, 62. -Meeting of the State Temperance Society. Mr. Jenkins, President; Peter McVicar, Secretary. — Meeting of the Editors' and Publishers' Association. Officers elected: President, Milton W. Reynolds, of the Lawrence Journal; Vice President, M. M. Murdock, of the Burlingame Chronicle; Treasurer, S. S. Prouty, of the Topeka Commonwealth; Secretary, S. D. Macdonald, of the Topeka Record; Orator, Henry King; Alternate, George A. Crawford. The Annual Address delivered by Ward Burlingame, of the Commonwealth. Speeches made by Col. John C. Vaughan, Sidney Clarke, S. O. Thacher, T. P. Fenlon, John Guthrie, and Gov. Harvey. JANUARY 21.-Legislative excursion to Kansas City. - The Commonwealth publishes a history of Topeka churches. -The Columbus Independent claims that Cherokee county coal is the best in the State for manufacturing purposes. JANUARY 24.-Meeting of the Society of Michigan in Lawrence. Address by W. C. Ransom; speeches by James D. Snoddy, M. W. Reynolds, and James M. Spencer. — Incorporation of the Homceopathic Medical Society of the State. Incorporators: S. K. Huson, R. Huson, H. F. Klemp, J. N. Rubicon, John J. Edie. JANUARY 24.-Vote of the Senate for a United States Senator, for the term beginning INarch 4,1871' Alexander Caldwell, of Leavenworth county, 8 votes; Sidney Clarke, of Douglas, 6; S. J. Crawford, of Lyon, 5; E. G. Ross, of Douglas, 1; W. R. Laughlin, of Crawford, 1; T. H. Walker, of Shawnee, 1; W. A. Phillips, of Saline, 1; Jas. D. Snoddy, of Linn, 1; W. Shannon, of Douglas, 1. Vote of the House: Mr. Caldwell received 30 votes, Mr. Crawford 22, Mr. Clarke 21, Mr. Ross 7, Mr. Snoddy 11; Mr. Fenlon 2, Mr. Vaughan 1, Mr. Laughlin 1, Mr. McVicar 1, Mr. Bennett 1, Mr. Sells 1. 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 549 JANUARY 25.-Election of U. S. Senator. Alexander Caldwell 87, Sam ue J. Crawford 34, Wilson Shannon 2. JANUARY 26. —Meeting of the soldiers of the Army of the Frontier, at Topeka. President, Nathan Price; Secretary, David Whittaker. Voted to hold a reunion, at Emporia, December 7th. Committee of Arrangements: P. B. Plumb, Wm. A. Phillips, Mathew Quigg, Josiah E. Hayes, Owen A. Bassett, H. H. Williams, Geo. W. Veale. JANUARY 26.-Reception of Senator Caldwell, in Leavenworth. Speeches by ex-Governor Carney, Senator Ross, Thos. P. Fenlon, Jas. F. Legate, and others. FEBRUARY 1. —Peter McVicar elected President of Washburn College. FEBRUARY 2. —Congress passes a bill to provide for auditing the Price Raid claims. FEBRUARY 3. —Caldwell Senatorial Banquet at Leavenworth, to the Legislature. -Atchison county has fifty-six school-houses. -John Speer retires from the Lawrence Tribune. He says he has been connected with the Kansas press most of the time for sixteen. years. FEBRUARY 9. —Congress passes a bill to sell a part of the Fort Leavenworth Reserve to the Fair Association. FEBRUARY 10.-L. J. Perry buys half of the Ottawa Journal. FEBRUARY 14.- Crane & Byron, of Topeka, publish a book called "The Science of Evil," by Joel Moody, of Mound City. -The Committee to investigate the State Treasurer report: "From the above exhibit it is shown that over $200,000 of the revenue of the State is virtually deposited in banks in Kansas City, Missouri, or in Topeka, Kansas, in open violation of law. "A disregard of the law for the custody and safe-keeping of the revenue of the State by the officer who is made the custodian of the people's money, raised by taxation for the payment of the expenses of the State Government, is an act of bad faith that demands the enforcement of the penalties prescribed. "If the law had no moral power to restrain the officer swforn to its support, then security is gone, and the funds of the State have but little protection. "This pernicious system of pretending to deal in drafts and certificates of deposit, to evade the law which prohibits depositing in a bank or other place, is one fraught with evil and danger. The certificates and drafts are held by the State Treasurer for an indefinite period, thereby releasing the drawer for want of diligence -a practice that no business man would adopt for himself —and if the banks in New York should fail, the State would be the loser for the amount drawn." —House Journal, pp. /16 to h19. FEBRUARY 14."'Responsive to my letter of the 17th of October, 1870 (published in last Annual Mesr sage), I have been officially informed that the Secretary of the Interior has decided, in accordance with the claim asserted in the letter, that the State is entitled, for school purposes, to the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections within the Osage Trust Lands, and their Diminished Reservation; the length of the correspondence precludes its insertion here; but it will be laid before you. The decision is dated February 14th, 1871, and was received at this office March 8th, 1871." —Gov. Harvey's Message, January 9, 1872. FEBRUARY 15.-Henry King retires from the Topeka Record. FEBRUARY 16.-Ward Burlingame retires from the Commonwealth, to become the Secretary of Senator Caldwell. FEBRUARY 20.-The Chicago and Southwestern Railroad is completed to Leavenworth. 550 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. -The Atchison Champion begins its fourteenth year. FEBRUARY 28.-Report of the Special Committee on Insurance Money received by the Auditor:'' From the law it will be seen that the Auditor had no authority whatever to'receive.this money from insurance companies, and much less to hold a large amount of it in his hands for a period of from six to eighteen months. From the law it will also appear that the payment into the Treasury, by the corporation seeking the certificate, of the sum of fifty dollars is a condition precedent to its right to demand and the Auditor's right to issue a certificate of authority. The facts show that all the certificates issued by Mr. Thoman have been issued without and prior to such payment, in nearly all cases many months." MARCH 1.-John M. Crowell, of Atchison, appointed Special Agent of the Post Office Department, at large. MARCH 3.-Adjournment of the Legislature. Among its acts are these: Apportioning the State for Senators and Representatives; Authorizing the School Commissioners to buy $50,000 of Lawrence bonds; Creating the Twelfth Judicial District; Establishing an Insurance Department; Providing for the settlement of losses on the frontier; Appropriating $6,000 for seed wheat and corn, for western counties; For the election of a Board of Railroad Assessors; To restrain State, County and City Treasurers from speculating in their offices. Nineteen acts were passed authorizing municipal bonds. MARCH 6.-W. A. Morgan establishes the Chase County Leader, at Cottonwood Falls. -Geo. C. Hume leaves the Leavenworth Commercial for the St. Louis Journal of Commerce, and changes it from a Weekly to a Daily. MARCH 7.-W. H. Rossington succeeds Hume as editor of the Leavenworth Commercial, and remains till the fall of'72. — The Tribune is established at Independence, by Humphrey & Yoe. -The King bridge shops nearly completed, at Iola. -John McReynolds removes from Paola to Emporia. MARCH 14."On the.14th of March, 1871, I proceeded to Leavenworth, and met James A. Hardee, Inspector General, U. S. A., J. D. Bingham, Quartermaster, U. S. A., and T. H. Stanton, Paymaster, U. S. A., members of the Commission appointed by the Se,cretary of War to examine and audit the Price Raid claims, pursuant to Act of Congress, approved February 2, 1871. The Commission, having been organized and qualified according to law, at Fort Leavenworth, was invited. to meet at Topeka, for convenience of access to the necessary papers; and it accordingly met here on the 17th of March. It was afforded every possible facility for the discharge of the duty, and after a number of days of assiduous labor, went to Washington to report the result to the Secretary of War, to be by him compmunicated to Congress as a basis for an appropriation for the payment of the claims."-Gov. Harvey's Message, Jaon. 9, 1872. MARCH 19.-Wm. C. Webb appointed Superintendent of Insurance. MARCH 19.-Andrew S. Wilson appointed Judge of the Twelfth District. MARCH 20. —Joseph Logan distributes seed wheat in the northwest. - George Merrill succeeds Col. Huntoon as Receiver in the Topeka Land Office. -The Junction City Land Office is to be moved to Salina. -Conference of the M. E. Church at Paola. Number of local preach 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 551 ers, 243; value of church property, $288,783; Sunday school children, 10,683. MARCH 24.-The Governor appoints the following Railroad Assessors: Ed. Russell, George Graham, J. C. Bailey, John Walruff, H. N. Bent, C. W. Libby, F. M. Power, J. M. Allen, F. B. Hunt, H. H. Williams, R. W. Wright, Jacob Weisbach. -M. W. Coulter becomes sole owner of the Baxter Springs Sentinel. MARCH 28. —ncorporation of the Eclectic Medical Association of the State. Incorporators: George H. Field, Samuel E. Martin, Caleb D. Ward, Ansell M. Eidson, David Surber, Daniel B. Crouse. APRIL 4. —T. Dwight Thacher becomes the sole owner of the Lawrence Republican Journal. -The type on which the White Cloud Chief is printed has been in constant use sixteen years. — A "Hand-Book of Progressive Philosophy," by Edward Schiller, of Fort Scott, is published by Redfield, New York. -Frank H. Drenning becomes sole owner of the Wathena Reporter. APRIL 27.-Isaac M. Ruth, business manager of the Lawrence Tribune, found dead in his bed. Mrs. Ruth was in Leavenworth. A dying statement by Mr. Ruth led to the arrest of Dr. Medlicott. May 5th the coroner's jury brings in a verdict that Mr. Ruth came to his death from the effects of a narcotic poison, administered by Dr. J. J. Medlicott. MAY.-John A. Banfield edits the Educaitional Journal. MAY 11.-Episcopal Convention at Fort Scott. -The Congregational Association holds its fifteenth Annual Session at Emporia. -The Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway reaches Cabin Creek, Indian Territory. MAY 15.-Appointment of D. D. Colley, Leavenworth, David Heller, Clyde, and Thomas W. Bown, Marion Centre, Commissioners to audit losses from Indian raids between the years 1861 and 1871. MAY 16.-D. B. Emmert confirmed as Receiver of the Humboldt Land Office. MAY 23.-The civil and criminal suits against John Speer are withdrawn: "DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, WASHINGTON, MAY 15TH, 1871. "Albert H. Horton, Esq., United States Attorney, Atchison, Kansas: "SIR: 1 am directed by the Attorney General to inform you, in relation to the criminal cases of the United States vs. Speer and others, that you are authorized to enter a nolleprosequi in them. This direction is given you, as there is some doubt whether they are cases which came within the internal revenue act, and thus are under the control of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, or whether directions in respect to them should come from this Department. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "CLEMENT HUGH HILL, Assistant Attorney General." JUNE 3.-The Emporia Ledger established. H. W. McCune, the present (1875) publisher, has been connected with the paper since March 20, 1873. JUNE.-The Educational Journal publishes a catalogue of plants, native and naturalized, found in Kansas, by J. H. Carruth, with additions by F. H. Snow and E. Hall. 552 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. JUNE 6.-The Missouri Board of Agriculture visits Kansas. JUNE 6.-J. B. Davis leaves the Commonwealth. He is succeeded by S. D. Macdonald. -Ed. H. Snow buys the Ottawa Journal. -The Indian Depredation Commissioners meet at Topeka. JUNE 10.-The Spirit is issued, at Paola, by Leslie J. Perry and C. M. Bright. JUNE 15.-Baptist Convention in session, at Leavenworth. — Wichita and Abilene are rival cattle markets. JUNE 16.-Terrific tornado at Eldorado. JUNE 20.-Texas cotton begins to arrive at Parsons. JUNE 30. —Seventh Annual Report of the City of Leavenworth Board of Education. pp. 115. J. L. Wever is President of the Board, and P. J. Williams Superintendent of the Schools. In the "Questions for Promotion," Greek words, printed with Greek letters, are freely used —for the first time in a Kansas book. JULY.-The total assessed valuation of property in the State, made in June, 1870, for the U. S. Census, was $89,905,470. The true valuation of property, made for the same purpose by County Clerks, was $183,998,744; or more than twice as much. JULY.-A book appears with this title: "Resources of Kansas. Fifteen Years' Experience. By C. C. Hutchinson. With a new Map and forty Illustrations.'The rudiments of Empire here Are plastic yet, and warm; The chaos of a mighty world Is rounding into form.' Topeka, Kansas: Commonwealth State Printing House." pp. 287. The following is copied from the book: " Table showing the average rainfall of Kansas, in comparison with that of other States, for the fiv6 years from January 1, 1865, to January 1, 1870. By Professor F. H. Snow. States. Spring.'Summer Autumn Winter. tl Ocach 1 Year. Kansas........................ 10,82 18,06 9.79 5.42 34.15 44.09 Maine........................ 13.74 10.55 13.33 9.99 28.23 47.61 New Hampshire......................... 10.40 10.49 12. 66 7.85 25.40 41,40 Vermont........................................ 10,31 10.44 11.82 7, 32 25.01 39.89 Massachusetts........................... 13.46 11.17 11.72 10.20 28.71 46.55 Connecticut..................................... 13.01 13,34 13.11 10.54 30.88 50.00 New York............................ 11.16 11.19 12.41 9.92 26.85 44.68 New Jersey.................................. 13.18 13.88 12.53 11,39 31.81 50.98 Pennsylvania............................ 12.04 12.46 11.17 10.01 29.05 45.68 Maryland.....,................................. 13.67 13.95 12,39 11.22 32.05 51.23 Kentucky.................................... 15.18 13.77 9.88 12.50 33.92 51.33 Ohio.......................................... 12.34 11.73 9.80 8.09 29.24 41.96. Michigan........................................ 8.32 9.90 11.00 6.47 23.19 35.69 Indiana............................................ 14.35 12.84 10.32 9.27 32.94 46.78 Illinois................................. 11.53 12.07 8.14 6.02 27.92 37.76 Wisconsin........................................ 8.92 13.23 8.16 5.87 25.53 36,18 Minnesota....................................... 6.09 13.39 8.42 3.78 24.43 31.68 Iowa........................................ 10.57 16.72 8.86 6.38 32.14 42.53 Missouri........................................ 12.67 13.34 9.29 6.42 30.74 41.72 Nebraska......................................... 8.76 12.56 6,25 5.09 24.93 32,62 Av'age rainfall in 20 States for 5 y'rs. 11.52 12.75 10.55 8;19 28.86 43.01 - "I quote from a letter dated Topeka, January 27, 1871, received from W. H. Fisk, Superintendent of one of the coal companies working in Osage county, as follows: "'We have two shafts at Osage City, some fifty feet in depth, and a mine at Carbondale; entered by a slope or drift, the main entry being some eight hundred feet long. 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 553 Our present force and facilities will enable us to take out twenty car-loads per day, six thousand bushels. We have contracts with the Kansas Pacific, and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Companies, to supply them with coal. Our Osage coal is pronounced by good judges to be equal to any in the State. The dimensions of the Osage shafts are 5x13 feet, 50 feet in depth.' "Mining is prosecuted extensively by organized companies in Bourbon county, near Fort Scott, and in Crawford, Cherokee, Neosho, and Labette counties. Extensive mines are opened near Chetopa, in the latter county. One company ship from twenty-five to forty car-loads per day from Fort Scott, employing about two hundred and fifty men. The veins that are worked in this region range from two to four feet in thickness, and are but a few feet below the surface." The book takes a rose-colored view of everything relating to Kansas, is well written, and is the best immigration document the State has published. Ten thousand copies were issued, the Legislature making an appropriation for the printing. JULY.-A book issued with this title: "The Law of Estoppel. By Henry M. Herman, Counsellor at Law, Leavenworth, Kansas. Albany, W. C. Little & Co." JULY 6.-The Leavenworth County Board give the K. P. stock to the "Kansas Central," or narrow-gauge road. -The threats of assassination made by the "vigilants," in Butler county, against T. B. Murdock, of the Eldorado Times, lead to the insanity and death of his wife and child. JULY 24. —Geo. A. Crawford says John Brown's "Parallel" was written in the house of Dr. A. B. Massey, at the Trading Post, Linn county, and read to Mr. Crawford by Kagi, the day it was written. Anderson and Stevens, then known as Hazlitt and Whipple, were also present. — Completion of the Topeka Female Seminary building, built under the direction and through the exertions of Bishop Vail. JULY 27.- Crane & Byron, of Topeka, publish " My Captivity Among the Sioux," a book written by Mrs. Kelley. JULY 31. —Gov. Harvey offers a reward of $500 for the apprehension and conviction of the incendiaries who burned the Girard Press, on the 11th inst. AUGUST. —Appearance of a "Guide to the Country along the line of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway," by R. F. Smith. It is a book of 217 pages, filled with loud praise of the towns, men, and newspapers published between Fort Scott and Chetopa, and Junction City and Parsons. The early history of the towns is usually given. AUGUsT.-George W. Hoss, of Indiana, elected Principal of the Emporia Normal School. AUGUST.-The Agricultural editors of New York visit Kansas. AUGUST 14.-The Fort Scott Monitor Company publish for Rev. T. B, Taylor a book called, "Old Theology Turned Upside Down, or Right Side Up." — Nearly every county in the State has one or more new railway projects, AUGUST 21.-A writer in the Commonwealth says: "The air of Newton is tainted with the hot steam of human blood." Six persons are killed in that town. AUGUST 24.-John A. Martin, of the Atchison Champion, and George 554 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. A. Crawford, of the Fort Scott Monitor, are appointed Centennial Commissioners, by Gov. Harvey. — National Camp Meeting, near Topeka. -The Educational Journal is removed from Emporia to Topeka. -Geo. H. Hoyt returns to Athol, Mass. SEPTEMBER 1.-The L. L. & G. reaches Coffeyville, on the southern boundary of the State. -The Ottawa University case is tried before Judge Bassett. -The Vedette says buffaloes come within ten miles of Wichita. -The Emporia News says C. H. Withington built the first house in Lyon county, in 1854. -Mr. Hanna, of the Salina Herald, is pronounced the champion chessplayer of the State. SEPTEMBER 3. —Cyrus O. French, of Fort Scott, is appointed Register in Bankruptcy. -Dr. C. C. McDowell succeeds Amos Sanford on the Columbus Journal. SEPTEMBER.-Fort Scott dedicates a school-building equalled, says the Educational Journal, by only three in the State - the "Morris," of Leavenworth, the "Lincoln," of Topeka, and the " Central Building," of Atchison. SEPTEMBER 3.-A Kansas literary monthly is talked of by the Fort Scott Monitor, the project originating with Edward Schiller. SEPTEMBER 4.-The American Pomological Society, at Richmond, Va., awards Kansas "the highest premium for the largest and best display of fruit; unequalled in size, beauty and excellence during the session of the American Pomological Society." SEPTEMBER 5.-Methodist State Convention at Lawrence. SEPTEMBER 10.-N. L. Prentis writes a history of the State Agricultural Society, for the Topeka Record. Paola has 747 school children. -State Fair at Topeka. SEPTEMBER 15.-Election, on the State Fair grounds at Topeka, of the following officers of the State Agricultural Society: President, I. S. Kalloch, of Douglas; Vice President, O. E. Learnard,' of Douglas; Secretary, Alfred Gray, of Wyandotte; Treasurer, Thomas Murphy, of Atchison; Superintendent, J. L. McDowell. Executive Committee: J. I. Larimer of Leavenworth, S. T. Kelsey of Franklin, J. N. Insley of Jefferson, J. W. Scott, of Allen, N. A. Adams of Riley, E. S. Niccolls of Anderson, John Inlow of Johnson, Andrew Wilson of Shawnee, J. K. Hudson of Wyandotte, G. A. Crawford of Bourbon. SEPTEMBER 15.-Old Settlers' meeting at Blanton's Crossing. President, Charles Robinson; Vice Presidents, Geo. W. Smith, J. A. Wakefield, A. Alquire, Capt. Bickerton, Capt. A. Cutler, and John Speer; Secretaries, Capt. W. I. R. Blackman, and W. L. G. Soule. Letters received from Geo. W. Brown, Rockford, Ill., and James Redpath, Boston. -Geo. Tauber starts the Zeitung, at Topeka. SEPTEMBER 26.-Excbrsion from Chicago to Leavenworth, over the 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 555 Southwestern Railroad. President Grant and General Beauregard in the party. OCTOBER.-The St. Louis Fair gives Kansas a diploma "for the best exhibition of apples." OCTOBER.-The New England Fair, at Lowell, Mass., awards a silver medal to Kansas for its display of fruit. OCTOBER.-The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society awards Kansas a silver medal for its fruit. OCTOBER 5.-Excursion from Atchison, over the A. & N. R. R. to the first crossing of the Nemaha, in Nebraska. This seems to have been the only excursion in which Sol. Miller ever took a part. -Dr. John H. Stringfellow returns and becomes a' citizen of Atchison. OCTOBER 6.-Rev. Winfield Scott writes from Albany that the Kansas fruit obtained the highest award at the New York State Fair. -Manufacture of ochre brick at Osage City. OCTOBER 8.-Trial of Dr. Medlicott, at Garnett. OCTOBER 10.- Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. meets at Lawrence. OCTOBER 19.-Meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge at Topeka. — John Maloy takes charge of the Council Grove Democrat. -The number of houses in Leavenworth is 3,084. -The Synod of Kansas meets at Humboldt; sermon by Rev. Dr. J. G. Reaser. -Catholic Church dedicated at Wathena. - Several cities and societies contribute liberally to the sufferers by the great fire in Chicago. OCTOBER 24.-Sixth Annual Convention of the Editors' and Publishers' Association, at Lawrence. Address by Henry King, of Topeka. Officers: President, M. W. Reynolds; Vice Presidents, Geo. F. Prescott, D. W. Wilder, G. C. Crowther, Albert Griffin; Secretary, S. D. Macdonald; Treasurer, S. S. Prouty; Orator, Geo. A. Crawford; Alternate, D. W. Wilder. The Convention encouraged the project of establishing the Kansas Magazine. There was an excursion to Humboldt, Fort Gibson, Fort Scott, Sedalia, (Mo.), and Chicago. OCTOBER 28.-Mrs. Ruth arrested, at Lawrence, as an accomplice in the murder of her husband. Dr. Medlicott was found guilty of murder in the first degree, on the 26th. OCTOBER 25.-The Natural History Society meets at Leavenworth. -E. C. Manning, on his farm near Winfield, Cowley county, has raised a crop of corn on a field from which wheat was harvested in June. Last year he also raised a second crop. -Railroad in progress from Cherryvale to Independence. NOVEMBER.-The New York Independent says: "Kansas is the best advertised and most favorably known of the Far-Western States. Her prestige is due to three causes: 1st. Her political troubles and warfare for Freedom, which elicited universal sympathy; 2d. The fertility of her soil, the superior of which does not exist in the West; and 3d. To the activity of her citizens." NOVEMBER.-The Emporia News and Tribune are consolidated. NOVEMBER 5.-Convention of Spiritualists, at Lawrence. 556 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. NOVEMBER 7.-Annual election. VOTE FOR STATE SENATOR. Counties. Names. b 3 Leavenworth................. C. R. Jennison'.................... 2, 736 542 J. J. Crook............... 2,194 ___ 4, 930 4, 930 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.: Counties. Names. a ~ 1 Doniphan....................... Thomas M. Pierce................. 490 193 Prvor Plank........................ 297 787 2.......................... James A. Oder....................... 303 Robert C. Mailler.................. 305 2 608 3.......................... Ed. Searcy........................... 252 24 A. J. Mowry......................... 228 480 1,875 4 Atchison.......................G. G.W. Glick............. 294 C. I. Scofield.......................... 513 219 807 5....................................... J. C. Wilson.......................... 385 137 H. C. Baker......................... 248 633 6....................................... C. T. Griffin........................... 423 89 Benj. Wallack...................... 334 757 2,197 7 Brown.......................... C. F. Bowron........................ 747 432 H. A. Parsons.......................' 315 1, 062 1, 062 8 Nemaha........................ Ira F. Collins...................... 380 103 J. P. Taylor.......................... 277 J. E. Taylor........................... 1 A. C. DeForrest................ 7 665 9....................................... A. C. DeForrest................. 443 266 A. M. Flint.................... 177 J. W. McLaughlin................. 1 621 1, 286 10 Marshall......................... Alvinza Jeffers..................... 795 204 Charles B. Mathews............... 591 1,386 1,386 11 Washington................ C. J. Aldrich.................... 798 798 798 798 12 Riley.............................. John E. Pinkerton................ 906 434 R. E. Fullington.................... 472 Scattering............................ 6, 384 1,384 13 Pottawatomie................. J.C. Lightcap....................... 535 253 J. H. Chadsey........................ 382 Scattering............................ 6 923 14....................................... Welcome Wells.............. 223 15 E. Aldrich....................... 208 Scattering............................ 437 1, 360 15 Jackson.......................... Jacob Laugh iller................ 516 176 E. L. Shields......................... 340 856 856 16 Jefferson....................... Terry Critchfield.................. 496 306 Geo. W. Gray........................ 190 686 17....................................... Hugh S. Walsh..................... 241 H. K. Kennedy..................... 393 152 634 18....................................... Jno. W. Rogers...................... 351 139 T. J. Housh........................... 212 563 1,883 19 Leavenworth............. L.. L. M. Goddard....................... 408 74 Dr. H. Stein.......................... 334 742 20.............................. W. Taylor........................ 185 N. Marchand........................ 413 228 598 21........................................ S. N. Latta................. 596 566 J. F. Legate........................... 30 626 22...................................... Thomas P. Fenlon............... 439 54 M. J. Parrott.................;.... 385 824 23....................................... James Cooley........................ 365. 52 Jacob Winter........................ 313 678 24.......................... J. Bauserman....................... 354 B. C. Barker........ 524 170 878 25...................J............... J. E. Barrett........................ 300 C. J. Halstead........................ 385 85 685 5,031 26 Wyandotte.................... Hiram Mallott................... 777 15 Frank Betton...................... 762 1,539 27..................................... S.A. Cobb........................... 528 335 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 557 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED. Counties. Names. 6 b X ~'..:,. 27 Wyandotte (concluded).. G. R. Todd...........193- 721 2,260 28 Johnson......................... D. B. Johnson......................... 334 James H. Connelly.................428 94 762 29....... T. G. Stevenson....................... 50 296 J. W. Buel.............................. -254 Henry Hooker..................... 80 E. Williams............................. 1 E. W. Smith........................... 1,018 30........................... E. Clarke................... 243 A. Taylor....................... 379 136 C. W. Batch........;......... 20 Scattering.................. 2 644 2,424 31 Miami................. D. H. Johnson 691 147 J. E. Thayer........................... 544 1,235 32....................................... Ht. B. Smith............................. 546 F. M. Fain.............................. 571 25 1,117 2,352 F. M. Fain.571 25 1,117 2,352 33 Linn............................. J. M. Sayer..............583...... 583 409 J. V. Donaldson...................... 174 W. C. Gibbons.......................... 39 Z. McFadden........................... 1 797 34.............................. W B.Scott........................... 227 26 Robert Ewing.......................... 201 428 35....................................... A.W. Burto n........................... 402 259 Henrv Ham........................... 143 545 1,770 36 Bourbon.................... W. H. Green........................... 415 219 M. E. Hudson......................... 196 Scattering......................... 13 624 37....................................... J. R. Greening....................... 364 348 L. S. Humphreys................... 16 Scattering.............................. 9 389 38........................... TF. Robley........................... 520 L. G. Palmer........................... 539 19 Scattering.............................. 1 1, 060 2,073 39 Crawford........................ S. D. Ashmore........................ 360 122 H. M. Kirkpatrick.................. 238 Scattering............................. 2 600 40..................................... S. J. Lagdon.......................... 379 286 R. B. James............................. 93 Scattering,............................. 1 473 1,073 41 Cherokee..................... W. H. Clark........................... 293 G. W. Wood.......................... 496 203 Scattering.............................. 7 796 42....................................... S.T. Kennedy.............472 35 W. H. Graves.......................... 437 W. H. Clark............................ 28 G. W. Wood.................... 40 Scattering.............................. 2 979 1,775 43 Labette......................... J. J. Wood...................... 336 37 J. W. Richardson.................... 299 J. M. Mahr.............................. 133 768 44....................................... D. C. Constant........................ 473 9 Gilbert Cooper....................... 464 P. B. Clark..............................,048 1,816 45 Neosho.......................... S. Copeland................. 549 48 R. N. Baylies........................... 501 1,050 46....................................... E. H. Keables.................... 568 237' John C. Carpenter................... 331 899 1,949 47 Allen........................... G. H. Requa............................ 261 T. B. Mills............................... 351 90 612 48.......................... S. J. Stewart........................ 336 G. P. Smith..............................458 22 794 1,406 49 Anderson....................... J. H. Whitford........................ 545 138 Geo W. Coope...................... 407 952 952 50 Franklin....................... W. H. Clark............................. 537 203 C. R. Cook............................ 334 S. Devore................................. 4 875 51........................i.............. W n. H. Schofield................... 481 294 H. Donohue............................. 187 J. M. Foster............................. 5 673 1,448 52 Douglas.......................... C. Robinson........................... 974 974 974.53........................... Dudley Haskell....................... 450 173...................................... C. H. Langston....................... 277....................................... G. W. Benson.......................... 169 558 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES —CONTINUED. Counties. Names. _ _ _a... _:. _._ _ 53 Douglas (concluded)..... Geo. A. Reynolds..................... 137 1,033 54.................................... James H. Kelly....................... 392 181 C. Ingersoll............................. 211 603 55........................ Elijah Sells........................... 575 575 575 3, 185 56 Shawnee...................... S. C. Gregg.............................. 440 211 C. W. Higinbotham.................. 229 669 57.................................... K. Holliday................ 809 417 John Martin........................... 392 1,201 58.. H. E. Bush...............................452 255.,... Perry Tice............................... 76 John L. Price.......................... 197 725 2,595 59 Osage......................... J. R. Cowan........................... 687 686 William Barnett....................... 1 688 60.................................... A. Blake 408...................... 472 408 N. C. Sweezey................. 64 536 1,224 61 Coffey......................... David Grimes......................... 514 Chas. B Butler........................ 708 194 1,222 1,222 62 Woodson.................... B. F. Everett.......................... 358 33 G. W. Ashby........................... 325 J. R. Gilbert............................. 32 715 715 63 Wilson..................... S. S.S. Benedict.......................... 709 214 Capt. M. G. Averill..................495 1,204 1, 204 64 Montgomery.............. W. J. Harrod................. 301 E. B. Dunwell...................... 539 238 840 65................................ L. U. Humphreys..................... 475 B. F. Devore............................ 523 48 998 1,838 66 Howard....................... H. Nichols.......................... 678 108 N. B. Cartwell;......................... 565 E. Fuller................................. 15 W. Pomero........................... 6 1 259 1,259 67 Greenwood.................. Ira P. Nye..... 448 138 G. A. Gordon........................... 310 758 758 68 Lyon....................... C. V. Eskridge......................... 591 189 L. T. Heritage........................... 402 993 69........................ Chas. Drake........................ 301 16 F. R. Page............................... 285 Scattering................................ 89 675, 668 70 Wabaunsee................. James M. Johnson.................... 397 32 C. C. Little............................. 365 Scattering......................... 2 764 764 71 Davis.......................... S. M. Strickler..........................485 80 R. D. Laurenson......... 405 Scattering......................... 2 892 892 72 Morris........................ W. Clark........................... 361 7 J. Stanley......................... 354 715 715 73 Chase........................ S. N. Wood.............................. 222 J. W. McWilliams..................... 297 75 519 519 74 Butler........................ Isaac Mooney........................... 727 123 W. P. Campbell........................ 604 1,331 1, 331 75 Cowley...................... T. McIntyre............................. 430 144 E. C Manning.'......................... 286 S. M. Fall........................... 244 960 960 76 Sedgwick..................... D. L. Payne............................. 572 18 H. C. Sluss................................ 554 1,126 1,126 77 Marion....................... Frank Doster........................... 293 114 R. C. Bates............................ 179 472 472 78 McPherson.................. O. Olson................................... 2 152 L. C. Almond......................... 52 256 256 79 Dickinson................. Christian Hoffman.................. 642 315 O. F. Searl................................ 327 969 969 80 Clay......................... C. MC.. Kellogg......................... 524 80 Richard Wake.......................... 444 C. W. Lindner.......................... 5 973 973 81 Republic.................... A. D. Wilson............................ 275 112 R. P. West................................ 163 P. McHucheon........................ 154 D. C. Gamble........................... 77 Scattering................................ 2 671 671 82 Cloud......................... B. H. McEckron....................... 575 550 Scattering............................ 25 600 600 83 Ottawa........................ E. Hollingsworth..................... 336 177 R. D. Mobley.......................... 159 Scattering.......................... 1 496 496 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 559 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES —CONCLUDED. Cobunty. Names.:: 84 Saline......................... J. Boynton.............................. 717 233 M. D. Sampson........................ 484 1,201 1,201 85 Ellsworth................... V. B. Osborne........................... 200 92 H. L. Pestana........................... 108 308 308 86 Lincoln...................... Frank A. Schermerhorn........... 155 44 T. F. Garver............................. 111 266 266 88 Jewell......................... D. W. Pate.............................., 140 39 James A. Scarborough.............. 101 241 241 89 Ellis........................... John H. Edwards..................... 191 30 Simon Moatz............................ 161 352 352 90 Wal-lace....................... Fred C. Gay........................... 74 43 John A. McGinty..................... 31 105 105 92 Rice.................. F.J. Griffith.......................... 85 85 85 93 Osborne.................. W. L. Bear............................. 49 D. E. Tilden............................. 38 Q. A. Gates............................ 52 F. Thompson........................... 22 213 213 Total vote................69.........9............................................. 69,599 VOTE FOR JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS IN THE SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. - Ceounties. Names of Candidates,. Linn.................. M. V. Voss................................... 762 Bourbon..............M... V. Voss........................................ 1,230 1,992 6 Linn................................. F. Broadhead.................................. 986 Bourbon............................ F. Broadhead.................................. 783 1,769 Allen................................. John R. Goodin.................................. 1, 124 Neosho.............................. John R. Goodin...................................1,014 W ilson................................ John R. Goodin.................................. 845 Woodson............................ John R. Goodin,................................. 196 3, 179 Allen................................ H. W. Talcott..................................... 250 Neosho.............................. W. Talcott..................................... 703 Wilson.............................. H. W. Talcott..................................... 2 Woodson........................ H. W. Talcott..................................... 246 1,201 Riley.................................. W illiam H. Canfield............................ 308 Davis................................. William H. Canfield............................ 858 Dickinson.......................... W illiam H. Canfield............................ 352 Saline................................ William H. Canfield............................ 591 Ellsworth........................... William H. Canfield............................ 281 Ellis.................................. William H. Canfield............................ 324 Ottawa............................... William H. Canfield............................ 267 Lincoln.............................. W illiam H. Canfield............................ 242 McPherson........................ William H. Canfield............................ 30 Rice.................................... William H. Canfield............................ 80 3, 333 8... Riley................................. H. G. Barner.................................. 1,076 Davis.................................. G. Barner.................................. 38 Dickinson......................... H. G. Barner.................................. 531 Saline......................... H. G. Barner.................................. 614 Ellsworth........................... H. G. Barner...................................26 Ellis.H. G. Barne..4 Ellis................................... H. G. Barner....................................... 4 Ottawa............................ H. G. Barner....................................... 225 Lincoln............................. H. G. Barner.................................. 22 McPherson....................... H. G. Barner.................................. 173 Wallace............................. H. H.. Barner......... 25 2,734 Dickinson......................... J. R. McClure...................................... 93 93 VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS. County. Names of Candidates. a: 1 f Leavenworth..................... Jacob Vogel......................................... 2,193 2,193 Leavenworth..................... James Medill....................................... 3,011 3, 011 560 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871. VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS —CONTINUED. Counties. Names. Nemaha......................... W. J. Robbins...................................... 141 141 Atchison..................... George Graham................................ 429 Brown.............................. George Graham................................ 343 Nemaha........................... George Graham................................... 732 Doniphan......... George Graham................................... 225 1,729 Atchison........................... J.P. Johnson................................ 706 Brown.............................. J. P. Johnson................................... 554 Nemaha......:. J. P. Johnson..................................... 38 Doniphan........... J. P. Johnson.................................. 1 053 2,351 Atchison........ J. H Sawyer.................................. 1,/ 169 Nemaha............................ J. H. Sawyer............................. 380 Doniphan.......................... J. H. Sawyer........................... 574 2, 123 Jeffersoni.Andre.B.evn.............. Andrew Blevins................................. 19 19 Jefferson........................... Fred Bort............................................ 42 42 Jackson............................ Charles Hayden.3........ 78 378 Jefferson......V................... V. Brown...................................... 1, 015 Shawnee................................Brown............. 226 1,241 3 Jackson........................ S. S. Cooper........................................ 399 Jefferson.......................... S. S. Cooper...................................... 28 Shawnee S. S. Cooper......... 1,934 Wabaunsee........... S. S. Cooper...................... 126 Pottawatomie....... S.... S. Cooper....................................... 880 3, 367 Wabaunsee....................... Samuel R. W eed................................. 215 215 Douglas.......................... F: Gleason.......................................... 2,949 Franklin.. F. Gleason..................716 Anderson......................... F. Gleason.......................................... 608 4,273 Douglas...............W........... H. Carson..................................... 395 Franklin........................... W. H. Carson..................................... 354 Anderson......................... W. H. Carson..................................... 59 808 Coffey............................. H. N. Bent................................... 901 Lyon............................... H. N. Bent................................... 793 OsageH.- N. Bent......................................... 24 1,935 5 Cofey M right.....t.23.............. 232 Lyon............................... R. M. Wright...................................... 859 Morris.............. R. M. W rght.......................W.. 483 Osage.............................. R. M. W right................................. 307 1,881 Linn............................ Ed. R. Smith.1,072................................ 6 Bourbon.......................... Ed. R. Smith..............1......................, 140 2,212 Linn.............................. W. Wattles................................ 697 Bourbon........... T. W. W attles...................................... 955 1,652 Neosho............................. J. Moffit.................................. 370 Wilson............................. J. Mo t............................................, 219 589 Allen.......................... J. A. Stevens.............................. 106 Neosho............................ J. A. Stevens............................... 1,022 Wilson.............................. J. A. Stevens......................................44 Woodson............... J.......... J. A. Stevens............................... 213 1,885 7 Allen........................... Eli Gilbert.................................. 631 Neosho............................ Eli Gilbert.......................................... 21 Wilson.............................. Eli Gilbert................................ 72 724 Allen........................ L. L. Fletcher............................. 43....... 432 Neosho............................. L. Fletcher..................................... 549 Wilson............................. I. L. Fletcher...................................... 344 Woodson........................... I L. Fletcher..................................1.....71 1,496 Rice................................. Charles Kingman 19 19 Ottawa........................... D. C. Jones......................................... 117 117 Ellis....... N. Allen......................................... 21 21 Davis............................. A. Cameron............................... Dickinson............... A. Cameron...........93 Saline.............................. Cameron.......................... 30 Ells orth.......................... A. Cameron....................306 430 Riley................................. John Danielson............ 954 Dickinson....................... John Danielson.......................... 637 8. Saline............................... John Danielson............ 1,141 Ellis................................... John Danielson....... 5 Ottawa.............................. John Danielson.............03.................... Lincoln.John Danielson...........................o n 118 McPherson............. JD......... ohn Danielson................................... 174 Wallace............................ John Danielson............................. 5 3,337 Riley.............................. J.. Allen............................... 368 Davis............................ J. M. Allen................................... 893 Dickinson....................... J. M. Allen.................................... 246 Ellis............................... J M. Alle ln................................... 306 1,813 Eli on ailo....... 1871.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 561. VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS-CONCLUDED. Counties. Names of Candidates. a S rChase............................. C. R. Roberts..................................... 5 Marion.............................. R. R. Roberts.................................... 181 186 Chase..............................S. M. Wood................................ 368...... Marion............................ M. Wood................................ 272 Sedgwick.......................... S. M. Wood................................... 97 737 Chase..................... R. M. Spivey............................ 149 Sedgwick.........................R. M. Spivey................................ 527 676 Butler..................... Stephen J. Wood................................. 1,326 1,326 Wyandotte................. Emmot Ryus.................................... 721 721 Wyandotte......................J. R. Perkins................................. 395 395 Wyandotte................. James McGrew................................. 186 186 Johnson..................... W. W. Williams....................209 209 Johnson.................. B. Nicholson............................... 216 216 10 Johnson..Thomas Roberts................................. 96 Miami.................... Thomas Roberts..................... 1,131 1,227 Johnson..........................H. H. Williams............................. 1, 424 Miami.............................. H. Williams............................... 1,172 Wyandotte......................H. H. Williams................................. 40 2,636 Labette..E. C. Wells............................. 742 Cherokee........................... E. C. Wells............................ 1, 133 Crawford.......................... E. C. Wells................................ 692 Montgomery..................... E. C. Wells.......................................... 977 3,544 Montgomery.......... Wells. 977 3, 544 Labette............................ W. Wright..................................... 976 11 Cherokee.......................... R. W. Wright.................................... 640 Crawford......................... R. W. Wright..................................... 212 Montgomery............... R. W. Wright............................... 899 Howard..... R.W. Wright................................... 609 Cowley............................ W. Wright..................................... 333 3, 669 Republic..........................H. C. Sprengle................................ 596 Washington.......................................... 455 Marshall.................. H. C. Sprengle............................ 755 Clay.................................. C. Sprengle.................................... Cloud.......... Sprengle................................ 236 2 044 Jewell...............D............... D. E. Ballard............................. 160 12 Republic........................ D. E. Ballard................................. 36 Washington..................... D. E. Ballard................................. 285 Marshall........................... D. E. Ballard................................. 631 Clay................................. D. E. Ballard......................................1. 003 Cloud............................ D. E. Ballard................................. 339 Osborne.................. D. E. Ballard................................. 98 2, 552 NOVEMBER 8.-The corporators of the Kansas Magazine Company are S. S. Prouty, H. King, D. W. Wilder, C. W. Babcock, Thos. A. Osborn, John A. Martin, D. M. Valentine, M. W. Reynolds, and W. H. Smallwood. NOVEMBER 13.'-D. R. Anthony consolidates the Bulletin with the Leavenworth Times. NOVEMBER 15.-The Independence Tribune says: "The raising of a second crop is a task easily accomplished in this locality. We have corn and potatoes in this office of good quality, which were planted in June and July.2" NOVEMBER 20.-Completion of the Insane Asylum building, at Osawatomie. NOVEMBER 21.- Old Settlers' excursion from Lawrence, East. NOVEMBER 25.-Lawrence has in operation the first street railway in the State. -W. W. Updegraff, Superintendent of the Blind Asylum, at Wyandotte, resigns, and J. D. Parker succeeds him. -The coal trade of Fort Scott now reaches half a million dollars, annually. -The whole press of the State says good words for the proposed Magazine. 36 562 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1871, NOVEMBER 30. —Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $5,222 67 State University......................... 16,915 001 Secretary's Department............ 12,259 15 Deaf and Dumb Asylum............ 14,800 00i Auditor's Department............... 4,216 00 Blind Asylum.......................... 7,633 43; Treasurer's Department............ 4,550 00 Normal School, Emporia........... 8,424 85; Attorney General..................... 1,525 00 Normal School, Leavenworth.... 6,377 80. Supt. of Public Instruction....... 3,050 50 Capitol building and grounds.....8,198 490 Adjutant General..................... 1,601 30 Neutral Land Defense Com'tee.. 2,000 00, Judiciary.........3........... 1,588 55 Agricultural College................. 2,700 00' Librarian................................. 1,450 00 Military purposes...................... 1,581 91 Transcribing Journals.............. 1,789 22 Regents................................ 294 60 Printing *................................. 41,692 01 C. C. Hutchinson, Book on Kan.. 2, 500 00O Immigration fund.................... 5,000 00 Protestant and Catholic AsySheriffs, conveying prisoners to lums, Leavenworth............... 5, 000 00' Penitentiary......................... 3,513 40 Seed wheat.............................. 6,000 00' Penitentiary............................ 35,072 00 Miscellaneous expenses............ 857 44Legislative expenses.................. 38,562 54 Insane Asylum........................ 53, 931 00 Total for 1871..... $..............329,293 42: $*5,971.48 more than appropriated; DECEMBER 1.-M. W. Reynolds is appointed Receiver of the Humboldt Land Office. -The telegraph is completed to Seneca. DECEMBER 1.-Ross's Paper, by E. G. Ross, is issued at Coffeyville. -Over thirty new school-houses have been built in Washington and Republic counties during the year. -Election-of Directors of the Lawrence and Topeka Railroad. President, C. K. Holliday; Vice President, John Guthrie; Secretary, Jacob Safford. DECEMBER 6.-Daily State Record discontinued. F. P. Baker, in his "Farewell," says he became connected with the Record in February, 1863, when To.peka had about 1,000 inhabitants. The Daily was started in June, 1868. -West E. Wilkinson, of the Courier, wins the Seneca jack-knife; "carries it off triumphantly." DECEMBER 6. —Col. James Montgomery dies, in Linn county. -P. B. Maxson becomes Register of the Humboldt Land Office. DECEMBER 11.-Noble L. Prentis becomes one of the editors of the Lawrence Journal. -The streets of Fort Scott are macadamized. DECEMBER 13.-Librarian Dickinson reports 7,341 volumes in the State Library. DECEMBER 15.-James W. Steele goes over the State in behalf of the Magazine. -A new town, called Hutchinson, is laid out on the Santa Fe road, 261 miles from Atchison. DECEMBER 17.-Capt. Samuel J. Gilmore dies, at Osage Mission. He was the first white settler of that place, and the second pioneer in Neosho county. DECEMBER 26.-The State Horticultural Society holds its Annual Meeting at Lawrence. I)DECEMBER 29.-Eighth Annual Meeting of the State Teachers' Association, at Topeka. Address by Philetus Fales. Oficers elected: President, 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 563 John Fraser, Lawrence; Corresponding Secretary, Joseph Denison, Manhattan; Recording Secretary, C. B. Isham, Council Grove; Executive Committee, John A. Banfield, Topeka; P. J. Williams, Leavenworth; J. N. Lee, Topeka; J. A. Barrows, Osage county; James B. Smith, Humboldt. DECEa[BER 31.-The Report of Superintendent McCarty, inaddition to the usual statistics, gives a history of the Kansas Academy of Science, which was organized September 1, 1868. 1872. JANUARY 1.-There are one hundred and twenty-one newspapers in the State. -The Kansas Magazine is issued, from the Commonwealth office, Topeka; Henry King, Editor. The most noticeable articles, then and afterwards, were written by John J. Ingalls and James W. Steele. In this number Ingalls writes of A. D. Richardson, and the following is copied from his sketch: "Kansas exercised the same fascination over him that she does over all who have ever yielded to her spell. There are some women whom to have once loved renders it impossible ever to love again. As the'gray and melancholy main' to the sailor, the desert to the Bedouin, the Alp to the mountaineer, so is Kansas to all her children. "No one ever felt any enthusiasm about Wisconsin, or Indiana, or Michigan. The idea is preposterous. It is impossible. They are great, prosperous communities, but their inhabitants can remove and never desire to return. They hunger for the horizon. They make new homes without the maladie dupays. But no genuine Kansan can emigrate. He may wander. He may roam. He may travel. He may go elsewhere, but. no other State can ever claimr him as a citizen. Once naturalized the allegiance can never be forsworn," The four volumes of the Magazine contain articles relating to Kansas written by Milton W. Reynolds, Charles B. Wilkinson, R. J. Hinton, A. W. Lyman, Charles Robinson, Fred. J. Stanton, John E. Rastall, Frederic Lockley, Frank B. Sanborn, James M. Harvey, Joseph G. Waters, William B. Parsotns, Francis S. McCabe, William A. Phillips, James H. Defouri, John W. Roberts, F. W. Giles, H. B. Norton, D. B. Emmert, W. H. Smallwood, Charles Reynolds, James Hanway, Sam. M. Newhall, Mrs. Rosetta B. Hastings (a daughter of Rev. Pardee Butler), and others. JANUARY 4.-Grand Army of the Republic Convention at Lawrence. W; S. Jenkins elected Department Commander, vice S. A. Cobb, resigned. -The "Prying Proboscis" is the name given to an investigation by the Legislatuore. JANUARY 5. —Wm. B. Craig; Geo. W. Barr, John L. Motter and Obe. Craig, of WaVtllena, are given the credit for building the Doniphan and Watliena Railroad. -The Wyandotte Herald is issued. — S. H. Dodge joins A. D. Brown, in the Burlington Patriot. JANUARY 6.-The Leavenworth Times says the debt of St. Joseph, Mo., is $1,416,700; of Kansas City, Mo., $1,000,000, and of Leavenworth, $700,000. JANUARY 9.-Meeting of the. Legislature. 564 ANNALS OF TANSAS. [1872. STATE OFFICERS. Names. P. O. Address. County. James M. Harvey, Governor....................................... Fort Riley......Riley. P. P. Elder, Lieutenant Governor...........................O...... Ottawa......... Franklin. W. H. Smallwood, Secretary of State............................ Wathena........ Doniphan. A. L. Williams, Attorney General................................Topeka.........Shawnee. H. D. McCarty, Superintendent of Public Instruction.. Leavenworth... Leavenw'th. J. E. Hayes, State Treasurer....................................... Olathe......... Johnson. A. Thoman, Auditor of State....................................... Topeka......... Shawnee. S. S. Prouty, State Printer........................................... Topeka............ Shawnee. David Whittaker, Adjutant General............................ Doniphan........ Doniphan. D. Dickinson, State Librarian...................................... Oskaloosa........ Jefferson. W. C. Webb, Superintendent Insurance Department.... Fort Scott........ Bourbon. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. P. O. Address. County. S. A. Kingman, Chief Juste........................................ Atchison......... Atchison. D. J. JBrewer, Associate Justice...........................enworth........... Leavenworth. D. M. Valentine, Associate Justice........................... Ottawa.............. Franklin. -Barzillai Gray, Judge Criminal Court, Leavenworth county. JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS. Names. District. P. O. Address. County. H. W. Ide...............First............ First Leavenworth City.. Leavenworth. P. L. Hubbard................................. Second......... Atchison............... Atchison. John T. Morton.............................. Third.......... Topeka............... Shawnee. Owen A. Bassett.............................. Fourth......... Lawrence.............. Douglas. J. H. Watson...................... Fifth............ Emporia............... Lyon. M. V. Voss...................................... Sixth............ Mound City........... Linn. John R. Goodin................ Seventh........ Humboldt............ Allen. William H. Canfield................ Eighth......... Junction City........ Davis. William R. Brown.................. Ninth..... Cottonwood Falls... Chase. Hiram Stevens.................... Tenth......... Paola.................... Miami. H. G. Webb............... Eleventh...... Oswego................. Labette. A. S. Wilson................................ Twelfth........ Washington.......... Washington. W. P. Campbell.......................... Thirteenth... Eldorado............... Butler. J. H. Prescott........................ Fourteenth... Salina................... Saline. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Names. Dist. P. O. Address. 9punty. P. P. Elder, President...Ottawa........................ Franklin. Bowers, G. M....................................... 10 Lenexa....................... Johnson. Cracraft, Joseph.................................. 5 Hiawatha.................... Brown. Fitzpatrick, W. H.........................................8 Topeka....................... Shawnee. Haas, H. C.. 3 Leavenworth.............Leavenworth. Hogeboom, G. W................................... 4 Oskaloosa.................... Jefferson. Jennison, C. R.................................... 3 Leavenworth............ Leavenworth. Kellogg, Josiah.. 3.............. Leavenworth...... Leavenworth. Logan, Joseph.. 2 Effi gha.................. Atchison. Miller, Sol.................................... 1 White Cloud............... oniphan. Moore, H. D.........................................14 Monmouth................. Crawford. Murdock, M. M.................................... 18 Burlingame........... Osage. McLellan, Jal es.................................. Holton....................... Jackson. Nelson, George P.................................. 12 Wyandotte.. Wyandotte. Prescott, J. H....................................... 20 Sana....................... Saline. Price, John M............................... 2 Atchison.....................Atchison. Rockefeller, Philip................................ 7 Washington.............. Washington. Sears,JaT. C................................... 17 Ottawa........................ Franklin Snoddy, James D............................... 13 Mound City................. Linn. Stover, E. S...................................... 1 Council Grove........... Morris. Stotler, Jacob................................... 19 Emporia..................... Lyon. 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 565 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE-CONCLUDED. Names. Dist. Post Office Address. County. Topping, E. H...................................... 1 Paola...... Miami. Vincent, J. C....................................... 9 Lawrence...... Douglas. Whitney, H. C...................................... 16 Humboldt.................. Allen. Wood, J....................................... 1 Doniphan.................... Doniphan. Worden, L. J....................................... 9 Lawrence........ Douglas. George C. Crowther, Secretary................ New Chicago...... Neosho. Charles C. Prescott, Ass't Secretary..Salna......................... Saline. William Bolton, Journal Clerk.................... Seneca........................ Nemaha. Wm. H. Price, Docket Clerk.................. Topeka.................. Shawnee. Mrs. Sarah J. Neal, Engrossing Clerk....... Atchison......... Atchison. Mrs. H. E. Holman, Enrolling Clerk......... Eureka....................... reenwood. George H. Schreiner, Sergeant-at-Arms.......... Wyandotte................. Wyandotte. J. R. Kennedy, Ass't Sergeant-at-Arms. Olathe........................ Johnson. George W. Weed, Doorkeeper............... Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. D. B. Aker, Assistant Doorkeeper......................... Marshall. Ephie Smith, Page............................... Wyandotte...... Wyandotte. Harry Whitney, Page................................... Humboldt.................. Allen. Jennie Griffith, Page................................ Topeka.............. Shawnee. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. i Post Office Address. County. Cobb, S. A., Speaker........................ 27 Wyandotte........................... Wyandotte. Aldrich, C. J................................... 11 Brantford........... Washington. Ashmore, S. D................................. 39 Girard........................ Crawford. Barker, B. C.................................... 24 Springdale........................... Leavenworth. Bear, W. L..................................... 93 Osborne City........................ Osborne. Benedict, S. S................................. 63 Guilford.............................. Wilson. Blake, Alexander........................... 60 Melvern............................... Osage. Bowron, C. F................................. 6 White Cloud........................ Doniphan. Boynton,................ 84 Salina........... Saline. Burton, A. W................................. 35 Mound City.................... Linn. Bush, H. E..................................... 58 Auburn............................... Shawnee. Butler, C. B.................................... 61 Leroy................................... Coffey. Clark, G. W.................................... 72 Parkerville.......................... Morris. C(lark, Wm. H................................ 50 Ottawa................................. Franklin. Connely, J. H................ 28 New Santa Fe................... Johnson. Constant, D. C...................... 44 Chetopa................................ Labette. Collins, Ira F................................. 8 Sabetha................................ Nemaha. Cooley, James............. 23 Kickapoo............................. Leavenworth. Copeland, O. S................................. 46 Osage Mission....................... Neosho. Cowen, John R.............................. 59 Carbondale........................... Osage. Critchfield, Terry........................... 16 Oskaloosa............................ Jefferson. DeEorest, H. C............................... 9 Wetmore............................. Nemaha. DeVore, B. F.................................. 65 Independence...................... Montgomery. Doster, Frank................................. 77 Marion Centre..................... Marion. Drake, C...................................... 69 Americus............................ Lyon. Dunwell, E. B................................. 64 Parker.................................. Montgomery. Edwards, John H........................... 89 Ellis.................................... Ellis. Everett, B. F.................................. 62 Neosho Falls........................ Woodson. Eskridge, C. V................................ 68 Emporia.............................. Lyon. Fain, F. M...................................... 32 Fontana.............................. Miami. Fenlon, Thos. P.............................. 22 Leavenworth....................... Leavenworth. Gay, F. C................................. 90 Wallace................................ Wallace. Goddard, L. M................................ 19 Leavenworth....................... Leavenworth. Green, W. H................................... 36 Osaga.................................. Bourbon. Greening, J. R................................ 37 Fort Scott............................. Bourbon. Gregg, S. C..................................... 56 North Topeka...................... Shawnee. Griffin, C. T.................................... 6 Atchison............ Atchison. Griffith, F. J................................... 91 Atlanta........................ Rice. Halstead, C.J................................ 25 Reno.................................... Leavenworth. Haskell, D. C................................ 53 Lawrence........... Douglas. Hoffman, C.................................... 79 Detroit................................ Dickinson. Holliday, C. K................................. 57 Topeka................................ Shawnee. Hollingsworth, E.............................83 Lindsey.............................. Ottawa. Hackney, W. P............................... 92 Belle Plain........................... Sumner. Hutchinson, C. C............................ 94 Hutchinson......................... Reno. Jeffers, Alvinza.............................. 10 Irving.................................. Marshall. Johnson, D. H....................... 31 Paola................................... Miami. 566 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES —CCONCLUDED. Names. Post Office Address. County. Johnson, J. M...................................... 70 Wilmington................. Wabaunsee. Keables, E. H....................................... 45 Thayer....................... eosho. Kellogg, C. M...................................... 80 Clay Centre................. Clay. Kelley, J. H....................................... 54 Willow Springs............ Douglas. Kennedy, H. K...........17........................ 17 North Topeka............. Shawnee. Kennedy, S. T.......................42................. Columbus.................... Cherokee. Latta, S. N........................................ 21 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Langdon, S: J...................................... 40 Iowa City.................... Crawford. Loughmiller, Jacob.............................. 15 Buck's Grove............... Jackson. Lightcap, J. M...................................... 13 Wamego..................... Pottawatomie. Malott, H....................................... 26 Wyandotte:................. Wyandotte. Marchand, N........................................ 20 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Mailler, Robert.................................. 2 Troy............................ Doniphan. McEckron, B. H.................................... 82 Clyde............. Cloud. McIntyre,T.......................................... 75 Arkansas City............ Cowley. Mills, T. B............................................ 47 Iola............................. Allen. McWilliams, J. W................................. 73 Cottonwood Falls........ Chase. Mooney, Isaac................................. 74 Towanda..................... Montgomery. Nichols, R. H...................................... 66 Longton...................... Howard. Nye, Ira P....................................... 67 Eureka....................... Greenwood. Olson, 0....................................... 78 Lindsburg.................... McPherson. Osborne, V. B.............................. 85 Ellsworth............. Ellsworth. Palmer, L. G......................................... 38 Fort Scott.................. Bourbon. Pate, D. W.................................... 88 Jewell City.................. Jewell. Payne, D. L..................................... 76 Wichita....................... Sedgwick. Pierce, T. M....................................... 1 Iowa Point.................. Doniphan. Pinkerton, J. H.................................... 12 Manhattan............. Riley. Rees, John.................................... 87 Beloit.......................... Mitchell. Robinson, C.............................. 52 Lawrence.................... Douglas. Rodgers, J. W....................................... 18 Winchester................. Jefferson. Sayer, J. M..................33.................. 33 Blooming Grove.......... Linn. Schofield, Wm. H.................................. 51 Williamsburg.......... Franklin. Scofield, C. I....................................... 4 Atchison.................... Atchison. Schermerhorn, F. A.............................. 86 Rocky Hill...... Lincoln. Scott, W. B....................................... 34 Mound City.................Lin. Searcy, Ed...................................... 3 Elwood........................ Doniphan. Sells, E............................................... 55 Lawrence...................Do as. Smith, G. P........................................... 48 Humboldt.................. Alle. Stevenson, T. G.................................... 29 Monticello.................. Johnson. Strickler, S. M...................................... 71 Junction City.............. Davis. Taylor, A............................................. 30, Gardner..................... Johnson. Wells, W.................................... 14 Manhattan................. Riley. Whitford, J. H...................................... 49 Garnett...................... Anderson. Wilson, A. D....................................... 8Belleville................... Republic. Wilson, J. C...................................... Muscotah.................... Atchison. Wood, G. W....................................... 41 Columbus................. Cherokee. Wood, J. J........................................... 43 Montana..................... Labette. A. R. Banks, Chief Clerk..................... Lawrence................... Douglas. S. F. Burdett, Assistant Clerk................. Leavenworth............. Leavenworth. H. Brandley, Journal Clerk........................... Matfield Green............ Chase. E. E. Bacon, Docket Clerk..................... Leroy.......................... Coffey. Mrs. Rebecca Hays, Ass't Docket Clerk......... Topeka....................... Shawnee. Miss Carrie Sain, Enrolling Clerk............... Topeka........................ Shawnee. Miss Lizzie Ela, Ass't Enrolling Clerk........... Emporia..................... Lyon. Mrs. R. Flower, Engrossing Clerk.......... Topeka....................... Shawnee. Miss K. Reck, Ass't Engrossing Clerk... Atchison..................... Atchison. James M. Matheny, Sergeant-at-Arms........... St. Mary's................... Pottawatomie. Thos. Sanders, Ass't Sergeant-at-Arms..................... Osage. A. H. Beck, Doorkeeper............................. Ottawa.................... Franklin. Dora Scott, Page..................................................................................................... HEattie Butler, Page............................................................................................. Robert Miller, Page............................................................................... Frank Blake, Page.................................................................... I................. William Wakefield, Page............................................................. Thomas Parks, Page.;............................................................. Frank Morgan, Page......................................................................................... JANUARY 9."The corrupt use of money in elections of all kinds, and the consequent peculation and demoralization, together with the fact that legislation and administration have sometimes been influenced by corrupt appliances, demand and are beginning to receive the attention of upright officials and patriotic citizens throughout the nation." 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 567 "The frequent appearance of money as an element of corrupt political power, is appalling to patriotic and thoughtful men everywhere. Its tendency is to create and perpetuate an oligarchy of the very wealthy and unscrupulous, with their base and mercenary adherents." " I recommend the passage of a law providing that any corporation, against which it shall be proven that money has been contributed for the election or defeat of any canZdidate for any public office, shall forfeit its charter; and that all managing officers. of such corporations, if residents of this State, shall be disfranchised, and if non-residents, they shall be rendered incapable of doing any official act within the jurisdiction of this.State."-Gov. Harvey's Message. JANUARY 17.-The Lawrence Standard gives the names of nineteen members of the last Legislature who are charged with having been bribed -to vote for Senator Caldwell; about half of them are Democrats. - During, the past year the M. K. & T. build a railroad from Holden, Mo., to Paola; the A., T. & S. F. completed the road-bed from Atchison to Topeka; the St. Louis, Lawrence & Denver road was built from Pleasant Hill, Mo., to Lawrence, fifty-eight miles; and the St. Joseph & Denver was extended from Marysville to Fairbury, Neb. JANUARY 18. -Resolutions introduced in the Legislature to investigate the Caldwell election. JANUARY 22.-The Russian Grand Duke Alexis received by the Legislature. -The Presbyterians of the State contributed last year to the Memorial Fund of that Church, $72,212.40. JANUARY 24.-A committee of five members of the House and three of the Senate appointed to investigate charges of bribery and corruption connected with the Senatorial elections of 1867 and 1871. JANUARY 31.-W. H. Green, Chairman of House. Special Com'mittee, reports: "Your committee find that there have been audited claims for which the scrip commonly known as the Price Raid Scrip has been issued or ordered to be issued, of the class of claims arising fromMaterial, supplies, transportation......$.................................................., 111,352 53'Service of Militia.256,761 20;Service of Mt~ilitia.................................................................................... 256,761 20 Miscellaneous............................................................................................. 36,627 64 Total............................................. $404,741 37 "Your committee also find that of the class of claims arising from damages done by Rebel and Federal troops to property, and for which the scrip of the State has been -issued to the amount of $159,191.34, no action was taken by the Commissioners sent from Washington last spring. "And your committee find that all the scrip issued for any of the above classes is of the date of June 1, 1867, and bears interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum." -House Journal, pp. 373-4. JANUARY 31.-Marcus J. Parrott accepts an invitation to address the.House on Commercial Politics. -During the year, Crane & Byron, Topeka, publish two pamphlets -the Kansas Road Laws, and the Kansas Bond Laws, by Hugh M. Spalding. The Commonwealth prints Ravenia, a novel, by Annie Nellis. FEBRUARY 1."STATE OF KANSAS, ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE,} TOPEKA, KANSAS, February 1, 1872. j "To THE SENATE: Your Secretary has furnished me the following resolution, adopted by you on the 30th day of January, 1872: "'Resolved, That the Attorney General be, and is hereby instructed, to enquire into 568 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. the Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad, the Kansas Pacific Railroad, the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad, and the Missouri River Railroad, whether said roads are located and operated according to their grants and as provided by their charters, and report the same to the Senate within one week. "'Adopted January 30, 1872. GEO. C. CROWTHER, Secretary.' "And in response thereto I submit the following digest of the legal status of the roads mentioned in the resolution: " 1. The Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Road. This road was originally called the'Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad Company,' and by that name filed its charter of incorporation in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 8th day of March, A. D. 1865. Its northern terminus, as fixed by its charter, was' the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad, E. D.' (now the Kansas Pacific),' on the State line dividing Kansas and Missouri.' The southern terminus was'the southern boundary of the State of Kansas, in the valley of the Neosho river.' "On the 25th of July, A. D. 1866, Congress granted to this Company (by its name of Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad Company) certain public land to aid in the construction of a railroad' from the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad, Eastern Division, at the line between Kansas and Missouri, at or near the mouth of the Kansas river, on the south side thereof, southwardly through the eastern tier of counties in Kansas,' to Preston, Texas. (U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 14, p. 236.) "On the 5th of October, 1868, the probate court of Johnson county, under section 15, chapter 57, Laws of 1866, page 129, granted a decree changing the name of the' Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad Company' to the'Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad.' This decree was filed with the Secretary of State October 10, 1868. "2. On the 12th of October, 1865, another company, named the'Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad,' filed a charter of incorporation with the Secretary of State. Its northern terminus is'the eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Railroad, E. D.' (now the Kansas Pacific),'in Kansas.' Its southern terminus is'a point on the southern boundary of Kansas at or near Baxter Springs, south of Fort Scott, and in the direction of Fort Gibson.' "3. Kansas Pacific Railway Conmpany. This company was originally called the Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western Railroad, and was incorporated by act of the Territorial Legislature, in 1855. (Laws of 1855, page 914.) Its eastern terminus was' the town of Leavenworth,' and its western was'Pawnee or Fort. Riley, with the right to extend to the western boundary of the Territory' of Kansas. The land grant of this road (Statutes at Large, vol. 12, p. 494) provides for the building of a road from the Missouri river, at the mouth of the Kansas river, on the south side thereof. The name of this road was changed by its directors to that of the'Union Pacific Railway, Eastern Division.' The,name was subsequently changed to the'Kansas Pacific Railway.' i "4. The charter of the Missouri River Railroad Company was filed with the Secretary of State on the twentieth day of Februayy, A. D. 1865. The charter provides the termini as follows:'Commencing on the line between the State of Missouri and, the State of Kansas, at the terminus of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, thence along or near the Missouri river to the city of Leavenworth, thence to Fort Leavenworth.' "5. The Leavenworth, Lawrence and Fort Gibson Railroad Company was incorporated by act of the Territorial Legislature, February 12, 1858. (Private Laws of 1858, page 128.) Its charter provides for building a railroad from'Leavenworth City to Fort Gibson, or the highest point of steamboat navigation of Grand River.' "On the third of March, 1863 (Statutes at Large, vol. 12, page 772), Congress made a grant of land to this company to aid the building of a railroad'from the City of Leavenworth by the way of the town of Lawrence to the southern line of the State, in the direction of Galveston Bay, in Texas, with a branch from Lawrence by the valley of the Wakarusa river, to the point on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, where said road intersects the Neosho river.' On the twenty-third of February, 1866, the State granted to the road the proceeds of one-fourth of the five hundred thousand acres, which section three of article six of our Constitution describes as a part of the'perpetual school fund of the State.' On the 24th of February, 1866, the name of this road was changed by the Legislature (Laws of 1866, page 191), to the'Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad Company.' "I forgot, in the proper place, to mention the-fact that the Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad also got one-fourth of the proceeds of the five hundred thousand acres aforesaid to aid in building a road,'commencing at or near the mouth of the Kansas 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 569 river, in the State of Kansas, opposite the city of Wyandotte, and running through the counties of Johnson, Miami, Linn and Bourbon, in the direction of the southern boundary of the State.' "This is the legal status of these roads. Not being empowered by law or by your resolution to hear and determine questions of fact by the ordinary modes of taking testimony, I am unable to state whether, as a matter of fact, these roads are'located and operated according to their grants, and as provided by their charters.' "Respectfully submitted. A. L. WILLIAMS, Attorney General." -Senate Journal, pp. 253 to 256. FEBRUARY 1.-Rev. J. Boynton invited to address the Legislature on "A pure Christianity the only basis of a free and stable Government." -W. L. Chalfant buys the Osage Chronicle. FEBRUARY 21.-Republican State Convention at Lawrence. Called to order by D. R. Anthony. Temporary Officers: J. D. Snoddy, Chairman; J. C. Horton, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: D. B. Emmert, J. B. Davis, M. Cracraft, M. Stephenson, A. L. Williams, H. L. Taylor, C. G. Hawley. Committee on Organizzation: B. F. Simpson, W. J. Bawden, E. S. Stover, J. C. Carpenter, E. S. Niccolls, W. M. Matheny, John Speer. Committee on Resolutions: Albert H. Horton, L. H. Vanschieck, H. H. Williams, Joseph Steel, James McClellan. Officers of Convention: President, James D. Snoddy; Vice Presidents, J. J. Wood, M. Cracraft, E. J. Jenkins; Secretaries, J. C. Horton, J. S. Wilson. Judge A. H. Horton reported the following resolutions, which were adopted: " Whereas, The Republicans of Kansas, assembled in Convention for the purpose of electing delegates to unite with delegates of other States, on June 5th ensuing, for the purpose of nominating the next President and Vice President of the United States, desire to give renewed and most emphatic expression to their confidence in the principles, their pride in the record, and their faith in the future of that national political organization' which carried the country through the difficulties and preserved it amid the disasters of one of the stormiest-conflicts of all history; and which has addressed itself to the solution of those delicate and difficult problems which are the general legacy of all wars, and more especially of such a civil strife as ours, in such a manner as -with such local exceptions as would be inseparable from any policy of pacification -to secure to the country at large a degree of internal peace, organic unity, financial standing and credit, and general business prosperity, which are the wonder and admiration of all the nations of the earth; and believing, as this Convention does, that this satisfactory condition of affairs is largely attributable to the patient courage and wisdom of the man who was first the trusted Commander-in-Chief of the armies, and then the honored President of the councils of the Republic: it is therefore "Resolved, That the delegates this day chosen to attend the Philadelphia National Convention be and they are hereby instructed to cast their votes for the patriot President and citizen and soldier, Ulysses S. Grant, who in the dark and disastrous days of the Republic displayed those qualities of courage, wisdom, loyalty and unyielding persistency which inspired the friends of Freedom with new energy and hope, filled and fired the gallant soldiers of the Union with the spirit to fight, and, if need be, to die in its defence, and which crowned our long conflict with the inestimable boon of complete victory and permanent peace; and who in the less dangerous but more difficult duties to which a grateful people called him, has proved himself an able, steady and successful pilot of the ship of state; amid conflicting opinions and trying exigencies, the earnest advocate of all judicious attempts at political reform; the foremost friend of all oppressed and distressed peoples, of whatever condition or color, who are struggling for the inalienable rights of perfect equality before the law; the undaunted defender of our national claims and equities in the great parliament of the nations; whose administration, in short, has brought us a degree of prosperity at home and respect and dignity abroad, which it would be suicidal to interrupt or interfere with until time has been given to complete and cement the work so well begun and so auspiciously prosecuted to the present time." 570 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. The following delegates were chosen to the Philadelphia Convention: Henry Buckingham of Concordia, Benjamin F. Simpson of Paola, John A. Martin of Atchison, Wm. Baldwin of Wichita, H. C. Cross of Emporia, Charles A. Morris of Fort Scott, George Noble of Lawrence, John C. Carpenter of New Chicago, and Josiah Kellogg and John. M. Haeberlein of Leavenworth. The following alternates were chosen: S. F. Ayres, E. S. Niccolls, J. V. Fairbanks, Frederic Close, A. A. Thomas, Percy Daniels, R. E. Stephenson, Thomas Newton, S. J. Smith, and M. S. Thomas. The following resolution, introduced by A. A. Carnahan, of Cloud county, was adopted: "Resolved, That we hereby denounce any man in public life who will dare to employ corrupt means in politics, and we, the Republicans of Kansas, will set our faces-steadfastly against all such, and will endeavor to make the future of Kansas pure and good." There were 174 delegates in the Convention, and the National delegates were elected by ballot. FEBRUARY 22.-President Denison, of Manhattan, and Rev. Dr. Chas. Reynolds, of Fort Riley, go to Washington to attend the Convention of officers of Agricultural Colleges. -The Missouri, Kansas and Texas road is running to Muskogee. -Soldiers' Reunion at Topeka. FEBRUARY 23.-A caucus of Opposition or Liberal Republicans is held at Topeka. FEBRUARY 24.-Unanimous report from the joint committee to investigate Senatorial elections. The report is as follows: "Mr. President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives: The committee appointed under the foregoing resolution met on the twenty-sixth day of January, 1872, and organized and issued subpoenas for witnesses, and adjourned until Tuesday, the thirtieth day of January, and on that day met and proceeded to take the testimony of witnesses, and continued from day to day, and ceased the taking of testimony on the twenty-third day of February, 1872. We summoned to appear before us persons within the State, of whom it was alleged that they knew something of the subject-matter of the enquiry, and the testimony of those who appeared was taken. Under the authority ~of a concurrent resolution, the committee employed James Chew as their clerk, who reduced to writing all the testimony taken, which testimony is herewith submitted, and made a part of our report. "Frbm the testimony taken, your committee find: That at the Senatorial election of 1867 a large sum of money was used, and attempted to be used, in bribing, and in attempting to bribe and influence the members of the Legislature, to secure the election of S. C. Popmeroy, E. G. Ross and Thomas Carney, by S. C. Pomeroy, Thomas Carney, Perry Fuller, and others in their employ. (See the report of a committee appointed in 1867, in House Journal of 1867, from page 957 to page 971, inclusive. Also, see testimony herewith submitted, of G. A. Reynolds, I. S. Kalloch, R. D. Mobley, S. D. Macdonald, T. A. Osborn, Joshua Wheeler, William Spriggs, D. R. Anthony, Edward Russell, and others.) "It also appears in reference to that election that S. C. Pomeroy and Sidney Clarke, in March, 1866, jointly paid one thousand dollars, and promised to pay the further sum,of two thousand dollars, for which they executed their joint notes to M. W. Reynolds, who has been recently appointed Rebeiver of the Land Office at Neodesha, in consideration that he would use the columns of his paper, the Journal, at Lawrence, to secure the election of S. C. Pomeroy to the United States Senate in 1867, and Sidney Clarke to Congress, in the fall of 1866. It also appears that S. C. Pomeroy paid, in addition, the further sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to the said iM. W. Reynolds. It further appears that M. W. Reynolds sued upon these notes in the Douglas county district court, and the defendants, Pomeroy and Clarke, pleaded therein an illegal consideration for the notes, and that the findings of the court upon trial upon the merits were for the defendants, and the judgment against the plaintiff Reynolds. That Reynolds had the case prepared for the Supreme Court, and then directed his counsel not to pro 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 571 ceed further in the cause, and that shortly thereafter he was appointed to the public office he now holds. From the depositions of Pomeroy and Clarke, taken and used in that case, it would seem that the payment of the one thousand dollars, and the promise of two thousand dollars, to.M. W. Reynolds, were to advance Republicanism in Kansas, and to secure a Republican victory at the election in the fall of 1866. "When such testimony as this is viewed in the light of the then well-known fact, and the subsequently demonstrated truth, that the State was then Republican by a majority of eleven thousand, without the aid of the Lawrence Journal, its falsity is apparent. That the one thousand dollars was paid, and the two thousand dollars promised to be paid was so paid and promised to be paid to subsidize the Journal in the interests of S. C. Pomeroy and Sidney Clarke personally, is a fair conclusion from the testimony. (See the testimony of Geo. A. Reynolds, W. W. Nevison, and the depositions of S. C. Pomeroy, Sidney Clarke, Geo. A. Reynolds, and the findings of the court.) As a thorough investigation of the Senatorial election of 1867, by reason of the lapse of time since that date, absolutely required for its preparation and completion much more time than the ordinary length of a Legislative session, the committee were forced to be content in that regard with what they could glean from the witnesses brought before them for the proof of other facts. Yet, from all the testimony before the committee on that question, we have no hesitation in recording our well-established conclusions, that money was used in a large amount and in a corrupt and criminal way by candidates for United States Senator, and by their friends with their knowledge. " In relation to the election of 1871, the committee find that the testimony shows that Sidney Clarke was a candidate for election to the office of United States Senator in 1871, and that his friends engaged for him, which act he afterwards ratified, some eighty rooms at the Tefft House; that, in addition thereto, he rented and fitted up on the opposite side of the street from the Tefft House, and on the corner of Kansas avenue and Sixth avenue, a suit of five rooms, which was during that canvass designated as'the soup house,' and'the bread riot,' where refreshments were kept. That he deposited with the Kansas Valley National Bank, when he came here, twenty-five hundred dollars, which was drawn out by Mr. Adams upon authority from Clarke. " That Sidney Clarke overdrew his account about sixteen hundred dollars. (See testimony of Clarke, Adams and Abell et al.) That he offered to members of the Legislature appointments to office and payment of expenses of the election of members of the Legislature, for their votes for himself for United States Senator. (See testimony of King, Phinney, Bond and Wheeler.) That he told R. S. Stevens to make whatever arrangements he pleased with Caldwell in regard to his (Clarke's) expenses. (See testimony of Clarke.) That Stevens paid out for Sidney Clarke, during that canvass, about twenty-six hundred dollars. (See testimony of George A. Reynolds.) "That his friend, D. M. Adams, with the knowledge of Clarke, undertook to purchase Senator Wood's vote with the promise of an office, which promise was secured by a certificate of deposit of the Kansas Valley National Bank for the sum of three thousand dollars, actually issued. (See the testimony of King, Abell and Adams.) That Mr. Wheaton, of Fort Scott, a friend of Mr. Clarke's, who was here endeavoring to secure Clarke's election, offered to buy the vote of W. C. Webb for Mr. Clarke, for the sum of two thousand dollars, at Fort Scott, in December, 1870. (See testimony of Webb.) These things all conspire to place the fact beyond question that Mr. Clarke intended to use, used, and was endeavoring to use, and with his knowledge permitted his friends to use and endeavor to use, money and other valuable considerations, in an illegal, corrupt and criminal way, to secure votes for himself for the United States Senate. (See testimony of Clarke, Adams, Phinney, King, P. T. Abell, W. C. Webb, and W. Shannon.) It also appears that R. S. Stevens, who is a resident of Attica, New York, and General Manager of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, and whose business headquarters were then, as now, in Sedalia, Missouri, was here in the interest of Mr. Clarke, and expended an amount of money for his use in the canvass. Also that P. T. Abell was here and spent a sum of money in the interest of Mr. Clarke, and was at that time in the employment of James F. Joy in his railroad business in this State.'(See testimony of George A. Reynolds and P. T! Abell.) Also, that John McDonald, a resident of St. Louis, Missouri, who had a peculiar interest in Mr. Clarke's election, was here in Clarke's interest. It also appears that Adams paid out of Clarke's money the entire expense of'the soup house.' That a part of the moeny paid by Stevens went to pay the expenses of' the soup house.' And that Col. P. T. Abell paid two or three hundred 572 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872, dollars as a part of the expenses of' the soup house.' May it not be that the disgraceful'soup house' is made the ledger scape-goat of greater sins of these men? (See testimony of Adams, Abell and Reynolds.) It can hardly be supposed, even by the most. verdant, that Mr. Adams would issue the paper of the Kansas Valley National Bank for three thousand dollars, and Mr. Wheaton offer to pay two thousand dollars for a vote for Mr. Clarke, without the authority of Mr. Clarke. "In the case of the certificate for the three thousand dollars, the testimony of Mr, King shows that the transaction, which was a direct attempt to obtain a vote for Mr. Clarke by bribery (the bribery being a mail agency, or its cash equivalent-three thousand dollars), was with the knowledge and consent of Mr. Clarke, if not by his positive direction. The fact that Mr. Wheaton came here and labored for Mr. Clarke, and was at the time he made the offer to Mr. Webb, and had been before, the strong friend of Mr. Clarke, leaves but little doubt, even with the most sceptical, that it was an effort directed and assented to by Clarke, to bribe Webb with two thousand dollars. The offers made to Phinney by Clarke himself and S. C. King, as shown by Wheeler's testimony, are of the same character, except that in the latter it does not appear that any money was to be used in connexion with the appointment. (See testimony of Clarke, Wheeler, King, Phinney, and Abell.) "In relation to the matters affecting Alexander Caldwell, the testimony shows that Len. T. Smith was his particular friend, and was a Democrat, and here working earnestly in the interest of Mr. Caldwell, and recognized by him as his confidential adviser and agent. That J. L. McDowell was here working for and. on confidential terms with Alexander Caldwell, in consideration of the promise of Caldwell to remove Mrs. Johnson, -a widow, whose husband was killed early in the war, at Morristown, Missouri, from the post office at Leavenworth. (See testimony of McDowell, Thomas, et al.) "That a large lobby of Leavenworth men were here in the interest of Caldwell. That Thomas Carney was here upon confidential relations with Caldwell. That some kind of a written agreement existed between Caldwell and Carney in relation to the Senatorial election. (See testimony of McDowell, et al.) " That Carney stated, but about two weeks ago, that he was coming before the committee to testify, and sent such message to the committee; that he was notified by telegraph, as well as by summons, to appear; that he was going to tell all he knew, and that he knew that Caldwell and those in his interest had purchased the votes of members of the Legislature to vote for Caldwell (see the testimony of Osborn); that a check for seven thousand dollars, drawn by Len. T. Smith in favor of Thomas Carney, went into the hands of T. J. Anderson, which was by Mr. Anderson presented and cashed at the Kansas Valley National Bank, January 23, 1871. (See testimony of D. M. Adams. "That another check for the sum of five thousand dollars, drawn by J. W. Morris, was cashed under very suspicious circumstances by the Topeka Bank, on the night of the 23d day of January, 1871. (See the testimony of Morris, Mulvane, and Jacob Smith.) "That another check for one thousand two hundred dollars was drawn by Robert Crozier, and cashed at the Topeka Bank on the 24th or 25th day of January, 1871, and the cash delivered to Len. T. Smith. (See testimony of Mulvane and Crozier.) "That Len. T. Smith borrowed an amount of money from Thomas A. Osborn to pay his hotel bill. (See testimony of Osborn.) "That a draft upon the Treasurer of the Kansas Pacific Railway Company for ten thousand dollars was presented by T. J. Anderson, and cashed at the Kansas Valley National Bank, on the 23d day of January, 1871. " It will be borne in mind that the first vote for United States Senator, in 1871, was upon the 24th day of January, 1871, and the joint convention and final vote on the next day, being on the 25th day of January. "There is now a note for three thousand five hundred dollars in the Kansas Valley National Bank, made by Anderson and endorsed by Caldwell, for transactions in this canvass, which note is for the benefit of T. J. Anderson. "That Mr. Caldwell claims that the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, by its agents, at or about the'time of the Senatorial election of 1871, promised to give to him thirty thousand dollars as its share of the election expenses of that election, or as its bonus for his influence as United States Senator. That CaldwelI demanded of and importuned Mr. Perry, the President of the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, to pay to Mr. Caldwell the said sum of $30,000, at Leavenworth, after his election, and that by an arrangement with Mr. Perry, Mr. Caldwell and his faithful friend, Len. T. Smith, came to 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 573 Topeka from Leavenworth to see about and settle up this thirty-thousand-dollar transaction, and that the agents of the company here did not admit the promise, as alleged by Caldwell, but did not stand as square on the subject as the President of the Company wished. (See testimony of J. P. Usher.) That Len. T. Smith wanted to arrange with Jacob Smith, President of the Topeka Bank, to cash checks given in the canvass. (See testimony of Jacob Smith.) That Len. T. Smith wished to be informed of any members of the Legislature who could be bought. (See testimony of Greeno.) That Len. T. Smith said they were dead broke on the morning of the 23d or 24th, but as soon as Major Anderson came, they would have plenty of greenbacks again, and that he would be back in a few moments. That Anderson did come back and apparently had something, and went into Caldwell's private room with Caldwell. (See testimony of Raymond.) That W. H. Carson got one thousand dollars of this corruption fund. (See testimony of Shannon and Spriggs.) That money was paid and offered to be paid to various members of the Legislature by Caldwell's agents and friends. (See testimony of Spriggs, Hammond, Greeno, Melville, Neal, Osborn, Thomas Floyd, Chase, G. W. Wood, Manning, Burke, H. D. Baker, and others.) That George Smith paid out to members of the Legislature, for Mr. Caldwell, and with an understanding that it should be refunded to him by Caldwell, over twenty thousand dollars. (See testimony of Spriggs.) That Caldwell promised appointments to office and other favorable official acts for votes. (See testimony of Bond, and others.) That Caldwell said after his election, at different times, that his election cost him more than any one was aware of, and clearly indicated by his conversation, and in fact said, that he paid for his seat in the United States Senate from this State, twice as much as the salary of the office for the full term of six years would amount to, or about sixty thousand dollars, and that he paid Carney's election expenses, amounting to more than ten per cent. of the whole sum, or over six thousand dollars. (See Burke's testimony, also Adams and Davis.) That Caldwell offered'twice or oftener to pay all of Sidney Clarke's election expenses, and that he did agree with R. S. Stevens to pay them upon consideration of Clarke's withdrawal and Clarke's friends' support of Caldwell in the Joint Convention. From all the testimony your committee find that Alexander Caldwell used bribery, and other corrupt and criminal means, by himself and his friends, with his full knowledge and consent, to secure his election in 1871, to the U. S. Senate, from the State of Kansas. "Your committee have also to report that the most important witnesses, Thomas Carney, Len. T. Smith, W. H. Carson, and T. J. Anderson, are now fugitives from the State, for the purpose of depriving this committee of their testimony, and that their absence is in contempt of proper processes issued and served upon them, and, as your committee is convinced, from all the circumstances surrounding their sudden and clandestine hegira, for a cash consideration paid to at least two of them, (see Burke's and Osborn's testimony.) W. A. Martin and Joel Thomas, important witnesses as we believe, have failed to appear, and we have been unable to learn of their whereabouts since they were served —Thomas being served by copy, Martin twice with personal service, once with a subpoena and once with the rule of the Senate. Thomas Moonlight and John Fletcher have failed to appear in obedience to process. Every reasonable effort has been used to get these witnesses. Diligent enquiry does not discover that R. S. Stevens has been in the State during the pendency of this enquiry. Ever since this enquiry began, there has been an organized effort of persons in the interest of Mr. Caldwell, and perhaps others, to keep out of the reach of the committee witnesses whose attendance was greatly desired. Every obstruction that could be has been thrown in our way by these persons. "The secrecy with which the crimes which the testimony we submit discover, the interest of all concerned to conceal them and the disgrace which attaches to all the parties implicated, even remotely, make the labor of proving them very difficult. Men who have been guilty of giving or taking a bribe, or in anywise connected therewith, as a general rule do not hesitate to hide their own and confederates' infamy behind the less odious crime of perjury. "The time left us after our assignment to this duty before the close of the session was entirely too short to permit us to go entirely through the work we have had in hand, especially when it is remembered that we had our ordinary legislative duties to perform as well as this extraordinary duty. The magnitude of our labors, and of the subject referred to us, can be fully appreciated by those only who have met the enquiry 574 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. face to face. When the testimony which we herewith submit is read in the light of the facts that Len. T. Smith left the State about the time this investigation was ordered, and remains away; that Carney, Anderson and Carson are fugitives who have sought refuge beyond the territorial limits of the State; that Fletcher, Thomas and Martin are skulking, secreted or absent from the State, there can be but one conclusion, and that is, that some person or persons are guilty of the offences into which we are enquiring, and that they know it. (See testimony of Osborn, Burke, Adams, Spriggs, and others.) "From the testimony, all will see that the full and complete exposition of these high crimes is the. incessant labor of months instead of the few days we have had. As our report must of necessity be made before this session closes, and as adjournment is near at hand, we are compelled to close our labors with the testimony of the sixty-four witnesses which we have examined and the documents attached to their testimony, all of which we respectfully submit. J. D. SNODDY, Chairman on part of Senate. E. S. STOVER. H. C. WHITNEY. W.M. H. CLARK, Chairman on part of House. G. W. CLARK. J. J. WOOD. J. BOYNTON. D. H. JOHNSON." -Senate Journal, pp. 561 to 569. FEBRUARY 26."STATE OF KANSAS, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, TOPEKA, February 26, 1872.' TO THE LEGISLATURE: I have just received from Hon. D. P. Lowe, M. C., the enclosed letter and accompanying documents relating to the Price Raid Claims. I place them before you with the recommendation that you take such action as you deem proper to secure an equitable adjustment and prompt payment of the claims. "JAMES M. HARVEY, Governor." "HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 22, 1872. "HON. JAMES M. HARVEY-Dear Sir: I have heretofore sent you a copy of the report and bill approved by the Committee on Claims, to appropriate $337,054 on the Price Raid Claims. The Committee unanimously voted to report the bill favorably, and have been ready for three weeks to report it, but the Committee has not been called. I expect the bill to pass, but nothing is certain until it is done. It has occurred to me that possibly some State legislation might be necessary to enable the Treasurer to pay the money to the parties whose claims are approved by the Commission, inasmuch as all the amount which the State has partially assumed is not allowed by the Commission. What the case may be as to the disbursement of the money by the State under existing laws I cannot tell, as I have not all the legislation of the State before me, but thought I had better call your attention to it. Possibly it might be desirable to pass an act authorizing the Treasurer to pay to each of the parties in whose favor the Commission report the amount found due them. I do not know that it is necessary, but simply invite attention to it. Yours, truly, D. P. LOWE." -House Journal, pp. 1066-7. The Legislature took no action. Had such a law been passed, all illegal disbursement of the money would have been prevented. FEBRUARY 28.-M. J. Parrott, S. A. Riggs, N. A. Adams, S. N. Wood, A. Thoman, H. C. Haas and E. G. Ross issue an address to the people of Kansas. It takes ground against the renomination of President Grant. It opposes "absolutism," "imperialism" and "personalism," and favors civil service reform and revenue reform. The signers call themselves Republicans, and give no name to the new party, FEBRUARY 29.-J. J. Wood, of Labette county, appointed Regent of the University; John D. Parker, Superintendent of the Blind Asylum; H. J. Strickler, Regent of the Agricultural College; T. C. Bowles, Trustee of the Insane Asylum. MARCH 1. —W. C. Tenney appointed Regent of the State University; T. J. Sternberg, Regent of the Agricultural College. 1872.] ANNALS OPF KANSAS. 575 -Nathan Price, Judge of the Second Judicial District, resigns. P. L. Hubbard was appointed his successor. -B. F. Simpson is elected Chairman, and George Noble Secretary, of the Philadelphia delegation. -During the winter Rev. E. P. Hammond held revival meetings in several towns in the State, with very important results. MAncH.-The length of the Leavenworth bridge over the Missouri is 994 feet; of approaches, 5,500; height above high water, 51 feet 6 inches. MARcII 2. —Adjournment of the Legislature. Among its laws were thirty-eiglht to authorize or legalize issues of municipal.bonds; An act creating the State Board of Agriculture; Appropriating $3,000 for the relief of western settlers; Appropriating $2,500 for the Freedmen's University of Quindaro; For the issue and registration of bonds; Defining the boundary of Kingman and Harvey counties; Creating the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Judicial Districts; Providing for the settlement of losses from Indian depredations from 1860 to 1871; Creating a Commission to audit and allow Price Raid and CurtisExpedition muster-rolls; Reguiating the infliction bf the death penalty; Increasing the salaries of State officers and Supreme and District Court Judges; Providing for the sale of Normal School land. MARciH 6. —-M. E. Conference meets, at Emporia. — Dlr. W. E. Webb, of Topeka, has a book in press entitled "Buffalo Land." MARCH 7.-The following Commissioners appointed under the act of Februlary 28, 1872, to provide for settlement of losses from Indian depredations between 1860 and 1871: David Kelso, Oswego, Labette county; F. P. Baker, Topeka, Shawnee county; Henry Brandley, Bazaar,' Chase county. The following award was made by this Commission: 15 Amount Amount Tribes who Committed Depredations. Claimed. Allowed. 1 C'eokee............................................... 38, 528 40 $3,165 00 2 Osage 22, 894 96 18,290 96 3 Chceonne.................................................a.. 35,407 00 34,785 00 4 C heenne and Arapaho..................................................... 24, 363 70 18, 963 70 5 Wuichlita 00 775 00 Arapaiho..17,715 00 9,165 00 7 Kiowa 4,897 00 4,880 00 8 Sc and Fox...................................................................... 675 00 675 00 9 Sion............................................................................... 2813 00 2,813 00 10 Caddo................................................................................ 66 00 665 00 11 Ceenne and Sioux.4,152 00 4,152 00 12 Kioa and Comanche.4,359 00 200 00 13 Cheyene and Pawnee....................................................5,573 00 5,573 00 14 Cheenne, Arapaho and Kiowa.......................................... 560 00 560 00 15 Pawlee..............................................................................475 00 475 00 16 Cheyenneand Kiowa........................................................ 4,93000 1,430 00 17 Cree............................................................................. 4 425 00................. 18 Kioa and Arapaho......................................................... 6, 730 00 6, 730 00 19 Cheokee and Osage................................................... 2,469 00................. 20 Sioux, Cheyenne and Pawnee............................................ 3,000 00................ 21 Cheyenne and Comanche.................................................. 6, 510 00 6,510 00 Total........................................................................... $191,917 06 $119,807 66 In 1874, the Legislature ordered the Auditor to send the' papers of this Commission, and other records of like character, to the Secretary of the Interior. They were sent. .576 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. MARcH 20. — State Convention of colored men at Lawrence. -The Concordia Empire says 932,175 acres of land were entered under -the homestead law at that place, during the year 1871. APRIL.-The Beloit Gazette is started, by Chaffee & Johnson; the Holton Express by Frank A. Root. APRIL.-The Educational Journal publishes a catalogue of the birds of Kansas, by Frank H. Snow, assisted by Edwin A. Popenoe, of Topeka, and ~Geo. F. Gaumer and Nelson J. Stephens, of Lawrence. The Journal says: "The all-absorbing topic everywhere in Kansas to-day is the Revival.... May every teacher in Kansas study and practise NMr. Hammond's methods!" APRIL 1.-Leslie J. Perry appointed Postmaster at Paola. APRIL 9.-State Medical Society meets, at Lawrence. APRIL 10.-Liberal Republican convention at Topeka. Called to order by Marcus J. Parrott. Officers of the Convention: President, Samuel J.,Crawford; Vice Presidents, Byron Sherry, H. B. Horn, A. Thoman, C. Willemsen, H. E. Shepherd, W. H. Morris, T.. S. Floyd, E. L. Buesche, F. R. Russell, J. E. Martin, and J. F. Clark; Secretaries, M. Benas, W. S. Smith, Joseph G. Waters. Committee on Resolutions: S. A. Riggs, C. A. Birnie, J. R. Hallowell, H. H. Labhere,-J. T. Clark, E. G. Ross, T. Sandford, P. J.,Carmichael, J. Baker, George Tauber, J. Y. Hewitt. Committee to select Delegates to Cincinnati: M. J. Parrott, A. Thoman, M. A. Wood, J. T. Warwich, A. R. Bancroft, G. T. Pierce, E. H. Sanford. Speeches were made by A. Thoman, Byron Sherry, J. R. Hallowell, and Samuel N. Wood.'The committee on resolutions reported the following, which was adopted: "Resolved, That the Liberal Republicans of Kansas, mindful of the early record of our State, so closely involved with the history of the Republican party and the strug-,gle of national existence, still steadfast and true to the vital principles which called that party into existence, would ever maintain as a part of our birthright'the rightful sovereignty of the Union, emancipation, equality of civil rights, and enfranchisement.' With a loyalty to principles that is higher and stronger than a loyalty to party or _party leaders, jealous and watchful of the fair fame of our young State, earnest and resolute now as in the struggle to save the soil from the encroachment of the Slave.power, we call upon the people of Kansas to unite in an effort to put a stop to the:attempted absorption of the civil functions of the Government by the military, and the encroachment of Executive power; to inaugurate a thorough and genuine reform of Sthe civil service that shall put a stop to the shameful abuse of official patronage for the control of conventions, whether in the interest of an individual, a faction, or a party; to effect a modification of our revenue system, so that no class or special interest of the -country shall be encouraged at the expense of the rest; to secure a wise and just sys-tem of taxation which shall place no needless burden on the people; to save the public Jlands of the nation to actual settlers under the principles of the homestead laws; to,establish general amnesty as a correlative of impartial suffrage; and to extend our national sympathies to all people who are struggling to emulate our example of popular enfranchisement." Over one hundred names were suggested as delegates to Cincinnati-.among them the following: M. J. Parrott, S. J. Crawford, A. Thoman,'T. H. Walker, C. C. McDowell, S. J. Langdon, E. G. Ross, A. R. Bancroft, S. A. Riggs, F. W. Giles, S. N. Wood, C. B. Butler, Byron Sherry, G. T. Pierce, J. F. Cottrell, C. F. Hutchings, W. L. Parkinson, J. F. McDowell, V. B. Hutchison, and J. G. Waters. Hon. B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri,:made an elaborate address. The following Central Committee was ap 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 577 pointed: C. A. Birnie, J. Butler, A. Thoman, J. Walruff, A. R. Bancroft, L. G. Palmer, Alfred Taylor, Judge Humphrey, S. N. Wood, J. E. Deitze, F. R. Russell,.G. H. Hollenbach, J. E. Martin, and R. H. Bishop. A. Thoman was made Chairman and S. N. Wood Secretary of the Committee. APRIL 13.-M. M. Murdock founds the Wichita Eagle. APRIL 18.-Leavenworth celebrates the completion of the bridge across the Missouri; thirty thousand people present. APRIL 23.-A terrific tornado at Coffeyville destroys the office of Ross's Paper. APRIL. —A book issued called "Buffalo Land," -by W. E. Webb. It describes the country between Topeka and the Rocky Mountains. It is profusely illustrated by Henry Worrall, of Topeka.'Published by E. Hannaford & Co., Cincinnati and Chicago. MAY.-Investigation of Caldwell and Pomeroy, at Washington, called out by the Legislative investigation. MAY 1.-Thos. Hughes, of Fort Scott, joins Judge F. G. Adams in the publication of the Waterville Telegraph. MAY 3.-Horace Greeley is nominated for President, and B. Gratz Brown for Vice President, at Cincinnati. MAY. — Ottawa prepares to erect a new central school building. -Garnett is to have a College, under the charge of the United Presbyterian Church. MAY 8.-Act of Congress for the removal of the Kaw Indians. MAY 9.-Acts of Congress for the relief of settlers on the Osage lands, and on the Cherokee strip. MAY 15.-Railroad completed to Wichita. MAY 16.-First train through between Atchison and Topeka. MAY 23.-Excursion from Atchison to Topeka. MAY 28.-Laying of the first rail on the Lawrence and Topeka Railroad, at Topeka. -New Land Office at Cawker City. -Major Fielding Johnson fatally injured in jumping from a railroad train, at Topeka. MAY 28.-Editorial Convention, at Emporia. Officers elected: President, T. Dwight Thacher; Vice Presidents, Albert Griffin, D. W. Wilder, W. D. Walker; Secretary, J. S. Wilson; Treasurer, W. F. Chalfant; Orator, I. S. Kalloch; Alternate, Geo. Wr. Martin; Poet, James W. Steele. The Annual Address was delivered by D. W. Wilder, of the Fort Scott Monitor. An excursion to Wichita followed. Resolutions were reported by R. B. Taylor. MAY 31. —State Convention of Universalists, at Lawrence. JUNE. —The Fort Scott Monitor says of the University building: "There is not a structure on the American continent, erected for educational purposes, equal to this in size, or surpassing it in its adaptedness for the purposes of the higher education..... The building will be heated with steam and lighted with gas, and every room will be supplied with water. An electrical clock will give the hour in every room at the same instant, and electricity will also be made a useful and instructive servant in various other ways." 37 578 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. JUNE 2.-The Kansas Central open from Leavenworth to Grasshopper Falls. — George W. Deitzler, of Lawrence, goes to California to live. - The White Cloud Chief removes to Troy. -An editorial article in the Atchison Champion gives the county bonded debt as $525,200, and the city $357,250, crediting the figures to County Clerk Gale and City Clerk Wagenhals. JUNE 3.-Mr. Logan, in the Senate, reports that the Committee on Privileges and Elections have ascertained no facts sufficient to sustain the charges of bribery and corruption against Senator Pomeroy. Senator Caldwell's case was not considered for want of time. JUNE 5.-Act of Congress to carry into effect the treaty with the Seneca and other tribes of Indians. JUNE 6.-The Philadelphia Convention nominates U. S. Grant for President and Henry Wilson for Vice President. -Grading begins on the Junction City and Fort Kearney Railroad. JUNE 8. —Congress (Chap. 366 of U. S. Stats.) appropriates $337,054 to reimburse the State of Kansas for disbursements in aid of suppressing the Rebellion. The money was disbursed by the State Treasurer, in paying Price Raid scrip, in the summer and fall of 1872. -This Congress (Chaps. 11 and 239 of U. S. Stats.) increases the number of Congressmen to 292, and gives Kansas three members. JUNE 10. —Santa Fe road completed to Hutchinson. JUNE ll.-Democratic Convention at Topeka. Ex-Gov. Wilson Shannon, President. He counselled the party to unite with all friends of reform and opponents of centralization and plunder. Thos. P. Fenlon was made Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions. Marcus J. Parrott made a speech, cordially inviting the union of Democrats with the supporters of Horace Greeley. The following platform was adopted: "The Democrats of Kansas, in Convention assembled, do declare - "First, That the paramount duty of every citizen, as such, is devotion and obedience to the Constitution and laws of the Republic, made, as they are, with the design and purpose to perpetuate individual liberty to its utmost limit consistent with good government and public order. "Second, That political organizations are useful and beneficial only when their purpose and action demonstrate that love ofGcountry controls their councils and dictates their policy; but when lawless ambition, imbecility, corruption and man-worship dominate a political party, it is the duty of all citizens, without regard to previous political affiliations, forgetful of past differences, to join hands and hearts in the effort to crush such party, and to drive its leaders from power.. " Third. Believing as we do that the Chief Executive of the nation and the nominee of the Republican party for re-election is utterly unfitted for the high position he holds; that his administration of the Government stands alone in the history of the nation for shameless ignorance, nepotism and gift-taking; for reckless disregard of law and forgetfulness of the honor of the Republic; for utter want of that dignity and statesmanship which should characterize the executive government of the first Republic of the earth, and that his continuance in power would degrade the nation and be dangerous to the liberties of the people; so believing, we are willing to join with all good citizens in the pending campaign in the effort to drive him from place. "Fourth. As this, in our judgment, can be most surely accomplished by accepting and supporting the platform and candidates of the Cincinnati Convention, the delegates this day accredited to the National Convention at Baltimore are hereby instructed that 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 579 it is the desire of the Democracy of Kansas that the National Council of the party shall not place a ticket in the field, but that it shall, in the interest of the country, and to the end that a shameless administration shall be driven from power, give its sanction to and its powerful voice in favor of the nominees and platform of the Cincinnati Convention. And our delegates are directed to vote and act in accordance with these resolutions." The following delegates were elected: Wilson Shannon, Thos. P. Fenlon, E. M. Hulett, R. B. Morris, Geo. B. Wood, W. R. Wagstaff, John Martin, Isaac Sharp, B. F. Devore, and T. W. Waterson. JUNE 12.-Arkansas river bridge, at Wichita, opened for travel. JUNE 13.-Geo. P. Smith starts the Humboldt Southwest. His son, Byron C. Smith, was one of the editors. In the fall the paper stopped. The office was removed to Neodesha, Wilson county. JUNE 20.-Republican ratification meeting at Topeka addressed by Senator Matt. H. Carpenter, of Wisconsin. JUNE 23.- Congress creates a new Land District in the Northwest. JUNE 25.-Republican State Conventions called to meet at Lawrence and Topeka, Sept. 4-two delegates and two alternates from each district to each Convention. JUNE 26. —The State Committees of the Democratic and Liberal Republican parties meet at Lawrence, and call the State Convention, at Topeka, Sept. 11. JUNE 29. —Completion of the Chicago and Southwestern to Atchison. JUNE 29.-C. M. Taylor, City Marshal of Baxter Springs, shot and killed by Mayor J. R. Boyd. JUNE. —Eugene F. Ware becomes the editor of the Fort Scott Monitor, and that paper advocates Greeley and Brown. JULY 1.-Excursion from Wichita to Atchison. JULY 4.-Work begun on the Manhattan and Northwestern Railroad.'-J. A. IHalderman presides at the American banquet given in London. JULY 10.-The Democratic Convention at Baltimore adopts the Cincinnati platform and nominates Greeley-and Brown. -The Hutchinson News issued, by Perry Bros. & Co. -Bridge over the Kaw completed at Wamego. -A straight Democratic Convention is called to meet at Louisville, September 3d. -W. S. Jenkins is appointed Register, and J. C. Redfield Receiver; of the Wichita Land Office. JULY 15.-A correspondent of the Kansas Farmer tells what he knows of the organization called "The Patrons of Husbandry," or the "Grange." -John H. Tice, of St. Louis, publishes a book on Kansas and Colorado. It is called, " Over the Plains and on the Mountains." -The Leavenworth Medical Herald reaches its third volume; Tiffin Sinks, editor and proprietor. JULY 15.-Judge Philip C. Schuyler, one of the most prominent of the early citizens of Kansas, dies at Burlingame. -Dr. Medlicott is in the Anderson county jail. JULY 30. — Charles M. Foster, of Topeka, Charles F. Koester, of Marysville, and P. R. Brooks, of Lawrence, are appointed to revise the tax laws. 580 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. — The Topeka Republicans erect a Wigwam and hold frequent meetings. AUGUST 2.-John A. Logan speaks at Atchison. AUGUST 13.-Gov. HIarvey receives the Price Raid money in Washington. AUGUST 14.-Milton R. Moore and James L. King issue the Topeka Tanner & Cobbler. AUGUST 20.-Rev. N. Green publishes a card, saying he is a candidate for Congress. -George W. Larzelere edits the Troy Republican. AUGUST 22.-H. C. Ashbaugh establishes the Newton Kansan. AUGUST 27. —Straight-out Democratic State Convention at Topeka. W. H. Peckham, Chairman; J. M. Margrave, Secretary. The following delegates were elected to the National Convention at Louisville: W. H. Peckham, J. H. Oliver, S. W. Brooks, J. M. Margrave, R. E. Lawrence. Alternates: Morris Holmes, George E. Williams, J. V. Holt, H. H. Stafford, J. T. Curran. The following platform was adopted:'!Resolved, That we believe in equal freedom and equal rights for all citizens, and that injustice consists in the restriction of such equality. " 2. We believe in the equal dignity of the several States of the Union; in the inherent right of local self-government, to be limited only by the constitutional powers delegated to the Federal Government for specific purposes; in the largest liberty for each citizen consistent with the equal liberty of all. "3. We believe in the doctrine that governments were instituted among men to secure freedom to the right by restricting only the wrong, and that people, therefore, are best governed who govern themselves. "4. In the proposition that the offices of the Government belong to the-people, and not to the office-holders, and that the use of official patronage to reward political friends or punish political enemies is a crime against the people, which ought to be restrained and punished. " 5. In the right of the Government to assess and collect taxes, whether excise or tariff, for no purpose whatever but the support of the Government; that what is called'protection' is but a name to designate robbery; and that equal rights of trade and exchange should be free from Government restriction. " 6. We recognize the validity and binding force of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to the National Constitution; but we denounce as revolutionary, and as subversive of the Constitution and the traditions of free government, the means that were used to bring about those amendments. " 7. We are opposed to the policy practised by the Government for the last ten years, in giving away the public domain to rich conspirators, and declare that the public lands belong to the homeless. " 8. That the Convention at Baltimore having shamefully nominated uncompromising and, unrepentant Radicals for the high offices of President and Vice President, the Democracy of the country, true to their convictions of right and the traditions of the party, would be false to themselves and false to the country in following the treachery of the politicians who participated in this shameful bargain and sale, in which the attempt is made to sell the principles of three million voters. "9. We approve and endorse the call for a National Democratic Convention to be held on the 3d of September, in Louisville, Ky. " 10. That our delegates are instructed to cast the vote of Kansas for that pure and incorruptible statesman, Charles O'Conor, for President of the United States." The following State Committee was appointed: W. H. Peckham, J. M. Margrave, J. K. Wells, H. H. Stafford, H. C. Retiker. AUGUST 28.-The A. & N. R. R. completed to Lincoln, Neb. AUGUST 30.-The Second Judicial District Convention, at Hiawatha, unanimously nominates P. L. Hubbard for Judge. 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 581 SEPTEMBER.- Osage Mission is building a $15,000 school house. SEPTEMBER 4. —Charles O'Conor nominated for President and John Q. Adams for Vice President, at Louisville. SEPTEMBER.-Election, on the State Fair Grounds at Topeka, of the following officers of the State Agricultural Society: President, H. J. Strickler, of Shawnee; Vice-President, G. W. Veale, of Shawnee; Secretary, Alfred Gray, of Wyandotte; Treasurer, Thomas Murphy, of Atchison; Superintendent, H. T. Beman. Executive Committee: J. K. Hudson, of Wyandotte; S. T. Kelsey, of Franklin; J. I. Larimer, of Leavenworth; J. N. Insley, of Jefferson; E. S. Niccolls, of Anderson; G. L. Young, of Shawnee; James Rogers, of Osage; Martin Anderson, of Jackson; Wm. Martindale, of Greenwood; Malcolm Conn, of Morris. SEPTEMBER 4.-Republican State Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by H. T. Beman. John A. Martin, Secretary pro tern. For temporary Chairman, Josiah Kellogg received 108 and John Guthrie 77 votes. Committee on Credentials: J. D. Brumbaugh, Geo. Graham, W. W. Creighton, Bas. M. Simpson, H. D. Baker, J. A. Wells, E. E. Custer, William Burgoyne, G. C. Clemens, T. B. Fletcher, Frank Doster, L. N. Robinson, C. G. Hawley, David Gordon. Committee on Resolutions: D. B. Emmert, P. P. Elder, W. Jay, N. Marchand, W. W. Guthrie, E. Smith, A. J. Shellhammer, Albert Griffin, H. Brandley, C. G. Hawley, J. A. Helphingstine, M. Baldwin, R. D. Mobley. Committee on Permanent Organization: T. C. Jones, O. Y. Hart, J. 0. Pickering, J. W. Stover, H. C. Hawkins, G. C. Clemens, J. C. Wilson, Mr. Hunt, H. Brandley. Committee on Order of Business: B. W. Perkins, Ed. Russell, Mr. Burris, L. L. Ryan, D. Campbell, Mr. St. Clair, D. C. Wilson, Thomas Murphy, H. G. Evans. The following officers were elected: President, Josiah Kellogg, Vice Presidents, W. Jay, P. W. Pickering, J. D. Brumbaugh; Secretaries, G. C. Crowther, H. Brandley. First ballot for Governor: John M. Price, 65; Thomas A. Osborn, 60; John-C. Carpenter, 32; Charles V. Eskridge, 21; R. B. Taylor, 9; G. W. Smith, 8. Second ballot: Price, 69; Osborn, 63; Carpenter, 35; Eskridge, 24; Taylor, 3; Smith, 1. Third ballot: Price, 69; Osborn, 63; Carpenter, 36; Eskridge, 21; Taylor, 3. Fourth ballot: Price, 72; Osborn, 66; Carpenter, 36; Eskridge, 22. Fifth ballot: Price, 71, Osborn, 63; Carpenter, 38; Eskridge, 20. Sixth ballot: Price, 73; Osborn, 63; Carpenter, 32; Eskridge, 14. Seventh ballot: Price, 75; Osborn, 74; Carpenter, 31; Eskridge, 15. Eighth ballot: Price, 75; Osborn, 90; Carpenter, 29. Ninth ballot: Price, 96; Osborn, 90; Carpenter, 29. Tenth ballot: Osborn, 103; Price, 71; Carpenter, 20. For Lieutenant Governor, Elias S. Stover, of Council Grove, was nominated, over E. S. Niccolls, of Garnett. William H. Smallwood was renominated for Secretary of State, by acclamation. 582 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. The candidates for State Treasurer were Josiah E. Hayes, R. H. Graham, James C. Horton, Samuel G. Hoyt, and Alexander R. Banks. Col. Hayes was renominated on the fourth ballot. Daniel W. Wilder, of Fort Scott, was nominated for Auditor by acclamation. Samuel A. Kingman, of Atchison, was renominated for Chief Justice by accla mation. The candidates for Attorney General were Archibald L. Williams, J. B. Johnson, C. I. Scofield, and W. M. Matheny. On the third ballot, A. L. Williams was renominated. Hugh D. McCarty, R. W. Putnam, John W. Horner, and Philetus Fales, were candidates for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Col. McCarty was renominated. The following State Committee was selected: W. W. Creighton, John A. Martin, John Guthrie, Wm. Spriggs, A. M. F. Randolph, James D. Snoddy, D. B. Emmert, G. E. Beates, R. W. P. Muse, Bas. M. Simpson, B. W. Perkins, A. W, Campbell, Linus J. Webb, H. B. Baker. Chairman, John Guthrie; Secretary, John A. Martin. The following platform was adopted: "Resolved, That the Republicans of Kansas, in delegate convention assembled, hereby heartily approve and endorse the platform of the National Republican party adopted at Philadelphia on the 5th day of June, 1872, and we pledge our unswerving support to the nominees of that Convention, U. S. Grant and Henry Wilson. "Resolved, That we hold that the laws protecting the rights of the citizens ought to be rigidly enforced, and that in all cases where the local governments are powerless or inefficient, it is the imperative duty of the National Government to see that the laws are enforced, and here we squarely take issue with the fourth resolution of the Cincinnati platform. "Resolved, That the Republican party of Kansas, now, as in the past, is in favor of the free and uncorrupted exercise of the right of the elective franchise, both at the polls and in legislative election; and it condemns in unmeasured terms the use of any corrupt policies to procure election to any elective office, and here pledges uncompromising hostility to all men who have or may use any corrupting influences to secure any position of profit or honor. "Resolved, That as there is a question at issue between the settlers upon the lands recently acquired from the Indians in this State and railroad corporations, which leaves no apparent recourse except through the courts, a resort to which must necessarily involve much litigation and expense that the occupants, on account of their poverty, are illy prepared to meet, we ask that the Government itself test the question to its fullest extent; and as a tangible solution of the question, should it be decided finally that the title to the lands in issue rests in the corporations, by virtue of grants and treaties, then our Senators and Representatives in Congress are earnestly requested to use their utmost endeavors to secure the adoption of measures that will result in satisfying all reasonable demands of the corporations, quiet the title, and vest the same in the occupying claimants, under the homestead and pre-emption laws." SEPTEMBER 4.-Republican State Congressional Convention at Lawrence. Called to order by D. R. Anthony. John J. Ingalls received 118 and Geo. W. Veale 66 votes for temporary Chairman. Committee on Credentials: L. Loughmiller, B. S. Campbell, Judge Hoagland, H. P. Welsh, H. Kelly, W. R. Biddle, F. M. Powers, Mr. McDonald, J. A. Pike, I. S. Slaughter, F. A. Bettis, J. A. Jones, J. M. Steele, and J. G. Mohler. Committee on Permanent Organization: T. B. Murdock, J. H. Knight, B. H. McEckron, G. W. Burchard, C. Leland, jr., G. M. Waugh, and D. L. Kretsinger. 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 583 Committee on Resolutions: H. W. Cook, A. McAllister, Mr. Dunsmore, Geo. W. Veale, Mr. Stevenson, Geo. R. Peck, Ira J. Lacock, A. H. Horton, and A. M. Morgan. The following officers were elected: President, John J. Ingalls; Vice Presidents, Elijah Sells, Samuel Lappin, H. C. Cross, Thos. B. Eldridge, John H. Edwards, J. D: Dixon; Secretaries, H. P. Welsh, Isaac Isbell, and John S. Gilmore. The platform adopted is ih substance the same as that adopted by the Topeka Convention. Ballot for candidates for Congress: D. P. Lowe, 132; Wm. A. Phillips, 122; Sidney Clarke, 59; S. A. Cobb, 54; S. M. Strickler, 36; Nathan Price, 43; H. W. Gillett, 25; E. J. Jenkins, 24; P. B. Maxson, 24; D. C. Haskell, 23; N. Green, 18; D. R. Anthony, 9; G. W. Veale, 7; J. J. Ingalls, 6; S. D. Houston, 6; T. D. Thacher, 4; B. F. Simpson, 4; J. D. Snoddy, 2. Lowe and Phillips were declared nominated by acclamation. Ballot for a third candidate: Stephen A. Cobb, 75; Nathan Price, 42; Sidney Clarke, 47. Mr. Clarke's name was withdrawn, and Col. Cobb received the nomination on the next ballot. Presidential Electors: Charles H. Langston, of Lawrence; John Guthrie, of Topeka; W. W. Smith, of Waterville; J. S. Merritt, of Pottawatomie county; and Louis Weil, of Leavenworth. SEPTEMBER 11.-Liberal Republican Convention at Topeka. Charles Robinson, President; Pardee Butler, J. H. Watson, J. H. Peckham, Sam'l A. Manlove, Alfred Taylor and George XV. Gardiner, Vice' Presidents; Secretaries, C. A. Berrill, Johnson Barker, J. R. Hallowell. The following committee was appointed to confer with the Democratic Convention: L. A. Potter, Joshua Wheeler, B. F. Kelley, P. H. Peters, J. W. Beck, J. Critchfield, Byron Sherry, A. Robinson, A. S. Deming, H. S. Campbell, Joel Moody, L. G. Palmer, S. J. Langdon, J. F. McDowell, J. M. Mahr, Thos. H. Butler, Geo. P. Smith, M. E. Chaney, Robt. Morrow, F. W. Giles, John Meigs, Silas Burrell, C. J. Peckham, S. J. Crawford, H. Craik, N. A. Adams, E. A. Eaton, J. H. Sneed, M. J. Ennessy. Committee on Credentials: Parrott, Philbrick, Ingersoll, Graham, and Pellett. Speeches were made by S. N. Wood, Pardee Butler, General William Larimer, and Capt. WVm. D. Mathews. Committee on Platform: Geo. W. Gardiner, R. S. Graham, A. Thoman, Sam'l A. Riggs, W. E. Copeland, David Linton, Geo. P. Smith, A. C. Pierce, S. N. Wood, Alfred Taylor, E. G. Ross, T. McIntyre, J. H. Snead. Robt. Morrow reported from the conference committee that the Liberals were to have the nomination of Governor, two Members of Congress, three Presidential Electors, the Attorney General, Auditor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction; the Democrats one Member of Congress, the Secretary of State, Judge of the Supreme Court, and Lieutenant Governor. Report agreed to. The Committee on Resolutions reported that the joint committee had agreed upon the following platform: "Resolved, That the Liberal Republican and Democratic parties of the State of Kansas, in delegate convention assembled, accept and endorse the platform of principles adopted by the Convention of Cincinnati, of May 3d, and that of Baltimore, of July 9, 1872, and especially do we approve and reaffirm the fourth section of said platform. "Resolved, That we hereby ratify the nomination of Horace Greeley for President 584 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. and B. Gratz Brown for Vice President of the United States, and we pledge to them our unfaltering support. "Resolved, That we are opposed to all further grants of land to railroad or other corporations. The public domain should be held sacred to actual settlers; and we hereby pledge the Liberal Republican and Democratic parties of Kansas to such legislation, State and National, as. may be or become necessary to secure to all settlers on public lands, within the State of Kansas, their full, just and equitable rights. "Resolved, That now, as in the past, we as Republicans are in favor of the free and uncorrupted exercise of the elective franchise at the polls and in Legislative elections, and we condemn in unmeasured terms the corrupt practices, and the use of money before resorted to, to procure seats in the Senate of the United States, and pledge continued hostility to all men who have attempted to procure, or in the future cnay attempt to obtain, positions by these most disgraceful and corrupting influences. And in the coming election for Senator we are determined to support no man to whom the least; taint or suspicion of the use of money or other improper means attaches, and to that end we urge the voters of the State to oppose every candidate for the Legislature whose character for integrity is not entirely above suspicion. "Resolved, That labor is the true wealth of the State, and that we demand such legislation as will protect and build up the agricultural and industrial interests of ourwhole State. "Resolved, That we pledge the Liberal Republican and Democratic parties of the State of Kansas to untiring opposition to extravagance and corruption in the administration of national, State, county and municipal affairs; to the practice of strict economy, and to the reduction of the burdens of taxation upon property and labor. "Resolved, That we are in favor of an equal, uniform rate of valuation of all the property in the State. "Resolved, That the interest of civilization demands that the Indian Territory lying between the States of Kansas and Texas be opened to settlement, under the principles of the pre-emption and homestead laws of the United States, at the earliest practicable period. "Resolved, That the Indian policy of the Administration has been a fraud and a failure, and that we demand for the settlers upon the frontier full protection against the outrages of Indian tribes." The committee of conference reported the following list of candidates: For Governor, Thaddeus H. Walker, of Topeka; Congressmen, Robert B. Mitchell of Paola, M. J. Parrott of Leavenworth, and N. A. Adams of Manhattan; Lieutenant Governor, John Walruff, of Ottawa; Treasurer, M. S. Beach, of Lawrence; Auditor, C. H. Pratt, of Humboldt; Secretary of State, J. F. Waskey, of Labette county; Attorney General, B. P.-Waggener, of Atchison; Superintendent of Public Instruction, L. J. Sawyer, of Osage county; Chief Justice, H. C. McComas of Fort Scott; Presidential Electors, William Larimer, N. A. English, G. H. Hollenberg, Samuel A. Riggs, A. W. Rucker. The following candidates were then selected by ballot: Governor, T. H. Walker; Congressmen, W. R. Laughlin, of Cherokee, and S. A. Riggs, of Douglas; Presidential Electors, Pardee Butler, Wm. Larimer, and Alois Thoman; Auditor, V. B. Osborne; Treasurer, C. H. Pratt; Superintendent of Public Instruction, L. J. Sawyer. The other nominations, made by the Democrats, were ratified. The following State Committee was appointed. Charles A. Birney, J. L. Philbrick, T. J. Anderson, Mr. Mills, H. H. Jordan, J. D. McCleverty, G. P. Smith, W. A. Kiser, Hewett Craig, A. S. Devenney, R. N. Donnelly, P. H. Peters, J. D. Martin, J. H. Snead, Wm. D. Mathews. The members of the Democratic Convention then marched into Union Hall. Speeches were made by T. H. Walker, M. V. B. Bennett, S. N. Wood, John Martin, and H. Miles Moore. 1872.] AN1ALS OF KANSAS. 585 SEPTEMBER 11.-State Democratic Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by T. P. Fenlon. Temporary Officers: President, John Martin; Secretaries, H. Hiles Moore, Nathan Cree, Nelson Abbott. Committee on Credentials: Wilson Shannon, jr., H. Miles Moore, Samuel A. Williams, H. E. Norton, and Asa Hairgrove. Committee on Permanent Organization: M. V. B. Bennett, Hayden, Clover, Leonard, Lane. Officers qof the Convention: President, Wilson Shannon, of Douglas; Vice Presidents, Charles Sprague of Jackson, John Hanlon of Leavenworth J. C. Frazier of Montgomery, C. Durfee of Doniphan, Hiero T. Wilson of Bourbon, A. P. McMillin of Pottawatomie, J. H. Conolly of Johnson, Isaac Sharp of Morris, T. W. Waterson of Marshall,. P. T. Pendleton of Ellsworth, T. J. Dolan of Atchison, E. H. Keables of Neosho; Secretaries, H. Miles Moore of Leavenworth, Nathan Cree of Douglas, George F. Prescott of Leavenworth, Nelson Abbott of Atchison, Solon Goode of Bourbon, W. H. Ellis of Miami, G. H. Peacock of Montgomery. Committee on Resolutions: Charles W. Blair, T. P. Fenlon, John Martin, M. V. B. Bennett, P. T. Pendleton. Committee of Conference with Liberal Republicans on State ticket, and other matters: B. S. Cash, T. J. Dolan, J. P. Taylor, A. Sims, A. M. Crockett, W. N. Allen, T. P. Fenlon, T. J. Lane, D. G. Campbell, T. H. Ellis, P. Chitwood, S. A. Williams, J. R. Gathright, J. D. O'Conner, J. J. Brown, G. W. McMillin, M. Neal, J. Deskins, N. Cree, J. Martin, J. Merryberry, A. M.'Van Slyke, G. W. Hduston, H. E. Norton, A. A. Jackson, I. Sharp, G. W. Murphy, T. T. Curtis, J. Foster. The joint platform was adopted. State Central Committee: H. M. Moore, R. B. Morris, John Martin, Ely Moore, E. W. Burton, J. S. Bentley, M. S. Gast, Robert Reynolds, J. M. Gordon, J. H. Conolly, M. V. B. Bennett, T. F. Pursey, R. B. Safford, P. T. Pendleton. SEPTEMBER 16.-The letter of S. C. Pomeroy to W. W. Ross is published in the Lawrence Standard. -The "Greeley Executive State Committee" is as follows: Isaac E. Eaton, Samuel A. Riggs, Wilson Shannon, jr., Byron Sherry, M. S. Beach, John C. Shea, and T. J. Anderson; headquarters at Lawrence. -Dr. C. A. Logan, of Leavenworth, elected Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., of the United States, at Baltimore. SEPTEMBER 19.-Old Settlers' meeting in Douglas county. SEPTEMBER 27.-Death of Hovey E. Lowman, at Waverley, New York. He was the editor and one of the publishers of the Lawrence State Journal when it was destroyed, and his partner, Josiah C. Trask, killed, by Quantrell. Soon after this loss he removed to New York; thence to Saginaw, Michigan; returning &t Kansas, and editing the Lawrence Tribune and Leavenworth Times, in 1870. As a logical writer, he has had no superior on the Kansas press. Mr. Lowman was a man of the purest character, and chivalrous in his warm-hearted devotion to friends and principles. He wrote and published in a pamphlet a history of the Quantrell Massacre. The assassination of his friends, and the sleepless nights and constant alarms 586 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. that followed that murderous morning, struck him a blow from which he never recovered. OCTOBER 3.-O'Conor Electors appointed. OCTOBER 5.-Kansas Yearly Meeting of Friends, at Lawrence. Proceedings published in a pamphlet of 55 pages, by the Lawrence Journal. OCTOBER 6.-Street railroad completed in Leavenworth. OCTOBER 12.-Thos. Hughes buys the Marysville Locomotive, and changes the name to Marshall County News.'OCTOBER 17.-Death of Winm. H. Seward, at Auburn. OCTOBER 17.-Floyd & Sowers issue the Wichita Daily Beacon, the first daily in the Arkansas valley, in this State. The daily edition ceased December 10th. Milton Gable bought the Beacon in the summer of 1874. A Daily was also issued in the summer of 1873. OCTOBER 20.-Temperance Electors appointed: Geo. S. Evarts, of Topeka; H. N. Elliot, of Manhattan; M. J. Firey, of Emporia; L. D. Myers, of Humboldt, and F. Coates, of Solomon City. -The M. K. & T. is completed to Caddo. — Terrible prairie fire in Butler county. OCTOBER 25. —Benj. F. Stringfellow presides at a Republican meeting in Atchison. OCTOBER 30.-Death of the wife of Horace Greeley. NOVEMBER. —Parsons and Eldorado have built large school-houses. NOVEMBER. —W. H. Rossington becomes one of the editors of the Commonwealth. NOVEMBER 5.-Annual election. VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS. ~.g' Counties. Names of Candidates. Votes. Total. Maj. Davis........................ J. L. Noble................................. 603 Dickinson................J. L. Noble.......................... 246 Morris.................... J L. Noble............................ 398 Riley........................ J. L. Noble................................ 421 1, 668 8..Riley J. J. Noble 421 1,668 Davis......................... John P. Swenson....................... 351 8 Davis. John P. Swenson........ 351 Dickinson................. John P. Swenson........................ 804 Morris...................... John P. Swenson........................ 505 Riley......................... John P. Swenson........................ 971 2,631 963 Butler....................... W. B. Hutchison................... 1, 027 Cowley.................... W. B. Hutchison........................ 538 Howard....................W. B. Hutchison........................ 2 Sumner...................... W. B. Hutchison........................ 79 1, 646 Butler......................J. M. Steele............................. 870 3... Cowley....................J. M. Steele................................ 1,242 Greenwood...... J. M. Steele................................ 1 Howard....................J. M. Steele................................ 335 Sedgwick.................J. M. Steele................................ 1,094 Sumner....................J. M. Steele.............................. 1, 043 4,585 2,664 Sedgwick.................. W. H. Vigus................................ 275 275 Barton......................D. N. Heizer.......................... 173 Ellis.................. D. N. Heizer.............................. 214 Ellsworth................... D. N. Heizer.............................. 155 McPherson..............D. N. Heizer............................. 450 Saline.......................D. N. Heizer......... 1, 366 14... Wallace.....................D. N. Heizer.56 2, 414 1,922 Barton....................... A. Green................................... 47 Ellis........................... A. Green............................... 4 Ellsworth................ A. Green................................. 308 Lincoln..................... A. Green................................... 83 McPherson............... A. Green................................... 37 Saline........................ A. Green................................... 13 492 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 587 VOTE FOR THREE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AT LARGE. Counties. c l b i!Y Allen.................................... 1,175 1,165 1,147 555 542 536 Anderson........................................ 927 912 911 326 334 324 Atchison............................................ 1, 945 1,937 1,914 1,403 1,379 1, 370 Barton................................... 162 162 161 53 50 50 Bourbon............................................. 2,058 1,942 1,986 1,385 1,389 1,399 Brown............................................... 1,135 1,132 1, 134 371 372 375 Butler........................................ 1, 454 1, 459 1, 218 757 516 512 Chase................................................ 489 487 443 245 195 194 Cherokee........................................ 930 824 866 1,219 1,247 1, 275 Clay..................................... 747 750 746 182 181 178 Cloud................................................ 922.921 922 272 269 272 Coffey.................................... 1,050 1,043 1,034 478 477 474 Cowley.............................................. 1,250 1,256 1,204 580 534 ~531 Crawford........................................ 647 558 577 1,081 1,113 1,073 Davis....................................... 550 552 548 443 444 443 Dickinson.......................................... 856 855 855 231 232 231 Doniphan...................................... 1,777 1,781 1, 781 1,017 1,017 1,017 Douglas................................. 3,077 3;102 2,850 1,543 1,302 1,215 Ellis....................................... 162 166' 173 119 117 11i Ellsworth................................ 241 240 231 249 238 236 Franklin............................... 1,671 1,692 1,643 695 684 656 Greenwood.................................. 855 850 850 359 353 352 Harvey........................................ 573 572 570 202 198 203 Howard................................. 1, 751 1,739 1,735 909 919 921 Jackson...................................... 901 900 901 91 91 91 Jefferson.............................. 1,731 1,727 1,721 926 922 931 Jewell................................................ 686 686 686 115 118 115 Johnson............................................ 1,875 1,855 1,808 1,189 1, 224 1,172 Labette............................................. 1, 790 1, 770 1, 770 998 986 996 Leavenworth.................................... 3,051 2, 939 2,868 2,576 2,577 2,515 Lincoln........................................ 327 322 327 102 109 108 Linn......................1,636 1,676 1,651 723 804 717 Lyon........................................ 1,635 1, 605 1, 586 452 417 402 Marion........................................ 683 683 683 156 155 156 Marshall........................................... 1, 378 1, 378 1, 378 626 626 626 McPherson........................................ 455 455 457 35 36 34 Miami........................................ 1,433 1,528 1,530 869 1,003 862 Mitchell........................................ 712 709 712 191 191 194 Montgomery............ 1, 812 1, 800 1, 809 1, 396 1,427 1,415 Morris........................................ 544 524 536 405 389 378 Nemah............................................. 1,111 1,107 1,108 459 462 458 Neosho................................... 1,367 1,407 1,415 1,354 1,381 1,339 Norton......................................... 34 34 34................................. Osage................................................ 1,842 1,833 1,806 509 538 537 Osborne........................................ 430 431 430 30 30 30 Ottawa................................... 611 603 611 139 133 132 Phillips............................... 153 133 153 15 32 32 32 Pottawatomie.................................... 1,307 1, 305 1, 303 726 722 719 Reno........................................ 266 266 266 89 89 89 Republic........................................ 1,111 1,111 1,111................................ Rice.................................... 193 192 192 38 38 38 Riley........................................ 1,063 1, 067 1,016 356 335 329 Russell 144 148 146 15 15 15 Russell............................................ 144 148 146 15 11 Saline....................................... 1, 089 1,053 1,093 387 367 355 Sedgwick....................................... 992 992 988 490 487 437 Shawnee................... 2,449 2, 521 2, 501 1, 033 1,018 1, 000 Smith........................................ 309 365 365 112 72 72 Sumner............................................. 731 727 725 407 401 402 Wabaunsee....................................... 637 639 622 188 190 185 Wallace......................................... 34 29 34 40 40 40 Washington............................9...... 995 995 995 462 462 462 Wilson............................................... 1,383 1,374 1,379 548 551 552 Woodson.................................. 793 790 784 272 266 264 Wyandotte............................... 1, 303 1, 300 1,344 1, 180 1,176 1,117 Total................... 67,400 67,114 66,345 34,450 33,983 33,264, 33,2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 588 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. VOTE FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND REPUBLICAN. Cbunties. Z 5 Bt. - - Allen........................................1,154 1,157 1,157 1,157 1,157 Anderson.919 926 926 925 926 Anderson'............................................. 919 926 926 925 926 Atchison. 1,951 1,954 1,953 1,953 1,952 Barton........................ 160 160 160 160 Bourbon................. 2, 002 2,005 2, 006 2,006 2, 006 Brown.......................................................... 1,131 1,132 1,132 1,132 1,132 Butler.......................................................... 1,452 1,452 1,452 1,452 1, 452 Chase.................................... 480 482 481 482 480 Cherokee...................................................... 887 892 892 891 955 Clay........................................ 747 744 744 744 744 Cloud........................................... 919 920 920 920 920 Coffey........................................................... 1,023 1,035 1,035 - 1,035 1,035 Cowley....................................................... 1,241. 1, 241 1,241 1,241 1,241 Crawford................................................... 584 585 585 585 584 Davis........................................ 546 547 547 547 546 Dickinson............................... 846 846 846 846 846 Doniphan.........................................:........... 1,777 1,787 1,787 1,787 1,787 Douglas.....................................3................. 3,009 3, 058 3,059 3,058 3,058 Ellis................................................. 163 163 163 163 163 Ellsworth..................................................... 233 234 234 234 234 Franklin...................................................... 1,648 1,658 1,658 1, 658 1,658 Greenwood............................... 857 857 856 857 857 Harvey........................... 563 563 563 563 563 Howard....................................................... 1,724 1,738 1,737 1,737 1,733 Jackson................................... 895 895 895 895 895 Jefferson........................................1,711 1,725 1,724 1,723 1,724 Jewell.. 687 684 686 684 686 Johnson.......................................... 1,821 1,837 1,839 1,839 1,839 Labette........................................................ 1,688 1,778 1,7719 1,779 1,779 Leavenworth.............................................. 2,990 2, 929 2, 917 2,927 2,930 Lincoln........................................ 320 321 321 321........... Linn............................................................ 1, 704 1,704 1,704 1,7J4 1,704 Lyon....................................................... 1, 633 1,623 1,623 1,623 1,625 Marion.................................................. 676 677 676 676 678 Marshall........................................ 1,378 1,378 1,377 1,379 1,370 McPherson............................... 439 443 443 443 443 Miami.......................................................... 1,537 1, 544 1,545 1,544 1,544 Mitchell................................................... 717 718 718 718 718 Montgomery................................................ 1, 795 1,797 1,795 1,797 1,797 Morris.................................................... 529 529 529 529 529 Nemaha....................................................... 1,100 1,107 1,106 1,106 1,106 Neosho..................................1,405 1,402 1,408 1,409 1,409 Norton............................................34 34 34 34 34 Osage............................................................ 1,804 1,813 1,812 1,812 1, 812 Osborne....................................................... 423 423 423 423 423 Osborne.423 423 423 423 423 Ottawa...................................................... 596 605 605 605 605 Phillips......................................................... 147 147 147 147 147 Pottawatomie................................ 1, 303 1,307 1,308 1, 305 1, 307 Reno................................... 266 266............ | 266 266 Republic......................................................, 028 1,028. 1, 028 1,028 1,028 Rice.................................................. 196 196 196 196 196 Riley.1,055 1, 055 1, 055 1,055 1,055 Russell. 146 146 146 146 146 Saline.................................. 1,068 1,081 1,082 1,082 1,081 Sedgwick..................... 988 992 986 986 987 Shawnee.......................................... 2, 514 2, 521 2, 517 2,519 2, 522 Smith................. 366 366 366 366 366 Sumner.................................... 727 728 728 728 728 Wabaunsee................................................. 629 631 632 627 629 Wallace....................................................... 54 54 54 54 54 Washington........................................... 982 984 985 985 984 Wilson.........................................1,358 1,358 1,362 1, 362 1,362 Woodson.................................................... 780 782 782 782 782 Wyandotte............................ 1, 300 1,304 1, 303 1, 304 1,304 Total 66 805 67,048 66, 770 66, 942 66,783 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 589 VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. LIBERAL. STRAIGHT-OUT.' 1T.21.b ~ B 5 if 17 516 516 515 515 517................................................ 316 314 314 314 314................................................ 1,358 1,358 1,358 1,357 1,358........................................................... 64...................... 64 64 64........................... 1,339 1,339 1,339 1,337......... 15 1 15 15 15...... 381 381 381 381 381........................................................... 468 468 450 469 469.................. 187 187 ] 1 58 190 187 132 1,187 1,186 813 1,172 1,138 413...... 188 187 187 188 187............... 260 260............ 260 260 260............. 470 471 470 470 471................................. 517 516 517 517 517. 4 4. 4. 1,028 1,027 1,0281 1,028 1,029......... 7 7 7......,...... 441 440 440 440 440......... 2 2 2 2...... 222' 222 222 222 222......... 2 2 2 2 2...... 1,094 1,096 1,094 1,094 1,094.......................................................... 1,327 1,321 1,319 1,319 1, 319......................................... 114 114 114 114 114......... 5 5 5 5 5..... 239 239 215 239 239 23.......................;........................... 154 153 154 154 154.......................................................... 346 346 346 346 346........................................................ 187 187 187 187 187............................................... 1, 007 1,007............ 1,006 1,006 1,007..................................... 441 441 441 441 441........................................... 911 910 829 828 907 63 1 1 1 1 1...... 115 115............ 115 115 115....................... 1,1 93 1,193 1,193 1,193 1,193......... 1 1 1....... 1,014 1,014 987 1,014 992 49..................... 2,516 2,523 2,520 2, 527 2,49 13.. 114 114.......... 114 114 114... 632 632 632 632 632......... 43 43 43.:43. 418 416 379 415............... 418 416 379 415 414..........I........ ).........I.........I..................f...... 148 148 148 145 148................................................ 622 622 580 622 614 42................................... 48 40 48 48 48..................................... 868 865 865 865 865.................. 183 183........................ 183 183............................................... 1,397 1,399 1,397 1,397 1,397...................................... 335 335 335 385 335.........,.............................................. 444 444 445 444 444......... 23 23 23 23 23...... 1,325 1,325 1,265 1,325 1,214 71 6 6 6 6 6...... 529 532 44 535 534 488 8 8 8 8 8...... 38 38 31 36 38 8 1 1 1 1 1...... 127 127............ 127 127 127.................................... 32 32...... 32 32 32........................................ 692 694 1 692 690 683............................................................ 90 90 90 90 90.................................. 36 36............ 36 36 36 3 3 3 3 3...... 338 338 334 38 338.................................. 16 16 16 16 16....................................................... 356 356 269 355 357 87..................................... 484......... 482 483 484.............................................. 440 979 978 981 976 975........ 5 5 5 5 5...... 75 6....... 74 70 75......3.......3.........5......7 402 402.402 402 402 3 3 3 3 3...... 186 187 2 188 186 186.................................... 44 4...44 4 44..44 44...................~~~~............................. 446 446 110 446 446 335............................................... 524 523 479 515 571 44 27 27.22 26 22...... 238 250 174 250 248 57....................,156 1, 155 1, 154 1,153 1,155......................."...... 32,970 32,421 28,535 32, 679 32,781 4,426......156 156 140 140 440 32,970_ 32,421 2,3 279 3271 I,2 5 5 4 1 4 440 590 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. VOTE FOR GOVERNOR, LIEUT. GOVERNOR, AND SECRETARY OF STATE. GOVERNOR. LIEUT. GOV. SEC. OF STATE. AUDITOR. Colunties. 5' ~, 0 Alleln.................... 1,154 516 1,166 545 1,168 53'3 1,162 538 Anderson......... 910 335 923 325 929 327 927 325 Atchison.............. 1, 857 1,436 1,942 1, 379 1,943 1,373 1, 944 1,373 Barton................. 162 53 163 63 164 62 164 63 Bourbon............ 1,979 1,398 2,008 1, 385 2,008 1,387 2,037 1,351 Brown............. 1,122 391 1,133 382 1,135 382 1,134 374 Butler.............. 1,444 529 1,458 515 1,461 515 1, 457 514 Chase............ 463 221 489 173 490 195 490 195 Cherokee.......... 903 1,220 891 1,250 890 1,233 906 1,232 Clay.................... 732 200 739 197 751 180 755 177 Cloud............ 920 273 924 266 924 266 924 266 Coffey............. 1,043 482 1,046 479 1,047 479 1,046 481 Cowley............ 1,233 543 1, 224 537 1, 245 539 1, 245 537 Crawford.............. 594 1,087 593 1, 087 593 1,089 593 1,092 Davis............. 539 453 553 439 549 443 548 443 Dickinson......... 852 234 859 228 855 231 857 223 Doniphan............. 1,737 1,116 1,777 1,121 i, 818 1,081 1,794 1,112 Douglas............. 3,024 1,361 3,065 1,318 3,073 1,312 3,060 1,318 Ellis..................... 166 119 165 121 165 120 165 120 Ellsworth.......... 242 236 239 239 239 239 230 247 Franklin............ 1,648 703 1,641 713 1,686 666 I1,680 670 Greenwood......... 856 366 858 366 856 369 856 368 Harvey........... 574 106 574 185 566 196 566 187 Howard............... 1,744 926 1,741 925 1,746 921 1,747 921 Jackson........... 805 495 902 490 902 488 903 488 Jefferson............ 1,674 974 1,726 929 1,729 925 1,731 925 Jewell............. 688 117 688 117 687 117 688 117 Johnson.............. 1,832 3, 216 1,851 1,196 1,859 1,186 1,854 1,191 Labette............ 1,788 1, 013 1,878 1,021 1,752 1,050 1,873 1,018 Leavenworth...... 3,143 2, 357 2,952 2,553 2,966 2,518 3, 018 2,481 Lincoln............... 328 124 303 119 327 118 298 146 Linn............... 1,640 750 1,683 722 1,687 721 1,685 721 Lyon............ 1,630 447 1,642 433 1,640 441 1,553 427' Marion............ 661 157 682 157 683 156 682 156 Marshall.............., 360 658 1, 386 626 1, 388 626 1,383 637 McPherson......... 452 37 452 36 451 36 452 36 Miami.................. 1,489 910 1,548 878 1,552 875 1,553 875 Mitchell........... 710 197 714 193 713 194 713 189 Montgomery... 1, 801 1,431 1,809 1,438 1,806 1,439 1,808 1,438 Morris............ 540 382 547 368 545 380 545 380 Nemaha.............. 1, 080 486 1,109 460 1,106 462 1,068 459 Neosho............... 1.433 1,340 1,433 1,337 1,434 1, 336 1,435 1,337 Norton................. 34.......................34.............. Osage.. 1,816 562 1,840 544 1,843 544 1,842 540 Osborne............... 428 37 430 36 430 34 430 36 Ottawa........... 605 133 613 131 613 131 614 131 Phillips........... 153 32 153 32 153 32 153 32 Pottawatomie 1...... 271 743 1,305 724 1,338 689 1,287 742 Reno............ 265 90 268 89 266 90 266 90 Republic............. 1,000 25 1,069 25 1,069 4 1,069 4 Rice..................... 190 38 193 35 190 38 190 38 Riley................... 1,040 351 1,059 339 1,062 335 1,059 340 Russell........... 148, 15 148 15 149 15 149 15 Saline................ 1, 078 379 1,095 363 1,093 363 1,096 362 Sedgwick............ 1,070 391 991 483 993 481 991 492 Shawnee............ 2,645 1,144 2,503 1, 029 2,539 989 2,514 1,007 Smith............ 367 74 367 74 366 74 367 74 Sumner........... 717 4()0 728 410 726 412 728 410 Wabaunsee........ 600 218 635 190 637 187 637 186 Wallace.. 56 44 56 44 56 44 56 44 Washington.......... 987 472 995 465 987............ 988 290 Wilson................. 1,374 549 1,378 559 1,378 548 1,378 561 Woodson.............. 781 273 786 271 786 270 792 265 Wyandotte......... 1,277 1,193 -1,302 1,175 1, 304 1,173 1,308 1,171 Total.............. 66,715 34,608 67,324 34,345 67,535 33,665 67,387 33,978 Majorities...... 32,011............ 2,979............ 33, 870............ 33, 165. 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 591 VOTE FOR TREASURER OF STATE, ATTORNEY GENERAL, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, AND CHIEF JUSTICE. TREASURER. ATT'Y GEN'L. SUP. PUB. INS. CHIEF JUST'E. Counties. s t a Allen.............. 1,065 641 1,166 537 1,174 527 1,124 583 Anderson.............. 920 327 928 323 927 323 922 328 Atchison.............. 1,945 1,380 1,873 1,415 1,945 1,367 1,957 1,344 Barton.................. 163 63 165 62 164 60 163 61 Bourbon............. 1,985 1,404 2,007 1,383 2,014 1,382 1,963 1,425 Brown.............. 1, 133 382 1,141 381 1,140 383 1 140 377 Butler........... 1,272 698 1,456 516 i1,456 516 1, 456 516 Chase.............. 455 228 489 194 486 198 490 195 Cherokee............. 890, 249 892 1, 094 832 1, 279 878 1, 260 Clay..................... 753 175 750 181 754 176 751 181 Cloud.................. 923 267 924 266 926 264 923 267 Coffey.............. 1,041 482 1,043 481 1, 042 435 1,043 481 Cowley..................1,211 568 1,244 537 1,245 537 1,244 536 Crawford.............. 591 1,094 591 1,090 591 1,083 571 1,114 Davis.............. 547 443 552 439 551 441 550 440 Dickinson............. 854 233 855 232 852 231 857 228 Doniphan.......... 1,771 1,119 1,783 1,113 1,776 1,113 1,786 1,113 Douglas............... 3, 010 1,359 3,066 1,328 3, 081 1,308 3, 066 1,311 Ellis...................... 165 120 166 120 165 120 165 120 Ellsworth............. 240 236 252 226 240 233 238 239 Franklin.............. 1,678 671 1,678 668 1,678 667 1,682 668 Greenwood........... 548 376 856 368 856 368 856 369 Harvey.............. 562 192 565 197 565 ] 197 566 197 Howard.............. 1,714 952 1,747 923 1, 745 919 1,746 920 Jackson................ 903 489 903 489 903 485 904 490 Jefferson........... 1,731 925 1,732 920 1,734 920 1,732 925 Jewell............. 689 117 691 116 689 116 691 117 Johnson................, 894 1,121 1,856 1,189 1,857 1,187 1,855 1,189 Labette................. 1,763 1,031 1,778 1,024 1,784 1,009 1, 779 1,029 Leavenworth........ 2,914 2,570 2,960 2,538 3,049 2,437 2,960 2,519 Lincoln............. 326 109 314 110 318 113 326 110 Linn............. 1,689 720 1,687 722 1, 687 722 1,685 726 Lyon....................1,652 430 1,652 427 1,629 421 1,631 446 Marion................. 683 156 603 156 682 156 683 156 Marshall............... 1,383 637 1, 379 643 1,386 629 1, 383 637 McPherson........... 451 36 453 36 452 36 453 36 Miami................. 1,549 873 1,551 876 1, 552 874 1,547 880 Mitchell............. 711 193 713 194 713 195 712 194 Montgomery....... 1,784 1,437 1,809 1,438 1,803 1, 430 1, 810 1,437 Morris................... 345 370 545 380 547 379 545 380 Nemaha.............. 1,109 459 1,107 460 1, 107 460 1,112 456 Neosho................. 1, 382 1, 390 1,431 1,173 1,438 1,326 1,425 1,182 Norton................. 34............ 34........ 34............ 34......... Osage............... 1,827 560 1,843 542 1,851 457 1,842 543 Osborne............... 431 35 429 35 430 36 430 36 Ottawa.................. 612 131 611 132 614 131 612 132 Phillips................ 153 32 153 32 153 32 153 32 Pottawatomie....... 1, 300 725 1,303 720 1, 307 715 1, 305 721 Reno................ 265 91 266 90 266 89 266 90 Republic............. 1, 069 3 1, 069 4 1, 070 4 1, 069 4 Rice.................... 1 38 191 38 190 38 190 38 Riley............. 1,060 339 1,062 334 1,061 336 1,060 349 Russell............. 149 15 149 10 149 15 149 15 Saline..................1,094 364 1,123 329 1,095 364 1,097 364 Sedgwick............. 986 489 934 485 993 484 988 473 Shawnee....... 2, 521 1, 006 2,536 987 2,540 992 2,540 986 Smith................. 359 74 367 74 367 74 367 74 Sumner................ 722 417 728 410 729 406 725 411 Wabaunsee............ 636 189 633 190 640 184 636 189 Wallace............... 56 44 56 44 56 44 56 44 Washington......... 989 267 997 466 998 458 996 466 Wilson................. 1,378 548 1,390 538 1,391 548 1,378 551 Woodson............. 757 301 786 271 787 250 790 266 Wyandotte............ 1,298 1,176 1,305 1,174 1,311 1,164 1,304 1, 174 Total.............. 66,277 34,866 67,458 33,860 67,567 33,843 67,357 34,131 Majority 31,232.. 33,480............ 33, 720..... 33,064......... 592 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Counties. Names of Candidates. Doniphan.................... Nathan Price.............................. 1,137 1,137 1... Doniphan.................... F. H. Drenning.......................... 851 851 Doniphan...................J. A. Leonard.......................... 864 864 Atchison...................... Win. H. Grimes......................... 1, 866 1,866 403 Atchison....................... Joseph C. Wilson....................... 1, 928 1,928 465 Atchison.. Wm. C. Smith............................. 1,463 1,463 Atchison...................... Joseph Logan............................. 1,355 1,355 Brown......................... E. N. Morrill.............................. 1,100 Brown....... J. S. Tyler.................................., 300 3... Brown.......................... John Kirk................................. 31 31 Nemaha.......... E. N. Morrill 1, 096 2,196 1,410 Nemhha................. J. S. Tyler.................................. 452 752 Marshall..................... Frank Schmidt.......................... 1,113 4 Marshall...................... G. H. Hollenberg....................... 871... Washington.................. Frank Schmidt.......................... 756 1,869 309 Washington.................. G. H. Hollenberg....................... 689 1,560 Jackson........................ L. R. Palmer.......................... 903 Jackson........................ Henry Hegner.......................... 486 Pottawatomie............... L. R. Palmer........................... 1,087 1,990 620 Pottawatomie............... Henry Hegner....................... 884 1, 370 Jefferson...................... J. W. Rogers.............................. 1,372 1, 372 120 6... JeffersonG........... G. B. Carson...........1,129 1,129 Jefferson...................... J. A. Amos.............................. 123 123 Leavenworth............. Thomas Moonlight..................... 2, 913 2, 913 356 Leavenworth............. Jacob Winter...................... 2, 617 60 Leavenworth............. J. T. McWhirt........................... 2,594 2, 594 37 7... Leavenworth............... A. Birnie.2,557.. 2, 557 Leavenworth............... James F. Legate........................... 2, 070 2, 070 Leavenworth............. W. G. Coffin................................ 623 623 8 Wyandotte.................r. Byon Judd............................, 1,343 1, 343 198 Wyandotte.................. D. B. Hadle y..........................70 1,145 1,145 Johnson...................... John P. St. John.........................[1,772 1,772 527 Johnson.........L. F. Greene..............1245 1,245 Miami......................... E. H. Topping............................ 1,533 1,533 632... Miami.......................... J. W. Gossett............................ 9* 901 Linn............................. Andrew Ely............................... 1,546 1,546 732 L in n............................. Joel Moody................................ 814 814' Bourbon....................... E. Guerin............................. 1,570 1, 570 311 Bourbon...................... F. R. Boyle................................. 1,258 1, 258 Bourbon....................... William Simpson....................... 274 13... Bourbon....................... Stephen Alberty......................... 264 Crawford..................... William Simpson........................ 1,061 1, 335 444 Crawford..................... Stephen Alberty....................... 627 891 14... Cherokee..................... W. M. Matheny......................... 1,122 1,122 182 Cherokee.................... C. C. McDowell.......................... 940! 940 15 Labette......................... James A. Crichton..................... 1,587 1,587 429 Labette......................... Win. Dick................................. 1,157 1,157 16... Neosho........................ Walter L. Simons....................... 1,513 1, 513 286 Neosho....................... R. N. Bayless............................. 1,223 1,223 Anderson..................... A. Johnson........................... 888 17 Anderson..................... Geo. P. Smith............................. 324 17... Allen.......................... W. A. Johnson........................... 1,109 1,997 1, 100 Allen..................... Geo. P. Smith............................ 573! 897 18... Franklin................. A M. Blair............................... 1,686 1, 686 1,032 Franklin...................... John A. Davenport..................... 654 654 Douglas........................ Samuel Walker........................... 2,979 2, 979 1, 176 19 Douglas.....M. A. O'Neil.............................. 2,532 2,532 729 1.. Dosuglas.........0.. O. E. Learnard.......................... 1,803 1, 803 Douglas....................... W. C. Tenney............................. 1,310 1, 310 20 Shawnee.....................N. C. McFarland........................ 2, 371 2,371 1,243 Shawnee.................A. Thoman................................. 1,128 1,128 Osage.......................... C. S. Martin..................... 1, 309 Osage.......................... H. D. Shepard........................... 984 21... Osage......... Wm. W histler........................... 6 6 Wabaunsee.................. S. Martin................................ 420 1,729 338 Wabaunsee. H. D. Shepard........................... 401 1, 385 Coffey.......................... C. B. Butler................................ 837 22... Coffey...A....................... A.D..Brown.............................. 664 1 Woodson..... C. B. Butler............................... 615, 452 350 Woodson............ A. D. Brown.............................. 438 1, 102 23 Wilson...................... A. M. York................................. 1,371."'1 Montgomery................. A. M. York.............................. 1,811 3,182 1, 268 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 593 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE —Concluded. Counties. Names of Candidates. Z Wilson........................ Frank Willis.............................. 496 23. Montgomery................. Frank Willis............................. 1,418 1,914 Lyon........................... Win. Martindale....................... 1, 464 Greenwood.................. Wm. Martindale............ 824 2,288 1,356 Lyon........................... Thomas Armor.......................... 538 Greenwood................ Thomas Armor.......................... 394 932 Butler.......................... M. M. Murdock............ 863 Cowley............M........... M. M. Murdock. o......................1, 225 Harvey....................... M. M. Murok.......................... 364 Howard....................... M. M. Murdock.......................... 1,195 Reno........................... M. M. Murdock.......................... 258 Sedgwick................... M. M. Murdock.......................... 1,173 Sum ner.............. M. M. Murdock.......................... 796 5,874 1,750 Butler.....DavidL. Payne.........................1, 103 Cowley........................ David L. Payne.......................... 556 Harvey......................... David L. Payne........... 306 Howard........................ David L. Payne...................1,432 Reno............................ David L. Payne.......................... 92 Sedgwick..................... David L. Payne.......................... 303 Sumner........................ David L. Payne.......................... 332 4,124 Chase.................. Henry Brandley......................... 461 Marion....................... Henry Brandley.................. 716 Morris........................ Henry Brandley......................... 520 1,697 965.. Chase.......................... E. A. Bruse........................... 210 Marion............... E. A. Bruse................................ 121 Morris......................... E. A Bruse........................... 401 732 Riley............... V. P. Wilson.............................. 642 Davis.......................... V. P. Wilson.............................. 523... Dickinson..................... V. P. Wilson........................... 716 1, 881 344 Riley........................... R. B. Spillman............................ 722 Davis........................... R. B. Spillman.................... 460 Dickinson.................... R. B. Spillman........................... 352 1534 Lincoln.......................E. Barker................................. 371 Phillips........................ E. Barker............................. 173 Smith............................ Barker............................. 441 Republic..................... Barker............................. 1, 079 Ottawa........................ E. Barker.......................... 620 28... Osborne..................... E. Barker.................................. 458 Norton.......................... E. Barker................................ 34 Mitchell..................... E. Barker................................. 903 Jewell a.......................... E. Barker................................. 798 Clay.O sborne............. E. Barker................................. 738 Cloud.......................... E. Barker................... 923 6,538 6,538 aline....................... John H. Edwards....................... 871 McPherson................. John H. Edwards........................ 327 Ellsworth..................... John H. Edwards........................ 148 Ellis..............John H. Edwards.........d............... 209 Wallace....................... John H. Edwards..................... 26 Rice.................. John H. Edwards................. 203 Barton..................... John H. Edwards................. 147 Russell......................... John H. Edwards....................... 140 2,071 906 Saline.. J. H. Snead......................... 460 McPherson.................. J. H. Snead..................170 Ellsworth.....................J. H. Snead............................... 318 Ellis.......................... J. H. Snead.....................69 Wallace..................... J. H. Snead............................... 20 Rice............................. J. H. Snead............................... 25 Barton.......................... J. H. Snead............................. 71 Russell.......................... J. H. Snead............15 1, 148 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. County. Names of Candidates. 1 Doniphan....................... M. B. Bowers.................................. 524 168 J. H. Long.................. 356 J. F. Mauk....................................... 305 2.......................................B. O'Driscoll.................................... 407 14 A. Low............................................ 393 A. Jeffs............................................ 46 38 594 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - CONTINUED. Counties.,Names of Candidates. a 3 Doniphan (concluded).... E. Searcy................................ 355 43 A. Larzelere............................... 175 Lyman Nash.................................... 137 4 Atchison........................ A. W. Spalding................................ 672 253 Henry Brandner.............................. 419 5...................................... G. W. Gillespie................................ 691 346 William H. Kemper......................... 345 6....................................... M. E. Larkin.................................... 553 24 G. W. Thompson.............................. 529 7 Brown...... C. F. Bowrou.............................. 1, 122 764 B. F. Killey.................................. 351 8 Nemaha........................ Cyrus I. Scofield............................... 406 44 J. H. Peckham................................. 347 9...................................... C. DeForrest................... 495 198 T. B. Gray..................................... 294 10 Marshall......................... I.C. Legere...................................... 023 118 John D. Wells................................. 1, 905 11 Washington...................A. J. Banta...................................... 890 323 J. E. Barrett.................................... 567 12 Riley...................... W. J. Hunter.................................. 795 220 Samuel Long................................... 575 13 Pottawatomie................. R. A. Guffy.664........................ 664 144 B. Hagan........................................ 484 W. H. Powell.................................... 36 14'........................... Welcome Wells............................... 538 288 J. M. Johnson................... 250 15 Jackson....................... P. M. Hodges................................. 904 423 A. McKeever................................ 481 16 Jefferson...................... J. F. Willetts.............................. 481 146 J. I. Moore................................... 335 17.............................. V. Brown................................... 441 43 J. F. Hinton.................................... 398 18....................................... D. H. Frazier.................................. 473 23 E. K. Townsend................................ 383 S. Stiers.............................. 67 19 Leavenworth................. W. S. Plumluer......................... 363 20 D. R. Anthony.34................... 343 20....................................... T. Morgan.................................... 315 14 Joseph Clarke............................... 281 William Fairchild........................... 20 21.......................... Josiah Kellogg................................. 449 17 J. I. Larimer................................. 432 22....................................... W. H. Bond..................... 373 36 J. C. Murphy................................ 337 23....................................... J. Turner...........................435 143 C. S. Foster.................................... 292 24..............H......................... C. Fields.......................... 517 93 M. J. Parrott................................... 419. 25...................................... T. Dillard e................... 426 5 C. Moore.............................. 419 26 Wyandotte.................... W. S. Tough................................... 837 21 John Coon................................... 816 27.....................................W. J. Buchan.............................. 387 17 James S. Bell................................... 370 28 Johnson......................... Thomas James................................. 535 18 G. M. Bowers................................... 517 29....................................... J. M. Miller.64..................... 641. 82 G. H. Lawrence............................... 559 30..I........................ D. Belden....................................... 363 77 A. Taylor.................................... 286 J. T. Woodward................... 109 81 Miami.......................... J. W. Beaty................................. 650 168 Robert Collett................................. 482 32........................ Reuben Smith.................................. 779 303 H. H. Patten.................................... 476 33 Linn............................. S. R. Hungerford.............................. 475 85 Seneca Johnson................................ 121 Harvey Smith................................ 390 84....................................... J. F. Ward..........................:......... 463 207 J. D. McRae.................................... 196 35....................................... L. H. Lane......................... 449 129 J. W. Miller.................................... 320 36 Bourbon........................ W. J. Cochrane.............................. 588 274 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 595 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF TIIE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED. -g Counties. Names of Candidates. 0 36 Bourbon (concluded)...... Isaac Burton................................... 314 37....................................... Jacob Brenner................................ 540 131 W. J. Stroud.. 409 38....................................... B. P. McDonald.............................. 774 48 Jacob D. Rush.................................. 725 39 Crawford........................ A. J. Vickers................................. 486 205 Joseph Fetters................................. 281 40............................... S. J. Langdon................................... 389 131 G. W. Brown.................................... 258 N. W. Taylor............................... 194 41 Cherokee................. William Givins................................. 509 A. F. Childs...................................... 541 32 G. W. Wood...................................... 110 42.............................. C. W. Harvey.................................. 450 3 T. A. Rucker.................................... 447 43 Labette..................... W. W. Harper................................. 956 521 George A. Reynolds......................... 433 44 W. H.. Mapes.................................. 807 324 Christian Leib.................... 483 45 Neosho.................. Elijah Cravens.............................. 648 C. F. Hutchings............................... 827 116 J. N. Beach.................. 60 46...... Frank Bacon................................... 580 A. L. Taylor..................................... 579 47 Allen.................... Edward H. Funston.......................... 500 108 Nelson F. Acres................................ 392 48....................................... William Wakefield........................... 440 87 J. W. Pine....................................... 353 49 Anderson....................... John T. Lanter............................ 785 356 William Gear.............................. 429 50 Franklin....................... E. J. Nugent........... 604 57 M. E. Chene y.................... 547 51....................................... William Bateman............................. 643 192 J. H. Harrison................................. 421 J. T. Burt........................................ 30 52 Douglas.......................... James S. Crew................................. 789 426 Samuel Kimball................................ 363 53................................... I. S. Kalloch.................................... 987 586 Turner Sampson.............................. 317 William Sells................................... 84 54..................................... A. K. Lowe...................................... 354 48 William H. Christian........................ 306 J. L. Jones....................................... 255 55.5................................... N. Henshaw..................... 444 120 E. E. Geddes..................................... 324 56 Shawnee....................... Daniel M. Adams.............................. 537 158 A. J. Arnold.................................*.. 379 57.................... George W. Veale............................[ 840 177 John Martin.................................... 663 58....................................... Wesley Gregg................................... 630 306 J. M. Harvey.................................... 324 59 Osage........................... S. R. Shoemaker............................... 829 500 William P. Deming................ 328 H. DuBois 1................................. 60....................................... A. B. Cooper................... 425 59 Thomas Donnell.............................. 353 E. W. Burton.................................... 366 61 Coffey............................ J.A. Kennedy............................... 593 J. M. Sheafor................................... 249 S. K. Cross................................... 660 67 62 Woodson............... William Peck................................... 588 142 J. W. Turner.................................... 446 63 Wilson.......................... J. Z. Sexton........................ 1, 314 722 J. N. Halstead................... 588 64 Montgomery.................. T. B. Eldridge................................ 832 17 E. B. Dunwell.................. 815 65...................................... M.S. Bell......................................... 888 202 B. F. Devore................................... 686 66 Howard.................. Charles Barbour............................ 885 E. S. Cummings................................ 1,128 243 John Rambo.................................. 612 67 Greenwood..................... S.P. Huntington.............................. 806 371 John Gage....................................... 435 596. ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE- OF REPRESENTATIVES —CONCLUDED. * Counties. Names of Candidates. X 68 Lyon.......................... L. N. Robinson....................... 617 180 S. P. Young............................... 329 S. G. Brown................................ 108 69....................................... J. M. Hunter.................................. 567 177 R. W. Randall.............................. 390 70 Wabaunsee............... Abraham Sellers............................. 522 263 E. H. Sanford.............................. 131 J. M. Bisley.................................. 125 71 Davis........................... W. S. Blakely................................. 641 289 James Humphrey........................... 351 72 Morris......................... J. A. Wallace................................. 451 C. H. Titus.................................. 471 20 73 Chase............................. Wm. Jeffrey................................... 325 9 W. S. Smith.................................... 316 74 Butler................... Thomas H, Baker........................... 1, 688 1,540 75 Cowley.................. James McDermott........................... 1, 214 639 A. N. Demming........................... 575 76 Sedgwick....................... B. Allen.................................... 890 296 N. A. English................................. 594 77 Marion....................... J. K. McLean................................. 755 744 78 McPherson................... J. E. Simpson................................. 348 204 L. P. Peershawl......................... 144 79 Dickinson........... S. J. Kahler................................. 864 651 Jos. G. McCoy............................. 213 80 Clay.................... S. L. Stratton................................ 538 451 M. H. Ristine................................ 387 81 Republic.................... Alman Shaw.................................. 724 312 R. P. West...................................... 412 82 Cloud...........H............. H. C. Snyder........................ 665 144 Wm. English................................... 521 83 Ottawa.......................... W. B. Davis.................................... 562 389 Frank Philbrick............................. 70 J. KI Osborne.................................. 103 84 Saline................... Eric Forsee.................................... 752 82 H. D. Baker................................... 670 85 Ellsworth..................... H. F. Hoseman................................ 181 17 A. Homeson................................ 164 Paul T. Carlett................................ 110 Wm. King.................................. 19 86 Lincoln................ George-Green................................. 221 5 John Harshbarger........................... 182 W. T. Eubank................................. 34 87 Mitchell................. John Curtain................................. 561 243 Winm. C. Ingram............................... 318 88 Jewell..... Geo. S. Bischop................................ 660 *492 W. H. Cammeron........................... 168 89 Ellis............................... Simon Motz.................. 174 86 Michael Sweeney........................... 88 90 W allace...................... Alex. Ross.................................... 80 60 A. T. Bisel...................................... 20 91 Rice.............................. Wm. Lourey...................................94 8 F. J. Griffith........ 59 H. P. Ninde.................................... 86 92 Sumner................ Geo. M. Miller.......................... 552 C. A. Rohrabacher.......................... 555 3 Peter Fish..................................... 5 93 Osborne........................ L. Bear...................................... 152 C. Reasoner.................................... 263 60 John Rathbun................................. 94 Reno............................ C. C. Hutchinson........................... 223 92 J. H. Lawson................................. 131 95 Smith............................. J. T. Morrison............................. 255 85 W. H. Porter.................................. 170 96 Harvey..................... H. E. Ensign.................................. 406 42 J. J. Barker............................. 171 Wm. N. Congdon.......................... 191 97 Barton........................... L. Brinkman.............................. 168 108 D. R. Smith.................................. 60 98 Russell.................... David Adams............................. 152 137 D. B. W aterman............................. 15 99 Phillips.......................... Noah W eaver................................ 99 10 ~. - Felix T. Gandy............................. 89 100 Norton.......................... N. H. Billings............................. 21 10 S. D. Reed................ 11 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 597 VOTE FOR JUDGES OFITHE DISTRICT COURTS. a Cbunties. Names of Candidates. z. a. 1 Leavenworth........ W. Ide.... 2, 922 2,922 455 Leavenworth J. W. English......... 2, 467 2,467 Atchison................... P. L. Hubbard..................... 2, 063 Brown............ P. L. Hubbard 1, 074 Doniphan.......................... P. L. Hubbard.................., 728 Nemaha............................. P. L. Hubbard.................. 1,116 5, 981 2, 700 Atchison............................ Chas. W. Johnson............... 1,249 Brown............................. Chas. W. Johnson........... 409 Doniphan.......................... Chas. W. Johnson........ 1,163 Nemaha.................. Chas. W. Johnson........... 459 3,280 Jackson............................ John T. Morton.................. 1,385 Jefferson........................... John T. Morton.................. 1,442 3... Pottawatomie........... John T. Morton.................. 1,263 Shawnee........... John T. Morton.................. 3, 503 Wabaunsee........................ John T. Morton.................. 767 8, 360 8,359 Anderson......................... Owen A. Bassett................. 879 Douglas............................. Owen A. Bassett................. 3, 008 Franklin.......................... Owen A. Bassett................. 1,268 5,155 2,431.... Anderson........... B. Mason........................ 360 Douglas............................ C. B. Mason.... 1, 306 Franklin.......................... C.-B. Mason..................... 1, 058 2,724 Coffey.............................. E, B. Peyton....................... 957 Lyon................................ B. Peyton........................ 1, 565 Osage................................ E.B. Peyton........................ 1, 238 3, 760 1, 649... Coffey............................... Ellis Lewis..................... 572 Lyon................................ Ellis Lewis.......................... 436 Osage................................ Ellis Lewis..................... 1,103 2,111 6 Bourbon...........................James D. Snoddy............... 1, 789 6 Linn................................. James D. Snoddy............ 1,455 3,244 3,241 Davis................... W. H. Canfield................. 657 8 Dickinson........................ W H............................ 1,079... Morris.....W. H. Canfield.................... 930 Ottawa............................. W. W.. Canfield.................... 644 Riley........... W..... W. H. Canfield................. 1, 398 4,708 4,704 Chase................................ W. R. Brown...................... 489 Harvey............................. W. R. Brown...................... 383 Marion........... R. Brown...................... 232 Reno.....W............. W....... R. Brown....................... 194 Rice... W. R. Brown...................... 201 1,499 251 Chase............................ Frank Doster..........187 Harvey........................... Fra k Doster...................... 347 Marion...................... Frank Doster.............. 579 Reno............................y... Frank Doster...................... 92 Rice............................. Frank Doster.. 35 1,240 Clay................................ A. S.FWilson....................... 1 738 Clay.A. S. Wilson.. 738 Cloud............................... A. S. Wilson.............. 924 Jewell............................... A. S. Wilson... 796 Marshall................... A. S. Wilson................ 2,015 Mitchell............................ A. S. Wilson....................... 900 12... Norton.................... S. Wilson........................ 34 Osborne.......................... A. S. Wilson........................ 458 Phillips................... A.... A. S. Wilson.................... 173 Republic.......................... A. S. Wilson....................... 1,088 Smith.............................. A. S. Wilson..441 Washington.................... A. S. Wilson........ 1,450 9,017 9,014 Butler............................. W. P. Campbell............ 819 Cowley............................. W. P. Campbell................ 1,173 Greenwood...................... W. P. Campbell................... 874 Howard........................... W. P. Campbell................... 1, 360 Sedgwick..................... P. Campbell............ 802 Sumner....................... P. Campbell.................. 499 5,527 824 Butler............................... J. M. Atwood....................... 1,135 Cowley....... J. M. Atwood....... 633 Greenwood................... J. M. Atwood....................... 352 Howard........................... J. M. Atwood...................... 1,289 Sedgwick.........................J. M. Atwood....................... 674 Sumner...........................J. M. Atwood. 620 4, 703 Barton.................... J. H. Prescott.................... 222 Ellis....... J. H. Prescott... 220 Ellsworth.......................... J. H. Prescott..................... 371 14... Lincoln........................... J. H. Prescott..................... 373 McPherson..................... J. H. Prescott..................... 481'Russell............................. J. H. Prescott..................... 158 598 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. VOTE FOR JUDG-ES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS —CONCLUDED. Counties. Names of Candidates. C. ~.. ~r~. Saline.............................. J. H. Prescott..................... 1,415 14... Wallace........J. H. Prescott............... 56 3,296 3,185 Ellis................................... John G. Spivey................... 3 Ellsworth.......................... John G. Spivey.................... 90 93 The political standing of the Legislature is as follows: Joint Senate. House. Ballot. Republicans.................................................................................. 27 75 102 Democrats................................................................................ 4 11 15 Independents............................................................................... 2 14 16 Republican majority............................................................ 21 50 71 NOVEMBER 5."Our vote at the late election was larger than the vote of either of the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut,oRhode Island, Arkansas, Delaware Florida, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, South Carolina, West Virginia, California or Minnesota-larger than the vote of any New England State except Massachusetts, and larger than the combined vote of Nebraska, Delaware, Nevada, Rhode Island and Oregon."- Gov. Osbolrn's Message, January, 1873. The message contained the following statement in regard to railroads: "In 1862, not a mile of railroad was in operation in the State. Now we have 2,039 miles in actual operation, while several new roads are in process of construction. Kansas has more miles of railroad than either of the twenty-six States named below: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, California, Oregon, and Nevada. Of all the Southern States which opposed the admission of Kansas into the Union, only one, Georgia, has more miles of railroad. She exceeds us but sixty-nine miles, and will not lead us many weeks longer." NOVEMBER. -Eugene F. Ware retires from the Monitor. —The Fort Scott Daily Republican suspends.- George J. Clark wheels a sack of Goodlander flour to J. S. Redfield's house, Fort Scott, on an election bet. Charles W. Blair makes the speech. NOVEMBER 20.-The M. K. and T. reaches the Red river and Texas. NOVEMBER 26.- Dedication of the Atchison Odd Fellows' Hall. NOVEMBER 29.-Death of Horace Greeley. Of all the friends of Free Kansas he was the most powerful. NOVEMBER 30."Here I must call attention to the fact that Wallace county has again made no returns of taxable property. It does not possess a proper county organization, and the only sign of life that is given annually are the election returns, showing the election of some person as Representative, drawing pay for mileage and per diem as member of the Legislature for representing nobody. If'no taxation without representation,' is not a myth, then this Wallace county farce ought to be stopped after four years' trial." Report of Auditor Thoman. The farce is continued, and has become a fraud. 1872.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 599 NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $5, 000 00 Agricultural College................. 15, 032 28 Secretary's Department............ 17, 073 96. Railroad Assessors......... 2, 667 35 Auditor's Department............... 8,033 92 Sheriffs conveying prisoners to Treasurer's Department............ 8,495 00 Penitentiary......................... 5,032 11 Attorney General..................... 1,580 60 Regents State Institutions........ 1,996 60 Sup't of Public Instruction....... 2,876 28 Horticultural Society............... 1,000 00 Adjutant General..................... 1,400 00 Agricultural Society.................. 3, 825 85 Judiciary Department............... 39, 092 16 Freedmen's University............ 1,372 00 Legislative expenses................. 42,518 53 Transcribing Journals.............. 1,963 40 Printing................................. 57, 362 53 Arresting fugitives from justice 425 65 Normal School, Emporia........... 61,522 66 Military purposes...................... 1,180 40 Normal School, Leavenworth.... 7, 567 53 Commission on Indian Claims... 500 00 State University....................... 68,290 00 Library................................ 4,157 55 Penitentiary........................ 104,040 09 Seed wheat............................... 2,476 25 State House and Grounds......... 30,486 67 Miscellaneous.......................... 251 50 Insane Asylum........................ 22,713 00 Blind Asylum........................... 10,088 96 Total for 1872.....................$544,192 83 Deaf and Dumb Asylum............ 14, 200 00 DECEMBER 2.-The new University building, at Lawrence, opened for instruction. -A recent decision of the Supreme Court declares good the title of Jas. F. Joy to the Neutral Lands. DECEMBER 4.-Meeting of Presidential Electors, at Topeka. The vote is taken to Washington by John Guthrie. DECEMBER 6.-Destructive fire at St. Mary's. DECEMBER 10.-The epizootic horse disease in the State. DECEMBER 11.-The Report of Adjutant General Whittaker contains a statement showing the general account of debits and credits for arms, etc., issued to Kansas by the General Government under the law for arming the Militia. It foots up as follows: Value of arms issued to Kansas.................................................................. $107, 049 75 Amount of apportionment.......................................................................... 57,564 79 Balance due United States..................................................... $49, 488 96 DECEMBER 12.-Librarian Dickinson reports 8,473 books in the State Library. Only four books have been lost since he took charge of the Library. DECEMBER 18.-The Report of Secretary Smallwood gives the date of the organization of new counties as follows: Reno, January 1, 1872; Smith, Feb. 1; Harvey, April 10; Barton, May 16;. Russell, July 18; Phillips, July 26; Norton, August 22; Pawnee, Nov. 4; Rooks, Nov. 26.-In 1871, Sumner, Osborne and Rice were organized. DECEMBER 24.-Destructive fire at Fontana, Miami county. DECEMBER 25.-Burlington is building a $25,000 school-house.-Independence has erected a large school building, designed for eight departments.-Wilson county has forty-two school-houses, those at Altoona and Neodesha being very large, the one at Neodesha costing $15,000.-Chetopa is building a $25,000 school-house.-Paola has erected one of the largest and finest public school buildings in the State, at a cost of $50,000. DECEMBER 25. —State Teachers' Association, at Humboldt. Officers elected: President, John W. Horner, of Chetopa; Recording Secretary, S. 600 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1872. B. Lemon, of Independence; Corresponding Secretary, S. M. Gaston, of Lawrence; Treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Monroe, of Atchison. Executive Committee: Wm. Wheeler of Ottawa, Geo. W. Hoss of Emporia, R. H. Jackson of Atchison, Miss Collins of Iola, and Frank H. Snow of Lawrence. The next Convention to be held at Ottawa. DECEMBER 26.- Great fire at Concordia. DECEMBER 30."On the seventeenth of August, I received the sum of $336,817.37, which had been appropriated by act of Congress to the State of Kansas, in payment for a certain class of military claims; while for the interest on the debt thus paid, and for other classes of claims contracted at the same time, and for which Union Military scrip had been issued, no provision was made. There being no law governing my action in case of partial payment, and believing that it would be wronging the claimants,' either to wait action by the Legislature or to pay those first presented in full, I decided to pay without interest that class of scrip only which had been allowed by Congress, and to issue certificates showing the amount of interest then due on the same. "The scrip issued for the Curtis Expedition against the Indians, and for the services of certain irregular companies in the Price Raid, although not allowed by Congress, has been paid, as it was found impossible to distinguish by the warrants for what kind of service they had been issued. There will, therefore, be a deficiency in the funds for the payment of scrip issued for services, transportation, supplies and miscellaneous, including the Curtis Expedition, to the amount of $94,348.48, exclusive of interest; in addition to which there still remains outstanding interest certificates issued on scrip paid, to the amount of $124,000, and scrip given for damages, $159,191.34 —to all of which I would respectfully call your attention, and recommend that some early and final disposal be made of the same."-Report of Treasurer Hayes. DECEMBER 31.-Superintendent McCarty reports the school fund as $769,395.99. He gives a list of the bonds bought during the year. -The new Normal School. building nearly completed. The State gave $50,000, and the city of Emporia $10,000. -The State House Commissioners report that $30,506 has been expended on the east portico of the east wing, and ask for $12,500 more. DECEMBER 31.-Annual Report of the State Board of Agriculture, pp. 432, including the History and Transactions of the Academy of Science. The Report contains tables of State products; a list of the newspapers of the State; proceedings of the Farmers' Convention in April, 1873; lists of clubs and societies in all parts of the State; a detailed account of the Eighth State Fair; articles by Charles V. Riley, George T. Anthony, J. K. Hudson, R. S. Elliott, and J. G. Haskell, with many illustrations. In the part devoted to the Academy of Science, are J. H. Carruth's catalogue of plants seen in Kansas, and essays by Wm. H. Saunders, B. F. Mudge, F. H. Snow, and Lizzie J. Williams. The Transactions of the Horticultural Society are published in the same volume, making 199 more pages. The officers of the Society are: President, Wm. M. Howsley, Leavenworth; Vice President, J. C. Vincent, Lecompton; Secretary, G. C. Brackett, Lawrence; Treasurer, S. T. Kelsey, Pomona; Trustees,'E. Gale of Manhattan, E. Snyder of Highland, William Maxwell of Lanesfield. Essays are published by E. Gale, John H. Tice, J. Stayman, B. L. Kingsbury, Chas. V. Riley, S. T. Kelsey, John A. Warder, William M Howsley, James Christian, and F. H. Snow. 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 601 DECEMBER.-A book issued, entitled "The Sons of the Border. Sketches of the Life and People of the Far Frontier. By James W. Steele ('Deane: Monahan'). Topeka, Kansas: Commonwealth Printing Company. 1873." pp. 260. An introduction is written by Henry King. The book is made up of eighteen stories written by Steele and published in the Kansas Magazine. The sketches as they appeared in that Monthly were copied by the best newspapers in every part of the country, from Boston' to New Orleans. They described the new life of the extreme West with grace, vigor and brilliancy, and stamped the young author as a man of genius. The book was admirably reviewed in the Magazine by John J. Ingalls. DECEMBER.-Henry King retires and James W. Steele becomes the editor of the Kansas Magazine. 1873. JANUARY 1.-A. T. & S. F. Railroad completed to the Colorado line. JANUARY 3.-Robinson House burned, at Emporia. JANUARY.-School Records for Kansas, by Peter McVicar, published by Geo. W. Crane. -Township Officers' Guide, by Hugh M. Spalding, published by Geo. W. Crane, at Topeka. JANUARY 10.-Examination of witnesses begins, in Washington, in the case' of U. S. Senator Caldwell. The Senate had adopted the following resolution, May 11, 1872: "Resolved, That the Committee on Privileges and Elections be authorized to investigate the election of Senator S. C. Pomeroy, by the Legislature of Kansas, in 1867, and the election of Senator Alexander Caldwell, in 1871; that the committee have power to send for persons and papers; that the chairman, or acting chairman, of said committee, or any sub-committee thereof, have power to administer oaths; and that the committee be authorized to sit in Washington, or elsewhere, during the session of Congress, and in vacation." The witnesses now examined are: Sidney Clarke, J. M. Luce, Jonathan Hammond, William Spriggs, Wm. H. Carson, Thos. J. Anderson, Leonard T. Smith, Ira C. Buzick, Joel Thomas, James L. McDowell, Jacob Smith, Daniel R. Anthony, Wm. H. Peckham, John Fletcher, Fred. K. Hunt, J. M. Steele, Thos. L. Bond, Geo. W. Wood, Jas. Phinney, Thos. Carney, William S. Burke, Jas. H. Snead, C. H. Stilwell, Edwin C. Manning, Henry Foote, Claudius B. Brace, J. G. Reaser, Geo. S. Smith, John L. Pendery, Thos. P. Fenlon, Jeremiah Clark, S. J. Langdon, G. G. Gage, Frank H. Drenning, Chester Thomas, Sol. Miller, O. J. Hopkins, G. M. Simcock, M. H. Insley, L. J. Worden, Jas. F. Legate, Chas. Columbia, David A. Comstock, Robert Crozier, Theo. C. Sears, Isaac D. Clapp, Wm. Williams, D. W. Thomas, Geo. B. Sherwood, A. C. Van Duyn. The examination of witnesses ended February 5th. Senator Caldwell's attorneys were Caleb Cushing and Robert Crozier. Senator Morton's report, as Chairman of the Committee, was submitted February 17. It concludes as follows: "It has been a subject of discussion in the Committee whether the offences of which they believe Mr. Caldwell to have been guilty should be punished by expulsion or go to 602 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. the validity of his election, and a majority are of the opinion that they go to the validity of his election, and had the effect to make it void. Wherefore the Committee recommend to the Senate the adoption of the following resolution: "Resolved, That Alexander Caldwell was not duly and legally elected to a seat in the Senate of the United States by the Legislature of the State of Kansas. "In conclusion, the Committee remark that, while Mr. Caldwell did things to procure his election which cannot be tolerated by the Senate, they believe he was as much sinned against as sinning. He was a novice in politics, and evidently in the hands of men who encouraged him in the belief that Senatorial elections in Kansas were carried by the use of money." The Report is contained in a book of 470 pages. It is Report No. 451, Senate, Forty-second Congress, Third Session. JANUARY 14.-Thirteenth Annual Session of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Namnes. P. O. Address. County. Thomas A. Osborn, Governor...................................... Leavenworth.. Leavenworth. E. S. Stover, Lieutenant Governor............................... Council Grove.. Morris. W. H. Smallwood, Secretary of State........................... Wathena........ Doniphan. A. L. Williams, Attorney General................................ Topeka............ Shawnee. H. D. McCarty, Superintendent of Public Instruction.. Leavenworth... Leavenw'th. J. E. Hayes, State Treasurer........................................ Olathe............ Johnson. Daniel W. Wilder Auditor of State............................. Fort Scott...... Bourbon. S. S. Prouty, State Printer.................................... Topeka........... Shawnee. C. A. Morris, Adjutant General................................. Fort Scott...... Bourbon. D. Dickinson, State Librarian...................................... Oskaloosa........ Jefferson. Ed. Russell, Superintendent Insurance Department..... Leavenworth.. Leavenworth. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names. P. O. Address. County. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice....................................... Topeka. Shawnee. D. J. Brewer, Associate Justice..................................... Leavenworth... Leavenworth. D. M. Valentine, Associate Justice............................... Ottawa............ Franklin. -Byron Sherry, Judge Criminal Court, Leavenworth county. JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS. Names. District. P. O. Address. County. H. W. Ide..................................... First........... LeavenworthCity.. Leavenworth. P. L. Hubbard................................ Second........ Atchison............... Atchison. John T. Morton.............................. Third.......... Topeka................. Shawnee. Owen A. Bassett.............................. Fourth......... Lawrence.............. Douglas. E. B. Peyton................................... Fifth........... Emporia............. Lyon. M. V. Voss................... Sixth............ Fort Scott.............. Bourbon. John R. Goodin.............................. Seventh........ Humboldt............ Allen. William H. Canfield........................ Eighth......... Junction City........ Davis. William R. Brown.......................... Ninth........... Cottonwood Falls... Chase. Hiram Stevens............................... Tenth......... Paola................... Miami. B. W. Perkins................................. Eleventh...... Oswego................ Labette. A. S. Wilson................................. Twelfth........ Washington.......... Washington. W. P. Campbell.............................. Thirteenth... Eldorado............. Butler. J. H. Prescott......................;..... Fourteenth... Salina................... Saline. A. J. Banta.................................... Fifteenth..... Beloit.................... Mitchell. 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 603 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. anames. Dist. Post Office Address. County. E. S. Stover, President............................. Council Grove............. Morris. Blair, A. M....................................... 18 Ottawa....................... Franklin. Brandley, H........................................'26 Matfield Green............ Chase. Butler, C. B........................................ 22 Leroy.......... Coffey. Barker, E....................................... 28 Jewell City.......... Jewell. Crichton, J. H...................................... 15 Chetopa..................... Labette. Edwards, J. H..................................... 29 Ellis........................... Ellis. Ely, Andrew................................ 11 La Cygne.................... Linn. Grimes, W. H.................................... 2 Atchison............ Atchison. Guerin, W. E........................................ 12 Fort Scott.................... Bourbon. Johnson, W. A.............................. 17 Garnett...................... Anderson. Judd, Byron...................................... 8 Wyandotte................. Wyandotte. Martin, C. S........................................ 21 Osage City................. Osage. Martindale, William............................. 24 Madison..................... Greenwood. Matheny, William M............................. 14 Baxter Springs............ Cherokee. McFarland, N. C.................................. 20 Topeka............ Shawnee. McWhirt, J. T................................... 7 Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. Moonlight, Thomas....................... 7 Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. Morrill, E. N...................................... 3 Hiawatha.................... Brown. Murdock, M. M..................................... 25 Wichita.............. Sedgick. O'Neil, M. A.. 19 Black Jack................. Douglas. Palmer, L. R...................................... 5 St. Mary's................... Pottawatomie. Price, Nathan....................................... Troy........................... Doniphan. Rogers, J. W..................................... 6 Winchester................. Jefferson. Schmidt, Frank.................................. 4 Marysville.................. Marshall. Simons, W. L........................................ 16 Osage Mission.......... Neosho. Simpson, William............................... 13 Pawnee Station........... Bourbon. St. John, J. P.................................... 9 Olathe.............. Johnson. Topping, E. H...................................... 10 Paola.......................... Miami. Walker, Samuel.................................. 19 Lawrence.............. Douglas. Wilson, J. C...................................... 2 Muscotah................. Atchison. Wilson, V. P......................................... 27Dickinson. Winter, Jacob................................... 7 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. York, A. M........................................ 23 Independence.............. Montgomery. George C. Crowther, Secretary............. Osage Mission.............. Neosho. T. H. Cavanaugh, Assistant Secretaryv.......... Salina........................ Saline. George W. Findlay, Sergeant-at-Arms............ Fort Scott................... Bourbon. J. R. Kennedy, Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms,......... Olathe........................ Johnson. George W. Weed, Doorkeeper................ Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. S. M. Lanham, Journal Clerk................ Seneca........................ Nemaha. W. H. Cowan, Docket Clerk................ Topeka...................... Shawnee. Miss Nellie Blake, Enrolling Clerk........ Olathe........................ Johnson.Mrs. Sarah J. Neal, Engrossing Clerk....... Atchison..................... Atchison. Jennie Griffith, Page................................... Topeka........................ Shawnee. Allie Morris, Page......................................... Wichita...................... Sedgwick. Janet Edwards, Page................................... Paola........................... Miami. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. Dist. Post Office Address. County. Josiah Kellogg, Speaker........................ 21 Leavenworth'............. Leavenworth. Adams, David....................................98 Bunker Hill............... Russell. Adams, D. M...................................... 56- North Topeka............. Shawnee. Allen, E. B................................ 76 Wichita....................... Sedgwick. Bacon, F........................................... 46 Chanute..................... Neosho. Baker, Thomas H........................ 74....... 7 Augusta..................... Butler. Banta, A. J....................................... 11 Washington........... Washington. Bateman, William................................ 51 Peoria City................ Franklin. Beaty, J. W.......................................... 31 Paola.......................... Miami. Belden, D............................................. 30 DeSoto.......... Johnson. Bell, M. S......................................... 65 Independence.............. Montgomery. Billings, N. H...................................... 100 Norton Centre............ Norton. Bishop, George S................................... 88 White Rock................. Republic. Blakely, W. S..................................... 71 Junction City............. Davis. Bond, W. H................................ 22 Leavenworth.......... Leavenworth. Bowers, M. B...................................... White Cloud............... Doniphan. Bowron, C. F......................................... 7 White Cloud............... Doniphan. Brenner, Jacob.................................37 Hepler......................... Bourbon. Brinkman, G. L.................... 97 Great Bend.................. Barton. 604 ANNALS 01 KANSAS. [1873.' MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - CONTINUED. Names. Post Office Address. County. Brown, V...................................... 17 Medina....................... Jefferson. Buchan, W. J................................ 27 Wyandotte.................. Wyandotte. Childs, A. F....................................... 41 Columbus.................... Cherokee. Cochrane, W. J..................................... 36 Uniontown.................. Bourbon. Cooper, A.B.......................................... 60 Osage City...................Osage. Crew, James S...................................... 52 Lawrence................... Douglas. Cross, S. K............................................ 61 Burlington................. Coffey. Cummings, E.S.................................... 66 Elk Falls................... Howard. Curtain, John.................................... 87 Beloit.......................... Mitchell. Davis, W. B........................................ 83 Delphos.......................Ottawa, DeForrest, H. C................................... 9 Wetmore.....................Nemaba Dillard, Thomas................................. 25 Hoge.......................... Leavenworth. Eldridge, T. B....................................... 64 Coffeyville................... Montgomery. Ensign, H. A......................................... 96 Newton......................Harvey. Fields, H. C....................................... 24 f Leavenworth.................Leavenworth. Forsee, E.................... 84 Falun.......................... Saline. Frllazier, D. H..................................... 18 Mt. Florence...............Jefferson. Funston, E. H...................................... 47 Carlyle........................ Allen. Gillespie, G. W...................................... 5 Atchison.................... Atchison. Gregg, W.......................................... 57 Topeka....................... Shawnee. Green, George................................. 86 Lincoln Centre........... Lincoln. Guffy,. A....................................... 13 Vienna........................Pottawatomie. Harper, WC. W...................................... 43 Mound Valley........... Labette. Harvey, C. W......................................42 Baxter Springs............ Cherokee. Henshaw, N...........................5............ 55 Hesper........................ Douglas Hiodges, P. M....................................... 15 Holton........................ Jackson. Hoesman, H. F......................................85 Elsworth.............. Ellsworth. Hungerford, S. R................................... 33 LaCygne..................... Linn. Hutchings, C. F.............45 Osage Mission..............Neosho. Hutchinson, C. C................................... 94 Hutchinson................. Reno. Huntington, S. P................................. 67 Eureka....................... CGreenwood. Hunter, J......................................... 69 Emporia..................... Lyon Hunter, W. J..................................... 12 Manhattan................ Riley. James, Thomas............................ 28 Westport, Missouri......Johnson. Jeffrey, William............................. 73 Elmdale..................... Chase: Kabler, S. J..................................... 79 Abilene....................... Dickinson. Kalloch, I. S...................... 53 Lawrence.................Douglas. Lane, L...................................... 35 Prescott..................... Linn Langdon, S. J....................................... 40 Larkin, M........................................ 6 Larkin...................... Atchison. Lanter, J. T....................................... 49 Garnett...................... Anderson. Legere, I. C....................................... 10 Frankfort.................... Marshall. Lowrey, William................................. 91 Brookdale.................. Rice. Lowe, A. K...................................... 54 Lecompton................. Douglas. Mapes, W. H...................................... 44 Oswego....................... Labette. McDermott, James................ 75 Dexter........................Cowley. McDonald, B. P................................... 38 Fort Scott............ Bourbon. McLean, J. K...................................... 77 Florence.....................Marion. Miller, J. M...................29. Ocheltree..................... Johnson. Miller, G. M....................................... 92 Wellington................. Sumner. Morgan, Thomas.......................... 20 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Morrisop, J. T...... ~ ~ ~ ~ Johson Morrison, WJ. T................................. 95 Smith Centre............... Smith. Motz, Simon............................. 89 Hays City h........ Ellis. Nugent, E. J...................................... 50 Ottawa......................... Franklin. O'Driscoll, B....................................... 2 Doniphan City............ Doniphan. Peck, William........................ 62 Toronto......................Woodson. Plummer, W. S..................................... 19 Leavenworth.............. Leavenworth. Reasoner, C..................................... 93 Osborne City............... Osborne. Robinson, L..................................... 68 Emporia..................... p iLyon. Ross, Alex........................................... 90 Wallace...................... Wallace. Scofield, C. I....................................... 8 Seneca..................... Nemaha. Searcy, E...................................... 3 Elwood........................ Doniphan. Sellers A...................................... 70 Alma.......................... Wabaunsee. Sexton, J Z....................................... 63 Fredonia....................Wilson. Shaw, A.......................................... 81 Belleville.................... Republic. Shoemaker, S. R.................................... 59 Lyndon....................... Osage. Simpson, T. E...................................... 78 LScdsburg..M.......... McPherson. Smith, Reuben...................................... 32 Osawatomie........... Miami. Snyder, H. C...................................... 82 Glasco......................... Cloud. Spalding, A. W............................ 4........ Atchison..................... Atchison. Stratton, S. L.....................................80 Republican City...........Clay. Titus, Charles H..................................72 Parkerville.......... Morris. Tough, William................................. 26 Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. Turner, J..................................... 23 Easton...................... Leavenworth. 1873.'] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 605 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONCLUDED. Names. Dist. Post O0fce Address. County. Veale, G. W....................................... 57 Topeka........................ Shawnee. Vickers, A. J....................................... 39 Girard........................ Crawford. Ward, J. F.......................................... 34 Goodrich..................... Linn. Wakefield, Wm.................................... 48 Humboldt.................. Allen. Weaver, N....................................... 99 Kirwin....................... Phillips. Wells, Welcome................................. 14 Manhattan.................. Riley. Willetts, J. F....................................... 16 Oskaloosa.................... Jefferson. A. R. Banks, Chief Clerk..................... Lawrence.................... Douglas. G. C. West, Assistant Clerk........................... Parsons..................... Labette. W. Wirt Walton, Journal Clerk..................... Winfield..................... Cowley. James M. Matheny, Sergeant-at-Arms............ Newbury.................... Wabaunsee. John H. Helwig, First Ass't S.-at-Arnms.......... Monrovia.................... Atchison. D. W. Acker, Second Ass't Ser.-at-Arms.......... Vermilion................... Nemaha. Wm. P. Ames, Docket Clerk................... Olathe....................... Johnson. Emma R. Bristol, Engrossing Clerk................ Ladore........................ Neosho. Lizzie Ela, Enrolling Clerk.......................... Emporia...................... Lyon. Russell B. Armstrong, Postmaster................. Wyandotte.................. Wyandotte. George E. Brown, Doorkeeper......................... Olathe......................... Johnson. A. H. McWahorter, First Ass't Doork'per......... Lawrence!................... Douglas. M. F. Collins, Second Ass't Doorkeeper............ Olathe......................... Johnson. Emma Bragg, Page................................................................... Jennie Maxwell, Page...................................................................... Mary Fletcher, Page...................................................................... Charley Wakefield, Page................................................................... Jennie Hosmer, Page,..................................................................... Hattie Butler, Page....................................._................................... Milton Cummings, Page................................................................... Frank Childs, Page......................................................................... JANUARY.-Election of the following officers of the State Board of Agriculture, at Topeka, by the Presidents of County Societies: President, E. S. Niccoils, of Anderson; Vice President, T. Murphy, of Atchison; Secretary, Alfred Gray, of Shawnee; Treasurer,'G. W. Veale, of Shawnee; Superintendent, George Noble. Executive Committee: J. K. Hudson of Wyandotte county, G. L. Young of Shawnee, James Rogers of Osage, Martin Anderson of Jackson, Wm. Martindale of Greenwood, Malcolm Conn of Morris, G. T. Anthony of Leavenworth, R. P. Edgington of Butler, George Noble of Douglas. Geologist: B. F. Mudge, Manhattan, Professor of Natural Science, State Agricultural College. Entomologist: C. V. Riley, St. Louis, Mo., State Entomologist of Missouri. Meteorologist: Frank H. Snow, Lawrence, Professor of Natural History and Meteorology, University of Kansas. Botanist: James H. Carruth, Lawrence. Signal Service Committee: Frank H. Snow of Douglas county, B. F. Mudge of Riley, James H. Carruth of Douglas. JANUARY 21.-Election of State- Printer. First ballot: S. S. Prouty 65, Geo. W. Martin 62. Second ballot: S. S. Prouty 63, Geo. W. Martin 64. Third ballot: S. S. Prouty 58, Geo. W. Martin 68. JANUARY 25.-The Anti-Pomeroy caucus is addressed by D. P. Lowe, W. A. Phillips, S. A. Cobb, J. M. Harvey, C. A. Logan, John M. Price, and others. JANUARY 28.- Vote for Senator, in the Senate: D. M. Valentine 1, J. M.:Harvey 6, S. C. Pomeroy 10, W. A. Phillips 2, D. P. Lowe 5, C. A. Logan 2, John M. Price 3, Thos. A. Osborn 2, John T. Morton 1, Chas. Robinson 1. In the House: S. C. Pomeroy 40, J. M. Harvey 19, D. P. Lowe 13, C. A. Logan 11, John M. Price 3, D. M. Valentine 2, John T. Morton 4, Chas. Robinson 3, John J. Ingalls 1, T. H. Walker 1. 606 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. JANUARY 29.- Vote for Senator: John J. Ingalls 115, D. P. Lowe 6, Sidney Clarke 2, A. M. York 2, Chas. Robinson 1, S. A. Kingman 1. Before the vote was taken, Alexander M. York, Senator from Montgomery county, made a speech, in which he said: "I visited Mr. Pomeroy's room, in the dark and secret recesses of the Tefft House, on Monday night [January 27th], and at that interview my vote was bargained for, for a consideration of $8,000; two thousand dollars of which were paid to me on that evening, five thousand dollars the next afternoon, and a promise of the additional one thousand when my vote had been cast in his favor. I now, in the presence of this honorable body, hand over the amount of $7;000 just as I received it, and ask that it be counted by the Secretary." [Col. York advanced and placed upon the Chief Clerk's desk two parcels of money, one open, and amounting to $2,000, and a brown paper parcel, tied with twine, which, upon examination,.was found to contain $5,000 in greenbacks, of large denominations.] "I ask, Mr. President, that that money be used to defray the expenses of prosecuting the investigation of S. C. Pomeroy for bribery and corruption." (The money was used to pay Pomeroy's lawyers, for acquitting him, two years afterwards.*) The Commonwealth, which had favored Pomeroy's election, said: " During the delivery of this astounding address, of which the foregoing is but a weak and incomplete abstract, the audience was deathly still. Every word fell with a thrill on the senses of the packed and spell-bound throng, like the dull and startling thud of clods on a coffin. In that coffin reposed the remains of the corruption that, since the organization of the State, has perched upon its back like the Old Man of the Sea." A congratulatory meeting held that evening was participated in by E. S. Stover, A. M. York, W. A. Johnson, J. P. St. John, A. W. Spaulding, W. S. Plummer, B. F. Simpson, Paul R. Brooks, T. D. Thacher, D. P. Lowe, S. A. Cobb, W. A. Phillips, John J. Ingalls, Jas. D. Snoddy, James M. Harvey, J. -H. Edwards, H. W. Cook, Byron Sherry, and others. A resolution was passed unanimously, and with rousing cheers, thanking Col. York -for his courageous and patriotic course. A suit, was instituted against Senator Pomeroy for bribery. JANUARY 29.-A Topeka despatch in the Atchison Champion, signed J. A. M., says: "Mr. Pomeroy's friends were overwhelmed with astonishment and shocked beyond measure.... His counsel, however; have refused to allow him to make any statements concerning the matter until the excitement at present existing subsides." An editorial article in the Champion, on Ingalls, soon after this event, said: "That terrible and overwhelming development gave him the almost unanimous vote of both branches of the Legislature." Another editorial article in the Champion says: "At last, as sudden and terrible as an earthquake which overwhelms a busy city in ruin and disaster, came the awful revelation and final end, crushing with defeat and disgrace the man who had so long represented the State with usefulness and capacity in the Senate, and who might have been, but for this shocking exposure, in one hour more, re-elected for a term of six years.... For his offence we have no excuse and no sympathy. He understood full well the consequences; he risked them, and he is suffering them." JANUARY 31.-Senator Pomeroy's trial for bribery postponed till June. * TOPEKA, KANSAS, March 12, 1875.-Received of A. M. York the sum of seven thousand dollars, less the amount of costs in the case of The State of Kansas against S. C. Pomeroy, now pending in the District Court in and for Osage county, Kansas, in full of amount paid by me to said A. M. York during the session of the Kansas State Legislature, in the year 1873. S. C. POMEROY. By ALBERT H. HORTON, his attorney. 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 607 FEBRUARY 4.-The House, by a vote of 64 to 8, asks Pomeroy to resign. FEBRUARY 4. —The State Senate passes a resolution requesting the United States Senate to appoint a committee to investigate the charges against S. C. Pomeroy. — Passage of a resolution to investigate the charges of bribery against S. C. Pomeroy. FEBRUARY 5. —The Senate, by a vote of 21 to 9, passes a resolution requesting Pomeroy to resign. -The House, by a vote of 51 to 39, asks Caldwell to resign. -The joint committee to investigate the Pomeroy bribery case meets. - Death of Seth M. Hays, at Council Grove. He established a trading post there in 1847. FEBRUARY 6.-The following is copied from an opinion of A. L. Williams, Attorney General, in regard to the legal obligations of the L. L. & G. R. R. Co. to the State: "The L. L. & G. also has a grant of the proceeds of 125,000 acres of land from the State, under date of February 23,1866. (See Laws of 1866, page 142, or General Statutes, page 888.) This land is part of 500,000 acres which the Legislature of 1865 wrested (I might use a harsher and more accurate word) from the school fund of the State, to which it had been solemnly devoted by the people in our Constitution, and divided it between four railroads in the State. To suppose that a law framed in the direct interest of these roads contained any serious restricting or forfeiting clause would be absurd, And a glance at its provisions will at once acquit its framers of any such intention." FEBRUARY 8. —Death of ex-Governor John W. Geary, at Harrisburg. FEBRUARY 9. —Mr. Pomeroy, in the Senate, denies the charges made against him, and asks for investigation. FEBRUARY 11.-Gen. Pope informs Gov. Osborn that the President has complied with the Governor's request, and that the U. S. troops will be withdrawn from the Cherokee Neutral Lands. FEBRUARY 15.-Report of committee that Auditor Thoman registered bonds of the cities of Budlong, Cloud and Gregory, Cherokee county, but that there were no such cities in existence. FEBRUARY 15.-Henry G. Webb, Judge of the Eleventh District, r-a signs, and the committee investigating his alleged corruption in office is discharged. -Farmers' Co-operative Convention in Topeka. Messrs. Aikin, Cramer, Otis, Downs and Ritchie take part. FEBRUARY 17.-Investigation of Pomeroy by the United States Senate. The witnesses examined were Alexander M. York, William A. Johnson, James C. Horton, Frank Bacon, William H. Bond, B. O'Driscoll, William Simpson, W. M. Matheny, Edward Searcy, Wm. E. Guerin, David L. Payne,. C. J. Hanks, D. W. Houston, Asa Low, J. P. Brown, J. S. Hoke, John A. Martin, George T. Anthony, Daniel H. Horne, R. W. Wright, J. L. Sharp, Thomas Murphy, J. Z. Sexton, W. R. Laughlin, Sidney Clarke, John J. Murphy, C. A. Rohrabacher, I. S. Kalloch, Asa Hairgrove, John M. Holmes, P. B. Maxson, John Q. Page, J. D. Liggett, Robert McBratney, F. M. Shaw, John McDonald, John A. Joyce, Chester Thomas, A. H. Horton, Samuel C. Pomeroy, Stephen A. Cobb. 608 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. The argument for A. M. York was made by B. F. Simpson; for S. C. Pomeroy, by Caleb Cushing and Albert H. Horton. FEBRUARY 19.-T. D. Thacher elected President, and George F. Prescott Secretary, of the Associated Press, at Leavenworth. -Candidates for Caldwell's seat are numerous. FEBRUARY 22.- Farmers' Convention at Topeka. FEBRUARY 25.-The following is Senator Pomeroy's account of the York transaction, given under oath to the committee, February 25. See pp. 233-5 of the Report: "GENTLEMEN OF THE COMMITTEE: I submit herewith a true statement of the facts as they relate to my action in the cases of bribery and corruption now pending before this Committee. " It is a gratification to me that all the material facts are well established by competent testimony, so that very little is at issue upon my own individual statement. "And first, I deny that I gave at any time authority or permission to any man to use any money or other valuable thing to control or influence improperly the votes of any members of the Legislature in the State of Kansas, and specifically deny that I ever gave such authority to the gentlemen named or designated by the witnesses upon this trial, to wit: Mr. A. H. Horton, C. A. Rohrabacher, J. S. York, J. T. Brown, J. J. Murphy, A. Low, or to either one of them. And, secondly, that while I never delegated such authority to others, I positively never exercised it in any instance myself. "Senator Simpson, from the Neutral Lands, often spoke to me of the condition of the settlers there, and as often I spoke of my desire to relieve them, not only by the passage of the bill pending before the Senate, but by every means in my power. When he spoke of a letter he had received from Mr. Laughlin, stating that his means of support in Washington had become reduced to' $2.50,' and they had no means of continuing him here save by voluntary contribution, I told him I was a friend of those poor settlers, and would, in any event, contribute to his support. And soon after reaching Washington I met Mr. Laughlin, and although his friends did not support me, and did not promise me any support, still I did what I said I would, and gave him, as he testified, $50; and hence it is certain that my contribution had no relation to any man's vote who represented:those people, for I never even had the promise of a vote, or expected a vote from that locality. "And if one well-established fact of bribery, outside of the charge of Mr. York, has been proved by witnesses testifying either here or at Topeka (where I have not pretended to have a man to defend or represent me), I do not know it, and do not believe it. "And now as to the charge of this Mr. York, and his associate conspirators, I will say the true facts have been already stated by witnesses, and the transaction already seen to be a purely business one, having no relation whatever to his vote, which; on several occasions, I had learned of his pledging to me. About the last of the week before the Tuesday set for the first ballot, Mr. T. B. Eldridge, M. W. Reynolds, Mr. De Long, and others, all from his own county, assured me with more or less positiveness of York's support. "But some days before I learned that, I had, after much deliberation, agreed to aid Mr. J. Q. Page and associates to start a National Bank at Independence, where Page had a private bank, and having satisfied myself of his ability, capacity, and fitness for the management of such an institution, I agreed to furnish him with money sufficient, when put with his $25,000, would make a sum sufficient to purchase thirty United States bonds, of the denomination of $1,000 each. " Mr. Page urged and was anxious to procure the money before he left Topeka, and I told him it was inconvenient for me to furnish over $2,000 then, but would get it soon, and he might depend upon it, and make his arrangements accordingly. "At this time I met at the Tefft House Mr. W. P. Borland, of Second National Bank of Leavenworth, who enquired of me if I should not need some currency before leaving'Topeka, as he thought from appearances my hotel bills would be large. At first I told him no. The next day I met him, and said I should like to get $5,000, for forty or sixty 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 609 days, as I had agreed to help a friend organize a National Bank, and he would refund it as soon as he got his currency from the Government. "He then brought me a package, said to contain $5,000, which I never opened or counted, or even gave a note or receipt for at the time, and I put the same in my valise. "Upon Monday night, the 27th, Mr. York came to my room, having seen me or sent me word several times that he would do so, and at once began to report what had been going on at the anti-Pomeroy caucus, and I heard him through. Before leaving he spoke of the favor I had granted his friend Page, and said Page had requested him to get the money and forward it to him at Independence, and that he, York, should leave soon after the election for home. "I told him I was not prepared at that time to furnish it, although I had promised it to Page before I left the city. Mr. York spoke; said that perhaps I had no confidence in him. I assured him of my confidence, and told. him I could furnish $2,000 at that time, and thought I should be able to furnish $5,000 more the next day. The amount necessary I had calculated would be from $5,000 to $8,000 to pay for the bonds and their premium, in addition to the $25,000 Mr. Page and his associates could furnish. "I then paid him the first instalment of $2,000, and the next day I paid the package of $5,000 just as I had received the same from Mr. Borland, and neither-gave Mr. Borland nor took a receipt. But during that day I had sent Mr. Knight at one time, and Mr. Lemuel Pomeroy at another time, to find Mr. Page, if he had not left the city, to inform him of the whole transaction. But these gentlemen both returned, saying that they were unable to find Mr. Page, and I rested in the belief that the transaction was all right until I heard of the misrepresentation of the facts by Mr, York upon the floor of the Joint Convention. I then denounced it as a conspiracy, a plot, and told my counsel here, Judge Horton, the whole story, and within a few days left Kansas for Washington. "This, in brief, is the history of that charge of bribery for which I asked of the Senate a committee to investigate, and this one act (the transaction with Page and York), I now solemnly declare had no reference whatever to the vote of York, and was made and executed entirely independent of it. " I make this statement upon my honor as a Senator, and upon my oath, and I further specifically deny,' as I stated in the Senate when I demanded this investigation,' that I ever entered into any contract or agreement, directly or indirectly, with any man, a member of the Kansas Legislature or not, for a vote in my favor, or that I ever, directly or indirectly, paid or promised to pay any individual one dollar, or any other sum, for his vote for me in the late Senatorial election in Kansas.' S. C. POMEROY." FEBRUARY 28.-Banquet and ball, at Topeka, to the Nebraska Legislature. MARcH.-Appointment of Regents and Trustees: University: Chas. Robinson, Lawrence; Wm. Fairchild, Leavenworth; John A. Anderson, Junction City; Archibald Beatty, Independence; F. T. Ingalls, Atchison; Samuel A. Kingman, Topeka.. V. P. Wilson and N. C. McFarland were soon after appointed in the places of Anderson and Kingman, who resigned. Vormal School: J. W. Horner, Chetopa; Chas. B. Butler, Burlington; H. C. Cross, Emporia; Geo. W. Wood, Doniphan county; M. M. Murdock, Wichita; Edwin Tucker, Eureka. Insane Asylum: A. F. Childs, Columbus; Levi Woodard, Hesper; T. C. Bowles, Ottawa; D. W. Stormont, Topeka; Reuben Smith, Osawatomie; John T. Lanter, Garnett. Deaf and Dumb Asylum: Archibald Shaw, Olathe; W. H. M. Fishback, Olathe; John Francis, Iola; E. S. Stover, Council Grove; W. B. Craig, Wathena; J. W. Rogers, Winchester. Blind Asylum: Joseph Speck, Wyandotte; J. D. Brumbaugh, Marysville; 39 610 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. David Gordon, Fort Scott; Stephen M. Wood, Chase county; W. B. Slosson, Sabetha; Welcome Wells, Pottawatomie county. Leavenworth Normal School: Thos. Moonlight, John H. Brown, Joseph L. Wever, Levi Houston, W. O. Gould, H. L. Newman. MARCH 3.-The majority report in the Pomeroy case is presented by Senators Frelinghuysen, Buckingham, and Alcorn. They say: "The committee, bearing in mind, while examining the evidence, that the whole transaction, whatever view be taken of it, is the result of a concerted plot to defeat Mr. Pomeroy, and remembering that the burden of proof is on the party making the accusation, have come to the conclusion that Mr. York has not sustained his charge by sufficient proof, contradicted as it is by the evidence of Mr. Page and Mr. Pomeroy." Mark Twain's version of the report, in the Gilded Age, is as follows: "It being plain that Senator Dilworthy's statement was rigidly true, and this fact. being strengthened by his adding to it the support of'his honor as a Senator,' the committee rendered a verdict of' Not proven that abribe had been offered and accepted.' This in a manner exonerated Noble, and let him escape." Senator Vickers reports: "I cannot decide that the guilt of Mr. Pomeroy is established, beyond a reasonable'doubt." Senator Thurman reports: "I also believe that the testimony convicts Mr. Pomeroy of having attempted to. bribe Senator York, of that Legislature, to vote for him; that Pomeroy delivered to. York $7,000 is not denied." The book containing this investigation is a Senate document, Report No. 523, Forty-second Congress, Third Session. pp. 270. Senator Pomeroy retained his seat until the end of the session, March 4. -Mark Twain's book, published this year, contains 574 pages. It is a work of fiction. "Anything but history," says Robert Walpole, "for history must be false." MARCH 3.- In the House of Representatives, Butler, Peters, and Potter were appointed to present to the Senate articles of impeachment against Judge Delahay. They appeared at the bar of the Senate, in obedience to the order. Judge Delahay resigned, and Cassius G. Foster, of Atchison,. was appointed. MARCH 4.-Inauguration of President Grant. -The State. Senate passes a resolution, authorizing the defendants to employ counsel in the suit of John Q. Page vs. E. S. Stover and J. E. Hayes, to recover the $7,000 paid by Pomeroy to York, by a vote of 14 to 8. In the House, the resolution was laid on the table. MARCH 5.-B. W. Perkins, of Oswego, appointed Judge of the Eleventh District. - Charles A. Morris appointed Adjutant General, and Hiram T. Beman Assistant Adjutant General. MARCH 6.-Report of the Committee on the Pomeroy bribery charges: " The Committee appointed to investigate charges of bribery and corruption against Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, United States Senator, during the Senatorial election in the State of Kansas, in January, A. D. 1873, to whom was referred the foregoing resolution, beg leave to submit the following report: " Whereas, In pursuance to said resolution, the said Committee have carefully examined a large number of witnesses, and from said evidence have adduced the following facts: 1873.] ANNVALS OF KANSAS. 611 " 1. That S. C. Pomeroy, while a United States Senator, and during his candidacy for re-election to said position,did attempt to use money, both himself and by those professing to be his authorized agents, to corrupt members of the present Legislature in influencing and attempting to in,4uence them to vote for said S. C. Pomeroy for United States Senator. " 2. That the said S. C. Pomeroy did, on the 28th and 29th days of January, 1873, pay to one A. M. York, a member of the Senate of the State of Kansas, the sum of $7,000, to influence his vote for the said S. C. Pomeroy for United States Senator. "3. That Richard Stephens, professing to be a friend to the said S. C. Pomeroy, did attempt to bribe with money one Wm. Bateman, a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas, to vote for S. C. Pomeroy for United States Senator. "Therefore, we, the Committee, do find that the said S. C. Pomeroy is guilty of the crime of bribery, and attempting to corrupt, by offers of money, members of the Legis — lature of the State of Kansas.''Therefore your Committee request to be discharged from further consideration of this subject. W. E. GUERIN, E. N. MORRILL, Committee on part of the Senate. S. K. CROSS, E. J. NUGENT, Committee on part of the lZouse.7' MARCH 6.-Setator Morton introduces a resolution, that AlexanderCaldwell was not legally elected to a seat in the United States Senate by the Legislature of Kansas. MARCH 7.-Adjournment of the Legislature. Among the acts passed were twenty-five authorizing municipal bonds;' The "debenture law," (an act "to provide for the incorporation. of Savings and Trust Companies");; Defining the boundaries of Decatur, Rawlins, Cheyenne, Sheridan, Thomas" Sherman, Clark, Ford, Hodgeman, Ness, Lane, Buffalo, Foote, Meade, Scott, Sequoyah, Arapaho, Seward, Wichita, Kearney, Grant, Stevens,. Greeley, Hamilton, Stanton, Kansas, Pawnee, Rush and Stafford counties; Creating the Fifteenth Judicial District; Amending the occupying-claimant act; Creating a Price Raid Commission; Extending time of payment for school lands to ten years; Creating a State Board of Education; Providing an amendment to the Constitution to increase the number of members'of the Legislature; For the appointment of Regents and Trustees for the control of the public institutions; For the collection of statistics; Exempting mortgages from taxation. MARCH 8.-WinWm. H. Fitzpatrick confirmed as Register of the Topeka Land Office. -Texas Central Railroad completed to Red river. MARCH 10.-Carmi W. Babcock reappointed and confirmed Surveyor General of Kansas. MARCH 10. —Senator Morton addresses the Senate at length against Caldwell, his speech occupying over seven pages of the Congressional Record. (The Senate is in Special Session.) The debate continues from day to day, and is participated in by a large number of Senators. MARCH 13.-A. J. Banta appointed Judge of the Fifteenth Judicial District.. MARCH 14.- Cornelius A. Logan, of Leavenworth, appointed Minister to Chili, vice Jos. P. Root. -Lorenzo J. WTorden confirmed as Postmaster, at Lawrence. MARCH 19.- Cyrus I. Scofield appointed U. S. District Attorney. MARCH 19.-A. T. Sharpe founds the Ottawa Republican. On the 26th 612 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. of September, J. N. Murdock became one of the publishers, and continued in the paper about six months. MARCH 20.-Henry King confirmed as Postmaster, at Topeka. MARCH 22. —Wm. S. Tough confirmed as U. S. Marshal. MARCH 24.-E. S. Niccolls, of Garnett, appointed Receiver, and W. W. Martin, of Fort Scott, Register, of the Independence Land Office. MARCH 24. — "The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair will lay before the Senate the notification of the resignation of Mr. Caldwell as a Senator of the United States. The Secretary will read it. "The Chief Clerk read as follows: "WASHINGTON, D. C., March 24, 1873. "'SIR: I do hereby very respectfully notify you, and through you the Senate of the United States, that I have resigned, and do resign, my seat in that body as a Senator from the State of Kansas; and that I have forwarded by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the chief executive officer of that State, at Topeka, Kansas, a resignation in the following form, to wit: "'UNITED STATES SENATE CHAMBER, March 24, 1873. "'SIR: I hereby respectfully tender you my resignation as a Senator of the United States from the State of Kansas, to take effect immediately. "'Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ALEXANDER CALDWELL. "'His Excellency, the Governor of Kansas, Topeka, Kansas.' -Congressional Record, p. 164. MARCH 26.-Eighteenth Annual Session of the Kansas Conference of the M. E. Church, at Ottawa, Bishop Bowman presiding. Presiding Elders appointed: Leavenworth, W. R. Davis; Lawrence, J. Boynton; Emporia, P. T. Rhodes; Manhattan, G. S. Dearborn; Fort Scott, D. P. Mitchell; Humboldt, A. K. Johnson; Salina, J. Laurence; Wichita, J. McQuiston. Number of members, 15,083; of churches, 79; value of churches, $277,500; Sunday School scholars, 14,184; volumes in libraries, 13,207. MARCH 26. —Farmers' State Convention, at Topeka. Called to order by Alfred Gray. J. K. Hudson, temporary Chairman; Dr. A. G. Chase, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: Willis, Stiles, Galloway, Kilpatrick, and Miller. Speeches by Mr. Bronson of Douglas, C. W. Lawrence of Leavenworth, and R. A. Van Winkle of Atchison. Committee on Permanent Organization: V. P. Wilson, G. W. H. Moore, R. A. Van Winkle, J. N. Insley, H. Bronson, S. P. Hall, G. M. Moore, Mr. Shidler, C. W. Clapp, R. Morgan, A. H. Grass, G. M. Parks, C. S. Brodbent, F. Kingman, Chas. Williamson. Officers: President, John Davis, of Davis county; Vice Presidents, Jonathan Weaver of Saline, Alfred Taylor of Johnson; Secretaries, J. K. Hudson of Wyandotte, and J. T. Stevens of Douglas. The Convention reassembled on the 27th, and adopted the following preamble and resolutions: "Whereas, Agriculture in its various departments is the basis of all material prosperity; and whereas, the burdens and impositions under which it lies having become intolerable, therefore the farmers of Kansas, in convention assembled, do put forth this declaration of our desires and purposes, and state: "1. Farmers desire to unite in the form of clubs, unions, or stock associations, for the purpose of showing that they can come together and co-operate like other folks for a common good, and for the moral effect it will have upon themselves and the rest of mankind. " 2. They desire association for the purpose of controlling the prices of their products through their own boards of trade or their own appointed agents, so that nothing need be thrown upon the market for less than the cost of production and a reasonable profit. "3. They desire to unite for the purpose of getting their supplies at cost, with a rea-.sonable per cent: added to pay for collecting and distributing, and the use of capital. 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 613 "4. They desire to co-operate for the purpose of securing a reduction in freights, and breaking the blockade between the different parts of the country, by argument, by legislative enactment, and by means of the courts. "5. They desire tax reform, the abolition of sinecure offices, the reduction of salaries, rigid economy in public expenditures, and the repeal of our present iniquitous tax penalties. "6. They desire home manufactures, so that the money paid for implements may be kept in the State, and our population increased by industrious operatives, engaged in creating wealth rather than in speculation. "7. They desire that the balance of our public domain should be kept forever sacred to actual settlement, and in no contingency be allowed to fall into the hands of railroad monopolies and land sharks: therefore, be it "Resolved, That organization is the great want of the producing classes at the present time, and we recommend every farmer in the State to become a member of some Farmers' Club, Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry, or other local organization. "Resolved, That the taxes assessed and charged upon the people, both by National, State and local Governments, are oppressive and unjust, and vast sums of money are collected, far beyond the needs of an economical administration of government. "Resolved, That we respectfully request our Senators and Members of Congress to vote for and secure an amendment to the tariff laws of the United States, so that salt and lumber shall be placed on the free list, and that there shall be made a material reduction on the duty on iron, and that such articles as do not pay the cost of collection be also placed on the free list. "Resolved, That we earnestly request the Legislature of our State at its next session to enact a law regulating freights and fares on our railroads, upon a basis of justice, and that we further request our Members of Congress to urge the favorable action'of that body, where the full power exists beyond all doubt, to the same end; and, if need be, to construct national highways at the expense of the Government. "Resolved, That the act passed by the Legislature exempting bonds, notes, mortgages and judgments from taxation is unjust, oppressive, and a palpable violation of our State Constitution, and we call upon all assessors and the county boards to see that said securities are taxed at their fair value. "Resolved, That the practice of voting municipal bonds is pernicious in its effect, and will inevitably bring bankruptcy and ruin on the people, and we therefore are opposed to all laws allowing the issuance of such bonds. "Resolved, That giving banks a monopoly of the' Nation's currency, thereby compelling the people to pay them such interest therefor as they may choose to impose, seven-tenths of which interest we believe is collected from the farmers, is but little less than legalized robbery of the agricultural classes. "Resolved, That for the speedy and thorough accomplishment of all this, we pledge each other to ignore all political preferences and prejudices that have swayed us hitherto to our hurt,' and support only such men for office as are known to be true to our interests, and in whose integrity and honesty we have the most implicit confidence." A Constitution of the Farmers' Co-operative Association was formed, and the following officers elected: President, John Davis; Vice President, J. K. Hudson, of Wyandotte; Secretary, Alfred Gray, of Shawnee; Treasurer, H. Bronson, of Douglas. Directors: T. B. Smith of Douglas, John Mings of Osage, O. W. Bill of Riley, A. H. Grass of Montgomery, J. S. Van Winkle of Leavenworth. APRIL 1.-W. H. Rossington, managing editor of the Commonwealth. - Gen. James G. Blunt, and others, are charged with conspiracy to defraud the Government and a body of Cherokee'Indians in North Carolina. APRIL 8.-Annual Meeting of the Congregationalists of Southern Kansas, at Cottonwood Falls. -The Burlington Patriot announces the death of Gen. John B. Scott, the founder of Leroy. "He came to Kansas in 1845, and resided at the old 614 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. Agency until 1854, when he and Col. Whistler came to this county and took claims." APRIL 9.-Gov. Osborn offers a reward of $500 for the apprehension of the murderer of Dr. York, brother of Col. A. M. York. Dr. York disappeared some weeks ago, and is supposed to have been murdered between Osage Mission and Independence. — In the spring the Coffeyville Courier was started, by Chatham & White. James J. Chatham soon became the sole publisher. In the fall of 1875, the Courier was removed to Independence and issued as a Daily. APRIL 16.-Destructive fire at Paola. APRIL 23.-A fire, at Fort Scott destroys over thirty buildings, principally on Market street. -State Senators' excursion to Galveston leaves Emporia. APRIL 24.-Banquet to Senator Ingalls, at Leavenworth. APRIL 27.-Birth of the Atchison Daily Globe. It died December 14th, 18:73. APRIL 28.- Col. D. W. Houston and C. N. Shaw buy the Leavenworth Commercial. -Fire at Iola. Dr. Madison Mills, U. S. A., dies at Leavenworth. APRIL 30.-Fire at Burlingame. Conference of the Liberal Christians of the Missouri Valley, at Kansas City. MAY 4.-The remains of Dr. Wm. H. York, and other murdered men, found on the farm of the Bender family, in the northwest corner of Labette county, about ten miles from Thayer, and five. miles from Cherryvale, on the road from Independence (where Dr. York resided) to Osage Mission. Among the victims were Benj. M. Brown, of Howard county, John Greary, W. F. McCrotty, H. F. McKegzie, G. W. Langchor, and a little girl. Three bodies were found beneath the house, and four graves in different *parts of the field. All were'killed by blows on the back of the head, and had their throats cut. Two hammers were found in the house. The Bender family consisted of Wm. Bender, sixty years old; his wife, fifty-five; their daughter, Kate, twenty-three, and son, John, twenty-five. They came to Kansas in December, 1870, and moved to this slaughter-pen in February, 1871. They were Germans, and kept a small stock of groceries and liquors. Kate was a "medium," and advertised her skill as a spiritual doctor. The family fled about three weeks ago, leaving their stock behind. At Thayei they bought tickets for Humboldt. The Independence Republican says: "The generally-accepted theory of the manner of the killing is that travellers were seated in such a manner that their heads would lean against and indent the cloth partition, which crossed the room. Some one stationed behind the curtain would then strike them with a hammer, and some one in the front room was ready to finish the job. After that they were taken to the trap-door, where they were thrown in, their throats {cut, and they were left until night, when they were carried out, and buried in the field." MAY 7.-Death of Chief Justice Chase, in New York. IMAY 14.-The Wamego Blade issued by Cuningham & Goodwin. MAY 14. —Railroad Assessors meet at Topeka. 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 615 MAY 16.-Death of John M. Haeberlein, of the Daily Freie Presse, Leavenworth -the only German Daily in the State. -Louis Melius joins Edwin H. Snow, in publishing the Ottawa Journal. -George Grant imports stock for his sixty-thousand-acre farm, at Victoria, Ellis county. -W. H. Johnson consolidates the Abilene Chronicle and Journal. MAY 20.-Editorial Convention, at Atchison. Address by I. S. Kalloch, poem by James W. Steele. T. Dwight Thacher was re-elected President; J. W. Steele, orator; W. S. Burke, of Leavenworth, alternate, and Noble L. Prentis, poet. Fort Scott was selected as the next place of meeting. There was a ball and banquet at Atchison, and an excursion to Lincoln, Neb., on the 21st. This is the seventh annual meeting. MAY 25.-Thomas M. O'Brien, defaulting claim agent, arrested in Colorado. MAY 30.-Soldiers' reunion at Lawrence; 8,000 people present. MAY 31.-Bridge across the Missouri at St. Joseph completed. -Midland Railroad Company organized at Topeka. JUNE 2.-W. S. Burke starts the Leavenworth Argus. JUNE 8. —Judge Dillon's Iola bond decision published. JUNE 14.-Illinois editorial excursion to Topeka. JUNE 16.-The case of The State against S. C. Pomeroy, for the bribery of A. M. York, came up before Hon. John T. Morton, Topeka. On motion,of Pomeroy's counsel, the case was continued to the next term. JUNE 18. -Funeral of Judge John A. Wakefield, at Lawrence. He came to Kansas in 1854, and was a' leading member of the Free-State party. JUNE.-A pamphlet of 40 pages, called "Farmers' Unions and Tax Reform," by Henry Bronson, President of the Douglas County Farmers' Union, is published at Lawrence, and goes through four editions. Mr. Bronson also published the Vox Populi, a weekly newspaper, at Lawrence. JUNE.-An article on Osawatomie, by James Hanway, is published in the Kansas Magazine, vol. 3, p. 551. Mr. Hanway says the site of the Town was selected by the Massachusetts Aid Society. A grist and saw mill was built there by the Society in the Spring of 1856. A printing press, brought by Dayton & Gardner from New York, was concealed during the troubles of that year. Charles Griffith bought the material in 1857, and issued the Herald. John McReynolds was the next purchaser; the office was afterwards removed to Paola. The 7th of June, 1856, is given as the date of the sacking of Osawatomie, by John W. Whitfield and 170 Missourians. The battle of Osawatomie took place August 30th, 1856. John Brown commanded the Free-State men, and kept the enemy at bay several hours. "The raiders then entered the town, took what property they could conveniently carry away, and applied the torch to the buildings, and by evening it was but a heap of ashes." The fight "was the most severe of any which took place during the troubles in Kansas."'In the autumn of 1856, during the troubles which existed throughout Kansas, one mnorning before-the sun was up an' individual by the name of Pat Devlin was seen 616 A1V'ALS OF KANSAS. [1873. entering the village of Osawatomie. He was riding a horse, or mule, and loaded down with no inconsiderable amount of articles of various character, which entirely covered his beast. A neighbor met'him and accosted him in a familiar manner:'Pat, you look as if you had been out on an excursion.''Yes,' said Pat,'I have been out Jayhawking,' Not fully understanding the meaning of the term'Jayhawking,' he enquired of Pat what he mleant. Pat, who was a bold Free-State Irishman, replied that he had been foraging off the enemy, meaning the Pro-Slavery party. He then, like a true lexicographer, explained the meaning of the word'Jayhawker.' He said that in Ireland there was a bird called the jayhawk, which worried its prey before devouring it." McReynolds first published, in 1858 or'59, this explanation of the word. "Jayhawker" did not become universally known until Charles R. Jennison assumed it for himself and his soldiers, the SeventhKansas, in 1861. It is now synonymous with Kansan. JULY.-A book issued with this title: " The Homestead Guide, describing the great Homestead Region in Kansas and Nebraska, and containing the Homestead, Pre-emption, and Timber-Bounty Laws, and a Map of the Country Described. Waterville, Kansas: F. G. Adams, Compiler and Publisher. 1873." pp. 312. The best summary of Judge Adams's admirable book is given in its Preface, which is copied below: "The object of this publication is to give reliable information to homestead-seekers. The information relates to the broadest area of desirable homestead lands within the United States; it relates to the struggle by which those lands were wrested from therecent occupancy of ferocious savages; and now that the amplest safety is assured the settler, these pages show the mode by which, at the mere cost of entry fees, title from the Government can be acquired to these lands. An account of the progress of settlements within this region is also given, showing how a hitherto unpeopled wild, of most fertile soil, of most healthful climate and pleasing landscape, of gurgling brooks and rapid-flowing mill-streams, of grassy plains and prairie billows, of rocky cliffs, of timber-skirted water-courses, of broad alluvions, of exhaustless deposits of coal, and salt, and gypsum-is now, with marvellous rapidity, being covered with cultivated fields, with numberless domestic herds, and with thriving towns, springing up under the magic influence of the wand of enterprise-carrying trade and manufactures where, before, the murmur of traffic and the hum of machinery were never heard. " In collecting the facts here presented, we have drawn largely from our own obser — vations, but are much indebted to other publications relating to Kansas and Nebraska, to the authors of which we have, in the proper connexions, aimed to give just credit." JULY 6.- Shooting affray in the Otis House, Atchison, between Jacob S. Hoke and W. W. Marbourg. JULY 12.-Meeting of Osage Land Settlers at Thayer; 5,000 peoplepresent. — County Treasury defalcation in Jefferson county. JULY 17.-The Wellington Press established. John H. Folks is the. publisher. Eight papers have died in Sumner county. JULY222.-Hon. Oliver P. Morton, U. S. Senator, visits Topeka. -The trotting stallion, Smuggler, goes in 2:19a, at Olathe. JULY 28.-J. Q. Page, in the District Court, at Topeka, makes a motion to dismiss the case begun by himself against the State of Kansas and others, for the recovery of the $7,000 package of bribe money, he agreeing to pay all costs of action. Motion granted. JULY 28.-Rev. John A. Anderson, of Junction City, elected President of the Agricultural College. JULY 30.- Organization of the State Grange, at Lawrence. The follow 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 617 ing "History of the Kansas State Grange" is copied from The Patrons' Hand-Book, published by J. K. Hudson, at Topeka, in 1874. It is a book of 40 double-column pages: "The material at hand with which to write anything like a history of'the Kansas State Grange is very meagre. Hiawatha Grange, Brown county, was the first organized in the State, which occurred in April, 1872. Little was done beyond the organization of Osage Grange, in Crawford county, which was organized very early in the spring, and ~was the first Grange in the south part of the State. "Up to December, 1872, there were only nine Granges in the State. The Order, during the winter, grew but little, many of the Granges being discouraged, not only for the want of the secret work, but also because of the little interest manifested throughout the State in the organization. "The call to meet at Lawrence, July 30, 1873, to form a State Grange, gave a new impetus to the organization. It grew very rapidly during the spring and summer, and when the State Grange met, they numbered about four hundred. Brothers Dumbauld, Spurgeon and Cramer deserve much praise for their persistent efforts to organize the movement. The large amount of gratuitous pioneer work -by these men entitles them to the consideration of every good Patron. They -adhered while other men doubted; and now, when the Grange has become a great power in the State, their early struggles and labors in its behalf should not be forgotten. "In December, 1872, William Duane Wilson, from Iowa, visited Kansas, and, in connexion with a few Granges in the south part of the State, effected a temporary organization of the State Grange, as follows: Master, F. H. Dumbauld; Overseer, - Bell; Lecturer, J. A. Cramer; Secretary, G. W. Spurgeon; Treasurer, H. H. Angell. "At the meeting of the State Grange, at Lawrence, July 30, 1873, for the first time, there were 409 organized Granges in the State. Dudley W. Adams, Master of the National Grange, was present, and assisted in forming the State Grange; also, T. A. Thompson, Lecturer of the. National Grange, greatly aided in shaping the State Grange, and in giving the secret work of the Order to the delegates. The election of officers resulted as follows: "Master, T. G. Boling, Leavenworth county; Overseer, M. E. Hudson, Bourbon county; Lecturer, John Boyd, Montgomery county; Steward, E. D. Smith, Jewell county; Assistant Steward, J. B. Richey, Franklin county; Chaplain, W. S. Hanna, Franklin county; Treasurer, H. H. Angell, Cherokee county; Secretary, G. W. Spurgeon, Neosho county; Gate Keeper, C. W. Lawrence; Ceres, Mrs. Mattie Morris; Flora, Mrs. M. H. Charles; Pomona, Mrs. Amanda C. Rippey; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. Jennie D. Ritchie; Executive Committee, F. H. Dumbauld, W. P. Popenoe, and J. B. Shaeffer. " The constitution provided for the meeting of the State Grange the third Wednesday in February. The Executive Committee decided to hold the session at Topeka. "At this meeting sixty counties were represented. The Secretary reported 975 Granges as organized, representing an actual membership of over 27,000. The constitution and by-laws were revised, and the declaration of purposes adopted by the National Grange at St. Louis adopted as the principles of the Kansas State Grange. "The election for Master to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Master Boling resulted in the selection of M. E. Hudson, when the vacancy in the office of Overseer, caused by his promotion, was filled by the election of Wm. Sims. The term of W. P. Popenoe as a member of the Executive Committee having expired, he was re-elected. W. H. Fletcher, of Clay county, was elected Gate Keeper -Mr. Lawrence, elected at a previous meeting of the State Grange, having failed to accept and qualify. After installation of officers, conferring the fifth degree, hearing reports of committees, adopting resolutions, and transacting the necessary business for the ensuing year, the Grange adjourned sine die. "Since the adjournment of the State Grange, the organization of Granges throughout the State has been more rapid than ever before-the number of Granges up to April 1st exceeding 1,200, with a total membership of over 30,000." JULY 31.-Death of Hiram J. Strickler, near Tecumseh, Shawnee county. He was a native of Virginia, and came here in the winter of 618 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. 1855.' He was in the Council, in'55, and was Territorial'Auditor from'58 to'61. He was also Territorial Adjutant General, and President of the State Agricultural Society. He was universally respected as a man of integrity and honor. -The Atchison Champion publishes the following lines. They were copied all over the Union, and the general belief was and is that Senator Ingalls wrote them. They were entitled: "A SERENADE; THE POLITICIAN TO HIS LOVE. "'By the time we have reached home and got our cows milked, it will be dark.'Speech at Monrovia. "'The,noon is shining on the grange, "Once I was in the railroad ring, The winds are hushed, the leaves are still, But now my hands are hard with toil; The patient stars look softly down I've scattered hay-seed in my hair Upon my cot at Shannon Hill. And blacked my boots with harness oil. Then come, my horny-handed love, My city cows have all gone dry, And wander through the dell with me, I am no longer in my prime; And gaze upon the Durham bull My dajy is drawing to its close And listen to his pedigree. And it will soon be milking time.'"My stores upon Commercial street "I think I know a new milch cow Are empty; there's in trade a lull; That's just exactly what I need; I've bartered off my house in town, She's thin from running out to grass And real estate is very dull; But only wants a change of feed. I'm putting up a residence I'll mix a mash of free-trade bran, On Second street, above the mill, Swindles, high taxes, and back pay, But till it's finished I shall live And coax her to the ballot-box Upon my farm at Shannon Hill. And feed her till election day. "Dear Snyder, grasp her by the horns! Sweet Wheeler, hold her by the tail! Oh, let me safely sit between And calmly fill my milking pail. And when November's breezes show'Tis time my Berkshire hogs to kill, I'll move back into town again And sigh no more for Shannon Hill." AUGUST 1.-Topeka Daily Blade started, by J. Clark Swayze. -Noble L. Prentis edits the Junction City Union till March 1, 1875. AUGUST 4.-The Catholic Publication Society, New York, issues a book on "Irish Emigration to the United States: What it has been and what it is. By the Rev. Stephen Byrne, O. S. D." It is an excellent and valuable book. The following relating to Kansas is copied from pages 124 to 128: "The soil is very productive throughout, mostly presenting a rolling surface, thus affording superior drainage. Every kind of grain and fruit can be grown; it is especially adapted to the growing of the grape. The rich, black soil is generally from two to six feet and more thick., "There are millions of acres of the best land for sale by the various railroads alone that run through Kansas; besides these, there are the'homestead lands.' "The climate is very salubrious throughout; new sections of the country are visited by intermittent fever in spring and fall, which disappears with the progress of the.cultivation of the soil. Vast numbers of people, who have been in feeble health in the more eastern States, contend that they have been greatly benefitted by the climate. The summer heat is rendered less oppressive and excessive by a continual breeze, and the nights are very refreshing...... "The land is of equally good quality almost everywhere. In the south and southwest the soil is sometimes a little deeper than in the north or northwest; the north 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 619 sometimes has more woodland; so that, on the whole, I find little or no difference. I give below the offices of the various railroad land departments, with price of land and general terms: "In the southeast, there is the Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad, owning and selling about three hundred and fifty thousand acres in Bourbon, Crawford and Cherokee counties, the price ranging from four to twelve dollars per acre; sold on credit, running through ten years, at seven per cent. annual interest; twenty per cent. discount for cash. The land is excellent; plenty of coal in the neighborhood. Several Catholic congregations are already in existence in that neighborhood. For land, address Gen. John A. Clark, Land Commissioner, Fort Scott, Kansas. To find out what facilities for satisfying your spiritual wants before purchasing, address Rev. M. J. Doherty, at Fort Scott, or Rev. E. Bononcini, at Baxter Springs, or Rev. John Schoenmakers, S. J., at Osage Mission, Kansas. "In the southeast is also the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad land. In some portions of this land, the rocky stratum, underlying the soil, crops out, and forms the surface. Excepting such portions, the land is of very good quality, ranging at about the same price. Address John W. Scott, Land Commissioner, at Chanute. To find out, before smaking any purchases, where there is a church or Catholic settlement, address Very Rev. A. Heiman, at Scipio P. O. For land south of this, you may address Rev. R. Deusterman, at Humboldt. "The southwest is traversed by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R., owning and selling over three millions of acres along its line; price of land ranging from two to eight dollars per acre; time for payment, eleven years, with 7 per cent. interest, besides other very favorable conditions. The land of this company is very superior, though there is scarcity of timber. For information about land, etc., address A. S. Johnson, Land Commissioner, at Topeka; but before, and for actual location, address Rev. F. Swembergh, at Wichita; Rev. Jos. Perrier, or Rev. J. H. Defouri, both at Topeka, Kansas. "The west is traversed by the Kansas Pacific R. R. Along its line from east to west there are more Catholic settlements than on any other road at present. It owns and has for sale about six millions of acres, prices ranging from two to six dollars per acre, sold on five years' credit, with interest at six per cent., in this manner, one-fifth cash at time of purchase; for the next two years only the interest on the balance, etc. For information about land, address John P. Devereux, Land Commissioner, at Lawtence, Kansas. Where to find church and Catholic settlements, address Rev. John Fogarty, at Solomon City, Kansas, and Rev. P. Scholl, at Junction City, Kansas. "The northwest: Two railroads run through the northern portion of the State from east to west, along which there are several Catholic settlements. The St. Joseph and Denver R. R. has about 100,000 acres in Marshall, Washington, Republic, Jewell, Cloud, Ottawa, and Riley counties, for sale at from three to six dollars, one-fifth of which is payable in cash at time of purchase, the balance in five equal annual payments, with ten per cent. interest. For information about land, address D. M. Steele, President Kansas Land Company, at St. Joseph, Missouri. To find out the location of Catholic settlements, address Rev. A. Weikmann, at Hanover, or Rev. Thos. O'Reiley, at Frankfort, or Rev. L. Mollier, at Concordia, Kansas. "For information about land owned by the Central Branch U. P. R. R., address Major W. F. Downs and the Very Rev. Father Giles Christoph, O.S.B., at Atchison, or Rev. Th. Bartl, at Severance P. O., or Rev. Timothy Luber, at Seneca, Kansas. "The Vicariate Apostolic of Kansas, established in 1851,'has two vicars apostolic, residing at Leavenworth; forty-eight priests, and several clerical students; fifty-five churches built, and sixteen building. There are several religious institutions, both male and female. Catholic population, 30,000." AUGUST 5.-Five Mennonite leaders visit Harvey, Sedgwick, Reno, Marion and McPherson counties, to select lands for a colony from Russia. - Thos. J. Anderson chosen Superintendent of the Topeka Rolling Mills. AUGUST 6. — Coal-oil excitement at Paola. - Delegate convention of the various Catholic Societies of the State at Leavenworth. President, John Moffat, Osage Mission; Vice Presidents, P. 620 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. Connolly, Wyandotte, M. A. Wolfrom, Leavenworth; Secretary, Rev. T. A. Butler, Leavenworth; Treasurer, W. F. Dolan, Atchison. Among the resolutions passed was the following: "Resolved, That it is the sense of the Catholic Union of Kansas that the present system of education is in opposition to the letter and spirit of the Constitution of the United States, and we claim it is unjust to impose a school upon Catholics in direct opposition to their wishes." AUGUST 9.-R. B. Taylor, of the Wyandotte Gazette, arrested, on the charge of defaming the character of S. A. Cobb. He is afterwards tried for libel, and acquitted. AUGUST 13.-Judge Samuel A. Williams dies, at Fort Scott. He was a member of the Legislature of 1855, and was appointed Probate Judge of Bourbon county by that body. - Serious trouble at Osage Mission, caused by county-seat difficulties. AUGUST 17.-S. S. Prouty retires from the Commonwealth, and Henry King becomes the publisher. -Alvord & Farey start the Junction City Tribune. AUGUST 19.-The free-delivery system ordered for the Leavenworth post-office. AUGUST 20.-Kellar hung by citizens in Linn county. He had killed his wife, Mrs. Boyd and her two children, and then burned Boyd's house over their bodies. The tragedy occurred near Twin Springs. SEPTEMBER 1.-The Agricultural College starts on a new career, with the following officers: Board of Regents: James Rogers,. Burlingame; Chas. Reynolds, Fort Riley; N. A. Adams, Manhattan; J. K. Hudson, Wyandotte; Josiah Copley, Perryville; N. Green, Holton. J. A. Anderson, President, Manhattan; William Burgoyne, Secretary, Manhattan; E. B. Purcell, Treasurer, Manhattan; E. Gale, Loan Commissioner, Manhattan; L. R. Elliott, Land Agent, Manhattan. -In the fall, W. H. Watkins started the Independence Kansan. SEPTEMBER 3.-Burning of the Massasoit House, at Atchison. SEPTEMBER 5.-The officers of the St. Joseph & Denver Railroad resign, and a committee is- appointed to make an investigation into the affairs of the company. -W. S. Tough sells Smuggler, in Boston. SEPTEMBER 8.-Rich discoveries of lead near Baxter Springs. SEPTEMBER 8, 9.-Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, at Lawrence. The following officers were elected for the current year: President, Frank H. Snow; Vice Presidents, John A. Banfield and John D. Parker; Secretary, John Wherrell; Treasurer, Robert J. Brown; Curators, Frank H. Snow, B. F. Mudge, and Edwin A. Popenoe. The following Commissioners were confirmed for the current year: Geology, B. F. Mudge; Ornithology, F. H. Snow; Entomology, F. H. Snow and Edwin A. Popenoe; Language, D. H. Robinson and J. H. Lee; Engineering, F. W. Bardwell; Technology, F. E. Stimpson; Astronomy, John Fraser; Meteorology, John D. Parker; Botany, J. H. Carruth, John Wherrell, and Frank H. Snow; Mineralogy, W. D. Kedzie; Chemistry, William H. Saunders. SEPTEMBER 9.-Prof. B. F. Mudge lectures on the Mound Builders, 1873,] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 621 before the Academy of Science, at Lawrence. He gives an account of an extensive ancient village within a short distance of the Solomon river, where a pottery covers half an acre of ground. -The Secretaryof the Interior orders a reappraisement of the Kaw lands. SEPTEMBER 11.-The K. P. R. W. extended from Kit Carson to Fort Lyon, forty-two miles. SEPTEMBER 15.-Carl Moller, cashier of the German Savings Bank, Leavenworth, a defaulter. SEPTEMBER 22.-State Fair at Topeka. Governor Osborn makes the opening address. -Financial panic; banks generally suspend, Kansas City taking the lead. OCTOBER. —The last number of the Kansas Magazine is issued; it is the fourth number of Vol. IV. OCTOBER 1.-Great meeting of Settlers at Osage Mission. OCTOBER 11.-Martin F. Conway, in Washington, fires three shots at S. C. Pomeroy, one of which slightly wounds the ex-Senator. Conway is arrested, and says of Pomeroy: "He ruined myself and family." Pomeroy says he has never had any controversy or ground for difficulty with Conway. OCTOBER 15. —Rev. Charles R. Pomeroy elected President of the Emporia Normal School. — Irrigation Convention at Denver; the Western States and Territories represented. OCTOBER 20. -Burning of. the Commonwealth building. — Samuel Fry, one of the old Free-State Guard of Lawrence, dies at Columbia, Texas, where he was a railroad contractor. OCTOBER 28.-Eighth Annual Meeting of the State Sabbath School Association, at Emporia. OCTOBER.-A Catalogue is published of the Topeka Library. It contains about 1,000 volumes. NOVEMBER.-D. B. Emmert starts a Monthly, at Humboldt, called the Rural Kansan. It was published one year. NOVEMBER 4.-Annual election. VOTE ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ART. 2, SEC. 2 OF THE CONSTITUTION. Counties. For. Against. Counties. For. Against. Allen................... 166 722 Dickinson.................... 1,024 18 Anderson........................ 3 1, 009 Doniphan...................... 37.0 1, 394 Atchison................: 462 597 Douglas.......................... 325 1, 704 Barbour.................... 52............ 2 Ellis............................. 264 10 Barton............................. 24 282 Ellsworth....................... 501 2 Billings........................... 52 37 Ford.............................. 59 158 Bourbon.......................... 608 1,859 Franklin....................... 1,114 Brown............................ 151 763 Greenwood................... 245. 130 Butler............................. 1,467 135 Harper................................. Chase.............................. 495 107 Harvey..................... 529. 7 Cherokeee......................... 401 636:Howard......7............. 729 318 Clay................................ 754 189 Jackson................... 958 183 Cloud-............................. 875 40 Jefferson....................... 132 1, 595 Coffey.................... 42 746 Jewell................... 874 64 Comanche........................................;.;. Johnson......................... 825 1, 838 Cowley........................... 087 5 Labette..........418 Crawford...................... 8 827 Leavenworth....115 360 Davis.............................. 963 38 Lincoln..5........... 504...... 622 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. VOTE ON AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION -CONCLUDED. Counties. For. Against. Cbounties. For. Against. Linn................................ 85 1,506 Rice.............................. 81 94 Lyon.............................. 603 257 Riley............................ 776 427 Marion........................... 415 8 Rooks.......................... 114............ Marshall..................... 1, 218 74 Russell........................ 256............ McPherson.............. 571 8 Saline........................... 1,242 109 Miami............................ 66 1, 914 Sedgwick..................... 1, 352 15 Mitchell........................... 887 17 Shawnee.............. 437 1, 889 Montgomery............. 362 489 Smith.......................... 369 22 Morris............................. 470 65 Sumner........................ 928 9 Nemaha........................... 34 831 Wabaunsee.................. 56 561 Neoso............................. 360 501 Wallace (no return).............................. Ness................................ 263.. Washington.................. 764 93 Osage.............................. 180 1,201 Wilson................... 702 341 Osborne.......................... 434 1 Woodson...................... 149 359 Ottawa............................. 665 19 Wyandotte................................ 5 Pawnee........................... 72 5 Phillips........................... 391 3 Total....................... 32,240 29,189 Pottawatomie................... 91,011 Reno................................ 350 14 Majority.................. 3,051 Republic........................ 988 36 VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS. Counties. Names of Candidates. Leavenworth............... Harry L. Bickford..................... 2, 494 2, 494 291 1... Leavenworth............... Crawford Moore.......................... 1,260 1,260 Leavenworth............... Charles Grover........................... 943 943 Atchison....................... Frank M. Tracy.......................... 113 Brown.......................... Frank M. Tracy.......................... 113 Doniphan..................... Frank M. Tracy..........................I 2,179 Nemaha....................... Frank M. Tracy........................ 673 3,078 1, 792 Brown.......................... N. Hanson..................558 Nemaha N. Hanson....................... 37 595 2... Atchison....................... S. J. H. Snyder........................... 148 Doniphan..................... S. J. H. Snyder........................... 74 222 Atchison................. D. E. Mervin...................... 101 101 Atchison....................... Mr. Wilcox.............................. 91 91 Atchison...................... E. M uldoon.............................. 96 96 Atchison......................Scattering............................. 158 Nemaha.................... Scattering................................... 23 181 Jefferson..................... D. F. Eggers.............. 1,213 Pottawatomie............... L. F. Eggers............................... 311 Shawnee............... L. F. Eggers 2, 993 4, 517 2,888 Jackson....................... John Carver.............................. 669 3... Jefferson....................... John Carver............................... 34 703 Jackson...................... S. S. Cooper................................ 53 Jefferson....................... S. Cooper............................. 751 804 Shawnee...................... A. J. Huntoon............................ 65 65 Jackson...................... A. M. Crockett........................... 47 47 Anderson..................... Turner Sampson....................... 2 Douglas.................. Turner Sampson........................ 2,209 4... Franklin............. Turner Sa pson.................. 685 2,896 2, 735 Douglas........................ F. Gleason................83............ 83 Franklin............... F. Gleason............................... 78 161 offey......................... J. L. Williams............................. 72 Lyon..... J. L. Williams............... I....... 619 Osage............................ L. W......... 83 1 774 261 Cofey........................... H.. Bent................................ 1,134 5... Lyon............................ H. N. Bent................................. 22 Osage...................... N. Bent................................. 59 1,215 Osage........................... J. A. Drake................................ 175 175 Coffey........................... Scattering...................... 46 Osage........................... Scattering................................. 77 123 Bourbon....................... A. Shin n........................ 1,657 -6 Linn....... in. Shinn............................... 1,064 2.721 1,001 Bourbon.Ed. R. Smith.............................. 899 Linn.......................... Ed. R. Smith............................. 821 1,720 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 623 VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS-CONTINUED. Counties. Names qf Candidates. Allen................... Henry W. Talcott.................... 744 Woodson........................ Henry W. Talcott................... 852 1,596 659 Allen............... John Moffit............. 350 Neosho...... John Moffit.... 549 899 Neosho.......................... John A. Gaston........................ 687 7... Wilson.............. John A. Gaston................... 54 741 Neosho......................... J. JA. Stevens........................... 160 Wilson...... J. A. Stevens........................... 777 937 Allen.............................. Scattering...............48 Wilson........................... Scattering........26 L Woodson........................ Scattering........................... 15 89 Davis............................. John M. Allen........................ 11 Dickinson..................... John M. Allen........................ 243 Riley.............................. John M. Allen........................ 778 1,032 77 Davis............................. Z. Taylor........ 617 Dickinson.................... P. Z. Taylor.......................... 72 Morris..........P. Z. Taylor............................. 75 8... Ottawa.......................... P. Z. Taylor............................. 191 955 Davis............................. John P. Swenson 109 109 Dais.............................. A. J. Rodgers........................... 24 Morris................. A. J. Rodgers......145 169 Davis.............................. Scattering.............................. 12 Morris......................... Scattering............................ Ottawa........................... Scattering.............................. 12 Riley......... Scattering.............................. 82 108 Barton............................ Joel T. Davis.. 310 Harvey.......................... Joel T. Davis........................... 149 Reno.................... Joel T. Davis........................... 312 Rice............................... Joel T. Davis........................... 208 979 511 Ford............................... J. Caller.................................. 143 143 9... Pawnee................ T. J. Clark.............................. 78 78 Harvey.......................... William Prouty....................... 22 22 Chase............................ L. P. Allspaugh...................... 1 Harvey...................;. P. Allspaugh...................... 21 Marion....................... L. P. Allspaugh.................... 443 465 Chase............................ George W. Yeager.................. 468 468 Johnson......................... Newton Ainswo rth................. 998 Miami............................ Newton Ainsworth................. 1,276 Wyandotte.................... Newton Ainsworth................. 446 2, 720 1,020 Johnson......................... Daniel Killen........................ 40 Miami........................... Daniel Killen............. 456 10... Wyandotte.................... Daniel Killen......................... 1, 204 1,700 Johnson........................ G. H. Beach..................894 Miami........................... G. H. Beach............................. 410 Wyandotte.................... G. H. Beach..............54 1, 358 Johnson........................ J. E. Corliss............................ 695 Wyandotte................... J. E. Corliss............................. 25 720 Crawford...................... J. D. Emerson........................ 220 Labette.................. J. D. Emerson.................. 32 Montgomery.................. J. D. Emerson.............. 1, 089 1, 341 137 Cherokee........................ Samuel Fellows...................... 4 Labette......................... Samuel Fellows....................... 1,149 1, 153 Cherokee....................... J. W. Doudna......................... 46 Labette..........................J. W. Doudna........................ 443 489 Montgomery......... J..... J. H. Ashbaugh...................... 1,204 1,204 Cherokee....................... M. A. Wood.......................... 70 11... Crawford.......... M. A. Wood......................... 592 Labette......................M.... A. Wood......................... 28 690 Cherokee..................... E. C. Wells.............................. 705 Labette..........................E. C. Wells......................2........ 707 Cherokee....................... A. T. Lea................................. 574 Crawford..................... A. T. Lea.........................157 Labette........................... T. Lea........................... 25 756 Crawford.......................J. T. Lea................................ 31 31 Crawford....................... R. W. Doudna.......................... 35 35 Crawford....................... Scattering........................... 16 16 Clay.............................P. Hutchinson................ 415 Cloud....................... P. Hutchinson................. 856 Marshall........................ P. Hutchinson........................ 1,531 12... Republic........................ P. Hutchinson................... 854 W ashington.................. P. Hutchinson............... 1, 125 4, 781 3, 605 Clay........... J. B. Quimby.315.. Cloud........................ B. Quimby.84 624 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. VOTE FOR RAILROAD ASSESSORS- CONCLUDED. Counties. Names of Candidates. ~ (Marshall.......................... J.B. Quimby... 521 12.. Repiblic.......................... J. B. Quimby...............164 Washington................. J. B. Quimby...................... 92 1,176... Sedgwick......................... John M. Steele........................ 42 42 33 Cowley........................... E. B. Allen......................... 9 9 Ellis...........................W.... F. Leslie............................ 241 Ellsworth........................ W. F. Leslie............................. 517 McPherson....................... W. F. Leslie............................. 320 Russell............................ W.F. Leslie............................. 293 Saline....................... W. F. Leslie............................. 687 2, 058 1, 846 Lincoln.......................... J. F. Leslie.............................. 100 100 Lincoln........................... C. R. Buell.............................. 239 Saline... C. R. Buell............................. 489 728 McPherson...................... W. W. Jones........................... 323 323 Ellis Scattering............................... 56 Ellsworth............Scattering...........2.................... lRussell............................ Scattering............................... 3 61 VOTE FOR JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURTS. Counties. Names of Candidates. r Miami...................... Hiram Stevens........................ 2, 025 Johnson........................... Hiram Stevens........................ 2, 300 Wyandotte..................... Hiram Stevens........................... 862 5,187 3,470 Miami.............................. H. W. Cook........................... 83 Johnson.......................... H.W. Cook............................. 342'Wyandotte........... H. W. Cook....................... 1,184 1,609 Miami.............................. R. W. Murray.......................... 3 3 Johnson........................... S.E. McCracken..................... 103 105 Cherokee........................ B.W. Perkins.......................... 778 Crawford......................... B. W. Perkins.......................... 453 Labette.......................... B. W. Perkins......................... 766 Montgomery..................... B. W. Perkins.......................... 1,198 3,195 689Cherokee..................J.... M. Scudder.......................... 327 Crawford............J..... M. Scudder.......................... 378 Labette......................... J. M. Scudder.................... 794 1... Montgomery.................... J. M. Scudder.......................... 1,007 2,506 Cherokee........................ H. W. Barnes.......................... 332 Crawford.........................H. W. Barnes.......................... 260 Labette........................... W. Barnes................. 386 Montgomery.................. H. W. Barnes.................... 40 1,018 Cherokee................... J. G. Parkhurst....... 17 Crawford........................ G Parkhurst..................... 47 Labette...........................J. G. Parkhurst...................... 291 Montgomery.................... J. G. Parkhurst....................... 20 375 Billings........................... Joel Holt....................... 108 Jewel.............................. Joel Holt............................... 885 Mitchell. Joel Holt........................... 917 15... Osborne...........................Joel Holt............................... 433 Phillips........................... Joel Holt................................ 443 Rooks.............................. Joel Holt............................... 114 Smith.............................. Joel Holt................................ 617 3,513 3,508 VOTE FOR STATE SENATOR, TO FILL VACANCY IN THE NINETEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Names of Candidates. Counties. 4 A H. Bronson..................... Douglas.............. 2,105 2,'105 639 D. C. Haskell................ Douglas................................ 1,466 1,466 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 625 VOTE FOR'MEMBERS"'OF IHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Counties. Names of Candidates. 5 1 Doniphan........................Nathan'Springer............................ 483 26 B. A. Seaver......................................... 300 D. W Ripy157 ~2 ~~-..X. K. Rippey........................................... ~ 157 Z X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.K~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~(~~ I X~ Stout~c.........................................] 543 288 B. O'Driscoll...[255 B.- O'D iscl........................255 3...................................... F. H. D)renning................................... 208 21 Jacob Ramsel....................................... 187 B. F. Bowman..............................;.. - ~ 179 4 Atchison......A................. A. A i. H. orton..................................... 825 501 L. S. Howe........................... 324 5.............................. Robert White............................... 469 Samuel Stoner............................; 487 18 6......................;........... D. G.-Wilson........................................ 476 21 G.W. Thompson......................-;.;..... 455 7 Brown............................ Joseph D. Hardy................................. 922 455 John D. Secr467 John D.Spencer...................JE.ayo....-........... 467 8 Nemaha........,, J. E.'Taylor........................ 476 239 George Graham................................... 237 9....................................... C. S. Cummings.................................. 403 159 10.MarshallPete'r Hamilton................................... 244 10 MarsAllen Reed.1,128 248 10 1'Marshall.;.......................... Alleni Reed............................... 1,128 248 M. D. Tenney...................................... 880 11 Washington............ A. G. Baber......................... 673 119 Wm, H. Knight................................... 554 12 Riley................................. H. P, Dow................................... 777 107 12 Riley.H.....P..Dow.... 777 107 Geo. T. Polson............................... 667 13 Pottawatomie........ O...... J. Grover..'....................... 470. 19 E., McKee........................................... 451. 14.Js H.Seh.. 428 36 ~4...................................... Jas. H. Shehi....................................... 428 36 Jas. P. Shannon................................ 384 15 Jackson......................... John Biikett. 600 33 A-.- L. Stevens..............:........................ 567 16 Jefferson......M......... M.C. Mowry...................................... 401 6 J. B. Johnson...... 395 17......................V............ V.-Brown....... [................ 468 125 David Rorick................................ 343 18..................................... E. K. Townsend.................. 407 7 E. M. Hutchins.............................. 269 J. A.Codey....................................131 19 Leavenworth D. R. Anthony................. 441 253 Jas. McMichael.................................... 188 20 1~~~~~~~~~~......................... Jos. W. Taylorn................................... 228 2 GeJas. McMichael.......................... 226188 20.. Jos. W. MiTaylor.................................... 228 2 Geo. A. Moore...................................[226 21................~~~i~~~;~;~;,~~ S. N' Latta,,...............,,,......... 23 Gas. F. Millergate...................................... 386 22......................... i..............; T. P. Fenlon......................................., 721 721 23.~~......................................~ Wa~tson Tucker..................;.........-......... 338,~ 16 J M. Orr...........Lega............................. 3 25....................,,....................,,, C. W. Lawrence.................................. 265 W. H. Taylor................................. 264 C. C Duncan;................ 190 22.~T. P. FenlonM i..................................... 721 721 23........................ Sanford Ha......Watson Tucker................................. 3 1 6 J. S. Hudson.................................. 257449 JamesJ. Crook......................................... 39265 24...............Jm sM....di.... Re B. Taylor................................. 47725 18173 JnoA. D. CruiEvans............................ 303244 28 ohnson.... JThos. Hancock.................................... 403 94 25..C......................W Carter.............................. 309 W. H. T aylornton.................................... 264. 198 29 1......................................... W. WTT. Maltby.................... 475 122 C. AikC. D ncan...................................... 353 F. M. Smi thffen.................................. 221 3026 Wyandotte........................anford Ha.... Ge. Rogers.............................. 425 152 J. K. H udson.......................... 4.........4.... 4 James. Gensel......................................... 392 27..R.....................RB. Taylor......................425~ 181 28 ~~~Jno. D. Cruise....244 28Johnson...Thos. Hancock...................403 94 31 MiamiH....... i;. J. S. Cusarter......................................... 658 J.................. 19 29..W.................... W.W Maitby..................475 122 R. Aikoman......................353 W. M.~Sheaji.241....David Anderson............. 413 40 626 ANNA4S.OF KANSAS. [1873: VOTE FOR MEMBERS- OF HOUSE'OF REPRESENTATIVES -CONTINUED. i R Counties. Names of Candidates. 32 Miami.................... L. Hendrickson............................. 303 M. Tinkham..................................... 760 457' 33 Linn............................. J. R. Van Zandt................................. 475 87 Wm. Mackey..................................... 388 34.......................................... Herbert Robinson............................... 318 200 J. C. Marshall.................................. 117 L. Newell............................................ 35.................. Charles Campbell................................ 364 164 James W alker.................................... 200 36 Bourbon................... S. Bird.................................... 451 170 Wiley Bollinger................................ 281 37........................................ David Johnson................................. 532 347 W. R. Griffin................................ 185 38..T.........................~...... T. F. Robley................................686 272 J. D. Manlove............................... 414 39 Crawford.......................... W.E. McGuire................................... 402 134 A..J. Vickers................................. 267 40............................................. A. B. Mitchell............................... 279 95 A. M. Brown...................................... 184 S. J. Langdon................................ 174 41 Cherokee..................... L. Conklin.................4.............. 474 33 M. Douglas......................................... 42.......................................... T. Stowell..............................20 224 T. W ells..................................196 43 Labette.......................... J. I. Williams............................523 176 G. C. W est...............................347 J. S. Waters.................................. 209 G. W. Chess............................... 184 44.............................. W. H: Mapes.........564............. 564 76 Isaac Butterworth...................... 486 45 Neosho....................... James M. Allen............................... 508 58 C. F. Hutchings................................... 450 T. H. Butler..................................... 196 46.......................................... P. Leech................................... 595 312 M. McLachlin............................... 197 W. A. Nichols................................. 86 47 Allen'.......................... E. H. Funston.................................... 436 147 J. A. Christie....................................... 287 48................................. Eli Gilbert.......................................... 301 35, J. W. Ellis...............246.................. 246 49 Anderson.......................... J. E. W hite......................................... 550 111 B. M. Lingo....................................... 439 50 Franklin........................... Mason.............................. 502 1 H. M. Robb........................................ 320 W m. H. Clark................................ 181 51............................................ J. H. Harrison.................................... 655 36 J. Hanway...................................... 292 52 Douglas............................ J. C. Horton................................ 510 42 Alexander Love.................................. 468 53.......................................... John C. W atts................................... 715 424 Alex. R. Banks................................ 290 54........... L.H. Edson........................ L H.......................... 733 644 A. K. Lowe.................................... 89 55.......................................... William Roe..................................... 702 702 56 Shawnee................... Ira C. Johnson................................ 530 57 Daniel M. Adams................................. 473 57....................... John M artin....................................... 1,028 617 J. B. McAfee...................................... 411 58................................ Jacob W elchhans................................ 376 169 Lewis Hanback................................... 207 John G. Otis..................................... 196 59 Osage................................ B. Burdick.................................... 579 52 W. W. Morris................................ 525 60........................................ N. A. Perrill....................................... 577 *72 W. H. Wilson...................................... 505 61 C offey............................ F. W. Potter..................................... 542 48 Jacob Baer.................................... 494 O. W alkling.................................. 384 H. Teachout........-......................- 46 62 W oodson........................... Frank Butler.................................. 517 163 L. M. Olden............................... 299 William Peck............... 53' 63 Wilson......................... J. A. Beam................................... 774 112 1873.] ANNALS OF KA'NSAS. 62 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - CONTIN.UED. Counties. Names of Candidates. i. 63 Wilson (concluded).......... Thomas Blakeslee.............................. 662 64 Montgomery.............. John Boyd................... 570 2 C. S. Brown...................................... 567 65.......................................... A A. Stewart..............................6...... 631. 68 J. S. Russum....................................... 563 66 Howard........................... James N. Young................................ 88 21 W. H. Guy.......................................... 767 O. D. Lemert................................. 763 67 Greenwood..................... J. W. Johnson45................................ 44 86 J. B. Clogston......................368 68 Lyon................................ M. J. Firey........................................ 542. 148 Mark Patty......................................... 394 69........................................ H. F. McMillan................................... 611 495 P. P. Herrick................................ 116 70 Wabaunsee........................ Abram Sellers............................'486 258 Arthur Reed............................... 228 71 Davis................................ C. Stickney.......97....................... 497 154 G. E. Beates...3............................... 343 John K. Wright................................... 223 72 Morris.............................. Thomas S. Huffaker............................ 534 114 C. L. Thomas...................................... 369 W. A. McCollom................................ 48 73 Chase............................... T. S. Jones.......................................... 330 34 J. G. Winne................................. 290 74 Butler............................ H. D. Hill............................... 963 270 David Young...................................... 693 75 Cowley............................. William Martin................................... 738 70 James McDermott............................. 666 76 Sedgwick............... E........... P. Thompson................................... 904 409 Z. McClung.......................................... 495 77 Marion........................ B.- Pinkney........................................ 745 738 78 McPherson.................... T. E. Simpson...................................... 331 J. M. Underwood................................ 382 51 79 Dickinson....................... J. M. Hodge........................................ 613 174 E. Barber............................................. 439 80 Clay.................................. S.D. Beegle...................................... 622 10 C. W. Lindner............................. 19 81 Republic............................ W. H. Pilkenton................................. 522 - 81 R. P. West.................................. 441 A. D. Wilson....................................... 90 82 Cloud............................... B. H. McEckron........973 973 83 Ottawa.s........................... R. F. Thompson................................. 483 298 J. J. Jenness.......................... 183 84 Saline.... Jonathan Weaver............................... 619 18 M. D. Sampson................................. 601 J. H. Snead.......................................... 145 85 Ellsworth..................... H.L. Pestana................................. 306 90 Perry Hodgden..................... 216 86 Lincoln............................. Volney Ball......................................... 287 80 J. Harshbarger................................... 1861 David G. Bacon................................... 21 87 Mitchell........................ D. C. Everson................................ 569 186 Y. Douglass................................ 383 88 Jewell............................. C. E. Parker.................................. 685 317 George S. Bishop................................. 368 89 Ellis................................ H. J. McGaffigan.............................. 152 1 T. K. Hamilton................................... 151 90 Wallace............................ No returns. 91 Rice................................. M. J. Morse........................................ 1 2 William Lowrey................................. 103 T. H. Watt.......................................... 98 92 Sumner..W. P. Hackney................................. 90 539 W. H. Carter................................ 249 93 Osborne........................ Calvin Reasoner................................. 266 99 R. T. Osborne................................. 167.94 Reno............................... C. C. Hutchinson................................ 341 120 J. W. Kanaga..................................... 221 95 Smith............................. J. T. Morrison............................ 258' 25. L. N. Plummer................................... 105 L. C. Uhl................. 213 96 Harvey............................. A.C. Richardson................................. 511 481 Charles Schaeffer........................... 20 97 Barto n............... J. F. Cu ming........................... 201....... 38 628 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. VOTE FOR MEMBERS' OF HOUSE OF REPRESjNTATIVES-COCNCLUDED. Counties.. | Names of Candidates. - C 97 Barton (concluded)............... Aid.Mcinney............ 163 98 Russell................................ John Fritts........ 165 3 B. W. Goodhue................................ 162 ~99 Phillips.............................. John Bissell..................................... 254 68 J. T. Wood.................................. 186 100 Billings............................... C. C. Vance................................ 81 52 Thos. Biermont..... 29 101 Pawnee............................... Henry Booth................................... 48 16 W. R. Adams........... 32 102 Rooks................................. Henry Taylor................................. 110 105 103 Ford................................... James Hanrahan...................... 163 107 M V. Cutler...................................... 55 John Taylor.......... 1104 Barbour....................... W. E. Hutchinson.............................. 278 278 105 Harper................................ Wm. H. Hornor........ 256 235 G. E. Phillips...................................... 21 106 Ness....................... G. Rodgers............................. 263 263 107 Comanche....................... A. J.. Mowry....................................... 272 272 Total...................................................... 89443...... NOVEMBER 18.-Stitzel and Blair, horse thieves, shot and killed at Grasshopper Falls. NOVEMBER 19. —In a lecture delivered in Washington, Frederick Douglass says John Brown's Constitution for the government of the proposed insurrectionary Republic was written in his house, in Rochester, New York, and that he still possesses the original draft. -The Death of the Kansas Magazine is announced. NOVEMBER 22.- Gov. Osborn appoints Robert Crozier U. S. Senator. NOVEMBER 25.-Major J. K. Hudson buys the Kansas Farmer. The Farmer had been published in quarto form from September 1, 1867, by George T. Anthony. The volumes contain the agricultural and industrial history of the State. They are well printed, and contain articles written by prominent citizens in every county. Major Hudson changed the form to folio. NOVEMBER 30.-Fourth Annual Report of D. Dickinson, State Librarian. Volumes in the Library, 9,241. NOVEMBER 30. —The following table of Land Grants to Kansas railroads is copied from Poor's Railroad Manual: Acres Quantities Date of Laws. Name of Road. Ceted. ane Certified. Granted. March 3, 1863... Leavenworth, Lawrence and. Galveston.............. 168,189 800,000 July 1, 1864...... Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe......................................... 3, 000,000 July 1, 1864...... Union Pacific, Southern Branch....................... 500, 000 July 23, 1866..... St. Joseph and Denver City.............................................. 1,700, 000 July 25, 1866..... Kansas and Neosho Valley, now known as Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad..................... 2, 350, 000 July 26, 1866..... Southern Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad, now Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad..... 508, 342 1,520, 000 July 1, 1862....... Central Branch, Union Pacific 227, 941 245,166 July 2, 1864....... Central Branch, Union Pacific f July 1,1862. K. ansas Pacific. 600 July 2; 1864........Kansas Pacific 0,0 N.OVE MBER 30. —. The following table shows the length-of each railroad in the State, and the value 1873.] ANNALS OF KANSAS.. 629.per mile, as fixed by the Railroad Assessors. The total assessed value, given in the table is too large, some of the roads running through inorganized' couities where no tax'is levied or collected: -.:" - No. miles Ass'd val. Total Ass'd Namae of Road. loperated. per mile. valuation. Kansas Pacific.......................................... 476'.550 $7, 900 $3, 764, 745' Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston.;.................. 187.100 5,300 i' 991,630 Missouri River, Fort Scott & Gulf 1.......................... 158.886 7, 222 1: 14, 474 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe.. 496.160 5, 000 2,480, 800 Missouri, Kansas & Texas.................................. 252.980 4, 700 1, 189, 006 Kansas Central................ 55.270 3, 000; 165, 810 Junction City & Fort Kearney.................. 33.000'3,000 99, 000 Central Branch............................... 100.000 4-000 400,000 Leavenworth, Atchison & Northwestern..............:....;:- 21.155 7, 250 153, 373 Saint Joseph & Denver.................................. 137.690 4,700 647,143 Missouri River........................................... 22.244 8, 000 177, 952 St. Louis, Lawrence, & Denver, Carbondale Branch....... 30.600 3, 500. 107,100 St. Louis, Lawrence &: Denver......5............ 39.250 4, 000 157, 000 Doniphan & Wathena............. 13.500 3,000. 40, 500 Atchison & Nebraska.................................. 38.213 4, 779 182,619 Total...............................0.................................... 2,062.598.............. $11,704,154 "The Kansas Pacific escapes payment on 30.85 miles in Trego county, $243,715; 31 miles in Gove county, $244,900; and 76.80 in Wallace county, $606,720; total, $1,095,333, on 138.65 miles. I suppose the tax is now paid on the parts of roads running through military reserves, Attorney General Williams having decided lastyear that it ought to be paid. "The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road escapes payment on 17.64 miles in Pawnee county, $88,200; on 24.28 miles in:a tract of land now outside of any county, $121,400; on 38.32 in Ford county, $191,600; on 25.96 in Foote county, $129,800; on'25.31 in Sequoyah county, $126,550' on 26.34 in Kearney cournty, $13i,700; and on 28.65 miles in Hamilton county, $143,250; or $932,500 on 186.50 miles. "The railroads of Kansas are therefore assessed at $9,676,319. "' Poor's Railroad Manual, a high authority, says the railroads in Kansas have cost $53,258 per mile. On this estimate, the value of the 2,062 miles of railroad in Kansas is $109,817,996, or more than one hundred million dollars more than: the amount for which they are assessed. Mr. Poor is friendly to the railroads." —Auditor Wilder's Report. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the: State for the year: Governor's Department............ $8, 075 00 I Printing................................. 54,089 18 Secretary's Department.............. 18,130 59 Agricultural College.................. 23,225 96 Auditor's Department................. 5,369 50 Freedman's University............. 1,100 00 Treasurer's Department............ 6,551 00 State Librarian........................ 1,881 60 Attorney General..................... 1,850 00 Transcribing Journals-.............. 2,054 45 Adjutant General.................... 550 00 Horticultural Society... i, 000 00 Sup't of Public Instruction....... 4,211 95 Agricultural Society.................. 5,290 00 Judiciary......................... 47,297 43 Regents.................... 2..........:2,558 90 Normal School, Emporia.......... 16, 976 03 State House and grounds......... 9,945 80 Normal School, Leavenworth... 5, 988 65 Revising Tax Laws...............,.. 450 00 Blind Asylum....................... 11,586 01 J.C. Douglass, Territorial Sup't... 850 00 Deaf and Dumb Asylum........... 35,078 17 Conveying prisoners to PenitenInsane Asylum......................... 25,575 00 tiary................ 643: 70 State University....................... 24,531 53 J. M. Matheny............ 5,000 00 Legislative expenses................. 50,172 24 Miscellaneous accounts1.;.... 0o...: i,908 75 Entertaining Neb. Legislature... 1, 771 50 Penitentiary......................... 71, 200 00 Total for 1873............. $444, 902 94.,.....: DECEMBER. —Report of Joseph C. Wilson, C. S. Brodbent and;Charles Puffer, Board of Commissioners on Public.Institutions, under the act of March 6, 1873. W. P. Barnett, of Brown county, and P. a.:Eider, of Franklin county, appointed Commissioners under the act:, resigned. 63'0 zANNALS OF KANSAS. [1873. The chapter on the University cites the statutes relating to the institution; gives a list of its lands, and says none have been sold. "The amounts given by the city of Lawrence to the University are as follows: Site' of old building, valued at............................................... $10, 000 Value of old building...2;................................................................................. 20, 000 Site of new building, valued at.......................................................................... 40, 000 Amount given' by Amos Lawrence to the city of Lawrence for educational purposes, and with his consent turned over to the University, and now bearing interest in Kansas State bonds................................................................... 10, 300 Amount voted by the city of Lawrence for new building............................. 100, 000 Total given by city of Lawrence............................................................ 82, 300 The amount of cash received'for the fifty thousand dollars State scrip appropriated in 1872, was. $48, 097 20: priated in 1872, was.........................f..........2.2................................... $48, 097 20 From the one hundred thousand dollars of city bonds.............................. 90,500 00 Total cost of new building thus far, in cash............................ $138,597 20 In addition to this, there is an unpaid building account standing against the - University of seven thousand four hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty-one cents, making the entire cost paid and unpaid.......................$146,042 01 "Appropriations made by the State: Undrawn. Appropriated. 1866.$4,114.......................... 02 $7,000 00 1867...................................................3,714 58 13,094 84 1868......................................................................................... 533 34 7,500 00'1869.............................................................. 11,670 00 1870 -......... 14,570 33 1871................................................... 7-50 17,665 00 1872 (exclusive of the $50, 000 building fund)............................. 18, 290 00 1873~..........................1.................................. 128 47 24,660 00 - $9,240 41 - $114,450 17 Total drawn from State, aside from the $50,000 for building.....................$105, 209 76 - "There was also an act'passed in the year 1864, page 194, to refund to the citizens of Lawrence five thousand one hundred and sixty-seven dollars. This, it will be observed, was the year after the Quantrell raid. "The University has always been fortunate in having an able Board of Managers - men noted for their superior qualifications in education, of intellectual attainments and financial and administrative experience; and the records show none of the humiliating bickerings and strife that have disgraced the meetings of the boards of some of our other State institutions." The State Normal School at Emporia has received 38,400 acres of land from the State; only 486 acres have been sold. "The following, taken from the books of the State Auditor, will show the amount of money drawn from the State for all purposes, except members of the Board: 1864-Salaries of teachers................................ $1,000 00 1865-Salaries of teachers............................................................................. 2, 000 00 1866 -For building..........1........................0.......................................... 10, 000 00 Salaries of teachers........................................................................... 3, 000 00 1867 — For building..........................5......................................... 5, 650 00 For enclosure of grounds............................................................ 1, 000 00 For well and cistern........................................................................... 850 00 For salaries of teachers............................................................... 4, 000 00 For furniture, books, etc..................................... 1, 500 00 For Model School............................................................................... 1,000 00 1868 — For salaries of teachers............................................................................................ 1,50 00 For Associate Principal...............00........0.......................... 600'00 For salaries of female teachers.................................... 1,000 00 (Not drawn, $50.) For Model School.................................900 00 (Not drawn, $275.) For extra work.............................................. 50 00 Forclassifying lands.......................................................................... 427 00 For deficit current expenses................................. 290 00 For insurance................................................................................... 75 00 For diplomas............................................................. 110 00 For catalogues.............. 150 -00 For chandeliers and lamps............................................... 60 00 For American Cyclope edia................................................... 100 0O For dictionary and maps........................................................124 00 (Not drawn, $26.) 1873.] AN2vTALS OF KANSAS. 1869-For current expenses........................................................... 10,106 00 (Not drawn, $175.38.) 1870- For-current -expenses.............................................................. 10, 542 46 (Not drawn, $143.79.) -. -1871-For miscellaneous............................................................................. 8 475 00 (Not drawn' $50.15.).. 1872-For building....................................................................;.......... 50, 000 00 For current expenses.........................................................................'11, 940 00 (Not drawn, $417.) 1873-For current expenses and extra cost of building....................... 17,829 50 (Not drawn, $854.47.) Total not drawn.....................................................................$1, 991 79'Total amount expended- by State............................................................$142, 297 17 "The above does not include pay of members of Board of Regents, as provided by law, but it does include other different items allowed by former Boards to its members for expenses, etc." A list of its lands is.given. The following is copied from the brief account of the Leavenworth Normal School: Appropriations made: Undrawn balances: 1871...................$..................5......,971 70 1871............................................. $593 90 1872........................................... 7,581 03 1872....................................... 13 50 i1873................................... 6,000 00 1873............................................. 11 82 The Agricultural College is treated at length. The land given by the 7United States is supposed to be about 81,600 acres. The State did not re*ceive the 90,000 acres, for the reason that some of the land selected was within railroad limits, and one acre within those limits counted for two loutside of that limit. Mr. Goodnow sold 44,829 acres; Mr. Elliott has isold 64Q. Amount received from sales, $197,157.06. " NUMBER OF ACRES UNSOLD. IN EACH COUNTY. Washington county.......1.............'i2,640.00 Riley county..................... 2,691.50 Dickinson county........................ 16,000:00 Clay county............................. 480.00 NMarshall county......................... 4,320.00'I Total.......................................................................................-36,131.50 "The amounts drawn from the State from year to year, according to the books of the State Auditor, are seen below: 1864............................ $2,892 25 1870................................. 85..... ~...................................~. 3,316 50 1871.............................................. 41866.......- 1872. 15,000 00 1867..i................................18,011 10 1873....................................... 23,000 00 188....................................... 6,420 00 1869........................................... 8, 919 00 Total...................................$77,468 5 "This amount, of course, is exclusive of the amounts paid the La'nd'Agents, ILoan:Commissioner, and Regents." The following is copied from the chapter on the Insane Asylum: "iThe amounts drawn from the State, according to the State Auditor's books, are-as -follows::1'864...Locating Asylum............... $5 00 1870...Current expenses............ 18,073 00'i866:.Current' ex. andbuilding, 3, 500'00 Undrawn balance.....$6 20 -;i867...Currentexp. and building, 7,775'00 1871...Curren t expenses.......... 18,931 00 -1i68..Curirent exp.'and building, 12, 600 00'Building' fund.................... 40,000 00'- Building'fund.................... 20,000 00 1872...Current expenses...... 21,000 00 1869...Curent expenses.............. 12,'244'00 1873..Current expenses.............. 25, 57 0'0 - i Undrawn balance......$2 50.... Total'for all'purposes............................... $186,168 87 "'Of the foregoing-amount about $80,000 have been expended for buildings, repairs, barn, privies, iell,trees,'walks, and fencing:"'. In 1868, $20,000 were appropriated in State bonds. -Cost -of the:main bui-lding, $74,677. 632 ANNALS: OF KANSAS. [1873., The following is c6pied from the chapter on the Blind Asylum: The total amount drawn from the State for all purposes, except pay.of Directors and Trustees, is shown by the State Auditor's books as follows: 1867. $;810,000 00 1872.; 10,100 00 1868..... 11,722 11 1873..................................... 11,586 01 1869.................................. 10, 150 00...... 1870................................ 8,900 00 1871 7703 36 Total................-............. $70,161 48 181............................................. 7.70,161 There was a balance undrawn in1869........................ $57 20 1871................................................................................................... 105 39 1872............................................................................... 11 04 1873...... 3 99................................................................................................... $177 62 Total cash................................................................. $69, 983 86 The Deaf and Dumb Asylum appropriations are summed up in the following table:. The amount drawn from the State, not including Trustees' salaries, nor' buildingfund, except for out-houses, cisterns, and general repairs, is the Auditor's. books, as'follows: Date.' Undrawn. Appropriated. 1862............................. $500 00 1863................................................................. 484 15 1,500 00 1864''....:'.. 170 00'... 1, 800 00: 1865.......... -.2,8.................; 622,28.89 4,500 00 1866................................................ 250 01 15,600 00 1868 - 200 00 10,500 00 1869 41 15 0 i2,29402 23 87 otals.........................494 1407, 00941 99..Totals...............................................................',.......... $10,941' 996 Total cost of curreit' expense:..........,'';'.;' $101,447"64 Add cost of old builaing.................................................. 15, 50.0 00 Add cost of new building..............................................................2......... 0, 0 Grand total.............'.....................$36,947 64The following relates to the Penitentiary: The annexed statementl furnished by Auditor'Wil]der, gives the amount drawn: from the -State; but we believe that a full and exhaustive examination of the State. records, appropriations, and Penitentiary records, will'show that this statement will vary some: 1861...C. S. Lambdin, Commissioners.......................... $153 00 1861...Cohen & narksoh, clothing................................................ 0..............' 00 o0 1861...Leavenworth county, boarding...................................... e...............545 30' 1861...Leavenworth county, boarding.... 739 50 1862...Leavenworth county, boarding.........................8... b! * —-................: 333 75' 1862..Leavenworth county, boarding............................................................ 600 00 1862...Cohen & Markson, clothing..................................................112 50 1862...John McCarty.................................................................................... 29 50 1863...From appropriations....................'............................................ 7, 279 74 1864...From appropriations....................................................... 7680 94 1865... From appropriations.............................1................................. 14, 336 39: 1866...From appropriations.............................................................. 41,148 47 1867...From appropriations.................................................................... 115;540 55 1868... From appropriations.......................................................'................... 42 316 35 1869... From appropriations..:............;.........................................................105, 275 93 1870..'. From appropriations...........................................................:.................... 35,000 00 1871...From appropri ations............................................................................. 35,000 00 1872...From appropriations..,...7.....,...0................................................ 77, 065 00 1873...From appropriations..........................71, 200 00 Although'not strictly within our jurisdiction; asspecified in the' la.w'authorizing' this Board, but simply for general information and at the request of'several of' the' 1873.] ANNASL OF KANSAS. 633, State officers, we include as below given, the total expenditure upon the State House and grounds: 1863...Fencing grounds, etc.......;................. $958 50 1864...Trees. and fencing.........................1........................................ $41 50 Improving grounds..................................................... 809 85 851 35 1865...Planting trees......................................... 299 50 1866...Capitol.......................................................................... 42, 492 65 1867... Bonds.: 100 000 00 Trees............................................................................ 82 00 Repairs...................... 50 00 100,132 00 1868...Bonds,...........;............. 150,000 00 1869...Bonds................................................ 70,000 00 Commissioners;Killen; Bowman, and Hammond.............. 1,500 00' Building..........:................................................ 49,997 30 12,497 30 1870...Commissioners' services, Killen, Hammond, and Bowman, 375 00 Commissioners' travelling expenses, Killen, Bowman, and Hammond............................................................. 1,325 25 J. G. Haskell, Architect................................... 666-60' Tweeddale & Cook, privy..............................,.... 2, 129 91' Tweeddale & Cook, building steps................................. 300 00 Scott Bros., painting........................................................ 152 50 Tweeddale & Cook, drains....................................... 64 00 Tweeddate & Cook, repairs.......................................7..... 7 00 H. J. Miller, gas fixtures,................................................ 4,500 00 John Goodin, heating............................................ 3,852 00 Tweeddale & Cook, extra work................................. 174 62' M. B. Crawford, repairs................................................. 3 50 Excelsior Gas Co., fixtures................................ 570 75 Buiing......................................................................... 4,707 16 18, 828 35 1871...W. Tweeddale..........................................;......... 394 00 Improvement of grounds................................. 5, 000 00 5,394 00 1872...Improvement of grounds................................................. 5, 000 00 Building.................................................................... 559 16 Building east portico................................. 25, 000 00 30,559 16 1873...Building east portico........................................................ 9, 500 00 Improvement of grounds.............................................. 350 00 9, 850 00 Total...................................................................... $480,862 81 RECAPITULATION. State House building................................................................................. 467, 813 46 Improving grounds.................................................................... 13, 049'35 $480, 862 81 DECEMBER 15.-The Leavenworth Times says United States Attorney Scofield has agreed not to prosecute Pomeroy for bribery; the trial is set for the first Monday in January.. -James F. Legate becomes Editor of the Leavenworth Call. - George S. Smith, Treasurer. of Leavenworth county, is a defaulter to the amount of $72,000. DECEMBER 18.-Thomas. $. Morrison, of the SurveY'or General's office,. says the centre of the State is in Rice county, viz.: thecorner of sections 5, 6, 7, and 8, township 18, south,.range 9, west. DECEMBER 20.-Secretary Smallwood reports the organization of the following counties: Foid, April 5; Barbour, April 14; Harper, August 20; Ness, October 23; Comanche, October 28. DECEMBER 31.-The Emporia Normal School has had 218 students; the Leavenworth.Normal School.99. There'are 121 patients in the Insane Asylum; 52 piupils in the D..'af and Durimb Asylum -'.the new building will be completed in February.'" The State University has had 239 students. There are 121,690 children enrolled in the public schools; value~of schoolhouses, $3,408,956; the' perm!anent.schodl'fund amounts- to $1,003,688.99. St. Benedict's- College, Atchison, has 95 7tudents; Mount St. Mary's Female Academy, Leavenworth, 55..Thereiare graded.public schools at Atchisorr, Chetopa,Concordia, Fort Scott, Hiawatia;'Indepndence, Junction City, Leavenworth, Louisville, Neosho, Falls, Oswego, Parsons,,.Wichita, and Wamego. 634 ANNALS OF KANSA-S. [1874. 18 74. JANUARY l.-There are one hundred and forty-eight newspapers published in the State, representing the following counties: Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Barton, Bourbon, Brown, Butler, Chase, Cherokee, Clay, Cloud, Coffey, Cowley, Crawford, Davis,' Dickinson, Doniphan, Douglas, Ellis, Ellsworth, Ford, Franklin, Greenwood, Harvey, Howard, Jackson, Jefferson, Jewell, Johnson, Labette, Leavenworth, Lincoln, Linn, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Miami, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morris,'Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Reno, Republic, Rice, Riley, Russell, Saline, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Smith, Sumner, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wilson, Woodson, and Wyandotte. JANUARY I.-V. P. Wilson buys the North Topeka' Times, of J. V. Admire.. JANUARY 9.-The Kansas Farmer issued at Topeka. -The Opposition members of the Legislature declare that the Caucus held on the 8th was not for the purpose of forming a new. political party. JANUARY 13. —' Meeting of the Legislature. STATE OFFICERS. Names. P. O. Address. County. Thomas A. Osborn, Governor............................. Leavenworth.. Leavenworth.' E. S. Stover, Lieutenant Governor............................. Council Grove.. Morris. W. H. Smallwood, Secretary of State.......................... Wathena........ Doniphan. A. L. Williams, Attorney General................................ Topeka............ Shawnee. HI. D. McCarty; Superintendent of Public Instruction.. Leavenworth... Leavenw'th. F. k. iayes, State Treasurer.......................... Olathe......... Johnson. Daniel W. Wilder Auditor of State..................... Fort Scott...... Bourbon. Geo. W. Martin, State Printer.................................... Jurrction City.. Davis. 0. A. Morris, Adjutant General................................ Fort Scott...... Bourbon. D. Dickinson, State Librarian............................ Topeka............ Shawnee. dV.'Russell, Superintendent Insurance Department..... Leavenworth.. Leavenworth. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Names., P. O. Address. County. S. A. Kingman, Chief Justice........................ Topeka........................ Shawnee. -D. J. Brewer, Associate Justice...................... Leavenworth............... Leavenworth. D. M. Valentine, Associate Justice................... Ottawa........................ Franklin. JUDGES OF DISTRICT COURTS. Names. Districts,. P. O. Address. County. H. W. Ide.................... First.............. Leavenworth Leavenworth.'P. L. Huibbard.................................'Second............ Atchison............ Atchison. John T. Morton.. Third.............. Topeka.............. Shawnee. Owen A. Bassett.............................. Fourth............ Lawrence........... Douglas. XE. B. Peyto......................... Fifth............... Emporia... Lyon. M. V. Voss................................... Sixth............ Fort Scott.......... Bourbon. 3ohn R. Goodin................................ Seventh.......... Humboldt.......... Allen. Ja;mes H. Austin......E................... Eighth_........ Junction City.... Davis. William R. Brown........................... Ninth.............. Hutchinson....... Reno. riiram Stevens......T.t............... Tenth....... Paola.................. Miami. B. W. Perkins.......................... Eleventh......... Oswego....... Labette.. A.. Wilson.......;.;..................... Twelfth.. Washington.... Wash'ingto. W. P. Campbell.............. Thirteenth...... Eldorado.,... Butler.:; J. R. Prescott................................. Fourteenth.,..... Salina............. Saline. Joel1....l............................... -. Fifteenth Beloit..........f Mitchell. ~ —-ByronSherry, Judge Criminal Court,: Leavenworth county. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 635 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Names.'~ Pol. Post Office. County. Occupation. E. S. Stover, Pres.. 39 Rep. Council Grove... Morris......... Merchant. 1 Nathan Price...... 36 Rep. Troy................. Doniphan........ Lawyer, 2 W. H..Grimes..... 71 Rep. Atchison.......... Atchison......... Physician. 2 J. C. Wilson......... 29 Rep. Muscotah........... Atchison......... Far. & st'ck dea'r 3 E. N. Morrill........ 40 Rep. Hiawatha.......... Brown............ Banker. 4 Frank Schmidt... 43 Rep. Marysville'........ Marshall...... Banker. 5 L. R. Palmer........ 55 Rep. St. Mary's.......... Pottawatomie.. Farmer. 6 J. W. Rogers........ 53 Rep. Boyle's Station... Jefferson......... Farmer. 7 J. T. McWhirt...... 45 Dem. Leavenworth..... Leavenworth.. Farmer. 7 Jacob Winter...... 62 Rep. Leavefiworth..... Leavenworth Law. and farmer 7 Thos. Moonlight.. 40 Rep. Leavenworth-..... Leavenworth.. Surveyor. 8 B. Judd............ 49 Dem. Wyandotte........ Wyandotte...... Banker. 9 John P. St. John.. 41 Rep,. Olathe........... Johnson.......... Lawyer. 10 E. H. Topping..... 43 Rep. Somerset............ Miami............. Farmer. 11 A. F. Ely............. 35 Rep. La Cygne........... Linn............... Lawyer. 12 W. E. Guerin....... 26 Rep. Fort Scott.......... Bourbon......... Lawyer. 13 Wm. Simpson...... 36 Lib.. Pawnee Station.. Bourbon....... Farmer. 14 W. M. Matheny... 41 Rep. Baxter Springs... Cherokee........ Lawyer. 15 J. H. Crichton..... 30 Rep. Chetopa............ Labette........... Lawyer. 16 W. L. Simons...... 35 Rep. Osage Mission... Neosho........ Lawyer. 17 W. A. Johnson..... 42 Rep. Garnett.............. Anderson........ Lawyer. 18 A. M. Blair.......... 411 Rep. Ottawa............... Franklin........ Banker. 19 M. A. O'Neil........ 42 Rep. Black Jack......... Douglas........... Physician. 19 Henry Bronson... 54 Ref.. Lawrence........... Douglas........... Farmer. 20 N. C. McFarland.. 51 Rep. Topeka.............. Shawnee......... Lawyer. 21 C. S. Martin......... 37 Rep. Osage City......... Osage............ Farmer & miller. 22 Chas. B. Butler.... 35 Far'r Le Roy................Coffey.............. Stock-grower. 23 A. M. York.......... 35 Rep. Independence..... Montgomery... Lawyer. 24 Wm. Martindale... 38 Rep. Madison............ Greenwood..... Farmer. 25 M. VM Murdock.... 37 Rep. Wichita.............. Sedgwick........ Editor. 26 Henry Brandley...'33 Rep. Matfield Green... Chase........... Farmer. 27 V. P. Wilson........ 45 Rep. Abilene............. Dickinson....... Editor. 28 E. Barker...... 57 Rep. Jewell City....... Jewell............ Farmer. 29 John H. Edwards. 49 Rep. Ellis................... Ellis............... Farmer. OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Names.' Pol. Post Office. County. Occupation. Tom H. Cavanaugh, Secretary...' -30 Rep... Salina.......... Saline.......... Farmer. D. B. Emmert, Ass't Secretary... 37 Rep... Humboldt.... Allen.......... Publisher. Geo. W. Findlay, Serg't-at-Arms 32 Rep... Fort Scott..... Bourbon...... Coal dealer. Geo. W. Weed, Ass't Ser-at-Arms 38 Rep... Leavenworth Leavenworth Farmer. S. M. Lanham, Journal Clerk..... 26 Rep... Seneca........Nemaha........ Book-keeper. W. H. Cowan, Docket Clerk........ 32 Rep... Independe'ce Montgomery Farmer. Nellie Blake, Enrolling Clerk..... 21 Rep... Fort Scott..... Bourbon...... Teacher. Sarah J. Neal, Engrossing Clerk'45 Rep... Atchison...... Atchison. C. J. Burk, Doorkeeper............... 54 Rep... Waterville... Marshall...... Farmer. H. L.;Burgess, Ass't Doorkeeper. 24 Rep... Olathe.......... Johnson........ Book-keeper. F. S. McCabe, Chaplain.............. 45 Rep... Topeka......... Shawnee...... Minister. Jennie A. Griffith, Messenger..... 16 Rep... Topeka......... Shawnee.....Jennette Edwards, Messenger...... 13 Rep... Paola............ Miami.......... E. Halloch Morris, Messenger..... 12 Rep... Topeka........ Shawnee... Student. J. W. Edwards; Postmaster......... 37 Rep..., Paola............ Miami.......... Farmer. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names..' Pol. Post Office. County. Occupation. 82 B. H. McEckron, Speaker... 39 Rep.. Shirley........... Cloud........ Farmer. 1 N. L. Springer.................. 42 Ref... Severance........ Doniphan.. Farmer. 2 Xerxes K. Stout................ 48 Lib.. Troy............... Doniphan.. Law, and far. 3 F. H. Drenning................. 38 Rep.. Wathena......... Doniphan.. Lawyer. 4 Albert H. Horton..,.... 38 Rep.. Atchison... Atchison... Attorney. 5 Samuel Stoner.................. 46 Far. Lancaster........ Atchison... Farmer. 6 D. G. Wilson..................... 38 Rep.. Effingham....... Atchison... Farmer. 7 J. D. Hardy........................ 38 None Hiawatha,....... Brown... Farmer. 636 ANNAS, OF KANSAS. [1874. MEMBERS OF TIE HOUSE, OF REPRESENTATIVES- CONTINUED.~ gl ~ii~ b~hLO Politics. Post Names. PPos iice. County. Occpation. 8 J. E. Taylor...........34 Indep. Seneca..........Nemaha..Lawyer. 9 C. S. Cummings....35 Rep........ Centralia... Nemaha......... BlaCksmith; 10 Allen Reed........... 40 Rep,-. Reedville........'..Marshall........ Failder.. 11 A. G. Baber.... 41 Rep........ Clifton..... Washington.. Farmer. 12 H. P. Dow...... 33 Rep...... Berlin:..........I... Riley...... Farmer. 13 0. J. Grover.......... 46 Rep... Savannah Pottawatomie Farmer. 14 James Shehi...'.... 41 Rep........ Otter Lake........i Pottawatomie Farmer. 15 John Birkett......... 55 Rep........ Circleville.......:. Jackson......... Clergyman. 16 M. C. Mowry......... 43 Ref........ North LawrenCe. Jefferson........ Farmer. 17 Val. Brown........50 Farmer. Media.... Jefferson....... Farmdr.' 18 E. K. Townsend......35 Ref. Grasghop'r Falls. Jefferson........ Farmer.' 19 D.R. Anthony......50 Rep. Leavenworth... Leaveiiworth. Editor. 20 J.W. Taylor.........530 Dem..... Leavenwoth...... Leavenworth. Atty at law. 21 S. N. Latta...... 52. Rep........Leavenwotth.. Leavenworth. Real Etate. 22 Thos. P. Fenlon..... 36 Indep..... Leavenworth.:.. Leavenworth. Attorney. 23 W. Tucker............54 Rep........ Leavenworth.... Leavenworth. Farmer. 24 James Medill......... 54 Rep........ Springdale........ Leavenworth. Farmer. 25 Chas. W. Lawrence 45 Farmer.. Lawrence......... Leavenworth. Farmer.' 26 Sanford Haff........35 Dem:..... Wyandotte........ Wyandotte... Farmer. 27 R. B. Taylor........52 Ind.Rep. Wyandotte.'.... Wyandotte. Editor. 28 Thomas Hancock... 33 Liberal.. Stanley.............. Johnson....... Farmer. 29 W. W. Maltby.......55 Indep..... Olathe.......... Johnson......... Farmer., 30 Geo. F. Rogers....... 42 Ref....;.. Hesper..... Johnson........ Farmer: 31 J. C. Cusey............43 Ref.:.:.... Paola............ Miami.........Farmer. 32 M. Tinkham........ 33 Farmer.. Lewisburg........ Miami:......... Farmer. 33 J.R. Van Zandt..... 37:Rep.-.;...Pleasanton......... Linn...........:Merchant. 34 H.' Robinson......... 37 Ref..... Farlaridville....... Linn.............. Farmer.' 35 Charles Campbell... 37 Ref....... Mapleton........... Linn............. Farmer. 36 S. Bird..................37 Rep..:...I Glendale.....:...... Bourbon........ Farmer. 37 David Johnson...... 5' Rep..... Uniontown........ Bourbon..' Farmer. 38 T. F. Robley..........33 Rep....... Fort Scott..'....... Bourbon......... Lawyer. 39 W. H. McGuire......37 Liberal... JacksonVille..:... Neosho.......... Farmer. 40 A. B. Mitchell........ 47i Liberal... Girard..'........... Crawford........Farmer. 41 L. Conklin............ 40 Ref......Neutral'City..:... Cherokee........ Farmer. 42 L.T. Stowell.:........ 58 Ref':....... Baxter Springs.... Cherokee...,.:. Farmer. 43 j. L. Williams......26 Ref...... Oswego........... Labette......... Nurserym'n 44 W. H. Mapes.........43 Rep....... Oswego.............. Labette........ Farmer. 45 James M. Allen......31 Rep,........ Urb,hna..............Neosho....... Farmer. 46 T. P. Leech...........35 Indep..... Thayer............. Neosho......... Farmer. 47 E.H. Funston........37 Rep........ ola........... Allen............. Farmer. 48 Eli Gilbert............. 51 1...... Humboldt.; Allen.............. Lawyer. 49 J. E White............54 Rep........ Garnett............. Anderson...... Farmer. 50 C. B. Mason.....40 Lib. Ind.. Ottawa............... Franklin... Attorney. 51 J. H. Harrison.....43 Ref......... Wellsville..-....... Franklin.......: Farmer. 52 James C. Horton... 36 Rep...... Lawrenc......... Douglas........ Gen'l Agent. 53 John C. Watts.....39 Ref........ Lawrence....... Douglas........ Maso'n. 54 L. H. Edson...... 43 Ref..:.... Belvoir.............. Douglas........ Farme; 55 William Roe.........42 Farmer.. Vinland...... Douglas........ Farmer. 56 I. C. Johnson......... 64 Ref........ North Topeka..... Shawnee..F.... Farmer. 57 John Martin......... 40 Dem......[.Topeka............ Shawnee......i. Attorney. 58 Jac. Welchhans..... 39- Ref......... Topeka............ Shawnee........ TeaCher. 59 D. B. Burdick........43 Rep...... Burlingame....... Osage........ Farmer; 60 N. A. Perrill.........30 Rep........ Reading.. Osage............ Farmer. 61 F. W. Potter..........41 Indep..... Burlington......... Coffey........... Farmer. 62 Frank Butler........; 3 Indep.... Kalida.............. Woodson....... Farimer. 63 J. A. Beam............65 Farmer.: Veri'......;. Wilson....... Farmer. 64 C. S. Brown..... 33 Rep........ Independence..... Montgomery.. Lawyer. 65 A. A. Stewart......... 37 Ref........ Independence..... Montgomery.. Farmer. 66 James N. Young... 58 Rep........ Pawpaw............ Howard......... Farmer. 67 James W. Johnson 32 Indep... Janesville.......... Greenwood... Farmer. 68 M. J. Firey............ 34 Farmer.. Emporia............ Lyon........ Farmer. 69 H. F. McMillan... 37 Rep...... Agnes City......... Lyoh............ Frmer. 70 A. Sellers.............. 37 Rep........Alma.................. Wabaunsee..... Editor. 71 A. C. Stickney....... 40 Rep........ Junction City..... Davis............. Merchant. 72 T.S. Huffaker......- 48 Rep........ Council Grove..... Morris........... Farmer. 73 Thomas S. Jones... 33 Rep........ CottonwoodFalls Chase............ Lawyer. 74 H. D. Hill............ 34 Rep........ Augusta........... Butler........... Physician. 75 Win. Martin.. 60. 0' Farmer.. Winfjld..... Cowley. Farmer. 76 / 60 [ Farm~~~~~~~~~er.....'Wihfi 1a""........... 76 E. P. Thompson.....'56''Rep........'Wichita......... Sedgwick...... Fariner. 77 B. Pinckney.. 48'Rep.....;.. Pe'adbqdy........... Marion......... Fatmer. 78 J. M;. Uinderwood...'33 "None..... Mkrette......... McPherson... Farmer. 79 J. M: Hodge........... 48 Rep........ Abilene...,.... Dickinson......Physician. 80 S. D. Beegle........... 50 Ref........ Cly enter....... Clay............... Farmer. 81 W.H. Pilkenton...'40 Rep Bellville:.... Republic........ Laj r. 1874.] ANVNALS OF KANSAS. 637 MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF' REPRESENTATIVES-CONCLUDED.?- Names. ~ Pol.. Post Offce.; County.. Occupation. 83 R. F. Thompson.... 27 Rep..I Minneapolis..... Ottawa.......... Lawyer. 84 Jonathan Weaver.. 37 Fmr Lesterville...... Saline......... Farmer. 85 H. L. Pestana........ 30. Ind.. Ellsworth....... Ellsworth...... Lawyer. 86 V. Ball.................. 33 Rep.., Colorado.......... Lincoln.......... Farmer. 87 D. C. Everson........ 26 Rep.. Glen Elder...... Mitchell......... Physician. 88 C. E. Parker......... 50 Rep.. Holmwood...... Jewell............ Farmer. 89 H. J. McGaffigan... 36 Rep.. Hays City....... Ellis.............. Merchant. 90 No election...........W... Wallace........;. 91 M. J. Morse........... Rep.. Brookdale........ Rice............... Minister. 92 W. P. Hackney..... 31 Rep.. Wellington...... Sumner........ Attorney. 93 Calvin Reasoner.., 36, Rep.. Osborne City...... Osborne....... Farmer. 94 C. C. Hutchinson... 40 Rep.. Hutchinson..... Reno............ Land Agent.'95 J. T. Morrison. 32 Rep.. - Cedarville..... Smith:............ Farmer. 96 A. G. Richardson... 43 Rep.. Newton........... Harvey......... Farmer. 97 J. F. Cummings... 42 Ind.. Great Bend...... Barton............ Editor.: 98 John Fritts........... 34 Rep.. Bunker Hill..... Russell......... Fmr.&stk.raiser. 99 John Bissell........... 44 Rep.. Phillipsburg..... Phillips......... Farmer. 100 C. C.Vance............ 40 Rep.. Norton.......... Billings.......... Lawyer. 101 Henry Booth......... 35 Rep.. Larned............ Pawnee.......... Farmer. 102 H. R. Taylor......... 33 Rep.. Stockton..... Rooks...........I Stock raising. 103 James Hanrahan., 34 Ind.. Dodge City....... Ford............ Tradesman. 104 W. E. Hutchinson.. 26 Rep.. Medicine Lodge Barbour...... Farmer. 105 Wm. H. Hornor.... 32 Rep..[ Bluff City.......... Harper........ Lawyer. 106 S. G. Rodgers. 40 Ref.. Smallwood City Ness. Physician. 107 A. J. Mowry......... 40 Rep.. Smallwood (...... omanche..... Farmer. OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Names. Offce.' Pol.'Post Office. County. Alex. R. Banks...... Chief Clerk................ 38 Rep.. Lawrence........ Douglas. John C. Moseley...... Assistant Chief Clerk... 30 Rep.. Clay Centre..... Clay. O. W. Bromwell...... Journal Clerk............. 28 Lib... Wichita........... Sedgwick. A. B. Ostrander...... Docket Clerk.......... 27 Rep.. Lawrence....... Douglas. Emma R. Bristol.,... Enrolling Clerk........... 22 Rep.., Humboldt...... Allen. Rebecca Flower...... Engrossing Clerk.....35. Rep.. Topeka........ Shawnee. James M. Matheny.. Sergeant-at-Arms....... 31 Rep.. Topeka........... Shawnee. R. V. Kennedy........ Ass'tSergeant-at-Arms 32 Rep.. Bunker Hill... Russell. George E. Brown..... Doorkeeper.................. 27 Rep.. Olathe............ Johnson. A. H. McWhorter... First Ass't Doorkeeper 35 Rep.. Lawrence..... Douglas. Patrick Gilson........l Sec'd Ass't Doorkeeper 60. Dem Leavenworth... Leavenworth M;. B. Crawford.... Postmaster...............: 38 Rep.. Howard City.... Howard. Emma Duncan...... Page........... 13........ Ottawa........... Franklin. Mary Fletcher......... Page............................ 13........ Topeka............- Shawnee. Jennie Maxwell...... Page.............T.............. Topeka............ Shawnee. Augusta Nilson........ Page................ 12......... Topeka............ Shawnee. George W. Latham..] Page.......................... 12.. Belleville......... Republic. Lorin Cozine........... Page........................... 12 Iola. Allen. Harland Cummings Page........................... 10.... Great Bend...... Barton. JANUARY 14.-Election'of officers of the State Board of Agriculture: President, Geo. T. Anthony, Leavenworth; Vice President, E. H. Funston, Carlyle;'Treasurer, J. C. Wilson, Topeka; Secretary, Alfred Gray, Topeka. ~Members of the Board: Joshua Wheeler, Pardee, Atchison county; C. S. Brodbent, Wellington, Sumner; S. J. Carter, Burlington, Coffey; H. R. Crowell, Baxter Springs, Cherokee; I. O. Savage; Belleviile, Republic; L. Wilson, Leavenworth, Leavenworth; W. P. Popenoe, Topeka, Shawnee; S. T. Kelsey, Hutchinson, Reno; John H. Edwards, Ellis, Ellis. Officers by Appointment: Geologist, B. F. Mudge, Manhattan; Entomologist, E. A. Popenoe, Topeka; Meteorologist, Prof. Frank H. Snow (Professor of Natural History and Meteorology, State University), Lawrence; Botanist,. Prof. James H. Carruth, Lawrence; Chemist, Prof. W. K. Kedzie (Professor 638 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. of Chemistry, State Agricultural College), Manhattan; Signal Service Commissioners, Frank H. Snow, Lawrence; B. F. Mudge, Manhattan; J. H.' Carruth, Lawrence; Taxidermist, O. S. George, Topeka. The Tenth Annual State Fair was held at Leavenworth. -Meeting of the Farmers' Co-operative Association. JANUARY 14. —George R. Peck, -of Independence, appointed United States District Attorney. JANUARY 15.-Albert H. Horton. offers a resolution for the appointment of a committee to investigate the charges made by the Auditor against the Treasurer. JANUARY 16.-Death of Peter T. Abell, the founder of Atchison. JANUARY 19.-The United States Attorney General issues an order for the District Attorney of Kansas to begin a suit in the United States Circuit Court to test the validity of patents issued to railroad companies for any part of the Osage Ceded Lands. -County-seat war in Howard county. JANUARY 27.-Vote of the Senate for United States Senator, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alexander Caldwell: Thomas A. Osborn 4, Wm. A. Phillips 2, James M. Harvey 5, S. A. Kingman 4, P. B. Plumb 4, J. K. Hudson 2, John Davis 1, I. S. Kalloch 1, J. C. Carpenter 2, J. D. Snoddy 1, D. W. Wilder 1, W. R. Laughlin 1,'W. I. Larimer 1, D. R. Anthony 1, W. L.' Simons 1, George T. Anthony 1, Charles Sumner 1. -. Vote of the House: Thomas A. Osborn 16, Win. A. Phillips 17, J. C. Carpenter.3, J. M. Harvey 7, John R. Goodin 1, M. E. Hudson 5, N. Green 1, P. B. Plumb 13, Wilson Shannon 2, B. H. McEckron 1, Johnson Clark 5, D. W. Wilder 3, E. G. Ross 3, S. A. Kingman 9, M. M. Murdock 5, E. S. Stover 1, Charles Robinson 2, W. H. Smallwood 1, A. M. F. Randolph 1, Henry Bronson 2, J. K. Hudson 1, John Martin 1, W. D. Rippey 1, George T. Anthony 2, James D. Snoddy 1, James H. Crichton 1, D. R. Anthony 1. JANUARY 28.-The Senate Journal, page 127, contains the opinion of: A. L. Williams, Attorney General, on the 500,000-acre land case. JANUARY 28.-Vote for Senator in Joint Convention: In the Senate: J. M. Harvey 4, T. A. Osborn 3, P. B. Plumb 3, S. A. Kingman 3, E. S. Stover 8, W. R. Laughlin 2, John T. Morton 1, D. M. Valentine 1, J. Davis 1, Wm. Larimer 1, Charles Robinson 1, W. A. Phillips 5. In the House: J. M. Harvey 10, T. A. Osborn 13, P. B. Plumb 18, S. A. Kingman 7, E. S. Stover 1, Charles Robinson 10, W. A. Phillips 19, W. L. Simons 5, Nathan Price 5, E. G. Ross 5, M. E. Hudson 2, B. H. McEckron 1, D. W. Wilder 2, C. C. Hutchinson 1, W. H. Smallwood 1, A. M. F. Randolph 1, Henry Bronson 2, J. K. Hudson 2, M. M. Murdock 1. Whole number of votes cast, 139. Necessary to a choice, 70. JANUARY 29.-Vote for U. S. Senator: In the Senate: E. S. Stover 12, J. M. Harvey 5, W. A. Phillips 3, J. K. Hudson 3, T. P. Fenlon 2, Chas. Robinson 1, J. D. Snoddy 1, N. C. McFarland 1. In the House: E. S. Stover 8, P. B. Plumb 17, J. M. Harvey 13, W. A. 1874.] A2NNALS OF KANSAS. 639 Phillips 18, J. K.; Hudson 20, T. P. Fenlon 10, Chas. Robinson 8, E. G. Ross 4, Sam'l A. Kingman 3, W. H. Smallwood 2, Nathan Price 1, D. W. Wilder 1, A. M. F. Randolph 1. JANUARY 31.-Vote for U. S. Senator: In the Senate: J. M. Harvey 5, E. S. Stover 12, J. K. Hudson 3, P. B. Plumb 5, T. P. Fenlon 2, Chas. Robinson 1, W. A. Phillips 3. In the House: P. B. Plumb 20, J. M. Harvey 17, E. S. Stover 15, J. K. Hudson 15, W. A. Phillips 13, Chas. Robinson 10, T, P. Fenlon 9, E.G. Ross 2, N. Price 1, N. Green 1, S. A. Kingman 1, A. M. F. Randolph 1. -The Topeka Blade discontinued. FEBRUARY 2.-Vote for Senator: In the Senate: J. M. Harvey 18, P. B. Plumb 4, W. L. Simons 2, E. S. Stover 2, J. D. Snoddy 2, D. M. Valentine 1, Charles Robinson 1. In the House: J. M. Harvey 58, P. B. Plumb 17, W. L. Simons 14, E. S. Stover 6, Charles Robinson 3, T. P. Fenlon 2, N. Price 2, A. M. F. Randolph 1, D. R. Anthony 1. FEBRUARY 3.-B. L. Kingsbury appointed Regent of the Agricultural College, in place of Rev. Dr. Charles Reynolds, resigned; Charles A. Bates,' in place of Rev. N. Green, resigned; James H. Crichton, Regent of the Emporia Normal School, in place of John W. Horner, resigned. — State Temperance Convention at Topeka. FEBRUARY 10.-The House, by a vote of 57 to 26, asks for the speedy trial of ex-Senator Pomeroy. FEBRUARY.-The Fort Scott Monitor publishes the following poem,: written by Eugene F. Ware, of that city: THE GEESE AND THE CRANES. It is sunrise; in the morn It is evening; and the haze Stands a field of ripened corn, Of the short, autumnal days And the rich autumnal rays Like a mantle seems to rest Of these Southern Kansas days On the dark and leaden West. Fill that field of ripened corn Shattered is the field of maize. With an opalescent haze. Homeward fly the geese; the cranes And the flocks of geese and cranes, Linger, picking golden grains. Pick the fallen, golden grains. It is midnight; rains and sleet It is noontime; and the rays On the blackened landscape beat; Of the Indian summer blaze, And there nothing now remains And the field of ripened corn, Of that field of standing corn. Much more shattered than at morn, But through darkness, sleet and rains Seems emerging from the haze. Comes the crying of the cranes, Fewer geese, but far more cranes, As they search through fields forlorn, Pick the fallen, golden grqins. Fighting for the final grains. Hours the grains, and life the field Where the golden grains are had. And our habits, good and bad, Represent the geese and cranes, Eating up the golden grains. Few the habits that are best, And they early go to rest. But through sleet and midnight rains Heard the clamors are of cranes, Fighting for the final grains. -Ironquill. 640 ANNALS OF -KANSAS. [1874. FEBRUARY 10. —John A. Anderson, President of the-Agricultural'College, invited to address the Legislature on the 13th. FEBRUARY 12. —Dedication of the Masonic Temple7 at Leavenworth. -Burning of the Central Block, Atchison. FEBRUARY 13.-W.: H. Grimes appointed Trustee of the Insane Asylum. FEBRUARY 17.- - "DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR; OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, l "WASHINGTON, D. C., February 17, 1874. "SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, by reference from the Hon. Commissioner of the General Land Office, of your communication dated the 4th instant, requesting a list of all Indian Reservations in Kansas, disposed of by the Government since the 29th of January, 1861, the date of the admission of Kansas as a-State into the Union, out of which the State did not have reserved to it the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections for school purposes, and the area of each such reservation. "In compliance therewith, I have the' honor to submit the following report: Acres. CHEROKEE NEUTRAL LANDS...................................................... 793,288.80 CHIPPEWA AND MUNSEE LANDS: Chippewa and Munsee lands, sold...........'..................... 3,801.31 Chippewa and Munsee lands, reservation...................... 4, 395.31= 8,196.62 DELAWARE LANDS: Sold to Leavenworth, Pawnee & Western-Railroad Co............. 223, 890.84' Sold to Missouri River Railroad Co;............................................ 92,598.33 Reserved by treaty stipulations.................................. 7, 494.08=323, 983.25 KANSAS TRUST AND DIMINISHED RESERVATION LANDS................. 256, 063.77 KICKAPOO LANDS: Sold to Atchison & Pike's Peak' Railroad Co....................... 123,832.61 Allotments........................................................... 8, 312.14 Reservation....................................... 20,272.53=152,417.28 MIAMI LANDS: Allotments.......................................................................... 6Q, 023.85 National Reserve.................................................................. 10,608.13= 70, 631.98 NEW YORK' LANDS - 32. allotments............1............................. 10, 215.63 OSAGE CEDED LANDS —under treaty of Sept. 29, 1865, (Stat. at Large, volume 14, p. 687,)...........................'960,000.00 OTTAWA LANDS: For schools.................................................. 19, 997.76 Buildings............................................................................. 640.00 Allotments........................................................................... 24, 970.00 Trust lands..;......................................................................... 30,134.95= 75, 742.71 PEORIA, KASKASKIA, &C.: Allotments to Larrimer and Shields................................ 321.55 Sold April, 1868.......... 5,312.82 Unsold April, 1868, and now allotted......................... 641.61 Seventy-four allotments, approved in 1858.......................... 42,000.82= 48, 276.80 POTTAWATOMIE LANDS: Sold to Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Co................... 338, 766.82 Allotments........................................................................ 150, 444.41 Mission lands....................................... 1,654.62 Diminished reserve................................................................ 77,357.67=568, 223.52 SHAWNEE LANDS- including Black Bob and Absentees.............. 200, 000.00 Grand total in acres.............................................................. 3, 467, 040.36 "The foregoing lands comprise all the Indian lands in Kansas held as such January 29, 1861, which have since been disposed of, either by sale or allotments, or are retained as reservations, from which the school sections (16th and 36th) were not reserved to the State. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "EDWARD. P. SMITH, Commissioner. "To Hon. S. A. Cobb, House of Representatives." FEBRUARY 17.-J. K. Hudson, Topeka, issues a pamphlet containing the Constitution of the Kansas State Grange. Officers: Master, M. E. Hudson, Mapleton, Bourbon county; Overseer, Wm. Sims, Topeka, Shawnee county; Lecturer, John Boyd, Independence; Steward, E. D. Smith, Jewell City, Jewell county; Assistant Steward, J. B. Richie, Franklin county; Chap* NOTE.-The 16th and 36th sections reserved for school purposes, in'Trust Lands, (Statutes at Large, volume 17, p. 90.') 1874.] ANINALS OF KANSAS. 641 lain, W. S. Hanna, Ottawa; Treasurer, H. H. Angell, Sherman City; Secretary, G. W. Spurgeon, Jacksonville; Gate Keeper, W. H. Fletcher, Clay county; Ceres, Mrs. Mattie Morris; Flora, Mrs. M. H. Charles; Pomona, Mrs. Amanda C. Rippey; Lady Assistant Steward, Mrs. Jennie D. Richie. Executive Committee: F. H. Dumbauld, Jacksonville, Neosho county; I. B. Shaeffer, Grasshopper Falls; W. P. Popenoe, Topeka. State Agent: John G. Otis, Topeka. These officers were elected February 17, at Topeka. FEBRUARY 19.-W. H. Johnson starts the Hays City Sentinel. -The Temperance- Crusade reaches Kansas. FEBRUARY 20. —Meeting in the Court House, Topeka, to form an "AntiMonopoly and Reform party," participated in by John Davis, A. M. York, Henry Bronson, and others. Simpson, Robinson, Goodhue, Burnett, Beegle, Akin and Potter appointed a committee to call a State Convention. FEBRUARY 23.-The State Treasury Investigating Committee make a report, and ask the impeachment of the Treasurer. FEBRUARY. —Death of Gov. William Walker, of the Wyandotte tribe of Indians. He came with the tribe from Ohio, some thirty years ago. FEBRUARY 25.-Suits begun to determine the question of the title to the Osage Ceded Lands. FEBRUARY 26.-The Senate Journal, page 338, contains the report of Senator M. A. O'Neil on Price Raid claims: "Whole amount of scrip for damages......................................................... $159,191 34 Interest on scrip for damages....................................................................... 78,000 00 Whole amount of scrip for all other purposes............................... 94,338 48 Interest on scrip for all other purposes.. 46,000 00 Additional claims audited and allowed under the provisions of sec. 1 of the supplemental alct of the laws of 1873.................................... 1, 018 16 Amount due, to be provided for out of the consolidated military fund, as provided for under sec. 3 of the foregoing act......................................... 236 50 Total amount of interest certificates issued for scrip paid............................. 124,000 00 RECAPITULATION. Damage scrip.............................. $139,191 34 Damage scrip............................................................................................. $ 159,191 34 Estimated interest on same................................... 78, 000 00 Service and other scrip....................................................................... 94,348 48 Estimated interest on same.................................... 46, 000 00 Additional claims, 1872................................................................... 1,018 16 Additional claims, 1873.................................... 236 50 Total outstanding scrip........................................................................ $378, 794 48 After deducting the amount of $336,817.37 of scrip cancelled with money appropriated by act of Congress." MARCH 2."The question recurring on the resolution charging Hon. Josiah E. Hayes with high crimes and misdemeanors in office, and that he be impeached, the roll was called with the following result: Yeas, 74; nays, 20."-House Journal,p. 781. -James H. Austin appointed Judge of the Eighth District. MARCH 3.-The House elects the following Imnpeachment Managers: A. H. Horton, C. B. Mason, John Martin, T. S. Jones, W. P. Hackney, T. P. Fenlon and F. W. Potter. MARCH 4. —Message from Governor Osborn, from which the following is copied: ".It appears that the county seat of Howard county was, at an election held in September, 1873, located at Elk Falls, and that at a subsequent election it is claimed was voted to the town of Boston, but the county officers were temporarily enjoined from removing the records of the county to Boston by an order of the District Court of said county, under date of Dec. 11, 1873, and a motion to dissolve the injunction was heard at 41 642 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. chambers on the 2d day of January, 1874, before Hon. W. P. Campbell, Judge of said District, and overruled. On the 20th day of January, 1874, a party of armed men, numbering one hundred and fifty, entered the town of Elk Falls, and with force and arms took possession of and carried away the books, papers, records, files and office furniture of the several county offices, and conveyed them to the town of Boston in, said county." MARCH 5.- Benj. B. Gale appointed Postmaster at Atchison. — Frank H. Drenning appointed State Agent for the sale of railroad lands. — Death of Wmn. E. Bowker, at Los Angeles, Cal. He came to Kansas. in 1855; was a member of the Territorial Legislature, of the Wyandotte Convention, Treasurer of Shawnee county, and was one of the incorporators of Lincoln, now Washburn, College. MARCH 6.-The House Managers exhibit articles of impeachment against Josiah E. Hayes, State Treasurer, to the Senate. They are signied by A. H. Horton, C. B. Mason, F. Wm. Potter, Thomas S. Jones, and Wm. P. Hackney. Wilson Shannon, B. F. Simpson, and A. Smith -Devenney, Attorneys for' the Treasurer, present an answer to the articles. MARCH 7.-.Senator Henry Bronson, of Douglas county, resigns. — O. J. Grover appointed Director of the Penitentiary. MARCH.-The new Chapel at the Penitentiary dedicated; services by Rev. Richard Cordley, of Lawrence, and Rev. B. L. Baldridge, Chaplain of the Penitentiary. MARCH 10.-Cassius G. Foster, of Atchison, appointed United States District Judge. -Normal School located at Concordia, Cloud county. -Adjournment of the Legislature. Bond laws disappearing from the statute-book. Among the acts passed are the following: Apportioning: the State into three Congressional Districts; Making an appropriation to test the title to the Osage Ceded Lands; Amending the bond-registration: law and restricting the power to issue municipal bonds; Providing for the appointment of State Centennial Managers; A civil-rights protection law; Defining the boundaries of Edwards, Kiowa, Stafford, and Pawnee counties; Attaching Linn county to the Tenth Judicial District; Establishing a Fiscal Agency in New York; Authorizing Dickinson, Lincoln, Howard, Barbour, Clay, Saline, Pawnee, Reno, Ford, Harper, Jewell, and Barton counties to issue bonds to fund indebtedness; Reappropriating the military fund-; Exempting Mennonites and Friends from military service; Prohibiting lotteries; Authorizing railroad companies to issue preferred stock; A railroad-assessment law, giving the assessment to township assessors; Requiring the education of all healthy children; Providing for the investment of sinking funds; repealing the act creating a Board of State House Commissioners; Repealing the act exempting mortgages from taxation; For the semi-annual payment of taxes. MARCH 11. —Charles Sumner dies, in Washington. MARCH 12.-Arms sent to Howard county. -Senator Morrill, of Maine, reports that no obligation rests upon the United States to reimburse Kansas, or any State, for expenses incurred and 1874.]. ANNALS OF KANSAS. 643 damages. sustained by reason of the incursions of hostile Indians. "The duty of protecting their citizens rests primarily with the States." MARCH 14.-Pension Agent Lines, at Topeka, pays 1,515 pensioners in nine days, $50,000. MARCH 16.-James W. Steele, of Topeka, appointed Consul at Matanzas. MARCH 18.-David Dickinson reappointed State Librarian. MARCH 20. —The Temperance Crusade at its height in the State. MARCH 24.-T. F. Houts and Jas. S. Emery appointed Regents of the University. -W. H. Pilkenton and Frederick Speck appointed Trustees of the Blind Asylum. -Levi Woodard and Jacob Rhodes appointed Trustees of the Insane. Asylum. MARCH 27.-Osage City ships 1,000 tons of coal per week. MARCH 30.-Centennial Managers appointed: George T. Anthony,. Leavenworth; E. W. Dennis, Topeka; S. T. Kelsey, Hutchinson; A. J. North, Atchison; D. J. Evans, Topeka. APRIL 3.-A Digest of Kansas Reports, issued by C. F. W. Dassler, of: the Leavenworth bar. W. J. Gilbert, St. Louis, Publisher. The book em — braces decisions in McCahon's, Dillon's and Woolworth's Reports, in ten. volumes of Kansas State Reports, and Kansas cases in the U. S. Supreme; Court. It contains 279 pages. APRIL 10.-It is reported that there are 1,100 Granges in the State, and! 30,000 members. APRIL 11.-Track-laying begins at Topeka on the Midland road. APRIL 13.-Seven buildings burned in Junction City. Among them the Hale House. APRIL 14.-John Davis issues a circular letter preliminary to calling a Reform or Anti-Monopoly Convention. Convention to be held in June. APRIL 15.-Samuel D. Lecompte, Cyrus Leland, jr., J. G. Mohler, John W. Pipher, C. J. Jones, H. W. Cook, H. C. Cross, G. W. Veale, T. B. Murdock, and John S. Gilmore, the Republican Congressional Committee, meet at Topeka. S. D. Lecompte was elected Chairman, and Cyrus Leland Secretary, of the First District Committee, and a meeting called at Manhattan. H. C. Cross was elected Chairman, and W. A. Morgan Secretary, of the Third District Committee, and a meeting called at Emporia, June 16. Messrs. Cook and Gilmore, of the Second District, called a meeting at Wyandotte, April 17th. The absent members were D. B. Dyer of Cherokee, and John E. Baer of Franklin. APRIL 16.-Death of Anthony A. Ward. He came to the Shawnee Indian Agency, in Kansas, in 1841. In 1854, he selected a claim adjoining Topeka. He was probably the oldest white settler of Shawnee county, and his family is believed to have lived in the Territory and State longer than any other white family. APRIL 17.-A Convention in Franklin county attempts to give birth to an Independent State party. Convention called at Topeka, May 27. APRIL 17.-M. Reasoner, E. C. Snowden, H. E. Smith, M. McKinnod, 644 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. B. H. McEckron, F. W. Sturgis and W. E. Reid appointed Directors of the Concordia Normal School. APRIL 23. —Donnell, Lawson & Co., New York, appointed State Fiscal Agents. APRIL 24.-The first rail rolled in the Topeka Rolling Mills. -Another fire in Emporia; seven buildings burned since January 1st. APRIL 30.-Treasurer Hayes resigns. MAY 1. —John Francis, of Iola, Allen county, appointed State Treasurer. -Albert H. Horton writes to E. S. Stover that the Treasurer has resigned; that this is a "confession of his guilt;" that "the Board of Managers have decided that it is an unnecessary expense to call witnesses before the Senate, and ask you to recall the subpoenas issued, and notify the witnesses summoned that they need not appear." "On the convening of the Senate we shall announce to the Court the resignation, and shall state that we do not deem it advisable to proceed with an expensive trial." MAY 12.-Meeting of the Senate as a Court of Impeachment. J. C. Vincent appears from Douglas county, in place of Henry Bronson, resigned, and Geo. W. Glick in place of Jos. C. Wilson, resigned, of Atchison county. MAY 13.-Adjournment of Impeachment Court. — John Fraser, Chancellor of the University, resigns. MAY 26. —Editorial Convention at Fort Scott. Address by W. S. Burke of Leavenworth; Poem by Eugene F. Ware, of Fort Scott. Officers: President, D. R. Anthony; Vice Presidents, D. W. Houston, Albert Griffin, U. F. Sargent, W. T. McElroy; Secretary, W. R. Spooner; Treasurer, Geo. W. Martin; Orator, Geo. A. Crawford; alternate, Noble L. Prentis; Poet, Mrs. Louis Walker. Next Convention to be held at Manhattan. Excursion to St. Louis. MAY 27. —Independent Reform Convention, at Topeka. W. C. Smith, of Atchison, Chairman; T. C. Nicholson, of Paola, Secretary. The Convention was adjourned to August 5th. The new call is signed by Louis Melius, Isaac E. Eaton, C. A. Buck, T. E. Smith, J. G. Searle, J. B. Scroggs, J. B. Rollinger, C. Davenport, J. G. Otis, E. P. Pomeroy, J. Robinson, Isaac Sharp, O. Shannon, T. Duston, A. McLouth, W. C. Smith, J. Y. Hewitt, J. A. Cody, T. W. Hutchinson, S. Haff, Nelson Abbott, E. K. Townsend. MAY 27.-Mass meeting, at Parsons, of settlers on the Osage Ceded lands. -Geo. W. Crane, Topeka, publishes Township Records and Printed Forms, by Hugh M. Spalding. -A book published with this title: "The Trinity. By F. H. Burris, A. M., Member of the South Kansas Conference. With an Introduction by Prof. Joseph Haven, D.D., LL.D. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. 1874." pp. 216. — In the summer, the Kurtz brothers removed the Florence Pioneer to Augusta and started the Gazette, which they still publish. JUNE 3.-Benj. F. Akers, of Lawrence, sells Ethan Allen, the trotting:stallion. -Special train over the Midland road, from Topeka to Lawrence. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 645 JUNE 7.-The Baccalaureate Sermon at the University is delivered by Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe, of Topeka. George T. Anthony, of Leavenworth, delivers the Annual Address. JUNE 8.-The Osage Ceded Land case argued before the U. S. Circuit Court, at Leavenworth, by George W. Peck, H. C. McComas and Wilson Shannon. -The Pomeroy bribery case brought up before Judge Morton, at Topeka, and Pomeroy's counsel suggested July 27th as the day they would go to trial. This day was agreed upon. JUNE 10.-The John Davis Reform Convention meets at Topeka, and joins the 5th-of-August movement. JUNE 17.-Republican State Convention to meet August 26. -A bill passes Congress making two new Land Districts. JUNE 27.-Indian difficulties reported in the Southwest. JUNE 29.-Charles A. Morris appointed Register and Eli Gilbert Receiver of the Larned Land Office; John H. Edwards Register, John C. Carpenter Receiver, of the Hays City office. -George S. Smith, the Leavenworth defaulting Treasurer, convicted at Atchison. -The Kansas Home Cook-Book published. It is made up of recipes furnished by ladies of Leavenworth and other cities and towns in the State, and is published by the Board of Managers for the benefit of the Home for the Friendless, Leavenworth. Printed at Leavenworth by John C. Ketcheson. pp. 264. A second edition was issued in 1875. JULY 7.-Arch. Shaw and W. A. Shannon appointed Trustees of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. JULY 7.-Snow, Melius & Bain buy the Lawrence Tribune. — Fred. Sowers sells the Wichita Beacon to Milton Gabel. JULY 20. —Appearance of a book containing the "Proceedings of the Court of Impeachment Sitting for the Trial of Josiah E. Hayes, Treasurer, together with the Testimony taken in New York, and a Detailed Statement. of Price Raid Scrip Paid." pp. 352. The book contains the Report of the Investigating Committee, the action of the House upon it, the proceedings of the Senate, a list of the witnesses summoned, the depositions taken in New York by A. L. Williams and C. B. Mason, and a list of the Price Raid scrip made by P. B. Castle. This last-named list fills 212 pages. JULY 22. —Orville. H. Browne, a pioneer, dies at Peace, Rice county, aged 59 years. JULY 27.-Pomeroy bribery case before Judge Morton. The motion to quash the information was overruled by Judge Morton, -on the 29th. An application for a change of venue was then made by Pomeroy's counsel, and the cause was sent to Osage county. -Three horse-thieves hung in Sumnere ounty, by the Vigilance Committee. JULY 30.-A letter from Jewell county gives the first intimation published in the Commonwealth of the grasshopper raid. AUGUST."Nothing more alarming than the usual predatoray forays of Indians occurred until 646 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. June 16, when a party of savages surprised a citizen of Ford county but a few miles from Fort Dodge, and murdered him; and this was followed by the murder of four others, in quick succession, in Barbour and Comanche counties. The bloody work thus inaugurated did not stop until twenty-six citizens had been brutally massacred within the boundaries of the State. To dwell upon the details of these atrocities is no part of my purpose; they are horrifying in their enormity, and their recital would chill the blood in the veins of the most stoical. Unhappily, the pictures are not new; they have been produced and reproduced on almost every page of our frontier history; all are drawn in bloody colors. Remembering all that our people have suffered from this source, it can scarcely be matter of wonder that among them forbearance toward the Indian has become nearly an extinct virtue. "The United States troops on the borders of the State were, in July and August, nearly all withdrawn for the purpose of accompanying General Miles on his expedition against the Cheyennes, and the State was left comparatively without protection. The Osages, whose reservation lies immediately south of the State, were reported to be hostile, and evidence, almost conclusive, had been obtained of their participation in the murders in Ford, Barbour and Comanche counties. The appeals to me for protection were incessant and urgent. Homes were being abandoned, and interests vital to individuals and important to the State were in danger of annihilation. Feeling myself under obligations to protect peaceful citizens in the enjoyment of their rights of person and property, and the circumstances narrated rendering the necessity imperative, I reluctantly determined to call into active service a limited force of the State militia. This force was increased and diminished as the emergency seemed to require, and at no time exceeded the number that I deemed to be absolutely requisite to protect the State from invasion and the frontier settlers from the fury of the savage. The small force in the field was kept moving actively along the southern line, and I am glad to be able to state that since it was called into the service not a citizen has been killed by Indians on the line of its operations. That many valuable lives and much property were saved by the precautions taken, will not admit of a doubt. Confidence in the ability and disposition of the Government to defend the border was restored, and thousands of citizens who had fled in consternation at the rumored approach of the savages, returned to their homes."- Governor Osborn's flessage, January, 1875. AUGUST 5. —State Independent Reform Convention at Topeka. John Davis temporary chairman, Nelson Abbott;, Secretary, U. A. Albin, Assistant Secretary. Committee on Credentials: H. C. Squires, C. E. Harrington, A. H. Mussey, M. C. Howard, Peter Bell, Wm. Simpson, F. M. Powers, L. McKinzie, Joel Moody, J. Frank McDowell, C. Coddington, E. A. Carr, A. A. Alvord. Committee on Permanent Organization: C. H. Grover, B. P. Waggener, J. H. Eshleman, H. Allen, Jos. Randolph, T. W. Tallman, G. P. Smith, Theodore Alvord, J. C. Cusey, J. H. Rudd, J. S. Vedder, A. Harris, J. R. Dean. Speeches were made by M. J. Firey, H. C. McComas, U. F. Sargent, J. R. Hallowell, Mr. Black, David Linton, Mr. Tuttle, Mr. Christy, G. P. Smith, Mr. Poehler, Mr. Hurst, Nelson Abbott, John Davis, J. C. Cusey, Mr. Majors of Crawford, Mr. Scrogg9, Isaac Sharp, Mr. Dean, Samuel A. Riggs, Alfred Taylor, and Marcus J. Parrott. Oficers: President, John Boyd of Montgomery; Vice Presidents, J. H. Watson, of Lyon, Wm. Kalhoefer of Washington, Sanford Haff of Wyan-.dotte; Secretary, Nelson Abbott of Atchison; Assistant Secretaries, Theo. Alvord of Davis, Peter Bell of Coffey. Committee on Platform: John Davis, N. Abbott, Isaac E. Eaton, H. Allen, HI. C. McComas, W. H. Clark, M. J. Firey, J. R. Dean, Peter Bell. On motion, candidates for Governor: stated their views, J. C. Cusey and 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 647 Alfred Taylor making such speeches. U. F. Sargent vouched for M. E. lHudson. The following platform was adopted: "Resolved, That we, the delegates and representatives of the people of Kansas favorable to the organization of an independent political party, laying aside past differences of opinion, and earnestly uniting in a common purpose to secure needed reforms in the administration of public affairs, cordially unite in submitting these declarations: "That all political power is inherent with the people; that no government is worthy of preservation, or should be upheld, which does not derive its powers from the consent of the governed; that by equal and just laws, the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness shall be assured to all men, without distinction of race, color or nationality; that the maintenance of these principles is essential to the perpetuity of our republican institutions, and that to this end the Federal Constitution, with all its amendments, the rights of the States, and the Union of the States, must be preserved. "That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is indispensable to that balance of power in which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends. "That the conduct of the present Administration in the hold defiance of public sentiment and disregard of the public good; in its prodigality and wasteful extravagance; in the innumerable frauds perpetrated under its authority; in its disgraceful partiality for and reward of unworthy favorites; in its reckless and unstable financial policy, and in its incapacity to meet the vital question of the day and provide for the general welfare, stands without a parallel in our national history, and the highest considerations of duty require the American people, in the exercise of their inherent sovereignty, to check the accumuiation of evil, and bring the Government back to its ancient landmarks of patriotism and economy. "That the faith of the Nation must be retained inviolate; that the public debt, of whatever kind, should be paid in strict accordance with the law under which it was contracted. "That we favor the repeal of the tariff on lumber, and that the tariff on the necessities of common life be abolished or reduced to the lowest possible figure, and that the tax on incomes be restored. "The railroad corporations should be made subservient to the public good; that while we shall discountenance any action calculated to retard the progress of railroad enterprises, or work injustice to these invaluable auxiliaries to commerce and civilization, yet we demand such constitutional legislation upon this subject, both State and Federal, as will effectually secure the industrial and producing interests of the country against all forms of corporate monopoly and extortion. "That in view of the widespread corruption that has penetrated Kansas in every department of its organization as a State, we will support no man for office merely because he is the nominee of a party, but to obtain our votes in every instance he must possess'the Jeffersonian standard of fitness -honesty, capacity, and fidelity to the Constitution.' That the frequent cases of malfeasance in office which have been developed within the last four years upon the part of State and county officials-the losses sustained by the people through the defalcations of county treasurers-imperatively demand such legislation as will secure the tax-payers for all funds paid into the State and county treasuries, and all interest accruing thereon; and we denounce it an act of criminal neglect in the Legislature having failed to provide for the speedy removal of defaulting treasurers from office, and their punishment for malfeasance therein. "That the act of the Legislature of Kansas of March 1, 1866, by which the five hundred thousand acres of land dedicated forever to the school fund by sec. 3, art. 8, of our State Constitution, was divided among and appropriated to four railroad corporations, is unconstituitional and void; that this land still in right and equity belongs to the State land school fund, and measures should be adopted for its recovery. "That we hereby extend our sympathy to the settlers on the Osage lands, and to homestead settlers whose titles are contested- by railroad companies, and we hereby 648 ANNALS OF KANSAS [1874. declare that the Reform party of Kansas will use every honest means to aid these people in their struggle for their homes." Convention reassembled August 6. Vote for Governor: M. E. Hudson 98, J. C. Cusey 52, Chas. Robinson 14, Alfred Taylor 12. Before the result was announced the statement was made that Mr. Hudson would not accept. The Convention was in a tumult, and votes changed froln Hudson to Robinson, and from Robinson to Cusey. The vote was finally declared, James C. Cusey 146k, M.E. Hudson 26k, Davis 1, scattering 8. The name of ex-Governor Robinson was withdrawn by Joseph E. Riggs. E. Harrington was nominated for Lieutenant Governor by acclamation. For Secretary of State: Nelson Abbott 98, B. F. Little 7, G. P. Smith 60, Isaac E. Eaton 2, Pearcely 4. The candidates for Treasurer were James E. Watson of Douglas, A. J. Hopkins of Shawnee, Charles F. Koester of Marshall, and E. W. Majors of Crawford. Pending the roll call, Mr. Koester was nominated by acclamation. For Auditor: G. P.. Smith, of Wilson, 87;' A. J. Hopkins, 41;. Jonathan Weaver, of Saline, 32. Col. Smith was nominated. For Attorney General: J. B. F. Cates, of Allen, 84; J. R. Hallowell, of Cherokee, 87. For Superintendeut of Public Instruction: H. B. Norton, of Cowley, 140; J. E. Bryan, of Allen, 17; John Fraser, of Douglas, 6. For Associate Justice' W. P. Douthitt, of Shawnee, by acclamation. State Committee: F. P. Williams, N. Abbott, S. D. Macdonald, H. L. Moore, J. V. Randolph, John M. Galloway, F. M. Powell, Theodore Alvord, Alfred Taylor, J. F. McDowell, J. S. Vedder, George H. English, H. L. Jones. The delegates from the First District nominated Marcus J. Parrott for Congress. AUGUST 6.-Fire at Paola-the third within fourteen months. Burning of the Spirit and Republican offices. -State Temperance Convention called, by John B. Campbell, G. W. C., Grand Lodge of Good Templars; J. Jay Buck, G. W. C. T.; and David C. Beach, G. W. S. AUGUST 7.-The President locates the new Land Offices at Hays City and Larned. -Expedition against Indians outfitting at Fort Dodge; to be commanded by General Miles. - Grasshoppers reach Topeka, and stay till winter. W. P. Popenoe says:. "They seem to cover the face of the earth." AUGUST 9.-Prof. H. B. Norton, nominated for Superintendent of Public Instruction by the Reform Convention, and Charles F. Koester, nominated for Treasurer, decline the nominations. AUGUST 20.-State Temperance Convention at Topeka. J. Jay Buck, temporary Chairman. Committee on Credentials: Mr. Dearborn, Mr. Beach, Mrs. Flower, Mr. Blakesley, Col. Ritchie. Committee on Permanent Organization: D. P. Mitchell, J. H. Clark; Dr. Newman, Dr. Callahan, Mrs. Wood. Committee on Resolutions: Mr. Beach, W. K. Marshall, Miss A. M. Way, Dr. Ward, Mrs. Wilson, J. P. Root. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 649 Speeches by Rev. H. D. Fisher, Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe; Col. Ritchie, and Dr. J. P. Root. Oficers: President, J. Jay Buck; Vice Presidents, Rev. Mr. Dearbon, Dr. Coon, J. C. Miller; Secretary, D. C. Beach; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Clark; Treasurer, Mrs. John Higinbotham. The resolutions ask for the organization of a State Temperance Society; repudiate the licensing of crime; favor a national prohibitory law; regret that the recent Reform Convention refused to incorporate a Temperance plank in its platform, and repudiate all men and parties who ignore this great issue of the age; recommend an immediate amendment of our State Constitution, giving to woman the right of suffrage; state that there is an irrepressible conflict between the liquor interest and the interests of human society, and that toleration and compromise should not be allowed; protest against the elevation to office of any man addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors; if the Republican Convention ignores this issue, a Temperance Convention should be called for the purpose of organizing an independent party, and nominating an independent ticket. The Convention reassembled on the 21st. The State Temperance League was organized, with the following officers: President, Rev. Dr. Richard Cordley; Vice Presidents, J. P. Root, V. M. Garwood, N. C. McFarland; Secretary, D. C. Beach; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Clark; Treasurer, Mrs. Willam Fairchild; Executive Committee, J. Jay Buck, Noble L. Prentis, Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. L. Sharon. AUGUST 20. —Republican Congressional Convention, First District, at Leavenworth. Called to order by Samuel D. Lecompte, Chairman of Committee. For temporary chairman, D. L. Palmer, of Jewell county, received 43 votes, to 39 for George Storch, of Atchison county. R. R. Hays was elected Secretary. The following committees were appointed: On Credentials: J. M. Hodge of Dickinson, C. C. Vance of Norton, Mr. Curtin of Mitchell, S. A. Couch of Leavenworth, J. S. Hidden of Nemaha, L. R. Palmer of Pottawatbmie, George Storch of Atchison. On Permanent Organization: D. R. Anthony of Leavenworth, John Collins of Pottawatomie, D. E. Ballard of Washington, W. P. Henderson of Jewell, F. J. Wendell of Atchison, Joseph Short of Cloud, Albert Brown of Osborne. On Resolutions: Samuel M. Strickler of Davis, Ferd. J. Wendell of Atchison, D. Williamson of Washington, Henry Inman of Ellsworth, Cyrus Leland, jr., of Doniphan, J. A. Blackburn of'Leavenworth, A. Wells of Nemaha. Officers: President, O. J. Grover, of Pottawatomie; Vice President, H. A. Potts; Secretaries, H. Johnson, R. R. Hays. Dr. Hodge nominated William A. Phillips for Congress; James F. Legate nominated D. W. Houston. Mr. Legate withdrew the name of Col. Houston, announced that Nathan Price had withdrawn, and moved that William A. Phillips be nominated by acclamation; motion carried unanimously. Speeches were made by Colonel William A. Phillips. and Judge Nathan Price. The following Congressional Committee was appointed: D. L. Palmer of 650 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. Jewell, D. R. Anthony of Leavenworth, J. S. Hidden of Nemaha, George Huyck of Ellsworth, J. B. Corbett of Russell, O. J. Grover of Pottawatomie. The following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved, That our Representative be instructed to work for the income tax. "Resolved, That we call upon our Representative in Congress to assist the workingmen in the collection of their claims, due by the United States Government, on account of the evasion of the eight-hour law. "Resolved, That this Convention, confiding in the Republican party as the true and only embodiment of the great fundamental principle upon which free government can safely rest, and recognizing in the consistent declarations and patriotic acts of that party the power which converted a country half slave and half free into a country altogether free, bringing it safely through the dark and trying hours of treason and rebellion to the end of peace at home and respect abroad, do hereby reaffirm our devotion to its principles; that the country gratefully recognizes, as we do, that to the Republican party we are indebted for each and every political reform in the past, and can trust it in unquestioned confidence in the future, for all the reforms demanded in this our progressive age. "Resolved, That we respectfully submit to the Republican State Convention the work of preparing and enunciating a platform as a work prdperly incumbent upon it.. "Resolved, That the delegates of the First Congressional District, in convention assemnbled, respectfully request His Excellency, the Governor of Kansas, to call a special session of the Legislature, to take into consideration the condition of the State, in view of the prospect of the suffering of the inhabitants caused by the destruction of the grasshoppers." AUGUST 22.-The Osage Ceded Land suits decided by Samuel F. Miller and John F. Dillon in favor of the settlers. A jubilee meeting at Parsons is addressed by G. C. West, T. C. Cory, M. W. Reynolds, Willard Davis, and others. -Gov. Osborn asks the President for 2,000 carbines for the Indian war. AUGUST 25.-The western delegates to the Republican State Convention hold a meeting and instruct that Convention to ask for an extra session of the Legislature. AUGUST 26.-Republican State Convention at Topeka. Called to order by John Guthrie. For temporary Chairman, Nathan Price nominated John M. Price; B. F. Simpson nominated John C. Carpenter. Carpenter received 104 votes, Price 94. John A. Martin was unanimously elected Secretary. Committee on Credentials: D. C. Haskell, D. Naylor, Henry Booth, T. L. Marshall, G. M. Waugh. Committee on Besolutions: E. T. Carr, John A. Martin, Benj. F. Ricker, T. D. Thacher, J. Jay Buck, W. J. Bawden, John S. Gilmore, Noble L. Prentis, I. P. Ninde, Benj. F. Simpson, E. A. Wasser, M. E. Lathamn, Jas. Kelly, S. W. Henderson, A. J. Banta. Committee on Permanent Organization: James D. Snoddy, R. R. Hayes, Josiah Kellogg, George W. Gillespie, W. M. McLaughton. Whole number of delegates, 214. Officers: President, T. Dwight Thacher; Secretaries, John A. Martin, W. T. McElroy. Voted to nominate candidates by a viva voce vote. The following platform was adopted:'The delegates of the Republican party of Kansas in convention assembled, confidently appealing to the people of the State for a continued support, point with pride to 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 651 the record of the Republican achievements in the past as the best pledge that the party they represent will he true to every present or future obligation, and equal to every present-or future emergency. "The courage, patriotism and wisdom of the Republican party has been tested and proven; it came into being as the expression of the people against the iniquity of Slavery; it continued in power during the war as the embodiment of their devotion to the integrity of the Union; it abolished Slavery, suppressed armed rebellion, and conquered a permanent peace; it enfranchised the slaves, and secured for them equal political and civil rights; it made just provision for the nation's defenders; it enacted a beneficent homestead law; it organized a financial system whereby the nation was enabled to meet the emergencies of a great civil war, to furnish a sound and uniform currency, and to prevent the commercial depression and disasters usually attendant upon or succeeding civil strife. By successful diplomacy, it has established a principle of peaceful arbitration between nations. It has paid $356,000,000 of the war debt, and $5,000,000 during the last year of financial panic and prostration. It has relieved the products of industry and the necessaries of life from an annual levy and collection of more than $300,000,000 of taxes. Under its rule the national exports have increased from $300,000,000 to almost $650,000,000. It has restored the national credit and maintained the national reputation abroad. It has held in check the turbulent and reactionary forces of the late Rebellion, and has at the same time been tolerant beyond example to those who sought to destroy the Republic. And, finally, with rare courage, has addressed itself to the work of investigating official delinquencies and punishing official dishonesty in its own ranks. "A party whose career has thus been signalized at every step by great achievements, has not only established the strongest title to public confidence, but has presented the best pledge that it is willing and able to satisfactorily and honorably adjust. the new problems of legislation and administration that are pressing for consideration and settlement. We recognize the fact that parties cannot live upon glory. New issues are constantly arising, and the party that deserves to live must be ready to provide for their solution. The past only affords a guarantee that the intelligence which created the Republican party, and the patriotism and wisdom that have sustained it, are sufficient to provide for the emergencies of the present, and make this period date not only the death of Slavery, but as well the birth of a comprehensive Nationality, the strictest and firmest integrity in official trusts, a just protection of individual rights against corporate power, thorough practical reform in every department of the public service, honestly distributed burdens, and honestly exercised powers. Therefore, "Resolved, That the powers of the General Government having been stretched to an unhealthy extent to meet the crisis of civil war and reconstruction, should now be *restored to their normal action; that the public debt should be reduced not spaslmodically, but gradually and surely, and in a way that will not burden the industries of the country by excessive exactions; that any and all schemes of taxation devised to meet the extraordinary demand, should be modified according to the dictates of the strictest principles of economy and justice; that official prodigality, recklessness and corruption incident to times of haste, irregularity and convulsion must give place to economy, stability and honesty, and finally that the only test of political preferment should be capacity and integrity in the discharge of official trust. That as the policy of the Republican party in relation to the finances has afforded the people not only a safe, sound and popular currency of equal and uniform worth in every portion of the commonwealth, but has greatly improved the credit of the country at home and abroad, we point with pride to its record and accomplishment in this regard, and while reaffirming the policy announced by the party in National Convention in 1868 and 1872, and triumphantly endorsed by the people at the polls, a policy which, while contributing to the public credit, has also enhanced the individual and collective prosperity of the American people, we favor such legislation as will make national banking free to all, under just and equal laws, based upon the policy of specie resumption at such time as is consistent with the material and industrial interests of the country, to the end that the volume of currency may be regulated by the natural laws of trade. "Resolved, While all the necessary wants of the State Government should be supplied. by a reasonable, just and uniform taxation, the labor and production of the commonwealth must not be crippled by the employment and maintenance of too many office 652 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. holders; hence, it becomes the duty of the Legislature to lessen'the number of officials, and make such a revision of the laws of the State as to provide for a more economical administration of our State and county affairs. We are opposed to all official gratuities under the guise of an increase of pay or salaries during official terms. "Resolved, That the peril of the Government lies not so much in high ambitions as in low dishonesties, and the pressing duty of the day is to secure honesty and purity in the public service. We commend the courage of the Republican party in instituting investigation of corruptions in office, sparing neither friends nor foes; and we demand such legislation as will bring to certain punishment any officer who, being entrusted with the charge of public funds, appropriates the same for his own use, or fails to properly account for them. Embezzlement is theft, and ought to be punished as such. "Resolved, That all the railroad corporations of the State are the creatures of its Legislature, and it is the duty of that body to subject them to such wise and impartial enactments as will protect the people of the State from extortion, and will secure them transportation of products, merchandise and passengers at reasonable rates. "Resolved, That a revision of the patent laws of the United States is imperatively demanded, so as to prevent a monopoly of useful inventions, and at the same time to give proper encouragement and remuneration to inventors. "Resolved, That the present' peace policy' of dealing with the Indians has failed to afford adequate protection to the frontier settlers, and we are in favor of transferring the Indian Bureau to the control of the War Department. "Resolved, That we commend the action of Congress in repealing the act known as the back-pay law, and favor an amendment to the National Constitution which shall forever prohibit any Congress from increasing its own compensation. "Resolved, That drunkenness is one of the greatest curses of modern society, demoralizing everything it touches, imposing fearful burdens of taxation upon the people, a fruitful breeder of pauperism and crime, and a worker of evil and only evil continually; hence we are in favor of such legislation, both general and local, as experience shall show to be most effectual in destroying this evil. "Resolved, That we rej oice with the citizens residing on the Osage Ceded Lands over the late decision of'the United States Circuit Court in their favor, and point to that decision as evidence that the rights of the people are safe in the hands of the courts. "Resolved, That the unwritten law enacted by the example of the father of his country in declining a re-election to a third Presidential term, is as controlling as though it was incorporated in the National Constitution, and ought never to be violated. "Resolved, That the public lands of the United States be sacredly held for the use and benefit of the actual settlers, and we condemn and disapprove of any further grants of the public domain to railroad or other corporations." Ballot for Governor: Thomas A. Osborn 96, James C. Horton 51, W. H. Smallwood 42, George T. Anthony 12. Second ballot: Osborn 104, Horton 55, Smallwood 32, Anthony 12. John C. Carpenter, James D..Snoddy, W. W. Sain, Benjamin F. Simpson and a few other delegates withdrew from the Convention. Ballotfor Lieutenant Governor: M. J. Salter 59, M. M. Murdock 52, E. N. Morrill 47, John H. Edwards 25, VT. P. Wilson 6. Second ballot: Salter 62, Murdock 50, Morrill 38, Edwards 13. Third ballot: Salter 103, Morrill 50, Murdock 31, Edwards 2. Ballot for Secretary of State: Thomas H. Cavanaugh 51, D. B. Emmert 35, O. J. Grover 32, W. Y. Drew 20, M. W. Coulter 20, W. Burlingame 6, James Scarborough 16. Second ballot: Cavanaugh 72, Emmert 41, Grover 34, Drew 15, Coulter 15, Scarborough 1. Third ballot: Cavanaugh 103, Grover 45, Emmert 38. For Auditor: Daniel W. Wilder was renominated by acclamation. Ballotfor Treasurer: Samuel Lappin 98, John Francis 75. Ballot for Attorney General: A. M. F. Randolph 107, J. B. Johnson 69. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 653 Ballot fo'i Superintendent of Public Instruction: John Fraser 93, H. B. Norton 87. Ballot for Associate Justice: D. M. Valentine 106, A. L. Williams 47. State Committee: Lucien Baker, Leavenworth; Nathan Price, Troy; John Guthrie, Topeka; E. A. Fisher, Lawrence; J. Jay Buck, Emporia; W. C. Webb, Fort Scott; J. L. Denison, Osage Mission; John K. Wright, Junction City; R. H. Ballinger, Larned; G. M. Waugh, Gardner; W. H. Whiteman, Columbus; F. G. Adams, Waterville; J M. Balderston, Wichita; Henry Inman, Leavenworth; A. J. Banta, Beloit. John Guthrie, Chairman; J. Jay Buck, Secretary. AUGUST 28.-Gov. Osborn calls an extra session of the Legislature, to meet September 15th. AUGUST 28.-Republican Congressional Convention, Third District, at Emporia. Called to order by H. C. Cross. Job Throckmorton, temporary Chairman, W. S. Jenkins, Secretary. Committee on Credentials: Lewis Hanback, J. E. Hudson, H. Whiteside, R. H. Nichols, J. R. Phenis, D. W. Finney. Committee on Permanent Organization: E. C. Manning, P. I. Bonebrake, J. W. Long, T. McCarthy, C. Cochran. Committee on Resolutions: Jacob Stotler, A. S. Redden, N. A. Perrill, T. M. James. Fifty-eight delegates present. Officers: President, William Sims; Vice President, Jacob Stotler; Secretaries, W. S. Jenkins, W. C. Tompkins. Three resolutions were adopted —endorsing the State platform and ticket; endorsing O. P. Morton's measure for the election of President and United States Senators by a direct vote of the people; asking an amendment to the homestead law to preserve their homes to actual settlers who may temnporarily leave them. Ballot for member of Congress: Wm. R. Brown 20, Cyrus K. Holliday 14, P. B. Maxson 7, C. V. Eskridge 6, Harrison Kelly 6, W. P. Campbell 2, J. McDermott 2, H. C. Sluss 1. Second ballot: Brown 20, Holliday 15, Maxson 7, Eskridge 5, Kelly 6, Campbell 2, McDermott 2, Sluss 1. Third ballot: Brown 19, Hblliday 15, Kelly 6, Maxson 7, Campbell 2, Eskridge 6, McDermott 2, Sluss 1. Fourth ballot: Brown 20, Holiiday 15, Kelly 6, Maxson 7, Campbell 2, Eskridge 6, McDermott 2, Sluss 1. Ninth ballot: Brown 32, Holliday 17, Kelly 5, Campbell 4. District Committee:. Jacob Stotler, of Lyon; A. G. Richardson, of Harvey; Duncan McDonald, of Morris; R. H. Nichols, of Howard; W. S. Jenkins, of Sedgwick; J. V. Admire, of Shawnee; Henry Booth, of Pawnee. It was voted that the Republican vote be made the basis of future conventions. AUGUST 31.- John Francis declines the nomination for State Treasurer tendered by the Reform Committee. James E. Watson, of Lawrence, is placed on that ticket. SEPTEMBER 1.-J. P. Bauserman declines the Reform nomination for Superintendent of Public Instruction. SEPTEMBER 2.-Republican Congressional Convention, Second District, at Humboldt. Called to order by H. W. Cook; S. S. Benedict, of Wilson, temporary Chairman; F. B. McGill, of Labette, Secretary. Mr. Benedict received 41 votes, and Silas A. Day, of Bourbon, 22. 654 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. Committee on Credentials: T. B. Eldridge, G. W. Bowen, A. T. Lea, Watson Stewart, S. L. Patrick. Committee on Permanent Organization: J. F. Broadhead, J. W. Wilson, H. C. Allen, I. H. Betton, J. S. Weaver. Committee on Resolutions: J. H. Whison, Henry Shanklin, J. F. Hill, P. I. B. Ping, S. L. Self. Officers: President, S. S. Benedict; Vice President,; S. A. Day; Secretary, F. B. McGill; Assistant Secretary, W. A. Rankin. First ballot for Member of Congress: Stephen A. Cobb 45, W. L. Simons 19. A speech was made by Colonel Cobb. The following platform was adopted: " Reaffirming the Republican National platforms of 1868 and 1872, and the Republican State platform of 1874, of Kansas, and believing that the Republican party has well performed its mission in the past, and will continue to be as it has been, the party of and for the people, trusted by and faithfully serving the people: therefore, "Resolved, That we recognize that to be the true policy of the Government which shall harmonize all the diversified interests and pursuits necessarily existing in a country of such vast extent, and this can only be done by so directing legislation as to give a just protection and reward to every branch of our diversified industries, and we are in favor of giving precedence to those measures which shall recognize agricultural and mechanical pursuits as entitled to the most ample protection and the fullest development. We are in favor of the expenditure by Government of such sums as may be necessary to properly improve inland navigation, of such outlays as will secure cheap transportation to our seaboard, and provide such facilities as are needed at our nearest Gulf harbor for giving to the agriculturists of the West a port of shipment for their surplus products at that point, together with such encouragement to manufacturing interests as will bring producers and consumers in close proximity and establish a community of interest between them. "Resolved, That the agricultural and commercial interests of the State of Kansas, and more especially of this Congressional District, imperatively demand the improvement of the harbor of Galveston, and the establishment of such means as will furnish cheap transportation for our products to that port, and thence to the great commercial marts of the world. We believe that to be the best commercial policy for Kansas which shall result in Galveston becoming her port of shipment and wholesale market, and we will cordially endorse and co-operate with our Congressional delegation in their efforts to shape legislation to this end. "Resolved, That we oppose any continuation of the system inaugurated first by the Democratic party, of giving large grants of lands to railroad corporations. We are in favor of holding those in possession of corporate wealth and power to a strict conformity to law. "Resolved, That we favor an amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing for the election of President and Vice President by a direct vote of the people without the intervention of the Electoral College, and also the election of United States Senators by the people of the State instead of by the Legislature. "Resolved, That we most heartily approve of the policy of the Republicans in the radical departure the party has made from the practice of the Democratic party, by instituting investigations and exposing corruption in office, sparing neither political friend nor foe. "Resolved, That the reduction of twenty-six millions of dollars in the estimated General Government expenses for the coming fiscal yearmeets our most hearty approval, and shows that on questions of retrenchment and economy the party is carrying out in good faith its pledges to the people; and that we regard as another evidence of the party's policy of economy and retrenchment the fact of the great reduction of the interest amount paid annually upon our national debt. "Resolved, That while we realize the great benefits to the whole country arising from 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 655 the railway system in its development of our vast resources, and while we accord to railway corporations their proper rights, we demand for and in behalf of the people a more reasonable tariff of freights and fares, and that the same shall be guaranteed by appropriate national legislation. "Resolved, That the settlers on the Osage Ceded Lands are to be congratulated on the favorable issue of their contest for the possession of their homes, and that this result is a favorable augury of the future protection of settlers' rights, which we demand of our Congressional delegation to zealously and fearlessly guard, so as to prevent hereafter any recurrence of such contests. "Resolved, That as citizens of Kansas we feel a just pride in the efforts and character of our present Congressional and Senatorial delegation, and believe that they have labored faithfully to protect and forward the truest interests of their constituents and State." The following Congressional Committee was appointed: H. W. Cook, of Wyandotte county, Chairman; A. T. Lea, of Cherokee county, Secretary; T. Dwight Thacher, Douglas county; W. A. Johnson, Anderson county; L. Stillwell, Neosho county; F. R. Ogg, Johnson county; Daniel Grass, Montgomery county; George W. Fifidlay, Bourbon county; A. F. Sharpe, Franklin county; John S. Gilmore, Wilson county; F. B. McGill, Labette county. SEPTEMBER 3.-Reform Congressional Convention of the Second District, at Ottawa. Called to order by William Simpson, of Bourbon, Chairman. U. F. Sargent, of Bourbon, Secretary. J. Frank McDowell, of Cherokee, and James Wilson, of Johnson, were elected Assistant Secretaries. The foregoing were made the permanent officers of the Convention. Speeches were made by A. M. York and W. W. Maltby. The Committee on Credentials reported twenty-five delegates present. Delegates from counties not fully represented were allowed to cast the full vote of their counties. The following list of the ballots for candidate for Congress is copied from the Paola Spirit: BALLOTS. Names of Candi- LOT. dates... 9 | _ John R. Goodin...... 12 18 20 20 27 21 27 26 48 38 27 36 48 66 Hiram Stevens........ 33 27 28 28 32 32 12 38 34................................. John Boyd..............15 15 13 13 7 7 7 15 18 26...... Sam'l A. Riggs........ 9 11 6 20 20 17 17 7............ H. C. McConas......... 16 15 18 15 13 22 16............................................. Sidney Clarke........... 14 18 14 3..................... 14..................... M. E. Hudson................19 21 19 44 33 Chas. Robinson........21 37 432 6 The following Congressional Committee was appointed: A. M. York of Montgomery county, W. L. Parkinson of Franklin county, Sidney Clarke of Douglas county, W. W. Maltby of Johnson county, and P. H. Tiernan of Bourbon county. The following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, That it is the duty of Congress and the Legislature of our State to reduce the fees and salaries of public officers to such amounts as shall be a reasonable and fair compensation for the honest and faithful discharge of official duty, and we demand of Congress the unconditional repeal of the law properly and justly called the' salary-grab law,' as applied to the President of the United States." SEPTEMBER 4. —Reform Congressional Convention in the Third District, 656 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. held at Emporia. The following is the official report, from the Topeka Record: The Independent Reform Congressional Convention met at Emporia, as per adjournment. A. Harris, of Wichita, was chosen temporary Chairman, and J. V. Randolph, of. Emporia, Secretary. Committee on Permanent Organization: M. B. Ross, John Armstrong, O. P. Haughawout, G. W. Spencer, James Newlon. Committee on Credentials: Samuel Dolman, David L. Payne, N. A. English, J. H. Watson, W. W. Cone. Committee on Resolutions: J. J. Barker, Peter Bell, J. M. Miller, Frank Ross, A. Harris. The following gentlemen were reported entitled to seats in the Convention: Fifty-sixth District, G. W. Spencer, S. D. Macdonald, J. C. Swayze; Fifty-seventh, Samuel Dolman, John Armstrong; Fifty-eighth, H. H. Wilcox, John Ritchie, John G. Otis; Sixty-first, Peter Bell, J. H. Noell; Sixtysecond, 0. P. Haughawout, D. Phillips; G. D. Carpenter; Sixty-eighth, W. B. Ross, J. H. Watson, J. A. Newlon; Sixty-ninth, J. M. Miller, Frank Ross, J. V. Randolph; Seventieth, W. W. Cone; Seventy-second, H. H. McArdell, John Maloy, E. S. Bertram; Seventy-third, Samuel N. Wood; Seventyfourth, William Price; Seventy-sixth, N. A. English; Ninety-sixth, J. J. Barker, D. L. Payne. Officers: A. Harris was elected President, and Peter Bell Secretary. The Committee on Platform reported the following: "Resolved, That the platform and principles enunciated by the State Convention of the Reform party, which met in Topeka on the 5th of August,'meet our entire and hearty approbation. "Resolved, That we announce our determination to support the nominees of that Convention, and declare our allegiance to that party of Reform." Informal ballot for Congressman: J. K. Hudson 15, M. J. Firey 11, J. J. Barker 4, S. J. Crawford 2. First ballot: J. K. Hudson 17, M. J. Firey 12, Samuel J. Crawford 7. During the taking of the second ballot it was found that Joseph K. Hudson would be nominated, and a motion was made and carried to make the nomination unanimous. The following Congressional District Committee was appointed: John G. Otis, Peter Bell, M. B. Ross, A. Harris, Mr. Edgerton. SEPTEMBER 7.- State Fair opens in Leavenworth. SEPTEMBER 8.-Six hundred Mennonites arrive in Topeka, and spend some time there before going to their homes in the Southwestern part of the State. -Jacob Stotler appointed Postmaster at Emporia. SEPTEMBER 10 and 11.-State Temperance Convention at Leavenworth. Rev. J. Boynton President, David C. Beach Secretary. There were 64 delegates, from nine counties. The following nominations were made: Governor, Dudley C. Haskell; Lieutenant Governor, P. B. Maxson; Secretary of State, W. H. Robinson; Treasurer, William Fairchild; Auditor, C. B. Lines; Attorney General, A. A. Foote; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mrs. M. J. Sharon; Associate Justice, D. M. Valentine. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 657 Many of these candidates declined the nominations, and the ticket, as finally voted for at the polls, stood as follows: Governor, W. K. Marshall, of Lawrence; Lieutenant Governor, L. Brown, Girard, Crawford county; Secretary of State, W. H. Robinson, of Leavenworth; Auditor, David C. Beach, of Lawrence; Treasurer, William Fairchild, of Leavenworth; Attorner General, A. M. F. Randolph, of Coffey county; Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mrs. M. J. Sharon', of Marion county; Associate Justice Supreme Court, D. M. Valentine, Ottawa, Franklin county. The following platform was adopted: "The Temperance men and women of the State of Kansas, believing that the time has come when they ought to present a State ticket, composed of honest, temperate and capable men, hereby unite in the following declaration of principles: "We are in favor of"1. The civil and political'equality of all men and women. "2. An economical administration of all departments of the Government. "3. Political reform by selecting for office none but honest and capable men.'4. The legal prohibition of the manufacture, importation and sale, for beverage use, of all intoxicating liquors. "5. The fostering and improvement of our system of common schools. " 6. The speedy and exemplary punishment of all public officers guilty of embezzlement, the misappropriation of the public funds, or neglect to perform sworn duties. " 7. The immediate and complete protection of our exposed frontier from Indian.outrages. "' 8. The public assistance by all proper and legal means of the sufferers from the grasshoppers and drought in the newly-settled counties of the State. " But we are inflexibly opposed" 1. To all forms of repudiation, either State, National or municipal. "2. To the appropriation of the public domain to the building of railroads." SEPTEMBER 15.-Special Session of the Legislature. Ballot for Speaker: Thomas P. Fenlon 23, E. H. Funston 23, F. W. Potter 13. Second ballot: Fenlon 27, Funston 23, Potter 10. Third ballot: Fenlon 31, Funston 28. Thanks were returned to Hon. Gerrit Smith for his recent donation for -the relief of the destitute. SEPTEMBER 22.-Adjournment of the Special Session of the Legislature. It passed a law requiring every corporation created by or existing under the laws of this State to keep a general office within the State; An act authorizing counties to issue bonds for relief purposes; An act authorizing the issue of bonds for the relief of the destitute people of the frontier, (only $7,500 in bonds were issued under this act); A law requiring county treasurers to make quarterly statements, and a few other acts. SEPTEMBER 23.-Eleven hundred Mennonites arrive at Topeka. OCTOBER.- Clay Centre is building a fine school-house.- Jewell county has 113 organized school districts.-Hutchinson has built a $14,000 schoolhouse.-The Superintendent reports that "the graded schools of Wichita will compare favorably with any in the country."-Shawnee county has over 100 separate schools.-Alma has a graded school and a fine new building.-Wilson county had 75 schools in session in the fall and winter.Miami county has expended $55,000 for schools this year.-The University has eleven instructors, and its students come from twenty-five counties.The Agricultural College has thirteen instructors, and 208 students.-The Emporia Normal School has 236 students. -' The Leavenworth Normal School has students from twenty-seven counties.-Baker University has 101 42 658 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874.. students; Rev. Dr. Joseph Denison is the President.-Mount St. Mary's Female Academy, Leavenworth, has 50 students; its buildings cost $85,500.. OCTOBER 5.-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Science, at Topeka. OCTOBER. —John A. Anderson issues a Hand-book of the Agricultural College. It is an interesting and valuable book, containing 124 pages. -N. A. Adams has been elected Secretary of the College Board. OCTOBER 5.-Four Kansas railroads ship 122,914 head of Texas cattlein eight months. OCTOBER 14.-The Mennonites buy 100,000 acres of land of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company, all lying north of Florence, Peabody, Walton, Newton, Halstead, Burrton, and Hutchinson. OCTOBER 24.- C. G. Hawley appointed Postmaster at Girard. OCTOBER 26. —J. C. Martin and W. E. Timmons start the Chase County Courant. OCTOBER 27. —Ninth Annual Meeting of the State Sabbath School Association, at Atchison.'President, S. B. Riggs, of Emporia; F. T. Ingalls and Henry Clarkson, Secretaries; Thomas J. White, Reporter. NOVEMBER.-The Third Annual Report of the State Board of Agricul — ture contains tabular statistics from which the following facts are obtained: National Banks in the State, 26; capital, $1,983,000; deposits for the last six months, $2,994,330. Other Banks in the State, 86; deposits, $2,399,616; capital, $1,588,006. "The following list of manufacturing establishments has been returned to the county boards during the year: No. Capital. Water-power saw millsi................................. 15 $54,272; Steam saw mills.............................................................................. 50 196, 522 Water-power flour mills.......................................................................80 1,061, 195 Steam flour mills............................................ 59 1, 044, 910 Water-power saw and grist mills............................................................ 13 71, 500 Steam-power saw and grist mills...................................................... 14 63, 892 Furniture and cabinet factories........................................................... 13 157,820 Foundries and rolling mills......................s................ 5 195,000 Woollen factories............................................................................. 6 111, 600 Miscellaneous, embracing oil factories, cheese factories, gypsum, soap, and carriage factories............................... 50 567,916 Total........................................................................................... 305 $3,524,627 "This is exclusive of cigar manufactories, breweries, machine shops of the different railroads, and all the minor industries." The following church statistics are given: Denorninations.' a.' _ Presbyterian............................................................ 161 6,604 74 $294, 855 Congregational............................................................... 113 3, 831 48 238,500~ Baptist.................................................................. 229 9, 789 53 226, 900( United Presbvterian.............................................. 39 1, 313 14 49, 200 Methodist....................................................................... 621 22,096 96 339, 400 Episcopal.......................................34 1, 36 22 172, 000' Catholic....................................................................... 191 32,311 72 415, 200 The book has been prepared by Alfred Gray and George T. Anthony. The New York Times says it is the best Agricultural Report ever issued in this country. NOVEMBER 3. —Annual election. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 659 VOTE FOR GOVERNOR, LIEUT. GOVERNOR, AND SECRETARY OF STATE. GOVERNOR. LIEUT. GOVERNOR. SEC'Y OF STATE. ~'~~ ~ ~. ~-~. oa i _:___ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k ___k:'! Counties. bd C Allen................. 541 736 23 718 595 2 666 619 5 Anderson.......... 528 460 20 575 438 7 579 429 8 Atchison......... 1,594 1,294 13 1,614 1,291....... 1,624 1,273 3 Barbour........... 98 80 99 79 99 79........ Barton.............. 304 170......... 305 170......... 308 168 Bourbon.........1,117 1,241 140 1,263 1,189 92 1,271 1,171 95 Brown............. 717 628 16 765 569...... 767 588 4 Butler.............. 607 298 625 861 272 384 865 268 393' Chase........... 201 513 15 264 461 11 228 423 50 Cherokee 682 878 64 683 885 49 676 888 50 Clay...............'771 304 42 781.302 38 777 303 38 Cloud...............9 5 Cloud............... 875 180..... 911 158......... 158.. Coffey.722 565 4 785 549 3 788 505 I 3 Cfe............... 7 0 Cowley...........1,000 494.22 942 541 1,00 456 5 Crawford...........'1 Crawford........... 350 689 150 376 671 440 376 676 133 Davis452..........28. 49 1 297..... Dickinson........ 712 269 6 737 253 3 736 249 2 Ooniphan.......... 2 9 [1i Dl~oniphan......... 1,457 978 3 1,459 930 3 1,465 924 3 Douglas............ 1,446 1,618 169 1,534 1,610 110.1,538 1,605 109 Ellis.................. 230 19.. 229 19......... 232 [ 19...... Ellsworth.......... 36..................... 3 Ellsworthd.. 7.4 73................................ Edwards............ 173........ 3............ Ford................. 2 Franklin.......... 798 1,117 928 1,032 10 931 1,021 16 Greenwood....... 646 489 17 732 443......... 733 440 Harvey.............559 57 14 596 31 4 598 29 2 Howard............1,881 719. 1,877 694.........1,916 689........ Jackson............ 633 497. 634 500..... 642 490 Jefferson........... 869 1,064 43 915 1,43'27 92 94 82 Jewell............... 6. Jewell............... 753 289 9 904 158......... 917 144- 6 Johnson...........1,012' 1,528 84 1,064 1,490 66 1,086 1,453 71 K~ingman,.........8 [1,6[ Kinugman......... 113 19.'. 113 19'.......... 113 19. Labette............1,228 70 77 1,407 585 46 1,269 706 6 Leavenworth... 3,076 1,247 128 2,378 1,889 122 2,039 2,224 124 Lincoln......... 356 134........ 357 134.354 135. Linn......... 9 18........922 125 Lyon................ 880 635 2 955 547......... 1,028 528...... Marion............. 548 228. 592 194......... 594 191 4 Marshall........... 1,348 528 33 1,301 505 20 1,374 504 22 McPherson...... 661 321672 311..... 660 314 Miami............... 855 1,318 975 1,295 19. 970 1,265 20 Miami~~~~~~~~~~. 6 2 [31[.........[[6 0 1I........' Mitchell........... 635 375.. 668 353......... 667 350........ Montgomery..... 1,255 1,106........ 1,294 1,085......... 1,291 1,010......... Morris.............. 548 415. 569 395......... 571 395........ Norton.............. 107 12 124..................... 125 1...... Nenmha............ 4i Nemaha........... 794 573 2.833 535 1 834 536 Neosho............ 557 1,178 16 1,090 739 3 1,074 725 4 Osage............... 972 752 45 1,068 720' 1 1,082 687' 1 Osborne............ 283 42 1 361 24......... 367 24...... Ottawa........ 731 26 7 739 17 7 742 16 6 Pratt............... 39 43. 40 42......... 40 42........ Pawnee............ 110. 64. 110 65......... 107.64........ Phillips............. 145 193. 410 2....... 417 1........ Pottawatomie...' 863 692 3 879 664......... 911 114 Reno................. 657 54 8 719 21......... 720 19 Republic. 1,012 20 22 1,044 12'. 1,049 12 5 Rice................. 162 93 39 256 17......... 252 10 35 Riley............... 692 521 12 907 322 12 909 310 16 Rooks............... 92 21 92 22...... 93 21........ Russell............. 257............ 10 269..................... 270...... 10 Saline............... 795 844 2. Sedgwick......... 923 508. 944 492......... 983 460........ Shawnee...........1,602 950 26 1,748 881 14 1,756 796 28 Smith............... 300 130. 454 8......... 473 6........ Sumner............ 480 439. 485 433......... 499 400........ Wabaunsee........533 237. 539 227. Wallace............ 77...................... 77.................... W~ashington...... ~~S~Vil74 3...,.....,..... Washington...... 743 532. 752 524......... 754 507........ Wilson....' 592 820 28 869 606 3 868 601 3 Woodson........... 274 411 54 515 248. 485 270 1 Wyandotte....... 874 1 Total.......... 48,594 35301 2,277 52,637 32,927 1,207 52,633 31,967 1,546 660 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. VOTE FOR AUDITOR, TREASURER, AND ATTORNEY GENERAL. AUDITOR. TREASURER. ATT'Y GEN'L. 5 b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clounties.. Allen.................... 675 606 2 538 715......... 632 681 Anderson.................. 606 399 i 15 541 465 14 583 434 Atchison............. 1,626 1,297 3 1,636 1,274 3 1,610 1,307 Barbour................. 99 79 99 79......... 99 79 Barton..................... 308 170......... 299 173......... 307 171 Bourbon................... 1,344 1,119 88 1,226 1,211 107 1,361 1,177 Brown.................. 760 598 5 707 635 6 760 243 Butler..................... 919 259 339 845 234 391 1,253 28Q Chase.................... 279 444 12 116 599 15 275 394 Cherokee................ 686 885 49 664 851 49 598 996 Clay........................ 795 292 37 787 299 38 820 304 Cloud.............. 909 159......... 898 173......... 909 154 Coffey...................... 797 514 3 725 574 3 879 445 Cowley..................... 966 536 11 744 728 14 970 545 Crawford................ 384 675 130 369 685 134 506 682 Davis...................... 503 287......... 453 325......... 489 300 Dickinson............... 741 249 2 722 258 2 732 248 Doniphan................ 1,461 937 3 1,477 908.... 1,462 929 Douglas................. 1,552 1,604 119 507 2,663 81 1,675 1,594 Ellis......................... 231 19......... 232 10......... 231 19 Ellsworth........... 370..................... 358..................... 370............ Edwards.................. 73..................... 73..................... 73.......... Ford....................... 135 2......... 134 2......... 134 2 Franklin................ 950 1, 003 11 790 1,137 12 942 1, 029 Greenwood.............. 738. 434......... 714 461......... 733 438 Harvey.................. 600 3 2 580 39 6 600 32 Howard............... 1, 919 692... 1,909 697........ 918 690 Jackson................... 638 497 610 518.........'637 503 Jefferson............... 939 1023 28 809 1,033 36 942 1,042 Jewell..................... 881 158........ 886 181 6 921 146 Johnson................. 993 1,484 79 957 1,546 76 1 130 1,491 Klingman............... 113. 19 108 24......... 113 19 Labette.................. 1,320 647 57 1,098 867 61 1,335 710 Leavenworth:........... 2,454 1,698 121 2,157 2,021 163 2,094 2,219 Lincoln.................... 358 133......... 355 135......... 357 133 Linn....................... 811 921 116 784 939' 127 944 903 Lyon..................... 1,063 525 2 817 718 24 1,032 446 Marion.................... 596 190 4 465 300 5 602 189 Marshall............... 1,412 491 20 1, 311 574 20 1,415 504 McPherson.............. 674. 315. 673 316......... 671 317 Miami......... 983 1,285 18 932 1,312 28 249 1,297 Mitchell............ 667 349.... 609 356......... 665 352 Montgomery.......... 1,217 1,088....... 1,212 1,169......... 1,273 1,112 Morris.................... 571 396...... 430 511...... 570 389 Norton.................... 106..................... 125..................... 126. Nemaha;............... 839 533 749 570 3 835 534 Neosho...................... 981 857 5 583 1,239 5 970 873 Osage..................... 1,096 695 2 848 941 3 1,087 707 Osborne................... 365 23 192 192......... 368 24 Ottawa..................... 745 11 6 739 16 7 752 12 Pratt............... 40 39......... 37 43........ 40 42 Pawnee................. 110 61......... 103. 70 10........ 110 64 Phillips................... 417 2 1 396 7........ 419............ Pottawatomie.......... 889 681......... 822 734......... 995 641 Reno................. 720 15........ 709 16 11 719 18 Republic................. 1,048 11 5 1,044 14 5 1,053 11 Rice........................ 253 11 4 251 26 4 297 11 Riley....... 918 313 10 727 489 16 920 318 Rooks............... 93 22......... 92 21........ 92 22 Russell............ 2751.. 10 275.... 10........ 285............ Saline.................... 767 332. i:..... 712 387......... 728 344 Saline ~~ij......... 728I 344 Sedgwick................ 950 481.. 912 517......... 962 478 Shawnee.............. 1,787 854 12 1,450 1,136 22 1,767 882 Smith..................... 478 1 451 11........ 480'............ Sumner............. 499 424......... 474 445......... 488 434 Wabaunsee.............. 539 232...... 521 246......... 535 231 Wallace.................. 77..................... 77..................... 77............ Washington........... 750 524......... 749 531......... 745 525 Wilson.................... 936 519 4 760 699 12 870 609 Woodson................. 499 267 1 286 460 10 484 284 Wyandotte.............. 882 1, 029 2 843 1, 064 1 887 1, 028 Total................. 53,175 32,448 1,339 47,333 37,589 1,530 52,881 33,137 1874.] ANrAALS OF KANSAS. 661 VOTE FOR SUP'T OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, AND ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. SUP'T PUB. INSTRUCTION. ASS'TE JUSTICE. Counties. I~ Allen............................................ 623 688 6 618 693 Anderson..................................... 586 434............ 565 447 Atchison.................................................. 1,599 1,314 2 1,612 1,307 Barbour...................................................98 79........... 100 79 Barton...................................306 171.............. 307 171 Barton... 306 ~~~~~~~~171....307I 171 Bourbon..................................................... 1,262 1,177 1,365 1,196 Bourbon... ~~~~~~ ~[1,262 [1,177 11 1,136I 1,196 Brown........................................................ 76 98 3 76' 0 Brown ~~~..~...~.~~~~~~.~~~~.~~~~~~~. 763 ~ 598 3 761 602 Butler.................................... 600 269 396 1,239 290 Chase......................................................... 271 455 10 271 490 Chase...~~~~~~~~I 271 4551 t 271 [ 490 Cherokee................................................ 680 853 56 699 911 Clay............................................................ 778 291 53 826 298 Cloud........................................................ 911 155.......... 912 159 Coffey......................................................... 801 503 3 811 507 Cowley....................................................923 568 5 975 540 Crawford................................................. 380 676 128 509 678 Davis......................................................... 504 285............ 490 299 Dickinson................................................ 744 231............ 743 247 Doniphan................................ 1,459 932 3 1,462 933 Douglas...................................1,735 1,434 95 1,570 i 1,696 Ellis.................................... 235 9............ 230 20 Ellsworth...............................370...... 370............ Edwards................................ 73....................73............ Ford........................135 2... 138............ Franklin.................................................... 947 1,006 13 1,030 870 Greenwood....................................... 736 435............ 734 440 Harvey....................................................598 30 3 598. 33 Howard.....................................................*...~~ 1,911 688............ 1,920 687 Jackson...................................................... ~638 502............ 635 504 Jefferson....................................... 926 1,026 31 893 1,086 Jewell............................ 913........ 5 920 146 Johnson............................................... 1,104 1,469 59 1,135 1,494 Kngman.......................................113 19.....,..... 113 19 Labette......................................1,201 655 59 1,342 696 Leavenworth.......................................2......,060 2,197 120 2,028 2,212 Jincoln...................................................... 337 132............ 359 132 Linn...............................................801 914 137 936 917 Lyon.1..1,032 526......... 1,027 554 Marion..................................................... 602 182 5.534 255 Marshall...1,399 495 24 1,425 499 McPherson......................................671 315............ 673 316 Miami...................................... 997 1,274 16 998 1, 287 Mitchell.,.,,,.......................................... 667 350............ 670 349 Montgomery............................. 1,290 1,082............ 1,286 1,084 Morris... 561. 398............ 569 398 Norton...................15........................ 125............ Nemaha................................................. 835 535............ 842 531 Neosho....................................................... 984 861 1 970 870 Osage...................................................... 1,086 701 3 1,067. 29 Osborne............................................. 367 22............ 389 3 Ottawa...................................................... 744 12 6 750 14 Pratt...........................................40 42............ 40 43 Pawnee.............................................. 64............ 111 I62 Phillips................................418....................... 418............ Pottawatomie............................. 915 648............ 868 684 Reno.722 19........... 709 28 Republic................................ 1,049.11 4 1,053 10 Rice..................................... 155.12 143 300 11 Riley....................................................... 905 314 19 928 311 Rooks........................... 93 21........... 92 22 Russell....................................... 270........ 10 284...... Saline....................................................... 765 323............ 759 3 Sedgwick................................................... 952 484............ 953 485 Shawne.................................................... 1,759 884 11 1,484 1,179 Smith~~~... 481.... 482..... Sumner..................................................... 490 431........... 485 436 *Wabaunsee....................................... 515 219............ 526 241 Wallace.......................................... 77..................... 77. Washington............................................ 758 520............ 745 1 530 Wilson.........................................874.603 3 878 584 Woodson.............................................. 484 279 3 483 286 Wyandotte................................................. 894 1,016 8 883 1,029 Total........................................... 52,098 32,860 1,558 53,172 33,147 662 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. Cozunties. Namnes of Candidates.. 1._ Doniphan.................... C.G. Bridges........................ 1,439 505 Doniphan......................John L. Blair............................ 934 Atchison....................... George W. Gillespie.................... 1,739 432 2 Atchison..................... S.P. Griffin............................... 1,436 131 Atchison...................... George W. Glick........................ 1,307 Atchison...................... E. R. Brown.............................. 1,305 Brown...................... J. M. Miller................................ 726 Nemaha........................ J. M. Miller................................ 759 1,485 266 Brown......................... Joseph Cracraft.......................... 630 Nemaha........................ Joseph Cracraft......................... 589 1,219 Marshall............................Boa W. Williams........1............ 124 4 Washington.................. Boaz W. Williams.................... 535 1,659 242 Marshall....................... Charles Coddington.................... 717 Washington.................. Charles Coddington.................... 699 1,416 Jackson....................... J. S. Hopkins........4.................... 456... J Pottawatomie............. J. S. Hopkins............................, 856 1,312 *29 Jackson........................ James Mclellan................ 659 Pottawatomie............... James McLellan........................ 617 1,276 Jefferson....................... J. B. Schaeffer.......................... 1, 042 92 Jefferson...................... Val. Brown............................... 950 Leavenworth............... J. A. Halderman........................ 2, 551 472 I Leavenworth................ J. P. Bauserman......................... 2, 146 243 Leavenworth................ T. L. Johnson......................... 2, 167 298 Leavenworth................J. B. Dntton.........1................... 1 769 Leavenworth................ E. Stillings................................ 2 079 Leavenworth............... J. C. Stone.......... 1, 903 Wyandotte................... Byron Judd................................ 47 Wyandotte................... H. W. Cook................................ 932 Johnson..................... W. W. Maltby.................... 1,410. 268 Johnson................... V. R. Ellis................................ 1, 142 10... Miami........................... William Jones............................ 1, 276 271 Miami........................... E. H. Topping..........1.................., 1005 Linn........................ R. B. McMillan........................... 979 161 Linn............................. James D. Snoddy....................... 816 12... Bourbon....................... J.W. Bainum............................., 1224 277 Bourbon....................... C. W. Libby..................... 947 Bourbon....................... D. M. Davis............................... 209 13... 13... Crawvford......................D. M. Davis................................ 574 783 78 1Bourbon.......................E. Holt...................................... 127 Crawford...................... E. H lt.................................. 578 705 14...( Cherokee....................... E. C. Wells................................. 872 164 14... ~ Cherokee.H.Hnar........... Cherokee...............'....... H. R. Hubbard........................... 768 (Labette....................... J. H. Crichton 1105........................... 241' 15.. Labette........................ M. W. Reynolds......................... 33 kLabette........................ M. W. Reynolds........................... 33 Neosho......................... Walter L. Simons....................... 1,011 169 16... Neosho......................... G. V. Spurgeon;........................ 840 Anderson.Thomas Bartlett.509.... 5 17... Allen.......................... Thomas Bartlett........................ 798 1,307 292 Anderson................... Lois Walker............................. 504 Allen........................... Louis alker............................ 511 1,015 ~ 1... ~ Anderson..................... T o ls B rlt.z.......... 0 Franklin...................... W.L. Parkinson........................ 1,211 455 18.. Faki............. Franklin.....................James Hanway........................... 756 Douglas....................... J. C. Horton.............................. 1, 821 102 Douglas........................ Charles Robinson.................. 1, 1719 396 Douglas....... H. L. Moore1, 594 [:............. L. Moore................................], Douglas................. Jeremiah Boynton..................... 1,323 20... Shawnee................... William Sims........................... 2,082 1,589 Shawnee....................... M. J. Alkire................................ 493 Osage.......................... C. S. Martin................................, 134 Wabaunsee................... C. S. Martin.........;................... 402 1536 544 Osage.................. T. K. Thompson........................ 637 Wabaunsee............ T. K. Thompson........................ 354 991 Coffey........D. W. Finney............................ 488 Woodson.D......... D W. Finney............................. 444 932 275 2 Coffey......................... B. Butler............................. 477 Cofey............... 22... Its n...... C. B. But~ler................................I 10 5 Woodson......................IC. B. Butler...180 657 Coffey........................... Charles Stoeltzing...................... 347 Woodson....................... Charles Stoeltzing...................... 141 488 Wilson.......................... W. A. Peffer.............................. 709 23... Montgomery................. W. A. Peffer............................... 1,260 1,975 153 1Wilson............. M. A. Brooks.............................. 724 Montgomery................I M. A. Brooks.............................. 1,096 1,820 1874,] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 663 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE SENATE-CONCLUDED. * Counties. Namnes of Candidates. 3.'::: Greenwood.................. Wm. Martindale........................ 689 24... Lyon........................... W m. Martindale........................ 1, 062 1, 751 774 24 Greenwood................. M. J. Firey...............M - 478 [ Lyon.......................... M. J. Firey................................. 498 976 Edwards...................... H. C. St. Clair................... 73 Ford............................ H. C. St. Clair............................. 137 Pawnee........................ H. C. St. Clair................ 111 Barbour...................... H. C. St. Clair..................'........ 178 Butler.........................H. C. St. Clair...............1,355 Cowley....................... H. C. St. Clair................. 914 Harvey..................H...... C. St. Clair............................. 618: Howard........................ H. C. St. Clair............................. 2,011 Reno........................... C. St. Clair............................. 753 25... Sedgwick..................... H. C. St. Clair...................... 954 Sumner........................ H. C. St. Clair........ 597[ Kingman..................... H. C. St. Clair............................. 131 Pratt.......................... H. C. St. Clair.......................... - 78 7;900 6,208 Pawnee........................ R. R.. Saffold.............................. 64 Butler........................... R. B. Saffold..... 177 Cowley............... B. Saffold.............................. 591 Howard.................. R. B. Saffold............................... 549 Sedgwick.....R. B. Saffold............................... 480 Sumner........................ R B. Saffold.......................... 318 1,691 Chase........................... Samuel R. Peters..5....... 327 Marion........................ Samuel R. Peters............... 512 Morris.......................... Samuel R. Peters........................ 459 1, 298 91.26... C407['26.. Clase........................... B. Pinckney..................... 407 Marion........................ B. P ckney.293 Morris.......................... B. Pinckney........................... 506 1, 206 Davis.......................... H. P. Dow.......................... 559 Dickinson...................... P. Dow.............. 671 27... Riley.....H. P. Dow.. 869 2, 099 1,216 Davis........................ John Davis................................ 233 Dickinson..................... John Davis............... - 320 IRiley..................... John Davis................................ 325 878 Rooks........................... Horace Cooper.............. 114 Clay.............................. Horace Cooper................... 769 Cloud........................... Horace Cooper.......................... 745 Jewell........................... Horace Cooper........... 890 Lincoln...................... Horace Cooper........................... 299 Mitchell......... Horace Cooper.......................... 694 Norton........................ Horace Cooper...................... 37 Ottawa.......................... Horace Cooper.......................... 493 Osborne........................ Horace Cooper................. 375 Phillips........................ Horace Cooper.................. 359 Republic. Horace Cooper........................... 510:28... Smith........................... Horace Cooper........................... 481 5,766 3,991 Clay............................. R. P. West................................ 59 Cloud........................... R. P. West................................. 308 Jewell........... R. P. West............................... 176 Lincoln........................ R. P. West............................ 123 Lincoln.... R. P. West 123 Mitchell........................ R. P. West................................. 246 Norton........................ R. P. West....................... 27 Ottawa...................... R. P. West................................. 195 Osborne........................ R. P. West................................. 5 Phillips........................ R.P. West..100 Republic...................... R. P. West..491 Smith.......................... R. P. West..41 1,771 Russell.......................... Solomon Stephens..................... 282 Saline........................... Solomon Stephens..................... 818 McPherson................ Solomon Stephens.............. 708 Ellsworth..................... Solomon Stephens.............. 370 29... Ellis.............................. Solomon Stephens.............. 238 Wallace....................... Solomon Stephens............. 78 Rice............................. Solomon Stephens..................... 277 Barton.Solomon Stephens. 434 3, 205 2, 888 LSaline........................... James H. Snead.................275 275 s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 664 ANNALS OF KANSA.S. [18i74. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S. Counties. Names of Candidates. stct 1 Doniphan.......................... Giles A. Briggs.................................... 561 118 F. J. Close................................ 443 2.......................................... T. Landon...................................... 365 23 R. S. Hinkley................................ 342 3.......................................... John L. Motter.................................... 230 57 T. H. Vorhies................................ 173 A. J. Mowry....................................... 135 Jos. Randolph..................................... 84 4 Atchison........................... Win. C. Smith.................................... 554 26. Edward Fleischer.................. 528 5................. T. B. Tomlinson............... 478 68 Samuel Stoner................................... 410 6................A. J. Sutton........................441 19 Alex. Walker...................................... 422 7 Brown.............................. C. Willis................................ 699 58 Jos. D. Hardy................................... 641 8 Nemaha.......................... G. W. Brown....................................... 365 13 A. P. Herrol................................ 351 9............................ S. P. Conrad....................................... 616 598 A. Baujons................................. 12 10 Marshall...........................C. J. Brown................................, 300 679. M. D. Tenney.................................... 621 11 Washington......................J. W. Bell............................................ 725 169 Clinton Hogue.........,......................... 556 12 Riley..................... George Pickett....... 645 65 C. L. Wilkins.......................... 578 13 Pottawatomie......... J. S. Codding...................................... 433 8 E. McKee.................................... 425 P. McClosky........................................ 62 14.......................................... P. Marvel........................................... 367 89 Dr. Little.................................. 227 15 Jackson............................. J. W. Williams............................... 618 132 B. H. Bradshaw.................................. 486 16 Jefferson.......................... Matt. Edmonds.................................... 321 24N. Simmons................................. 297 17.......................................... W.B. Spurlock................................ 225 27 J. N. O. P. Wood................................. 198 H. C. Mains.... 197 18.......................................... P. Barnes...................................... 392 46 E. D. Russell................................ 346 19 Leavenworth............. H. D. Mackav.................................... 347 149 Wm. D. Matthews......................... 198 20.......................................... John C. Vaughan............................. 267 97 R. A. IZovitt...................................... 170 21.......................................... Jas. F. Legate................................... 440 209 H. C. Keller................................. 188 George A. Eddy.................................... 43 22.......................................... P. Fitzwilliam................................. 392 170 Wm. O. Gould.................................. 222 23......................................... H. C. Squires................................ 334 40 Wm. Housley................................ 294 24................ M. R. Mitchell............................... 427 126 C. R. Jennison................................ 301 25.......................................... Crawford Moore.................................. 360 88 E. E. Hollenbeck................................ 272 26 Wyandotte....................... Sanford Haff....................................... 492 46 J. L. Pritchard.................................... 446 H. N. Kerr............ 271 27.................... W. J. Buchan..................................... 401 126 John B. Scroggs................................. 275 28 Johnson........................... D. G. Campbell......... 334 59 J. R. Thorp......................................... 275 David Warren.................................. 161 James W. Noel................................... 102 29.......................................... R. E. Stevenson................................... 540 46 George Black....................................... 494 30.......................................... Z. Meredith........................................ 355 27 Geo. T. Rogers.................................. 328 31 Miami..................... T. E. Smith........................................ 587 27, L. Bradbury................................. 560 32.......................................... M. Fain.......................................... 654 195 S. Underhill................................ 459 33 Linn....................... A. C. Dodd.......................................... 404 30 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 665 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONTINUED. Counties. Names of Candidates. ". 33 Linn (concluded)............ Harvey Smith.................................. 374 34.......................... H. Robinson.................. 289 77 C. M. Vertrus.............................. 211 Walker Walker..................................... 1 35.................................E. Morse............................................. 293 36 H. P. Clay............................................. 257 36 Bourbon........................ John Raney......................... 397 102 A. K. Hull....................................... 295 37.............................................................................. 344 16 Jacob Brenner....................................... 328 38........................... E. M. Hulett...............................552 63 W. C. Webb... 489 J. M. Hiatt 136 J. M. iatt.......................................... 136 39 Crawford........................ W. H. Merriwether................................. 280 2.5 E. P. Pomeroy............................... 259 40.......................... George W. Brown.................................. 398 198 Stephen Alberty.................................... 199 41 Cherokee...................... H. H./. Angell........................................ 611 205 C. Spencer......................................... 406 42....................................... W.E. Cowan.......................,.............. 352 L. T. Stowell... 241 43 Labette.......................... j. J. Wood...................618 60 William Dick...................... 558 44 R. W. Wright........................................ 401 6 J. C. McKnight............................... 395 45 Neosho.................... C F Stauber................................. 473 79 Robert Brogan................................. 394 Louis A. Reese................... 110 46 A. P. Gibson......................... bo............... 486 192 Frank Bacon........................................ 291 47 Allen............................ E. H. Funston....................................... 402 109 G. B Inge......................................... 291 48........................... V Blair........................... 367 122 G. W. Moon...... 245 49 Anderson....................... Clay Reppert.............. 631 251 50 Franklin........................ P. P. Elder............................................. 598 232 Jasper Robinson.................................... 366 51....................................... J.N. Foster............................................ 549 114 S. Topping.................................. 435 52 Douglas................ T. D. Thacher......................................... 573 271 H. H. Howard........................ 278 53....................................... D.. Haskell 565 195 William B. Kennedy............................ 352 54......................................T. E. Tabor........ 419 124 H. C. Fisher... 294 ~~55.. ~ L~H. C. Fisher.................................. 387 142 55....................................... L. H. Tuttle................................. 387 142 J. M. Still...................................... 244 56 Shawnee......................... James Burgess..........I............................ 393 136 James Stearns................................ 257 G. C. Clemens................................. 195 57.......................... John Martin................................. 1,035 1,031 58.......................... F. R. Foster................................. 482 249 F. P. Firey................................... 233 59 Osage............................ S. B. Bradford.................................. 516 139 Harrison Dubois.................................... 377 60................. F. Donnelly......................................... 503.131 L. R. Adams.................................. 359 61 Coffey....................... B. L. Kingsbury................................. 761 264 J. F Jones................................... 497 62 Woodson.................... A. B. Mann..................................... 461 157 David Askern..............3.........0........ 302 63 Wilson...................... S S. Benedict.................................790 141 C. J. Wright........................................ 644 64 Montgomery.................... William Huston................................. 574 133 A. J. Hersey................................... 441 L. Gladfelter....................................... 173 65.....................LA......... L. A. Walker........... 430 43 B. M. Armstrong................................... 353 James DeLong................................. 387 66 Howard.......................... Edward Jaquins................................... 1,521 370 T. B. Rice.................................. 1,151 67 Greenwood.A. W. Scott..................... 553 2() 666 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES -CONTINUED. - Counties. Arames of Candidates. a 67 Greenwood (concluded)... Wm. McBrown................. 533 J. P. Hillyard.................... 94 68 Lyon........... Geo. Johnston.............................. 529 211 S. J. Crawford................ 318 69....................................... John W. Loy................................ 622 618 70 Wabaunsee.................... S. A. Baldwin.................................... 439 104 Wm. Mitchell....................... 335 71 Davis............................. C. G. Cox....................... 507 233 H. C. McCarty...... 272 72 Morris.................. F. M. Hooton................................ 424 John Maloy......... 424 J. P. Burkhart.................................... 121 73 Chase............................. S. M. Wood.......................................... 446 162 O. H. Drinkwater................................. 283 74 Butler........................... Jos. L. Ferguson................................ 999 451 Abram Leidy.............................. 547 75 Cowley.......................... Thos. R. Bryan...................................... 818 115 A. S. Williams................................... 703 76 Sedgwick...................... E. B. Allen........................................... 954 496 W. T. Jewett........ 458 77 Marion......................... R. C. Bates..... 415. 70 F. Doster.......................................... 345 78 McPherson.................... A. W. Smith.............................. 677 369 B. Evans........ 307 79 Dickinson..................... Orrin A. Root.....................................637 290 W. H. Sutphen............................. 324 80 Clay.............................. S. D. Beegle......................................... 441 29 George Taylor....................................... 412 J. S. Harris.............244 81 Republic........................ W. H. Pilkenton... 998/ 965 W. H. Settles............................... 12 82 Cloud........................ C... ells.................................. 736 426 W. E. Reid............................... 310 83 Ottawa......................... R. D. Mohliey................................. 271 31 J. W. McLaren.............. 240 John Henry....................................... 164 D. M. Dunn........................... 76 A. B. Murch......................................... 30 84 Saline............................ G. C. Lockwood....................... 1,074 1,071 85 Ellsworth...................... G. A. Atwood................ 190 6 H. V. Faris............-.................... 184 86 Lincoln.......................... James B. Goff'............................... 279 60. Volney Ball.............................. 219[ 87 Mitchell........... H. C. Babcock................................. 513 24 W. T. S. May......................... 480 88 Jewell.......................... D. L. Palmer......................................... 425 2 S. E. Wilson.......................................... 423[ N. Gishweler......................................... 214 89 Ellis............................. W. N. Morphy.......... 144 40 Hill P. Wilson...................................... 103'90 Wallace.............. C. W. N. Ruggles... 80 80 91 Rice...............S................ S. M. Wirt............... 185 67 S. B. Terry... 118:92 Sumner......................... W. H. Carter......................... 508 103 J. W. Hamilton........ 405 93 Osborne.......................... S. B. Farwell......................................... 368 349 94 Reno............................. Thos. T. Taylor.................................. 742 742 95 S ithC. S. Aldrich......................................... 293 108 G. M. Edson.......................................... 183 96 Harvey.............. J........ J. E. Duncan.............................. 641 637 97 Barton.......................... G. L. Brinkman.................................... 320 156 W. H. Odell.......................................... 164 98 Russell.......................... A. B. Cornell........ 150 10 E. A. Church........................................ 140 99 Phillips.......................... F.H. Jewett......................................... 218 12 D. L. Smith.......................................... 206 100 Norton.......................... C. C. Vance.... 100 42 P. Hanson......................................... 58 101 Pawnee....................... J. M. Miller.................................. 112 50 Wm. White......................................... 62 102 Rooks............................ F. McNulty...62 11 Samuel S Boggs................................ 51 103 Ford.............................. R. H. Wright. 140 140 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 667 VOTE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-CONCLUDED. W o,< Counties. Names of Candidates. 104 Barbour........................ H. E. Vantrees................................. 95 14 M. W. Sutton....................................... 81 105 Harper................................................................................................... 106 Ness..........................'............................................... 107 Comanche............................................................................................ 108 Kingman.......W................ H. Child......................................... 105 78 A. R. Burgess.............................. 27 109 Pratt.......................... J M. Moore................................. 81 81 110 Edwards....................C: L. Hubbs...............................4.... 46 18 A. L. Kendall................................. 2 VOTE FOR MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. COUNTIES OF THE FIRST DISTRICT. Atchison...................... 5.......................................... 1,504 1,268 142 Brown.................................................................................. 755 597 6 Cloud................................................................................... 783 256 22 Clay.................................962 114 39 Davis.443........................................ 484 303 5 Dickinson................... 3............................................. 739 244 3 Doniphan...................................................................... 1,412. 978 3 Ellis....................................................................................... 228.18 2 Ellsworth............................................................................ 344 11 17 Grahamll....................................... 8 J7rwe n ll.......................................................................................... 5 Jackson................................................................................... 434 425 275 Jefferson................................................................ 898 986 81 Leavenworth..................................................... 1, 708 2,581 200 Lincoln................................................. 345 146.......... - Marshall................................................................................ 1, 040 379 469 Mitchell.......................................... 640 380 3 Nemnaha.;780 50676................................... Ne~aha.............................................................. 780 506 76 Norton........................................ 89 38 Osborne.........3........................................... 371 15 5 Ottawa;.................................................471 63 195 Phillips............................................................................ 291 47 81 Pottawatomie........................................................................... 929 590 24 Republic........................................ 961 26 83 Riley..................................................... 957 212 68 Rooks...............................................90 23 Rooks.n 90 23......... Russell........................................................................ 265 13 Saline.................................................................................... 651 329 90 Smith..................................................417................... 417 36 18 W ashington.............................................................................. 710 488 73 Total.............0....................................................... 20...., 087 11, 223 2, 074 Majority..............6.................................. 777 I~pu li...................., 6 6/8 668 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. VOTE FOR MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. N. COUNTIES OF THE SECOND DISTRICT. Allen. 737 574 Allen.... ~ 737................................................ 574 Anderson............................... 425 564 Bourbon............................................................................................... 1,232 1,321 Cherokee............................................................................... 878 742 Crawford............................................................................................. 715 457 Douglas.............................................................................................. 1,646 1,596 Franklin............................................................................................. 1,077 882 Johnson............................................................................................... 1.561 1,028 Labette...................................................................... 749 1,300 Linn....................................... 962 888 Montgomery.................................................. 1, 066 1, 313 Miami..1,286......................................................................................983 Neosho............................................................. 1, 020 822 W ilson................................................................................................. 585 883 W yandotte......................................................................1,026 887 Total........................................ 14,965 14,240 Majority...................................................................................... 713 VOTE FOR MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. COUNTIES OF THE THIRD DISTRICT. i? 73 Barbour............................................................................................... 104 73 Barton.................................................................. 273 206 Butler........................................................... 751 771 Comanche................................................................................................ Chase................................................................................................... 251 48 Coffey........................................ 733 587 Cowley........................................................... 914 644 Edwards................................................................. 73 Ford....................................... 132 3 Greenwood.......693 480 Harpe r.............................................................................................. 693 480 Harvey........................................................... 601 37 Howard.............................................................................................. 1,659 944 Kingman............................................................................................. 123 9 Lyon........................................................... 884 693 Lyon ~~.~.~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 884 1 693 M arion.................................................................................... 429 354 McPherson........................................................... 637 362 M orris.......................................................................................... 506 461 Ness...................................................................................................: Osage........................................................... 1,028 767 Pawnee................................................................................................ 106 69 Pratt........................................................... 43 39 Reno..................................................................... 695 45 Rice.................................................................................. 226 68 Sedgwick....................................................................................... 842 599 Shawnee............................................................................................... 1,521 1,139 Sumner.................................................. 462 456 W abaunsee.......................................................................... 498 272 Wallace *................................................................................... W oodson.............................................................................................. 397 371 Total.........................................................14, 581 9, 932 M ajority..................................................................... 4, 645 *William A. Phillips received 77 votes. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 669 VOTE FOR JUDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT IN THE SIXTH, EIGHTH, AND ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. County. Names of Candidates. 6 Bourbon........................... W. C. Stewart......................... 1,197 1,197 Dickinson...................... James H. Austin..................... 1,008 8 Morris....................... James H. Austin..................... 953 Morris............................ James H. Austin..................... 95; I Ottawa............................ James H. Austin............. 758 Riley.............................. James H. Austin..................... 1,231 4,740 4,733 Montgomery.................B. W. Perkins.......................... 1, 438 Labette..................... B. W. Perkins......................... 1,036 Cherokee.................... B. W. Perkins.......................... 823 Crawford........................ B. W. Perkins.......................... 768 4,065 1,042 Montgomery.................... J. D. McCue................... 951 I Labette........................... J. D. McCe.891 Cherokee................. J. D. McC...... 798 Crawford........................ J. D. McCue.377 3,017 NOVEMBER 6.-J. H. Folks appointed Regent of the Agricultural College. NOVEMBER 7.-W. J. Bawden appointed Judge of the Sixth District. NOVEMBER 10.-The Pomeroy bribery case comes on at Burlingame, before Judge Peyton. Gen. Stringfellow, for the defence, asked a continuance, and it was granted. NOVEMBER 12.-Appointment of a State Relief Committee, at Topeka, consisting of E. S. Stover, F. S. McCabe, O. T. Welch, F. W. Giles, Henry King, Wm. Sims, S. T. Kelsey, A. L. Vorhees, Wm. C. Tenney, John Fraser, J. C. Cusey, C. H. Lebold, John Geise, B. H. McEckron, J. H. Edwards, Rev. Mr. McCobas, John A. Martin, Geo. W. Glick, M. J. Morse, G. A. Thompson, P. B. Plumb, M. M. Murdock, J. H. Crichton, Wm. Martindale, Horace Cooper, E. N. Morrill, M. E. Hudson, Charles W. Blair, Theo. C. Sears, D. J. Brewer, W. A. Johnson, Alfred Gray. NOVEMBER 19.-Rev. Dr. Jas. Marvin elected Chancellor of the University. NOVEMBER 19.-Organization of the State Central Relief Committee, at Topeka. President, E. S. Stover; Secretary, Henry King; Treasurer, F. W. Giles. Executive Committee: E. S. Stover, Henry King, F. W. Giles, O. T. Welch, F. S. McCabe, M. M. Murdock, Wm. C. Tenney, D. J. Brewer, Thos. Murphy. Voted that an address be prepared by Rev. Dr. McCabe, Gen. John Fraser, and M. M. Murdock. NOVEMBER 30.-Expenditures of the State for the year: Governor's Department............ $7,097 40 Penitentiary........................... 74,453 26 -Secretary's Department............ 15,787 82 Agricultural College................. 28,012 08 Auditor's Department............... 5, 312 62 Regents of State Institutions.... 5,979 28 Treasurer's Department............ 4, 346 04 Conveying prisoners to PenitenAttorney General..................... 1,850 00 tiary................................... 10, 345 75 Supt. of Public Instruction....... 4,916 71 Orphan Asylum, Leavenworth.. 7, 000 00 Librarian.................................. 2,656 55 Publishing Const. Amendment.. 8, 967 70 Adjutant General..................... 800 00 State Board of Agriculture........ 16,735 42 Supreme Court.......................... 22,047 64 Settlers on Osage Lands............ 2, 500 00 District Judges.;........................ 38,588 76 Legislative expenses.................. 35,130 45 Normal School, Emporia........... 12,595 56 Miscellaneous appropriations.... 14, 067 77 Normal School, Leavenworth.... 5,990 40 Court of Impeachment.............. 10,166 31 Blind Asylum............................ 8, 8,80. 36 Legislative expenses, Special'Deaf and Dumb Asylum............ 16,413 54 Session................................. 9, 027 90 Insane Asylum......................... 41,527 40 Investigating Committee;.......... 968 80.State University........................ 29,244 81,Horticultural Society................. 1,000 00 Printing................................... 37,866 01 TranscPrinting.37,866l................ 1937, 0,1 Total for 1874.....................$482,212 34 Transcribing Journals......... 1,935 00 670 ANNVALS OF KANSAS. [1874. -The following is the State debt: I _, Date of Is- For Vht When. W r Face of Aiot Sold. g - e a 1861 July 1,'61 Cur. Exp. 7 July 1,'76 N. Y... $150,000 173 0 34,600 1863 Mar.20,'63 Cur. Exp. 7 July 1,'78. N. Y... 54,000 $8,0 $34,600 1863 July 1,'63 F. Terr. 1).I 6 July 1,'83 Top'ka 61,600 61, 600 00 15,700 21,000 1864 July 1,'64 Refund.T.' 6 July 1,'84 Top'ka 39,675 39,675 00 36,425 1, 200 1864 July 1,'64 Mil. Purp. 7 July 1,'84 N. Y... 100, 000 87,586 00 11, 000............ 1864 July 1,'64 Penit'y... 7 July 1,'84 N. Y... 50,000 45, 000 00..... 1866 July 1,'66Penit'y... 7 July 1,'86 N. Y... 60,000 54,600 00................ 1866 July 1,'66 Pub. Imp. 7 July 1,'96 N. Y... 70, 000 63, 210 00........... 38, 000 1866 July 1,'66 Mil. Purp. 7 July 1,'86 Top'ka 40,000 38, 220 00' 40,000............ 1867 July 1,'67 Penit'y... 7 July 1,'97 N. Y 100, 0001 89,329 16 50, 000............ 1867 July 1,'67 Cap. B'dg. 7 July 1,'97 N. Y.. 100,0001 89,513 00 30, 0001 5,000 1867 July 1,'67 D.&D.As. 7 July 1,'87 Top'ka 15,500 15,500 00 15,500.... 1868 July 1,'68 Cap. B'dg. 7 July 1,'98 N. Y... 150, 000 137,180 00 66,000............ 1868 July 1,'68 Penit'y... 7 July 1,'98 N. Y... 50, 000 45,588 35......... 50,000 1868 July 1,'68 Mil. Purp. 7 July 1,'88 N. Y... 30, 000 27, 353 00 30, 000............ 1868 July 1,'68 InsaneAs. 7 July 1,'98 N. Y.... 20,000 18,352 33 20, 000............ 1869 Jan. 1,'69 Mil. Purp. 7 July 1,'89 N. Y... 75, 000 69,000 00 75, 000. 1869 Jan. 1,'69 Mil. Purp. 7 Julv 1,'99 N. Y... 89,000 83,200 00 89,000.... 1869 Jan. 1,'69 Mil. Purp. 7 July 1,'89 N. Y... 12, 000 11,380 00 11, 000 1, 000 1869 Jan. 1,'69 Cap. B'dg. 7 July 1,'89 N. Y... 70,000 66, 442 57 30, 000 1874 Oct. 15,74 Rel'f B'ds. 7 Oct. 15,'94 N. Y... 5,000 5,000 00 5,000............ $1,341,775 $1,220,779 41 $512,725 $180,800 "The following bonds are held by the sinking fund: Date of Issue. For what PPurpose. ate of Amont o f Interest. Bonds. May 1, 1863 Funding Territorial debt..................................6 per cent. $11,000 00 July 1, 1863 Funding Territorial debt.................................. 6 per cent. 10,000 00 July 1, 1864 Funding Territorial debt..................................6 per cent. 1, 200 00 July 1, 1861 Current expenses................................... 7 per cent. 4, 600 00 Mar.20, 1863 Current expenses...................................... 7 per cent. 30,000 00 July 1, 1868 Penitentiary buildings.............................. 7 per cent. 50, 000 00 July 1, 1867 Capitol building.............................................. 7 per cent. 5,000 00 July 1, 1869 Capitol building............................... 7 per cent. 30, 000 00 July 1, 1866 Public improvements.................................. 7 per cent. 38,000 00 Jan. 1, 1869 Military purposes............................... 7 per cent. 1,000 00 Total.......................................................................... $180, 800 00 "The amount of the Kansas State debt held by the Permanent School Fund is $512,725; by the Sinking Fund, $180,800; State bonds now outstanding and unpaid, $648,250." -Auditor Wilder's Report. NOVEMBER 30.-The Insane Asylum; at Osawatomie, has steam waterworks in successful operation. NOVEMBER 30.-The following table is given to show what the State has attempted to raise each year by taxation: Taxable property Rate of tax on as fixed by the Year. the dollar. Tax levied. State Board. 1861..... mills................... 3 mills.................................................. $74, 233 $24,774, 333 1862........................ 5............................................. 01,469 19,285,749 1863........................ 5............................ 127,302 25, 460,400 1864........................ 5 152,334 30,502,791 1865......................... 5........................... 181,136 36,227,200 1866......................... 4............201,760 50,439,634 1867........................ 5........................... 281,381 56,276,360 1868...... 6Y/.................................................... 435,407 66, 949, 549 1869 0 ".......................................................... 763, 836 76,383,697 1870........................8..................................................... 809,620 92,528,099 1871............................................................ 652,521 108,753, 575 1872........................ 8................................................... 1, 085, 372 127,690,937 1873........................ 754, 105 125, 684, 176 1873........................ 6.............................................. 754,105 125,684,176 1874........................ 6.......................... 773, 499 128,916,519 1875....................... 6 "................................................... 729,266 121,,544,344 -Auditor Wilder's Report. 1874.] ANNALS OF KANVSAS. 071 The 1875 figures have been added to the above table. The Report says: "The whole of this tax is never collected, and only a fraction of the amount levied in any year is collected during that year." — Librarian Dickinson says the State owns 4,278 volumes of Kansas Supreme Court Reports, worth $17,112. The number of books in the Library is 10,297. DECEMBER.-Report of Charles Puffer, C. S. Brodbent, and Wm. W. Creighton, Commissioners of Public Institutions. It is a volume of 406 pages. DECEMBER 1. —Secretary Smallwood reports the following counties organized during the year: Kingman, February 27; Pratt, March 14; Edwards, August 21. DECEMBER."There are now in the State 4,395 school districts, of which 391 were organized during the past year. In the number of pupils enrolled in the public schools there has been an increase, since the last report of the Superintendent, of 13,000; 5,043 teachers have been employed, an increase from 1873 of more than twenty per cent. The amount distributed to the various counties, on the semi-annual dividend of school money, is $261,952.61, an increase for the year of $30,035.34. The progress made by the higher educational institutions is none the less marked."-Gov. Osborn's Message, Jan., 1875. DECEMBER 1."It has been repeatedly asserted that the laws governing the State Treasury are impracticable, and that no person could perform the duties of the office and comply with the law. On the 19th of May, I issued a circular to the several county treasurers, reciting the sections of the statutes showing the kind of funds which should be received by the State Treasurer in payment of all moneys due the treasury, with a notice that hereafter no drafts or checks would be received. In some instances no attention was paid to said circular, but a prompt adherence to the law on my part produced the desired effect on the part of others; and after a period of more than six months I can truly say that the law governing the treasury of the State of Kansas is a good one for the people of the State, and ought not in any manner to be modified, but rather strengthened by additional safeguards."-Treastrer Francis's Report. DECEMBER.-The St. Mary's Times issued. 0. L. R. Sedgwick; publisher; H. G. Evans, editor. DECEMBER 8.-The Lawrence Tribune suspends. -The Kansas Pacific train robbed at Muncie, a few miles west of Kansas City, at 3 P. M. Five masked men flagged and stopped the train, cut off the passenger coaches, moved the engine and express car some distance forward, and fobbed Wells, Fargo & Co.'s safe of about $27,000. DECEMBER 10.-William McDaniels, one of the Muncie train robbers, arrested in'Kansas City. DECEMBER 10.-The new Deaf and Dumb Asylum, at Olathe, is completed; number of pupils in the school, 80. The Ninth Annual Report gives a history of legislation in Kansas for the Deaf and Dumb. DECEMBER 15.-Eighth Annual Meeting of the State Horticultural Society, at Emporia. Officers:.Pesident, E. Gale, Manhattan; Vice President, Robert Milliken, Emporia; Secretary, G. C. Brackett, Lawrence;. Treasurer, Fred. Wellhouse, Leavenworth. Executive Board: H. E. Van Deman, Geneva, Allen county; E. Snyder, Highland, Doniphan county;. J. Stayman, Leavenworth. f67'2 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874. DECEMBER 17.-A. M. Campbell confirmed as Postmaster at Salina, and Luther M. Eggers as Register of the Hays City Land Office. DECEMBER 21.-Edward Russell resigns as Superintendent of Insurance, and Henry Clarkson is appointed. -The Blue Rapids Woollen Mills manufacture cloth to clothe the convicts in the Penitentiaries of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. DECEMBER 28.-Death of Gerrit Smith, in New York City. Burning of Drake's Block, in Fort Scott..-M. M. Murdock appointed Postmaster at Wichita. DECEMBER 29.-The Lawrence dam completed and utilized. The dam has cost $100,000, and furnishes between two and three thousand horsepower. It has been under construction since 1872. DECEMBER 31.-The Report Qf Charles A. Morris, Adjutant General, gives a detailed account of Indian raids and military operations during the year. The following is copied from pages 33, 34, and 36: "The total number of persons known to have been murdered within the State, by Indians, since the 16th of June last, is twenty-seven, inclusive of the four citizens of Kansas, killed July 3d, on the Fort Sill trail, while engaged in transporting Indian supplies.... The following shows the force and term of service of the militia called into service during the present year to repel Indian invasion: Name of Company. i, i2 Co. A, Sedgwick County Mounted Militia 21 July 10, 1874 July 21, 1874 11 days. Co. A, Barbour County Mounted Militia* 60 Aug. 7, 1874 Aug. 24, 1874 18 days. Co. A, Barbour County-Mounted Militia-t 60 Aug. 24, 1874 Nov. 24, 1874 90 days. Co. A, Cowley County Mounted Militia... 60 Aug. 28, 1874 Nov. 28, 1874 90 days. Co. A, Reno County Mounted Militia.... 40 Aug. 21,1874 Oct. 14, 1874 54 days. Barbour County Mounted Guards$......... 50 Sept. 3, 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 109 days. *Before reorganization. t Second organization. t Ordered into service again, December 23, 1874, and still on duty. " The State has heretofore paid, for defence against Indians, $206,000, under the following acts, to wit: An act to provide for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the State for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Kansas militia; approved March 3, 1868......................................................................................................... $30,000 An act to provide for the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of Kansas for the purpose of liquidating the indebtedness of the State, incurred for military purposes during the year 1868, in defending the citizens of the State against the ravages of hostile Indians on the frontier of Kansas; approved February 9, 1869.................................................................... 75,000 An act to provide for the issuance and sale of bonds of the State of Kansas to provide a military contingent fund for the protection of the frontier against hostile Indians; approved February 26, 1869................................................ 89, 000 An act to provide for the issuance and sale of bonds for defraying the expenses. in raising the Nineteenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry; approved March 3, 1869................................................................... 12, 000 "There was also paid by the State $140,000, in addition to the above, for defensive purposes, under acts of February 22,1864, and March 6, 1866, a portion of which was for defence against Indians. "So much of this amount as has been paid to protect the State against Indian depredations, together with the military expenses of the present year, should be assumed by the General Government, and refunded to the State." DECEMBER 31.-The following is copied from Superintendent McCarty's Report: 1874.] ANNALS OF KANSAS. 673 TABLE SHOWING THE GROWTH OF FREE SCHOOLS IN KANSAS. No. Children of School Age. No. of Children enrolled. Years. R,, WI a ~.a- -... 1861.............. 12 217 114........................ 4,901........................ 2,310 1862.............. 28 534 304 7 911 6, 065 13,976 4,721 3 872 8,595 1863....... 33' 705 506 12,516 12,058 24,574 7,645 7 458 15,103 1864.............. 33 823 640........................ 37, 979....................... 22, 667 1865......... 35 847 721....................... 45, 441...... 26,409 1866........ 37 986 871 28,104 26,621 54,725........................ 31, 528 1867.............. 42 1,172 1,056 32,275'30,558 62,833 20,696 1 18,753 39,449 1868.............. 43 1,372 1,232 40, 246 35,904 76,150 23,640 21,500 45,140 1869.............. 43 1,707 1,621 48,007 44,510 92,517 30,197 28 484 58,681 1870........... 47 2,068 1,950 52,254 56,988 119,244 32,183 31,035 63,218 1871.......... 53 2,647 2,438 73, 248 I 69,110 142,358 44,870 44,907 89, 777 1872.............. 60 3,419 3,170 85, 095 80,887 165, 982 53, 666 52,997 106,663 1873........ 64 4,004 3,847 90 714 85,357 184, 957 57, 772 54,645 121,690 1874............. 68 4,395 4,181 101,872 87,138 199,019 68,978 66,620 135,598 COMPARATIVE TABLE —CONTINUED. a c 3 PX No. Teachers employed. Average salary o FL4,Q ~ a __________ per month. Q Q n~.. > o. 3.. II II ~ C 1862................. 3.2 90 229 319................ $14,009 67 $1,747 23 1863... 5 549 3.8 164 400 564................... 24,845 27............... 1864...... 8,744 3.5 205 527 732 $27 00 $16 10 16,361 67 10, 625 61 1865...... 14210 3.4 247 652 899 46 74 34 41 86898 92.............. 1866......... 3 405 * 681 1,086 41 27 28 90 115,924 11............... 1867...... 20,573 4.4 541 664 1,205 39 44 26 41 170,046 39 42,824 42 1868...... 27,238 5 746 855 1,601 39 56 29 08 203, 878 54 45, 319 87 1869...... 31,124 5 896 1,118 2,014 37 07 28 98 292,719 94 79,343 76 1870.... 39,401 5.2 1,079 1,161 2,240 39 60 31 10 318,596 31 98,644 33 1871...... 52,891 5.8 1,453 1,625 3,078 41 54 31 75 449,273 05 44,690 58 1872...... 61,538 5.4 1 747 2,048 3,795 40 20 31 50 596,611 94 58,886 08 1873...... 71,062 5.34 1,880 2,144 4,675 38 43 30 64 716,056 08 51,504 06 1874...... 77,386 5.5 2, 360 2, 683 5,043 37 24 28 69 723, 578 63 51,263 70 COMPARATIVE TABLE- CONCLUDED. og tic, 20 N2umber of School Houses.: o I I Ia aa.': 1862.................................. $10,381 81................................. $10,432 50 1863.. $12,918 14................. 12,300 59.......................................... 32,972 60 1864.. 24,193 01.............. 58,343 29.................................. 76,500 71 1865.. 23, 814 11.................. 107,293 47.......................................... 122, 822 64 1866.. 31,054 24................. 192,620 17...................................... 318, 897 31 1867.. 49, 961 36 1$21,353 38 273,057 18 241 339 15 108 703 1 573,690 08 1868.. 55,989 90 30,804 94 342,421 70 270 472 28 182 953 813,062 75 1869.. 116,235 80 19,259 93 1 428,983 98 348 606 35 224 1,213 1,031,892 00 1870.. 139,957 37 14,260 19 518,332 85 352 1 864 46 239 1,501 1,520,041 40 1871.. 182,377 201 30,000 88 534,261 69 266 1,197 61 263 1,820 2,024,594 33 1872.. 217,810 80 22,680 65 822,644 94 204 1,507 244 348 2,437 2, 845, 262 58 1873.. 231,917 28 27,404 54 931, 958 69 263 2,263 246 461 3,134 3,408,956 00 1874.. 261,952 62 49,273 76 895, 095 35 328 2,482 263 1 470 3,543 3,989,085 67 43 674 ANNALS OF KANSAS. [1874.. CENSUS TAKEN MARCH 1, 1875. The following figures have been furnished by Alfred Gray, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture. They are not official, but will not vary 500, from the official result: Counties. Popula- Counties. Popla- Counties. Po tion. tion. lation. Allen...... 6, 638 Harper............................... Phillips............... 2, 817' Anderson...........,800 Harvey................... 5,050 Pottawatomie... 10, 342 Atchison....................20,191 Jackson................... 6,684 Pratt*.............. Barbour............... 367 Jefferson................. 11,654 Reno.................. 5,114Barton.........2,.106 Jewell.................... 7,652 Republican......... 8, 050 Bourbon................. 879 Johnson................. 14,582 Rice..................... 2, 455 Brown....................,728 Kingman *.. Riley................... 7, 066 Butler.................... 9,840 Labete.......... 14,568 Rooks t................ 567 Chautauqua........... 7,634 Leavenworth.......... 27,738 Rush.................. 451 Chase..................... 3,000 Lincoln................... 2,492 Russell............. 1, 054 Cherokee............... 13,393 Linn....................... 11,546 Saline... 6,359 Clay........................ 6,648 Lyon.................... 9,578 Sedgwick............ 8,162 Clobd.................... 7,195 Marion.................. 6 5,904 Shawnee.............. 15, 389: Coffey..................... 7, 239 Marshall................ 10,818 Smith.................. 3, 915 Comanche *........................ McPherson............ 6,202 Sumner............... 4,925 Cowley................... 927 Miami.................... 2,680 Wabaunsee......... 4, 694Crawford........... 9,.....383 Mitchell.5............... Wallace*......................... Davis...................... 4,765 Montgomery........... 12,177 Washington......... 8, 548 Dickinson............... 6,911 Morris.................... 4,595 Wilsoni................. 9,752 Doniphan...............13,923 Nemaha................. 7,103 Woodson.............. 4,472 Douglas................. 18, 365 Neosho......... 9,763 Wyandotte........... 12, 385; Edwards................ 234 Ness *................................. Unorganized Cos $ 500, Elk......................... 300 Norton.................. 901 Ellis..942 Osage..................... 10,281 Total........ 526, 732 Ellswortb...............761 Osborne......... 3,466 * 4, 424 Ford...................... 813 Ottawa................. 4,430 Franklin........ 10 039 Pawnee.............. 1,006 5 Greenwood 642............. 531,15 ~ The counties of Comanche and Ness polled 535 votes at the general election in 1873. The counties of Kingman, Pratt and Wallace polled 671 votes in 1874. Allowing four inhabitants to the voter, it will give to these counties, at the periods named, a~ population of 4,424. Returns of 1874. jEstimated. INDEX. A. Arapahoes, The........... 22, 30, 257, 428, 467 ABBOTT, JAMES B......... 70, 94, 132, 161, 162 Arkansas, Valley of the...................... 18 235, 372, 448, 529 Arkansas Territory............................. 21 Abbott, Nelson.........489, 523, 529, 585' 644 Arny, W. F. M.........134, 168, 182, 189, 235 ~~646, 659 2,~239,',253, 261, 265 Arms issued to the State................ 599 Abell, Peter T..........................37, 249, 638............... 37, 249, 68,"A rtemus W ard"..................... 426 Abernathy, James L................... 297 Abileneathy, James....................... 97 Arrasmith, Abner.. 493 Abilene....464,467,52.................. Arrickaree Fork, Battle of.............4-489, 501 Academy of Science......... 563, 600, 620, 658 Ar............... 207 Act of Admission.............254.... rur,......... Adams, Charles W......................... Ashbaugh, H. C................................. 580 Adams, Daniel M......260, 309, 313, 345, 595 Ahley illiam H.......................21 Adams, Frank G........22, 130, 182, 262, 314 Atchison, David R...3, 35, 40, 72, 105, 109 321, 344, 369, 378, 381) 481, 486, 577, 616 Atchison....28, 37, 38,/66, 114, 128, 162, 188 653 241, 248, 261, 268, 462, 508, 520, 521, 543 Adams, Henry J......105, 128, 129, 132, 160 549, 567, 578, 579, 598, 614, 616, 620, 633 162, 167, 182, 224, 225,.257, 309, 457, 521 A. T. & S. F.. 638, 640, 642 346,374, 427, 431, 458 Adams, Nathaniel A........ 332, 481, 554, 5744.. 489, 506, 509, 521, 526, 529, 567, 577, 578 Adams M Se..266, 271, 584, 620, 658. 601, 619, 628, 629, 640, 658 Adams, Moses S.....266 26309, 31344, 331 Atchison and Nebraska R. R...461, 466, 544 469, 494, 502, 527 555, 580, 629 Adair, S. L.......................................... 498Aa c b.......... Admission of Kansas........................... 254 A~Admire, j. V.. 653 ~xAtlanta evacuated................378, 391 Agassiz, Louis.487................ 47490 Atwood, Samuel F....250 322, 325, 387, 393 Agassiz, Louis......~..........................48 490 X * Agricultural College.........320, 345, 347, 355 Audtor's Insurance fund........ 550 437, 453, 461, 464, 508, 514, 570, 620, 631 Auld, David C.........................235 270, 339 657 Austin, James H...........................641, 669 Agricultural Society, State......314, 344, 369 422, 432, 504, 520, 554, 600, 605, 637, 658 B. Akers, Benjamin F........................414, 644 Akin, Andrew................................442, 465 BABCOCK, CARMI W...43, 51, 72, 98, 109, 134 Akin, Eugene L.............................428, 488 149, 153, 156, 346, 355, 375, 464, 481, 506 Alabama........... 112 561, 611 Albin, U. A....................................527, 646 Babbitt, J. F..................................510, 537 Aldrich, C. J....................................... 556 Baker University............151, 376, 435, 437 Allen, Asaph..................................94, 01 501, 657 Allen, John M.................334, 551, 560, 623 Baker, F. P........251, 270, 314, 321, 344, 349 Allen, Norman..............................126, 308 479, 481, 483, 497, 498, 505, 506, 524, 548' Allen, Lyman....................98, 118, 149, 355 562, 572 Alma.................................... 657 Baker, Thomas H..........................327, 343 Altoona............. 599 Badger, William P...........165, 191, 337, 408 Alvord, Theodore....................439, 463, 646 Bainum, J. W...................................... 662 Anderson, John A.....609, 616, 620, 640, 658 Bakewell, John.................................... 443 Anderson, Martin.....189, 250, 271, 314, 322 Bailey, David H...............197, 234, 248, 250 332, 442, 446, 488, 581 Bailey, Lawrence D.........188, 189, 226, 232: Anderson, Thomas J........275, 309, 425, 436 322, 326, 344, 347, 369, 392, 422, 432, 439 452, 464, 584, 619 459, 495 Andersonville prisoners....................... 437 Baptists, The...................371. 521, 552, 658 Angell, H. H..........................617, 641, 665 Bancroft, Asa R...............394, 407, 576, 577 Anthony, Daniel R...197, 225, 253, 256, 262 Bancroft, Edward P.........167, 168, 235, 244 264, 268, 273, 274, 294, 319, 323, 346, 380 266, 297, 300, 312, 314, 356, 482, 544 442, 460, 462, 487, 488, 490, 528, 529, 561 Bancroft, George................................. 6 569, 582, 583, 625, 644, 649, 650 Banks, National................................. 658 Anthony, George T..........462, 465, 467, 473 Banks, Private................................ 658 486, 524, 526, 600, 605, 628, 637, 643, 645 Banks, Nathaniel P............................. 91 652, 658 Banks, Elliot V................................... 381 Anthony, Jacob M..........................294, 296 Banks, Alex. R.........260, 313, 344, 347,' 371 Anthony, Susah B............................. 465 434, 455, 547. 566, 582, 605, 637 Antietam, Battle of......................... 321 Banfield, John A.....................551, 563, 620 Appomattox Court House.....................425 Bands, Social...................................... 32 Appropriations, State....... 312, 330, 355, 431 Banta, A. J......................594, 602, 611, 653 452, 472, 497, 513, 541, 562, 599, 629, 669 Battle-flags........................... 440 676 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Battery, Independent Colored........369, 423 Books relating to Kansas...... 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Ballard, David E......235, 283, 378, 424, 450 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 37, 42, 43, 62 460, 561, 649 90, 92, 96, 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 111 Baldridge, B. L.............................369, 642 120, 121, 132, 192, 209, 224, 225, 237, 275 Barber, Thomas W....71, 72, 73, 92, 96, 115 347, 350, 374,- 426, 452, 458, 459, 473, 482 Barber, Oliver................. 149, 235, 309, 386 487, 501, 507, 513, 519, 523, 527, 552, 553 Barber, Robert J................................. 397 577, 579, 601, 616, 618 Barber, John.................................... 397 Boynton, Jeremiah...559, 569, 574, 612, 656 Barbour county.............................459, 633 Boynton, Charles B.............................. 42 Bartlett, J. Kemp................................ 163 Boynton, H. V.................................... 42 Barton county..............................459, 599 Boyd, John.....................617, 627, 640, 655 Barker, Rinaldo A....278, 378, 384, 442, 446 Botkin, Owen D.................................. 401 Barker, E.............................. 593 Bourbon county................................. 459 Barker, Rev. Francis........................... 24 Bowles, John................................301, 340 Barry, Abraham............................94, 149 Bowles, Theodore C................ 495, 574, 609 Bartlett, Thomas................................. 662 Bonds, Municipal............436, 530, 575, 642 Bardwell, F. W.................................... 620 Bonds to railroads.........................424, 427 Barter, Nat. G................. 524 Bonds, Territorial claim.................224, 257 Barnett, William B...............269, 312, 629 Bonds, State.......347, 432, 437, 453, 459, 460 Barr; William V................................. 182 480, 505, 506 Barstow, William A.......................316, 432 Bond, Joseph.................................. 447 Barnes, Asa..................................... 407 Bodwell, Lewis................................... 453 Bassett, Owen A.......149, 281, 492, 501, 524 Bowman, William.............. 458 549, 597 Bowker, William E..........182, 235, 250, 378 Baughn, Melvin..................................489 453, 642 Bauserman, Joseph P......415, 429, 653, 662 Bowen, Thomas M..........303, 337, 375, 482 Bawden, W. -J.........................569, 650, 669 Brown, John......13, 44, 71, 72, 99, 100, 101 Baxter Springs Massacre..................... 349 105, 108, 115, 192, 196, 198, 226, 231, 237 Beach, David C.........648, 649, 656, 657, 660 238, 241, 242, 243, 267, 268, 350, 461, 553 Beach, M. S.............................. 584 615, 628 Beates, G. E..................................506, 582 Brown, John, jr.........44, 51, 55, 94, 95, 98 Bear, W. L......................................... 559 102, 123, 296, 312, 316 Beam, John A.................................... 327 Brown, George W...........39, 62, 90, 98, 123 Benton, Milton R............228, 239, 323, 387 134, 197, 263, 554 Benton, Thomas H..............3...........31, 35 Brown, Ansel D...............264, 287, 523, 563 Beebe, George M...... 228, 240, 242, 246, 253 Brown, John H..............................524, 610 Bennett, Abram................................. 537 Brown, Robert J................................. 620 Bennett, M. V. B....................529, 531, 584 Brown, L......................................657, 659 Bender murders.. 614 Brown, V............................................. 560 Benedict, S. S..................558, 653, 654, 665 Brown, William R............ 435,. 456, 471, 501 Beatty, Archibald...................485, 491, 609 521, 597, 653, 668 Bell, Peter....................................646, 656 Brown, John S.................384, 385, 422, 432 Beman, Hiram T......425, 505, 528, 581, 610 440, 464 Beeler, William D............. 182 228..............82, 228 Brown, R. P., killed.................90, 91, 94 Bent, H. N....... 560 Brown, Abram.................................. 328 Bettis, F. A.......................................... 582 Brown, Rev. Olympia.......................... 464 Bethany, College of Sisters of...257, 501, 553 Browne, Orville H..........................389, 645 Bickerton, Thomas.................256, 308, 529 Brandley, Henry.............301, 451, 566, 575 Biennial sessions...........................138, 224 581, 593 Bienville...................8,.........8, 10 Branscomb, Charles H...............37, 39, 107 Big Blue, Battle of..................381, 382, 383 182, 201 Big Springs.....................................55, 60 Brewer, David J.......381, 390, 440, 441, 475 Birds of Kansas.................................. 576 483, 488, 528, 535 Blakely, William S...........313, 410, 449, 596 Bridges, C. G................................ 524, 662 Blair, A. M......................................... 592 Brewerton, G. Douglas....................... 92 Blair, Charles W.......242, 279, 319, 356, 430 Bruner, J. B....................................... 469 441, 443, 444, 447, 459, 479, 485, 491, 585 Brumbaugh, J. D......250, 352, 378, 384, 385 598, 669 412, 442, 581, 609 Blanton, N. B.........................235, 307, 470 Brackett, George C..................473, 514, 541 Black Bob Lands........................... 527, 640 600, 671 Blake, F. N.............................182, 235, 244 Branson, Jacob..............................70, 123 Blair, Francis P.....................263, 484, 486 Brooks, Preston S...........................34, 100 Black Jack....................................100, 101 Breckinridge, John C...............34, 101, 248 Black, Jeremiah S............................... 190 Broadhead, John F.......... 234, 258, 306, 312 Bloss, William C.................................. 39 314, 329, 343, 381, 388, 493, 654 Bloss, William W........................374, 380 Brooks, Paul R................230, 397, 579, 606 Blood, James.............94, 198, 203, 207, 494 Bronson, Ira D................................... 311 Blood, N................................. 207 Bronson, Henry........612, 613, 615, 624, 641 Blunt, James G.......207, 305, 309, 316, 321 Bronson, Levi...................................... 290 331, 344, 347, 348, 349, 380, 383, 391 Brock, Benjamin H............................. 94 392, 440 Brockway, David.............327, 343, 391, 393 Blind Asylum...374, 459, 466, 478, 497, 514 Burr, Aaron............................ 14, 19 518, 632 Buchanan, James......101, 117, 128, 161, 254 Blue Rapids woollen mill..................... 672 Buford, Jeff...............................90, 95, 112 Blue Lodges................................ 32 Butler, Gen. Benj. F............................ 263 Booth, John Wilkes.......................355, 426 Butler, Pardee............55; 97, 541, 563, 583 Booth, Henry....334, 451, 481, 628, 650, 653 584, 589 Border Ruffians...33, 41, 42, 45, 49, 100, 105 Butler county.........................459 541, 586 115, 122, 123, 132, 164, 350, 355, 521 Butler, Charles B.............539, 558,. 576, 592 Bogus Laws......56, 57, 58, 59, 114, 123, 198 Butler, Thomas H.....182, 471, 496, 512, 583 INDEX. 677 Burnett, J. C......201, 207, 234, 243,' 251, 262 Cessions, English..............................7, 11 321, 375 French..........8, 9, 11, 14 15, 16. Burnett,. Abram.................................. 521 Spanish................................ 13 Budlong bonds.................................... 607 Centre of the State.............................. 633 Burris, Fernando IH...............305, 345, 644 Centennial...................................554, 643 Burris, John T......... 207, 244, 251, 262, 305 Centralia.............................j.......... 482 378, 429, 434, 481, 501, 511 Central Branch R. R........320, 431, 458, 464 Burrell, J. M..................................40, 72 465, 466, 473, 475, 483, 521, 522, 619, 628 Burnes, James N.............................. 37 629, 640Burlington.............................163, 436, 599 Cherokees, The........20, 23, 25, 26, 440, 482 Buchan, W. J.................................594, 664 508, 640 Burgoyne, William.........290, 505, 581, 620 Cheyennes, The.........22, 30, 257, 428, 467 Buckingham, Henry.......253, 323, 349, 466 Chippewas, The......................42, 225, 640 489, 521, 544, 570 Chivington's Indian Massacre.............. 392 Buck, J. Jay............382, 648, 649, 650, 653 Chicago fire......................................... 555 Burning well....................................... 515 Chicago and Southwestern R. R.....453, 549 Buckmaster, Henry.........229, 235, 250, 309 555, 579 B3urlingame, Ward...........323, 331, 431, 437 Chadwick, Charles....154, 157, 225, 331, 381 464, 501, 548, 549 Chetopa.................................439, 599, 633 Burlingame, Anson.................33, 225, 226 Champion, The Atchison....39, 43, 204, 378 Burlingame............................103, 163, 614 550, 606 Burke, William S......275, 489, 524, 615, 644 Chenoweth, Bernard P............252, 275, 522 Burnett, Ward B...................... 186 Chief, Troy..................188, 312, 551, 578 Buffum, David C............................109, 111 Challiss, Luther C............................... 162 Burns, Ross...... 397, 444, 447, 485, 491 Challiss, Wm. L.................................. 525 Burdett, Samuel F..........525, 526, 547, 566 Chase, A. G.............................487, 544, 612 Bull Run............................................ 266 Chase, Salmon P.................32, 35, 541, 614 Budington, George E.....................275, 365 Christian, James......... 39, 98, 114, 191, 236 Butts, William C......399, 450, 469, 510, 538'' 242, 309, 426,444, 492, 541 Cheese factories................................... 482 c. Christopher, W. B.............................. 661 Chapman, John B............................... 43 CALHOUN, JOHN.........38, 134, 147, 156, 162 Chatham, James J........................... 614 185, 186, 478 Chess, Joh......................................... 309 Candle-box returns......................161, 162 Cherokee county...........................241,. 459 Carson, Kit......................................... 28 ~Chanute, Octave.................................. 464 Cato, Sterling G........................40, 62, 152 Cheeseborough, E...........................378, 544 Cass, Lewis...........23, 29, 95, 120, 154, 155 Charlott, Battle of.............................. 382. Cameron, Simon................................. 462 Chancellorsville, Battle of..................... 347 Cameron, Hugh........................52, 283, 527 Chalfant, W. F.......................349, 569, 577. Carpet-bag accounts lost..................... 345 Chicamauga, Battle of...................... 349 Carney, Thomas........271, 314, 322, 326, 574 Cibola................................................ 5,7 382, 393, 457, 487, 548, 549, 570 Clark county............................ 459 Carnahan, A. A..............................493, 570 Clark, Austin M...............188, 196, 229, 263 Canutt, J. A........................................ 524 Clark, John A.................................... 619 Canutt, H. F....................................... 524 Clark, Jeremiah.................................. 229 Carr, E. T...............~............... 525 Clark, Johnson................327, 343, 349, 432 Callahan,. Alonzo F.........443, 444, 461, 478 Clarke, Charles S................................. 300 Case, A........................................... 272 Clarke, William............................... 18 Catholics; The...........372, 373, 498, 526, 527 Clarke, Lewis and......................18, 19, 487 555, 618, 619, 658 Clarke, George J.....................290, 357, 598 Carter,~ Lawrence............................39, 40 Clarke, George W...........................72, 190 Callen, A. W...........................389, 410, 431 Clarke, Joseph.........472, 487, 489, 524, 548 Canfield, William H................536, 559, 597 Clarke, Sidney...271, 309, 313, 314, 322, 345 Carter, Samuel J............................412, 637 347, 375, 378, 380, 384, 442, 447, 487, 491. Cane Hill, Battle of........................330, 331 521, 527, 570, 583, 601, 655 Campdorus, M.A................................ 310 Clarkson, Henry................................. 672 Calkins, Elias A................................... 316 Clay Centre........................................ 657 Carpenter, Louis................................. 381 Claims, Territorial....196, 197, 224, 240, 241 Carpenter, John C....493, 528, 569, 570, 581 245, 256, 257 645, 650 Cloud county....................................... 459 Castle, P. B.......................................... 645 "Cleve," the Jayhawker.................296, 316 Campbell,;W. P................................... 597 Climate...................................433, 552, 618 Campbell, A. M................................... 672 Clardy, J. E...........................233, 387, 484 Campbell, John B................................ 648 Cloud, R. W......................................... 235 Campbell, Henry M............................. 294 Cloud, William F....279, 305, 359; 379, 389 Campbell, D. G.................388, 450, 469, 484 424, 441 585, 664 Clayton, Powell..............276, 309, 350, 482 Campbell, William T........... 290 Coronado...........................5, 6, 7, 10, 36 Cavanaugh, Thos. H........603, 635, 652, 659 Covode, John....................................... 462 Caldwell, Alex..........548, 549, 567, 572, 577 Constitution of the State..................... 209 578, 601, 602, 607, 611, 612 Covode Investigation.......................... 129 Cattle, Texas..................................... 658 Congregationalists..........124, 125, 520, 551 Carruth, James H............551, 600, 605, 620 613,.658 Canniff, H.. J...................................... 526 Collins killed....................................... 69 Caniff, S. R..........................230, 235, 451 Coleman, Franklin N........................... 70 Cain, W. S........................................... 429 Cortez..............................................6, 36 Cain, John M................................... 474 Columbus....................................... 36 Carver,.Hartwell................................. 483 Compromise, Missouri........................ 21 Census.........44, 240, 247, 426, 438, 522, 674 Colored Battery......................369, 423, 427 678 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Comanches, The................................. 467 Cross, H. C.........457, 570, 583, 609, 643, 653 Conway, Martin F...47, 52, 55, 90, 129, 132 Craig, William B................ 563, 609 133, 164, 168, 182, 225, 226, 232, 242, 248 Crittenden-Montgomery bill................ 164 264, 265, 322, 439, 621 Crook, Joel J....................... 294, 538, 556 Colton, Gustavus A...153, 182, 230, 235, 238 Crocker, Allen...............................207, 451 262, 321, 371, 375, 386, 399, 437, 441, 443 Cracraft, Joseph................................ 536 Cole, Eugene M.................................. 43 Cummings, J. F...........69, 94, 188, 201, 249 Council Grove.................................... 607 312, 353, 431, 505, 627 Cottonwood Falls................................ 163 Cushing, Caleb..............................601, 608 Congressional apportionmnent.........578, 642 Curtis, Alonzo.................................... 270 Columbia, C................................... 272, 451 Curtis, Samuel R......349, 369, 380, 383, 424 Cook-Book, Kansas.............................. 645 Cusey, James C.........625, 646, 648, 659, 669 Colorado.............................................. 184 Custer, Gen. George A............446, 461, 462 Colorado, The First.............................. 316 497, 544 Confederate Government..................... 257 Cutler, George A........68, 132, 153, 235, 371 Concordia........................576, 600, 633, 642 Congressional Investigation................. 95 Cordley, Richard......124, 183, 347, 369, 392 D. 453, 523, 642, 649 "Contrabands"............................263, 274 DARLEY, FELIX O. C................... 350 Coppoc, Barclay................................. 267 Dablon, Father................................... 7 Cooper, Horace................................... 663 Day, Silas A................................ 653, 654 College of Sisters of Bethany.........257, 501 Day, John W.................239, 248, 312, 344 Colored soldiers..............321, 374, 422, 423 Dassler, C. F. W.................................. 643 Collamore, George W........322, 332, 344, 345 Danford Addison......182, 190, 201, 225, 386 Conover, John...............................297, 298 419, 481, 482, 488, 491 Copley, Josiah............ 620 Darling, Thomas J.......................499, 538 Coates, Kersey..................4.............. 427 Davis, Joshua B.............................505, 506 Corinth, Battle of............................. 325 Davis, Werter R...............208, 257, 335, 362 Commonwealth, Topeka...................... 506 376, 612 Cowley county.................................... 459 Davis, Alson C........................149, 165, 184 Comanche county.........................459, 633 Davis, James...................307, 309 Cox,. JohnT.........................309, 378, 472 Davis, Jefferson.................40, 105, 257, 426 Cotton, Kaasas..............................330, 423 Davis, John.......612, 613, 641, 643, 645, 646 Coffin, W.. G......:...........................457, 478 Davis, D. M....................................... 662 Cooper, S. S....................................398, 448 Defouri, James H.............372, 373, 563, 619 Coulter, M. W.................................551, 652 Deaf and Dumb Asylum........ 374, 436, 457 Coulter, J. C................................. 50& 459, 465, 497, 514, 518, 632, 633, 671 Coffin, Elihu E...........511............... 511 Deaf and Dumb, The..............345, 356, 432 Cobb, Stephen A....... 248, 309, 316, 375, 377 DeSoto............................................... 6,7 478, 487, 493, 504, 556, 563, 565, 583, 587 De Forest, A. C.................................... 556 605, 606, 620,.640, 654, 668 Delahay, Mark W...........51, 68, 73, 91, 201 Cobb, Nelson.......345, 380, 381, 389, 444, 447 231, 238, 256, 261, 314, 350 Cobb,.David R...............................329, 353 Deitzler, George'W..............62, 98, 99,. 123 Conkling, Roscoe........................... 487 153, 156, 249, 250, 275, 309, 380, 392, 393 Cook, Henry W.........494, 528, 58, 6, 643 432, 578 653, 655 Devenney, A. Smith.........226, 234, 420, 584 Cook, J:oseph William.......................... 466 Denison, Joseph..............355, 453, 483, 563 Cook, Hugh A................................343, 388.570, 658 Coal, Leavenworth....................484, 522 Denison, J. L........... 653 Coal, Burlingame...........................472, 553 Delawares, The........... 23, 28,' 32, 33, 246 Coal, Fort Scott...............371, 544, 553, 561 265, 440, 478, 640 Coal, Cherokee county...................548, 553 Delaware lands..................475, 483, 640 Coal, Osage county....................... 2, 643 Denver, James W......154, 155, 159, 162, 183 Crozat...8, 9, 16 185, 188, 194, 273, 315 Cramer, J. A....................................... 617 Delaware frauds.................................. 162 Crawford, George A.........126, 149, 234, 269 Denver, Colorado...........................241, 246 273, 274, 312, 313, 322, 378, 425, 457, 458 Denman, Hampton B....... 226, 233, 356, 446 459, 463, 472, 478, 479, 487, 518, 523, 527 Debt, State................................... 670 548, 554, 555, 644 Dennis, Edgar W............. 643 Crawford, Samuel J..........235, 280, 366, 378 Dennis, L. B..............................70 96,376 384, 442, 446, 460, 472, 475, 487, 489, 496 Democrat, The St. Louis..................... 105 498, 548, 549, 576, 583 Disfranchised counties............125, 131, 148 Crozier, Robert.........149, 152, 154, 325, 350. Discovery, Spanish....., 5 354, 381, 601, 628 Discovery, French............................. 10 Cree, Nathan............................ 545, 585 Dickinson, David...39, 544, 562, 628, 643, 671 Crops, Second................................555, 561 Dickinson county................................ 459 Crowell, John M...........................413, 550 Dimon, George.................................. 461 Crawford county................................. 459 Dimon, Charles.............................281, 498 Creighton, William W...................581, 582 Dillon, John F.....................381, 615 Crichton, James H...........592, 639, 662, 669 Diefendorf, Oliver............................... 402 Crosby, William............. 94 Douglass, Frederick............................ 628 Crosby, R. tH.................................... 68 Douglass, H. Ford......................... 369 Cracklin, Joseph.............. 280 Douglass, John C......133, 182, 226, 252, 272 Creitz, William F................. 286 Douglas, Stephen A........... 31, 32, 35, 94, 103 Crew, James S................................525, 595 152, 161, 185, 248, 253, 264 Cross, Samuel K............................280, 611 Douthitt, William P........272, 329, 396, 487 Crane, George W...... 506, 524, 549, 553, 567 648, 661 601, -644 Doster, Frank.......................558, 565, 581 Crane, F. L.................................... 509 Downs, W. F.................................464, 619 INDEX, 679:Dow killed.......................................... 70 Emmert, David B......248, 260, 321, 349, 378 Dodge, S.'H........................... 563 422, 428, 437, 442, 448, 551, 563, 569, 581 -Dodge, Col. Henry.................26, 28 - 582, 621, 635, 652 Dodge, Augustus C'............... 31 English colony................................. 543' Dov, Dr. John....................... 198, 204, 225 English, N. A................................... 589 Doniphan county.......................466, 482 English, William H......;...................... 165'.Doniphan and Wathena R. R........ 563, 629 English Bill, The................. 165, 168, 186.Doudna, Willoughby................0...300, 448 Eskridge, Charles V..........90, 188, 200, 264 Dow,'H. P................................... 625, 663 272, 330, 353, 386, 453, 465, 487, 491, 501 Dow, Isaac N..........................302, 430, 488 558, 581, 653: Drake, Charles........................481, 512, 558 Espy, H. J............................ 182 Drake, Charles F.............329, 344, 457, 468 Essicks, M. L......................... 269. Drake, Samuel A.................... 365, 393 Ewing, Hugh..............................441, 445' Drinkwater, O. H........................ 404, 470 Ewing, Thomas, sen........................ 325 Drinkwater, Delos F......................422, 463 Ewing, Thomas, jr....157, 161, 162, 167, 182 Draft...................................... 424, 425 201, 226, 232, 309, 321, 322, 332, 345, 346' Draft Riot in New York...................... 347.. 348, 380, 392, 424, 484 Dred Scott Decision.......................117, 118 Exemption, Homestead...................208, 227 Drenning, Frank H...264, 352, 386, 393, 437 Expenditures, Annual, of the State...... 312: 442, 467, 479, 487, 524, 551, 625 330, 355, 431, 452, 472, 497, 513, 541, 562:Drew, William Y.............334, 652 599, 629, 669 Dutisne................................. 10'Dutton, M.R............321, 387, 442, 455, 476 F. Dutton, H. R..................229, 233, 260, 274 Dunton, Walter C................................ 250 FARMERS' CONVENTION..................608, 612 Duncan, CharlesC................ 529, 531, 533 Farnsworth, H. W..................233, 371, 375 Dumibauld, F. H............................617, 641 Fairchild, Wm........................... 657, 660 Dudley, Guilford...........152, 153, 34.5, 393 Fairchild, George H.........250, 252, 262, 278 Factories.............................. 658 E. Fales, Philetus................507 544, 5 562, 582 Fearl, Silas.................................225, 272 EARL, GEORGE F................................. 301 Fenians............................ 439 Earthquake....................................19, 461 Fenlon, Thomas P....272, 439, 441, 479, 484.Eastin, Lucien J........................47, 256 529, 531, 538, 548, 549, 556, 578, 579, 585 Eaton, Isaac E..........191, 235, 242, 376, 427 625, 641, 657 485, 529, 585, 644, 648 First Kansas............264, 265, 266, 268, 274 Eclectic Medical Society...................... 551 313, 422 Editors' and Publishers' Association... 436 First Battery..................266, 308, 423 457, 518, 555, 577, 615. First Kansas Colored.......325, 340, 342,'422 Editors, State..................................349, 350 Fifth Kansas...................266, 350, 378, 422 Educational Journal...............369, 439, 445 Fifteenth Kansas......349, 350, 359, 381, 422 465, 484, 551, 554 Findlay, George W.................603; 635, 655 Edwards, Rufus R.........................309, 328 Five Forks, Battle of.......................... 425 Edwards, John H.............512, 559, 583, 593 Fitzpatrick, Wm. H........230, 241, 250, 460' 606, 645, 652 493, 536, 611 Edwards county....................... 642, 671 Fitzwilliain, F. P..............327, 343, 441, 465 Ege, Andrew G..............306, 324, 380, 389 484, 664 Eggers, Luther M................................ 672 Fiscal Agents.................................. 644 Eighth Kansas...297, 374, 422, 431, 433, 437 Finney, DavidW............ 470, 653,'662 Eighteenth Kansas... 463, 464, 466; 467, 474 Firey, M. J...............................586, 627 Eleventh Kansas..............321, 331, 381, 422 Fishback, W. H. M..........271, 327, 343, 349 424, 427 393, 509, 609 Eldridge, Shaler W.......95, 99, 110, 154, 279 Fields, Henry C.............................425, 594 309, 346, 427. Fisher, Charley................................ 197.Eldridge, Thomas B.........465, 583, 595, 654 Fisher, H. D.................................376, 442.Elder, P. P. P.......168, 196, 228, 234, 244, 262 Flags, Rebel.................................261, 264 371, 442, 468, 481, 488, 489, 527, 528, 533 Flickenger, Robert............ 299, 387, 449 581,.629, 665 Fort Leavenworth..............23, 30, 484, 549 Elwood........................ 162 Fort Scott.........27, 28, 30, 56, 126, 155, 184 Eldorado........................................552, 586 194, 252, 345, 371, 382, 426, 514, 515, 520 Ely, Andrew................................. 592 543, 544, 554, 561, 562, 598, 614, 633, 672 Elliott, Robert G....43, 51, 90, 133, 154, 251 Fort Scott Monitor............... 321 354, 369, 371,422, 457, 478, 504 Fort Zarah.... 349, 378 Elliott, L. R.....................461, 489, 524, 620 Fort Harker...................................... 464 Elmore, Rush............36, 39, 188, 378 Fort Kearney...................................... 30 Ellis, Abram.............190, 235, 322, 344, 360 Fort Laramie................................ 29 Ellsworth............ 457, 462, 463, 464, 466 Fort Riley..........................30, 31, 40, 459 Ellsworth county................................. 459 Foster, Charles A..............51, 153, 168, 182 Ellis county....................................... 459 Fort Wayne, Old, Battle of............. 331 Emigrant Aid Societies...33, 36, 37, 38, 208 Fourteenth Kansas..........346, 356, 381, 422 355, 615 Ford county..............459, 611, 633, 642 Emancipation...........316, 323, 342, 424, 425 Fox, Henry............... 201, 353 Empie, Levi............................. 251, 526 Foote, Henry...............................309, 386 Emory, Maj. W. H............. 29 Folks, John H..............................616, 669 Emory, Fred....................... 132.........05 132 Fontana.....599 Emporia............117, 188, 461, 514, 526, 529 Forman, John W.....................207, 328 533, 554, 600, 601, 644 Forsyth, George A........................489, 501 Emery, James S.....41, 52, 67, 182, 329, 352 Foster, Chas. M................................... 579 381, 453, 643 Foster, Robert Cole.........207, 328, 388, 429 Emery Frederick W...............235, 294, 309 444, 448, 531, 535 680 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Foster, Cassius G.............327, 343, 460, 465 Gorham, Mrs. J. H........................483, 507 487, 610, 642 Gould, John E.................................... 309 Franklin, Benjamin............................. 12 Gold quotations............................377, 4241 Franklin county................................. 544 Gove county..................................... 480( Francis, John...........359, 528, 609, 644, 652 Green, W. H....................430, 539, 557, 567 653, 671 Green, Nehemiah......442, 446, 460, 496, 580 Freeman, The Topeka.............68, 505, 526 620, 667' Franklin, Town of.............70, 104, 108, 117 Greenwood county.............................. 459 Free-State Election.............................. 89 Graham county................................... 459, Fraser, John....................464, 527, 563, 620 Grover, Joel....................... 469, 494 644, 653, 661, 669 Grover, O. J...270, 352, 386, 416, 493, 625 French, Cyrus O............................381, 554 642, 649, 650, 652 Fremont, John C................27, 28 101, 266 Graham, James M............................... 297 267, 471 Grimes, Edward B.............................. 309 Fruit, Kansas..................508, 521, 554, 555 Grimes, William H...235, 337, 493, 592, 640 Friends, The............................62, 586, 642 Greeley, Horace.......201, 203, 204, 374, 532 Fry, Samuel..................... 621 577, 586, 598; Furnas, Robert W.................204, 207 Greeley county......................... 611 Funston, Edward H............... 595, 626, 637 Greeley's American Conflict...........14, 32 657, 665 Grasshoppers......21, 38, 248, 263, 443, 459 Fuller, G. M...................................... 182 461, 462, 463, 465, 487, 506, 645, 648. Funk, John M...............................196, 208 Gregg, Josiah.......................... 28. Fugit murders Hopps................... 105 Grange, The..... 579, 616, 617, 618, 640 Fuller, Perry............157, 188, 483, 497, 521 641, 643 526, 544 Gray, Alfred......229, 235, 252, 286, 305, 432: G. 457, 478, 487, 504, 532, 554, 581, 605, 612' 613, 637, 658, 669 GARNETT....................515, 577 Gray, Barzillai............................... 203, 501 Gardner sacked.................................. 269 Greeno, Harris S...........................291, 311 Gardiner, George W.........157, 197, 235, 243 Greer, John P..................207, 250, 391, 473 271, 309, 321, 331, 442, 583 Greer, Samuel W.........................188, 239 Gale, E................................................ 671 Graham, George........ 196, 228, 429, 442, 448 Gale, BenjaminB............................ 642 487, 488, 491, 528, 551, 560 Garrett, Charles F..........................275, 309 Graham, Robert.............................207, 309' Gallatin, Albert.................................. 5 Grass, Daniel....................................... 655 Garvey, Edward C. K.........52, 68, 426, 505 Grass, A. H............................612, 613 Garwood, V. M................ 649 Grant, George..................................... 615 Galloway, John M............. 648 Grant, M. S....................................393, 414 Gambell, Willard P...188, 235, 324, 326, 345 Grant, Ulysses S.......374, 382, 481, 483, 484 439, 479 555, 578, 610' Geary, John W.........104, 105, 107, 108, 113 Grow, Galusha A...............34, 102, 103, 2429 117, 118. 132, 161, 607 Greene, Max..................................... 102 Geary City......................................... 162 Green, James S.......................164, 165, 253 German patriotism............................. 541 Griffith, William R...182, 207, 226, 232, 313 Gettysburg.............................. 347, 354 Griffin, Albert...118, 129, 130, 555, 581, 644' Gephart, S. C................... 529, 531, 534 Griffin, S. P.................................537, 662 Geology............424, 433, 487 Graham, Robert St. Clair...208, 437, 447, 475 Gilmore, John S...5....520, 583, 643, 650, 655 Greek printing.................................... 552 Gilbert, Eli.................................626, 645 Graves, Pusey................................... 251 Gillett-'Henry' W................................ 583 Grasshopper Falls Convention............. 133 Gillespie, George W........................594, 662 Griswold, Hiram......379, 381, 384, 385, 462 Gilchrist, C. K...............................351, 391 Gunn, Otis B............234, 305, 312, 314, 431 Gillpatrick, James H.......134, 309, 366, 487 Gumm, Benjamin F............................. 420' Gillpatrick, Rufus......245, 251, 264, 342, 346 Gunther, Arthur.............252, 260, 283, 315 Gihon, John H.................................. 132 Guerin, William E.........................592,.611 Giddings, Joshua R......................... 34 Guthrie, Abelard........................ 31, 55 Giles, Fry W........41, 55, 518, 563, 576, 583 Guthrie, James................................. 114 588, 669 Guthrie, John....469, 495, 511, 548, 562, 581 Gladstone, T. H............50, 51, 59, 118, 121 582, 583, 588, 599, 650, 653 Gleason, F.......................................... 560 Guthrie, Warren W.........133, 225, 228, 250 Glick, Chas. S....388, 418, 444, 486, 493, 504 253, 322, 326, 356, 581Glick, Geo. W...236, 328, 344, 352, 387,'429 441, 444, 468, 479, 485, 491, 531, 644, 669 H Glenn, S. I................ 375 Goss, N. S...229, 251, 323, 324, 326, 411, 442 HALE, EDWARD E.............7, 10, 35, 37, 38. 444, 446, 486 Harrison, William H'........................ 18 Goss, Benjamin F.............................. 302 Haeberlein, John M.........490, 524, 570, 615 Gordon, David.......................528, 581, 610 Hawley, Charles G........................581, 658 Gordon Riot...................................... 248 Hanllon, John.................................... 585 Goble, William F....................289, 862, 434 Hackney, W. P.............................. 627, 641 Gopher scalps.................................. 459 Hanna, W. S...................................... 641 Goose, Sound on the...................... 45; 49 Hanna, B. J. F.........458, 487, 505, 524, 525 Goodin, Joel K........47, 55, 62, 67, 134, 153 528, 554 156, 157,182, 191, 197, 226, 232, 323, 329 Hartford Institute........................... 436 405, 450, 469, 497 Hamby, William N.................451, 460, 470 Goodin, John R........234, 353, 376, 392, 451 Hallowell, J. R.........528, 576, 583, 648, 660 471, 501, 559, 655, 668 Harvey, James M......306, 389, 409, 431, 446 Goodnow, Isaac T......118, 182, 270, 322, 326 448, 487, 491, 501, 328, 533, 548, 563, 580 378, 384, 385 605, 606, 638, 639'Good Templars............................... 532 Harvey county...........................575, 599 INDEX. 68!: Harvey, Henry......................... 62 Hinds, Russell.....;;...............251, 252 Harper's Ferry...108, 231, 237, 241, 243, 267 House-divided speech, Lincoln's........... 185 Harvey, Capt. Henry........108, 112, 133, 182 Holmes; George B...;.............189, 196Haskell, Dudley C.....557, 583, 650, 656, 665 Hodge, J. M...................................627, 649 Haskell, JohnG........305, 309, 460, 480, 600 Horner, John W............................437, 468 Halpine, Charles G............................. 312 Holloway, John N.........................458, 473 Hadley, J. Milton........................299, 300 Hornme Daniel H........................434, 529' Haff,:Sanford..........................62 644, 664 Homceopathic Medical Society........... 548 Ham, William M................................ 408 Howard county...........;...........459, 638, 641 Hairgrove, Asa.........183, 188, 226, 322, 326 Hodgeman, Amos............................... 295 379, 384, 456, 585, 609 Hodgeman county.............................. 459 Harding, Benjamin..........94, 118, 149, 405 Hungerford, S. R.......................I... 495 Ranway, James........207, 251, 388, 498, 511 Horticultural Society......473, 514, 541, 562. 563, 615, 616 600, 671Hastings, Mrs. Rosetta B.....................~563 Hollister, H. C...............................477' 479 Hays, Seth M.................................. 607 Holt, Joel....................................524, 624 Hayes, Josiah E.......230, 235, 244, 305, 335 Howsley, William M.....................541, 600 465, 487, 528, 534, 549, 582, 591, 641, 642 Hoss; George W............................553, 600 644, 645 Hoffman, Samuel E........207, 234, 286, 356( Havens, Paul E................................... 271 Horton, AlbertH......321, 330, 381, 383, 390' Havens, Eugene F...............................478 437, 481, 488, 490; 497, 506, 551, 569, 586 Harris, Edward P................................ 480 606, 607; 608, 625, 638, 641, 644 Hays City......................................480 648 Horton, James C......256, 314, 324, 349, 481 Haynes, Charles H........................292, 357 569, 582, 607, 626, 652, 6629 "Hans Breitmann............................. 457 Honey Springs battle........................ 347 Hampson, Joseph F.......................... 182 Hoaglin, W. S...............................375, 415 Hammond, John....................... 458 Hollenberg, G. H.............328, 387, 393, 412. Haas, Henry C.......................334, 359, 448 429, 584 Halderman, John A......40, 53, 63, 149, 158 Holliday, Cyrus K.........41, 48, 51, 133, 149' 191, 226, 232, 242, 275, 321, 460, 493, 510 161, 226, 230, 233, 242, 250, 270 312, 392' 518, 662 422, 426, 430, 448, 453 459 506'558 569 Iallett, Samuel......................349, 377, 471 579653 Hackbusch, Henry C. F.................350, 506 Houston, S. D............48, 52, 207, 233, 262 Hawn, Frederick...........................369, 433 Houston, David W.-.....201, 226, 264, 294 Hamer, Robert W..................197, 294, 309 381, 386, 465, 506, 614, 644, 649 Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R.........198, 320 Homestead law...............................202 316 Haughawout, William J...................... 303 Homestead exemption..................208, 227 Haughawout, 0. P............376, 486, 531, 656 Hoagland, Edward.............................. 224 Hanks, Clark J...............381, 387 Hoover, Hiram.............:.......;..... 229 Hammatt, Abram................................ 381 Hoyt, David S................................101, 116 Hamilton, Augustus N........................ 323 Hopps, Murder of..:'........... 105 Harrington, E........................648, 659 Hoyt, George H....v...296, 316, 359, 442, 447 Harper county.......................459 633 463, 478, 506, 514, 554: Hazlett, Albert........................ 241 Hogeboom, George W......297, 309, 332, 536' Haller, William.............................128 133 Horton, Stephen S.........................397 Hatterscheidt, John P...........149, 182, 244 Hopkins, Henry....................281, 331, 368 Herman, Henry M.....................312, 553 Howe,- Samuel G...:....................33, 1256 Hensel, Levi...........3......................339 510 Hoar, E. Rockwood............................. 102 Henderson, Frank E.................. 497 Homestead Guide................................ 22 - Hersey, T. F.....,......,................. 537 Hotel indicted.................................... 99 Heisler, E. F........................484, 507 Howard, William A..................95, 103, 165' Helphingstine, John A...................... 581 Holton............................ 166 Herron, Frank G..................331, 391 Hudson, Joseph K....306, 538, 554, 581, 600 Heritage, Lemuel T.................... 333 605, 612, 613,617, 620, 628, 638, 639, 640' Hershfield, R. N............................. 402 656, 668 Henning, B. S..................................... 428 Hudson, M. E...........617, 638, 640, 648, 655 Heath, Erastus................................... 230 Huntoon, A. J.................... 395, 481 Helper's "Impending Crisis"............. 231 Huntoon, Joel.............................334, 460' Herrick, Thomas P.....................235, 294 Hughes, Thomas................ 577, 586' Helm, Charles W..................... 256 Humphrey, James........324, 326, 460,.471 Hennepin.............................., 507 Hurd, T. A..................................402, 492 Hendricks, Thomas A.......................... 34 Hunt, Harmon D..........................295, 373' Herald, Leavenworth.........38, 49, 256, 478 Hume, George C...............253, 443, 524, 550 Herald of Freedom, Lawrence....,39, 99, 111 Hubbard, E. M................................ 207 Henderson, John D........................162, 442 Hubbard, P. L........4........413, 575, 580, 597 Higginson, Thomas W............111, 241, 374 Hubbell, John B................................. 415 Hidden, John S.........328, 344, 352, 369, 417 Huffaker, Thomas S...............230, 251, 453 487, 649, 650 480, 627 Highland University.....................372, 436 Hutchinson, Clinton C.....319, 346, 371, 432 Hillyer, Edwin D....;......................286, 287 552, 627 Hillyer, George 5........68, 94, 154, 167, 226 Hutchinson, Perry.................... 338, 623' 232, 318 Hutchinson........................562;, 578, 657 Hickory Point............70, 100, 101, 108, 112 Hutchinson Family.......................... 466 Higinbotham, George W.................... 182 Hulett, E. M..........................470, 579, 665 Hipple, Samuel......................207, 309, 468 Humboldt............I...163, 268, 269, 520, 541' Hinton, Richard J...........129, 133, 164, 208 Hunter, R. M. T;............................165, 423' 237; 316; 319; 340, 367, 426, 483, 563 Hunter, General David........................ 273' Historical Society..................240, 459, 478 Hunt, Morris................................ 68 Hildreth, Richard.............6, 8, 14, 19, 38 Huson, R........................................... 548' Hiawatha....................114, 458, 617, 633 Huson, S.K...........................191, 234, 548' 682 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Hunting, Amory..................:..68, 157, 521 Johnson, John B..............469, 494, 527, 528 Hyatt, Thaddeus................................. 112 582, 652 Hymer, Samuel................................... 495 Johnson, Andrew.....376, 433, 436, 437, 439 442, 479, 482, 483, 484 Johnson, Fielding..........................372, 577 Johnson, J. P.................327, 344, 352, 360 IATAN REBEL FLAG...................... 264 Johnston, Colonel J. E........................ 163 Iberville........................ 8 Johnston,'Saunders W......36, 157, 225, 227 Ide,.Harvey W.........328, 350, 395, 492, 597 Joy, James F............472, 475, 482, 483, 508 Iler, George W..............2...............251, 406 520, 599 Impeachment cases.........314, 316, 317, 318 Jones, John T.-" Ottawa'.................. 116 319, 331, 383, 641, 642, 644, 645 Jones, Samuel J..............70, 91, 95, 99, 188 Indian depredations........505, 550, 551, 575 Jones, William.................................... 662 Indian raids......377, 378, 437, 438, 440, 441 Judd, Byron......................386, 592, 662 442, 445, 461, 462, 464, 465, 486, 489, 490 Judson, William..................126, 268, 290 497, 498, 506, 507, 520, 544, 551, 575, 642 Junction City.........................473, 633, 643 643, 645, 646, 648, 650, 672 Junction City and Fort Kearney R. R., Indian lands.................................158, 460 578, 629 Indiana, Territory of......................17, 18 Indians, New York............................ 27 K. Ingraham, N. D................................ 471 Insurance fund................................... 550 KANSAS, Boundary of..........20, 26, 30, 36 Insurance Department........................ 550 209, 256 Ingalls, John J..196, 207, 208, 238, 243, 252 Kansas before Congress........30, 31, 33,' 34 259, 262, 263, 269, 312, 319, 322, 324, 326 35, 36 379, 384, 393, 420, 563, 582, 583, 601, 605 "K. T. Did".............................. 268 606, 614, 618 Kansas, Sumner on................-......: 99Ingalls, F. T..................................609, 658 Kansas prairies........................ 203 Insley, Martin H.............309, 346, 375, 461 Kansas Indians....22, 28 225, 577, 621, 640 Insley. J. N......................532, 554, 581, 612 Kaw lands.................................. 483 Independence..................555, 599, 614, 633 Kansas Central R. R...............553, 578, 629 Independent, New York...................... 555 Kansas Pacific R. R.........320, 349, 355, 374 Inquirer; The Leavenworth................. 345 377, 392, 423, 424, 426, 428, 432,'437, 438 Insane Asylum, Osawatomie...346, 350, 424 440, 442, 445, 457, 458, 460, 461, 462, 466 457, 480, 482, 514, 518, 561, 631, 670 471,473, 475, 480, 482, 520, 521, 532, 543 Investigation, Congressional............95, 103 568, 619, 621, 628, 629, 640 Indictment of newspapers and hotels, Kansas City, Mo.........25, 27, 248, 461, 464 97, 99 472, 563 Iola...............................56, 532, 550, 614 Kagi, J. H.............................112, 118, 553 Idway Indians.................................34, 258 Kaskaskias, The.....24, 32, 35, 458, 473, 640 Irrepressible conflict.....................185, 190 Kaska'skia Indian lands...................... 640 Irvin, John B.................189, 196, 375, 465 Kalloch, Isaac S.....................426, 490, 615 Irrigation convention.......................... 621 Keith, Charles B.....................235, 262, 371 Isbell, George T........348, 428, 442, 461, 520 Kennedy, Evender C.....................462, 477 Isbell,-Henry L................................... 275 Kelsey, S. T.....................473, 482, 504, 514 Isacks, Andrew J................................. 36 Keim, BeD. R.................................... 501 Isothermal line................................... 125 Ketcheson, John C...................507, 527, 645 Kearney, General................................ 28 J. IKearney, Fort................................ 30 Keller, George H................................ 149 JACKSOn, CLAIBORNE F......45, 261, 262 331 Keeler, Charles G...........229, 270 323, 324 Jackson County.................................. 478 Kelso, David................................ 575 Jackman, David B..........................133, 329 Kedzie, W. K..............................620, 637 Jayhawkers......197, 268, 296, 316, 615, 616 Kellogg, L. B...................432, 440, 465, 484 Jefferson, Thomas.....13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Ketner, James........................275, 362, 443 Jefferson county..............466, 475, 543, 616 Kelley, Harrison.............286, 470, 505, 653 Jewell, Eli G....................................... 271 Kellogg, Josiah........'328, 343, 352, 371, 429 Jewell, Lewis R................................... 290 494, 510, 536, 570, 581, 594, 603 Jewell, Charles W................................ 290 Kennedy, Thomas H........................... 335 Jewell county................................459, 657 Keeler, Julius A.................................. 408 Jenkins, Gaius................................98, 184 Kent, Orson........................................ 411 Jenkins, E. J....250, 351, 449, 468, 488, 493 Kingman, SamuelA.. 39, 207, 208, 224, 226 569, 583 232, 240, 251, 253, 261, 331, 379, 384, 385 Jenkins, R. W.............................. 450, 468 440, 442, 447, 459, 465, 475, 478, 501, 515 Jenkins, Wilton A..............................285 544, 582, 591, 609, 638 Jenkins, William S..........294, 563, 5~9, 653 Kingman county...........................575, 671 Jenkins's Ferry, Battle of.................... 375 King, Rufus....................................... 14 Jennison, Charles R........252, 258, 268, 294 King, James L.................................... 580 322, 359, 382, 383, 426, 429, 432, 556, 616 King, Henry.....506, 524, 548, 549, 555, 561 Jenness, George B..........................474, 499 563, 601,'612, 620, 669 Jenness, R. E....................................... 406 Kingsbury, B. L............................639, 665 Joliet...............................................7, 507 Kickapoo frauds..............151, 155, 156, 162 Johnson, Alexander S......48, 408, 429, 448 Kingsbury, George W.............192, 267, 312 497, 527, 619 Kickapoo lands.....................464, 475, 640 Johnson, Wallace H........523, 545, 615, 641 Kiowas, The........................................ 467 Johnson, Thomas.......................31, 47, 527 Kickapoos, The.............24, 32, 34, 319, 640 Johnson county.....................475 Kickapoo Pioneer................................ 73 Johnson, Hampton P.......182 225, 268, 285 Kiowa county...................................... 459 Johnson, W. A.........592, 606, 607, 655, 669 Kimball, Samuel................................ 460 Johnson, Thomas L............................. 662 Killen, Daniel........................... 456, 458 INDEX. 683 Klotz, Robert...................................... 68 Lecompte, Samuel D.......36, 38, 41, 44, 49 Knox, John D..................................... 482 54, 70, 98, 104, 109,/111, 115, 161, 450 Knight, J. Lee.................................... 513 459, 469, 643, 649 Knowles, Horatio.....231, 235, 270, 314, 366 Lecompton....................................56, 162 Koester, Chas. F....................579, 648 Lecompton Constitution...115, 127, 134, 154 Kob, Charles F...............133, 153, 188 155, 159, 160, 161, 185, 186 Kunkel, Jerome.....................235, 333, 429 Learnard, Oscar E....134, 149, 151, 168, 201 226, 236, 244, 266, 275, 468, 493, 532 Lea, A. T.............................527, 654, 655 L. Lea, W. J........................................ 527 Lee, Robert E...................................... 425 LASALLE 8............................, 507 Lee, Albert L.....204, 225, 236, 294, 309, 319 Law, John.............................. 9, 10 379, 384, 385, 441, 445, 457 Law's Bubble.................................9, 10 Leland, Charles G................................ 457 LaFayette, Marquis de................. 21 Leland Cyrus, sen.....................337, 387 Laclede...11...................... 12 Leland, Cyrus, jr...... 306, 421, 442, 481, 582 Laramie, Fort....................... 29.643, 649 Lawrence, Amos A....................36, 37, 38 Legate, James F....... 102, 235, 244, 270, 321 Lawrence.......28, 38, 42, 44, 56, 88, 98, 99 325, 348, 386, 461, 529, 538, 549, 633, 649 100, 129, 152, 162, 256, 347, 348, 355, 392 664 436, 471, 520, 561, 567, 615, 672 Lewis and Clarke...................18, 19, 487 Lawrence Massacre.................347, 348, 585 Lewis, Merriwether................... 18 Lawrence, C. W......................612, 617, 625 Lead, Cherokee county...................... 620 Lawrence, W. W. H.............. 235, 309, 325 Lee, John A..................................... 284 326, 375 Lewis, G. Mellen.................264, 341, 342 Larcom, Lucy.................................... 45 Lewis, Ward L..............................189, 196 Langston, Charles H..................... 583, 588 Leonard, MI. R..........327, 343, 374, 389, 404 Latta, Samuel N...62, 68, 118, 129, 132, 383 Lender, Richard D........................419, 500 556, 625 Leroy................................................ 613 Laughlin, Patrick:............................... 69 Liberal Christians............................. 614 Law-and-Order Party....................70, 102 Lincoln, A.........102, 185, 201, 204, 231, 241 Lands; the 500;000 acres.........436, 475,.479 246, 257,. 261, 268, 323, 354, 376, 383, 424 497, 498, 504, 509, 514, 568, 607 425, 426, 458 Land grants....................................... 628 Lincoln county............................. 459 Lands, State........................................ 266 Lines, Charles B.......167, 225, 244, 245, 250 Lanter, John T.........271, 481, 487, 595, 609 262, 314, 422, 453, 457, 473, 480, 514, 541 Labette county................................... 459. 548, 643 Lamb, Josiah.................................. 207 Lines, Edward C. D........................,.... 279 Larimer, James I................................. 494 Livingston, Robert R.......................14, 15 -Larimer, William......356, 493, 497, 583, 584 Lillie, George H......................207, 250, 272 Lakin, David L.........250, 270, 324, 326, 332 Libby, C. W...........................511, 539, 551 369, 497 Library, State....520, 544, 562, 599, 628, 671 Lacock, Ira J............250, 328, 344, 352, 429 Lindsay, John G.............280, 333, 511, 539 437, 583 Lindsay, Thomas............................... 230 Lappin, Samuel.........258, 309, 312, 322, 345 Lindsey, Henry C.........................334, 474 437, 442, 494, 583, 652, 660 Little Blue, Battle of..............380, 382, 383 Larned............ 648 Liggett, James D................................. 453 Ladore murders............. 520 Louis XIV.................................... 9, 16 Laughlin, Wm. R.......508, 520, 527, 532, 533 Louis XV...................................... 12 584, 587, 607, 608 Louisiana, District of...................... 17, 19 Langdon, S. J....512, 540, 557, 576, 583, 595 Louisiana, Province of.......8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Larzelere, George W.....................461, 580 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20i6 26 Larzelere, Alfred......118, 182, 189, 196, 201 Louisiana, Territory of...............9 226, 244, 305, 310 Louisiana, State of............... 19 Lambdin, C. S..................266, 322, 371, 422 Long. Stephen H................................ 20 Lambdin, Johin C............. 229, 243, 378 Louisville............ 633 Lambdin, J. R................259................ Low, Asa...........235, 262, 375, 387, 448, 514 Lane, J. T.................. 420, 423, 585 Lockhart, John........ 149, 189, 234, 288, 323 Lane, Vincent J.................... 469, 478, 510 Lowe, David P......... 324, 325, 327, 343, 344 Lane, James H....34, 51, 54, 67, 70, 71, 93 349, 381, 393, 442, 460, 471, 501, 527, 535 94, 104, 133, 153, 154, 160, 164, 182, 184 574, 583, 587, 605,- 606 253; 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269 Lookout Mountain, Battle of............... 354 274, 313, 314, 321, 322, 375, 392, 422, 426 Lovejoy, Elijah P........................... 26, 27 427, 432, 436, 437, 439, 440 Lovejoy, Charles H.................154, 294, 529 Lane University.......................... 435 Lowman, Edward S..........197, 200; 324, 326. Leavenworth, Fort..........................23, 549 Lowman, Hovey E...........323, 347, 350, 585 Leavenworth...... 36, 38, 42, 44,-49, 56, 73 Longfellow, Henry W......................... 487 105, 162, 186, 192, 253, 256, 261, 348, 371 Logan, Joseph......i............................. 536 441, 446, 452, 460, 461, 464, 478, 484, 507 Logan, Cornelius A......... 369, 394, 433, 462 508, 514, 520, 522, 543, 549, 552, 553, 555 526, 585, 605, 611 563, 575, 577, 586, 620, 633, 640 Lockwood, R. B............ 403 Leavenworth Constitution......163, 164, 165 Lowe, Sandy............ 416 168, 183, 196 Loy, John W.........................330, 407, 666 L. A. & N. W. R. R..................521, 543, 629 Lyon, Nathaniel........40, 185, 263 264, 267 L. L. & G. R. R.........346, 374, 377, 427, 431 Lyon county................................. 466 436, 437, 439, 441, 458, 471, 473, 475, 480 Lynde, Edward..... 1....33, 134, 182, 189, 229 482, 483, 515, 521, 527, 532, 554, 555, 568 233, 250, 300 607, 619, 628, 629 Lum, Rev. S. Y..................38, 40, 125, 153 684 ANNALS OF KANSAS. ~ 1i. 1McKay, William....................197, 201, 224,07 McEckron, B. H..............540, 558, 582, 627 MarboisQUET, Bar THe.................... 635, 669 iMarbois, Barbe..............................15, 16 McLellan. James................................. 536 Marais des Cygnes, Battle of. 382......53638 ~Marais des C~gnes, Macr~e. 18 38 McClellan,.George B............................ 378 Mari'is des Cygnes Massacre................ 18,3 "MarkTdain6 M................ 10 McCracken, Nelson........................378 414 " Mark Twain.1..........:......................... 6]0 M~crPtr..... 6 McVicar; Peter........369, 379, 440, 442, 445 Marmaton, Raid on............................. 3819 4 5 Marmaton..................................... 163 447,472, 478, 479, 488, 491, 497, 501, 506 Martin, ohn.., 324,484, 493, 531, 57 507, 514, 542, 543, 548, 549, 601 53, McCartney, R. K3.............369, 440531, 579 584, 585, 626, 641, 665 McCartney, R. K3 440 McReynolds, John...........422, 442, 463, 550 Martin, John A...43, 201, 207, 208, 225, 226 233, 243, 248, 249, 251, 262, 297, 312, 315 615, 616 Mc~lw~ amesR....236, 268, 269, 274, 279 325, 420, 436, 452, 465, 478, 481, 486, 523 Mclur James.236, 268, 269, 274, 279 27, 528, 553, 561, 570, 58, 82, 65, 669 309, 332, 379, 384, 385, 444, 446, 459, 523 488, 528., 553, 561, 570, 581, 582, 650, 669 529 Martin, George W.....313, 425, 453, 465, 488Mc W.37 524, 644, 650 McElroy, W. T................. 437, 524, 644, 650 506, 514, 524, 525, 577, 605, 634, 644 551 Martin, C. S................................... 662 Martinae, Wilia S............ 592,..~VD)662 McCune, Hi. W................,..............,..... Martindale, WCilliam.......389, 431, 581, 593 McComas,. C..............584 591, 646, 655 663, 669 McCleverty, J D................................. 584 66,69McGill, F. B........,.i.................653, 654, 655 Manhattan......................114, 125, 442, 458 McGill, F. B......................653, 654, 655 Manhattan and Northwestern R.R...... 579 McCain, W................398 Mason, T. B42 MMillan, R B.................................... 62 I~ ~~~~~r~~i~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~r~~~~ McMillan, Ri B.....~.........................' 662 Mason, C. B.................................626, 641. McMillan, J. W.................68, 481, 483 Masonic Order................. 525 532, 555 McDowell, C. C.........471, 507, 508,. 554, 576 Masonic Order.........524, 525, 532, 5 McDowell, J. Frank................576, 583, 646 Magazine, Kansas.554, 555, 561, 562, 563 621, 628 648, 655 621, 628 McDowell, James L.....188, 196, 201, 228 Marshall, Frank J..................15'4, 156, 373 234, 2482144 437, 1,, 4, 4 Marshall county.............................. 373 2314, 441, 1443, 444, 446 Mrhl W 3.. 457, 486 Marshall, W. K:............................657, 659 McDowell William C.207,, 4, 46 Manning,'Edwin C...386, 412, 437, 440, 465Mc o, Jms...9202 235, 444, 463 476, 480, 481, 540, 555, 653 McCahon, James......197, 202, 225, 347, 375 476, 480, 481, 5420, 555, 65340,5947 0954 Marion county.................................. 45903, 459, 479, 509, 544 McCook, Daniel.................................. 377 Mathias, William G.........228, 325,.326, 376 Mathews, William D. 39, 377, 427, 50 McAfee,-Josiah B......118, 334, 366, 464, 472 Mathews, William D........ 369, 377, 427, 504 40 9 509, 528, 583 480, 498 MayCaleh. 68,11~509,528, 583 McPherson county..........................459 May, Caleb........................68, 110, 182, 207 McCaslin, Maxwell........................485 491 Maclean, L. A...................................... 425.4.41 Maynard, James B.243, 422 McKee, ohn................... 493 Matheny, William M.............468, 536, 42569 McKeighan, John....................................... 493 46,56)~6 McKeighan, J. B.................................49 582, 5 92 Macdona, S.........208, 321, 388, 479, 504 582, 592'McoadS.D... Maloy, John...............................555, 656 548, 555 Macy, Eliah G.. 340 ~~~~~~~~~Methodist Episcopal Church.......105, 106 Macy, Eliab G...................................... 340' Methodist Episcopal Chu rch........... Maxson, Perry B. 250, 272, 321, 37, 343 482, 521, 544, 550, 551, 554, 575, 612, 658 369, 386, 422, 432, 449, 487, 562, 583, 653 Medill, James....l8, 196, 271, 328,559, 625 656 Medill, Joseph..................................... 164 Mapleton.................................163 Mennonites, The......619, 642, 656, 657, 658 ~apl~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~Meero, Re.........................................56 Massey, Aquila B..........................279, 553 Meeke Rev. Joseph....................... 5 Marcy, William L.................51, 54, 91, 108 Membre, Father................................. 8 Maltby, W. W........................625 655 662 Mewhinney, Samuel..........................67 Marysville................................. 567 Medary, Samuel.......190, 192, 196, 197, 198 I 22~~~~~~~'..6, 232 Manlqve, Samuel A.......................451, 528 226, 232 MA2il J. S.......................................... 229 Melius, Louis.................................615, 644 Marcell, Jacob...............................235, 271 Mead, S. G....................................484 523 Mapes, W. H.................................595, 626 Mead, James R.............................389, 493 Mails, U. S.......................................... 424 Mead, Andrew J.....................156, 157, 323 Marble, Fort Scott.............................. 431 Medliott, Dr. J. J............... 551 55, 579 McFadden, Samuel S.......................... 275 Merritt, James S.................... 583, 588 McFarland, Peter............276, 381, 402, 448 Merrill, George.................................. 550 McFarland, N. C....................592, 609, 649 Missouri.......... 17, 21 23, 26, 273, 422, 519 McCoy, Rev. Isaac........................... 23 Missouri, Territory d...............19, 20, 21 McCale, Francis S..........563, 645, 649, 669 Missouri Compromise......................... 21 McMahon, Hardin..................512, 531, 534 Missouri Pacific Railroad........248, 439 440 McCrea, Cole................................ 4, 0'MissouriRiver Railroad.........4319 440, 475 Mc~~rea, Cole.411, 0 ~Missouri River Railroad.....431, 440, 475 McCulloch, William............................. 207 521, 568, 640 McClelland, C. B................................ 207 M. R. F. S. & G. R. R........376, 427, 436, 441 McDonald, Alex............................482, 483 461, 472, 498, 514, 521, 568, 619, 628, 629 McDonald, Benj. P.........................451, 595 M., K. & T. R.W........436, 439, 442, 461, 463 McCarty, Hugh D.....277, 369, 394, 463, 528 464, 465, 509, 514, 520, 521, 543, 551, 553 535, 563, 582, 591, 600 567, 570, 586, 598, 628, 629 McCook, Daniel.............................277, 309 "Miles O'Reilly"................................. 312 McCrillus, Erastus............................ 271 Mississippi Company, The...............9, 11 McGonigle, James A..............271, 277, 393 Mississippi Bublhle.......................9, 10, 11 394, 444 Mississippi, Navigation of..12, 13, 14, 15, 16 McGrew, James.........235, 271, 327, 378, 384 Miami Indians...................18, 36, 458, 640 McArthur, James................................. 68 Miami county.................................475, 657 McBratney, Robert...43,'250, 375, 378, 379 Miami lands......................................... 640 389, 442 Milhoan, Thomas E.......................305, 386 McGee County Frauds................... 151 IMitchell, A. J...................................... 407 INDEX. 685 Mitchell, Robert B..........149, 182, 190, 198 N. 226, 232, 242, 279, 309, 316, 426, 432 584, 587 NAPOLEON BONAPARTE..........13 14, 15, 16 Mitchell, Daniel.................................. 432 Natural History Society......................555 Mitchell, D. P...........369, 376, 453, 482, 544 National Cemeteries......................... 46 Nashville, Battle of............................. 392 612, 648 Mitchell, D. T..................................... 329 Nash, Edwin S..............................208, 275 Nash, Lyman...... 428 Mitchell county.............................................. Miege, J. B........................................ 372 Mitchell county.~~~~Nebraska-Kansas bill......30, 31, 33, 34 35, 36 Miller, Sol...265, 270, 312, 313, 327, 348, 370 Nebrask Annexation, Nebraskg Annexation......G161, 198, 204, 208 428, 434, 504, 524, 536, 548, 555 Neutral Lands........ 442, 443, 472, 475, 480 Miller, J. M........................................ 662 Miller, Josiah...........43, 98, 161, 262, 309 482, 483, 497, 506, 507, 508, 514, 518, 519 355, 526 520, 531, 599, 607, 640 Negro Suffrage.........191, 200, 445, 459, 461 Mills.................................................. 6,58 Minneola.......................,...........162, 163 465, 466, 467, 471, 479, 486, 505, 520 MineCreekBatt2Neosho county 4 3................424 436, 439, 562 Mine Creek, Battle of........................... Neosho, l ofnth........ Militia......................383, 393, 423, 672 Neosho, Valley of the........... 376-77423 Military expenses..72 Neosho Valley Railroad..........376, 377, 436 Military Driving-out of a Legislature, 103 441 442 463, 464, 465, 467, 509, 514 ~~~~~~~~~~~~Military Driving-outof a Neosho Falls.................................... 633 2, 126 Neodesha...................................... 599 Midland R.R........562, 577, 615, 643, 644.5 Newtonia, Battle o............31,382 Michigan, Society of............................ 548 Newtonia, Battle of...............331, 382 AMiddl~~~~~New Orleans........................27N Or..10, 11, 12, 13 Middleton, J. A................................... 207Newton. Monroe, James............................................... 55315 ~~~Monroe, Mrs. H. A..~.544, 600 ~Neuwied, Prince................................. 487 Monroe, Mrs. HI. A........................ 544, 600Nes cut............4963 Morgan, W. A................................550, 643 Ness county................ 633 Mound City, Battle near..................... 382 Newell, Robert.280 Newel Robert................................... 280 Mound.City.. 163 New Madrid....... 19 Mound City......................................... 163 Newspapers.... Mound Builders.................................620 Newspapers..... 153, 192, 443, 478, 523, 544 563, 634 Mount St. Mary's Academy............63,658 63, 65834 News, Emporia................188, 533, 554, 555 Moore, H. D....................................... 536 Nesbitt, Houston................................. 483 Moore, H. Miles....36, 62, 118, 129, 134, 149 Nei,........3 2262-42, 02 46, 53, 584 585Newlon, J. F........................................ 322 226,. 242, 309, 469, 531, 584, 585 New York Indians..... New York Indians..................27, 640 Moore, Crawford..................403, 415, 664 New York Indian s................... 640 Moore, ~~~~~~~~~New York Indian Lands............640 More HreL. 283, 311, 463, 474 Moore, Horace L............283, 311, 463, 64874 Nichols, Mrs. C. I. H.....................123, 460 Moorhouse, William S....294, 505, 507, 514 Nicholson, A. 0. P..............................29 Motte, Sieur de la............................... 507 Motte, Sleur de la.. 507 ~Niccolls, E. S.......493, 528, 581, 605, 612 Morrill, Edmund N...149, 157, 309, 346, 592 Nicollt, Jean.507 Nieman, Alexander D........................ 356 1611, 652 Ninth Kansas........................300, 331, 422 Morrw, Robert........189 198, 234, 312, 583 Nineteenth Kansas.......490 498, 505, 506 Nineteenth Kansas..........90 498; 505, 506 MVobley, Richard D.......'.. 366, 411, 452, 471 ~~~~~Mobh~ley, Rihad,4520, 47166 Norton, H. B............432, 453, 465, 484, 563 Moody, D. L..................... 648, 653 MoyJe...........31, 483, 5 Norton county..............................459, 599 Mt~oody, Joel.............. 310,.389, 422, 482, 549-, Normal School, Concordia.....642, 643, 644 583, 646 583, 646 Normal School, Emporia;.346, 347, 432, 437 Morgan's Raid................................... 347 453, 505, 514, 553, 575, 600, 621, 630, 633 Mowry, Andrew J.....357, 493, 510, 537, 628 453, 505, 514, 553, 575, 0, 21, 630, 633 Mortality of Volunteers....................... 454 657 Norml Shoo, Laveworh.......520,'631 Moonlight, Thomas...267, 309, 331, 332, 379 Normal School, eavenworth. 520, 631 381, 383, 389, 427, 432, 442, 460, 488, 491 633, 657 Noble, George.............................. 670 501, 592, 610NolGog.7,.0,501, 592, 610 Nute, Rev. Ephraim.....:......... 1964275',529 Monitor, Fort Scott.................321, 508, 513 Morton, John T........371, 380, 381, 393, 435 456, 477, 492, 501, 597, 615 0. Morton, Prince G. D...............230, 235, 309 Montgomery, James.........183, 184, 185, 190 O'CoNoR, CHARLES............................. 581 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 230, 241, 244 Ocheltree, W. A................................. 408 252, 305, 347, 374, 562 Odd Fellows......461, 489, 525, 526, 532, 555 Montgomery county......................... 459 O'Driscoll, B...........................110, 229, 593 Mohler, John G............................582, 643 Ogg, F. R............................................ 655 Morris, Charles A.....:570, 610, 634, 645, 672 Olathe................................117, 162 Mount St. Mary's Academy.................. 527 Old Fort Wayne, Battle of.................. 331 Mormons, The.................................. 28 Old Men............................................. 518 Mobile Bay battle.................................378 Olney, D. E.................................... 524 Munsees, The.................................27, 640 Olney, H. C....................................503, 517 Muncie train robbery......................... 671 Olmsted, Fred. Law............................. 121 Mussey, Ambrose W........................... 235 Olustee, Battle of................................. 374 Murdoch; John N................................ 612 O'Neil, M. A..................................592, 641 Murdock, T. B.................. 311, 520, 528, 553 Ordinance of 1787................................ 13 582, 643 Organic Act, Passage of.................34, 35 Murdock, M. M.........321, 349, 374, 419, 420 Order No. 11, Ewing's...................348, 484 487, 488, 489, 493, 523, 527, 537, 548, 577 Orleans, Territory of.....................17, 19 593, 609, 652, 669, 672 Opotheyoholo..................................... 313 Mudge, BF F.....369, 392, 440,.463, 483, 515 Osborn, Thomas A...164, 229, 233, 312, 322 527, 541, 600, 605, 620 326 343, 349, 374, 460, 487, 488, 528, -.561 Murphy, Thomas......188, 270, 323, 386, 413 581, 590, 607, 621, 628, 638, 652, 653, 659 436, 510, 537, 581 Osborne, V. B.......................559, 584, 590 686 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Osborne county............................459, 599 Perry, Leslie J...........96, 524, 527, 544, 549 Osages, The............................. 10, 526 552, 576 Osage, Valley of the............................ 23 Perryville, Battle of.................... 325 Osage, Battles of.............. 382, 383 Penn, William................................... 62 Osage Mission.....29, 373, 443.. 457, 544, 562 Pendleton, George H......................... 378 581, 620 Pea Ridge, Battle of............................ 315 Osage Treaty.....427, 458, 483, 497, 508, 526 Pennington, Wm.......................... 240 542, 543, 549, 640 Petroleum....................................... 427 Osage Lands......427, 480, 482, 483, 506, 508 Pendery, John L.............441, 444 526, 542, 543, 549, 577, 616, 638, 640, 641 Peorias, The..............24, 35, 458, 473, 640 645, 650 Pettit, John.............................35, 198, 261 Osage City flagstone'........................... 544 Peck, George R................382, 583, 638, 645 Osage City brick................................ 555 Perkins, B. W....381, 581, 582, 610, 624, 669 Osage City coal.................................... 643 Peyton, E. B...................................... 597 Osawatomie..............101, 104, 105, 201, 458 Peoria Indian Lands........................... 640 615, 616 Philbrick, J. H................................... 468 Osawkee....................................... 129 Philbrick, J. L.................... 584 Oswego.................................. 633 Phillips, William................50; 55, 105, 132 Ottawa Indians.....23, 25, 319, 436, 458, 640 Phillips county.459, 599 Ottawa Indian lands..................... 483, 640 Phillips, William A.........104, 132, 153, 165 Ottawa.....................426, 457, 473, 527, 577 168, 202, 225, 242, 264, 309, 310, 322, 342 Ottawa University........................436, 554 347, 355, 422, 431, 442, 457, 472, 481, 482 Ottumwa College............................. 436 529, 549, 563, 583, 587, 605, 606, 638, 649 Otis, Miss Minnie............................... 460 667 Otis' John G....................43, 641, 644, 656 Pike, Zebulon M............................18, 19 Otis, Alfred G............226, 376, 485, 492 Pike's Peak...18, 19, 184, 188, 190, 242, 248 Otis, H.'........262 Pierpont, Rev. John.......................... 125 Oursler, Rufus.................................. 327 Pigeon's Ranch, Battle of.................... 316 Overland mail...........266, 423, 437, 440, 457 Pipher, John W............................ 643 Oxford frauds........ 151, 155, 156, 161, 162 Pipher, John.....................453, 526 Pine Bluff, Battle of............................. 350 p. Pierce, George G................................. 239 Pierce, George T................................. 511 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY........579, 616, 617 Pilkenton, W. H....................627, 643, 666 640, 641, 643 Ping, P. I. B................................... 654 Parker,;Theodore.........Title page, and 354 Piankeshaws, The..................... 24,'35, 458 Parker, P. Gould....................305, 485, 529 Pierce, Franklin........31, 35, 71, 90, 91, 111 Parker, LivingstonG...................289, 362 Pittsburgh Landing............................. 316 Parker, Virgil W................................. 413 Pillsbury, Josiah H........................67, 182 Parkinson, W.L..............576, 655, 662 Plants, Kansas..............................551, 600 Parkman, Francis...........................29, 37 Platte Purchase............................... 26 Pate, H. Clay...............................100, 101 Platte River Bridge Massacre.........267, 464 Parsons, William B.........101, 153, 184, 282 Pleasonton, Alfred....................... 380 492, 563 Plumb, Preston B...... 112, 153, 182, 188, 197 Parks, Paschal S....... 207 226, 246, 272' 313, 314, 321, 323, 332, 381 Paulson, John.......................297 424, 451, 455, 465, 470, 479, 549, 638, 639 Parsons...................... 543, 586, 633, 644 669 Parton, James.............13, 15, 16, 17, 18 Popenoe, W. P........................fi17, 641, 648' Pawnees, The.......................10, 11, 22, 25 Popenoe, Edwin A...................576, 620 Pawnee, Town of.................40, 49, 52, 445 Ponce de Leon................................... 36 Pawnee county......................459, 599, 642 Pope, Gen. John.....................427, 442, 544 Pacific Railroad............................... 483 Potter, Frederick W........272, 314, 327, 343 Palmer, L. G...................................... 557 374, 375, 386, 411, 430, 481, 487, 626, 657 Palmer, D. L............................649, 666 Population.........44, 240, 247, 426, 438, 522 Palmer, Luther R......55, 207, 228, 243, 264 598, 674 322, 444, 592, 649 Pottawatomie Indians.......... 22, 27, 28, 273 Page, John Q...................607, 608, 610, 616 330, 458, 640 Paola...........56, 128, 452, 554, 567, 599, 614 Pontiac, the Ottawa Chief.................... 12 619, 648 Pomeroy, Samuel C.........201, 225, 241, 251 Page, Forrest R...............330, 389, 459, 539 252, 261, 317, 457, 458, 484, 521, 529, 533 Parrott, Marcus J........54, 68, 107, 118, 129 543, 570, 577, 578, 585, 605, 606, 607, 608' 132, 133, 134, 150, 153, 156, 157, 225, 227 609, 610, 611, 615, 621, 633, 639, 645, 669 261, 309, 324, 326, 355; 389, 391, 445, 457 Post, NewYork Evening..................... 195 567, 574, 576, 578, 583, 584, 646, 648, 667 Pony Express................................. 242 Payne, David L........387, 455, 474, 500, 558 Prentis, Noble L...... 513, 554, 562, 615, 618 Paddock, G. W.............................376, 453. 644, 650 Patrick, A. G....................... 149, 399, 468 Press, Associated...........................460, 518 Peter, Thomas J................................. 489 Presbyterians, The...........372, 526, 555, 567 Peters, Samuel R...................... 663 577, 658 Peters, Peter H..............................478, 583 Price, Sterling................. 380, 392 Peckham, William H.......511, 538, 580, 589 Price Raid, The........380 381, 382, 383, 392 Peacock, G. H......................... 585 393, 426 Peffer, W. A.................... 544, 662 Price Raid Scrip............ 383, 480, 567, 580 Pensioners..................... 541, 542, 643 600, 645 Penitentiary......346, 356, 374, 424, 437, 459 Price Raid Claims.....424, 428, 436, 452, 453 478, 479, 480, 504, 514, 518, 632 459, 460, 462, 463, 464, 472, 478, 479, 480 Pennock, William..........................405, 430 484, 498, 505, 506, 508, 513, 542, 549, 550 Perrill, George W............. 419 567, 574, 575, 578, 580, 600, 611, 641, 645 Perry, Albert........................ 405 Price, John T..................................... 410 INDEX. 687 Price, John M...........375, 448, 459, 536, 581 Riggs, Samuel A.......272, 351, 381, 448, 459 605, 650 461, 465, 506, 574, 583, 584, 585, 587 Price, Nathan..........201, 306, 386,423, 459 646, 655 492, 501, 515,549, 575, 583, 592, 649 Riggs, Joseph E.................................. 397 650, 653 Richardson, Albert D.......126, 129, 168, 189 Prouty, Salmon S......163, 309, 312, 480, 481 196, 442, 459, 513, 563 488, 504, 505, 506, 515, 524, 548, 555, 561 Ritchie, John...........182, 207, 245, 285, 309 605, 62. 310, 453, 458, 460, 649, 656 Pratt, Charles H...........................584, 591 Ritchie, J.B....................................... 617 Pratt, John..................................281, 309 Rippey, Mrs. Amanda C...................... 617 Pratt, Caleb S................................256, 276 Rice county...........................459, 599, 633 Pratt county.................................459, 671 Riddle, A. P............................... 513 Prescott, George F..........253, 323,. 443, 479 Riddle, Robert...........68, 134, 200, 378, 387 489, 518, 524, 529, 548, 555, 585, 608 Richmond taken................................. 425 Prescott, J. H..................456, 493, 537, 597 Riley, Fort......................................... 30 Prairies of Kansas..................509, 563, 616 Robley, T. F..................................383, 626 Printing press, The first....................... 25 Roy, William...................................... 408 Prairie Grove, Battle of....................... 331 Ropes, Mrs. Hannah A........................ 96 Protestant Episcopal Church...106, 107, 520 Rooks county................................459, 599 548, 551, 658 Root, Frank A.................486, 515, 524, 576 Preston, Hiram D............207, 269, 274, 430 Rorick, David..........................510, 526 Procter, A. G..............................244, 375 Roach tragedy.................................... 520 Pursley, James............................... 14 Rossington, W. H..................550, 586, 613 Purcell, E. B....................................... 620 Rockefeller, Philip.................298, 468, 536 Puffer, Charles........................539, 629, 671 Root, Joseph P.........129, 132, 134, 225, 226 Public lands......................................... 266 232, 282, 319, 442, 532, 649 Ross, Edmund G.........95, 112, 133, 188, 207 Q. 225, 312, 321, 332, 437, 441, 457, 480, 483 527, 532, 549, 562, 574, 576, 577, 583 "QUAKERS, The, Are Out".................. 249 Ross, William W.........69, 94, 112, 118, 154 Quapaws...................................25 43 458 160, 182, 188,.225, 244, 262, 372, 388, 585 Quantrell...315, 320, 321, 325, 347, 348, 349 Ross, John....................................... 321 513, 585 Robertson, Hugh....................182, 229, 338 Quigg, Matthew........305, 386, 413, 444, 446 Robinson, Mrs. Sara T; L...........49, 98, 99 549 109, 473 Quindaro...........................163, 458 Robinson, Charles.....37, 41, 45, 55, 67, 70 Quivira.............................................5, 6 7 71, 93, 97, 98, 101, 107, 118, 123, 133, 153 185, 226, 232, 241, 242, 249, 319, 453, 457 R. 518, 529, 554, 557, 563, 583, 609, 638, 639 648, 655, 662. RAILROAD CONVENTION.................249, 376 Robinson, Charles H........................... 3.4 Railroad, The first.;;...............241, 246, 248 Robinson, John W..........168, 226, 274,'282 Railroads..........436 473, 521, 598, 628, 629 316 317, 318, 331', 355 Railroad assessments.....................505, 629 Roberts, John W.....248 312 375, 53 465 Railroad Assessors........................550, 551 524, 563 Ransom, Epaphroditus...........128, 150, 197 Roberts, William Y.....62, 67, 156, 182, 200 Ransom, Wyllis C..........................290, 548'250, 275, 504 Randolph, A. M. F...........582, 652, 657, 660 Rogers, James..........330, 353, 369, 386, 449 Randolph, Joseph................................ 299 453, 480, 581, 620 Rainfall.................................433, 513, 552 Rogers, John W...............398, 556, 592, 609 Randlett, R. A..................................... 395 Ruggles, Robert M............235, 266, 272, 376 Rankin, William A.......................230, 309 391, 441, 531, 535 Rankin, John K.......238, 280, 424, 429, 461 Rubicam, Char]hs................................ 441 Rankin, J. T....................................... 494 Rucker, A. V................................531, 589 Rankin, J. M..........................375, 453 Ruth, M........................306, 551, 555 Rastall, John E......................... 563 Rssl' Edward......... 167 264 270, 32, 327 Raymond, Henry J................ 91 347 ~ 387, 393, 551, 581, 602, 672 Reeder, Andrew H....36, 38, 39, 54, 55, 62 Russell, Sheldon C........................... 297 67, 94, 97, 104, 110, 114, 161, 321 Russell, Avra P........................280, 309 Ream, Robert L.......................... 39 Russell county..............................459, 599 Rees, Richard R................................. 47 Rush county....................................... 459 Redpath, James..........68, 116, 163, 237, 554 Relief..;.88, 102, 110, 241, 251, 252, 253, 261 Reaser, J. G.....................453, 483, 518, 555 Reynolds, Milton W........426, 443,.478, 523 SANBORN, FRANK B................237, 243, 563 524, 548, 555, 561, 562, 563, 650 Sargent, U. F............ 644 646, 647,. 655 Reynolds, Robert................................ 250 Sanford, Amos......................513, b2', 531 Reynolds, George A........126, 228, 271, 345 Sayrs, C. Dana.................................... 508 Reynolds, Charles.....106, 196, 198,251, 253 Salina..165, 461, 462, 473, 497, 526, 55L0'672 282, 480, 563, 570, 620, 639 Salt springs........................10, 22, 356, 505 Realf, Richard............................ 111 Salter, M. J..................................652, 659 Republican, The Missouri................19, 122 Sacking of Osawatomie........................ 101 Review, North American.................23, 509 Sauvolle................................. 8 Reno county................................459 599 Santa Fe trail...................................21, 22 Republic county................................. 562 Sackingof Lawrence...............99, 100, 122 Reasoner, Calvin................................ 596 Saunders, W. R.......235, 272, 322, 330; 353 Redfield, J. C..........................511, 539, 579 371, 379, 384 Redfield, John S............................290, 598 Sacs and Foxes, The....18, 32, 225, 258, 458 Revels, Hiram R....................460, 518, 527 Sac and Fox lands............................... 483 Rhodes, Jacob..................................... 643 Sabetha.............................................. 163 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~ 688 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Savage, Joseph..............................529, 533 Shore, Samuel............51, 100, 101, 189, 200 Safford, Jacob..................236, 384, 385, 562 Sherry, Byron...316, 322, 327, 343, 393, 481 Sawyer, L. G....................................... 591 510, 576, 583, 585, 602, 606 Sawyer, Orlando................................. 440 Shannon, Wilson......31, 54, 70, 71,72, 73 Saqui, Jacob...........................352, 413, 462 97, 98, 101, 102, 105, 161, 198, 314, 376 Satterlee, Robert C.....................256, 265 444, 578, 579,.585, 642 Saunders, Win. H...........................600, 620 Shannon, Wilson, jr.........484 485, 491, 585 Sampson, Turner................................ 622 Shannon, Andrew J...............244, 335, 347 Scotch Colony...................................... 543 Shannon, W. A...............420, 525, 526, 645 Schiller, Edward....................524, 551, 554 Shaw, Archibald............................609, 645 Schuarte, Frederick W..................291, 310 Sharpe, Amasa T............................... 611 Schuyler, Philip C.........54, 62, 67, 129, 157 Shepard, S. R...............................321, 331 200, 330, 481, 579 Sims, William..................640,.653, 662, 669 Schoenmakers, John................38, 373, 619 Simpson, Benjamin F......207, 225, 226, 232 Scudder, Thomas W............................ 285 251, 323, 325, 359, 360, 381, 431, 448, 465 Schneider, Edward F............256, 297, 473 481, 488,:539, 547, 569, 570,'575, 606, 607 Schaeffer, J. B........................617, 641, 662 608, 642, 650 Schmidt, Frank..............................413, 592 Simpson, Basil M......442, 466, 524, 581, 582 Scott, Gen. Winfield............................. 252 Simpson, William...................495, 592, 655 Scott, John W...230, 251, 252, 257, 305, 374 Simpson, General J. H..........5.............., 6 378, 448, 478, 481, 504, 528, 619 Siley, Major..................................21 22 Scott, John B........................ 1..........613 Sixth Kansas..........................268, 331 422 Scott, John H.................................524, 544 Sixteenth Kansas............350, 362, 381, 422 Scott, Lyman.................................... 332 Simons, WalterL.............592, 639, 654, 662 School lands.......266, 374, 385, 392, 497, 506 Sinks, Tiffin..............369, 414, 433, 462, 579 542, 543, 549, 640 Silvers, Golden................189, 196' 271, 398 School bonds................................346, 374 Signor, James H....................207' 264 307 Schools......186, 239, 266, 374, 441, 507, 514 Slough, John P.......................207, 226, 316 543, 544, 549, 552, 554, 562, 577, 586, 599 Slosson, W. B....................................... 610 600, 620, 633, 671, 673 Slavery in Missouri...................19, 21, 355 Sedgwick county...........................459, 521 Slavery in Kansas.............33, 240, 242, 252 Secrest, Ed..................................... 496 257, 355 Searcy, Edward..............................556, 594 Slavery abolished................................ 424 Seed wheat.....................................505, 550 Sleeper, Hiram S......235, 257, 309, 312, 345 Sells, Elijah.......426, 511, 528, 538, 558, 583 425, 441, 489, 524 Sellers, Abraham..........................596, 627 Smith, Capt. John.....,....................... 18 Sears, Theodore C............436, 437, 453, 465 Smith, George W......39, 55, 62, 67, 98, 99 480, 537 123,"133, 134, 156, 157,' 200, 271, 391, 430 Second Kansas........................265, 266, 422 465, 469, 476, 554 Second Kansas Battery...........321, 342, 381 -Smith, George P........557; 579, 583, 648, 660 423, 427 Smith, H. P......................................... 429 ~econd Kansas Colored...........355, 366, 422 Smith, Leonard T..........235, 475, 483, 485 Squnrind Indian Regiment.....................342 490, 601 Seveinth Kansas..............268, 294, 373, 422 Smith, William W..........................583, 588 Seventcienth Kansas..:.....365, 377, 381, 422 Smith, Reuben....:...........495,511,594, 609 Searl, Af.bert D.................................... 300 Smith, EdwardA................. 342 427, 428 Seaver, I- N....................................... 233 Smith, H. E......................................... 521 Senecas, The'............................43, 458, 578 Smith, V. Nicholas.............................. 441 Seneca..........................................163, 562 Smith, Samuel C..............................68, 123 Seward, William 4".....35, 104, 117, 165, 190 Smith, Ed.R.........................481, 560, 622 193, 204, 241, 24'. 248, 249, 253, 424, 426. Smith, Gerrit....................34, 151, 657, 672 586 Smith county............ 459, 599 Seward county......,,...................... 611 Smoky Hill'route.................I......... 427 Seymour, Horatio................................. 484 " Smuggler...... i..................616, 620 Seal of the Territory....43 Smallwod, William H l...341, 468, 493, 528 Seal, State.................:........................ 263 533 561 563 581 590, 599, 633, 652, 671 Seaborn, H...................................z 244 Snow, Edwin H..............461, 552, 615, 645 Secession...........0... 0 Snow, Frank H.........522, 527, 544, 551, 552 Senators, U. S., eected......94, 256, 261, 374 576, 600, 605, 620 457, 458, 459,,. 548, 549, 570, 605, 606, 638 Snead, J. H........................................ 583 639 Snoddy, John T.... 251, 294, 343, 375, 394 Sharp, Isaac......441, 470, 479, 526, 529, 532 Snoddy, James D......295, 373,400, 165, 469 533, 579, 585, 644 478, 487, 495, 511,1527, 536, 548, 569, 574 Sharp, Isaac B........................448, 455, 485 582, 597, 606, 650 Sherman, i4eneral W. T....392, 424, 426, 428 Snyder, SJ.H...133, 149, 189, 328, 387, 493 462, 466, 484 Soil of Kansas...484, 487, 509, 532, 555, 616 Sher'idan, GeneralPhilip H.....425, 464, 465 618, 619 480, 484; 486, 487, 489, 497, 501, 514 Solomon City....................................... 439 Shepard, Elihu'H................................. 520 Sopris, R............................................ 231 Shea, John C....................................... 585 South Carolina................112, 122, 260, 305 Shea, John G.......................7.............. 7, 8 Southard, Charles C............................. 303 Shawnees, The.....12, 22, 23, 32, 33; 37, 43 Sons of the South................................ 32 62, 458, 506, 640 Social Bands................................ 32 Shawneelands. 640 Spear, Albert G..............................487, 493 Shawnee frauds........................ 162 Spear, Samuel...............................386, 434 Sherman, John.................95, 103, 231, 240 Speer, John........38, 41, 43, 62, 94, 112, 149 Sherman's March to the Sea................. 392 270, 312, 342, 348, 350, 386, 439, 446, 460 Shillaber, Benj. P................................. 345. 478, 480, 524, 529, 549, 551, 569 Sheldon, O. H......................230 235, 272 Spriggs, William..'..189, 196, 234, 312, 322 Sharon, Mrs. M J................. 656, 657, 661 326, 369, 378: 384, 385, 422, 460, 582, 601 INDEX. 689 Speer, Joseph L......43, 51, 90, 269, 274, 538 Stanton, Edwin M............................... 481. Squatter Sovereignty.....29, 31, 33, 126, 159 Stafford county.................................... 459 162, 198, 201, 240, 242, 246, 252 Stark, Andrew.........235, 239, 381, 392, 395 Squatter Sovereign, The.............43, 55, 95 426, 459 Spooner, William R........................437, 644 Stone, James C.......................257, 262, 263 Spring Hill....................................163, 466 Stokes, Edwin......................... 207 Sponable, J. W.................314, 369, 422, 450 Stadden, Isaac...............................290, 419 Spalding,Azel W............327, 343, 594, 606 Stewart, John J.................................. 420. Spalding, Azel.......................271, 314, 322 Stewart, W. C...................................... 669 Spalding, Hugh M..................567, 601, 644 Stewart, Watson..............229, 388, 506, 654, Spicer, Newell W...........................275, 397 Stafford, H. H...................................... 483 Spencer, James M...................450, 488, 548 Sturges, William.................................458. Spirit, Paola...................................648, 655 State House......437, 446, 457, 458, 459, 46i Spiritualists, The...........................509, 555 464, 465, 478, 480, -504, 505, 514, 518, 600 Spurgeon, G. W..............................617, 641 633, 642 Speck, Joseph...........201, 275, 445, 476, 609 State bonds....................................347, 432 Speck, Frederick.............497, 505, 525, 643 State lands....................................356, 436. Stringfellow, John H......37, 48, 53, 91, 105 State debt........................................... 670 159, 555 State treasury..........466, 504, 518, 519, 549 Stringfellow, Benjamin F.........37, 105, 109 550, 641, 671, 355, 586 Starrett, William A.......................453, 504 Stephens, Aaron D.........................108, 241 Supreme Court Reports........................ 381 Steamboats on the Kaw...19, 21, 27, 50, 164 Sunday schools.......................462, 621, 658. 188, 200, 427 Sumter, Fort...................................... 261 Stone, Lucy................................. 460, 461 Sumner, Col. Edwin V.......72, 97; 103, 104 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady.................465, 475 112, 120, 197 Stanton, Frederic P...........34, 118, 120, 123 Sumner, Charles..........35, 99, 100, 247, 642 151, 152, 154, 155, 200, 261, 264, 266, 314 Sumner county.......................459, 599, 616 Stotler, Jacob..........188, 225, 244, 246, 252 Swallow, G. C..................369, 424, 431, 433 259, 312, 353, 375, 378, 389, 407, 421, 430 Swallow, John R......157, 182, 322, 378, 384 442, 465, 487, 495, 512, 527, 528, 529, 537 393, 442, 446, 478 653, 656 Swayze, J. Clarke...........................618 656 St. Benedict's College......................... 633 Swedish immigration.....................498; 543 St. Joseph, Mo............ 484, 563, 615 Swift, Frank B....90, 108, 256, 276, 388, 397 St. Joseph anI Topeka Railroad........... 629 St. JoiSeph and Denver Railroad.....436, 437 T. 440, 466, 473, 498, 521, 567, 619, 628, 629 St. Louis, Lawrence and Denver R. R... 427 Tappan, Samuel F.........68, 70, 94, 123, 164 431, 439, 567, 629 167, 182, 239, 316 St. John, John P............................592, 606 Taylor, R. B......312, 436, 442, 463, 478, 577 St. Mary's............................................ 599 581, 620, 625 St. Mary's Mission............................... 526 Taylor, Bayard.................................. 441 Ste. Genevieve.................................... 11 Taylor, P. Z......353, 410, 465, 484, 485, 490 St. Louis.1................ 2, 13, 21 Taylor, H. L................................459, 569 St. Clair, H. C...................................... 663 Taylor, James P........................... 417, 485 Stover, Elias S....282, 451,460, 481, 483, 536 Taylor, Thomas T............................... 666 569, 574, 581, 590, 606, 609, 638, 639 Taylor Alfred.............3...583, 612, 646, 647 644, 669 Talcott, Henry W............................... 623 Stabler, George W......................... 283, 429 Taxes, semi-annual............................. 642 Stormont, D. W.......................459,478, 609 Taxes, each year................................. 670 Stinson, Samuel A...........192, 207, 226, 232 Tanner,William....................473, 490, 514 269, 274 314 316 317, 323, 436 Tenney, William C........................574, 669 St. Joseph and Hannibai R; R............. 198 Tenney, Marcus D.............................. 308 St. Vincennes...................................... 18 Temperance, Sons of.......................... 521 St. Ildefonso, Treaty.......................... 13 Temperance, State, Society.....269, 548, 586 State expenses.........312, 330, 355, 431, 452 639, 641, 643, 648, 649, 656 472, 497, 513, 541, 562, 599, 629, 669 Tecumseh........................................... 163 Strickler, Samuel M.........327, 343, 369, 376 Tenth Kansas..................305, 313, 331, 422 378, 422, 442, 540, 558 Teachers', State, Association...369, 427, 483 Strickler, Hiram J......47, 196, 197, 198, 224 507, 522, 544, 562, 599 240, 432, 457, 574, 581, 617 Telegraph...192, 198, 240, 431, 432, 518, 562 Stevens, Hiram..............509, 515, 624,.655 Temperature............................. 433 Stevens, Robert S.....226, 270, 312, 313, 483 Texas cattle....................424, 467, 521, 658 509, 514 Tennent, Sidney................................. 236 Stevens, Thomas C.............................. 40? Third Kansas...................................... 266 Stevens, Solomon................................ 663 Third Battery.......................268, 368, 423 Stevens, J. A....................................... 560 Third Indian Regiment.................321, 342 Stephens, Alexander IL.....34, 165, 257, 423 Thirteenth Kansas..........321, 331, 337, 422 Stephenson, R. E................................. 494 Thayer, Eli.........................33, 36, 37, 38 Stevenson, T. G....................................557 Thomas, Adolphus S........................... 381 Stevenson, R. E............................... 664 Thomas, Chester, jr............................. 3145 Stevenson, Thomas.............................. 288 Throckmorton, Job................353, 389, 412 Starr, Rev. Frederick........................... 123 451, 653 Stearns, George L................ I............ 461 Thoman, Alois..........271, 353, 488, 491, 518 Storch, George.......................387, 421, 649. 528, 534, 574, 576, 584, 589, 607 Steele, James W......532, 562, 563, 577,'601 Thacher, Luin K......0............ 0 " "........... ~.. "" 615, 643 Thacher, Solon 0.....207 208 236, 246, 379 Standard, Lawrence.......................... 40 384, 443, 453, 457, 529, 548 Sternberg, Thomas-J...............280, 352, 526. Thompson, Edward D......235, 256, 279, 355 Stout, X.K.....................110, 233, 525, 625 393, 458 690 ANNALS OF KANSAS. Thaier;T. Dwight.........126, 127, 153, 163 Vanderslice, Daniel............................. 484 164, 167; 182, 196, 198, 201, 202, 245, 264 Vaughan, John C.....152, 226, 248, 322, 457 321, 322, 329, 346, 478,487, 524,'551, 577 531, 548, 664 606,608, 613, 650, 655, 665 Vaughan, Champion........152, 157, 160, 163 Thorp, Samuel M..........316, 331 197, 309 Tholen, William. 203, 226, 232, 244, 260 Vanderslice, Thomas........................... 229 281, 309, 346, 378 Van Winkle, R. A...........229, 270, 314, 612 Thurston, Orlin......226, 232, 327, 343, 376 Van Duyn, A. C................................... 601 437, 441, 485, 490 Valentine, David M:........271, 327,343, 349 Thomas, Chester.............228, 244, 262, 309 374, 391, 475, 487, 491, 501, 561, 653, 656 322, 325 657, 661 Tierhan, Peter H...........................485, 494 Vallandigham, C. L................. 347 Tice, John H................................... 579 Van Doren, W. S...........................394, 536 Tice, Perry............... 396 Vermont............................................ 110 Times, Leavenworth.........188, 380, 466, 473 Veale, George W.......234, 290, 386, 395, 448 480, 563 498, 539, 549, 581, 582, 595'Times, New York................................ 118 Vincent, J. C...................397, 536, 600, 644 Tough, William S...........382, 594, 612, 620 Victoria Colony.................................. 615 Tomlinson, William P............192'193, 194 Virginia............................... 7 Townsend, P. H.................................. 207 Vicksburg, Battle of........347 383,'625, 644 Volunteers......... ii. -4.2-3,-4.3, 43 Townsend, E.K......................383 625, 644 Volunteers........349, 376, 422, 423, 432, 436 Tomlinson, T.B.................................. 664 454, 504 Topping, E. H.........................511, 536, 592 Voss, Martin V..............................493, 559 Tonty.............:................................ 507 Voss, John T....................................... 529 Topeka..........28, 40, 112, 114, 165, 428 431, 437, 520, 521, 548, 562, 567, 580 619 W. 621,.644 Topeka Constitution........................74, 95 WALKER, ROBERT J.........118, 123, 124, 125 Topeka Legislature dispersed.........103, 112 129, 152, 154, 161, 183, 513 Topeka Legislature arrested................ 113 Walker, Samuel........104, 108, 154, 194, 261 Treaty of Fontainebleau..................... 1.1 262, 277, 286, 362, 378, 592 Tracy, Prank M............242, 252, 264, 275 Walker, Wm.................................... 641 404, 622 Walker, Thaddeus H....... 467, 576, 584, 590 Tracy, Robert........252, 275, 439, 461 Watkins, W. H................................... 620 Tracy, Lewis................................404, 428 Wade, Benjamin F.................161, 246, 462 Trees; Forest.........................424, 436, 482 Wamego.........................439, 579, 614, 633 Trask' Ezra I1.....................483, 500, 524 Walsh, Hugh S...............183, 190, 324, 376 Trask, Josiah C...................................'585 485, 529 Trumbull, Lyman.........................231, 462 Wagstaff, Wm. R......230, 271, 314, 324, 326 Troy.........................................46 6 376, 400, 484 485, 491 579 Troy.460, 466 ~~~~~~~~376, 400, 484, 485, 491, 579 Train, George Francis....................... 46-7 Wattles, Augustus..............51, 52, 129, 153 Trower, Thomas................................. 182 Wakarusa War...............70, 71, 72, 73, 315 Tribune, Chicago...........................164, 323 Wakefield, John A......40, 67, 118, 129, 322 Tribune, Kansas................38, 94, 111, 112 353, 529, 615 Tribune, New'York.........104, 111, 241, 330 Watson, John H......236, 322, 325, 326, 345 Treason...............98; 102, 108, 112, 122, 129 391, 475, 492, 583 Treat, L.S....................................... 407'Walden, J. M............123, 129, 133, 168, 182 Trego, Edgar................................. 299 Wabaunsee......................~............. 125 Trego, Joseph H....................... 287 Wasser, E.A..........................513, 524, 650 Trego county......................... 459 Waggener, B. P...............486, 584, 591, 646. Tucker, Edwin....................4. 470, 609 Washington county.............................562 Tucker, Horace................................. 330 Walruff, John...................................... 590 Turnverein...................................... 120 Waskey, J. F.................................... 590 Tweed, William M. ("Boss")............... 34 Watson, James E...................648, 653, 660 Twin Relics of Barbarism................... 102 Ware, Eugene F............579, 598, 639, 644 Twombley, G. W. K..................... 182 Washer, Solomon R..'........................... 297 Twelfth Kansas...............321, 342 422, 427 Warner, William H................486, 513, 524 Twiss, Charles P....................307, 386 499 Wallace, J. L.................................. 494 Wallace county............................480, 598 U. Washburn College....436, 453, 472, 497, 501 Walker, Isaiah.......................429, 444, 446 UNITED STATES, The Independence of, Ward, Artemus..................... . 426 acknowledged................................. 13 Waugh G................................ 653 Constit~~~~~~~~~Wugho o, Gdpe.M.,....................... 653 Constitution of, adopted............. 13 *Ward, Anthony A............................. 643 University, State......198, 257, 266, 846, 350 Watts,R. A......................................... 397 356,3 874, 437, 443, 453, 459, 464, 513, 520 Way, James P..............................401, 451 577, 599, 630, 633, 644, 645, 657................ United Presbyterians.......658. Wallack, Benjamin............................ 408 658 Waters, Joseph G......................... 563, 576 United Brethren in Christ.....373, 436, 541 Weas he.................................24, 35, 473 Universalists, The............................... 577 V.-nderhill Daniel............................ 448, 498West,'G. C....................................... 605'Underhill, Daniel.......................... 448, 498 mWellhouse, Frederick....................415, 429 Underhill, Sylvester.............................. 430 Wendell, F. J............................. 649 Updegraff, W. W...............229, 323, 393, 450 Wells Welcoie........270, 314, 556, 594, 610 Wel eche...7,34,5,598, ~610 -498, 561 Wells, E. C.................................... 662 Utt, John H...................................... 428 Weer, William, 250, 305, 316, 386, 418, 459 O-tt, Levi H...........;............................ 294 Welch, Orrin T................................... 669 Welsh, Harlan P......251, 448, 470, 539, 582 IV. Weightman, Matthew...................253, 273 VAIL, TEOamS H...........443, 461, 480, 553 Weld, Lewis Ledyard.......................... 197 Valuation, State.......................... 552, 670 Weveri Joseph L..................294, 453, 552 Vanderslice, Thomas J....................... 468 Wells, John D.......303, 387, 412, 449, 510 INDEX. 691 Weisbach, Jacob..............328, 393, 481, 551 Wilder, Daniel W......201, 204, 231, 252, 253 Webb, Thomas H............................37, 237 273, 312, 314, 349, 350, 483, 489, 518, 524 Webb, W. E................................ 577 544, 555, 561, 577, 582, 590, 602, 652, 660 Webb, -Linus J.................................... 582 Winchell, James M..........103, 168, 182, 207 Webb, Henry G.:............... 381, 536, 607 225, 251 Webb, William C......381, 470, 511, 520, 539 Wilhelm, Levi.................................... 510 550, 653 Willis, Martin C...............270, 408, 449, 664 Westport, Battle of..................381, 382, 383 Wilkinson, West E.....3........................ 562 Well, Louis.............. 120, 481, 482, 583, 588. Winter; Jacob................................... 592 Wheeler, John B................................. 337'Wichita............482, 552, 554, 577, 579, 586 Wheeler, Joshua.......327, 343, 386, 428, 487 633, 657 583, 637 Willetts, C.C....................................... 376 Wheat, Lysander B.................376, 394, 444 Wisner, George W............................... 409 Whiting, Charles C..................381, 442, 460 Woodson, Daniel.........36, 38, 103, 105, 120 Whitehair's Village............................. 427 Woodson county................................. 472 Whiteman, W.H................................. 653 Woodard, Levi.........189, 196, 235, 353, 430 Whitney, H. C.................................... 537 493, 506, 609, 643 Whittaker, David.....305, 493, 506, 510, 515 Wood, J.J.......................557, 569, 574, 665 519, 541, 542, 549 Woollen factories......425, 436, 466, 658, 672 White Cloud.................................163, 544 Woman suffrage.......459, 460, 461, 465, 466 Whittier, John G.........39, 92, 183, 249, 439 467, 475, 504 Whitfield, John W.......40, 69, 104, 109, 110 Woods, Smith D................................. 402 114, 437', 615 Wood, Stephen M............539, 561, 610, 666 Williams, Archibald...............258, 347. 381 Wood, Samuel N........39, 41, 47, 51, 70, 91 Williams, Archibald L......324, 473, 528, 534 95, 112, 152, 182, 204, 208, 230, 235, 243 569, 582, 591, 607, 653 251, 281, 312, 353, 394, 403, 431, 439, 448 Williams, P. J.........................507, 552, 563 460, 466, 471, 541, 574, 576, 577, 583, 656 Williams, R. L................................... 207 Woodworth, Caleb A........182, 322, 327, 337 Williams, Joseph............................. 226 Worrall, -Henry.............................513, 577 Williams, Henry H......94, 98, 102, 203, 274 Worden, Lorenzo J.................118, 536, 611 305, 469, 493, 549, 551, 561, 569 Wright, John K.....................470, 512, 653 Williams, Samuel A...........53, 284, 585, 620 Wright, Thomas S............................... 207 Williams, James M................287, 340, 347 Wright, R. W........................ 551, 561, 665 Williams, R. M................................... 250 Wyandottes, The.................24, 28, 43, 458 Williams, Boaz W.....250, 352, 457, 468; 662 W-yandotte.......;.163, 240, 439, 453, 458, 464 Willemsen, Charles.............................. 397 Wyandotte Constitution.........198, 199, 204 Wilson, Henry..................33, 124, 125, 578 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 225, 227, 240, 242 Wilson, Hiero T.......126, 134, 444, 529, 585 Wilson, V. P...................523, 593, 609, 634 X Wilson, Joseph L................................. 430 Wilson, Andrew S............510, 538, 550, 597 XENI................................................ 420 Wilson, Joseph C.............537, 556, 581, 592 629, 637 y. Wilson's Creek, Battle of................... 267 Wilson county....................... 459, 599, 657 YOR], ALEXANDER M......592, 606, 607, 608 Wilder, John...................................... 461 609, 610, 611, 615, 641, 655 Wilder, John H................................. 397 York, Wm. H...................................... 614Wilder, A. Carter......203, 243,244, 248, 249 264, 309, 322, 326, 375, 378, 392 Z. Wilmot; David.................................... 28 Wilmot Proviso................................... 29 ZARA, FORT................................349, 578