w* 1.H3 A3, ^ r) n 408079 ewt s A TEPHELN SPAILIDNG. I UVi 7 P F A- etCLAJ f Jw s/27 UNIVEllSITY orMICHGAI '1vm\cl\X\ L I I QA g.7.H3 A s A'BRIEF ACCOUNT ---- OiF THE - HAWAIIAN GOVERNMENT SURVEY, -- ITS IN OBJECTS, METHODS AND. RESULTS," - By PROF. W. D. ALEXANDER, SURVEYOR-GENERAL: PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF T'HE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR OF TIHE' IIHAWAIIAN KINGDOM..1- 0. U {.. 4 / TONOL ULU: ]UTLETTI STEAsM PRINT. 1889. - ei_ _ w A Q.,A AZ% I.~~~~~I~ ^ -' v; t* - ' —, I ' INTRODUCTORY REMARKS, Some preliminary explanation seems to 'be required of the meaning of certain termis used in the following report. In the first place, eaclh island is divided into several Moku or Districts, of which there are six in the island of Hawaii, and the same number in Oahu. The next subdivision of land below the Moki is the Ahupuaa, rwhich has been termed the unit of land in the Hawaiian system. The Ah.puaiGta is genlerally a long narrow strip, extending from the sea to the summit of the mountain. On the windward side of the islands, each valley generally constitutes a distinct A.hzupuaa. The Ahupuaa again are generally subdivided into llis, each with its own name and carefully defined boundaries. The terml Kuleana is commonly applied to the small pieces of land that were awarded in fee simple to the comimoni people, who had formerly been mere tenants at will, liable. to be dispossessed at any time, 0 1 4 The term Malhcele, whicl means "division," is often applied to the Great Division of lands, which was made in 1848 between Kamehameha IIT. as feudal suzerain and the chiefs, his feudatories, who gave up part of their lands in order to obtain allodial titles to the reinainder. Although the system of land tenure was radically changed by the peaceful and beneficent revolution, which took place during the reign of Kamehameha III., yet the ancient subdivisions and boundaries of land remain unchanged to the present day. To ascertain and define the landed property witlhin this kingdom, has been the chief object of the Government Survey. lThe following report, ow p llblished for the first time, explains its objects, methods and results. H-ONOTLo-LrL, April 1, 1874. ITrs Ex. II. A. W\\rn ANllN, Ministler of t1le Interlior. Sir: 1 have the honor to present the followiing report of the progress of tlhe Government Survey to the beginning of this month. At your suggestiou I will make at brief statement of the objects of this Survey, and the advalntages to lb derived from it. OBJECTS OF THE SlJIVEY. The principal objects of this survey, as I understand them, are 1st, to construct a correct general map of this Kingdom. All the existing maps of the islands are really founded on the original charts made by Cook and Vancouver, and abound in gross errors both in regard to the coast lines, and the relative positions of the smaller islands, ;) HIardly any district maps exist, or any materials out of which they could be constructed. A nation that claims to be civilized and enlightened,, should not rest contented with this state of things. 2nd. It is intended to fix permanently and with the utmost possible accuracy, a great number of points of reference, upon which all the local surveys can be based, and by which they will all be connected together as parts of one great whole. 3rd. To produce a map of each district or 1Mok1nu, which will give an exact representation of the contents and boundaries of its principal subdivisions as Ahupuaa andIlis. In a few of the more thickly inhabited districts, such as Kona, Oahu, all the lands for which Royal Patents or Land Commission Awards have been issued, should be laid down as accurately as possible. At the same time, the survey ought to present an exact delineation of the shore line, and of the more important topographical features of the country, such as hills, gulches, craters, rivers, forests, roads, plantations, etc., so as to furnish reliable information in regard to the amount of wood land, arable land, pasture land and desert, as well as in regard to the roads, harbors, etc. It is not, however, proposed to make (a regular topographical survey of the country or to run lines of level, except for some special object; although it is intended to measure the heights of all the prominent stations. Neither will our means enable us to make a general hydrographical survey of the depth of water, and the character of the bottom of the sea around each island. Our survey differs from similar operations in Europe in not being a military or a purely scientific and topographical 0 survey, but a survey of the landed proper'ty of the kingdom. It, however,' resembles those surveys and the U. S. Coast Survey in being founded on accurate trigonomlet.rical and astronomical measurements. A]DVANTAGES OF THE SURVEY. It seems hardly necessary to explain the value of such surveys and maps, both to the Government and people of this country. Formerly, if any one wished to obtain reliable information in regard to a land situated in one of the less knolwn districts, as Kaupo for instance, he was obliged to visit the place in person at great trouble and expense, and would then too often find that the boundaries were indefinite and unsettled. Now if a map of the district, could be found at tlhe Interior Office showing the location of the land in which he is interested, the adjacent lands, the roads, and the principal natural features of the district, such as forests, ravines, rivers, etc., it would save all this trouble and expense, and would be an important aid in the transaction of any business in real estate. The mnbre minlute miaps of special districts, such as Waikiki, Oahu, would serve as an index. to the records in the Interior Office, and would materially assist the officers of the Government both in assessing the value of real estate, and in planning roads, aqueducts and other public works. Such maps with the accompanying notes of surveys, arranged in the office for convenient reference, would greatly facilitate all transactions relating to landed property, and might be cited as evidence in courts of justice. I Again, such a survey is much needed in order to ascertain what Government lands remain unsold. Few if any surveys of Government lands as such, 'have ever been made until recently, and it is impossible except by general surveys of this kind. to ascertain what portions are left. This. is the case even in the immediate vicinity of Honolulu, and much more so in the remote districts. The lands held by private parties may be divided into two classes: first, those which have been surveyed, and the boundaries of which have been settled by Land Commission Awards or by the Boundary Commissioners; and secondly, those which have never been surveyed, which latter class includes the greater part of the' larger lands called Ahzpuacas. It is well knowl that there was no uniform system of surveying the Kulcanas. The work was done ill a hasty and fragmentary manner, some of it by incompetent surveyors with inferior instruments, and without reference to other surveys, and the result has been, and will continue to be, much troublesome uncertainty and litigation. It was but seldom tlhat care was taken to mark corners in a perllmaJeint manner, so that comparatively few undisputed landmarks remain at the present day. These facts, together with the very irregular local variation of the magnetic needle, make it very difficult to retrace old surveys in this country. To put together these imperfect and conflicting surveys is much more difficult than to put together a dissected map, for the pieces do not match, but overlap in one place, and leave gaps in another. T do not recommend.l that the Government should undertake the task or rl'srvoyiltg all thle KC1canaos tlhroug]out the islands. But, as was stated above, there are some districts, such as Honolulu and Lahaina, where it will be well S worth while, both for tlhe good of the people, and the information of the Government, to make a thorough exalmination of all the original surveys. When thl is is dolc, the principal corners should be marked in a permanent manner, and the variation of the magnetic needle at the time, recorded, ill orlder to prevent trouble in future. But a large part of the land in this kingdom has never been surveyed at all. Nearly all the larger divisions of land were awarded by name merely, and notwithstanding the zeal shown by some of the Boundary Commissioners during the past year, many of these lands still remain unsettled, even in the vicinity of the capital. Some of the lands held by such titles have been subdivided, and have repeatedly changed hands. On account of the negligence or ignorance of their owners, somle of these cases will never be cleared up except by a systematic survey of the whole district. There are even yet a few lands held in accordance witlh ancient custom, which were overlooked in thle llaheic or Division of 1848, the owners of which 1nver applied to the Land Commission or to the Minister of the Interior for any award. All such cases will be brought to light by such a survey as is proposed. By the Act of 1862 for settling Boundaries, all owners of lands, whose applications have not been filed with the Commissioners of Boundaries, may be compelled by the Minister of the Interior to have them settled, and to pay double f'ccs. Private surveyors will receive valuable assisttance f'ro the proposed Government Survey in. many ways. 1st. it furnishes accurate data for determining the llmagnetic, declinlation, and the rate of its c]hange from year to yelar,:and also affords a test of the existence of local attraction and a measure of its amount. 0 2nd. It furnishes bases and azimuths for local surveys more accurate than a private surveyor can generally afford to make. The plan of the Government Survey when carried out will cover the country with a network of triangles, measured with precision, to serve as a skeleton or framework on which the local surveys are to be based. The corners of these triangles are to be marked in a permanent manner, and will serve as points of reference for future surveys. The true bearings of these points from each other being recorded, will enable any surveyor to find the true bearing of any line in the neighborhood, and the local variation of the magnetic needle. The Government district maps will save future surveyors the trouble of disentangling many a complicated knot. 3d. It will also furnish the correct longitudes and latitudes of hundreds of points, especially along the coast, as well as their bearing and distance from each other. These will always afford a basis upon i:hich future surveys in detail can be made, whenever called for. In short, any information in the Survey Office should be accessible under proper regulations to members of the profession, and in return copies of all boundary surveys both public and private should be deposited there. The Government Survey has already given important assistance to many private surveys on Oahu, East Maui and North Hawaii; and the completion of our triangulation is urgently called for by the surveyors at work in those islands. PLAN OF OPERATIONS. Tie first step in such a survey is to make a careful reconnoisance for the selection of the most suitable points for the primary triangulation and the base lines. The charac 10 ter of this country is highly favorable to surveys of this kind, abounding as it does, in commanding heights and projecting headlands. All of the islands except Kauai and Niihau can be connected together by one chain of triangles. As will be explained further on, the principal base of the whole survey was measured across the isthmus of Maui, the second on the Waikiki plain., and the third on the Waimea plains on Hawaii, with the apparatus of the U. 'S. Coast Survey. Great care has been taken for the security and identification of the stations, but the method of marking them varies with the nature of the ground. The ends of the base lines and other important points are marked by short stone columlns sunk deep into the ground, with a hole drilled in the top of each, and filled with a copper bolt, on the head of which cross-lines are cut to mark the centre. When a signal stands on solid rock, a hole an inch or two in diameter is drilled in the rock, and filled with melted lead or a copper bolt marked with cross-lines, and then covered with a small pyrarmid of stones. When the nature of the ground admits of it, underground marks are buried from two to four feet below the surface, such as a stone jar or glass bottle with three others buried near the surface, pointing to the lower one. Othler marks are triangular pits dug north, south, east and west of the centre mark and pointing to it, or an iron stake driven down nearly level with the ground, with three rocks placed six feet north, south and cast from it, with arrows cut on them. pointing to thle centre. The signals for primary stations generally consist of a pole supported by a tripod, i. ec. three or four timbers fram]ed 11 together. For the longest lines we need to use "l heliotropes" or reflectors, adjusted and pointed by an assistant. The U. S. Coast Survey has given us one as a pattern, from which others can be made at a small expense. In conducting the primary triangulation, no pains are spared to set the theodolite truly in the centre of each station, and each angle is measured from thirty to sixty times or more with the twelve-inch theodolite, on different parts of the circle, and at different times of day. The true bearings of the principal lines are determined by a long series of careful observations on the Pole Star. The differences of latitude and longitude can then be calculated to hundredths of seconds, taking into account the spheroidal figure of the earth, as flattened at the poles. The geodetic latitudes and longitudes of all the stations can then be deduced from that of some well ascertained point, such as the Transit of Venus observatory in Honolulu. To facilitate this part of the work, a set of tables was calculated by the superintendent and printed for use in our survey, adapted to our latitude, and to feet instead of metres. The astronomical expedition to be sent to these islands by the British Government to observe the transit of Venus tlhis year, will probably render us invaluable assistance by determining the latitude and longitude of the three stations which thoy intend to occupy on Kauai, Oahu and Hawaii, with a degree of accuracy never before attained in these islands.. Each triangle of the primary series forms the basis for a series of secondary triangles, the sides of which are from two to six miles long, and these again are.broken up into still smaller triangles, which form the final or tertiary triangulation. The corners of these last are often sblected with reference to the boundaries of the principal lands. 12 The topographical features can then be put iln most readily by means of the plane table. But all boundaries of lands, and all other lines of which the bearings and distances are to be recorded, should be surveyed with the transit or theodolite, and with reference to the true and not to tlhe magnetic meridian. All the record books containiig the original observations and measurements, and all the computations are to le filed and indexed in the office for future reference. HISTORY OF THE SURVEY IN 1871-2. The Legislature of 1870) appropriated $5,000 to procure the requisite instruments for the Survey, and to make a beginning. Accordingly correspondence was oplened with the Superintendegnt of the U. S. Coast Survey and -other scientific gentlemen, and an order for instruments was sent to the celebrated firm of Troughton & Siis of London. Prof. Peirce, the late Superintendent of the U. S. Coast Survey, artd Prof. Hilgard, his assistant in charge of the office, have taken much interest in the undertaking, and have rendered material assistance, both by furnishing valuable information and by the loan of instruments. Among these was a complete set of the apparatus used in measuring subsidiary base lines, which originally cost $500. These instruments were shipped fronm Washington ill March, 1871, but did not reach us till the middle of the following July by way of Sydney and Auckland. In the mean time the superintendent of the survey with his assistants made a reconnoisance of West AMaui, Kalhoolawe, Lanai and Molokai, selecting the primary stations and setting up signals. A base line was then chosen, 4 1-7 miles in length, crossing the isthmus nearly at a right angle, the northern end being 7 feet and the southern 164 feet above mean tide. After graling and clearing the line, and making a prelimi S 13 nary measurement with a long wire, the final measurement with the bars was commenced August 18th, and finished September 8th. The mean temperature of the bars during the whole measurement was 94 ~ Fahr. The last half mile of the line crossed a " travelling dune" of sand and a salt marsh, both of which were bridged by a row of piles, which were aligned with a transit, and driven down till their tops wqre in a straight line, in order to form a solid support for the bars. The probable error or the measurement is believed not to exceed an inch. A long series of astronomical observations had next to be made, in order to determine the true bearing of the line, and the latitude and longitude of its extremities. The true bearing of the line was determined by observing at one end the angle between the Pole Star and a lantern set on the other end, 4 miles distant, and noting the exact time by a chronometer. The difference of longitude between these stations and Honolulu was ascertained by comparing the local time with that of chronometers carried several times back and forth between Honolulu and Kahului. The next series of operations was the measurement of all the angles of the' principal triangles. Of the laborious and delicate nature of this work, no one can form an adequate idea who has not tried to measure angles to a second; and it was greatly hindered by stormy weather. The instruments ordered from Troughton & Simms did inot arrive till November, 1871, a year after they had been ordered, but proved to be first class in every respect. The large traitsit theodolite, which cost $600, is an admirable instrument, with a horizontal twelve-inch circle reading to one second by two micrometer microscopes, and a vertical circle reading to 5 seconds of arc by.two verniers. It is 14 completely fitted up for night observations with lamps, reflectors, etc. A duplicate of it has since been made for the United States Government. The telescope has generally been used with a lagnifying power of 30, and is remarkably clear. A bare signal pole has often been distinguished with it at a distance of over twenty miles. A pair of excellent mountain barometers were received at the same time from Troughton & Simms, and the elevation of a great many points has been determined by means of them. In December, 1871, a station was occupied for a week on the summit of H-aleakala, the elevation of Nwhich was determined both by triangulation and by the barometers to be 10,030 feet. The first five primary triangles were carefully tested in various ways, and the probable errors of tile angles average much less than a second. In February, 1872, the work. of triangulation was suspended for the time, and a special survey commenced of the district including Makawao, Hamakuapoko and Haliimaile. Every house, road, stone wall, gulch, etc., was carefully located by actual survey, all the Royal Patents and other land titles examined and located on the ground, and tile more important corners marked in a perlmanent annner. Two maps, one a "Progress sketch." of Maui and tle neighboring islands, and the other a large map of the Makawao district on a scale of 1,000 feet to the inch, were laid before the Legislature of 1872, to give the members a clearer idea of the objects and character of the Survey. HISTORY OF THE SURVEY DURING 1872-4. The Legislature of 1872 having decided to continue the survey, the second base line was selected on the Waikiki plain along the continuation of King street, being 9,760 feet in length. The line. was cleared and staked out with 15 aligning staves, and a preliminary ileasurement made with a wire 40 metres in length, which differed from the final measurement only 4 4-9 inches. The final measurement with the base apparatus was commenced June 8th, and completed June 28th, including the re-measurement of about half the line as a test. The difference between the two measurements was 3-10 of an inch. The mean temperature of the bars during the whole measurement was 93 ~ Fahr. The next step was to measure sets of angles at the two extremities of the base, and at Puu Ohia (Tantalus) and Kaimuki (Telegraph Hill). Observations were then made at Telegraph Hill to determine the true azimuth or bearing of the triangle sides. Twelve sets of angles of twelve each were measured on three different' nights between tIae Pole Star and a small lantern at the west base, 3.5 miles distant, and the exact time of each observation was noted by a chronometer. We next proceeded to measure a set of angles with the large theodolite on the highest point of Leahi (Diamond Head). The instruments were carried up the precipice on the inner "1 makai" side of the crater in the following manner; An iron stake was driven into thea rock at the top of the precipice, to which a pulley was attached with 40 fathoms of whale line. Two men then drew up the instrument boxes, one at a time, while two others climbed up with the boxes, and kept them from touching the rocks anywhere during the ascent. According to our usual plan, four posts had been let deep into the ground on the summit, at equal distances from the centre mark of the station, and their tops sawed off on a level. * The feet of the observing table were then firmly screwed to the tops of the posts, so that 16 the theodolite when plac'ed in its sockets was nearly as solid as a rock. These particulars are given to give an idea of some of the difficulties that have to be overcome in carrying on such a survey. Sets of angles were afterwards measured at Koko Head, at Makapuu Point, and on Mokapu Crater, east of Kaneohe Bay. These operations were hindered by cloudy and rainy weather, and much difficulty was experienced in transporting the instruments, etc., to and from the above named stations. The large theodolite had a narrow escape in an unsuccessful attempt to land in the little harbor of Hanauma near Koko Head. At length, the Oahu triatigulation having been completed from the station near the Salt Lake at Moanalua around the south end of Oahu to Mokapu and Heeia in Koolau, the surveying party left for Waimea, Hawaii, in November, to lay tle foundation for the survey of that island After a thorough examination of the region, the third base line was located in the eastern part of the plain, being 13,403 feet in length, and at an average elevation of 2817 feet above the sea. After the usual preliminary work, the final measurement was begun on Dec. 19th, 1872. The mean temperature of the bars during the measurement was 87 0 Fahr. A series of stations was thei selected and signals set up over them, including one on the summit of Hualalai, and another on the summit of Mauna Kea erected Dec. 24th. Thi triangulation was carried to Puako and Kawaihae oll the shore and to Puu Loa in Kohala. The summit of Mauna Kea was' found to be 13,805 feet above the sea, and the height of Hualalai, Dmeasured for the 17 first time, proved to be 8275 feet. A line of levels was run from the sea at Kawaihae to the base line at Waimea as a check on the trigonomnetrical measurements, with which it agreed very closely. The Waimea Court House was found to be 2670 feet above mean tide. The approximate latitude was found by 21 observations on the sun and stars. The preliminary Hawaii triangulation was finished Feb. 19th, and the party returned to Honolulu on the 21st. The Base apparatus was returned to the U. S. Coast Survey by the next steamer. About the beginling of March.1.873, the surveying party received orders to survey the Ewa Lagoon and the adjoining land, a task which we endeavored to execute in a manner that would reflect credit on the Government. The triangulation was carried from Puowaina (PunchboWl Hill) and Salt Lake station to Puuloa entrance, and about 30 secondary stations around the lagoon were located by triangulation and permanently marked. The map of the region drawn by Mr. C. J. Lyons sufficiently spedks for itself. This survey has proved to be of great service by furnishing an accurate basis for the surveys of HIonouliuli, Pouhala, Halawa, Aiea, Kalauao and Waimalu which have since been made for private parties. As it was evident that the appropriation would prove insufficient, the surveying party was disbanded, and the primary triangulation discontinued for the present. Messrs. Brown and Lidgate have since been surveying in Hawaii, and Mr. Lyons in Oahu, all. however, working on a uniform plan, and employing the same methods as t.he Governmoent Survey. .18 In accordance with my instructions, I then commenced a thorough examination of the records with reference to Government lands, niaking an inldex of all the Government land sales on Oahu, classified by locality, and surveying the Government lands iin IKewalo and Pawaa, south of lonolulu. A list was also made of all the Ahlttptaas and Ilis in the districts of Ewa and K0ona, with anm account of their original titles, preparatory to the district maps. All the surveys of lands in Honolulu mnade for the Land Commission have also been copied into a separate book. A map was also commenced of the section of Kona lying south of Alapai Street, showing all the Royal Patents and other subdivisions. In the latter part of August I began the survey of Honouliuli and the Crovai land of Pouhala and finished the field work Oct. 20th. I afterwards drew a map embracingr a section of coultry about eleven miles square, and including most of the Waianae ranigeo of mountains. This survey was a continution of the Ewa lagoon survey, and forms another step towards the map of the whole is.and. During the first three months of 1874, I have been chiefly engaged in surveying the Government and priv.,to lands in Makiki and Waikikiki; among which were many lands the boutdaries of which had never been settled. SCIENTIFIC MATTERS. While scientific objects have not been allowed to interfere with the progress of tlh survey, we have not wholly neglected our opportunities in this line. During the latter part of 1.872 a self-registering tide gauge, constructed by Mr. F. L. Clarke, was in operation at the Honolulu Light-house for several mlonths. It finally broke down, owing to a failure of the clock work, but its records are sufficiolit to indicato the general laws of the 19 tides at this place. A second tide gauge at ITilo was swept away by an extraordinary rise of the sea, but has been replaced, and is again in operation. A n.w tide gauge of the most improved pattern, has been promised us by the U. S. Coast Survey. The variation of the magnetic needle has been recorded at almost every station occupied during the survey. The mean declination of the magnetic needle for this island appears to be about 9 ~ 20' East at this time, but the local variations are very great, especially on the ridges and in the deep valleys in the interior of the island. It may be added that during the survey collections have been made and facts observed, which it is believed, will add to our knowledge of the geology and botany of these islands. PROPOSED PLAN OF OPERATIONS. For the next biennial period I would respectfully recommend, 1st. That the primary triangulation be carried- on as rapidly as possible, first around the northern end of O.ahu, so as to complete the coast line, and to connect together the principal surveys on this island, and then around West Maui and the adjoining islands. 2J, That a thorough survey il detail of the district of Kona, Oahu, which has been commenced, and for which considerable material has been collected, be carried on to completion. 3d, That the examination of all the records relating to Government lands be continued, and that the boundaries of these lands be examined, and determined by the Boundary Commissioners wheraver they are still unsettled. 20 The amount appropriated by the last Legislature will all be needed if the work is to be prosecuted with vigor. ' t' i ' *r T'he preliminary work, the most expensive and tedious part of the work, lhas been done, and it is believed that its accuracy can be relied on. It will bear comparison with similar surveys made in other countries. The remaining work can be carried on at less expense and with more apparent results. I have the honor to remain, Yolu obedient servant, \V. D. ALEXANDER, Surveyor-G ener.al. PROGRESS OF THE SUR]VE)Y SINCE 1874. The foregoing Report explains the objects and methods of the Survey, and relates the history of its commencement. The corps of surveyors a as always been very small, and has been obliged to perform an immense amount of work in cxamining and locating land titles, and in preparing maps, etc., besides the general survey of the country. The survey of Government lands, and the settlement of boundaries have been the chief objects aimed at rather than geodetic or topographical work. 'PRIAN G'ULAT I'O-N. OAH U. On Oahu the triangulation was carried in. 1875 and 1876 from West Base around by the South Point and Mokapu on the west, and again by way of Eva and Waialua around the north end of tho island, closing at Laio on the north-west, 21 within 12 feet in a circuit of over 100 miles through thirty triangles. Two stations on the lofty peaks of Koulahuanui and Puu Ohulehule were never occupied with instruments. The azimuths coincided within 0".5. Another series of triangles was carried through the difficult district of Waianae on the west side of the island. On this network of triangles have been based numerous surveys and maps of districts and of lands as well as charts of harbors. The triangulation of Oahu was connected with that io the windward islands by occupying the three stations, 5Mokapu, Diamond Head or Leahi, and Mauna Loa, Molokai, successively with the 12-inch theodolite and with heliotropes. MiAUI. On Maui the triangulation was resumed in 1876, and carried first around Ea t Maui and across the crater of Haleakala; and then over the adjoining islands, Kahoolawe, Lanai and Molokai and around West Maui to the North Base. 'Tllis last circuit closed within eight feet. The triangles connecting the islands of Molokai, Lanai and West Maui were measured with the aid of heliotropes. Messages were exchanged across the Pailolo channel, the Morse alphabet being used. In order to connect this system of triangles with that of Hawaii, a station was occupied on the summit of Haleakala, at an elevation of 10,000 feet, while an assistant was stationed at Puu Loa, Kohala, both observers signalling to each other with h-eliotropes, and observilg on the Kahoolawe station. 22 A base of verification was measured on Molokai in 1885. The result was that its measured length differed from that deduced by computation from the Maui base by 0.10 of a foot in 6719 feet. Since then complete surveys have been made of the islands of Maui and Lanai, while that of Molokai is approaching completion. HAWAII. The survey of Hawaii was resumed in 1876 by Mr. Lyons. From the original quadrilateral measured at Wainmea in 1872, he continued the series of triangles across the country to the south-cast as far as Hilo. In order to do this, it was found necessary to occupy several stations on Mauna Kea at such an elevation as to overlook the wide belt of forest intervening between the interior of the island and the strip of open country, which borders the eastern coast. The whole series from Waimea to IIilo contained 67 triangles. This work was tested in 1881 by the measurement of a base of verification at -ilo, and by a long series of observations on the Pole star for azimuth, thlc result of which was highly satisfactory. The measured length of the line differed from that deduced by calculation from the Waimea base, 0.2 of a foot in about two miles. The azimuth obtained by the observiatiois differed 1" from that brought from Maui, In 1881 Mr. Lydgate continued the triangulation through Kohala to the north point of the island. Since then Mr. Emerson has extended the net-wcrk of triangles down the west coast through the'Kona districts to the summit of Mauna Loea and nearly to the south point or " Ka Lab." The station on the summit of Mlaua HEualalai, which commands an extensive view of the coast, served as a pivot 23 or radiating point for the triangulation of the district. The districts of Puna and Kau on the S. E. side of Hawaii are only partially surveyed as yet. KAUAI. A reconnoisance and preliHninary triangulation of Kauai was executed in 1877 and 1878, which served as the framework for a map of that island, whicl was chiefly compiled from previous surveys. SURVEYS IN DETAIL. The frame-work thus laid down has been filled out in accordance with the plans proposed in the outset. The principal topographical features of the country have been indicated, especially where public improvements, such as roads, water-works, irrigation projects, etc., are concerned. The Geology of the islands, has not been neglected, and in particular, changes in the volcano of Kilauea have been carefully noted. The first attention, however, has been paid to the survey of Government lands, within which all the kuileanas or homesteads and Government land sales are accurately located as the survey proceeds. In the more thickly settled districts and in towns every land title has been carefully investigated and mapped. On account of the miniute subdivision of the lan.l, anJ the gross inaccuracy of the old surveys, this work requires no little research and the most scrupulous accuracy. At present the time of the surveying corps is largely taken up with the work of selecting, surveying and dividing suitable Government lands into allotments for. settlers according to the provisions of the " Homestead Act.'' MAPS, ETC. The maps of separate islands have generally been drawn on a scale of 1:60 000, (2) those of districts on a scale of 1: 12000, or 1: 6000, (3) those of towns on a scale of 1: 2400 or 1:1200, while (4) plans of city squares or blocks are drawn on a scale of 1: 240, representing not only the buildings, etc.; but also the titles by which the land is leld. Our published maps have been photolithographed in. the United States, chiefly by J. Bien'& Co. of New York. We have published a map of the whole group made in 1876. on a scale of 1: 480 000, maps of Oahu and Maui on a scale of 1: 60 000, one of Hawaii on a scale of 1: 240 000, and one of Honolulu and its environs on a scale of 1: 12000, besides a chart of Hilo Bay. Relief mlaps have also been constructed of Oahu and Maui by Prof. C. H. Hitchcock from data furnished by the survey. The task of compiling, arranging and indexing a vast mass of information relating to real estate titles has devolved upon this Bureau. A history of Hawaiian land titles and a classified index of Government land sales have been prepared. and published by this Bureau. The Legislature of 18S8 has also imposed upon our staff the duty of supplying all the Tax Assessors with "I maps in detail, of taxation divisions, showing all original titles and areas, and as far as possible, all present titles." HYDROGRAPHY. During tlhe years 1882-1886, nearly all the harbors and roadsteads in the group were surveyed for the Government by Capt.. Jackson, a retired navigating lieutenant -of 'the 25 British Navy. Several of these surveys have been published by the British Admiralty. In 1883 he executed a series of deep sea soundings between the principal islands, to prepare the way for the laying of a projected inter-island'telegraphic cable. A self-recording tide gauge, loaned by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, has been kept in operation in Honolulu harbor since 1880. The observations are reduced and analyzed by the staff of that survey in Washington, U. S. ASTRONOMICAL WORK. As before stated, the latitudes and longitudes adopted for Oahu were based upon the position of the Transit of Venus observatory at Honolulu as determined by Col. Tupmall in 187'4. As the survey of the windward islands was not connected with that of Oahu for several years, an independent determination had to be made of the position of the North Base on Maui, the correctness of which has been fully confirmed by Mr. Preston's recent observations. After the intervening triangulation had been completed, there appeared a large discrepancy, which could only be explained by extraordinary deflections of gravity. In order to thoroughly test this matter, a series of latitude observations of precision were made in 1887, at fourteen stations on the principal islands, which were in general north and south of the highest mountains. This work was executed by Mr. E. D. Preston of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, who had received leave of absence from his government, which also loaned the necessary instruments.;.. 26 'The average probable error of the final results was only O".10. These results indicate ant extraordinary deviation of the plumb-line on every island, amounting to 29" on East Maui and 25" on Oahu and Kauai. An exlensive series of Pendulum observations was also conducted by Mr. Preston at H-onolulu, and in East Maui at Haiku on thle northern coast and on the summit of Haleakala. Their object was to ascertain the relative forces of gravity at the sea level and at high altitudes, as well as the comparative density of the mountain. A small observatory was built about the same time near the Government offices in Honolulu, and a transit mounted, which is used in regulating the local time. WV. D. ALEXANDER, Survey-General. HONOLULU, March 1, 1889. I I I '::::i I: i,. 0: t X I l ft II i )Oi JUl 33132 U t,. <.f i H j k E 1R I | I | g | l||| i | B! | i X i | u | | | I | | | lg | R | 01 | g I i | | - I | | s I | | I l; S S E | I | i i | 11!! I 10 11 E I 10 | I | I l | | __ | | I I ' | | l I l | E E I I E | I I, - I | I I E 11. | I I | | I I I I == | I 10 I |, 11 | | I | I I. _ X | I I | | l 11 | N N I ' I N | i i! l l_