-i 111111111111111119& 0-4 tl,4 t-;-) o" " O-j 9 H g 0 n- 14 X -i Z o 0 M::, o. m 04 " 0 H m 0 t m t4 b I i A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY BEING A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK WITH TRANSLITERATION, ACCENTUATION, AND ETYMOLOGICAL ANAL YSIS THROUGHOUT COMPILED BY ARTHUR A. MACDONELL, M.A., PH.D. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE (DEPUTY) PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD gOnbon LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK: 15 EAST i6th STREET 1893 [All rights reserved ] Otforb PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY TO PROFESSOR F. MAX MULLER TO WHOSE SUGGESTION ITS EXISTENCE IS DUE THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED a 2 PREFACE THE aim of the present work is to satisfy within the compass of a comparatively handy volume all the practical wants not only of learners of Sanskrit but also of scholars for purposes of ordinary reading. When I began my task in i886 there was no available work which supplied the deficiency. The only one having a somewhat similar end in view, the Sanskrit-English Lexicon of my respected teacher, the late Theodore Benfey, was already out of print. By the time, however, that my manuscript was half finished, no fewer than three small Sanskrit dictionaries had been published. It may perhaps be advisable to indicate some of the points in which the present work differs from and compares with them. In the first place, it is much more copious. Excluding all words and meanings which occur in native lexicographers, but cannot be quoted from actual literature, my book contains nearly double as much material as any of the dictionaries in question. The present work is, moreover, the only one of the four, which is transliterated. It can thus be used, for example, by comparative philologists not knowing a single letter of the Devanagari alphabet. None of the others is etymological in any sense. This feature of my dictionary increases both its usefulness from a linguistic point of view and its practical value to the student, who will always better remember the meaning of a word, the derivation of which is made clear to him. Lastly, this is the only one of the lexicons in question which indicates not only with respect to words, but also to their meanings, the literary period to which they belong and the frequency or rarity of their occurrence. This addition I regard as both scientifically and practically important. Scope of the Work. The present dictionary is intended to supply the vocabulary of post-Vedic literature in general, while including those portions of Vedic literature which are readily accessible to the student in good selections. All out-of-the-way technical terms, such as those of medicine, botany, astronomy, and ritual, are excluded, except in so far as they have found their way into ordinary literary works, or occur in selections which I have expressly included. Specifically legal and philosophical terms are, on the other hand, largely represented, owing to the inclusion in my list of the most important works belonging to the corresponding departments of literature. Having acquired a rather extensive experience of native commentaries in connexion with my lectures to students preparing for the Honour School of Oriental Languages at Oxford, I have introduced a considerable number of grammatical and rhetorical terms also, these being necessary for the comprehension of such works as for instance the glosses of Mallinatha. A good many words and explanations will thus be found, which either do not occur in the Petersburg dictionaries, or are, I think, less correctly given there. (Compare e.g. articles arthantaranyasa, bahuvrihi, yatha tatha, vakyabheda, vyadhikarana, sapekshatva, etc.) The list of books to which my dictionary specially refers, and which I drew up, when planning the work, after consultation with a pupil of Professor Biihler's, the late Dr. Schonberg, then resident in Oxford, I here append. Books specially referred to. Bhagavadgita, Bhartrihari, Bhashaparikk/eda, Dasakumarakarita, Gitagovinda, Harshakarita, Hitopadesa, Kadambarl, Kamandakiya-nitisara, Kathasaritsagara, KiratUrguniya, Kulluka, Kumarasambhava, Mahavirakarita, Malatimadhava, Malavikagnimitra, Manu, Meghaduta, Mitakshara (on Yagnavalkya), Mrikkhakalika, Mudrarakshasa, Naishadha, Nala, Pankatantra, Raghu vi P R E A C vamsa, Ragataramgini, Ratnavali, RitusanMhara, Sakuntala, Samkara (on the Vedanta-sfutras), Sisupalavadha, Tarkasamgraha, Uttararamakaritra, Vasavadatta, Vedantasara, Venisamhara, Vikramaikadevakarita, Vikramorvais, Ygnfavalkya. Besides all the post-Vedic selections contained in the Readers mentioned below, the list finally includes the second edition of Bohtlingk's Indische Spriiche, a florilegium of the aphoristic poetry in which Sanskrit literature is pre-eminent, well deserving to be made accessible to the English-speaking student. With regard to Vedic literature I have taken in all that is contained in the second edition of Bohtlingk's Sanskrit-Ckrestomathie, in Hillebrandt's Veda-Chrestomathie, in Lanman's Reader, and in Windisch's Zwblf Hnymnen des Rigveda, besides those hymns which are prescribed to the candidates of the Honour School of Oriental Languages at Oxford (Rig-veda X, i to xxii). Peterson's 'Selected Hymns of the Rig-veda' would also have been taken in, had they been published soon enough. The majority of the hymns contained in that selection are, however, already included. Apart from passages supplied in Readers, the Brahmana- period is represented by the Aitareya-Brahmana, while the Dharma-sutra of Gautama and the Asvalayana and Paraskara Grihya-sutras are specially selected from the latest phase of Vedic literature. Important Vedic words, even though not occurring in the selections, have found a place in my dictionary mainly on linguistic grounds. The number of hymns from the Rig-veda, being nearly all the best in that collection, is about one hundred and twenty. As a list of them will probably prove a convenience to students, it is here subjoined. Mandala I: I, 13, 24, 32, 39. 41, 42, 50, 65, 67, 85, 92, 97, 113, II5, I18,- 143,-154, i6i, 162, 190; II: 12, 27, 38; III: 33, 35, 59, 62; IV: 19, 27, 30, 33, 42, 51, 52; V: II, 24, 32, 40, 8i, 83, 84, 85; VI: 9., 50, 54, 74; VII: 6, 28, 33, 34, 46, 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 6t, 76, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89,102, 103: VIII: 14, 29, 30, 85, 91; IX: I, 38, 41, 112; X: 1-22, 33, 34, 39, 51, 52, 85, io8, 117, ii8, 127, 129, 137, 145, I46, 154, i68, i85. Arrangement. In my original plan I had contemplated making a separate article of each word, simple and compound, printed in Devanagari type as well as transliterated. Reflection, however, soon led me to abandon this scheme for that of arranging compounds in a group under a heading word, the latter only being printed in Devanagari, while only the second member of the remaining compounds is given in transliteration (see, for instance, article amrita). When the number of such compounds is large, they have been split up into several groups with reference to the initial of the second member (see p. 173). The result of this change has been a saving of about I00 pages on the estimate of 480 pages according to the earlier plan, and that too although I have introduced rather more matter than I had then intended. I believe that this saving of space will moreover prove an actual advantage from the practical point of view, because the eye will find a word more quickly thus than if it had to run down columns of separate articles. A glance at pages 1173 to i75 will probably convince the student of the correctness of this opinion. A dictionary being a means to an end, a saving of time in its use is obviously an important object. As to the arrangement of individual articles, the transliteration of the DIevanagari word is followed, in the case of nouns, by the derivation (in brackets) where this cannot be made sufficiently clear by the employment of hyphens in the transliteration (see e.g. bhrigu, muhurta, loka). Next follow the meanings in close juxtaposition, so that the eye may take them all in at a glance if possible. My aim has been to give the senses of all words in the historical order of development. Then come the special uses of the cases, and last of all idiomatic combinations (see buddhi, manas). When cases are mentioned, they are given in the order of Sanskrit grammar. The feminine form of adjectives is given in parentheses immediately after 'a.'; thus 'paurusha, a. (i).' When no feminine is stated, it must be assumed to be & or else not quotable. Adjective compounds ending in participles are described as participles, e.g. su-gata, srotra-peya. This enables me to make an important distinction in sense without adding a long explanation. Thus suki-smita is described as an adjective, because smita is here really a noun at the end of a Bahuvrihi compound. Again, any confusion in the mind of the beginner between secondary adjectives like samayian-iya and future participles like bodhaniya is by this means avoided. At first I thought of employing figures to indicate distinct differences of meaning. But the difficulty, in many cases, of determining a full interval of meaning, and the large waste of space PREFACE Vil involved, induced. me to reject their use for this purpose, especially as the need is sufficiently met by the employment of the semi-colon (see Punctuation). I have therefore only used figures either to distinguish words which have the same form but differ etymologically (as verbs like ruh or nouns like sam-udra and sa-mudra), or to clearly mark off groups of meaning (as in darsana). Unnecessary repetition has often been avoided by the use of parentheses. Thus when samahita-mati is defined as ' (having an) attentive (mind),' the meaning intended is, that its equivalent is strictly speaking 'having an attentive mind,' though it may ordinarily be rendered by 'attentive.' The same object is attained by the use of dashes, implying that an obvious word or words are to be supplied from what precedes or follows. Thus sat-kirti is defined as 'f. good reputation; a. having a -,' which of course must be understood to mean 'having a good reputation' (cp. also dirgha-sattra, patana, vidhatavya). Mainly for the sake of convenience in attaching suffixes and the second members of compounds, nouns have been given in the weak or middle bases. Verbal roots have similarly been given in their weak forms with a view to uniformity. Though I do not think that I have been absolutely consistent in this respect, I believe I have been sufficiently so for practical purposes. I have sometimes been obliged to sacrifice a strictly scientific treatment to practical exigencies by admitting such suffixes as -ta and -maya in long articles made up of compounds (such as that under mitra). Otherwise I should have been compelled to divide a long paragraph in the middle merely in order to print an unimportant word in Devanagari type. Not much harm can after all result from this, as not even the tyro would be likely to confound such suffixes with regular words. To obviate the difficulty by placing such words out of their regular alphabetical order would have entailed a much more serious drawback on the practical side. In the case of important proper names I have generally added a few concise remarks together with approximate dates as far as these can be determined in the light of the most recent research (see e.g. Bhavabhuti). As definitions of technical terms are sometimes almost unintelligible without illustrative examples, the latter have been added where it seemed necessary (see, for instance, samasokti). In articles treating of verbs, the conjugational class is first stated together with the voice in which it is conjugated. When the latter is omitted, the verb must be understood to be both active and middle. Next comes the present base or bases in transliteration, followed by the meanings of the verb arranged on the same principle as in the case of nouns, the idiomatic uses being stated at the end. After this are added the present passive (generally omitted) with the past passive participle, the causal, the desiderative, and the intensive (when these forms occur), with their respective perfect participles passives in this order. The principle I had in view in treating the perfect participle passive, was to give it under the verb when the meanings are merely verbal, but to make a separate article of it where adjectival senses predominate. I feel that I have not been thoroughly consistent in this respect. It is, however, not a matter of great moment. The verbal prepositions are arranged in alphabetical order after the last form of the simple verb with which they are used. A scientific as well as a practical consideration determined me to concentrate them in this manner. On the one hand, these prefixes are separable in the Veda, while on the other, a large amount of space is saved by making a single article of a verbal root and the prepositions with which it may be combined. Otherwise separate head-lines in Devanagarl as well as transliteration would have to be printed. Four times as much space would thus be occupied as under the alternative system. Nor would anything be thus gained in convenience, unless (to obviate reference to the simple verb) the present base and other forms were added. This would involve a further waste of space. Exclusion of References. I have acted on the principle that a dictionary should give all references or none. The former alternative was, of course, out of the question in a practical work. It might, it is true, have been useful to state where a word occurs which is not to be found in other dictionaries. My rare deviations from the rule are, however, solely limited to passages in which the meaning of a particular word is unknown, or where the definition is made clearer by the reference, as in the case of samudga or sarvatobhadra. Partial references have, I think, a tendency to make students too dependent on them in determining the meaning of a word in any given passage. The omission of such references is more than compensated for by the method which I have followed. I have endeavoured to limit the meaning of a word as far as possible to parallel instances by indicating the case which it governs, the word in context with viii PREFACE which it is employed, the literary period or department to which it belongs, and the frequency or rarity of its occurrence. An examination of such articles as lohita or V2. ruh will illustrate my meaning, Alphabetical Order. From this order (see p. xii) I have, from considerations of practical utility, never deviated, with one very slight and rare exception. I have sometimes transposed the order of two words, either to obviate breaking up a paragraph or to avoid repeating a definition (e.g. smarya). The words being in immediate juxtaposition, neither of them can be missed. Under this head I ought to add a few remarks in order to remove some common stumbling-blocks from the path of the beginner. Owing to variety of spelling, especially in Indian editions, words with initial q v and ] s may not be found under those letters. They will be discovered by looking up t b and I sh or [ s respectively. The reverse also applies. The alphabetical position of Anusvara followed by a semivowel or sibilant is before li k. Thus tIW; samvara and 4ipT samsaya precede lli saka. On the other hand, the Anusvara which occurs before a mute of one of the five classes and is interchangeable with the nasal of that class, occupies the place of the class nasal. Thus tii sam-kaksha (=FV safi-kaksha) immediately follows Ptr sa-ghrina. Similarly, the unchangeable or necessary Visarga (i. e. preceding a hard guttural or labial) comes after a vowel before any other consonant. Thus '^if:'iTw antah-karana and 'M:I antal-pura follow irt anta and precede Niti anta-ka. On the other hand, the Visarga which precedes a sibilant, and may be assimilated to it, is treated as if it were that sibilant and placed accordingly. Thus ^ [:IT adhah-saya and:wr:Tfq-t adhah-sayin follow WvJ'T adhas-karana and precede Gwod adhas. Abbreviations. A full list of these together with their explanations will be found on p. xii. It is, however, perhaps advisable to add a few remarks showing how some of these symbols should exactly be understood to apply. When a sign such as F. (= Vedic) is added in parentheses after a form, a grammatical symbol, or a meaning, its application is restricted to these only. Thus under Vyam, yama (F.) means that that present base is exclusively Vedic; a. (Z.), m. (V.) signify that as an adjective or as a masculine noun, the word in question is exclusively Vedic; when ' sad-as, n.' is defined as 'seat, place, abode, dwelling (F.),' the meaning is that all these synonymous senses are Vedic. The application of such notes as ' ord. mg.' (= ordinary meaning) is similar. Thus under i. mana, all the preceding words separated by commas, viz. 'respect, regard, honour, mark of honour,' are indicated as included in the ordinary meaning of mana (cp. Punctuation). If, on the other hand, a symbol followed by a colon is used before a meaning, its application is carried on till another symbol occurs. For example, under vriddhi the sense 'growth' is indicated to be both Vedic and Classical, 'delectation, delight,' Vedic, but all the significations from 'adolescence'. onwards post-Vedic only. Type. The small Devanagari character is used for all articles except the verbs, for which the large type is reserved. Ordinary Roman type is employed for transliteration immediately following a word in Devanagari; but when a word occurs in transliteration only, it is printed in thick type so as to catch the eye at once (as in article akshara). When there is no object in attracting the attention, as for instance when Sanskrit words occur in definitions or explanations, they are not made conspicuous in this manner. To the special use made of italic type, I attach considerable practical value. Its occurrence in definitions always implies amplification or elucidation, whereas the ordinary Roman type represents as far as is possible the exact literal equivalent of the Sanskrit word. Thus samvarana-srag is defined as 'wreath given by a girl to the man of her choice' (compare also samanaupama). By this means needless repetitions and waste of space are avoided, while much is gained in clearness of definition at one and the same time. Punctuation. The colon immediately before a transliterated word or suffix, indicates that the latter must be attached to the end of the preceding Sanskrit word. Thus:-ka after the heading. word loshta is to be read as loshta-ka. This is in no way affected by the intervening special uses of cases or idioms often added at the end of an article. Thus:-kesarin under vi-krama must of course be understood as vikrama-kesarin, in spite of the inflected forms of vikrama which immediately precede -kesarin. The special significance of the semi-colon is, in addition to marking off distinctly different meanings, to separate within a paragraph the latter halves of the compounds which it contains. Thus;-kakshus under lola-karna, is to be read as lola-kakshus, and the following P R E ~F A C ix;-ta as lola-ta. Had a colon preceded the latter, it would have meant lola-kakshus-ta. The semicolon will sometimes be found instead of the colon when it is perfectly obvious that nothing else could be done with the following word but attach it to the end of the preceding one. This is for instance the case with;-kara after loha. The comma is employed, as has already been indicated, to separate more or less synonymous meanings, while the semi-colon marks off distinct differences of sense. The other specific use of the comma is in paragraphs with compounds to show that the following word is to be applied exactly in the same way as a preceding one introduced by a colon. Thus sat-karya followed by:-vAda and subsequently by,-vadin, must be read as satkarya-vada and satkarya-vadin. Transliteration. The system is that which has been adopted in the ' Sacred Books of the East,' and already followed by me in my edition of Professor Max Miiller's Sanskrit Grammar. Had I been guided exclusively by my own judgment I should have preferred c and j to represent the hard and the soft palatal. I should have retained the italic t and d for the linguals, but made the lingual q sh also an italic s, representing the palatal sibilant ' by I. The connexion of these two sibilants with the mutes of their classes would thus have been clearly indicated. The employment of a double letter sh, the latter half of which otherwise represents an aspiration, to express the simple sound of a spirant, is not strictly scientific, though convenient for the Anglo-Saxon. It is, however, not a good thing to multiply systems. I must here refer to some practical applications of transliteration which I have made. When one or more letters in thick type are added after a Sanskrit word either in parentheses or following a semi-colon, colon, or comma, the meaning is that that letter or those letters are to be substituted for precisely the same number at the end of the word in question. Thus 'paurusha, a. (i), ' yamaka, a. (ika)' signify that the feminine of the former adjective is paurushi and that of the latter yamika. Similarly ' samana-murdhan, a. (ni)' indicates that this word has the form samana-mufrdhni in the feminine. The letters:i-ka, referring to a preceding paurana, must be read as paurani-ka. Accent. Wherever the accent is known from Vedic texts it has been given in the transliteration, the Udatta (acute) accent being marked in the usual way (e.g. vadhar) and the svarita (circumflex) accent being indicated by a curve above the vowel (e.g. svar). When an accented word is exclusively Vedic this is indicated by a F., while if nothing is stated, it may be assumed to be post-Vedic also, e.g. vina. As the meanings of an accented word may be partly Vedic, partly post-Vedic, and partly common to both periods, this is broadly indicated by the symbols F. (=Vedic in general), C. (= post-Vedic in general), and F. C. (=both Vedic and post-Vedic), as for example in the article vrata. Unaccented words may be assumed to be post-Vedic, since in the rare cases when they happen to belong to the Vedic period, this is noted. Sometimes I -distinguish subordinate periods, as Br.= Brahmana, S.= Sutra, E.=Epic, P. Purana. It would, however, have been beyond the scope of the present work to go into details of this kind. That would belong rather to the sphere of an exclusively etymological dictionary. I may mention in passing that iraa Xeyo'ejEva are indicated, a single occurrence in the Rig-veda, for instance, being marked as BF.1, just as words and meanings quotable only from native grammarians and lexicographers are made recognisable by an asterisk. This is an important safeguard; for the signification of the former class of words is often very doubtful, while the genuineness of the latter is uncertain. I have frequently seen non-quotable words, without any indication that they are such, used by comparative philologists, as well as aXrae Xkyo'eEva made the basis of far-reaching conclusions. Thus I remember a few years ago hearing an Oriental scholar, who was not a Sanskritist, using as an argument for Babylonian influence the word mana, to which the older Petersburg dictionary in one passage attributed the meaning of 'a certain weight of gold,' and which was therefore supposed to be identical with the Greek pra. This meaning no longer appears in the smaller edition of that work. Compounds arranged under an accented heading word, must be assumed to be unaccented and therefore post-Vedic unless any indication to the contrary is given. Thus -ketu under vigaya is to be read as vigaya-ketu. It follows as a matter of course that, if the second half of a compound has an accent, that is the accent of the whole word. Thus -maya occurring under loha represents loha-maya. Etymology. My original plan was to make the present work a comparative as well as a practical Sanskrit dictionary. After a good deal of reflection I abandoned this project on the ground that while b x PREFACE greatly swelling the bulk of the volume, the etymological material would not in this combination admit of being grouped and classified from various points of view as it should be in a thoroughly valuable and scientific etymological dictionary. The treatment of this material in a separate volume which I had contemplated, may be rendered superfluous by a work that is, I understand, in preparation at Strassburg. My taste for etymological studies I trace in great part to Professor Fick's lectures on Comparative Greek Grammar, which I attended when a student at Gottingen. Though not comparative, the dictionary is nevertheless historical and etymological in its character. It is historical inasmuch as the meanings are not given in an arbitrary order, as in the Indian dictionaries, but are arranged as far as possible in accordance with their chronological development, while the literary period to which both words and their senses belong, is plentifully indicated. It is etymological from the Sanskrit point of view inasmuch as all words, except the small number-far smaller than in any other Aryan language-which defy analysis, have been broken up into their component parts in the transliteration either by means of hyphens, as in yag-na, or of hooks where vowel coalescences occur, as in mrigaikshana for mrigekshana. Where these means are insufficient, the derivation has been concisely added in brackets, as under VmufrkH, yaksha, rufdi. I have inserted in brackets a not inconsiderable number of roots, the former existence of which, though not occurring as verbs, is either deducible from Sanskrit derivatives alone or is proved by the evidence of comparative philology also (e.g. -vmawg, /I. rudh). The structure of Sanskrit words being so much clearer than that in any other Aryan tongue, I have thus availed myself of the opportunity of supplying students of the language with an easy instrument of linguistic training. Sources. The present work derives its material mainly from the newer Petersburg dictionary. It could not be of much value were this not the case. I have of course also carefully worked through Bohtlingk and Roth's older dictionary, on account of the vast array of quotations and references which it contains. The consultation of these was necessary in the laborious process of verifying meanings. The rapid strides made by Sanskrit studies during the last thirty years, are chiefly owing to the lexicographical labours of those two great scholars. Sanskrit lexicography being a product of the present century, it was for the subject indeed a fortunate combination of circumstances, that the task was undertaken in an age when strictly scientific methods had begun to be applied to scholarship, and that the work fell into the hands of two scholars of such eminent ability. The result has been that Sanskrit lexicography, not having had gradually to clear away the unscientific accumulations of previous centuries, is already in a more advanced state than that of the classical languages. This is indeed indicated by the fact that the large Petersburg dictionary contains more than double the amount of matter supplied by the last edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon. I have also used throughout Grassmann's Lexicon to the Rig-veda, as well as a copy of Benfey's dictionary annotated by the author himself. To the latter half of Apte's dictionary I owe some quotable compounds not to be found in the Petersburg dictionaries. Down to about the end of the vowels I am indebted to Cappeller's Worterbuch for some Sanskrit equivalents of Prakrit words occurring in Sanskrit plays. I had reached this point when I was informed by the author that he intended translating his lexicon when complete into English. I accordingly at once ceased referring to it, and have not looked at it since. From the same work I have borrowed the very convenient abbreviations -~ and ~-. I have further consulted Whitney's Sanskrit Roots, the glossaries contained in the Readers of Lanman, Hillebrandt, and Windisch, as well as in Johnson's Hitopadesa, Kellner's and Monier-Williams's Nala, Stenzler's and Johnson's Meghaduta, and Burkhard's Sakuntala, besides the Index to Pischel and Geldner's Fedische Studien. I have also made use of Prof. Aufrecht's Catalogus Catalogorum, various articles in the Journal of the German Oriental Society and Kuhn's Zeitsc.rift, as well as one by Prof. E. Leumann in the Festgru-ss (to Bohtlingk, on his jubilee), and Prof. Buhler's lexicographical notes in the Vienna Oriental Journal. In addition to what it derives from these sources of information, my book embodies.all the matter with which it is concerned from the numerous appendices of the smaller Petersburg dictionary, besides words, compounds, and meanings collected by myself from post-Vedic works, such as the Pan/katantra. For etymological purposes I have consulted the large Petersburg dictionary, Grassmann's Jloirterbuch, Lanman's Glossary, Brugmann's Gr'undriss, and Fick's Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-European Languages. P R E F A C E Having utilised all these sources of information, I venture to think that this work may be regarded as registering the advance of Sanskrit lexicography up to the present time. Sir M. Monier-Williams's Sanskrit-English lexicon has not been consulted, partly because it is based on the older Petersburg dictionary, and having been published twenty years ago contains no new material, and partly because I wished to avoid being influenced by the system of a work of which a new edition is in preparation. I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere gratitude to Prof. E. B. Cowell for the kind wTay in which he assisted me during the course of the work in solving difficulties I submitted to him in the departments of grammar, philosophy, and rhetoric. It is no exaggeration to say that in combined knowledge of these subjects he surpasses all other Sanskritists. The generous manner in which he sacrifices his leisure in the interests of those who wish to avail themselves of his great learning, is well known to his pupils, but not so well known to others as it ought to be. In conclusion I must not omit to express my belief that the fact of this book having been printed by the University Press at Oxford, under the eye of its Oriental Reader, Mr. J. C. Pembrey, whose skill could not be surpassed, is in itself a sufficient guarantee of accuracy. ARTHUR A. MACDONELL. 7 FYFIELD ROAD, OXFORD, September, 1892. ORDER OF THE SANSKRIT ALPHABET a, Ta, W i, ii, ' u, W f, W ri, Wri, a li; V e, ai, * o, I au; i k, r kh, I g, V gh,; n; s k, kh, r1g,,, or, gh, Wiit; Zt, th,; d (V. also 5 1), dh (V. also lh), L n; t, th, d, V dh, n; p, i ph, 4 b, R bh, m; y, r, I 1, S v; [s, 1 sh, s, O h. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A. = Atmanepada.;. = adjective. a.b. = ablative. abs. = absolute. abst. = abstract. ac. = accusative. act. = active. ad. = adverb, -ial, -ially. aor. = aorist. app. = apposition. ass. = asseverative. athg. = anything. AV. = Atharva-veda. B.= Buddhistic term. bg., beg. = beginning. Br. = Brahmana. C.= Classical (post-Vedic) Sanskrit. cj. = conj unction. coll. = collective, -ly. comm. = commentator. conj. = conjecture. cor. = correlative. cp. = compare. cpd. = compound. cpv. = comparative. crt. = certain. cs. = causal. d. = dative. dbl. = double. den. = denominative. der. = derivative. des. = desiderative. dim. = diminutive. dr. = dramatic term. du. = dual. E. = Epic. e.g. = for example. ellp. = emphatic. enc.. enc. =enclitic. encl. Eng. = English. ep. = epithet. eq. = equivalent. esp. = especially. exc. = except, exceptionally. excl. = exclamation. exp. =explanation. f. =feminine; also=for. ff. =and the following. fig. = figurative, -ly. fp.= future participle passive. fr. = from. ft. =future. g. - genitive. gd. = gerund (indeclinable participle). Gk. = Greek. gnly. = generally. gr. = grammatical term. hvg. = having. id. = the same. i.e. =that is. ij. = interjection. imps. = impersonal. impv. = imperative. in. instrumental. incor., incorr. =incorrect. ind. = indicative. indc. } indc. =indeclinable. indec. indf. =indefinite. inf. = infinitive. int. = intransitive. intr. = interrogative. intv. =intensive (frequentative). ir.- irregular. K. =king. Lat. = Latin. lc. locative. leg. =legal term. lit. = literally. 1. =masculine. met. = metronymic. metr. = metrical (due to exigencies of metre). mg. = meaning. mtn. = mountain. N. =name; when alone = name of a man or of a woman. N. = noun. n. = neuter. neg. = negative. nm. = nominative. nr.t = numeral. num. obj. = object. onom. = onomatopoeic. opp. = opposite. opt. = optative. or., orig. = originally. ord. =ordinary. P. = Parasmaipada. P. = Purana. pat. =patronymic. pcl. = particle. perh. = perhaps. pf. = perfect. ph., phil. =philosophical term. pl. = plural. pm. =pronoun. pos. ) poss. = possessive. poss. ) pot. = potential. pp. = perfect passive participle. Pr.= Prakrit (Sanskrit equivalent of Prakrit word), Prakritic. pr. = present. pred. =predicate, predicative, -ly. prn. =pronoun, pronominal. prob. = probably. prop. = properly. prp. = preposition. prs. = person. ps. = passive. pt. = participle. px. = prefix. q. v. = which see. R. = river. red.= reduplicated, reduplication. rel. } l. =relative. rep. I rp. = repeated. rf. = reflexive. rh. = rhetorical term. rit.= ritual term. RV. = Rig-veda. S. = Stra. s = singular. sg. SB. = Satapatha-Brahmana. sb. = substantive. sc. = scilicet, that is to say, supply. sp. = specifically. spv. = superlative. st. = stem. sthg. = something. str. = strong. subj. = subjunctive. SV.= Sama-veda. s. v. = sub voce. sx. - suffix. T. = title. t. = term. TBr. = Taittirlya-Brahmana. tr. = transitive. TS. = Taittirlya-Samhita. U. = Upanishad. V. = Veda, Vedic. v.= vide, see. vb. = verb. vbl. = verbal. vc. = vocative. v. r. = various reading. VS. = Vagasaneyi-Sarnhita. w. = with. wk. = weak. YV. = Yagur-veda. = equals, is the equivalent of. - = at the end of a compound. ~- = at the beginning of a compound (the degree representing the word in question). + = with; also. + = with or without. & = and. &c., etc. =et cetera, and so forth. / = root. IN. B. The articles prakirtana to prakyuti having by an oversight been omitted in their proper place, will be found among the Addenda. iS A. wa. -iTM 13w3 a-krita-srama. '[ i. a, pn. root used in the inflexion of idam and in some particles: a-tra, a-tha. JO2.a-,[~ an- before vowels,neg.px.=un-. wt amsa, m. part, share; N. of a god: in. partly. [of shares. AJ[ll (T amsa-kalpana, f. arrangement ^TRtikt-T amsa-prakalpana,f.id.[shares. f^4-T amsa-pradana, n. distribution of iAT fIimamsa-bhbgin, a. having a share. Wp{TT amsa-bhag, a. id. [g.). ^W amsa-bhfta, pp. forming a share (of, 'W~t amsa-hara, a. receiving a portion. '^fI ams-in, a. having a share. Jamsu, m. Soma plant,-juice; ray; stalk. i amsu-ka, n. leaf; cloth, garment. iriT1if amsukaanta, m. hem ofa garment. ~r-J amsu-patta, n. kind of cloth.?ijt amsu-mit, a. radiant; m. sun; N. i~1TfIams amsu-malin, m. sun. fy Sdmsa, m. shoulder. ^jTT amsa-kfita, m. top of the shoulder; -prishtha, n. ridge of the shoulder.;: admsa-tra, n. armour. ^tfji i amsa-phalaka, n. shoulder-blade. G*;il amsa-ld, a. strong, powerful. 'WR;oW. amsa-vartin, a. resting on the shoulder; -vivartin, a. bending towards the shoulder(s); -vyApin, a. reaching to the -. NOfW amh-atl,f., ig' amh-d,n.-=amh-as. i5r: amh-as, n. distress, need; sin. asT amh-ura, a. distressed; -furana, n. dis'^jf amhri, m. foot. [tress. Psi aka, m. the suffix -aka (gr.). i'ZEi a-katuka, a. assiduous. NiU te? a-kantaka, a. thornless; foeless. N'EjNi a-kantha, a. neckless; voiceless, hoarse. jIqWfT a-katthana, n. non-boasting. ^ji1 a-katham, ad. without (a'why'=) more ado. (c W a-kathita, pp. unmentioned, undiscussed. [speaking well. c'iaw- a-kad-vada, a. not speaking ill, iWifT-kanishtha, m.pl. without a youngest, equally young..;ffq a-kanya, f. no longer a maid. [ish. 'i*ffTa Ia-kapia —kkavi,a.not brown~rifqf a-kampita,pp. not trembling, firm. ^Wj4i T I. a-karana, n. omission to do. ^ 2. a-karana, a. unartificial, natural. WAid! a-karuna, a. pitiless; -tva, n. -ness. qliW a-karna, a. deaf; without Karna. W^1t!T a-karnadhara, a. pilotless. STi;Wl a-kartavya, fp. not to be done; n. o4i a-kartri, m. non-agent. [misdeed. ^pij^iqi a-karma-ka, a. objectless, intransiiRWi7 a-karma-krit, a. inactive. [tive. GiiJlA a-karmanya, a. ineffectual,useless. ^WiFl. a-karman, n. inaction; a. (-man) doing nothing,idling; wicked. [tion of fate. `WqMilTfr'f a-karma-prapti,f.non-interven^ Viin4r a-karma-sila, a. inactive, idle. ^i~WT T a-karma-sranta, pp. untiring in ~W'fT ' a-kalafka, a. spotless. [ritual. W-iff a-kali,a. not quarrelling, concordant. lif'iR? a-kalita,pp.unknown; undefinable. W^tiR'fT'fR akali-prasara, a.where no quarrelling occurs. [baseness. ~Wi;[i'fq" a-kalka-kalila, a. free from WM;ie[T a-kalka-ta, f. honesty. W'[iW I. a-kalya, a. not healthy, ill. 4ikW 2. a-kalya,fp. not to be guessed. BRia a-kava, a. not niggardly, liberal. ^fifJ ' a-kavi, a. not wise, foolish. WziWT(a-kasmat, (ab.) ad. without apparent cause; suddenly; accidentally. [comer. SZi1F TT- akasmad-agantu,m.chanceiciTo i a-kaku, a. unchanged (of the voice). ^'WiT a-kanda, a. unexpected, sudden: WijRTiT a-katara, a. undaunted. [Ic. -ly. CiT3'~ a-kama, a. not desiring; unwilling, reluctant; not in love. [unwillingly. ANxiT-Tf a-kama-tas, ad. involuntarily; WTRi T a-kama-a,f. freedom from desire i'TfTq a-kamin, a. not in love. [orlove. ^lTnia-kara,m.the sound orletter a. [-ness. ATliT a-karaka, a. ineffectual; -tva, n. W^iTlt l a-karana, a.. causeless; n. lack of cause: '-, -tas, — m, i., ab., cl. without cause. ~WiTl a-karpanya, a. void of self-abasement. [deed: -tas, ad. by doing wrong. 'lcWi a-karya,fp. not to be done; n. misW iTil'4 akarya-karana, n. doing a misWTi tTfkt akarya-karin, a. id. [deed. iA a-kala, m. unseasonable time: ~-, -tas, Ic. unseasonably. WJiTt ~ akala-kusuma, n. untimely flower. [delay. wITch'qut a-kala-kshepam, ad. without 4 iT'lqT akhla-karya,f. untimely action. ViAi"qf a-kala-niyama, m. no limit of time. ^WJiW' akala-vel, f. undue season.:-ilHWI a-kala-saha, a. unable to hold out long. -iTE W$akla-hlnam, ad. without loss of time, forthwith. [-ta, f., -tva, n. poverty. fi'ii a-kimkana,a. having nothing,poor; '^~ffx(< a-kimkig-giia, a. knowing nothing. [thing. I1fcq —ifRiT; a-kimkit-kara, a. effecting no~'f'Rfr~T a-kilina, a. not damp, not moist. ~^J[i*i a-kirtana, n. lack of mention. 9 -iMN-d- a-kirtaniya,fp. unspeakable. GiEfifi a-klrti, f. disgrace; -kara, a. disgraceful, infamous, humiliating. ^itfir a-kirtita, pp. unmentioned. 'f3ifHfa-kuikita,pp.not crooked, straight. ^ifi^ a-kunthita, pp. vigorous, quick. Vaiff a-kutila, a. straight; honest. W^3f-':' a-kutaskid-bhaya, a. afraid of ^'dia-kutas,ad.from nowhere. [nothing. J'ACi[iTa-kuto-bhaya,a.afraidofnothing. ^ 'i3-T4R a-kutraka-bhaya, a. id. ^ ifn a-kutsita, pp. blameless. 'Io a-kudhryak, ad. aimlessly. '^[i~f a-kula, a. low-born; -ta,f. low birth. -3i~i akula-ga, a. sprung from a low ^i3it a-kulina, a. low-born. [stock. 3F'Tf a-kusala, a. noxious; unlucky, inauspicious; unskilful; a. mischief, evil; -word. '^icf'rT a-kusumita, pp. not blossoming. Gi d-kuta, a.undeceptive (arms); sterling (coin). tdrTTK S-ku-pgra, a. boundless; m. sea. 'I1~ FV a-krikkhra-lahghya, fp. to be traversed without hardship. [with. N^ fv ~ a-krikkhrin, a. having no trouble WI' a-krita,pp. not done; unprepared, uncooked; incomplete, unripe; unsummoned. I ii ri a-krita-ka, a.natural. [one's duty. W "t'iMi akrita-kritya, a. not having done '9-t a-krita-gna, a. ungrateful. Widyi akrita-punya, a. ill-starred. 1i"m akrita-purva, a. not done before. 'iieraal krita-buddhi, a. ofunripeunderstanding: -tva, n. abst. N. [distinctive mark, ~'WiET!rT a-krita-lakshana, a. having no ~Wrf'rW akrita-vidya, a. uninstructed. ^fiV'M a-krita-srama, a. having undergone no trouble. B 2 i caq akrita-samkalpa. pi a-guna. WiiEl"- akrita-samnkalpa, a. irresolute. ^iT Ti akritaatman, a. of unformed mind, undisciplined, rude, vicious. ^liT1T akrita artha, a. unsatisfied. [deed. gil( a-kritya, fp. not to be done; n. mis' 'f[IC a-kritrima, a. unfeigned; unartificial, natural; unsophisticated. W lTM a-kritva, gd. without doing. 'WiR a-kritsna, a. incomplete. ir:TfqI a-kritsna-vid, a. not knowing everything, of defective knowledge. Bii a-kripa, a. pitiless. [ing, cheerful. ^I 4-Ta-kripana,a.generous; uncomplainaFjutf If a-krisa-lakshmi, a. rich in beauty; very prosperous. ^AWiR T d-krishivala, a. not agricultural. ad-krishta, pp. unploughed; growing wild; n. untilled soil. [shna). '^AivIJT a-kesava, a. without Kesava (KriIfiifli a-kaitava, a. not simulated, genuine. wif4l RT a-kopi-ta,f. evenness of temper. ^JRl11f a-kausala, n. inexperience, help^WJ akta, pp. of v/ag and V/agg. [lessness. sN ak-tu, m. ointment; light, ray; clear night: in. pi. by night. T akna, pp. of Vak. -ai i. a-kra, a. inactive, indolent. VW 2. ak-ra, m. banner. [of Vkri. WITO- akrata, q dkran, V. 2 & 3pl. impf. '~J-a-krati,a.powerless; senseless. [flesh. ~'1-1 a-kravya ad, O~ -da, a. not eating ifrlST: a-kri-ya-mana, pr. pt. ps. not being done. ^iWTl a-kriya, f. omission to do (g.). ^fili Ta-kriyq-ka, a.inactive,immovable. If~ a-krura, a. not harsh, tender, gentle; -parivara, a. having gentle attendants. riYlt- a-krodha, m. freedom from anger; a. not given to anger; -na, a. id. LfTi'l a-klishta, pp. not worn out, fresh. <f~rniAM aklishta-kfra, m. indefatigable activity; -karin, a. indefatigable. I a-kllba, a. manly; -ta,f. manliness. Ii* T a-kledya,fp. not to be moistened. l a-klesa, m. no hardship, ease: ab. without trouble. -' WAKSH, reach:pp.ashta. nis,unman. i' I1. aksha, m. diefor playing. N 2. dksha, in. axle; bone of the temples. '- 3. aksha, m. n. organ of sense: -~ akshi, eye. [a gambler.. 4. aksha, m. N.; -kshapana, -ka, m. N. of wVqIV aksha-gna, a. skilled in dice. V Tq(? akshan-vat, a. possessed of eyes. ^ dtk-sh-at, 3 s. sbj. aor. of /as, obtain. It d-kshata, pp. uninjured; unscathed: n. s. & mn. pl. unhusked grain (esp. barley); f. a, virgo intacta. [uninjured mane.;M'iT'J' akshata-kesara, a. having an -m a-kshatra, a.without the warriorcaste. '14 f aksha-dydta, n. game of dice. I i.akshan, n. eye: weak base of akshi. 2U~2. a-ksh-an, V. 3 pl. impf. of /ghas. -q3T aksha-naipuna, n. skill in dice. ~-lMj^l- aksha-patala, n. archives. V-fqn# aksha-priya, a. fond of dice or lucky at play (beloved by dice). [at dice. +'yf~ T aksha-bhufmi,f. place for playing v'"qI a-kshama, a. unable to, incapable of (Ic., inf. or -~). llt- aksha-mada, m. passion for play. N'~RT a-kshama, f. ill-will, envy. 9MqlTT aksha-matra, n. (measured by the eye), moment: in. in a moment. [dhati. [W!T-Taksha-mala,f. rosary; N. ofArunI-f'rriT aksha-malikf, f. rosary. W rftr; a-kshamin, a. pitiless. N*g a-kshaya, a. imperishable; -tva, n. -ness, exemption from decay; -loka, m.heaven. 'Mi 4 Ii. a-kshayyd, fp. undecaying, indestructible, inexhaustible. Vq'q 2. a-kshayya, n. water accompanied by a wish that it may never fail; - udaka, n. id. Wlr a-kshara, a. imperishable; n. word, syllable, the sacred syllable (om); sound, letter; document, epistle; the supreme deity; -kyutaka, n. supplying an omitted syllable (a game); -kchandas, n. syllabic metre; -mala, f. wreath of letters (written byfate on the forehead), i-ka, f. id.; -vargita, pp. illiterate; -vinyasa, m. writing; -siksha,f. alphabet. a M"vt aksha-vati,f. game of dice; -sftra, n. rosary; -hridaya, n. secret of dice. 'grf~i a-kshanti, f. malevolence, envy. ['T T11 a-kshara-lavana, n. what is not pungent and salt; - 4sin, a. abstaining from seasoned and salted food. aI ifr a-ksh&lita, pp; unwashed. ^I IIt aksha avali,f. rosary. "ft agkshi, n. eye: -~ a, f. 1. N Tf akshi-kuta, n. edge of the eyesocket. [eyes; being an eye-sore. jft^ akshi-gata, pp. being before the Wrfc d-kshita, pp. intact; imperishable. rf'Tqi?. akshi-pat, ad. a very little. V'T akshi,f. eye. [weight. T a-kshina, pp. not waning; not losing ^ I 4 TlWlAl-ks hlyya-mana,pr.pt. imperishable; inexhaustible. -T~ a-kshunna, pp. uninjured; not trite, new, peculiar; uninterrupted, lasting; -t, f. untroddenness (of a road). [siderable. N3 a-kshudra, a. not insignificant, cona-kshetra, n. untilled soil; a. uncultivated. [ted region, very uninhabitable region. AI;IT dakshetra-tara, n. quite uncultiva ^ lfr's a-kshetrin, a. owning no field. Ervis akshoda, m. walnut-tree. ^tWRqi d-kshodhuka, a. not hungry. BNt#F a-kshobhya, fp. not to be shaken. "#fl'iF akshauhinl, f. complete army; -pati, m. lord of an army, general. NITI1 akshnaya, ad. across. [well. '~qs a-khailga, a. not limping, walking AqIRu a-khanda, a. indivisible, entire; -mandala, a. possessing the whole realm. - fifl a-khandita, pp. uninjured; more unbreakable than (ab.); uninterrupted. I rf'FiTTI akhanditagAia, a. whose orders are not infringed; -tva, n. abst. N. Mq* a-kharva, a. uncurtailed; capable; considerable. ^Rf a-khinna, pp. unwearied, in (Ic.). rf4'19 a-khila, a. without a gap, entire, all; n. everything: in. quite, completely. [ness. ilt[ a-kheda, m. absence of fatigue, fresh^ff-q akhkhala, ij. (joy, surprise); i-kri, PT a-ga, m. tree; mountain. [greet kindly. I^WWll-T a-gan-ay-at, pr. pt. disregarding; -i-tvagd. id. [comebackbecausedisregarded. ^NT'rfr7]ETff Tr a-ganita-pratiyata, pp. qTiW T a-ganeya, fp. innumerable. WrW a-ganya, id.; -t, f. abst. N. I^ftf a-gati,f. no way, impossibility; a. not going; helpless, unhappy; -ta,f. stand-still. 'RWTf?' a-gati-ka, a. having no resource left; A gati,f. very last resource. WWJI a-gada, m. health; a. (-da) healthy, well; wholesome; n. medicine, esp. antidote. WWfR a-gadita, pp. unasked. [ Vgam. Tla~-gan, V. 2. 3 s., a-ganma, i pl. aor. of WIrq a-gandhd, a. scentless. WT^It a-gama, a. immovable; m. tree. ^ITW a-gamya,fp.inaccessible; that should not be approached; unintelligible; unsuitable. -a 4T4l-q agamya-ripa, a.hard to traverse. ^R4TTRI T agamy agamana, n. illicit intercourse; i-ya, a. consisting in -. ^iq a-garva, a. free from pride, humble. eTfit a-garhita, pp. not blamed, not despised; blameless, irreproachable. walrf- agasti, m. = Agdstya. ^T;t agastya, m. N. of a Vedic Rishi. ^WI ftia-ga-smahi, V. I pl.aor. A. ofv/gam. ^NT'T aga agra, n. mountain-top, peak. ^lWTTlT agaatmaga, f. N. of Parvati. WMlT J a-gAdha, a. unfathomable; very deep, profound; -gala, n. very deep water. rWfarTsw agadha-rudhira, n.torrents of ^71[T agfra, (m.) n. house. [blood. ^ RTfa'. agfra-dahin, a. incendiary. 1J a-.guna, m. lack of virtue, demerit, defect; fault, vice; a. void of qualities; worthless, vicious. WI a-guna-gna. -W -T-T aikavatara. 3 I ^ i'M_ a-guna-gna, a. ignoring merit; -vat, a. void of merit, bad; -sila, a. of bad disposition, worthless. ^ fri a-gunin, a. devoid of merit. ^Ta-gun l-bh fta,pp.notbecome subaNga-gupta,pp.unguarded. [ordinate(gr.). *^1J a-guru, a. not heavy, light; m. n. aloe-wood. [ed by one's teacher. I^JaJ p I a-guru-pra-yukta,pp.not directRI;Tn aguru-sara, m. resin of the aloe. HJi' a-gridhnu, a. liberal. [grasped. IffT a- grihita, pp. not seized, not ~^|?T( a-grihnat, pr. pt. not seizing; not taking (leech). HfO a-grihya,fp. inconceivable. ^47t;T a-go-kara, m.what is beyond reach: in. behind the back of (g.); a. beyond the ken of (g., -O): vfkam -, indescribable. iqTT a-gopa, a. without a herdsman. ^ 4Tt1TR a-go-pala, a. id.; m. no herdsman. NV i 6-go-rudha, a. admitting cows. ditIT l-gohya,fp. not to be hidden (ep. of ^T4~ agnayi, f. Agni's wife. [the sun). ^rft ag-ni, m. fire; conflagration; godAgni. WfTr4ii agni-kana, m. spark of fire. ^rfI T agni-karmdn, n. = agni-kriya. ~7f~iTi agni-karya, n. making the sacred fire; prayers repeated in so doing. 1f4rW^Is agni-kunda, m. brazier of fire; hole in the ground for sacred fire. Af1ijt5 agni-ketu, a. fire-betokened. rfifaiT agni-kriya,f. attendance on the sacred fire. [within. rf1mTW agni-garbha, a. containing fire 4!7Tp2 agni-griha, n. sacred fireplace; -kaya, m., -kayana, n. heaping up the firealtar; -kit, a. keeping up the fire-altar; -gihva, a. fire-tongued; -gvalita-tegana, a. having a point blazing with fire. IFTV agni-traya, n. the three sacred fires; -treta,f. id.; -tva, n. fiery state; -da, a. incendiary; -dagdha, pp. burnt with fire; m. pl. kind of Manes; -datta, m. N. of a Brhman: f. a, N.; -dipta, pp. blazing with fire. 1f <ip< agni-duta, a. having Agni for a messenger, brought by Agni. IR-f- agnidh, m. fire-kindler; fire-priest. 1fwiHg agni-pakva, pp. cooked with fire; -parikriy,, f. care of sacred fire; -parikkhada, m. utensils for fire-sacrifice; -parishkriya,f. care of the sacred fire; -purina, n. N. of a Purana; -purogama, a. preceded by Agni; -pradana, n. consigning to the flames; -pravesa, m. voluntary death by fire: -an, n. id. f agni-bhu, n. water; -mat, a. keeping up the sacred fire; -mitra, m. N. of a king. ^ff^TWagnim-indha, m.fire-kindler, kind of priest, later agnfdh. rfJn^q agni-mukha, m. Fire-mouth, N. of a bug; -varna, a. of the colour of fire; redhot; -vela,f. time of kindling the sacred fire; afternoon; -sarana, n. sacred fireplace. ^afiif[ agni-sikha, a. fire-pointed (arrow); m. N.; n. saffron; f. X, flame of fire. Nrfw fq agni-suddhi,f.purificationby fire; -susrush,f. careful tending of the sacred fire; -sesha, m. remains of fire. Vf1 tagni-shtut, m. N. of a (Soma) sacrifice; -shtomf, im. (praise of Agni), liturgical rite in the Soma sacrifice; -shtha, f. corner of a stake facing the fire; -shvitta, pp. consumed by fire; m. pl. certain Manes. 'rfR4T ~IRw agni-samskara, m. sacrament of fire; -samkaya, m. great fire; -sakshika, a. having Agni for a witness. lfWq rM agni-sat-kri, burn. ~~r; f[q ~ agni-svamin, mn. N. HfiT q I. agni-hotra, n. fire-sacrifice: daily offering of milk morning and evening. efgt 2.agni-hotra,a.sacrificingto Agni. W^Tr't fagni-hotra-hvan, f. ladle used in the fire-sacrifice. ^r'nf'tf.agni-hotrin, a. offering the firesacrifice, maintaining the sacred fire. '-t'ql agniindrd, m. d v. Agni and Indra. j~ri[1I agnijndhana, n. kindling the sacred fire. ~Rr~tt [ agnm-sh6ma, m. du. Agni & Soma. R IIOg1 agnl-shoma-bhflta, pp. being Agni and Soma. [Agni and Soma. ivt/t agni-shomlya, a. relating to NWMq!T agnau-karana, n. burnt offering. 'j[T";PTT agniagara, m. place for sacred fire; - adhana, n. setting up the sacred fire; - idh6ya, n. id.; - ahita, (pp.) m. one who has set up the sacred fire; - utsadin, a. letting out the sacred fire. - dag-ra, n. front; beginning; point, tip, top, main thing: -m, before (g.,-~); i4.before (ac.); Ic. before, in presence of (g.,-~); in the beginning, at first, in the first place; after (ab.): - bhu, come forward. ~^JTRcjagra-kara, m. finger; first ray; -ga, a. going in front; going through the end of (-~); -ganya,fp. to be accounted the first of (g.); -ga, a. firstborn; m. elder brother; -gaunman, n. Brahman. [foremost. W^!1 agra-ni, a. (nm. m. -s, n. i) leading;,Jt:Tagra-tds, ad. in front,forward; atthe head,inthebeginning,first of all; -kri, place in front; prp. before, in presence of (g.). [front. 3NV r agrato-ratha,a.whose chariot is in Vs vM agra-nakha, m.n. tip of the nail; -nasika,f. tip of the nose, - beak;: -payodhara, m. teat; -pada, m. toe; -puag,f. precedence; -bindu, in. first drop; -bhaga, m. upper part, point, top; -bhumi, f. top storey; highest aim; -mahishi, f. chief consort of a king; -yayin, a. going before; best of (-~); -vira, m. chief hero, champion. N'4 V agra-sAs, ad. from the beginning. WTI[rT agra-samdhya, f. dawn. Hi'Q agra-sara, a. going before; -ta, f. WJ g a-graha, m. no planet. [precedence. W^9T a-grahana, n. non-taking; a. not specified. [phant's trunk. ~Vq agra-hasta, m. finger; tip of ele IT ' agra-hara, m. land-grant to Brdh-^~jT magra akshan,n.side-glance. [mans. i Tiftji agra anlka, n. van (of an army). w R4Tf'qif a-gramya-bhogin, a. eating no food prepared in the village. [(ab.). 4[TTITq agra asana, a. eating in presence of WR1Tf'I a-grahin, a. not taking (leech). #'1Tf a-grfhya,fp. not to be grasped; imperceptible, incomprehensible; not to be approved. [(of sequence in writing or speaking). rf' r agr-i-ma, a. leading, first; following ^fN agr-i-ya, a. foremost, best; firstborn; n.-what is best. [fingers. WJ 6gru, a. (u) single, unmarried; f. pl. 10 TW agre-ga, a. going in front; -ga, a. id.; -gu, a. moving forward. ^ ff~rIf agre-didhishu, m. man united in first marriage with a widow; f. (u) younger sister married before her elder sister. I~T agre-pa, a. drinking first; -pui, a. id. Waf' agre-sara, a. (i) going before. W^T agr-yd, a. foremost, best (of, g.,-~); distinguished in (Ic.). [hishi,f. chief consort. 5 4el 4iqagrya-tapas, m. N. of a sage; -ma^[ragh-d, n.mischief; guilt; misdeed,wickedness; impurity; pain. [pp. ill put together. ~WJftW a-ghatita, pp. impossible; -ghatita, C^EI4eT! agha-marshana, a.forgiving sins; n. kind of prayer; mn. N. of a Vedic Rishi: pi. his descendants. [m. moon. WIEM a-gharma, a. not hot, cool; -dhaman, 5~fIrqTriqj agha-vighata-kartri, m. who destroys sin; -vinesin, a. id. [malevolent. l[l~ agha-samsa, a. intent on mischief, V jAfN4I agha-samsin, a. confessing guilt. WNT aghayd, a. mischievous, malevolent. Di a-ghrina, a. pitiless. [passionate. ift, a-ghrinin, a. not soft, not too comWtJf g-ghora, a. not terrible. [of Devi. [ Ith Q2. aghora-ghanta,m. N. of devotees '^wa-ghn-at,pr.pt.notkilling,notinjuring. ^Tr ighnya (also -ya), m. bull; a,f. cow. t^[4 a-ghreya, fp. not to be smelt. W^7 a-h, aor. sufix -a (in a-gam-a-t); kritsuffix -a (in bhid-A, &c.). Wi' aik-6, m. bend, hook; flank, lap, side; proximity; embrace, hug; 'mark, sign, brand; act (of a play); -karana, n. branding. I-r^ aik-ana, n. branding (alsofig.)..IT9M[ afka-p&ta, m. account, enumeration; -bandha, m. impress of a brand; -bhag, a. falling to one's (lap =) share; -bhrit, a. holding in the lap; -mukha, n. plot of a play. E afik-aya, den. P. mark, brand: pp. ankita, marked, branded. HIA W anhka-lakshana, n. mark, brand. Nj4 asfik-as, n. bend. 1'- TqRfl afka avatara, m., OW -na, n. transition to another act, preparation of spectators for next act. I 4 - I ankasya. Naq a-kyuta. ITA*.ianikaasya, n. concluding scene which prepares for the next act. ~IFia afk-ura, m. shoot, sprout; grass. ' l ^ afikurana, n. shooting up,sprouting. -Wran afikuraya,~' -raya,den.A.sprout. -m Cqf afikura-vat, a. having shoots. 9Jl;f'7T afkurita, pp. sprouted, having sprouts; combined with (in.). [remedy. MWI ankusa, m. hook, goad; stimulus; W^fljf. afkusin, a. hooked, attractive.,aliq afike-saya, a. lying -, sitting on the 'i ankte, 3 s. A. of Vang. [lap. R afikya,fp. to be marked, - branded. ^ qa afikhdya, X. P.mingle. pari, A. embrace. ' —IANG,I.P. go. pali(=pari),cs. agaya, stir: ps. revolve. I. afng, pcl. I. emphatic: just, only; especially; 2. exhortative: w. voc. or impv.; 3. intr.: kim aniga, how much more? [country. v 2. aiga, m.pl. N. of a people and their 3. nfg-a, n.(a.-~f. i) limb,member,part, membrium virile; body; constituent; secondary part; supplement (esp. the six of the Veda); resource; base (gr.); -ka, n. member, part; body. ~WtJfhi"T anga-kriyf,f. anointing the body. y' T IrfM afga-glani, f. bodily languor. Hit afiga-ga, a. produced in, on or from the body, bodily; -gita, m. son: pl. children. jpiI afg-ana, n. court. ai anga-tva, n. abst. N.from 3. figa. Mw afiga-da, m. N.; n. bracelet (on the upper arm); -dvipa, m. N. of a cosmic island. VWT afhg-ana, n. court. v^siTi afgana,f. woman; female (animal). [g*IwtFia afga-bandhana, n. catching, snaring; -bhaniga, m. collapse of the body; -bhlu, m. son; -bheda, m. self-betrayal; selfdeception; -mudr, f..a position of the fingers. ~ 1'rt4 ahgam-egaya-tva, n. trembling of the body. -TJW anga-yashti, f. slender body. &iFmcna afga-rakshaka, m. body-guard; -raksha, f. id.; -raga, m. powder, paint, unguent; -ruha, a. growing on the body, n. hair on the body; hide; feather; -latika,f. slender body; -vat, a. possessed of limbs. S1T'fWI r P[i*g ( anga-vak-pani-mat, a. endowed with body, speech, and hands. [-fBiiTi afga-vikara, m. bodily defect; -vidya,f. palmistry; -vyath I,f. bodily pain; -samskara, m. adornment of the person; -sam-a-khyayam, abs. naming the limbs; -sparsa, m. bodily contact,with (saha); -hara, m. gesticulation; -hina, pp. deficient in a limb: -tva, n. want of a limb. i- fsj- afgaafigi, ind. limbs and body, reciprocally; -bhava, m. reciprocal relation of limbs and body, - of whole & parts &c. [body. ~T I13 aAfga anukfla, a. pleasant to the hTa-T dfngara, m. (n.) coal; stain; planet Mars; -nikara, m. heap of coals. I'TRqi aigara-ka,m.coal; N. ofanAsura; -karma anta, m. charcoal-kiln. V-AT q]I;-q afgara-karaka, m. charcoalburner; -givika, f. business in which coal is used; -vati,f. N.; -vara, m. Tuesday. ^lTfitiangarin, a. just left by the sun. af iaig —in, a.having members; having all members; - resources; m. living being. Wfr dnfig-ira,~O;-s, m. messenger between gods and men (Agni being the chief of them); N. of a Rishi; a star in the Great Bear: pl.N. of the Atharva-veda and of a family of seers. 1q5 l.! afigi-karana, n. concession; ac'-ift afgi-kara, m. id. [quiescence. a afgi-kri, P. make one's own, subject; submit to, assent to; promise; concede, admit (ac.); cs. induce to agree to (ac., ab.). fi f' afiggri, f. finger; toe.; 'q- i g anguriyaka, n. finger-ring. vasF angula, m. n. breadth of the thumb (as a measure = ~; hasta); -ka, a. measuring (so many) finger-breadths (-~). V[f- afguili, f. finger; toe. ^r|fr-iT afguli-ka, f. kind of ant. f ' afiguli-tra, n. (bowman's) fingerguard; -trana, n. id. rSfaqi afhguli-parvan, n. finger-joint; -pranegana, n. water for washing the fingers; -mukha, n. finger-tip; -mudra,f. seal-ring; -sphotana, n. cracking the fingers. t afguli, f. finger; toe; -mudra,f. finger-mark. [id.; -mudraka, f. seal-ring. F#j;FlT afguliya, n. finger-ring; -ka, n. -HTo afguliagrd, n. finger-tip: -nakha, m. tip of finger-nail. O-FF angfi-shtha, m. thumb; breadth of the thumb (as a measure); great toe. i'*l 1 afigushtha-parvan, n. thumbjoint; -matraka, a. of the size of a thumb; -mula, n. root of the thumb. [thumb. At afigushth-ya, a. pertaining to the [f dfghri, m. foot; root; -pa, m. tree. -Ix. AK, A TANK, I. aka, akia, bend; go; honour: pp. afikita, bent, curly; distinguished, extraordinary: -m, ad. carefully; cs. aiikaya, P. produce, cause. anu, follow, - one another. ava, sink: pp. sunk. A, bend: gd. Xkya: pp. akna. ud, draw up: pp. ud-akta; utter, sound. vi ad, cs. raise up. sam-ud, raise up: pp. -akta. ni, bend down; sink,hang down. pari, turn round. vi, bend asunder; spread out. sam, press together. w 2. ak, grammatical term for vowel. ' 3. a-k, sx.-a, as krit expressing the agent. -fj"i" r a-kakita, pp. not tottering, firm. -^qQl- q a-kakshur-vishaya, a. beyond eye-shot; m.what is beyond the reach ofvision. ^-t E( a-kakshus, a. eyeless, blind. Ue qs a-kanda,a.notimpetuous,measured. xW ";q< a-kandana, a. without sandal ointW^qT a-kara, a. immovable. [ment. Hi rA a-karama, a. not the last; best. x T,^ ( q a akarama-vayas, n. youth. iqftlf a-karita, n. abstention from food. WqFW a-kala, a. immovable; m. mountain. ^'1WTa akala-datta, m. N. of a scribe. W^qt a-kalana, n. immovableness; persistence in (ab.); f. A, earth. i-':' akala-pura, n. N. of a town. akala indra, m. Himalaya. F -' akalalsvara, m. id. v^TqaX a-kapalya,n.discretion, steadiness. wafsR''<lq' a-kikitsaniya,fp.incurable.:f~ ( a-kit, a. foolish.!'t[ t a-kitta, pp. unnoticed, unseen. *ft Ir- a-kitti, f. lack of wisdom, folly. T"if' a-kitra, a. dark; n. darkness. Wf'ivIWvT a-kintanlya, fp. not to be thought of; inconceivable. IlfMirT a-kinta, f. thoughtlessness, disregard; absence of brooding. l'fi~t'~ a-kintita, pp. unexpected. A I'qf a-kintya, fp. inconceivable. Off' a-kira, a. brief, short, momentary: 0-, -m, ad. a short time ago; shortly; at short intervals, repeatedly: in., ab. without delay, soon: often with present=future. ^f'~fe'i akira-dyuti,f. lightning; -prabha,-bhas,-rokis, amsu, bhaf.id. [ried. J^fl'-tiT akiraiadha,f. woman newly mar-(acfiI a-ketana, a. senseless; unconscious, inanimate; thoughtless; -t,,f. -ness. UI;' a-ketas, a. senseless, foolish; unconscious. [less. fidfn a-ketita, pp. disregarded; thoughtltF a-keshta, a. motionless: -m, ad. without stirring; -ta,f. -ness. [unconsciousness. jci7' a-kaitanya, n. lack of intelligence, "'TAII4TI' a-kodya-mana, pr. pt. ps. unurged. [with ac. to, towards. at i. Akkha, ad. near at hand; ~- or prp. as, 2. akkha, a. clear; bright, pure. ~ '-S a-kkhanda, m.: in. against the will of (g.); ab. involuntarily. 51J W a-kkhala, n. no deception, truth. Wi -T akkha akkha, a. perfectly clear or transparent. A T- f d-kkhhanta, 2 pl. impf. of v/2. khad.?^f- a-kkhidra, a. intact; uninterrupted; faultless: -m, in., ad. uninterruptedly, from beginning to end. _f[ ' d-kkhinna, pp. not cut off; intact. ^ — a-kkhedya,fp. not to be cut off; indivisible. [epithet of Vishnu. 1'T d,-kyuta, pp. firm, imperishable; n. Mag. I- rif a-tathokita. 5 ^,q AG, I. P. (A.) aga, drive. adhi, drive N up. apa,-away. ava,-down. a,-up. ud, - out. upa, - up; A. drive up for oneself. - i. ag-a, m. herding; drover; he-goat. -M 2. a-ga, a. unborn, existing from the bg.; m. the Unborn, the Eternal One; (C.) N. ofBrahma,Vishnu, and Siva; kindof grain (by 3. ag-a, the Vag. [a forced explanation). NzIr1 aga-gara, m. large snake, boa. ~i~-FRI aga-gala-stana, m. dew-lap on the neck of the goat. W519W' a-gaghanya, a. not the last; not the worst, i. e. the most excellent. [mind. '15N a-gada, a. not half-witted, of sound VlW[i a-gang, a. solitary; n. desert place. TMrfr a-ganani,f. deprivation of birth (in imprecations). [public gaze. iItritUN a-gana agriya, a. unexposed to NiIRa-ganman, n. cessation of re-birth. r'- aga-pa, OT'T -pala, m. goat-herd. N4 IT aga-mayu, a. bleating like a goat. N'l[ a-gayya, fp. unconquerable. *JR a-gira, a. not aging, ever young; m.pl. the flames of Agni. ~-4f- a-garat, pr. pt. not growing old. tA 14T aga-raga, m. N. -^ 1:rI1 agara amara-tva, n. everlasting youth and immortality; -vat, ad. as if undecaying and immortal. [friendship. -i a-gary,, a. not growing old; n. ^-^-d a-galpat, pr. pt. not saying. N* r1 aga-vithi, f. goat-path (part of the moon's orbit). 5r, d-gasra, a. untiring, ever fresh: -m, ~-, continually, ever, in. id., with neg. = never. N'I -qT a-gahal-lakshana,f. ellipse not abandoning the primary meaning, e. g. ' the I aga, f. goat. [grey (horse) runs.' TT-f s-gfata, a. not born, unborn. 'l- TfPi:[ a-ghta-paksha, a. unfledged; -ragas, a. pollenless; not yet menstruating; -lomni,f. a. whose hair has not yet grown, immature; -vyaigana, a. beardless; -satru, a. having no enemy (as a match); m. N. of Yudhishthira. IMTfI a-gataari, m. N. of Yudhishthira. -Tlff a-gati,f.spurious or bad ware. [(ac.). 9TTiqa-ga-n-at,pr.pt. unacquainted with irrffi" d-gami, a. unconsanguineous; n. incest. [n. s. id. rAi-rf-T aga avf, m.pl. sheep and goats; -ka, -4T11 agaasva, n. goats and horses. rf qT4' a-gigisha, a. free from ambition. 'wr a-gita, pp. unconquered. [trolled. M j qi agita atman, a. un-self-confrf fi4 agita apida, m. N. of a king. If~ ' a-gita indriya, a. whose senses are unsubdued. ~r1riyagfna, n. hide; leathern purse; -ratna, n. treasure of a (= magic) purse. ^f3RT-fl agina-vati,f. N. of a fairy. smear. anu, abhi, anoint, smear. a, anoint. ni, hide among (antar). vi, beautify; manirfWr ag-ird, a. mobile, rapid: -m, ad.; n. fest, display: pp. vyakta, manifest, distinct, court; battle-field. [honest. clear: -m, ad. distinctly, certainly; cs. show. f not crk,.; abhi-vi, display: ps. be displayed, appear. a- ma, a. not crooked, straght sam, anoint; adorn; unite with (in.). Nfatwp agihma-ga, a. going straight for- jIiq aig-ana, n.anointing; ointment; colward; m. arrow. [awakened. lyrium (for blackening eyelashes), antimony; 1Pj-' a6-gigar, V. 3 s. aor. cs. of /gri, has -giri, -parvata, n. N. of a mtn.; -frna, n. pulverised antimony; -vriksha, m. kind F qTIM agigarta, m. N. of Sunahsepas of tree: -daru-maya, a. made of the wood of '^NTIhi 6-gita, pp. uninjured, fresh. [father. '^I'fi aigana-ka, n. collyrium. [this tree. Witfff' S-giti, f. scathelessness, safety. - T aigana-vat, ad. like collyrium. a 4 a-girna,pp.not growing old; n. indi- ^^f agali, m. the two open hands held, together hollowed: -m kri, raise - to the 1fI iaglpirnin, a. dyspeptic. [gestion. forehead (as a reverential salutation); two rt -grti indigestio.. handfuls (as a measure); -karman, n. folding 't1 a-girti,f. indigestion, the hands (in salutation); -pita, m. id. TN a-giva, a. lifeless. [maintain oneself. 4tM anigal-kri,jointhehonlowedhands. ^5T5itWa-givat,pr.pt. notliving; unableto NS:igag-as, n. ointment: ac. ad. quickly, tf rT a-givita, n. not living, death. forthwith; in. straightway, at once; in truth. —,, ^I: ' aigah-sava, m. accelerated extracN^7 IW f a-gugupsita, pp. blameless. tion of the Soma juice. [colour, ornament. %a-gdr,a.notgrowingold, imperishable. fiT ang-i, a. anointing; m.f.n. ointment; r a-gur-y6, a. (f. -ya or 4-i) id. i. AT, I. P. roam about, wander W^1 4-gushta, pp. unpleasant; gloomy. Nthrough. pari, id. a- 2. at, grammatical designationfor all the ^W a-geya, fp. unconquerable. vowes, yv, r. IlVTOW agaekapad, m. N. of one of the V 3. a-t, augment a-. eleven udrs & of Vishnu. at-ana, n. wandering, gadding about. N 'fiT agguk, f. courtesan (in a play). 0flatani, o-ni,f.notchedendofabow. ^ a-gna, a. ignorant; senseless (animals v4T1 at-avi,f. forest; -bala, n. force of & things); stupid, foolish, inexperienced. foresters. ITsIT agna-t, f. ignorance, stupidity. N atta, m. room on a house-top; tower. R-rTlTi-gnAta, pp. unknown, unrecognised: NT atta-hasa,m. loud laughter; -hasya, -m, ad. without the knowledge of(g.); -kula-. watch-tower. [n. id. sila, a. whose family and character are un- i attaka, m. watch-tower. n. Id. known; -bhukta,pp. eaten unawares; -vasa, 'WTat-ya,f.wanderingabout. [vowels a,i,u. m. unknown abode; a. whose abode is un- an, grammatical designation of the known: -m, ad. unknown, incognito. r. an, grammatical designation of the 'N Tf7rW a-gnati, m. no blood-relation. W 2. a-n, the taddhita suffx -a (cp. n-it). IMT-T a-gia-tva, gd. without knowing. W'fT1Z a-ni-kartri, m. subject of the noni^ i. a-gnfna, n. ignorance; inadvert- causal, i. e. of the simple verb (gr.). ence: ab. inadvertently; non-intelligence: NfIlS an-i-mdn, m. thinness, subtilty. name of primeval matter as the ultimate mate- f an-ishtha spv. of anu. rial cause; a. ignorant, foolish, inexperienced.v IMT,- R a-giana-tas, ad. unwittingly. -yas,. of nu a naartha, a. minute, subtile, delicate; m. meaning knowledge.' atom; -tva, n. minuteness; atomic nature; -matrika, a. composed of atoms; -mikha, -'Tl d-ginas, a. without kin. [nised. a. small-mouthed. ~' a-gineya,fp. not tobe known orrecog- U anda, n. egg; testicle; -ka, n. bird's 'a dg-ma, m. road; course; train; -n, n. id. egg; -kosa, mn. mundane egg, universe; -gata, a. being in the egg; -ga, a. egg-born; mn. bird; ^^f a -gyani, f. intactness, safety. -bhedana, n. breaking the (egg =) ice. 'T5 a-gyeshtha, a. not the eldest: pl. of ^^ a-ni anta, a. not ending in the cs. whom none is the eldest; not the best; -vritti, suix i ( aya). a. not behaving as an elder brother. ~q4 anvi, f. (of dnu) finger. ag-ra, m. pasture, field, plain. - rl I. AT, I. ata, go, wander, roam. i. ANK, v. i. AK. 2. a-t,= short a (gr.). [ 2. -ank, a. going -, -ward (-~). qZ a-tata, m. precipice, abyss. 9t ank-ala, m. border, hem; corner'. ^ f a-tattva, n. unreality: -tas, ad. not in ' ank-u, gr. term for ~- -ank. reality; -gfa, a. not knowing the truth. ANG, VII. anakti, anikt6, anoint, a-tat-para, a. not intent on that. "smear, (A. refl.); adorn: A. adorn oneself VA fl r[T a-tathAukita, pp. not accuswith (ac.); honour, celebrate; display; cs. tomed to such treatment; unused to (g.). 6 Ace a-tathya. 'fri ati-prage. Emf, a-tathya, a. untrue, false, unreal. ^ IT a-tanu, a. not small, great; m. Kama; N"T~ atanu-bala, a. strong. [sexual love. NTPfiT a-tandri-ta, pp., Oi~-n, a. unwearied, undaunted, active. ^IlR ( a-tapas, a. not practising penances; TWJf#W a-tamisra, a. not dark. [-ka, a. id. ^WljTE a-taru-kkhaya, a. devoid of treeshade. [expected. '1-fNr a-tarkita, pp. not thought of, unM ifd T a-tarkin, a. inconsiderate, hasty. 71'4 a-tarkya, fp. inconceivable. W^MF a-tala, n. N. of a hell (bottomless). N';, i-tas, ad.= ab. of idam, from this; thence; after this, next (esp. with Ordhvam and param), then; hence, therefore. nFtrfl~ a-tatparya-vid, a. ignorant of the true meaning. *f? 6ti, ad. over, beyond (vbl. px.); exceedingly, very, too, transcending (~-); prp. with ac. over, beyond, more than. fRatiT ati-kathora, a.veryrough (wind). Vrffi-T ati-kala, a. very melodious. NfItqi~F ati-kalyam, ad. too early in the If'4W TT asti-kalyana, a. (1) ugly. [day. if'w-is ati-kashta,a.very strict; worse than [f'TWilTB ati-katara,a.very anxious. [(ab.). ~fjT[[lcp ati-kutAhala, n. great curiosity. wfejrifti ati-kupita, pp. very angry. Wf* W-'' ati-krikkhra, m. a twelve days' penance; -krita,pp.overdone; extraordinary; -kriti, f. excess; -krishna, a. very darkcoloured. [anvita, pp. very angry. frfti'q ati-kopa, m. violent anger; -samWfRI[W ati-krama, m. overstepping; passing by, lapse (time); variation; violation; transgression, offence; neglect; blunder. JfWiWS!tj ati-kramana, n. overstepping; passing by, lapse; neglect of (-~); offence. Vf^ISati ati-kramaniya,fp. avoidable; to be neglected. If f - ati-kramin, a. violating (-~). IfrilT ati-kranta, pp. (V/kram), passed beyond; transgressed; diffuse. *fJ ati-krudh, f. violent anger. Nfa'r ati-krara, a. very terrible. '~tTitT ati-klesa, m. excessive hardship. Of[T ati-ga, a. piercing, going beyond, surpassing, overcoming; transgressing (-_). 'fT^Trfi ati-gambhira, a.very deep; unfathomable (fig.). [buy too dear. V^ f l a ti-garlyas, cpv.too dear: -a kri, rfT ati-gardha, m. excessive greed. Vfj1't ati-gahana, a. unfathomable. rf-rgati-guna, a. excellent; -t&,f. abst. N. NfTj ati-gupta, pp. well-concealed. fig ati-guru, a. very weighty; weightier ^fPTl ati-ghana, a.very dense. [than (ab.). ar1o'thI ati-ghora, a. very terrible. W^fWi~ a-tih, a. having no tih (gr.). Wfi'MT ati-katura, a. extremely swift. fT ati- kapalya, n.extreme mobility. 'wfWi'TR ati-khra, m. transgression, violation; -karil, a. transgressing. [ways. aT^fcflati-kitram, ad. in very manifold ifnfai~ -ati-kiram, ad. too long. fftW ati-kirasya, ad. (g.) for a very long time. [(I4) metres. ^fT'T ( ati-kkhandas,f. N. of certain 'fi iNWt? ati-gagati, f. a metre (4 x I3 syllables). wref ati-gathara, a.very hard; very old. rf"plati-gana,n.strange place,deserted-. 'fiHWr ati-gava, m. extreme rapidity; -na, a. extremely swift: -ta,f. great haste. Wf'TTl ati-gata, pp. born with superior merits. [scious ofvictory; (i)-ta,f. abst.N. rf"rfI f1 TTf ati-gita-kasin, a. too conFfltaf ati-girna-ta,f. extreme old age. 'Nffgl 4ti ati-givan-mrita-ka, a. more dead than alive. j'fljf~5~ ati-tapasvin, a. very ascetic. lf IT' ati-tara, (cpv.) ad. extremely (~-). RTfwi!TT ati-tarnm, ad. exceedingly, very, quite, absolutely; more than (ab.). ^fiFT'fV ati-tanava, n. excessive leanness. ^IfiRT'fT, atitarin, a. conveying across. '^rfTfiri ati-titirshu, des. a. wishing to get across. [lently. wfins ati-tud, a. striking-, lashing vio^ff 'ft ati-tripti,f. excessive satiety, sur^ffRI r ati-trishna, a. very thirsty. [feit. WrfdTr ati-trishna, f. excessive thirst; - greed. [mighty; m. sun; -vin, a. id. rf iT, ati-tegas, a. very brilliant, very TrF'fil ati-tvarita, pp. precipitate. ^f[f~ tt-ithi, m. [wanderer], guest; -~, a. come to, arriving at; -ta,f., -tva, n. abst..; -kriya,f. hospitality; -dharma, m. rights of a guest; -dharmin, a. having the claims of a guest. ^[fTf9atithin,a.wandering; m. N. ofaK. T^f~ rT atithi-pagana, n. honourable reception of a guest; -satkgra, m. hospitality to a guest. [N. of a serpent. ift[! ati-darpa, m. excessive arrogance; Wf.[fi ati-darpita, pp. taken great pride in. [burning a nature. d ati-dahana Atmaka, a. of too W'f-ifrT ati-datri, a. too liberal. N UfiP[ ati-dana, n. too great liberality. ^fj[TrW ati-daha, m. violent burning. [if [ t' dti-dirgha, a. very long, too long; -kopanata,f. too long anger. [sad. ^f'WR:-fT T atiduhkhaanvita, pp. too ~f'W~:~fiT ati-duhkhita, pp. id. [verse. JfT~r~I ati-durgama, a. very hard to tra~'f[ti ati-durgana, m. great scoundrel. ~'fWB i ati-durdharsha, a. too difficult of approach; very hard to conquer. Wfr'F"I ati-durbala, a. very weak; very wretched; -ta, f. excessive weakness. f0rT ati-durmanas, a. very dejected. 2JIrf iTlZtati-durmanaya-mana,pr. pt. grieving excessively. [rfl'a ati-durvaha, a. very hard to bear; -tva, n. abst. N. [behaved. NfTTf'W t ati-dur-vritta, pp. very badly ^rf'P:T2a ti-duh-srava, a.veryunpleasant to hear. [ficult. %fl5M, ati-dushkara,a. exceedingly diff sRnK ati-dustara, a.veryhard to cross. Jfif' ati-dara, a. very long, too distant; -tva, n. great distance; -vartin, a. too far off for (g.). [logical conclusion. fc T ati-desa, m. extensionto (gr.); anaWrffTfQ ati-dvaya, a. (1) unequalled. W^?f[irlati-dhavala, a.very white. [bles). O faff ati-dhriti, f. a metre (4 x 19 syllaNfTgTati-nashtrA, a.escaped from danger. Wffijf~q ati-nikrit, f. a metre. Sfyfi T: ati-nibhritam, ad. with the utmost secrecy.!ff'iVl ati-nir-ghrina, a. altogether pitiless; -daya, a. id.; -bandha, m. excessive urgency: -tas, in. very urgently; -vartin, a. behaving in a very unseemly way; -vasutva, n. extreme poverty. [cruel. fXWcf~i ati-nish-karuna, a. extremely 'rfrfsir ati-nishthura, a. too rough, too hard. [enced. w Wfr1T'[i ati-ni-shnata, pp.very experi'tfifft ati-nikais, ad. too obsequiously. lfc2a' ati-nrisamsa, a. too spiteful or cruel. [tinuity. VKfT~il[ s ati-nairantarya, n. strict con'fRtf! T ati-patti, f. lapse (of time); unsuitableness. [wounded. ~^fitf= C'w ati-pari-kshata, pp. severely BWf'Tf-qT ' ati-parikaya, m. too great familiarity. J'f['W, ati-parusha, a. very violent. ^frtPllrT ati-pata, m. falling beyond; lapse; neglect. [missing, neglecting. Wf mTfll atipti-p&tin, a.surpassinginspeed; frFTft ati-pada-nikrit,.f. a metre. 'f~if <r ati-pi-naddha, pp. too closely fastened. [lignant. firfdfltqvf ati-pisuna, a. very base, very maNfcl'jitVi ati-pidana, n. severe pressure. OiTi ati-punya, a. quite pure,- innocent. Wf';V ati-para, m. violent stream, - effuJlfttd. ati-pArva, a. long past. [sion. 'ftTl!t ati-paurusha,a.extremely manly. Rf[T'WlI~I[ ati-prakasa, a. notorious; -tva, n. -ness. [ing. wflfWRit ati-prage, ad. too early in the morn f. rf ati-prakanda. mf'tl ati-sahasa. 7 I CfT_ ati-prakanda, a. extremelyvehement; -pratygsainga, m. too great proximity. fl STT~ ati-prabandha,m.uninterruptedness: ~- ad. ceaselessly. -fjffTlM ati-prabala, a. very powerful. WrfiTiTT;v ati-pramana, a. of unusual size. [f1rir ati-pra-yukta, pp. very usual; -vritta,pp.much busied with (in.); -vriddha, pp. very aged; too haughty. 'Nrf Flr ati-pravesa, m. obtrusiveness. JIWf[[T ati-pra-sasta,pp. greatly praised; -sAnta, pp. completely allayed; -sakta, pp. excessively attached. r'rfTRf-iff ati-prasakti,f. too great addiction, to (g.); -prasaniga, m. id.; too wide application (of a gr. rule); excessive diffuseness; -prastava, m. very suitable opportunity. ffiTRWRI ati-prakrita, a. very common, - illiterate; -prana-priya,a. dearer than life. -ffi' ati-priya, a. verypleasant: in. ad.; -praudha-yauvana, a. in the prime of youth. arF'Ts ati-bala, a. extremely powerful; a,f. N. of a.spell; -balin, a. id.; -baliyas, cpv. much more powerful; -bahu, a. very much; -bala, a. very young; -bibhatsa, a. very dis2'f'fwT' ati-bhaya,n.great danger.[gustin g. -NfcTTi ati-bhara, m. excessive burden. Rf'ljtf ati-bhishana, a. very terrible..ff;tati-bhu, a. surpassing all. NfWifT' ati-bhumi, f. acme, high degree. ^Rfjf ati-bhAri, a. very much (~-). f'?ff ati-bhrit, a. heavily burdened. yftir4-rT ati-bhairava, a. very terrible. Wf7[T R'iT ati-maigula, a. extremelylovely. f {fati-mati-matimat,a.extremelycle ver. ufrii' ati-mada, m. violent excitement; -madhyamdina, n. exactly noon. Rftf[fvati-malina,a.very dirty; verylow. Rfl[ t aati-m ahat, a.very large; too long. NfW7i nt ati-matra, a. excessive: ~-& -m, ad. excessively, beyond measure, very.!Rf7rT'll ati-mand, m. self-conceit, pride. WfWiTfI ati-manin, a. proud; having a delicate sense of honour. 'rfW Ti ati-manusha, a. superhuman. f'iT(I ati-maruta, m. violent wind. 'rfy R; ati-mukhara, a. extremely talkative; -mudha, pp. very foolish, very stupid. W'ifA? ati-yatna, m. great exertion; -yasa, a. very illustrious; -yakita, pp. importuned. rf;ri ati-ramhas, a. excessively swift. "irfy il- ati-rakta-ta, f. excessive liking for (le.); -ratita, n. violent shrieking; -ratna, n. precious gem; jewel of the first water; -ratha, m. great champion; -rabhasa, a. very wild, -impetuous: -m, ad. -ramaniya,fp. extremelycharming: -ta,f. abst. N.; -ramya, fp.id.; -raya,a.running extremely fast; -rasa, a. very palatable; m. too strong a key-note (rh.); violent desire: -tas, ad. too eagerly. 'Vrf['WRi a-tiras-krita, pp. unsurpassed; greatest. Wf[Tn4 ati-ratra, a. kept duringthe night; m. form of the Soma sacrifice requiring three nocturnal recitations. Wfwi" ati-rush, a. enraged; -rudha, pp. closely cohering: -tva, n. abst. N.; -rfupa, a. very beautiful; n. great beauty. ~f~f~-i ati-reka, m. excess, high degree. WfWrT~1WT-T ati-rokamana, a. having still finer tufts of hair on the neck (horse). [ment. MtrIf' RfK T ati-rohita-tva, n. envelopffr~ atfati-laighin, a. overstepping. enftr'fy ati-lalita, pp. extremely lovely. =If'WF ati-lubdha, pp. very greedy, very avaricious: -ta,f. excessive greed; -lobha, m. id.: -ta, f. id. INfr'tR ati-loma, a. excessively hairy; -lola, a. excessively wavering; -lohita, a. dark red: f. ini; -laulya, n. excessive greed: -vat, a. too eager, very eager. If~RqM ati-vatsala, a.very tender; -vartana, n. exemption, remission; -vartin, a. crossing; passing over; transgressing, neglecting; -vallabha, a. very dear: -ta, f., -tva, n. abst. N.; -varsha, m. n.,-na, n. excessive rain. 'IffTy' ati-vata, m. violent wind; -vatsalya, n. extreme tenderness; -vida, m. hard word, insult; -vahya, n. passing (the night). JfTfW w-i ati-vigarhya, fp. very blameworthy. ^fr'f f IW ati-vigrahin, a. too bellicose. ^[f'fl'T1q ati-vitatha, a. quite useless; -vak, a. excessively mendacious. rftfit" ati-vidhura, a. very wretched. srf'fi l'41 ati-viparyaya, m. great perversity; -vipina, a. very well wooded; -viprakarsha, m. excessive distance; -vimanas, a. greatly discouraged. ~TffWTMf_ ati-viragin, a. extremely splendid; -virupa, a. excessively ugly. 'fJrf'qcT ati-vilamba, m. excessive delay. 'fRf [WT ati-vishama, a.very dangerous; more dangerous than (ab.); very arduous; -visarin, a. of very wide scope; -vistara, m. excessive prolixity: -tas, ad. in a very detailed manner; -vistara, m. great extent; -vistirna, pp. too extensive; -vihvala, a. very perplexed, greatly overcome. ^flJ[rTi ati-vira, m. great hero. 'q I1 q~:iati -virya-parakramaa.of extraordinary bravery & prowess. [(remedy). 'f Tlq ati-virya-vat, a. very effective rf'T[ i ati-vritta, pp.long past; -vritti, f. trespass; -vriddhi, f. excessive growth; -vrishti, f. excessive rain: -da, a. giving -. ~fWlrq ati-vega, m. excessive haste; -vedana, f. violent pain; -vepathu-mat, a. trembling violently. [experience.:f'| q ati-vaikakshanya, n. verygreat 'f;1" ati-vaishamya, n. great inequality of ground. NfJR~'T4 ati-vyaya, m. lavish expenditure, extravagance; -vyasana, n. great calamity; -vyasanin, a. overpowered by vice; -vyutpanna, pp. very experienced in (Ic.); -vrata, a. excessively pious. wfhwTi[ ati-sakra, a. surpassing Indra: -sobhin, a. more beautiful than Indra. ^flITRt( ati-sakvari, f. a metre (4 x 15 syllables). w'fWf i'[' ati-safkita,pp.too much afraid Jf^l[W ati-satha, a.very deceitful. [of (ab.). ~If[ ta ati-saya, a. eminent; better than (ab.); m. eminence; excess, plenty: in. or, more, very; -na, a. (1) excellent; -vat, a. excessive. IfC'(fPW[ ati-sayita, pp. surpassed; -tva, n. extraordinariness. rfW~-ig~ ati-sayin, a. excellent. ~'f~T 'rtW ati-saya upama, f. exaggerated simile. '^ffi ati-sastra, a. surpassing weapons. f'iTfWMT ati-sata, a. causing great joy. lf'T WiTfi. ati-ssyin, a. surpassing. Nf'fiW ati-sithila, a. too loose; -fickle. 'ff'flft ati-sisira, a. very cool. irf'lrfV ati-slghra, a. exceedingly swift. 'tfr' ati-slta, n. excessive cold. 'IRff ati-suddha, pp. perfectly pure. pfus'T ati-sura, m. too great a hero. GfoJrT ati-sauka, n. too great cleanliness. Ifl4 Wati-srama,m. great fatigue; -slishta, pp. firmly attached, firmly united. yfT4ri ati-shkand, f. overstepping. H'f a6-tishthat, pr. pt. not remaining standing, not resting; withdrawing from (lc.). 'flf'af ati-sakti,f. great nearness of, extreme attachment to (in.); -mat, a. too much attached to (lc.). rftf"' ati-sakhi, m. great friend. W'f'i'T ati-samkata, n. extreme density; great distress; -samkruddha, pp.very angry; -samkshepa, m. too great brevity; -samkaya, m. excessive accumulation, vast hoard; -samrambha, m. violent indignation. If MTI t ati-satvaram, ad. very hastily. V'ff a ti-sa-daya,a.verycompassionate. 'IftWU I ati-sadrisa, a. extremely like. 'r<fRTE ati-sam-tata, pp. uninterrupted. f'W~i ' ati-sam-dheya, fp. to be suppressed. RftirPfTIT ati-samnidhana, n. excessive nearness. Vf'WfT ati-samartha, a. extremely able. Tfi N ati-samipa,a.too near; -t,f. too great proximity. '~ifNYt' ati-sambhoga, m. great treat. ~fr'iy ati-sambhrama, m. violent agitation. [more palatable than (ab.). lf'fnr1 ati-sarasa, a. very palatable; yf'T;7 ati-sarga, m. granting (a wish). rIfcTh 4i ati-sarpana, n. violent agitation. WfiWd ati-sarva, a. more than complete; raised above all. [great anxiety. Rf'Mftil^'q ati-savisankam, ad. with WrfrJ w ati-sahasa, ad. too precipitately. 8 'IfaRv<m ati-samvatsara. Wi a-dambhi-tva. I fT'iq': ati-samvatsara, a. (i) exceeding a year. [shrinking from (g.). rf"Wtfrw ati-sadhvasa, n. too great Wf'tRTiW ati-sfndra, a. very dense. f-WTT(II ati-sayam, ad. too late in the wfryTT ati-sara, m. diarrhoea. [evening. ^fW;RTt- ati-sahasa, n. precipitate action; i-ka, a. very imprudent. [swan. fl#fMW f'7 ati-sita aga-vihamga,m. ^f[T ati-sukha, a. extremely pleasant; -sugama, a. very passable; -subhaga, a. extremelypretty; -surabhi, a. extremely fragrant; -sulabha, a. very easily obtainable; -su-vritta, pp. very nicely rounded; very well-behaved. rf~' ati-stkshma, a. extremely minute. Wf1~ f" iti-srishti, f. higher creation. 'Wf[FM lW~ ati-sauganya, n. too great magnanimity; -sauhitya, n. excessive satiety. kf~t ati-sneha, m.excessive attachment; -svalpa, a. quite small, quite insignificant; -svastha, a. in excellent health. -fW'!T ati-harshula, a. highly rejoiced. RfWaftWe ati-hasita, (pp.) n. immoderate laughter. T[f' ITf( ati-harin, a. very charming. ~fWirS ati-hrishta, pp. greatly rejoiced. f-jdthep ati-hrepana,a.very embarrassing. "iNTiT ati-kasm, m. lustre; aperture. '^I!W'~a-tikshna, a. blunt; not strict,mild. ^7tiT atiita, pp. (/i) gone by, past. w arftfsj atiindriya, a. supersensuous,transcendental; n. spirit, soul. ^HT ad-tirtha, n. wrong way, wrong manner; unseasonable time. Vai#t atijva, ad. excessively; firmly; prp. beyond(ac.); verymuchmorethan(ab.). [ature. *WStW a-tivra, a. moderate; -ta,f. -temperN^U a-tula, a. unequalled; -vikrama, a. of unequalled valour. W^UTnZi a-tushara-kara, m. sun. ^U5 a-tushta, pp. dissatisfied. ^[fU a-tushti,f.dissatisfaction,discontent.;W f1f' a-tutugi, a. tardy, slow. W19I a-trina, n. what is not grass. ^ Rq I gu-trip-nu-v-at, pr. pt. insatiable. M[;a a-tripta, pp. unsatisfied, insatiate; -ta,f. abst. N. [fied. vI~fa-trip-yat,pr.pt.notbecominigsatisl^|Ta-trishna,a.voidofgreed,-desire.[oil. I^sTt. a-taila-para, a. notbeing filled with ^*tfrf1ifTf- ato-nimittam, ad. for that reason, therefore. ftsWiRt atorrtham, ad. to that end. W^Sq dtka, m. cloak, mantle. ^t:i^ at-tavya,fp.to be eaten; tobe tasted. Tr at-tri, m. eater; devourer. IFT dt-ya, a. running; m. steed; f. a, mare. sktiq ati akkha, a. extremely transparent; - pure; -adbhuta, a. very wonderful. Gil~TI ati anta, a. lasting to the end, continual, uninterrupted, endless; complete; excessive: - or -m, ad. excessively, continually, for ever, throughout; highly, beyond measure; -gata, pp. gone away for good. [much water. N1MIRTq atiambu-pana, n. drinking too WWiM atiaya, m. passing away, lapse; end; risk, jeopardy, danger; fault, transgression. I'[f ati artha~-or-m,ad.exceedingly,very. ^'^Wt atialpa, a. very little, too little; -buddhi, a. of very weak understanding. 'N3Si, ati as-nat, pr. pt. eating too much. w'i:fg ati ashti,f. a metre (4 x 17 syllables). 'iNfMi d ati asita, a. extremely black. J1lTTi'f ati akula, a. very confused. W^Iiql a-tyfga, m. non-abandonment: e tanoh, during lifetime. [renouncing. ^rTfi;a a-tyagin, a. not abandoning, not liT Tlt ati tkra, m. too refined manners. W^T~I a-tyagya, fp. not to be abandoned; not to be given up. aTIT' atli;dara, m. too much consideration: in. very urgently; -para, a.very cautious. [iTfP t atiaditya, a. surpassing the sun; -ananda, m. excessive joy; -Apanna, pp. very unfortunate; -ayata, pp. very long, very tall; -E yus, a. very old; - arfdha, pp. hvg. reached a great height; - &rudhi,f. ascending too high; -.roha, m. mounting too high, arrogance; - rti, f. violent pain; - _rya, a. too honourable. [ful. NIMTq atiaskarya, a. extremely wonder'^NTl' ati asahgam.violent inclin ation for '^iT'OTWati a-sanna,pp.toonear. [(lc.,-~). ^NTifirW atia-hita, pp. adverse, disagreeable; n. misfortune. ^qfiW ati ukti,f. much talk; exaggeration. ^[qV ati ugra, a. very mighty, very terrible. HR[i ati ukka, a. extremely high. N(q -4 atiujk-khrita,pp. raised too high.?a5'i atiutka, a. ardently longing; -utkata, a. excessive, extraordinary; -uttama, a. most excellent; -.udatta, a. very eminent; -udara, a. most excellent; too liberal: -t, f. abst. N.; - un-nata, pp. excessively high; -unnati, f. eminence. W-N iTT ati upak&ra, m. too great politeness. [heat. ^N[ i atiushna, a. veryhot; -taf. extreme '.St tati argasvala, a. extremely heroic (deed). [highly. fftl.:q atij rgitam, ad. extremely, ^' ati'igu, a. too straight, too sincere. ihl~ tati autsukya,n.great impatience. r. a-tra, ad.=lc. of idam,in this; here; there; in this (that) case, - verse, - passage, on this point; in this life; then, at that time. WIf 2. a-tra, m. eater; devourer. lqM atra-tya, a. of this place, living here. V^IT atra-n, the suffix -atra (v. n-it). IMI a-trapa, a. shameless. ~l'q atra-bhavat, m. this gentleman here,f. -i, this lady here (referring to third person present on the stage). NIf a-trasta, pp. intrepid. a W atra-stha, a.being here, stayinghere. NJTf'tp a-trasita, pp. not. frightened. Nf* atri, a. devouring; m. N. of a sage: pl. his descendants; a star in the Great Bear. N^fqi atrin, a. voracious. WfT'q atri-vat, ad. like Atri, like the Atris. ^fiW' a-tri-varsha, a. not yet three years ^ N a-tvara, a.not hasty, deliberate. [old. lIqTT a-tvara, f. deliberation. N T -tha, ad. then, thereupon; now, here begins (at bg. ofworks or sections, cp. iti); now, so, then (at bg. of sentences); but, however, and yet; if; then,corr. to yada; often strengthened by atas, api, ka, tu, punar; sts. mere verse-filler; atha va, or, or else, or rather (giving another explanation); however; even; repeated: either-or; atha kim, what else l = certainly; atha kimu, to say nothing of -. Nliw. atharvan, m. fire-priest; N. of the firstfire-priest: pl. his descendants; s. & pl. his magical incantations, the AV. [Veda. e fat atharva-veda, m. Atharva (fourth) T~Tf~'( atharvaangiras, m. pI. the families of Atharvan and Afigiras; their incantations, esp. those of the AV.;.a, a. (i) descended from Atharvan and Angiras; m. s. <4 p1. the hymns of the AV. #t' 6tha u, ad. and also, and so; then; now, - AD, II. P. at-ti, eat, consume, enjoy; X cs. adaya, feed. wPJf~[ I. a-dakshina, a. not right, left; awkward; inexperienced; unamiable. "tfI 2. a-dakshina, a. without gifts to Brdhmans. [ment, innocent. N;^| a-dandyd,fp. not liable to punishad-at, pr. pt. eating. HrJi g-datta, pp. not given (said of a present that may be returned): f. a, unmarried; -dana, n. lack of charity; -phala, n. reward for not having given. ^'4nTITq adatta adana, n. taking what is not given voluntarily; 4 Adayin, a. taking what has not been given. Q(1lTf a-dattva, gd. without giving. B'yS, a-dadat, pr.pt. not giving, - returnN^Tf a-dadhi, n. what is not curds. [ing. GTl ad-ana, n. eating. ^; - a-dant, a. toothless. rNiT a-d-anta, a. ending in a. [teethed. r14rT7rT a-danta-gata, pp. not having ^a- a-dabdha, pp. unhurt, safe; trustworthy; pure. ~NlT a-dabha, a. not hurting, benevolent. HiNJG a-dabhra, a. not little, much. N;-W a-dambha, m. sincerity. 1'^Tf~ a-dambhin, a. upright, honest; (i)-tva, n. uprightness, veracity. Mi'[ a-daya. SleWu adhas. 9 ' a-daya, a. pitiless: -m, ad. heartily. ~jt I a-darsana, n. not seeing; not visiting; non-investigation; non-occurrence; disappearance, invisibility: ab. beyond the vision of(ab.); a.invisible; -patha, m. what is beyond the vision of (g.).;l' adarsani-bhu, become invisible. Jit[lT a-darsanlya,fp. invisible; -tva, s. -ness. [ac. ad. there. M[~a-d-as, prn. n. (m.f. asau) yon, that: r -Tf'* a-dakshinya, n. impoliteness. WT[ a-datri, a. unliberal, stingy; not liable to pay; not giving in marriage. qf'-T ad-adi-tva, n. appertaining to the verbs beginning with 'ad' (=Ad-class).;-T t g-dana, n. not giving, withholding; a. not giving; not exuding juice from the temples. [ible. -4TWTl a-dabhya,fp.inviolable; indestructN' T- a-dayadad (I; C. a), a. not entitled to inheritance. WiT"t a-daruna, a. not pitiless, mild. WiT1T a-dasa, m. freeman. ~WlT-' a-d&hya, fp. incombustible. Wf'[ffT I. a-diti,f. want, penury. M'rff!l 2. a-diti, a. infinite; f. infinity; N. of the mother of the gods. [give. RfR'?tca-dits-at, des.pr.pt. not inclined to f1' a-dit-su, des. a. id. [verbs. Vf'Of' W adi-prabhriti, pi. Ad-class of 'Nt a-dina, a. not depressed, cheerful; -sattva, a. elated, cheerful; -atman, a. id. ~~T-Tdl a-diya-mana,pr.pt.ps. not being given; f. a, not being given in marriage. J[g 6-dirgha, a. not long; -sftra, a. not dilatory, prompt: -ta, f. despatch. J['i1 a-durga, a. devoid of fortresses; -vishaya, m. unfortified country. [calamity. qi;;R a —durmaagala, a. (i) causing no ['ffa-dur-vritta,pp.notbehavingbadly. N-L a-dushta, pp. blameless; innocent; -tva, virtue; innocence. '5 T11T a-dushprapa, a.not hard to obtain. ['ll a-duna, pp. untormented, unhurt. WTx a-dtra, a. not far, near; n, nearness: -tas, ab., Ic. near; -kopa, a. irascible; -bhava, -vartin, -stha, a. near; imminent. ~'qT a-duishana, n. not allowing to perish. WTif: a-dush-ita, pp. blameless, good: f. a, unviolated; -kaumara, a.f. whose virginity is intact. [-tara, cpv. not very firm. T a-dridha, pp. not firmly attached; 'tft' d;-drip-ita or -ta, pp. thoughtful, attentive. J a-drisya, fp. invisible; -ta, f., -tva, n. -ness; -angana, n. salve making invisible. IRl a-drfshta, pp. unseen; unknown; invisible; unexpected; unsanctioned; n. the invisible, fate; -karman, a. inexperienced in (lc.); -kama, m. love for one not yet seen; -karita, pp. -caused by fate; -nara, -purusha, a. concluded without an intermediary (alliance); -para-samarthya, a. not having experienced an enemy's power; -purva, a. never seen, unknown before; -rupa, a. of unknown appearance; -viraha-vyatha, a. not having experienced the pangs of separation. JfSTeiT a-drishti-dana, n. non-admitVT[fTa-drishtva,gd.without seeing. [tance. ~n a-deya, fp. not to be given. 63f a-deva, a. (i) hostile to the gods; m. Asura. [the gods. VA lj a-deva-gushta, pp. displeasing to ~'q a-devara, m. not a brother-in-law. *T a-desa, m. wrong place. jTp Tw r a-desa-kala, m. wrong place and time: -gna, a. suiting neither place nor time. <[-a-desa-gna,a.unacquainted with the place; -stha,a. absentfr. hiscountry,absentee. i;T[ a-deha-bandha, m. non-assumption of a new body; -bheda, m. no change of Jl[ a-daiva,a.independentoffate. [body. 'N[tR a-dosha, m. no fault,no sin; a. guiltless; -giia, a. not knowing what faults are. N'g addga, m. cane; stalk. [deed. 'JNrT ad-dha, ad. [in this manner], truly, infJt ad-bhis, in. pl. of ap, water. W-' ddbhuta, a. [at(i)-bhata, transcendent], wonderful; n. portent; -tama, spv. most marvellous; -darsana, a. of wondrous aspect; -rlpa, a. of wondrous form; - avaha, a. exciting wonder; - aupam, f. simile assuming a miracle. SiTWTT adbhutaya, den. appear a wonder. [Wl ad-bhyas, d. ab. pl. of ap, water. l-Ti. ad-man, n. food. [guest. Wl1iTt adma-sad, m. partaker of the feast, 'TW a-dya (a), ad. to-day, now: adyaeva, this very day; adya api, even to-day: w. neg. not even yet; - purvam, - yavat, hitherto; -prabhriti, - arabhya, from to-day onwards. NT ' adya-tana, a. (1) of to-day, present, contemporary; -taniya, a. id. 'l!Wfr' adya-dina, m. the present day. [t'r't adya-divasa, m. id. 'nfti a-dyaut, 3 s. impf. of /dyut. TW a-dravya, n. worthless object. 'rf. a'-dri, m. [not splitting], rock, hill, mountain-range; stone (as missile); pressingstone; cloud; -grahana, w. reverberation; -dugdha, pp. milked, i. e. pressed out, with stones; -pati, m. Himalaya: -kanya,f. Parvatt; -budhna, a. founded on rock; -bhedana, n. cleaving of rocks. [stones. rfwr~T adri-vat, a. (vc. -vas) armed with WS Ta-drdh, a. not hurting, benevolent (nm. a-dhruk). 'MCtl^ a6-drogha, a. (also -gha) guileless; friendly; -vak, a. of guileless speech. N' a-droha, a. friendly; m. friendliness; -samayam kri, agree to peace. Wi~[ a-dvaya, a. not of two kinds, single: -tva, n. unity; -nanda, m. N. of a philosopher (whose joy is unity). wfotwi a-dvitiya, a. secondless, single, only. [old. Wf'iS[ a-dvi-varsha, a. not yet two years 1iffifi7 a-dvesha-ragin, a. free from like or dislike. 'iS a-dveshtri, a. not hating, well-disposed towards (g.); -tva, n. benevolence. 'JiT a-dvaita, n. non-duality, unity; a. without duality, secondless, single. 1-N ikJ a-dvaidha, a. undivided; not double, sincere. ^V adha, T adha (older form of atha), ad. then, thereupon (often corr.); therefore; adha-adha, both - and; adha-adha va, either - or. [tempt. 'i:f4i'T adhah-kriya,f.abasement; con^r:Tq[ 1 v adhah-khanana, n.undermining. ^':wrTER adhah-pata, m. downfall. W[V:XITfrTi adhah-patita, cs. pp. thrown Mi[ a-dhana, a. indigent, poor. [down. ByVW a-dhanya, a. poor; unfortunate. ^V[T adha-ma, spv. lowest, worst, vilest (of, -~); -keshta, a. acting meanly; -dhb, a. of mean understanding; -yoni-ga, a. born of a very low mother. SWT:II adhamaadhama, a. lowest of all. '^W-lK adha-ra, cpv. lower: -m kri, subject; m. under-lip, s. coll. lips; -dala, n. lip; -rukaka, n. lovely lips. [southern. W'4Tt adhara'anik, a. (ak-i) downward; ^VfTT adharat, ad. below; -at, id. W^ T7qT adharaamnbara, n. under garment. N[T -f'T adharaarani,f. the lower piece of tinder-wood. [cumb. Vr[t[i adhari-kri, vanquish; -bhi, sucTW't'R' adharauttara, a. losing or winning; high and low; earlier and later; n. address and answer; gradation; topsy-turviness. Bfy:1, O'I adharaoshtha, n. (-, f. i) lower lip; lower and upper lip, the lips. 'Js1 a-dharma,m.unrighteousness, breach of duty; injustice: -tas, in. unjustly, iniquitously; -gia, a. ignorant of the law, - ofj ustice; -dandana, n. unjust punishment; -bhiru, a. shrinking from wrong; -sarana, a. not based on law. 5r1V! a-dharmana, m. debtor. IRl1ffii a-dharmika, m. id. [illegal. ^wqfif a-dharmishtha, a. not doing right; '.i; a-dharmya, a. = a-dharmishtha. ':T a-dharshana, a. unapproachable. JWliiMtR a-dharshaniya, fp. invincible. ' irTl ' q4TW adhas-karana avapata, m. prostration at the feet of any one. ~N:Ir adhah-saya, a. lyingon theground; -sayya, f. sleeping on the ground: - sanin, a. sleeping and sitting on the ground.:q'WTf'r^adhah-sayin, a. sleeping on the ground; (yi)-ta,f. id. ~15T adhas, ad. below, on the ground; downwards, to hell; adhoxdhah, lower and lower; adhah kri, put below, surpass; -pat, C 10 O:r1 adhas-tala. A'cfier adno-gamana. I I --- I I sink down; prp. with ac. under (motion); with ab., g., or -~, below. [low (-). -MqkIFM adhas-tala, n. surface-, space beT'[lIt. adhas-tat, ad. below; on the ground; downwards; frombelow; submissively; previously; prp. with ab., g., & -~, under.,'1:U adhah-stha, a. lying below. lIIT Ri a-dharana-ka, a. intolerable. ~NTV: T a-dharh-varsha, ad. without a shower of rain (~-). [eous, vicious. WvTrf#i i a-dharmika, a. unjust, unright'^Jl~T a-dharya, fp. not to be borne; not to be restrained; impossible to undergo. df[' adhi, ad. above, upwards; highly; within; besides; prp. with ac. over, upon; up to; w. in. across; w. ab. above; down from, from, out of; w. lc. above (of rank or number); under (the rule of); upon, in, on; with respect to; -~, upwards of-. lf'iTi adhi-ka, a. excessive; superfluous; surpassing; chief, highest; having an excess, and more; exceeded by, plus (-~); predominant; superior in(in.,-~); stronger, greater; higher, more than (in., ab., g., -~): 0- & -m, ad. excessively, very much; more than (ab.); -krodha, a. excessively angry; -guna, a. of pre-eminent virtue: -tva, n. abst. N.; -tara, a. much greater; superior: -m, ad. more; -ta,f., -tva, n. superiority. [neck. 5f1['rVl;adhi-kamdharam, ad. upto the rfl'eiNC adhi-karana, n. substratum; substance, matter; subject, department; section, paragraph; law-court; that in which anything happens; sphere of the locative (gr.); -mandapa, n. law-court; -lekhaka, m. lawyer's clerk. [ingly beautiful. ['ftiwl:iv adhika-rupa-vat, a. surpassVf1i 1i4 adhi-karnam, ad. on the ear. ~'fNl-qi!, adhika-vayas, a. of advanced IfT i'T adhi-kashta, n. great misery. 'age.!rfRiTW adhika ahga, a. (i) having a superfluous limb; - adhi, a. fullof cares.; - adhika, a. continually increasing. ~wfarsW adhi-kara, m. superintendence, administration, control, authority; office, post, dignity; sovereignty; eligibility; claim to (lc.); striving, endeavour for (Ic.); chapter (on, -~); heading rule to be supplied withfollowingrules till a new section (gr.); -purusha, m. official; -vat, m. id.; -stha, a. official, in office; - dhya, a. invested with authority. f1V-TfoxiTf adhikari-ta,f., -tva, n. authority. VftVilfT' adhikarin, m. superintendent, controller (of, -~); official; qualified person. Ef 4 adhi-krita, pp. set over; m. overseer, administrator, head (of, lc. or -~); -kritya, gd. regarding, about (ac.). [ner. Nrf PiII adhi-ketanam, ad. on the banWrf'iJtf* adhikaukti,f. superfluous talk. WfVIf T adhi-kshepa, rn. aspersion, derision. N'fSI-r T adhi-gantavya, fp. to be procured; penetrable; to be studied; -gantri, m. finder. rfWIiT adhi-gama, m., oq -na, n. acces sion to, attainment; gain, profit; ascertainment, knowledge; study. rf PI'Tbadhi-gamya,fp.attainable,accessible; knowable, comprehensible; tobe studied. Wf i'j adhi-guna, a. of superior qualities. NIfirT' adhi-goptri, m. protector. Wf i T adhi-ganana, n. birth. ^fITAI adhi-ganu, ad. upon the knee. rff['M adclhi-gya, a. having the bowstring on, strung: -ta, f. abst. N.; -kfrmnuka, a. whose bow is strung; -dhanvan, a. id. *fJWqt^adhi-talpam,ad.uponthetowers. '^rfWri adhi-tya-ka, f. table-land. 'Nf9tfvfJ adhi-didhiti, a. brightly illumined. [f. id.; tutelary deity. f' d adhi-deva, m. supreme god: -ta, Rf'Ti'q adhi-daiva, n., -ta, n. id. JflTlTl, adhi-nagam, ad. upon the elephants; upon the serpents. W^ff-fp1, adhi-nisam, ad. at night. WfsV. adhi-pa, -pati, -pa, m. ruler, lord. fIa adhi-purusha, m. supreme spirit. ^ tl:i-q adhi-paurusha,n.height of manliness. -NfiR-Tff'- adhi-badhitri, m. tormentor. 'af'l adhi-bubhu-shu, des. a. wishing to get the upper hand. fIladhi-bhu, m. ruler, sovereign. [agent. NfNl adhi-bhfta, n. sphere or object of an Nf IT^r'~ adhi-mdnthana, a. suitable for friction; n. the hard piece of tinder-wood. NIfIT' adhi-matra, a. excessive: -tva, n. -ness. [a. referring to sacrifices. 'fV[r'ni adhi-yagna, m. highest sacrifice; 'f'clOTffi adhi-ragani, ad. in the night. Of[f'T adhi-ratha, a. standing on a car; m. chariot-fighter, charioteer. NrftCTTr adhi-rag, m. paramount ruler, emperor; -raig, m. id.: -ta, f. supreme rule over (g.); -ragya, n. supreme rule. =W WR[;fa < ^'ro T adhi - rukma - mandira-gavaksham, ad. at the window of the golden palace. (-~). Tf[_', adhi-ruh, a. mounting, riding on rfo'<' adhi-rodhavya, fp. n. one must ascend. ^lfliTM adhi-ropana, n.liftingupon (-~). ~'fw-t adhi-roha, a. riding on (ac.): -na, n. ascending to (Ic. or -~). [ing up to (-~). rf'(lf'( adhi-rohin, a. ascending, leadyf'aN hi adhi-lahkam, ad. over Lanka. ~f'~.*adh iai-lavag am,ad.onthecloves. hfttr'i adhi-loka, m. highest world. 'f(dhi vadhi-vaktr, m.advocate,protector. ~Wf'Wq adhi-vakshas, ad. on the breast. ~WfVqti adhi-vapana, n. strewing upon. Wfl *, adhi-varkas, n. privy. [fire. Wfe'd0l i adhi-vargana, n. moving to thi NfqlEqfEt'r adhi-vasati,f. dwelling. [tion. WfT'-Ri adhi-vakd, mn. advocacy, protecVNf'iaT- adhi-vada, m. insult, abuse. lf['eT'Tr I. adhi-vasa,m.inhabitant; neighbour; dwelling, abode. wrfN'g[t 2. adhi-vfsa, m. perfume; -t, f. abst. N.; -na, n. perfuming; consecration. f'fr0T adhi-vignana,n.highest know^Tf f —adhi-vinna, pp. of /2.vid. [ledge. 'f [f Tq[I adhi-vivaham, ad. regarding the wedding. (-). '5Vfi4[qt adhi-vira, mn. great hero among 'f-q IT adhi-vettavya,f fp.(/2.vid)to be superseded by another wife; -vedya, f. id. ^[f "tladhi-velam, ad. on the sea-shore. WfAtl adhi-vesma, ad. in the house. WNWI adhi-srl, a. extremely prosperous.:ft3RtR adhi-srotram, ad. over the ears. I'*f r!W adhi-shdvana, a. suitable for pressing; n. Soma-press. [intendent. Slrf'Tr adhi-shtha-tr, n., -.tri,f. super[f'vUitadhi-shthana,n.stand-point,place, seat, abode, residence:; sovereignty, power. ^Rf'fad adhi-shthita,pp.stood on; presided over; supervised, governed; established; occupied, inspired: -vat, act. pt. sat on,mounted. NafiiVRlNf'i adhi-senfpati, m. commander-in-chief. Gfo'd' adhi-hasti, ad. on an elephant. #:[e adhijk= adhi+4 / (gr.). A [1'iTR adhi-kara, m. administration (of, lc.); capacity, ability. [ed. [wit' adhiita,pp.studied; read; instruct':ftf Adhiiti,f. study ing thescriptures. -Jtflfadhitin,a.well-readin (tc.); study-!^TVT adhilna, a. lying on; subject to, dependent on.(-~); -tva, n. dependence. N yTV a-dhira, a. unsteadfast; inconstant, pusillanimous; -ta, f. pusillanimity. itqTR' a-dhiram, ad. anxiously. ~'^rT' adhira aksha, a. lively-eyed. 'Niit TR adhi-vasi, m. cloak, mantle. rTrIT adhilsa, mn. chief, lord; -ta, f. sove[tfiTW adhijsitri, m. sovereign. [reignty. ]iMTadhunf,ad.now. [faintheartedness. ^fT a-dhriti, f. unsteadiness, caprice; NI a'-dhrishta, pp. insuperable; modest, '^iWa-dhrishya,fp.unapproachable. [shy. t a-dhenu, f. cow giving no milk; a. barren. [imity. ~'N1k a-dhairya, n. instability; pusillanVt 5tV i adhoxmsuka, n. under-garment. ltiU' adhoskshs, a. being below, i. e. not reaching up to, the axle. '^tV,"S adhosksha-ga, a. born under an axle; m. N. of Vishnu. W-it7' adho-gata, pp. gone down; bowing low; -gati,f. going down( + to hell); sinking; a. going downwards, goingto hell; -gainana, -N~tfradho-drishti. -NWUTff an-anushthia'tri-tva. 1 11 I I ss. going downwards; -drishti, f. downcast gaze; a. looking down; -nayana, a. bringing down; -uilaya, mn. hell; -nivita, pp. wearing the sacred cord low; -bhla, as. lower part; lower part of the body; depth; -mukha,, a. ()downcast; downward. IM4f-vah-esbnaloigon '~~a-dhauta, pp. unwashed. '~~adhi amsa, a. lying on. the shoulder. QW~ 'dhi aksha, a. perceptible; m. eyewitness; overseer, inspector; a. perception. -, U adhi agni, ad., before the fire (esp. at wreddings). [fault-finding. 'f iiadhi adhi-kshepa, mn. unseemly WE-1Ijffadhi adhina, a.,wholly dependent; i.slave. VIJ1T adhi adhvam., ad. on the way. "I VI adhi ante'na, (in.) ad.close up to (d.). 'W 'q adhi nyana, a. Egoing to a teacher-], study, reading (esp. of. sacred boo/cs); learning, from (abx); -sampradana, n. guidance in study; Zdflna, a. receiving instruction from -Nllrc& a'dhi ardha, a. one and a half [ (ab.). 'WWq;T adhi ava-salna, a., OViT'. -sftya, in. resolution, st-eady application.. [solved. 'WWqiTf'#W adhi ava-sftyita,pp.-firmly re-NW9Rf4i diaafyn a. resolved on - -f#'ff adhi ava-sita, pp. as. [0 WWWTWT'K~ adhi akftsam, ad. in the air. W'W'T~qWR adhi kfthra, as.. sphere, province. 'NWTWUT ddhya'ndA, f.. kind of plant. 'WiT4TM ndbiiftma, a. peculiar to one's person; n. supreme soul; the soul as agent of an action; -vidyl, f. science of the universal soul. 'WW'qTtTj adhya'paka, as. teacher. 'W~TqT~j'r adhya'pana, a.. instruction. iWWT'q'gadhi apaya, as. of adhi + v'i, teach. 'WW~ZTIW adhyaipya, fp. to be instructed. W ~4~adhi Aya, mn. reading, study (esp. of sacred books); time suitable for study chapter. [neous predication (ph.). Wq~TKTI adhi aropa, in., OTTF -nal, f.ero -WTTW(gfiffBi adhi fvhhanika, a. property brought with her by a womasa frone, the parental house. WMTIR adhi ftsa, as.. placing upon; erroneous predication. I TfR'Iadbi as-ita,(pp.)n.the sitting upon. -N TfR-Tf adhi hs-itavya,fp. to be un der'NT4Tf4'nKdhi fsin, a. sitting upon. [ taken.. 'NW1TWr adhifihbara, as. supplying, supplementing. NW19~ adhiahfrya, fp. to be supplied. winadhi uras, ad. on the breast. ';FfqW adhi tshita, pp. V/vas. ~adhi etavya,fp.tobestudied,-read. JNtq adhi eshana, a. request. VAf;4 fl-dhri, a. irresistible; -gu, a. irresistibly advancing; as. N. [uncertain. A -dbruva, a. unsteady, transient; WU4" adhva-kheda, in. fatigue of travel; -gba, a. travelling; as. traveller; -d~crsin, as. guide. d~~dhvan, as. road; journey, wandering; distance; -l'ma, as. traveller. ~WRW adhvan-ya, as. traveller, wanderer. WWRt adhva-pa, m. guardian of roads. WW adhvarfl, as. religious ceremony, sacrifice, Soma sacrifice. '-NW4 adhvaryii, as. priest performing the practical work of the sacrifice; priest versed in the Yagur-veda. ~W4WR adhva-srama, as. fatigue of travel. VNT4TfVi9t adhva adhipa, as. guardian of roads, i. e. of public peace. [9AN, IL. P. flu-i-ti, breathe. apa, exhale. ablhi apa, breathe upon. - pra, breathe; blow. anu-pra, breathe after. abhipta, inhale. vi, sam, breathe. anu-sam, breathe after. Wi i. an-fl, m. breath. [anayA, auayoh). 2. ana, pmn. Of 3rd pins. this (in anena, N'T, an-arnsa, a. portionless. WiEPR an-akflma-nifra, a. slaying not without approval. [out words. W'ffWq an-akshara, a. mute: -in, -ad. withNTrrfl,-nagna, a. not naked, not uncovered; -tal,f. abst. Nv. Wif an-agni, a., without fire; maintaining no fire; -ka, a. without fire; not touched by fire; -dagdha, pp. not burnt with fire; in. pl. a class of Manes. [injured. 'r'9 an-agha, a. sinless, blameless; unNlfflfan-afikurita, -pp. not grown. WW an.-aiigd, a.bodiless; in. god Kflma (so called because reduced to ashes by the fire of Siva's eye); -kri1dfl,f. dalliance; -tva, n. hodilessness; -pura, is. N. of a town; -maflgaril, f. AT.; -ratijf. N.; -lekha',f. love-letter; N.; -vat"', f. N.; -sena, as. N.;._3Xdaya, in. N. an-afigi1-krita, pp. not assented to; neglected, ignored. WR7 anadud-da, a. giving a bull. 'NW71 anaduha, as. bull; IL, f. cow WRWV-anad-Aflh,m.(nin. -dvf`n,wk. st. -diiih) [cart drawing], bull, ox; also as-term of abuse. VqlJ fn-aan, a. niot minute, coarse. Wifd ' an-atikrikkhrena, in. ad.without great hardship.. [sion: -aa, a. id. Wiffffiir an-atikrama, as.. non-transgres~ an -ati-kramaniya, fp. unavoidable; -not to be infringednot to be neglected, inviolable. [gressing. Wvffr-WTRan-ati-krfamat,pr.pt.nottran~sNlqf rwa an-ati-kruaddha, pp. not excessively indignant at (g.). WuftffW.i an-atithi, as. not a guest.. [rous. Vf7'Mi~ an-ati-trasnu, a. not very timo-f a.n-ati-clagdha, pp. -not quite burnt up. [showing. W-q~~kf an-atidarsana, a. infrequent 17 an-ati-dftre, le. ad. not toofr f a' fn-atidbhuta, a. unsurpassed. Wiff- an-ati-pakva, a. not very mature. 'Wirf-RtTM~ an-ati-paltya, fp. not to be n eglected. [pressure. ~jf~i~an-ati-pidam, ad. with gentle Vff'fIz5T'kT'i an-ati-prakftsaka, a. not highly illuminative; -tva, n. abSt. N. [veloped. W'fd3f' an-ati-praudha, pp. not quite deW'ffWfW an-ati-bhaligura, a. not very curly. ' Vqf'ff4-Tr' an-atibhoga, as. moderate -use. 'Tf~ff'ff an-ati-rikta, pp. not excessive. Wirf#!f#an-atilambin, a. not hangi-ng down very far. ~ an-ati-valita, pp. not very rounded (belly). [passable. W:q'f~kTMW~ an-ati-sayan'iya, fp. usr WIf#f'f an-atiita, pp. -not past. W'ff~T~ an-ati ardra, a. not too wet. VqT naifs~~oeaini eating. WW?fjan-ad-at,_pr.pt. not eating, not consuming. [no wonder. W':N an-adbhuta, a. not wonderful; a. WiTWf an-adya-tana, as. not to-day; not the same day; a. not containing to-day. Wvf '9 an-adhi-krita, pp. not made a subject of discussion; -tva, a. abst. N. 'W[O an-adhi-gata, pp. not reached, unattained; unread. [attainable by (g.). ~ an-adhi-gaman'iya, fp. not W'fV',T an-adhishthflna, a. absence. 'J[~ an-adhyaksha, a. not perceptible. V~W''qan-adhyayana,an. neglect of study. WTWTWf!'';~ an -adhya'tma-vid, a. not knowing the supreme soul. WiW an-adhyflya, as. prohibition of study; adjournment of study. Wi~f~fl~Tan-adhya'yin, a. not studying. 'Niff4W. an-adhvanya, a. not versed in (le.). 'W~i7Mqf an-anu-kampan'iya, fp. not to he pitied. Wf I an-anukftla, a. unfavourable. W'IV7 an-anu-giflta, pp. unpermitted. NiufdwT? an-anu-tishth-at, pr. pt. not carrying out, not performing. [nothing. W';I1Tf-T'V, a'n-anudhyftyin, a. missing!Rf~f~q an-anubhfivaka, a. unintelligible; -tl, f. -ness. -NVffWan -anu-bhfita, pp.not experienced. 'VVMW'an-anu-mneya,fp. not tobe inferred. WiT~ an-anuruhpa, a. unsuitable. W'l~T fn-anuvritti, f. disobedience towards (g.). [obedient. W'Pf fln-anuvrata, a. not devoted, dis'NI f an-anushtihftri, a. not executing; -tva, a. non-performance. C 2 12 -12 r3~0 f an-anushthana., -Nv a-naya. N~WW an-anushthflna, n. neglect; idleness. [of investigation. -J~Iq49T~i an-anu-samdha'na, n. absence NW~R3IM an-anusarana, n. lack of attendance on. [(with a teacher). -Nwldn-aniUjkta, pp. not having studied ~'r4 Mfj an-anu Ukti, a. not having studied the Veda. [studied. '4II~jW an-anuukya, gd. without having 140 Tf an-an-htthflna, n. th e not followfIT~ff an-anrita, a. true. [ing after. -M*Iin an-antd, a. endless; m. N. of Vishnu, Sesha, and of various men; -ka, a. endless, infinite; -kirti, m. N.; -guna, a. infinitely greater:..ta, f. alut. N.; -ta',f., -tva, n. endlessness, infiniteness; -pada,ns.Vishnu's path, sky; -pa'ra, a.that one never gets to the end of. -349MR an-antard, a. having no interval, immediately following, next; belonging to the next lower caste: -in, ad. forthwith, presently; thereupon, afterwards; immediately after (ab., ti., or -) -MvKan-antara-ga, a.next eldest; born of the union with a woman of the next caste: f_ a, younger sister; -g~ta, a. next eldest. N~i'"TI4 d-n-antarftya, a. uninterrupted: -inm, ad. in uninterrupted succession. jf w I 4S ananta-vigaya, n. N. of Yudhishthira's shell; -sakti, m.N.; -IramN 14MI fi chlq an-antika-stha, a. not remain!ing near.!"V an-antya, n. endlessness,,infinity. NW, dn-andha, a. not blind. N'K A1n-a-nya, a. exclusively devoted to (lc.); -gati, a. having no other refuge, helpless; -gatika, a. id.:. _tA f. helplessness. M q Vaanagmn a. going to no other; -guru, a. having no other father, fatherless; -kitta, a. thinking exclusively of (ic.); -ketas, a. id.; -ga, a. legitimately horn; _gani, a. having no other wife; -drishti, a. looking at nothing else; -n~tha, a. having no other protector; _ni~rirkamanlya,fp. not to he desired hy another woman; an Xj-samnya, a. having communion with no other woman; -para, a. intent on nothing else; -pariyana, a. devoted to no one else; _pitrva, a. not married to any one else hefore; _purvika, f. not married hefore; -pratikriya, a. having no, other expedient; -bhig, a. devoted to no one else; -manas, a. thinking of no one else; -.mnasa, a. id.; -ruki, a. liking nothing else; -vishaya, a. relating to nothing else; -vyp~ra, a. occupied with nothing else; -sarana, a. having no other refuge; -Sasana, a. under no one else's commands; -sasatati, a. without other offspring; -sama, a. like no one else, unequalled; -Sadh~rana, a. (3) common to no one else; -snminya, a. unequalled; - adhinua, a. depending on no other; - aptaa having no other offspring; Z_96rita, pp. not transferred to another. imq — T rf~an-an-ayatha-vritti, a.occupied with'nothing else. NM TJ'JCananyfi-drisa, a. not like others, unusual. [quiring after (ac.). ~irffriq 4c au-anuiJsh-yat, pr. pt. not enN[Iqtl i1 an-apakarman, n. non-delivery, withholding. NM4nI -pafrna. doingxnoharm. r'qVW an-apa-krita,pp. uninjured; n. no inj ury. 'N-4i9o+ dn-apakrama, a. non-departure. WVitfTr'r dn-apakramin, a. not leaving, faithful. [the spot. ~iI~ an-apakrahma, m. remaining on q~nfq'IfiqT an-apakriya, f. non-delivery. '.%nrqr ani-apatyd, a. childless; n. -ness; _t~,f. childlessness. [guished, hermaphrodite. IMV an-apa-desya, fp. not to be distina'JIr1Tr'q an-apanaya, m. non-removal. N'f ' a-n-aparftdh-a, a. guiltless, innocent; -in, a. harmless. N Pff an-aparodha, ma. non-prevention. 4*1 ( an-apasabdam, ad. grammatically correct. WVI~ an-apasara, a. haying no excuse. ~Itf~i~?(an-apa-sphurat, pr. pt. not struggling. N"I9 a-p hkihap~o degraded.!WVMf~T~ n-apftyin, a. not going away; lasting. [pendent; -tva, n. independence. ~i~~an-apeksha, a. regardless; indeW~fqiq dn-apeksham, ad. without regard to () [ing no regard to (ac.). V~qT'9in-an-p a'ksha-matna,pr.pt.pay`%Tan-apekshft~. disregard; carelessness; independence. Wij~fgfW an-apaikshita, pp. disregarded. ~f*WFan-apekshin, a. disregarding (g.). 'NIftf gn-apa ita, pp. not removed from, not diverging from (ab.). [not given up. N~iiij an-apa fdha, pp. not pushed away; MMg~an-ap-nas, aslacking goods, indigent. W~~T!K;R an!-apsaras, f. no Apsaras. ~ an-abhikhyflta!-dosha, a. whose guilt is not known. [cessihle to(g) f;TITIII anabi-gamaniya,fp. inacrf Wr~ an-abhighflta, ma. non-obstruction. [he bewitched. Mjf Ii an-abhi-karastiya,fp.not to WlrffrfT~TW an-abhi-gAta, pp. ignoble, low. NW~r au-abhign-a, a. ignorant; unacquainted with (g., le., -'O); -tva, a. nDon-acquaintance. [thing is known; -ti,f.abst. N. r'NVTfTWTrf an-abhi-gnftfta,pp. of whom no'IfT1 an-abhi-gnieya, fp. not to be recognised. [grudge against (le.). 'NTIfiPUP an - abbitftpa, a. bearing no tki an-abhidroha, m. not insulting. 'N'f;'NT'ffan-abhidhftna,n.non-staternent. fT'gTqil an-abhidhftyaka, a. not expressing; -tva, a. abst. N. [(lc.). *tTf+IT an.-abbidhyvh. lack of desire for 14 an-abhi-dhyeya, fp. not to be thought of. Vq~fii;f'IW an-abhi-prita, pp. not satisfied. N'ff I an-abhibhava-gandha, a. not smacking of disregard. [dressing. f111441I Ifq9 an-abhibba'shin, a. not adNqwif"Ror an-abhi-mnata, pp. disagreeable, unwelcome. [ing no designs against (ac.). 'NVf~fRT!T4 an-abhimatnuka, a. entertainWifg-TR an-abhimukha, a. (i1) averted. Wi'fM~ff an-abhi-yukta, pp. not caring about (le.). [ing; uneducated; ugly. M 1rftr\4 an-abbirfipa, a. not correspond'NIif~fJr1 an-abhi-lulita, pp. untouched. 'Vf#'rTIq an-abhi-vatdya, fp. not to be,greeted. WqI " iiqrM an-abhi-vyakta, pp. dim. [cion. N ifwjjT an-abhisafmka~a.freefrom suspif'i'wq an-abhi-saiikya, fp. not to be mistrusted. II"TfIT~~ *I n-abhisasti, a. blameless. ifT ~?t~T4 an-ab~hi-shekandya,fP. unworthy of inauguration. f4R'qT an-abhishvafiga,in. no-n-attachment to (lc.). [tentionally. N f*~ an-abhi-samhitam, ad. unin~'rfi~wr~an-abhi-samdha'na, a. disinterestedness. [as to(O) ~fIN4ift' an-abhisamdhi, a. disinterested ~ifr~an-abhi-sneba, a. without desire for (lc.). [unexpressed. NirfM fW dn-abhi-hita, pp. not fastened; 'fiW'VW an-abhi-;huta, pp. not sacrificed igv4Wtk'an-abhi'kshna,O-ad.seldom. [to. 'wi4V33 an-abhi'sii, a. reinless.!3-4 Iar-abhyaiiugiiftfnopermisSion.!" T~T an-abhi nu-giftfta, pp. unpermitted by (in.). [into (g.). -VRO an.- abbyantara, a. uninitiated n-bi rtania p. not to he desired. [ing. anaha'atna.not return-:9-44Tflff( an-abby~Vrittij. no-n-return: in. not again, no more. Nvt~ an!-abhyftsa, m. absence of practice, - exercise; disuse; neglect. [plauded. WV~ F an-abhi ut-krushta, pp. -not apTTN-Nia-abh-yutthfiyin,a.-notrising to greet. [means. WIT14T an-abhyupa'ya, M. unsuitable iPVM an-abbra, a. cloudless. WWRi a-nania, a. inflexible; invincible. VtifTTRIX,~c a-namita-pfirva, a. not bent before (bow). [quisition of eneshies. f'TRP an-amitra-l1ibha, ma. non-ac-aP11 an-amilvd, a. diseaseless, healthy; cheerful; salutary; a. well-being, health. -I9' an-amutra, a. having no 'there,' i. e. not trouhling ahout the next world. WK a-namra, a. unbending; obstinate. WVM~ i. a-naya, m. indiscretion,imprudence, bad conduct. A -Nvm an-aya. -imfg in-a'pti. 13 Fla 2. an-aya, m. ill-luck, misfortune. 4Mn-K an-aranya, n. no desert. ^IfjpF an-argala, a. unhindered, free. 'dt an-argha,m.false price, overcharge; a. priceless; -raghava, n. T. of a play. vqan-arghya, a. priceless; -tva, n.-ness. N'vf1T an-arkita, pp. unhonoured; not reverently presented. VT'1s an-artha, m. disadvantage; damage, misfortune; nonsense; a. useless; unfortunate; meaningless:.-ka, a. id.; -kara, a. useless, unprofitable; -gna, a. not knowing the sense; -pandita, a. skilled in mischief; - antara, n. no other (i.e. the same) meaning. [tion. HjfWi an-arthi-tva, n. absence of solicitaWW(Wan-arthyd,a.useless, good for nothing. ^jrVIi an-ardhuka, a.not fulfilling wishes. -'an-arv6, oi -n, a. irresistible, boundless. ~I an-arha, a. unworthy, undeserving; innocent; unsuitable for (-~); -t&,f. unsuitability. [fire. '{i~ an-ala,m.fire; Agni; -da,a.quenching i It jg an-alam-krita, pp. unadorned. ^ iq[ an-alam, ad. incapable of (inf.). 'Wi1 an-alasa, a. not idle, diligent. 'W"1R, anala-sakha, m. wind. -tN1 analaya, den. A. behave.like fire. 'Wtf an-alpa, a. not a little, much; -tva, n. strength; Z-bhyasufya, a. greatly incensed with (ic.). [nought. Pliy fi'T an-ava-karnita, pp. set at '^- fiTfTian- avakasin, a.havingno room for (-~). [wrong. rlq ~ dan-ava-klipta, pp. unsuitable, i qfT an-ava-klipti, f. improbability. T an-ava-gata,pp. not obtained; not understood; -graha, a. unhindered. I[qfr an-ava-kkhinna, pp. undistinguished; undefined: -tva, n. abst. v.; -kkkheda, m. undeterminateness. Wlt' an-a-vadya,fp.not unpraiseworthy, blameless, faultless: -ta, f., -tva, n. -ness; -rupa, a. of faultless appearance. Tq- rT W anavadyaaiga, a. (i) of faultless form. [ligence. $-'( [xT1a an-avadhana, n.inattention, negNWI" a-navana, a. (i) not refreshing. -MqJT1T dn-ava-prigna, pp. undivided, connected. q'lq an-ava-buddha, pp.not perceived. t-WqW Tan-avabhasa, m. non-appearance. '^Nq an-avama, spv. not the lowest, high; not worse than (-). [than (ab.). ^IT an-avara, cpv. notlowerthan, higher ~'~ ~ an-ava-rata, pp. uninterrupted, continual: -m, ad. constantly. [pelled. a t'-anT an-ava-rodhya,fp.not to be comTq Tq an-avalambana, n. non-adherence to, rejection. [from pride; m. modesty. Ip'q t an-avalepa, a. unanointed; free sRIqilIa n-avalokayat,pr.pt.not looking towards (ac.). [unseasonable occasion. WRqW'q an-avasara, m. inopportuneness, 'TRfrT an-avasita, f. a metre. -Ti qST an-avasthf, f. endlessness, going on ad infinitum; -na, n. inconstancy; -yin, a. inconstant, wavering. WVTfq- fi an-ava-sthita, pp. unstable, wavering; helpless; faithless; unable to stay; -kitta, a. unsteady-minded: -tva, n. -ness. '4fW'frf'an-avasthiti,f. restlessness; instability. l -ffifWl an-ava-himsita, pp. not killed. W^flfan-ava-hita, (pp.) ad. inattentively WaRT an-ava ipta, pp.not obtained. [(~-). RwVTqf# an-avapti, f. non-obtainment. ^R1WIT an-avapya, fp. unobtainable. M q 'i'qian-aveksha-ka,a.paying no regard to (-~): -m, ad. without looking round; -na, n. disregard, carelessness. 'rI'T an-aveksha, f. regardlessness. '*Tt don-asana, a. having no food; m. fasting; (i)-ta,f. id. iN'rff W dn-asita, pp. not eaten. Nqrl aan-as-nat, pr.pt. not eating. [ing. ^'qITW an-as-nuv-ana, pr.pt. not reach'N^ an-asr$, a. tearless. ^'f an-asva, a. horseless. 'NVT a-nasvara, a. imperishable. WIgqaga-nashta-pasu,a.hvg.lost no cattle. _5F[ 'anas, n. cart (for heavy burdens). NWTs an-asuy-a, a. uncomplaining; not detracting, not envious; kind; -aka, a. (ika) id.; -a,f. non-grumbling, ungrudgingness. w efTW'l a'n-astam-ita, pp. not set; unceasing:.ke, (le.) ad. before sunset. 'Tfif an-asthan, a. boneless. [a. id. 'aif-i an-dsthi-ka, a. boneless; -mat, ^iifl an-aham-krita, pp. unselfish. -* TIW an-ahar-gfta, pp. born on an unlucky day. sr" ana, (in.) ad. ever: with neg. never. ^TqIWan-akampa, a. immovable; -dhairya, a. of immovable firmness. a'fTTfiT i an-a-karnita, pp. not listening. idirfiRl Ran-akasmika, a. not accidental. '^TriF T an-akula, a. not confused; Ul'embarrassed; indifferent. NTM 2l an-a-krishta,pp.not attracted, not. carried away. [(g.). NViTW'4I an-a-kramya, fp. inaccessible to iqTiTfTi an-a-ksharita, pp. blameless. ^T lIT an-a-khyata,pp. undeclared; not indicated. [ing. a T1T ITL an-f-khya-ya, gd. without tell^'iqtl an-a-khyeya, fp. not to be told. ^WRTTr n-aga, a, guiltless, sinless. ITTNnTiraan-a-gakkhat, pr.pt notcoming. JTTwfl a'n-agata, pp. not arrived; impend ing, future; not to be found: -m kri, provide for the future; -vat, a. referring to the future; -vidhatri, a. providing for the future, provident; m. N. of afish; -vidhana, n. provision for the future. ^T7TEl an-fgamana, n. non-return. NR"TIdn-agas,a.blameless, sinless; inno^RlTTlnl an-agas-tvd,n.sinlessness. [cent. -TnI-t' an-A-ghrfta,pp. unsmelt; -purva, a. unsmelt before. T'qTnf an-a-kakshat, pr.pt. not saying. NRT1!TI an-akarana, n. non-performance. WTTnT; an-akara, a. ill-bred; m. bad behaviour. [out permission. nTql —an-fagnai,f.non-permission: in.withRWI'-Ta an-a-gniAta, pp. unknown; unnoticed. I-f'1T an-atapa, a. shady. [not love-sick. 1W fT( an-atura, a. healthy; undaunted; a1'1s an-atma-gna, a.not knowing oneself, foolish: -ta,f. folly. 1l TCH- an-atma-tva, n. not being soul. TRITW, an-atman, m. not soul; a. lacking soul or sense; -Lna, a. of no use to oneself.!WF?4TWi an-atma-vat, a. not self-possessed, beside oneself; -vedin, a. not knowing oneself, not - the Atman: (di)-ta,f. abst. N.; -sampanna, pp. soulless, stupid; uncontrolled; -sat-krita, pp. not appropriated. ^ 7Wt 4l' an-atreyl, f. woman who has not bathed after menstruation. wTrW I. a-natha, a.unprotected, helpless; -vat, ad. like one helpless. [lessness. wiTTe 2. a-natha, n.unprotectedness, help=N< n an-adara, m. disrespect, disregard, indifference, towards (c.): ab. offhand. ^RTql, an-adarana, n. disregard. iTft an-adi, a.having nobeginning; -ta, f. abst. Nv. [unordered. ACT[rf an-a-dishta, pp. not prescribed; NRjTi I t an-adinava, a. blameless. [ed. Nl-RTTan-a-drita,pp.despised; disregard'WT-M an-a-dri-tya, gd. without regarding. [admissible. ta'nan-a-deya,fp. nottobe taken; inr^ 'krT an-ldesa, m. absence of an injunction; -paribhasha, f. explanatory rule regarding non-specification (of deity andmetre). RTWT an-adyd,fp, not to be eaten. SRT ti-i an-.di ananta, a. lacking beginWRTl Tf an-adianta, a. id. [ning or end. ~wlTflv an-adhi, a. free from care. R'ifT dn-a-dhrishta, pp. unconquered. NRTr' an-a-dhrishyd, fp. unapproachable; unconquerable. NFi-Wf gan-a-nata, pp. unbowed. R'ITqT an-apad,f. absence of calamity: Ic. except in distress or trouble. ^TfWfi in-api, a. lacking friends or kin. RT6in-apta,pp. unattained; notreaching iT-f# arn-fpti, f. failure. [to; unskilful; 14 TWM0T an. 'NMITJ an-ftptrei, a. not obtaining [to. IJMR~q7an-ftp-nuv-at,pr-pt. not attaining W'TI an-ftpya, fp. unattainable. N7FTI + an-ftmaya', a. not fatal; healthy, well; salutary; spared by (ab.); ss. health, welfare; -prasna, m. enquiry after health. ~iT;_Rf~iIT d-namid fa (the nameless), ring-finger. W'~iTTT an-ft-mukta, pp. not yet worn. ~'rMiP an-a-rnrishta, pp. untouched. ~iIT1W~Ianfmnftya, m. lack of tradition. -NIqT~T a-rnAmya, fp. inflexible. ~rIM1 a-nhya, a. impolitic. -N[T!EM a-nftyaka, a. without a guide. qM IWTff an-ft-yata, pp. not long, short. ~IITTf~T~:ian-ftyati-ksharna, a. not advantagreous for the future. ~W('~T an-fl-yatta, pp. independent; -vr ai-& f. independence. ~A -ka muka, a. not plying his how strenuously. 'NqZWa-f-~~p not gone out of (ab.). 'NiTgTVT~ an-ftyftsa, m. no trouble; indefatigableness; a. causing no trouble. [less. 'NWIT4an -ayudha, a. weaponless, defenceW'TI an-ftyushya, a. shortening life. 'WRVI, an-ft-rabhya, fp -not to be begun; impossible; -arambh-a, m. non-commencement (of, g.); a. unenterprising: -in, a. id. W"r~k an-_a-ruddha, pp. unlimited. 'N W, aiu-aruhya, gd.without ascending, - surmounting, - incurring. [oneself to (ao.). ~WMTYI4 an-ftrogya, a. unwholesome. kWF an-ftrgava, n. dishonest conduct. an-arya, a. ignoble, dishonourable; un-A-ryan; -karmin, a. performing the works of a no-n-Xryan; -ta', f. dishonourableness; -vritta, pp. behaving dishonourably. W'TT an-flrsha, a. not belonging to the 'TRWI an-a~rsheya, a. id. [llishis. 'NqT a —nala, a. stalkless. WrITWWr an-ft-lakshya., fp. invisible. 'NW('PT[ an-Miapan a, nz. n o con versation w. VAq19I #V an-fl-li'1dhla, pp. unlicked. ~~#f*Wan-ft-lokita, pp -not considered. WnF q4nf-oyag-ohvnloe at, not having considered.. TWRI fA~ an-ft-vartin, a. not returning. ~1[T Tfi< a-nftv-ftdi, a. not belonging to the Gana nau. [wounded. 'If an-a-viddha, pp. unpiereced, u.-' TNan-flvila, a. not dim, clear; healthy. N'ITf ~Tan-ftvish-krita, pp. n ot become -M q I I dn-ftvrit, a. not returning. [apparent. W-~T3'dn-fl-vrita,pp.u-nclosed; not fenced in; unintrenched; unprotected. v~WqI ftan-flvrishti~f-want ofrain,drought. 14ptri. w~f'rdia a-nir-va'hya. I ~iT'J i. a-natsa, m. preservation. ~If(2. an-alsa, a. void of expectation. N-TkTqi~ an-blaka, n. fasting; starvation. '9M~~TT'q an-ft-sftsya, fp. unwished 'for. 'i~T'fft an-a'sita, pp. hungry. [ns. abst. Nv. Wwfflr'Ki. an-a'sin, a. not eating; (si)-tva, _N f4T2. a-nalsin, a. unperishing. N'qIIf" an-fts-ishtlha, spy, slowest. NqTf*Tq an.-ftsis, a. undesirable. 'NiT~[an-a'sui, a.not quick, slow. [ftsramas. W-TW an-a'srama, M. none of the 4 (or 3) W'~~~n'saamid'neco~.) ~'T[I2. an-a'sraya, a. defenceless; affording no support; -ta, f. abSt. N. 'NTT' an-fasrava, a. disobedient (to, g.). WTPf an-al-srita,.pp. independent; regardless of (ac.). TW(6.-4fai~s-vas, Pf~pt. not having eaten. 'N(rTvq a-nflshtrd, a. exposed to no danger, 'NWT(~an-fa-sanna,pp.-notnear(g.). [safe. W'TMI an-fasava akhya, a. not called distilled spirit. IW T~f an-faSald-ayat, pr. pt. not obtadning; -ita, -PP. not reached, not attained; -ya, fp. unattainable. 'N-'qTf4[Ui an-fastika, a. unbelieving, godless; -kya, n. unbelief, godlessness. _qI an-fl-sti'rna, pp. uncovered, bare. -.*I1;T an-ftsthbl, f. indifference towards (lo.). urfzva, a. not tasted before. W-79IE7I~f~' an-ft-svftdita, pp. not tasted; WiT an-_a-hata, pp. not struck; unwashed, new. [tion; a. abstaining from food. WhIqT!T ani-fthara, m. abstinence, starva- TfWI I fts n-fthitatni a. ot keeping up the sacred fire; -tafjabst. N. [mnoned. VqK an-ft-hulta, pp. uncalled, unsum'-IMTXT' an-flhv ana, n. not calling; not summoning (legally). 'Nfiftff a-niketa, a. houseless. 'Nf-qf-'qrF a-ni-kshipta, pp. not laid aside. 'Nf'q'W a-nigada, a. only lacking chains. 'V''~ a-nigraha, rn. lack of restraint. 'Vfr;i~Wa-nikaya, a.storeless; m.not storing -mf E~can-ikkhat,pr.pt.notwishing. [up. -Nf7i';JT an-ikkh'a,f. aversion: in.involunw~'~an-it, a. having no it (gr.). [tarily. IVI~ a-nitya, a. transient; temporary; uncertain; inconstant; -t', f., -tva, n. transitoriness, uncertainty, instability. [& then. Nf~qM;a-nityam, ad. not continually, now fT ~anityv tmnan, a. whose soul is unsubdued. TVT~ aidftna, a. groundless. [moon. WfiIfgE'an-id-it, a. having no Y as an it. W~frW' a-nidra, a. sleepless, wakeful; -ta, VirsT a-nidrl, f. sleeplessness. [f. -ness. Vf'ri~f( a-nind-at, pr. pt. not blaming. NfT 4-ninda',f~lack ofblame. [fp.id. 'f1fTa-nind-ita, pp. blameless; -ye, '~r~ra-nipuna, a. unskilful; tactless. Nfq- 4-ni-baddha, pp. unfastened; not caring for (la.); disconnected; not (morally) bound. [immodest; -tva, n. mobility. Wf'"T'T a-ni-bhrita, pp. movable, restless; Vfirf a-nimitta, n. bad omen; a. not to be predicted, precarious; groundless: '-in, -tas, ad. causelessly. [ao., in. watchfully. 6-iih f., absence of winking;W~f~flTM a-nimisbcd, a. not closing the eyes, unwinking, wakeful; -dris, m. fish. ffV-4 ~ a-ni-mishat, pr. p t. unwinking. Nf'OME a-nimesha, a. not winking; m. absence of winking,; _tif. abst. N. ~i~~~a-ni-yata, pp. unrestrained, unlimited, uncertain; unusual; -vritti, a. having no fixed means of livelihood; -veiam, ad. at an uncertain time. [his mind controlled. WTV -iyt mn a.nrot having NftI MI a-niyantrana, a. unconstrained: -mn,a d.without limit, freely; -annuyoga, a. to be asked without constraint. Wff'qiT a-niyantranft, f. absoluteness. -NfvrM;u a-niyama, m. lack of limitation; want of self-restraint. [simile. NfTZ~'W aniyama upamal, f. kind of!WF'q a-ni-yukta, pp. not commissioned, not instructed; unfamiliar with (le.). -Nf~gIgTa a-ni-yug-ya-mfln'a, Pr. ps.pt. unauthorised. [visiting (g.). N f1iI1,i a-nir-iksha-ka, a.not seeing, not 'N'- d-nir-ukta, pp. unexpressed; imZ plicit: said of verses in which the deity is not expressly named. -fT.f I, [a-ni-rfipita, pp. not viewed. Wfirf5PW a-nir-gita, pp. unconquered. wlfvfiW-a-iiir-nikta,pp.unpurified.[justed. V-fITMjfO a-nir-niita, pp. undecided, unadV-4Tf~. a-nirdaya, a. soft, tender: '-, ad. gently. [(after a birth or death); - aha, a. id. Tfk~Ta-nir-dasa, a. not past the ten days NfKfwa-nir-dishta, pp. unindicated; unspecifRed; unauthorised; -ka~ranam, ad. without indicating the reason. ~frra-nirdesa, m. non-specification. Nf'ri~r a-nir-desya,fp.not to be specified.,~nra-daruhapersistent in anger. [undifferentiated; vague. ~frf a-nir-bhinna,pp. uninterrupted; NNIf'i,*~ a-nirbheda, m. non-betrayal. NT anrldt~p~otoogl investigated. [defined (by or as, in.). ~f~'V~.Ta-nir-vakan'iya, fp. not to be -Nf'q4*I'iVi a-nir-varnaniiya, fp.not to be looked at. W~f*IFTW a-nir-vflkya, fp. inexpressible; -vina, pp. unextinguished, unended; untamed, wild; -vahym, gd. without executing. vsffinjr a-niri-vrita. ri an-uttama. 1 15 fU~ra-nir-vrita, pp. dissatisfied, un- 1II -ia.nto o ere -9anuhappy; -vriti, f. lack of pleasure, sorrow. vartin, a. not following base practices. `:firf a-nir-vritta, pp. unaccomplished. ~IItlffI n-ig-'np~tntaigsci =_, ficed. daunted anissefrvediancm. itedty u- jf a-niti, f. bad policy, imprudence, daunednes, elf-eliacefoolish act; -gria,a. impolitic,indiscreet, foolish. VfIqf9 a-nir-vedita, pp. not displayed. Q _ q a istisstra-giia, a. unac~fi'Ta-nirvesa, a. not having atoned quainted with tbe teachings of policy. for his sins. VW~f an-ildrig-atman, a. unique; 'NfM'rrWq a-rsirhana rika, a. ha-ving no- -asaya, a. not having such sentiments. thing wanting in the recitation of the (Ydgy-A) fiIanpstd.p.uwshdor verses. rradi. o re lowan, disagreeable, unpleasant. [girdle. ~f~rif~~ a-irhhdi, a.notresnant ~1 fIIa-nii-rasana, a. not lacking a VA'r 1 dn-ila, rn.wind; Yqyu; vital air (one v~ lan-^irshya, l -shyu, a. not jealous. of the 3humours oftke body); N. of aldksleasa. ~4~ Ansaa.otm teighvngn ~fuTr~ra-niaya a. ot estig, estlss. control over (g.); -tva, n. abst. N. MfT Wr anila atmaga, m. ep.. of Bh'ima. - n-sar,.lordless; not proper wf'igr~w i anila ahati, f. gust of wind, to the supreme being; not master of (g.); f -a- i-vart-kaa turigak, unable to (igIf.). [nothing. not fleeing; -niya,fp. not to be turned back. N#1ift IIaniha-mftna, pr. pt. desiring qfAf~W a-nivarti-tva, a. brave resist- WV1R an-'ihita, pp. not desired. ance; -up, a. not fleeing; not to be stopped. 1114nu, ad. afterwards, then; again; prp. 'Wfi'MTTa-ni-va'r-ana, n. non-prevention; w. ac.: along; towards; over; after; accord-ita pp unindred -y~fp no tobe ept ing to; for (not against); with regard to; w. cc., off, irresistib rd y~j.ntt e. [estig ab., g. after (of time); w. ab. on account of. ~ d-i-visamflna pr.pt.not ~~~ anu-kakkham, ad. on everybank. '~f~pira-nivritta-mafnmsa, a. not re- anu-kathana, n. report. framning from meat. [non-cessation. TIT anu-kanakbalain, ad. above 'Nf*3f-f a-nivritti, f. brave resistance; Knkaa Nf- 4 a-ni-vedya, gd. without reporting!RWMf anu-kampa-ka, a. sympathising 9. with (~O; -na, n. compassion; -niya, f.!RfwJ:( a-nisa, a. continual: '-, -in, ad. -ly. deserving compassion. L _p 'N*W a-ni-satnta, pp. unextinguished. NTnIIT. anu-kamp-a', f. compassion, symnIffJId-i-t, p o rsig -n d pathy with (g., lc., ~O;-in, a. sympathising continually. w.(.-) ~p. tobe feltfor. [of sympathy. 'NV' a-nis-kava. a. undecided; m. inde- ' n-apki~.epeso cision; -kita, pp. "iriesolute; uncertain; -ki NIM anu-kard, a. imitating; m. assistant. tya, gd. without having ascertained. N1th4 anu-karana, n. imitation. IN I rIfiw a-nis-kintya, fp. inscrutable. ~ anu-karsha, M.,0~-andaigf 'NfVi[%' a-nis-keya, fp. unascoertainable. ter; supplying what precedes (gr.); -karshin, Nf-'*+tl'RRa-ih-eshia~p~no copleely a. drawing after; -kalpa, m. secondary rule destryed.sebstitsetedfor an impracticable primary one. destoyed j~ff-ianu-kftfikshin, a. striving after, ~f~an-shayd~. poofaganstarrws. eager; -ka'mi, m. desire, longing; a. conform'Nf-qfIWa-ni-shiddha, pp. unhindered; not ing to one's wish: -in, ad.; -kra, -ka, a. prohbitd. witharrws, imitating; resembling; -karin, a. id.; correA sponding, conforming to, following; -karya, n-sukrn a. not hunting fp. to be represented; n. subsequent business; ~f~w~ a-ishashfyaa. nt fee fom kilam, ad. at the regular time. ~ffa-nish-krita~p~n ited. [lust. V~a~m~anu-kirtana,n. proclaiming, men-,pp~nexpae. tinning; blazing abroad; -kirtya,fp. to be.fj~r. an-ishta, pp. displeasing (to, g.), proclaimed. unpleasant; unlucky,hurtful; forbidde-n,disap- ~ aukta.twr h ak provd o; a.evi, caamiy. [e scrifcedto. facing; suitable; agreeable; favourable; well2. tin-ishta, pp. not sacrificed; not to disposed: -in, ad. on the bank; -ka'rin, a. anihtaganbaa. ill-smelling, showing kindness; -ga, sn. tree growing on anisha-gadhathe bank; -t',f., tva, a. favour; proneness; 'fr a-nishthura, a. not rough, friendly. -na, n. currying favour; -parina'nia, a. terWfipXrf' a-nish-panna, pp. not ripened, minating favourably. spoiled; -tva, a. abst. N. [ot 'qjIjWfq anu-kfilaya, den. P. flatter (ac.). IfN: N, r<a-nih-sarat, pr. pt. not coming ~~VC-i anuktla ukta, n. pleasing speech. 'Wfir an-iha, a. having no 'here,' i.e. not 1,4jif-ff anu-kritijf. imitation; -kritya,fp. troubling about this world. to be imitated; _krishta-tva, n. the being 'NNfIWr a-ni-hata, pp. not slain, supplied from a preceding rule Qqr.). 1"141 dn-ika, a. face, froint; middle; edge, Wi~f anu-klipti,f. peculiarity..point; troop, array,,, army; i-n., f. armny. 'W an-ukta, pp. unuttered, undiscussed; -7 I unsummoned: -tva,n. abst. N.; -k1liva-vakana, a. not having uttered vain words, V~[VWR anu-krama, m. regular order: in. 4~ ab. in order; table- of contents: -na, a. enumeration, -ni,. -ni-ka f. table of contents; Yedic index; -krosa, as. compassion, sympathy with (prati; g., IC., — ): -vat, a. sympathetic, atimat,f. compassionateness; -kshanaai, ad. every moment, continually; -kshapam, ad. every night. N'3qWTftrf Inu-khyhti, f. beholding. WF~~ ann-ga', a. following; flying after; corresponding to (-O); as. follower: pl. retinue; -gati,f. following: -ka, a. following; imutating; conforming to; -gantavya,f.P. to be followed or accompanied; -gaina, as., -na, a. followingo; -gara, m. invitation addressed to the reciter; -gargita, a. echo; -gainin, a. following, obedient to (ac.); m. servant; -girain, ad. on the mountain. W~Tf anu-gita, (pp.) a. imitative song; gitif. a metre; -guna, a. of similar qualities with, corresponding, suitable to ( —s): m ad. according to merit, -tva, a. abSt. N.; -grihita, pp. favoured, obliged; -godain, ad. on the river Goda. VA144i anu-graha, as. favour: -krit, a. giving satisfaction; -na, n. showingfavour; - rthain, ad. in favour of; i-kri, make a token~of favour; -gra'haka, a. favouring, furthering; sn. supporter; -gr&hya, f~p. deserving favour; favoured by (g.); -ghatana, a. continuation. JT anu-karad, a. (i'; c- 'a) following; in. attendant: pl. retinue. [with (in.). Wi r'. anu-kita, pp. studded all along N If2. an-ukcita, pp. unaccustomed; unusual; unfit, unseemly, improper; - artha, a. having an unusual or unsuitable mi~eaning. W~fN W~anu-kint-ana,n.reflexion; 4a,f~id. Tff an-ukka, a. low (birth); -uk-kalat, pr. pt. not departing from (ab.); -ule-kita, pp. -not plucked; — uk-k-hinna,pp unnterrupted, unimpeded; -uk-khishta, (pp.) a. no mere remnant; a. containing no remains of food, clean; -uk-khvasat, pr. pt. not breathing. -NI anu-ga, a. born after, younger; m. younger brother; f a', younger sister; -ganman, m. younger brother; -gfita, pp. V/gan: -ka, a. taking after, like (ac.); -gighrikshai, f.desire to gratify; -givika, as. follower; -giyin, a., as. dependent, inferior; -giivi-sit-kri, sujc;-IVyap. to be lived according to.!9rJT anu-gn-ftJf.consent; leaveto depart; -na, sa. id. -11WZ anu-tata, P- or -in, ad. on the bank; -tarsha, m. thirst; intoxicating drink; -t~pa, m. repentance; pain, woe: -na, a. causing repentance; afflicting; -tstasu, des. a. about to carry out (ac.). va ~an-ut-kiraa, pp. not hollowed out; -ut-khita, (Jop.) as. not uneven ground. i. anu-tta, pp ad. 2. d-nut-ta, pp. invincible. 9~an -uttamna, a. (without a highest), hihest, most excellent; mightiest; -uttara, a. not answering; unanswerable; a. unsatisfactory answer in court: -tva, a. abst. N.; -uttaraiiga, a. not billowy; -uahnaa lack of energy; -utpatti, f. non-production; -tada, m. id.; non-appearance; -usha, m. absence of energy; au~hin, a. weak. willed; -tu a-t'f. unassumingness, modesty; -utsihtra-pada-nya~sa, a. without a 16 16 i*an-uitseka. Nrf~ anu-sakti. I step against the rules of policy; without a word against grammatical rules; -utseka, m. lack of presumption, modesty; -utsekin, a. unassuming, modest, humble. NJ an-udakd, a. waterless; -udaya, m. non-appearance: -bhig, a. not rising (moon). W11k anu-darsa, m. representation, admonition: -ua, n. consideration; -darsin, a. perceiving; considering. ' T~an-udattta, a. not elevated, vulgar; lowered, grave (accent); pronounced with the low tone; m. grave accent; -tara, m. lowered grave accent preceding acute or circum~flex; -tva, n. tonelessness. WJ~Ti. an-uda'ra, a. ignoble. W!( 2. anu-dara, a. ruled by his wife. WlTiP Tan-ud.-Asina, pp. not indifferent to (prati). i. dn-ud-i-ta, pp. not risen (sun). 11tt2. an-ud-ita, pp. undiscussed; not to be uttered. NIR'ffI anu-dina '- or -in, ad. every day. WI~qR anu-divasam, id. IR JTanui-desa, m. subsequent enumeration corresponding to a previous one; injunction; -deham, ad. behind; from behind. WIV an-udghata, m. no jolt, no shock; -ud-dhata, pp. not haughty, humble; -uddhrita, pp. not taken out beforehand. WII an-udyama, m. absence of exertion; -udyoga, m. id.; inactivity; -udyogin, a. not exerting oneself, lazy; -ud-vigna, pp. not agitated, not frightened: -m, ad.; -udvega,m. absence of excitement, calmness: -kara, a. not Cagitating, not frightening; -udvegaka, a. causing no excitement, giving no offence to (g.); -ud-vegayat, pr. pt. not agitating. -N WZ anu-dhftvana, n. running after; cleansing; -dhy~na, n. meditation; -dhya'yin,a. reflecting; indulging in longing; -dhyeya,fp. to be reflected on. -N' anu-naya, a. friendly;' m. conciliation; friendliness,; courtesy; flatteriy. WIMT~anu-nftda, m. echo; sound; -n~din, a. echoing; -na'yaka, a. (ik&') reconciling; -uayana, a. reconciling; -na^yiki6 f. secondary heroine; -nisika, a. nasal; m. nasalised vowel: -bha~va, ma. nasality. ~~W j p:anu-nisam, ad. every night. WTOIiV4 anu-nitijf. friendliness. N!#4auu-neya, fp. to be conciliated. WIA an-un-matta, pp. not mad, sane. W dnfC~ n-un.-m a dit a, es. pp. iunfr en zi ed, restored to one's senses. ~Tf~~an-upakfirin, a. not doing 'or unable- to do a friendly service. W W, an-upa-kramya, OWM1 -kratmya, fp. not to be cured. ~WJRa~n-upa-ghnat, pr.pt. not injuring. 'NWT4Rq au-uPa-harya~f. who need-not be waited on; unpretending; unselfish. 'N 1fW iTanu-pattrikft, f. letter.. WVI anu-padam, ad.-immediately after (g., -P); repeatedly; at every step. [ing. 'Nqff~ anu-padin, a. pursuing, searchNJ4o-c an-upa-deshtavya, fp. not to be reported; -nyasta, pp. unexplained., W 9ffan-upapatti, fi. not coming to pass,impossibility; a. inadmiissible,impossible; -upa-panna, pp. unsuitable; unproved, inadmissible; -upa-bhugyaminna, pr.pt..ps. not being enjoyed (riches); -uqpa-bhogya,fp. not to be enjoyed; -upaina, a. incomparable; -upa-yat, pr.pt. not cohabiting with; -upayukta, p~p. unserviceable, useless; unfit;..upa-yugyamfina,pr.pt.ps.goodfor nothing; -upayogin, a. unserviceable: (i)-tva, n. abst. N.; -uparodha, m. not prejudicing, not injuring: -tas, ad. without inconvenience; -upalakshita, pp. unnoticed; -upalabdhi,f~nonperception; imperceptibility; -upalainbha, m. id.; -upasamhahrin,a. non-exclusive (fallacious middle term); -upasarga, a. not combined with a preposition; -upa-skrita, pp unprepared; simple; unfurnished with (in.); disinterested; -upa-hata, pp. healthy; undisputed: - fitmaka, a. not dejected, cheerful; -upa-hi~a',pp.unconditioned,unlappropriated. 'NiTW7an-upq,~-krita,pp.unconsecrated. W~IT'f anu-pa'ta, m. going after, following; -ka, n. minor crime equal to a mortal crime; -pitin, a. following. ~W77W an-upa f-rata; pp. not desisting from (ab.). [serving. ~TUITR~i anu-p~laka,, a. guardinig, preW~MW an-up~a~labhya, fp. not to be blamned; to be observed. [ing ( —9), W~~ffrffanu-phlin, a. guarding, protecti. anu-pftrva, a. compounded w. anu. 'N J~2. anu-puirva, a. following the one precuding; regular: c'-, -in, ad. in regular order; -sas, ad. in successive order; according to the order of (g.). WI an-upeksha'na, a. not neglecting.; not hvg. the consent of (in.); -tva, n, abst. N. d n-upeta, pp. who has not yet gone to his teacher; -pu'rva, a. id. ~WJI~ff anu-pra-pattavya,fJp. to be followed; -pra-vakaniya,fp. requisite forlearning the Veda; -pravesa, a. entering, penetrating into (feelings, &c.); accommodation to (.0); -prasna, m. enquiry after (g.); -prasaktiyf. connexion; -pra'sa, m. alliteration. 'V W anu-bandha, m. attachment; continuity; series; posterity; consequence; motive; inute letter (gr.); indispensable element: -na, n. uninterrupted series; -bandhin, a. connected with ( —); extensive; lasting long: (i)-tva, n. abst. N.; -bala, n. rear (of a'narmy); -bodha, m. noticing, perceiving; reviving an evaporated smell; -bodhya,fp. to be recognised; to be made acquainted with.!R.4' anu-bhava, m. perception, feeling; spirit; -bhava, m. enjoyment; power, dignity; -bhaVinU, a. perceiving; m. eye-witness; -bhashitri, a. addressing; -bhfhta, 'pp. experienced, felt, enj oyed; -bhfiti, f. perception, apprehension. WIR'anu-mnata,pp.approved; permitted; n. consent: 1c. with the consent of (g.); (inu)inati, f. approbation, assent; -mantri, m. one who assents; -inantrana, n. recitation of averse to (g, — P); -marana, n. following.in deat~h (esp. of widows). WffgT anu-mh, f. conclusion; -ma'dya, fp. to be hailed; -=iu~a, n. inference; argument; -ianana, n. persuasion; -inarga, M. following; seeking: in. after (g.); -minrdava, n. piy -nlini-tiramn, ad. on the bank of the M.; -initi,f. conclusion, inference; -inrit, a. follow ing in death; -ineya,f p. to be inferred. aranu-yflga, m. after-sacrifice: -vat,, a. accompanied with an -; -y~tavya,fp. to be followed; -yitri, m. companion; -yitra, n.,. i, f. retinue; escort; -yaitrika, m. p 1. retinue; -ya'na, n. following; -ya'yi-ta,f. following, -tva, n. id.; -y~yin, a. following; m. follower; -yugain, ad. according to the (4), ages; -yoga, m. question, enquiry; -yogya, fp. at the disposal of (0;to be asked. WITW~ anu-rakta, pp. devoted, attached, fond; -rakti,f. attachment, fondness; -rafiga'ka, a. gratifying; -raiigana, n. gaining the affection of; -rathyif. footpath, pavement; _rafga, m. colouring; redness; affection; attachment; fondness' for (&0); contentment: -vat, a. red; fond; enamouredlof (saha):.ijf. N.: -sriiigravatyau, du.f Anurfigavatl and Srfi- rval;-rgit,f. attachment; -ragin, a. attached to; worldly; enamoured;' lovely; -ritrain, ad. by night. vA!3cIF anu-rfipa, a. suitable; conformable to; fit for (g.): -in, -tas, in. ad: in proportionto ( —2); -rf^paka, a. suitable, conformable, corresponding; -rodha, m. compliance, gratification; regard, consideration; -r6dhana, n. compliance; partiality; -rodhin, a. considuring ( —): ai-~ f. complaisance. W!1I anu-lepa, m. anointing; ointment: -na, n. id.; -lepin, a. anointed w~ith (-0); -loina, a. following the hair, with the grain: oin. in the natural direction, downwards; in. in a friendly way: f. 'a, spell (sc. vidya); girl of lower caste than the man. she marries: -ga, a. born of such a union; -loinana, a. putting in due order; n. purging. NiiMan-ulband6, a. not too much or, too little, moderate; -u1-1aiigh-anIYa,fp. not to be infringed; -ita, pp. not transgressed. WI anu-vamsa, m. genealogical table; a. equal by birth: -mn, by birth; -vamsya, a. relating to one's genealogy; -vikana, n. repetition; study; lesson; -vanain, ad. in the forest; in every forest; -vana antamn, ad. in the forest; -vandin, a. praising; -vaprain, ad. on the bank; -vartana, n. continuationl; compliance, tractableness; -vartanya fP. to be followed; -varti-tva, n. compliance; -vartin, a..- following, yielding, obedient; -~vartinan, a. following, serving; -vartya, fp. to be followed; -vasa, m. obedience; a. obedient; -vashat-kara, m. repetition of the concluding sacrificial invocation. 'N 'q~ anu-vftkd, m. repetition; lesson, section (of a V~edic. text); _Vakya,fp. to be recited; f. i, verse to be recited by the Hotri or ]Jiaitrafraruna -priest. 'NTc~-anu-v'akjf.=anu-vakyfl; -vita, m. following wind; _Vada, m. repetition; rediscus'sion; translation; _Vadin, a. repeating; harmonising with, like; _Vasaramn, ad. day by day; -va'sin, a. abi ding, (in, -0); -vidhayin, a. con~formiing to; compliant, obedient; -vidheya,fpv. to be conformed to; to be prescribed according to (in.); -vritta, p~p. oval; n.. obedie'nce, compliance; -vritti,f. continuance; carrying on a word to afollowing siltra (gr.); repetition; compliance; conformity with; attacbment. [sionally. ITRK( anu-velamy ad,. continually; occaW3 anu-vesa, m. entering. W~IERN anu-vyatdha, n fillin~g; ~-vylharana, n. repeated recitation; -_vyihara, M. cursing; -vragya, fp. to b~ accompanied; -vragyy,f. attendance en a person departimig; (Anu)-vrata, a. devoted to (ac., g.). Wilf-W anu-sakti, f. a'subordinate Sakti. iWJ!q. anu-saya. Nir wrantar-dhana. 1 17 W~jRqanu-saya, m. repentance; revocation (of a bargain): -vat, a. penitent;;- kshepa, m. implication of remorse: a rhet. figure; -Sasana, n. instruction; precept, doctrine; order; -sksautya,jp. to be instructed; to be punished; -4sitri, m. guide, teacher; %-s sin, a. chastising; -sa'stijf. instruction; -sikshin, a. acquiring, practising; -sishta, pp. Vsbqs; -susritsh&,f (dIesiN.) obedience; -sokana, n. lamentation; -sokin, a. lamenting for (O;-sYobhin, a. splendid. -~-44, anu-shafiga, m. attachment to (lc.); longing; immediate consequence; -shaiigin, a. attached; prevailing; necessarily following from (g.); -shaiiganliya, fp. to be supplied from the context.. a nu-shtutij. praise. iTanu-shtulbb, a. shouting after; f. song of praise; a metre (4 x 8 sylIlab les).-Vu11 anua-shthh-tavya,fp. to be done, to be executed; -shthitri, m. performer; -shthaua, a. practice, performance; -shtha'pana, n. causing to perform; -shthaAyin, a. practising, performing,; -shthita, _pp. done, performed; -shtheya, fp. to be accomplished.,%1%NTanu-shthy'a,ad.immediately —atonce. wff an-ushna, a. nothot, cool, cold: -a,..tva, n. abst. N.; -sita, a. neither hot nor cold. VA'~I~ anu-shvadbdm, ad. willingly. WjRfffanu-sarntati, ad. in uninterrupted succession; -s.amtatna, m. offspring, son; -samdhftavya, fp. to be heeded, to be attended to; -samdhana, n. carefuil attention, application; scrutiny; -samdheya, jp. to be attended to. anu-sara, a.(]') following; conformiu~g to:. -na, n,. following, pursuing; _Sanu, ad. on the ridge of the hills; -sa'ra, m. following, pursuing; conformity; (legal) precedent: -tas,in. according to (-O); _sarin, a. following, attendanton; seekingout; aimingat; conforining to; adhering to; -seva', f. service, attendance; -sevin, a. addicted to, practising(O) ~I~anu-stdraniif. cow killed at furneral sacrifices, with whose pieces the corpse is covered limb for limb; -smarana, n. recollection; -syfita-tva, n. passing through (0 as a thread; -svra, m., nasal sound of a vowel (gr.). 'N tinfika, m. n. spine. '~IT' anft-kftsd, m. regard, reference. Wfq~Tfanu fik-An Apfp.k learned; modest; -miniu, a. proud of learning. ~Wyql an mIAH, f, of anv-aiik. N"~Tlf anumk-ind, a. successive; proud of knowledge. ~iq T an-~dh a pp. f unmarried. N 1T* a-n-fdaka, n. lack of water, drought. d~W iT -fina, pp. complete, entire; not less than (ab.); a-, ad.very, exceedingly; -vastuka, a. Of complete content or essence. Wq anuipa' [anu+np-a], m. shore; moorland; reservoir; N. of a maritime country. WI! an-iaru, m. (thighless), dawn (personified as the sun's charioteer or brother). N!~[T anul af. N. of a river. -N ( anuti sh-i-vas, pf. pt. of N'vas. NK an-r-ikshard, a. thornless; -nhk, -rika, a. not versed in the llig-veda; -rig-fi, a. not straight; dishonest; -rink, a. unindebted: at,f -tva, n. -ness (to, g.); -rin atkritya, a. intention of paying one out; -rina akartos,,g. inf. to free from debt; -rinin, a.-free from debt. '"f dn-rita, a. wrong; untrue, lying; n. wroug; fraud; lie; -pfirvam, ad. falsely; -maya, a. false, lying; _vak, a. lying; m. liar; -adin, a. id.: (di)t& fa untruthfulness; -samhita,a.not keeping engragements; - abhisamsana, a. false accusation. Mf' i an-rii-aa. lying; m. liar; -ritin, a.,mid.; -ritu,m.wrong season; wrong time for sexual intercourse. N*Efi an-eka, a. more than one, various: pl. many, several; -tva, n. plurality; -dha', ad. into many parts; in many ways; -pa, m. elephant; -pitrika, m. pl. grandsons with different fathers; -buddhi, f. manifold conception (ph.); -yuddha-vigayin, a. victorious in many battles; -rumpa, a. manifold, multiform; -V3ipayin, a. frequently victorious; -vidha, a. manifold: -tva, a. abst. N.; -sas, ad. in large numbers; repeatedly; -samnsayaiju/khedin, a. dispelling many doubts; -samsthahna, a. having various forms, vaniously disguised; -saiikhya, a. very numerous. *WMWF[ aneka anta, m. no absolute case; i-ka, a. not to the point, irrelevant. ~'Nit~t'Tf[ aneka upavatsa, nm. much fast6 t-nedya, a. blameless. [ing-. Ni~van-enads, a. guiltless; faultless, sinl-D less; -evam-vid,a..nothavingsuchknowledge; -ehks, a. umequalled;. safe; m. time; -okaha, qn. tree (not leaving home); -omkrita, pp. unaccompanied by em; -ogas,. a. powerless, weak. W'q4Mano-ratha, m. pl'. carts and warchariots; -v'mhyi,fjp. to be conveyed in carts; n. cart-load: -in, ad. by the cart-load. 'NWirf~~qan-aukitya,n. unusualness; -auddhatya, n. lack of arrogance; lowness of water; -aushadha, a. no remedy; a. incurable. NR a'nta, m. (a.) border, edge, limit; proximity; end; death; final letter, last word (gr.); acme, height (of, g.); conclusion; solution; settlement; condition; interior; -2, ending with: -in, ad. up to, into: lc. finally; near; in presence of; in (0'); a. lovely.:w'*P antnh-karana, a. the internal organ (ph.); heart; -kopa, m. internal anger; -Pura, 'n. (inner city), royal citadel; harem], women's apartments; Sg. & p1. wives of a king: -kara, m. harem-attendant, -gana, m. women of the harem, -vriddh&,f. old female attendant of the harem; -purika f. woman of the harem; -prakriti, f. _p. constituent elements of the state except the prince. -Moc auta-ka, a. ending, destroying; m. death; Yama; -pura, a. city of Yama. WWM anta-kara, a. making an end, killing: -na, a. id.; a. destruction. -Mc lM anta-kala, m. hour of death; -knit, a. making an end; ms. death; Yama; -ga, a. going to the end' of; thoroughly versed in (0'); -gata, pp. ended; final; -gamana, n. coming to the end of (g.); -tfis, ad. from the end; with the extremities; at the end of (g.); finally; -pa'1a, m. boundary watchman.!RM tinta-ma, spy, next; intimate, very dear; last; m. neighbour. ~1antdr, ad. within, inwards; prp. in, within (g., lc., 0'); between, among (acc, g. lc.); out of (ab., g.). Wiff'K dinta-ra, a. intimate; inner; other; is. interior; interval, distance; entrance; time, while; opportunity, weak point; difference, species, peculiarity; surety; -'other, different, special, peculiar: -mn, ad. inwards, within; further; into the midst of (g -); in. between, within, during, after (acc P); without, except; on account of, with regard to (ac., g.); ab. out of, after (-0); lc. (also p1.) in, within; meanwhile, on the way; during, after ( —0); between, among (g., 0L); (e)tasmin -, (t)atra -, meanwhile. [ —); distant. ~'NTKWW antara-gata, pp. being within (g., Ng" 3wantar-afmga, a. inner; intimate; akin; a. internal organ, heart. N R~antara-gita, a. discriminating: t' f. discrimination; -tara, cpv. very intimate with (g.); -t~s, ad. within; prp. within (g.); from within (-0); -patita, pp. vanished, =not coming into consideration; -pfrrusha, m. soul; -prabhava, a. of intermediate origin, i. e. of mixed caste; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to obtain an. opportunity; -stha, a. being within (g., -20); inner; m. surety; witness; -sthita, pp. standing within (-0). -N~Tantar'a, ad. amidst, betwveen;,therein; further; on the way; near; almost; in the interval; now and therm; antar' u~tara, now and then,here andthere; repeated: one timeanother time; prp. between (cc., lc.); during without, except (cc.). [through between. WifT I9T antara-gamana, n. going WW~RT[7TT antar-agftra, a. interior of a house; _Atman, m. soul, heart; self. -mf Tfi anatara~anveshin, a. seeking an opportunity. 'NiRTVI antar-ftya, m. obstacle; interval. ' goRt, -I antar-ftla, a. interval: lc. on th e way, meanwhile; intermediate caste; -bhu, f. space between (g.). -Mrt-4 f!_ antara-vedif partition. anttir-iksha, a. sky. [air; in. bird. -M"If 'I~q antariksha-ga, a. moving in the ~ifiantar-ita, pp. (Vi) retired; exclu ded, separated; intervening; distant; being in a state (-0); hidden, by (in., 0'), obstructed by (.-0). Ni f - antar-indriya, a. internal or'WiffTI antari-kri, take between.. [gnu. WWI1antar-iksha, a. sky; -ga,.a.,moving in the air; m. bird. 'IR Ot -, antariya, an. under-garment. We q antar-ushya, m. station, restingplace. NiUIIWI~ antar-gata, pp. gone within, entered; inward, inner; hidden, secret; vanished; contained in, being in (P); -gala-gata, pp. sticking in the throat. _4q -q antar-gala-kara, a. living in the water; -niv~sin, a. id.; -supta, pp. sleeping inthewater; - ogha, m. nternalmass ofwater. V4 F 1T antar-ga'nu, a. holding the hands between the knees; ad. between the knees; -gyotis, a. having its light tsernsed inwards; a-. internal light. W ti4Tgantar-dasa aha, m. interval of ten days; -duhkha, a. inwardly grieved; -dushta, pp. inwardly bad, wicked, vile; -dhana, a. inner treasure; -dh a, a. cover D 1 8 18.:Ii f4 antar-dhi. Nq~ anvaya. ing; disappearance: -m gain, - i, - vrag, disappear; -dhi, mn. concealment: -m gain, disappear; -dhairya, n. inward firmness; -niihita, pp. placed within. WWRTIRantar-bftshpa, mn. restrained tears; a. restraining the tears; -bhavana, ad. in or into the house (O~-); -bh~va, mn. inclusion in (lc.); disappearance: -m gain, disappear; -bha'vita, pp. included; -bhu~ta, pp. conta-ined in (lc.): -tva, a. abs. -Y.; -bheda, mn. internal rupture; -mada avastha, a. whose rut is still within, i. e. has not get outwardl~y shown itself; -mandira, n. harem; -manmatha, m. concealed love; -inukha, a. entering the mouth; turned inwards. ~U'Tf antar-yftma6, m. Soma draught while suppressing the breath; -y~imin, mn. the inner guide; -lagga', f. inward shame; -IipikM^,f. riddle containing its own solution; -lina, p.p. -,II. Wift E antar-vamsika, m. superintendent of the harem; -vat, a.,f -I & -nli, pregnant; -vastra, n. under-garment; -vani, a. learned; -sa, mabiding in (-O); -vaisas, a. under-garment; -va~sika, mn. = -vainsika; -visha, a. poisonous within; -vedi, mn. _plI. inhabitants of Antarvedi; -vedi,f. N. of a country between the Ganges and the Yamund. Wii'TRj antar-hftsa, m. suppressed laughter: -in, ad. with suppressed laughter. WRTgf antar-hita, P.P. (V'dha^) vanished. Wiff'gff anta-vat, a. having an end, finite, perishable. WWM antas-kara, a. moving in the body; -kaitanya, a. internally conscious. TW T, antah-salya, n. arrow (fig.) in the heart; -sava, a. containing a corpse; -sleshk, in., -na, n. connecting frame. WW~if-r-ITfT anta-satkriy', f. last honour (to the dead). ~Wif'[fT'9 antas-ta'pa, m. inner heat; a. glowing within; -toya, a. containing water within. 'Nq*;V antah-samgngia, a. internally conscious, showing no consciousness; -sattva, a. inner nature; -salila, a.whose waters are hidden: -m,ad.in the water; -salila-stha,a.standing in the water; -sa~uu, ad. in the mountain ridge; -sgra, n. inner content or worth; a. hvg. force or water within; - sukha, a. hvg. his happiness within; -stha, a. being within (g., -0). 'NfT9 f ~ ~navst in,., ka'nda'la. Wf~if dnti, ad. opposite; before; near; prp. near to (g., — ) Tfi anti-k a, n.vici-nity, presence: -m, ad. near, up to; ab. from near; close to; from; in., lc. near, close to, before (g,0;-kara, a. moving about (0 Mwffdurti-tas, ad. from near. i'fqff anti-ma, a. last, final. ante —vftsa, mn. neighbour, companion; -va'sin, in. (abiding near), pupil. ~'V4"I %TI~ anta udaitta, a. having the acute accent on the last syllable; -tva, n. abst. v. -.I 4dntya, a. last; lowest; n. man of lowest castejf. 'a, woman -; -karman, a. last act, cremation; -ga, a. born in the lowest caste (also N.); -ganinan, a. id.; -giti, a. id.: -t&,f. abst.. N.; -yoni, a. of the lowest birth. W; antra, ns. entrails. NlTandu, andki f. chain; esp. footchain, anklet. wwY~t~Vr andolana, is. swinging. [dolita. W~ifOR andolaya, den. P. swing: pp. anTF4 andhd, a. blind, dim; pitch-dark; blinded, obscured by(0) NF14andha-ka, a. blind; m. N. ofan Asura:. -ghatin, rn?. N. of Siva; -ripu, in. id. N~iW~iTanrdha-kflra, a. dark; n. -ness:a. f.id.; -maya, a. dark. N RifC' andha-kftrita, pp. darkened, wrapt in darkness. '~~~ nha-kfpa, in. hidden well, pitfall; -tamasa, n. thick darkness;a -t,. -tVa, n. blindness; -ainisra, s.thick darkness; blindness; N. of a hell. WN' andhaya, den. P. blind. NWMaudha-vat, ad. as if blind. NN.dndh-as, n. darkness. [juice; food. N U2. 4udhas, n. herb; Somia plant or NiTh andhil-kri., blind; -bhu', become NM andhu, in. well. [blind. N andhra, n.N.of apeo~ple; a mixed caste. 'N dn-na., (pp.) n. food, esp. rice; grain of rice. NffqT1R anna-kftma, a. desirous of food; -da, a. giving food; -daftri, m. giver of food; -da'na, a. gift of food; -dosha, m. offence in diet, eating forbidden food; -pakti,f. preparation of food; -pati, mn. lord of food (Savitri, Agni, or Siva); -prada, a. bestowing food; -prasana,n.firstfeeding ofaninfa~ntwithrice; -bhatta, mn. N. of an author; -maya, a. consisting of food; -minaa, n. secretion of rice; -yoni, arrack; -rasa, n. sg. & mn. pl. food & drink; taste in preparing food: -maya, a. consisting of food & drink; -vait, a. hvg. food, rich in food; -vika'ra, in. transformation of food: -tva, n. abst. N.; -samska~ra, in. preparation of viands. anna ad- a, a. (a', 'I) eating fo od; -in, a. id.; -ya, a. nourishment: akma, a. desirous of nourishment. Twr anna rtha, a. desirous of food, hungry. NT~ annat-vrfdh, a. refreshed by food. NW anyd, a. (n. -d) other; different from (ab.,-'~); a certain; common; anya -anya, the one - the other; anyak /ka, and besides, moreover. -Mwi4'4* anya-kartri-ka, a. hvg. another agent (gr.); -krita, pp. done by others; -kshetr&, n. foreign country; -gata, pp. referring to another; -gainin, a. adulterous. NWVI'ff a-nyahga-sveta, a. pure white. NTf~IE anya-kitta, a. thinking of another; -kinta f. thought of another;-ets a. thinking of another; distraught; -ga, a. begotten by another; -ganman, a. future life; -g~ta, pp. produced by another; in. bastard; -tama, spy, one of several; one or other of (g., -.0); -tara, cpv. either of (g.); re~peated: the one - the other: -sy~im, (lc.f) in either way (gr.); -tra, ad. on eith er. v'RR( anya'-tas, ad. = ab. or lc. of anya; from-, elsewhere; to another place; re~peated: on the one side - on the other. W;RMT anya-ta', f., OIR -tva, n. difference. WR anyd-tra, ad.=lc. of anya; elsewhere, to another place; on the other hand, otherwise; elsewhere, otherwise than., except (ab.): at another time than (-0). 114,IXT anyd-thaf, ad. otherwise; differently, wrongly: -kri, actotherwise, -wrongly; treat otherwise, change; take wrongly; frustrate. 'VT 7JPIanyathat-darsana,na. wrong investigation (leg.); -prathaq f. becoming different; -buddhi, f. prejudice; -bha'va, Mn. change; difference; - abhidhfina, a. false evidence; -vdin, a. giving false evidence, raising a false suit: (di)-tva, a. abit. N.; -vritti, a. of changed mood, agitated; -sarnbhgvana, f. false supposition; distrust; -sambhivin, a. distrustful; -siddha, _pp. falsely proved; -siddhi, f. false proof; -stotra, a. ironical praise. [day, once. iTIIVT~ anya-da, ad. at another time; one I~aIW41ny ad-iya, a.belongingtoanother. 'M f41 f anya-nimitta, a. having another cause; -pushta, as,,f. Indian cuckoo (nourished byothers); -pfirv&,f. promised or married to anothermanbefore; -bga-ga, a. begotten of another's seed; -bhr itA, (pp).cko (reared by others); -mnanas, a. thinking of or meaning something else; -xntri;-ka, ahaving another mother; -inatri-ga, in. son of another mother; -inhnasa, a. = anya-manas. 93 qW anya-ruipa,n.another form; (any&-), a. of different form, changed in form; -ripin, a. id.; -1okya, a. destined for another world; -va'din, a. = anyathA-vadin; -vishaya, a. having another object; relating, to something else; (k) -vrata, a. serving others; pDerfidious; -saiskita, a. distrustful; -saiiketa, a. having another appointment; consortinig with others; -stri-ga, a. adulterous. 1401T~ anyaafika-supta, pp. having slept in another's arms.!WUR~'~!q anya'-driksha, -drs's (nra. k or fi; f id.), -drisa (i), a. of a different kind; strange; not as it should be; like others, common. N-W' a-nyaya, Ms. Unseemly behaviour, unlawful conduct; -vartin, a., -vritta, pp., -vritti, a. behaving unbecomingly. 4'~TfTN# a-nyftyin, a. ill-conducted. VAWT~ a-nyftyya, a. illegal. NW.T14 anya artha, ms. another person's affair; a. having another purpose or sense. 4a-ni fna,pp. not too little, sufficient; - arthavidin, a. adequately expressive. ~~anye-dy-is,ad.onthefollowingday; one day. t~~anyi~pdarya, a. born of another womb; in. half-brother. anyo rnya, ms. f. (used in oblique cases only) one another: '~-, mutual, -ly, reciprocally; -kalaha, a. quarrelling together; -kritya, a.p. reciprocal services; -aa p reciprocal; -bhfiva, mn. mutual exchange of condition; - abha~va, Ms. mutualnon-existence; -ipaina, f. mutual simifle. [tes tTi anyavapatftpin, a. paining -Mq-ffanujiksham, ad.imnmediatelyafter. 'J~q anuanik, a. (anfiki') following after (ac.); anvak, ad. behind; after (ac.). -Jwf anuaya, int. progeny; race, family; connexion; attraction; -vyatirekin,'a. con I~fg'r I qwanvayin. wqcrwr apara'nta. 1 19 I I nected with and excluded from a thing; - gata, pp. inherited. anva-yin, a. belonging to or connected with the same family; resultingfrom anything. ~74anu artha, a. appropriate; obvious; - abhidha, a. appropriately designated. lqv q - anu aveksh-a',f. regard,cousicleration; -in, a. circumspect. IqTqW anuashtakftJf dayafter the AshN;ET;anuahdm, ad. day by day. [takfi. V-qITfVT anujadhi, m. object handed over for delivery to a third person; - fidheym, -km, n. property obtained by a woman after marriage; - Arohana, n. mounting the funeral.pyre afrter the husband; - asana, n. sitting down after another; attendance on; - hr a n. new moon funeral feast in hon~our of Manes: -pfikana, n. southern sacred fire. -Ifi annujta, pp. (~,/) accompanied by, possessing(0 a-nuesha, in., -na, n., -n&,f search, quest, investigation; -ka, a. searching after; -niya, fp. doubtful, questionable. *~f~~anvesh-in, a. seeking; -tavya,pp.to be sought or found out; -tri, m. searcher; -ya, fp. to be sought or found, out; doubtful. s,1:I- i. AP. be active, work. W2. 6p, work. jq3ap, f. pl. (also sg. in V.) water. 'IM dpa; ad. off, away (0-); *prp. away from, except (ab.). WqIOi apa-kartana, n. cutting in pieces; -kartri, mn. injurer; -karman, n. delivery; -karsha, m. removal; decrease; deterioration; low position; annulment; anticipation (yr.); -karshaka, a. diminishing, detracting; -karshana, a. id.; n. removal; degradation; -karshin, a. drawing away; -kalmasha, a. free from sin; -kara,nm., -ta',f bhurt, injury; -ka'rin, a. injurious; offensive; mischievous; -kirtya, fp. dishonourable. -kriti, f., -kritya, n. ==apa-kfira; -krishta, -PP. low, inferior, mean. departure; -k ama, in. id.; escape; -kriya, f. delivery; injury; wrong procedure. NtIM a-pakva, pp. unbaked; undigested; immature;,..t,f. immaturity.!WI'q' a-paksbd, a. unwinged; _Patin, a. not flying with wings; siding with Vishnu. ~t~~apa-kshaya, m. decrease. Nti'q-#"tl a-paksha-lopa, in. non-loss of wig;asda, in. id. ltiv41 Jpa-ga, a. turning away from (ab.). NR1ffjfit-Ucf apa-gata-tegas-ka, a. void of light; -pas&s, a. id. [appearance; lapse. -NtiiIT apa-gama, in., -na, n. departure, dis - q#13c apa-gargita, a. thunderless. VqffJ1L apa-guna, a. void of excellences. W'E i. apa-ghana, m. body. tfff2. apa-ghana, a. cloudless. tIEIII? apa-gh~ta, in. warding off; -ka, a. warding off, dispelling. 'Q4VTIj apa-ghrina, a. pitiless, cruel. iqa-paftka, a. mireless, dry; -ta'f. -ness. J'q1 apa-kaya, in. decrease, diminution; - _rtpp.) n. transgression; -k'r~. at death; transgression; -hirin, a. deviating fr.; erring; faithless (wife). [tion; atonement. W' apa-kkhattra, a. lacking an umbrella; -khh~ya, a. shadowless; -khheda, in., -na, n. cutting off, separation, division. '4M!T~apa-gdta, pp. degenerate; -gigha'Msu, des. a. desirous of warding off (ac.); -gihirsh', f. desire to rob; -gihirshu, des. a. intending to rob; -gya, a. lacking a bowstring; -gvara, a. feverless. Wqft a-panlk'i-krita, O;,f -bhuita, pp. n. pl. not yet become five (elements). Tr i-q 4 a-pat'i-kshepa, in. not tossing aside the curtain:- (e)-na pra-vis, enter (the) stage) suddenly and impetuously. W19i a-patu, a. not scorching (rays); useless, incapable; -tva, n. incapacity. '%N 1 tfilS a-pandita, a. unlearned, illiterate; stupid; -ta',f. folly. W1TM a-panya, fp. not to be sold; n. ware -that may not be sold. [widowed. Wqif~f a-pati, a., f. -ka', id. -unmarried; Wtqffftf a-patita, pp. not outcast; not forfete; ayoxnya-ty'gin, a. forsaking each other without losing caste. [husband. f~~ia-pati-vratfl, f faithless to her N4-aWT~kapa-tushatra, a.free frommiist; -ta, NItMjiha-patni-ka, a-wifeless. [f.abst. N. IMM apa-tya, n. offspring, progeny, child; -duhkha eka-maya, a. consisting solely of grief for children; -vat, a. possessed of offspring; -sneha-kripa'-maya, a. filled with love and pity for children. ~Wq1I'![ apa-trap-ana, n., 4,f. shame, embarrassment. Ij T a-patha, n. no way, pathlessness; wrong way; bad course; wrong place: in. -not in the usual way; a. pathless; inaccessible; -prapanna,.pp. misplaced; -hara, a. choosing the wrong way. Wq'Wa-pathya, a-notbeneficial,unsuitable; unwholesome; -ka~rin, a. intriguing against (0-): (i)-tva, n. abst. N.; -bhug, a. eating unwbolesomefood. NtI a-pdd, a. (f=m., or 4i) footless. T i. 6-pada, n. no abode; wrong place. W i 2. a-pada, a. footless. '~IT4TuIV apa-dfina, n. heroic deed; -desa, in. advice; designation; pretext, appearance; -desin, a. disguised as (O;-desya,f~p. to be indicated; -dosha, a. faultless: -9, f. -ness. WtIV[ a-padma, a. lacking a lotus. Wq apa-dravya, n. bad ware; -dha',f. hiding-place; -dhiima, a. smokeless: -tva, n. -ness; -dhya'na, n. disfavour, malice; -dhvamsi, in. degradation: -ga, in. child of a mixed marriage; -dhvasta, pp. degraded. it4 i apa-naya, ic. in. takiug away; exp ulsion; 2. in. imprudence: -na, a. taking away; n. wiping away, removal; -nayin, a. imprudent; -nidra, a. blossomed; -ninishu, des. a. wishing to expel (ac.); -nirvina, a. not yet ended; -nuttijf. rem-oval; atonement; -nunut-su, des. a. wishing to remove, - to expiate (aa.); -neya,fjp. to be removed; -noda, m. expulsion, removal; atonement: -na, a. removing; n. removal. iy~~- anth -d'yin,a.notmaking wayfor another. [yet fallen out. N 4 1a-panna-da, a. whose teeth have not ~~apa-payas, a. waterless; -pakra, a. excluded from the use of utensils; _Padatra, a. unshod; -pidaf. sudden and dangerous attack of disease. WtTRM apa-bbaya, a. fearless; -bhartrzf, Mn. remover; -bhramsA, in. fall; ungrammatical form; vulgar dialect; -bhrashta,pp. debased, corrupt, provincial (dialect). 9AtI # apa-ma, spv. last, furthest; -marsa, in. cnat-nna n. (n.) disregard, disrespect, contempt; -ma^rga, i. in. wiping off; 2.mi. by-way; _Margana, a. wiping off, removing; n. cleansing; -mud,a.disagreeable; -mriga, a. deerless; -mrityu, m. untimely death; mortal danger; -megha udaya, a. free from the rise of clouds; -yasas, n.i dishonour, disgrace; -yitavya,fp. n. it is needful to flee; _Yana, n. going away, retreat, flight; -yodha-rava, a. no longer raising a battle-cry. -tIII R3q a-payodhara-vflrana, a. not delayed by clouds; -samsarga, a. lacking contact of the breasts. WqIK i. dipa-ra, a. hinder, further; later, following; western; to the west of (ab.); inferior; other; different from (ab.); opposite; strange, unusual: -i, ad. subsequently, in the future, after; moreover, besides; to the wvest of (ab.); in. elephant's hind foot. tR2. apa-rd, n. future; -karya, n. later transaction. ~TW2KW apa-rakta, pp. bleached, pale. WqK[faaagaab~~etr ocean. NWCkft( apara-tas, 0O74 -tra, ad. elsewhere. W'', a-para-tva, O14 -ka, n. not being far NqW~kWT apara-thfl, ad. otherwise. [(ph.). Vf apara-dis, f. west; -dikshin, a. taking, the later consecration. W'CRtI' apara-pakshd, m. second half of the lunar month; -ritrib, in., i,f. second half of the night; -vaktra, n. a metre. 44 t jI t_ a-parasu-vrikna, pp. not felled with an axe. Vq ~ a-paraspara-sambhfita, pp. not produced one from the other. WRT apa-ra'ga, in. aversion, hostility. ~Wq Ka-parafi-mukha, a.withuLnaverted fce: -in, ad. unreservedly. NW1TN -parft-gita,pp.unconqueredjunconquerable; in. N. of a mythical sword; f. a, N. of a herb; a metre. culpable; n. guilt; -r~ddhijfmistake, error; -addhri, a. guilty of an offence or crime; offending. ~fT Iapa-rfldha, in. transgression, guilt, offense: -vriksha, in. tree of transgression; -r'adhika, a. guilty; without]Rfidhikfi; -rdhin, a.-Iuilty, offending; (i)-t&, f. guiltiness. WICTRI apara anta, a. living in the extreme west; in. western region: pl. its inhabitants; end, death; lower part of an elephant's hind foot; -km, n. kind of sony. I 20 1NqT*R apararka. Nf-qik-qm a-pitri-devatya. a T4-ii apara arka, m. N. of a commentator. lMT rrW1 71r a-paravritta-bhagadheya, a. to whom fortune does not return; m. unlucky wight. 1t1l apara ahn, m. afternoon. 14f't-iRT a-pari-krama, a. unable to walk about; -klishta, pp. not sickly; -klesa, m. welfare; -kshata,pp. unhurt; -kshina-sakti, a. of unimpaired strength: -tva, n. abst. N.; -ganayat,pr. pt. unreflecting; -gata,_pp. unknown, inscrutable; -graha, m. poverty; a. poor; wifeless. '- r[ iI a-pari-kaya, m. unfamiliarity; -kalita, p. unmoved, immovable; -kita, pp. unknown, unfamiliar; -kyuta,pp. not having deserted; -kkhada, a. destitute of retinue or baggage; -kkhinna, pp. unlimited; -kkheda, m. lack of decision; irresolution; want ofj udgment: -kartri, a. not deciding rightly; -gata, pp. premature, still-born. ^[f!t a-pari-tushta, pp. not pleased; -tosha, a. dissatisfied; m. dissatisfaction; -tyakta, pp. unforsaken; -tyagya, fp. not to be forsaken; -tyaga, m. non-abandonment; -tyagya,fp. not to be abandoned; -nirvana, pp. not quite extinguished or ended; -nishthita, pp. not standing quite firm. If roe a-pari-pakva, pp. not quite ripe; -puta, pp. unpurified (grain); -badha, a. unhindered, unbounded; -bhashana, n. not talking much; -bhuftaagia, a. whose orders are attended to; -bhrasyamana, pr.pt. not escaping; -mita, pp. unmeasured, unbounded; -meya,fp. innumerable. *Rlf~*T[ l a-pari-vadya, fp. not to be blamed; -vrita, pp. unsurrounded; unenclosed; -vradhiman, m. inability to (inf.). '<ft 'rfTWf a-pari-safkita, pp. unanticipated; -slatham, ad. vigorously. Rflif'f"T a-pari-hata, pp. unimpeded, boundless; -hara, m. non-avoidance; -harya, fp. unavoidable; -hlya-mana, pr. pt. ps. not being omitted, not wanting; -hrita, pp. unavoided, practised; -hvrita, pp. unscathed. Ditl apari,f. future: Ic. pl. in the future. ~W1 ftiT a-parilkshita, pp.unconsidered, rash; m. one who acts inconsiderately; -karaka, n. title of book Vof the Pankatantra. ^llN apa-rush, a. free from anger. ^TJl a-parusha, a. not harsh, not rough. =WllVaparena,(in.)prp.behind,westof(ac.). K9T_ apare-dyus, ad. on the following day: = Ic. in - samprapte, when the following day had arrived, 4tWkT a-paroksha,a.not invisible,present, perceptible: Ic. if one has been present (gr.); -tva, n. presence. T4 qt 'aparokshaya, den. P. inspect (ac.). -aM a-parna, a. leafless; f., N. of Umd. WTR4 apa ritu, m. wrong season; a. unseasonable; ad. out of season. ' a-paryanta, a. unbounded. ITW' a-paryfna, a. unsaddled. JTAT I a-pari apta, pp. insufficient; -vat, a. unable to (inf.). [not 'estroyed. 1i"!T fR a-pari sita,pp.not overthrown, W^Wif'T T a-pari shita, pp. quite fresh, quite new. iI-, a-parvdn, n. jointless spot; no natural break (in a story); day which is no Parvan, ordinary day; time when no eclipses ought to occur. 4I CT[ T'I apa-latf-bhavana, a. arbourless; -lapana, n. flattery; -lapa, m. denial; -lapin, a. keeping secret, concealing (g.). Br~yl apa-vaktr, m. averter; -varaka, n. sleeping apartment; -varga, m. completion, end; final beatitude; -vartana, n. removal; -vada, m. refutation; annulment, exception; blame; unjust imputation; command; decoy cry; -vadin, a. blaming (-~); -varitam, -varitakena, ad., -varya, gd. secretly, in a stage whisper (drama); -vaha, m. removal; -vahana, n. id.; decrease. WtfZ'i e apa-vi-kshata, pp. unhurt; -vighna, a. free from hindrances; -viddha, pp. Vvyadh; -vidya, f. bad knowledge; ignorance; -vritta, pp. ill-behaved; -vritti, f. running down, coming to an end; -vedha, m. faulty perforation. ~^lW-[ dpa-vrata, a. disobedient. -W(4-q-la pa-safikam,ad.fearlessly; -sabda, m. slander; corrupt form, ungrammatical language; -sasi-tilaka, a. lacking a moon as forehead mark; -sastra, a. weaponless; -sula, a. spearless; -soka, a. free from sorrow. =1f~T T. a-paskima, a. not the last. 4 f1 2. a-paskima, a. last of all: -m, ad. for the very last time. IM[1 a-pasys, a. not seeing.;1%_T a-pasyat, pr. pt. not seeing, not perceiving; not pondering. ^ T4^ apa-sri, a. (n. i) bereft of beauty. Wp1: apa-shthu, ad. wrongly. iq:,. Ip-as, n. work, act (esp. sacrificial).. 2. ap-as, a. active, diligent. W51Pt apa-sada, m. outcast; worst among (-~): pl. children of mixed marriages (in which the father is lower); -sarana, n. going away, retreat; -sarpa, m. spy; -savya, a. not left, right: -m kri, turn the right side towards (ac., lc.); hang the sacred thread on the right shoulder: -vat, a. in which the sacred cord is on the right shoulder; -sara, m. exit, outlet, egress: -na, n. removing, dismissing, banishing; -sari-ta,f. issue, end; -sarin, a. decreasing, diminishing. '^N T~ [ apa-snana, n. bath-water which has been used; -spasa, a. lacking spies; -smara, m. (loss of consciousness), possession, epilepsy; -smarin, a. possessed; epileptic.!-Rt apas-ya, den. P. be active. - $ apas-yi, a. busy. Iir apa-ha, a. removing, destroying (-~); -hati, f. counteracting, repelling; driving away; -hantri, m. (f. tri) expeller; -harana, n. appropriation; abduction; removal; -hartavya, fp. to be taken away; -hartri, m. purloiner; remover; -harsha, a. joyless. t4[IT apa-hastaya, den. P. shake off, push aside: pp. -hastita. '144TT apa-hara, m. taking away, robbery; removal; concealment; denial: -ka, a. taking away, stealing; m. thief, -varman, m. N. of a man; -harin, a. taking away, stealing; -hriti, f. taking away, removing; -hnava, m. denial; concealment; -hnotri, m. denier. Tlqlti fpaka, a. coming from afar; -ga, a. (not produced by ripening), original, natural. T'wIifTi' apaa-karishnu, a. surpassing rMITV apaka, ad. far. [(ac.). 7aWTiTapakat, ad. from afar. [rebellion, ITWifi' apa-kriti,f.keeping off; hostility, 1Wtke a-pankteya, a. unworthy to partake in a thing with respectable persons. ^TUM a-paniktya, a. id. RITI' apaafiga, m. (-0,f. a, i) outer corner of the eye; -drishti,f. side-glance; -netra, a. looking sideways. ^tTY ITt apak-lna, a. retired. [western. Tlql apa. ank, a. (f. apark) lying behind, RTfita-pani, a. han dless; -grahana,f. unmarried; -pada, a. lacking hands and feet. ^RTFTq a-pandava, a. without Pandava. lWlRT i a-pataka, n. no crime. q"r- apaa-tta, pp. Vda. FlTy a-patra, n. (m.) unworthy recipient, - person; -krity, f. action making one unworthy of receiving presents; -bhrit, m. cherisher of the undeserving; -varshana, n. bestowing on the unworthy; -varshin, a. bestowing (lit. raining) on unworthy persons. R'Iln4Tt'i1' apftri-karana, a. making a person unworthy. WWITTi T apaa-dfna, n. what remains after separation, source; notion of the ablative (gr.). I[TTi apa an, m. downward breath (one of the vital airs); anus; - dgara, m. fart. 1RT1q a-papa, a. not wicked; good, innocent; -ketas, a. well-disposed, innocent. w'llRit'If apfm-pati, m. lord of waters; sea; Varuna. W:Tl4 apaaya, m. departure; issue, end; decay; harm,detriment, danger; diminution; trespass; -samdarsana-ga, a. arising from the manifestation of futile means. ^4TfaI.iapayin, a. wanting, lacking. PRTT a-pfrd, a. unbounded, infinite. [inf.). ^IqTTW4 a-parayat, pr.pt. unable to (Ic. or ^TlXT apaartha, a. useless; senseless; -ka, a. (ika) valueless, useless. ^rTfI a-parthiva, a. not earthly, celestial. '^TMTMi a-palayat, pr. pt. not protecting. HI Ti apa%-vrita, pp. unclosed, opened. W^WI apaasraya, m. prop, back (of a chair); support: -ha, n. leaning against anything; -vat, a. having a support in (in.). rf'i adpi, prp. w. Ic. or o-, at, in, near (V.); ad. also, likewise; even; but, yet; w. neg. = even; na ka api, not even; makes interr. indefinite: ko -pi, some one; w. numerals = all: katvaroxpi, all four; beg. sentences: interr. pcl.; w. potent. oh that! api-api orka,bothand; na kevalam -api, not only- but also; api ka, kapi, moreover, likewise; yexpiterpi, those also, who-; api va, vapi, or even; na- npi, neither-nor; api nima (at beg. of sentences) perhaps; yadiapi, although; tath api, yet.!fqWfa-pit, a. dried up. [the Manes as gods. 'If'mjr a-pitri-devatya, a. not adoring fi.Ta-pitrya. -,rp a-pralaya. 2 21 -NqWa-pitrya, a. not paternal. [tion. WfXW~ api-tvd, n. participation; cohabita~f~liapi-dlh'na, n. covering; lid; lock; -Nftr api-naddha, pp. Vnah. [bolt. 'IftiM~~Tapi-sasas, ab. inf. w. purat: without cutting away. rfi11fcr api-hita, pp. VdhdM. -Nqt ap'iky'a, a. secret, hidden. ~a-pildayat, pr.pt. not exhausting. Wlt\gf a-pidita, pp. unpressed; unhurt. WOW a-pilta, pp. not having drunk. 7iII apmka'y~.n son ofawhore. WIT(a-pums, m. no man, eunuch; -tva, n. abst. N. NJIWif a-punya-krit, a,. unrighteous; -bhig, a. unfortunate; -vat, a. id. [a. id. 'NS7j a-putra, m. no son; a. sonless; -ka, a. sonless. 'Nj;f, a-punar-ukta, pp. never palling. t-ff;q a-punar-nivartin, a. not returning. [ring, last. ~iif~wa-punar-bhavin, a. not r-ecura-punar-vritti, f. non-return. -N~WtWL4TITkT apuLruishaaparftdha, in. no fault of the person holding a deposit. [priest. 'NIPfi'Ma-purobita, a. lacking a domestic W a-pushkala, a. inapplicable. NI a-pushpa6, a. fiowerless. ~Wf-rur a-pftgita, pp. unhonoured; -pfigya, fp. not to be honoured; -puita, pp. unpurified; impure. a1~ puipa, m. cake; -saka',f. bakehouse. lJ3fa-pftrana, a. insatiable; _Putrna, pp. not full; diminished by (in.). Wl a-pflrvdi, a.unprecedented, new; extraordinary,incomparable: in. a'd. never before; -ta, f, -tva, n. newness, novelty; -darsana, a. never seen before. [before. a'f~ a-frvin, a. never having done it NW ei-pfirvya, a. first; incomparable. 6lJj-prinat, a. not giving, niggardly. ~Tloa-prithag-bbhita,pp. notdifferent, identical. [dhishthira. ~ -prithfiftmaaa. lacking YuVP a-prishta,.pp. unasked, unquestionied: le. when no question has been asked. *'q"!Tapa ikshqf~lookinagabout; attention, consideration, regard; expectation; requirement: in. with regard to, in comparison with. *ifqfW apaj^kshita, pp. intentional; n. purpose, business; -ta^,f. expectation; -tva, n. requisitE~ness. ~~apekshin, a.regarding; waitingfor. 'N# apekshya,fp. to be regarded. apj,, ta, pp. V/i; -pr^na, a. deceased; -bhiA, a. fearless. [to be drunk. a-peya, fp. undrinkable; forbidden Nqt[a-pelava, a. not tender, rude. [tion. WqW a-paisuna, n. freedom from detrac#~I~ a-poganda, a. not under age, over 'i apafdha, pp. V/vah. [sixteen. ~i~apaj~ha, m. removal; combating, disputing; -na, a. removing; n. removal. WthTT~T a-paura dara, a. without the labour of the citizens (O-). Wt!ap-kara, m. water-animal. 'JE ap-t-ir, a. active; victorious. 1 ~~aptor-yama, OqTITWf yftman, n. aparticular way of celebrating the Soma sa'NI ap-tyd, a. watery. [criftce. NR; a'p-nas, n. property, wealth; work. Wtqf'f ap-pati, m. lord of waters, Varuna. NW~ 6p-ya, a. (f ml or ap) belonging to water. [end.!RTEM apiaya, m. entrance, disappearance; ~itiia-prakati-krita, pp. not 'Manifested. NV~IT'IT a-prakftsa, a. not light, dark; hidden, secret: -in, ad. secretly; mn. darkness; -iia, a. non-betrayal. W9M~~( a-pra-kflsat, pr. p1. invisible; -sia, pp. not manifested; -ket&, a. indistinguishable, formless; -galbha, a. cowardly, faint-hearted; -grihya, a. not being a pragrihya vowel. -NIT, -praketas, a. -unwise, imprudent. 'NRWf 6-prakyuLta, pp. unshaken; not swerving from (ab.). i~j 6-pra-ga, a. childless; fa, not bearing; -gagi'li, a. ignorant; unfertile; -gana, a. not begetting: -tva, n. ablist. N.; -gas, a. childless; gas-a f. gs" n. childlessness. WR a-pragila, a. not recognising. [known. IN Mf a-pragniiata, pp. unrecognised,un Wjqq a-pra-naya, m. lack of affection, coldness; -nayin, a. not cared for; -nita, pp. not borne to the altar; -nodya,fp. not to be repelled. WIMM a-pratarkya, fp. inconceivable; whose destination is unknown. WTJfff a-prati, a. irresistible: ad. -bly. 'N ITR a-prati-kftra, a. irremediable; -kirya,fp. id.; -ku'la, a. not resisting (g.); ready for (lc.); obedient; -krita, pp. against which nothing has been done; -gata, pp. whom one cannot go to meet; -gra'hya, fp. that may not be accepted. VA Mf I EIR a-pratigha, a. irresistible. N3f~'qTa-prati-giifi,f.non-consentto (le.). RT iftrf9 a-prati-patti, f. not becoming acquainted with; irresolution; embarrassment; -padyam&na, pr. pt. A'. not assenting to (ac.); -pahdsua, n. withholding; -pu~gta pp. not honoured. IM41( a-prati-baddha, pp. not kept at a distance, belonging to the retinue; -bandha, m. no hindrance; a. unhindered; -buddha, pp. unawakened; unenlightened, stupid; -bodha, ad. without awakening (-); -bhata, a. irresistible; -bhi,.fnon-appearance, non-arrival; -bheda, m. non-betrayal. VA MF I(II a-pratima, a. incomparable: - oas, a. of incomparable might; -malla, a. unrivalled; -mana, a., -Meya, fp. incomparable. mm fIj-a-prati-mukta,pp.notgivenleave; -yatna-purrva, a. not artificially produced. 1f14fiT~a-prati-yogin, a. non-contradictory of (0;(i)-tva, n. abst. N. fR'I a-prati-ratha, a. matchless; -rntpa, a. without counterpart, incomparable; inadequate; unsuitable for (g.). Nf[fTTiTII a-prati-vidhftna, n. taking no0 measures; '-, without artificial means; -vidheya,fp. not to be combated. '1f'R-WTR'Wa-prati-shsana, a. subject to no other authority; -sraya, a. having no refuge. 'Nf~f'-ff a-prati-shedha, m. no objection', invalid objection. 'NwfWrn a-prati-shtha, a., -shthita, pp. havlug no, foundation, perishable, unstable. IN~~fIf a-prati-hata, pp. unimpeded, unimpaired, irresistible; not elapsed; -hahrya, fp irresistible. N qiiTq2 a-pratilkftra, a. unresisting; incurable; -ka'rya, fp. not to be remedied; -ghgta, a. unresisted. [ligible. WRIW a-prati ita, pp. irresistible; unintelW~TW ffa-prat'iti,f~lackofa distinct notion or perception. ~WRT a-pra-ttft, pp. (Ida')!. untmarried. NM Wq a-prati aksha, a. not visible; - akshita, pp. not seen with one's own eyes. WT ' a-pratyaya, m. distrust; a. distrust~ful of (lc.); inspiring distrust. WR PWTN a-pratyftkhyayi,'n, a. not refusing; - Akhyeya,fp. not to be i-cfuspd -. Tjf a — r radakshinam, ad. towards te left. NIP a-pra-da'na, n. not giving, not granting; -dushta, pp. not corrupted. 'N'RT-qa-pradhfina, a.subordinate; n. subordinate person (gr.); -a f., -tva, n. subordinate position. -- a-pradhrishya, fpunsalbe -M C1 a-pra-buddha,pp. unawakened; unblossomed; -bhava, m. -no source or occasion of (lc.); -bhita,p~p. not yet dawned; -bhiva, a. unable, powerless: -tva, a. absl. N.; -bhu, a. unable to (lc.); m. not master of (g.): -tva, n. abSt. N.; -bhfita, pp. insufficient.,WTRa-pramatta,pp. not careless,carefu], attentive; -tva, a. abst. N. 'W[[T a-praMa, f. false notion; -Mana, n. no authority; something nugatory; -mainikri, not to treat (ac.) as an authority; -mida, a. attentive, careful: -tva, n. -ness; -adin, a. id.; -meya,fp. immeasurable; infinite, inseparable, undemonstrable; -moda, m. displeasure. -NW4a-praya khhat, pr. pt. not delivering; not giving a girl in marriage. WVZM a-prayatna, lack of exertion: without exertion; a. indifferent to (ic.). IRJMa-pra-yukta, pp. unemployed, unusual; inappropriate; -yuklchat, pr. pt. not careless; attentive; -yugyamAua, pr.pt-.ps. not being added; not being lent on interest. INM 4a-pralaya, ad. without the world perishing (2-). 22 N ~Ia-pravaktri. wf~irf;q abhi-gargin. 4 IWa-pravaktri, a. not instructing, -unfit to instruct. 'NRqT7' a-pra-vasa-gamana, n. remaining at home; -va~sin, a. not going abroad; -vishta, pp. not entered; not trodden; -vlaya, m. non-collapse. N1ir4r a-pra.-sasta', pp. accursed, bad, impure; faulty, damaged; n. dirt.!"V a-pra-sanna, pp. not appeased; un-a reconciled, angry with (lo.); -sahishnu, a. incapable; -sida, m. disfavour, unfriendliness; -rs^dita, -pp. unclarified; -siddha, _pp. unaccomplished; unknown; unheard of; -sfita, pp. not having borne, barren; -sphuta, a. indistinct, unintelligible. [worn. If a-pra-hata, pp. not well trodden or lqWI "a-prftkrita,a.(i')notoriginal,seconclary; unusual, extraordinary. [abst. v. ~1T~a-prftgn-a, a. foolish, stupid; -ti, f 13Ja-prand, a. lacking breath, inanimate; -pranat, pr.pt., -prinin, a. id. WT'V1TW a-pra'dhftnya, n. subordinateness, secondariness. WV' 6-prftpta, pp. not having reached; not yet arrived; not obtained; not encountered; not concluded; not resulting (from a grammatical rule); not grown up; -kala, a. whose time has not yet come; -vikalpa, m. alternative not resulting from any rule; -vyavahara, a. under age, minor: -tva, n. minority; -a.~vasara, a. ill-timed, inopportune. ~WMT1 a-prftpya,fp. unattainable. MM F11T,0 a-prftmftnya, n. unauthoritativeness; lack ',f proof. R~TfW-ff, a-pra arthita, pp. unasked. [able. 'IMKi4f4;% a-prftsta'vika, a. (i) unseasonVfi~ 6-priya, a. displeaskng, disagreeable, unwelcome; n. unpleasant thing; unpleasant news; m. enemy. 14firqq!~ a-priyam-vada, a. speaking unkndly, rude; _Vadin, a. id. ':fiMZPT apriya-kara, a. unpleasant; causing disaffection; -krit, a. acting unkindly; -bhagin, a. full of unpleasantness. [no joy. ~ifia-priti f. enmity; -kara, a. causing VArM1!Tm a-prekshanilya, fp. not fair to see, uncomely. -4M Iqc~l~ a-prekshat-pufirva-karin, a. acting inconsiderately: (ibt, f. abSt. N.!WRIW a-prekshya,fp. invisible. WtfR a-prauishita, pp. not being away from home, n otabsent. [to (inf.); shy. MfT~ a-prafiha, pp. not strong enough 'NIW 4~ap -sards, OV rmj celestial nymph. 'M l 4RNT apsaras-t'trtha, n. N. of a myt hiWT; dpsas, n. face or bosom. [cal lake. W%' a-phal -, a. unfruitful; fruitless; castrated; -prepsu, a. desiring no reward; aka~fikshin, a. expecting no reward. VAO- a-phalgu, a. precious. ~WW "I P a-phala-krishta, a. not growing on plougbed land. [be blown upon. VA'mT a-phftt-kftrya, fp. not needing to M'iTa-phena, ofViM -nila, a. foamnless. I W'Wa-baddha, pp. not bound, not tied; disconnected, meaningless; not yet showing. W'q9 a-bandh-i, a. lacking relations, cornpanionless. [-in, ad. sadly. Wqw a-bandhura, a. elevated, high; sad: W'qWa-bandhya,f~p. notto be put in chains. 1mjwAa-bandhrd, a. hoopless. 'I a-barba, a. still wanting tail-feathers. NW a-bald, a. weak: f.'a', woman; N.: -vat, a. weak. W'4N da-baliyvas, cpv. a. weaker. N-fqM a-bahish-kftrya, fip. not to be excluded. IN1;~~~'-aub~hn a. not speaking much; (i)-ta^,f. abst. N.; -vyakti-nishtha, a. not applicable to many individuals; -sru~ta, pp. not very learned. W'T~a-bftdha, a. -unhindered; untormented; -ka, a. unhindered. -WqT' a-bandhava, a. lacking relations; -krita, pp. not caused by relations. W'TRM: a-bftla-sattva, a. ntot having the nature of a boy. -MqITfkT a-balisa, n. not childish, not silly. Wq W abala induL, m. full moon. T ab -indhana, a.bhaving water for its fuel: - vahni, m. the submarine fire. 41[ a-biga, n. bad seed, bad grain; a. seedless; impotent; -ka, a. unsown. 'Ni a-buddha, pp. foolish, stupid. Wift a-buddhijf. foolishness, act of folly; lacki ofpurpose: in. unintentionally; a. foolish: at,f. -ness; -mat, a. foolish, stupid; -stha, a. not present to the mind. WI a-budha', a. stupid, foolish; in. fool. W~IV a-budhnad, a. bottomless. WJWa-budbyd, fp. not to be awaken ed. NTWIT'[f a-budhya-mflna, pr. pt. A. not awaking. W41Y a- b od ha'm. lack of knowledge; folly; _purvam, ad. without knowing.,-c, nb-ga, a. aquatic; n. lotus; -bhii, M. Lotus-born (Bralem'); -saras, n. lotus pond. ~fi~ abgini, f. lotus plant; lotus pond; -pati, mn. sun. I[year (op. varsha). 'Wi ab-da, m. [water-giving, rainy season], ~Wi;gabda-bhfi, a. proceeding from acloud. Nz% ab-durga, a. inaccessible owing to water. [for a deity. [ 'd ab-daivata, a. having the waters!RfW4 ab-dhi, m. sea; -kanyaf. Lakshmi; -g.V~in, m. fisherman; -tanaya, m. du., the Aevins; -tala, n. bottom of the sea. NB' ab-bhaksha, a. living on water only. VAMRa- brahmanya, a. unfavourable to BrAhmans; n. assault! (cry of Bradhmans for help.) ~vW44if a-brahman, rn. no Br~hman; a. lacking devotion; lacking Brfihmans. WWWT~! 4-brfthmana, m. no Brfihman; a. lacking Br~hmans. WTWff, a-hruvat, pr. pt. not stating. -MqI ab-rftpa, a. having the form of water. I I NfTWab-hiuiga, n.,,f~pl.versesaddressed to the Waters (IRV. X, ix, i-3). [devoted. ~IM[W a-bhakta, pp. not apportioned; not NRWT a-bhakshya,fp. not to be eaten. 'Ni~r a-bhaga', a. -unfortunate; uncomely. -6T ITW a-bbagna-kama, a. wbose desire for (le.) is not disturbed by (in.), -maina, a. in which honour does not suffer. WN1 P a-bhagya-mflna, pr-pt. ps. unsevered, associated. 1Rftif'f a-bhanita,pp. unsaid,unexpressed]. Nfi a-bhadra, a. baneful; n. mischief. 'NM a-bhaya, a. fearless; safe, secure; n. security. W;ME abhayam-karad, 107f-krit, a. crea~ting security.,Nmfqf~ abhaya-dindima, m. wardrum: -m di, proclaim security of person amid beating of drums; -tama,, a. greatest safety; -da, a. affording security; -dakshina,f. promise of security; -datta, m. N. of a _physician; -dfina, a. granting of security; -prada, -prada~yin, a. granting security; -prad&ua, n. granting of security; -yA7anau^, f.begging for security of person; -vahk,f. assurance of safety. [to your Honour. IWtN a-bhavad-^iya, a. not belonging 'NN a-bha-vya, a. as one should not be; unhappy. W[TI 10Ia-bhagd, a. shareless, portionless. WRTW~ a-bhftgadheya, a. excluded from participation. 9 Tf1I 3 rki a-bhagin, a. not participating in, not entitled to (g.). N" P a-bbhgya, a. unh appy; n.misfortune. 'Nf1TW'q a-bhagana,na. no vessel for = uLnworthy of (g.). I{(II a-bha'na, n. non-appearance. N IlI a-bharya, a. wifeless. [lack.:r'q a-bhflva, m. non-existence; absence, WfTqW?~ a-bhftvayat, pr. pt. es. not keeping well in view. NRTI"? abhava-vat, a. having a lack of, wanting (-~). TW{Tft'K a-bhatvin, a. not to be. N1ff. abhi', ad. uinto, near; prp. w. ac.: towards; to, against; over; for, for the sake of; with regard to; w. ab.: without.!9fffqi abbi-ka, a. eager; libidinous.!fTMTWTabb akiueksbh,f. longing, desire for (ac., ~) -kafikshin, a. desirous of (ac., aO; kma, M. desire; affection, love; a. well-disposed to, longing for (ac., ~) ~wffeCTawabhi-krishnam, ad. to Krishna. rfriiabbi-krarna, m.undertaking; ka mana, n. going up to; -krduti,f. overcoming. 'if~iwp a-bbiksha-dg, f.giving without solicitation. 94fi.TWT abhi-khy'a, f. sight; s'plendour, beauty; name, appellation. ~W M abhi-gantavya,fp -to be visited; -gama, m. approach; visit; sexual intercourse; -gainana, n. id.; -gamyr,,fp. to be visited; accessible, inviting. ~fPf~ abbi-gargin, a. roaring at. L rrf-r. abhi-ga'min. -ffp abhi-shenana. 23 stnc;lvIflf;..ieua rn o 'Wfrfa rr abbi-ga'min, a. having sexual intercourse with (ac.). ~rifIabh'i-gihrti, f. song of praise. -Vfai'RWT'f abhi-ghatta,m. blow, stroke; noxious effect; -gh~tin, a. striking; m. enemy. WfW~. abhi-kdkshana, a. looking at; a, f. view; -kfikshe, (d.) inf. in order to see. 'WfR'!qTT abhi-kra, m. bewitchment, enchantment. [prince of Kedi. v-=!N abhi-kaidyam, ad. against the 'ViT~Iabhi-gana, m. descent, race; noble birth; good repute; -vat, a. nobly descended. 'frrTrabhi-gatta, pp. well-born; charming; n. nobility; at, f. high birth, nobility; -giti,f. descent, birth. 'Wf#(VT5I abhi-gif-t, a. victorious; m. N. of a Soma sacrifice; N. of a lunar mansion. 'NfITV abhi-gnia, a. knowing, acquainted with, experienced in, conversant with(g,-) _ta, f., _tva, n. abst. v.; &,f. remembrance. -Nf4rTWi abhi-gnihna, n. recognition; token to recognise by: -sakuntala, n. N. of a play. -N;M T-, bitrm (apv.) ad. nearer to. ifT,~ abhitas-kara, ma. pl. retinue. f{~abhf-tas, ad. up to, near, around; completely; prp. w. g. beside: w. ac. up to; on both sides of; before and behind; round about; behind. 'Nf;RM79R abhi-tftdana, n. beating, blow; -ta'pa, m. heat; p-ain; -ta'mra, a. dark red. '~fif~rr~irabhi-tigma-rasmi, ad. towards the sun. [partition. WfR'f9' 4-bhitti, f. non-fracture; lack of a WfirF Irabhi-darsaina, n. sight, spectacle. Nlfi&abhi-dbi-d-tam,ad.tothemessenge-r; -dfiti, ad. to a female messenger. ~f~~~abhi-dr-ih, a. hostile; -droh&, M. injury, insult, contumely. [physics. -NfriM4 abhi-dharma, m. Buddhist metaWfriiiV abhi-dhg, a. surrounding; f. appellation, name: -tavya, fp. to be said or announced, -tri, m. one who speaks, -na, n. statement; designation; name; word: -kosa, m. dictionary, -yin, a. saying, speaking; stating, explaining; -dhivaka, a. hastening Up. 'Nf~RM4r; abhi-dheya, fp. to be designated, - expressed, - named; n. meaning; -tva, n. Capability of being designated. Nfrzr abhi-dhyqna, n. thinking of (g.); desire for (lc.). W abhi-nand-anilya, fp. to be praised -Yyafp. id.; -in, a. delighting in (-O). MfPRWW abhi-nabhya'm, ad. up to the clouds; -uamra, a. greatly bent; -naya, m. dramatic performance: - iarm.da tc teacher. k r a. d a ai 'Nf#i;Tr' abhi-na-va, a. quite new or fresh; m. N.: -yauavana, a. being in early youth; -vayaska, a. id. fIIIIabhi-nahana, n. bandage. ad. to the nostrils. #1f19fqvi1 abhi-nivesa, in. proneness to (c,);adherence to, insistence on (lc.); ob obstinately insisting on; (i) -tva, n. proneness. Wf#rfrfW abhi-ni-hita, pp. Vclha'. 'JfffW a-bhinna, pp. not pierced, not penetrated; unhurt; unbroken, undivided; steadfast; unchanged; not different from (ab.): -gati, a. not changing one's gait; -vela, a. not breaking bounds; -sthiti, a. id. 'NfffTtIffVT abhi-patana, n. swoop. Wf r4rnr abhi-phta, m. hastening up. Tfi#fabhi-pitva64t. turning in; evening. wfKrq abhi-prishthe, le. ad. behind. Wf~RiiR'q abhi-praka'kshe, d. inf. in order to look about. W~f;RwR~r abhi-pratya, m. object, intention, wish; opinion; meaning; notion, conception; -pla. gladdening; -preta, pp. (Vi) meant, intended; -prepsu, des. a. desirous of (ac.). fI I.N abhi-plavd, m. kind of six days' Soma sacrifce. [flowed. 'Tf*Wff abhi-pluta, pp. overwhelmed, overNRfZT1 abhi-bhiartri, ad. on the husband; in the husband's presence; -bhavi, a. superior in power; m. predominance; subjugation; being overwhelmed by (in., ab., -9); contempt; -bhavana, n. being overcome; -bha'viii, a. overwhelming. Wf-T~RTI!r abhi-bhashana, n. allocution;..bha'sliin, a. addressing; speaking. 'Nf#T; abhi-bhii, 'O;J bh-L, a. superior in power (to, ac.). [coming. Nfigf abhf'-bhU'tif. superiority; a. overabbibhiiti as` a.of transcendent might. fITrabhi-mata, pp. esteemed, loved; wished for, approved; n. wish, desire; -mantavya,fp. to be regarded as (unm.); -mantri5 a. bringing objects into relation with itself; -mantrana, n. invocation; consecration. '~~i9abbi-manyu, m. N.; -ga, m. son ofI Ahhimanyu; -pura, n. N. ofa town; -svimun, m. N. of a temple. WfWMi'# abhi-marsa, m. contact, touLch; -marsana,n. touching; -marsin, a. touching. 'AIf4TMTftI abhi-mafti,f. hostility, plotting; enemy; -m~,tin, m. foe; -ma~na, m. hostility; pride; self-consciousness (ph.); fancying oneself possessed of; erroneous assumption; affection; -ma~na-vat, a. proud; assuming oneself to have ( ---); -mAna-sAin, a. haughty, proud; -anin, a. conceited; proud; -',- fancying oneself to have or to be, passing for; representing, meaning: ai-~f self-conceit, (i). tva, U. considering oneself to be (-O). ~f~.~rrpt~abhi-mahrutam, ad. against the wind. abhi-mukha, a. (I') facing, opposite (ac., d.,~ g., -O); favourable to (in., g.); imminent; —, on the verge of, - point of, car - ing for: 0~, ad. in front; -in, ad. idl.; towards, against, opposite (ac., g., -O Ic. opposite (g. 0). N i*'klIL abhimukhi-kidri-ve forward; -bhiL, turn towards, favour. '~~~Trabhi-yflna, n. approach; attack; -ya~yin, a. approaching; attacking; going to (ac., — ) Wf W~~ abhi-yoktavya, fp. to be prosecuted; -yoktri,.assaila-nt; plaintiff; -yoga, m. employment; exertion, diligence; attack; charge; -yogin, a. prosecuting; -yogya,fp. to be attacked, assailable. 4,f ' abhi-rakshana,n. -rakshif.protection; -rakshitri, m. protector. 14 f",ftT- abhi-rati, f. delight in (Ilc., -0) WfRW'Pr abhi-rAma, a. charming, lovely: -in, ad.; mn. delight in ( —O); -tk, f. beauty, grace; delightfulness. 'Nf4'T~kf~ abbi-ruki, f. delight in (le.,0) -rukita, m. N. of afairy prince. -NfI~Iq abbi-ruilpa, a. suitable; beautiful; learned; -tah,f. good breeding, culture. Nrf#r"UqT abhi-lakshya, fp. having a view to, directed towards; recognisable by ( —O). 'fN T iabhi-lakshyam, ad. to the goal. Wf;R'WW'q abhi-lafighana, n. overleaping (g.); infringement; -lafighuin, a. overstepping, infringing ( —O); -lashani'ya, -lashya,fp. desirable; -lashita, pp. n. desire, wish. INfIWTII abhi-lapa, m. speech; announcement. Nf-TR abbi-lasha, m. desire, eagerness for (lc., -s) -pirayitrika, a. fulfilIling wishes; -1shin, a. desiring (1c., 0) 1shuka, a. id. (ac., 0-) 'Nf+T~ff abhi-lekhita, n. document. 'WfRO~IP abhi-vadana, n. address; -vandana, n. respectful salutation; -varnana, an. description; -vardhana, n. strengthening, increasing. ~IfT~TWTabhi-vanik~ha,f. desire for (0-). TfflV abhi-vfida, mn. greeting; abuse: -ka, a. saluting; about to greet (cc.): -ad ana, n. greeting, salutation; av~dayitri, m. greeter; _Vadin, a. explaining; signifying. W#IfI~T~ff abhi-ahya, n. presentation. -NfTf i~ abhi-vikrama, a. valorous; -vidhi, mn. inclusive limitation; -visafiikn, a. afraid of (ab.). [progress. wfijRf abbi-vriddchil f. increase, growth, Nf'E abhi-vi akta, pp. Van-g: -in, ad. plainly; -vyakti,_f manifestation. Wf4#RW abhi-samsana, n. insult; accusation; -samsin, a. accusing; -safikaf. distrust of (g.); fear of (0); -saiikin, a. distrusting. 'N TT abhi-satru, ad. against the enemy; -sastaka, a. accused; (i)-sasti, f. imprecation, curse; misfortune. 'Nf~R'XTX abhi-satpa, m. curse; serious charge; -siras, a. having the head towards (ac.); -sauri, ad. against Krishna. N fTPq abhi-srava', m. giving ear; -sr~4 a. arranging; am. arranger; -shat~ga, ms. defeat; -shaiigin, a. defeating, humbling; -shava, m. pressing (Somna). W# 41 abhi-shishenayishui, des. a. about to approach with his army. 'jNf1f4-m abhi-shikta, pp. sprinkled,' anointed, installed, inaugurated; -sheki, in. besprinkling; inauguration (of a king); water for inauguration; ablution; -shektavya, fp. to be inaugurated; -shekana, n. inauguration (ofa king); -shekan'Iya,fp. relating to inauguration; in. inauguration; -shenana, n. expedition against (-'O). 24 W lqqMabhishenaya. NR imI a-madya-madyat. IfqWW~. abhishenaya, den. P. wage war on (ac.). V4 pm iYI abhi-shotrz', m. Soma-presser. i. abhi-shtf, a. superior, victorious. IfTfU1 2. abhif-shti, f. superiority; help: -savas, a. giving powerful aid. Nff'P abhi-shyanda, m. redundance. -WfM;T abhi-shvafiga, m. attachment to (in., Ic.). Wf5TfNET abhi- samdhaka, a. cheating; -samdha, f. statement, speech; -samdhana, n. connexion; statement; intention; deception; -samdhi, m. intention; scheme; condition: -pfrrva, a. intentional: -kam, ad. with a definite purpose; -sambaudha, in. connexion; relation. WffiT'R abbi-sara, m. companion: -na, n. amorous visit; -arm, m. attack; rendezvous; Nofapeople; asrikaf girl who goes to a rendezvous; - arin, a. going to (-o): (n)-_i, f. going to meet her lover; -sisalrayishu, des. a. f. intending to visit her lover. Nf- f abhi-sneha, m. inclination, desire. WIRfT abhi-svare', le. pi-p. (within call), hehind (g.q.). NfiT-?j abbi-hata, pp. (\/hana) stricken; -hati,f. impact; -harana,n.conveying; -hita, pp. (V/dhh) said, uttered; accosted. WRI~ a-bhil, a. fearless: -ka, a.. id. WWft abhhka, n. meeting: le. opportunely. TW+~aabhi-kshnam, ad. every moment, repeatedly; at once; extremely (-) pftj a-bh'i-ga, a. undaunted. iIqi'l a'-bhilta, pp. fearless: -vat, ad. -ly. TM~f abhijiti, f. onset, attack. iNfft abhl'jpsu, des. a. desiring (ac.). fti a-bh'iru, a. fearless. Wjgtf17 abh'i-shpa, m. grave accusation. ~I:jabhi'su, m. bridle; ray: -mat, a. radiant; m. sun. N~f abhijishta, pp~wished for; cherished; dear; agreebe; in. favourite, lover; n. wish; -tama, spv, very dear; is. wish; -ta',f. popularity; -da, a. fulfilling one's desire; -devatA, f. favourite deity (thoug~ht of when deathA is smear); -varshin, a. sending wished-for rain. ~pfti~~a-bhi'shma-drona, a. lacking Bhlshma and Drossa. WqJW a-bhukta, pp. unenjoyed. 'UVT'1ta-bhusig-atna,pr.pt.taking no food. NIP~ a-bhiuta, pp. not having been; not happened; not existing:- -tad-bhiva, mn. becoming what it was not before; -dosha, a. guiltless; -pfirva, a. unprecedented. 4~ ~ a-bhiltala-sparsa, a. not touching the earth: at, f. abst.,v. '4PjWT'j abhfita artha, m impossible thing. 6jf -bhfit f non-existence. 1u4i+iw abhfita~upam,!, f. simile implying an impossibility. 'TOft a-bhfimi, f. not the right place, no sphere for (q.): -shtha, a. not being in his' own country. T;jR:#fM'IFffr a-bhfiyah-samnivritti, f non-return. WI,4 a-bhfiyishtha, a. not numerous. W4- a-hhrita, pp. paid no wages.!,MM~-hiy~amn a. disobedient toward (g.). WR7 a-bhettri, in. no breaker, observer. NRi a-bheda, m. non-separation, cohesion; no difference, identity; a. identical. WRTIYT a-bhoga, m. lack of enjoyment. RM a-hhogya, a. not to be enjoyed. Wti'I a-bhogana, is. fasting. WiftW a-bhogya,fp. that may not be eaten; whose food may not be eaten: - anna, a. id. 15M abhi agra, a. being in front; imminent; -aiga i. anointing; ointment; aaka, a. anointing; Z_6Pgana, n. anointing with fatty matter; Z_96igya,fp. to be anointed. N,4Ic abhiadhika, a. superfluous, additional; better, superior; greater, stronger, exceeding, more by (in., abl., -0); dearer than (0'); excellent, extraordinaryv: -in, ad. highly, very, extraordinarily; -_ adhyayana, n. study at a place (0). N4IT abhianu-ghaj f assent;' permission; leave (to depart); -gsiana, n. id.; -giia'pana, n. causing to assent to(g) 4"; abhi andtara, a. inner, being within; contained in (g.,lc.,-0); intimate; initiated., conversant with (lc.,); akin; belonging to; essential to ( —O); secret; is. interior; interval of time: -in, ad. within;, into (-.0); le. at intervals; in the space of, within (.) ~~RtIabhyantari'-kri,- put between; initiate in (le.); make friends of; -karana, is. initiation in (le.); -karanilya, fjp. to be initiated in (le.). [enemy. W4f1ft-I-If abhi amitram, ad. against the 'NIrfR*rVbMr abbi amitrina-tah, f. favourable opportunity to-attack the enemy. fW4, abhi rka-bimbam, ad. towards the disc of the sun. NN - abhi ark-ana, n. worship; -anliya, fp. adorable, venerable; -ya,fp. id. abhi arna, a. near; n. neighbourhood: -tm',f. id., proximity. WHMN abhi arthana, n., a, f. begging; -arthan ya,fp to be requested; -arthita, ipp. n. request; -arthin, a. asking for (.) -arthya, fp. to be requested; -irdha-yagvan, a. receiving special offerings; -arhana, n. homage, adoration; -arhaniya,fp. venerable: -tj,. venerableness. ~WWF[ abhi alpa, a. quite small. qg~Q abhiava-bdrana, is., -hara, Ms. taking food and drink; -hara p.eatable; is. food. NW 'f abhi asana, n. application; study; 3i-.yafp. to be practised. "Tfcahasiaaadetracting; _ SitY&,f. anger; envy. [plicated. 'N04 abhiasta, pp. read, studied; redu'WiMpI: abbi astam, ad. with V.,i or ag, set over (ac.); -ita, pp. sleeping at sunset. N#04 I I abbi ftkaram, abs. enaticing I I W4TTWW abhi gata, (pp.) m. visitor, guest. N4TPM abhi agama, us., -na, n. approach; arrival, visit, [assault. N44MTM abhi Aghhta, ms. sudden attack, WIUNF abhi ftma agra, a. with points turned towards oneself. N `rIffr abhi avritti, f.repetition. W4!T'1 abhi fsa, a. near; imminent; m. attainment; vicinity:-. in, ic. in the neighbourhood (of, g., ab.). W ~ abhi fsa, us. addition; repetition; reduplication (gr.); practice; application; use, habit; familiarity with (.) repeated recitation; study. [(2O). PIRTffi~abhyatsin, a. applying oneself to VA#-fabhiukshana,n.besprinkling; -uggayini, ad. towards Uggayinl; 7-'tthina, n. rising from one's seat (as a greeting); rise, ascendency, exaltation; - utthita,pp. V'stb a. P~74T abhiudava, us. rise; beginning; success, fortune, prosperity; wealth;. festival, esp. sacrifice to th e Manes; -udayin, a. arising, imminent; -udgati,f~going to meet; -udgama, in. rising to greet.!R;tM7M abhi-Lpagama, us. adm'ission; promise; -_upapatti, f. coming to therescue; aid; -up p dana, is. id.;. uipya, in. expedient: -tas, ad. with all means. WIR abhi fha, us. supposition; inference. 'I abhrai, (us.) a. (rain) cloud; sky. abbhram-liha, a. reaching to the clouds. N+WT abhra-gattgafJ. celestial Ganges. -M4" abhraus-kasha, a. reaching to the clouds. [cloud. INV'T IT' abhra-kkhgyat, f. shadow of a Tqf a-bhiriftri, '01 -ka, a. brotherless. ';IJU a-bhrfttrivymi, a. lacking rivals. NVTW'ziTftIi abhra avakftsika, a-exposing oneself to the rain. a'f~ bhri,f. hoe, spade. abhrita, pp. clouded. Wf-WUa-hri-vila'sa, a. not coquetting li te brows. W~ d-bhva, a., mighty; n. great power; horror; monster. AM, am-iti, advance; cs. &inayati, be Ninjured or ill. 1:j m. ama, pmn. stem, this; he. 'W2.adin-a, us.pressure, vehemence; fright. 'NFTWW a-m afgala, OW -lya, a. baneful; a. 'NiR!55';f a-maggana, is. not sinking. '~j~ a-mandita, _pp. unadorned. 'NT-mat6-atapp.unlookedfor;notapproved.' i~rt. am-afti, f. appearance, brightness. 2f~.dm-ati,a. poor;fpoverty. [tionally. Nlff3. a-matijf. ignorance: in. uninten[?~~f a-matsara, a. disinterested. W~I?1 a-&a dya-madyat, pr. pt. lively witbou~t an intoxicant. Nztqq a-madhav-ya.. lWqT amba'. 25 I iq= Ma-madhav-ya,a.notworthyof sweetness (i-e. Soma). [(As) unintelligent; foolish. 6jI~ -manas, n. lack of intelligence; a. N4I wl k a-manas-ka, a. foolish; not of good cheer. [pp. uninhabited by men. W qftf Iq a - manushya -nishevita, a-mano-rama, a. not charming. WTiU a-manthi, a. lacking an adviser, helpless. N;r a-mantra, n. no spell; a. unaccompanied by Vedic texts; not knowing Vedic formulas. [ITR amantra-ka, -guna, -vid, a. ignorant of sacred texts; -tantra, a. lacking incantations and spells; -vargam, ad. not without the requisite texts. N~~td-rnanda, a.notlazy, alert; not stupid; plentiful; n. much; -t', f cleverness, good sense; -hridaya, a. cheerful-hearted.!"WM-qT' 6-manya-madna. pr-pt. un awares. W;M~ a-mama, a. lacking self-consciousness; careless about (le.). NIRK a-mdra, a. (a', 3i) immortal; in. god; -garbha, in. divine child; -guru, in. Brib aspati, the planet Jupiter; -tatini, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -taru, in. a certain tree; -taf., -tva, n. divinity; immortality; -datta,sn.N.;-druma,in-tree of the gods,Phrigita; -dvish, in. Asura; -paksha-pktin, in. friend of the gods; -pati-kuma'ra, mn. son of Indra (Gayanta); -parvata, in. N. ofa intn.; -pura, n., 3, f. city of the gods; -prakhya, a. like an immortal; -prabhia, a. bright as an im-n mortal; _prarthiita, pp. wooed by immortals; -mrigi-dris,. Apsaras. amaram-manya, a. passing for or thinking oneself a god. ' j jamara-loka, a. dwelling in the world of the gods: at, f. abst. N.; -vat, ad. like an immortal; as if immortal; -sadas, n. assembly of the gods; -sarit,f. Ganges. NIT~TRW' amara agdra, n. temple; agiiae f. Apsaras; -a.3pag&, f. celestial Ganges. T~ff amara-vati f. City of the gods (Indra's abode). amaraivaaMi. lord of the gods (Indra or Vishnu). [-uTpama, a. godlike. -T~fR1: amarauttama, a. chief of gods; W~ffn-marta,!RR 6-rnartya, a.immortal. 'NRMRT-4 amartya-bhdva, m. immortality. WTM?T;-mardh-at, pr. pt. untiring. ~~i1a-marman, n. no vital spot; a. (An) invulnerable. NZ~i a-maryada, a. having no bounds. WIpr1 a-marsh-a, mn. impatience; displeasure; anger; -ana, n. id.; a. impetuous; intolerant; incensed; impatient; -ita, pp. displeased, indignant; -in, a. id. WRT~ a-main, a. spotless, pure; -pakshavihansgamua, in. swan; -patatrin, in. goose, swan. W;~ m.J- ya,den.P.makepureorwhite. Npif#p a-malina, a. pure; -dhii, a. pureminded. a'~I ma-vat, a. impetuous; mighty. -T-~a-mahhtman,axnothigh-minded. WR'91Ra-mahmhiya-mftna, pr.p t. downcast, distressed. NMr. am'a, ad. at home; homewards. NMT 2. amd, f. night of -new moon. [meat. a-madmsa-bhaksha, a. eating no WI:T71-K amad-giir, f. aging at home, old W;RTff i. am'at, (ab.) ad. from home. [maid. T?('2. a-madt, prpt.havingno space in(lc.). 'NTMr amad-tya, in. inmate; relative; minister. 'N[T-T a-mdtra'f.: in. excessively, highly. 'WITi a-mftnana, n. disrespect. WR[TW a-mftnava, a. superhuman; not descended from Manu. NiTfV'Ma-m anita, pp.n ot highly esteemed. Wff*~q a-mani-tva,n.modesty, humility. VA1"T~ 4-manusha, in. no man; i, f female animal; a.(i superhuman, divine; inhumnan; a~) destitute of men; -1oka, in. celestial world. NFT'4 a-mayad, a. not clever. [honestly. WR[TNT a-maya, f. sincerity: in. frankly, 'NWTT a-mftra, in. not killing. -N 11i a-marga, in. wrong road, - course. PSiff? a-mhrgita, pp. unwashed. I T'9T4Y amA-vas-i, -yaf night of new 'NfRj am-i, the root am. [moon. Wf#'fda-mita, pp. immeasurable; innumerable; -gaiti, in. N. of afairy; -guna, a. having innumerable m erits; -tegas, a. of immeasurable splendour; -buddhi-mat, a. of immeasurable intellect. [energy or power. 'NT 7ta amitanogas, a. of immeasurable NR"i. a-mItrnan.enemy: -vat, ad.like an VTfIf 2. a-mitrn, a. friendless. [enemy. WfP~4amitra-karman, in. N.;;krh ana, a. tormenting enemies; -gia~tin, in. slayer of foes; at f. enmity; -hba, a. slaying foes. [enemy. 'NfirwrT7 amitrya, den. A. behave like an Wf-TIWT a-mith ya, ad. not falsely, truly. W~fPRVt? 6-mi-n-nt, prptiot injuring. tami', in. pl. of asau. (adas). W'ft'fz4dh-m~ita-varna a.havinagundiminished brightness. [in question. 'NT~I a-mimams-ya, fp. not to be called. WTI'ham'Iva, n.,a, f. pain; plague; disease; -k9tana, a. 3i) driving away pain or disease. ';amii,Prn.-stein(nin.sg.in.f. asau, n.adds). 'Nf[qi amu-kn, p'-n. so and so. W4J n-mukta, pp. not let go, - discharged, 'N~ a-mukhn, a. mouthless. [- liberated. -NIJ~?TZ a-munik-at, pr. pt. not abandoning or giving up. [there; hence; thereupon. lNjWTam-i-tas,ad.fromthat(=ab.);thence, WIT~amsi-tra, ad. in that (= l.); here; there, thither; in the other world; - rthaiu, ad. for the next world. ~Wf4T amii-tha-, ad. thus; w. as, to be lost. 'RJW a-mudra, a. unequalled., ~~T amuyg, in. ad. in that way, so; with as or bhui, be done for, be lost. [minded. W2,~ n-mfidha, pp. not confused, clearA s-mfira, a. acute, unerring. WtI~Id-mfirta, a. bodiless. W~ a-muffld, a. rootless; causeless; not based on a or the text. W;9 d-mrikta, pp. unhurt, intact. WI a-mrita, pp. not hvg. died; immortal; us. god; &^, f. goddess; a herb; n. immortality; world of iunmortals; nectar; a certain remedy; medicine; remnant of a sacrifice; water; milk; ray; -kara,in. moon; -kirana, m.id.; -tegas, in. N.of afairy prince; -tvk, n. immortality; condition of ambrosia; -didhiti, in. moon; -drava, a. flowing with nectar; -dh~yin, a. sipping-; -p~yiu,a.drinking nectar = hearing fine speeches; -prabhia, in. N. of afairy; A,f. N.; bhaana u.. of a monastery; -bh Ashana, n. nectar-like speech; -bhiug, in. god; -bhiogana, a. eating therem-nantsofsacrifcs -Miya, a. (i) immortal; nectar-like; consisting of nectar; -rasmi, im. moon; -rasa, in. nectar; a. tasting like nectar; -atf creeper yielding nectar; -1oka, in. world of the immortals; -varshin, a. raining nectar; -hirada, us. lake of nectar. ~I'Jam-rita insu, in. moon; - akaa n N.; -4tman, a. consisting of nectar. 'NIPM~ amrithyn, den. A. be like immortality or nectar; become nectar.!W;IfTWflff amrita fhuLti, f. a kind of sacrificial offering. Wgf'ffTfiT amritikft, f. N. of a celestial. WI~tqn mritI'-bh-h, become immortal. VAC1 amritanisvarn, in. Siva. W~IuPR nmritaupnma, a. like ambrosia. ~WW an-mrish-yn-mana, pr. pt. not tolerating. [pure; n. impurity, excrement. ~jVfa-medhyd, a. unfit for sacrifice; im*49ameyn, fp. immeasurable. 'TrTii -moghn, a. not vain, unerring; infallible; -krodha-harsha, a. not angry or rejoicing in vain; -darsana, a. not appearing in vain, i.e. bringing luck (Pr.); -patana, a. notfallinginvain,hitti-ngthemark; -vakana, a. whose word is not idle. VA i I tW a-mokya, fp. not to be let go. WR~ftiqi n-mnuktika, a. containing nDo pearls. V14I dmbara, n. garment; firmament, sky; -kara, a. moving in the air; in. bird; fairy: -nmarga, in. (bird's path), sky; -karin, in. planet; -patha, in. path in the sky; -prabha, f. N. of a princess; - adhikarin, in. groom of the robes. iq~1K ambarishn, in.n. frying-pan; in. N. N 4 I IWrambara okas, in. god. 'NW ambn-shtka, an (d i child of a Brdhinan and a woman of the third caste: pl. N. of a people. N79Tamb~aj.mother: vc.dmbe (V.), dmba (V. C.): Amba, often inere ij. ah l E 26 26 f~iT ambika'. -vf~m a-rikta. W ff~ambikft,f.N. o.f Parvati; N. ofDhri- knife, sword; -kna, m. magnet; -miya, a. ta-rashtra's mother; -pati, ms. Rudra or Siva. (i) of iron. A mu.wtr %RruM.liigi T ayg, (in.) ad. in this manner, thus. the water; m. aquatic animal. WN~fTTlf 4-yak-i-ta, pp. unasked; given!R'~5ambu-ga, a. aquatic; us. n. (day) lotuLs: without asking; -tri, a. not soliciting or -baudhava, m. sun; -:aksha, a. (I) ou- xoi eyed; a f.Lakshml (lotus-seated). ~RTTa-yagyya,fpwhmanobesci ~ mudA.cod -usu.ds- ficed for; that may not be sacrificed. persion of clouds; -dhara, ms. cloud; -dhi, ms. -;MTUWTT1 s-ya'ta-yatma, a. not stale, niot sea; -nidhi, m. id.; -pakshin, m. water-bird; ineffectual; n. pl. a kind of Yagus texts; -pati, m.Varuna; sea; -paddhati,f. current; a~-t, f. effectualness. [us. N. of a seer-. -mnu/, us. cloud; -raya, m. current; -ra'si, m. WW~TkF< a-y~s, a. indefatigable; -ya, a. id.; sea; -ruha, n. day-flowering lotus; -ruhini, f.lotus; -1i19-geha, n. pleasure-house in the I1f.ig ayi, '{. (usually with vc.) or intr. pcl. water; vha, m. cloud; -vega,,us. current. ayk-khada, m. (odd-leaved, i. e. N~~f amb-h-krita, pp. accompanied by seven-leaved) a tree (sapta-parna). spitting; n. bellowing with foaming at the ayu tap.unoe;ncnced mouth. [water.;q -utp.uykd nonetd unattached to (lc.); unintent; unsuitable, unWV~dimbhas, a. water; -tas, ad. out of the seemly; a. unsuitable metaphor; -tva, a. inW~ft~rambho-ga,n.(day)lotus; -Yini~flotus aportes;-rpaa.usuitable. plant: -vana, a. po-nd covered with lotuses; 'NZPEtla-y-uk-safikbya,a.hvg.an uneven -da, us. cloud; -dhara, m. id.; -dhi, m. sea; Vq a-yuga-sapti, us. sun. [number. -nidhi,m. id.; -bindu^indrop ofwater; -mu/c, m. -cloud; -ruha, a. (day) lotus: -mnaya, a. full W~qTTf4_Ua-yugaarkis, us. -fire (odd-rayed ~WIW am-maya, a. (1.) watery. [oflotuses. sen-ad) IM am-la, a. sour. ~ ~ [a-yugma, a. uneven, odd. VA4 ' a-mla'-n a, pp. not with ere d or wither- IRETIayugma-kkhada,m.=ayuk-khaing; fresh; -darsana, a. keen-eyed. d~a; -lokana, mn. Siva (odd- i.e. three-eyed); -Sara, Ms. Kfima (odd-=five-arrowed). VARifi a-mnla'-ni, a. not withering; -yin5 'N sl-yufiga, a. un even, o dd; -y-fig, a -id.; N tJ~amli-bhf, become sour. [a. id. -yuiq~, a. without an equal; uneven, odd. NW dy-a, us. going; course; good fortune. WJ a-yiita, (pp.) a. myriad. WWqT ayah-kaya, us. N. of a Daitya. WE s-yuddha, pp. uncombated, irresistW'*:ftprI ayah-pinda, us. a. lump of iron. ible; a. absence of war, peace. W`Z~[ a-yakshmd, a. free from disease, N aI 'a- yuddhvil, abs. without fighting. healthy. ~~f3 a-yuva-marin,2 a. in which WT A-yagiia, us. no sacrifice; non-per- youths do not die. formance of sacrifice; a. (6) not sacrificing. *q aye, s". of surprise,- often=ayi. -Nw~f a-yag-yu, 0'4;T -van, a. impious. W a-yoga, us. separation; wrong employment; bad quality; inappropriateness; 'N4d~ -yata,pp.uncontrolled,unrestrai-ned. impossibility. W~f~ff a-yati, us. no ascetic. h!I ayo-guda, us. ron ball. `W j a-yatna, us. no effort, ease: '-, -tas, W'_'Wayo-g',f. a usixed caste. in. without trouble; -vala-vyaganI-bhft, become a fly-fan without trouble. WEt4a-yogya, fp. unfit, useless; UtnauWTW~l~ -yahfi-athm, d. nt a it thorised; not a match for (lc.); -tva, a. unfitshudb;-balam, ad. not according to 1~ayo-gbana,mu. iron hammer. [ness. strength; -_ artha, a. untrue, false; -vat, ad. a-yoddhri, a. not fighting. wrongly, falsely; -sthita, pp. disarranged. WW~'q ayathftukita, pp. unseemly. Nqfa ciy(oude)f. unconquerable; a'yf. N'fl'a-yad-i,ic.wbenthereisino yad'(gr.). WWf ai-yo-ni, us.f. what is not pudendum WZM1 siy-ana, a. going, coming; a. going; muliebre; a. lacking an origin or beginning; way; course; certain Sousa sacrifice lasting -ga, a. not horn of the womb: -tva, n. abst.x.-; a year; sun's coursefrous one solstice to an- -ganman, a. not born of the womb. other; half-year; solstice; resting-place. WI9TR ayo-maya, a. (I') of iron; -mukha, W If7r a-yantrana, a. -unrestrained, free. a. iron-pointed; us.arrow; -hata, pp. of ham~ a-antrtapp. ncured~t lage; mered iron; -hridaya, a. iron-hearted. un-self-controlled. [(n. idam, f. lyam.) tfI~ -agka nplcbe WZay-dm,.pn. nin?.sg. us. this; often~here; sri ar-6, us. spoke of a wheel; -ka, m. id. If a-yamita, pp. not kept in order; WT9? a-rak~sh-at, pr. pt. not protecting; untrimmed (nails). -ita, pp. unguarded; -i-tri, mn. no protector; IMTTayavata. app, fotunte. -ya~fp. not deserving protection; -ya-ma~na, ~~?r ay-vat a.happ, frtunte. pr. pt. ps. unprotected. ~RZ'4"a-yasas, a. disgrace, dishonour; in- ~'N I ara-ghatta, us. water-wheel; well. sult; -kara, a. (i') dish~onouring, disgracing. WT~ a-ragds, a. dustless, spotless; pas~IMI~y-as, a. metal, iron; iron instrument, sionless. I NTWffa-ragyat,pr.pt-baving no pleasure in 'R W~ a-ranlgita, pp. dissatisfied. E(ic.). dr-ana, a. (i1) distant, strange. Nlft~ ar-slni, NrTft ar-dnat, f. tinder-stick (for _producing fire by attrition). a(fran-ya, a. distance, foreign country; wilderness; forest; -ka, a. forest; -gaga, us. wild elephant; -kara, a. living in a forest; wild; -gilva, a. id.; -dharma, us. savage state, wildness; -nripati, us. king of the forest, tiger; -bhava, a. growing in the forest; wild; _MA rgA ra, us. Wild, Cat; _rag usr(An -t) lion; tiger; -rga a.svereiganty of the forest; -rudita, a. crying in the forest = vain lament; -vat, ad. like a wilderness; -vsa, us. forest-abode; _Vasin, a. forest-dwelling; m. denizen of the forest; -shashtik&,f kind of celebration.!R~TWTfT- aranya'nil, 01-i'9 f wilderness; great forest; genius of the forest. [hermit. aranyn okas, us forest-dweller; N fiar-ati',on. attendant,helper,offlciater (at sacri~fices). Nfff2. a-rati, f. discomfort; depression. 'Nffff a-rati-ka, a. lacking Rati. -N W IF9T -an floka-sambhdrya, fp.not tobe dispelledbythebrilliance of gems. N ar-atnil, us. [joint], elbow; -ka, us. id. fwTN. a-rathin, a. roadless. [ill. 'NT~hUa-rantos,g. inf~tobaveno pleasure!RTtr a-rapd, O~( -s, a. unscathed, safe. NT;~dr-am, ad. suitablyto (d.); sufficiently: - kamaya, according to wish. (Cp. v'kri & VbhftA -W[411ffTq a-ramani-ya, fp. not delightful. W-Rrfffr arsi-mati, f. devotion, piety; god-. dess of devotion; a. indefatigable. 'N If aramudi, us. N. of a king of Nepal. 'NT a-ramya,fp. unpleasant, un~amiable. VRfT arari, us. fold of a door; IL, f. id. ~fara-vinda, a. (day) l otus: -tva, a. abst. i., _nabhi, ms. Krishna; -vindmi, f. (clay) lotus. 'V~ a-rasd, a. tasteless, insipid; weak. V#Rfwq a-rasika, a. unaesthetic. VRf~i a-rahita, pp. not abandoned, not wanting. [ti'ons; -in, a. id. 'IRT[ a-rflg-a, a. lacking passion or affec - RTiR a-rkgd-ka, a. kingless; a. anarchy; -ta, f. kinglessness; -daivika, a. not caused by the king, or by fate; -lakshman, a. lacklag royal insignia; - nvayin, a. belonging to no royal race. 'NTTT~ ar-fand,.pt. aor. of V/ri. [foe. 4T s-rfitijf. disf av our, enamity; fiend; us. -NT a-raima, a. lacking Rfima. [resin., NI7 arflla, a. curved, curly; ms. kind of aT~-f-van, a.(notbestowing),hostile. ~far-i,a. i.faithfui, pious; 2. (a-ri',not giving)hostile; mn. enemy: -karshana, us.harasser Nif~w~ a-rikta%', _pp. not empty. [of foes. A Nftq;qt-q -a-rikthiya. Vf,4% arth-ika., 27 I Tf_(f4tWI4 a-rikth'iya, a. incapable of inheriting. [hostility. N'-fr'r ari-gana, m. col, enemies; -t', f 'Wf"~ ar-i-tra, a. driving; m. n. oar. Wft'iar-in, ns. wheel (spoked). [foes. Vf~t~ ari-nandana,2 a. rejoicing one's WT arim-dama, a. foe-taming, victorifiia —riprd, a. spotless. [OUS. ari-mardana, a. enemy-crushing. Wfl-d7-rishta, pp. unscathed, safe; m. misfortune; a tree (also -ka, mn.); (&)-ta~ti, f. scathelessness, safety; -Tatha, a. whose car is unscathed; -vira, a. whose warriors are unscathed; -sayy^, f. bed of confinement. a 6~rsbti, f. scathelessness. VfV2UVw ari-sfidana, m. foe-destroyer. ani-han, a. foe-slaying. IRff a-ruk-i, f. disgust (at, upari); -ya, a. unpleasant. a-rug, Ola -ga, a. painless; healthy. T!ar-und, a.(a"; V. also 3') ruddy; lightbrown; golden; in. redness; dawn (personi-.fed as charioteer of the sun); sun; -kara, sn. sun; -ta^, f. redness; -psif, a. ruddy. 'I aruna-ya, den. P. redden: pp. ita.!W,~f7 aruna anuga, m. Garuda; - arkis, lat Ifit aruni, f. dawn. [En. risin g sun. V 1f~aruni-kri, redden. 1! t arunaudia, n. N. of a lakte. WN~i arum-tuda, a. making a wound; touching a sore; excruciating. 'W'WPq!Rar-undhati',f. N. of aplant; N. of JVasisht ha's w~fe; N. ofafaint star (Allkor) in the Great Bear (conceived as the consort of the seven Rishis). W~ka-rush, a. not angry, in good humour. ar-usha', a. (f. krushil) red, ruddy; in. sun, day: pl. m. f. fiames (Agni's red horses); f. firushi, dawn. __'vIk?( a-rushyat, pr. pt. not angry. 1"k( dr-us, a. wounded; n. wound. 19 a-rfidha-muftla-tva 2n.nothaving taken firm root. a-rftpa, a.formless; deformed; -na,n. no figurative term (ph.); -tva, n. deformity. WKare, J. of address, ho! sirrah! W''; a-repds, a. spotless, pure. PWPII a-roga, m. health; a. healthy. n. healthiness. IN4T~TftKi a-rokakin, a. lacking appetite; fastidious; pretentious; sensitive. v~ftqTiI a-rokamnana, pr.pt. not shining; unpalatable, nauseous. 'NtfW!R-dfa-rohin'i-ka, a. lackingRohini'. -1 ark-6, in. ray; sun; sun-god; hymn; singer; kind of tree or shrub; -iiandana, mn. planet SSaturn;,-pattra, n. leaf of the Arka; -Prabh&-gAla, n. sun-beams; -ripu, mn. Rfihu; -vrata, n. manner of the sun. [praise. Wf ~ak-in a. radiant; singing songs of I~f arga-la, m. n. bolt; obstacle. ~ARGH, I. P. argha, be worth. 'W'E argh-d, m. value, price; hospitable reception; honorific gift; -pa'tra, n. dish in which water is presented to a guest; - udaka, n. water presented to a guest. argh-ya,fp.valuable; worthy of a hospitable reception; n.water presented to a gnest. kARK, v. V`T7RIK. '~~jark -aka, a. honouring, adoring; -ana, is., aa,f. honouring, adoration: -mani, m. jewel of honour. '~TE, arat 3 sg. impf. of Aink (V.).,mm ark-'a, f. worship, adoration. ark-i, m. ray, flame. [in. fire. ~I~~?.arkish-mat, a. radiant, flaming; 'fIark-i's, is. (C. f. also), ray, flame. — Nark-ya,fp.worthy ofhonourorworship. N ARKH, v. VW RIKH. ~[IAR G, I. P. arga, procure, acquire; cs. WN5k argaya, P. A. id. upa, cs. id. WI[Ei arg-aka, a.pro curing, acquirin g; -ana, n. acquisition; -auiya, fptobacurd -ita, pp. acquired, gained; -in, a. acquiring. C,~' /r-na. (1) white, bright; in. N. of a son of Pftndu. [flood; mn. V WI[# dr-na, a. surging; in. is. wave, stream, 'Mf~arna —vd, mn. (n.) wave, stream, flood; sea; -nemi, f. earth; -sarid-a~srita, (pp.) m. dweller near the sea and rivers. N'~lT1 dr-nas, n. wave, stream, flood; sea. rfrarna-shti, f. winning of streams. Wf r. ar-tijf pain. (=ftrti). TI2. ar-ti, the root ri. ar-tha,n. (V.), m.husiness,work; aim, purpose; cause; meaning; advantage, profit,, use, utility, the useful; reward; gain; property, wealth, money; thing, object; inatter, affair; case, suit; a. -,hvg. in view, serviceable for: -in, in., d., lc. on account of, for the sake of, for ( —P); ab. = that is to say. ayam arthah, this thing; kam artham, what thingl ko -arthah, what is the use of (in.)?l what does (. care for (in.) l 2- -W artha-kara, a. (Ii) useful; -ka'ma, is. sg., in. due, the useful and the pleasant; a. desirous of wealth; wishing to be useful; -kamnya, a. id.; -ka'rsya, is. destitution, poverty; -kilbishin, a. transgressing with money; -krikkhra, is. difficult matter; -krit, a. useful; -kritya, is., A, f. accomplishment of an affair; -grahana, is.taking away of money; import of the meaning; -ghna, a. (i') prodigal; -kitta, a. intent on riches; -kintaka, a. knower of the 'useful; -gita, is. sg. pl. money; things, objects; -gila, a~understanding the matter or the meaning; -tattva, is. real state of things; fact of a matter; true sense: -tas, ad. for a purpose; for the sake of ( —O); for the sake of gain; in truth, really, according to the meaning; -trishsa^,f. thirst for gold, avarice; -tva, is. serviceableness for (-~O); -da, a. useful; liberal; -datta, in. N. of wealthy merchants; -darsana, is. judging a matter;.d'na, is. present in money; -d~ishana, ns prodigality; unjust seizure of property. '!1"II arth-anft, f. prayer, request. 'WT*4T'T artha-natsa, m. loss of property; -nirdesa, in. explanation of the sense. #'iV'9 arth-an'iya, fp. to he required or demanded from. artha-pati, mn. rich man.; king; -para, a. intent on money, -niggardly; -pa'rushya, is. rigidness in mnoney matters; -pa'la, in. N. of a man; -prayoga, in. usury; -bandha, sin. significant words; -matta, pp purse-proud; -ma~tra, is., Af. wealth, money. endeavour, strive for; ask one (ac., ab.) for (ac.); explain. abhi, ask one (ac.) for (ac., d., lc., or -artham). pra, desire; ask one (ac.) for (ac., lc.); request something (ac.) from (ab.); wish to, ask one to (injf.); woo; have recourse to; A. oppose oneself to (ac.). sam, prepare; conclude; judge, think, consider; connect with (in. or prati w. ac.); perceive; contemplate; resolve; cheer up, encourage. -NY Jf artha-yukta,.pp. significant; -yukti, f. gain, advantage; -ra~si, in. wealth; -ruhi, a. avaricious; -Thbha, sn. acquisition ofwealth;' -lubdha, p~p. avaricious; -1olupA-taAf. love of money; -vat, a. wealthy; significant; intelligible; ad. judiciously: -ta^, f., -tva, is. significance; -vargita, pp. meaningless; -varman, in. N.; -va~da, sa. explanation of the purpose; praise; -va~din, a. reporting facts; -vid, a. knowing the sense; -vina'sana, a. detrimental; -viparyaya, in. impoverishment; poverty; -vriddhi,f. increase of wealth; -vyavaha~ra, in. pecuniary suit. W45T artha-sa'stra, is. treatise on practical life or policy; -sauka, is. blamelessness in money matters; -sri~f. abundance ofwealth; -sainsiddhi, f. success of a matter; -samgraha, sin. accumulation of riches; -samnkaya, in. sg. pl. property, wealth; -saindeha, in. doubtful or critical case. 'UTKartha-sainpa'dana, n. obtainment of an advantage; -samnbandha, in. possession of wealth; -sama~hartri, mr. receiver ofmoney;, -Sadhaka, a. promoting a thing, useful; -sa^dhana, is. accomplishment of a purpose; means of attaining an object; -sa~ra, in. abundant wealth; -siddha, pp. self-evident; -siddhi, f. acquisition of property; success in one's object; establishment of the sense. WiTT~artha fgama~m.substantialincome; -aitura, a. avaricious; - Atman, in. true nature; - adhik ara,sn. admIn'istration ofmoney; -antar~a, n. another thing; different meaning: -nya'sa, in. adduction of another case, general orparticularcorroboration (arhetonicalfig.); Apatti, f. self-evidence; kind of rhetorical figue; abir Aa, in. meaning intended; ZIrgana, is. acquisition of property; - artham, ad. for the sake of money; zrti-tA, f.desire of wealth; -arthin, a. interested, selfish;aaadain prodigality; - asa, fdesire for money; -ahharana, is. accumulation of money; adduction of meanings. 'Wfik arth-ika, a. in need of, desirous of (_) i-tavya~fp. to be sought; -i-ta'f., -tva, is. solicitation; desire of (in.); request; -in, a. busy; eager; desirous of (in., -.aO); needy; amorous., lustful; in. suitor; suppliant, beggar; prosecutor. E 2 28 -NqT! arthi-sa't-kri. W;q a-lasa. NfWUT~ arthi-ski-kri, grant a supplicanat's request (ac.). L(-0). 9Tf9 arth-iya, a. serving the purpose of TX4 1 M artha utsarga, mn. expenditure; Uishmnan, M. glow of wealth.,gm' arth-ya, a. suitable, judicious; rich. -V ARD, v. Ina-i RID. ~k ard-ana, a. afflicting, tormenting (~) ard-ita, pp. ('Vrid) afflicted. 'WR~ ARDH, prosper, v. VVI RIDH. i. ardh-d, a. half (in a. & ad. often 0-); m.n. half; middle. W1. drdh-a, m. side, part; place, region.,q ardha - kathana, n. incomplete narration; -kapisa, a. brownish; -krishta, pp. half drawn out; -koti, f. five millions; -kosha, in. half one's treasure. q~ardha-handra, mn. half-moon; arrow with half-moon-shaped head; hollowed hand: -m d&, seize bythe throat; -ka~m.bent hand; -bhagin, a. seized by the throat; -mukha, a. having a half-moon-shaped point. Wv~!f~IRM ardha-gvalita, pp. half-ignited. W~qt~ ardha-trayodasa, a. pl. twelve & a half; -dagdha, pp. half-burnt; -danda, mn. fin eof halfthe amount; -divasa, m. midday; -dev&, m. demi-god; -dvi-katur-asraka, in. kind of posture; -nish-panna, a. half comipleted. [asa.twenty-five. W~a4T~T rha-pan-ka-n, -ma, a. 441; -PailI~tT1ardha-pana, in. half a pana; -patha, in. half-way; -pida, in. tip of the foot; -padika,a.havinghalfafoot; -pita,pp afduk -puliyita, n. kind of gait in the horse; -briga1b,, n. half a piece; -bhakshita, pp. halfeate; -bagnapp. half-broken; -bhagika, a. receiving half a portion; -bhag, a. receiving, the half; _Magadhi, f. semi-Mhgadhl (dialect); -mrga, An. half-way; - sam half a month; _Masika, a. lasting half a mot;-iia p. half-closed; -uuikri, half close (eyes); -mundita, pp. having the head half shaved. 'W44PR ardha-yama, ns. half-watch. WN~- ardha-rfira, m. midnight: -samaya~mmidnight hour; -rfidha,pp.half-grown. NIEW arclha rikd, in. half-verse, hemistich. TNT IjTT ardharka-sds, ad. by half-verses. N %Pftf ardha-lakshya, fp. half-visible; -likhita, pp. half-painted; -vrastra, n. half a garment; -vriddhi, f. half the interest; -vaisasa, n. semi-homicide. N4W'.bff ardha-sata, n. 50a50 m5yra, a. half black, half clouded over; -sruta, pp. halfheard; -sloka, m. half sloka; -samg~~ta-sasya, a. whose produce is but half grown; -sama-vritta, n. semi-identical metre (P~da i = 3, 2 =4); -siddha, pp. half-completed; -S3irin, m. husbandman who receives half the producefor his labour; -h~ra, m. pearl necklace of 64 strings. V C ardha akshi, n. side glance; - aiigi'kri, turn into half a body; - A-kita, pp. halfstudded (w~jewrels); -_ Adhita, pp. half-learnt; - ardha, a. quarter: -bhga, in. id., -hani f.deduction of half each time; v-1idha, pp. half-licked; - &-vishta, pp. half-faltering; _ ~Sana, n. half ~iie's seat (offered to a guest). 'N[fN4.Z ardh-ika, a. (I') am ounting to a half; -in, a. half; receiving the half. 1 Mrh nuniui (rset crested), ep. of Siva. WNT~ffl ardha uktap. half-said, half-told; n. half-speech; - ukhishta,.pp. half left over;..jidita, pp. halt-risen; - uipa-bhukta, jpp. half-consumed; - uruka, a.reaching halfway down the thigh; n. short overcoat. N1qTr arp-ana, a. (i) procuring; niaking over, entrusting; n. throwing; attaching; placing upon,; application; offering; consignment, making over, transference; restitntion; _aniyalfp. to be given up, to be handed over; -ita, Cs. pp. (Vri) placed in or on, applied; made over to. ar-paya, cs. of V.,ri, go. 'ai arbuda, in. (d) serpent; N. of a snakedemon (adr-); snake-like mass; shape of the foetus in the second mon th; N. ofaWmtn (Abft): pl. N. of a people; n. the hymn BV/. X, 94; so,ooo.ooo; -sikhara, in. N. of a mtn. 'W# drbha, a. small, weak; in. boy; -kii, a. small, weak; m. boy; young, of animals: t^ f. abst. N.; -ga, a. youthful. 'N4( dr-ma, m. p1. ruins. r4. ar-yd, a. kind, devoted; pious. NW 2. drya, in. man - a,,f. woman of one of the three upper castes; man -, woman of the third caste. [(T1i arya-mdn, in. intimate, comrade; N. of one of the.Adityas, chief of the Pitris; groomsman; sun. aryam~ya, a. intimate. 'Wi?( dr-vat, T~iTdr-van, a. racing, swift; in. racer, steed; charioteer. WJ~ drvat-ii, f. mare. W4Tjarv'ak, n. (ofarv'aiKW) ad. hitherwards: - kri, procure; prp. with in. or ab. on this side of; from; before (offuet.), after (of past). N4WfTZi arvftk-ka'Iika-tft,f. modern dlate; akh1na, a. dating from a recent period. W4T40'q arvqri/na (or d), a. hitherward; being on this side of (ab.); nearer. 'N4TUar-va'ailk, a. (-v;97Mi) turned towards; hitherward: -am kcri, procure. WVFdrs-as, n. pI. hemorrhoids. ~ARSH, v. WqRISH. 1A R H, 1.P. (A.)rha, claim; deserve; be liable to, incur; he bound to, he capable of (ac.); have a right, be obliged, be able to (inf.); be worth, be equal to (ac.); the 2nd pers. sg. is equivalent to apolite imperative == please to, pray; deign to; cs. arhaya, honour with (in.). abhi, cs. pp. arhita, highly honoured. *arh-a, a. deserving, claiming, entitled to, justified in (ac., ~);fit, suitable for (g.,.) -na, a. claiming (0;n. honouring:,f honour; -niya,,fp. deserving of honour; -tva, n. worthiness for (0-). 'ff? a-rh-at, pr. pt. deserving; in. worthy person, Arhat (with Buddhists and Jamns); -tva, n. dignity of an Arhat. 'W#fwRiT arhantikft,f. Buddhist nun. W~jalaka, in. n. lock, curly hair; alf. N. ofKubera's city; N. of a city in Nishadha.',~~ldlakam, ad. in vain. NM*WT alakaisAra i.N. of Kubera. 'NR alakta, 01j -ka, mi. (n.) red lac. WWT~ alaktaka afika, a. red-coloured. WWq a-laksh-and, n. evil omen; a. lacking marks or characteristics; insignificant; harmful; -ita, p~p. unmarked; unobserved: -in, ad. [mitous; -ka, a. unfortunate. -WTI[#t a-lakshmi, f. evil destiny; a. calaIMWa-lakshya,fp. invisible, unobserved; insignificant; -ganma-t'a,f insignificant birth. 'NRMT alakhflna, in. NV. of a prince. IWqM1 ala-gardd, in. hind of snake; 'a,f kind of leech. Nw a-laghu, a. clumsy; slow; not insignificant; -bhava, innuo degradation; -sarira, a. fatigued. VAiqR7 alain-kar-ana, n. ornamenting; ornament; -in, a. ornamented; -ishnu, a. fondofdress; adorning (ac.); -tri, i. adorner. R[ERTiT alamn-kftrd, in. adornment; ornament, trinket; rhetorical figure; -ka, in. ornament; -vat,f. T. of the 9th Lambaka in the Kathad-sarit-sadgara; -sila, in. N. T~~alam-krita, pp. V'kri; -kriti, f. ornament; rhetorical figure; -kriy&f. adorning; ornament. -NWT a-Ia-hgh-an'Iya,jp.nottobeovertaken; not to be overstepped; unapproachable; -ayat, pr.pt. not infringing. Vffi- a-laicgh-ita, pp. untrodden; untouched, unattained; -p firvra, a. not infringed before; 7-4man, a. not forgetting oneself. W~a-lafigh-ya,fp.u~nfordable; not tobe trodden, - touched; not to be infringed. '1R ~ a-lagga, a. shameless; 'a, f. -ness: -kara, a. not disgraceful. f Ta-latika, f. a. creeperless (soil). 'NRd'T~alam-taram,(cpv.)ad.higbly; with inf. much better; -dhana, a. having sufficient property. 'NIRTa-labdha,.pp.unacquired,unobtainedl; -pada, a. having made no impression on (le.); -vat, _pf. pt. act. not having obtained (ac.). ' ~~~a-labhamana~pr.pt-not gaining; not making out. [not be incurred. -N fa-labh-ya,fp.u~nattainable; that can W[~T( dlam, ad. enough, sufficiently, thoroughly, adequately, plenteously; highly; suf ficient or fit for; equal to, a match for (d.); able to (inf.); enough of; away with (in.); have done w., cease, donot (i~nf orgd. = impv.). (See also V.kri & VNbhft.) [tive word, negative. WqW": aamatavks n. prohibiN~TI alambushfi, f. N. of an Apsaras. 'NR a-laya, a. restless. -NT alarka, mn. mad dog; fabulous animal' with eight legs; N. of a plant. W~TIRPW(4 alalfl-bhdvat, pr. pt. rippling. -N;F a-lasd, a. dull, slack; weary; feeble, indolent; -gamana, a. of indolent gait; - kshana, a. dim-eyed. Wr~TWq- a-1a'gh ava. - N a-Vadhra. 29 wq9a-la'ghava, n. no relief, to(g) -NRff alfita, n. firebrand. vW~T1 al'abu, 04 -bii, f. gourd; m. n. its fruit; gourd-bottle; -maya, a. made of a gourd. 'WW~T;I a-lflbha, m. non-obtainment; absence; loss; -ka~la, m. unfit time for obtainWW~TWI a-la'sya, a. not dancing. [ment. '~frali, M. bee; -kula, ni. swarm of bees. ~f~ qi lik, m fo ehe d. [lacking gender. Wf' a-lifiga, a. lacking characteristics; WFT!a-ign a. not entitled to wear badges. [of bees. 'Nf!RiTaliinmbee; -3i,f~female bee; swarm Wf~i alinda, m. terrace. Rf1?( ali-mat, a. covered with bees: (d)-dalin, a. having petals covered with bees; -af.swarm of bees. 'mit# I i alika, a. disagreeable; false; n. disagreeable thing; untruthfulness, falsehood; forehead; -nmiana, n. feigned closing Of the eyes; -pandita, m. philosophaster; -mantrin, mn. dishonest minister; -ada- ila, a. lying; -Supta, -ka, n. feigned sleep. NM Mt a-lina, pp. not adhering. WI V *ka-lupta-sattva-kosa, a.having a full treasure of courage. [contentment. W5 a-lubdha, pp. not covetous; -tva, n. WIR a-liuina, PP. unplucked, unhurt. kW a-lekhya, fp. -not to be reckoned among (lc.).!RX1i~ a-lepaka, a. untainted, pure. N'~qTR1TTW a-loka- sAmnnya, a. not shared by ordinary people. M~ a-lokyd, a. unusual; improper, inadmissible; excluding from heaven. W4#tf4, a-lopayat, cs. pr. 1pt. not causing to desist from (ab.). W3 a-lobha, m. freedom from confusion; lack of cupidity; moderation; a. moderate' contented. [hairless. kfjT~rii a-lomaka (or dka), a. (aki or iki) T ~a-Iola, a. not fickle, Inot greedy; -tva, s. constancy. [greedy. i~n f -% a-hita (or tti), a. bloodless. 'N1fqFi a-laukika, a. (i) unusual, extraW~r alga', m. du. groin, loins. [ordinary. WNK dipa, a. smnall, little, short, trifling, insignificant, feeble; n. a little: -m, ad. slightly; in., ab. easily, quickly; -ka ia) id.;. wretched wight; is. a little: -in, ad. slightly;..karya, a. insignificant; -kala-tva, n. shortness of time; -gila, a. knowing little: -tva, ns. abet. Nr.; -tara, cpv. quite small; -a,. -tva, n. smallness, insignificance; shortness; -tegas, a. of little energy; -dhana, a. of small means, poor; -dhi, a. of small wit, foolish. N~IW( " ETT alpa-pariivaira, a. of slender retinue; -pa'yin, a. sucking badly (leeches); -punya, a. whose good works are few; -pra i bhAva, a. insignificant; -bala, n. small force; -bala-prana, a. weak and short-winded; -buddha, pp. only just awakened; -buddhi, a. of mean intellect; -bha'gya, a. luckless: -tva, is. abst. Nr.; -bhugaj autara, a. narrowchested; -medhas, a. of small wit. Wiq alpa-ya, den. P. lessen, depreciate. N;ff'g alpa —vidya, a. of little learning; -vishaya, a. of small extent, limited. W;W'kTfffI alpa-sakti, a. weak.; -sds, ad. slightly, to a small extent; rarely; -sesha, a. having little wanting; almost completed; -sattva, a. of little courage, cowardly; -sa~ra, a. weak; worthless; insignificant; -sna'yu, a. having few sinews; -svara, a. weak-voiced, quiet. 'WiETT alpa Oiga, a. small-bodied: -tva, n. abst. iv.;- ayus, a. short-lived; - alipa, a. little by little, moderate: -bha~s, a. of very sl ightilustre; Z_9vasishta, pp. little left: -tva, is. condition of little being, left. alpi-bhft, be diminished. ~W alp-iyas, cpv. smaller; very small. WkI alpa ikkhu, a. of moderate wishes; -itara, a. great, considerable: -tva, is. -ness. AV, I. P. ava, urge; favou'ar, help; N comfort, satisfy; protect; like. upa, assent, agree. pra =simple verb. 'V' i[. ava, verbal and nominal pre~fix off; down; prp. w. ab. down from. '~2. dy-a, in. favour, grace. WZIk a-vamsa, m. mean descent. W7fi ava-kara, mn. sweepings; -kftta, mn. n. dust-heap. [to, set at nought. N~qq CT ava-karna-ya, den. P. not listen WiWA ava-kart-a, m. chip; -ana, n. cutting off; -in, a. cutting off (-~). W'~Ir'k:rava-'k'asi,m. space,room; opportunity; interval; access: -mn da^, make room; grant admittance (to, d., g.); -da, a. harbouring; m. receiver of stolen goods; -vat, a. roomy, spacious. -NqqtI% rava-k'irnin, a. having broken his vow of chastity; -kes&, a. having pendent hair; -kotaka,. m. crane (ardea ssivea). 'NWWI a-vakra-ga, a. going straight. 'NTq' ava-kraya, mn. letting, leasing. W'9t4I ava-kshepa, in. derision, mockery; -na, is. throwing down; mockery. 'N, k9i ava-khandana, ns. splitting, dismembering; -khmad&, mn. consumption; consumer. 'N'q7JW ava-gantavya, f~p. to be understood; to be concluded from (ab.); — gautri, in. one who understands; -gama, in., -na, is. understanding, cognizance, ascertainment; -ga~ha, sn. immersion; washing; bathing: -na,ni. id.; -ga~hin, a. reaching to; engaging in (-O); -g%,unth ana, is. veiling; veil: -vat, a. veiled; -gutrana, is. roaring, raging; -graha, sn. hindrance; obstacle; drought; division of a word; pause, mark of elision (gr.); -gra'ha, in. drought; -gra'ham, abs. separating the words; -gahin, a. separating; -gharshansa, is. rubbing off; -ghata, in. blow; unhusking by pounding.!WqIq a-vakana, a. speechless; -kara, a. not following -, disregarding advice. T qWa-vakan'iya,fp. not to be said. WTV ava-kaya, 0~qT'g-ka'ya, m. pluckin g, gathering; -ka-yin, a. plucking, gathering; -karana, n. treatment, application: 'i-ya,fp. applicable; -kikiisha,f. desire to pluck; -kitda, in. pendent tuft; -kula, in. id. Nz* ava-hkheda, in. piece cut off; section; distinction; -gaya, in. conquest; -gila^, f. contempt, disrespect, disparagement (of, g., lc.): in. with perfect indifference; -gqiana, n. id.; -grieya, fp. to be despised. 'NW M a-vanikana-tfi, f. honesty. W'4 ava-ttl, in. pit; cavity. W1T avatu-ga, in. pl. hair on the neck. INW1 tiv-at, pr. pt. friendly; mn. N. 'N4 ava-ta', mn. well. ~?~ava-tamnsa, O'c -ka mn. n. wreath, diadem; ring-shaped ornament; -nyafP. to be made into a wreath. [wreathi. 7R~~ava-tamnsa-ya, den. P. make into a W''fff~f avatains-in'i, f. woman wearing a wreath. _M (Rj' avatamsi-kri, use as a wreath. 'WWT ava-tamasa, ns. decreasing darkness. W~TffT ava-tar-ana, is. coming down, descent: -mafigala, is. solemn welcome; -itavya, fp. is. one must descend; -ara, n. descent (esp. of god& to earth); incarnation; manifestation: -na, is. causing to descend; laying aside, -mantra, in. spell causing one to descend from the air; tarin, a. appearing, entering; -itrshu, a. wishing to descend. Vqtf avattin, a. dividing into (-, e. g. four) parts() 'N'Ta-avatsft,f. cow that has lost her calf. N4!Tlf ava-dftta, pp. pure, white, clear: ta~f whiteness; -dana n. heroic deed; -dara, en. breach: -nsa, is. a. rending; bursting. 'NTTT a-vadftvada, a. undisputed. W'f ava-dola, in. swinging, rocking. 'N[qW a-vad-ya',fp. blameworthy; n. fault; abuse; blame; disgrace. W14 a-vadha, in. no murder; no beating. N''4' ava-dhaina, n. attention, devotion; -dharana, is. affirmation; restriction; singln ot i-a P. to be looked upon as settled; to be restricted to (in.); -dharya, fp. to be ascertained; -dhi, in. limit; terminus ad quem; respite: a ad. up to, till (g.). 'NMf avadh'i-kri, fix a limit or date. 'Ni'9V43JJ ava-dh'irana, n. a, f. refusal; disdain. 'NIAT9ava-dhira-ya, den. P.- refuse, disdain, neglect; surpass. sam, disregard: pp. ita, disregarded, slighted, unheeded. Wg'lfti~ ava-dhirin, a. surpassing () 'NZ4 a-vadh-yd, fp. inviolable: -vyavasaya-VA hya, a. foreic 'n to the resolve that nothing5 should be killed; -a, f. inviolableness; -tva, is., -bh~ia, i.id. WW a-vadhrti, a. indestructible. 30 ar ava-dhvamnsa. Vftiw a-vikala. I W tcg| t ava-dhvamsa, m. dust; flour. WI1 av-ana, n. favour; protection: -vat, a. favoured, protected. [body, crouching. lqWlTqi T ava-nata-kaya, a. with bent ^i rf-.ava-nati, f. going down, setting; humiliation; -namra, a. bent, bowed. ^zrfl avi-ni, f. current, stream, course; earth; ground, place: -pa, -pati, -pala, -palaka, m. sovereign, king. [to the ground. 4pfqTn Trava-ni-patam, abs. w.pat,fall ~J~f[ —n avani-ruha, m. tree. 'JWft ava-ni, f. earth. -Tf ava-neg-ya, fp. fit for washing. ^jWlii ava-negana, n. cleansing; i,f. id. Wqfrii avanti, m.pl. N. of apeople; -deva, n. N. of a king; -nagari,f. the city of Uqgayint; -pura, n., i, f. id.; -maitri, -ka,f. pt. the divine mothers of the Avantis; -vati, f. A.; -vardhana, m. N.; -varman, in. N. of a king and of a poet; -sundari,f. N.; -sena, n., a, f. N.; -svamin, m. N. of a temple. i[-~I avanti, f. N. of Uggayin; -nagara = avanti-nagari; -esvara, m. N. of a temple. ~Fipq a-vandhya, a. not barren, not fruitless; successful: -ta,f. successfulness; -pata, a. unerring (arrow); -prasada, a. whose favour is fruitful; -rupa, a. whose beauty is not in vain: -ta,f. abst. N. PAqTE ava-pata, m. fall, falling or flying down, descent; resorting to (-~); pitfall: -na, n. felling, throwing down; -pidan, f. inj ury; -praggana, n. end of a cloth. #t'~lT ava-bodha, m.waking; perception, cognizance, knowledge; -na, n. instruction; -nlya, pp. to be recognised by (in.). ~Wqijr ava-bhafiga, m. breaking; -bhaaigana, n. breaking, tearing off; -bhas-a, m. brightness; appearance, manifestation: -aka, a. illuminating, manifesting, -ana, n. manifestation; illuminating, -in, a. shining, appearing; manifesting; -bhritha, n. ritual ablution. WqR ava-md, spv. lowest; next; last; youngest; -mantavya, fp. to be despised; -mantri, m. scorner (of, ac.); -manya-ka, a. despising, disdaining; -mard-a, m. distress; N. of an owl, -ana, a. crushing, harassing; n. rubbing; destroying, -in, a. crushing; -marsa, m. contact; reflexion; -man-a, n. disrespect, contempt; disgrace, -ana, n.,, f. contempt; insult, -in, a. disdaining; undervaluing, -ya, fp. to be despised. Wqtq ava-yava, m. member, limb; part: -dharma, m. use of part for whole (rie.), -rupaka, n. kind of simile; -yav-in, a. consisting of parts; N. whole: -i)-rupaka, n. kind of simile; i-bohu, become a part. a d va-ra, a. lower, inferior; low, mean; following, later, younger; nearer; western; -, at least: -ga, a. low-born; younger; m. Sfdra; younger brother, a, f. younger sister, -varna, m. low caste: -ga, m. Sadra; -ruddhatva, n. confinement;- -ruddhi,f. obtainment; -ruddhika, f. woman of the harem; -rudhika,f. pi. women of the harem. ~2i' J avarena, (in.) prp. w. ac. under. ^NTtIava-rodha, m.hindrance; disturbance; imprisonment; 'ilockade, siege; harem: pl. women of the harem: -na, n. descending; investment, siege; enclosure, temple; harem: pi. women of the harem; -sikhandin, m. domestic peacock; -rodhin, a. enclosing, covering (-~); -roh-a, in. descent; transition to a lower note, -ana, a. (i) descending; n. alighting; descending scale; transition to a lower note, -in, a. descending. WI4[ a-varkds, a. impotent, feeble. 1i4l a-varna, m. reproach, blame: -bhag, a. blameworthy. [on, not present. JTTq- a-varta-mana, pr. pt. not going *fe ava rti,f. (come-down), need, want, hunger. [creasing. jR'9T11 a-vardha-mana, pr. pt. not inwTq a-varsha, m., -na, n. drought. It% Il[.T a-varshtos, g. inf. not to rain. sqIRl ava-lagna, (pp.) mn. n. waist. Wq^ ava-lamb-a, a. hanging down; m. attachment to; support, prop; -ana, a. (i) hanging to, leaning on; n. hanging down; attachment to, resting upon (-~); dependence; support; tarrying; -itavya, fp. to be clung to; -in, a. hanging down; reclining or leaning on; attached to; dependent on (-~). ~WlflOT ava-lipta, pp. anointed; proud, haughty: -ta, f., -tva, n. pride, insolence; -lunthana, n. robbing; -lekhana, n. brushing, combing; -lepa, m. ointment; pride, -na, n. id., -vat, a. proud, haughty; -leha, m., -na, n. licking off. W4T[ 1i ava-lok-a, m. observation; sight, view; -ana, n. look at; glance; sight, inspection; view; appearance; -ayitri, m. observer; -ita, f. N.; -itaisvara, m. N. of a Bodhisattva; -in, a. looking at; -lopana, n. cutting off, destroying, injuring. ^l~qli ava-vada, m. command. 'JrI a-vasd, a. not subject to another's will, independent, free; unwilling: -ga, a. not subject to (g.); -vasin, a. unwilling. HJfi ava-sish-ta, pp. left over: -ka, n. remnant, rest; -sesha, m. residue; leavings: -m, ad. except (-~). lWf[4 ' 1fl avasa indriya- kitta, a. whose senses and mind are uncontrolled. *WIJ a-vas-ya, a. unyielding,uncomplying: ~- or -m, ad. necessarily; certainly: -ka-ta, f. necessity, obligation; -bhava, m. necessity; -bhavin or -m-bhavin, a. that must necessarily be, necessarily taking place. WTZt ava-sy,,f. hoar-frost: -ya, m. id. ^4qrWI ava-shtabh-ya, fp. to be stopped; -shtambha, m. recourse to, employment; resoluteness; courage: -na, n. id., -maya, a. indicative of courage. [fort, joy; desire. Wj Ix. av-as, n.help, favour; (alsopl.) comNfI^ 2. avas, ad. down; prp. down from (in., ab.); below (in.). WJt-i ava-sakta, pp. (Vsan-g) fixed; -sakthika, f. loin cloth: -m kri, place a cloth round the loins; -sanna, pp. ended, waned; spent; -sara, m. occasion, opportunity; right time; appropriateness,use; turn; -sarpana,n. descent; -sarpini,f. descending cycle; -sada, mn. sitting down; sinking; exhaustion, lassitude; defeat: -na, n. discouragement; dejection; -sana, n. resting-place; cessation; end; death; end of a sentence orverse; pause: -bhAumi, f. acme; -sita, pp. ('Isa) ended: - artha, a. satisfied; -siti,f. conclusion, end; -seka, m. sprinkling; bleeding (by leeches); -sekana, n. sprinkling; water for washing; bleeding. ~WAJ'k ava-skand-a, m. assault, surprise; -in, a. covering; assailing; -skara, m. privy: -mandira, n. id. [prp. below (g.). WWT -avds-tat, ad. below; on this side; TzI a-vastu, n. worthless thing; nothing, the unreal: -tva, n. abst. N. Wa1l a-vastra, a. unclothed: -ta,f. nakedness; i-kri, deprive of clothes. WJ[c ava-sthd, m. penis. '14T ava-stha, f. appearance in court; state, condition; circumstance; a-tavya,fp. that must remain; -na, n. appearing; condition, position; dwelling, abiding, stay; stability; -antara, n. changed condition; -pana, n. exposing for sale; -yin, a. staying in; -sthita,pp. ((/stha) stationed; standing; arrayed; engaged in; -sthiti,f. stay, sojourn, abode. [joints of the fingers. W qTP Zf ava-sphotana, n. cracking the [i% avas-yu, a. seeking protection. W'N '9 - ava-hanana, n. threshing, unhusking; lung; -hara, m. putting off; -harya, fp. to be made to pay (ac.); that must be caused to be paid; -hasa, m. jest; derision; -hasya, fp. ridiculous: -ta, f abst. N.; -hita, pp. V/dhA; -hela, f. contempt: in. with the greatest ease. [ing downward. rlTJl^t[qr avag-gamana-vat, a. mova-M l l'T I nV a-van-manasa-gohara, a. being beyond the reach of speech or mind. mZTqMq avani-mukha, a. (i) facing downward. ~W qTil: a-vakala, a. not talkative; not boastful. [being below (ab.). -TIrTOq avak-rna, a. turned downwards; q T^ a-vak.-ya, fp. not to be addressed; not to be uttered; not directly expressed: -ta,f. abuse, invective. Wq4 v dvaank, a. (avaki) downward, headlong; lower; southern; avak, n. ad. downwards, headlong. -'FZ 6-vat, 2 sg. aor. of '/vah. 'Tff I. a-vata, pp. unmolested; secure. TTTTW 2. a-vata, a. windless, calm. WT'ql a-vana, pp. not dried up, fresh; wet. Aq T TT avaantara, a. lying between; different, respective: -desa, m. intermediate region. ~Ji~ ava ap-tavya, fp. to be obtained; - apti, f. acquisition, attainment; -ipya,fp. to be obtained. [mrriT, a-varaniya, fp. irresistible. '^[qTZ avavata, m. son begotten by a man with a woman of his own caste who has cohabited with another man. [-ka,f. ewe. Nfiq av-i, a. favourable; m. sheep; f. ewe: af~lc I a-vikatth-ana, a. not boastful; -in, a. id. [motionless. Ifqfiq-ri4 a-vi-kampita,pp.not trembling, '^fciWR a-vikala, a. not defective; unmutilated, entire, complete; correct. wtwa-.v-ikalpA. ~ 4~np a-Vikshita. 31 fjqa-vikalpa, a. not hesitating: -i, WfZ'(VTII a-vidhantia, a. non-prescription: ad. without hesitation.' -tas, ad. not according to prescription. ZfRR' a-vikhr-a, m. no change, no dis- a-vidhi-pihrvakam, ad. afig~urement; a. subject to no change; -in, a. gainst prescribed rules, irregularly. not changing; not; moving a muscle: -i-ta',f. -f -id uaa n tla kng apoe abst. vn.; -ya, fp. unchangeable. cheerful. h ra,.no lc in [ver ene; Vjfff 6-vi-krita,pp.not changed; not pre- cfheaeir heyul.pevere;etrfser-s pared, natural; undeveloped; not misshapen. Wf [V a-vinahya,fm.punseersly behaviour; ~ a- ikr ma, a. n t v lor us.-vat, a. ill-m annered, uncivil. N a-vi-kriya-tva, n. unchange- Nf-w4 a-vinasvara, a. imperishable. aldeness; -kriya, f. no change: - Atiaka, a. _i subject to no change. WF4-TW a-vias-a~mnon-corruption; non' ff-# -,- ikia p.n th vi g s l; detraction; -in, a. imperishable; undecayingr. -kreya, fp. not for sale; -kshata, pp. unin- N-f~T a-vinivartin, a. not turning Jured; - s bd a pp. not disarranged. back, ntfeig viky'adsaahvn Wft#tf a-vi-nita, pp. ill-bred. commited n noto ous4cime. a-vinoda, m. ennui. [fin ding out. VfJTiI a-vighna, a. unanimous. Wf;lf a-vind-at, pr.pt.not finding, not TA1 a-vigraha, a. indisputable. 'Nf-4'a-vghn~a.Linmpdedundstu'-ofiWN- EP a-vipakva-karana, a. having ~i ~ ~ -vi h n a a~ u s m p e e d ~ n di tur e d; im m ature organs. a. lack of hindrance: in. without hindrance: T -tas, ad. without obstacles; i-ta, pp. unliin- %(ft-ICK4. i. a-viparyaya, den. P.not to fail. dered;. undisturbed. [pid. ~ 2 - i a y a a m ota s o i _f I qI 94r1a-vikakshana, a. not subtile, stu- tion; no error; -4sa, va. no inversion: in. witbWf'~ a —vikala, a. not wavering, stead- otivrin fast; i-ta, pp. unaverted. VifRtTIR avi-p~hi, m. shepherd. 'Ifw1T9 a-vikftr-a, m. lack of reflexion; a. W-f1w a-vi-pra-yukta, pp. not severed; not reflecting: -in, ad. without delay, -gila, -piuta, pp. inviolate; true to one's vow. a. unacquainted with reflexion; -ana, a. lack -f {a-vi-bhakta,pp.undivided; having of, reflexion; -ayat, pr. pt. unreflecting; -ita, cmuiyo od;-h~a.n iiin.pp. unconsidered: -in, ad. without besitation; co m nt ofg ds b ga m. odi so. -ya, fp. needing no reflexion. RfTNifO a —vi-bhatv-ita, pp. -not clearly Wfqf'~V a-vi-kkhinna, pp. not severed, perceived; -ya-in'na, pr. pt. ps. being uncontinuous; -kkhkeda, m. uninterruptedness: noticed. ab. uninterruptedly; -kyuta, pp. not to be qf1fi{1 a-vi-bhinna,pp. undivided (from, lost: -in, ad. faultlessly. ab.); unchanged; -k~.1ai,ad.atthesametime. furia-vi-ganat, pr. pt. not knowing, Wfp ft;~ a-vibhhshana -pan-r ignorant; -giza, a.undiscerning: -ti, f.stu- kkihada, a. lacking ornaments and furniture. pidity; -g~iita, pp. unknown, unrecognised; -gii~na, a. lack of knowledge: ab. unawares; 'Nf-qVT[ a-vibhrama, a. unaffected. a. lacking knowledge; -gfieya, fp. unrecog- V-fVTiff a-vi-bhrftnta, pp. immovable. nisable. qRfff a-imritvaJp ode 14 a-vitatha, a. not false, irue; fa- sevin futhe a-vsi-mrartitayanp. nte vourable: -in ad. truly; a. a metre; -v", a. srigfrh rc nieain truth-speaking. WfT W a-vi-mukta-saiva, mn. Saiva Nif-q av-i-trz', m. helper, protector. monk of a certain grade.; -a~pida, in. N. of WMIET~g a-vi-tripta, pp. unsatiated: -ka, a. a.ko feing; notsm.Sia not yet sated with (g.). [clever, aiding. dvmoaan ntfreng o 4i a-id gd a.no unt o a-vi-yukta, pp. unseparated from ~If ~ f~~ s vid sin~~ un aill g~p renn al. (in.); -yoga, in. non-separation fro m (in.); '~ f ~ ~ i d vid ita, pp. unkn wn: -in, ad. -rata, pp. not desisting from (ab.); ceaseless: unawlares. ap.unnw: m d -in, ad;-rainat, pr.pt. not desisting fr. (ab.) rf~~~ -vi us -ta a, pv. ofdvi vas T a-virala, a. close; frequent; veheWI avidsli-ara cpv ofdvidas. ment: -in, ad. firmly; heartily. -4flqz a-viddha, pp. unpierced. f~a-virah-a~mnoun-separation; union; Nrf'gW a-vidya, a. uncultured; destitute -ita, _pp. unseparated; united. Iof knowledge; A, f. ignorance. Nf fa-viradmam, ad. without ceasing. Wf*WRiTir a-vidya-maiDa, pr. pt. not ex- a-vi-ruddha, pp. unhindered; unisting: -vat, ad. as if non-existent: -tva, a. opposed to (in., g., — 9); not at enmity with; abst. N. not unpleasant; -roddhri, a. not fighting; Wf9' 6-vidvas, pr. pf. pt. not knowing -rodha, in. no conflict with, no disadvantage ignorant. [enmity. for(O) -rodhin, a. not conflicting with, not ~ d-v d vis e, d inf. so a to v oid p reju d icin g (g.,. ) vfidv-id isha,md.freedo soa oavi N a-vilamb-a, mn. no hesitation; a. from e mity, not hesitating: -in, in. without delay; -ita, NfT9'4rT a-vidhava', f. no widow. [amity. pp. unhesitating: -in, ad. without delay; -in, a. not delaying; -ya, gd. witbout hesitating. [withz bhfL, remain alive. Nl" a-vi-lI'na, pp. not annihilated: 'N''J a-vilup-ya,fp. indestructible. -4'f a-vivfth-a, a. not living in wedlock; -in, a. not suitable for marriage. qfTfqi a-vi-vikta, pp. undistinguished; not decided; -vrita, 'p~not uncovered; unknown,hbidden; notshowingone's weakpoints. V1Wq a-vivek-a,' in. want of discrimination; lackof judgment; a. lacking judgment: ta, f. abst. N.; -in, a. undivided; lacking insight; having no discriminating people. Wfqi 6-vi-ven-at, pr. pt. -not tur-ning away, well-disposed. 'VT4'JflT a-visaiik-a, a. unhesitating; fearless; af freedom from hesitation ortimidity; -ita, pp. fearless; unhesitating; -in, a. not assuming or supposing. 'f'J a-visada, a. indistinct; rigid. WTf~~iq -visastrt', en. bad carver. V*ffiT a-vi-sishta, pp. not different: -ti,f,-tva, a. abst. Nv.; -suddha, pp. impure; not thoroughly investigated. Jc'k- a-visesh-a, in. no difference: -tas, in. ad. without difference; a. indiscriminate, -gila, a. undiscriminating; -ita, pp. unspecified. f~a-vi-srama, a. unceasing, unremitting; -srainbha, mn. mistrust: -tah, f. abst. N.; -rna, pp. unceasing; -sraina, a. not resting; unceasing, unremitting: -in, ad.without resting. fW fr-4T1 a-vi-svas-at, pr. pt. distrustful; _aniya, fp. not to be trusted: at,. ta a. abst. -Y.; -ta, _pp. distrustful. Wft a-visvahs-a, en. distrust; a. distrustful: -in, ad. -ly, -ganaka, a. arousing distrust; -in, a. distrustful. [sonous. 7E a-visha, a. no poison; a. (6) not poi'VfRWr a-vi-shakta, pp. not attached to or set on () irresistible. [friendly. NfIR a-vishama, a. -not unequal; even; V*T a-vishaya, en. no sphere; no object or concern; impracticable matter; no suitabl e object for (g.): le. in the absence of (g.); a. having no object; -inanas, a. whose mind is not directed to the objects of sense; unworldly; -I-karana, ns. not making something (g.) an object of (g.). V4qW a-vi-shahya, fp. intolerable. Wf'T a-vishftd-a, mn., i-tva, a. undauntedness; -in, a. undaunted. [gladly. Nf(1 &N-ishtha, a,. (spy.) accepting very -Nf-9'rT avi-sby'a, f. desire, zeal, passion; -shyiit, a. eager; revengeful. fjfra-vi strna, pp. not extensive; -spandita, pp. not quivering; -spashta,_pp. indistinct; dimn: -in, ad. -ly; -sinita,_pp. not astonished or taken aback; -sinrita, pp. not forgotten. -Nf'crWff7F a-vi-hata-gati, a. of unimpeded course; -hita-siddha, pp. unfeigned, unartificial. 't~q5 a-vihvala, a. frm; cheerful. Wqftf a-vijjkshita, pp. not recognised. 32 A 'N a-viki. N a-sauk a. W#tf%- a-viki, m. a hell (waveless). WUftffiI a-viltaka, unenclosed space. r.ITI a-viral, a. devoid of men; n. region without men; -13urusha, in. weakling. WqT2. a-vi'ra, a. unmanly: i, f. woman without husband and children. -NJ- a-vilryd, a. weak, powerless. 'Nl'qa-vrika', a. not hurting; safe; it. safety. N 6-vrigina, a. not artful, guileless. Wlf a-vrita, pp. unchosen, uninvited. a-vritta, pp. not having taken place. ijf a-vritti, f. lack of sustenance, destitution:- -ka, a. lacking means of support. W a-vritha rtha, a. having an appropriate meaning or name: -ta',f. abSt. N. a-vriddha, pp. not aged. 'f ia-vriddhi-ka, a. free from interest. a-vridhd, a. not gladdening. ~WTE a-vrishana, a. lacking testicles. W31 a-vrishta, pp. not having rained or 'Wi 9-vrishtijf. drought. [sent rain. ava I'ksh-ana, n. looking at; attention to, care of (g.); -anilya, fp. to be paid attention to; 4, f. care; attention to (lc.); -in, a. looking towards; attending to (ac.); -yfp. to be attended to.!"Tq a-vedana, n. ignorance. lgt fff a-veda-vihita, pp. not prescribed by the Veda. Io-f a-ved-ya, fp. not to be wedded. 'WIRI a-velam, ad. unseasonably. [tion. a-easdiaauiiersi-i ~-qWW a-vaikrita, a. not disfigured. WT4 a-vidagdhya, n. want of sagacity; Wzr a-vaidya, a. unlearned. [stupidity. icrT a-vairi-gushta, pp. that not even an enemy consents to. MqTVTT avaukshana, n. sprinkling with #T'E(? eivoa, 3 sg. aor. v/yvak. [water. WW dvya, a. pertaining to sheep, woollen; n. Soma-strainer. ~W'q a-vi akta, pp. not manifest, imperceptible; indistinct; mn. universal soul; a. unevolved primordial matter; primordial -spirit; -ru'pa, a. indistinct, indefinite; of uncertain sex. [ad. -ly. WR a-vyagra, a. unconcerned, quiet: -in, IVR a-vyafiga, a. having all one's limbs. NZIMIT a-vyanigana, a. beardless; lacking signs of puberty. [from. 'W~f'fff1Wa-vi ati-rikta, pp. not separated WZWa-vyath-a, a-unwavering,undaunted; efficacious; -4, a. unwavering, undaunted; -in, a. not becoming discomposed. Wzffqf~Tavah-arn a. infallible; 3-karm, Mn. Conjugal fidelity; a. faithful. NZ41N a-vyaya, m. non-expenditure; a. im perishable, immutable; stingy; a. indeclinable word: -tva, a. imperishableness; -.itman, a. of imperishable nature; I'-bh~va, rn. indeclinable compound. Nc*q%4TvI a-vyava-dhftna,n.-non-interruLption; a. uncovered, bare; uninterrupted; -dh~ya-ka, a. not intervening: -tva, n. nonintervention. TZIFR~f'Ofa-vyavasayin, a. u-nenterprising, remiss. 4 a-vyava-stha, a. -not enduring: f. unsettled state; -sthita-kitta, a. fickleminded. 'JA1* IfIa —vyasanin, a. exempt from vice. W[~WTIWf a-vi ft-krita, pp. unsevered, undivided. [ral, real. 'WZITT a-vyflga, in. no deception; a. natuWNz1TtIW a-vi f-panna, pp. not having died, alive. q I'TWR avyapara, Tn.. not one's business. Wz4T'R a-vi apta, pp. not filled or mixed with. TzP*fJ av aataiy~p not to be taken back. [silence. 'NZETJr a-vyflhrita, (pp.) n. not speaking; W~if*a-vi uk-k/hinna,.pp.uninterrupted. WcT~q# a-viutpanna, pp. -not resulting; having no etymology: -mati, a. uneducated. ~-,v i ushita, pp. (V'vas) not yet arisen. WI a-vrata', a. ungodly; not fuilfilling religious duties. i. AS, V. as-nu, reach; attain; be"fal; enjoy. abhi, ud, reach; dominate. upa, sam-upa, pra, vi, sam, id. TIMj 2. AS, IX. P. as-na'-ti, eat, take (meat Nand drink); taste; enjoy: pp. a~ita, eaten; es. &saya, cause (ac.) to eat (ac.), feed: pp. &sita, fed; satiated; des. asisisha, wish to eat. upa, pra, sam, = simple verb; abhi-pra, eat in addition to (ac.). 'T~ 3. as, grammatical designation of all soft letters. NJ, a-sakta, pp. incapable of (inf., d.~, le.). WIT(f% a-sakti, f. inability; weakness. ~~a-sak-uuvat, prpt.un able to (inf.); -ya,fp.impossible: - rtha, a. id.; ineffectual. WI-, a-sahk-a, a. fearless:-n ad. -1y; -anlya, fp. not to be feared; -ita, pp. fearless: -in, ad. without hesitation; suddenly. 'WJ~ds- in,. stone, rock; firmament. as-andi, is. eating; food; -0, a. feedigo; -kriyA, f. taking of food;-aani, a. eating and fasting. TT T T asanh-pipalse, f. diu. hunger and thirst. [hungry. IN2(T-fT'4 asa-naya (or 'a), f. hunger; -vat, a. W'kr'fii as-aini, f. (C. also in.) thunderbolt, lightning-flash; -grilvan, in. diamond; -hata, pp. struck by lightning. IN _( a-sanais, ad. highly, -violently. W'kJT~ 9-sabda, a. silent, mute. 'NI~I; d-sam, ind. disaster. 'NU T!a-saran-a, n.defencelessness; a. unprotected,helpless; -'i-kri, renderdefenceless; -ya, a. affording no protection; defenceless.T~~a-sarira, a. bodiless, lacking a substantial body; in. Khma (cjp. anafiga). W 4qa-sarman, a. suffering, sorrow. WWRa-sas, a. cursing, hating. WWIJ~~ a-sastra, a. swordless, unarmed: -pani, a. having no sword in the hand; -pfrta,.pp. -not consecrated by the sword; -vadha, m. murder without a weapon. [not satisfied. NWJT~WM~ a-sa'nta-tanu, a. whose body is 95(~lIancT Ta-sa'nta-tat'f. lack of tranquillity, passionateness. ~'NTTWI a-sahs-at, pr. pt. not punishing.;q;R a-salstra-kalkshus, a. not seeing with the eye of the sastras. 'Nffrf~i a-sikshita, pp. unlearnt; not instructed or learned, in (ac., lc., inf.). 'Nfik'T as-itd, pp. -V'2. as; -it6,vya, fp. to be -N*T, a-siras, a. headless. [eaten. WfkTf~'iFa-silpin, m. no artist or a'rtisan. Nf 6-siva, a. baneful, ominous; a. evil, mischief: -saimsin, a. ill-boding. NfMfT a-sisira,3 a. hot; -ta, f. heat; -kara, -kirana, -rasmi, in. sun. Nfffr. aSita, a. eightieth. NTW2. a-slita, a. not cold, hot: -kara, -marlici, -ruk, -ruki, in. sun. _Nft~ as-iitiif. eighty; -tama, a. eightieth. aff~~ asit-ka, a. eighty years old: - avara, a. at least eighty years old. N-J1fT_ a-snki, a. mp-ure: -tva, nimpurity; -bhakshana,n.eatingimnpirethings; -bhava, mn. impurity; -varna, a. of impure colour: ta, f. impurity of colour. NIUZW 6-suddha, pp. unclean; unknown, suspicious; -prakriti, 'a. having dishonest ij a-suddhi, f. impurity. [ministers. I'J7IR 6-subha, a. ill-favoured; ill-omened; evil; disagreeable; -mati, a. ill-disposed; -aitmaka, a. id. W a-sulnya, a. not empty; not vain: -m kri, not leave undone, execute; - artha, in. clearing up: -in, ad. by way of explanation; a. clear, intelligible. a-srifiga, a. (I') hornless. 'N' a-sesha, in. no remainder; a. whole, all, entire: -tas, -in, in. without reserve; completely, fully. [annihilated. Wt91 asesha-ya, den. P. end entirely: pp. FNIfq si-soka, a. free from soivrow; inr. Asoka tree; a. Asoka flower (orange and scarlet; -kara, in. N. of a fairy. 2i, f.N; -tarn, mn. Asoka tree; -datta, mn. N.; -naga, as. Asoka tree; a a1~ f. N.; -vriksha, in. Asoka tree. ftquIVft.q a-sok-an^iya,fp.'not to be pitied or grieved for; -ya, f~p. id. [tling. 'NT~tr -ohyiv' d ihu set't a-soshya, fp. not to be dried up. NWt a-sank-a, a. impurity: -tva, n. id.; -in, a. impure. m=as-na.,j' a-samsaya. 3 1 33 I I ds-na, m. stone; N. of a demon. as-nav-a-t, sg. subj. VIas, obtain.,qJ+IZS asma-ka,m. N.: p1. N. of a people; -kutta, -ka, a. crushing with a stone; -ti, f stoniness, hardness of stone. WIPIV~ ds-man, m. rock, stone; thunderbolt; heaven: le. in the sky: -du., heaven and earth;, -ma~ya, a. (i') made of stone. W'KRiMr asma-mdlya, a. id.; -inutdhan, a. having a head of stone. [Vlas, eat). WW asi rtha, a. meaning 'to eat' (asi= WIVVT 4-srad-dadhftna, pr. pt. unbe-A31 a-srad-dha, a. unbelieving. N131T i'-srad-dhaf lack of confidence; unbelief; -dheya, fp. incredible; unworthy of belief. [m.4) indefatigable. 943 A -srama, m. absence of fatigue; a. (or -M314f a-sravana, n.non-m~ention; lack of a word, suffix, &c. [assiduously. VANTWI WVA,-srftnta, pp. indefatigable: mn, ad. '~~as-rf, f. edge (.-O also -ka). W1fa-sriif.mishap; goddess of misfortune. d s-ru, n. (in.) tear: w. kri or muk, shed tears; -karman, is. shedding of tears. ~ ~-rut, p. ~unheard; unlearned: V,. N.; -t&, f. being unknown; -vat, ad. as if unheard. 9I4 6.sruti, f. not hearing; oblivion: -in abhi-ui, do as if one had heard nothing; -virodhin, a. not opposed to scripture. -M- 1 c asru-pari-pluta, pp. bathed in tears: -pU^axna, pp.-fihledwithtears; -pramixgana, is. wiping away of tears,= weeping; -plivita, n. flood of tears; -lesa, m. tear-drop. IJ IUa-sreyas, cpv. a.worse, inferior; n. q~3t a-srotrd, a. earless. [misfortune. ~I~Tf a-srotriya, a. at which no trained Brfihman is present. [graceful. -IT a-slfgh-ya,f~p.unpraiseworthy, disVA4 I i a-slii-ka, a. pernicious. VAq ffa-slikd, a. ugly; unrefined; indecent. 94- As-va, mn. horse: 1, f. mare; -ikuti, f stable; -kusala, a. skilled in horses; -kovicda, a. id.; -khura, in. horse's hoof: -vat, ad. like a horse's hoof; _ghgina, in. N. of a place; -gha'sa, mn. horse fodder; N.; -kalana-sAli,. riding-hall; -tama, spv. beat horse; -tara., in., "',f. mule. IWIR asva-tthd, m. E[standing-place (ttha for stha) forborses],sacredfig-tree; -tthfimau, in. N. of a son of Drona; -dia, -da", a. giving horses; -pa'a, in. N. of a Siddha; A, dgta-sahrameya-may a, a. (i) consisting of horses, pedestrians,anddogs; -pi1a, e.groom; -prishtha, is. horseback; -pluta, n. horse's le ap; -budhna, a. borne by steeds; -budhya, a. characterised by horses; -manduri, fstable; -mukhim.Kinnara; Lf.Kimnara's *rife; -medha, m.horse-~sacriflce; N.; -y-fig, a. yoking or yoked with horses; /8 g. 4- diu. N. of a lunar mansion; -riga, in. king of horses (Ukkaihsravas); -ridhas, a. horseequipping; -vat, a. rich in horses; -vira, in. horseman; -vrishi, in. stallion; -.1A f. stable; -sa'di, -s-Adin, mn. rider; -Sarathya, n. training of horses and charioteering; -Sena, in. N. of a serpent demon. IrM~ a-svas-tana, a. having nothing for to-morrow: i-ka, a. id. 941 asva- stbh'n a, n. stable; -hridaya, is. knowledge of horses; - adhyaksha, in. master of the horse; - nika-,n. cavalry army. f"TT~ as adhika, a. superior in cavalry; -a9nrita, n. falsehood respecting horses; - x!dha,pp. mountedon horseback; -'roha, i.rider. 14UWT( aisva&-vat, a. rich~ in horses; n. property in horses.;T'asv-1n, a. rich in horses; en. charioteer: du. the Asvins, twin gods of the dawn. -NA asv-i1ya, n. troop of horse. ff a-svait, V. 3 sg. aor. of V/svit. 4W~a-sha'dha, O;3 -lha, pp. unconquerable; in. N. [pal~sa-wood. VAr1if1 rrw ashadhin, a., bearing' a staff of WV ash-ta, pp. Vaksh & Vas, obtain. vAR asbta-ka, a. eightfold; m. N.; &,f *eighth day after full-moon, esp.i Henmanta 4~Sisira; sacrifice to the Manes on that day; n. octad; -guna, a. eightfold; -taya, n. octad; -dha, ad. eightfold. ~jash-tdn, nr. eight: nin. -taiit, -ta, or -tfi. ~~B4 i ashta-pada, a. consisting of 8 words; -pda. eight-footed; -pushpika, f. wreath of 8 hinds of flowers; -bhgay ms. eighth part. vA PP ashta-ma', a. (Ai) eighth; forming oneeighth of (g.); in. an eighth: 1f. eighth day of afortnight: -ka, a. eighth; -kilika, a. eating only every eighth meal. -MUj asbta-mftrti, en. Siva; -rasa sraya, a. containing the 8 emotions (drama); - rika, a. consisting of 8 verses; -varsha, a. 8 years old; -vidha, a. eightfold; -sata, a. io8; 8oo; -shashti, f. sixty-eight. 'N ashta akshara, a. having eight syllables; -atnga, eight members (O-); a. having eight parts: -pita, m. prostration with the eight members (hands, feet, lknees, forehead, breast), profound obeisance. WaR ashta'-dasad, a. eighteenth: -h' ad. eighteenfold; (K)-dasan, nr. eighteen; -cdasama, a. eighteenth. [chapters. a I rZF ashta adhyftyyi, f. book of eight VAaII 'rOf asht'a-n-avati, f. ninety-eight; -pa~tkasat,f. fifty-eight. [eight-footed. ~wt~asb ta pad, a. (nm. -pa'd, f. -padl), VT<ashta'-pada', en. n. dice-board with 64 squares: -vy~p~ra, mn. game of dice; -pidya, a. eightfold. [eight weapons. WMTP- ashtajy udha, a. furnished with Na I I ashbth-vakra, ms. N. [88,ooo. ~ ashta asiti-sahasra, a. pl. ash-ti, f. a metre of 64 syllables. ~#'Rashta uttara, a. plus eight. VAT a'sh-traf goad (for driving cattle). WV[JWT u-shthillft, f. ball; pebble;' anvil. V4aM ashthi-vdt, en. knee-cap; knee. i.AS, IL. P. iis-ti (2 sg. A. se, in V. onlyin~peri~phrasticft.),be,exist;happen, take place; dwell, be found in (lc.); w. d. or g. be for, belong or accrue to, often = have or possess; be present in, be peculiar to (lc.); he ready for, be equal to, be capable of (d.); be sufficient for (g.); occur to. (g.); to. ua, not exist; be lost or undone: nsajsti, + = I have nothing to give; asti, it is so: at the beginning of sentences with another finite verb= it so happens or happened that, it sometimes happens that -; asmi, w. Ist sg. =I happen to be; astu ~ evam, so be it, very well; astu- or santu, w. following nin.= to say nothing of -. ati, surpass (ac.). ann, be ready; reach (ac.). api, be near or in (lc.). abhi, surpass, overcome (ac.); be more than (ab.) to (d. or g.); *fall to the share of (g.). upa, be in (ac.).- pari, overtake; allow to pass byv (time). pra, be to the fore, be prominent, excel. sam, equal (ac.); be united with (saha); be, exist. n f 2. AS, IV. P. is-ya, cast, throw, ~shoot, at (d., g., lc.); cast off, abandon (only pp. asta-). adhi, misunderstand: es. pp. adhy'asita,meantby (ini.of abst. N.). apa, cast, throw, or take off; lay down upon; leave, abandon; give up; put aside: gd. apisya, in spite of, excepting (ac.). abU (also I. P. A.), throw towards; discharge (arrows); apply oneself to, practise, transact, perform study; repeat: pp. abhyaista, reduplicated; cs. cause any one to practise; teach. ud, throw or lift up; rise from (ac.). vi iud, strew about; discharge; give up, abandon. ni (also I. P.), throw, lay or put down or aside; place or set in or on, pour upon (lc.); fix the gaze on (lc.); deposit with, entrust or make over to (lc.); quit,. give up (life); adduce, discuss., pathi -, throw on the street, abandon; manasi -, take to beart, ponder on (ac.); sirasi -, place (a comnmand) on the head, receive respectfully. upa-ni, lay down;adduce, discuss. sam-upa-ni, bring forward, suggest. pari, stretch out. vi-ni (also I. P.), spread out; put down; lay or place in or on (lc.); mark or designate by (in.); direct the mind or gaze to (lc.); entrust or make over to (lc.). sam-ni (also L.P.), put together; lay down or -aside; place upon (lc.); entrust to (g., lc.); abandon; renounce worldly concerns, become an ascetic. nis, pull out; eject; expel from (ab.); dispel, banish; reject; destroy; refute. Para, throw away or down; abandon, expose (a child); quit (a place); refute. pari, throw or move about; roll (the eyes); cast down, overthrow; surround., ensnare; turn round; overspread; string; putaround( A.):.pp.paryasta, fallen down upon (lc.); overspreading (-2O); strung upon ( —); upsetby(-0). vi-pari, invert, reverse; overturn: _pp. vipiryasta, inverted; reverse; thinking erroneously;, standing around. pra, throw, into (lc.); upset. prati, throw to; cast off; abandon. vi, dissipate, dismember, scatter, separate: pp. vyasta, divided, separated, single; multiplied. sam, put together, unite: ps. be compounded: pp. united; forming, a unity; com.pounded; whole, all. R i a-sam-yama, in. lack of control; -yfigya, fp. with whom a sacrifice should not be shared; -lakshita, _pp. unobserved; -vigfi~ta, pp. unconscious or not consenting; -vigga'na, a. unintelligible; -vita, pp. imperfectly covered; -vrita, _pp. uncovered, bare; n. N. of a hell. AWI1 a-samsaya, mn. no doubt: nom.. used adverbially=without doubt; a. doubtless: -in, ad. undoubtedly, unquestionably; -sraya, en., -isa, is. only lc. sg. beyond the ear-shot F 34 W34'-rI~pi a-sam-sarga. "fm 1 asikni. of (g.); -slesha, vs. non-attachmient; no contact. a-Qa~m-sarga,, m. lack of contact or intercourse with (g.); -siriu, a. not subject tomundaneexistence; -srishta,_pp.untouclied by, free from (in.); -srishtin, a. not re-united after partition. 94W" a-sam-skfra, r. lack of ornament, naturalness; a. lacking ornament; -skrita, pp. unequipped; unconsecrated; unadorned; unrefined, coarse; not having undergone the sacraments: - alakin, a. having unadorned locks; -stuta, pp. unknown, strange; not agreeing, obstinate; -sthita, _pp. not standing still, restless; scattered; -sprishta, _pp. unattained; -h1ata, pp. disunited; m. kind of array; -hati, f. non-connexion.;.hr~ita, pp. uninterrupted. [edly. ~~~a-sakrit, ad. not once, often, repeatIWW a-sakta, pp. unworldly; unattached, to (1c.): -in, ad. instantly. I a-samkara, M. no mixture of castes. fJI"INZ a-sam-kshipta,pp. notcompressed. 9Aj,* a-samnkhya, a. innumerable; e-yb, fp. id.: -guna, a. of innumerable virtues. WR 5 -saliga (or,4), a. not remaining attached to, finding no resistance in (1c.).. IWIM a-sam-gata, pp.,-unsuitable, inconsistent; -ghatta,mv. no collision: -sukham, ad. happily without clashing (with rivals). WE~Pf a-sa-gfiti, a. not of the same~caste; -gityk, a. lacking blood-relations.!%RW=7If a-sag-gana, vs. wicked or ill-.disposed person. [ting. 'r1:T[a-sagga-,mana, pr.pt. unhesita11["I~"49 TTf a-sam-ketaya-matna, pt. pt. not observing. Led or arisen. ~IAT*IA; a-sam -gftta, pp. not havinig appearIrf a-samgnia, a. unconscious.; -tva, n. unconsciousness. WA"T F -samgn'a', f. disunion, discord. I"?( a-sat, pr. pt. non-existent; untrue; bad; -i,f. unchaste woman; n. non-entity; lie; evil; -kalpanfi, f. false supposition; lie; -krita,pp.badly treated; offered ungraciously; is. injury; -tva, n. non-exi stence: -vakana, a. expressing no entity: -ta',f. abst. N.; -putra, a. sonless; -pratigraha, vs. acceptance of a gift fromanunworthyperson; -pra].Apa,m.empty talk; -pravritti,.f. evil course of action. 1%;R a-satyd, a. untrue; n. falsehood, lie: -vada, vs. lie; -sila, a. addicted to lies; -samdha, a. whose engagements are untrustworthy, treacherous. [the bad. -JAWWMA~ asat-samparka, vs. contact with "Al5 a-sadrisa, a. unequal, dissimilar; unseemly.,Ntr~iasad-graha, m.foolishwhim; evilinclination; -dharina, vs. evil practice; -bhava, vs. non-existence, absence; -vritta, pp. not nicely rounded; not well-behaved. [blood. N iasnn. (used in in., ab., g. s.for asrig) WPf dis-ana, n. shot; throw; -9Jf. missile. W~1flM a-sa-natma, a: not having the same name. I?TTiI a-sam-tftpad, a. feeling no grief; -tushta, -pp. dissatisfied, discontented; -tosha, vs. discontent; -tyaiga, vs. non-renunciation of(g) ~:qTKw a-sam-dadhflna, pr. pt. not making peace; -digdhan, ad. undoubtedly; -dita, pp. unbound; unlimited; -drisya, pp. invisible to (g.); -deha, vs. no doubt: -mn, ad. without doubt, surely; -dheya, fp. not to be made peace (alliance) with (-ta^,f. abst. v.); not to be restored. VEMW~ a-sam-naddha, pp.. not yet acquired; -nidhr'fna, n. absence, lack;..nidhi, f. id.; -nihita, pp.- absent. 'WVItI A-sa-patna, vs. no rival; a. (6) without a rival; n. peace; -pinda, a. too distantly related to join in the funeral oblation; -puirva, a. not possessed by ancestors. WRI. ad-sama, a. unequalled. 'Wff 2. a-sama, a. unequal; uneven, odd. -WIIIM a-samagra, a. incomplete; not full1; not all; 0~ or -in, ad. not completely or quite. ri~RWV a-samaniga, O;,S vs. N.; 0;9 -sa, a. not right, unsuitable: -in, ad. improperly d-samad, f. concord. a-samana', a. scattered; uneven. a-samaya, vs. -unseasonable time. a-samartha, a. incapable (of, inf., d., le., -0); -tva, n. inability. M~RW1TT~ asama-vftna, vs. Kaima (odd-arrowed, i. e. five-arrowed). WWAKa-sam-ava ita,pp. not inseparably combined: pl. not all combined. ~ asama-sftyaka, vs. Kama (oddarrowed, =five-arrowed). WERI[ a-sam-asta, pp. not compounded. WVWI~TV 6-sama'na, a. unequal; not shared by others; n. no corresponding condition; -graina, a. belonging to a different village. ~~iIT( a- am-pt pp. not completed. W;[T:q a-sama'vrittaka, ika, a. who has not returned home after completing hsis studies. WUt a-sam-^ikshya, gd. withoutreflecting: -kirin, a. acting without reflexion.!R'flit-'a-sam-ilrita,pp.notraised(wind); -udyama, vs. lack of exertion; sluggishness; -unnaddha, pp. modest;..riddha, _pp. not successful, incomplete; -riddhi, f failure; -eta, _pp. not come., wanting, lacking. ~~l~ a-sam-patti, f. failure; rp'thya, fp. not to be made a fellow-student; -p'dayat, es. pr. pt. not effecting; -pf~rna, pp. deficient; wanting in (in.); -pr' ta, ppno arrived; still wanting.; unattained.; unfulfilled. a-sam-baddha, pp. unjoined, unrelated; disconnected, incoherent, absurd; talking o~r chattering nonsense; -bandha, vs. no,connexion; a. unconnected; -ba'dh&, a. not contracted; unhindered; unfrequented. WRR' a-sam-bhava, vs. destruction; absence, lack; impossibility, inadmissibility, absurdity; a. not being born again'; having no material body; not occurring, im possible, absurd; -bhavy~m, ad. irretrievably; -bh~vana, f. incredulity; disrespect; -LhaVayat, pr. pt. thinking impossible; -bhlivita, pp. uncompleted; inconceivable; unworthy of (g.): -.upamin,f. simile in which an impoas, sibility is assumed; -bh~vya, fp. inconceivable: -in, ad. irretrievably; -bha-shana, n. not addressing; -bha'sha, f. no conversation with (in.); -bhashya, fp. not to be conversed with, not suitable for a conference; -bhinna, _pp. not broken through; -bhrita, p~p. not made, natural; -bhoga, m. non-enjoyment; -bhogya, fp. with whom it is not lawful to eat; -bhrainta, p~p. unbewildered, calm: -in, ad. ~~i~a-savs-mata, pp.not esteemed; not authorised; -mrishta, pp. uncleansed. [RT41' a-samyak, ad. wrongly, falsely; -ka~rin, a. acting wrongly; -krita.-karin, a. doing bis business badly, [pent. el a-sarpa-bhftta,, pp. being no ser-sarva, a. incompe;-ga,.no omniscient. [from (.g.)..an-savarna, a. of a different caste W;Rzq a-saivya, a.. left., right: lo. on the - WVIVW( a-sask-at, pr. pt. (or -6t), not ceasin, not drying up: f. -anti o i-) -W;V? a-sasat, pr. pt. not slumbering. a-sah-a, a. unable to bear (ac., ~9;unable to (inf., 0'); impatient; -ana,,a.. unable tobear ( —); jealous: At&J. weakness; -at,pr. pt. (f. -anti), not bearing; _-a-mnana, pr. pt. not tolerating. [less; -in, a. id. N ~' a-sahaly-a, a. companionless, helpa-sah-ishnu, a.. unable to bear (a. o,0: at.,. -tva, n. intolerance; -ya,,, fp. intolerable; irresistible.. NWrf*. a-salkshika, a.. unwitnessed. WRi a-sa'di, a. unflagging. WTT a-sa'drisya, n. dissimilarity. WRITN1' a-sa'dh-aka, a,. not accomplishing; unsatisfactory; -ana, A. no means; a. destitute of resources; unfeasible: -.tva, n. abst... PkW~T1! a-sftdha'rana, a. (1) special; unique;: upama^,f. kind of simile. WR~'j a-saldhui, a. not good, evil; wrong; bad towards (to.); vs. bad man; n. bad word; evil;.-va, n. badness, dishonesty; -daIrsin, a. seeing badly; injudicious; -vritta,_pp. illbehaved. 'W a-sadhya, fp. unmanageable; unattainable, unfeasible; unconquerable; incurable; unascertainable. N'RW'fMW' a-savsnidhya, n. absence. 94*1 1r1; a-sftmanya, a. -unfriendly, surly. +IITW(q a-Saftmnya, a. uncommon. W A~f -salmi, a. complete: n. ad. -ly. 'NFT a-samvprata, a. unsuitable, im - proper: -in, ad. -ly.?4E a-sayaka, a. arrowless. WRa-satra, vs. n. unfitness; a. unofit, worthless, unprofitable; at& f. unfitness; frailty; -r ftPa-tfi, f. worthlessness; emptiness. '"~Tig[ a-sahasa, n. absence of precipitation or temerity; i-ka, a. 3L) not acting pre~fras-i, vs. sword. [cipitatqily. fITWIa-simhasana, a. throneless., i~wia-sikta, pp. unwatered. Wf_4 dsiknil, f. (of 6sita) night. ' A Mf#,;R a-sita., -qkqdjcjt a-svaga-ta..35 i i. a-sita, pp. unrestrained. 2. a's-ita., a.(a' or'-ini) dark-coloured, black; m. N.: -pakshs, m. dark half of a mont; -pitaka, a. (iki) dark yellow; - mani, M. sapphire; - ikshana, a. black-eyed;.Utpalm, n. blue lotus. [inconclusiveness. f~a-siddha,pp. not established: -tva, a. T*fTf6-siddhi~fnon-attain~ment,failure; f~asi-dhara, m.N. [inconclusiveness. ~NI"1f4'Tpk asi- dhftar',f. sword-blade: -vrata, a. vow of lying with, a sword between oneself and a woman = excessively difficulIt undertaking; -dhenu, -ka', f. knife. N a-sinvd, a. insatiable. ltfq —asi-pattra,n-sword-blade; ~m. a tree; -vana, n. a certain hell;; apti~ f 'nife. M'A as-u, m. breath, life, vitality; spiritworld; vital spirits (p1. ~.). iq a-sukha, n. pain, sorrow; a. unpleasant; pairnful; unhappy; not easy to (inf.); _givika, a. leading a joyless life;;-virshta, pp. afflicted with grief. WUf91a-sukh-in,2 a. sad, -unhappy. VAIna-su-tara,a.difficultto cross. [tiable. NqKasu-trz'p, a-life-taking; (a-s-u-)insa-A4% a-sundara, a. iuncomely,' ugly. qT9 a-subodha, a. hard to learn. d su-ra, a. living, spiritual,, divine; m. spirit, Lord God; evil spirit,.demon, Asura: -tvi,n.spirituality,divinity; stateof anAsura. lgj41 a-su-raksha, a. difficult to guard. M asura-druh, m. foe of Asuras, god; _brahmi, m. priest of the Asnras. ifIia-snrabhi, a. ill-smelling. asura-rakshasd, a. pi. Asuras & R~kshasas; -hin, a. (-ghnu~L Asura-killing; - adhipa, m. king of thie Asuras; - an, m. foe of the Asuras (Vishnu). va asury-A, a. spiritual, divine, demoniac-; a. spirituality, divinity;, world of spirits or gods. [-tva, a. abst. Y. a-sulabha, a. hard to obtain; rare-: f4-sushvi, a. not Soma-pressing, nigasi'i-sft, m. arrow. [gardly. ~9Ia~sustha, a. unwell: -sarira, a.. ill. ~ asu-sthira Adara, a. always anxious about his life. [less. a-suhrid, m. no friend; a. friend_1t~ s 4Iasuhrid-ganami.partyof strangers. TqIT*R7 a~-sfiki-samkhra, a. impenetrable eve'A~ to a needle. Nl~fwra-s1iti,f. notarising,non-appearance. r'Tt. asftyd, den. grumble, be angry at (ac., e.; s. asityayVa, P. irritate. 2. as1bya, a. grumbling, angry: A, f. -grumbling, displeasure, anger, grudge: -ka, a. grumbling, angry, grudging. 0, a-s hry', a. sunless: -ga, a. not m oving towards the sun. N asik-a~kapesamabs.w. Vpish, pound to a bloody pulp -pita, m. track of blood; flow of blood. ~N aT srig-dha'ra, f. stream of blood. VAF' asrifi-maya, a. (I") consisting Of WIWlds-rig, la. blood, gore. [blood. a-senyi, a., not hitting or woundinga. a-sevaka, m. no servant, indifferent servant. W#T a-sev-fa, f. non-addiction; -ita, pp. not frequented:. -13vara-dviza, a. not waiting at grandees' doors. '~IIa-sodha, pp. (V/sah) unconquerable. VVRa-soma, a. lacking Soma juice. aWV -s-a-d, prn. m.f. of ad-ds, that; he, she; so and so, M.. or N.; as such (emphatic); with eva, the same. [such a name. -VqT~ n'asau-n aanian, a. having such & 11P4I a-saubhAgya, a. unpopularity. -VR.4a-sauvarna, a. not golden. 'VI 6-skanna., pp. not sprinkled; unimpregnated, immaculate. 'Vjfq a-skhalita, pp. not stumbling; uninterrupted,.unhindered;. n..not coming to a standstill; -lkakra, a. w. unimpeded chariot; -pada, a. where the foot does not stumble; safe; -pray~a'a, a. with unfaltering march. Nk ds-ta, a. home, abode; setting; mythical western mountain behind which sun and moon set: -in, ad. home, with verbs of gping set (stars, sutn, moon); 'go to rest; die. 'NVW?(astam-yat, pr.pt. setting. -V~rfffTR Kasta-gini, m. sunset-mountain. astam-gata, pp. set; -gamita, pp. caused to set, destroyed. 'VM a-stabdha, pp. agile, active; unpretentious: -tva, n. unpretentiousness. 'Nqi astam-aya, in.. sunset; disappearance;..ita, pp. having set,, gone to rest,. died: lc. ( cc. su'rye) after sunset. [tentious. N'ffI a-stambha, a. lacking posts; unpre9Aqjf' asta-samaya, in. time of sunset. VwT ds-ta, f. missile; arrow. [mountain. IM~qf astaahala, in., -adri, m. sunset'V"at bblthn a.. verging towards sunset. d ~-stuta, pp. unpraised;. unrecited. I~a-stu-tya, fp. unpraiseworthy.. q;f' astu-vid, a., aware that something must be done. d~ s-tri, in.. slinger,, bowman. [able. 6i~ -strita, pp.uneonquered,unconquerwt 9d-steya, a.. not stealing., ~M as-trd, a. (m.) missile, arrow; bow; -kshati-mat, a. wounded by missiles; _gra'ma, in. collection of missiles; -gfla, a. skilled in arms or in launching missiles; -vid, a. id.; -vrishti, f. shower of arrows; -.qgira, a. armoury. ~[f1t strinm. bowman, archer. '~~a-strijf. no woman; no feminine=m. I and n. (gr.); -sambhogin, a. lying with no woman. [arms. atfri stra upanishad, f. skill in '~I~ qasth~n, a. (used as weakcest base of dsthi) bone; kernel: -vat, a. having bones; N. animal with bones. WWT~ a-sthana, a. wrong place (for, g.); or lc. out of place; at tbe wrong time; 19%a-sthftsnu, a. impatient. [wrongly. % dsthi, n. bone; kernel: -ka, a. bone; -kftrna, n. bone powder. 'if~ a-sthita, pp. not existing. ifMJft a-sthitij. disorder. -vfwi 3M astbi-danta-maya, a. made of bone and ivory; -mat, a.furnishedwithbones; -maya, a. (i) consisting of or full of bones. 4~~~~-sthira, a.. not firm,9 unsteady. -MIfkv4asthi-sesha, a. of which only bon es are left; -ta', f. abst. Nr.; -sthi`ina, a. having a framework of bones. W1~517-sthfila, a. not coarse, slender; subtle. a-snhtr1', a. not fond of bathing, disliking water. [of contact. ~tsvfa-sparsana, a. absence or avoidance Wk!4TU a-spashta, pp. indistinct, not clear:..pdhi, a. whose conditioning associate is not clear: ta' f.- abst. N. ~~ I a-spris-at, pr. pt. not' touching. W a-sprisya, fp.. not to be touched. a -sprishta, _pp. untouched; u-nattaimed,. ackincr: -Purusha, ntara, a. applying to no other person. -NI,% a-spribt, f. no desire. VW i. a-sm.6, pmn.. stem of i prns. pl. 2. 4-sma (or 6), pmu. stem Of 3 prs. sg. 3. a-sma., a. unconnected with the p article sma (gr.). ~~I?~~t~ras-mat-k lina, a. belonging to orfmly; -sami1pa-tas,, ad. near us. WAN n asmat-tas (=ab. asm6t), from us. 'VWqT asma-trg, ad. amon g or with us. N~i( asmad-arthe, lc.. ad. for my sake. Nrit~T asmad-ilya, poss. prn. our. VWSU"r asma-dri'ak, a.-turnedto us: d sk ad. towards us. [like us. N 4lu asmad-vat, ad. like us; -vidha, a. W~asma-yA, a. attached to us.,AA" I E asmofaka, poss. pmn. our. ~TITasma-drisa, a. like us. W~fT a-smriti, f. forgetting. asme, V. d., lc. 'of asmd, we. JfVfT asme-hitijf. mission to us. WT'Wfl ' 4asya-vam' -iya, a., RV. I, 1 64. W,9as-ra6, a. tear; blood; -pa, in. Ratkshasa. ~ a-sremdn, a. untiring. [failing. 'V RTTasrauttaram, ad.bathedlin tears'. -Nka-sva,a.lacking goods; -tva~npoverty. IN~tWF a-svagd-tat, f. homelessness.' 36 36 ji;Ra-sva-tantra. a '-kula., WW M a-sva-tantra, a. not one's own master, dependent: -t&',f. dependence. 'W a-svad-ita, pp. unpalatable. N fWIa-sva-dharma, n. neglect of duty. W~7EISjd-svapnag, a. slumberless. [oneself. WIW a-svayam-krita, pp. not done by NTf a-svarita, a. not having the svarita accent:..tva, n. abst. Ne. [heaven. a-svarga-yogya, a. unfit for ' ~~~a-svargyd, a. not leading to heaven. 'J*q a-svastha, a. unwell, indisposed: -ketana, a. troubled in mind;..ta,f. indisposition; -Sari~ra, a. unwell. N4M fM a-svattantrya, n. dependence. W;T'~ffVTVI a-sva adh'ina, a. not one's own master, dependent. 'N~cTfFiM a-svftmi-ka, a. ownerless; -vikraya, m. sale without ownership. a-sveda, a. sweatless.:.71 AH, only in pf. &'ha, speak, say (ac.) "N to (ac., d.); designate, call, declare; pronounce to be (2 ac.); adjudge (ac.) to (g.). adhi,speakfor (d.). anu,repeat~recite. abhi, answer; communicate (ac.) to (d.). pra, pronounce, declare, say; call (2 ac.). prati, say to, answer (ac.). vi, argue. i. a'-ha, pci. certainly, of course, indeed; just, that is to say; at least: often merely emphasizes the preceding word. IR 2. dha, n. day: -9generally m. [ally. -Q'-IfkqF a-fdn astalking egotistic~~I'aham-kftra, m. self-consciousness; selfishness; self-conceit, pride; -kairya, a. being the object of self-consciousness; -krita, pp. self-conscious; haughty; -kriti,. aham-kdra; -gush, a. thinking ofoneself only. WW -hata, pp. not beaten; unwashed, new (garment). d han, n. day: ahani ahani, day by day; ubh6 ihanIO day and night; ahabhis, every day. ~!"T ahdn-ta-,f. feeling of self. ~WgM~faharn-naman, a. called. Wg ahan-yi, a. daily. TIM ahdm, prn. I: so xham, I here; I being such; _ahamik&Jf claimof precedence; kaf id. -NW(4har(usedas the middlebaseofdhan),n. day: -ahar, ad. Aday by day, daily; gaia m. day-break; _adi, m. id.; -div&, a. daily: -mn, ad.; -nisa, n. day & night: -mn, ad.; -piti, m. lord of day; sun. 1AI-,,Trdhalyafj. N. of Gautama's or Saradvat's wife. 'Ni:'3ahah-sesha,m.remainderoftheday. WI a6has = dihar: -kara, M. sun. a-hastd, a. handless. N" ahaha, ij. of joy or sorrow, aha 1. 'Tt?T? a-hat-payat, cs. pr. pt. showing no lack of (ac.): kilam, losing no time. NVT?a-hftr-ayat, cs. pr. pt. not losing (in p lay); -h~rya,f~p. not to be taken away; incorruptible; m. mountain: -tva, a. nonliability to be taken away: ab. because it cannot be taken away. a'nh-i, m. serpent; dragon, Vritra.;FFE~a-hims-aka, a. doing no hurt, harmless; -at, pr. pt. (Al-) harmless; -, f.(A-) harmlessness; abstentionfrom injury to living things, gentleness; non-violation; -ra, a. doing no injury, harmless. VA 3rmahbi-gan dha, m. similarity with ser-pents; -kkhAttra, m. N. of a country and its capital. Wfq d-hita, pp. unsuitable; hurtful, evil, bad; hostile; mn. enemy; ah,f. kind of vein; a. damage, harmi, evil. [Sesha. N ~If v,4 ahi-pati, m. lord of the serpents, ~fr~t~if~ra-hima-dfidhiti, m. sun; -inayfi~iha, -rnasini, -rokis, m. id.; -a~qmsu, m. id. [pents. WftgirTM dhi-mfiya, a. appearing like serNI1,W ahi-hdtya, n. slaughter of Vritra. i. ah-ilna, a. lasting several days; m. sacrifice of several days' duration.:2. a-hilna, pp. not deprived of, practising (in.): -karinan, a. following no low occupation; not neglecting rites. `'ff~ a'-huta, pp. not sacrificed or offered; m. muttered prayer. U[T'q 6-hrinftna, a. not angry, friendly. Vqf a-hrita, pp. not carried away by (in.). -MV~qI a-hetu-ka, a. unfounded. *Wfl a-hela', f. no joke, good earnest. A-pa-haituka,a.(i')causeless,unfounded. ~r1aho, ij. of joy, sorrow, surprise, anger, praise, blame, ah! oh! alas! '~PTIaho-rfttra', m. n. day and night; -atiaka, a. consisting of day and night. T ah-na, rn. -a= han, day: d. at once. 'M T14 ahi 6a'shu, m. swooping on the dragon. NTI~ a-hrasva, a. not short, long. VP d-hruta, pp. not bent, straight. W&MRT dhvala', f. steady gait, frrmness. s"9 A. WTr. -,ad. near (vbl.px.: reverses themeaning of verbs of giving and going'); besides, also; quite, entirely, just (emp hatic); px. w. pt.& a. somewhat, a little; scarcely; -ish; px-forming ad. & a. up to, till; prps. up to (after ac., before ab.); except (before ac.); from (ab.); at, on, in., near '(after ic.): `O, from, up to. Iff 2. A, ij. esp. of sudden recollection, ah! oh! TNr!i~A-kantham, ad. up to the neck. gV~ftX A-kapila, a. brownish. NJA f-kamp-a, m. trembling; -an&, m. N. of a -Daitya; -inn, a. trembling.!R'KT~-kar-'a, m. scatterer,bestower; abundance, plenty; mine; origin: -ga, a. mineral; -in, a. arising from mines, mineral. NRT~I. a-karna, 0-, or -in, ad. up to the ear: -na, n. bearing, listening. -V T ' ft -karnaya, den. P. listen, hear: p~p. ita, heard, overheard. sam, id. 'IT1 ciI A-karsh-a, m. attraction; -ann, a. (II) attracting; n. pulling; attraction; -ik&,f. N. of a city; -in, a. dragging along. lf~i f-kalana, n. trying up, fastening. a~R~ -kalpa, m. ornament, finery. NT ft-kalpa-m, ad. to the end of the world. NTi W ITAkalpa-shra, a. fond of dress. ~T~~T~T'Ia-kalpa-sthatyin, a. lasting to the end of the world; -_antam, ad. to the end of the world. IR R qkalya, n. illness; love-sickness. ~Rfakasmika, a. (i') unforeseen, sudden, accidental. 1IT11Tch 1 af-kahiksh-at, f. desire, wish; necessity of complementing the sense; -in, a. wishing, expecting. rIZ5. f-kftra, m. make, shape, -figure, appearance; expression, outward sign of emoNfTTT~ 2. at-kara, m. the letter a. [tion. 1ATZOT~T7 ft-kftrana, n. calling up; I'-ya,fp. to be called up. _'FT'KT?a'kftra-vat, a.embodied; shapely. NRifqff- at-kftr-ita, pp. having the form of WW(~T at-ktl- a, in.: lc. at the exact time of (g.); -ika, a. (A or 3') lasting till the same time on the following day; (i') not arriving at the right or usual time. -TrfTNhIA* A-klikft-tiram, ad. up to the bank of the KAIikA. ~FTish ia-kas-d, n. n. clear space, sky; ether as the subtlest element: le. behind the scenes (of what is said to or by some one offithe stage): -ga, a. moving in the air; in. bird; -ganngi, f.the aerial Ganges; -gata, p~p. coming from. the air (voice); -ha'rin, a. moving in the air; sm. bird; -desa, mn. region of the air; -patha, in. path in the air; -pathika, in. wanderer in the sky, ep. of the sun; -bhast-ita, n. fictitious conversation of a person on the stage with a~nabsent one; ayn&, n. passage through the air; -vartinan, n. path in the air; -sayann, n. sleeping in the open air; - amlrin, in. bird; -isa, a. ruling the air only ( =quite helpless). COMf-w4akimkan -ya, a. destitution, pover'a~kiM, p rp. from (a b.). [ty. Iff fa-kirnalpp (Vkr IC) sc-attered; covered, full: lc. in a frequented p lace. W3,T~fa-kun-kana,n.bending,contraetion. iifZ'r fq-kutila, a. somrewhat bent, somewhat curly. [wards (0). 'I iRRT a-kufrna~, ad. from boyhood up~Tft-kula, a. confused, perplexed; filled IMI'T q a-klaya. argi ~7garti. 37 oroverwhelmed (with, -0); -grama-kaitya,a. the sacred trees of whose villages are alive with (in.); -t, f., -tva, n. confusion; abundance. '11 I a-kulaya, den. P. confuse; fill: pp. ita,disordered,disturbed,perplexed,by(in.,-~). I akuli-kri, confuse, dim; fill: pp. bewildered, disturbed with (in.); -bhuI, be or become confused; -yamana, pr. pt. ps. bewildered, annoyed. TIKIR a-kftta, n. intention, wish. 1r (if" a-kriti, f. component part; form, appearance; -mat, a. having a form, embodied. i' RR-? a-krishta-vat, pp. act. drawn. ^rfif a-krishti,f. attraction; drawing (a bowstring); magic attraction, attractive spell. i ake, ad. (lc.) near. aijiiq a-kekara, a. squinting slightly. A1Iqt-i a-kopa, m. touch of anger; -vat, a. somewhat angry at (lc.). [skill. Airclti akqkausala, n. inexperience, lack of AI sT a-krand-a, m. cry,wail, lamentation; natural ally of a belligerent king (neighbour's neighbour); -ana, n. lamentation; -anlya,fp. to be called on for help; -ita, (pp.) n. cry; -in, a. calling upon piteously (-~). WT9ir a-kram-a, m. stepping up; attack; -ana, a. striding up; n. id.; attack; extension (towards, lc.). Vf i1 i a-kranta, pp. (V/kram) beset, overspread; in the power of, dominated by, pervaded with (-~). I'iSfiff a-kranti,f. treading, ascending; rising. 1T tHI a-krida, m. n. play-ground, grove, garden; -giri, -parvata, m. pleasure-hill. 'lstli a-kros-a, m. reviling; abuse, affront: -ka, a. reviling, abusing; -ita, cs. pp. cursed, reviled; -in, a. abusing. 1l q'T!, Sksh-ain, pf. pt. of Vaksh. lRfWRfiT a-kshiptika, f. song sung by a person approaching the stage. M'JI ta-kshepa, m.turning up (soil); quivering, convulsion; putting on (salve); throwing off; abandonment; enrapturing (g. or -~); reference to (-~); hint; challenge; abuse, affront;-na, a.(i) ravishing, charming; -rupaka, n. kind of simile; -valana, n. swaying (of the arms); -sutra, n. thread for stringingpearls; -_upama, f. kind of simile. IT( a-ksheptri, m. rejecter. 1;r"r a-kshepya, fp. to be challenged. Mti;R a-khandala, m. breaker, destroyer, ep. of Indra: -kakubh,f. east; -kapa, m.n. rainbow; -suinu, m.son ofIndra = Arguna. -p a-kh-fi,m.mole; mouse [burrower: a + Vkha]; -va-grama, m. N. of a village. q akheta, m. chase: -ka, m.id.; hunter; -bbumi,f. hunting ground; - atav, f. game forest. t1 S a-khya,f name: in.byname; period: a. named (-~); -ta, (pp.) n. finite verb; -tavya, fp. to be told or related; -ti,f. tale, report; appellation; -tri, m. teller, relater; teacher; -na, n. narration; story, tale; legend: -ka, n. short file: i,f. a metre, -paikama, a. having the Puranas as the fifth; -paka, a. announc ing, proclaiming; -pana, n.invitation to relate; -yika,f. short tale; -yin, a. relating, reporting (-O). [- admitted. 11T I a-khyeya,fp. to be told, - related, W1^[1 a-ganda, ad. up to the cheeks (~-). M1T1t a-gata, (pp.) m. guest; n. event. [PIf'T a-gati, f. arrival, return (-tva, n. abst. N.); origin; coming up to, joining. NTW T-a-gan-tavya, fp. that must come; -tu, a. I. arriving: m. new comer, stranger, guest; 2. adventitious: -ka, id.; a. stray (cattle); having crept in (unauthorised reading); -tri, a. about to come. 7l'T 9-gama, a. coming up; m. arrival, occurrence; origin; course (of streams); affluence,revenue,property; acquisition; learning, knowledge; science; precept, tradition; manual, code; augment (gr.); -na, n. coming, arrival; origin; sexual intercourse; -vat, a. having sexual intercourse; -sruti, f. tradition; -apayin, a. coming and going. a^T1rfi.R agam-in, a. taking an augment. l~ltajg-as, n. offence, crime, fault, sin.,aTTsd agastya, a. referring to Agasti; m. descendant of Agasti. ITfitft, a-gamin, a. coming; future. lPr[Tji a-ggmuka, a.wontto cometo (ac.). 1T1TT agara,n. apartment, dwelling, house. f1 t a-gur,f. ritual response. [wood. I]sJ agurava, a. (1) produced by aloeMTW qW111iq agna-vaishnavd, a. belonging to Agni-Vishnu. MjTfriagnika, a. (1) relating to fire-service. OfTfwnTO agni-marutd, n. litany to Agni and the Maruts. 'ftW1 agnijdhra, m. fire-kindler (priest); n. fire-altar: i-ya, m. fire on the fire-altar. 1Tni T agneya, a. (i)relating to fire or Agni; n. the lunar mansion Krittika. MJn Rq a —grath-ana, n. putting on (girdle). l W1|4 agrayand, m. offering of new grain (a Soma libation); n. offering of first-fruits at the end of the rainy season; i,f. (sc. -ishti) sacrifice of first-fruits; (a)-ka, n. id. (-~, a.). 1a:T( a-graha, m. pertinacity; favour. laT - tl agrahgyani,f. day of full-moon in the month Marga-sirsha; kind of pakayagna. ^ITNl t a-ghattana, f. blow, impact. -R1'(Tq, a-ghar-ghar-am, ad. growling. tia'! a-gharsha, m. friction. irTZ fa-ghatd, m., i, f. cymbal, rattle. Wn'qrTfa-ghata, m. stroke, blow; gust; killing; place of ext cution; slaughter-house. TJllf l-ghrini, a.glowing; radiant. [tion. ' RtT Tr a-ghoshana,f. public proclamaqI rTrT a-ghrana, n. smelling: -tas, ad. by smelling. 'V a-n- =N i. a (gr.). [cess of Anga. -U anga, m. prince of Afga; -i, f. prinR-WTfKi aAgarika, m. charcoal burner. 7Tf't fi angirasd, a. (i) relating to the Anfgiras; m. pat. descendant of Angiras. | l M asnggfish, mn. n. song of praise. 1t'a-k, a in adverbs like dakshin-a &c. (gr.). T~q afka, m. N. of a man. VTla TTIB T lA-kandra-tarakam, ad. except moon and stars. -1 T-q * a-kamana, n. sippingwater; rinsing the mouth; water for rinsing the mouth (also i,f.); i-ya, n. water for rinsing the mouth. f fi! a-kdr-ana, n. arrival; performance; conduct; -aniya, fp. to be done or performed; -ita, (pp.) n. arrival; usage; conduct; -itavya,fp. to be done; n. one should act according to usage. [scum of boiled rice. NT 1 q a-kama, m. sipping water; water or lTxl - a-kafra, m. behaviour; good conduct; usage, custom, observance, rule: -, customary: -maya, a. ceremonious, devoted to etiquette; -lga, m.f.pl. customaryparched grain; -vat, a. well-behaved, virtuous; -vyapeta, pp. diverging from usage; - apeta, a. id.; -hina, pp. neglectful of the rules of conduct. ' iqT' a-karyg [fp. to be gone to], mn. teacher, esp. a Brahman; N. of Drona (teacher of the Pandavas); son of an outcast Vaisya; -ka, n. teachership; -t&, f., -tva, n. calling of a teacher; -vat, a. having a teacher; a-niL,f. wife of a teacher; - adhina, a. dependent on one's teacher: -tva, n. abst. N. alf ''S a-ki-khya-su, des. a. wishing to express; -saupama, f. kind of simile. N'Tf;tf a-kita, pp. heapedup; filled, laden, studded, with (in.. or-'). mlltT mkaisvara, m. N. of a temple built by Ika. [clad. 1W T a-kkhaanna, pp. (v/khad) covered, ^ lUTF a-kkhAd-a, m. garment, clothing: -ka, a. covering, concealing: -tva, n. abst. NT.; -na, n. covering, concealing; clothing: -vastra, n. lower garment; -in, (-~) a. covering, concealing. WTftli a-kkhurita, pp. scratched. ^TW f jak-ya, gd. having bent. 'ITS aga, a. relating to goats; n. N. of a lunar mansion. [ing like a boa.,Fl;lT gagagra, a. (i) relating to or behavRT3i<UM a-ganma, ad. from birth. N1TTTW ^a-garasam, ad. to old age. SF51T a a-gargarita, pp. somewhat bruised or tattered. T TWJlT'ql aggtasatravd, a. relating to Agatasatru; m. descendant of AgAtasatru. ~Tr1ft a-gati, f. birth. [the knees. I T t agunn-lambin, a.reachingto lT-i1T* aganeya, a. (i) of noble race; m. well-bred horse. Tftag-i, m.f. race, contest, fight: -bhumi, f. battle-field; -mukha, n. vanguard. Tfrf!w_' a-gihmita, pp. somewhat turned aside: -lokanam, ad. with somewhat averted glance. [Agigarta. N'W1t i r glgarti, m. pat. descendant of 38 A A, A aqlv-a. A-dara. W fr giv-a, m. livelihood; -ana, n. id.; -an-ika, a. seeking a livelihood. ~IT1_q fl4,-gilvam, ad. for life. -ya,%fp. fit for or affording a livelihood. ~Ii f~t -gniapti, f. order, command. &1~ igiift, f. id.: -kara, m. (11) servant: -tva, a. office of a servant; -dAua, n. giving an order; -na, n. apprehending, understanding; -parigraha, mn. reception of an order. T'MIT9 ft-giifipya, fp. at the service of (g.). VATTW;Hfgnftf-bhafiga, m. breach of a command: -kara, -karin, a. neglecting an order;..vid ayin, a. doing one's behest, obedient. 11TW gg-ya, a. clarified liquid butter (for sacri~ficing or anointing); kind of sastra; -dhanvan, a. having clarified butter for a bow; -pfi, a. drinking clarifled butter; m. pl. Manes of tke Vaisyas; -sesha, m. rest of the clarifiedhbutter; -havis, a.having an offering of clarified butter; -homa, mn. sacrifice of clarified butter; - fihuti,f. offering of clarified butter. ~J~WANKH, I.P iikha, pull, tug, stretch. V~i ~I ang-ana, n. ointment, eye-salve; -gandhi, a. smelling of ointment. [numat. V i~RI f Uiganeya, m. son of Ailganft, HaV efl I qC tavika,a.relating to a forest; consisting of foresters; in. forest-dweller; wood'i=jR tfi'opa, m. inflation; pride. [man. -m(!WWK ftdfimbara, m. drum; din; v erbosity; trumpeting (of an elephant); - acme, height, crown: -vat, a. noisy. ~ift-K di'vin, m. N. of a crow. 1RIT910 ftdhaka, mn. n. (-0f. ) a dry measure (=4prasthas). 'JTM hdky, a. wealthy; abounding in (in. or -t):, f. wealth. `:fT4111Cafnaka a.-anaka minute,tiny,subtle. hnfi ' ls, m. pin of the axle. T441 aUWfdd-ga, a. egg-born. [pray. luTf I. at, ad. (ab.) then; also, and; w. intr. V 2. fi-t, the vowel ft. [anxiety, fear. IN Iel '. ft-tafika, m. ailment; uneasiness, MTel tif ~A-tat-y-1in, a.having one's bow strung; m. armed aggressor, assassin; d angerous character, felon. 141jqa-t~apa`, a.causingpain; m.(solar)heat, sunshine: -tra, n. umbrella; -vat, a. irradiated by the sun; -Varana, a. umbrella; -_ atyaya, m. end of the heat, cool of the evening. 'h~Wftapaya, den. P. become solar heat. CTY 'TI c ~f ft-tapovanam, ad. up to the hermits' wood. IfPRT at-tarn, mn. crossing a river; fare. -4T1 e I-tfi, f. (in. pl1. +atais), frame, edge. OTrf a-ap-in, m. N. of a Daitya. amtani, a. reddish: -dtf. redness. 'WrfW Atif, 'lffft ktfj. kind of aquatic bird. 1"1fTwr a-titatm-su, des. a. wishing to stretch across (ac.). flfr~ tithe-Ta, a(I) relating to guests, hospitable; a. hospitality. WrrfWr'a atithyd, a.; a. id.; reception of the self; -yoni, m. ep.- ofKhma &Vishnu; -rakshSoma (ritual):- -vat, a. speaking of hospital- ana, a. self-protection; -lAbha, m. one's own ity cntinig hewod 'uet; -Atkra, advantage; attainment of life, birth; -vat, my godoffaicesg ofe hospItalisty, sak ad. like oneself; a. animate; self-controlled; f~r-trs-nA, asoehth- sensible; personal: w. sruta, a. =knowledge ira-k~naa. omehatob- of men: 4t9J. self-control; -vadha,mi., -vaCr —aiaiy,.reudac. lqu. dhyi,f. suicide; -varga, m. one's own party; vltlt~p4'airakyan~reundncy.[liue. -vasa, a. depending on oneself; -vasya, a. that VI trlf~rl I Atisayika, a. superabundant, one has in one's power;..vikraya, m. selling NTI 'a-tura, a. diseased, ill, weak; ailing; one's freedom; -vit-ta^, f. self-knowledge; afflcte wih trtued b; w in,. orbdly -vid, a. knowing the universal soul; -vidya, -,affictd wth~ortredby;w. nf.moridl f.knowledge of the universal soul; -vidhitsa', desirous of. f.selfishness;..vivriddhi, f. self-aggrandise-(ti4a-tod-ya,(fp.)n.mLisicalinstrument- meat; -vritt~nta, m. a. account ofonsef a ~~~-vritti,,f. one's own condition. o nsl ' frr -tta, pp. (Idh) taken; sts. s-, a. Am-as'.sl-rie Ski grasped, obtained; taken away, -less; felt -- Tf. ntma-wnspmsr: f. self-raise;t -nesak grasping, feeling; -gandha, a. whose pride f.oesonpower: snt, n' iwn. accordin toone's has been taken away; -garva, a. humbled; power;-snit, a. bone'u; saown, blod persoalha -daada, a. grasping one's staff; -rati, a. feel- inerstgin, a.noatfulg; -samstga, m. personal ing delight, in (lc.); -vibhava, a. having at- ionterest iesnaykn; -ir amedtha ansl.atce tamned to wealth; -Virya, a. deprived of tonesprn;decdtonslf strength; -sastra, a. grasping his weapon;!q(QT IqAtma-samtana, m. son; -sam-sa'ra, a. robbed of treasure; -sva, a. deprived deha, m. personal risk; -saina, a. like oneof one's possessions: -ti, f. abst. N. self: -ti, f. abst. N.; -samarpana, a. giving 'IffiT at-tha, 2 Sg. Pf. of v'ah. oneself up to (a deity); -sambhava, m. son; h'tma -0-fttman; -ka, a. Jia)baig Kama: A'f. daughter; -sambh~.vana',f. self(iI hvn conceit; -sit-kri, place on oneself; make the nature of, consisting of or in (-o): -tva, a. one's own;..stava, m. self-praise; praise of abst. N.;..karman, a. one's own act; -kima, the Atman; -hatya', f. suicide; -han, a. killasefs;-Iya, a. own -kia-~P. self- ing the soul; m. suicide; -hita, a. one's own infiicted,commnitted ordone byoneself; -gata, welfare. a. being in or relating to self: -in, ad, to one- C. self (drama); -gati,f. own way or resources: ~TTi~ atmdst paef-ittd in. by oneself; -guna, a. virtue of the soul; -adhika, a. dearer than oneself; z~dhina, a. _gh~taka, -ghfitin, m. suicide; -ghosha, m. dependent on oneself; - anapeksha, a. disincrow; -ga, a. self-begotten; m. son, a'f.daugh- terested; -anugamana, a. personal attendtar: -tA,,f. state of a son; -ganman, a. birth ance; -_ apa7rahai.neswtagrson of oneself = birth of a son; son; -gaya, in. - fipahkra, in. dissimulation; - apaha'raka, (his) own victory; -gnla, a. knowing oneself; -1harin, a. making away with oneself, denying knowing the universal soul; -gfiiana, a. self- oneself, dissimulating; - bhi n-M,.high knowledge; knowledge of the universal soul; opinion of oneself; -Zamisha, in. alliance -tattva, a. own nature; true nature of the (peace) bought by sacrifice of one's army; universal soul; -tantra, a. independent; ati - artha: - m or lc. for oneself: lc. pl. in on' f. essentiality, nature; -tripta,_pp.self-suffic- own interest. ing; -tyaga, in. suicide; at~gn i.suicide; IT Matmi-kri take possession ofabfva, -tva, a. essentiality, nature; -darsa^m mirror: M. absorption in the universal soul; -ya, a. -na, a. seeing oneself in (-.O); -dfina, a. self- one's own: -gitya, a. of one's own race, one's sacrifice; -drohin, a. self-tormen ting, fretful; equal, -desa, in. home. -dvesha, m. self-hatred. ~ ~ ak h flnigfrteui -4fv at~n i. breath; soul; life, self vra ol ~vri.mse foeef (sg. =rfl..prn.); essence, nature; peculiarity; vra ol saa.mse foeef body; intellect, understanding; universal soul. N~fm qm tasa m. self-elevation; ~r~ W taatityA, awihto boasting; -udaya, in. self-advantage, rise; ohr;-Vitia, a.wtuneohrdbhava, in. son; -,pagivin, a. support~iqlcof T ftma-ika, f woan' N. ing oneself by personal labour. N ft qftratmaupamya, a. self-compariNTMPRi1.wT fltma-nindfl, f. self-reproach. son, analogy to oneself. 14 NqITtT Atman e-pad-a, a. the middle ter- WT~fWr4j atyantika, a. (1) lasting to the minations (yr.); -in, a. having the mniddle ter- end; unalterable; absolute. [urgent. minations. ~N1 qaftyayikd, a. admitting of no delay, rq r?(atm1An-,0Ifvn. nmt. flI114 fltreyd, in. descendant of.1tri; IL, f. a~TItI~ftma-paksha, in. one's own party; id.; woman who has bathed after menstruation. _parity~ga, in. self-sacrifice; _Puigaf self- NtRq fl-tva, a. occurrence of Ai (yr.). praise; -pratyarthi-namna-vat, a. hvg. one's own name and that of the defendant; -pra- qIq4 atharvand, a. (i) belonging to Abha, a. self-luminous; bright with himself; tharvan or the Atharvans; in. descendant of -prasams&, f. self-praise; -bodha, a. know- Atharvan or the Atharvans; Brfihman coning the universal soul; -bhaya, a.fear for one's versant 'with the AVT.; conjuror; the AVT.; life; -bhava, in. his own presence; a. self- i-k&, in. follower of the AVT. caused; in. Kfima,; -bhb'jra, in. personality; f-abd.rahn oiemuh -bhO.,m self-existing,e~p.ofBrahman;-bh-ftta, ~~' -ah~.rahn otemuh.pp. being the self of = devoted to; -maya, a. am -R~f' —s — t (^I) proceeding from oneself; -ma'msa, a. one's i mpf. sg. of 'a + V/d a. own flesh.A '~I~I1R ftma-bhria. hiningonl o _(~lda-ra~mregard, respect; considerahis iveihoo, slfis: -vaa. slfihnes, slf- tion, care. attention (lc., -0 or - arthamx):-i hislivlihodsefis: -van. elishess sef- kri, endeavour; in., ab. considerately, careproduced. fully, seriously; _-.aiya fy. to be Vegarded: ~-f~atma-yAgin, a. sacrificing one- _ta, f. absi. -N.; -vat, a. attentive to (le.). t, Mq A P,.wr a'-dartavya. a. Alilclcq 39 fr6fl f-dartavya, fp. -: fdaraniya. 'Vrrr'J fl-darsa', m. seeing; mirror; image; c(3y; -ptistaka,n. copy, manuscript; -maya, a being altogether mirror. w1TqIq fl-ddhana, n. place of cremation. 'luATi;I ft-dft-tri, m. receiver. [class (gr.). r ~ft~ dfldi'-ka, a. belongingto the Advi77,fl-d9-na, n, grasping, taking; -away; receiving; seizure, appropriation; withdrawal; -ya, gd. having taken = with; -yin, a.inclined to receive gifts; -2', appropriating. A1WRf-dflra, m. consideration, regard. ~f~ffl-d-i^m [taking in hand: &l-v/d'dflbeginning: lo, in the -, at first; beg. with and the rest, etc. (often.,ka); -kartri, m. original creator; -kesava, m. ep. of Vishnu; -tas, ad. from or in the beg., at first; -0 from - onwards: tff.being the beginning, origin. f;q flditeyd, m. son of Aditi. i. flditya, a. belonging to or descended from Aditi; m. son of Aditi; sun: p 1. a class of gods; n. N. of a lunar mansion. '~~T2~ - ditya', a.- belonging to the Adityas; divine; relating to the sun; -kandra, m. du. sun and moon; -prabha, m. N. of a king; -mansdali, a. sun's orb; -vat, ad. like the sun; -varna, a. sun-coloured; -varman, -sena, mn. Ns. of kings. '41I%? fl-ditsu, des. a. ci Arous to obtain (ac.); avaricious. [Bra' Aan, Vishnu, Siva. a fdi-deva, m, Primeval god: ep. of N'14!rf~'ifd-in, a. eating. [end of the day. al.dina antam, ad. up to the aj~~rfdi-parvata, m. chief mountain; -purusha, in. original ancestor; primeval spirit; -piirusha, in. primeval spirit, ep. of Vishnu; -bhava, a. produced in the beginning; -bhfita,.pp. being the first among (g.). *(f-f fidi-ma, a. first; -mat, a. having a beginin; nrlae n original cause; -varflha, mn. original boar, ep. of Vishnu. aff7~.f-dis, f.scheme, purpose, intent. NTI fl-di'sc, (d.) inf. to aim at (ac.). lrfffC2~ fl-dish-ta, (pp.) m. kind of peace or alliance; n. inj unction, rule of conduct; 4 -in, mn. student who has received rules from his teacher, novice. ~iT~t fl-d'irgha, a. longish. -Z5TI-I _ l-drita, pp. considerate, careful, attentive; intent on (le., -0); respected, valued, honoured: -vati,f. act. (for finite verb) having paid attention or treated with respect. - fltul 3.a'-drishti-gokaram, ad. as far as the eye can reach; -prasaram, ad. id. AT<If-deya, fp. to be tcken or plucked; to be removed; to be employed. -vgtj~q- fl-devana, n. play-ground. ~T~T fl-des-a', in. statement; report; prophecy; instruction; rule, precept; command; substitute (gr.): -ka, m. guide; -in, a. instructing, ordering (0-). -ya,f~p. to be stated or told. ~i(t dyafp.tobeeater1,,eatable; nfol a.fdya, a.-first: -0,having as first= etc. I I I q on di nta, n. sg., m. du. beginning and end; -9 a. beginning and ending with: -vat, a. having a beginning and an end. -ITq f 441R4adya~dya, a. each preceding. M fidi ndfltta, a. having the acute on the first syllable: -tva, n. accentuationon that fi-dyfina, a. voracious. [syllable. 15, TI-advfldasdm, ad. up to twelve. NTjqT fl-dhamana, n. pledge, mortgage. 1U4k fldhamarnya, n. indebtedness. NM'.T flda-n~a esselfor shaking and clarifying Soma. N~T'~ITJ A-dhfltri, m. lighter of sacred fire; giver, bestower teacher. AN'If-dhana, n. laying or placing on; kindling of the sacred fires; impregnation; ceremony preceding impregnation; production; pledging; employment: -hetu, a. occasioning the creation of ( —JO), WMT'qT1iI fl-dhfly-aka, a. bestowing, effecting, causing (-.0); -in, a. id.: -ita f. abst.x~. A f-dhalrd, in. support, prop, foundation; receptacle, reservoir; trench (round the,foot of a tree); dyke, dam; location or sphere of an action (gr.): -', a. relating to; -tf,f. state of a receptacle; -ade A-b a, M. relation between the receptacle and what it contains. [ation; pledge. ~Nf'Wr i. fl-dhi, [x/dhl] m-receptacle; foundNT'2. fl-dhif, [V/dhyfl] m. (generally pl.) anxiety, care, longing. [pre-eminence. 'WTTf~qg fldhikya, n. excess; superiority, '41 T4% e fldhi~daivata, Okf-Mj -daivika, a.relating to the gods; -patya, n. (paramount) sovereignty, lordship (over, lc.); -bhoga, m. usufruct of a pledge; -rflgya, a. paramount dominion; -vedanika, is. present made to a first wife by a man on marrying a second. a(~tf-dhi', f. longing, care, anxiety. WTEf ftdhii~kri, pledge. VMjf'r';i fihunika, a. present. NT t, fl-,dheya, fp.- to be put on; - deposited; - granted; contained or situated in; a. laying on; kindling of the sacred fire. ~Z~fldho-..mukh-ya, n. going downwards. [phant. *11' FlTP3I fl-dhorana, in. driver of an ele' 1ITITl ft~dhmfl-ta, pp. inflated, swelled. Ml U4TfJT fldhyfltmika, (A, i)relating to self, subjective; relating to the universal soul. qI l1 fldbrd, a. needy, indigent. fl1 4fq fln dhvanika, a. travelling.,T~IW dhvaryava, a. relating to the Adhvaryu (Yagur-veda); n. function of the a~l~fnd n [breather], face. [Adhvaryu. N1TWqlf flni-drnsa, 3 s9. pf. of 4/i. as. aI~fnaka, in. kind of drum. Nfff gn-at, 2 & 3 s9. aor. of /ri. as. *MITW9 'anaduha, a. coming from a bull. '%ff'W4XVfla-nata-parvan, a. hvg. depressed (= not prominent) knots, smooth (arrow). Pi1ft a-nati, f. bowing; submission. flq n-ana, n. [breather: V/an] mouth; face. [sion; no interval. NPIRIIT qP anantarya, a. immediate succes-4tn Mflnant-ya,a.endless; n.-ness,eternity. NlT' fl-nandd, in. (a.) joy, bliss; sen.. sual pleasure: -ka, a. gladdening, delighting; -thu, in. joy, delight; -na, a. delighting; -bflshpa, in. tears of joy; -maya, a. (i) consisting of joy, blissful; -yitri, in. delighter; -vardhana, in. N. of a poet. InT'MTWT3 fnanda asru, a. tears of joy; - Utsava in. joyous festival. VTf~flnand-ifn, a. joyful; delighting. Ml~in fl-namra, a. bent, bowed.,%lqq~ fl-nay-ann, a. bringing near or back; procuring; producing; -itavya, jp. to be brought near. a(I~ lnarta, mn. pl. N. of a people. _441" flnarthak-ya, n. uselessness. aW~fn-as-d, -ufs, -4, &c., pf. of V'. as. qf'I~ fl-nflka, ad. up to heaven aI'T lftb-ya, n. defencelessness. a~TTT. flnya, in. [attractor], net. V MTIT qT' fnflyflya, den.AX. represent a net. wtTWfWRVftnfly-in, in. fisherman. aT[~fn-flsa, 3 Sg. pf. qf V's. as. "M IT fl-niti,f. bringing near. -'T fl-nliala a. blackish. I flnu —kfl-ika, a. courteous: -a f.courteousness towards (g.), -ya, n. favour; agreeableness; friendly terms; -gunya, n. homogeneousness; -piirv-a, a., -i',f., -ya, a. regular succession: in., ab. successively; -y&l trika, m. servant; -lomya, a. direct or natural order; -vesya, am. neighbour next but one; -shkk, ad. in order; -shafigika, a. (i) adherent, connected with, following; enduring; necessarilyfollowingfrom (g.); adventitious; -shtubha, a.- consisting of or like anushtubh. Tflntipa, a. watery, swampy; m. aquatic IT411?? Wflnrin-ya,nmunindebtedness. [animal. — ~q2TJ flnrisams-a, a. kindness, benevolence; -ya, a. kind; n. kindness. to be brought near. a ajjntdm, ad. to the end; completely. AlWO flatara, a. inner, interior. ~Tfftntariksha', a. (I) proceeding fromt the air or sky; airy, aerial. VJiM fntrap, a. sg. & pl. entrails. [swinging., -ml W*' M alndol-aka, in. swing; -ana, n. ~T!R'4flndolaya,den.P.swing: pp. ita. — NIT f ~Tflndolikfl, f. litter. 'Imf —W flndh-ya, n. blindness. ATI~ifnvflh-ika, a. (i) daily. ~ flnviksh-iki, f. logic. AP) V. P. (A.)p-nu, reach, obtein, attain; incur, suffer; befal: ps. be completed: pp. flpti, reached, obtained; -filled, pervaled; abundant; trusty, familiar; es. ipkyp, P. cause to reach or obtain, bring to; cause to 40 A a-pakva. qqprp ama'd. n. drnigbu;Iohh~.dikn-ot feel; des. 3ipsa, wish to obtain, desire. aiu, reach:pp. arrived. abhi, es. complete; attain; des. wish for. ava, reach; obtain, acquire; meet with, incur, suffer. prati ava, recover. 2am-ava, obtain; incur. upa, fulfil. Pani, reach; gain; make an end: pp. paryipta, completed, full; abundant, spacious, sufficient for (d,.,g.); equal to (d., lc., inf.), a match for (g.), adequate; des. wish for; demand; guard; liein-wait for. pra, reach, meet, fall in with, find; obtain, receive in marriage; incur; resultfronm a rule, obtain, be in force (also ps.): pp.pripta,reached; met, obtained; incurred; having reached &c. (ac. or — ); come, arrived, present; resultingfrom arule, obtaining (gr.); cs. bring or convey to (2 ac.); report to or bring before; cause to obtain (2, ac.). auu-pra, reach, find; imitate: pp. arrived at, come to (ac.). sam-allu-pra, reach: p come; arrived at (ac.); having obtained. sam-pra, reach, arrive at; meet; obtain, - in marriage; fall into, incur, suffer: pp. met, obtained; having reached, 7 come to, - fallen into (ac.); come, arrived; coming from (ab.). aiu-sampra, reach, arrive at; meet: pp. arriv.ed at (ac.), befallen (cc.); come, present. prati, des. court, woo. vi, pervade, fill; reach. to (&: pp. pervaded, filled; bathed in (in.); occupied; possessed of (in.); included in; well-to-do: cs. pp. vyipita, pervaded, filled. abhi-vi, gd. including (ac.). sam, obtain; complete; kill: pp. concluded; cs. cause to obtain; finish, complete. pari-sam, ps. be contained in (lc.); belong to (lc.); pp. entirely comprehended; perfected, summed up. MT1W a-pakva, pp. half-ripe. IqRIM atpa-gat, f. river. If r iq fapageya, m.metronymic ofBh'ishma. ':RqTE at-pan-a, in. market; ware; -3iya, a. coming from the market. 9M P 4 e a f-pat-ann, n. sudden appearan ce. -rqal Wpat-kalpa, in. procedure in times of distress; -ki1a, in. season of distress. -rMI411r a-patti, f. occurrence; incurring; misfortune, distress. 1.4tIPq [ a'pat-pratpta, pp. fnllen into misfortune; -sahiya, a. helping in misfortune. 'N~II ftpatya, a. patronymic. ft-p~a-~d, f. [getting into trouble], misfortuine, disaster, adversity, distress: -uddharana, n. relieving from distress; -gata, pp. fallen into,'-,isfortune; -dharma, in. rules applyin'.-case of distress. 317 ca f-paa, pp. (v'pad) gotten or fallen into (ac.,.-O); unfortunate, afflicted, miserable; satv, a~f. pregnant. [oint (~) ftt~~ii -parva-bhatga, ad. up to the WMT~apas, in. pi. of 15Rap, water. 'TWM4P* atpastamba, m. N. of a teacher; a. (I') derived from Apastamba. 'NI41rW a-pattala,a. reddish. [f.abst. N. V wr a Q4f-pandn, a. yellowish, pale: t% pale. 41itm f-patta, mn. onset, attack; rushing unto ( —O); unexpected appearance, setting in: or -tas, at once, at first sight: -m&tre or -uii~tra-, at the first moment only. ftirfi~ patt-in, a. occuerring (-O) TTR'Mr' apana, ni. carousal, banquet; -ka, -bhfimi,f. placefor drinking; -s4Ai,f~tavern. NlTrrft -patrshni, ad. up to the heels. Wrfti ap-f,, m.associate, friend,acquaintauce. Ifff#MT A-pbin-ara, a. reddish. Nrrftiapi-tv',. n. alliance, friendship. rf ft -pisaiiga, a. golden coloured. a1'.V -p~id-a, m. pressure; chaplet worn on the crown of thse head; -ita, pp. loaded with; adorned with a chaplet of ( —P). WMT4J? a-pilta, a. yellowish: -ya, den. P. give a yellowish colouring to. NTH. I a-pina, (pp.) n. udder: -vat, a. containing any form of Vpyai. ~Tapeipya, m. pastry. a -pfira, in. flood, redundance, excess: -va, a. filling; n. id.; quantity of water. NT a-pirna, pp. (V'pri) full: -mandala, ~lT11j -pftrta, n.pious deed. [a. full-orbed. wrIhWm. apo-m aya, a. consisting of water. 7, I T apo xsAna~n. rinsing of the mouth accompanied by the words apo xssma before & after eating. NMT~ apta', pp Vatp; m. suitable person; -kaniu, a. trusty, friendly; -dakshina, a. accompanied by liberal fees; -bhiva, m. trustworthiness; -vakana, n. trustworthy utterance; -varga, m. acquaintance, friends (colt.); _aa. whose word is trustworthy. ITff[ gp-tijf. attainment, acquisition. AI~. p-tyd, a. dwelling in the waters, ep.!PXMT i. 9p-ya, fp. obtainable. [of Trita. VAIW 2. ap-ya, a. watery, living in the water; n. N. of a lunar mansion. 13A 3. 9pya, n. alliance, friendship. -m wR 1a ftpyay-a,m.increase,becomilig frill; -ana, a. causing corpulency; causing well-being; n. satisfying; advancement; causing Soma to swell: gjfsatiety; -in, a. bestowing prosperity(O) lTql~~iAj -prapad-am, ad. to the tip of the foot; -ina, a. reaching to the tip of the foot. ~rIf91fta-pry, f. pl. (propitiation) N. of certain hymns to Agni in the RV.: -sfikta, n. Apri-hymn. vA, A-plava, in. bath; -na, n. bathing.!MM A-platva, in. bath. woking till success appears.,qgjrrjjt a -baddha-m~la, a. forming circles, circling. [up or round. IffqW a-bandha, m. bon d, tie:- -na, n. tying WTrTa-bAdhd~m.3A,f. pressure, sufferin g; pain; danger. IU W at-batlam, ad. down to the boys. qj a-baya0- -in ad. from boyhood. ft'~ butta,m. sister's husband (drama). -9511~ le," bdika, a. -annual;..., lasting - years. [Brahman's court. WR a-rha-ab ad. up to -pXFH~a-bhafigin, a. somewhat beiti lq I!t,,1 fi-bhar-ana, n. ornament.!P[T a-bhat,f. lustre, light: -', a, a, I'ke. a351d Kf abhar, 3 s9. aor. of fl-bhri, NT~ffTiqfa-bhatsh-a,mi. speech; sayiP,-g, proverb; -ana, n. conference; address; -g; -'ra, fp. worthy of being addressed. ~IIIr a-bhas-a, i. lustre, ligfL,; coloir; appearance; apparition, phant~ux. WifITS Ohbi-gana, a. patronymic; _aA" f., _gitya, n. nobility; -g~imnika, a. reiatiig to cognition; -dha'uika, in. lexicographei; -plavika, a. belonging to the abhiplava; -mukhya, n. direction towards (ac., g., ~) -ramika, a. amiable; -sheka, -shekanika, a. (i) referring to the inauguration of a king. '_ [TI1'M! a'bhilkshn-ya, n. continual repetition. 4pr~bhira, M., If. offspring of aBr~dhman byan Ambashtha woman: pl. N. of a people. ' ~T~i a-bhil1a, a. terrible. [gardly. — pIj abhui, a. empty; empty-handed, fig-!RTfJf a-bhugna, pp. slightly curved. -rTJ\ at-bhuA, a. present, at hand, helping; in. assistant. a1"J~ -bh1Asti,. faculty, power. rrMrT at-bhogd, m.bend, curve, roundness; vault; extensiveness; force; multiplicity; serpent. [ment; seeker of gain. W1TRi1 a -bhog', f. nourishmnent, enjoy7NM 4 fta-bhogya, fp. to be enjoyed; to be perceived. -!W44RI!R abbyantara, a. inner, interior. *rft i are ' nfbbyudayika, a. causing prosperity; n. hind of sacrifice to the Manes. IT: am, sj. of reminiscence, ah! of assent, yes. [unburned. -VTrama,, a. raw, uncooked; crude, unripe; '~rr~f(Wi~( -magganaantam, ad. till immersion. -49TFSE ahma-gvara, in. dysentery. I411iR a-man-gu, a. charming, lovely. '_T1WM #VM a-mandalii-kri, form almost into a circle. a~~~ ma- dhyfahnam, ad. till noon. -Miwll a~ f-m~ntr-ana, rn. calling, addressing; invitation; -ayitavya, fp. to be taken leave of; -ita, n. (.pp.) addresss; vocative. -ml~j 41i~A~ad a. somewhat dull or deep (sound). NlT[T atmaya, m, (lam) sickness, disease: -vi-tva, is. dyspepsia; -via, a. ill; dyspeptic. — MIT+1P(' a-marana-m, ad. till death: - anta, a. 1lesting till death: i-kl, a. id. rrt, a-mard-a,sn. pressure; puxling (hair); -in, a. pulling; -pressing hard (~) NIrwt a-marsa, in. contact. "-1T~qi amalaka, Mn., 3, f. N. of a tree (emblic, nyrobalan); is. its fruit: 2i-phala, n. id. NM~i Aa ada. eating rawjlesh rocarrion. vArrriqWr~ amavasya. -ATA arta. 411 I I rirT'qTW mftmvatsyd, a. referring to the new-moon festival; a. new-moon sacrifice.!qfrTr a-mi'k,-hf, f. curds. NytIRfIrA-misra, 14iifmra-misla, a. mixed. 'i 4TftV m-ish-a, n. flesh; prey: -taf., -tva, n. being a coveted object; 'sin, a. flesh'Tf'aZm-is, M. raw flesh, carrion. [eating. Nmtq'T fi-millana, n. closing of the eyes. WT'ifrr f-inukulita, pp. half-opened (blossom). WU ft-mukha, a. prelude, introduction. -l[9f144i ftmushmi-ka, a. (1) belonging to the next world. -J1'!T 44Jf imushyva yand, m. son or descendant of so and so. a-frhaatm ad. up to the crown. [ginning, thoroughly. ft-mfila, c~- or -in, ad. from the beft-amekhalam, ad. up tothem ountain-slope. [burned bricks. OUR ma ishtaka, a. consisting of un+1I'r -9a-mokshana, a. bin ding on. '~4fji feIn-motana, a. cracking, breaking. T~~1 a-~-a, a. gladdening; m. gladness farne; -in, a. redolent of ( —9). MIT1fTlig ft-mnftta-tva, a. mention. [(lc.). ~r~f~anftt-in, alvg.made mention of T-MTl a41P4-muftya, m. tradition, sacred text; legend: -si-rin, a.(a-i') mellifluousastheVeda.!%'qpr atmbhasa, a. watery. NIQ amr'am.mango-tree;na. mango (fruit). — 4,D ftmra-kfita, m. Mango-peak, N. of a mounatcin. fT t -mred-a, m.repetitiour, -ita, (pp.)a. repetition, repeated word (gr.). i. fly-d, rn. access; evenue, income. -MlrIr 2. ftya, m. radical suffix ftya (gr.). IfTfTffr ft-yag-lf, a. bringing by sacrifice; -ishtha, spy.- (ii-) of iyagf. N'qlrf4f a-yata, pp. (v/yam) extended, long. lflqlnm a-yft-ana, a. place, abode, seat (-tva, a. abSt. N.); fire-place; sacred precinct, temple; barn. ATXM4wq4 ta ta-pakshmala, a. trimmed with long feathers; -lokana, a. long-eyed; -aksha, a. (i) long-eyed. ar~f~ -yati,f. extension, length; future; hope, expectation; offspring. VVTA.Ift f-yat4,Af. pr. pt. (Vi) future. qr r1! flyatajkshana, a. lonDg-eyed. N ~ (-ya-ta pp. (v/yat) being in, resting on, d ependent on (g., to., O -ta',f. -tva, a. dependence on (i.,.O) -kri# make dependent; keep in subjection. 1 r141, z V t ayathfl-tath-ya, a., wrong em.ployment; -ptva a. being different from before. [ing revenue. 11T f aya-darsin, a. seeing i~e. draw aA;;qfyasd, a. (a'yasi' or 'L) iron, brazen; a. iron; -maya, a. iron, brazen. If~3 f-fga, m. sacrificial gift or fee. 1TTTA-yfltta, (pp.) a. excess. [proach. W;T;T A-yama, m. tension; extent;;length; interception: -vat, a. long (oftime4c~distance). ~T~T~~aam-in, a. hindering (-O); long. Im it ITf ft-yfis-d, m. exertion, trouble; exhaustion; -aka, a. fatiguing; -ayi-tri, -trika, a. (-trikfi)troubling; -ita,an. exertion, endeavour; -in, a. exerting oneself, taking trouble. ~I~i. fty-ui, a. active, lively; m.lIivin g being;,2. gy-u, a. life. [man.,!T51 afl-yukta, (pp.-) in., O'M -ka, m. official. A~rrf-yuta, (pp.) a. semi~fluid butter.;JTjV y dha,n.[fightingagainst],weapon, -bhrit, a. bearing arms; m. warrior; -sA1, f. arsenal, armoury; -sahaya, a. armed; -Agra, a. armoury. [warrior. ITNMf~r Ayudh-ika, -in, -iyaa armed; m. a yur-veda, m. medical science. NTrr.*Irq fiyuh-sesha, m. remnant of life; a. having a remnant of life, still alive: a 9R ayusha,na.-9=ftyus, life. [f. abst. N. PITl ayush-ka, a. love of life; -kara, a. productive of longevity; -ma, a. desirous of long life; -mat, a. long-lived (often as a respectful mode of address); life-long; -ya a. giving long life; a. long life; rite producing long life. NM ay-us, a. life, age, long life (often pl.); allotted term of life; vitality; vital element; iiTff ft-yoga, m. team. [world. N jNP[T1 9yogava, m. N. of a mixed caste (offspring of Ssldra and V~aisya'). ITiftRW ft-yogan'a, a. procuring. -TWi:Y ftyoda, m. pat. of Dhaumya. qWTNt~4 fl-yodh-ana, a. fight, battle; battle-field. I9T R, i-v P. 'r-ya, praise: Pp art~ NTTr i. ftra, m.an. ore.,r~2. ar a, a. host of enemies. a~ -rakta, pp. reddish, pink: - aksha, a. pink-eyed. -Nr'c7 f-raksha, ina f.protection, guard. TIKTqA ft-raksh-aka, m. watchman; -ana, in., -ani3, f. guardian; -ika, in. watchman: -nayaka, m. head of police. M 1IR.f a-rat-i, roar; -ita, (pp,) a. noise. gTI! rana, a. abyss. a1~?Tfranyd, a. living or growing in the forest; wild: (a)-ka, a. id.; in. forester; anchorite; a. forest-treatise (part of a lBrdhmana to be studied in solitudes). a(2~ -rabdha, pp. (Vrabh) began. aR~4f-rabdhi, f. enterprise. rr i ft-rabhati, f. dramatic representation~of the supeinatural and horrible. ft-rabh-ya, gd. beginning with (ab. or - ~TqIPU at-rdmana, a. sexual enjoyment. '%UT fi-rambhd, in. setting about; under-' taking; beginning; -na, a. taking hold; handle; support; make-shift; -aiya,fp. to be begun with: 'a,f. N. of certain verses; -ta',f. beginning; -ruki, a. enterprising: -ta', f. delight in undertakings. rfwarambh.-in, a. enterprising. If'' ft-rava, mn. cry, yell; sound. [drum. NTTI\fSf 5+f fravn-dindima, m. kind of NM~ arft, f. awl; puncheon. NMTTJ(frat, (ab.) ad. far, from afar, far from (ab.); near (ab.); at once, forthwith. N~fl1ffT grftti, mn. enemy. RT~TT a-raldh-a, m. homage; -ana, a. conciliating, winning; a. prospering, success; accomplishment; propitiation, gratification; adoration; -anlya, f. p. to be conciliated or adored; -ayitri, m. adorer, devotee; -ayishnu, a. adoring (ac.); -ya, fp. to be accomplished; to be conciliated; pleasing to (in.). WTVTI ft-rfim-a, m. enjoyment, pleasure; garden; orchard; -ika, in. gardener. ~RTTT a'-rftv-a, m. cry, yell; sound, din; -in, a. resounding with(2) NtT~TT~ fi-rasa, m. cry. [take. Irf~ a-ripsu, des. a. intending to underN~ft_7~fW_3Ariratdhayishu, des. a. wishing to conciliate.[) a-rug (-~O), Oi -gd, a. breaking (ac., a~r~rfrua-a 3.,of~ -n-i, a. descended from Aruna; -eye, m._pat. of Aruni. ft-rurukshu, des. a. desirous of ascending or climbing to (ac.). '~~ft-ruha, a. mounting(9) a~T~f-rfidha, pp. v,/rub. U(p. or ab.). `IT ftre', (lc.) ad. far; far from (ab.); without af4 -raik, 3 sg. aor. of V/rik. fI~ t3Ifrog-ya, a. diseaselessness, health. NIT~tq fi-rodhavya, fp. to be ascended. elR~t a-rodhri, in. one who mounts (~) 'Iff-rKVr f-rodha, m. siege, blockade. Rl~t ft-rop-a, m. placing upon; attribution; substitution for, identification with (to.); -aka, a. planting (0'); -ana, a. causing to ascend; setting Up; putting on; stringing (a bow); identification; -an'ya, fpthtsol be caused to ascend (to.); -ita, _pp. es. from V'ruh; -ya,fp. to be placed upon. ~i~~ft-roh-6, m. rider; mounting; heap, mountain; woman's hips; ascending scale; rise; -aka, m. rider; (r6h) -aaa, a. ('I) ascending; a. ascent; production; raised platform for dancing; ladder, stair; -in, a. ascending; leading up to (0') '4ti~rgav-a, a. honest; n.honesty, rectitude: -in, a. straightforward, honest. MOMftra~g~lkd, in. kind of vessel for Soma. ftr~b'ita,pp.falleninto (trouble); afflicted, distressed; hurt, pained, tormented; stricken by, suffering from, anxious about (0:-tara, G 42 -jTj-q A qlla A artava. a-vrit. I cpv. more afflicted, sadder; -na~da, m. cry of distress; -rava, M. Cry of distress. NTA-4 artava', a. ('I) seasonable; menstrual; n. monthly purification; the ten days follow - ing it.!ifiI A'/riti, f., trouble, misfortune, pain. WM7~ ar-tni, f. notched end of a bow. Vf'RlfW~ ftrtvigya, n. office of priest (ritvig). h rdlrd a. moist, wet; fresh, new; soft, tender; af sg. &pl. N. fa lunar mansion; ati f.wetness; tenderness; -nayana, a. moist-eyed; -bhiva, m. moistness; tenderheartedness; -ya, den. P. moisten; soften; -vastra, a. wearing a wet garment: -a abst. Nr. WtUTh ardri-kri, moisten, refresh; soften. prati, moisten or refresh again. [wood. -la afr rdraedha agni, m. fire of green NT ~T Idrda-dhfttu-ka, a. added to the wea ounodified root (suffix). Iff fi ardhika, m. - ardha-sirin. 'NT4 arya, a. (A or IL) belonging to the faithful, of one's own tribe; honourable, noble; m. Aryan (-Vedic Indian); man of thefirst three castes; man of worth: voc. sir, friend; a, f. Aryf verse; a metre; -ka, m,.man of worth; N. of a king; -gnna, mn. noble quality; -grihya, a. siding with the noble; -7cetas, a. noble — minded; -gana,m. Aryans,honourablepeople;.-gushta, pp. approved bythe honourable; a f. -tva, n. honourableness; -da'sif,f N.; -duhitri, f., daughter of a noble (honori~fic mode of addressing a female friend); -desa, m. district inhabited by Aryans; -desya, a. coming from an Aryan district; -putra, m. son of an Aryan, honorifta designation of (i) son of person addressed; (2) husband; (3) sovereign; -praya, a. inhabited chiefly by Aryan s; -buddhi, a. noble-minded; -bhata, m. N. of two astronomers: 'i-ya, n. work composed bykryabhata. a~UfP rya-misra, a. venerable, &c. &c. (as an honorific designation). VIFT ft ryamna, n. N. of a lunar mansion. a rya-rdga, m. N. of a king; -riupa, a. having the air of respectability; -liiigin, a. bearing the marks of respectability; -varman, M. N. of a king; _Valk, a. speaking an Aryan tongue; -vidagdha-misra, a. honourable, learned, &c. &c. (honorific designation); -vritta, n. honourable behaviour; a. behavinghonourably;-vesha, a.respectablydressed; -vrata, a. behaving, like an Aryan; -sil1a, a. of honourable character; -samaya, m. ordinance of honourable men; -suta, m. = Aryaputra (husband); -stri,f. woman of the upper castes. [a woman of the upper castes. NIT4T7RI arykjgama, m. intercourse with Iff t Wf~f fryagitif sp ecs ofArya metre. NT'4T%% drydtnaka, N. of a country. fN f dya adhishthita, pp. controlled by men of the higher castes. NrT ~tdya varta, m. land of the Aryans (between Himlaya and Vindhya): pl1. its inhabitants. a~T rsha, a.() referring to or derived from the Rishis, antique, archaic; added to a 1?ishi's name (suffix); m. marriage ordained by Rishis; n. hymns of the.Rishis; holy lineage-; 1?ishi authorship of a hymn. W~T4[ grshabha, a. belonging to -, of a bull. N IRN rsheyd, a. n.=dtrsha; -br~h'mana, n. N. of a Brdhmana. fgtI rsha fdhk f. woman wedded after the manner of the Bishis. 'yirf4i11 arshtishend, m. descendant of Ri-MI" Aila, m. N. of a monkey. [shtishena. 'IM A-lakshya, fip. visible; to look at; scarcely perceptible. ~~jff~i lamka'rika, m. rhetorician. INTLf d-lap-ana, n. chat, conversation; -ita, n. (pp.) discourse, talk; -itavya, fp. to be addressed. vA dqf-lamb-a,a. hanging down; m.hold, support; -ana, a. holding fast to; supporting (-');hold, support;;foundation; -in, a. hanging down; attached to, resting on, reaching down to, dependent on, supporting (~) -MiM a-lanmbh-6, m. laying hold of, contact; plucking; killing; -ana, n. id.; -in, a. touching(0) v~ITm a -laya, m. (n.) dwelling, house; seat. W1TA[ ftlarka, a. belonging to a mad dog. NTW'T~fla-vdOa, a. watering trench (round the root of a tree). MWW Alas-ya, n. idleness, sloth, indolence: -nibandhana, a. due to indolence; -vakana, a. argument of sloth. -ITWmI wldlna, n. post or rope for tying an elephant; i-ka, a. serving for a post or rope.!RMT'q tT -lp-6i, m. talk, conversation; song (of birds): -vat, a. addressing. A li, WTqf Al-, f. r. female friend; 2. streak, line, row; swarm. ftT~ -limg, L. P. A. or X. P. embrace. prati, return an embrace. sam, embrace. ' WTf q' d-lihig-ana, a. embrace. '-T#tI d-li1dha, pp. Vlih; n. kind of attitude in drawing a bow: -visesha-sobhin, a. specially conspicuous owing to this attitude. 'Iffl Mlu, 'NTW AlM, f. pitcher; a. (ii) raft. lf'- d-lunikana, n. tearing in pieces. r-if d-lekhana, n. scratching, scraping. IM A-lekhya, n. painting; picture; -purusha, m. human phantom; -sesha, a. remaining in a picture only == deceased; -samarpita, pp. painted. [ment.:WrktI Alepa, in., Owt -na, a. smearing; ointM~T~ dt-loka, mn. seeing, looking, sight; light, lustre; glimmer, trace of (g.); praise, panegyric; -na, a. beholding, looking at; n. look; sight: -tMAJflooking at, contemplation; _niya,fp.- that may be gazed at: -ta',f. abst. N.; -patha, M. horizon; -mairga, m. id. tf dlok-in, a. looking at, conteniplating(0) VTAFM dMf-lok-ana, n., 'a, f. seeing; consideration; -anilya, -.%Yafp. to be considered. MIr~tr d-lol-a, a. gently waving, slightly rolling; -ika',f. lullaby. [den, dye red. ij ftj-lohita, a. reddish; i-kri, red~ vpr. seem of iset pers. dual. fTI2t-vft, f. nearness. C" '4T, a- vats ara antami, ad. till th e end of the year. [a.N,%iilf q d fvantika, a. relating to Avanti: Tfi dvantya, m. king or inhabitant of Avanti. [on; vessel. f4 l ftfd-v~pana, n., if. strewing, laying,1" I d; vayd, n. conception. -M aafg m. (n ays) kind ofpriest. NTWI2K 9-var, aor. 2. & 3 sV. of 4/vri, cover.,!RaR d-var-aka, a. covering, concealing, veiling; in. protector; -ana, a. covering; n. envelopment; cover, garment; obstruction, -interruption; protection, shield; bolt, lock. fTWt-varivar, 35s.impf. intv.oqfh-vrit. NT fd-vargana, a. conciliating, winning. a -vart-d, m. turn; whirlpool; lock, twist of hair; -aka, m. hind of mythical clouds; -ana, a. turning round; n. return; -in, a. returning. a vali, NA~ -li', fstreak, line, row. NM 'c dvasya-ka, a. (i) necessary, 'inevitable; n. inevitableness; easing nature: atf necessity, inevitableness. a -vas, 3 sg. aor. of Vvas, shine. NTr ft -vas-atfif.night's lodging; quarters; -athk, in. id.; abode; -ath-ya, in. sacred domestic fire.!qMq dt-Vaha, a. bringing, effecting (.) 1T% T' d-vdp-a, m. strewing, sowing; insertion; mingling; hand-guard; diplomacy; 5..aka, n. kiud of hand ornament. NM' d-vdtra, in. guard, protection. if~ft dt-vdtridhi, ad. up to the sea. NPT4PR ci'-vds-a, in. abode; -in, a. dwelling gft vi, M~WIdvf pain: pl. throes (.,a.,f3.i). NTfqci avi-ka, a. comning from a sheep, woollen; a. sheep-skin; woollen cloth: -sautrika, a. consisting of woollen threads. a$~f -vild, f. fore-knowledge. ~lft(-vid-va's, pf. pt. 'knowing. ftvir-blifva, m., C'ff. hti manifestation. [filled with(O) — TNI d 9 vila, a. turbid, dim; tainted by, rft vila-ya, den. P. mnake turbid; sully. TfI q ftv dish-karanaaWR-d, in. manifestation, display. JU L dt-vishta, pp. (v/vis) entered; af-.fected by, filled with(O) A~N(-vis, ad.visible, manifest: with V'as and Vblift, become manifest, appear; with,-Vkri and Cs. of Vbh-ft, make manifest, show. T dvi, Vs. f dvi and NI1 dtvy,!; -sutra, a. woollen thread. '~~ft -vrft, f. turning towards or in; direction; series ofrites; ceremony; manner. Al A ' W:Vrita. '114iq a-sanna. 43 at-vrita, jpp. surrounded; covered; overspread; m. a certain mixed caste. '-IT-rM a-vritta-tva, n.thebeing covered; the being closed (of a door). A -vrittilf. turning in; return; reptto;solstice; re-birth; course, direction. W1411 a-vega, m. excitement, flurry., a~~~ -ved-aka, a. informing, stating (0;-ana, n. announcement; legal notice; -aniya, fjp. to be reported or announced; -ita, cs. pp. made known, told; -in-$ a. announcing (0'); -ya, fp. = &vedanlya. NM'T W-ves-a, m. entrance; fit (of rage, &c.); wrath: -na, n. possession (-by demons); workshop; -vat, a.possessedby ( —P); 4.ka~mguest. 'fIt -ves'hta, m. strangulation.!qT~avyA, a.(AviA) relating to sheep; woollen. WITEIM at-vyakta, p.p. perfectly clear. ~qIFqV4T a-vyath~af slight emotion:, mkri, W'kr as-a, m. food. [be somewhat touched. Vn~~ a-samsa, a. expecting (~) nn. wishing; A,f. wish; expectation, hope; presentiment; -parikalpita, pp. only expected. `14VT= ftr -sams-i-tri~m. proclaimer (w. ac.); -in, a. announcing, promising(0 _~r11r4 '4~ f-saf~k-ani1ya,fp. to be feared, - exeted,-assumed; -A,f. anxiety; dread of (ab.); distrust; -in, a. dreading; supposing; considering; causing auxietyor fear; doubtful, uncertain. N~T'JTM a-sayd, m..resting-place; seat, place; heart,, mind; thought, intention; way of thinking; ajgi m. fire of digestion. 4'T1[ T"_ a-sariram,ad.includingthebody. -4 Ilfa-sa's, f. wish,, expectation, hope. iiT~r. ta~, f. id. (w. g., ic., or -s): in. in the expectation or hope of; -ganan'a, a. inspiring hope; -pisa'k-ikA, -i', f. demon of (~=cruel and delusive) hope; -bandha, ma. bond of hope; cobweb; -vat, a.' hopeful; hoping for (d., lc.);- -vibhinna, pp. cut off from hope, disappointed. I V'IfT 2. Ws, f. space; region, quarter; -kakravlam, n. encircling horizon; -mukha, n. point of the compass;, -va'sas, n. the-quarters as a garment: with vas,, = go about, naked; -vigaya, m. conquest of the world. ipTr'kT ftf aa a. filling the quarters. N IT,1 Ifir a-sAsti, f. prayer. [blessing. 'lrrFWr r -sats-ya,fp. to be wished; n. wish, III fI AM s-ita, cs. Pp. Of -,12. as; n. food. Mf~vf fas-in, a. eating, enjoying ( —O). 1if4r aIKf-sfr, f. milk added to Soma. _1rf1. R' wU~i~a-sirah-patdam,ad. from head -NTRf-_T1 gs-ishtha, spy, of atsu. [to foot. -lVW~ I a11,f-s s, f. wissh, prayer, benediction. — M:f asih-kriya, a. expressing the action of asking (gr ki ~ iyas, cpv. of asu: n. ad. '_X1Tkf191CIn Isir —vakana, si. benediction: zkshepa, m. a rhetoricallfigure; -,vA~kaka, a. expressing a wish,; '-vida, m. benediction: -mantra, m. id., - abhidh~ua-vat, a. containing a benedictory expression. ftasi-vishd, m. poisonous suake; -u ama, a. snake-like =poisoned (arrow). fIt~5s-il, a. swift: n. quickly, at once; m. horse; -k-rin, a. opelating quickly; -k1na, pp. quickly faded; -ga, a. moving swiftly; M. arrow; -gamana, n. rapid course;..tva, n. quickness; -mkt, ad quickly. 15T1jr.?T asuya, (in.) ad. quickly, rapidly. '~w~jfrrf~ sas-.vimardita, pp. quickly crushed.[in. fire. -9I44 -uusdia laigfrh 1 as-sushka, a. quickly drying up:.tva, n. abst. Y.; -sravas, in. N. of a mythical horse; -samdheya, f~p., easily to be joined; easily to be reconciled. — M~I 1 qasauka, n. ritual impurity. WITW askarya, a. strange, wonderful; n. prodigy, marvel; astonishment- -bhfita, pp. marvellous; -maya, a. wonderful. 'T [A-srama, in. n. hermitage; in. stage in a BrAhman's life; -pada, n. id.; -mandala, n. group of hermitages; -vasin, -sad, m. hermit; -sthi.na, n. hermitage. 111irr1*1 a4fsraniaflaya, in. hermit. r ftr sram-in, a. belonging to- one of the religious stages. -M31 at-sray-a, in. leaning on, attachment to; connexion with,, devotion to, recourse to; dependence on, relation to; support; refuge, shelter, protection; seat, abode; receptacle; foundation; (logical) subject; 2-, a. depending on; relating to; -na, a. (i) taking refuge in; relating to ( —); n. recourse to; -niya, fp. to be had recourse to or followed. T4f-5IC4JC Asraya-bhu'ta, pp. being the support or foundation of (y. or-'); being a refuge.;1wTPT Mafsraya fsa, 'zn. (house-consumer), fire; - asiddha, pp. logically inadmissible owing to the subject. NMI asray-in, a. 'attaching to-, seated on, dwelling in, relating to(O) WT31A h-srava, a. obedient, amenable. -N -1 ff Asrita, (Pp.) m. dependent, retainer, servant; -tva, n. dependence. [ing. VM f. ZW a -slishta-sa'nu,a. peak-embrac'WrT'q a-slesha, in. close contact; embrace; 4,f. sg. & pl. N. of a lunar mansion. a sva, a. relating to or coming from the horse. -VTWM svattba, a. (1) derived fr. the sacred fig-tree, made of its'wood. [horse-sacrifice. IT 9~~~ sva-rnedhika, a. relating to the -41-, 5 asva-yuga, in. the month "''svina; n. a P~kayagria occurring on the day offull moon in the month I~svina.,;W ~Tr asvlyana, in. N. of a teacher. a1~~ -sas-a, in. breathing again, recovery, recreation; consolation; confidence in (g., lc.); -an&, n. animating; consoling: A,f. recreation, consolittion; -aniya, fp. to be cheered or consoled; -in, a. breathing again;..ya,fp. to be comforted about. 'W[fV' asvina, a.(i) like horsemen;(&),belonging or sacred to, the Asvins; in. N of a rainy month; -kratu, in. N. of a rite iu the prdtaranuvdlka; -satra, a. N. of a modiflction of the prdtaranuvdka. '~T'n: asvina, n. day's journey for a horse. N~T~ffi Ashadha, in. N. of a month (JuneJuly); staff of Palasa-wood (borne in certain rites); a. relating to Ash~dha; m. a certain holiday; -ka, mn. N.; -pura, n. N. of a mythical mountain; — bhfiti, w. N. o~f a cheat. ',TW i shatdhi, f. day of full moon in IAsh~dha. [book of Padnini. rSTMI ashtamika, a. taught in the eighth TT~(. i s, 0.of joy or displeasure. a as, V. 3 Sg. iinpf. of V a s, b e 14 3. - s, n. (?) mouth,. face: in. openly. W; 4. AS, If. A. Ks-te (E. + 1. A.asa, HL '\*ast) sit, sit down (in or on, le.); remainsitting; dwell, abide; takeup oneds abode, encamp; rest, remai n, lie; be firm; be le ftin the lurch; engage in (ac.); apply oneself to( (ic.); behave, be (in a state) w. ad.; continue doing or being (up. pt., gd., a.,. N. ad.); tend to, (T.); have (g.): ist'am,impv.awayw., enough ofto say nothing of. adhi, sit or lie down on (ac.); take up one's abode in, occupy, inhabit; tread on, enter upon; rest on: pp. adhyisita, resting upon; on which anything (in'.) rests; have carnal knowledge of(ac.). sam-adhi, occupy, inhabit (ac.). anu, sit beside or round (ac.); sit down after (ac.). ud, be indifferent'. upa, sit beside, sit down - (ac.), beset (of'subordinates or supplicants).; besiege; sit; occupy, dwell in; take part in (ac.); betake on~self to, attain to (ac.); practise, be addicted to; suiffer, undergo; continue doing or being (pt. or gd.); expect; honour; celebrate, perform; endeavour to (pt.); spend (time). pariiupa,. sit round, surround; beset (hostile); sit upon (ac.); take part in (cc.); honour, adore; quietly look on at. sam-upa, sit; practise; honour. pari, assemble round (ac.). sam, sit together; assemble round (ac.); abide in (lc.); deliberate; practise (ac.); behave like (iva); attend to, acknowledge (ac.); be a match for (ac.). prati-sam, resist, be a match for (ac.). Hat:r. gs-a, in. [',12. as] ashes, dust. WT- 2. as-,, m. seat; nearness. ~rWMVTTa-samsatram, ad. from- the beg. of the world; to the end of the -world, for ever. rrNrit- a-sakta, pp. (V'sanig) attached; intent on; -bhh'va, a. in love with(c). r ft'-sakti,. fastening on, persecution; attachment or addiction to (lc. or.) (0) IrrwT at-safig-d, in. id.; -in, a. attached to W~ff- at-sn'g-aisa, n. attaching; adhesion; -ita, pp. with whom an agreement has previously been made. Firi ftr-satti, f. conn ex'ion. 'ri a-sdde, d. inf. to sit down upon (ac.). NaTy as an,, n. mouth, jaws. WTMIW as-ana (or 'a), n. sitting,, sitting down; sitting posture; halting, encamping; abiding; seat; position, office (of a Aing); -bandha,i.m sitting down; -vat, a. having a seat; sitting; -vidhi, in. offer of a seat; -stha, a. sitting. '.rrrUi" a.fsanii-kri, turn~ into a seat. Wrf 7 aisandikat, f. small chair.!WR a-sauna, _pp. near; n. — ness,; -,a in. time just past (yr.); -hara, a.. moving near 44 Mfir %T 4 a-sapinda-kriya-karma. ~ i. (~); -tara, cpv. nearer: -ta, f. greater near- t a-stara, m. straw; couch; carpet. take food; -dana, n.givingof food; -nirgama. ness; -prasava, a.f. on the point of parturi- sthana,n.anus;-niksaranamrga,m. id.; tion, about tolay (eggs); -vartin, a.beingnear. %T R 1 a-stdrana, n. id. -parityga, s n. rejection of fooda; -bhrami,f. 1 M5 1f RI I TiRW a9-sapinda-kriya-kar- | 'fb(l asti-ka, a. believing, pious. feeding-ground. ma, ad. before preparing the funeral feast rftiT astik-a n. belief in God, piety. | ahara-ya, den. P. feed (int.). partaken of by the Sapindas. -ya, G p ' a-sapta-ma, a. up to the seventh astika, m. N. of an ancient sage. N~ m *.fP1,'ahara-viraha, m.wantoffood; -sapta-ma, a. up to the seventh. -vritti, f. subsistence; -arthin, a seeking '1NRTTf a-samapti, ad. up to the end, from |IT' as-te, 3 sg. pr. of V/as, sit. food. beginning to end. sT t a-stha,f. desire for,interest in, trou- 'IWT?: a-haryg, fp. to be fetched; to be W*q a-samudra, ad. up to the sea (~-). ble about, regard for (Ic. or -O); in. with all removed; external. 4 a-sava, m. distilled spirit, spirituous one's might, strenuously ft ahi,x. ahi in dakshin-ahi &c. (gr.). liquor, rum. I'W W a-sthana, n. place; assembly; ~ '-f Mhindaka, of- -(n)dika, m. j^irerffa~t^ ^ A7 St -Mandapa, m. n. audience hall. -4t ahindaka, oft!UM -(n)dika, M. T (ab. f 2.asa) ad. near at hand. -— n. n. audience all. N. of a mixed caste (son of a Nishdda and a I gT sT dr asthan-i, f. place of assembly, Vaidehi): in Pr.= traveller. -1TT a-sad-ana, n. setting down; ob- audience chamber; -lya, m. chamberlain. 'Tf' a-hita pp. V/dha -kiama a. extainment of (-); -ita, cs. pp. sad: -vi- a ex graha, a. used to war; -ya, gd. </sad. |IJlf^1 a-sthita, pp. (v/stha) stayed, dwelt. hausted; - agni, m. maintainer of sacred fire. NIeTI a-sayam, ad. till evening. W11; a-spada, n. position, seat, abode, ~rTf' 'f. ' >iahitundika,m.snake-charmer. site; place for, object of (g.):.t&,f, -tva, n. ak s a-sara,. downpour, heavy shower; abst. N.; -ib, become an object of (g.). n -Tv ahirbudhna, o* V -dhnya, m. N. of akingseparatedbyinterveningstate (a natural,a lnar mansion. ally); -prasamita,pp.quenchedwithshowers. WrII9tI a-sphalana, n. striking, driving;r ma as-ika, turntosit. collision. ' a-huti,f. oblation, offering; -bhaga, tW as-iasp hornp sitting. I -n, n. sa. whose share is an oblation. s-ita, pp. sitting. swinging. [speech. l t ahuti-kri, offer as an oblation; 4f asidhara, a. connected with the lf I as-ya, n. mouth, jaws; face; organ of become an oblation. edge of a sword. [sirous of attacking (ac.).,WM"qW]I~ qiF. ahfta- prapalayin, m. o. [siW Ts a-sravd, m. flow, flux; water in the evader of a judicial summons. '1N tl0t 1 a-sisad-ayi-shu, des. a. de- mouth; infirmity: pl. objects of sense. WA a's-ina, pr.pt. (Vas) sitting: -pra.- t T asva, 2 sg. imnpv. of /as, sit. IR a-htavya,. to be summoned. kalayita, n. nodding with sleep while sitting. 'f' ' h of ahtaadhyayin' a. waiting alyit n son p e a-svad-a, m. taste, enjoyment; with one's studies till summoned. boundaryntam ad up to the flavour; -aka, a. tasting, enjoying; -ana, n. f -h f. invocation =asvada; -a-vat, a. tasting well, dainty; invocation asura, a. (1) spiritual, divine; be- -ya, p. to be tasted; palatable: -toya, a. I aheya, a relating to a snake (ahi) longing to the demons or Asuras, demon-like; having palatable water. s n. Asura; ',f. female Asura. T= ^aha, 3 Sg. pf. of Vah. P aho, ick. or; - svia, or perchance. the mouth (or_). ofthe -hata, pp. of v/hah. a. daily rite; daily task; section, chapter. the moutho(oc)to[the world. RPft a-srishti, ad. from the creation of fWT a-hati, f. blow, knock, stroke. V T a-hlad-a, m. recreation, joy: -ka, wateri a-hnana, n. striking. [wanton. -kar3a,-kri, a. gladdening, delighting; -n, ii a-seka, m. wateng, irrigation. n. delighting; -niya,fp. fit forrefreshing. a ring,; 11 a-ha-as, a. swelling, exuberant; | -t qahlad-in, a. refreshing, delight'4Tt a-sdkana, n. pouring on, infusion;ging m offer- T a-hvaya wager [i it a-sdh,.ng (a sacrifice): -ana, n. fetching; offering a-hvaya, m. wager; name. [ing. 1W'T a-sedha, m. arrest, imprisonment. (sacrifice): -i-kri, present, bestow; -tri, m. _lT]'T a-hva, f. appellation, name. STf a-sev-ana, n. frequenting; addic- bringer; taker; causer (ac.); performer.. invoker. tion; -a,f. continuous application, addiction - 11 Tq a-hav-a, m. challenge, contest, fight, -in, a. frequenting; addicted to (-~); -yafp battle; -(hava).na, n. oblation; -niya, a. 'IT a-hvana,n. callingupon,invocation; to be visited. meantforthe oblation; m. (sc. agni) the eastern conjuring (a spirit); summons; challenge. arri a-skand-a, m. leaping up; attack; sacrificial fire; -bhuni, f. battle-field. IT 'iT ahvana-ya, den. P. summons. -ana, n. attack; -in, a. springing upon (-_); WIT? a-hasa, m. low laughter. |IT;i a-hvayaka, m messenger, sumbestowing. a-hara, a. () fetching; m. fetching, moner. [summoned. NMTi askra, a. holding together, united. taking; food, sustenance (-O a.f. a): -m kri, | TfE a-hvayay-itavya,p. to be i, prn. stem of the 3rd prs. pp. past. sam-ati,pass,elapse; traverse; over- away, leave; disappear: pp. apeta, escaped, +'.P.. aaI P. come. adhi, perceive; study,learn (generally retreated,disappeared; havingswervedfiom A, HI...),recite: pp. adhita, learnt;learned(man); opposed to, devoid of (ab. or -0). viapa. cs. P. adhyrpaya, teach (2 cc.). pra adhi, part; depart, cease: pp. parted; vanished; underg (c.); accrue to (ac.); ask for (ac., pp. advancedinVedicstudy. s a-adhitudy diverging from (); -less. parted;, enterd' ab.); come from(ab.); go away, pass; under- thoroughly. an, follo u divein (); ap intv u. yate, I pp. ita;.pp anvita, following (ac.); accom- tread (apath); enter; reach; attain; under. intv ep. imahe, pt. iy, hasten; panied by, united, endowed, provided or filled entreat (2 cc.). akkha, approach (ac.). ati, with (in. or a.); increased by, plus (-O); imi- fo; accrue.tava, g)down t (c.);approach; pass;traverse; elapse; allowtopass (time); enter; tated; logically connected. sam-ann, pp. mean; understand, perceive; learn, know; outstrip; exceed; conquer; avoid; part from provided orfilledw., possessed of (in., an- that (cc. of ob]. withpred. ac. or am. w. iti). (ab.) pp. at'ta, past; disappeared; dead; hav- tar, get between; exclude from (ab.; sts. g.); abhiava, descend into (ac.). r ing crossed; - avoided, - neglected. abhi ati, remove: a xde s ed inter tran. atiav-a,c, elapse; cross;allowtopass:pp. dead. vi ati, vening; distant; being in (a state: _o); elapse; swerve from (ab.); pass by; travese: husidde;n or o. rd -I....hide or. obpa,,A go/ pp.. saovea untd..l nhrn. &,ap -, — u~", vvu vy or -- j. apa, 90 I pp. Sam-mveta, unjtkd, " - i -- - -" "'L") A I indra. i(;*TK i-kara. 45 proach, come; - again; attainfall into (a state); accrue to (ac.): _pr. pt. A -yat, comning, future. anuu&, follow. abhi ~, come to,, approach; betake oneself to: w. bhfiyas, come back again. samn-abhi, approach. ud-ah, go up; come forth; rise (esp. stars). upa&, approach; betak e oneself to; attain, ar a, wander about. prati4j, return to (ac.). sam-ah, come together; assemble; join; meet with (in. + samam); betake oneself to, enter (ac.); uinite with in marriage (in.): pp. sameta, assembled; united; connected, provided or united with (in. or ud, go up; rise (sun, moon); arise; increase; proceed from (ab.); appear; arise to fight against (ac.): pp. udita, risen, appeared or increased. anuujd, come out to meet (ac.). apa ud, turn aside; depart or withdraw from (ab.). abhi -!d, rise, appear; rise over (cc.); rise to fight against (ac.): pp. risen; - over (while still asleep, by the sun). pra d, rise; appear. prati d, rise and go to m'-eet (ac.). sam-ud, rise: pp. risen; lofty; united; endowedw. (in. or —0). upa, approach; betake oneself to (so. apah, bathe); meet; be apprenticed to (ac.); turn from (ab.) to (ac.); approach carnally; obtain, attain, participate in; undergo, enter upon, have recourse to (a state; e. g. darsanam, show oneself to, gq.); undertake, devote oneself to; solicit; appear; befall: pp. upeta, arrived; having retired to (0'); hvg. enteredon (studiesundera teacher); hvg. attainedorbetaken oneself to; suppliant; endowed w., possessed of ( —0). abhi upa, approach; attain, betake oneself to; approach carnally; join (cc.); accrue to (cc.); enter on (estate); choose; assent: pp.cometo(griham - =being in); admitted, assented to, promised. samiu-~a ppurnished with (0.samupa, come together, assemble; meet (hostile); betake oneself to; attain; have sexual intercourse w.; solicit; attain; come upon, befall: _pp. endowed or furnished with (in.). iii, go or get into. nis, go out, come forth. para', go or run away; go to (cc.); pass away, depart, die; obtain: -pt-pf. pareyivis,pp. pireta, deceased. p~ar, go round, walk round, surround: pp. parita, surrounded, filled, seized, by (in. or ~O.vi-pari, turn round; fail: pp. reversed, contrary; acting contrarily; divergent; perverse, adverse. sam-pani, embrace. paia', paiayate (P. rare), flee. prapala', flee away. vi-palh, flee asunder. pra, go away; proceed, start, depart; die; come forward, advance; go to; yd. prftya, after death, in the next world: pp. preta, deceased. anu-pra, follow. apa-pra, depart from (ab.). abbi-pra, approach; think of, mean: pp. intended, meant; desired; beloved. siam-pra, flow together. prati, go to; return; go to meet, go against; accept; admit; be convinced (that,:2 cc.); believe, trust (gq.); ps. pratilya-te, be recognised, become apparent, result: pr.pt. -m&Ua,known as (nm.);implicit: _pp. pratita, firmly resolved; trusting in (-0); satisfied, cheerful; recognised, known; cs. praty-iyayati, prove; convince. vi, traverse; extend; disperse, separate; diverge; be lost, perish: pp vta, vanished: free from -, -less. abhi-vi, resort to (cc.) from all sides. sam, come together, meet (at, cc.), unite (with, in.); penetrate; collide with; enter, upon, begin; visit: pp. s~mita, assembled; united; combined with (in. or -) BR7 -kafra, m. the letter Y lklq ikshri, m. sugar-cane; its stalk; -ka'nda, n. sugar-cane stalk; -danda, m. n. id.; -mati", f 'N. of a river; -rasa, nm. juice of sugar-cane; -vat', f. N. of a river. T ikshvfiki, in. N. of an ancient king and his descendant.s: -PI. N. of a -people:..kula.-ga, a. born, La the family of Ikshvaku. WT' 1NG, J. iiiga, stir, move (mnt.); cs- put in motion, shake. ud, wave, wield..,WIfT iiig-anaf.J designation of (g.); -ita, (pp.) n. gesture, sign, hint, look; intention. rv; ifiguda, in.,:, if.hkind of tree; n. its nut. 'fiTT ikkhft, f. wish, desire: 0- or in. according to wish or inclination; at will; -bharana, sn. N.; -sakti-mat, a. having the faculty of wishing; -sadrisa, a. conforming to one's wishes; -sampad,f. fulfilment of wishes. NO ikkh-u, a. wishing, desirous of (ac., ivlor -0). r~f ig-ya,fp. to be honoured; m. teacher. fTig -yf, f. sacrifice.!( ifta, m. sedge, rush, reed; mat. TTIdjf. comfort; oblation, sacrificial prayer. TV idd, m.N. of a king; aform of Agni. TT idfi,TMTilha Tiajflibation; prayer; goddess of devotion; earth; -vat, a. refreshing, quickening. I?( it, technical indicatory letter or syllable attached to words or roots (gr.). T7 if-tara (n. -d; V. also -in), other; other than, different from (ab., -'O); contrary, opposite; common, ordinary: itara - itara, the one - the other; -gau&, sn. ordinary person; (&)-tas, ad. elsewhere; otherwise tban (ab.); -tra, ad. = lc. of itara; elsewhere; otherwise; (&)-tha', ad. else; otherwise. VYR itara-ya, den. P. alienate; bring over. %,FT7R itara itara, N~. (only oblique cases of sg.) one another:0 the one & the other; ad. mutually: -upakriti-mat, a. mutually helpful. i-tds, ad. (= ab. of idam),from this; from here, from this world; from. this point; here, - below; hence, therefore: ita itxdhvain, hereafter, below (in a book); itas ka itas ha, from here and there, hither and thilther; itas-itas, here - there; itas tatas, here and there, hither and thither; henceforth (often with aparam, paramn, or prabhriti). ~T Iita anta, a. having gone across. TW i. -ti, ad. so, thuis (quoting words or thoughts, generally at the, end, sts. at beg. or near the end, serving the purpose of inverted commas, and suapplying the place of oratio oblique; it is also used to conclude an enumeration, with or without ka): iti tatha karoti, so saying, he acts accordingly (stage direction); iti krita, so saying, therefore, considering that -; kimiti kim, why? (sts. vain, itt Sina, itt ha, t ha sm = iti (sts iti isfollowedpleonastically by a dem.prn.). 2. if-ti Or i-tif, f. going. iti-kartavya, n. (thus it must be done), proper measure: -ta', f. abst. Nv.: -mida p.completely at a loss what to do; kna a.-a, f. abst. iv.), -kritya, n. (-a f. ebst Nv.) proper measure; incumbency; -krama, sn.; in. in such a manner; -th&, a. (i such and such; -vat, ad. just so, in this very way; -vritta, a. incident, event.,fff rEr iti-haftsa, m. ('so-it-was '), tradition, legend, story; epic poem. WIPFT ito-gata, pp. turned hither; relating to this; -mukha, a. directed hither: -in, ad. hither. ~~f'iittham-vidha, a. of Suich a kind; -gata, pp. so conditioned:- lc. such being the case.!(IT it-thdm, ad. so, thus. [a nature. *-f ittham-bhfita, pp. being so, of such!TET it-tha, ad. thus; (often only emphatic ~=) just, quite, even, really; kim te -, what ails thee? ~TMM ityaka, in. N. [mentioned meaning. TW iti artha, *Oj -ka, a. having the aboveTWIR iti artham, ad. for this purpose. WTMTfik iti ftdi, a. beginning thus= and -so on; n. this and the like, and so on, &c. T ffTiqi iti etan-nftma-ka, a. having the names just mentioned. Tk*4Tf iti evam.-Adi, a.= ityftdi. ity-ai, V. d. inf. of Vi. Vffi-tvan, a. going (-0). [less wife. Tq i-tv ard, a. going, moving; 'I,f. faith - W 'i-d, pel. just, quite, even, only (often to be rendered by stress). TANXI iddmn-rflpa, a. having this form. if idan-tana, a. present, now living. f.iyam) this; the following (sty, refers to Awht immediately precedes); all this =the whole world (often with s~xvam, visvaiu, sakalam); so. pins. = here; just; ad. here; hither; now; herewith; just; thus. wf idam-ftdi, a. beginning with this. Ti( i-da-, ~T'4~TTi-d'uim, ad. now, this moment, just: so. &hnas or ihna'm, to-day, now-a-days. [living. I'TiWIT idftniln-tana, a. present, -now -'e-4~ iddha-dildhiti, m. fire. '~4IDH, INDLI, IL. A'. inddh6, N N, kindle; ps. idhyfite, be kindled, flame: pp. iddhi, kindled, aflame (also fig.). sam, id.!(I idh-md, ms. fuel; -kiti, f. wood-pile. Tq in, the suffix in (yr.). ~2. IN', v. T;J NV. KW i-nd, a. strong, mighty; in. sunt. TVMi-na'k-sh, des. P. (of Vnas) inaksha, strive to obtain. ud, id.,fi7Ti indira, f. epithet of Lakshmi. T~~11 indivara, Ms. a. blue lotus; ms. bee; -dala, a. petal of the blue lotus; -prablia, f N.; Z-aksha, as. N. of a mnan. w~Ifnd-u, mn. drop,juice, esp. of Some; (drop in the sky), moon; -kaiasa, am. man's N.; -k alaf. crescent: - avatamsa, m. ep. of Siva; -kanta, in. moon-stone; -kesanin, as. N. of a king; -dala, a. crescent; -prabha, in. N.; -bimba, n. orb of the moon; -inani, in. moon-stone; -mati,f. N. of various women; -mukha, a. (i moon-faced; -yasas, f. N. ofaprincess; -riga, as. man's N.; -1ekha', f. N. of a queen; -vadana, a. moon-faced; -sekhana, m. ep. of Siva. %,. indra, in. Indra, chief of the V~edic gods; highest, chief, prince of; -kininuka, n. Indra's bow, rainbow; -gini, mn. 46 VT, e 1 indra-ta'. `14gt~ZIT~~~T4 I ihamutra-phala-bhoga-vira ga. N. of a mountain; -guru, m. Indra's teacher (Kasyapa); -gopa (or a), a. having Indra as a guardian; m. cochineal; -kapa, m. n. rainbow; -gala, n. Indra's net; a mythical weapon of Arguna's; magic: -purusha, m. human phantom; -galika, m. magician; -galin, m. id.; -git, m. Indra's vanquisher, N. of Rdvana's son or father; -gfta, pp. urged by Indra. — ~T indra-ta,f. Indra's power or dignity; -tva, n. id.; sovereignty; -datta, m. N. of a Brahman; -devi,f. N. of a queen: -bhavana, n. N. of a vihdra built by her; -dhanus, n. Indra's bow, rainbow; -nila, m. sapphire or emerald; -phrogama, a. preceded by Indra; -mada, m. certain disease of leeches; -mandira, m. Indra's abode, heaven; -maha-kamuka, m. dog. -t- indra-ya, den. A. long for Indra. q-I indra-yd, a. longing for Indra. 'SiF, i indra-lokd, m. Indra's world; -vamsa,f. a metre; -vagra, n. Indra's thunderbolt: a,f. a metre. ~j[~indra-vat, a. accompaniedbyIndra; -vitama, spv. dearest to Indra; -varuna, n. bitter-gourd; -vrata,n.Indra's office or rule.;i3l indra-satru, m. Indra's foe, Prahlada; -suta, m.pat. ofArguna; -sena, m. N. of various men; -sena,f. Indra's missile; N.; -stuti,f. praise of Indra; -stotra, n. id. T~rfT indra agni, m. du. Indra and Agni. ^'Tl indranl, f. Indra's wife. IlTI5 indraanuga, m. Indra's younger brother (Vishnu or Krishna). K'TiT indra-pushan (or indra-pushdn), m. du. Indra and Pfshan.;'TPi indraa yudha, n. Indra's weapon, rainbow; m. horse with black spots on the eyes: a, f. kind of leech; -maya, a. consisting altogether of rainbow. "-jTWqiIndra-vat,a.accompaniedbyIndra. 'T-3 uI indra-vdruna, m. du. Indra and Varuna. Wi<[ indriya, a. belonging to, like or dear to Indra; m. companion of Indra; n. Indra's might; dominion; mighty deed; vigour, energy; semen virile; organ of sense; -kima, a. desirous of might; -grama, m. totality of the senses; -nigraha, m. restraint of the senses; -sakti,f. power of the senses; -samyama, m. restraint of the senses. afi3-tT indriyaartha, m. object or stimulant of the senses; - asaiga, m. pi. non-indulgence of the senses. [Indra. 'EIl indra ishita, pp. sent or urged by '-'I'q indra utsava,m. festival in honour ',WINDH, v. Ad IDH. [of Indra.;N indh-a, a. kindling. T:1T indh-ana, n. kindling; fuel: -vat, a. supplied with fuel.!iriRf indhani-kri, turn into fuel. fiT indh-i, the root indh (gr.). [ INV, I. P. inva-ti, or W IN, VIII. P. in6-ti, put in motion, send; further, urge; overcome. [ia. elephant. 1 ibha, m. n. domestics, household, family;;4 IT ibha-dantf, f. N. of a plant. fV ibh-ya, a. domestic; rich. [ imd, prn. st. this. I1uTT imd-thf, ad. in this manner. I-,ii-yak-sh, des. P. implore; long for. >- iyak-shdi, des. a. longing. ~ ~f' ]iyak-hiram, ad. solong; hitherto. iW f-yat, a. so great, somuch; solittle: in. in so far; therefore. tCU i iyat-ta-kU, a. (ik&) so little; -ta, f. quantity, number, measure; essence. s!Z i-y-am, f. (nm. sg.) this: yaiyam, who here; stiyam, iyam sat, she here. Tfi' i-y-ar-ti, 3 sg. pr. of /ri. [ i-y-esh-a, 3 sg. pf. of V/2. ish. \T i-rag-ya, intv. P. i. order; guide. ~'~ irag-yu, a. preparing; m. preparer of the sacrifice. 'T Ji-radh,irr. intv.(v/radh)A. seekto gain.;[Ti iram-madd, a. delighting in drink; m. ep. of Agni; sheet-lightning. t$' iras-ya, den. P. grudge; envy (d.). CIWT iras-ya, f. ill-will; envy. [fort. T ira,f. (=ida) potion; recreation, comTUTT, ira-vat, a. refreshing, quickening; -i,f.. of a river; N. 'tX^ ir-ina, n. channel; brook, spring; -'dTie-ooardj barren soil (esp. containing salt). T" f,~ ir-in, m. oppressor, tyrant. tI ir-ya, a. active; watchful; strong. 5F( IL, VI. P. ila, come; ilaya, stand still. "WEi illaka, m. man's N.;[ i-va, (encl.) ad. like, as it were; about, almost; somewhat; indeed (with inter.): often merely emphatic=only, just, quite; or rendered by stress. I. ISH, VI. isha; I. esha (w. anu); IV. ish-ya; IX. ish-na-ti, set in rapid motion, discharge; emit, utter; urge, encourage, animate; advance or strive towards (d., Ic.): pp. ishiti; cs. ishiya,P.A. speed; comfort. anu, go after, seek, look for. pra, urge, send forth; call upon another priest to recite or perform a rite (ac.): impv. praishya, call upon to recite or offer (ac. or g.); cs. preshaya, hurl,throw, send; send away, dismiss: pp. preshita. anu-pra, cs. send after or despatch to. upa-pra, urge; call upon (a priest to recite). sam-pra, cs. send; dismiss; send a message to (g.). T | 2. ISH, VI. P. (i. in V. & E.) ikN kha, seek, search after; wish something to be (2 ac.), desire, ask for, expect (from, ab., Ic.); intend or be about to (inf.); regard as (2 ac.); choose, have the option of (ac.); recognise, sanction; with na, refuse (to, inf.); ps. ishyate, be desired, - required, - prescribed, - recognised,- sanctioned, - accounted,- considered: pp. ish-ta, q.v. anu, seek, search after, look through; strive after; beg; try; cs. anveshaya, P. search; expect. pari anu, search around. abhi, seek after; intend (inf.): pp. abhishta. prati, seek; receive (from, g.); regard, obey., 3. ish,f. juice, draught, comfort; libation; refreshing waters of heaven; strength; food. r; I. ish-a, a. seeking (-~). ' 2. ish-a, a. juicy; fat. l lT ishanaya, A., ) 1 ishanya, P. den. urge on, stimulate. i ishd-ya, den. P. A. be fresh or active; refresh; quicken: inf. ishayiadhyai. Ig isha-yd, a. fresh, strong. ft ish-i, f. recreation, comfort. Jfq ishidh,f. oblation, offering. [fqI ish-ird, a. refreshing; active, strong, B"tait ishika, f. reed, rush. [swift. f ish-u, m.f. arrow. TiNf ishu-dhf, m. quiver.;!WT ishu-dhya, f. supplication; -dhyu, a. supplicating. Ti3jT ishu-mat, a. furnished with arrows; -matra, n. length of an arrow: (a)-m, ad. at arrow-shot distance; -varsha, m. shower of arrows. 1t ishAya, den. P. strive. qWiT ish-krita, pp. prepared, equipped; -kriti,f. preparation; cure. v i. ish-ta, pp. sought, wished for; desirable, agreeable; dear; favourable; approved, accounted (-tama, spv. considered the best); n. wish, desire. [sacrifice. TV 2. ish-td, pp. (V/yag) sacrificed; m. n. UiT ishta-ka, f. brick: -griha, n. brickhouse. LRT-! ishta-kama-duh,f. (nm. -dhuk) cow of plenty (milking =) granting all desires. -S!q ishta-gana, m. beloved person, lover; -devati,f. favourite or tutelary deity. ~fij ishtani, a. rushing, roaring. q;t ishtdrga, m. one who fights in front or beside (as a protector). [sired object. t1 ishta-lgbha, m. acquisition of a deKU ishtd-vrata, a. fulfilling wishes; -sampadin, a. procuring what is desired; -sidhana, a. id.;TyAishta-parta, n.sg. & du. wish (or sacrifice) and fulfilment =reward of pious works; C. sacrifice and pious works. [helper..fg i. ish-ti, f. incitement, furtherance; VfT 2. ish-ti,f. seeking, search; wish, desire. 3. ish-ti,f. (simple) sacrifice (of butter, T ish-tva, gd. of Vyag. [fruit, &c.). ATxE ishnu-k, the suffix ishnu (gr.). fio' ish-min, a. driving, stormy. w'q";f ishuasana, n. bow. 'T1t ishuisa, m. archer; bow. ' i-hd, ad. here, hither; here on earth; in this book; in the following; now, in a moment; often = lc. of idam. 1CtI ihd-tya, a. belonging to this'place. q#tai iha-loka, m. this, i. e. the present world. |^ iha-stha, a. being or remaining here.,i1q T TfqTrw ihaamutra-phalabhoga-viraga, m. indifference to the pleasures of reward in this wori3c and the next. 'K '. il~ ksh. zlwr ukshan-ya. 4 47 ~jfIKSH, I. A. (P.) see, look; look at, N behold (ac., le.); perceive; contemplate, regard; expect; *prophesy to (d.); CS. ikshaya, causeto look at (aa.). adhi, expect; dread. anu, look after. apa, look away; have in view, watch for (ac.); expect, wait for; fear; pay regard to, mind; require, presuppose: w. na, not bear to see. vt pa, pay regard to, mind. abhi, look at. ava, look at; observe; mark, reflect on, consider; experience; expect, hope for. auuiava, meditate; consider, reflect on. nlr-aVa, consider. prati ava, inspect, examine; enquire after. sam-ava, look at; behold; reflect on; scrutinize; trouble about. ud, look up at, loo'k at; behold; wait; expect. abhi 3d, look towards. sam-ud, look up, look towards or at; observe, regard. upa, look at; descry; wait for, avail oneself of; overlook, disregard, neglect; connive at, suffer; not insist on (ac.). sam-upa, disregard, neglect. nis, look about; look at; behold; perceive; consider. pari, look round; examine; perceive; cs. cause to be examined. pra, look at, perceive; quietly suffer, say nothing. abhi-pra, look at; behold; perceive. ut-ipra, look up to (listening); look out towards; look back on with longing; expect; use or call figuratively; transfer to (le.); erroneously consider (2 caC.); wrongly suppose, imagine; impute to (la.). vi-pra, look hither and thither; contemplate. sam-pra, look at, behold, perceive; consider. prati, look on; behold, perceive; expect, wait for (gd. pratilkshya =quite gradually); bear with, endure. sam-prati, wait: gd. waiting = long. vi, gaze; look at;;perceive; consider; ascertain; discrimmnate; ps. appear. anu-vi, look round; look to - wards; behold, perceive; examine. sam-aimvi, perceive. abhi-vi, look at, perceive. samabhi-vi, perceive. ud-vi, look up; look towards or upon; perceive, become aware of'. sam-u-d-vi, look at, perceive. sam-vi, hecome aware of. abhi-sam-vi, stare at. sam, look at, see, perceive; ascertain; consider. pra-sam, look at, see, perceive; consider. 174 Iiksh-aka, m. beholder, spectator; -ana, n. sight, look; inspection; care; superintendence; eye: -patha, m. horizon;..anika, -anika, m. fortune-teller; -anlya, fp. to be seen, forthcoming;..A,f. glance, look; sight; -i, the verb Iksh (gr.); -ita, (p'p.) n. look; -itri, m. n. beholder, witness. INKH,JI. PAiiikia, move; CS. Ifikh~ya, Nsway, shake. pra, tremble; CS. swing: A.swing oneself. S,)T ^ifikh-ana, n. swinging. A A. JLG, I. & L'a-te, move, drive. apa, drive Naway. ~r~ig-ana, pf. pt. of V/yag., ID, II. K 't-te, praise; beseech (cc.) N\for (ac., g., d.): pp. 3lit" praised. pra, prati, sam, praise. [plored, to be praised. iO W ^id-e'nya, i le'nya, fp. to be im - i d-ya, fp. to be praised, praiseworthy. 1 -if calamity; plague. '1 X 'Idrik-tft, f. quality. kT'ki-drt'sa, a.(I) ofthis appearance, such. Tkk, i'p-sa, des. (Ifip) wish to obtain, desire. tw~T ip-sa, f. desire, wish; -situ, des. pp. desired, wished for, dear; n. wish: -tama, nearest object (gr.); -su, des. a. desirous of ~im, enc. pcl.= ac. of prn. i, used wit ho ut distinction of number or gender and with or without another aca.; w. rel. = -ever; with inter. = pray; w. neg. =at all; often meaningless. kfVTUiy-i-vas, pf. Pt. act. (Vi) went. iy-ush-i, f. pf. pt. (V'i) past. tT IAR, II. (P.) A. ir-te, set in motion, Nstir up; arise, move (mnt.); come forth, resound; aS. lr~ya, P. A. set in motion, stir; throw; excite; produce; utter; say; proclaim; raise; arise; ps. be called: PP 3.riit&. a, procure; utter; as. id. ni3a, appoint as (2 ac.). ud, rise; arise: pp-.ud-lirna, excited, increased; elevated, elated: as. raise, whirl up; throw, cast; put forth; increase; excite, produce; display; rouse, animate; utter, proclaim, speak; ps. be called, pass for (nm.). abhi ud, cs. utter, speak. sam-ud, as. raise;throw; excite; utter. pra, move (it.); arise; cs. drive forward, urge; excite; direct (gaze); utter; pass (time). sam-pra, rise together; as. push forward. sam, put together; as. id.; move (tr.), produce, create; utter, speak. t3 Ar-a^m wind; -ana, m.id.; n. pressure. ~f1!irina, n. land impregnated with salt; desert. [animal); m. n. wound. i r-mnd, m. arm; fore - quarter (of an W4T irma, 1# irma, (in.) ad. here, hither. ir-ya,fp. to be urged on. ~iRSHY, I. P. Airshya-ti, envy; be Njealous. I~w4T irshy-a', f. envy; jealousy: -lu, -vat, -,a. envious, jealous; -iAU, (_pp.) n. jealousy, envy; -in, a. jealous, envious. tqf 1~-vat, a. so great. M~IS I. A. 3sh-te, possess, own, be N~Nmaster of; rule (ac. org.); belong to, be due to (g.); be entitled to (g.); be able to (inf., tTim. lord, ruler; Siva. [g., or IC.). Itis-d, a. able to dispose of, entitled to (g.); capable of (inf.); za. owner, lord, ruler, chief of (g., -0); ep.- of Siva; a', f. ability, power; dominion; -na, n. governing, ruling; - akala, m. Him~laya. WtIT i's-fna (or;i), pr. pt. possessing; ruling over (g.); m. ruler; ep. of Siva; N.; -kandra, m. N.; -devi, f. N. is-i-tr, m. ruler, lord. ft~is-in, a. ruling over () ~21is-yard, a. able to, capable of (inf., lc.; w. inf in -tas the nim. sg. m. is used for all genders and numbers); m. owner of (g., le., ~~0); ruler, lord, prince, ]king; man of rank, rich man; husband; supreme god; Brabman; Siva: 'I, f. princess; at~ f., -tva, n. rule, sovereignty; -pranidhina, n. submission to the will of the Lord. jI SH, I. i3Shia, move away, depart from N (ab.); leave (aca.). a, rush on. ud, rise up. s am-ud, rid. ~~(ish-dt, E9apr. pt.] ad. slightly, a little, somewhat; easily (often 0~-); -kcara, a. easily p erformed; akrya, fp. easy to (la.); -pna, a.easy to drink. ISM~, f. pole (oJ a car): due. double ( forked) pole. Hi, I. A. (P.) ihia, strive after, aim at N(ac.),desireto (inf.); undertake; exert oneself: pp. ihtaimed at, desired; meant for (la.). sam= simple verb. ~Tih-ft,f. exertion, endeavour; business, labour; desire, wish; -vat, a. assiduous; brave. ~fTih-ita, (pp.) n. exertion; labour; purpose'; desire, wish. 7 U. i. u, ij. (not liable to Sandhi) of anger or command. 2. u, W 06, enal. pci. and, also; but, whereas; now, just; forthwith: u - u, both - and; it is used after pronouns, relatives, interr., some pals., and the inf. in -tavai; in C. it oacurs only in atha u, ua u, and kim-u. 13 3. u, the suffixc -u (gr.). 734. U, V. P. u-no-ti, call, cry. 'I uka, the suffix -uka (gr'.). 13EiR7 u-kahra, m. the sound or letter -Li(gr.).!U uk-td, r (* (vak) spoken, utter d; ad dressed; n. word, expression: -tva, n. statement; -pfirva, a. said before; -pratyukti, a. address and reply, conversation; -m~tra, a. merely uttered: la. no sooner said than -; _rupa, a. of the form or kind mentioned; -vtpp. act. Vvak; -vkya, a. hvg. spoken. uk-ti, f. declaration; express statement; speech, saying; word, expression; song: -m kri, raise the voice; -posha, m. pleonasm; -pratyuktik&f. speech and reply. \zMIT uk-tv', gd. of Vvak. s~- uk-tba5, n.' praise, hymn of praise; invocation; recitation (later caclled Sastra) of the Hotri. ~3f4V~uktb-fni, a. praising; -ya-,a.praiseworthy. i. UKSH, I. VI. ukshif, sprinkle; NA. drip: pp. -its,, besprinkled, wetted. abhi, besprinkle, bedrip. anu-pani, sprinkle around. pra, besprinkle; hallow (for sacaritflae); sacrifice. sam-pra, besprinkle; A. besprinkle oneself. 2. UKSH, I. P. ifiksha, grow uip, Nwax strongr. ~4'qk uksh-ana, n.besprinkling, consecration: -ga, a. arising from consecration. [tle. %'q ukshan-yd, den. P. desire bulls or cat 48 ~~wukshan-yu'. VMrIr ti Utka1pa. ~'Z1Jq ukshan-yii, a. desirous of cattle. 'Z!iuksh-dn, in. bull. Wq ukhd, mn. [hollowed out: ud+Vkhftl cooking pot, pan: a', f. id.; -kkchid, a. fragile as a pot, rotten. ~30 -ikh-ya, a. being in the pot. [its it. 13fPI? ug-it, a. having uk (i. e'. u or ri) for ~W ug-rd, a. mighty; violent; grim, dreadful, terrible, rigorous; in. mighty person, great -, violent person; ep. of Siva & IRudra; N. of a mixed caste (offspring of Kshatriya & SWdr); -ti, f.,..tva, is. violence; rigour; -danda, a. stemn-sceptered, relentless; -pitti, a. having, a horrible stench; -prabhava, a. high and mighty; -rush, a. terribly angry; -ssanz, a. stringent in his orders: -sena, m. N. of various kings; -is9a, m. N. of a temple bisilt by Ugra. UK, IV. P. iik-ya, like; be accustomed Nto: pp. -ita, liking, used to (g., 1c., -2); accustomed, well known; proper, suitable; expedient; obliged to (inf.): in. suitably. sam, take pleasure in (in.): pp. used to (g., O) suitable for (g., — ). 13W uk-s6tha, n. hymn of praise. Wqs ukath-ya-, a. praiseworthy.!3f~W'F ukita-giia, a. knowing what is fitting: -t&,.f. abst. x.; -tva, n. appropriateness, fitness. 13 uk-ka, a. [ud-ka, upward], lofty; high (alsofjig., esp. of sound); loud. WWR ukka-kais, (in. pl.) ad. loud; high: (r)Asaua-tas, ad. from a high seat. V Sk.uk-kakshus, a. having uplifted eyes. TfiTukka-gir, a~loudly proclaiming (~) 13RN ukka-gopura, a. lofty-gated. 13I uk-kanda, a. very violent; mighty; terrible; W'dIT ukka-tM,f., O~q -tva, is. superiority. ~W uk-kaya, m. accumulation, collection, pile, heap, quantity; -a,~pakaya, m. dus. rise Wi~ uk-kala, in. N. of a king. [and fall. \Tl 3 ukka-samsraya, a. high up, twinkling, on high. [upwards. 'ZT uk-kat, (in.) ad. above; from above; uk-kr-6, axrising; m..pronunciation; evacuation, excrement; -ana, n. pronunciation: -ita, p~p. having voided excrement. ~Tq ukka ava-k', a. high& &low; various. 13f~T-Ouk-kikishA, f. desire to gather. uk-keya, fp. to be gathered. 13:1 ukkaih-kula, n. high family; -pada, is. high position; -pramodam, ad. with loud rejoicings. \Z,I 1qI ukkair-abhigana, a. of high descent; -ukkaih-sravas, mn. the exalted Ukkaih-sravas; -ukkais-tara^m, ad. higher and higher; -gati,f- ascent; -dvish, a. having mighty foes;.'dhiman, a. of exalted splendour; -bhashana or -bhashya,ni. loud talk; -bhuga, a. having uplifted arms. ~3:f_!KR lkkaih-siras., a -holding the bead high; eminent; -sravas, in. N.of a mythical horse Produced at the churning of the, ocean. 13;Rukckais, (in. pl.) ad. high; above; upwards; loudly; aloud; highly, vigorously, intently, thoroughly: w. bhi^, rise. ukkais-tara, cpv. higher; very high or tall: -tva, n. excessive highness; -taraAm, ad. higher. [a. of high rank. 13:*rWi' ukkaih-sthatna, n. high position; 'IWUKKH, v. '4q.YAS, shine. xTE1~Iu~ kkhan, V'3 pl.pr. sulbj. of Vs. vas. 'I T 14fuk-khaskhtra-vartin, a. transgressing the institutes of the 1s,V. uk-kchikha, a. with crest erect (peacock); with upward flame, burning brightly. ~3'~q _ uk-khikhanda, a. with tail outspread; -khitti, f. destruction, extermination; -khinna, pp. (V\khid) cut off; in. (sc. sandhi) peace bought by ceding fertile territory; -khiras, a. holding the head high; -kiimdhra, n. luxuriant mushroom; a. covered with mushrooms. ~3tkL iik-khishta, pp. (V'sish) left over; having a remnant of food (in the mouth or hands), ritually impure; n. remnant, leavings (esp. of a sacrifice or of food): -ti, f. im.purity; condition of a remnant: -i n3ii,= almost entirely devour; - asana, n. eating of remnants. [erect; n. pillow. \WTTV uk-khirsha-ka, a. having the head Wjc uk-khush-ka, a. dried up. 'ZE~r uk-khriiikhala, a. unfettered; unbridled, unrestrained; -khrita, pp. (Vsri) uplifted, elevated, high: -pini, a. with outstretched hand. uk-kthettri, in. destroyer. ~~uk-khed-a, in., -ana, n.cutting or chopping off; destruction, extermination: -anlya,. fp. to be cut off; -in, a. destroying (.) -ya, fp. to be destroyed. uk-khesha, mn. remnant, fragment: -na, n. id.: I-kri, leave over. VIWz uk-khotha, in. swelling, inflation; -kkopha, as. id.; -khoshana, a. parching or drying up; is. drying up (tr. & mnt.). ~'Tuk-khraya,m. rise, elevation; height; growth: -na, n. raising, setting up; -khr~ya, as. rise, elevation; height, growth, increase; -khrita, pp. (Vsri) high; exalted; -khriti,f rise, exaltation; growth, increase. \TgqIECruk-khvan-ka-sva, 2 Sg. iipv'.A. of ud + Vsvaikc. T~ [uk-khvasana, n. becoming slack; -kchvasita, (pp.) n. breath; exhalation; solution; -khva'si, mn. expiration; breath; sigh; expiring; swelling, rising; section; chapter; -khvvisita, cs. pp. riven; -khv& sin, a. breathing out; breathing again; sighing; swelling; rising; issuing. iderf P~t uig-gayini, f. (Victoria), Oujein, N. of a city, capital of Avanti. W-35F IT ug-gAgara, a. excited, indignant.!3f=fWi iig-giti, f. victory. WS#fgi~uggivin, ms. N. of a crow. 1353 ug-grirnbha, a. yawning: -na, n. yawning; breaking forth. 714' ug-geshd, a. victorious. [or like, 'I ~ u Lg-gvala, a. brilliant, splendid (with 737T~jUGGH [ud + ha],VI.P. ugghi, aban'Ndon, forsake, quit, leave; give up, let go; let fall; avoid: pp. ugghita, abandoned, forsaken; free from, devoid of (in.,.-O). pra., avoid; abandon. sam, abandon. ~uggh-a, a. abandoning, neglectin g, forgetting ( —O); -ana, n. removal; avoidance. ~5WNKH, J.YI P. uiikcha, glean. pra., 'Nwipe out, efface. WW uiikh-a, as. n. gleaning ears of grain; -na, n. id.; -vritti, a. living by gleaning; in. gleaner; -shashtha, n. sixth part of the WI~uta-ga,min. i.hut ofleaves. [gleanings. 13 udu, fi. ns. star; -neta, as. moon. 13T udu-pa, in. moon; i~n.s. boat, skiff; -pati, in. moon. W\\I VR ud-dayana,n. flying up, flight; -damara, a. extraordinary; -dina, is. flying up, flg t Ldyana, ns. id. ~ITfvun-a'di, as. pl. Una'di suffixes, class of primary suffxes beginning with u (yr.). 'Z u-ti, pcl. and, also, even; or: nti-UtU, both - and; ut& - va, either - or (often withb va' or &ho vi); interr. or: kim-uta, utruin - an,whether - or? (often w. Aho, vi, or svid); kim-uta, how much more or rather; how much less (in neg. clauses); api uta, also; prati uta, on the contrary, rather. Uta is often merely verse-,filling at the end of a line in E. TZWW utathya, mi. N. of an iiigirasa. 'ZWT~f utajAho, cj. or (in double questions). uta'u,pcl. and also; ut6-ut6 = utsd-uta'. 'Z~ ut-ka, a. longing or eager for (inf. or L i;. longing, eagerness. 1* ut-kanlkuka, a. bereft of the bodice. 3~~ut-kata, a. excessive, extraordinary; very great, very strong or violent; abounding in ( —O); drunk; furious, mad. ~wci4m iTi ut-kantak-ita, -pp. with thorns or hair erect; -in, a. id. V a tknh A.. stretch out the neck; long for (d.); cs. fill with longing. \S t ut-kantha, a. having the neck outstretched; longing; amorous: -in, ad. longingly, -karin, a. causing longing; -kantha, f.longing; love-sick yearning. \-ic"qR ut-kamdhara, a., with neck erect. ~3; Iut-kamp-a, a.trembling; mAsremor; -ana, is. trembling; -in, a. trembling; heaving (breast); -- causing to tremble. lucp~ utka-ya, den. P. fill with longing. WqP1 ut-kard, mn. earth thrown up, mound; heap, quantity; cloud (fig.). fd c"ilif ut-karikft, f. kind of sweet dish. %TT ut-karna, a. pricking up the ears: -tiia, a. beginning to flap its ears. 'ZW ut-karsh-a, a. boastful; as. elevation, increase, exaltation, eminence; distinction; excellence; excess; boastfulness; -in, a. superior, better. [country. 'UM utkala, mn. pl. N. of a people; ns. their WM"~Tt ut-kala'pa, a. spreading its tail (peacock). 1 vccp-fi#4!T ut-kalika'. W ut-preksh-ana. 49 I I cm rimrEiT ut-kalikfitf. longing; love-sick yearning; bud; wave. lqc uI t-kashana, n. tearing up.[(0) TC ut-kima, a. throwing or whirling up #-f~t ut-killita, pp., openaed by withdrawing the plug. W" ut-kula, a. degenerate. ~z~ ut-kftg-a, m. note or song (of the cuckoo): -ita,, pp. n. id. ~IIut-kihrdana, n, leaping up. ' ~~~ut-kbl~a, a. overflowing the bank: -ga'min, a. id. [bles). W~Ifff ut-kritijf. a metre (104 or 8o sylla~ut-krish- ta,pp. superior: -tva, n. abst. Nv.; -vedana, n. marrying a man of higher caste; -u~pidhi, a. whose condition or associate is exalted: -ta',f. alist. Nv. (ph.). \*W~ ut-koka, m. bribe: -ka, a. taking bribes. 13E~ ut-koti, a. running to a point. ~d %- ut-koraka-ya, den. P. furnish with sprouting buds. 'j3RfiW ut-kramad, m.rising; going out; departure; -krimana, n., -krintijf. id. ~Uql ut-krosa, m, osprey. tossing up, raising; spreading out: -na, u. id., -ka, m. purloiner of clothes. 'ZFR~TW ut-khftt-a, n. undermining; extirpation; uneven ground; -in, a. uneven (ground). 'f~ut-tams..a,m.wreath,crest; ornament. V'WRW uttainsa-ya, den. P. deck with a wreath: _pp. ita, worn as a wreath. ut-taiika, m. N. of a Bishi. 13'Tut-tata, a.having overflowed its banks. 73RT -it-tab dha, pp.,Vstabh; -tabh-ita, id. VWRut-tam', spy, highest, supreme; most excellent, best, chief (among, -.O); superior to, higher or better than (ab.); last: -in, ad.; um. (last our) -first person (gr.). Z7RWT9T uttama-gandha ftdhya, a. rich in delicious fragrance; -qana, ms. pl. superior people; -tegas, a. supremely brilliant or mighty; -purusha, us. suprem~e spirit; (last =our) first person (gr.). 3TZMj uttama rina, m. creditor; i-ka, m..id. +1 q4,1futtarma-varna, a. mosthbeautifully coloured'; -sm~hasa, n. highest fine, i7RITTW uttama Miga, n. head. \4 1 Iut utam a gas, m. N. of a man. 13TT, it-tara, cpv. upper; higher, better; later (than, ab.) - left; northern; north of (ab.); posterior; following; latter, subsequent, future; superior; mightier; victorious; winning (a suit); m. N. of a mtOn.; n. surface, cover ~o.;north; latter part of a compound; answe-'9 "'iscussion; legal defence; contradiction,-rn d, cO-wntradict); superiority; surplus(Y a. ~=in creased by, plus); main part -,a. having asits chipseobject co-nsistingchiefly of; ad. overwhelmedlb v);- consequence ( —, a.followed by); later peri;oi\ (0 = later); kind of song. 'ZIfTMT uttara-kalya, M. upper part of the body; -kila, m. subsequent period, future; a. future; -kosala, us. pl. northern Kosalas; -khanda, us. a. designation of last section in various works. 7WTV i. ut-tarangaff den.AI.break forth like waves, [high waves. 'Zf'W2 uttarahlga, rn.high wave; a -having VW T uttara-kkhada, m.cover,coverlet; -ga. born of the last mentioned marriage. i-RW,ut-tdrana, a. crossing; n. crossing, passing over (0-). uttara-tsis, ad. northwards; to the north, to the left of (g.): paskcit, to the north-west; -dayaka,, a. answering, contradicting, impertinent; -pakslha, m. northern or left wing; answer to an opponent's objection (ph.); -pada, a. latter part of a compound; -paskima, a. north-westerly. 7T TT uttardm, ad. further; forward; afterwards, thereupon. 'ZRffT ut-tarala, a. trembling, quivering. A \-R- Iq uttaralft-ya, den, A. shudder, quiver. \3 # l 6ttara-lom an, a. having the hairy side uppermost; _Vadin, a. answering; making the later claims (leg.). 73'ffT i. uttara~f (sc. dis) north. 13`RTJ 2. uttar'd, (in.) ad. northwards;north of (ab., g..[left. iRTW uttarat, (ab.) ad. from th e north or 'ZRTTR uttara adharsi, a. being above and below; n. upper and lower lip; lips: -vivara, n. mouth. [north), north country. RT IIuttarft-patha, us. (way to the V77VRuttargm, ad. further away.!3`TMZ uLttaraayana, ss. northward course (of the sun); half-year in which the sun moves northwards; summer solstice; - arani, f. the upper fire-s tick; - artha, a. being for the sake of what follows; - ardhi, n. upper part of the body; 9-vati a.-superior; -'Si f. northern quarter; -pasan, a. having lofty crags; - saiiga, m. upper or outer garment; covering. ~I~~uttarghi, ad. northwards., uttar-lya, n. utpper or outer garment, covering; coverlet: -km, a. id. XSI"L iiT ttarena, (in.) ad. to the north or left of (ac., ab.,g., [day. ~~uttare-dyfis, ad. on the following!3fT'' uttama uttara, a. ever increasing; following in succession: -in, ad. higher and higher; more and more; in constant succession; n. reply tok answer, rejoinder; discussion: -bhi~va, a. in which one is always above the other, - ukta, ipp. subsequently stated in each case. \Tff W 01* uttara oshtha, m. upper lip. WR ut-tatnd, a. outspread; extended; face upwards; upturned; shallow, superficial; wide open; ready to hand; i-ta, cs. pp. opened wide; 3'-kri, open wide; 3'-bhfi, be spread out. \' 9TtI ut -tftpa, m. great heat; ardour, passion. 13WTR ut-tftr-a, m. crossing (-'0); rescue; -ana, a. saving; n. deliverance; -ayitri, a. about to cross (ac.); -ya,fp. to be vomited. ~S-j; ut-tfila, a. violent; luxuriant; terrible, gruesome; excellent. lefT, u-i'rshdsawsigt come out of (ab.); desirous of crossing (ac.). 13'T ut-tuhg-a, a. prominent, high; -ita,.pP raised aloft; -i-kri, raise aloft. ~3t5TTT ut-tegana', f. whetting. -ehT ut-torana, a. adorned with erected arches: -atka, a. adorned with erected arches and flying flags. 4 V4ut-tha, a. arising; springing up; proceeding froma, originating in (~O;-th-aaya fp. a. one should rise; one should be up and doing; -tha'na, us. originator; n. rising; rise (of heavenly bodies); resurrection; insurrection, tumult; exertion, activity; origin: -vat, a. strenuous, -vira, us. man of action; -thipana, a. raising; awakening; -thayag.W havingarisen; -thay-in, a. rising; appearing; active, strenuous: -i-tva, n. abst. \zIq'TQI91 ut-paksh-man, a. ha-ving raised eyelashes; -mala, a. id. [ing up. W4'ff'i ut-patana, a. (1i) flying up; n. leap13?"TZ5 ut-patftka, a. with flags flying; 'a, f. a flying flag: -dhvaga, a. having flying flags and banners.!3q'fT ut-pat-itavyajfp. n. one must fly up; -i~shnu, a. flying up; about to spring. \SI94 u~ o -t-pattavya, fp. a. to appear: anena utpattavyam, he will be born again. Vrqf' ut-patti,f.coming into being, birth; origin; mine; -new birth, regeneration; produce; productiveness; occurrence, esp. of or in a VFedic passage: -dhniman, a. birthplace; -mat, a. produced, born. ~TVW ut -path a, us. wrong way; evil course. 13R ut-panna, pp. (Vpad) arisen: -buddhi, a. prudent, wise, IR ut-pain, n. (blue) lotus at a later stage called kamala; us. N.: -ka, us. id.; -pura, n. N. ofa town built by Utpala; -vana, n. bed of lotuses; -s'ka, a. N. of aplant;..ksa us.. o a ing - pida, us. N. of a king. _Nf4 M"tpal-in, a. ab ounding in lotuses: _-i,f. bed of lotuses. ~Wq' ut-pdvana, a. purification; implement of purification; -pavitri, us. purifier. 13MTzW ut-pflt-ana,an. tearing out; expulsion; dethronement; -in, a. pulling or plucking out(0 13MT'ff ut-patta, us. flying up; rise; leap; sudden appearance; portent, omen. a tfd-a, us. issuing forth, production, birth; -aka,, a. (ika') producing, pro. ductive; us. producer, shedder; father; -ann, a. (i) producing; a. begetting, beairhg; effecting; procuring; -a Itr.prod.ucer; -in, a. produced or born; producing, caiusing(O) ~fc~ut-piiga us. tumult; -pii~su, des. a. wishing to rise'; -pida, m. press-Lre; torrent (of tears): -na, a. pressing; -prqibandha,,a. uninterrupted; -pravii1a, a.havinfg sprouting foliage; -prisa, us., -na, n. derisii~n, mockery. '379!qW ut- preksh-ana, a. anticipation; H 50 0rq 'q ut-plavana. -r ud-ahara. foreboding; figurative expression; -af. disregard, indifference; simile, figurative expression: - ikshepa, m. kind of rhetorical figure; -ita pama, f. kind of simile. r?^j- ut-plavana, n. leaping; overflowing. 4 1TI1 uit-phala, m. leap, bound. -rqt ut-plulla,pp.( /phal)blown (flower); wide open, expanded; swollen, inflated. tT it-sa, m. well, fountain; source. 1i3 ut-sanig-a, m. lap; flat surface; roof; depression; -ita, pp. admixed; -in, a. deep, deep-seated. 'i Vf.I utsa-dhi, m. basin of a spring. J'eT ut-sarga, m. emission, discharge; evacuation; throwing away; laying aside; setting free, liberation; donation; abandonment, relinquishment; cessation; restitution; general rule; (sc. khandasam) ceremony on suspension of Vedic study; -sargana, a. (i)rejecting; n. letting go, dismissal; cessation; ceremony on suspension of Vedic study. TC4 unt-sarp-ana, n. rising; going out; stepping forward; -in, a. springing up; breaking forth, coming to light; soaring upwards: (n)-i,f. ascending cycle. \ff(q ut-savd, m. undertaking; holiday, festival; flowering: -samketa, m. pi. N. of a people. 1 rMSTg utsavaya, den. A. be a feast for. 1t TTi ut-sad-ana, n. cessation; destruction; rubbing, shampooing; -aniya, fp. to be destroyed. 4(rrr ut-sar-ana, n., 4, f. clearing the streets; -aniya, fp. to be driven away; -in, a. extending to, directed towards. J\Z"I ut-saha, m. power, energy; effort, resolution, perseverance; inclination for, delight in (-~): -yoga, m. display of energy; -vat, a. energetic; -sakti,f. strength of will, force'of energy; -slhin, a.resolute; powerful. jEij ut-suka, a. uneasy, agitated; eager; yearnng; longing for (lc., prati, or -); *anxious about (in., lo.): -ta, f. uneasiness; eagerness, zeal; longing, yearning; -vadana, a. having a yearning face. [or uneasiness. gW'e utsuka-ya, den. P.fill with yearning:T[l ut-sftra, a. unstrung (pearls). W ut-s-srr ishta-loman, a. ceasing.to cut off the hair; -vat, pp. act. shed (tears); - agni, a. having let the sacred fire go out. 'ift nt-srishti,f. letting out. 'chi ut-sek-a, m. redundance, excess; pride, arrogance; -in, a. proud, haughty. 13KN ut-sedha, m. elevation; prominence; height, thickness; superiority. FWP ut-sthala, n. N. of an island. 'r ^ ut-srash-tavya,fp.to be evacuated; to ble 4smissed; -tu-kama,a.wishingtolet go. fI N ut-sravin, a. arising. nt-svapnaya,A.talkin one's sleep. xj1 I. ud, px. (w, vb., N. or a.) up; out. 2. UD, VII P. unat-ti, well; wet, moistUn: pp. unna, moistened, wet. vi, well fortl; moisten. sam, moisten: pp. wetted. nF ud-a, water (only ~- or a. -~). -a id-ak, n. ad. northwards. ^ B uda-ka, n. water; ablution; libation to the Manes: -m kri, da, or pra-da, present libation of water to the dead (d., g.); -m kri, perform the prescribed ablutions; -m upaspris, touch various parts of the body with water as prescribed; -karman, n. libation of water to the Manes; -kirya, n. id.; ablution; -kriyA,f. =udaka-karman; -tarpana, n. libation with water; -dana, n. id.; -dayin, a. offering thefuneral libation of water; -pfrva, a. beginning with apouring out ofwater; -maya, a. consisting of water only; (a)-vat, a. supplied with water; -vati, f. girl's N.; -sparsana, n. contact with water; ablution. \-ll[f'i udakaaigali, m. handful of water; - anta, m. water-boundary: a udakantat, till water is reached;.-arnava, in. receptacle of waters; - artha, m. ablution: -m, ad. in order to perform an ablution; - arthin, a. seeking water. ' 3i uda-kumbhd, m. pitcherof water; N. qfnit9I1 Udakaupaspars-ana, n. ablution; -in, a. performing ablutions.; i- udak-tds, i^?Tf ldak-tat, ad. from above; from the north; -patha, m. (way north), north country. 3WIT udak-ya, a. being in the water;, f. menstruating: -gamana, n. intercourse with a woman in her courses. Z';qI udag-ayana, n. sun's northern course; half year from winter to summer solstice; -Avritti,f. sun's turn to the north; -dasa, a. having the seam turned upward or northward; -dvara, a. having a northern entrance. 13T ud-agra, a. (having its top elevated), upraised, high; long; large; lofty, exalted; heightened or increased (by, -~); advanced (age); excited, carried away by (-~); exceedingly (~-); -pluta, a. making high bounds: -tva, n. abst. N. V uudafi-mukha, a. facingnorthwards. 3<t, uda-ga, n. lotus; -gala-ka, m. N. of a cartwright: ' -iT d-ank, a. (idLki) upward; northward. Wiql ud-aikana, m. (drawer up), wellbucket. [lowed hands. 7i3 f ud-afgali, a. holding up the hol^ITI uda-dhana, n. reservoir; -dhi, a. containing water; m. receptacle of water (cloud, lake, river), ocean: -gala-maya, a. consisting of sea-water, -nemi, a. ocean-encircled. F ts udadhi-ya, den. P. regard as an 4 ud-an, n. wave; water, [ocean. 13 f ud-antd, m. tidings, report, 3'W ud-antya, a. dwelling beyond the boundary. w- udan-ya, a. surging, watery: a,f. desire for water, thirst; -yu, a. desirous of water; -vBt, a. surging; abounding in water; m. ocean. N4tq I uda-patra, n. pot of water; -pana, m. n. well; -piti,f. place for drinking water. I -wS uda-bindu, m. drop of water. Jit: ud-ambhas, a. abounding in water. 1~T9 ud-aya, m. rising; rise (of sun or moon), break (of dawn); gathering (ofclouds); N. of the mythical mountain behind which sun and moon are supposed to rise; appearance, arising, production, beginning; consequence, result; success; prosperity; gain; income, revenue; interest; -giri, m. sunrise mountain; -gupta, m. N. of a man; -tata, m. slope of Mount Udaya. qFTW nud-ayana, n. rise; end; m. N. of a king: 3-ya, a. concluding. T"q lT udaya-raga, m. man's N.; -vat, a. risen; -vyayin, a. rising and falling. *4" - udayaakala, m. sunrise mountain; -dditya, m. N. of a man; -anta, a. ending with sunrise; -ivritti, f. turning towards the rise of the sun. WIf. uday-in, a. coming forth; flourishing; victorious. [mountain. f~"r?T udayaurvlbhrit, m. sunrise q ud-ara, n. (-a a. f., i) belly; crop; womb; abdominal swelling; hollow, interior [swelling: vri]. V T'W1 udaram-bhara, a. voracious. W;SI IA udara-randhra, n.part of a horse's belly; -vyadhi, m. disorder of the bowels. Nf - udar-in, a. paunch-bellied. Vj ud-arkd, m. resounding, outstripping; consequence; end; future.;<'(< ud-arkis, a. radiant; m. fire. B*<^ uda-vagra, m. water thunderbolt. qTf-cW ud-aya-sita, (pp.) n. dwelling, house. [water; -in, a. staying in the water. 'qT'f uda-vas-a, m. remaining in the <3 nud-asra-ya, P. cause to weep. V -L ud-asru, a. weeping. 4!ITT uda-hara, a. (i) fetching or about to fetch water. 4T^T ud-keAra, m. promenade. itrTud-a-tta,pp. (^da) raised; high; distinguished, renowned; magnanimous; munificent; haughty; having the acute accent; m. acute. ' [airs in the body). T'q ud-ana, m. rising air (one of the five V IIV ud-ayudha, a. with raised weapons. 7T I. ud-ara, a. rousing; exalted; distinguished, excellent; noble; loud: -m, ad. aloud. 2. u-dara, m. pl. Siva's wife. r\3 i udara-ka, m. honorific ep. of a man. V fqI I udhra-karita, a. acting nobly; -ketas, a. high-minded; -ta,f., -tva,n. generosity; -dhi, a. of exalted intellect; -bh va, in. magnanimity; -vikrama, m. of eminent prowess; -sattva, a. of noble character. "T~f*J ud-asitri, a. indifferent. 4Tft1T ud-as-ina, pr. pt. uninterested; indifferent (to, lc.); m. indifferent person, neutral: -t,f. indifference. WrTf'[r ud-a-sthita, (pp.) m. monk who has broken his vow. TW'T. ud-aharana, n. spea"ing; vecitation; declaration; example ' -vastu, n.pl. matters of speech. TlP A ud-ahara, a. in:tending to fetch water; n. fetching of wa'6er. i ud-a'-ha'r-ya. -. 0 ud-Vedi. 51 ZIT iud-ft-hatr-ya,fp. to be given as an example; -hriti, f. example. ud-i-td, pp. V/vad and ucl+ v'/i. Affj~d-iti, f. sunrise; sunset. fff~~ uditaudita, a. (in whom what has been said has risen =) learned. ~Vriucl-ikshft,f. looking up or towards; \-7 #t ud-'ikl, f. of udafik. [waiting. \3 ud k-ina, a. northward. 13 udik-y (or -y6), a. northern; m. p.Nortlimen; -vritti,f. usage of the north country. 13W~tT ud —irana, Si. hurling; pronunciaWSE ud-umbadra, m. glomerous fig-tree; its fruit. WSM ud-umbalad, a. copper-coloured. Z~~ud-etavYa,fp- n. it is needful to rise.?At~t4i ud-etos, ab. inf. with pura', before sunrise.,*UT uid-ogas, a. extremely powerful. 'ZWM ud-gatt, f. a metre. ZWfW ud-gati~f. coming forth, springing up. -Z f-fi i ud-gadgadika, f. sobbing. WOI ud-gama, m. rise (of heavenly bodies); ascent; rising, elevation, breaking forth, app earance; springing up; shoot; departure; -tva, n. abst. N. WRWi ud-gamana, n. rising, coming forth, appearance: 3i-ya, n. clean garment. %'WTff ud-ghtri" m. priest who chants the S~ma-veda. WTTR ud-gftr-a, m. spitting out; exudation; throwing out; pouring forth; flood; saliva; roar; -in, a. belching, spitting; emitting, exhaling, pouring forth, uttering (-0).!3fWTWL ud-girana, n. spitting, vomiting. fff ud-giti, f. a metre. MA ud-g'itha, Tm. (n.) chanting of the Shma-veda by the Udghtri. zW ud-gfirna, ft. (pp.) raising a weapon. as a threat; -gorana, n. id. VI ud-grathana, n. girding ont. '1 -Ld-grahana, n. taking out. Wa~ ud-grftha, m. reception. 13l- ud-griv-a, a. with outstretched neck (-in, ad.); having the neck uppermost; Aa f. stretchin g out the neck; -in, a. = udgrlva. 731I u d-ghattana, n. striking; blow; outbreak, outburst; -gharshann, n. friction; thrashing. WT ud-ghftt-a, m. opening, displaying; -aka, m. key; -ana, a. opening, thrusting aside; n. opening; -nniyn, fp. to be opened; -ita-gnla, a. prudent, wise; -in, a. opening. 'ZqTW ud-ghatt-a, m. blow; jolt, shock; discussion; beginning; -in, a. rough, rugged. 'e ( ud-ghft'rna, a. wavering. [raised. 'ZT' ud-ghona, a. having the nose or snout 13t ud-ghosha, m. proclaiming aloud; -ka, m. eager; -na, n. public proclamation; blazing abroad. 4rk ud-danda, a. with staff upraised; having its stalk erect; raised aloft; eminent; extraordinary; -karman, a. doing extraordi731 n'd-darpa, a. haughty. [nary deeds. 13~' ud-dalana, a. tea-ring out. W~FF ud-dftna, n. tying up; stringing. 'Zr ud-datma, a. unfettered, unloosed; unbridled; abounding in, full of(-):0and -in, ad. 137W ud-dglaka, m. N. of a teacher. 'ZfI3' ud-dis-ya, gd. (pointing to=) towards, to, with regard to, about. W~tIIT ud -di1pana, n. inflaming; -t', f virulence (of a poison). w~Qw ud-desa., m. reference; statement, account; sketch, brief exposition; region, part, place: in., ab. with reference to; -tas, ad. briefly. 'W~ffud-dyota, a. beaming; m. effulgence; splendour; -karn, m. N. of an author. \W ud-dhata, pp. (Vhan) struck; whirled up; excited; violent; strong; loud; high; proud, arrogant; sn. N. of an ass. 'Zff ud-dhati,f.blow; shockjolt; elevation, arrogance. ud-dhar-ana, n. lifting; extraction, removal; deliverance; -tavya,fp-tobe drawn out; -tri, mn. destroyer; deliverer. \-~lI ud-dhhr-a', m. pulling out; removal; payment; exception; omission; selected part; abstract; deliverance; -aka-vidhi, vi. payment; -ana, n. extraction; payment; -ya, fp. to be removed-. ~~ud-durn,.uncontrollable, overweenin; et n(~ r in.). [agitation (tr.). 13V uLd-dhuina-na, a. shaking up, violent 'Z W' ud-dhfila-ya, den. P. bestrew. W ud-dhu'sh-ita, pp. shuddering. ud-dhrita, pp. V/dbri or VIhri; -dhriti~f. pulling out; tearing up; abstract, epitome; deliverance. Wi ud-bandha, mn. hanging oneself; -na, n. id.; hanging (a criminal). [n. abst. N. 'ZWTWI ud-bftshpa, a. shedding tears: -tva, 'WT U'd-ba~hu, OZW -ka, a. having the arms upraised.;~ ud-buadbuda, a. bubbling forth. 'ZW ud-bhafiga, m. breaking off (a habit). WZ ud-bhata, a. eminent, extraordinary. 'Z~ ud-bhava, m. origin, birth, appearance; birthplace; -' a. arising or produced from: -kshetra, a. place of origin. ZW-4 ud-bha'v-ana, a. neglect; -ayitri, m. raiser or exalter (ac.). WTfi['Iff ud-bhfts-in, a. resplendent with; made visible or indicated by ( —); forthcoming; -urn, a. blazing. Zf_~ ud- bhig -ga, a. produced from sprouts; -bhid, a. breaking forth, sprouting; f. shoot, plant. [gible. 33WWWJqW( ud-bhfita-spar.,,a-vat, a. tan 73:fW ud-bhfitijf. origin; appearance; exaltation; prosperity. 'I ud-bheda, m. bursting forth, appearance; fountain; treason. V~q It ud-bhramana, n. soaring up. 'Z~f ud-bhranta, (pp.) n. rising; waving a sword; -ka, a. wandering about; n. soaring up. 73PI -id-yata, pp. (V'yam) prepared, ready; a. offering; -danda, a. having his sceptre erect, ready to inflict punishment.!3ff iid-yati, f. raising, striking up. ~11IM ud-yama, m. raising; exertion, endeavour, diligence (w. d., prati, inf., -a): -na, n. raising; endeavour; -bhrit, a. exerting oneself, working. V~fIT~4udyam-in, a. id.; taking trouble. 73T- ud-y~na, a. walking out; pleasure garden, grove, park; -ka, n. pleasure garden, grove; -p~1n, m. (i) gardener; -p~laka, in. (ik&) id.; _nia-la,f. row of gardens. 1~IT ud-yug6., m. kind of disease. wiftw ud-yog-tl, in. exertion, effort; practice in ( —): -sanmartha, a. capable of exertion: -in, a. active, strenuous, diligent. 133 ud-rad, m. kind of aquatic animal. 73WfwII ud-rasmi, a. resplendent. ~f~~~u-ritaka-itta, a.haughty; -ketas, a. high-minded. 133i udr-in, a. abounding in water. 73~f ud-rek-a, in. excess, redundance., predominance; -in, a. excessive; producing an excess of(0 ~3TTIWV ud-rodhana., n. rising, growth. ~~(ud-vdt, f. height. 130T ud-vartana, a. bursting n~). leaping up; rising; unction; unguent. 13~ ud-vasa, a. uninhabited; n. desert. 131 ud-vah-6, a. carrying upwards, continuing; sn. son, descendant of (-0); -ann, n. raising up; bearing, supporting; drawing., driving; riding on (in.); possession of(O) ud-vahni, a. emitting sparks of fire. 73,~l ud-vatha, m. marriage. 'Z~f'fM ud-vig-itavya, fp. a. one must shudder at (ab.). ~3f~dfTfMT ud-vikftsin, a. blown (flower). 'Zf?:k7 ud-vigna-, pp. Vvig; -imanas, a. troubled in mind. wf9 ud-vikshana., ni. look, gaze; sight. uT d-vega, m. tremor, heaving, surging; uneasiness, agitation; objection; -karn, a. (i) causing uneasiness, distressing, agitating, alarming; -kgrnka, -k~rin, a. id.; -krit, a. causing aversion. 73_f~riudveg-in, a. getting excited. wp~ ud-veg -a-ka, a.=udvega-kara; -ann, a. disquieting, alarming; n. shuddering; alarmn: -karn, a. causing terror; -aIynP. object ofalarmto (g.); -in, a. causing aversion. ud-vedi, a. on which an altar rises. H 2 52 13Jr ud-vela. Lrc upa-desh-tavya. W~!Rud-vela, a. overflowing its~banks; excessive; free from(0 [loosened. A~Lr ucL-veshtana, a. having the fillet N1 v ucl-veshtaniya~fp.tobe unloosed. W un-na, pp. of v/Lud. 'Z? un-nata', pp. V'nam: -tva, n. exaltation, majesty; -karana, a. with uplifted paws, rampant; -stta-lin, a. endowed with a lofty nature. 13ff 'fun-nati,f.rising; heaving; elevation (above, le.); exalted position; -mat, a. high, prominent; exalted. 'Zfjif un-namana, fl. erecting. WV un-namra, a. rising: Vd~. elevation. 13Wf un-nayana, n. raising; parting; inference: -paiikti, a. the rows of whose eyes are directed -upwards. 13T;R un-natbha, m. N. of a king. WTI un-nftla, a. having its stalk erect. 'ZfW90 -un -nidra, a. sleepless, waking; blown (flower): at~ f sleeplessness. 73A- un-matta, pp. (Vmad) mad, frantic; intoxicated; m. thorn-apple: -ka, a. (ika) out of one's senses; mad; -clarsana, a. of frantic aspect; -rfipa, a. maniac-like; -vat, ad. like a maniac; -vesa, a. dressed like a maniac; - avanti, as,. N. of a king. [down. 13AM-q un-mathana, n. shaking; shooting 'Zfi un-mad-a, a. drunk; furious; mad, wild; -ana, a. enamoured; -ishan, a. mad. 13;RV -un-manas, a. agitated, confused; eager to (inf.); -ka, id.: -tA, f. abst. N. W~i IT qun-manflya, den. "A. become agitated. WRI uLn-mayfikha, a. radiant, brilliant. Wi~vv un-mairdana, n. unction; unguent. 1IITW un-mahtha, m. shaking. i3 Tun-mad-a,.madness; -i-ta',f.madness; -in, a. mad, insane: -i,f. N. ofaprincess. ~iITq uLn-malrga, m. wrong road; evil course: -amin, a., -yUMt, pp., -vartin, a., -vritti, a. following evil courses. [eyes. Wf4IfW un-mishita, (pp.) n. opening the un-mukha, a. (I") having the face upturned; upward; looking, up towards; longing for; expecting; ready for, about to ()-nin, ad. upwards; -ta',f. desire, expectancy: -darsana, n. upward gaze. i3 ~un-mfirdhan, a.hvg. the head raised. 13q un-mftl, I. P. be uprooted; cs. unmuilaya, uproot; exterminate, destroy; dethrone. sam, es. uproot; destroy. 'qq'Rq un-mutlana, n. uprooting; extermination. 13,un-m esha, m. opening the eyes; quivering (of lightning); opening (of a bud); appearance. [donment. uj34 qir n-mokana,.unloosening; aban'I jI un-motana, n. breaking off. 13tf ipa, vb. px. up, hither (esp. with verbs of motion); nI. px. about, near (= approximation); ad. moreover, further; prp. to, towards, I near (ac., le.); *under, less than (ac.); on, in; *above, more than (ic.); with, according to (in.). ~lIWI' upa -kakshd, a. reaching to the shoulder; -kantha, n. neighbourhood; -kanishthika',f. (sc. afiguli) next to the little= thrdfinger; -kany^-puram, ad. near the harem. 'tI~iI3![ upa-karana, n. doing a service or favour; accessory; implement, instrument; furniture; contribution; means; aid; supplementary treatise; (&).vat, a. supplied with means; I-kri, make a tool of; iL-bbi\, become a tool of; 'i-ya, fp. to whom a service is to be done or is done: -t', f. abst. N. [factor. KII~ upa-kartri, m. (tri') befriender, bene74qaiT*0F( upa-kantam, ad. near her lover.!3i~jTI( upa-kfr-a, m. friendly service, kindness; benefit; favour; -aka, a. (ik&^) doing friendly service; helpful, useful; conducive; auxiliary; -in, a. id.; -i-tva, n. abst. N.; -aj apak'ra, m. du. benefit and injury; -ya,fp. who is benefited: -ya', f. royal tent. CT upa-kurva'na, pr. pt. of v'kri; m. pupil who on conc luding hislVedic studies with his teacher becomes a householIder; -ha, m. id. Wqif upa-kflla, a. situated or growing on the bank: -tas, -in, ad. near the bank. tiwfq upa-kriti, f. benefit, friendly service; -mat, a. benefiting(O)!3qttWT upa-kosaf. N. of Vararuki's wife.!3'q; upa-kram-a,mi. approach; application,treatment;beginning; design~scheme;farst project of a work; means, expedient; -anilya, fp. to be begun; -krra'nta, (pp.) n. beginning; kamyafjp. to be treated (disease). 73tifAi'r upa-kriyfi, f service, favour. ~VtgfTT upa-krildf, f. playground. 'ZqT4Jjlk upa-krosa, m. blame, reproach; -na, n. censure, abuse. [appearance. 'Zq' upa-kshaya, in. decreas e, waste; disWtfqtI upa-.kshepa, m. mention, intimation; -na, n. id. 7tI~ upa-ga, a. betaking oneself to, situated in, standing on, famnished with (-O); -gata, (pp.) n. receipt; -gati, f. approach; -gantavya,fp. to be submitted to; -gama, in. approach, arrival; accession or commencement of (-0): -na, n. resorting to (-'O); -gamya, fp. accessible. 13'qTTq upa-gana, n. accompanying chant. 'ZiqWTf~RiI upa-gftmin, a. approaching; appearing. [mountains. 73qtjfI'f upa-giri1, in. country bordering on Wqft- upa-giltijf. a metre. 13CI upa-gfidha, (pp.) a. embrace, hug. 'Iq'q' upa-graha, in. treaty or peace bought by the cession of everything. '3qT~ffupap-grfmam, ad. near the village. ~3tIM'T upa-ghata,mi. blow; injury,damage; infringement; -ka, a. injuring, hurting; infringing. WWT9 upa-ghoshana, n. proclaiming. ~tIM upa-ghna, in. support. 13ITq'q pa-kaya, m.accumulation; increase; growth; weli'are: -in kri, promnote the welfare of, assist (g.'; 7_avaha, a. advantageous. I~ 13WRT upa-kar-a, a. approaching; -ana, n. approaching; -itavya,fp. to be treated; to be honoured; -ya,fp. to be treated; -y&,f. attendance. 'IT9T-K upa-kfrad, m. behaviour; conduct, practice; proficiency; procedure with (g.); attendance., service; courtesy, (polite) attention, compliment; homage; ornament; ceremony; complimentary garland; (medical) treatment; idiom; figurative term; -ka, courtesy (-O a.,f. ika^); -kriy', f. polite attention; -pada, n. complimentary word, empty flattery; -paribhrashta, pp. devoid of civility, discourteous; -vat, a. decorated, adorned. [(ac.); -ya,f~p. to be courted. -Wq~Tfk~upakar-in, a. serving, attending ~3N~f upa-kita-bali, a. covered with offerings; -vapus, a. whose bulk is increased; -kiti, f. accumulation, store; increase, augmentation; gain. [ana). 13qqjlupua-hi'dana, n. singeing (also -kidl'Wt'ET<;T upa-kkhandana, n. persuasion. ~W'a upa-ga', a. belonging to (g.); proceeding from (0-). WPM~ upa-gapya, fp. to be gained over. fr upa-galpin, a. advising. rUR3[Tffbti upa-gata-kopa, a. with anger aroused, provoked; -krodha, a. with wrath aroused, enrag~d; -visva'sa, a. with confidence engendered, confiding. WtiITTR upa-gflpa, m. whispering to, gaining over; -ka, a. inciting, stirring up (g.). -Zqf~srTfr upa-gigamishu, des. a. intending to go to (cc.). 'WqfNYT uipa-gihvft, f. u-vula. 'ZqI'4EK upa-giv-aka, a. living by (in. or -O); dependent; -ana, n. livelihood; -i-trn, a. living by (g.); -in, a. maintaining oneself by (cc.,g.q, 0) wholly dependent on; humbly adoring(-) -ya, a. furnishing a maintenance; that on which anything depends; n. livelihood. lwitiq1 upa-gosham, ad. silently. ~t'ZTT upa-giial'f. self-obtained knowledge, own invention; -sP, a. (a) invented by. upa-tatam, ad. on the slope. WtIF9K upa-talpam, ad. -upon the towers. 13T'fTT1 upa-tflp-a, in. heat; pain; disease; -aka, a. causing pain; -in, a. ill; causing pain to(O) [betake oneself to (cc.). _tffTT upa-tishthat-su, des. a. wishing to 3'qMM~i upa-tya-ka', f. lan d at the foot of a mountain. 3'qtI~T upa-dg, f. offering, present. 7tfqiT upa-datri, in. bestower. 73tqKfNM71T upadigdha-tft, f. being covered tf7' upa-dis, f. intermediate quarter ~U'7jpT ua-des-a, ms. reference; direction, instruction; precept, rule, lesson; advice; grammatical designation: atf instructiveness for (g.); -ana,f. direction, instruction, lesson, rule; -in, a. (-i) instructing; m. teacher; prescribed form of a word, suffix &c. as stated ins grammatical works. ~3qILrq uLpa-desh-tavya, fp. to be advised or taught; -tri, m. instructor. 1343r- upa-drava. iq3 prupa-ves-ana. 5 53 ------ I I u- Lpa-drava, m. mischance, accident; adversity, distress; mischief, evil; infirmity; symptom (of disease). i3J~ upa-drashtri, m. spectator, witness. i1ThI4 upa-dharma, m. subordinate duty.!3JV upa-dha', f. fraud; intrigue; moral test; penultimate or preceding letter (gr.); ()na. putting on; n..placing upon; cushion, pillow; -niiya, n. cushion; -yin, a. making a pillow of (0-), 'Zqf"4 upa-dhi, m. addition; fraud; part of wheel between nave and felly. 'ZCtfl upa-dhenu, ad. near the cows. WVI" upa-naya, in. bringing, supplying; application; introduction: -na, n. id.; initiation of a pu~pil; investiture; offering. 13tfrT'qIr upa-nayana, n. investiture. zqfiq'%x upa-nikshepa, in. deposit. 13tqf-qrTIT upa-nidhfitri, a. setting down. qtotfrfiq upa-nidhi, m. (sealed) deposit. 13trf~rtiT'f upa-nipt-a, m. entrance; sudden appearance; sudden attack; -in, a. falling upon (-'0)- [editor: -tva, n. abst. N. ~tfr~ upa-niba-nd-dhri, m. composer, 'Zfiri.Tupa-nibandha, in. engagement, oath: -na, n. description. 1'f'qr+i cM upa-inimantrana, n. invitation. tfi upa-ni-shaddj. [sitting down beside], secret or esoteric doctrine; N. of a class of works treating of the secret meaning of the Veda. [to anything; open space. _\4Iqf IMrupa-nish-kramana~n.going out 'ZtIq'RZ upa-ne-tavya, fp. to be brought; -tri, in., _trI.,f. bringer; preceptor. 'Zqorqqw upa —nyas-ana, n. adduction of a topic; preaching; -ta, pp. ('.,2. as) intimation, remark.latiqlTT upa-nyatsa, a. procuring; m. adjunction; procurement; incidental mention, intimation; statement, declaration; discussion; hind of alliance or peace: -in,ad. while alleging(0 ~dtmffr upa-pati, M. paramour, adulterer. ~tpqfff upa-patti, f. coming about, occurrence, appearance; success; resultance, demonstration, establishment, proof; suitableness: -pari-tyakta,pp. unfounded; -yukta, _pp. proved. [panying another (gr.). 4 qPTi upa-pada, a., secondary word accoin~t'tIq upa-panna, pp. V/pad. '~I~ upa-pftta, m. chance, accident. tflM7M upa-pfita-ka, a. minor crime; -kin, a. guilty of a lesser offence. "T~'pah-n a. befalling (~) itpfl'M upa-pftda-ka, a. effecting, bringing about; -na, a. bringing forward; n. procurement; appearance; demonstration. ~tfIqT1T upa-papal n. minor crime. ~tT~upa-pftrsva, m. shoulder-blade. ~tf~rupa-plidana, n. tormenting; pang. \3414 upa-purftna, n. secondary Puratna. ti1Jlm upa-pflrva, a. preceded by = compounded with p-ftrva. Wii~fi upa-paura-ka, m. ad. near a suburban grove. 13tJI~Tlf upa-pradfinaa, a. donation, gift. ~i~ Wupa-pralobhana, a. seduction, allurement. -qq'7K upa-prekshana, n. overlooking. 'IXtI'qi upa-praisha, m. ritual invitation. ~3q- upa-plav-a, in. disaster, misfortune, visitation; portent; eclipse; -in, a. assailed by calamity; eclipsed. IZ4alATupa-bandha, in. connexion; employment (of a word); hind of sitting posture. 'eqf;Tupa-brimnhin, a. confirming_, furthering. 'ZWi up-abdd,' m noise, clatter; -Abdhi, mn. id.: -mkt, a. noisy. 13tI4TT upa-bhahga, in.. line (of a stanza). 1WRjTW upa-bhatshft, f. subordinate provincial dialect. 'Zq~qJW upa-bhukta-dhana, a. having enjoyed his wealth; m. N. of a merchant.!3tRJIt upa-bhri't, f. wooden sacrsficial cup. 'ZXF1'X upa-bhoktavya, fp. to be enjoyed. 'ZIZTIr upa-bbog-a, in. enjoyment, use; eating: -vat, a. affording enjoyment; -in, a. enjoying, using (7-0);..ya, fp. to be enjoyed or used; n. object of enjoyment. \4+1j upa-mg, spy, uppermost, highest; most exalted or excellent; nearest, next; -first; last. 7"ROVupa-mantrin, a. encouraging. ~13TR upa-manyti, a. zealous; in. N. 1tX[R upa-marda, in. violent pressure; injury; destruction: -ka, a. destroying; -na, n. doing an injury; offence. ~13I~-I upa-ma, f. comparison; likeness; image; simile: -'a,a.Ilike; (a)-na,n. comparison; likeness, resemblance; analogy; object with which anything is compared; -o a. like, comparable to; -artha, in. purport of an image: in. figuratively; -vyatireka, mn. kind of simile. 13ft~fftupa-miti,f. similarity; analogical inference, induction; -meya, fp. comparable with (in., O)n.object compared (opp. to upam&na):.!ipam',f. reciprocal simile.,ZUIiq upa-yantri, in. husband; -yama, rn. maryig(a wife); -yamana, a. supporting; n. marryng (a wife). 'X'T~Tq-Iupa-yflk-ana,n.-solicitation; -ita, (pp.) n. prayer, request. WIJ'T'[ upa-yalna, n. approach, arrival. WTf~T't. upa-yftyin, a. approaching. Jqit"IEI upa-yoktavya,fp. to be enjoyed. 'lT upa-yog-a, in. application, employment; use, utility; enjoyment; acquirement; -in, a. applicable, serviceable, suitable; 0 employing, using. [applicable. 'Z fWupa-yogya, fp. to be employed; 'Z1IT ilpa-ra, cpv. lower; later; nearer; mn. the nether stone (on which Soma is pounded). Z'T~f'd upa-rati, f. cessation; quiescence; deatb; -rama, in. cessation; relinquishment; decease: -na, n. cessation from (ab.), -tva, n. quiescence.!3t-T1T upa-ra'ga, in. coloration; eclipse. darkness; influence: -vat, a. eclipsed (by 1?adhAm) ~'qft updri, ad. above, over; up, upwards; moreover; afterwards; repeated: one above the other; always upwards; again and again; prp. above, over, beyond, upon (ac., g., ab., lc.: -0or " — ad.); above (of number or rank), after (time: g. or- ad.; concerning, on account of (g.); repeated: far above (g.). 'Zqff~rTI upari-gfnu, ad. above the knee; -tana, a. upper; -tala, n. surface; -yanua, n. going to heaven. 137tfwRM upari-bhftga, in. upper part. Z'f4'Tf updrish-tfi, ad. above; afterwards, later, below (in a book); prp. over, upon (cc. or g.); after (g.); about, concerning (g.). [above or upon (g., — ) 'ZtifT" upari-shtha, a. standing or being Zqlf~ff upa-rudita, (pp.) a. lamentation. 'Zq, upa-ruddha, (pp.) a. private apartment. Z'V'~ par~aa a. second class drama. Z'qTJ upa-rodh-a, in. obstruction, obstacle, hindrance; disturbance; injury; detriment; dissension; -ana, n. siege; obstacle; -in, a. hindered or interrupted by; detrimental to, disturbing (-0). ZtIR upala, in. stone; gem. Z'!I~j-iupa-laksh-aka, a. expressing implicitly; perceiving, guessing; -ana, n. looking after; mark; designation; implicit or elliptical designation: -td,f.,-.tva, a. abst. N. 'ZW f~~ual-rkbn a. (a-'I) working the millstone. [hension, perception. ~3T W upa-labdhijf. acquisition; appre'tIFW*f upa-labhya, fp. obtainable; perceptible; -1ambha,mi. acquisition; observation; perception, feeling: -km, a. perceiving; causing perception. [rocks.!3Ff9T upala-vishama, a. rough with ITR iipalft,f. upper (s maller) millstone. 'ZtifTWcT upa-lip-sa', (des.) f. desire for (0'); -su, des. a. desirous to learn (ac.). VtfMtiI upa-lepania, a. smearing (es~p. with cowdung). [-vriti,f. garden hedge. 'Wl upa-vana, n.. little wood, grove: 'W'i upa-va-nam, ad. in the forest. ZTT4upa-varnana, a. description, exact account; panegyric. [brother of Varsha. Z"upa -varsha, in. N. of a younger 'Z';I'q upa-vasathd, in. fast on the eve of the Soma sacrifice. [-in, a. fasting. ~1T3T4 upa-vats-a, in. fasting; -aka, a. id.; ~3WMgf -upa-vflhya,fp. to be led up; suitable for driving, or riding. [seated. 'Z'fW- upa-vishta, pp. (x/,vis) alighted; 'Z9W4I upa-vinaya, den. P. play to (ac.) on the vlnA. Zl'9WUThpa-v'ita,(pp.Vvye)a.wearingofthe sacred thread; sacred cord; -vitin, a. wearing, the sacred tbread over the left shoulder. lipa-ves-ana, n. sitting down, seat; 54 54 ~I~T pa-esya ~J ubh-a. undergoing (-.O); -in, a. undergoing, practising (0.[sit down. upa-vesya, cs. gd. having made to 1tI'iZI upa-sama, m.cessation; abatement; extinction; calmness; -na, n. appeasement; -vat, a. having peace of mind. 13J, upa-saydi, a. lying beside; m. lyingin-wait; -9tha, a.being on the watch (for game). M t upa-salya, nz. open space near a town or village: -ka, n. small open space in the neighbourhood. [sation; abatement. V 4f upa-sfnti,f. tranquillization; ces-!3q~ftKupa-syin, a. sleeping; going to rest. [eagerness to learn. 13xftrM upa-siksh'a, f. acquirement (-~O); 'qq j i~npa-sobh-ana,n.trimming; 4,f. \Z4 upa-slesha, m. embrace. [ornament. -wf q -uasoa-tva fp. to be sung of in slokas. WE~1 uipa..shtambha, v. OR[TJ -stambha. 13t u4'iipa-samvyftna, n.uinder-garment. i3'qWJ upa-sam-hftra, m. drawing back; recapitulation; conclusion; -hrita-tva, n. withdrawal from consideration; -hriti, f. denouement, catastrophe (in a play). X~R'WTrWfr upa-samk-rantijf. getting across. ti3'*TI upa-samkshepa, rn..brief summary. 'ZXTRWupa-samkhyatna,n.superadditiona. 4 t~d iupa-sam-gamana, n. sexual intercourse; -graha, m. clasping (e.g. the feet in token ofrespect); taking (a wife): -na, n. clasping; respectful salutation by clasping the feet; -gra~hya,.fp. whose feet should be clasped. ~'~'* upa-sdttri, m. inhabitant. VCR uLpa-sadana, n. respectful salutation; performance; -sadya, fp. to be respectfully approached or served; -sauna, pp. (V'sad) having entered as a pupil. 'qTMR, upa-samdhyam, ad. about the time of twilight. [a co-wife.,Ziwif upa-sapatni, ad. in presence of ~tWUupa-sarana, n. approaching(0 'WE[f upa-sarga, m. addition; trouble; calamity; eclipse; preposition (gr.); -sargana, n. addition; obscuration, eclipse; secondary thing; subordinate person; representative; dependent (in a compound or as a derivative) word determining another (gr.). Z~1IMTI upa-sarp-ana, n. approach; going out into (0;-in, a. approaching. TZWPi upa-sftntvana, n. kind word. tif3 T~t upa-,eindhu, ad. near the Indus. tI~upa - sunda, m. N. of a Daitya (younger 6rother of Snnda). [butter-spoon. 13'~q% upa-s~kana, n. besprinkling; 'I,f. 7* 4 upa-sev-aka,a. courting (-0); -ana, n. courting; carnal intercourse with (.) addition to, indulgence in (-.0); 'a, f. carnal intercourse with; devotion to; indulgence in ();-in, a. serving; reverencing; worshipping; practising() '1XI'47TR' upa-skara, m. (n.) implement; domestic utensil; broom. [lant; -na, n. support. WiVW upa-stambha, m. support, stimu 1'V Wupa-stgrana, n, mattress. [vant. 1311fl-j ipa-sti (or -stif), mn. dependent, serWif~i i upa-stifre, d. inf. to spread out, to!3tl ffT tipa-stuti, f. invocation. [cover. 'WF upd-stha, mn. lap; driver's seat; mn. n. organs of generation: -nigraha, mn. control of the sexual passion; -sthitavya,f~p. n. one should appear; one should wait upon; -sth&tri, a. putting in an appearance (leg.); -sth~-9 nag n. presence; approach; attendance; service; veneration; assembly; -sth~yika, m. attendant on the sick; -sth~yin, a. putting in an appearance (leg.); -sthita, pp..Vsthh. 13WPJff upa-spars-ana, n. touching; bathing, ablution; rinsing the mouth; -in, a. touching, bathing in (-.); -spris, a. touching; f. caress. 'Z TqM iT~upa-hata tman, a. blinded, beguiled; -hatnuf, a. assailing; -hantavya,fp. to be killed. 13TqT upa-har-ana, n. offering, presentation; -tavya, fp. to be presented; -tri, mn. server up (of meat). 'ZFfVMTi upa-hasti-kajf. betel-case. 1tI1TK upa-hatra, Tn. offering; presentation, gift; peace purchased by indemnification: -m vi-dh&, offer (ac.) as a victim: a-ka, in., i-kaf. id.; at f, -tva, n. abSt. N.: -pa^ni, a. bringing a present in one's hand; -varMan, mn. N.; 'i-kri, offer up, sacrifice (ac.); 3i-kikirshu, des. a. wishing to offer up as a sacrifice (ac.). 'Z T upa-hfts-a, mn. laughter; ridicule, mockery; jest; -in, a. ridiculing; -ya,fp. to be ridiculed: ta, f. derision: -m gain, = become a laughing-stock.,ZtIf* uLpa-hita, _pp. (x/dhft) conditioned by (-aP): -tva, n. being conditioned by(J) 'Z K upa-hilti, f. challenge. 13TOP upa-homd, in. additional sacri-fice. 'ZW, upa-hvarad, m. slope; secluded place: le. privately; neighbourhood: lc. near.!tXT'J upa msA, ad. [at the Soma], silently; secretly; privately; m. silent prayer; -kridita, pp. played with secretly, sharing one's private amusements; -vadha, in. secret murder; -vrata, n. silent vow. i3 4T upa3f-karana, n. preparation; beginning of V7edic study; -karman, n. id. 13TWIT up~a~khyftna, n. subordinate tale, episode; -ka, n. short tale. WtWT up a~hga, n. subordinate member; subdivision; unimportant supplement; -gita, n. choral song. %ITffW upa an-gana, n. anointing, smearing.!3Tf upq~iJ-tta, pp. adi -vidya, a. who has acquired knowledge; _Sara, a. the best of which has been appropriated. ~tITVT4r upaj'dftna, n. taking, seizure, appropriation; apprehension; admission, nonexclusion; employment; mention, quotation; material cause. -Z Mk'9upiL-deyaAf. (Vda) to be accepted or chosen; excellent; contained in (-0). ~Utf~IV upa A-dhi, in. substitution; all that comes under the head of ();epithet; condition, assumption; that which conditions. ~13TTTWTT upa dhyay-a, m. teacher; 4Anijf. wife of a teacher. [a shoe. i'ZqP1V upatnad-glidha, pp. covered with %tIT'f upft-ndh, f. (nm. -nat) sandal, shoe. W1i'sT upa'nah-a, in.(esp. -0~)id.; -in, a. shod.!3qTWf upa nt-4l, n. nearness of the end; border, edge; outskirts; immediate proximity: ic., a-_, near (g. or -a): -bha~ga, m. edge, rim, border; -ika, n. vicinity: -in, ad. up to (g.); ab. near; lo. near= =into (g.). -\3RTW upa antya, a. last but one. \ZtITq upaaya, m. approach; means; expedient, stratagem, device, craft: in. or -tas, cleverly, craftily; -kintfiqf. devising an expedient; -giia, a. fertile in resources; -sam-, darsana-ga, a. arising from the manifestation of successful means. laTzupa /yana, n. approach; present, offering: 3i-kri, make a present of.!3~M upalya upeya, n. means and end.. \S Wupa arg-ana, n., aA, f. acquisition; -ita, PP. (Vri~g) acquired. IT 4 tupa f-1abdhavya~fp.to be blamed; -labhya, fp. id.; -lanibha, mn. reproach, blame, censure: -na, n. id. 13WNf upa 0l, ad. in his mistress' presence. 'tITIT'9- up~a~vartana, n. retuarn. 'ZT'VPffpaaa ina.submittingtou 'ZVT3ZM upa fsraya, m. refuge. [(g.). 13 E upajAs-aka, a. serving; m. servant; follower, worshipper (esp. of Buddha); -ana, n. attendance; honour; devotion, worship; practice; domestic fire; -ya~fp. to behonoured.!3qTft'f upa f-hita, pp. (V'dha'); n. conflagration. lo[! upa iksh-aka, a. indifferent; -ana, n. disregard; indifference; indulgence, tolerance; -4,f. disregard, indifference; neglect; — ya,fp. to be disregarded or overlooked. le~f upa ita, pp. endued: -pfirva, a. previously apprenticed to a teacher. [pedients. iup-etri, m. undertaker; employer of ex-!3XPupa indra,m.ep.ofVishnuL(sub-Indra); -vagra', f. a metre. ~AJ upe'ya, fp. (V'i) that is to be undertaken; to be approached (carnally). [to.!'Tf'9!Tupa~iivas,pt. Y pf Vi, having gone 13tj upaadha, pp. (/vah) married. Wit upaudaka, a. close to the water;.,.f. a p lant. [ginning; apt instance. hPWT~ upa udgha'ta, m. introduction; be'Zi rM upayd-bala-ka, a. supporting: -tva, n. abst. N.; -bala-ya, den. P. support. 'tiPq!r upaoshaaa, n. fasting. -Zq f upa ushita, pp. ('v"as, dwell) n. id. 'Z[ np-ta, pp. V/vap; -ti, f. sowing. u-pratyaya, m. suffix u. ~33i UBG, VI. P. keep down, restrain. N 73 4UBH, VI. P. umbhk, IX. P. ubh-nK," N VII. P. unkp-ti, knit, bind; compress. 'Z[ ubh-dl, du. both. %,i-M ubha-ya. 3jiM ut-ma. 5 55 '"ubhtlya, a. (I') sg. &pl. both; -khma, a. desirous of both; -guna, a. haVing both qualities; -kakravartin, a. ruling both worlds. -WRWPff( ubhaya'-tas, ad. from or on both sides, of (ac. or g.); in both cases; (h)-sasya, a. bearing crops at both seasons; -tas-tikshna, a. sharp at both ends;..to-dant, a. having two rows of teeth; (&)to-mukha, having a spout on both sides (vessel). W'- ubhaya'-tra, ad. in both places; in both cases; -tha', ad. in both ways or cases. WMT'RTf# ubhaya-prahpti, a. validity in both cases (gr.); a. valid in both cases; -vetana, a. receiving wages from both, serving two masters; -snitaka, a. havingbathedafterboth (i.e.hisapprenticeship and hisvow of chastity). 'WR4Tabhaya, ad.inboth ways. [both sets. WM-TWTi ubhaya Atmaka, a. belonging to WWP ubhayg-da, a. having two rows of teeth. [words identical in form and meaning. 7IRITfr ubhaya 9vritti, f. recurrence of WTI fim, f. flax; N. 6f Siva's wi~fe (Pahrvatil Durga);..nitha, m. husband of Umh, Siva; -Pati, - isa, mn. id.!3T:jWr urah-kapftta, m. n. broad chest; -pratipesham, abs. breast pressing breast. ZT7Furtl-ga, m. [breast-goer], snake: - aa nia, m. snaake-eater, ep. of Garuda. ~IBTWTI uraga ~asya, a. (snake-face), kind of spade. [snake. 'Z~Tg uram-ga, OR -ma, m. [breast-goer], d'TJfr-ana, ura-blira, m. ram; lamb. \Z ul 9 raril-kri, spread out; receive; assume, display; admit; begin with (ac.). uras-kliada, m. cuirass. 13T fir-as, n. breast: -A dha', (A.) wear on the breast; -ka, a. -breasted, -chested(9) i1Tj* ZT urah-sfttrikft,f. pearl necklace 7M fir-'a, f. sheep. [worn on the breast. 'ZI uril-kri, receive; place at one's disposal, give up; promise; begin with. 'Z ur-fi, a. (f id. or urvi') wide, broad; spacious, extensive; great (also fig.); is. distance; free space; ad. far; far away. 73i14ji uru-kramd, a. far-striding; -gy&y, id.; far-extending; m. ep. of Vishnu; -v3Ikrama, a. of great courage; -vy~kas, a. capacious; -vyafik, a. id.; extensive: f.uriS earth; -s~msa, a. praising aloud; far-ruling. 13,K uru-shyd, den. P. make for the distance; escape from (ac.); rescue or protect from wl,; urft-nasti, a. broad-nosed. uro-ga, m. female breast; -vida'ram, abs. while his breast was lacerated. 14Turvtlrf, f. corn-field; earth. 134fK'urvarita,pp.leftover,escaped,saved. ~3'f ur-vtis-i1, f. ardour, passion, fer'vent desire; N. of an Apsaras. 'Zf*IT urviya, ad. far, far and wide. i" urv'1 f. earth; du. hea-ven and earth: p 1. w. shash, the six terrestrial spaces (four quarters, above & below; sometimes explained as heaven 4'earth,day&night, water &plants). UrVi-tala, is. surface of the earth, earth; -dhara, m. mountain; -pati, m. king; -bhug, mn. id.; -bhrit, m. mountain; -ruha, a. sprung from the earth; mn. tree. [a people. Wqj Alfika, m. owl; ep. oflIndra: pl. N. of WNR ulfA'khala, n. mortar: -inusala, n. ru. -mortar and pestle; i-ka, a. using as a WX ultipa, m. a plant. [mortar(O) W~iT ulk'a, f. meteor; firebrand, torch; -mukha, in. kind of spectre. 13T Alba, (in.) n. caul; womb. WT4TJulband, a. excessive; extraordinary; abounding in, full of ( —0 or in.): -ta',f. abst. N. UfIlmuka, n. firebrand. ~W#Wqul-lafigh-ana,nmoverstepping; transgression, infringement; -auiya, fp. to be infringed; -ya,f~p. id. WI; ul-lalana, a. swarming (bee). 13fVf ul-las-ita, 131#TffI ul-lhtsita," pp.,,Vlas. [valescence. 'ZWTE uLl-lhtgha, a. convalescent: -tfJco-n'Z TE ulla'gha-ya, den. P. restore to life. WTtI ul-lftp-a, m. abuse; -in, a. calling out; exclaiming. WTV[ ul-lats-a, m. appearance; growth; joy; -ana, n. flashing; -in, a. playing, skipping. u3~~E L]-likh-ita, pp. scratched, scraped. Zf*T.Wul-ifiga-ya, den. P. infer by tokens. ~UW ul-luiikaua, is. pulling. ul-lekh-a, m. mention; description; -ana, a. pain ting,describing; n. scraping; mention; statement; -in, a. scraping= extending to; -ya, f~p. to be scratched on or written down on!34' u-va'ka, pf. Vvak. W4TV u-vatsa, pf. Vvas, dwell. 'ZT~ us-6t, pr. pt. (Vvas), willing, eager. z n~s-dn-as, in. (nm. 'a) N. of aliishi; in IC. identiefied with Sulcra & the planet Venus. 331,T us-6nai, (in.) ad. eagerly, joyously; 'ZJT u-sabda, m. the word u. [swiftly. f~rus-1g, a. eager, ready, willing. VK usi-nara, M. pI. N. of a people in lMadhyadesa; sg. king of the U81naras. Wft usi-ra, mn. n. a fragrant root. i. US HI I. P. osha, IX. P. ush-nas, burn ~-(tr.); chastise; destroy. upa, prati, scorch, burn up. 13' 2fishjf. (only g. sg. & ac. p1.) dawn. 17 fish-a, a. eager, desirous. 7" - ushar-bfildh, a. waking early. WWTush-ds, f. dawn; Aurora; morning; evening-red (rarer): du. night and morning. ~3qlW uLshas-ya, a. sacred to Ushas. ~WU ush-'a, f. dawn, break of day. [night. 131WTWFWIT ush~sft-na'kta'f. du. dawn and 'Z" ush-ita, pp. Vu/-Lsh and \Vvas, dwell; -itavya, fp. n. the night must be passed. 'Z 7[ usho-gala, n. PI. dew; -devata',f. goddess of dawn; -raiga, m. dawn. 79 flsh-tri (or -trz'), m. ploughing bull. W9 ush-trai., _I, f. buffalo; camel. 'Zf'9i ushtr-ikft, f. she-camel. 4 tktJ ush-ad, a. hot, warm; deep (sigh): m ad. deeply (sigh,); n. heat; hot season; -kara, m. sun; -kala, m. hot season; _kirana, m. sun; at f, -tva, n. heat; -dildhiti, -bhas -rasmi, -ruhi, m. sun; -vaixana, n. umbrella; -samaya, m. hot season; -sparsa-vat, a. hot to the touch. ~3 TT-1J ushna amsu, in. (hot-rayed), su n. r3,,Tilushna~lu, a. sufferingfrom the heat. ~fRij ushn-i-rnan, in. heat. ~3xl ushnih, f. (am. k) a metre. ~ushn'i-kri, heat,warm. [-patta,in.id. ushni'sha, in. b. ead-band' turban; lk iushna udaka, n. warm water. ~Tq~vush-man, m. heat, warmth, ardour; hot moisture, vapour; -ya, ir. gqd. =ushitv5a (v/vas, dwell). 13R us-asr, f. = ush-as. WRus-ras, a. matutinal, bright; in. ray; bull. 13T us-ri'af. dawn, light of morn; cow; milk, 13v fls-rijf. morning; brightness, light. 13#R usri-kd, M. little ox. 13f#-q uLsr-i'ya, a. reddish; coming from a bull; m. hul; Eh f. radiance, light; cow; milk and other products of the cow. -Luh-ya, v. Vvah. A 73iU. U, f = 'Z u. ~if% MEdh, f. carrying, bringing. 9ThP ildhar, a. id.; MV '( fdhas, n. id.: fimlas, id. before iti in the Padapdtha. d fl-ta, Pp. of V/av and av, weave. ya ik '\iTM'- ft-kara, m. the sound or letter ft. ~3iff ii. ft-ti, fi. furtherance, help, favour, quate inderipp. lackingl; incompquete;es mhade "W~fh-us 'kblessing; helper; comfort, cordial; enjoyment: qut;ifro;toite o ute,flesha M-1,3 -PI- pf. of -/vak. (ab. or -') less by (in. or -O); at,. -tva, a. A~Iidap.(fhadVa)a ry a, ff 2. fl-ti, f. web. [V. d. Adti. abst. xv.; -dvi-Varshika, a. not yet two years fwife; Upi a, f. a. married before. 33VV4iF~Udhan, n. udder; bosom; cloud. ~ iam~ u-ma, m. good friend, associate. [old. 56 A -aN uru. qMzoff"' rina-kartri. I ~~ ir-6, m. ( —, a. f. u or fi) thigh, loin; -ganmau, M. ep. of Aurva; -phala-ka, n. loin-guard; -bhaiiga, m. fracture of the thigh; -sambhava, a. produced from the thigh; -skambha, m. paralysis of the thigh; -stainbha, m. id.;Mlk-ftruuclbhava,a.=-sambhava;u -papidam, abs. with pressure of the thigh. u ~rg, f. nourishment, invigoration; manly vigour. irg-6l, a. vigorous; A',!. vigour. I uTfrgd-ya, den. P. nourish, stren gthen: pp. firgita, vigorous, mighty. \Im;S frg-as, n. power, strength: -vat, a. (Vi-) nourishing, juicy; exuberant; vigorous; -Vala, a. powerful, strong; -yin, a. id. Vt qftr-na, n. wool (-~); -nabha, -ngbhi, m. spider; -mrada, -mradas, a. soft as woo1; -v~bhi, m. spider. WT!T ur-nat, f. wool; spider's thread; twist of hair between the eyebrows; -maya, a. (i) woollen; -Yuf, a. woolly; f. sheep; -vat, a. woolly; m. spider; -stuka^f. bunch of wool, \~ surround; envelope: A. envelope oneself. apa, uncover. abhi, cover up, enshroud. pra, envelope. sam-pra, cover completely. vi, uncover. W%'4 firdh-vil, a. upward; upright; raised, elevated; 0- 'ad. upwards; afterwards: m ad. id.; above, beyond, after (ab.); after the death of (g.): ut frdhv6,m, after this., henceforth; thereupon; ita Aixdhvam, fromnow onwards (in a book); firdhvam samhri, suppress (tears). I AWsji K qrdliva-kara, a. with raised hands or upward rays; -karna, a. pricking up one's ears; -krita, pp. raised upwards; -ga, a. going upwards; -gati, f. going upwards; bounding; a. going upwards or to heaven; -gamana, si. rising, ascending, elevation: -vat, a. moving upwards; -ga'min, a. = -ga; -gvalana, is. flaming up; -ghampa, m. upwardleap;.,dris,a. lookingupwards; -drishti, a. upward gaze; -p~tra, is. tall vessel; -pa~da, a. holding up the feet; m. tip of the foot; -pundra, -ka, M. vertical line marked with sa ndal &c. on the forehead of a Bra'hman, sectarian mark; -ba'hu, a. having the arms raised; -brihati f. a metre;.bhga, n upper part; -mukha, a. with upturned face; having its mouth turned upwards; darting upwards; -munda, a. shaved on the crown; -rfigi, f.upward streak;."rekh^, f. upwa~rd line; -retas, a. whose seed remains above, chaste; -loka, m. upper world, heaven; _Vala, a. hair outwards; -vrita, pp. worn above = over the shoulder. 33i i irdhva zgruli, a. having the finge drece upwards: rohm, m. rsn upwards. Wif# fr-mi, m. f. [roller: Vvri] wave, billow: PI. shower (of arrows), sea (of troubles &c.); gallop; affliction (six of which assail human life: hunger, thirst, heat, cold, greed, and error). Wf#WTfirmi-kajf.flnger-ring; -mat,a.surging, waving; _M&14, f. a metre; -muklin, a. having a garland of waves; m. sea. ~i~urmya, a. surging; a, f. night. 3304 fr-vd, m. reservoir; fold, cattle-pen; N. of a saint., I W!R iAvadhYa, ns. contents of the entrails. 3Ir 4sh-a, m. alkaline earth: -n a, is. pepper; -ra, a. impregnated with salt; a. barren land. 33Vf- rqW fisharhyita, pp. become like a salt desert. 3iiVt fsh-ii, f. alkaline or barren soil. W~q ish-us, 3 p1.pf. of V/vas, dwell. WW~if ish-mtln, m. heat; ardour; vapour;' breathing (grammatical designcetion ofall the sibilants, h, and anusvhra). 5P~Rt fishma-pa, a.imbibing only the steam offood; m. a class of Manes. ix. fYH (often uih), I. "iia, expiate; Nchange, modify. apa, remove; release; follow close upon (ac.); give up, 'avoid; deny. viapa, remove, dlestroy. abhi, cover over with (in.). upa, move up, bring near; ps. approach (time): pp. upodha, brought near; near; begun; displayed; audible. sam-upa, pp. begun; presented; offering itself. nis, extract; remove - pp. nir-_idha, isolated. prati, interrupt. vi, spread out; divide; arrange, draw up in battle array; transpose; dissolve (vowel sandhi'): pp. vyuidha, broad, extensive. nir-vi, bring out; achieve, accomplish. sam and pari-sam, bring together. A AA 2. UH, i. A. 6ha, V.; I. P. A. -hha,' C. regard, observe; conjecture, suppose; infer; understand. api, understand; infer. abhi, consider; infer. 57fih-a, m.i. addition; modiflcation; 2-.consideration; inference; -ana, is. id.; -aniya, -ya'fp. i. to be changed; 2. to be inferred. ff~W( fha-vat, a. intelligent, acute. w RI. 5~RI, VI. P. rikkhi; V. also III. iyar-ti, V. rin-t, II. ir~ti, move; agitate; raise (voice); offer, present; arise; run, flow; fall on; meet; incur, undergo (with abst. nouns); attain, obtain, gain, acquire; cs. arpkya, cast, throw; direct (gaze, thoughts); put or place in or on; fasten, insert; present; make over or deliver to; restore. 'a, inflict on (ac.); fall into (misfortune). ud, agitate; raise; call forth; cs. cause to thrive. pra, cs. arouse. prati, fasten; deliver; restore, give anew. vi, open. sam, put together; hasten together to (ac., lc.); meet with (in.); cs. P. A. fasten; insert; point; deliver, hand over; restore; despatch. W IRri-ka'ra, m. the sound or letter ri. Wwqrik-tdls,ad.withregardtotherikverses. WRRI~rs'k-vat,a. singing, shouting; m. singer (a class of gods); -van, a. id. M ii. riksha', a. bald. IM2. rs'ksha, a. dire; m. bear; kind of monkey; N.: pl. the Great Bear,; m. n. star; lunar mansion: i', f. she-bear; -riga, m. king of the bears or monkeys; king of the stars, moon; -vat, m. N. of a mountain. VVP riksha ishti,9 f. offering to the lunar mansions. [tion of the rile verses. MOT~r rik-samhit', f. arranged collecV~fW rig-gtthft. ri/c chant. li~~rig-min, a.praisilig, shou-ting; -mi ya (or rig-), a. praiseworthy; -yagusha, as. the Rik and the Yagus verses; -vidhana, is. employment of the ri/c verses; T. of a work; -ved&, m. Veda of verses or hymns, Rig-veda (i. e. the ri/c verses with or without the ritual and speculative works connected with them). WIT1 righaya, den. quiver, rage. [stormy. JMTWIf righft-vat, Ol~v -van, a. raging ~ri A-mdiya, a. consisting of ri/c verses. 197~ rikc, f. ilustre; sacred hymn or verse, esp. as distinguished from that which is sung (shman) and from the sacrificial formula (yagus); verse to which a rite or explanation refers; aggregate of the rnh verses, the Rigveda (generally _p1.). mkqRIK, I. P. &rka, beam, shine; sing; Npraise; sing hymns (ac.) in praise of (d.); honour, worship; adorn: pp. arkita, honoured, highly respected; respectfully presented; cs. arkaya, cause to beam; honour, worship; salute. abhi, sing, praise; duly honour, respectfully salute. sam-abhi, honour, worship; greet. pra, begin to sing; praise. W' rikca, m. =ri/c, hymn, verse. V~#Tdfrik-iika, m. N. of Gamadagni'sfather; N. of a country. VWqP41s-i/c-isbn-ma, a. ep. of Indra. RIKH, VI. P. ri/c/h6& (pr. base only), '-meet with; falleon; incur, fall into; attain; attack, insult. RIG, L cs. arg. procure; acquire, Nobtain; As P. id. upa, cs. id. 1f5riM rig-ipya, a. hastening forward. W311 rig-^ika', a. glittering ( —9); in. ep. of Indra. i~~rzg-iti, f. glowing, sparkling. watr-1rs'g-ya, cp.of M rigu. W rig-^Ish-a, a. rushing on; is. N. of a hell; -in, a. rushing on. rig-si, a. (rigvit) straight; right, just; honest: -ti,f. straightn'ess; candour; -tva, n. straightforwardness; -dh~a, ad. straightway; rightly; -mita kshrar, f. N. of a commentary on Ydgfiaval/cya's code. W~j rigfi-kri, make straight. 'Vg rig-rd, a. reddish, bay. aor. pt. A/ranig. WT! ri-ng, (pp.) a. guilty; n. obligation, debt; -m dharaya, owe (ac.) to (g.); -m, kri, borrow from (ab.); - pra-yam, - ni.,- sam-ni., payoff a debt; - d^, id.; lend to (lc.); - PraP incur a debt; - mrigaya or a~c ask for a loan. rina-kartri, a. contracting debts; -kkheda, m. discharge of adebt; at f. indebt~edness; -dasa, m. one whop pays his debt by b ecoming a slave; -nirmoksha, m. release from an obligation to (g.); -pradfitri, m. money vqwM-q rina'da'na. - vqqf-amT eka-pati-ka'. 57 lender; -vat, a. indebted (to, q.); -samuddha~ra, m. discharge of debt. M _IITWrinad Adna, n. recovery of debt; (a ) non-payment of debt;;-apanayana^n discharge of an obligation or debt. [in. debtor. c"fNj rin-ika, m. debtor; -in, a. indebted; WWWT rina uddliara, i. discharge of a debt. Mtt ri-ta, pp. fitting, right; upright, honest; true; n. established order; sacred ordinance, pious work, sacrifice, rite; divine law; truth, right: -in, ad. rightly,properly: w. i, go the right way (alsofig.); w. vadp promise; in. ad. duly; justly; truly; indeed; -g~ta, pp. duly produced; sacred: -gia'a. knowing the divine law, pious; -dyumna, a. delighting in truth; -nii, a. guiding rightly; -pk, a. maintaining the divine law; (A)-pragita, pp. =rita-ghta. W7 rita-ya, den. A. act rightly. yoked; well allied; -vat, a. having or speaking truth; -sa""p, a. practising piety; -stufbh, a. rightly praising. W'fT rita-ya, den.: pt. -yet, following the right way; obedient, pious; -yin, a. regular; just; pious. WMIT~~rita-van'a.( (-var) observing order, regular; pious; just; sacred, holy; -vridh, a. delighting in the divine law, holy. W'qj ri-tii mfixed time,right timefor sacriftiCe; period, season; the mnenses, esp. the days iininediatelyfollowi~ngandsuitablefor conception; sexual intercourse at such, time; settled sequence; order; rule: in. sg. dpl. at the right time, in due season; lc. at the proper season. Wlfi ritu-k~la, m. proper season; period of the imenses; the days immediatelyfollow ing snitablefor conception; -gush, a.f. being in the days favourable for conception; -tha, ad. regularly; -piti, m. lord of seasons; duly; exactly; -parna, m. N. of a kcing of Ayodhyad; -mit, a'. observing regular seasons: -ii,f. marriageable; being at the period suitable for conception; -riga, m. spring; -liffiga, n. characteristic mark of a season; -sks, ad. duly; -samliAra, m. collection of the seasons: T. of a poem by Kdlida'sa; -samaya, in. time favourable for conception; -sna'ta&, pp. f. having bathed after menstruation, prepared for sexual intercourse. ri-te', (pp. ic.) prp. apart from, without, except; when there is no - (ac., ab.). [law. W~5T rite-ga', a. living in or faithful to the WW-I~w'rite-rakshas, a. excluding the evil spirits. '~WIR~if rita uktij f. truthful declaration. W~q ritu anta, m. end of the seasons; a. ending a season. [priest. Wft_475~ritu 1g, a. sacrificing regularly; m. WfRWrituiaya, a. according to rul e, regular; knowing the ritual. iIo RID, I. P. krda (V. also rida), disN perse (int.); agitate, torment; cs. ardkya, disturb; torment; strike, wound; kill, destroy: pp. andita. VfW rid-dhi, f. prosperity, welfare, fortune; wealth;* -mat, a. prosperous, wealthy; rich in(0 %JjE1RID H, IV. P. ridhya; V. P. ridh-n6 -'ti; V. alsoV1L.ri-n&-dh,thrive. prosper; further; accomplish; ps. ridhya, thrive; be brought about: pp. riddha, prosperous, thriving; wealt'hy; rich (voice). anu, fulfil. sam, thrive; ps. be fulfilled; succeed; participate in (in.): Pp. s~in-riddha, fulfilled; perfect; rich, wealthy; plenteous, abundant, much: supplied or furnished with (in., ab., — ); Cs. fulfil; supply with (in.). [singly. W~1~j ridh-ak(or -6k),ad. apart; separately, ~# iribi'sa, a. crack in the earth, chasm. WU ribh-ii, a. [v'/rabh] skilful, clever, expert; mn. artificer; N. of three divine artificers; -kshin, -ksha', mn. N. of the first 1?ibhu; ep. oflndra and of the Maruts; -mat, a. accompanied by the Ribhus. i~qnrzbhuan, a. dexterous. 'q ri'sya, in. the male of a kind of antelope; -di (V,,dA, bind), pit for catching antelopes; -sriiiga, m. N. %qi. RIS LH, I. P. firsha, flow~glicle. abbi, '-flow towards (ac.). 2. RISH, VI. P. rishi, pierc-e, push,. thrust. ni, put in; conceal; fill: pp. nyrishta, filled or abounding with (in.). W'Z risha-bha, mn. bull; male (-O); best, noblest among (g., -0); N. of a icing; N.~ of a mountain: -ka, mn. N. of a icing. 'Wf# ri'sh-i, m. bard or author of sacred hymns, poet, priestly singer; saint or sage of the olden time; a special class of revered beings, whose number is often limited to seven; C. jperson renowned for wisdom and piety, esp. an anchorite: pl. the seven stars of the great Bear; -kuma'na, in. anchorite boy; -tva, a. state of a Bishi; -putna, in. son of a 1?ishi; -yagfia, in. sacrifice to the~ishis = Vedic study; -vat, ad. like a Rishi. rish-ii, (only g. pl.) heat, flame. '~~risli-tif,f. spear. W 4g~f rishya-mutka, m. N. of a mountain; W' rish-va6, a. high, lofty; sublime. 'qE. Ve,prn. rootin e'-ka, e-tad, e-na, e —vd,e-vdm. VA 6-ka, num. one; alone, only; single; one and the same, common; one of (g., ab. I0, -or ) unique; excellent; a certain, some one, (Sts.= indefinite article) a, an; with na, none: pl. some, some folks: eka -eka or anya, apara, dvitiya, the one-the other; eke-eke, anye or apane, some-others; in. N. of a teacher; A,f. ep. of Durgh; a. unit (-'==one). r"qij eka-kad (aka, ka), a. single, solitary; -kapk1a, a. (16-) contained in a single bowl; -kanman, a. having ihe same business as (in.); -karya, (fy.) n. one and the same business; a. having one and the same purpose: -tva, n. abst. N.; -kala, a. simultaneous: -in, ad. only once a day: at f, -tva, n. simultaneousness; -kalikam, ad. only once a day; -kriya, a. having one and the same business; -khuna, a. single-hoofed; m. animal with uncloven hoofs; -gramina, a'. dwelling in the same village. IQf~! eka-kakra, a. one-wheeled: -vart-in, a. moving on one wheel; in. sole monarch: ait, f. abst. N.; -kakshus, a. one-eyed (also ofaneedle); -kcark, a. living alone; solitary; m. N. of Siva; -khArini,. faithful wife or mistress (devoted to a single man); -icitta, n. one and the same thought,unanimity; thought directed to one and the same object; a. of one 'Lmind; thinking of one object only, absorbed; thinking only of a ):-t,. unanimity; in tentness on one object ony,-ibh, become unanimous; -kkihattna, a. having only one royal umbrella, ruled by a single king; -gkta, pp. begotten by the same father or parents; of equal birth,; -giti, a. having but one birth; in. S~dra. lQWR~, eka-tatpara, a. solely intent on; -tamn& (or 6-), spy, one among many; -tana, a. cpv. one of two (sts. =eka-tama); -tas, ad. = ab. of eka; from or on one side; ekatasekatas or anyatas, on the one side-on the other; here-there; (i)_t, Af. unity, union, identity: -am api-ya&, be united with (in.); -ta~na, a. intent on one object only (often 0) -ta',f.abst. N.; -t1a, a.a having but one fan-palm; -tirthin, a. inhabiting the same hermitage; -to-dant, a. having teeth in one jaw only; -tra = ic. of eka, one; in one place, together; -trimsib, a. thirty-first; -triinsat, f. (6-) thirty-one; -tva, n. unity; union; identity; singular (qr.); -in gain, be united with (in.); -da, ad. simultaneously; sometimes; once upon a time, one day; -duhkha, a. having the same pains; -drisya,fp. alone worthy to be seen; -drishti, f. gaze directed to a single object, unaverted gaze; -devatyg, a. sacred to a single deity; -desa, mn. somie place; part; identical spot; -dhana, ii. n. one part of the property;:2. in. pitcher with which water is drawn for a certain rite; a~yf. pl. (sc. Apas) the water drawn with it; 3. a. having as the single, i. e. highest treasure, quite filled with (-O); -diiania, a. homogeneous; -dharmin, a. id.; -dha', ad. singly, simply; at once, together; continuously; -nakshatrk, a. lunar mansion consisting of a single star, whose name occurs simply (without pftrva or uttara); -nara~dhipa, in. emperor. Vf__ Teka-pati-ka', a. having the same husband; -patni-ti, f.having one wife in com-mon; -patnijf. (6)wife of any one man, faithful spouse; a. pl. having one and the same husband; -pad (or 6-), strong base -pa'd,f. -padi', a. one-footed;.-pada, a. one and the same spot: -in, ic. at once, suddenly, in a trice; a. (6-) one-footed; only one step long: -in, ad. in short; -pada',f. verse consisting of one pada; -padi~f. foot-path; -par&,a. marked with one point (die); -pkna, in. single wager or stake; -pftin, a. isolated, separate; connected: pl. taken together; -pa.da, in. one foot; a. (6-) one-footed; -pa'rthiva, in. sole monarch; -pifiga, mn. (quite brown) ep. of Kubera: -la, in. id.: - alala, in. Kubera's mountain, i. e. the Him-avat; -pizta, a. quite yellow; -prakhya, a. homogeneous; uniform; -phala, a. bearingthesame fruit as ();-buddhi, a. unanimous; simple-minded; in N.of a fish;f. simple conception (ph.); -bhakta,_pp. serving or kept by one master; a. eating one meal a day; -bhakti-ka, a. taking, only one meal a day; -bhaksha, in. sole food; -bhiva, in. simplicity, straightforwardness, sincerity; a. having one and the same nature; honest, sincere; behaving uprightly towards (g.);. -bh~vin, a. becoming one, coalescing;- -bhfiI 58 thN ~ kayashti. lqfl e-dhi. I I ta, pp. undivided; closely attentive; -bhtumiisvara, m. sole ruler of earth; -bhogin, a. eating only once a day; -mati, f. unanimity; concentration of mind; a. unanimous; -manas, a. having the mind fixed on one object, attentive (sts. -); unanimous; -maya, a. (i) consisting exclusively of, quite filled with (-~); -mukha, a. superintended by one; -murti, f. one person; -mfila, a. having a single root. qRMf eka-yashti*,~iT -ka*,f. pearl necklace on a single thread; -yoni, a. born of the same mother; of the same extraction or caste; -rasa, m. the only inclination; a. having only one taste; finding pleasure in one object only; exclusively devoted to (-~); unchanging; -rig, -raga, m. monarch; -ratra, m. celebration lasting a night; n. one night (and day); -ratrika, a. sufficing for one night (or day); -rikthin, m. co-heir of one man; -rupa, a. of one colour, form, or appearance; uniform; n. N. of two metres: -ta, f. uniformity; invariableness. wi t eka-la, a. one, the one; alone; -lakshya-ta, f. being the sole aim; -lavya,f. N. of a town; -vakana, n. singular (gr.); -vat, ad. like one, as if one were concerned; -vadbhava, m. presenting itself as a unity; -varna, a. having one and the same colour; -vasana, a. clothed with but one garment; -vastra, a. id.: -ta,f. possession of but one garment, -ardha-samvita, pp. clothed in halfa single garment; -varam, ad. only once, once more; at once; some time or other; -vasa, a. living in the same place; -vasas, a. wearing but one garment; -vimsa, a. (i) 2ISt; consisting of 2I; -vimsaka, a. (ika) 2ist; n. 21; -vimsat, f.. p. 2; -vimsati,f. sg. pl. (6-) id.: -tama, a. 2Ist; -vidha, a. (e-) simple; identical; -vira, m. incomparable hero; -vriksha, mn. isolated tree; one and the same tree; -vrisha, m. single bull, sole ruler; -veni, i, f. single braid of hair (token of mourning); a. consisting of a single braid; (i)-dhara,a.f. wearing a single braid: -tva, n. abst. N.; -vesman, n. a single building; -vrata, a. devoted to one only; faithful, obedient. B1i~T e6ka-sata, n. a hundred and one; a. loist: -tama, a. id.; -sapha, a. (e-) onehoofed, having an uncloven hoof; m. animal with uncloven hoof; n. the genus of solidhoofed animals; -sas, ad. singly; -sesha, m. sole remainder; ellipse by which only one of two or more words remains (e. g. du. or pI.); a. sole remaining, with the sole exception of (-~); -sruta-dhara, a. remembering what one has heard once: -tva, n. abst. N.; -sruti, f. monotony; a. monotonous; -srushti, a. (e-) obeying one behest; -shash-ta, a. 61st; -shashti,f. 6i: -tama, a. 6ist. Wki-T eka-samsraya, m. harmony; a. united; -sapta-ta, a. 7ist; -saptati,f. 71: -tama, a. 7Ist; -sarga, a. attending to a single object; -sahasra, n. IooI; a. Iooist; -sara, a. whose sole nature is (-~); -sarthaprayata, pp. pursuing one and the same object as (saha); -srika, m. jackal; -stambha, a. supported by a single pillar; -stha, a. standing together, united; standing alone; independent; -sthana, n. one and the same place. Zl~Tr'T eka-hfyana, a. (1) one year old; i, f. one-year-old cow; -hela,f.: in. at one blow, at once. TiT ekaamsa, m. part: -ta,f. abst. N. "Tf^Rff ekak-in, a. alone, solitary: (i)-kesarin, m. N. of a Bhilla. n-iTl' ekaaksha, a. one-eyed; having but one axle; - akshara, n. the imperishable One; a single syllable; a. (-) monosyllabic; n. monosyllabic word; the syllable Om. lTiTf'r eka agni, a. maintaining only one fire; - agra, a. directed to a single object, attentive, concentrated; absorbed in (-~): -m, -tas, ad.; -ta,., -tva, n. abst. N. liiT: eka afga, n. single member or part; m. pl. body-guard: -rfpa-ka, n. incomplete image (rh.). T'iT ekaak, a. having one vowel. lti f- ekaaXgali, m. one handful. "iT f [J ekaatapatra, a. being under a single umbrella = a single king. QaiTi7 ekadas-a, a. (i) eleventh; i, f. eleventh day in a fortnight; -an, a. (6-) eleven; -ma, a. eleventh; *-marika, f. N. (murderess of eleven); -ratra, period of eleven nights (and days); - rka, a. having eleven verses; -in, a. consisting of eleven: -i, f. eleven (hymns). ioTifi'i eka adhika, a. increased by one; - adhipa, m. sole sovereign; - adhy&yin, a. studying alone. TiR-jiTT ekaanamsa,f. ep. of the new moon (the digitless); ep. of DurgA. [sorrows. lqiT~I ekaanartha, a. having the same 'lqiT~[fS eka anudishta, (pp.) n. funeral rite in honour of a single ancestor. lQfiTfT ekaanta, m. solitary place, solitude; exclusiveness; absolutenecessity: -m, -tas,in., ab., ~-, ad. exclusively; absolutely; perfectly, altogether; Ic. aside, secretly: sts. ~- = a. perfect, only; a. exclusively devoted to (Ic. or -~): -ta,f. abst. N. i'r;S~iir ekfnta-karuna, a. extremely compassionate; -bhlru, a. extremely timid. 'liTMlR ekaantara, a. one degree lower. TfTW f! ekanta-vidhvamsin, a. necessarily perishing; -viharin, m. solitary wanderer; -sila, a.retiring into solitude; -hita, pp. thoroughly good.!liR[Tfl.ekaanna din, a. eatingthefood of one only. [as (g.). PnfiTnf~; ekaanvaya, a. of the same family!jTRT-FF ekaapakaya, m. diminution by one. fiTi1T1T ekaapaya, m. diminution by one.!q~TfIiT eka ayanS, n. road passableby only one narrow path; meeting-place; absolute oneness; the one right way: i-bhava, m. unanimity; i-bhiu, become a centre of union for (g.). Q',iMT e-kara, m. the letter or sound e. ltQiTTWeka frama,a.delighting inone only. ltQiT~ ekaartha, m. one and the same object; a. having the same aim or meaning: -ta,f., -tva, n. abst. N.; -samupeta, pp. inspired by the same purpose. [pearl necklace. VliT'fTq eka fvali, ~01 -li, f. one-stringed lWiT ekaahd, m. one day; N. of a Soma sacrifice lasting one day. "PiT7TR ekavahgra, m. single meal in a day. TitsVi ekl-kri, unite; collect; -bhava, m. becoming one, union; -bhu, become one, unite. Wtiei ekaeka, a. one each time, each singly, every single (sts. pi.): -m, ad.: -vritti, a. belonging to each single object; -sas, ad. one by one, singly, severally. 1 -L ekaaisvarya, n. sole dominion. lIC i ekaukkaya, m. increase by one. t zBi-T e6kauttara, a. more or increasing by one. JT Y~iti eka udaka, a. related in so far as to offer oblations of water to the same ancestor. Ritff ' ekauddishta, (pp.) n. =eknuri'fT ekaina, pp. lacking one. [dishta.!Q ef, the diphthongs e and o (gr.). f EG, I. P. ga, stir, move; quake,tremble. N sam, move. I5 eda, O~l -ka, m. kind of sheep. VTX ena, m. kind of antelope: -gangha, m. N. of a runner; -netra, - akshi, f. gazelleeyed woman. bIrQfTwi ena-tilaka, m. moon. T m lW Mena anka-mani, m. moon-stone. 1!iT en',f. gazelle: -dris, -nayana,f. gazelleeyed woman. I I. e-ta, prn. stem, v. QE'l etad. Q 2. eta, a. (6ni), motley, glittering; m. kind of hart: a,f. hind. " 3. eta, pp. a+/ i. 'iTq eta-gva, a. motley. Tl-f'^-T etat-kala, m. this time, the present (opp. tat-kala); -para, a. intent on this; -samgiiaka,a. havingthis designation; -sama, a. equal to this. eT e-td-d, prn. (nm., ac. sg. n.) this here (near the speaker); this (nearly always referring to what precedes, has just happened, or been mentioned); often = here, now: ad. thus, so, therefore, accordingly: lc. etasmin, in this case. "!71 etad-anta, a. ending with this or these; -artham, ad. for this purpose, therefore; -avastha, a. being in this condition; being of such a kind; referring thereto; -ya, pos. prn. his, her, their; -yoni, a. having this origin; -vasa, a. dependent on him. CfTirj etan-nama-ka, a. having this name; -maya, a. (1) consisting of this, being of such a kind. [(corr. yarhi). rTfM etd-rhi, ad. now, nowadays; then [da etrave, V. inf. of /i, to walk. Ad e'ta-sa (sts. -sd), a. motley, shining; m. dappled horse; sun-horse. "TIV eta-drfksha,0~I-dra's (f. id.),07R -drisa, a. (i) such; of the same kind. VTI 1;c eta-vat, a. so great; so much, of such a kind: lc. at such a distance; n. ad. so much; so far; thus: (n)-m&tra, a. of such measure, so great, so much; so little. -Q aid, ij. behold! (with ac.) T EDH, I. i. (P.) edha, prosper; flou\ rish; grow: pp. -ita, grown up, strengthened; filled with (in.); cs. -aya, cause to prosper; glorify. sam, id.!' e'dh-a, a. kindling (-~); m. sg. pi. fuel: -mat, a. fed with fuel. [prosperity (V'edh). lTnV i. edh-as, n. fuel (/idh); 2. edhas, n. qfVI e-dhi, 2 sg. impv. vas, be. edhodaka. OM. 59 I Vqtleedhaucdaka, n. fuel and water. "i. e-na, (encl.) prn. stem Of 3rd pers. he, she, it. [thereupon. 2. ena, QVW enft, encl, in.- (of r.- a), then, 1 e~t na-p, case ending ena in the advs. dakshinena &c. (grn.). V( 'n-as, n. [V'in] sin, guilt; misfortune: -vat, a. sinful, wicked; -vin, a. id. IZTT enda, (in.) ad. h ere; there (corr. to yatra); then; thus (cp. 2'. ena). TQ:# e'-ni,f. (of 6ta) hind. T3i 65-ma, n., Q~f~ 65-man, n.pahcore IQT~ eranda, m. castor-oil plant. ifierire, 3 PI. pf. ofa + VOr. [cumber.,JT erv u, m.f.; 04j -ka, m. kind of cuW(elAJ. cardamoms; a metre. V1 i. e-vdl, e-va., (in.) ad. so, just so ('F.); just, exactly, precisely; quite, no more nor less than, no other than; merely; scarcely; very (with prns., esp.- tad); also (with ka): it emphasizes the preceding word, may often be translated by stress merely; sts. es~p. after certain particles it is meaningless. V,' 2. 6-va, a. speedy, swift; m. course (gnly. in. pl.); pl. habit: in. pl. in the usual way. ~~Ievdm-rdtpa, a. so formed, of such a kind: At',f. abst. N. Irf wevam adn a. speaking thus; -vid, a., -vidv~s, pt. knowing thus, having suchknowledge;wellinstructed,knowingwhat is right; -vidha, a. of such sort, such-like; -vishaya, a. directed to or relating to this; -vritta, pp. behaving thus; of such a kind; in this condition; -vritti, a. id. iff evam-karman, a.having actedthus; -gata, pp. being, in such a plight, so circumstanced: lc. such being the case; -guna, a. having such qualities or excellences: -_uipeta, pp. endowed with such qualities or excellences; -tarkiu, a. conjecturing thus; -darsin, a. seeing or judging thus. log1( e-vd-m, (ac.) ad. in this way, thus, so (its _place being taken in the Veda by eva). 1QZMrq1W evam-avastha., a. being in such a condition; -Akriti, a. having such a form; -Aara. conducting oneself thius; -Atmaka, a. (iki) of such a nature; _.adi, _adya, a. of the kind or nature mentioned. ~tf uIevam-parinama, a. having such a conclusion; -pfirva, a. thus preceded; -par~a, a. of such a kind; -praya,.i. such; -bhfiLta, pp. of such a nature, such a one. P ESH, I. P. 6sha, creep, glide. r.R i e-sha', prn. am. sg. m. of etad. 'UJ1M 2. e'sh-a, a. seeking; m. search; -ana, a. seeking; wishing; n. search: a f. search; wish, desire; -aniya, f.p. desirable; -ini, a. seeking, wishing (gnly. -9). Af aihi, 2 sg. impV. of A'+~Vi. WIAI *ai,0i. of hailing, addressing or recollecting. (.aika-dhyam, ad. at once, together; -patya, n. sole dominion over (g.); -matya, a. unanimity; -mukhya, n. agreement; -rigya, n. sole dominion; -ratrika, a. remaining a night; -_ispya, a. uniformity; identity. 'bwpiaika-sapha,a. comingfrom an animal with uncloven hoof; -srutya, a. uniformity of tone, monotony; -svarya, n. having only one accent. i~ T fIaika~ghrika, in., I' f. thief. ITMT aika agrya, a. fixed attention to one object, concentration. 10~T~aikq aiga,m. soldier ofthe bodyguard. '!qTTqiIW aika adhikaran-ya, a. -unity of relation. '~qiifWRi aikftnt-ik a, a. (i1) excluding everything else, absolute; -ya, n. exclusiveness, absoluteness. AI~ai-ka'ra, m. the sound or letter ai. bi aika arth-ya, a. unity of purpose; identity of meaning. 7kWiT Rq aika asram-ya,n -existence of only one stage in religions if~e. V~iif!'~f aika ahi-ka, a. (i1) lasting one day. aik-ya, n. oneness, unity, identity. T' aikshavd, a. (I') made of sugar-cane. 1Q~TV'TI aikshva'kd, in., 'I,f. pat. descendant of Ikshv~ku. [of Ida (Purftravas). aidd, a. (1) containing comfort; in. son IM3 aina, aineya, a. belonging to the black antelope. [(ph.). T,4TT4 aitad-fttm-ya, n. essence of this 'q aitareya, m. pat. or met. of Mahiddsa (an ancient teacher); a. composed by Aitareya: -ka, n. the Bradhmana of~Aitareya; -bra'hmana, n. id. 'q~iaeyi~~l school of Aitareya. bflffrf#rOR aitihfts-ika, a. (I') legendary; m narrator of old legends. ~~ ai-tva, n. occurrence of ai. Eject. C, aidain-par-ya,n. mainpoint; e-nd, ob['T aindava, a. (i') lunar. i3~ aindrd, a. (iL) belonging to or coming from Indra, Indra-like; n. N. of a lunar mansion. '7rTramndcra-ga'la, n. witchcraft; -gakika, a. (i) referring to or practising witchcraft; m. wizard, juggler; -nila, a. (i) made of sapphire; -sira, m. hind of elephant.?~~aindr-i, m. crow. bfWraindriya, a. referring to or perceptible by the senses; n. sensual pleasure. 'bcIr aibha, a. (iL) belonging to an elephant. '~kTW; airayam, impf. cs. of Vir. '~T9 airadvana, m. N. of Indra's elephant. "~T~ airqvata', m. id. (1); N. of a serpent demon; m. a. kind of rainbow. _" aila, m. (= aila) Purfiravas. Wqiaila-ka,axcoming fromthesheep elaka. 'tW ailabad, m. noise, din. 'b2kT aisa, a. belonging to Siva (I'sa). k'bkTTr aisa'na, a. (i1) id.; north-eastern; 1L,f. north-east. -Af'-k ais-i, m. pat. of Skanda. ais-ya, n. dominion, power. aisvar-a, a. (i) befitting a lord, majestic; belongingtoSiva; a. supreme dominion; -ya, a. position of a great lord; kingly state; supreme dominion; control; lordshi p or domnion of (g., lc., -O); kingdom: -vat, a. possessed of supreme power. '~ftf aishilka, a. made of reeds. 1~q aishtakd, a. made of bricks. ZRft~ aishtika-paurtika, a. relating to sacrifices and charitable works. '~fik'Ef aih-ika, a. belonging to or occurring in this world, terrestrial, temporal. 6q, k-as, a. [Vuk] comfort, pleasure; wonted place, dwelling-place, home. ~i~o-kftra, m. the sound or letter o. 'N' ogha, m. [v~/vah] stream, flood; miultitude, quantity, mass, heap. [thanksgiving. om-kara, m. the sacred word om.; oga, a. uneven, odd. T o. T.6gas a [v'/vag] strength power, might, energy: in. powerfully; resolutely; -v-a, f. forcible expression; -via, a. powerful, mighty; energetic, brave.!Nkrm~ ogfl-y, den. A. exert oneself, use one's strength. Wf3'' 6g-isht ha, spv. strongest among (g.); very powerful; -iLyas, cpu. stronger (than, ab.); 'VtY oda, Mn. N. of a man. [very strong. odra, in. pl. N. of a people and their country (now Orissa). h#t 'a dha, pp. Vvah. #Wftuta, pp. Vu, cry, and V/vf, weave. ' 6-tnu, in. [Vvft, weave], woof. #IW od-and, m. a. boiled rice; pap. tIT 6m, Ij'. the sacred syllable om (often= amen; used in invocations, at the commence1 2 60; ~o-man. ~j~kak-sha. metfprayers, at the beg. and end ofVdc 0s.a m. burning. TqI oshdm, (ac.) ad. quickly, at once. rhecitation, anf masna mestectfl spalutations; #If4N 6shadhi, Q0-4~f -uihi1, f. [avasa-dhi, #Wh~ 6shtha, M. [ava-stha, hanging clown], thesujec o m ny ysica s eclaton). containing nourishment], plant, herb; medi- upper lip, lip (a. 3',f ). # a[ omn, m. favour, aid. cinal herb; -gfi, a. born m, living among or "~j* oshtha-ruhaka, charming -lips. produced from plants; (i)-pati, sm. moon; (i)'wP[w?( man-vat, a. pleasant; gracious. prth mN.oa mythical city. #i oshth-ya, a. labial, 'TiT A U. I R au-khra, sa. the souLnd or letter an.i auLkshii, a. (i) coming from a bull. W19 auLksba-ka, n. a number of bulls. '~rI~aikshna (or d), coming from a bull. augr-ya, n. formidableness. 'fEaughid, ma. flood. 94II-9( aukit-i, f. suitableness, propriety; -ya, a. id.; experience; habituation to (~) _~t:MEaukkaih-sravasa, m. N. oflndra's horse. V~A I ggval-yiga-a,n.brilliance,splendour. ft~ audava, a. ()stellar. NWTTf aundi-ka, a. belonging to the UnAd-sira.[yearning. iJautkanth-ya, WI-Mi autk-ya, n..n rt*1 auttam-i, m. pat. of the third Manu. -4auautaaradhar-ya,n.beinagabove and below, promiscuousness. v~jFtiIIqi autpatti-ka, a. (I') original, innate, natural. [prodigious, portentous. N fT i% autpht-ika, a. (i) extraordinary,?i!autsuk -ya, n. yearning, desire; i p tece; zeal. 4N~i audaka, a. (I') aquatic; relating to or growing in water. [ton. 4%i WRh audar-ika, a. gluttonous; m. glut~~~iaudarhish-a, a. directed to Agni. R~TIaudattt-ya, n. acute accentuation. audftr-ya, n. dignity, nobility; generosity:..t', f. generosity. [thy. IftvTv-''auda'sin-ya, n. indifference, apa_M1%W aiidumbara, a. (i') belonging to the Udumbara tree; made of Udumbara wood. auddhatya, a. arrogance; superciliousness. auddhav-ya, a. coming fr. Uddhava. Tr iauddhar-ika, a. belonging to the share deducted. [sented at marriage. tTfIaudv~h-ika, a. relating to or pre#M I4,kfroaIpaupahandas-ika,n.asnetre. tfNlhjjaupadharm-ya, a. false doctrine, heresy. [cheat, extortioner. 9Af14i14i aupadh-ika, a. fraudulent; m. WftXRT~frq4 aupanatyan-ika, a. relating to or appointed for initiation. [posit. ffiiiaupanidhi-ka, a. being a de'whtfi <aupanishadd, a. (I') contained or taugh inan Upanishad. [apron. i#fiaupan'ivika, a. being on the ~~iirraupamita, a. equalled. [parison. IWaupam -ya, a. resemblance, comti*'f'9.1i aupay-ika, a. ('I) suitable, proper. W19 aupala, a. made of stone. 1T~qW aupavasta, Oqj -ka, a. preliminary fast on the eve of a celebration. Mif~Tf aupava'h-ya, a. suitable for riding or driving. [the sacred thread. I t4 ff a upavit-ika, n. investiturewith 'WI14 f i aupahatr-ika, n. offering. WtWR11! aupakarana, a. commencement of Vedic study. 'h1T~iV aupftsan6, m. domestic sacred -fire. IM1; aupendra, a. belonging to Vishnu. #A1I auma, a. flaxen; relating to Umat. '*Kiq aurabhr-a, a. belonging to a ram or sheep; -ika, sa. shepherd. -N-Maurasa, ma. inhabitant of Urasa. auras-a, a. (IL) proceeding from the chest; innate, natural; begotten of the body; m. lawful son of the body; -ya, a. begotten of one's body. NTaurna, a. woollen. W14kaurdh va-deha, a. future life: i-ka, a. relating to the future life; a. obsequies; gifts distributed at obsequies. Wqi. aiirva, ma. pat. of various Rishis. 2. aurva, ma. submarine fire (of Aurva). N3. aurva, a. ('I) belonging to the earth; -ra, a. coming from the earth (dust).,A Wqaurvase-ya, a. descended from Urvasi. [zanala, in. id. WN fraurvafagni, ma. submarine fire; -#J T - aurvya den. A. behave like the submarine fire. 1~iauvenaka, n. N. of a chant. N)7MRausanasa, a. (II) belonging to Usanas; in., i',f. pat. descendant of Usanas; a. law-book composed by Usanas. *ltWq ausinara, a. (11) belonging to the, people of UsInara; I, f. N. of a wvife of Puri/ravas. [meat made of Uslra. 'NTWT ausira, a. made of Usilra; a. oint*tIR aushadhd, a. made of herbs; n. herbs (coll.); medicinal herb; remedy, drug, medicine; Ii-kri, turn into a medicine; -vikrayin, a. vending medicines. 'NtI aushas-4, a. (I') relating to the mornaing; 3i,.f. day-break. '~~aushtra, a. produced from a buffalo or camel: -ka, n. number of camels. -%IV aushtha, a. lip-shaped. i-TA!?1aushn-ya, n. heat. I. skat, inter. ps-a. st. (a. V., kid; C. kim) who? what? which? with iva, u, naMa, who indeed? often used in a depreciating sense = as good as none, no one or nothing: ka' sha kata~ that is out of the question; kim with in. or gd. =what does - matter? what is the use of - to (g.)? wit/h nu, who pray? wiha& who possibly? with svid,who or what,JIwonder? Indef.prn. T. witht neg. any, any one; 2. with preceding ya and following ka, whosoever, whichever; anysoever, every; wit/c preceding ya and following ar, anysoever; 3. withs kanii, none whatever (often strengthened by negatives); 4. with, hana, hid, or api, some, any, a certain (a. or N.): p 1. some; kaskid - kashid, the one-the other: pl. some-others. 14 2. k.1, in. (Who?) ep. of Praga'pati or Brahman; a. bliss; water; head. ~K. Zf~ 'kamsd, in. goblet; in. n. brass; in. N. of a king slain by Krishna; -krish,..satru, -znishiidaua, - anz, Ma. ep. of Krishna. WRT ka-kftra, m. the sound or letter k. "71iW kakiit-stha, m. N. of a grandson of Ihshvadhu. [ensign of royalty; chief of (g.). Efq kakiid,f. summit, peak; tip; humip; q~f ffkak-dd-mat, a. having a hump; in. suountain; buffalo with a hump. qiJfW'~kakud-min, a. having a hump; m. buffalo with a hump; -mi-kanyaA,f-pat. of the Revatt. "IS f kaku[d]-druma, in. N. of a jackal. ziji-Kkakundara, a. cavity of the loins. ZOW kakub-gaya, in. conquest of the world. [pass; a metre. Ei3.Jkak-ibh, f. summit; point oft/ce cornZf~W kakubhad, a. prominent; in. hind of musical mode; a tree; -surabhi, a. fragrant with Kakubha flowers. [compass. ~ii~ kakum-mukha, a. point of the CMMr~ kakkola, in. a tree; a. an aromatic substance; -ka, a. id. Zfj`4 kdksha, in. hiding-place, lair; thicket; in., a, f. arm-pit; girthi, girdle, cincture; balance (generallyf.); &, f.circular wallenclosure; orbit ofaplanet; equality; emulation: (i)-pata, mn. loin-cloth. n j- kakshW-vat. ~ktn-a 61 '#W.kakshi'-vat, m. N. of a Rishi. qiT kakshya',f. girdle, girth; circular wall, enclosure; orbit of a planet; balance, scale (also a, n).) W~kaiika', m, heron; N.: pl. a people.' ~kaftka-ta, m. armour, mail; a Ddnava. imlmTkafi-kan-a, n. ring,ring-shaped ornamnent, bracelet; wedding band: -dhara, m. bridegroom, 'a, f. bride; -pura, n. N. of a town; -varsha, a. raining bracelets: m. man's N.; -varsh-in, a. id.: (i)-ta',f. abst. N. EN fr Ikaiikan-in, a. wearing a bracelet. kafikat-a, m. comb; -ikrg, f. id. IM-1- kaiika-pattra, n. heron's. feather (oan arrow); a. having herons' feathers; m. such an arrow: -pattrin, a. having herons' feathers;..vadana, n. (heron-faced), tongs, pincers. [form of Durgh. kaiikh-a, m. n. skeleton; -minL,f. a Ca E kaiikola, m. a plant. Zfi~ kaka, m. hair; N. of a son of Bri haspati; -graha, in., -na, n. seizing by the hair. zf~Zir~[l~k-at-ap-ay-a da-ba, n. example of a meaningless word. Wq~1T'K kaka-bbara, m. wealth of hair. WMT ka a-kaktiad. seizing one another kak-kid, v. kad. [by the hair. 41E kakkha, M. bank; marshy land; *m., A, f. edge, border; -pa, m. tortoise; N. of a Nd~ga; N. of a country (Cutch). ZO ka-ga, n. lotus. [prepared from it. 'q14 kag-gala, n. lamp-black; collyrium. Efiffka;Ikuk-a, m.n.(i')jacket,doublet; mail; skin of a snake (a. — ) f. 'a); -ita, pp. wearing a coat of mail; -in, a. wrapped in(O) in. chamberlain; -a- upknahin ern doublet and shoes. hinwerga EDf-IT kailgika', f. a plant. Bfi kdta, mn. mat; elephant's temple; a certain throw in a game of dice; corpse; -ka, in. mat; m. n. rope; bracelet; valley; royal camp; caravan; collection; -karana, n., -kriya f. platting of mats. [int.). qZ T' kata-ka hya, den. P. gnash (tr. & CD e katai~-kata, m. ep. of Siva. qiZIWW kata-pfitana,m., Af. kind of demon. AZ~T'q kata aksha, m. side-glance: i-ta,.pp. looked at with a side-glance; - kshepa, m. side-glance. ZBZTfqT kata agni, m. fire of dry grass. 'qZ gkat~ha, in. pan, pan-shaped object (e. g. elephant's temple); N. of a bDvipa. f kati,-q-Ii~kat-i,f. hip; (i)-krarpata, n. rag round the loins; (i)-nivasaua, n., -pata, Cneth'ai katI'raka, n.(?) hip. [in.loin-cloth. Zq katu, a. sharp; pungent; n. ad.; -kra, a. id.; violent, severe: -ti, f., -tva, n. sharpness, pungency. [(Pr.) ZfZqf katuk-ita, pp. sharply addressed WW~T katu-ta', f. sharpness; pungency; austerity.;fl KATT, X. P. kattaya, heap (corn). TIkattara-ka, inikj. dagger. e.1 kat-phala, in. a tree with aromatic fruit and rind. lq~ katu ahga, in. a tree; n. its fruit. W9 katha, M. N. of a sage, founder of a schoolof the YVI.; pupil orfollower ofHat ha. E~f~ift kathina, a. hard, firm, solid; severe; cruel, hard-hearted. CoIf riM kathina-ya, den. P. harden. C1f I jq kathin-'I, f. chalk. CIf~II —M kathinil-kri, harden. qI W 4 kathara, a. harsh (= kathora). ~itrtfim~katha upanishad, f. N. of an Upanishad. ~iPkathora, a. hard, firm, solid; sharp, cutting (wind); piercing (cry); hard-hearted; luxuriant: -in, ad.; -kcitta, a. hard-hearted: -t afJ abst. N.; -ta',f. hardness; -t&raidhipa, m. full moon. ER g~kathora-ya, den. P. make luxuriant. W57 kadii, a. dumb. 'qgT kadftra, a. tan-coloured. ZjiT kdin-a, m. a grain; drop; flake, spark; little bit; -pa, m. kind of spear; -v~hin, a. wafting drops, moist; -sas, ad. in minute porZWTiIT kanatira, ma. wagtail. [tions. ZT!iT~ kana'da, mn. N. of the founder of the Vaiseshilka or atomic school of philosophy. AVQ~ffkdn anna, a. subsisting on grains: tf. abst. N. [little bit. ~i~ikan-ika, m. little drop; a f. id.; '*fIfTj kanisa, in. ear (of corn). I-i4I kanfikaya, den. P. be in distress. cmqMka'nta-ka, n.thorn; fish-bone; social pest, enemy; obstacle; N. of an Agrahdra; -bhug, m. camel. [hair; -in, a. thorny. En fe- kan'tak-ita,pp.thorny; w. bristling Cnf-iWi~rkantaki-drumaa, m. atree; -vriirsha, Ms. hind of thorny tree. [hdra. En e-nT kanta-kautsa, m. N. of an AgraZ5, kantha', m. neck, throat; proximity (a. -0,f. ^, i); -ka, m. necklace; -ga, a. reaching to the neck; -gata,pp.attached to the neck; being in the throat.= about to escape (breath); -graha, in., -na, n. embrace. ZEMI kantha-niila, n. stalk-like neck; _privrita, n. neck covering; -bhu'shana, n., -bhiish&,f. necklace; -vartin, a. being in the throat = about to escape (breath); -siitra, n. hind of embrace; -sthali, f. neck. ZE!T,3IT kantha'ra-ka, travelling bag. ZfV3T' kantha ftslesha, in. embrace. Zfif7'U~ii kanth-ika'f. necklace. qI Z kanth'i-rava, mn. lion. ZRII3J ka'nth-ya, a.being on or in the throat; good for the throat; guttural. [f mortar. WWffkand-an a, n. shelling, huskinig; -ani, ZRQ kand-ujf., generally I~inkand~fif. itching, scratching; violent desire for -) -ura, -ula, a. itchiDng; -fiti~f. itching, ticklin g; wantonness. 4iW'4 kandft-ya, den. P. scratch: XK itch; -Yana, n. itching, scratching: -ka, a. titillating; -yitri, ms. scratcher. COM kandfi-la, a. itching. ~Ii~kandola, mn. reed basket. 14~ k~nva, in. N. of a Rishi: pl. his descendants; -vit, ad. like Kanva. 4M kata-ka, ms. a tree, the nut of which is usedfor clarifying water. ZfWka-tamI,inter.prn.who? what? which? (of many); -tari, inter.prn. who? which? (of two). Mjf4 ka'-ti, inter. pmn. how many? indef. som-e: usually with kid and api. ZfifJTMt~ kati-paysi, a. (i) some, a few: *in., ab. (with pp.) with some trouble, only just; -kusuma, a. having a few blossoms; -ritramu, ad. some days (lit, nights); -aFha: g. after some days; in. some days (before or after). -4f'rff'f kati-vidha, a. of how many kinds? -saiskhya, a. of what number? Wf kati-musha, ms. N. of an Agrahdra.;flp KATTH, I. K (P.) boast; praise; 'blame, disparage. vi, boast (ofin.); disparage, humble with (in.); cs. humble; boast. EjjMIm katth-ana, a. boasting; n. boasting. iMTW( kat-paydm, ad. somehow. 4MIkatham-rfipa,a.ofwhat appearance? T4ZIfi katha-ka, a. telling; ms. narrator. TVM katha~m-ghtiiya-ka, a. of what kind? EB' kath-ania, n. narration, communication, mention, report; -aniya, fp. to be related; worthy of mention. 4jWlT ka-thdm, ad. how? whence? why? with pot. or iinpv. (sts. imd.) how could, would, or should -? with mA, and aor. how should not -? sts. exclamation, what! sts. weakened to a simple interrogative = nonne or niuin? with u-fi, how, I wonder? how much snore? with neg. how much less? with iva, how so? why pray? with ni'ma, svid, how pray? why I wonder? with kana, by no means: generally strengthened by precedingnegative; withkhid and api (not till Kiiidhsa) indef. in some way, by some means, somehow or other, by accident; with difficulty, only just, scarcely (katham often repeated); a. little, somewhat; with neg. in no manner, by no means; yatha kathain kid, in whatever manner; mnany way. katham-bhfita, pp. of what kind? ZM katha-ya, den. P. (A.) converse, with (in. ~ saha); relate, tell, report; speak of; declare, state; announce, betray; command; assume, lay down; ps. be called, pass for. vi, talk idly. sam, relate, report; explain. T4 kathay-itavya, fp. to be told. 144 r. ka-thg,inter. ad.hbow? whence? why? y ah~katha ka, howsoever. ZfiWT 2. kath-at, f. conversation, talk, discussion about (lc., -O); story,, tale (about, g. or — O); mention, statement; Story (personified); ka kath&,i is not a question of -,-is out of the question, to say nothing of (g., lc., or prati); kg, shi kath, how could there be a question about it? =it is out of the question. '42T I " katha-krama, in. continuous Conversation; discourse; story, tale. W~TVT'M~ kath~na-ka, n. short story, tale. 62 62 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -kathantara. iww kmakr. ERMTR kathft ntara, n. conversation, talk. AW.TXT1t kathat-pitha, n. T. of the ist booki of theKathasaritsdgara; -prabandha, i.Ilegend; -prasaiiga, m. occasion of conversation: in., ab. =in the course of conversation, incidentally; -prasta~va, M. id.: -tas, in the course of conversation; -maya, a. consisting of tales; -mukha, n. introduction to a story; T. Of the 2nd book of the Kathdscaritsdgara; -yoga, m. conversation. cW ITqT1q kathft flfpa, m. conversation; narration; - va~i, f. collection of tales; - avasesha, m. survival in story only, i. e. death; a. dead: -tj. abst. N.; - avaseshi-bhuL, die. 4iWTI41R katha-sesha, a. dead: ta, f. abst. N.; -sandhi, m. junction in the narrative where it is interrupted by another; -saritsa~gara, m. ocean of streams of stories, T. of a collection of tales by Somadeva. 4it' kath-ita, (pp.) n. conversation, narrative. [dead. Mjfti kathi-kri, turn into a narrative: pp. Tq'iYq kathft daya, m. beginning of a story; statement; -..udghafta, m. beginning of a narrative. [be mentioned. qi kath-ya, fp. to be related; that may 4-, k~d, V. n. nmn., ac. sy. of ka, what?:= I hope? with, ne. I hope -not? esp. with kid O(kikkid); with kan& and neg. in no way; -P bad, wretched, insignificant. [torturing. Zgi kad-ana, n. slaughter, destruction; Zgf kad-anna, n. bad food: -td'f. abSt. N. EK kadamba, OZE -ka, m. a tree bearing orangqe-coloured blossoms; n.multitude, plenty; swarm. kddl-artha, a. for what purpose? Zio IIkad-arth-ana, n., a, f. tormenting; -aniya,fp. to be tormented; -aya, den. P. despise; torture, distress; surpass; i'-kri, disregard: -ti,f. torment. (I kad-arya, a. avaricious, miserly: -a f., -bh~va, m. avarice. W~ ka-dala, m. plantain tree (symbol of frailty); i-k-,f. plantain tree; flag, esy.o an elephant; i', f. plantain tree: -garbha, mn. pithi of the plantain: h, f. N.; -griha, n. plantain arbour; -sukham, ad. as easily as a plantain. 4P~T ka-da, inter, when? - kana, some -time, ever; - kid, some time or other; once; sometimes; perhaps; - _9pi, at any time, always; na - kana, kid, or api, never. Zf~kddru, a. reddish brown; tUf. earth; NV. of Kasyapa's wife, mother of the serpents.;Efjjf KAN, I. P. be satisfied; be pleased I-, with (ac.); shine. WR i* kin -aka, n. gold; m. thorn apple; N.; -kadalil, f. sspecies of plantain; -danda, m. royal umbrella; -pura, n., I', f. N.-of a city; -prabha,f. N. of ceprincess; -marigarIJf. N.; -maya, a. (iA) golden; -rasa, mn. fluid gold; -rekha,f. N.; -at&f. golden creeper; -leklia, f. N. of a princess; -valaya, rn. n. golden bracelet; -vhinil, f, N. of a river; -sikharin, m. golden peaked, ep. of Meru; -Suttra, n. golden chain; - adri, m. ep. of Meru. 4'iTfff T kanaka ftsana, n. throne,. ZOW kana-khala, m. pl. N. of certain 4i'T kan', f girl. [mountains. intv. of V/krand. [kcing (first century A.D.). Ch i~ikanish-ka, in. N. of an Indo-Scythic ~fi kan-i-sbkan, 3sitv. of V~skand. 'qf'qrn kdn-ishth-a (or -6), spy, smallest; lowest; least; youngest; younger; m. descending pail of water-wheel; 'a, f. youngest wife; little finger; a-ka, a. (iki') smallest; AM', f little finger; obedience. Wqj~ kan',f. girl (V. only g.pl.). ZRMNI kan-Tna,9 a. young, youthful: - in. boy, youth: m,f. girl, virgin; (3'na)-ka, in., a-ka, i-ka, f. pupil of the eye. WqN kdn-iyas, cpv. smaller, less; very little; younger; in. younger brother or son. ER; kan-tvd, n. welfare. qiTWT kanthft,f. patched garment. Zf'; kanda, in. bulbous root.,q kan-dara, n. cave; ravine; elephant ZF~<1' kan-darpa, m. K~ma; love. [goad. V% kan-dal-a, n. flower of the plantain; -i, f. plantain tree; -ita, pp. produced in profusion; -in, a. covered with blossoms of the Kandall; full of (02). qji kdnclu, frying-pan; -ka, m. id.; ball (for playing with); pillow: 31i1a fi. game of ball; -k-atI f. N. of a princess. ZM' kan-dhara, in. neck. Zfi kan-ya, a. smallest: -ka, a. id., a f. = kan-yft; -kubga, n. N. of a town, Kanauj. ZWT kan-ya~f. girl,virgin; daughter; Virgo (in the Zodiac);.agra, n. women's apartments; -griha, n. id.; -tva, n. virginity; -d~tri, m. man who gives a daughter in marriage; -dana, n. bestowal of a daughter in marriage; -dfishin, a. deflowering a virgin; -Pura, nA. women's apartments; -bhava, M. virginity; -bhaiksha, n. begging for a girl; -maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter; -vat, a. having a daughter; mn. father of a daughter; -vedin, m. son-in-law; -vrata,?n. monthlies: -sthf. menstruating woman. ERf kapa, m. PI. a species of gods. 'q71j kapata,mi.n. fraud: 0-,fictitious; -na'taka, m. N.; -prabaudha, m. cunning device; -sata-maya, a. consisting of a hundred kinds of fraud; -J'svara, m. N. of a temple of Siva. -Riq4 kapard-a, m. cowrie (small shell used as a coin or die); braid of hair in the form of a shell; -a-ka, mn., -ika', f. cowrie; -in, a. having hair wound in the form of a shell; curly, shaggy; in. ep. of Siva. qitIW kapala, n. half; part. EfitITZ kapfita, in. n. fold of a door; -ka (ik) a. id.; -vakshas, a. broad-chested. Wi kap'ala, n. dish, mendicant's bowl; plate; lid; potsherd; egg-shell; skull; -milin, a. wearing a garland of skulls (Siva); -sandhi, in. treaty based on equal terms; -sphota, in. N. of a llakshas. c-'TfW'(i kaphl-ikft, f. potsherd. kapMl-in, a. bearing a bowl or skulls; in. N. o~f Siva or of one of the eleven Rudras; kind of sectary. Efif-kap-iLm.monkey; -ketu,in.ep.ofArg-Lina-. Zfigka-pi'iigala,m.fra'ncolinepartridge; N. of a man; N. of a ssparrow: -uyya,7, in. after the fashion of the- Kapiiggala topic (in the Pilrvainmd'mmsad) according to which the plural (kapbfigalAn) means only three. qf'q-Nkapi-ttha, m. [monkey-stand], a tree; n. its fruit; -pati, in. ep. of Hanumat. %~f-kapi-d, a. (r onkey-coloured),browniish, reddish; in. species of monkey; N. of an ancient sage; A, f. brown or reddish cow; species of leech; -gata, in. N. of a sage; -dh `Asara, a. brownish grey; - rishi, ms. the sage Kapila; -.vastu,in. N. of Buddha's birthplace; -sarman, in. N. of a Brahinan.,4f q4 kapili'-kri,colourbrownorreddish. Zfifq'kkapi-sa, a. (monkey-coloured),brownish, reddish; -bhrtut,f. N. of a woman. ~Iftid kapi-shthala, in. N. of a sage: pl. his descendants: -sainhita^,f. collected scriptures of the Kapishthalas. %II WII kapitana, m. Y. of variouplns iiit kapi ndra, m. lord of the monkeys; ep. of Vishnu and of Hanumat; js~vara, in. ep. of Sugriva. ZN-E ka-pukkhala, n. hair at the back of the head; scoop of the sacrificial spoon. ka-pdya, a. stinking. qjUWkd-prith, OW -thsi, m. inembrum, virile. tf4 ka-p'ta, m.pigeo-n;,f~femalepigeon; -ka, in. little pigeon; -pa~1i, f dove-cot. WiTiff~fqiT kapot-ikA, f. dove: -n'yahya, Ms. fashion of a dove (which did good even, to ai, enemy). WijIR~ kapola, ms. cheek; -ka'sha, m. object which rubs against the cheek; -plif. edge of the ch eek; -phalaka, n., -bhitti,f -mu-h la, n. cheek-bone. %-qi kapha, ms. phlegm (one of the 3 humours of the body); -ghna, a. anti-phlegmatic. WiEW~ kd-bandha, v. ZirN kd-vandha. qR kabara, a. mottled, variegated; ms., i1f. braid of hair. r1~-. kd-m, (cc. sg.) pal. well: emphasizes a preceding dative. 2. ka-m, pcl. indeed (af~ter niit, s-ft, Mi). r 3.KAM (no pres. base), wish, desire; Xlv:pp. kAnta; CS. kAmaya,A.() id.; excite to loe p.kmita, desired. anu, cs. desire. abhi, as. be in love. '4R-9~ kamatha, in. tortoise. WRIW1 kam andahi, in. ascetic's water-pot: -pani, a. having a water-pot in the hand. WMr' kam-ana, a. (i1) enamoured; -anliya, fp. to be desired; lovely, charming.0 AjTR kam-ala, in. n. lotus (called utpala at an earlier stage); 'a, f. ep. of Lakshmi; sg. & pl. riches; n. water; -ka, n. N. of a town; -garbha, -ga, in. ep. of Brahman; -devi, f. N. of a queen; -nayana, a. lotus-eyed; -nabha, in. ep. of Vishnu; -netra, n. lotuseyed; -b~ndhava, in. ep. of the sun; -bhavana, in. ep. of Brahman; -mati, ms. N.; -maya, a. consisting entirely of lotuses; -1okana, a. lotus-eyed: &,f. N.; -vatijf N. of aprincess; -vana, n. bad of lotuses: -maya, a. consisting of beds of lotuses; -vardhana, ms. N. of a king; -varman, in. N. of a king; -sainbhava, in. ep. of Brahman. WMil karnalaqkara, in. bed of lotuses, lotus lake; N. of varioues inen; - aksh~a, a. 9 —. A kamal-ini. 1'q4 kar-tva. '63 (i) lotus-eyed: - agragf. ep. of Alakshml; A-kesava, m. N. of a temple; A-hatta, m. N. of a market-place; - a'laya^,f ep. of Lakshml;..sana, ns. lotus seat. q~tff kamal-i f. lotus plant; lotus bed, lotus pond: -kf. dim. small bed or lake of lotuses; -dala., n. lotus leaf (Pr.). 1 TIkamalaikshana, a. lotus-eyed; - udaya, m.N.; -u-d'bhava, m. ep. ofBrahman. Zift kam-i, the root kam, (yr.). 'Cgj- KAMP,9 I. A. (P.) kiimpa, tremble; '-es. kampaya, cause to tremble, shake. anu, sympathise with (ac., lc.); cs. id. samanu, id. a, quiver; es. cause to tremble:pp. agitated. ud, tremble. vi, tremble, quiver; es. cause to tremble; agitate. EM kamp-a, m. tremor, quivering; earthquake; quavered svarita accent; -aua, a. trembling; shaking; agitating; m. N. of a country; n. shaking, waving; a-vat, a. trembling; -ita, (pp.) trembling; shaken; n.tremor; -in, a. trembling; -,shaking. [lently.:aqTi:Rf kampa uttara,9 a. trembling vio";q kambald, m. (n.) woollen cloth, cover, orgarment; -'svara-gra~ma,m. Nofavillage. Zfi kambu, rn. shell; bracelet of shells; -ka, n. N. of a town; -kantha, a. (i1) having a shell-like neck, i. e. with three folds; -gri'va, M. N. of a tortoise. c"h~ kamboga, m. pl. N. of a people. EM kam-ra, a. charming, beautiful. W4TptIq kaya-subh-'Iya, n., RY. I. i65. qi. kar-6, a. (i1, rarely 'a) doing, making; causing, producing (generally -2O); m. hand; elephant's trunk. ZB 2. kar-a, m. ray; duty, tax. 14T4 kara-ka, m. water-pot; a tree. Z517T kara-kaf. hail: - abhigha~ta, m.hailstroke. Zfi kara-kisalaya^n(hand-sprout), finger; -ggraha, in., -na, n. taking by the hand, 'MT karafika, in. skull. [wedding. ZK3 kara-ga, in. finger-nail, Aif, kdraiiga, m. a tree. qiT karat-a, m. elephant's temple; crow: -ka, in. crow (Pr.); N. of a jackal; -in, sa. elephant. 4IV!f ka-r-ana, a. (lA) making, producing, performing ( —); sn. a certain mixed caste; tune; word (yr.); n. making, doing; performing; producing; action; deed; rite; business; organ of sense; body; instrument; legal document or evidence; notion of the instrumental case (yr.): at,. -tva, a. instrumentality (gr.): -rutpa, a. having the form of an inastruJn ent (ph.); I-y P. to be done; n. business. ZfTI karanda, a. basket; little box of wicker work; -ka, n., i-&,. id. E51,7 kara-tala, a. palm of the hand: -gata, pp. held in the hand, -Afia, clapping of the hands; -da, a. paying taxes, tributary; subordinate; -dhrita-sara, a. holding an arrow in his hand; -pattra, a. saw; -pallava, m. finger; _pada-danta, mn. hand, foot, or tooth; al~a, m. receiver-general oftxs; -put', f hollowed hand; -pr'pta,pp.heldinthehand; -badara, n. j uj ube berry in the hand= =perfectly obvious matter; -bha, m. elephant's trunk; camel; young elephant or camel; hand between wrist and fingers: -ka, in. N. of a messenger; -bhftshana, a. bracelet; -bhajirft, a. f. having thighs like an elephant's trunk. TKP karambhd, m. pap, porridge; -ka, a. id.; m. N.; -balukii-t~pa, in. pl. porridge of scorching sand (a torment of hell). ZNI kara-ruha, m. finger-nail; _vira, n. Zf~ kdr-as, n. deed. [fragrant oleander. kara-stha, a. lying in the hand; 3i-kri, place in the hand. kard-sna, m. fore-arm. AFTl kara agra, n. tip of finger or ray; -Agh~ta, in. blow of the hand; -afiguli,f fin~ger of the hand. NWT~Ti karftyika', f. kind of crane. ZKImr karala, a. prominent; gaping; formidable; in. N. of a locality; A, f, ep. of Durgh; N.; -kesara, m. N. of a lion; -ta', f. gaping condition; formidableness. ETTWW kara alamba, in. support for the hand = sheet anchor. 4iT FV karhla-vadana, a. having a gaping or formidable mouth. 14T~TTTT karftlk-ya, A. become formidable. CO Tf~fI karhl-ita, pp. make formidable;increased. Co KTf~ kara ahatijf blow with the hand. Zfiftqi kari-ka, -~ - karin, m. elephant; -kumbha-pita, a. elephant's frontal bone. if~kar-in, a. making, fashioning; m. elephant; (n)]'f. female elephant. ZfiKW~kar-ishnu, a. doing, performing(O) -ishyat, ft. Pt. future. [I. i65, 9. 14f"Krkarishya[h], 2 sg. ft. subj. '.,kri, RV. 'JWk kar'-kri, bring as a tribute. qi'#VK karfra, m.n. shoot of a bamboo; m. a leafless plant; n. its fruit, WKI(V karisha, a. refuse, (dry) cow-dung. ZKTI kariina, a. doleful, pitiable: -in, ad.; in. a plant; ^, f. pity, compassion; -dhvani, m. wail; -vedi-ta^,f. compassionate disposition. zflJ karenu,mi.f. elephant: -,ka,f.female elephant. [(~,a.) skull, head. karoti, f.basin, bowl; skull: -ka, WcoYfki karoti, 3 sg. pr. of VkAri, do; -karman, a. having making as an action = verb of making.,4MI karka, a. (i) white; m. white horse; &Jf. Zj47 kar-kat.-a, in., 'I,f. crab; curved end of the beam of a balance; i', f. drinking bowl: -ka,1 in., i f. crab; Cancer (in the Zodiac); -sriiiga, a. crab's claw; i-ka^, f. a plant; a isa, M. N. of a temple. [fruit. *~karka'ndhu, in.f. jujube tree; a. its kar-kar-a, a. hard; in. leather strap () -i or -i', f. kind of lute; 3i.f. water-jar. II karkaretu, in. Numidian crane. ZEATT karkasa, a. rough, hard (also fig.): -tva, n. hardness; harshness. 4%f' karki, 10Wf-n,in. Cancer (in the Zodiac). ZiNk: karkota, m. pl..N. of a people; -k&, m. N. of a snake; aplant; pl. N. of a people. ~j~karhutra, a. orpiment. ~*kdrna, in. (sa., f., i)ear; handle; rudder; N. of several men, esp. of a son of Kunti; a. having ears or handles; long-eared (also &); -kuvalaya, a. lotus attached to the ear; -la'mara, a. whisk adorning the ears of elephants; -ggpa, in. tale-bearing; -ta^, f. condition of an ear; -ta'la, in. flapping of elephants' ears (-2O); -dha'ra, in. helmsman; sailor: -t', f. h elmsm anship; -nilotpala, a. blue lotus attached to the ear; -pa, in. N.; -pattraka, in. flap of the ear (tragus); -patha, in. ear-shot, hearing: -in, a&-ya, or upa i, come to the ears: - atithi, in. = come to the' ears; -Paramnpara^,f. passing from ear to ear, gossip; -psa, in. beautiful ear; -p fira, in. a. ear orniament, esp. flowers: -p itraka, ms. N. of a chattering servant; -pfiri-kri, turn into an ear ornament; -bhafiga, in. curve of the ears; _bhiUshana, a. ear ornament; -mfila, a. root of the ear (where it is attached to the head); -vainsa, mn. flat projecting bamboo roof; -vat, a. having ears; -vish, f. ear-wax; -visha,, a. poison for the ears; -veslita, mn. ear-ring: _U.a, n. id.; -irsha, a. Sirlsha flower attached to the ear; -srava, a. audible; -subhaga, a. pleasant to the ear. qmiTifWi karna aiigali, in. pointed ears. OTjTZ karnftta, in. pl. N. of a people; i,f queen of Karnflta. Tff-WWq- karnaaantika-kara, a. flying about the ears; - ibharana, a. ear ornament; -_ainrita, a. nectar for the ears; *-alamn. kiarana, a., -karam,-kriti,f. ear ornament; - avatamsa, id.: 3i-kri, turil into an ear ornaent.[of the lotus. c i~ikarn-ika, f, ear ornament; pericarp ZfiTKR karni-kftra, m. a tree; a. its fruit. '-fif{#Vkarn-in, a. having ears; barbed; in. helmsman.!ff~Wkarnl-ratha,m. hind of litter; -suta, in. e~p. of the author of a manual on stealing. ZOTq karna utpala, a. lotus attached to the ear (-t&, f. abst. N.); ini. N. of a king; - pakarnika, f. gossip. qA. karta, in. separation, distinction. 2. kartd, ms. hole, pit (=garta). ajfiI kart-ana, a. cutting off; -ari, -k~,f cutting instrument, scissors; -arn, f. id. ZD kdr-tave, V. d. inf. of VIkri: -t~vya (or 9),fp. to be done, &c. (v..Vkri); a. affair, business; what should be done, duty: t^ f. duty. Zf ITV krumns a. internding to do. 4* kar-tri, mn. doer, maker; worker; performer; founder; creator; author (of, g., O) agent, (logical) subject (may be in am., in. w. ps., org.w. vbl. N.); used as ft. of Vkri; -ha, -Pkartri, agent; -ta^,,f. being the agent of an action (yr.); -tva, a. agency; -bh-ftta, pp. being the agent (gr.); -rf'pa, a. having the form of an agent. -.5' qMT'kar-tos, V. (g.) inf. of V/kri, do. W kart-tavya, fp. to be destroyed. c"5 kart-tri, in. i. destroyer; 2. spinner. ~I#~FR kart-tri-ka', f. hunter's knife. Z5?A kart-ya,fp. to be cut off. [a. task. kdr-tva, a. to be done or performed; 64 44qkard-ana. rf rkaPAgi ikikard-ana, m. N. of a king. Cigjii krdama,m.mud,dirt,impurity; dregs; 4f karpata, n. rag. [-ra-ga, m. N. Rii41! karp-ana, h-ind of spear. 7I' karpara, m. bowl; pot; n. potsherd. I1Tjkarpftsa, m. n. cotton-shrub; cotton. ~i~karpfira, m. n. camphor; -keli, m. N. of a flamingo; -gaura, a. N. of a lace. (whitish like camphor); -tilaka, m. N. of an elephant; -pata, m. N. of a dyer; -manigari,f. N. ofa princess; -flamingo; -drama; -maya, a. consisting of or like camphor; -vi1a~sa, m. N.; -saras, n. N. of a lake. ~qjqkarbu, a. spotted, variegated; -ra,a.id.: a, f. species of poisonous leech; ft-ra, a. id. CM" Mi karma-ka, -' = karman; -kara, a.() working for another; m. labourer, servant; artisan; -kartri, m. agent who is also the object of an action (in refl. verbs); -k~ra= -kara; m. smith; -kirin, a. performing a work ( —O); -krit, a. laborious, skilful; m. workman, servant; -kshama, a. fitted for deeds(O) -kesht&',f. labour, active exertion; -ga, a. arising from or caused by acts; -ganyata',f. being produced from works. [(c,9) karma-tha, a. fitted for, de-voted to Ci,1? karman-y'a, a. skilful, industrious; fitted for the performance of sacred rites. ZiIAT karma-ta',f., -tva, n. effect; notion of karman; -danda, m. complete control of acts; -dushta, pp. acting badly; -dosha, m. sinful act; -dharaya, m. compound inwhi c/t/cefirst word (generally an a.).describes the second. WP4~kdr-man, a. action, work, deed; function, business; rite; effect; direct object of an action (gr.); fate (result of an act done in a former birth). "4#ITi:[~karma-nam~n, a. name from an activity; participle; -nasA, f. N. of a river; -nishtha, a. diligent in (holy) works; -ny~sa, m. cessation of work; -pika, m. ripening of works, retribution for works done in aformer life; -pitakamn.sinful deed; -pravakani3"ya'm. (determining an action), designation of prepositions used with nouns and ofsome adverbs; -phala, n. result of actions:..hetu, a. to whom results of action are a motive; -baudha, m. bondage of action; -bihuiya, a. hard work; -buddhi, a. believing in human exertion; -bhui, f. land of works; sphere of action; -miya, a. (i).consisting of; produced by or having the nature of action; -mrgay M. road to action, thieves' slang for openings in walls 41c. mIL ma af.= pftrva-mlmamsh; -yoga, Tn. activity; practice of holy works; connexion with a sacrifice; connexion with previous acts: ab. or -tas, in consequence of fate; -.vidhi, m. rules ofaction or duty; -viparyaya, m. perverse action; -vip~ka karma-p~ka; _.SamIUPta, pp. having performed the sacred rites;..siddhi, f. success of an action; -shna, n. administrative office. 4Miiir karma tman, a. whose nature is action; z-:anta, m. completion of work; business, public affairs, management; - antika, m. labourer, artisan: -loka, m. la-bourers; - abhyasa, m. practice of a rite. iinkarm'dra, in. Smith. ~fI~karm-in, a. acting, working, performing; m. man of action. [(ph.). qiws' karma indriya, a. organ of action Eift karvata, a. market-place. qi'I kars-ana, a. making lean; harassing A4 karsh-a, in. dragging; ploughing; a weight(= i6malshas); -aka,a.draggiingabout, harassing ( —); ploughing, cultivating; m. busbandman; -ana, a.= karshaka,: it. bringing; drivingout; pulling;tormenting; ploughing, agriculture; bending a bow; -in, a. dragging alonfi; inviting; ploughing; mn. cultivator; -u, f. furrow; trench; incision. ka'-rhi, when? with svid or kid, at any time: na karhi kid, never. KA L, X. P.- (A.) kalaya; E. generally Nk~laya, impel, urge, drive; hold, bear; do, perform, utter; attach, fasten; observe, regard; reflect; believe in; consider, recognise as (2 ac.): pp. kalita, furnished with (~) a, shake, toss; hold fast; fasten; perceive; examine; reflect; believe in; regard as (2 ac.). prata count up, enumerate. ud,.pp. utkalita, opened, flowering. pari, devour; regard as. sam, be of opinion. ut-sam, pp. urged, commissioned. W kala, 'a. dumb; indistinct; inarticulate; choked with, tears (-'); low, soft (note); uttering a soft sound: -in, ad.; -kaathik&,f. female cuckoo; -kala, m. confused noise or cry: -rava, - arava, mn.id., -vat, a. tinkling. EN kalaiik-a, in. spot, blemish, stain, rust: -1ekha f. streak of rust; -aya,, den. P. stain,defile,disgrace: -in, a. defiled,disgraced. WV kalan-ga, m. a plant. cn~fl kala-tra, a. wife; female animal; hip; loin: -t&,f,. wifehood; -vat, a. having a wife; united with his wife or wives. chfqifkalatr-in, a. id. [gold,; silver. "M~.ft~kala-dhauta,n.(sounding &bright), 14if kal-ana, a. producing, effecting(~O) zjf. impelling; gesture; a. shaking, agitation.!*Wf kala-bha, in. young elephant or camel: WR~TfV.kaa-bhfishin, a. speakingsoftly. %'R kalama, mn. species of rice: -gopavadhft,f. female rice-watcher. ZIWIK~ kala-rava, in. soft note. [cuckoo. %W~ftW kala-viffika, in. sparrow; Indian ZHIRfl kaldsa, mn.pot, jar; bowl, cup (alsoli); tub; dome-shaped roof: -yoni, in. ep. ofAga. kalasi, f. churn. [stya & of Drona. W41 kalasa udaka, n., water in a jar. kalaha, mn. dispute, quarrel. ZfiM'r; kala-hamsa, inI f. kcind of duck, goose or swan; -ka, mn. id. dim.; -ta',f. abst. Ne. "" " kalaha-kantaka, m.N; kra, a. (i) quarrelsome; -priya, a. id.; -vat, a. quarrelling with (saha). tfi"UT1 kalahftya, den. I. dispute, quarrel. Zfif'i kalah-in, a. quarrelsome. lqjT( kalaf. small part, esp. one-sixteenth; sixteenth part of the moon's disc; interest on capital; small division of time (ranging between 8 seconds and aboutt 24 minutes according to different statements); 2artistic skill; art (of which there are 64); -keli, a. practising an art as an amusement; -gfia, a. understanding an art or the arts; in. artist; -dhara, r 5 1 1 r F p I I I I a. possessing an art or the arts; m. moon; -n~tha, Mn. moon; -nidhi, m. id. 1MIwRT kalfi antara,n.interest (on capital). WiRTIT kalft-pa, in. (what holds together the parts), band; bundle; quiver; peacock's tail; ornament; totality: -ka, m. string, band, -varman, m. N.; -pin, m. peacock. ~ITRkalft-bhara, m. artist; -bhrit, mn. id.; -vat, m. moon; -vid, a. = kalh-g~ia. ~iTTkaala dpa, mn. gentle tone of voice. UR~l, M. die or side of a die marked with one point (also personified); the fourth and worst age of the world; dissension, strife (also personified). [moon's disc; bud. '4f~R'qi kal-ika', f. sixteenth part of the %ifNrIRi kalikhtft, f. Calcutta. Wf kalinga, m.pl. N. ofapeople; country of the Kalifigas; -ka, -desa, in. country of the Kalifigas. [locality. IfW kalin-gara, m. N. of a king;- N. of a %f!'R~q-jkalita-karana,a.broken-legged. %fWXi kali-druma, ma. tree of strife; N. Of a tree. Co I " ikalinda, n. N. ofa mountain on which the Ifamunad rises; -kanyi,f. the Yamunfi; nIfW~UT kali-y uga, n. the fourth or Kali age. P~f kal-ila, a. filled with, full of (in.,-'); Mn. confusion. WV kal-usha, a. dirty; impure; turbid, dim; husky, choked; -- unable; a. dirt, impurity; -ketas, -mati, a. impure-minded. %iqi kalushft-ya, den. A. grow dim. %ilO kabushi-kri, dim, dirty, pollute; -bhf', become dirty or polluted. %kl kalevara, (in.) a. body. [guile, sin. kalka, in. paste; foulness, baseness, %f~~fkalki, 0w~-n, in. N. of afuture deliverer of the uorld, the tenth Avatar of Vishnu. En"b%, ikalkii-bhi, become paste. %19~K ALP, v. jt(KLIP. %W kdlp-a, a. feasible,, possible; able to, fit for (g., lc., inf., -O); nearly equal to, like (~O;after an a. -', almost; in. precept, rule, usage, manner; body of rules on ritual (one oft/ce six V~eddadgas); cosmic period (= a day of Brahmna,= iooo Yugas). prathamah kalpa/c, chief rule, original law. ~iIikiipa-ka, a. standard; in. precept, rule; -kshaya%, am. end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world; -taru, -druma, mn. fabulous wishingtree; -dhenufjfabulouswishingcow. %;9Mr kalp-ana, a. inventing; a'f. fashioning; performance; invention, fiction; hypothesis; caparisoning an elephant; fixing, determination; work, deed, act; formation, form. kalpa-pfila, ms. guardian of order, king; -a~f creeper yielding all wislses; -lams. = Kalpa tree; -sat'ya, den. A. appear as long as i oo Kalpas; -sAkhin, in. Kalpa tree; -sundari, f. N.; -sfitra, a. Sfttra on ritual. chI1 I 1f01 kalpa agni, in. world conflagration at the end of a Kalpa: - anta, in. end of a Kalpa, destruction of the-world; n'-, till the end of the world. r kalpaya. i kadambara. " RI i q-afij~W l 65 I I s a k S 'FT~ [ kalpaya, den. A. become or seem a Kalpa: pp. i-ta. ~ifRTE kalpita argha, a. to whom an offering of (-~) has been made. [imagined. qi[1W kalp-ya, fp. to be assigned; to be 'EF[ El kalmasha, n. dirt; taint; guilt; sin. cfqTl` kalmasha, a. (i) having black spots (-ta,f. abst. N.); m. N. of a Ndga; n. spot. *SiTTfW kalmash-ita, pp. spotted, variegated with (in.). Si~j kal-ya, a. healthy, vigorous; ready (for, Ic. or inf.); clever; n. health; day-break (-m, le., o-, at day-break); intoxicating liquor: -ta,f. health. ~i't kalya-varta, n. breakfast; trifle. qilnTW kalyana, a. (1') beautiful, lovely; good, excellent, noble; blessed, auspicious, prosperous; in. N. of a king; n. the good; virtue, merit; welfare, prosperity; festival; i,f. kind of pulse; -kataka, N. of a locality; -kara, a. (i) propitious; -kara, a. productive of utility; -krit, a. performing good deeds; -devi,f. N. of a queen; -parampar,, f. continuous good fortune; -pura, n. N. of a town; -prakriti,a. noble-natured; -lakshana,a.having auspicious marks; -vartman, m. N. of a king; -svami-kesava, m. N. ofa statue of Vishnu; - abhinivesin, a. benevolent; m. patron. Tqf If r ntkalyan-in,a.virtuous;prosperous. it h kallola, m. wave. [gatarahgin.i jThBg kalhana,m. N. of the authoroftheRdZiJq kava, 0- =ka-, kad-, ka-, ku-, bad. jWili kavaka, n. mushroom. WiTS kavaka, m. n. armour, mail; jacket; bark; -dhara, a. wearing armour-youth. Wigf'kavak-in, a. clad in mail. qfEifl kavandha, m.n. barrel; cloud; belly; trunk (of the body) ep. of the demon Danu, whose head and thighs were thrust into his trunk by Indra. -c[ [ kavaya, den. P. compose poetry. ViW kavala, m. mouthful, morsel: -ta, f. abst. N.; -na, a. swallowing; -ya, den. P. swallow: pp. kavalita, devoured by mouthfuls. A [ja kavasha, a. (') wide apart; m. N. I;TZ kavata, fold of a door: -ka, id. (-~). if akav-i, a.wise; m. wise man, sage, seer; poet; planet Venus. if1i9T kavi-ka,f. bit (on a bridle). sif n kavi-ta, f., -tva, n. poetic art or gift; -putra, m. N. of a dramatist; -raga, m. king of poets; N. of a poet; (i)-sasta (or a), pp. spoken or praised by sages. qi'n[akavavushna,a.lukewarm: -ta,f.-ness. kav-ya= kavi; m.pl. kind of Manes; n. offering to these Manes (generally w. havya); -vahana, a. conveying the offerings to the Manes (Agni); -havya-bhug, m. ep. of Agni. ji'[ kasa, m. kind of rodent; whip; a,f. whip; bridle; -aghata, m. stroke of the whip. if~ti kasipu, m.n. mat, cushion. WqjqI kasmala, a. (a,i) dirty; n. dirt; pusillanimity; despair. Rift h kasmira, m. pl. N. of a people; sg. N. of a country (Cashmere). ji'iV' kasyapa, a. black-toothed; m. tortoise; a divine being; N. of various Rishis. ~^[ KASH, I. kasha, rub, scrape, scratch. vM kash-a,a. scraping (-~); m. touchstone: -na, n. rubbing, scraping, friction; -pattika, f., -psshana, m. touchstone. Zi[Tn kashaya, a. astringent (taste); fragrant; red, yellowish red; m. red colour; passion; m. n. astringent juice; decoction; medicinalpotion; ointment; dirt; taint; deterioration, moral decline; n. yellow garment; -ya, den. P. dirty; molest; i-ta, pp. coloured red; dirtied, stained; penetrated w.,full of (-). i kash-ta, pp.bad; heavy, severe; miserable; forced, unnatural; pernicious, dangerous; n. evil, misfortune, misery (kashtat kashtataram, worst of all evils): -m, in.,ab., ~-, with difficulty, only just; -m, ij. woe! often w. dhik or ha dhik; -tapas, a. doing severe penance; -tara, cpv. most dangerous or pernicious; -labhya,fp. hard to obtain; -adhika, a. worse. ffR KAS, I. beam. nis, cs. nishkasaya, drive out. vi, burst, open, blossom; beam (with joy); spread out, extend. pra-vi, open: pp. ita, open, blossoming; cs. cause to open or Z [.k-as-un, inf, suffix as (gr.). [flower. i:r~t' ka-stambh,f. support of a carriage pole. If( RiT kasturika, f. musk; -kuraiiga, m. musk-deer; -mrigi,f. female of the muskdeer. [deer. iRit kasturi,f. musk: -mriga, m. muskqiWT( kS-smat, ab. of kim; ad. whence? why? on what account? i-;T kahlara, n. white esculent water-lily. 'ZT ka, - =ka-, kad-, kava-, ku-, bad. iTfth kamsi, m. goblet, cup. [iFT kamsya, a. brazen; n. brass; -kara, m. bell-founder; -tala, m. cymbal; -patra, n., i, f. brazen vessel. iTii kka, m. crow: i,f. female crow; -tM, f. state of a crow; -taliya, a. accidental as the fall of the fruit, in the story concerning the crow and the date, i. e. as accidental as the fall of the date at the moment of the crow's alighting on the palm-tree post hoc, non propter hoc: -m or -vat, ad. suddenly, unexpectedly; -paksha, m. crow's wing; curl on the temples of boys or youths: -ka, -~, a. id.; -yava, m. pl. grainless barley; -rava, a. cawing like a crow, cowardly; -ruika, a. cowardly. lTWifRT kakali, f. low, sweet tone; i,f. id.; musical instrument with a low note used to test whether one is asleep. ZfiT'if[iTL 4 k ka akshi-nyaya, m.: in., ab. after the manner of the crow's eye, i.e. in opposite directions, with reference both to what precedes and what follows; -akshi-golanyaya, m. id. [coin = pana. iiTffi# h kakini, Oft -ni, f. cowrie, small -iT[R kaku, f. cry of grief, wail; change of voice, emphasis. TTi k3h kutstha, m. descendant ofKakutstha (ep. of Aga, Dasaratha, Rama, Lakshii h kakud, f. palate. [mana).;Tnis~t kakola, m. raven; n. kind of poison; a certain hell. [crows and the owls. iT IntiuT kfka uluk-iya, n. story of the il'riVT d khkshivati, f. daughter of Kakshivat. Foil KANKSH, I. kanksha, desire, long v^ for, strive after; expect, wait for (ac.): pp. -ita. abhi, long for: pp. wished for, desired. a, desire, want; strive for; wait for (ac.), seek (g.), turn towards (ac.); require as a complement (gr.). W i^i k ahnksh-anlya,fp. desirable; -a, f. desire for (-~); -in, a. desirous of, longing for, waiting for (ac. or -~). Tm I khka', m. glass: -mani, m. crystal; -ra, hiT g kaga, n. mallet. [a. made of glass. WTWi'f kahkana, n.gold; money; a.(i) golden; -giri, m. gold mtn., ep. of Meru; -prabha, a. shining like gold; -maya, a. (1) golden; -mal,f. N. of various women; -varman, m. N. of a king; -kaiala, adri, m. ep. of Mount iiq-fi T kaiikan-iya, a. golden. [Meru. EiTrt kanik, f. small girdle generally adorned with bells; -kalapa, m. id.; -guna, m. girdleband; -sthana, n. hips. WRf!f[ kangika, n. sour gruel. ITfth kata, m. depth, bottom. 'i iZ hktkataya-vema, m. N. of a commen"T q n kAtava, n. sharpness. [tator. iTr katha, a. derived from Katha; -ka, a. (1) relating to Katha; n. N. of a Veda: - upanishad = katha upanishad. C'TIiff- kathin-ya, n. hardness, stiffness; firmness, austerity. WTi^ kand, a. one-eyed; blind (eye); perforated; one-handled; -tva, n. one-eyedness; -blhuti, m. N. of a Yaksha. wi#rt[ 1fi kaneli-matri, m. bastard. 4iTite kantaka, a. (i) consisting of thorns. ZiTlFE kUnda (or a), m. n. piece; section of a plant (fromjoint to joint); slip; blade, stalk; arrow; tube (of bone); section (in a book); -paata: -ka, m. curtain. iT(rT kandara, m. a certain mixed caste. iTjt kandi, f. little blade. 'mt hn kand-ira, a. armed with arrows. iTTch kanva, am. pat. descendant of Kanva: pl. the school of Kanva. -l cTF ka-tantra, n. T. of a grammar; m. pl. its followers. 4iTqRkatara, a.cowardly; timid,faint-hearted, despondent; afraid of (lc., inf., -): -ta, f., -tva, n. fear. [heartedness, cowardice. 'iTi katar-ya, n. apprehension, faintZiTii kat-kri, mock, deride. iRiTrrl katya ayana, m. pat. N. of a celebrated sage; i, f. N. of Ydgnavalkya's wife; a. (i) derived from Katyayana; i-ya, m. pi. school of Katyayana; n. T. of various works. '<7h kadamba, m. kind of goose with darkgrey wings; n. flower of the Kadamba tree. RT ^-T kadambara, n. sour cream; i,f. kind of intoxicating liquor; T. of a romance K 66 66 Tkadambini'. ka'rdama. I &its heroine: -lokcana Anauda, m. ep. of the moon; -sagdhika,f. common carouse. VT4fT kfdambinIVf-densebankof cloud. TWi~ katdrava, a. blackish yellow, reddish brown. [metr. of various ser~pents. rqkftdraveyd,m.descendant of Kadrfi, ~ ~k-Anak suffix ftna of the pf. pt. wriiM kftnana, n. forest (sts. withs vana): -anta, n. forest region, forest. [woman. UIT,' kin-nd, a. born of an unmarried WiTff i. ka'nta, PP. (v'/kam) desired; beloved; charming; m. lover, husband: a, f. sweetheart, wife; -ka, sa. N.; -tva, n. loveliness, Mif 2. ka an ta, asending in ka (gr.). [charm. ~iif~kftntft-ya, den. A.play the lover. ~*TITUR kantara, m. n. great forest; wilderness; -bhava, ma. forester; - anda-ga, m. forest frog. rfirkftn-ti, f. (a. -0 f. 'I) charm, loveliness, grace, beauty; brightness, radiance (of the moon): -prada, a. conferring brightness; -mat, a. lovely, charming, beautiful: -i,f N., -tA,f. grace, beauty. WT~ kftm-dis-iika, n. fleeing in all dirctions, fugitive. C"RTS kftnya-kubga, n. N. of a city, MIER. kftpata, a. (i fraudulent. [Kanaxsj. q1iVi kat-patha, m. bad road; evil course. wcNIE41 kftpft-a, a. (i1) connected with or made of skulls; m.pl1. school of Kaphlhin; -ika, m. Saiva sectary (wearing and eating out of human skulls); a certain mixed caste; -in, m. ep. of Siva; N.; a. practised by a Kfiphlika. Tfirkftpil-a, a.() relating or peculiar to Kapila; m. disciple of Kapila; -eya, m. descendant of Kapila. ~T ~~kapisayana, n. kind of spirituous liquor. [coward. corT3pi, ka&-purusha, m. contemptible man, wr Wr ka'pota, a. (i) peculiar to pigeons. Wqrkakbandh-ya, n. condition of a trunk. MRT kgma, m. wish, desire, for (d., g., lc.); intention; pleasure; desired object; benefit; (sexual) love; god of love; -c', a. (often after inf. in -tu) desirous of, intending to: ab. willingly; voluntarily; intentionally. EIRTIZUTI kama-kftma, a. having all kinds of desires; -kimin, a. id.; -kfixa, a. fulfilling the wishes of (g.); m. voluntary act; freedom of will: -tas, in., ab., O~- intentionally; voluntarily; -krita, p~p. dlone intentionally; -ga, a. going anywhere at one's own free will; following one's desires; -gati, a. going anywhere at will; -gama, a. id.: -go, f.cow of plenty; -kara, a. (i) moving at will: -tva, a. abst. Nr.; -ka~r6, ma. freedom of action; voluntary or intentional action; self-indulgence: -kmra-va~da-bhaksha, a. acting, speaking, and eating at will; -km~r-in, a. moving at will: -i-tva, n. freedom of action; -ga, a. produced from love of pleasure; begotten through sensual passion; -tantra, n. ft. of a work (book of love); -taru, m. Kalma (as a) tree; -tas, ad. through desire, lust, or love of pleasure; voluntarily; intentionally; -da, a. granting desires: -tva, n. abst. Nr.; -daminil,f. ironical N. of a lascivious woman (love-controlling); -&d-gha, a. milking =yielding every I wish: a,f. cow of plenty; -duh,f. (nm. -dhuk) id.; -deva, m. god of love; -dhenu, f. cow of -WRTW1 kim.-anbf. wish, desire. [plenty. TR kfimanda-ka, m. N. of a Rishi; I, f. N. of a Buddhist nun; N. of a city; i, m. pat. N. of a writer on polity: -saistra, n. Institutes of K&mandaki; 3i-ya, a. composed by Kkmandaki. ~iW~ khma-pfila, m. N.; _pisra: -ka, a. fulfilling wishes; -prada, a. granting wishes; -bhaksha, sa. eating at pleasure; -bhogfa, m. pl. sensual enjoymients. WM;i~i kamam, ac. ad. at will, at pleasure; to one's heart's content; according to desire, willingly, gladly; indeed; at all events; yet; even though, supposing (generally with impv.); kfimam-tu,kimtu, ka,kimka,punar, at api or tathfipi, it is true - but, although - yet; k~nam- na tu or na ka, certainly-but not, rather -than; yadi api - kmam tathipi, although - yet. WITI[P ka'ma-mfita, pp. impelled by love. WiTTWT kftmayfl, (in. f.) ad. frankly (with brfthi or pra-brfthi). irI1,_RfiI kama-rasika, a. indulging in love; libidinous; -r Apa, n. any form desired; a. assuming any form at will; m. pl1. N. of a people in western Assam; _ruipin, a. id.; -vat, a. enamoured; -varsha, a. raining as desired; -va'da, m. talking as one lists; -visin, a. changing one's abode at pleasure; -vritta,pp. indulging one's desires, pleasureloving; -sara, m. arrow of Khma; -saLsana, ma. ep. of Siva; _Sastra, n. treatise on love, fT. of various works; -Sus, a. granting desires; -sustra, n. a Sfttra treating of love; -haituka, a. caused by desire only. ERMIT~ kftma atura, a. love-sick; - Atman, a. voluptuous; filled with love: (a)-ta, sensuality; -_ andha, a. blinded by love;.ari, m.e.of Siva (foe of KAma); -sks.N of a king.!5ifq ka'm-ika, a. desired; -i-gana, m. lover; aiti f.condition of a lover; -in, a. eager for, desirous of (ac., -~); loving, in love (with, ac. or sirdham.); ma. lover: I~f Woman in love; girl, woman. iTri kam-uka, a. desirous (of, ~);in love with (ac.); m. lover: -tva, n. amorousness. WN ~T kamukft-ya, den. A.play the lover:.pp. -yi-ta; n. conduct of a lover. Ai#, kama svard, ma. ep. of Kubera. c~fT4fwN-0kam aunmatta,pp.mad withlove. TTifTW~ kampil-ya, a. N. of a city of the Pahka'las: -ka, m. a plant; -laka, ma. id. W72M kambuva, m. N. of a locality. Ch4TIr kfimboga, a. coming from Kamboga; m. N. of a people= Kamhoga. EiRW kam-ya, a. desirable, dear; amiable, pleasant; connected with a wish, interested; optional: -ka, m.N. of aforest and of a lake; a ~,. loveliness, beauty. [after (y., Ef 1R4 r katmyft, f. desire, wish for, striving 'q~ i. k~ya, a. relating to the god Ka (Pragapati); ma. nuptial form of Pragfipati; root of the little finger (sacred to Pragdpati. EMT I -. kftya, ma. body; mass, extent, group; capital: -kiesa, m. bodily distress; -danda, ma. perfect coutrol over the body; -miua, n. tent of grass, foliage, &c.: i-ka-niketana, n. id.; -vat, a. incarnate; -siro-griva, n. body, head, & neck; -stha, m. writer (mixed -caste). WIfqqi khy-ika, a. ('I) bodily. [interest. TFf4ERT kay-ikft, a. f. (se. vriddhi) kind of ai~~ fya idha-ga, a. born of a woman married after the manner of Pragipati. ZfT~k~r-a,a.(i) making producing, fashioning, performing; sn. maker (;fashioner, author; making, action, 0, sound, letter; uninfiected word; -aka, a. ai making, producing, causing, peifoiming (g. or -) *about to do (ac.), effectinor an object; ma. maker, fashioner, agent;n. relation of noun to verb, case-notion; ana, 0, a. making, causing, producing, na,f ) cause, occasion, motive (g., lc.,-0~); prime cause, element;basis; argument, proof; means, instrument; organ of sense; in., ab., Ic.,9-, from some cause: w. kena, kasmit, kasmin, for what reason? why? kim, kiranam, why? ab. for the sake of (g., — P); kenipi ka'ranena, for some reason or other; yat karanam, yena karanena, because. En I KI'i~ karana - kopa, a. angry with reason; -krudh, a. id.; -guna, sa. quality of the cause; -tas, ad. for some reason; at,f. -tva, a. causality; -sariira, a. causal body. ZfiTT!IT kar-anft, f. action. thRI 4T4[1 I'MT kftranaa'tman, a. being essentially the cause of (g.); ZaIntara, n. special W fTikftran-ika, in. judge. [cause. kftrandava, m. kind of duck. Co I V-rTM karayi-tavya, cs.fp. that should be caused to be done; to be managed; to be effected or procured; -tri, m. causer of action; barber. [plant. WRqk1 4 kftra-skara, m. kind of poisonous WrT~ k~rft,f. prison, gaol; Z-q agra, -griha, a. id.; -patha, ma. N. of a country; -sa, m. gaol, imprisonment. WVT~JWK kflra vara, m. a certain mixed caste (offspring of Nishaida and Vaidehi). WTfK-Tka'r-ika'j. activity; torment; memorial verse explaining obscure grammatical rules or philosophical doctrines. toI qff kflr-ita, pp. caused, produced by, relating to (-'0); a^,f. (sc. vriddhi) excessive interest offered by debtor under pressure. WTflikar-in,a. i. making,doing,producing (g., -); acting; 2. dispersing, destroying. 4TV, kftr —d, m. poet, singer; -ui, m. artisan (f fi) -ka, ma. id. [a. compassion. W~iTikfrusz-ika, a. compassionate; -ya, ~i~kaftr'ha, ma. a mixed caste (offs pring of outcast Vaisya). [harshness. W(~ karkas-ya, a. firmness, hardness; CITW1qi karkotaka, ma. N. of a city. WTA4Y kartaVirya,m.pat.ofArguna,prince of IHLaihaya. land sounding piteous. ~~T~cfT karta-svara-maya, a. golden rrfiqrZi k-artatnt-ika, m. astrologer. a1~krttika, m. N. of a month (OctoberNovember): i1, f. day of full moon in Kfirttika; e-ya, in. met. of Skanda, god of war. TIkftrtsn -ya, n. totality: in. completely. ~T Ikardama, a. muddy. wtf~ kaArpat-ika. ca c kavya. 67 f —ikftrpat-ika, mn. poorly clad pilgrim. j1 ka'rpan-ya, n. poor-spiritedness; poverty; meanness, avarice; compassion. iT1JT!T kfrph~ni, n. sword-fight. M1'T4 ka'rpa'sa, n. cotton; cotton cloth; a. made of cotton: Lf. cotton shrub; -ka, a. made of cotton; -tkutava, n. cotton cloth; -sautrika, n. id. Wq~rwfl~r kftrpahsa sthi, n. seed of the cotton shrub. [-ik&,f. *cotton shrub. MT1JTfkMI kftrpfls-ika, a. (I') made of cotton; 4TRWjII ka'rman-a, a. relating to or proceeding from action; enchanting (-tva, n. abSt. N.); a.sorcery, magic; -ika, a. produced bymagic. qqRT kfrarai a. deep red. Efir*R khrmatrd, m. smith. Mif#I kfirm-ika, figured web. IT, 4i kflrm-uka, i. a. efficacious; 2. a. ('1) made of Krimuka wood; n. bow: -bhrit, a. bearing a bow. [bow. _M9WTR kfrmukfi-ya, den.A. represent a w i1 kflrmuk-in, a. wearing a bow. AiT;kar-yi,fp.tobe done, made,performed, employed, &c. (v. Vkri); n. design, purpose, object, interest; duty; business; service; matter, affair; lawsuit; effect, product: -in, with in. of thing and g. ofpers., something is of use *to, some one cares about; in. on account of. Ct WTUIrT kftrya -karanajapekshi, f view to carrying out one's design; -kartri, in. promoter of the cause of (g.); -karana, n. a special object as a cause, special reason: -tas, ad. from special motives,..tva, a. beiug effect and cause; -ka'la, sn. time for action; -kintaka, m. manager of a business. 7fTT kftrya-tas, ad. as a matter of fact; at,f., -tva, n. fact ofbeing a product or effect; -darsana, a. (legal) investigation of a case; -darsin, a. sagacious, acute; -dhvamnsa, in. abandonment of a cause; -nirnaya, mn. legal decision of a case;.-parikkheda, mn. correct judgment of a case. [a product (ph.). Wq Tlt,14 kfirya-rfipa, a. having the form of 4 V '? kftrya-vat, a. having business to attend to; busy; having an object: AAi, f. business; -vasa, mn. influence of an object: ab. from interested motives; -viniyama, in. mutual engagement to do something; -vinirnaya, m. legal decision of a case; -vipatti, f. failure of an object; -vrit taa n fact of a matter; -vyasana, n. failure of an object; -sesha, in. what remains to be done, completion of undertakings; -siddhi, f. success of a matter; -hantri, in. thwarter of one's interest;..hetu, in. motive of carrying out one's designs: abi. with a view to one's interests. ~iT~TwTT~rkArya tipa't-a, in. neglect of business,: -in, a. neglecting business;;- dhi.A rn,. inister of policy; Za t r, a another business; leisure hour: -saliva, in. companion ofdiprince'sleisure oramnusements; -a.~pekshiu, a. having a special object in view. ITI kfirya artha, in. undertaking: -n ad. for a special end, for the purpose of business or work: -siddhi, f. success of an undertakinga; - rthin, a. concerned about a matter; dem-anding justice. I I WNEWi~ kftry-ika, a. id.; in. litigant; -in, a. id.; in. official. 0IT"ITkTT kftrya upekshft, f. neglect of official duty; -.uparodha, m. interruption of business. [minution. WI1~kfirs-ya, a. emaciation; smallness; di4Tf~kftrsha-ka, in. agriculturist,husbandman. [of a Karsha. MT X k'sa taamn coin oftheweight Wrfj~qi kfrsh-ika, a. weighing a Karsha. iT ka'rshna, a. (II) coming from the black antelope; belonging to or composed by Kr'ishna; n. hide of the black antelope. [a. iron. wrr~kkarshna yasa, a.(i')made of iron; WV4S ka'rshn-ya, a. blackness; darkness. MIR~ ix. kfla, a. (1) dark blue, black; in. the black in the eye; ep. of Siva. Wiff 2. ka'la, in. due season, appointed or righttime (for, d.,g.,lc.,inf.,-0~); time; opportunity; season; meal-time (of which there are two aday); halfa day; hour; age, era; measure, prosody;,Time, fate; death, god ofdeath; Yat the right time; in time, gradually; parah ka~1ah, high time (w. inf.); k1a'na kri, fix a6 time for (lc.); k~lam a adya, according to circumstances; in. ka'lena, in due season; in course of time: - gakkhati, as time goes on, in course of time; dirghena -, iaat~-o bahun& -, after a long time; kenakit -, after some time; tena -, at that time; ab. ka1lt in the long run, in course of time; kilatas, id.; with regard to time; g. diirghasya or inahatah kilasya, after a long time; kasya kit -, after some time; lc. k&16, at the right or appointed time, opportunely; in time =gradually; - apte, when the time has come; - gakkhati, in course of time; _ yate, after the lapse ofsome time; kasinims kit -, one day; kale kale, always at the right time; shashthe -,at the end of the third (lay: -- hnah, at the sixth hour of the day, i.e. at noon; panlkasate -, = after 250 days; ubhau kilau, morning and evening. 'q~[f khla-ka, a. dark blue, black; -kanigi, in.plI. N. of a tribe of Asuras; -kanthaka, M. sparrow; -karman, a. death; -kfi~kShin, a. waiting or impatient for the right moment; -k~rita, pp. temporary; -k A ta, m. kind of poison (esp. that produced at the churning of the ocean),; -krita, pp. produced by' time; temporary; — krama, in. course of time: in., ab. in course of time; -kshepa, m. waste of time, delay; d. to gain time; -m kri, waste time (wn. ic.); -gandika, f. N. of a' river; -gupta, (p.P.) in. N. of a Vaisya. ZfT;kfila-kakra, n.wheel of time; -giia, a. knowing the proper time; -gana, n. knowledge of time or chronology. qfiTRMI kkla-tft, f. x. seasonableness; 2. blackness; -danda, in. wand of death; -di\ta, in. harbinger of death; -dauritinya, n. tyranny of time; -dharina, -n, in. law of time= inevitable death; -niyaina, in. limitation of time; determination of the terminus ad quem; -neini, m. N. of an Asura slain. by Krishna; N. of a Brahsnan. "WTWPIW kila -pakva, pp. ripened by time; -paryaya, in. course of time; -pary~ya, in. id.; -pftsa, in. noose of the god of death; _Pasika, as. ha-ngman; -npurusha, as. time personified; minion of thc, god of death; -prabhu, in. lord of seas ns, the moon; -pr~pta, pp. brought by time; -bhogin, in. black snake; -inegha, in. blacks cloud. "I"~' kiflambya, ms. N. of a caravanserai. chI 4q ka~la-yavana, in. N. Qf a Dvipa; -yapa, in.: -na, a., -na, f. procrastination; -yoga, in. conjuncture of time or fate; point of time: -tas, ad. according to circumstances; -loha, a. iron, steel; -vila, a. having a black tail; -vid, a. knowing the times; -vidy', f. knowledge of chronology or the calendar;' -vibhakti, f. division of time; -vriddhi, f. kind of illegal interest; -vyatita, pp. for which the right time has passed. "TI'M= ka'las-eya, a. butter-milk. qWTRFkTTM kfla-shka, as. aplant; -samrocdha, in. protracted retention; -saiikhyA, f.cm putation os-determination of time; -sarpa, Mn. a. black snake; -sfittra, a. noose of the god of death; in.n. (also -ka), N. of a hell; -haraaa,, a. loss of time; -ha'ra, mn. id.; gain of time. ZfiTWT!', kftla aguru. mn. kind of black aloe; - angaua, a. black ointment; -a9nda-ga, am. black bird = Indian cuckoo; - atikrainana., a. neglect of the right moment for (g.); — tipgta, in. delay; -atyayazpadishta,p. lapse, bec m e vo d; - n a la, in. fire of alldestroying time, fire of universal death;;.anuu sa~rya, n. kind of fragrant benzoin, resin;..antara, a. interval of time; favourable moment: in., ab. after the lapse of c-ome time: -kshaina, a. brooking delay. WTTER kftlftpaka, a. T. of'a grammar. "TI t~qi kNlavnasa, a. iron; a. of iron: -dridha, pp. hard or firm as iron. [king. c-GT!RfkTj-Y4 khla asoka, in. N. of a Buddhist WrfOR kfl-ika, a. relating to time; seasonable; lasting as long as (~) WrflR'r katl-ik', f liver; dark mass of cloud; N. of a river; the goddess Kfill; -pur&na, a. T. of a Pur~na. WrfrW khiifga, 9j1c -ka, a. from the land of the Kalifigas; in. man or king of Kalifiga. '4fRV kftlinigara, ms. N. of a mountain. %Ii1rfJ; rkftli-dflsa, am. (servant of Khli), N. of various poets; the celebrated lyric, epic, and dramatic poet of this name lived in the sixth century A.D. [of the Yamunai. WTfR~i~l-i-man, in. blackness. wrfiRTq k'Il-iya, as. N. of a Ndga; cobra. WWIr k~ll, f. the Black goddess, a form of iTKVI kll-ks-i, 'blacken. [Durgfi. EFTWIEI kaM-iya-ka, in. N. of a Ndga; a. fragrant black wood (sandal or aloe). I MI fq If_;k kfli-vilA sin, am. husband of K5il (Siva). [unfairness. ZfTj kftlush-ya, n. turbidness; foulness; iZ i W7T kftle-karyft,f, seasonable occupaZiT~M kfil-eya, a. a fragrant wood. [tion. ZfT#1tK~ kftla uraga, in. black snake. WWT~ kfllya, a. day-break: -mn, lc. at dayWWN~~ kflvandha, a. (i2) trunk-like. [break. 14flf kver'i, f, N. of a river. IwZ i. kfva'I, a. having the qualities of or coming from sages. [or gift. WW 2. kgvya, a. id.; a. wisdom; seer's art 68'1 kA Chlc*41'aqa., ita. 1 T43. kavya, m.pl. kind of Manes; n. poem; -kartri, m. poet; -goshthi,f. discussion on poetry; -gliva-g-iA," M. Venus, Jupiter, and *Mercury, or a. understanding the purport of a poem; at& f. -tva, n. condition of a poem; *-devi, f. N. of a queen; -pakqa, m. Light of poetry: T. of a work on poetics by Marmmata and Alata (i i th, orI 2th century); _MiM~ma-~ ka, m. rhetorician; -rasa, m. flavour of poetry; -Astra, a. poetry and learning (0~;treatise on poetry; Poetics: T. of a work. wrT ftkavyadarsa, m. Mirror of poetry: T. of at work on poetics by Dandin (6th century A.D.); - alamkira, m. Ornament of poet'ry: T. of a wokbyVmana (9th century): -siitra, n.pl.IVadmana's Sfttras, -vritti,f.his commentary on them. WVT~ KAS, I. A. (P.) be visible, appear; kA'- shine: pp. -ita, shining, bright; iutv. kakas, shine brightly. nis, cs. show; turn or drive out.:pra, appear, become manifest; shine; cs. make visible, show, display; aninounce; illumine. vi, intv. illuminate. WI kftks-a, m. kind of shining white grass. ifrkats-'i, m. closed hand or fist; handful: PI. N. of a people; f. i or i, Benares: i-ka, a. coming from KAMi or Benares: A, f Benares; T. of a commentary (p? obably 7th, century A. D.) on Pdnini by Vdmana and Gaydditya (sc. vritti); -in, a. having the appearance of (-O); i-witi, m. lord of the Khsis; -puri,f. city of Benares. coT 'Jk ftsmal-ya,n-despondency,despair. W kUsmira, a. (i1) belonging to Kasmira; m. king of Kasmlra: p1. N. of a peopl and a country; n. saffron: -ka, a. belonging to Cashmere; i-ka^, f.princess of Cashmere; -ga, n. saffron. ' QaIft~ kftsmilrika =kasmi-raka. ~toI I k'asya, m. king of the Katsis; a',f. princess of the K~sis. wtor k,XTUsyapa, a. (i') belonging to Kasyapa; m. pat. descendant of Kasyapa. ZM kftsha, m. rubbing (0). WrOr~gkshaya, a. brownish red; n.brownred, garment; i',f. kind of bee or wasp. WE kfishthd, n. (piece of) wood, log; a measure of lengqth; a measure, of capacity; -kutta, m. kind of woodpecker; -kiita, m. id.; — b a~rika, m. carrier of wood; -maya, a. (i) made of wood; -raggu, f. rope for tying wood together; -loshta-mnaya, a. made of wood-or clay; -stambha, ms. beam. MBTT ka-shtha,f~race-course, celestial course (ofwind and cloud); quarter; goal, boundary; summit; height, maximum; a measure of time. "Iff% kftshth-ika, as. wood-carrier. %ijf( KIS, I. ~. cough. "RI~ a. kfts-a, mn. going, moving.;VTf2.kafs-6,m.,lf~cough; -vat, a.coughing. WVrwK kftsftra, in. pond, lake. [coughing. WrfEM~ kgs-ika, f. (slight) cough; -in, a. '4T1fW kfihala, a. indecent; excessive; dry; as. lar~ge drum; af kind of wind instrument. kfthlftra, a. derived from the white water-lily. fi. aki, inter.pvrn. st. in kim, kiyat, kiAdris,&c. f.j2. k-i, suffix i in pap-i, &c. (gr.). f~~kim-yii, a. desiring what? -rftpa, a. of what form or appearance? -vadanta, Sn. N. of a demon: 'I, f. report; saying, proverb; -varna, a. of Iwhat colour? -vishaya-ka, a. relating to what? -vritta, pp. surprised at what has happened, incautious; ~-Vyipara, a. occupied with what? Nlq kim-s-uka, mn- a tree; n. its (scentless red) blossom; -Sakhi, mn. bad friend; -suhrid, sn. id.; -hetu, a. caused by what? firrkikniasa, in. g articles of bruised grain. fII!kim-karad, M. servant,3 slave: -tva, n. servitude; i',f. female servant or slave; -kartavya-ta', f. perplexity as to what is to be done next; -ka~rya-ta',f. id. fTfVW!T kift-kin-i, f. small bell; Ak'f. id.; -ik-in, a. adorned with small bells. I M kimkan-ya, n. property. f~f~kimk it-ka, indef.prn. witlhp receding Yap any, every; -kara, a. significant; (n)-mfitra, n. a little bit. fW~I~7 killgalk-a, stamina (esp. of lotus); -in, a. furnished with stamina. f~ft kiti, as. wild boar. f~~kitta, n. secretion. fijkina, as. callosity; scar. [spii) f~~kinva,. n. yeast; ferment (usedin making fc*?k-it, a. having k as its it (yr.). fW1 kitavd, sI~f gamester; cheat, rogue. f% f kid-vat, ad. like a kit (yr.). fPTk-i-n., a Primary suffix i (gr.). kindu-bilva, Oft- -villa, N. of a race or of the birthplace of Gayadeva. f~i~ kim-nara, m.fabulous being (half man haltf animal) in the service of Kubera; N. of various persons; -nimaka (iki), _namadheya, -naman, a. having what name? -nimitta, a. occasioned by what? -in, why? ff~i: kMm, (nm., ac. n. of ka) what? why? often -simple inter. pcl. not to be translated (= num, an); often used with other pcls.: - afig&,why, pray? how much more? atha -, how otherwise? =it is so, certainly; - api (not till Kdlidsa) very, extremely; vehemently; nay more: with neg. by no means; - iti, wherefore, why? sts = iti kim; - iva, wherefore? -u, pray? why, pray? how much more or rather? -uta, how much more? how much less? (in neg. sentence); kim ka, and also, and besides, moreover; - ha na, somewhat, a little: with neg. in no way, by no means; - kid, somewhat, a little (sts-followed by iva): with neg. by no means; - tarhi, (after neg. not) but; - tu, but, however; nevertheless; - tu tathp or param kim tu, id.; - nu, emph,inter. how much more or less? kim flu khalu. why, I wonder? emph. inter.; kim punar, how' much more or less; however, still; but; kim Va, or; perchance? kim svid, why, I wonder? I wonder? In double questions the second kim is gnly.joined withuta, u ~ u~vat v9; orathav', aho svid,uta, uta a~ a, Vapi are used in the second place without kimn. kim, with In. or gd. what is the use of - to (g.) l ffRTiqrT k"'m-adhikarana, a. directed to what? -ab),idhana, a. how named? -mrtha, a. havi7 gy what purpose? -in, ad. for what purpose?2 wherefore? -Akhya, a. how named? -ifh~ra, a. relating~to what? fR4WR~kim-idfin, m. kind of demon. f%4it! kim-'iya, a. belonging to whom orwhat place? f -Ci1f -R kim-parivatra, a. having what retinue? -pufrusha (or A), M. hind of elf, dwarf (attendants of Kubera); -prabhava, a. how mighty? -prabhu, m. bad lord; -phala, a. producing- what fruit? -balm, a. how strong? -bhfta, pp. being what? having 'What attribute (in commentaries w. reference to nouns)?..bhritya, as. bad servant; -mkya, a. consisting of what? -Matra, a. of what extent? WqIT~iykkrm ac. ad. how long,,? -hirena, in. ad. how soon? f(kf'-yat, a. how great? how far? how long? how various? of what kind? of what value? kiyat, ad. how far? how much? wherefore? = uselessly; indef. pmn. a. small, little, some; n. ad. a little, somewhat; wit hfollowing ha 4- preceding yaVat, however great; ofwhatever kind; with api, however great; kiyati a", (lc. with prp. X) since how long? kiyad-du'ra, a. some distance: -in, ic., 0~, not far,,a short way. [ance; n. trifle. fI~e4Q~ kiyan-ma'tra, a. of little importfir kiy~m~bu, n. an aquatic plant. Ia4. KIR, kildt~i &c., V. El KRI, scatter-. flT2. kir, a. scattering, pouring out (~) f ijkir-dna,ma. dust; mote; ray. fiVf7 kira'ta, as. merchant. fWry kirafta, as. pl. N. ofa barbarous mountain tribe of hunters; sg. man or king of the Kirdtas: 7i,f. Kira'ta woman; - argunzya, n. Arguna's combat with Siva di~sg-ised as a Kir'ta: T. ofapoemebyBhdravi(6thsCent.A.D.). zf~i-CT kirilt-a, n. diadem; as. merchant; -in, a. adorned with a diadem; m. epithet of Indra and of Arguna.. [i-rita, pp. id. PT~T kirmi-rad, a. variegated; ii-ra, a., NWa. killa (V. sts. A), ad. quidem, indeed, certainly, it is true; that is to say, it is said or alleged; as is well known. 2. kila, a. playing. fir kilaiiga, as. mat. [a. leprous. kil'as-a, a. leprous; n. leprosy; -in, fMIfM kiliiiga, as. mat. fnTfM4 kilbish-a, n. transgression, g uilt, sin; injustice, injury:.-sprit, a. removing or avoidin,, sin; -in, a. guilty, sinful; as. sinner. IfOVw I,Rkisor, as. foal; young of an animal; -kca, as. id. [f. N. of a care. I fn kishkindha, s. N. of a mountain; 'a, f~l~kishku,m.fore-arm;hanidle (ofanaxe). fV,'O kisalaya, a. bud, shoot, sprout; den. P. cause to sprout; arouse: pp. i-ta, sprouted; having young shoots. -fl fikl'kata~m.pl.N.ofanon-Aryanpeople. ZRZWkikasa, as. spine; a. bone. ld~ kkaka, as. kind of bamboo; as. a yeneral of Virdta, vanquished by Bhi'masena: pl. N. of a people. kita, as. insect; worm; worm of a - r"rl kl~ta'vapa~ina.ktsa = wretched (0;-km, in., i-ki, f. id.; -a si. silk; -mani, mn. fire-fly. tfid 1T kitaavapanna, pp. upon which an insect' has fallen. tC5141(C T kita jtkara, m. ant-hill. zfjj kii-dr'iksha, a. of what kind? VfjIT~TT kildrig-Aiara, a. having wh at appearance?..riipa, a. id.; -vyipaira-vat, a., having what occupation? n~'Tkii-dris, a. what kind of? w.following ka and preceding y~vat, of whatever kind; -drisa, a. (i) of what kind? of what use? ZRMW11 kii-ngsa, in. [acquiring what? = indigent], agricultural labourer; miser. #~~kira, m. parrot: ~PI. N. of a people., #Eftf kir-f,2 m. bard, poet; -in, a. praising; kilrna, pp. V~krif, scatter. [. bard. ~Iikirt-ana, n. mention, report; enumeration; narration; _a ia,fptbemn tioned or praised. E*ft kirt~ya, P. (AK) ffention, say; name: propound, proclaim; recite, narrate; celeb~rate; call, pronounce to be (2 ac.); ps. be called, be. regarded as. ud, glorify. pari, blaze abroad proclaim,propound,declaire; praise; pronounce, relate; call; ps. be" called or accounted. pr94,proclaim, propound, approve; call (2 ao.); P., be called or acccuayted. sam-pr%, c;.pro.-Atnce (2 ac.); _ps. be called or accounten.. sam, mention; recite; proclaim, celebrate. #twid kir-tij,fmention; renown,farn e: -kara, a. (i) making famous; -mat, a. renowned, famous; -yuta, pp. id.; -sesha, in. survival in fame onl~y, death; -sira, m. N.; -sena, m. N. of a nephew of Vadsulci; -soma, m. N., ZR kila, 0A -ka, m. stake; peg, pin; wedge. M If MTkil-ki,f, peg; bolt; -ita,pp. fastened, bolted; naile-ddown; studded with (in.,-) #41 k-isa, M. monkey. i. KU, v. I KU-. 2. kui,f. earth, land, ground. 3i 3. ku, the class of gutturals (gr.). ji 4. ku, pmn. st. in ku-.tas &c.; 0-, bad, insignificant; badly, very; -kauyaka^, f. bad girl; -karman, n. wicked deed; -kalatra, n. bad wife; -kavi, in. bad poet, poetaster; -kayya, m. bad poem; -kutumbini, f. bad housewife; -kritya, n. infamous deed, wickedness. ~iRkukura, m. pl. N. of a people. _qM kuku'la, chaff. kukkutd, m. cock: Ii, f. hen; -ka, Tn. son of a Nishd'da, and a SWMr. 5iTT, kukkura, m. dog; 3, f. bitch.. ~j~kuk-shi', in. [V/kus] belly; womb; cavity, cavern; valley; bay: -ga, in. son. kukshi, f.=kukshf'. JR ku-glriha, in. pl. bad housewife; -ge-hinl f. id.; -gra~ma, mn. wretched village. T4Rkuhi-kurn-a, n. saffron (a kind of crocus): -panika, in. saffron ointment. KUK, VI. P. kuka, ~q KU N"%K, VLA.'ku~zka, contract, bend (int.): pp. -ita, 'contracted; bent, curved; curly; cs. kufikaya,, crisp, curl. 4, pp. bent; drawn in; contracted; curl. sa _ s p. contracted, oblique; suppressed. ud,`cs. pp. utkokcita, *blossoming. vi, pp. viku ikita, contracted; cur~ly. sam, contract, close: pp. samkukita, contracted, closed; cowering; dejected, disconcerted; es. samkokaya, contract; redure, diminish. V~ kukr-a, in. (du.) female breast. 3Mii~1 ku-kandana, ni. red sandal; -kark, a. roaming about; vicious; mn. bad man; -haritna, n., -karya', f. bad conduct; -kela, a. poor garment, rages; a. ill-clad: -ti,f. abst. Nv. 3W ku-ga, m. 'son of earth, ep. of the planet Mars: -dma; n: Tuesday; -gana, mn. bad man or people; -ganman, m. ni. man of low birth, slave; 2. son of earth, planet Mars; tree; -gi1vika,f. wretched existence. Vli kun-k-ana, n. contraction. kun-k-i, in. a ineasure~eight handfuls.!fT ITI c kuni-ikfl, f. key. kun-k-'i, f. caraway. ~KUIG, I. P. rustle, roar.. kun'g-a, m. copse, thicket; bower: -,kutIra, bower; -vat, m. N. of a part of the -Dandalca forest. in-a-a. elephant: -0 an elephant = chief of, most excellent; If. female UT, divide, break up. [elephant. ~ku~a-0a, m. a tree ( Wrightia antidysenIR~ kutdrfLi, Mn. cook. [terica). ~I~kut-ij. tend, curve (0'); hut, shed.JIzq kuti-la, a. bent, curved; crooked, winding; curly; gaing crooked ways, deceitful; adverse: -ka, a..winding; curly; -kesa, a. (3i) curly-haired; -gt~a. going crookedly or stealthily; f. a metre;P L~ rivr:- sa sn. lord of rivers, ocean; _pl~n a. winding; capricious; -t&, f. curliness; deceitfulness; -tva, n. id.; deviation from (.S); -muati, a. crooked-minded, deceitful; -manils, a., id. kutila asaya, a. having crooked aims. [(on thf stage). ~i~~~Tkutil-ikft, f. win ding mo imeflt ~i4 ikutili'-kri, knit (the brows). TZTi~kutilra, hut; sexual intercourse; 3-kri' choose for one's hut or abode. 317Wkutumb a, O' ka~nhousehold; family; family property:..parigraha, mn. household; family. 4_r4fMkutumnb-n, in. householder, paterfainilias; member of a family; domestic; du. householder and his wife: -i.mistress of the house; female domestic. KUTT, X. P. kuttaya, crush, bruis~e. vi, lacerate. [witli kutta, 04 -ka, a. crushing' or gri-nding li kutt-ana, n. stamping; Af jprocur5ss. JiFT kutt-&tra, a. tearing, lacerating(7) in. brawler. [N. of a rogue. kutt-inl, f. procuress jIkapata, in. A utt-irua., a. levelled. floc~r. FJTkuthftra, Oqi -ka m. axe; i-kkf. small axe; i-ka, in. wood-cutter. [~KUD, IMKUND, encircle.i kuda-va, mn. a mneasure and weight( = _prastha). kud-ma'la, a. budding; ms. a. bu0h n. kind of hell: -t*f. closure (of bud or eye);' i-ta, pp. covered with buds; closed like a bud. ~iTkud-ya, n. wall;,f.id. ~Iipi kslnapa, n. corpse; carcase, carrion; a. (ipa) decomposing, stinking like carrion. YWRT~ ksin-ftru, a. paralysed in the arm. ~i~rkunni, a. id.: -tva, ni. paralysis. ~T~KUNTH, pp. -ita, blunted, blunt; reaxed, jaded; ineffectual; dull. vi; pp. blunted. J!W~ kunth-a, a. blunt; relaxed; dvI~ledi..t4, f, absence of 'feeling (in a limb); -tva, n. dulness, obtuseness; -a asma-m&l&-maya, a. consisting of a series of blunt stones; 4 —kri, blunt; -i-bh, prove ineffectual. 1!kund-a, a., ILf. pitcher,jar, pot; 'scuttle; round cavity in the ground, round fire-pit; mn. bastard of an adulteress; -ka, mn. n. jar, pot, pitcher. 1PW kunda-la, a. ring, esp. earrnig; TUMi, a. wearing earrings; coiled; as. snake; 3i-kri, make into a ring, coil. q\~S I I kunda Asin,9 a. eating the food given by a kunda (bastard of an adulteress). kund-ikft, f. Pot. [J/idarbha. 'ifi? M kund-ina, n. N. of the capital of qISI kna ilnl a~f.hvg. ajar-shaped IMW ku-tanaya, in. bad son. [uddiir. 3M kui-tapa, m. n. goat's hair blanket. TN=qfku-tapasviin,m.bad ascetic;.tarka, in. bad dialectics., sophistry. JiW kd-tas, ad. = ab. of ka, from which? from whom? whence? sts. whither? why? often in drama before a couplet confirming a pre vio us remark = for; how? how much less, to say nothing of; kuto -pi, (late) from some;,kutas kid, id.; fromsomewhere: na -,fromno"where; na kutas-kana, id.; in no direction. JIIRR~ kutas-tya, a. coming from when~ce? with, api, of unknown origin. IfIT'T4I ku-tftpasa, in., 'I, f. bad ascetic. ~M ku-tu-ka, n. [regard to the whencel, curiosity; interest; eagerness for(0) 3MV kut~ft-hala, n. [cry of whence], id.; *pleasure, delight in (prati, lc. or — 0); curious, *interesting, or amusing object: in. eagerly, zealously: -krit, a. exciting curiosity, curious; -vat a. inustive; interested; eager. __ fkutfihal-in, a. curious~; interested. 3Mk il-tra (-trft), ad. = lo. of ka, in what? where t whither? what for? - -a.~pi, (late) somnewhere; - kid,;;-lc. in some-; somewhere: -with neg. nowhere (also of direction); kutra-, kid - kutna-kid, in one case - in the other,~ sometimes - sometimes. [where?' IR kutra-tya, a. dwelling or coming from Ji kilts-a, ms. N. of various men; -ana, n. reviling, abuse; contempt; term of abuse; -aya, den. P. [ask as to the whence: kut(a~s] abuse, blame; contemn: pp. iaU, contempt r7o I 70 kuth. rimrnr kula —patana. ible; blameworthy; 4, f. abuse, blame: in. contemptuously; -ya,fp. blameworthy.;* RUETH, stink: pp. -ita, fetid; es. kothI N. ay&, cause to putrefy. 3W kutha, in., Af. coloured woollen blanket. ~WU~W~ku-ftra-dfixa,rm.pl. bad wifeas a wife; -drishta,pp. imperfectly seen; -drishti, f.defective sight; false system; a. heterodox; -desa, m. bad country; -daisika, m. bad guide. 3RT; kuddftla, hoe, spade. ku-dravya, n. bad wealth; -dvara, a. back-door;..dhi., a. foolish; m. fool; -uakha, -nakhin, a. having deformed nails; -nadika, f.insignificant rivulet;.aiadi, f. id.; -nara indra, - svara, m. bad king; -nita, a. bad guidance; -uripa, -nripati, m. bad king. IWj kunta, mn. spear, lance. 3WMM kuntala, in. hair of the head; m..pl. N. of a p eop le. [of a forest of spears. 'fT kunta-vana-maya, a. consisting JiWIft k-intapa, n. N. of twenty organs. alleged to be in the abdomen; a certain section of the Atharva-veda. ~frkunti, m.pl. N. of apeople; sg. king of the Kuntis; -bhoga, m. N. of a king of the Kuntis, who adopted Kunti. #Ikuntijf. ep. of Prithat, wife of Padndu; -suta, in. son of Kunti (ep. of the sons of Pdndu). [-at. jasmine creeper. kunda, in. kind of jasmine; a. itsflower; ~~KUP, IV. kupya, become agitated; NQ 'grow angry, be angrywith (d.,g.),conflict with (g.): pp. -ita, angered; angry with (g. or upari); cs. kop~ya, agitate, excite, provoke. ud, cs. excite, produce. pra, become agitated or angry: pp. angry with (lc. or prati); cs. proyoke, enrage. sam, es. rage along. Pt kup-6, m. beam of a balance.!FT ku-pata, m. poor garment; -patu, a. stupid; -pathita, _pp. who has learnt (his part) badly; -pati, m. bad husband; bad king; -parigflita, pp. ill-comprehended; -pariksha-ka, a. estimating badly; m. bad estimator; -parikshita, pp. ill-investigated; -p~tra, n. unworthy person; -putra, m. bad son; -purusha, in. contemptible man; coward. JR1~ kupya, n. base-metal, i.e. any but gold and silver; m. N.; -ka, -?, a. base metal. 3i1ff ku-prabhu, in. bad lord;..plava, m. unsafe boat. ~ITku-bandha, in. degrading brand; -buddhi, f. wrong view; a. wickedly disposed; stupid. 'ki6bera, m. N. of the regent of the spirits of the lower regions and of darkness (V.); god of wealth, the world guardian of the Northb;..datta, rn. N. of a mythical being; -vallabha, m. N. of a Vaisya. IIZS( kubgd, a. hunch -backed; crooked; (a)-ka, a. id.; in. an aquatic plant. ~~ku-brahman, m. bad Br~hman. [3ff KUBH, ~TVKUMBH, be curved.] 1;9 ku-bhartri, rn. bad husband; -bha'rya', f. bad wife; -bhikshu, m. rogue of a beggar; -bhukta, n. bad meal; -bhritya, m. bad servant; -bhoga, in. poor enjoyment; _bhogaua, a. bad food; -bhogya, n. id.; -bhrfitri, m. bad brother; -mata, n. false doctrine; -mati,f. wrong opinion; stupidity; a. stupid; -man tra, m. bad advice; evil spell; -mantrin, 'M. bad counsellor. 3rr hibh-at, f. N. of a river (Cabul). 3i1TrK ku-mftrd, m. [dying easily], (newborn) child; boy; youth, son; prince; ep. of Skanda; (a) -k&, m. little boy, boy, youth; -' a young -;-va, n. boyhood, youth; sonship; -datta, in. N.; (&)-deshna, a. giving but fleeting gifts; -dhfira, f. N. of a river; -bhukti, f. apanage of a crown prince; -bhrity&, f fostering of a. child; midwifery; -vana, n. Kumtara's grove; -vikrama, a. valiant as the god of war; -vrata, n. vow of chastity;..sambhava, m. birth of the war-god: T. of a poem by Kdliddsa; -seua, mn. N. of aminister; -sevaka, m. prince's servant. 34if ICw Ikumar-ik-Kf. girl; N. of a part of Bhdratavarsha; -in, a. possessed of children. IRTfIKI~kumfri-datta, m. N.; -la: -bhatIa, -svgmin, in. N. of a Mlm~msist. TqIii( ku-mftAn' f. girl, virgin; daughter; (i)-pura, n. part of harem where girls live; -bha~ga, in. daughter's portion. VI ku-ma'rga, mn.wrong way, evil courses; -m~lana, in. N.; -mitra, n. bad friend: -mitra, n. bad friend as a friend. 3ffi~kii-muda, n. (white) night lotus; m. N. of a Ndga; N. of a man: -n~tha, m. moon; -mxaya, a. consisting entirely of white lotuses; - Akara, in. lotus group:..tA, f. abst. N. ENfT kumud-ikat, f. N. jip kumud-inil, f. night lotus; group of night lotuses: -niyaka, -vadhiUV Mi. lover of lotuses, ep. of the moon. JRJffkidmud-vat, a.aboundingiulotuses: -iL,f. night lotus; group of niff.tlotuses; N. ku-muhfirta, m. evil hour. ~j~kumbbh', in. pot, r r 0 a. jarshaped); a measure Of g~rain (= 20 Dronas); du.frontalprotuber.'.jies of anelephant; (a)ka, — ', a. id.; in. fl'rieligioues exercise consisting in closing the no6strils with the right hand to suspend breq,{hing: -karna, in. N. of a 116kshasa (brother of Radvana); -karnhya, den. Ar es e m b.eKumbha-karna (in sleeping long); -kara, M.? potter (a mixed caste); -karik&,f wife Of s, potter; -ganman, in. ep. of Agastya; -dalI f. common prostitute; -dhanya, a. havuig~ only a potful of grain; -yoni, in. ep. of Zastya; -sasnbhava, in. id. I'TK kumbha anda, in. kind of demon. J'ip'gi4 kumbh-ikat, f. small pot or jar; -in, mn. elephant (having frontal protuberances); *..ila, in. thief. 34ft kumbhi', f. pot, jar, pan; -dha~nyaka, a. having grain in jars; (i)-n~sa, in. kind of snake; _nas3i, f. N. of a 1?dkshasi; -pika, in. sg. 4- pl. kind of hell. ~f kumbhi-ra, M. crocodile; *-.la, m. id. V#i~ kumbha~udara, mn. (pot-bellied), N. 0f a servant of Siva; Z.dbhava, in. ep. of AP-astya; -udbhfita, in. id. 3T'kuratiga,m. antelope:-ka,mi. id.; -nayan&, — netri, _1okanA, - akshi, a. f. gazelleeyed. [lope. T'4T;kuraiigfl-ya, den. k~become anante7%' kuiaisgi,f. female antelope, gazelle; N. of a va>ughter of Prasenagit: -dris, f. gazelle-eyed.. [purple Barleria; a. itsflower. kurhba-ka, mn. crimson amaranth or kurara, in., 31, f. osprey. kui-rahasya, a. basessecret; -raga&n, in. bad king; -rigya, a. bad rule. 3Mi. kur-u, 2 sg. isnpv. of V1kri, do. 3K2. kiiru, M. N. of the progenitor of the Kurus: pI. N. of a people. UI~kuru-kshetrd, a. plain of Kuru; en. p1. people of Kureekshetra; N. of a country. '3i"T kurutat, f. N. of a woman. ~p iikuru-nandana, in. ep. of Arguna and of Yudhishthira; -pafikl1i, in. pI. the Kurus and Pafikalas; -pa'ndava, mn. due. PI. descendants of Kuru (i. e. of Dhiritarashtra) and of PAndu. 'TEGE kurubaka, 0W5 -vaka, probably inIcorrect form of kurabaka, -vaka. Tqkf ~ikuru-vinda, m.kind of barley; ruby. 3AFku-rftpa, a. deform~ed,ugly: -taf.deformity, ugliness. 3N kurfiru, in. kind of vermin. Tf kur-kut-a, m. cock. 14 kur-kur-a, m. dog. fT?~kurv-at, pr. pt. of V/kri, do. OMkurv-ftna, Pr. Pt. A. of Vkri, do. ~!kiil-a, _n.herd, flock, swarm; multitude; race, family; community, gu2"'1;' noble lineage; abode, house; Ra-, often =chief, emii nent; -in padfitina'M, infantry. TORkula -ka, -0, a.multitude; n.little family; combination of three or more slokas containing a single sentence; -kanyaka', f. girl of good family; -kalafika, mn. disgrace to the family: -kfixin, a. disgracing the family; -kalafikita, pp. disgracing the family; -kalafikin, a. id.; -krama-sthiti,f. hereditary usage in a family; -krama. Agata, pp. hereditary in the family; -kshaya, in. ruin of a family; -giri, in. chief mitn. or mtn.-range; -guru, in. head of a family; family priest; -griha., a. house of rank. [Mark. IRM ku-lakshaaa, a. bearing a baneful 3iWM ku-lagna, a. fatal moment. 31R kula-ghna, a. (a', 'i) destroying the race; -m-kula, a. going from house to house; -ga, a. of noble race; born in the family of(O) 3jRZ kulata', f. unchaste woman. 3WO kula-tantu, m. thread on which a family hangs= the last of a race; -deva, en.: -t&,qf. family deity; -daiva: -ta, n. id.; -dhara, ms. N. of a prince; -dharma, in. usage of a family; -dhur'ya, a. able to bear the burden of a family; in. head of a family; -nandana, a. N. (child) delighting the family; _nari~f virtuous woman; -nimnagf. main or noble stream. 'q1Tri kula-pata-na, n. fall -, degradation of the family; -pati, m. head of the family; -parvata, in. chief mtn. or mntn.-range; -pa, mn.f. head of the family or community; -paimsaI f. disgrace to her family; ap1k,f. N.; -putra, in. son of a good family; virtuous youth: -ka, in. id.; -purusha, in. man of good family; virtuous man; _pratishthfi, f. support of the race; -prasfita, pp. born of a noble race; -bhava, a. coming of a noble race; -bhavana, a. chief residence; -bhfita, pp. being the head of the guild; -bhfibhrit, en. chief mtn. or mitn.-range; model of a prinecij r"iq f 44 kula-yoshit. kita 71 I -m~.rga, m. ancestral path; -mitra, n. friend of the family. VWf kula-yoshitJfvirtuols- woman; -rigadha~ni,f. royal capital; -vat, a. of noble race; -vardhana, m. support of a family; -vidyijf. knowledge hereditary in the family; -vrata, n. family practice' (religious or moral): -dhara, a. maintaining the family virtue; -sila-vayo-vritta-vitta-vat, a. of good family, character, age, conduct, and means; -sikharin, m., -saila, m.:=kula-parvata; -saiikhy&,f. being accounted of goodfamily; -samgata, m. acquaintanceofthefamily; -samtati~fprogeny; -samnidhi, m. presence of many persons: lc. in the presence of witnesses; -samudbhava, a. sprung of a noble house; -sevaka, m. excellent servant; -stamba, m. family like a bunch of grass; -stri, f. virtuous woman; -sthiti, f.family usage; -hlina, pp. of ignoble race. ~iT1kula aiikura, in. scion of a family; - afig rm. firebrand =destroyer of his own family; - alala, - adri, m. chief mtn. or mtn.range;.anuguna-vat, a. having merits vorresponding to his race; ingnta-karana, a. destroying a race;. qnvaya, m. noble descent; -anvita,pp onolrae pida, m, ornament of the family. 'k kulay-a,m n -ebtisie; nest; lair; dwelling; -in, a. nest-like. IMT ~kiilfla,.m.potter; 1f. wife of a potter. kul-ika, in. relation. [various birds. ku-lifiga, m. kind of mouse; N. of PR~IC kuliga, n. a measure of capacity. JIfTrtfku-l-isa, m. axe; n. thunderbolt; diamond: -ta',f. state of a thunderbolt; -dhara, -pini, -bhrit, m. ep. of Indra. 114N~f kul-lina, a. noble (of race and character); belonging to the race of (-a): -tva, in. noble birth; -iya, a. belonging to the family of(- ) Yq #P kulira m.crb; -ka, m. little crab. RTkui1~ta, m..pl. NV. of a people. Wiit~ kula udgata, pp. coming of a noble stc; - ~dvaha, a. continuing the race of, descended from (g., 0-). ~IT~kulmasha, m. sour gruel. i. kul-ya, a. referring or belonging to a family. [a cremated corpse. 2. kulya, n. receptacle for the bones of ~~Tkuly'ajf -rivulet, canal. WiIT kulyft-ya, den. A. become a rivulet. ~jqkullaka, m. N. of a commentator on Mann, who probably lived in the sixteenth, century. 11fiffmku-vanig, m. a rogue of a merchant. IT ku-vadhfi, f. wicked woman; -vartman, n. wrong road, heresy. TM ku-vala, a tree; n. itsfruit; water-lily. I";i. ku-valaya, n. terrestrial orb, orbis terrarum. 3W T2. ku-vala-ya, n. blue lotus (which opens at night): -dris, -nayan^,f. lotus-eyed woman; -mM1~f. N. of a mare; -vati~f. N. of a princess. "ItfTM kavalava Aditya, in. N. of a king; - inanda, m. T. of a rhetorical work; -pda, n. N. of a Daitya changed into an elephant; N. of a king; -_-vali, f. N. of a queen. [water-lilies. T4TrftM~ kuvalay-ita, 'pp. adorned with kuaav a m.lord of earth, king: -t*f. dominion. TT~ ku-vastra, n. bad dress; a. ill-clad: -a, f. abst. N.; -va'kya, n., -vak, f. ill word; _vadika, in. charlatan, quack; -v~sani, f. wrong notion. ~j~~kuv-fd, ad. perchance? I wonder? ~i~ kuvinda, 0O -ka, in. wearer. -ifTwrkui-vivatha, m.lowmarriage; -vritti, f.poor maintenance; -vedhas, mz. evil fate; -vaidya, m. bad physician; -vyap Ara, m. low occupation. [T KUS8, enclose, encircle.] TTI, kus-4, m. grass, esp. sacrificial grass; N.: anbha.N. 3M ku'sa-la, a. appropriate, -fitting; profitable; salutary; healthy, well; skilful, expert, experienced (in, g., lc., inf., — P): -m man, approve; -in, ad. duly; mildly; n. good condition, due order; welfare, prosperity; health; expertness, skill; kusalam te, how do you do? good luck toyon! -m briu,_-yak, or - vad, wiqh any one good luck; -in, i. duly, regularly. T i"TM kusala-kalrana, n. cause due to welfare; a~ f. skill, experience (in, lc.); -prasna, m. enquiry as to health; -vat, a. healthy, well; -vail, a. eloquent. - Ifqrr~kusal-in, a. well, safe and souLnd; favourable, good (news). Q1#~ kusalii-kr-i, put in order, set right. fTVIq kusa-vat,a. aboundinginKusagrass; -stamba, in. bunch of Kusa grass. ~3i1TM kusa agra, n-point of a blade of Kusa: -buddhi, a. whose intellect is as sharp as a.ji7P4TW1 kusa-vatii,f N. of a city. [needle. ~rIikusikd, m. N. of a sage: pl. N. of a people. [bad pupil as a pupil. 3ftku-sisbya, in. bad pupil: -sishya, m. 3 jku-silla, n. bad character: -va, m.bard, actor: du. N. of the two sons of Radma. 3q9ff kusftla, in., v. IVkusftla. 5t"fJP kuise-saya, a. lying on Kusa grass; n. (day) lotus: - aksha, a. lotus-eyed.,fl3r ku-sruta, pp. imperfectly heard; n. evil report. ~KUSH, VI. kusiha, IX. P. kush-na, ~fpinch, tear. nis, tear out: pp. nishkushita, torn out. 7M~ kushitaka, m. kind of bird;- N. 3jT1W kushuimbha, mn. poison sac. [leprosy. 3Nkuii-shtha, mn. aplant; Ajfpoint,beak; ~-tW~i k-ishthikA, f. contents of the entrails. If kushtht-in, a. leprous. [of demon.,71TIkulshmftnda, in. a plant: pl. a species ~Ptku-sakhil, f. bad friend; -sakiva, m. had minister; -,sainbandha, m. bad relation;..sarit,f. shallow river. [f.usurer's interest. 70 kdi-sida, a. inert; n. usury: -vriddhi, *fi; kusid-in, mn -usurer. 111iN kusuma, n. flower, blossom: -karmnuka,in. Kkma (having a bow of flowers); -ketu, _kiipa, in. id.; -komala, a. soft as flowers; -druma, m. flowering tree; -dhan-!xs, -dharvan, m. Khma, (having a bow of- flowers); -pura, n. Flower city, ep. of Pataliputra; -bana, in. flower-arrow; -maya, a. (*), consisting of flowers; -mirgana, m. Kiima. ~kusum-aya,den.P.furnishwithflovT7 -ers: pp. -ita, flowering, blossoming. WIT~ff kusuma-lakshman, m. ep. of Pradyumna; -lat', f. flowering creeper; -1&vi',f. flower gatherer; -sayana, n. couch of flowers; -sara, a. having flowers as arrows -sayaka, in. Kama; -sa~ra, m-. N. of a 'merchant; -surabhi, a. fragrant with flowers; -stabaka, m. bunch of flowers. %T~i kusutma ftkara, m. spring; - ailgali, m. two handfuls of flowers; - fiyudha, in. Kalma; N.; - asava, m. honey; -istarana, n. couch of flowers; -astra, M. Kfima. 'it kusum-ita, (pp.) n. blossoming, flowering time. [rowed). "W kusuma ishu, in. Kflma (flower-arMW kusumbha, m. safflower; (hermit's) water-pot: -kshetra, a. field of safflower; -vat, a. carrying a water-pot. kusfilla, in. granary; -dha~nyaka, a. having plenty of corn in his granaries. fkusritif. by -path; fraud, deception. T1u-au ria, mn. bad friend; -ti f.bad woa;-sthina, n. miserable place; -sv~min, in. bad master. If kud-ha, ad. where? (often - svid); - kid, Isomewhere; wherever.,TC kuha-ka, in. rogue, cheat, juggler; hypocrite; n., Af. jugglery; deception. kuha-ra, in. N. ofaNdga.; cave, cavity; 3MI kuhat, f. a plant. [copulation. ~JW kuhu, cry of the cuckoo (also fi). ~JW kuhu(, f. new-moon (personified as the daughter of Aiigiras). '~KUJ VI. A. kuva, cry. 'a, intend. ku., ad. where? with kid, somewhere. W1ktk, f. brush, pencil. ~~KUO, I. P. kui"ga, utter monotonous ~'sounds; cry, hum, coo, buzz, murmur, twitter. ud, cry, utter a (monotonous) coo; lament, wail. vi, cry, twitter. sam, id. 17 kfig-a, mn., -ana, n. cry, coo, murmur; -ita, (P.P.) n. id. ikuta, a. forehead; horn; in. n. peak, top; heap, multitude; n. deception, fraud, falsehood. TZ2. kfitad, a. hornless (cattle); deceptive; spurious; concealed; invidious; -ka, a. false (coin); a. prominence; -karman, n. fraud; -karaka, in. forger, false-witness; -krit, in. forger, (of, g.); briber; -khhadman, n. sharper, cheat; -tipasa, mn. counterfeit ascetic; -tu1A, f. false balance; -p~kaia, in. elephant's fever; -pisa, in. snare, trap; -bandha, in. id.; -yuddha, in. treacherous fight; -rahana,. fraud; trap, snare; -1ekha, in., -lekhya, a. forged document; -salmaii, in. f. fabulous cotton shrub with sharp thorns employed to torture criminals in Yama's realm; -Asana, n. forged edict: -kartri, as. forger of edicts; 72 ku'ta'ksba..*W-RW krita-eirtha. 7kI Iksa -S~kshiia, m. false-witness; -stha, a. occupying the highest place, chief; being in the midst of ( -immovable, immutable; -svarna, n. counterfeit gold. kftta aksha, rn. loaded die:- up&dhi-devin, a. playing with false dlice or fraud; -Agara, m. n. room on the house-top; summer-house. A~K D.P idysne crh A KUNV, kfinati, contract (int.): pp. -ita, GN contracted, closed. WkId, f. fetter. JR ki'pa, m. [ku ap-a], pit, hole; well: -ka, m. little well; -kara, m. well-digger; -kurrma, m. tortoise in a wvell = unsophisticated person; -khanana, n. digging of a well; -khg~umkm, m. well1-digger; -kakra, a. waterwheel; -dardura, m. frog in a well = unsophisticated person; -yautra, n. water-wheel.!tIT' kUftp-ya, den. A1. become a well. %Wi kftp-ikl, f. puddle in a dryriver-bed. ~~kqbara, m~n., i'Jf. (cart) pole (.-o, a~f. 'a) kjftrka', m. n. bun ch of grass; a. beard; -km, m. bunch; brush; beard; -ta',f. beardedness; -la, a. bearded. lfKPRD, I. kitrda, leap. ud, leap up. Npra, bound. kii'rda, M., O1 -na, n. leaping, bounding. kiirpa, sand. Ti kfrpara, m. elbow; sts. knee. RTM kftrpftsa-ka, m. jacket, bodice. 111 kftrmad, mn. (f.i tortoise; one of the vital airs which causes the eyes to close; -pati, m. king of the tortoises (who supports the earth). 40 KUL, X. P. kfilaya, singe (cp. kftd). Q N, TN ki'la, a. slope, hill; bank. [bank. T~q kftlam-kasha, a. carrying away the TWR kltla-gflta, pp. growing on the bank. TMJT~kufflam-udruga, a.underminingthe i~~~kftla-vati, f. river. [bank. likT kftshmftada, m. kind of demon; kind oftext; a., IVf.N. of the verses xx, i4-i6 in the, Vdgasaneyi-samhitd. i.K RI (skri after iupa, pani, sam), VIII. kiro strong, kuru weak; V. + I. kira, II. kar, V. krin6; make, do; fashion, build; perform, fulfil; produce; execute; effect; conclude (friendship), display, show, exercise; prepare,cook; compose; cultivate; make anything out of (in., afi.); do anything to or for (g., lc.); make any one anything (2 ac.); do violence to (ac.); perform the usual action with (ac.): used thus with great latitude, e. g. udakam kri, offer the usual oblation of water (allied with this is the use of kri in the p eriphr. pf. with an abst. N. in j); utter, pronounce,, use; describe; fix, determine; 'pass (time); await (a moment);,procure for (g., lc.); assume (shope, voice: A'.); placeon orin, directto (in., lc.), turn the mind 'or thoughts, give the heart (manas, buddhim, matim, bhivam) to, resolve on (d., le., inf. or oratio recta with iti); appoint to (lc.); commission; act, fare;.sacrifice; do anything with, inake use of (in. and kim?); avail, be of use (with kim?); with adverbs in 'I (e. g. atithi-_), it (e. g. mridit-), make, turn into; with -sfkt, reduce to, turn into; vase kri, subdue; hridi -, take to heart, remember; hridayeua -,love; evam kritva', for this reason; tatha -, yathi uktam -, (10 so, consent; cs. karaya, cause to make (2 ac.), cause to be made by (in.); cause to be prepared; cause to be made (2 aec.); cause to be placed in (lc.); cause to he performed; cause to be cultivated; - to be put -or buried; order tomak e, -toprepare, - to practise:- often ==simple verb; des. kiklrsha,wish to do, - perform, - establish; intend; strive after. ati, transgress. adhi, place at the head of, appoint to (la.); put forward, make a subject of discussion: pp. entrusted with, appointed to (Ic., -9); concerned in (lc.). anu, imitate (ac.); equal, rival (ac., g.), equal (cc.) in (in.-). apa, take away,remove; injure (ac., g.,lic.); cs.id. pratiapa,takevengeanceon (g.). abhi,do~make; -des. wish to do, undertake. aram, prepare; serve, satisfy (d.). alam, prepare, produce; adorn (A. adorn oneself); do violence to (g.>. abhi, up. adorn, sam-alam, id,; violate. ava, direct downwards. A, bring hither; produce; appropriate (g.); cs. call; ask for (:2 acc.); des. intend to performn. apqa, remove, drive away, dispel, counteract, repel; give up, desist from; pay. upa, bring near, fetch; deliver; grant; prepare for a sacred rite; consecrate. nil', keep back. nir-MA, set apart; put away, remove; drive away; reject, repel; deny. viJ,, separate, distinguish; explain. ' samn-&, unite, keep together. upa, confer; offer, present; serve, do a -service to, oblige (g., ic.); A. cherish. upa-skri, prepare, compose; equip, adorn; care for (ac.): pp. furnished with (in.). prattupa, repay; do a service in return. iii, bring down, humble, overcome: pp. humbled; dejected; mortified. vi-ni, mortify; injure; defraud. nis, remove; prepare; deck out; cure; expiate. *pari-shkri,prepare; adorn,deck, furnishwith (in.). puras, place in front; show, display; appoint to (lc.); choose, prefer; honour; gd. -kr-itya, regarding, about, on account of (cc.): pp. accompanied by, furnished with (-2o): m ad. accompanied with ( —O). pra, do; fashion, make; perform; show, cause; make into (2cac.); marry (a wife, a gir1); violate, pollute (a gi rl); appoint to (lc.); put forward; make the subject of discussion; buddhimt or manas - apply one's heart to, snake up one's mind to (d., lc.), resolve: pp. begun; accomplished; mentioned, under discussion; in question; cs. cause to prepare. vi-pra, injure; harass; obstruct. prati, make (ac.) out of (cc.) in opposition; repay (good and evil) with ac. of thing cand d., g., lc. of person; resist; make good, repair; pay; des. wish to take revenge on (cc., lc.) for (ac.). vi, make different, change, alter; compare; disfigure, destroy, mutilate; develop; be hostile to (g., lc.); become unfaithful to (lc.): 'A., ps. be changed or modified; become alienated or di-sloyal: _pp. changed, altered, qualified; mutilated, deformed, disfigured; unnatural, repulsive; cs. cause to change one's sentiments. pra-vi (for vi-pra): pp. sinned. sam (generally -skri), put together, unite; accumulate; prepare; invest (with the sacred thread); hallow (a girl at a wedding or the dead with sacred fires); adorn, polish, form grammatically: pp. samskrita, hallowed, invested; adorned, polished, elaborate,refined, Sanskrit. prati-sain,repair. 2KRI, pt. kakrit, intv. kar-kcri, remebr, mention with praise (g.). WZ kri-kara, m.hkind of partridge; a vital air causing hunger. VI ictqj[; krikalsdss, mn. lizard; chameleon. 74iT I krika-viaku, in. cock; peacock. 9 M l krikashft, f. hind of bird. Eq CmI If r krikfilika, f. kind of bird. lakrikkhrd, a. distressing, grievous, dire; severe, dangerous; wretched, miserable: m ad. miserably; m. n, difficulty, distress, trouble, misery; danger; penance; kind of minor penance; O~-, -tas, in., ab. with difficulty, with much ado. Wk krikkhra-karman, n. distress, trouble; -kiia, m. tim e of distress or danger; -gata, pp. distressed, endangered; practising penance; -t',f. dangerousness; -patita, pp fallen into distress; -pra'na, a. whose life is in danger; eking out one's existence with difficulty; -sldhya, fp. difficult of accomplishment. WV I krikkhra atikrikkhra, in. du. ordinary and extraordinary penance; sg. kind of penance. [penance. krikkhra ab da, in. kind ofone year's '9Mkri-n-, the root kri (gr.). [do. 44? kri-no-tana, V. 2 pl. impv. of -x/kri, 7? kri-t, (-9O) a. making, producing, causing,performing; m. composer, maker, fashioner; primary nominal suffix (attached to roots); primary noun. Kr KRIT, VI. P. krintU (E. also A. and L'I P. karta), cut, cut off, out, up or down; extract; cleave: pp. kritta, cut; cut, torn or hewn off; cs. = simple vb. ava, cut off; sever; cs. cause to be gashed. ud, cut out, off or up; cut to pieces; destroy. iii, put to the sword; cut down or away, tear away; A. cut one's nails. pari, cut all round; cut off or exclude from (ab.); 'A. split round. vi, divide, rend; cs. id. ~ 2. KRIT, VII. P. krin~tti, spin. 'qMT kri-td, pp. made, done, performed; prepared, ready; acquired; well done, all right; -0 relating to: -in, done 1 =it shall be done at once; w.in. away with, enough of; a. deed, work, action; benefit (-in vid, be conscious of benefits received); stake (in play)~; booty; die or side of a die marked with 4; first or golden age. 'gt' krita-ka, a. artificial, feigned, false; adopted (son): -in, feignedly, -tva, a. quality of being artificially produced; -kartavya, a. having fulfilled his task; -karman, n. an accomplished deed; a. having fulfilled one's duty; -ka'rin, a. doing a thing; -ka~rya, a. an.attained object; a.,having accomplished his object; satisfied: -tva, a. abt N. -Ma, Mn. appointed time; -kritya, a. having done his duty; h aving attained his object, satisfied (as to, lc.): -ta', f. satisfaction; -kriya, a. having performed a sacred rite; pious; -kshana, a. having an appointed time,?"i e. waiting impatiently for (lc., ac. w. prati, inf., -.0); -kshobha, a. shaken; -ghna, a. ignoring ben efits, ungrateful: -ta', f., -tva, a. ingratitude; -kitda, a. having received the tonsure; -ganman, a. planted; -guia, a. recognising benefits, grateful: -ta',f. gratitude. RRU krita-t~irtba, a. to wAhich a stair has 'been made; -tvara, a. hastening; -dara, a. married; -dsa, mone who offers himself as a slavefor afixed time; -dffirgha-rosha, m. protracted wrath; -dh3i, a. clever; resolved on (inf.); -dhvag, a. furnished with banners; -nasaka, a. ungrateful; ansaua, a. id.; -niskaya, a. convinced; firmly resolved on (d., icif,0;resolute; -niskayin, a. resolute. vmq'~ krita-pada. a ti, krish-na. 73 I I I[1 krita-pada, a. having found a footing; -punya, a. happy; -pfirva, a. done before: -na~sana, n. non-recognition of previous benefits, ingratitude; _pfirvin, a. heaving done something (ac.) before; -pragiia, a. wise; -pratikrita, n. attack and resistance; -prayatna, a. well cared for; -prayogana, a. having attained his object; -buddhi, a. whose mind is matured, discriminating; resolved (to, d. or inf.); -bhfimi, f spot preparedfor the purpose; -mati, a. having made up his mind; -manda-pada-nyisa, a. stepping slowly and using few words; -manda~ra, m. N.; -mfixgm, a. made accessible, pervious; -M-hia, a. firmly rooted, having gained firm footing; -manana, a. observing silence:- -tva, n. abst. iv. 'OffZ krita-yatna, a. having exerted himself; -yantrana, a. controlling oneself; -yuga, n. golden age; -lakshana, a. marked; branded; -vat, pp. act. having done; -varman, m. N. Of various men; -vasati, a. having taken up his abode, dwelling; -vipa, -vipana, a. haying the head shaved; -vidya, a. learned; -vetana, a. receiving wages, hired; -vedin, a. grateful; -vaira, a. having shown ill-will. -fifrfuJTW krita-silpa, a. having acquired an art; -sauka, a. having cleansed or purified himself; -srama, a. having undergone hardships, having occupied oneself zealously with (lc., -'O); -samska~ra, a. elaborated, prepared; adorned; consecrated; -sansgiia, a. to whom a sign has been given: pl. with whom signals have been concerted; -saindhaina, a. brought near; placed on the bowstring; -smita, pp. smiling; -hasta, a. skilful, dexterous. VifM krita akrita, pp. what is done and not done (a. sg. or dee.); half done; prepared and not prepared; arbitrary. ~W Tkrit&Jgas, a. guilty, sinful.!"~TW' krita Mika, a. branded;- ailgaia, a. having the palms joined in supplication to d.;- tihaa.hvng practised hospitality; hospitably entertained; - tman, a. whose mind is cultivated or purified; - Adara, a. treated with due respect; - anuvykdha, a. filled with (in.); — - anta, a. -making an end, decisive; m. matter_,affair, case; fate; Death, Yama,; system, d octrine: -nagari', f. city of Yama, -samtra~sa, mn. N. of a ]ldhshasa; -uatara, a. having made one's way to (g.); - anna, a. cooked food;- apar-Adha, a. hayiing committed an offence agist(.) bhisheka, a. hvg. performed a religious ablution; consecrated; - abhyisa,a.kepttoone's studies (byI _~O) -artha, a. having attained his object; satisfied: _ta',f., -tva, a. satisfaction. W'fTTJ' kritftrtha-ya, den. P. satisfy; fulfil. RiT'qI lrkritftrthil-karana, a. satisfactory; -kri, satisfy; -bhft, be satisfied. VOU[TV krita Maya, a. having taken up one's abode, dwelling (in, lc., — O); feeling at home; -aqvasakthika, a. having put on a loincloth; -a9vasatha, a.receivedlintoone'shouse; - avastha, a. compelled to appear in court;..asamsa, a. hoping; -a~stra, a. practised in arms or archery;.. Aharaka, a. having finished one's meal. ii~r.krZ'-tiJf. making,performance; action; production,literary work; N.ofvariousmetres; confirmation, verification (dr.). rfr2. krit-f', m.f. kind of dagger. Vif-MTkrit-in, a. active; clever; skilful, experienced (in, lc., — O); having attained one's object, satisfied; -i-tva, n. satisfaction. V0 kri-te, (pp. lc.) ad. prp. owing to, on ac count of, for, instead of (g. or — 9); abs. for a purpose: -na, in. ad. id. krita udaka, a. having performed the prescribed'ablutions; having made offerings of water to the dead; - unma'da, a. feigning madness; - pak-Ara, a. having renidered a service; benefited. [cept a small remnant. WT '4 kritta avasesha, a. broken off ex~i~krs'ttijf. hide: -va'sas, a. clad in a hide, ep. of Siva, and of his wife Durga'. ZIfI2R krf~ttikfitf. (p1. V., sg. C.) the Pleiades (a lunar mansion): personified as the six nurses of Skanda. 'g?ff kri-tnii, a. active, skilful. Lmj krz'-tya,fp. tobe done; suitable, right; corruptible: -in, any one (g.) needs or cares for (in.); Yt. krit suffix of the future pt. ps.: tavya, anlya or ya (gr.); a',f. act, deed, performance, function (- rfigah, ill-treatment); sorcery, charm; wicked fairy; n. activity; function, business, duty; service; purpose: -kara, a. doing one's work; -k&', f. wicked fairy, witch; -vat, a. active; occupied; having an object in view; -vid, a. knowing one's duty. 'JT4Fkrityya-ruipa, a. looking like aghost; -hata, pp. bewitched, destroyed by magic. lifflf1 kri-trf ma, a. artificial, factitious; spurious; fictitious, feigned; casual, accidental; adopted (son): -ta', f, cunning; -dhu'paka, sn. compound incense; -bhiva, mn. feigned affection; -ma~nikya-maya, a. consisting of false rubies; -mitra-a~ f. friendship contrary to nature; -_&rti, a. feigning distress. krtf-tvanl a. (r-i1) making, producing (0;active. gl~krr'-tv-as,(ac..pl.) ad.[makings],times (C.only -P,forming multiplicative numerals). W ~~ lkritv~aya, T4~kritvim, V. gd. of -v'kri. ei?cq krf-tvya, a. efficient; laborious. Vf?q krit-snd, a. whole, complete: pl. (rare) all: Ai~,f., -tva, n. wholeness, completeness; -sas, ad. wholly, completely. WI~ krid-anta, a. ending in a krit suffix; mn. primary noun (formied directlyfrom a vbl. Moo -4 krintd-tra, n. cleft. [root). Mwn'qi krint-ana, n. cutting up or off. TTDKRIP VI. A. kripate, (V.) lament (for, ac.); implore. anu, long for (ac.). TT~krs'pjf. form, appearance; beauty (only glkrip-anriad, a. doleful; miserable wretched; avaricious: -in, ad. dolefully, pitifully; m. miser; -Ina, a. misery, wretchedness; -varna, a. looking wretched. CIII1. krp 'nla, a. dwelling in lustre. Wq1q kripa-ya, den. P. mourn, lament (for, ac.). [lc.): -m kri, have pity on (lc.). WI1qT krip-ft, f. pity, compassion (with g. or b-1qT~T krip-a'na, m. sword: I, f. scissors; dagger, knife; -latika',f. sword-blade. VM#iTfifiT kripftn-ikfi, f. knife, dagger. VMT'qkripft-ya, den.lA. mourn, lament; pity. 'gWFilkripft-lu, a. having pity for (g.); compassionate at, f, abst. N.); -vat, a. id. ~fkriz'mi^m[worker],worm; insect, mag got; silk-worm; -ka, en. little worm; *.kosam. ga, *..kos auttha, a. silken; -ga, a. produced by a worm; n. aloe-wood; -tantu-gA1a, n. cobweb; -la, a. wormy. W;q krimu-kA, en. a tree. ~jfKRIS, IV. P. krz~sya, grow, thin;- e~s. 17Nkarsaya, make thin; diminish: pp., kar&71 ita, emaciated. W1JJ kris-6, a. thin, slender; feeble, sickly; not full (moon); slender, weak, insignificant'; poor; en. N.; (a) -ka, a. slender; -gava, a. hvg. thin cows; at&,f,-tva, n. thinness; -dhana, a. of slender means,poor; -buddhi, a. of weak intellect; -bhritya, a. having thin servants. RMTW krisa afiga, a. (I) thin, slender; -atithi, a. ha'ving thin (starving) guests. W T~kris-fl-nu, a. shooting well; en. bowman; N. of a celestial bowman, guardian of Soma; ep. of Agni; fire. Ri'J2TTT4 krisaartha, a. of slender means, poor; - asva, a. having thin (starving) horses. Wi'ftr krisi-kri, make thin or poor; -bh-fi, become thin; dry up. [slender. el V3 krisaudara, a. (i1) thin-bellied, ~~r. KRISH, I. P. (A.) kkrsha, draw, Tq "drag along, pull about, carry away; draw (sword, bow); lead; acquire; overcome; plough: pp. krishta; cs. karshaya, pull, drag; harass, distress; oppress. ann, drag after one; attract; supply (a word) from what precedes. apa, draw away, remove, put aside; supply from what follows. vi apa. remove-; atone for. ava, draw away; attract: pp. inferior. 'a, draw to oneself; drag along; draw (sword or bow); draw on; draw off from (ab.); withdraw; take or borrow from (ab.); es. draw to oneself. apa A withdraw, remove: pp. humbled. vi, dr-aw to oneself; remove. saMM4, draw to oneself; draw out (of, ab.); cs. carry alongu. ud, draw-out; raise; ps. rise, gain the mastery: pp. elevated; superior, distinguishied, eminent. ni, draw down; ps. be carried down stream: pp. low, despised, mean. sam-ni, ps. come into close contact (with, in.): pp. near, imminent; of similar position; gd. approaching. nis, draw out of (ab.); press out, pani, drag about; torment. pra, draw forward, drag away, stretch out: pp. protracted, long (distance and time); distinguished, excellent; violent. vi-pra, lead away, remove: pp. distant. sam-pra, draw along with one. prati, pp. pushed back. vi, draw apart; draw (bow); drag along; pull out; withdraw. sani, contract; drag along; get out of (ab.). TIN,2. KRISH, VI. krish;!, plough. RFIqIi krish-aka, en. husbandman. ~i~krish-f', f. id.; field (also i'), arable land; harvest; a~ f. agriculture; -karman, a. agriculture; -phala, a. success in husbandry; harvest. '9" krish'i-vala', m. husbandman. 1995 krishta-ga, a. growing on ploughed land, cultivated (land); -phala, a. value of the harvest. ~~kIshkrish am-kralkrplough androll. ifkrish-tf1f-pl. agricultural folk; people; en. sage. 'j9M krish-n6, a. black; dark; w. paksha, dark half of the month (fromfull to new moon'; en. (krishna) black antelope; N. of a god (incarnation of Vishnu): dee. Krishna and Arguna; &,f. kcind of leech; N. of sevesal plants; L 74 74 miwr~f-q krishna-gati. %-qj~ kaiv~arta. ep. of Draupadl, and of Durgil; n. blackness, darkness. TW~f krishna-gati, m. (black-pathed), fire; -katurdasi]f. i 4th day of the dark half= ix.ew moon; -gauma shtamil, f. a certain eighth day which is Krishna's birthday; -a f., -tva, a. blackness; -nayana, -netra, a. black-eyed; -paksha, m. dark fortnight (fel moon to new moon); -bhi'ma, m. black soil; -bhogiu, m. kind of black snake; -mukha, a. ('I) black-mouthed; -mriga, m. black antelope; -yagurveda, m. Black Yagur-veda. 7IWJR krishnad-la, (in.) n. kind of black berry (used as weight and coin). IWSW 1* krishna-varna, a. black-coloured; -vartman, in. fire (black-tracked); (&)-vi1a, a. black-tailed; -sakti, in. N.; -sarpa, m. kind of black snake; -sa'ra, a. chiefly black, spotted black and white; m. spotted antelope; biWMtJW krishna aguru., n. kind of aloe; - g n,. skin of the black antelope. IW17T'qkrishnad-ya, den. P. behave like Krishna; 'A blacken. RM VRrsn asORj -sa, n. iron; -~i m. black serpent. [In. id. ~iW~ krishn-ika', f. blackness; -i-man, ~I~krishni', f. night (the black one). Wr krish-ya, fp. to be ploughed. RPUT krisara, in. n., 'a, f. dish of rice and sesamum. '% KRI, VI. P. kir&, pour out, scatter; bestrew: pp. ki'rna, scattered; bestrewed; dishevelled; covered, filled with; stopped (ears). apa-skira, k. scrape (with the feet). ava, pour down, scatter; emit semen; bestrew, cover: pp. bestrewed, covered; caught in; having emitted semen; full of, being wholly in the power of ().anu ava, scatter about. A, strew, bestow abundantly: pp. strewn; covered, filled, crowded; surrounded by (in.). apiia, abandon; refuse. vi, pp. dishevelled; dim. sam4a, cover over, fill up: pp. covered or filled with. ud,tb-row or whirl up; dig up, hollow out: pp. carved, engraved; overwhelmed with ( ---). sam-ud, pp.pierced. vi-ni, shatter; cover; abandon. sain-ni, pp. stretched out. pari, scatter round; swarm round; deliver up. pra, scatter: pp. dispersed; squandered; disbevelled; confused; various. vi-pra,pp. scattered; dishevelled; extended. prati-skira, lacerate: pp. skirna, injured. vi, scatter, disperse; cleave, split; bestrew; heave (sighs); dishevel. pra-vi,scatter,spread. sam,pourout,bestowabundantly;overwhkelm; mix: pp. crowded with, full of; mixed, combined with ( —); impure; born of a mixed marriage; in rut (elephant). KLIP, I. A. k~lpa, be fit, capable or Cfof use; prosper, succeed; agree with, conform to (in.); appear as (in.); be qualified for (lc.); serve for, conduce to, cause (d.); participate in (d.); fall to the lot of (d.,g., lc.); become (nin., d.); pronounce to be, regard as (2 ac.): pp. klipt&, arranged, ready, prepared; trimmed, cut (hair, nailIs, etc.);,settled; prescribed; fi~rm (conviction); existing; cs. kalp~ya, P. A. put in order, arrange, adjust; distribute; equip; furnish with (in.); bestow (ac.) on (g.); form (out of, in.); make, create, produce, bring about, perform; imagine; determine, direct., fix; make, design to be, regard as (2 ac.); cut, carve. ava, be right, do very well; conduce to (d.); cs. prepare; employ properly; des. of cs. hikalpayisha, wish to prepare. upa, be suitable; serve for, condu ce to (d.): p~p. prepared, at hand; cs. prepare; procure, fetch; direct to (lc.); design for (d., lc.). pari, cs. determine; design for; choose; bring about, manage; perform; make; divide into (with ad. in -dbhi) parts; invent. sam-pari, cs. pp. found out -, made out to be. pra, prosper, succeed: _pp. prepared; determined, prescribed; cs. place in front; put down on (lc.); prepare; provide; determine, prescribe, establish; contrive, arrange, make; shed (tears). sam-pra, es. appoint; determine. vi, be changed; be mistaken for (in.); be optional; be doubtful; be irresolute; cs. fashion, form; consider doubtful, pronounce optional; suppose, imagine, presumne. sam, pp. prepared, ready; desired; meant for; cs. join with (in.); put together properly; produce; determine; intend, purpose; fancy; regard as (ac. w. iva). ~fiklip-i, the root klip (gr.). ~T'I.WJ~I~F klipta-kesa-nakha-smayin, a. having his hair, nails, and beard trimmed. If'Nklz'p-ti(also-tf'),f.comingabout,success. '%RWkekaya,in.pl. N. of a people; sg. king of- iLf. princess of Kekaya. [a. id. '%WK kekara, a. squinting; -ka, a~id.; -lokana, %qff kekft, f. cry of the peacock; -rava,. in. id. iV5T4 keka'-ya, den. I. cry (as a peacock). tfq_~kek-in, in. peacock. Wff[ k~t-a, in. will, intention; desire. %'fcf keta-ka, in.,I Ofq- -ki, OZR k1, f. a tree. *Tifr ket-ana, n. invitation; shelt-er; place; body; sign, token, banner; business. WiffW keta-ya, den. P. summon, invite. %I ket-il, m. light (p1. rays); shape, form; token of recognition, banner; leader, chief; meteor, comet: -mit, a. bright, light; clear (sound); N. of a Dadnava; -yashti, f. flagstaff. '*~J-kedftra, m. irrigated field; N. ofa mountainous country; -khanda, n. breach in the dyke enclosing a field; -netha, in. N. of aform of Siva worshipped in Kedhra; -bhatta, m. N. of an aut hor. [wherewith,? whencel '%- ke'na, in. of kca, by whom? whereby? tNt — f 4141ifiii9 k e n aish it a ujP a n i shad, f. T. of an Upanishad; kena upanishad, f. id. (so named from the initial words ' kena ishi'%iI kendra, in. centre of a circle. [tam'). %ifti k ep-i, a. trembling, quivering.. %i9, keyuir-a, in. n. bracelet (worn on upper arm by both, sexes); -in, a. wearing a bracelet on the up-Per arm. ['i,f. woman of Kerala. *Kiffkerala, in. pl..N. ofapeople in Malabar; '%fWj kel-i, in.f. (also II, f.) diversion, sport, dalliance: -griha, n. pleasure-house; -ta, n. sport, jest; -vana, n. pleasure-grove; -sayana, n. couch; -sadana, n. pleasure-bouse; -sthali, f. play-ground; (i)-sa~1a-bbaligika, Wq kdvata, in. pit, hole. f.statuette. '%R kevirta, in. fisherman. W4 k evala, a. (I'; C.a) exclusively proper to (d., g.); alone, only, notbing but, mere, pure; whole, complete; every, all: -i, ad. only; entirely; but, only; na kevalam - api, not only - but; -tas, ad. only; -sas, ad. entirely; -vyatirekin, a. relating to separation only. 9Th1T' ke'vala agha, a. alone guilty; - t mnan, a. whose nature is absolute unity; -adin, a. eating alone; - anvayin, a. relating to connexion only. rT. ke'sa, ms. (a., A, i) hair; mane; tail. '%JkT 2. kaisa, n. the lunar mansion Rohinii (ruled by` Ka, i. e. Prag~pati). %TT tV kesa-karshana, n. pulling by the hair; -kalipa, in. tuft of hair; -kiita, as. louse; -graha, as. seizing by the hair: -na,. a. id.; -ta, in. N.; -dhivalya, n. white hair; -pa~sa, in. tuft or mass of hair; -bandha, s.. hair-band; -rahan&,f. dressing of the hair; -lufikana, n. tearing out the hair. j'%JT' kesa-vd, a. long-haired; in. ep. of Yishnu and Krishna: -tva, n. abst. Nv.; -yapana, n. sbaving the hair; -vyaparopana, a. tearing out of the bair; -sainska~ra-dhiipa, Mn. incense smoke for perfuming the hair; -hasta, ms. tuft or mass of bair; hair as a hand. VMW~If kesa&-kesi, ad. hair to hair=t'te4-tbte. WkJT~T9 kesqa~gra, v. tip of the hair; -anta, in. edge of the hair; tuft or mass of hair; ceremony of clipping the bair; - antika, a. reaching to the edge of the hair. WIfTv kes-in, a. long-haired; maned; in. N. of an Asura and of several men: -i, f. N. fif~'r~qkesi-nishitdana,m. ep. of Krishna; -mathana, -s i~dana, -han,-hantri, in. id. '%-ff ke-sa-ra, n. hair (of the brows); mane, (also 'a); stamina (esp. of the lotus); in. a plaist: -pura, n. N. of a city. '%'VVR~ kesara agra, n. tips of the mane.,%VfTTkesar-in, a. maned; am. lion: (n) 4, f. lioness. int kalikeya, in. king of Kekaya; II, f. princess of Kekaya: N. of a wife of Dasaratha. '~fwTrkaifhkiratta, a. coming from the Asoka tree. %jT{ kaita-bha, as. N'. of an Asura: -git, -dvish, -bhid, -anir, in. ep. of Vishnu. Z04 kaitaka, a. produced from the Ketaka tree. zfnl kaitava, a. (i1) false, deceitful; n., ijf. fraud, lie, deceit; a. stake (in gambling). i~Tftqi kaidftr-ika, a. number of fields. %R~kaimarth-ya, n.enquiryastothe'why.' IZ Z kaimut-ika, a. based on the 'how much more or less;' -ya, a. relation of 'how much more- or less.' ZM kaiyata, iRMR kaiyyata, in. N. of a commentator on the llahabhdshya. kairava, a. white (night) lotuLs. j-f~i~f14T kairav-inij. white lotus (plant). ZiRT'f kairftta, a. relating to the Kirfltas; in. prince of the Kiraktas. [of Sutvan. -'l f'-f~kairis-i,mi.descendantofKirisa,pat. ZO~TU[ kaila'sa, as. N. of a mountain, seat of Eubera & of Siva; — natha, in. ep. of Kubera. WOkaivarta, n. fisherman (a mixed caste); i]f.; a-ka, m.id.; 3'-ya, a. relating to a fisherman. %Wkaival-ya. ~ukaushth-a. 75 fi'qWi kaival-ya, n. absolute oneness; abS solute bliss. [(Krishna or Vishnu). kaisava, a. belonging to Kesava *ifWTc kais-ika, m. pl. N. of a people. Iq kor~rfix [=nm. kas], what? how? =strange, indifferent, somewhat, easily (ep. ha, kava, k&, kim, ku). [(kakravhka):fA. #W~Ikoka, m. wolf; cuckoo; ruddy goose *4K koka-nada, n. red lotuLs (flower); -nadiniL, f. red lotus (plant). Z~f~i1[ kok-ila, in., 'a, f. Indian cuckoo. ZftTW kofikana, m. pl. N. of a people. Zh~TTM kofskftna, a. (I) coming from Kohkana (horse). ZRITR kofi-kara, m. the sound kom. #4i' kok-a, in. shrinking, shrivelling. #tZ ko ta, m. fortress, stronghold (cp. kotta). VZ kotara, n. hollow of a tree; cavity: -vat, a. having caves. [tress-hill). cRTfW _(kota dri, m. N. of a mountain (forliil' koti (also 'i),f. curved tip (of a bow, talons, etc.); point; extremity, height, highest degree; ten millions; -ka, m. kind of frog; -k&.,f. extreme point: -P, = outcast, scum of; -mat, a. pointed; -vedhiu, a. hitting the extreme = accomplishingasnost difficult task; -sas, ad. to the number of ten millions. qiZ'WKo1^saam(odotnmlin) N. of a millionaire. qji kotta, in. [ko-(a)tta], stronghold; -pa'la, in. commandant of a fortress. Efty'q kottavii, f. naked woman. ZfJ kona, in. corner, angle; intermediate point of the compass (N. E. etc.). #tTW koth-a, m. putrefaction. T4 ko-danda, n. [kind of rod], bow. ko-drava, mn. kind of inferior grain eaten by the poor people. ZtIT hop-a, m. morbid excitement (esp. of the bodily humours); fury (of battle, etc.); wrath, auger (at, g., lc., prati, upari, or -'): -m kri, be angry: -ka, a. irascible; -ksham&vismaya-harsha-vat, a. angry, compassionate, astonished, and glad; -ganman, a. produced by anger. #tti~qT kop-ana, a. passionate, wrathful, angry; n. excitement; provocation; -in, a. angry, wrathful. #(IRI ko-mala, a. [easily fading], tender; soft (fig.); - aiiga, a. (i) of tender frame. of bird. Zh hora, in. flexible joint (of the body). Zf~q hora-ha, in. n. (?) buad: i, f. id. k~ ola, m. boar, hog: -tj,. abst. N. cl~q hola-ha, n. hind of perfume. ZfWT19[ holft-hal-a, m. n. clamour, outcry, uproar; yelling: -in, a. filled with din (-'P). Zffi ho-vida, a. [knowing well], knowing, skilled in (g., lc., 0-): -tva, n. skill. zfl*!T ko-vida'ra, m. [splitting well], kind of ebony. #JTko's-a, in. butt, tub, pail, coop (esp. of clouds); box, chest; sheath; case; shell; abode; store-room; treasury, treasure; vocabulary, dictionary; treasury of poetry, collection of stanzas; bud, calix (esp. o~f the lotus); cocoon; cup of peace; sacred draught used in ordeals; oath: -karakra, in. silk-worm; -griha, n. treasury; -gafta, n. treasure, wealth; -danda, in. du. treasury and army; -dsa, n. -p3th in, a.drainingorhaving drainedanyonze's treasury; -petaka, mn. n. casket; *..phaia, n. kind of perfume; -rakshin, mn. guardian of the treasury. Zh'TTT kosala, v. #t[T hosala. EN JzrET kosa-vat, a. wealthy; -vari, n. ordeal water; -vesman, n. treasury; - aga'ra, in. n. id.: -adhikarin, in. treasurer; - adhyaksha, in. treasurer. kosba, v. Zh'kT hosa. k~ oshtha, in. entrails, stomach, abdomen; is. store-room; encircling wall; -ag Mxa, n. store-house, granary; - gni, in. fire of the stomach, i. e. of digestion. #_thaftushna, a. lukewarm, tepid. #t1Iq[ hosala, in. N. of a country: pl. its people; A, f. capital of Kosala, i, e. Ayodhyfi; -ga^,f. born in Kosala, ep. of iRalma's mother; -videhk, n. pl. the Kosalas and the Videhas. '4 ~T kus-eya, in. (belonging to a sheath), sword: -ka, in. id.; knife. hf aufikuma, a. (I) consisting of saffro;coloured with saffron. [phant. 21V kaun-gara, a. ()belonging to an eleB:P kauta, a. fraudulent, false; -sakshiu, in. false-witness; -sakkshya, n. falseeovidence. Cn evI' hautasth-ya, n. immutability. '4fT hautil-ya, n. crookedness; crispness, waviness; deceitfulness; in. ep. of KMnakya; -sa'stra, n. science of Kautilya, diplomacy. ZfTZ kautumb-a, a. requisite for the h~ousehold; n. affinity; -ika, a. belonging to or constituting a family; mn. father of a family. W kauttan-ya, n. pimping. [man. O flk hauna-huts-ya, in. N. of a BrdhBftI4' haun apa, a. proceeding from corpses; in. Rkkshasa. kf~~ aiindin-ya, in. pat. fr. Kundina. #tZi hautuha, n. curiosity, interest, eagerness (w. le. or ~0;curious, strange or interesting spectacle; entertaining story; festival;wedding investiture with the, nuptial cord; nuptial cord; happiness, bliss; -kriya.,f. wedding festival; -griha, is. wedding-house; -pura, n. N. of a city; -bhrit, a. wearing the nuptial cord; -maiigaia, is. solemn ceremony, festival; -maya, a. interesting; charmin;-91gara, in. n. wedding chamber. E~fi i hatkia p. interested in (lc.), by (in.); -in, is. interested, curious. ftV hautlihala, n. curiosity, interest, eagerness (with lc., prati, or inf.); festival. tkaiitsa, a. relating to Kutsa; in., II, f. pat.; is. hymn composed by Kutsa. kaunakh-ya, n. disease of the nails. Chw' haunt-eya, in. son of Kuntil, met, of Yudhishthira, Bhlmasena, and Arguna. I - hf~i aunda, a. (i) belonging to or made of jasmine. Z&t kaupa, a. (i) coming from a well. #tITkaupina, is. pudenda;- loin cloth; infamous deed: -vat, a. wearing onsly a loin cloth. th haubera, a. (ii) relating to Kubera.\ #EWRT haumaira, a. (i1) relating to a youth or virgin; youthful; relating to Kumara, (god Of war); is. childhood, youth; innocence of youth, virginity; -ha~rin, a. practising chastity; -vrata, is. vow of chastity: -ka'rin, a. practising a vow of chastity. PUITTI kaumfiri, f. female energy of the god of war; (sc. kfishtha or dis) the north. Zflfikaumud-a, mpat. descendant of Kumuda; the month Katrttika (October-November); i', f. moonlight: 2,common in titles of works; -ikA,f. N. of a maid; -vateya, in. met.fr. Kumudvati. [Krishna's club. k aumo dahi,f. N. of Vishnu's or l aurav-a, a.() belonging to the Kurus; in. _pat. descendant of Kuru; -eya, m._pl. descendants of Kuru;.yi ( + ka-ftravY a), m.pl. id. =P5indavas; N. of apeople. kaurma, a. peculiar to the tortoise. k~ aula, a. (I') relating to a family; hereditary, inherited; in. worshipper of Sakti according to the left-hand ritual. co f kVi auLl-ika,in. weaver; worshipper of Sakti according to the left-hand ritual: k' ra, a. behaving like a weaver. Z~fiTrti hauli-tard, a. the demon Sambara. qi#VfIf haul-inn, a. peculiar to high birth; n. rumour; slander; disgraceful deed; -i3nya, n. noble birth; nobleness. [of Kauhl-ta. k~~ aululta, m.pl. N. of a people: sg. king ZhkI4 haul-eya, in. dog: -ka, in. id., esp. sporting dog; -kutumbini, f. bitch. #jW haul-ya, a. sprung from a noble race; is. noble descent. EMI hauvera, V. k auLbera. 'P4i hausa, a. i. silken (coming from the cocoon: kosa); 2. ii, (i) made of Kusa grass. #tJT hausal-a, is. welfare, prosperity; skill, cleverness, experience (in, lc. or -ya, n. id.; -i~fgift, present. Ei fflRET hausftmbihft, f. N. (Pr.). CD IVIIITR hausatmbil, f. N. of a city: -ya, a. belonging to Kausa'mbi. #AMf-ikausihd, i.'a. relating to Kusiha; in. pat., esp. of Visvhmitra; (a), in. owl; 'I, f. ep. of Durgfi; N. of a Buddhist mendicant nun; 2. a. sheathed; n. silk cloth or garment. *WW hausilav-a, is. profession of a bard or actor; -ya, n. id. [garment. ZfI'41 haus-eya, a. silhen; is. silk, silk ~Tlq~haushftrava, m. pat. from Kushftru. ZUTM5~ haushitaka, Oftfj -hi, in. pat.fromn Kushitaka: (ki)-bra'hmana, is. Br~hmana of the Kaushitakins (also called Sd~khalcyana Brihmana); (ki)-~_panishad~f. Kaushitakiupanishad. *9 haushth-a', a. being in the body; being in the store-room; -ya, a. being in the abdomen. L 2 76 76t'r[ kausal-ya. il krudh. ohlJ kadsal-ya, a. belonging to the Kosalas; m. king of the Kosalas; a,f. queen of Kosala (mother of Rama). [loan. i<')tt kausida, a. (i) proceeding from a 7iJ. kausuma, a. coming from or made of flowers; - ayudha, a. relating to KAma. 'i/ai ' kausumbha, a. (i) coming from, coloured with or like safflower; n. substance coloured with safflower. qijW kaustubha, m. n. jewel produced at the churning of the ocean, an ornament of Vishnu; -bhrit, m. ep. of Vishnu. i k-ta, sufix ta of the pp. (gr.). I knath-a, the root knath (gr.), fi KNtY, only cs. knopaya, P. drench. abhi, wet, moisten. Wi kyaku, n. mushroom. 3iiM krakaka, m. n. saw; m. a plant. 9iV KRAKSH, only pr. pt. krakshamana, (V) raging, roaring. iFUkr-a-tu, m. power, might, efficacy; counsel, intelligence, wisdom; inspiration; plan, purpose, wish, will; sacrifice (sts. personified); N. of the three liturgies forming the prataranuvaka; N. of a son of Brahman (one of the Pragdpatis and of the seven Rishis); a star in the Great Bear. W*t k kratu-deva, m. N.; -mat, a. resolute; intelligent, wise; -rag, m. chief sacrifice (Asvamedha and Rtgastya); -vikrayin, a. selling the rewards for a sacrifice; -vid, a. powerful, inspiring. WiT kratA-yS, den. P. will earnestly. r' KRATH, only cs. krathaya, P. be extravagant or wild. ^i krath-a, the root krath (gr.). w'wiftilikratha-kaisika,m.pl.N.ofapeople (descendedfrom Kratha son of Vidarbha and from Kaisika). W'WiVi krathana-ka, m. N. of a camel. $Wj KRAND, I. kranda, neigh, roar; \ wail; resound, rattle; implore piteously (ac.); cs. krandaya, P.causeto neigh &c. or= simple vb.; intv. k&nikrant-ti, -te: pt. k&nikrat, kanikradat, kanikradyamna,= simple vb. akikch, cs. cry to. abhi, roar (at). a, call on, invoke; cry piteously; invoke the aid of (ac.); cs. cry out to. his krdnd-a, m. neigh; cry: -dhvani, m. cry of pain; -ana, n. crying aloud; lamentation; -as, n. battle-cry: dc. the two contending hosts. i?, KRAP, v. i KRIP. FiI KRAM, I. krama-ti (-te), krama-te - (-ti), stride, step; go to (ac. or Ic.); take refuge with (lc.); pass through, traverse; tower above; take possession of, occupy, fill; A. succeed, take effect: pp. kranta; cs.kramaya, cause to step; intv. kanikramate, kafikramyate, kainkramiti, walk about. ati, pass by, go beyond, traverse, cross; overstep, neglect; depart from (ab.); be deprived of (ab.); pass, elapse; exceed, surpass; trespass, transgress; cs. allow to pass by; disregard. abhiati, overcome. vi._ti, overstep; pass by (of time), elapse; neglect, trespass; wrongly surrender oneself to (ac.). sam-ati,id. anu, follow, go through in order, enumerate; particularize; state in an index. I I I apa, go away, depart, retreat from (ab.). ava, depart, withdraw; escape. a, come up, approach, enter; step on (ac., Ic.); press upon (ac.); seize, attack; gain possession of; occupy, overspread; rise, ascend (A.); begin (inf.): pp. see s.v.; cs. cause to enter. adhi i, fall upon; choose, occupy. nir-a, issue forth (from, ab.). prati A, step back. sam-a, step upon (ac.); assail, take possession of; occupy. ud, rise; go out; leave (ab.); depart (life); avoid. prati ud, depart. vi d, overstep; pass over, neglect. upa, come up, approach (ac., Ic.); treat; physic; perform; begin (ac., d., or inf.). sam-upa, A. begin (inf.). nis, go out of, leave (ab.); depart: pp. nish-kranta, =exit, exeunt; es. cause to leave, let out of (ab.); drive out, abhi-nis, go out of (ab.). vi-nis, step out, emerge from (ab.). para, stride forth, be valorous, put forth one's strength, do one's best. pari, walk about (esp. on the stage); traverse, visit; surround; overtake. anu-pari, inspect in turn. sam-pari,walk round (ac.); visit. pra, stride forth, set out; A. begin, undertake. vi, stride along; go aside; traverse; rise to (ac.); assail courageously; be valorous; fight with (ac.): pp. courageous, valorous, brave. sam, come together, unite; go to; enter; pass from (ab.) to (Ic.): pp. transferred from (ab.) to (-~); cs. lead to (2 ac.); transfer to (lc.). upa-sam, approach. W kram-a, m. step; gait; course; posture for attack; regular order, succession, gradation; inheritance; method, manner, way; usage, ritual; occasion, reason for (-~, g.); a way of reciting the Veda: in., ab., or -tas, in order, in turn; in., ab., o-, in due course, regularly, gradually; in. in the course of (-~). %iWTf krama-gata, pp. coming in the way of (g.). WOj1 krim-ana, n. step, tread; walking; treading on (-~). [marian. frt^Tq kramad-lsvara, m. N. of a gramwM^IT krama-patha, m. krama method of reciting the Veda; -prapta, pp. inherited; -yoga, m. regular order, succession; -ragya, n. N. of a locality; -varta, N. of a country; -vriddhi, f. gradual increase; -sas, ad. in order, in turn; gradually. Wt litTWr krama Akranta, pp. seized at one bound; - agata, pp. come by succession, inherited; - ayata, pp. id., hereditary. jifjRi kram-ika, a. inherited, hereditary; successive. ~i.i kramu-ka, m. betel-nut tree, *IWti kramela-ka, m. camel. jq kray-a, m. purchase; price: -krita, pp. bought; -vikraya, m. (sg. and duo.) purchase and sale; trade; -vikrayin, a. buying and selling, bargaining. j1iE kray-ana, n. purchase; -ana-ka, a. marketable; -ika, -in, m. buyer. sit krdy-ya,fp. purchasable. Sif I' kravish-nu, a. eager for raw flesh. if.qr krav-is, n. raw flesh, carrion. jit krav-ya, n. id.: -bhakshin, -bhug, a. flesh-eating; -mukha, m.N. of a wolf; -vahana, a. carrying away bodies (v. I.for kavya-). iKITi kravya'ad, 0~ -da, a. flesh-eating, corpse-consuming; m. beast of prey. W'kjTI krasa-ya, den. P. emaciate. I L L I F I I I I I rif i kras-i-man. m. thinness, slenderness, shallowness. [extracted. iLr' krash-tavya,fp. to be dragged; to be %iTlT kr-ana, ad. (pr. pt. /kri) willingly; straightway. [ecliptic. 4iTI kran-ta, pp. /kram; n. step; -ti, f. fif-i krimi, incorrect spelling of krimi. fiT kri-ya,f.making,doing; performance; business, transaction; action, act; work; trouble; labour; notionof the verb,verb (gr.); literary work; rite, ceremony; medical treatment, cure; (legal) proof. f'iITij kriytj kula, a.busy,overwh elmed with business; - Atmaka, a.whosenatureis activity: -tva,n. abst..; -dveshin, a. evading the evidence; - autara, n. interruption of an action; another action; -pada, n. verb; -prabandha, m. continuity of an action; - abhyupagama, m. express promise; -yoga, m. connexion with an action or verb; employment ofmeans; the practical Yoga; -yogya, a. fitted for work; -jrtha, a. having an action as an object; -lopa, m. failure of ceremonies; -vat, a. performing actions, active; performing sacred rites; -vidhi, m. specific rule of action; employment of a verb; -viseshana, n. adverb; -sakti, f. capacity of acting: -mat, a. capable of acting. [(in C. = Paiikila). frlfkkrivi, m. water-skin: pl. N, ofa people i KRI, IX. kri-na, -n, -n,buy from (ab., g.) for (in.: price): pp. bought, purchased; captivated by (in.). a, upa, id. nis, buy off, redeem (from, ab.). pari, buy, barter, for (in.); hire (in. or a. of price). vi, barter or sell for (in.); des. vi-kikrl-sha, i. wish to exchange for (in.); intend to give up. Aft KRID, I. krida, V. krila, play, jest, \ dally (with, in. + saha, sama, or sardham); gamble; dance about (dice). pari, play, jest (A.). pra, begin to play, enjoy oneself. vi, play, jest. if~ krld-6, a. playing, dallying; -ana, n. playing, play: -ka,m. plaything; -aniya, n. id. 1jT krld-a, f. play, sport, jest, dalliance: -kapi-tva, n. jesting imitation of a monkey; -kanana, n. pleasure-grove; -kasara, m.pleasure-pond; Ukopa, n. simulated anger; -kautuka, n. wanton curiosity; -kausala, n. art of jesting; -griha, m. n. pleasure.house; -parvata, m. (artificial) pleasure-hill: -ka, m. id.; -mayura, n. pet peacock; -markatapota, m. pet young monkey; -mahidhra, m. pleasure-hill; -rasa, m. enjoyment of sport or fun: -maya, a. consisting in the water of play; -vesman, n. pleasure-house; -sakunta, m. pet bird; -saila, m. pleasure-hill; -saras, n. pleasure-lake. i-tf krid-i, a. playing, dallying; -ita, pp. one who has played; n. play; -in, a. playing, dallying; -ui: -mat, a. id. ji;T kri-ta, pp. V/kri; n. purchase: -ka, a. (son) acquired by purchase; - anusaya, m. repenting of a purchase. [! KRU, be rough or raw.] [lew. wt krsink (nm. kruii), vi kridika, m. cur'jx KRUDH, IV. P. (A.) krudhya, be or grow angry (with, d., g.; at, Ic.): pp. krud-dha, angry, enraged, with (d., g., Ic., upari, or prati); cs. krodhaya, enrage. abhi, be angry with (ac.): pp. enraged. prati, return any one's (ac.) anger. sam, be angry: pp. angry. %-qkru dh. I *q ksham-a.77 77 I I krndh, f. anger: in. in anger: -a, the r00t krudh (gr.); -=ini, a. irritable. kr-imujf Nr. of a tributary of the Indus. ~jikrnmu-k6, m. splint to catch the flame 'fom the tinder. fr A -AV~ KRUJS, I. P. (A.) kr6sa, cry; lament; \)5 N- invoke (ac.): pp. krushta, reviled. anu, cry at; as ait.~ cry aloud; revile; challenge,vie with. uapa, display indignation. pra, cry out: pp. publicly offered (food). vi, call aloud. saim, raise a clamour. TV,, KRUD, X. P. krudaya, thicken. YI' krfi-rd, a. wounded; sore; cruel; for~midable, terrible; ferocious; rough, hard; n. sorewound; roughness, cruelty: -karmakrit, a. *doing cruel deeds; m. beast of prey; -karman, n. horrible deed; hard task; a. doing cruel deeds; -keshtita, (-p.P.) a. acting cruelly; atf cruelty. krfira aksha, m. N. of an owl; - 21c.aa. of cruel conduct: -vihara-vat, a. ferocious in conduct an~d de-lighting in cruelty; -&saya, a. containing terrible monsters; cruel-hearted., krefi-khra, in. the so-Lnd krefi. kre-tri, m. buyer; -tavya, -ya, fp. purchasable. WtT krod-a', mn. breast; cavity, interior; boar: (Al-~a, sn. hog's bristle. #RI kro'dh-a, m. anger: -kakshus, n. angry eye; -ga, a. springing from wrath; -mukha, a. (i.) angry-faced; -VASA, m. power of anger. WT~'cM krodh-ana, a.passionate, angry with (la.); n. anger. W~V~IWI krodh-atlu, a. passionate. 'gftfVpr krodh-in, a. angry, passionate. '9f'kkro's-a,m. cry,shout; ear-shot (measure of distance). *IT krosh-trf, a. crying, yelling; lamenting; ss. jackal; -tu: -ka, m. jackal. #~krauiika, m. (I') curlew; N. of a mountain cleft by Kdrttikeya; -ripu, -sat-ru, m. ep. of Khtrttikeya. krauda, a. (I') belonging to the boar. 35P kraur-ya, n. cruelty, hardheartedness. N KLATH, I. P. klktha, turn (mnt.). KLAND, I. A.klanda, -resound. TZTAMff IY. P. klamya, grow tired, be exhausted, flag: gnly. pp. kianta fatigued, exhausted; withered; slender, thin. Pari, feel greatly exhausted: pp. greatly exhausted. vi, A. despond. WR kla m-a, m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor: - -apaha, a. dispelling fatigue. ~JMKLAV, Only pp. klavita, faltering.;WTfifklflna-ti,f.fatigue,languLor,e xhaustion. f~KLID, IV. klidya, P. become wet: Npp. klin-na, wet; pr.pt. klindat, wet, dripping; compassionate; as. kledaya, make wet, moisten; dirty, soil. parn, Pra =simple verb. sam, pp. moistened, softened. f:iqKLIS, IX. klisna', IV. klisya, P. ",torment, plague, annoy, trouble; IV. A.(P.) be troubled, tormented, or distressed; P. cause pain to (ac.): pp. klishta, tormented, annoyed, afflicted; damaged, worn, out; painful, distressing; forced, obscure; as. kiesaya = simple vb. pari, IV. P. A. suffer distress: pp. tormented, distressed, afflicted; weakly: -in, ad. reluctantly; as. torment. sain-pra, knead, squeeze. [life. fl f klisbta-vritti,a.leadingawretched WJ' klilbd, a. emasculated, impotent; unmanly, timorous, cowardly; waterless (aloud); in. eunuch; weakling, coward; n. neuter (gender): -ta', f. impotency; weakness. Wi kled-a, in. moistuLre, humidity; -ana, nt. moistening. *TT~ kles-a, m. torment, pain, suffering, affliction, distress; -in, a. painful, distressing; hurting. UW~ klailb-ya, n. impotence; timidness, faintheartedness; cowardice; weakness. WTRklo'-man, m. (V.), n. right ILung. ~KikWq kloma-hridayd, n. sg. right lung and heart. ~J kva-, ad. = la. of ka; where? whither? often emphasized with the _pals. iha, id, iva, 3un, nu khalu, and svid: kva svid also=: somewhere; with bhf' and as:what has be-, come of -?= it is all over with; kva tadgatam, how about that l without verb =it isout of the question; kva-kva, ex~pressing incongruity =how great is the difference between -and -, there is nothing in common between -and -; with api and kid = kasmin + api or hid; somewhere, in a certain place; sometime, once; sometimes, ever; kvakit kvakid, here and there, now and then; kvakid - kvakid, here -there; now- now; kvia api, kva hit, kvaka, kvakana, with na, nowhere,2 in no case, never, with, preceding yatra, wherever, whenever, in whatever case. KV1JR AN, I. P. kvana, cry out, croak, Nbuzz; sound; ring, tinkle: pp.-tn sound. Ij'q KYATH, I. kvatha, boil (tr. and int.). 'I ud, boil over (fig.). [boiling. UM kvath-a, m. decoction, extract; -ana, n. WI k-vas-u., the suffixc vas (gr.). [found? MM~ kva-stha, a. where situated or to be 7Tr~~ kvflkit-ka, a. (i1) occurring only here and there, occasional. kvatna, m. sound. MT' kvhtha, in. boiling; decoction. fM-'g k-v-.io, fictitious suftix v added to the simple root used nominally (gr.). TkVKSIIAN, v. lqvKSHAN. 7E kshan-a, ms. (n'.) moment; opportunity; leisure; joyful moment, festival: -in, for or in a moment; '~, in., ab. in a moment., immediately; lc. every moment; kshanit -kshanat, at. one moment - at another; kshanam kri, wait a moment; give any one (g.) an opportunity (also da) -m labh, find an opportunity. W~i~T kshana-da'f. night: -kara, -krit, m. moon, -kara, in. night-walker, Rtkshasa; -drishta-nashta, pp. appearing and disappearing in a moment. 'iq q kshan-ana, n. hurting, wounding. 'rir';T'J kshana-matra, n. only a moment: -in, for a moment only, in. in a moment; -vidhvamsin, a. collapsing in a moment; -h'ina, pp. joyless. W1qTTWUR kshana antara, n. space of a moment, littlewhile: la. after awhile, thereupon.!qTZ kshan-ika, a. (II) momentary: -tE',f., -tva, n. abst. Ne.; -in, a. being at leisure.!RW ksha-ta, pp. Vkshan: AAf. violated girl; n. hurt, wound: -pa, a. blood. ksha-ti, f. injury, loss, harm, damage, destruction: -mat, a. wounded. TT kshat-trz', us. carver, distributor (of food); N. of various mixed castes.!" ksha-trad, n. sg. & pl. dominion, power; powers that be; military (second) caste; man of the second caste. 'I I kshatra- dharma, m. duty of the warrior caste; -dharinan, a. fulfilling the duties of the warrior caste; -bandhut, in. member of the second caste; -vidya',f. science of the warrior caste; -vriddhi,f. increase of military power.!Ekf-Ji kshatr-fya, a. ruling; us. ruler; man, Aa,f. woman, of the military caste; n. sovereign power, dominion: - anta-kara, m. ep. of Parasurglma. ~?lj(KSHAD, L.AX. kshbda,ea rve; slaughN ter. vt.m KSHAN, VIII. P. kshan-6, -ii, hurt, Nwound; break; 'A. hurt or wound oneself:- p~p. kshat&, hurt, wounded; broken, injured; destroyed; violated. upa, parn, vi, pp. hurt, wounded.!o~fkshan, 3 pl. aor. V'kshau. 'iITI1IM kshan-tavya,fp. to be forgiven: -in, one should forgive some one (g.), for (ab.). KSHAP, I. kshapa, practise absti~-nence or mortification. lqC~ksb ap, f. night. 7'qtW~ kshap-ana, i. us. Buddhist or Jamn mendicant; n. fasting, mortification; 2. a. destroying; m. destroyer; n. destroying,; spending (time), waiting. 1RW4Z5 kshapana-ka, m. mendicant (esp. naked Buddhist or fain). [structive. '~4i~ kshapan-ika, in. boatman; a. de'qqIT kshap-g, f night: (i)-kara, -krit, in. moon; -hcana, mn. night-walker, iRhkshasa; nocturnal beast or bird; -gala, in. night dew; -_ a~tyaya, ms. end of night, day-break; -a9paha, m. sun; -ramana, us. moon: -sekhara, us. ep. of Siva; - adha, n. (l) midnight; - avasana, n. end -of night: le. on the morrow; - aha, en. (l) day and night. 1f'~ffWkshap-i-tavya,f~p.tobe spent(tiine). Mr(1 kshap~isa, us. moon. K S HAM, I. A. (P.) kshkina (IV. NA-.kshamya), have patience; submit to (d.); endure, put up with; pardon (g. or d. of person, ac. of thing); grant anything (ac.) to (g.), allow to (pot.); show indulgence to (ac.); be able to (inf.): pp. kshanta, patient; as. kshainaya, ask any one's (aa.) pardon or indulgence for (cc.). [earth. qZkshdm,strong basekshrn, weakest kshm,!q[ ksbam-a', a. patient; enduring (~) capable of, able to, equal to (in., le., or endurable; suitable, useful, favourable (for, d., g., le., inf., or 10; inf. or -' after verbal Nr. having a passive sense): -ti', f., -tva, n. capacity for, ability to (la. or -) 19RT ksham-ft, f. patience, forbearance, in 78 'fr ksham-in. %K kshubh. dulgence (towards, lo. or prati); tameness; earth:..pati, m. king; -bhrit, m. mountain; king;..mandala, n. orbis terrarum, whole earth; -1ifiga Atma-p-ida-vat, a. in which proof of forbearance and loss on one's own part is adduced (leg.); -vat, -sila, a. patient, indulgent, forbearing; compassionate. vf~ksham-in, a. id., towards (le.). '1RI ksha'm-ya, a. earthly. [tribe, people.!q i. ksha'y-a, a. dwelling; m. abode, seat;!W2. kshay-a, m. decrease; depreciation; decline, loss, destruction; end: acz. with verbs of going: decrease, come to an end, be lost, perish; -kara, -kartri, -krit, a. destroying 'i4TW f kshay-ana, a. destroying(~).[O) ~ifWKq~k kshaya - divasa, m. day of the world's destruction; -paksha, ms. fortnight of the moon's wane; -yukta, pp. ruined, fallen; -yukti,f. destruction, ruin; -rog-in, a. consumptive: -i-tva, n. consumption. '1f4.T~ kshay-i-tt, f., O1W -tva, n. annihilation; transitoriness; -in, a. decreasing; transitory; consumptive; -ishnu, a. transitory; destructive. 7T KSHAR, I.P A.) kshira, flow; ~ ~pass away, perish; pour forth, discharge, yield; emit astreama; es. kshaxaya, cause to flow, discharge. ati, flow through, overflow (tr.). abhi ati, flow across to. ava, sprinkle;cs. cause to flow down upon (ac.). 'a, cs. defame. upa, flow towards. 'TT kshar-a, a. passing away, transitory; -ana, n. flowing; effusion. 'M~ KSIIAL, X. P. kshalaya, wash; 511N cleanse, purify, remove. pra, wash, cleanse. abhi-pra, cleanse. vi, wash away.!q~ ksbdva, MI -thu, m. sneezing, sneeze. 14T i. KSHA', v.;R KS'HAI. T7-, 2. ksh', f. earth; abode. 'qT'I ksha'tra, a. (I) peculiar to the military caste; n. royal dignity. [forbearance. 19TR[ kshftn-ta, PP. Vksham; a. patience, W~ftff kshftn-ti,f. id.: mat, a. patient, forbearing; -sila, as. N. (patient). WIT kshft-ma, a. singed, scorched; parched, dried up; emaciated, slender; weak, little, insignificant: -kshgma, a. quite emaciated. 'lT1III ksha-man, n. earth, ground. 19TIfr kshamii-kri, shorten, curtail. 'WRT kshat-ra, a. caustic, salty; sharp, cutting (wind); m. (a. rare) burning or corrosive substance; saltpetre, potash, etc.: -kshiata, _pp. corroded by saltpetre; -kshina, pp.i. at f. abSt. N.; -lavana, a. due. caustic & salt. ~ftl~ kshftr-ay-i-tri, a. causing to flow. Viri kshhl-a, rn. washing; -ana, n. id.; a. washing, wiping away (also fig.). dwell, abide; inhabit; cs. kshayiya or kshepaya, cause to dwell peacefully, pacify. adhi, dwell in or near, rest upon; spread over (ac., lc'.). upa, dwell in, abide by (also ftg., w. ac.). pari, dwell around (ac.). 2. KSHJ, 1. P. kshbya, (V.) possess, 'rule over (g.). ff 3. KSHI, P. IX. kshi-na", (V.-); V. kshiAln6; I. kshay-a, (E.) destroy; oppress; _ps. ksmya, decrease, wane; cease; be exhausted; disappear, perish: p~p. ksiti, exhausted, decayed, kshiln&, decreased; waning; exhausted, come to an end; feeble; thin, slender; cs. kshayayati or kshapaya-ti, -te, destroy, remove, dispel; emaciate, weaken; pass (time): pp. kshayita or kshapita. pari, destroy; ps. be impoverished: _pp. disappeared; exhausted; indigent; perished; weak in (in.); destitute of (.) pra, destroy, exhaust; ps. perish: p~p. destroyed; exhausted, disappeared. sam, destroy; ps. draw to an end. f~(kshi-t, a.. N. dweller; ruler(2) f i~. kshi-tif, f abode, dwelling; earth, land: _p1. the tribes, races, peoples, men. fkfla 2. kshi'-ti, f. destruction. f!q'_f~ kshiti -kampa, as. earthquake; -kshit, m. king, prince; -kshoda, as. dust of the earth; -tala, a. surface of the earth: - apsaras, f. Apsaras dwelling on earth; -dhara, as. mountain; -dhenu, f. the cowlike earth; -Pa, -pati, -pfi1a, -bhug, m. king; -bhrit, as. mountain; king; -rasa, as. sap of the earth; -lava-bhug, m. petty prince; -sakipati, m. king; -sata-kratu, in. id.; iudra, 7jsa,!Ljsvara, as. king. KSHIJP, VI. kshipl, throw, east, discharge (at, upon, d., g., le., or upari); move rapidly; utter (words); direct (thoughts or gaze); hit; strew, pour, put (into, ic.); set down; throw off; let go; cast blame on (le.); inveigh against, abuse, mock; destroy, lose; pass, bide (time); as. kshepaya, cause to be thrown into (antar), cause to descend into (lc.); crack. adhi, throw dirt on, revile, insult, offend, mock at. abhi, hit sharply (withb a whi~p). ava, cast down, let fly; throw into (le.). it, throw upon (lc.), at (d.); cast ashore; touch (ac.) with (in.); pull or carry away; take away from (ab.); withdraw; rob; attract (fig.), absorb; expel from (ab.); put into (lc.); refer to; raise an objection to (ac.); reproach with; insult; produce, effect. pari, entwine with (in.). v14, stretch out; carry away, captivate: pp.-fl f aam, accumulate; insult; indicate. ud, throw up, raise; place upon. sam-ud, throw up, raise; free from (ab.). upa, hint at, allude to. ni, throw down; throw upon (le. or upari), put down, place upon or in (lc.); direct the gaze towards (le. or ad. in -tas); abandon, give up; hand over, deliver, entrust, to (lc.); bestow; appoint to (lc.); es. cause to be drawn up. upa-ni, put down. vi-ni, throw or put down; entrust: pp. placed in ().pari, throw along (a distance); wind round; surround; embrace. pra, cast, throw at or in, place in (la.); put before; let down. vi, throw about, cast hither and thither., scatter; *handle; distract: p~p. distraught. pra-vi,.pp.-agitated. sam,heapup; compress, curtail, diminish; destroy: pp. contracted, condensed; narrow; short, concise. [in. pi1.) id. fiRq~kshipJf. (only nm.pl.) finger: -Mf. (only fqj kship-td, pp. Vkship; a. (shot) wound: -kitta, a. distraught: -t', f. absence of mind; -yoni, a. of contemptible birth. flO? kship-rad, a. elastic (bow); quick, rapid: -m or ab-. quickly, directly, at once: ~4shu, a. having swift arrows. fqF9iT kshillikat, f. N.!OT!kshin6,.pp.V'3.kshi: -karman,a.whose desirefor action is at an end; -kosa, a. whose treasury is exhausted; -tamas, as. N. of a Vihadra; -ta', f. injury, damage; -tva, n. disappearance; -vritti, a. whose provisions are exhausted; -_4dhi, a. freed from distress; -4yus, a. moribund. kshiba, lft kshilva, a. intoxicated; excited: -ta',f., -tva, a. intoxication. # kshird, a. milk; milkyT sap (of plants). io M~kshh'raakunda, n.milk-pot; -kshaya, as. failure of milk (in thke udder); -dhi, as. ocean of milk; -nidhi, as. id.; -nira, n. milk and water (-~); -pa, a. drinking only milk; as. suckling, infant, child; -bhrita, pp. paid with milk; -maya, a. representing milk; -maha'raava, as. ocean of milk; (i)-vat, a. full of milk; -va~ridhi, as. ocean of milk; -vriksha, as. tree with milky juice, the common name of the Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Asvattha, and Madhtika; -shaishtika, a. sixty days' rice with milk; -samudra, -Sa~gara, as. ocean of mllk; -snigdha, pp. moist with milky juice; -sva~min, as. N. of a grammarian. 10ki9 ksb~ira anna, a. rice boiled in milk; - abdhi, as. ocean of milk; -zambudhi, as. id. 'WRTM kshiira-ya, den. A. become milk. q fT'fkshir-ifn, a. abounding in milk; con - taining milky juice. -9 i kshira uda, as. ocean of milk: -dhii, as.id.; - 4rmi, m.f wave of the ocean of milk. WIN kshiva, v. kshiba. 'I KSHU, IT. P. kshau-ti, sneeze: pp. kshuta, havingy sneezed; a. sneeze. ava, pp. sneezed upon.!U kshii, a. [gh(a)s-ii] food, nutriment. ~! kshun-na, pp. V/kshud.!U?~ kshAn-t, f. sneezing. 'TMTI kshut-kshama, a. emaciated with hunger: -kantha, a. hvg. a throat -; -ppsita, pp. tormented with hunger and thirst. W-, KSHUD, I. P. ksh6da, pound: P-P. \-2 N- kshunna,trodden;crusbed,broken;pierced. pra, goad, urge on. vi, pound; urge on.!W ksbud-rd, a. small, tiny; low, mean, base; wicked (injest): (a)-ka, a. small,tiny; *..ghantika, f. small bell (ornament). W~f kshudra-gantu, as. small animal; insignificant person; -pasu, as. small live stock: -mat, a. possessing -; -buddhi, as. N. of a jackal (base-minded); -satru, as. insignificant foe; -Su~kta, a. short hymn; as. author of short hymns.!U~7 kshudra aksha, a. having small meshes; - Akarita, pp. frequented by low persons; - anutra, a. small cavity of the heart. 41JJ KSHUDH, IV. P. kshfidhya, be \3 \ hungry: pp. kshudhita, hungry.!Uqksh-idh, f. hunger. 19V~T kshudh-a, f. id.: -kara, a. causn hugr rta pp. tortured with hunger. ~uvri kshudhat-lu, a. hungry. %f?'fti kshun-nirodha, as. suppression of hunger, starvation; -mat, a. hungry. a-tk s u a a., f. s r b b u h a-k a, as., IR. kshu b-d app Vshrub h: bush; com AA K S HUBl, I. A. kshobha, (V.); IV.P. \) A-. kshubhya, sway, tremble, become agitated: pp. kshubdha (rare) and kshubhita, shaken; agitated; es. kshobhay'a, P. (k) shake, agitate; throw into confusion. pra, become agitated, be disturbed. vi, be shaken or agitated; be thrown into confusion. Sam, become agitated. ipffj kshu-mat. q had-vataka. 7 79 I '~~(kshu-mdt, a. nutritious; strong, vigorous. 1U kshura6, m. sharp knife, razor; -karmani, n. shaving; -kritya, n. id.; -klipta, _pp. shaved; -kriya',f. shaving; -dha'nk, n. razor-case; -pra, a. sharp as a razor; m. arrow, knife, or scythe as sharp as a razor; -bhanda, n. razor-case. '7f i' kshur-ikft, f. knife, dagger. ig kshulla, O4i -kg, a. small, little, tiny. t' kshe'-tra, n. landed property; field (-in kri, cultivate a field); place, region; seat, sphere of activity, source; extent; womb; wife; seat of the soul, hody; primeval soul or matter. kshetra-karman-, n. agriculture; -kcarma-krit, a. husbandman; -karshaka, m. hu shandman; -ga, a. growing in the fields; mn. wife's son begotten by another man; _gita,.pp. id.; -giiba, a. having local knowledge; conversant with (g.); m. soul; -tara, n. place very suitable for cultivation or habitation; a ~f. residence; -pa, sn. field-watcher; -pati, sa. owner of a field; -paka, sn. field-watcher;tutelary deity of the fields; -raksha, mn. fieldwatcher; -vid, a. knowing the place; expert; knowing the body. ~qqf kshetr-ika, in. owner of a -field; hushand; -in, in. id.; soul; -iyb,, a. local; constitutional = incurable. 'I kshetril-kri, take possession of (ac.). M#T4 kseri-ya, den. P. desire a field. ~tI kshep-a, m. throwing, moving about; motion, agitation, swaying; delay; accusation; abuse; transference; -aka, a. throwiug, casting; destroying; -ana, n. throwing, letting fly: i^, f. sling; -anika, m. hoatman; -aniya, n. sling. [quickly. ~t~kshep-au, in. throw: in. kshieyna, Vf~kshe'p-ishtha, spv.; -:Iyas, cpv. of ksiprg,n. ad. as quickly as possible. kshep-tri, m. slinger; -n-ff, m,. letting fly (bowstring); -ya, fp. to be thrown (into, ic.); to he destroyed. %RI ksh 65ma, a. comfortable, agreeable; quiet; safe; sn. abode; place; rest, security; prosperity: -m, te, hail to you! in. sg. or pl. peacefully, happily, safe and sound. '*IIEOT kshema-kara, a. affording peace and security; -ka'ra, -krit, m-kara, a. id. MRMT~ kshema-ya, den. P. only pr. pt. resting; affording rest, sheltering, refreshing. %iT4Pt7kshema-yoga~mdu. rest andlabour. Wiff kshem-in, a. safe. %13a kshemnijsaai.N. of a poet. *WI~kshema indram.N~of several aut hors. %W kshe'm-ya, a. (also -yd) resting; secure; salubrious, auspicious. '9Wkshain-ya, n.ruin (abst. N.from kshlina). kshaitra", n. estate. ~~~jkshaitra-pata, a. (1i) relating to the lord of the soil; -patyi, a. id.; n. (kshaftra.) dominion; estate. kshaipra, a. produced by rapid enunciation: said of the Sandhi by which i or become y or v; also of the svarita accent arising on- such a syllable. 1qfViQf kshoni',f. host, retinue; earth, land. #rfI tfW kshoni-pati, m. prince, king; -pi1a, -dndra, sa. id. 1q~jTj ksho'nr, f. (nns. -s) = kshoni': -pati, -ramana, sn. prince, king. kshod-a, m. blow; crushing; flour, powder; drop; little hit. 10'~~ksho'd-as, n. swell, stream. [kshudrai. ~qf4 ksh Od-ishtha, spy.; -3jyas, cpv. of 1O kshobh-a, in. swaying, tremor; jolting, agitation; -ana, a. shaking, agitating; -ayitri, in. prime mover or originator. M IIP4 kshaunil, f. earth, land: -dhara, m. mountain; -n&tha, m. king; -bhug, in. id.; -bhrit, in. mountain. #t3 kshaudra, n. honey. '1O[ kshauma, a. (3.) flaxen, linen; n. linen, linen garment. 4tkshaura, a. donewiththerazor; n. shaving: -m kri, shave, -sn k~raya, get shaved; -karana, -karman, se. shaving. V4~KSHNU, IL. P. kshnafi-ti, whet, [k% sharpen. 7qT kshmg, f. earth, land: in. kshmay&', on the earth. i~TTkshmft-dhara, m.mountain; -dhriti, m. king; -pa, -pati, -pfi1a, -bhartri, -bhug, mn. prince, king; -bhrit, mn. mountain; king; -ruh, sn. tree; -vrisha, sa. hull of the earth, mighty king. f_ KSHV ID, I. P. kshveda, utter an N inarticulate sound, creak, hum, hiss, grind the teeth. n KSHYI,. P. kshvdda, id.!~l kshved-ana, n. whizzing, hissing; _, roar of a lion, battle-cry. KSIIYEL, IL P. kshvela, (E.) Njump, play. play, dalliance. N KH. khI, n. cavity, hole; aperture (esp. in the human body); wound; axle-hole (in the nave of a wheel); ether; air; sky. qI~f kha-ga, a. moving in the air, flying; in. bird: -pati,mi. lord of the birds, ep. of Garuda. K4T[ kha-gama, m. bird; N. of a Brdhmnan. KEM kha-galya, a certain part of a wheel. Kc[TfrTOX khagqa~dhipa, m. ep. of Garuda; KE khaflkha, rn. N. [!~jndra, in. id. 1~~KLAK,. P. khaka, shine: pp. khak'-iasparkling; brilliant or studded with (in., — P). ud, _pp. interwoven with (in., — ) kha-hara, a. flying; in. bird; fairy; -kitra, n. picture in the air chimera. q~S kbadg-a, in. stirring, churning; tumult of Kcf[; kha-gala, n. mist. [battle.;R',[T khag-ft,f. churning-stick. -qJ~IHANVG, I. P. kihaniga, limp. q~khan-g-a, a. lame: -tayf., -tva, n. -ness. K4~~11 khanig-ana, in. wagtail: - akshi, f. girl with restless eyes. qZE'~ khata-khata'-ya,AI. crackle, hiss. Wfi khat-ikft, Kftil khat-initf. chalk. Kc4' khatva-ya,den.P.turn into abedstead. KqTT khatvft, f. bedstead; bed of sickness. KqT khatvh ahga, in. n. club shaped like the foot of a bedstead (esp. as a weapon of Siva): -dhara, -dha~ra, -bhrit, a. hearing a kbatvhfiga, ep. of,Siva.;1cT'R khatva^-tala, n. space under abed: lc. under the bed. [qgKHAD,qUKllAND,break,cleave.] q7 khad-a, in. kind of sour duink made of buttermilk, etc. [N. of a merchant's-son. K4 khad-ga, in. sword, dagger; rhinoceros; q~W'TfRkhadga-grfihin,m.sword-bearer; -dhara, a. wearing a sword; in. N.; -dha~ra^, f. sword-blade: -vrata, n. = asidha'rfi-vrata; -dhenuyf.knife; -pa~ni, a. having a sword in one'shand; -pAta~m. sword-cut;-,Prah~ra,in. sword-stroke; -mnaya, a. consisting of swords; -vat, a. armed with a sword; -vanr, n. blood dripping from a sword; -vidy^, f. art of fencing; -sakha, a. armed with a sword; -sena, in. N.; -hasta, a. having a sword in the hand. 9Tf-R'khadgaa.misha,n.rhinocerosflesh. qft_'~ii khadgi-dhenukfijf female rhinoceros. [rhinoceros. gflkhadg-in, a. armed with a sword; in. KcT!MIqTW khana-khanft-ya, den.A1. clatter, crack: pp. -yita, clashing, etc. q~qI- kband-a, a. incomplete, deficient, not full (moon); mx. n. piece, part; section (of a work); number, quantity, multitude, group; powdered sugar: -ka, mr. part, piece, section; kind of dance (?); -kfipa~lika, in. a partial Kgipfhlika (sectary); -devakula, n. ruined temple; -dhara^,f. kind of musical performance or dance. ql~' khand-ana, a. breaking up, destroying, dispelling; n. crushing; hurting, wounding (esp. with the teeth); curtailing, destroying; baffling; refuting; deceiving; -aniya, f~p. to be broken or cut in pieces. ~4~3khanda -modaka, mx. mannasugar (Pr.). q W, I4 khanda-ya, den. P. break or cuit in pieces; injure; bite; interrupt, disturb; destroy, dispel; cause to cease, satisfy; neglect; refute; deceive. ava, break in pieces,. uid, tear off. vi, cut in pieces, lacerate.qVTqzf khanda-vataka, m.n. N. of a village or town. 80 -q F khanda —sas. =T~r khya'p-in. 4,l tR JR khanda-sas, ad. in pieces: with kri, break in pieces; with gain, bhAt, or YA go to pieces. [conduct. k fq1 khandita-vritta, a. of immoral MSi~rw"Mir khandaindu-mandanaM (adorned with a crescent), e~p. of Siva. KHAD, VI. P. khadk, (V.) be firm or hard. qf;T khad~ f. hut, stall. q khad-ird,mi. a tree (a kind of acacia): -maya, a. made of Khadira wood. WI~ kha-dyota, mn. fire-fly. FrKHAN, I. khkna, dig, dig up or into (ae.); pierce, lacerate; agitate: _pp. khitb,. ud, dig up, uproot, undermine; exterminate, destroy; pull out; draw (sword). pra ud, dig up; eradicate. nii bury; dig in; erect'(.pillars); in-fix, imbed; 'es. cause to be dug; infix. [digger. ~IU[ khan-9, a. burrowing; M. pit; -aka, m.;giW(q~khana-khanfi-ya,A.=khala-khalk-ya. [a. digging; f. mine; -i-tri, sa. digger. ~if~khan-ati, m. N.; -ana, n. digging; -i, qfV~khan_-itra, n., -traf. spade; (i)-traka, n. small spade; i-trima, a. produced by digging. 14 khdn-ya, fp. coming from pits. K4U kha-pushpa, a. flower in the air= chimera; -miixti-mat, a. having an ethereal form. ['iT KHAR, be rough or broken.] MT khdr-a, a. hard, rough; -hot, sharp (also fig.): -in, ad.; in. ass; mule.;rq1f khara-turag'iya, a. sexual connexion (samparka) between ass and horse; -uakhara, sn. N. of a lion; -mnay fikha, m. (hot-rayed), sun; - amsu, mn. id.;RT kharft-ya, den. behave like an ass: _pp. -yita, a. tomfoolery. ~u4kharil,f. she ass or mule: -visha'na, n. ass's horn chimera. [a. versed in sorcery. kharkhoda, kind of magic: -vedin, ~fjKHARG, I. P. kharga, (S.) creak. N, W50K kharg-flra, in., ijf. a tree; a. its fruit. kharpara, a.,. 3i, f. kind of m~ineral. qWI khar-ma,na. rudeness, harshness. 19 khar-vd, a. mutilated, crippled, defective; a. a large number, i followed by io or 37 zeros, quadrillion. 1jf% kharvi-kri, cripple, compress. M KllAL, besmooth; stumble or waver.];R khdl-a, mn. i. threshing-floor; oil-cake; 2. wicked person, rogue: f. 3i. W~~t~qW' khala-khala'-ya, "A. ripple. qWIT ji. khala-tft, f. abSt. N. from khalai and 2; 2. kha-lath, creeper in the air = a chimera. 'TqfO khal-atf, a. bald; mn. baldness. kq"# khala-bhugafiga, mn. snake-like rogue. [the suffix khal (gr.).;R T khal-artha, a. having the meaning of K"T khalfi-ya, den. A. play the rogue. I ill-treat; -kriti, f. ill-treatment. I~fti' khal-'ina, a. bit (of a bridle). qijkhdl-u,pcl. [plainly], indeed, certainly; however, and yet: often merely emphatic; kh~1u vai, certainly; nu khalu, with inter. pray? I wonder? na khalu, not at all; khaluiJapi, now again (introducing a new topic); khalu with gd. == enough of -, do not - qkf'T7PT4. khale-kapota-nyftya, m manner in which ajlock of pigeons swoop on a threshing-floor; -kapotak&f. id. I~f KHALL, I. AA. khalla, totter; be \ loose: pp. khallita, flaccid, flabby. KI khall-a, m. bag. q;! khdl-va, m. kind of pulse. Kc'qT khal-vflta, a. bald-headed. [bcdy. W -,f - kha-sar'irin,a.havinganethereal qV khasa, m. son of an outcast Kshatriya: p1. N. of apeople.' M~T kha, f. [hole]1, spring, well. a h- occurs in various forms of,/khan. qrfiT' khftgi, OWT..kft,f. N. of two localities. 44I5 kbhaig-ya, a. limping, lameness. khftndavd, m. n. kind of sweetmeat; N. of aforest in Kurulcshetra. q[T'f khat-td, pp. Vkban; in. n. trench, pit; well, pond; a. cavity: (a)-ka, a. ditch, pit; -tri, m. digger; -tra, n. breach. 7; KHAD, I. P. (A.) kh~ada, chew, eat, N gnaw; devour; destroy; es. khadaya, P. id.; cause to be eaten, by (in.). sam, devour. Wq khftd-a', a. devouring (-O); m. food; -aka, ma. eater, consumer; debtor; -ana, n. chewing, eating; fod:j,. N.; -ikaf. eating (~O;-i-tni, sn. eater, consumer; -i-tavya, fp. to be eaten or consumed; -in, a. chewing, biting(0 q[fk khbaird, a. (i) made of Khadira qM khftd-ya, fp. eatable. [wood. ~T'~"e4T khadhftyat, f. N. of a locality. Wq khftna, n. food: -pa'na, a. sg. meat and drink. [mining burglar. qirVi khana-ka, a. digging (-O); m, underqTf#[ khft-ni, f. pit, mine. qT~T khara, in., S3L, f. a measure of capacity. qTAT khftrv a f third age of the world. qT~ khftlatya, q~fWrMkhflitya, n. baldness. N,KHID, VI. P. khidb,, press; IV. P. N. A. khidya, be depressed or afflicted; feel languid: _pp. khinna, depressed, downcast; exhausted, languid; cs. P. A. khedaya, depress, distress, disquiet, trouble. a, seize upon. ud, draw out. pari, feel depressed: pp. exhausted; afflicted. fl3 khid-rad, a. awl, gimlet. fq- khild, m. waste land; a. supplement. ft~lq'qI khila-kshetra, n. barren field. fi1. q IW ikhilil-kri, make deserted; render powerless; -bhft, be emptied of (g.); be frustrated. [piece. fq[ khil-yd, in. waste land; block, lump, kbira, N. of a locality. KHUD, VI. P. khudA, (V.) thrust in. Ii khunamusha, N. of a village. KI khura, in. hoof; claw. 7TE khura-ka, in. kind of dance. KqfTkhur-in, in. animal with hoofs. q' kh~ra= khura. 14' khe-kara, a. (') moving in the air, flying; in. bird; angel; fairy: 'I, f. fairy; with siddhi, magical power of flying; taf. -tva, a. id. tZ kheta, in. n. village inhabited by peasants; shield; in. phlegm; a. low, mean; -ka, hamlet; shield. " khed-a, in. pressure, hardship, trouble; faintness, weariness, affliction; annoyance at (g,),f. N. of a locality; -ana, a. exhaustion; -ayitavya'fp. to be afflicted; -in, a. tired, weary; fatiguing. k4' khe-ya, fp. to be dug; being dug. ~ KHEL,IL P. khela, move to and fro, saroek; appear: pp. khelita, rocking; cc. put in motion, turn. i~ khel-a', a. swinging, swaying, rocking; in. N.: -gamana, a. of playful gait; -ana, a. flying or moving to and fro; restless motion (of thbe eye): -ka, n. play, sport; -i,f.? play, sport. #Jkhota, qjP: khora, a. halting, lame. q1 khola, in. kind of water-proof hat. IWV~khyan, 3 Pl. subj. pr. of V khyat. i~rKHYA, IIL P. khya-ti; ps. khyayate, be mentioned; be known: pp. khy~ta, named, known; known as; celebrated; cs. khya'Paya, make known, proclaim, report, declare; manifest, betray; tell about any one (ac.); praise, celebrate. antar, withhold, conceal. abhi, behold, perceive: p~p. notorious; cs.proclaim. ava,lookdown; observe. a, recite, enumerate; tell, inform, announce, report; indicate; call, name, designate as (2 ac.); cs. proclaim. prata, refuse~repudiate, deny; decline; prohibit; refute; surpass. vi a, explain; discuss; announce, relate. aa-, add, enumerate; relate; pronounce to be, (iti):..pp. named. pari, look round; disregard (g.). pra, see; announce; relate: pp. known, acknowledged; renowned; cc. make generally known: pp. kh apita, known as (am.). prati, perceive, see. vi, look about, look up; perceive; lighten, make visible; show, illumine: pp. generallyknown, celebrated; known as, called; cs. proclaim. abhi-vi, behold. Sam, appear with (in.); add up, calculate; estimate by (in.). pari-sam, add together. 4TIf, Ikhyata-kiirti, a. of celebrated fame. WTfIf khya-i f. perception; supposition, assertion; knowledge, fame, celebrity; nam-e: -mat, a. celebrated, famous; -vinuddha, _pp. opposed to the general assumption. IW'f khyft na, n. perception, knowledge. WTE khyft-p-aka, (cs.) a. announcing, indicating(0 1kWT1 khyft-p-ana, n. proclaiming, manifesting; confession; making famous. [ing(Q) Twiflgiif khyap-in, a. m.anifesting, exhibit I t ga. Tl4i gandha-ka. 81 7 G. l ga, a. (-o) going or moving in or on; consorting with; resorting to; reaching to; being in; referring to. VlrJ gagana, T'1r gagana, m. sky.,rivfI gagana-gati, m. dweller in the sky; -kara, m. sky-goer, bird; -karin, a. coming from the sky (voice); -tala, n. vault of heaven; -nagara, n. mirage; -pratishtha, a. being in the air; -lib, a. reaching to the sky; -viharin, a. moving in the sky; -sad, m. denizen of the sky; -sindhu, f. celestial Ganges; -sparsana, m. N. of one of the Maruts; -spris, a. touching=dwelling in, the sky; reaching to the sky. 1lqTll7' Tgagana apaga,f. celestialGanges; - aravinda, n. sky-lotus =chimera.;IfT gan-ga,f. [fr. intv. of /gam: the swift Goer], the Ganges, daughter of the Himavat. i;TWT gafig-dhara, m. N. of various men; -prapata, m. descent of the Ganges; -lasari, f. N. of a mare; -saras, n. N. of a Tirtha. F| gakkha, pr. base of v/gam. WI gagaa, m. elephant; i,f. female elephant. dTieTlT gaga-kkhAyA,/. (elephant's shadow), a certain constellation; -ta,f., -tva, n. condition of an elephant. I1 I gaga-danta, m. ivory; -nimilita, n. elephant's wink = connivance; -pati,. lordly elephant; -pumgava, m. lordly elephant; -pura, n. N. of a city = Hastinapura; -mada, m. elephants temple-juice; -mukta, f. pearl said to be sometimes found in an elephant's forehead; -mauktika, n. id.; -yaitha, m.herd of elephants; -raga-mukta,f. =gaga-mukth; -vat, a. provided with elephants; -vadana, m. Elephant-face, ep. of Ganesa. a^Ttl i gaga-sahvaya, n. (elephant-named) = gaga-pura;.sthana, n. elephant's stall. iTZ4 - gaga adhyaksha, m. keeper of an elephant; -.anika, in. N. [ =gaga-pura. B[^TTi! gagajhvaya, n. (elephant-named) F(tW'gagi-bht, become an elephant. Hi< gagaindra, m. lordly elephant. IT gaiiga, m. or n. (?) treasury: -na, a. saurpassing (-~); -vara, m. treasurer. W1T! ganig,f. tavern; hemp. Trf' gadi, m. young bull. [hump. IT1 gadu, m. (?) excrescence on the body, WT! gan-, m. host, multitude; class; troop, retinue; inferior deities appearing in troops (esp. Siva's retinae, under the special rule of Ganesa); member of Siva's following; community, association, corporation; metrical foot; group of roots or words to which a grammatical rule applies. gTI< na gana-ka, m. reckoner; astrologer. l!qT~ i gana-kakra, n. kind of magic circle; -kkhandas, n. metre measured by feet; -tva, n. office of an attendant on Siva; -dasa, m. N. of a dancing master. WrM tf!fik gana-dikshin, a. officiating for a community (priest); -dravya, n. property of a corporation. 11Rq gan-ana, n. counting, calculation; a, f. id.; annumeration (-~); consideration; regard to (g.). lliT~V gana-natha, m. Ganesa; -nyyaka, m. id.; -pa, m. id.; head of a corporation; (a)-pati, m. lord of hosts, Ganesa; -patha, m. list of ganas (gr.); -pradatri, m. benefactor of a corporation; -bhartri, n. ep. of Siva. WI^T r gana-ya, den. P. (A.) count, enumerate, calculate; reckon among (le.); consider, account (2 ac.); impute to (lc.); regard, esteem; excogitate: with na, disregard; think nothing of: with bahu, have great regard for: pp. ganita. ava, disregard, pay no attention to. pari, count over, calculate; consider: pp. limited in number. vi, count (ps. amount to); consider, ponder; account (2 ac.); regard; disregard. [feet. iTf-" gana-vritta, n. metre measured by hiNl ( gana-sas, ad. by or in troops. WTTfWirf'fr ganaadhipati, m. ep. of Siva; Ganesa; - adhlsa, m. Ganesa; -adhyaksha, m. id.; - anna, n. food coming from a corporation; - abhyantara, m. member of a corporation. ift-i gan-ika, f. harlot; -ita, pp.; n. calculation; -in, a. having troops of (-~); accompanied by (in.). TlgT gana sa, m. chief of Siva's attendants, Ganesa, god of wisdom, remover of obstacles, son of Siva and Pdrvati; also ep. of Siva. I1qI ganda,m. (-~, a. a, i) cheek, side of the face, side; -karata, m. elephant's temples; -kasha, m. rubbing of the cheek; -ki,f. N. of a river; -bhitti,f. cheek-bone; -malin, a. having scrofulous swellings of the glands of the neck; -lekha, f. region of the cheek; -saila, m. large boulder; cheek-bone; N. of thepleasure-garden of the Apsaras; -syamamada-kyuti, a. from whose cheeks brown juice trickles down; -sthala, n.: i,f. cheek (-~, a., ). U gand-u, pillow. <T - gandu-pada, m. kind of worm. TiIj gandfisha, m. n. mouthful (of water, etc.); sip; tip of elephant's trunk. WlI'hlilT gandaupadhana, n. pillow: i-ya, n. id.; -upala, m. large boulder. JT gan-ya, fp. to be counted, calculated, or regarded; a. consisting of rows. Wr ga-ta, pp. (V/gam) gone (evam gate, such being the case); gone or come to, fallen into, being at, on or in, contained or resting in (ac., lc., -~); directed or referring to (prati or -~); departed, gone away (to, d. or inf.); deceased; passed, elapsed; disappeared, lost: very often a- = deprived or devoid of,free from, without,. -less; produced from (ab., -~); spread abroad in (lc.); known; trodden, frequented; reached, obtained (O~); n. gait; disappearance; manner. flft~'. gata-giva, a. dead; -givita, a. id.; -para, a. having attained his object; -purva, a. trodden before; -pratyagata, pp. gone and returned; -prana, a. inanimate, dead; -praya, a. almost past or perished; -mati, a. stupid, senseless; -manas-ka, a. thinking of (lc.); -mitra, a. only just gone away; -yauvana, a. whose youth is past; -roga, a. con valescent; -vayas, a. whose youth is past; (a)-sri, a. being in the height of prosperity; -sara, a. worthless; -spriha, a. having no more desire or pleasure (in, g. or lc.); disinterested; merciless. WRT' gatasgata, pp. n. sg. & pl. going and coming, going hither and thither; flying to and fro: &-ni kri, negotiate; -Agati,f. goingand coming = death and rebirth; - adhi, a. free from care; - adhvan, a. who has completed his journey; thoroughly conversant with (lc.); - anugati-ka, a. following precedents; - anta, a. whose end has come; - ayus, a. whose life is past; moribund; dead; aasn, a. lifeless, dead. gfW gd-ti, f. gait, course, motion, flight; going away, departure; progress; success; attainment (of, g., lc., -~); way, path; egress, outlet; source, basis; expedient, means, feasibleness; stratagem; refuge; state, condition, nature; transmigration, human lot; manner; preposition or adverb combined with a verb. "lflW- gati-bhafga, m. impeded or unsteady gait; -bheda, m. id.; -mat, a. moving. IIT4 ga-tvara, a. (i) going to (-~); preparing for (d.); transitory. [motion (gr.). 'f'W gati artha, a. having the sense of Tri GAD, I. P. (A.) gada, recite, utter, ' speak, say; address (2 ac.); name. ni, id.; ps. be called; be accounted. Wix gad-a, m. i. speech, spell; 2. disease. T1T gad-ana, n. reciting. WTiT gada, f. i. club; 2. speech, spell.;PrlVTT I. gada-dhara, a. bearing a club, ep. of Krishna. 71TWT 2. gadaadhara, a.having a sore lip. WTrlj gada-bhrit, a. bearing a club; m. ep. of Krishna. [fi gad-in, a. bearing a club. SiW gad-gad-a, a. faltering; n. stammer: -gala, a. stammering, faltering; -ta, f., -tva, n. stammer; -svara, m. faltering tone; a. faltering. W\Wff[[iT gadgad-ika,f. stammer. [prose. T gad-ya,fp.to be said; n. spoken speech, WTTTII gadyana, ~ii -ka, In. a certain weight.. GADH,fp. gadh-ya, to be held fast, to be captured: pp. gadhita. a, pp. clung to. pari, plp. clasped. [Vgam. ITIWq ggn-tave, 11i< gdn-tavaf, d. inf. W9 gan-tavya, fp. n. to be gone (with in. of subject); to be traversed; to be sought, approached, or visited; intelligible.;qi=ft'r1 gantu-kama, a. desirous of going. TM gdn-tri, am. one who goes, comes, or reaches (ac., d., lc.); sts. used asfut. of A/gam; -trl,f. used as 3rd sg. future. WTM gandh-d, m. (n.) [that which clings], smell, fragrance, odour; perfume (gnly. pl.); tinge or trace of, similarity with (-~); pride. [FWi gandha-ka, a.(ika) smelling or smackingof (-~); -gaga, m. =gandha-dvipa; -grahin, a. perfumed; -dvipa, -dvirada, n. eleM 82 82 qr~q g3andli-ana. 71 garg-a. I pliant in rut; -pahshana-vat, a. sulphurous; _Madana, m. N. of a mountain-range with fragrant forests; -ma~lin, m. N. of a Ndga; -ma1ya, n. du. and pl. perfumes and garlands; -rasa, m. perfumes and spices. ~W~Wr gandli-ana, m. kind of rice; n. fragrance; sarcasm. ZfW ganclhar-vd, m. N. of a genius closely connected w.Soma andthe sun: sts-pl. (V.); celestialmusicianinhabitinglndra'sheaven(C.). WT"N 'W gandharva-khanda, m. N. of a, part of Bhdratavarsha; -tva, n. condition of a Gandliarva; -datth, f. N. of a Gandharva princess; -nagara, n. city of the Gandharvas; mirage; -pura, n. city of the Gandhiarvas; -riiga, m. king of the Gandliarvas. WN-T'NT gandharvi', f. female being akin to Gandhiarva. TFE.Tf~gandha-vat, a. fragrant; having the quality of smell:.3i, f. N. of a river; -vaha, a. wafting fragrance; m. wind; -va'ha, m. wind; -sahli, m. fragrant rice; *-sara, M. sandal-wood. [fragrant. WNT9TT gandhaftdhya, a. rich in perfume, WNTT~ gandhara, M. pl. N. of a people in the N. W.; i, m. pl. id. Wigf gand-h-i, a. smelling of; having a little of (0-); -i-ka, -in, a. id. W;R'~P gandha ibha, in. = gandha-dvipa. [7P1KGABH,ITIW GAMBH, be~cleft, yawn.] TR gabh-4, m. vulva. P{RI gabhi-as-tala, n. kind of hell. Wif'qi gdbhas-ti, mn. arm, hand; ray: — Mat, a. radiant; m. sun; _Malin, mn. sun. WR~IV gabi-^ira, a. abysmal, unfathomable; deep; dense, impervious; extensive; inexhaustible; secret, inscrutable: -M or '~, ad'. 'Tfl~ GAM, I. gima and IL. gbn-ti (V.); ~I. gtiichha, go, move, walk; depart; die; pass, elapse; traverse; betake oneself to,2 reach, obtain (ac., d., ic.); fall or recoil on (ac.); have sexual intercourse with (ac.); perceive, recognise (ps. be understood or meant); attain, undergo, suffer: very often with ac. of an aibst. Nv., when it may variously be tasaeby the passive, an intransitive, verb or the verb to become with the corresponding noun or adjective: vismayam gain, be amazed; na'sam -, perish; siidratvam -, become a Sttdra; krodham, -, grow angry; pratipami -, resist (g.); doshena or doshato -, accuse (ac.); manasa' -, betake oneself in thought to (ac.): pp. gatfi, q.v.; cs. gainAya, cause to go, bring,, send, conduct (to, ac., d., lc.); cause to undergo; pass (time); explain; produce the meaning of (ac.); designate; *induce any one (ac.) to walk by means of any one (in.); des. gigamisha or gig~imsa, P. wish or be about to go; intv. giniganti, visit, frequent. akkhax, go to. ati, elapse; pass over. adhi, go to, approach, reach (_pp. surrounded by:.in.); have sexual intercourse with (ac.); take in hand; begin; obtain, acquire; espouse, marry; come upon, find; find out; accomplish; learn, study, read; des., wish to recover; I&. wish to study. sam-adhi, approach; acquire, obtain; learn, study. anu, follow, accompany, pursue; -visit; cover from behind; take possession of; conform to, be guided by; imitate; be contained in (lc.); perform: _pp. amenable, complaisant; — P conformable to., according to; imitated; dominated by; traversing; cs. accompany. sam-aim, follow. antar, exclude -from (ab.): pp. antargata, q. v. apa, go away, disappear (fr., ab.): pp. gone away, vanished; deviating from (ab. or -0) v- ~a, depart: pp. departed; swerving from (ab.). api, enter into; be absorbed in (ac.). abhi, advance, approach; go to, visit (ac.'); return home; follow; have sexual intercourse with (ac.); find, meet with, obtain; devote oneself to (ac.). sam-abhi, unite sexually. aram, present oneself to (d.). ava, come down to (ac. or l.;come to, enter into (ac.); obtain; hit upon, guess, infer; learn from (ab.); perceive, understand; be convinced, be of opinion, believe to be meant, know (pr. pt. wittingly; p~p. with act. and ps. meaning); regard as, consider to be (2 ac.); cs. procure; cause to experience, let know. 'a, approach, come (to, a.;come forth; meet with (saba); return (gnly. with punar); come or fall upon; obtain, take, undergo, incur (with abstract nouns): pp. arrived, come (to, cc., lc., or -) come into the world, born; returned (gnly. with punar); coming from (ab.); come to pass in regard to (ac.); having happened or supervened (sts. 0-); fallen into (ac.); es. cause to approach; learn (ac.) from (ab.); des., be about to come. adhi 9, come upon, find. ann 'a follow: pp. with act. and ps. mg. abhi &, approach, come to, visit: pp. arrived, co-me: krama'd - = inherited. samabhi g, arrive; come back (with punar). up&, approach, come to (ac., lc.); fall into, incur, undergo (with abst. nouns); appear; fall to one's share: sith& d'yit = inherit: pp arrived. abhi upm, come to (ac.). samup~~, id.; befall. prati ', return from (ab.) to (ac.); come to oneself, recover. sam-M, come together, meet, unite (with, in. ~ saha or sfirdham); approach, come to (ac., ic.);. return (from, ab.); come upon, find (ac.): pp. united, assembled in conjunction with (in.); es. unite,any one (ac.) with (in'. or lc.). ud, rise; go forth, appear; spread.: pp. proceeding from -(ab. or -'0); having appeared; widespread; es. cause to come forth, suck (milk). abhi ud, rise (moon); go forth to meet (ac.); consent to (ac.). pra ud, rise up, project. prati ud,,advance to meet (_pp. with act, and ps. my.);,come forth -or appear again; set out for (ac. orlic.). sam-ud, come forthappear. upa, approach, go to, visit; reach, befall (g.); come across, find; have sexual intercourse with (ac.); fall into, obtain, incur (with abst. nouns): pp. having betaken oneself to any one'sprotection; accompanied by (0;granted, recognised; cs. cause to approach. abhi upa, approach, go to (ac.); admit, grant, assent to (ac.); cs. persuade any one (ac.) to assent. sam-upa, approach; undergo. nii, appear; arrive at, obtain; enter; have intercourse with; es. put in. nis, go out, depart (from, a.,come forth, appear; go away, disappear; fall into, undergo: pp. freed from (ab. or -. -vi-nis, go out, come forth, depart; free oneself from (ab.); be beside oneself: _pp. gone out; coming forth, issuing; free from (ab.)..park, go away, depart: pp. arrived;,filled or covered with ().pari, go or walk round; wander over, traverse; surround, encompass; spread around; depart, die; attain, undergo: _pp. surrounded by (-0); extending or diffused on all sides; dead; possessed by, -filled with (in. or — P); experienced; learned from (ab.); known; es. pass (time). pra, depart; go to (ac.). prati, advance towards (cc.); return to (ac.). vi, disperse; depart, vanish, pass away: pp. deceased, dead; 0~, disappeared, gone = -less; cs. pass (time).- sam, A. (P.) come together, assemble; meet (as friend or foe),unite with (in. ~ saba or sa'rdham); have sexual intercourse with; assemble at (lc.); accord, suit: pp. suitable; according with c-') s. bring together; unite (ac.) with (in.); lead any one to (2 ac.); transfer to (1c.). upa-sam, come together to (cc.); approach, join (ac.). i1[ gain-a, a. going, moving (-'O); m. departure; way, distance; sexual intercourse with ( —): -ka, a. cogent; evidencing (g.): at,. A-tva, n. cogency. ak, gdma-dhyai, d. inf. to go. 7Mf gain-ann, n. gait; going; betaking oneself to (ad.; ac. ~ prati,.g., 0-); sexual intercourse with (-20); entering upon, undergoing ();course; departure; walking; motion: -vat, a. past; _an ya, f.p. accessible to, assailable by (g.); -ayitavya, cs-fp. to be passed diT'TI di gamajAgama, in. going and coming, going to -and fro; sg. & pl. negotiation. Tf~ f4gain-in, a. about to go (to, ac., W[fR_'gdm-ishtha, s~py, going gladly to (ac.). gi~w gam-isin-d, a. going; wishing to WTWT gdmbh-an, depth. [traverse (cc.). i1IfTi gambh-'ird =gabhira:,f. N. of a river; (&)-samsa, a. ruling in the depths. ITI4ft-( gambh'ira artha, a. of deep significance; - _asaya, ac. having a deep thought: -ta'm kri, conceive a deep thought. [RT gam-ya, fp. to be gone to; accessible to (y., lc-, -'0); feasible; accessible to or in the rightcondition for, sexual intercourse (f.); profligate (in.); curable by (g.); conceivable, intelligible, comprehensible; to be guessed; meant; suitable. 7i' ga'ya, in. house; household; family; N. of a iRishi, a mtn., and (pl.) of a people; -sphffna, a. conferring prosperity on the household. h[WT gaya&, f. N. of a place of pilgrimage. 7141 gaya-kudpa, in. N. of a well near Gayh; -siras, n. NZ. of a mtn.; westernahorizon. 7K gar-'a, a. swallowing (-'0); in. drink, fluid; poison (sts. n.): -gir, a., -gi'rn&, pp. having swallowed poison; -da, in. poisoner. Rf4( gain-la, n. poison. A FTN garala&-ya,A. become poison. rf1rir gar-i-man, in. weight; dignity; power; -ishtha, s~py. (of guru) greatly swollen; -iyaS, cpv (of guru) very difficult; better, more important or hormourable, of more account than (ab.); rather than (ab.); worse; very important:- -tva, n. weight, heaviness; importance. 7IT~ garudd, in. NV. of afabulous bird, son of Vinata' and elder brother of Aruna, icing of the feathered race, vehicle of Vishnu or Krishna; kind of battle-array; -ma~nikyamaya, a. of emerald; -vega, in. N. of a horse. WWiTA\SJ garulda-ya,A. become Garuda.. TMZT~gar-ut, n. (?) wing: -mat, a. winged; in. Garuda; bird. WMgarga, mn. N. of various men; a, i, f. NV. T#! gtir-gar-a, mn. whirlpool;a, ly f. churn. ]T* GARG, I. P. garga, roar; thunder; \-growl; hiss; twitter (with cc. of the sound); boast, swagger. ann, roar after. abhi, roar at (ac.). prri, scream, scold. prati, answer (ac.) with a roar; resist; vie with (in. or g.). Ugarg-a, m. O01f -na, n. roar, din., Tf-r garg-ita. II IR4. gandhara. 8 83 sueI lmri t p.baeb i.. I f*igarg-ita, pp. n. id.; thunder; boasting: -rava, m. roar. Tli g arta, i. m. high chair, throne; seat of a war-chariot; car; 2. m. n. hole; ditch; grave; canal. [holes. ITT31 garta sraya, m. animal living in T GARD, I. P. garda,. shout, exult. rWj gdrd-a, a. hungry. W4;R garda-bhd, m. ass: i', f. she-ass; (-bha)-ratha, m. car drawn by asses. 'IT'4 gardh-a, m. greed; eagerness for(O'); -in, a. greedy; eager for,. devoted to(O) WT4 gdrbh-a, m. womb; interior (- a. contain'ing - within); foetus,, embryo; new-borna child; child; offspring, brood (of birds); conception; sprout: *..ka, m. wreath of flowers interwoven with the hair; -karma, a. desirous of the fruit of the womb; -ka~ra, is. N. of a Sastrce (producing fertility); -kila, m. time of pregnancy; -gata,pp. lying in the womb; -griha, -geha, is. inner apartment, bedchiamber; inner sanctuary containing the image of the deity; -graha, in., -grahansa,,n. conception; -kyutijf. birth; -ta',f, -tva, is. pregnancy; -da'sa, m. (i, f.) slave by birth (Pr.); -dva'dasa, m. PI. twelfth year after conception; -dhara', a.f. pregnant; -dha'rama, n. pregnancy; -purodisa, m. cake offered during the pregnancy of a female animal; -bhartri-druh, a. inj uring the foetus and the husband; -bharman, n. nurture of the foetus; -bhavana, n. inner sanctuary containing the image of the deity; -bha'ra, M. burden of the womb: -m dhri, become pregnant; -mandapa, m. inner apartment, bedchamber; -masa, M. month of pregnancy; -rf'paka, m. young man; -lakshana, n. sign of pregnancy; -vatli, a.f. pregnant; -vasati, f.,~ -a, m.wob; -vesman, is. inner chamber; lying-in room; -sAtana, is. causing of abortion; -samsravana, a. miscarriage; -samkarita, m. one of mixed extraction; -sambhava, m. conception; -sambh-hti, f.' id.; -stha, a. being in the womb; -sth~na, n. womb; -sriva, m. miscarriage. IRhTr garbha algra, n. womb; bedchamber; lying-in room; inner sanctuary; 7-91di, a. beginning with conception; ~~dh&na, n. impregnation; a certain ceremony preceding impregnation; - shtama, mn. eighth year after conception. Trf#7(garbh-in, a. pregnant (also fig.), with (ac., in.): (ss)-i',f. pregnant woman. garbahaJsvaira, M. hereditary sovereign: ta, f, -tva, n. hereditary dominion. W coi4i Vy garbha ekftdasa, m. pI. eleventh year after conception. 14IJ garmiit, f. kind of wild bean. Wjgar-va, in. pride: -m, kri or ya, becom e haughty: -gir, f. pI. haughty speeches, vauntings. WT*T garvfl-ya, den. A". behave haughtily; ita, pp. haughty; proud of (in., — ). A A T#GARH, I. (P.) A. garha, X. (P.) A. Z, garhaya, complain of anything (ac.) to (d.); accuse, reproaci, censure, blame; repent of (aec.): pp. garhita, blamed, by (in., g., lc., -0O); despised; "blameworthy, repreh ensible, forbidden; despicable: -m, ad.hbadly. nii, I.. A. speak slightingly of (d.). vi, cen-..O); contemptible, reprehensible, forbidden (by, ab.), blameworthy (on account ofP0) 71~ garh-ana, a. involving reproach; n. blame, reproach (on the part of, in.): A.i,, -m yi, incur blame (among, lc.); -aniya,fp. blameworthy; -&, f. blame, reproach; -in, a. blaming, railing at(-'); -ya,f~p. blameworthy. TT GAL, I. P. gala, drip, trickle down, ",- drop; fall or slip down, off or out; disappear: pp. galita, vanished, gone, lost(O); omitted, esp. of, recurring passages left out in the Pada text of the 11 V.; cs. g~iaya, strain; liquefy, dissolve, melt. ava, fall off or down. &, pp. falen, sunk or flowed down. ud, well forth; fall out. nis, pp. effused, distilled. pai, pp. tumbled down; sunk in () pra, drip down. vi, flow away, dry up; melt; fall or slip down or off; slip out of (ab.); come to an end, disappear: pp. drained'; dissolved; vanished. pra-vi, stream forth; disappear. ITM gal-a, m. throat, neck: -v~rtta, a.IliVing only for his throat (=~ belly); -sundik fa uvula: du. soft palate; -hasta, in. hand on ( =seizure by) the throat. Wf'RIN galita-ka, in. kind of dance or gesticulation; -pradipa, m.,-pradipika'f. Lamp of omitted passages, T. of a work; -vayas, a.. whose youth is past, stricken in years, aged. TM~q galilna, in. N. of a man. 7j galla, m. cheek. [gallaka). Tigalvarka, m.crystal; crystal bowl (also 71I gava, m. ox (only 0- or -) 714 gava-yd, in. species of ox (bos gavaeus); -la, m. buffalo. IT14T'q gava aksha, si. (bull's eye), round window, air-hole; (a.?) N. of a lake: i-ta, pp. latticed (with, in.). [garding kine. W`Tff gava anrita, n. false testimony reTqI 31F4 T gavftm-ayana, a. N. of a sattra lasting a whole year; (m)-pati, m. bull (lord of cows); lord of rays, ep.. of the sun or Agni. 7W'T7,[I gava asan a, m. tanner, shoemaker; - aiva, n. cattle and horses; - ahnika, n. daily all'owance of fodder for a co-W. WMf-S gdv-ishti, a. desiring cows;.heat, ardour, fervour; eagerness for or heat of bat — 714 gavi-shtha, m. sun. [tle; combat. TWIW gavii,f. I. COW (only 0'). 2. speech. W74 RJW( gavidhu-mat, is. N. of a town., gava ish, I. A. gavesha,X.PA.gy eshaya (look for cows), seek, search for (ac.). 44 q4 ill gava eshana, a. ardently desirous; longing for battle; is. search; -9shin, a. seeking(R) TZR r. gav-ya, den. desire cattle: only pr. pt. gavyit: desiring cattle; ardently desirous; eager for battle. 1TM 2. gdv-ya (or -yd), a. consisting of or relating to cattle; produced by a cow; is. herd of cows; pasture; cow's milk. W~gav-ysl,a.desiring cattle; eagerforbattle. W- fT gdvyfiti, f. pasturage, domain, dwelling-place; a measure of length (2 krosas). T~Igdh-ana, a. deep; dense; impenetrable (also fig.); is. depth, abyss; thicket; lurking-place; impenetrable darkness; thick cluster: -tva, in. denseness; impenetrability. iW'it4 gahani-kri, render inaccessible. WX3 gdh-vara, a. (A', 1); n. = gahana. TT..GIII. P. gigA, goorc et or towards (ac., lc.); follow; fall into, undergo (ac.). ati, pass by, elapse. vi ati, pass. adhi, fall into, undergo; hit upon, resolve on (ac.); think of (aec., g.); gnly. A.: study; learn, from (ab.). anu, go after or in quest of (ac.); go along (a road), follow. apa, go away; depart or keep aloof from (ab.). abhi, go towards, approach (ac.); attain; undergo. a, approach,. come to (ac.); appear; befall. abhi, approach, go towards (ac.); befall; resolv-e to- (inf.). upa, approach, come towards (ac.). anu-pari i, return again to (ac.). ud, rise (heavenly bodies). upa, approach; fall into (ac.). nis, come forth, from (ab.); depart from (ali.);go out of, the house. pari, go round; avoid; disregard. pra, go forward, proceed, towards (ac.); depart from (ab.). apa-pra, go away, depart. upa-pra, approach. A, " A WTT 2-. GA v. WiG l WTT gflfg-a, a. (1) belonging to the Ganges; in. met. of Bhlshma; -eya, -y&, in. id. ITT9 ga'dha, pp. (V/ghh)bath ed in; deep; fast, tight,close; strong, vehement:0-or-m, ad. -ly; at~ f. -tva, n.. depth; vehemence, intensity; -nidra, a. sound asleep;.-anura~gin, a. deeply enamoured. [in. w~orshipper of Ganesa. TT,1!P Cf gavna-patya, a.. relating to Ganesa; 7TiTWPkT gftnesa, a. relating to Ganesa; mn. worshipper of Ganesa.. ~T W andiva, mn. n. Arguna's bow: -dhara, in. ep. of Arguna. 4T "Tc# gandiva, mn. Arguna's bow; -dihanvan,in.Arguna. [space;place, abode;welfare. 7TTl i. gft-tfi, in. (f.) motion; course, path; WTTq 2. gft-tsi, m. song; singer. TT,?gftu-mdt, a. spacious, commodious. WuTTf gA-tri, in. singer. WTTq g'a-tra, ns. (-'a a. &,i limb; body; wing. aT~igtra-ka, n. b~ody; -bhaiiga, in. ben ding or stretching the limbs or, the body; -yashti, f. delicate body ( —O a. i); -vat, a. having a beautiful body; - anulepan'i, f. unguent, paint. [.song, hymn. TTM ga-thd, in. song: -ka, in. singer; i-ka^, WT'WT g'a-tha,f. hymn, verse; specifically non-Vedic verse (in ritual works); versifled portion ofBuddkistic siltras; a metre ( Aryh). TTWTR1 gfttht-nf, in. precentor.. i,fgfth-fn, a. skilled in song; in. singer; N. oflisvdinitra'sfather: pl. his descendants.- [low, ford. WTTVi ga'dh-si, a. fordable, shallow; is. shal7TTN' gftdhi, ms. = gfithin, Visvdimitra's father: -ga, in. ep. of Visva',mitra; -nandana, -putra, mn. pat. of Visvamitra; -pura, in. ep. of Kilsyakubga; -sfinu, ms. pat. of Vis71T-9"4 gftdh-eya, mn. Yisvftmitra. [vftmitra. 1T[ga —na, a.. song. ATTW gaedharvd, a. (f. gandharvil) relating to the Gandharvas; ms. singer: p1. N. of a people; is. music, song: -vidy af music; -vidhi, -viviha, m. Gandharva-marriage consummated without any ceremony, by mutual consent only; -si&l,f. concert-room. WTWT'KT gauidhatra, in. prince, i'.f. princess, M 2 84 84 mprf gndharl. guna-yukta. of the GAndha'ris; third note in the musical scale. f*1TiQfT gfndhflri, m. pi. N. of a people. WIfT.iN gftndh-ika, m. vendor of perfumes; n. perfumes. T1f1[W gam-in, a. going anywhere (ad., prati, or *ac.); gnly. — P, going,moving,walking (in, to, like); having sexual intercourse with; reaching or extending to; devolving on; befitting, behoving; obtaining; directed to; relating to. 1T~ gambhlr-ya, a. depth; profoundness; dignity, sereneness. WMT gft-ya, ri. a. striding; 2, m. song; 3, a. relating to Gaya. 7"ER gfty-aka, m. singer; If songstress. q ITq - gaya-trd, Tn. n. song, hymn; a. relating to or composed in gayatrl. T7U gaya-tr~i' f. a metre; the gqyatri verse (RY. III. lxii. io). W[TM gfty-ana, m. public singer; n. song. 1lT"~ gftruda, a. having the form of, referring to or coming from Garuda; n. emerald. diIT14k(~f gflrutmata, a. referable or sacred to Garuda: w. asman, emerald (as an antidote). IT~gfrg-ya, m.pat-from Garga; N.: Z va, m. pat. from Gflrgya; N. of a teacher. IT4U$gartsamad-a, a. referring to Gritsamada; m. pat. descendant of Gritsamada. IT~gardabha, a. referring to an ass; dan by asses (yAna), r~garddh-ya, n. greed. WT4I garbha, a. born from a womb; referring to an embryo, performed during pregnancy; i-ka, a, relating to the womb, uterine. left 1.T gftrhapatd, n. dignity of a householder. T MI~ g~rhapat-ya, a. (sc. agni) householder's (western sacred) fire; m. n. its place; a. domestic authority; household. h[T I PT galrhasth-ya, a. behoving a householder; a. position of paterfamilias or materfamilias; household. hI~garh-ya, a. domestic, 7fTW gftla, a. prodaced with the throat. rr 1 w ghlana, n. straining, clarifying. WTM- ghlava, m. N. of an old sage: p1. his descendants. [-mat, a. using execrations. M~flkgaijifpl. execration: -dana, n, abuse; 'T GA~H) I. A. (P.) plunge or dive into, N bathe in, enter; fall into or be plunged in (ac.): pp. gkdha, q.v. ava orva, dive,plunge, penetrate, betake oneself:, into (ac.); fathom, comprehend: pp. used for bathing in; immersed or plunged in, having penetrated into (ac., g., ic,0;lying deep; deeply impressed-, hidden; vanished. ud, emerge: pp, excessive, violent; overflowing with (-'O). pra,.pp. advanced, late (time). prati, betake oneself into (ac.). vi, bathe in, plunge, penetrate, betake oneself, into (ac., lc.); pierce;,obtain; be engrossed in, ponder; fall (night): k~akshfim -, = be a match for (g.): pp. having begun or entered. abhi-vi, penetrate. WTT ghh-ana, a. immersion, bathin g; -ani'ayafp. n. one must plunge. fTi. GIR, girate, etc., v. r. gri, call. f 2~. GIR fT~II, V. It 2. gri', swallow. PR, 3, gi'r, f, call; voice; speech; word; praise; hymn: in. on the advice, in the name of (g., 0 f4.,4 gir, a. swallowing () fWKi. gira, -' a. = gir, voice. f~,, gira, - ad.- gir, mountain. fjqfT' gir-f, m. [the heavy], mountain. fWf!fKT9T giri-kuhara, n. mountain cave; -kshit, a. dwelling on mountains; -hakravartin, m. prince of mountains, the Himallaya; -kari, a. mountain-roaming; m. wild elephant; -ga, a. mountain-born: ^, f daughter of the mountain, e~p. of Pflrvatl; -nadi, f. mountain stream; -trk, a. mountain-ruling, ep. of Siva; -du~rga, a. inaccessible owing to mountains; n,. hill-fort; -dhatu, m. pl. mountain ores; -nadika', f. mountain brook; -nadi,f. =giri-nadi; -pati, m. king of mountains, lofty mountain; -prishtha, n. mountain ridge; -prapita, m. precipice; -prastha, m. mountain plain, plateau; -bhid, a. mountain-piercing; -rig, m. king of mountains, lofty mountain; -va'sin, a. dwelling in the mountains; -sa, a. dwelling in the mountains, ep. of)Siva; -shad, a. sitting on mountains (Rudra); -shthal, a. = giri-vilsin; -suta^, f. daughter of the mountain, ep. of P~rvati. fiTi1~ giriindra, m. lord of mountains =high mountain; -sa m. lord of mountains, great mountain; ep. of Siva. fP-j1 (gir-vanas, a. rejoicing in praise. swallow. 1Tgi-td, pp. (x/gai) n. song: -ka, n. id.; -kshama, a. capable of: being sung; -govinda, a. Krishna in song: T. of an idyllic drama; -uritya, n. song and dance; -vidanla, n. Song and (instrumental) mausic. 1IftT gil-tft, (pp.) f. song or poem containing an inspired doctrine, esp. the Bhagavadglta. 7tfT9T 'g ita kfirya, m. teacher of singing.?frgii-ti, f. song -a metre: Arya, f. a glT -thft, f. song. [metre. 44gir-na, pp. v'gri, swallow.. "*TkT gr-vftna, m*. [probablyV.gra nas] god:..vartmau, n. sky., i. GU, only. intv. g6guve and g6guvina, cause to sound, proclaim. 2. gu, a. coming, going(0 ~J3. gI, 0 a. =go0, Ox, cow; earth; ray.!I5; giiggului, m. (C.), n. fragrant gum, resin, bdellium. WT gufigil, m. N. of a man: pl. his descendants; i,fth pesnfled new moon. gukkha, m. shrub; bunch, cluster of blossoms: -ka, M. (?) id. TI' GUSTG, I. P, guniga., hum, buzz, 3V guiig-a, m. humming, buzzing. 3JVT gun-gft, f., a small shrub; guuigfi-berry: used as a measure of weight.!lTf gunig-ita, (pp.) n. humming, buzzing.!Jft~hT gutikah, f. pellet; pill; pearl: - aiigaua, a. collyrium in globules; -pfita, mn. fall of the ball, casting lots; - astrgs, n. bow discharging clay pellets.!I guda, us. ball, molasses; pill: pl. N. of a people: -ka, m. ball; -gihvilIa-ny~ya, m. the manner of sugar and the tongue =.flrst but fleeting impression, opinion recommending itselffor the moment; -pishta, a. pastry made offlowerandsugar; *..dhAn~,f._p. grains of corn with sugar; -maya, a. (i) consisting of sugar; _sarkara',f. sugar; (4)-iresA, m, ep.;jfJ~iT gud-ika', f. pill. [of Arguina. Sfinti gudaydaka, a. sugar.-water.!f1tijI igudaodana,,n,boiledricewith sugar. 31 gun-a, in, strand, thread, string, rope; wick; bow-string; lute-string; species; constituent of policy (of which there are six or four), subordinate element, accessory; secondary dish, seasoning; remote object (of a verb); property, quality; elemental quality (sound, feeling, colour, taste, smell); fundamental quality (sattva, ragas, tanias); good quality, -virtue, merit, excellence; high degree of ( — excessive); external articulation (of letters); ftrststrong grade of vowels(a,ar,al, e,o); time (with numerals); multiple: almost always - a. a~fter numerals = -fold (lit, having so many strands), so many times as much as or more than (in. or ab.).!Ik guna-ka -c a. quality. sa -.karmian, a. unessential secondo- action; remote object (gr.); -kalushe coalescence of the three fundamenta qualities; -kritya., a. function of a, bow-string; -gana, m. multitude of excellences; -grihya, a. appreciating eycellences; -grahana, a. recognition of merit, eulogy; -gram%, M. mu ltitude of virtues; -grxhin, a. appreciating merit; -gh Atin, cs. detracting from merit; -khheda, m. breaking of the rope and disappearance of virtue; -giia, a. recognising merits: _tA f. abSt. N..; -tautra, a. guided by virtue; -tas, ad. conformably to the fundamental qualities; with regard to good qualities; a.& f. subordiniateness; excellence; -t&gin, a. forsaking virtue; -tva, n. consistency of a rope; accessoriness; excellence; -deva, m. N. ofa pupil of Gunfidhya. 3W- gun-ann, a. panegyric, exaltation; -auiki,f. repetition. 13 4rfi f I guna-nidhi, m. treasury of virtue, very virtuous man;.-badcdha,pp. bound with ropes and captivated by virtues; rb1~adra,m. N. of an author; -bhfig, a. possessing merits; -bhiLta,.pp.subordinate,dependent,secondary; -maya, a. consisting of threads, fibrous; virtuous; based on the fundamental qualities. 37' guna-ya, den. P. multiply: pp. gunita, multiplied, by (in. or.);increased by, filled with(0 4J,11j3 guna-yukta, pp. tied to a rope and endowed with virtues; -r'ga M. delight in viptues;..vakana, m. a. adjective; -vat, a. furnished with a, thread; having the elemental qualities: possessing good quali-ties, virtuous, excel.ent: t, possession of virtues; -varmar., m. N.; _V~akaka, a. expressing a quality; -sata-siiin, a. possessing hundreds of virtu~es; -spobda, m. adjective; -samyukta, pp. endowed with good quali irKr giinakara. ja gribha-ya. 8 85 ties; -samsk~rm, O-, quality and preparation; -sampanua, pp. endowed with good qualities; -sa'gara, m. a perfect ocean of virtues; -hani,f. lack of virtues;..hina, p~p. devoid of virtues. ~J!tWk guna~kara, m.. mine of virtues; -aguna, m.. p. virtues and faults;;- dhya, m. N. of apoet; - antara, n. another qu_'ality: -m vrag =attain superior excellence: - a'dh4 -na, a. contributing something on one;'s own part= caring for (g.); - auvita, pp. endowed with good qualities; -auspicious (constellation); abhilishin, a. desirous of virtues. 3JMTT gUna-ya, den. A. become a merit.!1T' gunaftlaya, m. abode of (=possessor of many) virtues; - asraya, sm. id.!jIq~T gun-i-tft, f. possession of virtues; -in, a. furnished with a thread or rope; possessing virtues; consisting of parts; having qualities; auspicious (day); having the virtues of ( —); sa. object; (i)-lifiga, a. having the gender of the substantive. IIJTWIY guibhei, subordinate oneself to (g.): pp. -bhfitit, at the disposal of (g.); become subordinate or meaningless. guna utkarsha, m. superiority in virtues; superior merits; -ujtkrishta, 'pp. superior in good qualities, better. T[TR GUNTH, X. P. gunthaya, cover: '- pp. gunthita, covered, with (in. or ava, id.: gqd.,gunthya, veiling the head. 3J71_IT guntls-ana, a., A, f. covering, with (in. or [abSt iN. 3JW? gun-ya, fp. to be multiplied: -tva, n.!J17 *gujtsa, ma, pearl necklace Of 3 2 strings: *..ardha, ma. pearl necklace Of 24 strings. Wg gudd, m. (n.) gut; anus: (a)-ga, m. n.pl.!JfT g~idda, f. entrails. Lhemorrhoids. WWiJ gundra, in., A? f, names of plants. I. GUP (no pr. st.) guard, protect, from (ab.); preserve; keep secret, conceal: _pp. gupit& (V.) and gupta, q.v.; inf. gopitum; des. gugupsa, (P.) A. be on one's guard against (ab.); avoid, disdain, abhor; reproach: gugupsita, pp. abhorred; *abhorring (ab.). adhi, pp. protected by (-9). ann, pp. guarded; concealed. abhi, p p. protected. sam, pp. id.; concealed. 2. gup, a, guarding, preserving(O)!Il gup-td, pp. guarded, protected; concealed, secret: with danda = blackm ail: m ad. secretly, privately; n. secret place: ic. in concealment; sn. N. of several kings: often 0in the names of Vaisyas.!T1RIM gupta-dhania, n. money hoarded; a. hoarding his money; -sila, a. wily, crafty, cunning;. '&ryai~a, m. N. of a prince. Ujt gip-ti, f. preservation; concealment; protection; defences. [ing. J:Tftlff guma-guma'yita, (pp.) n. buzzT[7 GUMPH, VI. P. guiunpha, twine; '3Nstring together: pp. gumphita; as. gumphaya, id. TM~ GUR, VI. (P.) A. gur~te: simplre verb \53\ only in pp. gur& welcome, pleasing, apa, disapprove; threaten. ava, threaten, assault (d., ic.): gd. -gitrya. &A, approve, assent to (ac.); pronounce the figur. ud, pp. -giirna, raised threateningly; litted up. gur=gus, 3 pl. aor. of V/ga. 31 gur —i, a. (v-i1) heavy; heavier than (alb.); g reat, large; violent, serious, hard, severe; weary, sad (days); important,weighty, of much account; venerable; prosodically long; mn. venerable or highly respected person: father, mother, or elder relative, esp. teacher: du. pareiits; pl. parents and other venerable persons, also teacher (p1. of respet;cifo g.pI. or -) et;cifo g guru-karman, n. affair of the teacher; -krya, n.important business; -1Xula, n. teacher's house: -visa, m. sojourn in a teacher's house, tutelary stage in aBra'hman's life; -krita, pp. made much of:, lauded; -kratu, m. great sacrifice; -griha, n. preceptor's house; -gana, mn. venerable person, father, mother, parents; -talpa, m. teacher's conjugal bed; violation of one's preceptor's bed: -gm, -grain, a. defiling a teacher's conjugal bed, -abhigamana, n. violation of one's teacher"'s bed.; -talpin, a. =-talpaga; -ta',f. heaviness; importance; dignity;, condition' of a teacher; -tva, n. id.; prosodical length: -1Xa, n. heaviness; -darsana, n. sighbt of one's teacher; -d4^xa, in. teacher's wife; -dhur, f. pl. severe task; -patni, f teacher's wife; -pfigl, f. reverence towards a teacher; -prasidanilya,Jp. obliging to one's teacher; -prasfita, pp. permitted or bidden by elder relatives; -bharyaf. teacher's wife. ~f~WTguru-laghui-ta,f. great an~d little value; -aghava, n. importance and insignificance, relative value; -loka, m. powerful men; -vat, ad. like a preceptor ( = nm. orl.'; -Visa, m. sojourn with a preceptor, pupilage; -vritti,f. (proper) behaviour towards one's teacher; -para, a. intent on one's teacher; As As~f.oeinetwrsoe'tahr -susriishu, a. obediente towad one's teacher; -a khi., f. female friend of an elder relative; -samnidhi, m. presence of the teacher; -samaVaya, Mn. plurality of teachers; -stri- gaManlya, fp. relating to adultery with a teacher's wife. gurgara, as, Gujerat; I f' id. 3+ guru artha, i. m. important matter; affair concerning one's teacher; preceptor's fee: -in, ad. for one's parents or teacher; 2. a. begging for one's teacher.!ljf[WT guqrv-ini~f pregnant woman; ametre. 3 ~tI~ft gurvi-sakh'i, f. female friend of an elderly female relative. 3JW gula, m. (:;guda) molasses. 4J~riT gul-ikftjf pellet; ball; pearl; pill.!ff gui-guI-u, n. bdellium. JtEgulpha', rnz. ankle; -daghna, pp. reaching to the ankles; -dvayasa, a. id. j~gulpha-ya, P. accumulate: pp.- gulphita, n. =gushpita, q. v. S"'[ gdIlma, m. (n.) shrub, bush; company of soldiers, kind of mixed troop (consisting of 9 ele~phants, 9 chariots, 2 7 horses, and 45f~ot); diseased swelling of the abdomen: -ka, m. N. of a Brd'hman. 3M~ guvflka, m. betel-nut tree. [lation. fturguishpita, n. confused mass; accumu3JU( g-us, V. 3 pl. aor. a'& o (VTTTUHT I. guiha, conceal, cover; keep Nk sec ret: pp., giidhi U (ih), covered; disguised; invisible; secret: -in,ad. privately, privily, secretly: witlh purusha, in. spy; with danda, m. blackmail. apa, conceal. ava, cover, hide; embrace. upa, cover, conceal; wind round; embrace. ni, cover, conceal: pp. hidden, secret: 9 —and -in, ad. privately; es. gfihaya, hide, conceal. vi, pp. concealed; gfih, f. hiding-place. [disguised.!I' guhb-a, m. ep. of Siva and of Skanda; N. of a king of Nishaida: -kandra, -sena, m. names of merchants.!jj gulk-ft, f. hiding-place, cave; fig. inmost heart: in. gfiha', in hiding, in secret: esp. with dha or kri, conceal, hide; remove.!1T~Mq guhfl-saya, a. dwelling in lurkingplaces or caves; abiding in secret or in the heart; -hita, pp. dwelling in secret or in the heart.!jf gfih..ya,fp. to be concealed, hidden, or kept secret; hidden, secret, mysterious: -in, ad. secretly; silently; n. secret; mystery; pudenda. 3wqi guhya-ka, in. hind of deinigods, guardians of Kubera's treasure (generally distinguished from, the Yakshas) ITM gftdha, pp. (Vguh) a. mystery; secret: lc. secretly; -katurtha-p~da-prahelika-pradina, a. propounding a riddle in which the fourth pfida is concealed; -kahra, in. spy; -kirin, a. going about secretly or disguised; -gm, a. begotten in secret (not by the husband); _ti,f. secretness: in. secretly; -tva, a. id.; -paAda, a. whose feet are covered with(.) -purusha, in. spy; -maithuna, a. secret copulation; -vasati,f. dwelling in secret. -41 I R gfidha gara, n. prison; - 5rtha, ms. hidden or mystical meaning; a. having a hidden or niysia enn;- asaya, a. concealing his purpose; -ji~tpanna~,pp. begotten in secret (not by the husband,). TM gftr-ana, a. blame, reproach. al C gfirna, i gfirta-, pp. of Vgur. WfM gfir-ti, f. praise, approbation, flattery. ~W gitr~da, in. leap, bound, gfirdhdya, P. praise. WV gfih, v. Vguh, T-,q gfth-ana, a. concealment. 71 GRI, v.WT GAGRI. [onion or garlic.;P grifig-a, in, a plant; -ana; k.a, m. kind of T!Ifgrir.n-at, (pr. pt. of,, i'. gri) in. singer. ~igrit-sa, a. [eager: vgih ibe dexterous, clever: -mada, mi. N. of a Rishi: pl. his descendants. TfTJ GRIDH, IV, P. gri'dhya, stride out; "~-'be greedy, desire vehemently (ac., le.): pp. g-rid-dha, greedy; eager for (le.).;II gridh-nti, a. quick, hasty; greedy, eager (for,lIC.,.0'); (u)-ta^,f. greed; eagerness for( ---). ~i(grzdh-ya, a. coveted. I~T4 gridh-yft,f. greed; eagerness for(.) -yin, a. greedy; eager for(0) VP grz'dh-ra, a. id.; mn. (ijf.) vulture:-kia in. N. of ainountain (vulIture-peak); -drishti, a. vulture-eyed; -pati, -rig, -riga, Mn. vulture-king, ep. of Gatayu. WIT GRIBH, v. TPjf GRABH. 71ff gribh-6, ms. baft, handle. 7IU4. gribhd-ya, den,~ P. grasp, seize. 86 TriM gribha'-ya. ujxr g'opa-ya. ~I~gribha'-yd, den. P. grasp.. anu, show fvour to (ac.). ud, cease (to rain). sam, take If#I grt'bh-i, a. containing (g.). [up, seize. gpf gribh-ita', pp. of V/grabh. grish-ti, f. heifer, young cow that has,calved once; young female animal(9) grih, a. seizing, carrying away (~) grih-6, m. [who takes and hands], servant; in. (1.), n. [that which contains], house, abode: oftenpl.premises; -2,temple of (aqod), arbour of (a plant); m. pl. household, family; wife; n. sign of the zodiac; astrological mansion; square on a draught-board. lj!RRgriha-kapota,mi. domestiepigeon; -karma-kara, m. domestic; -karma-dfisa, m. domestic slave; -karman, n. household affair; -ka'raka, m. carpenter; -kfixin, in. kind of wasp; -kfixya, is. household affair; -kritya, is. id.; kind of tax; -gupta, (pp.) in. N.; -kkhidra, is. hole or weak point in the house; -ga, a. born in the house; -gana, in. family; -geta, p, p. born in the house; -dar, s beam of a house; -daha m. conflagration; -diipti, f. light (= ornament) of the house; -deva~ fa _p1. domestic deities; -dvra, is. house-door; -nadika.,f. drain of a house; -nirvkha, in. housekeeping; -pk, m. guardian of the house; (~-pati, in. master of the house, paterfamilias; ep. of Agni; one who has precedence at a Sattra; village magistrate; -p~ta, in. collapse of a house; -p~la, in. guardian of the house;.-poshana, is. maintenance of the household; -bali, in. domestic offering: -bhug, in. bird that feeds on the domestic offering (sparrows, crows, and other birds); -bhartri, in. master of the house; -bhogin, in. member of the household; -medha, i. in. domestic sacrifice; 2. a. performing or taking part, in the domestic sacrifices; in. householder, paterfamilias; -medhin, a. id.; m. married Brdhinan householder (second stage in his religious life): _I,f. Brahinan housewife. 71-IM; griha-yantra, is. house flagstaff; -rakshaf. protection of the house; -vat, a. possessing a house; in. householder; -visa, n. domestic life; householder stage; -sikhandin, in. domestic peacock; -suka, in. domestic parrot; house poet; -samvesaka, um. architect; -sainstha, a. living in one's own house; in. householder; -sira, us. (household) goods and chattels; -Sarasa, mn. tamelIndian crane; -stha, a. dwelling in the house of (-);m. married Brahinan householder: af Bradhman housewife; -stha-ta', f. condition of a Brahman householder. TA1[0 qgriha fgata, pp. entering the house; - kkira, in. domestic usage; duty of a houseiiolder to his guest; Z~qgira, is. court-yard; -fixambha, in. building a house; - artha, in~. household duties; - Asrama, us. householder stage in a Brdhi'an's life. llf(' grih-in, a. possessing a house; in. householder: (n)-i,. housewife, spouse. ~ftW~ grih-'ita, pp.,,/grabh: -dikka, a. h aving taken to all the quarters, dispersed in all directions: -n aman, a. bearing the name, called. 4jVrN1q grihita akshara, a. remembering the exact words of (g.), Pr. 'f grih-'iti, f. grasping, taking (the Whand); raising (tribute); perceiving; taking to mean. [ing.;"ft grihil-bhfi, become a house or dwellJW grih-ii, in. [taker of a gift], beggar.;fWgrihaj^svara, us master of the house; 1, f. housewife;.dyaina, is. garden belonging to the house; -.upakarana, is. household utensils or furniture. YUJ. I. griia-ya,fp. to be seized; perceptible; siding with, closely connected with (-O);TU2. grih-ya, a. domestic; in. domestic fire: pl. domestics, household; ns. domestic ceremony; domestic rule; -karman, is. domiestic rite; -sfitra, ns. sfttra on domestic rites. JVTT grih-ya', f. domestic rites and the rules treating of them. zTi. GRI, IX. gri-na, -isi, -is (also with ps. e meaning); VI. gira (with sam), invoke, call; praise; utter; recite; proclaim; relate. ann, join in praising; answer; *agree with (d.). abhi, approve; praise. a, praise, laud. pratl M, answer. pra., praise. saus-pra, name. prati, invoke, salute; respond to (d.);*agree with (d.). sam, agree; promise (d.); accept (as true), assert. A na (with, ii, sam), swallow, devour: pp. girisa. ud, vomit; eject; pour out; utter, burst out with (ac.): _pp. caused, produced. nii, swallow down, devour; absorb, appropriate. sam, devour. 7J1IW~i gendu-ka, in. *playing-.ball; pillow. WN ge-ya, fp. to be sung; *singing (g.); is. song; buzzing, humming. WM geshna, in. joint; also = udg'itha. Wig~ geh-si, is. house, dwelling: du., house and body; -min,f. housewife, spouse. iMj1T gehi-ya, den. P. take (ac.) for a house.? G l, I. P. (z&.) g, ya, II. P. g, si, chant, celebrate in song (ac.); proclaim in.verse (ac.); singto (d.);singbefore (ac.); ps~also be called:.pp. giti, sung, chanted; cs. gfipaya, cause to sing or praise; intv. gegiyate, sing aloud; be sung. anu, sing in harmony with (ac.):. pp. see s. v. abhi, sing to, invoke (ac.); enchant with song (ac.). ava,_p~p.,oftrepeated, trite; detested, loathsome. ii, sing, to (ac.); obtain by singing. ud, strike up, chant (esp. in liturgy); celebrate in song (ac.); sing to (ac.).pra d, begin to sing. upa, sing to (ac., d., lC.); sing before (ac.); celebrate in song: _pp. also with act. meaning: having begun to sing. iii, accompany with song; sing, chant, proclaim. pra, begin to sing; celebrate in song: pp. chanted; singing. vi, pp. inconsistent, contradictory. sam, sing together: pp. s. v. O~hf17q gairika, is. red chalk: rareyaf *i go', in. ox, bull; cow's milk (gnly. pl.); ox-hide; thong: pl. host of heaven, stars; rays;f. cow; earth; speech.?PTgo-agra, a. having cattle as the chief thing, consisting chiefly of cattle; -ifgana, a. meant for driving cattle. *Z~i# go-karisa, in. cow's ear; kind of antelope; N. of a place of _pilgrimage sacred to Siva; Siva worshipped in Gokarisa; N. of a king; -karman, is. tending of cows; (g6)kima, a. desirous of cows; -kulia, is. herd of cattle; cattle-pen; N. of a temple; -kshirfi, is o's milk;- -ghni, a. destroying cattle; in. cow-killer; -kandana, is. hind of sandalwood: 'a,f hind of leech. go-kama, in. (cow-pasture), sphere of action, province; dwelling; reach, ken, view, range; horizon; familiar matter (to, g.); a. being or dwelling in or on, relating to, within reach of:, -acessible toy, being in the power of I (g., -.9); perceptible; used in the sense of (lc.): -gata, pp. come into contact with (g.); tara-gata, pp. being in the power of (g.). "T R gokariki bring into the sphere of; gain possession of. [browse like cattle. tYMT go-karyaf. manner of kine: -m kri, *~UffTff go'-gdta, pp. born in the starry sky. Wk goisa, in. ox; sack: - sman, in. kin'd of precious stone. #~~gonda, in. N. of a (despised) people. *ftWI go6-tama, m. N. of a Rishi (p1. his descendants); the biggest ox; NV. of the founder of the Nydya system of philosophy.: #t~go-trsd, is. cowshed; house =race or family; surname; name; (gr.) grandson or even later descendant (if the earlier generations from the common ancestor are extinct); patronymic suffix (gr.). gotra-ka, is. race; family name; -kartri, us. founder of a family; -ka'rin, a. founding a family; -ga, a. born in the same race; of high lineage; in. blood-relation; -naiman, is. family name; -pravara, us. chief of a family, prime ancestor: -dilpa, in., -nirnaya, in., -maiigari,f. titles of works; -bh'g a. be — longing to the family; -bhid, a. bursting open the cowshed; destroying families, name-destroying; us. ep. of Indra (who releases the cows = rain-clouds from the stronghold of Vritra); -riktha, a. due. surname and heritage:- amsa-bha'gin, a. assuming the family surname and coming into one's share of the inheritance; -vrata, is. family law; -sthiti, f. id.; mountain-like stability. *YITMrT gotra Akhya', f. patronymic (gr.); - anta, i. us. destruction of families or mount-ains; 2. a. having a patronymic suffix; us. patronymic. i7tM go-tvd, is. condition of a cow. I4t go-da, 0rT-dIC, a. giving cows orcattle;, a, f. N. of a river; -daCna, is. gift of cows; whiskers; kind ofceremonyperf'orined on te whiskers. 14i go-da'-varli, f. (cow-bestowing), N. of a river in the -Deccan. *'i go-diih (ism. -dh-fik), us. cow-milker, cowherd; -doha, us.: -na, is. milking of cows. *jVi go-dha, in. N. of a people; 9, f. bowstring; lute-string; leather guard (on bowman'2s left arm); kind of lizard; -dhana, is. property in cattle; herd of cattle; cattlestation; us. N.; -dhfra, in. kind of lizard. #IftfrqiT godh-ikft, f. kind of lizard. IiVrI go-dhu'ma, in. [ea'rth-exhalation], wheat (gnly. pl.); -narda, a. roaring like a bull; in. N. of a king; pl. N. of a people; -nasa, a As, f. snout of a cow. a~rg-d in. cowherd (a mixed caste); guar, w tch r; p. of Krishna;, f. herdsman's wife, cowherdess, milkmaid; female watcher. #*tqfWr go-pati, ms. lord of herds, leader, ruler; bull; moon; ep. of Krishna-. j7tIR go-patha', us. cow-path, cow-pasture', title of a Bradhiana of the Atharva-veda: -brihmnaia, is. id. WlPI1I gop-ana, is. protection, preservation; concealment; keeping secret: ai",f. protection. X4gopa-ya, den. protect, guard, preserve; conceal, keep secret: pp. gopita, con~ I wi~ffiqraw gopay-i-tavya.;g grali. 87 87 cealed. pra, protect; conceal; Sam, cover, conceal. [cealed.;q ifqwrw gopay-i-tavya, fp. to be con1j9f"i gopa-vesha, a. dressed as a cowherd. i~rgo-pa, M. herd; watcher, protector; f.female watcher.;JY1XfT7AjW gopaagraha'ra, m. pl. N. of various Agrahkras; - ditya,n. N. ofa kinsg of Cashmere; adri, m. N. of a mountain. #tT gpa-yd, den. protect, guard, preserve; conceal. [tection. * 4 1 Vq gopfiy-ana, a. protecting; n. proi*XiRR go-patld, m. cowherd; (protector of earth), king; ep. of Krishna; N. of a prince: (a)-ka, m. cowherd; ep. of Krishna; N. of a prince; i-kA,f. wife of a cowherd; -kesava, m. N. of a statue, of Krishna,; -pura, a. N. of a town; -matha, m. N. of a college; -varman, M. N. of a icing of Cashmere. i*fw'T- go-pitta, n. cow's gall (from which a yellow pigment is said to be obtained); -pitha, m. i. draught of milk; 2. protection; -pukhha, m. cow's tail; kind of monkey; -pura, ss. city-gate; gate. WIT'TiX gopa indra, m. chief of herdsmen, ep. of Krishna; 'isa, m. id. PWTRW gop-tavya,fp. to he guarded or protected; -tri, in., -tAi, f. protector; concealer; -ya,Y f~p. to he guarded, protected, preserved, or concealed. WTI~T go-prakftra, m. pasture land for cows; -prat~ra, m. Oxford, N. of a place of pilgrimage on the Sarayil; -ba~lvarda-nyayap M. the manner of cow-bull, i. e. excusable tautology; -br~hmana, n. sg. a cow and (or) a Brhhma-n. hfirgobhila, m. N. of a writer of siitras. h3JTgo-bhug, NF-bhrit, in. prince, king. iir(go'-mat, a. possessing cows, rich in, or consisting of cows; abounding in milk; a. propety in cattle: -i,f. place abounding in cows; -1,f-N. of several rivers, esp. of a tributaryof thelndus; -matallikah,f. splendid cow. 7ITTrM go-mayVa, a. consisting of cows; full of cowdung; (in.) n. cowdung (oftenpl1.): p' yasiya-uyaya-vat, ad. after the manner of cowdung and milk-food, i. e. widely dijffering though identical in origin; -maya, a. (i) made of cowdung. [dung. iii.igomayaf-ya, den. I. taste like cowhT go-mftyu, a. bellowing like an ox; in. hind of frog; jackal; N. of a jackal. #1TfT wgo-mithuLna, n. sg. and du. bull and cow; -min, m. possessor of cattle; -mukha, in. kind of musical instrument; N. of several men; -m-ftra, a. cow's urine; -mrigib, in. hind of buffalo; -mriga-k~ka-kary af. Manner of cows in walking, deer in standing, and crows in sitting; -medha, -yagfia, in. cowsacrifice. hq I'm go-yftna, a. car drawn by oxen or cows; cart;..yukta, pp. yoked with oxen or cows; -yuga, a. couple of oxen, - animals; -raksha-ka, a. tending cattle, cattle-breeding; m. cowherd; -rakshah, f. tending or keeping of cattle, cattle-breeding, pastoral life; -rakshya, a. id.; -rambha,inz. N.; -raSa, m. cow's milk; -rokan-, f.gall-stone in cows; -roman, a. cow's hair. I~ gola, 04 -ka, m. bull; widow's bastard. ATtWT~r go-laftgfila, m. kind of monkey; 1 21 I -loman, n. cow's hair; -vadha, m. cow-killing; -vardhana, m. N. of a mountain near Mathurd held up for seven days by Krishna for thepur~pose of sheltering cows threatened bylIndra; N. of an author; e~p. of Krishna; -va~ta, in. cow-pen; -vi1a, M. cow's hair; a. (i) having cow's hair; -vaisa, m. cow-pen; -vid, a. procuring cattle; -vinda, m. ep. of Krishna or Vishnu: -rfiga, m?. N. of a com?mentator on, Manu, -sva~min, m. K.~ of a Bra'hman; -vrisha, m. hull; -vrishana,mi. scrotum of a bull; -vraga, in. cow-pen; -sakrit, n. cow-dung; as1~ f.cow-shed; -s3irsha, in. N. of a serpent demon; a. kind of sandal-wood: -ka, id.; -sriimga, n. cow-horn; m. N. of a mountain. *~J go ~svd, a. sg. cattle and horses. #tU go-shtha', m. cow-shed, cow-pen, stable; meeting-place; n. hind of sr~ddha. 4figoshth-ika, a. less correct form of gaushthika: -karman, n. negotiation for a company; -sraddha, n. hind of sr~ddha. ui~go-shthi f. assembly, company; fellowship, conversation: -ka, -' a. id.; -bandha, m. social assembly; -y~na, a. carriage for company. UIP4~ goshthe-saya, a. sleeping in a cowshed. [puddle: fig. = mere trifle. ii1~~gosh-pada, n. cow's footprint; small i*t~r' go-stana, m. cow's udder; *Pearl necklacewithfour strings; -sv~min, m. owner of cows. uiYt' g6h-a, m. hiding-place, lair. N9W~T go-hatya', f. slaughter of a cow; -hantri, m. cow-killer; -hara, in.: -na, n. cow-stealing. * igauda, a. made of sugar; m.n. (Sugarland), N~. of a country (central Bengal); m. pl. its inhabitants;I, f. rum distilled from sugar; I-ya, a. relating to the Gaudas. gauna, a. ()subordinate, secondary; -figurative: i-ka, a. (iL) relating to the three fundamental qualities. *ftWR gautamd, a. (13) relating to Gotama; mn. pat. from Gotama: N. of various men: -araanya, n. N. of aforest. [N. of a river. Wj'RTII gautamil, f. Y. of several women; gaurd, a. (i') whitish, yellowish, reddish; in. hind of buffalo; white mustard (a grain of it= a measure); -mukha, m. N.; -mriga, in. kind of buffalo. N' gaurava, a. relating to the preceptor; a. heaviness; prosodical length; importance, value; dignity; respect (for, lc.), reverence, honour. frr~rgaura-sarshapa, in. white mustard; a grain of it used as a weight. fr(IU gauri, f. female of the Gaura buffalo; girl (of eight) prior to menstruation; NT. of Siva's wife; N.: -guru, in. Gauri's father, the Himklaya; -nitha, -pati, in. ep. of Siva; -pftga, f. worship of Gaurl, N. of a festival in the month of Mdglha; -bhartri, in. ep. of iSiva; -vrata, a. vow of Gauri, N. of a rite; u:sa, Mn e. of Siva. j-f1 gaushthika, a. relating to an assemV[T gnaakf. divine female, goddess. [bly. ~T4 Ifi4 gnahs-pilti, in. spouse of a goddess; -p;!tniL, f. divine consort. TF?( gm-at, V. pr. pt. of V/gam. MT[~gm-an, V. 3rd pl. imnpf. of V gam. T{T gma, f. earth: only ab. g. gmas. 74! GRATH, V71 GRANTH, IX. P. '- grath-na", -nii, -ni, tie, connect; compose: pp. gr athit&, strung, bound,wreathed,woven; joined; studded with (~0;intricate (plot). ud, tie up; loosen, untie. vil, tie together. Sam, id. TJW1q grath-ana, n. connexion; intricF~y: a, f. tying, uniting; -aniya,fp. to be~'oined or united. VTf.tiTgrath-'in, a. (knotty), uninteligible. V-' granth-a, us. knot; composition 'verse (Of 32 syllables); treatise, book; text, wiGIIIing; chapter; -ana, a. connecting, tying. WTft' granth-1, in. knot; knot in a garment for keeping money, etc.; joint: -ka, in. narrator, rhapsodist; astrologer; -kkhedaka, in. cut-purse. VftI~Kgranth-in, a. reading books. granthi-paraaka, a. (?) k-ind of fragrant plant; -bheda, in. cut-purse; -mat, a. tied, knit, entwined. ~.f~Tgranthi-la, a. knotty. grapsa, bunch, bundle. 7Jf~ GRABH, IX. gribh-na, V. form of N GRAH (q. v.): pp. gribhitk, fruitful (tree). anu, receive kindly. ud, draw out. pani, clasp. prati, accept; grasp. TA gra'bh-a, in. seizure; -i-trn, ms. seizer. GRAS, I. grisa, seize with the mouth, salow, devour; eclipse (sun, moon); hush up (a suit): pp.,- rasmit, grasta, seized, possessed, attacked, tormented by (0'). VJV gras-ann, a. swallowing; k-ind of partial eclipse; jaws; -ishnu, a. wont to swallow, - absorb; -tri, in. swallower, eclipser.;9f GRAR, IX. grih-na', -ni', -a, seize, ZZ take (also of leeches), hold, catch, stop; grasp (- pinim, the hand in marriage); gain possession of; capture; captivate (the heart); attack (of disease); eclipse; rob, deprive of; keep, retain; claim, appropriate; obtain, accept; receive (fr-om, ab,.); assume, adopt; acquire; purchase (with in. of price); draw (water); pluck, gather; put on (clothes); take and place upon (in., lc.); take upon oneself, undergo; welcome, receive again (a rejected wife); utter, pronounce; perceive, trace out, understand, hear, see; learn, remember; approve, like; take to heart, follow; be of opinion, consider; with cs. sng. cause to take; anyatha' -, mistake; ka~ryam -, accept a lawsuit; garbham, -, become pregnant by (ab.); parama~rthena -, take in earnest: pp. grihita, often 0-, lit, having a taken- =taking with one, bearing, holding; gd. grihitvA, grihya = with; ps. be meant by (in.); cs. grih~ya, P. cause to seize, take, or grasp (the hand in marriage); give in marriage to (2 ac.); cause to be apprehended; cause to he plundered or taken away; cause to receive, deliver to; ask to take (a seat); cause to choose (2 ac.); teach, familiarise with (2 ac.); des. gighriksha, P. 'A. be about to seize; desire to grasp or perceive. anu, rob afterwards; support; approve; treat graciously, favour (with, in.); cherish; grace (a seat= deign to be seated): pp. rendered happy by (in.). apa, take away, sever. abhi, seize..; receive; cs. catch. ava, let go, relax; keep 88 W grah-a. [Z ghat. back, close; divide (words); gd. by violence. a, pull, tighten (reins); learn. ud, raise, hold up; take away; draw (sword); rescue; cs. cause to be paid; explain, discuss. upaiud, raise; open; convey to the mouth. upa, hold from below, support; obtain, secure; accept; approve. ni, draw to one; tighten (reins); close (eyes); keep back, restrain; hold fast; capture, apprehend; imprison; check, subdue, curb; withhold, suppress. upa-ni, press down upon (Ic.); bring near. pari, embrace, surround; put on (a garnent); grasp; hold; gain, secure; accept; retaik; profess (a doctrine); undergo; receive kinmly; marry (a woman); assist; conform to, )llow; excel, surpass: pp. united with, furiished with (in. or -~). pra, stretch foth; hold; grasp; accept; stop; tighten \reins); keep separate (words in Sandhi); gd. pra-grihya, taking with one, accompanied by; with. sam-pra, accept. prati, grasp, take up; take possession of; regain; receive, accept; receive (hostilely), attack; welcome; marry; hear with pleasure, take as a good omen; acquiesce in, approve; cs. offer to, present with (2 ac.); des. desire to accept. vi, hold apart; separate; analyse (compounds); fight with (in. + saha or sArdham); wage war on (ac.); vie with, be a match for (sardham); seize (by, l.); cs. cause to wage war against. sam, collect, grasp, take up; contain; curb, govern; unstring (bow); compel; receive kindly; comprehend; des. wish to marry. upa-sam, clasp (esp. the feet); apprehend, capture; conciliate, win; des. desire to clasp the- feet of (ac.). saha, take along with one. W grdh-a, a. (-~) seizing, holding; gaining; perceiving; m. seizer, esp. Rahu, who seizes and thus eclipses sun and moon; planet (which seizes men by magical influence: generally reckoned to be five in number: Mars, IMercurry, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, or seven: the same + Rdhu and Ketu, or nine: the same + sun and moon); demon of disease; imp; crocodile; booty; vessel (for drawing Soma); draught (of Soma); organ (of which eight are enumerated); seizure, grasp, grip; draught (ofa fluid); theft, robbery; insistence on (cl., -~), endeavour; receipt; welcome; mention; perception, understanding. [demon. VA-7kT graha-grasta, pp. possessed by a NE grah-ana, a. holding (-~); n. grahana, seizing, holding, capturing; eclipse; obtaining,receiving; buying; reverberation; catching, absorbing; putting on (clothes), assuming (a body); undergoing; pronouncing, mentioning; using an expression, employment, word mentioned; learning; perception, understanding; taking to mean. ~qi~! grahana - katura, a. expert in seizing; -dvaya, s. eclipse of sun and (or) moon; -sambhava, a. arising from the taking away (of, g.); - anta, a. done with learning; '-antika, a. id. [pondered. V, grah-anlya, fp. to be accepted or:[f~iTW graha-pidana, n., -pida,f. calamity caused by Rahu, eclipse; -maya, a. (i) consisting of planets; -yagiia, m. sacrifice to the planets; -yuti,f. conjunction of the planets; -yuddha, (pp.) n. conflict -, opposition of the planets; -yoga, m. = graha-yuti; -varsha, m. planetary year; -samagama, m. conjunction of the planets; - agre-sara, m. ep. of the moon (chief of the planets). /f[r grah-ila, a. sensible to (-~); sensitive; frantic. WTtIT grah-i-tavya, fp. to be taken, - received, - drawn (fluid); -i-tri, m. seizer; receiver; purchaser; perceiver; hearer. ~TT{ grahauktha, n. hymn recited while drawing Soma. TRY grabhd, m. seizer; handful. VTW gra-ma, m. inhabited place, village; community, clan; host; multitude, aggregate of(-~); scale in music: pl. inhabitants,people..TWT iMT1 grama-kama, a. desirous of a village; fond of village life; -kukkuta, m. (village =) tame cock; -ghata, m. plundering of a village; -karya,f. village ways= sexual enjoyment; -kaitya, m. sacred tree of the village; -gata, pp. grown in a village or in cultivated soil; -ni, m. leader of a host; chief of a community; *barber (chief person in a village); -ta, f. number of villages; -dasajsa, m. chief of ten villages; -dhara,f. N. of a rock (supporting villages); -dharma, m. village custom; -nivasin, a. dwelling in villages, tame (birds); -pishta, pp. ground at home; -yigaka, -yagin, a. sacrificing (through avarice) for all members of the community (whether admissible or not); -vasin, a. living in villages, tame (animal); m. villager; -vriddha, m. old man of the village; -sima,f. village field; -sikara, m. domestic hog. TTITft grama agni, village -, = ordinary fire; - adhipa, m. headman of a village; - anti, m. village boundary: lc. in the immediate vicinity of the village: i-ya, a. situated in the immediate neighbourhood of the village; -aranya, n. forest belonging to a village: du. village and forest.,rTf+i i gram-ika, m. village chief; -in, a. ruling a community; m. villager; peasant: (i)-putra, m. peasant-boy. TTf4WI rgram-ina, n. rustic, illiterate; m. villager, peasant; -eya-ka, m. villager. TWT gram-yd, a. referring to, coming from, prepared in or inhabiting villages; tame; cultivated; raised by cultivation; rustic, coarse; m. villager; domestic animal; n. sensuality. 4T^ iJ, gramya-kukkuta, m. domestic cock; -ta,f., -tva, n. coarse diction; -dharma, m. villager's duty; sensuality; -mriga, m. (domestic animal), dog; -sukara, m. domestic hog. [pressing Soma. VTZK grg-van, mn. rock, stone, esp. for ITTq4T grava-grabhs, m. (handling the Soma stones), a priest, later gravastut; -stfit, m. a kind of priest; -stotra, n. invocation of the pressing-stones at noon: i-ya, a. relating to the invocation of the pressingstones. 7f gras-a,. swallowing; eclipse; mouthful, morsel; food; -0, a. swallowing; -pramana, n. size of a morsel; -ikkhadana, n. sg. food and clothing. ful:[i grasi-kri, swallow.;RT grah-9, a. (i) seizing, holding, taking, receiving (-Q); m. id.; mentioning; whim; beast of prey, crocodile, shark, serpent. VT'T i graha-ka, a. (ika) receiving; apprehending, perceiving; m. bailiff; policeman; buyer: -tva, n. power of comprehension; -krikara, m. decoy partridge; -vihamga, m. decoy-bird. [caused to undertake (ac.). VTIfftMq grah-ay-i-tavya, (cs.)fp. to be TfWl grab-in, a. (-~) seizing, holding; catching; containing; receiving, gaining, keeping; buying (with in. of price); searching through; perceiving; pondering; -ya, fp. to be seized, - clasped; - apprehended; - obtained; - accepted; - insisted on; - perceived, - comprehended; - learned; - understood; - recognised, - regarded. ~ grl-va, n., a,f. [vgri, swallow], neck. ~'T grish-m, in. summer, hot season: -samaya, m. summer time. t graiva, n. neck-chain (of an elephant). ET graiv-eya, m. n. id.: -ka, n. id.; necklace; -ya, a. relating to the neck. [i-ka, a.id. j graishma, a.referringto the hot season; Tiq GLAP, I. P. glapa, be distressed at (in.). I'-' glap-ana, n. relaxation; withering. TRN gla-paya, cs. of Vglai. *T glapsa = VW grapsa. TJ^' GLAH, I. A. glaha, play at dice N (with, in. or ac.). T-' gldh-a, m. game of dice; throw (at dice); stake; die; dice-box; contention, wager; prize; -ana, n. throwing of dice. TqT1 gla-na (pp. s/glai), n., ofi' -ni,f. lassitude; inertness; diminution; -vin, a. inert; -snu, a. relaxed; withered; sick. T7J GLAI, I. P. glaya (E. also A.) and II. P. gla-ti, be loath or averse (with in. or d.); be relaxed, exhausted, or vexed; repine: pp. glana, wearied, exhausted; torpid; cs. glapaya, exhaust; pain, distress; injure; macerate; cause to wane: pp. glapita, withered. pari, pp. exhausted. abhi-pari, pp. id. 1 — glau, lump, goitrous excrescence. ' Ir. gha, TT gha, V. enc.pcl. (almost entirely limited to the BR.), just, indeed, certainly: gnly. to be rendered by stress only; used after other pels., prs.,, prps., 4 before im of id. 2. gha, a. striking, killing (-O). 7 GHA T, I. A. ghata, be zealous or acs tive; work, strive for (ac., d., Ic., or prati, v GH. -artham, -arthe); take place; be possible, succeed; be suitable or appropriate; accumulate; unite with (in.); as. ghataya, (A.) P. join, unite (with, in.); hug closely; place upon (Ic.); fetch; make, fashion, produce; perform; do anything (ac.) for (g.): pp. ghatita, made of (-~). ud, cs. ghataya, open; uncover; disclose, betray; begin. sam-ud, cs. open; uncover the head= be able to show oneself in public. pari, cs. strike or sound (a musical instrument). vi, go or fly asunder, disperse, separate; beinterrupted,marred,orfrustrated; cs. -ghataya, tear, rend; separate; frustrate, ruin. pra-vi, pp. hewn off; cs. disperse. sat, assemble; cs. -ghataya, collect, assembl e; strike, sound (a note). vmghat-a. Ri'~.'igho-sha-ka. 8 89 '7ghat-a, a. zealous, active (in, ic.); m. jar, pitcher, pot: -kma, a. performing, promoting; procuring; mi. pot, jar, pitcher; -karpara, m. N. of a poet; n. title of a> poem composed by him; potsherd; -kfixa, -krit, m. potter. IE' ghat-ana', n. union with (in. orfi,f. course ofaction, doings, practice; striving for (1c. or. —); exertion; discharging (arrows, );accomplishment, success; union with (0;literary composition; procuring, finding; producing, creating. [or closed. fI M~ ghat-ay-i-tavya,fp. to be joined 14e, ghat-~,qf. multitude, host, troop. t'ep. If% ghat-adi, pl. the gana beginning with ghat (yr.). E4f1 e, MT ghat-ikft, f. p~ot, jar, pitcher.. ~IYghat-i, f. jar, pot; a measure of time: 24 minutes: -yantra, n. water-wheel:- -km, n. small water-wheel. 14i1M~ghatautkakca,m.N~ofa Rdkshasa; - IdhL a 'hain ajar-shaped udder (cow). GHATT, 1. A.. (only with vi and sam) '~ghatta, and cs. ghattaya, P. pass over, touch; shake., stir. ava, es. touch.; besmear; stir. pari, cs. rub all over (ear).. vi, break; es. disperse, scatter, sever; shake, rub against; open (door). sam, grind; es. cause. anything (ac.) to rub, against (in.); stir; touch, collect: pp. laid together, clasped (hands). 'Eff ghatt-a, m. shock, collision; landingstair, bathing-place: -givin, m. ferryman. ghatt.-ana, n. stroke, contact; stirring. IQ R3T ghantft,f. bell: -karna, n. N. of a Rdleshasa; -ta~da, a. striking a hell;'- -patha, m. high-road; title of -a commentary on the Kiradtdrguniya; -rava, m. sound of a bell; -riva, m. id.; -vat, a. furnished with a bell or bells. [bell; -in, a. furnished with a bell. N Ifqe' ghant-ika, m. alligator; -ika,f. little NM ghan-a6, a,.striking;;slaying; firm,bharcl; dense, solid, thick; uninterrupted; dark, murky;, deep (tone); whole; -,full of: m ad. closely, firmly; m. slaying; slayer; club, hammer; lump, solid mass; ~-,nothing but, pure (cognition); cloud: pl. rabble. T~~gbana-khla, m. rainy season; -d, f. density, solidity; conditionofa cloud; -tam-U asa, a. pitch dark; -timira, n. cataract (Of the e e); -tva, n. density, toughness; -padaVi, f (cloud-path), sky; -vartman, n., -vAthi,f id.; _VA ri, n. rain-water; -vymap& Yap in. disappearance of the clouds, autumn; -samasya, M. rainy season; -sara, a. firm, strong; m, camphor. 'WPTM ghanaftgama, mn. arrival of- the clouds, rainy season;. -at~yaya, m. departure of the clouds, autumn; - anta, in. id. *4 MITEN7 ghan f-ghan d, intv. a. fond of strik - ing, warlike; m. dense cloud. A %4 TI' gbhana-ya, den. A. be in crowds. N~nITfg qiba-nasthika,a.hvg..ahard bone. 'q1 ghani'-kri, make thick; strengthen; -bhAi become thick or dense. I4 gbana urft. a. f. having -firm thighs. VWq gharatta, 2in. hand-mill: -ka, in... id. V4 ghar-ghar-a, a. rattling; 7in. laughter: -dhvani, m. -snorting. ME~fRi gbarghar-ika, f. little bell as on ornament; kind of musical instrument. 19i gha-m,. heat (bothi of sun and of fire); hot season; milk-kettle (for the.Asvin sacrifice); hot, milk or other hot libation (esRp. for the Asvins).,'q4T~gharma-kala, m.hotseason; -kkheda, in. (end of the heat), rainy season; -gala, n. sweat; -toya, n. id..; -didhiti, m. sun; -diftgha, -d-fth (nin. -dhtik), a. yielding warm milk; -dyuti, m. sun; -payas, n. sweat; -bhanu -rasmi, m. sun; Ar~i, n. sweat; -sid, a. dwelling in the glow. V4T3J gbarma amsu, m. (hot-rayed), sun. 'NT*I ~ gharma anta, n. end of the heat, rainy season; - ambu, n. sweat; - ambhas, n. id. Wfi~ gharm-ita, pp.- heated;- -in,- a. offering the hot libation. "ii gharmaifshtakat, f. kind of brick; - udaka, n. sweat. [hot libation. v14R gharm.-ya, n. vesserl for preparing the 'q 1' gharsh-a, m. friction, collision; -ana, n. friction, grinding; rubbing in. lq~ GHAS, IL. P. g.has&-ti, eat, devour; "~des. gighatsa, wish to devour, - rob. 'R~ ghas-a, in. devourer, N. of a demon of disease; N. of a ~Rdlcshasa; -ana, n. devouring. 'RW ghas-mara, a. voracious; eager for ( —O); -vara, a. voracious. 'RTW gha't-a, a. killing (-1O); in. blow (with or on, -0); killing; sackingy,destruction; -aka, a. (i) killing-; destroying; m. murderer; -ana, n. killing, murdering; -ani, f. hind of club. VT' gh~ta-ya, P. (A.) den. chastise; kill; destroy; cause to kill. vi, defeat; torment; impede, interrupt. w4rf(1i~ghalt-in., a. killing, murdering; destroying; injurious; m. murderer; -ya, fp. to he killed or destroyed. '411t'fI4 ghftrtika, m. (?) kind ofpastry. [rick. 'RR gha's-a', m..foocl;. fodder: -kita, n. hayENJ GHJU, cry out, shriek.] Nj; GHUT, only pp. ghotitm with ava, cushioned, and gd. -ghutya, and pp. -ghutita. with, viia, returned. NP gbuna, m. wood worm; -kitaka, m.. id.; -gargara, a. worm-eaten; - akshara, n. wormmark inwood looking like aletter: -nyi.yena, -vat, ad. quite accidentally~by a lucky chance. cm IRW(47,gbutakra-vat, a. filled with the screeches of (-'). '~1TU1[T ghuma-ghuma'-ya, den.A. hum. A 13, I~ ghura-ghurat-ya,A- rattle in the throat, snort. A lq' GHUSLI, I. P. (A.) glhosha, resound;.) fill with sound; proclaim: pp. resounding, loud; offered; es. ghoshfiya, proclaim. anu, name aloud. ava, proclaim: pp. offered; summoned. i, listen to; proclaim. ud, c s. cause to sound aloud; -proclaim. pra -d, cs. proclaim.. vi, id. sam, on ly pp. -ghiu-shta, resounding; offered.. W." ghushta-svara, a.with a louLd voice; -anna, in. food offered by invitation. NM, ghfi-ka, in. owl. MWR ghfit-kafra, in.. screech. 'RV GHtRN,LJgh~xna, sway; -rock, roll, C\'quiver: pp. ghuirnita; cs. gh-hxnaya, roll. ava, roll. A, wave; roll: pp. shaking;. rolling. vi, roll; es. move about (tr.). 'ET~ ghftrn-a; a. swaying; vacillating; -ana, n., &,f. swaying, waving, oscillation. V GHRI, III. P. gighar-ti, sprinkle. abhi, ~ pp. abhi-ghrita, sprinkled. pratif bhi, cs. -ghgraya,, besprinkle repeatedly. 'a, besprinkle; hurl. vi,pp. besprinkled. ~1!r ghri-na, in. heat; Ajf warm sympathy, compassion; pity; contempt; disgust. IMI1 ghrina'-lu, a. compassionate. VW ghrt"-ni, mn. heat; sunshine; ray; clay. 1Nr ghrini-tva, n. compassion; contem pt. NifT-ifghrin-in, a. wild, impetuous; v'arm.hearted,, compassionate; fretful, morose. IF ghri-t a- pp.; n. clarified butter that lhas cooled, ghee-; fat ( = fertility). Nii-f* gbrita-kirtif, f. mention of ghee; -kumbha, in. pot of ghee; ~-ghata, us. id.; -pit, a. clarifying ghee; -pfmra, m. kind of pastry; (fi)-prishtha, a. whose back is dripping with ghee; (ii)-pratilka, a. whose face is shining with ghee; -pra'sana, n. eating ghee; -pri~sh, a. scattering ghee or showering blessings; -madhu-maya, a. consisting of ghee and honey; (i)-vat, a. abounding in ghee; -sairt, a. dripping ghee; -snfi, i. a. dipped in'ghee; (A)-snu, '2. a.. =ghrita-prishtha; -havishka, a. accompanied by a ghee offering; -homa, in. offering of ghee. NjrdT ghrita akta, pp. anointed with fat. 'PWIghrita k-ii, a.f. abounding in ghee; f. sacrificial ladle for ghee. NjTTW ghrita'anna, In'. whose food is gbee; - abdhi,mu. ocean of ghee; -^huti,f libation of ghee. SER T ghrita ishiakft, f. kind of brick.!~*iT gbritaodana, n. rice with ghee. Z ghrz't-ya,- a. consisting of ghee. Vq GHRISH, I. P. gharsh&, rub, grind; C, N, A. rub oneself;. ps. ghrishya, be ground orwornout:_pp. ghrishta,pounded;scratched, sore; cs. gharshaya, rub, grind. ava, rub off, wear away. uct, id.; strike (a bell). sam, rub away; vie with 'saha). ghrlsh-u, ~fghrz'sh-vi, a. exuberant, gba ghid, ( ghaj-mI V. R gha. [wild. ft ghota, OIEN -kin, in. horse. #~tT ghonaf. nose; snout;. beak. 'EjIT gho-rsi, a. [Vghu] awful, -sublime; terrible, dreadful; violent (pain, etc.); n. horror, terror; magic; spell. 'R'K- ghora-ta',f., 11 -tva, n. awfuln ess; horribleness;, -darsana, a. terrible-looking; -niipa, a. of terrible form. - qT-T! ghoratakhra, a. of terrible appearance; - akr-i~ti, a. id.; -_ atighora, a. excessively te~rrible (designation of a hell); -sa~ya, a. cruelly disposed towards (lc.>. ftW ghola, in. curdled milk mixed w. cem #Wrghola.-ya, den. P. stir together, knead. EjY1q gh /sh-a, in.. noise, din; shout, battlecry; roar (of waters); cry, yell (of animals); sound; rumour; proclamation; herdsman'a station; herdsman. #tRE5 ghosha-ka, mn. crier, bell-mian. N 90 #tW gliosh-ana. q coK kanda-kara'-ya. 'RhIM11 ghosh-ana, a. souLnding; n., A, f proclamation. ~I~kW( ghosha-vat, a. sounding, roaring; sonant (gr.): 4i, f. hind of lute; -vriddha, m. elder of a herdsmen's station. #~ftI4 gho'sh-i,R'EifW[, ghosh-in, a. sounding'; noisy: (n)-i,f.pl. hind of demon. 'i gliosh-tri, m. proclaimer. 'EPghaura, m. pat. descendant of Ghiora. ghn-a, a. (0-) striking with; killing; destroying, removing. V7( glin-at, pr. pt. of Vhan. '~ghn-i1f (c)o r -han. [sunshine. WU,( ghrams, 'R; ghramsd, m heat of the sun, TIT GllR, I. P. gighira (E. also A&. and IL. P. ghr&-ti), smell; smell at; perceive; kiss on (lc.).: pp. ghixta, smelt; having smelt:; -a, having regard to - only. abhi,, smell at, smell; kiss. ava., smell; kiss on (1c.). a, smell;- kiss. upka3, id.,sa~m4, smell; smiell at. upa, id.; kiss. WPJW ghr-na, m. a. smelling-; smell; odour; n., &,f!. nose.; snout; m. N.; -ga, a. produced by the nose;-tarpana, n. perfume.' 'R.TVM ghr&-tdvya, fp. to be smelt; a. odour; -ti, f. smelling; -tri, m. smeller. tM ghre-ya, fp. to be smelt; a. smell. -7K. ka, encl. cj. (TE, que) and; also; even, )ast; but,yet; if( =kedl): ha-ka,both-and, as well-as, scarcely-when; although-yet: with negative, neither-nor; ha-na ha or tu, although-yetnot; na ha-ha, although not-yet; with wvb, either, or; khaeva k~pi, and also; anyah ha, api ka, kim ka, tatha ha, moreover, ilikewise (adding a similar saying); ha gives interrogatives (q. v.) an indefinite sense. ~" KAK, tremble, only pp. kakita, trembling; frightened, startled; intimidated:.-in, ad. with ajarni. ud, p.ixkhakita, looking up startled. prza,pp, trembling.; frightened, startled.!RWT" ha-kftra, M. the conjunction and. KA-KASiJI. P. kak's,.ti, shine; as. clause to shine. k~~ ak-ita,,pp.; n. trepidation, fright. k akora, m. kind of partridge, perdix rufa, ssepposed tofeed on moon-beams: hence aneye that gazes on aface of. moonlike beauty is so called; its eye is supposed to turn red at the sight~ofpoiso'nedfood; -vrata, a. manner of the hakora, entranced gaze (drinking the beauty of a moonlikeface); -dris,f. fair-eyed maiden; _- akshi, f. id. ~#q R hakora&-ya, den, behave like the kakora. [nected in sense. -q-~ hakkala-ka, n. four slokas con-;q! ha-kr-a, a.; V. sts. m. [runnier: intiv.,Vharl wheel; potter's wheel; discus (esp. of, Vishnu); oil-press.; circle;.circling in the air (of birds); mystical circular diagram; multitude, host,, flock; troop; sphere (fig.); (wheel of) dominiqn; m.,ruddy goose; N. of several men; N.,}f a mouentain; i'f. Wheel. I T R16 hakra-goptri, m. du. wheel guard (Man running beside a chariot); ~dhara, m. wheel-bearer; ruler; discus-wielder, e~p. of Vishnu; serpent; N. of a locality; -n~Abhi, f. nave of a wheel; -n~nman, m. ruddy goose; _nayaka, m. leader of a troop; -pura, a. N. of a town; -bhaiiga, m. breaking of a wheel; -bhanu, m. N. of a Bralhmaa -bhrit, m. discus-wielder, ep f Vishnu; -bhrama,, m. revolution of the potter's wheel; a. turning like a wheel; -matha, m. N. of a 'Monastic college; -mardika',f. N. of a princess; -melaka, N. of a locality-; -raksha, m. de. = kakra-goptri; -vat, a. having whUeels; m. oilpresser; -vad-gati, a. turning like a wheel; -varti-ta, f. sovereign, dominion;..-vartin, a. moving on wheels; m. who turns the wheel of dominion, sovereign of the world; ruler of (-O); chief of (g., -O); -varman, m. N. of a kig avk, in,,f. ruddy goose: the male and female, regarded as a pattern of conjfigal love, are supposed to pass the night apart, during which their plaintive cries are heard: poets frequently refer to the pangs suffered by them in separation; -vka-maya, a. consisting of hakrav~kas; -vaikin, a. filled with hakrav~kas; -vAta, m. whirlwind; -v~1a, an. ring, circle; m. a. group, multitude; in. fabulous mountain-range encircling the earth (which is regarded as a disc); -vriddhi,f. compound interest; -vyiiha, m. circular battle-array; -sen', f. N. of a princess. ~q h 7akrqaafkitt, f. N. of a plant; -amiiga, m. goose; ruddy goose; - qAigan&,f. female of the hakravhka. ~q'41!V ha-kr-atnd, pf. pt. A.of Vkri. ~f%-Z kalkra fyudha, m. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; - hva, in. ruddy goose.;.- hvaya, m. id. 'qfW kd-kr-i, a. making, producing (ac.)..q!FT hakr~-ika, f. troop; intrigue; artifice; -in, a. having wheels; driving; in. discus-bearer,,ep. offfrishna.; oil-presser; serpent; -iya, a. driving; travelling. k#~ akri-kri, make circular; stretch to thefull (bow);..bhft,bedrawn~to the full(bow). ~'KW kakrii-vat, a. having wheels; in. driver; wagon; ass. 'qXiR ka-kr-us, 1%-kr-e, etc. pf. ofkri, do. I(kakra isa, m. sovereign ruler: & fa sovereign dominion; 34svara, M., ep. of Vishnu and of Bhaixava; sovereign ruler: -tva, n. abst. N.~ '~JKA-KSII, II. A. [ka-k(ft~s] hUsh-te, N(,E. also P.) appear; see, look at; announ'ce, tell, say. abhi, look at,,behold; inspect; regard favourably. ava~, look down upon '(ac.).; behold. a, look upon; declare, propound; tell; call, say about, (ac.); address; state; designate, mean; n am e, call. prati a, decline; repulse; refute; answer (ac.).,vi, recite; explain, elucidate. S&2m-,, report; declare.. pari, overlook, disregard; reject; prohibit; name. pra, tell; declare; regard as; name, call; cs. illumine. prati, see, perceive; expect. vi, appea-r, shine; perceive. behold, regard; announce; sam, behold; consider; report fully.. q'~q! hdksh-ana, a. appearance, sight. k~ir aksh-4ni, m. illuminator. E('iW hdksh-an, a. eye; -as, a. brightness, brilliance; seeing, being seen (d. = sf.); eye, sight, glance; -u, m. eye. I~f h 4qakshur-vishaya, in. ran~ge of the eye, sight.!q-T A hRakshuh-sravas,4013fn -sruti, m serpent (using the eyes as ears). k akshush-pati, m. lord of all eyes; -patha, m. eye-shot, sight; -priti, f. delight of the eye; -mat, a. possessing eyes or vision, seeing; representing the eye: -a,. A.tva, a. vision. hakshush-ya, a. fit for or pleasing to the eye.; lovely; being before the eyes of (in.); dear to (in.). 7ci: aksh-us, a. seeing; a. eye; sight; vision; glance. - hasfi-raga, in. feast to the eyes. liXTkafz-kun-a, m. N. of a man. kahaf-kram-a, in., a, f. walk; -ana, a. walking about.; a. id. ~W~ hafuga, a. thoroughly acquainted with, very fastidious about(O) (-t&, f. abst. -Y.); i.N. '~jKAN~K, I. P. han-ha, hop, leap, dance; Ntremble, flicker. q k( afi-har-in, m. bee; -ika, m. id. ~[hail-hal-a, a. moving to and fro, unsteady, fickle: -tva, a. instability, fickleness. k~T aiha-,f lightning; -ita, pp. caus ed to tremble. q-4 hanfkh, f. basket-work: -purusha, m. man of straw, scarecrow. iM kaiih-u, a. known or,celebrated for, versed in (~)-a, f, -tva, a. cleverness); m. N.; f. (also fi) beak, bill: (~t)-puta, n., (u)-putaka, -puti,f. hollow of the beak. KAT, I. P. kata, take place, occur; Nget into, betake oneself to (lc.); be attached to (lc.): pp. katilta, attached to (P), ud, depart; cs. ha'taya, drive out; dispel. ~qZ kat.-aka, in. sparrow; N. of a poet;a, f. female sparrow. Iq q hata-hat, P. crackle:.4ya, X. id. -qdm hatat-kriti, f. crackling. q- hat-u, m. (?) blan di shment. 'qT kaftu-la, a. trembling, quivering; unsteady; 'inconstant; amiable, courteous; a.pl. attentions. ~TiW 7hatulat-ya, den. A. walk delicately. RIT khatu~pamfi, f. complimentary s nie. k1~ ana, a. -cl known or celebrated for (-tva, a. abst. N.); m. chick-pea: -ka, in. chick-pea. 1ilW kdnda, a. (, i) burning; violent; impetuous.; passionate, enraged, wrathful; -fierce, cruel: -i, ad. passionately, in a rage; a, i, f. the grim goddess, ep. of Durga. TQM handa-kara, in. (hot-rayed), sun1' iqWTTMT kanda-kar&'-ya, den. A. appe~ like the sun. r"[. kanda-karman. jT kandra-kulya. 91 1q. I ih. kanda-karman, m. N. of a Rdk- '1i' katur-danta, m. N shasa (acting-cruelly);-kirama,m.(hot-rayed), I katur-a. sun; -ketu,.. N.; -kausika, m. N. of a on t as, a. (i) f of Kakshivat; n. T. of a drama;' -ghoslia, sisting of fourteen; i, f. f m. N.;. f., -tva, n passionateness; wrath- a fortnight: -dasa-dha, C fulness; -didhiti, m. (hot-rayed), sun; -pota: -dasan (or ka-), numi fourt.ka, m. N. of an elephant; -prabha, m. N.; fourteenth; -dasarkN, a. hvg -bhuga;iga, m. N.; -mahisena, m. N. of a -darika, f. N. of the fifth prince; -rava, m. N. of a jackal (yelling Kathdsarstsdgara;-dikka: fiercely); -rasmi, m. (hot-rayed), sun; -var- quarters; -disam, ad. id.; man, mn. N. of a prince; -vikrama, m. N. a. (i) having four gates as n of a prince- -silas a. choleric; -simha,. in four parts; fourfold. N. of a prince; - amsu, m. (hot-rayed), sun. T katur-bahu, a. fou Tf kandala, m. man of the lowest a. having four apertures; -1 stratum of society, universally despised and quarter; -bhuga, a. four-ar shunned; a mixed caste, offspring of Sildra or Krishna; -bhumika, and Brdhmani; -~, a good-for-nothing -; -msi, f. period of four moi a, i,f. Zandala woman. four-faced.; ep. of Brahman, 'fhT kand-ika,f. ep. of Durga; temple -samritaj p uttered by -muhfirtam, ae. for four mt of DurgA: -griha, n. temple of Durga. a. having four forms or face " f^-kand-i-man, m..heat; passionate- four ages; a. comprising the ness, fierceness, cruelty. tra, a, four-faced; ep. of CA,a enrDurgd; -varga, m. aggreg S kan-kri, enrage. the four goods of life, the TSg Iqf kandi-pati, m. ep. of Siva; - sa, pleasant (kama), the seful m. id.; - svara, id.; -stotra, n. T. of a poem liberation (moksha): -kinta in praise of Durga. work; -varna-maya, a. con! castes; -varsha-sata ayus q ~ kandA isvara, m. ep. of Siva. age of4oo years; -vimsa, a. -~ EKAT, only pr. pt. katat and pp. katta, consisting of twenty-four; hide (int.); cs. kataya, drive away. pra, in which threeverses are cha vi, cs.. id. a n. the day on which it is em, s.. d. f. twenty-four; (katur)-vis JTM kdtasri or katasrz, f. of katur. (rarely) p1. id.: -kritvas, 4w katuh-ka, -pa, v. - katush-ka,. times, _tama, a. twenty-four -:pa etc-. twenty-four days; -vimsika, p, em.; -vidha, a. fourfold: -n katfir, num. m. n. pl. four. kind of Soma rite lasting f( m. pl. the four Vedas; a co: qT, kat-ura, a. quick, swift; dexterous,. arwith the four Vedas; vco clever, ingenious, crafty; charming;. a. clever- the fourVedas; (katur)-ham ness: -ka, a. (ika) dexterous, clever; m. N. of a jackal; f. N. of a woman. t [TTj katus-katvArii qt, katur-aksha, a. (^) four-eyed, fourth; kitus-katvarimsat ~ kdtur-akshara, a. having four syl- ^:'fTktuhsata, n.onehu lables; n. aggregate of four syllables.four hundred; -sapa, a. fo a. containing rooms on al g' T katur-afga, a.having four members: building withsquare court in -m balam, n. complete army (consisting of i-k&, f. court with four roc infantry, cavalry, elephants,. and chariotS); side); -srotra, a. four-eared a, f. army consisting of these four arms; n. id.; chess: -balaadhipatya, n. command katush-ka, a. consisti of a complete army. creased by four (-sata, n: i....cm.t arm.m. N.; n. tetrad, set of four q I ^katur-aigin, a. consisting of four column hall resting on four column parts. [shrewdness. tion room; -karna, a. heard I ga katura-ta,f. cleverness, craftiness, taf. in. in confidence. qU' i kAdtur-anlka, a. four-faced;;.-ata, inonT katushk-ika,. te a. bounded on all four sides (by the sea):: a, ng on four pillars. f. earth; -asra, a. square; regular, harmoni- k katush-taya, a. (i) of ous: -ti, f. harmony, -sobbin, a. harmoni- ting of four; ously beautiful; -asri, a. square; -aha, n. t of fo terad; set period of four days; -Atman, a. having four;qIt katush-panka, pl. forms or faces; -_ana, a. four-faced, ep. of -paSkasat, f. fifty-four; -pa Brahman; -uttar&* a. increasing by four. where four roads meet. ~J4lq: katur-guna, a. fourfold. quS katush-pad, o0- -] qf katur-thad a.. (1) fourth: -m, ad. the i) four-footed; consisting;h f rh' -,padas;f.having taken fours fourth time;, n. fourth part; i,f. fourth. day a. or in afortnight; fourth wedding day. rup; paa a. four-foot padas; m.. quadruped'; -p& q iJl'T katurtha-kala, m. fourth meal- footed; m. quadruped;. -put time: -m, le.= on the evening of the second folds. day; -kralika, a. eating the fourth meal only; * -bhAg, a. receiving a fourth part as tribute. 4 katuh-shashti, f. s mna, a. sixty-fourth, y-afiga,:4 TT katurthaamsa, m. fourth part; a. four parts; -shtom&, m. stoi receiving a fourth; - amsin, a. id. each increasing by four verse ~[i' I khaturthi-karman, n. ceremony with a fourfold stoma. of the fourth wedding day..qIf katds, ad. four times. -. of an elephant. ourteenth; conourteenth day of ad. fourteenfold; teen; -dasama, a. g. fourteen verses; lambaka in the m, ad. to the four.;-dvlra-mukha, nouths; -dha, ad. Lr-armed; -bila, bhiga, m. fourth, ned,ep. ofVishnu a. four-storied; iths; -mukha, a. Vishnu, and Siva: the four mouths; uhArtas; -mirti, es; -yuga, n. the i four ages; -vakan attendant of;ate of four: esp. good (artha), the (artha), and final &mani, m. T. of a. sisting of the four, a. attaining an (i) twenty-fourth; m. N. of a stoma.nted eight times; iployed; -vimsat, nssati, f. sg. and ad. twenty-four rth, y-aha, mi sg. n. = katur-vimsa, n, ad.; -vira, m. our days; -veda, ntaining or famiedin, a. versed in in, a, four-jawed. nmsda. (), forty-, f. forty-four. ndred andfour; ur-hoofed; -sfla, 1 four sides; n. \ the middle: -ka, oms (one on each a. ing of four; in0o4:= per cent); things; kind of zs.; square recepby four ears only: atrad; hall restfour kinds, conof four. four or five; tha,. m. p. place pad, a. (f.-padof four parts or teps; m. n. quaded; having four xda, a. (1) fourta,.a. having four sixty-four: -ta-, a. having sixtyma of four parts. es,; a. connected f' fJt katus-trimsa, a. (i) thirty-fourth; containing thirty-four; (kitus)-trimsat, f. thirty-four; -tri-dvi eka-bhbaga, a. receiving four, three, two, or one part. %q:#fx' katuh-samdhi,a. composed of four parts; (katuh)-samudra, a. (i) bounded by four seas; (katuhi)-sahasra, n.four thousand. E&<t I katf-ratrd, four days: -m, ac. for four days. x( katvar-a, m. n. square, nourtyard. n I katvgr, str..st. of katur, i,. n.pl. four. qvilf katvarim-sd, a. (1) fortieth; -sat, f. forty; -sati, f. id.; -san-mana, n. having a weight of forty. T'v KAN, only aor. kanishtim and kiiishtat, rejoice in (lc.);: gladden; 'Wa. ka-na(SV. ka nd), immediatelyfoitloI.. emphasized word: V. not even; wi~t.out sne. meaning (rare) also; after neg. even; C. (= kid) only after interrogatives in indefinite sense, even,.at all. [rejoice in (ac., lo.); grant. ~T'I kin-as, n. gladness: only with dhc, "P'J kanas-yd, den.. P. rejoice in (ac.): pp.kanasita, welcome! (voe.); gentle -,(with N. of Brahman, or, according to some, with that of a Kshatriya or Vaisya). qfrl~ kan-ishtha, spvy. very welcome, very gracious. T [ KAND, v. V SKAND, shine. ~,-~ kand-ana, m. n. sandal tree, wood,. powder, or ointment: -kay m. N.; -dasa, m. N.; -pajika, m. sandal ointment; -pita, m. application of sandal ointment; -pura, n. NV. of a town; -maya, a. made of sandal wood; consisting of sandal ointment; -rasa, m., -vari, n. fluid essence of sandal wood; - adri, m. sandal mountain, the Malaya range. x9i1 ITR kandana-ya, den. A.become a sandal tree. ',-t~'tfi kandanaudaka, n. fluid essence of sandal wood. %*q, kanda-la, f.. N. of a woman. ITi kand-rd, a. shining, bright; lovely; m. moon (also as a deity); -~ = chief among -; N.; n. gold: a-ka, m, (-~ a. ika) moon,; eye in a peacock's tail; N.; -kal&, f. sixteenth part of the moon's disc (as seen on the day before or after new moon); -kanta, a. lovely as the moon; m. moon-stone (a fabulous gem formed of the congealed rays of the moon, glittering & exuding cool moisture in moonlight only): -mani-maya, a. made of moonstone, -maya, a.'id. [moon-shaped spots. M*fIslI kandrak-ita, pp. marked with Rtp T kandra-kulya, f. N. of a river; -ketu, m. N.; -kshaya, m. new moon; -gupta, m. N. of'various kings, esp. the Sandrokottos who flourished about 300 B. 0.: -ka, m. id'; -kfida, a. moon-crested, ep. of Siva; -kfd&Amani, m. T. of a work; -tva,.n. likeness to the moon; -deva, m. N. of a Brahman; -pada, n. moon-beam; -pura,.-N. of a town; -prabha, m., &,f. N.; -pragsda, m. room on the roof; -bimba, n. disc of the moon: -maya, a. consisting of moon-discs; -bhag&,f. N. of a river; -mandala, n. moon-disc; -maya, a. (i) being altogether moon; (a)-mas, m. moon; moon-god (represented as a Ddnava or as one of the eight Vasus); -masa, m. lunar month; -mukuta, m. (moon-crested), ep. of Siva; -mukha, m. N.; mauUli, -maulin, m. (mooncrested), ep. of Siva, N2 I 92 92 qqmkandra-ra'ga. %irtiq karma-pa/ta..qaKFrkandra-raga, m. N.; -rekhm, f crescent; -1alAta, a. having a moon on the forehead, ep. ofSv;-a, f. N.;..1ekh af crescent; N.; -vamsa, m. the (royal) lunar race; -vat, a. moonlit: _-i,f. N.; -vapus, -a. lovely as the moon; (i.)-varna, a. brighthued; -ia,f. room on the roof.; -.subhra, a. moonlit; -sekhara, m. (moon-crested), ep. of Siva; N.; -srL, f. N.; -samgiia, m. camphor; -saras, a. N. of a fabulous lake; _Sara, mn. N.; -simh'it, sn. N. of a _prince; _SVamin, m. 'N.; -hsaa M. (moon laugh = gleam), sword; Rkvana's sword. kandraamsu, Sn. moon-beam; _ - kcara, 'P. N..; - aditya, m. N.; -Apida, m. ep. of Siva; N.; ~-ardha, in. half-mo —on: kda man!, ms. ep of'Siva; - avaloka, Sn. N. of a prince. ot* kandr-ikft, f. moonlight; N. Jf~~kandr-inf, a. golden. i~ kandra udaya, m. -rise of the moon; -aaM. moon-stone (v. kandra-kAnta). [NT( AP, ~q[ KAMP, tremble, waver.] ~tI h~ap-ala, a.tremulous,unsteady; inconstant, giddy, flighty, fickle: -in, ad. quickly; -gana, Sn. mischievous folk; -a f. giddiness, fickleness. 14" kapala-ya, den. P. make unsteady, beguile into an indiscretion. Li"IT kapalft,f. lightning; N. of two metres: -gana, m. fickle woman; goddess of fortune. -4PI4iTM kapalat-ya, den. A,. move or jump kapeta, ma. slap; 'a, II, f. id. [about. KAM, I. P. karna, sip. A-ki'ma, sip (water); rinse the mouth with (in.); suck up, absorb, cause to vanish: p.A-kantawt act, and ps. mng.; cs. -kaxnaya, cause to sip. anuu a-kmama rinse the mouth again. pari__.PP. with anna, food after which a guest prematurely sips water. MMMi~ kama-ka, as. N. ~iq Rf lp-,q kamat-karana, n. astonishm en t, surprise; ar~a, as. id.; -ania cs. pp. as;. tonished; -kriti,f. astonishment. ~I~Ikamat-kri, express or-canse surprise; astonvish: pp. surprised; become proud or ~q:M kam-ana, n. sipping. [haughty. qr!kam -ara, as. (i', f.) yak (bos g runniens); sa. n. yak's tail, used as a fly whisk, one of the insignia of royalty: -vila, ms. N. of a prince. I~R kam-asd, as. (wooden) bowl or cup. 7ql kam-u', f. bottom of the Soma press (Often du.hbottom and upper board of the Soma press); army (consisting Of 729 elephants, 729 chariots, 2187 cavalry, and 3645 infantry): -nitha, -pa, -pati, -Pala, Sn. comimander of an army. [of Kampa. -q+ kamp-a, m. N. of the founder of the town -1tf!j kampa-ka, ms. a tree (michelia chainpaca); n. its (yellow) blossomi; Sn. N.; 'a,f. N. of a town: (a)-prabhu, Sn. N. of thefat her of IAalhana; (a-aa,f. N.; (a)-vati~f. N. of a forest in lilagadlsa; N. of a town. +m 1T kamnpa, f. N. of a town of the Afiqas: -aI f id. [of verse and prose). '~qWkamp-ii,f. mixed composition (mixture '9 kay-a, -in. heap; layer; mound; ramnpart; mass; multitude.!qMkdy-ana, a. heaping up; layer of fuel; -bhafiga, m. fraeture of the leg; -=in~a,.n heap.root of the foot: e ni-pat, fall down at the Afeet; -vyuiha, Sn. T1. of a work (description of ~TKAR, I. P. (A.) k~ra, int. move, go, the Vedic schools);..anati,f. bowing at the wander,roam,spread,extend (of animate feet, prostration. and inanimate objects); browse; behave, act, ~q~kara'-tha, a. moving; n. life, activity towards (in. or lc.), have to do with (in.); go on, live (with a., ad., or gd.); ir. wander through, q aadva.N traverse; pass along, follow; undertake, enter qka dvam.N into; perform, practise; carry on (a dispute); kara-ma, a. last; outermost; lowest; emulate actions (vrittam); assume afunction western: -iad. last; in the end; after(.) (vratam); undergo, observe; commit (sin); (a)-vayas, a. aged; - akala, as. western (sunmake, produce; consume; feed on, graze on; set) mountain. spy out (only pp. -ita): pp.. karita and k'irna; 'q4 sq4. karfl-kard, a. moving, running; cs. kairkya, cause to go, run, wander, or graze; 2. kara akara, a. oigadsainr;n despatch; put in motion; cause to perform; i~d.mvnadstioryv. allow to have sexual intercourse, prostitute anml'adplants, the whole world. (a wi~fe); des. hikarisha or kikarsha, wish -q I kar-itd, pp.; n. going, walking; way; to go or behave. ati, transgress.; be unfaith- procedure, behaviour, conduct, doings. ful to (ac.). anu, niove about among (ac.); traverse; follow; es. cause to be traversed by I rtSI, h arita-puirva, a. performed before; (in.). antar, move between or within, be in -maya, a. (Ii) containing the deeds of(O) (ac., g., or lc.). apa, be wanting; transgress. -I hd —ae d n.t gt oe abhi, trespass against, violate, be unfaithful 1-t d —ae.if ogt oe to (ac.); bewitch (ac.).. prati bhi, use ~_ff; kar-i-tavya, fp. to be practised or witchcraft against (ac.). vi abhi, offend; performed.[hsvw fail; go beyond (ac.); cs. prove thae erroneous- krt ness of (ac.). ava, come down from (ab.); kfarita-vrata., a. having fulfilled cs. employ, 'a, approach (ac.); frequent; c'fJTT karitaartha, a. having obtained have recourse to (ac.); use, employ; be- oesojc;scesu;stsid tf t have, act; treat; associate with (saha); set tainmentjoftone'scobject, satisfacion; -tva.at about, -perform, practise, follow, do; proceed n. accomplishment. to (iaf)'; sanction, prescribe (yr.). adhi a, use, occupy (seat), sam-a^, proceed, act (to- 'fqfTWT I karitfirtha-ya, den. P. cause any wards, lc.); associate with kin.); perform, ob- one (ac.) to attain his object, satisfy. serve,practise (towards, lc.); engage in (quarrels); gain (livelihood): durat -, remove far ka-tr,.fole;gi;anet away. ud, rise (sun); sound, utter, pronounce custo, usage; conduct, doings: -bandhaka, (cs. id.); void excrement. pra ud, cs. pp. in. n. confidential pledge; -vat, a. having prokantaemitin sonds up, aproch already performed (a sacrifice). serve, wait on; hon our, worship; tend, groom r. 4'Lr ari-h undertake; treat (medically); designate figu- "P.mvng ntay ratively; ps. be employed or ascribed meta- roaming; belonging to the animial world. phorically (to, lc.). nis, come forth, appear, Ej~ kar-ui, ms. caldron, pot; oblation (of proceed. vi-nis, proceed in all directions, grain boiled in milk, butter, or1 water). para, go away. pari, go round (ac.); serve, (I attend. pra, come forth; reach (ac.); set ElI I[ kar-kri-ti-f. praise; -kritya, a. praiseabout, perform; follow (occupations); treat worthy, renowned. patients; proceed, act. vi, move in different ~ i-r-h,~s~rA. nv f.2 directions, spread, be diffused; move actively, withact kandkr-e p3 sese.p.Ainv f 2k sally forth, make an attack; rove; wander wihat ndp.sne about in, traverse (ac.); proceed, act, live; go ' ~KAIRK, cs. karkaya, P. repeat (a word astray, be dissolute; practise, perform; cs. Nin Vedic recitation, esp. with insertion cause to go hither and thither; seduce; pon- of iti): pp. harkita, repeated; -O, covered der, consider; hesitate, doubt; ascertain, de- with; bearing marks of. vi, pp. applied cide: pp. doubtful; certain. anu-vi, walk (ointment) to (lc.). through. pra-vi, advance; wander about; T, cs. ponder or examine duly. sam, come to- 'q-* kark-ana, n. repetition of a word. gether, join; wander about, walk; run (sroad); tqf~'I krkri&.kn f etr o reach to (a); enter, traverse, infest; move, 'q~~Tkrkriaj ido etr o live; pass over to (g.); cs. set in motion; let the stage). go; lead about; transfer, deliver. anu-sam, kar-kar-ii, f. kind of song. follow, go along. abhi-sam, come togetherf.rptioofawd(sp to (ac.). upa-sam, enter. "4 kark-ft,f.rptioofawd(e. '!q' ha-a,. mvabe, mvin-, N anmal with iti); coating (of ointment); care, trouble l ar-a, a., movabl, movdein g;. animal about, attention to, meddling with (_-9 or g) (o~pp - Plat;,gonwneinwlig speaking about Q-0); discussion: -pada, n.plI. acting, living; practising; as. spy; &,f life. words repeated with the insertion of iti. ~q'~ kda-k, a. wndeer;wanerig mf!#W kark-ita, pp. n. coating (of ointment). Brahvnan pupil; spy; N. of an ancient phy- (I sici an: pl1. N. of a school of the black Yagur-;qtZ karpata, a. fiat; flattened. veda: - adhvaryu, as. priest of the Karakas. ~*kam -0 amn krm he arJ ~-ana, s.na. foot; Vedic school; n. maker (a mixed caste); -karin, as. id.; -arwandering; course; procedure; riua oh na. working in leather; -krit, as. shoeservance; (good) conduct; practice., perform- maker.; -khanda, a. piece of skin; -ga, a. ance. made of leather, leathern. ~qM karana-ka, n. little foot; -granthi, 3I karman-ya, a. article of leather. m -anl n;_yasa, as. footstep, tread; foot-!:9kd r-man, n ta hc ped u] prnt nl; pana,. prostration at the feet; hdsi; a ta hc ped u] print;d-patana, shield. -pata, as. kick; prostration; -prishtha, mas ( instep; -prasaira, sa. extension of the legs; 4qIt karma-patta, mn. strap; 7bandha, as. q~lqif r' 2 karma'vakartin. fN k i. 93 I I leather strap; -bhastrikai f. leather pouch; -maya, a. (A) leathern; -ratna, a. (treasure of a =) magic purse: -bhastrika, f. id. karm a avakartin, m. leathercutter, shoemaker; -avakartri, m. id. ~f~Ikarm-in, a. covered with a hide; armed with a shield; m. shield-bearer. %Er kar-yajfp. to be practised; afroaming; procedure, conduct; observance; performance or practice of, occupation with (O '~~KARV, CS. karvaya, gnaw at, chew; ~Ntaste: pp. karvita. 'OTkarv-ana, n. chewing; tasting; Af. id. ~fkar-sh-anf, a. moviug,flowing; active, busy; f. p 1. men, folk, people ('- gen eral ly I'). ~"Wt karshani, f. unfaithful wife: -dhrzt, a. protecting men; -dhriti,f. protection of men; -sah, a. ruling men. A HAL, I. P. (A,.) kala, move, sway, shktremble, quiver; move on, advance; go away, depart; be spread abroad (news); walk about; become agitated, disturbed,confused, or impaired; waver; swerve from (ab.):pp. kalita; es. kaiaya, set inmotion, stir, shake, cause to tremble; trouble, agitate; divert from (ab.); kWaya, drive away; shake; invalidate (a proposition); nudge; trouble, agitate. ud, depart; set out; rise from a.seat (ab.). priaud, set out, sam-ud, start up together; set out together. pra, become agitated, tremble, quake; stir, advance; rise (wvind); spring up (from a seat); set out, depart, diverge from (ab.); as. -kalaya, move; -kiiaya, stir up. vi, waver; move; stir, advance; fall off or down; be agitated, disturbed, or impaired; swerve from (ab.); es. -kaiaya, agitate; transgress (law); call in question; rescind. pra-vi, swerve from (ab.). samu, tremble, quake; depart; es. -kaiaya, set in motion; drive away. ':q hal-a, a. moving, trembling; unsteady, wavering;;waving; fluttering; rippling; fickle: -kitta, n. mutable temper, fickleness; a. fickle: -t&,f. fickleness; giddiness; -t&, f., -tva, n1. tremor, usisteadiness. '4Wqk7al-ana, a. moving, uLns-teady; walking; dissolute; a. tremor, unsteadiness, motion; activity, function; agitation; deviation from (alb.). I~rf'fiW kala-niketa, a. having a transitory abode; -prakriti, a. giddy, fickle; -svabh~va, a. of inconstant nature.!qT hal-ai, f. goddess of fortune. ~" ITq; kalat-kala, a. moving to and fro, unsteady; inconstant. OUWrf kala tman, a. fickle. qf'R, kal-ita, pp. a. moving to and fro. (1 kal-i-tavya,fp. one must move on. kalu ka, m. (?) mouthful of water. 1"T kalafirmi, a. rippling. k av-ika, n. kind of pepper; -ika,. -3i, f., -ya, a., -yA, f. id. %9Wkash-aka^m(?) drinking vessel, goblet.' -qt4 %kash-91a,mm -knob ofasacrificial post. I ~I-WE kakr-ika, m. carter; potter; oilgrinder; bell-man; partisan, accomplice. 'qiTq kakshush', a. ('I) peculiar to or arising from the eye; perceptible by the eye; m. pat. of the sixth Mann; (a) -tva, a. perceptibility by the eye. IT'qfI Ikfkari, m. N. of a wrestler. -qT~kfkftnkaI-ya,n.-fckleness, inconstancy. IqT kan-kav-a, a. celebrity. qT kfta m. cheat, rogue. co f1 katalikA, f. N. of a locality. W au, mn. n. coaxing, blandishment; courteous act; pretty speech; a. agreeable (?): -ka&, m. id.; -ka~ra, m. flatterer; u artham, for the sake of doing a kindness. ~qqqq kqnak-ya, a. made of chick-peas; mn. pat. (from Kanaka,), N. of Kandrageepta's minister. [Krishna. 1WP4R ha;nfra, m. N. of a wrestler slain by I,,sI katndfld, m. = handala; a. (1) peculiar to the Kand~las. ~qT'f~ kataka, in., I', f. kind Of cuckoo (supposed to live on drops of rain only). ~qTlffl katt-ana, cs. a. driving away (~) kfhttura, a. flattering; guiding, ruling; i, f. cleverness, dexterity; charm. ~qJ1 hfiturtha, a. discussed in the fourth (hpter): -ka, a. occurring every fourth day (fever); -a.qhuika, a. belonging to the fourth day. [vided into four parts. 19T14WTRf i kfturdhft-katranika, a. di'qITIh4~f katur-matsiif. day of full moon at the four-mnonthly sacrifices; -ma'sy&, n. period of four months; sacrifice to be offered every four months (at the beginning of the three seasons). I~T T kfttur-ya, a. skill, dexterity; charm.!qI hatur-varn-ya, n. the four castes; -vimsika, a. belonging to the 24th day; -vidya, a. versed in the four V~edas; it. the four Yedas; -vaidya, a. versed in the four Vedas; -hiotra, a. performed by the four principal priests; a. sacrifice performed by the four princial priests. 'qTUTM kaftush-patha, a. being at a place where four roads meet,; -praisyk, a. sufficient to feed four. 'q kat-tra, a. spindle (esp. that in which isftxed the drill (pramant ha)forproducing the sacredjire by means of a cord wound round it and rapidly~work-ed backwards andforwards). %qmf hgtvahla, in. n. trench supplying time earth for the northern altar: -vat, a.' in which (sacrijlce) a kktvala is dug. TPT<k-ana-s, the pt. suffix -ftna. k hndana, a. (i) made of sandal-wood. kandra, a. (i') lu-nar; -ka, -ma, -mask, ()a. id.; -vratika, a. heaving the character of the moon. ~qlj~Z k~ndra ayana, m. observer of the, moon's cours~e; ar. moon-course penance in which the number of mouthfuels eaten decreases b~y one daily from fifteen at full moon to none at new moon, after which it increases similarly (it may begin either at new or atfull moon): -vrata, a. id. -Tt hakfp-a, in. a. bow (weapon): -g-uns, mn. bowstring; -yashti,f. id. 'qT1q!R hpal-a, a. speed; unsteadiness, inconstancy, frivolity, rashness, indiscretion (with regard to, 0); -ya, n. id.-;qTXR'ffT katpa-latah,f. bowvstring; -lekhAlf. N.; -veda, m. archery; - adhiropana, a. stringing or drawing a bow; -&ropana, a. id. ~rqft1'I. hap-in, a. armed with a bow. 'EITIRT hamara, a. relating to thL yak (bos granniens); a. tail of the yak, used as a flywhisk, also as an ornament on the heads of horses and elephants; one of the insignia of royalty: -grahini, f. female whisk-bear~m:. +tITt am-kara, a. gold: -maya, a. () golden, 7_9kala, m. ep. of Meru, - adri, m. id. MT ka'm~kar-^la, a. golden. k9W fhmund.1, m. N. of an az~thor; af. a form of Durgh. k am p-eya, m. prince of Kampa&. j' KA, 1. a be shy (of, aa., -' be reverent; perceive, recogmise. W_: worship; perceive. ~T'~ kay-aniya, fp. perceptible. Mr-a, m. spy; motion, course; action, behaviour; occupation as (-0): -ka, a. acting, proceeding ( —); m.. spy; prison; -kakshus, n. spy for an eye; a. using spies for eyes. 'wqTT'i harana, a, connected withthe school; belonging to the same school; m. strolling player; celestial musician; spy; cattle-driving: -tva, a. condition of a strolling player; - ka.. maya, a. (i) consisti ng of strollingplayers only. IqTT kara-purusha, m. spy; -bhata, m. soldier; - adhikirin., m. spy. -qTR1 'rD katr-ika', f. servant-girl (.) 'qf_ 2 haritarth-ya, a. attainment of one's object. [viour, good conduct, virtue. ~rfT karitra, a. course of action, beha-,TfI f ~ karitr-in, a.well-conducted; -ya, a. = kflritra.,q I=if ka~r-in, a. movable; moving, going, roaming, abiding or living, in; acting, performing; m. foot-soldier; spy.;g', hgr-u, a. agreeable, welcome, pleasing; dear; fair, lovely: a. ad.: -giti,f. a metre; at&f. popularity; beauty; -datta, in. N. of a Brdhman; -danta, m. N. of a merchant's son; -darsani, f. fair' woman; -netra, a. fair-eyed; -mati, in. N. of a parrot; -rftpa, a. of fairform; -lokana, a. fair-eyed; -veni, f fair braid, N. of a river; -sabda-bhaumga-vat, a. rich in~lovely faltering and in charming expressions (speech); -hmsiu, a.laughing sweetly: -i', f. a metre. kq~~r ara ikshanal a. hvg. spies for eyes.,q I 1fqW4 * harhik..ya, a. anointing the body. twfT#~q katrm-ika, a. leathern. [Spying. 'rhar-ya, M. son of an outcast Vaisya; a. ~TTqj karvaka, m. N. of a materialistic and heterodox philosopher; materialist. ~TW khl-a, in. shaking, looseness (of the teeth); -aka, mn. obstinate person; -ana, a. moving, wagging, motion, shaking; loosening: 3, f.sieve; strainer; -ya, fp. to be moved; to be diverted. IqIt kasha, m. blue jay (coracias indica). fN ii KJ, V. ki-n6, arrange, pile; b uild up, esp. the sacri~ficial altar (P. if' done, by the priest, A.. by the sacrificer himself); gather, collect; acquire, gain; bestrew, cover with (in.): pp. kita, covered, strewed, or studded with (in., -~); ps. increase, thrive; des. ki 94 N ki. N4r kint. klisha, wish to accumulate or acquire. anu, pp. beset all along with branches (in.). apa, gather; ps. diminish, grow less, lose (ab.): pp. attenuated, thin. ava, gather (* from, 2 ac.). A, heap up, accumulate; cover or load with (in ): pp. c6vered, bestrewn; studded or laden -with (in., — ) sam-a', gather together, heap up; cover, load. ucd, gather. abhi ud, comprehend in (lc.); go on to discuss. samud, arrange; add; gather. upa, heap up, accumulate; augment; ps. grow, increase; be enriched, profit: pp. increased, enlarged, augmented; abundant; stout;;prosperous;;covered, loaded or pruvided with (in,, ~ —). sam-upa, heap up,, collect; ps. increase; grow up:.pp. abundant. iii, pp. heaped up; erected; covereed, studded, or filled with (in., ~) pari, pile up; collect; acquire; ps. grow, increase: pp. gained, acquired; filled with (in.). pr.s&,gather; ps. increase:. pp. covered or filled with(in., -'). vi, pick out, select, cull; divide; part (hair); distribute (booty). sam, pile up; arrange; collect, accumulate, acquire: pp. filled or provided with ( —O). fI 2. HI, III. P. kikr6ti (V.); V. P. A ki-n6, perceive, observe; look for; search through (ac.) for (ac.). ui, notice, observe. nlis, ascertain; decide; determine, fix; resolve; consider certain: pp. having made up his mind, resolved to (d., lc., — 9); certain, decided, settled: -in, ad. certainly. vi-niis, ponder; decide definitively; take a final resolution: pp. quite certain, well settled: -in, ad. most certainly or assuredly. pari, search through; find out, ascertain, recognise; become acquainted or familiarise oneself with; ps.beknown:p~p.known,familiar,accustomed; of frequent occurrence. vi, discern; discriminate, examine, search through; look for, seek; strive after. pra-vi, search through-. pp. tested, tried. sam, reflect. 3. ETL, I. A. kfiya, abhor, hate; avenge; punish, take vengeance on (cc.). fCofI C t ki-kart-i-shft,f. desire to cut off; -ishu, a. wishing to cut off. Nf?~i ki-kft, a. knowing; shining. MM ki-kit-vs~s, pf. pt. (V/kit) having noticed, observing, attentive; knowing, wise. IfIf IjM ki-kit-sa, des.of Okit (q. v.); -saka,. m. physician; -sana, a. medical treatment; asi f. id.; medical science; -sita, (.pp.) n. id. (Oa.f. &);..sya,fp curable. ki-kir-sha, des. of v/kri, do; ash, f.desire to do or~ make, longing for (g., -2); -shita, n. undertaking; purpose, intention; -shu, a. wishing to do,. make, fashion, perform, or practise; desirous of (ac., — 9). NJI'T 7ikura, m. hair of the head; hair. f~*MW kikkana, a. smooth, slippery. fTf~iq i ki-kship-as, 2 sg. aor. subj. of -8/kship. [te& go. Vvqf ki-kar-i-shu, des. a. encleavouring f ~~~ki-kal-i-shu, a.. about to start. f 4~~ kikkikdf, m. kind of bird.. flq~fkI kik-khakti, f. thinking power. fl —3 i-fi, the root i. hi. k~ i iikafj. tamarind (tree and fruit).N w r. KIT, I.kata, (V.) perceive, observe, '" mark (ac., g.); intend (d.); desire; under. stand, know; appear; pf. kiketa, has understood, knows; es. ketiya, P. 'A. kitiya, P. remind (of, d.); instruct; notice, observe; attend; A. reflect, meditate; understand; remember, be conscious of (ac.); appear, be conspicuous, shine; des. kikitsa, intend; provide for (d.); treat medically, cure; cs. of des. kikitsaya, cure; intv. k6ki(t)te, appear, shine forth: pt. kdkit-at, k6kit aa ~ observe, mark; understand, know. pra, cs. make known; A. appear. vi, perceive; discern; comprehend; A. be visible, appear; des. doubt, be uncertain about; hesitate. sam, survey; perceive; agree, be at one. f 2. kft, f. intellect, mind. [a pile. f;'q-T 3. ki-t, a. piling (0-); piled, forming fiW ki-ta, pp. v/hi; n. building: Z~gini, m. burning funeral pile; - dhirohana, n.. ascending the funeral pile;..nlm. burning funeral pile. f~'ffT ki-ta&, (pp.) f. pile of wood, funeral pyre: -dlhfma, m. smoke of the funeral pile. f~fai r.hi-tiv. pile; pyre; heap; multitude. Nftr2. hit-f, f. understanding; intellect, mind. fl'qf~rqT hiti-ka, f. pile of wood; funeral pyre; often -9 (after a numeral) a. in the sense of layer. NW~1kitaesdha, a. relatingto a funeral pile. N~Rkit-kara= kit-kftra. fk it-td, pp.; n. observation; thought; purpose, will; mind, heart, intellect, reason; a. thinking of (0-). fC:l rj~ kitta-kbeda, m. affliction, grief;..kaura, m. heart-stealer, lover; -Sa, m. (heartborn), love; K~ma; -ganman, vs. id.; -gn'a, a. knowing the intentions or heart of (g.); having knowledge of human nature; antha M. heart's lord., lover; -nisa, Ms. loss of consciousness; -nirvritti, f. peace of mind; -pramithin, a. disturbing the mind; -bheda, vs. depression of mind; -bhrama, m. mental confusion; -bhr&Anti, f., -moha, vs. id.; -yoni, m. (having its origin in the mind) love; -r~afigana, n. gladdening of hearts; -vat, a. rational, sensible, wise; -vikira, m. mental derangement; -viplava,. vs. id., madness; -vislesha, m. alienation of hearts; breach of friendship with (in.) -vritti, f. mental disposition, sentiments, feeling; train of thought; frame of mind, mental process; -hann a. ravishing. hqC- 1 itta fikarshana, a. winning of the heart; - &ikanshin, a. charming the heart;..nuvartin, a. gratifying (g., -) anuu vritti, f. gratifileation. flqf~' kift-ti, f.. thought; understanding; insight; intent. f k~itt-fn, a. wise, intelligent. f~kif-tya, a. that is, -piled or built up; M. (sc. agni) fire placed on a layer or pile; L, f. piling, building up (of an altar). f-g'hit-rd,a.,nanifest,visible,distin-guished, clear, bright; distinct, audible (sound); variegated,. speckled, dappled; various, manifold; qualified with torture. (punishment); wonderful; n. bright-coloured object, glittering ornament; jewel; picture; surprising phenomenon, wonder. 4W, hitra-ka, m. small hunting leopard (Cheeta); a. mark a. characterised by); picture, painting; -kara, m. painter (a mixed caste); -karman, n. painting; picture; adorn ment (Pr.); -kfdta, m. hill of pleasure; (Bright-peak), N. of a mountain (in Bundelkund, now Kitralcote); N. of a town;.'krito vs. painter; -kritya, n. painting; -ga, a.,..gata,p~p. (belonging to a picture), painted; -gupta, m. N. of a recorder of human actions in Yama's realm; -griha, n. apartment adorned with pictures; -grvauVa, a. stony;.Agniva, m. Spotted-neck, N. of a pigeon king; -nyast, pp. put on canvas, painted; -paksha,- m. (spotted-wing), kind of pigeon; N. of a demnon causing headache; -pata, m. picture; A-patta, vs. id.:, -gata, pp. painted; -putrika, f.female portrait; -phalaka, picture-panel, painting; (it)-bhanu, a. shining brightly; mn. fire, Agni; -bhashya, a. eloquence;..bhitti,f. painted wall, wall-painting; -mriga, vs. spotted antelope.NfTT4 kitra-ya, den. P. variegate, decorate, adorn: p~p. kitrita, variegated, embellished, painted. ud, pp. richly decked or provided with (in.). IfIw-4-K kitrd-ratha, a. having a brilliant car; vs. N.; -likhaina, n. painting; -likhita, pp. painted; -lekh&,f. picture; N.; -vat, a. adornedwith pictures, painted; -vana, n. (variegated wood), N. of a forest on the Gandaklci; -varti, f. paint-brush;..varti-k A f. id.; -varman, M. N. of a son of Dhritardshtra. N11wwRrT kitra-sffla,f. picture-room; -sA~iikf id. (Pr.); -sikhandin, m. pl. (having shining locks), ep. of the seven sages (Mariki, A tri, Ahgiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu,. and Vasishtha); the Great Bear; -sravastamna, spy, worthy of the loudest praise; (A)-sena, a. bright-speared; vs. N.; -stha, a. represented in a picture, painted; -sthala, n. N. of a garden. f w hitra alga, vs. Dapple-body, N. of a deer and of a dog; 3i, f. N. of a courtesan; - angada, a. adorned with brilliant bracelets; mi. N. of a fairy, of a Gandharva, and of a' recorder of human actions in Yama's realm; - anna, n. rice coloured by the addition of, ingredients; (&)-magha, a. having splendid gifts; - ar-ambha, a. painted; -.9rpita,, _pp. id.: - r~ambha, a. id. Nf74 kitr-ita, pp. of kitraya, NfN kf-tr-iya, a. distinguished; vs. N. f r~ itr-kri, turn into a picture. T~W kitri-ya, den._ A, be astonished; cause astonishment. NMT kitri-ya, f. astonishment. f~~I hdtr-ya, a. sparkling. N~, hi-d, ene. pcl. [n.. of interrogative, Lat. -quid] in V. emphasizingpreceding word (but often to be rendered by; stress' merely), even, just, very, at least; generalizingnouns, every, all, and esp. pns. and cjs., - ever, all: with neg. not even; in C. it is used only with interrogatives (and ghtu), rendering them indefinite. fMv~'kid-fttman, in. the thinking soul, pure intellect; -finanda-maya, a. consisting of intellect and joy. H-~ff INT, X. P. (A.) hintaya, think, N reflect; think of (ac., E. also d., lc., or prati); regard, observe, pay attention to (with, na, disregard); devise; treat of, discuss; bethink oneself; consider (with 2 a. irreg. Pr. pt. A. kinaana auu, recall, remember; think of, reflect on ~(ac.), ponder. pani, consider duly; reflect; think of,(ac.); devise. pra, think of, reflect on, contemplate; fdi kint-aka. fcr ket-ishtha. 95 I I devise. prati, consider anew; remember. vi, discern; reflect; think of (ac.); consider, regard, mind; devise. sam, reflect, ponder; duly consider or think of (ac.). Sr'i kint-aka, a. thinking of, caring for, superintending, familiar with (-~); -ana, a. thinking of, reflecting on, care for (g., -); cares, troubles; -aniya, fp. to be thought of or devised; -ayi-tavya,fp. to be thought of or remembered. fir kint-a, f. thought, reflection, consideration; uneasiness, apprehension; solicitude regarding (Ic. or -~); anxiety about (g., Ic., or upari); N.: -para, a. engrossedby (sad) reflections, thoughtful; -mani, m. magical thought-gem (fulfilling its possessor's every wish); philosopher's stone; T.ofvarious w orks, esp. -~; -moha, m. bewilderment of thought; -visha-ghna, a. destroying the poison of care. ffitrf kint-ita, pp. Jkint; n. thought; purpose; cares: -uipanata, pp. appearing as soon as thought of; -upasthita, pp. id. rfhTm kint-ya, fp. to be thought of; still to be considered, doubtful, questionable, fasi kin-maya, a. intellectual; -matra, a. pure intelligence. f 'fZr kipita, a. blunt, flattened, flat: -ghrana,-nusa,a. flat-nosed; -nisika, a. id. f'ftVi- kipiti-kri, flatten. fN'i kibuka, n. chin. f'T ki-rA, a. long (time); of long standing; old (friend); belonging to the olden time: -m, ad. long, for a long time; slowly; long ago; too long; -m kri, be long, delay; ~-, in., d., ab., g., Ic. after a long time; for a long time, long; d., ab., g. also at last, too late; only now; n. delay. f rr!i kira-kara, a. slow, tardy; dilatory; -kair-i,-kar-in, a. id.: i-ta,f., i-tva, n. tardiness, dilatoriness; -kala, a. belonging to the olden time; m. long time: -m, O-, for a long time; ab. after a long time; on account of the long interval; -krita, pp. long practised; -givin, a. long-lived; m. N. of a crow;.datri, m. N. of a prince; -nirvahya,fp. taking a long time to carry out. f'Tee# kirandhi, f. female still living in her father's house. {fxt I' kiran-tana, a. old, ancient. 'f' ' kira-pura, n. N. of a town; -pravasin, a long absent from home; -pravritta, pp. of long standing: - esha panthah, this is an old story; -bhAvin, a. being far off (in time); -mitra, n. old friend; -mokana, n. N. of a Tirtha. [tarry. [f~x kira-ya, den. (A. rare) be long, delay, fT'; kira-ratra, m. (?) long time: d. after a long time, at length; -viraha-ga, a. arising from long separation; -vel, f. late time of day: in. at so late an hour; -samkita, pp. long accumulated; -sthita, pp. having stood for a long time. NfBra kira-ya, den. be long, tarry: pp. kirbyita, tarrying long. f[ t'I kiraAyusha, a. granting long life; - yushya, a. destined to live long:.ta, f. abst. vr.; -4yus, a. long-lived. f 'ft kiri, m. parrot. [home. -;f 1' i kiraushita, pp. long absent from f TfZi I kirbhat-ika,f. kind of cucumber; -if. id. ifi kirbhita, n., a,f. id. OfHr killi, m. a certain bird of prey; f. (also i) kind of vegetable. fi- ki-hn-a, n. [V/khan] mark, sign, token, indication, attribute: -~, a. marked or characterised by: -ka, n. jot, tittle. fiqq Akihna-ya, den. P. mark: pp. kihnita, marked; symbolized; pari, id.: pp. signed. kCI kit-kara, m. noise; braying: -vat, a. accompanied with noise; -krita, (pp.) n. _ kitkara; -kriti,f. rattle, clatter. it H kina, m. pi. the Chinese; -pishta, n. vermilion: -maya, a. consisting of vermilion; - amsuka, n. silk cloth. t k'ra, n. strip of bark or cloth; rag; m. cricket: i,f. id.; -khanda, m. rag; -mokana, n. N. of a Tirtha; -vasana,.visas, a. clothed in bark or rags. itfItqiT kir-ika, f. written proclamation. itfeklir-in, a. clothed in bark or rags, t kiri, m. cricket;.vaka, m. id. it kirna, pp. of /kar: -vrata, a. having performed his vow. iqnW k i-vara, m. iron-file; n. mendicant's garment (esp. of a Buddhist). fi kukra, m. n. (?) fruit vinegar (made esp. from the tamarind); sorrel. Mf.trfi, ku-kshobh-ay-ishu, es. des. a. wishing to cause to waver. W kukku, m, f. kind of vegetable; A,f, id. h kunku, a. renowned; accustomed to (o); m. N. of a mixed caste. K KUT, cs. kotaya. A, scratch. n kunti, f. well.. KUD, I. koda, urge on, bring quickly, O k hasten; A. make haste; cs. kodaya, P. (A. rare) urge on, impel; cast the eye on (Ic.); assist in, help to (d.); excite, stimulate; demand; require, prescribe; determine, ordain; object. abhi, es, urge,stimulate,impel; order. pari, cs. urge; encourage; invite. pra, cs. urge, impel; command, require, ask; proclaim: pp. kodita, discharged (arrows). sam, cs. impel, urge, stimulate; invite. 'vlq KUP, I, P. kopa, move, stir (int.), [ kubuka, n. chin; apex of an altar; -daghna, a. reaching to the chin. K3 KUMB,.I P. kumba, kiss; touch \: N immediately; cs. kumbaya, cause to kiss. ud, lift up and kiss. pari, kiss; be in close contact with (ac,). vil 1f15 kumb-aka-mani, m. magnet. [iq kunmb-ana, n. kissing; kiss; -in, a. in immediate contact with (-~), ' KUR, X, koraya, steal, appropriate; %N steal from (ac.); pp. korita, T f kur-adi, m. pl. list of verbs of the tenth class beginning with kur. T4_f'r kurkura-dhvani, m, sound of gnashing (the teeth); -sabda,.m id. JP kuluka, m. n. hollowed hand; handful, mouthful. [hollowed hand. aija kuluka-ya, den. P. swallow from the 1i*q' kuluki-kr, id. KULUMP, I. P. kulumpa, with ud, suck up. v[ kulla, a. blear-eyed. ~Tt kulli, f. hearth, fire-place; threefold hall (looking towards N., E. and iW.). i kfiku-ka, a. stammering; n. nipple. v kuda, m. ridge (on bricks); ceremony of tonsure (performed ov: children); a, f. hair on the crown; tuft f hair left on the crown after the ceremony of tonsure; ceremony of tonsure; crest, summit; a-ka, -~ kiidi, tonsure. IT' TCa kfidA-karana, n. ceremony oftonsure; -karna, m. N. of a beggar; -karman, n. ceremony of tonsure; -pasa, m. thick locks on the crown; -mani, m. crest-jewel; -~, jewel or pearl among; N.; T. of various works; -ratna, n, crest-jewel. -;1T ktidfa-la, a. having a single tuft on the crown; -vana, n. (forest-crest), N. of a mountain. vW kita, m. mango-tree; -mangari, f. N. of a fairy; -latikl,f. V.; -sara, m. mangoarrow (of Kdma). T KftR, X. P. kauraya, steal. v kfiru, m, kind of worm. s kufr-na, pp. (Vkar) pulverised, fine; m. n. flour, meal; aromatic or medicinal powder: -kuntala, n. lock of hair; -ti,f. pulverised condition. kfirn-ana, n, crushing, pounding. 1sir k6rna-pada, n. forward and backward movement performed with varying speed. ~k kurna-ya, den, P. pulverise, crush, smash. vi and sam, id.: pp. kfurnita. fITi kfirni-kri, id.; -karana, n. pulverisation; -bhi, turn to dust, melt away. 'lit kala-ka, tuft of hair (-~ a.); ika,f. cock's comb; apex, summit. 'fi. kil-in, a. having a crest. [ KOSH, ps. boil; fester; cs. kfshaya, P. suck up, nis, cs. suck out. MqElI kfsh-ana, n. sucking, taking (of a Cleech); -ya, fp. to be sucked..C KRIT, YI. P. krita, fasten together.. pra and vi, loosen, untie, set free: pp. kritta. [ing; wise; N. ofWi'r T ke-kit-ana, intv.pt. (/kit) appear~i-?( kek-ket, ij. down! (said to dogs.) t keta, m., i, f. servant, slave. t4t keta-ka, m., ika, f. servant, slave. [ll ket-ana, a. (i') manifest, distinguished; sentient, animate, conscious; m. intelligent being; n, perception, appearance; A,f. consciousness, intelligence, mind. q~TmT ketana-ta,f.,~0 -tva, n. sentience, consciousness. [n. conscious being. ^r"ft ket-ayi-tri, a. having perception; lT-; k6t-as, n. aspect; brilliance; consciousness; intellect; senses; mind, heart; will. fq ke't-ishtha, spy. (of kitra) exceedingly bright. -96 96 iijketo-bhui. rrfirw khandanuig'amin. I 'W~tUketo-bhift, m. love; Ka'ma; -mukha, a. whose mouth is understanding; -vikara, m. mental derangement. ka'id, pci. (never beg. sentence or halfverse) and (V.); when (V.); also, even, with ap-i (E) f(h podosis commonly has tad, tatas, tada', tarhi, or atba); atha ked, but if; na or no ked, if not, elliptical = if it were not so, otherwise; ken na, if -, not (apodosis); iti ker na, if this is objected, it is not so. '~W kedi, in. p?. N. of a people in Bundelkand; -pati, 1?1. king of Kedi;.r.dga, in. id. ~fke-ya, fo. to be piled or accumulated., kela, m. garment; raiment; -ka, in. a goo4- for-nothing (-9); 'saka,m.clothes-moth. 9WKESHT, I. k~shta, move the limbs, Nkick, struggle; bestir oneself, be busy; act, do;' frequent: pp.. -its.;. es. keshtaya, set in motion, impel to action. ati, exert oneself overmuch. 'a, do, perform. pari, welter; wander about. vi, struggle; bestir oneself, act, towards (lc.); effect, produce; es. set,in motion; impel to action. pra-vi, wander about. sam, grow restless; proceed, act. ~2kesht-a, n. motion, gesture; action; a, f.id.; activity; performance; conduct, behaviour, doings, goings on; -ana, a. motion; performance; -ita,pp. n. =kesh t%. kaitan-ya, n. consciousness, intellect, mind, soul; m. N. of a prophet born in 1484 A. D.: -kandra udaya, m. T. of aplay (moonrise of Kaitan-ya). VW kaitta, a. belonging to the province of thought (kitta),that which is thought; mental. RM kaitya, 1. m. individual soul; 2. a. relating to the funeral pile; m. n. tomb; temple; sacred memorial fig-tree; -taru, m. consecrated fig-tree; -drumla, m. id.; -yagia, m. sacrifice to a tomb; -vriksha, m. consecrated fig-tree. " kaitra, m. N. of the second spring month (March-April); N.; -ratha, n. (so. vana)J N. of Kuvera's forest laid -out by Kitraratba. kaitrl, f. day of full moon in the month Kaitra. [of Kedi (esp. Sisupiila). ':flqkaidya,m.pat.descendant of Kedi; prince 14Ikaila,m.elothes-moth; n.cloth, garment: -dhvA m.wsherman; a^saka, m. demon feeding on moths. #t i koka, n. kind of root. Y'41I koksha, a. clean, pure. koka, n. kind of cinnamon bark. h oda;, m. ridge (on bricks); doublet: -karna, m. N. 7 k6d-a, m. goad, whip; -i, a. inspiring, stimulating; furthering; -aka, a. impelling; m. injunction, direction; invitation. fti~v ko'd-ana, a. urging, impelling; n., 'a, f.incitement, invitation; command; precept, prescription; -ayi-tavya, cs. fp. to be censuired or criticised; -ayitri, in., tIf inciter, stimulator, promoter; -i-tri, m. inciter, stimulator, promoter; -ya, fp. to be urged; - censured; - called in question; na kodya, not to be insisted on= matter of course.;qP kor-a', in. thief; plagiarist: (a)-ka, m. thief; _ayitavya,fp. to be stolen. #rfI rj korita-ka, n. stolen object. #Yrkola, m. jacket, doublet: pl. N. of a people (inhabitants of the modern Tanjore); sg. prince of Kola; -ka, m. pl. the Kolas; -manda~la, is. province of Kola, Koromandel coast. 19' kosh-a, a. sucking (-'0); m. burning, parched feeling, feverishness; -ana, n. sucking; -ya,fp,. to be sucked. qEt-I kauksha, #;2r kaukshya, a. clean. %O kauda, n. ceremony of tonsure. ftl4 kauta-pallava, a. ()peculiar to a mango twig. qfTkaura, m,. (i1f.) thief, robber; stealer of ();usurper; -karman, n. thieving; -danda-bhA.g, a. incurring the penalty of a thief; -safikin, a. afraid of thieves or robbers; - atavi, f. forest infested by robbers. #~~Tkaur-ikfi, f. stealer of -(-'); theft; stealth, fraud: in. behind the back of (g.). 1~ M kaura uddhartri, m. extermin ator, i. e. detective, of thieves.,t kaur-ya, n. theft; stealth, defraudation., fraud:..ka, n. id.; -bhaya, n. fear owing to one's theft; -rata, n. siealtlhy enjoyment of love, adultery; -vritti, a. living hy theft. kaula, n. ceremony of tonsure. W'' kylv-ana, a. moving (int.), shaking (tr.); N. of a demon of, disease; N. of, a Rishi; n. motion; loss of (0') a~1 yv-a-mn, syg. subj. of Vkyu. W,* TW- kya'v-ftna, pr. pot. active, nimble; N. of a Rishi. 'WT~fkYftv-ana, cs. a.felling; n. expuls 'n. 7[ KYU, I. 1k. kyavas (E. also P.), waver, '3 move; depart or swerve fro m (ab.); be deprived of, lose (ab.); vanish, perish; fail; fall or dro', from (ab.); be ruined; sink to lower births; sink morally; put in motion, move: pp. kyut&, fallen from, deserted hy, free from, devoid of (ab. or 0-). cs. kya'viya or (rarely) kyavaya, shake; cause to fall; expel or take away from-(ab.-); cause to lose, deprivef f(2 ac.); 'A.. be shaken. ud, cs. take out, extract..pari, fall, fly, or speed from (ab.); swerve from (ab.); lose (ab.). pra, proceed; depart from (ab.); be deprived of, lose (ab.); fall from (ab.); swerve from (ab.): pp. fallen, expelled, or swerving from, deprived of (ab. or- ~9); cs. shake; cause to fall; expel; dissuade froma (ab.). anu-pra, set out after, follow (ac.). vi, depart; swerve from (ab.); be lost, fail. iE,i. kyu-t, a. (-0) moving- (mnt.); shakingg; destroying. 'r 2. KYUT, L.P. kyota, drop, drip; fall,, down. kyu.-ti, f. departure from (~0;issue of Q —); breach of duty; swerving from (ab.); failure of (-O); loss; death; fall (fig.). kyauntd, a. stimulating; n. shaking; enterprise, endeavour. W KH. wrrkhaga-ld, m. goat: I, f. she-goat.!WZT khatft, f. lump, mass, multitude; brilliance. WW khat-tra, n. [shader], umbrella (one of the insignia of royalty): -grihini, f female umbrella-bearer; -dhfira, m. umbrella-hearer: -tva, n. office of -; -dharana, n. use of an umbrella; -dha.nin, Mn. umbrella-bearer; -vat, a-havinganumbrella; -vriksha^inNqfatree. WiT, 4I R k-hattr-flka, n. mushroom; ai~,f small umbrella; -in, a. having an umbrella (prince): (i)-nyiya, in. way of calling a king an umbrella-bearer =exciesable 'tautology. e~T khattril-kri, turn into or use as an umbrella. i. KHAD, of the simple stem only pp. Xkhanna, covered, concealed; obscured, eclipsed; unobserved, disgpised; covert: -m or -9 ad. secretly, tacitly; es. khadfsya, P. (E. also A.) cover; spread (as a cover); con-' ceal;protect. ava, pp. covered up; covered with (in.); cs. cover up; conceal, keep secret: -pp. kh'adita. a, cs. cover; conceal; obscure; clothe; put on (clothes, ac.: P. A1.); dress oneself (AI.). upa, _pp. covered, concealed, hidden. pai, pp. covered; disguised in ( —0; cs. cover. Pra, pp. covered; concealed; disguised; unobserved; secret: -m or O-, privately, secretly; cs. cover; conceal; keep secret; envelope oneself in (in.). prati, pp. covered; shrouded, concealed, hidden; unrecognised; cs. envelope. sam, pp. id. lk 2. KHAD, X. kbadkya, V qKHAND, ~'X. khandkya, (V.EB.) appear, seem; seem good; please; P. khandaya, offer something (in.) to (ac. or rarely g.). upa, P. offer anything (in.) to (cc.); try to seduce (ac.). Wl khad-a, a.covering (0O); in. cover, covering; wing; leaf; n. plumagfe; -ana, n. cover, covering; wing; leaf; -i, -in, a. -covering (-0); -is, n. cover (also of a watgon); roof. IFWrN khad-man, n. roof; guise, disguise; plea, pretext; fraud, hypocrisy; —, the mask of -; a~-, only in appearance, fraudulent, hypocritical. W;11f K7-hadma-iftpin, a. disguised in the form of (0-); -sthita, pp. feigning(0 WttKkhadm-in, a. disguised as -) ~f1Iff~ khana-kkhan-iti, ad. hissing. W~KHAND, v. V2. KHAD. khd-nd-a or khand-6, a. pleasing, aluring; m. appearance, form; pleasure, will: in. or -tas, independently, according to one's own pleasure, at one's will; in., ab., or -tas, according to the will of (-O, g.). [ning. ER khanda-ka, OW -na, a. pleasing, winkhdnd-as, n. pleasure, desire, will; magical or sacred hymn; hymn which is not Rik, Sdman, or Yagus; Vedic text, Veada; metre,prosody: (h)-sa'strz, n. manual of prosody (esp. Pifigala's); (s)-krita,pp. composed in metre; (h)-sfitra,-n. (Pihigala's) s-fttra, on prosody. w'~40 T' Ifr khandaanugftmin, a. complaisant, obedient; - anuvritta, n. complaisance. khando-ga. qilT gagad-anda. 9 97 I I - W*1~1[ khando-gtd, m. chanter of Sftman hymns, follower of the Sfima-vecla; -snukramani, f. Vedic index of metres; -nunvritta, n. complaisance; -bhaga, a. having a metr-e as his share. EPW;T khando-mti, m. N. of the 8th, 9th, and ioth da~ys in the dasardira; -mafigari, 3i, f.(nosegay of metres), T. of a work on metre; -miya, a. consistina or having the nature of sacred hymns; -vikiti, f. sifting, of metres, prosody, T. of TPirigala's work; -vivriti, f. elucidation of metres, T. of Pid gala's work; -vritta, n. metre. IM khan-na, (pp.) n. cover; hiding-place, retreat: -~panta, a. whose slopes are covered (with, in.). KHARD, v. VKHRID. lw - khard-ana, a. emetic; n. vomiting;.ijf. vomiting, nausea; i. -is, n. protection; secure habitation; 2. -is, n. vomiting. 1W khal-a, m. (rare), n. fraud, artifice, artful management, deception; pretence, illusioin, guise: in., ab. under the guise of (.) -ana, a. deceiving: 9,f. id. h hala-ya, den. P. deceive. ENr~ khalika, n. song accompanied with gesticulations. w khavi, (s.', V.) f. hidle, skin; colour complexion; beauty, splendour. Wf9-MT ~kha villakara, m. N. of a historian. WT KHA&, IV. P. khyi.-ti, cut off: pp ahta and khit&. ava, draw off the skin, flay: pp -hta, emaciated. a,cuof;la.pa puncture the skin. [goat.!W7. kh'ga, m. he-goat; a (V) if she-!WT1 2. khftga, a. produced, from a goat: -la, a. id.; m. he-goat. TWi~ khatttra, m. pupil: -ta', f. pupilage, apprenticeship: -m vrag, become a pupil. W(i<qi khftd-aka, a. covering, concealing; -ana, n. covering, cover; clothing, raiment; veil; -in, a. covering, concealing(2) WfWZif khfldm-ika, a. fraudulent. WJ kh~ndas-a,a. (1)Yedic, archaic; conversant with the Vedas; prosodical. W(;1#g lchfndog-ya, n. doctrine of the Khandoogas: N. of a Bra'hmana of the Sadmaveda: -br&hmana, n. id.; '-jipanishad, f. fT. of an Upanishad of the Sdma-veda. WTf 7zhaya, a. giving shade; 'a, f. shade., shadow; image, reflexion; reflected light, splendour, glitter; colour; beauty, grace (O a, n.mi all these meanings compounded with a word in the genitive sense); quantity; mere shade of = a little (-O); Sanskrit translation of a Pradkrit work; Shadow of Samgiftfi and wife of the Sun and mother of theplanet Saturn. WT7T4TV9 khaya-graha, m. mirror or suandial; -tarn, m. shady tree; - Attman, si. shadowed self; -druma, m. shady tree; -dvitiya,a. having a shadow as a second, casting a shadow; -nitaka, n. kind of play; -mbya, a. shadow-like; -yantra, n. sun-dial; -vat, a. shady; _samghi&,f. Shadow-Samgiik. 1U!_F khftlik-ya, n. kind of song. khik-kara, m. kind of animal. fW'MT khikkal'f. sneeze. fMrT khik-ka'ra, m. kind of antelope. f[khi-ta, p.oVKHA. f ~KHID,,VIJ.khin~t-ti, kitecut, off; sever, break; pierce, make a hole in (wall); wound; divide; interrupt; destroy, remove; discharge (debt); ps. break (int.); disappear: pp. khinna, indented; bounded by (-'); lost: kim nas 'khinnam, what do we lose by that? cs. k-hedaya, P. (order to be) cut off. antar, cut off, isolate. apa, sever. ava, repulse; ps. be separated from (ab.): pp. enclosed or bounded by (-9); determined, defined. pari ava, sever on all sides. vi ava, cut off; separate; interrupt; disting:uish, determine. 9, cut; break; draw (sword); exclude from (ab.); take or snatch away; rob; interrupt; disregard. ava &, deliver from (ab.). ud,cut out or off; exterminate,destroy; ps. be interrupted, cease, fail, be lacking: pp. lost, wretched; es. exterminate. vi ud, PS. with act, endings, be interrupted, cease: pp. ended. sam-nd, exterminate. paricut off on both sides; determine accurately, wIgh duly, ascertain: pp. limited. pra, cut off; withdraw. vi-pra, separate. vi, tear asunder; separate; interrupt, disturb: pp. disconnected; no longer existing; gd. -kk-hidya, with interruptions. sam, cut off; pierce; destroy, remove; solve (doubts). fri khid, a. cutting off; splitting, plercin~g; destroying, removing (-2);f. cutting off; 0, destruction. [etc.); destroying (~) fiW ' khid-ura, a. easily breaking.(rope, fk-oP khid-rai, a. torn; perforated, leaky; n. hole, gap, aperture; opening, entry; defect, failing, weak point; distress: -ta', f. openness, quality of giving space. flf~gkhidra-ya, den.., P. perforate: pp. khIdrita, having a hole. flW3i~iffRftv khidra anusfirin, a. seeking out thie weaknesses of(g) f!W if'r khidr-in, a. hollow (tooth). f~khin-na~pp. V/khid: -na'sya, n. snapped nose-cord. TV khukkhu, m. kind of animal. ';~ khukkhflndara, in., 3i, f. id.!O KHUT, only with a, Cs. pp. -khotita, pulled; torn off. [distend. KHUD, -only with pra, es. P. -kkhodaya, khudda, a.N;~fN. jq khiibuka, n. chin. lgf KHUR, cs. khuraya (khoraya, Buddhi,;-1_1 tic), inlay or cover with (in.): pp. khurita, bestrewn or studded with (i. a~), pp. clothed with (in.). vi, pp. bestrewn, covered, studded, or painted with (in.,!WfK;% khur-ika, f knife. qfii khtitr-ikaf id.; cow's nostril. ~KHR ID, VII. P. khrinit-ti, vomit; cs. N khardaya, P. id. (ac.); cause to vomit. TM kheka, a. dexterous, crafty: - ukti, f allusion, ambiguous speech. TTER~ khet-tavya, fp. to be cut off; -tri, m. wood-cutter; destroyer, remover, dispeller. W~ khed-a, m. one who cuts down (-'.); cut, piece, slice; slit; cutting, cutting -off or down (g. or -'0); separation; destruction, dissipation; interruption; cessation, failure, lack; exact statement, definition; decision, settlement of a dispute (in all these senses generally -'). ) '*~ kheda-ka, a. cutting off or in pieces -.1 IT khed-ana, a.'cutting; destroying; n. cutting; cutting off or down; splitting; breaking (int.); -auiya,f~p. to be cut up; -in, a. cutting off; splitting, breaking; destroying, removing (-'0); -ya, f~p. to be cut; to be cut off or mutilated. El khela-ka, m. he-goat; ikajf. she-goat. ~1 kho-ga, m. N. -ZIq khot-ana, n. cutting off; -iaf snap (with fore~finger and thumb). ga (-'c), a. born or hegotten by, born in, sprung from; produced from, by, in, or on; caused or occasioned by; prepared fromD,made of; in. son; 'a,f. daughter. [Wig yam-h, intv. of </hf, go.]!Ur!Mgamh-as, a. wing, pinion. iUJ. GA-KSH [redupl. of ghas], II. P. Ngaksh-i-ti, be hungry; eat; consume, devour: _pp. gagdhk, eaten; consumed, exhausted (by, in.). "~f2. GAKSH [redupl. of has], laugh, N, only pr. pt. giksh-at, laughing. 'f4T(W,*ga'ksh-.i-v.yi,JV.pp.act.ofVI.gaksh. ~G.,~gagak-kakshus, a. eye of the world, sun. [world. ~r#gagag-giva, in.living being in this,i[gJ-g-at(pr.pt. redupl.fr. V/ga),amv ing, animate, living; composed in gagati metre; n. all that moves; animals; men; world, earth: du. heaven and lower regions; mn. pl. men; -i7, fi. female being; earth, world; a metre (4 x I?. syllables). 5P'fjIf gagati-gatni, mn. prince, king; -taia, n. surface of the earth; -pati, m. king: -kanyakg, f. princess; -pa'la, -bhartri, -bhug, mn. kingo, prince. 'a l gagat-karana, n.. cause of the world; -traya, a. triad of worlds (heaven, earth, and lower regions); -tritaya, a. id.; -pati, m. lord of the world (ep. of Brahman, Siva, Vishnu or Krishna, Agni, and of the Sun); -praka~sa, a. universally known, -notorious; -prathita, pp. wotld-famed; -prabhu, as. lord of the world; -prasiddha, _pp. world-renowned; -pra'sa~ha, a. consisting chiefly of qagatl verses; -srashtri, m. creator of the world, ep. of Brahiman; -svamin, aM. sovereign of the world - -sva'mitva, a. soyareignty of the world. TW; gagada, m. companion, guardian. 7T5 K!1 gagad-anda, a. mundane, egg, universe: -ka, a. id. 0 98,allIWm gagad-antaka. wfwaftq, gan-i-tos., 98 rur'irj gagad-antaka. faM~f4 gagad-antaka, m. destroyer of the world, death; -antara itmau, m. universal soul, ep. of Vishnu; -i'sa, m. lord of the world, ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and Siva; -i'SVara, m. lord of the world, ep. of Siva and of Indra; king; -ekanitha, m. monarch of the world. 'aRTWW gagad-guru, m. father of the world, ep. Of Brahrnan, Vishnu, and Siva; -dala, m. N. of a prince; -dipa, in. light of the world, sun; -dhaitri, mr. creator of the worldl, ep. of Brahman and Vishnu; -yoni, f. source of the world, ep. of Brahman, Vishnu or Krishna, Siva, and Prakriti. ITWMTW gagan-nfttha, m. protector of the world, ep. of Vishnu and his incarnations; N.; -niva'sa, m.ahode =pervader, ofthe world, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -netra, n. eye of the world, ep. of the moon: du. ep. of the sun and moon; -ma'tri, f. mother of the world, ep. of DurgA and of Lakshmi.,.-jR~ ga'g-uri, a. leading (road). I~fii gaggika, m. N. of a man. 'aTT'4I gag-dhd, pp. of V/i. gaksh. Tf#'V ga'g-dhi, f. eating; food. TT'W4TW gag-dhva'-ya, gd. of <'i. gaksh. ~f[#F ga'-gm-i, a. going, nimble; hastening to (ac., lc.). T'Qffgagbdna, m. (V.), n. buttock, posterior; rump; hip; pudenda; n. back part (Of an altar); rear-guard of an army: -kapa1h, f. lascivious woman; a metre; -vipula, a. having large huttocks:,f. a metre; - a~rdhi, mn. hinder part; rear-guard. TV14'qT gaghtdnena, in. ad. behind (ac. or g.); with hack turned towards (ac.). TE~gaghan-yg, a. hindermost, last, latest; lowest, meanest, worst; of low birth: -,ga, a. last-horn, youngest; -prabhiava, a. of low origin. 75rfw ga'-ghn-i, a. slaying (ac.). isrf?I. ga-ghn-i-vat, a. containing a form of the root han. quf'R gd-ghr-i, a. sputtering, boiling. ~5f gait-ga, in. N. of a man (Walker). ~SFWT gafi-gain-a, a. moving (int.), animate, living; Ni. all that moves, living beings: -tva, n. mobility. *gaii.gal..a, a. [very thirsty], dry, desert; deserted; in. desert (jungle). ~RWT gtfii-ghft,f. [goer: <ha] leg (esp.froin ankle to knee). ia[J~if-Ki gafighft-karika, in. nimble with the legs; in. runner; -gaghanya, a. lowest' s~f performed by the legs (actions); -bala, n. strength of leg~flight (Pr.). T7[WT gaitghat-la, a. swift-footed. TV gaga, m. warrior: - ogas, n. bravery. 7515 gagga, m. N. of a man: -la, in. id. 'aT' ga-gil -And, pf. pt. act. of V'gn-ft.!rft' gd-gii-i, a. germinating. arJ~i gani-gap-fika, a. muttering prayers zealously. TZ gatft, f. braid of hair (as worn by ascetics, Siva, and by mourners): -kalapa, mn. cue,pigtail; -g'la,a. braided locks, cue;- -,ita, M. top-knot; -dhara, a. wearing braided hair; in. ascetic; Siva; -dhairin, a. id.; -bha~ra, m. mass of braided hair: -dhara, a. wearing a -; -muandala, n. circle of braided locks on the crown. 73Z~ gatA-yn, OkT -s, m. N. of a fabulous v11ulture slain by lBdvana while endeavouring to rescue Sitd. [filled with, full of (-.0).!RZTW gatfl-la, a. wearing braided locks; IS 4 f gatft-valkalin, a. wearing braided locks and a garment of hark.,f~gat-in, a. wearing braided hair; in ascetic, pious mendicant; Siva; -ila, a. wearing braided locks; tangled (hair); full of (-0); m. ascetic; Siva. 7SrftIV"* gatil'i-kri, fill or cover with. I75-T~ gath-ara, i. a. hard; old (incorrect for garatha); 2. (-fira), n. belly; womb; cavity, interior, front of the body (opp. back): in. with one's front; - agni, in. fire of the belly, i. e. of digestion.~Ur gad-a, a. cold, cool; rigid, numb; immovable, motionless; dimmed,dulled; obtuse, dull,stupid, imbecile; inanimate; -s, incapable of - through stupidity; in. idiot; n. water. T7W gada-td, f. rigidity, motionlessness, numbness, apathy; obtuseness, stupidity; -tva, n. id.; -dhli, a. dull-witted; -prakriti, a. id.; buddhi, a. id.; -bh~va, m. coolness, freshness; -mati, a. dull-minded, stupid. ~57g' gada-ya, den. P. enfeeble, dull; render apathetic regarding (lc.): p~p. gadita. ~UiJgada amsu, m. moon (cool-rayed). -tmaka, a. cool; stupid; irrational; -M muau, a. id. A ~TTMgadfl-ya, den. A. become dumb (with FTTUM, gada asaya, a. stupid. [inf.).'!Sfft-Wigad-i-mnan, Tn. coldness; rigidness; dulness, stupidity.!SF9tgadi'-kri, render rigid, benumb; -bhu', become rigid or stupid. T9 gatu, n. lac, gum; -griha, -geha, n. house ftlled with lac and other infiaininab les; -maya, a. full of lac; -sarana, n. = qatui-griha. ~Ufjgati', f. bat (animal). [collar-bone. 15- gatrd, m. pl. (V.) certain (i6) bones; n. A GAN, I. gkna (V.); IV. A. gd'ya (E. also P.); P. and cs. gai1kya, tr. beget (by, lo.); bring forth, hear (to, ab.); generate, produce; make fruitful; cause to be (2 ac.); A., int. (E. also P.) be born; be produced, arise, grow; he by nature (2 nm.); be born again; be, become (with _predicate in nin.); be changed into (d.); fall to the share of (g.); take place, be possible or admissible: pp.,gat&, born (by, lc.), begotten by (in., ab.); new-born; grown; sprung up, arisen (from, ab.); existing; become; happened; conducive to (d.); often 0- a. = having -, e.g. gitadanta, a. haviing teeth (lit, having produced teeth), sts. -', e.g. danta-yata, id. adhi, be born; be begotten (by, in.); become (nmn.). anu, be born afterwards; be born after (ac.); be born like (ac.): pp. similar by birth to (ac.); born again. apa, pp. degenerate (son). abhi, be born or predestinated to, claim by birth (ac.); be horn according to (ac.); be produced, be born; be born again (in transmigration); become: pp. nobly born; wellbred. a^, be born, be produced; cs. beget; make fruitful. upa, be born; be produced; arise, appear; be; be born again: pp. '- a. in whom - has arisen = inspired with, seized by, filled with, having; cs. produce, cause; attempt. sam-upa, cs. produce. pra, be born; be produced, arise; procreate, bear; cs. propagate. sain-pra, spring up, appear, arise; exist: pp. f. having calved. prati, be born again; spring up anew. vi, bring forth, breed. sam,, be born; arise; grow; appear; happen; become; pass, elapse: pp. often '- a. ==having; cs. produce. abhi-sam, arise. ITff gadn-a, in. creature; man; person; race, tribe; people, subjects; folks, - kind (often -0 with coll. ing.); low person; this person; ayam -,1 esha -, or asau, we, I, mny lover here.!Mifi gan-akd, a. begetting; producing; in. father; N., esp. of a king of Videha (Mithild).!5r'iffTjW ganaka-ka'na, m. N. (one-eyed Ganaka); -kandra, in. N.; -tanay', f. Sith; at&f. paternity; -bhadra, mn. N.; -aga, Mn. N.; -siinha, in. N.; -suta', f. daughter of Ganaka, SItA; -tmaga, f. id. 'UIRTW ganam-gama, in. kandftla. 'Tff TTR ~iTgana-karana amalina, a. not yet dirtied by people's feet; (a) -ta, f. community; people, subjects; mankind; -dC~hastana, n. crematory; -deva, m. king, prince. Urf' g~ri-ana, a. (i) bringing forth; producing; in. producer, creator; 1, f. mother; a. birth; existence, life; bringing forth; production; -vat, a. endowed with production., 75riMTW gana-nfttha, in. lord of men, king, prince. [mer life. U'tV[TR ganana antara, n. another = forriTvif'ff gana-pati, in. lord of men, prince, king; -padi,,m.(tribe-place),district, country, realm; tribe: also P1. community, people (as opposed to king): -vadhu', f. woman of the country, - adhipa, in. king; -pr avda, minpopular rum~our (sg. and p1.); -maraka, mn. pestilence; mara, Ms., 3,f., id.; -arana, n. slaying of men. [men)., I~~Tganam-egay, as. N.- (terrifying irrfm gan-ay-i-tri, mn. father; -trif mother. 75rFWT' gana-rava, in. popular rumour; -raig, rgan, i.rler of men; _Vada, in. gossip; -sruti, f. rumour.,,ga -as,~n. race; ind. (-ar) world lying beyond Mahar-loka. -sthann N. of apart ofthe Dandakaforest.!5TT gan-at, f. birth, origin. ia-qf-4T gana atiga, a. superhuman; 7_adhipa, in. king, pine antikam, ad. (spak close to a person, in a low voice so as not to be overheard; (say) in a stage whisper; - ntike, lo. ad. in the neighbourhood of men; -paada, in. slander (pl.); - arava, as. popular rumour; -a~rnava, in. (sea of men), caravan; - ardana, in. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna (harasser of men); - Asraya, in. caravanserai.,Sf'f gdn-i (or 3'), f. womian; wife (pl. fg. the fingers); birth, origin. [ducing. 'afflq~ii gani-kartri, a. (tr) arising; pro~Srf'14U gdn-i-tri (or -trs'), in. father-; -tif mother. I f'tffh V gdn-i-tos, ab., q. inf. of V/gan. ,arf#r'- gan-i-tra. - rM.rif gala-kapi. 9 99!SfwM gan-i-tra, n. birth-place, origin: pl. parents; blood-relations. 'fii gani-tva, n. wifehood; -divasa, m. birth-day; -mat, a. wedded; having an origin; sm. creature, man. rfrir.gan-i-man, n. birth, origin; progeny; creature; race, kind. afI gan-ishya, a. yet to be born', future. ~Wfff gan-ils, m. n. birth, origin; creation; kind: in. by nature. [-4a '.8m - Isvara, m. id. 1Si gana indra, mn. chief of men, king; ~30 gan-til, m. offspring; creature, being; wan (sg. also coll.); person; attendant; vermin: -0worm of a = tiny; sarvo gantuh, every one.,a~! ganma-kftla, m. hour of birth; -krit, m. father; -krita, pp. produced by birth; -kshetra, n.- birth-place; -ganman, n. every birth: ic. in every life; -ganmaantara, n. every future life; -gyeshtha, a. eldest by birth; -tas, ad.. by birth; by age; -tithi, m. birth-day; -da, m. father; a. causing the birth of (~O;-dia, a. birth-day.,armwgan-m an, n. birth, origin, production; appenrance; life,existence;birth-place; father; creature, being; race, kind; nature; way, manner; m. offspring of (-) T t{ganma-padapa; m. tree of one's home; - aaihhf mother; -baudha, 'M. bonds of (repeated) birth; -bhfU -bhfmif land of birth; -bfmi-bfir, become the land of -'s birth (~),4W%7# ganma riksha, n. natal constellation; -vat, a. born, living: -ta', f. existence, life; -vasudhaf. land of birth; -st&a, n. birthplace. ~5WTC ganma antara, n. another birth, previous or future existence: -gata, pp. born again; Zntarya, a. belonging to or performed in a previous existence; - andha, a. blind by birth; '~spada, n. birth-place. irffiriganm-in, m. creature, man. ~af i. gan-yajfp. th-at is born or produced; arising from (-O); n. body. lar 2. gdn-ya, a. belonging to the race, cognate; m. (countryman), groomsman; common m an&,f. bridesmaid; n. people, tribe (also -ysi); battle. 3~ ~gdny-uh, gen. sg. of gdni.!W GAP, I. gipa-ti, gapa-te (rarer), repeat in an undertone, mutter or miurmur (prayers); pray silently; iuly. gaiigapy~te, mutter. upa, whisper to (ac., le.); bring over to one's side by whispering, instigate to rebellion. pari, mutter over (ac.). prati, whisper back. 7q gp-, awhispering; m. muttering (prayers etc.); murmured prayer. qtP W gap-ana, n. muttering of prayers; 3aniy,fjp. to be muttered. ~STR gapa-m~ft1, f. rosary; -yagnia, m. sacrifice of muttered prayer; -homa, m. sg. el& p 1. offering of muttered prayer: du. muttered prayer and an offering. tIT4 gap-hf China rose. arf~iTvgap-in, a. muttering prayers. ar1 gdp-ya, fp..to be muttered; a. prayer M1Z gapya-ka, rn. N., [to be muttered. I I a1W~ GABH, a[WTGAMBH, snap at, seize with the mouth (only aor.); cs. gambhbya, crush, destroy; intv. garzgabhy~te, open the jaws, snap. [ad. like Gamadagni. a~f gamad-agni, in. N. of a Rishi: -vat, aW1TW gambhla, n. (?) bog, mud. 19gambii, n. rose-apple; f. (also A) roseapple-tree. gambu-ka, m. jackal; vile person. q 44i~Tqgambu- dvilpa, m. Isle of the Jambutree, N. of the central terrestrial island (v. dvlpa) comprising India, so called because overlooked by a gigantic Jambu-tree growing on the summit of Mount Merue. 'a gambfi-ka, m. jackal. ~544 gambft-kuniga, m. a. bower of roseapple; -khanda, m. n. = gambu-dvi'pa. 75T ga'mbh-a, m. tooth, fang; jaws; swallowing; -4, m. crusher, devourer; N. of various demons (C.) lalgf gdmbb-aka, a. crushing-, devouring m. N. of certain demons; -ana, a. (I') crushing; m.crusher; -ya,m.back-tooth, molar. TrfW'ii gambhalikat, f. kind of song. 15 gay-a, a. conquering, gaining (-~O); sn. (A), victory, conquest (in battle, dispute, lawsuit, or play); N.: pl.. (g~iya), verses conducive to victory; &,f. ep. of Durgh; N. of an attendant of Duryd. '1 fgaya-ka, m. N.; -kunigara, m. champion elephant that has conquered other elephants; -krit, a. conferring victory; -gupta, m. N.; -ghosha, m. shout of victory; -ghoshana, n., a,.f. id.; -kandra, m. N. [a noun). rrfrgay-ati, m. the root gi (3 sg. used as 15'4gaya-da, a. conferring victory; -datta, m. N.; -deva, n. N. of the author of the Gitagovinda. [torious car). 75'~ gayad-ratha, m. N. (having a vicIz~W gaya-dh vaga, m. banner of victory. W4K T gaya-dhvagft-ya, den.1A represent a banner of victory. 'aZ gay-ana, a. (i) omnipotent. ~S~q gay-ant-a, a. (I') victorious; m. N. of a son oflIndra; N. of a king; I',f. N. of a country.,,I13T'4q~ iT gaya-patftkft,f. flag of victory; -parigaya, m. du. or a. sg. victory or defeat; loss or gain; -pura, n. N. of various cities; -maiigala, sn. N. of an elephant; n. a cheer; maI f. N.; -malla, m. victorious combatant of (-.O); -rAga, m. N.; -lakshini,f. goddess of victory; -lekha, mi. record of a victory; -varman, m. N.; -saiikha, mi. coach of victory; -sabda, sm. shout of victory, cheer; -srA, f goddess of victory; -simha, m. N.; -sena, in., a, f N.; -skandha, m. N. of a minister,of Yudhishthira; -stam~bha, ma. column of victory; -sthala, n. N. of a villoge; -sVtMin, m. lord of victory (S~iva): (i)-virokana, N. of a temple. 75TM gaya kara, in. source of victory; N.; -_ agaya, in. du. & a. sg. victory or defeat; a- ditya, m. N. T-~ 9fgayat-de'vi,f. N.!5WFI[*t gayafiAnanda, in.N.: -v~a M.N.; _~pida, m. N. of a hing. qt I gTr qT gaya'-bhattffrikaf, f. N. of a locality; -simha, m. N. TfEtR gaya avaghosha, in. shout of victory, cheer; - isis, f. invocation of victory, cheer. ~r~~gay-i-tni, a. (tri) victorious; -'in, a. conquering (g. or ~O;victorious (in, lc.); bestowing victory; m. conqueror, victor; winner (of a lawsuit); -ishnu, -ufs, o. victorious. *W'i g ay in dra, mn. N.: -sen', f. N.; - isvara,in. lord of victory (Siva); N. of atemple.!u.r'w%: gaya uttara, a. full of or sure of victory. 15 gaiy-ya, fp. to be conquered or won. a1gfr-a, m. wearing out; -atha, a. old, aged; violent; intense; -athitapp. become violent or intense; -ana, a. decrepit, old:A', f. old age.!WI gar-at, pr. pt. (3.4) of V'gri., old, frail, decayed, tumble-down; in. old man. R14ftIWIR garat-ikft, f. old woman.!RMWT'4 garat-karu, in. N. of a Rishi; f. N. of his wife: -Priya,. id. 751-4f gargd-ashti, a. long-lived. 'a-4W'garad-gava,m.oldb-Lll; N~ofa vulture. 15T~,gar-dls, f. aging, old age, decrepitude; RTgar-9, f. i. wearing out; growing old, old age;:2. roaring; shout; greeting. RTTM gar'a-yu, n. cast-off skin of a snake, slough; a. (f.) caul of thefoetus; after-birth: _ga. born from a womb, born alive. 'aKTW~garft-vat, a. old, aged; -sandha, in. N. of a prince of Magadha and Kedi. ~VR1rT gar-i-tfi, (cs. pp.) f. N. of afabulous bird: a ari,m. N. of GaritA's eldest sosn(whose foes are demolished). [per. rf gar-i-triz, m. invoker, singer, worshipf~gar-i-mdn, m. old age, decrepitude, death from old age. a Tgar-gar-a, a. decayed; decrepit, frail; ragged; riven; split, broken; dull (sound); torn asunder, disunited; m. split bamboo: -tva, a. decay. 'am gargar-ita, pp. become worn out or decrepit;bruised,mnangled,lacerated orpierced. iS(VIT gargar'i-kri, break, split; mangle; exhaust; -bh t, become ragged; be split, broken or mangled. V gar-bhur, intv. of V/bhur.!U i[. gal-4, n. (sts. pl.) water. 1tR2. gala, a. (=gada) stupid, foolish. ~SIW~fqgala-kapi, in. (river) dolphin; -kumbha, in. water-pot; -kumbhikaf jar of water; -keli, m. f. sporting in the water; -kriya, flibation of water to the dead; -krid, f. sportinginthe water; -khaga, m. aquatic bird; -gandhaibha, in.fabulous animal; -kara, in. aquatiic animal; fish; -kirin, a. living in the water; in. aquatic animal; fish; -ga, a. water-born, existin g or growing in water; in. aquatic animual, fish; shell; a. day-lotus; product of the sea, pearl: -kusuma, a. lotus blossom, - fisana, in. ep. o~f Brahman (seated on a lotus); -yantu, in. aquatic animal; -gizv0 2 100 " 11 O., (I A tershya. lslql gala-da. ga 100 r~r~gala-da ~rr~ gItrha in,. a. living, in or on water; mn. fishernian; -tumbika-nyaya, enf. in7. like water and the gourd; -tra'sa, en. hydrophobia; -tasin, a, suffering from hydrophobia. UW~gala-da, m(wateir-giver), cloud: -ala m. rainy season; -kshaya,iien. (disappearance *of bloiids), autumn; -taskara, m. robber of a cloud; -samaya, en. rainy season; A agamao en. (arrival of clouds), rainy season; -atyaya, en. autumn. ITI'Ti gala-dftna, n. libation of water (festival in Uggayini); -dravya, is. ocean-product, IPearl; -dhara, qn.(water-hearer), cloud: -mnaa f.tract of clouds, _abhyudaya, mn. (rise of the clouds), rainy season;.-dha& fa strear~a of water, shower; -dhi, en. ocean, sea: ta, f. abet. Nv., - asa. ocean-girt (earth); -nidihi, en. ocean, sea; -pakshin, en. waterb;-d; -patha, rn. sea-voyage; -ada, en. (water-foot), N. of a fro-ig;-ira n full channel (of a river); -pfirusha, en. water-.pixie; -prava~ha, en. current; -plava, en.de luge; -bindu, en. drop of water: -durdina, is. shower of rain; -budbuda, en. water-bubble; -bhggana, is. water-vessel; -maya, a. (i) consisting, of water; -ma'nusha, en. (i) fabulous aquatic being; otter; -muk, a. discharging rain; en. cloud. Uf~~gala-yantra, n. squirt; water-clock: -ka, n. squirt, -kakra, a. water-wheel, -mandira, a. apartment with shower-bath; rasi en. waters; sea, ocean; -ruh, -ruha, en. day lotbus (gro wing in th e water); -rekha~f streak on the water; strip of water; -lekha, f. id.; -lava-muk, in. (shedding drops of water), cloud; -vat, a. abounding in water; -va'sa, en. abode in the water; a. living in the water; -vAs-in, a. living in the water: (i-a,'f. abet. N.; -va'ha, a. bearing water: -ka, en. watercarrier; -ay, f. lying in the water (as a penance); -saenniveea, en. reservoir, pond; _Sfurya: -ka, en. reflection of the sun in the water; -stha, a. being in the water; -sthanua, is. reservoir, lake; -sana, n. bathe; -hastin, en. (water-elephant), crocodile; -ha'ra, en. water-carrier; 3i,f UrRT3J gala amsu., m. (cool-rayed), moon gadhenu) -agama, in. rain; - a~igali, en. two handfuls of-water in )son our of the dead; farewell for ever (fig.); -atyaya, en. (cessation of the rain), autumn; -adhara en. reservoir, pond. WIR gala-ya, den. A. turn into'water. WWTIWE gal-ayu-kft, f. leech. 9f~gal arathin, a. thirsty;..rdra, a. wet, moist: &, f. wet Agarment; damp cloth (used for fanning); -ardria, f.id. (-'O a.); -asaya, en. reservoir, pond, lake; sea; a. resting in the water; stupid. 'a T gailasha, a. soothing, healing; -bheshaga, a. having Soothing remedies. 10- gala fihati~f. downpour of'rain. 'a~q gale-kara, a. (I') living in the water; 'en. aquatic animial (~-O a. f. 'a); -saya, a. abiding in the water; ep. of Vishnu. [ocean. WT'kTgala isa, en. lord of water, ep. ofVaruna, WkT gala isvara, en. lord of water, ep. of WT- galoka, en. N. of a king. [Varuna. ~UffYi~gala udara, n.(water-belly), dropsy; -uddhata-gati, a. moving violently in the water- f, a metre;, -udbhava, a. sprung from the water; en. -aquatic animal; N. of ae sperite.awte!r3i14i g ala ok a, en. le ech; 'a, f.: - okas, a. living-in the water; en. aquatic anim~al; N. of a king; f. leech; - oka avakaraniya,fp. treating of the npplicaltion of leeches. - t GALP,, I. P. galpa, (jE. also A.) NA murmur; speak, talk, converse with (in.+~ shrdham.); address (ac.): pp. galpita. pari, prate. pra, speak; announce: pp. having begun to speak. vi, utter, speak. sam, converse. ~S9~ galp-a, en. talk, conversation, words: p 1. prate; -aka, a. chattering; en. chatterer; -ana, is. Speaking, talking; -a~ka, a. chattering, loquaciouas; -ita, pp. vs. talk; words; -in, a. speaking, talking (-O); -ya, ns. chatter, ~Ul gav-6, a. swift; en. swiftness, speed haste: ab. at once; -ana, a. (i) quick, swift; is. quickness, swiftness; -anika^,f. curtain.,~gdv-as, n. swiftness. 'a'T gavft, f. China rose. ~STf'1fi gava adhika, a. running faster. 7rf*~gv-in, a. swift; quick, speedy, hasty.!I'* ga'v-ishtha, spy, swiftest, quickest -.yas, cpu. quicker or swifter than (ab.). 75 gash6, en. kind of aquatic anienal. 7RGAS, I. A. gksa, be exhausted; cs. gasaaP. exhaust, quench. iid, cs. exterminate (ac., g.. [-van, a. wretched. Wrgd-s-uif. exhaustion; -uri, a. exhausted; U[q~~ gasma-rftja, en. N. ~S(g~f gdhakfltf. hedgehog. 7'?E~T' gahat-svftrtha, a. giving up its original meaning; a, f gahal-lakshanh. q~g'qITgahal'lakshanfl,f. mnedi ate designation giving up the prienary eneaning (an exaenple is: 'onl the Ganges,' mneaning 'on the bank of the Ganges'). T ga-hi-td, pp.(-(/hft) forsaken, forlorn. 751 gahu, en. young of an animal. 'aj gahnu, en. N. of a king who adopted the Ganges; N. of a care in the Hienailayafroen which the Ganges issues: kanyaf. daughter of Gahnu, Ganges; -suta',f. id.!ST~ gahia, en. N. ~5T g'a, a. -L"= -ga, born; en.f. (nen. -s) offspring: pl. progeny. ~U[TT'f ga'gata, a. composed in gagati enetre. 15TR gft-gar-a, en. waking; waking vision; -aka, en. waking; -aisa, a. awake; is. waking; -iti, pp. wakeful; ns. waking: -stha~na, a. being in awakeful condition; -ishan, a.wakeful; -i~ka, a. watchful; occupied with (~) ~TTJ GA-GRI, instv. (of V/gri) wake, be watchful; awake, be roused; watch over (lc.); es. ga~garaya, rouse. [lating. ~51iVf4gagril-vi, a. watchful; br-ight; stimu~U[TP.~gfflggr-at,pr.pt.watching; s. waking: -SvaPna, en. din. wakingy and sleep. *n),3T~'4V~g'ghani ftail (connected w. gaghaar~g hgala, a. open, dry, even, and productive (country); existing~in such a country; en. quail; is. game, meat. rf~igftifgh-ilka, a. swift-footed; m. run-,Tfrgatg-in, en. fighter., [ner.!F9Tgflthara, a. (i") relating to the belly; (swiths agni, en. digestive fire,hungrer); en. son. Uf~g gftd-ya, ns. chilliness; want of sensation, dulness; stupidity; inanimateness. WTK4Tz ga'dya-bha'va, mn. stu-1pidity. WTWT ga-ta', pp. (V'gan); en.- son; s. cre ature; birth; race, kind, genus; -' all that is comprised by -, sum total of -, any -, every kind of -: lc. in general. UfTlffi ghta-ka, a. -' begotten by -; born under (a etar); en. new-born child; is. (astrological) nativity; story of one of -Buddha's former births.,I~~~gata-karman, is. after-birth ceremony; -dosha, a. guilty; -nashta, pp. having appeared and disappeared; -paksha, a. fledged; -pra'ya, a. almost come to pass; -preta, pp. first born and then decensed; -Matrac, a. but just born, only just arisen; -riupa, a. of native beauty, beauteous; golden; is. gold: -maya, a. (3) golden; -vat, a. born; *containing a derivativeof the VNgan; -Vasaka, is. lying-in roomn; -Vasa-griha, is. (apartment in which living takes place), sittingroom; (k)-vidya, science of the origin or of the essence of things, metaphysics; -vinashta, pp. =gta-nash ta; -vsvsa, a. haybig confidence engendered, inspired with confidence; (61)-vedas, a. having knowledge of beings; en. Agni; (C.) fire; -veemaa, is. chamber of a new-born infant; lying-in room; -ia, f. (real =) massive stone; -saenkalpa, a. resolved; enamoured. WIT7TT' gtatnapatya, a. having offspring; 7-amarsha, a. having one's anger roused, enraged; amana, a. filledwith self-contempt. Uifff gfl-ti, f. birth, origin, rebirth; existence, life; state; rank, caste; family, tribe, race; genus (opp. species), species (opp. individual), kind, class; disposition; normal character, genuineness: in. -tas, '- by birth..WfITT gabti-gftnapada, a. relating to the castes and to the districts; -bhag, a. subject to birth; -bhramsa, en. loss of caste; -bhrashta, _pp. having lost caste; -mat, a. high-born; capable of being classed under a general notion; -ma~tra, is. mere rank: - upagivin, a. subsisting by the name of his caste only; -vakana, is. generic term; -saenpanna, pp. endowed with good family, high-born; -smara, a. remembering one's former existence: tA,f, -tva, is. abet. N.; -smaraisa, is. remembrance of a former birth; -hina, -pp. destitute of good family, of low birth or rank. 75TR ga-tii, f. rarer foras of ga'ti; -nutmeg tree: -kosa, in. nutmeg. WrTIftN gfltiya, a. belonging to the caste, famnily, race, kind, or genus, of (-s): -ka, a. id. WT ga'-tu, ad. at all; ever; possibly, perhaps, once: na gatu, not at all, by no means, never (sts.. withs. kid or kada kid added). 7T5V1T~qP gftu-dh~na, in. = yfltu-dhflna. WTI gitusha, a. (i') mrade of or painted with lac. WTF1gati-karisa, en. N. of an old teacher, physician, and author of a law-bo;If N. of Bhavabhmiti's mother; -putra, en. son of Gatilkarnsl, Bhavabhftti. ',j-Tii'Wgatfukarnya,m.desceiidant of Gatfkarisa. ~Tff gtairshya, a. ha-ving jealousy engendered, jealous; -ishti,.f. sacrifice on the birthof a child. beotn yapra or,-a.adleyith gA 101 'arT?~g'tya, a.' belonging to the family, caste, etc. of(-'); related; noble; genuine; native, original (svaritca accent). ~rTTM gftti andha, a. blind from birth: -badhira, a. due. blind and deaf by birth;..asva, rn. thoroughbred horse;;utkarsha, m;. (superiority of =)higher caste-.75P guan-a, n. origin, birth-place. 'arITV ganaka, mn. descendant of Ganaka; i1f Sia: -neta, m. ep. of Rlama. 'arTVrf*~ gatnanti, m. N. of a teacher. ~UWF.a living in the country'; relating to districts; referring to or meant for the country-people; mn. countryman; subject: i,f. provincial expression; -padika, a. concerning a realm.,3nf-r ga'n-i, wife (-9 a.). 'af g'an-u, (in.) n. knee. ~STT ganu.-ka, n. knee (gnly..-0 a.); mn. N. ~STjzfT gan-ukft,f. bringing forth (ac.). 7T71F gnan-kalana, n. being tossed on any one's knees; -p rakalana, n. id.; -daghii&, a. (1) reaching to the knee: - ambhas, a. havin wate -. la. bendi- the knee. 7riqfl- gAnuasthi, n. shin-bone~ - kn&, ',T'q gqp-a, en. muttering; -aka, a. reciting in a low.'tone (-O); muttering prayers; m. priest who mutters prayers; -in, a. m uttering, reciting in alow tone (-'); -ya, fp.to be muttered; n. muttered prayer. 7T-4T!gabeIJ, rn.?,net. descendant of Gabala, N.: pl. N. of a school; i, in. _pat. descendant of Gabala, N. [Gamadagni. WTRI'[ gftmad-agnd, a. (i') coming from rii '4 gamadagn-eya, mn. descendant of Gamadagn i; -ya, en. pat. id., N.; relating etc. to Gamnadagni or G~madagnya; -ya~yi-ta, (den.'-pp.) sn. slaughter after the manner of Parasurama. 17T[TU ga - mfttri, mn. [having an agnate mother, i. e. a mother-in-law], son-in-law; brother-in-law (sister's husband): -ka, m. sonin-law; -tva, n. condition of a son-in-law. ~~g-I, a. consanguineos(rte or sister), related, allied, own:- due. _p. brother(s) and sister(s): iLf. (C'.) female relation, esp. daughter-in-law; sts. sister; se. i, consanguinity; sameness; repetition, tautology (yr.). ~rrfff# ga'mitra, n. (8tciperpov) the seventh astrological mansion. 'iff;RW ghmi-tva', vr. relationship.,5rT~zi gambuka, a. coming from the jackal. ~STW gambu'-nada, a. coming from the river Gambift; n. kind, of gold; gold ornament: -maya, a. (i) golden. TTTg'a-ya, pr. st. of v,/gana. ~Sf~q *gafya-ka, n. kind of fragrant wood. zITPTga-y'a,f.wife,spouse: -tva,n.wifehood. Tf.'.gfty-in, a. conquering (0;-,a. victorious. 7UR gar-6, m. lover; paramour, adulterer. a~ITT;gara-g'arbba,m.childbyaparamour; a, a. f. pregnant "'y a paramo ur; -ghni, a~f. killing her -paramour; -ga P _gatay -gitaka, a. (0) WfTf'Tj gas-fn-i', a.!f. having a paramour. laf'q ga'rya-ka, m. hind of animal. U r.I i.qala, n. net; chiain armour; wire helmet; lattice; network, dense mass; multitude; cluster; lion's mane; web-memibrane (between the fingers or toes of divine beings or extraordinary snen); fraud, magic, illusion. 'MTT 2. gal-a, a. watery. ISTE gbtla-kdl, se. net; web; lattice; cluster of buds; multitude; -kira, en. spider: -ka, m. id.; -gavikshla, m. lattice window; -indhara, n. N. of a locality; -pa~da, m. webfooted bird; N. of a magician; -pa'sa, m. single thread of a web; -pura, ns. N. of a city; -bandha, m. snare, gin; _Maia, f. net; -vat, a. having a net; furnished with lattices. ~STRTTg gala ksha, lattice window.,-r 17T1 galft-ya, den. A. represent a net.. WrrfW- gal-ika;, in. bird-catcher.. WifW i gal-ika, f. net, snare; multitude. W.1R gala udgirna, pp. issuing from the lattices. 75~IPMt galora, en. N.. of an Agrahdfra. 15T gftlma, a. (i') contemptible, base; m. ~UTR gasata, mn. N. [villain, wretch. 'aTqtf~f yg-s-pati, m. paterfamilias. 'a[T7 g~hnava, en. descendant of Gahnu, pat. of various men: f. the Ganges (daughter of Gahnu). '[Ganges. 'WYIM4T gahnaV-iya, a. relating to the fN GI, I. P. gbya, (A. chiefly with para and vi) win, capture; vanquish, conquer; overcome (in battle, lawsuit, orplay); surpass; subdue, master (passions, disease); slake (thirst); win frorn (2 ac.); be victorious (in play); worst (in a lawsuit); pr. gayati, imps, gayauorpp.n. with in. long live -! cs.g gaaya, cause to win (2 ac.); des.. gigisha, P. A desire to win., obtain, or conquer; be eager for prey. ava, take away from; deprive of; conquer; reconquer. 'a, win, acquire. ud, id.; conquer. nis, gain; overcome, vanquish; surpass: pp. nirgita, due (interest). vi-nis, id. para', (gnly..) overcome, vanquish, defeat; lose, be deprived of; succumb:pp. worsted, defeated, overcome; overwhelmed by (-O). vi, gnly. 'A. win; conquer; vanquish, defeat; surpass; control; be victorious; conquer in battle with (in.); imps. and pr. ==ong live - des. strive for victory. sam, gain; overpower; subdue. ftfw gi-gam-i-shu, (des.) a. about to go. f*70'Mw gi-g'i-sha, (des.) f. wish to obtain, expectation; desire to conquer, ambition; -shii, a. desirous to obtain, conquer, or excel; ambitious:- -ta^, f. emulation, ambition. f9,T gi-ghat-sahf. desire or intention to eat; hunger; -sii, a. desirous of eating (cc.).. flarMitw gi-gbam-sa', f. intention to slay (V/han); -s-in, a. wishing to kill (-0); -su, a.. intending to slay or destroy (ac.,.) f~3rq,'-Tgi-ghr~ik-sh'a,f. desireto seize; -shu, a. intending to seize (ac., ~);-draw (water). f~rw? gi-ghn-a-te, v. -V/han. f ~~giigil, f. a plant. f5rMf"fw gi-gi1v-i-shat, f. desire to live; -shu, a. wishing to live. f5_r'ffTquI gi-gilia-s-ana, n. wish to know; examination; -sa', f. id.; investigation; -su, a. wishing, to know or test, examiningr. f,gi-t, a. conquering; gaining (~) f5[WNW gita-srama, a. (overcoming '=) inured to fatigue; practised in (lo.). f PRT' gita aksha, a. having subdued his senses; - kshara, a. having mastered writing, writing-with ease; -&tman, a. self-controlled; -a9psaras., a. surpassing the Apsarases. faifti gi-ti-, f. acquisition; victory. f7_Sf4K'gita indriya,a.havingthepassions subdued: -tva, n.. subjection of the passions. fUW gi-t-vara, a. victorious; conquering (0\ faM gi-na, en. (overcomes), a Buddha; a Jamn saint;; ep. of Vishnu: -rakshita, m. N.; _sasana, n. Buddha's doctrine. LBuddha. fir'~ gina in dra, in.. lord& of the Ginas, fWERITT gindu-raga, m. N. N;E'JNV, (V.) I. P. (A'.) ginva, V. P. N.gi-n6-ti (only with pra), stir, hasten; quicken, stimulate; help,furtber. pra,quicken. f75ff-9 gi-vri, a. decrepit, old., f1W~ gi-shnei, a. victorious, superior; exceil~ing (ac.);. m. N.. fai~T gi-hat-su, a. wishing to quit (cc.). fAft gi-hir-shu, a. wishing to bring (ac.); wishing to take away, carry off, or remove. frrgihmel, a. slanting, oblique; crooked; squinting; fallacious; deceitful, dishonest; slow; n. dishonesty, duplicity. fT'r1Tgihma-ga,a.mo-ving in curves (snake); en. snake; -gati, a. id.; a& f. crookedness, duplicity; -si, a. lying on the side. fS~f~iWgihm-ita,pp. bent, winding; veiled. fa-tYT gi-hva', f. Fcaller: v,/hve] tongue. fTi.T gihva agra, n. tip of the tongue; _MU1iya, a.belonging to the root~of thetongue (certain letters); -laulya, n. voracity. ift gi-te, pp. Of Vgya. I-~ ia n.E(a)g-ina, goat-skin, cp 'nyina] leathern bag. ' imta, m. thunder-cloud; -ketu, en.. N. of a prince of fairies.; -vi~hana, m. NY.; -svana, m. thunder. [lating. ~SIFT gi-rd, a. swift, active; urging, stfinu'SKIT giird-da'nu, a.. dropping swiftly, flowing abundantly.!5k1 gir-na, pp. of v'gyr-; n. decreptue old age; digestion: -tfiif. old age; -tva, v. id.; -visha, mN 1. of a snake charmer; -sakti, f. power of digesting (lc.);..sata-khandamaya, a. (i) consisting of a thousand wornout pieces;. ^maya-gvara, m. slow fever. #tfiM. gi'sn-i, a. decrepit. #1fiff gilja6 e. [(a)gila, goat-skin] leathern pouch. ~ IV\, I. P. A~. gIva, live, be orre Nmain alive; return to life (~ punar); live on, maintain oneself by (in.); imps, long life to you! I r. pt. glivat, living, alive: g:ivan 102 A, A giv-a. "-VT gna. I gakkhati, goes on living, remains alive: pp. gIVita, living, alive (rare in this sense); cs. g3-ivwa, P. (A.) cause to live, revive; save or spare the life of; maintain, bring up; wish loglfet:pp. givita, revived; des. gig'v isha, P. (A.) wish to live; seek a livelihood, try to maintain oneself (by, in.). ati, survi-ve; live better than (ac.). ann, live like (ac.); live for, be devoted to (ac.); live upon, he maintained by (ac.); Cs. revive. 'a, exist by; use. ud, return to life; cs. revive. prati ud, return to life: pp. revived; cs. revive. upa, maintain oneself; live on or be dependent on; inake use of, practise: vrittim -, gain one's livelihood; gd. upaglivya, in dependence on, on account of (ac.); cs. make use of, exploit. sam, live; return to life; cs. revive; keep alive, support. 15#t'ggiv-6, a. living, alive; liviiig on -; causing life; m. principle of life, (individual) soul; N. of -one of the Marnts; m. a. living being, creature. #ft!M giva-ka, a. (ik&') living, alive; living on ( -);.grghmm, ad. '(with grah), (take) alive; -gh~tin, a. killing living creatures (beast of prey); -ga, a. born alive; -vaka, M. francolin partridge; -m-gi:Lvaka, m. id. MfZTgvtPt-,f oa whose husband is alive,; (d)-bhartrik&,f. id. ~$igiva-datta, M. N.: -kra, m. id.; -dyaka, a. ife-giving. #t i 'v-ana, a. (i) quickening, animating; restoiring to life,(-~O); n. restoration to life; existence, life; subsistence; manner of life; maintenance by (-01 or in.); water:..yoni, a. having its origin in life; -hetu, m. means of subsistence. [is destroyed. g~T~iva-nils, a. (nm. -nkt) in which life giv-anilya, fp. one should live;life-giving;* a. water. ~5~I~ givan-marana, n. living death; -mnkta, pp. haVing obtained final liberation while yet alive; -2mukti,f. liberation during life; -mrita, pp. liviug and yet dead, thalfdead: -kma, a. id. A giva-pati,m. living husband; -patnIi, a.f. whose husband is alive; -pitrib: -ka, a. whose father is still alive; (k)-Putra, a. whose son or children are alive; m. N. of a Rishi~andofahiyrnn omposed by him; -praga, a. having children-still alive; -maya, a. animate, living. ~ iva-16, a. animating; m. N. ~ iva-lokd, m. world of the living, mankind; -vadha, M. killing a living being; -vishaya, m. duration of life; -Visb~na,.n. horn of a livin g animnal; -Samsfi, M. Colnmunity of the living; -seshia, a. having life only as a remnant, having bare life;_-siddhii, m. N.; -Sf1, a.f. bearing a living child. ~ giv.ds-eV. inf. of V~gAv ~iw~giv-atu, f. life. O~~gva ftman, m. individual soul; -apeta, pp. lifeless; Aasa, a. attached to life; -fisafikin, a. supposing any one, to be alive; -_astikaYa, m. the category of soul. N~fT gIv-ikft, f. life; manner of life; means of subsistence, livelihood. I~~f giv-ii, pp. (v'Igiv) alive; a. livinig being; life; duration of life; livelihood, means of subsistence. af4" givita-kishaya, m. loss of life, death; -gridhnu-ta', f grent love of life; -3nitha, m. lord of' one's life, 'husband; -priya, a. dear as life; -bhfhta, pp. having been alive, dead. arN4?Fgi1v-i-tavya,.fp. n. to be lived (with in. of subject~=will live); n. possibility of living; allotted term of life; possible restoration to life: -vishaya, m. duration of life; -samdeha, in. danger to life. f,7 Rji givita-sama, a. dear as life.!5I TTWv vt lfikhn a. wishing to remain alive; -a.3tyaya, m. danger of losing one's life; -!bta, m. esid of life, death: -ka, mn. ender of life, Siva, -kara, a. threatening life; - ^sa,f. desire to live, hope of life. Vltqt gilvitajisa, m. lord of life, Yama; lover, husband a f. sweetheart, mistress;:jsvaa M. ep. of Si va.,fgiv-in, a. liv'ing (for, — ' after ex_pressions of time); subsisting by or on (gniy. _';m. living being; -ya, fp. n. to be lived; a. life. MJWTgu-gu~p-sa', (des.)f. disgust, aversion. 'Jffgugup-si-ta,(des.pp.)n.id.; atrocity. IfItqf gut-ika, f.tuft of hair. G,(V.) P. VI. gur&, IV. gura' a,decay, perish: pp.A grn&, decrepit, old. u P 1A GUSH, VI. gush&, taste with plea\sure, relish, hear favourably, like, rejoice in, enjoy (ac., g.); be pleased: with tanvs, enjoy oneself, be glad; es. gosh6,ya, A. (P.) like, love, caress; approve. anu, visit any one (ac.). abhi, be fond of; visit, frequent. pra, pp. delighting in (l..prati, be tender towards (ac.); rejoice in (ac.). l~jrug-sh, a. devoted to; dwelling in; possessing; like, similar to (-P). 7F ydush-ta (or -Id), pp.:acceptable (to, in., d,, g.); frequented or visited by, exposed to, furnished with (.2,1 in.).!9fL7/fish-ti, f. favour; satisfaction. _AA ~TT'! gua-hur-and, pr. pt. A. of 'v hvri. guL-hiN, f. [caller: N/hva, tongue (esp. of.Agni); flame; sacrificial 'butter-ladle (for pouring ghee on the, fire). 'JW3gu-hft-shu, a. wishingto sacrifice (cc.).;1Tf gu-ho-ti, m. (3 sg. of v'hu) techncal designation of the sacrifices denoted by the term guhoti (not by yagati). 7 GP, (V.) I. A. g4va, IX. P. guns, speed; C' urge, inspire; further: pp. giitA. pra, speed onwards. ~R gfta, m. braid of hair. -M Ortia, m. injury. gfir-,nf, pp. of Vgur. 71 GURV, I. P.. gfirva, consume with '\heat, scorch, burn. i. CR1, I. A. g yra, ( V.) crackle (offire); C, call, invoke. 2. GRI, I. Akgkra, (17.) awake; move, Capproach. 71 GRIM BH, I.'A.- (P.) gri'mbha, yawn; t, - open; spread, increase; arise; revive, take courage; be at ease.' ud, open wide; arise, appear. sam-nd, spread; endeavour: (to, inf.). vi, yawn; increase; expand; arise, appear: pp. -yrimbhita, yawning; expanded, blossomed, flowering. sam, appear. IW~ grimbh-a, m. yawning; opening; &,f. id.; (a)-kara, a. producing yawning; -ana, a. Yawning; blossoming; stretching; slackness (oaib) -kf. yawning; -ita, (.pp.) a. appearance. 7 CR1,, I. P. g~ra, (V.) make old, wear 'L out; IV. P. (A. rare) gi'rya, grow old or frail, decay, be worn out, pass away, dissolve, be digested: pp. girn&, old, decrepit; decayed; worn out, faded, withered; rotten, tumble-down; digested; cs. garbya, cause to grow old, wear out. ~t~Ul" geta-vana, a. Geta(r)'s forest, N. of aforest near Srdvasti,wher-eBeeddhapreached his doctrine. 3M ge-tavya, fp. to be conquered; -tri, in. winner; conqueror; N. of a Buddhistic prince; -ya, fp. to be conquered. ~tIgen-ia, a. of noble race. %M gela-ka, m. N. GEH, I. A.geha, gape; pant. St- gaf'-tra, a.,(I') victorious, triumphant; n. victory: -yftri, f. triumphal procession; -ratha, m. triumphal car. %iI gaina, a. (i') relating to the Ginas; m. Jamn: IV,f. doctrine of the Jamns. %fi-Rfii gaimini, m. N. of a teacher, founder ofthe P rva-Mi'm Ims d school ofphiiosophy 3i-ya, f. relating to Gamini; m. adherent of Gaimini; n. Gaimini's work. [soul.!ar gaiva, a. (i) relating to the individual it~1fqIgaivhtri-ka, a. long-lived, who may live long. %R gaihm-ya, a. fraud, cheating. %I gafihva, a. relating to the tongue (gihva&). *gojfiga, OZ -ka, n. aloe-wood. lft y6sh-a, m. satisfaction: -in, ad. at will, -as one pleases; gladly; gosham 'as, be silent. 75t.IR gosh-ana, n. delighting in; choosing (0-)'at gohutra, a. roaring; neighing loud. -V gfid, a. knowing, understanding, familiar with (-%s, ts. g. or lc.). IWIT gn-a- tft, f intelligence, knowledge;, 'familiarity with (-O); -tva, a. intelligence.!Rff' gn-ap-ti, fi. comprehension; ascertainment: -ira, id. —,a. [telligent. gniam-manya, a. thinking oneself inTO~* gnia-sakti, f. faculty of thinking. C~ NA, IX. g0-ng', -uIi, -ii, know; be acquainted with, have knowledge of, recognise (by, in..); perceive; learn, ascertain; approve; know to be, consider, assume, suppose (2 ac.); become acquainted with (g.); remember (g.); know how to (inf.); A. * have -to do with: gone (used parenthetically), I know; na g~ii, know nothing of, disregard; ira evam g~ulite, with ft. who knows but? mrish' qita', consider untrue: pp. g~i&Ut, known; thought; understood, learned, experienced; considered (am.); maya yl"tam, I thought; cs. g~axpaya, teach, instruct, inform; declare, report, make acquainted with (2 ac.): pp. giiapta or gTi apita; des. gigha'sm, A. (E. also P.) wish to knoc-, learn, or understand; investigate, test; ascei taim; des. CS. , A vT-azq gna-tavya.. I ghat-iti. 103' gniipsa, -P. wish to make acquainted with (2 ac.). anu, grant; promise; approve; admit; follow; pardon any one (g.); authorize, permit, give leave to (ac.); permit to depart, dismiss; cs. ask any one (ac.) for permission; take leave of (ac.). abhi anu, grant anything (ac.) to (g.); permit-to (inf.); assent to, approve; authorize; dismiss; take leave of (ac.). sam-anu, dismiss; cs. take leave of (ac.). abhi, understand, perceive, know; recognise or regard as (2 ac.); *remember (wit hft.). prati abhi, recognise; understand; regain consciousness; cs. recall to mind. ava, look down upon, despise, disregard;. surpass; deny: pp. accompanied with contempt. A, mark, observe; perceive, hear;* understand; consider; cs-. command; order any one (ac.) to (d., lc.). sam-a, recognise, observe: _pp. known as (nm.); cs. command. upa, devise. sam-upa, id.. nis, distinguish, find out. pari, carefully observe, ascertain; know fully; recognise as (2 ac.): pp. known; known as (-2). Pra, discern, recognise;find out; undeistand, know about: pp. known; well known; known as (nm.); common; cs. show the way; betray. anu-pra, find out the way after. prati, admit; promise something (ac.) to (d., g.); confirm, affirm, answer (A.); assert; discuss (A.); recognise; learn: sat yam -, promise solemnly. sam-prati, promise. vi, distinguish, discern; understand; know exactly; gain knowledge; learn (from, g.); find out, ascertain; consider (thefate of); observe that (2 ac. or yad); recognise in (lc.); look upon as (2 ac.); ps. vigfl'yate, it is recognised = prescribed (by autharities): a vigiia~yi, let this (nm.) not be regarded as; es. declare, - to be (2 ac.); make known, announce; address; request, ask (regarding, -artham, prati, or d.); inform about (2 ac.). abhi-vi, learn, perceive. prati-vi, gratefully acknowledge. sam-vi, agree; advise; cs. recite. sam, A. agree with (lc.,. in., *ac.); A.. obey (d.); es. appease, satisfy; quiet (sacrificial animal); make signs to (ac.). "VTIfW gnifi-tavya, fp. to be ascertained or learned; to be considered as (nm.). T'fiffr gnftf-ti, m. near blood-relation; kinsman: -karman, n. business of a kinsman; -ka'rya, n. kinsman's duty; -tva, n. consanguinity; -putra, m. son of a relative; -prabhuka, a. of high position among relatives; -pra'ya%,a.meant speciallyforblood-relations; -bha'va, M. relationship: -tas, ad. on the strength of his relationship; -bheda, m. quarrel among kinsmen; -mat, a. having near kinsmen. a if-trf, m. one who knows; acquaintance; witness. I gsiia-na, n. knowledge; true or superior knowledge (sts. pl.); wisdom; intention; assumption; consciousness; organ of sense: -kinsda, n. the part of revelation treating of the higher knowledge; -kakshus, n. eye of knowledge; a. seeing with the eye of knowledge; -da, m. imparter of knowledge; _pftrva, a. preceded by knowledge, i. e. well1-considered; -maya, a. (i') consisting in or containing knowledge; -ma~rga, m. path of knowledge; -yoga, m. the theoretical Yoga; -vat, a. knowing; learned; possessed of superior k nowledge; -sakti-mat, a. having the faculty of knowing; -siddhi, m. N. K~~gn-ftn-in, a.knowing,understanding,, wise; havingthe higherknowledge; m. fortuneteller, -astrologer: (i)-tva, n. fortune-telling. sakti-mat, a. having the faculty of knowledge, will, and action. 7 4 Afi-3 ~1 gniftnajindriya, mn. organ of perception or sense. TTRq~gfi, ra-p-aka, a. (ika") causing to know, teaching, indicating; m. master of petitions (an official); n. precept; implicit rule (ofgrammar); -ana, n. notifying, indicating;. -aniya, fp. to be made known or notified as (rnm.); -ayitri, m. instructor. tlff g hip-sft, (des.) f. enquiry. -'gI giie-ya,fp. to be known, - learned,.- und erstood; -investigated; - considered as (2m.): -in, (with in. of subject) one should know how to (inf.): -gfia, m. maind (knowing the knowable); -ta',f., -tva, n. knowableness, comprehensibility. ~iT i. GYA~, IX. P.. gina', overpower; oppress; deprive of (:2 a c.); ps. gi'ya or giy&: -pp. git&. [cessive requirement. ~IT 2. gya'f. superior power or force; exWT 3. gya, f. bowstring. [istring.. WTRi~fL- gy&t-krishti~f. drawing of the bowW.Tf'r gYat-ni,f. oppression; disappearance., WITtIT'J gy apid m. bowstring. A WMTT gya-ya, den. M~represent a bowstring.. WT,,gy -yas,cpv.mightier; stronger; superior, better, greater; older; more venerable or distinguished; most excellent or distinguished: -tva, n. abst. N.; -vat, a. recognising a superior, obedient. UqTfiqu gyfty-ishtha; spy, a. most excellent or distinguished; first; best. 7K[jj GYUT, L.A. gyota, shine; cs. P. gyOt\.: \ kya, illumine. *2 gy ijshtha (or 4), spy, most excellent or beauteous; greatest; highest; best; first; chief; superior to (ab.); eldest: -in, ad. most, greatly; mn. elder brother; (sc. ghata) ascending bucket on the water-wheel; N. of a month, May-June (==gyaishtha); aA, f. eldest wife; N. of the i6th (i8th) lunar station; misfortune;. n. chief thing. tW"R gyeshtha-tara, cpv. m. one of the elders; a,f. nurse; -ta',f, -tva,n. superiority~precedence; primogeniture; -pi1a, m. N.; -vayas, a. older than (-O); -varnin, m. Br~hman; -vritti, a. behaving like an elder brother; -Saman, n. N. of a Siman; a. one who chants this Samau; -sihwma-ga, a. id.; - fisrama, m. most excellent order (that of thehkouseholIder);. a. living in the householder stage. UfIgyaishtha,ns.N.of asummermonth(MayJune); 3., f. day of full moon in Gyaishtha; -amika, a. relating to the gyeshitha-saman. WTVI gyaishth-in-eyd, mn. son of the father's eldest wife. [geniture. W9 gyai'shth-ya, n. precedence; primo I I Sfjgyo'k, ad. for a long time: -tama'm, ad. longest. itffr3TV gy "tir-agra, a.(preceded by=)ra diatinglight; -ISa, -isvara, in. N. ofa nauthor. 5tfrjgyotir-gia, m. astronomer; -maya, a. consisting of light, radiant; -1ekhA, f. N.; -vid, in. astronomer. ~f~:rr~gyotih-sftstra, n. astronomy., WTf' gyotish-a, n. astronomical science (one of the six Veda'Agas). 1fi gyotish-kana,m. spark; -prabha, mn. N. of a Buddha, of a Bodhisattva, and of a prince; -praroha, m. (shoot of light): pl. rays; -mat, a. full of light, radiant, brilliant, heavenly; in. sun; N.: 4i,f. a form of trishtuA metre. W~fWi'r1ftR#r gyotih-shtoma, in. (Praise of Liglit),khind of Soma sacrifice (which consists of four,Agnishtomna, Ulcthya, Shodasin~andAtiradtra, or seven parts: the same and Atyagniho aVgapeya, an Aptorydmna). W~TTKI gyo't-is, is. light, radiance; fire; light of the eye; world of light; intelligence; light of life, freedom,. joy,.victory: pl. heavenly bodies, stars. [of gem. WIT [ gyot'i-rasa, mn. (dew of light), kind W'T'?MT gyo't-sniaa, f.. moonlight: -maya, a. consisting of moonlight; -vat, a. moonlight (night); bright. WRUR gyotsn-ikft, f. N. of a singer. ftWgyautsna, m. (moonlit half=) light half of the month. ~WqUgrdy-as, n. expanse, space. GRI, I. P. grkya, with Upa, go to (ac.). iT< GYAR, I. P. gvara, be hot; cs. gvarN ya, cause to be feverish. sam, be distressed. [delirious raving. gvar-a, m. fever; sorrow: -pra1~pa, iMn. 75f~TW gvar-ita, pp. feverish; -in, a. id. GVAL, I. -P. (E. also A.) gviiia, blaze, Nburn, flame, glow, flash; be red-hot: pp. gvalita, flaming, blazing,, flashing, shining; cs. gvklaya, kindle; illuminate; inv.g_ gvalati or gigvalyate, blaze powerfully; shine brilliantly. ud, flare up; cs. set aflame, kindle; illuminate. pra, begin to blaze or flash:_p.p. flaming,blazing; shining; cs. kindle. abhi-vi, shine towards. sam, blaze; cs. -gvi1 -aya, kindle.!W gval-a, in.. flame;, -at, pr. pt. burning, shining etc.; m. burning fire. 7WW gval-anad, a. burning; shining; in. fire; caustic potash; is.. flaming: -kana, in. spark.!FFW gval-ita, (pp.) n. shining, sheen. W(qif gva'la, in.. flame; torch; al, f. illumination flame, bright light: -dhvaga, in. fire, -mukha, 7in. (Flamne-mouth), hind of ghost; N. of a Brahmardlcshasa, -lifiga, ns. N. of a temple of, Siva. 7WrfWgvatl-in, a. flaming, -5,GH..MT gham-kfira, in. humming; purling; OWT ghamghat, f. roaring (of the wind): ' HT nl ihud p ggaia -karita, n. id.; -karin, a. rattling; hum- - nila, m. roaring wind; -marut, in., -ma- N- thrown into confusion. ning puln;sonig ruta, m. id. 31f~fff ghat-iti, ad. at once, on the spot. 104 ghan., i9mlnvul. 'I3!FCHAN, I. P. ghana,.sound. W1WT~ghana-ghanfi-ya,A.sound-,rattle: pp. -yita, rattling. WMT!1C' ghana-ghanah-rava, M. PI. tinkling. flTghanat-kftra, m. tinkling; rattling. -.f 4,1rf ( ghan-iti, ad. ting!;k ghampa, in., 'a, f. jump, leap: -mda take a leap. GHAR, pr. pt. ghar-at, flowing down. WTT ghar-ft, f. waterfall; -I', f. id.; river. "' ghar-ghar-a, in., i3,f. kind of drum or flute. WE~f-'gharghar-ita,pp.bruised;withered. WWWT ghalag-ghalft, f. sound of dripping or of the flapping of elephants' ears. WV ghalla, m. club-fighting athlete (descendant of outcast Kshaetriya). aTBghalla-ka, n. kind of'-cymbal;-rf kind of musical instrument. J,~ ghashJ, mn. kind of large fish; fish: -ketana, mn. (fish-bannered), Kfima, love; sea.,iTfghAm-ka'rin, a.=gharn-kftrin. WT~iTfT~rghfit-ka'rin, a. whistling. f~f*T ghillikfi,f. cricket. fW1 ghilli-,f., OEW -ka, m. id. [betel). ghaulika, little pouch (containing ZMtakka, in. miser. Z~I, takka-desamn.country of the Takkas. ZMT takkarft, f. blow on the head. Zf~ takki-buddha, m. N. Z~taf~ka, chisel; mattock; a coin; a weight 4= ma'sha's); N. of a caste ox people; i-ka, ZT tafikana, in. borax, [f. chisel. tafska-ya, den.. P. cover up. ud, pp. uttaiskita, stamped, marked, with (-.O)P t Rtain-kfra, in. yell, cry; twang, sound: -rava, m. id. [ing; -krita, n. sound-. tam-kflrita, n. humming; twangTAL, I. P. taia, be confused. zw tasat, -eiffa tas-iti, 0.bang! Miafka, n.. kind of intoxicating liquor. ZTMTP tmn-kfra, in., OIWf -krita, n. souLnd. 'fe tikka., mn. N. ftf~;R titti-bha, in.., 3i, f. a bird (Parra jacana); N. of a bug. f~tM tintlhh, f. gaming-house.?-%TI^K, l. A.hka, trip along; cs. t~ikaya, \explain, elucidate. itqfT tik-&, f. commentary. ilfZ-{ ti'ti-bha, in,,f.=titti-blia. 'Kr tilt-kftra, m. crash. Zw tulla, M. N. '97tha-ka'ra, mn. the letter th.. UMf thakkana, m.. N. of a prince. BW thakkura, in. deity; the divine -, (ho '4TH. norific title after proper names.) gT?;RT that-kara, m. = tatkAra. -J- thftra, m. hoarfrost. fZ"rU-T thinthatf. gambling-house; N.: -karila, m. N. of the proprietor of a gainblinghouse. 2-TDAM, I. Rdama, sound (of a drum). qR[ dam-a, m. N. of a despised mWixed caste. TR dama-rn, in. tumult, brawl. 79;fT4;ff damar-in, m. kind of drum. ~~ DAMB, I. or X. P. vi-damba, imi"'- tate, vie with; -dambaya, deride; deceive: pp. -dambita.31q damnba-ra, mn. noise; bombast; confused mass; splendour -na~man, a. bearing a high-sounding name. 7V4 dambha, in. N. [in. N. 7Uq dallaka, n. kind of suspended basket; Tfq davittha, in. NV. ~9D. TifT 4 dftkini, f. kind qffernale demon (in the retinue of Kdli) thatfeeds on human flesh:..tva, n. character of a Dhkinl. ~I-f~ffft dfiginil, f. = dftkin'i. VT fkq dflgineya, O~f -ka, N. of a gambler. Wi~if~f ddm-lkriti,. sound. 79 dat kriti, f. howl. 79;- Amra a. astounding, extraordinary (-tva, n. abst. N.); m. astonishment, admiration; knight. fljfl'i~ din dima, m. n., a, f. kind of drum; in. murmuring; a. humming. fu dittha, Ta. N. f7'jZ dima, in. kind of play. fT' dimba, panic; danger; affray, riot; m. egg; ball; simpleton: -_a'hava, m. revolt, tumult. [ignoramaus. fT' dimbha, m. (new-born) child, boy; fT'fg dilli, fT#I dilli f. Delhi, N. of a city. A A A 91D.Adaya, IV. A. di'ya, fly. ud, fly up: pp. uddiua. pra ud, fly up andl away. pra, fly up. ITN di-na, n. flight. TIR dunduL-bha, m. kind of footless lizard. ~it~domba, m. low-caste musician: 'I,f kind of play. [bba. OW daundubha, a. relating to the dunduTV DVAL, with a, cs. -dv~iaya, P. mix. Wdhakka, mn. kind of edifice; N. of a locality; k,f. large drum. TM 7' dhakka-desilya, a. peculiar to the country of Dhakka. TM dhakka-na or OR -ma, nm. N 'dDH. '9'T~T dhftmarft, f. goose. ':t" DHU,.AX.dhauka, approach (ac.): 'gT dhftll, n. shield. 'ito dhaukasva, come here; as. dhauk-1 dheiika, m. kind of bird; i,.- f. kind of aya, P. bring near to (g.); procure; offer dance. to (d.). upa, cs. offer; prepare. #9hI dhola, in. drum. iftWiI dhauk-ana, n. offering, piesent. f*t n-i, fw,:E( n-i-k, m. the causal suffix i. fw~ffn-it, having n for its it (which produces vriddhi of a final vowcel or penultimate a anid in taddhita suffxes vriddhbi of the first vowel I1Mj ni anta, a. ending in the causal suffix. of the base). IT nvul, m. the suffix -aka (in such words ~Tnya, mn. N. of a lake in Brahmaloka. a's bhogf-aka etc.). 'ff ta. -d. MI ta 105 t", pmn. of the 3rd prs. (rn. sg. m. sa, f. sj) he, she, it, they; that, those (a. or-v) sts. attenuated to an article in my.; correl. to (preceding) relative; with pins. of ist & 2nd prs., e. g. so -ham=JI being such; repeated: this and that,each, several~various, respective; with relative (~ va) yah sa, whoever; yat tad,whatever 'every, afy; yo yak - sa sa,whoever -he; yad yad-tat tad, whatever-that; tad yatha^, that is as follows, that is to say. ~K TAMS, pouir out (desires); es. tamnsaya, P. shake. r TAK, II. P. rush: -pp. takti, rushing Nalong.?~tRVak-mntn, m. fever.?4'i tak-ra, n. buttermilk mixed with an equal amount of water. W[INTZ takra ta, m. churning-stick. '[JTAKSH, I. tUksha, V. P. takshno, Nhew, carve; split; fashion (esp. of wood); make, create; invent, inV. often of the artistic work of the IRibhus: pp. tashta. a, procure. pari, cut to pieces. Id~kT taksh-a, m. carpenter ( ---); N. of a son of Bharata;- -ki, m. cutter ();N. of a serpent demon; -ana, n. cutting, carving; planing. Tg taksh-an, m. wood-cutter; carpenter. W'f'kTWtaksha-sil', f. N. of a city, the capital of the Gandhairas: -tas, ad.from.Takshasilh. WTItafigana, m. pl. N. of a people on the upper Sarayil. WEUft tak-khil1a, a. having such a habit; similar. a. knowing that; -P, familiar with, versed, in; sn. connoisseur. MO TAN"K, VII. P. tanfikti, contract. N1 -ffZTAT, I. P. tAt, groan. WZ tat-a, m. (n.), 'I, f. slope, bank; often -0 of projecting parts of the body.. 'as tata-druma, m. tree on the bank; -bhii,f. bank; -stha, a. standing on the slope-, indifferent; neutral (as standing midway between summit and valley); approximate (definition); -sthita, pp. indifferent. 'ff'TZ~ tathka, a. pond, lake.. [in. ocean. lfttat-inijf.(havingbanks), river: -pati, W9j TAD, cs tdaya, P. strike, beat; chasN' tise; wound. par!, cs. belabour with (in.). pra, cs.'strike down. vi, cs. wound; strike against (lc.). [burster of tanks. WITI[ tadaga, a. pond, lake: -b-hedaka, m.?f~(tad-it, f. lightning: -vat, a. containing lightnings, flashing; mn. thunder-cloud. 'Rf'3qI tadin-maya, a. resembling lightning; -MA1MAf. flash of lightning. 71f~ftWd tadi'l-lata, f. id.,; -lekhm,. d WIU taad-ula', in. grain, esp. of rice; grain of rice as a weight: -kana, in. grain of rice; -kandana, v. bran. MTI x. tatae, vi. father: vc. also my son.. Rff2. ta-tdf, pp. of -Vi. tan. W7K td-tas, ad.= ab. sg. du. pl. of pmn. ta, thence; there; thither; thereupon, then; therefore; itas tatas, (from) here and there, hither and thither; tatah katham, how is it then that -? tatah kim, what next? =pray go on; what would be the use of it? what can be the harm of it? does it not come to the same thing? tatah kshantit, - kshanam, immediately after; tatah param,besides this, moreover; thereupon, afterwards; tatah paslct, after that, then; tatah prabhriti, thenceforward; tatas tatah, (from) here and there, hither and thither, everywhere; what next? =pray go on; tato _u yatah, to some other place; tatoxuv yatra = tasmhd anyasmin; tato_ ~param, later, afterwards, another time; yatas tatah, from whomsoever = indiscriminately; (from) wherever; yato yatah - tatas tatah (from) wherever - there (thence); whithersoever - thither.?Ij" tatas-tya, a. coming from thence. 'ffjTR~ tatft-mahd, in. grandfather. i. td-ti, a. pl. so many (nm., ac. titi). lff2. ta-tijf. multitude, troop. 'rfffrw' tati-tha', a. (i1) the so-manieth. W RI tat-kartavya, fp. n. (necessity to do that), appropriate course of action; -karmnakirin,a. followingthesame occupations; -krarin, a. doing the same thing; -kila, in. that time, that particular time, previous time: m at that time, at the same time; instantly, at once; a. happening at the same time or at once, _parikaryA, f. immediate hospitality; -ka'1ina, a. being at or belonging to that time; simultaneous; -krita, pp. caused thereby; -kshana, m. the same moment: -in-, ab., IC., 0-, straightway, instantly. 7r7P: tat-tira, a. its bank. 'fIfI tat-tva, a. (that~ness), very essence, true nature, truth, reality; principle (esp. one of the 25 in the Sadikhya philosophy); in the edna phlsphy the word is artificially analysed into I'tat tvam,' that (art) thou, as expressing the identity of the multiformphenomenal world (tvam) with the one undif~erentiated invisible Brahma (tad): in., - tas, C~, in reality; truly; exactly; thoroughly. WI-Mf tattva-gfia, a. knowing thoroughly ( —0); _gibana, a. knowledge of real essence, true knowledge; -darsiu, a. seeing or knowing the truth; -dris, a. id.; -bodha, m. knowledge of the truth; title of two works; -bhava, m. true being or essence; -bhfita, pp. true; -vid, a. knowing thoroughly ( --- or g.); -suddhi,.f. exact knowledge of the truth. I~fTT~r11:rTtattva fkhyania upamt, f simile implied in stating a truth (e.g. ' thy mouth is not a lotus ' implies I'thy mouth is like a lotus'); -a,~pahnava-rfipaka, n. simile im~plied in denying the truth (e.g. ' thy ey-es are not eyes but two bees' implies 'thy eyes are lilketwo bees'); - abhiyoga, m. prosecution based on facts; - artha, in. matter of fact, truth;, true sense bf (-O): -vid, a. knowing the true sense. Wlqi~ tat-pada, a. its place; the word tad; -padavi, f. his path: y-Am padam dh.A, set foot in his path = imitate or vie with him; -para, a. i. following upon that; 2. (having that as the highest), occupied with that only; exclusively devoted to, intent on;,(lc., 7 0 _ta,f. exclusive devotion, intentness.'; -parayana, a. havingthat asth&eir~final aim;-1arsa n. his side; -purusha, in. his servant the eaple used to designate the class ofdeteri-ninative compounds (i. e. those in which theflrst part determines or limits the second, specifically those in which theflrst part has the sense of a case); -p 'lrva, a. happening for the first time; -pradhaua, a. dependent on her; -prahrishta, pp. pleased with that. If- tdi-tra (V. als a), ad. =lc. of ta; there; thither; on this occasion, on account of that, in that case, then; tatra tatra, always in or on that (those); here and there, hither and thither; everywhere; yatra tatra, wherever, anywhere; whithersoever; at every opportunity: yatra tatria api, whithersoever. WWRT9 ~ (tatra-kaksbur-manas, a. directing eyes and thoughts thither. W-I tatra-tya, a. being there. T44f~fftatra-bhavat, a. respected; in. the gentleman there: i, f. the lady there (of persons absent from the stage). 'f'1 tatra-stha, a. being or abiding there. ~i~~tatra antare, lc. in the interval, meanwhile.?RW" ITZfi tat-safikhya-ka, a. the same in number; -sama, a. equal to, synonymous with (-O); -samaksham, ad. before his eyes; -samlpe, lc. near him; -sainbaudhin, a. connected with that; -sprishtin, a. touching that or those. 7IWT td-tha, ad. so, thus (corr. to yathat, as, that; iva, as; yena, that); that is so; so be it, well, yes; so truly (in oaths); in like manner, -also, likewise; tatha ha, similarly, so also; tath4 api, id.; nevertheless, yet (gnly. with corr. yadi api, api yadi, khmamn, varam); tah hi, for so (it is), so for instance, that is to say, namely; tathA va, just so, likewise, similarly (ha and api sometimes added); tah- at, so- that; (so long) - till; yath tat, in whatever way, in this way or that, by all means; by commentators used to indicate that a word is used adverbially (in such a manner that it is -): with na, by no means, practically not; yath& yath& - tatha tath&, in whatever way-so, the more -the more; natta, not so, untrue. 7~TM7If tathft-gata, pp. faring or behavingz thus, so conditioned, such; ms. a Buddha; a Buddhist; -guna, a. having such virtues; -tva, n. the being such, true state,.real nature; -bhavitavya-ta f. necessity of such a result; -bhavin, a. destined to become such; -bhiita, pp. being such,- in such a plight or condition; -inukha, a. facing the same way. MR11ta tth ~ ayatam, ad. in the same direction. IRTAERtathat-rfpa, a. so formed, so shaped, of such an appearance; -uipiu, a. id.; -vidha, a. of such a kind, being in such a condition or-plight: -in, ad. so, thus, in such wise; -vidhiua, a. acting thus; -vlrya, a. of such might; -vrata, a. observing such a course. 7TI tath-ya, a. true; a. truth: in., -tas, in accordance with truth; -vakana, a. promise. 7K ta-d, pmn. am., ac. a. of ta: also base O~-; ad. there; thither; so, thus, then, in regard to that (in the Bradhmanas); then, ia P 106 Tirvs tad-anantara. Aq tap. that case (corr. yadi, ked); therefore, accordingly (corr. yad, yatah, yena); now (common in Brdhmanas as a particle of transition); tad api, even that, even then (corr. ked); nevertheless (corr. yadiapi); tad yatha, this is as fellows, thus for instance. 1~ ~ tad-anantara, a. standing next to (g:.: -m, ad. immediately after, thereupon,corr. prAk or prathamam). RiM tad-anu, ad..thereupon, then. uiklf' tad-anukriti, ad. accordingly; -anusarana-krama, m. continual following of him; -anta, a. ending with that; -apatyata, f. condition of having offspring through him (the son) or by her (the Ssdrd woman); apatya-maya, a.devoted tohis (her)children; -apeksha, a. having regard to that; -artha, m. the meaning of that or those; a. having that for its object, meant for that; having the same meaning: -m, ad. for that purpose, on that account, therefore; -arthin, a. desiring that; -arthlya, a. undertaken for that end, having that as its object; -ardhika, a. half as much; -arha, a. commensurate with that; -avastha, a. being in that condition orplight; being in the same condition= safe. T ta-dg, ad. at that time, then (often redundant in E. with tatah, pura, and atha): frequently with correlative yatah, yatra, yad, yada, yadi, ked; in that case; tada prabhriti, thenceforward; yada yada-tada tada, whenever-then; yada tada, at any time, always. [ance.?niTWT tad-akara, a. having that appear-Tc tada-tva, n. present time or state (opp. ayati). [first. IMrTf tad-adi, ad. thenceforward; then WTrTlt tada-nl-m, (ac.) ad. then, at that time (corr. yatra, yada,, yadi). Wlt q tad-iya, a. belonging, referring or proper to him., her, it, them, or that; his, her, its, their.; such: -saiga, m. union with her. WTSNe tad-uttha, a. arising from or caused bythat man; -upahita,pp.transferredto him. 'jti, R tad-okas, a. abiding there.. Sig tad-gata, pp. directed to him, her, or that; directed to (-~); -guna, m. his or her quality or virtue; a. having those qualities. '4t lqiti tad-devata-ka, a. having that as a deity; -desya, a. coming from the same country; m. countryman; -dvigusa, a. twice that amount. W7iT tad-dhita, a. good for him, in which sense one of the suffixes of this class is used.: m. (sc. pratyaya) secondary suffix; word formed with a secondary suffix. [on that. W- [ tad-buddhi, a. whose mind is centred TW:' tad-bhava, a. derived from that, viz. Sanskrit (applied to PrakritandSouthIndian words); -bhava, m. becoming that; becoming (-); his sentiments or intentions; -bhnta, pp. being therein. WT tad-rasa, m. essence of it; -raga, m. suffix attached to the name of a people to designate their king; -ripa, a. of such kind or appearance; of the same kind; -vamsya, m. relative of. that ruler; -vaktri, m. propounder of that; -vat, I. ad. in this way, thus; similarly, likewise, also; 2. a. possessing or containing that: -ta,f. conformity, harmony; -vayas, a. of the same age; -vid, a. knowing or versed in that; m. connoisseur; -vidha, a. of such a kind, such, such-like: corresponding thereto: -tva, n. corresponding nature; -vishaya, a. belonging to that category; having that as an object; -vritti, a. living according to that; -vrata, a. fulfilling duties towards him, her, or them. T I. TAN,VIII. tan-6, stretch; extend; reach; cover; shine afar; continue, endure; spread out (web); propagate; augment, increase; direct (steps); utter; perform (rites); make, render (2 ac.): pp. tata, spread out, extended; wide; covered with (in., -0). ati, pp. very haughty. adhi, string (a bow): pp. covered with (in.). abhi, extend over (ac.). ava, descend; spread over, cover; relax. A, spread over, pervade; illumine; stretch oneself, strain or strive towards (ac.); gain a footing (padam); spread out, stretch; diffuse, effuse; produce, cause; display, betray: pp. itata, extended; distended, taut: abhi_, get into one's power. vi., produce, cause. sam-a, id. ni, penetrate; cause to take root. pari, clasp; surround. pra, spread; diffuse; cause; show; make, render (2 ac.). vi, spread.; cover, pervade, fill; stretch out, extend; draw (bow or bowstring); string (bow); make steps (padani) =stride; put in front (yoke); apply ointment to (lc.); arrange, perform, carry out (rites etc.); display; cause, produce; make, render (2 ac.).: pp. extended; extensive, wide. pra-vi, pp. extended; farspreading; wide. sam, make.continuous; uninterrupted, continuous; connected. 2. TAN, IV. P. tanya, (V.) roar, resound. 3' tan, f. duration: in. continually. WTI tan-aya, a. continuing a family; belonging to one's own family; m. son; A, f. daughter; n. progeny; race, family; child. TnQ Td tanayi-krita, pp. made a son. fiRTi tan-ika, f. rope, cord; -i-tri, m. extender, performer. ifW';i tan-i-man, m. thinness; shallowness; weakness; -ishtha, spy.,.iyas, cpv. of tanu. AW tan-d, a. (u, v-i) thin; small; slender; scanty, moderate (in amount); delicate, weak; u, i, f. body, person, form; one's self (= reft. prn.: also pl.); manifestation: raratyam tanur manyoA = frown of anger; iyam tanur mama, I here; svaka tanuh, one's ownperson. ~TV. i tanu-kkhada, m. feather; armour, cuirass; -ga, m. son: a,f. daughter; -ta, f. smallness; meagreness, slenderness; condition of having a body;.tyag, a. abandoning the body, dying; risking life, brave; -tyaga, m. sacrificing or risking one's life. 'tR tanu-tra, n. armour, cuirass; -trana, n. id.; -tr-in, a. armoured. vtT[T tanu-dana, n. giving up the body; scanty gift; -bhava, m. slenderness, scantiness; -bhrit, m. embodied being, esp. human being; -mat, a. possessing a body; -madhya, n. waist; a. slender-waisted; -madhyama, a. slender-waisted; -ruha, n. feather; -samgama, m. personal union. f tan-u, f., v. tan-d. i;'i tanu-karana, n. attenuating; -kartri, O. diminisher. [lay aside (shame). iji t tanu-kri, attenuate, lop; diminish; fl3t tanu-ga, a. born from the body; m. son: a, f. daughter; -tyag, a. risking one's life, desperate; -dufshi, a. injuring life. W lT? tfnufi-nt pat, m. son of himself, ep. of Agni; fire; -naptri, m. id. flf tanfi-bhava, m. son; -ruha, n. hair (on the body); plumage; wing; m. son. TfwT tan-ti,f. (also.i) cord, rope (esp.for tying calves). TI[ tan-tu, m. thread, cord, string; fibre, warp; uninterrupted course of a sacrifice; propagator of a race; lineage. ' ii tantu-ka, (-~ a.) string, thread; -mat, a. threadlike; ep. of Agni (continuous as a thread); -vaya, m. weaver. 171 tan-tra, n. loom; warp; groundwork, underlying principle, essence; system; standard; main point; rule, doctrine; manual; section in a manual; a class of magical and mystical treatises; spell; physic, specific; government; -~, line, rank, troop; a. chiefly concerned with, dependent on (-~). WTRcq tantra-ka, a. coming from the loom, quite new; -~ a. doctrine, manual. 7WiTT; tantra-kara, m. composer of a manual. Mtl"tantra-ya,den. P.follow; perform;provide for (ac.): pp. tantrita, dependent on (-~). -cT' tantra-vfya, m. weaver. Wf-t tantr-in, m. soldier. f-i1EiN tantrillaka, m. N.?Wi tan-tri,f. (nm. -s) string; music of a stringed instrument. ':T TAND, I. A. tanda, relax, flag. WfT< tandra-ya, den. A. grow weary. KT T tand-ra,f. lassitude; laziness, sloth. A 1TiT' tandr&-ya, den. A. grow weary. 7;TJ tandra-lu, a. weary, fatigued. 'Rf$fiT tan-nimitta, a. caused by him or thereby: -tva, n. being the cause thereof; -nishtha, a. thoroughly devoted to that. iqI-qR tan-manas, a. absorbed therein; -maya, a. consisting thereof, full of, identified therewith: -ta,f., -tva, n. identity with him, her, it,orthat; -matra, a. only so much orlittle; atomic; n. trifle (ab. (angry) about a mere trifle); atom, rudimentary undifferentiated, subtile element (from which a gross element is produced): -ka, n. only just so much; -manin, a. passing for that; -muila, a. based on that; occasioned thereby: -tva, n. condition of being the root thereof or of being based thereon.;W5t tan-ya-td, m. roaring; thunder. ~;~F tanuafiga, a. (i) delicate-limbed, slenderly built;.n. N.;it tanv-i,f. (of tanu) slender maiden. 'fl TAP, I. P. (A.) tapa, be warm or hot, shine (of the sun); heat, warm, make hot; illuminate; scorch, burn; torment, distress; suffer pain; mortify the flesh; do penance (often with the ac. tapas): ps. tapya or IV. P. A. tapya, be heated, burn (int.); be purified; suffer; feel remorse; mortify the flesh, do penance (often with ac. tapas): pp. tapta, hot, glowing; molten; tortured, distressed; performed (penance); having mortified the flesh (witht tapas); cs. tapaya, heat; scorch; torment, distress. anu, ps. suffer pain; grieve, feel remorse; cs. cause to grieve, distress. abhi, warm, heat; illuminate (of the sun); pain, torment, distress; ps. feel pain, suffer; cs. scorch. abhii, torment. ud, heat; torment, afflict: pp. uttapta, heated, glowing; purified (metal); filled withpaoin (-~). upa, ,4,q tap-a. Wj tarsh-a. 107 I suffer pain, feel unwell; ps. id.; cs. afflict. ilis (nish..tap), scorch; purify (gold). pari, _Vs. suffer pain; cs. torment: pp. tipita. pra, P. be hot, burn, shine (sun); warm, heat., illuminate; display one's splendour; torment with heat, torture, harass; cs. warm, heat. sam-pra, pp. greatly distressed. prati, heat. sam, heat; feel pain or remorse; torment with heat, torture; ps. feel pain, suffer; cs. warm, heat; torment by heat; distress, afflict. W'q[ tap-a, a. (-'c) burning; tormenting; harassing; m. heat; hot seasoni; penance. WITRwr tapah-prabhftva, m. efficacy of penances. TTP tdp-ana, a. burning; tormenting; m. sun; N. o~f a hell: -dyuti, a. shining like the sun. [fled gold: -u-!pala, m. sun-stone. -dq[tI#q tap-aniya, m. kind of rice; n. puniItWIW4 tapanta-ka, m. N. of a man. TjqqK tapas-karana, a. self-castigation, mortification; austerity; -kary', f. id. ~telp-as, n. heat; fire (of which there are five, the four directed towards the cardinal.points and the sun); torment;. penance, selfcastigation, mortification, religious austerity, devotion; N. ofa month (Jan.-Feb.); N. of one of the seven worlds (situated above Ganas). 'R1TlW i. tdpas-ya, den. P. castigate oneself, mortify the flesh. 7jtfIW 2. tapas-ya-, a. produced from heat; m. N. of a month (February-March);, f. religious austerity. MiWtdpas-vat, a. glowing, hot; ascetic, full of devotion, pious. T~ftc~taPas-vfn, a. tormented, afflicted, unfortunate; pious, devout; m. ascetic, religious devotee; -4, f. female ascetic. 7fPqTMW tapfj tyaya, m. (end of the heat), rainy season; - nta, m. id. 'Rftr-' ta'p-ishtha, spy, very hot, burning; -ishnu, a. warming, burning;..iyas, cpu. most rigorously ascetic; more pious than (g.). 14# tdp-ush-i, a.. glowing, hot. 7TP3'RT tap-ush-pa, a. drinking warm OialfjTtap-us, a. glowing, hot.. [tions. Wtij~fi tapo-dhaila, a.-whose wealth is penance; devout., pious; m. ascetic, devotee; N.; -nidhi, m. treasury of penance; rigorous devotee; -bhrit, a. devout, pious; m. devotee, ascetic; -maya, a. (i') consisting of penance or austerity; devoted to piety; -mftla, a. having austerity for its root; -yagqia, a. sacrificingo with penance; -yukta, pp. ascetic,.pious; sn. ascetic, devotee; -rata, p~p. delighting in penance, devout; -rati, a. id.; -vat, a. ascetic, devout; -vana, n. sacred grove (in which ascetics~practise penance); -vriddha, pp. abounding in penance, rigorously ascetic, very pious. W'[ tap-til, pp.; n. hot water; glowing heat. 14[IWW tapta-krikkhra, m. n. penance in which only hot things are eaten; -vilukaf..pl. hot sand. Wif# tap-tijf. heat; -tri, m. warmer, heater. jWIT TAM, AV P (i)amya, become breathless, choke; faint; be exhausted or distressed; be beside oneself; become rigid:.pp. t&ntb,, distressed. 'a, be beside oneself, be at a loss what,~ do; become rigid. ud, be come faint; be distressed. nii, pp itftan q. v. sam, become exhausted.?1IR tarna, a. (spy. suffix) most wished for. 'flPiI tama-ka, m. kind of asthma. MTICtama-p, suffix of the s~py. -tama (gr.). 'ffTUta'm-as, n. (sg. &pl.) darkness; gloom of hell; N. of a hell; eclipse =Rfihu; error, ignorance; delusion; Darkness (one of the three fundamental1 qualities (gunas) incident to creation; in the iSabilcya philosophy one of the Jive forms of Avidya'). 'Wf tamasA6, a. dark-coloured; n. darkness ( —2); -kca, -0 a..== tamas; -vin-ij. night. WIWITr7 tamah-spris, a. connected with darkness. WITI tamhm, (ac. f.) ad. -%, highly, very, much (attacked to~advs. in V., to verbs in C.). 'ffTTWtam-Aila, m. N. of a dark-coloured tree: -Pattra, n. leaf of the Tamila tree. ITff if* T tamhl-ika', f. N. of a woman. WfRiV tamis-ra, n. darkness, dark night; al, f. id.; -paksha, m. dark fortnight (fell moon till new moon). WTIf tam-i, f. night. WI4MT tamo-ga, a. moving in darkness; -ghna, a. darkness dispelling; m. sun; -nuda, a. dispelling darkness; m. sun; moon; — xpaha, a. dispelling darkness or ignorance; m. moon; Ubhta p. involved in darkness or darkness incarnate; stupid, foolish; -mani, m. fire-fly; -maya, a. (i consisting of or involved in darkness; mn. one of the five-forms of Avidya' in the Saifikhya; -ri, in. sun (enemy of darkness): -vivara, n. (?) window; -vias n. garb or robe of darkness. WK tdr-a, a. crossing, overcoming (-C); m. passage, ferry; boat-hire, fare; N. WUT7 taraksha, WT tarakshu, m. hyxnan. nT,. taram-ga, m. [going across], wave; section of a boole (the title of which contains a word for ocean or river); gallop; moving to and fro. [move to and fro. 'TI2.taramga, den-movelikewa-ves, surge; taramga-ya, den. P. cause to wave; cause to move about (eyes): pp. taram-gita, waving; moving to and fro; n. fluctuation, backward and forward motion. _d1WifTtaramng-i-n, a. fluctuating, unsteady, restless: Aijf. river; title of variousworks (-O). 7R1T tar-ana, n. crossing, passing over, passage of &O;overcoming; -6,ni, a. pressing onward, swift; m. sun; -aniya, fp. to be crossed.?Ir(tara-tama-tas, ad. more or less. WT M~ tarat-sa-mandi', f. p1., 0W4 -ya, a. the hymn RV.- IX, 58 (so called from its initial words tarait sa mandi).. lfR'if tar-ala, a.trembling, tremulous; quivering; sparkling; fickle, 'inconstant; transitory; m. wave; central gem. of a necklace; NV. of a people; n:., A, f. rice-gruel;. -t', f. tremor; sparkle; ogling; fickleness; meddling disposition; -tva, n. id. tarala-ya, den. P. cause to tremble, move to and fro; flutter: pp. taralita, waving, moving to and fro; fluttering (heart). W'IQ tarala-lekh&t, f. N. WRfW-ZiT taralikfl, f. N. a~tr-as, a. speed; energy, activity, force: in. by force; speedily, straigbtway. WTIEfff tdras-vat, a. energetic. 'Rff~fIcP taras-vin, a. swift; impetuous, energetic; bold. WVRTItarfim, (ac.f.) c~pv. ad. with na, by no means; — 0,very, much, greatly (added to advs. in V., and to verbs in C., like -tambm). l~fff tar-i, If[#jt tar-11f. boat; -ika, m. ferryman; -ik&,f. boat; -i-tavya~fp. to be crossed. W~k i tdr-u, a. swift. If~ 2. taru, in. tree (later than Manu): -kotara, a. hollow of a tree; -khanda, in. n. group of trees, clumip; -gahana, a. forest thicket; -kkhayai f. shade of a tree. aU3Ttr-unta, a. (I)yug tender; new, fresh; vivid (feeling); just begun; lately risen (sun); crescent (moon); m. youth; a. sprout, blade: -ka, a. sprout,shoot, blade; -ta^, f. freshness, vigour. 'f',T taruna-ya, den. P. make young. A 1!f',TT' taruna-ya, den. A. become or remain young. W'ffIFt*RVtarun-i-mdin, m. youth.?rWI~I! taruin-i, f. virgin, maiden; young worman. 'f"W tarii-tala, a. flat space under a tree; _~tf, f. condition of a tree; -mandapa, arhour, bower; -miilam, a. root of a tree; -vaUi, f creeper; -shanda, nt. group of trees. TI~ taruta, in. lotus root. jjTARK, X. P. (A.) tarkaya, suppose, ~-surmise; express one's supposition; speculate on, form an idea of (ac.); conj ecture; take to be (2 ac.); reflect; think of, have in one's thoughts; have a mind or intend' to (inf.). vi, suppose,, conjecture, think; speculate, reflect; infer. j tank-a, in. supposition, conjecture; yeflexion, speculation; speculative doctrine, philosophical systemi (of which there are six, the Pilrva- and Uttara-Mimalmsd, Nyalya, JVaiseshikla, Saffikhya, and Yoga); refutation, reductio ad absurdune (in logic); -mumln, a. knowledge derived from speculation; -vid, m. philosopher, dialectician; -vidy&', -sltaa science of thought; -samngraha, in. 1T. of a manual on the Nydgya system..~~1~tark-in, a. supposing, surmising, skilled in speculation. -ffi tank-fl, spindle. 74~4iI tarku-ka, mn. beggar. TARG, I. P. (A.) targa, threaten; cs. targaya, menace; abuse; terrify; ridicule. abhi, cs. revile; cs. id. pari, menace. vi, cs. threaten; revile. sam, cs. threaten; abuse;, terrify. [forefinger. If~~T targ-ann, a. threatening; abuse; 'I,f.?R*4i tarnan-ka, in. calf; young (of animals). wPi!T tadrp-ana, a. (IL) satisfying; a. satisfaction (act. & ps.); satisfying, pleasing (the gods or Manes by oblations); nourishment, refreshment. WiRWtarp-aniya,fp.tobe satisfied w. (in.). 'A tarsh-a, in. thirst; desire (for, — ); -aaa, n. id.; -ita, pp. thirsty, eager for -. P 2 10$ A A ta-rhi. 'ffT;U tar-A. ldf4 ta —rhi, ad. at -that time; then, thereupon; in that case (es~p. with inspv. or inter. prn.): corr. ked, yatra, yad, yadg, yadi, yarhi. 7M tala, mn. n. surface, plane; sole (foot), palm (hand); flat space below; -o' often not to be translated: ic. ==at, on, under ( —O or g.); -Ams, ad. from the bottom; -prahara, vs. slap; blow with the paw; -loka, m. lower regions.,7~ talavd, ms. musician: -kara, m. pl. N. of a school of the Sima-veda:.-aihd f. T. of an Upanlishad. WWTWTWT tala atala, n. N. of a hell (bottomless at the bottom). (0V) Ital-ina, a. thin, slender; covered with fRrtal-ima, n. floor. WWE talpa, m. couch, bed: -m adhi-gam, have sexual intercourse with (-0); turret; -gm, a. having sexual intercourse with(0) violating the bed of (-0); -ga, a. born in the nuptial couch. [phant's back. 7f~ talpa-la, vs. fleshy ridge on an eleW1"4kI alf talpil-krita, pp. turned into a bed. FFTE4tdfklp-ya, a. belonging to the bed; born in the nuptial bed. [courage. WAIR tav-sls, a. strong, bold; vs. strength, ~~~tav-ish-a', a. powerful. Wf tiv-ish-i f. streingth, might, courage. WfcTf~aih^y' den.A.bestrong orbold. 'fffttavish-yti,den.be strong or impetuous. A WZ' ts~sh-tri, mn. artificer, carpenter. 7W*'1tss-kara^m.[(a)tas-karajtaking hen ce, stealing], thief, robber: ta f., -tva, n. thieving, theft, robbery. [thief or robber. el"KI TW taskara-ya, den. A. behave like a 'ffWTf( ta'-smftt, (a. m. n.) ad. therefore (corr. yad or yasmtt). WT~Ttakshndi,a.(l) belonginagtoa carpenter. aI~[ fk-khil-ya, n. regular habituation to or practice of that. WiTfPRE tatgika, m. Persian. 'WT4 t~ad-a, a. striking (0 mv. blow; -aka, m. homicide; _aki,f. N. WITI' tadatska, m. kind of ear-ring. U\Tif tatd-ana, a. striking; wounding; n. striking; blow; hammering (ofgolId as a test); _-Luiya, f~p. to be struck (gnly. — m with instrument, rarely with object); -ayitri, m. striker of(g) iTTtadatga, a. belonging to ponds. MWF ta'd-ya, to be struck; to be chastised with blows. [pp. dancing, fluttering. ~ andava, n. (?) frantic dance; i-ta, TWIt'andya, m. pat. N. of a teacher; n. N. of a Brdhmana. W~f tat, (ab. of ta) ad. thus, in this wise (V.). clIe tgta, vs. father: voc. dear (addressing elders, superiors, children, or pupils). CrT I c q taft-karm -ya, n. homogeneousness of occupation; -k1i~ka, a. (i) lasting the same length of time; happening instantly; -ki1ya, is. simultaneousness. Mif~qqi thttv-ika, a. real; possessing the true doctrine (of the Jamns). 'RTT'TM tat-par-ya, n. addiction or devotion to a thing; chief aim (with lc. of object); true purport (of a speech or work); a. intended: -tas, ad. with a view to this; -fi'r.. naya, m. determination of the purport. WTVWtats~th-ya, n.being contained therein. IfT~3 Etadarth-ya, n. being meant for that, end, object; reference (in. with this view); identity of meaning. M ~~ tat-driksha, a. such. W~T TJ1Fta'drig-guna, a. of such qualities; Such -rfpa, a. of such form or kind: -vat, a. of such beauty; -vidha, a. such; being in this condition. WIT~7TO ta-drs's, a. (nm. m.f. -driii or -drik) such a one: tadrik, n. ac. thus. M-1T tfdzsa a. (i) such. 'fTT tatd-rfip-ya, n. identity; truth. MT~td-vidhiya, n. the being such. wr1" tan-a, m. thread, fibre; quaver, musical note; n. extent. rrr tanav-a, no meagreness; smallness, slenderness: -krit, a. diminishing =surpassing (-'0). clIir tjWIIanfinaptr-a, n. ritual oath with invocation of Tan-ftnapht when the ifgya is touched by the sacrificer and the priests. RTTIq tatntava, a. (Ii) made of threads; is. woven cloth; sn. son. [music. aU~tntra, is. (stringed) instrumental Wiftiqi tatntrika, a 3. (,i completely versed in a system, specialist; taught in a Tantra. tfnah~fia, m. pat. descendant of Tanvafiga. 'RTXI tatp-a, vs. heating (gold as a test); heat; pain, torment (mental and bodily); -aka, a. burning; purifying; tormenting, distressing; -ana, a. ('I) burning tormeuting (-0); vs. sun; is. burning; mortification; N. of a hell; -anlya, a. golden: - upailishad, f. T. of various Upaihads. [ing. ~Wf41q 9ta-p-ay-islhnd,a.burning; tormentWriCM ta'pas-6, a. (i1) practising penance; relating to religious penance; vb., -., f. ascetic, hermit; -ya, is. status of ascetics. WfqtaMpikhha, ofT'JS -pin-ikha, vs. N. of a tree. Mrfti'r tatp-in, a. causing pain; excitintg (-s):,f. T. of various Upanishads. WrTIW tftp-ya, m. n. sulphuret of iron. 'ff tam-a, vs. longing, yearning. [pond. 14T1~RT tatmarasa, is. day lous,f. lotUS 'ffTW~f tamas~-a, a. (i) dark; relating to the quality tamas, connected with error or iconorance; vs. N. of a Manu. Mrfffr tm~i, PTet tami,f. suspension of the breath till exhaustion. elr I fir tatmisra, a. (with paksha) or vs.. dark fortnight (from fall till new moon); vs. iRfkshasa; N. of a hell; wrath (one of the five forms of Avidyd,). [hempen. 7WW~ tatmbala, m. kind of hemp; a. (I wrr4R tatmbfla, is. betel; 3-f. id. (-dala, n. betel-leaf); -karaiika, vs. betel-box: -V.Ahin3,, f.female bearer of a betel-box; -diyaka, vs. betel-bearer; -dayi, vs. id.: -3i,f.; -dhara, vs. id.; -valii f. betel; -vihaka, vs. betelbearer; -vitik', f. areca-nut rolled up in a betel-leaf: adhiara, vs. office of betelcarrier. 'TT~7 itambfil-ika, vs. betel-seller. WITV tfmd a. copper-coloured, dark red; vs. eruption with dark red spots; os. copper; a. (a) of copper; i3, f. kind of water-clock (a copper vessel having an orifice in the bottom, which when placed in water, gradually fills). 'MVTI* tatmra-ka, is. copper; -kutta, vs. copper-smith: 3',f.; -kuida, a. having a red coxcomb; vs. cock; N.: -yuddha, n. cock-fight; -ta f., -tva, is. copper-colour; -dv3ipa, vs. the island of Ceylon; -dh~tu, vs. red chalk; -patta, vs. copper-plate (for grants); -parni, f. N. of a river (rising in the Malaya and celebrated for its pearls); -pfitra, is. coppervessel; -maya, a. (3i) made of copper, coppery; -lipta, vs..pl.N.ofapeople: a(? 3..their capital on the western mouth o the Ganges; -varna, a. copper-coloured; -asanai. copper-plate edict. rfTXf-rqtamra ksha,a.(i) red-eyed; m.crow.?rrU itatmr-ika,5 a. of copper. wrVt tatmraoshtha, vs. du. red lips; a. having, red lips. ~r~ta-yd, ps. base of Vi. tan. wr'q taty-ana, n. succeeding, prospering. 'RTq taty-ii, sf. thief. [T tar-d, a. [V'trij penetrating, piercing; shrill, high, loud; sparkling: -in, cpv. -taram, spy. -tamam, ad.; vs. n. loud, high, or shrill sound; vs. pearl of pure water; putting across (~0;sacred syllable om. or other mystic monosyllable in a Tantra; a, f. N. ~TI tara-ka, a. aik) putting across, delivering; vs. N. of a-Daitya (slain by Indra): pl. children of Taraka. 7TP2. t'ara-ka, is. star; pupil (of the eye); &,f. id.; meteor; N. WR f araka-ripu, vs. ep. of Shanda. RffI t'C tatraka aksha, a. having stars for eyes; s. N. of a -Daitya; - ataka, vs. Slayer of T&raka, ep. of Skanda. 'K~T-4TT!5 tatrakat-ratga, vs. moon (king of the stars).rrfirtatrak-ita, pp. starry, bestarred. WT tarakat-tttrvs. moon (king of the stars). ~rR! ar-ana, a. bringing over, delivering; is. crossing over, overcoming; saving. MR2K[R tatratam-ya, n. condition of more or less (tara-tama), gradation; great difference. ~R~Wtara-dir gha, a. loud and protracted (sound); -uitha, vs. N. of a historian of Buddhism who lived at the beginning of the i 7th century; -mfila, n. N. of a locality. I rr,.r tatral-ya, n. caprice, inconstancy. W1T-Ttatr-afj.;[strewer, radiator], star; pupil of the eye: -dharma, vs. N. of a prince; - adhipa, vs. moon (lord of the stars); -pati, vs. id.; Brihaspati; -patha, vs. heavens (path of the stars); N. of a country; -pida, vs. N.: of various princes; -pura, is. N. of a town; -maya, a. (i) consisting ofLstars, starry. m T~i ~ tarakyana. PMEDIKI tilA rarya. 109 q[TTVT r tarayana, m. sacred fig-tree (tree of deliverance). iTTTI t tara-ramana, m. moon (lover of the stars); - avali, f. host of stars, galaxy; N. of various celestial and human women; avaloka, m. N. of a prince. W[Tf41i tar-ika, n. (?) fare, toll at a ferry; -in, a. delivering: (n)-i, f. Durga. WITT! tarun-ya, n. youth. Fifii tark-ika, m. sceptic, dialectician, philosopher. [T4t tarksh-ya, m. a mythical being, horse or bird (V.); =Garuda (C.). [coloured gem. ITT'i tMrkshya-ratna, n. kind of darkTI1 tarna, a. made of grass (trina). TITN tartiya, a. belonging to the third; the third; n. a third: -ka, a. belonging to the third; i-ka, a. third. [come; n. fare. TiT thr-ya, fp. to be crossed; to be overWT thla, m. palmyra or fan palm (from the sap of which sugar and an intoxicating liquor areprepared); flapping (esp.of elephants'ears); clapping of hands; (musical) measure; dance; cymbal (?); n. palmyra nut; a. made from the palmyra: -ka, m. kind of poisonous insect. t~i- talafiki-kri, turn into an ear-ring. T1tWir tala-gafigha, a. having legs like palmyras, long-legged; m. pl.N. of a warrior tribe; N. of a Rakshas; -druma, m. palmyra tree; -dhvaga, a. fan-palm-bannered; ep. of Balarfma. RTWIt tal-ana, n. clapping of hands. TrTlrln4 tala-pattra, n. palmyra leaf; kind of ear-ring; -phala, n. palmyra nut; -vadya, n. clapping of hands; -vrinta, n. palm leaf used as a fan; fan. fTWIq talav-ya, a. palatal (sound). TIrTT3WT talaavakara, m. dancer, actor: -na, m. id. [ping of hands. FfTfWTiT tal-ikA,f. palm (of the hand); clapiDTfiWtal-in, a. i. provided with cymbals; 2. sitting upon (-~). aTid tali, f. a tree; palm wine; clapping of the hands; a metre: -patta, -puta, m. (?) kind of ear-ring. WT1t^ti tal-iya-ka, cymbal. ETOi talu, n. palate: -ka, n. id. Tf ^ talusha-ka, palate. [gitimate. 7TWt talpa, a. born in the nuptial bed; leIT [i" tava-ka, a. (i) thine: i-na, a. id. W'TTWi tavak-khata, a. (i) consisting of as many hundreds. iTA-4t tavag-gyok, ad. so long (V.). WfTT4 ta-vat, a. so great, so extensive; so long; so much; so manifold, so numerous, just so many (with corr. yavat): n. ad. (with corr. yavat) so much, so far; so long, during that time, then; (without corr.) meanwhile; for a while; in the first place, first; just, at once (very often with the impv. to express what is to be done immediately= pray just or at once -; or with Ist pers. pr. =I will first of all); only, merely; indeed, certainly, it is true (concessively,followed by but); already, even (opp. how much more or less); well! enough! emphasizes a notion (+ eva), only, just, quite, why (sts. to be rendered by stress only); tavat - ka, scarcely-when; tavan na - api na, not only not- but also not; na tavat, not yet: na tavat-yavat, not yetwhile; ma tavat, (interjectionally) not for heaven's sake, God forbid; yavad yavattavat tavat, in proportion-as; yavan nativat, while not-so long-till: in. tavata, during that time, meanwhile; to the same extent, just as far; Ic. tavati, so far; so long, in that time. fT t tavat-kalam, ad. so long; -kr'itvas, ad. so many times; -phala, a. producing just so much reward; -sutra, n. so many threads; (d)-guna, a. having so many qualities. TTT fT tavad-dha, ad. so many times. WTm RTT tavan-mbtrd, a. (1) (having such a measure), so much. WTt tasuna,m.kindof hemp; a. () hempen. RTT ia taskar-ya, n. robbery, theft. feTiR tik-ta, pp. bitter; fragrant: -saka, n. bitter or fragrant vegetable. frfl'Tr tig-itd, a. sharp, pointed. fi4TT tig-md, a. id.; hot; passionate. frlli tigma-kara, m. sun (hot-rayed); (a)-tegas, a. keen-edged, sharp-pointed; impetuous, energetic; m. sun; -dldhiti, m. sun; -dyuti, m. id.; -bhas, -rasmi, -ruki, m. id.; -virya, a. powerful; -sri/iga, a. sharphorned; (a)-heti, a. bearing sharp missiles. f4Ti'[ tigmaamsu, m. (hot-rayed), sun; fire; aayudha, a. bearing sharp weapons. feT tif, personal termination (gr.). f:T TIG, I. 1. tiga, be sharp; sharpen: \ pp. tikta; cs. tegaya, P. sharpen; urge, stir up: pp. tegita, sharpened, pointed; des. titiksha, P. (A.) endure, bear patiently. ud, cs. spur or urge on. fTrfirti ti-tik-sha, (des.) f. endurance (of, -0); patience; -shf, des. a. enduring (ac.); patient. fCrft-' ti-tir-sha, (des.)f. desire to cross over (-~); -shu,des. a. desirous to cross (ac.,-~). fiftPi tittird, m. francolin partridge: pi. N. of a people. ff~fP' tittiri (or i),m.francolin partridge; N. of an ancient teacher, a pupil of Ydska and founder of the Taittiriya school; N. of a Ndga. ''ffaW tithi, m.f. (also i) lunar day (of which there are fifteen in the half-month, the auspicious ones being Nanda, Bhadrd Vigaya, and Pirna). f-firT tintida, m. (?) Indian tamarind; i, f. id.; i-k, f. id.; i-ka, m. id.; n. the fruit. fas' t tinduka, m., i, f. a tree. few tipya, m. N. of a man. fff( TIM, IV. P. timya, become still: pp. timita, motionless; wet. ffiff tim-i, m. large sea fish; whale; fish: -ghatin, m. fisherman. f'Tfilf T timim-gila, m. fabulous seamonster (swallowing even the timi). Offsf tim-ira, a. dark, murky; n. darkness; clouded eyesight (a class of diseases of the eye): 1,f. N. of a town; -ta,f. dimness of the eyesight; -dosha, m. cataract (of the eye); -patala, n. veil of darkness: pl. cataract (of the eye); -maya, a. consisting altogether of darkness. frfiT'Tnq timira-ya, den. P. darken. fiTTdFlT timiraakula, a. filled with darkness, affected with cataract; -ari, m. (foe of darkness), sun: -ripu, m. owl. frfWIri' timiraogha, m. dense darkness. fwT tira, pr. base of V/tri. fR'N tiraya, den. P. conceal; stop, restrain, conquer; penetrate. f t' tiras-k, weak base of tiryaiAk. feT dPt tirask-fna, a. oblique, horizontal; sidelong. fTf,:tir-as, [A/tr] prp.( V.) with ac. across, through; over, past; without, against; with ab.without the knowledge of; ad. across, crossways, sideways; aside; out of sight: tiras kri, put aside, remove; cover, conceal; surpass; overcome; conquer; contemn; blame, scold; tiro dha, remove; conceal; repel, overcome; A. hide oneself from (ab.); disappear: pp. tir6hita, disappeared; hidden; tirobhtu, be removed, vanish; hide oneself: pp. tir6bhuta, vanished; cs. cause to disappear, remove. f'ff'l tiras-kara, a. (i) surpassing (g.); -karaniya, fp. to be overcome; -karin, m. curtain: (n)-i, f. id.; curtain concealing some one (g.); magic veil of darkness (making invisible); -kara, m. abuse, scolding; disrespect; -karin, a. surpassing (-~); -kriya,f. abuse; disrespect. foT'tWRWT tiro-dhatavya, fp. to be closed (ears); -dhana, n. disappearance; -bhvva, m. id.; -bhfita, pp. concealed; vanished; -hita, pp., v. tiras: -ta, f. disappearance: -m gam, vanish. f Mtfi iT tiryak-tf,f. nature or condition of beasts; -tva, n. id.; -patin, a. falling obliquely on (Ic.); -pratimukha jgata, n. obstruction from the side or in front; -prekshana, a. looking at sideways. f i Tqre tiryag-ayata,pp.extended across; -ga, a. moving horizontally; -ga, a. born of animals; -gana, m. animal, beast; -gAti, m. id.; -yona, m. animal; -yoni,f. womb of an animal; condition of animals; animal creation; -vata, m. side-wind; -visamsarpin, a. spreading sideways. fdiqti tiry-a'nk, a. (nm. m. -ani, n. -ak;;. tirask-i) transverse, horizontal; crossing; m. n. (movinghorizontally, opp. to man who walks erect), beast, animal (sts. including birds and plants); amphibious animal; n. ad. tiryrk, across; horizontally, obliquely, sideways. f'f[ tild, mn. sesamum (plant and seed: the latter is used asfood, and good oil is extracted from it); grain, atom; mole (on the body). f siij tila-ka, m. a tree; freckle, mole; coloured mark on the forehead (always here in the case of women) or elsewhere, as an ornament or sectarian distinction; m. ornament of (-~); N.; n. alliteration; a metre: -ka, m. N. BffTi'tila-kana, m. grain ofsesamum seed. Ifni^T tilaka-ya, den. P. mark; adorn: pp. tilakita. f timRaWm tilaka-rtga, m. N.; -atA,f. N.; -simha, m. N. 110 110 rqTfjq tila-ka'rshika. T.qi tulya-kaksha. fWT41f4 tila -karshika, a. cultivating sesamum; -khal3, f. oil-cake of sesamnum; -grgma,ma. N.ofavillage; ukrina, n. pounded. sesamum seeds; -taila, n. sesamum oil; -dvadaSIJf a certain twelfth day; -parna, -parnika, n. sandal-wood; -parni, f sandal tree (Peoapus santalinus); pIda, as. oilgrinder; -pushpa, n. sesamum blossom = the nose. fi.'PITUtila-sas, ad. in little fragments as small as sesamnum seeds. tfftw( tila amsa, ms. patch of land as small as a grain o sesamum; -a~mbu, n. water with sesamum. tf!'WTtiifiga,OkW -desa,m. N. ofa country. fUCI RT tila uttamft, f. N. of an Apsaras; N.; Zjidaka, n. water with sesamum. fir~' tilaodana, n. pap with sesamum. ff'i~fqi tilvaka, m. a tree (symplacos racefrfffk!1 tilvila, a. fertile, rich. [mosa). fzq tivya, ms. N. of a Brdhman. f7'tishyd (or y-), m. N. ofa celestial archer; N. of a lunar mansion (the sixth or eighth); a tree; N. ffT, tisri, f. base of tri, three. 7JJ~ktik-shnad,a. [V/tig+s~na] sharp, pointed; hot, burning; pungent (taste); violent, energetic; stern, harsh; severe; subtle,acute; n. harsh speech; as. N. OI T 11%7tilkshna-kara, as. (hot-raye d), sun; -t'a,f.sharpness; -tva,n.burningheat;-damshtr&, a. sharp-toothed; m. N.; -danda, a. punishing severely; -dhara,, a. keen-edged; m. sword; -mahrga, m. (whose path is sharp), sword; -rasa, as. burning draught, poison: -dayin~mpoisoner; -ritpin, a. harsh-looking; -vpka, a. causing a burning during digestion; -vrishana, m. N~ of a bull; (i)-srifiga, a. sharp-horned; -hridaya, a. hard-hearted: -tva, a. -ness. TT tks namsu, a. hot-rayed; as. sun; fire; zagra, a. sharp-pointed; -.arhis, a. hot-rayed.?Itir-a, n. [crossing: V/tri] shore, bank; -ga, a. growing on the bank (tree); -bhagg, a. standing on the bank; -bh kIya, a. coming from Tirhut. ~I~ira-ya, den. P. go through with, settle. 1rti-mbha, a., growing on the bank. ~ irna, pp. Of V8tri. #tir-thd1, (as.) n. [crossing-place: Vxtrit] ford; landing-stair; bathing-place, esp. one to which pilgqrimages are made for the ex~piation of sins; approach to the sacrificial altar, between the trench (kfttv&la) and the mound of earth (utkara); right place or moment; suitable opportunity; customary or right manner (in. duly); instruction, guidance; teacher, instructor; certain (four) lines or parts of the hand; venerable or sacred object;. worthy person; kind of court official. 7iVEW tirtha-ka, axvorthy; holy; m. ascetic, sectary; -kara, a. making a ford through life, delivering (Vishnu or Siva); religious pioneer, reformer, founder of a sect; -ftaL f.visiting sacred bathing-places, pilgrimage; -ragl, f. series of sacred bathing-places, ep. of Benares; -vat, a. abounding in landing-stairs or sacred bathing-places; as1~f stone stair to the water; -sevana, n., frequenting sacred bathing-places; -seviaf id. w#wt'irth~i-kri, hallow; -bhtt, be hallowed. wij~fi* t~irtha udaka, a. water from a sacred bathing-place. [ascetic, sectary. W1 tir~th-ya, a. relating to a Tirtha; as. 7f — t~ivara, as. hunter (mixed caste). tiiv-ril, a. sharp; hot; violent, intense, severe, great, excessive, bad: -ta',f. severity, violence, intensity; -gati,f. great pace; a. being in an evil plight; -dyuti, as. sun; atitivra, a. excessively severe. TU, IL. P. taV-i'-ti, be powerful, prevail. U h, pcl. (never commences a sentence): with impv. pray (V.); but: sts. = ha or vak, or a mere expletive; api tu, but rather; kim tu, but yet, nevertheless; no, tu, but not; na tu eva tui, never at all; param tu, yet, nevertheless, however; tu-tu, indeed-but; ha-na. tun, although-yet not; na or na kaapi tun, not-but rather; ka~mam (km) - tu or kim tun, although-yet; kgmam, bhftas or varam-na tin, rather-than. 'q;%' tuhkha'ra, as. N. of a people. tuk, m. child, boy. UTtug-ra, m. N. tufiga, a. high, prominent, lofty; m. height; hill; N.; -dhanvan, m.N. of a king; -balm, m. N. ofascarri or;.4Atman, a. eminent. ftuiig-in,adlofty; culminating (planet).UfWiRvr tufsg-i-mnan, as. height, loftiness; eminence. HE tukkha, a. empty, void, vain; N. vain thing: -tva, a. emptiness; vanity; -daya, a. unmerciful; -praya, a. rather insign3ificant. TEE tukkha-ya, den. P. make empty or poor. j!EW-tukkh-yd,a.empty,vain; n. emptiness. TUG, VI. tugaior tuiig&, strike; push; \Nincite, stimulate; cs. tugkya, P. move swiftly (mnt.). tuhglgna, as. N. of various kings. W tunda, n. beak; snout, trunk; mouth (used contemptuously); ltf. kind of cucumber. IftlR. tundi-bha, a. having a prominent navel; -la, a. id. UN tuttha, a. blue vitriol. `fm TUD,VL P. tud&, strike; push; pound; 'X3stng goad: pp. tunnA; cs. todaya, goad; intv. totudyate,,be goaded. 'a, strike against; peck, bite; urge on. pra, strike; cs. urge. vi, prick. UI tud-a, a. striking, cha-fing, galling(O) I~TT' tuda'-ya', den. vi, Pierce. tund-a, n. paunch; -ila, a. fat-bellied. UTMT' tunna-va'ya, as. tailor. IN tubara, a. astringent. U~tum-un,=inf. ending -turn. tum-ula, a. noisy, tumultuous; a. noise, din, tumult. [vulgaris). tumba, as., 14f. long gourd (lagenaria T<TUR, VI. tur&, hasten, press. onward, ~3Nrace; cs. turiiya, id. i. tur-a', a. quick; ready, willing. 2. tu-rd, a. strong, mighty, superior; rich, abundant. I I Uwtura-ga, as. horse: ii,f. mare; -pariha'raka,ma. groom; -mukha, as. (having a horse's face), a Kimnara; -vihy1iL, f. course for horses. UT; turam-ga, as. (swift-goer), horse. U~TW~R turam-gama, as. (i1) horse: -tva, a. abst. Nr.; -medha, as. horse-sacrifice. -I~tqtvluramsgi-bhfL,beturnedintoa horse. U''7turat-sha'h (am. -shat; -sa~h, before vowels), a. quickly conquering (Indra); as. ep. of Indra. ~tur' f-weaver'9s brush; weaver's shuttle. m.tur-Aya (also hid- and -yd, SB.), a. fourth; consisting of four; a. fourth state of Vedadntist'ssoul(completeutnionwith&Brahasa). V'T 2.tir-'iya,a.[ka-tur~iya] fourth (part); a. quarter. ~t~ tur'iya-ka, a. fourth (part). Ilk'f turush-ka, ast. Turk; olibanuam (kind of resin). tur-ya, a. [ka-tur-ya] fourth. ~ urya-vih, a. (strong st. -va'h, am. -vat bigin its fourth year (ox); as. ox -, f. turah cow in its fourth year. TURV, I.P rtnva, overcome, over\~N p~wer; help'to victory, deliver.,q turv~ti, as. N. ~~ TUJL, X. P. tolaya, and tulaya, lift; \~N weigh; ponder; scrutinise; suspect; compare with, make equal to (in.); counterbalance, equal, attain (ac.): pp. tulita. ud, raise (ac.); weigh. sam, weigh together. UR tul-ana, a. raising; weighing, estimating;& f. equality with (in., 3.),gain, or a-ya, become like, equal, resemble, compare with (in. or -) 'qT tul-'af. balance, scale; weight; similarity, equality (with, in., -..); Libra (sign of the zodiac): a-ruh osam -ruh, ascend the scales with =bear comparison with, resemble, equal, be a match for (in.), -m adhiruh, id.; be weighed; enter the sign of Libra; -m with cs. of adhi-ruh etc., place on the balance, weigh; hazard, stake; ps. -m ' ropya, be endangered; tuay dhri, weigh in the balance, compare (ac.) with (in.). U T~ff- tua-oi as. end of the beam of the balance; anklet; -dhaxa, a. bearing the balance; -dhirana, n. weighing; -,-adhirohana, a. comparable to (-~O); -purusha, as. man's weight in gold etc.; kind of penance; -yashti, f. beam of the balance; -yoga, as. pl. uses of the balance; -vat, a. furnished with a balance. Uqi7 tiil-ya, a. balancing, equal, similar (to, in., g.,.-0; in, in., lc., or rarely -O); of the same caste; of like account, indifferent; - or aad. tulya-kaksha, a. equal (-O); -kulya, a. of the same family; as. relative; -guna, a. of similar qualities, equally good; -g~t3iya, a. of the same kind, like; -ta',f. equality with (in. or ~Oin (in.); -tva, a. equality, with (in. or -9;-darsana, a. looking at everything with indifference; -naktaas-dina, a. to whom night and day are alike; -nindi-stifti, a. indifferent to blame and praise; -bhagya, a. having a like fate; -yoga pam', f. a rhetorical figure in which di8ssim'ilar objects are U~rT7rf~ r tulyakriti. -a tri. 111 treated alike; -vayas, a. of equal age; -sas, ad. alike, in equal parts; -sila, a. acting similarly: -t, f. abst.., WTTSfTd tulya. kriti, a. having a like appearance; - ntaram, ad. with equal intervals; - artha, a. equally rich; - avastha, a. placed in a like condition with g.). <ft tuv-f, a.much; mighty (only -~): -gata, pp. of mighty race, powerful. Hf f? tuv-ish-mat, a. mighty, powerful. '5 TUS, I. A. t6sa, (V.) drip; sprinkle. H TUSH, IV. P. (A.) be calmed; be \ satisfied, pleased, or content with, rejoice in (in., d.,g., ic., orprati); satisfy: pp. tushta, content, satisfied, pleased; cs. toshaya, appease; satisfy, gratify, gladden (ac.) with (in.): pp. toshita, satisfied or gladdened by (in. or -O)..upa, cs. P. satisfy with (in.). pari, be much pleased with (in. or lc.): pp. completely satisfied; very glad or cheerful; gd. -tushya, for joy; cs. appease or satisfy completely, gratify greatly (with, in.). sam, be calmed; feel satisfied with, rejoice in (in.): pp. satisfied, content (with, in.,-~); es. P. satisfy, gratify, gladden, present with (in.). '11 tush-a, m. husk of grain, rice, etc.; chaff. riT4,1 q tusha-khandana, n. pounding of husks =fruitless endeavour; -dhlnya,n.pulse; -agni, m. fire of chaff; - anala, m. id.;.ambu, n. sour rice or barley gruel. 1'Ti tush-ara, a. cold; m. sg.andpl. (hoar)frost, snow; dew; spray; mist: -kana, m. snow-flake; -kara, -kirana, m. (cool-rayed), moon; -gaura, m. camphor (white as snow); -dyuti, m. moon; -patana, n. snowfall; -muarti, m. moon; -rasmi, m. id.; -varsha, m. snowfall; -varshin, a. snowing; -sikharin, m. Himalaya; -saila, m. id. WVTR 35tushara amsu,m. (cold-rayed),moon; - adri, m. (snow mountain), Himalaya. lfri^ tush-ita, m. pl. a class of subordinate deities. ]6f9 tush-ti,f. satisfaction, contentment. Jfi' tuhina, n. sg. & pl. cold, (hoar)-frost, snow; dew; mist: -kana, m. snow-flake; -kara, m. moon; -kirana, m. id.; -giri, m. (snowmountain), Himalaya; -dyuti, m. moon; -mayfikha, m. id. [with ice. qnfw' tuhina-ya, den. P. turn into or cover lf'rTmi Tx tuhina-sarkara,f. lump of ice; -saila, m. Himalaya; -akala, m. id.; - adri, m. id. iTf'fi'?Twl tu-hiadi-paribhasha, f. key-rule as to tu, hi, etc. (i. e. ha, vai, tad), meaning that these particles express occurrence in 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 hymns. RT! tu-na, m., i,f. quiver (often du.). &S!Si thna-ka, -0 a. id. Tf9 tinava, m. flute..t'i tun-ira, m. quiver. [quiver. VtI tanlra-ya, den. A. represent a.W tuta, m. mulberry tree. 4x: tu-tug-i, a. swift; -i, furthering (g.). HTT tupard, a. unhorned; m. hornless goat. JWrJ tuyam, ad. quickly. It tirna, pp. of Vtvar. t. tir-ya, a. fourth (_turya). 5' 2. turya, n. musical instrument: -maya, a. musical. IT tula, n. tuft; cotton; mattress stuffed with cotton: -ka, n. cotton; -daham, abs. with dah, burn (tr.) like cotton. fRiiT tfl-ika, f. paint brush; mattress filled with cotton; -inl, f. cotton shrub. ' s tfsha, m. n. hem of a garment. w1ti tusshni-ka, a. silent, taciturn. ~q~StT tushmnn, ad. silently, in silence: m-samsa, m. silent recitation (designation of certain verses to be repeated in silence); mdanda, m. secret punishment; m-bh&va, m. silence. P trik-f, m. n. stanza of three verses. T9 tridhd, pp. of Vtrih. UT trz-na, n. [piercing: Vtri] grass, herb; blade of grass; straw (often = a mere nothing): trinavat kri, trinam(iva) man or samarthaya, account as a straw; trinaya na man, not care a straw about; trinabuddhim dha, id. (lc.). UI RiiT trina-kutira, straw hut: -Ia, id.; -kuta, m. n. heap of grass; -ganana,f. accounting as a straw, attaching no value to (lc.); -kkhedin, a. who cuts or tears up grass. IT[f trina-tantu, m. blade of grass; -purusha-ka, n. man of straw; -puli, f. bunch of grass; -praya, a. grassy; -bindu, m. N. of a sage andprince; -bhug, a. grass-eating; m. grass-eater;.bhfuta, pp. become as thin or weak as a blade of grass; -maya, a. made of grass. T1WlT tri-nata,f. bow (bent inthree places). U'IT trina-ya, den. P. account as a straw. 1fTfV trina-rag, m. palmyra (king of grasses); -ryga, m. id.; -lava, m. blade of grass; -vat, a. grassy; -sara, a. weak or soft as grass. 1TifT trinaagni, m. grass-fire (which is quickly consumed); - ankura, m. young grass; -_ada, a. grass-eating; - asa, - asana, -sin, a. grass-eating; m. grass-eater. Uitti trini-kri, account as a straw. Ml' i trinaudaka, n. sg. grass and water: -bhumi, n. sg. grass, water, and a place to sit on; -ulapa, n. grass and shrubs; - ulka,f. burning bunch of grass. 5! trinna, pp. of Vtrid. f7ft I. tri-tlya, a. third: -m, ad. thirdly, for the third time; a, f. third day in afortnight; endings ofthe third case, instrumental.?lft; 2. trf-tiya, a. third (part); n. a third; third place: -ka, a.recurring on the third day. rf"^m" tr ttya-divasa, m.third day: lc. the day after to-morrow; - amsa, m. third; a. receiving a third as a share; a-samasa, m. compound dependent in the instrumental sense. Wfl T'9ftrttiy-in, a. being of the thirdrank; entitled to a third part. f f trstsu, m. sg. and p. N. of a Vedic tribe. W TRID, VII. trinatti, trintte, split, cleave, pierce; open, set free: pp. trinna. jW tri-n, suix -tri (denoting an agent) when the root is accented. i1 TRIP, IV. trzpya; V. P. tripnoti (V.); VI. P. trimpati (V.), become satiated, be satisfied (with, in.,g., lc.); partake of, enjoy (ab.): pp. tripta, satisfied with (in., g., -o); cs. tarpaya, satisfy; refresh; please, gladden; des. of cs. titarpayisha, wish to satisfy or refresh. pra, cs. satisfy; strengthen, invigorate. sam, refresh oneself with (g.); cs. satisfy, refresh, gladden. f~ trzp-ti,f. (also -ti) satisfaction; satiety. f;riT tripti-kara, a. satisfying; -karaa, a. id.; -mat, a. satisfied (with, cl.); -yoga, m. satisfaction. t; trip-rs, a. restless, anxious. ( TRISH, IV. P. trd'shya, be thirsty: _pp. trishita, thirsty; greedy. 5I trish, f. thirst. Ttrish-a;f.thirst; vehement desire,greed: - arta, pp. tortured with thirst; filled with greed. Pe trish-td, pp. dry, hard; rough, hoarse. 9f- trish-ndg, a. thirsty. YT trz'sh-na,f. thirst; desire, greed; eagerness for (-~): -amaya, a. dying of thirst. [TW', trishya-vat, a. thirsty. jg TRIH, VII. P. trinedhi (V.), crush: (, pp. tridha or trilha. TRI, I. tara, VI. tira (V.), cross (tr. and int.); traverse; cross over to (ac.); float; get to the end of, accomplish; flyalong (horses); fulfil; pass through, overcome, escape: pp. tirna, passed over, crossed, traversed; having crossed ( + ac.); having thoroughly studied; cs. taraya, take across (ac.); save, rescue, or deliver from (ab.); des. titirsha, wish to cross, to (ac.); intv. tartariti or tarltariti, overcome all difficulties. ati, get across to, attain; overcome, escape (ac.). viati, cross beyond, overcome. ava, descend, to (ac., lc.), from (ab.); come down to earth, become incarnate (of gods); appear, show itself; get over, recover from (an illness); betake oneself to, arrive at, attain: darsanapatham -, come into view; siddhipatham-,be fulfilled; pramanapatham na -, admit of no proof: pp. avatlrna, having come to (ac.) from (ab., -~); having become incarnate, owing to or in the form of (-o); cs. cause to descendoralight; bring down, take off (clothes etc.); remove; avert (eye) from (ab.); introduce; perform: pp. -tarita. sam-ava, having descended; cs. cause to descend from (ab.). a, overcome; increase, extend; glorify. ud, come out of (ab.); emergefrom (water); escape from (ab.); descend; alight, put up at (Ic.); cross over to (ac.); get over, overcome: pp. -uttirna, with act. or ps. meaning (gnly.-~ or with ab.); cs. raise, fetch, help, or let, out of (ab.); deliver from (ab.); cause to descend from (ab.); take off (clothes etc.); unload (wares); take across. pra ud, emerge from the water (ab.); pass over, cross. sam-ud, step out of the qwater (ab.); come out of (ab.); escape from (ab.); cross. nis, escape from (ab.); cross over; overcome, get rid of; clear oneself of (an accusation): pp. with act. & ps. mg.; cs. save or deliver from (ab.). pra, take to the water, cross (ac.); further, promote, increase; prolong (life); cs. extend, prolong (life); mislead, deceive; lead away, persuade to (d., lc.). vi-pra, cs. deceive. vi, traverse; grant, afford, bestow; give away; give in marriage; produce; perform; fight (battles): pp. gnly. ps.; having penetrated beyond (ac.). pra-vi, bestow. sam, cross to (ac.); traverse (a path) together; be saved from (only pp.); cs. take across, save from (ab.); rescue from all dangers. 112 t te., '=4'q t r'a s -'a. Wte, enc. d., g. of tvam. ~t tega, m. N. ~t17'I teg-ana, n. sharpening; kindling; point, arrow-head; shaft of an arrow; reed, cane; 3i, f. bundle of reeds, matting; bunch, roll, twist. WW~(te'g-as, n. sharpness; edge; heat, fire, bright flame, light, brilliance (sg. & pl.); splendour, beauty; energy, vigour, force, vitality, strength; violence; influence; mental, moral, or magical power; dignity, majesty, glory; distinguished personage; semen virile; passion in philoso~phy (ragas). W5FFITII te'gas-kftma, a. desirous of manly vigour; aiming at dignity or distinction; -vat, a. brilliant, splendid, glorious: 4i, f. N. of a princess; -vi-ta^, f. energy; dignity, majesty; -vi-tva, n. splendour; -via, a. sharp; bright; strong, energetic; dignified; glorious. War:-'r tegah-sena, m. N. of a man. [liant. Wf~W te'g-ishtha, spy, brightest; very bril~Y ttego-clvaya, n. sun and moon (the two lights); consiiting of light or splendour; -maya, a. (i) brilliant, radiant; powerful; UrfPa a.fre pure splendour or radiance; -vat, a. bright; brilliant; -vritta, n. dignified behaviour, energetic action. Wifl tedani (ori'),f. (coagulated) blood. WWT te'na, in. (of ta) ad. thither; thus; therefore (corr. yatah, yad, yasm&t, yena); tena hi, then. [pungency; severity, harshness. RII taiksbn-ya~nsharpness; burningheat; Wa taigas-a, a. (I') COnsisting oflight, brilliant; consisting of metal. taitila, m. deity. ~fR taittira, a. (i) produced from partridges; descended from Tittiri. W taittir'iya, m. p1. N. of a school of the Yagur-veda: -km, a. belonging to the school of the Taittirlyas; -p Atskhya, n. Prfitis~khya of theTaittirlyas; -yagur-veda, mn. the Yagur-veda of the Taittirlyas; askh, f.the school of the Taittirlyas; -samhita. the Samhitg of the Taittirlyas; - ranyaka, n. an Aranyaka of the Taittirlyas';-1pai shad,f. the Taittirlya Upanishad. +1l-IT taimir-a-roga, in. cataract (of the eye). [ract (timira). Rf~f"Kqitaimir-.ika, a. suffering from cata1W taimir-ya, n. darkening (of the eyesight). W~q tairth-ika, a. her etical; in. worthy person; n. water from a holy bathing-place. 7TW41r ta-iryag-yona, a. of animal origin; m. animal. RW tail a, n. slesamum oil; oil (sometimes pl.). R~ff, taila-kfira, in. oil-grinder; -pa-ka, in. oil-drinking beetle, cockroach; -parnika, m. kind of sandal tree; -pitra, n. vessel for oi; pyin, m. hind of beetle; -pradipa, in. oil-lamp; -yantra, n. oil-mill. ~fritail-ika, in., IVf. oil-grinder.,dW~tailvaka,a.madefromtheTilvakatree. 'W taisba, a. (i) relating to the lunar mansion Tishya; m. N. of a month; I~f day of full moon in the month Taisha. WMtkn. progeny, offspring, race; child. tok-ma, in. gr een blade of cereals, esp. barley; young sprout. WIE totaka, a. quarrelsome; n. angry speech; a metre; hind of play. 'RhIW to't-tra, n. goad (for driving cattle). Wr;tod-4, in. goader, driver; sting; -ana, n. stinging; -ya, n. kind of cymbal. iPRK tomara, in. n. javelin. 'RT1!RK tomarftna, m. N. iP. t6ya, n. water: -m -kri, offer a libation of water to the dead (g.). 7ft'94M~ toya-kana, mn. drop of water; -karman, n. libation of water to the dead; -kridi, f. sporting in the water; -kara, a. moving in the water; m. aquatic animal; -ga, a. growing or living in the water; n., lotus: - akshi, f. lotus-eyed maiden; -da, mn. raincloud: - atyaya, in. autumn;.dhara, a. water-bearing; -dhara, M.,6.f stream of water; -dhi, m. ocean; -maya, a. (i) consisting of water; -mitra avasesha, a. having nothing but water left (in. them); -muk, in. cloud; -yantra, n. water-clock; -rig, m. ocean (lord of waters); -ra'si, m. pond, lake; sea; -vat, a. supplied with or surrounded by water; -viha, m. rain-cloud. ilPF toya agni, m. submarine lire;.anigali,. m. two handfuls of water (in honour ofthe dead); - idhira, m. reservoir, pond; ii1aa, m. ocean; - Asaya, in. reservoir, lake;..utsarga, m. discharge of water. WIT torana, n. arched portal, triumphal arch: -mm'na, m. N. #jItola-ka, n. (?) a weight (= 2 sfnas). -fli tol-ana, n. lifting; weighing (with, saha); -ya, fp. to be weighed. 'ffliI tosh-a', in. satisfaction, pleasure (in, g., le.,.S); -ana, a. (i') appeasing, satisfying, delighting; n. id.; -in, a. (P) content with, liking; satisfying, gladdening. WITTtos-un, inf. ending -tos. ~tTtaugr-yd, m. son of Tiigra (Bhugyu). IRW-11T taurya-traya, n. (triad of music), music, song, and dance. *W taul-ya, n. weight. TrRT taushatra, a. produced by snow.?Mff, tmadn, in. vital breath; one's self: in. tmina& and lc. tmim =pcls. certainly, at least, even, also (generally emphasizing preceding word); often uith uta or ka, and also, and certainly; with iva or na, just as; with idha, and even. M tyd, prn. that; that well-known (ille). Cq malft-twtyakta-glivita, a. abandoning( risking) one's life, brave; - tman, a. despairing of himself. MTWW tyak-tavya, fp. to be abandoned; to be despaired of; to be sacrificed. [cred) fire. MW'~Tft4 tyakta agni, a. neglecting the (saWfITr tyaktu-kftma, a. wishing to leave. MW'~ tyak-tri, in. one who abandons, (g.) or sacrifices (ac.). [except. R4 iT tyak-tva, gd. (v'/tyag) disregarding= TYAG [(a)ti ag], I. P. (A.) tyaga, Nleave, forsake; abandon,; disown; expose (a child); quit (a place); avoid (a person); let alone, spare,; give up, renounce, abandon, throw, oir give away; neglect; ignore: kalevaram, tanum or deham -, die; gilvitam, pr~n~n or sv~sam -, id. or risk one's life; ps. be forsaken by (in.) -~get rid of: pp. tyakta; ci. ty~gaya, cause to abandon (2 ac.); rob Of (2 ac.); expel; cause to be disregarded: pp. ty.%gita. pari, abandon; disown; quit (a place); give up, abandon, relinquish; avoid; disregard: deham-,die;g'ivitamorpr'an~an-, renounce life; ps. be abandoned by (in.) = lose:' _pp. robbed or bereft of, deserted by, without (in., -2) sam, abandon, desert, disown; quit (a place); avoid, shun; give up, renounce; withdraw from; disregard: pp. robbed or bereft of, without, -less (in., ) gd. -tyagya, excepting (ac.).,[offering. MT tyag, a. (-c) abandoning, giving up; MTf tyag-ana, n. desertion. M tyag-as, in. offspring. WZ tyd-d, nin. ac. n. of tya; ad. as is well known,indeed(alwaysprecededlbyhaor-ydsya)WfT[ tyfg-, in. abandonment, desertion; quitting; giving up, sacrifice, renunciation; liberality: -karma-samanvita, pp. linked MrTf'TT tyqgi-tat, f~liberality.?MTf~': tyAg-in, a. abandoning, deserting; sacrificing: Atmanah,throwing away one's life, suicide;.-R, giving up, rejecting, renouncing. WTE ty~g-aka, a. abandoning, refusing; -ana, n. giving up, renunciation; -ya,fp. to be abandoned, - deserted, - cast off; shunned; g iven up or away. TRAP, I. A. trapa, be embarrassed or ashamed; cs. trapaya, P. cause to be embarrassed or ashamed. '141 trap-ft,f. embarrassment, shame. M trdp-u, n. tin. 'J' tray-6, a. (i) threefold, triple: trayl' vidya', the threefold knowledge, knowledge of the three Vedas; n. triplet, triad; i, f. id.; the three Vedas; the Buddhist triad, Buddha, Dharina, and Samgha; summit. Tg'17trayas-trimsd, a. (11) thirty-third.,ttq'I kqW trdyas-triinsat, f. thirty-three. 'WfTiiwRZR trayil-dha'ma-vat, a. whose light consists of the three Vedas; ep. of the sun; -maya, a. (i) consisting of or based on the three Vedas, IT trayo-dasd, a. (i) thirteenth; i, f. thirteenth day of the fortnight. IW R taods-ha ad. thirteenfold, in thirteen parts. '1-4T;,1f trdyo-dasan (or sdn), num. thirteen. [Verses. v~iw taods id a. having fourteen' T' I I ' T trayo-vimsa', a. (i) twenty-third. i f 7if# trdyo-vimsati, f. twenty-three. iT TRAS, I. P. trksa, IV. (E. also A.) trasya, tremble or quake, at, be afraid of (in., ab., g.): pp. trastk, aifrighted, trembling; cs. trsaya.(E. also.)shake; frighten, scare. apa, start back, flee. ud, pp. uttrasta, frightened; cs. terrify, scare away. pai, pp.terrified. vi, tremblebe frightened: pp. affrighted; s. terrify. sam, pp. terrified; as. terrify. 'Tf tras-a, a. moving; n. living creature: (a)-dasyu, in. (at whom demons tremble), N. of a generous prince, favourite of the gods; -renu, in. mote in a eun-bueam. vo tras-nu. tri-saAku. "fe f-117 113 ~9tras-nu, a. timid. NT TRA, TI; IV. X. tra'ya, protect, rescue, from (ab., g.); ps.triyate: pp.,,trita. pari, d;p. ipv. paritr'yat&m, help! IT1J trA ana, n. protection (of or from, O) help; sh~elter; mail, cuirass, guard, helmet. 'T1!1" tratn-ana, n. protecting, guarding. 7TWT tra'-tavya, fp. to be protected or guarded;..tri, m. protector, saviour (of, g., from, ab.); -tra, n. protection. 'ITPj tra'ush-a, a. made of tin. -P.Tfq trat-ya-ti, m. the root tr' (3rd sg. used as N.). 1R; trfts-a, M. fright, terror; frightening: -dinam, ad. pitifully for fear;; atham, n. in order to frighten. 'jT'f trfts-ana, a. (i.) frightening (g. or —) n. terrifying; scaring away; -aniya,fjp. calculated to frighten or terrify; -in, a. timid. ft tri, num. pI. m. n. (f. tisri) three: trishu (gr. or lex.) = of all three genders. f~i'f trim-sd, a. (i1) thirtieth; -sitf. [tri+ (da)sat] thirty (rarely p1., gnly. in the same case as its noun, sts. governing a gen.); -sati, fid. fI V11 w trimsat-ka, n. an aggregate Of 30; -tam&, ord. num. (1) thirtieth, f,4TW trimsad-bhAga, m. thirtieth part; -vimsa, a. p1. between twenty and thirty. fqjtri-ka', a. forming a triad, consisting of three; ~ sata, three per cent.; a. triad; chine-bone; hips; m. triangularplace or court. f ~~~tri-kakiid, a. having three peaks; eP. of Vishnu (Krishna) and of Brahma. f*473tri-kak-dbh, a.id.; m.thunderbolt; ep. of Indra. frtrf-kadrui-ka, m. VI. N. of certain three Soma vessels; -]Papu1a, a. distributed on three dishes; -karma-krit, a. performing the three chief actions of a Brdhman (sacrifice, Vedic study, and charity); -karman, a. id. co IT'~ tri-kfia, a. the three times: past, present, and future; morning, noon, evening: -in, three times; -giia, a. knowing the three times, omniscient; -dansin, a. id.; _rUtpa, a. appearing in the form of the three times (sun); -sniy-in, a. bathing morning, noon, and night: ()ta~f practice of bathing morning,,,noon, and night. ftTZ tri-kiita, a. having three peaks; m. N. of various mountains; -kritvas, ad. thrice; -gfana, m. the triad virtue, (dharma), utility (artha), pleasure (k~ma). f'T7I tri-garta, m. pi. (country of the three strongholds), N. of a people; sg.. the country or a prince of Trigarta. f~utri-guna, m. p1. or n.- sg.. the three funamental qualities; a. consisting of three threads or cords; threefold; three times as great or as many; containing the threefundamental qualities: saptatrig an nidn 3L, three times seven =twenty-one days; -it maka, a. possessing the three fundamental qualities. f*7rr41t tri-grami f. N. of a locality.. f" trika, m. n.. stanza of three verses (c~p. trika). fN-"tri-kakrd, a. three-wheeled; a. three. wheeled car; -kakshus, a. three-eyed; -katuna, a. three or four; -gagat, n. sg. pl. the three worlds (heaven, earth,, lower regions): (gq)_gauani',f. the mother of the three worlds, Pi~rvatl; -gata, a. wearing three braids:'a f. N. of a lldlkshasi; -gita: -ka, n. the three spices, viz, cinnamon, cardamoms, and nutmeg; -nayana, m. (three-eyed), Siva; -naAkiketa, a. having three times lighted the fire named Nctkiketa. f'Jif tritd, m. N. of a Vedic god, Third form of Agni (probably lightning), connected with Indra and the winds, represented as engaged in combat with meteoric demons; his dwelling-place is remote and hidden, and he is called.A~ptya, son of the waters (= clouds); N. of various RiAhi: pl. a class of gods. f'jiT tri-taya, n. triad; at,. -tva, a. id.; -danda, n. triple staff of the Brdhman ascetic; triple control (of thought, word, and deed); -dandiu, a. bearing the triple staff; controlling thought, word, and deed; m. Br~hman ascetic. f*PTi tri-dasd, a. PI. three times ten; m. th e thirty sc. gods (round number for 3 3): -ti, f., -tva, n. divine nature; -pati, m. ep. of Indra: -sastna, n. Tndra's weapon, thunderbolt; -vanita', f. celestial female, Apsaras; -saila, m. ep. of mount Kailisa; -sreshtha, a. ep. of Brahma or Agni.. f~(WuTi tridasa adhipa, m. lord of the gods; -.!dhipati, m. id.; - iyudha, n. rainbow; - ani, m. enemy of Thie gods,. Asura; - 1aya, m. abode of the gods, heaven; celestial, god. I R4I tridas'i-bhft, become a god. I iWWtridasa indra, m. chief of the gods, ep. of Indra; -Jsvana, m. p1. chiefs of the gods (Indra, Agni, Varuna, Yama). Nf" tri-,divd, a. third (= highest) heaven, always with g. divah ( V.); heaven (C.): -gata, pp. gone to heaven, dead; 'svaa_ mep-of Indra; - Okas, m. inhabitant of heaven, god. f'VT tri'-dha', ad. threefold; thrice; in three places, in(to) three parts; - kri, triple. f —irVi' tri-dhatu, a. threefold; a. the triple world. fNiiTII~ tri-dhhman, a. tripartite; -nayana- a. three-eyed; m. ep. of Siva; -netna, a. three-eyed; sin. Siva; -paksha, n. three fortnights; _pasik~si, a. consisting Of 53; -pat~kia, a. (hand) with three (fore~finger, middle, and little finger) outstretched fingers (sign on the stage to indicate a desire to say something secretly); -patha, a. the three paths, i. e. heaven, shy (or lower regions), and earth.. f~til tri-pdd (or trl-:- strong St. -pa'd), a. (-i)>hree-footed; taking three steps; -SL, f kind of gait in the elephant; -pada, a. having three feet; having three (metrical) pa'das; -pala, a. weighing three palas; -pkthixi, a. studying the three Vedas; -p~,eaka, a. (ikA) three-footed; -pitaka, n. the three literary collections (lit, baskets) of the Buddhists (i. e. the S-fitra-,Vinaya-, and Abhidharma-pitaka); -piba, a. drinking with three organs (ears and tongue); -:pishtapa, n. Indra's heaven; -pundna: -ka, n. three streaks marked on various parts with ashesi es.p. on~theforehead by Sivaworshippers. tri-pura, a. triple citadel'; threeAsura fortresses of gold,, silver, and iron, burned by Siva; i,f.N. of the ca'pital of Kedi; _gha'tin, -ghna, m. Siva; -da~ha, m. burning of Tripura; -druh, -dvish, m. ~Siva; -vigaya, m. con quest of Tripura; -vigayin, m. Siva; -hana, m. id. f 14,4rIrCi tri-purftna-ka, a. (ik&) worth three purfinas; -purniniya, a. id. f~I'I-TI E tripura antaka, a. destroying Tripura (Radma's bow); m. e~p. of Siva; 4ritil, tri-purusha, a. three men =three generations: -in, ad. for three generations; ai, a. as long as three men. fN4, Tftripur i'sa adri, m. N~ofa moun - tamn; jvara, N. ofa town and of a temple. ftii13tc tri-pushkara, a. adorned with three lotuses: PI. N. of a sacred bathing-place. NI tri-prishtha, a. having or occupying three backs, ridges, or heights; m. Vishnu; -prakaira, a. threefold; -phala, a. bearing three fruits; -b~hu, a. three-armed; -bhlgafa m. third part (esp. of the eye in a side-glance); -bhuvaua, n. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, and earth;m. N.: -guru, m. e~p. of Siva, -pati, m. ep. of Vishnu; -bhaumna, a. three-storied; -madhu, a. who knows or recites the three verses beginning with, madhu (RV. I, xc, 6-8); -mitra, a. containing three morae; -ma~rga-gii, f. ep. of the Gange8; -infinti, a. having three forms; c'-, the trinity, i. e. LBrahma, Vishnu, Siva. f~rJ~tri-y-ambaka,m.(three-eyed),Siva. NV tri-yava, a. weighing three barleycorns; -Yiua, a. the three vehicles (to salvation) of the Buddhists; -yima, a. having three watches (nine hours): fs,f. night; -nasaka, n. spirituous liquor (having three tastes); -nitri, a. sg. pl. period of three nights (i. e. days): -i, for three days, in., ab. after three days; a. lasting three days; m. three days' festival: - avarain, ad. at least three days; (i)-ni~pa, a. having three forms or colours;.lifiga., a. having the three fundamental qualities; having three genders, adjectival; -loka, a., 3', f., sg., m. pl. the three worlds: heaven, sky or lower regions, earth,: -nitha, m. ep. of Indra and' of Siva, -jsa, m. ep. of Vishnu. [N.: -pA'la, m. N. f 1#q qtri-lokana, a.three-eyed; m. Siva; f~9 tri-vandhurd, a. three-seated; -vanga, m. aggregate of three: virtue (dharma), pleasure (khma), utility (artha); or loss (kshaya), status quo (sth~na), gain (vriddhi); or the three qualities (sattva, ragas,. tamas); or the three higher castes;. -varna, a. threecoloured; -vansha, a. space of three years; a. three years old; -vali (sts. i only 0), f, three folds above the navel (considered, beautiful in women); -vaikika, a. produced by three words; -v~rshika, a. three years old; -viknaina, a. the three steps of Vishnu; a. having taken the three steps; vz.Vishnu; -vidya, a. containing the three Vedas; -vidha, a. of three kinds, triple,.threefold; -vid a, ad, into three parts; -vishtapa, a. (Indra's) heaven; -vishiti, ad. three times; -vrit, a. threefold', triple, tripartite; m. (sc. stoma) peculiar triple mode of reciting iRV. IX, xi; triple cord: -karana, a. tripling, -a,. threefoldness; -veda (Q-), 3', f. the three Vedas; a. versed in or containing the three Vedas; -vedin, a. id, f' tri-saiiku. m. N. of an ancient sage ando a king of Ayodhyd, raised to the stars as the, Southern Cross: -tilaka, a. adorned with the Southern Cross: dis,f. = the South; -5atfi, a. io03; 3oo; 300th; consisting of 300; a. 300; -sAkha, a. having three branches; Q 1,14 14flqigwTr tri-sfia'-~ya. tsar-u. -sikha, a. three-crested, three-pronged, shaped like a trident; n. trident; -sikhara, a. three-peaked; -siras, a. three-headed; threepeaked; m. N. of a Rishi with the patronymic Tvinhtra, reputed author of 11 V. X, viii; N. ofalidlkshasa slain bylldma; -srshm, -sirshin, a. three-headed; -sfilm, n. trident; a. wielding the trident (Siva). [trident. uT-,;~TWT tri-sfila&-ya, den. A. be like Siva's TVf1O~friT tri-setl-ikf, f. little trident; -sriiiga, a. three-horned; three-peaked; m. trident; N. of a mountain. f:rtrih-sveta, a. white in three places. f,9wqv4-r tri-shadha-stha, a. being in three places; n. threefold place; -shavana, a. accompanied by three Soma-pressings; n. the three Soma-pressings during the day; with& sn~na, n. triple daily ablution: -in, ad. morning, noon, and evening, -snM^y3in, a. performing ablutions three times a day; -shash, a. pl. three times six., eighteen; -shtub-anta, a. ending with a trishtubh; -shtiibh,f. (triple praise), a metre Of 4 x II syllables. fijl tri's, ad. three times: trir iihnas, three times a day. fq_!?~r tri-satya, n. triple oath; -samdhya, n. the three diurnal junctures (sunrise, noon, sunset): -mn, ad. at the time of the three Samdhyfis; a. relating to the three Samdhyfis; -savana, a. & n. = tri-shavana; -s~dhana, a. produced or conditioned by three things; (i)suparna: -ka, sn. n. N. of the verses B J7. -X, cxiv, 3-5; a. conversant with these verses; -stana, a. (i') three-breasted; -stha~na, a. having three places; -srotas, f. ep. of the Ganges (triple-flowing). [a day. f':_*'47Rq trih-snftna, n. bathing three times f19 % I~qV tri-ha'yana, a. three years old. 2 '- break, tear, burst asunder: pp. trutita, broken; having a lacuna; cs. trotaya, tear asunder, break.,7' tru-ti, f. particle, atom; moment (as a measure of time, the exact duration of which varies in different statements). 1WWT tre'-tft, f. triad; the three sacred fires; die or side of a die marked with three points; the second age of the world (the age of threes, so called from, three being contained in the numbers expressing its duration: it is descri bed as lasting 3coo years of the gods, etc.): -agni, m. sg. the three sacred fires; -yuga, n. the second age of the world; -hrita-sarvasva, a. robbed of one's all by the three die. '~IT tre-dhg, ad. threefold; in(to) three parts; in three places, three times: -sthitz, pp. divided into three, threefold.!WBiifW-q trai-kftl-ika, a. (i) relating to the three times (past, present, and future); -ya, n. the three times: past, present, fuature; m orning, noon, evening. -t otraigarta, a. belonging to the Trigartas; m. prince of the Trigartas. 31 traigun-ya, n. having three cords, trpeness; the three fundamental qualities; a. possessed of the three fundamental qualities (v. guna).[(-th hree) gods. r traidas-ika, a. relating to the thirty ~'~lII traidham, ad. in three ways. Vqi~ trai-pada, n. three quarters. ~trai-pura, a. relating to Tripura; m.pl. inhabitants of Tripuri; sg. prince of the Kedis; n. Siva's exploit in connexion with Tripura. I+M~~ trai-mfts-ika, a. three-monthly; three months old, lasting three months. lqlT1qai trai-y-ambakel, a. relating or dedicated to Tryambaka (Siva). trai-rftp-ya, n. triple form; -lifig-ya, n. being of three genders. 1"#rtW trai-lokya, n. the three worlds; -raigya, n. sovereignty of the three worlds; -.adhi.. -ait a,-dhipatya, n. id. ZI trai-varg-eika, a. (i1) relating to the triad virtue, pleasure, utility; -ya, a. id. ~4f ifi~ trais-varn-ika, m. member of the the pper castes; -vrshika, a. lasting or sufficient for three years; -vikraina, a. belonging to Vishnu (trivikrama); -vidya, a. versed in the three Vedas; n. the three Vedas; study or knowledge of the three Vedas; assemblage of Brhhmans versed in the three Vedas: -vriddha, _pp. (old =) leearned in the three Vedas;!vidhya, n. triplicity; -vishtapa: -ya. pl. gods; -vedika, a. (i) relating to the three Vedas, jt__4 traishtubh-a, a. (i1) relating to or consisting of trishtubh; n. trishtubh metre. 'IqF[ trai-srotas-a, a. relating to the Ganges (Trisrotas). #t trotaka, n. kind of drama. 754'kT tri amsa, m. sg, three parts; third; a. having three shares. ~~ tri aksha, a. (a', II) three-eyed; m. Siva: -ka, -ii, m. id.; -_~kshara, a. consisting of three sounds or syllables; - ainga, n. army of three members (chariots, cav~alry, infantry); - adhishthana, a. having three locations (mind, voice, body). W~i tri abda, n. period of three years: m for three years; a. lasting three years; _puirva, a. of three years' standing or having a difference of three years in age. ~R1qI tri ambaka, m. ep. of Rudra-Siva; &,f. P~rvatl; -vrishaba m. Siva's bull. ~I~1 tri yava, a. pl. at least three: -in, ad. at least three times. ~If~tri asita, a. (i) eighty-third; 7_siti, f.eighty-t~hree:.-,tama, d. eighty-third..4, c tri ashtaka, a. containing three eighth days afterfull moon; - ashta-varsha, a. (3 x 8 = ) twenty-four year-s old. 75 tri hd, m. period of three days: -in, for thre~e days; in., ab., lc. after three days; tryahe gate,lc, abs.three daysbhavingelapsed; _..aha, a. lasting three days:..vritta4, pp. having happened three days before, - aihika, a. provisioned for three days. [days. Wif~iM tri Ahika, a. 'provisioned for three tri rika, n. stanza of three verses, *qffj tri eni, a. f. spotted in three places, r.. tvd, pmn, st. of second pers. (v. tvad). W 2. tvad, poss. pmn. thy. W 3. tva, a. many a; other; tva-tva, the one-the other: -d, n. ad. partly. KW tvak-tra, n. armour; -traina, n. protection of the skin. jq TVAKSII, IIL only with pra, pr. Vt. N t akhna, pre-eminent. tvdksh-as, n. energy, activity.,tqqkf I tvak-sa'ra, m. reed, cane (lit, in which the rind is the chief thing): -vyavahira-vat, a. whose occupation is in reeds, dealing in cane. _1TWRta-utaaaalavt a. wearing an outer garment of bark; -dosha, m. skin-disease, eruption; -.doshin, a. affected with skin-disease; -bheda-kaija. breaking or tearing the skin of another. ~~' tvam-kftra, m. addressing as 'thou.' K~W TYAN~G, IL P. tvadiga, leap;' gallop; N Move about, flicker. tvafi-maamsaasthi-maya, a. consisting of skin, flesh, and bones. ~q( tvdlk, f. skin, hide; bark, rind. skinning. [tvam, thou.?(tvadt, W~ tvadd, ab. and base (O-) of tqC Ij tvat-krita, pp. made or done by thee or you, called after you (name);..krite, on thy account; -tas, ad. = ab. from you etc. Wit tvad-ilya, a. thy, thine. firtvad-vidha, a. like thee,!RqM tvan-maya, a. consisting ini thee, containing thee only. [' thou.' ~tqR uj6m, nm. sg -thou: tvam kri, call (ac.) i~<TVAR, IL A. tvira, (1E. also P.) be Nquick; hasten, to (d., lc. Of Vbl. N. or inf.): _pr. _pt. tvaraMinna, hastily, quickly; pp. tvarita, tfirt& (SB.), or titrna (rare), swift, rapid, quick; hastening, to (lc. Of vbl. N. Or inf.): -in, ad. quickly, hastily; cs. tvarkya, cause to make haste, urge on. ~Ttvar-ft, f. haste, hurry, urgency (with in.,7 le., or -a): in. hastily, quickly; vivAhakrite tar, hurry with regard to the wedding; tvar am kri, hasten with (g.). Iff? tvar-ita, pp.; n. haste, hurry. Wf' tvash-tijf. carpentry. W1 tvish-tri, m. wright, carpenter; N. of 4l a Vedic god, the divine artificer: -cdevatya, a. having Tvashtri as its deity. a ~(v- dris, a. (nm, m. f. n. k) resembling thee; -drisa, a. (i): -ka, a. id. ~TqT tvftay, in. ad. for love of thee. iWi:. tv'a-vat, a. like thee. tvftshtrad, a. belonging to Tvashtri; m. Tvashtri's son. fqqTYISH, VI. tvisha, (V.) be excited ` or agitated; stimulate, quicken; sparkle, shine, flame. fVMtI'sh, f. excitement; vehemence, fury; light, ray; splendour; beauty; colour. fRfq tvf'sh-i, f. vehemence, energy; brilliance, splendour; beauty: (i)-inat, a. vehement; energetic; splendid. 'f tve', V, ic. of tvam, thou. ~i tvesh-d, a. (A, 1') vehement; sublime; shining. ~4 '4 tvdfta, pp. (V/av) favoured by thee. TSAR, I. P. tsira, approach stealthily. Ml tsir-u, M. stalk (of a leaf); handle (of a vessel); hilt (of a sword). 'rM-q thak-kana. %' TON T d anda-ya'tra'. 115 ~~Tthak-kana, m. N. of a man. 'gf%-Vi thakriya, m. N. 'Vf iMTR thakviyaka, m. N. N TH. VW,4P thara-tharft-ya, A. stagger. -'TWIT thalyora-ka, m. N. of a village. v~4WMR thftt-kgra, m.noisemadeinspitting. Tqthlfit-kri, make a noise in spitting. ITZ thfit-krita, pp. n. noise made in spitting. i? D. i. da, a. ( —9) giving, bestowing, imparting; producing, yielding; indicating. 2. da, a. cutting off, destroying (~) I~TDAMS, I. P. (A.) disa, bite: pp. dashNta, bitten; es. damsaya, cause to be bitten by (in.); provide with armour; as. of intv. dandasaya, P. cause to be bitten severely. vi, bite in pieces. san, press together; crush: pp. pressed closely; closely fitting, tight (garment). dams-a, m bite; stinging insect, ga dfly; -aka, m. N. of a prince; -ana, n. biting; bite; coat of mail. ddmsh-tra, in., &, f. tusk, fang. 1, damshtr-in, a. possessed of fangas; m. animal with fangs, beast of prey. ~DAMS, only cs. damsiya, be wondrous. VIIdams-dina, n., 'a, f. wondrous deed, power, or skill. li~ dams-u, a, of wondrous power (~):-patni f. having a lord of wondrous power. ~fDAKSH, I. d~ksha, P. satisfy or suit e.-any one (d.); A. be, able, skilful, or strong; Cs. P. dakshlya, make efficient. li~ da'ksh-a, a. able, active, dexterous, skilful, clever (with lc., 0-); suitable for (0-); rigbt (not left); in. activity, capacity, power, aptitude; will; N. of an.Aditya; N. of a Pragdpati; N. of a legislator: -sya~ ayana, n. (sacrifice of the) winter solstice. 'T W daksha-kratii, m. du. will and understanding; -ta&, f. dexterity, cleverness; activity; -pitri, a.P p. (str. st. also -pitgr), having Daksba as a father; possessing or bestowing abilities; -vihitg, f. kind of song; -sut&,f. daughter of Daksha: pl. wives of the moon. liflqT ddksh-ina (also ti), a. able, clever, dexterous; right; southern (because when looking east the right hand is towards the south); south (wind); upright, honest; amiable, obliging; m. right hand or arm; m. n. right side; sou th 'R. f. (so. go), a good i. e. nailch cow, (being the original) sacrificial fee; fee; gift; personified as the wi~fe of Sacri~flce. -'f*WTrTWdAkshinainagfnu akta,pp. having the right knee bent. <f1~ dakshina-tdis, ad. on or from the right (of, g.); southwards; from the south; to th e south (of, g.): (-tah) kri, place any one on the right hand (in token of respect); -tUskaparda, a. wearing a braid of hair on the right. T dakshina - paska rdha, in. south-west side; -paskima, a. south-western; -puirva, a. south-eastern: 'a, f. south-east.;~f9wr dakshin'a, ad. to the right or southwards (of, ab.). 0f19Trf'4 dakshina agni, in. southern sacrficial fire; a',.pinted southward.!~fqTrTfr dakshingt, ab. ad. from or on the right; from the south, southern. Vf TW dakshina'-dvftra,n.doortowards the south; a. having the door towards the south; -patha, m. tract in the south, Deccan; a"para, a. south-western; -pratyik, a. south-western; n. -pratyak, ad. towards the south-west;f. -pratlikii, south-west; a )-pravana, a. sloping towards the south; a Abhimukha, a. (iL) facing southward: -in, ad. southwards; -mukha, a. id. daksaksinyanaaia,n. southern path (i. e. to the realm of death); southerly course of the sun, the half-year in which the sun moves from north to south (from summer to winter solstice): -samkrinti, f. entrance of the sun on the southerly course, summer solstice. %'N"'T, dakshinaaranya, n. Southern Forest, N. of aforest,.probably in the -Deccan. "Tfdkbntv', a. able; aboundIng in gifts, pious. VV ~~asiatataat"2esuh ward; being on its southern course"(sun); m. Deccan. [head turned southward. 4~fqlklrfI R4 dakshinat-siras, a. having-the 5 fwwr11 fi dakshin-fthi, ad. far to the right or south, of (ab.). 11f1#T~I dakshinil-kri, place on the right, walk round any one (ac.) keeping him on the right (as a token of respect). VfT-qdakshiniya~a.worthyof orsuitable for a sacrificial gift; worthy to be honoured. ~~f!Wkff dakshina itara, a. left.!~fiq r da'kshinena, in. ad. to the right or south, of (ac.). 10fT~dakshinais, in. pl. ad. on the right. V, I V V1 R daksbinauttara, a. right and left, southern and northern: a-bhyim panibhy a with the two hands, the right being uppermost.ttna, a. holding the righthand palm upwards: du. with pa~ni, the two hands with the right turned -palm upwards. ipldag-dha,pp. (V'dah) burned,consumed; pained, tortured, distressed; fatal; wretched, good for nothing; cursed, damned: -gathara, n. accursed belly. i~dag-dhavya, fp. to be burned. i~ da'g-dhri, in. consumer of (ac.); -dhrz', m. id. with g.:4 dagadhaudara, n. accursed belly. 7[ DAGH, V. P. dagh-no-ti, reach to. dagh-mi, a. (a~, 13) reaching to (~) dah-kha,~a,:;& (teeth-cover), lip. dandd, in. (n.) stAff btiek; mace, club (to which the elephant's trunk and human arms and thighs are often compared); stalk; handle; flagstaff (on a carriage); pole (as a measure Of length = 4 cubits); rod= symbol of violence, force of arms, military power, army; mastery of, complete control over (g. ~);sceptre (as symbol of judicial power), punishment (corporal chastisement, admonition, fine): gupta -, secret fin e blackmail; vaitasi -, reedlike staff= meinbrum virile. itWq~i danda-ka, in. handle; pole, flagstaff (on a car); n., 1, f. N. of a forest in the Deccan; in. pl. inhabitants of the Dandaka forest; sg. N. of a prince; -karman, n. punishment. [dysentery. cI fM dandaka alasa-ka, in. hind of 4~kIT danda-kflshtha, n. wooden staff; -ghna, a. striking with a staff, committing assault; -kakra, n. detachment of an army; -ta'dana, n. chastisement with a stick; -tva, n. condition of a staff; -da~sa, in. slave for (non-payment of) a fine, one who serves out a fine; -dhara, a. wielding the rod or sceptre over, punishing, chastising (g.); in. prince, king; Judge, magistrate; leader of a troop; ep. of Yama: - dhipati, as. chief of judges, king; -dha~ra, 'a. wielding the rod, exercising judicial authority: -kca, a. id.; -dha'rana, n. bearing of a staff; employment of force; chastisement. UPU ddnd-ana, n. beating, punishing. ~it~1TTVMW~ danda-nfiyaka, as. judge;1leader of a troop; -nip~tana, n. causing the rod to descend, punishment (of, g.); -niyoga, ms. award of punishment; -niti, f. administration of justice, science of government. 4~ kS dand-an'iya, fp. punishable. ff danda-netri, as. judge: -tva, n. ofieof judgv~, administration of justice. 'ItIffWf danclA-pftni, a. holding a staff in one's hand; as. p61iceman; ep. of Yama; -pita, as. (descent o." the rod), punishment, chastisement; -pfitan;;~, n. castigation; -pa'rushya, a. assault: du. bodily chastisement and admonition; -pila, in. guardian of justice, judge: AAt, f. abst. Y'.; -p~1~ka, as. guardian of justice,judge; -pitsaka, s.police-, man, watchman; -prana~ma, m. prostration at full length like a staff; -prad~na, n. presentation of the staff (at investiture); -bhaya, n. fear of the rod; -bhag, a. liab' e to punish:' ment; -bhrit, a. wielding th e rod; ms. ep. of Yama; -mukhya, as. leader of an army.!~4 danda-ya, den. P. punish: pp. dandita: guptena dandena -,blackmailed.!~W WTIT danda-yfttrft, f.military expedition: -kihna, n. signal for marching to war, -patha, as. military road, -lagna, n. astrologically auspicious moment for marching out to war; -yoga, as. infliction of punishment,; -lesa, as. small fine; -vat, a. bearing a staff; having a handle; possessing a great army; -vadhk, in. capital punishment; _Vakika, Q 2 116 116 sl~flo danda~gha~ta. # darp-a. I I a. corporal or verbal (injury); -v~iin, m. policeman, watchman; -vikalpa, m. choice of punishment (with g., of object); -vyfiha, m. array in columns; -hasta, a. holding a staff in the hand. [a staff. q\TIT(I danda ftghftta, m. pl. blows with q\sI wNIq danda adhipa, m. chief justice;.aclhipati, m. id.; -ani~ka, n. detachment of an army; -: kvfpa-n~Y-ya, m. manner of the stick and the cake (if the mouse has eaten the stick she must have eaten the ca/ce also): ab. as a matter of course from, what precedes. Q4I q dandftra-ka, (0~ a.) well-pole. ~T '~ dandajavayava, m. detachment of an army. 9ft-q dand-ika, a. punishing; m. policeman; -ika, f. stick, staff; -in, a. bearing a staff; m. Brfhbman men dicant;;jani tor, warder; official who clears the way; ep. of Yama; N. of the author of the Dasalkumadrakarita and of the Kdvyaddarsa (sixth century A.D.). 4~Q Iq4 danda udyama, m. raising of the -staff, threatening any one (-.) with a stick: pl. employment of forcible means. ~3Idand-ya, fp. to be punished; worthy of punishment; to be made to pay or fined (with ac. of amount); liable to forfeit (-O).!I ~,m. [(a) d-at, pr.pVt. eater] tooth (nm. dat-th', pp. of V~dft; m. N. (often 0-); n. giving: -ka, a. given to be adopted (son). %*~~i datta-karna, a. giving ear or listening to (-9); -drishti, a. directing one's gaze to, looking at (abs. or with lc.); _pfirva ukta-pa-bh3i, a. threatening with the c-u-rse already mentioned; -sulk&, a. f. for whom the nuptial fee has been paid. CM~F datta Atafika, a. giving a fright to (g);-tman, a. who has offered himself for, adoption (son); - a-pradan-ika, a. relating t6 the non-delivery -of a present. ~fidat-ti, f. gift, present. I~~ atta ttara, a. -to which an answer has been given. gf I TA" dat-trima, a. received by donation, adopted (son or slave). $ITdat-tvfl, gd. of I/df. [wealthy. li~ dd-tra, n. property: pl, goods: -vat, a. rvTI ff dadat-ti, m. gift. ~~i~%rtifg da-dri.-,and-pavi, a. whose wheel-tracks have s~;ppeared. da-dr-u,!i da-dr-lA, f. ['/dri, crack] k~ind of cutaneous eruption. 'P1Mda-dh, wea'k pr. base of -,'dhft. ~'W~ da-dh-dn, weak base of da'dhi.!IN' dd-db-i, n. [Vdhe] sour milk, curds. tfh~~ dadhi-karna, m. Curd-ear, Y. of a cat (i. C.. having milk-white ears). t-fl dadhi-t-tha, m. a tree (so called from, the taste of the fruit); -drapsi, m. sq. p1 whey made of sour milk. V~i dadhi-pukkha, m. Curd-tail (i.e. having a milk-white tail), N. of a jackal; -prishitaka, a hind of mixture with curds; -bhinda, n. pot of sour milk; -mnanda, m. sour cream; -saktu, m. pl. meal mixed with curds; -sambhava, a. produced from curdled milk.!Gypda-dhrish, a. (nm. mz.f.n. k) bold; n. -dhrik, ad. firmly, closely. [or undertaken. ~~~a-dhrish-va'n, pf. p t. having dared dadhi anna, n. rice cooked with curdled milk; -dana, n. pap prepared with curdled milk.- [the mother of the Ddnavas. ~M ddnu,f. N. of a daughter of Dahsha and 4~13Ift.W danu -kab andha, m. N. of a demon; -ga, m. a DAnava. [dan) tooth.!<I dent, m. (strong base of ddit, only nm. ~<~dant-a, m. (n.) tooth; tusk, ivory (f. 7-a. A, i): -ka, ( -- a.) tooth; -ghita: -ka,,m. worker in ivory; -ghita, m. bite.!Wli~danta-kkhada, m.(tooth-coverin g), lip; -ganman, n. growth of the teeth; -gita, p~p. having teethed; -dyut,f. glitter of the teeth; -dhava, m. cleansing the teeth; -dhivana, n. id.; splint of wood chewed for cleaning the teeth; -pattra, n. kind of ear ornament: a-~,f id.; -pf~ikh~ik, f. doll of ivory; -pili, f. ivory sword hilt;..prakshilana, n. cleansing of the teeth; means for cleansing the teeth; -praveshta, m. (?) ring round an elephant's tusk; -bhaiiga,mn. breaking or splitting of the teeth; -maya, a. made of ivory; -maimsa, n. gum; -mii1ii, n. root of a tooth; _Mfuliya, a. dental (letter); -rakan&, f. cleansing of the teeth; -vakra, m. N. of a Prince; -vaisas, n. (cover of the teeth), lip; _viA, f. chattering of the teeth (lit, teeth-lute): -m vidav'_, play the teethlute = have chatterin-gofthe teeth (from cold); -veshta, m. guai: du. gums; -vyipira, m. working in i-vory; -suddhi,f. cleansing the teeth; -.sodhana, n. id.; -samgharsha, m. grinding of the teeth. 4" ~1W4( danta agra, n. point of a tooth. ~VTtIdanta-danti, ad. tooth against tooth =tooth and nail (of combatants). ~1~Rdanta antara, n. space between the teeth: -adhishthita, pp. stuck between the teeth; — f1i,f. row of teeth; - ilikaJf. bridle; -Avaii, f. row of teeth.!~T dantft-vala, m. elephant. Vf'r~dant-inf, a. tusked; m. elephant; -ila, m. N.; -ura, a. having prominent teeth; uneven; thickly studded with, full of (~) ugly: -ti, f. ugliness. i~T dantura-ya, den. P. stud or ifill with: _pp. danturita, studded with, full of (~) V"iW&fWMi dantaulakhal-ika, a. using his teeth as a pestle; - uliikhalin, a. id. ~;I~W dant-ya, a. dental (letter); good for the teeth. [kind of snake.!2qri dan-das-u\ka, a. mordacious; m. DABH,!1~T DAMBII, (V.) P. I. dibha, V. dabhn6, injure, hurt; deceive; cs. dambhiya, P. A. avert; des. dipsa, P. wish to hurt or destroy. jAfI dabh-Tti, m. injurer, foe; N.!~fdibh-ya, fp. who can be deceived; meant to deceive. [dimly; n., distress. i~ dabhi-rd, a. little, insignificant-: -i, ad. DAM, IV. P. d~mya, be tamne; tame, subdue: _pp. dintk, tame, gentle; calm, tranquil, having one's passions subdued; cs. damiya, P. tame, beki. otosubdue: _pp. damita, tameOd,`s~ubdued. d6~m, hous, (onlyI~ and g. p1. dam~m). 7Ii i. d'ma mn. house, abode, home. iR2. dam-ti, a. taming, subduing (O;m self-control; punishment, fine; Victor, N. o~f one ofDamayantz's~brothers and ofothermen. ~1I~i dama-ka, a. taming, breaking in,train - Ing(O) ri:lIqdama-ghosha, m. N. of a king: -ga, -suta, m. pat. of Sisupflla.,Wi dam-ana, a. (i) taming, subduing(O) m. horse-tamer, charioteer; Vincent, N. of one of Damayanti's brothers; n. subduing; chastising. [a jackal. ElII damana-ka, m. N. of a man and of e* T1uI am y-ant-^, f. (cs. pr. pt.) Victoria, N. of Nala's wife. qq i Mffi dam-ay-i-tri, m. tamer, chastiser. fii dam-in, a. self-controlled; subduing "tf~f dgm-pati, m. master of the house: du. masterandmistress,manand wife.,pair,couple. iQ~T dambh-a, m. fraud, dissimulation, hypocrisy, deceit; -aka, a. deceiving, deluding, (0;-ana, a. injuring (0-); n. deceiving, deceit. [cetic. iiWII dambha-muni, M. hypocritical asi~f~itdambh-in, a. deceitful; m. deceiver, cheat, hypocrite, dishonest man. i~IWiVq dambha udbhava, m. N. -of a king. *QIyIf damblioli, m. Indra's thunderbolt: -pita, m. descent of Indra's thunderbolt. fTwqrrT14 dambholi-pfttft-ya, den. A. descend like Indra's thunderbolt.!RI dam.-ya, fp. to be broken in;'. young bull, yet to be tamed or trained. D DAY, L. A. daya, divide; allot; pos'Nsess; have compassion on, sympathise with (ac., g.): pp. dayita, q. v. nir-ava, satisfy any one (ac.) with (in.), from (ab.). W-Tday-9, f. sympathy, compassion, with (g., lc., — ): -m kri, have compassion on (g. or lc.); -a'rdra-bh1iva, m. compassionate tenderness-. 414 dayal-lii, a. compassionate, towards (i.:-t. -tva, n. compassion for (la.).!~ZTwr< daya-vat, a. compassionate towards (g., lc.). day-ita, pp. (V'day) beloved, dear; m. lover, husband; i,f. mistress, wife: -maya, a. devoted to his beloved. dar-a, a. — 1 cleaving, shattering; Q a little (als-o -in); in., 'I,f. cleft, hole, cave; m. fear. dar-ann, n. bursting, breaking. dardd, darada, in. pl. N. of a people.!KR3ddr-i-dra (also -1-dra), a. [intv. v'/drft] strolling; mendicant, poor.; lacking (in. or 2)mi. beggar. rfwrdaridra-t.,f. poverty; -tva, n. id. i~f3T DAR-J-DRA, V. -3T DRA, run. TU dari-mukha, n. cave of a mouth; mouth of a cave; mouth-like cave. ~dar-dur-a, m. [intv. v'dri] frog; flute; N. of a mountain-range in the South; N.: -ka, 'In. N. of a gambler. 0 darp-a, in. wildness, wantonness, impu OMij darp-ana. Ard~ 117 i I dence, arrogance, pride (in, in. or 0-): -ka, mn. id.; Kkma. i~fdarp-ana, m. (causing pride), mirror, often — ' in titles of books: -maya, a. consisting of mirrors. 144f1rH darpan-ikaf. mirror. 'IRdarpa-sara, m. N. i~l~f darpita-pura, m. N. of a city. #I darbh-d4, m. tuft of grass; sacrificial (esp. Kusa) grass (used for strewing, wiping, and other pur~poses). jv1*T darbha-ma'ya, a. (1.) made of D arbha grass; -mushti, m..f. handful of Darb a grs;-iki (or i), f. sharp point of Darbha grass; -stamb&, m. bunch of Darbha grass.;jqM darya-ka, m. N. darva, m. spoon. da'r-i (also 'I), f. id.; serpent's hood.!~f;g( darvi-bhrit, m. hooded serpent. darvi-kara, m. id. da'rs-a (or -d), looking at, regarding (-);m appearance, new moon, day of or festival of new moon.;QJl* darsa-ka, a. seeing, getting sight of (g.); causing to be seen, showing, pointing out, exposing, making evident (g., -~~): lohitasya -,, causing blood to flow, drawing blood. dars-atd, V. fp. visible; conspicuous, beutiful. W#I clars-ana, a. (2i) -- seeing, looking at; knowing; showing, teaching; n. i. with active meaning: seeing, looking at, beholding; sight of; meeting with, visiting, attendance at (-9 or g.); adoration (of, g.); eyesight; review of (g.); inspection, investigation of (-.0); foreseeing ( —); perception, understanding, insight;, recognition of (-O); opinion, intention; doctrine, philosophical system;:2. with Ps. meanin g: becoming or being visible, appearance, presence, attendance (in court); occurrence, mention (es~p. in a standard work); apparition,vision; 3. with cs. meaning: showing; with concrete meaning: eye; it is often -~P a. having a - appearance, looking -; -mda show oneself. P I I'N.1~ darsana-gokara, m. range of vision; -patha, m. id.: -gata, pp. visible; -pila, m. N.; -vat, a. endowed with sight; -vishaya, m. being within range of any one's (g.) vision. MTKI~darsana ntara-gata,pp.being within sight, visible; - artha, a. intending to visit: -in, ad. on a vifs-it; - Avarana, a. envelopment of sensual perception. #i.idars-ani'ya, fp. visible; worthy to be seen, beautiful, handsome; to be shown; to be produced in court. ~7~1~FIdarsa-pftrna-matsc, m. du. new and full moon; new and full moon sacrifice. # 1:darsa-m, abs. repeated, on each occasion of seeing. # f#~ dars-ayitavya, jp. to be,shown; -ayitu-k&ma, a. wishing to show; -ayi-tri, m. shower of (g.); guide. T~#~dars-in, a. (0") seeing, looking atjregarding; having seen; knowing, understanding; experiencing or having experienced; receiving (revenue); composing or having coniposed; showing. DAL, I. P. dals, burst (mnt.); cs. Al1 -\aya, cause to burst; disperse; grind: pp. dalita, (simple & cs.) burst, cleft, rent, torn; dispersed; destroyed. vi, burst asunder, rend: p~p. crushed, shattered; burst open, flowering. sam, pp. pierced. i~ dal-a, n. fragment, piece; part; half; leaf, petal (that which unfolds itself); -ana,. a. bursting (mnt.); breaking, crushing, shattering; annihilation. [to pieces. dala-sas, ad. in pieces: with A~, go rf~dala fdi-tva, n. state of a leaf, etc. 'i~ day-a, m. [,v/dul forest fire: -thu, m. burning, pain; inflammation;..agni, m. fire,of a burning forest; - anala, m. id. I q wrfi-Q dav-ish-ftni, i prs. sg. impv., only form ofAVdu) Vi. div, gamble. dd~v-ishtha, spy. (of dllra) remotest; -i.Yas CPv. very distant; very long: a. ad. fur1~7 DAS8, v. ~~DAMS. [ther. M7I dasa-ka, a. containing ten, tenfold; -kantha, m. (ten-necked), e~p. ofRavana: - ari, m. enemy ofiRhvana, ep. of RImra; -kamdhara, m. (ten-necked), ep. of Rivana; -kuma'ra-kari-ta or -tra,n. Adventures of the Ten Princes, title of a novel by Dandin; -guna, a. tenfold, ten times greater or more: -in, ad.; -gunita, pp. multiplied by ten; -graina-pati, m. chief of ten villages; -gr'mI~f. aggregate of ten villages. [R6avana. VIOAFtq dasa-griva, m. ten-necked, ep. of ddsa-gva, a. consisting of ten. K~4 dasdt, f. decade. K~IRTIF ddsa-taya, a. (i) tenfold, consisting of ten divisions; 3i,f. pl. the texts of the ten Mandalas of the Ilig-veda. 7LfIdasa-ti, f. decade. KI~lT dasa-dasin, a. consisting of repeated decades; -dis, f. sg. the ten quarters. K'JkT1T dasa-dhg, ad. in ten parts, tenfold. 7JI ddsan (also dn), a. pl. ten. K".I das-ana, m. tooth: -ka, little tooth; -lckhada, m. lip; -pada, a. mark of teeth, bite; -vyaya, m. loss of teeth; - amsu, m..pl. brightness of the teeth. 4~'TVR dasa-pala, n. sg. ten palas; a. weighing ten palas; -pura, a. N. of a city: 3i, f. id.; _pfirva-ratha, m. paraphrase ofthe N. Dasaratha; -baudha, m. tenth part: -:Ia, — 0a. id.!JY, dasa-ma, a. ('I) tenth; a. tenth part; i" f. (sc. tithi) tenth day in a fortnight; tenth stage of life, i. e. 90-i00 years of age: (i') - Sthia, a. being in the tenth stage, above 90 years old. KIMI ddsa-masya, a. ten months old; -mukha, m. (ten-faced), iRhvana: -ripu, m. R~vana's foe, ep. of LRama; -yogaui, f. distance of ten yoganas; -ratha, m. N. of severalI kings, esp. of Rama's father., sovereign of.Ayodhyd; -rasmi-sata, m. (thousand-rayed), sun; -ritra, m. a. period of ten days: i, a. lasting ten days; m. festival of ten days; - i ha, having ten verses; -rfipa, n. sg.. the t'en kinds of dramas; T. of a treatise on rhetoric by Dhanamgaya (tenth century): -ka, a. id.; -lakshana-ka, a. having ten characteristics, tenfold; -varsha, -varshiya, a. ten years old; -varshika, a. (i) id.; lasting ten years; occurring after ten years; -vidha, a. tenfold; -sate', n. 110; 1000: i~f. iooo; -sata-kara-dh2'Lin, a. having a thousand rays (moon); -satajak sha, a. thousand-eyed (Indra,); -siras, a. tenheaded; -slirsha, a. id.; m. Ravana; -sibasra,a.consistingof tenthousand; n.tenthousand. dasas-y6', P. serve, honour; help; gratify (d.). 7JTdas-a', f. fringe, border, s kirt, hem of a garment; wick (of a lamp); conditucn of life, lot, age, state: - afta, m. end of a wick,; end of life; extreme old age; -paripa'ka, m. revolution of fortune. JJTTdasa amsa, m. tenth part; - kshara, a. decasyllabic; - atgula, a. ten 'fingers ( = inches) long; - fuaua, m. (ten-faced), ep. of R&vana; - antarushyi, n. distance of ten stations; - bdqLkhya, a. of ten years standing. "'l~ dasa'rna, a. decasyllabic; m. pl. N. of a people; sg. king of Dasdrna. dasaftrdha, a. pl. five. ~I~dasftrha, m.Krishna: pl. N. ofapeople. U~ATfqldadsftlambin, a. hanging down with the skirt= =dragging.;'IUW14 dasa vara, a.- consistin g of ten at least; - asyal a. ten-mouthed; m. Rfivana; ahm. period of ten days. [lages.!~flpTf d as-'in, a. tenfold; m. lord of ten vildas-era-ka, m. pl. N. of a people. 0 1,dasa ^isa, M. ruler of ten villages. OC dash-ta, pp. (-,/dams); n. bite, 7=DAS, IV. P. disya, (V.) suffer want, waste away, languish: pr. pt. I. A. dksama~ua; as..k dasaya, cause to languish, exhaust. upa, be exhausted, fail; be lacking to (ab., g.); as. P. -da~saya, cause to fail or cease.;c~i dasmd, a. working wonders, marvellous. i~ d as-yu, in. class of demons hostile to the gods andfrequently represented as being overcome by Indra and Agni, fiend, foe of the gods, unbeliever (V.); man of non-Brdhmanical tribes; robber. 'P. das-ra64 a. working wonders; m. N. of,,one of the Asvins. DAH, I. P. (E. also A.) dkha, burn, Nconsume with fire; cauterize; destroy; torment, agitate; ps. be burned; be destroyed; be consumed with inward fire; be tortured: pp. dagdhi, q. v.; es. da'haya, cause to be burned; burn (tr.); des. didhaksha, be about to burn or destroy; intv. dand-ahiti, dandagdhi, daudahyate, burn or destroy completely; A. be completely burned. ati, dry up completely. 'a, es. ps. burn oneself. upa, set on five. nis, burn up; destroy completely; ps. be burned or destroyed completely; wither; es. order to be set on fire. anu-nis, burn up in succession. pari, burn -up; ps. burn. pra, burn, scorch; destroy; ps. catch fire, burn: pp. burnt; destroyed. vi, cauterize; scorch; destroy by fire: pp. vidagdha, q. v. sam, consume, destroy; ps. be burnt; be consumed with grief. -<1 dah-ana, a. (14) burning, cons-Lming with fire; destroying (gnly. -— P); m. fire, Agni (f. -' a. A); a. burning: -kanman, a. act of burning; -garbha, a. having inward fire, flashing with anger (eyer); - tmaka, a. whose nature consists in burning or causing grief. ~3dah-ara, a. [Vdabh] small, subtile; m. mouse, musk-rat. i. DAk, III. dia dad, give, grant anything (ac. or partitive g.) to (d., g., IC.); 118 A A;T da.;TN da-ru. I I resign (one's seat); give up (for, in. of price); sell; pay (fine, wages, or debt); deliver; return; offer (sacrifice); communicate, teach; make a sign (samgiihm); relate news (samdesam); pronounce (blessings); speak (truth), utter (speech), address words to (d.); arrange a meetiny (samketakam), a performance (prayogarn); sacrifice or devote (oneself) to (d.); make way (panth~nam or margam) for (g.); cuause (pain etc.); allow to (in~f.), with na, not allow to (inf.); grant a sight (darsanam) of oneself= show oneself; place or lay on or in (lc.); set fire to any one (lc.) =burn; draw with a piece (sfram) at chess; push to a bolt (argalam); administer poison (visham) to (g.); direct (steps, gaze, or thoughts) towards (lc.), give ear (karnam) =listen to (1c.); add; produce, perform; undertake: pp. datt,, also -tta, after prepositions in 1; as. dipaya, P. (with 2 ac.) cause, order, or oblige to give, deliver, pay,return, utter, or put down; cause to be given, handed, or performed; procure; des. didisa, ditsa, P. desire or be ready to give: - kanygm, wish togive a daughter in marriage. anu, give way, to any one (d.); yield to any one (d.) in (ac.). A, guly. A.. take, receive, obtain; appropriate; deprive of, take away from (ab.); impair (vigour); extract from (ab.); avert the eye from (ab.); captivate (the heart); take with one; grasp, seize; take on one's shoulder (skandhena), in one's arms (bfihvoh); partake of; gnaw ( + dasanaih); perceive, observe, feel; note, remember; accept, approve; undertake, devote oneself to; take =choose or enter upon a path (margam or paddhatim); begin (a speech), co m ne (peaking etc.): Pp. ta gd. idgya,havingtaken =with (ac.); des.fiditsa, A.. be about to take or seize; wish to take away from (g.). ud-&A, raise. upik.a, A. receive, obtain, acquire; assume, appropriate, take away; grasp; take up, gather; draw (water); catch (fire); perceive, feel; choose (a _path); begin (to, inf.); mention, note; include; apply, employ; give oneself up to (joy, sorrow); have done with, conclude: p.P. upitta; gd. upahdaya, including, besides; from - onwards; by means of; with (usual meaning). vi i, open (mouth): pp. vy~tta, gaping. sam4_', A'. take up together, take away with one; take out or away, remove; grasp, -lay hold of, seize, ~Para, give up, abandon, forsake. pari, P.A. deliver, commit, entrust, to (d., g., lc.): pp paitta pra, P. (A. only V7. and rare) give up, deliver; present, offer; give (a girl) in marriage; sell, for (in. of price); pay (a debt); make good (a loss); impart, teach; grant, confer; permit; afford; put into (la.): pp. pritta and pradatta, given, bestowed in marriage; offered,presented,conferred,granted,afforded; es. cause to give; force to pay or restore; des. A. wish to give in marriage. sam-pra, give up, surrender; bestow in marriage; impart, teach; grant. prati, give back, restore, make good; cs. cause to be restored. vi, distribute. sam, give jointly; grant. 2. DA, (V.) P.1I. da'Lti, IV. dyk-ti, cut off; mow; ps. diya, be doleful: p'p. dini, dita, -tta. ava, cut off, esp. part of the sacrificial cake. sam-ava, divide and collect the pieces. J3. DA, P. TV. dyk-ti, bind. 9, tie up, bind. ini, id.: pp. nidita, bound; hidden. sam, tie together: pp. simdita, bound; immovable. 4. DA&, (no present base) purify, cleanse. avpp. -data, pure white; purified; pure. Pariava, pp. thoroughly pure. vk ava, ps. diyate, be brightly diffused.!~Tlq dftksha, a. southern, dwelling in the south; relating to Daksha. 4~T'lTrrZ dftkshftyand, a. (1) descended from or relating to Daksha; i, f. daughter of Daksha; m. n. sacrifice of the winter solstice;,-yagfia, m. a modi~fication of the Darsapaurnamdsa sacri~fice lasting fifteen years instead of thirty.!T~T~f~kdfkshftyan-in, a. wearing gold ornaments. [ficial fee (dakshina). MT~Trdishind, a. relating to the sacriiTfWriidftkshinat-tya, a. coming from, belonging to, or living in, the South; m..pl. inhabitants of the Deccan. qqN. datkshin-ya, a. relating to the sacrificial fee; n. politeness, courtesy; kindness, reverence, towards (g., lc., -~0); south: -vat, a. courteous, kind, amiable. da'ksh-ya, n. activity; ability, skill. i'rfj~ff dftdima, in,3~. pomegranate tree; n. pomegranate. iiTfUSIT dftdhikft, f, beard or whisker. iU~wm dft-tavya, fp. to be given; - bestowed in marriage; - paid; - made good; - applied. iKTJiTI dfltu —ka'ma, a. wishing to make a present. d'a-tri, a. (with ac., or -trz' witih g.) giving; (father) giving (his dlaughter) in marriage; paying; imparting, teaching; granting; causing (g., ~) liberal towards (lc.); m. giver, donor; creditor. ~TMrT dfttri-ta, f. liberality; -tva, n. id.!~TM datyftha, m. kind of fowl. 'P. d-tTd n-share; property. 2. d'-tra, n. sickle, scythe. i~ dftd-a, m. gift: -da, a. giving.!~'fi. dft ana', n. [Vi. dfi] giving, - away (a daughter), presenting, offering (a sacri-,fice), teaching (of, g, 0 -, to, lc., -.0); abandonment of life (-0); payment of debt; gift; charitable gift; bribery; addition; offering, oblation. iPT 2. dftanai, M. [V,2. dfi] distribution, esp. offood, maeal, sacrificialfeast; liberality; share, property. i~T 3. dft ana, n. [Vl,2. dftl fragrant -ecretion from the, temples of elephants in rut, temple-juice. VTW lI~dfna-dharma, m. duty of almsgiving or liberality;..pattaka, n. deed of gift; -pati, m. chief in liberality, very charitable man; -pa~ra, a. intent on liberality, generous, charitable: -ta', f. generosity; -pa~rami-tA, f. acme of generosity; -yogya, fp. worthy of a gift. ~iiil dftnava, in., 'IJf demon; in C. represented as the off'spring of Danu and Kasyapa and as irreconcilable foes of the gods; a. relating to the Danavas. [liberal.!~TVMWI d'ana-vat, a. abounding in gifts,,TW~MVf dftnava-pati, m. lord of the Dfinavas., Rkhu. ftT'W~ dftna-vasi-kri, bribe with gifts. i~4 da'na-var, n. offering of water; -vira, m. a perfect hero in liberality; a pattern of generosity; -siia, a. liberal, charitable; -sura, m. model of liberality. i~TW(dftnaapnas, a. abounding in gifts. i. d~nu, M. f. kind of dem6n. 1T2. danujf. n. drop; dew. ic. dftn-ta, pp. Vdam; mn. N. of a brother of Damayanti..2. datnta, a. made of ivory (danta)., liR 3. dft anta, a. ending in -dft. iiI d'-p-aniya,fp. who must be urged to pay (ac.); to be procured; -ayi-tavya,fp. id.; -ya, fp. id. [(a)-ka, n id. ~Tdft-ma, n.cord, band; garland; 'af id.'!~TI:II da-man, i. n. gift;.2. m. cord, band, rope; bond; garland. ViirtrT dftma-lipta, n., 'a,f. N. of a town. vTMiYT dfimaudara, m. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna (having a rope round his belly), so called because his foster-mother tried to tie, him thus; N.: -gupta, in. N. of a poet; -aranya, n. N. of a forest. iiT~(u damodari'-ya, a. belonging to (king Dfmodara.!ITIqW dampatya, n. wedlock (fr. dampati). V<Tfii dftmb~h-ika, a. deceitful, hypocritical, fraudulent; in. cheat, hypocrite. 1z4. dfi-ya, a. giving (0-); m. gift; delivery. [upgata, acquired by inheritance. IW2. dft-yd, m. share, inheritance: dayad i~lq~:daya-ka, a. (irA) giving; granting; producing, causing (gnly. -s): -ta^,f. giving. 2TEN-. dfiya-ka, m. heir, relative. V~T TRdatya-kala, m. time of dividing the heritage; -bha'ga, m. division of the heritage; -hara, in. heir, relative. 4: e td~yaadud, m. heir (*of, g., lc., or0) descendant; kinsman (within seven degrees). iiT74 T 4 dayad-ya, n. inheritance. li~Tfk day-in, a. (0O) giving, bestowing; causing. iP~t~ dayi-kri, make a present to (ac.). ar fu-a, in., L, f. crack, rent, hole. 4~T2. dara', in. (gnly.) pl. wife: daran prakri, marry a wife. 4~l, dflra-ka, i. a. splitting, cleaving(0) 2. in. boy, son; young of animals: du. two boys; boy and girl. I~TW; dftra-karman, n. taking a wife, marriage; -kriyi, f id. <T1fdalr-ana, a. rending, cleaving (-u 'or g.;n. rending, bursting open. ~ datra-parigraha, m. taking a wife, marriage. [produced from wood. i~T- d Oaa a i wooden; i-ya, a. id.; 1,<ItR1#411 dftra-samgraha, m. marriage; -suta, n. sg. wife and child; -a9dhigamana, n. taking a wife, marriage. '[daughter. 4if~iRT dar-ika', f. s. crack, chap; 2. girl, Tfwdatridr-ya, n. poverty, indigence. a fr-in, a. splitting, destroying(o i. dar-fi, a. breaking. [or g.). 2. d~r-u, n. [splitting: Vdrz'] log, (piece of) wood, stick; species ofpine (pinus deodora). TkI 3. da-ru, a. liberal, generous. q<T da'ru-ka. fl~" div-as-a.11 119 I4T7"da'ru-ka,m.NYoffrishna's charioteer. V~ii~tr~dhru-karman, n. wood-carving; -krityva, n. function of wood; -gm, a. wooden. iT" dhrtl-na (or 6), a. (&, i') hard (not soft); sharp (wind); rough, harsh, severe (speech,temnper,person); violent, intense (pain etc.)\; painful (birth); terrible; n. harshness, severity. i~T T T dftruna-tt, f. harshness; terribleness; - ~tmmn, a. hard-hearted, cruel.!~T3r darun-ya, n. hardness.;~NO dftru-parvata, m. N. of a palace; -phalaka, n. shutter; -mbya, a. (i) wooden; -varman, M. N.; -sesha, a. containing only wood besides. [fastness; confirmation. ~~T dhrdh-ya, n. firmness; stability, steaddftrdura, a. (iL) relating to a frog. 4P d'rbha, a. (I') made of Darbha grass.!~T dftrv-a, a. (1) wooden; m. pl. N. of a.people.;~J Zdatrn agbhtad, m. woodpecker. dftrs-a, m. new-moon sacrifice; a.() relating to the -; -ika, a. (i) relating to the new-moon (sacrifice). "'Tfi-R~ dftrshtftnt-ika, a. elucidated or elucidating by an example or simile (drishthnta). 4PTcA dl-ana, n. crumbling off (of the teeth).!~Tf#I dhli, f. peeled grain. 4T~*II dflima, m. pomegranate. tree. i~' da'vad, m. (forest) conflagration; m. n. forest: -dahana, m. forest fire; - agni, m. fire of a burning forest;..anala, m. id. I~JVT DAS, (V.) P. I. dati TIL dashti, NV. dasn6ti, worship agod (d.) with (in.); offer reverently; bestow; cs. dsaya offer.;~T'T d~sa, rn. fisherman, boatman, ferryman, sailor. [to the tenfold Rig-veda.!<IlkW' dalsataya, a. (I) tenfold; belonging ~~T'TTffff dftsa-pati, m. chief of fishermen.!~~TIRf'R dftsarath-i, m. pat. N.,: die. Rftma and Lakshmana. [kings. liTWRTT dftsa-rftgiad, n. battle of the ten T'iJTTT11qi dalsarnaka, a. (ak) belonging to the Das~rnas. 4MT, i4 dftsh-rha, a. belonging to DasArha (Krishna); m. ep. of Krishna; king of the Dashrhas. [V,~dfs), pious.;~PJ' dfts-iish-e, d. of da'svads (pf. pt. of TWTI* dftsera-ka, m. fisherman: pl. N. of a people.?'If DAS, I.P. daAsa, (V.) only with abhi, " ~ bear ill-will to, persecute. iTRx. dats-6, m. foe; demon; infidel. (V.); slave; servant. [pious; M. foe,dlemon, infidel.!~q2. das-a, a. (i') hostile;, demoniac; im.i~;fl dalsa-gana, mn, slave; domestics; -givana, a. who lives like a slave, living by slavish work; tAA, f., -tva, n. slavery, bondage; -d~si, f. female slave of a slave~, kpravarga, a. having a crowd of slaves; aga, m. domestics.!Ur4H dats-i, f. female slave: da'syah Putra,. in. son of a slave (also as a term of abuse;).;~T4ff dlsi-kri, enslave:';~TRit~TR dats'-datsa, n. sg. femdle and male slaves; -putra, in. son of a, slave; -bhva in. condition of a female slave.;~~tE dftseraka, m. (young) camel; 31, f female camel. [work of slaves.;~TIWdAs-yg, m. bondage, servitude; service, i~l dqh-a, in. burning, conflagration; cantenising; being burnt; inward heat, feverish heat: disim daha, preternatural redness of the sky. [fire.;P9q dflha-ka, a. (ika) burning, setting on;~V!q da'ha-gvar, m. burning fever. 4PTff dfth-ana,. n. causing to be burnt. i~jT~idAha attmaka, a. inflammable, burning, scorching; - tman, a. id.;~Tfq~~ dhh-in, a. burning, setting on fire; flaming; burning hot.;~Wqi dah-u-ka, a. burning; m. conflagra-!~-f dhh-ya, fp.- to be burned. [tion. f~f dik-ka, -0=fR( dis. fi'~MW dik-kanyft,f. quarter of the sky as a maiden; -karin, in. elephant of the quarters (supporting the earth at one of the four or eight points of the compass); -kanta', -kamin, f. quarter of the sky as a maiden; -kakra, is. horizon: -vala, n. surrounding horizon; -khabda, in. word expressive of direction; -tata, in. brink of the compass, horizon, extreme distance; -pati, in. regent of a quarter; -patha, m. horizon, extreme distance; -piila, m. guardian of a quarter; -prekshana, n. looking about in all directions (in fear); -sundari, f. == dik-kanyk!. f.i, Nqt dig-adhipa, in. regent of a quarter; -anta., m. end of the horizon, end of the world, extreme distance; -antara, n. another region; foreign parts; a particular quarter (w. pashimetara, the east): pl1. all the quarters; -am-. bara, a. clad 'with the quarters only, stark naked; in. naked mendicant monk, es~p. among, the Jamns: 3', f. ep. of Durga. f4TIM "; dig-ambara-tva, n., nakedness. f1Idig-gaga,m. elepbant ofthe quarters; -gaya, m. conquest of the world; -dgha, m. preternatural redness of the horizon; -deva!.. tA, f. deity of a quarter; -desa, in. remote,,jw 4clig-dha,pp.of,/dih; m.poisonedlarrow. fMT4rcig-bha'ga, m. point ofthe compass; -vadhft,f. = dik-kanyA; -vasania, is. nakedness; -vArana, m. elephant of the quarters; -Vasas, a. clad in the quarters, stark naked; -vigaya, m. conquest in all directions, world conquest; -vibhga, m. point of the compass, quarter of the sky; -viliak~i-w;,n_.' looking about in all directions (in fear); -vya'ghfixana, is. sprinkling of the quarters; -vyjpin, a. pervading, the quarters, extending, in all directions. R, difi-natga, is. elephant of the quarters; -niltha, m. regent of a quarter; -2uandala, n. circle of the quarters, horizon; -ma&taiiga, in. elephant of the quarters; -mira, is. mere indication, mere example; -mukha, n. point of the compass; place, location; -moha, in. bewilderment as to the cardinal points. f 4i1 di-ta, Pp. of 4/2. dfl and 4'/3. dft. f~ft i. di-ti, f. distribution; liberality. R ff2. di-ti, f. N. ol a goddess (a word evolvedfromAditi); e. a-laughter of Daksha, wife of Kasya~pa, and motfher of the iDaityas. f'4fW diti-ga, mn. son of Diti, a Daitya. fkMt 1. ditya-vdh, mn. (nm. -vai') two-yearold bull; dityauhit, f. two-year-ol& cow. f~iri dit-sat, f. desire to give; s-si, des. a. willing to give, grant, or perform. fr didfi, v. 4/2. dli. fi~-J'T di-drik-sha-, f. desire to see. f~~ di-drs'k-shu, des. a. desirous to see, examine, or inspect (ac.). fw4'7i diddai, f. N. of a princess of Cashmere: -kshema, m. ep. of Kshema-gupta; -pfila, in. N.; -pura, is. N. of a city; -sva-. min, in. N. of a temple. Rff~, di-dyiit, a. flashing; f. missile; Indra's thunderbolt. f~i~Tdi-dhak-sh'a,f. desireto burn; -shu, des. a. wishing to burn or destroy. fi~f'tir di-dhi-sh-i, a. wishing to obtain; courting; in. suitor, husband; ft,f. woman remarried; unmarried woman having a younger married sister: (ft) -pati, in. husband of a (brother's) widow; husband of a woman married after her younger sister. f-ij z. dind, p.p. Of 4/2. ai. fkf2. dmffa, n. day: -kara, in. (day-making), sun; N.; -kartavya, n. daily observance; -kartri, in. (day-maker), sun; -ka~rya, is. daily observance; -krit, in. sun; -kritya, n. = -kirya; -kshaya, in. decline of day, evening; -naktam,. ad. day and night; -nitha, m. (lord of day), sun; -pati, m. id.; -bhartri, in. id.; -mani, in. id. (gem of day); -mukha, is. day-break. fkVrTITR dina Agama, in. day-break; 'di, id. 9- dhinitha, in. sun; - adhia, n sun; - anta, in. evening;..ardha, midday; -avasa-na, ns. close of day, evening. TiWk dinaia n.sn; -'svara, in. id. fvft~'IY dinaupdaya, in. day-break. fMVPiTi dinnat-gratma, in. N. of a village. fdip-s-i,des.a.wishingtoharm(Vdabh). fRWIR dil~ipa, in., N. of a king, son ofAmsumat and ancestor of Ialmia. r~z. DIV, IV. divya, cast, throw; raN diate, shine; throw dice, play at dice (in.) with any one (in.) for (in. or d.); sport, dally; have free play, rejoice: pp. dy-hta; es. devaya, cause to play at dice. prati, play against (ac.); *play for anything (ac., g.) as a counter-stake. ~2. DIV, I. -d6va:- pp. dyfina, torment".ed.. pari, lament: _pp. piridyfina, wretched; cs. -devaya, lament, bewail (ac.):.pp. -devita, pitiful. fi3 cliv, in... (nin. dyaifts; middle base dy-fL) heaven; in. radiance, brilliance; day; -am gaau or yi, go to heaven; die; dyfkbhih,, for days, for a long time. f~div-si, n. heaven; day, only in dive dive, day by day. [heaven. fjTIdivamz-gama, a. going or leading to f-9V,, div-as-a, in. heaven, day. 120 1% divasa-kara. ~ itiwrmmq1 dipa-pa'dapa. fr04q o q divasa-kaja, m.(day-maker), sun; -kshaya, m. declire of day, evening; -kara, a. moving by dar(animal); -uaitha, m. (lord of day), sun;.bhartri, m. id.; -m~ukha, n. day-break; -rAra, m. week-day; -vigamna, M. declineA~ day; -vy~p~ra, m. daily functions (suck as ablutions etc.). uq divasil-kri, turn into day. fd~ivasa isvara, M. (lord of day), sun. div~dias-pati~mep.ofIndra or~ishn-u. Ift3 qT4 diva-spris, a. reaching heaven. f4!kcT dfva, ad. by day: sts. subject of a sentence or c'-, = day. f~qT divft-kard, m. (day-maker), sun; -kirti, m. Eandula (so called because allowed to appear in public onlTy during the day- time); -kirtyi, a. to be recited by day; a. certain chants; m. Kand~tla; -kara, a. going about by day; -kirin, a. id. fq3I r'r divat-tana, a. (i) diurnal. fR~f-WFW divft tithi, m. guest arriving by fi'TfR diva atdi, m. morning. [day. f'WTW;( divat-naktam, ad. by day and night; -nidra,, f. sleeping by day; -nisam, ad. day and night. f4~trv diva andha, a. blind by day; m. owl. fTtiut divft-bhi'ta, mn. owl; thief. O~[ -W divat-rAtram, ad. by day and night; -saya, a. sleeping by day: -t&,f. abst. N.; -svapna, m. n. sleeping by day. ftftriif divi-gata, pp. celestial; -kara, a. moving in heaven; -kUrin, a. id.; m. celestial. TVT divira, m. scribe. f ~~~divi-shdd, a. dwelling in heaven; m. god: -adhivau, m. path of the gods, sky. ~ ivi-spris, a. touching heaven. fto1~Tq divo-dftsa, m. N. I, ct tdiva okas, m. heaven-dweller, god. div-yd, a. celestial; divine; magical; heavenly; magnificent; n. the divine (p1. the heavens); ordeal, oath. If'fwr?.n divya-kriy6, f. employment of an ordeal;..kakshus, a. divine eye transcending time and space; a. having a divine eye, for (-'O); -g~ina, a. possessed of divine knowledge; -t&,f. divine nature; -diarsin, -dris, a. having a divine eye transcending time and space;..nadi~f c elestial'river; _n~,ri~f. celestial woman, Apsaras; -purusha, m. demigod, spirit; -pragn~anasainu, a. possessed of divine knowledge; -mainusha, m. demigod; -rt^pa, a. having a divine form; -visi~na-vat, a. possessed of divine knowledge; -samkisa, a. resembling or reminding of heaven; -stri:L,f. divine woman, Apsaras. f1rr~r~f~f divyaftkriti, a. of divine form, di-vinelybeautiful; - afigani,f~divinewoman, Apsaras;- aushadha-n~magicalspellorpotion. DIS, VII. disA, III. P. dideshti, (V.) ''point out, show; produce (witness); assin rrant; pay (tribute); direct, c m ad bid (inf.): pp. dishtk, directed; determined, ordained; ordered; cs. desaya, show, direct.,ati, transfer or extend to (g.); specify. ann, refer to (ac.); assign anything (ac.) to (d., lc.); order. sam-anu, asgn something (ac.) to (ci.), indicate to (d.). apa, state, indicate; report, denounce; feign, pretend. viapa, re I present, designate, name; designate falsely, feign. il, -aim at; assign to (d.); indicate, announce., declare; impart, teach; designate; specify; predict of any one (ac.); prescribe; order, command, bid (with d., Ic., inf., or -arthan); banish to (ic.); undertake (a vow); es. point out (a way). nir-M, pp. paid out. pratfij,, prescribe; summon; decline, reject; repel; overcome; surpass. vi 3, indicate in detail; assign; explain, teach; prescribe; order, command (d. or lc. of object, lc. of destination); despatch to (d. or prati); declare, predict of (ac.). sam-A, assign, prescribe; state, declare; announce to, inform (d., g.); teach; determine, designate; predict of, declare any one (ac.) to be (ac. or iti with oratio recta); order, charge, command (with d., inf., or -artham); es. command. prati-sam-&,, reply; order. ud, point out, indicate, determine; adduce (evidence); refer to, mean; designate as, mean by (2 ac.); design for, propose as (2- ac.); predict of (ac.); teach, explain: pp. uddishta, meant in the sense of (lc.: lex.); gd. uddisya, aiming at, referring to =prp. (go) towards, (speak) to or about; (throw) at, (place) on; for, on account of; in the name of; regarding, in connexion with. samu-nd, enumerate, mention; designate as, call (2 ac.): gd. samuddisya, aiming at = p rp. towards, at; for, on account of; regarding; in honour of. upa, point to (acc.); point out, indicate; teach, instruct; advise; recommend; ordain, prescribe; mention, speak of; rule over, govern. pratia&pan, teach in return. nis, point to (ac.); assign to (d., g.); designate, specify, name; determine; declare to be, regard as (2 ac.): _pp. nirdishta, entrusted to, under the protection of (g.). abhi-nis, designate as, call (2, ac.). vi-nis, declare; designate as, call (2 ac.). pari, state, declare. pra, point out, indicate, designate; declare; reveal; fix, ordain; prescribe; assign, apportion. sam, assign to (d.); promise; charge or commission any one (ac., d., g.) with (ac.); order any one (ac.); give an order; despatch on a message to (d.). prati-sam, give any one (ccc. or haste with g.) a message in return, to (g.); order. fk9~ di's, f. direction, point of the compass, quarter (four, N., S., B., W.; eight, the same + NE., SE., SW., and NWT.; or ten, the, same +above and below, are most commonly spoken of); region, place; space; foreign country; indication, reference, instance; manner: pl. all quarters, all directions (acc. with verb of looking, to express fear); disi disi, everywhere; in all directions; diso x ntt, = from the end of the world. fPirTMr diso-bha'g, a. making for the distance, taking to, his heels; -ylyiu, a. spreading in all directions. fli~ dfs-ya, a. belonging or referring to the quarters or horizon; foreign (ware). dish-ta, pp. v'Idis; a. direction, order; destiny, fate; place designated: -para, a. trusting to fate.; m. fatalist;..bhilva, m. destined state, death; -anft, m. destined end, death. fi-f9 dish-tijf. direction, order; luck: only in. dishtya, by good luck= ij. thank heaven! ffft' dishti-vriddhijf. congratulation. f~DII, II. P. dfg-dhi, smear, anoint: ~pp. digdhi, anointed; smeared; soiled; defiled, by (in. or ~) poisoned; touched by (in.). upa, _pp. overlaid with (-O). pra, smear, anoint:.pp. smeared, stained, or covered with (in., — O). sam, smear; cover; ps. be uncertain or dubious; be mistaken for (in.): pp. smeared or covered with (in., — ); miistaken for (in., -— P); indistinct; precarious; uncertain, doubtful, dubious. fTdihlt, f. N. D IV. P. diA~ya, fly, soar. nis, fly forth. pari, fly around. 2. DI', shine, didi. ni, beam down (ac.) on (d., ic.). AA, DIKSH, I. A. diksha, consecrate Noneself (esp.for the Soma sacrifice): pp. dikshita, q. v.; as. dikshiya, P. A. hallow. iiNIV i1 diiksh-ana, a. consecration; -anry7a, fp. relating to consecration; -ayi-tri, m. consecrator. 4 ff iksh-g,f. consecration; (undergoing) a religious observance for a _particular purpose; solemn preparation; devotion to V~); first acquaintance with ( —); personifida wife of Soma.flda NT di1ksha-g9uru, M. teacher initiatn n(O;-pi1a, mn. guardian of consecration, e~p. of Agni and Vishnu. ~ifIl~ diksh-ita, pp. consecrated or prepared for (in., d., -.O); often at beg. and end of names: -m kri, initiate; -.vimitk, a. hut for those to be consecrated for the Soma rite. i~frt~I-DI, II. P. dicdeti, shin e. ~1f, IIl dr-div-i, a. shining. ~f~ DI-DHI, 11. didhe, dMdW, appear; perceive. abhi, consider. a, bethink oneself. ud, look longingly up to. i.1 0-1C dr Cdhi-ti, f. devotion. i~T~f2. di'dhi-ti, f. sheen, brightness; ray; splendour, lustre. [ing towards. ~~Trdrdhi Ana. pr. pt. (of d'idhi) look1Idii-nd, a. scanty; weak; wretched, miserable, pitiful: -in, ad. -ly; a. wretchedness. ridina-ka, a. very pitiful: -in, ad.; -hitta, a. dejected, miserable; -ketana, a. id.; -ta', f. scantiness; weakness; (&)-daksha, a. dull-witted; -disa, m. a S?2dra N.; -dina, a. being in a most wretched plight; -inanas, -Mn~masa, a. sad-hearted, sorrowful; -riipa, a. of sad mien; -vadana, a. sad-faced; -sattva, a. low-spirited.;Ift7 d'InAra, m. a gold coin (denarius). IRIT d'Ina sya, a. sad-faced. lj T~ DiP, IV. A. dApya,, flame, blaze; beam, burn: pp. dipta, blazing; shining; brilliant; hot; os. dipiya, P. (A.. rare) kindle; excite; illuminate: intv. dedipya, A. blaze or shine brightly. &,.pp. blazing; es. kindle. ud, flame up; cs. kindle; excite; illuminate. Pra, flame up, burn: _pp. blazing, shining; illuminated; cs. kindle, inflame. Sam, p. burning, blazing; as. set on fire, kindle. ~Wdip-a, m. lamp, lantern: -ira, a. inflaming; illuminating; m. lamp. i7ttIqfWi dilpa-kalikt, f. T. of a cornmesitary on Ydgfiavalkya. 4N Wi dip-ana, a. (iL) inflaming, exciting; promoting digestion; a. setting on fire; illuminating. 1,1TU1" dipa-pa'dapa, m. lamp(stand);, 74mid 'pa'loka. #iqf-r durga-pati. 121 I I I I -bha'gaina, n. lamp; -tag1a, f. row of lamps; -mlik', f. id.; -varti~f lamp-wick. f.row of lamps. ftT1iCT dip-ika, f. lamp; Often -o in titles of ook: -h~xni~f female lamp-bearer.;7T~I dilp-in, a. inflaming, kindling(O) 'ifjff~iT dipta-kirana, a. hot-rayed. a diptnsu, a. id.; m. sun; -aksha, a.()hvng flaming eyes; m. N. of an owl. ~fjdip-ti, f. radiance; brilliance, grace; N. of a god (one of the Visvedevas). i~Tfr d~ipti-mat, a. radiant, brilliant.;R dipta og as, a. of fervent energy; hot-blooded. 1Tr d'ip-ra, a. shining, radiant. diirghd, a. long (in space and time): -iad.; ns. long vowel.;Etqj diirgha-karna, m. Long-ear, N. of a cat; -k~1am, ac. ad. for a long time; -gaiigha, m. Long-shanks, N. ofa Yaksha; -giviin, a. long-lived;..tapas, m. N. of a iRishi; (6a)tamas, in. N. of a sage; -ta,f. length; -tva, n. id.; -tikshna-mukha, a. (i) having a long and pointed mouth; -darsi-taf. far-sightedness, providence; -darsin, a. far-seeing; -nidra', f. long sleep; sleep of death; -b~hu, a. long-armed; -nnikha, a. (i) long-mouthed, long-beaked; -ra~va, m. Long-yell, N. of a jackal; -rosha, a. whose wrath lasts long, bearing a lingering grudge: -tg,,f. abst. NY.; -roshana, a. id.; -1okana, a. long-eyed; _sriiiga, a. long-horned; -sriftt, a. audible afar; far-famed; -sattrA, n. Soma sacrifice of long duration; a. engaged in a -; -sattrin, a. id.; -sarndhya, a. praying long at the Samdhya's: -tva, n. long continuance of prayer at the Samdhyks; -sfitra, a. (long-threaded), dilatory, procrastinating: -t&,f. dilatoriness, procrastination; -s~Ltriu, a. id. 14T' d'irgha aksha, a. long-eyed. VT'IA dilrgh'a-dh'i, a. of far-reaching care. P7 dirgha fyu, a.- long-lived: -tvA, n. longevit; - Cayus, a. long-lived. tf'QziT d'irgh-ikat, f. oblong pond. V~1idirghl-kri, lengthen; prolong. VfT~~ dirghq-akkhvftsam, ad. with a deep sigh. ~7Id'iv-a'na, nz. playing with dice. Du, V. P. duno, IV. (P.) A. diiya, burn; be pained, be consumed with sorrow or remorse; tr. duno, burn, cause pain to, torment, afflict: _pp. d-hnk, duta, suffering pain, tormented. abhi, burn. A (dunu), A. grieve. pari, burn violently; grieve. pra, be con. sumed by fire; torment. vi (d-unu), A. grieve. 1: duh-kha', a. unpleasant, fraught with hardship, wretched; n. pain, hardship, misery, suffering,:-moin.,ab.0-,with difficulty, scarcely, hardly, reluctantly; -m As, stand sorrowfully. -S*1~Pduhkha-kara,a.affluicting (g.); -gata, n. adversity, misfortune; -graha, a. hard to comprehend; -kkhedya, fp. hard to destroy;..iin, a. living in distress;..tara, cpv. more unpleasant or distressing; a. greater affliction, hardship, or evil; -t&,f. discomfort, distress, affliction; -duhkha, n. in. with great difficulty; -prfiya, a. abounding in woe; -bha'gin, a. having misfortune for one's lot, unfortunate; -bag, a. id. duhkha-moha, m. despair. '%:,q'duhkha-ya,den.P.afflict,distress(ac.). -SW5 duhkha-yantra, n. torture; -yoga, in. infliction of pain; -vega, in. violent pain; -slla, a. whose character is difficult to deal with, hard to please, exacting; -sparsa, a. unpleasant to the touch; -han, a. destroying misery. duhkh-ayi-tri, m. afflictor. S+M f' duhkha akara, in. multitude of afflictions. 'S:';T31Rduhkha akula, a. sorrowful; - nta, in. end of sufferingl; final liberation. '9:,Mr' duhkha-kri, cause pain to, afflict, distress. A [afflicted. 'j,'qTi duhkha&-ya, den. A. feel pain; be -S*q- duhkha~rta, a. distressed. -S:fq'?r duhkh-ita, pp. suffering, afflicted, distressed. [distress.!j:fN'RT dIulkhi-taf suffering, affliction,:f~d-u/kh-in, a. suffering; afflicted. -S*~l duhkhi-ya, den. P. suffer pain, be harassed. 'S:'Tft9'T'f duhkbau1pagrhfta, in. violent pain; - upalkarya, a. hard to get on with, difficult-to please; -upasamana, n. alleviative of pain, anodyne. "I dukftla, in. a plant; n. kind of cloth; garment made of this cloth. ~Mdug - dhd, pp. V/duh; n. milk; sap, 117 dugdha-da, a. yielding milk; - abdhi, 1 m. ocean of milk. [.mu~ch cow. '%'duigh-a, a.milking, yielding (-P); diighay ~~(dukkhuina, f. calamity; demon. VU diidhi, a. impetuous, wild. JMIUdu-dhuk-shu, des. a. wishing to milk. ~Idudhrad, a. impetuous, wild. T~du-dhruk-shu, a. wishing to hurt, treacherously inclined. 17SI dundubha, m. kind ofaquatic animal. Vi- dundubhf', in. f. (kettle) drum; 'I, f.id.: IL aght m i. drummer. diir, f. door. cfli ji dur-atikrama, a. hard to get over, overcome, or escape- from; -atyaya, a. id.; -adhiga, a. hard to attain; -adhigama, a. id.; hard to be learned; -adhyaya, a. hard to obtain; -adhyavasiya, mn. foolish undertaking; -anushtheya, fp. hard to carry out. qVifdur-anta, a. whose end is hard tofind, endless; ending badly: -deva, in. god of what is hard to end, Ganesa; -apava'da, in. slander; -abhiprAya, a.evil-intentioned; -abhibhava, a. hard to overcome or surpass; -abhimgnin, a. unpleasantly arrogant; -abhiraksha, a. difficult to guard; -abhisamdhi, in. evil intent; -avagama, a. hard toinderstand; -avagAha, a. hard to penetrate; -avagraha, a. hard to check,irresistible; -avabodha, a.bhard to understand; -avaroha, a. hard to descend to; -avapa, a. hard to obtain, acquire, fulfil, or realise. -sr f~dur- Akriti, a. mis - sbap en, d eform - ed, ugly; -akranda, a. having bad friends, friendless; -&gamna, mn. dishonest acquisition; -Akara, a. (i) hard to practise; difficult to treat or cure; -Mhka'ra, in. bad conduct or custom; a. ill-behaved, of bad conduct, impious; -itma-ta', f. wickedness, baseness; -itman, a. evil-minded, wicked, base, impious; -Atmavat, a. id.; -adhara, a. hard to check, irre~sistible; hard to obtain; hard to guard; —, dhirsha, a. hard to attack; dangerous; -Ana-' ma, a. hard to bend (bow);..'a, a. hard to come up with; hard to attain; aradhya, fp. hardto conciliate; hardto worship; -&ruha, a. hard to climb;.4ropa, a. hard to string; -aroha, a. hard to climb or ascend to: t' f. albst. N.; 41akshya,.fp. bard to perceive; -alamba, a. hard to gain a footing on; -glambha, a. hard to grasp; -aloka, a. bard to perceive; -avara, a. hard to close or protect; -Avaha, a. bard to conduct to ( 4);-vira, a. hard to close; difficult to check; vasn a. having bad quarters; -fvi, a. hard to pass (v. 1. durdyya). jitEi "dur-atsaya, a. having evil thoughts; _s&, f. vain -, false hope; despair of (lc.); _asis, a. having evil wishes or intentions; -Asada, a. bard to approach, dangerous to molest; hard to find; difficult to accomplish. if ' dur-ita', (pp.) n. faring ill, distress, harm; misdeed, foul means, sin; a. difficult, evil, bad.I If(ITWT~T duritafitman, a. ill-disposed. ~Ndur-ikaha, a. hard to see: -t'a, f abst. N.; -isa, in. evil master; -iha, a. illintentioned. -S',f dur-uktd, pp. spoken falsely, rashly, or offensively (n. word -); harshly addressed; n. false, rash, or offensive word; -ukti, f. harsh or offensive word;' -ukkkeda, a. hard to exterminate; -uttara, a. hard to overcome;..utsaha, a. hard to bear; - resist; -udahara, a. hard to utter; -udvaha, a. hard to bear; -uaara, a. hard to approach, dangerous to molest; bard to deal with; -upadishta, pp. badly instructed; -upadesa, in. bad advice; -uaada, a. hard to bring about or manage; difficult to prove; -upalaksha, a. hard to perceive; -upasarpin, a. approaching incautiously. 7%1 dur-fiha, a. hard to comprehend. duronad, n. house, dwelling. 7%i~ durodara, in. dice-player; die; n. game of dice. TIj dur-gd, a. hard to pass, impassable, inaccessible (to or owing to, -O); in. N.;a,. N. of Siva's wife; N. of a _princess; in. it. difficult road; place inaccessible owing to ( —9); shunned spot; difficulty, danger; a. unevenness, height; fastness, stronghold. MTWr durga-ghftta, in. N. of a fortress. dur-gata, pp. faring ill, being in a bad way or in distress, poor: -afil plight, misery, poverty. [tune, poverty. f~dur-gati, a. id.; f. distress, misfor%44~~ durga-desa, ms. impassable region. ~I'Idur-gandha, in. bad smell; a. malodorous: -a, f. bad odour; -gandhi, a. illsmelling, stinking. [tress; -pAla, in. id. Iqf~W- durga-pati, as. commander of a forR '122 #;R dur-gama..vu dush-. 'S -.. 122 ~ durgama.dush #RII dur-gama, a. hard to pass, impassable, inaccessible (on account of~in.,-0); hard to attain; - prove; m. n. difficult position; m. N.: -ma~rga-nirgamana, a. the way out of which is a difficult path; -gamanilya, fp. hard to pass; -gamya,fp. impassable. 4iif1urgasirnha~m.N. of an astronomer, & of agrammarian; -rena,m.N.of an aathor. dur-gaha, m. N. 1S*T~TM durga ~akftrya, m. N. of a commentator on the Nirsdcta. dur-gatdha, a. hard to fathom; -g&-_ dha, a. unfathomable; -ga~hya,fP. unfathomable: -tva, n. unfathomableness; -goshthi, f. bad company, secret society, conspiracy; -graha, i. a. hard to grasp; - capture; - conciliate or win; - comprehend; 2. m.,evil demon (fdisease); obstinate persistence in (1c.) foolish whim; -graihya, fp. hard 'to grasp; - capture; - win; - comprehend: -tva, is. abst. N'.; -ghata, a. hard to accomplish, difficult. P q dur-gana, m. wicked man, scoundrel. VIqT'. durganat-ya, den. A. be considered a scoundrel. [ =insult (Pr.). ~# Idur-gani-kri, make a scoundrel of *ifdur-gaya, a. hard to conquer, - overcome; - guard against; - obtain; m. N. of a Dadnava or of a -Ddssava host; -gara, a. not decaying; hard to digest; -gala, n. bad water; -gita, pp. miserable, unfortunate; wicked; spurious: w. bhartri, m. paramour; n. misfortune; -g~ti, f. misfortune; a. wicked; -g~tiya, a. wicked, evil; -gqiva, a. hard '(for, in.) to live (n. impl.); n. hard life; -geya, fp. hard to conquer; -g~ii~na, a. hard to know; - recognise; - find out: -tva, n. abst. Nr.; -glbeya, fp. id., hard to understand. #R dur-dama, a,. hard to control; -damnYaPfjp. id.; -darsa, a. hard to be seen by (in., g.); unsightly, loathsome; -darsana, a. id.; -dasA, ff. hard lot, misfortune; -dua, pp. ill-tamed, untamed, unbridled; m. Hard-totame, N. of a lion; -dina, n. dull or rainy day; clouded sky; rainy weather; rain, shower; a. cloudy, dull; -divasa, m. dull or rainy day. 'St dur-duhft, a. f. hard to milk; -dfura auta, a. very long (way); -dris, a. seeing badly; -drisa, a. hard to see; unsightly, loathsome; -drishta,.pp. ill-investigated, unjustly decided; -desa, m. inhospitable region; unhealthy -; -daiva, ri. ill-fate, misfortune: -vat, a. ill-fated. ~'Pdur-dhd'ra, a. hard to bear; irresistible; hard to administer (punishment); inevitable; m. N.; -dhfiritu, a. irresistible;' -dharsha, a. hard of access, unapproachable, safe from attack; danger'ous; terrible; -dha'ryayfp.- hard to bear; -retain; -lia. stupid; ill-disposed. TRVT dur-naya, m. (sg. & p1.) bad or imprudent behaviour; -nigraha, a. hard to restrain or subdue; -nimita,pp. ill-measured, irregular, faltering (.step); -nimitta, s. evil omen; -niy~ntu, a. hard to restrain; -nirikshya, fp.- hard to look at; hard to be seen by (in., g.); -niru'pa, a. hard to determine; -niv~ra, a. hard to repel, - restrain; - get rid of or set aside: -tva, n. abst. Nr.; -niva'rya,j~p. id.; -uivritta, pp. hard to return from; -nita, pp. badly conducted or executed; n. evil plight; demerit; -3nripa, m. bad king. #*~dur-bala, a.weak; frail, slender, feeble: -ta',f. -ness, - indriya, a. having weak organs; -buddhi, f. mean wit, folly; a. mean-witted, foolish; ill-intentioned; -.-, foolishly believing in; -bodha, a. hard to comprehend: th f. abst. N.; -bodhya,f~p. id. dur-bhaksha, a. hard to eat; -bhiga, a.lathsome, ugly; unpleasant; ill-fated: A f. ugly woman; -bhaga-tva, n. misfortune; -bhara, a. hard to bear; - support; - satisfy.; heavily laden with (~O;-bha'gya, a. unfortunate; -bhaisha, a. using bad language; m. abusive language; -bha'shita, p~p. offensive (language); -bhashin, a. using abusive language; -bhiksha, n. (in. rare) famine; distress: -tva, n. abst. N., -vyasanin,'a. having to cope with famine; -bhida, a. hard to burst; - disperse; -bheda, a. hard to burst, disunite, or sunder; -bhedya, fp. id. 'StW dur-mati, a. foolish; ill-disposed (rare); m. fool; miscreant; i. -mada, m. false pride, overweening self-conceit; 2. -mida, a. intoxicated; extravagant, wild, mad; madly devoted to (-9); -manas, n. wrong-mindedness, delusion; a. dispirited, dejected, sad: _tA,f -ness. [afflicted, or dejected. 'TRW1 M dur-manat-ya, den. A. be troubled, dur-manushya, m. bad man, villain; -mintu, a. hard to comprehend; -mantra, m. bad advice; -mantrita, pp. ill-advised; a. bad advice; -mantrin, m. bad minister; a. having a bad minister; -mira, a. dying hard; n. it is hard for (in.) to die: -tva, n. dying hard; -marana, n. id.; -maryada, a. knowing no bounds: -t&, f. abSt. N.; -m~rsha, a. not to be forgotten; intolerable; refractory, hostile; -marshana, a. hard to manage, intractable; -maftsarya, n. bad jealousy; -mitri, a. unfriendly; m. N.; -mukha, a. (i) ugly-faced, hideous; foulmouthed, scurrilous; m. N.; -muhfira is. fatal hour; -medha, -medh~s, a. of smalliwit, stupid, foolish; -inedha.vin, a. id.; -maitra, a. hostile. #4 d-ir-ya, a. belonging to the door or house; in., fi,f.p1. dwelling. -Ift( dur-yasas, a. dishonour; -yuga, n. evil age; -yoga, m. deceit; transgression; -yon&, n. habitation; -yodhana, a. hard to combat; m. N. of Dhrita-rashtra's eldest son; -yoni, a. of impure extraction., base-born. dur-lakshya, is. uncertain aim; fp. hard to perceive, scarcely visible; -lafighana, a. hard to surpass; -laiighya, f~p. hard to cross; - infringe or transgress = to be obeyed (commnand). '0r" dur-labha, a. hard to obtain; - find or meet with, rare; dear: -ka, a. dear, at, f.,1 -tva,. -. rarity, -vardhaiia,v m.N. of a icing oqf Cashmere: -svAmin, m. N. of a templ built by -Durlabhavardharea. 'l i~~f dur-lalita, a. spoiled, wayward; unmannerly; weary of (-'O); n. ill habit: -ka, a. wayward; -lasita, _pp. id.; -lipi, f. fatal writing (inscribed by fate on the forehead) -lekha, M. id.; -lekhya, n. incorrectly written document. dur-vaka, a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -va/kana, is..pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vaicas, n. id.; stupid words; a.abusive; hard to answer; -vaisig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; impurity; (-virna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa,,a. (is. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, fpainful residence; a..hard to bear; - exe cute or accomplish; -V~1c, f. abuse; a. abusive; -vaikya, a. difficult to utter, harshi (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -va'da, m. blame, reproach; -v^nta, _pp.ta a o fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); avrm, a. hard to restrain or check; irresistible; -virana, a. id,.; av at,f ill-tidings; -vrya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irresistible: -t9,f. abst. N.; -vila, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; vsan~f false'notion; -vasas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Bradhman; -hian heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, mn. unjustifiable irresolution; -vgha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vig~hya, fP. id.; vira, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; lva5na, n. difficult ascertainment; a. (6) hard to comprehend; -vi-~ gsleya,fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse; -vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi.. naya, in. imprudent behaviour; -vinita, pp ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vip~ka, mn. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil consequences; -vibhiva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhivana, a. hard to perceive; -vibb~vya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to comprehend; -vilasita, is. wicked trick; -vvha, mn. blamable marriage; -viveicana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to endure or overcome; irresistible; hard to perform or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; mn. wicked man; -vritti, f distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthipa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavah~ra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil runiour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vya'hrita, pp. ill-spoken; a. unsuitable utterance. %T14T'q dur-hanaty-i, a. meditating mischief; -hrid, a. bad-henrted; m. enemy. DUL., X. P. dolaya, raise, swing; 'B 'l whirl up (dust): pp. d6lita, sway~ing, wavering. VK dsiv-as, n. honour, worship. J'1 duvas-ya', den. P. honour, reward. J'W 4 duvas-yatt, subj. or ab. (?), RV. I, i65, 14. qT dus-kara, a. hard to traverse; inaccessible; hard to pass (time); difficult to practise: -tva, n. difficulty of practising; -kcarita, pp. behaving ill, doing ill deeds; n. (diits-), ill-conduct, misdeed, folly; -h6rman, a. havinc- a skin disease; -ka'ritra, a. illconducted; -7cffrin, a. id.; -kikitSaf. wrong medical treatment; -/cikitsita, pp. hard to cure; -kikitsya, fp. id.: -tva, is. difficulty of curing; -kitta, a. dejected, sad; -ketas, a. ill-disposed; -keshtgf. bad conduct~perverseness; -kceshtita, pp. ns. id.: p1. ill-doings; -kyavani, a. hard to overthrow, immovable; -lky&va, a. id.; -khid, a. hard to destroy. 1:~,r dulh-sala, mis. N. of a son of Dhritardshtra; -sa nain. Hard-to-curb,N.oa son of Dhrita-rdslitra; -sikshita, pp. illinstructed; uneducated, ill-bred; '-sishya, in. bad pupil; -siia, a. having had habits or a bad character, wicked: at, f. bad character, wickedness; -slia-Jitta, a. wicked-minded; -sAva, a,. malevolent.A ~DUSH, IV. P. (E. also A.) dushya '~\(Br. etc.), be spoiled, impaired, or ruined; be deifiled, sullied, or corrupted; ~be guilty, be in fault; commit a sin: pp. dush-ta, spoiled; tainted, vitiated;, corrupt; de-, wodush-. 0 drimh. 12 123 fective; false; malevolent; dangerous; bad, wicked; convicted,-guilty; sinning or injuring with (-C); ill-affected towards, angry with (g.); es. dfishiya, q. v. Pra, grow worse (disease); -be defiled or corrupted; act amiss, deteriorate (m2orally): pp. wicked, sinful; licentious (woman); wanton, ungovernable (&enses),. vi-pra, wicked; exceedingly corrupt, profligate. sani,be defiled: p~p. wicked; angry with [dis-. its dush-, indec. (=clus-) bad, ill, hard,un-,!J~4 dush-kara, a. hard to do, accomplish, or perform; - endure; difficult; unusual, extraordinary; hard to (inf.); -m yadi, (with ind. or pot.), hardly, scarcely; -m (kriyate) yad, it is no light thing if -: kr man, a. doing what is hard, very clever; -karina-karin, a. id.; -sidhana, n. means of overcoming difficulties. Swj+"'i dush-karman, n. misdeed; mn. illdoer; -klyastha-kula, a. wretched caste of scribes; -kula, n. base family; a. sprung from, a base family; -krit, a. doing ill-deeds; m. evil-doer; (diitsh)-krita, pp. ill-done, wrong, wicked; n. (;!) misdeed, sin, guilt. ~i~iI~dushkrita-karmain, in. evildoer; -kfixin, a. doing evil deeds; - tman, a. evil-minded, wicked. ijf dushkr-iti, -n, a. sinning; m. miscreant, sinner. 17dush-ta, pp. V'dush; in.bad man, rogue; a. transgression, guilt: -karitra, a. doing evil; m. evil-doer; -kfixin, a., sm. id.; -ketas-, a. malevolent; _tA, f. wickedness; defilement; -tva,na.wickedness; wrongness; -durgana, in. depraved rogue; -budhi, a. ill-affected toward; -bhfiva, a. ill-disposed; -vi*, a. defaming, libellous; -hridaya, a. wickedhearted. -SITM'fdushta attman, a. ill-disposed, malevolent; - ataritman, a. id. #19 dush-ti, f. corruptness. -Ifrl dushtuti, v. ~:frduhshtuti. S zf-KVTl dush-parigraha, a. hard to retain; -parihintu, a. bard to remove; -parihara, a. hard to avoid; armn, a. hard to cross; - perform; -pfixshni-graha, a. having a bad enemy in the rear,. -gra~ha, a. idl.; _Purra, a. hard to fill; - satisfy; -prakriti, f. low nature; a. base; -prakriya^,f. trifling dignity; -pragi'a, a. stupid: -tva, as. stupidity; -pranita, _pp. led astray; as. indiscretion; -pradharsha, a. hard to assail; -prabhafigana, in. hurricane; -prayukta,.pp. badly or wrongly employed; -pravida, in. slander; -pravritti,f. had news; -pravesa, a. hard to enter; -prasaha, a. hard to endure, irresistible; -prasida, a. hard to appease: -na, a. id.; -prasa'dhana, a. hard to manage(person);..praSadhyamfp.id.-; -prfio. pa, a. hard to attain; -preksha, a.,..prekshaniya,f/p. hard to see; unpleasant to look at; -prekshya,fp. id. [shyanta. 'ST(if[ dushmanta, m. incorr. form of DuVW dushyanta,m.N. of Sakuntald's husband and of, Bharata's father. T'I duh-shanta,' i. id. (older form of Dusshyanta). T'79;i duh-shblma, n. bad ye 'ar; -shtuta, a. wrong treatment of the stotra; -shv~pnya, n. bad dream, uneasy sleep. -STdus-, px. (=dush-) bad; wr ong; hard. ~~2dus-tara, a. hard to cross, get over, p r II F II I I I or overcome, invincible; -tarana, a. (i) id.; -tarkya, fp. hard to, guess; -ty-aga, a. hard to abandon or renounce: -a~f. abast. N. du-stha, Of~,Wf -sthita, v. T:o duk-. duh-samlakshya,fp. hard to perceive; -samskara, m. pl. bad habits; -saiiga, in. bad inclination; -samk~ra, a. hard to traverse, impervious; -samkintya, fp. hard to conceive. ~(Idussani, in. N. TW9Mrr~ duh-saindhftna, a. hard to put together, unite, or reconcile; -sampida, a. hard to reach; mansg, e; -saha,, a. hard to bear, unendurable; irresistible: -tara, c~pv. more dangerous still (poison); -sjdhya,fp. hard to accomplish; - get the better of; - restore. TWdulh -stha, a. faring ill, badly off, wretched, sad; -stbdita, pp. id.; -sthiti, f. bad plight; -sparsa, a. hard or unpleasant to touch; -sprisa, a. id.; -smara, a. unpleasant to remember; -svapna, in. bad dream: -darsana, n. bad vision in sleep. DUHTT IL d6gdhi, dugdh6 (common); NI. d6ha (-7. srare); IV. duhya (rare); VI. duhi (rare); milk (also of the extraction of the SomaJuice); derive advantage from (ac.); draw forth or extract anything (ac.) from (ac., ab.); give (milk); yield (desired objects); grant or fulfil (wiishes): pp. dugdh&, milked; drained, exploited; cs. dohiya, cause to milk; milk out; extract; des. difiduksha (V.) and dudhuksha, wish to milk. nis, milk ont,' extract; withdraw. sam., milk (together); A~. yield milk (together). duh, duh-a, a. milking, yielding(0) ~fwpr~duhita-mtri, f. du. daughter and mothr. '%'' duh-i-tri,) f. daughter. df-idhil, a. Edur-dhil] ill-disposed. TW diX-td, m. m esseinger, envoy: -ka, in.id.; -karman, a. condition or function of a messenger or envoy; -tva, a. office of a messenger or envoy; -mukha, a. having messengers as his mouthpiece. dfr iT ht-ikft, f. female messenger; gobetween: - v&Ac, speech betraying (-~). dAtdj,. female messenger; go-between, procuress. [ sag e. TM dfttyA, a., Af. office of an envoy, mes,7riT dfl-na, pp. of -,du. 17 dfi-rd, a. distant, remote; long; far (from, ab., g.); n.distance (of time and s~pace): -and-rn, far away; high up; deep; highly, very, altogether; -in kri, distance, surpass (ac.); -an tyag (and similar verbs) = avoid carefully; itn. (e-na), far away; from afar; by far; Ab from afar; far from (ala.); remotely =thoroughly (examine); lc. in the distance, far, far.away. [away. T!~rrf du'rd-adh~i, a. with thouights far dfi-rakshya, fp. hard to guard. T~ dftra-ga, a. extending far; distant; -gata, pp. gone far away; -gamana, a. going far away; -gmin, a. id. 7T47 du'ra-tara, cpv. in. at a great distance; la. at some distance from (ala.). dfira-ttis, ad. from afar'; far off or away, not at hand: tyag (and, verbs of cognate meaning), keep at a distance; cast altogether aside; -to bhf^, keep aloof. I I k!Kdftra-tva, n. distance, remoteness. dft-rada, a. difficult to scratch, hard. fQV[dfira-darsana, a. to be seen only at a distance by (g.); -darsin, a. far-seeing; -patha, in. long way: -in gata, being a long way off; -pita, in. distant flight; fall from a great height; -patin, a. flying far; farshooting. TTlT13 dftra-pftra, a. whose other bank is distant; -prasfirin, a. far-reaching; -bandhu, a. far- from one's kin; -bhava, as. dis-, tance; -vartin, a. being, far away, distant; going far beyond; -sainstha, a. being at a distance; far-removed; -siirya, a. having tie sun a long way off, remote from the sun; -stha, a. standing at a distance or aloof; being far off: -tva, n. distance; -sthita, pp. being far off, distant.. r'Td dftrajAgata, pp. come from a distance; - apeta, pp. far removed = not to be thought _of, out of the question: -tva, a. alast. N;- A'loka, an. distant 'view: e sthita, pp. to be-seen only froni afar. d d1r-kri, remove, banish; distance, surpass; -bh.i, withdraw,, retire. ~vWf dftre'-anta, a. ending afar off. dfire-kara, a. distant; (6)-bha', a. shining afar; (,6)-he'ti, a. whose iuissile reaches far. TT lkf f'dIdra uda'ra-karitra, a. being a stranger to noble conduct. If ' dft-roha, OT -nad, a. hard to ascend. TI&T duirvft, f. kind of millet-grass (panicuin dactylon). [grass.!;Tzq du'rvad-vat, a. joined with dftrvdt!P dftsh-a, a. de-filing (01); -aka, a. (ikd^) destroying; disfiguring; sullying; falsifying.; seducing, violating; corrupting, defiling; transgressing; -ia, f. rheum of, the eyes. 17 dflsh-ana, a. (i) destructive, injurious; defilin,,, dishonouring (g. or -O); in. N. of a Bllkshasa; a. destroying, undoing, ruining; defiling, seducing; adulterating; slandering, detracting; refutation; blemish, fault; guilt, sin: -vidin, as. opponent (in an argument). dfishbi-ya, den. P. (E. also 'A".) spoil, -destroy; falsify; defile, deflower, dishonour; pronounce to be wrong, blame; accuse; intimidate: pp. dfishita, calumniated; exposed; blemished by (-O). ud, calumniate. pra,, spoil; defile; calumniate, abuse. pra-' ti-pra, pp. defiled. samu, spoil, defile; exp ose to shame, disgrace. Ordflsh-i, a. destroying (~) ifAUdftsh-in, a. polluting, deflowering(-) &adfsh-ii, OqiT -kat-f. rheum of the eye. y!.dftsh-yat, fp. liable to be spoiled, ruined, or polluted; an. reprehensible person. 2dftsh-ya, a. tent; cotton. i. DRIJV.A. -driy&. A, heed, consider; trouble about; respect; be held in esteemi: p.adrita, q. v. -ti 1, pay great regard to (ac.): pp. with ps. a~nd act, meaning. 2. DRI, v. DR L DRIMUH, I. P. drs'anha, fasten, make N.;firm, establish; A. be firm: IV. P. A drihya, id.: pp. dridhk, firm, hard; steadfast, unwavering; violent, intense, great: m ad. firmly, steadily; greatly, much;, very R2 124 1'24 drik-khattra. WTiI devata-maya. well; cs. P. drimhaya, make firm, establish; A. be firm. %q(8t4 drik-khattra, n. eye-lid; -patha, m. range of the eye: -m i, become visible; -pata, m. glance. ' drik-sha (-~), a. -looking, -like. T i clrM drik-samgama, n. sg. sight of and meeting with (g.). iT ri drig-anta,m. outer corner of the eye; -gokara, m. range of vision, horizon; -bhakti,f. amatory glance; -rudh, a. obstructing the gaze. - dridha, pp. v/drimh; n. firm or immovable object; fastness; -karin, a. persevering. r-Gt1i dridhatari-kri, confirm. 'rIgT dridha-ta,f. firmness (- vapushi, robust health); firm adherence to (ec.); perseverance; -tva, n. id.: -m gam, prove firm. 8f dridha-dasyu, m. N. of an ancient sage; -dhanvan, a. having a stiff bow; -dhriti, a. strong-willed; -prahiri-ta, f. hardness of hitting; -bhakti, a. firm in devotion to (Ic.); -mati, a. firmly resolved; -mushti, m. tight fist; a. close-fisted. g'4 dridha-ya, den. P. establish; confirm. WgIr dridha-vapus, a. of robust health; -vrata, a. constant to one's vow; of unswerving purpose; firmly insisting on (Ic.), faithfully devoted to (-~). -T~Sl dridha. yudha, a. having a hard missile. [-kara, m. id. % ai-wllq dridhl-karana, n. confirmation; -Gil dridhi-kri, fortify; bind firmly; confirm; -bhu, become firm. fr dri-ti, m. (f.)water-carrier's skin; bellows; hose. F] DRIP, IV. P. dripya, become mad; \ be crazy, extravagant, or arrogant: pp. dripta, extravagant, wild, arrogant: -tara, cpv. excessively arrogant; cs. darpaya, make mad or arrogant: pp. darpita, made insolent by, boasting of (-~); wild, arrogant. ati, be excessively arrogant: pp. very arrogant. y DRIBH, VI. P. dribha, make into i> tufts, string together. sam, pp. sanmdabdha, bound together; composed; confirmed. i2 DRIS, pr. base pasya, I. see, behold, observe; visit, wait upon; look at; look on (int.); recognise (by, in.); ascertain; discover; inspect; trouble about, examine; see with the mind's eye= compose (hymns); ps. drisya, be seen, become visible; appear, look, turn out to be (nm.); be inspected; be generally accepted as (rnm.), be current in the sense of (Ic.): pp. drishta, seen, etc.; observed, treated, recognised, considered; having appeared, manifesting itself, existing; experienced, suffered; devised; become acquainted with; foreseen, fore-ordained; decided (suit); acknowledged, established, sanctioned (by, -~); cs. darsaya, cause any one to see (2 ac.), show to (ac., d., g.); point with (ac.) towards (Ic.); point towards'; produce (in court); display, indicate; confess; prove; show oneself to (ac., g.); atmanam -, show oneself, appear, pretend to be: pp. darsita; des. didriksha, wish or like to see; des. of cs. didarsayisha, P. wish to show. anu, behold, perceive; cs. inform, instruct. abhi, look at, see; ps. be seen, appear. g, cs. show. ud, cs. appear: pp. -m, (iml.) one has appeared. upa, look on; observe; ps. A. appear; cs. show, present; represent; pretend; explain, illustrate. ni, cs. show, set forth; point, indicate; introduce, enumerate; teach, instruct. pari, view, frequent; consider, excogitate; ps. be observed, show oneself; es. show, demonstrate. pra, foresee; see, behold; A. ps. become visible; appear; cs. show, display; designate; describe, explain. upa-pra, refer to (ac.). sam-pra, ps. appear; cs. show: atmanam mritavat -, feign oneself dead. prati, perceive; ps. A. appear: pratyadarsi,has appeared; cs. show. vi, ps. A. be discerned, appear distinctly; cs. show; teach. sam, behold, perceive; look on; inspect; review; consider fully; ps. A. appear together with (in.); be observed, appear; cs. show, display; show oneself to (ac.); represent: atmAnam mritavat -, feign oneself dead. 49! dris (nm, drik), a. seeing, beholding; f. N. id. (d. dris6, for beholding); eye; view, theory; -~ a. look, appearance. [ance (-~). v'I dris-a, m. (i,f.) sight, look, appearJf'l dris-i, f. seeing, beholding; faculty of seeing, intuition, vision: d. drisaye = inf. for beholding. fi'tr drisi-mat, a. seeing. 'IftiT dris-ika, f. appearance. Sf dris-ya,fp. visible, to (in., g., -0); to be looked at; worthy to be seen, splendid: -ta,f., -tva, n. visibility. f(r dris-van, a. having seen, conversant with (-~). Voq-T' drishat-kana, m. pebble. iFR drishad,f. rock, large stone; (nether) millstone. 4!t -I dcrishad-asman,m.upper (smaller) millstone; -upala, n. sg. & du., if. du. the two millstones, -aulllukhala, n. millstone and mortar. [river. -r —[ drishad-vat-i, f. (Rocky), N. of a Byt drishan-nau,f. boat of stone. v drish-ta,pp.V/dris; n. perception: -karman, a. whose deeds have been seen, tried practically; -tva, n. having been seen, occurrence; -dosha, a. whose sins have been exposed; formerly convicted; recognised as sinful (action); -nashta, pp. having appeared and disappeared immediately after: -ta, f. abst. N.; -purva, a. seen before; -pratyaya, a. convinced by ocular evidence (lit. having seen-conviction); -sruta, pp. seen and (or) heard; -sara, a. of tried strength. TTTL- drishtaadrishta, pp. visible and invisible; relating to this life and the next; -anta, m. (non plus ultra of experience), model, pattern; precedent; illustration; example; a. serving as a pattern; -arTtha, a. whose object or aim is clear; serving as a model; having ascertained the true state of (g.). ^i drzsh-ti, f. seeing, looking at (g.), beholding; vision, eyesight; intelligence; eye; pupil of the eye; glance, look; regard; opinion: -m da, direct the gaze towards (Ic.). %f't drishti-kshepa, m. rolling the eyes, looking about; -gokara, m. range of vision; -dana, n. bestowal of a look, showing oneself; -nipata, m. cast of a look, glance; -patha, m. range of vision; -pata, m. cast of a look, glance: na tasya drishtiplte = do not show yourself to him; -pradana, n. =-dana; -prasada, m. favour of a glance: -m kri, deign to look at one; -mandala, n. pupil of the eye; -mat, a. having eyes; intelligent, wise; -marga, m. range of vision, horizon; -vikshepa, m. moving the eyes about, looking around. [1-T? cdrishtautsfha, a. whose steady advance is seen. 1TWi*W% drishti agokara, a. being beyond the range of vision. v DRIH, v. G DRIMH.? DRIt P(A41X. drinA, burst, rend, tear; ps. diryate, be rent or cleft, break open: pp. dlrna, cleft, rent; dispersed; terrified; cs. daraya, P. A. tear asunder, burst open; disperse. ava, burst; cs. tear asunder, excavate. a, split, open; intv. dardar, id. nis, tear; cs. id.; lacerate; cleave, cause to be dug up. vi, tear, lacerate; ps. burst asunder: pp. torn; pierced; gaping; cs. burst asunder; open; pierce, rend, lacerate; dig up, scatter; break through, disperse; push away. kN de-ya, fp. to be given; - bestowed in marriage; - granted; - delivered; - restored, - paid: -h panthah, way must be made for (g.); atithitvena saktya deyam, n. impl. one should give according to one's ability in regard to hospitality; n. gift; impost; wages. k'4 dev-a, a. (i') heavenly, divine (also fig.); celestial, deity, god, divinity (sts. of malevolent beings); (god among men =) priest, Brahman; king, prince; -~, chief among: voc. Sire, please your Majesty; i, f. goddess; Savitri; Durga; queen, princess. t4fqf'deva-rishi,m.rishi among the gods, divine saint. [XKrishna's mother. tili d6va-ka, -o a.= deva; i, f. N. of k-qiiTWW deva-kanyaka,f. celestial maiden; -kanya,f. id.; -karma-krit, a. performing a divine rite; -karman, n. divine rite; -kalasa, m. N.; -karya, n. divine rite; concern or errand of the gods. Tq1tWiER devaki-nandana, m. met. of Krishna; -sunu, m. id. itEIra deva-kula, n. temple; (a)-krita,pp. made by the gods; -kritya, n. = deva-karya; -kshetra, n. divine territory; -khata, pp. dug by the gods =hollowed out by nature; -gana, m. host of gods; -ganika,f. courtesan of the gods, Apsaras; -giri, m. mountain of the gods,N.of a mountain-range; -gupta,ipp. protected by the gods; m. N.; -guru, m. preceptor of the gods; ep. of Kasyapa and of Brihaspati; -griha, m. n. house of the gods, temple; royal palace. 4witi deva-kkhanda, m. pearl necklace of 81 strings; -ga, a. god-begotten; -gana, m. (gnly.pl.) divine host; host of demons or (esp.) serpents; -g, a. god-begotten, - born; -gata, n. race or class of gods. 'T devA-ta, i.f. divinity, divine power; deity; sacred image; 2. in. ad. in the capacity of a god or gods; among or to the gods. iTTWI R devatf Jgara, n. temple, chapel; -griha, n. id. lT'6deva-tst,f. divine worship; - host. TI ale devata-maya, a. (i) containing all the gods; - yatana, n. temple; - arkana, n. worship of the gods. ev q j —djW deva-tumula. =, daiva. 125 deva-tumula.dIva 2 k'U'rdeva-tumula, n. thunderstorm. ~fdeva-tyg, a.having - as a deity, sacred to (aO); AAr, ad. among the gods; -tvi, n. divinity, divine nature, state of the gods. kli~ deva-datta, a. god-given; m. Arguna's conch; the vital air which causes yawning; Dieu-donn6, very comnion N., hence used to denote indefinite persons, Soand-so; -dantin, m. ep. of Siva (3); -darsana, a. seeing or associating with the gods; in. N.; is. manifestation of a god; -darsin, a. associating with the gods; -da~ru, M. n. N. Of a kind of pine (Pinus Deodora); -d~sa, in. N.; -dfiti, m. m-essenger of the gods; -deva, in,. god of gods, supreme god, ep. of Brahma, Siva, Vishnu, Krishna, and Ganesa: Ai, f. iDurgh; -daivatya, a. having the gods as a divinity, sacred or addressed to the gods. 4 Iq de/v-ana, n. shining; gambling. kll~ deva-nadil, f. divine river, ep. of various sacred rivers; *..nagari, f. sacred city writing, N. of the current Sanskrit character; -nitha, in. lord of the gods, Siva; -na~yaka, mn. -N.; -nikiya, in. host of gods; -ni.tAha, mn. N. of a Vedic passage containing seventeen pa'das. "tifeT deva-pati,mi. lord of the gods, Indra; (&)-patni, a.f. having a god for a husband; -pasu, in. animal consecrated to the gods; istr,. cup of the gods; -p'ana, a. serving the gods for drinking; -putra, in. son of a god; a. (devA-) having gods as children; -pur, f. citadel of the gods; Indra's abode; -pura, n. Indra's abode; -pfig&', f. divine worship; -puirva, a. preceded by the vword deva: - giri, in. = deva-giri; -prabha, mn. N. of a Gandharva; -prasa'da, sn. N.; -priya, a. beloved of the gods (Siva); -bhakti, f devotion to a god or the gods; -bhavana, n. abode of the gods, heaven; temple; -bhishag, mn. divine physician; -bhfita, _pp. having become or being a god; -mani, mn. divine jewel, esp. Vishnu's breast ornament; whirl of hair on a horse's neck.; -maya, a. containing the gods; -matri-ka, a. nourished by rain only, i. e. by no other water; amrga, in. path of the gods, jocular designation of the hind quarters; -muni, in?. divine sage. k Tg15' deva-yag, a. sacrificing to or worshipping the gods; -yigana, a. (3) id.; n. place of sacrifice; -yagA6,, mn. sacrifice to the gods, burnt offering (one of thefJive hinds of sacriflce); -y~gya, n., -yagym, f. worship of or sacrifice to the gods. ~~?deva-ydt,den.pr.pt. servingthe gods. ~TTdeva-yfttrft, f. procession with sacred images; -y&'na, a. going -, leading to or frequented by the gods; is. path of the gods; _Yau3iya,- a. leading to the gods. kq deva-yii, a. dev oted to the god s, pious; (i)-yukta, pp. yoked by the gods; -yuga, n. age of the gods, first age of the world; -yosh&,f. divine woman. k4T dev-ara, m. husband's (younger) brother, brother-in-law; lover, husband: -ghni, a~f. killing her brother-in-law. -i4 deva-rata, pp. delighting in the gods,.pious; -rathi, mn. divine car; -rag, mn. king of the gods, Indra; -rAg&, m'. id.; divine ruler; N.; -rigya, is. sovereignty of the gods; -rata, pp. god-given; mn. N., Theodore; _P-np. in, a. having a divine form; - ishi, mn. divine sage (dwelling among the gods). k" deva-la, m. showman of images (also -.ka); N. " NfW deva-liiiga, is. statue of 'a god; -1ekha, f. N. of a princess; -1okii, M. world of the gods; -vadhi\,f. divine female; -vandb,, a. praising the gods; -v~rman, n. divine armour; -vis, f. race of gods; (6a)-viti, f. feast of the gods; -vrat&, nt. religious observance; a. (a), devoted to the gods, religious, pious; in. ep. of Bhlshma and Skanda. kZ f deva-sakti, m. N. of a king; -satru, mn. foe of the gods, Asura, iMkshasa; -earman, mn. N.; '(i)-sishta, pp. taught by the gods; -suni,, f. bitch of the gods, Saramta; -sesha, n. remnant of a sacrifice to the gods; -sansnidhi, sn. presence of the gods; -sarasa, is. N. of a locality; -srishta, _pp. dischar."ged or created by the gods; -sena, mn. N.: a, f divine host; N. of Skanda's wife; -smnita, f. N. of a merchant's daughter; -sva, is. property of the gods; -svfimin, in. N.; (k)-hiti, f. divine ordinance; (6a)-hiiti, f. invocation of the gods. k~'JT deva amsa, In. part of a god, partial incarnation; - agira, In. n. house of god, temple; -aifigan~ayf divine female; - Atman, in. divine soul; - adhipa, in. lord of the gods, Indra. -{the gods), plain simple man. kqTI~q'fiIJ' devatnffin-priya, m. (favourite of NT# i devannka, is. divine host; - nn kara, us. attendant of a god; - anuyahyin, in. id.; - anna, v. food offered to the gods; -yatana, n. temple; -_ aranyay n. forest of the gods (the Nandana forest);..ari, mn. foe of the gods, Asura; arkana, n. worship of a god or the gods; -aain. temple; -.a'va.. satha, in. id.; _..asva, in. divine steed. ~f ide'v-ikft, f. subordinate goddess. dev-i-tri, mn. gambler; -in, a. gambling; in. gambler. k'4 devi, f. of deva: -ka, -a a. princess, queen; -kriti, f. N. of a _pleasure grove; -garbha-griha, n. inner sanctuarycontaining the image of Durgfi; -griha, n. temple of lDurgfi; queen's apartment; -tva, n. condition of a goddess or princess; -dhaman, it. temple of Durgfl; -bhavana, is. temple of Durgt. ki dev-ri' in. husband's (younger) brother, brother-in-law. ii~ deva'iddha, pp. kindled by the gods; - indra, in. lord of the gods, Indra; Mjav. id.:I i,f. DurgA; -isvara, in. ep. of Siva. ~iiN.V devaenasd, n. curse of the gods.;TMTR'fdevi yatana, n. temple of Durgfa. kV des-si, in. point, spot, place, region (often redundant ~);country: -m A-vas or nivis, settle in a country; lc. in the right place. k74 desa-ka, a. (-c)- showing, teaching; in. instructor. k'TW desa-katla, in. du. place and time: sg. - for (g.): _giia, a. knowing place and time: -ti, f. knowledge of place and time; -vid, a. knowing place and time, experienced; -virodhin, a. disregarding place and time; -vaia p. neglecting the right time and place. ~'T~~desa-kyuti, f. exile, banishment; -ga, a. born in the right country, of genuine desent(hoses elphants); -tyAga, in. leaving the country; -drishta, _pp. current in the country; -dharma, in. law or usage of the country. [teaching, doctrine. kWMT des-anaft, f. direction, instruction, kIT~desa-bhafiga, in. ruin of the country; -bha'sha',f. language of the country, vernacular; -rakshin, in. protector of the country of - =king of ( —). WT9 T desa ftkramana n. invasion; - Akira, in. custom of the country; - atana, n. travelling; 7_qtithi, in. guest in th~e country, stranger; - narn aohr ein foreign country; Z_9ntarita, _pp. living in a foreign country; -antain a. foreign; in. foreigner. [finger. ~ffT des-in, a. indicating (-c): -11f. forek~kfdes-i', f. vernacular; provincialism: -nm a-m la^,f. Garland of ProvincialWords, T. of a dictionary by Ilegnakandra. kI7ah des-^iya, a. belonging to the country, provincial; living in,native of (-');bordering or verging on, not far from, about, like(9) kIMdes-ya, fp. to be pointed to, exemplary; a. being on the spot, having been present (ms. eye-witness); belonging to or current in the country, provincial; native of ();bordering or verging on, not far removed forom, almost, like (~) kY desh-tavya, fp. to be designated as (nin.);..tri, in. guide, instructor (-2.); -tril, f. Instructress (as a deity). kifdeh-a, in. ns. [envelope of the soul: Vdih] body; mnass, bulk; person: -kara, in. procreator, fath er; -krit, in. id.; -kara, a.bodily_; -karya&, f. tending the body; -ga, in. son; Klima; -tyiga, in. abandonment of the body, death; -tva, is. corporeal nature; -dhirana, is. bearing a body, life; -dharin, a. possessing a body, embodied; -pita, in. collapse of the body, death; -bhag, in. corporeal being, esp. man; -b~hrit, 'a. having a body (Siva); in. corporeal being, esp. man; -madhya, n. waist; - atrf maintenance of the body, support k14f deh-aflT f. threshold. [of life. k19W4f deha-vat, a. embodied; in. living being, esp. man; -vritti, f. maintenance of the body. kWTUTW(~i deha fttma-vftda, in. doctrine that the soul is identical with, the body; -anta, in. end of the body, death. de-hi, 2 pers. sg. impv. of V". dfi. f~deh-in, a. embodied; in. living being; man; (incarnate) soul. klf deh-T, f. rampart. 3a deha isvara, us. soul. i~ DAI, purify: V. IT2. DA. i~ikdaiksha, a. relating to initiation (dlk shfl). ikwdaitya, um. descendant of Diti, Asura or demon, esp. Raihu: -da'nava-mardana, in. Crusher of the IDaityas and Ditnavas (Indra); -nishi dana, in. ep. of Vishnu; -pa, -pati, in. ep. of Bali. i.T dain-ya, is. dejection, distress; wretchedness, misery, pitiable state: -in kri, act piteously, humble oneself; -vat, a. dejected, afflicted.,kqI daipa, a. relating to a lamp. dairgh-ya, is. length. Zrdaiva, a. (i') peculiar to, coming from, or having to do with the gods, divine; royal; connected with or produced by fate; ~ viviiha, in. or dharma, in. marriage rite of the gods (in which, a daughter is given to the, officiating 126 "WWdaiva-krita. m-n dy-a.pr~iest),; with tirtha, n. part of the hand sacred to the gods (the finger-ti~ps); n. deity; rite in honour of the gods; divine dispensation, fate, destiny; good luck: yukte daive, when fate is auspicious; daivamn sikshayati, necessity teaches. Iff~ daiva-krita, pp. produced by fate, natural; -gati, f. course of fate; -kinta-ka, a. thinking about -, knowing human fate; m. astrologer; -quia, a. 'skilled in destiny; m. astrologer; -gria-tva, n. skill in astrology. ~77 daivata, a. ('I) relating to a deity (worship~ped or invoked); divine; n. deity or coil, deities (celebrated in a hymn); having or worshipping - as one's deity (-O). ~INI daiva-tas, ad. by fate, accidentally. daivat-ya, a. having as deity, sacred or addressed to (0') tg~ daiva-datta, pp. bestowed by fate, innate; -dur~vipika, m. ill-ripening dispensation = cruelty of fate; -para, a. to whom fate is the chief thing; m. fatalist; -pariyana, a. m. id.; -yoga, mn. dispensation of fate; -vasa, m. will of fate: ab. accidentally; -vid, a. acquainted with fate; mn. astrologer; -vidlii, mn. fate; -sampanna, pp. favoured by fortune: -ta^, f. abst. N.; -hata-ka, a. buffeted by fortune, unfortunate; accursed; n. accursed fate (Pr.). ~3fidaiv-ficli-ka,, a. belonging to the div or fourth class of verbs. ~W ndaiva ftdi anta, a. beginning and ending with a ritei honour of thegos i~wf daiv-ika, a. peculiar -, sacred to or coming from the gods; n. natural phenomenon. tI daiva fidh4, f. woman married according to the Daiva rite; - uahataka, a. buffeted by fortune. - daivya, a. (A and daivi) divine. EN dais-ika, a. relating to place or space; native; belonging to the country of (_'2); mn. instructor. ~firdaisht-ika-th, f. fatalism. qi daih-ika, a. (I') bodily. ~If daihi-ya, a. being in the body; m. soul. do~dg-dhavya,fp -to be milked; -dhuk~ma, a. eager to milk, i. e. plunder (ac.); -dhri, m. milker; -dhri', a. f. giving milk; f. mulch cow; -dhra, n. milk-pail. dociha-ka, n. a metre. ~r:dodhatah, RY. X, 119, 2. dor-m-hla, n. arm-pit. '9I dol-a, in. swinging; (in.) a, f. swing, often as symbol of doubt; dooly, bamboo litter (carried on four men's shoulders). A jTW[9 dolft-ya, den. A. sway like a swing;fluctuate, waver, be in doubt: pp. doliyita, swaying to and fro. ~ olfi-yucldha, n. wavering battle; ~rdhpp. sitting in a dooly;, seated on a swing: ~ iva = doubtful as to(O) '4 9'dolfintsava,ra. swinging festival. 17~1'-rrfqitr doh-sflin, a. strong-armed. ~t~dosh-a, m. (n.) defect, blemish, failing; bad quality or condition, taint; fault; transgression, crime, sin, guilt, vice; harm, damage, injury; evil; bad consequence; r~orbid affection, disorder, disease; bodily humour. (there are three such, _phlegm, bile, and wind, wehic when disordered cause disease): in., ab. -tas, in consequence of a bad -, owing to tbe detrimental effect of(-) -tah saiik, suspect of a transgression.!~W dosha-kara, a. harmful, injurious to (g.); -guna, n. sq. faults and merits; -gunin, a. possessed of faults and merits: (-i)-tva, n. abst. Nr.; -qua, a. knowing the faults of (0-); knowing what is hurtful, wise; -tva, n. faultiness, defectiveness.!~JTt1h dosh-dn, n. fore-arm; arm. ~tNt~iqi dosha-phala, n. effect of sin; a. sinful; -maya, a. consisting of faults. lTitIM dosha-la, a. corrupt, spoilt. i~TWMZ dosha-vat, a. faulty, defective, blemished; guilty; blamable, sinful; detrimental.;R~ dosh-ds, n. evening, darkness. ~T1Tdosh-9, f. evening, darkness: -in, in. a, in the evening, at night. [moon. tIT i osf-kara in. (night-7maker),!YIVTkR dosha akshara, m. accusation, reproach. [evening, nocturnal. t'W doshft-tana, a. belonging to the P4T~ doshat-ya, den. A. become or appear like a fault. 1~11WIRW doshft-ramana, in. moon.!~ft~~,dosh-in, a. guilty of a transgression. 1~~dosh-mat, a. strong-armed, brave. l7r~ do's, n. fore-arm; arm. to ~doh-a, a. milking, yielding(9) m. milking; milk; profiting by (-'). ift dohada, m. [corruption of dau(r)hrida] longing of pregnant women; violent desire, for (lc., -.0); longing of plantsfor the touch ofa beautiftel maiden which elicits their blossoms: -duhkha-sila, a. suffering from morbid longing during pregnancy: -ta', f. morbid condition of longing during pregnancy; -lakshana, n. sign of pregnancy. f~idohad-in, a. having a violent longing for (lc., 0 ii~lgl doh-aina, a. yielding milk; n. milking; milk-pail (also 3i,f.). lfg dohala, in. = dohada. lit do'h-as, n. milking. tI do'h-ya, fp. to be milked; n. milkgiving animal. Zt dafit-ya, OZ -ka, ni. message, function of a messenger. [ness. iit Cv W daur-fltm-ya, n. wickedness, basetii daurga, a. relating to Durgfi..iiTI daurgat-ya, n. distress, misery, poverty. i~T da ur-gandh-ya,n.bad odour,stench. V9i daurgahM, rn. pat. of Purukutsa. t, daur-qan-ya, n. wickedness, base-FtWT daur-bal-ya, n. weakness.. [ness. V+ 7r da-ir-bhhig-ya, n. misfortune. ~iTiIIqkt daur -manas -ya, n. 'dejection, sadness. i~~; daur-mantr-ya,. n. bad counsel. 4 ~daiir-vrat-ya, n. disobedience. ~t~daur-hrid-aom.rogue; *n.longing4o pregnant women. itT RMIM dauvair-ika, m. janitor, chamberlain; I, f. female janitor. %,I; daus-kcarm-ya, n. skin- disease. ~t'ftWr dauh-sil-ya, n. badness of character, malignity. [ness. 4~1b* daush-krit-ya, n.baseness, wickeddausht-ya, n. id. %,I W4 daushya-nta, a. relating to Dushyanta; m. a mixed caste. trfrdaushyant-i, in. pat. of E3harata.:firdaiihshanti, older form of Dan-7 shyanti. ~*Tdauh-sth-ya, n. sorry plight. 21g'i~ dauhaci-ika, n. longing, desire. ~'~dauhitr-a, m. daughter's son; 3i, f. daughter's daughter. tqi dauLhrid-a, nw longing in pregnancy.;4TM dygvft, du. (of div) night and morning: -kshgm&, f. du. heaven and earth; -prithivil f. du. heaven and earth. nTT fr~ dya'vft-prithivilya, a. relating or sacred to heaven and earth. t4T4 _i_ r y~Cva-bhffmi, f. du. heaven and earth DYU, IL. P. dyauti, rush at, attack. dyil, in. sky; brightness, glow; mn. n. day (v. div). ji dy-a-kshd, a. heavenly, bright; -kara, a. moving in heaven; in. celestial. ~WK i. DYUT, I. (E. also P.). dy6ta, flash, \3 N., gleam, shine; cs. P- illuminate; indicate, bring out, show clearly: _pp. dyotita, illuminated, shining. abhi, shine upon; cs. illuminate. ud, shine forth; es. illuminate, make glorious. vi, shine forth, flash, lighten. 2. DYUT, pp. dyuttk, broken; as. dyo" — tUya, P. break open.!J?T 3. dyilt, f. splendour. IT4~ dyuta-ya, den. P. vi, flash, lighten. Vf~dyut-if. radiance, splendour; beauty; dignity: -mat, a. brilliant, splendid, glorious; dignified. Jf~T~dyu-nis, n. sq. &f. du. day and night; -nisa, n. id.: only -in, for a day and a night, by day and by night; -pati, us. (lord of heaven), god; -patha, is. (sky-path), air, sky; -puramndhri, f. Apsaras; -mani, m. (skyjewel), sun; -mit, a. brilliant, brisk. 9 i dyu-mftrga, ms. (sky-way), air, sky. ~J~dyuL-mnsi, n. splendour; vigour; wealth, property. [ed. V]fffdyu mn-f n, a. splendid; strong;'spiritJ19 IfWff dyu-yoshit, f. celestial: female, Apsaras; -loka, ms. celestial world; -vadhis, f. celestial female, Apsaras; -shad, m. (skydweller), god;, -saras, n. lake of heaveni; -sarit, f. celestial river, Ganges; -sindhu, f. id.; -stri, f. celestial female, Apsaras. 9Sdyu', a. playing () f. game of dice. ~JI dyfi-td, n. gambling (for, lc.-, -O): often wrdyuli-na'. i~ dva'y'-,a 127 fig. of the hazard of b~attle; booty: -kara, m gambler; -kara, in. id.; -krit, m. id.; -dasa, in.,~ i,f. slave won at play; -dharma, m. laws concerning gambling; -var~tmau, ns. method of gambling; -vritti, mn. professional gambler, keeper of a gaming-house; -sil1i,f. gaming,house; -sadaua, n. id.; -samfiga, in. gambling assembly. 42iI dy-na, Np. of -Vdiv. MTdyo', m. f. sky; day: v. fk!4div. WY~d dyot-a, m. brilliance: -ka, a. shining; illuminating; displaying; expressing, expressive of (g., — ); significant: -tva, a. abSt. N. Ihff dyo't-ana (or d), a. flashing; illuminating; n. shining; showing,, displaying. ~.~~f-q dyot-anif,f. brilliance, light. lit f~f dyotan-ikh, f. explanation. iWIIIfT'ff dyota-Maina, pr. pt. shining. Tftfttir. dyot-in, a. shining; signifying. WTftfMpzj dyotish-patha, m. path of the stars, upper air. Ttf'rO( dyot-is, n. light; star (=gyotis). WT' dyot-ya, fp. (to be) expressed or de3~ drafiga, in., 'a, f. town. [signated. dradha-ya, den. P. fasten, strengthen; confirm; restrain. fiIdradh-ika, mn. N. of a man. dradh-i -man, m. firmness; resolution; confirmation; -ishtha, spv. (of dridha) T'9Tdrddh-as, n. garment. [very firm. 3~ drap-sd, m. [flowing: from drap, cs. of,Vdrh, run], drop; spark; moon (drop in the sky); banner. ITT DRAM, I. P. drama, run or wander \ about; intv. dandramya, id. dramma (8paXpu ), a coin= sixpence. drav-6, a. running; fluid; feeling, tender; dripping or overflowing with ( —P); mn. swift motion, flight; fluidity; fluid, juice; -ana, a. running; melting. 37fdrav- at (pr. pt. of V/dru), ad. swiftly. W~drava-tft,f., -tva, n.wetness; fluidity; fusibility; -tva-ka, a. fluidity; fusibility; -dravya, a. fluid matter; -maya, a. fluid. A ~WIdrava-ya, A. ru-n, flow. 37' drava-rd, a. running swiftly. Ot dravida, mn. N. of a country on the west coast of the Deccan; son of a Vradtya or degraded Kshatri~ya: pl. the inhabitants of the Dravida country. TfgW drdv-ina, n. movable goods, property; wealth, money; strength, might. WfTRTf'kT dravina-raiSi, in. heap of money or valuables; - adhipati, mn. lord of treasures, Kubera; Aisvara, mn. possessor of wealth. ~fIi~ dravino-d', ON -dds, 0O~ -dg, a. bestowing wealth. 3Wflg% drav-i-tnii, a. swift. Tfdravi-VIbht become fluid. 3~ i. drav-ya, a. arboreal (v. dru). 3~q2. drav-ya, a. [fp. movable: V/drii] object, thing; substance, matter; property; gold; implement; fit object: -tva, a. substantiality; -krisa, a. of slender meaus, podo-r -g'ta, a. kind of substance; -prakriti,.f. p1. minister, realm, fortresses, treasure and army; -Maya, a. substantial, material: -mktra, a., a, f. gold; -yagfia, a. offering material sacrifices; -vat, a. inherent in matter; wealthy; -vriddhi,f. increase of wealth; -suddhi,f. purification of defiled objects.!K~f1 dravyqL~gama, in. acquisition of property; 4tmaka, a. substantial, material; -srita, pp. connected with matter. drash-tdvya, fp. to be seen, visible; that must be seen; to be recognised; to be regarded as (nm.); to be investigated or tried (suit). W2L drash-trz', in. one who sees (also=2 prs. sq. ft. without copula); one who examines, tries, or decides (a suit); judge. r.DRA~, IL. P. drai-ti, run; es. drapaya, cause to run; intv. daridri (run about), be in distress, be poor. 'abhi-pra, run or hasten towards. vi, run in different directosruawy: pr. pt. vidr'na, vanished, gone; embarrassed, being at a loss what to do. 2RA, IL. P. drfi-ti, IV. dr Ayi, sleep. ui, P. 'A. fall asleep, slumber: p'r. pt. niidr Ana, sleeping; pp.ndia d 4KT drhk, ad. [n. of drf ank, running towards], instantly. WT~draiksha, a. made of grapes. 3~TW~ draikshfi, f. vine; grape: -rasa, in. grape-juice. 3~TEM drftgha-ya, den. P. prolong; delay. itf ~dr'gh-i-mdn, in. length; -ishtha, spy., -iyas, cpv. of dlrgha. 3F drftv-ana, a. putting to flight; n. id. 3~'qc t drftvaydt-sakha, a. speeding his com'panion, i. e. his rider. 'gT'f'-drav -ayi-tri, m. who causes to run. 'gT~rfW% dra~v-ay-i-tni, a. melting. WfFdrftvida, a. (i) Dravidian; in. country of the Dravidians: pl. the Dravidians; 3i,f. Dravidian woman.?~DRU, I. P. driva, run, hasten; flee; run at, assail; melt (also fig.): pp. druta, q. v.; cs. driv6,ya, cause to run, put to flight; cause to flow, melt. ati, hasten past or across (ac.). adhi, ascend (a mountain). anu, run after, pursue; accompany; run through, repeat rapidly. apa, run away. abhi, hasten towards; run at, assail. a, hasten towrards (ac.). ud, run up or out; repeat rapidly. upa, hasten towards; assail, attack: _pp. assailed, attacked, afflicted, by (in., -) distressed. pratijupa, rush upon (ac.). samupa, run at, pursue; assail. pari, run round. pra, run forward, haste away, flee; hasten towards; rush upon (ac.);' escape safely to (ac.). vi, disperse, flee; burst: pp. run away, fled; destroyed; burst; unsteady; distraught; as. put to flight. sam, run together. dr- i, in. a. [splitting: V-.dri ] wood; '~wooden implement; tin. tree; branch. drug-dhd, pp. of Vdruh. 3~Vdruughand,m.[wooden striker],(wooden) club; -ghul, f. wood-chopper. P~Idru-td, pp. run away, fled; swift; ra'.pidly uttered; melted, liquid; wet with (-s): -in, ad. quickly, instantly, -taram, ad. more quickly; as quickly as possible. P1Tfr druta-gati, a. swift-paced, hasty; -tara-gati, a. moving faster; -tva, A. melt - ing, emotion; — pada, a. ad. with swift steps, hastily; n. a metre (swift-paced); -viiambita, a. a metre (fast and slow). 0' dru-ti, f. melting, emotion. 3~CF dru-padd, is. wooden column, post; in. N. of a king of the Paifikdlas; 'a,f. N. of a verse, in the TB. (II, vi, 6, 3). _[F din-ma, in. tree: -maya, a. wooden;, -vat, a. abounding in trees, wooded; - gra, in. a. tree-top. A UR drum.a-ya, den. A. pass for a tree.?~DRUH, IV. P." (E. also A.) drfihya, '.-hurt, seek to injure, offend (ac., d., g., le.) *vie with: pp. drugdh;!, one who injures or has injured any one: a. impl. it is wished to injure (d.). abhi, hurt; seek to injure (ac., d.); do harm or injury; seek the life (prhneshu) of (g.): pp. seeking to injure; having been injured. 3~f dr-6h, a. (am. dhruk) injuring, betraying (.,g.); in.f. injurer, avenger,fiend;f. injury. 3~f~!f druhina, mn. ep. of Brahma, Vishnu, '.Siva. _,DR~t, IX. P.( (V.) dru'-na', hurl, cast. XT,4 drog-dhavya, fp. a. injury should be done to (d., lc.).; -dhri, in. injurer, illwisher, foe. j~tT dr 6-na, in. a. trough, tub; a measure of capacity (=4Afdhakas); in. kind of cloud abounding in water (like a trough); N. of the preceptor of the Kurus and Paindavas in the art of war; N. of a Bradhman. 1!fiiR( drona-kalasd, m. wooden Somava;-vrishti,f. rain as from a trough; -aa in. trough-miouth, hind of demon of disease. 3ffi'qW dron-ika&, f. trough; -, f. id., bath; valley.301 droh-a, m. injury, treachery, perfidy: -para, a. full of enmity, malignant; -bhava in. mnalice,; -vritti, a. acting maliciously, malevolent. [fidious (with g. or jYfflgvfdroh-in, a. injuring; malicious, pert~w{T draupad'i, f. pat. of Krishaft, wife of the five Pdndus; e-ya, in. p 1. the sons of Draupadi. dvd, du. two; + api, both; dvayoh, in both genders = m. f., or in both numbers =sg. and pl. (lex.). dva-m-dVd, a. pair, couple, man and wife, male and female; pair of opposites (heat and cold, etc.); quarrel-; contest; duel; doubt; copulative or aggregative compound (in which the members are connected in sense with and): -in, in. by twos, in pairs. 1I'dvamdva-kara, a. living in pairs; mn. ruddy goose (v. kakravfika); -bha'va, mn. discord; -sas, ad. in pairs; -samprah~ra, in. duel with (saha). [tradictory. AfMWi dvamdv-lin, a. forming a pair; con"9T,~dvamdvi1-bhl pair; join battle; be irresolute regarding (le.). A1 dvay-a', a. ('I) _twofold, of two sorts, double; i1,f. pair; two things; n. id. (-P a. f'a); duplicity; masculine and feminine gender (g.qr). 128" W &~Idaya-sa. f~ dvish., A[IM dvaya-sa, a. (I') having the height, depth, or length of, reaching to(O) ~dvaya-hiina,pp.ofthe neuter gender. d~fWvayft-viiu, a. double, dishonest. ~Jdvft, old nm. du. of dva(0 V ~~'1Tfda-avtist.fryto -i,f. id.; -trimsk, a. (i) thirty-second;. -trimsat, f. thirty-two.I A7~ dvft-dassi, a. (1) twelfth; consisting of twelve, having twelve parts; increased by twelve; _1R, making twelve with; i',f. twelfth day of the fortnight.,!~T!~Izf dva'dasa-ka, a. twelfth; con sisting of or amounting to twelve; n. twelve; -kapila, a. distributed in twelve bowls; -dha', ad. twelvefold. Iv dva-dasan (or 'an), a. pl. twelve. Vjlfli~ dvadasa'-pada, a. consisting of twelve words; -ra~tra, In. -period of twelve days; -va'rshika, a. (i) twelve years old; lasting twelve (years); -vidha, a. twelvefold; -sata, ns. II12: 1, f. I2 00; -S AhaSra, a. (i) Consisting of 1 2,000 years. ~TWT5 dvadasaabda,' a. lasting twelve ypars; -aa. having twelve spokes; 7_~k a. lasting twelve days;, m. period of twelve days; a certain twelve days' (Soma) feast. ATX'TfT'kT dvft-paniik'ss, a. (II) fifty-second; -Pa~ii/^sat,f. fifty-two. 'qTtfK dva'-pdlra (or d), m. n. die or side of die marked with two points; also personi~fied;, third cosmic age (lasting 2000 years). ~kT dvar, f. door, gate, entrance; egress, opportunity; expedient, way, 'means: in. dvra, by means of, through, by(2) WRdvra, n. (in.1) id.; aperture (esp. those of the body); way to, means of attaining (gq., 20;- a. effected by: in. (e-na), by (means of), in consequence of (-2O). 'AT!qi dVara-ka, n. door, gate; 0O a. effected by; afCt of many gates on the west point of Gujerat, suopposed to have been swallowed up by the sea, N. of Krishna's residence. WRTTIT d Vara-ta',f.access: -im gain,becomie the occasion of (g.) to (g.); -darsin, m. janitor, porter; -n.%yaka, m. janitor, charmberlain; -pa, m. janitor; -paksha, m. fold of a door; door: -ka, n. id.: -ubhayatas ka dva^rapakshakayoh, on both sides of the door-: -patta, m. id.; -pati, m. janitor, chamberlain; -pil1a, sn. door-keeper: -ka, in., i-ka, f. id.; -pidhana, n. door-bolt; -phalaka, n. fold of a door; -bahu, m. door-post; -rakshin, m. door-keeper; -vamsa, 'M. lintel of a door; -vat, a. many-gated: _3i, f. N. of Krishna's residence; -stha, a. standing at the door or gate; m. janitor. [berlain. WRfIIdvara adhipa, m. janitor, chainATfT-ZK dvar-ika,!~Tf!'i~ dvAr-in, m. id. q dVari-kri, employ as a mediator. dvftr-ya, a. belonging to the door; ay f.door-post. ~T~idva'-vimsa', a. twenty-second. hrfftrf dv-vimsati, f. twenty-two.,Tl"[fcl dv -saptatij. seventy-two. AT:IR dvAh-stha, a. standing at the door; ms. janitor. fRO dvi-, two. ft~i i. dvi-ka, a. consisting of two; two; increased by two: w. satain,n. I02 = 2per cent. fi2. dvi-ka, m. crow (having two k's in its name k~ka). f Ni~ dvi-karma-ka, a. having two objects, governing two accusatives; -gava, a. yoked with two oxen; -gu, vs. numeral compound (the first member being a numeral); (i)guna (or -4), a. double, twofold; twice as great or much as (ab., ~) folded double: -aacpv. id., -th,f., -ltva, is. duplication. R-7 dviguna-ya, den. P. double, multiply by two: pp. ita, doubled, put round double. A Tl-JU7 dvigunft-ya, A. be doubled. fjdigundigul-kri,double,put on double;! enfold doubly; -bhfi, be doubled, become twice as great. [lies. f ~d-vi-gotra, a. belonging to two famiR'TE dvi-hatur-asra-ka, rn. hind of.posture. RV dvi-gsd, a. twice-born; mn. member of the three uliper castes (reborn by investiture); (invested) BrAhman; bird (as being first produced in the egg); tooth (because renewed): -tva, n. state of a Brfihman; -ginman, a. having a double birth or birthplace; m. member of the three upper castes; esp. Brfihman. fq~ST dviga-maya, a. (i) consisting of Brfihmans; -inukhaya, mn. chief of the twiceborn, Br~hmnan;, -raga, ms. moon; -rishi, in.. priestly sage (= brahmarshi); -liugin, a. bearing the distinctive marks of a Brfihman; -vara, in. best among the twice-born, Brfihman; -sreshtha, -sattaina, m. id.; -abgrya, mn. chief of the twice-born, Brkhman. fr'Tftrf dvi-gftti, a. having two births; in. member of the three upper castes; esp. Brfihman:, -inukhya, ms. chief of the twice-born, Brfmhman. [to Brhhmans. dvigattisftt-kri, present (ac.) ft_:f~5W dvi'-gihva, a. double-tongued (_tai, f. abst. N.); deceitful; mn. serpent. fC_~Pdviga indra,m.lordofthetwice-born, Br~hman;- - i svara, in. id.; moon; -iuttaina, ms. highest of_ the twice-born, BrAhmlaul. fi~T-f#~dvit-sevin, a. serving =being in secret alliance with the enemy; ms. traitor. Nffj dvi-tad, mn. N. of a god (second form qf Agni: cp. Trita); N. of a seer. ft'T dvi-taya, a. twofold, double; both (p1. i~fboth parts are regarded as pl.); nm. pair. f'qRT dvitg, in. ad. (only in RV.) likewise, equally, so also. fA_7'q.dvi-ffya,a.second: -n, ad.secondly; a second time; mn. companion, friend; foe; a. accompanied by, furnished with; A, f female companion; second day of the fortnight; (terminations of the) second case, accusative; word in the accusative case (gr.); 2. -tiya, a. with bh ga, is. half; n. half. f~dvi-tra, a. pl. two or three. flfUTT dvi-tri-hatur-am, ad. twice, thrice or four times; -tri-katush-paizkaka, a. increased by two, three, four, or five; with, 8atain, ns. =two, three, four, or five per cent. f~dvi-tva, ns. two; duality; dual; re duplication; -devatya-, a. sacred to two deities;, *-drona, as. sg. two dronas (measure): in. two dronas at a time. f!RyV dvi-dha, a. split,. forked. ffkWr dvif-dha, ad. twofold, in two (parts); in two ways: kri, divide in two; - bhfu oi, gain, be divided, break. [kinds. fRTMT dvidhft fkara, a. twofold, of two f1kitfT~dvi-netra-bhedin, a. knocking out both eyes. [with trusnk and mouth). fA~xF dvi-pa, in. elephant (drinking twice, f1At1qf"iJ dvi-paiiha-vimsa, is. du. twice. twenty-five; -paTtkasa, a. fifty-second; an. du. twice fifty. f'ATi~ dvf-pad (or -pdd: strong base _Pad), a. two-footed; having two pfidas (verse); in. biped, man; is. coll. men; m. metre containing two PfiAs fAti~ cvi-pada, a. id.; mi. man; is. a metre.; a,f. verse containing two phdas. i~l dvipa-dana, is. temple juice of elephants in rut. [song.. fkqf"T dvi-pad-ika, f. a metre; hind of dvi-pad-^i, f. a metre containing two p kas ind of song in this metre: -khanda, in. vs. hind of stanza. f!RtMfWr dvipa-pati, in. lord of elephants;, lordly or full-grown elephant. fNtii~ dvi'-pada, a. (I') two-footed. f'A'TfM~ dvi-payin, an. elephant (drink-, mug twice, i. e. with trunk and mouth). f~t~'ft4 dvipa~ ari,in. (foe of elephants), lion;' - indra, ms. lord of elephants; lordly or fullgrown elephant. f~f~ dvi-pravrhginii a. f. running afer twd men, unchaste; -bahu, a. two-,armed; vs. man; -b ~a mv. half; -bhidra, a. having two months of Bhadra; -bhuga, a. two-armed; -inatra, a. twice as great; c'on-' taining two morae; -inukha, a. (i) twomouthed; -inuirdhan, a. two-headed; -rada, a. having two tusks; an. elephant; -ritrA, a. lasting two days; vs. feast lasting two days. f~'Idvir-ukta, pp. said twice, repeated; reduplicated; is. reduplication; ~-ukti, f. re-petition, doubling. fW-'4 dvi-ra'pd, a. two-coloured; having two forms, twofold; -retis, a. (ass) impregnating doubly (i. e. mare and she-ass); -repha, in. hind of 'bee (lit, containing two r's. in its name bhramara). f'Ii dvir-bha'va, in. doubling, reduplication; duplicity; -vahana, is. reduplication. f!r' dvi-laksha, is. distance of two hundred thousand yoganas; -lakshana, a. of two descriptions, twofold; -laya, vs. (l) double' time (in music); -vakana, is. (terminations of the) dual; -varna, a. two-coloured; -varsha, a. two years old; -varshaka, a. (ika^) id.; -vastra, a. clothed in an upper and an under garment; -vidhia, a. twofold, of two kinds; -vidha, ad. twofold. f_'~j dvi-sata, a. (I')' consisting Of 200; 200th; is. 200 or 102; -sapha, a. clovenhoofed; vi. animal with cloven hoofs; -sas, ad. by twos; -siras, a. two-headed; -sriiiga,' a. having two horns or peaks. f~DYISH, IL. dvC-shti, dvishte, disNlike, be- hostile- to, show one's hatred fl dvish. #vAiT dhanekkha. 129 towards, hate (ac., sts. d, or g.); vie with, be a match for: pp. dvishta, hateful, disagreeable, odious; hostile. pra, dislike; hate. vi, id.; A.beatenmity: pr.pt. P.A.hostile; m.foe; pp. hated, odious; hostile to (le.); cs. -dveshaya, P. make enemies of; disgust (ac.). fc dvish, f. (nm. dvit) enmity, hate; m.f. foe; a. disliking, hostile to, hating (-~). fBR dvish-a, a. hating (-~). f [iW dvish-at, pr. pt. (f. -anti) hating, disliking, hostile; m. foe. [ableness. fig dvishta-tva, n.hatefulness, disagreef't dvi-s, ad. twice: *dvir ahna, ahnah, or ahni, twice a day. fR'Rfffr dvi-saptati, f. seventy-two; -sahasra, n. two thousand; -surya, a. having two suns. f':qii dvih-sama, a. twice as great. f[i\TWPw dvi-hayana, a. (i) two years old; -hina, pp. (devoid of the two, i. e. of m. and f.), of the neuter gender; n. neuter. ~N dvipd, m. n. [dviap-a, having water on both sides], sandbank in a river; island; concentric terrestrial island (the world being considered to consist of 4, 7, 13, or I8 such encircling Mount Meru like thepetals of a lotus). tfihift dvipi-karni, m. N. of a king; -karman, n. tiger-skin. ~tfldvip-ln, m. (having insulated spots), panther, leopard, *tiger. [islands). Tfifti dvip-in-i, f. river; ocean (having qtX1I dvi'p-ya, a. dwelling on islands. I dv-rika, m. stanza of two verses. IT dve-dha, ad. in two parts, twofold: -krita, pp. broken in two. [ting in two. V'rrfWrT dvedha-kriya,f. breaking, split-! dvesh-a, m. dislike, abhorrence, hatred (of,-~); malice, malignity: -m kri, show one's hatred towards (d., lc.). 15T dvesh-ana, a. disliking, hating; n. dislike, hatred, hostility towards (g. or -~); -aniya, fp. hateful. W: dvesh-as, n. abhorrence, hatred; foe. '1RW dvesha-stha, a. cherishing dislike. '%f F dvesh-in, a. disliking, hating, abhorring (g. or -~); seeking to injure; m. foe; -tri, m. hater, enemy. 1 dvesh-ya, fp. hateful, odious; m. foe: -ta, f.,.tva, n. odiousness. 5It dvai-gun-ya, n. double amount. ATT dvai-gata, a. belonging to or consisting of the twice-born. By dvaitd, n. duality; -vada, m. dualistic a[fhI dvait-in, m. dualist. [doctrine.?1 dvaidha, a. divided; twofold, double: -m, ad. in two parts; n. duality; doubleness; difference; conflict, contradiction; division of forces. 'fi[' Tg dvaidhi-bhava, m. double nature, duality; division of forces; double game, duplicity; uncertainty, doubt. fti, dvaidhi-bhf, be divided; come into conflict with itself, be at variance. i1 dvaipa, a. i. dwelling on an island (dvipa); 2. coming from the panther (dvipin). 4tI dvaipada, a. consisting of dvipadas. [TIrr^Pl dvaipayana, m. Islander, ep. of Vyasa; a. relating to Dvaipayana. A^W dvaip-ya, a. dwelling on or coming fromr an island.;'ITT dvai-matura, a. having two mothers (real and step-); having different mothers' (brothers); - bhratri, m. step-brother; -masya, a. lasting two months; -ratha, n. ( + yuddha) single combat with chariots; single fight; m. adversary; -ragya, n. dominion divided between two kings; frontier; -vidhya, n. twofold nature, duality; -samdhya, (?) n. the two twilights. Sk dviamsa, m. sg. two parts: i, f. id.; a. having two shares; - ksha, a. (i) twoeyed; - kshara, n. sg. two syllables; a. (also ri) dissyllabic; n. dissyllabic word; - anu-ka, a. combination of two atoms; -adhika, a. increased by two, two later than (tatah); two more; -antara, a. separated by two intermediate links; - abhiyoga, m. prosecution of two kinds; -_artha, a. having two senses, ambiguous; -.ardha, a. one and a half; -ahha, a. lasting two days; m. period of two days: -m, for two days; ab., eI. after two days; -avha-vritta,pp. having happened two days ago. ITI T dvijsya, a. two-mouthed. gtc dvi uktha, a. pronouncing two ukthas; - irana, a. having two lambs; - eka.antara, a. having two or one (caste) intervening (i. e. three or two grades lower). V DH. V dha, a. (-~) placing, putting; bestowing, -1 dhak, nm. of O~", -dah. [granting. [rf'rf dhag-iti, ad. in a trice. VZ; dhata, m. [dhar-tra, weigher], scale of a balance; i,f. loin-cloth.:iS dhattfra, m. white thorn-apple (datura alba); n. itsfruit; n. gold. DH: DHAN, III. P. dadhan-ti, set in motion, cause to run; cs. dhanaya, id.; A. run. iq dha-na, n. [deposit: /dha], V.: prize of a contest; booty; stake or winnings in play; contest; 77. C.: chattels, goods, property, wealth, treasure, money; reward, gift; o, abundance in; -~ a. possessing. NTiIitV dhana-kosa, m. treasury, store of wealth; -kshaya, m. loss of money or property; -garva, m.N.(Purse-proud); -gupta, pp. hoarding his money, penurious, miserly; -goptri, m. penurious man, miser: -ta, f. penuriousness; -gata, n. pl. the genus property, goods of all kinds. W'IT5S dhanam-gayd, a. winning booty; victorious in fight; m. fire; vital air that fattens; ep. of Arguna; N.: -vigaya, m. Victory of Arguna, T. of a play. 'Vlw;f dhana-triptif. sufficiency ofmoney; -da, a. wealth-giving, liberal; m. Giver of wealth, ep. of Kubera; N.; -danda, m. fine; -datta, m. N. of various merchants; -da, a. bestowing wealth. qTI!T7I dhanada anuga, m. son of Kubera, V.T;'q dhana-deva, m. N. [ep. of Ravana. lW[T dhanada svara, m. ep. of Kubera (wealth-bestowing god). V'-rfTTT dhana-nasa, m. loss of property; -pati, m. lord of wealth; rich man; ep. of Kubera; -para, a. intent on money; -mada, m. pride of wealth: -vat, a. purse-proud; -mitra, m. N. of a merchant; -mUtla, a. having its root in = arising from wealth; -yauvana-salin, a. endowed with wealth and youth; -raksha, a.-money-saving, penurious; -rupa, n.particular kind of wealth; -lobha, m. avarice; -vat, a. wealthy; m. rich man; ocean: -i, f. N.; -vargita, pp. destitute of wealth, poor; -viparyaya, m. loss of property; -vriddha, pp. rich in money;.vyaya, m. expenditure of money. 'ODiET dhana-salkaya, m.: -na, n. accumulation of riches; -saikayin, a. rich; m. rich man; -sampatti, f. riches; -sadhana, n. acquisition of riches; -sthana, n. treasury: - adhikarin, m. treasurer; -svamin, m. monied man, capitalist; -hina, pp. destitute of wealth, poor: -ta, f. poverty. W[TWI[ dhanaggama,. m. acquisition of wealth, income; -dhiya, a. rich: -ta, f. wealth; - adhika, a. rich; - adhipa, - adhipati, m. ep. of Kubera; -adhyaksha, m. treasurer; _ anvita, pp. wealthy; Hpti, f. acquisition of treasure. 1TTI dhana-ya, den. P. A. long for (d., g.); A. value. 'lTfil7dhanaarthin, a. eager for money, avaricious; - s&a, f. hope of making money. 'Wf[li dhan-ika, a. rich; m. rich man; creditor; N.; -in, a. wealthy; m. rich man; creditor; -ishtha, spy. extremely rich: a, f. sg. 4 pl. N. of a lunar mansion (Sravishthi). MT I. dhanu, m. bow. 'J~ 2. dhanu, f. sandbank; shore; island (also of clouds). $J1i dhanur-graha, in. bowman, archer; -graha, -grahin, m. id.; -gy&,f. bowstring; -durga, a. inaccessible because of a desert; n. fortress protected by a desert; -dhara, a. bearing a bow; m. archer; -dharin, -bhrit, a. m. id.; -yantra, n. bow; -yashti,f. id.; -yogyg,f. practice in archery; -lata,f, bow; -vidya, f. archery; -veda, n, id. sV4P dhanush-ka, -~ a. = '1 i. dhanus. Yqi4ir dhanush-kanda, n. sg. bow and arrow; -kara, -krit, m. bow-maker; -koti (or i), notched end of a bow; -khanda, n. piece of a bow; -pani, a. bow in hand, armed with a bow; -mat, a. (-i) armed with a bow; m. bowman: -t, f. archery. I: I. dhan-us, n. bow; a measure of length (=4 hastas). Spa 2. dhan-us, n. desert. T- dhan-u, f. = 2, dhanu. 'E1 T dhanaikkha, f. desire for gold; - sa, m. possessor of wealth, rich man; ep. of Kubera; -isvara, m. ep. of Kubera; n. S 130 130 'Iumdhan-ya.dhm-n (I,qf;gv( dharm -4n. N. of a locality (?); - aisvarya,vi. dominion of or lordship over w~ealth; - eshin, a. demanding his money; m. creditor; - jshman, mn. (heat =) burning desire of riches. '4; dhdn-ya, a. wealthy; procuringwealth; auspicious, salutary; happy, fortunate;2, abounding in; m. N. V~RM dhanya-ka, m. NV.; -tara, cpv. luckier (than, in.); -ta', f. fortunate condition. dhanyam-manya, a. deeming oneself happy. NPRNI~~ dhanyaudaya, m. N. '4~ DIIANY, I. P. dhaknva, run. N N4w' dhanva, n. bow (only -O); in. N. ITU~ dhanva-durga = dhanur-durga. V~'fi dh~n-van, n. bow (in C. almost exclusively -o' a.). [ land; desert. V'4v~2. dhan-van, n.; rn. (in C. only) dry 'Vi4'r dhanvaiia, in. a tree; n. its fruit. Wq R dhanvan-tari, m. [moving in an arc] N. of a being worshipped as a god; ep. of the sun; N. of the -physician of the gods,.produced at the churning of the ocean: -yagina. sacrifice to Dhanvantari. 'I1qTZW dhan-vftyana, m. archer. Vf;'~i dhanv-in, a. armed with a bow; m. archer. W~DLIAM, v. IRT DLMS~. WR1 dbam-a, a. blowing, melting (-~O); -ana, a. blowing away, dispersing; m. reed; n. smelting; -ini,f. whistling; tube, pipe, vessel (in the body), vein (also I'). WR dhammata, m. N. Vf*'Wr dhammikft, f. N. V#iiii dhammilla, in. braided hair tied round the heads of women (-2 a.,f. 'a or -ka'). 'ETM. dhay-a, a. sucking, sipping (0O, g.). VT1 dhar-a, a. (gnly. -0O) bearing, holding; wearing; keeping, preserving; maintaining, supporting; observing, remembering, knowing; possessing; A,f. earth. W~q dhdr-ana, a. (I') bearing, preserving; n. holding, supporting; procuring (~O;support; in. n. a certain weight (= io palas). R4f~fl dhar-ani, f. earth: *..tala..taitila, m. god on earth, Brdhman; -dhara, a. supporting or preserving the earth, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; m- mountain; -pati, -bhug, -bhrit, m. prince, king. 3WjI dhar-an-^i, f [supporter], earth: -dhara, a. supporting or preserving the earth; ep. of Krishna, or Vishnu; m. mountain; king; N.; -dhra, mn. mountain;..bhrit, a. supporting the earth; mn. mountain; -mandala, n. circle of the earth, orbis terrarum; -ruha, in. (growing in the earth), tree; -varaha, mn. N. of a king. IkTITK dharai-dhara, a. a preserving or supporting the earth; ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; in. mountain: - indra, mn. lord of mountains, the Hiinfilaya; -dhava,' m. king; - adhipa, m. lord of earth, king; -pati, in. lord of earth, ep. of Vishnu; prince, king; -bhug, m. (enjoyer of earth), king; -bhrit, m. (supporter of earth), mountain. WTTRi dharA amara, m. god on earth, Br-ahman; -saya&, a. sleeping on the ground. fi dhar-i-tri, f. supporter; earth. 'Viftiir, dhar-i-man, m. balance: (-ima)meya,fp. measuiable by weight. VW~! dhar-sina, a. (I') bearing, supporting;I spacious; m. bearer, supporter; n. support, foundation; firm ground; is., 3i, f. receptacle. i4f11 dh C1arnasi, a. strong, vigorous. dhar-trz' in., -tr., f. supporter; preV~I dhar-trd, is. support. [server. VAT~ dhdr-ma, m. established order, usage, institution, custom, prescription; rule; duty; virtue, moral merit, good works; right; justice; law (concerning, g. or. —); often personified, esp. as Yama, judge of the dead, and as a Praga'pati,; nature, character, essential quality, characteristic attribute, property: in. dhkrmena, inaccordance with law, custom, or duty, as is or was right; PY, after the manner of, in accordance with; dharme sthita, observing the law, true to one's duty.,q~i1I~ dharmna-karmnan, n. virtuous action, good work; -kairya, n. religious duty; -kritya, n. performance of duty, religious rite,; -kosa, m. treasury of the law; -kriy', f performance of meritorious acts; religious ceremonies; -kshetra, n. Field of Law (= Kurukshetr~a);-gupta,_pp.N.(law-protected); -gopa, m. N. of a prince; -ghna, a. violating the law, illegal; -kakra, n. wheel of the law (as a symbol o-f fer-reaching justice); -karana, in. -karya,f. fulfilment of duties; -ka~rin, a. fulfilling one's duty, virtuous: (nAi, f. wife who is a companion in duty; -ga, a. begotten for the sake of duty; -gi'vana, a. living by the performance of good works; — gria, a. knowing the law, - one's duty or what is right: -ta',f. abst. vN.; -g~iana, n. knowledge of the law, - of what is right. dharma-tah, ad. by right; according to the (sacred) law or rule; as regards or for the sake of spiritual merit; through virtue; fromt a pious motive; also= ab.(O) -datta, in. N.; -dana, n. gift from a sense of duty, disinterested gift; -da~ra, sa. lawful wife; -drishti, a. having an eye for (= a sense of) justice; -deva, in. god of justice; -desaka, in. instructor in the law; -desana', f.instruction in the law; -druh, a. violating the law; -dhurya, a. foremost in ('paragon of) virtue; -dhvaga, in. N.; -dhvagin, a. flaunting the flag of virtue, hypocritical. C r. dhar-mdn, m. bearer, supporter. V I 2. dha'r-man, n. (C. only — O) support;settled order, law, usage, manner; law of a thing's being, characteristic, property; right conduct; duty towards (lc.): in. in order., duly. 'V*iT~TR dharma-nfttha, in. lawful protector; -nitya, a. persistent in duty; -pati, in. lord of order; -patnix, f. lawful wife; -patha, in. path of duty or virtue; -para, -para'yana, a. devoted to duty, righteous; -pa~thaka, in. teacher of law, jurist; -pida', f.violation of duty; -pfita, pp. of unsullied virtue; -pratibhii, a. for which justice is surety; -pravaktri, in. teacher of law, jurist; -pravritti,f. practice of virtue, virtuous conduct; -buddhi, a. righteous-minded; N.; -bha ini f. woman admitted to the rights of a sister; sister in faith (Pr.); -bha~gin, a. possessed-of virtue, virtuous;, -bhikshu-ka, in. beggar for virtuous reasons; -bhr-it, a. maintaining the law, just (king); -bhratri, in. brother in the sacred law, co-religionist; -miya, a. consisting' of virtue; -matra, n. the manner only; a. relating to attributes only; only attributive; -ma'rga, in. path of virtue; -nvhla, in. source of the sacred law or of justice; -yukta, pp. endowed with virtue, virtuous, just; harmonizing with the law; -yuddha, is. fair contest; -rakshia, f. N.; -rata, pp. delighting in virtue; -rati, a. id.; -rag, in. king of justice, ep. of Yama; -raga, in. just king, ep. of Yama; -ragan, in. ep. of Yudhishthira; -ruki, a. delighting in virtue; N. of a Dainava; -lopa, in. neglect of duty; absence of an attribute (rh,.); -vat, a. virtuous, just: -I', f. N.; -vardhana, a. increasing virtue (Siva); in. N.; -va'da, in. discourse on virtue or duty; -adin, a. discoursing on duty; -vigaya, in. triumph of virtue or justice; -vid, a. knowing the sacred law or one's duty; versed in customary law; -viplava, in. violation of the law; -vivekana, in. discussion of the law or of duty; -vriddha, _pp. rich in virtue; -vyatikrama, in. transgression of the law; -va athf judicial decision; -Vyadha, am. N. of a virtuous hunter. 'VlII'TT~I dharma-sftsana, is. manual of law; -sastra, is. authoritative compendium of law; law-book; -sa strin, ms. adherent of the law-books: pl. a certain school; -siLla, a. just, virtuous; in. N.; -sainyukta, pp. legal; -samsrita, -pp. j ust, virtuous; -samkatha,f. pl. discourses on virtue; -saingfla,f. sense of duty; -samaya, in. obligation entered into; -sa~dhana, in. fulfilment of duty; necessary means for the fulfilment, of duty; -sfitra, is. sfttra treatise on customary law; -sena, in. N. of a merchant; -sevana, is. fulfilment of duty; -skandha, as. chapter on law; -stha, in. judge; -stiia-aga, in. main pillar of the law; -samin, as. N. of a temple erected by king Dharna; -hantri, in. (-tril, f.) violator of the law; -anif neglect of duty; -hiina, pp exluded from the pale of the law. VTWT'qdharma ftkhyftna, is. setting forth of duty; -akarya, in. teacher of the law; - atikrama, in. transgression of the law; - atma-ta', f. justice, virtue; - tman, a. having a virtuous nature, conscious of duty, just; _ Adesaka, in. instructor in the law (v. 1. for dharma-desaka); adharma-g~Fta, a. knowing right and wrong'; - adharmaparIkshana, is. enquiry as to right and wrong; kind of ordeal; Z-dhikarana, is,. law court: - adhishthita-purusha, m. law court official, -hana, is. court of justice; - adhika'ra, in. administration of justice; ~-adhikaranika, mn. judge; -a~dhikarin, as. id.; -adhikrita, (_pp.) in. id.; -adisthAna i.court of justice; -adhyaksha, mn. chief justice; - Adhvan, in. path of virtue; - anukaiikshin, a. striving after justice; i~ntent on righteousness; Zn6ushthana, in. fulfilment of the law; - bhisheka-kriya, f. prescribed ablution. VT;MT dharma aranya, is. forest for the _performance of religious duties; hermit-wood; N. of aforest in Madhyadesa; N. of a city; - artha-yukta, _pp. according with the good and the useful; -arita, pp. just, virtuous; - asana, is. judgm~ent-seat; asti-kaya, as,. category of virtue (with the.Jains); 'hrita, _pp. legitimately acquired. Or#W dharmi-tv'a, is. justice, virtue, devotion to duty; -9, obligation or duty of; possession of the characteristics of. '~riu.dharm -in, a. observing the law, knowing one's duty, virtuous; having attributes; -2, observing the law of or having the rights of, having the nature, peculiarities, or characteristics of. 1 if dharm-ishtha. w dha. 131 == - Nfiif dharm-ishtha, spy. thoroughly versed in duty, very just or virtuous; completely harmonizing with the law or duty. '1RT dharma psu, a. striving after moral merit. V[TJT dharmauttara, a. devoted to justice, virtue, or duty; - upadesa, m. instruction or precepts regarding the sacred law or duty; body of law; - upadesana,f. instruction regarding the law; - upam^, f. simile based on a common characteristic attribute. 'NFS dharm-ya, a. lawful, legal, legitimate; permitted by the sacred tradition, customary; just, honest; befitting (g.). lii dharsh-aka, a. assailing (-~); -ana, n., A,f. assault, ill-treatment, offence; -aniya, fp. easy to assail or conquer; -in, a. assailing, ill-treating, offending (-~). 4[ DHAV, dhavate, run (RV.). 4N dhav-d, m. man; husband; lord; a shrub. WqW dhava-la, a. dazzling white; m. N.; n. N. of a city: -giri, m. Dolaghir, V. of a mountain (White Mountain); -griha, n.upper storey (so called because painted white); -ta, f., -tva, n. whiteness; -paksha, m. (whitewinged) goose: -vihamgama, m. swan; -mukha, m. N. ]W 'q dhavala-ya, den. P. whiten; illumine: pp. dhavalita, whitened; illumined. V.qqJ dhavala-ya, den. P. become or look dazzling white: pp. dhavalyita. krf-Wil dhaval-i-man, m. whiteness; brilliance; pureness. 4'1#t dhavali,f. white cow; white hair. VfJ T dhav-i-tra, n. [a/dht] fan, (leather) flap or whisk. TT I. DHA, III. dadha, dadh, put, place, set, lay, apply, attach (to, on, in, lc.); convey to (ic.); assign or grant to, bestow on (d., g., cl.); make, appoint, constitute (2 ac.); cause, produce; undertake; hold, grasp; carry; bear (seed, etc.); wear, put on; support, preserve, maintain; assume, show, incur, possess; A. take to oneself, receive, obtain, conceive (seed); fix the mind or thoughts (kintAin, matim, manas) on, resolve to (d., lc., prati, inf., or iti with oratio recta); place the hopes (Asam) on (lc.); ps. dhiyate: pp. hita, q. v.; cs. -dhapaya; des. didhisha (R V.), P. wish to give or bestow; A. wish to obtain; dhitsa, (V. C.) wish to place on (Ic.). adhi, put on; bestow on (d., lc.); A. put on, assume, wear. antar, P. A. place within (Ic.); place between; separate; remove; cover, conceal, cause to disappear, make invisible; P.receive in oneself, contain; ps. be concealed, disappear. antarhita, separated; covered, with (-~); hidden, made invisible, vanished, in (Ic., -~). api or pi (the latter is the commoner form from Mann onwards), insert, in (le.); cover up, close, conceal; ps. be hidden, vanish: pp. hidden; suffused (eye); obstructed; rendered invisible. abhi, give up to (d.); envelope, encircle, bind, with (in.); yoke; put a name upon, designate, name; declare, state, explain; utter, say; address, speak to (2 ac.); ps. be designated, named, or called: pp. designated, named; addressed, spoken to; stated, declared, spoken about; cs. A. cause to be named. pratiabhi, take back; reply, answer; approve. sam-abhi, speak to, address. ava, - put down, immerse, shut up, enclose, in (lc.); give heed, attend; ps. impv. avadhiyatam, let attention be paid to (lc.): pp. enclosed in (lc.); fallen into the water; attentive, to (lc.); cs. cause to be placed in (lc.). viava, interpose; interrupt; put aside; ps. impv. vyavadhiyatam, one should separate oneself from (ab.): pp. remote; hidden, rendered invisible, by (-~); checked, obstructed, by (-~); removed from anything=merely relating to, not immediately affected (gr.); cs. separate. a, generallyA. in C., place, set, lay, put (in or on, lc.); deposit seed in (y.); dedicate actions to (lc.); instil virtues into (lc.); direct the gaze towards (lo.); fix the mind or thoughts on (lc.); bestow care; put wood on the fire; stake (at play); pledge, pawn; grant to, confer on (d., g., lc.); transfer to (ic.); employ for (lc.); A. seize; take, accept, receive; conceive (garbham); accept (a doctrine); take (a vow); get into a passion, etc.; produce, cause: pp. resting on (lc.); pledged. ati., raise above: pp. disagreeable. anu j, add (fuel to the fire), stir (fire): pp. handed on to another for restoration to the owner (pledge). abhi a, place (esp.fuel) on the fire (Ic.); lay on (fire). upai, place upon (lc.): pp. produced, caused; gd. taking with one, with (ac.). pari g, surround (with fire): pp. anticipated by a younger brother in kindling the sacred fire. sam-a, add (fuel to the fire); stir (fire); place, set, put, on or in (lc.); adjust (an arrow); impose; fix (mind or gaze) on (lc.); collect the thoughts, concentrate the mind (atmanam or manas); be absorbed in prayer; conceive the thought (matim or manas), resolve to (iti with oratio recta); entrust to (lc.); establish in (lc.); redress, remedy; retrieve; produce, cause; A. put on (garment), assume (a shape); appropriate; display (anger, courage); show (honour); undergo (effort); devote oneself completely to (ac.); settle, establish, dispose of a difficulty; admit, grant: pp. joined or furnished with (in., -); united, assembled; rendered; having the thoughts collected; having the mind concentrated, intent, on (lc., ). upa-sam-a, add (fuel); stir, kindle (fire); put in its place,arrange. prati-sam-a, replace; restore, redress; correct or dispose of (an error). ud, set up; build up; expose. upa, place or put upon or in (lc.),under (adhastat); affix; bestow efforts (kriyam) on (lc.); apply, employ; transfer to (d.); teach (lc.); add; take to heart (hridi)= ponder: pp. placed on (-~); affixed, inserted; set (gem) in (lc.); immediately preceded by (in., -~); joined with (-~); conditionedby(-~); brought, produced; misled, deceived. ni, lay, set, or put down (on or in, lc.); bury or conceal in (lc.); place on the head (lc., rarely in.) sts. =honour; take to heart (manasi) =reflect, ponder; direct (the gaze) towards (lc.); fix (the mind) on (d.)=resolve; expend labour (kriyam) on (cl.); appoint to (lc.); deliver, entrust, or present to (d., le.); preserve in the heart (hridaye, manasi) = keep in memory; bestow (one's heart) on (lc.); keep down, restrain; ps. be contained in (lc.); cs. cause to be placed in (lc.); cause to be kept as a deposit. adhi-ni, lay down on (lc.); bestow on (le.). abhi-ni, A. take or impose upon oneself (d.): pp. touched. upa-ni, place beside; set before any one (d.); bring close to (lc.); bring on, produce; bury (treasure); deposit with, entrust to (lc.). pra-ni, lay down; put on or in; apply (a knife etc.); set (a gem) in (lc.); stretch out; touch with (in.); direct (thoughts or gaze) towards (lc.): pp. delivered to (d.); sent out (spies); intent on (lc.); concentrated; ascertained. pratini, substitute; command: pp. appropriate. vi-ni, distribute; lay aside, put down; place or put on or in; direct (thoughts or gaze) towards (lc.); appoint to an office (lc.); hridi -, take any one (ac.) into one's heart. samni, put down together in (lc.); lay down, keep; deposit in (lc.); accumulate; direct (the gaze) towards (lc.); place ner; A. be present in (lc.); be near or present: pp. near, present, at hand, imminent; ready for (d.); cs. bring near; ps. manifest oneself. pari, P. A. put round; put on (a garment); clothe, with (in.); attire oneself; surround; P. conclude (a liturgical recitation); cs. cause to\ put on, clothe in (2 ac.). vi-pari, change (esp. a garment); change one's clothes. pra, set before; send out (spies). prati, place in (lc.); adjust (an arrow), aim; raise to the lips (goblet); put down (the feet); offer; employ; restore; restrain; A. ps. begin. anu-prati, present after another (ac.). vi, distribute; procure, grant, bestow; fulfil (desires); determine, prescribe, ordain; secure (a maintenance); show, display (emotion); create, form, fashion; construct, build, lay out; arrange, divide; procure; devise (a means); perform, effect, produce, achieve, bring about; make, do; contrive; so manage that (tatha-yatha); hold (counsel, sway, office); conclude (friendship, peace); commence (hostilities); put on (clothes); show (honour, hospitality); give (a kiss); fight (a battle); put (questions); turn into e. g. a lion (simhatvam); make, appoint, or render any one (2 ac.); put or lay in or on (cl.); place before (agratah), or below (adhah); take to heart (lc.); direct (the mind) towards (lc.); despatch (spies); P. take trouble with (d.); ps. be allotted to or intended for (g.); be accounted (nm.); be designed for a husband (nm.); kim vidhiyat&m tena, what is to be done with that? des. seek to determine or establish; wish to devise (an expedient); think of acquiring (money); wish to render (2 ac.); wish to contrive: pr. pt. A. scheming. anu-vi, prescribe in accordance with (in.); contrive, effect; take (ac.) as a standard; ps. conform to, be guided by (ac., g.). pra-vi, divide; A. mind; show great attention to (ac.). prati-vi, dispose, arrange; despatch (spies); counteract, do against (g.); oppose a conclusion. sam-vi, determine,prescribe (A.); order; arrange,manage,mind; employ; make use of (in.); render (2 ac.): manasam -, keep up the spirits, be of good cheer; cs. let any one act, trust to any one's management. sam, put or sew together, combine, join, unite (with, in.); compose; collect; exchange words (vakam) with (in.); close (eyes); heal (wounds); restore, redress, remedy; place together on, lay down in (lc.); gnly. A. fix (an arrow) on a bow (lc.), against (d.); direct the gaze (thither, tatah); confer on (lc.), grant; give (a name) to (g.), place credence (sraddham) in a thing (lc.: A.); employ for, appoint to (lc.); involve any one in (lc.); conclude (an alliance); inflict; afford assistance (sahayyam); A. bring together, reconcile; be united or reconciled, agree, make friends, with (in.); be a match for (ac.); make use of (in.); ps. be united with, come into possession of (in.): pp. joined or connected with, accompanied by, referring to, endowed with, conformable to, caused by (-~); being on a friendly footing with (in.). atisam, revile; deceive (v. 1.); surpass, in regard to (prati); prejudice a thing (ac.). anusam, fix the thoughts on, direct the attention to, explore, investigate, observe; solve or dispose of a difficulty; collect oneself(atminam). abhi-sam, fit or adjust (an arrow) on a bow (in.); direct (a missile) at (d., lc.); S2 132 VTdh. fq-r dhi-ta. aim at, purpose, have in view; come to an agreement with respect to (ac.); prevail over, subject, render subservient; seek to gain over; unite os ally oneself with (in.); I.. design for, appoint (2 ac.): pp. referring to (-0); gd,. from interested motives. upa-sam, add; increase; unite with, impart to any one (in.); have in view: pp. endowed with, accompanied or surrounded by (in., — 9); conformable to (-'O). prati-sam, P. put together again; A.. put on, adjust; A.. return, reply; 'A.. gain insight into (ac.); P. 'A. recollect. V1T 2. DHA, v. '_ DHRE. VT 3. dha', a. 0', placing etc.; giving, granting (v. V8/i. dhA). 'rij dhati', f. sudden attack, surprise. NIi. dhft-tu, m. layer; component part (-O a.); element (five are assumed: ether, air, fire, earth, water); elementary constituent of tbe body (seven are assumed: alimentaryjuice, blood~fiesh,fat, bone, marrow, semen; or five: ear, nose, mouth, herPb domen; or three =dosha: wind,gall,phlegm); elementary constituent of the earth or of mountains: ore, mineral, metal, esp. red chalk; verbal element, verbal root or base. '4TUJ 2. dh'a-tu, a. suitable for sucking, ~Ti'JrT —q dhattu-kusala, a. skilled in metallurg; -kriyaf. metallurgy; -garbha-kumbha, m. -ash-pot; -ghosh&', f. T. of a work on verbal roots; -kfirna, n. mineral powder; -pitha, m. list of verbal roots (ascribed to Painini); -mat, a. containing elements; abounding in minerals:- -ti, f. richness in minerals; -maya, a. (i') consisting of or abounding in metals or minerals; -Va'da, m. art of assaying, metallurgy; alchemy; -va'din, m. assayer; -visha, n. mineral poison; -vritti, f. (Sayana's) commentary on the verbal roots. N~f dhh-trz' M. supporter, establisher; preserver; originator, creator; C.: Creator of the world (=Brahma); Fate; N. of a son of Brahma and brother of 1Vidhaltri and Lalcshni; adulterer. 'qT'J dhg-trd, a. relating to Dhfttri. VlT-qt dhft-tril, f. nurse; midwife; waitingwoman; mother; earth. [ f. id. '~Tf'_q~iT dhfttrey-ika&, f. foster-sister; -i', VT~qTZi dhfttuakar, m. mineral mine. V~T'q dhft na, a. — P, containing; n. receptacle; abode, seat; 3i, f. id. 'V.T'qi dhatna-ka, m. a coin (= 4 kftrsha'panas); n. coriander. VTrqT dhan-n-, f. pl. grain. N tIG dhftnuh-ka, a. armed with a bow; m. bowman.. [grain. V~TW dha~nyA, a. cereal; n. (in.) sg.pl. corn, VTWM dhanya-ka, -o a. = dhftnya; m. N..; n. coriander; -kfita, granary; -dhana, n. sg. corn and wealth: -tas, ad. by reason of -; _pa~ika-ka, n. the five cereals; -pAtra, n. vessel for or with corn; -maya, a. consisting of or made of corn; -misra, a. adulterating corn; -riga, M. (king of grain), barley; -vat, a. rich in corn (of persons).1qM *dfnqma ms. grain of corn; -ad&, a. grain-eating; - amla, n. sour ricegruel; - argha, m. price-of corn. [.Asuras. WFTw- dha~nvd, m. pat. of Asita, chief of the NTRMI dhftnvan-a, a. situated in a desert. 'UPTR dha-ma, mn. pl. hind of superhuman being. VTRW, dha-ma-kkhdd, a. concealing his abode, ep. of an Agni and of a Vashatka'ra. V1TRPq, dha-man, n. fixed dwelling, abode, realm (of the gods); esp. place of the sacred fire and of Soma; post (also pl.); usage, law, order; power, majesty; light, splendour (also.PI.); Priyam dha'ma, favourite abode, - object; delight; madhyamam dhaavih noh, middle abode of Vishnu= sky. 'gT;RWIf dhftma-vat, a. mighty, powerful. VTT;RTf~VI dhatma adhipa, m. sun. '9T dhftya, m. layer. V'gUW dhgy-as, a. nourishing; a. only d. to sip or nourish. [litany). V1T'qT dhay-yft, f. additional verse (in a 'qTR dhatr-a, a. holding, bearing, supporting ( —0): -.ka, a. id. (0O) VTT3L dhatr-ana, a. (0- or g.) bearing, containing; possessing; preserving; n. (dha'r-) bearing, holding; wearing; maintaining, preserving; observance of (g.); mental retention; mental concentration, on (ic.); possession; suppression; endurance: -ka, a. containing us. debtor. VTR3JT dhatr-an a, f. wearing (a dress); supporting, assistance; repression; mental retention; memory; mental concentration, suspension of the breath, immovable abstraction; settled rule; understanding. '~TTrM rdha'rana anvita, pp. endowed with a good memory. [water. '1T'JT dh'ara-pihta, pp. pure as a jet of VT~f dha'r-ayt, pr. pt. cs. ( Vdhri) possessing; versed in; maintaining. VTf';dfrayitv~~P to be borne or held fast; to be regarded as (in. Of abst. N.). sion ofT dha~r-ay-ishnu-tat, f. possessoofa good memory. '9RT i. dbar-A, f. [Vi. dhftv] torrent, stream; shower (also of arrows, flowers); drop: p 1. paces of a horse (of whichfive hinds are assumed). [circumference of a wheel. WRIT 2. dh~r-af. [/. dbatv] edge, blade; WRTwI*q dhara-kadamba, m. a plant (nauclea cordif'olia); -griha, n. shower-bath room; -graha, us. cup filled from a stream of Soma. '~R~ dharft afilkura, m. hail. i ~~~dharq-gala, n. blood dripping from the blade or edge (of a sword),. VT TI dhq-rq fikala, m. edge (of an instrument). qRIhW dhafra f-dhara, m. cloud: -Agama, m.rainy season; - Ptyaya, us. (departure of the clouds), autumn1. [on the very acme. '~TR~fc %[\ dh ara adhirftdha, pp. standing N'WRkt-f1NTI dhatra-niphta, us. downpour of rain; -patha, m. range of a sword-blade: -m prapaya, put to the sword by any one (g.); -pata, m.pl. shower; -yantra, n. fountain: -griha, n. shower-bath room; -vat, a. edged; -varsha, us. n. pouring rain. TcUMT dha'rftsru., n. flood of tears. qI~~tTff dharf-amp'ta, us. downpour of rain. 14TVVTW dhtrftsara, m. torrent of rain. WTft dhftr-i, a. bearing ( —.); m. cs. of V~TfTWi dhftr-ika,f. support, pillar. 'qTfT-rffdhatr-in, a. (0' or g.) bearing'; wearing; having, possessing; keeping; maintaining; retaining, remembering; preserving, observing: n-L, f. N. of Agnimitra's wife. r*T dhatrta!-ratshtra, a. (i) belonging,to Dhritarashtra; m. DhritarAshtra's son,.pat. of Duryodhana (.pt. =the Kurus); kind of goose. q~Trfi dhffrm-ika, a. (3) righteous, virtuous; set on or conformable to virtue; m. devotionalist; magician (Pr.): ta,. ta n. j ustice, virtue. VT t dhatr-ya, fp. to be worn or borne; - kept, - retained; - tolerated; - observed; - inflicted (_punishment); - directed (mind) to (lc.); - kept in view; - checked. VIITn dharsht-ya, n. boldness, impudence. i. DHAV, I. P. (z. rare) dh~va, NTZ flow; run, - about, - up; - into, - after (ac.); - towards (abhimukham); rush at (ac.), ride at (prati); glide over (lc.); flee: pp. -ita, running; =finite verb, began to run; s.har~a P. cause to run, urge on; drive (mnt.) with in. of vehicle and ac. of road; leap, dance. anu, run after; pursue; stream through; spread over. upa, run away; deviatefrom a previous statement, vary. abhi, flow -, hasten~towards; rush at; run to help (ac.), give assistance. ava, drip down. a, run or hasten to (ac.). upa, hasten to, take refuge with (ac.). nis, rise from (ab.). pani, flow -, run about; run up; run round; - after (ac.): miaam - pursue the chase. pra, flow forth; run away, rush off, run; betake oneself to (ac.): _pp. run away; cs. put to flight. anu-pra, pursue. vi, disperse, sam, run together; rush at; arrive at (ac.). XI7 2. D HKV, I. dha'va, cleanse, rinse, Nwash, rub: _pp. dhauta, cleansed, etc.; pure; washed away; polished, resplendent; as. dhavaya, wash. nis, _pp. nirdhauta, cleansed; washed away. pra,ces. wash. vi, wash off: pp. cleansed. sam, A. rub or wash oneself. [author. VTfl;* dhav-aka, us. washerman; N. of an '4T~q dhav-ana, n. Y. running, galoping; attack; 2. washing; rubbing. VT(; dhaval-ya, n. whiteness. VufOr~rdhv~in, a. i, running () 2. washing (-0). [nourishment, comfort. 'VTf;Rf dha-Si, (V.) rif abode, home; 2. Ms. fi.DHI, V. P. dhinoti, satisfy; gladden. N 2. dhi, m. receptacle (only -0) fVir 3. dhi= adhi (in dhi-shthita, v. Vsthft). f'are dhik, j of dissatisfaction, reproach, or lamentation; fie! woe! with nm., uc., g., gnly. ac., sts. aho -, ha - ( kashtam), haha dhik; dhig astu, shame on -! fie on - (ac. or g.); dhik kri, reproach (ac.); ridicule, belittle. fV, i dhik- krita,-n. p 1, disapprobatio n, re - proaches. Nl~ dhig-danda, m. reprimand. f' igrqW dhig-vana, us. a mixed caste, fNlIfT dbi-ta, pp. of V/dbh and of V/dhi. ffI rq dhiyam-ginva. I Iidhri'. 133 fcl'5[; hiyam-ginvd, a. meditationstimulating. f19;0'WT dhiyam-clhap a. devout; clever. f~qpqW dhish-a'na, a. wise; m. ep. of Brihaspati. f'-4WMT dhish-dnft, f. vessel used in preparing and drinking Soma; tub, bowl; reason, mind; often fig. of Soma and its effects: du. =heaven and earth; pl. the three worlds, heaven, sky, and earth. f~~dhi-she, V. 2 sg. Pr. A. ofVr dhal. f'ER~ dhishtya, incorrect for dhishnya. f Mps~ i. dh'ishn-ya, a. perceptible to the mind only; devout; m, fire-mound sprinkled with sand at the top; a kind of small side altar (of which, there are usually eight); n. abode, seat; meteor. 2. dhi'shnya, a. placed on a firemound; m. fire placed on such a mound..D If= D HYAJ. VI2. dh'1 f. thought-conception; intention, purpose; opinion; intelligence, insight, understanding, intellect; knowledge, art; skill; religious meditation, devotion, prayer, hymn; —, supposition: in. supposing it to be; a. -intent on. 3. dhi',f (=di) splen'dour. Vbiff dhi-ta, pp. of V/dhe: -rasa, a. whose juice is sucked out. Nl~fff dhi-t', f. thought, conception, meditation; perception; skill; devotion, prayer. WtI?tdhii-mat, a. intelligent, sensible, wise. VI. dh~ir-a, a. [Vdhril lasting; steady, constant, firm; resolute, courageous; grave, sedate, sober; steadfast; deep (sound); -firmly adhering to (-a): -in, ad. (look) steadily. 2.dhri-ra, a. (a, 3S) thoughtful, sensible, shrewd, wise; clever, skilled, in (le.). ~~dhilra-ketas, a. resolute-minded, courageous; i. -ti, f., -tva, n. firmness; resoluteness, courage; quiet, silence; 2.aif wisom -raanta p. deep and yet calm (voice); resolute and quiet (hero); -bhava, in. steadfastness. IE TV d hira-ya, den. P. encourage. MU~ hra-sattva, a. resolute. VW dhi'r-y'a, n. prudence, wisdom. VdhR divat, a.wise; clever; devout, pious. NAZ~ dhi-van, a. skilful dhiNvra s very clever man; fisherman (also -k, 3.) ~. fisherwoman. iTWrf" dhi'-sakiva,m.councillor,minister. ~JDHU, v. ~DHfT. TJ ~DHUKSII, L. A. dhuksha, only with Nl3 NSam, gn ly.ces.saindhukshaya, P. kindle, inflame; increase; animate; restore: pp. samdhukshita. A ~jTM dhuna-ya, den. A. rush along (V.). 'jfir dhfin-i, a. [v,/dhvan] rushing, roarIng, stormy. ~j tdhun-i f river.,j'qdhundhu, m.N. ofan Asura: -ara, i. slayer of Dhundhu, ep. of Kuvalaya'sva; N. of a son of Trisafiku. 4Tdhsir, f. part of the yoke resting on the shoulder; load, burden (also fig.); extreme end of the pole; highest position, place of honour, head: le. in presence of (g.); dhuri yug, appoint to a high position. dh-ira, m. burden; &,f. id.; pole. ~'Rdhuram?-dhara, a. bearing a burden, fited for yoking to (0;succouring (g.); mn. chief (of, g. or -) nl~Q dhur'-tna, m. chief. dhfir-ya, a. trained to bear burdens, fit for yoking; first, best; m. chief (of, g., an adept in (g. or — 9); beast of burden; one able to bear the burden of (-):.t^, f. service. ~DHURV, v. *DHfYRV. %J" dhiiv-nna, n. shaking; place of execution. '113llR dhulstfira, in. thorn-apple. TJ DH1~)Y. dhfin6, dhun6, JXxdhU~a (rare); r- VI. P. dhuvib (V. rare), shake, agitate; shake off (ac.); struggle, resist (P.): pp. dhfitk, dhuta, shaken, agitated, set in motion; removed; fanned (fire); intv. dodhaviti, dodhfiyate, shake violently; toss (horns). apa, sha ke off. ava, shake off, cast aside; disregard, refuse: pp. fivadhi~tta, drivers away, dispelled, removed; rejected, disregarded; moving to and fro; fanned; on which an impurity has fallen, defiled, polluted; shaken or touched (byg the foot); having cast off all worldly taint, become a philosopher. a, shake, agitate. vi i, stir, shake off; move to and fro, sway. ud-, whirl up (dust); raise; toss; fan (fire); excite; cast off: pp. uddhfita or uddhuta, wafted by (-O); puffed up with pride (-~). nis, cast off, remove; drive away; reject, disown: pp. nirdhfita, wielded over (staff); tormented; deprived of (0.vi-nis, reject. pari, shake off. pra, blow away. vi, shake, -agitate; dispel, (lestroy; drive away, disperse (men or animals); A. shake off, abandon. pra-vi, swing to and fro (only pp. -dhuta); disperse. lrlff dhu'-ti, m. shaker, agitator. [p1.). 'JIiI dhft-n-ania, n. shaking, wagging (also '%j1N dh-h-na-ya, es. (Vdhfi) shake, move about. ava, vi, id. '~I(dfi-nv-at, pr. pt. of 'V'dhfi"; in. kind ofpersonifjlcation. ~Idhft-.pa, in. (sg. & pl,) incense, aromatic vapour: -km~, in. id. (gnly. 0' a.). VIIIM dhftp-ana, n. fumigation; incense. W4[ dhfpA-ya, den. P. fumigate, Perfume: pp. dhiipita. a-Au, aiva, A, Upa, pra, id. ifIdhfipa-varti, f1. kind of cigarette. VFT dhflpft-ya, den. P. emit smoke; fumigate: pp df pA yita. ~ji1dhup-i, m. p1, certain rainy winds. %fjjffdh-hp-in, a. perfuming (~) ~J[dhfi-mad, in. (sy. & pl.) smoke, vapour: i~ifTI dhfima-ketana, in. (smoke-bannered), fire; (A)-ketu, a. smoke-betokened, smoke-bannered; mn. fire; Agni; comet; N. of a Yaksha; (fi)-gandhi, a. smelling of smoke; -graha, m. iRdhu; -gala, mn. film of smoke; -dhvaga, m. fire; -pa, a. smoking (a pipe); imbibing only smoke (i. e. subsist I ing on nothing else); -pailava, mn. streak of smoke; -pa~ta, mn. wreath of smoke; -pa~na, n. inhalation of smoke or vapour; -maya, a. (iL) consisting entirely of smoke or vapour. '~If" dhfima-ya, den.; ps. dhu'myate, be covered with vapour, be obscured (star): pp. dhftia abhi, pp. with dis, f. quarter about to be entered by the sun. pra, _pp enveloped in smoke. '~~Tdhftra-lekhaf. column of smoke; N.; -vat, a. smoking: -tva, n. condition pof having smoke; -varti,f. column of smoke,,, kind ofcigarette; -sikhaf column of smoke. N~rT~ dhfima anubandha, in. continu-L ous cloud of smoke. 'J\WM dhufflma-ya, den. P. A. smoke. VfrIMT dhfim-ika', f. smoke. 1JPf'I~dhtim-inl, a. smoking: -i, f. N. ff dhfimaiidgama, um. ascending smoke; - udgara, in. id.; - j~na', f. N. of Yama's wife. 1IM dhfim-yt, f. cloud of smoke. II dhftnm-rd, a. smoke-coloured, dun, grey; obscured (reason); in. N. lff dhflmra-ya, den. P. colour grey.qW dhu~mra-varna, a, grey-coloured; -sikha, in. N.; -aqksha, a. grey-eyed. NJ11 dhflmril-kri, colour grey. 'VT'I dhiurr-gata, pp. standing at the head of, chief of (~) -gata, in., -gati, in. (having a burden of a top-knot), ep. of Siva. '13 dhui'r-ta, pp. [V-.dhvri] cunning, knavish, fraudulent; in. knave, rogue, cheat; gamester; thorn-apple: -ka, a. cunning, fraudulent; in, cheat. V'JIf~i'ff' dhfirta-kitava, ms. gambler; -karita, n..pl. roguish pranks; n. T. of a work; -ta", fi, -tva, n. roguery; -trmya, n. trio of swindlers; -mandala, n. gambler's circle; -rakana, f. roguish trick. i ~dhfifr-ti, f. injury, hurt. VJVT dhftr-dhara, Mn. chief, leader. 141 DHURV, I. P. (A. also in aor.) G-\ N dhfirva, afflict, injure; des. d-ftdhfirsha, P. wish to injure. VJ4T dhfir-vodhri, mn. beast of burden; -shad, in. guide of the car, leader; -shah, (str. base -shA h) a. hearing the yoke. ~ITdhfil-ana,, n. covering with dust. 1~7W dhfil-aya, den.: pp. dhttlita, bestrewn with (in.). 1f07 dhfi-1i, f. (also II) dust; dusty ground; pollen: -patala, n. cloud- of dust. 'iTR1v dhfil~i-maya, a. (i) dusty; -varsha, ms. n. shower of dust. VOR dhfi's-ara, a. [v'dhvas] dust-coloured, grey (-tva, n. abit. NT.): -ka, mn.N. of adjackal. Ti~ dhftsar-ita, pp. made grey. NrfTRff. dhftsar-i-man, in. dust-colour. MM'iI dhuis-tunda, n. extreme end of the pole. 11DHRI, V. has only pf. P. A". & pp.; C. It alsoft., inf., gd.; the es. dhir~ya is used as pr. base: hold, bear, carry (on, in., la.); wear; convey to (le.); hold tight; A. cling to (ac.); 134 vWdhrik.. dhvams. keep, observe; support; design for, allot to (d.); tolerate; restrain, resist, withstand; retain; detain; have on one, -possess, contain; owe to (d., g.); protract; int. endure; tarry, remain; begin to (inf.): garbham -, he or become pregnant; tuay -, weigh; dandam -, inflict punishment on (lc.); nikate -, have about one; itminam, gitram, glivitam, deham, pranfiu, sariram, svavapus - preserve one's life, continue to live, remain alive; atmnam, buddilim, manas -, direct ~one'.sthoughts to, fix one's attention on (d., lc.); 'firmly resolve to (inf.); ~ mana a -, ponder; retain in the memory; Miirdhu&(i), sirasa(),fi. old in high honour; samaye - bring to an agreement; _ps. dhriyite, be borne on (lo.); be held; be fixed; be checked; remain, endure; exist, be alive; keep quiet, stand still; hold one's ground, resist; be left; prepare for, undertake (ac., d., or inf.): pp. dhrit&, held, borne, carried (on, in., lc., or — O); worn; grasped; held tight; kept, retained; weighed; observed, practised; maintained; kept alive, continuingto exist; quoted by (-9); ready to, resolved on (d. orl.) protracted (in pronunci ation): -i, ad. slowly; autare -, pledged; kare -, grasped by the hand; dhritavat, act. pt. ==finite verb, placed upon (lc.),; resolved on (d.); intv. dirdharti, d~dati, hold firmly. ava, cs. determine, state precisely or positively, regard with certainty as (2 ac. or pred. nm. 'with iti); hear, learn; understand, gain insight into, make oneself familiar with; ponder, consider: pp. avadhrita, settled, determined; heard; understood; communicate to (d.); cs. _pp. avadhairitm, known for (in.). A, cs. bring to (lc.) keep; 33ridi -, keep in remembrance; PS. adhriya, be contained in (l.:p dhrita, contained in (lc.). ud, draw out; elevate, raise to honour (manyforms of this compound cannot be distinguished from those, of ud + hri). upa, cs. support; regard as (2 ac.); hear, learn; consider. iii, cs. lay down in, bring to or into, bestow on (lc.). nis, cs. pick out, distinguishfromn others; determine, ascertain, verify. pra, inflict punishment ou (lc.); remember; consider. sam-pra, cs. ~ buddhy a maas hridaye, ponder, reflec7t; decide, resolve. prati, cs. hold erect. vi, hold, bear: pp. vidhrita, held asunder, separated; avoided; checked, stopped; maintained; possessed: Mfrrdhni(i) -, borne on the head; fig. = held in high honour; svodarena -, borne in one's own body; antare -, pledged; cs. check, restrain, suppress; intv. hold asunder, divide; maintain, preserve; withhold from (ab.); possess (bodies); carry on, conduct (business). sam, (simple and) cs. hold (together), bear, carry; observe; sustamn; keep in remembrance; exist. I'f~ dhrik, a. ( —O) only nm. sg. =dhrit. ~dhri-t, a. holding, having, bearing(9) ti o'KiRTW dhrita-kanaka-rnfala a.wearing a golden wreath; -ku'rkaka, a. wearing a beard; -klesa, a. bearing hardships; -garbhi, f. a. pregnant; -tk,1a, sn. = vetAla; -danda, a. wielding the rod, punishing; being punished by (in.); -dvaidh'-bhjva, a. being at variance; -dhanus, m. archer; -niskaya, a. firmly resolved on (d.); -pfirva, a. worn before; -praga, a. having offspring; (i)ra'shtra, m. (whose kingdom is enduring), N. of the blind son of Vya'sa and elder brother of Pdndn;..vat,.pp. act., v. V/dhri; -vrata, a. whose law or ordinance is settled; maintaining ordinances; firmly resolved; devoted, attached; -sarira, a. whose body continues to exist, living on; -sri, a. whose fortune is steadfast; -samkalpa, a. firmly resolved on (le.). 17M dhrita ftman, a. steadfast. 'Yff dhri'-ti, f. holding fast; s~tanding still; firmness, steadiness; fortitude; constancy; resoluteness; satisfaction, contentment: -m kri, find satisfaction; stand one's ground; -m bandh, direct one's will towards (lc.). 71f1?~dhriti-mat, a. steadfast, firrm, resolte; contented, satisfied; -maya, a. (i) consisting of strong will; -mush, a. robbing of steadfastness. le IE dhritautseka, a. haughty. 14'q DHRISH, I. P. dhbrsha (V.), 'V. P. t '- dhrishn6, be bold or courageous; dare to (int.), venture near (ac.): pp. dhrishiti, (V.), bold, brave; dhrishti, bold, pert, forward, impudent; cs. dharshaya, P. lay hands on, fall upon; injure, ruin: pp. dharshiti,f. violated. apa, overpower. abhi, sim ple & Cs. id. i, injure, assail; cs. aggrieve. pra, assail, overcome; cs. id.; violate; lay waste. n. boldness; audacity; -dyuinna, m. N. of a son of Drupada. '~~dhrs'sh-ti, m. (s. du.) fire-tongs;f boldness. ~V_!i dhrish-nii, a. bold, courageous, daring; doughty, strong, mighty; n. ad. qQ111T dhrishnu-ya', (in.) ad. boldly, mightily. [g) WW dhrish-ya, fp. liable to be attacked by TJ DHE, I. P. dhaya, suck; drink; suck in, absorb: pp. dhitk; cs. dhilplya, A suckle, nourish. ITdhe6-nft,f. milch cow: -pl. libations of milk. dhe-nii, a. yielding milk; f. milch cow, cow; fig. earth: pl. milk. i~~T dhe'nu-kfijf milch cow. '~ff dhenu-mdt, a. yielding milk; contamningg the word 'dhenu.' Wm(WI dhenunanaduhM, m. du. milch cow and bull. [ment etc. of (~) dhe-ya, fp. that is created; n. assignvft dhe-hi, 2 s. impv. of Vi. dha'. % dhair-ya, n. firmness, steadfastness, constancy, fortitude; gravity, resolute bearing; obstinacy: -ta',f. perseverance; -dhara, a. steady, constant, persevering; -vat, a. id.; -vritti, a. steadily conducted. V~q~dhaivata,n.the sixthnotein the scale~a. 'ljlftfgw dhoyin, OLJ~ -yil, m. N. of a poet. %itTTJf dhoraniif. uninterrupted series. 'f dhau-ta, Pp. of V,2. dha'v; n. washing. 14TTV dhaur-eya, a. standing at the head of (g. or -0): -ka, m. beast of burden, horse. VT. dhaur-gata, a. (i) belonging to Siva (Dhurgati). V, dhauLrt-ya, sn. fraud, roguery. ~rdhma, a. blowing, m. blower of (only 0) ~I~DHMA, I. P. dhkma, blow (a conch, etc.), blow upon, kindle (fire); blow (ac.) into (lc.); melt in the blast; throw: pp. dhaminit (V.); dhmitib, blown, inflated, puffed; es. dhminpaya: pp. dhminpita, re I duced to ashes. A, blow into (a conch); ps. be filled with air, swell: pp. inflated (also,fig.). upa, blow upon (ac.). nis, blow away or, out. para. blow away. pra, blow (a conch); A9. proclaim aloud. vi, blow asunder, disperse. WW dhmftiiksha, m. crow (probably incorrect for dhv'afiksha). [or kindled. WWW~ dhmft-tavya, fp. to be blown upon W-q' dhmft ana, n. inflation, swelling. WT TTrdhyata-mfttra gata,ppxcoming as soon as only thought of,. -!pag&miny a. id.?TTq dhyft-tavya, fp. to be thought of or meditated on; n. impl1. one should think: -tva, n. abst. Nr.; -tri, m. one who reflects, thinker. WZTIftW7I? dhyftta upanata, pp. present as -soon as thought of; - 3pasthita, pp. id. 'W!T'f dhyft ana, sn. meditation; religious contemplation: -tatpara, a. lost in thought; -dlxira, a. absorbed in thought; -para, a. id.; -yoga, m. deep meditation, religious absorption; -vat, a. devoted to religious meditation; -sthita, pp. absorbed in thougbt. W~rf'qTf dhyftn-ika, a. proceeding from religious meditation; -in, a. devoted to religious meditation. URI dhyftma, n. kind of fragrant grass. T4TfTf: dhyfty-am, abs. pondering (ac.). WfrN~dhyaty-hi, a. lost in thought. V TM [a]dhy-ushita, pp. [V'vas, shine], dazzling white: - sva, m. N. of a _prince. W'qf dhye-ya, fp. to be meditated on; to be thought of as (nm.). contemplate, meditate on (ac.); think, reflect: pp. dhyata, thought of. anu, reflect; think of; meditate on: pp. thought of. abhi, set one's heart oxi, cast an eye on, desire; think of; be absorbed in meditation; regard as (2 ac.); inflict (ac.) on (lc.). A, think of; wish anything (ac.) to (g.). ni, mark, note; des. nididhygsa, A~. be attentive. pra-ni, reflect, direct one's attention to (ac.). nis, muse over, consider. pra, reflect; think of (ac.). sam, consider, reflect. WK dhra, a. (II) bearing (-'0) = dhara. T. DIIRAG, I. P. dhrirga, glide, sweep, '-wander (wind, birds, etc.). W' dhru-vi, a. [V/dhri] firm, stable, constant; permanent, perpetual,fixed, immutable; certain, inevitable: -in, ad. certainly, assuredly; m. polar star: personi~/led as the, son of Uttnap'da and grandson of Manu. 1 '4 dhruva-s~ila., a. permanently resi112dent; not changing one's residence; -samdhi, m. N.; -siddhi, m. (sure recovery), N. of a physician. VI dhruvg, f. sacrificial ladle (the largest of the three kinds). hER dhrauv-ya, n. immovableness; permanence; certainty, necessity. DIIVAMS, I. dhvimsa, fall, fall to pieces, perish; go away, be off (only impv.); ps. dhvasyate:pp. dhvasta, fallen; lost; disappeared; covered with (in. or -) cs. dhvamsiya, fell; pull down; destroy; violate: pp. dhvamsita. apa, pp. falleu from power; degraded; destroyed. pari,pp. covered dhvams-a. nad. lq;q vq, 135 F.4~ dhams-. r nad 13 I I with (-P~); destroyed. pra, pp. perished; es. cause to fall, destroy. vi, disperse: pp. destroyed, ruined; cs. crush; devastate, destroy. i4Ar dhvams-d, en. decay; loss; destruction, ruin, demolition: -ka, a. destroying (~) _ka'rin, a. causing the destruction of(O) violating (a woman). 'WfM dhvaens-ana, a. id.; n. destruction; -in, a. perishing; destroying. ~47Tdhvag-a,Tm. ban-ner, flag, ensig-n; token, symbol; liquor-seller's sign: -pata, m. flag; -yashti, f. flag-staff; -vat, a. adorned with flags; branded; mn. distiller, liquor-seller; standard-bearer. T4570 dhvaga hhrita, pp. taken at -the standard, captured on the battle-field. 'Wfa_[V dhvag-in, a. adorned with a flag, bearing a standard; branded; en. distiller, ~fI~dhvagin-'i,f. army. [publican. '4iidhvagi1-kri, make a standard of. i. DLDTAN, only aor. idhvanlt, be Nextinguished (anger): pp. dhv~ntb, dark; cs. dhvainaya, envelope; blacken. Wf2. DHVAN, I. P. dhvana, sound, N roar; buzz; es. dhvaonaya, cause to sound; allude to (ac.); ps. dhvanyate. abhi, whirr. pra, resound. [dication. T4;jij dhvan-ana, n. sounding; allusion, in 'Wf-4dh-van-if, m.sound; cry; noise; thnnder; figurative style; allusion, indication; -ita, pp. n. sound; noise; thunder. S4 T? 1' dhvanya ftmaka, a. inarticulate (Sound). T~VT dhvas-ird, a. bestrewn, covered; dusty, obscured; -ti, f. disappearance; one of the four states of a Yogin in which all the consequences of actions disaper -ra, a. withered; falling off. 14 dhvdfiksha, en. crow. W'q4 dhvqn-a, en. murmuring; sound. 14TRI dhva'n-ta, (pp.) n. darkness (also p1.). El DHVRI, I. P. d~hvira, bend, fell,destroy.;IN. i. n a, prm. stem in nau, nas. ~i2.nd6(often0- = 2. a-), pcl. not; less (with numerals = not quite by, in. or ab.: dkay5a na viensati, i 9; ekan na trimsat, 2 9); lest (withb pot.); V.: as, like (not exactly, almost; or as it does not coalesce metrically, it may have been an affirmative particle originally Gk. va'). When repseated it implies a very strong affirmation (exceptionally a strengthened negation). In a second or later clause it is sometimes replaced by ha, VA, api va, or even dropped. It is often strengthened by api, api ha, u, ut6', eva, khalu, ka, kg~ pi, kca va, ked, tu, tu eva, a~ atha va, ha. FjfNAMS, V. 2. NAS. N ndk (only nen.), night (V.). I-BMR na-kara, m. the sound n; the negative na. [beggarly. 'fi'rna-kim-kana, a. having nothing, 'r if i a-kienkid, n. nothing: -api-samkalpa, en. no desire for anything. if~nd-kis, indecl. no one; not, never. T t(n-im, indecl. not, never. 'q?ff~iq: na-kutaskid-bhaya, a. not endangered from any quarter. hJIR nak-uld, en. mungoose (exterminator of serpents and mice); N. of a son of Padndu: i-s. If female imungoose. qWI ndk-ta, n. night; eating at night only (a penance): -in, ad. by night. Wm i~K naktam-kara, a. wandering at night; en. nocturnal animal; - goblin; 3i, f. night goblin; -karyifwanderingbynight; -kg.rin, a. wandering by night; -dina, n. sg. night and day: -in, ad. by night and by day. VMftft~nakta-bhog-in, a. eating only at night: (-i)-tva, n. abst. v.; -mil~a, en. a tree. "WiT naktay'a, (f. in.) ad. by night. 'ilrndk-ti, f. night. T ndkta usbds, f. night and dawn. VM nak-ra, en. crocodile: -ketana, en. god of love.;WNAKSll,I.nkksha,approach; reach, N attain. abhi, come to, arrive at (ac.). 'i~ ndksha-tra, n. heavenly body; star; constellation; lunar mansion (originally 27, later 28 were enumerated: personified as daughters of Dahsha and wives of the moon): -nitha, en. (lord ofthe stars),,moon; -patha, en. course of the stars, starry heavens; -paithaka, en. astrologer; -in&1M,f. wreath or group of stars; elepbant's head-ornament. A M 1;rwr nakshatra-mftla-ya, den. A. look like an elephant's bead-ornament. '9f" ri nakshatra-vidyaf.j astronomy. VTq7T'4Fnakshatra-savas,a. equallingthe stars in multitude. VM nakhd, en. n. nail (of~finger or toe), claw; talon; spur of a cock: -kha'din, a. biting the nails; -nyaisa, en. impact of the nails; -pada, n. nail-mark, scratch: -sukha, a. soothing to the scratches.,iR nakha-ii', a. claw-shaped; en. curved knife; n, nail, claw; nail-mark; -vishkira, en. bird that scrapes with its feet, gallinaceous bird. -44 nakba agrd, n. nail-tip; -_gh~ta, m. nail wound; - aiika, en. nail-mark. Iff T'f nakhat-nakhi, ad. nail to nail, =tooth and nail. '441~ah tubaaamdihcas en. animal with claws: -tva, n. abst. N. iiIn nakh-i'n, a. furnished with nails, claws, or talons; en. beast with claws. '41T nd-ga, en. Mountain; tr'ee. TIYnaga-nadfi, f. N. of a river (mountain river); -niinnagA, f. mountain stream. 14WTK nadgara, n. town, city: -gana, en. PI. townsfolk, citizens; -daivata, n. divinity of a town; -dva~ra, n. city gate; -inandanai f courtezan. 941 TTWOK naga-randhra-kara, en. mountain-cleaver, ep. of K~rtikeya.!TfWf'I nagara-rakshA dhikrita, (pp.) en. chief of the city watch; -rakshin, m.policeman; -vriddha, (pp.) en. city elder; -sammita, pp. equal. to a town; -stha, a. living in a town; en. townsman; -sviimin, m. head of the city; N. TfW'ffnagara dbikrita, (pp.) en. chief ofthe city police; - adhipa, - adhipati, -_adhyaksha, en. id.; -a2bhy~sa, en egbuho of the or a city: lc. in the neighbourhood of the city. 197f-K9nagar-in, en. head of the city. IP~nagaril, f. town, city: -rakshin, en. city watchman, policeman. IW~ nagar-liya, a. urban. WtjTM nagarau~panta, n. n~eighbouarhood of the' town. RIjIff nagarajokas, en. citizen. 'qlITTq nag a~gra, n. mountain-top; 7_.apag&, fmountain stream; -_ asman, en. rock. II nagajundra, en. lord of mountains, ep. of Himklaya and Kailftsa; - isvara, in. ep. of the Him~laya; - udara, n. mountain ravine. WqV nag-nd, a. naked, bare; desert (region); en. naked mendicant; i, f. girl before menstruation. [dliist ascetic. M7N-I ndgna-ka, en. naked mendicant, Bud'q W!['T' nagna-ksbapana-ka, en. naked Jain mendicant; -git, en. N. of a Gandhdra prince; (~-~f,-tva, n. nakedness. iT inagnam-bh~vuka, a. becoming nDaked, disrobing shamelessly. WIVTZ nagna ata, en. -naked fain mendicant. Wr~i nagn-ika, f. girl before menstruation. [dicant. w nagni-kri, turn into a naked menVMR naghusha, en. N. = Nahusha. q PfirU( nd-kiketas, en. N. Vrf*T na-kira, a. not long (time): -in, for a short time; in., d., ab. shortly, soon. WSF nail, the negative na: -artha, en. the meaning of na. FjZ NAT, I. P. nata, dance; cs. na'taya, N' represent (ac.) on the stage. vi, pp. natita, dancing about, swarming (bees). WZ nat-a, en. dancer, actor, mime; -if. actress; -ana, n. dancing; dance, acting; -anlya.,fp. ienpl. one must dance. WV nad-a', en. reed. M~S nadat..kfibara, en. N. of a son of Kubera; -vana, n. N. of a locality. wrrfI f nadft-giri, en. N. of an elephant. IT~nad-vala, n. reed bed. WW na-ta, pp. N/nam. &aigi, f. woman. vf~fTKna-taraim, ad. decidedly not; much less. _q~f na-ti, f. bow, courtesy; humility.;J! NAD, I. P. (K) n~ida, resound, reNverberate; roar; cry; utter a sound or 136 136 nad-a. -q nay-a. cry (ac.); cs. nadiya, P.'A. cause to resound, - quake; na'daya, filliwithidin, cries, or shouts: pp. n dita, resounding, with ( —); intv. n'anad, roar. anu, resound towards (ac.); es. -nadaya, P. fill with din. vi anu, es. id. abhi, sound towards (ac.); raise a shout. ud, resound, roar; bellow; bray aloud. nii, resound; raise one's voice, cry aloud; Cs. fill with noise or shouts. pra(nad), begin to.sound or roar: pp. pranadita, buzzing. prati, answer (ac.) with a roar, shout, or cry; es. fill with a roar, shout, or cry; cry aloud. vi, sound forth; cry aloud, roar out; utter (ac.); as. fill with sound or cries. sam, cry, roar; cs. fill with a cry; cry aloud. Tfj nad-6, in. roarer, bull, stallion (fig. of man); river. WTOUI nada-bhartri, in. sea; _raga, in. id. ~ nad-'I, f. river: -kfila, n. river-bank; -tara, in. swimming across a river; -tira, n. river-bank. i. nadijIna, rn,. sea; Varuna. W 7tI2. na-d'ia, a. not insignificant. ~I~ nadi-ad, n.pl. and n. sg. rivers femal and male; -pati, in. lord of rivers; sea; -Purxa, in. swollen river; -mgtrika, a. nourished by i. e. abounding in rivers: a f.alst. N.; _Maxga, in. river bed: -mlukha, is. river mouth; -sa, i.staying in a river (a penance); -viki,f. ripple of the river. IIkT iiadlijsa, m. lord of rivers, sea. ITqvQ ndsla, a. (bathing in i. e. familiar with rivers); expert, experienced, versed in (1c.). WtOMRnadfi-saintftra, in. crossing a river. *'ikT~ nada isa, in. lord of rivers, sea. qW~ nad-dhd, pp. V/nah; nz. cord. 'r~nad-dhi, f. tying, binding. ~Tnand, f. mother (familiar like tata). FrrI ndnatndri, f. husband's sister. na-nmi, ad. not (emphatic); inter. pci. n~ot? (nonne), surely? with inter. prn. or im vprynanu ka, surely (at the beginning of a sentence); nanu astu-tatha api, well, Aeven granting-yet; n~anu a~ bhut - tath~japi, well, even granting that-is not the case -yet (nanu here to be token with the apodosis); nanu is frequently used by-commentators to state a supposed objection, which is disposed of. with a following ukyate, to this the reply is as follows.;Ji NAND., L. P. ninda, be pleased or `N glad, be delighted with, rejoice in (in., sts. ab.); cs. nandaya, gladden: pp. nandita, gladdened. abhi, feel satisfaction, be pleased or delighted with, rejoice in, show pleasure in (ac,); desire; salute, greet, welcome, congratulate; praise, approve; accept gladly, agree with (ac.): na -, receive unkindly; reject, repel; not admit, acknowledge, or abide by. prati abhi, return the salutation of (ac.); welcome. sam-abhi, greet; congratulate. 9, rejoice; 'es. gladden, gratify. sam cs. gladden. prati, greet joyfully; salute in return; address kindly words to, express satisfaction with, welcome with affection, bless (ac.); receive gratefully; Iaccept (advice); cs. gladden. sain-prati, greet joyfully, welcome. WI~nadnd-a, m-joy; son; NV., esp. of Krishna's foster-father and of a knofPtali putra, put to death by Kdnakya (who raised Kandragsepta, to the throne). irq;i inanda-ka, a. rejoicing in (LO); m. N. of a bull; N. of a village. IP~ff nand-ana, a. gladdening; mn. son, descendant (); n. joy; Elysium, the pleasureground of Indra. [a mountain. 1WR u4W nanda-parvata, in. king Nanda as lf~~Wf nand-ay-ant-ii, (pr. pt.) f. N. M'TNT nand-ftf N. M-w-iUW3[ nanda ftmaga, m. Krishna. 'rfff nand-i, in. Gladsome, euphemistic ep. of Yishnu or Siva; f. joy: -kara, a. causing joy to (g.); in. son (-0); -kshetra, is. N. of a sacred region; -gupta, in. N. of a king; -gra~ma, mn. N. of a village; -deva, in. N. lfff~nand-irn, a. (0') rejoicing in; gladdening; in. son (0'); ep. of Siva; N. of an attendant of Siva; N. of Siva's bull. vtnandin-4J. daughter; ep. ofDrg; N. of afabulous cow. urff fpi4r nandi-mukha, in. N.; -rudra, in. a form of Siva; -vardhana, a. increasing the joy of (g.); in. son. 'rkVT nand{isa, in. aform of Siva; N. of an attendant of Siva; -Isvara, Mn. id. 'l'4tf?( nd-pftt (V. only in strong cases), in. Eunprotected, orphan], son, descendant; grandson (only the last meaning in C.). VI~qi na-pumsa-ka, a. neither man nor woman, emasculate; of neuter gender (gr.); in. hermaphrodite; eunuch; n. neuter word, neutergender: -liiiga, a. oftheneutergender. 'IfFI na-pt-i1, f. daughter, granddaughter. TM n.6-ptri, in. (weak base of napftt in RV.), descendant, son (V.); grandson. iTf naptr-i, f. granddaughter,;y. NABH, I. A. n~bha, burst (tr. & int.); N, ci. P. nabhaya, cause to burst, tear open. 'f~ nabh-anii, ms., ii, f. spring. 'f4'' nabhas-kara, a. moving in the sky; in. celestial, god; fairy. V:W(ITEKRg nabhah-sabda-maya, a. consisting of the word I'nabbas;' -srit, a. reaching to heaven. 'II nahh-as, is. [bursting forth], cloud; mist, vapour; fragrance (of Soma); atmosphere, sky;,Sr~vana, the first rainy month (July-August); in. N. of a son of Nala. -ffR*VW nabhas-tala, n. sky-surface, nether sky, vault of heaven. PfR~IW nabhas-ya- a. misty; in. Bhftdra, the second rainy month (August-September). - nD.bhas-vat, a. cloudy; in. wind. 'fR#; nabhah-sad, m. celestial, god; -sthala, n., 1, f. vault of heaven; -spris, a. reaching to heaven. VTU Tnbo-iaa ~al of heaven. iM~ i. -nabh-ya, a. misty, cloudy. 'fl 2. ndbhya, ns. nave (of a wheel); centre. WRj NAM, I. nkma, bend, incline, bow, \submit,to(ac.,d.,g.); sink; aimat (g.)with (in.); subside, become silent: pp. nata, bent, curved, crooked; bowing to (ac. or g.); depressed, sunken; lowered, hanging down; es. namaya, P. bend (tr,), curve; cause to bow; cause to sink in; deflect; nA~myati= nAmyati, bend: pp. nlrmita; intv. nannam, P., nannamya, A.. bend, incline (imt.). abhi, bow to, turn towards (ac.). ava, bow down, stoop, bow: pp. stooping, bending down, bent, bowed; ci. P. bend down (tr.), cause to bow. a, stoop; bow down to (ac.), be gracious to (d. or g.): pp. A~nata, bowed, bent; bowing to (ac.), bending down to ( —O); submissive; Cs. P. bend downward; subdue: pp. ingmita, bowed down. ud, rise up, arise; -raise:.pp. unnata, raised, elevated; erect, upright; prominent,lofty; vaulted; sublime; eminent, in (-0); towering above (0'); cs. P. raise, uplift. abhiud., pp. elevated, lofty, eminent; turned upwards; vaulted. sam-abhi ud, pp. risen (clouds). pra ud, pp. pronna~ta, very elevated; su perior, in (-0). sam-ud, arise:,pp. upright, erect; high, prominent; vaulted; sublime; cs. raise. upa, fall to one's share, arise in, happen to, occur to (ac.; C. also d. or g.): pp. bent inwards; having submitted, humbled, having sought the - protection of any one; accruing, committed (sin), brought about; presented, brought; approached; at hand, present; lasting (long, -O). sam-upa, pp. having appeared. ni, bow to (ac.); bow down, prostrate oneself. pari, bend or turn aside; change, turn into (in.); develope, into (in.), ripen; grow old; be digested; attain its full significance: pp. parinata, ave'rted; changed, transformed into (in. or — 0); ripe, mature, advanced (age); full (moon); setting (Sun); come to an end, expired (time); digested; wither4-17-arisen: -m vayas' =old age has arrived; ci. pari-nAmaya, P. ripen, mature. vi-pari, ps. be changed, into (in.). pra, bow to, make obeisance before (ac., d., g., lc.): p~p. pra..nata, bowing, to (ac. or g) submissive; es. -nAmaya, P. order (ac.) to bowto (d.); give respectfully (answer). abhipra, bow. vi, bend, stoop, bow: pp. bent, bowing low, to (g.); sunk down, drooping; es. P. bend down, incline; bend (a bow). sam, bow, humbly ubmit, to (ac., d.,gq.); i.. gratify, obey; P. A. put straight, arrange; bring about: pp. bent, curved; stooping; sunk in, depressed; ei. bend; cause to sink; arrange, bring about. VM[I~ n~am-ana, a. bending ();n. id.; _anlya,fp. to be bowed to. 'i~ nDam-as, is. bowing, obeisance, adoration(byworcl or gesture): often as anexaclamation with the dat.; - kri, utter I'namas,'I make obeisance, to (ac., d., lc.). ~rii~ namas-khrd, in. the exclamation 'namas;' obeisance, salutation, adoration, homage: -vat, a. containing adoration; -ka~ryap fp. to be adored; -krita, _pp. adored; -kriti, f., -kni~ af. adoration, reverence, homage. 'ffIW namas-ya', den. P. adore, do homage to, bless (ac.). sam, id. [ing reverence. q~ITII? nadmas-vat, a. reverential; inspiriri~ft-it: namas-vin, a. id. VMf~nii-muki^in [not letting go the waters], N. of a demon subdued by Indra: -dvish, in. Iq 1knameru, in. a tree. [ep. of Indra. Iq nam-rei, a. bent, crooked; bowed (by, in.); bowing, to or with (__0); humble, submissive: -t&^, f., -tva, is. bowing; respect; lowliness, submissiveness, humility, towards (le. or — P): vinitair uamrat~im sama~karet, one should be courteous towards the well-bred. VM nay-a, in. leading;- behaviour, conduct; discreetness, prudenc,-,i, towards (lc.); worldly r-r nay-ana. WT nas. 137 wisdom,policy;design,plan; principle,system, doctrine; -kovida, a. worldly wise, versed in policy; -kakshus, n. eye of wisdom; a. endowed with the eye of wisdom; -gia, a. worldly wise; knowing the system of (-~). ^W' nay-ana, n. bringing, conducting, leading to (-~); eye (guiding organ): -tva, n. abst. N. i W7T;lql T nayana-gokara, a. being within range of the eye; -gokari-kri, behold; -kandrika, f. moonlight to the eyes; -karita, n. play of the eyes; -gala, n. tears; -patha, mr. range of the eye; -padavi,f. id.; -payas, n. tears; -vat, a. having eyes; -vari, n. tears; -vishaya, m. range of the eye; -salila, n. tears; -subhaga, a. pleasing to the eye. WiTi n nayana Ananda, m. delight of the eyes; -_anta, m. corner of the eye; -_ambu, n. tears; -.udaka, n. flood of tears; -udcabindu, m. tear. iSWM'I nava-vat, a. versed in policy, prudent; -vid, a. id.; -vartman, n. policy; -salin, a. possessed of worldly wisdom or of policy; -sastra, n. doctrines of policy; -sadhana, n. politic procedure; -sahasaunnatimat, a. requiring a high degree of discretion and resolution; -hlna, pp. destitute of discretion. [quested. sqTf?[W naya arthita, pp. courteously reV nar-a, m. man; husband; hero; the primordial Man, - Spirit; N. Ti'3 nara-ka, m. (n. rare) infernal regions, hell; N. of a demon slain by Krishna: -pata, mn. going to hell. W!;iiRTq nara-kapala, m. human skull. tK'if'T naraka-ripu, m. ep. of Krishna; -vasa, m. sojourn in hell; -stha, a. being in hell. VT iTMi nara-kaka, un. crow of a man; -giiagala, n. human flesh; -danta, m. human tooth; -deva, m. god among men, king; -natha, m. prince, king: -marga, mn. high road, - sana, n. royal throne, royalty. i'11 nara-pa, m. prince, king; -pati, mn. id.: -patha, m. king's high-way, royal highroad; -pala, m. prince, king; -medha, m. human sacrifice. nnTqTv nara-yana, n. palanquin; -rupa, n. human form; -loka, m2. world of men: -pala, n. prince, king; -vara, mn. excellent man: - uttama, spv. best of excellent men; -varman, s.z. N. of a prince; -vahana, a. drawn by men; nm. ep. of Kubera; N.: -datta, m.,.. of a prince: -karita, n. adventures of 1 Xaravhhanadatta; -vahana-datt-iya, a. belo nging to Naravahanadatta; -vahin, a. borne b, j men: w. yana, n. palanquin; -vishana,.. hi iman horn --- chimera; -vira,m. heroic man: -1 )ka, m. = children of men; -vyaghra, -sardiu. a, ms. tiger-like man= most illustrious of mesi; -sreshtha, spv. best of men; -sakha, un. f'riend of Nara, ep. of NfArayana; -simha,. li'on among men = great warrior; man-lion (thejfourth Avatar (f Vishnu); -hari, m. manlion, Vishnu's fourth Avatar. 5f~KI'p nara adhipa, m. lord of men, king, princ; -adhipati, m. id. iTqK: nr&A-s^msa, m. Praise of Men (i. e. praisZ t 5y men), m. ep. of Agni, esp. in the seconVe "rse of Apra-bymns and in the third of Ap- ymns; ep. of Pfshan. K,sra,indra, m. chief of men, king, prince k nya, f. princess; -ta,f., -tva, n. kingship; -putra, On. prince; -marga, On. high road; -svamin, m. N. of a temple; - aditya, m. N. of a prince. fi?[ naraisa, mn. king; -Isvara, m. id. iRsT nare-shtha, a. serving for a man to stand on. i;[Ta narauttama, spv. best of men. i44i narfa-ka, a. causing to dance; m. dancer; i,f. female dancer. n nart-ana, in. dancer; n. dance: -sala, f. dancing-room. (f~4f nart-avi-t i,m. who causes to dance (ac.); dancing-master; -i-ta, pp. cs. of /nrit; -i-tavya, fp. n. necessity to dance; dancing. ~ NARD, I. P. narda, roar, yell, cry X (with ac. of sound); intv. nanard, sound aloud. irfWi nard-ita, pp. n. roar, bellow; a certain throw at dice. T<QF1 narma-garhha, a. containing a jest, meant in joke; -da, a. giving amusement, granting gladness: a,f. N. of a river (also called RIeva) now Nerbudda (which rises in the Vindhya range). 'i narman, n. jest, sport, fin: in. n-a, in jest or fun. [ing, amuse. tiqlt narma-ya, den. P. exhilarate by jestirtTf~' narma-sakiva, m. court jester (jesting companion of a king); -sakivya, n. condition of a court jester; -suhrid, m. jesting friend of a king, court jester. t f'i narmaukti, f. jesting speech. Ti nar-ya, a. manly; human; ms. man; n. manly deed. lTq nala, m. kind of reed (Amphidonax karka); N. of a king, husband of Damayanti. rfrf'T nala-giri, in. N. of an elephant. iWT l nalada, n. Indian spikenard (Nardostachys Jatamansi); the root of theAndrapogon mturicatus. IqIWFkI nala-nAman, a. named Nala; -margana, n. search for Nala; -vagin, m. horse of Nala; -saika,,f. suspicion of its being Nala; -sasana, n. command of Nala; -samnidhi, f. presence of Nala; -sarathi, nm. charioteer of Nala; -siddha, pp. prepared by Nala; - amatya, on. minister of Nala; -asva,,m. Nala's horse. fffTiRT nalika, f. tube. W9fl'fT nalina, n. day lotus flower (nelumbium speciosnum); -dala, n. petal of -; -nabha, nm. ep. of Krishna; - sana, ep. of Brahman. tfi'ft nalini, f. = nalina; group of or lake overgrown with lotuses: -dala, n. petal of the day lotus: -maya, a. consisting of petals of the day lotus; -pattra, n. petal of the day lotus. VT;t4 nalaudaya, m. Nala's success, T. of a poem; - upakhyana, sn. episode of Nala. 1q" nalva, m. a measure of distance, either =52 or 200 yards. Vq ndv-a, a. new, fresh, young, recent: ~(preceding pp.), ad. just, lately. Ti R-c t nava-kritvas, ad. nine times. VMqr;J nava-graha, a. recently caught. W'q7 ndva-gva, a. ninefold; m. pl. the Nine, N. of a mythical race. It nava-ga, a. lately arisen, just visible (moon); new, young; -gvara, m. fresh sorrow. MiT nava-ta, a. ninetieth. W4?T nava-ta, f., -tva, n. newness, freshifWT nava-ti,f. ninety. [ness. Wi'4'[. nava-dasan (or an), a. pl. Ig. Viq~T[ nava-dvara, n. pl. the nine gates (of the body); a. (nAva-), nine-gated; n. body. iW1'T nava-dha, ad. ninefold, nine times. iqT navan (or dn), num. nine. WiqT nav-ana, n. laudation, praise. iqqt nava-nava, a. (pl. or o- with a pi.) ever new, constantly being renewed, very manifold. i-n 'q ndva-nita, n. fresh butter. 1'TI'T?T nava-panlkfsat, f. fifty-nine. iTUT- nava-prasana, n. eating of the new grain. [a fortnight. RTR nava-mn, a. ninth; i, f. ninth day in iWRfTi iT nava-mallikA, f. double jasmine (jasminum sambac); -malli, -malika, f. id. iT'ifj nava-mukha, a. (i) having nine openings. Wq'" nava-yagna, m. offering of firstfruits; -yauvana, n. first bloom of youth; a. being in the -: -vat, a. blooming with the freshness of youth. [sacrifice) of nine days. 5W1T[ nava-ratra, m. period (esp. Soma Vin nava-vadhu, f. newly-married wo^ 4f nava-vidha, a. ninefold. [man. ~W]fT;?r nava-sasi-bhrit, m. bearer of the new moon, ep. of Siva. Tf nava-shashti,f. sixty-nine; -saptati, f. seventy-nine. [f. offering of first-fruits. 'qrZW nava-sasya, n. new grain: -ishti, MTVTT nava anna, n. new grain: - ishti, f. offering of first-fruits. 'WTlftfT navaasiti, f. eighty-nine. ~-ct[' navi-kri, renew, renovate; refresh, revive. [ = another. i 'qt a nav-lna, a. new, fresh, young; sts. WTW*T navi-bhava, mn. renovation. NtgMnavi-bhbi, be renewed. [recent. WifEli. nav-iyas, cpv. new, fresh, young, Vl[T[H navaitara, a. old. -iT[q f na-vedas, a. (or -veda1) observing; knowing (g.). M-9tT nava udha, (pp.) a.f. newly-wedded; f. - woman; -uidaya, a. just risen (moon). iV. ndv-ya, a. new, fresh, young; a stri, f. newly-wedded woman. M 2. n dv-ya,fp. to be landed, praiseworthy. AilRl.ndv-yas, cpv. (-1) new, fresh.;{ qI. NAS, I. P. nasa(V. E.); IV. P. (A.) N nasya, be lost, perish, disappear, vanish, depart; flee, escape; be useless, be in vain: pp. nashta, lost; vanished; invisible; fled; destroyed, spoilt; unsuccessful, fruitless, useless; dead; having lost a lawsuit; cs. nasaya, P. (A. rare) cause to disappear, remove, dispel, efface, destroy; lose; throw away; violate; forget: pp. nsita, lost; des. T 138 138 nas. wfiTw na'd-eya. of cs. nina'sayisha, P. wish to destroy. nis, pp. nirnashta, lost", disappeared. pra(-nasya), be lost; disappear, escape: pp. pranlashta (the n remains usnchanged when s becomnes sh), lost; disappeared~vanished; perished; run away, escaped; es. cause to disappear; leave unrewarded, ignore; destroy. vi-pra, be lost; disappear. viL, be lost; disappear; perish; be fruitless: pp. lost, vanished; spoilt, ruined; destroyed, undone; cs. cause to disappear, dispel; destroy, kill; allow to perish. anu-vi, disappear or p~erish after' or with (ac.). sam, pp. perished. 2. NAS, 1. nisa, (V.) reach, attain; ", befall. abhi, id. [-ness. M'IR nas-vara, a. (I') perishable: -tva, n. nash-ta, pp. of s/i. nas: -vat, act. pt. 'q nashta-ketana, a. having lost consciousness; -keshta, a. motionless; -dhi, a. having lost the remenibrance of an injunry; -nidra, a. deprived of one's sleep; -rapa, a. invisible, unrecognised; -samgiia, a. whose consciousness is impaired. W9f ITnashta-atafikamn ad. fearlessly -t ~ta a. having~ one's understanding- impaired; artha, a. having lost one's property; - saiika,. a. fearless: -in, ad. fearlessly; -asva-dagdha-ratha-vat, ad. like the man who had lost his horse and the one who had his cart burnt (sc. who helped each other-). W nasbh-tj. rufin, destruction. '~f'Knashta Jndriya,a.beconmeimpotent. nashtaeshd, a. seeking what is lost. W11 nashtaishya, n. search for the lost. WiN~TTE nashtaubhaya-loka, a. to whom both (this assd the next) worlds are lost. r.NA S,I. A. nsa, (V.) as'sociate one"~self with, join, embrace. sam,u-nite (int.) with. [and -o a.). Wq2. nads,f. nose (only in., lc. sg., y., le. du. ~3. nas, ac., d., g. pl. of aharn. ITff[ nas-a, nose (only -0 a.). WR'. na-samvid, f. forgetfulness. W'[; nas-tds, ad. out of or into the nose. na-sparsana, n. non-contact. ITq( inss-ya, a. being in the nose, nasal; n. substance provocative of sneezing, sternultatory: -karman, n. employment of a sternotatory. 'qIT nas-ya', f. nose-bridle. '9 NAHl, IV. P. n~ahya, bind, tie; tie or N~ p~ut on; A. put on: pp. naddlia, tied, bound, fastened, to (-O); encircled, covered, or studded, with (in. or -'O). api, pi (the latter formn is the usual one in C.), fasten, tie, or put on; tie up, cover (by tying), stop up; A. put on (oneself): pp. &piuaddha, pina 'ddha. ava, tie or cover up. a^, tie on: pp. covered, with (in. or -'O); obstructed. ud, press out: pp. unnadha, fastened upwards, tied up; swelling; prominent, through (in. o.);unfettered; excessive; arrogant. samLud, pp. directed upwards; pressed out; excessive; conceited. upa, tie up, - in a bundle: pp. covered or inlaid with (~O.pari, span; surround, encircle: pp. parinaddha, surrounded, by (.-O); extensive, broad, large; far advanced. sam, tie ton-ether, fasten; gird, equip, dIress; prepare to (inif.): pp. samnaddha, tied together, fastened; adhering; adjoining; bordering; equipped; ready; about to discharge (cloud); ready to blossomn (bud); cs. cause to equip. -q'q na-hf', -not to he sure, certainly not: nahi- yatas, because not-therefore. 'qI ndh-ush-a, 22n. [connexion], descent, race; NA., esp. of a icing who displaced indra, butuwas afterwards tran-forasedinto aserpent. 'q kTnsh-us, rn. [connexion], descent, race; kinsman; neighbour. WTTi n'aka, mn. firmament, vault of heaven: -nadi',f. celestial Ganges; -na~yaka, m. ep. of Indra; -pati, -pa&1a, ast. god; -puramndhri, f. Apsaras; -prishtha, n. vault of heaven; -sad, m. denizen of heaven, celestial, god; -Stri'f. celestial feinale, Apsaras.' 'qTf*Knaqk-in, as. (possessing heaven), god. MI na'kula, a. ichneumon-like. In1 I ~M nka isvara, mn. god. WT U nfkaokas, mn. id. [sidereal. 'M! na'kshatra, a. relatingi to the stars, MT naga', in. serpent, esp. as nainse of fob slous serpents wit/s humanfaces inhabiting tie city of Bhogarati in the insfernsal region,;; elephant; a nitacl air (causing vomnitinsy); N. Of several plants; N. WPT'Ri naga-ka,ma. N.; -kesara, as. N. of a small tree (Mesua lboxburghii); 2n. itsflower. W1MTF~ nadga-danta, in. elephant's tooth, ivory; peg, or bracket on the wall: -kra, 225. id., -maya, a. made of ivory. 'qTW-TTT4 nbga-naftha, qn. chief of serpents; -nayaka, 2n. id.; -pati, m. id.; -pila, m. N.; -Pura, si. Elephanit-city (=:-Hhstina-pura) -baudha, m. a serpent as a fetter; -maya, a. consisting of elephants. WPfT71, nfagara, a. Isele-nging to the town, town-bred, urban; polished; adroit; as. citizen. wlIdT4 naqgara-ka, a., as. id.; nt. chief of a town, head of police; ik^, f. N. WT71'TTnftga-rqag, in. serpent king; -r3~ga, -r~glan, sa. id. -qTiT'Rq nabgar-ika, a. urban, town-bred; polite; sn. (well-bred) citizen; superintendent of police. WPK *nagari, f. = deva-nbgarii. WT7[7'TT naiga-lata,. a tree; N.; -1ekha&, f.N.; -1oka, m-wor-ld or abode of the Nabgas; coll. the serpents; -vatta, as. V., -va11i, f the betel plant, piper betel; -vasaf. femiale elephant; -sa'ra, 2n. N.; -sthala, n. N. of a village; -sva'min, M. N. ITITTfWT~T na~g adhiraga, as. king of the elephants; - naua, an. Elephant-face, ep). of Ganesa; -_ani, qn. foe of the serpents, ep. of Garuda; -arxguna, an. N. of ass ancient Buddhist teacher; - asana, as. (snake-eating), peacock. IT~qj~nkg'I-bhft, turn into a Naga. MIi Dnaga indra, sn. chief of serpents; lordly elephant; -_cars. N. VTf7_J f9_f na agni- dushita, pp. uninjured lfT5fq nftggaka, as. N. [b~y fire. '4T nata, in. pl1. N. of a people. W(fZ''f n'Itaka, qn. [s/nat] actor; n. play: -vidhi, m. art of acting. *r I n nAtak-iya, a. dramatic; a',f. actress. WWnft-ayi-tav~ya, fp. to be acted (play). atf~I b-ikaf play; hind of drama. ~i~nat-ita, (pp.) n.mimic representation (of an emotion or action): -ka, ss. id. (.) WITW nftt-ya, a. dance; dramatic representation,suenic art; actor's attire: ins.(represent), mimetically =on the stage; -vedi,f. stage; - a1, f. dancing-hall; -sAstra, ns. principles of dramatic art; -_&krarya, as. teacher *of dancing, or of the scenic art: -ka, n. office of a dancing-master;.nkti, f.theatrical term. wift nftdi, f. vn: -kaf tube; a measure of time = asmuhsuera or:24 minutes; a measure of lessgth =4danda; v. l. for nAlikii. Tft'VR nadias-dhama, a. swelling the veins, quickening the pulse. 'IT1t niafdi,f. (V. am. -s), tube (also of the rays of the sun, regarded as hollow and, seekingq up water); slit, crack; tubular vessel" in the body, vein; pulse. W(f14Enanaka,n.coin: -parikshin,in.tester of coin. vfTf~RTIT na ati-kalyatna, a. not very beau tif ul or noble; -ga'dha; a. tolerably deep; -kira, a. not very long, (time); -t3ivra, a. moderate; -tripti, f. non-surfeit. r-Tff,Kna ati-du'ra, a. not too distant: -in, ad. niot very far; ab., be. not very far from (ab., g.,-ga, a. not too distant; -sthita, pp. standing at not too great a distance. _f~~ffjff a t-iv-tf not too great satisfaction; -nik-a, a. not too low; -pari-, hara,' a. haviiig a limited retinue; -pari. sphuta, a. sonmewhat concealed; -parypa, pp. not too abundant; -pushta, pp. not too well furnished with (in.); -prakupitla, pp. not excessively angry; -pramanas, a. niot too. good-humoured; -prasiddha, pp. not notorionis; -bharika, a. not too weighty; -bhinnapp. not very dilfferent from (ab.);-' tram, ad. not excessively; -ma~u-in, a. not esteeming oneself toohiglhly: (-i)-ta~f absence of vanity; -ramaniya, fp. not too charming:ati f. abst. N.; -rpa, a. not very pretty; -visadam, ad. (h~iss) not very audibly; -vista~ra-samkata, a. neither' too wide nor too narrow; -sitajishna, a. neither too hot nor too cold; -slishta, pp. not very firm; -svastha, a. not very- well, poorly. VIMET naatyanta-dftra, a. not very far distant. ';TT~ aat,dia pp. much neglected,., - ulchhrita, pp. not too high; - ~tpanna, P n~ot quite natural or usual. -, AKTH,IL.A.(P. rare) n~tha, imp' lore' (be.), beg for (g.), beseech (ae.) for Qc) pp). -it&, suppliant. upa, P. beseech ansi,,0 one (ac.). 'ff nDth-d, a.'refuge, help; qn.. prot ~tr guardian, ruler, lord, possessor (of, g. rO) husband (esp. in roe.); -' a. also in tilme possession of', occupied by: -kima, a. seeking aid; -vat, a. (-i heaving apoetro husband: ta,f. abst. v. Mi~ natd-d, as. dihi, rear; cry; sour 1; nasal. sound represented by a semicircle;., a. roarinn; -ita, cc,. pp). (Vnad); n. i ise, cry; -na. soundin aloud; -0, soumdid or roaring like, resounding with. TT, nd-eyd, a. coming frc )i a -river' (nadi); aquatic. ~jI Tndh. f'r n i.13 139 ~~NADH, I. A. (V.) only pr. pt. nadhaa~mna sppliant, and pp. nadhiti, distressed. _WVIf na adhilta, pp. unlearned, ignorant. VIWF inaa n. N. of a Sdman. WIT';Tn'nA, ad.variously, in different places,,separately; often, esp. '-, used like an adjective, different, various, manifold; akra, a. various, sunidryv; -gati, m. wind; -tva, n.'difference; inanifoldness; -digde~sa, in.: a6b. sg. from various quarters, from all parts of the world; -devatya, a. addres-~ed to various gods; -desa, in. sg. various regions; -deSiya, -desya, a. p1. belonging to various lands; -dha'tu-sata, n. _pl. hundreds of various minerals; -dhatu-sama'kirna,pp. filledI with various minerals; -pakshi-gan a kirna, pp. filled with flocks of various birds; -pakshinishevita, pp. frequtiented by various birds; -mantra ogha-siddhi-mat, a. iossessed of a number of efficacious spells; -mriga-,gana, m. pl. flocks of various animals; -rasa, a. having various sentiments (drama); _rupa, a. heterogeneous; -argha-mahilratna -maya, a. consisting of various priceless precious stones; - artha, a. having different meanings; containing something different; Nv. word with several meanings; new sentence; -varn a ^ kriti, a. of various colours and shapes; -vidhay a. various, manifold; -striyf~pl. women of different castes. V[tI7 nfndi', f. joy; prayer at the opening of a play. 'rrf~it4TIi na'ndi'-nada, rn. cry of joy; -mukha, in. p1. N. of a class of Manes. Vff~71 n~nduka, in. N. NWf nhpitd,m. barber; 3'f. barber's wife. WP( ngabh, f. aperture, spring. [centre. wrTT4 natbh-a, -' a. navel; nave of a wheel; WPRJTK;[ nabbas-a, a. (11) appealing in the sky; coming from the sky (voice). ';UT~{T nftbh'dk, a. derived from nabbatka; in. pat. of Nabhiska (a mis/i). 'MIf{ n'abhi, f., (C.) mn. navel, navel-cord (alsoi'); nave of a wheel (also i); huh, centre; home; relationship; relative; in. musk animal; chi ef (es~p. among kings); -krintana, is. cutting the navel-cord; -gandha, m. Scent of musk; -tva, is. condition of a navel. 'FFTf#'5TWr~ ndbhi-gftta, pp. i. prod uced from at navel; 2. (na abhi-), not nobly born. wrfImrrwr.f na a~bhi-dhqv-at, pr. pt. not comingn to the rescue. '4Tf;-TWff nflbhi-nftla, nt., A, f. navel-cord (O0 a.); -mhiua,is. region just below the navel. M'r;Rf'_7-'fnaabhilakshita,pp.unobserv-ed. -qTf~gTq Wf nab'hi-vardhana, is. cutting of the navel-cord. [wvheel. riTRIf nabhiif. imavel, -navel-cord; nave of a TREKn Ama-ka, a. (iira) r. b eariDng th e n ame Iof, named (C;2. (Vuiam) bending (0). WTER nftma-karansa, is. ceremony of giving a name; -karman, is. id.; -kirtaua, -is. mentioning the name of (g.); -gotra, is. du. personal and family name; -graha, i. -graiiana, is. mention of a name; -gr'ha', in. id.: (-gwraha)-m, abs. mentioning the namne; -giti-graha, in.: -n a, is. mention of the name and rank (of the caste). MTW(~nama-tas, ad. by name: - krigive the name of (ac.) to (ac.); - praich, ask the name of (ac.); in na~ma na'matas one of the two words is redundant. OT;VTE na'ma-dharaka, a. merely bearing the naine, being (nun.) only in name; -dhm~rin, a. bearing the namne of, named (-0); _dh~ya, n. name-giving, appellation, name; ceremony of naming: -tas, ad. nominally. vFTvT na-man, is. f.0a. -mnii or less commonly -man) mark, token; form, manner; name, appellation; mere name (opp. reality), trace; personal name (opp.family name or gotra); nature; kind, race; good name, fame (only -2' a.); noun (gr.): ia'ma kri, A. take a namne; grah, ]nention the nam e; bhri, beara name; -kri, -da, or - dha, give an ame; namna' kri or vi-dha,name (2 ac.); nama, ad. by name (sts. namna' or na'matas is redundantly added); indeed, certainly, of course; perhaps; with inter, then, pray; with imps. ever so much, no matter if; api nima, 'with pot. at the beginning of a sentence, perhaps; emphasizes a preceding word more strongly than api; ma' na'ma, ~ pot. would that not,' if only not; nanu ni'ma, surely. fTPITTI' namna-mftra, is. the mere name; a. being. something (nin.) merely in name; -m&1a^, f. dictionary of nouns; fT. of a dictionary; -mudri'f. signet ring with a namne; -yagiia, m. sacrifice only in -name; -ru'pa, is. du. name and form; -liuiga, is. gender of nouns; -vismriti,f. forgetting of the name; -sesha, a. of whom the na-me only survives, dead., [-aiikita, pp. id. IfTITT~nama aika, a. marked with a name; iIfTf~R-i ntm.-ika, a. (I') referring to a personal name; nominal (gr.). MfTfr~namr-in, a. having a name. W(fT nqm-ya, fp. flexible. wrM naky-A, in. leader; prndence, policy. WPA nftyc-ka, in. guide, leader, chief; hero, lover (in a play); lord,hushand; central pearl in a neck-lace; N.: -tva, is. leadership. 'fTq~i' nqyakft-ya, den. A. represent the central gem in a pearl isecklace. ';WTf'4ZfT nay-ikat, f. high-born lady; mistress; heroine. [in. nian: pl. water. M[T ndrd, a. belonging to a man, human; TT4i naraka, a. (i) infernal, hellish; nz. inhabitant of hell; i, in. hell, infernal regions. WC~f'narak-in, a., in. id. 'fTT nftraiiga, in., 3., f. orange-tree. IqTTI ngarada (or 'a), in. -N., esp. of a Devarshi, who often comes down to earth to report what is going on in heaven, amsd returns to recou~nt what is happening on ear-th. WRTT~i nafrad-iya, a. relating to Nakrada; is. i. (f) various works. WRTTT: nftrkha, in. (kind of) arrow: -duardina, n. shower of arrows. 'qTN nftrkyanad, in. Son of the prim-al Man, pat. of the personified Purusha; identifled with Vishnu and Krishna; N.; a, a. relating to Nitrhyana,: 3., f. ep. of IDurgA. A irT~T~T'q nalrhyana-ya, den. A. become or resemble the god Narasyana. irT~TT [ narkrsamnsa, a. (i) relating to the praise of men; sacred to Agni Narsainsa; m. N. of certain Soma cups over which a pr~ayer containing the word Narhsamsa is uttered: -paiikti, a.' performed with five Nhrksamsa cups. -qiTfTK nari, f. woman, wife. wr~f1_7%' n~rikera',mi. cocoa —nut, - tree. MfTf_4!iK nft-ikela, in. id.: -kuhara, hollow of a -; N. of an island; -dvipa, sa. id. Mrt n'ai-^,f. woman, wife: -maya, a. consisting of women only; -yaina, n. carriage for women. [n ia di%. WRTi~ nftrmada, a. belonging to the NarwrTr jAla, a. consisting of reeds; is. hollow stalk; lotus stalk; tube, pipe; navel-cord' -ka, -0 a. (lotus) stalk. MIfW-EF nal-ikia, period Of 24 minutes (~ a.); A,f. id.; allusion, hint. irTifCi nalikera, in. cocoa-nut, - tree. WTORER~ nali'ka, in. hind of arrow; 3i, f. id. t31 n'li-gahgba, in. N. MIq nhva = nau, ship (0~ or WFt~navaniita,a. (i)comingfrom butter; soft as butter. [skipper; -pati, in. id. irTf!** naav-ika, in. boatman: -na'yaka, in. 'qTW~ nav-ya-, a. navigable; ne., 'a, f. navigable river. W(TW nals-a, m. loss, disappearance; destruction, ruin; death; -aka, a. (ik&) destroying (g. or, ~); -ana, a. (i) destroying, dispelling, -removing (g. or ~-2); is. destruction, ruin, removal; forgetting (g.): -kara, a. (i) destructive of (0-); -in, a. perishing; destroying; -ya,fp. to be banished; - destroyed. iiTTF~i n.sht-ika, mn. [v. nashtaj] owner of lost property. irTfTn tsh-trajf. [<'nas] danger, ruin; fiend. MU~ nas, f. du. nostrils, nose. irTVM na'satya, in. du. ep. of the Asvins; later sg. N. of one of the Asvins. 'q~TI naksad-ftsiya, a. relating to RV. X, 129 (which begins na'sadiasit). MM~[ nas-a,f. du. & sg. nostrils, nose. MRTVIT ndssh gra, is. tip of the nose; - antika, a. reachinig to the nose. irT;ETJZ nhsA-puta, in. nostril; -randhra, is. id.; -vamsa, m. bridge of the nose; -viroka, is. nostril; -vivara, is. id. 'rrffft'TT -n's-ika', f. sg. nostril; C. nose: du. nostrils, nose: - agra, is. tip of the nose. -qTfT-, nasik-ya, a. nasal. iTTf;'E nasira, is. van (of an army). 'qfR,'jna asti-ka, a. unbelieving; in. unrbeliever, atheist (one who sags ' there is not' a God): -t^f atheism. MTfq' natstik-ya, is. unbelief; karmaisam, disbelief in the effect of works. wrf 4RiF~ Da asti-mftrtijf. bodiless; -vahda, mn. atheism, Unbelief. irTW nats-ya, is. nose-cord. iITW'q i. ngahusha, a. (i) akin; mn. kinsman. q 1;t 2. n ahhusha, in. descendant of Nahusha, pat. of Yayhti. frir nif,ad. do wn; in, into; backwards (excep t once, in the AV., only combined with&-verbs or T 2 140 N;R nims. Nf-4 ni-dhi. com.pounded with 'touns: in the latter case.sometimes = nis). NINIMS, IL. 11. uimste, kiss, greet. fil~o nih-ka-, v. fMWO nishka-. fir:4 fV nih-kshatriya, a. having no warrior caste; -kshepa, mn. sending away, removal. ff #9nhp —h-v nislipa-, -pha-. firwM ni-kakshd, mn. arm-pit. fwOR ni-kata, a. being at one's side, near; n. proximity: -in, neaer, to (g. or — P); ab. fr-om the neighbourhood of, away from; lc. near, beside, to; -ga, -vartin, -stha, a. standing near, being at hand. fri nikatii-bbfi, approach (g.), be near. ni-kara. mn. dense mass, multitude; -kartana, n. cutting off; robbing; '-karsha, m. diminution, depreciation; low degree; -kasha, mn. rubbing in, friction; harr-ow; touchstone; n. streak of gold on the touchstone: -gravan, ms. touchstone; -kashana, mn. n. touchstone;..kash&, in. ad. near (ac.). nikashat-ya, den. A. be a touchstone: _M~la, pr. pt. being -a touchstone for A~) fPiW ni-kamd, mn. desire, pleasure: -mn, -tas, ad. according to wish, at pleasure; one's fill, sufficiently, abundantly; altogether; _-aya,_m. assemblage, class, society; multitude; body; -kara, m. humiliation, insult. fiT1';T7T nikftvalgaf.' N., or possibly two names. f*M'kT ni-kftsa, m. sight; neighbourhood; a. appearance (= like, similar); -ksha, rn. scratching; rubbing, friction. f i ni-kisinqa, m. thicket; -kuinbha, mn. a plant (C'roton polyandrum); N. of an attendant of Siva; -kuramba or -kurumba, -in. 22. multitude: -Ika, in. n. id. ni-krita, pp. v/kri; n. fraud; -kriti, a. dishonest; base; f. dishonesty, fraud, baseness: -pragfta, a. versed in fraud, -mat, a. dishonest; _kritvan, a. delusive; -krintana, a. cutting off, destroying; n. slaughter, destruction of (g. or-0); _krishta,pp.Vkrish: 7- &saya, a. having a base disposition: -ta^,f. abst. N.; - i p'dhi, a. conditioned by something lower: -ti,f. abst. N. f~ift ni-keta, in. (n.) mansion, dwelling; -kcetaua, n. id.; temple. [n. id. fWfift'q ni-koka, m. contraction; -kokana, f-1WIITjU ni-kramana, n. stepping, treading; footstep; -krida, ms. play; *..kvana, m. sound; -kva'na, m. id. f tjNLKSH, I. P. niksha, pierce. fi- ni-kshepa, m. putting down, throwing or casting, on; directing (the gaze) towards (lc.); deposit, pledge, object given in trust; -kshepana, n. putting down; place for keeping anything; -ksheptri, sm. depositor; -kshepya, fp. to be put down; to be placed in (lc.). ni-khanana, n. burying, hiding in the ground; -krharva, n. a hundred thousand millions: -ka, a. thousand millions; -'kh~ta, pp. Vkhan: -tusha afigira idimat, a. with buried husks, coal,. etc. MIMI~ nii-khila, a. [without. a gap], entire, all, complete: - artha, a. containing all requisites, complete. fiF7TT ni-gada, a. foot-chain; fetter; -gadana, n. putting in irons. f71wi nigada-ya, den. P. put in irons: pp. nigadita, fettered. f' ni-gadd, m. reciting aloud; prayer recited aloudl; mention; -gaina, in. insertion, esp. of gods' nam~es in a ritual formula; passage (in which a word occurs); rootfromn which a word is der-ived; Vedic text, holy writ; sacred ordinance; doctrine; -gainana, an. being quoted; conclusion (of a syllogismn); -garana, n. swallowing; -gU~ha-ka~rin, a. walking in disguise; -gfidha-tara, cpv. well concealed; -gfihana, n. hiding; -grabhitri, m. seizer, binder (of sacrifc ial1 animal); -graha, us. seizure; repression, suppression; keeping back from (ab.); restraint, coercion; chastisement; reprimand; -grahana, 25. repression, suppression; punishment; -grahitri, mn. seizer; -grahlltavya, fp. to be punished; _grahhya, fp. id.; oppressed, inj ured, by (- ) fW~ ni-gbanta, us. glossary; NV. of a Dadnava; -ghantu, m. glossary: pl. Vedic glossary. fNW* ni-gharsha, in. friction; -ghita, mn. blow; stroke; falling accent; -ghitin, a. striking do wn, d estroying (0)-ghna, a. (O dependent; being in the power of, ruled by; devoted to. f In II ni-kamana, n. sipping; -kaya,. accumulation, heap, crowd, multitude; store, provision; -kayin, a. multitudinous; -kula, sn. a tree; N. (f a poet (rival of Edlidadsa): -kra, mn. a tree; case, covering; -kulita, pp. covered with a case; covered with (.) ftt nf-ketri, us. observer; -hetrz', observer of (,ac.); -keya, fp. to be heaped up; -kola, Ms. wrapper, cloak; cover: -ka, n. id. fifNii-kkchivi, us. a mixed caste (offspring of Vraitya MKhatriga). f 7WNI G, intv,. nenekti, nenikt6, cleanse; NA.. wash oneself: pp. nikt&, washed, cleansed; sprinkled. ava, purify; cs. -negaya, P. cause to wash. nis, cleanse; A'. wash oneself; 'A.. adorn oneself: pp. nirnikta, washed, cleansed, Ipurified; pure (fig.); washed away (sin); cleared up, explained. fk~ ni-ga, a. inborn, indwelling; constant; domestic (foe); own (often =possessive pronoun); in.pl. one's ownpeople: -varna-dharma, in. rules of his own caste: -tas, ad. froinni-giir, f. burning, scorching. f*ZwR nitbla, n. forehead. ESiva. fif! nitil a, n. id.: -ikshana, mn. ep. of fNiW ni-nyd, a. inward; secret, hidden: -in, ad.; n. secret. fiTOi ni —tamba, m. posterior: du. buttucks (esp. of a womana); slope of a snountain: -vati, a. having beautiful buttocks, kallipygian; f. woman with beautiful buttocks; N.; -sthala, ss., -sthali, f. hind quarters. nita-mb-in, a. kallipygian; concealing beautiful buttocks (garment); having beautiful slopes: -I',f. woxian with beautiful buttocks. VT ni-targam, (cpv.) ad. below; in a loweredtone; completely,quite; atallevents; especially, greatly; tooi much; expressly. f'4Wi~ hi-tftnta, pp. (Vtam) excessive: -in, ad. excessively, highly, very. fWrfTi. ni-todfn, a. goadingr, piercing. fwq' ni-tya, a. inward, innate; own (V.); constant, perpetual, eternal; always abiding in, devoted to (-.O); regular., essential, necessary: o-..or -mn, ad. constantly, perpetually, always; invariably; na nityam, not always; never; - sainasa, in. necessary or fast comnpound, i.e. one that cansnot be resolved without destroying the mneansing; - svarita, 222. necessary, i. e. independent svarita. fiMR C.ifi~ nitya-karman, n. necessary duty or rite; -kilam, ad. always, invariably; -kiy,. kriyA,f. regular ceremony, daily routine; -gati, a. constantly moving; us. wind; -gita, pp. being constantly born; -ti, f,-tva, n. perpetuity, eternity; necessity; perseverance in, devotion to (-O); -da', ad. perpetually; _parikshana, is. constant inspection; -bhava, in. eternity. f-q'WTI nitya-yukta, pp. ever occupied in, constantly applied or attentiye to (lC.); -yug, a. ever concentrated; -vyaya, a. always expending; -vrata, n. life-long observance; -saixkita,pp. perpetually alarmned, constantly suspicious. fVrIrjIF( nitya-sas, ad. constantly. ff rfi nityn-sevaka, a. constantly servting; _Snayin, a. constantly performing ablutons; (nitya)-hotri, in. constant sacrificer. f~Iiq nitya anugrihilta, pp. constnl tended (.fire); Z-~daka, - udakin, a. always supplied with water; _udita, _pp. spontaneously arisen (1cnowledge~ fr7 NID (V. and only in the forms niN~nidufs, nida'n&, nidyfiannal) = NIND. ft1 Nini-darsa-ka, a. seeing; announcing; -darsana, a. (i) showing; announcing; teaching; n. seeing,, sight; reference to (P); showing, authority, evidence; instance, exaTnlple, illustration; symptom; prognostic; system; contradictory instance; -darsin, a. &)seeing, understanding; pleasing; -daghl, us. heat, hot season, suianner: -dh inan, ust. su, vadhi, in. hot season; -dana, a. rope, halter; prime cause, original form; cause; a class of Bssddhistic works: in. originally, essentially, really; -didrasu, des. a. sleepy; -didhyasana, a. profound meditation; -didhastvy p. to be profoundly meditated on; -desa, us. command, order; neigahbourhood: e sta, be at any one's (d.) command. f'#37 ni-dr'af. sleep; sleepiness: -in tyag, blossom (of flowers); -kara, a. soporific, - ~gama, in. drowsiness, -daridra, a. suffering from sleeplessness: i-kri, deprive of sleep. -audha, a. bli nded with sleep; - alasa, a. d~rowsy, sleepy, sluggardly;..Alasya, Us. sleepiness, sloth. f-TTJ nidra'-lu, a. sleepy. ff'rTiT ni-dhdna, is. [putting down], abode; conclusion, end; annihilation; death; musical finish of a Sainan. f Q1clT ni-dhana-ta', f. poverty. fV-MT ni-dha, f. snaring net; -dhakavya, fP. to be put down; - kept; - entrusted to (lc.); - directed to (le.); — _dhgna, a. putting down; receptacle (-O a. I'); (hidden) treasure. fTTIq ni-dhi', us. puitting down; food set down; receptacle; SOg. embodiment; (hidden) treasure: Zapim -, receptacle of waters, ocean; fizTzI ni-dhuvana. fq-( nir-apa. 141 kalanam -, full moon; -guhyakaadhipa, mz. ep. of Kubera; -datta, m. N. of a merchant; -pa, m. guardian of treasure; -patidatta, m. N.; -pa, -pala, m. guardian of a treasure; -palita, m. N.; -maya, a. (i) consisting of treasures; -vada, m. art of finding treasure. f n-ff ni-dhuvana, n. copulation. fW' If~' nidhi arthin, a. treasure-seeking. faTrfm ni-dhruvi, a. constant, faithful. fqif nii-nada, m. n. sound, noise, cry; -nayana, n. pouring out; performance of (-~). f tf'Tl ni-nart-ish-, f. desire to dance. frw'iP ni-nada,m. sound, noise; cry; buzzing; -nadin, a. (-~) sounding like; playing (an instrument); accompanied by thesoundof. fiftry[1 ni-nidra-su, des. a. sleepy. fi'I'qT ni-ni-sha, f. desire to carry off (-); -shu, des. a. wishing to carry off (ac.); - to bring to (ac. + prati). fi'fs ni-nritti, f. repetition. fi= [r NIND, I. P. (E. also A.) ninda, \ deride, abuse, despise, blame; surpass: pp. nindita, reprehended, censured, blameworthy; despised; forbidden; inauspicious. ffi'i; nind-aka, a. blaming; defaming; m. caviller, mocker, scorner, scoffer (gnly. -~); -ana, n. blame; abuse; -a, f. defamation; cavilling; abuse; censure, blame, condemnation; disgrace. fFP nind-ya (or -ya), fp. blameworthy, contemptible; infamous, disgraceful; forbidden: -ta,f. infamy, reproach. TfrTl'r ni-patana, n. falling; flying, flight; -pita, m. fall; descent; cast (of a look); falling from (ab.) on (-~); alighting (of a bird); fall (fig.); assault, attack; death; incidental mention; irregularity (gr.); particle (gr.); -patana, n. causing to fall or descend; falling down; flying down (of a bird); beating, striking; destroying, killing; incidental mention, esp. of an irregular or rare form (gr.): -pratikara, m. repelling of assaults; -paftin, a. falling down; dropping; alighting, on (-~); striking down, destroying, consuming; -pda,, m. lowland, valley; -pana, n. drinking; trough; trench, tank, pool: -vat, a. abounding in pools, -saras, n. drinking-pool. fVTiJ ni-puna, a. skilful, adroit, clever, conversant (witj Ic., inf., or -~); suitable for, capable of (-); perfect, complete: -m, ad. cleverly; delicately; absolutely, completely; exactly, thoroughly, carefully; -taram, ad. i'l.; -ta,f. skill, cleverness; carefulness: in. carefully. f#f tiT nipun-ika, f. N. fq ni-banddhri, m. author; -bandha, m. fastening, binding; bondage; bond, fetter; foundation, fixed property; literary composition; -bandhana, a. (i) binding; n. fastening, binding on; holding fast; construction (of a bridge); bond, fetter (also i); connexion; receptacle, holder; (literary) composition, construction; cause, origin; occasion, motive, condition: often -~ a. = occasioned or conditioned by, originating in, dependent on, relating to; -bandhin, a. binding; -~, joined by, connected with, causing; -barhana, a. destroying, removing, dispelling; n. destruction. ff ' nibida, a. [ni-vila, without interices], dense, thick, impenetrable; uninter rupted; rigid, firm; fast, close (embrace, etc.); full of (in. or -~); low. MfT;' nibida-ya, den. P. embrace closely: pp. nibidita, become dense; closely pressed. fa [ ni-boddhavya,fp. to be regarded as (nn.). fiW ni-bha, a. like, resembling (-c, often redundant after an adjective or with synonyms); N. appearance, pretext (only in. and ab.); -bhrita, pp. /bhri: -mn, ad. secretly, apart; out of sight; n. secrecy. fr*t<' ni-maggana, n. immersion; -mantrana, n. invitation; -mantrya, fp. to be invited; to be offered something (in.); -maya, m. [,/ma] barter, exchange (of, g., for, in.); -matavya,fp. to be bartered or exchanged for (in.). fifT' nimi, m. N. of various kings. fiqf T ni-mitta, n. aim, mark; sign, token; omen; cause, occasion; motive; instrument, efficient cause; -_ a. having - as a cause, caused by: -m ya, be the occasion, bear the blame; ac., in., d. on account of; -tas, ad. by a special cause; -tva, n. causality; -hetu, m. efficient cause: -tva, n. abst. N. fsf 2iTI nimittl-kri, turn into a cause; become the occasion of (lc.); -kritya, gd. by the fault of, owing to (ac.); -bhut, become the cause or occasion of (lc.). f'fqT ni-mish, f. twinkling of the eye; -misha, n. twinkling of the eye; winking; moment; -milana, n. closing of the eyes; closing of a flower; -milika, f. id. (O-); -malin, a. closing the eyes; -mesha, m. winking, closing of the eye; moment. [(waters). fi; nf-mrig-ra, a. subsiding, flowing away fin ni-mnu, n. low ground, hollow; a. concave; low-lying, depressed, deep: -gata, pp. situated in hollows; n. low ground; -ga, f. (going to the lowlands), river: -pati, m. lord of rivers, sea, -suta, pp. m. Bhlshma (son of the river, i. e. of the Ganges); -junnata, pp. depressed and elevated; n.pl. hill and dale. for nimba, m. N. of a tree with bitterfruit (Azadirachta indica): -vat-i,f. N. fii;fif ni-mrukti, f. sunset, evening; -mruk,f. id. fl'4H ni-yata, pp. /yam: -m, ad. certainly, assuredly; n. pl. organs of sense (ph.); -kala, a. lasting for a limited time, temporary; -vasati, a. having his permanent abode anywhere; -vishaya-vartin, a. steadily abiding in his appointed sphere; -vrata, a. faithful to one's vow; -. tman, a. self-controlled. f'Tr4fi ni-yati, f. fixed order of things, necessity, destiny; Fate. f' RicpW niyataindriya, a. having one's senses restrained. WfMQ l ni-yantavya, fp. to be restrained or held in check; - guided; - enforced; -yantri, mn. restrainer, ruler; charioteer: -tva, n. faculty of restraining; -yantrana, n. restraining; limitation. fWZ^M ni-y ama, m. restraint, limitation; restriction to (lc. or prati with ac.); fixed rule, certainty, absolute necessity (in a particular case); contract, promise; vow; self-imposed (religious) observance, minor (occasional) duty: ab. necessarily, certainly; in. id.; with certain limitations; -yamana, n. restraining, subduing; restriction; -yama-vat, a. practising religious observances; -yamya, fp. to be restrained, - subdued; - limited; - restricted; -yana, n. going in, entry; -y&amaka, a. (ika) restraining, checking; restricting. fiWff ni-yukta, pp. v/yug; m. public functionary, official; -yukti,f. appointment, employment (for, -artham); -yu-t, f. bestowal; series; team, steed, esp. of Vdyu: pl. verses, poem; -yuta, pp. V/yu; n. a certain large number, gnly. million; -yuddha, n. fight, esp. with fists. Ifr fIti; ni-yoktavya,fp. to be applied or directed to; - commissioned or appointed to (lc.); - called to account. fqT 1, ni-yoga, in. fastening; appointed duty, function; employment, appointment, commission, business; order, injunction; necessity, certainty; destiny: in. necessarily, certainly; -krit, a. acting in one's behalf, agent; -samsthita, pp. being in office; -stha, a. being under the orders of (g.); -artha, m. commission. fi'[tfW'.niyog-in, m. authorised person, deputy, agent, functionary; -iartha-graha upaya, m. resource of confiscating the property of public functionaries. f mnfim ni-y6gana, n. tying up; cord; injunction, commission; -yogayitavya, cs.fp. to be punished with (in.); to be urged to (lc.); -yogya, fp. to be fastened; - endowed with; - instructed in (in.); - commissioned; - entrusted; m. servant, dependent; -yodhaka, m. pugilist. fiTr nir =f-W( nis before soft letters. fi-ijib nir-amsa-ka,a. receivingno portion. fls-K nir-akshara, a. illiterate; -agni, a. having no domestic fire; -agha, a. blameless; -ainkusa, a. unfettered, unrestricted, perfectly free; extravagant: -tva, n. abst. N. fi'ri[TW nirafnkusa-ya, den. P. unfetter, set free. '-! nir-afga, a. incomplete; devoid of expedients, resourceless, thrown on one's own resources; -aiguli, a. fingerless; -aizgana, a. (without paint =) guileless, sincere. fMTtfr ni-rati, f. addiction to (-~). fiOfWr9W nir-atisaya, a. not to be surpassed, greatest, supreme; without distinctive marks; -atyaya, a. free from danger, safe; successful; infallible; -adhishthana, a. untenable; independent; -anukrosa, m. pitilessness (-tas, ad. pitilessly); a. pitiless (towards, lc.); -anuga, a. having no retinue; -anugraha, a. showing no favour or pity; -anuyogya, fp. irreproachable, valid (argument); -anurodha, a. regardless of, indifferent to (lc.); -anu.saya, a. having no residuum of the consequences of action left. fTi'T nir-antara, a. having no interstice, contiguous, successive, continuous, uninterrupted, constant; dense; thickly set with, full of (in. or -~); faithful (friend); without a difference, identical: -m, ad. tightly (embrace); continually; forthwith; -anna, a. having nothing to eat; fasting; yielding no food; -anvaya, a. having no descendants; unrelated, unconnected: -m, ad. behind any one's back. fiTq l nir-apa, a. waterless; -apatya, a. childless; -apatrapa, a. shameless; -aparadha, a. harmless, innocent; -apavada, a. blameless; subject to no exception; -apaya, a. imperishable; unfailing; unharmed, safe; -apayin, a. imperishable; -apeksha, a. regardless of, indifferent to (lc. or -~); caring 142 fnim, r nir-abhi-pra'ya. f i- t~ nir-darnsin. for nothing, indifferent to worldly obijects; independent of ( O): -in, ad. without having any regard, without troubling about a thing, -ka, a. independent, -t', f regardlessness; indifference towards (le.), -tva, n. indifference; independence; -apeksha, f. indifference towards (lc.); -apekshita, pp. disregarded; regardless of (-.O); indifferent toward s (to.); -apekshya,fp. not to be troubled about. fi4Iuir-abhi-prftya,a. aimless; -bhava, a. not degrading or humiliating; -n an, a. free from pride; -lapya, a. unspeakable; -asha, a. free from desire for, regardless of (~O;-samdhin, a. disinterested. f nir-abbra, a. cloudless; -amarshia, a. apathetic; -amubarap, a. unclothed, rnaked. fqI-Mnir-aya, m. (departurefrom life), hell. fW~nir-argala, a. -unchecked, undisturbed, free, irresistible. fR4 nir-artha, a. -useless; poor; unmeaning, senseless: -ka, a. failing of one's purpose, futile, unprofitable, useless; senseless, unmeaning: -in, ad. in vain; n. senseless objection; -ka-tva, n. futility;..ta', f. senselessness. -f[-"iT'J( nir-avaka'sa, a. having no space; - place or scope; inopportune: -ta,f. abast. Ni. fw~i~ niavaksi-kri, remove from its place. fffT47I nir-avagraha, a. unrestrained, uncontrolled, free, independent. fl#~W nir-avadya, fp,. blameless. fifrlqfii nir-avadhi, a. boundless, unlimited; perpetual, endless: -ka, a. unlimited; -avayava, a. indivisible: -tva, a. -ness; -avalamba, a. affording no support; unsupported, destitute of support; -avalambana, n. ownerless (wealth); not to be met with in any one; -avasesha, a. leaving no remnant; complete, whole: in., -tas, altogether, wholly; -avasaida, a. cheerful. f*T- nir-asana, a. abstaining from food; -asva, a. horseless. fW-K, nir-asana, a. (II) casting out; n. driving away, expulsion; removal, abandonment, rejection: 3i-ya,fp. to be expelled from (ab.); -asta, pp. of Vas, throw; -astra, a. unarm d; -sya~ p. deserving expulsion. fiT~fT nir-aharn-kara, a. free from egois; krin, a. free fromn consciousness of self; -krita, pp. impersonal; unselfish; unpretentious; -kriti, a. free from egoism; -kriya, a. impersonal; -kriy', f. freedom from egoism. fi-,7fT nir-hkarana, n. expulsion; r'epudiation of a wife; removal; disproval; -&araniya, fp. to be disproved; 41karishnu, a. repudiating (cc.); seeking to remove from (ob.); forgetful;.4kartavy~a, fp. to be disproved, _akartri, m. contemner of (g.); a. disp roving, afk~,iiksha, a. expectingnDothing; havincel no desires; requiring no, supplement; -akara, a. foirmless, b )diless; havingno object, vacant; akula, a. not crowcled 31unfrequented; not confused, orderly; unconcerned, calm; 4 kriti, a. formless; neglecting one's religious duties, -akranda,, a. unprotected; affording no protection; m or n.unsheltered place; -4kriya,f. expulsion; di sproval; 4~gas, a. guiltless; -agraha, a. not obstinately insisting on anythig;4hki~rshu, des. a. wishing to refute any one (ac'.);.4gi'VYa, a. affording no livelihood; -4dainbara, ad. without much talk'('-~); -itai~ka, a. free froni ailment or anxiety; causing no ailment or anxiety; 4 - tapa, a. sheltered from tbe beat of the sun, shady; -itapatra, a. destitute of an umbrella; -itithya, n. inhospitable (forest); _Adara, a. showing no respect towards (la.); -Adhi, a. free from care; -Aanada, a. joyless-, sad; -intra, a. disembowelled; Apad, a. free froui adversity; 4Abadha, a. undisturbed; harmiless; frivolous, futile; -&inaya, in. health, welfare; a. healthy, well; salubrious; infallible; -&marsha, a. putting up with everything, apathetic; -&2misha, a. fleshless; having no sensual desires: ^_sin, a. not eating flesh, not carnivorous; _ayata-tva, n. lack of extension, shortness; -ayati, a. having no future; -iyfisa, a. involving no trouble; causing -no fatigue; -a~yudha, a. unarmed; -arambha, a. unenterprising, inactive; 4-a lainba, a. bavinur no support; suspended in the air; s~elf-supported, isolated, affording no support; -a11pa, a. not talking; -Aloka, a. devoid of light, dark; blind, foolish; -avarana, a. uncovered, manifest; -asa, a. havingy given up all hope or expectation, despairing (of, ac. with prati, d., ohb. lc. or -): -kara, a. taking away all hope of, rendlering~ impossible, -tva, n2. hopelessness, -asanika, a. fearless; not afr~aid of (le.); -asanikya,fp- not to be feared;.asa&f. renunciation of all hopes: -asanna, pp. vei-ging, on despair; _asitva, n. despair; _asin, a. having renounced all hope, hopeless; aMsis, a. having no desires or hopes; _A~ '3.bhu, lose all hope; _asraina, a. being in none of the four stages of a Brdhman: -pada, a. having no hermi tages (forest); -asrainin, a. id. asraya, a. slielterless, unsupported; iudependent; unprotected;_aa m. expulsion, exclusion, rejection, repudiation; -stha, a. takingDno interest in, not caring about (-'O); -ahara, M. fasting; a. abstaining fromfoodhavirignothing to eat: Itafabst.Nr. f'-ffffi'K'nfr-indriya, a.impotenit; barren; frail. f7'nirikshs-a'ka,a. seeing,beholding; intending to -see (.O;-ana, a. lookiniig at(O) a. regarding; inspection, contemplation; look. f-4T'fid nir-'iti, a. not afflicted with calamiities;..iha, a. motionless; inactive; indifferent to all things: at~,f. indifference, absence of desire to get anything. fv-Mj nir-ukta, pp. v/yvak; n. explanation; etymological interpretation; esp. T. of Ydsika's commentary on the Nighantus; -ukti,f. etymological explanation; -uhihana, a. inl-rhgana; -uttara, a. having no superior; unable to give an answer; -utsava, a. devoid of festivals; -uts&ha, a. destitute of energy, unenterprising, spiritless: -ta',f. cowardice; -utsuka,, a. unconcerned; having no desire for (prati); -utseka, in. modesty; a. unpretentious, modest; -udara, a. trunkless; -uddesain, ad. without inahing any statement; -udyaina, a. avoiding exertion, indolent; -udyoga,, a. id.; -udvigna, _pp. untroubled, un~agitated: -mianas, a. having, one's mnind undisturbed; -udvega, a. free from agitation, calm; -unmida, a. free from arrogance; -uapakfirin, a. unable to render a service; -upakriya, a. rendering no service; -upadrava, a. unassailed by miscliances or calandties, prosperous, faring well; free from danger, safe: -t&',f. security; -upadhi, a. free from. guile, honest; blameless,; -upapatti, a. unsuitable; -upapada, a. unaccompanied by a secondary word; -upaplava, a. undisturbed, uninterrupted; -upabhoga, a. not enjoying; -upaina, a. having no equal; -upayoga, a. useless; -upa'khya, a. indescribable: -tva, a. cabs. N.; -upa'ya, a. futile; -ushna-ta&f. coldness: -min ii, make cold,-kill; -ushnisha, a. turbanless, bareheaded. I fu~g i. nir-fidha, Pp. of V/'i. fib. NN'2. nlir-ftdha, pp. of a/vah. ff_6,i nir-fldhi, f. renown. ff_1~~ ni-rftpaka, a. observant, contemplative; defining; m. observant mnan; -ra'pania, a. deterniining; n. defining; investigation; shape; -rflpya,fp. to be determined; questionable. flff f nfr-riti, f. (departure of life), dissolution, corruption; goddess of death (guardian of the south-west). f4V nir-enas, a. guiltless. fiff 'qni-rodha, in. confinement, imprisonment; enclosure; coercion, repression, subjection; obstruction- destruction; disappoiiitmeat (dr.); -r6dhana, a. imprisonment; coercion; refusal; disappointment (dr.). fWKTE nir-loshthya, a. lacking labials; a.. absence of labials. ff ' fIRfif 79 nix-gata, kihila-kalmasha, a. freed froiu all sin: -ta', f. abSt. N.; -gati, f. setting out; -gandha, a. sceiitless: -ta^,f. -ness; -gaina, in. groing out, departure, escape from (ab.); vanishing; outlet, exit; destination of ail export; issue, conclusion; -gainana, n. going, out of (_'); -garva, a. free from pride; -garha, a. blameless; -gava~ksha, a. windowless; -gahana, a. know-' ing no precipices = intrepid; -guna, a. lacking a cord; stringless (bow); destitute of qualities; worthless, base, bad: -a,. ta a. lack of all qualities; worthlessness, baseness, wickedness; -gulika,'a. lacking a pill; -griha, a. (I^) houseless; -gaurava, a. devoid ofreverence: -us, ad. condescendingly; -grantha, a. freed from all bonds; in. naked Jamn mendicant; -granthika, an. naked Jamn mendicant; -graha, an. ascertainnient. f~mk nir-gharshana, a. grinding: -ka, a. servingr as a dent ifrice for (g.); -ghgta, as. renioval, destruction; gust ot wind, whirlwind; N. of a _Ddnava; -ghrina, a. unmserciful, cruel: _ta, f., -tva, n. hard-heartedness; -ghosha, in. sound; a. soundless; noiseless. fU' nir-gana, a. deserted, desolate, solitary; a. solitude: -ta^,f., -tva, n. id., -vana, a. lonely forest; -,gaya, m. conquest; -gara, a. not aging, young; an. god; -gqala, a. waterless; -galada, a. cloudless; -gigainishu, des.~ a. wishing to go out; -gita-varinan, in. N.; -gita ari-gana, a. having conquered the host of his foes; -giti, f. conquest; -gihirshu, des. a. wishing to take out or remove; -giva, a. lifeless, dead; _giva-karana, an. death-blow (t, g); - iita, a. lifeless: -tva, a. -ness; -getri, in. vanquisher; -gia~na, a. ignorant, stupid. fVI;' nir-ghara, in. (rarely a.) cascade, tor-, rent; -g a a,f torrent. f~nir-naya, in. remnoval; complete ascertainment; settlement, decision, judgmerit, sentence: -jupaana,f. comparison based on an inference; -naina, in. contortion, sinuosity. f ~~~nir-nikti, f. expiation; -aig, f bright robe; -aeka, in. cleansing, purification; expiation; -negaka, m. washerman; -negana, a. cleansing; expiation, atonement; -netri, in. umpire; -noda, as. expulsion. "fW'fnir-damsin, a. not biting; -daada, a. not punishing; -danta, a. toothless, tuskless; -daya, a. unmerciful, cruel, ruthlakss; vehement, ardent (embrace); deser, g -no mercy: -in, ad. mercilessly; ex- zessi. f-j:tt.Kq-nir'- duhkh a. ff qnir-vyai~gaka. 143 I ardently; -clayatva, n. hard-heartedness, cruelty; -darana, a. free froin clefts or holes; -dari, cave; -dalana, n. splitting, cutting down; -dasa, a. more than tea days old; -dasana, a. toothless; -dakshinya, a. uncourteous; -datri, rn. weedler (of a fleld); -danidrya, a. free from poverty, well to do f 4 nir-duhkha, a. free from pain; causingr no pain: -tva, n. painlessness. fi inir-deva, a. forsaken by the gods; without gods or images. fVAPT nir-desa, ms. order, direction; description, designation; detail, particulars; -desya, fp. to be described, - determined; -dainya, a. cheerful; -dosha, a. faultless, free from blemish; infallible; innocent:..tA, f. faultle;!sness. f'r3tr nir-draVya, a.. immaterial; poor; -droha, a. free from enmity, well-disposed; -dvandva, a. indifferent towards the opposites of cold and heat etc.; free from jealousy. f-IE nir-dhania, a. poor; lacking i.e. unbacked by money (enterprise): ta,. -tva, it. poverty; -dhani-bhi', become poor; -dharma, a. unrighteous, sinful; -dh ana As. singling out; determining; -dharayitri, rn'decider; -dhiinana~, n. waving; -dh'ta a. smokeless. RIKT nir-namaskftra, a. receix ing no salutation, despised by all; natha, a. having no protector: -ta^,f. widowhood -nabhi a. reachiing below the navel; nayaka, a. lacking a guide or leader; -na'sana, a. banishiing, dispelling,;-nidra, a sleepless:ta~f sleeplessness; -nimitta,a. causeless; quite disinterested: -m or s-, ad.without an ascertainable cause, -tva, is. lack of causation; nimesha, a. urnwinking,; -nirodha, a. unimpeded. nir-bandba, as. objection; insistance on, persistence in (lc., ~) pertinacity; accusation: -m kri, urge any one g) in., abi. persistently; -barha, a. lacking tailfeathers (peacock-); -bala, a. destitute of strenaYth, weak-; -ba'dha, a. untroubled, undisturbed; unobstructed; -buddhi, a. witless, senseless, stupid; -bodha, a. id. fT nir-'bhaya, a. fearless; not afraid of secure: -in, ad. fearlessly; in. N. qf, a warrior; ii. security; -bhara, a. vehement, ardent; excessive; deep (sleep); full of(-) -m or s-, ardently, excessively, soundly, fast; -bhartsana, is. menace, rep roach; -bhasinita, pp. burned to ashes, annihilated; -bhigya, pp. to be excluded from his share (a.); -bhI'-ka, a. fearless, not afraid of (ab.); -bhita, pp. id.; -bheda, us, cracking, bursting; splitting; blurting out, betrayal; -bhedin, a. cleaving, shattering; -bhedya,fp. free from chinks; missing, its mark. f19f1M~ nir-makshika, n. freedom from flies: -ni kri, clear the premises (Pr.); -inafihana, n. purification; -manditka, a. destitute of frogs; -inatsara, a. free from;envy or jealousy; -matsya, a. fishless: t^ f. absence of fish: -mn ni, clear of fish; -mathana, ii. fr-iction,- esp. of tinder-wood; churning; -inada, a. nnt in rut; not proud, humble; -inanas-ka,, a. destitute of intellect: -a~f atist. N.; -inanyu, a. free fromn wrath. fvf# rir-ma-ma, a. [regardless of 'mine'], not caring fir (lc.); indifferent to milndane~ inatters~: -ta',f perfect indifference towards (le.), -tva, n. id.; a. indifferent towards (lc.). f1V*T~ nir-maryatda, a. boundless; knowing nro bounds, im-pious, wicked; -mala, a. spotless;, unsullied, pure, clear, limpid: t' f., -tva, n. purity, -sva'du-salila, is. clear and sweet water; -mgimsa, a. fleshless; lean; mana s measuring; measure; fashioning, forming, creating; composition, work. fN447nir- m Uri, in., -trijf. crea tor, author; builder; -Minthin, a. stamping, to pieces; - naa.free from pride; -mnusha, a. deserted: 1c. in a solitary place; _Marga, a. lpathless; -malya, a. (separated from a garland), disarranged; useless; is. remains of anofferinig, fiPRfi nir-mita, pp. of Vrnm. [esp. flowers. fmipfijjj' nir-miti, f. formation, creation; addition (of a word). f~i~~nir-mithya, a. true. f-wr~fjW nir-muktijf deliverance, from (ab., -O); -munda, m. eunuch. fR4K nir-mfdla, a. deprived of its roots; void of foundation, unfounded: -na, n. uprooting. [minmate, destroy. f-4T nir-mfila-ya, den. P. -uproot, exterRI nir-mcmsha-ka, a. free from mice. f*r4~T nir-megha, a. cloudless; -mokra, as. hide; serpent's slough: -patta, mn. strip of slough; -moksha, in. deliverance, from (g., ~).4'q nir-yatna, a. inactive; -yantrana, a. unlimited; necessitating no constraint(-) -in, ad. without obstruction,9 uniiupede'dly; -ana, n. setting out; vanishing; decease,,death; outer corner of arm elephant's eye; rope for tyini,, a calf's feet; -ytaka, a. removing ( —O); -yitana, a. restoration, repayment; re.. quital; -ya'pana, a. expulsion, from (ab.); a in. exudation of trees, gum, resin; -yha,ni. urret; -yoga-kshema, a. destitute of possessions. f~if~ nir-lakshana, a. bearing no disti tiguisbing marks, insignificant, good for nothing; -lakshya, fp. imperceptible; avoiding notice; 71agga, a. shameless, immodest, brazen; -lavana, a. lacking grace; -lepa, a. free from greasy matter; spotless; -lobha, a. free from avarice. fV14'k nir-vamsa, a. having no family, childless, alone in the world; -vakana, a. explanation,5 etymology; a. speechless: - -n, ad. without saying a word; -vatsaia, a. not tenderly attached to, esp. children (ic); -vdpana, a. (funeral) offering; -vartaka, a. performing; -vartana, is. performance;..vartaIya p. to be accomplished; -varti, a. wickless;..vartitavya,fp. to he performed (Pr.); -vrartin,a. ill-behaved( —' ); perforinini (, doing (-2); -vartyayfp. to be accomplished; - produced; - uttered; -vasa, a. possessingno will of one's owin, dependent: -ta', f. dependence; -vashatkara-mafigala,a. lacking sacrifices and festivities; -vasu, a. poor; -vastri.kri, deprive of one's clothes; -vahana, a. conclusion, issue; final act, catastrophe (dr.) fW-iT -nir —vftkya, fp. to be explained, - determined;-Va-na, pp ofVVvh;_-Vana,na. extinction; extinction of the vital flame, dissolution, final emancipation, union with the absolute; absorption in (-O); individual extinction (B.); complete satisfaction, bliss: -purana, is. funeral sacrifice. fkiT nir-vflta, a. windless, sheltered; m.(?) sheltered spot; -v~a'a, mn. blame; _Vapa, M. strewing; offerirrg. esp. of the Manes; almols; -ap-anaa I. a. [.vvap] scattering, sowing. f'q'4qW~ nir-Va-p-ana, 2. a. [cs. of V/val cooling; n. extinguishing; cooling; delighting; -va-p-ay-i-tiri, mn. cooler, allayer. f-4rf nir-va~pya~fp. [vvap ] to be offered. f#4TW nir-vatyasa, a. free from crows. ffiTRT~ nir-vftsa, mn. leaving one's home, dwelling abroad, banishment; -visana, a. expulsion, banishment; taking to another place; killimmg; -vasayaf. to be expelled or banished, from (ab.); -vaisya, fp. id.; -Vaha, in. carrying out, accomplishmuent, completion; maintenance, subsistence: -ka, a. (ika") accomplishing, executing (-'O); -vAhin, a. id.; -vihya, f~p. to be accomplished, - completed. fqflii nir-vikalpa, a. admitting of no alternative,changeless,free from distinctions, undifferentiated; unhesitating: -in, ad.without hesitation; -ka, a. undifferentiated; -vikara, a. unchanged; -vighna, a. unobstructed, unimpeded: -in or usz., without obstacles; -vilca'ra, a. unreflecting: -in, without long refiexion; -vikikitsa, a. sub ject to no doubt: -in, ad. without long reflexion; -vikeshta, a. motionless, unresisting. f4rf1K nir-vidjf. despair, faintheartedness; -vidya%, a. unlearned, uneducated; -vinoda, a. destitute oif mliversion; -vindhya^,f. (coming from the Vindhyas), N. of a ricer; -vibandha, a. offering no obstacle to (g.); harinless; -vimarsa, a. devoid of refiexion; unconsidered; -vivara, a. having no aperture or interstice: -ta', f. close contiguity; ha-rirnony; -viva~da, a. free from strife, concordant; subject to no dispute; -viveka, a. devoid of discrimination: -ta'f., -tva, a. lack of judgment. fT '~ nir-visafika, a. unhesitating, fearless: -in or in., fearlessly; -visesha, a. devoid of distinction, lik~e, equal; not differing from (-'); unqualified, absolute: -in, without a difference; is. lack of distinction, like appearance: in. in the same way as(O) -visesha, in. difference without a distinction = not the slightest difference, - akriti, a. heaving an appearance not differing from the rest, looking precisely alike; -visha, a. not poi sonous; deprived of poison; -vishaya, a. driven from one's abode; banished, from (-c); not relating to an object; unattached to the objects of sense; -vishayi-kri, banish, remove from (P) -vishi-kri, free from poison; -vlrya, a. feeble, tame, spiritless. fir4' nir-vriksha, a. treeless. Pk fnir-vritif. inward tranquillity; satisfaction, joy, pleasure; happiness, bliss; ex-, tinction (of a lanip): -mat, a. tranquil; happy; -vritti,f. accomplishment, performance, completion; impropriety, unseemly behaviour. fi~fnir-vega, a. unagitated, calm; -yetana, a. wageless; -veda, in. disgust (of, g., ICor -O); mundamie indifference; desperation, faintheartedness: -vat, a. indifferent, to all things; -vesa, in. requital, recompense, payment; e:vpiation, atonemnent; -vesaniya, fp. to he enjoyed; -veshtavya, fp. to be requited; enjoyable; -vaira,ni. peaceableness; a. free from hostility, peaceable, concordant; -vairina, a. concord, harmony; -vodhri, a. carrying out, accomnplishing; amn. used as finite verb = will carry away. fiE' nir-vYaii~aka,a.testifying; -vyani-g ana, a. spiceless: lc. without more ado, straight out; -vyatha, a. free from pain, well; -vyapeksha, a. unconcerned about, indiffe-rent sis to (le. or -0); -vyali~ka, a. not hurting; heartfelt, ungrudging (gift); glad, willingf; not false; -vyavadhAn-a, urmcovered, 1,44 f'q-tT rn-vya~kula. f~lrWWni-sbed-dhavya. - I bare (ground); -vyavastha, a. not remaining in its place, moving about; -vyasana, a. free from vice. fiT4T i-y~kula, a. unagitated, calm: -ta', f. tranquillity: in. quietly; -vy&ga, a. sincere, honest (towards, la.); unambiguous, undisputed: -in, ad. honestly; certainly, Am&, f.honesty, candour; -vyggi-kri, purify; -vy'.. Para, a. unocculpied; -vyiidha, pp. V-fth; n. accomplishment, completion; -vyutdhi,f. conclision, end; summit, acme; -vrana, a. unwounded; unfractured; -vrida, a. shameless. f-_ t T nir-harana, ns. removal; carrying out a corpse to tkefaneral pyre; -haranliya, fp). to be removed; -ha~ra, M. appropriation, personal expenditure from (ab.); -ha'raka, a. carrying out a corpse to the funeral pyre; -harana, n. causing a corpse to be carried out to the funeral p~yre; -hriti,f. removal; -heti, a. unarmed; -hetua, a. causeless; -hra~da, mn. sound; -hradin, a. resounding, echoing, pealing. f-4W9 i.nilaya, A^, v. ni +,v 'lor nir + Vi. 2. ni-laya, m.lIurking-place. dwelling, abode; a. dwelling in, being the dwelling of, inhabited by (0'); -Thiyin, a. sitting down on or in (&0): -igyi-tm', f. abiding in (~) fi ni-vtit, f. depth, valley: in. downwards. f~~I~ ni-vapana, as. strewing; offering to the Manes; -varta, a. causing to turn hack; -vartaka, a. (ika') causing to cease, removing; -vkrtana, a. causing to turn back; n. return; coming down to the earth,; cessation; albstention from (ab.); inactivity; bringing back; means of return; restraining from (ab.); a certain square measure; -vartanlya, fp. to be led back; - rescinded or made void; -vartin, a. returning,; refraining from (ab.); -vasana, n. putting, on (clothes); as. garment; -vaha, m. crowd, swarm, multitud e (sg. & pl.). frTWr ni-vafta, i. a. sheltered from the wind; m. spot sheltered from the wind; calm; 2. pp. (v/van) unmolested; as. security: -kavaha, a. whose mail is impenetrable; mn. pl. N. of a class of Daityas and Ddncevas; -v.%,pa, Mn. seed, corn; corn-field; offering to the Manes: udaka, nt. funeral libation of water; vr aka, a. warding off; avrana, a. id. (~) as. keeping off, stopping, checking (sts. with ac. of object); prevention; prohibition; -va~ranI3yay fp. to be restrained or prevented; -Va&s, 1. M. clothing~; a. -9, clothed with; 2. mt. staying, passing the night, sojourn; (night) quarters, abode, residence: -bhavana, as. sleeping_-chamber, -bhfimi, f. place of abd,-rakana, f. building, edifice, -rigan, m. king of the country of one's domicile; -va~sin, i. a. clothed with(-'); 2. a. dwelling(, - in, living with (lc. or — a); m. inhabitant, resident. f ~~~ni-vida, v. f'Ifwif ni-bida. f rfdn-vi'd, f. direction, precept; invocation of the gods inserted in certain parts of the liturgy: -dhfima, a. containing the Nivids; nt. insertion of the Nivids. fi-4~w nif-vilta, pp. V'vyft; as. wearing of the sacred cord; sacred cord wprn round the neck; -vitin, a. wearing the sacred cord round the neck. fq'rf ni-vritta, pp.turined away: -ra'ga, a. whose passions are subdued, -hridaya, a. with relenting heart; -vritti,f. return; disappearance; cessation; abstention from (ab., -'0); abstinence; escape from (ab.); absten tion from action, inaction; discontinuance of a grammatical rule. fI i q r ni-vedana, a. announcing, making known; n. communication, announcement; offering; -vedin, a. announcing, making known; offering (-0), -vedya,fp. to be reported; n. offering of food to an idol; -vesi, m. entering into; settling; encampment, caunp; habitation, residence; settling down, marriage, matriniony; foundation (of a city); building, edifice; impr ession, mark; -v~sana, a. (i^) entering into ( ); laying to rest; sheltering; as. entrance; setting down; introduction, application; causing to encamp; settling down, marrying; restuingplacie bed, lair, nest; home, abode, dwelling; -vesaniya, fp. to be put down;..vesayitavya,fp. to be placed; -vesavat, a. lying on (02); -vesin, a. lying near, being in, resting or based on(0) f-qnnis, ~f. night (only sg. ab. & lc. & du. -nisau and -nisoh). f '[nis-a, as. id. (only ~) fq7i ni-sabda, a. silent. f-OTT nis-ft, f. nig~ht: -kara, in. (nightmaker), moon-: -kalaA-iauli, m. bearing a crescent on his head, ep. of Siva; -ka~nta, m. lover of night, moon; -ka'la, m. time of night; -kshaya, an. end of night; -zgina an. nightfall; -kara, a. wandering at night; mn?. goblin, R-'kshasa: I', f. female goblin; dissolute woman; - atyaya, m. end of night, day-break; -n~th_, m. lord of night, moon; anta, i. end of night, day-break. fPtU rni-sahuta, 2. pp. V'samn; n. (?) house, dwelling: -jdya~na, n. garden belonging to the house. frww,7f7_ nisft-pati, m.lotod of night, moon; -pra'nesvara, m. (husband of night), moon;..mukha, n2. face of night; nightfall; - avaisana, n. latter half of the night. ffqTTW ni-sil-tha, in. (n.) [time of lying down], midnight; night. fq nisith-in-i, f. night. W ni-sumnbh-a, m. killing; murder; -ana, n. id. fV-M'g nis-kaya, m. ascertainment; conviction; exact knowledge, certainty; actual state of the case; decision, decided opinion; settled purpose, fixed intention, determnination, resulve: -m kri, firmly resolve on (d., ic., inf.); in., ab. certainly. faMT nis-kala, a. immovable; steady; unalterable, inimutable: -inati, a. steady-minded. f'~fq nis-kita, pp. determined, decided': -in, ad. decidedly, surely; -kinta, a. free from thought or care. f-t~i nis-ketana, a. unconscious; inaniimate; irrational, senseless; -ketas, a. irrational, senseless, foolish; -heshta, a. motionless. f_4t_'IT nis-haura, a. free fromn robbers. f~q, nis-khandas, a. not studying the scriptures; -khidra, a. free from holes, - cracks; - fractures; - iniperfections, defects, - weak points; continuous. fq-ttTJ ni-sreni, f. ladder, stair. f'qIUf"' ni -svasita, as. expiration of breath;_sva'sa, m. inspiration, inhalation; expiration, breath; sigh. fq: W 1 nih-saiika, a. free from anxiety, fearless, unhesitating; having nothing to fear from (P); that need cause no anxiety: -i2n or0 calmly, without hesitation, without more ado; -saiika^, f. absence of timidity: in. without hesitation; _saiikita, pp. free from anxiety; causing no anxiety; fearless, unhesitating; -satru, a. free from foes; -sabda, a. silent; noiseless, mute: -, silently: -stiinita, pp. noiseless and still; -sarana, a. unprotected; salka, a. free from tall grass; -salya, a. free from an arrow: -in, ad. painlessly, without a struggle, willingly; -sastra, a. unarmed; askha, a. branchless: a.,f branchlessness. fv+I~t nih -sakhi -kri, deprive of branches. fvf*:3T~i nih-sukra, a. deprived of majesty. f*':376 nih-seika, a. lacking awns (rice); pitiless; -suinya, a. empty. ftf:11 nih-sesha, a. lacking a remainder, one and all, all, whole, complete: -m kri, destroy utterly, exterminate; '-, -tas, in. utterly, completely; at& f. extermination. f'fr:`~7 nih-sesha-ya, den. P. destroy com - pletely: pp. ita, utterly consumed or destroyed. fr:fY',IE nih-soka, a. free from sorrow. fw~q, nih-sri-ka, a. destitute of beauty, ugly; luckless, unhappy; -sreni= ni-srenl; -sreya-, a. (i) having nothing better, best of all; as. final beatitude, bliss, salvation; -svasita, n. expiration, breatl-h; sigh; pada, a. lacking wild animals; -SVsaM an. breath; sigh: -paraina, a. constantly sighing. fifl~ ni-shafig-a, an. [appendage], quiver; sword; -in, a. furnished with a quiver; _-ibhit, become a quiver. f~~ni-shdd, f. sitting, esp. at the altar; -shadana, as. sitting down; seat, abode; _shadyaf. market. fVMk nishad-vard, a. seated at the altar,; sitting idle. f*IRV nishadha, in. N. of a mountain: pl. N. of a people; sy. N.: -vaansa, an. race of Nishadha; _.adhipa, na. lord of Nishadha; - adhipati, an. id.; - isvara, an. id. fvrMT~ nishadd, an. N. of aboriginal Indian tribes described as fishermen, hunters, avd robbers; considered a degraded caste, off-~ spring ofBrahinaans and Saidra women; a note in, the musical scale; I', f Nishada woman. fqwrf_~nishatd-in, a. sitting, lying, on or in (lc., -~); an. elephant driver. ftftft ni-shiddhi, f. prohibition. f~ni-shfldaka, an. destroyer; -shuadana, a. removing; an. destroyer. f~qll ni-sheka, in. sprinkling, distilling; injection; impregnation; seed; ceremony performed on impregnation; slops; dripp ing fluid; -shektavya,fp. to be poured upon (ic.); -shektri, an. begetter; -sh~kana, as. pouring out; sprinkling, with (-O). frz&Wni-shed-dbavya,fp.to berestrained or prevented; -sheddhri, an. -restrainer, preventer; -shedha, an. keeping 'off, prevention; prohibition; negation: -ka, x. prohibiting; -shedhin, a. repelling = smurpassing (-O); -shedhya, fp. to be prevented or prohibited; -sheva, a. practising ( —); an. adoration: Af. practice, addiction to; enjoynment; adoration; -shevaka, a. (-O) frequenting; practising; enjoying; -shevaaaa, am. visiting; practice; enmploymient of, addiction to g,-) -shev nisbka. N- ' nih-sneha. 145 frT.I nishka. f'r: nih-sneha. 145 -itavya, fp. to be practised or 'observed; - employed; - enjoyed; -shevin, a. devoting oneself to, practising; enjoying,.having sexual intercourse with; _shevya,fp. to be visited; enjoyed; venerable. fiinishkid, m. (n. rare) gold (silver) neck or breast ornament: used as a weight (varying with the period); a coin (of variable value): -kantha, a. (i') wearing a gold necklace. f UN Ra nish-kantaka, a. free from thorns or enemies; -kampa, a. not trembling, immovable, motionless; unmoved, steadfast: -ta',f. firmness; -karuna, a. pitiless, cruel; -karman, a. inactive, idle; -karsha, m. drawing out, extraction; essence, substance, main point: ab. chiefly, mainly; -karshana, n. drawing out, extraction; putting off; -kala, a. lacking parts, undivided; frail; m. decrepit old man; -ksalajka, a. spotless, undefiled; -kalmasba, a. sinless, spotless: ': bhfi, become spotless or sinless. MDI iff~ nish-kanta, a. uncomely, ugly; (uish)-kaina, a. free from desires; disinterested (act); -ka~muka, a. free from. worldly desires; -kfixana, a. baying no cause or motive; disinterested: 0 -inm, ab. without cause, from disinterested motives; -'kfish,m. scrapings of a pan. fTrfr~IF nisk-kimkana, a. having nothing, penniless: -tva, n. poverty; -kilvisha, a. free from sin. fqi nish-kuta., m. n. grove; -kutfihaila, a. free from curiosity; -kula, a. having no family, whose family is extinct, alone in the world: -ta', f. extirpation; -kuliina, a. of ignoble family. f 'iid nish-krita', (pp.) n. expiation; appointed place, rendezvous; (nish)-kriti, f. restoration, restitution, compensation; expiation; -kripa, a. pitiless. frW ni'sh-kevalya, a. belonging to some one exclusively: with sastra, n., or uktha, n. midday recitation meant for Incdra alone; -kaitava, a,. free from fraud, honest (person); -kaivaiya, a. mere, simple. fViMJ'T nish-kosa, a. withdrawn from the scabbard;..koshana-ka, a. -fit for picking the teeth(.) fip40jr nish-krama, m. going out; fir-st walk out with a child in the fourth month after birth; -krainana, n. id.; leaving (ab.); disappearing; -krkya, mn. redemption; compensation; reward, payment: -krkyana, n. redemption; ransom; expiation. I-ca nqish-kriya, a.. inactiv~e, idle; neglecting one Is religious duties: - Atmau, a. lazy, - tmata^, f. laziness; habitu~al neglect of religious duties. t1 ni sh-krodha, a. not angry with (g.); -klesa-lesa, a. free from the smallest of cares, perfectly happy. f'it ni-shtha, a. ( —O) being or situated on; based or dependent on; relating to; devoted to, intent on; '-, dependent (people, Joka, mn. p1. =dependants); with d.. leading to, producing; &A, f. basis, state; intentness; perfection, completion; summit, limit; end, catastrophe, death; perfect knowledge, certainty, complete familiarity with (le.'; decision, regarding (g.); the terminations -ta and -ta,-vat of the past participle, one of these pas1t participles (gr.): -sitnya, a. irresolute (mind). fWTq' ni-shthi'v-ana, n. spitting; spittle: -sarava, Mn. spittoon. f-V ni-shth-ura, a. [ v/sthft] harsh, coarse; contumelious, rude: -ta',f., -tva, n. harshness; coarseness. f'qrW' ni-shthyfita, pp. V'shthtiv; n. ejected spittle. [Iiarity with (prati). fTni-shnft-ta,pp. V/snfi: -tva, n. famif'q'.W nish-pafika, a. free from mud or dirt, clean, pure; -patti, f. being brought about; maturity; derivation, from ( ~0);-at tra, a. featherless; leafless; -pattr~-kri, wound with an arrow in such a manner that only the feathers do not penetrate; -pathya, a. il fMpHtT< -nish-[slpanda, a. motionless:1 kri, render motionless; -parikara, a. not having made the necessary preparations; -parikaya, a. not becoming intimate; -parikhk/ada, a. having no retinue; -paryanta, a. unlinifted. f'r-'RwVQ9' nish-pOndava, a. delivered from the Pandavas; -pda-ka, a. accomplishing; -adana, n. accomplishment; -pdya,fp. to be accomplished, - brought about: - abdasahasra, full millennium; -pApa, a. sinless; -pa1aka, a. having no guardian; -pidana, n. pressure; -putra, a. sonless, childless; -purusha, a. having, no males; -paka, a. free from shrivelled grain: 1-kri, free from shrivelled grain; -pesha, mn. impact; clashing sound; -pauirushainarsha, a. destitute of manliness and anger; -pr akra-ka, a. free from specifications; -paasa, a.dark; -Pragiia, a. witless, stupid; -pratapa, a. destitute of dignity; -pratikriya, a. not to be saved, past help: ta, f. abst. N.; -pratigraha, a. accepting no gifts: Mt, f. abst. N.; -pratigha, a. unobstructed; -pratipakcsha, a. having no adversary: -tag f., -tva, n. abst. N.; -pratibandha, a. free from obstacles; unobjeactionable; -pratik~ra, a. th at cannot be helped; irremediable; unhindered; -pratasa, a. having given up all hope of (lc. or upari): 'I-bhu, lose all hope of (prati); -pratyfihla, a. free from obstacles: -in, ad. without hindrance; -pradesa, a. having no fixed place; -prapa~iha, a.iunevolved, exemipt from multiformity: -sad-Atmina, a. having, real existence without being evolved; -prabha, a. deprived of radiance or splendour: ta, f., -tva, n. aIbst. N.; -prabhhva, a. powerless: -tva, n.. -ness; -pramgna-ka, a. supported by no authority; -prayogana, a. disinterested (spectator); useless: -in, ad. uselessly; needless, uncalled for; _pravani, a. fresh from the loom; quite new. fiitrnish-phala, a. bearing no fruit; fruitless, useless, vain; reaping -no advantage, unsuccessful: -tva, n. abst..,N. T19 nish-phala-ya, den. P. render fruitless. [ed. fi#V7 nish-phali'-kri, leave u-nrewardfVS~R ni-shyanda, mn.. shower. [ness. fN:'i- rinih-shpanda-ta,f. motionlessfvku is, ad. out, forth (V.); prp. combined with verbs, out, away from (ab.); nominal prefix, i. as prp.: out of; 2. as negation: dis-, lack of; without, -less; 3. emphasizing the following word: altogether. fNijR ni-sarga, m. evacuation of excrement; giving away; bestowal, grant; creation; innate disposition, nature: 0-, -tas, in., ab. by nature; -ga, a. innate, original, origin ally formed by (-'0); -padva, a. (i) naturally inclined towards (le.). fIff 'i ni-sftdana, v. nishfidana. fiIIT4 ni-srishta artha, a. authorized; Sn. envoy. fii+1 nis-tamas-ka, a. free from darkness, light; -tamisra, a. id.; -taraiiga, a. waveless, calmn; -tarana, a. getting out of danger, escape; -taraniiya, fp. to be got over; -tartavya'fp. to be crossed; to be overcome; -tala, a. -not flat, round, spherical; -tra, an. crossing, passing over the sea (also fig.); liquidation, payment. f ~ nis-tusha, a. unhusked; purified, pure; -trish, a. satisfied. fj nis-tegas, a. de-void of lustre; destitute of energy or vigour; spiritless, dull; -toya, a. destitute of water: -trina-pdapa, a. destitute of -water, grass, and trees. fIiRti nis-trapa, a. shameless; -trimsa, a. cruel, pitiless (-tva,n. pitilessness); m. sword: -dharmini, a. resembling a sword; -traigmnya, a. not endowed with the three qualities. fv'IIWi~ ni-syanda, OXPIW~ -shyanda, a. trickling or streaming down; an. trickling, effusion; downward flow, stream, discharge; sweat; -syandin, a. streaming or trickling down; dropping(0 firf-"* ni-svana, as. noise, sound; voice. fw~ nih-samsaya, a. undoubted, certain; undoubting, sure: -in, ad. certainly, undoubtedly; -samsayita, pp. unquestioned, sure, safe; -samskira, a. unrefined, ill-mannered: -ta, f. abst. N.; -safikhya, a. innumnerable; -saiiga, a. unattached; indifferent to (lc.), disinterested, free from all desires: -ta&, f., -tva, n. abst. Y.; -sakiva, a. lacking a minister; -samkgra, a. not going out, not leaving the house; -samgiFba, a. unconscious; -sattva, a. devoid of reality; wanting in courage or -firmness; weak, wretched; deprived of living beings: -tfi,f. abst. Nv.; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -ta', f. untruthfulness, mendacity, insincerity; -samtati, a. destitute of offspring; -samdigdha, pp. not doubtful, certain: -in, ad. undoubtedly, certainly; -samdeha, a. id.; -samdhi, a. lacking a joining, or interstice; close, firm (embrace); -sapatna, a. having no rival; uncontested; unrivalled: -ta', f. abst. N.; -sambaidha, a. uncrowded; -sambhraina, a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarana, a. going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or -0O); -sarani, a. pathless; -sarpa, a. free from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha, a. powerless; fainting: 9- ad. in a faint; -sahi~ya, a. companionless, helpless. f'ff:+;FmrTR nih-sa'dhara, a. unsupported: -iad. without a support; -sdhvasa, a. fearless, undaunted: -tva, n. abst. N.; -S&inarthya, a. unsuitable; -ainanya, a. unusual, extraordinary; -r, a.spless, insipid; insignificant; worthless, vain, transitory (-t, f., -tva, n. abst. Nv.); an. a musical measure; -sgrana, n;- removal; expulsion; -sarya,fp. to be excluded from (ab.). f**`4ftRnih-Siman, a. unlimited, boundless; -sukha, a. joyless, sad; -sfitra, a. lacking a cord; helpless; -soina-ka, de. moonless. fvi[:'V# nih-stambha, a. lacking pillars; having no support. fir:#f nih-sneha, a. inot oily, not greasy, free from fat; lacking mnoisture (soil); devoid U 146 fvl:W;T nih-spanda itf4 nil-in-_1. I of affection for (prati); having no desire for, indifferent towards (-'O); not treated with affection (servants); abhorred, odious. fw+4nikhspanda, a.,v. nishpanda; -sparsa, a. hard; -spriha, a. free from desires; not desiring, indifferent to (ie., -9); turning away from (ab.). fr:~Mnih-srava, m. surplus (of, ab.); -sra'va, m. expenditure; -sva, a. deprived of one's property, poor: -ta^, f. poverty; -svana, in., v. nisvana; -svabhiva, a. m. destitution, poverty; 2. a. lacking peculiarity; -sva'du, a. insipid, tasteless; -svadhyM'ya-vashatkra. -neither studying the scriptures nor offering sacrifices; -svgmi-ka', a.f. lacking a lord or husband. f ~~~nih-svi'-kri, deprive of one's property; 3sv-b t lose one's property. fuiffwfi ni-hata-sena, a. having one's forces destroyed; 7_9artha, a. of obsolete meaning: -ta^,f., -tva, n. use of an obsolete meaning; -uishtra, a. whose camels have been slain; -hantavya, fp. to be slain or (lestroyed; -hantri, in. slayer; destroyer; dispeller; preventer; -hava, in. summnons, call; -hnava, in. denial; secrecy, concealment; contradiction; surpassing; expiation; excuse, craving pardon (a ceremony); -hnuti, f. denial; -hra~da, m. sound, note. X NI, 1. n~ya, con duct, guide; lead (also with Agram and g.); lead away; lead to (ac. ~ prati, d., lo.); take away with, one (gnly. A.); lead home (wife); attract; place in a certain condition or state (ac.): Adhaam -, give in pledge; duhkham -, pain; paritosham -,. gladden; vasam -, subdue; vikrayam -, sell; sa~kshyam -, admit as a witness; Sadratim -, degrade to the state of a Sftdra; bhasmasat -, reduce to ashes (op. Vgam, which is used in the corresponding _passive sense); dandam -, wield the rod = inflict punishment; carry, - away, take (to, ac. ~ prati, or lc.), bring, for any one (g. or -artham); draw (a line); conduct (lawsuits, rites); pass,spend (time); excludefrom (ab.); ascertain, trace; cs. niyaya, P. cause to be led' or borne away by (in.); cause to be carri ed away to (c c.); des. ninisha, P. A. wish to lead away to (ac., d.); wish to exclude from (ab.); endeavour to trace. ati, lead or help across. adhi, lead away from (ab.). auu, conduct to (ac.); draw to one, seek to win, conciliate or reconcile; beg (ac.; g.'-): _pp. -nita, begged for (d.); reconciled. parisguu, entreat urgently. prati anu, speak friendly words to (ac.) regarding (ac.). apa, lead or take away; remove; carry away, rob; disperse, dispel; banishfromn one's thocghts (hriday.1t); take off (clothes etc.); extract from (ab.); except or exclude (from a rule)_pp. contrary to ( —O); des. wish to remove. viapa, lead away; remove; pour off; take ott (clothes); abandon. api, conduct to (ac.):.pp. about to die. abbi, conduct to (ac.); represent on the stage, mimic. ava, lead down into (ac.); put into (lc.). abbhiva, lead down into (ac.); pour into (ac.). samava, pour together. 'a, lead up, bring, fetch (to, ac., lc.); cause to be brought by (in.): in the anomalous pf. &naya~m Asa; bring back (~ punar); pour into; allot to (g.); place in or reduce to a certain state or condition, (cp. the simple verb): vasam -, reduce to submission; es. P. (A.) cause to be fetched. abbiQa, pour in, mingle. upa A, bring near, fetch (2 ac. or g. of person). pari, lead round. prati a,.bring back, restore. Samna, asemleuite; -fold (hands); lead or.bring up; bring ~home; offer (sacrifice); cs. convoke. ud, bring upwards; raise; excite (an emotion); help out, rescue; lead away; draw off (,fisid); trace or find out. pra ud, raise, elevate. sam-ud, raise; instigate, stimulate; infer, find out; pay off (debt). upa, lead or conduct to (ac., lc.); place in or reduce to (a condition); bring; offer; bring about; take to oneself, admit as a pupil; cs. cause to be admitted as a pupil. sam-upa, bring. nii, conduct to (d., la.); pour out, empty; present, offer; perform (a rite). ava-ni, immerse; pour out on (lc.). sam-ni, pour together, mingle. niis, take away; find out, ascertain; settle; dedpide on: pp. nirnita, decided, settled. psni(-ni), lead round: esp. a bride round the nuptialI fire (ac.); marry (a girl); trace out,ascertaiin; with anyathah, explain differently. pra(-ni), conduct forward, lead; convey; bring, lfire to the altar), fetch (water for the sacri~fice); display, show; manifest one's affection; inflict punishment (dandam) on (lc.); apply, employ; produce, perform, execute; determine, fix; establish, teach; compose; desire. sam-pra, inflict punishment (dandam) on (lc.)'; collect (tribute). vi, take away; remove, dispel; part (the, hair); guide; train, tame; chastise; instruct; pass (time); perform: pp. vinlita, versed in (1o., — ); well-bred; demure, -modest. abhi-vi, pp. instructed or versed in (lc.). Sam, bring together, unite; mingle; bring, procure; pay (debt). i nii, a. leading, guidiug (only ~ffZBT n'-kfira,m.degradation,humiiliation. -q~~ nihk-a, a. [weak base ofrsiy-ailk +a] low; short (hair, nails); deep (navel),; lowered (tone); base, vile, mean: -ka, a. (ika)sf (tread); -ga, a. low-going (river); of low rank; belonging to a man of low rank;,M in, a. following what is low or base; -g~ti, a. of low extraction: -ti, f. low or humble *position; inferiority; -patha, rn. downward path; -rata, pp. delighting in what is base. -g,TnIk- I, ad i. fyfk) below; down. #N~nika't, (ab.) ad. from below. T WF nikaavagflba, a. bathed in by low persons (lake). JWUTI nik&-aaa whose vigour is low, exhausted. i~ftw nik-ina, a. downward: -bara, a. having the aperture downward. Iffnikair-&khya, a. named 'Low' wfl niRka's-, ad.. (in. pl.) low; below; downward; humbly; gently, softly (blow, of the wind): nikair nilcaistaram, lower and lower; nikair adrisyata, appeared small. #~nid-a, Mn. n. [ni-s(a)d-a, sitting in], resting-place, abode; nest; inner space of a chariot: -ka, nest; ~-garbha, mn. inside of a nest; -a~rambha, i. nest-building. iaIT4 nitja rtha, a. intelligible. Xi ff ni-tif guidance; worldly wisdom, practical morality, political and social ethics; discretion, prudenit counsel; policy: -kusala, a. skilled in the conduct of human affairs, politic; -fa a. prudent, politic.; -dosha, in. error of conduct; -patala, n. treatise on policy; -mat, a. (3i) acquainted with the rules of worldly wisdom, politic, prudent; -yukta, pp. versed. in policy; -vid, mn. politician; -vidyi, f science of policy; -vedin, a. knowing policy; -s~ataka, n. T. of Bhartrihari's century of verses on worldly wisdom; -Sastra, n. science of political ethics; trea I I tise on polity; -saindhi, us. quintessence of polity. # n~i-tha, n. musical air, song; nf nta, path; trick, artifice. #hrndhra, n. roof. ]O~ ipa, a. [ni np-a, having waterflowing down, damp], low-lying; in. a tree (Nauclea Cadarmba); n. its flowers or fruit; in. p 1. N. of a royal race. 1 ir, n. water; -g a, in.. n, lotus: - akshi, a. f. lotus-eyed, fair. InnI -ragas, a. free from dust; devoid of passions: -km, a. id.; -aaaf freedom from passion and darkness. 4V~~ira-ghta,pp.producedfromwater. 41T#ft nii-ragi-kri, free from dust. 'I n~ira-da, i. mn. (water-giver), cloud; 2. a. (ni-rada), toothless. fR;~~fnirad-in, a. covered with clouds. i-ftTii nira-dhi, in. ocean; -nidhi, in. id. 1if-fT ni-randhra, a. having no interstice or aperture; dense, continuous: 0- ad. constantly: -a~f close~connexion or cohesion; -randhrita, pp. thickly beset with (~) continuous. 4~4~~nira-patatrin, in. aquatic bird; -rasi n ocean; -ruha, n. lotus. nii-rava, a. noiseless, mute; -rarsa, a. sapless, withered, dry; tasteless, insipid; devoid of charm, tedious; having no taste for or sense of; feelingless; -aga, a. colourless; devoid of passions; -rAgana, n., a,. royal lustration of an army (including do. mnestic prie~st,retainers, horses, elephants, etc.: a inilitaery and religious ceremony); -ruk, a. lustreless; bereft of beauty; -rug, a. painles elh, well; -ruga, a. id.; -rfupa, a. formless; -renu-ka, a. dustless; -roga, a. healthy, well:. tk,f. health, -durbhiksha, a. not afflicted with disease or famine. AiffigNILJ, I. P. nila, appear dark. #iR! n~ila, a. swarthy, black; esp. dark blue; in. sapphire; Indian fig-tree; N.; n.. indigo; -kantha, a. blue-necked; in. peacock; ep. of Silva; N., esp. of a commentator on the Maha'bhdrata; -gini, in. Blue Mountain, N. of a mountain-range (Nilgiri); -ga, f. ep. of the river Vitasth; _tA, f. blueness; dark-blue colour; -nikcolin, a. wearing a dark cloak; _n3iraga, n. blue lotus; -pakshman, n.feathered with black eyelashes; -pata, mn. dark garment' -Patala, n. dark film (on a blind eye); -pura, n. N.- of a town; -pura~na, n. T. of a Purhna; -bhanda-sva~min, mn. indigovat proprietor; -bhfu f. N. of a river; -mani, us. sapphire; -ratna, n. id.; _rnAgi, f.dark streak, darkness; -1ohiti, a. darkblue and red, dark red; -vat, a. blackisl~, dark; -varna, a. blue-coloured: -srigAiavat, ad. like the blue j ackal; -vasana, n. blua cloth; -vrisha, in. dark-coloured bull; -samdha~na-bhanda, nt. vat for preparing indigo; -saroruha, n. blue lotus; - ainsuka, n. blue garment;.afiga, a. dark-bodied; Z_9bga, na. blue 'lotus; -_abhra-sainvrita, pp. obscured by dark clouds; - ambhoga, n. blue lotus. PT T nilft-ya, den.. begin to be dark or blue. [N. of a locality. q IRW nila asman, n. sapphire; -,~svv, f -i a nl-in _i, f. indigo pl n; - ma, us. blackness, darkness, dark colour. r % #-% Ai A sk, -ffTiqfT ni -1. ffHW naipuna. 147 II1#I nill-ii, f. indigo: -bha'nda, n. vessel with indigo; -rasa, m. fluid indipo;'-varna, a. indigo-coloured. ni1laptpala, n. blue lotus (nymphaca c~yanea): -maya, a. consisting of blue lotuses; - upala, mn. sapphire. lit-q niva, mn. a tree. #NR7 nlvatra, m. wild rice; sg. the plant, pl. the grain: -kana, mn. grain of rice. -ijftf niivifjf (also I') apron, waist-cloth, esp. one worn by women; hostage; I', f. capital (money). ~Rn~iha'rad, m. mist (sts. pl.); -kara, mn. moon; -maya, a. consisting of mist. WI -t nihftri-kri, turn into mist. niau, ignu indeci. now, still; even, already; then,,therefore (concluding or exhorting); never ( V.); indeed, just, certainly; with inter, pray: in double questions the second nu is sts. replaced by svid or yadi Va; nu, either-or; nu' kid, henceforth, for ever; forthwith; nevermore. rNU, IL. P. nauti (only with pra); I. P. A n~va ( F ), VI. P. nuvk, ( V.) roar, shout; exult; praise (cc.): pp. nuta, praised. abhi, shout to (ac.) a, sound; cry. pra (-nauti, -nuva), roar, shout; mutter the syllable om. vi, praise. sam, roar or shout together. 2.N ) I A.niva (R V.), IL. P. (with aa aui(S.);e.P nfivaya, remove. ati, Cs. P. avert. apa, lay aside. vi, A-. turn -(imt.) in different directions. Irfw7 nuta-mitra, m. Y. If#r nu-ti, f. praise. ~finut-ti, f. expulsion, removal. NTUD VI. nudi, push, thrust; drive on, impel, propel; drive away; dispel, remove: pp. nuttiL, nunna, pushed away; incited, uirged on; divorced (wjfe); es. P. nodaya, incite, urge on; intv. A. nonudya, drive away. apa, drive away, dispel, banisli; remove. appi, throw off, remove. uapa, pp. -nunna, driven near. nis (nirnud), drive away, remove; reject. para, thrust away; remove. pra(nud), propel, drive away; dispel, disperse: pp. prinutta, -nunna; es. pp.- -nodita, agitated. ati-pra, urg~e strongly. vi, drive asunder or away, dispel; cs. id.; pass (time); enliven, divert; beguile or divert oneself with (in.). sam, cs. collect; urge on. 1FI nud, dispelling, removing (~) ~nui-tana, a. new; young; fresh; youthful (age); recent; present; novel, strange; -tna, a. id.; future. fq"( nui-ni-m, ad. now, just, at present; forthwith; henceforth; then, therefore ( V.); most Probably, assuredly, certainly. n fipura, in. n. anklet (esp. of women); -vat, a. provided with an anklet. nri, m. man; masculine (gr.): pl. men, people, mankind. "~t['Knri-kalevara, n.(?) human body or corpse; -kukkura, mn. dog of a man; -kikshas, a. observing men. NI NRIT, IV. P. nrftya, dance; act, Nplay (tr. & int.) on the stage; cs. nartaya, cause to dance or move about, induce C~f-,per (peacocks): pp. nartita; in tv. na rinarti, P. narinritya, P. 'A. dance about; cause to dance about (ac.). anu, dance after any one (ac.); dance before any one (ac.). a^, as. agitate or move or stir gently. pra, P. A'. begin to dance, dance along, dance: pp. prauritta, dancing; cs. cause to dance(fg) abhi-pra, dance. JWT nri-tfi, f.male sex, manhood. It nrit-f', f.dance; gracefulness. nrit-ii, a. lively, active. ~nrit-uiv, m. dancer, actor. iTnrit-ta1, (pp.). n. dance: -maya, a. (i) consisting' of dancing. ff~Tnrit-ya, n. dance; mimicry, pantomime.!!I nri-durga, a. inaccessible, i. e. well fortified, by men; n. well-garrisoned place; -deva, m. prince, king: I, f. queen.!!1I nri-pa, m. (guardian of men), prince, kino': -kairya, is. business of a king; -kriya, f.rule, dominion; -griha, n. palace; -gana, m. sg. (coll.) the princes. fft iffr nri-pdti, m. prince, king, ruler: -kranyak&, f. princess, -patha, in. king's road, highway, -sAsana, is. decree of the king. 1tRK nripa-tva, n. sovereignty; -dilpa, M. prince li/ce a lamp; -uitilf. kingcraft; -mandira, n. palace; -lifiga, n. royal emblem. ~TM~ nri-pasu, m. beast of a -man.!TqWRnripa -vallabha, m. royal favourite; -sreshtha, spv, best of kings; -suta, m. prince: a,f. princess; -nsa,f. king's daughterin-law. ffTWWJ nripa ahgana, n. royal court; - aigaua, n. id.: A, f. princess, queen; - itmaga, m. prince: A, f. princess; _-aryaman, M. sun among princes.!!tTTW nri-pftla, in. prince, king. ~ITURW nripa Alaya, m. palace; A sana, is. throne; - spaday a. palace; - ikkha',f. royal pleasure. -!!TI~ST nri-praga', f. pl. children of men; -amsa, n. human flesh. [ability.!!1Unri-mndi,n.maniliness,courage;strength, f~f uri-yagn-a, in. sacrifice to men, i.e. hospitality; -1oka, m. world of men, earth; -vit, a. manly; belonging to or consisting of men; -vara, m. best of men, prince, king; -sainsa, a. injurious to mankind, noxious, malicious, base: -ta'f. mischievousness, baseness; -samsita, n. malignity, baseness; -shid, a. sitting among men; -simha, m. man-lion, great hero; half man half lion, the fourth Avatdr of Vishnu; N.: -ka, m. man-lion, Vishnu; -soma, in. moon among men, i. e. distinguished man; -hari, m. man-lion, the fourth Avatar of Vishnu. I'ineg-aka, m. washerman; -ana, n. washing. iWE ne-tavya, fp. to be led; -taken or conveyed, to (ac.); to be employed; - investigated. 'W ne-trn, m. i. am., 3 sg. ft. he will lead; 2. (-tri) leader, guide (of, g. or — P); inflicter of-punishment (dandasya); leading character, hero in a drama: -mat, a. containing the word I'netri.' iN ne-tra, -' a. leader, guide; a. guidance; eye; veil; cord which causes a churning-stick or top to revolve; root; -irosa, m. apple of the eye; -kutha,. passionate longing of the eyes; -ga, a. produced from the eyes; -gala, n. tears; -nimsin, a. kissing, i. e. closing, the eyes (sleep); -peya, fp.- to be drunk by, i. e. gladdening, the eyes; -pranayin, a. desiring the eyes of:, appearing to (g.); -bandha, m. bandaging the eyes, blind man's buff; -va~ri, n. tears; -ailgana, n. eye-salve; - ambhas, a. tears; - utsava, in. feast to the;1 NED, I. P. n~da, [go]. ati, overN~ flow. 4 na /id, pcl. not (emphatic); that not, lest (ne), with sbj., impv., or pot.; n~t tiLt, but not, but by no means. WI~ ne~d-ishtha, spy, nearest, next; quite near: -in, ad. next; quite close; first; ab. from the nearest place; -3iyaS, c~pv. nearer; quite near: ac. ad.; (-iyo)-marana, a. having death close at hand, moribund. itfXM ne-pathya, a. [suitable for acting: naya], ornament, attire; stage costume; tiring-room, space behind the scenes: le. behind the scenes; -griha, n. tiring-room. ~itTWf nepftla, m. Nepal: pl. the Nepalese. '~IT ne'ma, a. [na ima, not this, another], the one; many a one: re~peated, the one - the other; ~,half. iffik nem-flf [na-nam-f, complete bend], felly of a wheel; rim, circumference; (i)ghosha, in., -dhvani, in. sound of wheels; -ninada, in. id.; -vritti, a. moving in the track of (g.). ilWI ne-ya, fp. to be guided, led, or conducted, to (lc.); amenable; to be inflicted (punishment); to he brought or reduced to a condition (ac.); to be passed (time); to be guessed. OR ne'- sh -tri, m. leading priest at the eSoma sacrifice, who brings the sacriaficer's wlfe and prepar-es the surd. ~~neslitr-ya, a. relating to the Neshtri. ~Inaeka, a. more than one, many a: pl. various, many: -kara, a. gregarious (animal). WONf~ naikat-ika, a. neighbouring; -ya, a. nearness (cp. nikata). VOJMU n aeka-duhkba-da, a. causing many sorrows; -bhiva Asraya, a. fickle, unsteady; -varna, a. many-coloured; -vikalpa, a. manifold; -vidha, a. id.; -sas, ad. repeatedly.!tf'f naikriti-ka, a. dishonest, deceitful; base (cp. nikriti). '7TI[ naigama, a. ('I) relating to Vedic quotations (nigamas); Vedic; in. Vedic exegete; trader, merchant. %wK!7,i naighantu-ka, a. incidentally mentioinied; n. index of words, specifically the Vedic glossary. %"WInaitala, a. relating to the hell Nitala (),q~ naitya-ka, a. to be performed regularly, obligatory (opp. naimittika); ika, a. id. W~IEI naf'dftgha, a. (i') belonging to the hot season; in. summer. 3w naidra, a. (I") producing sleep.,;~Iqw naidhana, a. final; relating to death; perishable; funeral (ftre); n. death. -41 naipuna, n. dexterity, skill; experience, in. (g.P 0-); completeness, totality of (g.); whole science of, strict adherence to ():in. completely, exactly. U 2 148 18naipun-ya., q paksha. I naipun-ya, n. id.,qIqS naibid-ya, n. denseness; immediate contiguity. qfI*r~II naimitt-ika, a. (i)produced by a cause; occasional, incidental; ns. effect; m. fortune-teller. ~fI~naimisha, n. N. of a sacred forest: 1-ya, a. relating to the Naimisha forest; M. pl. inhabitants of the Naimisha forest. iTVu naf'yagrodha,~ a. relating to the sacred fig-tree (ficus Indica).!hnaiyat-y a,n.-fixity,necessity; exigency. IUfIq naiyay-ika, a..relating to the NyAya, philosophy; m. logician. ~~it nair-antar-ya, n. [v. nir-] uniaterruptedness;immediatesuccession: inaconstantly; -apeksh-ya,a.regardlessness,indifference; complete independence; -arth-ya, a.. senselessness; -4kaiiksh-ya., n. non-requirement of supplying anpthing; -&,-ya, n. hopelessness, despair (of; prati or -~); -ukta, a. etymologically explained; m. etymologist. `4nIjai-rug-ya, is. health (v. nilrug). '% f nair-ritd, a. ('i) relating to nirriti; south-western; pointed southward; m. son of Nirriti, demon, RAkshasa: iLf. south-west; ep. of Durgfi; -ritya, a. relating or sacred to Nirriti; south-western. 4IPTA nair-gandh-ya, is. scentlessness; absence of smell; -gun-ya, is. exemption from qualities; lack of virtues; -glirin-ya, is. hard-heartedness, cruelty; -ghara, a. belonging to waterfalls. ~WTnair-dhan-ya, n. poverty; -mnal-ya, is. spotlessness, purity; -lagg-ya, is. shamelessness, impudence. VrW nail-ya, n. dark-blue colour. WWIfr naeva abhigamana,n.no sexual intercourse whatever. T~naivftrd, a. consisting of wild rice. 'fti,[ naives-ika, ns. household furniture. ~%'kT naisa, a. (i nocturnal; contracted during the night (guiltj). %' friT naisftkara, a. caused by the moon. fU inais-ika, a. (3) obtained in one night. In~ I I naisit-ya, n. sharpness. Mf'qvM nais-kint-ya, n. freedom fr-om care. %t:rr naiih-sreyas-a, a. (I') leading to future beatitude: i-ka, -a. id. IqW1 naishadha, m. prince of the Nishadhas, esp. NKala: pl. the Nishadhas: anveshaisa, n. searching for Nala. VM~T~ naisha'da, a. ('i) belonging to the Nish~das. TIj naish-karm-ya, is. abandonment of action, inactivity. ql~-; naish-kirnkan-ya, n. indigence, poverty. [kritika. tq 1C naish-kritika, a. incorrect for nai*fMj naishth-ika, a. (II) final, last; definitive, decided, settled; highest, supreme,perfeet; thoroughlyversed in (-O); having taken the vow of eternal chastity: -sundara, a. supremely beautiful. ~Wy naishthuLr-ya, n. roughness, coarseness, hardness,, severity. lnQt014~ naish-phal-ya, n. fruitlessness, ineffectualness. VI* naisarga, a. natural: i-~ka, a. id.; original, inherent, innate,,constitutional. it f inaistrims-ika, a. armed with a -sword. it V naih-sneh-ya, is. want of affection; -sprih-ya, n. lack of desire for; -sv-!ya, is. indigence, poverty. 4ft na'u, pci. and not, nor (this meaning very rare in C.); not (C.). Vfwnona, M. N. of a merchant. II<Tnod-ana, a. removing; is. striking; dispelling; impulse. vYftf~nod-in, a. dispelling(0 ~nodha's, m. N. of a Rishi. nona, M. N.: A, f. N.; -ka, M. N.; -ratha, m. N. #tq~Tf naupastbhtri, a. not appearing in court. if. nau, ac., d,, g.- du. of alham. Vt2. naii, f. ship; boat, skiff. WInau-ka, -'a = 2. nan: 'a, f. ski~ff; kr szadhira, m. helmsman (alIso fig.); -karman, n. occupation with boats, work of a boatman; -kakri-at m. owner of boats and waggons; -kara, a. faring on ships; m. seafarer, mariner; _givika, m. boatman, sailor. 4NR naudhas-a', ns. N. of a Sdmnan. q#PqIT1I nau-yftna, is. navigation; _y&yin, a. faring in boats; m. passenger; -vyasana, is. shipwreck. 04RT nyak-khra, in. humiliation; disregard; -kriti,f. id.;Nn i-akta, pp. V/anlk; -Akna,, pp. A /ak. WTTW~ nyag-bhatva, m. going downwards; absorption in (lc.); disregard, contempt; -bhivayitri, m. humiliator. Vp~~ nyag-ro'dha, m..[growing downwards], Indian fig-tree, banyan (ftcusssndica.). WM` ni afik-u, M. [A\/anik] kind of-antelope: -siras, a. (so. kakubh) a metre; -sairini, a. f.(sc. brihatl) a metre. RTJ`Iffq nyafikotaka, m. N. RrT ni alig-a', in.. [~a-v/g] adhering matter; taunt_; -0 a. snaking incidental mention of. Wq nianik, a. (weak base nu!k; f. D~k-i) downward; lowered (tone); n, ad. nyik, downwards.: - kri,humble-; disregard(wo2-ds); throw into the shade, surpass; (g) - bhfi, behave humbly. T1Inian-k-ana, is, depression; lurkingplace; I,f. lap. [hood, of (g. or ni nantdna, in. ad. in the neighbouriqZ ni yana, ns. entry, gathering-place. o nidartha', ns. failure; destruction.. ~r*~ nirbuda, is. a hundred millions. niasana, ns. arranging, putting or writing down; adduction. RM niasta, pp. (-v"2. as) set down, deposited: -danda, a. having laid down the rod, unaggressive, peaceable; -sastra, a. having laid down one's arms; averse from strtife, inoffensive (Manes).;RIW ni-sya, fp. to be laid down-; to be appointed to (lc.). RR- ni~ayd, m..[going back, reference, precedlent], rule, standard, axiom, principle, method; manner; propriety, correct way; logical proof or conclusion, syllogism; logic, the Nyflya system of philosophy; lawsuit; decision, judgment: in., ab., 0~, after the manner of (0P); in -tas, 0-, suitablypo perly; -vartin, a. behaving with propriety; -va'din, a. speaking suitably; -vid, m. connoisseur; -vidya', f. logic; -vritta, pp. behaving with propriety; -sAstra, is. treatise on logic; -siksh&',f. logic.;qTU nyfty-ya, a. regular, customary, usual, normal; right, just; suitable, fit, proper (an inf. de~pendent on this word has a ps. sense). WT ni ftsa, in setting downl,,planting (the foot); putting on; insertion, impact; applying, drawing, commitment; writing down, inscribing-; written text; renunciation; laying aside; deposit; bringing forward, adduction: -dha'raka, in. depositary. RRRJ nyasil-kri, entrust to the safe keeping of. eq=* ni ubga, a. turned ov er, upside down, l4ying on one's face. Ia ni fina, pp. defective, wanting; smnaller, less; too little; inferior (the de~ficiency is ex-.pressed by the in. or O~-): ta f. inferiority; - adhika-vibhakta, pp. having received too ilittle or too much on the division of an inheritance; adhik;~ aisga, a. having;.a limb too few or too many.;q ni[sivai, ad.-indeed. 'crP. 11pa, a. i. Ai pa] drinking (.-0); 2. [A/2. velopment; AKr, a. cooking, baking (); nas.coefodishtaka, a. made of pat] protecting, guarding (O.promoting digestion. baked bricks: -kita, ns. building of baked 1IMTJ pakkana, in. is. R-afndfta's hut; vil- XW~ pak-va6, a. (= pp. of A/pak) cooked, bricks. lage inhabited by a savage tribe, baked, done; burnt, baked (bricks, pots); W paksha', m. (is.1) wing, pinion; feathers 4T-IcT pak-tavya,fp. to be cooked or baked. grey (hair); ripe, fully developed, mature; of ans arrow; flank, side; half; half-month, bearing ripe fruit (tree): -t&, f. ripeness, fortnight (i5 days); side, party, following, ifipak-ti, f. cooking; digestion; ripen- maturity; ~-bimbqL~dharatoshthI', a.f. hay- ally, partisans (sg. -& pl.); host, troop, class"; ing, i. e. consequence of former acts; de- inig a lower lip red like the Bimba fruit; quantity (of hair); place; alternative, ~-'- e tipi paksha-ka. VTr~IT pA~ -sa.14 149 opinion, proposition; prosecution (leg.); subject of an inference (logic); topic, subject -under discussion: pakshe, in the other case; with regard to (-'O); atra -, in this case; tibhyfim mukte -, in a case other than these two. Iq-qeqpaksha-ka, m.win g (0'); side; -kshaya, mn. end of a fortnight; -gama, a. moving with wings, flying; -grahana, si. taking the side of (g.); -kara, m. elephant parted from the herd; -kkhid, a. having clipped the wings of the mountains, ep. of Indra; -ta^,f. alliance; being the subject of an inference. tj'qf'R- paksha-tl, f. root of a wing; plumage. Wq-q paksha-tva, n. being a component part of ( —9); being the subject of a conclusion; prosecution; -dva'ra, is. side-door; -dhara, a. taking the side of (g.); attached to (lc.); mn. bird; -pita, m. flight; partisanship, partiality, predilection for (ac. ~ prati, g., lc., -O); -pa~ti-t&,f. partiality or predilection for (lc. or — P); -p~tin, a. siding with, partial to ( —O); -puta, mn. outspread wing; wing;..bala, is. strength of wing; -rakana', f. formation of a party; (&)-vat, a. winged; having a large following; -vikala, a. paralyzed in the wings. WM'T~ palish a nta, mn. end or last, day of a. fortnight; - ntara, n. a particular case (ic. =supposing,.if) another opinion; Z~bha~sa, is. mock prosecution:..tva, n. abst. N.; - ash-. tam,f. eighth day in a fortnight _~hati, f.stroke with the wing. tif*W pakshi-tva, n. condition of a bird. 'qf~qVpaksh-,In, a. winged; on the side of, belonging to the party of (-O); m. bird; winged creature; (n)-li, f. hen-bird; night with the two contiguous days (sc. rfitri).,T fwTpakshi-mriga-tft,f. condition of bird or beast; -rig, in., -ra~ga, in. king of birds; -zi~gya, n. sovereignty of the feathered tribes; ep. of Garuda; -sAvaka, m. young of a bird, birdling; -sva~min, in. ep. of Garuda. 1F~pnkshi-kri, make oneself master of (ac.). [of Garuda. T0tiW pakshi indra, mn. chief of birds, ep. W Ipaksh-i~ya, a. siding with (~) tIj pdksh-man, n. sg. & pl. eyelashes; pile ~of deer); petal. [eyes. TkM7 pakshma-pfita, in. closure of the tf'~qT pakshma-la, a. having long or fine eyelashes; long-haired; hairy, furry; downy: -dris, a.f. having eyes with beautiful lashes. I'qT paksh-yii, a. siding with () U.W* peiika, rn. or n. (?) mud, mire, slough, quagmire, dirt, clay; -0, ointment;..kkhid, mn. a plant (with the fruit of which turbid water is clarified). Iq'T pafka-ga, n. flower of the day lotus (neluinbium speciosum, which closes in the evening): -n~bha, a. having a lotus in his navel (Vishnu), -netra, a. lotus-eyed, -ma'lin, a. adorned with a wreath of lotuses, epithet of Vishnu; - ks1Ui, f. lotus-eyed. woman; - anighri, a. whose feet are adorned with lotuses (Vishinu). xrTf!IKr palikag-in, a. furnished with a lotus:.if lotus; lotus group. 7'qTM pafska-tft, f. condition of mud; -magna, pp. sunk in the mire. W Tpnfska-ya, den. P. besmear. Rf WI pafika-ruhinif. lotus; -group; -lagna, p~p. stuck in a bog; -.vat, a. muddy, miry; -vartinan, is. miry road. t#-Wff paiik-ila, a. miry, dirty, bedauLbed with (in.):..bhava, a. growing in swampy soil. Paftke-ruh, n. flower of the day lotus: -a, n., -ini, f. id. pahk-tif, f. set of five (7wemrai), series of fives; a metre: 5 x 8, later 4 x i10 syllables; the number ten; line, row; multitude; company, society; -krama, in. succession: in. in a row; -pivana, a. purifying a society; -ratha, m. N. = Dasa-ratha. 41IVfI( pahikti-sas, ad. in rows. W~pafskti, f metrical for pahikti. Wf pafsg —u, a. (v-i) lame: -ka, a. id.; -l f. -tva, n., -bhiva, m. lameness. XI9. PAK, I. p~ka, cook, bake, boil, roast; '\A. cook for oneself; burn, bake (bricks etc.); digest; ripen, mature (tr.); develope, conduct to its end; ps. paky;Ite, ripen, be developed: pakv& is used aspp.; cs. pahkaya, P. cook, cause to be cooked: pp. pa~kita; intv. pipakya, A. mnt. burn violently (also,fig.). pari, ps. be cooked, - roasted; be matured, bear fruit (actions); cs. cook, roast. vi,.dissolve by cooking; ps. be roasted; be digested; be matured; bear fruit, come to an issue, attain its consequences (action). tIT- paha, a. cooking, baking (-'O). 'qqffpdk-ana, a. id. (-'); n.cooking utensil: -kriyi,f. cooking. Enmaturing rapidly. T"f pak-elin-a, a. being quickly cooked, _~T( pak-khhs, ad. [pad-sas] by pa'das; -khauka, n. [pad-sauka] cleansing of the feet. [1I~ PAQ, V9PANG, fasten, enclose.] tIW pag-rad, a. stout, portly. [TffPA1K, spread out, manifest.] 1 pan-ha, 0-=Xr-Tfpanikan. XRR paiiha-ka, a. consisting of five; fie days old; with sata, n. five per cent; n. the number five (lrEvdry); (p&Aka)-kap~la, a. (i) distributed in five dishes; -kritvas, ad. five times; -gavya, n. sg. & pl. five products of the cow (milk, curds, better, urine, dung); - gun a, a. five 'times greater than (ab.); -gra'mi,f. group of five villages; -katv~riinsatV. forty-five;,kandra, m.N.; -ku~da, a. having five tufts of hair; -gank, m. _pl. the five races or kinds: gods, men, Gandharvas andApsarases, serpents, and Manes; sg. man: i-ya, a. sacred to the five races; -tantra: -ka, is. T. of a collection of fables in five books; -tapas, a. (ascetic) exposing himself to five fires (one at each cardinal -point, with the sun above); -taya, a. (i) fivefold; -ta', f.fivefold amount; dissolution of the body into the five elements, death; -tirthi f. the five sacred bathing-places; N. of a Tirtha; -trimsat: -3.,f. thirty-five; -tva, is. fiveness; the five elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether; dissolution into the five elements, death: -m gazn, die; -dasi, a. ('i) fifteenth; consisting of fifteen; increased by fifteen; i3f. fifteenth day in a half-month; -dasan, a.p1. fifteen; -dasa-v'rshika, a. fifteen years old; -dasa aha, m. period of fifteen days: i-ka, a. lasting fifteen days; -dh6C, ad. in five parts, fivefold; -dh~tu, is. sg. the five elements. IT~pfifihp-an (or -in), a. pl. fi ve; T. oft/se 14th Lambaka in the Katha'saritsdgara. tf1TA41 panika-nakha, a. having five claws;,in. beast with five claws; -nada, is. land of the five rivers, Panja'b; in.pl. inhabitants of the Panjab; sg. N. of a river; -padi, a. f. having (taken) five steps; fi. five steps; the five strong, cases; -pala, a. weighing five palas: i',f. weight of five palas; -pur'niya a. worth five purinas (a coin); -pushpamaya, a. (i) consisting of five flowers; -phuttika, a. weaving five phuttikas- in a day; in. N.; -bandha, in. fifth part of the value (y" a thing; -ba'na, m. the five-arrowed god, Kflma; -bindu-prasrita, is. kind of figure in dancing. 1T&1 pan-ha-msi, a. (i") fifth; with ainsa, in. a fifth part: -in, ad. for the fifth time; fifthly; mn. fifth (later seventh) note of the Indian scale; a musical mode; fifth consonant of a class, nasal; i', f. fifth day in a fortnight; terminations of the fifth case, word in the ablative; terminations of the imperative. tFVWT't pailka-maya, a. (i') consisting of five (elements); -mshaka (or ika), a. consisting of or amounting to five mfishas; -masya, a. needing five months for its development (seed); -mukha, a. five-faced; having five points (arrow); _Miula, mn. N. of an attendant on1 Dargad; _yama, a. having five courses; -oygani,f. distance of five yoganas; -ritra, n. period of five days; a. (4) lasting five days; is. general designation of the sacred book of Vishnuite sects: -ka, a. lasting five days; -lakshana, a. having five characteristics; -lambaka, m. fT. of the 14th Lambaka in the Katha'saritsadgara; -vata, in. N.; N. of a locality: i', f. id.; -Varga, in. group or series of five; -varna, a. five-coloured; of five kinds; -varsha: -ka, -varshiya, a. five years old; -virshika, a. recurring every five years; -vims&, a. (i) twenty-fifth; consisting of or containing 'twenty-five; -vimsati, f. twenty-five: -tama, a. twenty-fifth; -vidha, a. fivefold; -vs-it, ad. five times; -sata, is. pl. five hundred; consisting of five hundredpanas (fine); paying a fine of five hiundred (panas); fivehundredth: e k~le, in the 5ooth year; is. io5; 500; 3i,f. 500; -sara, in. (five-arrowed'), Kitma; -sikha., a. wearing five top-knots (ascetic); in. N. of an attendant of Siva; -sirsha, a. five-headed. 1T'q pailka-sha, a. five or six; -sattra, N. of a locality; -sahasrni,f. 5000; -skandi., f. sg. pl. the five Skaudas of the Buddhists; -hasta, N. of a locality; -ha'yana, a. five years old. tIMT'qT pdiikaakshara, a. pentasyllabic; - akhy~na: -ka, is. =paiiha-tantra; -_agni, ai. maintaining the five sacred fires; allowing oneself to be scorched by five fires (four kindled towards the quarters, and the sun): -tva, is. aggregate of five fires (i. e. passions); - aiiga, is. five limbs, members, or parts (~) a.' (i) consisting of five limbs or parts; - tmaka, a. consisting of the five elementis: -tva, is. abst. N.; -&nana, in. (five-faced, terrible), lion: iy f. e~p. of Durga'; -a9psaras: -a, is. N. of a lake; - abda Akhya, a. lasting for five years; ( da)ara, a. five-spoked. f~~paiihaldi, in. pl. N. of a people and of a ynasty; i,f. doll. XIWT!TqIq pan-ha avayava, a. five-limbed. tI1 T A paiikft-sa, a. fiftieth: -ka, a. pl- 50; i-kay f. collection of 5o; -sak-khas, ad. by fifties. 150 150WT7?( pan~ka'-sat. tif( pat. 41T1I pafika-sdt, f. [pan-ka-dasat] 50: -a, n., -i,f. id.; -ka, a. fifty years old; -tama, a. 50th; -panika, a. consisting of So panas (fine); -palika, a. weighing 50 palas; (d)bhgga, mn. Both part; (d)-varsha, a. fifty years old. 1T&TIW paiikajsya, a. five-faced; fivepointed (arrow); mn. lion; - ha, mn. period of five days. if r pan-k-in, a. consisting of five parts. Wq 1COTpaniki-karana,n. recluctiontofive, combination with the -five subtle elements. tW~ paiikii-kri, red-Lce to five~,, combine a gross element with all the five subti~le elements. t paika ishu, in. (five-arrowed), Kaima; U1,a. less by five. 1WZ paiiga-ka, mn. N. Xtffl: paiiga-ra, n. cage (alsofig. of anything that confines); grated enclosure, net (p1.); skeleton; body: -ka, n. (l) cage; -kesarin, in. caged lion; -kilana-uyiya, in. principle of eleven birds combined though differing in their individual action setting a cage in motion.; -bhAg, a. caged; -stha, a. id. tZfBT panig-ika', f. commentary explaining and analysing every word. 137 PAT, I. P. pata, split, slit, open (mnt.); ",tear along, fiowrapidly; cs-p~taya,P.break through; tear up; cleave; lacerate, scratch; pluck or tear out; tear or break off; cause to be torn up: pp. patita. ava, es. tear or split up. ud, as. split off; tear out, break off, slit up; draw out of the scabbard; uproot; open wide (eyes); remove', dispel; exterminate; dethrone. sam-ud, es. tear up; pull off; dethrone. vi, es. split; tear; pull out; disperse; uproot; destroy; remove, dispel; tear away, take to one's heels. IWZ pata, in. woven stuff, (piece of) cloth; garment; veil, screen; canvas (for writing or painting on); picture (9O). I1Z~q patak-kara, m.,thief, robber; n.() worn-out garment, rag. xtI[;T'q pata-bhflksha, in. spying instrument; -mnandapa, in. tent; -mnaya, a. (made of canvas), tent. tI'ZW pata-la, n.(?) roof (also iJf); n. cover, veil; basket, hive; mn. n. strip; section (of a book); n. (also II, f.) heap, multitude; mn. diseased membrane on the eye, cataract: - ka, mn. n. cover; casket. 'q4T pata-vasa, in. scented powder; -vesman, n. tent. 'q' pata-ha, in. (n.) [striking or sounding on a membrane], drum, kettle-drum, tabor: -mn bhramaya, da', or diipaya, proclaim by beat of drum; -ghoshaka, mn. one who proclaims publicly by beat of drum; -ghoshanaf public proclamation by beat of drum: -m d or bhramaya, proclaim by beat of drum; A t",f. condition or function of a drum; -prajidghoshana, n., -bhramana, n. id. 'qTW[f pataanta, in. hem of a garment. ti~pat-i, f kind of cloth; -ik', f. woven stuff. t~Ipat-i, f. strip of cloth; stage curtain: -kshepa, in. drawing aside the curtain (on the stage): e-na pra-vis, enter the stage hurriedly. [well suited for (le. or 4T~fpat-lyas, cp very skilful in (0O). ttTpat-ira, in. sandal-tree; sieve. 1TZ pat-u, a. sharp; dazzling; shrill, clear (sound); acute; clever, dexterous, skilful-, skilled in, fitted for (le.); intense, fierce, violent; -karana, a. having sound organs; -ta', f., -tva, n. keenness (of sight); cleverness, dexterity, skill; craft; -mati, a. of keen intellect. vzjw patola, n. kind of cucumber (Triahosanthes dioeca); in. the plant. 1qj patta, in. [pattra] tablet, plate (for writing or painting on); strip of cloth, bandage; frontlet, diadem; cloth; -ka, in. board; plate (for inscrioption); bandage; n. document (inscribed on a plate); -karma-kara,in. weaver; -karman, n. weaving; -ga, n. kind of cloth; -dev'i, f. princess adorned with a diadem; chief consort of a prince. tI[pattana, n. town. ifrrrpatta-nivasana, m. townsman. 'qT patta-va, kind of cloth. tIjk? patta-vastra, n. cloth garment; sala, f. tent; - nt-suka, n. kind of garment (Pr.).!IjTq pattat-ya, den. A&. resemble a tablet of P~). [strip of cloth. lqfOiT patt-ika', f. plate, tablet; bandage, tifP'T pattisa, m. sharp - edged spear; weapon with three points. 'Tt'TWT'4 pattaupa'dhyatya, in. engraver of documents (grants etc.). t PATH, I. P. (E. also A.) patha, recite Naloud; repeat to oneself, study, read; propound, mention, or quote (in a book), designate as, declare to be (ac.); cs. pa'thaya, P. teach to talk; teach to read, instruct in (2 ac.); read; intv. a~ahtppathyate, repeat frequently; study or read assiduously. sam, read. 'q3 path-ana, n. reciting; studying, read-, ing; mentioning; _anlya, fp. to be read. qft WfF pathita-siddha, pp. taking effect as soon as repeated. 'qV~ PA N, L.(. A. pina [par-na, IX. \ from Vpri], buy; bargain; bet, wager; play for (g.); stake (ac.): -yuddham -, hazard a battle. vi, sell; wager, for(g) 'qW pan-a, m. play for a stake (g., le., -0O); bargain, stipulation, compact; stake; wage; a coin of a certain weight:. -m kri, bet; e niias, stake; -ki1a, m. time for play; -kriya',f. stakingy; wager for ( —9): -m kri, stake in play; -bandha, in. conclusion of a comnpact, contract: -na, n., id. 'iJJ4 panava, in.. kind of drum. X[q1!Jfpana-stril,f.venalwoman,prostitute. 1I1!TT panft-ya, den. sell. tqfk!T pan-I', in. [bargainer], niggard, miser: said esp. of those who are stingy at the sacri-.fice and of unbelievers who keep their property to themselves (171); also designation of certain inalevolent demons, guardians of treasure, overcome by the gods and the Afigirases (V., P.); thief, -in the guise of aPurohita (P.). tqfV'pT pan-ita, (pp.) n. wager, for (lc.); stake at play or in a wager. lR~T pan-i-tni, in. trader. 'npanda, in. eunuch, impotent- man: -ka, in. id. panditA, a. learned; wise, shrewd; skilled in (-O); mn. scholar, learned or wise man, Pandit: -ta^,f., -tva, n. wisdom; skill in (-'O); -buddhi, a. philosophic-minded; Mm~nika, -ma~nin, -m-manya, a. considering oneself wise; -sab~ fa assembly of Pandits. tXiM i. pan-ya, fp. to be praised: -ta, f. praiseworthiness. XM~ 2. pdn-ya,fp. to be bought; purchasable; venal; n. article of merchandise, ware; trade; shop; -gana, in. trader; -da^Si,f. hired servant; -yoshit,f. venal woman, prostitute; -vat, a. abounding in merchandise; _VijA S_ 3., f. prostitute; -vithika, -vithi1, f. market; shop; -stri, f. venal woman, prostitute; -ailgani, f. id. t n.PAT, I. P. (E. als A) ita, fly (also fig.); descend; set (sun); alight; throw oneself upon or into (cc., la.); fall down, at the feet (lc.) of (g.); fall, into (ac.), on (lc. or upari with g.); fall from= be deprived of (heaven), to (ac., lc.); go down to hell (lc. or adhah); fall morally; lose rank or caste; fall upon (gaze); happen (misfortune); get into (lc.),: pp. patita, fallen; - on (lc., -'), from (.c;deprived of caste; fallen among, got into (lc., ~);Cs. V. pat~ya, P. fly; wing; A. strike down; pa't~ya, P. (A.) cause to fly; hurl, cast at (lc.); throw (dice); let fly; cause to descend, bring down (axe, staff?) on (g. ~ upari, or le.); dash (the fingers) into (la.); inflict (punishinent) on (lc.); shed, evoke (tears); pour out (water); cast down from (ab.); throw oneself down; strike off (head); dash out (teeth); overthrow; throw down; cast, into (ac., lc.); divide in two (dvedhgi); cause to enter, put into (la.); set (fire) to; place upon (lc.); apply a measuring line (sfttra); direct (the gaze) towards (lc.); hurl, cast (a curse etc.) at (lc.); cause to fall, ruin, bring trouble on; cause to go down to hell (lc.); cause to lose its value, depreciate in price (arthatah); seduce to (lc.); introduce, set going: pp. patita; des. pipatisha, pitsa, P. be about to fly. ati, fly past; neglect; go beyond, not come under (a conception or category). anu, fly along to (ac.); fly after, follow, pursue (also fig.); cs. drag down with one to hell. abhi, fly up to, rush towards or at;.- fall or get into (ac.).- ava, fall, fly, or leap down, on (lc.); as. throw down. abhi ava, fly near. a^, fly up to (cc.); rush up; fall. into or on (ac., la.); occur unexpectedly, happen; come upon, befal (g.); appear (2 amn.); seem to (g.); as. throw down upon (la.); strike down; shed (tear-s). abhi 9, hasten up; rush at (ac. + prati). sam-A, come flying up; rush at (ac.). ud, fly -upwards; start or spring up; arise; depart hastily; leap forth, gush out; issue from (ab.); escape. anujid, start up after (ac.). abhi ud, fly up to (ac.); rush towards. sam-ud, fly up together; assail; rise (sun); gather (clouds); spring up; arise; disappear. upa, fly or hasten to (ac., le.). ni, fly down, alight, on (lc.); fall down at the feet (lc.) of (g.); rush at, fall upon (cc., lc.); rush or plunge into (la.); get into (lc.); fall among (la.); flow into (la.); fall down, upon (g. ~ upari, orle) into (ac., lc.); fall, alight (gaze) on (la.); range oneself or come under the head of (lc.): take place, occur; befal (le.), fall to aiey one s lot; as. cause to fall down; cast, hudj, or shoot down, upon (lc.); bring down upor.~ (la.) =smite with (stick); fix (the teeth)t in. (lo.); drop; spit out; overthrow, ruin;Arilke xrq,,. pat. ITT Pad. 151 W( pat. 1 pad. 151 down, kill, destroy; raise (tribute) from (ab.); direct (the gaze); set down specially as anomalous, regard as an anomaly (gr.). Upaiii, occur in addition; -be mentioned incidentally. pra-ni, prostrate oneself before, salute reverently (ac., d., lc.); es. cause to prostrate oneself. vi-ni, fly down, alight on (lc.); fall into (ic.); fall upon, assail, attack; as. cast down; chop off (head); strike down, kill; ruin, destroy. sam-ni, fly down, descend, alight, on (le.); come together, fall in with., meet, with (in. ~ saha); as. cast or shoot down, discharge; convene, assemble, bring together. niis, fly out, of (ab.); rush or fall out, depart, issue, from (ceb.); fly away. vi-nis, fly or rush out; come forth, issue; run away, double. parMA, fly off or away; disperse (clouds); fly past; fly or hasten towards; hasten up, arrive; fail. anu-parm., fly along beside (ac.). pari, fly or rush about; fall upon (la.); rush upon (lc.); leap down from (ab.); as. shoot off; throw into (lc.). vi-pari, fly about. pra, fly away or along; fall; get into (lc.); fall or fly down upon (ac., le.). prati, fly or hasten towards (ac.). vi, fly along; be cleft, split; cs. discharge (arrows);, strike off; strike down, kill. sam, fly or hasten together; meet, come into conflict, with (in.); fly away to (ac.); walk about. Wr2. PAT, IV. A. pm'tya, (V.) be lord of, '-have power over, possess (ac., in.); share in, be associated with (lc.); be of use or serve for (d.); serve as, be anything. abhi, possess. IWI pat-a, m. flight (only O.): -ga, m. [moving by flight], winged creature, bird: rga - ivara, m. lord of birds, ep. of Garuda. WPTj~ patam-gd, a. flying; m. bird; winged insect; grasshopper, butterfly.; esp. moth; sun: -kanta (pp.) m. sun-stone; -graxma, m. N. of a village. T11M patam-gama, m. moth. WIR7 patamga-rad, a. bird-like. Wi~~fpatamga-vritti, f. behaviour of th mtheight of folly; a. behaving like a moth, extremely foolish. wq'RfMr patailgali, m. N. of a grammarian (the celebrated autthor of the Mcehdbhd'shya) and of aphilosopher (foundor of the Sdrflchya system). Wlf?I~ pat-at, pr. pt. flying; m. bird. 1rTTI pdta-tra, n. wing; feather. Wff`~pfatatr-in, a. winged, flying; m. bird; arrow. [spittoon. 'q~lgpatad-graha, m. (catching what falls), Wq'R'q pt-ana, n. flying, flight; flying or falling down, descent, fall, from (ab.), into (lc. or-'~); casting oneself (into, -') prostration (at, -9); hanging down, flaccidity (of the breasts); fall, ruin; getting into (lc.): -sila, a. accustorned to fall down. #1!MlT patan-'iya, a. leading to a loss of caste; n. crime producing loss of caste. tq'R~g pat-dya, cs. of Vi. pat, P. fly along; A. strike down. a^, fly to. vi, P. open (mnt.). 1q'fTqiT patftka, f. flag, banner: -M labh, carry off the palm among (la.); episode in a drama; - amnsuka, n. flag; -danda, mn. flagstaff, tr'rifqj'f. patftk-in, a. bearing a flag; m. ensign-bearer; flag; car: 41,f. army. 'q'O pdt-i, ni. owner, master, lord, ruler; husband. tRf#1iT patim-varal, f. one who chooses her own husband. [husband-slaying. IcIftIf pati-ka, -9s a. husband; -ghnil, a.f. Xif~jfI pat-ita, pp.V. pat; n. flight: -vritta, pp. living as an outcast; -sa'Vitrnika, a. having neglected the Shvitrl, i. e. having omitted investiture with the sdcred cord; -sthita, pp. lying on the ground; - utthita, pp. shipwrecked and rescued. if pati-tva', n. matrimony, wedlock; -darsana-1Wasa, a. desirous of seeing her husband; -devata', a.f. making a god of -, idolizing her husband;..dharma, m. duty to a husband; -pra'na, a. f. whose life is her husband; -lafimghana, n. conjugal infidelity in a wife; -1Wasa, a. longing for her husband; devoted to her husband; -loka, Tn. world or abode of the husband (after death); -vamsya, a. belonging to the husband's family; -vatnil, a. f. having a husband; N. married woman, wife; -vrata, n. fidelity to a husband: 9, a.f. faithful or devoted to her husband: -maya, a. consisting in a faithful wife; -suk, f. mourning for a husband; -sthaina, n. husband's place; -stha'niya, a. belonging to or being in the husband's place; m. husband's representative. 'q' pat-tana, n. town. tj~f-f pat-tif, m. pedestrian; foot-soldier: -karman, n. business of the infantry. 'Wi pat-tra, n. wing; feather (also of an arrow).; vehicle (car, horse, or~ camel); (plumage of a tree), leaf, petal; leaf prepared for writing on (-in a~opaya =put on paper); letter, document; foil of metal; ornamental lefpainted with ():-ka(ik') = pattra -0 a.; -k/khedya, a.having its feathers plucked out; n. a hind of artistic skill (?); -pati, m. ep. of Garuda; ~-puta, m. n.: i-ka', f. leaf rolled up into a funnel-shape; -bhafiga, mt. streaks painted with musk and other fragrant substances on the face or parts of the body; -ratha,. m. (riding on wings), bird: indra, m. lord of birds, ep. of (Garuda: -kietu, m. havingGaruda as his badgeVishnu; -rekh&,f. =-bhafiga; -1ata',f. id.; N.; -lekh^, f. id.; N.; -v'ha, m. (borne on wings), bird; arrow; -viseshaka, m. (?) leaf-like painted mark; -veshta, m. hind of earring; a ska, or. vegetable with leaves; - air,f.= -ba -a; hra m.pl. feeding o-n leaves. xif-44T pattr-ikft, f. leaf for writing on; letter, note; document.,1qfl~tpatterin, a. winged; feathered, with (0;m. bird; airow. RW pattra frna, n.- bleached silk; cloth or garment ofbleached silk. tqjqJ prlt-n-i f. mistress, lady; wife; female of animals.: -ka, -' a. id.; -vat, a. possessed of a wife or wives; accompanied by his wife; -s61a, a., af. shed on the sacrificial ground for the wives and domestic rites of the sacrificers. XJMVpdt-man, n. path, course. RM PATYA, v. 2. PAT. j~dt-van, a. (-)flying; nr. flight. tI7UW*: patsu-tah, ad. at the feet: -si, a. lying at the feet. 1q q PATH, as. ap-atlmaya, P. bring into N a path (ac.). RW.,pdth (weak base; pinthan, strong base: V. also a~t~ pat hi,middle base), m. road, way, path (also fig.); journey; right way (also fig.); a hell: panthinam da, make way for (g.); pathi, on the way: - ni as, throw down on the road = abandon. 1TW path-a, m. way, road, path (~) t'I Tfif~T patha atithi, m. traveller. tif'Wrq pathi-ka, m. wanderer, traveller: -sirtha, m. company of travellers. tiwi pathi-krit, a. preparing the w"y -mat, a. containing the word I'pmth,;' -rakshi, a. guarding the paths. X1R(k1aThMpahpadesaka, m. guide(Pr.). Wf~ path-ya, a. (relating to or fit for the way or progress of a thing), customary, regular; proper, suitable; salutary; advantageous; 9,f. path, way: - revitli, bounteous path, personified as genius of plenty. XTR'T patbi asana, n. victuals for the jourhiey; - asin, a. eating wholesome diet; - odana, m. id. tj~PAD, IV. (P.) A. pidya, fall, - down, Noff; or out; perish (V.); go to (ac.); es. pa~d6yay P. A. cause to fall; des. -pitsa, A.; intv. pan"'padyate. ati, go beyond (ac.); skip =postpone to (in.); neglect. anu, follow; resort to (ac.); befal (ac.); agree to, approve (ac.). sam-anu, enter. abhi, betake oneself or come up to, draw near to, reach (ac.); seek the protection of (ac.); seize, gain possession of; fall upon, assail; attain., acquire; accept; resort to, give oneself up to (ac.). ava, fall down or off; be deprived of (ab.); come to grief: pp. avapanna, fallen upon by a~), approach, enter; betake oneself to (ac.); fall or get in t, attain, undergo a condition (ac.); obtain, acquire; fall into misfortune; be the case; happen; evam, Apadyate, that is the case: pp. a~panna, falleninto, having obtained (ac., -O; rarely la.); unfortunate; happened; es. bring into, reduce or subject to (ac., la.); cause to undergo a condition (ac.); bring into misfortune, ruin; procure; produce, cause; obtain; make, change into (2 ac.). abhi a, get into (ac.). prati 9, return. vi 'a, fall away, perish: pp. disrddspoiled; perished, dead; as. injure; destroy; kill. samn-a, assail; fall into, undergo a condition; occur, take place: pp. arrived, come. ud, spring up, arise, be produced, be obtained; be born, from (ab.); become; happen, appear; begin: pp. utpanna, produced, from ( —); born of (la.); begotten by (in., ~O;arisen, occurred; existing, presenting itself; ready, complete; as. P. (Ak.) engender, produce; bring forth, beget; compose; procure; raise (a lawsuit); cause; shed (blood). prati ud, pp. present (mind); ready. viu~d, arise; be derived etymologically (gr.): pp. developed,learned, experienced; versed in (in.); es. produce, cause; derive, explain etymologically (gr.); discuss in detail. sam-ud, be born, of (la.); arise, appear: pp. born, begotten by (ab.) on (lc.); arisen; come (time); es. produce, cause. upa, come to (ac., la.); go to a teacher, apprentice oneself as a pupil to (ac., g.); attain, enter upon (ac., d.); befal (g.); take place, occur, appear; exist; be possible; be suitable or proper for, be worthy of (g., lc.): pp. existing, present; come to pass, turned out (differently, anyntha'); suitable, fitting, appropriate, natural; possessed of, endowed with (in. or — 9); sarvatah -, supplied with everything; as. bring any one (ac.) to a condition (ac.); present; bestow on, give to (d., lc.); bring about, manage, accomplish; make suitable, prepare; provide 152 152 i pad.'~TTm panay-ya. (ac.) with (in.), cause anything (ac.) to be accompanied by (in.); make, declare to be (ac.); find out, prove. abhiupa, come to the assistance of, help (ac.); implore the help of (ac.): pp. withb act. mg. prattupa, pp. present. sam-upa, be accomplished; undergo, experience; cs. prepare. nii, lie down, rest; sleep with (ac.); cs. lay down. nis, fall out; spring up, arise; ripen; be accomplished: _pp. uishpanna, derived, from (ab.); accomplished; ripe; prepared, ready; finished; e.P.. (A.) produce; cause to ripen; accomplish, execute, perform: ra'gyam -,rule. abhi-uis, enter into, reach; turn into (ac.); appear:_pp. already existing. pari-nis, turn into (nm.): p~p. existing. pra, enter; set out on a path (ac.); come or betake oneself to, resort to (ac.); seek the help of, seek refuge with (ac.); get into (a condition), incur, undergo; attain; assume (a form); obtain as a husband (ac.); adopt or embrace (a doctrine); undertake, take in hand (cc., lc.); begin (time); succeed, turn out (differently, auyatha'); admit (a claim): pp. acknowledged; provided with (in.); cs. cause to enter, lead into (ac., lc.); des. prapitsa, P. wish to enter into (ac.); A. be about to begin. auu-pra, turn to for aid, seek refuge with; enter after any one (ac.); follow, comply with (cc.): pp. with act. my. abhi-pra, enter; hasten to (ac.); seek the protection of (cc.): _pp. with act, my. sam-pra, enter into (cc.) together; succeed. prati, enter; go or resort to, arrive at (cc.); come back to (ac.); return; get into a condition (ac.); obtain, gain; receive, take upon oneself; recover; receive back, restore to favour; practise, perform, accomplish; behave towards (ac., g., lc.); make, render (2 cc.); befal (cc.); restore; perceive, ascertain, learn; consider; aceede to, comply with; avow; promise, agree to (cc.); say yes, consent (tatha or tathi iti); begin to speak; commence with (in.); answer, give an answer (uttaram); autarena -,step between (cc.); anyath& -, have a wrong opinion of any one, (cc.); tad-abhedena -, consider anything (cc.) as not different from that: pp.. arrived, come (time); familiar with (lc.); known; having promised; admitted (debt); acknowledged; offered; Cs. lead to (ac.); procure; bestow on (2 ac.); give, deliver to (d., g., lc.); give in marriage; produce, cause; teaob, set forth, explain; consider, regard as (2 cc.); des. wish to obtain. abhi-prati, begin with, mention first (ac.). vi-prati, go in different directions, wander about, roam (senses); be confounded; diverge in opinion. sam-prati, go to (cc.); befal; devote oneself to (ac.); agree to (cc.); consider, regard as (2 cc.) perform: pp. acknowledged. vi, fall asunder; fail, miscarry, come to nought; perish; die: _pp. vipanna, unfortunate; perished; es. kill. Sam, befal (d., g.); be accomplished or fulfilled, succeed, prosper; amount together to (cc.); become; conduce to, produce (d.); combine; meet with, get, obtain (in.); enter into, be united with (cc., lc.); attain, acquire (cc.): pp.- simpanna, befallen; accomplished; complete, perfect; fully conversant with, thoroughly skilled in (lc., -.O)'; palatable, dainty (-tara, cpv. extremely -); endowed or provided with (-tas, in., -.O); arisen, existing (0-); cs. P. (A'.) convey to, procure for (d., g.); prepare (food); produce; perform; complete; practise (obedience) towards (g.); turn into (2 ac.); endow or provide with (in.); agree; attain. abhi-sam, become, amount to (ac.); equal; attain: pp. agreeing with (in.); cs. make equal, turn into. upa-sam, reach; attain: pp. endowed with, possessed I Of (in., 0-); fully conversant with (-a); living in the same house; es. procure. lf~< pdd, m. (strong base pad; f.0a. pad or padi) foot; step; quarter: in. sg., du., p1. also on foot. 17< pad-6, (in.) n. step; stride; footstep; trace; mark, sign; footing, place, abode, home; station, position, office; dignity, rank; object (of contempt, dispute, etc.); cause, occasion; foot (also as a measure); quarterverse; word; nominal base before consonant terminations (so-called because treated like a word in external Sandhi); word-reading, Of the Veda (in which the words are given separately irrespective of the rules of Sandhi): padam, kri, set foot on, enter (ic.); have a regard for (prati); have to do with (lc.): - mfirdhui, place one's foot on the bead of (g.) = overcome, surpass, hridaye or kitte -, take complete possession of the heart or mind; pada &-a, gain ground; - dha, gain a footing; - ni-dhi, set foot on =make an impression on (lc.): - padavy~m, set foot on the path Of= emulate (g.); padam ui-bandh = engage in (Ic.); pade pade, at every step, everywhere, on every occasion. lT~i pada-ka,,n. step; office, position; -krama, m. kind of gait; peculiar method of' reciting and writing the Veda; -gati, f. gait; -ktilna, n. footprint; -ti, f. original forin of a word; condition of a word; -nya'sa, m. putting down the foot, step; footprint; inditing of verses; (i)-pafikti, f. series of footsteps, track; a metre (5 x 5 syllables); series of words; -paddhati, f. series of footsteps, track; -pa'th a, m. word-reading, a modev of reciting and writing the -Veda in which every word is given in its original form irrespective of Sandhi; -pu.rana, a. versefilling; -y6paua, a. (i1) pace-retarding; -rakau, f.arnement of words, literary work; -vigraha, m. separation of words; -vid, a. (knowing the place), familiar with (g.). ~I#TT pada-vi', m. (nnm. -s) leader, guide ( V.);f (nin. i) track, path; way or road, to (-'O); sphere, ken (of eyes, ears, memory); post, office: -m abhi i, tread the path of (.) equal, resemble; - pr;Op or sam -ruh, enter the path of, devote oneself to ( a,0) enter the path of, become an object of, e. g. laughter(0) 'q~fff pada-vrittijf. hiatus between two words in a sentence. 'q!JIT( pada-sas, ad. step by step, by degrees; word for word. TI~(TI~ pada-sflstra, is. science of words written separately in. the Veda; -sreni, f line of footsteps, track. VONf~ pada-samdhi, in. euphonic combination of words; -stha, a. pedestrian; invested with office; -sthania, m. footprint; -sthita, _pp. invested with office. '.~TT pada af'ka, in. footprint. tmjfff pad-fit-i, a. Egoing (Vat) on foot], being on foot, pedestrian; m. foot-soldier; -in, a. consisting of or provided with foot. soldiers; m. foot-soldier; (-Mti)-1ava, m. (nonentity of a =) humble servant. tj~TJW pada anuga, a. following on the heels of (g.); pleasant to ( —P); in.. attendant; - anusa~sana, is. science of words; - nta, m. end of a quarter-verse; end of a word, final; - antara, is. another word; interval of a step: e sthitvi, stopping after a step; - nveshin, a. following a track. I I IRT pada artha, m. thing corresponding to a word,substance, object; subject, topic; category (ph.); meaning of a word. tT~Tgif pada Aval'i, f. series of pftdas or words; - Avritti, f. repetition of a word; repetition-of the same word with another meaning (h) W~fc pad-dhati, f. [pad-hati, foot-tread], track, trace; way, path (also fig.); line, row; guide (a class of manuals). tIM pad-ma, in. is. lotus flower (which closes atnight: nelumbium speciosumn); lotus-shaped array; kind of sitting posture during religious absorption; one of the nine treasures of Kubera; iooo billions; N. of a Ndga; N.; ^,f. the Lotus-coloured, ep. of the goddess of fortune, Sri. Xmqpadma-ka, in. NT.; kind of sitting posture during religious absorption; is. a tree; -ki'ta, m. N. of afairyprince; -kosa, m. calix of a day-lotus; position of thefJingers resembling the calix of a lotus; -kosa'-ya, den. A. resemble the calix of a d ay-lotus; -khanda, n. group of day-lotuses; -garbha, in. (produced from a lotus), ep. o~f Brahman, Vishnu, and iSiva; N.; inside of a lotus; is. Lotus-filled, N. of a lake; tAAf. condition of a day-lotus; -darsana, m. (lotus-like), NV.; -uf.bha, m. (having a lotus in his navel), ep. of Vishnu; N.; -nidhi, in. one of the nine treasures of Kubera (also personified); -nibh Jikshana, a. having lotus-like eyes; -pura, is. N. of a city; -prabha', f. N.; -mihira, m. N. of a historian; -yoni, m. (sprung from a lotus), ep. of Brahma; -rati, m. N.; -raiga, in. (lotus-coloured), ruby: -ka, m. id.; -raiga, Mn. N.; -lekha^,f. N.; -varkas, a. lotus-coloured; -varna, a. id.; -vishaya, in. N. of a country; -vesha, m. N.; -vyikosa, n. breach of a certcin shape; -sekhara, m. N. of a prince Of the Gandharvas; -sr'l, f. N.; -samka'sa, a. lotus-like; -sadman, m. (seated on a lotus), ep. of Brahma; -saras, is. lotus-lake; N. of a lake; -sena, m. N.; -sva'min, ra. N. of a shrine. TAE padm'a fkara, int. group of daylotuses; -_aksha, a. ('I) lotus-eyed; - di-tva, n. condition of a lotus etc. VUIWIf~ padmfi-vat-'i, f. ep. of Lakshmi;: N.; ep. of Uggayint in the Arita age; T. Of the 17th Lambaka in the Katha'saritsdgara. tI;AT'[iM padma~sana, n. lotus-seat; kind of sitting posture in religious cbsorption. Xftvpadm-in, a. spotted (elephant): _i'f. lotus (nelumbium speciosum: flower &plant); multitude of lotuses; lotus-pond: -khanda, n. group of lotuses. 1I~Tpadm-i'shthft, (spv.) f. N. 4 padma jdbhava, a. produced from a lotus; m. ep. of iBrahma; N. 'q' pdd-ya, a. relating to the foot; n. verse. til pad-va, (~-.) a. (i) inclined towards (le.). 1T(~?, pad-vdt, a. having feet, running; n. running animals. lt-1 PAN, I.. piana, be admirable; ad-, mire; es. panaya, P.. A. admire; praise; A.rejoice at (ac., g.): pp. panithi, admired; praised. 1 M I panasa, m.- breadfruit-tree; n. itsfruit. XM pan-as-yd, A.. be admirable. tIMrT pan-fiya, A. show to be admirable. ~Wpangy-ya,fp.astonishing,admiriible 1q~ pan-u. inqf para-yoshit. 153 1q~ pan-ul (or -i1), f. admiration, praise. WRI;T pdnth-fl, in., v. pdth. 4W4 I i~ pdnth-an, v. pdth. 1Cif pan-na, pp. Vpad: -gi, m. (low-going), (i, f.) snake; snake-demon: -maya, a. (i) consisting of snakes, -r' a, in. king of the snake-demons, - idra, in. id., -Jsvara, m. id. 1I~s pdn-ya, fp. wonderful: -tama, spy. tiflti pd-pr-i, a. [A/ x. pri] bestowing (ac.,g) IWqT pampft, f. N. of a river and of a lake: -par~v^ ra, in. ocean of milk. XM:wrf payah-pfina, n. drinking or draught of milk; -putra, mi. quantity of water. ti4~ paiy-as, n. [1/2. p'h juice, fluid; vital sap, strength; milk; water; rain. XMI payas-ya, a. made from milk; a, f. clotted milki, curds. tI'4E~?ff. pdyas-vat, a. juicy, full of sap; abounding in milk. tigft~cpayas-vin, a. id.: -i, f. cow yielding abundance of miW. Ii ~payo-da, a. yielding milk; water-giving; in. cloud; -dhara, m. (water-bearing), id.; (milk-yielding.), female breast; udder: 3i-bhft-, become an udder. tp~t ff~t payodbara unnati, f. high bosom and rise of clouds. W~iftVTT payo- dhftrt, f. shower of water; -dhi, in. water reservoir; sea; -nidhi, in. sea; -bhrit, m. (water-bearing), cloud; -maya, a. consisting of water; -mukha, a. having milk on the surface; -muk, a. yielding milk; in. (water-discharging), cloud; -raya, m. torrent; -rahsi, m. ocean; -va~ha, m. (watercarrying), cloud; -vrata, a. subsisting on milk only as a vow. [warm). IF tay~]uh'.Nf river (milkIW! pdr-a, a. [leading beyond: 1-2. pri], i. of place: farther, than (ab.); remoter, ulterior; opposite (shore); next (life); 2. of time: past, previous; future, subsequent; following (ab.); latest, extreme (age), high (time); 3. of amount: exceeding, more than (ab., -0); remaining over; 4. of sequence: following, coming next after (ab.,.-O); re_peated: each successive; 5. of degree: superior, higher, better, worse, than (ab.; rarely — 9); supreme, pre-eminent, best; utmost, deepest, greatest; 6. of range: transcending (ab.); 7. of relation: other; alien, strange, hostile; different, from (ab.); m. descendant; stranger; adversary, foe, enemy; universal soul, the Absolute; a. remotest distance; height, summit, acme; supreme bliss; extreme limit (-'0); further or wider meaning of a word ( — a. synonymous with); chief aim, main thing: -,a. having - as the main thing =-intent on, absorbed in, deeply affected with, mainly consisting in, chiefly meant for, altogether based on; -in, ad. afterwards, subsequently; beyond, after (ab.); highly, excessively; completely; at the most; nothing but, only; however, but; atah param, beyond that; after that; next; hereafter; still further; itah param, henceforth; tatah or tatas ka -, id.; thereupon; n;_smit param, no more of that, enough; na param - api, not only-but also; na param-ya'vat, not only-but even; yadi param, if at all, perhaps; param, tu or kim, tu, however, but; param na -api na, not only not -but also not. t'f~ param-sakti, f.: only in. with all one's iht; to the best of one's ability. W!TZWT para-kath',f~pl-talk about others; -kara-gata, pp. being in the hands of another or others; -karman, n. service for others; -kalatra abhigamana, n. adultery; -karya, a. another person's business or affair; -kala, a. belonging to a later time, subsequent. W~YTparak-ilya, a. belonging to another or others; hostile. WqTI~f para-krita, pp -done or committed by another; -kriti,f. act of another; analogous case, precedent; -kritya, a. another person's business or affair; a. belonging to the enemy's party, supporting the enemy's cause: -paksha, mn. hostile party; -kslaetra, a. anothier's field; another man's wife; -gata, pp. belonging to another; -ga'min, a. benefiting another; relating to another (adjective); -guna, in. p1. or `~, other people's merits: -gra'hin, a. recognising the merits of others; -geha-vgsa, in. sojourn in another's house; -1nf. laxity of the enemy. tif~ipara-kintft, f. thought for others; -kkhidra, a. an other's failings or weak points; -gana, mn. stranger; -tantra, a. dependent on another; dependent on (-3: -kri, make dependent; make over to another, sell. WCKfR' para-tara, cpv. greater, more. WqT~( para-tas, ad. i. = ab. of para, a. highest; belonging to another; m. stranger; 2. further; henceforward, afterwards; high up; with ab. high above, over (of power or rank); after (of time); itas -paratas, here-there; before -after. [gree. IT<'f para-tft,f. absoluteness; highest de4I4,-f para-toshayitri, a. seeking to please others. Xi<' para-tra, ad. in the other world, hereafter; below (in a book): -bhiru, a. anxious about the'next world. 'qT para-tvd, n. remoteness; posteriority; superiority, to (g.); intentness on (.) 'Ti~T7 para-dftra,min.sg. &.pl. anotherman's wife; adultery; -dfishana, m. ruin of the foe, peace in which the enemy seizes the revenue of the country; -desa, in. another place; foreign country; enemy's territory; -dosha-giia, a. knowing the faults of others; -dravya, n. p1. goods of others: - apaharaka, a. stealing others' property; -droha, in. hostility towards others: -karma-dhli, a. injuring others in deed or thought; -dhana, n. another's property; -dharma, in. law or duties of auother or of another caste; another's peculiarity. TK~TIq param-tapa, a. vexing the foe; N. of a prince of lMagadha. 'RW para-paksha, in. party of the enemy; -patni', f. another's wife; -parigrahia, m. another's property; another's wife; -paribhava, mn. humiliation of others; -pariva'da, in. speaking ill of others; -pka, in. another's food or table; -piada, n. another's cake; -puram-gaya, a. COn quering the city or cities of the foe;..puruslha, mn. another man, stranger; -pushta, (pp.) mn. Indian cuclvoo: A, f.; N. of a princess; -pushta-maya, a. (i) being a perfect cuckoo; -pf'rva',f. woman having had another husband before, woman previously married: -pati, in. husband of a woman married before;.prayogana, a. useful to or benefiting others. iiT para-brahman, a. supreme Brahman; -bh Aam supreme state, pre-eminence: -ta, f. high position, pre-eminence; -bhagyaupagivin, a. living on another's fortune; -bh f~mishtha, a. abiding in a foreign country; -bhftshana, in., v. r. for -d~shana; -b rt, (p., nourished by others), in, ~ f.Indian cuckoo: -maya, a. consisting altogether of cuckoos; -bhedana, a. foe-piercing. 1IFi1 pama-md, spv, farthest, remotest, extreme, last; highest, chief, primary; supreme, transcendant; most excellent, best, greatest; worst; better, greater, worse, than (ab.); a. extreme limit; chief aim, main thing: only —' a. amounting at the most to; wholly occupied with, doing nothing but, solely intent on, engrossed with: -in, ad. very well, yes (expressing assent); 0-, ad. extremely, exceedingly, greatly, very. 'TC;2RFi parama-ka, a. most excellent, supreme, highest, best, greatest; worst. lqKRiir para-mata, n. opinion of others. Ti~RWT paramd-ta', f. highest position, supremacy; summit, highest aim; -dahruna, a. very dreadful; -duhkhita,pp. deeply afflicted. 'M(9WR? para-manyu-mat, a. deeply distressed; -marma-gu'a, a. knowing the secret designs of others. IWTR;3IFparama-pums, mn. supreme soul, ep. o~f Vishnu; -purusha, in. id. RIMMfi parama ishi, in. great sage. 'qTRpatramarasobhb~ana, a. exceedingly beautiful; -samhrishta, pp. exceedingly rejoiced; -hainsa, mn. ascetic of the highest order; universal soul; -akshara,ni. syllable om or the Ahsolute; - angana', f. most excellent woman. 'Ti~F~ paramaa~n-L, mn. infinitesimal portion, atom: -ta, f atomic nature, -ka'ranava'da, m. doctrine of atoms, Vaiseshika system. WqT(FT~V paramaftman, m. supreme or universal soul; - am-& f. -tva, a. abst. Nr.; - ananda, in. supreme joy -anna, a. (best food), rice boiled in milk; 0!9pad, f. greatest misfortune; - artha, in. highest or whole truth, true sta-te of the case, reality: '~., -tas, in., ab. in reality, -bhag, a. possessed of the highest truth. q-,W paramaqjsvara, in. mighty or SUpreme lord, prince; God: ta, f. -tva, a. sovereignty, lordship. tfwparame-shth-in, a. standing at the head or in the highest place, supreme; mn. lord, ep. of various gods or divine beings. W'WT;R paramaishugsa, in. excellent bowman;.-pAsaa, in. zealous Buddhist layman. para-in-para, a. one after another, successive: -i, ad. in regular succession; J f. uninterrupted line, unbroken series, regular succession; mediateness: in. indirectly; (A&)-pripta, pp. handed down by tradition, &y Au, -pp. id. tiiKWf?I. para-yoshit, f. wife of another man; -ramana, in. second lover, paramour; -loka, in. the other or future world: - arthin, a. seeking heaven; -vat, i. ad. like a stranger; -vat, 2. a. depending on another; ready to obey (lc.); dependent on (in., g.); devoted to, a prey to (-o): -t', f. readiness to gratify or obey, complaisance; -varga, in. party of others; -vasa, a. dependent on the will of another, subservient; overpowered by, a prey to(o) -as kri, overcome; _v~kya, a. fault of another; -vada, in. talk of others, rumour; detraction; objection; -vi~ra-han, a. slayer of the warriors of the enemy; -vykshepin, a. scattering foes; -vyuiha-vina5 -ana, in. destroyer of th~e ranks of thle enemy. x 154 iqliM para-s'u. 1if4lqS pari-kaya. 1T3[ para-su, m. axe, hatchet: (u)-mat, a. provided with an axe; -rama, m. Rama with the axe, ep. of Rama, son of Gamadagni. 1qKNIv parasvadha, m. axe, hatchet. rTIiS. para-svas, ad. day after to-morrow. tK'[WT parah-sati, a. more than 0oo; containing more than Ioo verses. 1IK. par-as, (V.) ad. [A/2. pri: cp. tir-as] further, beyond, away, afar; in future, later; prp. with ac. beyond,more than; with in.,id.; without; with ab. beyond, except. W1TTi' parasat-kri, make over to another man, marry a girl to. T45qT para-seva, f. service of others. IKkFIITT paras-taram, ad. further. Kri`T?( pards-tat, ad. prp. with g. afar, further, beyond; above, higher than; from above, before, or behind; afterwards, later: (d) avagamyata eva, what follows can be guessed.;'IWT' para-sthana, n. foreign country; strange place.!~K~I para-s-para, a.: ac. each other; in. by or with each other; g. of each other; ~-tas, -m, ad. each other, mutually; -gna, a. knowing one another, intimate; -vyavritti,f. mutual exclusion; -sthita, pp. standing opposite each other; -'din, a. devouring one another; -amisha-ta,f. condition of being one another's prey; - sraya, m. mutual dependence,petitio principii; a. mutual; -lupakara, m. mutual benefit. T9I['F parasmai-pada, n. (word for another), transitive form, personal endings of the active (gr.). 1'-I para-sva, n.sg. &pl.property ofothers: - adayin, a. appropriating the property of others. I1:n[i:i parah-sahasra (or ra), a.pl. more than a thousand. '1if'T para-hita, n. welfare of others. tr^T para, ad. backward, away, forth, off (verbal prp. and nominal prefix). 1iTTi; parak (or A), n. of parAik. MCqR i parak-a, distance: Ic. at a distance; ab. from a distance, far; m. kind of penance. tRTTijT para-krama, m. sg. & pI. bold advance, valour; power, strength, might; prowess; forcible means; N. of a fairy prince; -kramin, a. valorous, mighty.;[TTl para-ga, m.sg.&pl. [going forth, dispersing], pollen; dust; -gamana, n. departure; -g-in, a. having pollen. xnTTf para afga, m. hinder part of the body. W;Ts[ paraf-mukha, a. (i) having one's face averted; turning one's back upon (g.), fleeing from (ab.); averted (gaze); averse from, not caring for, avoiding, indifferent to (prati, g., Ic., -~); adverse: -ta, f. aversion of the face; -tva, n. aversion, to (-~); i-obhu, avert the face, flee; not care for (g.); become adverse (fate). U4TTqt" parak-i, f. of parank. i#q 'rI' parfk-ina, a. averted; being beyond; indifferent to (ab.); unsuitable: -m, ad. beyond, away from (ab.); after (ab.); more. qTTt, parakais, ad. (in. pl. of paraak-a) aside, away: daure -, far away. 1TiT;T para-gaya, m. deprivation, loss, of (ab., -~); defeat; loss of a lawsuit; subjugation, conquest of (g., -~); -gi-shnu, a. victorious.;qTpT part ank, a. turned away, turning the bacl, averted; standing behind one another; departing; following after (ab.); passed away, irrevocable; n. parak (ii) ad. lTTfl~T paranik-in, a. not returning. lTTW para itman, m. supreme soul. prVTf'iTi paraadhikara, m. another's office or post: -karka, f. interference with another's concerns, officiousness; -ajdhina, a. dependent on another, subject,subservient; dependent on (-~); engaged or absorbed in, engrossed by (-~): -ta, f. dependence, subjection. R'T1 paraanna, n. food of another: -bhogin, a. eating the food of another, living at another's cost. TT iT; para apara, n. the further and the nearer; the earlier and the later (cause and effect); the higher and the lower, the better and the worse: -t, f. condition of being both genus and species; absoluteness and relativity; -tva, n. id.; priority and posteriority; absoluteness and relativity.:VtRT;I ' para-bhavd, m. departure; disappearance; defeat, overthrow; humiliation, frustration, mortification (by, in., ab.); -bhava, m. defeat; (para)-bhiuti, f. defeat, humiliation, mortification (by, ab., -~). T11W5t para-marsa, m. injury; assault, attack, on (g., l., -~); relation to; recollection; reflexion, consideration. x1lrT'q par'ayana, n. I. departure; 2. (avayana), highest aim, last resort, refuge; chief thing, essence; determining agent (of, g.); a certain work; a. -~, wholly occupied with, intent on, devoted to, engrossed by, exclusively referring to, a. being the last refuge for (g.). 1TT'i4 para fyatta, pp. dependent on another; dependent on, overcome by (-~). ITTJf paraartha, m. great importance; another's affairor interests,advantage of others; (chief thing = ) copulation: -m, Ic., ~-, for another's sake, for the good of others; a. having another purpose; existing for others; -ka, a. id.: -tva, n. abst. N.; -ta, f. abst. vN.; -vadin, a. speaking for another, proxy. WiTff' para arthin, a. striving for what is highest. TTT4 para ardha, m. ulterior side, other half; m. n. the highest number: ioo,ooo, ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo; - ardh-ya, a. being on the other side; most excellent, noblest, highest, best; more excellent than (ab.). KTp(R[ para-vat, f. distance. 11TTT para avara,a.farther andnearer,preceding and following, superior and inferior; all-comprising; n. cause and effect; totality. q'fT4 fiI para-vartana, n. turning round; -vritti,f. return; failure; exchange. 'ITWV4 Tfti P paraavasatha-sayin, a. sleeping in another's house. KTT7Ir para-sara, m. destroyer; N. lRT4TS ' parafisraya; m. dependence on others; a. dependent on others; - -srita, pp. id.; m. dependent, servant. Wq'TT parf asu, a. whose breath is departing, dying; expired, lifeless, dead; -ta, f. -tva, n. apathy; nearness of death. WIT^fl t para-sedha, m. custody, prison. METTE para ahna, m. afternoon. lft pari, ad. around; ~-, fully, quite, entirely, excessively; prp. with ac. about (of time and place); against, towards; over, more than; with ab. from; on account of; according to. RfKRifrq pari-kampin, a. trembling violently; -kara,. sg. &pl. retinue, dependents; assistance,. expedient; addition; abundance, multitude; girdlefor looping up a garment: -m bandh or kri, gird oneself for, prepare to (le. or inf.); -karita, pp. accompanied by (in.); -karman, n. adoration; decoration of the person, anointing the body; purification, means of purifying; preparation for (-~); -karma-ya, den. P. adorn; -karmin, m. attendant, servant; -kalayitri, a. enclosing; -kalpana, n. cheating; -kirtana, n. proclaiming aloud, promulgation; naming; -kopa, m. violent anger; -krama, m. succession, order; -kraya, m. hire; redemption, peace purchased with money; -kriya,f. attention to (-~); -kleda, m. wetness; -klesa, m. hardship; trouble, suffering; -kshaya, m. disappearance, cessation, failure; decline; ruin; -kshana, n. pl. coal-dust; -kshama, a. emaciated; -kshit, a. dwelling around (Agni), extending around (du., heaven and earth); m. N. ofvariousprinces; -kshiti, f. wounding; -kshina, pp. emaciated, wasted away; -kshepa, m. moving to and fro; surrounding, encompassing; that which encircles; compass. T1ftR[q pari-khandana, n. diminution, derogation; -kha, f. trench, moat, fosse; -khi-kri, turn into a moat; -kheda, m. exhaustion, fatigue. tIfTuTMW pari-ganana, n.,, f. complete enumeration, exact statement; counting; _gananmya,fp. to be completely enumerated, - exactly stated; *-ganit-in, a. having fully considered everything; -gata, pp. encompassed,surrounded; overwhelmed: - artha, a. familiar with a thing; -gantavya,fp. attainable; -gama, m. acquaintance; occupationwith (-~); -garvita, pp. very haughty; -garhana, n. censure; -grihiti, f. inclusion; -graha, m. embracing; inclusion; putting on, assumption (of a body); taking; laying hold of; acceptance, receipt; deriving from (ab.); obtainment, acquisition, possession; admission, reception; marrying, marriage; selection; taking to mean; undertaking, practice of, addiction to (-~); grace, favour, assistance; claim, to (Ic.); amount, sum, total number; property; wife (also coll.); dependents, household, family, concubines of a king; abode; root, foundation; -grahana, n. putting on; -graha-tva, n. woman's marriage with (-~); -grahitri, m. husband; adopted father; -grahaka, a. doing a favour; -grahya, fp. to be kindly treated; -glana, pp. (V/glai) exhausted. Tf(I pari-gha, m. iron gate-bar (with which powerful arms are often compared); bar, obstacle (fig.); iron club, mace encased with iron; streak of cloud across the rising or setting sun; palace-gate, gate; -ghattana, n. friction; -gh&ta, m. removal; -ghatin, a. transgressing (-o); -gha upama, a. like iron bars. 'qf1~- pari-kaya, m. I. accumulation; 2. acquaintance, knowledge; intimacy; familiarity with, practice of (in. + samam, 9., lc., / 141 pari-kkkhad. qfrTifwr pari-mandala. 155 -~); repetition or frequency of (-O): -vat, a. well-known; -]cara, m. companion; attendant, servant; -karana, m. attendant; n. service; attendance on (-_); -karaniya, fp. to be tended; applicable; -karitavya, fp. to be tended, served, or honoured; -karya, fp. to be tended or honoured: a, f. attendance, service, devotion, homage; -kara-ka, m. assistant, attendant, servant: ika, f. female attendant, waiting-maid; -karana, n. attendance; -kar-in, a. attending on, doing homage to (-~): (-i)-ta,f. abst. N.; -kiti, f. acquaintance, intimacy with (-~); -kintaniya, fp. to be maturely considered; -kumbana, n. passionate kissing. XfTIif pari-kkhad, -0, a. = -kkhada;.kkhada, m. cover, covering; furniture, domestic implements, utensils; paraphernalia, baggage; retinue, train; -~, a. provided or adorned with; -kkhiti,f. exact determination; measure; -kkheda, m. separation; exact discrimination; sound judgment, discernment, discretion; determination, decision; section, chapter; -kkhedya, fp. to be exactly determined; to be measured; -kyuta, pp. fallen from one's high estate; ruined; -kyuti, f. falling down. tfl il pari-gana, m. (surrounding folk), servant (male or female); gnly. coll., retinue, train, followers, attendants, domestics (esp. female); -gata, pp. completely grown; -gihirsha,f. desire to avoid or remove; -ggapti, f. recognition; -gnatri, m. accurate knower; -guana, n. recognition, discrimination; full ascertainment, thorough information, complete knowledge or acquaintance; -glanin, a. possessing much information; -gieya, fp. to be learned or known thoroughly; (pari)gmlan, a. moving or speeding round; everywhere present: lc. all around. ';fTf'f'q pari-nata-vayas, a. of declining age, old; -nati, f. transmutation, transformation, change; development; ripening; maturity; mature age; consequence, effect; issue, end; fulfilment of apromise; ~-, inthe end, finally; -m ya, come to an end; -namana, n. transformation into (ui.); -namayitri, m. ripener; -naya, m. leading the bride round the nuptial fire, wedding, marriage; -nayana, n. id.; -nama, m. transformation, change; natural development; transmutation offood, digestion; withering; lapse of time; decline of life, old age; consequence, issue; termination, last stage, final state, end: Ic. or -, in the end, finally: -vat, having a natural development; -namin, a. changing; developing; ripening; -nayaka, m. guide; husband; -naha, m. extent, width, circumference: -vat, a. big; -nahin, a. extensive, large; -~, having the circumference of; -ninamsu, a. about to strike sideways with his tusks (elephant); -nita, pp. (Vni) married; n. marriage: -purva, a.f.previouslymarried, -vat, act. pf. pt. having married; -netavya, fp. to be married; -netri, m. husband; -neya, fp. to be led round; to be ascertained; interchangeable with (in.): a, f. to be led round the nuptialfire, to be married. t1fTTIW pari-takmya, a. agitating, unsafe, perilous; a,f. peril. ftii' pari-tatnu, a. embracing. If4 Rii P pari-tarkana, n. consideration; -tarpana, a. satisfying; n. satisfaction.!IwtK~ pari-tas, ad. round about, on all sides, in every direction, everywhere; prp. w. ac. round. 11f TTV pari-tapa, m. heat, warmth; distress, anguish, sorrow, affliction; remorse; giving pain; -tapin, a. burning hot; causing affliction or sorrow, distressing; -tushti,f. satisfaction; -tripti, f. perfect satisfaction; -tosha, m. satisfaction, gratification, glee; pleasure or delight in (g. or Ic.); -toshayitri, a. satisfying, gratifying; -tosha-vat, a. satisfied, gratified; -toshin, a. satisfied with, gratified by (-~); -tyakta, pp. deserted, abandoned; -tyaktri, m. forsaker; -tyaga, m. abandonment, desertion; repudiation; relinquishment, renunciation, loss, privation, sacrifice: -sena, m. N. of a prince; -tyagin, a. abandoning; resigning, renouncing (o-); liberal; m. renouncer; -tyagana, n. causing to abandon; depriving of (-~); -tyagya, fp. to be abandoned, - deserted, - renounced, - avoided; -trana, n. preservation, protection, help, deliverance, rescue from (ab.); shelter, refuge; preventive of (g.); -tratavya, fp. to be protected from (ab.); -tratri, m. protector, deliverer (with ac. or g.); -trasa, m. fright, fear. IfIcTI- pari-dfha, m. burning; distress, affliction; -durbala, a. extremely weak or poorly; -deva, n.: -na, n., -na,f. complaint, lamentation; -devita, (pp.) n. complaint, lament; -devin, a. lamenting. Iqf'TIiT pari-dhana, n. putting on (a garment); clothing, dressing; vesture, garment, sp. lower or under garment: -valkala, n. bark for clothing, -vastra, n. upper garment; -dhani-kri, turn into an under garment; -dharana, n. suffering, indulging in (g.): a, f. endurance; -dhi, m. (put-round), enclosure, protection, fence, rampart: also of the ocean as encircling the earth; halo round sun or moon; horizon; circumference; the (three) green sticks surrounding the sacrificial altar; -dhi-kri, put on; -dhusara, a. quite grey or dusty; -dhvamsa, m. eclipse; distress; disaster, failure; loss or mixture of caste; -dhvamsin, a. destroying (-~); destructive. 'fltrIfiR pari-nabhi,:ad. around the navel; -ninda, f. severe blame of (g.); censoriousness; -nirvana, n. complete extinction of the individual; -nirvriti,f.completeredemption; -nishtha, f. extreme limit, summit; complete familiarity with (lc. or -~); -nish-pannatva, n. actual existence; -pakva, a. fully baked; quite ripe (fruit); fully matured (intellect; man); effete, decaying. 1fT'1: pari-pana, n. playing for (-~); -patana, n. flying about, hovering; -pantha-ka, m. (obstructor of one's path), adversary, enemy; -pantha-ya, den, P. oppose, resist (ac.); -panthin, a. besetting one's path; m. waylayer, opponent, enemy; -panthi-bhli, become theadversary of, oppose (g.); -pavana, n. cleansing (of grain), winnowing; flail; -pasavya, a. relating to the sacrificial animal; -paka, m. becoming fully cooked; digestion; ripening; maturity; perfection; consequence, effect; fulness, fulfilment (of time): -tas, ab. in consequence of; -pakana, a. cooking fully; maturing; -pakayitri, a. id.; -patala, a. very pale-red; -pati, f. succession; -patha, m. complete enumeration: in. (know) completely; -pana, n. hiding-place; -pandiman, m. extreme whiteness; -pandu, a. very white or pale: -ra, a. very white; -parsva, a. being at the side, close at hand: -vartin, a. remaining at one's side, standing beside (g.); -palaka, a. protecting; maintaining; -palana, n. protection; maintenance; nurture: a, f. protection, nurture, i-ya, fp. to be guarded; - maintained; -palya,fp. to be protected; - maintained or observed; -piingi-kri, colour deep red-brown; -pi~iga, a. full of (in.); -piigara, a. brownish-red, orange-coloured; -pipalayisha,f. desire to maintain; -pldana, n. squeezing out; injuring,, prejudicing (-~); -pushta-ta,f. being nourished by, feeding on (-_); -puti,f. complete purification; -puiraka, a.fulfilling; bestowing abundance; -pufrana, n. filling; completion; -puirin, a. bestowing abundantly; -pfirna, pp. (V/. pri) filled with (-~); -pu'rnendu, m. full moon; -purti,f. becoming full of (-~); completion; -pelava, a. very delicate, tiny; -pothaka, a. furthering, confirming; -poshaniya, fp. to be cherished; -prasna, m. enquiry, after (-~); -prapti, fp. obtainment; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to reach or obtain, seeking after, desiring (ac.); -plava, a. running to and fro; m. fluctuation; -pluta, pp. (Vplu) overwhelmed; bathed (in tears: -~). f'1~ pari-phulla, pp. wide open (eyes); covered with bristling hair. ift44 pari-barha, m. necessaries or luxuries of life: -vat, a. well furnished (house); -badha,f. hardship, distress, fatigue; -brimhana, n. prosperity; supplement, appendage (of the Veda); -bodhana, n., a, f. admonition; -bodhanlya, fp. to be admonished; -bodha-vat, a. endowed with reason. f'riptr pari-bhaya, m. apprehension, fear; -bhava, m. disrespect, contumely, insult, injury, humiliation; disregard, contempt, for (g., Ic., -~), on the part of (in., ab., -~): -pada, - aspada, n. object of contempt; -bhavana, n. humiliation: i-ya, fp. who can be insulted or humiliated; to be humbled; -bhavin, a. insulting, despising, mocking (g.); -bhava, m. disregard, contumely; -blavana, f. thought, reflexion; -bhavin, a. slighting; mocking, baffling (-~); -bhavuka, a. surpassing (ac.); -bhashana, n. conversation, chatter; reproof, reprimand: i-ya, fp. to be reproved; -bhasha, f. speech; censure, reproach, contumely; general rule or maxim; rule defining the application of(grammatical) sltras; -bhashin, a. speaking (-~); -bhu', a. (with ac.) surrounding, encompassing; pervading; superior, guiding; (pari)-bhfuti,f. superior might (V.); disrespect, contumely, humiliation (sts.pl.); -bhfshana, m. (sc. Samdhi) peace bought by the cession of all the revenues of a country; -bheda, in. injury; -bhoktri, m. enjoyer; one who lives on another, spunge; -bhoga, m. enjoyment; sexual intercourse; means ofenjoyment or subsistence; -bhlramsa, m. escape: -na, n. loss, of (ab.); -blhrama, in. digressions, irrelevant talk: -na, n. turning, revolution; going to and fro;- circumference-; -bhrashta-sukha, a. whose joy has departed, joyless. if ~IT!r pari-mandala, n. circumference; a. circular; globular: -ta, f. circularity, i-ta, pp. made round; -manthara, a. very slow: -ta, f. sluggishness; -manda, a. very dim (eye); ~-, ad. very slightly: -ta, f. exhaustion, ennui; -manyfi, a. fierce; -marda, Tn. wearing out, consumption; destruction (of an enemy); -marsa, in. consideration, contemplation; -mala, m. fragrance; fragrant substance; sexual intercourse; -mana, n. measurement; measure, circumference, extent, size; weight; duration; number, amount: -tas, ad. in weight, -ka, n. measure, quantity; -mathin, a. trying severely, wearing out; -marga, m. searching around: -na, n. tracing, searching; -margitavya, fp. to be sought; -margana, n. wiping off, cleansing; removal; -mita-tva, n. limited nature; -miti, f. measure, quantity: -mat, a. limited; -milana, n. touch; -mugdha-ta, X 2 156,qIfqc'q'!r 4,lparl-rakshana. w"4'w parushl-kri. I I f. silliness; loveliness; -miiha-ta', f. confusion; -meya,fjp -measurable; limited in number; -moksha, in. deliverance, from (ab., g., 09); divestment: -na, n. liberation; deliverance from (g.); -mosh&, mn. tbeft, robbery; -moshana, is. taking away; -niohana, n. infatuation; -mohin, a. confused. if!q pari-rakshana, in. protection; maintenance; preservation; keeping secret; 3.-ya, fp. to be guarded or p~reserved; -rakshe, f. protection; preservation; -rakshitri, in. guardian; protector; -rambha, in. embrace: -nsa, is. embracing, embrace; -rambhin, a. embracing; girt by (0-); -rodha, in. resistance. ii qr pari-laghu, a. extremely light or smnall; very min ute or thin; easily digested; trivial, senseless: -t&', f. extreme minuteness or thinness; -lamba, in. dilatoriness, delay: -na, is. hesitating, delaying; -lekha, in. outline, sketch; -lopa, in. neglect, omission. tf? Rpari-vatsara6, in. complete year; I-isa, a. relating to a full year; -vargana, in. avoidance of, abstention from (g. or 3._i-y,fp. to be avoided; -varta, in. revolution; end of a period, esp. of a cycle (yuga); end; exchange, barter; change; moving to and fro, haste, bustle; abode, place; causing to come to an end: -ka, a. causing to flow back; -v~irtana, a. (i) causing to turn; in. turning; tossing or rolling about on (-0); revolution; periodic course; end of a period; exchange, barter; change; -vartaniya fP. to be exchanged for (is.); -vartin, a. turning, revolving; winding; circling, undergoing perpetual cycles, ever renewing itself; turning into, being exchanged for ( —0); abiding, or being in, at, or near (1c., -tas, ~) -vartula, a. quite round; -vardhaka, as. groom; -vardhana, it. augmentation, multiplication; -vardhita-ka, a. reared; -vastra, f. curtain; -vaha, ms. one of the seven winds; one of the seven tongues of fire. lqt-~ pari-vfdda, m. detraction, censure (of, g., IC., -aO): -kathi, f. id.; avdin, a. slandering, censuring: _3., f. seven-stringed lute; -vap&i, as. parched grains of rice;.vra in. cover; attendants, train, retinue 0, a. surrounded by); sheath: tajf condition of a retinue; -Varita, cs. pp. (Vi. vri) encircled; -asa as.sjourn; 2. perfume;.vfiha, in. overflow; drain for carrying off excess of water; avhin,a. (n-i') overflowing,with (-2). qftfTfM pari-vitti, in. unmarried man whose younger brother is married:a -tva, is. allowing one's younger brother to marry first; -vinna, pp. =-vitti; -vivadishu, des. a. intending to reside; (p~ri)vishti,f. service, attendance. 1#7''fI pari-vrita, pp. surrounded. XfT pari-vridha, pp. V'brih; as. lord, master; -vritta, (pp.) is. rolling, weltering, moving to and fro; -vritti, f. exchange, barter: in. alternately; -vriddhi, f. increase.,qfilfi4 pari-vettri, in. man who marries before his elder brother; -vedaka, as. id.; -vedana, s.' marrying before one's elder brother; -vepin,a. trembling; (p~ri)-vesas, in. neighbour; -vesh&, in. halo; orb, circle; envelopment; -veshaka, in. waiter, server up of food; -vdshana, is. attendance, serving up food; -veshtana, is. cover; bandage; -veshtavya, jp. to be served up (food); -veshtita, pp. encompassed; beset, beleaguered; swathed; -veshtri, m. waiter. W~fTR'I pari-vyaya, an. condiment; -vraIg ye., f. strolling, wandering from place to place; sp. religious mendicancy; -vra'g, iM. (nin. t) wandering ascetic, religious mendicant: -aka,in.,-ika,f. mendicant devotee (man or womanai ofthefourth or last religious order). 'iftuw? rpari-safskan~iya, fpto be distrusted; is. imps. distrust should be shown; -san~kin, a. ( —) fearing; fearful on account of; -sishta, (pp.) a. supplement, appendix; -5iiana, is. frequent contact, intercourse; study; -iuddhi, f. complete purification (also fig.); exoneration: -in kri, prove one's innocence; -sushka, a. perfectly dry or dried up; -SUtnya, a. quite empty; quite free from (-0); -sesha, a. remaining, left; in. is. remainder; supplement: in. completely; ab. consequently; -sodhana, is. purification; payment; -sosha, as. dryness: -isa, a. drying up ( —9); -soshin, a. drying up, withering. 'ql~ pari-srama, in. fatigue, weariness, exhaustion; exertion; continual study of ( —Q); -srinta,pp.(Vsram)greatlyexhausted; -srit, f. (encloser), one of the small stones surroundingthe sacriflcialaltar: -srita,(pp.) n. sacrificial shed; -slatha, a. quite slack. titwq pari-shat-tva, is. legal assembly; -shid, a. encompassing, besetting; f. assembly; audience; council; -sheka, in. sprinkling, dousing with water, shower-bath; bathing appliances, such as water-can, etc.; -shodasa, a.plI. full sixteen; -sh~kandA, in. servant, ep. one running beside a carriage; epe -shkara, in. adornment; ornament; -shkrita, pp. (Vkri) embellished, adorned, highly finished; -shkriya', f. adornment; attendance on the sacred fire (2O). 'qt~ pdri-shti, f. hindrance; distress; -shtuti,f. praise. 'q'_W; pari-shyandd, in. stream, flow (of words); -shvafiga,ma. embrace; touch, contact with(0 qf41 pari-sam-vatsara, am. full year; a. a full year old; waiting a full year; -sakthya, is. true friendship; -sainkhy&', f. complete tale or enumeration; full number, totality, sum, number; exhaustive statement (i. e. excluding everything not specified): -na, is. complete enumeration, full number; exhaustive statement; just examination or estimate; -saasghushta, pp. resonant on all sides; -sama'pti, f. conclusion, completion, end; extension to (lc. or ad. with prati); -sara, a. adjacent; bordering on (-9); in. neighbourhood, region, proximity; osar.pana, n. creeping about; walking about; running to and fro, continual change from place to place; -sarpin, a. moving about; asdhaa in. accomplishment; settlement, exaction (of debts); -s~ntvana, a. consoling: pl. blandishments; -Saraka, in. N. of ac place on the Sarasvati". pari-skanda, in. servant, esp. one runnin beside a carriage; -skIsarlita, (pp.) ns- staggering; -stara, in. layer of sacrifca grass; -stirana, is. strewing about; -stoma, incover,bolster; -spanda,ms. motion; -spandita, (pp.) is. quivering; flaming up; manifestation; -spardhin, a. vying with ( —9); -sphiuta, a. quite evident: -in, ad.; -syanda, m. flow, stream (fig.); -srava, am. flow, effusion; overflow; river; birth (of a child); -srfit, a. overflowing, foaming; f. kind of intoxicant.,q pari-hara, am. concealment; -harani1ya, fp. to be shunned or avoided: ai f. avoidance; -hartavya,fp. to be given up or delivered; to be avoided, shunned, or removed; - concealed or kept to oneself; - refuted; -hn or..hiui, f. diminution; -hipanisa p to be discontinued; -hxa, as. avoidance; abandonment, desertion (of a person); escaping from (-O); concealment; refutation; exemption, privilege, immunity; common grazing ground round a village or town; -hairam, abs. moving around; -hirin, a. avoiding ( —9); _hA ya, fp to b av ie or let alone, avoidable; to be separated; to be exempted from (in.). tifTrV pari-hftsa, as. joke, jest, pleasantry, sport; derision, mockery: -pura, is. N. of a city, -vastu, ns. laughing-stock (-ta, f. abst. r.,-Ila, a. fond of jesting; fond of mocking, (_t&,f. abst. Nr.),..hari, in. N. of a teinple of Vishnu; -hzina, pp. (-Vha') destitute of (ab.); -hriti, f. avoidance; -hritys, f~p. to be delivered or committed. t'q!J~~i parijksh-aka, as. examiner or knower of a thing; -aisa, in. (rarely A, f.) testing, investigation, examination; -ani'ya, fp. tobe investigated; -&,f. inspection,exarnination, trial, test: -kshama, a. standing the test, valid. [N. of several kings (==pari-). TUTWi par'i-kshit, as. (dwelling around), Wqtf!_if parlikshita,pp. (Viksh) tried, examined; in. =Parikshit;.'kshitavya,fP. to be tested or examined. TRJflqf~i parkshin, a. examining, testing (m);a. examiner, tester; j 3kshya, fp. to be examined or tested; -j'kiksh-i-shu, des. a. desirous of testing or examining. ItRIVff pari ta, pp, (v-.i) affected or overcome by (-O) - w t iii parI-tApa, as. heat; -tosha, in. satisfaction; -tta, pp. VdA; -pa~ka, in. development; ripeness; consequences, result. XTI#4TT parl ^psft, f. wish to obtain, maintain, or preserve; haste; -i3psu, des. a. wishing to preserve (ac.). t'TjT11f pari-Mana, is. - Parimftna; -rambha, as. embrace; -varta, ms. exchange, barter; change; -va'da, in. detraction; ra in. retinue; -v"ha, Mn. drain or channelfor carrying off' the overflow of a pond, wastepipe; -sesha, in. remnant. pari ishti, f, investigation. ~WR pscri-sra, in. environment.!MT~ paril-hftsa, as. jest; ridicule: -kesava, am. N. of a temple of Vishnu; 1ia ma, a. calculated to ridicule =to surpass. tlN par-u, am. limb, joint(o) tIk'W1 paruk-khepa, in. N. of a Rishi (cp. parud-vflra). WI',?W parut-ka, a. having joints. 1~J<*par-ad..vara, ms. horse. IT" par-ush-sd, a. a~ V. pirushnis) knotty (reed); spotted, variegated; dirty; rough, rugged;, dishevelled, shaggy; rough (wind), scorching (fire, sun); harsh (tone); severe., hard, rude, abusive (sspeech, person); is. sg., p1. contumelious speech, abuse: -vakana, is. harsh or contuinelious speech; a. speaking harshly or rudely; -va~din, a. id.; - akshara, a. rough, harsh (Of speeches or persons): -n ad. rudely, harshly. w19"q parush-ita, pp. harshly addressed, used roughly; -iman, as. shagginess. parushil-kri, soil; use roughly. xoTparushetara. R~~ pal-ika.15 157 ig"I~T~ parushajitara, a. reverse of severe, gentle, benign; -uIkti, f. rough speech. 1~~pdrusli-n-ii, f. (of parusha) cloud (motley); N. of ariveriss the Paisjab (knotty, winding), now iRavi. 1TW1W parush-ya, a. variegated, manifold. TVW pr-usn. knot; joint; limb; section. IjR pare, lc. ad. at a later time, subsequently. Wpr hiag-tapaaa fruitful in the discovery of another's hints. 1WKWI pdrena, (in.) ad. prp. beyond, over, past (ac.); after (ab., g.); subsequently, later, afterwards. Tfri -pare ita, pp. (gone away), deceased: -bhartri, m. lord of the dead, e~p. of Yarna; -bhu'mi, f. cemetery; -riga, m. king of the dead, ep. of Yama; - vaisa, mn. cemetery. TKff'R paretara, a. trustworthy or attracting adversaries. [day, to-morrow. VTj~f pare-dyavi, ad. on the following 1ji3?T141! pare-prana, a, dearer than life. UTW par6-[ajksha, a. [beyond the eye], being out of sight, invisible, imperceptible; unknown, unintelligible; cognizable by mind only; `0, imperceptibly: -in, ad. behind the back of, without the knowledge of (in. Vg.; g. or -.9, C.); in. imperceptibly, mysteriously; ab. without the knowledge of (in.); behind the back of (g.); when one has not been present (gr.); -kima, a. fond of mystery; -krita, pp. not addressing but merely referring to a deity indirectly, i. e. in the third person (verse); -ta', f., -tva, n. being out of sight, imperceptibility; obscurity; -vritti, a. living or acting out of sight; -rtha, a. invisible; secret, recondite. I!'qT parokshat, f. past completed action; personal ending of the perfect (gr.). 'qIqT(VTT paroksba artha, m. invisible object, the invisible. i,1! par~ upakarana, n. rendering of services to others: 3i-kri, make the instrument of others; -upakra, mn. servcsrn dered to others; _u ak'r-in, a. benefiting others (-i-tva, n. abst. Nr.); mn. N. of a prince;..upakriti, f. rendering of services to others. tI'KJ1qI paraupaga, a. depen dent on something else, ad~jectival; upadesa, mn. instruction of others. '~~fparo-ragas, a, free from passions. t~I~ paro-(a) varam, ad. from above donadin succession; _variyas, cv broader above. [8 + i 2 syllables). tIt~~ para[h] ushnih, f.ametre (8 +.T)I(kw paroshn'l, f. N. of a river (probably corrupted from'Parushini: cp. Payoshnl). qi4 park-a, m. [v/prik] mixture or libation (0) [infectoria). V*ilparkatitf. wavy-leaved fig-tree (Ficus q4~ PARK, v. MTPRIK. 75[ parg-dnya, mn. raini-cloud; rain; god of rain: -ginvita, _pp. animated by Parganya. WtI pkr-nad, n. [taking across, wafting: ~V:2. pri] pinion, wing; feather (also of an arrow); leaf (-9, a. 9, 3i); betel-leaf; in. a tree with large leaves (Butea frondosa), in C. gqenerally called palhsa; -krihlkhra,mi. a kind * of penance; -puta, m. ss. leaf rolled into a funnel shape; -vat, a. abounding in leaves; -vitika, f. areca nut wrapped with spices in a betel-leaf; -sabda, m. rustling of leaves; -sara, m. stalk of the Parna-leaf; as1,f arbour. XMT parna ada, m. N. of a Brdhman: -yakana, n. speech of Parnaida; M'hara, a. feeding on leaves. WT7T parnayutaga, nz. (?) hut of leaves; - tsa, m. N. of a village. 'IT~parMaidi (or -nzdi), m. N. of a prince. T41pari ak,ad.(n. ofpari an-k)round about. ti1ff~ partagni, m. encircling fire, firebrand carried round the victim; the ceremony of carrying round the firebrand: i (ad.) or -m kri, perform this ceremony; -karana, n. performance of the Paryagni ceremony; -krita, pp. having been encircled by the firebrand. tI~pari Mika, m. couch, bed; squatting posture: -bandha, in., -granthi-bandlia, m. doubling of the legs in squatting; -stha, a. sitting on a sofa. paryafik-ika', f. couch.,# 4va paryafsk-kri, turn into a couch. 1qt. ZZi pari ataka, m. vagabond; _tana, n. roaming about, strolling (with g. or —~); - nuyoktavya, fp. to be asked; to be called upon to answer; -_ anuyoga, m. enquiry; reproach; - anti,, M. (limit around), boundary, border, skirt, limit, edge, end; 0 =-adjacent, neighbouring; -0, a. surrounded or limited by, reaching to, ending with; '.. or -in, to the end of, up to, as far as (-O); -in, ad. completely, exhaustively; kim paryantgamn how far? TWIT pari aya, m. revolution, expiration (of a period); change, alteration. W4IT977 pari vadhfirana, n. mature reflexion; -.~avasna, n. conclusion, end; resulting in (lc.); - avasaiyin, a. ending with, resulting in Q) T~rpari asru, a. bathed in tears, tearful. 1 T pani~akula, a. filled with, full of (0;disordered, disarranged; confused; agitated: -tva, n. confusion; -ya, den, P. confuse; agitate; 3i-kri, id.; 31-bhi', become confused. 'qAW pr-yana, a. circuitous; n. saddle: i-ta, pp. saddled. 4'4114N1 par4 dhfttri, m. man who has set up the sacred fire before his elder brother. XMT~ pariftpta,pp. sufficient: -tif.abundance; (piri) - iptijf. conclusion; sufficiency; being a match for any one; -competency, capacity for (0 W4T4'11 pari fya, m. revolution;' expiration of a perio~d; change of seasons; periodic return; repetition; regular succession; turn; ritual turn with the Soma cups in the Atirdtrafeast; period, sentence; stanza; alternative word, synonym: 0- or in. in order; alternately, -in, abs. going about; -krama, m. order of succession, regular rotation; -tva, n. condition of being a ritual turn; - nna, n. food meant for another. 'TWT#~qT pari flokana, n. deliberation; 'a, f. id.; plan, scheme. IXTM Ipari fvarta, m. return; exchange; -Avila, a. extremely turbid. Wk'qi pari sd, m. rotation; border; conclusion; concluding stanza in recitation: -na, n. revolution. XMTPTT' pari hftbva, m. a certain formula preceding and-following a verse; -&hita, (pp..Vdhti) m. man whose younger brother has set up the sacred fire before him. VIBfpari uka,m.N.;- ukshana,n.sprinkling; u3tsuka, a.very restless or agitated; very melancholy; vehementlylongingfor(d.): -tva, n. longing desire, 3i-bhii, become very melancholy; - ud-asta, pp. excepting; - aa in. exclusion, negation; u3pisaka, a. honouring, respecting; Up~sana, n. sitting round (Pr.); courtesy, affability; -ushita, _pp. (Wvvas, dwell) stale; not punctually kept (word); - shta, pp. id. W4T pari shtavya, fp. to be sought; - eshana, n. search. XRparva, -a, a. = parvan; -gupta, m. N. tIJ'd pdr-vat-a, a. consisting of knots or ragged masses (with Adri or girl); in. mountain, hill; rock, boulder; cloud; N. of a Rishi and of a minister of Purgravas: -ka, in. N.; -kandara, n. mountain-cave; -durga, n. impenetrable mountain; -rkg: -a, m. king of mountains, ep. of the Himfilaya; -sikhara, in. n. hill-top, mountain-peak; -sreshtha, spy, best of mountains; - agra,vi. id.; I-kri, turn into a mountain;3-yabeog in omountains;..isvara,la a. belon-uping toN;f.p tyak, f. mountain-lowland, land at the foot of a mountain-range. qjvpdr-van, n. [fulness: Vi. pri] knot of a cane or plant; joint; limb; section, division in a book; natural break in a narrative or conversation; juncture, period; node, day of periodic change of the moon (of which there are two or four); sacrifice performed on one of these days; time when the moon passes through the node at conjunction or opposition; end of an eclipse; (-va)-sarkaraka, in. N.; (-va)-samdhi, m. cbange of moon, esp time of new or full-moona.p parva atyaya, m. end of an eclipse; - sphota, mn.cracking of the fingers. 'q T parvin-i f feast-day. WTiTi pdrs-ftna, in. cavity, gulf, abyss. Wq3J peirs-u, f. rib; curved knife, sickle. tRIf~ par-shad= pari-shad, assembly. Iq pdrshi, 2 sg. subj. aor. /2. pri. tIM pala, n. a weight =four karshas; flesh. 'q! palala, n. pounded sesamum.; mire; -odana, in. n. pap of puunded sesamium.,q IW palAndu, in. (n.) onion. tIW[R' palft ya, v. A with palft. 'T017M palA yana, n. running away, flight, escape: -para, a. intent on flight. tIq!T' palfila, n. (also 11, f.) straw; -bhara, m. load of straw; -juk-kaya, m. heap of straw. W~T4 pala'va, m. fish-hook. ifMT'jT palas-ai n. (a. -0 ), leaf; foliage (-t,f. abst. Nv.); petal; flower of the Palasa; m. a tree with large leaves, bearing red blossoms (Buteafrondosa); -in, a. leafy; in. tree; N. of a town or village, Plassey. t~fWjiqj pal-ika, a. weighing a pala; esp.0 after a numeral, weighing so many palas. 158 xifWW' palik'ni 9. ak-a.a qfR-t palikni, a.f. (of palita) grey. IfIrkT palitd, a. grey, hoary; n. sg. & pl. grey hair: -m-karana, a. (i) making grey. t-4F I pal-pul-ana, n. lye; alkaline water for washing. [line water. TlTIS palpfil-ya, den. P. wash with alkaTr| paliaanka, m. couch; bedstead. ~w9fl; pali agaya, cs. (Vaiig) A. cause to go round, stir; ps. revolve. qwN paliaya, i. v. V/i with pali. ITR r.pallava,den.P.put forth young shoots. tig4z 2.pallava, m. n. sprout, shoot, twig (the term is figuratively applied to fingers, toes, and lips); strip of cloth, lappet: -ka, m. libertine, i-ka, f. N.; -grahin, a. overspreading with shoots diffuse, prolix; -na, n. prolixity; -maya, a. consisting of young shoots. lq'ql pallava-ya, den. P. put forth new shoots; extend, spread abroad: vakah -, talk diffusely: pp. ita, furnished with shoots; farspread; -~, filled with, full of, abounding in. Tq^l'Tftlf pallavaapidita, pp. loaded with sprouts. qaf~Iqpallav-in, a. having young shoots. qlfijT palli-ka, f.= palli. t1I palli, f. small village, esp. settlement of wild tribes: -pati, m. headman of -. tIlk pal-va-la, n. small tank, pond, pool. qi't pav-ana, m. (purifier), wind, breeze, air; god of wind; vital air; breath; domestic (sacred) fire; n. instrument for purifying, winnowing-fan; whisk; sieve, strainer; potter's kiln; -kshipta, pp. tempest-tossed; -gava, m. (swift as the wind), N. of a horse; -tanaya, m. son of the wind, ep. of Hanumat and of Bhimasena; -Aghita, m. gust of wind; - atmaga, m. son of the wind, fire; ep. of Bhimasena. lqJWT[r pdv-amr na, pr. pt. /pfi; m. wind; god of wind; N. of a certain Agni or of a son of Agni; N. of certain stotras sung by the Sdmagas at the Gyotishtoma sacrifice: -vat, a. accompanied by the Pavamana stotra; -sakha, m. (friend of the wind), fire; - uktha, n. series of verses in the midday Pavamana. qf' pav-i, m. tire of a wheel; metal tip of a spear or arrow; iron band on Soma-stone; thunderbolt. 1f14 pav-i-tra, n. means of purifying; sieve, (Soma) strainer; blade of sacrificial grass; purificatory text; a. purifying, pure, beneficent; sanctified by (-~): -ka, n. small sieve; (two)blades ofKusa grass (-~, a.); vessel in which an honorific gift is presented;. -tarkri, purify or sanctify in a high degree; -ta, f., -tva, n. purity; -dhara, m. N.; -pani, a. holding blades of Kusa grass in one's hand. qfq[S pavitra-ya, den. P. purify, cleanse: pp. ita, purified, sanctified, blessed. tqf-'ir, pavitra-vat, a. possessed of a means of purification, a strainer or blades of Kusa grass; purifying, cleansing. Xif'~ TttW pavitra ropana, n. investiture of Krishna's effigy with the sacred cord, a certain festival; - Arohana, n. id.,qf'fW, pavitr-in, a. purifying; pure. q'f"#V"i pavitri-kri, purify; -bhu, become pure. 1qV PAS, only pr. st., pisya, see, possess -vision; behold, look at; observe, notice; gaze, be a spectator, look on (tasya pasyatah, g. abs. before his eyes); see=visit, present oneself to or receive (as a visitor); live to see, experience, gain (fortune); find; look upon or regard as (2 ac. or i and ad. i:n -vat); consider, weigh; see with the spiritual eye (of seers and poets), compose, invent (rites); foresee; with na, not see, be blind; + sadhu, have discernment; pasyami, used parenthetically, I see = I am convinced; pasya, impv. see, behold, used interjectionally at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence to arouse attention; it is also employed in prose works to introduce a verse. ati, survey. anu, look along; see, behold; spy out, discover; see again; look back; regard as (2 ac.); consider. antar, look between or into. abhi, look at, observe; behold. ava, look upon, observe. a, behold. ud, see above; foresee, expect; perceive. para, look away or into the distance. pari, survey, observe, irispect; perceive; recognise as (2 ac.). pra, see before one; foresee; look at, observe, behold; discern, judge; know; regard as (2 ac.). prati, look at, behold; perceive; know; live to see, experience. vi, (see in detail), discern, distinguish, see clearly, know; observe, perceive. sam, see at the same time, survey; behold, perceive, recognise; inspect, review; regard, consider; look upon as (2 ac.); count over or up, recapitulate; yasya sampasyatah, before whose eyes. TqI PAS, v. 1T T4 PASAYA, bind. qXTW pasav-ya, a.relating to orfit for cattle. 1tJ pds-u (or-i), m. [tethered beast], cattle (single head or herd); domestic animal (including cows, horses, goats, sheep, asses, and dogs: opp. mriga, wild beast); beast, brute; sacrificial animal, victim: -kalpa, m. ritual of the animal sacrifice; (fi)-kama, a. desiring cattle; -ghna, a. killing animals; m. cattle-slayer; -ta, f., -tva, n. condition of being a sacrificial animal; condition of cattle; bestiality; -trip, a. cattle-stealing; -dharma, m. manner of beasts or in which beasts are treated; -pati, m. lord of beasts, ep. of Siva; -pala, m. guardian of flocks, herdsman (also: -ka): -vat, ad. after the manner of herdsmen; -pidita, (pp.) n. damage caused by cattle; -bandha, m. (binding of victim to sacrificial post), animal sacrifice; -mat, a. connected with or abounding in cattle; containing the word 'pasu;' -rakshin, m. tender of cattle, herdsman; -roman, n. hair of an animal; -vat, ad. like the brutes; as with cattle; -vadha, m. slaughter ofanimals; -samamnaya, m. enumeration of the sacrificial animals in the A svamedha: i-ka, a. mentioned in the Samamnaya; -han, a. (ghni) killing beasts; -havya, n. animal sacrifice. 1s1W pasfi-kri, turn into an ox or a sacriq3 *pas-ki, a. hinder; later. [ficial beast. VIT pas-kg, (in.) ad. (V.) behind, after; in the west; afterwards. qTfi, paskat, (ab.) ad. behind, in the rear, after; backwards; from or in the west; westwards; afterwards, hereafter, subsequently (sts. pleonastically with a gd.); - kri, leave behind, surpass; place on the back or despise; prp. with ab. and g. after; to the west of; tatah paskat, after that, thereupon. tIT'nTq; paskat-tapa, m. repentance, re morse; -tapin, a. repenting; -puro-mnruta, m. du. west and east wind; (d)-baddha-purusha, m. man whose hands are tied behind his back; -b&hu-baddha,pp. id.; (d)-bhaga, m. hind part. [ern side. oVT[n paskaardha, m. hind portion; westTqf*Tr pask-ima, a. hinder; western; last, latest, final: -m darsanam drashtum, see for the last time; & vela, f. evening time, close of day; a samdhyaf. evening twilight; a,f. (sc. dis) west. qfiP TlTq paskima akala,m.WesternMountain (afabulous mountain behindwhich the sun is supposed to set cp. asta akala); - ambudhi, m. western.ocean; -itara, a. (opposite of west), eastern; - uttara, a. north-western: -purva, a. western, northern, or eastern. Li, pastya, n. stall; a,f. pl. homestead, dwelling, household. [sians. qtI^ pahlava, m. pi. the Parthians or PerqT i. PA, II.. pa (V.), I. p. (A.) piba, drink, quaff; imbibe (ac.; V. also g.); suck, sip; swallow; draw in; feast one's eyes or ears (in.) with (ac.), enjoy; drink up (life, blood, said of a sword or arrow); exhaust (treasure); carry away, absorb: pp. pita, drunk, quaffed, sucked, absorbed, drawn in (smoke); absorbed (by the ears); exhausted, squandered; act. having drunk (generally ~); steeped in oil (weapon); pita-vat, pp. act. having drunk; cs. payaya, P. A. cause to drink; des. pipasa, P. wish to drink, be thirsty: pp. pipasita, thirsty; intv. pepiya, A. drink or be drunk eagerly or repeatedly. ati, cs. cause to drink plenty of (2 ac.). ann, drink after or afterwards. a, drink, - in, suck; imbibe with eyes or ears (in.); absorb, cause to disappear. sam-a, imbibe. ni, imbibe, sip in, suck. vi-ni, imbibe eagerly. nis, (nish), drink out of (ab.); drink or suck up. pari, drink before and after any one (ac.); drink or suck up; smoke up; deprive of: pp. thoroughly studied. pra, begin to drink; drink, imbibe. anu-pra, P. drink in turn; A. drink after any one (ac.). vi, drink copiously. sam, A. drink together. T 2. PA, II. P. -ti, guard, preserve, protect, from (ab.); govern, reign; observe, notice; regard, keep, follow. abhi, guard, watch over; observe. ni, guard, watch over; protect from (ab.); observe. pari, protect around, preserve; maintain, keep. qT 3. PA, III. A. pipite, w. ud, rise against, show hostility towards. anuud, fall or rush upon (ac.). prati ud, rise against (ac.). XT pa, a. (only -~) I. drinking; 2. guarding, protecting. '7'qTpams-ana,a.(1)defiling,disgracing(-). TWI pamnsu, m. particle of dust, grain of sand: gnly. pl. dust, sand. Wl[T i pamsu-ka, m.pl. dust, sand; -la, a. dusty, dust-stained; sandy; defiled, tainted; -~, disgracing: a, f. dissolute woman, concubine. WiitIWf pamsu-krldana, n.playing in the sand; -krld&,f. id.; -gunthita, pp. covered with dust; -dhvasta-siroruha, a. whose hair is covered i. e. sullied with dust; -varsha, m. n. shower of dust; -samkaya, m. heap of sand; -samiuhana, a. whirling up dust; -hara, a. id. lTli I. pak-a, a. [in process of ripening, immature: V/pak; or pa-ka, sucking], quite lqTqi pa'k-a. qT-IW-cg pa'tra-sa',t-kri. 159 I I young,; simple, ignorant, honest; mn. young of an amnial. MENi 2. patk-a, mn. (0O, a. 11) cooking, baking; boiling (nt'.); baking (of bricks and earthenware); digestion; ripening, maturing; appearance of consequences (of an action), accomplishment, fulfilment; result; maturity, full development; N. of a demon: -kriyS~f. cooking; _ga, a. produced by cooking or baking:..tva, n. abst.Nx. tfTWIT patka-tr'a, ad. hi simplicity or sincerity, guilelessly. MENTiT patka-dftrv~,f. young millet-grass; -bhAnda, n. cooking-pot; -yagfla, m. simple or baked offering. [fever. MWT patka-la, a. quite black; mn. elephanttiTZ~kT~k pahka-sasana, mn. chastiser of the demon P~ka, ep. of Indrii; -sAstra, n. art of cookery. 'qTENT[T pahka g~ra, n. (?) kitchen. 1qTWTT pakyt, f. simplicity: only in. (pakyli), in simplicity or ignorance. 'TiqT'~Uf7T paksha-pattika, a. partial, partisan, (speech). Mif~iqc patksh-ika, a. (i1) partisan; alternative, optional, applicable in certain cases only. qCT5 pa'fikta, a. consisting of five parts,-fivefold; composed in pafikti metre. tiT ft paiikti-hari, mn. N. tITW pafikteya, a. worthy to belong to a WFq pftfiktya, a. id. [society. tIT" patk-aka, a. (ika4 cooking, baking; digestive; maturing; -ana, a. causing to cook, dissolvent, digestive. XfT4 pftga, 04j -ka, mn. N. MWT(Opg-as, n. vigour; brightness, sheen. tITW'TFT phnika-gan-ya, a. relating to the five races; mn. Krishna's conch (taken from the demon Paiikagana); -nada, a. prevailing -in the Panjdb; mn. prince of Pa~ikanada: pl. the people of Pai~kanada; -bihautika, a. consisting of or containing the five elements: witis Adanam, n. reception of the five elements; -yag~iidka, a. belonging or relating to the five sacrifices; -sara, a. (i) belonging to Kfima (the flve-arrowed). tiTUT pftn-ka'la, a. (II) referring or belonging to -, ruling over the Pafikdlas; m. prince of the Paiikhlas: p1. the Pairik~las; 1, f princess of the Partkktlas, sp. Draupadi; (a)-putrik A f. ep. of Draupadi. MIT NZT T n plk-ia, f. doll. 4qTfi&VTT paiihi-gratma, mn. N. of a village. 'qTrpata,m. section; musical performance(?): -ka, m. divider, render. tiTR Patak-kara, m. thief, robber. 'TZiTf pt-ana, n. ripping or cutting up; cleaving; rending; bursting open; -aniya., f~p. to he torn to pieces. IUZ pattala, a. pale-red; mn. pale-red, rose colour; the tree bearing the trumpet-flower (Bignonia suaveo lens): &,f. id.; n. an df. the trumypet-flower; (a) -kita, m. hind of insect. tiTZ'T4' pattala-ya, den. P. colour pale-red. tIT~TWT'Wpatalat-vat-il,f. ep. of Durgat; N. of a river. tiT~fW' pattali, f. (also i') trumpet -flower tree (Bignonia suaveo lens): if. N.of a town; N. of a princess; (i).-ka, n. N. of a town (= Pktaliputra). [flowers. tiT'ZfWifpatal-in, a~furnishedwithtrumpettrp~fIRpj' pattali-putra, n. N. of the capitol of Miagadha or Behar, the Palibothra of the Greeks, near the modern Patna at the old confluence of the Sony and Ganges; m. pl. the inhabitants of Phtaliputra: -ka, a. id., -namadheya, a. named Pfitaliputra. t'fRI pattal-i-man, m. pale-red, rose colour. pfttal1-kri, colour red. tiTZ!RjXIW pattalaupala, m. ruby. tiTZ4 patav-4, n. aeuteness; skill, cleverness, in (ic.); precipitation in ();-ika, a. clever, crafty. tiTU patth-a, m.recital; study; text; reading (of a text): -ka, m. reciter, reader; student; scholar, teacher (of, -O); -na, n. instructing; -vat, a. learned, erudite. tITfa'if patth-in, a. having studied, conversant with (-O). M atina, m. kind of fish.' 1WPLT patna, m. stake at play. MITfIi 4i panavika, a. belonging to a drum. ITTfif pani, m. [pal-ni] hand: -m, grah, take the hand (of a girl), marry; -in dagv her hand in marriage, wed; -0, a. holding - in one's hand: -kra, a. -~=pani; -kf, f. hind -of song. fi~ffWMi patni-gata, pp. as good as held in,one's very hand; -graha, m. taking the hand (of a girl), marriage: -kara, in. taker of the hand, lawful husband; -grahana, %. marriage: i-ka, a. relating to -; -gr~ha: -ka,' m. hand-grasper, bridegroom; husband; -,graham, abs. taking by the hand; -kApaia or -kapalya, a. fidgetting with the hands; -gqa, in. finger-nail; -tala, a. palm of the hand. tITfri(. panin, -a, a.= =pani. qTflJJ~pftnini,m. Nof the great grammarian by whom classical Sanskrit is dominated: I-ya, a. relating to or composed by Pknini; m. adherent of P~nini; n. Phnini's grammar. XITfM!p:T7 pani-.patra, a. using the hand as a drinking vessel, drinking out of the hand; -pi~dana, n. pressing the hand (of a girl), marriage; -puta,m. hollowedhand: -ka, m. (?) id.; -pfira, a, filling the hand: - anna, n. handful of food; -pranay-in, a. lon~ging for the hand: (i)-ta', f. abet. Nv.: -m samupa^gata,.pp. =graspedhbythe hand (sword); -pranayini,f. beloved of his hand, wife; -mat, a. having hands; -mita, pp. to be spanned by the hands. [white. tiTIUT1 pa'nd-ara, a. pale yellow, whitish, 'qT~kfT~pnda-in, mi. hind of monk. tfTTQ7' patndav-a, m. pat. of Pandu: pl. the fire sons of Pkndu or the adherents of the Pandavas; a. (i) belonging to the sons of P~ndu. tiTfll?~Mf pndit-ya,n. scholarshiplearninig, erudition, wisdom; cleverness; skill, talent. tIfli31T~ pni-man, rn. paleness. tiTIU pftnd —d, a. (f. id.) yellowish white, whitish, pale; m. N. of a sovereign of ancient Delhi, a son of Vya'sa and brother of Mhidtara'shtra; -hhhaya, a. white- coloured; a f. yellowish white colour, paleness; -nanda.. na in. son of Pkndu; -pattra,n.ylo (= withered) leaf; -putra, mn. son of P~ndu; -bhitma, m. pale-coloured (chalky) soil. tiTIQW panduL-ra, a. whitish, white, pale: _ta' f.' white colour; -ya, den. P. colour whitish yellow; i-ta, pp. coloured yellowish white; i-man, in. pale colour; I-kri, colour yellowish white. WITM ~~ andui-lekha, n. rough draft or copy (made with stylus or chalk); _loha, n. silver; -var)?a, a. pale-coloured; spaka or -saupgka, m. a mixed caste (offspring of Kainda'la and Vaidehi). MITWM pftndya, m. p1. _N. of a people in the.Dekhan; sg. prince of the P~ndyas; N. of a mountain range. [hand. ti'qTITI pftni fsya, a. whose mouth is his 'TiI pht-a^m manner of flying, fiight; throwing oneself into (lc.); fall, in-to (lc.), from (ab.); cast, shot, stroke; collapse, death; falling,= direction (of the eye or gaze); drop (of blood); application (of ointment, of a knife); case, possihility; entrance, appearance; -c', falling from, to, into, upon or at: -ka, a. causing to fall (-'O); (in.) n. crime or sin depriving of caste; -k-in, a. sinning; wicked; m. criminal. [brown. tIU~RT pfttam-ga, a. (i) peculiar to the moth; tiTRVW phtan-gala, a. composed by Patal — gali; m. follower -of the Yoga system of Pata~igali; n. the Yoga system of Patasigali; the Mahfibhhshya of Patagqali. tITUT pftt-ana, a. felling; n. causing to fall, throwing 'down, casting (dice); striking off or down; dandasya -, infliction of the rod, chastisement; garbhasya -, causing a miscarige _-a p. to be cast or shot at (Ic.). qTiif'4' patt-ny-i-trn, m. caster of dice. tiT'fz pat-tavya, fp. i. to be drunk; 2. to be protected. tiTMIN patafla, (in.) n. under-world (con-, ceived as a subterranean cavity or city inhabited by serpents or demons); one of the seven hells; -ketu, in. N. of a prince of the -Daityas; -tala, a. bottom of hell: -m yitu, let it go to hell. 'Tif'-RM pattit-ya, n. loss of rank or caste. Wrfrfi patt-in, a. flyfing; alighting on (lc.); falling or sinking, in (~),arising, appearing (cloud); causing to or letting fall, felling, throwing down (-'O). Wiff~iig! pfttivrat-ya, n. conjugal fidelity. 'qT pft-trz', m. r. drinker (of, g. or 2. protector (of, ac., g., or tiT?ftMwrff ptta utpa-ta, m. pl. falls and rises, ups and downls. tiT7 pa'-tra, a. (drinking) vessel, bowl, cup; plate, dish; river-bed; receptacle; recipient; vessel of==person abounding in (g. or -) master of (g.); fit or competent person, person worth y of or to (g., lc., inf., or — ); actor; actor's part; m. minister: -ta',f.condition of being a receptacle for (gq. or -'O); mierit, fitness, capacity; -tva, n. id.; -stha, a. lying in a dish. [vessel. Wfl-I' pattra-ya, den. P. use as a drinking tiT'FIT71i patra-sat-kri, give away to de 160 wfilvv, patr-in. q kq-4 pa'ra-drisvan. serving persons; -hasta, a. holding a dish in one's hand. [carrying an alms-bowl. 'qTfi-4ipar-in, a. having a drinking vessel; Wl1T pa-trrtf. vessel, plate, pot. WI pAtril-kri, make a receptacle or object of (g.); make worthy or honoured. pIT ' ph-as, n. place; water: -pati, m. lord of the waters, ep. of Varuna. tI1%. pfttheya, n. victuals for a journey (pathi): -vat, a. having anything as provisions for the journey, victualed with (-O). lIT#tT phtho-ga, n. (water-born), lotus (flower); -gin-i, f. lotus (plant); -da or -dhara, m. cloud; -dhi, -nitha, -nidhi, m. ocean. 1ITK pAd, strong base of pad, foot. IT<p~d-a, m. [goer], foot (of men and animals); foot or leg (of inanimate objects), post; bottom (of a water-skin); wheel; root (of a tree); spur (of a mountain); ray, beam (foot of a heavenly body); (foot of a quadruped = ) quarter (p1. the four parts); fourth part of a (four-versed) stanza; verse (even of a three-versed stanza); the du. orp1. is often used (gnly. — ) to designate a person respectfully; pidayoh pat, fall at any one's (g.) feet; p^daih, on foot (of several); -ki, m. little foot; 0,a. (ika^) footed; -krikkhra, m. quarter (a kind of) penance; -grahana, n. grasping or embracing the feet of any one (in token of respect or submission); -kUpaia or -k^palya, n. carelessness in placing the feet; k^ ra,.gigo foot, walking; m. foot-soldier; walking: in. on foot; _kfirin, a. going on fot; m. foot-soldier; -khhedana, n. cutting off of a foot; -tala, n. sole of the foot: - ghati,f. kick; -tas, ad. from, at, near, or by the feet; at or near the foot; step by step, by degrees -kri, place at the feet; -tra, n. (?) shoe. [feet. lWiTNITqn parla-dhhvana, n. washing of the lIT9II~ pftda-namra, a. bowing down to the feet of any one; -nikrit, a. having a deficiency of a syllable in each quarter-verse; -ny sa, m. setting down of the feet, step; footprint; -pa, m. (drinking by the root), plant, esp. tree: -ka, -', a. id.; -patana, n. throwing oneself at the feet of any one, prostration; -patita, pp. having thrown oneself at any one's feet; -paddhati, f. line of footsteps, footprints; -padma, m. lotus-foot; -parikkraka, m. humble servant; -paidadhivana, n. washing of one foot with the other; -pitha, n. footstool: 3i-kri, turn into a footstool; -pftrana, a., n. filling a versefoot; -prakshg1ana, n. washing of the feet; -prasahrana, n. stretching out the feet; -praM~ra m. kick; -bhata, m. foot-soldier; -h' ga, m.afourth; -bh~g~a.possessing equallinig only a fourth part of any one (g.) in (lc.); _mudrah,f footprint; trace, sign, indication: -paiikti, f. line of footprints, track; ~-mtila, a. root of the foot, tarsu s; sometimes used as a respectfl designation of a person; foot of a mountain: e ni-pat, fall at the feet of (g.); -yuddha, n. foot-fight; -ragas, n. dust of the feet; -lagna, pp. sticking in the foot (thorn); lying at any one's feet; attached to the foot; -lepa, m. foot-ointment of apeculiarly magical power; -vandana, n. adoration of the feet, reverential salutation; -sabda, m. sound of footsteps; -sas, ad. foot by foot; by a fourth; sauka, n. cleansing of the feet; -sthmbha, m. supporting beam, pillar. lITkTV pa'da gra, a. tip of the foot; - Agha-. I I ta, m. kick; - aiiguli or ri..f. toe; - aiigushtha, m. great toe. [soldier. Wi~TfT pdadata, m. [going on foot], footlINTiT'f pftda nta, m. tip of the foot, claw: tc. at any one's feet; - antara, n. distance of a foot: IC. close beside (g.); - ambhas, n. water for washing the feet; -;.ravina, m. lotus of a foot (said of the fo-ot of a deity, lover, etc.); -a9rdha, n. half a quarter, an eighth; - arpana, a. placing the foot upon; - avanam-a, M. bowing down before any one's fe-et; - avasekana, n. water in which the feet have been washed; fisph~1ana, n. trarmpling or shuffling of the feet; - &hati,f. blow of the foot, kick; - against (-O). WIfikER pftd-ika, a. amoun1ting to or lasting a quarter (of -a time); -in, a. having feet; entitled to a fourth. WUS pad-A, m. foot; place: (n)-ki, f. shoe; slipper; (ii)-krit, m. shoemaker. lIT YII~1Ipftdapasamgrahana, n. embracing the feet (of a teacher% 1IT~q p'ad-ya, a. belonging to the foot; n. water for washing the feet. lIT'fpfiana, n. drinking (esp. of strong drink); draught; sipping (the lips); beverage, drink: -ka, m. n. beverage, drink; -pa, a. drinking intoxicating liquors; -p~tra, a. drinking vessel, cup (esp. for spirituous liquor); -bhfi or -bhftmi, f. drinking-place or room; -mafigan. drinking-bout; -.matta, ppinocated; -niada, m. intoxication. lITIM pftnasa, a. made from the bread-fruit. tI1IqT pft niya, fp. drinkable; a. drink; water: -varsha, m. or n. (?) downpour of water, rain; - artham, ad. for the sake of water. [life of a wayfarer. 1T pftntha, m. wayfarer, traveller: -tva, n. lITlI pahpd, a. (j!, V.; 9) evil, bad, wicked, criminal, sinful; inauspicious (planets, omens); m. wicked man, villain, sinner; a. evil, trouble, misfortune, harm; wickedness,offence,crime, villany, guilt, sin: sAntam paipam, may heaven forefend that; brahma -haty&kritam -, crime consisting in slaying a Bra'hman; pa'pa-tara, cpv. worse; very bad; pap3iYaS, worse off, more wretched, poorer; very badly off; very had; worse; inferior; m. bad man; papishtha. spy, least; worst; very bad; pfipishthatamm, worse than (ab.). lITtI'i pftpa-ka, a. wicked, bad; m. rascal; as. evil; -karman, n. wicked deed; a. doing evil deeds, wicked, sinful; m. ill-doer, miscreant, criminal, sinner; -k~rin, -krlt, a., mi. id.; -krita, (p~p.) n. misdeed; -gati, a. illstarred; -ketas, a. evil-minded, malevolent; -timira, a. blinded by sin, sin-bedarkened; -piurusha, m. rascal, villain; -priya, a. fond of or prone to evil; -bandha, m. continuous series of misdeeds; -buddhi, f. evil intent; a. evil-minded, malevolent;..bhafigana, a. destroying the wicked; m. N. of a Bradhman; -bhfig, a. participating in wrong, guilty; -bhava, a. evil-minded; -mati, a. evilminded,. malevolent, ungodly; -yoni,f. low womb, birth as a punishment of sin; -rahita, pp. freed from sin, sinless; -ripu, (foe of sin), N1. of a Tirtha; -roga, m. bad disease, disease as punishment for sin; -rogin, a. suffering from a bad disease or disease in punishment for former sin; r~iddhi, f. hunting, chase; -1okya, a. leading ~to hell; -vaSiyasa or -vasyas-a, n. [betterness of the bad], topsyturvyness, preposterousness; -sila, a. of bad character, prone to evil: -tva, n. depravity; -sodhana, a. purifying from guilt; nt. N. o~f a scre bahin-place; -siidana-t~irtha, n. N. ofa sacred bathing-place; -han, a. destroying sin or sinners; -hara, a. taking away sin; -hridaya, a. bad-hearted. f WXTlIT~' pApa kara, a. leading a wicked life; - tman, a. evil-minded, malevolent, wicked; m. wicked man, villain; - anubandha, m. evil consequences; -irambha-ka, -a.~rambha-vat, a. machinatingeil asaya, a. evil-intentioned. RIOfTI pap-in, a. wicked, sinful; mn. evildoer, sinner; -ishtha, spy., -IYas, cpu. (oqf papa) more or very wicked; -iyas.-tva, n. wickedness, depravity. lI,Tpap-mdn^m evil, calamity, suffering; transgression, sin, guilt; a. hurtful, evil. lI~pat-ndn, m.&cutaneous eruption, scab. 111 ama-ra, mn. man of the lowest extraction plying a despised trade; rogue; simspleton, fool: -tva, a. simplicity. A[~PY, I. A&. pay&, void excrement. 'I~ pfya-ka, a. (ia) drinking. 1I~' a-y-dna, n. causing to drink; af moistening. [tinually drinking. lI 'Ipa-y-am, abs.: repeated, while conXiTff patyas-a, a. made of milk; m. n. milkrice: -dagdha, _pp. scalded by milk-porridge. t iffi, pat-y-in, a. drinking, suc-king(c) a.p-y-ud, 7n. protector: pl. (gnly. in.) protecting powers, aid. wrfj2.paty-uidm(SB.p'ayu)anus: -ksha1anmbhfsi f.privy: ta, fabst. Nr.;.kshila.. na-vesman, a. id.; -upastha, n. sg. anus and organ of generation. Wpar-a, a. [v'/2. pri] taking across; (in.) a. opposite or farther bank or boundary; bank; extreme limit, extremity, end, goal: -kama, a. -wishing to reach the other bank. XffR,~ patrak-ya, a. belonging to or meant for another; alien, hostile; in. enemy. 'qT para-ga, a. crossing to the farther bank; having gone to the end of anything, having accomplished, - thoroughly studied, fully conversant with (g., lc.., ~ deeply learned; -gata, pp. having reached the opposite hank, having safely crossed (g.); -grainkAm, a. hostile: -m vidhini. akikirshati, prepares for hostilities. lIT~![ patr-ana, a. taking across, saving; n. bringing to an end, accomplishment, fulfilment; conclusion of a fast ( ~ vrata-), breakfast (also a); reading; complete text. lI3 arata, m. quicksilver (= pftrada). lITTT patra-tantr-ya, a. dependence; -talpika, n. adultery. lIT'K'f: prard-tah, ad. on the other side of (g.). lI'f~ aratr-ika, a. relating to the next world (cp. paratra); -ya, a. id. W7T paracla, m.. a. quicksilver; in. pi. N. of a people. lIT~TZRi patradar-ika, a. having intercourse with another man's wife (para.-dgra); m. adulterer; -ya, n. adultery. lI '~para-drisvan, a. (r-i) having, seen the opposite bank, fully conversant with(g or 1TW pa'ra-des-ya. '9TZI[T-q pa'vama'na.11 161 Tlql( pA a-des-ya, a. belongingto or coming from another country (para-desa), foreign. R'fK-E4~i pftra-dhv aga, m. pl. standards from over the sea (i.e. from Ceylon) borne in royalI processions. M Nrrf.H pframa arth-ika, a. (i) relating to the real (paramartha), real, true; loving truth; -ya, n. absolute truth. RT fWT phram-i-tft~f. reaching theftarther shore, complete attainment (ofa virtue); -) perfection in (B.). '-(WR~IR pframa isvara, a. (II) relating to or coming from the supreme lord (Siva)..tT4~ pftrameshth-ya, a. relating to the supreme god (Brahman); n. highest position. lITTqT pairam-par-a, a. relating to the other side: with loka, m. the other world: i3-ya, a. traditional; handed down; -ya, a. uninterrupted succession, oral tradition: -krama ~ gata, pjp. or Z-9 ~tpp. handed down in regular succession. wp~f'qrf par-ny-i-tr?', M. (fr. CS. Of V'/2. pri) one who puts across; used as future in p&rayita asmi. arfW fray-ishnui, a. successful; victoiu:-tama, spy, best in accomplishing. M ENi~ pfra-laukika, a. (II) relating to the next world. XRk' pftrasava, m. a mixed caste (offspring of Bra'hmana and Sildra'). XffTV patrasa, a. (II) Persian; II, f. the Persian language; i-ka, a. Persian; m. pl. the Persians,; I-ka, m. pl. the Persians. ZU47F pftraskara, m. N. of the author of a Grihyas?2tra and of a Dharmasa'stra. 1TT~T'91I pftra ayana, n. readiug through, study; totality; complete text. RT-7 prftrrth-ya, n. sympathy with another's cause, disinterestedness. 'qTTf Pabxfvata, a. distant, coming from a distance (parfivat); m. turtle-dove, pigeon; a hind of snake: -miaka-ya, den. 'A. resemble a flock of turtles; -_ aksha, m. N. of a snakce demon (having eyes like a turtle-dove). MV4 Pr vtan(?frhrnnae hank; m. sea (having a further and a nearer shore): -tarana artham, ad. in order to cross from one bank~ to the other. 'qTTTlkT pfirftsar-a, a. belonging to Para&sara; -in, m. monk of the order of Pfiriisarya: p1. a certain philoso phical school; -ya, m. pat. son of Parfisara, i. e. Vyflsa. WTfKJIZ pftrikuta, m. attendant. XRfT~f_9'f pftrikshitd, m. pat. descendant of Parikshit, Ganamegaya. a frigata, M. coral tree (bearing crimson blossoms: Erythrina indica); also its wood; a mythical tree of paradise, produced at the churning of the ocean and taken from Indra by Krishna; -maya, a. made of the flowers of the tree of paradise. wr~f'K'Trftri pa'ri-nftm-ika, a,. digestible; subject to development: with bhava, M. natural disposition; -ngyya, a. household utensils; -na~hya, n. id.; -tosh-ika, is. reward, gratuity (token of satisfaction); -P.auth-ika, m. highwayman, robber; _pitra, incorrect for -y~tra; -pa~rsva-ka, a. attendant: ika^,.f. chambermaid; -pirsvika, a. standing at one's side; sa. attendant: PI. retinue; -pa1ya,a. governorship; -plava, a. swimming; moving to and fro, unsteady; wavering, irresolute; m. ship: -t', f., -tva, %. unsteadiness, caprice; -bhadra, ma. coral tree (Brythrina indica); -bhash-ika, a. (i) technical; -mAndal-ya, S. spherical shape; man-ya, n. circumference; -yjtra, sa. N. of the western Vindhya range; -vitt-ya, a. bachelorhood while a younger brother is married; -vettr-ya, a. marriage of a younger before an elder brother; -sesh-ya, n. result: ab. therefore; -shada, sa. member of an assembly or council, auditor, spectator: 'pI. retinue of a god; -shad-ya, m. one who takes part in an assembly, spectator; -hr-ika, a. privileged; -hgr-ya, m. bracelet; hsya, n. jest. UTii( PMlif (fara) milk-pail, vessel, cup. W~t ifprinha nahousehold utensils. W t~pkerindra, m. lion. WITkq phrush-eyd, a. spotted, dappled. iqTW1~ parush-ya, a. roughness, violence; dishevelled state; rudeness, insulting speech. WfT ji pre-visokam., ad. beyond mount Visoka; -sma-sanam, ad. beyond the cemetery. tfTtiW pftroksh-ya, a. invisible; uinintelligible, enigmatical; n. infallibility; mystery. 'T1T' pftrtha, m. met. descendant of Prithft, Yudhishthira, Bhlmasena, and esp. Arguna; N.: -ga, m. son of Pfirtha. 'Tif-'4 palrthiv-a, a. (II) terrestrial, earthly: 'with vrata, a. manner of the earth; sa. inhabitant or son of earth; prince, king, warrior; a. royal: i, f. daughter of earth, Sltfl; t& f, -tva, a. royal dignity, kingship; -naudini f. king's daughter, princess; -i shabha, m. illustrious king; -sreshtha, spy. best of kings; -suta',f. king's daughter; 7tmag f. king's daughter; -indra, sa. most excellent of kings. MiT p'ar-ya, a. being on the further shore; last; decisive; effective; a. end. tIT4! parvan-a, a. relating to a phase of the moon (new or full); increasing or full (moon); being at the time of opposition or full moon; m. fortnight; new and full moon sacrifice. tiT'I parvata, a. (i1) produced or growing on, being, dwelling or consisting in mountains, mountainous: i1f. pat. daughter of the mountain (i. e. of the Himadlaya), Du'gfa (consort of Siva); qajyana, m. pat.fr. parvata, N. of a chamberlain; 3i-ya, a. dwelling in the mountains; m. mountaineer. ing to the days of conjunction and opposition (new and fall moon) and to the solstices. tRTT parsv-6, (in.) a. [connected with the ribs, parsu], region of the ribs, side (alsofig.); flank (of an army); proximity: -in, aside (look)~; to the side of, near (g., — O); ab. away from; on the part of, by, through; lc. near;beside, at (g., -'O); lc. du. on both sides; - standing beside or near - tIT'A*j parsva-ka, m. rib; -ga, a. going at one's side, accompanying; m. attendant: pl. retinue; -gata, pp. going at one's side, attendant; sheltering (shade); -gamana, n. accompanying ( —9); -kara, m. attendant: p1. retinue; -tks, ad. from, by or at the side or flank of, beside, aside (g. or -.O); near at hand; -druma, m. tree at one's side; -parivartin, a. being at the side of ( —O); -vartin, a. standing beside; m. attendant: pl. retinue; -vivartin, a. being beside, living with (g.); -stha, a. standing beside, staying near; -sthita, pp. id. Ulq -pfrsvaa~nukara, m. attendant; 7&9yata, pp. come near, approached; asanna, pp. standing beside, present; 7 sqina, pr. pt. sit ting beside; - asthi, a. rib; - uipapirsva,m.du.flank and shoulder-blade; - upapidam, abs. holding one's sides (with laughter). tITTf pftrshata, a. of or belonging to the spotted deer (prishata). RT*1~ phrshada, in. (= pftrishada) attendant (esp. of a god); member of an assembly, spectator: pl. (sts. sg.) retinue; n. manual recognised by a grammatical school. tIif p'arsh-ni, f. heel; rear of an army, back: -m grah, attack any one (g.) in the rear; -grahha, a. attacking in the rear; m. enemy in the rear. WPXITIf pftrshnil, f. = patrshni. XT pst-la, m. watchman, guardian; herdsman; protector of the earth, lord, king: -ka, in. guardian, protector (ika', f.); adopted father; ruler, prince; guardian of th'e earth; N. of various princes; -na, a. (i') guarding, fostering; a. guarding, protecting, cherishing; preserving, observing, keeping, maintaining. tIT!R'g plald-ya, den. P. (E. alSo A):regarded by the grammarians as the causal of -,pfi; guard, protect; rule; be the guardian of; preserve, maintain, keep (a promise etc.): pp. palita. ati, pass, spend (time). anu, guard, protect; take care of; be the guardian of; maintain, observe, keep (a promise etc.); adhere to. pari, guard, protect, from (ab.); govern; cherish, honour; support; maintain, keep; expect; wait. prati, protect, guard; maintain, observe, keep to; wait; wait for, expect. sam, protect;'- keep (a promise,); get over, overcome. [(of, ac., g., or rT!rfq.ij patlay-i-tri, in. protector, guardian 'qTIRM@ pftla-hari, m. N. W(WflkT p~la'sa, a. (I') belonging to or made of the wood of the palfisa tree. tITfW patli (or 'I), f. lobe of the ear; outer ear; margin, edge; dam, dyke; line, row. 'TIf~rqT patl-ikat, f. of palaka. 'trfW'rff patlita, pp. of patlaya. [in. ruler. WIfriipal-in, a. protecting, guarding; -', MTfRw phli-bbhafga, m -bursting of a dyke. t(T~j patlif. i. female guardian; 2. - pali' -vata, in. a tree. tfTW pftl-ya,fjp. to be protected or guarded; under theguardianship of (g.); tobe observed, kept, or maintained. XfT'9'palv-aka', a. (V/pfi) pure, clear; bright; purifying; m. a certain Agni; fire; Agni:~ -vat, a. ep.- of an Agni; (A) -varna, a. brightcoloured; (a)-sokis, a. brightly shining. 'trrftfi pa'vak-i, m. son of Fire, Skanda. 'IT~qV pab-ann, a. (il) purifying, sanctifying; pure, holy; m. a hind of fire; a. purification, sanctification; means of purifying. WIqiTIIT' pa'vamatn, a. relating to Agni Pavamana or the Soma- which is being puniY 162 wr~-, pavara. fqlqT;Uff a-, pi-p' s-at. fled bY a strainer: 3',f. gnly.Jpl. Soma hymns (esp. in RV., mandala IX). [para). W(~pftvara, a die (corrupt form of dvftp9vi1rav-a, a. (i1) coming from or relating to the thunderbolt (pavlru); f daughter of lightning, thunder. W11kT puas-a, m. [V'pas, bind], string, tether; snare, gin, trap, noose; bond, fetter (alsofig.); -_9, smatterer, bungler; beauty of = beautiful, handsome; shock or quantity of, abundant (with, words meaning hair): -ka, m. noose; snare; -kantha, a. having a noose round the neck; -dyumna, m. N.; -baddha, p~p. caught in a net, entrapped, snared, noosed; -baudha, m. snare, noose, halter; net: -baudhaka, m. bird-catcher; -baudhana, n. snare; a. caught in a snare;.bhrit, a. holding a noose; m. ep. of Varuna; -raggu,f. fetter, bond. WFTI patsav-a, a. coming from or peculiar to animals. 1Tr'IT11[ pftsa-hasta, a. holding a snare or noose in his hand; m. ep. of Yama. wrfJW-af pas-ika, m. trapper, bird-catcher; N.; -in, a. baying a noose; m. bird-catcher; ep. of Varuna. WFT5Jpftsupata,a.(i)belonging orreferring to Siva Pasupati; m. worshipper of Siva Pasupati. [ing of cattle. WUT33qWI pflsupMl-ya, n, binding or breedaI~TI pikft-tya (or -ya), a. posterior; western; last: -bhmg.eye (of a needle). WrWW~r, pftshand-a, a. (IL) heretical; m. heretic; m. n. heresy; -in, m. heretic; -ya, n. heresy. [made of stone. tITWP!ff patshfna, m. stone: -maya, a. (i3) fti pi, vbl. prefix sts. for api. ffIPIMs and f~lWPIMSll, v. f~iPIS and fwM PISH. ftiqi pika, in., 3i,f. Indian cuckoo. f~~pifig-a, a. [Vpin-g] reddish brown, tawny: -danta, m, N. fpihga-ld~a-1,a.tawny; tawny-eyedorredeyed; m. ep. of Siva and of adnaaN, espy- of a writer on metre: ai, f. kind of leech; a-Ica, in. Tawny, N. of a lion; i-ka^,f. N.; (a)-gindhxAr, m. N. of a fairy. f# frpifigal-ita,pp~growntawny-coloured; -i-man, in. tawny colour. fT pifiga aksbd, a. (i) tawny-eyed or red-eyed; m. monkey; ep. of Agni; N. of a -Daitya;..isvara, in. N. of an attendant of -Parvati. fXtFJ piku, m. cotton: -manda or -marda, in. a tree (Azadiraccta indica);.la, in. a tree (Tamnarix indica). fr pik-kha, nt. tail-feather, esp. of a peacock: -ka, m. id.; i-4,f bunch of peacock's tail-feathers (used by jugglers). [pery. ft!Ekif pikkha-la, a. slimy, lubricous, slipf 10f"I pikkchila, a. id.: 'i-kri, make slipfTMJe piiika-deva, m. N. [pery. f Ipiniga-ra, a. reddish yellow, tawny; bleached (of hair in old age): -tva, n. golden colour; bleached colour (of hair in old age). fiK.r piiigara-ya, den. P. colour reddish yellow (Pr.): pp. ita, coloured tawny. ftif, pinigar-ika, n. a kind of musical instrument; -i-man, in. tawny colour; 3ikri, make tawny. f~ti%#l pinig-al-'i, f. bunch or tuft of stalks or grass; -Uila, n. id. fppita, n. (?) basket: -ka, in. n. id.; boil. ft1'.T pitta-ya, P. stamp down. f~~pithara, n., I^,f. pot; pan; a-ka, in. id. fg~ff pidakat, f. boil, pimple, pustule. fi pinda, m. (n. rare) lump, knob, ball; flake (of wall-plaster); morsel, mouthful = daily bread, food, livelihood; flour-ball (offered to the Manes), funeral cake; body; person, individual; material object: -ka, m. lump, ball; -khargfira, m. kind of date tree: -tas, ad. from a ball or lump; -ta', f. condition of a body; -tva, n. density, condensation, state of a material mass: -m a'gata, (darkness) become palpable; -da, a. offering or entitled to offer the funeral cakes to the Manes; m. bread-giver, lord, master; -diltri, a. id.; -dina, n. offering of a flour-ball (esp. at the sacrifice to the Manes); sacrifice of funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); alms-giving; -nirvapana,n.offeringoffuneral cakes; -pitra, n. alms-bowl; alms; -pitriyagiia, in. offering of funeral cakes (on the evening of new moon); -prada, a. offering funeral cakes; -bhig, a. partaking of the funeral cakes; in. p 1. the Manes; -mnaya, a. consisting of a clod; -m~tra upagivin, a. living solely on morsels offered. ft~jpinda-ya, den. P. accumulate, unite; add together: pp. ita, made into a lump, densified; massy, solid, close; taken together, united, all together. ava, pp. fallen as globules. pari, pp. clenched. sam, heap together: _pp. clenched; drawn together, contracted; united. TfiUwZr pinda-yagnia, in. sacrifice with funeral cakes; -lepa, in. what adheres to the hands from the funeral cakes (constituting an offering to the three ancestors preceding the great-grandfather); -sambandha, m. relationship entitling a man to offer the funeral oblations to the deceased; -_ agra, n. bit of a flour-ball; - anva~harya-ka, a. with srflddha, n. feast after the funeral oblation. f if~q r pind-ikft, f. lump of flesh (on the shoulders, arms,, or legs); pedestal of a statue. ftiqrr pindil, f. a tree. fwrT7\A4P pindi'-karana, n. clenching; -kri, make into a lump, clench; compress, densify; concentrate; identify with (saha); -bhi.va, m. being com pressed or clenched; -bhiii,become agglomerated, be closelyunited; -lepa, in. kind of ointment. f#t1fA1w44 pindanpagivin, a. eating the bread of, i. e. supported by, another. f'q'Tqi pinyftka,m.(?) oil-cake; Asafoetida. f"~'njU' pitfl-putrd, in. du. and 0~- father and son; -mahi, in. paternal grandfather; ep. of Brahma: pl. ancestors, Manes (esp. remote ones); -mahil, f. maternal grandmother. f1'qpi-tu,m. (n.') juice, drink, food: -bhrs't, a. bringing nourishment; -mat, a. accompanied by meat and drink; nourishing. fti'U pi-tr" in. father: du. parents: pl. fathers; father and his brothers, paternal relations; progenitors, Manes: -ka, -' pitri; -karman, n. rite in honour of the Manes; -kainana, n. ancestors' grove, cemetery; -kA,rya, n. offering to the Manes; -kriy&', f. id.; -gassa, m. host of Manes, Manes: pl. classes of Manes; -ghi.taka, -ghitin, -ghna, in. parricide. f'qrijir pitri-tarpana, n. oblation to the Manes; -tas, ad. on the father's side; -tva, n. paternity; -deva, m. pl. the Manes and gods; certain divine beings; -devata, a. having the Manes as gods, sacred to the Manes; -devatya-, a. id.; -devata^, f. pl. the Manes and the gods; -daivata, a. (i3) relating to the worship of the Manes; -drohin, a. plotting against one's father. fltRtrW pitri-paksha, a. being on the father's side, paternal; -pfigana, n. worship of the Manes; -pait~maha, a. (i') inherited from or peculiar to father and grandfather: with nhman, a. father's and grandfather's name; in. pl. or 9- (inetricalfor -pita'maha), fathers and grandfathers; -paitamah-ika, a. id.; -mit, a. having a father; connected with the Manes; -mandira, n. father's house, paternal mansion; -mitri-maya, a. thinking Of father and mother only; -m~tri artha, a. begging for father and mother; — mitra, n. father's friend; -medha, in. sacrifice to the Manes. f~ pitri-yagni'i,m.sacrificetotheManes; _y~na, a. trodden by or leading to the Manes; yana s path trodden by or leading to the Manes; -ra'ga, ms. king of the Manes, Yama; -Iokk, in. father's house; world or abode of the Manes; -vamsa, in. father's family;..vams-ya, a. belonging to the father's family; -vat, ad. like a father; like the Fathers; as at the funeral sacrifice; -vadha,mi. parricide; -vana, n. ancestors' grove, cemetery; -yesman, n. father's house. pitri-vya, in. paternal uncle; elderly relative or friend. f,1~ pitri-sarman, in. N. of a DInva -sha~d, a. remaining with one's parents, - unmarried; dwelling with the Manes; -shvasri, f. father's sister; -sadman, n. cemetery. flgiffui pitri-han, in. parricide. f#`iff pittd, a. bile: -jipasrishta, pp. suffering from bile. fqIiM pittha, ms. N.; -ka, in. id. ftM~ pi'tr-ya, a. paternal; ancestral; relating or sacred to the Manes; with tirtha, n. part of the hand between thumb and forefingqer sacred to the Manes; with dis, f. south. ftI'M pit-sa, des. base of Vpat. ftr-rT'frz pi-dhfttavya, fp. to be covered or stopped (ears); -dha'na, n. covering; shutting; cover; lid: -vat, a. covered with a lid; -dhayaka, a. covering, concealing (~) f. abst. Nv. [ceal. ftjffVJ%,1q pi-dhit-su, des. a. wishing to conftiiipinaka, a. staff; club or bow of Siva (C.): -ani -bhrit, vs. ep. of Siva. fq-VRfff~pinak-in, in. ep. of Siva. PINYV, I. pinva, cause to swell, overflow, or abound; A. swell, he exuberanat, overflow. Pra =simple verb. ftitifn- pi-pat-i-shu, des. a. about to fall. ft W(M? pi-pat-s-at, pr. pt. des.('. pat) thirsty; -sj,f. desire to drink, thirst: -vat, a. thirsty; -s-i-ta, des. pp. thirsty; -su, des,,. a. wishing to drink (ac. or ~P; thirsty. f~qftW pi-pill-a. ji pukkha. -163 ft4 41 f pi-pi'l-a, m. [intv. greatly squeezed in, very thin-waisted: V/pld], ant: -ka, m. id. ft'1tMfr~n pip"1l-ikt, f.id.: a, m. id.: -madhya, a. slender in the middle like an ant: a, f. any metre the middle pdda of which is shorter than the preceding and following; &-madhya, n. ant-waist fast (beginning with fifteen mouthfuls at full moon, decreasing daily by one till new moon, and increasing similarly tillfull moon). fwqiMr pip-pal-a, m. sacred fig-tree, Peepal (Picus religiosa); a,f. N.ofariver; n.(pip-), berry, sp. the fruit of the sacred fig-tree; sensual enjoyment: - ada, a. eating the fruit of the Peepal tree mpl. a school of the AV.; i"f. berry; long pepper. ftflTx pI,-pr-u, M. [V'pri], N. of a demon vanquished by Indra. fii* pi-pl-u, m. mole, freckle: -prakkhadana, a. concealing the mole. ft~piba, pr. base of v'pft, drink: -vat, a. containing aform, of the verb pa, drink. ft~pibd [pi-p(a)d, tread upon], only pr. pt. pibd-a-mana, being or becoming firm or solid; -aua, a. firm, solid. fw4qwr pim-pal-at, f. N. of a river (perhaps incorrect for pippalh). ftIq1T pi'yaru, a. mocking, overbearing. f'qtNTf piyft-la, m. [for priyatla], a tree (Buchanania latifolia); n. its fruit. fqq PIS, VI. pimsi, hew out, carve; prepare; adorn; form: pr. pt. ai-~~ pp. pisiti and pishtk, adorned; intv. pr. pt. p~pis-ft, (star-)spangled, _ana, adorned with (in.). 'a, adorn, paint. ftpi7,pis, f. ornament. fW~~ pis-9, m. [dappled, fair], deer. f#TriT pis-dii-ga, a. ('I) [moving brilliantly, glittering], reddish, tawny: -gata, m. N. of an ascetic (having a reddish top-knot); ati f. -tva, n. reddish or tawny colour: i-ta, pp. orange-coloured; 3i-kri, colour reddish. f#Wr~f pisa ak-d [moving brilliantly, willos-the-wisp-], m. hind of demon; ~-2, devil or fiend of a -; 1,.f. female imp; -' devil of a -,a devilish - fX-Muqqi pisftka-ka, m.I f.)aPispka ra, n. N. of a village; -grihita-ka, m. one possessed of a demon; ati f. -tva, n. condition of a Piskka; -pati, m. ep.o ia -vadana, a. having the face of a Pis~ha; - uraga.r Akshasa, m._plI. imps, serpents, and demons. fi~f1iT pis-itd, pp. V'pis; nI. carved flesh, flesh (sts. pl.): vas-Maya, a. (i) consisting of flesh and fat; - isa, m. flesh-devouring demon, Pisilka or RMihasa; Z-9sana, a. fleshdevouring; m. Piskai or Rftkshasa;- ^sin, a., m. id. ftp3jir pi's-una, a. backbiting, detracting, slanderous, calumnious (person, speh treacherous; malignant, mischievous, insidious; wicked, base, vile; —, betraying, indicative of; m. backbiter; tale-bearer, informer, betrayer; N. of a minister of -DushYanta: mt,f. backbiting, sycophancy; -yakana, n. calumnious speech, detraction, slander. W4pisuna-ya, den. P. 'betray, manifest: p ita. fqqPISH, VII. P. (E. also A.) pi-ni-sh, N\ pi-m-sh, grind, pound, bruise, destroy; crush (fig. withi g.): pp. pishta, ground; cs. peshaya, P.= =simple vb. A, press; touch. ud,.pp. bruised, crushed. nish, bruise, grind, crush; stamp; rub together; gnash (the teeth); cs. destroy. vi-nis, bruise, pound, crush. pra, crush. vi, pelt with (in.). sam, grind, crush. ftir 2. pish-td, pp. V'pish; n. meal: -ka, m. pastry, cake; n. meal. [vishtapa. f tipishtapa, m. n. various reading for ftfKw'qW pishta-pakana, n. pan; -pasu, M. sacrificial animal made of flour; -maya, a. (3.) made of flour. [der. fr~iffqi pishta ta-ka, n. (?) fragrant powfK PIS, IV. P. Pis-ya, expand. f~tfig- pi-hita, pp. V/dha&. x.PIV. A. piya, drink; v. -v/pf, drink. fl2.P, I. A. p~ya; intv. XP~ orpapya, P. A. swell, overflow, be exuberant, abound; tr. cause to swell, be exuberant, or overflow; surfeit: Pp. piLna, fat, thick, robust, brawny, bulky. g, A1. swell; cause to swell: PP. 9pita or apina, swelling, exuberant, full. ud, pp. swollen. if~pitha, n. stool, chair, seat, bench; base, pedestal; kind of temple (erected at the places where the limbs of Padrvati' when hewn in pieces at Daksha's sacri~fice are supposed to have fallen); district, province; office: -ka, n. (?) chair, bench; -kakra, n. waggon with a seat; -marda, m. attendant of a man of rauk; sp. companion of the hero in important enterprises (dr.). 'I~f'iT pithikat, f. bench; pedestal. PID [pi-s(a)d, sit upon], press: onlyI pf Ipi e; 3. d~ya, P. (E1. also A) press, squeeze; wring; give pain to, distress, hurt; afflict, torment, oppress, harass; besiege; infringe, break, neglect: -n kalam kalena' suppressing one period by another, leaving everything to time; ps. p3idya, be pained or afflicted, suffer; hurt (mnt.): pr. pt. incurring trouble; pp. distressed, badly off. abhi, es. harass, oppress, torment; besiege (a town). a, es. squeeze out; press; crush; afflict: pp. covered with (-O). ud, cs. press or force up: pp. -in, ad. ardently (embrace). upa, cs. press; afflict, harass,, torment; lay waste; suppress; restrain; eclipse. ni, cs. press; embrace; afflict, torment. abhi-ui, cs. press, squeeze; torment. nis, cs. press or squeeze out; squeeze hard; compress. pari, cs. compress; embrace; afflict or torment grievously. pra, cs. press; afflict, torment, harass. prati, cs. id. sam, compress, press; torment, harass; take together. tj 1p~id-ana, n. pressing, squeezing; distressing, tormenting; calamity; eclipse. '17~T p-id-a-, f'. pain, ache, suffering (in.= unwillingly); harm, disadvantage, damage; restriction; infringement, violation; eclipse: -kara, -krit, a. harmful, hurtful; -krita, (pp.) n. infliction of hurt. t0ff'r pild-ita, pp.; n. damage.,J I. pii-td, pp. V-.pf, drink. 2. pita, a. yellow: -ti', f. yellowness; yellow colour. 'I I p'ita-kosa, a. having sealed an alliance with a drink; -vat, a. having drunk; containing the verb ph, drink; - mbara, a. wearing a yellow garment; m. ep. of KrishnaV~ishnu; - avaserha, a. (having a residue from what has been drunk), drunk up excepting a small remainder. iRf pit-tif, f. drinking (ac., g.); draught.!a 14 j~tu-dftru, m. hind of tree; n. its 4Vrpi-tba, m. draught of (~) [resin..qfq t-nadikn~qadrn(-) Ti(pi -na, pp. (v',2. Pi) swelling, full, round; robust, muscular; -kakudmat, a. having a fat hump; -tfi,,f. fatness; -tva, n. id.; denseness (of darkness); -sroni-payodhara, a. heaving swelling hips and breasts. 1 R[pinasa, M. cold, catarrh. ft'1InTM?141 ( pina yata-kakudmat, a. having a fat and lofty hump. I PYA, P. revile, scoff. pii-y-cish-a, m. n. first week's milk of a cow, biestings; cream; juice; nectar (obtained at the churning of the ocean of milk): -bha'nu, m. (nectar-rayed), moon; -bhug, m. (nectar-quaffer), god; -varsha^-ya, den. A. become a shower of nectar. 1 j 1pii, m. a tree (Careya arborea or Salvadora persica); n. its fruit. ij~pi'-va, a. fat; -van, a. (r-'I) swelling, full, exuberant, fat; -vara, a. fat, large, broad (shoulders); abounding with (-c): A f. N., -tva, n. fulness, heaviness; -vas, n. fat (v.). [pearance (Br.). itft Vti p'ivo-rfipa, a. having a fat ap'R4, pum-ratna, n'. jewel of a man; -riuipav n. male form; -lakshman, n. mark of a man, manliness; -liiiga, n. mark of a man, manliness; male gender (gr.); a. masculine (gr.): -ta', f. masculine gender; -vat, ad. like a man; as in the case of a man; like the masculine (gr.); -vesha', a.f. wearing male attire. Wlf pums-kal-i1, a. consorting with men; f.whore; -1iya, m. son of a whore. W(pumns, weak base of '[T~( pumftms. ~Ipum-savana, a. causing the birth of a male child; n. (+~vrata) domestic rite (at the beginning of conception) for the obtainnent, of a son. #W pums-kokila, m. male Indian cuckoo: -tva, n. virility, manhood; masculine gender (gr.). W'k pukkasa, in., II, f. a despised mixed caste (offspring of a Nishadda and a WMdr). ijW pufikh-a,vin. feathered end of an arrow: i-ta, pp. possessed of a feathered end (arrow); shot by (~) pum-gava, in. (male cow), bull; hero, chief among, most excellent of (-a): -ketu, m. having a bull for his emblem, ep. of Siva. TW Pdkkha, in. a. tail; extreme end: -vat, a. possessed of a tail; - agra, n. tip of the tail. Y 2 164 164 4puiiga. liNi- puramdhi 3 puiiga, m. ( —) heap, mass; quantity of. j134 pun-ga-ya, den. P. heap up, compress, put together: pp. ita, heaped; pressed together, clenched. ud, heap up. pun-ggi-kri, heap uip; -bhft, accumulate; become clenched. IC PUVI. 'P. puta, envelope or dis\~N guise in (in.); rub with (in.). IF put-a, m I n.. fold, bag; cluster (of shoots), concavity, cavity; slit; m. cup formed of a lea-f; covering: -ka, m. concavity; funnel-shaped cavity formed of a leaf; -pka, m. baking in a leaf-case (a; method of preparing medicines by baking them in leaves encased in clay). [tuses. lpfqi'iY putak-in-ii, f. lotus; group of lo~f'VfT put-ikft, f. funnel-shaped cavity formed of a leaf. [vessel. '~VIputil-kri, turn into a funnel-shaped qi punddri~ka, n. (white) lotus flower (also as an emblem of the human heart); m. N. of the elephant of the south-eastern quarter; -mukhi, f. kind of leech; - aksha, m. Lotus-eyed, e~p. of Vishnu or Krishna. 13 pundra, m. pl. N. of the people of the modern Bengal and Behar; n. sectarian mark; -ka, m. p I. id.; -vardhana, ss. N. of a -town; - ikshu, im. sugar-cane. 1lTPiny, aauspicious, propitious, lucky, favourable; beautiful, agreeable; fragrant; good, virtuous, righteous, meritorious; pure, purifying, holy; n. the good, virtue; good work; moral or religious merit: -kart ri, m. righteous man; -karman, n. virtuous action; a. righteous, virtuous; -krit, a. acting piously, virtuous; -gandha, -gandhi: -u, a. of pleasant smell ~7fragrant; -geha, n. abode of virtue; -gank, m.p pI. good people, designation of certain genii (V. B.) = the Yalcshas (C. P.):'s vara, m. ep. of AKubera; -ga~a, a. having pure water; -tari-kri, make purer or holier; -ta&, f. purity, holiness; tIrtha, n. sacred place of pilgrimage (esp. along the course of sacred streams); a. possessed of sacred bathing-places; -tva, n. purity, holiness; -darsana, a. of handsome appearance, beautiful; -p~pa, n. pl. good and bad deeds; -punyata',f. supreme holiness; -prada, a. meritorious; -phala, n. fr-uit or reward of good works; -bharita, _pp. abounding in bliss; -bhig, -bhagin, a. happy, blessed; -yoga, m. consequence of virtuous actions (done in aformer life); -vat, a. righteous, virtuous, meritorious; lucky, fortunate, happy: with ab. = happier than; -varman, m. N. of a prince; -sila, a. righteous, virtuous; -srika, a. happy; -sloka, a. of good repute; m. ep. of Nala, Yudhishthira, and Krishna: -didrikshaf. desire to see Nala, -parafimukha, a. averse to Nala; -sena, m. N.; -sth~na, n. sacred place. ~!WTTWP(punya~tman, a. righteous, virtuous; A ees saya, a. pious, guileless; n. good or happy day; wishing any one a good day: -va'kana, n. wishing good day, paying one's respects to (g.); 7_ka-karman, a. doing virtuous actions exclusively; - udaya, m. rise of fortune in consequence of antecedent good works. j~put, v. W. pud. lffl~T putt-ika', f. [Pr.for putr-ika', little daughter], doll; white ant.!P putrd, m. son, child; young of an animal, whelp: du. two sons or son and daughter; vc. (sg., du., p1.) often fused in addressing young persons:.,.f. daughter; (a)-ka, m. son, boy: often used as a term of endearment; N. of the reputed founder of PItalipta -kmmyg, f. wish for a son or children; -krita-ka, a. adopted as a child; -kritya, n. duty of a son; -krithi, m. n. procreation of children; ta f, -tVa, n. sonship; -da'ra, n. sg. son and wife, wife and child; -nivesana, n. son's abode; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pautra, n. sg. or m. pl. sons and grandsons: -ka, n. sq. id.; -pautrin, a. having sons and grandsons; -priya, a. dear to or beloved by one's son; -bh~ga, mn. heritage of a son; -bhanda, a. (?) substitute for a son; -vat, ad. like a son or sons; as in the case of the son; (6,)-vat, a. having a son, sons, or children; possessed of a son in the true sense of the word. rM putra fkftrya, a. having one's son as a teacher, learning the V~eda from one's son. 9ftEiT putr-ika f. daughter; sp. d auLghter of a sonless father who claims her son as his own; doll, puppet: -piirva-putra, m. son of a daughterpreviouslyadoptedinsteadof a son. ~ftffr putr-in, a. having a son or sons, rich in or blessed with children; m. father of a son; n-i, f. mother of a son. putrif da ughter (v. putra). 1 ur-kri, adopt as a son; -bhf, become a son., la son. #tiputriya, a. relating to or procuring IRM!T putraeshan'af. desire for a son or sons. A 'q'~ PUTH, cS. pothaya, P. (A.) bruise, \3 '\crush; overpower, drown (sound). U7 pud, hell: a word invented to explain putra (pud-tra). 9W pudgala, a. beautiful; m. body; material object (including atoms); the ego, soul; individual.!T*`Tqj punah-paka, m. repeated cooking; repeated burning (of earthenware); -pratyupaka~ra, m. retribution; -prepsa', f. desire to regain.,Tw'R piinar, ad. back, home; again, anewv; any more or longer, still, yet; further, moreover, besides; on the contrary, on the other hand, but: with i, gain, ga', go back, go away again; with da^, give back, restore; requite; suith bhf\, turn round; be renewed; re-marry (of a woman); piinah punah or simply punah, again and again, repeatedly; na punah punah, nevermore; Adau -punah - paskit, at first - then - later; punar aparam, besides; atha va' punah, api a~pu nah, or Va, punah at the end of a verse= Va; kada punah, at any time, ever; kim punah, how much more or less; however; but; punah-punah, now-now. 'qfTqWI[ puLnar-apagama, m. going away again; -abhidhana, n. repeated mention; -abh akram, abs. by repeatedly attracting; gatapp. returned; -Agama, m. return: _agamana, n. coming back, return; re-birth; -adgyam, abs. repeatedly; -Adh&-. na, n. renewed kindling of the sacred ftre; _adh~ya,fp. to be kindled again (sacredfire);.4vartin, a. returning to terrestrial existence; leading to a return of earthly existence; _a. vritta, _pp. repeated; _avritti, f. return, reappearance; renewed birth. i~ripunar-ukta, pp. said over again, repeated; superfluous, useless: -m or O-, ad. repeatedly; n. repetition, tautology: -&f -tva, n. repetition, tautology; -ukta-vad abhaisa, mn. seeming tautology (rh.); -ukti, f. repetition; useless repetition, tautology; useless or empty word: -mat, a. tautological; -uktli-kri, render superfluous; -upagamana, n. return; -upasadana, n. repeated performance; -upikarana, n. renewal of study; _upagama, mn. return. IPWRWpunar-gamana, n. setting out again; -garbha-vat-, a.f. again pregnant; -grah-. ana, n. repetition; -ganman, n. second birth, regeneration; -gta, pp. born again; -darsana, n. seeing again; -dara-kria f. marrying again (after the death, of the first wife); -bhava, a. born again; sa. re-birth; -bh~rya, f. second wife, re-mrige bi, a. being renewed; f. re-married widow. 1ViIqW punar.-yuiddha, n. renewal of battle; -libha, mn. re-attainment, recovery; -lekhana, n. renewed writing down; -vaktavya, fp. to be repeated: at, f. abst. N.; -aaa n. saying over again, repeating; -vasu, a. bringing back boons; mn. du. & sg. fifth or seventh lunar mansion.!ofRTII pua-tarftm, cpv. ad. over and over again. r:'*jirT punah-samskrA, mn. renewed consecration; -samngama, mn. re-union; -samdhana, n. id.; -sambhava, mn. renewal; -sara, a. coming back; -siddha, pp. cooked twice. ~~a''pum-napumsaka, n. masculine and neuter; -naga, mn. a tree (Rottleria tinctoria); elephant among men, pre-eminent man; (n)n2aman, a. bearing the name of 'pod' (hell).!TVEplimftims (str-g. base; wk. base, piims; middle base, pum), mn. man, male; human being; servant; supreme (para or parama) soul; masculine (gr.). [sacrifice. 1tJpu'm-pasu, m. human victim, human pum-bha'va, m. manhood, male sex; -bhutman, m. masculine plural. ITi. p-dr,f. fulness (only in. pl.). UT2. pirjf. (nm. pih stronghold, citadel; fortified city; town. pur-a, n. castle, fortified city; town; -Tri-pura, the three citadels of the Asuras: 1, f. id. 'j 1ftif' puah-ushnih, f. a mnetre (I2 + 8 + 8 syllables); -etri, mn. one who goes before', leader, guide. VMMT~ purah-pa'ka, a. whose fulfilment is imminent; -prahartri, mn. champion; -phala, a. prognosticating fruits. qi pura-1kotta, a. citadel: _Pala, M. commandant of a -; -gana, mn. sg. the citizens; -git, mn. conqueror of citadels or of Pura, ep. of Siva (c~p. tri-pura). XE~r1pura-m-gaya,m.conqueror of cities,N. VW( pura-tas, ad. forward; before (also of time), in front or in presence of (g. or -) previously: - kri, place in front; honour. ~TT puira-dv ara, n. city gate. T pura-m-dard, mn. destroyer of strongholds, ep. of Indra, Agni, and iSiva: (a)-pura atithi, in. guest in Indra's city= deceased; -P uri,f. N. of a town. piiram-dhi, a. spirited; f. sg. and PI. high spirit, enthusiasm, exaltation. ~fTpuram-dhri, O'~ -dhri,2 f. (respectable) matron; woman. asi^f pura-mathana. ifft puro-hita. 165;''KIE' p pura-mathana, m. crusher of Pura, ep. of Siva; -marga, m. street; -raksha, -rakshin, m. town watchman, policeman; -vasin, m. citizen; -sasana, m. chastiser of Pura, ep. of Siva. xr7t; l puras-kdrana, a. preparatory to (-n); n. preparatory rite: -ta,f. preparation. g:~jR purah-sukram, ad. as if the planet Venus were in front. X! pur-ss, ad. forward; before, in front, in the van; in one's presence; in or towards the east; previously, first, first of all; prp. before, in front or presence of(ac., ab., g., -~); before (g. of time); puras-kri, place in front or at the head,cause to precede; honour; appoint for (Ic.); make the chief thing; regard; prefer, choose; display: pp. puraskrita, placed in front, advanced to the foremost rank, honoured; accompanied, attended, or distinguished by, possessed of, occupied with (-~): -m, ad. amid, with (-~); gd. puraskritya, often=regarding, on account of, about; puro dhi, place before or at the head; esteem, honour; consider; appoint to (d.), make one's priest (A.); purah sthita, impending, imminent. ITFji puras-kartavya, fp. to be placed in front, to be honoured or respected; -kara, m. preference; deference; accompaniment: -_ a. = accompanied by; -karya,fp. to be entrusted with or commissioned to (Ic. or inf.); -kriya, f. deference, honour. yXT?( puras-tat, ad. forward; before, in front, in one's presence; in or from the east; above or below (in a book); in the beginning, at first; previously, formerly; prp. with ac., ab., g., or -~, before (of time or place).!i:TTT purastat-tna, a. preceding. il3TiW liqi purastad-apakarsha, m. anticipation (gr.); -brihati, f. a metre (a brihati the first pdda of which has twelve syllables). S;:.{1 purah-sara, a. (i) preceding; m. forerunner; attendant; -O a. preceded, attended, or accompanied by: -m, ad. amid, with, by means of, after (-~). 1'T pura, (in.) ad. once upon a time, formerly; in aprevious existence(with na,never); in the olden time, in days of yore; at first; +sma, with pr. (to be translated by pf.) hitherto, long, from of old: with na, never yet (to be translated by pf.); with pr. =ft. soon, shortly; prp. with ab. before (time); in protection or safety from; without; cj. with pr. before. iTZi!W pura-katha, f. tale of the olden time; -kalpa, m. bygone age: Ic. sg. & pl, in olden times; -krita, pp. formerly done; n. former deed; -ga', a. born in the olden time, ancient, primaeval. 9KTMN pura-na, a. (i) belonging to the olden time, primaeval, ancient, old; withered (leaf); n. things of the olden time; tale of past ages, ancient legend; Purana, N. of eighteen legendary works treating chiefly of cosmogony and divine genealogy; m. a coin of a certain weight (a measure of silver equal to eighty cowries). ITMT1 pura-tana, a. (i) belonging to the olden time, bygone, former, ancient, old: Ic. formerly, in olden times, in bygone ages; m. pl. the ancients. TfVP1t pura adhipa, m. governor of a city, head constable; - adhyaksha, m. commandant of a castle, governor of a city, chief I 1 constable; -.arati, m. foe of Pura, ep. of Siva; - ari, m. id. tKTfqi pura-vid, a. knowing the past, versed in ancient lore; -vritta, pp. having happened in the olden time, long past, ancient; n. event of the past: -katha, f. story or legend of the olden time; -akhyana-kathanam, n. telling of old legends. 1Ft pur-t, f. citadel, city, town. FiHr. puri-tat, m. n. pericardium or entrail near the heart; entrails. ~tEI pur-isha, n.(a. -~,f.i) [fillings,heape: Vi. pri], crumbling earth (opp. fluids), land, earth (V.); rubbish, rubble (V.); dirt, excrement (Br., S.; C.); - udhana, n. rectum, strait-gut; -jutsarga, m. discharge of excrement. 1iO purish-ya, a. being in the earth (ep. of fire); rich in land; excremental. ~Tpur-d, [E /i. pri,fill] a. (v-') much, abundant: ad. (u or f) much, often, very (with tires, far away, from afar): C. only ~-; m. N. of an ancientprince, son of Yaydti. INIJ puru-kshd, a. rich in food, -git, m. N.; -tiama, spv. ever-recurring; -trY, (V.) ad. in many ways, places, or directions; frequently; -dha (only before two consonants) or -dha, ad. in many ways; frequently; -vfra, a. rich or abounding in men (RV.). n" pAiru-sha,m.(metrically oftenlengthened to pu-), man; human being (pl. people; mankind); person (with danda, m. punishment personified); attendant; functionary; personal and animating principle, soul; highest personal principle, universal soul, Supreme Spirit (sts. with para, parama, or uttama); primaeval male from whom the universe was evolved (+ narayana); member of a race, generation; person (in grammar: prathama -, = our third person; uttama -, = our first). {x-qi purusha-ka, n. vertical position, rearing (in horses); -kara, m. human effort (opp.fate); manly act, heroism; haughtiness, pride: e-na hina, destitute of human effort to save it (animal); -gha, a. f. having killed her husband; -kkhandasa, n. metre appropriate toman (the dvipada); -giana, n.knowledge of men; -tantra, a. dependent on the subject, subjective; (a)-t&,f. manhood: in. (id.) after the manner of men; -tra, ad. among people; -tva, n. manhood; -datta, m. N.; -dravya-sampad, f. abundance of men and material; -pasu, m. man as a sacrificial victim; beast of a man; -man-in, a. thinking himself a hero: (-i)-tva, n.abst. N.; -medha, m. human sacrifice; - rishabha, m. bull among men, eminent man; -rupa, n. human form: -ka, a.. having a human form; -vyaghra, m. man-tiger; tiger among men, preeminent man; -sardfila, m. tiger of men, chief of men; -sirshaka, n. (?) (man-headed), kind of burglar's implement; -simha, m. lion among men, pre-eminent man; -suikta, n. the Purusha-hymn (R.. X, 9o) describing the primaeval soul. ly^1TiT. purushaskara, a.having ahuman form; - akriti, f. figure of a man; - ada, a. (i) man-devouring; m. man-eater, R-kshasa: -ka, a., m. id.; - anrita, n. falsehood respecting a human being; - antara, n. another (= following) generation; m. (sc. samdhi) proxyship, a kind of treaty settled by a duel between warriorsrepresentative of both parties: -m, ad. through an intermediary, indirectly; - &yusha, n. full period of human life; -artha, m. human object, aim of existence; I I - action of man, human effort: -mn, ad. for man; for the sake of the soul; - avatara, m. human incarnation. Ift purush-, (V.). female, woman. [ty'purushi-bht, become a man. ylt I: purusha uttama, m. best of men; excellent servant; highest person, supreme soul, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; N.; -upahara, im. human sacrifice. ItCfU puru-hani, f. great loss; -huts, pp. much-invoked; m. ep. of Indra. S.t. purak-i, a.f. (of *puruanik, extending in many directions), abundant, ample; long (years). X!:IFKE puru-ravas, a. crying much or loud; m. N. of the lover of Urvasi; -vasu, a. possessing many goods, abounding in wealth. '^IT1T puro-ga, a. going before, preceding; chief, best; m. leader: -~ a. having - at the head, led by, following or accompanying; attended, filled, or inspired with; -gata, pp. standing or placed before or in front; -gama, a. going before, preceding; chief, best; m. leader: -~ a. having - as leader, following; accompanied by; -gava, m. (fore-bull), leader: 1, f. leader; -ga, m. leader; -ganma-ta, f. priority of birth; -ganman, a. born before; -gyotis, a. having a light before, preceded by radiance. 'F T'Trpuro-dgs, m. (fore-homage: V/ds) sacrificial cake of rice-meal (usually offered in pieces in one or more dishes); -dasa, m. (the more usual form of the above), id.; offering of (g.): -bhug, m. eater of the sacrificial cake, god, -svishtakrit, m. the Svishtakrit connected with the sacrificial cake. -'ITW purauttama, n. best of cities; - utsava, m. festival celebrated in the city; -udyana, n. city pleasure-grounds or park, public garden. ' UIR( puro-dha-s, m. (one placed at the head: Vdha), appointed priest, domestic chaplain of a prince; -dha, f. office of Purohita or domestic priest; -dhatri, a. appointing the Purohita; -dh-ika, f. (preferred), favourite. [in going out. ntf.il+~ puro-nihsarana, n. precedence Ht4PT~ WT puro-(a)nuvakya, f. introductory or invocatory verse (to be recited before the havis). g!3}TRal puro-bhaga, m. front part; forwardness, obtrusiveness; disfavour: -m muk, abandon one's forwardness = retire discomfited; (mama) e, before (me); -bhagin, a. obtrusive, forward; grudging, censorious; -bhavin, a. impending, imminent; -maruta, m. east wind; -mukha, a. having the aperture turned frontways or eastward. '!tT f puro-rathb, a. whose car is in front of others; surpassing others, pre-eminent; -ritk, a. shining before; f. kind of Nivid verse to be recited before the hymn (sfikta) or its parts at the morning sacrifice during the recitation of the Agya and Praiiga; -vartin, a. being before any one's eyes; forward, obtrusive; -vita, m. wind from the front, east wind (which brings rain); -vada, m. previous mention; -vritta, pp. being in front, preceding.;'tfiq' pur6-hita, pp. set before or in charge, appointed (esp. to priestlyfunctions); m. commissioned person, agent; sp. appointed priest, domestic chaplain of a prince: -tva, 166 puryashta. W9! p ug. n. office of a Purohita; (6)-hiti,f. priestly service. IO puriashta, n. the eight component parts of the body: -ka, n. id. I5W4 pula-ka, m. an esculent plant: pl. erection of the hairs of the body (symptomatic of exquisite delight). pulaka-ya, den. P. feel an erection of the hairs of the body (caused by pleasure): pp. ita, having the hairs of the body erect (symptomatic of exquisite delight), feeling a thrill of joy. V pulaki-kri, cause an erection of the hairs of the body. [head smooth. JrfR'T pulas-tif, a. wearing the hair of the VM pulas-tya, ma. N. of an ancient Rishi, mentioned as one, of the spiritual sons of Brahman, as one, of the Pragdpatis, and as one, of the seven Rishis; N. of a star. pula-ha, m. N. of an ancient Rishi,,mentioned as one of the spiritual sons of Brahman, as one of the Pragdpatis, and as one of the seven Rishis; N. Of a star. ITEi pulhka, m. kind of cereal; blighted graim. lafi' pul-ina, n. alluvial formation in a river, low sandbank, small island: -dvipasobhita, pp. adorned with sandbanks and islands; -pradesa, sa. sandbank. Ijiifr~ pulinda, ma. pl. N. of a barbarous tribe (later identi~fied with, the Bhillas and Sabaras); sg. man of this tribe; prince of the Pulindas: -ka, mn. id.; N. of a prince of the Puelindas, Sabaras, and JBhillas. 3ietITRT puloma-gft, f. pat. of Indrftnil. ~~Wftfpulo-man, m. N. of a demon,fatherin-law of Indra, by whom he was slain. VI~RTf'K puloma ani, ma. foe of Puloman, ep. of Indra. [caste. Ji~f~f pulkasa, ma. a certain despised mixed I" PUSH, IV. P. piishya (tr., mnt.), IX. '. " — P. pushna' (tr., C. only: less common), -thrive, flourish, prosper; cause to thrive, nourish, cherish, bring up; support, maintain; augment; further; render more glorious; fulfil (a wish); feel an increase of (ac.), increase in, acquire in abundance; obtain, gain (e.g. a friend); possess, have, enjoy; develope, unfold, display: pp. pushtk, nourished; well-fed, strong; thriving; abundant, eminent (prosperity); rich in, blessed with (in.); cs. poshaya, rear, nourish, cherish, feed; cause to be fed or reared by (in.). ud, IX. P. feed up, fatten; IV. P. swell. pari,_pp. cherished; abounding in (in. or -0'); augmented; as. cause to be cherished; cherish. pra, nourish, support. vi, pp. ill-fed, starved. sam, IX. P. increase.!P push (-) a. -nourishing, causing to thrive; acquiring; displaying. ~Itc pulsh-kern, n. blue. lotus flower; bowl of a spoon; skin of a drum; tip of an elephant's trunk; water; air, sky; N. of a celebrated place of pilgrimage (Sts. pl., three places of this name being spoken of); N. of one of the Dvipas or terrestrial islands;n. the Indian crane (.Ardea sibirica); hind of cloud occasioning dearth (pl.); N., es~p. of Nala's brother: -pattra, n. petal of the blue lotus: -netra, a. having eyes like a lotuspetal; -biga, n. lotus seed; -srag,f. gariand of blue lotuses; a. wearing a garland of blue lotuses; -_ aksha, a. lotus-eyed; ma. N.; a^ vartaka, m. pl. kind of cloud producing dearth; - a'hva, m. Indian crane (Ardea sibirica). ENf~T pushkar-ika', f. N. fTq pushkar-in, a. abounding in blue lotuses; mn. elephant: (-in)-i', f. pool with lotuses; pond. 4W V pushkaraj^kshana, a. lotus-eyed. ZJIWW push-kala', a. plenteous, abundant; much., numerous; rich, excellent; loud, resonant; mn. kind of drum; N. of a son of Bharata; n. bowl of aspoon; a certain measure of capacity: -ka, mn. musk-deer. W'9(7T pushkalatvata, m. inhabitant of Pushkalfivatl; n. N. of the residence of Pushkala, son of Bharata: 'I, f. N. of a town.!W pushkalafvartaka, m. p1.=pushkara.!IP pushkaletra, mn. N. of a village. 11Ijpushkasa, mn. incorr.for pulkasa. push-ta, pp.,/push; n. (V.) property, abundance, wealth (esp. in children or cattle). [lusty. pushta afiga, a. fat-limbed, well-fed, pudsh-ti (or -ti: RV.), f. thriving, increase; development; plenty, abundance, prosperity, wealth (sts. pl.); nurture, rearing (of cattle etc.). 1 ~~~~pushti-kara, a. producing growth or prosperity, nourishing; -ka'ma, a. desirous of prosperity or wealth; -da, a. conferring prosperity etc.; (i)-pati, in. lord of wealth; -mkt, a. abundant, thriving, prosperous, wealthy; -virdhana, a. increasing prosperity. 'j~ ptish-pa, n. flower, blossom ( — a.f. 'a, * after names of plants generally i); flowers = menses; flowery speeches, gallantry, declaration of love; mn. topaz. 1J1IMM pushpa-ka, (in.) n. Kubera's car: -mana, n. id.; -karanda, a. flower-basket: - udyana, n. N. of a pleasure-garden near Uggayini; Akla mn. flower-time, spring; time of menstruation; -granthana, a. weaving of aiwreath of flowers; akpa, m. bow of flowers, Kkma's bow; m. (having a bow of flowers), Kfira; -danta, m. Flower-tooth, N. of an attendant of Siva; n. N. of a teple; -d mnn.grland of flowers; -dha, mn. (V'/dhfi) son of an outcast Br&hman; -dhanus or -dhanvan, mn. (having a bow of flowers), Kfima; -ny a, m offering, of flowers; -pata, M. flowery cloth; -pttrin, a. having flowers for arrows; -pura, a.,, -Purn, f. Flower-city, ep. of Pitaliputra; -phala, is. flowers and fruits; -bali, Fin. offering of flowers; -bana, mn. (flower-arrowed), Kfima; -bhaiiga, m. festoon of flowers; -bhL ti, M_ N. of a prince; -maya, a. (3i) formed or consisting of flowers; -mitham, abs. with V..math, crush like a flower; -Ml& fa garland of flowers; -mitra, m. N. of two princes; -megha, in. cloud raining flowers; -meghIkri, turn into a cloud raining flowers; -rakta, a. red like the flower of ( —0); -ratha, ma. pleasure-car; -riga, m. (flower-hued), topaz; -l~vi, f. flower-picker, weaver of garlands, flower-seller; -vat, i. ad. like a flower; 2. a. flowering, adorned with flowers: _,If menstruating; -vartmau, mn. hidden name of Drupada; -varsha, ma. N. of a mountain; a. rain of flowers; -vtika or Mvtif I flowergarden; -vrishti, f. rain of flowers; -veni', f.garland of flowers; -ayyf couch of flowers; -ar aa.(having a bow of flowers), Kkmna; -silimukha, m. (flowerarrowed), id.; -sekhara, m. garland of flowers; -saiyaka, in. (flower-arrowed), K&mna; -haisa, m. (laughing with flowers), flowergarden. jp15ITj1 pushpahkara, a. abounding in flowers: with mksa, m. spring; - &gama, M. (arrival of the flowers), spring; -agra, a. pistil. 3,4TlI;Tpushp'ananftda,m,.N.ofavillage. 1;RTjit pushpa~moda, in. fragrance of flowers; - 4yudha, vs. (having flowers for weapons),k a; rima, m. flower-garden; -aSava, Ms. deotion of flowers; -SrAn rain of flowers. 31 " cl- pushp-ita, pp. flowering, blossoming, blooming5 flowery; having flower-like marks, spotted; in full bloom (fig.); flowery (talko= empty words); provided with (in. or -0): -palisa-pratima, a. resembling a flowering Pal~sa tree (i. e. covered with red spots). fqi pushp-fn, a. bearing flowers, blossoming; foey(pch;menstruating. M pushpaishu, in. (flower -arrowed), Kaima. 401pitct pushpaudbhava, ms. N. 'jIpushp-ya, den. P. flower, blossom: -pp. pushpita. 1Wi. puish-ya, a. nourishment; flower ( uppermost or best of anything); 2. (-yig) Ms. the sixth lunar asterism, ( =the earlier term Tishya); day on which the moon is in the asterisma Pushya, Pushya-day; the month Pausha (December-January); N. of various princes: -ratha, in. the asterism. Pushya as a car. push-yds-e, d. inf. of V'push. 1~[pusta, n.(?) working in clay, modelling: -ka, as. a. boss; manuscript, book; booklet: -kara, m. embosser, - &'starana, a. wrapper of a manuscript. [modelled.!jPP.T pusta-maya, a. wrought in clay, VNrIT pust-ikat, f. manuscript, book. AA Pt, I. A. p&va (V.), IX. P. A. Puna" punI, cleanse, clarify, purify; make pure, expiate; sift, distinguish (17.); devise, com.pose (V.); make clear, enlighten (the mind: V.); IL also purify oneself, flow clear (water or Soma); atone; move or blow (mnt.) in a, purifying manner; blow (wind); blow through so as to purify (ac.): pr t ~ amna purifying itself, flowing through the strainer (Soma); ps. pf'yate, be washed away (sin), be purified from sin (ab.): pp.pfhtA, cleansed, purified, pure; threshed, winnowed; cs. p.&v~ya, P. purify; des. pupfisha, P. wish to purify. a, A. flow purified to (ac.) or into (lc.); cause anything (ac.) to flow to any one (d.). ud, cleanse out, purify. nis, winnow; purify, pani, strain, purify: pp. completely purified; husked (grain). sam, cleanse, purify. T[ P mga, as. society, corporation; multitude, quantity; betel-palm. (Areca Catechu); a. betel-nut: -yagiia, in. sacrifice offered for a corporation. [betel-palm. - ~i~pig-hala, n. betel-nut; -1ata',f 'qPUG, only cs. P. pfig~ya, treat with respect or reverence, honour, receive hospitably; honour (=present) with (in.); pay regard to: pp. P - ita, honoured, reverenced, by (in.); received respectfully; revere4l Ti pug-aka. tfirizffq pfirva-dakshina. 167 by or on account of (-~); esteemed, approved, acknowledged, recommended; frequented by (-~); initiated; provided with (-~). abhi, cs. receive or greet with reverence; honour or present with (in,); do honour to; belaud. pari, cs. do high honour to, honour greatly. pra, cs. show honour to, hold in honour, praise; respectfully present with (in.). prati, do honour in return, greet reverently, honour duly; respectfully present with (in.); receive with approval. sam, cs. greet reverently; show honour to; respectfully present with (in.); praise. x4tj pug-aka, a. (ika) honouring, reverencing, worshipping (g. or -~); -ana, n. honouring, worshipping, hospitable reception of (g. or -~); -anlya, fp. to be worshipped or honoured, by (g.); deemed worthy of respect, worship, or honour; -ayitavya, fp. id.; -ayitri, m. worshipper. J"TT p7ig-a, f. honour, respect; homage, worship, adoration; hospitable reception (-~ after the object of the honour or that with which it is shown): -kara, a. doing or showing honour or homage to (-~); -griha, n. house of worship, temple; - arha, a. worthy of honour or distinction; -vidhi, m. showing of honour (Pr.). JfI pig-ita, pp. honoured, treated with marks of distinction. if WTi pugftupakarana, n. requisite for doing honour (Pr.). p3 pAg-ya, fp. to be honoured or worshipped; venerable, adorable; fit for or deserving of worship, adoration, etc. (with in., g.,or -~): -tama, spv. most worthy of honour; -ta,f., -tva, n. venerableness. 97T pft, sound imitative of blowing. 1j7Ti" piut-daksha, a. of pure disposition; -dhanya, a. containing purified grain. 1JT pftana, m. kind of demon, spectre:, f. N. of a female demon causing a certain disease in children, and killed by Krishna; i-ka,f. id. PRCi pfta-bhrzt, m. kind of Soma-vessel receiving the clear juice; -mfrti, a. having their form cleansed, become pure, purified..f I pu-ti, f. purification, purity; 2. a. stinking, putrid; m. pus, matter: -ka, a. putrid, stinking; -gandha, m. stench, foul smell; -nasika, a. having a stinking nose; -bhiva, m. putrefaction; -mrittika, m. (having stinking earth), N. of a hell; -vaktra, a. having a stinking (mouth=) breath: -ta, f. condition of having stinking breath. T_ pftti anda, m. (having stinking eggs), kind of winged stinking insect. TM pupa, m. cake: -s&al, f. bakehouse. qj PUYA, I. P. puya, putrefy, stink. a, C\ become stinking. UPT, pfya, m. n. pus, purulent matter..iJTW pu-yd-mana, pt. ps. of V/pi. pf pir-a, a. filling; satisfying; m. filling; satisfying; swelling of a river or of the ocean; volume of water, flood, stream (often -~ with words denoting water or other fluid); superabundance, high degree of (-~); cake; slow inhalation of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); -aka, a. filling, - up, completing (g. or -~); fulfilling, satisfying; m. stream, effusion; multiplier; slow inspiration of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); citron-tree: -pinda, m. pi. flour balls for completing the sacrifice to the Manes; -ana, a. (i) filling; fulfilling, satisfying; producing; m. filler-up or completer of a number, masculine ordinal number (from dvitlya onwards); n. act of filling or filling up; complete drawing of a bow; fulfilling, satisfying; equipping: -pratyaya, m. suffix forming ordinal nouns (gr.); -aniya, fp. to be filled in or supplied; to be fulfilled or satisfied; -ayitavya, fp. to be filled up or completed; to be satisfied; -ayitri, m. filler, of (g.); fulfiller, satisfier. 3T, pftr-aya, es. of v/i. pri, fill. 3tlfiT pur-ika,f. kind of cake; -in, a. (-~) filling; fulfilling. T pur-u, m. man; N. of a tribe; N. of a prince, son of Yaydti; N. of the author of a Vedic hymn. 1T3 puru-sha, m. metrical= puiru-sha. 4Vfji-i pirautplda, m. sudden rise in the volume of water. tr pfir-na, pp. (V/i. pri) filled, full: -kama, a. whose wishes are fulfilled; -kumbha, m. pitcher full of water (also with apam); m. n. breach of a particular form; a. having a full pitcher; -kandra, m. full moon: -nibha, a. resembling the full moon, -prabhA,f. lustre of the full moon; -ta, f. fulness; plenty; -tva, n. id.; being full of (-~); -patra, m., i, f. full vessel, vessel-full: also as a measure of capacity; n. present (such as clothes) given to the bringer of good news: (a)-pratibhata, a. vying with a full vessel=overflowing,. supreme (glory), -maya, a. (i) consisting of a full vessel or of the measure called pfLra-patra, amounting to so much or only concerned therewith (speech); -bhadra, m. N. of a snake-demon; -mandala, n. full circle; -manasa, a. whose heart is satisfied; (a)-mas, m. full moon; -masa, m. full moon and full-moon sacrifice: i,f. day or night of full moon; -mukha, n. full mouth: in. (blow) with full cheeks; m. (full-faced), N. of a snake-demon; -mushti, m.f. handful; -yauvana, a. being in the full bloom of youth; -ratha, m. (having a complete chariot), preeminent warrior; -lakshmi-ka, a. having abundant splendour or wealth; -vapus, a. full-orbed (moon); -sri, a. having abundant riches. 5Tisf p frnaaigali, m. two handfuls; - atman, m. probably incorrect for pranAtman; -ananda, m. perfect joy; -apfrna, pp. sometimes full, sometimes short (measure); - ayata, (Pp.) n. bow fully drawn; - artha, a. having one's object attained or one's wish fulfilled; - ahuti,f. full offering, offering of a full ladle. ij MT pmrn-i-ma, f. day or night of full moon: -dina, n. day of full moon, -rktri, f., -sarvari,f. night of full moon. 1P19ff pfrni-kri, make full or complete. 1i prrna ikkha, a. whose wish has been fulfilled; -indu, m. full moon: -vadana, a. having a face like the full moon. 1r tfT pirnaupamf, f. complete simile (containing all thefour requisites: opp. luptopama). f pur-td, pp. (V/i. pri) filled; bestowed; fulfilled; n. fulfilment; reward; merit; charitable work. 1fo pfirta-ya, den. P. with dharmam, perform charitable works. f r pur-ti, f. filling, completion; fulfilment; reward. fvT pfr-bhfd, a. destroying citadels; -bhidya, n. destruction of citadels. pir pur-va, a. being in front, fore; fronting, eastern; being to the east of (ab.); preceding; former, earlier; prior to (ab. or -~); ancient, traditional, of the olden time; first (in succession); lowest (fine); previously or first mentioned or named; very commonly -~ after a pp. = previously or before (e.g. drishta-parva, seen before); e vayasi, in youth; -~ a. having as the preceding thing = preceded or accompanied by, based on, with: -m, ad. before, beforehand, previously, already; first; formerly, long ago (sts. with pr.); -~ (also purvena), in accordance with, amid, after, with (or when the privative negation precedes=without); m. pl. the ancients, forefathers, ancestors; sg. elder brother; n. fore part; a,f. east. ji' pirva-ka, a. (ika) prior, preceding, previous; first; -~ a. accompanied or preceded by, based on, consisting above all things in: -m, ad. after, with, amid, in accordance with (-O); m. forefather, ancestor; -karman, n. former or previous action; preparation; -kalpa, m. previous manner, precedent; olden time (only Ic. sg. & pl.); -kaya, m. fore part of the body (of animals), upper part of the body (of men); -kirin, a. acting first; -karya, fp. to be done first; -kala, a. belonging to a previous time; previously mentioned: -ta,f. priority of time; -kalika, a. belonging to a former time; -kalina, a. prior in time; -krita, pp. formerly done, performed in a previous life; n. former act, act committed in a previous life; -krama,gata, pp. handed down from one's ancestors; -kriya, f. preparation. 'iJ[ purva-ga, a. going before, preceding; -gaing', f. the eastern Ganges, ep. of the Narmada or Reva; -gnta, pp. gone before. 4*lqf'f pirva-kitti,f. presentiment, foretaste: only d.= at the first notice, forthwith; (predilection), N. of an Apsaras; -kintana, n. former cares or troubles; -kodita, pp. before-mentioned, previously prescribed: -tva, n. abst. N. pq pfrva-gd, a. born or produced before others, former, ancient; first-born, elder, eldest (son, brother, sister); prior to (-~); m. forefather, ancestor; eldest son; elder or eldest son; -ganma-krita, pp. done, wrought, or performed in a former birth or previous state of existence; -ganma-yoga, m.: in. by means or in consequence of a former existence; -ganman, I. n. former birth, previous state of existence; 2. m. (having prior birth), elder brother; -gati, f. former birth, previous state of existence; -giinaa, n. knowledge of a previous existence. Wif# purva-tara, cpv. long past; also= pfrva: -m, ad. long beforehand; -tas, ad. before, in front; towards or in the east; first; -taskara, m. former thief, reformed thief; -ta,f. condition of being accompanied by (-); -tra = Ic. (of pfrva), e.g. -ganmani, in a previous existence, - dine, on the preceding day; ad. in what precedes; -tva, n. precedence; priority; previous condition. F.IT prvna-th'f, ad. formerly, immemorially; as formerly; first, previously. fkif1f t pArva-dakshina,a.south-eastern; -datta, pp. previously given or presented; -dis, f. eastern quarter, east; -dishta, pp. 168 Vq I q4 purva-nipata. j pri. determined by previous actions; -dikshin, a. taking the first consecration (of two or more who sacrifice at the same time and place); -dugdha, pp. previously (milked=) drained or plundered; -drishta, pp. seen before; formerly seen, ancient; looked upon of old or long regarded as (nm.); -deva, m. primaeval god; -devata, f. primaeval deity; -desa, m. eastern direction: Ic. to the east of (ab.); eastern country; -deha, m. former body: Ic. =in a previous existence. ~Ijfi'rt parva-nipata, m. irregularity of the previous word, irregular precedence as a member of a compound; -nivishta, pp. previously made (by another); -nyaya, m. provisional judgment or sentence. rXm' pfrva-pakshd, m. fore part or side; first half of a lunar month (when the moon increases),light fortnight; (prima facie case), action at law; first objection to a proposition; -pakshin, a. making the first objection to a proposition; -pakshl-kri, make the first objection to a proposition; -patha, m. previous path, same way as before; -pada, n. previous member of a compound (gr.); -padya, a. belonging to the first member of a compound; -parigraha, m. first claim, precedence, privilege; a. claimed as a privilege by (g.); -pada, m. fore-foot; -pitmiaha, nm. fore-grandfather = ancestor; -pithik, f. introduction; -purusha, m. forefather (pl. ancestors); primaeval spirit, ep. of Brahman: - upargita, pp. collected by pne's ancestors; -pugita, pp. previously consecrated; -pirva, a. every preceding one, each previously mentioned one; m. pl. ancient ancestors; -pufrva ukta, pp. respectively mentioned before; -p6ya, n. precedence in drinking; precedence (in general); -pragia, f. knowledge of the past, memory; -prati-pamna, pp. having previously agreed to or promised something; -pravritta, pp. having occurred previously; -prasthita, pp. having started previously, hastening on before. iF[T; pfrva-bhaga, m.fore or upper part; earlier part (of the day =forenoon, morning); -bhag, a. receiving the first share, privileged; excellent; relatingto what precedes; -bhava, m. priority; -bhavin, a. preceding, prior; -bhashin, a. speaking first, affable; -bhlkti, f. priority of occupation, long-continued possession; -bhufta, pp. being before, preceding; -bhuibrit, m. eastern mountain (behind which, the sun rises); former prince. IPmn1 T purva-madhyfhna, m. forenoon; -marin, a. dying before, predeceasing; -mimImsa, f. earlier Mimamsf (the philosophical system founded by Gaimini and dealing with the discussion of the sacred text); -mukha, a. facing eastwards. yq^ pfrva-rafiga, m. prelude (of a play); -raga, m. incipient love; -raga, n. ex-king; -r;tra, m. first part of the night; -rfupa, n. (previous appearance), omen; precursor of (g.), sure symptom of (prati); first of two vowels or consonants coming into contact (gr.); a. having its previous form, being as before; -lakshana, n. preceding symptom; -vat, I. ad. as before, as formerly; as said above; 2.-vat, a. preceded by something; containing an inference from cause to effect; -vayas, a. being in early life, young; -vartin, a. being in front of (-o); previously existing: (-i)-tA,f. priority; -vada, m. (prima facie statement), action at law; -vadin, m. plaintiff; -vid, a. knowing the past; -vidhi, m. preceding rule; -vrita, pp. previously chosen; -vritta, pp. having happened before; relating to a former occurrence; n. former occurrence, event of old; former behaviour; -vairin, a. commencing hostilities first. j.~W purva-saila, m. eastern or sunrise mountain.,if~ pftrva-samkita, pp. formerly collected; -samudra, m. eastern ocean; -sagara, m. id.; -sarin, a. going before, preeminent; -siddha, pp. previously determined or established; -supta, pp. previously or already fallen asleep; -stha, a. standing in front, pre-eminent. 1JT purva, f. east. 1T.'V pfrvaakshara, a. accompanied by the previous letter; -agni, m. original, i. e. domestic, fire; - anga, a. former body; component of what precedes; m. first day in the civil month; -akala, m. eastern or sunrise mountain; -J'arya, m. ancient or former teacher; -adya, a. beginning in the east; - adri, m. eastern or sunrise mountain; -_adhika, a. greater than before; - anubhita, pp. formerly experienced; -anta, m. end of the preceding word; anticipation; - apara, a. being before and behind, directed forward and backward; eastern and western; earlier and later; preceding and following, following in succession, relatively connected: -dakshina, a. eastern, western, and southern, -dina, n. forenoon and afternoon, -rgtri,f. former and latter half of the night. 1r.T nU T9 purva apari-bhfva, m. succession. TfiT '^P pArvaabhimukha, a. turned or flowing eastward; - abhisheka, m. preliminary anointment; - abhyasa, m. repetition of something previous: in. anew; - ambudhi, m. eastern ocean. aT.fT r purva argita, pp. acquired formerly or by previous works; - ardha, m., n. (C.) fore or upper part; eastern side; first half: - dinasya, first half of the day, forenoon; -ardha-kaya, m. upper part of the body; -'ardha-bhaga, m. fore part, point (of an arrow); - avadhirita, pp. formerly disdained; -avedaka, m. plaintiff. 1JfT'T purva asa, f. eastern quartet, east; -_asin, a. eating before others (ab. or Ic.). 1TEi; purvaahnd, m. forenoon: gnly. Ic.; i-ka, a. (i) belonging to the forenoon. Tf purrv-l, f. of puriu.,1J V purvena, in. ad. prp. with ac. or g. before, in front of; to the east of. rf p pfrve-dyus, ad. the day before, yesterday; early in the morning. IrjT pftrvaukta, pp. said or mentioned before, aforesaid; - jkita, pp. accustomed in former days, known from of old; - uttara, a. north-eastern (Ic. in the north-east): du. preceding and following; -utthayin, a. arising first (in the morning); - utthita, pp. having risen before (smoke); -utpatti, a. arising before; -utpanna, pp. having arisen before: -tva, n. priority; -.upakarin, a. having formerly done one a service; - upanihita, pp. previously hidden away; -jipargita, pp. formerly acquired. XP purv-yd (or less commonly purvya), a. former, ancient; preceding, first; next; most excellent: -m, ad. previously, first, long since. 1' pfla, m. bunch: pi. straw: -ka, m. id. li'TM pfish-gna, m. = pVsh-an. ff'qc pishan-vat, a. accompanied by Pfshan. 1.q- push-an, m. N. of a Vedic deity, keeper of flocks and herds and bringer ofprosperity; being a sun-god, he surveys all things and acts as a conductor on journeys and on the way to the next world; sun. I. PRI, III. P. piparti (V. C.), VI. P.A. priam (F.), IX. P. pring (F.), fill (A. fill oneself); fill with air, blow into (ac.); make full, allow to collect; satisfy, nourish,quicken; grant in abundance, to (d.), present with (in.); fulfil (a wish): pr.pt. prin-ft, granting abundantly, bounteous, ungrudging; IV. A. (E. also P.) pu'rya, orps. purya, be filled with, become full of (in.): pp. pfurta (rare), filled; full of (g.); pufrn (ordinaryform), filled, full (also of the moon), with, of (in., g., or -~); complete, entire; full (number); abundant; fully drawn (bow, arrow); expired (time); accomplished (vow); fulfilled; settled, concluded (agreement, contract); satisfied; cs. puiirya, P. A. fill, - up, with (in.), fill with sound (in.); intensify (sound); fill with air, blow (a conch); draw to the full (bow, arrow); complete, supplement (speech, sentence); cover completely, overspread, overwhelm, bestrew, with (in.); overload with gifts (in.), present with (in.); fulfil (wish, hope, etc.); allow to expire (period). anu, cs. P. fulfil, accomplish (a wish, etc.). abhi, IX. P. make full; ps. be filled, become full (of, g.): pp. full, of (in., g., -~); cs. P. fill; load; overwhelm with (in.); overload with gifts, bounteously present with (in.); overpower (of pain); augment; accomplish. a, III. P. fill; fill up, complete; fulfil (a wish); VI. A. be filled; be sated, with (in.); ps. be filled, become full, of (in., g.); increase in size (body); be fully drawn (bow); have abundance of (in.): pp. a-purna, full (also of the moon); filled with (in. or -~); resounding with (-~); satisfied; cs. fill, - up; cause to resound with (in.); fill with air, blow (a wind instrument); cover completely, stud, with (in.). vi"(-piparti), pass away, disappear. sam-a, ps. be filled with (in.): pp. full, entire (year); cs. fill with (in.); draw completely (bow). ni, IX. P. pour or set down, strew (technical term in the sacrifice,to the Manes). nis, pp. nish-pfurta, poured out. pari, ps. be filled, become full, of (in.): pp. filled; full, of (in.); covered, with (-~); complete, entire; wealthy, possessed of abundance; fulfilled; attained (object); cs. fill, - up; cause to resound with (in.); stop up (a hole); complete, accomplish; go through from beginning to end: pp. -purita, filled with (-~); thoroughly gone through (-~); abundant. pra, IX. P. fill, complete; ps. be filled, become full; become sated; become complete; be fulfilled; cs. fill, - up, with (in.); cause to resound with (in.); complete; enrich, load with presents (in.): pp. filled with, full of (-~). prati, pp. full (also of the moon); filled with, full of (in. or -~); satisfied; cs. fill, - up; satisfy (any one); accomplish. sam, ps. become full: pp. full (also of the moon); filled, fully provided, or replete with (in.,g., or -~); complete, entire; abundant; possessed of plenty; fulfilled; cs. fill up; fulfil, satisfy (a wish). X2. PRI, III. P. piparti (V.), bring across or to (ac.); deliver from (ab.); protect; further, support; surpass (any one); be able to (inf.); cs. paraya, (V. C.) P. (B. also A.) conduct or bring across; deliver, from (ab.); protect, preserve the life of; get over, overcome; resist (ac.); be able to (inf.; whe74 % pri. pwiF( prishtha -tas. 169 this verb is ps., the inf. must be translated by a ps.). ati, bring or conduct across (ac.); go through with, fulfil (a promise); cs. conduct or bring across; A. deliver from (ab.). nis, help out of, deliver from (ab.); cs. id. sam, cs. bring to an end. T 3. PRI, only with a, V. P. aprinoti, be busy with (d.): pp. aprita, busied. vi, V.A. -prinute, ps. -priyate, be busied about (-artham): pp. -prita, busied with, engaged in (le., -~, -artham, or -hetos); cs. vyaparaya, P. occupy, keep busy, employ, with, on, or for (in., lc., -artham); direct (the glance) towards; vanim -, use one's voice; hastam -, wave the hand: pp. engaged or appointed for (-artham). Tj prik-ta, pp. v/prik. TF prsksh, f. comfort; nourishment. 1t priksh-a, a. spotted, dappled, or according to the commentators, furnished with nourishment; m. dappled horse; N. I341 PRIK, VII. prinAkti, prmnkt6 (V.), t N III.P.piprik andpaprik (V.,very rare), mix, mingle, unite, put in connexion, with (in., rarely lc.); fill, satiate; bestow (ac., g.) in abundance on (d.); augment: pp. prikta, mixed, united, being in contact with (in. or -~); filled with, full of (in. or -o). a, pervade; mix up with (in.). upa, put oneself close to, be near. sam, P. A. mix, unite, touch; endow with (in.); A. ps. be mixed or united, come into contact: pp. samprikta, mingled, united, or come into contact with, contiguous to (in., -, or rarely Ic.); filled with (in.). i prikkha, pr. st. of V/prakh. 9^IE prikkh-aka, a. asking, inquiring, about (g.); -, f. question, addressed to (-~), inquiry regarding (-~). i prst, f. combat, battle (only lc. pl.). TWM prit-ana, n. hostile host; a,f. contest, battle; hostile host; army; sp. division of an army (consisting of 243 elephants, 243 chariots, 729 cavalry, and 12I5 infantry). eTW1T pritana-ya, den.: only pr. pt, -y-at, fighting; m. enemy. PTrs| pritana-shdh (str. st. -shah), a. conquering hostile hosts. W pritan-ya, den. P. fight against, attack: pr. pt. fighting; m. enemy. PeT;q pritan-yid, a. attacking; m. enemy. r prith-d, m. palm of the hand; a measure of length = 13 afigulis; a, f. N. of one of the wives of Pdndu. tr prith-ak [directed widely or apart: V/prath + n. of afik], ad. separately, apart; severally (often repeated); prp. with ab. without; except: - kri, separate; cut off; avert from (ab.), g bhu, separate oneself: pp. separate, different. WgMil prithak-karya, n. separate business, private affair; -kriti, f. individual; -kriya, f. separation; -kshetra, a. pl. begotten by one father on different mothers; -keshta, f. various and distinct activities; -ta, f., -tva, n. separateness; separation; severalty; individuality: in. singly, one by one; -pada, a. consisting of single (uncompounded) words; -pinda, m. distant kinsman making separate funeral offerings (i.e. not in common with others); -sabda, m. word by \ itself; -sayya, f. sleeping by oneself; -sukha, a. having separate and distinct joys. T4l'pt prithag-artha, a. having separate and distinct advantages; having a severally distinct meaning:-taf. separate signification; -alaya, a. pi. having separate dwellings; -upadana, n. separate mention. F[ |prithag-gana, m.separate or distinct class; -gotra, a. pl. belonging to different families; -gana, m. man of lower classes: sg. & pl. common people; -gaya, m. victory in a duel; -dris, a. seeing something different from (ab.); -dvara, n. pt. special doors, i. e. means of attainment; -dharnma vid, a. pl. each knowing different institutes of law; -bhava, m. separate condition, difference, variety; -yoga, a. pl. having different lots (perhaps incorrectfor -bhoga or -bhaga); -lakshana, a. having different characteristics; -varsha, n. pl. a year in each case; -vidha, a. various, manifold, several; different from (in.). T4 prith-a, f. N. of one of the wives of Pdndu: -ganman, m. son of PrithA, metr. of Yudhishthira; - itmaga, m. id.; -bhi,, m. id.; -suta, m. son of Pritha, metr. of Arguna; -sunu, m. son ofPritha, metr.ofYudhishthira. r[F prith-i-v-1,. [= prithu ] the (wide) earth, orbis terrarum (three earths are spoken of); Earth (personified); land, realm; ground; earth (as an element). Tf^ia[Tl prithivi-kampa,m. earthquake; -kshit, a. inhabiting the earth; earth-ruling; m. prince, king; -kandra, m. N. of a prince of Trigarta; -tala, n. surface of the earth, ground; also= world, infernal regions (bottom of the earth); -danda-pala, m. chief constable of the country: -ta,f. office of -; -devi, f. N.; -pati, m. lord of the earth, prince, king; -paripalaka, m. prince, king; -pala: -ka, m. keeper of the earth, king, sovereign; -bhug, m. enjoyer of the earth, prince, king; -bhugamga, m. spouse of the earth, prince, king; -bhrit, m. support of the earth, mountain; -maya, formed of earth, earthen; -ragya, n. dominion over the land, sovereignty; -ruha, m. (growing out of the earth), plant, tree; -isa, -svara, m. lord of the earth, prince, king; -apida, m. N. of two princes of Cashmere. W prith-u, a. (v-i & in C. u) broad, wide, spacious, large, great; copious; far-extending; abundant, extensive, manifold, numerous; detailed; m. a measure of length (= pritha); N. U.i prithu-ka, m. n. half-ripe, flattened rice; m. boy; young of an animal; -kukautpldam, abs. pressing to her full bosom; -karu a7kita Ikshana, a. having wide, beautiful, and curved eyes; -gaghana, a. having broad hips; -tara, cpv. very great or considerable; -tari-kri, open (the eyes) wider; -ta, f., -tva, n. largeness, greatness, wideness; -damshtra, a. having large incisors; -datta, m. N. of a frog; -darsin, a. farseeing (fig.); -dhara, a. broad-edged; -parsu, a. having broad (curved) swords; (A)-pani, a. broad-handed (Savitri); -pratha, a. farfamed; -protha, a. having wide nostrils (horse); -bahu, a. thick-armed; -yasas, a. far-famed. T1FT prithu-la, a. broad, great. rEr1rf prithu-lokana, a. large-eyed. [^!It prithulaogas, a. having great energy. Xf- q prith u-vakshas,a. broad-chested; -vyamsa, a. broad-shouldered; (ui)-siras, a. broad- or flat-headed; -sravas, a. far-famed; m. N.; -sri, a. of great prosperity, extremely fortunate; -sroni, a.f. broad-hipped; -sampad, a. extremely wealthy. 51?; prithuudara, m. (broad-bellied), N. of a Yaksha. 4t prithu, f. the (wide) earth; land, realm; ground; earth (asan element): -khita, n. cavern or hole in the earth; -griha, n. dwelling in the earth, cave; -tala, n. surface of the earth, dry land; -danda-pala, m. chief constable of the country: -ta, f. office of -; -dhara, m. support of the earth, mountain; -pati, m. lord of the earth, prince, king: -tva, n. sovereignty; -pala, m. N.; -bhug, m. enjoyer of the earth, prince, sovereign; -bhrit, m. supporter of the earth, prince, king; -rigya, n. dominion over the land, sovereignty; -rupa, m. N. of a prince; - sa, mn. lord of earth, prince, king; -hara, m. N. erTTi pri'dku, m. adder, snake. TI pris-ana, n. [/spris] hug, caress. '^t pris-anl, a. f, [v/spris] hugging, caressing, tender. ef7 pris-ni, a. [(s)pris-ni, touched, spotted], speckled, dappled (esp. of kine): pl. manifold;f. dappled cow; milk; earth; cloud; starry sky; N. of the mother of the Maruts: (in C. this word occurs only as a N.) fir( prisni-mat, a. containing the word 'Prisni;' (prisni)-matri, a. having the earth or Prisni as a mother. ljfprt'sh-at, (pr.pt.) a, (-i) speckled, spotted, dappled (V.); m.spotted gazelle; prishatam patih, m. lord of the dappled (clouds), wind; -i, f. dappled cow; piebald mare; female of the spotted gazelle. 'Xlf prish-at-a, m. spotted gazelle; drop of water; spot. 1M prishat-ka, m. (variegated), arrow. Xpi<se przshad-asva, a. having dappled horses (R?7,); m. wind (also personified); -agya, n. speckled butter, ghee clotted with curds. XPTWAi prishata-ka, m. n. = prishadagya; m. a kind of ceremony (pl.); ep. of Rudra. t r prishaudard, a, speckle-bellied. Xe prish-td,pp. (/prakh) asked, questioned, interrogated; demanded, etc.: -prativakana, n. answering a question; -vat, pp. act. (he) asked or questioned; -abhidhayin, a. answering when asked, always ready with a reply. f prish-tf,f. rib. 1 prishtha, n. [pra-stha, prominent ridge], prominent back of animals; back; upper side, surface; height, ridge, top; hinder part, rear; kind of Stotra (consisting of several Sdmans and employed at the midday libation): lc. at the back, in or from the rear, behind (g.); -m da, bow deeply; e-na yA, ride upon (g.); e-na vah, carry on the back. i s prishtha-ka, n. back: e kri, put behind one, disregard, renounce; -ga, a. riding on (g. or -~); -gopa, a. protector of one's rear; -tap, a. letting one's back be scorched (by the sun). epTJ l prishtha-tds, ad. prp. on or at the back; from behind; backward; behind (g., -~); with the back =with averted face; behind the back, secretly; -tah kri, take on the back; turn one's back to; put behind one, abandon, renounce, disregard; -to gaim, z 170 70prishtha-desa. paurava. I I follow; pursue; -to bhfi, be behind one. be of no account. JVI~ prishtlha-desa, in. back part, rear: lc. behind (g.); 7-p~tin, a. being at any one's back, keeping an eye on one; -pithi,f. broad back; -bha~gm, sa. bind part, back; rear; -bhfimi, f. top-storey, roof-terrace (of a palace); -madhya, ma. middle of the hack; -mmmsa, n. back-flesh: -m, khMd or bhaksh, bite the back-flesh; backbite; -mmsa, Ada, ma. backbiter; _Yana, n. riding; a. ridin'g on (P); -y~yiu, a. riding on (-'); -lagna, pp. hanging about one's back, dogging one's footsteps; -vamsa, m. backbone; -va~stu, a. upper storey; -vaiha, m. riding animal, sumpter ox. PTW prishtha anuga, a. going behind, following; - anug&min, a. id.; - avagunthana-pata, m. horse-cloth; - a6shthila, n. C?) tortoise's back. 7J prz'sbth-ya, a. bearing on the back; ~ asva, in. riding- or pack-horse; a. coming:from the heights. pka-ka, m. owl; root of an elephant's tail. peta, an () 3,if. basket, casket. peta-ka, in. n., ikAmf little basket, casket; n. multitude, company, flock: -m -kri, band themselves together. petitfla, n.(?) basket: -ka, n.(?) id. 'OTT pedfi, f. basket. ' p6tva, in. ram; wether. '~pedii, rn. N. pe-ya, fp. to be drunk or imbibed; drinkable; that can be tasted; delectable to (e. g. the ear); in. libation; a. drinking, draught (-.., V.); drink. [nectar. peyftsha, in. or n. (?) cow's biestings; ITR per-s, a. jjv/2. pri] passing through; leading through, delivering. 1 pela-va, a. soft, tender, delicate; too delicate for ( —): -pushpa-pattrin, a. having delicate flowers as arrows. pes-a, in. [-,/pis] ornament. ~1ipes-ana, a. (i1) well-formed; decorated, beautiful. TjIpesa-hi, a. artistically fashioned, decorated; beautiful,charming, lovely; tender; refined; skilful, dexterous, clever, ingenious; n. beauty, charm: -tva, a. dexterity, skill; -aksha, a. lovely-eyed: -ti, f. abst. N. 'J#Wpesali-kri, make charming. t[I pes-as, n. form, figure; artistic figure, ornament, embroidery; embroidered garment. W~T ITR~ pesas-katrin, in. wasp; -kari, f. female embroiderer; -krit, m. hand (as a fashioner); wasp.,q'fft pes-fiflump of flesh or meat; muscle; hind of drum. pesh-a, a. (i crushing, grinding (-O); m. id. (-"- with ob~ject or instrument); -aka, in., -ikA, f. crusher, grinder (0'); -ana, n. crushing, grinding: -m, ya', be crushed; -an'i, f. grindstone; -tri, m. crusher, grinder; -tra, n. bone; -ya,fp. to be ground to(-) paifigal-a, m. pat. fr. Pifigala; n. treatise composed by Pifigala; -ya, n. tawny colour. VWpaifig-i, m. Pat. of Ya'ska; -iu, a. comlug from Paifigya; in. follower of Paifigya; -ya, m. pat. N. of a certain teacher; n. doctrine of Paifigya. W~W pai/kkhil-ya, a. sliminess. 5UZMI paigavana6, m. son of Pigavana, pat. of variouss men. [teacher. fitifr paith'inasi, m. pat. N. of an ancient XWTfrqipainda-pa'tika, a. living on alms. e IT1i paita'-putr-iiya, a. relating to father and son; -maha, a. (i) relating to or inherited from the grandfather; belonging or relating to Brahman; in. son of Brahman. '~j paitu-datrava, a. coming from the Pituda'rn tree. 'Iff paitri-ka, a. (i) paternal; ancestral; relating or sacred to the Manes; a. paternal house; father's temperament; rite sacred to the Manes. paitri-medh-ika, a. relating to the sacrifice to the Manes; -yagS-ika, -yagriIya, a. id.; -shvas-eya, a. (i) descended from a father's sister; in. son of a paternal aunt.,q7 paitta, a. ('I) relating to gall, bilious; i-Ira, a. id.; having a bilious temperament. WI paitra, a. (i) relating or sacred to the Manes. 4 TI4 painftka, a. belonging to or proceed - ing from Siva; m. pat. descendant of Pinhka. 4 U4 paippala, a. made of the wood of the Peepul or sacred fig-tree. 4 TLqTW< paippalftda, a. coming from Pippalkda; m. pat. descendant of Pippalada: pl. a school of the AV. IRpaila, m.metr. son of P^ilft, N. of a teacher. '~W pailava, a. made of the Pilu tree. 1'4TIW paisal-ya, a. affability.,'kWTM paisfika, a. (I') relating or peculiar to the Pisfikas; belonging to the goblins, demon-like. 14J1[ paisun-a, n. tale-bearing, espionage, Slslander; — ya, n. id.; -va'din, a. slanddrous. Va paishta, a. (Ii) made of meal; i-ka, a. id. 4 d poganda, a. not full grown; m. boy. 1IrfIt potil, f. straight gut. iiff pota, m. young of an animal (only - with names of animals); young shoot, young - (only -2 with, names of plants); m. n. vessel, ship, bark, boat: -ka, sa. young of an anirnal; young tree ( —); -tva, a. condition of a boat or ship. RM1 pota-plava, in. boatman; -banig, m. voyaging merchant; -bhafiga, in. shipwreck; dhI ua, a. fry (of fish) trIT I potftsa, in. kind of camphor. f1rTI pot-ikftjf cloth, garment. ij~p6-tri (or -trz')', in. Purifier (designation of one of the sixteen officiating priests who is associated with the Brahmnan). ii~po-trd, n. Soma-vessel of the Potri; office of the Potri; boar's snout: (a)-km, in. N. 4 1fqqkpotr-in, in. wild boar. 1t potr-'iya, a. belonging or relating to the Potri. potha, in. blow, with (~) posh-a, in. thriving, prosperity; development, increase; abundance, wealth; nourishing, nurture, rearing. j~qjposh-aka, a. nourishing, breeding, rearing; in. nourisher, breeder; -ana, a. cherishing, favouring (~0;n. nurture, maintenance, cultivation (of trees, of the senses); -naf~p. to be nourished; -ayitn-ti, a. causing to thrive (ac.); -ayishnsit, a. beneficial; -i-tni, in. nourisher, breeder; -in, a. rearing, bringing up ( —0); -u-ka, a. thriving; -tri, in. nourisher, bringer up; -ya, fp. thriving, well-fed; abundant; causing, prosperity; to be nourished: -putraka, m. adopted son. pauinskal-iyal, a. referring to courtesans; -ya, n. running after men. 'qVpauins-na, a. human; fit for a man; a. manliness, manhood. WI'I pasiins-ya, a. manly, peculiar to men; n. manliness; manly power, courage, or deed: pl. hosts of men. 41 diW. pauganda, a. boyish; n. boyhood (age between 5 and 1o). thW paukkha, a. being on the tail, caudal. Wrfi paunak-i, in. pat. descendant of Punaka. tTIpaundarilka, a. made of lotuses; in. a certain Soma sacrifice lasting eleven days. 1iF3IM paundra, in. N. of Bh'ishma's conch: pl. the Paundras, a people; sy. prince of the Paundras; n. sectarian mark: -Ira, mn. pl. N. of a people =Paundra; sgq. prince of the Paundras; a mixed caste; a. sectarian mark(9. irrpautana, N. of a country. 4fTM Tf-;wpauti-nflsik-ya, n. affliction of a foul-smelling nose. th I pa-itra, a. (i) relating to or proceeding from a son or children; in. son of a son, grandson: -Ira, in. id. 'qA pautrik-eya, in. son of a daughter adopted instead of a son: -vat, a. having a, grandson by an adopted daughter.,rfpauitr-in, a. having a grandson. R i pautr-l, f. granddaughter.: n+I paunah-pun-ya, n. frequent repetition. *VIMW paunar-Likt-ya, a. repetition; tautology. I ~~paunar-bhava, a. connected with a remarried woman; in. son of a remarried woman; -bhavikra, a. (i) relating to a second birth; -vasava, a. relating to the physician Punarvasu: w. yuvan, in. student of medicine; -va'kika, a. pleonastic, redundant. th~paura, a. urban; in. townsman, citizen: -Iranya', f. maiden of the city; -gaua, mn. townsfolk, citizens; -ga~napada, in. _p1. citizens and country-folk. tq~k3 pauramdara, a. (i') belonging or relating to Puraindara, i. e. Indra. 41441 paura-mukhya, in. chief man of the city; -rukideva, in. N.; -lo0ra, in. sg. &.pl. townsmen, citizens. If" paurava, a. (i1) belonging to or descended from Pifru; in. descendant of Pftru pl. race of P~ru. 'qr< paura-sakhya. r rId pra-gagara. 171 I" 4t1 paura-sakhya, n. friendship or equality of fellow-citizens. if sT pauras-tya, a. situated in front (puras), foremost: pl. the eastern people (= the Gaudas): -pavana, m. east wind. q4l~l^44 q pauraagra-ganya, m. chief of the city; -a.gan,,f. woman of the town, female citizen. I TV1 paurana, a. (i) relating to past ages, ancient: i-ka, a. (i) id.; versed in ancient story. 4nf~ i paur-ika, m. townsman, citizen. aCl paurushb, a. (i) human; manly; belonging or relating to Purusha; m. man's load; n. manhood; manliness; manly courage, vigour, or deed, valour, prowess; force (opp. intellect); length of a man; generation; mermbrum virile. _VRW paurush-eya, a. (i) made by, derived from or relating to men; derived from the soul; n. human effort: -tva, n. human origin. 1"4f paurush-ya, a. relating to Purusha; n. manly deed, valour. L[hta or Indra. ' B pauru-huta, a. relating to PurultT'4 pauro-gava, a. superintendent of a princely kitchen; -dhas-a, n. office of Purolita; -bhag-ya, n. ill-will, envy; -hitya, n. office of Purohita. qtm T*I paurna-masa, a. (i) belonging or relating to or offered at full-moon; m. n. fullmoon sacrifice; n. day of full-moon: i, f. night or day of full-moon. 4f4 Ii paurt-ika, a. relating to a charitable or meritorious work. tifipaurva-ka, a. derived from ancestors, inherited; ancient; -kal-ya, n. priority; -deh-ika (or -daih-ika), a. relating to or derived from a former existence; performed in a former life. Fmli apaurva apar-ya, n. relation between prior and posterior, succession; -ahn-ika, a. (i) relating to the forenoon. 'tff[' paurv-ika, a. (1) prior, previous, former, ancient. ifTPFi paulastya, a. relating to or descended from Pulasti or Pulastya; m. pat. descendant of Pulasti or Pulastya, ep. of Kubera and of Ravana; moon. 1IM UR pauloma, a. relating to or treating of Puloma; m. pl. a class of demons: i, f. pat. of the wife of Indra: -vallabha, m. lover of Paulomi, ep. of Indra. et pausha, a. (1) relating to the time when the moon is in the asterism Pushya; m. a month, December-January; i, f. night or day of full-moon in the month Pausha. 4 AdCM paushkara, a. (i) relating to the blue lotus. [ment, full strength. t14 atF paushkal-ya, n. complete developnfTji paushti-ka, a. (i) relating to or furthering prosperity or growth; furthering (g.). l paushnd, a. (i) belonging, relating, or sacred to Pfshan; relating to the sun; n. the lunar asterism Revati. e' paushpa, a. (i) coming from or made of flowers; -ketava, a. relating to the god of love (Pushpa-ketu). I p L 1fll paushya, a. relating to the asterism Pushya. 1 PYAI, I. A. pyaya, be exuberant, swell, overflow. a, swell, ferment (fluids); become full of, grow rich in (in.); cs. -pyayaya, P. A. cause to swell, fill up, water (Soma); quicken, refresh, strengthen; replenish, augment: pp. apygyita, fattened, strengthened. sam-A, swell, increase; cs. nourish, animate, refresh. T I. pra, ad. (with verbs) before; forward, onward, on, forth; ~- with nouns, fore-; great- (in relationship); ~- with a. exceedingly, very. IT 2. pra, (-~) a. filling, satisfying, nourishing; resembling; n. fulfilment. T;WJ pr-iiga, n. fore-part of the shafts of a vehicle; triangle; m. n. N. of the second Sastra in the morning libation. MhiZ pra-kata [pra-krita, made plain], displayed, manifest, visible: ~- or -m, ad. manifestly, clearly, visibly; m. N.: -na, n. manifestation, making visible. liWr prakata-ya, den. P. manifest, make visible; show, disclose: pp. ita, displayed, shown: -, ad. evidently. TiitRi prakati-kri, manifest, show, display; -bhfu, become manifest, appear. hTE pra-kamp-a, a.trembling; m. tremor, quake; -ana, m. wind; N. of an Asura; n. shaking, wagging; -ita,pp. /kamp; n. tremor; -in, a. trembling, moving to and fro; -ya, fp. to be caused to tremble or quake. TBii pra-kara, m. (scattered) heap, quantity, plenty: i,f. kind of song; short interlude (in a drama); -karana, n. production, creation; treatment, discussion, exposition; subject of discussion, topic; section, chapter; special treatise, monograph; kind of drama (in which the plot is invented by the poet): asminn eva prakarane, in regard to this very point, in this connection; na ka prakaranam vetsi, nor do you know what the point in question is: -tas, ad. on a suitable occasion, -tva, n. condition of discussing (-~); -kartavya, fp. to be prepared; to be displayed or cherished; to be appointed to (Ic.); -kartri, m. one who causes or occasions; -karsha, m. (preference, advantage), excellence, superiority, pre-eminence; intensity, excess; predominance; -~ a. consisting for the most part in: in., ab., ~-, highly, strongly, thoroughly; -karshana, m. troubler; a. drawing off; protrusion; extension, long duration; -karsha-vat, a. excellent; -, distinguished or pre-eminent in; -kalpana, f. allotment; -kalp-ita, pp. fitted, arranged, placed; -kalp-ya, to be allotted or settled; -kanksha, f. appetite; -kanda, m. n. trunk of a tree (between the root and branches); minor section in a book; -~=pre-eminent, excellent; -kama, m. delight, voluptuousness: pl. objects of desire: -m, -tas, or -, ad. with delight, willingly; according to desire, sufficiently; in very deed; -kara, m. kind, sort, species; way, manner; -~ a. of the nature of, -like: kena prakarena, in what way? how? prakaraih, in one way or another; ramayanasya bharatasya va prakarah, a kind of Ramayana or Mahabhtrata; -kara-ka, a. (-~) of the nature of, -like; -kara-ta,f. speciality; -kara-vat, a. belonging to a species; -karya,fp. to be exhibited; -kalana, a. driving on; m. N. of a Ndga. TsiRTS' pra-kisa, a. shining (out), clear, bright; manifest, open, visible, public; pro I ducedor occasioned by (-~); generallyknown, renowned, for (in. or -~), in (-~); having the appearance of, resembling, like (-o): -m or ~-, ad. openly, publicly; aloud (dr.); m. lustre, splendour, light (often -~ in titles of exegetical works); manifestation; renown; open place, open air; publicity: ab. manifestly, certainly; lc. publicly, openly; aloud; -kasa-ka, a. (ika) clear, bright, shining; generally known, renowned; illuminating; making clear, explaining; expressing, designating; m. illuminator, sun; -kasa-ta, f. brightness, lustre; renown; publicity: -m gam, become known; -kasa-tva, n. manifestation, appearance, renown; -kasa-devl, f. N.; -kas-ana, a. illuminating; n. illumination; allowing to appear, manifestation; -kasa-nari, f. public woman, prostitute; -kas-aniya, fp. to be illuminated; -kas-ayitavya, fp. to be made clear or evident; to be manifested; -kasa atma-ka-tva, n. luminousness; -k.sa tman, a. whose nature is light, luminous; -kas-i-ta, f. brightness, light; -kas-i-tva, n. id.; -kas-in, a. bright, shining; bringing to light (g.); -kas-ikarana, n. illumination; -kasi-kri, illuminate; publish; -kAs^-bhava, m. becoming light, dawn; -kasaitara, a. reverse of manifest, invisible; -kas-ya,fp. to be brought to light or manifested: -ta,f. publicity. TfriC'r pra-kirana, n. strewing, scattering; -kirna, pp. (V/kri) agitated, excited, wild; n. miscellany: -ka, a. scattered; miscellaneous; m. fly-whisk; tuft of hair (as an ornament of horses); miscellany; judicial decision of an isolated case (not provided for in the law-books). J- PRAKH, VI. P. (A. mostly metrical) \ prikkhs, ask; ask after, inquire about; ask any one (ac.) about (ac.); consult the future (of astrologers); seek, look for; entreat: with na, not trouble about (ac.); namato mataram -, ask one's (g.) mother's name: pr. t.. A. prikkhamna, asking oneself; ps. prikkhyate, be asked, about (ac.): the remote object in both act. and ps. is sts. expressed by the d., lc., or prati, -arthe, -hetoh, or adhikritya: pp. prishta, asked; solicited, desired (exceptionally of the remote object). anu, ask; ask after, inquire about: pp. inquired about. a, A. (E. also P.) take leave of (ac.); invoke (a god); ask, - after. sama, take leave of. pari, ask, inquire of; ask or inquire about (2 ac.; the remote object exceptionally g., Ic., or prati). prati, ask; ask about (2 ac.). vi, ask, inquire of; find out by inquiry. sam, converse, greet one another; ask; ask about; consult the future: pp. asked. ATdi pra-gana, m. (n.) procreation, impregnation; parturition; m. procreator; -gbnana, a. generating, procreative; n. impregnation; parturition, procreation; birth, propagation; production, of (-~); genital member; progeny, children; -gaya, m. victory; -galpa, m. conversation; prattle; -galpana, n. speaking, talking; -gava, m. haste, speed; -gavana, a. running very fast; -gavin, a. hurrying, running fast, quick; -gas, a. -~= prag&, progeny; -gahita, pp. given up, abandoned. T-T pra-ga, f. procreation, propagation, birth; offspring, progeny, family, descendants; creature; folk, people, subjects (of a prince): -kama, a. desirous of offspring; m. desire of offspring. r 1TW pra-gagara, a. watching, waking; m. watchman; watching, waking; waking up (int.); -gagarana, n. waking, sleeplessness. Z 2 172 xrTJf praga-gupti.. rfr prati. tTJ~ff praga-gupti, f. protection of subjects; -ghni,f. of -han; -kandra, m. moon to his subjects (honorific epithet of a prince); -tantu, m. continuation of a family, progeny. 'llofT pra-gati,f. procreation, parturition, propagation, birth; procreative energy: -kama, a. desirous of propagation; -mat, a. (verse) containing words relating to procreation. lT;TTgl praga-dfna, n. procreation of children; -dvara, n. gate of progeny, ep. of the sun; -dhara, a. maintaining creatures (Vishnu); - adhyaksha, m. surveyor of creatures, ep. of the sun, Daksha,etc.; -natha, m. lord of creatures, ep. of Brahman, Manu, and Daksha; protector of the people, king, prince; - antaka, m. destroyer of creatures, Yama. rTFWfct praga-pati, m. lord of creatures; genius presiding over procreation, protector of life; Creator, N. of a supreme being above the Vedic gods; this epithet is in the postVedic period applied to various holy men regarded as demiurgic beings; Time (personified); planet Mars; N.: -yagiia, m. sacrifice to PragApati = procreation of children prescribed by law; -loka, m. Pragapati's world. I TTWT1 pragf-pfla, m. guardian of creatures, ep. of Krishna; protector of the people, prince, king; N. of a prince; -palana, n. protection of the people; -palya, n. office of guardian of the people or of king. flrfT praga-y-in-i, a.f. about to bring forth; -~, bearing, mother of. ilRTn pragaarthe, lc. ad. for the sake of offspring. IiF [ pragg-vat, a. (-i) productive of offspring, bestowing progeny; abounding in offspring, fruitful: -i,f. pregnant; bearing, mother of (-~); brother's wife. Iwlreft praga-vriddhi, f. abundance of offspring; -vyapara, m. care for or interest in the people; -srig, m. creator of the world, ep. of Brahman and of Kasyapa; -han, a. (f. -ghni) killing offspring. Ilfr'T pra-gihlrshu, a. about to strike; -givana, n. livelihood, maintenance; -givin, m. N. of a minister of the crow-king Meghavarna. Tll prag isa, m.lord of creatures, Creator; genius presiding over procreation; lord of the people, prince, king; -.svara, m. id.; -iha, f. desire of offspring. Tlff praggi, m. N. 'ls pra-gna, a. intelligent; knowing, acquainted with (-~): (a)-ta,f. knowledge; -giapti, f. instruction, information; kind of magic art personified: -kausika, m. N. of a teacherfamiliar with this art. RVT pra-giif, f. information; discrimination, judgment, intelligence, understanding; wisdom, knowledge; purpose, resolve: -gupta, pp. protected by wisdom; -kakshus, n. eye of understanding; a. seeing with the eye of understanding; having understanding in place of eyes, blind; -Adhya, m. (rich in wisdom), N. WmT pra-gia-ta, pp. well-known; -tavya, fp. to be known; -ti,f. information; ascertainment of the way to (g.); -tri, m. knowing the way, guide. T 'TW- pragniiatman, a. whose nature is intellect, being all intellect; -aditya, m. Sun of Wisdom, ep. of a clever man. rM1' T pra-gnana, n. cognisance; knowledge; token of recognition, distinctive mark; monument. J-TTTftr pragna-paramita, f. highest degree of knowledge or understanding; - apeta,pp. destitute of knowledge; -maya, a. consisting of understanding; -matra,f. element or basis of cognition, organ of sense; -vat, a. intelligent, wise, knowing, shrewd; -vada, m. word of wisdom; -sahaya, a. having intelligence as a companion, wise, intelligent, shrewd. Tr51Tq pra-gvalana, i. flaming up; -gvalita, (pp.) n. blazing, burning; -gvara, m. heat of fever; -gvalana, n. kindling (a fire); -gvala,f. flame. 3RUI pra-nakha, n. (?) tip of the nail; -nata, pp. bowing etc.; -nati, f. bow, reverential salutation, obeisance (with g., Ic., or -~ of the object); (a)-napat, m. great-grandson; -naptri, m. id.; -namana, n. bowing down before (g. or-~).. WVlf pra-naya, m. leader; guidance; manifestation, display; confidence,in (Ic.); friendly regard; familiarity; affection, love; fond attachment (of lovers), display of affection; desire, longing, for (Ic.): in., ab., -, and pranaya upetanl, ad. confidently, fearlessly; unreservedly, without ceremony: -kalaha, m. friendly quarrel; -nayana, n. bringing, fetching; means or vessel for fetching; manifestation, display; adduction; wielding (a weapon), infliction of punishment (danda); establishing, founding; performance, execution; composition (of, -~); satisfying, satiating (-~); -naya-bhainga, m. breach of confidence; -naya-vat, a. acting without reserve,or ceremony, unaffected; tenderly attached to (Ic. or -O); addicted to (-~); -nayi-kriya,f. friendly service; -nayi-ta,f. love, affection (for, Ic.); desire, longing (for, g. or -~); -nay-in, a. beloved, dear (to, g.); tenderly attached, affectionate, loving; fond of, liking, devoted to, longing for (in. or -~); frequenting, dwelling or being in (-~); aiming at, having in view (-~); combined or provided with (-~); n. favourite, dear friend; lover, husband: -i, f. mistress, wife; -nayikri, attach closely: pp. connected with (in. or -~); -nayi-bhiu, again become attached to (Ic.). lTfI pra-ndva (or d), m. [pronouncement: gnu] the sacred syllable om: -ka, -~ a. id. WT'TfTiT pra-nfadi-kf, f. channel: in. indirectly; by means of (-~); -nad4, f. id.; -nada, m. loud noise, shout, yell, roar, cry, neigh, etc.; tingling in the ear; -nama, m. bow, obeisance, reverent salutation (-O with the object): bhuvi or bhfmmau -, bow down to the ground; -namin, a. (-~) bowing down before, worshipping; -nayaka, m. commander (of an army); -nayya, fp. suitable, worthy (pupil); -nala, m. row, series(?): i,f. channel, watercourse; mediation, means; -nalika, f. channel, conduit; means: in. indirectly; by means of; -nasa, m. extinction, cessation, disappearance,loss; decease, death; -nasana, a. (i) causing to cease, destroying, removing; n. destruction; -nasin, a. destroying, removing (only -~ f. and at the end of a hemistich). fftiJr' i pra-nidhana, n. application, employment; exertion, endeavour; respectful behaviour, towards (Ic.); submission to the will of (-~); profound meditation; vehement desire (B.); vow (B.); -nidhayin, a. employing (emissaries); -nidhi, m. spying; sending out (of emissaries); request; spy, emissary; -nidhi-blhf, become a spy in the service of (-~); -nidheya,fp. to be applied; to be sent out as a spy; -nipatana, n. falling down before any one, prostration; -nipata, m. prostration, reverent salutation; humble submission to (g.); -nipatin, a. prostrating oneself, submitting; -ni, in. leader; (a)-nita, pp. V/nt: a, f. pl. water fetched (on the morning of the rite), holy water: -karu, n. pot for the holy water, -pranayana, n. vessel for fetching the holy water; (a)-niti, f. guidance; leading away. 1T.Jr pra-nud, a. (-~) driving away, removing, dispelling; -nuda, a. id. iitlrT pra-negana, a. (i) wiping; n. washing, bathing; water for washing; -netavya, fp. to be led or guided; to be performed or employed; -netri, m. leader, guide (of, g.; ac. in V.); fashioner, creator; author: -mat, a. containing the notion of leading; -neduh, 3 pl. pf. V/nad, they uttered cries; -neya, fp. to be led or guided; amenable, yielding, obedient; to be employed, applicable; to be performed; to be fixed or determined; -nodya,fp. to be driven away (-~). ltT [r pra-tnfkam, abs.gliding, creeping; -tata, n. (?) high bank; -tatamaha, mi. greatgrandfather; -tanu, a. very fine, delicate, narrow, slender, thin, emaciated, small, or insignificant: -ka, a. very delicate; -tapana, n. warming; -tapta, pp.; n. (?) purified gold; -taptri, m. burner, scorcher; -tamam, (spv. ac. f.) ad. especially; -tara, m. crossing over (-~); -t&rana, a. (i) furthering, promoting, increasing; n. crossing over; -taram, -taram, (cpv. ac.) ad. further, still more; in future; -tarka, m. inference, supposition; -tarkya, fp. conceivable; -tardana, a. destroying; (a)-tavas, a. vigorous, powerful; -tana, m. tendril; plant with tendrils, climbing plant: -vat, a. having tendrils; ramified; -tanita, pp. treated diffusely; -tapa, m. heat; splendour; majesty, dignity, superiority (often compared with the heat of the sun); vigour, power, energy; N.; -tapana, a. making it hot for any one, pressing hard on, harassing, afflicting; n. heating; -tapapala, in. N.; -tapa-pura, n. N. of a city; -tapa-vat, a. full of dignity, powerful, majestic, glorious (of persons); -tipa-sila, m. N. of a prince; -tapa.iditya, in. Sun of Majesty, N. and ep. of various princes; -tapitri, i. nm. used as 3 sg. ft. of cs. of pratap; -tapin, a. hot, burning, scorching; making it hotfor any one, harassing, afflicting; glorious, majestic; conferring dignity; -tamra, a. extremely red; -tara, m. crossing over (g.): -ka, a. deceiving, cheating; m. cheat; -tarana, n. taking across (water); crossing over (g. or -~) =-tarana; deceiving, cheating: a, f. cheating, fraud; -taraniya, fp. to be deceived or cheated; -tarayitri, m. promoter, increaser. 1Tf'r prati, ad. with verbs and ~- with nouns, against, counter; back, in return; with nouns also = every; prp. I. with (usually preceding) ac. against, towards, to, upon, in the direction of; before, in the presence or the eyes of; about, near, on, in, at; at the time of, about; through, for (of time); from (protect); compared with; in favour of, for; concerning, in regard to, on account of, through; for, as (with predicative ac., e. g. take for, regard as); according to, by; in or at every; 2. with ab. at the time of, about (only R V.); 3. with g. concerning, with regard to; ~- in ad. cpds. towards; at the time of, about; according to; in or at every; atmanam prati, to oneself (speak); hiram -, for a long time; bhrisam -, repeatedly; mam -, in my 1Tf1eTIi prati-kankuka. f prati-paksha. 1f q r t-pasa 173 I I opinion, to my mind; varsham -, every year; na bubhukshitam prati bhati kim kit, to a hungry man nothing is of any account; mam prati aranyavat pratibhati, to me seems like a (lonely) forest. T1fi' Eqi prati-kankuka, m. man armoured against all assaults, obstinate adversary; -kantham, ad. singly, one by one; -kara, a. (1) counteracting (-~); m. compensation (-~); -karkasa, a. equally hard with, of the same hardness as (-~); -kartavya, fp. to be requited (of good or evil); to be repaid to (g.); to be done by way of compensation; to be paid back (debt); to be opposed or counteracted; n. (impl.) one should requite (d., Ic.); - repay as a debt to (d.); - counteract any one (g.); - give medical aid to (g.); -kartri, m. requiter; opponent; -karma, ad. for every act; at every rite or celebration; -karman, n. requital; correspondingaction (-~); counteraction; (medical) treatment; personal adornment; -karsha, m. combination; -kiikshin, a. desiring (-~); -kamam, ad. according to wish, at pleasure; -kamin, a. disagreeable; -kamini,f. female rival; -kaya, m. (counter body), adversary; -kara, m. requital (of good or evil), compensation for (-~); counteraction, employment of remedies; alleviation, remedy: -karman, n. opposition, resistance, -vidhana, n. medical treatment; -karin, a. obviating, counteracting(-0); -karya, n. reward (to, g.); -kitava, m. adversary at play; -ku/igara, in. hostile elephant. 11T' fr prati-kfila, a. (against the bank, uphill), contrary, adverse (wind, fate, etc.); perverse, wrong; disagreeable, repugnant; hostile, refractory, rebellious (towards, g.): -a, ad. against any one, contrary (wind); inversely; n. inverse order; repugnant conduct (v. 1. pratikalya): -karin, a. offering resistance to, opposing (g.); -ta, f. adverseness (offate); rebelliousness, hostility; -daiva, a. opposed by fate: -ta, f. hostility of fate; -pravartin, a. taking an adverse course (ship) and acting with hostility (tongue); -bhashin, a. contradicting. RftWlTr pratikila-ya, den. P. oppose (ac.). TfT lq-r — pratiklfla-vakana, n. contradiction; -vat, a. refractory, rebellious; -vartin, a. counteracting, opposing, disturbing (g.); -vada, m. contradiction (-~); -vadin, a. contradicting, any one (g.); -visarpin, a. moving against the wind or stream (ship) and moving rancourously (tongue of a rogue); -vritti, a. resisting, opposing, any one (g.); -vedanlya, fp. affecting one disagreeably; -akarita, (pp.) n. offensive action, injury; - ukta, n. pI. contradiction. 1tfla ii pratikil-ika, a. hostile (incorrectfor prati-). 1flriTT prati-krita, (pp.) n. requital, retaliation; resistance; -kriti, f. resistance; counterfeit, image, likeness: -rakana, f. painting of a likeness. NfJRIti' prati-kopa, m. wrath, anger. Irf'WRI prati-krama, m. inverse order; -kramana, n. striding hither and thither; going to confession (B.); -kriya, f. requital (of good or evil: -~ with object; -~, g., or Ic. of person); compensation; resistance; counteraction, remedy, help; venting (of anger); adornment (of the person): -~ a. (a) warding off, repelling; -krodha, m. anger in return. 1f41Tm P prati-kshanam, ad. every moment or instant, continually; -kshapam, ad. every night; -kshipta-tva, n. repudiation, rejection; -kshetra, n. spot, place: Ic. in the place of (g.); -kshepa, m. contest; combating (-_); rejection; -kshepana,n. combating (-~); -kshonibhrit, m. opposition king. IffPr- prati-gaga, m. hostile elephant; -gata, pp. v/gam; n. return; -gamana, n. return; -gark, m. call in reply (of the Adhvaryu to the address of the Hotri); -garitri, m. one who replies with a call; -gargana, n. answering roar (of a cloud): a, f. id.; -gatra, o- or -m, ad. at every member; -giri, m. mountain opposite; -giryam,fp. n. one should reply with a call; -gupya,fp. one should beware of (ab.); -griham, ad. in every house; -grihitavya, fp. to be received kindly, to be welcomed (incorrect for -grahi-); -grihitri, m. receiver (incorrectfor -grahl-); -geham, ac. ad. in every house. TRf7p- prati-grahb, m. receipt, acceptance (of gifts), right to receive gifts (privilege of Brdhmans; the person from whom the present is received is ~-, ab., or g. + sakasAt; the object is 0-); friendly reception; favour, grace; receiving with the ear, hearing; receiver; gift, present: in. as a present; -m kri, receive presents; -grahana, a. receiving; n. reception; acceptance (of gifts); -grahadhana, n. money received as a present; a. whose wealth consists in presents only; -graha-prapta, pp. received as a present; -grahitavya,fp. to be received, that may be accepted; -grahitri, m. receiver (of gifts); one who receives a girl, one who weds; nm. sg. used as ft.; -gramam, ad. in every village; -grahaka, a. receiving gifts (only -~); -grahin, a. receiving, accepting; -grbhya, fp. to be received, from (ab.); from whom anything may be accepted. RfffR prati-gha, [striking against: /han], m. hindrance, resistance, obstruction; struggling against (-~); wrath, rage; -ghata, m. repulsion, prevention, repression,.obstruction, hindrance, resistance: -ka, a. troubling, disturbing, -krit, a. depriving any one (g.) of (g.); -ghatana, n. repelling; -ghAtin, a. repelling; disturbing; injuring; dazzling (the eye). if~d i~ prati-kcdkshana, n. looking at, beholding; appearance; making visible; -kakshya, fp. visible; -kandra, m. mock moon; -kiklrsh, des. a. (nm. -ikikih), wishing to requite or avenge anything (Ic.); -kiksrsha, f. desire to requite or retaliate on (ac. or g.); -kikirshu, des. a. wishing to requite (ac.); -kintaniya, fp. to be pondered anew; -kkhanda, m. image, likeness (-= -like): -ka, mn. likeness; substitute; -kkihya, f. likeness, image; -khhayika, f. image, phantom; -gang, m. adversary; -ganam, ad. in every one; -ganman, n. rebirth; -gagarana, n. watching (g.); -gihirshu, des. a. desirous of requiting (ac.); -gLvanax, n., -givita, (pp.) n. resuscitation. wTfhwIT prati-gni, f. agreement, understanding, assent; promise; assertion, declaration; prosecution, action (leg.); announcement of a proposition in an argument (logic); -giata, ipp. promised, agreed; propounded, proposed; n. promise; -giina, n. admission, assent; promise; assertion; propounding a subject. ift luTrw pratignfantara, n. change of the proposition in an argument; -paripalana, n. adherence to a promise, keeping one's word; -purvakam, ad. beginning with the prosecution; -virodha, m. contradiction between proposition and argument; -samnyasa, m. abandonment of one's own pro position after hearing the argument of one's opponent; -hini, f. abandonment of a proposition in a disputation. filw'fit prati-tadvid, f. recognition of the contrary; -tantra-siddhanta, m. doctrine recognised in various systems (but not in all); -tara, m. sailor; -taram, with bhua, retire more and more; -tarn, ad. at every tree; -tryaham, ad. for three days each time. lTffrf pra-tithi, m. N. of a sage. wTfasT[ prati-danda, a. (counter to the rod), refractory; -darsa, m. sight; -darsana, n. beholding, perceiving; appearing; sight, appearance; -datavya, fp. to be restored; -dana, n. giving or present in return; -dapya, fp to be forced to be restored; -dinam, ad. every day, daily, day by, day; -divasam, ad. id.; -disam, ad. in every quarter or direction, all round; -divan, m. adversary at play; -duh, (nm. -dhuk), milk fresh from the cow; -duta, m. return messenger; -dris, a. (or prati-), similar; -drisam, ad. in or for every eye; -drishtanta, m. counter instance: -sama, m. irrelevant objection by adducing a counter instance which ignores one's opponent's example; -deya, fp. to be restored; -devatam, ad. for every deity; -devata, f. corresponding deity; -desam, ad. in every country; -deham, ad. in every body; -daivatam, ad. for every deity; -dvandva, m. adversary, rival; -dvandvin, m. id.; -O =rivalling; -dvandvi-bhiu, become an adversary; -dvadasan, a. pi. twelve each; -dvaram, ac., -dvari, lc. ad. at every door or gate; -dvirada, m. hostile elephant; -dvlpam, ad. in every part of the world. lfr'fi prati-dhartrf, m. hinderer; -dha,f. (drinking down: Vdhe) draught;. -dhana, n. putting to or on (-~); employment of precautions; -dhavana, n. assailing (ac.); -dhi, m. cross-piece on the pole; -dhrishya, fp. resistible (-~); -dhvani, m., -dhvana, m. repeated sound, echo; -dhvanin, a. echoing. lTf-'W prati-nagaram, ad. in every town; -nadi, ad. at every river; -nandana, n. greeting; grateful acceptance; -namaskara, a. returning a reverential salutation; -nava, a. new, young, fresh, recent; -naga, m. hostile elephant; -nidi, f. branch-vein; -nada, m. echo; -nama, ad. by name: -grahanam, n. ad. mentioning each individual name; (prati)-naman, a. related in name; -nayaka, m. opposing hero (in.a play); -nari, f. female rival; -nidhatavya, fp. to be substituted; -nidhapayitavya, fp. to be caused to be substituted; -nidhi, m. substitution; substitute; image, likeness; counterpart of (-~); -nidhi-kri, substitute anything (ac.) for (-~); -nidheya, fp. to be substituted; -nipata, m. falling down; -niyama, m. rule for each particular case; -nirdesa, m. reference back to, renewed mention of (g.): -ka, a. referring back to; -nirdesya, fp. referred to again; -niryatana, n. restoration, restitution; -nivartana, n. return; -nivarana, n. keeping off; -nivritti, f. return; -nisam, ad. every night; -niskaya, m. opposing opinion; -nishtha, a. standing on the opposite side; -nripati, m. rival king; -noda, m. repulse; -nyayam, ad. in reverse order; -nyisa, m. counter deposit. R9fmV prati-paksha, m. opposite side; opposition, hostile party; opponent, adversary; rival (in, -~); -~ a. rivalling: -ganman, a. produced by enemies, -ta,f., -tva, n. opposition, hostility; -pakshita, pp. opposed, contradictory; -pakshin, m. opponent, adversary; -panw, m. exchange; counter 174 17 Tr~t~ prati-patha. 'r affprati-ragani. I stake (in play); -pattavya, fp. to be obtained or received; - given (answer); - comprehended or understood; n. iinpl. one should behave; one should assume or lay down; -patti, f. obtainment, acquirement; perception, comprehension; understanding, intelligence; supposition, view, assertion; admission; giving, bestowal on any one (la. or -2); causing; taking in hand ( —); enterprise, procedure, action, in or with (g. or.) respectful behaviour, mark of respect, honour; confidence, assurance, determination; resource, means for (le.), expedient against (g.); high rank, dominion, rule; conclusion; tatra ki pratipattih ayt, what is to be done in that case? 'kA tasya pratipattile, what is to be done with it? pratipattim di, show honour: -daksha, a. resourceful; -puhrvakam, ad. respectfully; -prad~na, n. showing of honour; -mat, a. intelligent, resourceful. ~Ifirtiw prati-patha, '- or -iad. along the road; backwards; -pid, f.entrance, approach; beginning; initial verse, introductory stanza; first day of a lunar fortnighst or of the moon's increase; -pada,9 c & -mn, ad. at every step; everywhere, on every occasion; at every word; literally, expressly; each singly; -panna, pp. obtained, gained; overcome, conquered, subdued: -tva, n. condition of having been promised; -parigamana, is. going round a gain or back; -pary~yam, ad. at every turn; -parva, ad. at every change of the moon; -pallava, mn. opposing or outstretched branch. 41If4Tprati-pahnd, a. bartering; ne. counterstake; revenge at play;.-pitram, ad. in or on every part (in a play); -pdaka, a. aik) giving, bestowing (-.O); discussing, treating of, teaching; explanatory, illustrative; -padana, n. causing to attain (~O;giving, bestowal, on (4c. or — 9); giving back, returning; bringing back; inauguration in ( —O); producing, causing; setting forth, treating of, propounding, illustrating, teaching; commnencement; apdaniya, fp. to be given, - in marriage (Pr.); to be propounded, dis'cussed or treated of; -pidapam, ad. in every tree;_-pdain, ad. in every verse (pAda); _Padayitavya, fp. to be bestowed or presented; _padayitri, mn. bestower, on (leg.); propounder, teacher; -pduka, f. pedestal; -p~da p. to be propounded, explained, or discussed; under discussion; _pana, a. drinking; drinking water; -Papa, a. bad in return, requiting any one (le.) with evil; -p~1ana, n. watching, guarding, protection; rearing,n nurture (of animals); keeping, observance, maintenance, of (g. or -O); expectation (Pr.); -piianiya or -p&1ayitavya, fp. to be expected or waited for; -pilin, a. guarding, protecting; -piiya, fp. to be protected or guarded; to be waited for. Rf~ftil'~f prati-pitsft, f. desire to obtain, striving after; -pitsu, des. a. desiring to obtain, striving after (ac. or — O); wishing to learn (ac.); appdayisha f. desire to propound or discuss (ac.); appdayishu, des. a. being about to propound, discuss, or explain; -pidana, n. devastation, of(c) IT f' Va prati-pum-niyata, pp. specially meant for every soul;- -purusha, mn. similar man, representative; companion; doll; '- or -in, ad. man for man, for each man; for every soul; -pustaka, n. copy of an original manuscript, transcript; -piigaka, a. honouring (- cor g.); -pi'gana, n. doing honour to (g.); -pu'g&, f. id. (with g. or lc.); -pfigya, fp. to be honoured; -pi'irana, n. filling, occupation of (g.); being filled with (in.); stoppage, obstruction; -prishtha,. each side of a leaf. I i~fWf~fprati-pragnfiati, f. discrimination, ascertainment; -pranavain, ad. at every ' om;' -pranava-samyukta, pp. accompanied with I'oni' on each occasion; -pranima, m. counter-bow, salutation in return; -prati, a. (in. n.) forming a counterpart, counterbalancad. at every initial word; on every part of the body; -prada'na, n. giving back, restitution; bestowal in marriage; -prabhaf. p1. reflexion (of fire); -prabh~tam, ad. every morning; -prayavana, n. repeated mixing; -prayina, n. return; -prasna, m. counter question, answer; -prasava, m. counter precept, annulment of a prohibition regarding ( —O); return to the original state; -prasavain, ad. at every birth; -prasth~tri, m. priest assisting the Adhvnryu; -prastW~ua, n. office of the Pratiprasthhtri; -pr ahra, m. counter blow, stroke in return; -pra'ni, ad. in or for every living being; -pribhrita nl. counter present; -prasthanika, a. relating to the office of the PratiprasthiAtri. TrfW~f3i prati-priya, n. counter -favour, service in return; -prekshana, n. looking at any one again; -praisha, m. counter call; -plavana, n. leaping back. f[tTIprati-phalana, n. reflexion, reflected image. TFIq prati-baddha, pp. connected: -z fconnexion with (-0); -banddhri, m. hinderer, obstructor: at& f. obstruction; -baudha, m. connexion; investment,, siege; hindrance, impediment; stoppage, suspension; logical impediment, obstructive argument; support: in. by employing all kinds of obstacles: -ka, a. (ikg) hindering, obstructing, -vat, a. beset wth obstacles; -bandhi-kalpana,fasup tion liable to a legitimate contradiction; -baudhin, a. liable to be impeded os- checked; 2_~, impeding. obstructing; -bandhi-t&, f. *state of checking, obstruction; -bala, I. n. hostile army; 2. a. having equal strength, being a match for (g.), equally strong in (-O); capable of; adequate to (inf. or d. of vbl. xv.); in. well-matched adversary; -badhaka, a. repelling ( —O); -ba'dhana, n. warding off, repulsion (of; g.; ac.1); -bihu, m. fore-arm.,if~'f~Iq prati-bimba, (in.) a. reflected disc (of the seen or moon in the, water); reflected image, reflexion, shadow, likeness; -biumbana, n. reflexion; comparing; -biinbita, (den.) pp. reflected, in (2) -ib-kri, reflect, resemble (ac.). iR F i prati-buddhi, f. awakin g (fig.); -bodha, m. awaking; knowledge: -ka, a. awaking (ac.); m. instructor; -bodhana, a. awakening, quickening; n. awaking; spreadin~g, diffusion; wakening; enlightening, instructing: 'a, f. awaking, recovery of consciousness; -bodhanlya, fp. to be wakened; -bodha-vat, a. 1)ossessed of understanding; -bodhin, a. awaking. T~fWRZ: prati-bhata, a. being a match for any one, equal to anything; rivalling (g. or m. adversary: ati f. rivalry with (g.); -bhati-kri, put on an equality with; -bhaya, a. formidable, terrible, dangerous: -in, ad.; n. fear, of (ab. or -'O); danger: -kara, -in-kara, a. causing fear. ITfP[T prati-bhat, f. resemblance, image; light, lustre (-'); understanding, intelligence; presence of mind; brilliant idea, happy thought; well-founded presumption; fancy, phantom; -bhkga, m. daily present (consisting offruit,fiowers, and vegetables oJ er-ed to a king): -sas, ad. in divisions or classes; -bh&na, n. obviousness; brilliancy of conception; I I I understanding: -vat, a., quick-witted, endowed with presence of mind, prompt:, -tva, a. quick intelligence, promptness; -bhiva, in. counterpart: -ta',f. abst. N.; -bh&-vat, a. endowed with presence of mind; quickwitted; -bhaisa, M. appearing; appearance; occurrence of a thought; delusion: -na, n. appearing; appearance, semblance; -bhi, f fear. ]T'd; prati-bhft, m. surety, for (d., g., or — O); representative of = equalling; -h' p~1a, mn. hostile prince: pl. every single prince; -bhhbhrit, m. hostile prince. i~~i~ prati-bheda, m. severance; betrayal, discovery; -bhedana, n. splitting, bursting, dashing to pieces; -bhairava, a. terrible; -bhoga, in. enjoyment; (medically) prescribed diet. If WWZT~ prati-mahtgala-vara, m. pl. every Tuesday; -inandala, n. counter or second disc; -inautrana, n. response; -mantram, ad. with or at every verse; -mandiram, ad. in every house; -manvantara, n. every Mann period: -mn or e, in every -; -malla, m. counter-wrestler, opposing warrior; rival. JiftilT Prati-m'd, f. [counter - measure], likeness, image, figure; picture; idol; symbol (O~- with, a word meaning moon reflected,moon, reflexion of the moon); measure; -9 a. (a) resembling, like; -mitri, ad. according to the several mothers; -mintrh,f~pl. all the morae; -mana, n. counter-measure; wellmatched opponent; pattern; comparison, resemblance, equality; weight (mneasuere); man anJ. homage; -innAyavaP. t be regarded-or considered; -inayi,f. countercharm; -m~rga, in. way back; _Ma-visesha, in. kind of image or figure; -mz'sa, '- or -in, ad. every month. RTIPPM prati-mukula, '- ad. in or on every bud; -mukti, f. leave (to depart); -mukha, i. n. part of a play in which the plot thickens, epitasis; reply, answer; 2. a. being in front, opposite, confronting; imminent, present; 3.-or -in, ad. in front; against or backwards; -mudr&,f. counterfeit seal; impression of a seal; -muhus, ad. again and again, continually; -muhfirtain, ad. every moment, continually. ifitIVlr prati-mokshana, n. remission (of taxes); -inokana, n. riddance, deliverance from(0 3rffgig? prati-yatna, in. trouble bestowed upon anything, Aelaboration, preparation, manufacture; -atana, n. requital: af image, figure, statue (of a god); -ya'na, n. return; _yVinini, ad. every night; -ya'y3in, a. going against, attacking; -yuddha, n. counter-contest, fight in return; -yuvati, f. female rival, concubine; -yuvam, ad. towards the youth; -yoga, mn. opposition, resistance: in. pl. by remedies or antidotes; -yogam, ad. rule by rule; -yogika, a. correlative, contrasting with ( —): -tva, n. correlativeness; -yog-in, a. correlative, contrasting; in. opponent, adversary: (-i- _f. *-) tva, n. correlation, contrast; -yogayitavya, fp. to be strung or the strings of which are to be tuned (lute); -yoddhavya,fp. to be fought against in return; -yoddhri, in. combatant; well-matched adversary; -yodha, in. combatant, antagonist; -yodhana, n. combating; combat; -yodhin, mn. combatant, equal antagonist ( —9); -yoshit, f. female rival, con*cubine. qR'fwT'rf'i prati-ragani, ad. every night; -ratha, in. (whose chariot is against one), 3TfI r" I r prati-ra'qa. 1frRprati-haira. 175 i adversary in fight, equal antagonist; -rathyam, ad. on every road; -rav&, m. shouting at any one, quarrelling, brawl; echo (sg. & p1.); -rasita, (pp.) is. echo. MT T~rprati-rftga, m. rival or hostile king; -ragan, M. id.; -ra~tram or -ratri, ad. every night; -ripu, ad. against the enemy; -r iA, n. (countier-form), effigy, image, likeness; pattern; counterfeit, of (g.); a. resembling; corresponding, suitable; handsome, comely: -ka, a. (ika) resembling, heaving the appearance of; counterfeit; m. quack, charlatan, -kary~, f. exemplary conduct.?Kfi(V prati-roddhri, m. opposer, of (g.); -rodha, m. impediment, obstruction: -ka, m. obstructor; robber; -rodhana, is. obstruction, prevention; allowing anything (g.) to pass by fruitlessly; -rodhin, qn. robber. qf'~~ prati-lakshana, n. symptom; -labhya,fp. obtainable; -lainbha,mi. obtain'ment., acquirement; regainment; comprehension; -19bha, m. obtainment, acquisition; -liihgain, ad. at every phallus; -lekhana, is., -1ekh a f. prescribed cleansing of all utensils; -loka, m. every world; -loma., a. against tbe hair, against the grain, contrary, unfavourable; hostile; inverted, contrary to the natural or prescribed order: '~- or -in, ad. in the inverted order, in the wrong direction, perversely; in. in an unkind way; -lomaka, a. inverted, contrary to the natural or prescribed ordier; is. perverseness; -loma-tas, a. on account of the inverted order or direction; in the reverse order or direction; -loine. anuloia, a. (against or with the grain), speaking for or against: 0~ or -in, ad. in the inverted order; in the wrong and (or) the natural order or direction, -tas, ad. in an unfriendly and a friendly manner. M 1 E prati-vaktavya,fp. to be replied to; to be given (answer); to be combated or disputed; to be contradicted (person); -yakana, in. answer, reply, to (g. or -~): i'-kri, give as an answer, reply with (ac.); -vakas, is. answer; -vatsara, m. year; -vatsaram, ad. every year; -vaditavya,fp. to be combated or disputed; -vanain, ad. in every forest; -vat, a. containing the word ' prati;' -vanita, f. female rival; -varna, m. each caste: -in, ad. for every caste; -varnika, a. having a corresponding colour, similar; -varsha, '- or -mn, ad. every year; -vallab a, f. female rival, concubine; -vasati, ad. in or on every house; -vastu, is. corresponding thing, equivalent, compensation: a~an, f. parallel simile (rh.); -vahni-pra-dakshiisain, ad. at every circumambulation of the fire from left to right; -vkya, is. answer; _Vak,f. yelling or barking at (pl.); answer; av itns.answer; avta, m. wind blowing in front: -in, ad. against the wind; lc. to the leeward; -vda, in. refusal, rejection; -vdin, a. contradicting; refractory.; m. opponent; defendant (in a lawsuit); -virana., i. a. warding off; is. keeping Off; 2. hostile elephant; -v~rtt&, f. news; avry, P. to be warded off ( aO; vsarain, M. daily. 3fWf9R? prati-vigha'ta, m.- warding off; -vitapain, ad. for every branch; -vidyain, ad. at ever'y doctrine; -vidh~tavya, f.t be employed; - provided against; is. irnpl. one should take care; -vidha'na, is. counteraction, prevention, precaution against (g. or care or provision for (-9); -vidhi, is. remedy for ( —O); -vidhitS, f. desire or intention to counteract; -vidheya, [p. to be done against; - rejected; is. im~pl. one should take precautions; one should take measures against (lc.); -iaita,pjp. exactlyopposite; -vibhaga, m. distribution, apportionment; -virati, ad. on each cessation or disappearance; -visesha, m. peculiarity, particular circumstance; -viseshana, is. detailed specification; -visva, a. pl. all and sundry: lc. in all cases; -visha, a. containing an antidote; -vishaya, in..pl. all objects of sense: 0~ or -in, ad. with regard to each individual object of sense; -v t, p. V y; -ira, in. opponent; equal antagonist; -vrittntain, ad. according to the saying, as they say; -vriSha, is. hostile bull; -vedam, ad. in the case of or for every Veda; -vedantamn, ad. in every Upanishad; -velain, ad. at every opportunity; -vesa, a. neighbouring; auxiliary, subordinate, minor; in. neighbour; neighbouring house; -vesin, a. neighbouring; is. neighbour; -vesina, ad. in every house; -vesinan, is. neighbouring house; -vesya%, M. neighbour; -vaira, is. counter-hostility, revenge; -vodhavya,.fp. to be carried home. I~f~IffZRr~T prati-vyfthfra, m. answer; _vyuiha, M. opposing battle-array; echo. TfffITWTT prati-safakft, f. supposition, considering to be (-0); -satru, m. combatant, antagonist, foe; -sabda, m. echo: -ka, m. id., -ga, a. following the sound, -vat, a. echoing; -saina, m. cessation; -sayita, pp. VAs; is. importunity; -sara, is. fracture; -sarisana, is. adversary's bow; -sasin, Tn. mock moon; askhamn, ad. for every Vedic school; a4h, f.minor branch: pl. all the Vedic schools; -spa,mi. counter-curse; -ssana,ni. secondary authority (-.0); -syya,.% M. cold, catarrh; -sraya,iis. refuge, assistance; asylum, shelter; dwelling, abode, habitation; repository of g.;-Pa. dwelling; -srav&, a. answering (.;m. promise, word, assurance; -srnavaisa, a. answerin g; promising; assenting; -srut, f. echo; answer; -srnuti, f answer; promise; echo; -slokain, ad. at every sloka. f rprati-sheddhavya, fp. to be restrained; - denied; -sheddhri, m. preventer, restrainer, of (g., its. ac. of thing); -shedha, is. prevention, determent, restrainment; prohibition; annulment, negation; negative; refusal: -ka, a. (iki) keeping off, forbidding; negativing; -shedana, a. warding, off; is. preventing, deterring, restraining, from (ab.); prohibition against (ab.); rejection, refutation; -shedaniya, fp. to be restrained or prevented; -shedhayitri, a. (tI) negativing; -shedhaakshara, is. refusal; — shedhmAitinaka, a. having a negative form; -shedha apavAda, m. annulment of a prohibition; -shedh _ r tiya, a. having the meaning of a negation; -shedhajikti, f. negative or prohibitory expression; -shedhia3paiM, f. comparison haviisg a negative form; -shedhya, fp. to be prevented,. prohibited, or rejected; - denied; -shtainbha, m. obstruction,5 hindrance,, impediment; annulment; -shtambhin, a. impeding (-0); -shthfi, a. steadfast; resisting; ast~ f.standing still; steadfastness, stability, perseverance in (-0); standing-place, position; repository; foundation; support; abiding-place, homestead, dwelling; pediment, foot (of men or animals); tranquillity; pre-eminence; standing, high position; accession to the throne; erection of an imiage or Liftga; N. of various metres: ka~ma, a. desiring a fixed abode or high position; -shtha'na, a. firm standing-place, foundation; pedestal, foot; founding of a city; N. of a town situated at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamund; m. N. of a locality on the Goddivari' (the Paithana of the Greeks); -shth~paua, is. erection of an image; establishment, corroboration: af counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis; -ShthApayitavya,fp. to be placed; -shthA~pya,fjp. to be placed or based on (lc.); to be entrusted to (d. or ic.); -shtha~su, des. a. intending to depart; -shthi, f. resistance; -stia p. (-/sth') famous, celebrated; expert in (le.): -pada, is. having verses (p~das) containing a fixed number of syllables); -shthiti, f. firm stand or footing. ~qt prati-samyoddhri, m. combatant, antagonist; A-samnvatsaram, ad. every year; -$amvidhana, is. counter-act, blow in return; -samnvedana, is. perception, consciousness (of anything); -samnvedin, a. feeling, being conscious of; -samnskara, us. restoration; entrance into (-0); -samnhara, in. withdrawal; abandonment of (g. or — ); abstention from (ab.); -samnkraina, in. dissolution; impression; -samkhy~ f. consciousness; -samkhya~na, is. reconsideration, circumspection; -saiskara, in. backward movement ( —); dissolution, - of the world; exercising ground; that in which anything is absorbed; _samgihi~rshu, des. a. wishing to give up or free oneself from (ac.); -sadanam, ad. into each several abode; -sadma, ad. at or in every house; -samdesa, in. counter-message, answer to a message; -samndeshtavya,fp. to be sent in reply to a message; -saindhatri, is. recollector; -samndha'na, is. putting together again; joining, combination; juncture, period of transition between two cosmic ages; recollection; -samdhi, us. re-union; re-entry into -)or into the womb; connexion; juncture, interval between two cosmic ages; adverseness (of fate): -gana, is. recognition; -sama, a. equal; asindhna, is. collecting oneself again, composure; -smsana, is. resistance to, equality with (g.); samikshana, is. counter-look, return glance; -sambandhi, ad. according to the respective connexion; -sarii, iM. (returning back into itself), amulet band (worn rounsd the neck or arm, esp. at nuptas lo~ f) ice -sarana, a. having recourse to (-O); is. flowing backwards (of fluids); -sarga, is. secondary or continued creation (out of _primeval matter); -sargam, ad. at every creation; -s~dhana, is. counter-proof; -sainanta, in. adversary, enemy; _Sayam, ad. towards evening; -sa~rana, n. application of remedies (to a wouisd); -sintha, is. rival orhostile lion; -sundari,f. female rival, concubine; -suirya, is. i. Mock sun; 2. (basking in the sun), hind of lizard: 'km, is. mock sun; -sen^, f. hostile army. ]TfVi1.T prati-skandha, m. each shoulder: in. each on his shoulder; -stha'nam, ad. in every place,. everywhere; -sneha, is. incorrect fr pati-sneha; -spardhin, a. vying, with, rivalling, emulating; -spask, a. spying, lurking; -srotns, ad. against the stream, upstream; -svana,mi._pl. or-, echo; -svain, ad. each singly; -svara, in. echo. rfr"'Eit prati-hata-dhii, a. hostilely disposed; -hata-raya, a. whose current is impeded by ( —P); -hati, f. blow; rebound; -hantavya, fp. to be opposed; -hantri, in. warder off, preventer; -hartri, m.withdrawer; destroyer; remover, preventer; a hind of _priest, assistant of the Udgadtri; -harsha, is. expression of joy; -harshana, a. causing joy in return; -hasta, in. (person at one's hand), substitute, deputy, proxy: -ka, is. substitute, -tva, is. deputyship; -hastin, ms. keeper of a brothel. Trff#rgT prati-hara, us. striking against anything, contact (of the tongue); certain syllables with which the Pratihartri strikes into the chant (in the Sdima litany); gate; janitor: 1L, f. female janitor; (a)-goptri, f. female door-keeper; -pa, in. door-keeper; -bhUini f. site or region of the gate; office of a doorkeeper; -rakshi,f. female door-keeper. 176 'l~ff prati-ba'ra-ya. 7sRfi TT pratyabhi-gharana. lfiTfTV prati-hara-ya, den. play the door-keeper; -harya, n. jugglery. 1ITfSffftW prati-himsita, (pp.) n. requital of an injury, revenge; -hita, pp. Vdha; -hiti, f. adjustment of the arrow; -hitaishu, a. having adjusted the arrow to the string; -hridayam, ad. in every heart; -homa, m. compensatory sacrifice; -hrAsa, m. curtailment; -hvara, m. slope. IitTiR pratika [pratiak-a, going toward: Va/ik], turned or looking towards (-~); going uphill; n. surface; outward form, aspect, countenance, face; mouth; image, symbol; copy, specimen; front; initial word; m. limb, member, part of the body: -darsana, n. symbolical idea. ]T4'TT! prati-kara, m. reaction, retaliation, revenge; counteraction, prevention; remedy, preventive; resource,means ofescape; mode of alliance formed on the assumption of the requital of former services; -kasa, m. reflexion; appearance; -~ a. resembling. ll'd~ pratliksh-a, a. looking back (-~); waiting for, expecting; considerate towards (-~); -aka, a. waiting for, expecting (-~); -ana, n. consideration, regard; observance, fulfilment; -aniya, fp. to be waited for or expected; -am, abs. waiting for; a, f. expectation; regard for (-~); -in, a. waiting; waiting for, expecting (-~); -ya, fp. to be expected or waited for; - kept, observed, or fulfilled; - treated with consideration,worthy. GiltiI rm pratl-ghfta, a. warding off (-); m. prevention, obstruction, repression; obstacle, hindrance, impediment; resistance; -gh&tin, a. obstructing (-O). Iftfl' pratik-l, f. of pratyaik; -In, i. a. turned or coming towards; -ina, 2. a. averted, turning the back; coming from or being behind; turned or lying westward; imminent, future; following upon (ab.); -i-pati, m. ep. of Varussa, ocean. riMt'ii pratiikkha-ka, m. receiver. iT'f- pratik-ya, a, being or dwelling in the west; o-, the west. TM ft pratiita, pp. V/i: -artha, a. having a recognised meaning. rfTTfW prstijti, f. approach; obviousness; notoriety; distinct knowledge, clear conception or understanding (of anything); conviction; trust, credit. [flag. I1 WnTg prati-naha, m. obstruction (-); 1'?ft pratipa [pratiap-a, against the water i. e. stream], contrary, coming or flying towards one; adverse, opposed; reversed (sound = echo); perverse, contradictory; disordered; displeasing to (/.); cross-grained, refractory, obstructive; m. opponent, adversary: -m, ad. against the stream, backwards; towards; back, in return (beat, etc.); in the inverse order; refractorily; with gam, resist; n. inverted comparison (e. g. ' the moon is like thy face'); -ga, a. coming or flowing towards; flowing backwards; -gati, f., -gamana, n. retrograde movement; -gamin, a. going against, acting contrarily to (-~);.tarana, n. navigation against the stream. ldtKl pratipa-ya, den. P. be opposed to any one (ic.); turn round, reverse. 4 q['[ r pratlpa-vakana, n. contradiction; - ukti,f. id. I'RTi1T prati-mand, n. (counter-measure), weight (measure); -vapa, m. admixture (esp. in a decoction); -vaha, m. reward; -vl, a. accepting,receiving gladly; m.f. acceptance; -vesa, a. neighbouring; -hartri, m. doorkeeper, chamberlain; -hara, m. porter, janitor, warder (i, f. female door-keeper): -ta, f., -tva, n. office of a door-keeper or chamberlain, -dhuramdhara,f. female door-keeper. l5T<[ pra-tuda, nm. pecker (a class of birds); goad; -tushti,f. satisfaction: -da, a. giving pleasure to (-~); -trid, a. cleaving; -toda, m. goad; -toll,f. broad road, main street. TTr pra-t-ta, pp. V/da; (a)-t-ti, f. gift. T? pra-tnd, a. ancient, old: (a)-tha, -vat, ad. as formerly, in the wonted manner. TErmtw prati iamsam, ad. upon the shoulders. TM-J pratydk, n. of pratyank: -tva, n. backward direction; -pushkara, a. having the bowl turned towards the west (spoon); -pravana, a. devoted to the individual soul. Ti pratiaksha, a. being before the eyes, evident, visible, perceptible; clear, plain, manifest; undoubted, actual, real; immediate, direct; having a clear knowledge of (g.); n. superintendence of, care for (g.); evidence, immediate perception; cognizance: -m, ad. before one's eyes or face; in the presence of (g. or -~); visibly, evidently, from one's own immediate knowledge; clearly, distinctly; actually, really; immediately, directly, personally; ab. actually, really; immediately; in. before one's eyes, to one's face; at sight, evidently; lc. id.; O-, before one's face, visibly; clearly; actually; directly, personally: -karana, n. personal observation; -krita, pp. directly or personally addressed (in the second person); containing a direct invocation; -k/arin, a. moving in bodily shape before (g.); IgbSana, n. immediate knowledge; -tamat, -tamam, ad. most evidently, immediately, or actually, etc.; -tas, ad. before one's very eyes: with Vsru, hear with one's own ears; -ta, f. visibility: in. visibly; -tva, n. manifestness; explicitness; directness of perception; -darsana, n. seeing with one's own eyes, power of seeing (a god) bodily; -darsin, a. seeing or having seen anything (g.) with one's own eyes; -dris, a. seeing anything clearly as if with one's own eyes; -drisya, fp. to be seen with one's own eyes, evident; -drishta, pp. seen with one's own eyes; -prama, f. correct conception gained by the evidence of the senses; -bhaksha, m. actual eating; -bhfita, pp. manifested, become visible, appearing in bodily shape. ]TM^ pratyaksha-ya, den. P. make manifest or visible; see with one's own eyes. ~M-qI^ q pratiakshara-slesha-maya, a. containing an ambiguity in every syllable (-). IT Iqt, pratyaksha-vat, ad. as if it were a perfect certainty; -vidhana, n. explicit regulation; -vishayl-bhfu, present oneself within the range of vision; -vihita, pp. expressly enjoined;,vritti, a. formed clearly or intelligibly (word); - gamana, n. approach in bodily form. A 'RM Tl' pratyaksha-ya, den. A. become manifest: -mAna-tva, n. manifestness. Tri iO T pratyakshi-karana, n. ocular inspection;.kri, look at with one's own eyes; -bh-, become manifest, appear in bodily form. ViMt~ 1 F pratyak-sarasvati, f. the western Sarasvati; -srotas, a. flowing towards the west. RTMl' pratyag-aksha, n. inner organ; a. I having inner organs; -atman, m. inward or individual soul; individual; -ananda, a. consisting of inward joy; -asis,f. personal wish; a. containing a personal wish; -udak, ad. (west-northerly, i. e.) north-westerly; -ekarasa, a. having a taste for the inward, i. e. one's own soul, only; -gyotis, n. inward light; -dakshina-tas, ad. (west-southerly, i.e.) south-westerly; -dakshina, ad. id.: -pravana, a. precipitous towards the south-west; -dis, f. west; -dris, f. inward gaze; a. having one's gaze directed inward; -dhaman, a. having inward light. l~fi^ pratiagni, ad. towards the fire; at or in every fire. iT? T pratiagra, a. [being at the beginning], new, fresh; young; early (rays); recent; renewed, repeated: ~- or -m, ad. recently; -prasava, a.f. having recently brought forth, - calved; -yauvana, a. being in early youth; -rupa, a. youthful; -vayas, a. of youthful years. [play).;Tq I prati aikam, ad. in every act (of a T1:; pratialga, I. n. minor part of the body (forehead, chin, nose, ears, fingers, etc.);,division, part; weapon; 2. - or -m, ad. on every part of the body; for one's own person; for every part (of a rite); in every grammatical base (gr.); -vartin, a. occupied with one's own person. T^J^ pratyai-mukha, a. (i) having the face turned westward. T^R prati ank, a. (f.prati'k-i or -i) turned toward, facing (ac.); coming (seasons); being or coming from behind; turning the back, averted; backward; moving in reverse direction or away; being behind (as one faces the sun), westward, western, to the west of (ab.); going backwards, beginning at the end (stoma); turned back= inward; equal to (ac.: V.); -k, n. ad. backwards; in the reverse direction; behind (ab.); westwards; in the west; to the west of (ab.); within; m. the inward or individual soul; pratiki, f. the west. Tf15'r i~w pratiadhikaranam, ad. at every section or paragraph. TMIT1R pratianantara, a. being in the immediate neighbourhood of (g.); next in rank; m. next of kin, heir presumptive: -m, ad. immediately after (ab.); i-bhu, betake oneself close to (g.); - anika, a. (having one's face against), hostile, opposing (g.); prejudicing, injuring; opposite; *rivalling; m. opponent, enemy; n. hostile army; hostility, rivalry (sg. & pl.); retaliatory revilement of an enemy's following: -bhava, m. condition of being the opposite; - anumiana, n. counter or opposite inference; - anuyoga, m. counter question; -anta, m. boundary: pl. barbarous tribes: -desa, n. frontier country; antari-bhu, betake oneself close to any one (*g.); - antat, ad. to the end in each case; - antika, a. situated on the frontier. ~1~Ri prati apakara, m. counter-injury. $[~E: prati abdam, ad, every year. MRMfT< prrati abhi-ggh rana,n.repeated besprinkling of a sacrificial remnant; -gna, f. recognition; regaining of consciousness; -gaina, n. recognition; counter token of recognition; reciprocity; -g/iapana, n. causing to recognise; -gnayamana-tva, n. recognition (ps.); -nandin, a. receiving gratefully (-~); -bhashin, a. speaking to (ac.); -marsa, m.: -na, n. stroking or touching (with the hand); -methana, n. mocking JOWq pratyabhyanugn-a'.;M p rath. 11 177 pratyabhyanug. 177 reply; -yoga, m. countersuit or action; -lekhya, n. counter-document (leg.); -va'da, m. return salutation: -ka, a. returning any one's greeting; -vidana, n. answer to a salutation g),counter greeting to (g.); -va'dayitri, mn. one who returns a salutation; -skandaua, n. counter-accusation. ____TPrati abbyanuagn-fif. permission, consent; - abhyasam, ad. at every repetition; -_ abhyutthna, n. rising to receive (a guest). IT~fl#rI Prati amitra, a. hostile; m. enemy, adversary. R4I prati aya, m. [going or turning to, recourse], confidence, trust, belief; faith, in (g., ic., — 9); conviction, certainty; proof, ascertainment; assumption; solution, explanation; conception, notion, idea; cause; ordeal; following letter (9r,); suffix (gr.): -karaka, a. causing confidence, trustworthy; -dhitu, m. (suffix-root), denominative base (gr.). ~IIIrfl: prati yanam, ad. every year. J.I;.TRI pratyayan-sarga, m. intellectual creation. 3M~f-4i-f pratyay-ita, den. pp. proved, trustworthy;,4-1avy%, fp.- credible; An, a. trustworthy. I~Ttf(- Prati ari, m,.well,..matched foe, adversary equal to (g.); - arka, m. mock sun; - arkana, n. return of a salutation; - artham, ad. with regard to anything; - arthi:~n, a. hostile; rivalling, vying with (2O); m. opponent, adversary, rival; defendant; (prfii)7_ardhi, a. standing at the side of, equal to (g.); 79rv ana, n. re-delivery, restoration; -Zarpanliya, fp. to be given back or restored;;- rshk, m. side, slope (of a kill)..MqqS prati ava-negana, n. renewed ablution; -bh'sa, m. appearance before any one; -marsa, m. inward contemplation of; absorption in (~O;counter-conclusion, reconsideration; -marsana, n. inward contemplation, reflexion; -marsa-vat, a. contemiplative, reflective; -yava, 0- or -in, ad. on every part of the body; for every part, singly, in detail. M WWq prati avara, a. lower, more insignificant, of less value, than (ab.):. _kilam, ad. later than, after (ab.). RMY'.TTf prati ava-rodbana, n. obstruction;;-rohfi, m. coming down towards any one; descending succession; a kind of ritual verse; -rohana, n. coming down towards any one (from a seat, etc.); renewed descent (a domestic rite in tke montk Midrgasirska); -rQhamu, 'abs. descending; -rohin, a. moving downwards, descending; -sa~na, n. eating;f -sita, pp. V/ sa; -skanda, m. attack, suarprise; -shAanla, n, objection; -hartos, g.Aiif.,Vhri; WM~r, m. withdrawal; dissolution. 'A 'q' prati avftya, m. decrease, dim'inution; reverse, contrary course, opposite conduct; unpleasantness; disadvantage; disappointment; sin; - veksana, n., - avOksJi&, f. looking after, care, attention~, trouble; - aekshya fo Zp. to be regarded or paid attentio t; - asta-gamiana, n. setting (of tke sun) -atam, ad. witk gain, set, cease; -astam-aya, m. cessation; Zata. onemissile; -ah7a, a. daily: -in, ad. every day. f3TPifOI prati a-kalita, (pp.) n. counterinvestigation: judicial consideration as to whick, of the litigants is to prove his case, after tke defendant has pleaded; -kshepaka, a. mocking, deriding; -khy~ta, pp. rejected, refused: -tva, n. rejection; -khyitavya, fp. to be impugned or denied; -khygtri, m. refuser; -khya'na, n. rebuff rejection; refusal; combating (feelings, etc.); impugunment, denial, disavowal; _khYa'YIn, a. rejecting (-P); -khyeya, fp to be repelled or rejected; curable (disease); -gati, f.,I -gfaia, m. return; -gamana, n. coming back, return, to ( —); -grhita, m. repulse; ~kaksha'na..ka, a. intending to dispute anytking (ac.); -k&ra, m: corresponding conduct. IM 'Tqrti5t'd m. sunny spot; -~jtma, -~- or -in, adt. for or in every soul; singly; atmaka, - &tmika, a. belonging to oneself; severally onle's own; -rftmya, n. likeness to oneself: in. after his-own imagze; _ —darsa, m. incorrect for pratyfidesa;.. dina, n. recovery, re-acquisition; reiteration, repetition; adta i.m ok Sun; 2. ad. towards the sun (0O.); &iditsu, des. a. desirous of gaining or regaining; - adeya, fp. to be received; adesa, m. injunction, order; repudiation, rejection; refusal; prevention, determent, (deterrent) example; casting into the shade, eclipsing. 'RMTV1T' pratiq-dh'ana, n. place for keeping anything; -nayana, n. fetching back again; bringing back, restoration; -neya, fp. to be made good. TMTCipfTr pratiq-patti,f~turningbackfrom evil, conversion; restoration, restitution; expiation, sanctification; -plavana, n. leaping back; -mnn'ona, n.. opposite or altered designation; -mna~ya, m. id.; conclusion (in a syllogism), RTATTZ prati ya-ka, (cs.) a. [vi-,i] causing to know or comprehend; convincing, credible; - 1ayana, i.- n. setting (of the sun); - &au Lf. S.Of V*i], 2a.convincing, credible; n. elucidation, explanation, demonstration,fa convincing; consolation; ayayitavya'fp. to be elucidated or demonstrated;..Ayita, (cs. pp.) m. agent. TMTKWT prati frambha, m. recommencement; prohibition; annulment. raif-dikiremit' rse again. TIMrwT prati ft-lifigana, n. return embrace; -vartana, n. return; -v'sak~in, ad. to every tent; -va'sam,,ad. in every house; -vritti, f. return. IMT~ITl prati asam, ad. in all directions;._4s&,f.confidence in (-0); hope, expectation. TM 4* pratift-sraya, m, shelter, abode; -sr4v&, in., -srav~ana, n. answering call (ritualI formula); -sv~sa, m. breathing again, recovery; -sva'sana, n. consolation; -samkalita, (pp.) a. weighing side by side, pondering both sides of a question; -saiiga, m, connexion; proximity (-O0); -satti,f. immediate. proximity (in time or space); analogy; cheerfulness, good humour; ~sannal pp. near, proximate, close at hand: -t&', f. proximity; -svara, a. reflecting back. TW'T ~pratyflha, a. daily (incorrect for pratyaha). II M I _K prati f-barana, n, bringing back; withdrawal orwithholdingfrom (ab.); -hlra, m. withdrawal (of troops), retreat; withholding (the senses) from (ab.); abstention from the objects of tke senses; withdrawal'of creation, dissolution; technical grammatical contraction vo a single syllable of a series of letters or suffixes by combining the initial of the first with the final of the, last: thus al, the first vowel a + the last consonant ha-l (h with the technical suffix 1), des (qnates the enieaphabet; -h^ rya, fp. to be received or learned, from (ab.); -hvaya, m. echo. pratiyukta, pp. V'vak; n. answer: -tva, n. refutation; - uktiJf. reply;.ijggva~a, n. revival; resuscitation; _~Rta, ad. on the contrary, rather, even; -,tkarsha, m. surpassing;..I~ttabdhi, f. supporting, propping; - uttainbha, in.: -na, n. id.; - uttara, is. reply to an answer, rejoinder; answer; _yttar'-lra asa, n. making a reply, answer;!. uttar3L,-kri, answer; - utthana, a. rising up -to meet (a guest), respectful reception; rising up against, hostility; - ttheya, fp. to wh b om respect should beshown by rising; - utpanna, _pp. prompt, ready: -inati, a. possessed of presence of mind; m. Readywit, N. of a fish;. udadhi, ad. at the sea; - udaharana, n. counter-examiple;- u~dgharya, fp. to be given as a counter-exa~m-ple;..uidgati,f., ~- dgaina, in.: -na, n. going to meet, esp. as a mark of respect; - udgainan2ya, fp. suitable for the respectful reception of a guest; - dyaina, in. counter-weight, balance; r udyainin, a. balancing; - udyatri, sn. assailant; - udyainin, a. reb~ellious; u~nnainana, n. rebounding. JvW prati tipa-kftra, m. requital of kindness, service in return; -karin, a. returning a kindness; requiting a~O;-ry, f.requital of kindness, service in return; -desa, m. instruction in return; -pannainati, a. possessed of presence of mind: -tva, n. presence of minid; -bhoga, m. enjoyment; _'aa n. counter-simile; -vesa, m. besetting or besieging (any one in order to make him yield); -sthina, n. imminence; -sthapana, n. (mental) realisation; -sparsana, n. renewed washing or rinsing; _hAira, m. restoration, restitution. TIT~qiM11 pratiupaq4arana, n. recoinmencement of Vedic study; - &sanain, ad. for every kind of worship. T 1C prati-upeya,fp. to bemet or treated with (in.); _urasamn, ad. against or upon the breast;.usha, in., t-. shas, n. daybreak; - urdhvam, ad. upwards, above (ac.); shm. or n. ()dawn, daybreak~ - shas, n. id.; - iha, m. hindrance, impediment, obstacle:_karin, a. obstructing;.-i^hana, n. suspension, cessation. 'RMIE prati rikam, ad. at or with each stanza;.Kitu, ad. at every season. 1~Iprati eka, a. each single: '- or -n ad. singly; at, on, with, or for each singly; in connexion with each; -buddha, m. isolated Buddha (who works out his individual salvation only); -sas, ad. singly, for each single one. TMffI prati tavya, fp. to be recognised, accepted, or regarded as (nm.); -e9tos, g. inf Vi (sc. lsvarah); (pr~ti)- nas, m. next heir; -enasya, n. next reversion of (g.). W~~prdvtvaksbas, a. energetic, vigorous. -A~g PRATH, I. (P.) 'A. pratha; P. spread N (tr.: V. only); extend (mnt.: Puraina only); A. pritha, be extended, spread abroad (fame, rumour, etc.); increase, wax great; be unfolded, show itself; arise, appear; occur to the mind: p~p. prathita, spread abroad; renowned; cs. prathiya, P. A. extend, increase, cause to thrive; spread abroad, make famous; display, betray; shine upon (B 17.); Ak. (int.) extend, increase (V.). vi, P. (tr.) spread out (RVJ.); A. extend itself; be wide A a 178 18n prath-ana. Ari pra-pakva. - (V.): pp. spread abroad; cs. P. spread out or abroad; display, show. sam, pp. generally known, famous. Tr prdth-ana, n. broadening, extension; place of extension (Br.); manifestation of (-o; C.). 1MWW pra-thama [=pra-tama, spv. foremost], a. first; earliest; original; prior, previous, former; chief, most excellent, eminent, leading: it may often be translated by an ad.: first, for the first time; previously; just; forthwith: ~- or -m, ad. first, first of all, for the first time; only just; forthwith; formerly, previously: with g. before, previously to; ab. first; m. first consonant of a class, unaspirated tenuis; first (= our third) person; personal endings of the third person; a, f. first or nominative case (including the vocative), termination of the nominative (including the vocative): du. the two first cases, the terminations of the two first cases (=nm. and ac.); n. sg. coll. the first. 'VfiW prathama-ka, a. first; -kalpa, m. primary ordinance; -kalpita,pp. first in rank; -garbha, m. first pregnancy; a.f. a, pregnant for the first time; -ga or -g^, a. first-born; original; firstling; born in the first (i. e.firstmentioned) wedlock; -gata, pp. first-born; -tara, - or -m, (cpv.) ad. first; -tas, ad. first; forthwith; before, in preference to (g.); before, previously to (-~); -darsana, n. first sight (Ic. at -): -dina, n. first day of seeing any one (g.); -dugdha, pp. just milked; -dhara, m. (?) first drop; -nirdishta, pp. first stated or mentioned; -purusha, m. first (our third) person (gr.); -pravada, a. uttering the first sound (child); -prasfut,.pp.f. having calved for the first time; -bhgg, a. obtaining the first share; -yagra, m. first sacrifice; -ratra, m. beginning of the night; -vayas-in, a. young; -vasati, f. original or old home; -vitta, f. first wife; -samgama, m. N.; -samavritta, pp. only just turned towards (lc.); -agamin, a. coming or mentioned first; -idesa, m. initial position (of a word); - abhidheya, n. fundamental meaning: -ta, f. abst. N.; - ardha, m. n. first half; - avara-tva, n. higher and lower rank, seniority and juniority; - astamita, n. recent setting of the sun; - ahaim, ad. on the first day; - ahara, m. first employment; -itara, a. reverse of the first, second. jprdth-as, n. breadth; extension: -vat, a. broad, extensive; -a, f. spreading out; fame, celebrity; origin (-~); -ita,pp. a/prath; -i-man, m. breadth; extension, enlargement; -ishtha, spv., -Iyas, cpv. of prithd; -u, a. distant, long (journey); reaching farther than (ab.). TS pra-da, a. (gnly. -0) giving, granting, bestowing; yielding; furnishing; uttering, pronouncing; causing, producing; -dakshina, a. moving to the right; standing or being on the right; auspicious, favourable, prosperous; turning one's right hand to any one, respectful: -m kri or pra-kri, turn one's right hand towards an object as a mark of respect (ac.); O- or -m, ad. towards the right, from left to right (so that the right side is towards an object, as a sign of respect); towards the south: with kri or pra-kri, turn one's right side to an object (ac.); m. n., A,f. keeping the right side towards an object, circumambulation from left to right (the object of the honour being in the g. or O-, or, when kri or da is used, in the d., g., or lc.): (a)-kriya, f. honour of right-hand circumambulation. f tiW pra-dakshina-ya, den. P. walk I I round from left to right or from east to west. mTgf iTfiT 5 pradakshina arkis, a. having its flame on the right; - avarta, a. turned towards the right; -ivrit-ka, a. turned towards the right, having a person or thing on one's right. tTf~f ir? pra-dakshinit, ad. in such a manner that one's right side is turned towards an object; -dakshinl-kri, turn one's right side towards (ac.), walk round (ac.)from left to right; -dakshinena, in. ad. from left to right; towards the south; -dagdhavya, fp. to be burnt; -datta, pp. (Vda) given up, restored: -nayanaujtsava, a. affording a feast to the eyes; -dara, m. dispersion (ofan army); cleft, fissure (in the ground);.darsa, m. appearance (-~); direction, injunction: -ka, a. showing, indicating; propounding, teaching; m. teacher; -darsana, n. appearance (often -~); showing, exhibition, designation; teaching; example: a, f. indication; -darsin, a. (-0) beholding, seeing; showing, indicating; -darsya, cs. gd. having exhibited or shown; -dahana, n. burning (of earthenware). 7MT, pra-datavya,fp. to be given or bestowed; - given in marriage; - delivered or restored; - granted; - allowed; - placed in (Ic.); -datri, m. giver, bestower (often -~ with the object, exceptionally with the recipient); giver of a girl in marriage; imparter of, instructor in (g. or -0); granter(of a wish); -dana, n. giving, bestowal; presentation (of an offering in the fire); delivery; donation, gift; giving away a girl (g.) in marriage to (d.); utterance (of a curse); granting, vouchsafing (a boon); imparting, teaching, announcing; declaring; application; bringing about or to pass: -vat, a. bountiful; -dapya, cs.fp. to be forced to give or pay (ac.); -daya, n. gift: -ka, a. giving, bestowing, granting, imparting; -day-in, a. id.; causing, producing: (-i)-tva, n. position of supplier of (-~); -daha, m. burning, heating with fire; destruction of (-~). (ifa pra-ditsu, des. a. intending to give (ac.); -div, i.f. (nm. -dyaus) third and uppermost heaven (in which the fathers dwell); also the fifth of seven heavens; -div, 2. a. of former days, long existing, ancient: ab. from of old, ever; -dis, f. indication, guidance, order, dominion (V.); direction, point of the compass; intermediate point, half-quarter (e.g. north-east): ac. pl. in all directions. WITi tiV pra-didhyana, pr. pt. radiant; -dipa, m. lamp; fig. = ornament, of (-~); often -~ in the titles of explanatory works= commentary: -ka, m., i-ka, f. (little) lamp; small commentary; -dipana, a. inflaming; m. kind of poison; n. kindling; -dip-ya, den. A. represent or play the part of a lamp; -dipta, pp. kindled, blazing, burning: - aksha, m. (flaming-eyed), N. ofa Yaksha; -dipti-mat, a. radiant, luminous; -dirgha, a. extremely long; -dfshaka, a. defiling, polluting; -dufshana, a. deteriorating, spoiling; (a)-dripti, f. wantonness, madness. TF P pra-deya, fp.to be given, bestowed, or offered, to (-~or d.); -given in marriage, marriageable (f.); - imparted (news, doctrine) or taught, to (d. or -~); - initiated or instructed in (ic.); m. present; -desa, m. designation, reference; determination, definition; appeal to a precedent; example; spot, place, region (often -O with a part of the body); short while: -bhag, -vartin, -stha, a. of short duration, -vat, a. occupying a place; -des I ita, cs.pp. urged, directed; -desini, f. forefinger; second toe; -deshtri, m. chief justice; -deha, m. unction; unguent, plaster. 1T-tq pra-dosha, i. m. disturbed state (of the country), tumult, insurrection; 2. a. bad, wicked, sinful; 3. m. evening, nightfall: -m, ad. in the evening, in the darkness; -doshaka, m. evening; -dosha-kala, m. eventide; - agama, m. approach of nightfall, evening twilight. T(q~5 pra-dyumna, m. (Mighty), god of love; the pleasant ( = kma); intellect ( = manas); N.; N. of amtn.; N. of a river: -pura, n. N. of a city; -dyota, m. flashing forth, radiance, light; N. of a Yaksha and of various kings; -dyotin, a. illustrating, explaining (-~) RT;q pra-drava, a. fluid; -dranaka, a. poverty-stricken; -dravin, a. fugitive. -ITT pra-dvar, f. space in front of the door or gate; -dvara, n. id.; -dvesha, m. aversion, dislike, of (g., lc., -~); enmity, hatred: -na, n. hating. WTI[- pra-dhdna, n. prize of the contest; contest, battle; best of one's goods, valuables: -aghataka, a. setting a contest on foot, - angana, n. battle-field; -dharsha, m. assault (-~); -dharsha-ka, a. (-~) wronging; violating (another man's wife); -dharshana, a. attacking, molesting; n., a, f. assaulting, laying hands on, ill-treatment, molestation; -dharshanlya,fp. liable to assault, ill-treatment, or insult. [J4R T pra-dhana, n. (that which is put forward), important or chief thing, object, or person; essential, best, or most important part, head (- = principal, chief, head); chaos, unevolved nature; supreme or universal soul; -~ a. having at the head or as the chief person or thing, chiefly dependent on; devoted to; a. most excellent, best, foremost, principal, chief; pre-eminent in (in.); better, than (ab.), superior, to (ab.): -ka, n. unevolved nature; -karana-vada, m. the system asserting that unevolved nature is the cause of the world, the Samkhya or evolutionist theory; -tama, spy. pre-eminent, most important; -tara, cpv. better, superior; -tas, ad. in consequence of his superiority, as being the most excellent; -ta, f. excellence, pre-eminence, superiority, premiership; -tva, n. id.; -purusha, m. chief person, authority; -bhag, a. pre-eminent among, foremost of (g.); -mantrin, m. prime minister; -vadin, m. adherent of the Samkhya system; - aiga, n. chief member of the body, chief person of the state; - tman, m. supreme or universal soul; - adhyakpha, m. chief superintendent: -ta,f. office of -. iTn T 'I pra-dhavana, n. ablution. [f~t pra-dhi, m. [outer setting: /dha], felly (of a wheel); disc (of the moon); -dhura, n. tip of the pole; -dhrishti, f. subjugation; -dhrishya,fp. assailable (-~). ITWTI pra-dhyfna, n. reflexion, absorption; -dhvamsa, m. annihilation, destruction; disappearance (of a disease); -dhvamsana, a. destroying; m. destroyer; -dhvamsa abhava, m. (non-existence in consequence of annihilation), cessation of existence; -dhvamsin, a. perishable, transitory; -~, destroying. Iit pra-nritta, n. dance. swqi- pra-pakva, a. inflamed (med.); -paksha, m. tip of a wing; -paika, m. expansion, prolixity, amplification, of (g. or -); phe I '914'Irtlig pra-pitamaha. w~~rpra-mamhst-iya.17 179 I I nomenon; manifestation or form of (g.); phenomenal world (ph.); mutual flattery (r.) ludicrous dialogue (dr.): in. or-t, ad. in detail, -pafiia-ka, a. (ikah) multiplying (0-); amplifying, explaining in detail; -parikana, n. detailed or prolix account;; -parika-buddhi, a. crafty, wily; -paiika-ya, den. describe or explain in detail; represent in a false light; -pa~ika-vakana, n. prolix discourse; -pank, m. trade, barter,' purchase; -patana, n. flying away; falling down, from (ab. or 0-), into' (ic. or -0); -patti, f. pious resignation; (i)-patha, m. onward way, journey; road; -pathin, a. wandering; -pad, f. i. road;:2. (pri-) fore part ofthe foot; (pr&)pada, a. fore part or tip of the foot; -padana, n. entry, into (0'); -padam, ad. reciting in such a manner as to cut up verses into scctions of an equal number of syllables and to interpose between them formulae containing the word prapadye (Br.); -panna, Dp. (-/pad) reached, arrived; attained, obtained: -pila, m. protector of suppliants (Krishna); -pa1ayana, a. flight; -pWa1yin, a. fleeing, fugitive; -pgf. water-tank, reservoir, well; water-hut for travellers; affluent (of a tank etc.); -paika, m. ripening (of an ulcer etc.); digestion; -paitha: -ka, m. lesson (subsection in books); -pini, m. fore-arm: -ka, m. id.; -pandu, a. very white: -ra, a. id.; -pita, m. kind of flight; leaping forward; hastening away; fall, from (ab. or -2), into (lc. or -— 0); falling out (of the hair); effusion (of semen); fall (of a glance on anything); steep declivity, precipice; -pitana, n. felling, casting down; directing or causing (the eye) to alight (0;-pana, a. drinking; -pa^-pfiaika, -pA-pA1i'f. female watcher of a water-tank, well, or water-hut; -pi-mandapa, m. waterhut (for travellers); -pilaka, m. protector, guardian; -palana, a. guarding, protecting. AMf1 4 el Fr prd-pitftmaha (or d), m. greatgrandfather; also designation of Brahman and Krishna: pl. great-grandfathers, ancestors: I, f. paternal great-grandmother; -pitrivya, m. paternal grand-uncle; -pitvfb, (V.) a. going away; flight, retreat; retired spot; evening; -pitsu, des. a. desirous of plunging into (lc.); wishing to enter upon apath, (ac.); -pLidana, a. pressing, squeezing; means of squeezing tumours; -pura'na, a. long kept, old; -pushpita, pp. covered with blossoms, flowering; -pu'raka, a. (ikA) fulfilling, satisfying; -piirana, a. (i') filling up (oil) and increasing (love for anything); insertion in (lc. or ~);drawing of a bow; embellishment of Indra's banner; -putrya, ps. base of -Vi. pri, be thoroughly filled or satiated; he filled to the brim. 7pra-pautra, m. great-grandson: 'IJf great-granddaughter; &p1van&, n. extinction of fire with water. TRIff pra-pharvY, f. wanton -girl; -phulla, pp. full-blown, blooming; covered with flowers (lake); opened wide like afull-blownflower (eyes). TRV pra-banddbri, m. composer, author; interpreter; -baudha, m. ligament; uninterrupted connexion, continuous serieas; literary production, poetical composition; commnentarv; -barha, a. best, most excellent, 6f (g. or );-bala, a. strong, powerful, mighty; weighty, important; violent (pain etc.); great; abounding in (-9): -in, ad. strongly, Very; m. N. of a son of Krishna and of a Daiiya: at,. -tva, n. power; -bala-ya, den.. P. strengthen; -bala-vat, a. strong, mighty; -bal1-bhi, become mighty. 1TMTN'4 pra-bfldha-ka, a. repelling, keep ing off ( —); _ba'dhana, n. repelling, keeping off; harassing, tormenting; -badhin, a. harassing, tormenting (-0); -bila, v. -vala; -bihu, m. lower arm; -b~huk, ad. in line. 'RW pra-buddha, pp. awake, wide awake; awakened: ta, f. enlightenment, wisdom'; -bufdh, a. watchful; f. awaking; -budha, m. great sage. 1I~ift pra-bodha, m. awaking; revival, recovery of consciousness; awaking =opening,of flowers; manifestation, appearance (of intelligence); waking, wakefulness; knowledge, understanding, intelligence; awakening (tr.); restoration of an evaporated scent; friendly admonition: -ka, a. awaking =ocausing, to open or blossom; ~-2~ a. (i-k^), knowledge, understanding; -kandra, m. moon of knowledge: -iudaya, m. rise of the moon of knowledge: title of a philosophical drama; -bodhana, a. awaking, arousing; a. awaking (mnt.), understan ding, comprehension; instructing, enlightening; wakening (tr.); -bodhita, es. pp. aroused, awakened: -vat, _pp. act. (he) aroused; -bodhin, a. awaking; -bodha udaya, m. rise of knowledge: title of a work; -bodhya, i. cs. gd. having instructed, explained, suggested, or called the attention; 2. fp to be awakened. IPTT pra-bhafiga, wn. breaker, crusher; crushing, destruction; -bhaiigin, a. breaking, crushing, destroying; -bhaiigana, a. id.; m. storm, tempest, hurricane; wind; god of wind; a. breaking; -bhadraka, a. extremely handsome; a. a metre; combination of four slokas containing asingle sentence; -bhartavayafp, to be nourished or maintained;..(&)bhartri, m. bringer, procurer (1117.); (i) - bharman, a. setting before, presenting; recitation (of a hymn); -bhavi, a. prominent; m. origin, source, cause of existence, birthplace; arising or proceeding from, originating with; being in or on; -bhavitri, m. mighty one, great lord; -bhavishnu, a. mighty, pre-eminent; producing, creating; m. mighty one, master, lord, of (g., lc., -a): -t&', f. lordship, dominion; power, to (inf.); tyranny. TWII pra-bh'aj. (shining forth), splendour, brightness, light; brilliancy, radiant beauty: often — ' a. (a) radiant like: -kara, m. sun; N.: du.sunandmoon: -deva, m. N., -vardh.. ana, m. N. of a prince, -varman, m. N. of a minister, -SVamin, M. N. of a temple of Vishnu; -bh Aga, m. division; -bhita,p. (-V/bhh) begun to be light; n. dawn, daybreak: -kalpa, a. nearly grown light, approaching dawn (night), -priya, a. id.; -bha'-praroha, in. rising lustre, effulgence; -bh-mandala, a. circle or orb of light: -ka, n. id.; -bha'Maya, a. consisting of light, radiant; -bha^lepin, a. radiant, brilliant; -bhava, m. might; majesty; dignity; supernatural power; efficacy; power, over (lc.); splendour: in., ab., -tas, =bymeans orinconsequenceof~through; -bhiva-ka, a. prominent, in (lc. or ~);-b avat, a. luminous, splendid: -3i, f. N.; -bhavana, a. (i) creating, creative; bestowing, prosperity; m. creator: a f. promulgation (of a doctrine); -bh~vayitri, a. raising to power or dignity (ac.); -bha~va-vat, a. power-bhasha, a. declaration; doctrine; -bhash ana, a. explanation; -bhashita., (pp.) a. speech; -bhashin, a. talking, speaking; -bhasa m(radiance), N. of a Vasu; N. of the son of a minister of Kandraprabhacs; m. a. N. of a place of pilgrimage on the west coast of the -Deccan; -bh a naa. illumination; -bhasura, a. of great brilliance; -bhis-vat, a,. brilliant; -bhas-vara, a. id. iifiiRW pra-bhinna, pp. V/bhid; m. elephant in rut. 1PJ pra-bbid (V. also i^', v-]i), a. (being before others), superior; mighty; more powerful than (ab.), having power over (g.), a match for; capable of; able to (inf., le. of a vbl. N., or — 9); abundant; m. master, lord, king; husband; ep. of Brahman, Siva, Indra, and Pragfipati; N.: -krita, _pp. made by a lord, conferred by a master; -tah, f. lordship, dominion, sovereignty, supremacy; power, over (lc.); prevalence (in. = for the most part); possession of (-0); -tva, a. lordship, sovereignty, dominion; high ranlk, captaincy; power, over (g., lc., — 0); prevalence: in. - for the most part; -tva3.kshepa, m. hint as to a lover being very well able to do the objectionable matter referred to (rh.); -bhakta, p~p. devoted to his master; -sabda-sesha, a. having only the title of lord remaining. 1P~ pra-bhfi, v. -bhu; -bhfita, pp. much, abundant: -ta^,f. quantity, plenty, large number, -tva, a.- id., -yavask~jndhana, a. abounding in meadow-grass and fuel, -vayas, a. of advanced years, aged, -sas, ad. frequently; (i)_bhiiti, (-V.) f. origin; violence; sufficiency. Rijf~r prd-bhriti, f. offering (of praise or sacrifice); throw, stroke, blow; beginning: - a. having as its beginning =beginning with, and the remainder, and so forth (~ an accompanying substantive in the pl.); ad. — ' or immediately following an ad. in -tas 'or an ad. of time, from - onwards: ganmaprabhriti, from birth; tatah or tada prabhriti, from that time onwards, thenceforth; adya -, from now or to-day (the _pcl. eva as a rule follows prabhriti, not the preceding ad.): -ka, a. -0prabhriti, beginning with, and so forth. '99' pra-bhrithd, m. offering. Tpr~. pra-bheda, m. cutting through, piercing, division; opening of the temples of elephants durnng rut; separation, distinction, difference; species, kind; -bhedana, a. (P~) cleaving, piercing; -bhramsin, a. falling down; -bhrashtaS3.1a, a. of fallen character, immoral (person); -bhrig, a. (nm. t) flaming up. 1Pif!9'ft9 pra-mamhishth-ya, n. N. of R V. I. 57 (which begins with the words ' pra, mamhishth'aya'); (&)-mati, f. care, protection; provider, protector; - matta, pp. (vmad) inattentive, careless, heedless, negligent, remiss: -sahiva, a. having a careless minister; -matha, m. Teazer, kind of sprite attendant on Siva; -mathana, a. (i) tormenting, harassing; destroying, removing; m. N. of a Dadnava; a. destruction; -matha-nitha, m. ep. of Siva; -matha adhipa, m. id.; -mathin, a. tormenting, racking, harassing; -mada, m. pleasure, joy; a. intoxicated, wild, mad: 'a, f. handsome, buxom, lively woman; woman; -madana, a. joy of love; place of amusement, playground; -mada-vana, a. pleasure-grove (of a prince); -mad&-gana, m. womankind, the female sex, woman; -mada'-vana, a. pleasure-grove of the women (of a prince); -mad& spada, a. harem, gynaeceum; -maditavya~'fp. a. imps. one should be negligent regarding (ab.); -madvara, a. foolish; m afo:~ f.o h wife of Jluru; -minas, a. careful, tender; pleased, joyful; willing; -mantha, m. firedrill (by the rotation of which fire is produced from wood); -manyu, a. indignant with, incensed against (lc.); very sad; -maya, m. death; -marl, m. death; -marana, a. dying, A a2 180 j4;q 1 pra-ma'. 'IFSpra-laghu. I0 death; -mardaka, a. crushing, destroying; -mardana, a. crushing, destroying, annihilating (g. or -~); m. N. of a fairy; -marditri, m. crusher, destroyer; -mardin, a. crushing, destroying (-~); (a)-mahas, a. of great might. T[T pra-ma, f. fundament, pediment (V.); measure, scale (V.); true conception, correct notion. 1 TW pra-mana, n.measure,scale, standard; extent, size; length; distance; weight; qualtity; duration; sp. prosodical length of a vowel; measure of physical strength; principal (opp. interest); right measure, standard, authority; rule of action; means of correct knowledge, evidence, proof; true conception, correct notion: bhavati or bhavantah pramanam, you are the authority, i. e. the decision rests with you: in this sense the word is almost exclusively used in the sg., rarely in the pi. or fer. (i); with the inf. it = person authorized to: -ka, a. -~ = pramina, measure etc., means of knowledge, proof; -koti, f. extreme of evidence = irrefragable proof; -tara, a. or n. greater authority than (ab.); -tas, ad. with respect to measure, size, weight, length, etc.; -tva, n. correctness; -drishta, pp. accounted an authority; demonstrable; -patha, m. way of proof: -m na ava-tri, not admit of proof; -paddhati, f. id.; -purusha, m. arbitrator, umpire, referee. 1nMVf, pramana-ya, den. P. adjust; regard, admit, or set up as an authority or model, in (Ic.); use as evidence; prove, show clearly; -yukta, pp. having the right measure; -vat, a. attested, well-founded (statement); -vakya, n. authority; -sastta, n. work of sacred authority, scripture; -sutra, n. measuring line; -stha, a. of normal size; being in the normal condition, imperturbed; -adhika, a. exceeding the ordinary measure, immoderate; - anurupa, a. adapted to one's physical strength; -antara-ta, f. condition of being another proof; - abhava, m. lack of a standard to judge by; -abhyadhika, a. exceeding in size, bigger. JTl1 q1I4 pramanl-karana, n. quoting as an authority; -kri, apportion anything (ac.) to any one (g.); regard or adopt (a person or thing) as an authority (ac.), act according to, follow (ac.); regard as evidence. MTI TIr' pra-matamaha, m. maternal great-grandfather. ^Tgi pra-mftri, m. one who has a correct notion or judgment, authority; performer of the mental operation resulting in a true conception: -ta,f., -tva, n. abst. N. A 41 I prama-tva, n, state of true conception or knowledge. ]1TW pra-matha, m. tugging; violent abduction (of a woman); subjugation; destruction; N. of a Ddnava; -mithin, a. striking off; stirring, agitating, disturbing, afflicting; m. N.; -mada, m. intoxication; heedlessness, inattention, negligence, with regard to (-~): -patha, m. wrong reading; -madin, a. heedless, careless, negligent, off one's guard; -mapa-ka, a. proving; -mapana, I. (es. V/ma) n. form, figure; 2. (cs. Vml) a. (i) murdering; m. murderer; n. killing; -mpayitri, a. leading to destruction: -tva, n. abst. N.; -mayu,-mayuka, a. liable to perish; -margaka, a. wiping off, removing; -mArgana, n. wiping away; removal. rf pra-mita, pp. V/ma, measure; -miti, f. correct notion; condition of being proved or established; manifestation. M4It~1If'H]'T pra-mita-pati-ka, a.f. whose husband is dead; -miti,f. destruction; -milaka, m., -milika, f. closure of the eyes, drowsiness; -mil, f. id. ]Tfi pra-mukti,f. liberation; -mukha, a. having the face turned towards (ac.); foremost, first, chief, principal: gnly. -~, having as the foremost = preceded or led by, and so forth; n. beginning (of a chapter); present time: Ic. in front, opposite (w. g. or -~): ~-, before one's face, in one's presence; -tas, ad. in front, at the head; opposite; in the presence of, before (g. or -o); -mud, f. pleasure, delight; joy of love; -mudita, pp. V/mud; n. mirth, gaiety: -vat, act. pp. (he) rejoiced. TI[R pra-mrigya, fp. to be visited = speciallyadapted for(d.); -mrida, a. gracious; gladdening; -mrina, a. destructive; -mrita, pp. deceased, dead; n. death: -ka, a. dead; -mrishta, pp. (V/mrig) cleansed, pure, polished, bright: -mani, m. polished or bright gem: -kundala, a. having ear-rings of polished gems; -mrishti,f. overspreading with (-~). AT-i pra-meya, fp. measurable, limited; ascertainable, demonstrable; that of which a correct notion should be formed; n. object of correct knowledge or of demonstration: -tva, n. demonstrability. T[t'j pra-moka, m. setting free, release; -moktavya,fp. to be released; -moksha, Tn. loss; release, deliverance, from (-~); redemption; -mokana, a. (i) delivering from (-~); n. shedding (of tears); freeing or delivering from (-); -moda, m. joy, delight (sts. pi.); strong perfume; N.: -ka, m. kind of rice; N.; -modana, a. delighting; n. enjoyment, hilarity; gladdening; -modita, (cs. pp. Vmud) m. ep. of Kubera; N.; -modin, a. delighting; m. kind of rice; -modauparuddha, (pp.) n. retreat ofjoy, harem; -mosha, m. deprivation; -moha, m. bewilderment: -kitta, a. bewildered in mind; -mohana, a. (i) bewildering; -mohin, a. (-~) id. qTZ. pra-yag, f. offering; (a)-yagyu, a. adorable; -yata, pp. (,/yam) presented; self-restrained; dutiful, pious; m. pious man; (a)-yati, f. offering; donation, gift; intention,will; -yatitavya,fp. n. imps. one should endeavour or exert oneself; - take trouble about (Ic.); -yattavya,fp. n. imps. id.; -yatna, n. effort of will, persevering exertion, endeavour, trouble, care, about (Ic. or -); activity: in., ab., -tas, ad. strenuously, carefully; ab. or ~- (before a ps. pt.), with difficulty, scarcely, -kkhid, a. frustrating the endeavours of (g.), -vat, a. exerting oneself, taking great care; -yantri, m. bestower, giver, of (ac. or g.); guider. TiiZ prdy-as, n. [Vpri] enjoyment, delight; refreshing draught, libation (of ghee): -vat, a. offering libations. 4WT1t pra-yaga, m. Place of sacrifice: celebrated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of the Yamund and the Ganges; also known as a kingdom: pl. inhabitants of Prayaga; N.; -yakaka, a. entreating (-artham); -yakana, n. imploration; -yaga, m. preliminary offering (gnly. five, sts. nine or eleven); -yana, n. setting out, going forth, departure; march, journey; day's journey; gait; attack (-~); riding on (in.); expiration of life, decease; beginning; back of a horse (where the rider sits): -ka, n. march, journey, day's march, -kala, m. time of death, -pataha, m. march ing drum, -bhaimga, m. interruption of a journey. ]W pra-yata,pp. set out, gone, departed; gone towards, advanced, advancing; -yatavya, fp. to be attacked; n. imps. one should set out; -yatri, m. one who goes or can go or fly; -yapya, cs. fp. to be sent away; -y - yin, a. going or riding on, marching with (-~); -yasa, m. exertion, trouble, effort, about (g., c.,,-~, -arthaya, or -nimittena); -yasita, pp. n. id. 31Ti pra-yukta, pp. Vyug; (a)-yukti, f. impulse; employment; -yfig, (V.) f. (?) team; impulse, motive; gain; -yuta, n. million; (a)-yuti, (V.) f. absence (of mind); -yuddha, pp. /yudh; n. contest, battle; -yudh, a. attacking. IqT i T pra-yoktavya,fp. to be discharged (missile); - employed or applied; - represented (play); - pronounced or uttered; -yoktri, m. shooter (of missiles); performer, agent (of an action); undertaker or giver of a sacrifice; procurer; employer, of (-~); mime; speaker, reciter; composer, author, poet; lender of money: a-t, f., -tva, n. abst. Nv. ViYT pra-y6ga, i. a.l yoking (hisflames to the sacrifice, said of Agni: RV.); m. N. of an ancient Rishi; -yoga, 2. m. connexion; addition, use (of a word: lc. often=in the case of); shooting,casting (missiles); offering, bestowal; setting about anything, beginning, commencement; contrivance, device, any one's (-~) doing; application, employment, use; usage, practice; employment of remedies or magical rites; means (only in. pl.); applicable or usual form (gr.); dramatic performance (-to dris, see on the stage); stagepiece; recitation, utterance, delivery; verse to be recited; lending at interest, investment; capital lent at interest: in., ab., or -tas, ad. by means of (-~): -grahana, n. acquirement of practice; -yogin, a. applicable, usual; performing on the stage; m. actor; -yogiya, a. relating to the employment (of remedies); -yogya, m. beast to be yoked, draught animal; -yogaka, a. (ika) causing, effecting, leading to (-~ or Ic.); essential; m. author; creditor: -t,f., -tva, n. agency; -yogana, n. occasion, object, motive; cause, aim, end; purpose, design, interest; business; use, need, or call for (in.): in. with a purpose; kim prayoganam, kena prayoganena, on what account? wherefore? -m atikram, neglect one's opportunity; -yoganavat, a. having a purpose, serviceable; interested, egoistical; -yogayitri, m. causer, occasioner; -yogya, fp. to be cast or shot (missile); to be employed or used; to be commissioned; to be represented (on the stage); n.* capital (to be lent on interest). 1[i^f pra-yotrn, m. remover. ]K!q pra-rakshana, n. protection; -rih, a. shooting (ofp 'ants); f. shoot, sprout; -ruidha, pp. Vruh; — ucdhi,f. shooting up; growth, increase; -rkea, m., -rekana, n. abundance; -rokana.: a. (i) seductive; n. instigation; seduction; laudation; elucidation:, f. encomium; exciting interest by praise (rh.); painting the future in rosy colours; -roha, m. germinating, sprouting (alsofig.); sprout, shoot, bud; excrescence; shoot = ray of light (-); -rohana, n. sprouting, budding, shootirng or growing up (alsofig.); sprout, shoot, bud; -rohin, a. shooting up, out of (-~); producing, causing to grow (-~); -rohi-sakhin, a. the branches of which grow again. TiF pra-laghu, a.very small orinsignificant A "rwIre. pra-la1a'ta. ipr-ea18 pra-veka. 181 (retinue): -tip f. excessive smallness; -lapana, n. prattling, chattering; -lapita, pp. Vlap; n. prattle, chatter; lament; -labdhavya, fp. to -be made sport of, to be deceived; -lamba, a. hanging down, pendulous; stooping; m. N. of a Daitya slain by Baladeva or Krishna: -ta', f. pendulousness, -bihu, a. having pendulous arms, -bhuga, a. IdW.; -lambin, a. pendulous;..lambha, m. obtainment; deception; -lambhana, n. taking in, deceiving; -laya, m. dissolution, destruction, death; annihilation or end of the world; setting (of stars); cause of dissolution; swoon: -ghAna, m. cloud producing the dissolution of the world, -m-kara, a. (I) causing destruction,...ta, f. dissolution: -m gain, be annihilated, -tva, n. id.: &-ya klip, go to ruin, -dahana, m. conflagration causing the destruction of the world, - nta-ga, a. perishing only at the end of the world (sun). 34MT pra-lalfita, a. having a prominent forehead; -1avb,, m. cutting (of, a reed); -layana, n. cutting of corn. 31 " T qpra-Ilapd, m. prattle, chatter, idle talk; lamentation; raving, delirious talk; -lipana, n. teaching to talk; -lipi-ta,f. lovers'prattle; -lApin, a. prattling, chattering, talking (gnly..-P); lamenting; delirious (fever). ItIpra-lepa, m. adhesion to (0'); salve, Plaster;..lehap, m. kind of broth; -lehana, n. licking. 1I~Tpra-lopa, m. destruction, annihilation; -lobha, m. allurement: -ka, m. enticer, N. of a jackal;..lobhana, a. enticing; a. allurement; -lobhin, a. alluring, seductive; -lobhya, a. alluring, enticing; -lola, a. violently agitated (ocean). RW prav-a', a. hovering. 3I-mpra-vaktavya,fp.taobe propounded, imparted, or taught; -vaktri, sa. one who tells, imparts, or says anything (-.0); good speaker; teacher, propounder; originator of a story:.tva, n, condition of an instructor; -vakana, n. speaking;. propounding; reciting;, instruction.; expression, designation; propounded doctrine, holy treatise, sacred scriptures,, sp. the Brbhmanas: -pati,- a..- skilful in speech, eloquent; -vakaniya, fp. to be propounded, 1Iq4,!1 pra-vanai, m. (?) slope, declivity; abyss, depth (in V'. only. ic. sg. and p.1.; in E. also ab. sg.); a. shelving, sloping, towards (S-); prone, inclined, or devoted to (d., g., lc., inf., or — P); declining, vanishing.;F directed towards ():-t&', f. inclination or poneness to (~9) -vn-ihy-bhiga obey (a command) -vaniyita, (den. pp.) a. proneness or inclination to (lc.); _Vani-kri, dispose favourably or incline any one, (ac.); -vanl-bhii, become favourably disposed. 3M,4 pra-vat, i. a. directed forwvard, blazing forth (Agni); containing the syllable 'pra' or ' pri; -vat, 2. f. slope of a mountain; height (also of heaven); sloping path, smooth or swift course: in. sg. 4-pl. downhill, downwards; swiftly; -vat-vat, a. abounding in heights; swift; affording a swift course; -vadA, a. uttering a sound; -vadana, a. propounding; -vaditri, a. uttering (g.; E., ac.); -vaditos, ab. inf. to begin to utter; -va'dy~inan, a. speeding along the slopes of heaven; -vapana, n. t. shaving off (of h beard); 2. sowing; -vayana, n. i. end of a web; 2. goad (for driving cattle); (i)-irayas, a. especially vigorous; of advanced years, aged. 1WR pra —vard, x. mn. cover; upper garment; 2. m. summons (e.g. to a Brdhman to perform rites); invocation ofAgni top erform his sacrificial functions; series of ancestors (because Agni is invoked as the Agni of the, sacrifie' successive progenitors).; ancestor; 3. a. preeminent, exalted; chief, best, most excellent (of, g. or -.0); eldest (son); better than (ab.); distinguished by (0~),; in.. N.; ac. aloe-wood:.-dhfiu, in. precious metal, -nripati, M. N. of a prince, -pura, n. N. of a town in Cashmere, -bhfipati, mn. N. of a prince, -sena, m. id.,.radhyiya, M. book of ancestry, title of variou* works,..isa, m. distinguished lord () N. of a prince, -isvara, in. N. of a temple erected by Pravarasena. pra-varga, m. large earthenware pot (used in the Pravargya ceremony); -vargya-, m. introductory ceremony of the Soma sacrifice, at which fresh, milk is poured into a red-hot pot: -vat, a. connected with the Pravargya ceremony; -v~xgana, a, performance of the Pravargya rite, placingin or near the fire; -vartaka, a. (iki) causing to roll onward, setting in motion; promoting, instigating; causing, producing; mn. founder, author; n. entrance of a previo'uslyasznounced person on the stage (at the end of the introduction);.'vartana, a. advance, forward movement; emergence from (qb.); flow (of water); walking; activity; occupation with, engaging in (in., lc.),; going on, proceeding, coming, to pass,. occurrence;. procedure, behaviour; moving onward; erection, execution (w orks); stimulation, promotion, production, introduction~employment (of, g. or ),f.incitement to activity; -vartan'3 -ya,fp..to be employed; -commenced; -vartayitri, in. instigator,.of (g.), to (lc.); erector;' introducer; employer: -tva, n. instigation;..vartita, cs.-pp. administered, dispensed; allowed, to take its course; enforced; -vartitavya, fp. S. imps. one should act; -vartitri, m. producer, bringer; one who fixes or settles; -vartin, a. issuing, streaming forth; moving forward, flowing; engaging in action; causing to flow; producing; employing.; introducing, propagating; -vartya, fp. being incited.;..vardha-ka, a. -(iki) augmenting, increasing ( —P); -vardhana, a. id.; -varsha, m. rain (sts. pl.): -na, i. raining; first rain; -varshin, a. raining, shedding ( —P);..varha, v. -barha; -valhz, m. riddle; -vasathi, a. departure; separation (pl.)-from (ab.); -vasana, n. setting out on travel;, dying, de — cease; -vaha, a. carrying., wafting; m. one of the seven winds which set the planets in motion; one of the seven tongues of fire; reservoir for receiving water; -vahana, a. giving a girl in marriage; carriage; ship (also 3',f -a. ):-bhaiiga, m. shipwreck. ~TMTWpra-vftk, a. grandiloquent; -va'kana, a. announcement, declaration; fame; -vikya, f~p. to be proclaimed, praiseworthy; to be addressed; -va'da' = -vfila, coral; -vA~na,, n. border of a web; -viti, (pp.) n. breeze;, windy spot; -vitegi (or -gA~), a. growing in a windy place; -vada, m. utterance; naming, mention; statement;. saying,.proverb; story,.rumour,-report,about GO'); ev-il report, calumny (.p1.); passing oneself off as (7O); any gram,matical form or case of (g. or -0: opp. a specified form): in. as the saying goes (but not in reality); d.. in.order to spread the report; -vadaka, a. causing to sound, playi~ng upon (0'). -vaidin, a, x. uttering a sound, crying; stating, speaking, talking ahout (-9); 2. occurring in some form or case (gr.); -vipin, a. sowing in (-0); -viyy&, a. flight, fleetness; -vira, m. covering; -va~rana, n. fulfilment of a wish; -virya,fp. to be satisfied; -vila, i.ashoot, sprout (to which feet and lip are often compared); coral: -phala, a. red sandal, -vat, a. furnished with shoots or sprouts; -vast, in. temporary residence abroad, absence from home: -m, gamn, ya, a-pad, or pra-vas, go abroad; pravisad & or up& j-vrit, return from abroad: -stha, a. or -sthita, p~p. gone abroad, absent from home; -visana, n. banishment, from (ab.); -vsin, a. residing abroad, absent from home; sojourning (~ vsa, fp. to be hanished; ahm, stream, current; flow; continuity; series; continuous train of thought; -vg~hana, a. carrying away; a. protrusion, ejection; -v~hik&, f. diarrhcea; -va'hin, a. drawing; carrying along (of a river); flowing, through or into (~).draught animal. 3Tf q,1T pra-vi-graba, in. distinct separation of word6 euphoniccdlly combined; -ghatana, a. breaking in pieces; -k~ra, in.: -n', f. distinction,- species; -kintaka, a. foreseeing; -ketail~, a. comprehension; -dalana, n. shattering; -do~ra, in. bursting asunder. MIfq jk( pra-vidvas, pf. pt. knowing, conscions. '9f —q-NT —rFpra-vi-dh'ana, a. means employed; -bha~ga,~ i. division, separation, classification; part ~- -vat, a. having subdivisions. Tf~W. pra-virala, a. standing far apart; isolated; rare. 41f ft. pr-vi-lambin, a. prominent; -laya, m. melting; dissolution, complete disappearance; -lApana, a. annihilation; -Thja~iayfp. to be annihilated; -l&pi-tva, a. complete annihilation; -apin, a. lamenting; -l~pya,f~p. to be completely destroyed; indm. quarrel; -vikta, pp. Vvik; n. (l) solitude (only lc. pl.); -vikshu, des. a. being about to enter; -veka, m.complete retirement. iif4J'jqM pra-vishaya, in. range: -m drishter gain, become visible; -vishta,.pp. (Vvis) entered (act. & ps.): -ka, a. air of entering the stage (only in. sg. as a st age direction); -vishtakoya, den. K. appear in person; -vistara, m. extent: in. in great detail; -vistaira, m. id.;..vi..spashta, p~p. perfectly evident. 14 pra-viina, a. skilful, clever, in (lc. or -): -tA., f. skill, cleverness, ability; -vi'nizkri, make fit for anything; (&)-vira, m. great hero,.among (g. or —): -ka, m. N. of various mnen, -vara, in. N. of an Asura. T~Fpra-vritta,pp.tuLrnedforward; begun, proceeded with, going on; set in, ensued; engaged, occupied, busy, with (lc. or — O); interested (action): -kakra, -a. whose wheel rolls on unimpeded: -tfif. unlimited power; _ka. of fluent speech; -samprahiira, a. having begun the fight. q~i~pra-vritti, f. moving forward, advance,. progress; appearance, manifestation, production; rise, origin; advent, setting in (of spring etc.); activity, efficacy, function; advance into, prosecution of, engaging in, exposure of oneself to danger, predilection, propensity, addiction to (lc. or — 9); proceeding, occupation; behaviour, practice; employment, use, currency; applicability or validity of a grammatical rule; continuance, prevalence, continued validity; lot, fate; tidings, of (g. or — '): -mat, a. devoted to a thing; -vriddha, pp. (Vvridh) grown up, great; -vriddhi,f. growth, increase; rise (of price); &referment,promotion,elevation; prosperity; -vrldh,f. growth. T94I pra-veka, a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of ( —P); -vega, m. great swiftness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ye I - 182 182 r, pra-vodhri.. t, pra-sava.' n3, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth;..vetri, nv. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (-);.vedaua, n. making known, proclaimingp; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (~~) vedya,fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -vernta, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m. entrance, entry, penetration, intrusion, into (lc., q. ~ antar, or -P appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into = admissibleness, applicability in (ic.); employment or utilization of (-0P); entrance, door: -ka, a. —, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has -happened between two acts and is essential/ for the understanding of what follows); -vesaua, n. entering, entrance or penetration into (-g., Ic., or — P); copulation; introductian, into (lc.); driving home (of cattles); _vesa..bh~gika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayittavya',fp. to be introduced; -vesita, es. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into ();accessible throughor over (- P); tiavingsexuaiintercourse with ( —P); -vesya,fp. to be entered; - played (musical instrument).; - introduced; -veshtavya, fp. to be entered; - allowed to enter; n. imps one should ~enter or penetrate into (le.); -veshtri, sa. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of- L-,v~olhrf, usm (V.) id. (S pra-vodhri, in.. one who carries off; ~pra-vyaktijf. manifestation, appearance; _VYA dhi, us.shot, shooting distance; -VY h-ra, m. prolongation of a discourse: -m kri, address an~y one, (g.). M 4'l pra-vragana, n. going abroad, leaving home; -vragita, (pp.) m. religious mendicant (Brahsnan in the fourth Aorder); 4. life of a religious mendicant:,~.nun; -vragya, n. going abroad,, migration, wandering forth from home:..4,f. religious menidicancy; order ofascetics; joining the monastic (or fourth) order; -vraska, us. cut; -vr~g, us. religious mendicant, recluse; -vragi, Ms. river-bed (V..); -.v3r4gaka,jsn. religious mendicant: Isr~ f. mendicant nun; vragik~ f.id.; -vrioana, n, banishment; -vr~gIn, going, forth or after,-0); m. religious mendicant; -vlaya, m. colhipse. JIipra-samsa-ka, a. pasn ~) -samsana, n. laudation; -samsaniya,fjp. to be praised; -sams4 f. praise., eulogy, applause (sts. pl.); fame: m.nmau, n.. term of praise,.li~pa, as. applause,,.vakana, n. laudatory remark,. vali,f. panegyric poem; -samsin, a. praising,, extolling (0c); -a saupami, f. comparison implying praise (rh,.); -samstavya,fJp. praisewortby~ -simsya, fp. i.;better than (ab.); -sama, Mn tranquillization, pacification, appeasement; composure, calm; cessation, extinction (of fire), abatement, removal (of obstacles, pain, etc.); mental calm, quietude; -samaka, a. tranquillizing~rendering innocuous (0;sm Sm-kana, a, causing the cessation of(g) disturbing; ~samana, a, tranquillizing, calming, allaying, extinguishing, curing; n. tranquillization, pacification; alleviation., mitigation; healing; rendering innocuous; securing (pro~perty) -sas, f. axe, knife; sat,pp. (Vsams praised, commended, etc.: _kalasa, sn, N., -tva, a. excellence; -sastavYa%, fp. praiseworthy; (i)-svasti, f. praise, laudation; glory; direction, guidance; benediction expressing a desire for peace in the realm (dr,); (metrical) eulogistic inscription: -krit, a. bestowing praise, approving, -patta, m.writtenedict;-s-isya,fp.praiseworthy,commendable~excellent; blessed: tMf excellence. I ~UIT pra-sftkbft, f. branch; extremity (o h oy); -sikhikA, f. small branch, twig; -sitana, n. breaking off; -sant, pp. (Vsam) tranquillized, calmed, etc.:..ka, a. calm (of the mind), -t' f. mental calm, com. posure; -sinti, f. tranquillization, appeasement, alleviation; tranquillity, calm; abatement, cessation; extinction (of fire); destruction; mental calm, composure, quietude; -s~m, (am. 11) a. painless; -sisaka, m. spiritual guide; -sgsana, n. guidance, government, rule; -sAsitri, m. governor, master; sovereign ruler, dictator; -sistri,m. spiritual guide; N. of a priest (also called Maitrflvaruna), who is the first assistant of the Ho6tri; -sistri, a. office or Somia-vessel of the Prashstri priest; -s&Asya,fp. to be ordered by (g.). M~fI V1 fV Ii pra-sithila, a. very loose, flaccid, or lax; extremely feeble, hardly perceptible: -sithili-kri, make very loose; -sithibi -bhU, becomie very loose; -sishta, pp. Vs~s; (fi)sishti,f. order, command; -sishya, us. pupil of a Pupil: -tva, a. abst. N.; -sis, f. order, precept. [f. clearness, purity. ii14jf, pra-sukci, a. perfectly pure; -suddhi, 3 ~~pra-sosha, m. dryness.. [liug. -,;I I WI pra-skcotana, n. dripping, sprinkTM pras-na, m. i. question; interrogation (also of the -stars, etc.); judicial inquiry or investigation; inquiry after ( —P); subject of controversy, disputed point, problem; lesson (in Vedic recitation); short section or paragraph (in books): -m i, submit a question to any one (ac.) for decision; -m A-gam, id. (but lc. ofperson); 2. wicker-work, wicker-basket.:W-MfW~T. prasna-kathft, f. story involving a question; -piirvakam, -pfirvam, ad. with a preceding question, after examination. prasna-ya, den. P. question, interrogate, inquire after( (2 ac.). VW1 prasna-vivada, m. controversy. Ifl~prasna-f n ms. questioner, interrogator. T t9 prasnajuttara, n. question and answer; verse consisting of question and answer;.-_panishiad,f. title of an Upanishad consisting of six questions and six answers. T[~ pra-sraya, in. support, resting-place; (inclining forward), respectful demeanour, deference, civility, modesty:.-vat, a. deferential; -s=7~-in, a. id.: (-i)-t, f. respectfulness. Tfpra-slita, pp. (=.-srita), changing 'as' to I'o' before sonant letters (samdhi); -slishta, pp. slurred, coalescent (euphonic combination of a or & with a following vowel or of other voweels with homogeneous ones); vowel resulting from coalescence or accent of a coalescent vowel (gr.); -slesha, m. close con — tact or pressure; coalescence (of vowels). i* iipra-svas-itavya, fp. a. imps. one should restore or revive any one (g.) by means of (in.); -sv~sa, us. inhalation. TrrWprash-tavya,fp, (V'prakh) to be asked, interrogated, or examined, concerning (ac.); to be inquired about. ii~prd-sb ti, m. [b eing b eyon d or in front], side-horse or leader; man at one's side; tripod (supporting a dish): -mat, a. having side-horses; -v~hin, a. yoked with three horses. 1W' pra-shtha, a. standing or going in front; chief, foremost, most excellent, best, of (-0); us. front-man, leader: -tva, a. pre-eminence. TM pra-sakala, a. very full '(bosom); -sakta, pp. v'saiig: ~- or -in, ad. incessantly; -saktavya,fp. to be attached to (lc.); -sakti, f. attachment, devotion, or addiction to, indulgence in, occupation with (lc.), occurrence of a ca-se,; bearing, applicability; practicableness: -in pra-y&', be practicable; -safiktavya, fp. to be allowed to occur; -siihy,. sum total; consideration;-s - khyana, a. enumeration; refiexion, meditation; fame, reputation; -saiiga, us. attachment, inclination; fondness for, addiction to; indulgence in (lc. or — 9); gratification, of (g.); association or intercourse with(0) illicit pursuit; applicability; contingency; opening, opportunity, occasion; connexion (pl. all that is connected with or resultsfrom anything): in. assiduously, with one's whole soul; in the course of ( —); occasionally, incidentally (also ab., 0~, or -tas); amn - or tat-prasaiigena, on that occasion; etatprasauige, on this occasion; prasaiige kutrapi onacertain occasion: -vat, a. occasional, incidental, -vinivritti~f. non-recurrence of a contingency, prevention of the recurrence; _saitgin, a. attached or devoted to (-P); connected with anything; contingent, occurring; secondary, unessential; -sagayafp. applicable: atf -ness, -pratishedhay us. negative form of an applicable (positive) statement: -tva, a. abet. N.; -sattiyf. graciousness; favour, complacency; -samdhina, a. combination, union; -sauna, pp. (Wsad) clear; bright; pleased, soothed, delighted; complacent; gracious, propitious, kindly disposed; plain (meaning); distinct (impression); correct (,supposition): at f. clearness, purity; brightness; perspicuity; complacence, good humour, -tva, a. clearness,, brightness, -mukha, a. of a placid countenance, looking pleased, -salila, a. having clear water; -sabha, 0~ or -in, ad. forcibly; violently; exceedingly, very much; importunately: -dainana, a. forcible subjugation;, -sara, M. advance; diffusion, expansion, extension; range; issue (of smoke); free scope, ample space; motion (of the eye); appearance, manifestation; prevalence, influence; stream, flood; multitude, quantity: -na, a. running away, escaping; coming into force; complaisance, amiability; -sarga (or i), us. gushing forth; dismissal; -skrpana, a. going forward, advancing; betaking oneself to (ic.); -sarpin, a. issuing from (-0); slinking away. TM' pra-savd, us. i. pressing (of Sousa); 2.'setting inmnotion, impulse; course, current; quickening power, stimulation, instigation; aid; command; acquisition; vivifier; 3. begetting, generation; conception; bringing forth, bearing; birth; delivery, confinement; augmentation; birth-place; flower, blossom; e&g. 4-.pl. offspring, progeny (-0, sts. =young -): -griha, a. lying-in chamber; -savana, a. bringing forth, bearing of children; fecundity; -sava-ved anf pangs of childbirth, travail; -savitri, m. i. impeller, inciter, vivifier (of, g.);:2. (-tri), m. procreator, father; -savin, a. bearing, producing; -savya%, a. (holding the left hand out towards anything), following one's left hand, keeping one's left hand towards anything (in walking round it): -mn, ad. to the left; -sah, a. (str. st. -sah) overpowering; saha, a. enduring, withstanding (_'); m.' endurance, resistance (only ); beast or bird of prey; -sahana, a. resisting; overcoming; embracing; -Sahya, i. gd. forcibly; exceedingly; without more ado; necessarily (with na, by no means); 2. fp. conqueralble; with in f. capable of being - ~TFrT pra-sa'da. rr~~ pra-hanana. 183 I p p (ps. pt.): -kIrin, a. acting with violence; -harana, n. forcible abduction or appropriation. H1eTr I. pra-sada, den. P. be bright. iRT;4 2. pra-sada, m. clearness (of water, the voice); brightness; perspicuity (of speech or style); radiance (of the countenance); calmness (of mind), serenity; cheerfulness, good temper; kindness, graciousness, favour; help, aid; gracious gift; food offered to an idol; remnants of a preceptor's food (which may be eaten without scruple): -m kri, be gracious, show favour; grant the favour of (inf. or -)); -sada-ka, a. making clear, clarifying; cheering, gladdening; -sadana, a. (i) making clear,clarifying; n. making clear, clarification; soothing, calming, tranquillizing; rendering cheerful; gratifying; propitiation; -sadaniya, fp. to be propitiated; -sada-pariaimukha, a. (i) indifferent to any one's favour; withdrawing one's favour from (g.); -sada-bhiumi, f. object of favour, favourite; -sadayitavya, fp. to be rendered propitious towards. (upari); -sada-vitta: -ka, a. abounding in favour, standing high in the favour of (g. or -~); m. favourite; -sada ntara, n. another mark of favour; -sadita, cs. pp. (Vsad) pleased, propitiated, well-satisfied; -sadin, a. bright (eye, face); clear (nectar); perspicuous; cheering, gladdening; -sadl-kri, grant (ac.) as a favour to (g.), graciously present; -sadya, i. cs. gd. having appeased, pleased, or propitiated; 2. fp. to be propitiated; -sadhaka, a. (ika) adorning; m. dresser, valet; f. (ika) lady's maid; -sadhana, a. accomplishing; n. accomplishment; putting in order, arranging; embellishment, personal adornment, toilet; means of decoration, toilet requisites; ornament of (-~): i, f. comb; -sadhita, ppa accomplished; decorated; -sara, m. spreading or stretching out, extension; rising, whirling up (of dust); opening; -sarana, n. stretchingout, extending; development; extension, diffusion, augmentation; vocalization of a semivowel (gr.); -saranin, a. containing a semivowel liable to vocalization (gr.); -sarita, cs. pp. (V/sri) extended, expanded, diffused; stretched forth, exposed for sale; -sarin, a. breaking forth, issuing from (-~); stretching oneself out; extending to (-~); -sArya, I. cs. gd. having extended or put forth; 2.fp. to be vocalized (semivowel). tfrWT pra-sita, pp. (V/si) devoted to,intent on (in. or lc.); (a)-siti, (V.)f. onward rush (of fire); onset; shot, missile; extension, sphere; duration; dominion, power; -siddha, pp. V/sidh: -ta,f., -tva, n. notoriousness; -siddhi, f. accomplishment, success; proof; current opinion, general acceptation; publicity, notoriousness; fame, celebrity: -m utpadya, having spread the rumour; ato me sasanika iti prasiddhih, therefore I am generally known as Sasafika: -mat, a. universally known, famous. T pra-sdp, a. slumbering; -supta, pp. slept; sleeping; fast asleep: -ta, f. sleepiness; -supti,f. id. iTr pra-su, a. bearing, giving birth to; fruitful, prolific; producing, providing for (-~); f. mother; sprout; flowering sacrificial grass; -suita, pp. born, produced; n. primordial soul or matter (phil.); (a)-sfuti, I. f. instigation, command; permission; (a)suti, 2. f. bringing forth, parturition; laying (of eggs); birth; coming forth, production (offruit, flowers, etc.); producer; child, offspring, progeny; product; -sutik&,f a..recently confined; having lately calved; -suna, pp. V/stt; a. blossom, flower: -bana, m. (flower-arrowed), Kima, -asuga, m. id. TrT pra-srita, pp. v/sri; m. outstretched hollowed palm; handful (as a measure= Palas); (a)-sriti, f. flow; successful progress; diffusion; hollow outstretched palm; handful (as a measure= 2 Palas): -yavaka, m. eating porridge made of not more than a handful of barley; -srimara, a. welling forth, distilling; going in front, being at the head of (g.); -srishta, pp. v srig. TRj pra-seka, m. effusion; watering of the mouth, nausea; exudation, resin; spout (of a ladle); -sekin, a. discharging fluid; suffering from (excessive) salivation; -sena: -git, m. N. of various princes; -sevaka, m. sack, bag; damper on the neck of a lute. ]TiW- prd-skanva, m. N. of a Vedic Rishi: pl. descendants of Praskanva; -skandana, a. leaping forward, attacking, ep. of Siva; suffering from diarrhoea; n. bounding over or across (-~); aperient; -skandin, a. leaping into (-~); -skanna, pp. /skand; -skunda, m. support or (according to a commentator) circular altar; -skhalana, n. stumbling, staggering. Tr4R pra-stambha, m. becoming rigid; -stara, m. (that which is strewn forth), strawbed, couch of grass or leaves, litter; couch of (-~); bunch of sacrificial grass; flat surface, pavement, terrace; plain, plateau; stone, rock; section, paragraph; -starana, n. couch, seat; -stava, m. song of praise.:TTR[pra-stara, m. strewing, spreading out; abundance; litter, bed of straw; couch; layer; stair (leading down to water); flat surface; table of all the possible combinations in a metre: -painkti, f. combination-pankti, a metre (I2 + I2 + 8 + 8 syllables); -starin, a. spreading out, extending to; -stava, m. preliminary mention, allusion, propounding or introducing a topic; subject of conversation, topic; opportunity, occasion, season, proper time; beginning, commencement; introduction; - of a Saman sung by the Prastotri priest: in. at any one's convenience; lc. on a suitable occasion, opportunely, -tas, ad. in the course of(-~); -stivan&,f. blazing abroad, through (in.); beginning, commencement; introduction, (dramatic) prologue (the scene between the benediction and beginning of the first act); -stava-sadrisa, a. suited to the occasion, seasonable, appropriate; -stavita, cs. pp. commenced, begun; referred to. Mi~f pra-stuta, pp. begun; propounded, under discussion, in question: -tva, n. state of being under discussion,- a/nkura, m.figure in which allusion is made to a passing circumstance, hinting at something analogous present in the mind; (a)stuti,f. praise. Mt'j pra-stotrs, m. N. of the assistant of the Udgdtri priest, who chants the prastdva; -stobha, m. allusion to (g.). 1T pra-stha, m. n. [standing forth, prominent], table-land on a mountain, plateau; level expanse, plain; a measure of capacity (= 32 Palas); -sthana, a. setting out, marching forth, proceeding, departure; advent; despatch (of wares), journey to the next world; religious mendicancy; way of thinking, method, system, sect; kind of inferior drama: -dundubhi, m. drum giving the signal for marching; -sthaniya, a. relating to departure; -sthapana, n. sending away, despatching, dismissing; giving currencyto (an expression); -sthapita, cs.pp. (Vsthf) sent away, despatched; -sthapya, cs. fp. to be sent away or dismissed; -sthayin, a. setting out, departing; -sthita, pp. (V'stha) set out, departed; marched forth; gone on a journey; n. departure: -yigya,f. verse pronounced on offering the Soma vessels called ' prasthita; ' -sthiti, f. setting out, departure; -stheya, fp. n. imps. one should set out or depart. M-.q pra-snava, m. stream or flow (of milk etc.): pi. tears; -snavin, a. dropping, pouring forth (-~); -snuta, pp. dropping, flowing: -stani, a.f. having streaming breasts; -snusha, f. grandson's wife; -sn6ya, fp. suitable for bathing. 3tIA WI pra-spandana, n. quivering, palpitating; -spardhin, a. rivalling; -sphuta, a. plain, manifest, evident; -sphurita, pp. quivering, vibrating, tremulous; manifested; -sphuliinga, m. (?) darting spark; -sphotana, n. splitting (int.); causing to expand or bloom. Ml qiI pra-smartavya,fp. to be forgotten. PWIS$ pra-syanda, m. trickling or welling forth; -syandana, a. id.; exudation; -syandin, a. oozing forth; -~, shedding (tears); m. shower of rain. f:" pra-sramsa, m. falling down; -sramsana, a. dissolvent; -sramsin, a. (-i) miscarrying; -srava, m. flowing forth; stream, flow; flow of milk (lc. when the milk flows): pi. gushing tears -sravana, n. gushing or streaming forth, trickling, oozing; effusion, discharge (of, from, or into, -~); spring, fountain; spout; -srava-yukta, pp. discharging milk (breasts), -samyukta, pp. id.; streaming (tears); -sravin, a. pouring forth, discharging (-~); discharging milk (cow); -srava, m. urine; -sruta, pp. oozed, issued, etc. HIT 1 pra-svana, m. sound, noise; (a)-svadas, a. very sweet, highly pleasing; -svapa, a.. inducing sleep, soporific (missile); m. falling asleep,; dream; -svfapana, a. (i) causing slumber: X dasa, f. condition of sleep; n. causing sleep; -sveda, m. perspiration; -svedin, a. perspiring, covered with sweat. ~l!p pra-haaana, n. striking; -hata, pp. (Vhan) struck, beaten, etc.; -hati, f. stroke, blow; -hantavya, fp. to be killed; -hantri, a. striking down (ac.); -hara, m. (stroke on a gong), watch (period of about three hours): -ka, m. id.; -harana, n. striking, beating; pecking; attacking; combat; removing, dispelling; weapon; -haraniya, fp. to be attacked; - removed or expelled; n. weapon, missile; -hartavya,fp. to be attacked; n. imps. one must strike or attack (d. or lc.); -hartri, m. sender; assailant, combatant, warrior; -harsha, m. great joy, rapture: -m kri, delight in (lc.); -harshana, a. causing (the hair of the body) to stand on end; making very glad, enrapturing; n. erection (of the hair of the body); joy, rapture; -harsha-vat, a. rejoicing; -harshin, a. gladdening; -hasana, n. laughter; derision; kind of comedy, farce; -hasita, (pp.) n. breaking out into a laugh; -hasta, m. hand with extendedfingers; a. long-handed; m. N.; -hana, n. i. abstraction, speculation; 2. abandonment, avoidance; -hlni, f. disappearance; -hatavya,fp. to be abandoned; -hara, m. stroke, blow, thump, cut, thrust, shot, kick (with, -~. on, Ic., sts. -0): -da, a. giving a blow to, striking (-o), -varman, m. N. of a prince, -jrta, pp. wounded; -hirin, a. striking, with (-); fighting against (g. or -); m. good fighter; -hasa, m. laughter; derision, irony; -hasin, a. laughing, derisive. 184 1fi pra-hi. 1piTTsq pragapat-a. lTf pra-hi, m.well; -hita, pp. (V/dha) sent, despatched, commissioned, etc.: -hitamgama, a. going on a message to (g.), ITW-f prd-huta, pp. offered up; (a)-huti, f. offering. Tf pra-hrita, pp. Vhri; n. combat with (-o); -hrishta, pp. greatly rejoiced, delighted: -manas, a. having a delighted mind or hearn exceedingly glad, -roman, a. having the hair of one's body erect, m. N. of an Asura, - atman, a. having a joyful mind. lT pra-hela,f. unconstrainedbehaviour: in. without constraint; -helika, f. riddle, enigma. iTT- pra-hrada, m. N, of the chief of the Asuras; -hrasa, m. curtailment, diminution, wane. 1T[T! pra-hlada, m. pleasurable excitement, feeling of joy; N. of a pious Daitya (= Prahrada): -ka, a. refreshing, gladdening; -hiadana, a. (i) cheering, gladdening; n. a, f. refreshing, delighting; -hladin, a. delighting. T1V pra-hva, a. inclined, forward, sloping, slanting, bent; bowing before (g.); humble; -hvana, n. obeisance; -hvaya, den. P. humble (ac.); -hvi-bhu, humble oneself. AT PRA, V. (collateral form of V/. pri, only used in aor., pf., and pp.) fill: pp. prata, filled, full. a, fulfil. vi, id. lTT] pra amsu, a. [having its end raised up], lofty, high, tall; long; intense (brilliance); m. N.: -ka, a. large (animal), -ta,f. height. 1TT prak, n. (ofpriink) ad. before, in front of (ab.); before (in order: ab.); formerly, previously, to (ab., rarely g.); to the east of (ab.); first, in the first place; henceforth; prag eva, a short while ago; still more (B.). [festation. RTZNi'I prakat-ya, n. manifestness, maniITWf1i'-4 prakaran-ika, a. belonging to the matter in question; - to the chapter; - to the genus. [will. IfitiTr prakam-ya, n. perfect freedom of lTTER pra-kara, m. [strewn along, mound], enclosing wall, rampart: -karna, m. Wallear, N. of a minister of the owl-king Arimardana, -sesha, a. having only his ramparts left. mTT'iT prakas-A, n. metal mirror;.ya, n. manifestness; notoriety, fame. TM'fI prakrita, a. (a, i) connected with nature (prakriti), natural, original; unaltered; usual, ordinary, common; low, vulgar; proceeding from or relating to nature (phil.); Pr4kritic; m. low or vulgar man, n. vernacular dialect (derived from Sanskrit and spokeg by women and inferior characters in SansAcrit plays), PrAkrit: -bhAshin, a. speaking Prakrit, rs-sana, i. treatise on Prakrit, -kandriki,f. Moonlight of Prakrit, T. of Vararuki's Prdarit grammar, -prakasa, m. Illustration of Prakrit, id. T,if i prakrit-ika, a. (i) natural, derived from nature. 11Tti, prfk-karman, n, preliminary procedure; action performed in a previous existence; -kalpa, m. former age; -krita, pp. formerly done, performed in a previous life; n. act done in a previous life; -kiram, ad. before it is too late, betimes; -kkhaya, n. falling of the shadow towards the east..TII- prak-tana, a. (i) anterior, former, previous; ancient; -tanaya,, m. former pupil.; -ta^Am, ad. farther east; -ti0la, a. having the tufts directed eastwards: -t.a, f. eastward direction (of Iacrificial utensils); -pada, n. first member of a compound (gr.); -pravana, a. sloping towards the east. Tsitfri prakram-ika, a.taking many things in hand (without finishing any of them). IT-q;w prak-sas, ad. eastwards; -siras: -ka, a. having the head turned eastwards; -samstha, a. ending in the east; -samdhya, f. morning twilight;,-sopa, a. preceding the Soma sacrifice; -saumika, a. (1) id.; -srotas, a. flowing towards the east. IT akprakhar-ya,n.sharpness(ofan arrow). 3TlPIJ prag-agra, a, having the point directed forwards oreastwards; -apavargam, ad. concluding in the east; -abhava, m. previous non-existence.; -abhihita, pp. previously discussed. ITT eRft pragalbh-i,f. self-confidence, assurance; -ya, n. id.: -vat, a. self-confident, bold; boasting of (-~). [dition. ITIlTT1 prag-avasth$, f. previous conTlrWlr pragatha, a. (1) belonging to the PragAthas, i.e. to the eighth Mandala.of the RV.; m. pat. descendant of PragAtha. WTprag-prag-ayata, pp. extending towards the east; -ukti, f. previous utterance, 1WT51 pragun-ya, n. right position or direction. W4T9! prag-uttara, a. (east-northern, i. e.) north-eastern: in. or-tas, in the north-east, of (ab., g.), -dig-bhaga, -dig-vib0Aga, m. north-eastern side of (g.); -utpatti, f. first appearance; -udaa-mukha, a. facing northeastwards or to the east or the north; -udazk, a. (f. -udiki) north-eastern; n. -udak, ad.; f. -udlkL, (east-north, i. e.) north-east; -ILdha, pp.f. formerly married. 'iWTTF prag-gahgam, ad. on the east of the Ganges; -gamana-vat, a. going forward; -gamin, a. preceding or intending to precede; -guna, a. having the previously mentioned quality.; -griva, a. having the neck directed eastward; -ganman, a. previous birth or existence; -gata, (pp.) a., -gati,f. previous existence; -gyotish-a, a. lighted from the east; relating to the city of Praggyotisha; m. prince or country of Praggyotisha: pi. inhabitants of-; n. N. of a city supposed to have been inhabited by the demon Naraka; -dakshina,a. (east-southern, i.e.) south-eastern: a, f. south-east; &, ad. south-easterly: -pravana, a.,sloping towards the south-east; -desa, m. eastern country; -daihika, a. belonging to a former life; rdvar,f. door facing east; -dvara,.n. id.; space in front of a door; a. having a door facing eastward.; -bhara, m. [having the weight in front, inclined], declivity; inclination; (subsiding) mass, great quantity;,bhlva, m. previous existence. ]T;1 praagra, n. extreme point: -sara, a. going in the forefront; foremost, chief, in (-~), among (g.), -hara, a. (appropriating the best), chief, principal, among (-~). llTrA pragr-ya, a. foremost, best, most excellent. TTfJ^T prag-lagga, a. ashamed at first; -vamsa, I. m. preceding race; 2. a. having its beams directed eastward; m. space in front of the Vedi; -vakana, n. previous utterance; -vat, a. as before, formerly, or at other times; as above (in a book); -vita, m. east wind; -vritta, n. previous conduct; _vrittanta, m. previous event or adventure; -vritti,f. conduct in a previous life; -vesha, m. previous attire. RT,1W praghuna, m. [dialectical for pragharna] guest: -ka, i-ka, m. id.; i-kri, make a guest of, cause to reach (-~). RT pra aghfirna, m. [going forth deviously, wanderer], guest:.-ka, m. id.; i-ka, m. id.; n. hospitable reception. TiT; pran, nm. sg. m. of prank. Tj1W! pra angana, n. court, courtyard; -aigana (less correct), n. id. [T Tl4 pran-nyaya, m. previous method: a special plea that the prosecutor has previously brought and lost the same action; -mukha, a. (i) facing or pointing forward or eastward; inclined towards, desirous of (-o): - aikaa, a. facing.eastward. [sionateness. ATPW^q prakand-ya, n. vehemence, pasWTT prak-a, in. ad. v. prank. T1-fTT pra akara, m, winged ant. 1TTqTT pra hkarya, m. teacher of a teacher. yit praki, f. east. ERiOR prak-ina, a. turned frontways; eastward; eastern, living in the east; anterior, former, previous, old;.2m, ad. forwards; in front of (ab.); eastwards, to the east of (ab.); previously to, before (ab.);.-vitin, a. = - vitin; -griva, a. having the neck directed forward or eastward; - avita, a. wearing of the sacred cord over the right shoulder; - avitin, a. wearing the sacred cord over the right shoulder; - pavita, pp. id. TrrT#I praki-mila, n. eastern horizon. RTThtn prakira, m. enclosure, fence. 4t prakur-ya, n. eopiousness, abundance, plenty; amplitude, prolixity; prevalence, currency: in. for the most part; in detail. 1TTRWEi praketas-a, a. relating to Varuna (w. asa, f. west); descended from Praketas; m. pat. of Manu, Daksha, and VYlmlki. At, prak-ya (or ya), a. being in front; situated, living, prevailing, or spoken in the east, eastern; prior, previous; preceding (in a book); former, ancient, old; m. pl. people of the east, eastern country; the ancients: -pada-vritti,f. the euphonic combination e a; -ratha, m. car used in the eastern country; - udaik, a. (f. judiik) running from east to west. RT prakh, m. (nm. prat) questioner. Wc'~-i praagaka, m. driver (of a waggon); -_agana, m. n. goad, whip, WrTT1I pragapat-a, a. () = -ya; -ya, a. coming from, relating, or sacred to PragApati (w. sakata, m. n. car of Rohint); m. pat. descendant of Pragapati; ~ krikkhra or upavasa, kind of penance; + vivAha, m. Pragapati form of marriage, in which the father gives away his daughter without receiving a present from the bridegroom. 1TTfaRm pra'.g-ika.,,.RTf-aw pra'ti-ka'm-in. 185 qjf pragag-ika, mn. [driving forward, pursuer]; hawk. TTfffPSflq prAgi-dhara, M. N.; -mathik&, f. N. of a locality. 1Iffif pragiiti, a. (relating to intellect, pragfii), intellectual; intelligent, wise, clever; m. wise or sensible man; intelligence associated with individuality (phil.) -tva, n. wisdlom, intelligence, cleverness, -=M',in or _MManin, a. considering oneself wise. WFW pra~gya, a. [having much ghee], copious, abundant; much; great, large, important; long: -bhuga, a. long-armed. Iff pra'anik, a. (f. pra"MI) directed forwards; being in front, facing; eastward, eastern, easterly; being to the east of (ab.); inclined, willing; former, previous, prior: -am kri, brin g; further; stretch forth; -am kalpaya, cause to be turned towards one, face; in. pr~lca", forwards; eastwards. 3T'i pra an-gala, a. [having the hands outstretched]; str-aightf'orward,candid, open; level (road), straight: -ta^, f. straightness plainness (of'meaning etc.); Z_9igaii, a. having the folded bands outstretched (in token orepect or humility); i-bhf^, hold out the folded hands. MT fIth prad-vivaka, m. [interrogating (p A~) and deciding], judge. WPJ[,1 pra anti, m. breath; vital spirit (pl. life); vital air (five are generally assumed; but three, six, seven, nine, and even ten. are also spoken of); sp. inhaled air; breath of air, wind; breath as a measure of time (requisite for pronouncing ten long syllables); vigour, energy, power; soul (in the Sadnskhya phil.); intelligence associated with totality (Veddinta); sign of vitality (p1.); organ of sense (mouth, nose, eyes, and ears:.pi.); N.; -', a. = loving - as dearly as life, or having, one's life dependent on -: -kara, a. invigorating; -kcarman, n. vital function; -krilchhra, n. danger to life; -ghna, a. lifedestroying, deadly; -hhid, a. cutting life short, fatal; -/ckcheda, sn. destruction of life, murder; -tya'ga, m. abandonment of life, suicide; death. WFUTW pr~nd-tha, m. respiration; -da, a. life-giving; saving the life of (g., ~) -dakshin',-f. gift of life; -dayita, (pp.) mn. husband loved as dearly as life; -dana, n. gift.or saving of life; abandonment of life; -dylTta, n. play or contest for life; -droha, m. attempt on the life of any one; -drohin, a. seeking the life of (-O); -dhara, m. N.; -dharana, n. maintenance or preservation of life; means of supporting life: -m krri, P. support any one's life; A. support one's life, take food; -dharin, a. preserving the life of (g.). VTW'qpra'anana, a. [Van] animating, quickening; n. respiration; animating. RT~WW( prftna-nfttha, mn. lord of life, lover, husband; -na~sa, m. loss of life, death; -iiigraha, m. restraint of breath; -pati, m. lord of life, soul; -parikraya, m. staking one's life; -pariksbi.na, p-p. whose life is on the decline; -parigraha, m. possession of life, existence; -parity&Aga, sa. abandonment of life; -prada, a. having restored or saved any one's life; -pradgyaka, -prada'yin, a. id.; -prayana, n. departure of the vital spirit, death; -priya, a. as dear as life; m. lover, husband; -prepsu, des. a. wishing to preserve one's life, in mortal terror; -badha, m. danger to life, mortal peril; -bhaksha, m. feedingr on breath only (i.e. on the mere smell of food or drink);.~bhaya, n. mortal, fear; -bh'g a. possessing life; m. living being; -bhU'ta, pp. being the vital breath; -bhrit, a. life-preservingr; possessing life, living; m. living being; man; -mkya, a. consisting of vital air or breath; -mokshan a, n. abandonment of breath, suicide; -ya'trah, f. support of life, subsistence; -y~trika, a. requisite for subsistence: -ma'trah sya't, he should possess only as much as will support life;-yuta, pp. endowed with life, living, alive; -yoni, f. source of life; -raksha aretham, ad. for the preservation of life; rg ya-da, a. having saved any one's life and throne; -rodha, mn. suppression of the breath; -1&bha, mn. saving of life; -vat, a. endowed with life, living; vigorous,strongY;-vaI1abha4, f.mistress or wife who is as dear to one as life; -vina'sa, mn. loss of life, death; -viprayoga, mn. id.; -vritti, f. vital activity or function; -vyaya, mn. renunciation or sacrilice of life; -vi gyakhhana, n. imperilment of life; -samnyama, mn. suspension of breath; -samsaya, m. risk or danger to life (sts. p 1.); -sainkata, n. id.; -sa tyga, mn.renunciation of life; -samndeha, m. risk or peril to life; -samdharana, n. preservation of life; -sainnyasa, m. giving up the spirit; -sama, a. dear as one's own lif:a ~,mistress, wife; -sainmita, pp. dear as one's own life; reaching to the nose; -Sara, n. vital energy; a. full of strength, vigorous, muscular; -hara, a. taking- away life, fatal to (-O); capital (p unishment); -hauf loss of life; -haraka, a. life-depriving, fatal; -harin, a. id.; -hiina, pp. bereft of life, lifeless. ~TWTIMITW pranagghalta, m. destruction of life or of a living being,; - akarya, mn. body physician; -aipta, m. attempt on life; takingr away life, killing a living being; - atilobha, in.'excessive attachment to life; - Itman, m. breath-soul (the lowest of the, three souls of man; the other two being gIvfitman~ and paramftitan); -,atyaya, m. danger to life; a~dhika, a. dearer than life; superior in energy, more vigorous; -_aidhipa, m. lord of vital breath, soul; - anta, mn. end of life, death; a. (ending life), capital (punishinent); _-antika, a. ()destructive to life, fatal; capital (punishment); life-longt; desperate, vehement (love, desire): -in, ad. till death; n. danger to life; -badha,mi. injury to life;.abhisara, m.' saver of life; 7-9ayana, n. organ of sensation;- 4ya'ma, M. suspension of breath (sts. pl.): -s~as, ad. with frequent suspension of the breath; -'y^min, a. suspending the breath. a rnfty-ya, a. suitable, proper. ITM1Z prftna artba-vat, a. living and rich; -_ arthin, a. eager for life; Za1bha,mi. loss of life; - avarodha, mn. suspension of the breath. wr~fTw'rrf?WK pratni-gbattin, a. killing living beings; -dylhta, n. game with fighting animals (such as ramn.fightiny etc.).,Tfff prT n-In, a. breathing, living; in. living creature; animal; human being. TrM;f. prftni-miat, a. supplied with living beings (country); -vadha, in. killing of a living being. WII'I(prftna isa, mn. lord of life, lover, husband; Lord of breath, N. of a JMlarut: A,f. mistress of one's life, wife; -3'SVara, M. lord of life, lover, husband: 3i,.f mistress, wife; -_utk antif. departure of the vital breath, death; - utsarga, sa. giving up of life; -upasparsana, a. touching of the organs of sense (i.e. mnouth, ssose, ears, and eyes).5pah' a, sa. (offering, to life), food. ITKfprani Asga, n. limb of an animal or of a human being. wrff+'qiW prfttah-kalpa, a. almost morning (night); -ka'rya, n. morning business or ceremony; -kala, mn. morning time, early 3norning; -kritya, n. morning ceremony; -kshana, m. morning time; -prahara, in. morning watch (six to nine o'clock a.m.). ~T~ prh-ttr [p(a)rat-tar(a), cpv. very early], ad. at drawn, earlyy in the morning; next or to-morrow morning, on the morrow: pratah, praftah, every morning. RT-ffT,4i prfttar-adhyeya,fp. to be recited early in the morning; -anUVaka, in. early recitation (the litany with which the Pradtahsavana begins); -anta, a. ending in the morning; -apavarga, a. id.; abhivada, m. morning greeting; -avanegi, sa. mrorning, ablution; -ahna, in. early part of the day, forenoon; -isa a.morning meal, breakfast; -_sita, pp. having taken one's morning meal, having breakfasted; -Ahuti,f. morning sacrifice (the second half of the daily Agnihotra sacrifice). 3f'fT!i prfttar-i-tvan, a. (vc. -tvas) going tont or coming early; in. morning guest. WrSMr pratar-yapa, m. morning prayer; -nadin, m. (crowing early), cock; -dugdhi, (pp.) n. morning milk; -doha, m. id.; morning milking; -yagila, m. morning sacrifice; -y'avan, a. going out early; -yukta', a. yoked early (car); -yfig, a. yoking early; yoked early; -vastri, a. shining early; -huta, n., -homa, in. early sacrifice. 3IT'ff'fTff prattas-ttina, a. matutinal; n. early morning (one of the five parts of the day; the otherfour beingforenoon, midday, afternoon, and evening); -tya, a. matutinal, morning. 3TT'ff:W*;E prfltah-samdhyfi, f. morning twilight, dawn; -sava, in., -savank, n. early Soma libation (the ritual of which consists of ten parts); -sava, at.- morning Soma libation; -sna~na, n. morning ablution; -sna'yin, a. bathing in the early morning. ~TIT TfR'~T prftti-kam-in, in. (acting according, to one's desire: prati-khmam), servant; messenger; -ktf1ika, a. ('I) resisting, hostile, contrary: at f. opposition, hostility; -kfilya, n. unfriendliness, opposition; repugnant practice; disagreeableness; disagreement with (~0;-giia, it. subject under discussion; -daivas-ika, a. occurring daily (prati-divasam); -nidhi-ka, as. representative; -paksha, a. belonging to the enemy or adversary; -pakshya, n. hostility, enmity, towards (g.); -pada, a. forming, the commencement; m. NV.; -pad-ika, a. express, explicit; n. crude base of a noun (before it receives the case terminations orothersiffixes); -paurush-ika, a. relating to manliness or valour; -bha, a. intuitive; n. intuition; presence of mind; -bhat-ya, n. rivalry; -bha'vya, n. surety, for (-0); certainty, trustworthy news of (g.); -bhM~s-ika, a. existing only in appearance, apparent only; -riuip-ika, a. counterfeit, spurious; using false measure or counterfeit coin; -lom-ya, n. inversion, inverse order; opposition, hostility; -ves-ika, m. neighbour; -vesmn-ika,'in. neighbour: 3i, f. female neighbour; -ves-ya, a. neighbouring; in. opposite neighbour; neighbour;- = neighbouring: -ka, as. neighbour; -sAkhya, n. a grammatical treatise on the phonetic changes of words in the test of the Vedas according to the respective recension (prati-siqkham; there arefour such treatises, one for thre]? V., B b 186 Rpftf-ff-zg pra't'it-ika. RTf-qqi pray-ika. I two for the Y2F., and one for the, AV.); -satvanam, ad. in the direction of the Satvan; -sv-ika, a. own, peculiar, not common to others; -hata, m. hind of svarita accent; -hartra, n. office of the Pratihartri; -hirika, m. door-keeper; -ha~r-ya, n. jug-. glery, performance of miracles; miracle. WWWi~~ri pr't'it-ika, a. existing in the idea only, subjective. 3ITWIN pratipa, m. Pat. of Samtanu. ViiT~ prattip-ya, n. hostility. wr_ f K prhtyaksh-ika, a. capable of direct perception. _1TTMIfi prattyant-ika, m. neighbouring chief. IRTMf~ prfityay- ika, a. confidential; going bail for the trustworthiness of a debtor (suretkj); possessing the confidence of (in.). RTTI~f!'li pr~tyah-ika, a. daily. 'R'RffWf pratharna-kalpika, a. being something in the strictest sense of the term.; m. beginner, tyro in study. 3IT'qfI{Ti prathbam-ika, a. primary, initial, first; happening for the first time; -ya, n. priority. RT; prhdakshin-ya, n. circumambulation while following one's (extended) right hand, keeping the right hand towards a person or object; respectful behaviour. TR "T-4 prfixdur-bha'va, m. manifestation, appearance (also of a deity on earth). W~I2IT pra'dush-karana, n. manifestaton; production, kindling (of fire). III'S pr&-ddr [out of doors], ad. (only 0 with the following three verbs or derivatives of the last two), forth, to view, manifest, visible: with as and bhfi, become manifest, appear, reveal oneself; arise; resound; with kri, manifest, reveal; cause to appear, make to blaze (fire). 1Tk7T pratdesd, m. span of the thumb and forefinger (also as a measure =1 2 afigulas): (a)-mitrk, n. measure of a span; a. (i) a span long; -sama, -_~yima, a. id. 3fT_;f7_TcJ prftdes-ika, a. having precedents; local, limited, of limited scope; m. small landowner, chief of a district:.-j'svara, m. id. rT~f~~flk prdes-in, a. a span long; 4i,f forefinger. 3IT'tq prfadosha, a. relating to or appearing in the evening: i-ka, a. id. lITqf'4iI prftdhan-ika, n. war-implement, weapon. lITT'qTfvRi pradhatn-ika, a. pre-eminent, most excellent; relating to or proceeding from primordial matter or nature (pradhhna); -ya, n. preponderance, predominance, prevalence, prominence; ascendancy, supremacy: 0~, in., ab., -tas, chiefly, mainly, with regard to the main or essential points, summarily; m. chief or most distinguished person. lIT9iW pra adhi ta, pp. well-read in Vedia studies, proficient in TVedic knowledge; Z_9adhyayana, n. commencement of recitation, reading, or study. lT[T' pra dhva [fore-journey], m. start, precedence (e kri, place one at the head of: g.): -in, ad. far away (with. kri, put aside); after the precedent of (g.); favourably, kindly; humbly. lITM pra anta, m. n. [extreme end], edge, border, margin, verge, skirt; end, extremity, tip; corner (of lips, eyes, etc.): '-, in the end, eventually: -virasa, a. tasteless in the end. RMTI~ pra antara, n. [long distance], long desolate road. lIRtIi pra atpaka, (cs.) a. leading or conveying to(O;procuring; making valid, estahlishing; Z- f-ana, a. ('I) leading to (P); n. occurrence, appearance; reach, extension (of the arms); attainment, acquisition; arrival at (la.); conveying; extension or reference to (lc.); making valid, establishment; presentation, elucidation. pR~fTiqi pratpan-ika m. [connected with trade: pra-pana], trader, merchant. 1IWiIpra fp-aniiya, fp. to be caused to reach, - brought or conveyed, to (ac.); attamnable; -aya, as. of pra&p; -ayi-tri, m. (tri,f.) one who causes to obtain, hestower; -ita-tva, n. occurrence, obtainment; -in, a. reaching, arriving at(2) lIT'R pra ftpta, pp. (V'/ftp) gotten, gained, obtained; reached, attained; met with,' found; incurred, suffered; arrived, come; following from a rule (yr.): -karman, a. heing the direct object (of an action) deducedfrom a rule (gr.); -karina-tva, n. abst. N.; -kaxn a. doing what is right or suitable; -kla, M. arrived time, fitting season, proper time, favourable moment; a. whose hour has come; suitable to the occasion, opportune, seasonable; marriageable (f.): -in, ad. at the right time; -ka1a-tva, ss. opportuneness, seasonableness; -givana, a. having one's life restored, rescued from death; -tva, n. resultance from a grammatical rule; -dosha, a. having incurred guilt; -b'Iga, a. sown; -yau*vana, a. having the bloom of youth -arrived, adolescent, marriageable; -ri'pa, a. suitable, proper; learned, wise; -vat, pp. act. (-i) obtained, incurred; -vikalpa, mn. alternative to what follows from a grammatical rule: -tmra, n. justiflableness of an alternative. TlTprftp-tavya, fp. to be met with or found; - obtained or acquired: -m-artha, m. nickname of a man who always answered inquiries as to his name with the words ' priptavyam artham labhate manushyah:' n. when used seith nhman., n. name. lIT[NI~ prftpta-srI, a. possessed of fortune; -Suirya, a. with dis, f. quarter possessing the sun, i. e. in which the sun is at the time. 'R'TfJ rtt aa-thabvn committed a fault; - artha, mn. attained object;. a. having acquired wealth.: -agrahana, nuot securing of advantages gained; Z~yvasara, m. suitable occasion or opportunity. lTfff- prqdftpti, f. advent, occurrence (of time); re~ach, range; arrival at (~O;power of obtaining anything one wants_ (one of the eight supernatural powers or siddhis); rescue from (ab.); attainment, acquisition, gain; occurrence; discovery, determination; obtainment., validity (of a rule); lot, fortune, luck; joyful event (dr.); conjecture based on the observation of a particular thing (dr.). iTffIf~ZI prftpta udaka, a. having obtained water. 1RTTITTT prftpti fsft, f. hope of obtaining one's object (dr)-. M IQ4 pralp-ya,fp. to be reached or obtained; attainable; suitable. T'W~ praibal-ya, n. predominance, ascendancy; validity, force (of a rule or argument). lITR ~Ipratbhaiigan-i, m. son of Wind, pat. of Hanumat. lIT;R{ff pr~bhavat-ya, n. power, authority. IPTTRT% prftbhftkara, m. follower of Prab'hblkara (founder of one of the sects of. the P~lrva MiMn'MS A school of philosopy;n the work of Prabhfikara. [ing. TR{Tff~fI~i prhbhat-ika, a. matutinal, mornlIT~ff pratbhrit-a, n. [relating to an offering: prabhriti], present, gift: -ka, n. id.; I-kri, make a present of. lITRTfVQ~i pra'man-ika, a. constituting or passing as a measure; based on evidence or authority, authoritative; considering demonstrable: -tva, n. authoritativeness, cogency. WIIT~T pramatn-ya, n. authoritativeness; authenticity; evidence. wTRTifqi pramatd-ika, a. due to carelessness, erroneous, faulty, wrong (reading etc.). lITT4Wf-P pramod-ika, a. charming. RTVT pra ayd, m. going forth (to battle); departure from life, seeking death by fasting; (what is prominent =) chief part, majority; — ~ a. r. after a N., having - for the chief part, chiefly consisting of; in which - predominates, abounding in; primarilymeant for; frequently applying or inflicting (punisshment); near, on the verge of (e.gq. accom-.plishment); like, resembling; 2. after an a. or pp., mostly; 3. after a pp., almost, so to speak: -m 'as, upia~s, upa-vis, upa IL, a'stha, saM-a-stha, or kri, renounce life, seek death, esp. by means of fasting in order to extort something; -m karaya, force any one (ac.) to resolve to die of starvation. lTU;RV, praayana, ni. entrance, commence~ment; course of life, career; departure from life, death; refuge: -m kri, seek death; -tas, ad. in the beginning; - anta, m. end of life: -in, till death; lc. at thre end of life. lITq-kT'TW pralyan-i'ya, a. introductory, initial; m. initiatory libation or first day of the Soasarfice:, f. initiatory sacrifice. lIT'q pratyat-ya, ni. ritual purity. lITZK1~74' pratya-darsana, si. frequent phenomenon; -vidhayin, a. resolved on dying of starvation. RqlkTWIE( praya-sas, ad. for the most part, mostly, generally, as a rule; in all probability. -R~V Trysktan [thought of death], atonement, expiation, penance; amends, satisfaction; -kitti, f. id.; a. expiating (Agni); -kittin, a. making atonement; -kittliya, i. den. A. be bound to perform penance; 2. a. serving as an atonement; bound to perform penance: -ta', f. liability to perform a penance; -ketana, n. expiation, atonement. lITT'4E~pra y-as, ad. [precedingly: V./i] for the most part, mostly, generally, as a rule; in all probability. MlTq ifiZE~ prat-yatn-ika, a. suitable orrequisite for a march or journey; -yitr-ika, a. id. lIT~TWTf pratyaus, m. great exertion. lITf'#4j praly-ika, a. common, usual; containing the greater part (but not everything): -tva, ni. abst. N. 1T?1fpra'yena. f - f'sIT pry-kikArsh.18 187 I T Q1 prftyena, in. ad. for the most part, mostly, generally, as a rule; in all probability. [ployed. IIT!!fWI prfiyoktra, a. (11) occasionally emVrMirf ipralyog-ika, a. applicable. IT~~Tpraiyog-ya, a. belonging to what is requisite. RtIPIIT prfty~jupagamana, n. going to death, starving oneself to death; -..~jpayogika, a. most usual;. upavishta, pp. sitting down to starve oneself to death; - upavesa, in.: -na, n. starvation by fasting; -_u~pavesin, a. sitting down to starve oneself to death. 1ThR~Tf'T~praiyo-bhftvin, a. occurring generally or regularly; -va'da, m. current saying, proverb. WRj1praJh-rambha, m. beginning of atask, undertaking, enterprise; commencement. 1 # prah-roha, m. shoot, sprout. 3I~pra artha, a. eager; m. equipment, implement. [in. wooer, suitor. 1ItT!4E pra arth-aka, a. soliciting; courting; '4 PIN1 prajartbana, n. solicitation, entreaty, prayer, request, desire, for (le. or ~O;petition, suit; supplication of any one(-) (more common), id. - bhafiga, m. refusal of a request, -abhiva, m. absence of a suit, -siddhi,f. fulfilment of a desire or request. 14TTV# pralrth-ani1ya,fp. to be wished or solicited; desirable; to be asked (person); -ayitavya, fp. desirable; -ayitri, mn. suitor, lover; -ita,_pp. requested, solicited; desired, sought, required; n. wish, desire: -durlabha, a. desired but hard to obtain; -in, a. wishing, desiring (-O); -ya, fp. desired of (in., y,);desirable; n. imps, one should request. IUTJM pr~`rpana, m. arouser, author (V.); -aFrpya, gd. having roused. TffRfI pra'lamba, a. hanging down, pendent; n. (?) garland hanging down fromn the neck. 3TTWW. r.prhleya, den.P.resemble snow, etc. R4q2. prftleya, n. (?) hail; snow; rime; dew: -bhfidhara, in. snow-mounitain, ep. of the HimAlaya; - rasmi, m. (cold-rayed), moon; -rokis, m. id.; -varsha, n. (?) fall of snow; -saila, m. snow-mountain, ep. of the, Himalaya; -y9~nsu, in. (cold-rayed), moon; - adri, in. snow-mountain, ep. of the HimAlaya.-.4Icq. pralvakfaua, a. usual while reciting Vedic texts; i-ka, a. id. TIT'qT prft-va'rana, n. covering; cloak, upper garment. I qT4r~ prft-varshin, a. beginning to rain. 31rrTq'1I prft-vftddu-ka, in. opponent (in a disputation). 3 I T 1 prai-vftra, in. cloak, upper garment; N. of a localit y; a. infesting clothes: -ka, M. cloak, upper garment, -kiltaka, in. clotheslouse. [garments. 1TTNTRII K pr -vfl'r-ika, m. maker of upper in qifOR~ prftva'l-ika, in. seller of coral. 3~f~pra avitri', in. protector of (g.); - av~', a. attentive, heedful, zealous. 3TMLW pralvin-ya, n. skilfulness, dexterity, proficiency, in (le. or I TRYir rivitkla, mn. rainy season: -vaha, a. flowing only during the rains (river). TfIK ' prftvrin-maya, a. (31) resembling the rainy season. 'R~f prft-vrita, pp. (V.vri) covered. etc.; n. cloak, upper garment; covering, wrapping. 'RTJ1prfi-vrfzsh, f. rainy season, rains (as a division of the calendar embracing the months Ashaldha and SrAvanawhich are the first half of the actual rains); -vrishi-ga, a. produced or occurring in the rainy season; -vrish-fna, a. belonging to or beginning the rainy season (day); -vrish-enya, a. referring or belonging to the rainy season. T pral-vepd, m. hanging fruit swaying on a tree. TrJu'fWi4i prft-ves-ika, a. (1) relating to entrance into the house or on the stoye; -vrggya, Si. life of a religious mendicant. Wff, pra fsa, in. eating, tasting; food; first feeding of a child with rice; a_~sana, n.id.; feeding: - arthiya, a. intended for food; - asauiya, fp. serving as food. ITT'kT;Ff prflsast-ya, n. praiseworthiness, pre-eminence, excellence. iRifT-4 prflsitrai, n. [belonging to the PrMsitri], portion of sacrificial ghee eaten by the Brahrnian pri es t: -hflrana, n. vessel for holding the PrAsitra. I[TZ5J Pra Assi, a. very swift or agile. irf~frWi p rfsn-ika, a. containing many questions; m. (inquirer), arbitrator, umpire. I(TTIO praasvamedha, m. preliminary horse sacrifice. [dart; N. TTR[ pra asa, mn throw, cast; sprinkling; -R'~Iipf~i prftsafhg-ika, a. ('i) derived from close connection or attachment, relevant; incidental, episodical; casual. WR~prfl-sa'h, a. mighty; f. might, force: in. forcibly; -saha, m. power, force: ab. forcibly. WrITTVI prfl-sftda, in. raised platform for sitting, terrace; top storey of a lofty building; edifice on high foundations, palace; temple, shrine: -gata, pp. gone to the fiat roof of the palace; -garbha, sn. inner apartment or sleeping chamber of a palace; -tala, is. flat roof of a palace; -prishtha, n. balcony on the top of a palace; -stha, a. standing on the top of the palace; Z_9gra, n. top of a palace. wrrfiprftsftd-ika, a. gracious; lovely. 'RT'IgffiT prftsfd-ikfltf. room on the roof of a house. RE~i~f pra asu.-ka, a. free from living creatures, clean. rTTRTTf'4i prft-stftv-ika, a. (i') introductory; -stha"n-ika, a. referring to a journey or to departure; suitable or favourable for departure; n. preparations for a journey. iufffW_' pra'sth-ika, a. holding or weighing a prastha. Iwr'ft~i prA-harika, m. probably= -ha'rika; -hrika, in. watchman, beadle. ITTWLT prahuna, m. [dialectical for pra Agh~rna], guest (i1, f.): -ka, m. id., i-kaf femnale guest.; i-ka, in. guest. RTITF pra abna, in. forenoon: la. in the forenoon. fgig priy-9, a. [Vpril] dear, b elove d, of (d., g., la., -0); favourite, cherished; pleasing, agreeable; dear, expensive (very rare); fond of, prone or attached to (ic. or.-O); '. of a. cpds. before a noun, fond of, devoted to; with, ab. dearer than; -in, ad. agreeably, kindly; in. gladly; in. friend; lover, husband; sonin-law; n. kindness, favour, pleasing or kind act; 'a, f. beloved, mistress, wife; female (of an animal). ftpriya-in-vada, a. speaking kindly, affable to (g. or -0); in. N.: a^, f. N.; -vadaka, in. N. ftTWE priya-ka, mn. kind of deer (with a very soft pile); hind of bird; a tree; -kara, a. pleasing, delightful; -karman, n. act of a lover; a. doing a service, kind; -kalaha, a. quarrelsome; -ra'ma, a. desirous of rendering a service to (y.); -kam-y', f. desire of doing any one (yg.) a service; -ka'ra, a. doing any one a service; karaka, a. causing pleasure; -aranta, n. occasion for kindness:ab in order to do one a kindness; -kr-in, a. (n-i') showing any one a kindness: (-i)_tva, is. abst. N.; -kcrit, a. doing a service. ENTi' priya-in-kara, a. a& i) doing a service or kindness to (g.); agreeable, delightful; n. N. of a Danava. fi. priydfigu, in.f. a creeper (said to blossom at the touch, of a woman); black mustard (Sinapis rainosa): -ama, f. N. of Naravdhana-datta's wife. f3rTrf~q#t1R"T priya-kikirshfltf. desire to do any one (g.) a kindness; -kikirshu, des. a. wishing to do a service to any one (g.); -gana, as. loved person (mole or female); -gani, mn. gallant, lover; -givita, a. to whom life is dear: -ta', f. attachment to life; (6a)-tama, spy, very dear; in. lover, spouse; -tara, cpu. dearer: -tva, n. being dearer to any one, (lc.) than (ab.); (&)-ta',f., -tva, n. popularity; affection; fondness or love for (-0); -darsa, a. pleasant to look at; -darsana, n. sight of a dear friend; a. having a pleasing aspect, good-looking, handsome,,to (y.); in. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas: &Jf N.; -darsin, in. (kindly-looking), e~p. of Asoka; -prasna, in. friendly inquiry (after any ones health, etc.); -pra'ya, a. exceedingly kind (speech); -bia'shana, n. kind words; -bhashin, a. speaking kind words; -bhoyana, a. fond of eating; -mandana, a. fonid of ornaments; (&)-medha, as. N. of a Ttishi; -vaktri, in. one who says pleasant things (in a good or a bad sense); flatterer: -tvra, n. kindly speech; -vakana, n. kind or ende~aring words; -vakas, n. id.; a. speaking kindly; -vasantaka, in. pleasant spring and dear Vasantaka; -vastu, n. favourite object or topic; -Vak-sahita, pp, accompanied by kind words; _Vakl,f. kind words; a. speaking kindly or affably; _Vada, as. kind words; vdia af. hind of musical instrument; -vad-in, a. speaking sweetly or kindly saying pleasant things; flattering; in. flatterer: (-i)-t&',f. pleasing speech; flattery; -vinakrita, pp. abandoned or deserted by one's beloved; (a)-vrata, a. baving desirable ordinances or loving obedience; as. N.; -sravas, a. fame-loving, ep. of Krishna; - aasaa a oiety of loved ones; -sakha, in. (i'.f.) dear friend; a. loving, one's firiends; -samgamana, n. meeting of beloved ones, N. of a place where Indras and Krishna are said to have met their parents Kasyapa and Aditi; -satya, a. pleasant as well as true; -samnpraha~ra, a. quarrelsome; -sihasa, a. B b2 188 fl.rlm priyakhya. i?'tr. praitos. addicted to indiscretions: -tva, n. abst. N.; -suhrid, m. dear friend; -sevaka, a. kind to one's servants; -hita,pp.pleasant as well as salutary; n. what is agreeable and beneficial. fiTl- priyaakhya, a. announcing good tidings; called pleasure; a-gana, m.pl. loved ones, mistresses; a atithi, a. fond of guests, hospitable; a jtman, a. of an agreeable nature, pleasant; aannatva, n. dearness of food; a priys, n. (sg., du., pi.) what is agreeable and disagreeable, pleasure and displeasure, likes and dislikes; a-mukhi-bhu, turn into the face of one's beloved; a arha, a. worthy of love or kindness. f3'TTTr priyhla, m. a tree (Buchanania latifolia), commonly called Piyal. fTTIfi f7t priya Llapin, a. speaking pleasantly, amiable; - astya-nati, f. N. f:iTrf', priyaeshin, a. desirous of pleasing (-~); -ukti,f. kind or friendly speech. f^ PRI, IX. pri-n, -n, -n, P, please, delight, gladden; show kindness to, oblige; propitiate; be pleased with, delight in (in., g., lc.); A. be glad, rejoice; ps. or IV. A. priyate (Epic also P.), be satisfied, gratified, or delighted with (in., ab., lc.; also g. of person); love (E.): pr. pt. priyamana, delighted; kind (speech); pp. prita, pleased, glad, delighted, gratified, satisfied (with, in., Ic., -0; also g, of person); beloved, dear to (g. or -~); kind (speech); cs. pri-n-aya, P. gladden, delight; propitiate; des. piprisha, P. (V.) wish to propitiate. abhi, pp. satisfied. a, satisfy, delight; propitiate; consecrate with (the Apri verses); A. be glad (V.): pp. glad; consecrated with the Apri verses. pari, pp. treated kindly; dear; greatly rejoiced. satm-prlyate,be pleased or delighted with (ab., Ic,): pp. glad; es. P, satisfy, gladden. lt pri, a. (only -~) kind; delighting in. 4thT' pri-n-ana, a. pleasing, soothing; n. delectation, satisfaction; means of satisfying etc. 1i 9 prin-naya, cs, of Vpri. WifTI prita-tara, cpv. more p'eased; -manas, a. delighted at heart; -atman, a. id. iTfn pri-ti, satisfaction, gratification, joy, delight, pleasure (in or at, lc. or -~); kindly feeling, favour; friendship, with (samami or -); affection, love, or fondness for (g., le., -~); Joy (personified, esp. as the daughter of Daksha and as one of the tives of Kdma): in. joyfully; in a friendly way; affectionately: -kara, a. giving satisfaction to, pleasing (-~); -karman, n. act of love, friendlyaction; -kita, N.of a village; -datta, pp. given through affection or love; -dana, n. gift of love; -daya, m. id.; -dhana, n. money given through friendship; -purvakam, ad. kindly, affectionately; -pramukha, a. kindly (speech); -mat, a. glad; satisfied; feeling love or friendship for (g. or Ic.); kind (word); -maya, a. produced by joy; -yug, a. beloved, dear; -rasayana, n. elixir of joy; -vakas, n. kind or friendly words; -vardhana, m. (increaser of joy), N. of the fourth month; -visrambha-bhagana, n. repository of affection and confidence; -samgati,f. friendly alliance with (in.). A f PRU, I. A. prava, spring up; cs. pravaya, P. reach to (ac.). ud, spring out. vi, pp. -pruta, cast away. ]74 PRUTH, I. P. pr6tha, snort (of 3 \ horses); cs. prothaya, employ force. apa, blow away. pra, snort aloud; inflate. I PRUSH, V. prushn6ti, prushnut6, 0 \ sprinkle; besprinkle: pp. prushita, besprinkled, moistened. abhi,V. A. besprinkle. vi-prushya, IV. P. squirt out. IRTrQprusha-ya, P.A. sprinkle; besprinkle. abhi, wet, moisten. a, besprinkle. TTi prush-va (or a), f. rime, ice. 3tMi praiksh-aka, a. (ika) looking on; looking at or intending to look at (ac.); considering, investigating, judging; m. spectator; -ana, n. viewing, looking at; looking on at a performance; view, look; eye; public show, spectacle: -ka, a. looking on; a. spectator; n. spectacle, show; comedy (opp. reality); -aniya, fp. to be seen, visible, to (in.); to look at, looking like (-~); worthy to be seen by (-~); beautiful to look at: -ka, n. show, spectacle, -tara, cpv. more beautiful to look at, -tg,f. fitness to be seen, TtlT praiksh-, f. seeing, viewing; looking on at a performance or entertainment; appearance; good looks, beauty; public spectacle, show; being regarded as or taken to mean (-~); reflexion, deliberation; understanding: -agara, m. n., -griha, n. playhouse, theatre; -purva, ~- or -m, ad. with deliberation; -prapa/ika, nm. stage-play; -vat, a. circumspect, deliberate; -vidhi, m. stage-play; rsamaga, m. du. public shows and assemblies. tf'W praiksh-ita, pp. viewed, beheld, looked at, etc.; n. glance, look; -i-tavya, fp. to be seen or beheld; -i-tri, m. spectator; -in, a. beholding, looking on or towards; watching for; having a glance like (-~, e. g. a deer); pya, fp. to be seen, visible; to be looked at or regarded; worthy to be seen, by (-). w.' preikh-A, a, rocking, swaying, pitching; m., a, f. swing; -ana, n. moving towards (-~); n. swinging; kind of minor play in one act. Tt|f prefkhola, I. den. P. swing, oscillate; 2. a. swinging, oscillating, dancing; m. blowing (of the wind); swing: -na, n. swinging, rocking; swing: b,f. blowing (of the wind); -ya, den. pp. ita, swung, rocked, oscillating. TIT praita, pp. gone forward, i. e. departed, dead; m. dead man, corpse; ghost, spirit: -karman, n. funeral ceremony; -karya, -kritya, n. id.; -gata, pp. gone to the departed, dead; -gopa, am. guardian of the dead (in Yama's realm); -k^rin, a. moving among the dead (Siva); -tva, n. condition of a dead man, death; condition of a ghost; -dhima, m. smoke from a burning corpse; -natha, i. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama; -paksha: -ka, m. fortnight of the Manes, dark fortnight in the month Bhddra; -pataka, f. funeral flag; -pati, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yamna: -pataha, m. drum of death (fig.); -pinda-bhug, a. partaking of the funeral feast; -pitri, a. whose father is dead; -pur, f. city of the dead, Yama's abode; -prasadhana, n. adornment of the dead; -bhava, an. condition of one dead, death; -medha, nm. funeral sacrifice; -raga, m. King of the dead, ep. qf Yama; -loka, tm. world of the dead; -vasa, mn. power of the dead; -sila,f. stone of the dead (a stone near Gayd on which funeral cakes are offered); -suddhi, f., -sauka, n. purification for the dead or after a death; -samnklipta, pp. prepared in honour of a dead person (food); -sparsin, m. corpse-bearer; -hara, m. id. '1RTf'.t pretaadhipa, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama: -nagari, f. city of Yama; - adhipati, m. Lord of the dead or the Manes; -anna, n. food offered to the Manes; - vasa, mn. burial-place; - asthi, n. bone of a dead man. rfrf pra'iti, f. departure, flight. [1il[ pretajsa, m. Lord of the dead, ep. of Yama; - isvara, m. id. 1T praitya, gd. after dying, i.e. in the other world (opp. iha): -gati, f. position in the next world; -bhag, a. enjoying the fruits of anything after death; -bhava, m. condition atter death, future life: i-ka, a. relating to the condition after death. 'iq; prai-tvan, a. (r-i) wandering at large; m, ep. of Indra, 3ifT prajpsa,f. wish to obtain; desire; assumption, supposition;:-_psu, des. a. wishing to obtain, seeking, longing for, aiming at; assuming, supposing. piW prema, -o = preman: a, f. id. Ri[ pre-man, [Vpri] m. n. love, affection; tenderness, kindness, favour; predilection, fancy; fondness for (lc. or -~); n. jest, fun, sport; N. #RI4WET prema-bandha, m, bond of love, affection: -na, n. id,; -bhava, m. affection; -rasi-bhfu, become a heap of affection, become intense (love); -vat, a. (-4) loving, affectionate; -visv^sa-bhuiuni, f. object of love and confidence, RThliT premagkara, m, wealth of love; a-bandha, as, bond of love, affection. ~i pre-yas, cpv. (of priya) dearer, more agreeable, etc.; m. lover; n. flattery (rh.): -i, f. mistress, wife; -ta,f., -tva, n. being dearer, greater dearness. i[TRi prair-aka, a. urging, impelling; m. stimulator, instigator;.ana, n. (also a, f.) stimulation, instigation, incitement, to (prati); activity, action; -aniya,fp, to be urged, to (d.); -ita, pp. urged, instigated, etc.; sent, despatched; -itri, m. instigator, inciter. f1T pra ishana, n. despatching (a messenger), to any one (prati); sending on a mission, charge, commission, order; rendering of a service: -krit, a. executing an order or commission,,adlyaksha, w. head of the executive. rf'W pra sh-ita, pp. sent, despatched on an errand; -itavya,fp: n. impl. one should call upon. TtU pre-shtha, spv. (ofpriya) dearest, most beloved; m. lover, husband: a, f. mistress, wife, j1a5 praishya,fp.to be sent or despatched; m. servant, menial; n. servitude; behest, command: '-kara, a. performing the behests of (g.); -gana, m. domestics, household; servant; -tA,f., -tva, n. servitude, bondage, to (-_); -bhava, m. condition of a servant, servitude,bondage; -vadhbu,f. handmaid; -varga, m. body of servants, retinue. UlTT preshya,f. handmaid: -tva, n. condition of a handmaid. f' praihi, 2 sg. imps'. /i, depart. [t'id' praetos, g. inf. of Vi (Br.). 3jkq~rq -praiyarnedha. w ps-ur-as.18 189 R-qi['g praiyamedha, m. pat. descendant of Priyameclha. IIK~t~i praiya-rtipa-ka, m. pleasant appearance. U praesha, m. order, command; invitation (esp. ritual), to (0:-kara, -krit, a. performing behests; m. servant. 'RI praish-ya', a. menial (w. gana, m. servant); m. servant, menial (a', f.); n. servitue gana, m. coll. servants, train; bh va, m. condition of a servant, servitude. IJpro, V. pra+u (not liable to euphonic combination). Ii~praulita, pp. (Vvak) declared, etc.: -krin, a. doing what he is told. *91T pra'ukshana, n. besprinkling with water; consecration by s Crinkling; vessel for holy water: 3i,f.p I. water for sprinkling, holy water (containing grains of rice anod barley); sg. vessel for holy water:iynsg & l holy water. 1italn praukkzanda, a. extremely violent or powerful_;..ukhcatan^, f, scaring away; -jjlkais, in. ad. exceedingly loud; in a very high degree; - ugghitum, inf. (Vuggh) to escape, evade; -, uhhana, n. wiping away or off; Z-uta, pp. ( Vva, weave),Iwov en, sewn, etc.; -utkata, a. very great: -bhritya, m. high official; - utkantha, a. stretching out the neck far; at the top of one's voice (shout etc.); - utkrushta, (pp.) n. loud noise, uproar;._utta~na, a. far-extended;-ittkla, a. very loud; - uttufiga, a. very haig; Ut phulla, a. fnll-.blown,fully expanded (flower); wide open (eyes); - utsArita, cs. p~p. (Vsri) relinquished, given up, etc~; utsaiha, m. great exertion; -uts~liana, n. instigation, stimulation.. invitation, to(C) PtqPROTH, I. -P. A". protha, be a match N\ for any. one (d., g.); P. be fell. lf' proth-a, n. (?) nostrils. (of a horse); snout (of a boar); buttocks (of a man). ~ipraudaka, a. dripping, wvet; from which the water has run off; - udakil-bhava, m. dripping off of water; Udgarin, a. giving forth (-0); Zu~dghushta, -Pp. resonant, resounding;.tudghoshana&, f. proclaiming aloud; -iuddanda, a. prominent, swollen; -_udda~ma, a. extraordinary, prodigious; _uddipta, pp. blazing;..udh~ iA, p n correct for - uddhrishita (pp. V/hrish); - udbodha, m. awaking, appearance; awakening (tr.); ~nrnAthin, a. destroying(0). nunavishu, des. a. wishing to cover or conceal; u-shita, pp. Vvas, dwell: -bhartrika^, a.f. whose husband is away from home-. proshtha, m. [pma ava-stha, standing out below], bench, stool: pl. N. of a people: e-saya, a. lying on a couch. pra ushna, a. burning hot. If pra fdha, pp. (,,/vah) full grown, fully developed; mature, middle-aged (woman); luxuriant (of plants.); large, great; strong, impetuous, violent; thick, dense; full of (0'); self-confident, bold, saucy, pert (esp. of girls): -tva, n. boldness, pertness; -pa'da, a. having the feet raised (i. e. resting on a bench); -pushpa, a. having full-blown flowers; -yauvana, a. being in the prime of youth; -va~da, m. bold or arrogant assertion; -svaram, ad. with a loud voice; - aiigana, f. bold woman; - fikUra, m. bold or unconstrained behaviour (.pl.). 3 ~~pra MMdh, f. growth, increase; ma- whelm; leap towards: pp. gone to (w. act. or turity, perfection; self-confidence, boldness, ps. mg.); overwhelmed by (in. or -0): raassurance. gasa -,:menstruating. sam-abhi, wash; overwhelm: _pp. overwhelmed by (in.); iJ praudhi-bhfi, grow up; reach ma- eclipsed (moon); ragasi -, = menstruating. turity. ava, submerge; leap down, from (ab.); hasten away, from (ab.). 'a, bathe, perform ablu[IuIpraudhaukti, f. bold assertion. tions; wash (tr.); overflow,inundate; immerse oneself in water (ac.); leap up to, upon, or ft ql praushtha-pada, a. (I') relating to over (ac.); spring down from (ab.): pp.having the lunar mansion Proshthapada; in. a month bahd aigpromdarta buin (=Badaad) &..acrandul (avabhrita, — O); overflowed or covered with lunar mansion; 'I, f. day of full moon in the (in.); overwhelmed with or by (in. or -) month Praushthapada. cs. bathe, wash (tr.); besprinkle, inundate,;M plaksha, m. wavy-leaved fig-tree (Fi- deluge; immerse. upa-n", swim upto (ac.). cus infectoria) -(a)-prasravana, -riga, mn. sam-A, bathe (tr. & int.); inundate; suffuse. N. of a locality where the,Sarasvati rises; ud, swim upwards, emerge; rise (of clouds); -sravana, is. ~id. leap up, from (ab.); jump out of (ab.); leap /l lv6 laig over (ac.); fly up into the air (ac.). upa, pa -, a.EVPlul swimming, fotn; swim on the surface, float; sail or be wafted inclined or sloping, towards ( O); transient; towards (ac.); inundate, submerge; "clipse in. n. boat, skiff; mn. kind of duck (K~ran- (moon); fall from (ab.), upon (lc.): _pp. asdava); swimming; bathing; overflowing of sailed, beset, overwhelmed; eclipsed; suffused a river, flood; leaping, bound: -ga, in. (eye); troubled, distressed. upa-ni, come (moving by leaps), frog; monkey: -_indra, near resemble. pari, swim about; bathe mn. Lord of the Monkeys, ep. of Hanumat. (mnt.); inundate, deluge; water; cover with; ~ plva-mga,. mvingby lapsep. assail, overwhelm; fluctuate; wander about, offire; in. monkey, ape; -gama, m. frog; be scattered: pp. bathed,watered,overwhelmofe mke.ed etc., with (in. or — ). abhi-pari, pp. ape mnky.covered, filled, overwhelmed with (in. or -) W4V plav-ana, a. inclined or sloping to- vi, float asunder, driftb about, be dispersed; wards (-9); is. swimming; bathing, in (-0); be thrown into confusion; go astray, hemmied flying; leaping, over (-0); trotting (of horses), or lost: pp. disordered, gone astray; vicious, glf-g? plva-atad. as with a boat; a. immoral; committing adultery with- (saha); possssin a bat.ruined; confused (speech); dimmed (eye); possssin a bat.troubled (voice); agitated; broken, violated gf" plav-ita, (pp.) n. swimming or leap- (vow); cs. cause to swim or float; make ing,; -itri, m. one who leaps (with g. of known, divulge; ruin, destroy; confuse, condistance). found (-plavaya,on account of mnetre). sam, flow together, meet (waters); be massed to-;RT'q pl'aksha, a. relating or belonging to gether (clouds); founder '(ship); fluctuate, the wavy-leaved fig-tree (Ficus infectoria). waver (mimd): pp. flowed together; having gT'ff plflta, m. pat. son of Plati.. bathed in ();overflowed, covered, or filled, A with (in. or.0); cs. cause to flow together; 9TqT pla aya, L.A, (= pra aya) go away(V) inundate. abhi-sam, bathe (mnt.); overW~ p~v-, m.[Vpu] lowig oer; spread, overflow: pp. covered or filled with 9T'qplav-a in EV11-1; fowig oer; (in. or leaping,; -ana, n. ablution, bathing; filling to overflowing (f or the puri/l cation of fluids); Tf plu-ta, pp..; ns. leap, bound: -gati, f protracted pronunciation of a vowel; -ayi- moving by leaps. tri, mn. ferryman; -ita, cs. pp..V/plu; n. in- Rff plu-ti, f. overflowing, inundation, undation, deluge; -in, a. spreading, divu.9 g- t ing (-O); flowing from (-0); -ya, fp. to be 'flood; protracted pronunciation of a vowel, immersed in (in.). prolation; leap,, bound..;RTf'_T plfslsf, m. sg. & pl.- one of the intestines. PLUSH, I. P. Plosha, ps. plushyate, \~Nburn, be scorched or singed: pp. plush-;JT3Jqi pla'su-ka, a. [=pra asu-ka]' rapidly ta, burned, scorched; frozen. ', pp. slightly growng p aginscorched. nis (nish-), pp,. burnt. vi, pp. f ~plih-an, m. spleen. scorched, burnt.;RN plih-6n, n. id.; disease of the spleen. plefmkhas, mn. swing.. gJT pliih-ft, f. spleen: - udara, n. disease Flf plota, mn. or ns. cloth, bandage, rag. of the spleen;..udarin, a.. suffering from disease of the spleen.;h' plosh-a, m. burning, combustion, conA ~~flagration; -ana, a. burning, scorching(0) PLUT, I. A'. pi~va (rarely' P.), float,. -in, a. id. (-0); M. scorcher (-0). swim; bathe; sail, navigate; cross in a psr,' hae(nasraadsa boat to (ac.); sway to and fro, hover, fly; 13paa 9 hm i -sr n a blow (wind); fly away (of tine); be pro- psarfi). lated (vowel)~; skip, leap, from (ab.), to, WTU i. psaras, n. id. (in a-psards). into, upon, over (ac.):. pp. pluta, swimming, floating (in or on, lc.); bathed, overflowed, tk", 2. ps-ar-as [bh~as-ar-as], is. feast, covered or filled, with (in. or 0'); prolated enjoyment. to three morce (ivewel); flown., to P~); A leaped, leaping; cs alvaya, P. (metrical ICR PSA, II. P. psa-ti [bh(a)s-ft], chew; also A.) cause to swim or float; bathe, wash; consume, devour: pp. psAta. sam, flood, inundate, submerge; overwhelm (i.e. chew or bite to pieces. present in abundance) with (in.); wash away, i.psu'[bh(a)s-u],-vict-uals (only in a'-psu). remove (gui lt etc.); purify; prolate (a vowel1): p.pavia intv. poplf~yate, swim about. 11 2.psu [bh(a)s-u], appearance (only.) anu, follow (tr. & int.); be addicted to (cc.). abhi, sail or betake oneself to (ac.); over- 'i:.p-ras[hasu-s], is. crop. 190 1901M phakk. %-i~ phe-rava. APH. 1~PHAKK, I. P. phakka, swell (very '-rare). cI"O~T phakkikfi,f. provisional statement, thesis to be proved; T. of a commentary. tlgi phdt,V 0.crack! also a mystical syllable.. ~ICT phattA, f. hood of a serpent.: - topa, m. expansion of a serpent's hood.L h'M~1 PHAN, I. P. ph-iua, move (int..); cs. \ pha'naya, P. cause to bound; draw off, skim; intv. only pr-pt. pamphanat, bounding. 'a, intv. only pt. &-piniphanat, id. '%WI phan-6, m. froth (V.); stick shaped like a serpent's hood; m. nostril.; hood of a serpent (ordinarymy.): -dharal, mn. hooded serpent; snake. -dhara, m. ep. of Siva; -bhrit, m. (hooded) snake; -vat, a. hooded (serpent);- m. hooded snake; serpent. qil!T phan-a', f. nostril; hood of a serpent: -bhrit, a. hooded (serpent); -vat, m. hooded snake; kind of genius. Wf~T phan-if, m. serpent (only g. pl.): -kauya,.f. serpent maiden; -in, m. hooded snake; serpent; ep. of, Ribu. and of Pataiigali. 'IfTrWRIT'~ phani-nqayka, m. chief of the serpents, ep. of Visuki; -pati, m. chief of snakes, gigantic serpent; lord of serpents, ep. of Sesha; ep. of Patafigali; -bha~shita-bha^shya abdhi or -bha~shy~a~bdhi, m. ocean of comments uttered by Pataffqali (designation of Pataitgali's Mahhbhhshya); -bhugq, m. (serpent-eater), peacock; -mukha, n. snakeface, a kind of burglar's implement; -lata^, -vlI, -vallika, -virudh,f. betel pepper. tIIT'lIW phaniincra, m. Lord of serpents, ep. of Sesba andof Pataggali; 'jsa,..Isvara, M. ep. of Pataizigali. [phar-at ', scatter. ITTPHAR [= SPHAR], only intv. pharA A* T phar-phar-ftya, intv. A. dart about..T. PHAL, I. P. phala, burst, lie WN broken or rent; rebound; be reflected. ud, spring up; break forth; cs. -ph1ayal P open wide (the eyes). prati, rebound; be reflected. vi, burst asunder-, be rent. 2.PHAL, I. P. (A.) phala, bear or N~ yield fruit;;ripen; produce consequences; he fulfilled; result; obtain fruit or reward; yield (fruit;- ac., rarelyin.); fulfil (Wishes): pp. phalita, bearing fruit, fruitful; having bornefruit; successful; fulfilled (wishes); fully matured; following as a result; a. imps. fruit has been borne by (in.). vi, bear fruit. qW phdl-a, n. (-o a. 'aor I) ri (esp. of a tree); kernel of afruit (rare); fruit = consequence, effect, result; reward, recompense, advantage; retribution, punishment, loss, disadvantage; gain, enjoyment; compensation; result of a calculation, product, quotient etc. (ia mathematics); interest (on capital); gaming-board; blade; arrow-head. '% q phala-ka, -- a. (ik&a) success, advantage, gain; a. board, plank; slab, tablet (for writing or painting on); gaming-board; base, pedestal; wooden bench; fiat surface (often -0 w.ftat parts of the body, esp. bones); palm of the hand; arrow-head; shield; bast (as a material for clothes); core of the lotus flower; -k~iiikshin, a. desirous of a reward; -ka'ma, m. desire of a reward; -kosa, m. (sg. & du.) scrotum.; -khandaua, a. disappointment as to fruit or reward; -graha, a. deriving advantage from anything; m. obtain ment of an advantage; -gr~hi, a. fruitful; -tantra, a. having advantage only as one's standard, inspired by interested motives only; -tas, ad. with regard to the reward; -ta',f. condition of a fruit; -da, a. -fruit-bearing, productive; advantageous, profitable; rewarding., with (g. or-0); -dharman, a. having the nature of a fruit (i. e. rapidly ripening and,decaying); -uishpatti,f. production of fruit, appearance of consequences; -parivritti, f. productive harvest; -pa~ka, m. ripening of fruits; appearance of consequences: -nishtha., - auto., i. f. perishing after the ripening of the fruit; -pa'dapa, m.. fruit-tree; -Pura, n. N. of a town; -pushpa upasobhita, pp. adorned with fruits and flowers; -pripti,f. success; -bandhin, a. bearing fruit; -bhaksha, a. living on flrnit: -t&'f. subsistence on fruit; -bhga, mparticipation in the res.uit or advantage; -bhagin, a. partaking of the reward; -bh'g, a. id.; -bhug, m. (fruit-eating), monkey; -bhfiti, in. N..of a Brahnman; -bhiun f.place of reward or retribution; -b Uiyas-tva, a. greater reward; -bhrit, a. fruit-bearing; -bhogya, a. of which the usufruct may be enjoyed (pledge); -maya, a. consisting of fruit; _Mula-maya, a. formed of fruits and roots; -midla asana, a. feeding on fruits and roots; -mfluin, a. having esculent roots and fruits (ptant); -yukta, pp. joined with a reward; -yoga, m. remuneration, wages; -vat, a. fruitful, laden with fruit; successful; profitable: ta f, -tva, n. advantageousness; -vikrayini'f. female fruit-seller; -J41in, a. producing a reward; experi-,encing or participating in the consequences; -samyukta, pp.joined with a reward; -samyoga, mn. connexion with a reward; -sahasra, it. a thousand fruits; -sdhaua, at. production of a consequence, realization of an object; -siddhi,f. success. W~q phala-ha-ka,m.board, plank; -hlina, pp. destitute of fruit and paying no wages. WiT7TI phala Agama, m. advent of fruit, i. e. time when the fruit is ripe, autumn; -Adhya, a. rich in (= thickly bestrewn with) fruit; - anubaudha, mn. consequences of(O) AW[TW[ phalft-ya, den. X. be the reward or consequence of (02). AI~-i~bl rbn a. desirous of fruits; - asin, a. subsisting on fruit;;.h~ra, a. id. fruit should be borne by, (in.); -in, a. bearing or yielding fruit, fruitful; reaping advantage (V.); iron-headed (arrow); mn. fruit — tree: -i, f. a. plant. 1Z5i73l phalli-kdrana, n. cleansing of grain; m. pl. chaff (qf rice) or smallest grains (according to commentator); -kri, cleanse.grain from chaff; -bhu, obtain a reward. qk fq phale-grahi, a. bearing fruit; successful. [absence of fruit. qI*W7 phala itara, a. (?) no fl-nit: -ta',f qW ( 'T phala utprekshft, f. a kind of simile; - uidayal m. appearance of consequences, retribution, recompense, punishment, for (g., le., -O); attainment of success; -udgaina, m. development of fruit;..udbhava, a. obtained from fruit; - unmukha, a. on the point of yielding fruit;._upaganma, a. fruit-bearing; - ~aivin, a. living by the sale of fruit;.~~pabhoga, m. enjoyment of the fruit, participation in the consequences or reward of anything. ~Jphalgil, (ft, U", or v-i') reddish (V.); pithless, feeble; insignificant, worthless, vain; minute, tiny: -t&a, f. insignificance; worthlessuess, vanity. 41jnjf phailgnina, a. (i) reddish, red: i, f. N. of a double lunar mansion (pftrv6, and uttarh); a-kra, m. N. of a people (p1.); N. it~IlTT~f phalgd-pradsaha, a. having little strength. XrfTW' phftnita, cs. pp. (v'phan) m.n. thickenedl juice of the sugar-cane, syrup. q~TW pha'nta [pha'n(i)ta]., a. obtained by filtered infusion; m. filtered infusion ofpounded drugs with four parts of hot n'ater; n. first particles of butter obtained by churning. X5(W ph'al-a, m. [render], ploughshare; kind ofshiovel; m-n. tuft, nosegay; m. leap; core of a citron: -krishta, pp. ploughed; growing on ploughed land; a. (?) ploughed land; in. produceofploughed land; ^hata, pp. ploughed. X5RIi phftlgund, a. (I") belonging to the lunar mansion Phalguni; m. month of which the full snoon is in the asterismn Phalguni (Fehruary-March); ep. of Arguh'a; n. kind of grass used as a substitute for the Soma plant; N. of a place of pilgrimage: 3i, f. day of full inoon in the month Phalguna; the asterism Phalgunt. ft~~phit-sftra, n. the Phit-sfltras, T. Of a grammatical work. f-%Tphirafsg-a~abelongingtothe Franks, European; m. Europe; -in, mi. European. 1XiZ phuta, n. (?) hood of a serpent: A topa, 'sm. expansion of a serpent's hood. qffphut, onomatopoeic sj. always with kri, puff, blow; shriek, yell: -kra, nas. puffing;. blowing, hissing; shriek, yell; -krita, (.pp.) a. sound of wind instruments; shriek, yell; -kriti, f. blowing, hissing; blowing of a wind instrument. T9 PHULL, I. P. phuula, expand, bloom'. qW phulla, pp. (v,/in. phal) expanded, "ablown (fower); wide open, dilated (eyes); puffed, inflated (cheeks); beamning,, smiling (face): -na, a. inflating (-O); -pura, a. N. of a city; - utpaia, a. (having blooming lotuses), N. of a lake. 1fiff phflt, onomatopoeic s=phut.,W; pheilga-ka, mn. a bird. 4-~H' phet-khra, mn. howl, yell. qi phena, incorrect for phena. phenta: -ka, mn. a bird. WWTK phet-kflra, mn. howl, yell; -krita, n. id.; -kairin, a. howling, yelling. '~~phe'na, mn.(n.1) foam, froth; moisture of the l ips; a. cuttle-fish bone: -ka, in. groundrice soup; -g-ir, mn. N. of a mountain at the mouth ofthelndus; -dharman, a. having the nature of foam, transient; -pa, a. froth-drinking, living on froth; -vat, a. frothy, foamy. qv[Wrq phena'-ya, den. A. foam. T~phens~a ata, a. s Lbsisting on froth. ifiiphen-ila, a. foaming, frothy, with m. a tree. [in. jackal. phe —rava, mn. jackal; ra'kshasa; -ru, - bamh. Ad bandh. 191 B. f BAMH, g BAH, pp. badha, q. v.; cs. bamhaya, A. strengthen, increase. ava, pp. iavabadha, disclosed. ni, pp. nibalha, covered up, buried. sam, cs. P. strengthen, increase. iWf bdsmh-ishtha, spv. (ofbahula) strongest,most secure; verypowerful or deep(tone); very stout or fat; -iyas, cpv. (of bahula) more numerous or extensive, etc.;iiR baka, m. a kind of heron (Ardea nivea: regarded as a type of circumspection as well as roguery and hypocrisy); rogue, cheat; hypocrite; N.: -kakkha, m. Heron-bank, N. of a locality; -mfurkha, m. fool of a heron. 1RiqliT4 baka-baka-ya, den. A. croak. qfiif'l baka-ripu, m. foe of Baka (a Rdkshasa conquered by him), ep. of Bhimasena; -vati, f. N. of a river; -vritti, a. behaving like the heron, hypocritical; m. hypocrite; -vrata, n. action of a heron: -kara, a. acting like a heron, hypocritical; -vratika, a. hypocritical; -vratin, a. id.; -sahavasin, m. fellow-lodger of the heron= lotus; -ari m. foe of Baka (an Asura), ep. of Krishna; - lina, pp. lurking like a heron. '4T bakula, m. a tree (Mlimusops Elengi: said to blossom on being sprinkled with oine from the mouth of young woomen); n. Bakula flower: -mala, f. N.; - avalika, f. N. 'fl bakaisa, m. N. of a shrine erected by 1tZi' bakota, m. kind of heron. [Baka. WZ bat, ad. (V.) truly. 1Z batu, m. boy, lad, sp. of the Brdhman caste; fellow (used contemptuously of adults): -ka, m. id.: -ntha, m. N. of a pupil of Samkardkdrya. 4T bada, Vi5T bald, ad. (V.) = bt. WT1T badaha, m. N. of a prince. 4t bandd, a. mutilated (hands, feet, tail), maimed. r? I. bata, ij. (of astonishment or regret), ah! alas! (following the idea producing the emotion at the beginning of a sentence; in C. often in the middle of a sentence); ba-, taare, id.; aho bata and ayi bata, id. (C. at the beginning of a sentence). I 2. bata, m. weakling (RV.1). '!t badara, n. the esculent fruit of the jujube tree (Zizyphus Jvzjuba): i-ka,f. jujube; i,f. jujube tree (Zizyphus Jujuba); N. of a source of the Ganges and of a hermitage of Nara and Ndrdyana situated near it; i-tapovana, n. penance grove at Badari; i-phala, n. fruit of the jujube tree. W' baddha, pp. (V/bandh) bound, etc.: -ka, m. prisoner (V.); -kadambaka, a. forming groups; -kalapin, a. having his quiver tied on; -graha, a. insisting on something; -kitta, a. having one's thoughts fixed on (lc.); -trishna, a. longing for (_-); -drishti, a. having one's gaze fixed on (Ic.); -dvesha, a. entertaining hatredfor any one; -niskaya, a. firmly resolved; -netra, a. having the eyes fixed on anything, gazing steadfastly; -pratigna, a. having made a promise; -pratisrut, a. echoing; -bhava, m. having the affections fixed on, enamoured of (lc.); -bhima andhakara, a. wrapped in terrible gloom; -mandala, a. having circles formed, ranged in circles; -mushti, a. having the fist clenched; close-fisted; -mila, a. having taken root, firmly rooted; having gained a firm footing: -ta,f. firm footing; -mauna, a. observing silence; -rabhasa, a. impetuous. passionate; -raga, a. having one's desire fixed on, enamoured of (Ic.); -ragga, a. having gained the sovereignty, having succeeded to the throne; -laksha, a. having the gaze fixed on, gazing steadfastly at (-~); -vasati, a. having one's abode fixed in, dwelling in (Il.); -vak, a. obstructing speech; -vepathu, a. trembling; -vaira, a. having contracted hostility with (in. or -~); -sikha, a. having one's hair tied in a top-knot; -srotra-manaskakslus, a. having ears, mind, and eyes fixed on (Ic.); -sneha, a. entertaining affection for (Ic.); -spriha, a. feeling a longing for (-~); - awgali, a. holding one's hands joined together (in supplication or as a mark of respect); -adara, a. attaching great value to (-~); - &nanda, a. having joy attaching to it, joyful (day); - anuraga, a. conceiving an attachment, enamoured;. - anusaya, a. conceiving an unconquerable hatred; -_andhakara, a. wrapped in darkness; -_vasthiti, a. constant; -asa, a. entertaining hope of (-~); - asaiika, a. conceiving anxiety; - utsava, a. entering upon a festival; -_udyama, a. making efforts or prepared to (insf.). W badva, (m.) n. host (designating a very high ummber). 14 BADH = Yq VADH. Vf.i badh-ird, a. deaf: -ta, f.. deafness. If-4lf badhira-ya, den. P. deafen: pp. ita, deafened. [f-NP i badhiri-kri, make deaf, deafen. EfS-E bandi-graha, m. taking prisoner, capture; -graha, m. burglar. f '?q. band-in, m. i. prisoner, slave; 2. bardof a prince; panegyrist (-i-ta,f. abst. N.). lf 3'1i bandi-putra, m. son of a bard, panegyrist; -stri, f. female panegyrist; -sthita, pp. imprisoned. '~it bandi, f. prisoner (male orfemale); prey; -krita, pp. taken prisoner; m. prisoner, captive; seized, overpowered. 'Ti[ BANDH, IX. badhna,badhni, bind, tie, fasten; fix, attach; fetter; snare, catch, capture; captivate; punish, chastise; bind= sacrifice (a,victim) to (d.); put or fasten on oneself, gird on (i., V.; P., C.); put together, join; clench (the fist), fold the hands (aigalim, afigali-putam); set up (limit); construct (a bridge or dam); bridge over ( + setuna); dam, embank (river); close; check, hold back, restrain; rivet, fix (eyes, ears,. mind) on (lc. or inf.); compose (verses, a poem); arrange, assume (a posture); take up (one's abode); produce, make; bear (fruit), strike (roots); manifest, conceive, entertain, have, conclude (friendship), contract (hostility); ps. badhyate, be bound; be caught; be bound by thefetters of existence or of evil; bebound = affected by, experience, suffer: pp. baddha, bound, fastened, fettered; caught; bound by the fetters of existence or evil; imprisoned, confined; tied up (braid of hair); combined, united, joined, studded or inlaid with, set in (in., _-); restrained; produced; cherished, entertained, conceived; manifested, visible; cs. bandhaya, P. cause to bind, capture, or imprison; - to be con structed; - embanked or dammed up. ann, tie or fasten on; fetter (also fig.); unite, combine; attach to one, attract (pupils); attach oneself to, follow closely, run after; attend (fig.); *resemble; produce, bring about; display, entertain, cherish, have (feelings, emotions, etc.); cohere; last, continue its effects; insist on anything; urge, importune; ps. result; be attached as an anubandha or indicatory letter (gr.): pp. bound, fastened; embraced; captivated (heart); connected with anything. api, put on oneself. abhi, ps. be fixed, become enduring. ava, tie on; A. fasten or put on oneself: pp. fastened, tied on, captivated (with, by, in. or -~); sticking fast, sticking in (-~); attached to some one (Ic.), anxious about something (Ic.). a, fasten, tie, or put on oneself (A.; E. also P.); unite, join, bring or put together, mass (clouds); hold fast (any one) by (in.); engage in (a conversation); gain afooting (padam), be lasting: pp. fixed (gaze or mind) on (-~); produced, displayed, formed; ~- = forming, exhibiting; sitting in (a circle). sam-a, put on oneself. ud, tie up (i.e. at the top of the head); tie up tight (neck); draw forth; check, suspend; A. - or P. + Atmanam or sariram, hang oneself: pp. suspended from, hanging to (Ic.); strangled; firm (calves etc.). sam-ud, tie fast. pra ud, pp. firm (calves). upa, bind (by the hands or feet); combine. ni, tie up, secure, to or in (Ic.), string on (Ic.); fasten or put on oneself; fetter (fig.), to (Ic.); catch; gain; join; clench (fist); stop up; erect; pitch (a camp); restrain, check, confine; place the foot (padam) on (Ic.)=undertake; fix or rivet on, direct towards (lc.); record, compose, edit; discuss (ps. be mentioned); display: with bhrukutlm, knit the brows, frown: pp. nibaddha, bound to (lc.), dependent on (in.); composed of, accompanied by, provided with (-~); obscured by, covered with (in.); enclosed or bordered with (stone), inlaid, studded, or adorned with (-~); formed or being upon or in, contained in, coming under (lc. or -0-); formed or consisting of (-~); connected with, relating to (Ic. or -~); erected, built; fixed or rivetted on (lc. or -~); employed, used (word, letter); forbidden. upa-ni, pp. attached to (-~); recorded, written down; composed, edited; discussed. vi-ni, fasten on both sides. sam-ni, pp. planted or dotted with trees (-~); attached to, dependent on (Ic.). nis, urge, importune: pp. nirbaddha, fixed on (lc.); pressed, importuned. pari, put on oneself; fasten,tie up; surround: pp. obstructed, checked; cs. encircle, clasp. pra, tie, fasten, bind: pp. chained to, dependent on (-); obstructed, checked. prati, tie or fasten, to (Ic. or 0); bind (ac.) one's (A.); set (a jewel) in (Ic.); connect, join; fix, direct; obstruct, bar; restrain any one; disclaim, repudiate: pp. fastened or attached to (-~); dependent on (-~); connected, joined, studded or provided, with (in. or -); harmonizing with (Ic.); fixed on or directed towards (-~ or upari); kept aloof from; complicated. vi, bind on different sides; unyoke; obstruct. sam, bind together, connect, attach; bring together, combine; ps. be united, adhere; be attached or belong to (in.); to be supplied in (lc.: gr.): pp. sambaddha, bound together; closed; connected, coherent; connected with (in. or-o); covered with (in.); filled with (-~); combined with, containing (0-); contracted, formed = present, existing; cs. cause to be bound, to (Ic.); 192 - gq bandh-a. Wgbalaksha. I insist on one's connecting with (in.). muusam, pp. combined or accompanied with (~) abhi-sam, connect with, mnean by; ps. be connected with (in.); pratyekam -, be connected or to be supplied with each. pratiSam, pp. connected. 'q bandhA4, m. tying, fastening, bandaging; catching, capturing; fettering; arrest; connexion with ( —P); intercourse with (-O); putting together, joining (the hands etc.); posture, position of the hands and feet; construction, building (of a bridge etc.); damming up (of a river); bridging; fixing on, directing towards (lo.);' assumption or *obtainment of a body(O) manifestation, display, or possession of ();bond, deposit, *pledge; muendane bondage (opp. final emancipation); bond, tie; band, fillet; bandage; fetter; sinew, tendon; receptacle; corubination of words or letters: -ka, m. binder (of animals); catcher (-0); rope, thong, fetter; part ( —0 with an ordinal, e.g. tenth); n. (?) pledging: 3i, f. unchaste woman; -karana, n. fettering or checkingt by magic; -kartri, m. binder, fettllerer, restrainer (Siva). ZWffbdndh-ana, a. (iL) binding, fettering; captivating; n. binding, tying, fastening; bandaging; tying on (of a girdle etc.); entwining,, clasping,; capture; confinement, imprisonment, captivity; construction (of a bridge etc.); embanking or damming -up (water); bridging over; connexion; fixing upon, directing towards (le.); checking, suppressing; inundanebondage (opp..ftnalliberation); bond, fetter; rope, cord, thong, halter, tether; fig. bond that which holds anything (g.) together; prison; sinew, muscle; embankment; stalk, stem (offlower orfruit): - a. hound to (le.), fettered by(-):-ka'r-in, a. (-O) fetter-ing, clasping (.i-~.abst. Nr.; -stha, a. being or living in confinement or captivity, imprisoned; m. captive, prisoner; - agara, mn. house of bondage, prison. W~f'iEi baudhan-ika, in. gaoler. '4ifIWV bandh-anilya, fp. to be taken prisoner; to be embanked. WM~T~ bandha-pftsd, in. fetter; -mokanik&^, -mokanii,f. (freeing from bonds), N. of a Yogini", Vg-4f baudh-ayitri, m. binader. 'gf vbaindb-in, a. (0') binding; catching; forming,producing; displaying, showing. -4M bdndh-u, in. connexion, relation; kinstip, kindred; (maternal) kinsman; relative; friend; husband; — s, relation of= extremely like; friend of= visited by orfavourable for; -oa. (it), coming under the head of, i. e. being only in nanse: -kritya, n. duty of a kinsman; business of a friend, friendly service; -ksit, a. dwelling among kinsmen (_R Vl1); -gana, m. kinsfolk; relative; friend; -gilva, m. (living in the family), a tree (Pentapetes phoenicea; it has a beautiful red flower which opens at noon and falls off next morning at sunrise): -ka, mn. id.; N. of a kalcravartin; (iit)-ta',f. connexion, relation; kinship; -tva, n. kinship, relationship; -datta, pp. given by relatives; in. N. of a 'man: Ayf. N.; -pala, in. N.; -prikhh, a. seeking one's kin (RV.'); -prabha, m. N. of a fairy; -priti, f. love of one's friend; -bha'va, m. relationship.?~ba/ndhu-mat, a. possessed of kinsfl; surrounded by kinsmen: 4I, f. N.;..mitra, in. N. Iq bandhu-ra, a. charming, lovely, beau-L tiful, handsome; inclined, bent; addicted: -'adorned with: -ggtri, a~f. ha'ving lovely or curved i. e. rounded limbs; -komaia afiguli, a. having rounded and delicate fin~gers (hand). [bent; curved. 9fibandhur-ita, (den.) pp. inclined, '4M bandliu-la, in. bastard. 14M'?( bandhu-vat, ad. like a relative (=mnn. or ac.); -varga, in. whole body of one'-s kinsmen; -hina, pp. destitute of kindred; friendless. -4M~I bandbi'-ka, in. a tree (Pentapetes phoenicea); n. its flower: -pushpa, n. fiower of the Bandhftka. ~ andhut-kri, make a friend of; bring inoconnexion with (-.0); -bhit, become a relative of= become like. ~'qW bandh-ya,fJp. deserving to be bound, fettered, or imprisoned; to be constructed; - stopped up (op. vandhya). '4WV1iTW bapyanilla, N. of a country. 14W~baps, v. Vbhas. [crackle (offire). '94'T bababft, onomatopoeic ij. with kri= '41K{f ba-bbas-a sn. devourer. -4fIX ba-bbr-1, a'. (V.) bearing (ac.); being carried; nourishing. -4 ba-bhr-u, a. (iit or i) r d sh b o n brown, tawny; having reddish-brown hair; mn. kind of large ichneumon; ep. of Krishna Vishnu, and Siva; N.; f. u, reddish-brown cow: (U)-loman', a. (mni') brown-haired; -va~hana, M. N. of a son of -Arguna. _q~kf bambhara ali, f. fly. 74,R barftsi'~, f. kind of garment.!T~ baru, m. N. of a Rishi. [kinds. qW~iMT barkara-karkara, a. (?) of all Tf bdrgaha, m. udder (R V.'). TW bar-bar-a, a. stammering; curly; m. non-Aryan, barbarian; low fellow, loon (vo. used as a term of contempt). [a knot. '4 bans, m. n. knot: -naddhi, f. tying of i. BARH, '94 VARH, VI. P. br-ihb,, Nvr-ih&, pull out (root): pp. bridha, vridha. A, pull or tear out or away; os. pp. a-varhita, uprooted. ud, pull out, draw' forth. sam-ud, draw out. ni, hurl down, dash to the ground; es. b~arhaya, P. id.; destroy, remove (sin). pra, tear off, out, or away, pluck out; destroy; A. draw to oneself; ps. break off (mnt.): pp. pra-vridha, torn off. vi, tear or break in pieces; tear away. Zg2. BARR, VI. P. -brihm&; of simple vb. `N only pr. p t. brih~t; es. brimhaya, P.A_. fatten; strengthen; increase, augment; promote: pp. vrimhita, increased by= endowed with. ati, os. pp. strengthened. abhi, cs. strengthen. upa, cs. P. id., increase: pp increasedby, provided, accompanied, oragreeing -with (in. or -0.); intv. barbrih, press vehemently or repeatedly. pari, P. A. surround; make strong: pp. -vridha, -bridha, firm, solid; cs. P. strengthen: pp. strengthened b~y = accompanied or provided with (in. or -O). vi, hug one another closely. Sam, join firmly; os. -barhaya, P. join or unite with (d.); -brimhaya, P. strengthen, encourage. 3. BARH,VI. P. briinha, roar, scream, Ntrumpet (of elephants): pp. brimhita, n. trumpeting of ass elephant. barh-a, m. n. [plucking], tail-feather; tail of a bird, esp. of a peacock; leaf; -ana, a. plucking out(O) dazzling the eyes (g.); n. plucking out ():-kakra, N. of a snountamn village. WPUT barb.-dnf in. ad. ( V.) firmly, stron gly, powerfully; very, really, certainly (einpksszing): -vat, a. (V.) mighty, ardent: se. ad. 7 {;TK barha-bhara, in. [burden of feathers], peacock's tail; -apida, in. wreath of peacocks' feathers worn on the crown of the head. OTW barbht-ya, den.: pp. ita, resembling the, eyes on a peacock's tail. -qf*! barhina, a. adorned with peacocks' feathers; an. p)eacock: -lakshana, a. adorned with peacocks' feathers; -vaga, in. arrow adorned with peacocks' feathers; -va~sas, a. provided with peacocks' feathers. qf barhi-dhvaga, m. (peacock-bannered), ep. of Skanda. fiIbarh-in, in. peacock. ~f iibarhi-ya'na, in. (having a peacock for his vehicle), ep. of Skanda. 4ftlikM barhir-uttha, in. (arising from grass), fire. qf#'9!9' barhi-vahana, in. (having a peacock for a vehicle), ep. of Skanda. barhi[h]-shdd, a. seated on the sacrificial grass; m. pl. a class of Manes. -qWZ barhish-ka, a. strewn with sacrificial grass; n. sacrificial grass. 'q*f badrh-ishtha, spy, mightiest, strongest, highest: -in, ad. loudest. qftf? barhifsh-mat, a. accompanied or provided with sacrificial grass; having or strewing sacrificial grass = sacrificer; -yg, a. belonging, to or suitable for the sacrificial grass or the sacrifice. barhih-shad=barhi-shad; -shtha, a. standing on the sacrificial grass; mn. sacrificial offeiring; -shtha', a. standing on the sacrificial grass. qf*;R barh-ifs, (mn.) n. [what is pulled up, plucking], sacrificial grass (gnly. kusa) strewn on tihe place of sacrifice, esp. the Vedi, and farmi~ng a layer on which, the offerings are placed and the gods as well as the sacrifi-cers are supposed to sit; n. Sacred Grass personified among the Praydiga and Anuyadga divinities; sacrifice. -41RBAL, only intv. balbaliti,whirl, (SB.'). gqT i. bail-a, n. (sg. & p1.) might, power, strength, vigour; forcible means, force; validity; power of, expertness in (lo.); forces, troops, army (ag. & p 1.): in., ab.,0'-, -tas, by force of =by virtue or by dint of (g. or -' ab. forcibly; against one's will, involuntarily, without beingy able to help it. 'q 2. bala'in. crow; N. of a demon (in V~eda spelt Vala), brother of Vritra and slain by Indra; N. of an elder brother of Krishna, also called Baladeva, Balabhadra, Balarhina, etc.: A, f. kind of spell; N. '4~fTbala-kara, a. strengthening; -k&'Ma, a. desiring strength; -krit, a. strengthening; -kriti,f. mighty deed. 140 baldksha, a. (i') white: -gu, mn. (whiterayed), moon. -qT*t;q bala-ksbobha. W bah-u. 193 '~r~ bla-kshoha. baI-u 9 I- #'* bala-kshobha, m. disturbance among the troops, mutiny; -gupta, m. NV.; -kakra, n. [circle of power or of troops], sovereignty; army; -ga, in., ay f. heap of corn; -da, mn. ox; -darpa, m. pride of strength; -dg, a. strength-giving; -di-bhit, become an ox; -deva, m. N. of Krishna's elder 'brother (who has white hair, having been produiced from a Asingle white hair); N.; -dhara, m. N.; -naSana, -nisliiidana, mn. ep. of Indra; -pati,in. lord of might; commander of an army, general; -pura, n. Bala's citadel; -prada, a. strength-giving; -bandhui, in. N. '4f bala-blia, in. a poisonous insect. b;w% ala -bliadra, m. (excelling in strength), NV. of a divine being, later identifed with Baladeva; N.; -bhid, m. destroyer of Bala, ep. of Indra; -bhrit, a. strong, powerful; -mukhya, m. leader of an army; -yukta, pp. endowed with strength, powerful; -yuta, pp. idl.; -rkma, in. iRfma the Strong, N. of Krishna's elder brother. bdla-vat, a. i. strong, powerful, maighty; vehement (desire etc.); dense (darkness); stout, weighty; prevalent, predominant; of more weight or importance than (ab.); ad. strongly, powerfully; heavily, stoutly; greatly, lustily; 2. accompanied by an army: -tara, cpv. stronger; -vargita, pp. destitute -of strength, weak; -varman, i.N;-irya, U. sg. strength and valour; -vritra-ghna, -vritra-nishitdana, -vritrahan, m. ep. of Indra; -vyasana, n. disorder in the army; -samfiha, m. assemblage of forces, army; -sena, sn. N. of a warrior; -sena, f. army; -stha, a. strong, powerful, mighty (of persons); in. (standing in the army), warrior, soldier; -han, a. defeating armies; -hantri, m. Slayer of Bala, ep. of Indra; -hara, m. (stre-ngth-depriving), N.; -hina, pp. destitute of strength, weak:AA f.weakness. '4W~i balaka, in., gnly. a f. kind of crane (the flesh of which is eaten); N. '4W(ftfibalak-in,a.attendedby or aboundiing in cranes; N. of a son of Dhritardshtra. 'qqT'bala agra,n.excessive strength; head of an army. -4TM balatt-kfira, m. employment of force, violence: 0- or in. by force, forcibly; strongly, vehemently; -in, abs. forcibly; -krita, pp. forced, overcome, by (in. or -) '4~''fbl dia.sproi strength (e.g. in ruaning); - adhikarana, n.pl1. affairs of the army; Z_9dhyaksha, m. inspector of the forces, minister of war; - auuga, sn. younger brother of Baladeva, ep. of Krishna;- anvita, p~p. endowed with power, mighty; suggestive of power; - bala, n. strength or weakness, comparative-strength, importance, or significance; relative highness (of price); a. now strong, now weak; - abhira, n. army in the shape of a cloud. 'q[' balft-ya, den. A. exhibit strength. rikf bala ari, m. foe of Bala, ep. of Iiidra; -.avastha, a. strong, powerful.!qWFU balh'sa, in. kind of disease; swelling in the throat, which prevents -swallowing. TRT bala asura, m. N. of a washerman. ITEi balaha-kd, m. rain or thundercloud; cloud; one of the seven clouds appearing at the destruction of the world; kind of serpent; NV. of a mountain. 'gkballi, in. tax, impost, tribute; offering, gift, oblation; offering of food (generally rice, grain, or ghee) thrown up into the air and made to living creatures, esp. birds (also called bhhta-yagiia): very often -o with the object, the time, the place, or material of the offering; handle (of a fly-whisk); N. of a Daitya, a son of Virokana, who obtained the sovereignty of the three worlds, but was deprived of it by Vishnu in the form of a dwarf after promising the latter as much land as he could measure in three steps; he was cast down by Vishnu to Pdltala, which he was allowed to rule; N.; incorrect for vali, fold:..kara, in.pl. taxes and duties; -karman, nt. performance of the Bali or food offering; -krit, a. paying taxes; -dana, n. presentation of an offering or oblation. bal-in, a. strong, powerful; m. soldier; N. -4fq-fW~fifT' bali - niyamana udyata, pp. bent on vanquishing Bali; -putra, m. son of Bali,.pat. of the A4sura Bhna; -pushta, (pp.) mt. (fed on the rice-offering), crow; -bhug, a. eating the food-offering; m. crow; -bhrit, a.. paying tribute; -bhogana, m. crow; -met, a. receiving tribute; attended with food oblations. lq balivdrda, m. bull. ~f~r~i~rbali-vya'kula, a. engaged in offering oblations;..shad-bhga, msixth part as tribute: -harin, a. taking the sixth part as tribute. bal-ishtha, spy, strongest, mightiest; most powerful; stronger than (ab.): -tama, dbl. spy. id. 'qf~fflI bali-harana, a. (i) suitable for presenting an offering; n. presentation of an offering; -harA, a. paying taxes; m. presentation of offerings; -rint, a. paying tribute. 14IT bal'i-kri, turn into or intend as an offering. 14MI~qbdl-lyas, cpv. stronger, more powerful or important; very strong or powerful; turning the scale: -tara, dbl. cpv. excessively powerful, -tva, n. superior or excessive power; predominance, greater importance. 'qIAtq* balivdrda, m. bull. WtU~ balau~tsftha, m. ardour of the forces; unmatta, pp. frenzied with power. TTq balba-ga, in. sort of coarse grass (Eleusine indica).!RT4qET balbala'-kfira, m. stammer; -kri, pronounce with a stammer (Br.). 14 bal-ya, a. invigorating. 14 1 balla-va, m. cowherd; i', f. cowherdess; (a)-yuvati,f. young cowherdess. 'q Tq balilila, m. N.: -sena, m. N. qf j bdhi-ka, m. N.: pl. N. of a people (probably in the west of the Aryan territory). Mui bashkfiya, a. (RV.') being in its first year (calf): -ni,f. cow having a young calf. 'q bastd, mn. he-goat: ~a~ginA, n. goatskin (V.). 'gf basti, mn. bladder: -Slirsha, n. sg. or in. du. neck of the bladder. l 9P bdsri, ad. (RV.') quickly. BAH, v. #! BAMH. ZMI bah-ala, a. thick, dense; bushy, shaggy (tail); wide, extensive; deep (colour, tone); manifold, copious, abundant; -a~O, filled with, chiefly consisting in; 0-, ad. greatly: -ta', f. thickness. babir-ahga, a. external; unessenti al: at, f.,..tva, n. abst. Nr.; -argala,.S, a. external bolt; -artha, mn. external object; -gata, pp. come, forth: -tva, n. appearance; -gini, Mn. (country beyond the hills), N. of a country: p 1. N. of a people; -geham, ad. outside the house; -gramam, ad. outside the village; -grima-pratisraya, a. dwelling outside the village; -dris, a. looking at the outside, superficial (person); -dara, n. outer door; space outside the door; -dvairin, a. being, outside the door; _dhai, ad. prp. scith ab. outside, away from (V.); -nirgamana, n. going out of (ab.); -nihsarana, n. taking out, removal; -bhava, a. external; -bia~ga, in. exterior; -mandala-sthaL, a. being outside the circle; -mukha, a. issuing from the mouth; averting one's face, averse from (-'); having one's mind outward, i.e. directed towards the externael world; -yanua, is. going out; (ir)-loma, a. having the hair turned outwards; -loman, a. id.; -vgsas, n. upper garment; -vika'ram, ad. apart from individual existence (Sd'mkhya ph.); -vritti,f. occupation with external matters; -vedi, i. f. space outside the Vedi; 2. ad. (i) outside the Vedi; -vedi-ka, a. being outside theVedi. 14t"T bahis-kara, a. moving or appearing outside, external: w. prfina, in. sg. & pl. or hridaya, n. one's external breath or heart, i.e. dear to one as one's own life or heart; in. external spy. -4~f':~TTT babih-sfihtJf outer hail; -sita, a. cold outside, cool to the touch. 'qf~gEr1ff bahish-karana, n. T. external organ; 2. exclusion from (ab,); -kAryra,fp. to be banished; - excluded from (ab.); -krita, pp. ej ected, expelled; -kriti, f. exclusion; -kriya, a. excluded from sacred rites; -kriya,f. external action (such as bathing etc.). ~fWR(? bahi'sh-that, ad. outside (V.).!4_9q bahisb-pata, mn. Lipper garment; -paridhi, ad. outside the enclosure; -pavainm. n. a Stoma or Stotra generally consisting of three, triplets chanted outside the Vedi during the, Praltah-savana: iLf. pl. its single vers es; p~a, i. in. external breath, i. e. what is dear to one as one's own life; gold; 2. (bahish)_prana, a. whose breath or life is outside (V.). f~bah-is, ad. outside (the house, town, country, etc.); out of doors (go, etc.); prp. from without, outside or out of (ab. or - -ish kri,expel,banish,exclude from (ab. orl.) put aside, abandon, renounce: p~p. -krita, taken out of, expelled from (ab.); abandoned by (-0); shut off by= dwelling beyond (in.); excluded from (ab. or — P); free from, destitute of, refraining from (in. or -); become apparent, manifested, embodied; r gata, pp. id.; r bhfL, come forth, from (ab.). -4f!'&Rq1bahis'-tapas, a. external asceticism. 14ft:Iibai-amta. lying or situated outside (the town). W4W bah-sid, a. (v-'I) abundant, much; numerous; repeated, frequent; abounding or rich in (in.): tvaya' hi me bahu kritam - yaci, you have done -me a great service, C c 194 r9SiT bahu-kara. ATd bana. I in -; tasmin bahu etad api, even this was much for him (i.e. more than could be expected); kim bahuna, what need of much talk? in short; n. A, ad. much; often, repeatedly; greatly, exceedingly, very, highly; ~- sts. = for the most part, almost, tolerably: bahu man, think much of, esteem highly, value; hold dearer than (in.); n. plural. [a^lr bahu-kara, a. doing much, for any one (g.); -kalpa, a. of many kinds, manifold; -kalyana, a. very noble; -kama, a. having many wishes; -kritvas, ad. ofttimes, frequently; -kshama, a. bearing much, of great forbearance; -gamana, a. having many goings or courses; -garhya-vak, a. talking much that is censurable, garrulous; -guna, a. many-stranded (rope); manifold, much; possessing many virtues; -gotra-ga, a. having many blood relations; -graha, a. holding much (pot); taking much (minister); -kitra, a. extremely manifold or various; -kkhala, a. abounding in frald, deceitful: -tva, n. deceitfulness; -gana, I. m. the great multitude; 2. a. having many people about one; -galpa, a. garrulous; -galpitri, m. chatterer; -tanaya, a. having many sons. VIn71 bahu-tama, spv. remotest: a bahutam&t purushat, down to the remotest descendant; -tara, cpv. more numerous, more, than (ab.); more extensive, greater (fire); too or very much; several: etad eva asmakam bahutaram- yad,it is already a great thing for us that -; -m, ad. more; repeatedly; -tara-ka, a. very much or numerous; -taram, (ac.f.) ad. highly, greatly, very; -ta,f. abundance, multitude; -titha, a. (having many tithis or lunar days), long (time); much, manifold: -m, ad. greatly; eshani, on many a day=for many days; -trina, n. almost grass, a mere straw; -trishna, a. suffering from great thirst; -trivarsha, a. almost three years old; -tva, n. multiplicity, multitude; majority, opinion of the majority; plural; -dakshina, a. accompanied by many gifts (sacrifice); -dana, n. bounteous gift; 2. a. (a) munificent; -dayin, a. id.; -drisvan, m. great observer, very learned man; -devata, a. addressed to many deities (verse); -devatya, a. belonging to many gods; -daivata, a. relating to many gods; -dosha, I. m. great harm or disadvantage; 2. a. having many drawbacks (forest); -dhana, a. possessing much wealth, very rich: - svara, m. very wealthy man; -dh, ad. in many ways, parts, or places; variously; many times, repeatedly; very: - kri, multiply; spread abroad; -naman, a. having many names; -patnika, a. having many wives: -ta,. polygamy; -pada, a. manyfooted; -parna, a. many-leaved; -pasu, a. rich in cattle; -pada, a. many-footed; having several padas (verse); -putra, a. having many sons or children; -pushpa-phala upeta, pp. having many flowers and fruits; -prakara, a. manifold: -mn, ad. variously; repeatedly; -prakriti, a. consisting of several nominal bases (compound); -praga, a. rich in children; -pragna, a. very wise; -pragnana-salin, a. possessed of much knowledge; -pratigiia, a. involvingseveral charges or counts (leg.); -prapalwka, a. of great diffuseness, prolix; -pralapin, a. garrulous; -bhashin, a. id.; -bhashya, n. loquacity; -bhug, a. eating much; -bhumika, a. consisting of many stories (building); -bhoktri, m. great eater; -bhogya,f. harlot; -bhogaka, a. eating much; -bhog-in, a. id.: (-i)t&, f. voracity; -bhauma, a. many-storied (building); -mati, f. high opinion, esteem, respect; -matsya, n. place abounding in fish; -madhya-ga, a. belonging to many; I = -mantavya, fp. to be highly thought of, prized or esteemed; -mana, m. high opinion or regard, esteem, respect, for (Ic. of prs. or thing, rarely g. of prs.); attaching great importance to (Ic.): -purah-saram, ad. with respect; -manin, a. held in esteem,respected; -manya,fp. to be highly thought of, estimable; -maya, a. having many wiles, artful, treacherous; -mitra, a. having many friends; -mukha, a. many-mouthed, talking of many things; -mula-phala anvita, pp. furnished with many roots and fruits; -muflya, I. n. large sun of money; 2. a. of great price, costly; -yagin, a. having offered many sacrifices; -ragas, a. very dusty and having much pollen; -ratna, a. abounding in jewels. -4 vJW ' bahura-madhya, a. thick in the middle (Soma). i;T-q bahu-rass, a. juicy; -ripu, a. having many foes; -rupab, a. many-coloured, variegated; multiform, manifold, various. fT- bahu-]d, a. thick, compact; broad; dense (darkness); wide, ample, capacious, extensive, large; abundant, copious, numerous, much; abounding in, full of, attended or accompanied by (in. or -~): -m, ad. often; m. dark half of a month; N.: -ta,f. abundance of (-~); -tva, n. id. (-~); multiplicity, multitude; -parna, a. many-leaved; -palasa, a. id. i 6'F TYW bahula Jyasa,a.involving much trouble; - alapa, a. loquacious; -avishta, pp. inhabited by many, thickly populated. T f'T V bahul-ita, pp. increased. qW-it b bahuli-kri, only pp. made close or dense; increased, enlarged, extended; divulged, made public; distracted, by (in.); -bhava, m. notoriety, publicity; -bhu, become abundant, multiply, increase; spread: pp. spread abroad, become public or notorious.;-'a br u bahulajtara-paksha, m. du. the dark and the (opposite =) light half of a month; -oshadhika, a. having abundant herbs, overgrown with herbs. ~'4i~ l bahu-vaktavya,fp. about which much can be said; -vakana, n. plural; case and personal terminations of the plural; -vat, a. in the plural; -varna, a. many-coloured; -valkala, m. = Priyalatree (Buchanania latifolia); -vadin, a. talking much, loquacious; -vara: -ka, m. a small tree (Cordia Jyxa): -phala, n. its fruit (=Selu); -varam, ad. frequently, often; -varshika, a. (1) many years old; lasting many years; -vala, a. hairy, shaggy (tail); -vighna, a. attended with many difficulties; -vid, a. knowing much; -vidya, a. having much knowledge, learned; -vidha, a. of many sorts, manifold, various: -m, ad. variously, repeatedly; -vistara, m. great extension; a. wide-spread; manifold, various; very detailed; -vistara, a. of wide extent; -vistirna, pp.wide-spread; -virya, a. of great strength, very efficacious; -velam, ad. ofttimes, frequently; -vyalanishevita, pp. infested by many beasts of prey; -vrihi, m. (having much rice), possessive adjective compound: the last member is a substantive, the whole compound becoming an adjective qualifying another substantive and agreeing with it in gender; these possessives often become substantives to designate a species (a generic term being understood) or an individual as a proper name (a specific term being understood): e.g. bahuvrihih (sc. samAsah), m. a 'much-rice' compound; Brihadasvah, m. Many-horse (sc. man: cp. Gr. Philippos, horse-loving, and I Engl. Great-head). The term bahuvrihi being an instance is used to designate the whole class. lWrI'fW' bahu-sakti, m. (possessing great power), N. of a prince; -satru, a. having many foes; -sabda, m. (many-word), plural; -s/Ls, ad. abundantly, in great numbers; frequently, repeatedly; -sakha, a. having many branches; widely ramified (family); manifold; -sakhin, a. having many branches; -subha-ya, den. A. become a great blessing; -sruta, pp. very learned; -sruti, f. occurrence of the plural in the text. -l T ii bahiu-samkhya-ka, a. numerous; -sattva, a. abounding in animals; -sadrisa, a. very suitable; -sava, a. sacrificing often or doing anything for many years; containing many sacrifices or years; -sasya, a. abounding in corn; m. N. of a village; -sadhana, a. having many resources: -ta,f. possession of many resources; -sadhara, a. having many supports, i.e. knowing what one has to go on; -sara, a. stout-hearted (tree); -sahasra, a. consisting of or amounting to many thousands: i,f. sg. many thousands; -suvarna, a. rich in gold: -ta, f. abst. N.; -suvarna-ka, a. possessing many pieces of gold; m. N. of a prince; N. of an Agrahdra; -spris, a. touching many things; -svara, a. polysyllabic; -hasti-ka, a. abounding in elephants; -hiranya, a. rich in gold.!R' }i bahu udaka, a. abounding in water; m. mendicant ascetic frequenting sacred bathing-places; -upama, f. comparison with many things (rh.); -jupaya, a. having many resources, powerful., T; bahuakshara,a.polysyllabic; -agni, a. mentioning many Agnis (certain verses); - aikana, a. having many goings or courses; - anna, a. abounding in food; - apatya, a. promising numerous offspring; m. (?) mouse; - apaya, a. attended with many dangers; - abaddha-pralapin, a. talking much meaningless chatter; - abhidhana,n. (manydesignation),plural; - amitra,a.havingmany enemies; - artha, a. having many meanings; -avarodha, a. having many wives; - asva, a. rich in horses; m. N.; -agya, a. abounding in ghee; -adin, a. eating much, voracious; -asin, a. id.; m. N.; -askarya, a. containing many marvels: -maya, a. id.; -rji, a. abounding in verses (a term esp. applied to the Rig-veda); -rJikA, a. id.; m. (knowing many verses), knower or follower of the Rig-veda; -enas, a. having committed many sins. bahv-oda, mn. [for bahu uda, cp. bahfdaka] kind of ascetic regarding knowledge (as opposed to works) as the chief thing; -aushadhi-ka, a. [for osha-] abounding in herbs. iFrT bakura, a. with driti, m. bagpipe (R.1). [tree. WiF bakula, a. belonging to the Bakula nI badha, 4TI balha, pp. V/bah: lc. mightily (RV.'); (a)-m, ad. (C.) certainly, assuredly, really, indeed; exceedingly; gnly. used as a pcl. of consent: very well, confirmation: so it is, or assent: yes. E1l!f bana (or a), m. (reed), shaft, arrow; the number five (because Kdma has five arrows); mark or aim (of an arrow); m. N. of the author of the Kddambari and the lSarshakarita (seventh century A.D.); N. of an Asura; N.; m. blue Barleria; n. its flower: -gokara, m. range of an arrow, m rM q f b ana-vat. ba~lita bhu-kyu-ta. 195 arrow-shot (distance); -ti, f. state of al arrow; -tuni-kri, turn into a quiver; -dhi m. (arrow-case), quiver; -patha, m. range o an arrow, arrow-shot (distance); -pata, m arrow-shot; range of an arrow (distance) -patha, m. arrow-shot (distance); -bhatta m. Bana (the author); -maya, a. consisting or formed of arrows; -yogana, n. quiver.;ZRTIW bana-vat, m. (made of a reed) arrow; (containing arrows), quiver; -varsh, in, a. showering arrows; -vara, m. multitude of arrows; cuirass, doublet (protecting from arrows); -samdhana, n. adjustment of the arrow (to the string); -siddhi, f. hitting o: an arrow. 4TTllqR banaivali, f. combination oi five verses forming one sentence; - sana, n. bow; bowstring. ^ft fn ban-in, a. provided with an arrow, WT<-' badara, a. belonging' to or coming from the jujube tree; coarse, gross (opp. minute, subtile); n. jujube; &,f. cotton-shrub. -qT1T4i' badara yana, m. pat. (son of Badara), N. of the reputed author of the Sdriraka Sitras of the Uttara-mimdmscd; a. composed by Badar&yana. Mff- badar-i, in. pat. descendant of Badara. [1JV BADH, I. A. (metr. also P.) badha, repel, drive away, dispel; force asunder (V.); harass, press hard, beset; oppress; damage; annoy,trouble, disturb, vex; grieve, torment; hurt (persons and things, e.g. the tongue); thwart, check; influence, affect; remove; annul, set aside; ps. badhyate, suffer: pp. badhita, harassed, etc.; absurd; cs. bfdhaya, P. harass, trouble, vex, torment; des. bibhatsate, have an aversion for, loathe, shrink from (ab.): pp. bibhatsita, disgusting, loathsome; intv. babadhe, badbadhe, press hard, drive into straits: pt. badbadhan, pent up. ati, greatly distress (ac., g.). adhi, harass, annoy. anu, vex, torment, torture. apa, drive away, dispel, remove; cs. drive away; des. have an aversion for (ab.). abhi, fall upon (an enemy); check; distress. ava, restrain. a, harass, torment; declare to be false. ni, press down, - heavily; harass, trouble. pari, keep or ward off, exclude from (ab.); prevent from (g.); protect from (ab.); vex, trouble, hurt. pra, urge forward; further; repel, drive away, disperse; harass, distress, torment; hurt, injure; set aside, annul. sam-pra, beat back, repel; distress, torture. prati, repel; restrain; vex, torment. vi, force asunder; drive away; distress, torment; injure, violate. sam, press down, weigh heavily on; distress, torment. 'rT badh-d, m. tormentor; resistance; n., a, f. pain, affliction, distress, suffering, annoyance, from (ab. or -0); injury, damage, hurt, prejudice to (-~); exclusion from (-~); obstruction, annulment, suspension; contradiction, absurdity; -aka, a. (ika) distressing, harassing; injuring, prejudicing; setting aside, annulling; m. a tree: -tva, n. annulment; -ana, a. harassing, distressing; n. annoyance, molestation, pain (sts. pl.); annulment; removal; hindrance to (d.): a, f. trouble, affliction; -aniya,fp. to be removed; -ayitri, nm.: tr, f. injurer, oppressor; -itatva, n. annulment; -itavya, fp. to be distressed, afflicted, or troubled; - annulled or removed; -itri, m. troubler, afflicter. iTflr badhir-ya, n. deafness. )f 1. I 'T badh-ya,fp.to be annoyed, distressed, or afflicted; allowing oneself to be troubled by (-~); being checked; to be set aside, removed, or annulled; -ya-mana-tva, n. condition of being annulled, set aside, or refuted.;Tq4P' bandhav-a, m. (having relationship: bandhu), kinsman, relation; maternal relative; friend: i, f. female relative; a-ka, a. concerning relations; -dhura, f. friendly service. q4TV4 babhrav-a, m. pat. descendant of Babhru; -ya, m. id.; N. of various men. TIa barhata, a. (i) relating to the metre brihati: -ka, m. N.; -anushtubha, a. consisting of a brihati and an anushtubh. 4T!^" [ barhad-daivata, n. T. ofa work = Brihaddevat; -ratha, a. relating to Brihad-ratha. Trtg' barhaspat-a, a. (i) relating to or descended from Brihaspati; -ya, m. pat. descendant of Brihaspati; pupil of Brihaspati; unbeliever; n. the Artha-sAstra of Bihaspati..TT I. bala, a. young, not yet full-grown; recently risen (sun), early (rays), new, crescent (moon); childish, puerile, foolish; n. child, boy; minor (under sixteen years of age); simpleton, fool; N.: a,f. girl, young woman; cow one year old. I F I T t 2. bala, m. = lquT vgla, hair of the tail, etc. MTIRi bala-ka, a. (ika) young, childish, not yet full-grown; m. child, boy; young of an animal; five-year-old elephant; N. of a prince; -kanda, n. Boy-section, T. of the first book of the Radmdyana treating of the boyhood of Rama; -kunda anuviddha, pp. n. spray of young jasmine intertwined (in their hair); -krishna, m. the boy Krishna; -keli, f. children's game; -kriy, f. doings of children; -kridana, n. child's play: -ka, m. children's toy; n. child's play; -krid&, f. child's play, childish sport; -ghna, m. childmurderer; -kandra, in. young or crescent moon; n.breach of a peculiar shape; -kuandramas, m. young moon; -kandrika, f. N.; -karita, n. early life of a god, etc.; -karya, f. doings of a child; -tantra, n. midwifery;.ta,f. childhood; -tva, n. id.; -darsam, abs. on seeing a boy; -pattra, m. a tree; -putra, a. having young children, having young: -ka, m. little son; -bandhana, m. binder of children (a demon of disease); -bhar/gaka, m. N.; -bhAva, m. childhood; recent rise of a planet; -bhritya, m. servant from childhood; -mati, a. of childish intellect; -mandara-vriksha, tn. young coral tree; -ramayana, n. T. of a play; -roga, m. children's disease; -lila, f. child's play; -vinashta: -ka, m. N.; -vaidhavya, n. child-widowhood; -sriinga, a. having young horns; -sakhi, m. friend from youth; friend of a fool: -tva, n. friendship with a fool; -suhrid, m. friend from childhood; -han, a. (-ghni) child-murdering. [year old. qTT bala, f. girl; young woman; cow one T-T 'l balaj tapa, m. morning sun, early sunshine (also pl.); -aditya, m. newly-risen sun; N. of two princes; - adhyapa-ka, m. teacher of boys: -ta, f. tutorship of boys; -apatya, n. young offspring; -amaya, m. children's disease; - aruna, n. (red of) early dawn; - avabodhana, a. instruction of the young or inexperienced; -avastha, a.young, juvenile. 9TfRiT balika, f. (of bala-ka) girl. II II I gTfW'Lr bal-isa, a. young, childish; silly, foolish; m. fool, blockhead: -tA,f., -tva, n., (is)-ya, n. childishness, folly. kTabalan du,m.youngorcrescent moon. [1At baleya, a. suitable for an oblation (bali); descended from Bali; m. ass. MT@1qIt T! balaupakarana, n. medical treatment of children: i-ya, a. relating to the -; -upak&ra, m. medical treatment of children. 1o' bal-ya (or-ya), n. infancy, childhood; crescent state (of the moon); childishness, immaturity of mind, puerility, folly: -t&,f. childhood. IITf[ balhi, 'TfT bahli, m. (?) N. of a country, Balkh: -ka, I. m. N. of a people (pl.); prince of the Balhikas; 2. a. bred in Balkh (horses); -ga, a., -gata, pp. bred in Balkh (horses). I4TTift balhi-a bka, tT i bahlka, m. N. of a people (pI.); prince of the BA1hlkas; N.; i,f. princess or woman of B&hlika. 4T1"t bashkala, m. N. of a Daitya; N. of a teacher; a. belonging to BAshkala; m. pl. school of Bashkala: -sakha, f. Bashkala recension (of the Rig-veda). 4WiT bashpa, m. tears; steam, vapour: -kala, a. indistinct or choked with tears (voice); -pihita-lokana, a. having eyes suffused with tears; -pura, m. flood of tears; -moksha, m. shedding of tears; -salila, n. tears; -. kula, a. indistinct or choked with tears (voice, speech); -_ambu, n. tears. A WTTlTq bashpa-ya, den. A. shed tears. ati, weep excessively. WTft-q, bashp-in, a. shedding (-o) as tears. 4Tfq1't bashpa utpida, m. gush of tears. <TR basa, in. N. incorrect for bhasa. -TRT basta, a. coming from the he-goat (basta). ~T [ bahav-a, n. arm (V.). ITTf- bahav-i, m. pat. (fr. bahu) N. of a teacher. -Tlt73i bahi-kd, m. (frequently confused with b&lhika or balhika), N. of a despised people (pl.); man of the B&hlkas; cowherd. [TIT b&h-u [strong; /bah], m. arm; sp. fore-arm; fore-foot of an animal; sp. upper part of the fore-foot; post of a door; arm as a measure (= 12 afgulas); N. Wi[j bahu-ka, a.-~=bahu, arm; a.dwarfish; m. N.; N. assumed by Nala when charioteer of Rituparna. [excellences. BT(l' J bfhu-gun-ya,n.possession of many ~T[I TH bah-khlyuta, pp. fallen or dropped from the arm or hand; (u)-tarana, n. crossing with the arms,i.e. swimming across a river; (ii)-ta, ad. in the arms (V.); (u)-danda, m. long arm; -danta-ka, a. with sastra, n. N. of a treatise on jurisprudence abridged by Indra; -dant-in, m. ep. of Indra: (-i)putra, m. Indra's son (as the author of a Tantra); -pasa, m. fetter of the arms, encircling arms; a certain attitude infighting; -prasara, m. extension of the arms; -bandhana, n. clasped or encircling arms; -bala, n. strength of arm; m. (Arm-strong), N.; -balin, a. strong-armed; -madhya, a. middlemost with the arms: a-ni karmani = actions with the arms are intermediate; -mutla, a. Cc2 196 196 T,[ ba'hula. bud-dhi. root of the arm, shoulder; -yuddha, a,. hand to hand fight, pugilistic encounter; -yodha, -yodhin, m. pugilist.!RWif bhhula, m. N.: -ka, n. multiplicity: ab. owing to the various applicability (of a rule). '4WIM ba'hu-latay f. creeper-like arms: - antara, n. interval between the arms, chest, breast-bone. ZTWf bhhul-ya, n. abundance, plenty; quantity, large number; multiplicity, variety; usualness, ordinary course or order of things: in. for the most part, mostly, generally; ab. id.; in all probability. q V~~Iq bfthi-vikshepa, m. movement of the arms; -vimarda, m. hand to hand fight, pugilistic encounter; -virya, n. strength of arm; a. strong of arm; -sakti, m. (strong of arm), N. of a prince; -silin, a. possessed of powerful arms, valorous, warlike; m. N. of a bDanava and of various men. ~T ~ bhhu-srutya, a. learning. WTKbfIk bfh u utkshepam, abs. throwing or tossing up the arms;.iupapidam, abs. pressing with the arms. ITT bfhft-bfthav-i,ad.handtohand, in close encounter. 14TW b-ahya [fr. bahi(s)], a. being outside (the door, house, village, etc.); situated outside (ab. or -O); outer, external; strange, foreign; excluded from caste or the community, outcast; lying outside anything (ab. or -P) = diverging from, conflicting with, beyond the pale of, having nothing to do with; with taddhita, m. secondary taddhita suffix (added after another taddhita); w. artha, m. meaning external to and having no immediate conn exion with the letters forming' a word; -m kri, expel, eject; -in, in., lc., 0, ad. or prp. outside (ab. or — ); -in, ad. (go) out (of doors); ab. from without; m. corpse. WTIffT, bfthya-karana, n. external organ of sense; -tars, cpv. external etc.; outcast; -aa.prp. outside, without (ab., g.); ta', f.deviation or divergence from (ab.); -prakriti,f.pl. constituent parts of a foreign state (except the king). WIT~TTf bahya amsa, a. holding the hands outside (not between) the knees; -_ antar, ad. from without and within; - rtha-vada, m. doctrine that the external world is real; -at a-vdin, a. maintaining the reality. of the external world (ph.); - aiya m bode of the outcast= country of the B~hlkas; - in.. driya, n. external organ of sense. _q ' bhhvrik-ya, n. traditional teaching of the Bahvrik-as, the 1?ig-veda. -4T-71 bfthiiogas, n. strength of arm; a. strong in the arm. f#7iTr bidflla, m. cat: -ka, m. id., i-ka~f kitten, cat; -pada, in.: -ka, n. a certain measure of weight (=a karsha or i6 inkshas); -putra, in. N.; -banig, m. cat-dealer, nickname of a man; - aksha, a. (i) cateyed; in. IV. of a Iadksh-asa. f~~rbidala, v. vidala: -samhita, pp. compsdof halves. ft; bind-il, mn. drop; globule; dot, spot; ma~rk othausra(pposed to be of great mystical import and connected with, Siva); zero or cypher; dot made above a letter to cancel an erasure; ap~parently insignificant incident the effcts of which spread like a drop of oil on water (dr.); spot or mark of paint on the body of an elephant; N.: -ka, m. drop; -ki-ta, den.pp. dotted over, covered with drops of (in.)., f ii bindu-mat, a. having bubbles or clt;m. N. of a son of Mariki: -i',f. hind of verses; N.; -rekhA, f. line of dots; -Sara6s, a. N. of a sacred lake; -sa'ra, in. N. of a prince, son of Kandra-gupta. fAWNI bibboka, m. haughty indifference; amorous gesture. f'-r9!f'iqTbi-bhaksh-ay-i-sh'a,(des. cs.)f. desire to eat; -shu, des. a. wishing to eat, hungry. [speak. ftrfo bi-bhan-i-shu, des. a. wishing to f'gfi{RMT bi-bhit-sa", f. desire to pierce, break through, or destroy (ac. or g.); -su, des. a. wishing to break through or rout. f~i~~T~ i-bhed-ay-i-shu, (des. cs.) a. wihn oset at variance. f~~bimnb-a, m.n. disc Of the sun or moon; sphere, orb, disc, esp. of avy rounded part of the body (hips, buttocks); mirror; image, reflexion; object compared (in comparisons: opp. prati-bimba, that with which it is compared); m. lizard, chameleon; N.; n. fruit of a tree (Mlomordica monadelpha): as it is of a ruddy colouer when ripe, the lips of beautiful women are often compared with it; a, f. N. of a princess. fifjbimbaki, m. N. of a prince. f-RfWrf-qriT bimba-prati-bimba-tfltf. condition of an object of comparison and that with which it is compared; -tva, a., -bha~va, m. id.; -phala, n. the Bimba fruit: - adharoshtha, a. (i') having lips red like the Bimba fruit; -a~dhara, in. nether lip red like the Bimbafruit. fl~f~f bimb-ita, den. pp. reflected. fgif~R' bimbiya, m. N. fWERT bimbi-sara, in. N. of a prince of Magadha, contemporary with Buddha. f* W bimbftisvara, m. N. of a temple erected by the princess BimbA; - oshtha, m. lip like the Bimba fruit; a. having lips like the Bimbafruit. fWIj bil-a, n. cave; cavity, hole, burrow; aperture, opening; mouth (of a vessel, spoon, etc.); m. Indra's horse Ukkaihsravas: -yoni, a. of the breed of Bila (horse); -vaisa, a. dwelling in holes; in. animal living in holes; -vasin, a,, m. id.; _sya _S~yn a. n id.; -svarga, in. (subterranean heaven), hell. ft Tbile-saya, a. lurking in holes; m. animal living in holes. f*'ONR bilaokas, a., in. id. f-4-W bil-ma, n. chip (R V. 1). f-1-' bilvab, in. a tree (Aegle Marmelos) bearing delicious fruit (which when unripe is used medicinally); n. Bilva fruit; a certain weight (= i pain): (a)-danda, a. having a staff of Bilva wood; -dandin, a. id.; -pattra-maya, a. consisting of Bilva leaves; -inatra, n. weight of a Bilva fruit; a. of the size of a Bilva fruit; having the weight of a Bilva fruit; -vana, n. a Bilva forest. f1!bilhana, m. N. of a ininister andpoet. flt bi-sa, n. root or underground stalk of the lotus: kisalaya-hkheda-p~theya-vat, a. having as provisions for the journey pieces of young root-fibres of the lotus; -granthi, m. knot on a root-fibre of the lotus; -tantu, in. fibre of the lotus root.: -maya, a. made of the fibrous root of the lotus; -prasi'nu, a. flower of the lotus; -iata,f. lotus (nelumbiuin speciosum); -vat-i',f. place abounding in fibrous roots of the lotus. fgf-#-M bis-in-ij. lotus (nelumbiuin speciosum: the whole plant): -pattra, n. lotus leaf. 4#U bi'ga, n. seed (of plants and animals); seed-corn, grain; runner of the Indian fig. tree; germ, element; source, origin, beginning; germ of a poem or play (from which the plot is developed); algebra; quicksilver: -0a. caused or occasioned by: -ka, m. citron; a. seed; list; kanda-prarohin, a. springing from seed or from slips; -kanda-ruha, a. id.; -kosli,f. seed-vessel (esp. of the lotus); aki~ f. algebraic solution; -ganita, a. algebra; -dr~avya, n. elementary substance; _Putra: -ka, m. citron tree; -purna, m. id.; a. citron; -iatra, n. only what is necessary for the preservation ofseed or the race; -ruha, a. springing from seed; -vat, a. provided with seed or corn; -vipa, m. sowing of seed; -sesha-inatra, a. even their seed as a remainder; -samhriti-inat, a. containing the germ and the catastrophe (of a play). 4rT'1PkT bigqa kshara, a. initial syllable of a inantra or spell; - aiikura, in. seed-sprout: du. seed and sprout:. -ny' a, as. principle of seed and sprout (each of which is in turn the cause of the other) = relation of mutual cauesation; A dhya, in. (abounding- in seeds), citron; - alva, in. stallion. IT affbg-nM se-bearing (plant); being of the seed or blood of ();m. owner or giver of seed, actual begetter (opp. nominal father or husband). -4W1 iga utkrashtri, in. one who takes out orehbts good seed corn (to _produce the impression that the rest is of the same quality). -41iR bi-bhat-sa [des. v'badh], a. loathsomre., disgusting, revolting; w. rasa, m. sentiment of disgust (in poetry): -t&',f. loathsomeness; -Su, des. a. (f. id.) feeling disgust or repugnance; coy; mn. ep. of Arguna. 'JW bukkt, f. heart. JW bud-dha, pp. (V'budh) awakened, fully awake; expanded (flower); enlightened,wise; k-nown, observed; mn. enlightened person who is qualified by good works and knowledge, of the truth for Nirvana and reveals the true doctrine of salvation to the world before his decease (B.); the historical Buddha, named Skkya-muni Gautama, the founder of the Buddhist religion, who was born in Magadha and died about 477 B. C.; -gaya',f. Buddha's Gay&, the Buddhistic name of the town of Gaya (so called because Buddha obtained true knowledge there); -ghoslha, mn. N. of a celebrated.Buddhist scholar who lived at the beginning of the fifth cen tur'y A. D. (the N. is not quotable in Sanskrit); -tva, n. Buddhahood; -datta, in. N. of a minister; -dharma, in. Buddha's law; -pilita, inb. N. of a pupil of Ndgdrguna; -minrga, mn. way or doctrine of Buddha; -rakshita, in. N.: 'a, f. N.; -Againa, in. Buddha's doctrine; Z_9anta, in. waking condition. bud-dhi, f. intelligence, understand.-I ing, reason, intellect, mind; discernment., judgment; presence of mind, ready wit; perception; comprehension; opinion, view; if:r('t buddhi-krit. 5w brihad-uktha. 197 - - belief,conviction; supposition; thought, about (Ic.); feelings of (-~, e.g. pity); correct or reasonable view; reflection or meditation on (Ic.); intention,. purpose (in. with a view to, from, through: -~); -, impression, belief, notion (of, e.g. a wall=that something is a wall): in. under the impression, in the belief of (e.g. a tiger= that it was a tiger; obtainment=that something has been obtained); -m kri, make up one's mind, form a resolution, to (inf., Ic., or prati with ac. of vbl. N.); -m pra-kri, set a purpose before one, make up one's mind, decide. ~frW, buddhi-krit, a. producing the impression of (-~); -krita, pp. wisely acted; -kintaka, a. thinking wisely; -givin, a. subsisting by intelligence; -tattva, n. the tattva of intellect (produced from Prakriti and Purusha); -purva, a. premeditated, intentional: -m, ad. intentionally; -purvaka, a. id.: -n, ad. purposely; -prabha, m. N. of a prince; -pragalbhl,f. soundness ofjudgment; -mat, a. intelligent; shrewd, wise: -tva, n. wisdom; -matika, f. N.; -maya, a. consisting of intellect; -moha, m. confusion of mind; -vara, m. N. of a minister of Viramdditya; -vargita, pp. destitute of understanding, foolish; -vriddhi, f. increase of understanding or wisdom: -kara, a. producing -; -sarlra, m. N.; -sastra, a. armed with wisdom; -salin, a. possessed of understanding, intelligent, wise; -suddha, pp. pure of purpose; -suddhi, f. purification of the intellect; -sreshtha, spv. best through intellect: a-ni karmani = the works of the intellect are best; -sampanna, opp. endowed with understanding, intelligent, wise; -sammita, pp. commensurate with reason; -sAgara, in. N.; -stha, a. present to the mind, conscious; -hina,pp. destitute of intellect, dull-witted: -tva, n. deficiency of intellect, stupidity. h[fi-j[ buddhijndriya, n. organ of perception: pl. thefive organs of hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell. ~ptTRERi buddhaupasaka, m,, ika, f. worshipper of Buddha. ~ bud-bud-a, (onomatopoeic) m. bubble (emblem of perishableness). 'aM BUDH, I. P. bodha (usual form in 3 F V.), IV. A. (metr. also P.) bidhya (common in C.; almost invariably used in E.), awake (also fig. of the Dawn); regain consciousness; be awake or wakeful; become aware of or acquainted with; notice, give heed to (g.); perceive, understand, learn, know; know to be, recognise as (2 ac.); deem, regard as (2 ac.); think of any one =present with (in.; V.); awaken, arouse: pp. buddha, q.v.; cs. bodhaya, P. awaken, arouse; revive, restore to life; cause to open or expand (flower); elicit (a perfume); remind or put in mind of, admonish; attract any one's attention; bring to one's senses; make known, communicate, or impart to (2 ac.); inform of, acquaint with (2 ac.); cause to be understood, render intelligible: pp. bodhita, instructed in (Ic.); informed about (prati); des. bubhutsa, A. wishtoknow; intv. bobudhiti, understandsomething (ac.) thoroughly. anu, IV. A. become aware of, learn; think of, regard; cs. remind of, inform. ava, IV. A. awake; perceive, observe; know, understand; es. awaken, rouse; remind; cause to be understood; inform; des.wishtoknow. samava, become aware of, learn. a, I. P. give heed to (R.1). ud, awake: pp. expanded, blooming; manifested. prati.ud, pp. awakened (nt.). sam-ud, cs. excite, arouse. ni, I. P. pay heed to or mark (g.; V.); otherwise t 1 t f 6 II I I l always 2 sg. or pl. impv. P. (C.) or A. (E., rare), hear, learn (ac.); know or understand some one to be or that some one is (2 ac.). sam-ni, I. P. only 2 sg. & pl. impv. learn, mark (ac.). pra, IV. A. awake or be wakened; expand, open (flower); I. P. recognise (ac.) as: pp. awake; blown (flower); developed, manifested; begun to take effect (spell); recognised; enlightened(mind); clearsighted; wise; cs. waken, rouse; cause to expand or open (flower); inform; admonish; teach, instruct (2 ac.). anu-pra, es. remind. vi-pra, pp. awakened; es. discuss. sam-pra, IV. A. begin to take effect (spell): pp. awakened; cs. waken, rouse; persuade; discuss. prati, IV. A. awake; expand (flower); perceive, observe (ac. or g.): pr. pt. budhyamana, awakened again; pp. (prati-), awakened (also of the dawn); enlightened (person, mind); cs. waken, rouse; inform, instruct, enlighten. vi, IV. A. awake; hear of, learn: pp. awakened; expanded (flower); enlightened, wise, experienced, in (Ic.); cs. waken, rouse; restore to consciousness; instruct, bring to one's senses. sam, IV. A. awake; perceive, become aware of, recognise: pr. pt. acting consciously; pp. intelligent, wise; perceived, recognised; es. awaken, arouse (alsofig.); inform, instruct, enlighten (2 ac.); address. abhi-sam, IV. i. awake fully to, thoroughly grasp (knowledge); be thoroughly understood or recognised: pp. enlightened; versed in (Ic.); fully understanding; fully recognised. prati-sam, pp. restored to consciousness. ~V I. budh-a, the root budh (gr.). I 2. budh-a, a. intelligent, clever, wise; m. man of sense, wise man, sage; god; N. of a son of Soma= the planet Mercury; N.: -ka, m. N.; -dina, n. Day of Mercury, Wednesday; -vara, m. id. ~1TW budh-and, aor. pt. (RV.) awaking, rousing; being heeded. ~5 budh-nd, m.n. bottom, depth, lowest part; bottom of a vessel; foot of a tree; root. 'It. budhn-ya, a. coming from or belonging to the depths: nearly always in R V. with Ahi, m. dragon of the deep (dwelling in the depths of the atmosphere or on the firmament); in E. Ahirbudhnya is an epithet of Siva or the N. of a RBudra. E- bundd, m. arrow (RV.). -t1f[tbu bu-bodhay-ishu, des. es. a. wishing to inform or bring to one's senses (ac.). WJT bu-bhuk-shf, f. wish to enjoy (-~); desire to eat, appetite, hunger: apanayana, m. remedy of hunger, food; -sh-ita, p. hungry, famishing; -shu, des. a. hungry; wishing for worldly enjoyment (opp. desiring final liberation). pj.[T bu-bhut-sa, f. desire to know (ac. or -~); -s-ita, (pp.) n. desire of knowing or knowledge; -su, des. a. wishing to know (-~); inquisitive; desiring to know everything (ep. of the gods). If bu-bhur-sha, des. f. desire to support any one (g.); -shu, des. a. wishing to support any one (-~). ~13Ti bn-bhf-sha-ka, a. desiring the welfare of (g. or -~); -shi, des. f. wish to be or live; -shu, des. a. desiring power; wishing any one's welfare. bT u buruda, m. maker of baskets or mats. y I II I ' i BUL, X. P. bolaya, submerge. r bulla, m. N. cI, busa and J1 busha, incorr.for X busa. ]r busa, n. vapour, mist (RV.); refuse; chaff. 'lII brinh-ana, a. fattening, nourishing; n. fattening, invigorating: -tva, n. quality of strengthening; -an-iya, a. fattening, nourishing; -ayitavya, fp. to be strengthened; -ita, pp. n. trumpeting of an elephant; roar of a lion. EmIT briga-la, n. piece, morsel (only -~). 1 bribi, m. N.!jTS brisaya, m. N. of a demon (RV.). j4tt brisi, f. roll of twisted grass, pad, cushion. r brih, prayer, in brih-as-pati. T!:oI brihak-kanakya, n. the great collection of aphorisms by Kanakya; (-ak)khandas, a. having a high roof; (-ak)-kharira, a. having a large body, tall; -khuka, m. kind of woodpecker; -khoka, a. greatly afflicted; -khravas, a. loud-sounding; farfamed; -khloka, a. far-famed; m. N.; -gyotis, a. far-shining; m. N. of a grandson of Brahman. Otfi brihat-tika, m. N. 7f brih-At, pr. pt. (-i) lofty, long, tall; vast, abundant, extensive; much; strong, mighty; big, large, great (fig. in all mgs.); full-grown, old; far-extending, bright (light); high,loud, clear (sound); ad. widely, on high; firmly, compactly; brightly; aloud; mightily, very; n. height; N. of various Sdmans having the metrical form of the Brihatf; m. or n. speech (brihatam patih= Brihaspati); -',f. a metre of 36 syllables (8 + 8 + 2 + 8 syllables); later, every metre of 36 syllables; the number thirty-six. [ilfe T brihat-katha, f. the Great History, T. of a collection of tales ascribed to Gunddhya and the source from which Somadeva is supposed to have abridged his Kathdsaritsdgara; T. of a work ascribed to Kshemendra; -kapola, a.fat-cheeked; -karman, m. N.; -kirti, a. far-famed; m. N.; (-at)ketu, a. of great brilliance (RV.1); m. N.; -trina, n, strong grass; -tegas, m. (of great brilliance), the planet Jupiter; -tva, n. largeness; -pda,d, a. large-footed; -prishtha, a. having the Brihat Sdman as the basis of the Prishtha-stotra; -phala, m. pI. a class of gods among the Buddhists; -samhita,f. the Great Collection, TI. of a work on astronomy and astrology by Vardhamihira; T. of twa other works; -sahaya, a. having a powerful companion; (-at)-saman, a. having the Brihat Saman as a Saman; m. N. of an Aingirasa; -sena, m. (having a large army), N. of various princes; -sphig, m. (having large buttocks), N. aw brihad-aiga, a.large-bodied; -asva, m. (having many horses), N. of the sage who relates the story of Nala to Yudhishthira; -aranyaka, n. title of an Upanishad forming the last six sections of the last book of the Satapatha-brdhmana: - upanishad, f. the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. T e; brihad-uktha, a. far-praised; m. a certain Agni; N.; (-ad)-diva, a. belonging to high heaven, heavenly; m. N. of a son of Atharvan and composer of RV. X, I20; the hymn composed by Brihaddiva; -devata, 198 aV r brihan-nala. w brah-man. f. Index of the many gods (of the RBV.), title Uf 2.bodh-i,m.perfect enlightenment b n. continence, chastity, -vat, a. practising of an Anukrainan ascribed to Saunaka; which a man becomes a Buddha or Jina; chastity, - Asrama, m. order of religious stuo-dyuti, a. shining brightly; (-*d)-bi nu, a. enlightened intellect of a Buddha or Jina dentship; -karin, a. (n-i) practising sacred of greatha, brilliance; m. (havin a certain Agni; N.; (B. or Jain term); the tree of knowledge un- knowledge; sp. practising continence or chas-rathA, m. (having a great chariot), mighty der whichBuddha obtainedperfectenlighten tity; m. religious student; -k ri-vasa, m. hero (RV.1); (-ad)-ratha, m. N.; -ratham- derwhchBuddhaoanedperfectenlighten- tity; m. religious student; -kari-vasa,. tara, n. u. the S ans Brhat and Ratham- ment (Ficus reigiosa); -ita, es. pp. (V/budh) living as a religious student; -kari-vrata, tara (-ad)-rayi, an. du. hathe S ans inghat abundant wealtham- made known, etc.; -i-tavya, fp. to be made n. vow of chastity; -ganman, n. Veda-birth, tara.; (-d)-rayi, a. having abundant wealth known or communicated; -in, a. (-o) re- regeneration by sacred knowledge; -givin, (RVa.); -vrata, n. the g reat vow of chastity; garding, careful of; knowing; causing to a. subsisting by sacred knowledge; -gia, a. a. practising the great vow of chastity. know or perceive; awakening, enlightening. knowing the scriptures or Brahman; -g/ana, t1af brihan-nala, m. kind of tall reed; bn. knowledge of the Veda or of Brahman m.or^, f..a.assmed byrguawhenheen- i bodhi-manda, n. (?) seat of -gya, a. oppressing Brahmans; -gyotis, n. tered into the service of Virdta as an heraen- knowledge, which is said to have risenfrom splendour of Brahman; a. having the splenphrodte -mainto, m. th e large (of Vir d eta iled) the earth in the shadow of the tree under dour of Brahman or of the Veda. Manu. which Buddha obtained perfect enlighten- b a a Manu. ment; -mandala, n. place where BMuddha - *fir brahmanas-pati = brhas-pati; br'has-pti, m. Lord of devotion, obtained complete enlightenment; -sattva, -patni, f. wife of the Brahman priest. N. of a god (the outcome of theological specu- m. (whose nature is knowledge), Buddhist lation) in whom piety towards the gods is saint in the last stage before attaining to G W i.brahman-ya, den. onlypr.pt. brahpersonified; in C. he is accounted the god complete knowledge or Buddhahood. man-yat, praying, devout. of wisdom and eloquence (to whom various of wisdom and eloquenc the p anet Jupiterious. 1 bodh-ya, fp. to be understood, re- 2. brahman-yd, a. devoted to sacred works are ascribed); the planet Jupit garded, or recognised as (am.); - made knowledge, religious, pious; friendly to Brah~-ffnir'f brihas-pati-mat, a. accompa- known; - instructed or brought to one's mas: -ta,f. graciousness to Brahmans. nied by Brihaspati; -vat, a. id. senses; n. imps. one should understand. hmanvat (or vt), a. accombaig-ika, a. relating to seed, semi- a; bauddha, a. kept in the mind (bud- panied by prayer, devout; practising a holy nal; inherited from one's father (guilt). dhi), mental (=not uttered); relating to the work and having a Brahman; accompanied rToI baidala, a. peculiar to the cat: -vrat- understanding; belonging to or connected by or representing the priesthood; containika, -vratin, a. following the ways of the with Buddha; m. Buddhist: -darsana, n., ing the word Brahman. cat, deceitful. -mata, (pp.) n. Buddhist doctrine.T f nature of the absolute '-,:, WT brahma-ta, f. nature of the absolute ^t baida, m.pat.fr. Bida. #T' baudha, a. relating or belonging to deity; -tegas, n. glory or power of BrahMercury: w. ahan, n. day of Mercury, Wed- man; a. having the glory or power of Brahbaimbika, m. (one addicted to Bim- nesday. man; -tego-maya, a. formed of Brahman's ba-lips), gallant, lover. glory; -tva, n. office of the Brahman priest; bailva, a. coming from the Bilva tree, clTtW baudhayana, m. pat. N. of an rank of a Brahman; position of Brahman; made of Bilva woodancent teacher: p1. his race; a. (i) relating -da, a. giving the Veda, imparting sacred made of Bilva wood. to or composed by Baudhayana: pl. school knowledge; -danda, on. Brahman's staff (a baishka, n. (?) flesh of an animal killed of Baudhhyana; i-ya, m.pl. a school of the kind of mythical weapon); curse of a Brahby a beast of prey or by a trap. Black Yagur-veda. man; -dandin, m. N. of an ancient sage; ~Ta; baihlnari, m. (irreg. pat.fr. bahi- ~ bradh-n[, a. ruddy; m. sun; N.; n. -datta, m. given by the god Brahm.an; N.; nara) N. of a chamberlain, lead: -bimba, n. disc of the sun; -mandala, -datri, m. inparter of the Veda, spiritual n. id.; (&)-loka, m. world of the sun (AV.). t; bod-dhavya, fp.to be attended to; ing of sacred knowledge; -diya, i. a. imto be noticed, observed, considered, under- 3w brav-a-s, 2 sg. subj. pr. Vbrfi. parting the Veda; 2. m. sacred knowledge as stoodcomprehended, orknown; - recognised; Wbrah-ma, m. priest (only -0 with asura-); a heritage; inheritance of a Brahman; -dayawho knows; person versed in (le.). m tibutepa to Brkhmans -karman, n. Brahman; -dushaka, a. falsifying the Veda; function of a Brrhman; office of the Brah- - #0V bodh-6, a. understanding, knowing; man priest; -karma-samadhi, a. intent on deya,. being give n tn marriage after the n. awaking (int.); waking state, conscious- Brahman in action; -kalpa, a. resembling vidhi, m marriage of the kind; nBrahma instru witcn.s; mexpandingcablooming (of tion in the Veda, imparting of sacred knowness; expandinCg, blooming offl-owers); call- Brahman; m. ageorcosmic period ofBrahmanv; maae n itrucing forth (a perfume); beginning to take (a primaeval age); -kanda,,n. the Brahman te eda mpartg ofsacred knoweffect (of a spell); apprehension, knowledge, section = the dogmatic part of the scriptures; tec f mte na, a. in whose family understanding; designation; N.; -aka, a. T. of a work or part of a work by Bhartri- a. hostile to devotion or religion, impious; (ika) awakening, rousing; causing to know, hari; -kilbisha, n. sin against BrAhmans m. hater devotloof Brhnans; -dvesha, m. hatred ofus; teaching, explaining; designating,indicating (BV.1); -kurka, n. a kind of penance in relgonimpiy; -dresham.hatredof (-~); enlightening, instructing; m. teacher, which thefive products of the cow are eaten| credknowledet; -dharmadissesshed af sa instructor; N.; -ana, a. (i) causing to awake, (= pa^ika-gavya); -krit, a. offering prayers; the Vedas and the law; -dht,. compoi.e. to expand (of abflower); arousing, excit- (brahma)-kriti,f. prayer, devotion; -kosa, the edpart of Brahman; -dh ing; instructn ing, informing, teaching; m. m. treasury of prayer; -kshatra, n. sg. & du. p aman planet Mercury; sn. awaking, waking; per- BrAhmans and nobles: -sava, m. pl. sacri- fe I. brih-man, n. [4 2. barh] (pious ceiving, understanding, knowledge; arous- fices offered by Brohmans and Kshatriyas; swelling or fulness of soul), devotion; pious ing; causing to take effect (spell); causing -kshetra, n. N. of a sacred locality; -gav., utterance, prayer; Vedic verse or text; spell; to perceive or understand; instructing, in- f. cow of a Brahman; -gitika, f. Brahman's sacred syllable 'om;' holy scriptures, the forming, enlightening; designating, indicat- song, N. of certain verses; -gupta, m. N. of Vedas; sacred learning, theology, theosophy; ing; ninthdayofthedarkfortnight in Bh- a son of Brahman; N. of an astronomer holylife, sp. continence, chastity; the supreme dra, on which Duryg awakes: i,f. eleventh born 59 8 A.-.N.; -golam. universe; -ghat- impersonal spirit,the Absolute(excepiony day of the light fortnight of the month aka, m. Brahman-killer; -ghatin, m. id.: treated as m.); class who are the repository IKdrttika, on which Vishnu awakesfrom his -^,f. woman on the second dayof her menses; of sacred knowledge, theologians, Brahmans sleep; -aniya,fp. to be admonished; - un- -ghosha, m. murmur of prayer (sts. p.); (coll., rarely used of individual Brahmans). derstood; - regarded as. sacred word, Veda (coll.): -rava, m. sound... of murmured prayer; -ghna, m. Brashman- p 2. brah-man, m. devout man, one who n owlN bodha-maya, a. consisting of pure slayer; -ghni, f. of -han, q. v.; -kakra, n. prays, worshipper; priest, BrAhman; knower knowledge. Brahman's wheel; kind of mystical circle; of Vedic texts or spells; one versed in sacred n gcWa si bodh-ay-i-tavya, fp. to be in- -karya, n. religious study; religious student- knowledge; sp. chief priest who directs the formed of (ac.);-a-i-tri.awakenerteacher; sh (of a Brahman youthpassed in celibacy, sacrfice and is supposed to know the three -ayishnu, a. intending to waken (tr.). being thefirst stage in the religious life of Vedas (his assistants being the BrAhma-; t d a Brahman); sp. self-restraint, continence, nakkhamsin, the Agnldhra, and the Potri), a bo, 2 sg impv. aor. of Vbudh chastity: -m upai, -a-gam, grah, kar, or supreme universal soul, the chief god of the (for bod-dhl) and of Vbht (for bho-dhf). vas, practise chastity: i,f. chastity, a-tva, Indian panthon (being the later personal rwflq~r~ brahma-nirva'na. si qkqr7~brahmana-vat. 199 form of the Vedic impersonal absolate deity, which is neuter); the Creator (-Vishnu being the Preserver, and Siva the Destroyer); intellect (=~buddhi); N. of a magician. O~IrWT rbralima-nirvftna, n. extinction or absorption in Brahman (n.); -nishtha, a. absorbed in the contemplation of Brabman (n.); -nlida, a. resting-place of iBrahman (n.); -pattra, a. Brahman's leaf = leafof the PaIksa tree (Butece frondosa); -patha, m. path to Brahman (in. or n.); -pada, n. place of Brahman (a.); pa~rayana, n. complete study or entire text of the Veda; -putra', m. son of a priest or Brahman; son of the god Bralniman; kind of vegetable poison; N. of a large river rising in the eastern Himalayas and falling into the bay of Bengal; N. of a lake; -pura, n. Brahman's citadel (in heaven); N. of a city (Theopolis): 'I,f. id.; ep. of the city of Benares; -puraka, m. p 1. N. of a people; -pura~khya, a. named Brabmapura; -pura'na, n. T. of a Purkna; -purusha, m. servant of the Brahman priest; servant of the god Brabman; -prakriti-ka, a. having Brahman as its source (world): -tva, n. origination from Brahman; -priya, a. fond of devotion; -pri', a. id. (1? V.); -baudhava, a. function of a priest's assistant; -bandhu, m, priest fellow (usedcontereptuously),unworthy Brkhman, Briihman in caste only, nominal Brihman; sp. Briihman who does not perform the morning and the evening Samdhya' ceremony (according to Sdyana); -bindu, m. Dot (Anusv,4ra) of Brahman, T. of an Upanishad; -biga, n. seed of the Veda, the sacred syllable 'om;' -bruva'na, pr. pt. A'. calling himself or pretending to be a Brfihman; -bhavana, n. abode of Brahman; -bha'g&, m. share of the Brabman priest; -bhava, m. absorption in the Absolute; -bhgivaua, a. manifesting or teaching the Veda; -bhid, a. dividing the one Brahman into many;..bhuvana, n. world of Brahman; having become one with, i. e. absorbed in Brahman or the Absolute; -bhfLya, n. identification with or absorption in Brahman; rank of a Brfihman, Brithmanhood; -bhiiyas, a. becoming one with Brahman; n. absorption in Brahman; -bhrashta, pp. having forfeited sacred knowledge; -maiigala-devat', f. ep. of Lakshml; -matha, m. N. of a monastic school or college; -maya, a. (i) consisting or formed of Brahman; -maha, m. festival in honour of BrAhhmans; -mi'mamsa', f. inquiry into the nature of Brahman, the Veda'nta philosophy; -yaggii, m. sacrifice of devotion = Vedic recitation or study (one of the five daily sacri-.fices of the householder); -yasas, n.: -a, a. glory of Brahman; -yasas-in, a. possessing the glory of Brfihmans; -yug, a. yoked by prayer = bringing the god in answer to prayer; -yoni, f. home of Brahman (n.); a. having one's home in Brahman; sprung from Brahman: -stha,a.abidinginBrahman (a.) as one's source; -rakshas, n. kind of evil demon; -ratna, n. valuable present bestowed on Brfihmans; -ratha, m.Brkhman's cart -rkshasa, m. kind of evil demon; -riga, m. N.; -rita, m. given by Brahman, ep. of Suka; N. of Yetgfiavalkya's father; arsi m. entire mass or circle of Vedic texts or sacred knowledge. ~f~brahmarishi, m. priestly or Brfihman sage (terra applied to ancient sages such as Vasishtha and others): -desa, m. country of the Brahmarshis (a tract comprising the Doab from near -Delhi to Mathurd"). NTW~tM brahma-lokd, m. world or heaven of Brahman (sts.pl.); -laukika, a. inhabiting the world of Brahman; -vaktri, m. expounder of the Vedas; -vat, ad. in accordance with or like the Veda; -vadya, n. recitation of Vedic texts; -vadha, in. tour- 3[WTlf( brabma~yus, a. Brahman's lifeder of a Brfihman; -vadhy&',f. id.: -krita, time; a. living as long as Brahman; m. N. a. perpetrated murder of a Brhhman; -vark- of a Brdkhian; _- aranya, a. N. of a forest; asa, a. pre-eminence in sacred knowledge, - am ai.b gn ngo Ve cr ctto; sanctity; -varkas-in, a. pre-eminent in di- - arpama, n. oferiniggof sacedi knowledgen; vin-e knowledge, holy; -varkas-vin, a. id.; -~arpaa, in. N.offrn the sacred trctbewleden in icoreonsce m tes;- - the Sarasvati and the Dris'hadvati,2 northin, a. discoursing on sacred matters; in. west of Ilastindp r;- a an setoth theo ogi n, edduin; -v~ a, i. B ahm n's Brahm an priest; a sitting posture saitable abode or heaven; (br6.h ma),-v~has, a. to fo ard m dtto;- sr,n r b a' whom prayer is offered; -vit-tva, n. sacred mirssiled( mydthticao wapn; - asyr,.Bama.'a knowledge, theolo.(gy, philosophy; -vid, a. Br h aZ m uh a utf Pffrn~ o knowing the Vedas; versed in magic; in. deoin theologian, philosopher; -vidya',f. knowledge deoin of Brabman or of sacred things; -vidvas, p t. Wbrahm-in, a. relating to Brahmnan. knowing Brahman; -vivardhana, a. increas- brdhm-ishtha, (spy.) in. Brahman of ing sacred knowledge, ep. of Vishnu; -vrik- the highest degree; very learned or pious sha, in. Brahman as a tree; -vritti,f. sub- Brahman; N. of a prince; -i1yas, (cpv.) mn. sistence, of a Brkhman; -veda, in. Veda of more worthy or learned Brfihman. Spells, Atharva-veda; -vedi, f. N. of a locality; -vedin, a. knowing the Brahman or the 3*T'brahme-saya,a.resting in Brahman. Vedas; -vaivarta: -'ka, a. T. of a Pserena; rbrahmauUggha, a. having aband on ed -vrata, a. vow of chastity: -dhara, a. prac- Vedic study: -ta&, f. forgetting the Veda; tising, -; -SAyin, a. resting in Brahman;I -Sala, f. Brahman's hall; N. of a sacred ~ t r,i.p. N fap ol c nitn; _SrMS,_SAchiefly of Br~hmans); n. T. of a section of locality; -ia,-irshan, n. kind of mnythi- the knapria(raigcifyo rh cal missile; -sainsad,f. Brahinan's audience- meS a d - uda (rai gcifyo rh chamber; -sainstha, a. devoted to sacred an;Id — aa,. l.ofapa e fpl thin s; sain it~ f. oll ctio of pray rs; grim age; a'udya, a. discussion of theological -satra,. scrifce f pr yer -sat a problems, giving of riddles from the Veda; offering a. sacrifice of prayer; nflti, a - odan&, in. rice pap b3oiled for Brhhmans, offrin a acrfic ofpraer;-sadana, n. seat of the Brahman priest; abode or heaven ep officiating priests. of Brahman; -sabh&', f. hail or audience- I brahma', a. (i') relating to Brahman; chamber of Brahman; -saanbav, a. sprung belonging, peculiar, or favourable to or confrom Brahman; -saras, a. N. of a bathing- sisting of Brkhman s, Brihmanical; bestowed place; -savA, mn. purification of prayer; kind on Brkhmans (money); prescribed by the of sacrifca rie -s t ri brn ino a- Veda, scriptural; -spiritual (birth); sacred, mony with Brahman; -sa'ma, -sa'm~n, a. divine; sacred to Brahman: with tirtha, n. Sa'man chanted after a verse recited by the part of the hand under the root of the thumb; Brahmnanpriest; -s'ygy,.completeunion w. vivkha, in. Brahman form of marriage (the or identification with the universal soul; highest of the eight forms, in which the bride asrshtia f. equality with Brahman; -sm- is given to the bridegroons without any prevarna, in. N. of the tenth ]ilanu;- _Savarni, sent in return on his part); m. pat. N.; n. m~id.; -siddhanta, in. T. qf various astrono- study of the Veda. inical works; -siddhi, in. N. of an ascetic;.lrAh an,i. ( vng t do w h -suta, in. son of Brahman; -svrall, Brahman or divine knowledge), one learned kind of plant; decoction of this plant (drunk inteVdholga pesBamnmn as a penance); -sfitra, a. sacred cord worn ant eV dt eoo in retB k m n a by Brfihmans over the shoulder; sacred or of the first of the four castes; ep. of Agni. theological Siitra; T. of a Sfttra work on the ~TJIWW 2. brghmana, a. (Ii) belonging to a Vedduta philosophy ascribed to B'dardyana Brahman, Brkhmanic;, f. woman of the or Vy dsa: -pada, a. statement of a th eolo- priestly caste; kind of red-tailed lizard; a. gical StItra; a. (i) consisting of the state- Brahman (a.), the divine (V.); divine power; ments of a theological Slitra; -siLtrin, a. dictum of a Brahman or priest, theological wearing the sacred cord; -srig, in. creator exegesis relating to matters of faith and of Brahman, ep. of Siva; -soma, in. N. of a cult; N. of a class of works containing such saint; -stamba, in. universe, world; -stena, disquisitions, a Brkhmana; passage in a mn. (thief of=) one in unlawful possession of Brfihmana; Soma-vessel of the Brahman the Veda; -steya, n. (theft of-= unlawful priest: -ka, mn. wretched or merely nominal acquisition of the Veda; -sthala, a. N. of a Br~hman; -kalpa, a.resembling a BrAihman; tosvn and of various villages; -sva, a. pro- _kUMA ra, an. Brahman boy; -kula, a. house perty of a Brfihman; -hatya", f. murder of a of a Brahman; -griha,, a. house of a Br~hBrahman; -hin, in. murderer of a Brfihman; man; -ghna, in. slayer of a Brahman; -kind-hridaya, in. n. N. of a star (Capella). &la, in. (kindida of a==) contemptible Brfih3[WT brahma akshara, a. the sacred syl- man; -get;!, a. Brkhman race; -gushta, pp. lalaI m:' -m~aya, a. consisting of sacred ditaiongo to Brfihmans; -ta', f. rank or consyllables; 7_-3igali,in. folding of the hands for di rinhmfan girl;-an tha, an. ird man text;a Vedic study: -krita, pp. folding the hands f.Bhmngr;pthmBrma ex; frVedic study. -putra-ka, in. Brkh man boy; -prasaiiga, an. forapplicability of the term Brbhmana, notion R TWI~ brahmatniJf. wife or female energy of Brahman; -pr~tivesya, in. neighbouring of Bahm n, e. o Durfi.Brkhman; -priya, in. friend of Brahmans;-bruva, a. calling himself a Brkhman, BrbhQT brahma anda, a. egg of Brabman, man only in -name; -bhava, in. condition or universe, world (sts. pl.): -k alm1, in. hemi- rank of a Brkhman; -bhogana, a. feeding of sphere of theworld =inhabited earth; ' dya, Brhhmans; -yagsia, an. sacrifice meant for or i.fp. eatable for Brkhmans; 2. a. beginning offered by Brkhmans; -vakana, a. statement with Brabman; - adhigamika, a. relating to of a Brakhmana text; -vadha, an. murder of a Vedic study; - ~uauda, an. rapturous joy in Brithman. Ba an-aea(pp.) an. N. of a 116k- TW br~hmana-vat, i. a. furnished or shsa -bhy^ sa, m. Vedic study in accordance with an explanation,. correct; WWT'brahmft-yR, den. A become Brahman. 2. (-vit), a. coannected, with a Brhhrnall 200 VT~RTr- bra'I -vara, m,. N. of a prin ce; -varkask, a. distinction or rank of a Brahman; _va~kya, n. statement of a Bra~hmana; -vidhi, m. injunction of a Brhbmana; -vihita, pp. prescribed in a Brbhmana; -sramana-lya'ya, in.: ale. in the way one understands Brb~hmana-Sramana to leave the meaning of Br~iman ascetic (the term strictly spealking implying a contradiction as it expresses a Brdhinan Buddhist). 51W MW79iT brftb mana-sh't-kri, bestow on RiAlchmans; -sa~d as, belong to Br~hmans.!RIT'' brhhmanaspatya', a. sacred to Brabmanaspati. XTW I~ brfthmana-sva, n. (pl.) property of Brtehmans; -svara, in. accent usual in a Brhhmana. RTiW TIT -tf-;ibr'hmanz't-sams-f'n, in. (reciting after the Brlchmana', priest who assists the Brahman at the Soma sacrifice; -3'ya, n., -iya, f. office of the Brlchmanlckkhamsin; — yA, a. relating to the Brhhmanlhkkhamsin priest; v. office of the Br~hmnan~kkhamsin. TWIWTTf7WTI9i brfthmana atikrama, m. disrespect towards Brhhmans; -_ abhyupapatti, f.protection of or kindness to a Brahman. h1mana-sa't-kri. p:bhgh;q;ft- bhagoh. WIT4 brAhmani1-bh-h, become a Br~hman. [a Brlchmana. Wi TMV~ brfthmana ukta, pp.prescribed in 3[TWWI br'ahman-ya, a. suitable for Brathmans; %. Br~hmanhood, priestly character; dignity of a Brlchman; companyof Brlchmans. WWIbrahmnil,f. (ofbrahma), female energy of Brahman; goddess of speech, Sarasvatl (Brabman's wife); speech; narrative; wife espoused according to the Brlcbmaformn; N. of various plants; N. of a river: -putra, in. son of a woman married according to the Br~hma rite. Wip brfthm-ya, a. relating to Brahman or the Brlchmans: -tirtha, n. apart ofthe hand. ~ I bruva, a. (c)calling oneself -, merely 14nominal. A WK? bruv-at, pr.pt. P. V/brfi; _-ana, id. A. T9 BRU~, IL. br VI-ti, brih-t, (only used in G~' the present stem, Vvak being employed for it in the general forms), say, utter, tell, impart, mention anything (ac.) to (d., g., lc.); speak to (ac., ets. g.); address (words etc.) to (2 ac.); call, declare or pronounce to be (2 ac.); speak about, refer to (ac. ~ prati or adhikritya); answer (a question; o~r W. punar, mnt.); predict, proclaim; A. call oneself or be called (am., rarely withb iti: V. &.E.); A'. designate for oneself, choose (Br.). adhi, speak hindly to, encourage any one (d.; V.). ann, (say after any one), repeat, recite; teach, impart to (d.); address any one (d.) respectfully, invite any one (d.) to (g.); say, speak, declare; regard as; 'A. repeat after any one, learn by heart, learn. apa, (talk away), console (ab.) for the loss of (ac.). upa, A'. speak to (ac.); beseech for (d., rarely ac.); invoke, implore. nis, utter aloud or distinctly; explain. pra, exclaim; declare, announce, betray; impart, teach, proclaim; inform against, betray; praise; speak kindly to (d.); call any one, describe as (2 ac.); offer, present to (d.). prati, speak back to, answer any one (ac.), give as an answer to (2 ac.); refuse (rare); A. pay (injuries etc.) back to (ac.; V.). vi, express oneself, declare, depose, state; express one's opinion about anything (ac.), answer (a question); interpret, decide (a law); make a false statement; gainsay, disagree. sam, P.A. converse (V.); A. agree (V.); P. say anything to (2 ac.; E.A). grc bleshka, in. strangling noose. -T BH. ff blia, — n a. = bhft, f. (q.v.) appearance, similarity; n. star, constellation, lunar asterism, sign of the zodiac. 4T-f;Rbha'ms-as, n. a part of the body (V.). WWET bhaka-bhaka"-ya, onom. den. A croak. MM~ bhak-td, pp. (Vbhag) devoted, etc.; m. worshipper; a. food; meal: -kara, m. preparer of food, cook; -lckhanda, a. appetite; -tva, n. being a part of or belonging to (~) -da, -da~yaka, a. presenting food to (g.); d^ sa, in. one who serves in return for his daily food; -dvesha, in. aversion to food, lack of appetite; -dveshin, a. disliking food, lacking appetite; -pa~tra, n. dish of food; -rukci, f.. appetite; -rokfasa, a. stimulating appetite; -sara~na, a. kitchen; -sgia', f. dining-hall; - kaiiksha,f. appetite; -abhi asa mn. id.; -_abhisara, mn. dining-ro om; arukijf aversion for food.;RW bhak-ti-,f~partition, distribution (V.); the being a part of or belonging to anything; appurtenance; portion, part; division, streak, line; order, succession; attachment, devotion, homage, honour, respect, worship, faith (in, etc., g., lc., or -0; ordinary my.);.2, assumption of the form of (e. g. steps): in. figuratively; in succession (also -tas): -kkheda, in.pl. broken lines or streaks; -giia, a. knowing devotion, faithfully attached: -tva, n. faithfulness'loyalty; -pfrrva-kam, -pfirvam, ad. devoutly, reverentially; -bhalg, a. possessed of faithful attachment or devotion; greatly devoted to a thing (lc.); -mat, a. attached, loyal, faithful, devoted, having pious faith (in, etc., lc. or 0-); -yoga, in. pious faith, devotion; -rasa, en. feelings of devotion; -raga, mn. predilection for (lc.); -va'da, in. assurance of devotion; -hina, pp. destitute of devotion. [parer of food, cook. T~ITffiq bhaktaupasftdha-ka, m. preITWJ BHAK-SH [secondary forin of N /bhag], I. bhaksha (C.: very rare), cs. bhakshiiya, P. (V7., C.)) A. (rare, Br., BE.) eat, devour (ac.; V. also part itive g.), partake of (in V. generally of fluids, in C'. almost exclusively of solids); bite; corrode, destroy; eat up (= drain the resources of); consume, use up (money, treasure): pp. bhakshita, eaten, etc.; des. bibhaksh-isha, bibhakshay-isha, P. wish to eat or devour. pari, cs. consume (B.). sam, cs. devour, consume.;Rl bhaksh-A~.^partaking of nourishment, drinking, eating; drink (V.), food (ord. my.): very commonly -- a.feeding or subsisting on; -aka, a. eating, feeding on (-2); en. feeder, eater, of (g., -0); (bhiksh)-ana, n. drinking, eating, partaking of, feeding on (g. or -; being devoured, by (in.); -aniya, fp. to be eaten, eatable: -ta',f. eatableness; -ayitavya, fp. to be eaten or devoured; -ayitri, en. eater. ~Rfk bhaksh-i, en. the root bhaksh (gr.); -ita, (pp.) n. being devoured by (in.): -sesha, a. remaining from what has been eaten; am. leavings of food: - aha~ra in. meal of leavings; -itavya'fp. to be eaten; -itri, in. eater; -in, a. eating (gnly..-.0); -ya,fp. to be eaten, eatable, fit for food; a. food; sp. solid food (which has to be chewed); en. food, dish (incorrect for bhaksha): -bhaksha-ka, in. du. food and eater, -vastu, a. eatable thing, victuals. RIT bhdg-a, m. [dispenser:.i/bhag] lord (of gods, esp. Savitri: V.); N. of one of the.Adityas bringing welfare -and love and instituting marriage; the lunar asterism, Phalgunil; sun; good fortune, luck, happy lot (mostly V.); dignity, grandeur (mostly V.); loveliness, beauty; love, affection, amorousness; pudendum inuliebre. WI'Tf*I bhdtga-tti, f. [bhaga-d(a)-ti] gift of fortune (V.'). WWuT~ bliaga-datta, in. N. of a prince; -devata, a. having the god Bhaga for a deity; -daivata, a. id.; + nakshatra, a. the lunar asterism Uttara& Phalguni; -uetra-ghua, -netra,-nipaitana, -netra-han, -netra-hara, -netra-hrit, -netra apahirin, in. Destroyer of Bhaga's eye, e~p. of Siva. I{71141( bhidga-vat, a. possessing a happy lot, fortunate, blessed; adorable, venerable, divine (ep. of gods and deini-gods), august, illustrious, holy (of saints); worshipful as a term of address in vc. (bhagavan, bhagavas (V.), bhagosjf. bhagavati, m.pl1.bhagavantah) or am. with g sg.; en. ep. of -Vishnu or Krishna, and of Siva: -i, f. ep. of Lakshml and of Durglc; -vad-asraya-bhi'ta, ppbenth seat or resting-place of the Venerable One (Vishnu). MF~rTlff bliagavad-gilta, a. song sung by the Adorable One (Krishna); a, f~pl. (+ upanishad) secret doctrine sung by time Adorable One (Krishna), T. of a well-known theosophical poem forening an eepisode in the.liahdbhdrata. [Vishnu or Krishna. R71TRWI bhagavan-maya, a. devoted to II'1Tbliaga-vedana, a. proclaiming matrimonial felicity.;RWTR bhag-as, a. = bhiaga, in. fortune. FWiTT bhagajafika, mn. pudendum inuliebre as a brand; a. marked -with a pudendum muliebre; - adhana, a. bestowing mnatrimonial felicity. WWTW bhagftla, m. =, kapftla, skull.;9fTFif bhag-fin, a. prosperous, happy, fortunate, lucky; splendid, glorious: -i, f. sister (happy, as not being an only child but having a brother): -pati, en. sister's husband, brother-in-law, -suta, m. sister's son, nephew. {fTffWTf*ZT bliagin-ikaf. little sister.;RI~jTY' bhagii-ratha [bhagi-ratha, having a glorious car], en. N. of an ancient king, son of Dili~pa and great-grandson of Sagara, who having with the help of Siva brought the celestial Ganges down to earth to purefy the ashes of the sons of Sagara, conducted that river to the sea (Slcgara): -kanya^, f. pat. of the Ganges, -suta',f. id., -yasas, f. N. of a daughter of Prasenagit.;0, bhagoh, vc. of bhiaga-vat. Wr. bliag-na. bhambha-ra'va.20 '201 2.N bhag-na, pp. (.Vbhan-g) broken, etc.; ns. fracture of the leg; -krama, is. violation of syntactical construction; -ginu, a. brokenkneed; -tn, f. condition of being broken: - pravahanasya,shipwreckedconditio-n;-prakrama, n. inappropriate sequence in using a word not suiting one previously employed (rh.); -pratigsia, a. having broken one's promise, faithless; -bha~nda, a. having broken his pots; -ma-nas, a. discouraged; -manoratha, a. disappointed; -ma'na, a. whose pride has been offended; -y&,liia, a. whose request has been refused; -vrata, a. having broken his vow; -sakti, a. whose power is broken; -samdhi, a. having broken joints; z -n~sa, a. whose hopes have been frustrated, disappointed;. idyama, a. whose efforts have been foiled, baffled. 17 bhafik-tri, m. breaker. WW- bhafig-6, a. breaking (V.'); in. breaking (also of waves), - down or off; plucking off; falling out; injury; fracture (of bones); separation, ainalysis (of words); bend, curve; collapse, downfall, fall, ruin, destruction, decay; interruption, disturbance; frustration, failure; infringement, diminution; non-performance (of an order); dispersion, discomfiture, rout, defeat (also in a lawsuit); fear; rejection, refusal; refutation; fragment; contraction, knitting (of the brows); fold; wave: -kara, a. breaking; m. breaker, infringer. Wf\f-bhafig-i (orii),f~breaking; bend, curve; crooked path,circuitous way; circumlocution, roundabout way of speaking or acting; manner, method; way of dressing, fashion, costume; disguise, semblance, of (.O;figure;step; wave: -bhfLta, P.P. resembling (~) - antarena, in. in another way; in an indirect m~anner. ifjbhaiig-in, a.fragile,passing away(-) RfW1if( bhahigi-mat, a. wavy (hair); -mtan, M. waviness; perversity; -vika~ra, m. distortion of the features (of the face). RIb:ft-fW bbafigi-bhakti, f. formation of steps, wave-like stair. " T bhafig-ura, a. fragile, transitory, perishable, as (-O); changeable, variable; curved (brow, etc.): -ta'f. transitoriness, perishableness; -rniskaya, a. fickle, inconstant. Iq bhafigura-ya, den. P. break, destroy; curl. If-Ef bhahigurli-kr-i, render fragile. 47BIIAG, I. bhaga, deal out, divide, `- distribute; allot, apportion, to (d., g.); share with (in.); give a share to (ac.); grant, bestow (A.); endow with (in.); obtain as one's share, receive as (2 ac.), share in, partake of, enjoy (ac.; V. also g.; rarely P.); experience, suffer, undergo, acquire, fall into (with abst. nouns, ep. Vgam. and other verbs of going); betake oneself, turn, or go to, have recourse to; have, possess; fall to the share of (ac.); assume (a form), put on (garments); choose, select, prefer; take into one's service; practise, follow, observe; favour; love; have carnal knowledge of; ho-nour, revere, adore, worship: pp.bhakta,divided; allotted; devoted to, adoring, worshipping (ac., g., lc., — ); as. bh~gg6ya, P. distribute; cause to partake of or enjoy. aja, resign a share of (g.) to (d., g-). abhi, flee towards (ac.). -', (rarely 'A.) give a -"-are in, cause to enjoy (lc.). anu, A.ca,JIse -,o take part in (lc.) after any one: pp. ~Partaling in (la.), nis, exclude from (ab.); apportion (ac.) to (in.). prati, again fall to the share of (ac.). vi, divide, distribute (ac.) to (ac., d., lc.; or ac. of prs. and in. of thing); apportion; share with (A. divide mutually); worship: pp. vibhakta, distributed, among (in.); having divided; having received one's share; separated, by (in. or -O); distinct from, without (in.); isolated; separate, different, manifold; divided into regular parts or lines, symmetrical; as. distribute; divide. pra-vi, distribute; divide, separate; share: pp. having received one's share; divided into or consisting of (_'); scattered (buildings). sarn-vi, share (ac.) with (in. + saha; d., g.); divide, separate; present or endow with (in.). sam, receive as one's lot; present with a gift (A.); distribute, divide; adore: pp. participating in, endowed with (g.); divided; devoted.;iR~SM bhag-ana, n. adoration, worship: t' f. id.; - anlya, fp. to be loved or adored; -i-tavya,fJp. id. BHANG, VII. P. (A'.) bhankkti, Nbreak, shatter, shiver, split; rout, defeat (an army); break up (a siltra); bend; baffle, check, disturb; dissolve (an assembly); destroy, devastate: _pp. bhagna, broken; defeated; destroyed; bent; lost (sts. --- as well as'-~). apa, break off. abhi, break in pieces, destroy. ava, break down, destroy. vii pp broken in pieces, shattered. nis, break in pieces; defeat (an enemy). pari, pp. broken; checked; destroyed. pra, rout, defeat. vi, dispel; disperse, rout. sam, break in pieces, shatter:pp. broken; routed, destroyed; baffled. Rg~ bhanig-aka, m. breaker (of doors); -ana, a. breaking; m. breaker (-'); dispeller; n. breaking, destroying; dispelling, removing; disturbing, interrupting. 4J BHAT, es. P. [Pr. den. fr. bbata] `\, bha~taya, hire. RZ bhata, m. [Pr. for bhrita, hired], mercenary, soldier, warrior; hireling, servant. R;R bhat-'iya, a. relating to IAryabhata. R~ bhatta, m. [Pr. for bhartri], doctor (designation ofgreat scholars: the real name often being omfitted, = e.g. Kumhrila); &,f. N. of a sorceress. qTP ibhatta-vftrttika, is. T. of a work; -aka'rya, m. famous teacher (guly. designation of Kumd~rila-bhatta). WYTK bhatta'ra, m. [Pr. for strg. base of bhartri], N. of various men: -ka, m. lord, venerable or worshipful person (used of gods, men of rank, or scholars); kind of Saivamonk; -matha, m. (conjf) N. of a college; _Vara, M. day of the Lord, Sunday; - yatana, is. house of the Lord, temple. 41f bhatti, m. N. of the author of the Bbattikavya (by various commentators identified with Bhartritiari): akvya, ns. the poem of Bhatti (sixth or seventh century A.D.), the main object of which, while describing the deeds of Badma, is; to illustrate the forms of Sanskrit grammar. T~~ bhatto-gi, m. N. of a grammarian, author of the Siddhadnta-kaumudi: -dikshita, -bhatta, m. id. Wt:4CqRr bhatta utpala, m. N. of a commentator of Fard'hamihira's works, who lived in the tenth century. WT bhada, m. a mixed caste. 4T7M BHAN, I. P. bhana [Pr. cognate of -,$/bh~sh], speak, say, to (ac. ~ prati); speak about, describe; call, name (2 ac.): pp. bhanita, spoken: is. imps. it has been said by (in.) to (prati). prati, answer (any one). RT'if[ bhan-ana, a. discoursing on, declaring (-0); -aniya,fp. to be said; -ita, (pp.) is. speech, discourse; -iti, f. id. RP!W bhand-a, mn. jester, buffoon; a mixed caste: -tva, is. buffoonery; -anilya, fp. to be derided; m. N. of a minister of Sriharsha.;9[%zi bhand-fika, m. a kind of fish.;M if bhadanta, m. honorific designation of monks. 3,34c bhad-rd, a. [laudable: v,,bhand] blessed, auspicious; fair, beautiful; good; fortunate, prosperous; skilful in (lc.): vc. m. my good friend, worthy sir,f. my good lady, pl. good people; 'a dis, f. the auspicious quarter, the south; a'v~k~f.kindly speech; -in, a-ya in. (V.) joyfully; -m kri or A-kar, do well; -m kri, grant welfare to (d.); m. kind of evildoer (pl.); N.; is. welfare, happiness, blessing, prosperity:* -m te, prosperity to you, God bless you (often used parenthetically in a -sentence).I03i bhadra-ka, a. good: pl. used as a term of address, good people: A, f. N.; -kalpa, m. the present cosmic age (among the Buddhists); -'karaka, a. causing prosperity; -k1i, f. a goddess, later a form of Durga; -ka~shtha, is. wood of the Devadaru tree (Pinus Deodora); -krlt, a. causing prosperity, blessing (V.); -ghata, m. pot of fortune, lottery vase. ~'-R bhadram-kara, m. (auspicious), N. R3{WT bhadra-tara, cpv. better; happier; more prosperous; _ti, f. honesty, uprightness; -danta, m. N. of an elephant; -dahru, m. n. the Devadhru tree; -nidhi, m. treasure of fortune (a precious vessel offered to Vishnu); -pada, is. a metre; -pitha, is. auspicious seat, throne; -ba~hu, m. N. of a son of Vasudeva; N. of a prince of Magadha; -bhata, m. N.; -mukha, a. having an auspicious countenance: only used in the vc. (or ism. = vc.) gentle sir: pl. good people; -mriga, m. hind of elphant; -ratha, m. N.; -riip,f. N.; -vat, a. auspicious: -iT"f. courtesan; N.; -vasana, splendid garment; -virag, f. a metre; -shlavana, is. forest of the splendid Shla trees, N. of a forest; -seni, m. N.;9WT'N bhadraaksha, mn. N. of a prince; 4yudha, m. N.; - asva, m. N.; - a_9sana, ns. splendid seat, throne; a sitting posture among ascetics; 'jsa, m. ep. of Siva; - isvara, m. N. of various statues and emblems of Siva; N. of a locality; N. of a scribe. 44 BHAN, J. P. [perhaps fr. 9th class of N Vbhh transferred to Ist] bhkna, (RV.) speak, declare. 9, call to. A 4iwIBUAND, I. A. bhilnda, receive loud Npraise (BV.). bhand-dd-ishti, a. (V.) speeding with shouts (the Maruts); -ina, a. shouting: a, f. shouting, praise (sts. pl.). W~11q1 bhandanft-ya, den. P. only pr. pt. -y~t, shouting, yelling (B V7.'). {ff ubhand-ishtha, spy, shouting Io udest, praising best.;RL3 bhappata, m. N. of the erector of a temple: -j'svara, m. N. of a temple. ~PR~ bhambhartli, f. [perhaps Pr. for bhramara ali], fly. [cow). RIK' bhambha-rftva, m. bellowing (of a D d 202;R-q bhay-a. lfqric bhav-1-tavya. 31Ilbhay-6, n. dread, alarm, fear, anxiety, of (ab., g., -0P); sg., pl. terror, danger, peril, distress (from, ab. or 0; to, 0-): ab. through fear; -m kri, be afraid of (ab.); -m da, give a fright, terrifyr. H~~i bhaya-kara, a. terrifying; endangering (g.); -kartri, -krit, m. one who terrifies or endangers; -m-kara, a. ('I) fear-inspiring, terrifying, formidable (to, — 0); m. N.; -dindima, m. battle-drum; -tratri, m. rescuer from danger; -da, a. terrifying or bringing danger to (g. or ~);-da'na, n. gift given through fear; -da~yin, a. fear-inspiring; -dhana, a. abounding in dread, terrible; _pratilka'ra, m. removal of danger; -prada, a. fear-inspiring;..pradayin, a. bringing into danger consisting of (-0); -vihvala, a. agitated with fear; -vita m. kind of military array in view of danger on all sides; -soka-sam~vishta, pp. filled with fear and sorrow; -sm asamnasa, a. having a mind scared with fear; -stbana, n. occasion of danger; -hraka, a. freeing from fear or danger; -hetu, m. cause of alarm. TR'TTVK bhayftna-ka, a. terrible, dreadful. RMTq bhayvapaha, a. releasing from fear, warding off danger from (~;- abdha, a. undisturbed by fear; -~~rta, pjp. stricken with fear, terrified;7-_3vaha, a. bringing fear or danger to ( —P); -u1ttara, a. attended with fear; -. upasama, m. allaying of danger, fear. 4TM bhay-ya,fp.ni. one should be afraid of (ab.).;RK bhdr-a, a. (-'C) bearing; bestowing; maintaining; m. bearing, carrying (V7.); gaining (V.); booty (V.); battle, fight (V.); burden, load, weight; quantity, multitude, bulk, mass; excess; (stress), shout or song of praise (V.): -m kri, rest one's weight on (lc.); do one's utmost; in., ab. in full measure, with all one's mighit.;R'KIq bhar-ana, is. bearing; wearing (of a garment, -'0); bringing, procuring; maintaining, supporting, nurture; hire, wages: i, f. (gnly. pl.) a lunar asterism; -aniiya, fp. to be supported, nourished, or fed.;R-?( bhdr-at, pr. pt. of Vbhri. 47f bhar-aki, m. [to be maintained], N. of a certain Agni who is kept alive by the care of men (V.); a certain Agni with a son of the same name (E.); actor; N. of various princes and men; N. of a tribe, the descendants of Bharata (pl.); N. of a manual of the histrionic art composed by a certain Bharata: -rishabha, in. ep. of Visvimitra; -khanda, %. N. of a division of Bhhrata-varsha; -putra, in. son of Bharata, actor; -pura, is. N. of a city; -roha, m. N.: -ka, m. id.; - ishabha, m. noblest among the Bharatas, ep. of various men; _Sardi\1a, m. tiger among -, -sreshtha, -sattama, s~py, best of the Bharatas, id.; -sena, m. N. of a commentator on the Meghadulta, 1?aghuvamsa, Sisupdavdaan Bhattikadvya. avdaan RnTIRTr bharsd-vaga, m. [bearing strong flight], skylark; N. of a sage: -dhanvantari, sa. N. of a divine being. WRQ bha'ra-dhyai, (V/.) d. inf. of Vbhri. ff'4fft bhdra-hftti,f. (RiV.) battle-cry; a. raising a shout of battle. [Or.-.0)* ~Rf" bhar-ita, den. pp. full, filled with (g. bhar-u, m. ep. of Vishnu and Siva. 4M bha'rg-a, m. effulgence (V.); ep. of Siva; -as, is. glorious form (V.). Ni BHARG, v. 441f BIIRAGG. 4MER~ bhar-tavya, fp. to be, borne; - supported, - maintained or nourished; - hired or kept. IN bhar-trz', m. i. [SB.' bhdr-] bearer, supporter, of (g. or );preserver, supporter; lord, commander, leader, chief (tr', f. mother); 2. (bhslr-) husband: -ka, --- a. ==bhmlrtri, husband; -ghui, f. slayer of her husband; -gaya, m. ruling a husband; -tva, is. condition of a husband; -darsana-kilkshaf desire of seeing her husband; -daraka, m. son of the sovereign, crown prince: ka, f. daughter of the king,o princess; -duhitri,f. id.; -dev at, -daiat, a.f. idolizing her husband; -priya, a. devoted to one's master; -bhakta, pp. id.; -mat-'I, a.f. having a husband,married; -mentha, m. N. of a poet; -rigy;~ paharana, is. seiz ure of her hcasband's kingd om; -vatsa1, a~f. tender to her husband; -vallabha-a, f. being loved by her husband; -vyatikrama, in. transgression against her husband; _vyasana-p3idita, pp. afflicted by her husband's calamity; -vrata, is. fidelity to a husband: a, a.f. devoted to her husband; -sokaParlta admgi, a. f. having her limbs overcome by grief for her husband; -st-kcri, marry a girl (to a husband); -hari, m. N. of a poet and grammarian (seventh century A. D.); -hina,.pp. deserted by her husband. BH ARTS, I. P. bhartsa (rare), cs. \ P. A. bhartsaya, threaten, menace; revile, abuse; deride: pp. bhartsita. abhi, threaten, abuse; mock= surpass. ava, threaten; abuse. nis, id.; mock, deride; surpass, cause to disappear. pari, menace; abuse. sam, id. i974ir bharts-ana, isaf threatening; abusing; -ita, pp. n. threat, against (lc.). RMT,~ bhdr-man, is. maintenance, nurture. 4414BHA RV, L P. bh~rva, chew,eat (liV.). RjR5 BHAL, only -' cs. bha1aya, With ni, N see, look at, observe. vi-ni, investigate. nis, look at, regard (only in -Pr.). sam, P. hear. RT bhala, enc.pcel. truly, indeed (V.). Rif bhalla,- M., IL f kind of arrow; in. bear; is. kind of arrow-head.;RT' bhallftta, m. marking-nut plant; is. the net: -ka, m. is. id. MM bhall-76ka, m. bear.;f' bhav-si, m. birth, production; origin, source; existence, life; worldly existence; world; well-being, prosperity; N. of a god, a companion of Budra (V.); N. of Siva (i. C.): -', becoming, turning into; — o a. arising, produced, or found in, coming from. 4Tqq bhava-ka, -'a a.=- bhava, existence; -kshiti, f. birthplace; -kh~mi, m. N.; -kandna, in. N.; -kkhid, a. destroying world. ly existence, releasing from transmigration; -kckheda, in. destruction of mundane existence, deliverance from further transmnigration; N. of a village. 4T{97~. bhav-at, pr. pt. (nin. -an; f. -a~nti) being; present.;R[W(~2. bhsiv-at, pr. pt. [th e gentleman present], m. used as honorific pronoun of the second person (nm. -&n, f. -at-i) with the third person (exceptionally with the second) and interchanging with, the pronoun of the second person; the, pl. is sts. used in token of greater respect. Bhavat is oftenjoined with atra, tatra, and sts. even sa. 4T1WMWi bhavat-putra, m. your son; -purva, a. preceded by 'bhavat': -in, ad. with I'bhavat' at the beginning.;RK bhavad-anya, a. other than you; -antya, a. having I'bhavat' at the end; Ah Ara artham, ad. for your food. wq;~ti bhavad-'iya, a. thine, your (in respectful address). RT I bhavad-uttaram, ad. with 'bhavat' at the end; -valkana, is. your speech; -vidha, a. one like you (in respectful address).RqfITTIgIf bhavad-viraha-nftma,n. mere mention of separation from you.;9"' bhav-ana, is. dwelling, abode, mansion; palace; temple; horoscope, natal star; coming into existence., production; place where anything grows: -dvanra, is. palacegate. R'qi bhava-nanda, in. N. of an actor; -nandana, in. son of Siva, pat. of Skanda. R! C — V bhavana-sikhin, ma. domestic peacock; -_ aiigana, is. court of a palace.;01"f~t4f bhava-nftsinil, f. (destroying mundane existence), ep. of the Sarayft; -nibaudha-vinasin, a. destroying the bonds of worldly existence. MM~Iftg bhav-an'iya, fp. that must be or happen: yushmabhir etad bhavaniiyain ha na anyatha^, and you must not let this be otherwise. C%~~f bhav-ant-I, f. pr. pt. present time. I{WI'q4M bhavan-madhya, a. having 'bhavat' in the middle: -in, ad. with 'bhavat' in the middle. R'4T bhava-bhafiga, m. annihilation of mundane existence; -bhava, in. love of the world; -bhAvana, a. bestowing welfare: a f. regarding anything as good fortune (-0); -bhilru, a. fearing rebirth; -bhihti, f. fortunate existence; m. N. of a dramatic poet, author of the Mdlatimaddhava, the llahaivirakarita, and the Uttararadmakarita, who lived in the eighth century A. D.; -bhoga, us, pleasures of the world; -manyu, mn. resentment against the world; -maya, a. proceeding from Siva; -mohana, a. releasing from mundane existence; -sarman, in. N.; -saiigin, a. attached to worldly existence; -samtati, f continuous series of transmigrations; -nyugyab, is. union with Siva (after death); -saira, in. ocean of existence. ffrqTfWPT bhava atiga, a. having left rnunadane existence behind. WqTIl'T~ bhavat-dris, a. one like you (in honorific address): -a, a. (i), id. Wq I bhav-'n'i, f. N. of a goddess (S.), later identsfied with Siva's wife P~rvatl (C.); N.: -pati, -vallabha, -sakha, in. ep. of Siva.;R{qTWR bhava ntara, is. another existence (jiast or future): -prapti-mat, a. obtaining reoirth; - abdh~i, in. ocean of existence.;R'-'; bhav-i-ta'vya, fp. that must be -or happen: often is. imps, with the subject in the in. and the predicate agreeissg with it; is. inevitable necessity: -ta, f. condition of what must be, inevitable neces-,1ty, fate -i-tni, a. (tri) about to be, future, imylminent: inn, also used asfuature. 4jfwi bhav-in. rr bhanu-ga.20 203 0ifntbhav-in, m. living being; man. ~TfIN bhav-ishya, a. about to be, future; impending, imminent; n. future.;rfffqW7 bhav-ishya't, ft.pt. that is to be, future; n. future, future tense: -ki1a, a. relating to a future tense; -ta'f., -tva, n. futurity; -pura'na, n. T. of a Purana; d-anadyataiia, sa. not the same day in the future.;Rf~q, b bav-ishyant-1,f —flrst future(gr.). TM bhiavishya-purftna, n. T. of a iPur~na: I'-ya, a. belonging to the BhavishyaPurkna.;Kf*WftP ~bhavishya uttara, n. second part of the Bbavishya-Purana: -puraina, n. id. Mbbdv-ya, a. present; future; as it should be, suitahie; good, excellent; haindsome, beautiful; gracious, favourable; auspicious, fortunate; n. present; existence; future; prosperity: -ta', f. beauty; - Akriti, a. handsome. i~BUASH, I. bhasha, bark, - at (E.). RW9 bhiash-A, a. barking (VS.') -aka, m. dog (C.).BLIAS, I. P. bhksa, III. P. bfibhas TRand bapsa [ba-bh(a)s-a], chew, devour, consume (V.): pp. bhasita, burnt to ashes (C.). nis, bite off (V.). pra, bite in pieces, eat (RIV.). R(bhas = bhiasman, ashes: only Ic. (P.). *K bhas-t6d, f. buttocks; pudendum muliebre. Rf*RW bhas-ita, (pp.) n. ashes (C.). MR~ bhbis-trft, f. bag, sack; bellows: ik' f. pouch, purse. R9IW bbasma-kfia, in. heap of ashes;..krit, a. reducing to ashes (-~); -krita,p. reduced to ashes; -kaya, rn. heap of ashes; -ta',f. condition of ashes. IR"VTbha's-man, a.eating, devouring (IIV.); a. [that which is devoured b'yfire], ashes. kqri bhasma-puiiga,-m. heap of ashes; -priya, a. fond of ashes (Siva); -bhutta,_pp. reduced to ashes; -bskireduce to a heap of ashes; -renu, m. ash-dust; -1&1&tikA, f. forehead mark made with ashes; -sa'yin, a. resting on ashes; -suddhi-kara, a. purifying himself with ashes (Siva). R~WRT7 bhasma-sftt, ad. w. as, bh"gain, or y&', be reduced to ashes; with kri or nii, reduce to ashes. [mere ashes.;KkWT1W bbasmaakhya, a. called ashes = II Tl~zf bhasma alftbu-ka, n. go-urd used for keeping ashes; - avasesha, a. of whom nothing remains but -ashes, reduced to ashes. 1#Wf bhasm-ita, pp. reduced to ashes, annihilated.;RI'bbasml-'kri, redlucetoashes; -bha'va, in. reduction to ashes; -bhui, be reduced to ashes. IKWIRT9 bhasmil - bhftva, m. becoming ashes: -m gain, be reduced to ashes. ITB A, II hP blti, shine, beam; be resplendent or brilliant; show oneself, appear; seem, look like (nm. ~ iva, or ad. in -vat); nDass for (am.); w. na, not shine, cut a poor fgure: pp. bh~ta, shining, luminous, bright. 'ava, shine down or towards; appear, show one~self. i, shine forth, be bright; illu mine; show oneself, appear; seem, look like -viplava, -vaishainya, -samkshaya, M. mis(w.. iva, yathh, -vat, nm. of -nibha, or in. of fortune; -samriddhi, -Sarnpad,f. prosperity; N.en -tva). sami4, appear or look like (iva). - ayatta, pp. dependent on fate; udaya, ud, shine forth, appear; look like (iva). nis, m;. pl. dawn of good fortune, fortunate ocshine forth; manifest oneself, arise from (ab.); currence. appear like (iva): pp. nirblh~ta, shining; RT bhftfiga, a. made of hemp (bhatgga). appeared, manifested, in (lc.). pra, shine forth; begin to grow light (of the night at;RW~t bbaieg~suri, m. son of Bhafiga-,dawn); appearorlook like(nm. + iva). prati, srpt fRtpra shine upon, illumine; show oneself, become Srpt fBtpra manifest, to (ac. or g. of prs.); appear to the RTW bhAg, a. (-~O) sharing or participating mind, be clear or intelligible, occur, to (ac. in, entitled to; possessing, having, enjoying; or g. of prs.); seem, appear like (nm. + iva practising, devoting oneself to; forming a part or yathA, or ad. in -vat) to (ac. ~ prati, or of, belonging to; connected or combined with; g.); seem good, please (ac. or g. of prs.). vi, occupying, inhabiting, or dwelling in; going shine forth, begin to grow light (of the night or extending to, falling into (lap); adoring, before dawn); be resplendent; strike the eye; worshipping. show oneself, be manifested; resound; seem, RT~17 bbag-ana, a. representation (in. in appear as (nin.), look like (am. ~ iva, or ad. in thplcof:g),reesniteeqva -vat); illumine. sam, shine for-th, show one- tepaeo:g) 2 ersnig h qia self; seem, appear as or like (am. + iva or lent of (V.); -a' a. sharing in, entitled to, beyath&).longing, or relating to; a. vessel, dish, pot; M ~recipient, repository, of (g. or -')fit object or RT -f~ bargla a. brilliant with light. person for (g.); a measure of capacity equal r:i b Ah-ca inMido ih o64 Palas: mt,f~being avessel of (g.); posGI, session, -tva, n. being a vessel for, worthiness.;RT'ff bhftkta, a. inferior, secondary; m. N. M~T'qe4Jbb fgani-bhfi, become a vessel of, of a certain Saiva and V-aishnava sect. obtain (~) R[TW bhag-~ m. portion, share, allotment, R{Tf~~ bhagq-in, a. ( —PO) participating in, inheritance; happy lot; part, fraction (opp. otiig obndwt;-a p ob whole); part., region, place, spot, space; -c' a. divided. supplying the place of; numerator (of afraction) dere (the 360th profaccl):W~TZ bhftta: OZ5 -ka, a. hire, wages; rent. -km, a. -0=~bhhga, share.;RTf~bha'tifwages; earnings ofprostitution. RiTWV?. bhahga-dhe'ya, a. share, due; lot, ~~hta nfloeo~mrl-hta fate -property; share of a king, tax; a. (I) due as a sibare (F.); -bhgg, a. having a share p.N.oapel. in assythi~g,: m. participator; -bhug, mn., N{TT1 bhftna, in. kind of play: i-k',f. id. (enjoying the taxes), king; -mukha, in N. RI bhftnda, a. vessel, pot, pail, dish; vat; -lakshana, a. indi'rect indication of the part bx ae tniipeet uia n (rh.). strument; wares, merchandise (sts. in.); jewel,;RTWTf bhAgavat-a, a. (i1).relating to or pro- valuable, treasure; capital, principal; bufceeding from the Adorable- One (Vishnu or foonery: -ka, a. pot; case; -' a. wares, merKrishna); m. follower of the' Adorable One, chandise; -pati, m. merchant; -mfilya, a. Vaishnava monk. "Capital consisting in wares, stock in trade; ~TWI( bbga-as, d. n pats divie); -vadana, n. playing a musical instrument; part by part, in due proportion, giadually; -v dAgAmuiaintme; slf.to-ha,. ecivig sar; m hir;_hrA, house; -ag ara, n. store-room; treasury; trea-ha. a division ving arithmret;.heir;-,' a.m sure: i-ka, am. superintendent of a store; heir - pahrina. mn- treasurer. heriting; mn. her__pagia recemivsng a share of inheritance; - arthin, a. claiming R WT13bhftnda-pura, a. N. of a -town. a;shre. rIr4TW' bbhtndaayana, m. N. [house. RiTfii4i bhftg-ika, a. forming a part; mn. N.; rri bAnrai.ste-om wr-in, a. entitled to a share; receiving or having TM badfr2mste-o,wre received a share; participating or concerned;ff " Ift~fbhtn d~r-ika, m superintendent in (g., lc., or — ); consisting of shares; mn. par- of a store, treasurer; -in, in. id. ticipator; possessor, owner; fortunate man. WT Tbania i. N. of a large NyagroI[Tff1i bhatgineya, in. son of a sister (bha- dha tree on the Govardhana; N. of a Dadnava. gini): -ka, m. id. ~Rrf'ff bhat-ti, f. lustre, brightness, light; ~RT4~ bhagi-kri, divide. perception, knowledge. RuT~IRh' bhag'iratha, a. (i') relating to Bha- RT W~ bhg-tvakshas, a. having mighty giratha: 3i,f. ep. of the Ganges (also N. of light (BLIV.'). one of the three sources and of an arm of the Ganges): Antha, in. lord of the Ganges, the RT bh'dia, mn. N. of the rainy month Bliaocean, -vallabha, m. lover of the Ganges, id. drapada (A~iugust-September): 3, f. day of;RTf'K bbtgrim.. o vrios mn. full moon isn Bhhdrapada; -inaufiga~, a.() ~{PJ~2 hagui, n. N ofvarius en, made of the d1ants Bhadra and Muilga. 4T bha'g-ya, i. a. relating to Bbaga; a.;9[T[ bhftna, met. appearance; perception. N. of the lunar asterism Pdrvaphalguni; 2. 4TV bhanav-n, a. peculiar to the sun; -iyas, a. happy; n. sg. & pl. lot, destiny (result of a.blnigtthsuoar actions done in a previous existence); good a.blnigtthsuoar fortune, luck; prosperity, happiness, welfare; R{TJ bhft-n-i, in. lustre, brightness, light; sg. reward,: in. luckily: -kraina, in. course ray; sun; N.: pl. the sons of Bhinu' the of fortune: in. by the turn of fortune; tAra, Adiys cpv. happier than (ab.); -vat, a. fortunate, happy: -ta',f. happiness; -vasa, mn. power of mfTw bhanu.-ga, in. son of the sun, planet fate: ab. by the force of fate;, -viparyaya, Saturn; -tanayA, f.duher of the,;un, Dd2 204 A R ff, hanu-mat.;wM bha'sh. 204bhIh pat. of the Yamuna; -ta',f. condition of the sun; -datta, m. N.; -dima, n. Sunday.!T3III bhanu-mdt, a. luminous, bright, radiant; m. sun; N.: -i1, f. N.; -maya, a. consisting of rays; -mitra, m. N.; -ratha, m. N.; -varman, in. N.; -vxa'r, m. Sunday. ~I~BHAM [dialectic form of bhram.], o nuypp. bha~mitba, wratbful ('7.). R Ri. bhg-ma, m. lustre, light; ray(lv) i;Rii 2. bhgm-a, m. wrath,'- rage (V7.): 'a,f. N. of a wife of Krishna. MfiTf~~bhatm-fn, i. a. lustrous, bright; radiant, beautiful (woman): -'ijf.lovelywomnan; 2. a. -in, angry (woman): -ij. angry woman. RT9 bhaty-aya, cs. of Vbhi'. *T[K bhar-4, m. burden, load; labour, toil, task, work, trouble; brunt; mass, quantity, abundance (often-' w. words meaning hair); load (a 'certain weight) = 20 tUls. HT17Gbhatra-ka, m. (?) burden, load; mass, quantity (ik&, f. id.); -gilvin, m. (subsisting by carrying burdens), porter. "TikI bh~ra-nda, m. a bird: 31f. itsfernale.;ffRT? bh'arata, a. (i) derived from the Bharata (Bitvig) or bearing the sacriftce (?), ejp. of Agni; descended from Bharata; belonging to the Bbaratas (with yuddba, n., samgr~ma, in., samara, Mn., samiti, f. the battle of the Bharatas; w. Akhyhna, n., itihasa, in., or kathAjf. story of the Bharatas; wv. mandala or varsha, n. Bharata's realm, India; w.vritti, f. kind of style); inhabiting India; m. descendant of Bharata; ep. of Yudbishthira: 3.,f. a Vedic deity, later identi~fied with Sarasvati, the goddess of speech; speech, voice; quail; n. the land of Bharata, India; the story of the Bbaratas and of their struggle (= Maha~bhbrata, but sts. distinguished from it). 91TKN14f bhatratil-vat, a. accompanied by the goddess Bh~ratl.,M bh'radvaga, a. ('I) derived fo or relating to BhiaradvAga; m. descendant of Bhiaradva'ga, pat. of Agastya and others; planet Mars; skylark: I, f. female descendant of Bharadvhga; skylark; N. of a river; a-km, a. belonging to or derived from BharadvAga: i-ka~f. skylark.;9 '~'f bhairadvfig-in, m. pl. N. of a certain school; -i^ya, a. relating to Bhhradvtga; in.pl. the school of Bhixadv~ga.;RTM'' bhftra-pratyavara, a. lowest by reason of the bearing of burdens (actic4%s); -bha'rin, a. bearing burdens; -vat, a. weighty; -vkha, a. bearing a burden; in. beaier of a burden; -va'haka, in. burden-carrier~, porter; vahana, sn. id.; avhin, a. burduna-carrying; bearing a load of(0 iT~~bharavi, m. N. of the anuzor of the KirA.targunlya (sixth century A. 'T.). RT"'- bhftra-saha, a. bearing a heavy burden, equal to great tasks; -sa'dhana, a. accomplishing great things, very efficacious (weapons); sadhin, a. id.; -hArin, a. bearing a heavy burden (Krishna); - akranta.pp. overloaded (ship). A Iff'RT'q bhArfi-ya, den. A. e a burden to (g.'); pp. -yita, being a burden to (g.). ErRf bhbar-ika, a. burdensome, heavy; Mn. burden-carrier, porter; '-in, a. bearing, Ca1,'rying (-O); heavy; deep (tone); m. burdenea rer, porter. RT~ft bha'raudvaha, m. burden-carrier, porter;. ypagivana, n. subsistence by carrying burdens. RPM~ bhfirgav-9, a. (i1) derived from, belonging or relating to Bhrigu; belonging to BhArgava (Sukra); sn. descendant of Bbrigu, Parasurama; pat. of Sukra, teacher of the Daityas; ep. of Siva: Lf. female descendant of Bhrigu; daughter of BhArgava (Sukra); ep. of Ptrvatl; (a)-raghaviya, a. relating to ParasurAnia and RAma.;RT C4 bha'rgaviya, a. relating to Bhrigu. 4TRT bhatrmya, m. pat. of Mudgala.;RTRW bhftrmyasva, in. id. R{TW bha'r-ya-, jp. to be borne; to be supported, cherished, or nourished; m. one supported by another, dependent, servant; mercenary, soldier: a, f. wife; female, mate (of an animal). "'T fkrW bhftryat-gita, pp. ruled by his wife, hen-pecked; -tva, n. wifehood; -drohin, a. acting maliciously towards his wife; -pati, m. du. man and wife: -tva, n. wedlock; -vat, a. having a wife; -sama, a. equal to a wife. [in. forehead. RTIR bhatla, n. forehead; splendour: -patta, I{Tif-M bhftluk-i, in. N. of a sage;- -in, um. N. of a teacher. RT' bbh'v-a, m. becoming, arising, occurring; turning into (),transformation into (lc.); being, existence; endurance, continuance; state of being (-0, forming abs'. nouns like -ta' and -tva); being or becona-ing (as the fundamental notion of the ve~-b, sp. of the int. or imps. vb.); behaviour, ',onduct; condition, state; rank, position; aspect of a planet (in astrology); true state, reality C- in reality); manner of being,~ nature; mental state, disposition, temperament; way of thinking, thought, opinion, sentiment, feeling; emotion (in rhetoric there are eight or nine primary Bhadvas correspondingto that number ofliasas or sentifents); supposition; meaning, import (iti bha^vah is continually used by commentators like iti rthah or iti bhiprhyah, at the end of an explanation); affection, love; seat of the emotions, heart, soul; substance, thing; being, creature; discreet man (dr.: va. = respected sir); astrological house: bhivo bha^vain nigalkhkati, birds of a feather flock together; bha~vain dridham kri, make a firm resolution; bhivam kri or bandh, conceive affection for (lc.): -ka, a. causing to be, producing ();promoting the welfare of (g.); imagining, fancying (g. or ~9; having a sense of the beautiful, having a poetic taste; -kartri-ka, a. having, as its agent an abstract noun; -gamlya,jfp. to be recognised by the imagination. [address). RTZlqf bh fvat-ka, a. thy, your (in respectful IRTNffi.bh'av-ana,a.(I) effecting,producinag; furthering, promoting the welfare of (g. or ~0;imagining, fancying; teaching; n., 'a, f.producing, effecting; conception, imagination, idea, fancy; supposition; a, f. settling, determining; saturation of a powder with fluid; -o' a. nature: in. in thought, in imagination; -in bandh, occupy one's imagination with., direct one's thoughts to (lc.). IrrTq'q2.bbha-vana,n.forest (=blaze)oflight.;RT'4fVT bha'van-ikft, f. N. MqT-'I4 bhav-anliya, fp. to be set about; - indulged in (pain); - cherished; - imagined or realized; - supposed or assumed. IiTWI~f([J,1qT bhftva-pratidftshita, pp. dis-. turbed in mind;_polluted by nature (vessel); -bandhana, a. heart-uniting; -bodhaka, a. betraying an emotion; -misra, in. honoured sir (dr.; Pr.).;RZ bhftv-aya, as. of Vbhft; -ay-itavya, fp. to be cherished or furthered; -ayitri, m. promoter, patron. WTTIERbhftva-rfipa, a.really existing; -yakana, a. expressing the abstract verbal notion (activity or state); -vat, a. being in a condition or relation; -vikara, Ms. modification of the notion of being or becoming; -vritta,.pp. relating ta creation; -sabda, in. verb; -suddhi, f. purity of heart; -su'nya, a. devoid of affection; -samsuddhi, f. purity of heart; _SaMahita, pp. composed in mind; -stha, a. being in love, enainoured; -sthira, a. rooted in the h eart; -snigdha, pp. heartily or deeply attached.;R bha-vaakfita, n.- stirring of love; -atmaka, a. having the nature of reality, real; -artha, a. having a verbal meaning; -ava, a. kind to creatures, tender, compassionate. IRif bhflv-ika, a. (i) real, actual; full of sentiment, expressive; n. vivid description of something past orfuture (rh.)'; language full of emotion. 4Tf'; 'fib~v-arvr~nmftLr king, crown prince. ~Rif-gi bhftv-ita, cs. pp. (V'bhft') produced, manifested; cherished; good -humoured; elated, conscious of one's power; pervaded or inspired by, engrossed with (in. or directed towards (lc.'; perfumed: -bhalvana, a. furthered and furthering; -buddhi, a. havingg purified or moulded one's intellect. Rrrf-r bhftvi-tft, f. adaptation to (-'O). MTfg- ~T bhftvita tman, a. whose soul is purified or is made th'e object of meditation; engaged or occupied with(O) wr~bhavi-tva, a. necessity of being, inevitableness;?,being; accommodation to.;uTf'4rKbhatv-in, a. being, becoming, wont to be (gnly. -9O); future, imminent (often:= fut. of Vbhft); inevitable; possessed of (-O); manifesting, showing;?,furthering, blessing; worshipping; ms. every vowel except a: -1L, f. handsome woman, noble lady.;RT~qibh'av —ka, a. becoming anything (nin., or -0 with& ad. in -am); having an aesthetic sense; n. language full of emotion. RT'giiWbh vav udaya, m. rise of an emotion. Z[TM bhftv-ya, fp. that must be or happen; future (sts. = fut. of Vbh-ft); to be effected or accomplished; - felt; - imagined; - guessed; - approved; - convicted: - proved or demonstrated; n. imps, one (in.) should or must be; to be understood: -ta`,f., -tva, n. futurity. iA qB HA SH,I1.A. (E. also P.) say, speak, N talk; address, say anything (ac.) to (ac.); speak about, discuss; announce, tell; name, Call (2 ac.); describe as (2 ac.); employ' in speaking: pp. bhashita, spoken; cs. bhaphaya, P. cause to speak; cause to think, agitate; say, speak. auu, call after or to; say, speak, talk, to (ac.); speak about (ac.); confess; believe the words of (ac.); as. converse with (ac.); read. apa, speak incorrectly; revile, abuse. abhi, speak to, address; converse with (in.); speak, say; be in the habit of saying; tell, relate, anno ance, communicate, proclaim; say anything (ac.) to (ac.); TRq bhash. fix bhin-na. 205 speak about (ac.); name, praise; confess (ac., in.): pp. addressed. ava, pp. reviled (?). A, speak to, address; converse with (saha); say, speak, tell; exclaim; say anything (ac.) to (ac.); name; promise. vi&, speak to, address; talk; utter. sam-a, speak to, address; tell, communicate. pari, admonish; address; explain, teach: pp. expressly stated as (nm.); laid down as a general rule; n. it is stated in the paribhash&s. pra, proclaim, tell, declare; divulge; say, speak; explain; name; converse with (ac.): pp. spoken; explained. sam-pra, say, speak, to (ac.); declare, proclaim; recite. prati, speak to; speak in return, answer any one (ac.); say in reply; make (a speech), say (words); name, call (2 ac.). vi, revile: ps. admit an alternative, be optional: pp. optional. sam, converse with (in. + saha); speak to, address, greet; join in the conversation; agree; persuade; recite; cs. converse with (in.); address; persuade. Wn bhash, a. (-~) barking. lTrti bhash-aka, a. (-~) talking or chattering about; -ana, n. speaking, talking, chattering; speech; kind words. aTNl bhash-a, f. speech, talk, language; vernacular tongue (either=spoken Sanskrit of Pdnini as opposed to Vedic or Prakrit as opposed to Sanskrit); description, definition; plaint, charge, or accusation (in law); -kitraka, n. play on words; -gina, a. versed in languages; m. N.; -parikkheda, m. T. of a compendium of the Vaiseshika system; -sama, m. sentence identical with the vernacular (i.e. consisting of words which may be accounted Sanskrit as well as Prakrit: rh.). "rIfi-C bhash-ika, a. relating to the vernacular; n. general rules: &,f. language; -ita, pp. spoken, said; n. speech, utterance, language; -itavya,fp. to be addressed; -itri, a. saying, uttering (ac.; Br.), speaking (-~); -in, a. saying, speaking; loquacious; gnly. -, speaking, talking. Tf'qf!^T bhiashi-pakshin, m. talking bird. TI bhash-ya, n. speaking, talking; work written in the common or vernacular tongue; extensive commentary explaining a text (esp. a Sitra) word for word; T. of Pataigali's commentary on the SAtras of Pdnini (otherwise Mahfbhashya): -kara, -krit, m. commentator, scholiast, sp. applied to Patasgali. ITR[ BHAS, I. bhasa, P. (V.), A. (C.) \ shine, be bright; A. appear, as or like (nm. or in. of abst. N.); occur to the mind, become clear, be understood: pp. bhasita, luminous; cs. bhasaya, illuminate, irradiate, brighten; cause to appear, make evident (in the way of, in. of abst. N.). ava, A. shine; become evident, appear, as (in. of abst. N.), like (-vat); cs. illuminate, cause to appear. viava, cs. illuminate completely. a, A. appear like (iva); cs. shine upon; show to be illusory, prove untenable. ud, shine forth; be striking; cs. illuminate; cause to stand out; beautify, adorn. sam-ud, be resplendent with (in.). nis, shine forth; cs. illuminate. pari, appear or look like (iva); cs. adorn. pra, shine, glitter; appear like (iva); cs. illuminate. prati, A. manifest oneself, appear, like(nm.), as (in. of abst. N.); be brilliant, be of consequence. vi, shine, be bright. RTE.bhas, n.( V.),f. lustre, brightness, light; ray. TTlt bhas-d, m. lustre, brightness, light; a bird of prey; N.: (a)-ka, a. showing, making evident; m. N. of a poet, -ta, f. condition of a Bhasa; -ana, n. shining, glittering; brilliance, distinction. WTlR bhas-as, n. I. light, ray; 2. food, prey. +TWlT[iT bhasa-ketu, a. betokened bylight. Tfr'l. bhas-in, a. (-~) shining; -ura, a. shining, bright, splendid; distinguished by (-~): -ka, m. N.; N. of a lion: -simha, m.id. RMil bhas-kara, a. [making light], shining, luminous, brilliant; m. sun; N., esp. of a celebrated astronomer (twelfth century A.D.); kind of breach: -nandin, m. son of the sun; -vanman, m. N. and ep. of princes; i, m. pat. of the planet Saturn and of the monkeyking Sugriva; i-ya, a. derived from Bhfskara; m. disciple of Bhaskara. [ashy. YTTI' bhfsman-a, a. consisting of ashes, HiTTI bhas-ya, a. becoming manifest or known: -tva, n. manifestation. ITT1 bhas-vat, a. (-1) shining, luminous, radiant; m. sun. [liant. [TFIT bhas-vard, a. shining, radiant, brilfw:*'TT bhihkha-raga, m. N. of a king. fe B HITKSH,I.A.bhiksha[bi-bhak-sh, Xdes. of /bhag, desire a share], ask for (g., ac.); beg anything from (2 ac.), solicit from (ab.); beg alms; cs. P. bhikshaya, cause to beg, reduce to beggary. firw bhiksh-ana, n. begging, mendicancy; -a,f. begging, soliciting, mendicancy; begged food, alms: -m kri, beg; -m at, kar, bhram, or ya, go about begging. fi"rnti bhiksha-ka, m. beggar; -karana, n. begging, mendicancy; -kara, m. N. of a son of Bhoga; -karana, n. mendicancy: -m har, go about begging; -karya, n. id.: -m kar, go about begging: a, f. id.; -karyakarana, n. id.; -kara, a. practising mendicancy; m.beggar; - atana, n.wanderingabout begging, mendicancy: -m kri, beg; -m karaya, force any one (ac.) to go begging; - anna, n. food obtained by begging; -patra, n. begging-bowl, alms-dish; -prakara, n. going forth to beg; -bhSnda, n. beggingbowl; -bhug, a. living on alms; - ayana, n. mendicancy; - arthin, a. begging for charity; m. beggar; -vat, a. receiving charity, begging; -vritti, a. subsisting on. alms; - sitva, n. eating of begged food, living on alms; - asin, a. eating begged food,living on alms; - ahara, m. begged food; a. living on alms; m. beggar. fiT bhikshu (des. a.), m. beggar; sp. religious mendicant (a Brahman in the fourth stage, when having forsaken house and family he lives on alms only; also called Samnydsin); N. of a son of Bhoga: -ka, m. beggar; religious mendicant: i, f. female beggar; -karya, f. begging; religious mendicancy. ff'T bhinda, m., a,f. a shrub (Abelmoschus esculentus). [wall. fi' bhit-ta, n. fragment, section; partition, f'iffS bhit-ti, f. breaking, splitting; mat made of split cane; wall, partition; panel; -~ with parts of the body = vertical surface: -buddhi-kara, a. producing the impression of a wall. BHID, I. P. bh6da (V., very rare); N VII.P.(A.) bhinad,bhind, split,cleave, pierce, rend asunder, break, - through or down; pass through; dig up, excavate; disperse, destroy; separate, divide; transgress, infringe, violate; betray (counsel); disunite, set at variance; expand, open, cause to blossom; loosen, disentangle, relax, dissolve; change, alter; perplex, distract; disturb, interrupt; take away, remove; discriminate, distinguish; ps. bhidyate, be broken, burst; be divulged; be destroyed; be divided; expand; stream, overflow; be dissolved; keep aloof from (in.); be at variance with oneself, be perplexed; be different from (ab.): pp. bhinna, broken, shattered, etc.; leaky (ship); destroyed; divided; separate, detached, without (~-); not whole, fraction of (a coin); expanded, blossoming; having streaming temples (elephant); set at variance; bribed by (-~); altered, disguised (voice); different, from (ab., -~); deviating, abnormal, irregular; mingled or blended with (in. or -~); remaining attached to (lc.,-~); es. bhedaya, P. split, cleave, break, shatter; destroy; divide; set at variance, disunite; bring over to one's own side, seduce; perplex; des. bibhitsa, P. endeavour to break through or disperse; intv. bebhiditi, bebhetti, cleave repeatedly. vi ati,pp. inseparably connected with (in.). anu, cleave all along; ps. open (int.). antar, plot treachery. abhi, ps.bebroken inpieces. ava, cleave, pierce. a, tear, lacerate. ud, break or pierce through (ac.); ps. shoot up, germinate, grow, appear; burst: pp. shot forth, displayed; betrayed; risen up; provided with (-). pra ud, pp. broken forth. nis, cleave asunder, tear up, break through or down; pierce; put out (eyes); wound; make openings in (ac.); loosen (a knot); find out: pp. cleft asunder, etc.; keeping aloof from (-tas); betrayed; disunited, at variance. vi-nis, break in two, split up; pierce: pp. pierced; opened (ears). para, pierce, wound. pari, be broken through: pp. broken in pieces, crushed; altered. pra, cleave, split open, break or tear asunder; pierce; ps. break in pieces; be divided; be dissolved, open: pp. broken,.riven; expanded (flower); exuding (blood); having the temple juice flowing (elephant); interrupted; altered. prati, pierce; betray; be indignant with, censure: pp. being in close contact (~-), with (in.). vi, cleave asunder, break in pieces; pierce, penetrate; sting; destroy; loosen; infringe, violate; alter; ps. burst: pp. pierced; destroyed; changed in one's feelings, become faithless; altered; opened, blossoming; streaming (temple of an elephant); dispersed, scattered; separated; living at variance; full of dissensions (place); contradictory; disappointed (in one's hopes: -~); different; mingled with (in.); cs. cause any one (ac.)to be at variance with (ab.). pra-vi, pp. rent, burst. sam,break in pieces; pierce; interrupt, abandon; bring into contact, unite, mingle, combine; join any one (ac.): pp. broken in pieces, etc.; broken through (limits); abandoned (mode of life); contracted (limbs); come into contact, joined. fi#T bhid, a. (-~) breaking in pieces, cleaving; crushing; piercing; striking,hitting (a mark); destroying; f. wall (R V.1); distinction; species. fi'rT bhid-f, f. bursting, rending, tearing; separation, distinction; difference; species, sort: -bhrit, a. torn, lacerated. fi' bhid-ura, a. capable of being cleft; fragile, brittle; destroying (-~); mingling or blending with (-~); -ya, m. rushing river; n. breaking in pieces (-~). fi'lh-bhind-'u,m.destroyer(R.1); drop(V.). f'r[ bhin-na, pp. v/bhid; n. fragment, part; stab: -karnindra- kumbha- mukt - maya, 206 qft bhinna-k'l-kri. w Mbhuga-kkh'ya'. I I a.(i) consisting ofpearls thatfeillfrom the cleft -frontal protuberances of a lordly elephant. fMA#T bhinna-ki-kri, separate, divide. fiTW~iiTW bhinna-ka'la, a. overstepping the time; -ki~ta, a. employing different stratagems; -krama, a. having the wrong order, displaced; -ganda-karata, a. whose temples are streaming (elephant); -garbha, a. (having a discordant interior ==) suffering from internal dissensions, disorganized (army); -gqiti, a.p1. of different rank; -g~tiya vros -tva, n. difference from (-=O); -darsin, a. seeing a difference, distinguishing; -desa,,a. occurring in different places: '-tva, n. occurre-nce in widely distant places; -prak'ra, a. of a different sort; -mantra, a. having betrayed counsel; -marya'da, a. breaking down or transgressing the bounds; -ruki, a. having different tastes; -liiiga, n. incongruity of gender in a simile: -ka, a. (i-ika^) containing words of different gender; -vakaua, a. containing words of different number; n. incongruity of number in a simile; -varna, a. colourless; -vritta, pp. hehaving irregularly, leading a bad life; -vritti, a. having different occupations; having a different vocation; leading an evil life: -ta, f. abst. v.; -alaa n. mixed collyrium (applied with oil): -var%a, a. having the colour of mixed collyrium: ta f. abst. Nr.; - arthia, a. having a different object; having a distinct sense, clear, intelligible: a-& f. clearness, intelligibility. fi,",bhiy-ds, m. (V.) fear: only in. & aIc. sg. (V.): -e, d. == inf. of V/bhi. f4W~ bhilla, m. N. of a wild mountain tribe; prince of the Bhillas: 3',f,. female Bhilla. f RVT bhiskfi, f. N. f 'V BHJSHAG [(a)bhi-sag, attach, -N plaster],IJ P. bhish~kti,heal (RE.'). f iibhi-shdg, a. healing; rn. healer, physician; remedy (1.); N. f'T~qW. bhishag-yd, i. den. P. heal, cure; be the physician of (d.), for'something (lc.); get the better of; 2. a. possessing healing power: a f. healing. [in. N. of a town. fiiT~i~ bhishftya-ka, in. Yaksha: -pura, fiil,!rVT bhishnag-ya, P. heal (By7.1). BHll, I. 'A. bhaya (ord. form in V7.), III. P. bibh&ti, fear, he afraid of (ab., g.; be anxious about (ab.): ma' bhaih or bhaishihk, fear not: p. bIt~ rgtn d alarmed, dreading, afraid of (ab., g., -~0); imperilled; anxious about ( —P); es. bhishkya, P. A., bhayaya, P. frighten, terrify, intimidate. ati, be excessively afraid. pra, be frightened of,(ab.) -: pp. terri-fied. vi, be frightened: pp. frightened; as. frighten, intimidate. sam, p.p. dreading (g.). 1;ft bhi' f. fear, fright, alarm, dread, of (ac. with prati, ab., lc.,.) [with ( —P). 4TA' bh'i-kara, a. causing fear, terrifying, 4N bhi1 - ta, pp.: -bhita, pp. excessively terrified; -vat, ad. like one terrified. Aff bh'i-ti, f. fear, alarm, dread, of (ab. or.); danger: -tas, ad. through fear of (-0;-krit, a. causing fear; -kichid, a. relieving from danger; -mat, a. timid. WNI bhi-mad, a. fearful, terrible, formidable: 0-, ad.; m. ep. of Rudra- Siva; N. of one of the eight forms of Siva; N. of various divine beings and men, esp. of the second son of Pan du: A,f. N. of Durgal and of an Apsaras; N. of various rivers; N. of a locality. HIR~ik bhima-karman, a. doing terrible deeds, of terrific prowess, -irhanda, n. T. of a section of the Mahd'bhadrata and of the iShanda-purdna; -gupta, m. N. of aprince; -ga, f. daughter of Bhlma, Damayantl; -ta^, f. terribleness; -darsana, a. of terrible aspect; -dhranvan, in. N. of a prince; -nandmI f. Bhlma's daughter; nada, m. dreadful sound; a. sounding dreadfully; -naaia in. N.; -parakrama, a. having terrible valour or prowess; in. N.; -putriirA,f. 'Bhlma's daughter; -pura,na. N. of a town; -pfirvaga, m. Bhlma's elder brother, e~p. of Yudhishthira; -bala, a. having terrible strength; in. N.; -.bhata, in. N.; -bhaVI-bh&, assume the form of Bhlma's daughter, i.e. Damayantl; -bhuga, a. having terrible arms; in. N.; -mukha, a. having a terrible face; in. N.; -ratha,in.(having a formidable car), N. of a llalshas; N.; -ritpa, a. of terrible form; -vakana, n. Bhlma's command; -vikrama, a. having terrible valour; in. N.; -vega, a. having terrible swiftness; in. N.; -sasana, n. Bhlma's summn;-ua, f. Bhtma's daughter, Damayanti; -sena, m. (having a terrible army), N., especially of the second Phndava prince; - airara, m. N.; A-deva, m. N. PRt;5;bhbhmaogas, a. of terrible might.;R' bhi-ra, a. terrifying. 4ft', bhi-_rii, a. (0) timid, fearful, cowardly; shy; afraid of (ab., -~O): vc.f. often used in address, 0 timid one! paratr'a -, dreading the beyond: (u)-ka,&v. timorous, cowardly; afraid of (-.0); -gana, a. having cowardly followers; ta,f, -tva, n. timidity, bashfulness; cowardice; fear, dread, of (-0); -bhiru, a. excessively timid; -maya, a. terrific, frightful; -yodha, a. garrisoned by dastardly soldiers; -sattva, a. having a timid nature, timorous. [dreading;~T bhilu-ka, a. timorous, cowardly; WfTt~~ bhi-sh-ana, a. (a 3) terrifying, formidable to (g. or -); 0' terrible by, like, at (time); n. terrifying; -sh-aya, cs. of V/bht. 4tFbhi-shft, i. f. intimidation; 2-. a', in. ad. (V.) through fear of (ab.). bhi-sh-mg, a. frightful, terri-fic, dreadful; in. N. of a son of Gafigad and Sadmtanu, grand-uncle of the Pdndus, and leader of the Kuru army: -ira, m. contemptible BhI. shma; N. of thefat her of Ilulcinini: - atma.. ga f. pat. of Ilukminl; - a va, n th Bhlshma section, T. -of the sixth book of the' Mahdbhdrata; -ratna, a. jewel. ~Jbhu, a. — ' = bhiX, becoming, arising. J:Rbhuhkh' a, m. Bokhara. 4j1i bhuk-ta, pp. (v'/bhug) eaten, etc.; n. eating; what is eaten, food; -2 a. having as one's food, subsisting on: -pita, pp.hvn eaten and drunk; -blioga, a. the use of which has been enjoyed, employed, utilized; -maitra, a. just eaten: lc. immediately after eating; -vat, p'p. act. having eaten (==ftnite vb.); -sesha, in. remnants of a meal; a. left from a meal; -supta, pp. sleeping after a meal.;jfWi bhuk-tijf. eating, enjoyment; fruition, possession; food: -pA~tra, n. dish for food; -vargita, pp. that cannot be eaten (food). I' TI bhukta ukkhishta, n. remnant of a meal; -urvarita, pp. remaining after'a meal. U74, bhug-na, pp. ~A. bliug., r 4. B HU G, VI.- P. bhugk, b en d, curve; Q '\.Ps. bhugya, be bowed, - disheartened: pp. bhugna, bent, bowed; curved, crooked; furrowed (brow); forced aside, distorted (eyes); cowed, disheartened; designation of the Sqamdhi of' o' and 'an'before non-labial vowels, a^,bend: pp. curved. vij, pp. bent, curved. nis, bend aside: oshthau -, draw the lips; ps. slip aside, escape: pp. nirbhugna, distorted, rolling (eyes). pari, clasp, embrace. 2. BHUG, I. bh6ga (RV., very rare); \VI. P.A1. buiga (B., rare); VII. P. I. bhunag, bhuiig, (F., C.) enjoy, use, possess; eat, consume (in., V.; gnly. ac., C.); eat,'take one's meal (A'.); enjoycarnally (A'.); P. enjoy, rule, take possession of (a country or town); make use of, utilize; exploit any one; suffer, be requited or rewarded for (ac.), at the hands of (g.); endure, experience; P. be of u se or service to (ac.; V.); pass through (ac.; astrol.); pass, live through, last (time): pp. bhuirta; vs. bhogaya, P. cause any one (ac.) to eat (ac. or ins.), feed with; cause to enjoy (rare); use as food; des. bubhuirsha, (P.') A.wish to eat, be hungry; wish to enjoy intv. bobhugiti, enjoy; bobhugyate, be frequently eaten. adhi, eat; enjoy. anu, enjoy the reward or reap the fruit of (ac.); enjoy, participate in, experience. upa, enjoy, taste; eat, consume; make use of, utilize, live upon; rule; suffer, experience (good or bad things); enjoy carnally (ac. of pers. or sariram); receive the reward of (ac.); be of service to (ac.). pari, eat, eat up, consume; enjoy, use. prati, enjoy. sam, eat together; enjoy; enjoy carnally; cs. feed (ac.) with (in.).;qjarbhiig,f. (V.) utility, profit, advantage; enjoyment; possession (d. also used as an inf.); in. eater (Agni); a. (C.) -.0, enjoying, eating; suffering, experiencing; enjoying carnally; ruling, governing (with words meaning ' earth'); enjoying the reward of; advantageous to; fulfilling (time). I bhug-a, in.arm; trunk (of an elephant); branch; curve, coil (of a serpent): bhugayor antaram, a. space between the arms, chest. 4f5[W bhuga-ga, in. (moving in curves), snake, serpent: (-tva, a. condition of a serpent): 'I, f. female serpent; (a)-pati, in. prince of serpents; -raga, in. king of serpents, eP. of Sesha: a-ya, den.A. become the king of serpents; -vallaya, in. n. bracelet consisting of a serpent; -sayana, n. serpent couch; -sisu-srita, pp. having the gait of a young serpent: a, f. a metre; - indra, in. chief of serpents, large serpent; -3isvara Mlodf serpents, ep of Sesha. a n odo 4J!iT7 bhugain-ga, in. (moving in. curves), snake, serpent; paramour, gallant; dissolute friend of a prince; constant companion of a prince; N.: i', f. female serpent; a-iranya', f. young female serpent; -prayaita, n. serpent's gait; a metre; -bhogin, in. devourer of serpents, ep. of Garuda. UZrI i1 bhugam -gama, in. (moving in curves), serpent, snake: 'a, f. female snake; a indra, in. lord of serpents; - isa, in. id., ep. of Pifigala.;q iWq bhuga-kkhftya', f. shadow of the arms, secure shelter; -taru-vana,;/s. a forest the trees of which are arms ( ==the ten arms of Siva); -danda, in. long arm; -bandhana, n. clasp of the arms, embrace; -madhya, a. interval between the arms, breast; fia a. shoulder; -yashti, f. long slender arm; -iatai, f. id.; -virya, a. strong in the arm; gBTa bhugagra. 1bhu. 207 -silin, a. possessing powerful arms; -sambhoga, m. embrace; -stambha, m. paralysis of the arm. W3Tg bhugaagra, n. tip of the arm, hand; -&ghata, m. blow with the arm; -aika, m. embrace; - antara, n. space between the arms, chest - antarala, n. id. ~' ibhfj bhuga-bhug-i, ad. arm to arm hand to hand (fight); -mula, n. shoulder; -lat, f. long slender arm. jf- bhug-i, f. (V.) I. embrace; 2. granting of enjoyment; favour; patron. jfri[ bhug-ishya, a. bestowing food (V.); m. servant, slave (C.): a, f. handmaid, maidservant. [with the arms. NYt9'i.bhug a upapidam, abs. clasping t-q1t bhug-man, a. abounding in valleys, fruitful (R V.); -yu, a. (V.) easily guided (car); m. N. of a protege of the Asvins; f. adder (?). -SXTt [ bhungapaya, cs. P. feed (v. 1.). W bhutta, m. N.: -pura, n. city of Bhutta, - svara, m. N. of a temple erected by Bhutta. v 5 bhuyya, m. N. 1jT BHUR, VI. bhura, (BV.) move con= vulsively, quiver; fly along; intv. garbhuriti, id.; flicker (fire). [roast (int.). jKTW BHURAG,bhuraga (BV.1= bhraga),;-I, bhur-ana, a. active (RV.).;q1K bhuran-yd, den. P. (BVY.) be restless or active; agitate (liquid). [active. fJW bhuran-yu, a. (V.) quivering, restless; y f-I- bhur-fg, f. [moving backwards and forwards], du. scissors (V.); wheelwright's vice (consisting of two arms which hold the, wood while it is. manipulated). lJf[ bhuv-a-t, 3 sg. aor. Vbhui (V.). A bhuv-ana, n. being, creature, existing thing (V.); world, earth (three wvorlds,. and sts. seven or fourteen are assumed); kingdom (fourteen are spoken of as existing on earth); place of existence, abode (V.): -kosa, m. sphere of the world, globe; -kandra, m. N.; -karita, n. doings of the world; -tala, n. surface of the earth; earth; -traya, n. the three worlds (heaven, air, earth); -dvaya, n. the two worlds (heaven and earth); -dvish, m. enemy of the world or earth; (bh/fvana)-pati, m. lord of creatures or the world (V.); -pavana, a. (i) purifying the world: 1, f. ep. of the Ganges; -bhartri, m. lord of the world; -mati,f. N. of a princess; -matri, f. mother of the world, Durga; -raga, m. N. of a prince; -vidita, pp. famed in the world; -vritt&nta,, m. events of the world; -sasin, m. ruler of the world, king. U1[ff1U i bhuvana andaka, n. mundane egg; -adbhuta, a. astonishing the world; -jabhyudaya, m. T. of a poem; -isvara, m. lord of the world or earth, king; ep. of Siva: i, f. ep. of various goddesses; -okas, m. dweller in heaven, celestial, god. TR i. bhuv-a-s, 2 sg.. subj. aor. of /'bha. -9":[ 2. bhuv-as, indec. [prolably vc. pL. of bht], used in the formula bhtir bhdvah svih, and interpreted to mean air; when fourteen worlds are assumed it is the second of the ascending series. qf~ l bhuvi-shtha,a.standing onthe ground (not on a car); dwelling on earth (not in heaven); -spris, a. touching the ground. B B Hi, I. P. (rarely A.) bhava, become, anything (nm. or -o with ad. in i or u); arise, happen, occur; come forth, from (ab.); be found anywhere (lc.); exist; come into being, spring from (ab.); be or remain alive; be in any condition, fare; stay, remain; serve as (nm.); be possible; be permissible; lead or conduce to (d.); fall to the share of, become the property of (=attain), belong to (g., rarely d. or Ic.: often = have); be on the side of (g.); be occupied with or engaged in (lc.); be of value; prosper, succeed; fall into, attain (ac.); be (often used to form periphrastic tenses with participles): ketasi or manasi -, occur to any one (g); dfratah -, keep aloof; satadha-, fall into a hundred pieces; kva -,what to become of? = be all over with; na -, cease to exist,perish,die,be a dead man; iha na -, not come into being on earth, not be born again; bhavet, maybe, granted; iti ked bhavet, if this question should be asked; naaibhiganami bhaved evam na va iti, I do not know whether it is so or not; bhavatu, it may be, it is quite possible; well; enough, there is no need of further talk or reflexion; it is quite clear; tad bhavatu, never mind that; pp. bhufta, q. v.; cs. bhavaya, cause to be or become, call into existence; produce, cause, create; manifest, display; cherish, foster, preserve, care for; refresh, enliven; devote oneself to, practise; get into or have in one's power; change or transform into; represent to the mind, fancy,. imagine; recognise; look upon, regard as (2. ac.); convict; establish, substantiate, determine; mingle; soak, steep: pp. bhvita, being in a pleasant or elated frame of mind; conscious of one's power; completely filled with, engrossed by (in., -~); directed towards (Ic.); perfumed; des. P. biUbhusha, wish to be or become (nm.); wish to be something, want to get on; wish to have any one (ac.); receive kindly; care about, take an interest in (ac.); like, esteem, honour; intv..bobhaviti, be frequent; be transformed into (ac.). ati, become or arise in a high degree; be more than, surpass, excel (sts. A.); overwhelm: pp. eclipsed (sun). anu, (be after),. enclose; equal; last as long as (ac.); feel, experience, enjoy, suffer (ord. mg.); perceive, hear, learn, understand; cs. cause any one (ac.) to feel or experience (ac.); make aware of: manasa -, represent to one's mind; des. wish to feel or enjoy. sam-anu, feel, enjoy. antar, penetrate into (lc.); be contained in (lc.): pp. being within, inward; contained in (-~). apa, be far away, be absent. api, (V.) be in, fall into (le.); take part in (Ic.). abhi, (be against), surpass, excel; be superior or victorious; overcome, vanquish; assail, attack, fall upon; predominate, prevail over (ac.); humiliate; turn or come to any one (ac..; V.); cs. overcome; des. wish to surpass; wish to assail. a, (V.) be present, in or at (ac., Ic.); come forth, from (ab.); turn to any one (ac. with adhi); extend to (ac..w. adhi). anu, (V.) follow,. imitate (ac.). abhi%,, (Br.) befal,. happen to (ac.). ud, arise, spring up; increase,,, grow; rise, rebel: pp. raised, elevated; producedigrown; cs. produce, generate; develope, exhibit; broach (a subject); regard as (2 ac.). praud, pp. produced, arisen: dfiratas -, come from a long distance. pratiud, rise up; extend,.grow: pp. elevated, rising aloft. sam-ud, arise; occur (thought); increase:: pp. arisen,.produced; present, existing. nis, walk away (B V.). para, be gone, disappear, succumb, perish; vanquish; injure, insult: pp. spoilt,; overcome; insulted, injured; cs. destroy; vanquish. anu-parg, be destroyed after any one (ac.). pari, be around, en compass, contain (V.); encircle (RV.); accompany (RV.); conduct (sacrifice; V.); get the better of, surpass, excel; overcome, defeat; disregard; despise, treat with contempt; humiliate; mock at anything (ac.); be disgraceful to (ac.); be diminished or impaired (intellect): pp. overcome, defeated; despised; humbled; insulted; cs. spread abroad, make known; imagine; consider, ponder; recognise as (2 ac.).) pra, come forth, arise, spring up, be produced, originate, from (ab.); appear, be visible; hvappen, occur; be more, be numerous; (be lefore), predominate, prevail, be or wax powerful; rule, control, have power over, be ma ster of (g., d., Ic.); be equal to or capable of (d., Ic.), be able to (inf.); gain (deliverance: Ic.); be of use to (d.; V.); be sufficient for, be able to contain (d.): prabhuhi p7abhavati, my lord has to command or decide: pp. transformed into (-~); abundant, much, extensive, numerous; considerable, great; able to (inf.): o-, ad. highly, greatly, very; cs. increase, spread out; cause to thrive; make powerful; help oneself; recognise: pp. prabhavita, become powerful, mighty; des. of cs. P. pra-bibhavayisha, wish to increase or extend. anu-pra, pp. pervading (ac.); penetrated, by (in.). prati, cs. observe; ps. be regarded as (nm.). vi, become apparent, arise, appear (V.); equal, be sufficient for (ac., d.; V.); cs.. cause to appear, manifest, display;. make a show or pretence of; perceive,.discover, trace out; recognise, as (ac.); regard any one as (2 ac.); imagine; consider, reflect; impute anything (ae.) to any one (Ic.); prove,, establish; convict; convince. sam, come together, meet, be united, with (in. + saha, or lc.); assemble; have sexual intercourse, with (in. + saha or sardham, or ac.); find room or be contained in (lc.); be adequate; arise, spring up, be produced or born; be developed; happen,. occur; pass current; be found, exist, be; be possible or conceivable (with na, be impossible); be or become anything (nm.);. fall to the lot of (g., lc.); prevail, be efficacious; be competent for (lc.), be able to (inf.); enter into, attain (ac.): pp. sambhfuta, arisen, produced, from (ab., -~) formed or made of (-~), proceeding from (-~); become, transformed into (nm.); ~-, in whom - has arisen, to whom - has accrued = inspired with, possessed of, provided with; gd. samnbhuya, together, in common; cs. produce, effect, accomplish; seize hold of, grasp; comprehend;.nourish,,cherish; resort to; find (alive); greet (ac.); receive graciously (obeisance); honour,, present with (in.); ascribe, attribute, or impute to (g., lc.); fancy, conjecture, assume, in any one (lc.); regard as (2 ac.); regard as possible; A. live to see, experience: annena,-, greet (a child) with food= give it its first food; anyatha -, misunderstand, distrust any one (ac.); doshena -,,attach blame to (ac.); na sambhavitam asmabhir adya dharmasanam adhyasitumrn, I consider it impossible to occupy the judgment-seat to-day; abhyagatah katham sa sambhivayeyam,, how can I manage to get there? pp. sambhavita, seized; comprehended; honoured, respected; considered possible; thought of; had confidence in. abhi-sam, enter into, become possessed of (ac.; V.). f bhu, a. (-~) becoming, arising, proceeding or produced from; being, existing;f. place of being, space (pl. spaces, worlds: V.); earth; ground; floor; land, landed property; earth (as a substance); place, spot; subject (of dispute etc.): lc. on earth; on the ground; bhuvo bhartri, m. lord of earth, king. 208 ~~T bhuhkhara.;jFff;if bhum9-bhrit. 208bhhkra -TJT: bhfthkhara, a. coming from Bokhara (horses).;ilTq bhA-kampa, m. earthquake; -kasyapa, m. king; -kshlra-va/ika, f. N. of a locality; -gata, pp. existing or living on earth; -griha, n. underground chamber, cellar; -geha, n. id.; -gola, m. terrestrial globe; -kara, a. moving on or inhabiting the earth; m. inhabitant of the earth. W F bhu-td, pp. become, having been, past; actually happened; existing, present; being (compounded with a predicate, especially a substantive, toform adjectives; adverbs are thus turn ed into the corresponding adjectives); mixed c(r joined with (-~); purified; m. n. being (divine, human, animal, and even vegetable);;good being (V.); created thing; world (V.; qnly. n.); uncanny being, spirit, ghost, gobl n (C.); n. past; fact, reality, actual occurrence; welfare; element (esp. the gross elements, earth, water, fire, air, ether; of which the body is supposed to be composed and into which it is dissolved: cp. paiika-tva). WEiKi S bhfta-karana, n. that which produces the past tense, augment; -kartri, m. creator of beings; -kala, m. past time; -kalika, a. relating to the past; -krit, a. creating beings; m. creator of beings; -ketu, m. N. of a Vetala; -gana, m. the host of created beings; a or the host of spirits; -grama, m. sg. & pl. the aggregate of created beings, community of creatures; multitude of spirits; -karin, a. moving among beings (Siva); -kintg, f. investigation of the elements; -kaitanika, m. believer in the doctrine that mind is produced from material elements; -kaitanya, n. state of matter being mind; -ganani, f. mother of all beings; -gata, n. aggregate of beings; -ta,f. verity, truth; -tva, n. condition of created beings or elements; -daya, f. tenderness to all creatures; -druh, a. injuring creatures; -dhara, f. supporter of creatures, earth; -dhatri, f. supporter of creatures (sleep); earth; -dharin, f. earth; -natha, m. ruler of spirits, ep. of Siva; -nikaya, ni. (aggregate of-elements), body; -pati, m. lord of creatures, esp. of evil spirits, ep. of Agni, Bhava, Sarva, and Siva; -pala, m. protector of creatures; -purva, a. having been before, former; old (stories); deceased: -tA, f. former circumstances; -prakriti, f. primal source of created beings; -bhartri, m. lord of spirits, ep. ofSiva; -bhavana, a. blessing creatures, ep. of Brahman; -bhavin, a. creating beings; past and future; -bhasha, f., -bhashita, (pp.) n. language of the goblins; -bhrit, a. supporting beings; -bhautika, a. consisting of the elements and what is formed of them; -maya, a. (1) including all beings; formed out of thefive elements; -mahesvara, m. great lord of the spirits, ep. of Siva; -matra,f. pi. the subtile elements; the gross and the subtile elements; -yagina, m. offering to all created beings (one of the five Mahdyagnas to be performed daily bythe householder; it consists in the oblation of the Bali, q. v.); -yoni, f. origin of created beings; -rag, m. king of the spirits, ep. of Siva; -rupa, a. having the form of a goblin.;7TR bhf-tala, n. surface of the earth, ground, earth. 7i4qi f bhfta-vat, I. ad. as if it were past; 2. a. surrounded by goblins; containing the word 'bhfta'; -varga, m. the whole class of spirits; -vasa, m. abode of beings; -vahana, a. driving with goblins; n. car drawn by spirits; -vid, a. knowing creatures; knowing (and warding off) evilbeings that afflict men; -vidya, f. demonology; -vira, m. pl. N. of a race; -suddhi, f. purification of the elements (in the body); -samsara, m. mundane existence of beings; -samagama, m. meeting of mortals; -samplava, m. destruction of created beings or of the world; -sarga, m. creation of beings; creation of the elements; -sakshin, m. witness of beings (who sees all they do); -stha, a. dwelling in entities; -sthana, n. abode of created beings; -hatya, f. destruction of living beings.;IT,-T bhuta atma-ka, a. having the nature of or composed of the elements; - tman, m. soul of living beings, ep. of Brahman and of Vishnu; individual soul; a. whose soul is purified; m. body (whose nature is the elements); -adi, m. the first of all beings, ep. of Vishnu; m. n. Ahamkara as the producer of the elements; - anadyatana, m. not the same day in the past; - antaka, m. destroyer of beings, god of death; - abhishaiiga, m. possession by an evil spirit;; -._rabdha, pp. formed out of the elements; N. pl. all organic matter; -artha, m. thing that has really happened, actual fact; -avasa, m. abode of beings, ep. of Vishnu and Siva; abode of the elements, the body; - avishta, pp. possessed by evil spirits; - avesa, m. possession by evil spirits; - sana, n. seat of evil spirits, N. of a magical car. Off bhu-ti (or -ti),f. vigorous being, ability, fitness, power; well-being, prosperity, wealth, fortune; decoration; ashes. fia. bhuti-karman,. rite for welfare (such as domestic ceremonies at birth etc.); -kalasa, m. N.; (bh/iti)-kama, a. desirous of prosperity or wealth; -kala, m. hour of prosperity, auspicious time; -krit, a. causing prosperity (Siva); -kritya, n. auspicious rite (birth-ceremonies etc.); -da, a. granting prosperity (Siva); -mat, a. prosperous, fortunate; -vardhana, a. increasing prosperity; -varman, m. N. of a Rakshasa; N. of a prince; -siva, m. N. 0WS bhfte-khad, f. pl. N. of the verses AV. XX, 135, 11-13. ^ bhuta igya, a. making offerings to spirits; -isa, m. lord of creatures, ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and the Sun; lord of evil spirits, ep. of Siva; - svara, m. id.; - odana, m. dish of rice eaten to keep off evil spirits; - unmada, mr. mental aberration due to evil spirits; - upadesa, m. reference to something already existing; - pama,f. comparison with another being; -_upasarga, m. possession by evil spirits. [prosperity. I;ti.I bhti artham, ad. for the sake of VfiTI bhf-dina, n. civil day; -divasa, m. id.; -deva, m. god on earth, Brahman; N.; -dhara, a. supporting the earth; m. mountain: -ga, m. (mountain-born), tree, -ta, f. habit of sustaining the earth, - svara, m. lord of mountains, ep. of the Himavat.;JT bhb-dhra, m. [=-dhara] mountain; -nandana, m. N. of a prince; -nayaka, m. leader of the earth, king; -pa, m. protector of the earth or of the land, prince, king: -ta, f. royal dignity; (bhi)-pati, m. lord of beings, ep. of Rudra; lord of earth, prince, king; -patita, pp. fallen on the earth; -paputra, m. king's son, prince; -paridhi, m. circumference of the earth; -pa-suta, m. king's son, prince; -pata, m. falling on the ground; -pala, m. protector of the earth, prince, king; N. of a son of Somapdla: -loka, m. crowd of princes, -vallabha, m. favourite of kings (horse); N.; -putra, m. son of earth, planet Mars: i, f. daughter of earth, Sita; -prakampa, m. earthquake; -pradana, n. gift of land; -bimba, m. n. terrestrial globe; -bhata, m. N.; -bhartri, m. lord of earth, prince, king; -bhaga, m. part of earth, place, spot: krosamatrah -, distance of not more than a Krosa; -bhug, m. enjoyer of earth, prince, king; -bhrit, m. supporter of earth, mountain; ep. of Vishnu; prince, king. 1r bha-ma (sts. -~) = bhumi. JRt"T bhu-mandala, n. orbis terrarum, terrestrial globe; circumference of the earth. R iq I. bhu-man, n. (V.) earth; ground; territory, district, place; world; being: pi. aggregate of existing things.,IT 2. bh -man, m. abundance, multitude; wealth; large number, plural; -~ a. filled with; in. bhfmna, for the most part, generally; Ic. bhaumni, in the plural. gfri bhu-mi (sts. i), f. earth; ground, soil (sts. pl.), for (g.); territory, country, land, district; earth (as a substance); spot, site, place; storey, floor; position, office; part (of an actor); stage (in Yoga); degree, extent; -, object of (love, confidence), opportunity of (recreation), prodigy of (impudence). Wf,'ltE bhUmi-kandali, f. a plant= kandala; -kampa, m.: -na, n. earthquake. ji~riT bhumi-ka, f. earth, ground, soil; tabletfor writing (-~); spot, place, for (-~); storey, floor; stage, degree; part or character (of an actor); preface, introduction. jfl~ bhumi-kshaya, m. loss of territory; -gata, pp. fallen on the ground; -garta, m. hole in the ground; -griha, n. underground chamber, cellar; -kala, m.: -na, n. earthquake; -ga, a. produced from the earth; m. planet Mars; -gata, pp. produced or formed on the earth; -goshana, n. choice of ground; -tanaya, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -tala, n. surface of the earth, ground; -tundika, m. N. of a locality; -da, a. granting land; -dana, n. grant of land; -deva, m. god on earth, Brahman; -dhara, m. supporter of the earth, mountain; prince, king; -natha, m. lord -of earth, king; -pa, m. guardian of earth, king; -pati, m. lord of earth, king: -tva, n. sovereignty, kingship; -parimana, n. square-measure; -pala, m. protector of earth, prince, king; -putra, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; N.; -puramdara, m. Indra on earth, ep. of Dilipa; -pra, a. (F.) filling the earth (fame); -prakala, m. earthquake; -prapta,pp. fallen on the ground; -bhaga, m. spot of earth, place; -bhug, m. enjoyer of earth, king; -bIhLta, pp. forming the soil of anything; -bhrit, am. supporter of the earth, prince, king; -bhedin, a. different from what it is on earth; -vardhana, m. n. corpse; burden of the earth; -vasin, a. dwelling on the ground; -saya, a. lying or living on or in the ground; m. animal living in the ground; -shtha, a. standing on the earth or ground; lying in the ground; being in his country; -samragya, n. supreme rule over the earth; -suta, (pp.) m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -spris, a. touching the earth; -svamin, m. lord of earth, king. bhtm, f., v. bhumi. itVW bhiumikkha, f. desire to lie down on the ground. jR5lbh bmi-bh r-bit, m. supporter of earth, mountain; -ruh, -ruha, m. plant, tree; -sayya, a. sleeping on the ground; isvara, m. lord of earth, king (-~). I 27=i'rwr bhumyanantara.;g bhri-tya. 209 I V Tbhftmi nantara, a. immediately adjacent to one's country; m. prince of the adjacent country; - ekadesa, m. one portion of territory. 3.T bhiX-ya, n. becoming, being(0 4JT'#tqWTZp bhfiyah-pala'yana, a. repeated flight. [again, anew. b~Jf~~bhflya-sas, ad. mostly, as a rule; II(bhu.-yas, cpv. (becoming in a greater degree), more, more numerous or abundant, than (ab.); more important, worth more (ab.); larger, greater, mightier, than (alL); numerous, much, many; very great, violent; rich or abounding, in (in. or -9): n. ad. more; most; much, very, greatly, exceedingly; further on; moreover, still, hesides, still more; again, anew: bhftyoxpi, bhetyas ka~api, Punar bhiuyah, id.; bhfuyo bhiuya, again and again, repeatedly; piuirvam-bhu'yah, first -later; Mdau -paskit - bhutyah, at first - afterwards - again; in. bh'y as, ad. exceedingly, beyond measure, in a high degree, very much; for the most part, generally, as a rule. R'Kf bhftyas-taram, ad. in a higher degree than (ab.). TJ'4" bhfiyas-tva, n. preponderance; increase; multitude, ahundance, plentifulness; great extent. ~:~f~f~bhf yaa-sam~nivrittijf. return. bhu-y-ishtha, spy, most, most abun'd~ant or numerous; most important, chief~, principal; v ery great, large, much, or n u merous; -a, mostly composed or consisting of; highly characterized by, filled with; — ~ after a pp. mostly, almost (a N. belonging to the pp. comes between it and bhftyishtha): = ad. most; mostly, chiefly; exceedingly, very much,. in a very high degree; almost comnpletely; -ta&, f. great number. hi bhftyo-guna, a. doubled; having many virtues; -(a) na'gamana, n. non-return; -bhartri-samgama, m. re-union with a husband; -mitra, n. greatest part of (g.);..vidya, a. knowing more, more learned. bhur- indec. [vc. of bhfi, 0 earth], one of the three vyd'hritis in the formula bhtlr bhhivah sv9h, where it is taken to mean earth; when fourteen earths are assumed it is the first of the ascending series of seven. ~fT bhu-ri, a. [having existent w ealth: rai] abundant, copious; great, much; frequent, numerous; vast, mighty; ad. abundantly, much, greatly, frequently; m. ep. of Vishnu and Indra, N.;RiTPI bhbiri-kalam, ac. ad. for a long time; -kritrima-m~nikya-maya, a. consisting- of many spurious rubies; -gadgadam, a. with much stammeringr; -guna, a. multiplying greatly; (bhfiri)-ganmau, a. having many births; -t', f. multiplicity, multitude; -tegas, a. having great lustre; m. N.: -a, a. id.; -toka, a. rich in children; -da, a. giving much, liberal; -dakshina, a. attended with liberal rewards (sacrifice); giving rich rewards, munificent; -d~van, a. (r-i) giving, much, liberal; -d aman, a. possessed of great might; -nidhana, a. perishing in many ways; -prayoga, a. frequently used; m. fT. of a dictionary containing frequently used words; -bhoga, a. having many enjoyments; -retas, a. aboundiing in seed; -vasu, m. N.; -vikrama, a. of great valour; -vrishti, f. ex - cessive rain; -sas, ad. variously; (bhfiri)sriiiga, a. many-horned; (-bhu~i)-sthitra, a. having many stationis, being in many places. I bhft-ruh, m. (springing from the earth), plant, tree; -ruha, m. id. 40 bhi-irga, m. kind of birch (Betula Bhojpatra), the bark of which is used as a writing material; leaf made of birch-barkfor writing on; document: -kanta-ka, m. kind of mixed caste; -druma, m. birch tree. CIi! bheir-ni, a. (V.) excited, impetuous, wild; angry; active [,Vbhur]. t, bhfri akshd, a. many-eyed (By.).;T~NT; bhftr-loka, m. world of earth. ~j4hi bhfi-loka, m. id.: -sura-na'yaka, M. an Indra on earth; -valaya, m. n. circle of the earth; -vallabha, m. lord or husband of the earth, king; -saya, a. resting or dwelling on the earth; living in the earth; m. animal living in the ground; -sayya', f. couch on the bare earth. i.BHU-SH, I. P. (VT.) bhfisha [colNlateral of.v'bhft].~ spread. over (ac.); live through, pass, spend (days). upa, approach (ac.). pari, run round (ac.); surpass. 2. BHUSH, I. P. bhuLsha, (V.) strive after, apply oneself to, assist (d.); seek to procure (ac.) for (d.); es. P. adorn, decorate; strew or overspread with (in.); adorn onesef ~ ) p. b hitshita, adorned. ab i cs adorn, grace. pari, (F.) serve (ac.); adorn; es. adorn (B.). prati, (77.) prepare; serve; gratify. vi, cs. (C.) adorn, decorate: pp. vibhiishita, adorned. 4FT( bhftsh-ana, a. (i) adorning (-O); n. ornament, decoration; — ' a. adorned with: ati f. state of an ornament; -petika, f jewel-casket. 7NF~bhfsh-ay-i-tavyafp.tobe adorned.;1,9 bhish- af. ornament: -tI f.jewelcase. [ment. bhftshft-ya, den. A. serve as an orna~fIbh-hsh-in, a. adorned with(0 4M bhll-shnu, a. growing; desiring pros~1Tbh'tsh-ya, fp. to be adorned. [perity. 2-Z"' bhlX-suta, m. son of the earth, planet Mars; -sura, m. god on earth, Br5thman; -strina, m. kind of fragrant grass (Andropogon Schoenanthus); -stha, a. living on the earth; -sag-Ya, den. A. be a heaven on earth. BHRI, II. P. bhir-ti (RBy.2), I. P. A bhira, III. P. bi-bhar-ti (V. pf. gabhara), bear, carry, convey, on or in (lc.), bold, in (in.); wear long or untrimmed (hair, beard, nails); bear, contain, possess, have; bear in mind; maintain, nourish., cherish, protect; govern (the earth); hire; bear, endure, suffer, experience; bear or bring along ('7.): A1. be borne along (RIV.); carry off, gain; bring,. offer, confer; submit to, obey (a command); lift up the voice (By.); fill, with (in.): pp. bhrita, borne, held; supported, nourished; hired; paid, by (.0), with ( —, e.g. milk); acquired; filled or loaded with (in. or es. hire oneself; des. P. biftbh firsha, wish to support; intv. P. barlbhar-ti, carry hither and thither. ati, extend beyond (By.): pp. filled (C.). apa, carry away. a, bring near, bestow; fill: pp. filled with ().SaM-a, bring together. ud, raise up (77.); choose (V.); uphold. upa, bring, procure: pp. brought to (d.); obtained; destined for (d.). iii, thrust down: pp. nibhrita, loaded, filled, I with (n-);fullyappreciated; fixed, steady,.motionless; still, silent; keeping one's object steadily in view ( —, engrossed with); established, certain; firmly attached, loyal; unperceived, concealed; covert, secret; lonely, solitary; closed (door); modest, humble; -m or '-_, secretly, unobserved, covertly, privately; silently, quietly. sam-ni, pp. kept secret; modest. nis, ( V.) take out of (ab.). pra, (V.) (bear forward), bring, offer; stretch forth; hurl; place in (le.);. quiver; be borne along; praise: pp. filled with (in.). prati, bring towards, offer (RIV.). vi, spread asunder, A. distribute (V.); endure (E.): pp. vibhrita, distributed. sam, draw together (a web); bring together, collect; make ready, prepare; maintain, cherish: p~p. skmbhirita, collected, accumulated; enhanced; prepared; laden, covered, furnished, with (in. or -O); borne (in the womb); gained, acquired; maintained, nourished; honoured; produced, effected, accomplished; composed, made; well-fed (horse); loud (tone). 4J bhri-kuti, f. (also 1) contraction of th row, frown: -dhara, a. wearing afrown, angry with (le.). 'JT bhrz'g-u, m. [bright: Vbhra'g], N. of a race of mythical beings closely connected with fire, which they discover, bring to men, and enclose in wood; N. of one of the leading Bra'hmanic tribes (pl.); N. of a sage representing this tribe and spoken of as the son of Varuna, as one of the seven iRishis, as a lawgiver, etc.; planet Venus (his day being Friday); precipice, abyss: -kakkha, m. is. Bank of Bhrigu, N. of a sacred place on the northern bank of the Narmadd; -gap -tanaya, M. son of Bbrigu, planet Venus; -nandana, m. son of Bhrigu, pat. of Saunaka, Ruru, Parasurhma, and the planet Venus; -patana, n. fall from a cliff; -pati, m. lord of the Bhrigus, ep. of Parasurhma; -putra, m. son of Bhrigu, planet Venus; -st,-inu, M. id.;g~bhriiga, m. [bhram-ga,going deviously:.v'bhramjl, large blackbee; fork-tailedshrike: -ka, — 9 a. large black bee; _riga, m. kind of shrike; -rola, m. kind of wasp; -sa~rtha, m. swarm of bees; -_ Adhipa, m. (king of bees ) queen bee.A WTfV bhrfifgA'-ya, den. A. behave like a bee. IJ- bhrifig-fira, in. n. (goldeii) pitcher: -ka, m. id.;g;T~tbhrifig-ftl1jf flightor swarm ofbees. OfVi: bhrifig-in, m. N. of an attendant of Siva. [of Siva; -riti, m. id. fl~ bhriihgi-rita, m. N. of an attendant 'i bhrigg-ana, n. frying-pan. [caste. 4TjWI bhrigya-kan tha, m. a certain mixed;g?F bhri-t, a. (-P) bearing; possessing, having, endowed with; bringing, affording; maintaining, supporting. I' bhri-ta, pp. borne, supported, etc. (see.Vbhri); m. hireling, niercenary: -ka, a. hired, paid, receiving wages; m. paid servant or teacher.;gf~j bhri-t'i (SB. also bhrzt-), f. fetching of ( —S); support, maintenance, nourishment; hire, wages; service; food (RV.). JIfbhrit-tva, n. carrying of(O);g bhri-tya, (fp. to be supported), m. servant; king's servant, minister: 'a,f. rearing, fostering (-O); (a)-ta', f., -tva, is. service, servitude, dependence. Ee 210 W bhrityanna. Atz bhota. Belf bhriti anna, n. sg. board and wages.?4Z tW1P J1 bhritya-parama anu, m. meanest atom of a servant =most humble servant; -bh&va, m. condition of a servant; -vritti, f. maintenance of servants. J(T4 bhritya-ya, den. A. behave like a servant. miff bhrityi-bhfi, enter into service. r bhri-thd, m. (?) offering (RT7.2). jF bhrim-a, n. [V/bhram] error (RV.). Ji^t bhrim-ald, a. torpid (AV.). wfgt bhrzm-i, a. [turning swiftly: vbhram] quick, active (RV.). v( bhris-a, a. [falling, weighty: v/bhras] mighty, powerful; intense (pain); excessive, rigorous (punishment); abundant (food): -m or ~-, exceedingly, violently, greatly, in a high degree, very much; without hesitation: -ta, f. violence; -danda, a. chastising rigorously (Ic.); -dAruna, a. very terrible; -duhkhita, pp. greatly afflicted; -pldita, pp. exceedingly distressed; -svid, a. perspiring profusely. 99 bhrish-ta, pp. Vbhragg. ^ bhrish-ti, f. point; edge. i[i bhe-ka, m. frog: i, f. female frog: -pati, m. male frog. ~Ifuif1 bheda-giri, m. N. of a mountain. 'AT bheda-ra, m. N. of an Agrahdra.;ftT bhe-tavya, n. imps. one should fear (ab., g.). it llt bhet-tavya,fp. to be split or broken; - divulged or betrayed; -tri, m. cleaver, breaker, destroyer, piercer; conqueror; disturber, thwarter; betrayer (of counsel etc.); ep. of Skanda (who cleft Mount Kraunka). Rti bhed-d, m. I. act. vbl. N. breaking, splitting, cleaving, bursting, piercing, perforating, rending; division, separation; betrayal (ofasecret); disturbance, interruption, infringement; sowing dissension, winning over an ally (one of the four Updyas); leading astray, seduction; 2. ps. vbl. N. (being broken etc.), bursting, rupture, breach; injury, hurt; bursting open,blossoming; sprouting (of the beard); contraction (of the brows); disunion, dissension, between (in.), in (-~); change, alteration, modification; distinction, difference; 3. concrete: division, part; cleft, fissure, chasm; variety, species, kind. Rjif bheda-ka, a. breaking, - into or through, piercing; breaking down the dam of(tanks), diverting (water-courses); destroying (boundary-marks); leading astray (ministers); discriminating, distinguishing; differentiating, determining (meaning); n. adjective; -kara, a. (i) breaking down (bridges, -~); sowing dissensions among or in (g. or-~); -karin, a. causing disunion; making a difference, altered; -krit, a. breaking down or into (-~); -tas, ad. separately, singly; according to the difference. Ui T bhed-ana, a. cleaving, splitting, rending, breaking, piercing; n. I. act. vbl. N. splitting, slitting, rending, piercing; betrayal (of a secret); sowing of dissensions, creation of discord; 2. ps. vbl. N. breaking, bursting, breach; dissension, discord; -aniya, fp. to be split or cleft. OtTftr'f bheda-vadin, m. maintainer of the doctrine of dualism (the difference be tween God and the world); -saha, a. capable of seduction, corruptible; - abheda-vadin, m. maintainer of the doctrine both of the difference and the identity of God and the world. Rf~ bhed-in, a. breaking, cleaving, piercing;putting out (eyes); violating (an agreement etc.); dividing, separating from (ab.); creating discord in or among; interrupting (meditation); -ya,fp. to be split; capable of being pierced; refutable; to be betrayed; corruptible, to be drawn off from his allies; that is differentiated or determined; n. substantive. iRqbhe-ya,fp. n.one should be afraid of (ab.). 5Rt' bheri,f. (rarely I) kettle-drum. it bhe-runda, a. terrible, formidable; m. a kind of bird; kind of beast of prey: -ka, m. kind of animal, fox. RtI bheshag-a, a. (') curing, healing (V.); n. medicament, drug, medicine; remedy for (g. or -~); medicinal spells of the Atharvaveda: -kandra, m. N., (&)-ta, f. healing effect, - gara, n. apothecary's shop. ~[ bhaiksha, a. living on alms; n. begging, mendicancy; begged food, alms, charity: -m kar, go about begging for (-~); beg for alms. 'U5- 15. bhaiksha-karana, n. going about begging: -m kri, practise mendicancy; -karya, n., -karya,f.id.; -bhug, a. living on alms. HtE bhaikshav-a, a. belonging to the monk (bhikshu).;Xrq bhaiksha-vat, ad. like alms; -vritti, f. subsistence on alms, mendicancy; a. living on alms; -mnna, n. begged food; - asin, a. eating begged food; - sya, n. subsistence on alms; -ahara, a. eating begged food; -_upagivin, a. subsisting on alms.;iR bhaima, a. (i) relating to Bhima; m. pat. descendant of Bhima: i,f.pat. daughter of Bhima, Damayanti. ~HI" I bhaima-ratha, a. (i) relating to Bhima-ratha. 1Tt bhairav-a, I. a. (a, i) frightful, terrible, formidable: -m, ad.; m. aform of Siva (of which eight kinds are distinguished); N.: i,f. a form of Durga; 2. a. (i) relating to Bhairava; aakarya, m. N. of a teacher; - ananda, m. N. of a Yogin. "qtiq bhairav-iya, a. relatingto Bhairava. E5I5 bhaishag-ya, n. healing effect; medicine, drug, remedy, for (g.).: bhaih, 2 sg.aor. of v/bhi,used imperatively. RtI bho=bhoh before soft letters. 'iShi bhok-tavya, fp. to be enjoyed or eaten; - used; - utilized or exploited; - ruled (earth); to be fed; n. imps. one should eat or dine; -tri, m. (f. tri), enjoyer, eater; user, possessor, experiencer (of pleasure or pain); ruler, king: -tva, n. enjoyment; perception; possession. x;t i I. bhog-d, m. curve, coil (of a serpent); hood of a snake; kind of military array; serpent. lt 2. bh6g-a, m. eating, enjoying, consuming; fruition, enjoyment; use, employment, application; usufruct; sexual enjoyment; rule, sway; feeling, perception (of pleasure or pain); utility, advantage; pleasure, joy; object of enjoyment; property, revenue. '~l[i; bhoga-kara, a. (1) affording enjoyment; -griha, n.women's apartments, harem; -tva, n. condition of enjoyment etc.; -datta, f. N.; -deva, m. N.; -deha, m. body of enjoyment (subtle body assumed by deadpersons, with which they enjoy pleasure or pain according to theactions oftheir pastlife); -pati, m. (lord of the revenue), governor of a city or province, viceroy; -bhug, a. indulging in pleasure; m. wealthy man. RtWiR, I. bhoga-vdt, a. possessed of coils (serpent); m. serpent, Naga: -i, f. female serpent; City of Serpents (in the lower regions); 2. -vat, a. affording enjoyment, delightful, leading an enjoyable life: -i,f. N. of the city of Uggayini in the Dvdpara age; night of the second lunar day in a month; -varman, m. N.; -vastu, n. object of enjoyment; -vasa, m. sleeping apartment; -sena, m. N.; -ayatana, n. seat of enjoyment; -avali,f. panegyric poem by a professional panegyrist. 'ftfil'bhog-in, I. a. having coils; m. serpent, Naga: -i,f. female serpent or Naga; 2. a. eating, enjoying (-~); devoted to or abounding in enjoyment, voluptuous; opulent; experiencing. 7tIr bhog-ya, fp. to be enjoyed, used, or turned to account; useful, serviceable, profitable; to be exploited (king); to be endured: -ta, f., -tva, n. serviceableness, profitableness, capability of being exploited. 4t bhog-d, a. liberal (V.); voluptuous; m. kind of king (Br.); N. of a people (pl.); king of the Bhogas; N., esp. of a king of Mdlvd, a great patron of letters, who flourished about A.D. 1000ooo. lt'Ri bhoga-ka, i. a. eating (-~); feeding (g.); m. attendant at meals; 2. priest of the sun (supposed to be descendedfrom the union of Magi with Bhoga women); astrologer. ~'Y' bhoga-deva, m. N. king Bhoga (of Mdlvd), the reputed author of various works. W T'I' bh6g-ana, a. feeding (Siva); n. enjoying, using; eating; meal; food (-~, a. living on, affording as food, serving as the food of); property, possessions (V.); object of enjoyment; pleasure; giving of food, feeding; preparation of food, cookery: -kala, m. meal-time; -bhanda, n. dish for food; -bhfxmi, f. eating-place, dining-hall; -visesha, m. special kind of food, choice food, dainty, delicacy. f;ir bhoga-narendra, m. king Bhoga (the poet and patron of letters). Ti r ri bhogana-vritti, f. taking of food, eating (sts. pl.); -vela, f. meal-time; -vyagra, a. engaged in eating; - adhikara, m. superintendence of the provisions, comnmissariat; - arthin, a. desirous of food, hungry. W'~ft bhog-aniya,fp. edible, eatable; to be fed; to whom enjoyment should be given; n. food. 4itIrfti bhoga-pitri, m. father of a prince. trflff%^7i bhog-ay-i-tavya, cs.fp. to be fed; -ayi-tri, m. one who causes any one to enjoy anything. tT 'TW bhoga-raga, m. king Bhoga. WTfWfIi bhog-ika, m. N. of a Brfhman; -in, a. (-~) enjoying, eating; exploiting; -ya,fp. to be eaten; eatable; to be enjoyed or used; to be carnally enjoyed; - experienced or felt; - fed; n. eatables, provisions, food; eating; enjoyment, advantage (V.): -kala, m. mealtime, -ta,f., -tva, n. condition of food. tZ bhota, m. Thibet. itfYWM bho-bhavat-purva-kam.;1Tff bhran-ti. 211 I if'tn g lW bho-bhavat-pftrva-kam, ad. with bhoh and bhavat preceding. if'-T'I bhoh-sabda, m. the word bhoh. i* (bhos, ij. [contraction of bhavas, V. vc. of bhavat] usedin addressingpersons male and female (often several), Sir! oh! ho there! hark! often repeated bho bho h: in soliloquies= alas! (the final visarga is retained before hard letters only, being dropped before vowels and soft consonants.) RT5F bhangaiga, a. (i) relating to snakes, snake-like (behaviour). ot~ bhaug-ya, n. dignity of a prince bearing the title of Bhoga. ItZ bhauta, m. Thibetan. *tT bhauta, a. relating to or meant for living beings (bhfta); possessed by evil spirits, deranged, imbecile; formed of the elements, elemental, material; m. idiot; -~, idiot of a-, fool with regard to (water): -ka, -~ a. idiot; -praya, a. almost imbecile. *ftfii bhaut-ika, i. a. (i) relating to or meant for living creatures; consisting of gross elements, elemental, material; 2. m. ep. of Siva; a kind of monk. f bhaumd, i.a. (i) belonging or relating to -, proceeding from the earth; being on or in the ground, earthly, terrestrial; made of earth, earthy; m. met. of a certain earthgenius; planet Mars (whose day is Tuesday); n. dust of the earth (pl.); grain; floor, storey (only -~); (a) 2. relating to Mars or Tuesday, occurring on Tuesday: -vara, m. day of Mars, Tuesday. if'fWi bhaum-ika, a. being on the earth, terrestrial; collected on the ground (water).;ftf'Ei bhauri-ka, m. treasurer, master of the mint. RT: bhaurga, a. coming from the birch. T T bhauvand, a. belonging to the world (V.); m. pat. of Visvakarman. *tTfvli bhauvadi-ka, a. belonging to the class of roots beginning with bht (bht adi), i. e. to the first conjugational class (gr.). WOT BHY-AS, I.. [derivative of /bhl] bhyasa, (V.) be afraid of, tremble before (ab.). 1V-T BHRAMS, V7BHRAS, I.A. (V.; 'rare in E.) bhramsa, IV. P. i. bhrasya, drop, fall, - down, out, or in pieces; strike against (cl.), glance off (ab.); fall, be ruined (fig.); escape, flee from (ab.); disappear from (ab.); vanish, depart; decline, fail; stray, deviate, or swerve from (ab.); be deprived of, lose (ab.); slip from any one (g.): pp. bhrashta, fallen, - off, out, or down (from, ab. or -~), into (Ic.); shrunk (body); fallen, ruined; banished (from heaven) to earth; escaped, delivered from (ab.); vanished, lost, passed away; strayed or separated from, deprived of, having lost (ab. or -_~); cs. bhramsaya, P. cause to fall (also fig.); throw or cast down; cause to disappear or be lost; - to escape from (ab.); deprive any one (ac.) of (ab.); cause to deviate from (ab.): pp. bhramsita. apa, pp. deviating from the standard, corrupt (dialect). pari, escape: pp. fallen down, dropped, slipped, from (ab.), on or into (Ic. or -~); overthrown; sunken (breasts); fallen, ruined; strayed, escaped; vanished, gone; deprived or destitute of, having lost, lacking (ab. or -~, rarely in.); delivered from (ab.); refraining from (-~). pra, fall or drop down, slip; run away from (ab.); disappear, vanish; be deprived of: pp. fallen down; strayed, run away; escaped from captivity (ab.); cs. deprive of (ab.). vi, fail or be unsuccessful in (lc.); separate oneself from, desert (ab.): pp. fallen (fig.); strayed from (-9); vanished; unsuccessful, in (-~); deprived of (-~); cs. strike or break off; cause to fall; cause to disappear, destroy; cause to deviate from, deprive of (ab.). sam, slip away. FT bhrams-a, m. falling or slipping down or off, fall; decline, decay; destruction, ruin; separation, straying fiom (-~); loss, disappearance; deprivation of (-~); deviation from, abandonment of (ab. or -~); slip of the tongue due to excitement (dr.); -ana, a. causing to fall, overthrowing; n. being deprived of, losing (ab.); depriving of (ab.); -in, a. falling off, out, or down (from, -~); falling, being ruined; transient (-~); ruining, destroying.; bhrag, a. (only -~: RV.1) breaking forth from (mountains). I[1j BHRAGG, VI. P. bhrigg&, fry, roast, \bake, parch (grain): pp. bhrishta, baked, fried, parched; cs. bhargaya, P. roast, fry, bake: pp. bhargita, roasted = destroyed. pari, fry, parch. sam, pp. parched, dry.;1T\ BHRAM, I. P. bhrama, IV. P. bhra&mya, wander about, roam, rove, ramble; fly about (bees); wag (tongue); move about (eyes); move unsteadily, quiver, flicker, flutter (of inanimate things); reel, stagger, totter; waver, be perplexed, doubt; err, be mistaken; whirl round, move in a circle, revolve; wander or roam through or over (ac.): bhiksham -, wander about begging: pp. bhranta, wandering or roaming about; moving about unsteadily, reeling; having roamed through (ac.); wandered through; revolving, rolling; perplexed, confused; erring, mistaken: -m, n. imps. one has wandered about; cs. bhramaya, P. cause to wander or roam; drive or move about, agitate; cause to revolve, whirl or turn round, wave; drive through (ac.) in a chariot; disarrange; cause to err, confuse; pataham -, send the drum about, proclaim by beat of drum; intv. bambhramiti, wander aimlessly; bambhramyate, roam about; wander through; be wandered through. ud, leap up; rise (sun): pp. flying up (birds); raised, agitated (waves); upturned (glance); flown (life); wandering about; whirling on; excited, agitated, bewildered, distracted; cs. wave, brandish; excite, agitate. sam-ud,pp. excited, grown intractable (horses). pari, roam, wander, fly, or flit about; roam over (ac.); turn round, revolve, wheel; describe a circle round (ac.); cs. move to and fro; stir, agitate. pra, roam about; wanderover (ac.). vi,wander about, rove, flyabout, hover, wheel; reel, quiver; roam over (ac.); move about (tail); scare away, disperse; be disordered or confused; be bewildered or perplexed: pp. moving about, rolling (eyes); spread abroad (fame); confused, bewildered; cs. confound, confuse, perplex. sam, wander about, rove; fall into error; be perplexed: pp. bewildered, confounded; agitated; sprightly (gait); cs. ps. become perplexed as to, despair of (ab.). upa-sam, pp. having leapt up from (ab.); excited, bewildered. NlF bhram-4, m. roaming about, roving; wandering about in (-O); moving about (the eyes); rotation; whirling flame (B 7.); whirlpool; turner's lathe; giddiness; bewilderment, perplexity; mistake, error, delusion: -, erroneous opinion of= that something is or was: e.g. mani-bhramkt, under the erroneous impression that it was a jewel. YI[J bhram-ana, n. wandering about, roving; roaming over or through (-~); tot). tering, unsteadiness; rotation, revolution; orbit (of a heavenly body); giddiness; sending round the drum=assembling the people by beat of drum; -aniya, fp. to be wandered over (earth). YIW bhram-ara, m. [wandering, hovering], bee: -ka,n.humming-top: -bhramam bhramaya, cause to spin like a humming-top; -karanda, m. small box of bees (which are let go at night by thieves to extinguish lights in houses); -badha,f. molestation by a bee -vilasita, pp. hovered round by bees; n. hovering of bees; a metre (also A,f.). aifi[T bhramar-ita, den. pp. covered with b T] J bhramar-l,f. female bee; N. [bees. 'fiR bhram-i,f. turning round, revolution; turner's lathe; whirlpool; circular array of troops. IT. BHRAS, v. 1. BHRAMS. NE bhrash-ta, pp., v. N/bhrams: -adhikara, a. deprived of office, dismissed: -tva, n. loss of office. Tif BHRAG, I. A. (P. rare) bhraga (V., \C.), shine, beam, gleam, glitter: na -, not shine, be of no account; cs. P. bhragaya, cause to shine or glitter. pari, shine around. vi, gleam, flash; gleam through (ac.); cs. cause to gleam. sam, gleam, glitter. <iXT bhrfg, f. (nm. t) sheen (V.). 'wr~ Ift bhr~gad-rishti, a. (V.) having flashing spears (Maruts). VTfl'T bhrag-ana, n. causing to shine. TW'[ bhrag-as, n. glittering, gleaming; lustre, brilliance. VTf''IW bhrg - in, a. shining, glittering; -ishnu, a. shining, radiant, resplendent: -ta,f. radiance. -n7 bhra-tri, m. brother; often used to designate an intimate friend; or employed as a term of familiar address: friend, my good friend: -ka, a. -~, id.; -gaya,f. brother's ( - friend's) wife; -tva, n. brotherhood; -bhanda, m. n. twin-brother; -bharya, f. brother's wife: pi. brothers' wives; -mat, a. having a brother or brothers. iTf;5 bhratri-vya, m. father's brother's son, cousin; hostile cousin, rival, adversary (this meaning almost exclusively V.). iTmW;i bhratrivya-vat, a. having rivals; -han, a. (-ghni) slaying rivals. Tfti bhratri-simha, m. N.; -sthana, a. taking the place of a brother; m. brother's representative. 41TJ bhratr-a, n. brotherhood (V.); -ya, n.id. 4T1[ bhran-ta, pp.,bhram; n. roaming or moving about; mistake, error. YTf'iT bhran-ti, f. wandering about; moving about, driving (of clouds), quivering (of lightning); reeling; rotation, revolution; -~, encircling (the earth); perplexity, confusion; uncertainty, doubt; mistake, error, delusion, erroneous idea or impression: -~,wrong idea that something is or was: e.g. sukha-, the delusion that there is such a thing as pleasure: -darsana, n. erroneous perception; -mat, a. revolving; roaming about; being under the erroneous impression that someE e 2 212 2T r bhram-a.. s magg. thing is (-~); delusion (a figure of speech in which one thing is represented as mistaken for another owing to their close resemblance). <TT bhram-a, m. roaming about, unstable\ ness; -aka, a. (ika) deceptive, delusive; \-ana, a. turning round, waving; giddiness. 4TIJr bhramara, a. relating or belonging to the bee; n. honey; i, f. ep. of Durga. ZTg f1t bhramar-in, a. subject to giddiness, epileptic. 'ifiRT'i bhram-in, a. confused.;MT bhrgs-ya,fp. to be broken off (RV.1). 1lJ bhrash-tra, m. frying-pan: -ka, m. (?) id., -g, f. pancake made of ground rice. HBHRI,IX.P.bhrina,hurt, injure ( V.'). 3ift bhru-kuti,f. contraction of the brow, frown: i, f. id.; (i)-bandha, m., (i)-rakanu, f. knitting of the brows; (i)-krit, a. contracting the brow, frowning; (i)-mukha, n. frowning face; a. having a frowning face.;T bhruva, -~ a.=bhri. ~I bhru, f. brow, eyebrow (-~ a., m. u, n. u): -ka, - a. id.; -kuti, f. contraction of the brows, frown (-m kri or bandh, knit the eyebrows): -mukha, n. frowning face; a. having a frowning face; -kshepa, m.: -na, n. contraction of the brows, frown; -k&pa r - krishta-mukta, pp. drawn and discharged from the bow of the eyebrow. I-J[ blhruna, n. embryo: -ghna, a. slaying an embryo; m. destroyer of an embryo, producer of abortion; -bhid, a. id., -vadha, m., -hati, f., -hatya, f. killing of an embryo, causing of abortion; -han, a. slaying an embryo; killing a learned Brahman (comm.); m. causer of abortion; murderer of a learned Brahman (comm.); N. killing of an embryo; -hantri, m. slayer of an embryo, causer of abortion. Ti; bhra-bhanga, m. contraction of the brows, frown; -bheda, m. id.; -bhedin, a. attended with frowns; -lata, f. brow-creeper, eyebrow; -vikara, m., -vikshepa, m. contraction of the brows, frown; -vikeshtita, (pp.) n., -vibheda, m. id.; -vilasa, m. play of the eyebrows; -samgata-ka, n. contact of the brows. 1 BHRESH, I. bhresha, sway, waver, \ totter, trip (V.).;1;[ bhresh-a, m. tottering, wavering; slipping; failure; loss, deprivation. W M. I I. ma, base of the prn. of the Ist prs.: ma (ac.) and me (d., g.) being unaccented never occur at the beginning of a sentence. f 2. ma, m. fourth note of the Indian scale (abbreviatedfrom madhyama); a,f. authority; knowledge. t MAMH, I. A. mamha, (V.) give away, bestow abundantly; cs. mamh&ya, P. id. vi, distribute. iiW ' manh-dna, n. gift (RV.): A, ad. willingly, promptly; -aniya, f. to be extolled. I ai mamhama, m. kind of personification. fSif' mimh-ishtha, spy. (V.) bestowing most abundantly, most munificent; quite ready for (d.); extremely abundant. ^rRitiR maka-maka-ya, onom. A. croak (offrogs). qT ma-kara, m. kind of marine monster (perhaps crocodile or shark): regarded as an emblem of Kdma and used as an ornament on gates and on head-dresses; Capricorn (sign of the zodiac); kind of military array shaped like amakara(twotrianglesjoinedat the apex). i tl- Zt makara-kati,f. N.; -kundala, n. ear-ring in the shape of a makara; -ketana, m. (having the makara for his emblem), Kama; -ketu, m. id.: -mat, m. id.; -damshtra, f. N.; -dhvaga, m. (having the makara as his emblem), Kama; kind of military array shaped like a makara. m^ cfAc makaranda, m. flower-juice; N.; N. of a pleasure-garden near Uggayini; -kana-ya, den. A. resemble drops of flowerjuice; -udyana, n. N. of a pleasure-garden; -lgikhana, m. (having a makara as his emblem), Kama; -.kara, m. receptacle of makaras, ocean; - aksha, m. (makara-eyed), N. of a Rdkshasa; -alaya, m. abode of makaras, ocean; - vasa, m. id. iTif'q i makar-ik,f. kind of head-dress; makara-like figure. ql5t makar-i, f. female makara: -pattra, n. mark of a makari made on the face of Lakshmwi; -lekha,,f. id. ~qT! ma-kara, m. letter m. oITjl makushtha, m. kind of bean (Phaseolus aconitifolius). T" mdksh, f.(?) fly (RV.) =mnksha. WqT ma'ksha, f. fly (V.). irfiT mdksh-ika,f.fly; bee (sts. a, m. on account of metre in C.). IXI makshi, a. (V.) only in. pl. soon; U, ad. quickly, soon (V.): -tama, spv. (RV.) most zealous; next. TM makh-a, a. vigorous, sprightly (V.); m. feast (V.); sacrifice: -dvish, m. foe of the sacrifice, demon, Rbkshasa; -mathana, n. performance of the sacrifice; -maya, a. containing or representing the sacrifice; -vedi, f. place of sacrifice. tM.makh-as, only -~ a. (RV.'): -yi, den. P. A. be gay (RV.); -yi, a. gay, exuberant. Wl T'k-i T' makha amsa-bhag, m. (obtaining a share of the sacrifice), god; -Jalaya, m. house of sacrifice. TT maga, m. Magus, priest of the sun: pl. a people in Sdkadvipa chiefly consisting of Brdhmans. PTf1 magddha, m. N. of a people inhabiting Southern Behar (pl.); N. of a country, Southern Behar: a, f. the city of Magadha; long pepper; -desa, m. country of -, -purl, f. city of Magadha, -isvara, m. prince of Magadha; N. of a prince of Magadha, -udbhava,f. (produced in Magadha),long pepper. TM — maganda, m. usurer. [etc. WT mag-na, pp. (V/magg) sunk, immersed, T^ magh-6, n. [Vmagh = mah] gift, reward, bounty. Wfarm magha-tti, f. [t-ti=d(k)-ti: J/da] giving and receiving of presents (RV.). ITV' — magha-vat-tva, n. bountifulness (Bv.1). IW.it maghd-van, a. (V.; strg. st. -van; mid. -vat; wk. maghon = magha un: am. -v& or -van; f. magh6ni) bountiful, munificent; m. bestower of gifts, esp. of institutors of sacrifices, who pay thepriests and singers; the Bounteous One (Indra); in C. only ep. of Indra. [asterism. IMT magh-a,f. sg. & pl. N. of the tenth lunar;1W i; maikana-ka, m. N. of a Rishi. - mafik-d, a. tottering (Br.). T-IM mafk-tavya, fp. n. imps. one should enter the water (Vsmagg). mafkshu, ad. immediately, at once. ITi mafikha, m. N.: -ka, m. N., -na,f. N. mafga-la, n. [brightness: 'nmang] luck, fortune, happiness, bliss (sts. pl.); prosperity, welfare; auspiciousness; good omen, whateverconducesto an auspiciousissue;benediction, blessing; auspicious or lucky object, amulet; solemn ceremony, auspicious festivity (on important occasions); good old custom; good work; a.auspicious,propitious; rm.planet Mars; N.: -karana, n. uttering a prayerfor the auspicious issue of an undertaking; -kalasa-maya, a. consisting of festal jars; -karaka, a. productive of prosperity, auspicious; -kala, m. auspicious time; -kshauma, n. du. two festal garments (upper and lower) of linen; -gathika, f. solemn chant; -gita, n. id.; -ghata, m. N. of an elephant; -kandik,f. a form of Durga; -turya, n. musical instrument used on festive occasions: -nisvana, m. sound of auspicious musical instruments; -devata, f. tutelary deity (only -~); -pattra, n. leaf used as an amulet; -pathaka, m. pronouncer of benedictions, professional panegyrist; -patra, n. auspicious pot or vessel (containing propitious objects); -pura, n. N. of a town; -pushpa-maya, a. made of auspicious flowers (garland); -pratisara, m. cord of an amulet; -prada, a. auspicious; -maya, a. (1) consisting of nothing but luck etc.; -vat-l,f. N.; -vadin, a. pronouncing a blessing; -vrishabha, m. bull with auspicious marks; -sabda, m. benediction, greeting; -sfukaka, a. indicative of good luck, auspicious. [wife). W'WT mangala, f. aform of Uma (Siva's iT-1;T mangala 9karana, n. prayer for the auspicious issue ofan undertaking; ak&ara, im. auspicious observances; - Atodya, n. drum beaten on auspicious occasions; -adesavritta, a, subsisting by teaching auspicious rites; professional fortune-teller; -alamkrita, pp. auspiciously ornamented; -alapana, n. benediction; - avasa, m. temple. iX —' mafgal-lya, a. auspicious. int" mafgal-ya, a. auspicious, fortunate, lucky; m.kind of pulse; n. auspicious prayer; auspicious object: -danda, m. N.; -vastu, n. auspicious object. (IET mat-sarira, n.my body; -khishya, m. my pupil. yT[ MAGG, I. P. (A.) migga, sink; go 'down, perish; go to hell; sink into hell (ac.); dive, plunge, into (lc.); bathe; enter the water (lc.), betake oneself into (lc.): pp. magna, sunk, plunged, immersed, in (Ic. or -~); set (moon);. sunk into misfortune; A RWT niagg-an. R ERT n'latall-ika. '213 planed arro) i (0) lukingin Iole (0); sunken (breasts); cs. P. magqfiya, immerse, drown; inundate; strike into (IC.); cause to sink, destroy. A,a pp. completely submerged, in (0') ud, come up out of the water, emerge; immerse oneself (S.): pp. unmiagna, emerged; as. cause to come up or float. samu-ud, immerse oneself. upa, sink; immerse oneself. nii, sink, - down; dive; plunge into the water (ic.); remain submerged; penetrate (arrow), into (lc.); be merged (= escape observation) in (le.); disappear; cause to sink (,fig.): pp. sunk down, immersed, plunged, in (lc. or -.9); fallen into the water; submerged; gone down (sun); having penetrated (missile); pressed into the breast (la.); sunk in, depressed, deep (navel), slender (waist); es. cause to dive under water; throw into the water, drown. sam-ni, sink down, in (lc.). nis, sink down; inundate: pp. sunk; absorbed (eye) in (-2). sam, pp. inimersed, plunged in(0 Tpzrffmagg-6n, m. [sunk within],marrow; pith (of plants); scurf. IRM magg-ana, n.. sinking, going under water, immersion; plunging into the water, bathing, ablution, bathe; drowning, overwhelmin~g. W1SI(magg-as, n. marrow. 41,T1 magg-', f. marrow. 4TH mag-mdna, n. lustre, majesty, greatness: in. '. altogether: with nfikis, no one at all.;T MANK, only gd. with nis, nirmianikya, ""purify. 4M mailk-a, m. platform on columns (for spectators), dais; couch; pedestal: -ka, m. n. id., i..ka., f. chair; trough on legs; (a)piLtha, n. seat on a platform. [ZMMAS9G, rITM MAG, be bright.] ~RW maiig-ara, n. cluster of blossoms. RVT maigyara-ya,den. P~adorn with clusters of blossoms. i fImaiig-ar-i (or i'), f. cluster of blossoms; flower-bud; parallel row or line ('I); a plant (I'): tleis word in the first sense is often used — P in titles of books; -ika'f. N. of a princess; -ita, den. pp.- furnished with a cluster of blossoms; -I'-kri, turn into flower-buds. ZffTRVmauig-i-man, m. beauty, loveliness. TrfVVT maiig-ishthft,f. [spy, very bright], Indian madder: -ra~ga, m. colour of Indian madder; attachment charming and durable like the colour of Indian madder. IIhmaiig-ilra, n. (?) anklet, foot-ornament.;M maiig-u, a. lovely, beautiful, charming: -tara, cpv.; -garta, N. of a country, Nepal; -gir, a. sweet-voiced; -ghosha, a. uttering a sweet sound; -bhiashin, a. speaking sweetly; -mati, f. N. of a princess. Trl~fman-gu-la, a. charming, lovely, beautidim qf ~m an guVaidin, a. speaking sweetly: -1,f. N.; _Sri,f. N. of a celebrated Bodhisattva of the, Northern Buddhists. 4IM qT man-g —'shft, f. casket, box, chest, basket. (~mata-ka, EPrdkritic for mrita -ka], IT4tmataki f.hail. [ope T matta, m. kind of drum. RT3 mntha, in.-, I ff. hut; solitary hut of an ascetic or student, cell; monastic school, college: -kintg,f. care of a monastery: -m samA-kar, rule a monastery. R'~ matha-ya, den. P. build., erect. R'Z matha-ra, a. insisting on (lc.); m. N. R3fq~f4 matha adhipati, mn. head of a monastery or college; - 4yatana, n. monasT~f'gW math-ikift, f. hut, cell. [tery. -at T W mathos'i-lothikift, f. N. ITJT~ff madara-rayya, n. N. of a district in Cashmere. i< madda-kandra, in.. N. RN~i mani, m. pearl; gexn,je~wel; globule; magnet; hump of a camel. iRNfri mani-ka, m. large water-pot: p1. fleshy excrescences on the shoulder of an animal; -karnik&', f. earring of pearls or gems; N. of a sacred pool near Benares; N.; -k&'ra, m. jeweller; -danda, a. having a handle adorned with jewels; -datta, m. N. of, a merchant; -dara, m. N. of a chief of the Yakshas; -darpana, in. jewelled mirror; -dipa, m~jewel-lamp (in which gess l the place of the burning wick): -ka, in. id.; -dhanu, in., -dhanus, n. rainbow; -pushpa-ka, m. (gem-flo-wered), N. of the ceonch of Sahadeva; -pushpa isvara, M. N. of an attendant of Siva; -Putra, n. N. of a town in Kaliriga situated on the sea-coast (also -pura); -pradipa, m. jewel-lamp (= -dipa); -bandha, m. fastening or putting on of jewels; (place where jewels are fastened), wrist; -bandhana, n. string or ornament of pearls; wrist; -bhadra, in. N. of a brother of IKusbera and prince of the Yakshas; N. of a Sreshthin; -mailgar, f. rows of pearls; -mandapa, m. hall of crystal,hball resting on crystal columns;-mat, a. jewelled; m. N.; -maya, a. (i) Consisting of jewels: -bhit, a. having floors -;) -mgl1', f. string of jewels, necklace; -yashti, f. id.; -ratna,, n. jewel: -maya, a. (i) consisting of jewels, crystal; -rgga, m. colour of a jewel; -varman, in. N. of a merchant; -srifiga, m. sun; -sya'ma, a. blue like a sapphire; -sara, m. string of, pearls, pearl necklace; -Siitra, n. string of pearls; -sopa~na, n. jewelled or crystal staircase; -stambha, m. jewelled or crystal pillar; -srag,,f. wreath of jewels; -haxmya, n. crystal palace, N. of a palace. [mond. 44WI~ti mani ndra; m. chief of gems, diaA WTIN~ mani1-ya, den. A. resemble a jewel. 'T MAND, X. P. mandaya, adorn; exNtol: p.mandita, adorned. jUs mand-a, m. n. scuim of boiled grain; cream; most spirituous part of burnt liquors, alcohol: -ka, a. — ' (i-kat cm m. hind of large and very thin cake made of wheaten ftlour and sugar,. UKIQNS mand..ana, a,. decorating, adorning; being an ornament to =dwelling in or ruling (a city or country); m. N.; n., adornment; ornament: - arha, a. worthy of ornaments. UK1 kS manda-pa, a. drinking the scum of rice, cream, or the froth of wine; n., 3i, f. shed or hall (erected on festive occasions), pavilion; temple; arbour, bower (-O with, names of plants):,-kshetra, n. N. of a sacred territory. RVj~ftiqW mandap-ikft,f. small (open) pavilion or shed. Ws" madnda-la, a. circular, round;. i3f. (rare), disk, esp. of the sun or moon; orb, circle (in. in a circle), ring, circumference; wheel; charmed circle (of a con~jurer); n. orbit (of a heavenly body); n. halo round the sun or moon; n. ball,, globe; m. n. circular array of troops; circle = district, province, territory, country; M. n., 3i,f. circle = group, company, assemblage, troop~multitude,crowd; swarm (of bees); whole body, totality; circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (the relations of whom to one another and to himnself he should endeavour to regulate advantageously.; four, six, ten, and twelve such princes are spoken of); n. division or book of the Rig-veda (of which there are ten); m. dog. +1 (M W~jmandala-ka, n. disk; circle; group; -kitrmuka, a. having a circular bow (which is therefore completely drawn); -tva, in. roundness; -nitbhi, m. (centre =) chief of the circle of neighbouring princes: att f. chiefship of thet circle of neighbouring princes; -nya,sa,. m. drawing of a circle: -m kri, describe a circle;..bandha, m. formation of a circle; -bhitga, in. part of a circle, arc; -vata, in. fig-tree forming a circle; -vartin, m. ruler of a province or small kingdom; -varsha, n. (l) local rain (not over the whole country). ~WWRImandala agra, a. h aving aroun ded point; m. curved sword, scimitar; ~ dhipa, - adhiSa, Mn. sovereign, of a country., II.1M'q mandalfi-ya, den. Ak. curl (mnt.). WQ\,S~Tff[f mandalaftsana, a. sitting in a circle. RIkfT%7j mandal-ikf, f. group, crowd; -ita, den. pp. rounded, curled; -in, a. forming a circle or ring; ruling a country: with Vitta, m. whirlwind. mandali-kri, make round: pp. -krita, (of a bow) = completely drawn; -bhfu, become rounded, form a circle: pp. = be completely drawn (bow). W#~1 qiT mandalajisa, in. ruler of a country (-tva, n. sovereignty of a country); isvara, m. id. MrfiiMT mand-ita, pp. adorned, decorated; -i-tri, m. one who adorns -- ornament (JIg.). A[~~ manduL-ka, in. (?) grasping (comm.). M~~~ mandiN-ka, m. frog: i'f. female frog; (a)-gati, f. leaping like a frog; a, leaping like a frog: in gr. =skipping several sfttras; -Pluti) f. frog-leap; in gr. = skipping of several sfttras. lir~~ mandaudaka, n. yeast. Rff md-t, ab. (of aham) from me: 0~ used as the base of aham. W'f ma..ta, pp. -.,man; n. opinion, view; doctrine. IRR matafs-ga, in. [roaming at, will], elephant; N. of a Dnava; N. of a sage: pl. his race: -ga, ms. elephant: -tva,. n. state of an elephant; -deva, Ts. N. of a fabulous being; -pura, n. N. of a. town., R~ff-ftmatafig-in-ii, f. N. of a, daughter of ]J'andara. RW~i~mata-bheda~indifference of opinion, between (g. and in. wth, saha). W~f~ITf matall-ikf, f. -' paragon of a, splendid, excellent; 41,f. id. 214 Trmiq mata'ksha. Rw wft mad-ay-ant-i. BWyI mata aksha, a. skilled in dice; -anugsia, f. admission of afallacy in one's own reasoning while insisting on a similar one in that of one's opponent. ZIf7 ma-ti (also ma- in SB.),. devout thought, prayer, worship (V.); hymn (V.); thought, design, intention, purpose, determination, inclination, desire for (w. d., le., or inf.); opinion, notion, impression, view, belief; perception, thought, intelligence, understanding, mind, wit, sense, judgment; respect, regard: in. matya, intentionally, wilfully, wittingly; -~, under the impression of= that something is; -m kri, set one's heart on, think of, resolve upon (d., lc., prati w. ac., or -artham); make up one's mind; -m dha, resolve on (d., lc.); -m dhri, cherish the project of (d., lc.); -m a-stha, form a resolution; -m nivartaya, give up the idea of(ab. of vbl. N.). trfriii mati-karman, n. matter of the intellect; -gati, f. way of thinking; -garbha, a. (having intellect within), intelligent,clever; -darsana, n.pl. recognition of other's thoughts or intentions; -patha, m. path of reflexion: -m ni, subject to mature consideration; -pfrva, a. intentional: -m, e, ad. intentionally, wilfully, wittingly; -purvakam, ad. id.; -prakarsha, m. superior cleverness, stroke of genius; -bheda, m. change of opinion; difference ofopinion;-bhrama,m.mentalconfusion. f^T mati-mat, a. intelligent, wise, sensible; -vardhana, m. N. of a commentator; -vid, a. knowing one's devotion or mind; -viparyaya, m. erroneous opinion, illusion; -vibhrama, m. mental confusion; infatuation; -salin, a. possessed of understanding, sensible, wise; -hina, pp. destitute of understanding, witless, stupid. idtig mati-kri, harrow. Zrif mat-ka, a. my. ci m at-kuna, m.bug; tuskless elephant: -tva, n. condition of a bug or of a tuskless elephant. W'o irc m t-krita, pp. done by me. hur mat-ta, pp. Vmad: -ka, a. somewhat overbearing; w. N.; -kasin-i, a. f. looking intoxicated (used of fascinating women, esp. as a term of address); -mayfira, m. peacock intoxicated with joy; -varawa, m. mad elephant; as. (?)fence round a house: -vikrama, a. having the might of a mad elephant; n. turret, pinnacle: -varaniya, a. attached to the turret (of a car). I^t mat-tas, ad. = ab. RI mat. Wi matya, n. harrow or roller. Ti'Ti- mat-sakhi, m. (nm. a) my friend or companion (R V.1). airi mat-sara, a. [,/mad] gladdening, intoxicating (V.); joyful (F.); selfish; jealous, envious; m. gladdener = Soma ( V.); jealousy, envy, of (lc., -~); enmity, hostility; wrath, anger; passion for (cl., -~). lirfft matsar-in, a. gladdening (RV.); envious, jealous, of (lc. or -~); addicted to, passionately fond of (lc.). Iti' mats-i, f. female fish (= matsya). I mat-sya, m. [lively: V/mad] fish; N. of a people (pl.); king of the Matsyas: du. Pisces (sign of the zodiac). W7i1- i matsya-ka, m. little fish; -ghhta, m. killing= catching offish; -ghktin, a, killing fish; m. fisherman; -givat, pr.pt., -givin, m. (subsisting on fish), fisherman. WifS-tW matsyand-ikf, f. boiled down juice of the sugar-cane; -i,f. id. lt T' n matsya-dhvaga, m. fish-banner; -purana, n. Purana proclaimed by Vishnu as a fish; -pradurbhava, m. Vishnu's incarnation as a fish; -bandha, m. catcher of fish, fisherman; -bandhin, m. id.; -riga, m. best of fishes (pl.); king of the Matsyas; -han, m. killer of fish, fisherman. iW?TI matsya anda, n. fish-roe; - ada, a. feeding or living on fish; - isin, a. id.; - udariya, a. coming from the belly of a fish; - upagivin, m. (subsisting on fish), fisherman. MATH, W^P MANTH, I. P. (A.) \ matha, mantha, IX. P. A. mathlna, mathni, whirl round (w. agnim, produce fire by attrition); rub afire-stick (ac.); churn; shake; stir up, agitate; afflict, sorely distress; crush, injure, destroy; ps. mathyate: pp. mathita, bewildered; nipped, blighted. ud, stir or shake up; strike or tear off; rub or peel off; uproot; exterminate, kill, destroy; refute; stir, agitate; mingle. nis, produce (fire) by friction out of (ac.); churn out; churn, stir; crush, destroy; shake or pull out; thrash; agitate; wipe away: pp. wiped off; gd. nirmathya, forcibly. vi-nis, crush, destroy (enemies). pra, churn (ocean); strike or tear off, drag away; harass, sorely distress; compel; destroy; devastate; cs. -mathaya, P. harass; kill, slay. vi, A. tear away; A. tear or break in pieces; hew in pieces: pp. destroyed (city); bewildered (mind). T math, a. (-~) destroying; m. churningstick (weak base of mathi, q. v.). We math-an (only in. mathna), fire-stick (P.). ITWr math-ana, a. (a, i) harassing, afflicting; destroying; n. friction; churning; harassing; destruction: -akala, m. mountain of churning, Mount Mandara (used by the gods and Ddnavas as a churning-stick in churning the ocean). WIJT matha-y;, den. P. (V.) produce (fire) by friction; tear off; shake. Trf math-i, m. (?) churning-stick (middle base; wk. base math; nm. manthas); -ita, pp. churned, etc.; m. N. of the composer of a hymn; n. buttermilk without the addition of water; -i-tri, m. crusher, destroyer; -itos, g., inf. of /math. IT math-ura, m. N.:, f. N. of various cities, esp. of an ancient andfamous one situated on the Yamund and held in great sanctity among both Brdhmans and Buddhists, now called Muttra. ti. MAD, T MAND, I.P. mada (v.), X maInda(V.),P. (t.), A. (nt.), II. P. mamat-ti (V.), IV. P. (int.) madya (Br., C.), rejoice, be glad, exult, delight or revel, in (in., g., lc., rarely ac.); be intoxicated (also fig.) by (in.); enjoy bliss (of the gods and the fathers); bubble, boil (water); gladden, inspirit, intoxicate pp. matta, excited with joy, overjoyed; intoxicated, drunk (alsoJig.); wanton, rutting (esp. of elephants); s. mad&ya, P. A., mandaya, P. (V.) delight, exhilarate; satisfy (a desire); intoxicate (also fig.); inflame with passion; A. rejoice, be glad, live blissfully (V.). anu, receive with shouts of joy (ac.). ud, be distracted, lose one's reason; gladden, delight (RV.): pp. unmatta, distracted, frantic, insane, mad; intoxicated; deluded; furious (animal); excited (eyes); cs. throw into ecstasies, deprive of one's senses, render insane. pra, rejoice, exult (V.); be careless, heedless, or negligent, about (ab., Ic.); be unguarded, forget one's duty in the matter of (lc.); be thrown into confusion (of inanimate objects): pp. pramatta, careless, heedless, negligent, regarding (ab. or -~); forgetting one's duty in the matter of (Ic.). abhi-pra, gladden, delight. vi-pra, pp. not missed or neglected (?). vi, be joyful; become discomposed; be in rut; confuse: pp. discomposed; rutting; cs. confuse. sam, rejoice with (in.; V.); delight in anything (in.; V.): pp. ravished by (in.); intoxicated by (-~); rutting (elephant); cs. P. -madaya, exhilarate; intoxicate; A. be exhilarated or intoxicated. ( 2. MAD, Ha MAND, I. P. -mada (V.), III.P.mamnd(V.), delay, stand still. RTi mad-a, m. hilarity, exhilaration, rapture, intoxication; passion for (-~); wantonness, lust; rut; pride, arrogance, presumption, conceit (of, about, g. or -~); intoxicating draught; honey; temple-juice of elephants. tS iio mada-kara, a. intoxicating; -karin, in. elephant in rut; -kala, a. passionately sweet (note); uttering soft sounds of love; drunk with passion; reeling with intoxication; being in rut, beginningto rut (elephant); -karin, -krit, a. intoxicating; -kyiit, a. I. (V.) reeling with excitement, exhilarated with Soma; gladdening, exhilarating; 2. distilling temple-juice (elephant); -gala, n. templejuice (of elephants); -gvara, m. fever of passion or pride; -durdina, n. stream of templejuice; -dvipa, n. rutting elephant. Tji^q mad-ana, m. sexual love, passion, lust; m. god of love, K&ma; N.; a plant: -tantra, n. doctrine of sexual love; -damshtra, f. N. of a princess; -damana, in. vanquisher of Kama, ep. of Siva; -dahana, m. burner of Khma, ep. of Siva; -dvish, m. enemy of Kama, ep. of Siva; -pala, m. N. of a prince, the reputed author ofvariousworks; -pura, m. N. of a city; -prabha, f. N. of a fairy; -maiihuka, f. N. of a daughter of Madanavega; -mangari, f. N.; -maya, a. swayed by love; -maha, m., -mahi utsava, m. great festival in honour of Khma; -mala, f. N.; -malini, f. N.; -mohana, m. confounder of Kama, ep. of Krishna; -yashtiretu, m. kind of flag; -rAga, m. N.; -ripu, m. foe of Kama, ep. of Siva; -lekha,f. loveletter; N.; -vega, N. of a prince of the fairies; -salaka,f. hooded crow; -sundari, f. N.; -sena, f. N. W rf-cT.[ madana ditya, m. N.; -antaka, in. destroyer of Kama, ep. of Siva; ari, m. foe of Kama, ep. of Siva; - avastha, a. enamoured, in love: a, f. being in love; - asaya, m. sexual desire. [eating. R4 f[FBijT madan-ikj,f. N.; -lya, a. intoxi#ti4nTTI madana udyana, n. garden of Kama, N. of a garden. q1T' mada-patu, a. rutting (elephant); ad. clearly with joy (warble); -prada, a. intoxicating and causing pride or conceit; -prasravana ivila, a. turbid with templejuice; -muk, a. discharging temple-juice (elephant). [TR -rti mad-ay-ant-i, f. [es. pr. pt. delighting], wild jasmine; N. of the wife of Kalmdsha-pdda (also called Mitrasaha); -ay-i-tri, (cs.) m. delighter, intoxicator. ;j# mad-artha. 41mqiz madliya-tas.21 215 I' mad-artha, m. my purpose. W1 41 mad-arpata-pura, n. N. of a city; -arpita-pura, n. id. zrI~kTmacla-lekhft, f. streak of templejuice; -vallabha, mn. N. of a Gandharva; -vari, -n. temple-juice. "4:~JqT madaatyaya, m. excess of intoxication, delirium tremens; - andha, a. blind with intoxication, dead-dru~nk; blind with passion, rutting; blinded by pride; -Zmbu,,n. temple-juice (of elephants); -_ambhas, n. id.; - alasa, a. languid with intoxication: Af N. avasth', f. wantonness, rut. Wfi'r mad-inf, a. (V.) gladdening, intoxicating; lovely. if5mad-iris, a. id.: af spirituous liquor; ep. of Durgbt; N. of the mother of Kddambari; (a)-dris, a. having ravishing eyes; (a) -nayana, a. id.; - kha (i) id.; &-vat-i',f. N. of a girl and title of the i3th Lambaka of the Kfatha'saritsaigara. 19 mdd-isht ha, spy, of madifn (V.). I;RtV- mad-iya, a. MY, mine. ZrI madiigha, m. kind of liquorice. ~8~ madautkata, a. excited with drink, intoxicated; excited with passion, furious; lustful, rutting (elephant); mn. N. of a lion;.-udaka, n. temple-juice; ua gra, a. excited with passion, furious; - uddhata, pp. puffed up with pride, arrogant; - uumatta, pp. drunk with passion, rutting; intoxicated with pride. ~RW madg-ii, m. [diver: V~magg] hind of aquatic bird; galley, kind of vessel of war; a mixed caste: -ra, mn. a hind of fish; diver, pearl-fisher (a mixed caste).'I mad-deha, mn. my body; -bhakta, pp. devoted to me; -bha'gYa-samkshaya, m. ruin of my fortune. ZM~ mdd-ya, a. (V.) gladdening, exhilarating, intoxicating; n. spirituous liquor, sp. brandy: -kumbha, mn. brandy-jar; -pa, a. drinking spirituous liquors; in. drunkard; -pina, n. drinking of intoxicants; spirituous liquor; -bha'nda, n. vessel for intoxicating dr-inks; -vikraya, mn. sale of intoxicants; - ikshepa, m. addiction to drink; -;'sattaka, m~. N. W3~ mad-rdl, m. N. of a people (pl.); country of Madra; prince of Macira: -ka, m. N. of a despised people (p1.); prince of Macdra; inhabitant of Madra; n. hind of song. miiradrfl, f N.; N. of a river. if~mad-rik, ad. [contracted n. of madrai] towards me (R V.). Ij~mad - rf ailk, a. turned towards me (1R1.'): -a'k, n. ad. towards me (1-1V.). ir. mad-vat, ad. like me; as to me. MA 2mad-vat, a.exhilarating (Br.); containing some derivative of Vm. mad. Zj~imid-van, a. (RV1.) addicted to joy or intoxication; exhilarating. WfrAf mad —vidha, a. like me, of my sort; -vihina, pp. separated from me. IZh1W madhav-ya, a. prone or entitled to drink Soma (V.). II~N mtddh-u, a. (u, 'U. or v-I') sweet, delicious; pleasant, charming, delightful; N.,of the. first spring. month (= Kaitra, March April); spring; N. of two Asuras; N.; n. nectar, mead, Soma (V.); milk, butter ( V.); honey (this s~p. meaning is doubtful for 11V.); sweet intoxicating liquor (C.). ZT9Z5 madhui-ka, a. having the colour of honey (only 0- with lohana, eye); m. a tree; n. liquorice; -krara, m. honey-maker, bee: -maya, a. consisting of bees, -r~agan, M. king of the bees =queen-bee. W4*Tq madhu-karftya, den. A. represent bees; -karikaf. N.; -karin, m. bee; -kari., f.female bee; N.; -kanana, n. forest of the Asura Madhu (on the Yamuna'); -kfira, m. bee: i',f. female bee; -krit, a. producing sweetness; m. bee; -gandhika, a. sweetly scented; -khhattra, m. (?) a tree (having a pleasant shade); -hkhandas, m. N. of a Rishi; N. of the fifty-.first of the ioi sons of Visvdmitra; -kyut, -kyuta, a. dripping honey; -ga, a. produced from honey; (m&~ dhu) -gihva, a. honey-tongued, sweetlyspeaking (V.); -taru, m. sugar-cane; -trina, m. n. id.; -tva, n. sweetness; -doham, abs. (milking=) making honey; -dvish, m. foe of Madhu, ep. of Vishnu; -dh~r', f stream of honey; stream of sweet intoxicants; -pi, a. drinking sweetness or honey; m. bee; -patala, m. honey-comb; -parki, m. honeymixture: a guest-offering usually consisting of curds with honey or butter; the honeymixture ceremony; -parnika^,f. N. ofvarious.plants; -pavana, m. wind of spring; -paftra, n. wine cup; _pana, n. drinking of honey; _pari, f. wine cup; -pura, n. city of the.Asura Madhu, Mathural i, f. city of the Madhus, Mathurh; (midhu) -prasaiigamadhu, n. honey connected with spring; -psaras, eager for sweetness (111.'); -bhadra, M. N.; -bhinda, n. cup for spirituous liquors, wine cup; -bhid, m. slayer of Madhu,. e~p. of Vishnu; -bhug, a. enjoying sweets or delights,; -maksh&, -makshikaf. (honeyfly), bee; (mfidhu)-mat, a. sweet; pleasant,, charming; mixed with honey; abounding in honey; containing the word 'madhu': _. f. N. of a river; N. of a city; N.; -matta,.pp.intoxicated by spring; -math, -mathana, m. destroyer of Mdadhu, e~p. ofVishnu; -mada,, m. intoxication with wine; -mantha, in. drink stirred with honey; -maya, a. (i)L consisting of honey; sweet as honey, honied; -mfi,dhava, m. du. & n. sg. names of the two spring months (= Kaitra and Vaishkha', March-May); -ma'dhavil, f. spring-flow~r abounding in honey; hind of intoxicating liquor; -misa, m. spring month: -mahotsava, m. great festival of spring, -_ atat~ra, m. commencement of spring; -mura-naraka-visasafla, m. destroyer of the Daityas Madhu, Mura, and Naraka, e~p. of Vishnu. Z9T~ madhu-ra, a. sweet; charming, delightful; mellifluous (words), melodious (sound): -in, ad. sweetly; n. kind manner: in. kindly. ITJImadhura-ka, a. sweet; at,. Sweetness; charm; kindness, amiability; -tva, n. sweetness; tenderness,charm(ofvoice,speechz); -bhashin, a. speaking sweetly or kindly; -maya, a. (i) full of sweetness;, -ra in, a, rumbling pleasantly (clouds). T14T madhua-rasa, m. honey-juice; sweetness, charm: -maya, a. (i) full of honey-juice. "-;~tmadhura-svara,a.uttering a sweet sound; mellifluous (spec) ~T9madhurft,f. N. of a city (=Mathurft). madhura kshara, n. pl. kindly words; a. sounding sweetly, mellifluous (speech); i-vatta, m. N.; - svada, a. tasting sweet. qVf cmadhuLr-ita pp.sweetened(alsofig.). irj~madhu-ripu, m. foe of Madhu, ep. ofVsnu or Krishna. Iiji~ madhur -i -man, mn. sweetness (also fig.). T[9 madhu-la', a. sweet (v.). ITMf madhua-lill, a. having licked the hney from (0); m. (honey-licker), bee; -vat, ad. like honey; -vana, n. Honey-forest (N. of iSugsriva's forest); forest of the demon Madhu on the Yamund', where Satrughna founded Mathurd; -vaira, rn. pl. (turns of drink), carousal, drinking-bout; -vidvish, m. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; (m~dhU)-vrata, a. addicted to sweetness (R11.'); m. bee: I f. female bee; -vrata-pati, m. king of bees = queen-bee; -sarkar', f. honey-sugar; -sishta, n. (remainder of honey), wax; -sesha, n. id.; -skhut, a. distilling or flowing with sweetness; -sr', f. glory of spring (personife) [1J~I mddh-us, n. sweetness (V.). mildhu - samdrisa, a. looking charming; -sah~ya, m. companion of spring, god of love; -sf'dana, m. destroyer of the demon Madhu, ep. of Vishnu or Krishssa; N. of a scholar: -sarasvati, m, N. of an author; -sena, m. N. of a prince; -srava, a. distilling sweetness; -han, m. collector of honey; slayer of Madhu, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna. j~jmadhft-ka, m. bee; a tree (Bassia latifolia); n. its tlwer. rnmadhuujkkhishta, (pp.) n. (remainder of honey), wax; - uttha, a. produced from or made of honey; n. wax; - utsava, m. spring festival on the day of full moon in the month of Kaitra; - udaka, n. honey-water, hydromel; - udyimma, n. spring garden;.,,paghna, n. ()N. of a city ( Mathurfi or Madhurh). jTtI I madhfila-ka, n. honey, sweetness; ikah, f. hind of bee; hind of cereal; kind of Bassia latifolia. TJT mdldhya, a. middle (in V., like Latin medius = mid-, the middle of); central; middling, mediocre, of medium kind; middlesized; moderate; intermediate; neutral (MA vritti, f. middle course); (in..) n, m iddle of the body, esp. woman's waist; n. middle., centre; inside, interior; meridian; intermediate condition between (g.); ten thousand billions (as being between hcoti and pardrdha): -in, into the midst of, into, amongst (y. or in. in or through the midst of, between (ac., gor -'); ab. from the midst of, out of, from among (g. or -'); lc. in the middle, between; in the midst of; within,, in, into, among (g. or -0 -= ac. or lc,; madhye kri, place in the middle, make an intermediary of; account ( —); -kritya, with regard to (ac.). GOI ntadhya-kaumudi', f. T. of a grammar = madhya - siddhanta - kaumudi; -ga, a. moving in the midst of, being in, on, or among, contained in. abiding among, being common to (g. or -';-gata, _pp. heing in the midst of; between, or among (g. or — '); -kUxin, a. moving in the midst of or among (g.). RTWWT madhya-ta's, ad. from, in, or into the midst of, out of, among (g. or -O); of middfle sort; atf mediocrity; -desa, m. middle region; waist; Midland (the country lying 216 216 r~~4f~w madhyam-dina. r anyu zrmTq mana'-yu. between the Himalaya, the Vindhya, Vinasana in the west and Praydga in the east): plI. the inhabitants of Madhya-desa: 3i-ya, a. belonging to or living in Midland; -desya, a. id.; -deha, mn. middle of the body; -nagara, n. interior of a city; -uihita, pp. put inside. ITW41 ~f~i madhydm-dina, mn. midday, noon; midday offering (savana). PIq~f#'f maclhya-patita, pp. lying between; -pkta, mn. intercourse; -bha"ga, M. middle part; waist: lc. therein; within (g.); -bhava, mn. moderate distance. W1 *4if madhya-mg, spy. middlemost, situated between; being in the middle, central; of medium kind or strength, middle-sized, middling, mediocre, moderate; neutral; mn. = Madhya-desa; middle= fourth or fifth note in the scale; one of the three, musical scales; second person,(gr.); sn. n. middle of the body, waist; ss. middle; meridian. TMWi macihyama-ka, a. (ika') common to (g.); a. interior: -m pra-vis, enter; -kaksha, f. middle of the courtyard; -gita, _pp. born in the middle (son). wii madhya-mandira, a. female organ; anus. 4" TVmdym-aalpn a. in which the middle word is dropped -(compound: e. g. s~ka-pflrthiva = vegetable, sc. loving, king); -purusha, m. kind ofpersonification; second person (gr.); -pftrusha, m?. mediocre person; -bh.Ava, mn. moderate distance; -r~tra, mn. midnight; -loka, mn. middle world ==earth: -pala, mn. protector of earth, king, - indu, m. moon of earth, king; -vayas-a, n. middle age; - ashtak&,f. eighth day in the dark fortnight of -Mfgha. W~IW(4TI madhyamft, f. middle finger. ~W~T~adhy-rfitrd, mn. midnight; -r' tri f. id.; — rekb&, f. central line (suepposed to be drawn to Mount Meru from Ladla', Uggayint', Kurulkshetra, and other places); -vayas, a. middle-aged; -vartin, a. being in the midst of, in, or among ();-sarlira, a. moderately stout; _sayin, a. lying within; -siddhfiuta-kaumudijf. medium Siddhantakaumudl, Ti. of an abridgment of the Siddhdnta-lcaumudi; -stha, a. being in the middle; being in the air; heing within; being in, betw..een, or among (gq. or -O); mediating between (g.); middling; indifferent, impartial, -neutral; standing hetween=beloaging to neither or to both parties (territory etc.): -ti, f. indifference; impartiality; -sthala, a. middle part, hip; -sthana, n. middle region, atmosphere; - sthita, pp. being between (g.); indifferent: atf indifference. TMrzr madhyg, in. ad. (R V.) between (g.); meanwhile. iZTf~3f~- madhya hditya, m noontide sun: -gate x haui, at midday; &varsha, n. middle of the rainy season; - ahA. idy la, Mn., ~-vei&a f., -samaya, mn. noontide. +MwrIK* madhye-nagaram, ad. within a city; -nadi, ad. in or into the river; -naresvara-sabham, ad. in, the midst of the assembly of the princes; — padmam, ad. in a lotus; -prishtham, ad. on the back;!vinidhy;a atavi, ad. in the forests of the Vindhya; -vindhyaantar, ad. in the midst of the Yindhya; -vyoma, ad. in the air; -sabham, ad. in the assembly, in public; -samudram, ad. in the midst of the sea. TM1 madhva, in. N. of thefounder of a sect: -guru, - Akarya, Mn. 'id. qI I W'Wqi madhu aka, mn.bee; -aksha, a. having honey-coloured eyes. R~'KT11TWr madhu apftta, m. honey at first sight.; -4sava, m. spirituous liquor made of honey. A A MAN, Ii. A..mfinate (V.), VIII. A. manut,6 (V.; rare in C.), I.A. (sts. P. metr.) mfinyate (v., C.), think, believe,' imagine, fancy, suppose; believe in, regard as certain or probable; deem, consider, take to be (2 ac.; pred. sts. with iva, -vat, or other ad.); regard as equal to (contemptuously, e. g. a straw: d.); deem oneself, be thought, regarded, or accounted, pass for (nsa., sts. with iva); be of opinion, think fit, approve; think of, esteem, respect, value, honour (na -,think nothing of; disdain); think of, wish, desire, intend (V.); think of (in prayer etc.), remember, mention (ac., sts. g.; V.); excogitate (V.); perceive, observe, learn, know, understand,(ac.; g. aslso in V.); bihu -,think much of, val-ne greatly, esteem highly; laghu - think little of, esteem -lightly; sa'dhu - think well of, consider satisfactory, approve, praise; manye, methinks, is often inserted in a sentence withouet affevcting the construction: pp. mata, considered, ~regarded, held, accounted (am. -or ad.); approved, sanctioned, considered satisfactory; esteemed, honoured, respected, favoured by-(g.); greatly valuedby( —0); intended; conjectured; known; cs. niAnaya, P. (A.) honour; pay regard to anything: _pp mnita, honoured, regarded; des. mi'mamsa, A. (P.) reflect upon, consider, inquire into, examine, investigate; call in question, doubt (with regard to, lc.): pp. mimamsitk, pondered; doubted (person). ati, make light of, despise (V.). anu, agree, consent; approve; admit, grant; permit; sanction; allow-to (inf.); grant (ac.) to, bestow on (d.); approve of, follow; give any one (ac.) leave,, permit to (d.), allow any one (ac.) to (ac. pr. orft.-pt.); pardon any one (ac.); na -, think lightly of, repel, disregard: _pp. approved, etc.; admitted or recognised by (O;permitted by (in.); acceptable; followed; m. lover; as. ask the permission of (ac.), ask for leave to depart, take leave of (ac.); ask for (ac.); honour; regard, consider; des. conclude, infer. sam-anu, generally recognise as (2 ac.):.pp. having the general approval of (in.). apa, as. despise. abhi, set one's mind on, wish for, desire, covet; be fond of, like; wish to injure, threaten; kill; approve of, assent to (ac.); allow anything to be done (ac. of _pt.); place anything (ac.) at the disposal of (d.); fancy, imagine; believe in, assume (ac.); regard as (2 ac., or ac. and in. of abst. N. in -tva): pp. desired, dear; desirable, agreeable; approved, admitted. ava, look down upon, think lightly of, disregard, despise, slight; ps. -manyate, be thought little of: pp. disregarded, slighted; abhiorred; cs.despise, slight;disregard. abhi aVa, disdain. prati, as. honour (any one); hl~Id (anything) in honour; receive favourably; regard. vi, Vpp. despised, slighted; any, every; es. treat with disrespect, despise. sam, think, be of opinion; regard or look upon as (2-ac.); intend; esteem, honour: pp. esteemed, honoured, by (g.); approved, by (g. or — P); agreeing with (~) authorised: yushm~kam yadi sammatam, if you approve or agree;.' as. honour; regard; assure any oae (g.) of (cc.). abhi-sam, pp. honoured or esteemed by(-);M*k manah-kshepa, mn. mental confusion; -pfita, pp. mentally pure; -.prasida, in. mental calm or composure; -priya, a. dear to the heart; -priti, f. mental satisfaction, delight. RMman-ana, n. thinking, cogitation, reflexion; homage: -vat, a. attended with homage, -yukta, pp. id.; -aniya, fp. estimable. II' manav-a-te, 3 Sg. Pr. subj. V/man. R':+fw'Tr manah-sila, in. or a. ('metr.), Ajf. red arsenic; -sighra, a. quick as thought; -shashtha, a. making six with mind. II(mdn-as, a. mind (in its widest sense as the seat of intellectual ooperations and of emotions), internal organ; understanding, intellect; soul, heart; conscience; thought, conception; imagination; cogitation, reflexion; inclination, desire, will; mood, disposition; in the philosophical systems manas is regarded as distinct from soul (fitman), of which it is only the instrument, and is (exceeapt in the Nydga) considered perishable: - kri, make up one's mind, resolve; fix one's heart or affections upon any one (g.); - kri, pra-kri, dlig, vi-dha, dhri, bandh, and iiivesaya, direct the thoughts to, think of (d., IC., prati, or inf.); - sam-dha, collect oneself; in ~ as in the mind; in thought or imagination; with all one's heart, willingly; by the leave of (g.); manSa iva, as with a thought, in a trice; manas man think of in one's mind, - gain, go to in thought -=imagine, remember, - sam-gain, become unanimous; mauasi kri, hear or ponder in mind, - ni-dha', impress on the mind, treasure in the heart; meditate, - vrit, be passing in one's mind; inanas is often used -J' a. with, an inf. in -tu. = wishing or inten ding to (e. g. prashtu-inanas, desirous of inquiring). IIjmauas-a', a.. (0~) =manas. fW5 manasi-ga, ms. (born in the heart), love, passion; god of love; mooni: -taru, in. tree of love, -rug, f. pain of love; -saya, in. (lying in the heart), love; god of love. ITMr4r manas-ka, a. (-'O) having one's mind or thoughts fixed on; -kanta, a. dear to the heart., pleasant, agreeable; -ka'ra, in. mental operation; -ket&, in. mental image, conceptiort, thought; -tpa, in. mental pain, distress of mind, anguish; repentance. IWW manas-ya', den. (V.) have in one's mi n d; think. TMRir~~ mdnas-vat, a. (V.) spirited. (-vi)-ta',f. intelligence, wisdom. W'.R~i mainah-samkalpa, in. heart's desire; -;saistga, in. mental attachment, continual thinking of a beloved one (second stage of love); sam pa i.mental pain, anguish; -sainunnati, f. high-mindedness; -sukha, a. pleasant to the (mind =) taste; -stha, a. mental; -sparsa, a. touching the heart; -sv3inn, in. N. of a Brdhinan. [WF man-9, f. (V.) desire, zeal, devotion; envy. ~TMT~manflk, -ad. [ prob. a. of a. manft anik, deliberately, measuredly], a little, somewhat, slightly; shortly, very soon, at once; only; na man~k, na iang api, iang api na, -not in the least, not at all; na inana~k, w. pp. and api, all but: e.g.iangsnia pfititah, I was all but, or I had almost heen, thrown down; k~1am mank, a short time.;R'q( manat-yd, P. (BVF.) be zealous or devoted; consider, deem. IT[Tq mana-y-I, a. (R V.) devoted, praying. nTdlqT{H manimusha-grama.;MtY~tM mantra-yantra. 217 leftgfW' manimusha-grama, m. N. oj a village. TMI: T man-ish-a, f. (V.) reflexion; conception; understanding; wise utterance, hymn; prayer, desire: i-ka, f. understanding, wisdom; expectation; -i-ta, den. pp. wished; wished for, desired, dear; n. wish, desire: -varshin, a. showering desired objects; -i-ta, f. wisdom; -in, a. thoughtful, wise; praying, devout (V.). m n man-u, a. wise (V.); m. man, coll. mankind (V.); thought (pl. mental powers); prayer, spell; N. of a divine being, progenitor of mankind; the most common among the many patronymic terms applied to him are Vaivasvata, Svayambhuva, and Hairanyagarbha. In post-Vedic chronology seven Manus are assumed, each of whom presides over a cosmic period (manuantara), acting in it as creator and preserver of beings; still later seven more 7Manus are added. 9~ manu-ga, m. (sprung from Manu), man: -natha, m., -pati, m. lord of men, king, -loka, m. world of men, earth, - tmaga,f. daughter of men, -adhipa, m. king of men, - adhipati, m. id. I~jt:i manugi-kri, turn into a man. RTl mn manugajndra, m. chief of men, king: -putri, f. princess; - svara, m. lord of men, king. ^I'TW manu-yuga, n. period of a Manu (= 31,040,000 years). irfi m manur-hita, pp. kind or beneficial to men (B V.). yi r manu-vrita, pp. chosen by men; -vyaghra, m. tiger among = most illustrious of men; -sreshtha, spy. best among men, ep. of Vishnu. [tR1 man-ush-a, m. man (RV.).;WIw manush-ya, a. (V.) human; suitable for men; friendly to mankind; m. human being; man (opp. woman); husband: pi. (V.) human progenitors (a class of Manes, who receive the Pinda offering). R IWiTT manushya-kara, m. human effort; -gandha, m. human odour; -ganman, a. begotten by a man; -gata, (pp.) n. human race; -gati, f. id.; -ta, f. human condition; manhood; -tva, n. human condition, humanity: -m ya, become men; -deva, m. god among men = Brahman (V.) or king; -dharman, m. ep. of Kubera; -pota, m. little boy; -prakriti, a. of human origin; -yagia, m. offering to men (one of the five MahAyaglzas) =charity, hospitality; -ratha, m. human carriage; -raga, -ragan, m. human king; -r&pa, n. human form; -loka, m. world of men; -vis,f., -visa, n., -visa,f. human folk; -sakshya, n. presence of men as witnesses: Ic. before men as witnesses. ti4j manushyaindra, m. best of men; -isvara, m. lord of men, king. 1fT manush-vat, ad. (V.) as man or men, as among or for men; like Manu. ^- mdn-us, m. (V.) human being; mankind; man (opp. woman).;r- f!'r manu-samhita,f. code of Mann. WitWr' mano-gata, a. passing in the mind, concealed in the heart, secret; n. thought, notion, opinion; desire, wish; -gati, f. (motion of the mind), desire, wish; a. going at will, goingwherever one wishes (car); -grahin, a. captivating the mind, fascinating; _ _ -grahya, fp. to be grasped by the mind; fascinating; -glani, f. depression of mind; -ghna, a. intimidating; -ga, -ganman, m. (mind-born), love, god of love; -gava, m. swiftness of thought (V.); a. (mano)-gava, a. swift as thought; (mano)-gavas, a. id. (V.); -gavin, a. id.; (mano)-gavishtha, spv. (conj.) exceedingly swift as thought; -gata, pp. mind-born; -gighra, a. (scenting =) guessing one's thoughts; -gui, a. swift as thought (RV.); -gia, a. (appreciated by the mind), pleasing, agreeable, beautiful, lovely, charming: -ta, f. beauty, loveliness. 'IwtiT mano-ta, f. [nm. sg. of man6tri treated as a f.], B V. VI, i. (which contains the word man6ta); deity to whom an offering is made while this hymn is recited. '5 man6-tri (or -trz), m. [fr. pr. base man-u of A/man] deviser, inventer; dispenser (V.). R#tiG R mano-danda, m. complete control over one's thoughts; -duhkha, n. mental pain, heart-ache; -dushta, pp. impure in thought; -(a)navasthana, n. distraction of mind, inattention; -nasa, m. loss of mental power or understanding; -(a)nukiula, a. pleasant to the mind; -(a)nuga, a. suitingthe mind, pleasing, agreeable; -(a)paharin, a. captivating the mind, delightful; -(a)peta, pp. destitute of understanding; -bhava, a. originating in the mind, imaginary; love (opp. anger); (sexual) love, god of love; -(a)bhipraya, m. heart's desire: -ga, a. desirable; -(a)bhirama, a. pleasing to the mind, gratifying. R#tn mano-bhi, m. (arising in the mind), love, god of love; -mathana, m. (agitator of the soul), god of love; -maya, a. (i) consisting of mind, spiritual (not material); -yayin, a. going at will, going wherever one likes; -yvig, a. (V.) thought-yoked, i. e. yoked by a mere thought (steeds); suiting the understanding, wise; -ratha, m. (car of the mind), wish, desire; fancy, illusion; indirectly expressed wish; N.: -dayaka, m. fulfilling wishes; N. of a Kalpa tree, -prabha, f. N., -siddhi,f. fulfilment of a wish; m. N.: -ka, -~ a. id.; -rama, a. delighting the mind, attractive, pleasing, charming, lovely, beautiful; m. N.: a, f. N.; -rigya, n. realm of fancy: a-ni kri, build castles in the air; -laya, m. loss of consciousness; -laulya, n. freak of the mind, whim, caprice; -vat-i, f. N.; -vallabha, f. mistress of one's heart; -varikhita, (pp.) n. heart's desire; -visuddhi, f. purity of mind; -vritti, f. working of the mind,mental operation; train of thought; mood, temper; -han, a. mind-destroying; -hara, a. (a, i) captivating the mind, fascinating, attractive; charming, beautiful: -tara, cpv. more beautiful, etc.: -tva, n. greater beauty; -hartri, m. heart-stealer, captivator; -harika, f. N.; -harin, a. captivating the heart, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful; -hrit, a. taking away life and delighting the heart; -hlada, mi. gladness of heart; -hiadin, a. gladdening the heart, attractive, beautiful. trW man-tavya (or y-a),fp.. to be thought; - deemed (nm.); - assumed or laid down; - considered; - regarded or accepted; n. imps. one should think or suppose. lWr mdn-tu, m. counsellor, ruler; counsel; affront: -mat, a. (only vc.) wise. FT1 man-trz, m. thinker; approver. RT[ man-tra, m. (n.) pious thought, prayer, hymn; Vedic hymn, sacred text; mystical verse, incantation, spell; consultation, reso I I I I lution, counsel, plan; secret design: -karana, n. Vedic text; -karya, n. subject of consultation; -kala, m. time of consultation; -kusala, a. skilled in counsel; -krit, m. composer of hymns; counsellor, adviser; ambassador; -gandaka, m. kind ofamulet; -gupta, m. N.; -gupti,f. keeping of counsel; -griha, n. chamber of deliberation; -gihva, m. fire; -gna, a. knowing the sacred texts; experienced in counsel; -gyeshtha, spv. having precedence according to knowledge of sacred texts. -,iTl mantr-ana, n., a, f. consultation, deliberation. TIRWfffq i mantra-tattva-vid, a. knowing the essence of counsel, very experienced in counsel; -tas, ad. with regard to (the knowledge of) Vedic texts; -toya, n. water sanctified with incantations; -da, a. imparting or teaching the Veda; giving advice; -darsin, a. knowing the sacred texts; -datri, in. teacher of the Veda; -dris, a. (seeing=) composing hymns; knowing the sacred texts; experiencedin counsel; m. composer of hymns; counsellor; -devata, f. deity invoked in a sacred text; -drashtri, in. (seer=) composer of sacred texts; -dhara, -dharin, m. counsellor, adviser; -pattra, n. leaf inscribed with a sacred text; -pada, n. magic word; -patha, m. recitation of a sacred text; -pustika, f. book of spells; -puta, pp. purified by a sacred text; -prabhava, m. power of a spell (Pr.); -prayoga, m. employment of a sacred text; magical agency, charm; -phala, n. fruit or consequence of counsel; -bala, n. magical power; -biga, n. (seed =) first syllable of a spell; germ of counsel; -brahmana, n. du. the sacred hymns and the Brahmanas: -vid, a. knowing the sacred hymns and the Brahmanas; -bheda, m. a particular spell: pi. various kinds of spells; breach of counsel, betrayal of a design; -maya, a. consisting of spells; -murti, a. having a body consisting of spells (Siva); -mula, a. rooted in counsel. A WR~ mantr6-ya, A. (V., C.), P. (C.) speak, talk, say; deliberate, consult, take counsel, with (in. + saha), about (d.); resolve to (inf.); deliberate on, discuss (ac.); advise anything (ac.); pronounce a spell over: pp. mantrita, discussed; advised. anu, accompany anything (ac.) with certain words (emphasized with iti); call certain words after any one (ac.); admonish; consecrate with a spell; ask any one (ac.) for leave to depart, take leave of; receive permission: pp. consecrated with a spell; dismissed with a blessing. abhi, address, speak to (I or 2 ac.); pay addresses to (a girl); consecrate with a spell; greet; take leave of (ac.). a, address; call, summon, invite; ask (any one); salute; take leave of, bid farewell to (ac.): pp. addressed, summoned, etc.; taken leave of. upa i, address; invite to (d., Ic.); take leave of. upa, call to one; invite or persuade to (d.): pp. called; addressed. ni, invite (ac.) anywhere (lc.), to (d. or inf.); invite any one (ac.) with (in.) = offer anything to. sam-ni, invite. pari, consecrate with a spell. prati, call to any one (ac.); consecrate with a spell. sam, consult, take counsel with (in. + saha or samam); express one's opinion; deliberate on (ac.); salute. MRN[ mantra-yantra, n. amulet with a magical formula; -yukti, f. application of spells, charm; employment of a sacred formula; magic (?); -vat, a. attended with sacred formulas; enchanted, consecrated with spells; familiar with sacred texts; ad. i. to the accompaniment of sacred texts; 2. according to the rules of counsel; -varna, m. wordf 218 218W~TI mantra'kshara. RIpr mama-ka'ra. ing of a sacred text: pl. the syllables of a sacred formula or spell; -va~da, m. substance of a sacred formula; utterance of spells, magic: -sloka, m.pl. slokas being sacred verses in substance; -v~din, m. pronouncer of spells, enchanter; -vid, a. knowing sacred texts or spells; -vidy&, f. science of spells, magic; -sakti, f. magical power, chiarm; -sruti, f. consultation listened to; -samvarana, a. concealment of a consultation or design; -samska'ra, m. consecration with sacred texts: -krit-pati, m. consecrated husband; -samhiaf the collection of Vedic hymns; -sa'dhaka, m. performer of an incantation, magician; -sdanA, a.,f performance of an incantation; -sdhya,f fp. to be mastered by incantations; attainable by counsel; -siddha, pp. accomplished by a spell; thoroughly versed in spells; -siddhi, f. effect of a spell; fulfilment of counsel; -sfLtra, a. charm attacked to a cord. wr'KT~q mantra akshara, a. syllable in a spell; - dhiriiga, m. supreme lord of spells (a Vetadla); - aradhaua, n. endeavouring to obtain by incantations, conjuring; -vali, f.series of spells. I~~fmantr-i-ka, -- a. -mantrin; -i-ta, pp. of mantraya; a. consultation; plan; A — a~ f., -i-tva, n. office of a royal counsellor, ministership; -in, a. wise (VS.'); knowing spells; m. enchanter, conjurer; king's counsellor, minister. RftiR'fW-i mantri-pati, m. prime minister; -putra, m. son of a minister; -pradhana, -mnukhya, -vara, -sresht/ia, m. prime minister; -stuinu, m. son of a minister. + qI # -m mantra ukta, pp. mention ed in a hymn;. ~daka, a. water coasecrated with spells. TW MANTH, v. RW MATH. + qmanth- ', m. churning; killing; mixed beverage (yaly. milk with parched barleymeal); stirring-spoon; churning-stick; instrument for kindling fire by attrition: (a) - danda: -ka, m. churning-stick. XIN- manth-ana, a. producing fire by attrition ( —9); mn. churning-stick; n. kindling offtre by the attrition of sticks; shaking or stirring about; churning; churning out (-O); m. (?) instrument for kindling fire by attrition: -danda, m. churning-stick. T(-4 manth-ara, a. slow, tardy, indolent; dull, stupid, foolish; bent, curved, crooked, humpbacked; -s, slow to or in: -m or - ad. slowly; ms. N. of a tortoise: -ka, m. N.; N. of a tortoise; N. of a foolish, weaver; N. of a humpback; -ta', f. slowness; - abhidhana, a. named Manthara. [slack. W74ft1If manthar-ita, (den.) pp. rendered PRTT manth-ft, m. (?; only nma. -s) churningstick; f. mkntha id. TrWIR ma-ntha akala, m. Mount Mandara, (used as a churning-stick in the ocean of milk); -~Adri, m. id. R-FTVI manth-ftna, ma. Shaker, ep. of Siva; instrument for kindling fire by attrition; churning-stick: -adri, m. Mount Mandara. q"r~ manthat-vala, m. hind of animal, fox, bat (2). IT~n manth-fn, a. agitating; ma. Somajuice mixed with flour (V.). W~MAND, V. Ri_~ MAD. T manad-a, a. slow, sluggish, in (lc. or.~); apathetic, indifferent to (d.); weak, slight; faint, low (voice), gentle (rain, wind); dull-witted, stupid, foolish; unhappy; dis. eased, ill: -in, ad. slowly, gradually (also O-); slightly; faintly, softly, in a low voice: mandam, mandam, ad. very slowly, quite gradually; m. the planet Saturn:- -km, a. scanty, little; dull, stupid; -karai, m. N. of a sage; -karman, a. inactive; akrin, a. acting foolishly; -kirana, a. weak-rayed; -ga, a. moving or going slowly; sa. planet Saturn; -gati, a. moving slowly: -tva, a. slow pace; -ketas, a. absent-minded; dullwitted, stupid, foolish; -kkh&ya, a. having its beauty dimmed, dull-looking, lustreless; -garas, a. aging slowly; -gAta, p.P. Slowly produced; taf indolence; slightness, insignificance; dulness, stupidity, foolishness; -tva, a. slightness, insignificance, feebleness; -dhii, a. dull-witted, stupid, foolish;..pa~a, m. N. of a Rishi; -punya, a. unfortunate, ill-fated; -pragria, a. dull-witted; -preman, a. having little affection; -phala, a. bearing little fruit; having an insignificant result; -buddhi, a. dull- witted; -bhfigin, a. illfated, wretched; -bhga, n. misfortune; a. ill-fated, unlucky, unfortunate, miserable: -ta', f. wretchedness; -bhiag, a.ill-fated; -mati, a. dull-witted; mn. N. of a wheelwright; N. of a lion; -mandam, ad. very slowly or gradually, by degrees; very softly; -mand-:k~tapa, a. having very slight heat, cool. Ri~ricW manda-ya, den. P. lessen, allay (hunger). W~f' mand-ayitri, in. gladdener. IIK m aud-ara, m. paradise-tree (one of the five in Indra's heaven); N. of a sacred mountaia with which the ocean was churned; N. of a fairy: -deva, mn. N. of a prince of the fairies: 3', f. N. of his sister; -deviya%, a. relating to Mandara-deva. IT~iEfi~lmanda-rasmni,a.weak-rayed,dim. Tji'K' mandarak-ya, den. A. represent Mount Mandara. f* 1"fmnavkstt~pmvn slowly; -visha, a. containing little poison; m.N.ofasnake; -visarpa,m. (glidingslowly), N. of a snake; -visarpin, a. crawling slowly: n-3., f. N. of a louse; -virya, a. deficient in nfianliness,weak; -vedana, a. hurting slightly; -sisira, a. somewhat cool. R;y~TiRT mand-as-ftan, pt. joyous, glad, exhilarated, intoxicated (RiV.). jt~tWJTV manda-hasa, sa. gentle laugh; a. smiling softly: -mn, ad. with a soft smlle. iR if i't mandftk-in-i'f [having a slow stream, manda ak-a: V/aiik1 N. of a branch of the Garnges and of the celestial Ganges. I~TRITWF manda ftkrftnta, pp. approaching slowly: 'a, f. a metre consisting Of 4 x I7 syllables (- - —, v,.., -, - in which the Meghadilta is composed; - aksha, a. weak-eyed: a. bashfulness; exces'sive indulgence or lenity; -Zagni, m. weak digestion; a. having a weak digestion; - k~ra, a. deficient in good conduct;..Atinan, a. dullwitted, stupid; - dara, a. h1aving little regard for, careless about (lc.); -_9anal, a. suffering from weak digestion: -tva, a. weak digestion; - bhinivesa, a. having little inclination for (ic.). I<T9 manda'-ya, den. A. loiter, tarry, delay; grow faint or dim (light). IRTZ~ anafys a. short-lived. RJi~T~ mand-atra, m. coral-tree (Erythrina indica); one of the five trees in Indra's paradise; a. flower of the coral-tree: -km, m. coral-tree; i-k&, f. N.; -deva, m. N. of a prince; -ma~la,f. wreath of Mandira flowers; N. of a celestialfemale, a daughter of Vamu; -vat-ii,f. N. l~f'!~imand-f'n,a.(Bv7.)gladdening;joyful. RfvfiR'T. mand-i-man, m,. slowness; dulness, stupidity. Rfk' mand-ira, n. [gladdening, pleasant], dwelling, abode, house; mansion, palace; temple. ITAI-mandi-kri, diminish, slacken; -bhui, be lessened; grow weak or dim: pp. lessened, slackened. [9I mand-Ai, a. joyful, glad (V.). IRIWT mand-urat, f. [gladdening, cool], stable (for horses): -pala, m. ostler, groom. R ~T — mandautsftha, a. discouraged, despondent; -udaka, a. deficient in water;udarx, f. N. of the eldest wsfe of Radvana; u~shman, a. slightly warm, cool; -autsukya, a. having but slight eagerness, disinclined for (prati). RiK mand-rd, a. pleasant, charming (V.); sounding or speaking pleasantly (V.); deep, low (voice, sound), hollow, rumbling: -gihiva, a. sweet-voiced; -snigdha, p~p. deep and pleasant (rumblings). ~Tma-n-dhhtrz, m. (V.) thoughtfulman, thinker; devout, pious man. WIM1 man-math-a, m. [agitator: intv. of Vmath] love, god of love: -bandhu, m. (friend of love), moon; -math, a. destroying the god of love; -lekha, m. love-letter; -saMana, a. animated by similar love. WT~I<f msin-man, a. (lTiv.) mind, thought, understanding; prayer; hymn. WIIT man-man-a, m. confidential whispering; love, god of love. IIIWVI~ man-rnanas-a, a. thinking of me; -maya, a. full of me; -inmsa, a. my flesh: - arthin, a. eager for my flesh; -mukha, a. myV mouth. RiR mau-ya, a. (-'O) thinking oneself, passing for; N. the root man; -ya-ti, m. (3 5g. turned into a noun), the root man. [RTTf mdn-ya, f. du. & p1. muscles of the nape of the neck; neck. IR9 man-yii, m. mood (V.); mind (V.); ardour; resentment, anger, wrath, rage, at (lc.); grief, sorrow, distress (less common meaning); Wrath (personifled): -m, kri, vent one's anger on, he angry with (lc. or prati): -parfta%, p~p. filledwith auger; -pratikriy,f.venting of anger: -m, kri, vent one's anger on 'lc.); -mit, a. ardent, eager; indignant, angry, wroth. F[;ZMR manu antara, a. Manu period (consisting of seventy-one divine yugas and ruled by a special Menu,; the present is the seventh, being under the rule of Mann VFaivasvat). Rf'q maduijddha, pp. kindled by men. TM1 md-ma, g. of ah~m, I. IT1qi ma'ma-ka, a. my (Biv.). F[R~f- mama-khra, as. (making mine), attachment to, interest in (lc.); (&)-ta', f. sense of 'mine,' self-interest; interest in, at WRT'T mama-ya., RW mal-a.21 219 tachment to (IC.): -Sfinya, a. devoid Oflinterest for us; -tva, n. self-interest; interest in, attachment to (lc.): -m kri, be attached to; -saty&, n. (being mine =) dispute as to ownership (?.) WUN~ mama-ya, den. A. envy any one (ac.). mabima-bhatta] N. of the author of the Kdvyapraka'sa. II'j i. may-a, a. (') sx. [formation, make: Av'mi, weak form of -v'ma,- form], formed, made, or. consisting of, full of; m. N. of an.Asura (a skilled artificer, magician, teacher of astronomy and the art of war). RT7 2. may-a, m. horse (VS.'). W41 maya-grftma, m. N. of a village. R';Rmdy-as, n. delight, joy (V.). Wf411 mayi-vdsu, a. good in me. Zf~ may-il, m. Kimnara or kind Of animal resembling man. ' ay~tha, m. peg (esp. for stretching a web or shin; V.); ray (C.); hind of Agni: -ma1in, m. (having a wreath of rays), -sun; -vat, a. radiant..T~may-tira,n. peacock: -ketu, m.(having a peacock for his emblem), ep. of Skanda; a.& f.,..tva, n. condition of a peacock; -pattrin, a. feathered with peacocks' feathers (arrow); -pikkha, n. peacock's tail-feather: -Maya, a. (i') consisting of peacocks' tailfeathers; -maya, a. consisting of peacocks. TJ mayr A-A, f. pea-hen. mayulrii-bhft, become a peacock. iiWh'j mayo-bhil (or -bhfi), a. (A) conducing to gladness,refreshing, delightful; wholesome, beneficent (V.); m. a certain Agni. MR~ mayya, m. N. of a Brdhman. WT mar-a, m. dying, death; world of death, earth: -ka, sn. plague, epidemic. I~TT marakata, n. emerald: -Maya, a. formed of emeralds.;9I1IJ mar-ana, n. dying; death; dying away, cessation; — ' a. dying by: -m kri, A. die; -dharman, a. subject to the law of death, mortal; m. law of death; -niskaya, a. determined to die; _Vyadhi-soka, in,. pl. death, sickness, and sorrow; - Atmaka, a. (ika) producing death; - anta, - antika, a. ending in death; - nh-tmsa n. gloom of death. R';T maranda, m. (?) flower-juice. 'KTTr1: Mara ftranma, m. N. of a Daitya. WIRTW marflla, a. in., i-ka, f. kind of goose, swan, or duck. ijft~q marika, in. pepper-shruLb; N. Rft~ marika, in. pepper-shrub; N.; n. pepper-corn.,iR4N! mdriki, (in.)f. shining mote (floating in th Patmosphere; V.); ray of light; in. N. of Pragpati, being one, of the seven iRishis; N. of a star in the Great Bear; N. of a.Daitya; N.: -kaf mirage; -toya, n. id. R~lf'R~ marlik-in, in. (radiant), sun. Rf:44UT marilki-mat, a. (P~) having -- as rays;, m. sun;, -mlin, a. having a wreath of rays (sun); m. sun. IIN mar-il, mn. aridtract, sandy waste, desert; mountain, rock; N. of a people (p1.). T~Ij~fmar-ilt, m.pl. storm-gods (companions of Indra); the gods; sg. god of wind; wind; vital air; air; breath. W~marut-a, in. wind. R" marilt-ta, m. N. of various princes; -taruni, f. (wind-maiden), fairy; -pata, sa. sail; -pati, mn. lord of the Maruts, ep. of Indra; -patha, sa. path of the winds, atmosphere; -Pala, m. guardian of the Maruts, ep. of Indra. IRIq?marflt-vat, a. accompanied by the Maruts; m. ep. of Indra: -fya, a. relating to Indra Marutvat; sp. said of three grahas at the midday libation and of the sastra recited after they have been drained. 4Tq~ marut-sakha, a. having the wind as a companion (clouds); in. ep. of fire; (-ilt) - sakhi, a. (only nma. rn. f. &) having the Maruts as a companion; -saha~ya, a. having the wind as a companion (fire); -suta, nm. son of Wind, pat. of Hanumat. [~~fmarud-gana, in. the host of the Maruts or of the gods; -vega, in. (windswift), N. of a Dastya; n-maya, a. ('I) consisting of wind. ITk4;i maru-dhanvan, m. arid waste, wilderness, desert; -patha, m. arid tract, sandy waste, desert; -bhava, m. inhabitant of the desert; -bhiiti: -ka, m. N.; -bhiimi,f. desert region, wilderness; N. o~f a country (MAirwfir); -mandala, n. (desert region), N. of a country; -mah', f. desert land, wilderness; -vaka, m. a/lower; -sthala, n., -sthaIL, f. desert tract, wilderness, sandy waste. ITVffmarfi-bhfi, become a sandy waste. jWj r. marka', m. eclipse of the sun (Ry.') Tf" 2. mdrka, in. N. of the Purohita of the Asuras; N. of a demon hostile to children. Ij*Z markh'ta, m.ape, monkey: 1f. female ape; a-ka, in., a ~,. id. TI4dNJmarkat'I-bhi turn into an ape. ~f~mard-i-tri, in. shower of compassion, comforter (RV.). IRA mdr-ta, m. [old pp. of v~mri, preserving original strong vowel owing to early shifting of accent caused by change of meaning] mortal, man (V.). ITB mar-tavya,fp. n. imps. one must die. W4 mdrt-ya, a. [relating to mortals], mortal; m. mortal, man; world of mortals, earth; n. mortal coil, body: -ta', f. mortality; human condition; -tva, n. human condition; -dharma, m. pI. laws or conditions of human life; -dharman, m. mortal, human being; -bhavxa, m. human nature; -bhuvana, n. world of mortals, earth; -mandala, n. id.; -loka, in. id.; -a~mrita, n. immortality of a mortal. R~ mard-a, a. grinding, pounding, crushing, destroying ( —O); in. violent pressure or friction: -aka, a. causing acute pain in ( —O); -ana, a. (i) grinding, crushing, destroying, harassing, tormenting (g. or -'Q); sorely distressing in battle (-'~); m. N. of a fairy prince; n. grinding, pounding, crushing, destroying, devastating; rubbing; anointing, with (in.); combing the hair ( —O); -aniya, fp. to be crushed or trodden down. I W~mard-ala, in. kind of drum. Wf 4amard-ita, CS. pp. (V/mrid) rubbed, etc.; -i-tavya, fp. to be destroyed or devastated; -in, a. crushing, breaking in pieces, destroying(0 RR[ marina-ga, a. penetrating the joints, poignant; cutting to the quick (fig.); m. wounding the vitals; -ghni, a. f. of -han; -kkhid, a. penetrating the joints, cutting to the quick, very poignant; in. piercing the vitals, excessive pain; -hkhedin, a. cutting to the quick, very poignant; _gfla, a. knowing the weak or vulnerable points (also fig.); knowing the inmost recesses of a thing, having a deep insight, into (~0;extremely clever. R;i;mdr-man, n. joint,exposed or vital part of the body; weak or vulnerable spot (fig.). RRWITT[ marma-patraga, a. having penetrated to the inmost recesses of; having a thorough insight into ( —); -bheda, in. hitting a vulnerable part (fig.); -bhedin, a. piercing a vulnerable point, cutting to the quick (fig.); mn. arrow; -maya, a. consisting of or relating to any one's weak points. ZTTmar-mar-a, a. rustling (leaves or garments); in. rustling, murmur. II*KThT marma-rftga, m. N. RI~TTTmaarmaft-ya,den. A.rustle,murmur. R~tl marmaril-bhft, begin to murmur: pp. -bhfita, murmuring. ITRT'ftf; marma-vid, a. knowing the weak or vulnerable points of any one; -vida~rana, a. lacerating the vitals, wounding mortally; -vegiti, f. prob. incorr. for -vedi-tA; -vedin, a. knowing the vulnerable or weak points: (-i)-ta^, f. knowledge of the weak points; -spris, a. touching the vitals, cutting to the quick; very cutting or stinging (fig.); -han, a. (-ghni) striking the vitals, exceedingly stinging (speech). R Tf~fT'7 marma atiga, a. penetrating deep into the joints or vitals, excruciating; - fvarana, n. coat of mail. rif marmal-vidh, a. piercing a vital spot, very cutting (speech). U~mar-ya, in. (V.) man, esp. young man (p1. people, in address); wooer, lover; stallion. TM.TT T mary'a-dft, f[giving a clear sign: Vmar*, shine], mark, landmark; boundary, limit; end; goal; verge of the ocean, coast; strictly defined relation; bounds of morality, moral law; established usage; limits of propriety; definite or fixed rule; fast alliance or contract: -giri, - akala, in. frontier mountain; -dh~vana, n. running towards a goal; -bhedaka, m.destroyeroflandmarks; -maya, a. forming the bounds of morality; -vakana, n. statement of the limit. [i' f'~imaryfid-in,n. frontierneighbour; a. keeping within bounds. [extend to (ac.). maryafld-kri, make a limit of, TTqmars-ann, n. touching;- investigating. WiT~! marsh-ana, a. forgiving (0 n~. endurance, forbearance; -an'ya,fp.t efr given; deserving indulgence; -in, a. enduring, forbearing, patient, indulgent. IIW mail-a, n., C'. also in., dirt, filth., impurity (also morolly); bodily secretion; n. kind of base metal, brass (?): -karshana, a. removing dirt; -gftu, a. dirty-kneed; -tva, n. being a stain; -d~yaka, a. attaching a stigma, F f2 220 22 wR~q malaya. mTqT maha'-kath-a. to any one; -digdha aiga, a. (i) having the body soiled with mire; -paiik;~ uulipta Liga, a. (I') having the body besmeared with dirt and mire; -paiikin, a. covered with dirt and mire; -mallaka, n. loin-cloth;.~a, m.(impure month, no religions rites being performed in it), ihtercalary month; -mittra-paritya~ga, mn. evacuation of excrement and urine. ZIRiM malaya, in. N. of a mountain range on the west of Malabar (the western Ghdsa abounding in sandal trees: p 1. N. of a peopie: -ketu, m. N. of a prince; -giri, mn. the Malaya range; -ga, a. growing on the Malaya range; m. sandal tree; m. n. sandal wood; sandal: -ragas, n. sandal, -rasa, m. sandal water, - filepa, m. sandal ointment; -desa' m. count-ry of Malaya; -druma, m. sandal tree; -dhvaga, m. N.; -parvata, m. the Malaya range; -pura, m. N. of a town; -prabha, m. N. of a prince; -bhfL-bhrit, in. the Malaya range; -marut, in. wind blowing from the Malaya;, -miliu, in. N.; -ruha, in. (growing in the Malaya), sandal tree; -vat-2, f. N.; -simha, m. N.; -, udbbava, n. (1) sandal. IMM? mala-vat, a. dirty; -vad-visas, a. having asoiled garment, menstruating; -vih.. in, a. conveying or containing impurities (body); -visodhana, a. washing away dirt; -visargana, n. purification (of a temple); -hkraka, a. removing foulness or sin; -fivaha, a. productive of impurity, defiling. V~~I mal-ina, a. dirty, foul, turbid, soiled, stained; unclean, impure, sullied; beclouded (intellect); dark-coloured, dark grey, black; (4, f.) menstruating; n. baseness, wickedness:..ti, f. dirtiness, uncleanliness; -tva, n. blackness; wickedness; -manas, a. impure-minded. ifr.rmalina-ya, den. P. soil, stain, sully (also fig.): pp. ita, soiled. jfMrJJII malina-vasana, n. soiled garment (in token of grief); - tman, a. spotted (moon); impure-minded. Zrfrfi-Tilf malin-i-man, m. blackness; baseness, wickedness. frw!rmalini-karana, n. soiling, sullying; action causing impurity: I.'Ya, a. rendering impure; -kri, soil, dirty; defile; obscure, eclipse; -bi, become dirty; become obscured, disappear. INS~~mli-lk m. [fr. i~ntv. of -V/mlukl robber, thief: -a, n. id.; kind of demon; intercalary month. 1~i a —mas-a, a. dirty, foul, stained; unclean, impure (also fi.g.); dirty-coloured, dark grey,. 41"tI mal-A1ka, mn. kind of worm. RN malla, in. professional wrestler; athlete, very powerful man; a mixed caste; N.: -ka, in. N.; N. of a people (pl.); -kta, N. of a village; -koshta, m. N.: -ka, m. id.; -ghati, f. kind of pantomime;. -nakga, M. ep. of Vfltsyhyana; -yudba, n. pugilistic encounter, boxing-match. 41I mallf, f. N. qTIf mall a~ri, m. foe of the Asura Malla, ep. of Krishna and of. Siva; - sura, m. the Asura, Malla.I IWf-*% mall-ikift, f. kind of jasmine (Jassninuin Sambac: both flower and plant); earthen vessel of a particular shape (Pr.). ~f i~ mallika fkhya, in. kind of goose; Z_.rguna, m. aform of ASiva; n. N. of a Lifiga sacred to Siva. iif~fw"M malli-n~tha, m. N. of a poet and celebrated commentator (prob. fourteenth or fifteenth, century), called Kolhkala, who wrote commentaries on Kdlida'sa's three works Raghuvamsa, Kumdrasambhava, and Meghad'dta, as well as the Kiradtarguniya' and Sismpdlavadha. RIT malvd, a. thoughtless, foolish (AV7.). RI~f masd-ka, m. mosquito, gnat; N. of a teacher. ITqI mash-am, ad. with ka~raya, pulverise. i:[N' mash-i (or i1), f. powder (-in kri, grind to powder); bone-black, ink: i'-kfirka-ka, m. ink-brush; i-patra, n. ink-pot; i-bhanda, n. id.; i-b31&vuka, a. becoming as black as ink; i-maya, a. consisting of bone-black, black as ink. #1 kWlIT~ mashnara, N. of a district, mas = mas, in kandrai-mas. RIfK masaka, incorr. for masaka. ITRTrr mas-Ara, m. sapphire or emerald. Zifffr masi (o1) incorr. for RfN mashi. "119,masii-bhfl, become black as ink. f. kind of eruption or small-pox (resembling lentils); mosquito-curtain; -vidala, n.() split lentil. RI'qW masrina, a. soft, tender, smooth; unctuous, glistening; mild, gentle (voice). WfITM!! masrina-ya, den, P. make soft or smooth: pp. ita. R ff maskar-in, m,. (having a bamboo: *,maskara), mendicant monk. IINIM masta-ka, in. n. head, skull.; summit, top (-' esp. of mountains and trees); -gvara, in., _.s12la, n. headache; -dairu, n. Devadfiru tree (Pinus Deodora). IT-M mastish-ka, in. n. brain,. RI mds-tu, n. sour cream. R% mastu —lufiga, m. n. brain. IJW1 masmfi, f. N. of two princesses. MAll, 1. A. maha (rare, RV., E.), X. N mahaiya, P. A. (V., C.) elate, gladden, delight (gnly. A".); arouse (V.); magnify, rev~ere, honiour; A'. rejoice in (ac..or in.; V.); bestow (V.): pp. (C.) mahita, honoured, revered, held in high esteem, by (g.. or -PO; said of persons or things). sam, (V.) stimulate; celebrate., magnify. I~mdh, V. a. (f id. or -i) great, mighty; abundant; aged. ITgi. mah-a, in. festival. WM 2. mah-il, a.. great, abundant (B V.); n-pl. -mighty deeds (BlV.). WgWii~mahat-sab da, m. the title'" Great.' Flgff mah-dt, a. [old pr. pt. of V.mah: strong base maihint; o~ almost invariably mah&I, q. v.; in E. ac. n. sg. is sts. used for ac. in.] great.; i. in space: large, big, huge, extensive; high (tree); deep; long (distance); full-grown; gross (element); 2. of time: long; advanced (time of day); 3. of quantity: abundant, amiple, copious, numerous; 4. Of degree: considerable, important, momentous; high (price); valuable (fee); intense (emo tion), violent (pain); thick (darkness); loud (sound); 5. of rank: high, lofty, eminent, powerful, distinguished, noble; w. gana, in. multitude of people; w. Atmau, in. the great soul = intellect; in. great, eminent, or noble man; in. (sc. tman), n. (rare, sc. tattva), in-7 tellect; n. great thing; important matter; greatness, power; greater part; also ad. in' malhad-bhi', become full (moon). IIT maha-taf. greatness. IRIFIT mahat-kula, n. great family; A-ttva, n. the principle Mahat, intellect; -tara, c~pv. greater, stronger, than (ab.); very great, strong, or mighty; in. elder, chief, head; chamberlain; courtier: -ka, m. courtier, chamberlain, -i-ki, f lady's maid; -ta', f. greatness, largeness; exalted position; -tva, n. greatness, great size, magnitude; strength, intensity, violence; exalted position; moral greatness. R4Vf41 mahad-abhikhya, a. having a high-sounding name; Ayudha, n. great weapon; 4va'sa, in. spacious abode; 44 f. 'great expectation or hope;..Asraya, in. taking refuge with the great; -guna, a. possessing the virtues of great men; -bhaya, n. great danger or extremity; -vat, a. connected with the word ' mahat' -vyatikrama,,in. great transgression. 'RI mah-a'n, n. (V.) greatness, might; abundance: only in. sg. mahna', and pl.i mahabhih: also ad. mightily; right heartily. [RIP mah-ana, n. praising;.aniyas fy. praiseworthy. RIqT mah-ar, indecl. the fourth of the seven worlds in the ascending series. *j qj maha' ritvig (or ig) great priest (designation of thefour chief priests Hotri, Adhvaryu, Udgadtri, and Brahman); - riddhi, a. very wealthy; - powerful; - wise; -ka, a. very rich; possessed of great supernatural power; - rjiddhin, a.. very rich. *1W"IE mahar-loka, um, = mahar. mahfisjishi in. great sage; ep. of Siva.;R!q mahalla-ka, a. (ika') feeble, weak, decrepit; ik~a,f.N.ofadausghterofPrahldda. IT!m~h-as, n.greatness, might, glory (VT.: in. p1. mightily); abundance, plenty (V.); light, lustre (C.); gladness (V.); festival, celebration (C.); is, ac. ad. (.RV.') gladly; briskly; s wiftly,. WI~iK? madhas-vat, a. gladdening (V.); (mahas-), great, mighty; brilliant, lustrous. iR'gf4'7<[ mahas-vin, a. radiant, brilliant, lustrous. iiimah-ft, a. great (occurs as an independent adjective only in the BV. ac. mahdm). This word is very frequent (being both V. and C.) 0~ in the sense of an adj'ective (great) or an adverb (greatly, very), mahat with feso.exceoptions being ued thus only in the sense -of a substantive. IITiTmahh-kathhf. g reat tale; -karuna, a. very compassionate;..karna, a. greateared (Siva); -karman, n. great work; a. doing great works (Siva);..kal', f. night of new moon; -kalpa, in. great cosmic period; -kavi, ms. great or classical poet (such as K' lidasa, Bhavabhilti, etc.); -kilya, a. having,? great body, bulky, gigantic; huge (tree):.-tva, n. large size;, ika~ra, a. large, great, extensive; -kiia, in. a form of Siva in his ~spacity of the great destroyer of the world; ;R maha'-kakra. ~[~T~~i mM-kaka. ITMTX maha-paksha.22 221 N. of a temple of Siva Mahfkfila at Uggaymin; n. N. of a famous fisia: -Pura, Ms. city of Malhakhla, Uggayinl; -k1i,f. afo rm of DurgA; -k~vya, n. great or classical poem (a term speci~fically applied to the six poems Raghuvamsa, Kuma~r'asambhava, Meghadilta, Kirfitfrgunlya,SisupA~lavadha,andNaishadhakarita); -kula, n. illustrious or noble family; (ia. of high lineage: - utpanna, pp. born of a noble family; -ku1iua, a. belonging to a noble family: -t4,,f. noble origin, high birth; -kfila, a. having high banks; -ketu, a. having a great banner (Siva); -kesa, a. thickhaired (Siva); -kosa, a. having large testicles (Siva): 3i, f. N. of a river; -kaushita-, ka, a. title of a Vedic text; -kratu, m. great sacrifice (such as the Bd'gasilya and the Asvasnedha);..krodha, a. very irascible; -kshatra-pa, as. great Satrap; -~ksha-patalika, sa. head-keeper of the archives; -khita, n. deep ditch; -khyAta, pp. very famous; -gaga, sm. great elephant; elephant supporting the earth (= diggaga); -ganii, mn. great host, swarm, or body: -pati, m. great lord of hosts, Ganesa; -ganesa, mn. id.; -gaudhm, a. strongscented, very fragrant; -gala, a. having a thick or long neck;..giri, m. great moun tain;, -guna, a. having great virtues, very meritorious; very efficacious; -guru, a. very reverend person; -griha, n. great house; -gauril, f. one of the nine forms of Durgfi; -graha, as. ep. ofRthu; -grfim&, m. great host (RV.'); large village; -griva, a. long~necked (Siva); -ghgta, as. large jar; -ghora, a. very terrible; -ghosha, a. making a loud noise, thundering (clouds); - aiiga, a. having a large body or large limb`s(Siva). ITITMW mabat-kakra, n. large wheel or discus; -kakravart-iu, m. great emperor, universal monarch: (-i)-ta', f. dignity of a great emperor; -katura-ka, as. (very crafty), N. of a jackal; -kamf', f. great army; -/karya,,f. the great course of life (i.e. that of a -Bodhisattva): -m grah, enter upon the life of a Bodhisattva; - qakaa, as. great mountain; -, k-rya, m. great teacher (Siva); - aa Ms. gr-eat he-goat; -gata, a. wearing large braids of hair (Siva); -gatru, a. having, a large collar-bone (Siva); -gana, as. sg. (PI.) many people, multitude of men, crowd, populace, the people; great or distinguished man or mnen; a. occupied by many people (house): -virodha, as. hostility of many people or creatures; -gava, a. very swift (horse, arrow); -gihva, a. long-tongued (Siva); -giia'in, a. knowing much (Siva); m. great soothsayer; -gyotis, a. having great lustre (Siva); ~gvara, as. great distress; - atavi, f.great forest; z ^dhya, a. very rich.r1 _1T1W~ mahft-tattva, n. the great principle, intellect; -~tapas, a. greatly distressed; practising great austerities; m. N. of a hermit; -tapasvin, a. greatly afflicted; -tamas, a. great darkness (one of the five -stages of.Avidya'); -tala, a. (great-bottom), a certain hell; -ttkta, a. very bitter; -tithi, f. (the great =~) sixth lunar day; -tegas, a. having great lustre, very glorious (of gods and mea); m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -taila, a. precious oil or N. of a hind of oil; Z~todya, a. great drum; z~tman, -r. ms. great spirit, universal soul; intellect; 2. a. great-souled, high-minded, noble; of great intellect, highly gifted, very wise; exalted, eminent, illustrious (family), mighty; -Atma..vat, a. highly gifted, very clever; -atyay%, m. great calamity;.tyaga, m. great liberality; a. very liberal: -maya, a. consisting in great liberality; -tya~gin, a. very liberal (Siva); -damshtra, a. having great tusks; m. N.; -danda, as. great staff or long arm; severe punishment; -daridra, a. extremely poor; -da'na, U. valuable gift; a. attended with great gifts (sacrifice); -a ru, a. the Devadhru tree (Pinus Deodora); -dis, f. chief cardinal point (N., S., Ef., W.); -duhkhia, a. great sorrow; -durga, a. great danger; place very difficult of access; -driti, m. great bag; -dev&, m. the great god, a term sp. applied to Budra or to one of the gods connected with him (V.); in C.= Siva; N.: -giri, m. N. of a mountain; -devi, f. the great goddess=P~rvati; first wife of a Iking; N.; - adbhuta, a. very wonderful; a. great marvel; -dyuti, a. of great lustre, brilliant, glorious; -druma, m. large tree; -dva'ra, m. n. main gate; -dhana, a. costing much money, costly, expensive; having much money, wealthy; m. N. of a merchant; ( a. great battle (IIV.); great spoil (RV.'); great wealth (C.): -pati, m. (lord of great wealth), very rich man;..dhanur-dhara, -dhanushmat, m. great bowman; -dhanus, a. bearing a great bow (Siva); -dh'x, a. of great understanding, very wise; -:a^naka, m. kind of large drum; -nakha, a. having great nails or claws; -nagnk, m. (stark naked), paramour (V.): II, f. courtesan; -nada, m. great stream; -nadli, f. river; N. of various rivers; nana, a. having a great mouth or face; ananda, Mn. great joy or bliss; NT.;.iiaraka, m. a certain hell; -narendra, as. great conjurer or magician; -_ anasa, n.freightwag~gon; kitchen: i', f. cook, kitchen-maid; -auas~jdhyaksha, as. superintendent of the kitchen; -na'g&, m. great serpent; great elephant; -nitaka, n. great drama; a kind of play; -na~da, as. loud sound, shout, roar, etc.; a. making a loud noise, roaring etc.; m. e~p. of Siva; -niyaka, m. great leader or chief; large central gemn in a pearl necklace; -nA'sa, a. large-n osed (Siva); -nidra, a. sleeping soundly or long; -niraya, as. kind of hell; -nis,f. dead of night, second and third watches of the night (9 pan. to 3 a.m.); -ni'la, a. dark blue or black; m. sapphire: -aa a. consisting of sapphire; -au bhava, a. very powerful or glorious; magnanimou, highminded, noble: -ta',f., -tva, n. high-mindedness, nobility; -netra, a. large-eyed (Siva); - andhakra, m. dense darkness, complete obiscuration of the intellect; -nya~ya, m. main rule; - anvaya, a. of high lineage. R~19Tq mahal-paksha, a. having many adherents, having a large following; -pafika, n. (?) deep mud; -paiikti, f. a metre of,forty-eight syllables; -pandita, a. extremely learned; as. great scholar; rpatha, as. principal street; high road; the great journey, pilgrimage to the other world (aya, die); a certain hell; a. having a great path: -giri, as. N. of a mountain; -padma, a. a certain high number; as. one of the eight treasures connected with the magic art padmini; N. of a Ndga: -pati, as. lord of millions, ep. of Nanda, -saras, a. N. of- a lake, -salila, a. id.; -padya-shatka, a.n. of a poem (attributed to Kdliddsa) consisting of six classical verses; Zapaadha, as. great crime or injury;.,parvata, as. high mountain; -pasu, as. large cattle; -pita, as. long flight; a. flying far (arrow); -pataka, n. great crime or sin (of which there are five: killing a Bradhman, drinking 11 spirituous liquor, theft, adultery with a teacher's wife, and association with persons guilty of those four crimes); p..pakin, a. guilty of a capital sin; -paitra, a. prime minister; -p4da, a. largefooted; -pp&a, a. great crime; -papman, a. very harmful; -pAra, i. as. a certain personisfication; 2.. a. having distant banks, wide (,'sea); -parsva, a. having broad sides (leech); N.; apsupata, a. with vrata, a. the great vow of aworshipper of Siva Pasupati; as. zealous worshipper of Siva Pasupati; -pitha, n. high seat; -pumsa, as. great man; -punya, a. very auspicious (day); very good or beautiful; very holy; -puri, a. great fortress: i"f. great citadel; -purusha, as. great oreminent.man; supreme spirit; -pfLta, pp. extremely pure; -prishtha, a. broad-backed; -paiiigya, a. T. of a Vedic text; -prakarana, a. main treatment of a subject; -pragapati, as. great lord of creatures, ep. of Vishnu; -prataipa, as. of great dignity, majestic; -pratihara, as. head janitor; -pradana, a. great gift; -prapa~ika, as. the great world; -prabha, a. of great lustre, very splendid; -prabha,f great brightness; -prabhfiva, a. very mighty; -prabhu, as. great lord, sovereign; chief; ep. of Vishnu; -pramina, a. very extensive; -pralaya, as. great dissolution of the universe at the end of a cosmic age: -kala, as, time of the -; -prasna, as. great or important question; -praSada, as. great present; a. very gracious; -prastha'na, n. great departure, decease; -pragrta, a. very wise or prudent (person); -prana, as.-hard breathing, aspirate sound; great strength; a. pronounced with a hard breathing, aspirated; of great endurance or physical strength; -plava, as. great flood, deluge; -phala, a. large fruit; great reward; a. producing a great reward; -bala, a. very strong, powerful, or effective; as. N.;..badha, a. very injurious; -b~hu, a. lonocr-armed, strong-armed; as. ep.o ihu. -bila, a. deep hole; -buddhi, a. of great intellect, extremely clever; m. N. of an.Asura; N.; -brihati,f. a metre (8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + i2 syllables); -brahma: -in, as. the great Brahman (the god); -brihman&, as. great 3r~hman (also used sarcasticcelly); a. Great (.=Thndya) Br~hmana;..bhata, as. great warrior; N.; -bha,ya, a. great danger or straits; -bhilga, a. having great good fortune,very lucky, greatly blessed; greatly distinguished, very illustrious (frequently used as a term of address); -bhA gin, a. very fortunate, greatly blessed; -bhagya, a. high position, great importance or power; a. extremely fortunate: -t&, f great good fortune; -bh~nda,ara, a. chief treasury; -bharata, a. (~ a word meaning I'battle '),. the Great Battl-e of the Bharatas; a. (~ akhyflna), the Great Story of the Bhiaratas, T. of the, well-known great Epic (which contains about ioo,ooo slokas); -bhshya, a. the Great Commentary of Pataiigali on the Siltras of Padnini and the Vadrttikas of Kdtydayana (probably composed in the second century B. C.);..bhikshu, as. the great mendicant, ep. of Shkyamuni; abhigana, as. high descent, noble birth; - _abhiyoga, as. great plaint or charge; - abhishava, as. N. of a prince;. abhfshekka, as. great inauguration; T'. of the fourteenth Lambaka of the Kathdsaritsaigara;..bhita, pp. greatly terrified; -a9bhi.su, a. brilliant, lustrous; -bhuga, a. long-armed;..bb-ta, pp. being grea t, large (If.); as. great creature; a. gross element (ether, air~flre, water,, earth); -bhiLmi, f4 great realm; whole, territory (of a king); 4bhoga, a. of great extent, wideprfg;-bhIoga, i. a. having great coils (serpent); in. serpent; -bhoga, 2. as. great enjoyment; -bhoga, as. great prince; -_ abhra, a. great or- thick cloud; -makha, as. great sacrifice (= -yagiia);..mani, as. costly jewel;, -mati, a. of great wit, clever; as. N.; (A:)manas, a. lofty-mninded, proud, haughty; high-minded, magnanimous; -mnanushya,ma. great man, man of rank; -mantra, as. very efficacious spell (esp. against snake-poison); -mmantin, as. chief counsellor, prime minis 222 rfi mah-i. wift mahl-kri. ter; -maha, a. high and mighty (iV.); -mahas, n. great luminary; -mahiman, m. true greatness; a. truly great; -mahima-sAlin, a. possessed of true greatness; -mahupaldhyaya, m. very great preceptor (a designation applied to great scholars, e.g. Mallindtha); -mimsa, n. delicious flesh (esp. human flesh); - amtya, mn. prime minister; -matra, a. of great measure, great; greatest, best (of, -o); mn. man of high rank, high state official, king's minister; elephant-driver; -manin, a. extremely proud; -maya, a. attended with great deception; practising great deception; m. N.; -maya, f. the great illusion (which makes the world appear really existent and thus in a sense creates it); -mayur ra, n. a kind of medicine; kind of prayer (0~); -marga, m. main road: -pati, m. chief inspector of roads; -mghesvara, m. great worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva; -mukha, n. large mouth (also of rivers); a. (i) largemouthed; -muni, m. great sage; -mudha, a. very stupid; m. great simpleton; -mirkha, mn. great fool; -miurdhan, a. large-headed (Siva); -mriga, m. large wild animal; elephant; -mridha, n. great battle; -megha, m. great or dense cloud; -medha, m. great sacrifice; (&)-meru, m. the great Mount Meru; -moha, m. great mental confusion or infatuation; -mohana, a. causing great mental confusion; -moha-mantra, m. very efficacious spell: -tva, n. abst. NN.; -yaksha, m. great Yaksha, prince of the Yakshas; -yagmi&, m. great or chief sacrifice (one of thefive daily sacrifices of the householder, called bhIta-, manushya-, pitri-, deva-, and brahma-yagga); -yantra, n. great mechanical work: -pravartana, n. execution of great mechanical works; -yama-ka, n. a great Yamaka (a stanza, all the four lines of which contain identically the same words but differ in meaning, e.g. Kirdtdrguniya XV, 52); -yasas, a. very famous, illustrious (person); -yana, n. the Great Vehicle (a later form of Buddhistic doctrine originated by Ndgdrguna: opp. hina-yfna); N. of a prince of the fairies (having a great car); -yuga, n. a great Yuga (equal to four ordinary Yugas or 4,320,000 years); -yuddha, n. great battle; - yudha, a. bearing great weapons (Siva); -ragana, n. saffron; a. colouredwith saffron; -rana, m. great battle; - aranya, n. great forest; -ratna, n. precious jewel: -maya, a. consisting of costly jewels, -vat, a. adorned with costly jewels; -ratha, m. great chariot; great warrior; N.; -rathya, f. main road; -arambha, m. great undertaking; a. enterprising, active; -rava, m. great roar or yell; a. making a loud noise, shouting loud; m. N.; -rasa, a. extremely savoury; -raga, m. great king, reigning prince, sovereign: -adhiraga,m.lord of great kings, emperor; -rgini,f. reigning princess, queen; ep. of Durga; -ragya, n. sovereign rule; -ratra, n. advanced time of night, end of the night; -ratri,f. id.; great night following the dissolution of the world; -rava, m. loud yell; -rashtra, m. pl. the Mahrattas: i,f. Mahratta language, Mahratti: a-ka, a. (ika) belonging to the Mahrattas; m. pl. the Mahrattas; -rug, -ruga, a. very painful; -roga, m. dangerous disease; -roman, a. very hairy (Siva); -raudra, a.extremely terrible; -_argha, a. of great price, precious, valuable; expensive: -ta, f. preciousness, great value, -rupa, a. having a splendid form; -. arghya, a. precious, valuable: -ta, f. preciousness; - arnava, m. great sea, ocean; -artha, m. great matter; a. having great wealth, rich; of great significance, important; m. N. of a Ddnava; - arha, a. valuable, costly, splendid; -laksh'sm,/. the Great Lakshmi, NAra yana's Sakti; also = Durga or Sarasvatt; -lifiga, a. a great Lifiga; -vamsya, a. of high lineage; -vanig, m. great merchant; -vada, m. great teacher (i.e. of the most essential Vedic knowledge); (a)-vadha, a. having a mighty weapon (B V7.); -vana, n. great forest; -varaha, m. great boar (i.e. Vishnu's incarnation as a boar); N. of a prince; -valli, f. great creeper; -vakya, n. long composition, literary work; great proposition; -vta, m. violentwind, gale; -vayn, m. id.; -varttika, n. the Great Varttika, N. of Kdtydyana's Vdrttikas to the Sutras of Pdnini; -vastu, n. great space; a. occupying a great space; -vikrama, a. of great courage, very valiant; m. N. of a lion; -vighna, m. n. great obstacle; -vig/ia, a. very sensible; -vidagdha, pp. very clever; -viraha,, m. grievous separation; -visha, a. very poisonous; -vistara,a.veryprolix (book); -viLki, m. (having great waves), a certainhell; -vira, mn. great hero; large earthenware firepot (mostly used at the Pravargya ceremony); N. of various princes; N. of an Arhat, founder of the Jain sect: -karita, n. life of the great hero (Rama), T. of a play by Bhavabhuti, -karitra, n. life of MahAvira (the Arhat), T. of a work; (i)-virya, a. mighty, very potent; -vrikshi, mn. great tree; -vriddha, pp. very aged; -vrishi, n. great bull: pl. N. of a people in the western Himdlayas; -vega, a. greatly agitated (sea); very swift; -vaipulya,n.great extent; -vaira, n. great enmity; -vairaga, n. N. of a Samnan; -vyadhi, m. serious disease; -vyahriti, f. the great exclamation (i. e. bht[r bhdvah svih); -vrati, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sdman orStotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gaavdmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of SivaPasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great austerity, very devotional; following the rules of the PAsupatas; m. a PAsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pasupatas; n. a PAsupata; -vratin, a., mn., id.; a. practising the five fundamental duties of the Jains; -vratiya, a. relating to the Mahavrata ceremony (day); -vrihi, m. large rice; -sakti, a. very mighty (Siva); -saiikha, nm. great conch; -asana, a. eating much, voracious (leech); mn. great eater, glutton; - asanidhvaga, mn. flag with a great thunderbolt; -sabda, mn. loud sound; title beginning with 'mahi' or the corresponding office,; -~ saya, I. m. ocean; 2. a. high-minded, noble; -sayya, f. splendid couch; -sarira, a. having a large body; -salka, m. kind ofsea-crab;-salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -saka, n. kind of vegetable; -sakya, mn. great or distinguished Sakya; -santi, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil); (a)-sala, possessor of a great house, great householder; -salna, a. very modest; -sgsana, n. great sway; a. exercising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; in. kind of serpent; -sudra, m. Sftdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; - asman, m. precious stone; -smasana, n. large cemetery; ep. of Benares; -srotriya, mn. great theologian or spiritual teacher; - asva, m. N.: -sali,f. great stable; office of head groom; -sveta, f. N. of a goddess; N.; -samkata, n. great danger or straits; -sati, f. extremely faithful wife, pattern of wifely fidelity; -sattra, n. great Soma sacrifice; -sattva, in. great creature; a. strong-minded; high-minded, noble; very courageous; containing large animals: -ta, f. strength of character and containing large animals; - asana, n. splendid seat; -samdhi I -vigraha, m. office of chief minister of peace and war; -sabha, f. great dining hall; -samudra, mn. ocean; -sarga, mn. great creation (after a great dissolution); -sadhanabhaga, m. head of the executive; -sadhu, a. extremely good: v-i, f. pattern of wifely fidelity; -samtapana, m. kind of penance;, -samdhi-vigrah-ika, m. chief minister of peace and war; -s;manya, n. generality in the widest sense; -sara, a. strong; valuable, costly; -sartha, m. great caravan; -sahasika, a. very daring, excessively rash; m. highwayman, robber: -ta, f. great energy: in. with the utmost decision; -simha, m. great lion; N.; -siddha, (pp.) m. great saint; -siddhanta, m. great manual of astronomy, T. of a work by Aryabhata the younger; -siddhi, f. great magical power; -subhiksha, n. great abundance of provisions, verygood times (pl.); -sukta, n. great hymn: pi. the great hymns of the tenth book of the Rig-veda (i to 128); m. composer of the great hymns of -RV. X; -sudkshma, a. extremely minute; -sfiki, a. w. vyftha, n. kind of array of troops in battle; (C)-sena, a. having a large army; mn. ep. of Skanda; N. of various princes; -sen&, f. great army; -stoma, a. having a great Stoma (day); - _astra, n. great or mighty missile; -sthana, n. high place or position; -sth-xla, a. very gross; -snana, n. great ablution; - Aspada, a. mighty; -svana, M. loud sound; a. loud-sounding, shouting loud; loud (noise); - Asvada, a. very savoury; -hanu, a. having great jaws; -harmya, n. great palace; -_ hava, m. great battle; -hava, mn. great sacrifice; -hasta, a. largehanded (Siva); -hasa, mn. loud laughter; a. laughing loud; -ahi, in. great serpent: -sayana, n. sleep (of Vishnu) on the great serpent (Sesha); - ahna, m. advanced daytime, afternoon; -hrada, m. great pond. f rf~ m6h-i, a. (only nm., ac. sg. n.)-=mah[t, great (V.); ad. greatly, much, very (V.); n. greatness (P.); intellect (P.). Rfig mahikf, f. cold (only ~-): - amsu, mn. (cold-rayed), moon. Rfjt mah-i-ta,pp. (-v/mah) honoured, etc. Trff1 mahi-tf, f. greatness; -tva, n. id.; might; -tvana, n. id.: in. a, also ad. trfr!, mah-in, a. (RV.) = mahat, great, mighty; -i-man, m. greatness, majesty; might, power; exaltation, dignity: in. -mna' or -na, mightily, forcibly (RV.). RfITR mah-ila,f. woman: - aropya, n. N. of a town in the South near Madras. Ifgq mah-isha, a. (i) mighty, powerful (V.); m. buffalo (V. C.); N. of an Asura slain by Durga or Skanda.;rf!9'T mahisha-tva, n. condition of a buffalo; -pala, m. buffalo-herd: -ka, m. id.; -mardini,f. Slayer of Mahisha, ep. of Durga; - asura-sudini,f. Crusher of the demon Mahisha, ep. of Durga. rfift mahishi, f. female buffalo; (mighty princess), chief wife of a prince,queen-consort; sts. simply wife of a king: -bhava, m. condition of a she-buffalo.,f- mah-ishtha, spv. (ofmahat) greatest. ITt' mah-', f. (of mah) earth; ground, soil (also p1.); land; country, kingdom; earth (substance); base (of a geometrical figure); space (R 1.); host(RV.); cow (V.): du. heaven and earth (V.); pl.waters, streams (RV.). TFIN3 mahi-kri, magnify. ;r~IftrL mah'i-kampa. IImT~i~ ma'karanda.23 223 I ~IV91BO mahi-kampa, rn. earthquake;,..kshit, m. ruler of earth, king; -kara, -kirini, a. moving or walking on the earth (o~pp air); -ga, m. plant, tree; planet Mars; -tala, n. surface of the earth, ground; -durga, a. inaccessible owing to the nature ofthe ground; is. fortress protected by the nature of the ground or by earth-works; -dhara, a. supporting the earth; m. mountain; N., esp. of a commentator on the VS.; -dhra, in. mountain; - ina, m. lord of earth, king; -ua~tha, 94n id_.; -_indra, m. id.: - ndra, in. an Indra among princes; -pa, m. protector of earth, king; -patana, n. falling on the ground, obeisance down to the ground; -pati, mn. lord of earth, king; -phla, m. protector of earth, king; N. of various princes: -putra, mn. son of a king, prince; -putra, mn. son of earth; planet Mars; -prishtha, n. surface of the earth, ground; -prakampa, in. earthquake; -praroha, mn. (growing out of the earth), tree; -bhartri, m. supporter of earth, king; -bhug, mn. enjoyer of the earth, king; -bhrit, m. (supporter of the earth), mountain; king; -maghavan, m. lord of earth, king; mand.. ala, n. circle of the earth, entire earth; -maya, a. ('I) earthen; -mahikgmsu, m. moon on earth, illustrious king; -mahendra, m. great lord of earth, sovereign. 14T mahil-yd, den. A. be joyful, exuberant, or exalted; enjoy bliss; prosper; be held in high esteem or be highly honoured by (g.). VtImak —iyas, cpv. greater, larger, mightier, more powerful or important, etc.; very great, - mighty, - distinguished, - loud (laughter-), etc. Witq mah-ilya,f. joyfulness (V.); d. -3iyali. Trt~UKmahii-ragas, n. earth dust; grain of sand; -randhra, is. hole in the earth; -ruh, in. (nm. t) plant, tree; -ruha, m. id.; -vallabha, in. lover of the earth, king;!:jsvara, m. lord of earth, king; -sura, m. god on earth,, Brishman. f1- ~mah-e', dl. inf. to rejoice (BiV.). Tf!T mahft ikkha, a. having kigh aims, ambitions: -t&, f. ambition. I I mahfi indra, i. great Indra; chief; N. of a mountain range: -ketu, m. Indra's banner; -kipa, m. Indra's bow, rainbow; -tva, n. name or dignity of great Indra; -dhvaga, m. Indra's banner; -mantrin, in. great Indra's counsellor, planet Jupiter (Brihaspati); -mandira, n. Indra's palace; -varman, M. N. of a prince; -sakti, mn. N.; - ^ ditya, m. N. of a prince. R[~[ mahela', f. woman. Rt'kT~ mahftisa, in. great lord, god; ep. of Siva; - ^SVara, in. great lord, chief; god; ep. of ~i-va and of Vishnu; N.: pl. the world. guardians (Agni, Tndra, Yama, and Varuna): i, f. ep. of Durgh. Wtl mahA ishu, -i. large arrow; isizudhi, f. large quiver; -.ish ~a, mgreat bowman. mahft itareya, n. T. of a Vedic text; -aisvainya, n. great power. r~~mahftukshd, in. large or full-grown bull: at f. state of a great bull; - ukkhraya, a. very lofty or great;. ukkhhray-at a. id.; -Zuttama, n. (?) perfume; -utpala, is. lotus-flower (Nelumbiuin speiSum);.tsava, mn. great festival; - utsavin, a. celebrating a great festival; -jutSaha, a. having great power; strong-willed, energetic, persevering; - uidadhi, in. great sea, ocean (of which, there are su~pposed to be four): -a mn. shell;..iudaya, m. great exaltation, good fortune, or prosperity; a. conferring great good fortune, or blessings; very prosperous; very happy; m. N.; n. ep. of the city of Ka'nyakubga: 'a, f. N. of a hall in the lunar world: (a)-svimin, m. N. of a temple; - udara, n. big belly, dropsy; a. (i') big-bell-ied; m. N.: -mukha, m. N. of an attendant of Durgad; - udyama,a.exerting oneself greatly, hard-working, industrious; busily occupied with (inf. or d. of abSt. N.); - unnata,pp.very lofty; - unnati, f. great elevation, high rank or position; -u~pa~dhya"ya, in. great teacher; - uraga, in. great serpent; - uras-ka, a. broad-chested;.-JArmin, a. very billowy; - al~ f. great firebrand; great meteor. ~IImahfl ogha, a. having a strong current; in. N. of a son of Tvashtri; - gas, a. very vigorous or powerful; very mighty; - and av i m. N. of a Vedic teacher; - aushadha, n. great or sovereign remedy; - oshadhi (or i),f.very efficacious medicinal herb. WIVFmah-min, in. greatness (A V.1). 1ITf mah-ya, fp. highly honoured. ITWI( mdhyam, d. of ahdm, I. IWj1T~ mahlana, m. N. of a king: -SVamin, m. N. of a temple, built by him. R;gW mahlftna-pura, n. N. of a town. I.M 1 I. P. MA&-ti (C.), III. A. i mite, measure; mete out, mark off; traverse; measure with, compare with (in.);, be large or long enough for (g.), find space or room in, be contained in (lc.; II. P.); mete out to, bestow (RiV.); fashion, form, make, build (V.); display, show (-RV.); infer, conclude; with na, not contain oneself, be beside oneself with (in.; II. P.); _ps. milyite, be measured', etc.: pp. mita, measuring (so and so much), consisting of (0'); measured by = equal to (in. or — 0); limited or bounded by (in.); measured, moderate, scanty, few, brief (words); measured =weighed, investigated; CS. mapaya, P. cause to measure; measure out, mark off; cause to build; erect; des. -mitsa, P. ann, be inferior in measure, -fall short of (d.) in (cc.; liY.); form a conception of (ac.), conceive of as (ac. w. iva or yathA); infer (ac.) from (ab.); conclude to be (2 ac.): pp. conceived; inferred, concluded; es. cause to infer sthg. (ac.); cause to deduce, prove. ud, pp. unmita, measuring (so and so much: — ). upa, P. A. bestow (liP.); A. compare with (in.); ps. he of use: pp. compared, equal. ni, _pp. measured; occasioned by (in.). nis, form out of anything, produce, create, fashion or make out of (in., ab.); build, construct; compose (literary works); paint (a picture); utter, make (speeches); cause, produce; exhibit, show: pp. nirmita, produced, created, formed, fashioned, made, built, by (in. or -') out of (in., ab., or ord. mg.); caused; performed, celebrated; destined, appointed; isolated, standing alone; CS. cause to be created, formed, or built; dles. nirmitsa, P. intend to make or build. abbi-nis, produce; compose: pp. created; formed; built. vi-nis, create, form, fashion, build, out of (in., ab.): pp. created, made, out of (ceb. or ~-0); laid out (garden); fixed, appointed; destined to be (nm.); performed, celebrated. sam-ni, pp. composed of (ab.). pari, measure around or throughout; enclose with (in.); weigh, estimate: pp. circum.scribed, limited; little, few, shiort. pra, measure, estimate; create, form; form a correct notion of (ac.): pp. measuring (so and so much: — ); moderate, little, few; about which a correct notion -has been formed. prati, (measure against), imitate: pp. reflected. vi, measure out; enumerate; traverse; ordain, determine; makeready. abhivi, ps. be presupposed in oneself. sam, measure; measure by the standard of (in.), make equal to (in size, number, etc.); compare with (in.); mete out, bestow; IL. P. or ps. find space in, go into (lc.): pp. s~immita, measured out; measuring exactly as much, just sornuch; of equal extent, length,breadth, or height with (in. or -'0); reaching to(0) equal to (in., 0'); commensurate with, corresponding, conformable to ( —0); resembling, passing for (0);provided or furnished with, consisting of (in. or 0'); destined for(0 A A 1T2. MN, -Maya, A. ni, exchange; ps. nImyate, be exchanged for (in.). IRT ir. mg~, prohibitive ad. cj. (= Gk. p) not, o that not; that not, in order that not: i. with iinpv.; 2. with potential (not commion), may not! will not, I hope; 3. with s ubj. mmpf. (rare), aor. (very common), which in C.= indicative without the augment (the ind. with the augment occurs, but very rarely, gnly. in E.); 4. withfut. =inl order that not (C., E., not commn);~. ithpr. pt. (very rare: e. g. m' givan, he deserves not to live); 6. with pp., e.g. gatah sa m&a, he cannot have gone (very rare); 7. elliptically without a verb, not so! ma ma, mg, mievam, ma, ta~vat, not so! yatha^ MA, in order that not; bhavatu ma v~ astu, be it or not; ma kathain nu bhavatn,how should not be? l abhuid aaah can he not have arrived? =surely he must have arrived; ma nama rakshinah, heaven forbid that it should be the warders! mna, with aor. subj. = ind. without a negative (C.; very rare); mg u (m6), and not (prohibitive; V)masa (with impv. or aor. subj.), not (prohibitive), in order that not; sma ma, m6 sma, id. (Br.); ma ajia no nr [TT 2.m, endl. cc. of ahdm, L. aI. ~ month, only lc. pl. Mm~Sf (V.') ITT 4. mft,f. authority, knowledge. 1ITT;Imtmns, n. flesh (only sts. 0-) W[mftmsd, n. sg. & pl. flesh, meat (also of ftsh, crabs, and fruit); animal food; in. a mixed caste: (a)-tva, n. real meaning or derivation of ' flesh'; -pinda, in. n. lump of flesh; tumour; -pesil, f. piece of flesh; muscle; -bhaksha, a. flesh-eating; -bhiksh6~,f. begging for meat; -bhiAta, p.bigfeh forming a bait; combined with meat; -bhettri, a. making a flesh-wound; -maya, a. (i) consisting of flesh; -yoni, in. creature of flesh and blood; -rnki, a. fond of animal food. ~I~ mamsa-la, a. fleshy; muscular; bulky; powerful, deep (sound). RTIT~[WT mftmsa-latft, f. wrinkle; -lnbdha, pp. desirous of meat; -vikraya, in. sale of flesh; -vikrnayin, -vikrnetri, in. vendor of flesh; -ad, -Ada, ^din, a. flesh-eating; -asana, is. eatifng of flesh, flesh-food; -asin, a. eating or subsisting on flesh;. Ara in. animal food;.- upagiVin, in. dealer in meat. ITU mftms-padhana, a. (i) suitable for cooking meat. IITERA mftkanda, in. mango tree:, f. N of a town on the Ganges; i-af id. IITWfi mflkara, a. (I) relating to the seamonster Makara; with flkara, in. mine of Makaras, ocean. WM A makaranda, a. derived from or consisting of the juice of flowers; full of honey. 224 22arf(m-kis. aT mtsya. Tfjmg-kis, ad. (used only in prohibitive sentences with the subjunctive) may or let not; may no one(l.) IiTfIOT mftkshika, a. derived from the bee; n. honey; a kind of mineral, pyrites: -v' mini, m. N. of a locality. N!'~~ makshika, m. spider; n. honey: -dhitu, m. the mineral pyrites.;RTTM~ mftgadhad, a. (1) relating to, derived from, produced or current in Magadha; m. prince of Magadha; mixed caste (offspring of a V~aisya and a Kshatriya) professional bard, panegyrist of a prince: pl. people of Magadha; a-ka, a. belonging to Magadha; -desiya, a. coming from the country of Magadha; -pura, n. N. of a town. IUT7fiIM magadh-ika, m. prince of Magadha; i-ka', f. sq. & pl. long pepper; -i, f. princess of Magadha; female bard (offispring of a Vaisya and a Kshatr ad) language of Magadha (one of the -Prdkrit dialects); kind of spice. IIT1 maghd, a. (I') relating to the asterism Magha'; m. N. of a month (January-February); N. of the author of the Sisupdlavadha (composed before the end of the tenth century): -kavya, n. M~ghia's poem, the Sisuphlavadhia. [TTR[T ma'ghamah, f. female crab. RT'qZ'ffmfghavat-a, a. belongin g to Indra: -kipa, m. n. rainbow. RT'R'9A maghavan-a, a. (1) belonging to Indra: w. kakubh,f. Indra's quarter, the east. WRT'i mftgh-l, f. day of full moon in Mftgha. IT'iYT'f maghon-a, n. bountifulness (BYv.). TJT mhii, gr. designation of the pcl. mft.;RT~fWrqi mftkgal-ika, a. (1) anxious for an auspicious issue; conducive to or indicative of good fortune; n. (?) auspicious object, amulet; -ik&h, f. N.; -ik-ya, n. (?) amulet. [TTTW mftfigal-ya, a. portending good fortune, auspicious; n. auspicious object, amulet; benediction; auspicious rite or festival: -mnridaiiga, m. drum beaten on auspicious occasions. WMf~qT(m ah-iram, ad. (not long), without delay, quickly, straightway (only in impv. sentences with impv. or augmentless aor., and almost always at the, end of a verse). [Tf5*5 mahg-ika, m. N. RTfV-U maigishtha, a. (connected with mafigishthA), coloured with madder, red like madder:..ka, i-ka, a. id.; I'-kri, colour red like madder. ITT3T mathara, m. N. of various men. RTTW mathavya, m. N. of a Brdhman. WTTI4 mfclava, m. a mixed caste. ITTUM' manava, m. boy, lad, youth; sp. Brhhman boy: -ka, m. id.: -,the Brhhman boy (applied contemptuously to an adult); i-k', f. young girl, wench. wRfiWr;i mftni-ka, m. jeweller: &,f. a certain weight. R~M' manik-ya, n. ruby; m. N.: -maya, a. made or consisting of rubies.; -_ adri, m. N. of a mountain. RifMWNT ma'nihara, m. a deity. I +1IT EJ l tImndapa, a. belonging to a temple. IIrIfr mahndal-ika, a. ruling aprovince; m. ruler of a province. 4i UW rndav-ya, m -pat. (fr. mandu) N. of a teacher: pI. his descendants. IIT qj~ mftndfika, a. (i) derived from the M adikas; m.pl1. a certain school; - yaua, m. pl. a certain school; e-ya, m. pat. N. of a teacher:p1. descendants of Mhndukeya. IT'd mftatga, m. elephant: -,elephant among = chief or best of; man of the lowest caste,.K~ndhla, kind of Kirftta: -ka, m. N. of a chief of the Kandalas; -kumhrif Kiindhla girl; -ga, a. derived from the elephant; -tva, n. condition of a Kand&la; -uakra, m. crocodile as large as an elephant. #I ~T~zff m ftari-svan, m. [growing in the mother, concealed in the fire-stick: VAs], N. of a divine being, messenger of Vivasvat, who brought down the previously hidden iAgni from heaven to the Bhrigus; mystic N. of Agni; wind (ord. meaning in C., but doubtful for Ri V.); N. of a Rishi. TIT~fTf- mfttal-i, m. N. of Indra's charioteer: -srati m(having Matali for his charioteer), ep. of Indra. ITrT'rfffri ma'tal-in, m. (only nm. 431; suffix -in is otherwise almost invariably accented) N. of a divine being abiding with Yama and the Fathers. aFTmh& f. = mfttri, '- in some cpds.: -duhitri, f. du. mother and daughter; -pitri, m. dsu. father and mother, parents; -putra, m. mother and son; -maha, m. maternal grandfather: du. maternal grandparents; p1. mother's father, grandfather, and ancestors; a. (i) relating or belonging to the maternal grandmother: 3i, f. maternal grandmother. '4JKmftur-a = M tri, -" in some a. cds formed with vriddhi. 1TTJ~mfttul-a, m mother's brother, (maternal) uncle (in fables the ass and the jackal s~peak of each other thus): -ka, m. id. (but more, affectionate) dear uncle (in the fable, the, crane is called the uncle of the crab). WRrTITif mtul-n, f. wife of 'a maternal uncle. RTJ;Wmhtulufiga,m. citrontree; n. citron. IiTk~fT mhtul-eya, m. son of a maternal uncle, first cousin; -ya, a. (?) house of a maternal uncle. WTI r.Ma-trs'j. [perhaps former of children:.N'mA], mother (also of animals: due. father and mother: 1?V.); (mother) earth (due. heaven and earth: liV.); cow; waters (PI.; liV.); fire-stick (due. and pI.; liV.); ep. of Lakshml; ep. of iDurgh: PI. the divine mothers, being the personified energies of various gods (7, 8, 9, and e6 are spoken of); the word mother is also applied to nearly related or respected female relatives as a term of endearment, its use, infami liar speech being even extended to elderly women in general. Mf2. nHIA-tri, m. measurer (liv.). IT77~i mfttri-ka, a. coming or inherited from a mother; maternal; m. maternal uncle; kamf. mother; grandmother; letter written in a diagram and supposed to have a magical power: coll. the letters or alphabet thus used; alphabet: -maya, a. (i) consisting of mystical letters; -garbha, m. womb; -gupta, m. N. of a prince; -griha, n. tem I I I 1 1 I ple of the divine mothers; -gra'ma, m. female sex; -ghitini, m. matricide; -ghna, m. id.; -kakra, a. mystical circle with the divine mothers; group of the divine mothers. ~T[T9Mmahtrs'-tamh, spv. f. most motherly (waters; V.); (ri)-tas, ad. with regard to or. in right of the mother; -ti, f. motherhood; -datta, m. N.: a, f. N.; -niandaiia, m. ep. of ASkanda; -paiita, m. N. of a Ddnava; -pfgau, n, -i2gaf _worship of the divine mothers; -baiidhiit, m. maternal relative: U f.mother in name only, unnatural mother: u, a. maternal relationship; -bandhava, m. maternal kinsman; -mandala, n. circle or group of the divine mothers: -vid, m. priest of the divine mothers; -gia, yga, m. sacrifice to the mothers; -vamsa, m. family of the mother; -vamsya, a. belonging to the mother's family; -vat, ad. like or as a mother; as towards a mother; -vatsala, m. (tender towards his mother); e~p. of Skanda; -vadha, m. matricide; -shvasri, f. mother's sister, maternal aunt; -shvaseya, m. mother's sister's son. RIT mft-tra, n. element (only P.); -9, measure, size, height, depth, length, hreadth, distance; quantity, sum (of money); duration or space of time; number (redundant with numerals); whole measure, totality, aggregate or entire class of, so and so in the widest sense; no more than what the preceding word expresses: to be translated by nothing but, only, merely; -o' a. (a, I') as large, high, deep, long, broad, or far as; as much or many as; having no more than, amounting only to, consisting of nothing but; being nothing but, a simple or mere; following immediately after: with -PP.= no sooner than, scarcely, as soon as, only just; consisting of (so many) morae; lasting (so many) moments; possessing (anything) as one's property. IIT'74-q mhtra-ka, n. -= mhtra, measure, size, etc.; -o' a. = id.,. only, merely; -t& f., -tva, n. a bst. N. fr. mhtra(2) 3U7T mg-traf measure, measuring rule; extent; quantity; length of time or life; unit of measure, foot; unit of time, moment (in the po~pular sense); metrical unit (time required to pronounce ashort vowel); musical unit of time (of which there are three); correct measure, order (RiV.); small portion, particle, trifle, a little; importance, account, consideration; element; matter, material world; property, money; furniture; earring,, ornament: in. in small portions, in slight measure, moderately; rhgA iti kIat mhtra of what account is a kiing? 1a king is of no account, is a mere trifle to (g.); ki mitri samudrasya, what is the importance of the seaI = the sea will be easily settled. ~T~T'~r~ mtrft-kyuta-ka, n.(?) game of dropped morae (in which they have to be supplied); -kkhandas, n. metrenmeasured solely by the number of morae; -bhastrhaf. moneybag, purse; -vritta, n. = -kkhandas;alu a. eating moderately. I[TfNIE m~tr-ika, f.AJ mfttra, measure, size, etc.; metrical unit; model. I{TV" mfttri-ya, den. P. consider or treat as a mother. IT~f~ mfttsar-ika, a. envious, jealous, malicious; -ya, n. envy, jealousy, malice; discontent. [WM~ mhtsyd, a. relating or belonging to, derived from fish. vaw ma'th-a. Tr manusha-ka. 225 I I hak. 2 q I I mhth-a, m. crushing, destroying: -km, m. destroyer.;11W4 mfithavd, m. pat-fr. Mathu. ";U mfithura, a. (I') belonging to, coming from, or born in Mathura'; m. inhabitant of Mathurh; N. of the proprietor of a gaminghouse: -ka, m. inhabitant of Mathurhi; -desya, a. coming from the region of Mathura. W ~~ madda-ka, (es.) a. intoxicating, stupefying: -tva, n. abst... fIIma'd-ana, a. delighting (By.1); intoxicating (C.): i'-ya, a. intoxicating (C.); n. intoxicating drink. WT mftdusha, n. a word invented for etymologqical purposes: -tva, n. abst. N. id. iRPS 1 mi-dris, a. (nm. k) like me; -dris-a, a. ()id. ZrTW' madra-ka, m. prince of Madra; -Vat-I, f. princess of Madra. RIT!~ mftdr-il,f. princess of Madra, N. of the wisres of Phndu, Sahadeva, and Krishna; -eya, m. son of Mhdri, pat. of Sahadeva and Nakula.;fT'q' m~dbava, a. (i1) belonging or relating to spring, vernal; belonging to the descendants of Madhu or the Yhdavas; m. N. of the second spring month (more usually called Vais~kha: April-May); spring; son or descendant of Madhu, man of Yadu's race, pat. of Krishna, Vishnu, and Parasura'ma; N. of various men: 3', f. earth; woman of Madhu's or Yadu's race; spring-creeper bearing fragrant white flowers (Gaertnera racemosa). +T1 VW matdhava-gupta, m. N.; -Vaili, f. spring-creeper (Gaertnera racemosa); -sena, m. N. of a prince: -riga, m. N. of a prince; Wk ya, m. N. of a celebrated scholar, brothier of Sdgana, by Burnell ideatifled with Sadyana himsel~f. RTiW'if~iT imAdhav-ika', f. spring-creeper (Gaertnera race-mosa); N.;RIqm tima'dhav-'iya, a. belonging, relating, or dedicated to or composed by Mhdhava or Madhavhkirya. WffT49'11Rffm~dhav'I-lataftj spring-creeper (Gaertnera racemosa). RTTI41 JlIq~ matdhavya-mAnavaka, m. the Bra'hman boy MAdhavya (said ironically of an adult). RT'4 jTi madhu-kara, a. (i1) relating to or derived from the bee (madhu-kara) or honey; -kkhandas-;!, a. relating to or derived from Madhukkhandas; -tail-ika, a. consisting of honey and oil; -park-ika, a. ('I) relating to or presented at the honey-mixture ceremony. T'j mftdhura, a. (I') relating to Madhurad; n. flower of the Madhura creeper (Jasminum Sambac): ', f. sweetness; charm, loveliness; mead., wine. iiT'4jq madhur-ya, a. sweetness; exquisite beauty, loveliness, charm; sweetness, amiability; grace of style, sp. employment of separated words in a sentence (opp. slesha; r.;a. speaking sweetly. IRVq ma'dhfika, a. prepared from the Madlh~ka plant (Bassia latifolia); sweet. voiced (ep. of the mixed caste Maitreya). ITWU matdhyf, a. central. M1 f *4 m~dhyamdina, a. (I') belonging to midday; m. pl. N. of a~school, a branch of the White Yagur-veda: -sAkha', f. the school of the M~dhyamdinas.;R I mq adhyama, a. belonging to the middle, central, inhabiting the middle of the country; m. pl. composers of the middle of the Rig-veda (books Ilto VII): -ka,a. (i-kaA) relating or belonging to the middle region (the atmosphere); i-ka, a. id.; m. p1. N. of a peo~ple in Midland (Madhya-desa). IT'.TWIN matdhya-stha, a. indifferent, impartial; n. indifference; moderation; -sth-ya, n. indifference, unconcern; impartiality, neutrality. WTqTf matdhya'hn-i~ka, a. (i1) belonging to noon. 'O' mftdhva, m. follower of Madhva. Z[Tf;44i ma'dhv-ika, m. gatherer of honey. RW4I ma'dhv-'I, a.f. sweet (V7.); f. du. the two sweetnesses = the two Asvins (VF.); hind of spirituous liquor (C.); spring-creeper (Gaertnera racemosa): -ka, n. hind of spirituous liquor. WTf r. matn-a, m. n. opinion, notion; will, purpose; high opinion of oneself, self-reliance; conceit, pride, arrogance; respect, regard, honour, inark of honour (ord. mg., gnly. in.); wounded sense of honour, caprice, jealous anger (esp. in women), sulking. [T'f 2. mh'ana, m. building, dwelling (V/.); altar; a. measuring; measure, measuring cord, standard; dimension, size, height, length (also of time), weight; a certain weight; form, appearance (IRV.); resemblance, likeness; demonstration, means of proof. RTWI 3. mana, m. N. of Agastga's father (RIV.). 'O'4 ma'na-ka, a. measure, weight; -kralaha, m. quarrel arising from jealous angrer; -kali, m. mutual indignation; a. bestowing honour, showing respect; -kshati, f. injury to honour, mortification, indignity; -granthi, m. violent anger; -ta',f. being a proof; -tuiiga, m. man highin honour; N.; -da, a. bestowing or showing honour; m. giver of honour (gnly. used as a term of address); -danda, m. measuring-rod; -dhana, a. having honour as his wealth, rich in honour; -dhma'ta, pp. inflated with pride. [TWR mafn-ann, n. (rare), 'a, f. showing of honourorrespect; -aniya,fp. to be honoured, deserving to be ho-noured by (g.); sa. honourable man. RMTKq ma'nn-pama, a. excessively proud: Aa,,f. N.; -parikhandana, a. loss of honour; -purahsaram, ad. with marks of honour; -prana, a. valuing honour like one's life; -bhaiiga, m. loss of honour, mortification, indignity; -bhadra-ka, m. kind of pavilion; -bha~g, a. receiving honour from (-O); -bhrit, a. proud; -mahat, a. great in pride, excessively proud. WTW man-dya, cs. of N/man; -ay-i-tavya, es. fp. to be honoured, deserving of honour; -ay-i-tri, m. one who honours. Z7IIT4r1It1 ma~na-yoga, m.pl. applications of measurements. RTT matnav-6, a. ('1) peculiar to man, human; relating or belonging to or descended from Manu; m. human beiug; man: pl. mankind; subjects; races of men (of which flue or seven are referred to); N. of a school of the Black Yagur-veda; n. length of a man (as a measure); kind of penance; Manu's code. T Iqfma'na-vat, a. enjoying hon-our: -5 a. f. angry with jealousy; f. sulking woman. Z"Tqk-qmatnava-deva, m. god amongmen, king; -dhaissta a. Mann's law-book; -pati, m. lord. of men, king. WTW~f mana-;vargita, pp. destitute of honour; dishonouring; -vardhana, a. increasing any one's honour, indicating increased respect; -vikrayin, a. selling or sacrificingy one's honour. WP14 manav-TJ,. daughter of men,hbuman female; daughter of Manu: pl. N. of certain verses; -iya, a. derived from Manu; a. kind of penance. Rrce ma'nava indra, m. chief of men, king. RT'TqT ma'nav-ya, as,. pat. descendant of Mann. IRV mftnas-6, a. (i) relating' to or produced from the mind, mental, spiritual; performed in thought (prayer etc.), conceived in the mind, conceivable; a. mental faculty, mind, heart; N. of a sacred lake and place of pilgrimage on mount Kaila'sa, whither the wild swans repair in the breeding season at the beginning of the monsoons.;RIM~~t fnans-frn m. (frequenter of Mhnasa), swan; -ganman, m. (produced in the mind), god of love; -vega, a. swift as thought; m. N. of a prince; -suk, f. mental affliction; -samt&pa, m. mental anguish. RMRT matna-sa'rn, m. a. high degree of pride; m. N. of a king of Mdlava. Wff m fnnas-ika, a. mental; imaginary; m. ep. of Vishnu. WT'IW matna-sfitra, a. measuring cord. WTVTft?~ ma'nasa utka, a. longing for lake M~nasa; - okas, a. dwelling at lake M~nasa; m. swan. iT~matna-han, a. destroying the arrogance of (g.). P[TW(- mannaandha, a. blinded by pride; -arha, a. wor~thy of honour; - sa, a. dispelling pride; ^ sakta, pp. arrogant. 1RTf'q-W man-i-ta, as. pp.,/man; a. mark of honour. RTfrIT na'ni-tat, f. imaginary possession of (-O); honouring (-2); -tva, a. supposing oneself to have or be (-O); pride; being held in honour. WrfVr'i matn-in, a. assuming, regarding as (0-); fancying oneself to have or to be ( —); appearing as or passing for (-0); honouring (-0); thinking, being of opinion; thinking much of oneself, proud, haughty, towards (prati); self-respecting; highly honoured: -1, a. f. disdainful, sulky (towarshr oe) f. wife of (0') WT;I[f[WM manutantavyn, m. pat.fr. Manntantu. TIT~JT mgnush-a (or 'a), a. (i) hum-an; humane, kind; m. human being, man; ep. of the three signs of the zodiac, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra: p 1. races of men (of Which five are assumed); a. manner of men (V.); human condition, humanity; human action or effort. WTP manusha-ka, a. human; -ti, f. human condition: -m gain, become a man; -tva, a. id.; -daivika, a. relating to men and to gods; manhood; -rakshasa, m. human Gg 226 226 r~~~I Ti4 manush-'i. [T#mrg1. -— t A A A RTf - Marg-al-l. I devil: i', f. she-devil in human form; -laukika, a. belonging to the world of men, human; - da, m. man-eater: -tva, n. cannibalism. IT1Ti matnush-il, f. woman. qT~gmfin-ushii-bhft, become a man. 41T1J3 mftnush-ya, n. human condition or nature., humanity; a. human. IUIlq m'anushya-ka, a. human; n. human condition or nature, humanity: lc. as far as lies in man's power. TT'YWT~ min autsha, m. energy caused by self-confidence; - unnati, f. great honour or respect; -_un ada, m. infatuation of pride; - unmukta, pp. destitute of honour.;RTIT4 fiij mAntra-varn-ika, a. (i) contained in the words of Vedic hymns. Riif_?4i mftntr-ika, m. reciter of spells, sorcerer. [weakness. VTv~I manthar-ya, n. slowness; dulness; IR-'T ma'ndftra, m. (?) kind of mythical flower: -va, id. II T mftndftrya, M. N. ITT mftnd-ya, n. slowness, sluggishness, indolence; stateliness; illness. a('T fndhfttri, m. N. of an ancient king, son of Yuvandsva. TTMTIR malndhalla, m. an animal, probably the fox bat. IITPIIW manmatha, a. (i1) relating to, produced by, or filled with love; belonging to the god of love. [T a. fn-ya,fp. to be honoured, deserving of honour; respected; 2. (k) m. pat. son of Mana. aT~ f-p-aka, a. suitable for measuring (g.); -p-ana, n. forming, fashioning: a, f measuring; -p-aya, cs. of V/m k and V/ml.;RI: mum, ac. of ahdm, I. aTm ma, m. [belonging to mine: mama], dear friend (only vc., the crane being thus addressed in the fable, by crabs, tortoises, and.fishes, and the ass by the jackal): -ki, a. (i'k&, 3i) belonging to me, mine, my; -k-iMa, a. my, mine. ~TIIRTW mftmat-eyd, m. met. (fr. mamatfa) of Dlrghatamas. a~[ f-mah-a, intv. base of Vmah. MIT~ mft-ya, a. creating illusions (Vishnu): -vat, a. magical (metr. for m~yA-). IITWT mft-ya'f. art, marvellous power (V.); artifice, device, trick; deceit, fraud; jugglery, witchcraft; illusory image, phantom; illusion (in the T~edadnta == the power which causes the world to appear as really existent and distinct from the universal soul): 2,phantom in the shape of; 0~, phantom, illusory, unreal; disguised; ep. of Durgb,; Fraud (personified as a daughter of Anrita and.Adharma). RT'TM.i tjm myft - kapota, m. phantom pigeon: -vapus, a. having the body of a - Ca~ra, a. acting deceitfully; -hkhadmapara, a. intent on deceit and fraud; -devil, f. N. of the mother of Buddha; -dhara, a. versed in jugglery or witchcraft; m. N. of a prince of the Asuras; - adhika, a. abounding in magic arts; -patu, a. skilled in witchcraft; -pur, -purli,f. N. of a town; -prayoga, m. trickiness; versatility; -batu, as. N. of a I I I r prince of the Sabaras; - abhyudayana, m. N. of a Kdyastha; -maya, a. (II) illusory, unreal; m. N. of a Ralkshasa; -yantra, n. enchantment: '-= magical; -vakana, n. hypocritical speech; (fiC-vat, a. practising sorcery (R V.); deceitful, cunning; attended with magical arts: -i, f. hind of~personified magical art; N. of a fairy's wife; N. of a princess; _vada, m. doctrine of illusion (a term aplied to Buddhism and Veddntism); -vid, a. familiar with magical arts; -vin, a. skilled in magic; fraudulent; guileful, deceitful;illusory; as. magician, sorcerer, juggler; -sila, a. deceitful, fraudulent. iRrf40ii mfiy-ika, a. illusory; -in, a. skilled in art or enchantment; full of guile, wily, cunaning; possessed by delusion; as. magician, sorcerer, juggler; a. magical art: -- a~ f. deceitfulness. FTI mft-yii, m. bleating, lowing. 1TTVK mflyflra, a. (i) belonging to or derived from the peacock; made of peacocks' feathers; dear to peacocks; drawn by peacocks (car): -ka, ms. peacock-catcher. ar~~~myo-bhava, a. well-being, gladness; -bhavya, a. id. aTifr-a, a. killing, destroying; m. death; plague; killing; obstacle; love, god of love; Tempter,2 Devil (B.): -ka, — a, a. (i-ka) killing; as. murderer; plague, pestilence (also personified). a frakata, a. (i) em erald-like: -tva, a. emerald colour. I~TRT malr-ana, (cs.) n. killing, slaying, slaughter; calcination; magical ceremonyfor destroying an enemy: -m pr;Op, suffer death. IIT-01 mfira-ripu, m. foe of the Devil, ep. of Siva (Pr.). R[TI mftrav-a, a. (I') forming or situated in a desert (maru). aI~( fra-vat, a. filled with love; - atma-ka, a. (murder-natured), murderous;:abhi ama, a. delighting in slaughter, murde'rous; -am. foe of Mflra, ep. of Siva. 1[f~Tmfr-ikal f plague, pestilence. W1 f4I q~ mflrika, a. made of pepper: with hfrrna, a. ground pepper. MTflt( Mar-in, a. (0-) dying; killing; as. murderer(0 I f mfirisba, m. [perhaps turned back into Sanslcritfrom the Pdllimfirisa, =madrisa] worthy or excellent man (nearly always used in the vc. as a term of address = my worthy friend). [TTTI mftr-'i, f. (of mflra) killing, slaying; plague, pestilence; (also personified as) Goddess of Death. rT AV mdrka, a,. relating to Mariki; m. _pat. son of Mariki; N. of a Bdlcshasa; n. pepper-grove. [love.;Rt Mar-iya, a. belonging to the god of;RWq m'aru-ka, a. perishing.,Tff m'rut-a (or a': Br.), a. (i) relating or belonging to the Maruts or Storm-gods; relating to or derived from the wind; as. wind, air; god of wind; vital air; breath; N. of a Marut: pl1. the Maruts.;[T;IIfTRT mftlruta-maya, a. consisting or having the nature of wind; -siunu, m. pat. son of wind, Hanumat; Z_~tma-ga, as. son of wind, fire; -a9Yana, n. (wind-passage), round window; - asana, a. subsisting on air only. aI~~ frut-i, m. pat. fr. Marut, ep. of Hanumat and Bhlma. RTVIft mftrutii, f. (sc. dis) north-west. ER~I mftrkata, a. (i) belonging to the monkey, ape-like. IRT amfrkandeya, as. pat. son of Mrikanda, N. of an ancient sage: pl. his descendants; a. composed by Mkrkandeya: -purana, a. T. of a Purkna. T{[7TMARG, den. (fr. mftrga), Marga, A-P A. mraya P. (rare), seek, look for; search through; strive after; endeavour to buy; ask or beg anything (ac.) from (ab., sts. ac.); ask a girl in marriage: pp mrita, sought, etc. pani, seek; search through; strive after (ac.); ask for (cc.). prati, demand. ITP marga, a. [fr. mriga] belonging to game or deer (flesh etc.); m. (track of wild animials), path, road, way, course (aisofig. of the stars and the wind); way to (lc. or -) - through ();right road; right way, proper course; J ou rney; passage or channel (in the body); way, expedient, means to (g. or 0); way, manner, mode, method; correct usage, old custom; title (of law); way of writing, style, diction; refined (opp. vulgar) dance, pantomime; refined song; the month MArgaslrsha (November-December); a. flesh of wild animals, game: ma~rgam da' or yamiL, make way for (g.), allow to pass; in. ma~rgena, by way of (e. g. the door) = through, across, or along (0-); by means of (0): - go the way of = suffer the same fate as margaih, through (-O);d. mang'ya,tormake way for any one (g.); lc. manrge, on the way: - pra-kal, start on one's way; niga-ma~rge gain, go on one's way. WT C!I mftrg-ana, a. seeking, requiring; m. beggar, supplicant; arrow; search; investigation: -ta^, f. nature of an arrow: -m gain, become an arrow. IRTq P mnftrga-torana, a. triumphal arch erected over a road; -darsaka, mt. shower of the way, guide; -draiiga, in., A, f. town situated on the road; -druma, m. tree by the road-side; -pa, -pati, m. road-keeper (an official); -patha, m. course; -bandhana, a. obstruction of the road; -rakshaka, m. guardian of the road; -rodbin, a. blocking the road. RPM ia~mfrgava, mn. a mixed caste (offspring of a Nishdida and an Ayogava woman). I:[T7MJTT7T' mftrga-vasa gata, pp. lying beside the road; -vasa anuga, a., -vasqayi ta, pp. id.; -va'sas, a.`clothed in a deerskin; -vinodana, n. entertainment on the journey. ITW~ij~mfirgav-eya,m.pat.ormet.ofaRnima. irii, 7fq'iT mftrga-s'khin, m. road-side tree; -sinas, m. N. of a month (NovemberDecember); -sirsha, m. (~ m~sa) month, the full moon of which is in the constellation Mrigasiras (the tenth, later the first month in the year): il, f. (+ paurnamhsl) day in which the full moon is in the constellation Mrigasiras; -stha, a. remaining on the right road (also fig.); -harmya, as. palace on the high road. WPTTPI malrgajAgata, pp. coming from a journey; as. traveller, wanderer; -a~Yita, pp. mid.;URT!Oft mftrg-ftI-'I, f. track. PTqilq~f i margavalokin. ~f mi-ta. 227 I W 'wr[ftfiirW margaavalokin, a. scanning the road, anxiously expectant. +ITfT marg-ita, pp. m/marg; -i-tavya,fp. to be sought; - searched through; - striven after; -in, m. road-keeper or guide. RTTkTi marga isa, m. road-keeper. NT[ trIf'T margaupadis, m. pointer out of the way, guide. WT['l marg-ana, a. (1) wiping, cleansing; m. washer; n. wiping, - away, cleansing; sweeping away; rubbing a drum-skin with ashes or mud: a, f. id.; sound of a drum; i, f. purification; brush or broom. TrTT marg-ara, m. [animal that wipes or cleanses itself: /mrig], cat (also i,f.); pole-cat: -ka, m. cat; -lingin, a. having the characteristics of cats. WTiTJI'[ marg-al-riya, a. fond of being cleansed; mn. mound to the right of the Vedi on which the sacrificial utensils are cleansed. WfiTf marg-ita, (cs.) pp. cleansed etc. (Vmrig). [mercy. [TSl air mard —ik, n. [V'mrid] compassion, *IT*I martanda, m. (late form of V. martanda) bird in the sky, sun, sun-god; statue of the sun-god: -mandala, n. disc of the sun. IT ~ 'IT martand-iya, a. solar. IT lI martandS, m. (sprung from a lifeless egg: mrita.anda), bird (RV.); bird in the sky, sun (RV.); statue of the sun-god. iTf#Ri martti-ka, a. (i) made of clay, earthen; n. earthenware vessel. TfNIiTI4W marttika-vat-a, m. (?) N. of a country; n. (?) N. of a city; m. N. of apeople (pl.); prince of Marttikavata. iTTfi'i mardaig-ika, m. drummer. Wifj[ mardav-a, n. [fr. mridu] softness; pliancy; mildness, gentleness; leniency, towards (g.): i-kri, make soft or lenient. wT i marsha, mn. worthy man (only as a term of address in vc. = mhrisha). tTZWI nmarsh-tavya, fp. [V/mrig] to be cleansed or swept. WTT mala, m. N. of a people (pl.); N. of a district; n. field. fITT[flT malatl (rarely i),f. kind of jasmine with fragrant white flowers which open towards evening (Jasminum grandiflorum); N.: i-ka, f. N.; i-madhava, n. Malati and MAdhava (names of the hero and heroine), T. ofa play byBhavabhilti; -mala,f.wreath of jasmine. [wreath of (-~). ^TTiTfi!, mala-bharin, a. wearing a WTT'J I. mala-ya, den. wreathe. WT[T 2. malaya, a. coming from the Malaya range; n. caravanserai. l TWi9 malava, m. N. of a country in central India, now Malva: pl. N. of a people; a. belonging or relating to the people of Malva; m. prince of Malva; V.: -vishaya, m. country of Malava. WTrlfiT malav-ika, f. N.: -agnimitra, n. Malavika and Agnimitra (names of the heroine and hero), T. of a play attributed to Kdliddsa. 1T[W[ malav-i, f. princess of Malava; -iya, a. coming from Malava. WT'T mala, f. garland, wreath; rosary I I (rare); necklace; line, row, streak, series: namnam mala, collected series of words, dictionary (excluding roots). [TTIiiTTj mala-kara, m. maker of garlands, gardener (a mixed caste); -daman, n. garland of flowers; -dipaka, n. concatenated climax (a figure of speech); -dhara, a. wearing a garland; m. N.; -maya, a. consisting of series or layers of (-~); -rupa, a. having the form of rows; -vat, a. wearing a wreath. MTTfr mal-i, a. -= malin; -ika, m. garland-maker, florist, gardener; -ika, f. garland; necklace; row, series; -ita, den. pp. wreathed or surrounded with (-~); -in, a. wreathed, with (in.); gnly. -~, having a garland of, wearing a necklace of, encircled by; nO. garland-maker, florist, gardener: -i, f. wife of a florist or gardener; N. of a celestial virgin; N.; N. ofa town and of various rivers. ITTflW malin-ya, n. [fr. malina] dirtiness, impurity; blackness; troubled or shamefaced appearance. ITT mal-u, m. a mixed caste; f. a creeper: -dhana, m. kind of animal: i,f. a creeper. T[T1 mal-ura, m. a plant. TW tiqRTl maltupama,f. compound simile (in which an object is compared with several others instead of with one only) or concatenated simile (e. g. 'as heat on the sun, as the sun on the day, and as the day on the sky, so has valour conferred lustre on thee'). ATdT mal-ya, n. garland: -gunaya, den. A. become the string of a garland; -glvaka, m. garland-seller; -daman, n. garland of flowers; -pana, T. garland-market; -vat, a. wreathed, adorned with garlands; m. N. of a Radkshasa; N. of an attendant of Siva; -vritti, m. garland-seller. [T1W malla, m. a mixed caste. Ti. ma-vat, a. like me (R V.). TfTW[R ma-vilambam, ad. without delay (in commands); -vilambitam, (pp.) n. ad. id. fT[ masha, m. bean (sg. the plant, pl. the seed); a certain weight (also of gold) = onesixteenth Suvarna, etc.: -ka, m. little bean; m. n. a certain weight (also of gold); -taila, n. oil extracted from beans; -pishta, n. ground beans; -pesham, abs. with v/pish, crush any one (ac.) like beans; -mantha, m. beverage mixed with bean-flour; -maya, a. consisting of beans. WITRIT mash-ina, n. bean-field. T i mI s. as, n.=IT t mamsa, flesh (RV.). IT (2. m. [measurer of time: Vma], moon (in. pl. madbhih; RV.); month. WUT mnds-a, m. month: -m, for a month; masam ekam, for one month; in. in the course of a month; lc. in a month = after the lapse of a month. (The twelve months of the Indian calendar, zwhich do not exactly correspond to ours, are zaitra,VaisAkha: March -May; Gyaishtha, Ashqdha: May-July; Sravana,Bhadra: July-Sept.; Asvina,Karttika: Sept.-Nov.; Margaslrsha, Pausha: Nov.-Jan.; Magha,PhAlguna: Jan.-March.) R[TEli masa-ka, m. month; -kalika, a. monthly; -traya, n. three months; -dha, ad. month-wise; -naman, n. name of a month; -pravesa, m. commencement of a month; -sas, ad. month-wise; -samkayika, a. having provisions for a month; - anumasika, a. i I I occurring every month, monthly; - anta, m. end of a month; - ahara, a. eating only once a month. TfWTir mfs-ika, a. (i) connected with the month (-~); performed or given every month, monthly; lasting or being for a month; happening or being finished within or at the end of a month; n. monthly sraddha. rfTfih masi-kri, turn into months. NTOiif mas-ina, a. monthly. WT[ masfra, a. (i) made of lentils or pulse (mastra). ZTTil qTf masaupavasa: -ka, m. fasting for a month; -upavasini, f. (woman who fasts for a month, ironically=) procuress. ITTW mas-ya, a. a month old. RiTW Wf?'i mahatm-ika, a. belonging to an exalted person, majestic, glorious; -ya, n. magnanimity, noble-mindedness; exalted position, majesty, dignity. WTTTfflRi maha-naman-a, a. belonging to the Mahanamni verses. [TW1TTR;T maha-ragya, n. sovereignty; -rashtra, a. (i) belonging to Maharashtra or the Mahratta country: i,f. the Mahratta language, Mahratti; -vrati, f. the doctrine of the Pasupatas. WITft7s mahitra, n. designation of RV. X, I85 (so called because itbegins with the words ' mahi trinhm'). IITfiT mahin-a, a. (RV.) glad, blithe, joyous; gladdening (fr. mah-in). r[f' mahisha, a. (i) belonging to or derived from the buffalo: i-ka, m. keeper of buffaloes; paramour of an unchaste woman. [fl'iTt mahish-mat-i,f. N. of a city. IrTf[ W mahish-ya, m. a mixed caste (offspring of Kshatriya and Vaisyd). IT[T mahendr/, a. (i) relating or belonging to the great Indra; eastern, easterly: with ambhas, n. rain-water; w. dhanus, n. rainbow; w. dis or asa, f. east; i, f. east; Indra's energy (one of the seven divine mothers). rITTT maheya, a. [fr. mahi] earthen; m. met. son of earth, planet Mars. TT WTrS mahesvara, a. (i) belonging or relating to the great lord (Siva); worshipping Siva; m. worshipper of Siva: -ta, f. worship of Siva. f i. MI, V. P. (V., very rare in C.) minoti, fix, set up (a post); erect, build; measure (C.); perceive, know; ps. mlyate: pp. mita. ud, erect (post). ni, fix in the ground, set up; erect, build; fix, determine. pra, infer, perceive, grasp. sam, fix, erect, or build together or at the same time. f 2. MI, with a, approach (in ft. pt. ameshyat: Br.). para, return (in ft.pt. para-meshyat: Br.). fI 3. MI, minati, minoti, v. i/ml. fiMe MIKSH [des. of V/mis in mis-ra, \etc.] mi-mik-sha, P. mix, mingle, with (in.), A. be mingled (V.); cs. mekshaya (Br.), stir, mingle, with (in.). friT, I. mi-t,f. erected post, pillar (BRV.). fit. 2. m-it, a. having m as an indicatory letter (root). fITr I. mi-ta, pp. (v/ma) measured etc. Gg2 22R 28frjmi-7ta. lftr~rqi misra-ka. I fWIT' mitd-gfiu, a. strong-kneed; -dru, a. stroncg-legged, running well (RIV.). fi~w~~mita-bhftshitri, a. speaking little or measuredly; -bhashin, a. id.; -bhukta, pp., _bhug, a. eating sparingly; -bhogana, a. sparing in diet; -mati, a. having a limited understanding, dull-witted. fI~t~mitain-paka, a. cooking a measured amount, - little, moderate-sized (cooking utensil); niggardly. f1,WTNqW mita-sabyin, a. sleeping little. fTrqTr mita kshara, a. c omposed inrrmeasured. syllables, metrical; measured, brief, concise (speech): 'a, f. T. of various concise commentaries, esp. of one on Ydgiiavalkya; - artha, m. well-weighed matter; a. acting cautiously; kind of emissary: -kra, m. kind of emissary; Z~sana, a. eating sparin gly; ~h9 -rna, m. sparing diet; a. eating sparingly. f~flf mi-tijf i. [Vmq, measure] measure, weight, value; correct knowledge; 2_.-ti, [-V/. mi] setting up, erection. fiINf~ mitaukti,. measured speech. #M mitya,'n.(?) price [VNmft, measure]. fqi. mitra, den. P. behave as a friend. 2. Mi-trd, M. [prob. for mit-tra, either fr. V/mith, accompany, or,/mid, be oily, adhere: cp. sneha], companion, friend; N. of an -Aditya, generally invoked with Varuna (mostly V.); sun (C.); n. friendship (-RV.); friend (ord. my. and gender; in polity the prince whose territory adjoins that of an immediate neighbour is called a 'friend'); friend = image 9of: -,=rsmln:-karman, n. friendly act or service; friendship: -karmna kri, conclude friendship with (in.); -kama, a. wishing for friends;..karya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; -kriti, f. friendly act; -kritya, n. business of a friend, friendly service; (A)-gupta, pp. guarded by Mitra; sm. N.; -tfi,f. friendship; similarity with ( —O); -tva, n~id.; -druh, a. (nm. -dhruk) seekingtoinjureafriend, treacherous; -droha, m. injury of a friend, treachery; -drohin, a. treacherous; -bandhu-hina, pp. destitute' of friends and relations; -bhiva, m. friendship; -bheda, m. separation of friends, breach of friendship; T. of the first book of the Pahkatantra; -nmahas, a. having abundance of friends (gnly. vc.; RIV.); -mitra, n. friend's friend (in polity a prince whose, dominions are separated from those of another by the territories of three otherprinces); -labha, m. acquisition of friends; T'. of the, first book of the, Hito~padesa; -vat, ad. like a friend (ac.); a. possessed of friends; -vatSala, a. devoted to one's friends; -varana, nt. choice of friends; -varman, m. N.; -vidhvasta, pp. ruined by a friend; -vaira, n. dissension among friends; -sarman, m. N. of various men; -samprApti~f acquisition of friends, T. of the second book of the Pafikatantra; -saha, m. (indnilgent to friends), N. of a prince; -sfiha, a. indulgent towards friends; -sneha, m. friendly affection, friendship; -han, -hana, a. murdering a -friend.,ffqT~qTT mitra Mkira, m proper conduct towards a friend; - atithi, m. N.;..a6bhidroha, mi. seekingtoii-jure afriend, treachery. fiTWi mitrg-vadruna, rn. du. Mitra and Varuna: -devatya, a. having Mitra and Varuna as a deity. fVrT4P~ mitrat-vasu, m. Y. of a son of Visvdvasu, prince of the Siddhas. ffi~f'i~r nitr-ifya, a. derived from or relating to a friend, friendly. fiiT'P* mitr~i-kri, make a friend of (ac.); -bhft, become a friend of (in.). fRiletV. mitri-ya, den. P. desire to make a friend of; regard or treat as a friend; incline to friendship or an alliance. 110 mitra isvara, m. (with hara) N. of a temple of Siva erected by Mitrasarman. f~ft~ mitraudcaya, m. sunrise; welfare of a friend. flqMITH, I. & VI. P. metha & mitha '- (V.), associate oneself with any one; come into conflict, dispute, wrangle; reproach any one (ac.);A clash_._ fl'IT(~ mith-a's, ad. together, with (in.); to each other, mutually, reciprocally; 'alternately; privately, in secret. fiRfMW~ mithila, m. NY. of a p eop le (pl1.); N. of a prince, founder of Mithild: 9, f. N. of the capital of Videha. [wrongly. f-ifmlth-u (or fi), ad. (V7.) alternately; fI~Tmith-und, a. forming a pair; m. pair (a male and a female), couple (in general: in V. gnly. du., in C. mostly n. sg.); twins; n. other part, complement (rare); pairing, copulation; Gemini (sign of the zodiac); root compounded with a preposition (gr.): t& n., -bha'va, m. forming a pair. f~prIVj mithun$'-kri, cause to pair, with (in.); combine in pairs; -bhul or as, pair, copulate, with (in.); place oneself in pairs, take one's stand with (saha). #.~fvmthnikrn a. practising cohabitation; -bha'va, M. cohabitation, with (in.). fir-Mr mithu-ya, in. ad. [conflictingly], wrongl, falsely (V.): -kri, undo. fl-TSmithya, in. ad. [laterformofmithuyA] wrongly, incorrectly; falsely, untruly, deceitfully; not in reality, only in appearance; to no purpose, fruitlessly invan: - kri, act wrongly; break (one's word: w. na, keep-) deny; - brfl, - yak, - vad, state falsely, lie, feign; - bhfl, turn out, or prove false; - pravrit, behave in an unseemly manner towards (le.).I fMTfifiitr mithya-kopa, m. feigned anger; -kraya, m. false price; -graha, m. fruitless obstinacy; ^kra m.won rimproper conduct; a. acting hypocritically; -galpita, (pp.) n. wrong or false talk; -giilmna, n. misapprehension, error; -tva, n. falseness, unreality; -darsana, a. false appearance; -drishti.heresy; Zdhita, n. wrong courseo study; - adhyavasiti, f. false supposition (a.figure of speech in wchich the impossibility of a thing is expressed by making it depend on an impossible contingency: e. g. only one who wears a garland of air will secure the affections of a courtesan); -pandita, a. learned or clever only in appearance; -purusha, m. man only in appearance; -pratigila, a. false to one's promise, faithless; -prava'din, a. speaking falsely, lying.; -phala, n. imaginary advantage or reward; -buddhi,f. misapprehension; - bhidhaf false name; - abhidh&na, n. false statement; -abiyginJa making a false charge; - a9bhiamsana, n. false accusation; - bhisamsin, a. accusing falsely; - bhisasta, pp. falsely accused; - abhisasti, f. false charge; -_ abhisa'pa, M. d.; false prediction; -yoga, m. false emiployment; -&rambha, m. wrong treatment; -vakana, n. telling an untruth; -vikya, n. false statement lie; -yakc, a. speaking falsely, lying; -vaida, m. false statement, lie; a. telling an untruth, lying; -vidin, a. id.; -vyaPara, M. wrong occupation, meddling with what is not one's concern; -sikshin, m. false witness; -stava, m. unfounded praise (pl.); -stotra, n. id. (p.) hara, m. wrong diet; - upakara, m. pretended service or kindness; wrong (medical) treatment. MID, IV. P. m6dya (V.), VI. A^. "~med& (RVW.), grow fat; as. P. medaya, make fat (V.). fii'T mind-ftf. bodily defect (V.'). fmi-mafak-shu, des. a. [v'maqgg about to enter the water. fW "f~glni-mard-ay-ishu,des.cs.a. about to crush; -ishu, des. a. id. f, 1,f4 3 mi-ma'ray-ishu, des. cs. a. wishing to slay. ffw:mi-miksh-uh, 3 PI. pf. Vnmyaksh. f ~mime, s sg. Pr. A. na, measure. fTTMV miye-dha, m. =~' me'dha, at the end of a pada (RV.). f~~MIL, VI. P. muLla [very late root, Nnot occurring in the Epics or Kdlid Asa: perha ps den. fr. mnisla = misra], associate oneself, join, meet, fall in with (in. + saha, g., lc.); turn up, appear; to be met with; come or flock together, meet, congregate, assemble; come into contact, be connected; come to pass, happen: pp. milita, met with, having turned up or appeared; come together, united, assembled; come into conflict, encountered in fight; come to pass; taken together; combined with (-9; also pr..pt. milat, in this sense); cs. P. melaya, cause to meet any one. (g.), bring together, assemble. pari, pp. united or attended with (-0); assembled from all quarters. sam, come together, associate oneself with, join: pp. having turned up or appeared; come into time possession of (g.). f""v T milad-vya'dha, a. (having hunters thronging around =) surrounded by hunters. f;-iWV mil-ana, n. meeting, encountering, contact. fl-fT milinda,m.bee: -ka,m. kindof snake. f#W~ millat, f. N. [fW'TvTMIS, mix; des. mi-mik-sha.] f~~mis-rd, a. mixed, mingled, blended, combined; various, manifold, diverse; intertwined, tangled; mixed, connected, or associated with (in. ~ samam, g. or -- rarely0~-); O(w. names) accompanying, - and his companions (like Adi or adya,-0); -' w. honorsi c epithets = our 'etc. etc.' (e. g. Akrya-misra, honourable, etc. etc.); often -0 (sts. `0) wvith names, esp. of scholars, as an honors~fic designation; -s~, mixing, adulterating; m. abbreviation for names ending in misra; N.; n. capital together with interest. f#'W~i misra-ka, a. mixed, not pure; miscellaneous; mixing, adulterating (grain etc.) k -kesz'f. N. o~f an Apsaras. fT1rmisr-ana. ff mukta'-se-na. 229 fi misr-ana, n. mixing, mixture. fT mis-ra-dhftnya, n. mixed grain; -bhiva,, m. N. f"-4rnisra-ya,den.P.mix,mingle,combine, with (in.); add: pp. mnisrita, mixed, blended), with ( —O); promiscuous (taste). vi, mix up: pp. intermingled or combined with (in. or misril-kri, mlix with (in.); -bhft, be mixed or intertwined wit/s (in.); mix with sexually (in.); meet (glances); -bha'va, in. mingling (int.): -karman, n. action or process of becoming, mixed. f~mis-la, a.= misra ( —O with a,ni, sdm). fgqMISH, VI. P. mishk, open the eyes, N wink, blink: only pr. pt. mishat, gnlsy. in g. abs. uwit/s a noun = before tbe eyes or in presence of. ud, open the eyes; open (eyes, buds); shine forth, glitter; bloom, appear, arise: pp. unmishita, opened, expanded; smiling (face). prajid, arise. prati ud, shine forth, arise. sam-ud, arise out of (ab.); shine fortb. iii, close the eye; close (mnt., of t/e eye). fiimish-a, n. fraud, deception, delusive appearance,disguise; pretext: gnly. in., ab., or -tas (-.' with the cause oft/se deception or w/sat is pretended). fismish-ta [pp.= mnrishta], a. savoury, dainty; pleasant (smell); sweet (speech); n. savoury dish, dainty: -kartri, m. preparer of dainty disbes, skilful cook; -ta~f. sweetness; Apkaka, a. cooking savoury dishes; -v^ka a. speaking sweetly; Z_96na, n. sweet food. MII, I. P. (A. metr.) m,6ha, make waeupon (ac., le.), towards (ac.); emit semen: pp md/a. abhi, make water upon. ava, make water, upon or towards (ac.). pari, pp. made water around. f~l mih, f. mist, vapour (sts. pl..; R V.). f4Tfi'M mili-ika', f. snow. ff*fig" mihira, m. sun: -kula, m.' N. of a prince; -datta, m. N.; -pura, m. N. of a town;.Apad, f. eclipse of the sun; - isvara, m. N. of a temp le. fR-fuT'1qR nmihila'ropya, N. of a town (v. 1. mahilA-). T1 MI, IX. P. =miun (Vr., common), V. P. miin6ti (11 V.', C.) V.mlYate (RIV., rare), miI (RV.'), diminisb, destroy; lose (i/se way), stray; transgress, violate; change; Aps. be diminished, disappear, be lota, (11V.) hinder, frustrate; waste away, diminish; A.. withdraw, disappear; exchange (colour). ud(- 1m), disappear (RIV.). pra, frustrate, destroy (-mifloti, C.'); change; miss (way, time), forget, neglect, transgress (RIV.); cause to disappear, surpass; AA. be destroyed, perish, die; PS. -Mlyate (C.), id.: pp. -mita, deceased, dead; cs. (C.) -m^paya, P. destroy, kill; cause to be killed. mil occurs in some forms of vm, bleat. ~hmidha, pp. V/mih 'a, f. N.; n. m3idh&, 11l/si, reward; contest; mid/a, excrement. 4i? idsh-mat, a.= m'dhyds' ~mmdh-v~s,pf.pt. (weak base mlisi bo0untiful. iirmina, ms. fish; Pisces (sign of the zodiac): -ketu, m. (fish-bannered), god of love; -dhvaga, m. id.; -riga, m. king of the fish; -1&Tk/sana, n. god of love. fiRjErN ml-mftm-sa-ka, m. investigator, examiner (0-); follower of the Mlmamsh philosophy. iif-RTwr m~i-mhm-sa, f. [des. fr. v/man] deep reflexion, inquiry, examination, discussion; opinion; discussion of a sacred text; designation of a p/silosophical system, which is divided into two distinct branc/ses: the former, called Pftrva- or Karma-mmi~ns/c, andfounded by Gaimini, is c/siefly concerned wtit/st/secorrect interpretation of Vedic ritual; the latter, called Uttara-, Brahma-, or S~rlraka-mlmhmskc but best known under t/se name of Veda'nta, and founded by Baddardyana, is a pantheistic system discussing chiefly the nature of Bra/sman or the universal soul. 4 i1W~ mimams-ya, fp. to be investigated or called in question. f I~L, I. P. milla (Br., C.), close the Neyes; close (int., oft/se eyes); be collected: pp.miita, having closed the eyes, drowsy; disappeared, vanished;- fallen in with (in.); taken together; es. milaya, close (eyes, blossoms): pp. rmilita, closed (eyes). anu, as. close (t/se eyes). abhi, A. avert the eye. a, cs. close (the eyes); take complete possession of (the heart) vi, cs. close (the eyes,). ud, open the eyes; open (the eyes); become manifest, show itself, appear; cs. open (eyes), cause to expand (flowers); call forth, display, show: pp. unmilita, opened (eye), expanded (flower); displayed. pra ud, open the- eyes; bloom, expand (flower); become manifest., show itself; cs. open (the eyoes); display, manifest. sam-ud, become mnanifest,, show itself; cs. open (the eyes.); display, manifes t. nii, close the eyes; close (int., offlowers); disappear: pp. having closed the eyes; closed; vanished; cs. close (eyes, blossoms); close the eye; cause any one (ac.) to close the eyes.. vi-ni, pp. closed (eye). sam-ni, close the eye, pra, close the eyes: pp. having the eyes closed. sam, close the eyes ( V.); close (int., of flowers); cs. close (the eyes); shut the eyes; cause to close the eyes, darken, destroy. 4~rmil-ana, n. closing of the eyes, winking; closing (int., of eyes or flowers); implicit simile; -ita, pp. closed, etc.; n. implicit simile (e. g. young women wearing linen garments and jasmine wreaths etc. are invisible in the moonlight = they are shining white likce the moonlight). ~MfV,I. P.-mI'va, (V.)move: only '-pp. maLta (.-2). 'a, push, open (door); open: only pp. dl-milviti, and pr. p.a MIVat.. ni, press down (only pr-pt.). pra, push forwarde. prati, push back; close. UZ mukuta, m.na. diadema, tiara, crest. mukunda, m. ep. of Vishnu; hind of treasure. IBT mukura, m. mirror;, bud.,Ji mukula, n.. budi (also fig.. of the teeth); us. NT.; a. closed (eye). ff ff mukula-ya, den. P. close (the eyes): _pp. mukulita, having buds, blossoming; shut like buds (eyes, hands, flowers); closed. TIM mukulft-ya, den. A. shut like a bud, resemble a closed bud. f1W-f mukul-in, a. having buds, blossoming. fi t mukuliA-kri, close like a bud, draw inwards (fingers); -bha'va, n. state of being closed (of blossoms). ffmI muk-ta, pp. (v/muk) set free, released, from (in., ab.); loosened, detached, fallen or dropped down (fruit); relaxed, languid (limbs); loose (reins); quitted, left free (road), left bare (ban/c); just left by the sun (cardinal point); abandoned, given up; laid or cast aside (clothes); deposited (flowers); gone, vanished (esp. ' a.); shed (tears); uttered (sound); sent-forth, emitted; thrown down, cast, discharged, hurled; applied (kcic/c); having cast oneself down; delivered from sin or the bonds of existence, emancipated; destitute of (in. or -0); m. N. of a coo/c. IJ~ mukta-ka, a. detached, independent; n. independent sloka (the meaning of which is complete in itself); simple prose (without compound words);, -kantha, a. or-in, ad. with krand or rud, shout or cry (with relaxed throat = ) at the top of one's voice; -kara, a. open-handed, liberal; -'kesa, a. (a',: ) having loose or dishevelled hair; -ta&, f., -tva, n. deliverance from the bonds of existence, final emancipation; -nidra, a. awakened; -bandhana, a. released from bonds; -buddhi, a. having one Is soul emancipated; -vasana, m. (having cast aside raiment), Jamn monk (= dig-ambara); -sApa, a. having a curse laid aside, released from a curse; -sikha, a. having the top-knot loosened, having the hair hanging down; -saisava, a. (having left childhood behind), grown up; -samsaya, a. free, from doubt, undoubted; -sfixyi, a. f with dis, quarter just quitted by the sun; -svamin, us. N. of a temple; -hlasta, a. openhanded, bountiful, liberal. ITT muk-th, f, [pp. V/mu/c, secreted by the oyster], pearl: -kana, us. N.; -kalapa, m. pearl necklace: 3i-kri, turn into a pearl necklace; - aka~ra, a. looking like a pearl: atf pearllike appearance; -kesava, us. N. of a statue of Krishna; -guna, in. string or necklace of pearls; excellence of a pearl, pearl of pure water; -gala, a. pearl necklace: -maya, a. (i') consisting of pearls; - itman, a. whose soul is delivered, emancipated; -dalman, n. string of pearls; a 4pad. a. rescued from misfortune; z pida, usT. N. of a prince and of a poet; -puma, us. N. of a mythical town in the Hisndlaya. n'iT uktft-phala, n. pearl: -ketu, us. N.; -gala, a. pearl necklace; -ta^, f. state of a pearl; -dhvaga, sar. N. of a prince; -maya, a. consisting of pearls; -iatfi, f. string of pearls. TIMIfTI muktft-mani, us. pearl: -sara, us. string of pearls; -maya, a. (i) consisting of pearls. IJXZWmukta anukta, pp. cast and not cast (said of a missile which can be used as a hand-weapon); -ambara, m. Jamn monk (=dig-ambara).;f-m4r4 nmnktiq-ratiia, n. pearl; -masmimaya, a.. radiant with pearls; -iata, f. N.; - ava~ii(or i), f. string of pearls; N.; -sukti, f. pearl oyster. IJ Tv miukta fsana, n. sitting posture of the emancipated; a.. having risen or rising from one's seat. VVI~[I mnukta-sena, us.. N. of a prince of the fairies; -sthfila, a. large as pearls (tears); -hima, M. string of pearls, pearl necklace: -iat', f. pearl necklace; a fhira, a. taking no food. 230 fiN muk-ti. v3jd mukukunda. fWni muk-ti, f. release, deliverance, from (-~); emancipation from the bonds of existence, final beatitude; abandonment of (-~); throwing, hurling, discharging: -kalasa, m. N. of an ancestor of Bilhana; -kshetra, n. place of salvation, Benares; -ta,f. state of release; -pati, m. lord of salvation; -pura,n. N. of a Dv-pa; -pur-dasyu, m. robberofthe citadel of salvation; -vat, a. delivered from (ab.). It' muk-te, (pp. Ic.) prp. excepting (in.). v mdkha, n. (o- a. a, i) mouth; jaws; face; snout, muzzle (of an animal), beak (of a bird); direction, quarter; spout (of a vessel: rare); mouth, opening, entrance, into (g. or -~); forepart, tip, point, head (of an arrow); edge (of a sharp instrument); surface, top, upper side; head, chief; beginning; original cause of the action of a drama; source, occasion, of (g., -~); means; -~ a. having in the or as a mouth; having a (pale, etc., attributive a.) face; having a face like (e. g. goatfaced); having a face covered with or showing (e.g. tears, frowns, anger); facing or looking towards (-m, ad.); having as a beginning, beginning with.;q W mukha-gata, pp.beingin the month or face; being in front; -grahana, n. kissing the mouth; -kandra, m. moon-like face; -kandramas, m. id.; -aapala, a. talkative, garrulous; -kapetika, f. slap in the face; -kapalya, n. garrulousness; -kkhavi,f. colour of the face, complexion; -ga, m. (born from the mouth of Brahman), Brahman; -tas, ad. from, at, in, or by the mouth; in the face; in front, forward, from the front; before (g.); -paiikaga, m. lotus-face; -pata, m. veil; -pinda, m. mouthful of food; -priya, a. pleasant in the mouth; -bandhana, n. introduction, preface; -bhainga, m. slap in the face, with (-~); distorted face, grimace; -bhaigl, f. distortion of the face; -bheda, m. id.; -mandala, n. face; -matra, a. (i) reaching to the mouth; -maruta, m. breath (of the mouth); -mudrana, n. closing the mouth of (g.); -mudra, f. distortion of the face or sealing of the lips; -motana, n. smacking of the lips. Z!q mukha-ra, a. talkative, loquacious (also of birds and bees); tinkling (anklets etc.), sounding; -~, eloquent or resonant with, expressive of,, pouring forth; m. ringleader, chief: -ka, in. V. of a rogue; -ta, f. talkativeness, loquaciousness. m[~ h mukhara-ya, den. P. make talkative, cause to speak or talk; cause to sound, make resonant. [complexion.;R7[T mukha-raga, m. colour of the face,;Jf RKiT mukhar-ika,f. bit on a bridle; -i, f. id. RntiKi mukhari-kri, make talkative; cause to resound.;fi't' mukha-roga, m. mouth-disease; -lepa, m. besmearing the mouth; upper side of a drum; -vat, a. having a mouth; -varna, m. colour of the face, complexion; -vsa, m. mouth-perfume (used to scent the breath); -vyadana, n. opening the mouth, yawn; -sasin, m. moon-like face; -suddhi, f. cleansing of the mouth; -sesha, a. having only his face or head left; m. ep. qf Rhu; -sodhana, a. pungent; n. cleansing the mouth; -sosha, m. dryness of the mouth; -sri, f. beauty of countenance, lovely face; -sukha, n. facility of pronunciation; -srava, m. flow of saliva. [TjETK mukha kaara, m. look, mien; -._kshepa, m. turning up of soil with the ploughshare and abuse proceeding from the mouth; - aiga, n. part of the face; - aditva, n. state of being the face etc.; -anila, m. breath; - abga, n. lotus face; - ambuga, n. id.; - asava, m. nectar of the lips; - &srava, m. flow of saliva; - svada, m. kissing of the mouth; - indu, m. moon-like face: -bimba, n. id.; -utkirna, m. N. v mfikh-ya, a. being in or on the mouth or face, coming from the mouth; being at the head, chief, principal, foremost, first, best (of, -~), pre-eminent; m. leader: -tas, ad. chiefly; -ta, f. pre-eminence, among (g. or -0); -tva, n. id.; -mantr-in, m. prime minister: (-i)-tva, n. premiership; -sas, ad. first of all; - artha, m. principal or original meaning (of a word); a. having or employed in the original meaning. vim mug-dha, pp. (V/muh) strayed (V.); bewildered (very rare); foolish, stupid (uncommon); simple, innocent, artless, youthfully charming, lovely, sweet (of girls and young women; ord. mg.); young; strikingly like (-~). Cp. madha. FI"lTW mugdha-tf, f. simplicity, artlessness; -tva, n. grace, charm; -dris, f. faireyed; -dvipa, m. N. of an island; -dhi, a. dull-witted, stupid; m. simpleton; -buddhi, a. id.; -bodha, n. (enlightening the ignorant, sc. vyakarana), T. of a grammar by Vopadeva; -bh&va, m. simplicity, inexperience; -vat, a. bewildered, undiscerning in (lc.); -svabhava, m. artlessness; - akshi, a.f. faireyed woman; -agra-ni, m. chief of fools, consummate idiot; -&tman, a. silly, stupid; -jkshana, a.f. fair-eyed woman. m; - munga, m. N.: -ta, m. N. [ MWUK, IV. A. mufkya (very rare), o \VI. P. muki (V.), VI. P. A. muiika (V., C.), let go, let loose, set free, release, from (ab. or -tas); free oneself, escape from (in., ab., or rarely g.; A. or ps.); spare (any one); relax (the throat =raise a cry), set free (the life of= deprive of life); allow to depart, send away, dismiss (to, d.); despatch to (lc.); slacken (reins); quit, leave (place, seat, etc.); abandon, desert (a person); give up, layaside, relinquish (w. kalevaram or deham, body, or glvitam, pran&n, life, = die); emit, discharge; utter; shed (tears); give away, bestow; cast, fling, hurl, shoot, at (d., g., lc., or prati); throw oneself (atmanam) down from (ab.); ps. mnukyate, be released, freed, or absolved from (in., ab.); be deliveredfrom sin or the bonds of existence; abstain from (ab.); be deprived of (in.); be destitute of, be without (in.): pp. mukta, q. v.; gd. muktv&, excepting (ac.); cs. mokaya, P. (A. metr.) release, free, from (ab., rarely in.); set at liberty, allow to go free; unyoke; open; redeem (a pledge); give away; cause to give up (2 ac.); cause to shed (tears; 2 ac.); des. mfnmuksha, about to give up or relinquish (life; P.); about to hurl (a missile; P.); wish to free oneself (A.); irr. des. m6ksha, A. wish to free oneself, seek deliverance; free oneself from (ac.); des. of cs. mumokayisha, P. wish to deliverfrom the bonds of existence. ati, ps. avoid, escape (ac.). viapa, take off (ornaments) from (ab.). abhi, emit, give forth; cast, discharge. ava, unyoke; A. take or cast off one's (clothes, ornaments, etc.) from (ab.). viava, take off (shoes). a, put on (garments, ornaments); throw, cast (glances) on (lc.): pp. anmukta, put on (garment); clothed with (-~), dressed in (ac.); put off (garment: very rare). ud, free, from (ab.); unloosen, unfasten; open (a letter); take off (garment, etc.); quit; pay (debt); utter; cast, at (lc.); ps. be delivered or saved: pp. unmukta, free from, devoid of (-~); taken off (clothes); uttered, by (-~); cs. deliver, from (ab.); unloosen (hair); take off. pra ud, pp. loose, flowing (hair). sam-ud, pp. given up (body) at the same time (= died). upa, A. put on (clothes, etc.). nis, liberate, from (ab.); loosen; ps. cast off its skin (snake); free oneself from (ab.); be deprived of (in.): pp. nirmukta, liberated, escaped from any one (in.); delivered from (ab.); free from (ab., -~); detached; abandoned, lost, gone (~- a.); cast, discharged; having cast its skin (snake); deprived or destitute of (-~); cs. deliver from (ab.); redeem (a pledge) from (ab.). abhinis,pp. incorr.for abhi-ni-mlukta. vi-nis, give up, relinquish (the body=die); ps. rid oneself of (in.): pp. escaped, freed from, rid of, free or exempt from (in., ab., or -~); cast, discharged. pari, release, free, from (ab.): A. free oneself from (in., ab., g.); unloose, take off; abandon, leave, quit; emit, send forth; ps. be freed, from (in., ab., g.); be deliveredfrom the bonds of existence: pp. freed, from (-~); taken off; given up. pra, set at liberty, free from (ab.); unfasten, untie, detach; drive away, cast off (V.); give up, abandon; emit, send forth, discharge; cast, hurl; bestow, grant; ps. be freed from (in., ab.); be loosened; fall off (fruit), from (ab.); cease, desist: pp. freed from (in., ab.); abandoned, deserted; given up; emitted; shed (tears); cast, discharged; cs. free from (ab.); untie, loosen (hair); des. -mumuksha, P. wish to abandon. vi-pra, liberate; take off; cast, discharge; ps. be freed from (ab.); get off free, escape punishment: pp. delivered or free from (in., -~); cast, discharged. prati, P. put anything (ac.) on any one (d., g., lc.); (A., C. also P.) put (ac.) on one's (head, etc.), assume (a shape); inflict on any one, do to (Ic.); attach or fasten to (lc.); set at liberty, send away; abandon,relinquish; pay (a debt); cast, discharge, at (lc.); ps. be freed from (ab.): pp. applied (ointment) to (lc.); released, freed from (ab.); given up, relinquished; cast, hurled; cs. deliver, rescue, from (ab.). vi, undo, unloosen, unyoke (A. - one's); be unloosened, be set free; (unyoke=) make a halt (P. A.); take off (clothes, etc.); set at liberty, spare; quit (a place); abandon; desert; give up (life=die); relinquish, avoid (pride, etc.); lose consciousness (samgii&); pardon (a fault, etc.); emit, discharge, shed (tears); bring forth, lay (eggs); utter; throw, discharge, at (lc.); cast oneself (atmanam) into (lc.); bestow on (lc.); assume (aform): w. na, not cease running or flowing, not rest (rivers, horses); ps. be unloosened; be slack (reins); be delivered or freed from (in., ab., -tas); escape, from (ab.); be released or escape from the power of (ab.); be delivered from the bonds of existence, obtain final liberation; be deprived of (a relation, life: in.): pp. unyoked, loose (ox); flowing (hair); released or free from (in., ab., -~); escaped from (ab.); launched (ships); delivered, esp.from the bonds of existence; deserted by (-O); given up, abandoned (esp. o- a.); discharged by, flowing from (-~); cast, hurled; shed (rain); deprived of (in.); having recently cast its skin (snake); dispassionate; 0- a. = -, released from; connected with (-O); cs. detach; unyoke; release, deliver, from (ab.), relieve; keep off, avoid. pra-vi, send away, dismiss; let go; give up, abandon (the body=die); ps. free oneself from (ab.). sam, shed (tears); cs. release, relieve. Vq muk, a. (-~ ) freeing or delivering from; emitting, shedding, discharging; hurling: -a, a. (-~ ) id. (rare).:xiTj mukukunda, m. N. of an ancient I RVmug. I mub. 23 231 king, who, for the assistance he rendered to the gods in overcoming the demons, was rewarded with the boon of an unbrohen sleep. [ZIWMUG,;g MUrG, reso-and.].0:5 muilka, pr. base of Vm-th. ff mdlilg-a, m. [resounding, rustling], reed-grass, sedge; sp. a hind of rush (Saccharum munja) from the fibres of which the lBrahman's girdle is made; N. of various men. 1, mun-ga-kesa, a. having hair resembling reed-grass, ep. of Vishnu and Siva; m. N.; -dha~rin, a. holding muiziga grass in one's hand; -n-5gana, a. purified from reed-grass (Ry.'); -maya, a. (i3) consisting of mufiga grass; -mekhalin, a. having a girdle of reed. grass, ep. of Vishnu and Siva; -visas, a. having a garment of reed-grass, ep. of Siva. if muiigii-kri, tuir-n into mun-ga grass, crush to fibres (trees). MUI. A. -mota, break, crush. ud, %~Nbreak or tear off. prati, as. put an end to, kill. ~13munda, a. having the head shaved, having the hair shorn; bald (head); hornless (cow, goat); having a bare top (tree); having no point, blunt; m. man with a shaven head or bald pate; N.: -ka, m. trunk of a tree, beam: - upauishad, f. T. of a wellknown Upanishad. JvNIT mund-ana, n. shaving of the head (~ sirasah). ffUr munda-ya, den. P. shave (the head): pp. ita, shaved, shorn; bald. Vfr~mund-in., a. having the head shaved (also ep. of Siva); hornless. Tcmmutava, hind of grass. T mut-kala, m. N.;~- MUD, I. A'. (P. mnetr.) m6da (V., C), \~Nbe merry or glad, rejoice, delight in (in., lc.): pp. inudita, joyful, glad, rejoicing in (in., -'O); es. P. modaya, gladden. anu, rejoice with (ac.); rejoice in or at (ac.); encourage (any one); approve, sanction; permit any one (ac.) to (d. of vbl. N.); cs. gladden; receive with approval: pp. auu-modita, delighted; won over, rendered favourable; having the sanction of (in., -O); received with approval, joyfully welcomed. 'a, be fragrant; cs.pp. Amodita, rendered fragrant with V~~) pra, grow merry, rejoice, exult: pp. exultant, delighted, joyful; exuberant, gorgeous (autumn); cs. gladden. prati, exult at, receive joyfully (ac.); cs. A. gladden, exhilarate. ' md,f. joy, delight, gladness (sts.pl.). IJ~ mud-ft, f. joy, gladness; -ita, pp. (Vmud) glad etc.; n. kind of embrace; -ira, m. [gladdener], cloud. Ewmud-ga', m. kind of kidney-bean (Phaseolus Mungo: the plant and the seed). 4JWTmud-gara, m. hammer; hammer-like weapon: -ka, _9 a. (i-ka) hammer. ff I mfid-gala, m. [shouting for joy], N., esp. of a IRishi. 27-J rnud-rd, a. merry, joyful (A V.1). WT mudr-ana, n. sealing, closing (~) IT mudra-ya, den. P. stamp; seal; print: pp. ita, sealed, stamped; bearing the impress or marks of (0;sealed with (sleep, 0'); printed; closed (eye, hand, flower); avoided. ud, unseal, break open (letter): pp. unmud I rita, released, liberated. vi, close or cork up; open,,ibegin. ffiT mud-'ft, f. signet-ring, seal (also the impression; ord. mg.); (wooden) type; stamp, impression; mark, token, badge; seal, lock =s~aled closed,eyes,lips, mouth); mystery; mark (of a divine attribute etc.) made on the body; mode of holding, or intertwining the fingers (in religioes worship or magic rites); direct designation, calling anything by its real name. Z3TlqTmudrft akshara, n. letter of a stamp, type; _..aiika, a., - afikita, _pp. stamped or marked with, bearing the impress of(0) -yantra, n. printing-press: - glaya, mn. printing-house; -ra'kshasa, n. i~&Jkshasa (N. of a minister) and the ring: T. of a play by Fisd~khadatta; -lipi, f. stamped writing, print. ZfRIT mudr-ikfl, f. signet-ring; ring; stamped coin; mode of holding or intertwining the fingers. 30j.ffr mudr-ita, pp. of mudraya; n. impressing a seal on (le.). 4INT mudhft, ad. [V-,mub] in vain, uselessly, to no purpose; falsely, wrongly. 4,fit miini, m.in spired or ecstatic m an (V/..); sage, seer, ascetic, hermit, sp. one who has taken the vow of silence (C., rarely in Br,.); seer in the heart = conscience: p1l. the seven sages (= the seven Rishis) or stars of the Great Bear; sg. N.; N. of the mango tree, Artemisia indica, Butea frondosa, Buahanania latifolia, and Agati grandijlora. ff-I~i' milni-kesa,9 a. wearing long hair like a Muni (AV.'); -parampara', f. uninterrupted tradition; -putra, mn. son of an ascetic; -vana, n. forest inhabited by ascetics, hermit forest; -vara, in. best of the seven Munis, ep. of Vasishtha as one of the stars, of the Great Bear; best of ascetics; -vrata, a. observing the vow of (ascetics =) silence. n muni indra, in.. chief of asceti-cs, great sage: -ta., f. dignity of a great sage. IR munimiusha, N. of a locality. f#'tk muiIsa, m.prnce of ascetics, great sage or ascetic,. ep. of Sflkyamnuni-and VAImlki; -i ar, mn. id.; eiar p. of Vishnu and of Buddha. IjRj muni nna, n. pl. food of ascetics. ~~qTF mu-mulk-shft, des. f. (Vmuk) desire for liberation, from (ab.); -shiit, des. a. desirous of releasing any one (ac.) from (ab.); wishing to give up or relinquish (ac.); intending to emit or give forth (ac. or -; wishing to discharge arrows (ac.) at (lc.); wishing to be free, striving after final liberation:- -tai, f., -tva, n,. desire of liberation or final emancipation. (IT mu-mftr-shft, f. desire of death; moribund condition; -shu, des. a. desiring or ready to die; dying, moribund. mu-moksh-ay-ishu, des. as. a. wishing or intending to deliver; -m~okayishu, des. as. a. id. mifii mum-Muni, mn. N.;UTmura, m. N. of a Daitya slain by Vishnu or Krishna. ET: m Lrakl, f. N. of a river. IjK5 muraga, mn. kind of drum, tabor: -ka, m. N. of an attendant of Siva. IVfTr? mura-git, m. conqueror of Mura, ep. of Krishna or Vishnu; -dvish, m. foe of -, -bhid, m. destroyer of -, -mardana, in. crusher of -, -ripu, in. foe of Mura, id. 9r2r; muma-la, m. hind of freshwater fish;N. f apeople (pl.); prince of Murala: f. N. of a river in the country of the Keralas. 1JqT mura-vftra, m. N. of a prince of the Turueshkas. I'-itfi mura-vairin, in. foe of Muma, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -ani, m. id.; N. NW MURKH, v. Ri4 MURKH-. IJBT4 mtlr-mur-a, rn. expiring ember; fire of chaff. 13rif~', muldl-in m. or -3" f. edible lotus root (AVK'). MUSH, I. P. m6sha (.IIV-.'), VI. P. ' musha (E., rare), IX. P. A. mushn&, mushni. (TV., C.), rob, steal, carry off, plunder; steal from, rob of( (2 ac.; V.); remove; captivate,, ravish (eyes, heart); blind, dazzle (eyes);. obscure,,cloud (light, intellect); excel, surpass: pp.mushit&, stolen, plundered (exceptionally mushta), robbed, of (aa.); removed; blinded,obscured; captivated; naked; deceived; made fun of., 'a, take away, bear off (V.).. pari, rob,.of ( 2 aa.). pra, take away, deprive of: pp.. taken away, robbed (also -mushta);. captivated; distracted, beside oneself., vi, pr.. pt- -mushayat, taking away,destroying; pp..-mushta, taken away, destroyed. sam, rob,, deprive of.,P mush, a. (-..) stealing, carrying off, depriving of; destroying,.dispelling (darhness); surpassing. ~PT,'mushfl-yd,denP.,steaJ,carry off (R V.). IfE mushita-ka, n.. stolen property. ~1Imush-ka', in. testicle: du,. female organ: (a)-desa, m. region of the testicles%, groin. E'9fOZ mushta'-mushti,. ad. fist to fist, fighting hand to hand,.. mush-ti, m. f. clenched hand, fist; handful (also as a measure);, handle, hilt (of a sword eta.); brief contents. ER mushti-ka~inhandful (-O); particular position of the hands; n. (?) pugilistic encounter; -gra~hya, fp. to be clasped with one hand (waist); -gha~ta, in.. blow with the fist - -in, abs.. with han, strike with the fists; -praha~ra, in.. blow with the fist; -meya, fp. to be measured or clasped with one hand (waist); -yuddha, n.. pugilistic encounter; -vadha, in. devastation of the crops; -han, a. striking with the fist, fighting hand to hand. R#tF mushti-kri, c lench the hand; clench (hand). j~milsa-la, m. n. pestle; club, mace; clapper (of abell):Z -&udha, m. (armed with a club), e~p. of Baladeva. EVNfI musal-in, a. holding a club in his hand; m. ep. of Baladeva; -i"-bhf^, become a club.. ~ mus-ta, m. n., 6,f. hind offragrant grass (Cypemus rotundus): (a)-ka, m. n., ^, f. id. -Fi MUHl, IV. P. (A.) miithya (V., C.), be bewildered or perplexed, be at a loss what to do; go astray, err, be deceived or deluded; lose consciousness; become confused; fail, miscarry: pp. mugdhk (q. v.), artless eta., and mfmdh& (q. v.), confused eta.; 232 232 -mub-u,.;rimula-ka. CS. mohaya, P. (A'. metr.) confound, perplex, bewilder, stupefy, infatuate; throw into confusion; cause to fail: pp. mohita, confounded, infatuated, etc.: intv. momuhyate, be greatly confused. ati, be at a complete loss what to do: pp. atimugdha, dumfounded. vi9,, A.. become confused in (lc.): pp. -mO'dha, perplexed, deluded; cs. confuse, delude, infatuate, bewitch. ud, pp. unmugdha,'bewildered; stupid, foolish. pari, be confused or bewildered; go wrong, err: pp. -mu'ha, confused; cs. perplex; thrown into confusion: pp. bewildered, stupefied. pra, be bewildered or stupefied, swoon: pp. -mugdha, stupefied,unconscious,swooning; very charming; -mitdha, bewildered, stupefied; infatuated, foolish; es. perplex, stupefy. vi-pra, cs. confuse: pp. bewildered, stupefied. sampra, become confused or clouded (mind): pp. confused; cv. bewilder, stupefy. vi, become bewildered or stupefied, faint: pp. -mugdha, bewildered; -mu'ha, perplexed, at a loss, uncertain, with regard to or in (-O); foolish; cs. bewilder, stupefy; delude, infatuate; efface (a path): pp. bewildered, etc.; bewitched. Sam, growconfused or stupefied; be obscured, become unrecognisable (uarters of the sky) to (g.): pp. -mugdha, gone astray; perplexed, confused in mind; not clearly understood; -mutdha, confused, stupefied; perplexed as to (_O); foolish; more foolish than (ab.); riven (clouds); cs. confuse, stupefy; delude, infatuate. J'5 mdih-u (or -ii), ad. suddenly, in a moment (B 77.). ~14 1 miih-ur, ad. [in a bewildering manner],suddenly, in a moment (frequently with afollowing '; V.); for a moment, for a while (BT77.); on the contrary (C.); every moment, repeatedly, incessantly (C.): rep. id.; muhur - muhur, now - now, at one time - at another.,! V muhus-kfrin, a. recurring. muhfir-tsi, mn. n. '[den. pp. fr. muhur, past in a trice], moment, instant; hour of forty-eight minutes (one-thirtieth of a day): 0-, in a moment; for a moment; in. in a moment, presently; ab. after a moment, instantly: -ka, m. or n. (?) moment; hour; -kovida, m. (skilled in auspicious moments), astrologer; -rziga, a. red or attached for a moment. FI t bind, fasten, close.] Mu-ka, a. dumb, mute; silent, speechless: _tA,f, -tva, n. dumbness; speechlessness. inmfiki-kri, make dumb, silence. muga-vat, m. (V.) NV. of a mountain: pl. N. of a people in the western RHimalayas. ^mfiAd, pp. (V/muh) gone astray; driven out of its course (ship); bewildered, confounded, at a loss about, uncertain in (lc. or — O); stupid, foolish, dull, silly; perplexing; M. fool, dolt: pl. designation of the elements (ph,.); n. confusion of mind. I~~Imfdka-ketana, a. stupid, foolish; -ketas, a. id.; -t&', f., -tva, n. bewilderment, stupefaction, infatuation; stupidity, foolishness; -drishti, a. having a dull look, stupid, silly; -dhi., a. dull-witted, stupid, foolish; -prabhu, ni. chief of fools, great blockhead; -buddhi, -mati, a. confnsed in mind, dullwitted, stupid, foolish; - itmau, a. unconscious. j~T d-ta m.. [p. V/'mi, bound together], plaited basket: -ki, n. little basket (Br.'); akrya, a. shaped like a basket. jT milttiba, m. pl. N. of a people. I~mft-tra, a. urine: -m kri, make water; -dosha, m. urinary disease. A - upon (P.): pp. mfttrita, having made water. ava, make water upon. t-AT-0 1mfttra ukkara, m. ()voiding -urine and excrement: lc. while - mT mft-ya, a. relating to urine. [~332 MYJR, become rigid or solid.] r. mfil-rd, a. [Vmiv] impetuous (horses; B V'.'1). IF 2. mfir-d, a. dull, stupid, foolish (V7.). 3. mOdr-a, n. =T if mi'la, root (V7.). mfirkh-6, a. [V/mfirkk] dull, stupid, Tfoolish; inexperienced in (lc.); m. fool, blockhead: -ta', f., -tva, n. dullness, stupidity, folly; -vyasaui-na~yaka, a. headed by a silly and vicious leader; -sata, n.p p1. hundreds of fools. +&fCITm ftrkhTI-bhft,become stupid or silly. i~jmfYR-KH, I. P. [der. of Vmfir, beC.Ncome solid] mu'rkha (C., very rare in V.), coagulate, congeal, become solid (rare); grow rigid, faint, swoon, become unconscious; become dense (darkness); thicken, grow strong or powerful; increase, be augmented, become numerous; grow vehement; extend to, pervade; have power or prevail against (lc.); have an effect on (lc.); cause to sound alou d (rare); deafen (ra re): pp. m Ur-t&, coagulated (V.); (become firm), solid, corporeal; embodied, incarnate; swooning, in a faint, insensible; mfirkhita, insensible, swooning; fainted (also n. imps. w. in. of subject); thick; far-extending; strong, powerful; increased, intensified; swollen; filled or pervaded with ( —O); mixed with (0-); reflected (rays); agitated, excited; es. mfirkhaya, P. (A. metr.) cause to coagulate (S.); give a bodily shape to (U.); stupefy; strengthen; excite; cause to sound. ud, be stupefied, faint. vi, pp. -urta cogulated, become solid (77.); -mu~rkhita, formed into a solid mass, become gelatinous; full of ( —); resounding with ( —P). sam, coagulate, solidify; gather strength, increase, be intensified; sound aloud: p~p. sammfirkhita, stupefied; increased, intensified; filled with (-'0); reflected (rags); modulated (tone); as. cause to faint. #V mfirkh-ana, a. stupefying; strengthening, increasing ( —); n. swooning; raging (of diseases, fire); n., 'a, f. regular rise and fall of tone, modulation, melody. lj4T mftrkk-fl, f. congealment, solidification (of quicksilver); faint, swoon; mental stupefaction, delusion; melody: - A~kshepa, m. indication of dissatisfaction with anything by swooning (rh.); -maya, a. swoon-like.;Ff~tI mftrkh-ita, (pp.) n. kind of song. A~! mr-na, pp. (o,/2.mrin), crushed, etc. mi-td-,pp. [,Vmft-r] v. Vmftrkh: -tva, n. maeilform, corporeal -nature. mi&rti, f. [V/mfir] solid body, material form, body (pl. solid parts); manifestation, incarnation, embodiment; person, form, framse, figure, appearance; image, statue;P a. formed of: -tva, n. corporeal nature; -dhara, a. having a body,' emhodied, incarnate; -mat, a. having a material form, corporeal;, embodied, incarnate, personified;.2 formed of; -vighuesa, sn-pl. the eight manifestations of Siva and the various Ganesas. (I~ mArdha, sts. In= ftrdhan: -ga, a. sitting down on any one's head; -ga, sa. pl. (produced on the head), hair of the head; mane; -tis, out of or on the head. IVPTmiir-dhdn, m. forehead; skull; head; highest or most prominent part, top (of a tree), summit, peak (of a mountain), height (of heaven), forefront (of battle); head, chief; ab. mitrdhnih, (77) at the head of, before, above (g.); le. mfirdhui, id.: - vrit, be above everything, prevail; - dhri, hear on the head, hold in high honour; - A-a' Place on the head, hold in high honour, attach great value to (ac.); mitrdhna^ kri, id. TJ W muirdban-ya, a. being on the skull or head; formed in the head, cerebral or lingual (sounds: yr.); chief, pre-eminent. ~I~ mirdha anta, m. crown of the head; -~hshikta, _pp. (sprinkled on the head), consecrated, inaugurated (king); in. consecrated king; - bhisheka, in. (consecration, inauguration (oqf a king); - avasikta, (pp.) m. a mixed caste (offsprng of aBrha and a Kshatriya'). mu mr-vft, f. kind of hemp (Sanseviera Boxburghiana) of which bowstrings and Kshatriyas' girdles are made: -maya, a. made of MftrvA. m11-a [= m'r-a, rigid, fixed part], n (_ 0 a. 'a, ^I) root; edible root; root== end by which anything (e. g. tooth,finger, arm, tail, etc.) is fixed; foot (of a mountain), base, lower part; edge of the horizon; bottom; immediateneighbourhood;foundation,origin, source, beginning; chief place, capital; capital (opp. interest); original, text (opp. commentary); temporary owner (opp. rightful owner); square root; Qchief; -- a. having its root in, based on, derived from; mu'lam kri or bandh, take or strike root, obtain a firm footing; mama midlam, to my side, to me; m-h1at, from the bottom, thoroughly; a mitia't or mfil1&d Arabhya, from the beginning. 1TIO mqlln-ka, a. (ikAM) having its root in, produced or derived from; n. radish; root; -karman, n. magic rites with roots; -,r ana, n. original or prime cause; -krihkhra, in. n. penance consisting in eating only roots; -kha'naka, m. digger of roots; -grantha, m. original text; -kkhUua, pp. cut off with the root, dissipated (hope); -k-kheda, m. cutting down (a tree) by the root; -7ckhedin, a. destroying the text (super-cleverness); -ga, a. growing from the root (plant); formed on roots of trees (ant-hill); -tis, ad. below: w. Aa, from the root onwards; from the beginning (relate); -ta', f. being the root or source of ();-tva, n. id.; -deva, in. N.; -dvaka, n. main door; -uikrintana, a. (i) cutting off by the root, destroying root and branch (-0); -purusha, m. (root-man), male representative of a family; -prakriti, f. primeval or unevolved matter (in the Sa'ik-hya phil.; also calledpradhflna): pl.principalsovereigns to be considered in time of war; -pranihita,.pp. known through spies from the beginning (thieves); -phala, n. roots and fruits; interest of capital; -bhava, a. growing from roots; -bha'ga, m. lower part; -bhritya, m. hereditary servant; -mantra, in. main or heading text; spell; -mantra-maya, a. formed of spells, taking effect like a spell; -r~ma&yana, n. original (i. e. Vdlmilki's) iRhmfyana;, -vakana, n. original words or text; -vat, a. . - I.A - I #&I CD mftl ika.' 17" mrig. 0, 3 3"' supplied with (esculent) roots (place); standing upright; -vipa, m. planter of (esculent) roots; -vinsanSaU, vs. radical destruction; -vyasana-vritti-mat, a. following a calling which is a hereditarily 'vile, occupation; -vyaAdhi, m. main disease; -vratin, a. subsisting exclusively on roots; -s~dhana, n. main instrumient; -sthiana, n. base, foundation; chief place; Multan; -stla'yin, a. existing from the beginning (Siva); -srotas, n. main stream of a river; -hara, a. taking away the roots, completely destroying (g.): -tva, n. complete ruin; - yatana, n. original abode or seat; - Asin, a. subsisting on roots. nimfil-ika, a. original; -ikaf. magical root; -in, a. having a root. MIM m~li-karana, n. extraction of the square root; -kr-i, extract the square root. u ila ukkheda, m. eradication, extermiatio;. atkta pp. dug out by the roots, utterly d1estroyed; n. digging up of ros _yddharana, n. means of eraictn anything (g.).*jv mftl-ya, a. attached to the root; n. price, marketable value; wages, hire; earnings; capital (op~p. interest): mfilyena, by way of payment: - ribuy, - da, sell, -Marg, endeavour to buy: -ka, n. price, value; -karana, vs. turning into capital, realizing; -dravya, n. purchase-money; -vivargita, pp. priceless. ~muishl m.f. mouse (RV.). i97 mush-a, m. rat, mouse; crucible: -ka, m. rat, mouse; thief, robber. mftsh-ika, m. rat, mouse: -nirvisesha. not differing from a mouse; -vishana, Us. mouse~s horn (a chimera); -sthlala, vs. mole-hill.' TJjRIT mu~sh-ikft, f. rat, mouse: -kriti, a. shaped like a rat's tail; -utkara, m. mole-hill. I.MR1, I. P. A. m~ra (RiV., C1) pf. mamara (V., C.), _ps. mriy~te (V., C.), die: pf. pt. act. mamrivfis, f. mamriitshi, moribund; _pp. mrit&, deceased, dead; torpid, corpse-like; departed (consciousness, samngs2); futile, vain, useless; calcined (quicksilver); cv. markya, P. (A. mets-.) cause to die, kill, slay; calcine; des. mumitrsha, P. wvish or be about to die; intv. marimarti, suffer the torments of death. anu, die after any one (ac.), follow in death:.pp. following or followed by any one in death. abhli, affect or taint by death. upa, Cs. throw into the water, submerge. pari, die around any one (ac.). pra, pp. deceased, dead; cs. lead to death.~2. Mil1, IX. P. mrind (V.), crush, break in pieces, destroy: pp. mfirnk, crushed, broken. pra, crush, destroy. vi, id. mrikanda (also u), m. N. of an ancient sage, father of Mirkandeya. MRIK-SH [der. of V/mrig], VI. P. ILN mriksh& (RiV.), I. P. mraksha (C.), rub, stroke, curry: pp. mrakshita, smeared,,with (in.); cs. P. mrakshaya,besniear. abhlim~riksha & cs. -mrikshaya, rub, anoint, with (in.; E.). sam, _pp. mrakshita, rubbed.;P i. mrik-sha, s- aor. base of Vmrig. ZP 2. mriksh-4, m. comb (By.1) -in3.1f. (tearing up the ground), torrent (liV.). IF mrig-4, m. [roaming: v mrig] forest or wild animal, game (ord. meaning); deer, antelope (ord. meaning); musk-deer; antelope in the moon (the spots in which being' considered to resemble an antelope as well as a hare); antelope in the sky = the lunar mansion Mrigasiras; Capricorn (sign of the zodiac); kind of elephant; large- soaring bird (liV., rare); a demon fought by Indra (liV.); musk (= mriga-na'bhi): -ka'ka, m. du. a deer and a crow;' -ka~nana, n. game-forest, hunting forest; -kopa, m. rage against the forest animals; -amnbuka, m. du. a deer and a jackal; -givana, m. (subsisting by the chase), hunter; -trish&^, -trishna, -trishni, -trishnik, f. (deer's thirst), mirage; -tva, n. condition of an antelope; -da'va, mn. deer-park; -dris, m. Capricorn (sign of the zodiac); f. gazelle-eyed woman;..dviga, mn. pl. beasts and birds; -dhlara, m. (holding an antelope), moon; -nabhli, m. musk; musk-deer: -ga, a. derived from the musk-deer; -pakshin, mn. p 1. beasts and birds; -pati, mn. lord of wild animals, lion or tiger; lord of deer, roe-buck; -prabhu, mn. lord of wild animals, lion; -mada, m. musk; -mnanda, -mandra, mn. a class of elephants; -maya, a. derived from wild animals; -mAmsa, it. deer's flesh, venison; -masa, mn. the month M~rgaslrsha; -mukhla, m. Capricorn (sign of the zodiac). TM mrigd-ya, den. A~. (P. mets-.) hunt (wild animals), chase, pursue; seek, search for; search through, examine; visit; seek after, aim 'at, strive for, endeavour to obtain (ac.); ask or beg for anything (ac.) from (ab., g.~ sakas&t, -tas). 44Iqmrigay-as, M. wild beast (liV.);g 4 mriga-ya, f chase, hunting: ac. or d. with verbs of going (gain, yA, pari-dh~v), go a-hunting: -kridana, nt., -krldg, f. pleasures of the chase; -dhlarma, in. rules of the chase; -nangog a-hunting; - ranya, -Van3a, n. hunting forest; -viha a, in. pleasures of the chase; -harn a. delighting in the chase, amusing oneself with hunting; -vyasana, n. hunting-accident; -sila, a. devoted to the chase. ~IV mri'gay-u, in. hunter. RTp r. mriga~-rftg, in. king of the beasts, lion or tiger; Leo (sign of the zodiac); -raiga, m. id.; moon: atf sovereignty of the beasts, -dharin^m.(bearinog the moon, moon-crested), ep. ofSiva, -lakshman, m. bearing the epithet of lion or moon. 1gw mriga-lakshman^m(markedwith an antelope), moon; -1Mikhana, in. id.; -lekha, f. deer-like streak in the moon; -loinika, a. woollen; -vana, n. forest abounding in game, hunting forest.;gJ mrigavya, vs. chase, hunting. ig~IT'q mnriga-vyadha, in. slayer of beasts, hunter; Sirius, dog-star.; _Vyala-nishevita,,pp. infested by wild beasts and serpents; _sayika, f. reclining posture of deer: _M vi, lie still like an antelope; svai.yugo deer, fawn. - akshi, f. fawn-eyed woman; (i.)-siras, ns. (deer-head), third (later fifth) lunar mansion; _sirshi, n. id.; -sreshtha, in. best of beasts, tiger; -Sfukara, in. du. deer and boar; -han, mn. slayer of beasts, hunter. J T-mrig akshitf-gazelle-eyedwoman; - gkhara', m. lair of the beasts. T ~mrigqafika,nt.(deer-marked), moon; N. of a sword; N.: -ka, m.N. of a sword; -datta, m. N.: I-Ya%, a. relating to Mrioafikadatta; -bandhu, m. friend of the moon; god of love; -mani, mn. moonstone; -mili, f.N.; -mauli, in. (moon-crested), ep. of Siva; -lekhaf (moon-streak), N. of a princess of the fairies; -vat-i3, f. N. of various princesses; -sena, in. N. of a prince of thefairies. 4urifT mriga afigana, f. female deer, doe; -atavil, f. forest abounding in game, hunting forest; - adhipa, in. lion;..dhi.. patya, n. sovereignty of the beasts; adhiriga, in. monarch of the beasts, lion; - arfiti, m. foe of the deer; lion; - ar in. foe of the beasts, lion or tiger. 117T#I mriga-vat-ii,f. N. of various princesses.;W~mrig-i1f. female antelope, doe: -kshilra, nm. milk of a doe; -tva, vs. condition of a doe; -dris, f. gazelle-eyed woman; -1okana, f. id. V1 mrigaaikshana, vs. eye of a gazelle: a, f. gazelle-eyed woman; - indra, m. king of the beasts; lion; tiger; -Leo (sign of the zodiac): at,f lordship of the beasts; -ibha, vs. sg. a deer and (or) an elephant ~ - saa in. lord of the beasts, lion. mrig-ya, r. den. P. hunt; seek; 2. fp.' to be sought for or found out; - sought after or aimed at; - investigated, questionable, uncertain. MRIK, X. P. =arkkya (V.), hurt, Ninjure. mrik-aya, a. perishable (Br.). M~f~ mrid-sakat-ika, vs., A, f. little' clay cart, T. of a play in ten acts (probably sixth century). A WMRIKHVI. A. mrikkha, perish (.) MRIG, II. marg, mrig (VT., C.; ord. ~ \~iforin), VI. mrig& (17., C.; rare); VII. A.. mrifig (V., very rare), cv. marg~ya(V):Margayab,wipe, cleanse, polish; make smooth, curry (a horse); put in order (A. also adorn oneself); rub, stroke; wipe away, off, or out; sweep away, remove; put aside, free oneself from (ac.); transfer (impurity, debt) from oneself to another (lc.); ps. mrigy~te,,be wiped etc.: pp. mrishta', cleansed, purified; polished, bright; pure (fig.); besmeared, with (in.); laid on (ointment); savoury; pleasant (words), agreeable (smell); murigita, wiped away, removed (P.; very rare); Margita, cleansed, scoured; clean, bright; besmeared, with (in.); wiped away, removed; intv. marmrigy~te, marirnrigyate (V.), wipe, cleanse etc. repeatedly; A. cleanse (etc.) oneself. apa, wipe away, remove; transfer from oneself to another (lc.). abhli, wipe, cleanse. ava, stroke or wipe downwards; wipe off or away; ps. wipe one's (body, limbs). a, wipe, cleanse; wipe or wash off. ud, wipe or stroke upwards; clean out; wipe one'smuh(gd.); A. carry off, receive (V.):pp unmrishta, wiped off; unmirgita, cleansed, polished. sam-ud, stroke or rub up. ni, rub at; wipe; bestow on (lc.; V.): -A,. take to oneself (V7.). nis, wipe, wipe away, efface: pp. nirmrishta, wiped off. pani, wipe all round, rub, cleanse, polish; purify; wipe away tears from (the eyes: cc.); wipe the mouth; stroke, caress; wipe or wash off, brush aside, remove, free oneself from (ac.); ps. be worn down (teeth): pp. -mrishta, wiped, - away, removed; -mrigita or -mairgita, rubbed up, cleansed, smoothed. pra, wipe, rub up, cleanse; stroke, caress; wipe, wash, or brush off; remove, dispel, destroy; frustrate (a wish): pp. prarisha, cleansed, rubbed up; smoothed, polished, bright; wiped away, dispelled, removed. sam-pra, wash clean; wipe away, remove (fig.). vi, wipe out, cleanse; rub dry; stroke, caress; wipe H h 234 23p~ mrig-a. IT" ~rmrisha-g-inana away (tears); smear,with (in.): pp. smeared, touched up with (wax; — ) abhi-vi, rub, anoint with (in.). sam, rub, furbish; wash clean, sweep, cleanse (fig.), strain (Soma), purify~fire by removing ashes etc. (17); stroke, caress; sweep away, remove: pp. samnmrishta, washed, swept, cleansed. I" mrig-a, a. (-c) wiping away, removing: a, f. cleansing, washing, ablution; cleanliness; pure skin, good complexion; complexion. WF mrid-a, a. gracious, compassionate; m. ep. of Siva; -aua, n. pardoning, blessi ng; -&3L, f. wife of Mrida, Pflrvatl; -If id.: -kinta, sn. lover of Parvatl, Siva, -pati, mn. husband of PArvatl, Siva; ()iki, n. compassion, grace (RV.); m. N. of the composer of a hymn. MRNF m-A, m-n, ninth class LRI [r.mrnami N~of V2. mri], VI. P. mrini, crush (V., very rare). ~1~~mrin-at-la,in. [liable to be crushed], esculent tubular fibrous root of the lotus, lotus fibre: -ka, — 0a. id.; -bha4iigamn, abs. w. bhiaiig, break like a lotus root; -maya, a. consisting of lotus roots; -latika, f. lotus tendril or stalk; -vat, a. possessing lotus fibres; -sfitra, ss. fibre of the lotus stalk or root. 4g4T4fr T mrini-iajf. fibrous root of the lotus: -pelava, a. tender as lotus fibres, -Maya, a. consisting of lotus roots. ZPrTf-PIf mrinftl-ini-ii, f. lotus plant; group of lotuses. [root. 1;!ft# mrinfil-i f. (sm all) fibrous lotus N- C ml mi-td, pp. V-. 1. minn; m. dead man, corpse (also of animals); n. death; begging, begged food: -ka, mn. s. dead man, corpse; n. a death; -kambala, m. winding-sheet; -kalpa, a. almost dead, insensible, in a trance; -k-ela, n. garment of the dead; -g^ta,p. born dead; -givana, a. (i) reviving the dead; -deha, sn. dead body, corpse; -dhm~ra, a. bear-.ng a corpse; -niryitaka, sn. corpse-bearer; -pa, mn. watcher of the dead; -purusha-san~ra, n. human corpse; -pftrusha-deha, mn. id.; -praga, a. whose children have died; -bhartrika, a.f. whose husband is dead; -mgtrika, a. whose mother is dead; -vat, ad. as if dead: Atmanam mritavat samdarsya, pretending to be dead, feigning death; -vastra-bhrit, a. wearing the clothes of the dead; -sabda, m. report of any one's death; -samgi-vana, a. bringing the dead to life; n., 1f revival of a dead person; -SaMgivin, a. reviving the dead, life-restoring; -stri, a. whose wife is dead; -hira, -hilrin, m. corpse-bearer. PITT mrita ailga, n. corpse: -lagna, (pp.) n. (?) clothing of a corpse; - ndA a~f. whose embryo has died; _-a~sauka, n. defilement due to a death; - aha, in., - ahan, n., - has, it. day of any onie's death'. mfrim-ti, f. death. f~mrit-i-man, m. mortality. 4jfjki34C1T mniti-rekhft, f. line of death (on the hand); -saidhana, a. bringing about death. 44c"T mrit-kana, mn. little lump of clay: at f. condition of a little lump of clay; -karman, n. working. in clay; -karma-sampanna, pp. coated with clay; -khana, in. clay-pit. 4fqI~T mrs'ti-kftjf (sts. a '- metn.) clay, earth: -vat-i, f. N. of a town. ~?~mrit-paka, in. (conj.) potter; -patr&, n. vessel of clay; -pindii, in. lump of clay: -tas, ad. from a lump of clay. mri-t-yii, mn. death (pi.kinds of death);.personified as god of death: a death caused by, a. dying by. Z~q nirityu-ka, -- a. death; - anyf goddess of death; -kara, a. producing death; -ka'la, m. hour of death; -in-gaya, a. overcoming death; m. ( ~ mantra) N. of the verse, IVIVJI, 5 9, I2; ep. of Siva: -gapa, mn. muttering the Mrityumgaya verse; -tfirya, n. drum beaten at funerals; -dva~ra, n. gate of death, death's door; -na~sana, n. death-destroying draught, elixir of life; -patha, m. path of death; -pa&, a. drinking death (Siva); inA,. fetter of death; -bhaya, n. fear of death; mortal danger; -mat, a. subject to death; -rig, in. (king) god of death; -loka, in. world of death; world of the dead, Yamia's abode; -vigaya, m. N. of an elephant. 190 1 Ti mrityu-sat-kri, deliver over to death; -sen&-, f. army of the god of death. Im mrit-sna, in. or n. dust, powder: af clay, earth. MRI-D, IX. P. mridna, T. P. marda "-(E. also A.), squeeze, press, or clasp vehemently; crush, pound, bruise, pulverise, dash to pieces; trample upon, tread under foot; devastate, overwhelm, destroy; rub, rub against, glide along; grind into, mingle with (in.); rub or wipe away, destroy: pp. mridit&, crushed, pounded, etc.; Cs. mardaya, P. (A. inetr.) squeeze or press vehemently; crush, break in pieces; trample under foot; press hard on, afflict, torment; rub; cause to be trampled upon; intv. marmar[t]ti, crush (RV.'). abhi, tread, trample upon; break in pieces, destroy. ava, id.; rub; cs. break in pieces, destroy. upa, remove, destroy; cs. devastate, destroy; remove, set aside, pani, trample upon; rub, stroke; wipe away (tears); surpass; ps. be worn down (teeth): pp. pounded, bruised. pra, trample upon; break in pieces; sorely afflict, devastate., destroy; cs._pp. pra-mardita, crushed, trodden upon. vi, crush, bruise, pound, break in pieces; lay waste; rub; cs. pp. vi-mardita, crushed, bruised, broken; trampled upon; rubbed, with(-) sam, crush; cs. id.; rub. 19 mri'd, f. [crumbled earth], clay, loam, earth; lump of clay; mound of earth; kind of fragrant earth. Qjmridaii-ga, in. [mridam-ga, going -with beatings: abs. Vmrid], kind of drum. lj~ mrid-al, f clay, loam, earth; -ita,pp. -V/mrid. I' mrid —i, a. (ft, v-is) soft, delicate, tender, pliant; mild, gentle; weak, feeble; slow (gait): n. ad. gently, softly; m. n. gentleness. 'J. mridu-ka, a. soft: -in, ad. gently, softly; -kopa, a. slow to anger; -gir, a. softvoiced; -ta', f. softness; gentleness; weakness; mollification; -tikshna, a. gentle and harsh at the same time: -tara, c~pv.; -tva, n. softness, gentleness, tenderness; -purva, a. soft, bland (speech): -in, ad. gently, coaxingly; -prayatna, a. pronounced with gentle effort; -bh&va, in. gentleness; -bhash-in, a. speaking gently: a-)-,. gentle speech. I~k mrida-la, a. soft, tender, gentle. ITS mridu-Vak, a. gentle in speech; -surya, a. having a mild sun (day); -sparsa, a. soft to the touch. 4JITMa mridftbh'va, in. mollification; abatement;, -bhft, become soft, relent. Z~f mrid-ghata, in. earthen jar; -bha'nda, n. earthenware vessel: - avasesham, ad. leaving only the earthenware vessels = everything but the earthenware vessels (steal). ~! mridu afga, a. (i) soft-limbed, delicately formed (woman). [grape. mnidu ',f. of 3J' mridu: -k&,f. -vine; MRIDH, I. P. mirdha, (V.) grow C~Nweary of, disregard, forget, desert. T IT nr~dh, f. (V.) fight (?); contenmner; foe, adversary, 1'9I mridh-a, m. n. fight, battle (C.): -h' f.battle-field. Civlmrs'dh-as, n. contempt: only W. kni, show contempt, despise, scorn (R 17.).,gW mridhi-rd, n. pl. (REV.) contempt, scorn; contemner; foe: (&) -va~k, a. speaking scornfully, reviling (RF.). ZJWI4 mrin-nidya, a. (1.) made of clay or earth, earthen: with grihb,, n. house of clay, grave; in. or n. earthenware object or vessel. mril-loshta, n. lump of clay or earth. ~MRIS,YI.P.(A.) mrisi (V., C.), touch, ~'T ~stroke; lay hold of mentally, reflect, consider. ati, only abs. atimarsam, inserting an additional syllable. anu, seize (V.); consider (B.). abhi, touch, seize, grasp, with (in.); cs. -marsaya, touch; cause to touch; intv. -marmris, grasp at, long for (ac.; 1V.). prati abhi, touch, lay hold of. ava, touch, lay hold of, feel for (ac.); consider. anu ava, touch, lay hold of. -prati ava, lay hold of; reflect, meditate. a^, touch7; eat up (corn etc.); examine, contemplate: pp. Amrishta, touched; dishonoured (woman); seized, taken possession of; es. meditate, par&', touch, lay hold of, seize; handle roughly, assail; desecrate (an altar); violate (a woman); touch upon, refer to, mean; consider; ps. be meant: pp. touched, seized, etc. pani, touch, feel; seize; grasp; consider, ponder; examine, question (any one); perceive, observe. vi, stroke, feel; lay hold of mentally, consider, reflect (ord. ing.; very often gd. -mnisya); examine, test (any one), in (lc.); hesitate to (inf.); cs. think about, consider, ponder. anu-vi, consider, reflect. sain-vi, id. sam, P. A. touch., lay hold of; A1. touch or grasp each other. A ya (often incorrect for Vmnis), forget, neglect (R V.); endure patiently, put up with, bear (ord. mg.'); forgive, excuse, bear with any one (g.); bear, like any one (w. na, not bear, dislike); "permit, suffer to (inf.); Cs. marshaya, P. A. cause' to forget (V.); endure, bear; forgive, excuse, overlook (gnly. without an object); allow or suffer any one (ac.) to (pr. pt. ac.); put up with anything from (g.); w. na, not let alone, molest. api, forget, neglect. 'a, endure patiently; cs. id. upa, cs. bear, put up with, overlook: pp. upamarshita, granted; w. na, grudged. pra, neglect, forget (ac. w. A., d. w. P.; BE.). WFT mnz'sh-ft, ad. in vain, uselessly, to no purpose; wrongly, falsely, untruly, feignedly, fictitiously; - kri, feign; -g~i or man, Con-' sider false or untrue; mrisha va tat, that is wrong.;JqT rsa-nAa n. false knowledge, error, ignorance, stupidity; -tva~nwrongnes~, ~T~[ mrsh~-ya.% "T9f1 maitra'-varuni. -235 falseness; -daina, n. pretence or vain pro- sable, sombre; m. eye in a peacock's tail: mise of giving; -drishti, a. having a wrong i-ta, den. pp. having a dark-blue sheen. opinion; 7_anusaisanin, a.punishing unjustly; ft metka, mn. elephant-keeper. -bhaishin, a. speaking falsely; mn. liar. A medi, Wf melfi, (V.) crackling,,P mrishft-ya, den. A. have an errone- raig( ou~s opinion. rainV(ffire or wind). 14mrishbi artha, a. having a wrong pur- W5m'ha (in.) n.[v',mih+tra] male organ: port, untrue; -vakan-a, n., -v-'k, f. untrue kranfoei. speech; satire, irony; -va'da, in. id.; a. ~menthaim.elephant-keeper; N. ofa poet. speaking falsely; in. liar; -va~din, a. lying; mnha n aeogn - udya, n. false statement; lying. WMEndHr, m. male organ. mrish-ta, Pp~. of Vmrig and Vrnris: W EHV.fi MIH -vakya, a. speaking sweetly; -salila, a. mt-ana, n. abusive speech. having clear water (river); - Asin, a. eating mt dainties. f~~ ehf n ilr o t p. post in the caefl rear - middle of a threshing-floor to which oxen are i s m rZ'sh-tijf. cleansing, tiedrposufortyinpuprxen tion; careful dressing of food. Mied;ps for Myn IDpoxn Wr. me, encl. d. g. of ahdm, I. MEvf;; ID W2. me, onoin.: me me kri, bleat (of a goat). Wi med-a, mn. fat; a mixed caste. W W mekala, mn. N. of a people (p1.); N. ~ e a-u k a ~ a-aldsep of a moun tain: A, f. ep. of the river Narma- W;tITZ meda-pftta, N. of a country. d&; a-kanyaka&, f. daughter of Mount Me- medanft;osiy kala, ep. of the Narmadh; a-saila, m. Mount v. edanft;osiy Mekala: -kany&, f. ep. of the Narmadfl. Wjfj'iq medas-vin, a. fat, corpulent; stout, ~1!fme'ksh-ana n. [v/miksh] wooden stir- robust. [(V.). ring spoon, ladle. wf(~~med-fn m. companion, associate, ally WWRIT me'kha-lft, f. belt, girdle (of men ''f" e",med-in-ijf [baying fatness or ferand women); girth (of horses); the triple tility: meda, -Vmid], earth; ground, soil; girdle of the three twice-born castes (the land, country, realm; spot, place: -ga, M. son Bra'hman's being made of ZJuhiga, the Ksha- of earth, planet Mars; -dhara, mn. supporter triya's of a bow-string, and the Vaisya's of of earth, mountain; -nandana, m. son of,wool, flax, or hemp); zone (fig, of anything earth, planet Mars; -pati, m. lord of earth, that girds or surrounds); investiture with king; isa, mn. id. the girdle; slope (of a mountain); N.: -pada, n. place of the girdle, hip. med-urd, a. fat; thick, dense, - like mekha-ina. weringa girle; ); filled or completely covered with (in. or fff r r m k a - n a. w a i g i d e ) i -t a, p pV h c e e, m d e s y (. ) wearing a girdle of or which (-O); in. Bra'h- medo-doshae, in. emorbid co pu man pupil, religious student, Brahmakhrin. eodsa. rbdcpu 0 lence, obeseness. W'RI megh-mi, mn. [discharger of water: Wqmdya a. oi op li) -v'migh = V'mih], cloud ~, rarelyg= multi- me ya a.ft soi (p.fl d) tude): -kila, in. time of clouds, rainy sea- ~W'MEDH, v. f;R'U MIDH. son; -ga, a. produced from a cloud; -dambara, in. roar of clouds, thunder; -dfita, in. W9~ me'dh-a, in~juice of meat, strong draught cloud-messenger: T. of a short poem, by (V.); essential or most valuable part (of av Kdlid'sa compoe n h addrna arfcial animal; V.); sacrificial victim; metre; -nada, in. roar of clouds, thunder; a. animal sacrifice (very frequently ~) thundering, making a noise like thunder; ~NJ medha-ga, a. produced from the in. N. of a son of aidvana, afterwards called sarfc(Vhn) Indragit; N.; NV. of afrog; -adin, a. resounding like thunder (car); in. thundering ~~Iitfff me'dha-pati (or medha'-), lord of chariot; N. of a Dadnava; -nirghosha, a. the animal sacrifice. thundering; -bala, in. N.; -maiigari,f. N.7 WW i me'dh-as, n. sacrifice. of a princess; -matha, in. N. of a monastic college; -maya, a. consisting of clouds; WN~2 medh-mls,-0= medhft, intelligence, -malA, f. wreath or banks of cloud; -m&li, understanding. in. (cloud-capped), N. of a prince; -rava, me h - ti f.g nng o d srv in. roar of clouds, thunder; -ra gi, -rekha, WI -lEkha, f. streak of cloud; -vat, a. cloud- igo e ado rie(?V) capped; cloudy; in.N. of ainountain; -vana, ~4T medh.9, f. reward (V.); mental power, N. f anVrh r; an, A. clu- intelligence, understanding, wisdom: pI. proColoured; in. N.; N. of a crow; vahana, ducts of intelligence, thoughts; sg. often perin. (riding on clouds), ep. of Indra; N. of a sonified as a daughter of Daksha and wife prince of Cashmere; -saindesa, in. = -d ta; of Dharina, and as a form of Sarasvatl: -sain ita, n th n e;- na pp clu es, -kama, a. desirous of understanding for any rainessone, (g.); -ganana, a. generating intelligence; ~'T~megha ksha, m. N. of a prince; n. a certain ceremony andformula supposed to - khya, Mn. id. (v. 1.); - gfama, us. arrival be productive of physical and intellectual exof the clouds, rainy season-; A atopa, us. dense cellence in infants and youths. cloud; - Adambara, us. thunder. Wvffl-dfi me'dha atithi, in. N. of a seer; N. ~'I~megha'-ya, den. resemble clouds, of a commentator on Mann. P5~Ti~ megha floka, in. sight of a cloud; WVT'97It medha&-vat-il, f. (possessed of -avaii, f. N. of aprnes.ydaka, n. cloud- understanding), N.; -vara, us. N.; -vhii, a. ~water, rain; Z.jidaya, ms. rising of clouds, intellectual, intelligent, acute, wise; mn. N. %"meka-ka, a. dark-blue, dark-coloured, WfWii me'dh-ira, a. intelligent, wise. IWme'dh-ya, a. vigorous (V.); fit for sacrifice, sacrificially pure; pure, not defiling; in. N:ta f, -tvii, n. ritual purity. wwflf-IfW- me'dhy~atithi, in. N. of a seer. WV'j'W mena-kft,f. N. of an Apsaras (mother of Sakuntala'). ~ITM me-nf, f. woman, dame, female of an animal (1?V.); N. of the wife of the Himadlaya; N. of a river. Wiff me-nfIf. [destructive: v/i missile. W'ffiW men-ilft, f. N. of a princess.?Tme'mi at, intv. pr. pt. (v/mii) bleating. W- m6e-ya,fp. (-Vi. mft) measurable, admitting of being measured by (~O; discernible, capable of being known or proved. WNmeru, m. N. of afabulous golden mountain in the centre of Gainbudvipa, round which the planets are supoe to revolve; central bead of a rosary; joints protruding in certain positions of the fingers: -kitta, in. or n. summit of Meru; -dhaman, a. having his abode on Mount Meru; -dhvaga, in. N. of aprince; -yantra, n. spindle; -vardhana, in. N. 4T mel-a, in. [Vmil]I meeting, intercourse; company, assembly; -aLka, mn. meeting, congress, assemblage (-in kri, assemble); -ana, n. coming together, meeting, union. mela'nandft-ya, den. A. become an inkstand. WWTtI~fI mela-p-aka, rn. [fr. cs. V'mil] bringing together, junction; conjunction of planets. WR mesh-'a, in. [v/mish] ram, sheep; fleece, article made of fleece (V.); Aries (sign of the zodiac): -vrishana, in. due, ram's testicles; a. having a ram's testicles; -sriniga, us. a tree. Wif mesh-',If ewe. Wi meh-a, in. urine (-in kri, make water):, -tas, ad. by making water. ~W" me'h-ana, n. male organ. WTT meh-dnfl, in. ad. (in streams), abundantly (RV.). Wfl-ifmeh-in., a. ()passing urine. melf, v. WfI medi. %'q maitril, a. (0s belonging to or given by. a friend; friendly, well-disposed, kind; belonging or relating to Mitra; in. a mixed caste; hind of alliance based on friendship; anus (comm.); n. friendship; lunar mansion Anurfldh& (presided over by Mitra); evacuation of excrement (presided over by Mitra): -us kri, void excrement: -ka, n. friendship; -ta', f. goodwill. TWMUNftffri maitra aksha-gyoti-ka, us. kind of demon. WVW~1! maitra fyana, in. pl. N. of a school; aj ayans, n. kind conduct, goodwill; IL-ya, in. pl. N. of a school of the Black Yagur-veda; ]i-samhit&, f. T. of one of the recensions of the Black Yagur-veda. T[ -41 qN mnaitrft-varun', a. (i1) relating or belonging to or derived from Mitra and Varuna; relating to the Maitralvaruna priest; in. pat. son of Mitra and Varuna; )a kind of) priest who is the chief assistant of the Hot ri: -patra, n. dish meant for Mitra and Varuna. WITWAf1W maitrA-varuni, in. son of Mitra and Varuna, pat. of various men. H h2 236.Wfqvi maitr-in.. fqmauna..TfiTWmaitr-in, on. friend. Wqf maitr-i, f. goodwill (towards, lc.); friendship, intimate association; close contact, union (with, -Y, of inanimate ob~jects); equality, similarity with (-O); Goodwill (personife asduhe -fDaksha and wife of Dharma): -pakshm-pita, Tn. partiality for any one's friendship; -pu~rva, a. preceded by friendship; -bhiva, m. friendship; -maya, a. humane. %#-14T maitr-eya, a. benevolent; on. pat. or met. of various men; a mixed caste; N. of a jester: -ka, m. a mixed caste. ~R maitr-ya, n. friendship. RM maithila, a. relating to Mithilat; m. king of Mithilfl; people of Mithilh (pl.):I, f. princess of Ilfithilfi, ep of St, wfe f ladma. p fStwfo "itr maithund, a. (i) paired, coupled, being a male and a female; connected by marriage; relating to or worn during copulation; having copulation in view (with dharma, m. copulation); n. sexual union; -gata, pp. engaged in copulation; -gvara, m. sexual passion; -dharmin, a. copulating. TR~fif;maithun-in, a. having sexual intercourse; -i4-bhava, m. copulation; -ya, a. having sexual union in view. 4'ffTZW maina-ksi, on. N. of a mountain, son of Himavat and Menaka', which when Indra clipped the wings of the mountains atone retained its own. %'TtM mnain-ftla', on [r. Mina] fisherman (VS.'); -ika, on. id. 01(- mairav-a, a. relating to Mount Meru. AWNT miiair-eya, on. n. an intoxicating drink (made of sugar and other substances): -ka,, m. n. id.; m. a mixed caste. it mailinda, m. bee. 4ft ma u, (V.) and not (prohibitive). IIimok-a, n.E[V'muk] stripped-off skin (of an animal).;zt~ m'k-i', f. [releaser: Vmuk] night. 1MIW mok-tavya,fp. to be released; - relinquished or delivered up (pledge); - abandoned or given up; - remitted (interest) cast or discharged at (le. or prati); -tri, m. discharger (of a debt). k Wmo'k-sh, des. of V'muk. IiVT mnoksh-a, on. release, liberation, escape, froin (ab., rarely g. or ~O;deliverance from further transmigration, final emancipation; kind of chant conducive to deliverance; releae o ahea eny body swallowed by Rdhu, end of an eclipse; falling or dropping off or down (of leaves. etc.); effusion; setting free (a prisoner); causing to flow, shedding (of tears etc.); loosening, untying (hair); solution (of a question); casting, shooting, discharging *(arrows etc.); scattering (of grains); utter*ance (of a curse); abandonment, relinquishment: -ka, a. loosening, untying, setting free; -' a. = moksha, final emancipation. M~V~! moksh-ana, a. liberating, delivering; n. liberation, deliverance; setting (a criminzal) at liberty; unloosening, untying (knot, bonds); causing to flow (blood); abandonment, relinquishment; -aniya, fptob abandoned or relinquished. Wrr Rmoksha-dvatra, n. door of salvation, ep. of the sun; -bhiva, M. deliverance, emancipation. Ift~qmoksha-ya,P. (Ai.mretr.) deliver fr om (ab.); emancipatefrom transmigration; untie, undo; draw out of (ab.); take anything (ac.) away from any one (ab.); cause to flow (blood); cast, discharge. pari, liberate. vi, deliver any one from (ab.). tFq T I moksh-ay-i-tavya, cs.fp. to be emancipated; -ay-i-tri, (es.) on. deliverer, from (ab.). iiV~rwi, moksha-vat, a. connected with salvation; _Sastra, n. doctrine of salvation; -sdhana, n. means of salvation. ii't~'i moksh-in, a. striving after salvation; emancipated; -ya, fp. to be delivered. RW m6gh-a, a. [V',,muh] vain, fruitless, useless, unsuccessful, of no account: -m or 0,in vain, uselessly, without cause. IRhiwk mogha-karman, a. performing useless actions; agina, a. possessing useless knowledge; a, f. fruitlessness, futility; -Asa, a. entertaining idle hopes. ITVF moghi-kri, render futile. Ii~mok-a, n. banana (fruit); -aka, a. delivering from (-0?); -ana, a. (ia), delivering from ( —); casting, discharging (0;setting free, letting go out of (ab.), freeing from (debt, );unyoking (a car); emitting, discharging (semen); _an-ika, f. N.; -anI'ya,fp. to be set free; -ay-itavya, cs. fp. id.; -ayitri, on. releaser; A, f. banana tree (Musa sapientum); -i-tavya, fp. to be set free; -in, a. delivering from (-0); -ya, fp. to be released; - restored (pledge); - deprived of (a limb; mota-ka, m. n. pill; -na, n. crushing, breaking; strangulation, destruction: -ka, n. strangulation, destruction. +tTiI4M mota-palli, f. NV. of a maritime countr~y.;*h; mo'd-a, on. [V/mud] joy, delight, gladness (often pl.); perfume (rare): -ka, a. (O gladdening (rare); on. n. sweetmeat; medicinal sweetmeat; on. a mixed caste (offspring of a Kshatriya and SIdra'): -ka~ra, on. confectioner. RfteIm mod-ana, a. gladdening; n. act of gladdening; -anilya, fp. to be rejoiced at; -in, a. glad, cheerful; gladdening (.) *9' mo-mugh-a', a. [fr. intv. of -v/muh] insane (S B.).;hzmorata, on. a kind of plant with sweet jaice; milk of a cow which has recently calved. ITT7lNmorft-ka, on. N. of a minister: -bhavana, n. temple built by Morfika. iiY'i mosh-a, on. [v/mush] thief, robber; theft, robbery, plundering; stolen property: -krit, a. predicting theft. I'!fmosh-ana, a. (0') depriving of; n. robbing, plundering, pilfering; peculation. MiYg m6h-a, on. [Vmnuh] loss of consciousness, bewilderment; delusion, infatuation; folly, error; delusion of mind preventing discernment of the truth and making men believe in the reality of the world (phil.); stupefaction, swoon; magical art for confounding an enemy: -on brut, say anything, that leads to error; -o a& fall into error; abm. through folly or infatuation; mohas tatra na kir* yas te, don't allow yourself to be confused thereby. 1'IImoh-ana, a. (') bewildering, st-upefying, deluding, infatuating; on. N. of one of the five arrows of the god of love; N.; n. bewilderment, delusion, infatuation; stupeJ action; sexual intercourse; bewildering, perplexing; illusion; means 'of confusing; magical charm for bewildering an enemy: - astra, n. N. of an arrow (one of the five) of the god of love. Iify Tmoha —nidrft, f. sleep of infatuation, delusive confidence. VyII~ mohan-ii, f. kind of sp~ell; 'i-ya, a. founded on or proceeding from delusion of mind; producing mental confusion. RIWII moha-ma, on. kind of personification; -mantra, on. deluding spell; -maya, a. (I) consisting in delusion of mind or error;-stra, n. false doctrine. Mim~~ moh-in, a. confusing, infatuating. tI S ITT mohanupamal, f. confusion-simile (a rhet. figare which represents an object and that with which it is com~pared as being confused: e. g. ' taking thy face for the moon, Ifollow the moon itself through longingfor thy face'). #~rmaukul-i, on. crow. # tf~i~imaukti-ka,.a. strivingafter emancipation (mukti);:2. n. pearl (fr. muktl): -da~man, n. string of pearls; -mSAla,f. pearl necklace; -ratna, n. pearl: -ta', f. state of a pearl; valia (or i), f. string of pearls. -IM~i mauk-ya, n. [fr. mfika] dumbness. 4Nf~i" mauksh-ika, a. relating to the end of an eclipse (moksha). ift maukha, a. relating to the m outh (mnukha); based on oral instruction. Th maukha-ra, a. Efr. mukha-ra] as a designation -of a family; i, on. pat. N. of a family; -r-ya, n. talkativeness. *fft4maugfdh-ya, n. [fr- muLgdha] artlessness, simplicity, innocence. 41 maugh-ya, n. [fr. mogha] futility. mauka, n. [belonging to the mokft tree], banana (fruit). 4TftS W'' maugatvat -d, a. comning from Mount Mftgfvat (I.) 2%T~ mauiigd, a. ()made of Mufiga grass: -baudhana, n. investiture with the girdle of Muf~ga grass. #tfi maufig-in, a. wearing a girdle of Mufigaagrass; -iyaV a. made of Mufiga grass. iTfts mauiig-ii, f. (sts. i Tnetr.; sc. mekhala') girdle of Muftga grass: -nibaudhana, n. investiture with the girdle of Mun-ga grass. #~mauifig-ya, on. kind of personsflcation. ItTmaudh-ya, n. [fr. mftdha] stupidity, folly. [of the head. IJIM2~ maund-ya, n. [fr. munda] shaving ft-I mautra,' n. corrosive. *ftW maudga, a. made of the kidney-bean (mudga). *A J midgal-ya, a. descended from. Mudgala; on. pat. N. of various men. maund, n. condition of a Muni or ascetic; silence (-on vi-dh or sa - -a observe silence, hold one's tongue): -dh arin, a.. #-f'r maun-in. W- akhendra.23 237 I observing silence; -vritti, a. observing the vow of silence; -vrata, n. vow of silence; a. observing the vow of silence; -vratin, a. id. *twfff~maun-in, a. observing silence, silent: (-i)-tva, n. silence. itK4maurav-a, a. derived from the Daitya Muru. [folly. WT4 maurkh-ya, n. [fr.mrfirkha] stupidity, 11~ marya m. pl. N. of a dynasty beginning with Kandra-gupta: -datta, m. N. maurva a. (i) ir. made of, belonging to, or-derived from MftrvA; 2. made of the iron called Muru: if.girdle made, of Mftrvii; bowstring: -ka, -0 a. bowstring. Zft! mauala, a. [from mfila] derived from roots (poison); ancient, of long, standing (custorn); aboriginal, indigenous (inhabitants); holding office from previous generations, hiere. ditary (mninister): (with pArthivfih, mn. pl.= mtdia-prakritayah); mn. hereditary minister. Tff m'auli, m. head; top, snmmit; mn.f. diadem: maulau ni-dha', place on the head, receive respectfully. RIZOmaul-ika, a. [fir. mfila], derived from the root, original; inferior, of low origin; mn. digger or vendor of roots: PI. N. of a people; -in, a. [fr. mauli] being at the head, chief; transcendant; wearing a diadem. 4Mfqtj maudi-prishtha, n. crown of the -head; -bandha, M. diadem; -muandaua, n. head-ornament: -mfakik', f. wreath worn on the head; -mil1', -mglik&', f. id.; -mukuta, in. diadem. #j1W mauLl-ya, a. attached to the root; n. ('mftya) price. [ment. *W~TTfRTf mauLlifiAbharana, n.. head-ornaitlfafi maush-ika, a. relating or belonging to a mouse (mftshikA,). [cheat. IMqq maushti-ka, m. [fr. mushti] rogne, *-fmausala,a. [fr. musalal club-shaped, fought with clubs (battle); describing the battle of clubs (book). 4RtNO mauhftrta, m. [fir. muhiutrta] astrologer; i-ka, a. lastingoa moment, usomentary; skilled in astrology; sn. astrologer.;A MINA, I. P. -mana [collateral ofv'man]. a, mention,, speak of; declare to be,. regard as; ps. fi-mna~yate, be mentioned etc., be recorded, - handed down or taught: pp. amnita. sam-_a mention, record, enumerate; consider to be (ac.); A.. recite.!ITMMYAK SHf, J.P. (RV.) mykksha (pf. N mimyaksh and mimiksh), be fixed, rest firmly, in or on (le.); exist.. sam, P~. be associated,, dwell together. TJWMRAKSH, v. ~!TMRrKSH. ~1Jmraksh-ana, n. anointing; ofintment, oil. IJ7 MRAD, I. A. -mracda [collateral of '~Vmrid], rub; cs. P. mradaya, smooth. vi, P. soften; -1. be softened. Tj;;Rmrad-as, n. (only 0-) softness; -i-man, m. softness; mildness, tenderness; -I'yas, cp.Pv (of mridu) softer. f;RffMRTT, TV. P. mrityi~(Br., rare), fall 'to pieces. vi, id., crtumble. 'Q-qMRUK, I. P. -mr6ka; (rare). nii, set \0 N (of the sun; V.). abhi-ni, go down on (ac.): pp. abhi-ni-mrukta, set on (by the sun) while sleeping (V.). downcast; vanished; black, dark-coloured; as. mi1pkya, relax; mlapaya, P. crush. ~ _pp. am1aina, withered; slightly withered or faded. pai, fade away: pp. withered, faded; languid; vanished. vi-pari, pp. completely withered. pra, wither; fade away: pp. withered; wan; emaciated; soiled, foul, dirty. vi, grow languid: pp. withered and decayed (fig.); cs. -mlipaya, P. cause to fade. WT'ff mla-na, pp. faded etc.; n. fadedness, lack of brightness: -ta', f. withered or faded condition; languor; -srag, a. having a faded garland. wif* mlA.-n'if fading, decay; lassitude; disappearance; dejection; foulness; vileness. WTf'tfffi mlan-i-man, m. fading, decay, fadedniess. V~ffii( mlft-p-in, (as.) a. causing to fade ();-y-in, a.withering,fadling; disappearing. f~MLIKH, I. P. mikkha (Br., E.; very I") N rare), speak a foreign or unintelligible language. "Rf MLUJK, I. P. ml6ka, go to rest (Br.); '~3 '\nv malimluk, allay. anu, arise (V.). apa, pp. &pam~ukta, hidden (B V. ). nii, go down, sink; set on any one (cc.; C.). abhiniY set on any one while asleep(O) 'q MLUP, collateral form of Vmluk N(Br., S.; very rare). upa, pp. -miupta, hdden. abhi-ni, pp.. on whomn the sun has set during sleep.. VI~kn~elehhh-a, m. foreigner, barbarian (Br., C.); ignorance of the vernacular, barbarism (rare): -taskana-sevita, pp.infested. by barbarians-and robbers; -tz",f. condition of barbarians. A mlekkha-desa, m. non-Aryan or foreign country; -va'k, a. speaking a barbarous or foreign tongue. [tongue. 1Vri mlekhh-ana, n. speaking a foreign I MRED. a, as. -mredaya, P. repeat: Np~p. amredita, repeated. lg'1' mla-p-aya, as.. of V'mlt.. a worn appearance, be wan (sp. of the face, owing to disease, sorrow, or passion);. grow weary, languid, or exhausted; be dejected or downcast; vanish: miata (V., rare), softened by tanning (hide); mana(rfomad, withered; wan; exhausted,languid; dejected, *fWf~imlekhhita -ka, n.. conventional jargon unintelligible to others. yd, pmn. rel. (n. — d) who, that, which, what: nearlyalwaysfollowed bythe ordinary correlative tad (~ etad or idam) or lessfrequently idam (in. ayam), adas (in. asau), idris, thdrisa, ethvat (tathh sts. corresponding to the a. yad); occasionally either the rel. or the corr. is dropped. Ya is sts. inaccurately em~ployed in the sense of if any (one). Uses of the relative callinyforspecial mention are the following: i. Ya is often added (without the copula) to emphasize a subject (e. g. Atmaparityhgena yad iisrithnam rakshanam, tan nitividhm, na sammatam, protection of dependents at the sacrifice of one's own life is not approved by moralists). vCuts. it is thus used without emphasis by the side of a simple subject (e. g. andhah sthaviras ha yah, a blind man and one who is old); rarely a nm. rel. of this hind = an cc. (e.g. sarvan rashn apoheta pasavo ye ha mhnushhh, he should avoid selling all sorts of condiments, cattle, and human beings). The n. sg. yad of this emphatic rel. is frequently employed without regard to gender or number, when it may be translated by as for, as regards (e.g. asidh&!rhvratam idam manye yad arinA saha samvhsah, as for dwelling with an enemy, that I consider as hard as the sword-blade vow); before a noun this yad = that is to say (Br.). -4Y. Immediately following oratlo recutt ending with iti yad =at the thought that (ap. cj. yad). 2. Two relatives often oemr in the same sentence, when the second may be translated by any (e.g. yad rokate yasmn-i, bhavet tat tasya sundaram, what pleases any one, that to him is beautiful). 3. The meaning of, the rel. when repeoted (sts. separated by hi). is generalised, ya ya being =whoever, whichever, whatever (followed by the doubled or single eorr. tad). 4. Yais often combined with other pins.: (a) W. tvam, sa, esha, ayam, asau.; (b) w. aham (tvam,. etc.): yox' ham, I who = since I,. or (after a question,) that I; (c> w. tad, any soever: Y ad vA tad vA, any, any kind of; anything; (d) w. tvad = or any other (Br., rare); (e) w. intr. ka + ha (V., C', common), + kid (C., very common), + hid api (C., not common.), + kana (B., rare), + v5, (C.,. rare), or + api (C., late, not yet in llManu), immediately following or sts. separa ted (in. yah kks ha, kas kid,, kas kid api, kas hana, ko~v&", or koxpi, n. yad kim ha, kim kid, kim kid api, kim lkana, kim vi, or kim api), whoever, whatever, any soever, any one, no matter who. Wq ya-k', rel. prn. = ya, who etc. ( V., rare). 'Wf~yrak-dn (base in oblique casesoqfyakrit). "Tya-kftra,- in. letter y. Z~f-<y~k-rit (nm. & O.), n.- liver. '47YAKSII, I..P. -Y-iksha Eperh. der. of N v'yah*, speed]. pra (R V., rare), hasten forward, press onward; strive after, attain. ZM ya-sh, aor. base of v'Iyag: -i, I sg. A.; -shi, 2 sg. subj. aor. ~'91fyaksh-'a,n.[speeder]J,supernaturalbeing, spectre, ghost (V.); m. N. of a class of demigods-, attendants of Kubera: -ta', f., -tva, a. condition of a Yaksha; -dara, m. (?) N. of a locality; -da'si, f. N.; -dris, a. having a spectral appearance (B V.'); -deva-griha, n. Yaksha temple; -pati, m. lord of the Yakshas; ep. of Kubera; -bhavana, a. Yaksha- temple; -bhrit, a. spectre-bearing (?; RIV.); -rig, m. king of the Yaksh as, ep. of Kubera; -rAga, m. id.; ai96igan&, f. wife of aYaksha; -_ adhipa, - adhipati, m.id.; -4yatana, a. Yaksha temple.. '9NVVyaksh-in, a. living (B V.,'); -in-'I,f female Yaksha.: -tva, a. condition of a female Yaksha; -I', f. female Yaksha:- -tva, n. condition of a female Yaksha. 14T41'W yaksha indra, M. prince of the Yakshas; ep of Kubera; -isvara, m: d 238 23 aksh-ma. iqu at ZM yaksh-ma, m. (emaciating) disease (V.); consumption (later V., rare in C.): -grihita, pp. attacked by consumption; -graha, m. attack of consumption; -n~sana, a. ('I), disease-destroying.,IT yaksh-man, m. consumption; r-n a. suffering from consumption. q-q ya'ksh-ya, fp. active (RV.'1). q-~q T yak-shyd-matna, ft. pt. (Vyag) desirous of sacrificing. ya-h, gr. designation of the intv. suffix ya: -luk, dropping of the intv. suffx ya. ZM yak-ha, v. '4~ ydd. ~i~yakkha, pr. base of,/yam. 14q%~ yalc-khandas, a. having which metre; -khiia, a. having which character; -khraddha, a. having which faith. ~TIYAG, I. yiiga, worship, sacrifice to Al (ac of god), for (d. of person for whom or of object for which the sacrifice is performed), with (in. of means of sacrifice, rarely partitive g. in V.; gnly. P. qf Agni or other mediator in V., or of officiating priest in C.; A.. of one who worships on his own account in T17., or of institutor of the sacrfi ce in C.); offer (hymn, oblation etc.: ac.) to (d., lc., prati; rare); 'A.. worship with a view to (ac.; 1177-.); P. invite to sacrifice by the Yfigy5& verses (ritual): pp. ishtti, offered, sacrificed; sacrificed to; n. also imps. w. in. of sacrificer andin.of acrfice; cs. yiyiya, P. (A.. metr.) assist any one (ac.) in sacrificing, officiate as any one's sacrificer (w. in. of sacrsfice); cause anyone (ac.) to offer a sacrifice (in.) by means of any one (in.); cause any one to sacrifice (2 ac.); des. yiyaksha, desire to sacrifice. abhi, honour with a sacrifice; offer a sacrifice (ac.). ava, remove or avert by sacrifice. a, (V.) offer reverently, consecrate; worship; gain (ac.) by sacrificejAor (d.), procure (for minen from the gods): A. also procure for oneself: pp. 6shta, gained by worship. upa, sacrifice in addition. pari, (V.) obtain by sacrifice, procure; sacrifice to before and after any one, offer an additional sacrifice (ritual). Pr-a, (TV.) worship, sacrifice to (cc.). sam, worship or sacrifice (to the gods) together; sacrifice; offer together; do honour to (ac.); cs. cause to sacrifice together, repeat the patnisainyagas; officiate as any one's (ac.) priest. 'ZXyag, a. (-a) sacrificing, worshipping. 145rf yag-atd, a. (V.) adorable, holy, divine, sublime. 645Tffi1 yag-ati, m. technical term for rites designated by the verb yagati (and not guhoti). 14S ydg-a-tra, a. worthy of worship or sacrifice (V.). V51 yag-d-tha, (By7.) worshipping, sacrificing (only d. construed li/ce an inf.). Wat ydg-a-dhyai, d. inf. of Vyag (By.). 'Az- yag -ana, n. sacrificin g; place of sacrifice: 'I-Y., 1. a. + ahan, sacred day, day of sacrifice; 2. fp. to be worshipped, - sacrificed. ZMR[TW ytdga-mfina, pr. pt. sacrificing; nz. 'institutorofasacrifice (whtopays its expenises); man capable of paying the expenses of a sacrifice, we-althyman: -1bhM~ga;in shareoftheinstitutor of a sacrifice; -loka~mworld ofsacrificers. ZM~T yag-ft, f. kind of genies. WN yag-i, a. worshipping, sacrificing (-~O); in. performance of sacrifice; the root yag (gr.); -in, in. worshipper,, sacrificer; (yi~g)-ishtha, spy, sacrificing best or most (By.); -ishnu, a. worshipping' or sacrificing to the gods; (-yWg-iys cusacrificing or worshipping better, more, or excellently. Zr% yagur-mdya, a. consisting of the Yagur-veda; -vid, a. knowing the Yagurveda; -vedA, m. Veda of sacrificial texts; -ved-in, a. versed in the Yagur-veda. a~(ygush-mat, a. attended with a sacrificial text: w. ishtaka',pl. designation of certain bricks (consecratedwith aspecial text). ~fIytg-us, n. sacred awe, worship, sacrifice (V.); sacrificial text (as opp. to hymns and chants); the Yagur-veda (sg. & pl.). T:T rr yaguh-svdamin, in. N. of a Purohita. '9'Vyag -id, m. worship (in prayer or praise); sacrificial rite., sacrifice (to, of, by, ~Iiyagina-karman, n. sacrificial rite; a. engaged in a sacrifice; -kalpa, a. resembling a sacrifice; (&)-ka'ma, a. desirous of worship; -k~ra, a. engaged in a sacrifice; -kai1a, in. time of sacrifice; -krit, a. performing a sacrifice; -kratii, in. sacrificial rite; complete or chief ceremony; -kriya&, f. sacrificial rite; -gamya, fp,. accessible by sacrifice; -gltha', f. sacrificial verse; -ghna, m. demon that disturbs a sacrifice; -kkchaga, in. sacrificial goat; -tr~tri, mn. protector of thesariic, p. of Vishnu; -dakshin', f. sacrificial fee; -datta, in. a frequent N.; -dasi, f. N.; -diksh&,f initiation for a sacrifice; -dris, a. looking on at a sacrifice; -deva, in. N.; -dravya, n. requisite for a sacrifice (vessel etc.); -ni', a. guiding the sacrifice; (6.)pati, m. lord of sacrifice = institutor of a sacrifice -or he in whose honour it is offered;..patnijf. wife of the institutor of a sacrifice; -path&, m. path of sacrifice; -pasu, in. sacrificial animal; -p~trA, n. sacrificial utensil; aprpa fp. attainable by sacrifice (Krishna); -priya, a. fond of sacrifice (Krishna); -pri, a. delighting in sacrifice (V.); -phalada, a. rewarding sacrifice (Vishnu); (a)bandhu, in. associate in sacrifice (B V.1); bahu, in. arm of sacrifice, fire; -bhaiga, m. share in the sacrifice; a. having -a share in the sacrifice; in. god: -bhuxg, in. god, - 13vara, m. ep. of Indra; -bha'nda, n. sacrificial utensil; -bhug, m. (enjoying the sacrifice), god, sp. ep. of Vishnu; -bhfmin.f. sacrificial ground; -bhrit, m. institutor of a sacrifice; ep. of Vishnu; -bhoktri, m. enjoyer of the sacrifice, ep. of Krishna; -mandala, n. sacrificial ground; -manas, a. intent on sacrifice; (&)-manman, a. inten~t on sacrifice (By.'); -mahotsava, in. great sacrificial celebration; -mukh&, n. mouth or commencement of the sacrifice (77); -nuki, m. N. of a Ddnava; - artham, ad. for a sacrifice; (&)-vat, a. ~worshipping: -3i,f. N.; ta, in. sacrificial ground; -vstuf, n. id.; kind of ceremony; -vaha, a. conducting the sacrifice to the gods: -na, a. performing the sacrifice; having sacrifice for his vehicle, ep. of Vishnu and of Siva; (f)vhas, a. offering or receiving worship (V.); -vid, a. skilled in sacrifice; -vidyi, f. sacrificial knowledge; (&)-vibhrashta, pp. unsuccessful in sacrifice; -vesas&, n. disturbance of worship or sacrifice (V.); -sarana, n. sacrificial shed; -A~IA, f. sacrificial hall; -sta, n. doctrine of sacrifice; -sishta, n. remnants of a sacrifice; -sila, a. habitually sacrificing; -sesha, in. remains of a sacrifice;, part of a sacrifice yet to be completed; -&reshtha, in. best of sacrifices; -samsiddhi,f. success of a sacrifice; -samat& f. fundamental form of a sacrifice; -sadana, n. sacrificial hall; -sadas, n. sacri ficial assemblage; (i)-sainmita, pp. commensurate with the sacrifice; -sgdh, a. performing sacrifice (By.); -saidhana, a. id.. (.RV.); causing sacrifice (Vishnu); -sira, in. best part of the sacrifice, ep. of Vishnu; -sittra, n. sacrificial thread (worn over the left shoulder); (&)-sena, in. N. of various men and of a -Danaua; -soma, inm. of aiu.Brahmans; -stha, a. engaged in a sacrifice; -sthala, n. sacrificial ground; N. of an Agrah~ra; shnui, in. sacrificial stump = stumbling-block at the sacrifice; -svimin, in. N. of a Brdhinan; -han, a. disturbing or spoiling the sacrifice; -hartri, m. spoiler of the sacrifice; -hut, m. sacrificial priest. yanaas-hg in. (enjoying a share of the sacrifice), god; -agra, n. sacrificial shed; -a~figa, n. part,-means, or requisite of sacrifice; in. ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -4tman, in. soul of the sacrifice, ep. of Vishnu; - anta, a. ending with the word yagsla;z -aatana, n. place of sacrifice; zAyudhi, n.sacrificial implement; - avayava, a. whose members are sacrifices (Vishnu); asha. (strg. stem -sA~h) ruling the sacriEic e (117F.').Wf Tyagni-fya, a. worthy of worship or sacrifice, sharing, in the sacrifice, holy, divine (said of the gods and what is connected with, them); engaged in or fit for sacrifice; devout, pious; sacrificial, sacred: w. bhhga, in. share in the sacrifice; -iya, a. belonging to or suita ble for sacrifice. yagnaajsa, mn. lord of sacrifice; ep. of Vishnu; - isvara, ms. id. IW ' yagnia utsava, m. (conj.) sacrificial festival; - uakarana, n. sacrificial implement; - UpaV3it, n. investiture with the sacrificial thread (worn over the left shoulder); sacrificial thread (C.);. ypavit-in, a. invested with the sacrificial thread. qzm ydyg.yu, a. (B V.) worshipping, pious; adorable; (y~g')-van, a. (r-i) worshipping, sacrificing; pious; ms. worshipper, sacrificer, believer. 147 ya-n, pratydhdra for y, v, r, 1 ~[jYAT, I. y~ta-, P. dispose in order, Nmarshal (By.); march in step, be in line, vie with (in.; By.); A. march or fly in line (By.); unite with (in.; BV.); seek to be united with, strive to reach (lc.; V.); strive after, endeavour to, devote oneself to, be anxious for (guly. d. or inf.; also ac., lc., -artham, -arthe, -arthfiya, -hetos, prati; sts. P. metr.; C.); exert oneself; be on one's guard (C.); he prepared for (cc.; C.): pp. yatta (E., P.), engaged in battle; prepared for (d., lc., prati); ready, on one's guard; guided (chariot, horses); yatita, tried to be (inf., e.g. led); n. imps, it has been endeavoured by (in.) to (inf.); as. yltglya, P. dispose in order, unite (RIV.); cause to fight (Br.); impress anything (cc.) on any one, (g.; C.); A.. be united (BR77); P. A'. surrender anything (ac.) to (cc., g.; B.); distress, torture; requite, return (hostility), reprove as a fault (kilbisham; V., C.; A.. rare in this sense). a, enter into, abide in (le.), strive after (d.; V.): pp. 9yatta, being in (cc. or lc.; Br.); dependent on, at the disposal of (g., le., -'); exerting oneself (P.); on one's guard, ready aE) s. cause to attain (la.). ati&, exert oneself excessively about (la.). an1U, pp. anvyatta, concerned in, connected with, dependent on, existing in (ac. or lc.; V.); es. cause to follow, connect with (ac., la.). sam,pp. dependent on (la.). nis, as. take away, remove; fetch out of (ab.); surrender, !q# ya-ta. rl-aq yatha-tattva. 239 - restore; requite (enmity = take revenge); spend (time). prati-nis, give back, restore. pari, surround (V.). pra, A. (P. metr.) strive after, endeavour to, devote oneself to (ac., d., Ic., inf., -artham, -arthe, -hetos): pp. prayatta, intent; prayatita, n.imps. sampra, A. strive after (d.). prati, counteract (ac.); cs. requite (enmity= take vengeance). vi, A. dispose in lines (V.); cs. distress, torture. sam, P. unite (RV.); A. be arrayed (RV.); be united with (in.; RV.); come into conflict (V.); begin a battle (samgrAmam): pp. samyatta, prepared, on one's guard. prati-sam, pp. completely prepared or equipped. Wf ya-ta, pp. (Vyam) restrained etc.: (a)gir, a. restraining speech, silent. 4jtI1J yat-antya, fp. n. imps. one should strive after (Ic.). [FIw ya-tams, a. (n. -d) who or which of many (V.); -tara, a. (n.-d) which of two (V.). 'rT-myata-v3fk,a.restraining one's speech, silent; -vrata, a. firm of purpose. qiW yd-tas, ad. = ab. of ya in all numbers and genders, out of or from whom or which, whence,whereof (be afraid); where (common); whither (rare); wherefore, for which reason; since, because, for (often introducing a verse in support of a previous statement); since when (gnly. + prabhriti); as soon as (RV.); that (after questions, e.g. what have I done that you should -; or to introduce oratio recta); yato yatah, from which or whence respectively; whithlersoever, in whatever direction; yata eva kutas hca, whencesoever (Br.); yatas tatah, from any one soever; from any quarter whatever; whithersoever, to anyplace whatever. [ladle (RV.). 4yat r yata-sr.k,a.having an outstretched ET lTayataa tman, a. having one's mind concentrated, controlling oneself. rf{ I. yd-ti, a. pl. (nm. ac. yati) as many as. Wf# 2. yat-i, m. disposer (V.): pl. N. of an ancient race connected with the Bhrigus; sg. (striver), one who has renounced the world, ascetic, anchorite. 'f 3. yd-ti, f. guidance (V.); pause (in music); caesura (in prosody). [penance. f~41 T 'I yati - khndrayana, n. kind of 'qff'TdW yat-i-tavya, fp. n. one should exert oneself, for (lc.). TfInelI yati-tala, m. kind of musical measure; -tra, n. condition of an ascetic; -dharma, %a. duties of an ascetic. rfTTyati-thd, a. (i') thehow-manieth (Br.); -dha, ad. in how many parts or places (AV.). WftlKyat-in, m. ascetic. 4f J N yati-bhrashta, pp. lacking the requisite caesura. P 'i-qt yato-mfla, a. originating in which. i4cTf ydt-kama, a. desiring which (V.); -ka'myg, ad. with which intention (Br.); -karanam, ad. on which account, wherefore; since, because (also at); -karyam, ad. with wlhichintention; -kimkana-karaka, a. doing anythiig that occurs to one, acting at rando:m;;.kimkana-kar-in, a. id.: (-i)-ta, f. haplhaard conduct; -kimkana-pralapin, a. tall idn at random; -kimkana-vada, m. randona assertion; -kimkid-api-samkalpa, m. desire i)r something or other; -kimkid-duhkha-k&i, n. pi. trifling pains of whatever kind; -kula, a. of which family; -krite, ad. for the sake of whom or which. W[F yat-na, m. volition, aspiration (rare); effort, exertion, endeavour, care, trouble, labour, pains (sg. & pl.; with regard to, lc. or -~); express statement (rare): -m kri, a-dhi, or &-stha, make an effort or attempt, take trouble or pains (for, to, lc., inf.); in. sg. or pl. carefully, eagerly, zealously, strenuously; yatnena api, in spite of every effort; ab. with every effort; carefully, sedulously, vigorously; -tas, ad. id.; O-, with difficulty. 'Wff. yatna-vat, a. possessed of volition; taking trouble, exerting oneself (with Ic.). yv yd-tra (V. sts. A), ad. = Ic. of ya in all numbers and genders; where, in which place (ord. mg.); whither; on which occasion, in which case, if; when (common); in that (=quod; rare); in order that (RV., rare); that (after a question): yatra yatra, wherever; whithersoever; yatra tatra, in whatever; anywhere whatever; to any place whatever, heaven knows whither; at every opportunity, on every occasion; yatra tatraapi, anywhere soever; yatra kutra, in whatever; everywhere; yatra kutra api, in whatever; yatra kva ka (V.), in any whatever; wherever; whenever; whithersoever; yatra kvakana, in any whatever; anywhere; at any time; heaven knows whither; yatra kva va, anywhere whatever (P.); yatra kva api, to any place, hither or thither (P.); yatra va, or at any other place, or elsewhere. T4iTT;Tq yatra- kAmaavasfya, m. magical power of transferring oneself anywhere at will; -tatra-saya, a. lying down anywhere, not minding where one sleeps. WsT yatra-tya, a. being or dwelling in which place. VTrnjIf yatra-sayam-griha, a. having one's dwelling wherever evening falls; -sayam-pratisraya, a. id.; -stha, a. dwelling in which place; -astamita-sayin, a. resting wherever sunset overtakes one; -ikkhaka, a. wherever one likes. 9W" Tai yat-samkhya-ka, a. having what number, how numerous; -sena, a. having how strong an army; -svabhava, a. being of what nature. qt'fT yatha-rishi, ad. according to the respective Bishi. WTZ yathf rikam, ad. according to the respective verse; - ntu, ad. according to the season; - rishi, ad. according to the respective Rishi. ]'4 ya-tha, rel. ad. & cj. as, like (followed by correlative tAtha; sts. tatha tatha, tadvat, evam, V. evA; in V. the pcls. kid, ha, ha vai, ivaafiga, iva ha are added, in C. sts. iva redundantly; at the end of a pdda yatha is sometimes unaccented in this sense like iva); as, for instance; elliptically: as it is or was (rare); properly, correctly (=yathavat); in order that, (so) that (with subj. or opt. in V.; opt., pr., ft., impf., pf., aor. in C.; sts. with ellipse of syat or bhavet); that (with verbs of saying, thinking, knowing, doubting, hearing, etc. introducing oratio recta + iti); as soon as (rare); as if (w. pot., rare): yath - tatha, as - therefore; as surely as - so truly (also tena satyena, the logical order of the clauses being sts. inverted); yatha yatha - tatha tatha (V. also eva'eva), according or in proportion as - so, the more - the more; yatha yathaeva, that (w. pot.; corr. tad); yatha tatha, in whatever way; in some way I or other, anyhow (with na, in no way, not in reality); by commentators used to express that a word is employed adverbially (in such manner that it is, sc. bhavati); yatha kathamkid, in any way, somehow or other; tad yatha, that is as follows = namely, for instance; tad yaths api nama, just as if (w. pot.). WtEifWiM yathA-k anishtham, ad. according to age from the youngest upwards; -kartavya, fp. to be done according to the circumstances; n. proper course of action; -karma, ad. according to the respective action or actions; -karma-gunam, ad. according to the actions and (three) qualities; -kalpam, ad. according to the ritual; -kandam, ad. according to the sections; -kama-kara, m. action according to one's desire; -kamam (SB. am), ad. according to wish, at will or pleasure, agreeably; leisurely; -kamagyeya, fp. to be oppressed at pleasure; -kama-prayapya, fp. to be sent away at pleasure; -kama-vadhya, fp. to be chastised at pleasure; -kima-vikarin, a. wandering about at will; -kma arkita arthin, a. satisfying supplicants according to their desire; -kamin, a. acting according to one's will, unrestrained; -karya,fp. to be done according to circumstances; -kala, m. proper time: -m, ad. at the right or usual time, seasonably; -kula-dharmam, ad. according to the family usage; -krita, pp. properly done (-~); agreed upon: (&)-m, ad. as usual (RV.); as it happened; as agreed upon; -krama, ~-, -m, ena, in due order, successively; -kriyamana, pr. pt. as being done, usual, customary; -kshamam, ad. according to one's power, as much as possible; -kshipram, ad. as quickly as possible; - khyanam, ad. according to the statement, as before stated; -agata, pp. by which one came (way): -m, e-na, ad. by the way one came; -igama, a. orthodox: -m, ad. in accordance with tradition; -gunam, ad. according to the qualities or virtues; -griham, ad. into one's respective house; -gotra-kula-kalpam, ad. according to the usage of the family or the tribe; - aigam, ad. member by member; - ^kiram, ad. according to usage; -kintita, pp. previously intended; -kkhandas, ad. metre by metre; -gyta, pp. as if born into the world; stupid, foolish; -gosham, ad. to one's heart's content; -griapta, pp. previously directed or ordered; -giiapti, ad. according to command; -giianam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -gfieyam, ad. id.; -gyeshtham, ad. according to agefrom the eldest downwards,by seniority. [qWT'r-. yatha-tattva, ad. ~- or -m, in accordance with truth, truly, accurately; -tatham, ad. as it is really (tatha), circumstantially, accurately; properly, suitably; -tathyam, -tathyena, ad. in accordance with truth; -atmaka, a. having whatever nature; -darsana, ad. ~- or -m, at each occurrence, in each individual case; -dik, -disam, ad. in accordance with the cardinal points, according to the corresponding direction; - - dishta, pp. according to the direction or statement: (a)-m, ad.; -drishtam, ad. as one has seen it; -devatam, ad. deity by deity; -desan, ad. according to the place; - adesam, according to precept; -dharmam, ad.. in due order; according to the nature; - adhikara, ad. ~- or -m, according to authority; -adhlta, - or -m, ad. as learnt, in accordance with the text; -adhyapakam, ad. in accordance with the teacher; -niruptam, ad. as scattered; -nirdishta,pp. as above specified, described, or characterized; - anu. purvam, ad. in regular order; - anupirvya, o- or a, (in.) ad. id.; - anubhftam, ad.,ac 240 ~TW~rI( ath-Panyam:~ Iq~ya-d. cording to previous experience; -auZ pm ad. in exact conformity, regularly; -nyastam, ad. in the manner in which deposited; -uya^yam, ad. according to rule, duly, fitly; -nya'sam, ad. according to the written wording of a sitra, as is written; -nyupta, pp. in the order in which laid down. WTW!I:yatha-panyam, ad. according to the commodity; - paridha-danda, a. punishing in pro 'ortion to guilt; -parittam, ad. as delivered up; -puram, ad. as before.; -pfrrva, a. being as before: (a')-m, ad. as before; in succession, one after the other; -pragfiam, ad. to the best of one's knowledge; -pratyaksha-darsanam, ad. as if actually seen; -pradishtam, ad. as prescribed, duly; -pradesam, ad. in its respective place; in the proper place; in all directions; according to precept;..pradhfinam, ad. according to size; according to precedence; -pravesam., ad. as one has entered; -prasnam, ad. in accordance with the questions; -prastutam, ad. as had already, been begun, at length; -.pra^nam, ad. according to one's strength, with all one's might; -pranna i. ad. id.; -pripta,p. as fallen in with, the first that occurs; as resulting from circumstancesr, suitable; resultingfrom a preceding grammaticalI rule: -in, ad. according to the rule, regularly; -prairthitam, ad. as requested; -phalam, ad. according to the produce, -bala'm, ad. according to one's power, with alII one's might; according to the condition of the army; bigam, ad. according to the seed, bluddhi, ad. to the best of one's knowledge, -bhaigam, ad. according to the share; in one's respective place; in the right place; -bha~ganam, ad. respectively in the right place, -bhava, m. condition ofhowitis,true state., fate; abhipreta, pp. wished for, desirable ( ) m, ad. according to desire, as any~one (g.) likes; - abhimata, _pp. desired.: -in, ad. according to desire, to one's heart's content,.-desa, m. desired place, whatever place one likes; -_abhirukita, pp. liked, favourite; abhilashita, wished for, desirable; - abhishta, pp. desired: * dis,f. place desired by each; -bhfitam, ad. according to what has happened, truly; -bhfiini, ad. into the respective country; - bhyarthita, pp. previously requested; -m-anigalam, ad. according to the respective custom; -mati, ad. as seems fit-to any one (g.); to the best of one's understanding; -manas, ad. to one's heart's content.; -mukhyam, ad. as regards the chief persons; -mukhyena, in. ad. chiefly, above all; - mnatam, ad. as handed down in the text.,Tytayathftyam~,ad. fitly,.properly, in due order; one after the other, gradually; -yukta, _pp. regarding (Ic.): -in, ad. accord-* ing to circumstances, suitably; -yukti, ad. id.: -tas, ad. id-.; -yogam., ad~id.; according to usage; -yogena, in. ad. according to circumstances, suitably; 7yogyain, ad. as is fit, properly, suitably; _rabdha,,pp. previously begun; arambham, ad. according to the" beginning, in the same order; -rukam., -ruki, ad. according to taste; -r Apa, a. of what kind; havino, a suitable appearance, extremely beautiful; very great: (&)-m, ad. suitably; rightly, truly.; according to appearance. ZMT yathft rtha, a.conformable to reality, appropriate '~(name), suitable; correct, true' (also of a dream), in the true sense of the, word (life): 0- or (i)-in, 'ad. in accordance: with the object or need, suitably, fitly, ap'pro-I priately; in accordance with reality, accu-; rately; at pleasure: -ka, a. correct-; coming. true (dream); kra-n'mna propriately named; -tattvam, ad. in accordance with the actual truth; -tas, ad. in accordance with truth; ta f. appro' riateness (of a name);..nama-ka,. a. bearing an appropriate name: -tva, n. appropriateness of name; -naman, a. having an appropriate name; Z~qkshara, a. true to the letter; -4kh'ya, a. bearing an appropriate name. Zrwfi.ff yathfisjrthita, pp. as requested, previously asked-;.-9rthi-tvamL, ad. according to the intention; - arpita, pp. as delivered up; -p~rha, a. according to deserts or merit, suitable: C~ or -in, ad. in accordance with merit or worth, worthily, suitably, j ustly: -tas, ad. id.; -labdha, pp. such as comes to hand;I -iibha, 0~ or -in, ad. just as it happens to be; -liiigaiu, ad. according to the characteristic. ZM '9M yathA aakatsam, ad. according to space; into the proper place; according to or on the first opportunity; -vakanak aIrin, a. acting according to orders, obedient; -vakananm, ad. according to the expression; -vat, ad. exactly as it'is or should be, accord. ing, to usage, in due order, suitably, fitly., correctl y, accurately; = yathh, as (rare); -vayas., ad. according to age; of the same age; -vasim, 'ad. according to one's will or pleasure (V.); - vasaram, ad. at every opportunity; *-vastu, ad. in accordance with the facts, accurately, truly; -a9vastham, ad. in accordance with the condition or circumstances;..avasthita artha-kathana, n. description of a matter in accordance with facts; -ava~sam, ad. to one's -respective dwelling; -vittam, ad. in accordance with the find; in pro-,portion to -property; -vidha, a. of what kind;' -vidhanaM, ad. 'according to prescription or rule, duly; -vidhaInena, in. ad. id.; -vidhi, ad. id.; in due form, suitably; according to the deserts of (g.); -viniyogam, ad. in the order stated; — vibhava, '-, -in, or -tas, ad. in proportion to means or income; -vibhag-,am, ad. in accordance with the shiare 4 -vishayam, ad. according to the thing in question; -vlirya, a. having what strength:: -in, ad. in proportion or with regard to valour; -vritta, pp. as happened; 'how conducting oneself:' '- or -in, ad. as it happened, in accordance with the facts, circumstantially; according to the metre; n. previous event; actual facta~details ofan event; -vrittiuta, M. (?) experience, adventure.; -~vriddha, c~ or -n according to age, by seniority; -vyavaharam, ad. in accordance with usage; — vyutpattiL, ad. according to the degree~of culture; -sakti, -saktya, ad. according to one's power, to the utmost of one's power, as far as possible;.sAyam-ad. according to wish; -according to the conditions or premises; -Sastra, o~ or -in, according to prescribed rules or the institutes of the law;' -silam, ad. according to flhe.cliaracter; -sraddhim, ad. according to,inclination; -saam ad. according to the stage-of religious life; asrayram, ad. in re-,gard to the connenion; -sr~ddham, ad. in -accordance with the funeral feas t; -erutam, pp. as heard of: -in, ad. as one heard it;, in -accordance with knowledge; incorr~for -sruti; -sruti, ad. according to the precepts of the Veda; -samstham, ad. according to circumstances; -sakhyam, ad.in proportion to friendship; -samkalpita, pp. as wished; -sam-.khyam, -samkhyena, ad. according to nuinber, number for number, in such a -,way that,the numbers of twco -equal series correspond numerically (the Jlrst to the first, the second 4o the second, etc.); -saiigam, ad. according,to need, adequately; -sat yam, ad. in accord-,ance with truth, truthfully; -samdishtam,,ad. as directed; - asaunam, ad. as soon as,come nMear; — samayam, cad. at the proper time; -sainarthitam, ad. as has been con sidered good; -sainamnatam, ad. as mentioned; -sainiLhita, pp. as desired: -in, ad. according to wish (Pr.); -samudittam, ad. as agreed; -sampad, ad. as it happens; -sampratyayam, ad. according to agreement; -sampradayam, ad. as handed down; -sambaudham, ad. according to the relationship; -sambhava, a. corresponding as far as possible: -in, ad. according to the connexion, respectively; -sambhavin, a., -sambhivita, pp- corresponding; -sa'ma, ad. according to the sequence of the Skmans; _Saram, ad. according to the quality; -siddha, pp. as happening to be' ready; -sukha, '- or -in, ad. at pleasure; at ease, comfortably; pleasantly, conveniently; -sukha-inukha, a. facing any way one pleases; -suiktain, ad. hymn by hymn; -sttkshma, a. p1. according to size from the smallest onwards: -in, ad.; - astain, ad. to 'one's respective home; -sthaua, n. proper place (only le. sg. &t p 1.); a. being, in the proper place:.(ii)-in, ad. to or in the proper place; -sthitain, ad. according to one's stand; as it stands, certainly, surely; -sthiti, ad. according to custom, as usual; -sthita,0or -in, ad. in the rough, without,going into detail; -sinriti, ad. according to,one's recollection; according to the rules of the law-books.; -sva, a. one's (his, their) respective.: '~- or -in, ad. each his own, each individually or in his own way, respectively; -svaira, ~-.or -in, ad. at pleasure, without restraint; - Ahira, a. eatinga whatever comes to hand. N~T yathft'kshitam, ad. as seen with one's own eyes; -Jikkla, a. according to desire: c~ o -mn, ad. in aicordance with desire, at pleasure, as one likes;.iklchakan, - ikklcay', ad. id.; - (pp.) ad. as come; ipaay, in. 'ad. according to desire; - 3pSita,.pp. as desired: -in, ad. according to wish. '94L yathftjshta, pp. such as desired: or -in, ad. according to wiso: -gati, a. going wherever one likes.; -samkArin, a. id.;- Asana, a. sitting as one likes. ItIyatbu~kta, pp. as said or stated, aforesaid, previously mentioned or discussed: c or -in, e-na, ad. in the manner stated or prescribed; according to request; -.,ktakarin, a. acting as prescribed above; - uktavadin, a.. reporting what he has bee-n' told (messenger); - ukita, pp. suitable, fit, proper: '- or -in, ad. becomingly, fitly, suita-~ bly; pqgyitain, ad. according to the victory gained; - uttara, -a. following in succession: -in, ad. one after the other, in succession; _U~tSaha, a. according to one's n~ower: -in, ad,. to the best of one's ability; - udayain, ad. in proportion to income, accorditg to one's means; -_u~ditm, pp. as stated, bcfore-mientioned: -in, ad.; - udgamana,'- al. in rising.proportion; - uddishta, pp. as stated, enumerated above; as directed by (ics.): -in, ad. in the manner stated; - ddesam, ad. in the manner indicated; -t.~pagosham, ad. at 'pleasure, comfortably; - upadishta, pp. as stated, previously indicated:ni ad. in the manner stated or prescribed; - upa4lesain ~ad. as stated or instructed, in aceo~rdance with precept or prescribed teaching; u~papidain, ad. just as or where it la pens; -upayoga, '- or -in, ad. according, t use, requirements, or circumstances; -plan bham, ad. however one lays hold of it; -padhi, ad. according to the conditio:ns on premises; upta, _pp. as sown, according t o the sed m-akityam (or it), in suitable manner., yd-d, nm. & ac. sg. n. and base -oth rel..pmn. what, which; cj. that (i; -roducing z-[ yad-anna. qR yam. 241 - oratio recta, gnly. without iti, after verbs of saying, thinking, etc.); (so) that (rare); as to the fact that (corr. tad, therein); wherefore, on which account (rare); when (V.); if (V.; in Br. with pot. to express an unfulfilled condition); since, because, inasmuch as (corr. tad, therefore; common); in order that (rare); adha yad, even if, although (R V.); yad api, although; yad u - evam, as - so (V.); yad uta, that; that is to say; yat kila, that; yak ka, if that is to say; yad va, or else (very common in comm.); however; yad va - yadi va, if - or if. 4i[4 yad-anna, a. eating which food; -abhava, m.: Ic. in absence or default of which; -artha, a. having which object in view: -m, ad. wherefore, on which account; forwhose sake; since, because (rare); -arthe, Ic. ad. id.; -asana, a. eating which food. 14 T ya-df, cj. when, followed by corr. (rarely omitted) tadh, sts. tatah, in V. also at, atha, adha, and tAd; the copula is often omitted, esp. after app.; yada kada kid, at any time, ever; yada tada, always; yada kada ka, as often as (RV.); yada yada, as often as (corr. doubled or single tadh); yada eva - tada eva, yada eva khalu - tada prabhritieva, as soon as - at once, at the very time that - thenceforward. WiTT i yad-atma-ka, a. having whose nature. NRfe ydd-i (V. also i metr.), cj. if (in V. w. ind., subj., pot., ft., the pcls. id, u, uta, kid, ha vai being,ts. added, while the apodosis is gnly. without a pcl.; in C., from Mansu onwards, it is used with (a) pr.; in opodosis pr., pot., impv., ft., no finite vb.; (b) pot.; in apodosis pot., cond.,pr.,impv., ft., no vb.; (c) ft.; in apodosis ft., pr., no vb.; (d) cond.; in apodosis cond.; (e) impf. or aor.; in apodosis cond., pot.; (f) no finite vb.; in apodosis pr., pot., ft., no vb.; the apodosis in all these cases has tarhi, tatah, tad, tad3, rarely atra, atha, tatra, tadAnim, tatah param); if = as sure as (in asseverations, followed by impv. + tatha or tena, or pot. with tad); whether (with pr., pot., or no vb.; yadi - na va, whether - or not); that (after ' not believe,' 'not suffer '); if perchance, perhaps (w. pot. + iti,pr. orft.); yadi ked, if; yadi tavat, how would it be if (w. pr. or impv.); yadi lpi, even if, although (rarely api yadi; apodosis + tatha api or tad api); yadi (va) - yadi va, yadi va - yadi, yadi va - va, va -yadi va, yad va - yadiva, if- orif, whether - or; yadi - va na va, whether - or not; yadi va (alone), or if, or rather; sts. = however. T7T yad-iya, a. whose. IS yddu, m. N. of a Vedic tribe and its chief (gnly.;:entioned with Turvasa). In E. he is described as a son of Yaydti, of tVasu, prince of Kedi, and of Haryasva; he is the ancestor of the Yddava race in which Krishna was born. W T yad-rikkhH, f. chance: ~-, -tas, or in. a-ya, by chance, accidentally; spontaneously; unexpectedly; -mAtratah, only quite by accident; -labha-samtushta, pp. satisfied with earnings obtained spontaneously; -sabda, m. word of accidental origin, unmeaning word. 'I-T yad-gotra, a. belonging to which family; -devata, a. having which deity; -dhetos, ab. ( = hetos) ad. on which account, wherefore; -bhavishya, a. saying ' what will be, will be'; m. fatalist; N. of a fish. 'i yad-riy-aiik, a. turned in which direction (V.). I I I 4?fiyad-vat, ad. in what manner, as (corr. tadvat or evam); -vidha, a. of what kind; -virya, a. of what valour; -vritta, n. (thing that happened), occurrence, event, adventure. WrM ydn-tave, d. inf. of Vyam (BV.); -tavya, fp. to be guided, curbed, or restrained; -tri, m. driver (of horses or car), charioteer; elephant-driver; director, guide; ruler, governor; a. establishing (V.); bestowing (V.); withholding, from (Ic.). -q yan-trd, n. means of holding, support, barrier (V.); leather-thong., traces (of a carriage); (blunt surgical) instrument (opp. knives); apparatus, appliance, mechanical contrivance, engine, machine; bolt, lock (on a door); means of propulsion (in a boat, = oars, sails, etc.); - or -, mechanical (elephant, etc.); magical (car); amulet, mystical diagram used as an amulet. 'S[4i yantra-ka, m. (f. ika) restrainer; mechanist; -karandika, f. magical basket; -karma-krit, m. mechanist; -karman, n. employment of instruments; -keshtita, (pp.) n. magicalcontrivance, enchantment; -kkhedya, n. kind of art (incorr. for pattra-). ~ Ii yantr-ana, n. bandaging; restriction, restraint, constraint (caused by, -~). q~:Ti-~. yantra-takshan, m. constructor of machines or magical contrivances; -dridha, pp. secured by a bolt; -dhara-griha, n. shower-bath room: -tva, n. condition or function of a shower-bath; -nala, n. artificial pipe or tube; -putraka, in., -putrika, f. mechanical doll; -pravaha, in. mechanical spray or jet of water; -maya, a. artificially imitated, mechanical (animal, etc.); -mayura-ka, m. artificial peacock; -marga, m. aqueduct. ZV yantra-ya, den. P. bandage: pp. ita, bandaged; bound, fastened; fettered, restrained, or compelled by, depending on (in., ab., -~); self-restrained; strenuously exerting oneself, for (-krite). ni, curb, restrain: pp. bound, fettered; embanked; restricted, ruled by, dependent on (in. or _o). sam, pp. stopped (car). F f41Iyantra-vat, a. furnished with a mechanical contrivance; -sara, m. automatic arrow; -sutra, n. cord of a mechanical puppet. fi~' yantr-in, a. furnished with trappings (horse); possessing an amulet; tormenting; m. tormentor. q-'Ryl[q yantra upala, m. pl. (mechanical stones), mill. J1TTWiyan-naman, a. having what name; -nimitta, a. whereby occasioned: -m, ad. on which account, in consequence of which.!IRW yan-maya, a. consisting or formed of which; -matra, a. having which measure; -murdhan, m. whose head; -mnla, a. having its root in which, dependent on whom or what. A4[ YABH, I.P. (V.), A.(C.) yabha, have N connexion with (a female); des. yiyapsa, P. wish to have connexion with. pra,and prati, id. E: YAM, I. yama (V.), yakkka (V., C.), ' hold, - up, sustain, A. find support in (Ic.; V.); wield (missile),, A. reach out with weapons (in.; V.); raise or hold (a screen etc.) over (d.; V.), A. extend oneself before any one (d., like a screen, sarma-vat; Br.); raise the other scale, weigh more (Br.); hold in, curb, check (horses, car, etc.); restrain (breath, voice); subdue, control (mind, pas sions, etc.), draw in, tighten (reins); bestow, grant, offer, give up to (d., Ic.); A. obey (d.; RV.); offer (praise, etc.; RlV.), show (teeth; V.): margam yam, make way for (g.); give in exchange for (prati* w. ab.): pp. yata; cs. P. (A'. metr.) yamaya, hold in check; restrain (voice); arrange (hair), trim (nails): pp. yamita. adhi, extend over (d.; RiV.). anu, P. A. guide, direct (hV.); A. follow (RV.). antar, restrain. a, extend (a web, etc.); A. draw (a bow), adjust (an arrow), aim; stretch out (the hand, etc.), lengthen steps (padanl = stride out); control (the mind), suspend (the breath); bring to or towards (RV.); display: pp. a-yata, drawn (arrow); extending towards (-~); extended, long (also of time), broad (forehead); directed towards (RV.); cs. bring to (lc.; V.). abhia, protract (tone; Br.); aim at (ac.; V.). nir-a, take out (ac.): pp. outstretched. vi a, pull asunder; A. struggle for (lI.), fight: pp. vyayata, long (arm), far (running, ~-), carried on from a distance (fight); strong (person); intense: -m, ad. excessively, greatly; cs. gd. vyayamya, having taken exercise. sam-a, draw (traces; RV.); draw together. ud, raise, lift up (arms, weapons, etc.); elevate on a support (V.); lift on high, convey aloft (hymn; RV.); present (oblations, invocations; V.); hold out, offerto any one; rouse, excite (V.); guide (horses; E., rare); take up, set about, prepare oneself, get ready, exert oneself, strive after (d., or -artham); sts. incorr.for ud-gam pp. udyata, uplifted, upraised; offered (esp. food); undertaken, begun; prepared or ready for, about to, bent, or resolved on, engaged in (d,, Ic., inf., -~, or -artham); prepared for action, intent, energetic; expectant; cs. udyamaya, raise up; intv. -yamyamiti, stretch out (the arms; RV.1). abhi ud, pp. uplifted; offered; prepared to, ready for, on the point of, engaged in, bent on (lc., inf., -~); incorr. for udgata, risen, appeared. praud, pp. uplifted (stick); being about to (inf.). prati ud, offered; incorr. for -gata. sam-ud, lift up; guide (horses): pp. raised, uplifted,; offered; ready to one's hand; intended; begun; ready for or about to (d., inf., -artha-), engaged in (le.); prepared for action. upa, lay hold of, seize; prop, put under as a support; offer; accept; acquire; A. (P.) take to wife, marry (ordd.mg.); A. have connexion with (a woman). ni, stop (a car, etc.),keep back, prevent (cows) straying (V.); fasten or tie to (lc.); tie up (the hair); hold fast, draw to one (V.); attain (success); assume (a state); bestow permanently, implant (V.); offer or perform regularly (oblations); keep to oneself, withhold (RV.), A. be held back (bolt; RV.); draw tight (reins); guide (horses); curb, restrain, dissuade, from (ab.); check, govern, control; chastise, punish; subdue (passions); suspend (breath); suppress (speech, emotion); conceal (nature); settle, determine; limit, restrict; keep low (tone), pronounce with the anudatta accent; often incorr.for ni-gam; ps. be settled or established: pp. niyata, tied to (lc.); folded (hands); connected with, dependent on (lc.); checked, curbed, restrained; suppressed., discontinued; settled, established, fixed, certain; constant, regular; limited, to (-o); limited in number; concentrated, intent, on (lc.); pronounced with the anudatta accent; cs. niyamaya, P. stop, bind, curb, restrain., control; suspend (breath); settle, determine; limit: pp. -yamita, bound, tied, fixed, fastened, in (lc.); prevented by (_~); suspended (breath); checked; alleviated (labour, heat); determined or destined to be (inf. w. ps. mg.). prati-ni, pp. determined for each particular case, another in each case. vi-ni, curb, control; draw in, withdraw; I i 242 24 yam-a. I yyas. check, keep off: pp. controlled; limited, moderate. sam-ni, hold tight (reins); restrain, curb, control; check (disease), suppress (emotion, etc.). pra, stretch forth (V.); place upon (Ic.); direct (the eyes) towards (abhi); despatch (messengers) to (d.); set forth (oblations) upon (Ic.); offer, bestow, give; -up, deliver, hand over; bring, cause, produce; give (a daughter) in marriage; administer (poison); pronounce (a curse) on (g.); represent (to the mind, Ic.), teach (the Veda); give (an answer); show (hospitality); offer for sale (vikrayena= sell); restore, pay (debt); requite (a benefit): pp. outstretched, far-extended(V.); placed upon (Ic.); offered, etc.; piously disposed, prepared for a solemn rite (lc. or -~), ritually pure. prati-pra, restore; pass on (food). sam-pra, deliver (together), offer, give, bestow, on (d., g.); give back; give (a daughter) in marriage. vi, extend (shelter, protection; V.) to (d.): pp.viyata, extended. sam, hold together, draw tight (reins); curb, guide (horses); tie up (hair), bind, fetter; close (door); check, suppress, discontinue; restrain, keep in subjection: pp. samyata, held fast; curbed, controlled; self-controlled, with regard to (in., Ic., -~); tied together, bound or tied up, fettered, confined, imprisoned, captive; kept in order (utensils); checked, restrained, suppressed, subdued; cs. P. subdue (foes); tie up, arrange (hair): pp. samyamita, subdued; bound, fettered; clasped with (arms, in.); piously disposed. abhi-sam, hold out towards (ac.); maintain (fire). I. yam-a, m. (restrainer), rein (RV.1); driver (RV.1); suppression, restraint; selfrestraint; general law of morality, paramount duty (opp. niyama, minor duty); observance, rule. Zq 2. yam-d, a. (a, i) forming a pair; m. twin (du. twins; designation of the Asvins); N. of the male Twin of Yami, the first man, son of Vivasvat (RV.); in the Veda Yama is the god who rules over the departed fathers in heaven; in C. he is regarded as the god of death, presiding in the lower regions (his name being supposed to mean subduer or punisher), younger brother of Mane (thefirst man), regent of the south, and reputed author of hymns and of a law-book; planet Saturn; n. pair.,lf i yama-ka, a. double, twofold; n. double bandage; repetition of syllables identical in sound but different in meaning, paronomasia; -kimkara, in. Yama's servant, messenger of death; -ketu, in. Yama's flag, sign of death; -kshaya, m. Yama's abode; -gathg, f. verse treating of Yama; -griha, n.Yama's abode; -ghna, a. destroying death, ep. of Vishnu; -ga, a. twin-born; m. du. twins; -gata, pp.: -ka, a., n. id.; -gihva,f. (Yama's tongue), N. of a procuress; -ta, f. condition of Yama: -m ya, become the god of death to, cause the death of (g.); -tva, n. id.: -damshfra, m. N. of an Asura, of a Rdkshasa, and of a warrior; -damshtra, f. Yama's tooth: - antaram gata, having entered the jaws of death; -danda, m. Yama's rod; -dis, f. Yama's quarter, south; -dta, m. Yama's messenger; (&)-devata, a. having Yama as a deity; -dhani, f. Yama's abode. I:srT yam-ana, a. (i) restraining, guiding (V.); n. act of restraining or curbing. '9ZM yama-pata, m. cloth of Yama (on which the god of death and the tortures of hell are depicted): i-ka, m. man who carries about a Yama cloth; -pada, n. repeated word; -palaka, m. Yama's watchman; -pala-purusha, m. id.; -purusha, m. id.; -mandira, n. Yama's abode; -marga, m. Yama's path; -yaga, m. kind of Yagya; -raya, m. N.; -raqan, m. king Yama; (a)ragan, a. having Yama as a king; m. subject of Yama; -rAgya, n. Yama's rule; -rashtra, n. Yama's realm.:[4T yama-la, a. forming a pair, double; m. twin; the number two; -loka, m. world of Yama; -vat, a. self-restrained, controlling one's passions; -vishaya, m. Yama's realm; -vrata, n. Yama's method; -sikha, in. N. of a Vetala; -sadana, n. Yama's abode; -sabha, f. Yama's tribunal; -sadana, n. Yama's abode; -suf, a. bearing twins; -sukta, n. the Yalna hymn; -svasri, f. Yama's sister, ep. of the Yamuna. WT-T, a yamavannga, a. attending onYama; -anukara, m. Yama's servant; -mantaka, m. Yama, god of death. [of death. 1T~T' yama-ya, den. A. represent the god ITffTf yamaari, m. Yama's foe, ep. of Vishnu; -ilaya, m. Yama's abode. ft lyam-in, a. self-controlled. [4R yam-, f. twin-sister of Yama; in C. = Yamuna. '4T yam-unA, f. N. of a river (now Jumna); in C. identified with Yami; N.: -datta, m. N. of a frog; -pati, m. ep. of Vishnu; -prabhava, m. source of the Yamuna (a place of pilgrimage). W^ yamusha-deva, kind of fabric. IT'TfI ya-yat-i, m. [Striver: V/yat], N. of an ancient patriarch, son of Nahusha. 1f' ya-y-i (or 1), a. [V/ya] racing, swift (RV.). '- ys-y-n, a. [/ya] swift; m. horse. Zff ya-rhi, cj. when (w. ind. and pot. and corr. tarhi and etarhi, in TS. & Ait. Br. only; w. pr., pot., impf., pf., aor. or no vb. and corr. atha, tatra, tada, tatprabhriti, in Bhdgavata-P. only; in the latter also with meaning since, because). ~ 1 ydva, m. grain, corn (V.); barley (C.: pl. barley-corns); barley-corn as a measure (a) of length, = Q or ~ afgula; (b) of weight, 6 or 12 mustard-seeds or ~ guiigh. V'9I4 yava-kshetra, n.barley-field; -khala, m. threshing-floor; -godhfma-vat, a. abounding in barley and wheat; -kftrna, n. barley-meal; -dvipa, m. island of Java. 4Ti yaivan, m. light half of the month. 4 't I. ydv-ana, a. [v/2. yu] warding off (only -o); n. [. yu] mixing, esp. with water. IVf 2. yavana, m. (Ionian), Greek, prince of the Greeks; N. of a caste; foreigner, Mahommedan (late): pi. the Greeks; Greek astrologers; -desa-ga, a. coming from the land of the Greeks; -pura, n. city of the Greeks, N. probably of Alexandria; -sena, mi. N. W" T9t *yavan-anl, f. writing of the Greeks. qfT.fRiT yavan-ika, f. I. Greek woman; 2. curtain (= gavanika); -i, f. Greek woman. 1[4* P yavanajsvara, m. N. of a prince of the Greeks. o;fTS yava-pishta, pp. barley-meal; (yava)-mat, a. containing barley; m. corngrower (RV.); n. abundance of corn (RV.); (yiva)-madhya, a. like a barley-corn in the middle, thickest in the middle (a term applied also to certain metres); n. (diameter' of a barley-corn), a measure of length; kind of Kdndrdyana or lunar penance (also -madhyama); -maya, a. made or consisting of barley; -mardana, n. threshing-floor; -mushti, m.f. handful of barley. rTU yavasa, m. n. sg. & pl. grass, fodder, pasturage; -mushti, m.f. handful of grass; aad, a. eating grass, grazing (RV.); - anna udakaindhana, n. grass, corn,. water, and fuel; - indhana, n. grass and fuel; - udaka, n. du. fodder and water. q[T'Tyava-gf,f. gruel of rice (also of other kinds of grain). MTVf i yavasa-ka, m. manna-plant (which withers at the commencement of the rainy season). wfqe ydv-ishtha, spv. youngest (often said of fire just produced from the fire-sticks or placed on the altar); hence ep. of Agni; -iyas, cpv. younger (also said of Sadras as opp. to the three older castes); lesser; worse; m. younger brother: -i,f. younger sister. v 'q'TI yavaurvar, f. barley-field.:ytii yasah-ketu, m. N. ofvariousprinces; -khandin, a. fame-destroying; -sarira, n. body consisting of fame; -sesha, a. surviving in fame only: -ta,f. abst. N.: -m pra-ya, die, -m ni, kill. ZIEI. yas-as, n. beauty, dignity, grandeur, splendour (V.); reputation, praise, fame, glory, renown; object of honour or respect (Br.); graciousness, favour (BV.). '(S. 2. yas-as, a. (V.) beautiful, grand, splendid; honoured, respected; agreeable, acceptable. 14tTIit yasas-kara, a. (i) conferring glory, rendering famous, glorious, for (-~); an. N. of various men; (yasas)-kama, a. desirous of fame, ambitious. Wi' yasas-ya, a. leading to fame, glorious; honoured; (yasas)-vat, a. (V.) beautiful, splendid, magnificent; glorious; acceptable: -i,f. N.; -vin, a. beautiful, splendid, magnificent; famous, renowned, illustrious (gnly. of persons). ~WtV yaso-ghna, a. destroying reputation; -da, f. (bestowing fame), N. of the cowherd Nanda's wife, foster-mother of Krishna: -suta, in. son of Yasod&, met. of Krishna; -dhana, a. whose wealth is fame, rich in fame, renowned (person); m. N. of a prince; -dhara, m. (supporter of fame), N.: a,f. N.; -bhrit, a. possessing or conferring fame; -r&aa, an. N.; -lekha, f. N.; -vat-i, f. (famous), N.; -vartman, n. road to glory; -varman, m. N.; -han, a. destructive of beauty; destroying fame; -tara, a. depriving of fame, disgracing [(RV.). Mq~ yash-tave, d. inf. of vyag, to sacrifice 14 1W yash-tavya, fp. to be sacrificed to; n. imps. one should sacrifice. Wf' yash-ti,f. [support: vyakh = V/yam], staff, stick, cudgel, club; flagstaff; perch; stalk, twig; pearl necklace; liquorice: -~o long, slender (arm or body); -~ (w. sword) = blade: -ka, f. staff; -grama, tn. N. of a locality; -nivasa, in. perching-polefor peacocks, pigeon-house resting on a pole; y-utthina, n. rising with the help of a staff. 4q yash-tri (or -tri), in. worshipper, sacrificer. ZwV YAS, III. P. yayas (RV.1), I. P. -yasa (very rare), IV. P. yasya, bubble, boil (TV.); heat or exert oneself. ^, exert ;q 4" yas-ka. q~m tzw ya'gn-ika. 243 I oneself, strive: pp. ayasta, fanned; strenuous, exerting oneself, busily occupied with (-0); exhausted, relaxed; dejected; cs. ayasaya, P. exert, exhaust; trouble, afflict, torment; draw frequently (a bow); ps. be afflicted. pra, begin to bubble (V.); (-yasa), endeavour: pp.prayasta, bubblingover (V.); striving, eager; cs. pp. prayasita, n. effort. 1IJ7 yas-ka, m. N.: pl. his descendants and a certain school. tQinTT yasmat, ab. (ofya), cj. as, because ( corr. atas, tatas, tad, tasmat, tena). [sI YAH, speed, rush.] Wi ydh-u, a. mighty (RV.). ~I[ yah-vS, BRV. a. (i) restless, active, swift; constant; ever-flowing. T[( yah-ulAt, pr. pt. (-i) ever-flowing. Yf YA, II.P. ya-ti(V., C.),move, go, walk, proceed; advance, march, - against the enemy; travel; set out, go away, withdraw, depart; keep aloof; flee, escape (+ palayya); lead (road); pass, elapse; vanish, disappear; come to pass, succeed; behave; I. with cases: (a) ac. go to, come to (the ears, an end); fall into (one's hand); fall in with; reach, arrive at; march against; lead to (of a road); come within range of (-patham, gokaram with g. or-0); set out on (a march, yatram); enter on orpursue(a path orroad; adhvanam, gatim, panthanam, margam); bow down to (the earth, the feet, with one's head); have connexion with (a woman); reach (a distance), last (a time, mnonth, etc.); undertake (business); be reduced to, fall into, incur, undergo, attain (a condition: like /gam or /i, very frequently used with abst. nouns and often to be variously translated by a passive, an int. vb., or to become with the corresponding adjective: e.g. samparkam -, be united; nidhanam -, perish; darsanam -, become visible; dveshyatam -, grow odious); experience (one festival after another, utsavad utsavam); return (to one's natural condition); beg, implore (2 ac.; RV.); (b) with d. go for or in order to (vbl. N., e.g. collecting); benefit (any one); (c) w. Ic. go to; turn towards (of the mind); 2. w. inf. go to = for the purpose of (e.g. playing); 3. w. prp. prati, go in the direction of, march against; 4. w. adverbs: kshemena -, escape unscathed; khandasas or dalasas -, go to pieces; satadha -, break into a hundred pieces; yatu, let it pass, be that as it may, no matter: pp. yata, gone, etc.; departed; escaped, elapsed; vanished, perished; gone to (ac. or -~); come or fallen into (Ic., e.g. one's hand): -m, n. imps.: - maya padayoh, I threw myself at her feet; kva tad yatam, what has become of that? cs. yapaya, P. cause to depart, dismiss; cause to march; direct (the gaze) towards (Ic.); remove, dispel (bashfulness); pass, spend (time); cause to attain (2 ac.); des. yiyasa, P. intend or be about to go, march, depart, or reach; intv. iyayate, move (int.). akkha, come near, approach. ati, pass, pass by (a place); overcome; pass over; transgress. anu, go or betake oneself to (ac.); follow; follow (a husband) in death (= be burned with him); attain, equal (fame), imitate (grace): pp. w. act. and ps. mg. apa, go away, withdraw, depart, flee, from (ab.); desist from (ab.). abhi, go to meet; march against; repair or go to (heaven ddie); approach; make an attack; devote oneself to; attain: pp. act. & ps. mg. ava (V.), approach, from (a w. ab.); turn away, avert. a, come near, advance, approach, from (ab.); come towards or to (ac.); attain, obtain, undergo (w. abst. nouns like the simple vb.: e.g. bandhanam-, be bound; kshayam -, be ruined; samkokam -, be diminished; tosham -, be satisfied; paiikatvam -, die; hetutAm -, become the cause, etc.); strike (arrows), befal, accrue to (ac.); fall upon anyone (g., e.g. sleep); result; be suitable for any one (g.) to (inf.); punar -, come again; be born again; astam -, set; die; karna-patham -, come to the ears; sammukham -, come to meet: pp. ayata, come etc.; -~ w. abhimukha-, come towards. atia, pass by (ac.; RV.). upaa, approach, come to (ac.; or sts. d. of prs., R V.); attain (a condition); astam -, set; die. abhi upaa, approach. sam-upa, come to (tatra or ac. of prs.): pp. come. praa, approach (RV.). prati, come back, return, to (ac.); go to meet. sam-a, approach together; meet (also of roads); approach, come (also of time); come from or out of (ab.), come or go to (ac. or lc. of place), towards (ac. of prs.); elapse; come or fall upon any one (g., e. g. sleep); obtain, attain (a condition, e.g. increase, satisfaction): pp. approached, comle, arrived, etc. nd, rise (sun; RV.); go out of or away from (ab.); fly forth from (a bow: ab.); rise, to (ac.); arise; surpass. prati ud, rise to meet, go forth to meet (as a friend orfoe): pp. welcomed, by (_-). upa, approach, come (also of time); visit, come or go to, esp. for protection (ac., also Ic. of place or iha, yatra); have connexion with (a woman, ac.); meet, befall; fall into, undergo, attain, find (common like the simple vb., w. abst. nouns, e.g. joy, dejection, thinness, etc.); indulge in (ac.); pp. act. & ps. mg. pratiupa, return, to (ac. with prati or Ic.). ni, (V.) drive over or across (ac.); come down to (ac.); fall into (sin, ac.). nis, go or march out, of (ab.), to or into (ac.), for the purpose of (d. of vbl. N.); leave the house; issue from (ab.); decease; elapse; lay by (money): pp. niryata, gone out, issued, from (ab. or -~); cs. cause to go or march out; drive out, of (ab.): pp. niryapita, removed (P.); undertaken (P.). abhi-nis, go or march out of, depart from (ab.), for the purpose of (d. of vbl. N.). vinis, go out, of (ab.), for the purpose of (d. of vbl. N.), against (prati): pp. viniryata, gone out of, issuing from (-~). pari, wander about; go or walk round; wander over or through; surround (RV.); compass, guard (RV.); avoid (RV.); approach. anu-pari, drive around (the quarters) in succession. pra, go forth; set out; go or repair to (ac. + akkha or prati, lc., tatra, etc.), from or out of(ab.); march against (ac.); lead (road), flow (river) towards (ac.); arrive at (ac.); go, walk; depart, vanish; fly asunder, be dispersed; depart=die; elapse; fall into, undergo, attain, incur (like simple vb. very common with abst. nouns); go on, behave: pp. prayata, proceeding, going, flying; gone to; dead; elapsed; cs. cause to set out; des. wish to set out. anu-pra, set out after any one (ac.),accompany; take the way to (ac.): pp. act. & ps. mg. abhi-pra, come to (ac.; RV.); set out for (ac.); attack. pari-pra, travel round (ac.; R V.1). prati-pra, come near (RV.); return, to (ac.); flow back. samn-pra, set out (together), go or flow to (ac. + prati); move (stars); attain (a state). prati, come or go to (ac.); return to (ac.). vi, (V;) drive through (with a car), cut through (with wheels); traverse; depart. sam, go together; come together, unite; come into conflict with (ac.), fight; go to (ac. + prati); come, approach; enter into, attain, acquire (body, birth). anu-sam, go up and down; go to, visit (ac.). abhi-sam, come to, visit (ac.). prati-sam, set out against, attack. zT. ya, a. going (-0). T 2. ya, f. of rel. ya. WT71 yaksha, a. belonging to theYakshas. T11W yag-a, m. sacrifice; offspring, presentation: -karman, n. sacrificial rite; -mandapa, n. sacrificial shed; -sutra, n. sacrificial cord. ITE YfAK, I. yska, entreat, ask, beg, imx plore (2 ac.); ask of (sts. ab., rarely g., the object sts. also with -arthe, -artham, ac. + prati, or d. of vbl. N.); ask for (a girl) in marriage (from, ab., rarely ac., for any one, krite, -arthe); offer or tender anything (ac.) to (d.): w. plnar, ask anything back; ps. yakyate, be asked (rarely of object: for, ac.): pp. yakita, solicited, begged; borrowed; entreated, asked for a gift, importuned; cs. yakaya, P. cause to ask; request anything (ac.) for any one (-arthe). anu, beseech any one (ac.) with regard to anything. abhi, beseech, implore, solicit (2 ac.); ask any one (ac.) for a girl (ac.) in marriage: pp. besought, asked, for (ac.). upa, pp. asked (person); solicited (thing). pra, beseech, implore, ask for (2 ac.). sam, solicit, ask (any one). WTT9i yak-aka, m. petitioner, beggar: i,f. female beggar; -ana, n. begging, soliciting, asking for (-~); asking in marriage (-~): -ka, m. beggar; -ana, f. asking, soliciting; request, petition, entreaty for (-~); solicitation of any one (-~): -m kri, fulfil a request; -aniya, fp. to be requested; -ita, pp. asked, etc.: -ka, a. borrowed; n. borrowed sum or object; -i-tavya, fp. to be asked; to be asked for a girl (ac.) in marriage by (in.); -in, a. begging for (-~); -ishnu, a. asking, soliciting; in. petitioner: -ta, f. solicitation offavours. [4T~T yAk-na,f. soliciting, asking, for (-~); begging, mendicity; request, entreaty, petition; asking for (a girl) in marriage: -m kri, fulfil a request; -givana, n. subsistence by begging; -bhaiiga, m. vain request; -vakas, n.pl. words of solicitation..TW yak-ya,fp. to be requested, - asked for alms; - demanded; asked for; to be wooed (women); n. begging, mendicancy. ZT1 yag, m. sacrificer: -a, m. (-~) sacrificer; sacrifice; -a-ka, m. sacrificial priest (-~ with theinstitutor of the sacrifice and with the deity sacrificed to); -ana, n. performance of a sacrifice for (g. or -~); -aniya, cs. fp. for whom one may act as sacrificer; a-man-ika, a. relating to the institutor of a sacrifice (yagamana); -ayitri, m. officiating priest; -in, a. sacrificing or having sacrificed; m. sacrificer (gnly. -~ with the offering or the deity). -q "Tfw sI yagur-ved-ika, a. relating to the Yagur-veda; -vaidika, a. id. '4T7F yagush-a, a. ('I) relating to the Yagus formulae. TVi ygyna, a. relating to sacrifice: -valkiya, a. derived from or relating to Yay&gavalkya; n.YYigavalkya's law-book; (yaIga)valkya, m. pat. N. of an ancient teacher; -sena, m. pat. of Sikhandin: i, f. pat. of Draupadl. [Tfi fsi yagi-ikd, a. (i) belonging or relating to sacrifice; m. one versed in sacrifice, ritualist; -ik-ya, n. rules of the ritualists; -iya, a. belonging to or suitable for sacrifice; m. one conversant with sacrifice, ritualist. i 2 244 IqTw yag-ya. 244 TT~Ty~g-a. yvad-antam. a~T. fg-ya, (cs.) fp. on whose behalf a sacrifice is performed; allowedtobe sacrificed; m. institutor of a sacrifice: 9, f. sacrificial verse (uttered as the oblation is offered). i.y~-t, pr. pt. V/yft, moving etc. 2. y'at, ab. (of rel. ya'), ad. cj. (V.) as far as; as long, as, while. ~f-a, ap vy) gone etc.; n. course (1.;motion; *place gone to; past time. WPMII yftt-aua, n. requital: af id.; punishment; fine; sg. & pl. anguish, torment; tortures of hell: -ma da, requite any one; -g-riha, as. torture chamber; - arthi'yap a. destined for torments (body). WT'ffV55FT yattaydg-gana, a. marshalling the people, arousing men to activity (BV.). WW TI yattd-yatma: Ow-n, a. having gone its gait, exhausted, worn out; spoiled, useless; stale; having spent one's time in(0) WIT7?I y'a-tave, d. inf. to travel. Z4I I yft-tavya, fp. to be gone against, - attacked; n. imps. one should go, start, or march: d. for departure. WT'RTWT'ff ya'ta fyata., n -going and coming; ebb and flood. WT yl-t-d, m. [Vy'yf: attack], (V.) sorcery; kind of fiend: -dhana, in., 3', f. hind of fiend or goblin. W7 i. y9-tri, a. going, travelling, marching; going for, seeking (ac.); going to, riding on ();m. driver. [(P V. ). 14U2. ya'-trzf, in. [pursuer: Vya], avenger W~f 3. yft-tri,f wife of husband's brother. WITW yft-tra, f.going, to (0-); departure, journey; march, military expedition; festive train, procession; (annual, biennial, etc.) pilgrimage (to the shrine of a deity); festivity, festival; livelihood; maintenance intercourse; hind of dramatic entertainmnent: -mnda,undertake an expedition; -kara, a. affording maintenance; -karana, n. setting forth on a journey or march; -gainana, n. militar~y expedition; -mahotsava, in. great festive procession; - artham, ad. for marching. a~i~~ ftr-ika, a. relating to a march or campaign; requisite for the support of life; n. march, campaign; -in, a. expeditionary.;W t - yftra utsava, in. festive train, procession. q ITWIPTWjI yathaf-katm-ya, n. acting accordinig to desire, arbitrariness; -tath-ya, n. real state, proper- way, truth: -m or in. truly. WTT? yftthfttm-ya, n. real nature. WTTW yathalrth-ya, n. true meaning. Wi, YAD, only pr. pt. _Mda-fna,( V) closely united with (in.). '9 yddava, a. (i) relating to or descended from Yadu; m.(, f.) descendant of Yadu: -kosa, m. T/i. of a dictionary; -sardumla, in. ep. of Krislina; - &ka'rya, fin. N. of a teacher; - indra, mn. ChIA of the Y~davas, ep. of K ri sh-n a. WTI~~yad-as, n. voluptuo~usness (V`.);large aquatic animal, sea-monster (C.): -a~m prabhu, m. ep. of Varuna. [(BV.i). WTS y'd-ura, a. embracing ardently,qTIVTJ1 yarig-guna, a. having what kind of qualities. i I y4~7Ufi fdrikkh-ika, a. (i') accruing or happening accidentally or unexpectedly; acting at random. WT'f3Tya-drz's, a. having what appearance, of what kind; -dris-a, a. (i') id.: - ta~drisa, anysoever, any chance (person). T'WitvTW yftdo-naltha, mrt. lord of sea'monsters, ep. of Varuna. WT3T~Tg~ffd -radhyamn, ad. as well as possible; with utmost speed (ac.). Ml y'du a, pat. a. belonging to (the race of) Yadu (BRY.). WTIT' yqa~na, a. leading (road), to (g. or ad. in Atm; T.); n. going, walking, marching, riding, to (lc. or ')upon, on (in.,..0,against (ac. + prati); way, course; vehicle, conveyance, carriage,5 clhariot, (drawn by, -O); vehicle leading to know ledge and releasing from transmigration (B.). WTqq yftna-ka, n. vehicle; -kara, m.wNheelwright; -p~tra, n. vessel for voyaging~, boat, ship: i-ka^, f. small ship, boat; -bhafiga, m. shipwreck; -yugya, n. chariot and horses; -vat, a. having or driving in a carriage; siAM f. carriage-shed. 'gTtIqi yat-p-aka, cs. o. conferring, bestowing; -ana, cs. a. causing to pass; alleviating; supporting life; n. a, J causing time to pass by, delay, procrastination; alleviation; support, maintenance; practice, exercise; -ayitavya, cs. fp. (to be rejected), trifling, unimportant; -ya, cs.fp. to be discharged or expelled (witness); to be alleviated (disease); trifling,unimportant; base (action). '9f;q Ya-bhis, in. (f. pl.) in order that (BV.,). 'qT i. yatms, a. (11) derived fromt, relating to, or meant for Yaina. [clusion (V.). WT[ 2. Yam-a, in. [,Vyam] cessation, conMRT 3. ya-ma, m. going, course, way (V.); car (BRV.); night watch, period of three hours: p 1. a class of gods. ~A elephant standing ready at appointed hours; -kuiigara, m. elephant -[i.id. WT~iT 'i ya'ma-karenukafj., -kufigara, M~Bfi;I yhmak-in-i1, f. femiale servant onl guard or watch. gong (on which night watches are -struck); -dundubhi, nm. id. WTIP~ya-man, n. (V/.) going, course, flight; coming; march, foray; approaching the gods, invocation: ic. sts. =this tinmie(= turn). WTR;KTW yflma-bhadra, m. kind of pavilion; -Mnatra, n. only a watch; -yama, in. prescribed occupation for emery hour; -vat-i, f. (having watches), night; -vritti, f. being on watch or2 guard; -stamuberaina, m. = -ku ~Fgain; (yA~na)-hthti, f. cry for help (RV.): - avasthita, pp tnigraya tated boors. _psadn ed ts WifR- yftmi, incorr. for '~Sfff ga'mi. Mf~f ya'm-ika, a. being on guard (with purusha, ms. or -bhata, in. watchmana); in. man on guard, watchman: -ta', f. abut. Nr.; -sthita, pp. = y~m&vasthita. Wf~f#i#t yam-in-^i, f. (having watches), night; N.: -dayita, ms. lover -, -nitha or -pati, in. lord -, -priya-tama, -rainana, in. lover of night, moon. i I;!4'fya'mund, a. belonging to, coming from, or growing in the Yamunfl; n. kind of collyrium. 'qTR1 ygm-ya, a. belonging or relating to Yamna; southern: in. or lc. in the south; southwards; mn. right hand; servant of Yama; ep. of Siva amnd of Vishnu: i, f. south: -a.~yana, n. southerly* course of the semi; ajittara, a. southern and northern; going from south to north. 14 M ya-yag-ftka, intv. a. constantly sacrificing. 'q;f yalyalt-a, a. belonging or relating to Yayhti; n. history of Yayhti. 14 Tf, yal-yat-vard, intv. a. wandering about, having no fixed abode; mi. vagrant mendicant; ii. life of a wandering mendicant. 1Tf ~ yat-y-int, a. going, m-oving, riding, running, flying, journeying, marching, (to etc. -"). 1I4i. yatva, in. red dye, lac: -ka, m. id. Wa 2-. yava, a. made or consisting of barley (yava): -ka, am. ii. kind of food prepared from barley., '4TZTfWf'I;[, yfvat-sakti-tas, ad. to the utmost of one's power; -khakyam, ad. as far as possible; -hhesham, ad. as much as is left. WTUAFAyAvag-ganmna,ad.throughout life, for life; -giva, `o or -mn, od. id.; -givika, a. life-long; -givena, in. ad. for life. WTZR( yA-vat, rel. a. (with its following cor. ta^vat, so great etc. =) as great, much, many, far, long,, manifold, or frequent as: yivakkarma. da'ru ka, (as much as=) nothing but skin amid wood; y~,vat thv~at, how much soever; it avat, as much as, that is to say (frequent in commentators); n. ya'vat, imdc. as far, much, or often as, to what amount (gnily. u. following cor. -tlvat, so far etc.); as long as, while; meanwhile, just (a. iprs..pr. or g impv., to denote an intended action); till (w. pr., pot., ft., imp~f., aor~., or ellipse of copula); as soon as (w. pr.,_pot., p~f., aor., or elpse ofcopula,): na y&va - at, scarcely -when, no sooner - than; yavan na, while not = till (wz. pr., pot., ft., impf., or ellipse of copula); also =if not, whether not; na param or kevalain _ yavat, not omily - but even; yA~vad yavat - t aiv at vat, as gradually - so; prp. w. (gnly. preceding) ac. during, for (e.g. a year); up to, as far as (e.g. one's house; its. am. + iti instead of ac.); till (e. g. the evening): adya yavat, till to-day; w. following ab. till (rare); in. av at, as far or long as; till (pot.); as soon as (pr.); inasmuch as., since; w. na, while not= till; lc. yavati, as far or as long as (cor. tavati). '4'#_ yatvati-tha, a. whichever in order..TIF yavat-klaa.as long as one likes; -alain, ad. as long, as it, lasts; -kritvas, ad. as often as; -pr aina, a. how great; -sattvam, ad. to the best of one's understanding. WT4~T yavad-antain, ad. to the end; -abhi.kshnain, ad. as long, as a moment lasts; -artha, a. as much or many as required: or -in, ad.; _a-bhuta-samnplavam, ad. till the destruction of created beings, till the end of the world; _ayusha-mi, ad. as long as life lasts, for life; _iyus, ad. id.: hp amna, a. life-long; -ittham, ad. as much as necessary; -ipsitam, ad. as much as one desires; -ukta, pp. as far as is stated: -in, ad. WTTIq yavad-gam-am. -t, y ug. 245 I WZW F,,yfvad-gamam, ad. as fast as one can go; -grahanam, ad. till he has grasped or, mastered it; -balamn, ad. to the utmost of one's power; -ragyam, ad. for the whole reign; -vyipti, ad. as far as anything extends. my-ai. foeman (BY.') a. going (0O) [Yavanas or Greeks. NT~'qT yatvana, a. born in the land of the 'M R' yhvani-matra', a. having which measure, as great or extensive as; moderate, trifling, insignificant: -in, ad. as long as (RV1.); a little, somewvhat. '9Tt yfivay-dcl-dveshas, a. driving away enemies (RV1.). WTiY14yflsbti-ka,a.armedwvithastafforclubWTT4YT yft-sish-ta, 2 pl. subj. aor. Vy'yf. WT~ ya'skd, m. pat. N. of the author of the Nirukta (,flouri shed probably about 45 0 B.C.): pl. the descendants of Yaska. f!Jyi-yak-shu,des.a. ( V/yag)being about to sacrifice. f~~TVT yi-ya-sfJ~. desire to go; -su, des. a. about or wishing to go, start, fly away, march, or attack (ac. ~ prati or d.). '~yu, pmn. base of the 2nd pers. in yuvam, yuv6s, yftyaim, yushma'n, etc. W 1. YU, VT. yuv& (V.), II. yauti, yute (V., I'3 rare), yoke, harness; bind, fasten, hold fast; gain possession of: pp. yuta (C.; rare in V7.), fastened to (-'); added; united, combined, joined, or provided with, accompanied hy, possessed of (in. or -0); consisting Of (0'); performing (sacriftces, in.); connected with, concerning (.); des. yifty sha, P. wish to hold fast, 'a, draw to oneself (reins, wings), grasp; draw (of draught animals); take possession of (the heart); mix, stir: pp. &yuta, joined, furnished, or endowed with, haunted by (_O; always at end of a verse= -yuta). abhi A, soar up to (ac.). ud-a^, stir up. pari, mix, stir. Sain-&, pp. composed of (0); ombined or endowed with(0) ud, pp. iidyuta, excited (mind). upa, join on, use. iii, fasten; bestow. pra, stir, mningle; perform; destroy: pp. mingled with (in.); destroyed; confused (dreamn). vi, disjoin; deprive of (in.); separate; strew; he severed; be deprived of (in.); keep (ac.) away or at a distance (C.): pp. (V., C.) separated from, deprived of (in. or — ) sam, (unitewith oneself), consume; impart; uinite, connect with (in.): _pp. simyuta, bound; put together, joined, with (in. + saha or ); endowed with (in. or -0); increased by,.plus (0;composed of (in.), containing(0) connected with, relating to, implying (~) heaped, promiscuous. W2. YU, III. P. (A. rare) yuyi, yuyu (V.), '3)VI. P. A. -yuva (V.), I. KA -yava (1B V.,), drive away, ward off~, separate from (ab.); preserve from (ob.); withhold; keep~ aloof, from (ab.): pp. yutk, separated; cs. yivtiya, P.=simple vb. apa, drive offremove from (d., ab.). pra, remove: pp. pr~yuta, absent in mind, distraught, heedless. 17 yuk-td, pp. (V/yug) yoked, to (ic.), with (in.); employed, occupied, engaged in, devoted to, intent on (le. or -'~); applied; equipped, prepared, for (d, -0); busied or occupied with (in.); absorbed in (lc.); concentrated, intent, attentive (cpv. -tara, very much on one's guard against: le.; spy. _tama, supremely concentrated or intent); skilled, experienced, in (lo.); joined, united, combined, following in regular succession; furnished or endowed with, accompanied by, possessed of (in., 0'); being in conjunc.. tion with a constellation (in.); making use of (an opportunity, khIena); come into connexion with (in.); connected with, relating to (-0); hound to, dependent on -; fit, proper, becoming, for (g., lc.); right, correct; suitable to (-'0); auspicious, favourable (fate, moment); prosperous, thriving; faring, or acting (thus, tatha^); primitive (opp. derivative: gr.): '- or -in, suitably, properly, duly, rightly; yuktam yad, it is suitable that -; na yuktain anayos tatra gantuin, it is not suitable for them to go there; na yuktam bhavta i is not seemly for you to (inf.); a. yoke, team; connexion, coinbination; -fitness: in. yukt~na, suitably; conformably to (reason,.9). IWE5~ yukta-ka, n. little pair; -karman, a. acting suitably, adapted to the purpose; -kirin, -krit, a. doing what is fit, acting suitably; (k)-grivan, a. having set the Somna stones in motion; -tva, n. employment (of, g.); occupation; fitness, appropriateness; -danda, a. inflicting punishment; punishingjustly: -ta^,f.just infliction of punishmnent; (i)-mauas, a. attentive-minded; -rutpa, a. suitable, fit, proper (w. g. orle) -in, ad.; -rf^paka, is. appropriate metaphor; (&)-vat, a. containing aform of the verb y ug; -vain, a. speaking suitably; -sena, a. having an army ready to march; - artha, a. (having an adequate sense), sensible, significant, rational. Zjftyuk-ti,f. union, connexion; comibination of wvords, sentence (rare); preparation for (tC. or- 0of vbl. N.); application, emnployment, use; means, expedient, contrivance, artifice, trick (w. d. or lc. of vblI. N., or yathh and pot.); magical agency; reasoning, arguing; argument, proof; reason, motive (rare); suitableness, propriety, aptness, correctness; sensible reflexion, contemplation of the circumstances (dr.): -m kri, discover an expedient, employ or point out a device; -9, in. sg. & pl1., -tas, by means of (0; 0- or inn. pl. subtilely, artfully; by means o-f a cunning device, under sonie pretext; in. and -tas, suitably, properly, justly; -tas, ad. by means of an argument. IftiwK yukti-kara, a. suitable, justifiable; -gfia, a. skilled in proper expedients; -mat, a. joined with (-0); skilled in (inf.); supported by arguments; suitable; -yukta, pp. experienced; suitable, justifiable; -sahstra, n. doctrine of propriety.!q[ yug-a', n. yoke (exceptionally in.); pair, couple; double stanza (forming one sen-, tence); race (of men); generation; period of life; period of five (sts. six) years; cosmic agre (of which there arefour: Krita or Satya, TretA, Dvhpara, and Kali). 'J~1 yuga-kshaya, min. end of (an age =) the world; -dirgha, a. long as a yoke (arm); -dha'ra, mn. yoke-pin (attaching, the yoke to the pole); -m-dhara, n. (l) (yoke-supporting), pole; in. N. of a people (pl.), of a prince, of a mnountai i, and of aforest; -pat-prfipti, f. simultaneous arrival a t; -pad, ad. [evenfootedly, side by side], ad. simultaneously, all at once, at the same time, together: -bha'va, in. simultaneousness; -bahu, in. (yoke-like ==) long arm; -bhaiiga, m. breaking of th e yoke; -mintra, n. length of a yoke (=foeur hand-lengths): -dris, a.- looking (a yoke-length ==) on the ground (at one's feet). 17IW yuga-la, in. n. pair, couple: -ka, n. id.; double stanza (form-mig one sentence). ~TT'yugala-ya,den. represent apair: pp. i-ta, representing a pair of () 11TWMT-TW yuga-vyflyata-bflhu, a.havingr arms as long as a yoke, long-armed; -sahasrfl-ya, den. A. seem a thousand ages, appear infinitely long. JIT#f~ yug~adi, m. beginning of (an age) the world; -adhyaksha, in. surveyor of a cosmic age, ep. of Praghpati; _-a6nta, m. end of the yoke; end of a generation; end of an age or of the world; meridian: -in adhirfi dhah savita', the sun has reached the meridian, it is noon; -anmtara, n. another or later generation; second half of the sun's arc divided by the meridian: -i &ridhah savita', the sun has entered the second part of his course, it is past midday. 17[T7 yuga-ya, den. A. seem an age = eternity. [troops. yuga~yrasya, in. hind of array of Tjyug-ma, a. even (not odd); it. pair, couple; twins; Geimini (sign of the zodiac); double stanza (forming one sentence); confluence; often incorr. for yugya: -ka, a. id.; a. pair, couple; double stanza; -/efirin, a. going about in pairs; -ganinan, in. du. twins; - a~patyfl, a. f. having twin offspring, being the mother of twins. ~1j' yug-ya, fp. n. (to be yoked), carriage; draught animal, chariot horse:- -valha, m. charioteer, driver. -W YU-KII [ pr. base of x/2.,yU], VI. P. '3D N yuHkha, vanish, depart from (ab.; RV1.). pra, be absent (in mind, ~ mdnash), be heedless. if YU G, V III. (V., C.) yunkkti, yuiikt6, '3\NYT. YU ia(E., rare), TI. yug (almost ienvar-iably K; 11B V., common), VT. AK yuga (IIV.), I. y6ga (RV1., rare), harness, yoke (horses) to (in., le.), (car) with (usi.); fig. == prepare, equip (an army), perform (sacrifloe), offer (_prayer), employ, use, apply; fix (arrows) on the bowstring, against (to.); fasten, put on (ornaments'); place or put on or in (lc.); appoint to, entrust with (d., to.); fix (affections) on any one (to.); concentrate (the mind or thoughts) on (to.); P. A. concentrate oneself, meditate deeply ( ~ yogam); recollect, recall (anything; P.);, join, unite, connect, with (in..); IL. unite oneself with (in.) in marriage; associate oneself with (in..); connect any one, with anything = associate,. furnish,,endow with (in.); bestow anything (ac.) on any one (g., to.), on oneself (fltmani) =use for oneself (A.); ps. yugyate, prepare oneself for (d.);. attach oneself (also fig.) to (lo.); be joined or united (also ise mnarriage); be bound by(duty: in.); be joined with= become possessed of, gain, receive, attain anything (in. ~ saha);. accrue to a~ny one (g.); be adapted to, fit anything (in.), be fitted for (lo.); be applicable to or suitable for any one (to.);. be right; be appropriate or becoming;. be fit or deserve to be (am.); properly belong to or suit any one (g., lo.); be logically correct: so. na, not be suitable, proper, becoming, appropriate, or advisable for (in., g.) to (inf.); ought not to be (ii~f w. ps. myg.); os. yogaya, P. (K metr.) yoke, to 'lc.), with (in.); equip (an army), draw up (troo~ps); employ, use; carry on (conversation.); undertake, begin; appoint, to, entrust with (lo.); urge, instigate to (d.); assist any one to (lo.); set (snares, nets); fix (esp. arrows)., on (lc.), aim (arrows) at (lc.); attach, -adjust (late-strings, etc.), to (lo.); place in, put into Qto.); concentrate (the mind) on (to,.); 246 Ua5~ y uq. rf yudh'-.it. join, unite, bring together, with (in.); put together, compose; arrange; embrace with (in.); finish; provide, furnish, endow, with (in.); mix (food) with (in.); bestow anything (ac.) on (lc.): pp. yogita, provided with (in. or -~); des. yuyuksha, P. wish to appoint; wish to aim (arrows) at (d.). ann, seek to come up with, pursue (Br.); ask or question (ac.), about (ac.); examine (a witness); instruct; -attach oneself to, take service with (ac.): pp.instructed; accompanied by (-~); devoted to, intent on (ac.). pari anu, ply with questions (only gd. & pp.). abhi, A. march against, attack (ac.); operate; set about anything (ac.); prepare to (inf.); treat (medically) with (in.); P. charge or entrust any one (ac.) with (lc.); ps. be accused of or charged with (an offence: ac.): pp. abhi-yukta, attacked; accused, prosecuted; concentrated; careful of, devoted to, intent on (lec. or -~); well-versed or proficient in (lc. or _~); claimed, demanded; es. provide (ac.) with anything (in.). prati abhi, A. make a counter attack on (ac.): pp. attacked by (in.); cs. bring a counter charge against (ac.). a, yoke, to (lc.); A. put on, adjust (an ornament); bestow anything (ac.) on (ic.): pp. yoked to (ic.); concentrated, intent; *appointed to, commissioned with (g., ic.); possessed of (-~); cs. pp. placed upon, attached to (lc.); composed or fashioned of (-~) upa, P. yoke (BV.). sam-upaa, pp. filled with (in.). sam-a, prepare, equip; entrust anything (ac.) to (ic.); come into conflict with (in.): pp. sam-a-yukta, come into contact with (in.); connected, united, furnished, or endowed with (in., -~); cs. provide with (in.). ud, get ready or prepare, set to work, to (inf.); depart (Br.): pp. prepared, ready, zealous, assiduous, strenuous (w. d., lc., prati + ac., -~); cs. excite, instigate, to (d.). sam-udc, cs. urge, instigate to (d.). upa, A. (P.) yoke (V.); associate oneself with (ac.; RV.); attach oneself to, enter the service of (ac.); appropriate; trouble oneself about (lc.); use, employ; enjoy; eat, consume; ps. be employed, be applicable, suitable, useful, requisite (w. g. of prs., d. of object, lc. of sphere): pp. upayukta, eaten up, consumed; applicable to, suitable, necessary, or requisite, for any one (g.), appropriate, for (lc. or -_); worthy, deserving (person); cs. come into contact with (ac.); employ; cause to be consumed by sthg. (2 ac.). pariupa, pp. consumed. vi.upa, trouble about (lc.). sam-upa, consume; cs. id. ni, gnly. A. tie up, bind, to (lc.): sp. of the sacrificial animal to the post; yoke to the pole (dhuri), also= place at the head, impose the heaviest burden on; join (the hands); attach to or make dependent on any one (d., lc.); constrain, urge to (lc.); appoint to, entrust with, order or commission to (d., lc., inf., or -artham; ord. mg.); appoint any one as (2 ac.); enjoin (ac.) on (ic.); call to account (only fp.); place in (lc.), lead into (a path: lc.); direct (the mind or gaze) to (d., lc.); apply: pp. niyukta, bound; ordered, directed, authorized, commissioned, appointed (ord. mg.), to (d., lc., inf., -~, -artham); directed towards (lc.); placed; prescribed: -m, ad. necessarily; cs. yoke, to (lc.); attach or fasten to (lc.); direct, urge, call upon to (d., prati + ac., or -artham); coerce, constrain, or force to (lc. or -artham); appoint to (an office), employ in (an occupation: lc.); appoint as, make (2 ac., in order to, inf.); confer (an office) on (lc.); set, lay (snares), place upon, bring to (ic.); fix (the mind) on; reduce to (servitude), bring to or into (sorrow, danger: le.); bestow (ac.) on (lc.), devote (oneself) to (d.); set about, perform (a rite); apply (intellect); endow or provide (ac.) with (in.); punish with (in.). anu-ni, attach to, make dependent on (le.). vi-ni, A. (P.) loose, detach; discharge (arrows), at (lc.); appoint to, entrust with, destine for (d., lc., -artham); direct (the mind) to; use, employ, apply; eat; ps. fall to pieces, decay (house, body); cs. appoint or direct to, entrust with (lec., -artham, -arthaya); entrust (ac.) to (lc.); present or offer (ac.) to (d.); use, employ; perform. sam-ni, bring into (distress, le.); order, direct any one (ac.): pp. ordered; joined with (-~); cs. bring into (Ic.); appoint to, entrust with (lc., -artham, -arthaya); allot: pp. directed, urged; allotted. nis, pp. niryukta, erected, built. pra, A. yoke, to (le.); set in motion, throw, level, discharge (missiles), at (d., lc.); utter or address (words, etc.), pronounce (a blessing), recite (a verse); display, exhibit (anger, contempt), towards (lc.); fix (the mind, thoughts) on (lc.); direct, order, urge (to, d., lc.); choose as (2 ac.); lead or bring to or into (ac.); place upon (lc.); use, employ (ord. mg.); perform, do, accomplish, contrive, execute; represent on the stage, act; undertake; cause, produce; lend (for use or interest); ps. be in use; be suitable or appropriate, conduce to (d.): pp. prayukta, yoked; stirred (by the wind); employed, used; done; lent; suitable, appropriate; resulting from; n. imps. behaved or acted towards (lc. or prati + ac.); cs. throw, discharge (missiles), at (lc.); pronounce (blessings); concentrate (the mind); show, exhibit (a feeling), towards (d., lc.); urge, send away, to (Ic.); appoint to (lc.); entrust (ac.) to (d.); undertake; represent on the stage; cause to be represented or exhibited by (in.); use, employ; take (interest, vriddhim); invest (capital, prayogam); be applicable; aim at, have in view; des. wish to use, require. anu-pra, A. affix, to (ab.); pursue (V.); follow (V.). prati-pra, P. attach in place of sthg., substitute (Br.); A. discharge (a debt). vi-pra, separate from, deprive of (in.); ps. be separated from: pp. vipra-yukta, separated or far from, free from, lacking (in. or -~); cs. separate from, deprive of (in.); free from (in,). sam-pra, ps. be joined, with (in.); have carnal connexion with (in.); be involved in or guilty of (in.): pp. joined, united, connected, mingled, or provided with (in., -~); come into contact with (in.); come to blows (du.); engaged in (-~); dependent on (lc.); urged; concentrated, intent; cs. make ready; connect, with (in.); broach (a question); use, employ. prati, yoke or attach to (ac.; RV.); discharge (a debt); cs. adjust (an arrow). vi, P. disconnect, separate; P. A. free from, deprive of (in., rarely ab.); A. forsake or leave any one (ac.); abate, leave off; ps. be separated, from (in.); be freed from or deprived of, lose (in.); break (a vow: in.); relax, cease, depart: pp. viyukta, separated; disunited; separated from, free from, destitute of, lacking (in., -~); cs. separate-; free from (ab.); deprive of (in.); take away (life): pp. viyogita, separated firom (in., -0); deprived of(in., -~). sam, P. bring together, connect, unite; bind; provide, furnish, endow, with (in.); league oneself together (du.; RV.); fix (the mind) on (lc.); ps. have carnal (gramyadharmatayh) connexion; be joined with (in.); be united with in marriage; meet or fall in with (in.); become possessed of (in.): pp. samyukta, joined, united, combined, all together (pl.); conjunct (consonants); connected, related; provided, endowed, filled, or accompanied with, possessed of (in., -~); connected with, relating to (-~); placed in (lc.); cs. yoke; equip (an army); restrain (the senses); adjust or discharge (a missile); fix (the- mind or gaze) on (lc.); attach to (le.); appoint; deliver anything (ac.) to (g.); join, unite, bring together, with (in.); provide, supply, present, or endow, with (in.); institute, perform; A. concentrate one's mind. vi-sam, pp. separated from, destitute of, lacking; keeping away from, neglecting (in.). I, ydg,. a. yoked together (V.); yoked with or drawn by (-~); joined, united, or furnished with, possessed of (-~, sts. in.); granting, bestowing (-~); even (not odd); m. yoke-fellow, comrade, associate (V.); pair, couple. RTW yug-and, pr. pt. A. (V.) preparing (ac.); in company with (in.). J3W ydig-ya, a. (V.) joined, associated, related, closely allied; suitable; n. (RV.) alliance, relationship. y1 yunig,a.(ntn.yn ) yokedtogether (R V.); m. (V.) yoke-fellow, comrade, associate. qW yu-ta, pp. (v/I. yu) joined etc.; -ta,pp. (v/2. yu) separated. fr'ff yu-ti, f. junction, union, with (-~); acquirement of (in. or -~); sum. V yud-dha, pp. (V/yudh) combatted; n. fight, battle, combat; conflict or opposition (of planets): -ka, n. contest, battle; -kanda, n. Book of the Battle, T. of the sixth book of the Sdmdyana; -kar-in, a. making war, fighting: (i)-tva, n. conflict; -gandharva, n. battle-music; -tantra, n. military science; -dyuta, n. game of war; -dharma, m. laws of war; -pravina, a. skilled in war; -bhuf, -bhfumi, f. battle-field; -maya, a. derived from war; -marga, m. sg. pl. methods of war, military tactics; -medini, f. battlefield; -rainga, m. arena of battle, battlefield; -varna, m. sort of battle; -vastu, n. implements of war; -vira, m. hero in war, champion; heroism (as a sentiment: rh.); -salin, a. brave; - akarya, m. military preceptor; - adhvan, a. going to war, engaging in battle; -jarthin, a. eager for war; -udyoga, in. vigorous preparation for war; unmatta, pp. frenzied in fight; -.pakarana, n. implements of war.;q YUDH, IV. A. (rarely P.) yaidhya, > Nfight, wage war, with (in. + saha, samam), for (lc.; lRV.); fight against, attack, (rarely) vanquish (ac.): pp. yuddha; cs. yodhaya, P. (A. metr.) cause to fight; oppose in battle, be a match for; defend; des. yfyutsa, P. (V.; C. metr.), A. (C.) wish to fight, with (in.). abhi, fight against, vanquish (RV.); gain byfighting (RV.); fight, with (in.; P.). a, fight against, oppose; cs. id. pra., fight with (in.). ni, fight, with (saha, sakam). pra, begin to fight; attack (ac.); fight: pp. fighting; cs. cause the battle to begin; fight against, attack; des. wish to fight, with (in.). sam-pra, begin to fight, fight: pp. fighting. prati, fight against, be a match for (ac.); fight; cs. fight against, be a match for (ac.). sam, fight together; fight with (in. + sardham); oppose (ac.); es. fight against. pratisam, resist an attack together. VWyudh, m. fighter, warrior; f. fight, battle. Tiut yudhaye, d. inf. (V/yudh) to fight (RV.). I%1Tfar?, yudha-git, a. conquering (by: in. =) in fight; m. N.; -manyu, m. N. of a warrior. - 1Nf-TV, yudhi-shthira. -i1 yo-a.24 247 I I ~ff~ yidhi-shthiria, in. (steadfast in battle), N. of the eldest son of Padndu and Kunti (begotten by the god Dharma), and leader of the Padndavas in their icar with the Kurus; N. of two princes of Cashmere and of a potter. UIyudh-ma', m. warrior. Zj=Iffyfidh-van, a. warlike (BIV.). ~YUP (V., rare, only pf.,pp., and cs.), \Xdebar, obstruct; efface, remove; thwart; violate (laws); be effaced or invisible: pp. yupiti; as. yopkyati, efface (mark); ivtv. yoyupyb~te, smooth. a, es. transgress. sam, cs. efflace, remove. OM7IT yu-yuit-sft, f. desire to -fight; -SU, des. a. wishing to fight (in. ~ sfrdhamn); in. N. ~TVTq yu-yudh-ftna, in. N. of a son of Satyaka. 19I y-i-yudh-i, a. warlike (liTV.). ZP yuva, pmn. St. Of 2nd pins.; cp. I yu. ZPE ynva-ka, m. youth. ZWI1 r. yuva't, ab. du. of 2nd pins. pmn. (V.) and 0- in some cpds. zp~2. ysi-vat, a. youthful (RV2). 1119M yuva-tft, f. yo uth; -tva, n. id. 'q~W yuv a-tf' (or -i), a.f. (of yuvan) young; f. young woman, maiden (said qf the Dawn, the fingers, and in de. of night arid msorningq, heaven and earth: V.); Virgo (sign of the zodiac). j ~f~ yuvad-rik, ad. [a. abbreviatedform of -ri akc: Vale] directed towards you two (-RV.'-). 7V~y-dv-an, a. (weak base yfin), young; m. young man, youth (said of Agni, Indra, the Maruts, and other gods in BV.); younger descendant (the elder being still alive: gr.). 'qZPff yuvanaasva, in. N. 'iI7; yuva-pratyaya, in. suffix forming patronymics termed yuvan (gr.); -ma~rin, a. dying young; -raga, m. cvown-prince, heir-apparent (associated to the throne): -tva, n. dignity of an heir-Apparent: -rggya, a. id.;U[ yuiva-sa', a. youthful; in.. youth.;PTII YUv'-ku, a. (BYv.) belonging to you two (sts. uninflected withb a g. or d.).;F i yuva'na-ka, a. young. PTT~Yu-va'm, pmn. du. you two. ~4~yuvi-bhfi, grow young.;gqTf ynshta-grftrma, m. Y. of a village. 1IIyushma',prn. base of 2nd prs.pl.; cp. 1 yu. ff yushmdt, ab. pl. ofprs.prn. of 2nd prs. (V.); '- in some cpds.; -tas, ad. = ab. from or of you; ci-arthaim, ad. on your account; d-Ayatta, pp. dependent on you.;7;4 yushmad-iya, a. belonging to you, your; in. countryman of yours; -vidha, a. one like you. -144 yushmft-ka, a. your (liVT.): -in, n. used as g. pl. of you. [-drisa, a. id.;qXMJV{ yushmft-dris, a. one like you; JW~lf yusshmft-niita, pp. guided by you fi-f71 yushmajishita, pp. sent by you y' -ka, in., 'a, f. (more common) louse: (a)-devii,f. N. of a princess. W' yfl-thd [union: Vi. yu], n. (V., C.), m (C.) herd, flock; host, multitude: -ka~rin, a. going about in troops (p1.); -nitha, in. lord or leader of a troop or herd; -pa, in. id. (said esp. of elephants); -pati, in. id.; -paribhtrashta, _pp. strayed from the herd; -bhrashta, _pp. id.; -mukhya, m. chief of a host; -sas, ad. in flocks, herds, or troops; -aMaii. leader of a host. IL~I T y~tth-ikat, f. kind of jasmine (Jasumsnum auriculatuem). ~"flu yuithi-kri, form into a herd. lqyfith-yh, a. belonging tothebherd(liRV.); 05belonging to the host of ( A):J,. herd, pack. '9q-yftn, weak base of 'qz yuvan. V1I yi-na, a. band, cord (S.). - u yip-a, m. post, beam, pillar; sp. sacriGficial post:..tva, n. condition of a post; -vat, a. connected with the sacrificial post (rite); -vha. bringing the sacrificial post; -vrask&, a. hewing the sacrificial post. ~iiyftpi-kri, turn into a post. 'qZK yu'- am,. pl. Of 2nd prs. prn. you; cp.;g yu. [weak causes -yu'sha. 'gi ylesh-a, in. n. soup, broth; -an, only in;qJ~Us id. only amn. (V.).!MI ye'ua, in. (of ya) ad. cj. whither; where; in which manner, as (cor. tena); whereby, wherefore, on account of which; that, as; because, since (cor. tena); in order that (w._pr. or Pot.); so (tathA etc.) that (w.pr., ft., or pot.). ~qYESH, IL P. y6sha, bubble, seethe N(V., very rare). 149 yisbtha, spy, going best, swiftest (liv.).!qWE yok-tavya', fp. to he employed or practised; -inflicted (punishment); - supplied orprovided with (in.); - concentrated (mind); n. isnps. one should prepare oneself for (lc.). -iV7i yo'k-tra, a. rope, thong, halter, girth. -tT yo'g-n^, in [yug]yoking; team; vehicle; equipment (of an army); performance, employment, use, application, of (g., -.0); remedy, cure; means, expedient; device, trick; spell, magic; fraud ('- = spurious) opportunity; undertaking (El.); union, contact, with (in. + saha or -2); combination, mixture; connexion, relation; connexion with, acquisition of (in., ~O;gain, profit; order, succession; aggregate, sum; fitness, propriety; strenuousness, exertion, endeavour, zeal, assiduity; occupation; mental concentration, systematic abstraction, Yoga system of philosophy; follower of the Yoga system; unity of the soul and nature (Shinkhya ph.); connexion of a scord with its root, etymology, etymological meaning of a word; syntactical dependence of aword, construction; (concentrated sentence), grammatical rule; conjunction (of stars); constellation in. yogrena, by means of an expedient or stratagem; by means or in consequence of, in accordance with (0', also -yogat and -yogatas); suitably, duly, in the correct manner; yogatas, id.; strenuously, assiduously. ~ yoga-karandaka, in. N.; ika, f. N. of a mendicant nun; -kshein6', Ms. sg. & pl. (C. also in. dsu. & sy. a.) possession or security of property; property; prosperity (ordinarily explained awx meaning acquisi tion and preservation of property); property meant for pious uses; -/cuirna, n. magic powder; -ga, a.prod aced by medCitation or Yoga; -tantra, n. Yoga doctrine, treatise on Yoga; -dharmin, a. practising Yoga; -nanda, us. the pseudo-Nanda; -nidra', f.sleep induced by the practice of Yoga, somnolent condition, dozing; Vishnu's sleep at the end of an age; -m-dhara, ma. N.; -Pati, Mn. lord of Yoga (Vishnu); -patha, am. path to Yoga; -bh aita ma. shoulder - yoke for the carrying of burdens; -bhrashta, pp. lapsed from devotion or contemplation; -maya, a. ('I) produced from contemplation or Yoga; mayaf. Magic; illusionproduced by abstract meditation; mra, in. road to Yoga; -yaftr',f. recourse to mental absorption or Yoga; -yukta, pp. absorbed in meditation, practiiing Yoga; -ratna, n. magic jewel; -rutdha, pp. having an etymological and a conventional meaning (e. g. paflka-gn, growing in the mnud and lotus); -rokanah, f. hind of magical ointment (rendering invisible or invulnerable); -vat, a. joined, united; practising Yoga; -vartika, f. magic wick; -vaha, a. bringing about, furthering ();-va'h-in, a. intriguing: i) tva, a. intrigue; -vid, a. knowing the right means or method; knowiiig what is fitting or suitable; versed in Yoga; -vidy', f knowledge of Yoga; -vibha'ga, am. splitting of a grammatical rule into two; -sabda, ma. the word yoga; etymological word (the meaning of which results from the derivation); -Sayin, a. somnolent in consequence of meditation; -sa~stra, a. Yoga doctrine (esp. of Pataiigoali); -SaMadhi, in. mental absorption resulting fromt Yoga; -s Ara, m. u-niversal remedy; -siddha, pp. perfected by Yoga; -siddhi, f. simultaneous accomplishment: -mat, a. versed in m agic; -sita a. the SOttras on the Yoga (attributed to Patamlgali). ~ yog a~gni-maya, a. having passed through the fire of Yoga; Z-.Aga, a. constituent part of Yoga (of which eight, seven, or six are assumned); -kfixa,mi. practice or observance ofYo a; ra, s teacher of smiagic; teacher of the Yoga systein; -dhainana, a. fraudulent pledge or mortgage; - apat f. modification of employnient or application; -_ ayoga, ma. pl. proper quantity; du. suitableness and unsuitableness; -sanma, a. sitting- posture suitable to abstract meditation.. '9f~TF'Tyog-i-tftJ,fconnexion with,relation to (-0); -tva, a. id.,; condition of a Yogi n. 'Z~fWVTyog-in, a.j oine d with, accompani ed by Q-0); being in conjunction with (0);connectedwith, relating to (0;practisingYoga; in. devotee of Yoga, Yogin: -i., f. female devotee; sorceress, witch; fairy. Rtf#T~M aoi- g, mn. prince among o gins; - indra, in. id.; ep. of Yhgrbavalkya and of VAImlki; -_Isa, in. prince aumong Yogins; -ASVara, in. id.; ep., of Yhg'havalkya; adept in witchcraft. -4.-4 yogajsvara, in. lord of mystic power; adeptiIn Amagic; ep. of Ymlgi~iavalkya; N. of a demon:, f. female adept in Yoga; fairy; a form of Durg&; N. of a fairy. o yg-ya, a. adapted for draught (V.); serviceable, suitable, fit, or adapted (for), capable (of), qualified or equal to (d., g., lc., inf., -.; a vbl. v. '- or an immf. has sts. a ps. sense); perceptible (rare); in. draught animal (V)af practice, of 9~); bodily or military exercise; (a)- f. capability, fitness, for (-'); appropriateness or compatibility of sense (ph.); (a)-tva, a. id. 248 zftsfzfi yoga-ka. -"T raksh-a'. 248 ~ ~ ~ ~~r~~ Iyoak.'Trkh. ~Yfiyoga-ka, mn. yoker; user. yo~g-ana, nt. yoking; team, vehicle (RV., rare); path, (V.); yogana (distance driven, at a yoking or stretch), a measure of distance equal to four icrosas or about nine English miles; preparation, arrangement (also 'a, f.); instigation; erection; mental concentration; union, combination, with (in. or — ): a, f. grammatical construction; -gandha, a. whose odour extends for a yogana: a f. ep. of Satyavati (mother of Vy'sa); -b~hu, a. having arms a yogana in length, excessively long-armed; m. ep. of iRhvana; -sata, n. a hundred yoganas. PM5f1~ yogan-ika, a. measuring (so many) yoganas ( —0 with numerals); -iya, fptob employed; - joined or combined with (- karmana = to be set at work); - connected grammatically, - construed; n. imps. one should connect with or think of (in.). Nft51fRz yog-ay-i-tavya,fp.to be used; - supplied with (in.); -ayitri, m. setter (of a jewel); -ya,fp. to be directed towards (la.); (deserving) to be appointed to (lc. or -'O); to be urged to (-'); - employed; - pronounced (blessing); - added, to (ic.); - provided or endowedwith (in.); - connected or construed. yod-dhavya, fp. to be fought or combatted; as. imps. one ought to fight; -dhri, a. fighting with (in.), for (g.); sn. fighter, com batant, warrior. Nit)N yodh-d, mn. warrior, soldier; -ana, n. fight; -aniya, fp. to be combatted. 14t II yodha-mukhya, mn. comm anderin-chief; -ara, m. soldiers-' d welling, barrack. ~fT(yodh-in, a. (1)fighting; combatting; m. (0 —) combatant. Zff y6'-ni, [holder: v/i.- yu], m. f. (only mn. in RV., f. rare in V.) lap, vulva,, womb; birthplace; home, abode, nest, lair (V.); place of production, origin, source; repository, receptacle, seat, place; birth (= form of existence), stock, race, family, caste: -a9 a. produced or sprung from: -gm, a. produced from. a womb; -tas, ad. by birth or blood; -tva, as. being the source of, productiveness of (); derivation from, foundation on (-) -samkarm, Mn. (mixture =) unlawful intermarriage of castes; -sambandha, m. bloodrelation, of (g.). -4-f yonl, f.=~1fryoni. '9'T?~yopay —at, Pr. Pt. Cs. V'yu1p. #t1'qTLT yo'sh-anft,f young woman, maiden; wife. ftW yo'sb-a' f. id. [women. 1O -15 yoshig-gana, m. womenfolk, hf7 yosh-ft., f young woman, maiden; wife; female (of a bird): -pratiyataia', f female statue; d-gra~ha, a. taking the wife of a deceased man; d-ratna, n. jewel of a woman; n-maya, a. formed like or representing a woman. 4tf yo's, indc. health (only in saim yo'h and sam ha yos ka - V.). tT~i1! yaugamdharafyana, m. pat. (fr. Yiigamdhara) N. of a minister of king Udayana: iL-ya, a. relating to Yaugamdharayana. '~ftWtIJ' yauga-padya, n. sim ultaneousness:: in. simultaneously (=yuga-pad). Iff#f yaug-ika, a. (i) relating to a cure;* applicable; agreeing with the derivation, having an etymological meaning; relating to or derived from Yoga: -ru'dha, pp. having an etymological and a conventional meaning. -9tfq yanta-ka, a. belonging exclusively to any one; n. present; private property; dowry. ENw yauth-ika, an. [one of a crowd: yfitha] companion, comrade. '91V yaudha, a. warlike: A-gaya, n. N. of various Sadmaas. Zff'4t yaudhishthira, a. (i') relating or belonging to Yudhishthira. ~yauidh-eya~mpl. N. of a warrior tribe. wlyauna, a. [fr.yoni] matrimonial, based on, resulting from, or related by marriage; produced from (-0); n. matrimonial alliance, marriage; relationship by marriage. 4J yaupa, a. (i1) relating to the sacrificial post. W Myauvan-a, n.(fr. yuvan) youth, bloom or prime of youth, adolescence, manhood: PI. youthful deeds: -darpa, m. pride of youth, juvenile indiscretion; -padavi, f. path of youth: -m a~ru'ha, having entered on adolescence; -pra'nta, m. n. en d of youth; -vat, a. possessed of or being in the bloom of youth, youthful. -*Pftm yauvan-in, a. youthful; -iya, a. belonging to youth: -dva~r, f. entrance to youth, adolescence. TZ,Kyauvana 'isvr, N. of a prince (incorr. for Yava-nesvara). tql-T~T yauva-ratg-ya, n. dignity of an heir-apparent (,yuvariiga). rft 1Tco yaushmaka, a. belonging to you, your: i,-na, a. id. TR. ra, a. (-~O) having acquired, possessing; conferring, producing. rtlm-su, a. delightful (RV.). RAMII [= RANGH], I. rkmha, P. Ncause to flow; depart; Ak. flow, run: ~pp. ramhita, hastening; cs. ramhfiya = simple verb; intv. pt. Arhik hastening (v.). 2~Iramli-as, n. -velocity, speed; vehemence, impetuosity. [speed. f ramnh-i, f (V.) flowing, stream; haste, Ti1 ra-kftra, m. the letter r. 7, rakka, as. N. -4, rak-ta,.(Vranig) coloured; red; nasalized (gr.),; charming, lovely, sweet t(voice); enraged; impassioned; passionately devoted to (anyting, lc.,.-O; any one, g.,.0); attached, fond; enamoured; charmed with (in.); as. blood-. -ka, a. red; -kantha, a. sweet-voiced; as. cuckoo; N. of afairy; -kadamba, as. red Kadamnba tree; -kamalmin, f. group of red lotuses.; -krishna, a. dark red; -handana, as. red sandal; -hkhada, a. red-leaved; -kk-hardi, f. vomiting blood; -ga, a. derived from the blood; -tara, cpv. greatly attached; tAMAf. redness; nature of blood; -tva, n. redness; -daift, a. having red (= dirty) teeth; -nayana, a. red-eyed; -netra, a. id.; -pata, m. (wearing red rags), Buddhist monk: -vr ata hini, f. Buddhist nun; -pati-kri, dress in red rags, turn into a Buddhist monk; -patta-umaya, a. made of red cloth; -padma, as. red lotus-; -pa'da, m. red-footed bird; -pushpa, n. red flower; a. having red flowers; -phala, a. bearing red fruit; -bindu, as. drop of blood; -bhava, a. enamoured; -miandala, a. having a red disc (moon); hiaving loyal subjects: -ta', f. abst. N.; -mukha, a. red-faced; an. N. of a monkey; -varna, as. red colour; colour of blood; -a. red-coloured; -va'sas, a. wearing a red garment; -va'sin, a. id.; -sya'ma, a. dark red; -sara, a. in whom blood predominates, of sanguine temperament. J rakta amsu-ka, m. red ray; red garment; - aksha, a. (i) red-eyed; N. of an owl; -adharia,.f. (red-lip), N. of a Kimnan; - auta, a. having red corners; - &bha, a. having a red appearance; 4mishaz a~da, a. eating blood and flesh; ambara, a.. red garment; a. clad in red; -Zm~buruha, as. red lotus; - aruna, a. blood-red; -aqsoka, m. redflowered Asoka. ~P~rak-ti, f. attachment, to (lc.):.-mat, a. charming, lovely. f1:WK rakt-i-man, as. redness. TWR raktil-kri, colour red. it~C' raktautpala, as. red -lotu-s (Nymphaea rubra). KW ~RAK-SH [der. of- Vrak, ark:: Lat.arc-s, "'etc.], I.P.-raksha, guard, protect; watch, tend (cattle), -take care of; spare; preserve, keep, save, from (ab.); observe (law, etc.).; rule, govern (a country); beware of, guard against (ac.): pp. rakshita!, guarded, etc.: -in, ad.; es. rakshaya, P. protect, from (ab.); keep; des. rirakshisha, P. intend to protect from (ab.); iantv. pr. pt. raraksh-aInii, zealously guarding. abhi, guard, protect, from (ab.); cherish.; keep, observe (law, etc.); command (an arivy). pan guard, protect, preserve, save, from (ab.), keep; observe (law, etc.); rule (a city, etc.). pra, preserve, save, from (ab.). sam, guard, protect, preserve, save, from (ab.); spare; keep; secure. 11 raksh-a', a. (1) guarding, protecting, preserving, keeping, observing (gnly. — ); as. guard, warder (gnly. —); -aka, as. protector, guardian; guard, watchman; (rkksh)-ana,,n. guarding, protecting, tending (Of cattle); care, protection, preservation, of (g., rarely lc., — P): 'a, f. guarding, protecting; -aniiya, fp. to be guarded or protected, from (ab.); - spared; (deserving) to be ruled, by (in., g.)to be guarded against or avoided, by (in.). ~TlqT!W raksha-pftla, as. guard, watchman: -ka, as. id.; i-ka^,f. female guard. 'Kq~rdksh-as, as. [thing to be warded off], injury (LIV.); malignant nocturnal demon (disturbing sacrsfices and~injuring the pious); -is, as. nocturnal demon (V.). 14T raksh-ft, f. protection, deliverance, preservation, of ( —o very common; rarely -' = from, -e. g. cold, or on, e. g. a journey); guard, sentinel; preservative, amulet, mystical object: -karandaka, as. magical preservative casket; -griha, as. lying-in chamber; fqi raksh-ika. T- rata-rata'-ya.24 249 I - adhikrita, pp. entrusted with the protection (of the country etc.); m. appointed guardian; - adhipati, m. head-constable; -parigha, m. protective bolt; -purusha, m. guard, watchman; -pradipa, m. protective lamp (kcept burning to keep off demons); - abhyadhikrita,m. police offi cial; -maiigala, n. protective ceremony (against evil spirits); -mani, m-ijewel used as a preservative (against demons'): also fig. ofa king; -mahaushadhi, f. sovran preservative herb (against demons); -ratna, n. preservative jewel (against demons): -pradipa, m. preservative jewel lamp (the gems in which serve as a protective light against demons); -vat, a. enjoying protection, protected by (in.); -sarshapa, m. mustard seed as a preservative against demons. ~firaksh-ika, m. guard, watchman: -purusha, m. id.; -ika^, f. (of -aka) female guard or watcher; -ita, pp.; m. N.; -i-tavya, f~p. to be protected, guarded, or kept, from (ab.); - tended (cattle); -it-ika,, f. N.; i-tri, m.protector,preserver (from, ab.; of, g.); watchnfan; i-tril,f. female guardian; -in, a. guarding, protecting; avoiding (-'O); m. guardian, protector, preserver (very commonly -Y = of, rarely == from).raksho-ghna, a. repelling or destroying demons; m. spell destructive of demons; -ghni, f., v. -han; -gana, m. demon-folk; _(a)dhidevat9, f. goddess presiding over the densons; -bha~sh, a. barking like a demon; -hin, a. (-ghni) demon-slaying. T! raksh-ya, fp. to be guarded, - preserved, - taken care of, - cherished, from (a.;- guarded against or avoided: -tama, spy, to be most carefully gunarded. [(V7.). t~~rdgh-iyas, cpv a. lighter in weight ~ragh-ii [ Vrahgh = ramh], a. (v-O~ speeding, fleet (V.); ne. courser (V.); N. of an ancient king, ancestor of iRdma: pl. descendants of Raghu; -tilaka, m. ep. of iRfma; -drii, a. running swiftly (IIV.); -nandana, mn. descendant of Raghu, ep. of Rama; -naitha, m. ep. of Minua; -pati, m. lord of the iRaghus, ep. of IR~ma; -pitvan, a. flying swiftly (-RV.); -vamsa, m. Raghu's race: A. of a well-known poe-m by Kdlidadsa: -samgivani, f. T. of MJallirmitha's commentary on the Raghuvamsa; -shyAd, a. gliding swiftly (V.); -sva'min, - uttama, - udvaha, mn. ep. of Ra-ma. TW rafika, m. starv elin g, beggar: -0halfstarved, famished. [N. of afairy. T-g-rahiku, m. kind of antelope: -m~lin, m. W~rafig-a, sn. [Vraiig] colour; nasalcolouring of a vowel (gr.); [bright scene], theatre, stage, scene, arena; theatrical audience; N.: -ka'ra, m. dyer; -kara, m. actor; gladiator; -dvir,f. stage-door; -dva'ra, n. prologue in apllay; -31'tha, m. N.; -pat'k&,f. N.; -bhU^mif. battle-field; -maiigala,n. festival on the stage; -mandapa,play-house,theatre; -vat-I', f.N.; -vastu, n. colouring matter; -va'ra andgana, f. stage-dancer; aiigana, n. arena;- avatarana, ss. entrance on the stage; histiRonic profession; - ava Ck, -avtru in. stage-player, actor. '~fw~raixg-ita,den.pp.well-colo-Lred,pretty. f~railg-in, a. attached to, fond of (~) entering the stage. ~~~t#~fIT.rafigailpagivin, m. (subsistin,, by the stage), actor; -_uPagi^vya, m. id. WRAN~G H, L. A. raiighate -=Vramh] A, hasten, run. '~ railgh-as, n. haste. RAN, only cs. P. rakaya, construct, Nfashion., form, make, erect; produce, prepare, arrange; adorn; compose; fasten; put or fix in or on (lc.); cause (the heart) to fix (its attention) on (ic.): kinta~m or kinta'h -, be anxious: pp. rakita, made, fashioned, prepared etc., of (i. 0;placed, introduced, fixed, on or in (lc.); set out, displayed in (-9); furnished or studded with (in., -9;occupied with (.O:mrisha' -, invented. acs. prepare; furnish with (in.): pp. put on. upa, Cs. form., make, produce, construct: pp. produced etc. sam-upa, pp. contrived, constructed. vi, cs. construct, fashion, form; erect (statue); perform; produce; compose, invent; arrange: _pp. formed, fashioned etc.; furnished with (in.). T~ rak-ana, n. arranging, preparing, composing: 'a, f. arrangement, disposition, preparation; performance, accomplishment; formation, production of (-.0 often concrete product); work, composition; style; array of troops; contrivance, invention; putting on (of garments). rak-ay-i-tri, m. composer. ~fjrak-ita, pp.: -katushka, a. marked round with a square of chalk or grain; -tva, n. state of being composed; -petrva, a. previously performed; -a~rtha, a. having accomiplished one's object. T<FRAG, -<- RANG, IV. ragya [orig. Nmeanissg be brilliant], be coloured; grow or be red; be excited, be charmed or delighted by (in.); be glad; be pleased with, be attracted by, fall in love with (lc.): pp. rakta, q. v.; cs. ragaya (V.'), rauitgaya, P. colour, redden; illumine; make happy, delight, gratify, keep satisfied; ps. ragyate, be coloured:,pp. ragita, allured (game); rarbgita, coloured, reddened; illumined; made happy, gratified. aulu, assume a corresponding redness; be delighted or pleased, with (in..); be attracted or attached to, love (ac. or le.): pp. auurakta, coloured; reddened; beloved; devoted, attached, loving; fond of, in love with (ac., le., -'O); taking pleasure in anything (lc.,.); swayed by, unuder the influence of (-O); cs. -ra~igaya, P. colour or redden correspondingly; conciliate, win; inspire with affection. apa, A. become colourless; grow dissatisfied with (ab.): pp. aparakta, colourless, pale; averse from (ab.); es. P. render disaffected, alienate. abhi, A,. be greatly delighted with (in.): pp. devoted or attached to (0'); charming. upa, pp. coloured; reddened; eclipsed; (tinged by =) under the influence of (in., -2); es. P. colour; affect, influence. vi, grow discoloured, lose colour; grow indifferen't, lose interest in (ab., ic.): pp. virakta, discoloured; indifferent, disinclined, disaffected, tov'ards (ab., lc., prati + ac., — 9); become indifferent, zarousing no interest; cs. discolour: pp. viraslgita, rendered indifferent. sam, A. be coloured; grow red: pp. samrakta, reddened, inflamed; charming; impassioned (in song); es. P. colour; redden; delight, make happy. anusam, pp. devoted or attached to (cc.). abhisam, pp. devoted to (P). 1< rag-a, m. (rare): dust; pollen offiowers. TT~:isagah-kana~mograin of dust:.pi.dust. rag-aka, m. washerman (being at the same tim-e a dyer); a despised mixed caste: i, f. washerwoman; washerman's wife. T't' rag-atd, a. [V'rag=VIarg] silvery,, whitish (V.); made of silver (V.); n. silver: -kUta N. of a peak iss the Malaya range; -damshtra, m. N. of afairy; -parvata, m. mountain of silver (sp. ain artificial one as a gift for Bradhmans); -p~tri, n. silver vessel; -bhiagana, n. id.; -maya, a. (i made of silver; - akala. - adri, m. silver mountain, ep. of Kailhsa. [(rare). Ta radg-ana, a. (ii) colouring (V.); m. ray TU~f'i' rag-ani, f. (metr.) = -KIV ragani, night: -kara, m. (n ight-maker), moon; -kcara, m.night- walker; Tttkshasa; watchman; -riksaI, f. Rtkshasl-like night. 'KI#'q rag-a-nii, f. Edarkener], night; N.: -kara, m. moon; -kara, a. moving at night (Moon); m. night-walker; Rfkshasa: -i tha, m. lord of night-walkers, moon; -pati, m. lord of night, moon; -mukha, n. nightfall, evening; -ramana, m. lover of -, -isa, m. lord of night, moon. '<U~raig-as, n. [dimness, region of clouds] i. V.: sky, air, atmosphere (distinguished from div or svar, region of light, heaven, uhich is beyond; regarded as consisting of an upper and a lower stratum, hence often du., the lower and upper air; pl. the skies); vapour, mist, gloom; (dark =) ploughed soil, cultivatedfield (BYV., rare); 2. C.: dust; grain of dust; pollen of flowers; menstrual discharge, menses; [quality inflaming or obscuring the mind] passion (one of the three qualities, sattva, ragas, tamas, in _phil.). ~KTE ragas-vala, a. filled or covered with dust, dusty; having menses (f.); filled with the quality of passion: a^, f. woman in her courses; marriageable girl; -viii, a. full of pollen; full of the quality of passion. 4~W:~3ragah-spris, a. touching (the dust =)the earth; - sveda-samanvita, pp. covered with dust and sweat.,~f!'rqiT rag-ikft, f. (of -aka) washerwoman. ~f rw rg-ishtha, V. spy. (of rigu) straightest; most righteous. i"Tjtrago-gush, a~joined with the quality of passion; -megha, m. cloud of dust.,Kf rdgg-u,f. [ x/rasg"', bind: cp. v'magg] cord, rope ( —, of, rarely =for): -m &i-stha', have recourse to the rope, hang, oneself. TIWKI raggu-dftla, m. kind of tree; wild fowl: -ka, M. wild fowl; -pi~thikai, f. stool suspended by ropes; -pedg, f. basket sus-.pended by ropes; -bandha, m. tying with ropes: e-na bandh, tie any one up with ropes; -maya, a. consisting of ropes; -yantra, n. contrivance of cords (in a mechanical doll) ~'step out (V.); strive afterm'-vc.; V.); aor. pt. rilgas-&Uk (LIV.), hastening; striving. K 2. RANG, v.' 7RA G. 'K~i raslg-aka, a. (ika') colouring; pleasing, charming; m. dyer; -ana, a. (i) colouring; pleasing, gladdening (-O); n. colouring, dying; colour; delighting, gladdening, making happy, gratifying; -aniya, fp. to be pleased, - made contented; pleasant. KRAT, I. P. rata, yell, howl, roar, cry; caw (crow); crash (axe), ring (bell); proclaim aloud: p~p. ratita, applauded. fi, cry, call to. ~(l rat-ana, n. shout of applause. rata-ratft-ya, A~. croak. K k 250 -fa; rat-ita. '4T[T radankura. fTi Trat-ita, pp. v/rat; n. cry, howl, yell; creaking. qT ratta, f. N. of a princess. K' radda,, m. N.: a,f. N. W' ran-a, m. [A/ran] gladness, joy, delight (V.);,. (n.) [joy of battle], combat, fight, battle, for (-~): -karman, n. fight; -kamya, P. be eager to fight; -karin, a. causing battle; -krit, a. causing joy (RV.1); m. fighter, combatant; -kshiti,f., -kshetra, n., -kshoni, f. battle-field; -khala, m. id.; -gokara, a. engaged in battle. T'^!ln ranat-kara, m. jingling sound, rattle; humming (of bees). -'[f*-' Tran a-dundubhi,m.militarydrum; -dhur, f., -dhura,f. brunt of battle; -priya, a. delighting in battle; -bhata, m. N.; -bhfu, -bhiumi, f. battle-field; -mukha, n. forefront of battle; vanguard; -murdhan, mn. id.; -yagsia, m. sacrifice of battle; -rainga, m. arena of conflict, battle-field; -rana-ka, m..,, f.regretful longingfora beloved object; an. god of love; -rana-y-ita, den. pp. rattling or sounding aloud; -rasika, a. eager for battle, with (-~); -lakshmi, f. luck of war; goddess of battle; -visarada, a. skilled in war; -siksha,f. art of war; -siras, n. front of battle; vanguard; -sfra, m. hero in battle; -samudyama, m. stress of battle; -samrambha, m. storm of battle; -stha, a. engaged in battle; -sthana, n. battle-field; -svamin, m. statue of Siva as lord of battles. uf-ri rana agni, m. fire of battle; -agra, n. front of battle; vanguard; -aigana, -.aiigana, n. battle-field; -agira, n. id.; - _todya, n. military drum; - aditya, m. N.; - arambha, f. N. of a princess: -svamideva, m. N. of a statue erected by her; -_avani,f. battle-field. -4'iw ran-ita, pp.. /ran; n. ringing, jingling, rattling; humming (of bees). *,T ranaisa, m. = rana-svdmin; -Isvara, m. id. Z'n'? ranautkata, a. raging in battle; - uddesa, m. battle-field.!kA randa, m. betrayer of (-~): a, f. widow; contemptuous designation of women: slut. -Ira ran-va, a. (EV.) pleasant, delightful, lovely; joyful. ~- ra-ta, pp. (V/ram) pleased, gratified, glad; delighting in,.devoted or addicted to (in., lc., -~); having sexual intercourse with (-~); n. sexual enjoyment or union: -kila, m. dog; -vat, a. containing a form of the root ram. "Tf ra-ti, f. [Vram] rest (V., rare); pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction, in (lc., -~); sexual enjoyment or union; personified as one of the wives of Kdma, Rati: -m kri, labh, vid, or bandh, find pleasure in (lc.). Tf'iti'i rati-kara, a. (i) causing pleasure; -kriya, f. sexual intercourse; -griha, n. pleasure-house; -gaia, a. skilled in the arts of love; -pati, m. husband of Rati, god of love; -parikaya, m. frequency of sexual union; -priya, a. pleasant during sexual intercourse; -phala, a. productive of sensual pleasure, aphrodisiacal; -bandhu, m. lover, husband; -bhavana, n. pleasure-house; -mat, a.joyful, glad; delighting in(lc.); enamoured; accompanied by Rati; -mandira, n. chamber of love; -ramana, m. lover of Rati, god of love; -rasa, m. sexual enjoyment; a. having the flavour of love; -rahasya, n. secrets of love, T. of a work; -valli,f. creeper of love; -sarvasva, n. quintessence of sexual pleasure; T. of an erotic work; -sahakara, m. companion of Rati, god of love; -sena, m. N. of a prince; -Jsa, m. husband of Rati, god of love. T'i:trB ratautsava, m. festival of love. r, ra-tna, n. [V/ra] V.: gift; goods,wealth; C.: treasure, precious stone, jewel, sp. pearl, (-~, jewel of a, = best of, most excellent); magnet; m. N.; -kalasa, m. N.; -kuta, n. N. of an island; -kosha-nikaya, m. heap of jewels and treasure; -khani,f. mine ofjewels; -garbha, a. filled or studded with jewels:, f. earth; -kandra-mati, mn. N.; -kkhaya,f. reflexion or glitter of jewels; -talpa, mq. jewelled couch; -traya, n. the three jewels (=Buddha, dharma, and sarAgha: B.); -datta, m. N.; -darpana, m. mirror of jewels; -dipa, m. lamp of jewels (which supply the place of a burning wick); -druma, m. coral; -dvipa, m. N. of an island; -dha, -dha, a. (V.) bestowing gifts or wealth; possessing wealth; -nadi, f. N. of a river; -nidhi, mi. mine of pearls, ocean; -parvata, m. mountain (= repository) of jewels, Meru; -pura, n. N. of a city; -prakasa, an. T. of a dictionary; -pradipa, m. (-~ a. -ka) =-dipa; -prabha, m. N.: a, f. earth; N.; T. of the seventh Lambaka of the Kathdsaritsdgara; -prasada, ns. jewelled palace; -bandhaka, m. seller of gems, jeweller; -bhfta, pp. resembling a jewel; -ma^igari, f. N. of afairy; -maya, a. (i) consisting of or abounding in jewels; -mal, f. necklace of gems or pearls; T. of various works; -malin, a. wearing a necklace of jewels; -ratna, n. pearl of pearls; -ragi,f. string of pearls; -rasi, m. heap of gems, quantity of pearls; -rekha,f. N. of a princess; (ratna)-vat, a. attended with gifts (RV.1); abounding in jewels or pearls, jewelled; -vardhana, in. N.; -varman, m. N. of a merchant; -varsha, mt. N. of a prince of the Yakshas; -samghata, m. quantity of jewels; -sut, a. producing gems; -sutti, f. earth; -svamin, m. N. of a statue (erected by Ratna). j'TWiiC ratna fkara, m. mine of jewels; m. ocean; N.; N. of a mythical horse; T. of various works: -mekhala,f. (sea-girt), earth; - aiiguriyaka, - afigullyaka, n. jewelled finger-ring; a-devi, f. N. of a princess; - adhipati, m. lord of treasures: ep. of Agastya and N. of a prince; a-pura, n. N. of a town. 'Tilf[ ratna-y-i-ta, den. pp. resembling jewels. TiTTit ratna-vat-i, f. N.; N. of a town. Tx]f[t ratnajavalT, f. string of pearls; N.; N. of various works, esp. of a wellknown play; -isaua, n. jewelled throne. i[f'i ratn-in, a. possessing or receiving gifts (RV.). 11g ratnaindra, m. very costly jewel; -isvara, m. N.; -udbhava, m. N. TW ra-tha,m. [goer: /ri] car, (two-wheeled) war chariot; vehicle; warrior, hero. R'4ifiTK ratha-kard, m. wheelwright, carpenter; a mixed caste (offspring of a Mdhishya and a Karani): -tva, n. trade of a carpenter; -krit, m. wheelwright, carpenter; -kshobha, m. jolting of a chariot; -gritsa, m. skilful charioteer; -ghosha, tm. sound or rumbling of a chariot; -kakra, n. chariotwheel; -karana, m. id.; -kary&, f. driving in a chariot (often pl.); -ginana, n. skill in driving; -g^anin, a. skilled in driving; -dhur, f. pole of a chariot; -nabhi, f. nave of a chariot-wheel; -nirghosha, m. rumbling of a chariot; -nisvana, m. sound of a chariot; -nida, m. n. interior or, seat of a chariot; -nemi, f. felly of a chariot-wheel; -m-tara, n. N. of various Sdamans; m. a form of Agni (son of Tapas); -bandha, m. fastenings of a chariot; -bhainga, m. breakdown of a chariot; -mahotsava, m. solemn procession of an idol in a car; -yatra,f. id.; -marga, m. carriage road; -yiug, a. yoking or yoked to a car (RV.); m. charioteer; -yuddha, n. chariot fight; -yoga, m. chariot team; use of a chariot, art of driving; -yogaka, m. yoker of a car; -yodha, m. chariot fighter; -rasmi, m. chariot-trace; -vamsa, m. multitude of chariots; (ratha)-vat, a. having a chariot, consisting in chariots (RV.); containing the word ratha; -vara, m. excellent chariot; -vartman, n. chariot-road, high road; -vaha, a. (i) drawing a chariot; m. chariot-horse; charioteer: -ka, m. charioteer; -viygana, n., -vidya, f. knowledge of or skill in driving; -vith,f/.carriageroad, high road; -sakti, f. flagstaff on a war-chariot; -sala,f. carriage-shed, coach-house; -siksha, f. art of driving; -siras, n. fore-part of a chariot; -stha,a.standing on orfighting from a chariot; -svana, m. sound or rattle of a chariot. ~TTq ratha aksha, m. chariot-axle. T:TT rathaaniga, n. part of a chariot; carriage-wheel; discus, esp. of Krishna or Vishnu; potter's wheel; m. ruddy goose: -dhvani, m. rumble of chariot-wheels; -naman, m. ruddy goose; -nemi, f. felly of a chariotwheel; -pani, m. ep. of Vishnu; -samgiza, -sahva, - ahva, m. ruddy goose; - Ahvayana, a. called after a wheel, with dviga, m. ruddy goose. TiqF i rathaanika, n. host of chariots; -antara, n. another chariot; -aroha, m. chariot-fighter; mouning achariot; a-vatta, m. N.; - asva, m. carriage-horse; n. carriage and horse. #fi4 rath-ika, m. owner or driver of a carriage; -in, a. owning or driving in a chariot; m. owner of a chariot; car-fighter; coachman; consisting of chariots (army); belonging to a chariot (horse); -ira, a. owning or driving in a chariot; speedy (RV.). T r I. rath-i, f. small carriage, car. T'n 2. rath-i, a. (V.) driving in or belonging to a chariot; m. (V.) charioteer; carfighter; leader; lord. ' 2[ i rathaisa, m. owner of a chariot; carfighter; -.isha, f. carriage-pole; -uttama, best of chariots; -_utsava, m. solemn procession of an idol in a car; -upastha, m. seat of a chariot, driving-box. '^S rath-ya (or -ya), a. belonging or used to a chariot; m. chariot-horse: a,f. carriageroad, highway; host of chariots; a-kaya, m. team of horses; a-painkti,f. street; a-mukha, n. entrance to a street (Pr.); aupasarpana, n. walking in the street. RAD, I. P. (A.) rada, (V.) scratch, N scrape, gnaw, bite, rend, at (lc.); cut, open (apath); dig the channel of (ac.); bestow on any one (d.). pra, dig out (channel), mark out (apath). vi, rend; grant (wishes). A'; rad-a, a. (-~) splitting; gnawing at; m. tooth; tusk of an elephant; -ana, m. id.: -kkhada, m. lip; -anika,f. N.!;~T radaanfkura, m. point of a tooth;. avali-dvandva, den. P. appear like two rows of teeth. v radh. TfE ras-mi. 251 I T. RADH, T: RANDH, IV. P. radh\ya, become subject, fall a prey to (d.); deliver any one (ac.) into the hand of (d.): pp. raddha, overcome; cs. randhaya, P. (A.) deliver over to, give into the hand of (d.); torment, afflict (E.); destroy (P.); prepare (food; S.). ni, cs. get into one's power. pari, cs. pp. -randhita, destroyed (P.). -T radh-rd, a. willing, obedient (RV.). R RAN, I. P. (A.) rana, IV. P. ranya (RV., rare), stand still; be pleased, delight, in (Ic., rarely.ac.; RV.); gratify (R V.); resound, jingle: pr. pt. ranat, pp. ranita, sounding, jingling; cs. ranaya, P. A. delight in, gladly abide in (Ic.; RV.); cheer any one (with, in., or in, Ic.; RV.); P. cause to sound (P.). [with. TrITt ran-tavyb,fp.f. (/ram) to be dallied TfT ran-ti, f. [v/ram] abiding gladly, with (Ic.; V.): -deva, m. N. of a king of the lunar race; N. of a lexicographer. K' RANDH, v.;I RADH.;ifW randh-ana, a. (-~) destroying; n. destruction; preparation offood, cooking. I-W rdndh-ra, n. opening, fissure, chasm, hole; cavity; aperture of the body (of which ten are assumed, including a supposed one in the skull); defect, imperfection; weak or vulnerable point: -praharin, a. striking at the vulnerable points (ofan enemy); - anveshin, - anusarin, a. watching for weak points. T RAP, I. P. rapa, (V.) prate, whisper; intv. rarapiti (V.), id. lTW rap-as, n. bodily defect, infirmity, injury (V.). pTaW RAPS, I. A. -rapsa (V.). pra, ex'tend forth (int.). vi, be replete, with (g.); have superabundance of (in.). ap-s( rdapd-Udhan, a. having a swelling udder (R yV.). TI; RAPH, only pp. raphita, wretched \ (RV.1). RABH, I. A. (P.) rabha [=/Vlabh], grasp, take; embrace; cs. P. -rambhaya; des. P. -ripsa. a, lay hold of, seize; lean on (ac.; V.); reach (RV.); set about, undertake, begin (ac., inf.); engage in action; form, make, produce, compose; ps. arabhyate, also = begin (int.): pp. arabdha, having begun (ac., inf.); set about, undertaken, begun (often with inf. which gnly. has a ps. sense); beginning (int.); made, composed of (in.), produced by (in.); gd. arabhya, (w. ac. or ab.) beginning with, from - onwards, since (preceded by iti in the case of quotations): adyaarabhya, from to-day onwards; tadaa rabhya, thenceforth, since then. anu a, grasp or touch from behind; be drawn after: pp. w. act. & ps. mg. vianua, touch in various directions. sam anu a, take hold of one another, take hold of together: pp. taken hold of; holding one another, holding, touching any one. abhia, take hold of, touch; walk upon; set about, begin. pra, undertake, begin (ac., inf.): pp. prarabdha, begun, undertaken; having begun (int.), to (inf.). via., pp. grasped or held fast in various ways. sam-, set about, begin, undertake (ac., inf.): pp. begun, undertaken; begun to be built; begun, occurred; having begun (ac., inf.). pari, clasp, embrace; des. wish to embrace. sam, seize, grasp; grow excited: pp. samrabdha, hand in hand, closely united with (in.); stimulated; agitated; enraged, exasperated (ord. mg.), against (prati); angry (speech); increased; swollen. abhi-sam, grasp (RV.): pp. excited, enraged.;I: rdbh-as, n. vehemence, violence: in. vehemently, forcibly, roughly. KTf rabhas-d, a. fierce, impetuous; ardent, eager for (-~); strong, powerful; m. impetuosity, vehemence; speed; eager desire for (-~): ~-, in., ab. vehemently, passionately; hastily, quickly. '?IZ( rdbhas-vat, a. impetuous (RBV.). A 5IT RAM, I. rama, P. (only tr.), A. stop, set at rest, make fast (V.); delight (ac.); stand still, rest; like to stay, with (d., lc.); (rest, be at ease), be glad or pleased; rejoice at, delight in, be fond of (in., lc., sts. inf.; ord. mg.); enjoy oneself with, have sexual intercourse with (in. + samam, saha, sakam, or sardham): pp. rata, pleased, glad; delighting in, devoted or addicted to, practising (in., lc., -~); enjoying oneself, having sexual intercourse with (-~); cs. ramaya, P. (V.), ramaya, P. (V., C.) bring to a standstill (V.); gladden, delight (esp. sexually), caress; enjoy oneself. ati, be greatly delighted. anu, P. cease, stop; A. rejoice in anything: pp. delighting in (le. or -~); enamoured. abhi, feel pleased or satisfied; rejoice or delight in (in., lc.); enjoy oneself with (in. w. saha): pp. pleased, satisfied; delighting in, devoted or addicted to, practising (lc., -~); es. -ramaya, P. delight, entertain; enjoy oneself with (ac.). a, P. cease (speaking); desist; take pleasure or delight in (Ic.); enjoy oneself (sexually) with (in. + samam): pp. ceased. upa&a, P. rest; desist, from (ab.): pp. resting or fixed on (lc.); ceased; desisting from (ab.); free from (ab.). upa, P. (tr.), A. (int.) stand still, rest (V.); cease from action, become quiescent; stop (speaking, acting, etc.), cease, desist from, relinquish (ab.); wait for (ac.; Br.): pp. uparata, become quiescent; abated, stopped, ceased, hushed (of sounds), disappeared; gone to rest, dead; having desisted from or relinquished (ab.); grown indifferent towards (-~). viupa, P. A. cease; P. desist from (ab.): pp. grown quiescent; ceased. ni, pp. pleased or satisfied with, delighting in, devoted to, practising, faithfully attached to (in., le., -~); cs. P. -ramaya, detain, fetter (R V.); -ramaya, P. delight sexually, caress (P.). vi, P. (A.) stop (speaking etc.), pause, cease, abate, come to an end (night), go out (fire); desist from, relinquish (ab.): pp. virata, stopped, abated; having ceased (speaking); having desisted from (ab., -~, rarely lc.), having ceased to (ab. or -~ of vbl. N.): -m, n. imps., with v&ka, the speech came to an end. pra-vi, pp. having desisted from (ab.). sam, A. rejoice in (le.). 3I7 ram-a, a. (-~) pleasing, delighting: a, f. ep. of Lakshmi; fortune, wealth; beauty; -ana, a. (i) pleasing, delighting; m. lover, husband; n. pleasure; sexual enjoyment, dalliance; gladdening; decoying (deer): i, f. lovely young woman; mistress, wife.;TT~11 ram-aniya, fp. delightful, charming, lovely: a, f. N. of a singer (Pr.); -damara-tva, n. charming and amazing nature; -ta, f., -tva, n. charm, loveliness, beauty. KweTfit'iT ramayant-ika,f.N. of a dancer. KTiTElrama-kinta, m. lover of -; -natha, m. lord of-, -pati, m. husband of Rama, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; - sa, - svara, m. id. I TI RAMB, I. A. rimba [= vlamb], hang \ down (RV.1). ava, id. (RV.1). T;. RAMBH, I. A. rambha, roar (very \ rare; P.). upa, cause to resound, fill with sound (very rare; P.). JITI rambh-a, m. staff, support; m. N. of various princes; a, f. plantain tree (Musa sapientum); courtezan; N. of an Apsaras: -_uru, a. (i) having thighs like the trunk of a plantain tree. RTW ram-ya, a. pleasant, delightful, lovely, beautiful: -ta,f., -tva, n. loveliness, beauty; -rupa, a. having a lovely form, charming; -antara, a. pleasant on the way (journey).;T ray-a, m. [V/ri] current, stream; velocity, speed; vehemence, ardour: in., ab. speedily. Kf^ ray-i, m., (rarely) f., sg. &pl. [/ri, bestow], property, wealth (V.); treasure, valuable (V.). 'fq4W rayin-tama, spv. extremely wealthy (RV.'). 'TflR rayi-mit, a. (V.) combined with wealth; wealthy. 'Z;T rayi, V. in. of rayi (RV.1). iW'41 rayyavatta, m. N. ISTZ rarata, n. forehead, brow (=lalata): i, f. garland of Darbha grass affixed to the eastern entrance of the shed for the Hlavirdhdnas (ritual). 3TTW raratya, a. relating to the forehead: a, f. horizon; = rarati. ~TT rdr-bna, pr.pt. 4/rb, give; -ima, Ipl. pf. v/ra. T[gR ralla-ka, m. kind of deer; woollen cloth, blanket. T' rav-a, m. [r/I. ru] roar, yell, cry; song; humming; noise, sound; din, thunder; -ana, a. roaring, crying, screaming, singing, etc.; m. camel; cuckoo; wagtail. ~Tf' ravi, m. sun; sun-god: -kanta-maya, a. consisting of sun-stones; -graha, m.: -na, n. eclipse of the sun; -ga, m. son of the sun, planet Saturn; -tanaya, m. id.; Yama. 'f4 - rav-i-tri, ni. crier, shouter. -Kf[ f'~W ravi-dina, n. Sunday; -nandana, m. son of the sun, planet Saturn; -bimba, n. disc of the sun; -mani, m. sun-stone; -mandala, n. disc of the sun; -ratna, n. sun-stone; -vamsa, m. solar race; -vara, m., -vasara, m. n. Sunday; -samkranti, f. entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac; -suta, m. son of the sun =planet Saturn or the monkey Sugriva; -soma-sama-prabha, a. having lustre resembling that of the sun and moon. T"'IT ras-ana, f. cord, rope, strap; bridle; girth; girdle, zone (esp. of women); fig. of the fingers (RV.); -~ a. girt by; dependent on: -kalapa: -ka, m. woman's girdle consisting of several bands; -gunaa'spada, n. seat of the girdle-string, waist; -_upama,f. girdle-simile (being a string of comparisons in vwhich the upameya of the first becomes the upamdna of the second and so on). TfTW ras-mi, m. cord, rope; trace; rein; whip; measuring cord; line of light; ray; splendour: -kalapa, m. pearl necklace of fifty-four strings; -mandala, n.wreath of rays; -mat, a. radiant; m. sun; N.; -mAlin, a. having a garland of rays; -muka, m. (diffuser of rays), sun; -vat, a. radiant; m. sun. Kk2 252,rw ras. Nlull 252T ras. ra'ga-ka. ki. RAS, I. P. (A.) rasa, roar, yell, cry; resound, reverberate: pp. rasita, uttering inarticulate sounds; sounding, tinkling. anu, pp. accompanied with cries, yells, etc. a, roar, cry out: pp. crying out. prati, echo. vi, cry out. T (2. RAS, I. P. rasa, IV. P. rasya, X. P. A1. rasiya, taste; relish; feel; des. es. rirasayisha, P. wish to taste. TV ras-a, m. [ V2. ras] sap,juice (of plants), fruit-syru P; fluid, liquid; water; essence, pith (of anything); quicksilver; potiou, elixir; poisonous draught; taste, flavour (as distinctive quality of fluids: six kinds are distinguished, viz, sweet, salt, bitter, soser, pungent, astringent); object of taste; organ of taste, tongue; relish, inclination, fondness or love for (Ic. ~ upari, 0;desire; affection; pleasure, delight; charm; (flavour or keynote in poetry), sentiment (eight Basas are generally distinguished: love, heroism, disgust, wrath, mirth, terror, pity, wonder, a ninth, quietism, and a tenth, tenderness, being sonsetimes added); prevailing sentiment in human character; sacred syllable om. rasa-ka, n. broth; -graha, a. appreciating pleasures; m. organ of taste; -gra~haka, a. perceiving taste; -ga, a. bred in fluids; -giia, a. knowing the taste of, appreciating the pleasures of (g., -9P); familiar with (ic., -20); appreciative; n., a^,f. tongue; -gfiata', f. knowledge or appreciation of the taste of, familiarity with (g., ~9 t,.fluidness: -m upeta, become fluid; -da, a. exuding, resin; m. (giving doses), physician.,1V' i.ras-ana, a. roaring, yelling, crying out; croaking; reverberating etc.; 2. m. phlegm'; n. taste; organ of taste; perception: a, f. tongue: -mfi1a, n. root of the tongue. rasanfl, f. Often incorr. for TgliT rasanh. MIT rasa-niayaka, m. ep. of Kftma. TV ras-aniya, fp. that which is tasted. fiesrasana indriya, a. organ of taste. TVq~ rasa-pAkaka, m. cook; -prabandha, m. poetical work, drama; -bhfiva-vid, a. knowing, the sentiments nnd emotious; -Maya, a. (i) consisting of juice, fluid, water, or quicksilver; charming; -raga, m. quicksilver; (rksa)-vat, a. juicy, succulent; wellflavoured, savoury; filled with juice; supplied with moisture (field); overflowing with (in.); tasteful, charming; n. tasteful style: _.i, f. kitchen; meal; -vat-t&', f. juiciness; savouriness; tastefulness; -v'da, m. alchemy;..vikrayin, a. vendor of liquors or juices; -vikretri, m. id.; -vid, a. knowing the taste; having, good taste;~ -sfAstra, n. alchemy; -sodhana, a. purification of quicksilver; -siddha, pp. (adept in quicksilver ==) skilled in adchemy; familiar with poetical sentiments; -siddhi, f. (adeptness in quicksilver), skill in alchemy. TVT ras-9, f. moisture (By.); a mythical river flowing round the earth and atmosphere (By.); N. of a river (By.); infernal regions (C.); earth, land (C.): -tala, a. (C.) infernal regions, hell; also N. of the fourth or the seventh of the seven hells; surface of the earth. 4(VTWZW rasa ftma-ka, a. whose nature is juice or nect-ar (moon); tasteful (speech); - adhika, a. tasteful; abounding in e-nj oym~ents; M'dhipatya, n. sovereignty of the lower regions; 7: ntara, a. difference of taste; another taste or pleasure; change of senti ment: -vid, a. having different tastes; - A bha'sa, m. mere semblance of a sentiment; improper manifestation of a sentiment; -_9i bhyantara, a. filled with water or love; -ayana, n. life-prolonging medicine, elixir of life (sts. follows the gender of the word to which it refers). '(TM ras-ftla, m. mango -tree; kiad of mouse: af curds mixed with sugar and spices; D-ftrva grass. TRTTNi rasaftsvfda, m. perception of pleasure. cf"iN ras-ika,a. possessed of taste,aesthetic; having a taste for or a sense of, fond of, appreciating, understanding (lc., -'0); having a special taste or hobby; devoted to (lc., ~) tasteful: -ta', f. taste or fondness for (lc.), -tva, a. devotion, addiction. Tf-Ew ras-ita, (pp.) a. roar, yell, cry; reverberation, thunder; rattle, jingle; -i-tni, m. i. roarer; 2. taster; -in, a. juicy; possessed of taste, aesthetic. rasa indra, m. quicksilver; - svara, m.id.; -tilisa, m. awakening of desire for (0;. ai1sin, a. feeling the awakening of desire for (-O). TI ras-ya,fp. that may be tasted; savoury. 1 RAH, I. P. raha, divide, separate; es. Nabandon, desert; cause to give up an~ything (ac.): pp. rahita, forsaken, deserted, solitary (place); separated from, free from, destitute of, lacking (in., -9); '- a. wanting, absent; lc. in a lonely place, in secret. vi, cs. -rahaya, quit, forsake: pp. virahita, abandoned, left; separated from, free from, lacking, without (in., - 9). Tlf rah-ana, a. separation. T'*'TJfT rahah-silla, a. reserved; -suhi, a. relieved of a secret message. 'Ki rah-as, n. privacy, solitude; lonely place; secret: ac. or lc. in a lonely place; in secret, privately. T'g1T rahas-ya, a. secret (with romftni, hair on the private parts); a. secret; mystery, mystic doctrine; Upanishad: -in, ad. in secret; -dhfirin, a. being in possession of or entrusted with a secret: n-31, f. confidante; -nikshepa, m. entrusted secret; -bheda, in.: -na, a. disclosure of a secret; -samrakshana, n. keeping of a secret. '4T' rahah-stha, a. standing in a solitary place, -aside or alone; engaged in copulation. TfgW rahita-tva, a. lack of (-O). T~tFWI raho-gata, pp. having retired to a solitary place, being alone; secret. TTi. RAL, IL. ra~fti, rAt, P. (V., C.) A. (V.), red. r~ra (V.), rara%, rar' (V.), riri' (.RV.), give, grant, bestow: pp. rata. sam, id. (V.). 2. RA, IV. P. ra'ya (ByT.), bark; bark at. abhi, bark at (V.). r. rfi, a. (-'O) granting, bestowing. TT 2. ra' (only ac. rim) =K rai. ~TTT rftkg, f. goddess presiding over the day of full-moon; day of full-moon; fullmoon: -kandra, m. full-moon; -nis&, f. night of full-moon; -pati, in. full-moon; -yagnia, Mn. full-moon sacrifice; -ramiana, m. full-moon; -vibhivariJf. night of full-moon: -gani, m. full-moon; -sastifika, -sasin, -sudhikara, m. id.; -.iudIvara-bandhua, m. id.; - ndra, m. id. k UT rftkshasa, a. (i) belonging or peculiar to Rtkshasas or evil spirits, demoniacal; m. nocturnal demon, fiend; N. of a minister of Nanda: -tfi, f., -tva, a., -bh~va, m. condition of a demon. T'Itrakshas-i, f. femaale Radkshasa or demon. T'41Irftkshasil-kri, turn into a Rftkshasa; -bh^ii, be turned into a Rhtkshasa. VT'OtW rflkshasa indra, in. prince of Rftkshasas, sp. ep. of Ravana; - 3SVara, Mn. id. VT'q'V rhkshoghn.6, a. (i) treating of the demon-slaying verses (rakshoghna). ~T[I rag-a, m. [v,/rag] colouring, dyeing; colour; redness; passion, vehement desire, love, affection or sympathy for, joy or delight in (le. or —O); (colouring), nasalization; loveliness, beauty (of voice or song); musical mode (of which six are generallgassumed,these beiag variously stated to be Srlrhga, Bhairava, Megha, Kausika, Hindola, Dipaka; or Sriraga, Bhairava, Megha, Vasanta, Pasikama, Natanhrhyana; or S~rlrga, Vasanta, Malava, Malhira, Karnhta, and Hillola; sts. seven or twenty-six are spoken of). rahga-graha-vat, a. possessed of the crocodiles of passion; -dravya, a. colouring substance, dye; -pripta, pp. conformable to desire,gratifying thesenses; -bandha, m. (manifestation of) affection; -bhailgana, m. N. of a f airy; -man-gari3', f. N.: i-Ica, f. dim. of id.; -maya, a. red; enamoured; -raggu, in. god of love; -1ekha', f. streak of colour; -vat, a. red; fond; enamoured. M rftgi-tft, f. desire for (lc., -0). VTf*Trag-in, a. coloured, dyed; red; full of passion or desire; impassioned; swayed by love, enamoured; passionately fond of or devoted to, yearning after (lc., -'O); delighting (_'9; rare): n-i, f. modification of the, musical modes called iR5ga (30 or 36 iMiginls are enumerated). 'KV~ ralghav-a, m. descendant of Raghu, pat. of Aga, Dasaratha, and esp. iRhma (du. Rfma and Lakshmana): -pa~ndavi~ya, a. T. of a poem so ambiguously worded as to furnish a history of the Ra'ghavas and the Pfindavas at the same time. rafkav-a, a. belonging or peculiar to the deer called Raiiku; made of th e hair ofthe lRafiku, woollen; m. woollen cloth, blanket. TT7 RIG, IL r-gati (V., C.), Ahgate (C.), NIII. P. r~shti (RVy., rare), rule, govern (tr. & mnt.); be king or chief; rule over be distinguished or resplendent, shine; appear like (iva): pp. ragita, distinguished, resplendent, brilliant, with (in. or -'); cs. P. A. ragaya, rule. nis, es. cause to shinie, irradiate; perform the ceremony called niragana over (ac.): pp. nirigita, shining; consecrated with the niragana ceremony. vi, rule (V.); rule over (ac., g.; V.); transcend (ab.); be resplendent, shine; appear like (iva): pp. distinguished by, resplendent or brilliant with (in., — ); es. cause to shine, irradiate, illuminate. ati-vi, be extremely brilliant. anu-vi, shine after, follow (ac.; BRV.). sam, rule over (g.). V!~ram. (am. t) ruler, king (C. only O) ratg-a, am. (- = ragan) prince, king; chjief of: -rishi, in. = rfigarshi. qTIj raga-ksi, in. petty king; metr. &.~ = ragan, king; N.; a. assemblage of kings; -katha', f. history of kings; -kauyak', f T'7r7 ragak lya.rg-a25 A Vw rag-ya. 253 king's daughter, princess; kanyf id.;..kara, mn. tribute due to a king; -karana, n. law-court; -karna, m. tusk Of an elephant; -kartri, m. king-maker: pl. enthroners of a king; -karman, ss. duties of a king; royal service; Soma-rite; -kalasa, m. N.; kaa, f. sixteenth part of the moon's disc, crescent; -ka~rya, n. business of a king, state affairs; royal command; -kilbishin, a. transgressing as a king. Tq rftgak-lya, a. royal; m. servant of a king. 'TiIR T.7 ra'ga-k-um~ra, m. prince: -a~f princess; -kula, n. royal family (pl. kings); royal palace (serving also as a court of jus-. tice); high road: -bhatta, sn. N. of a 'poet;..krit, m. king-maker; -kritya, ss. duties of a king, state affairs; -kriya^,f. business of a king'; -gamin, a. brought before the king (slander-); -giri, m. N. of a locality; -guru, m. king's counsellor or minister; -griha, ss. royal dwelling, palace; N. of the capital of Magadha (also -I, f.); -ghataka, m. regicide; -hcihna, n-pl. royal insignia; -gambfi, f.a tree.,Kr7r'1T rftgata, a. (1) macie of silver; n. silver. VA l V Vrftga-tan aya, m. kin g's s on, prin ce: a, f. princess; -taramginI', f Stream ( continuous history) of Kings, T'. of various chronicles of Cashmere; N.; -t,f. kingship, royalty. V!5MTfW rAgata dri, m. silver mountain, Mount Kaila'sa. 'KTSI~IRt4 rftga- tall f. betel-nut tree -tuiiga, m. N.; -tva, a. kingship, royalty; -danda, m. royal authority; punishment inflicted by a king; -d at, f. N.; -danta, m. (chief=) front tooth; -darsana, n. sight of the king, royal audience: -m ka'raya, conduct any one (ac.) before the king; -dara m. pl. wife or wives of a king; -duhitri, f. king's daughter, princess; musk-rat: -maya, a. (i) consisting of princesses; -ditrVa, f hind of tall Dftrv&a grass; -daivika, a. proceeding from the king or fate (misfortune); -dva~r,f., -dva~ra, n. king's gateway, palacegate; -dvarika, sn. royal janitor; -dharma, m. duties of a prince: pl. rules relating to kings: -bhrit, a. maintaining or fulfilling the duties of a king; -dhani, f. royal- city, capital: -tas, ad. from the capital; -dhanya, n. hind of grain; -dhaman, n. royal palace or residence. -<TWT~ir'a-anm. (-'Oa.f. ni3)prince, chiefI (in V. the term king is applied to Varuna and other gods); ep. of the moon (C.); man of the warrior caste. Rkgan is rarely used 0' in Titpurushas except in afew cases with names of towns or peoples in E., rkga being otherwise substit uted for it. 1fT!5tK2. rag-ai, n. (?) guidance (Ry.') ViUfiM rftga-naya, rn. royal policy, statesmanship; -nirdhfita-danda, a. having the staff wielded over him by the king, punished by the king; -nivesana, n. royal palace; -niti, f. royal policy, statesmanship. a ngan-ya, a. royal; m. royal personage, noble; man of the warrior caste (of which this is the oldest designation): -ka, n. assemblage of warriors; -humara, m. prince; -tva, n. condition of belonging to the warrior caste; (A)-baudhu, m. companion of kings (gnly. used contemptuously: Br.); man of the military caste, Kshatriya. rftigan-vat, a. having or ruled by a good king. TtICU nga-patta, m. kind of gem, diamond of inferior quality; -patni.,f. consort of a king; -patha, m. royal road, highway; -paddhati, f. id.; -pitri, m. royal father; -putra', i. m. king's son, prince; Rlj'put (a mixed caste, offspring of Vaisya and Ambashthd or Kshatr-iya and Karani); son of the moon,planet Mercury: 'I, f. king's daughter, female IRhjput; (raga)-putra, 2. a. having kings as sans (By.'); -putraka, m. king's son, prince: ika^, f. princess; -putra-loka, m. assemblage of princes; -puins, m. royal servant or official; -pura, n. Kingstown, N. of a town; -purn, f. N. of a town; -purusha, m. king's man, royal servant or official; -pu'rusha, in. inetr. = -purusha; -paurushika, a. being in the service of a king,; -prakriti, f. king's minister; -priy-a, f. mistress of a king; mistress of the moon; -preshya, M. king's servant; n. royal service; -bandin, mn. N.; -bandhava, m. relation of a king: I, f. female relation of a king; -bilgin, a. of royal descent; -bhakti-puraskrita, pp. distinguished by devotion to their king; -bhata, ia. royal mercenary, soldier; -bhaya, n. fear of a king,; danger from a king; -bhavana, n. royal palace; -bharya, f. king's spouse; -bhrita, m. soldier; -bhriItya, M. king's servant; -bhauta, M. fool of a king; -bhratri, m. king's brother; -mani,' in. kieid ofjewel; -mandira, n. royal palace; -mahishii,f. chief consort of a king; king's wife; -matri, f. king's mother, queenmother. ~TTrI'RTW rftga-mqna-tva, n. brilliance, splendour (abst. NY.fr. pr. pt. of V'rtg). ~TTWR~T~ ratga-mianusha, m. king's mnan, royal official; -ma'rga, m. royal road, highway; procedure of kings, war; -mukha, n. king's countenance; -muni, mn. royal sage. 14M~W rhga-yakshmd, Tn. kind of dangerous disease; later: pulmonary consumption; -yakshman, m. id.; -yakshm-in, a. consumptive; -yagi~ia, m. royal sacrifice; -yana, n. royal vehicle, palanquin; -ratha,mn.royal carriage; -rambha^, f. kissd of plantain; -rakshasa, m. demon of a kingr; -ra'g, m. king of kings, emperor; moon; -raga, M. king of kings; op. of Kubera: -giri, mn. op. of the Himavat; -ti,f., -tva, n. dignity of a sovereign lord; -ragya, n. sovereignty over all kings - -rishi, m. royal sage; -lahshana, n. mark in'Ddicative of (future) royalty; -lakshman, n. royal emblem; -lakshmi, f. regal glory or majesty; NT. of a princess; -loka, m. assemblage of kings; -vamsa, m. royal race, dynasty; -va'msya, a. of royal descent; mn. Kshatriya; -vat, i. ad. like a king (nm. or ac.); as in the case of a king; 2. a. having a king; abounding, in kings: 1c. =in the presence of a king; m. N.: i, f. N.; -vadana, m. N.; -vandin, M.N. (= -ban din); -varkasin, a. being in royal service; -vallabha, m. royal favourite: -turamgama, m. favourite steed of a prince; -vasati,f. life at the court of a king; -vahana, a. bearing or ridden by kings; -va'hana, m. N. of a king; -vidya,.f. kingcraft, statesmanship; -vihara m. royal pleasure-seat; royal manast~ry;.vithl.,f. royal road, highway; -vriksha, in?. hind, of tree; -vritta, n. procedure or vocation of a king; -vesman, ss. royal palace; -vesha, m. royal costume; -sardil, m. (tiger-like =) illustrious king; -sasana, n. royal command; -sri,f. glory or majesty of a king. V!( rAgas-a, a. () belonging or relating to the quality ragas, endowed with passion: -tva, a. subjection to the quality of passion. TTSVW4rfga-samsraya, a. dependent 0o5 or protected by kingus; -samsad, f. judicial sitting held by a king; -sattna, n. royal sacri - fice; -sadman, n. royal palace; -sabha, f royal court; judicial sitting held by a king; -Samiti, f. assembly of kings; -sarshapa, mn. black mustard; black mustard seed (as a weight) = three likslihs;- -sakhbika, a. witnessed by a king (document); -simnha, in. (lion. of a king =) illustrious king; -sukha, v. happiness of akinog; -suta, m. king's soni,prince; -Sisnu, M. id.; -sitya, m. n. royal inaugural sacrifice: i-ha, a. (4') relating to or treating of the IMgwasfya sacrifice; -sena, in. N.; -sevaha, in. servant of a king; Rhjput; -seVa, f. royal service: -u~paglvin, mn. servant of a king; -sevin, in. id.; -saudha, royal palace; -stri, f. wife of a king; -stha-. na dhiara, mn. vice-regency; -Sthaniya, in. viceroy, governor; -sva, n. property of a kig sami, lord of kings, ep. of Vishnu; 3hma. (if) hind of goose or swan, flamingo; N.; -harmya, a.royal palace; -afigaaa, n. courtyard of a royal palace. TTaf~* ragajadana, m. [food of kings], a tree; Z-Fadesa, in. king's command; - dhiharm, mn. judge; - a~dhihrita, in. id.: - adhiraga, m. paramount sovereign; - adhishthana, a. royal residence, capital; - adbina, mn servant of a king; - dhvan, vas.king's road, highway. V3FTVT rtga'na-ka, in. petty prince. -af, ~ a vn m. servant of a king; - anna, a. food given by a king or Kshatriya; - anya-tva, a. change of sovereign; -a~pasada, in.fallen king; - abhisheka, qn. royal inauguration. VIM ratga-ya, den. A. behave like a king, play the king. (TT31 rtagaarha, a. worthyv of or due to a king; - avarta, m. n. lapis lazuli; avaii,f. Line of Kings, T'. of royal chronicles: 3.-Pataha, f. T. of a royal chronicle; - asana, a. r oyal seat, throne. I rfg.ra-i, V~f ratg-i, f. Edistinct mark: V'rag], line, streak, row'. Vif_5q ratg-ika, a. relating to kings (only — 0): a^, f. black mustard; black mustard seed (used as a measure of weight). 1rfmrf-I ra~gi-kitra, ma. (variegated with stripes), a hind of snake. 'KTNf~itrag-in, a. shining. ~fI? agi-mat, a. striped; in. kind of snake; -la, m. (striped), hind of snake. rT ~ rag-krita, pp. striped, forming streaks; -mat, a. striped; m. spce of snake. 4"M1 ratgi-va, a. striped; m. kind of fish; a. blue lotus: -netra, a. lotus-eyed; -mukha, a. lotus-faced: i, f. woman with a, lotus-like face; -lokana, a. lotus-eyed; -viloh-ana, a~id. TT shraly-in-'ij. lotus (Nelum~biumn speciosum: the plant); group of lotuses: -qivita-vallabha, m-. moon. 51rhg aqindra, m. chief of kings, illustrious king, paramount sovereign; - isvana, in. N.; - upaharana, n.pl. royal insignia; -jipahara, in. attention paid to a king; - upaseva^, f. royal service; - uipasevin, in. royal service. '~~ragnli, f. (of r~agan) queen. 'JTW rag-yd, a. royal; n. (ravgya or ragyd) dominion, sovereignty (over, lc., of, —.); ki ng 254 ~TTW 3 r'gya-kara. ~rhu I dom, realm m up~4s, kri, kixay~, or vi-dha, rule, govern. ~TTT4W rftgya-kara, 1i. a. ruling; 2. M. tribute of a feudatory prince; -krit, a. ruling (conj.); -khanda, a. kingdom; -kyuti, f. loss of sovereignty, dethronement; -tantra, n. sg. & pl. system of administration, government; -devi, f. N. of Bana'simother; -dhara, mn. (regent), N.; -paribhrashta, pp. fallen from his royal estate; -bhafiga, mn. subversion of sovereignty; -bheda, mn. discord in the realm; -labha, mn. obtainment of sovereignty, succession to the throne; -iayita, (den. pp.) n. playing the part of a king; -lobha, mn. lust of dominion; - varduiana, mn. N. of two princes; -sr'i,f. royal dignity (also personified); N.; -sukha, n. pleasures of royalty; -stha, a., -sthayin, a. ruling;..sthiti, f. government. VTWTTF rftgya afiga, n. member of a kingdom; adhikara, mn. government of a kingd om;.adhidevataf. tutelary deity of royalty;..abhishikta, pp. inaugurated in sovereignty; Z_9bhisheka, mn. royal inauguration; -asrama-muni, m. sage in the hermitage of royalty, pious king; - upakarana, n. p1. insignia of royalty. ~TTradhft, f. N. of a district in western Bengal and of its capital. KWFT I'?ift rfinftyan-iya, mn. N. of a teacher: pl. school of Rflnfyanlya; a. Slttra of Rhn&yanlya. TJffrft-ti, pp. (Vrfl) given; M. N.: (i) -havya, a. ( V.) offering awilling sacrifice (to the gods). aT r-i, a. ready to give,,gracious (V.); f.(V.) favour, grace; gift: -sh~k-, (V.) a. [-shk, strg. form of Vsak-], granting favour or gifts, bountiful; mn. bountiful genius (V.). V1T4 raltra, n. night (E.1 as an independent word): m. n. regular substitute -9for ratrl -ka, a. (i-ka) nocturnal. ~TTf r'a-tr-i, f. (only i in RV., which, later became shortened), night; abbreviation for rhtri-paryfiya: -ka, a. nocturnaL: — 9 after a numeral, staying or lasting (so and so mang) nights; -kara, m. (night-maker), moon; -kara,m. (night-walker), watchman; Rhkshasa; -kara f. night-wandering; nocturnal ceremnony; gagaain. wakefulness at night; -devata, a. having the night as a deity; -natha, m. lord of night, moon; -rn-diva, a. night and day: -in, a^, ad. hy night and by day; -pryya, in. the three ritual turns in the Atirdtra ceremon y; -bhugamnga, in. moon; -m-ata, in. (night-rover), demon; -mnaya, a. nocturnal; -rakshaka, in. watchman.; -Vasas, n. night-dress; -sesha, m. remainder or last part of the night; -su'kta, a. hymn to night (designation of the hgmn interpolated after RIV. X, 127). ~T1ra-tr-i', f. [perhaps bestower of rest: cp). rfima], night (older V.formn of ra'tri). W4~.~ raltri andha, a. blind at night: t' f. nocturnal blindness; -hn,. du. night and day; up aya, M. n igh tfall. rathaintara, a. ()Rathantara (Saman). -KT rftd-dhei, pp. Vrfldh: - anta, mn.H siddhflnta), conclusion, demonstrated proposition: i-ta, (den.) pp. logically proved. rTfW rgd-dhijf. (V.) success, luck, in (lc.). TTV RADII, L. P. raldha (BYv., rare), V. " —P. radhn6ti (Br., EB., rare), IV. r~dhya, A. (mnt., V.) P. (C.) be successful, with (in.); prosper, be happy; *prophesy to (d.; P.); achieve, accomplish, prepare (ac.; V.); proptiae, stisy(ac.): pp. raddha!, achieved, accomplished; performed;,prepared, ready; perfected; successful, fortunate; obtained; cs. ra~dh6,ya, P. bring about; satisfy. apa, miss (the mar/c); be guilty; be to blame; offend against (ic.), wrong any one (g.); often with, kim, what? or kimk/id, anything=- do harm or wrong, commit an offence: pp. aparaddha, having missed the markc (ab., of an arrow); guilty; having injured, or wronged ang one (g., rarely lc.); n..imps, a sin has bee n committed or a wrong done by (in., rarely g.) to (g., rarely lc.). abhi, pp. propitiated. ava, fail, miscarry. a, cs. propitiate, conciliate; worship; serve; gain, obtain; perform. up~al cs. serve any one (ac.). sam-a, cs. propitiate, satisfy, gain the approbation of (ac.). prati, counteract (only gd. and pp. withb act. my.). vi, be deprived of (in.; V.); injure, insult. sam,,pp.-obtained; cs. agree; satisfy. V' rfldh-a, in. N. of a month (=Vaisbkha). 'KTVUi~dh-as, a. favour, bounty, gift (V.); beneficence (V7.); success (P.); striving (P.); power [P.). VW~ raldh-ft, f. N. of a cowherdess beloved of Krishna and. later worshipped as a goddess; N. of Karna's foster-mother: -kflta in. lover of iRhdhIA, ep. of Krishna; -ramana, in. id,.; -vat, a. rich. 'Krf'qqii rftdh-ikaA, f. dim. of Raldhft.' '~ rfldh-eya, m. met. of Karna. KTtI'kTra'dhA sa, m. ep. of Krishna;i'svara, m. id.; -up~asaka, m. worshipper of RMdhU N[ rfdho-de'ya, n. bestowal of favour or gifts (liV.). 'KT r'dh-ya, fp(J) to be performed; worthy to be won; to be satisfied; toche worshipped; obtainable.,KT; ratm-a', a. dark-coloured, black (V.); pleasing, delightful, charming, lovely; in. N.:,in V. two Rflmas are mentioned (w. the pat. M~rgaveya and Aupatasvini) and in E7. three are distinguished: (a)iRnima Ghmadagnya or Bhhrgava = Parasu-rhma; (b) Bala-rflma or Halkyudha (elder brother of Krishna); (c) iRama IRfigbava or Dfisarathi = Rhm akandra or Sith-rhma (hero, of the lid'mdyana); frequent N. in later C.; n. [causing to t'est: Vram.] darkness (LIV.). ~TITII'g! rfiina-krishna, in. N.; -giri, m. N. of a mtn.; -.,kandra, m. N. of Rhma, son of D)asaratha; N.; -ga, m. N. V~RJ1ZNrftmaniiya -ka, a. loveliness, beauty. i'fi1'q ralma-deva, m. N. of Ralma, son of Dasaratha; N.; -natha, in,. id.; -P Ala, M. N.; -bhadra,, m. N.-of Rfima, son of Dasarat ha. TTWT rhmua-la, ms. N.; -IekhA,.N.o princess; -vardhana, m. N..; _SVaMin, Ms. N. of a statue of R&ma; a-devi, f. N. of Gayadeva's mother. ~TTTT r~l fa charming youn~g woman, beautiful woman; mistress, wife. ~TWRVPi~ rflma fnanda, in. N.; -- -nuga, in. NV. of a celebrated Vaishnava, founder of a Ved~dntic school; a. Ram~nuga's doctrine; -aaa, a. (A) relating to IRfm~a son of Dasaratha; a. epic relating the doings of Rhma (attributed to Vd~lmiki and containing about 2 4,000 verses in seven books): -katha f.story related in the IR afyana. 'K~trfm-'I, f. [causing to rest: -Vram] darkness, night (RV.'). T,19j' ralmusha, in. N. of a locality. 'K~7 ralinai^svara, in. N.; ishu, m. N. ~TT;T ram-yft (or ~)Jf. night (V.). ~TMralya, sn.0- or -" in namnes =rfga, king. VZ;R 9rfyas-posha, m.increase of wealth (g. of rai). 'V'q rflv-a, m. roar, yell, howl, cry; song; humming; din; sound. TT'qWf rftv-ana, a. causing to wail (g., ~) in. N. of a ten-headed demon, chief of the, Rdk-shasas, king of _Lad/cd, younger brother of Kubera, vanquished by aidma; N. of a king of Cashmere: i, in. pat. of Jndragit and Siinhaakda: pl. the sons of Rfivana. VTfqkl ralv-ita, cs. pp. v'/ru; a. sound; -in, a. roaring, yelling, crying, like(-) VTfkT rfts-'i, in. heap, pile, mass, quantity, multitude, number: -', heap etc. of; (group of stars), sign of the zodiac, one-twelfth of the ecliptic, astrological house: -traya, a. rule of three; -sas, ad. in heaps; -stha, a. standing in heaps, heaped up. -<'kt ralsii-kri, make into a heap, heap up; -bhfl, become a heap or accumulation, of (-O). ~ rfsh-td,.E [V'rfl] kingdom, realm, domninions; territory, country; nation, people, subjects. qi rftshtra-ka, -a' a. =rashtra, realm; a. dwelling in the country; -gopa, in. protector of the realm; -tantra, a. system of administration; government; (k)-pati, in. lord of the realm, king; -palia, in. protector of the realm, king; _bhafiga, mn. ruin of' the realm; — bhaya, a. danger to the realm; -bhrit, in?. tributary prince (V.); f. pl. kind of verses and offerings; -bhiedin, in. subverter of the realm, rebel; -mukhya, in. chief of the realm; -vardhana, a. promoting the welfare of the country-; _Z_ antapala, in. guardian of the frontiers of the realm. V~fg_ ralshtr-ijf. female ruler; -ika, as. inhabitant of the kingdom, subject; ruler of a country; -iya, in. brother of a king (in theatrical language): -sya'la, as. id. TT4 rashtr-i'J. female ruler, queen; -i1ya, in. king's brother-in-law (in theatrical language). RAS, I. ralsa, roar, yell, cry; intv. 'ra~rasya%, A. cry aloud. 2TT;R, rft-s, aor. base of V/rf. TTIf( ralsa, in. kind of pastoral festival, dance practised by Krishna with the cowherdesses; sport: -ka, in. kind of dance; kind of song; mn. a. kind of drama. ~TT04 rasa-bha, in. [V/rfls] ass: i',f. she-ass. ' T W h v yA a be on ing etc-toRfthu. VTfI?~1 rfthit-ya, a. d estituten ess, non-possession of (-'). V i~(rfthila, ms. N. -<T~rfth-u, in.[v,/rabh] seizer, N.of adeoion, whose head after he had attempted to drink the nectar obtained at the churning of the ocean was cut off by Vishnu, but having become immortal periodically revenged itself oss his betrayers, the sun and moon, by swallowing them at the times of eclipse; he is urw ra'hula. -,kflq ruk-i. 2-55 also regarded as one of the nine planets; eclipse; moment of occultation; -gata, pp. eclipsed (sun or moon); -grasana, n. being swallowed by iR~hu, eclipse; -grasta-nisa^kara, a. whose moon has been swallowed by IRkhu (night); -graha, in. demon iRkhu; -grahana, n. seizure by iRahu, eclipse (of sun or moon): -darsana, n. eclipse. (~rfhula, mn. N., esp. of a son ofBuddha. 'a iib-ftaka n. Rhhu's (birth =)appearance, eclipse (of sun or moon). KTTW rabhfigand, m. Pat. of Gotama. fK RI, f RI, IV. 'A. ri'ya (V. rare), IX. r ina/, 3ini (V.) release, let go; sever, detach, from (ab.); bestow; A. be shattered, - dissolved: pp rina, vanished (C.). anu, flow after (ac.). ni, crush, disperse, overthrow, destroy. nis, bring out of, sever from (ab.); attract. vi, rend. sam, put together, restore. ft ri, i. -0 a.=-raf'; 2. the second note (abbreviation for rishabba). firik-td, pp. (-V'rik) empty, void; bared (arm); indigent, poor; idle, worthless; hollowed (hand); lacking, destitute of (-O); w. dina or tithi, sixth, ninth, or fourteenth lunar day. Zf rikta-ka-, a. empty; unloaded (man); at& f. emptiness; apni, a. empty-handed, bringing no present; -hasta, a. id.; having received no present. fR#WI rikt-kri, quit, abandon; remove. fTq~ rik-thd, n. [property'left: V'rik] inherita-nce,bequest; property: -gra~ha, -bha~gin, -bhag, -hara, -harin, a. inheriting; in. heir;Z-9da, a. inheriting; in. son. ftf4'Pgv rikth-in, a. inheriting-; in. heir; testator. RIKHUT. P. -rikha (= -/likh). al, T_ tar, end(I V-.). RIIN KIT, I. P. riiikha (very rare), creep, crawl (of infants ssot yet able to wvalk); go slowly. [infants). KW rifikh-ana, n. creeping, crawling (of f~Trifikh-ftjf kind of pace in the horse; dancing. fT- RING, I. rifi,-ga (rare), crawl (of inN ants); move slowly or with difficulty; as. riiigaya, P. cause to crawl. f1fT rifog-i, f. mnotion; -ita, (PP.) n. surging (of waves); -in, a. crawling (infant). f Mx I, I. ~P. rinkkti (V.), rikya (V.), Nps. rih~ya (V., C.), empty, leave (V.); release, yield up(V.); A., ps. be emptied (V.); ps. rikyate, be deprived of, be delivered from (in.); come ton nought; cs.rekaya,empty; aban. don:pp. rekita, quitted, abandoned. ati, A. ps. leave behind, exceed, surpass; predominate; be redundant or left over; be too long oilarge; be or weigh more, be better or worse, than (ac., ab.); consider oneself superior to: pp. itirikta, redundant, superfluous, excessive; too great, - much, - late; still m ore; exceeding (ac.) by (in.); different from (ab., -0) separate, special; -2, having an excess or too much of; surpassing; cs. make redundant; overdo. vi ati, ps. extend beyond, excel, surpass (ac., ab.); be separated from (ab.); be distinguished from (ac., ab.): pp. vyatirikta, redundant, excessive; having an excessive amount of, remaining over from (-.O); distinct or different from (ab., -O); free from (O h, give up (ac.) to (d., V.); es. exhale (breath); clear (a place): pp. Arekita, sportive, playful (brow). ud, A., ps. exceed, excel (ab.); pp. fidrikta, superabundant, excessive, redundant, left over; exceeding (ac.); having an excessive amount of, superior in (iii., -O); arrogant; cs. augment. pra, A'., ps. surpass (ab.; V.); es. (RIV.) leave remaining; give up. vi, A., PS. extend beyond (ab.; RV1.): pp. having purged (C.); es. emnpty, drain; emit; purge. f(~, IuP (BV7.; rare, only pf. & pp.:= 4/lip) adhere to (lc.); cheat: pp. ripta. api, pp. blinded (-R1V.). [earth () f~~i~.(BV,.) fraud, trick; rogue, cheat; fTl rip-il, a. deceitful, treacherous (V/.); rogue, cheat (V.); adversary, enemy (C.): ta, f. hostility; -nipatin, a. foe-destroying; -paksha, a. siding with the enemy; in. enemy; -ra~kshasa, in. N. of an elephant; -vargita, pp. freed from an enemy. fT'3 rip-ra', n. (V.) dirt, defilement; impurity: _Vah6,, a. carrying off or removing impurity (IIV-').,',,pha (Br.), snarl; ps. riphya, be rolled oir pronounced as r (S.): pp. rolled, pronounced or written as r. a, snore. vi,pp. lacking the r-sound. fARIBH, I. P.. r,6bha (V.), creak, crackle \(of fire), murmur (of fluids); chatter; shout. fl'7T-FT ri-rain-sat, des. f. desire to enjoy oneself; lasciviousness; -su, des. a. wishing to enjoy oneself, with (ac.); lascivious. fTK-f-97T ri-raksh-ishft, f. desire to guard, protect, or maintain; -ishu, des. a. wishing to guard, protect, or maintain. f'Kf ~T-IT(rri-rik-yam, pf. OP t..Vrik (B V.) frKVr IRS, VI. risb, (V.), [=Vl1is] crop: "Ipp. rishtA, dislocated, rent, broken. a, A. browse on. vi, pp. dislocated, broken. R'JITT~( risa'das, a. ep. of the M~aruts and of other gods (V.). fTq IRISH, I. P,. resha (V., very rare), VI.. -.risha (V.), IV. rishya, P. (V., P.), A. (C.: mnt.), be hurt or injured; fail; hurt, injure: pp. risvhtk, injured; unsuccessful; as. reshiiya, P, harm, injure; cause to fail; A. hurt oneself; fail; des. ririksha, P. wish to injure (RV,). fTIR rish-anya', den. P. (11 V.) fail. f —KL rish-ta, 'op. V'ris & -Vrish; n. misfortune; bad omen. f Tfty rlsh-ti '.f. injury; failure. A 7 RIH1, VI. P. rihk (V.), II. P. A. r& ~-dhi (V., very rare): pr. p1. rihauk, lick; car srq, _o.ridha; intv. rerihyi.te, lick repeatecdiy, '-iss. samn, lick together. ( Tri'dha', f.disrespect. T ri-ti, f stream, current; motion, course; line, row; (course of things), manner, method, way; style, diction (three are spoken of: Vaidarbhl, Gaudl, and Phfikhll; oro fur: the same + LOtikh; or six: the same + Avantikh and Mahgadhl); brass; oxide of iron, rust. (~ rit'-bhfi, place oneself in line. T-r4I; rii-ram-a, cs. aor. base of Vram. TlfT-g* ririshah, 2 sg. subj. aor. cs. Vrish. 4 I. RU, II P. rauti (Br., C.), VI. P. ruva (V7., C.), pr. pt. ruv~t, rarely ravat, roar, howl, yell, cry aloud; croak; hum; resound: pp. ruta, resounding with the cries etc. of as. P. A vaya, cause to roar: pvp. ra'vita, caused to resound with the cry etc. of (-O); intv. r6raviti, rorityate, roar, cry, or sound aloud. anu, imitate the cry etc. of any one (ac.); answer an~y one's (ac.) cry etc., roar at: pp. resounding with the cry eta, of (-'). abhi, roar or yell at: pp. resounding with the cry etc. of (-9). a^, cry aloud; roar at; intv. roar aloud at (RV1.). vi, yell, cry aloud; humn; creak; tinkle; cry or call to:.pp. resounding with the cry of (in., -'O); as. cry aloud; cause to resound (only pp.). 2. RU, only aor. ra'visham and pp. rut&, break, shatter (V.); intv. pr.pt. r6ruvat, id. r- u, in. final euphonic r (= original s: gr.). 1W ruk-nA, in. (n. AV.) gold ornament (V.); disc of gold (Br.); n. gold (C.): -pura, n. Gold-town, N. of Garuda's city; -Maya, a. made of gold, golden; -ai.~igada, in. N. -rfqqWT4 rukm-in-il, f. N. of a daughter of -Bhshmaha, carried off and w~edded by Krishna, mother of Pradyaeina, later identified with Lakshmni. 'fr km-fn, a. adorned with gold (V.); in. N. of the eldest son of L'?"hisiaka and adversvary of Krishna. W'qj rukshma, incorr.for rfuksha. ARf;-qR rug-anvita, pp. -attended with pain, painful; -&rta, pr p. afflicted with pain, ill. ATT-jrug-nd, pp. Viny; n. cleft (RiV.'). Iq9 — RUK, L, A. (P. metr.) r6ka, shine N. (sun,flre, eta.); be resplendent or radiant; seem beautif ul or good, please (d., g., inf.); be pleased with, like (ac.): pr. pt. rokama&na, pp. ruhita, pleasant, agreeable, dear; as. rokkya, P. cause to shine (BV.); illumine; cause to please, render agreeable; cause any one j(ac.) to feel pleasure in or desire for (d.); P. A. find pleasure in, like, deem right (ac., inf.); choose as (2 ac.); purpose; please any osse (d.); _ps. be pleasing or agreeable. ati, -A.. shine across or over (ac.); surpass in brightness (ac.). abhi, be resplendent; please any one (d.): _pp. pleasing, agreeable, to (d., g.); liking; as. P. cause any one (ac.) to be pleased with (in.) P. Ak. like (ac., inf.); resolve on (d. of abst. Nv.). pra, A. shine forth (BY1.); please (Br.); as. P. illuminate; render pleasing. prati, A1. please any one (ac.; 1 V.). vi, A.. shine forth, be bright; be visible; be resplendent; surpass in splendour; appear like (nm.); please; as. cause to shine; like. -sam, A. shine at the same time; beam; as. like; resolve on; choose. -~ikjf light, brightness, lustre; splendour, beauty; colour; appearance (0, a.); liking, desire. [et ekae A~q ruk-aka, m. or n. (?kind of gold ornaW,;T ruk-', f. liking. W.fN r-dh-i (or'f), f. light, lustre; splen-dour, beauty; colour; liking, taste, fondness, for (la., prati, inf., ~9;appetite; -.0, a. fond of, indulging in, addicted to, eager for: in. ru/cyA, according to desire, at will or pleasure; -in da', please any one, (g.); -m &-vah, pro 256 256 ruki'-kara. ruli. I duce a liking for (d.); a-ye bhft, please any one (g.). [ducing appetite. W~;WcG ruki-kara, a. causing desire; proWOf414ff rukita-vat, a. containing a form of the root ink. 1k~qT ruki-tft,f. taste for, delight in(O) -deva, m. N.; -dha~man, mn. abode of light, sun; -pati, in. lord of light, sun; lord of delight, husband. Tf ruk-ira, a. bright, shining; radiant, beautiful; pleasing, attractive, to (g., ~O -deva, m. N.; -bhashana, a. speaking beautifully; -m firti, a. beautifully formed; - Anana.sweet-faced; - Apaig', a. f. fair-eyed. WK ruk-ishya, a. pleasing, agreeable; -3i,f. inetr. = ruhi, light, lustre (p1.); -ya, a. pleasing, radiant, beautiful; appetising. RUG, VI. P. ruga, break, shatter, '~destroy; cause pain to (ac., S.): pp. rugnii, broken, shattered; cs. rogaya, P. deal a blow on (lc.). -iP (. bek in pieces, tear (hair), uproot (trees), lacerate. pra, shatter. vi, shatter, destroy. sam, shatter; pain (ac.). 'K arng, a. (0') crushing, shattering; f pain; sickness, disease'; mainasi. -, mental pain, anguish. lk-Tf rug-ft, f. breaking, fracture; pain, anguish: -kara, a. (3i) causing pain; -a9paha, a. pain-destroying. lkWrunda, a. mutilated; m. headless body, trunk: -ka, m. id. — P a. 14, ru-td, pp. -v11. & -. ru; nz. roar, yell, cry; neigh; song, note (of birds); humming (of bees): -giia, a. knowing the language of beasts or birds; naugur; -vettri, mn. id.; -aqbhigfia, a. id. 111 R~ DVI rua,. (..,E.)1. E.) '-II P. roditi, I. P. A. roda (E.), weep, lament; bewail: ps. pr. pt. le. rudyama'ne, when weeping is heard; pp. rudita, wept; weeping; wet with tears; cs. rodaya, P. cause to weep or wail; intv. rorud, P. A wail bitterly. anu, weep afterwards; weep for (ac.); join in the lamentation of, eondole with (cc.). pra, begin to weep, wail, or howl; weep bitterly, howl; weep with (ac.): p~p. prarudita,hbaving burst into tears, weeping. vi, weep, wail, or howl aloud. 'O~ rud-ita, pp.; n. weeping, wailing, howling. rud-dha, pp. V',/3. rudh. WTrud-ral, a. roaring, terrific; mn. Stormgod (chief of the Mreruts)': Rudra is sts. in Br. regarded as aform qf Agni, but is later identj~fled with Siva: pl. the Sons of Rudra, the Maruts (supposed to be either eleven or thirty-three in number); abbreviation for verses addressed to Rudra; N.: -kosa, m. Rudra's dictionary; -gapa, m. -kind of prayer addressed to iRudra; -ga"pin, a. muttering the Rudragapa; -ta, mn. N. = Rudra-bhatta; -pala, mn. N.; -bhatta, in. N. of a scholar: - aarya, M. id.; -yagnla, m. sacrifice to ifudra; (&)-vat, a. accompanied by Rudra or the Rudras; (k)-vartani, a. ep. of. the Asvins; -sarmau, mn. N.; -suta, m. son of Rudra, Skanda; -soma, m. N. of a Bradhman; -hfsa, mn. N. of a divine being. ll'!Tlfrudra hkrida, m-burying-ground; - aksha, sn. a tree (Elaeocarpus Ganitrus); ai. its ber-ry (used for making rosar-ies): -a a~ al&ika f., -valaya, m. n. rosary;..94ikusa, mn. Rudra's trident. TPIrudinftni, f. IRudra's wife, Pflrvatil. VfO. rudr-iya, a. belonging etc. to Rudra or the Rudras (V.); m. sg. & pl. the group of the Maruts (V.); n. Rudra's power (V.). Nk i ur ktaiij h eleven Itudra hymns. i~1. RtUD H, redden.] 2. RUDI E=2. RUII], I. P. rodha N(B V., very rare), grow, sprout. vi, id. 3. IRUDH, VII. runiddhi, runddh6, NL P. rodha (E.), VI. P. A-. rundha 'E.), obstruct, stop, check, impede; restrain, prevent, suppress; lay (dust); hold up, sustain; shut up, confine, in (lc.); close, block up (path or space); invest, besiege; close (door etc.); cover, conceal, obscure; fill; retain, keep; spare, be niggardly with (ac.; V.); lose (Br.): pp. ruddha, obstructed etc.; secured, held; taken possession of; ineffectual. (spell); cs. rodhaya, P. (A'. metr.) arrest, check; cause to be confined (2 ac.); cause to be besieged by (in.); restrain, influence; torment, afflict. auu, obstruct, block up (a road); surround; sway, dominate; follow at one's heels; remain adhering (impurity); be attached to, be fond of, adhere to, devote oneself to, practise (ord. meaning; gnly. IV. A.. -rudhya); conforni to, have regard to, follow; approve (A.); throw into confusion (v. r. upa): pp. having an eye to (.-).0 apa, drive away; deprive of (property or rule). abhi, keep away; disturb (v. r. upa). ava, stop (any one); shut up, confine, pen, in (lc.); besiege, surround; drive away, exclude or expel from (ab.); A.. contain; obtain: pp. prevented; shut up; tied up; covered, concealed;unrecognised; obtained; des. -rurutsa, A. wish to obtain or recover. a^, shut up, confine; invest, besiege; dispel. upa, shut up, confine (cattle); surround (an enemy), besiege (a town); stop, restrain (any one); retain, keep possession of; impede, interrupt; disturb, molest; cover, conceal, obscure; threaten, endanger (life); exclude from the throne. iii, check, stop, impede, restrain; catch up.; guide (a~car); block up, obstruct (a road etc.); invest, besiege; 'keep off; retain possession of; shut up, confine; close; withdraw (the mind or sen-sesfrom the outer world); repress, cause to vanish (ps. disappear); hold: pp. n'iruddha, held (in the hand); covered, concealed; filled with (in., -O); cs. confine; cause to be shut. samnii, shut up, keep in confinement; withdraw (t he senses fromt the, outer si)orld); suppress, check: _pp. held fast; filled with (in.). pari, restrain (any one): pp. filled with(0) pra, keep back; check. prati, obstruct, resist; confine; shut off; withdraw (the senses from the outer world); cover, conceal: pp. interrupted, disturbed. vi, IV. 'A. (P. mefr.) be at variance, quarrel, contend, with (in. ~ saha, g., lc., prati + ac.); conflizct with (in.), be contradictory; impede, obstruct; besiege; close (VII. P.): pp. viruddha, discordant, opposed, hostile, to (in.., g., -.O); disagreeing (of food); disagreeable, repugnant to V.); inconsistent or incompatible with, logically opposed, contradictory to (in., g., -'); reverse, opposite; prohibited; critical, dangerous; impeded, obstructed.; cs. set at variance; contend with (ac.); dispute, brin~g objections against (ac.) -.pp. virodhita, brought into conflict with ( —0). rsam, detain; obstruct; confine, keep prisoner; block up (a road); invest, besiege; impede, prevent; attack; hold fast, enchain; withhold; stop up: pp. surrounded by (-~); held, closed; covered with (in.); stopped up, filled with (-O); cs. cause to be embanked. Nl rudh, a. (0') impeding, obstructing. f'-fWT rudh-ird, a. red, bloody (AV7.1); M planet Mars (= Mafigala); n. (rdldh-) blood (Br., C.); saffron: -lepa, m. spot of blood; -sflra, a. in whom blood predominates, sanguine; - adana, n. withdrawal of blood; ~Maya, no. hemorrhage; -asana, a. feeding, on blood (demzon, arrow). Wevrundh, weak pr. base 13. rudh. Tl~RUP, IV. P. r-ftpya (V., very rare), feel spasms; cs. ropiya, P. (V.) cause spasms; break off. IRriip, f. earth (RV., very rare). 1kWj.W( ruman-vat, m. N. WRKriiru, m. kind of deer; N.; N. of a Danava slain by Durgd: -ka, m. N. of a prince. NV, ru-rut-su, des. a. (-/3. rudh) wishing~to restrain (cc.). fqTru-rud-ishft, f. desire to weep,qW ruvan-ya, den. P. utter harsh sounds (BiV.'). ';~Vf RUS, VI. P. rusa, only pr. pt.f. rus*N Antil, cropping, browsing on(V.) ~T(riis-at, pr. pt. (-I') bright, brilliant ('night), shining, white (V.); disagreeable, displeasing', harsh (spec d-vatsa, a. having white calves (RV.'). R~IUMS H, pp. rumshita, covered with \dust (C."'). adhi, p. id. (C.'). qRRUSH, I. P. rosha, be annoyed with Nanything; displease any one (g.); IV. P. rushya, be angry or vexed, with (g.): pp. rushta, rushita, angry, indignant, enraged, with (g., lc., prati + cc.); cs. roshaya, P. (A'. metr.) irritate, enrage. sam, pp. indignant, enraged; es. irritate, make angry. "I rush, f (nm. rut) anger, wrath, rage: -a, f. id. (gnly. -0 a.): - auvita, pp. filled with anger. [..RUH= NURUDH, redden.] A ~2. RUH, I. roha, P. (A. metr.), VI. P. Nruha (E.), ascend to, climb (ac.; V.); attain (a desire; Rly.); spring up, grow; grow over, heal up (wound); grow up, arise, develope; thrive, increase: pp. rfidha, grown; healed up; arisen, produced from ( —); having taken root, grown up, flourishing; diffused, widely known, notorious; traditional, popularly accepted, conventional (of words the meaning of which according to the Indian view is unconnected with their etymology); cs. P. rohaya (V., C.), ropaya (C.), raise; set up (q, stone); place upon, put into, affix to, direct towards (ac., lc.); transfer or' entrust to; put in the ground, plant, sow; lay out (a garden); cause to grow, increase; cause to heal: pp. rohita (rare)-, ropita. adhi, ascend, mount (ac., lc.'); tread upon (ac.), settle upon (ac.): aul -, place oneself in the balance with, be a match for (in.); rise up, soar; rise to, attain; Parflm kotim -,attain the highest degree; paraspara-tuIAM - attain a mutual likeness: _pp. having ascended or mounted, sitting upon (cc., — P); situated above; attained; having attained (ac., -0); cs. cause to ascend or mount, place on or in (ac., lc.); draw (a bow); put on (shoes); establish on (a throne), restore to (splendour); commit or entrust to (lc.); give rub. TA reg. 257 (a name); tantre -, stretch on a loom; murdhanam -, place any one (ac.) at the head of (g.). sam-adhi, ascend, mount: pp. having mounted; having convinced oneself about (ac.): tulam -, fallen into a critical condition. anu, ascend (ac.; RV.); A. grow up (RV.). vi apa, cs. take off (shoes); deprive of (in., ab.). abhi, ascend, mount. ava, descend, from (ab.), to (ac.); tread upon (lc.); come down from, be deprived of (ab.): pp. avarudha, having come down; taken off (burden); cs. cause to descend or alight, from (ab.); take down, from (ab.); deprive of (ab.); diminish; subvert, bring to nought. upa.ava, descend upon (ac.); come forth from (ab.); cs. cause to come forth from (ab.): technical term for the eliciting of fire concealed in the fire-sticks. pratiava, come down again, descend from (ab.), to (ac.); descend (from a seat etc., ab.) deferentially to greet (ac.); cs. bring down from, deprive of (in., ab.). abhi-pratiava, descend upon (ac.). viava, ascend; cs. deprive of (ab.). a, ascend, mount, climb (ac., lc.); go to (heaven = die); ascend the funeral pyre (agnim); place oneself on the balance (kaksham) = be a match for (g.); put on (shoes); ride (int.); grow on (nose); rise (of a bowstring when its upper end is attached to the top of the upright bow); arise, be produced; begin to show (favour, prasadam); enter upon, make (a vow, pratignaim): pp. Aruidha, mounted, ridden by (-~); attained; having risen, having mounted, ascended or ascended to, riding, standing, or seated on (ac., Ic., -upari, -~); placed above (umbrella); arisen, engendered; having fallen into (danger or doubt; ac.), having attained (a rise, elevation; ac., -~); contained in (lc.); cs. P. (A. metr.) cause to ascend or mount, place upon (ac., lc.); mount (very rare); put in the balance (tulam, samsaya-tulam) = endanger; put on paper (pattram) = write down; plant; string (a bow); raise = attach a bowstring to the upper end of the upright bow; elevate, enthrone; establish in (the sovereignty); place in (ac., lc.), 'introduce into (lc.), direct (eye) towards (Ic.); make an object of desire (mano-vishayam); call forth, produce; display; ascribe, attribute, transfer to (lc.): pp. gropita, w. malatvena, wrongly assumed to be a stain. ati a, overstep one's limits: pp. atyarucdha, grown to excess, excessive. adhi a, ascend, mount; enter upon (a path); cs. cause to mount; elevate or promote to (a position; Ic.); bring into the category of (-paksham); produce a false impression of (ac.) on any one (g.); falsely impute to (lc.); exaggerate. auu a, ascend after any one (ac.); mount; enter: pp. occupied with, containing (in.). upaa, go up to any one; mount; pass as a proof (pramnna-padavim): pp. having ascended (ac.); situated on (Ic.); having approached or arrived (noon); having attained (ac.). pratia, cs. cause to mount again. sam-a, ascend to (ac., lc., -upari); mount, enter (ac.); enter upon, undertake (ac.); mount the balance (tulam) = attain similarity with (in.): pp. mounted, ridden, by (in.); having ascended or mounted a c., lc., -upari); having entered (ac.); having grown or increased; having agreed upon (ac.); cs. cause to mount or ascend (2 ac. or ac. & lc.); place upon; raise, lift up; elevate, enthrone; erect (an altar); place in (ac.); (symbolically) deposit the sacred fire in (ac., lc.); string (a bow); entrust or commit anything to (lc.); ascribe or attribute to (Ic.); manifest, display. upa, heal up: pp. uparfudha, healed (wound); passed over to (a condition: ac.); attached to, being in (Ic.). ni, pp. grown; firmly rooted; usual; not etymologically ex plainable, conventional (meaning of a word). pra, shoot up, sprout, grow; heal up; thrive, increase, grow in strength: pp. grown, - long; overgrown with (-~); healed; spread abroad, increased, grown strong; arisen or produced from, formed out of (-~); cs. plant; plant on (lc.) = render to; attach to, put into (lc.). prati, sprout again: pp. imitated; cs. plant again; re-establish. vi, sprout, shoot up: pp. vir udha, sprouted, grown; produced, formed; ridden by (in.); cs. cause to grow (RV.); plant; cause to heal; expelfrom (ab.). sam, grow; grow together, heal; manifest itself: pp. samrfdha, grown; healed; manifested; firmly rooted; cs. cause to grow; plant; establish (a king); sow; cause to heal: pp. samropita, sown = reproduced: espir tmaui, though myself had been reproduced in her though I had begotten a son on her. ', ruh, f. growth, sprout, shoot (V.): -~ a. growing in (C.). [(-0). ~ ruh-a, a. growing or produced in or on ' ruksha, a. [v rfsh] rough, dry, arid, parched; harsh (voice, words), unkind (person); dismal (house): (a)-na, a. making thin; n. treatment for reducing fat; -ta, f. roughness, dryness; thinness; harshness, unkindness; -tva, n. id.; -bhava, m. harshness, unkindness; -vagsin, a. crying etc. harshly. 1IF rfuksha-ya, den. P. make thin; soil, sully. vi, besmear. UFi rftkshi-kri, make rough, soil, sully. W rftdha, pp. s/ruh: -vamsa, a. of high lineage. % -~,dhi,f. [ /ruh + -ti] rise, ascent (also fig.); growth; decision; notoriety; traditional usage; current usage of speech; conventional acceptation of a word (not immediately deduciblefrom the etymology): -m i,attain an elevated position; -m kri, come to a decision; dridham ruidhim nal, assist to assured development: -sabda, m. word used in a conventional sense: -ta, f. conventional use of a word. 1q rfpad, n. appearance, colour (esp. pl.), form, shape; dream or phantom shapes (pl.; V.); likeness, image, reflexion; grammatical form, derivative; handsome form, beauty, comeliness; phenomenon; sign, indication, token, symbol, manifestation; characteristic, property, nature; circumstances (opp. time or place); sort, kind; trace of (-~); single specimen; drama; -~ a. having a (beautiful etc.) form; having the form, appearance, or colour of, resembling; formed or consisting of, in the form of, that is to say; often -~ w. an a. or pp. emphasizing its mg., but frequently also pleonastic: in. rupena, in the form of (-~); -m kri, assume a form; - the form of (nm., g., a., or -~).;llj~ ruipa-ka, a. designating figuratively; m. kind of coin, Rupee; n. appearance, form, (gnly. -~ a. = forming, consisting of); figure, image; manifestation, species; metaphor; drama, play: -rutpaka, n. kind of metaphor.,IR4TT rfipa-kara, m. sculptor; -krit, m. id.; -gitaapsaras, a. surpassing the Apsarases in beauty.,!Jq riup-ana, n. figurative designation; examination, investigation. 16;qI rfipa-tas, ad. in outward form. IX; rufpa-dhara, a. (-~) having a form; having the form or colour of; in. N. of a prince; -dh&r-in, a. having a form (-i.tva, n. assumption of a form); endowed with beauty; -dh6ya, n. form and colour (V.); beauty; -bhag, a. endowed with beauty; -bhrit, a. having the appearance of (-~); -bheda,m. difference of form; -matra-viyogita, pp. deprived of his (real) form only. 1 1pT rfpa-ya, den. P. give form to, represent; act on the stage, represent in pantomime, notify by a gesture: pp. rupita, represented. ni, represent in pantomime, notify by gesture; perceive; ascertain; find out; look into, observe carefully, consider, ponder; examine, investigate, discuss; determine, settle; choose, appoint, as (2 ac.), to (d., Ic., inf.); discharge (an arrow): gd. nirupya, often incorr. for nir-upya (Vvap). pra, explain. vi, disfigure: pp. virupita, deformed. -qI qfIf rfipa-yauvana-vat, a. young and beautiful; -lat, 'f. N. of a princess; -vat, a. having form or colour; embodied, corporeal; shapely, handsome, beautiful; having a beautiful colour; -~, having the form of: -i, f. N., -tama, spv. very beautiful; -viparyaya, m. disfigurement; -salin, a. beautiful; -sikha,, f. N.; -sanatana, m. N. of an author; (a)-samriddha, pp. perfectly suitable in form; perfectly beautiful; -sampad,f. perfection of form, superb beauty; -sampanna,pp. endowedwith beauty; modified; -siddhi, m. N.; -sena, m. N. of a fairy; -stha, a. having a shape; -sparsavat, a. possessing colour and tangibility; -s-vin, a. [as if.from rupas, n.] beautiful. Il4 rfupajgiva, a. subsisting by her beauty, living by prostitution: a, f. courtezan; -ayudha-bhrit, m. man possessed of beauty and bearing arms. ~'tftqTl rup-in-ika, f. N. of a courtezan. C1ftiir rtp-in, a. (n-i) having or assuming a shape; embodied, corporeal; incarnate; beautiful (person); -~, having the form or appearance of; characterized by, manifesting itself as. If-t rmfpa indriya, n. organ perceiving form and colour, eye; -.ukkaya, m. collection of beautiful forms; - audarya-guna upeta, pp. endowed with the qualities of beauty and nobility. 'I rup-ya, n. silver: -maya, a. (1) made of or containing silver. rufir, a. (V.) burning (fever),hot (fire). Rt SSH, only pp. rufshita, covered with ' dust; overspread, covered, besmeared with (-~); adhering to (-~).! re, vc.pcl. sts. doubled. [R V.). xcik rek-u, a. [v/rik] empty, deserted (place; 'T rekh-a, f. [N/rikh] (scratch), streak, line; drawing, sketch; first meridian; appearance (in. under the guise of, -~): -m na labh, not have a trace of, not resemble in the slightest degree: -ganita, n. geometry; -nygsa, m. outline sketch. ft! rekhi-kri, turn into lines. 3!~Ri rek-a-ka, mn. emission of breath (in Yoga); -ana, a. emptying; purging; n. becoming empty, diminution; emission of breath; evacuation; -ita, cs. pp. (/rik) emptied; a. kind of pace in the horse. T5 REG, I. rega, P. cause to tremble \ (RV.); A. tremble, quiver (V.): pr. pt. -mana, wavering; cs. regaya, P. cause to tremble (RV.). L 1 258 258 re-nu. tf~irg roh-in. ~Jre-n-i, m. [whirling: V/ri, be dispersed], dust; grain of dust; pollen of ftouers; N.: (ii)-kakm'ta, a. whirling up dust (V.); k^ f. N. of the wife of Gcemadagni and mother of Parcasurdma: -tanaya, m. son of RenukA, Parasurhma (-ta',f. abst. N.), -SUta, m. id. q,,,! renu-tva, n. condition of dust; -sms, ad. with kri, turn into dust. '"#'1ff retah-p~ta, m. effusion of semen; -pitin, a. having an effusion of semen, cohabiting with a woman (lc.)~. ~Wre'-tas, n. [V'ri] effusion, stream (V.); libation (RV.); effusion of semen; semen virile; seed, offspring, generation: retaso x ute, after the effusion of semen. i7T~IW retas-ya, a. presiding -over semen. 7r'fRWr retah-sikya, n. effusion of semen; -seka, m. id., carnal intercourse with a woman (1o.); -sektri, m. impregnator; -skandana, n. effusion of semen; -skhalana, n. id. ~iIreto-dhas, a. impregnating; ~ pitri, m. natural father; -dhal", a. impregnating ( V.). 47B redha-ka, m. N. (v. r. rekcaka). ~rep-as, n. [ Vrip] stain (BV.1) '~Ireph-a, m. [V/riph] burr, letter r; -in, a. containing the letter r. 01~ rebh-d, a. [Vribh] crackling, resounding (V.); m. singer; N. <;T rebhft-ya, den. P. shine, beam. "'fi.TW,~rebh-fin, a. causing to resound ( —P); -ila, m. N.: -ka, m. id. re-rih-ya, intv. of V/rib. 'PkZ re-vdt, V. a. [contracted fr. rayivat], wealthy; abundant; splendid, brilliant: -31, f.pl. cows (V.); waters (V.); sg. (also p. a certain lunar mansion; N., esp ofthpwf of Balardma. p ftewf '~iIrevant-a, m. N. of a son of the sun and chief of the Guhyakas. -<T reva',f. N. of a river= Narm ada. 'Pkwfresh-and, a. [v~/rish] injuring (B-F.'); M n. (C.) failure; injury. raf, in., rarely f. [gift: v'rh] property, wealth. ~rf~Iraiti-ka, a. [fr. ri~ti] made of brass, brazen. 'k~it rai'bh-i, f. N. of certain ritual verses (containing the word Rebba). 'KW raivat-a', a. (i1) wealthy (B V.'1);m (C.) N. of a mountain: -ka, m. id. (.p1. its inhabitants); N. of a janitor. tMV rok-6, m. [link] light, brightness; (r6k)-a, m. or (r6k)-as, n. splendour (BV.1). qKI71 ro'g-a, in. [Vrug] infirmity, disease, sickness; diseased spot; -ghna, a. diseasedestroying; -da, a. ausing disease; ml1aa in. attendant on the sick; -prada, a. causing disease; -bh,4g, a. suffering from a disease; -vairfipya, n. disfigurement through disease; -sama, in. convalescence; -sasnbaddha, p.p. suffering from disease; -hrit, in. (destroyer of disease), physician; -rta, pp. afflicted with disease, sick; - avishta, PP. id. _Yf-PTrog-in, a. diseased, sick. t~ rok-6, a. [N/ruk] shining (A V.'). V" rok-aka, a. [V'ruk] stimulating the appetite; -ani, a. (4, I') bright, shining; pleasing, lovely; stimulating the appetite; n. (V.) brightness, brilliance, splendour; bright heavens (also pl., three being assumed): pl. lights, stars: a',f. gall-stone of the cow. t~q;TTITf roka-matna, Pr. Pt. V.,ruk; in. tuft of hair on a horse's neck. (Yf%-q1i'q rolc-ishsir, a. shining, brilliant, sparkling; gaily dressed; stimulating appetite; -is, n. light, brightness; grace. Nu1v[ rod-ann, n. weeping. T ra udara,- a. having an r within; m. the Kakravalka bird (.Anas Casarca). TN~ r6d-as, n. du. heaven and earth: (-ah)-kuhara, in., (-o)-randhra, n. cavity between heaven and earth. tr~Irodas-'I, f. du. heaven and earth; 43,f. N. of the wife of Budra and companion of the Maruts, lightning T~fk7Wrod-itavya,fp.n. one should weep. Tl;'~Wrod-dhavya,fp. (v/rudh) to be closed; -dhri, m. besieger; -dhos, g. inf. of Vrudh. 'KTM4 rodh-a, in. holding back, restraining; shutting up in (lc.); obstruction (of a road) by (-O); blockade, siege; prevention, hindrance, stoppage, suppression; bank, dam: -ka, a. (-O) enclosing; blockading. TIVEi ro'dha-kakra, a. rolling along the banks (river; V.). t~ljI ro'dh-ana, n. confinement; restraining, stopping,checking; (r6dh)-as,n.embankment, dam; shore, high bank; steep wall (of a well or cloud); mountain slope; -in, a.(' holding back, keeping off (hand); blocking up (door); preventing, disturbing, obstructing; drowning (a sound); filling. frT rodho-bhft, a. growingon the bank. T')W rodh-ra, in. a tree (Symplocos racemosa = Lodhra; it has a yellow flower, and a red powder is prepared from its bark). KI rop-a, m- [fr. cs. of -,/rub] planting; arrow; -ana, a. (i') putting on; causing to heal (wounds); n. erecting, setting up; healing, healing application; planting. NTtP!ITT ropan'ka,f. kind of bird (V.). T'Wrop-aya, cs. of -Vruh; -ayitri, in. putter on of (ac., g.); planter; -ita, es. pp. -Vruh; -in, a. planting (-O); -ya, fp. to be planted or sown; to be healed. i. roma, -0 = t Kroman. tR2. roma, m. Rome. 04Mi~ roma-ka, i. n. gnly. -a a. (ika")= roman, hair; 2. M. Rome: pl. the iRomans: -pattana, n. city of Rome. ~tI01 roma-kftpa, mn. n. (hair-pit), pore of the skin. TT roman-vat, a. hairy (BRV.') TV ro-man, n. hair on the body of men and animals (gnly. excluding the long hair of the head, beard, mane, or tail); plumage; fish-scales (rare). 'KIRW ro-mantha, in. ruminating, chewing the cud; chewing (of betel); frequent repetition. ('KT'RWromantha!-ya,den. Achewthecud. TT:q~q roma-pulaka, in. bristling of the hair, thrill; -baddha, p~p. woven out of hair; -bandha, ms. web of hair; -r~jL, f. line or streak of hair (esp. above the navel in women, as a mark of puberty): (i)-patha, in. waist; -vat, a. hairy; -vikriya', f. horripilation, thrill.,~MI! roma-sa', a. hairy, shaggy. TTRI9IR romaa-harsha, in. bristling of the hair, thrill (caused by cold, fear, joy, anger, or wantonness); -harshana, a. causing the hair to bristle, thrilling (with rapture or horror); -harshin, a. whose hair is bristling, thrilled. 'tRTr roma aikura, in. a bristling hair. 2. den. P. f~eel a thrill; - ailkita, pp. having the hair erect, thrilled (w~ith joy); -ailAkin, a. id.; -anta, ms. hairy (= upper) side of the hand; aLi, f. line of hair (above the navel in a womnan); 4vali,f. id. TI fif romau~dgati, f. erection of the hair, thrill; udgana, u dbheda, in. id. rola-deva, in. N. of a painter. T~W; rolamba, in. bee. T"I rosh-a, mn. wrath, anger, against(o) -i kri, be angry with (prati): -na, a. irascible, wrathful; angry, with ag,-):-~f irascibility, passionateness; -ta'mraaksha, a. having eyes bloodshot with anger; -bha'g, a. angry; -maya, a. produced from anger; - avaroha, in. N. of a war'rior. ~f~rosh-in, a. angry, furious. (~~roh-a, a. [Vruh] mounting, riding on in';. rising; height; growth; increase: -ka, a. riding; in. rider. tim roh-ana, in. N. of a mountain (Adam's Peak in Ceylon); n. act of ascending, mounting, riding, standing, or sitting on (-9); act of coming, into being, production; healing of a wound (mnt.): Ii,f. healing herb. T -194 roha-sena, in. N. ~(tf-!gM rohin-a, a. born under the asterism Rohini; in. N. of various plants. Ml~ robin-f, a. f. of rok-in, and ro'hita; f.(r6h-) red cow; (r6h- or -ini) N. of a lunar mansion (consisting of fice stars and variously regarded as resembling a car, a temple, or a fish; persona~fied as a daughter of Daksha and favourite wife of the moon); lunar day connected with Rohini; young girl in whom menstruation has just commenced; cow (C.); N. of the wife of Vasudeva and mother of Jialardma: -ka'nta, in. moon; -tanaya, Ms. met. Of Balarilnia; -taru, #e.' a certain, tree; -pati, -priya, in. moon; -yoga, in. conjunction of the moon with the asterism Rohini; -ramana, in. moon; -ia, m. id.; -sakata, vs. cart of Rohini (the a'sterism). `(KfT? roh-i't,f. [v,/rub, be red], red mare (BV.); female antelope (mostly V.). TI W. roh-ita, pp. Of CS. Of 1/2. rub. KT 2. ro'h-ita,pp. [v/i. ruk = rudh].red, reddish; irn. red or chestnut horse (V.); hind of deer; kind of fish; hind of imperfect rainbow; N. of a son of Hariskandra; a. a metre; kind of imperfect rainbow: - asva, vs. N. of a son of Hariskandra. KT ' rohi'd-asv, a. having red 'ste'eds (V.) TYffiffroh-in, a. (n-1i) rising; rising to (-'); shot up, tall; growing on or in -~O;increasing in number. t*Po raukma.; lagh-u. 259 ' aT raukma, a. (i) golden, adorned with gold (rukma). '1tW rauksh-ya, n. [fr. rfiksha] dryness, aridity, thinness; roughness, harshness, cruelty. t' fti raukan-ika,a.(i) having the colour of rokana, yellowish. ~tr raadra (or d), a. (a, i) belonging, relating to, or coming from Rudra; Rudralike, violent, fierce, savage, terrible; m. worshipper of Rudra; n. (?) heat; n. savage ness, terribleness, formidableness; sentiment of wrath (rh.): -ta,f. terribleness. 'tTI'Tfhi raudhi di-ka, a. belonging to the class of roots beginning with rudh (i.e. to the seventh class). tf'-q raudhira, a. consisting of blood; proceeding from the blood (rudhira). t9 raupya, a. made of silver (rupa); n. silver: -maya, a. (i) made of silver; -rukmamaya, a. pl. made of silver and gold. Tq rauma, m. N. -K-9 raurava, a. (i) coming from the Ruru antelope; m. N. of a certain hell. t r rausad-asva, m. son of Rusad-asva, pat. of Vasumanas. fK t rauhind, a. (i) connected with the lunar mansion Rohinf; m. sandal tree or Indian fig-tree; N. of a demon vanquished by Indra. `KTl qi rauhlta-ka, a, coming from the country of Rohita. 1L. f la, m. technical term embracing all tenses and moods =finite verb (also applied to some forms withprimary suffixes construed like the finite verb): -k&ra, m. letter 1. [with a stick. WiZ lakuta, m. cudgel: -.ahati, f. blow TIFi lakkaka, m. N. Gin LAK-SH, I. laksha [perh. der. of N v'lag, touch], observe, perceive, apprehend; regard. r laksh-d, m. n. prize (RV.); mark, token; n. (?) aim, target; pretence, disguise; m. n. a hundred thousand, lac: akase laksham bandh, fix one's gaze on the sky, look vaguely into the air: -ka, a. expressing by indication = elliptically or figuratively; m. N.; n. a hundred thousand. l[1q- laksh-ana, a. indicating, expressing indirectly; n. mark, token, sign, characteristic, attribute (sg. often coll.); stroke; lines drawn on the place of sacrifice; catchword (rit.); lucky or auspicious mark; symptom (ofa disease); characteristic of sex, sexual organ; description, definition; designation,name; species, kind; aim, scope; effect, influence; occasion, opportunity: -~ a. characterised by; provided with; taking the form of, appearing as; relating to, coming within the scope of. kTlTrilj. lakshana-karman, n. statement of characteristics, correct definition; -gnia, a. able to explain marks (on the body); knowing the good characteristics of (g.); -tva, n. condition of being a definition; -bhrashta, pp. deprived of all auspicious signs, ill-fated; -lakshana, f. indicative indication (e. g. a herd-station on the Ganges = on the bank of the Ganges); -vat, a. characterised by (in.); possessed of good marks; giving correct definitions; -samnipata, m. branding; -samnivesa, m. id. MT 11t laksh-anf, f. aim; indication, indirect designation, elliptical expression, metonymy; -aniya, fp. visible; elliptically or figuratively expressed; -an-ya, a. serving as a mark; possessing good marks. q 'f~T laksha-datta, m. N. of a prince; -pura, n. N. of a town; -bhiuta, pp. being the aim, sought by all; -samkhya, a. numbered by lacs. A WTlk laksha-ya, den. P. (A. metr.) mark; characterise, define; indicate, designate indirectly; have in view, mean; consider, regard as (2 ac.), assume any one (ac.) to be (oratio recta with iti); regard, examine; observe, note, perceive, see (often with second.appositional ac.; ord. mg.); see that (yad); ps. lakshyate, be meant; be called (2 nm.); look like, appear to be (nm. + iva): pp. lakshita, marked, indicated, or distinguished by (in., -~); expressed by indication; aimed at (-~, of arrows); observed, noticed, perceived, seen; understood; des.pp. lilakshayishita, intended to be expressed, meant. anu, have in view. abhi, pp. marked or determined by (in.); made known, reported; seen, observed. a, observe, notice, see (~ app. ac.); ps. appear (nm.): pp. perceived, seen; heard. upa, define; express figuratively; have in view, regard; consider as (2 ac.); perceive, observe, see (ord. mg.; ~ app. ac.); recognise; hear; feel (v. 1. upa-labh); ps. be figuratively expressed, be used figuratively for (d.); appear to be (2 nm.): pp. marked or distinguished by (in., _-). sam-upa, direct one's attention to, observe; perceive, see. vi, perceive, observe; (lose sight of one's aim), be confused: pp. embarrassed, perplexed; indignant. sam, perceive, observe, learn (+ app. ac.); hear; ps. appear. T191 laksha-supta, pp. feigning sleep. rf-frM laksh-ita-tva, n. expression by indicationl; -itavya, fp. to be defined. FT lakshi-kri, aim at; set out towards; calculate: pp. amounting to (in.); -bhfu, become the aim of (-~). t%[ lakshaisa, m. lord of a lac. TFjti lakshma-ka, m. N.; -kanika,f. small spot, speck. lW-q lakshman-d, a. having marks; m. crane (Ardea sibirica); N., esp. of a son of Dasaratha and younger brother of Rdma; n. mark, token, sign: -svamin, m. N. of a statue of Lakshmana. ~1w 6laksh-man, n. mark, token, sign (sg. sts. coll.); good mark, excellence; bad mark, stain, blemish; definition. WTt laksh-mf, f. (nm. -s) mark, token (RV.); + pApi, bad sign, misfortune (AV.); good sign (in V. gnly. w. pdny&), (approaching) good fortune; good genius of a king, royal dignity, glory; wealth; beauty, splendour: personfied as goddess of prosperity and beauty (producedat the churnisg ofthe ocean, wife of Vishnu): -ka, -~ a. id.; -kanta, m. ep. of Vishnu; -tva, n. identity with Lakshnil (of Sitd); -dhara, m. N.; -natha, m. ep. of Vishnu; -pati, m. king; ep. of VishnuKrishna; -ramana, m. ep. of Vishnu; -vat, a. possessed of good fortune, lucky; handsome,beautiful; -vasati,f.dwelling of Lakshm = flower of the red lotus (Nelumbium speciosum); -sakha, in. friend or favourite of fortune; -sena, m. N. WT laksh-ya,fp.to be defined; indicated, indirectly denoted or expressed; to be regarded as (nm.); had in view; to be observed; to be recognised by (in., -~); visible, perceptible; n. object aimed at, prize; aim, mark; one hundred thousand, lac; pretence, disguise; example (?): -m labh, attain one's object, -m bandh, direct one's aim at (lc.): w. akase, gaze vaguely into the air: -ta,f. visibility; state of being a mark: -m nl, make visible, -m ya, become an aim; -tva, n. being an aim, of (-O); -bheda, m. hitting the mark; -lakshana-bhava, n. connexion of the indicated and indicator; -supta, pp. feigning sleep; - alakshya, fp. visible and not visible, scarcely visible. ~q+iqi lakshyi-kri, make an aim of (-~); become a mark, for (-0). 'rT LAG, I. P. laga, attach oneself to, Nadhere or cling to (lc.); pierce (the heart: lc.); take effect on (lc.); touch, come in contact with (lc.); meet, cut (of lines); follow, arise (e.g. a dispute); pass (days): pp. lagna, adhering, attached to, clasping, touching, sticking in, fixed on (lc., -~); following; passed (days); consumed by (in.); having begun to (inf.): w. prishthe, prishthatah, or prishtha-, hugging one's back= following at one's heels; marge -, remaining on = following the road; hridaye -, having penetratedthe heart. anu, pp. immediately following. ava, linger: pp. hanging down; hanging to (-~). A, attach oneself to: pp. clinging to (-). pari, pp. adhering to (-~: only Pr.). vi, cling to (lc.): pp. adhering, sticking, clinging, to (lc., -~); striking against (a body: lc.); fixed (gaze); having stepped ashore (-~ with tira-); caged (bird); passed, spent (time); thin (waist). sam, pp. adhering, sticking in, being in contact with (lc., -~); proceeding from (-~). [in hand. AT laguda, m. cudgel, staff: -hasta, a. club RJfii lagud-in, a. provided with a staff.;JT lag-na, pp. V/lag; m. n. point of intersection, point where the sun and the planets rise; horoscope; auspicious or lucky moment for (-~): -kala, m. auspicious time (for an undertaking); -graha, a. persistent, obtrusive; -diua, n., -divasa, m. auspicious or lucky day (for an undertaking); -vela, f., -samaya, m. auspicious time (for an undertaking); - aha, m. auspicious day (for an undertaking). EIT lagh-aya, den. P. lighten, lessen, diminish, alleviate; make light of, despise; surpass. a IfWrI lagh-i-man, m. lightness; supernatural power of making oneself light at will; feeling of lightness; levity; disrespect, slight; -ishtha, spv., -lyas, cpv. of laghu; -iyas-tva, n. insignificance.;rI lagh-i [later form of raghu], a. (v-i, u) swift, active, nimble; light (not heavy); light, easily digested; easy in mind, buoyant; unimpeded, without a retinue; easy; easily articulated (the letter v); prosodically L1 2 260 ejr laghu-koshtha. w labh. short; small, diminutive, little, insignificant, trifling; feeble, wretched, despicable, low; gentle, soft; younger; agreeable, desirable; handsome, beautiful; clean (dress): laghu man, think little of, despise; - kri, deride. ~i' laghu-koshtha, a. having an empty stomach; -kaumudi, f. the short Kaumudi (an abridgement of the Siddhdnta-kaumudi); -krama, a. having a quick step, hurrying: -m, ad. quickly; -gati, a. swift-paced; -kitta, a. light-minded, fickle; -ketas, a. littleminded, mean-spirited; -kkhedya, fp. easy to destroy (prob. incorr.for -ukkhedya); -ta, f., tva, n. activity, nimbleness; lightness; buoyancy,light-heartedness;prosodicalshortness; smallness, shortness; insignificance; levity, thoughtlessness; lack of dignity, contempt, degradation; -patana-ka, m. (swiftflying), N. of a crow; -parikrama, a. moving quickly; -paka, a. growing old quickly; easily digested; -patin, a. (flying quickly), N. of a crow; -pramana, a. short; -prayatna, a. pronounced with slight effort; -bha&va, m. ease; -bhug, a. eating little; -mila, a. having insignificant roots, insignificant at the beginning; -vikrama, m. quick step; a. quick-footed; -vivara-tva, n. narrowness of aperture; -vritti, a. of a light nature, light; frivolous: -ta, f. levity; -sattva, a. having a weak character; -samutthana, a. rising up quickly, prompt; -sara, a. insignificant, worthless; -hasta, a. light-handed, adroit (of archers, scribes, etc.): -ta, f., -tva, n. adroitness of hand, dexterity; -harita, m. abridged Harita (author of a law-book). VRM laghui-kri, lessen, make easier, facilitate; shorten; degrade, humble; esteemlightly. TrFi laghu ukti, f. short mode of expression; - utthana, a. quickly set about; prompt, full of alacrity; - utthita, pp. prompt. i Tftlt. laghu asin, a. eating little; -vha'ra, a. id. T laf, (personal terminations of) the imperfect. Wl'T lanka, f. N. of the capital of Ceylon; Ceylon (in E. the home of the Rdkshasas under Ravana): - anila, m. wind from Ceylon, south wind; -ari, m. foe of Lanika, ep. of Rama; -J.svara, m. ep. of Ravana; - udaya, m. sunrise in Lafnki. W; laiga, a. lame. TI; lafga-la, n. plough (= lafgala). ^ LANGH, I. laiigha [collateral of \ rafigh], A. go across, go beyond; P. leap upon (ac.); waste, consume; cs. lafighaya, P. (A.) leap over, cross (bounds, maryadAm, sthitim); traverse (a distance); pass over, ascend, enter; overstep, violate, transgress, disobey (command etc.); get over, escape from; prevent, avoid, avert; (pass over), disregard, offend, insult, injure; surpass; obscure, eclipse (fame); remove, transport; cause to (pass by meals=) fast: pp. laiighita. ati, cs. leap over (ac.); transgress. abhi, cs. leap or step over, cross; transgress, violate; commit anoffence against any one (ac.). ava, cs. get over, pass (time). ud, cs. go over or beyond, cross, pass; traverse (a distance); pass, spend (time); mount to (ac.); transgress,violate; abandon (apath); get over, escape from (ac.); insult: pp. ullaighita. sam-ud, cs. transgress, violate, neglect; get across. pari, cs. forsake (a path). prati, seat oneself upon (ac.); transgress, violate. vi, leap, rise up to (ac.); cs. leap over, pass, cross; traverse (a distance); overstep (bounds: sthitim); miss, transgress (proper time); rise to or towards (the sky); avoid, not comply with (ac.); violate, transgress; overcome; baffle, defy (efforts); set aside, abandon; surpass; cause to fast. WFif lafigh-ana, n. leaping; bounding or Ipassing over, crossing (g., -~), traversing (a road:: -~); curvetting (of a horse); rising to ortowards(-~); sexual union (with afemale); capture (of afort); conquest; transgression (of a commrnd etc.); disdain; offence, injury; exposure (to heat: -~ w. Atapa-); fasting; -aniya,fp. to be crossed or traversed; - overtaken; - transgressed (command); who maybe insulted; -ya,fp. to be leapt orpassed over, - crossed; - traversed (road); - transgressed; - neglected; attainable; assailable; to be made to fast. WIw LA GG, 1. (P.)A. lagga, be ashamed, ' before (ab.), of (any one, in., rarely g.; a thing, in.), to (inf.): pp. laggita, embarrassed, ashamed, of (any one, in., anything, -~); bashful; cs. P. laggaya, cause any one to be ashamed, inspire with shame. vi, be ashamed, to (inf.): pp. ashamed, at (-~). sam, be ashamed. TIST layg-a, f. shame, bashfulness, embarrassment; being ashamed of (-~): yuvam me ka lagga, why should I be ashamed of you? -kara, a. (i) causing shame, disgraceful, to (-~); -&akriti, a. feigning shame. r$TftfI lagga-y-i-ta, den. pp. ashamed; embarrassed; n. embarrassment (pl.). ^T aTTR lagg-llu-ka, a. bashful (Pr.). W7TTI5 lagga-vat, a. bashful; embarrassed; -sila, a. id.; -Avaha, a. shameful. Wfri lagg-ita, pp.; n. shame, modesty. Z lat, (personal terminations of) the present. 'FTR lata-bha, a. pretty, beautiful, charming: a,f. fair maiden. NJ LAD, I. P. lada, move about (very N rare). WTI lada-ha, a. (Pr. = latabha) pretty, beautiful, charming. F laddu, kind ofsweetmeat: -ka, sn. n. id. ladva,f. N. 1I landa, n. excrement. T landra, London (prob.fr. French Londres). FfTT latf, f. creeping plant, creeper (ord. mg.: often -~ with words meaning brow, arm, locks, slender body, sword-blade, lightning, to erpress Beauty, thinness, tenderness etc.); branch; N. of the Madhavl creeper (Gaertnera racemosa); lash of a whip; pearl necklace; slender woman; woman: -griha, n. bower of creepers, arbour; -anta, n. (?) flower: -bana, m. (flower-arrowed), god of love; -pasa, m. festoon of creepers; -mandapa, m. bower of creepers, arbour; -madhavi,.ithe Madhavi creeper (Gaertnera racemosa); - alaya, m. dwelling of creepers (of an owl); -valaya, m. n. arbour of creepers: -vat, a. provided with arbours; -veshtita-ka, n. embrace of a creeper. of[iT lat-ika, f. small or slender creeper (arms and slimforms are compared with it); string of pearls. LPTLAP, I. P. (A. metr.) lapa [later form of ^rap], chatter, talk (also of birds); whisper, murmur; lament; cs. lipaya, P. cause to speak; intv. lalapiti, prate sense lessly (V.); lalapyate, lament; address repeatedly (E.). apa, deny, disown: pp. -lapita, embezzled. abhi, chatter or talk about; designate, name. A, address; converse, with (samam, saha); speak, talk; say to (2 ac.); cs. enter into conversation with, speak to (ac.). upaa, speak of, mention. sam-a, converse with (ac.). ud, cs. caress. samud, lift up one's voice, begin to speak. pra, talk heedlessly or at random, prate; converse, talk; exclaim; lament; say or tell dolefully; invoke piteously; cs. cause to speak. vi-pra, declare in detail; lament. vi, utter unintelligible sounds; lament,- for (prati); bewail; utter lamentations (ac.); utter variously; cs. causeto lament; cause to talk much. sam, converse; name; cs. address (any one). qTlT lap-ana, n. mouth; -ita, (pp.) n. chatter, hum. T1iT lapeta, m. a demon injurious to children. cT few lapsudin, a. bearded (goat; V.). TRa labd, m. (V.) quail (Perdix chinensis); N. of the author of a hymn.!R lab-dha, pp. (v/labh) obtained, acquired, found etc.: -kama, a. having obtained a desire, fulfilled (request); -datta, m. N. of a man who gave away what he received; -naman, a. having obtained a name, renowne l, for (le.); -nasa, m. loss of what has been acquired; -nidra-sukha, a. enjoying the pleasure of sleep; -para-bhaga, a. preeminent above, surpassing (ab.); -pranaa, sn. loss of what has been acquired: T. of the fourth book of the Paikatantra; -pratyaya, a. having a firm belief in anything: -ta, f. abst. N. (Pr.); -prasara, a. having obtained free scope, unchecked; -laksha, a. having obtained the victory, tried, in (Ic.); -lakshana, a. having obtained an opportunity; -labha, a. having attained one's object; having successfully obtained (-~); successfully acquired; -vat, pp. act. (he) obtained; -vara, a. having obtained a boon; in. N. of a dancing master; -varna, a. (having learned one's letters), learned, in (Ic.): -bhag, a. patronizing the learned. WW;W lab-dhavya, fp. obtainable. 4WT'iI labdha-sabda, a. having acquired a name, renowned; -antara, a. having (found) an opportunity (-tva, n. abst. N.); - avasara, a. id.; - avakaa, a. having gained an opportunity or scope; -Iaspada, a. having gained a footing. Tifa lab-dhi, f. [v/labh+ti] obtainment, acquisition, of (g., -0); gain, profit; preservation of (life); discovery or perception of (-~); ascertainment; quotient. WT!' labdhaudaya, a. having obtained a rise (king); produced. i5 LABH, I. (P.) A. labha [laterform Nof Vrabh], catch; fall in with, find; catch sight of; gain possession of, obtain, acquire, receive, from (ab.), as (ac.); recover; obtain an opportunity to (inf. or d. of vbl. N.); possess,have; perceive, recognise; ascertain: antaram -, find an opportunity; make an impression on (g.); avakasam -, find scope; be appropriate; kalam -, find the right moment for (Ic. of vbl. N.); padam -, obtain a footing; samgniam -, regain consciousness; ps. labhyate, be found or met with; be obtained; be permitted or allowed to (inf., sts. with ps. mg.); result; be comprehended by, come under the notion of: pp. labdha; cs. P. lambhaya, cause any one (ac.) to obtain (ac., rarely in.); give any one (ac.) a sign FWt labh-a. q;[ las. 261 (samgnim); obtain, receive; find out, discover; des. lipsa, P. (metr.), A. wish to catch, obtain, acquire or receive, long for, from (ab.). anu, catch from behind. abhi, touch; obtain, from (ab.); des. wish to catch or obtain. a, catch; touch (oftenfeet, head, body ~ satyam, satyena, tena satyena, or tathW, in oaths); catch = sacrifice (a victim or offering); begin, undertake (V.); obtain, acquire, gain; cs. cause to touch; des. wish to touch; - sacrifice. anuna, catch (from behind), take hold of, touch; adhere to (ac.). upasi, blame, reproach, reprove; cs. id. sam-a, take hold of, touch; gain, obtain; anoint: pp. come into contact with (-~). upa, catch, find; obtain, acquire; perceive; experience, learn to know, ascertain, understand, know: garbham -, conceive; ps. be obtained; be perceived as (in. of abst. N.); w. na, not be known; be incomprehensible; cs. cause any one to obtain, bestow on; cause to be known. prati upa, regain, recover. sam-upa, obtain; get to know. pra, seize; obtain; deceive, dupe, make a fool of. vipra, deceive, impose upon; mock at, insult. prati, recover, regain (with darsanam, see again); obtain, gain; learn that any one is (2 ac.); wait for; es. provide any one with (in.). vi, bestow, procure; surrender, deliver up, hand over; cs. bestow (ac.) on (ac.). sam, obtain. W labh-a, a. (-~) obtainable; -ana, n. act of finding or gaining possession; -ya,fp. to be found; obtainable, attainable; comprehensible,. intelligible; suitable, fit; to be allowed to (imp. w. ps. mg.); to be provided with (in.). LAM [ = /ram], only pf. lalama, enjoy oneself sexually (E.1).!t lamna, m. pl. a class of men. W{qZ lampata, a. greedy, covetous; lusting after (lc., -o): -tva, n. greediness. lTT lampa, f. N. of a town and of a kingdom. FlaIN lampa-ka, m.pl. N. of a people: i, f. LampAka woman. 'i; LAMB [later form of V/ramb], I. P. (metr.), A. lamba, hang down, dangle; hang from (lc.); sink; attach oneself to, hold on or cling to, rest on (lc.); lag, loiter, delay, tarry: pp. lambita, hanging down; hanging by (in., -~); holding or adhering to, resting on (-~); slow, measured (time); es. lambaya, P. cause to hang down, let down; hang up, suspend; stretch out (the hand) for (d. of vbl. N.); des. A. lilambisha, be about to sink. ava, hang down; sink; hold or cling to, lean or rest on, trust to (ac., rarely in. or lc.); lay hold of, seize; hold up, support, sustain; resort or have recourse to (ac.); devote oneself to (ac.); acquire (ac.); betake oneself to, turn towards (a direction); be based or dependent on, be intimately connected with (ac.): pp. hanging down; hanging to (lc.); seated; leaning or resting on (-~); held up, supported; es. cause to hang down, let down; hang up, suspend, to (Ic.); grasp (hand); hold up, support, sustain; transfer or entrust (burden) to (-~, pp.). a, cling or hold on to, lean on (ac., rarely Ic.); lay hold of, seize, grasp; capture (a city); captivate (the heart); hold, support; have recourse to, devote oneself to, put on, assume, manifest (ac.); betake oneself to, take (a direction); depend upon (ac.): pp. hanging down from (-"); held, supported; had recourse to; cs. hang up, suspend: pp. alambita, laid on (hand). via, hang down (cloud); - on all sides. sam-a, cling to (ac.); lean on, trust to (ac.); hold to any one (ac.); have regard to (ac.); lay hold of, seize; have recourse to, assume; acquire, obtain; fall to the lot of any one (Ic.); cs. suspend to (le.). ud, pp. ullambita, suspended; cs. hang up. sam-ud, pp. hanging. pari, remain in a place (Ic.); absent oneself, not come; lag, loiter. pra, hang down: pp. hanging down. prati, cs. hang up, suspend. vi, hang down; hang to (Ic.); sink (sun); lag, loiter, delay, tarry, with (prati): gd. vilambya, lingering; dilatorily, slowly; too late; pp. vilambita, hanging down; delayed; delaying, loitering; slow, measured; closely connected with (-~): -m, ad. slowly etc.; os. hang or suspend to (Ic.); cause to linger, delay (ac.); waste (time); be dilatory. pra-vi, cs. hang up. I lamb-a, a. hanging down, pendent; hanging by or down to (-~); long (hair etc.); m. perpendicular; complement of latitude: -ka, m. id.; chapter (of which there are eighteen) in the Kathdsaritsdgara; -karna, a. (a, i) having long pendent ears; -gihva, a. having a pendent tongue; m. N. of a Rdkshasa. TrTE lamb-ana, a. hanging down or causing to hang down (ep. of Siva); m. campfollower. ^WTq-Z lamba-pataha, m. kind of drum; a alaka-tva, n. pendulousness of curls. fl lamb-in, a. hanging down; hanging to or down to (-~). qt A"h lambaudara, a. having a hanging belly, pot-bellied (-ta,f. abst. N.); m. ep. of Ganesa. Wi7lambh-a, m.finding; attainment, gain; recovery; capture (of a fortress); -aka, a. finding; m. finder; -ana, n. obtainment; recovery; procurement; -aniya, fp. to be obtained.!q lay-a, m. [/I. li] adherence; disappearance or absorption in (lc., -0); extinction, dissolution, destruction, death; rest, repose (rare); mental lethargy or inactivity; sport; time in music (of which there are three: druta, madhya, and vilamlbiba): -m gam, become attached to any one (Ic.); disappear, be dissolved, or absorbed in (lc.); -m ya, id.; be destroyed, perish. t q1 lay-ana, n. rest, repose; place of rest. W;TI'fT laya-sthana,n. place of dissolution. Chid LAL, I. P. (A. metr.) play, frolic, sport, dally: pp. lalita, q. v.; cs. l1laya, P. cause to daily, caress, fondle; foster, cherish; coax, spoil; wave, flourish (rare); favour: pp. lalita. ann, cs. put any one in good humour. ud, es. P. ullalaya, agitate; jump up. upa, cs. caress, fondle, cherish, treat tenderly. sam, es. id. [~Tf~inr lalag-gihva, a. having a lolling tongue. aid lal-ana, a. playing, glittering (oflight and colour); n. lolling (of the tongue): a,f. wanton woman; woman; wife; i-k&,f. little or miserable woman. EI la-lal-la, onom. of the sound of lisping. TTZ lalata, n. [laterform of rarata] forehead: -tata, m. flat surface of the forehead; -m-tapa, a. scorching the forehead (said of a hot sun), very painful; -patta, m.: -ka, n., -pattika, f. flat surface of the forehead; -phalaka, n. id.; -likhita, pp. written by fate on the forehead; -lekha,f: lines written by fate on the forehead; (strip of a =) very narrow forehead; - aksha, a. (i) having an eye in the forehead (Siva). rITf'RT lalalt-ika,f. forehead mark made with sandal or other powder. [TW lalama, a. (') having a forehead mark; m. n. ornament, decoration: -n, n. id. (C'.). fTT lal-ita, pp. quivering, tremulous; artless, naive, innocent; lovely, charming, beautiful; desired, liked; pleasing, agreeable; n. sport; natural, artless act; artlessness, grace, charm; beauty, splendour: -pada, a. consisting of sweet words, pleasingly composed; -lalita, pp. extremely lovely; -lokana, a. fair-eyed: a, f. N. of afairy; -vistara, m. detailed description of the artless acts of Sdkyamuni, T. of a Buddhistic Szttra. WRf T Tft' lalita angi,f.fair woman; - aditya, m. N. of a prince of Cashmere: -pura, n. N. of a city founded by him; apida, m. N. of a prince of Cashmere. WiWTTT lalyana, N. of a locality. n~ lalla, m.N. of an astronomer and a minister: a,f. N. of a courtesan; i-ya, m. N. WTq lav-a, m. [Vf/l] cutting (of corn), plucking (of flowers); wool (very rare); hair (of a cow; very rare); section, fragment, piece, bit, particle, drop, a little (very common -~); fraction of a second, twinkling (often personified); numerator of afraction; N. ofason of Rcma and Sitd; N. of a king of Cashmere. Tlq; lavanga, m. clove-tree; cloves: i,f. N. of an Apsaras; i-ka,f. N. W4Z lavata, m. N. 'TMIW lavana, a. briny, salt; m. N. of a demon; n. salt, sea-salt; grace, beauty (only -~): -kalayi, f. (prob. incorr. for lavanakalApi) feeding-trough; -gala, a. having salt water, briny; m. sea, ocean; -galadhi, in., -gala-nidhi, m. salt sea, ocean; -galaujdbhava, m. shell; -ta, f. saltness; -toya, a. having salt water; m. ocean; -tva, n. saltness; -vari, a. having salt water; m. ocean; -samudra, m. salt sea, ocean. q-1T lavana, f. N. of a river. q4TTqri lavana ikara, m. mine of beauty (fig.); -antaka, m. Slayer of the Rk.cshasa Lavana, ep. of Satrughna; - abdhi, m. salt sea, ocean; - amburasi, - ambhas, -arnava, - laya, m. salt sea, ocean. 'Ff['6tW, lavan-i-man, m. grace. kqq' lavanautsa, n. N. of a town; -.uda, m. sea; - udadhi, m. salt sea, ocean. llq lav-ana, n. cutting (of corn), reaping, mowing; cutting instrument, sickle, scythe: -kartri, m. reaper, mower. RAiW lavanya, m. a class of men. WTTTV lava-raga, m. N. of a Brdhman. RqaTt lavali, f. kind of creeper. WqlT[! lava-sas, ad. in small pieces. PiJi lasuna, m. (rare), n. garlic. 'i5 LASH, I. P. (A.) lasha, desire, long ffor (ac.). abhi, desire (ac.); long to (inf.): pp. abhilashita, wished, desired (also with inf.). H;F LAS, I. P. lasa (pr.pt. lasat and very rarely lasa-mana), shine, flash, glitter (only pr. pt.); come to light, appear, 262 22t las-a. f'-iT lifigoddhara. arise (only pr. pt. P.); resound (only pr. pt. P.); play,frolic, sport; cs. P. lasaya, dance; cause or teach to dance. ud (nearly always pr. pt. or pp.), shine forth, flash, glitter; arise, appear; resound; play, sport, frolic; move about, wave, flutter; grow: pp. ullasita, gleaming; arisen; unsheathed (sword); overjoyed, delighted; moving about; cs. cause to shine forth; cause to appear, produce; cause to sound; delight; set in motion, cause to dance or flutter. ati ud, shine brightly. pratiud, appear. pra ud, shine forth; resound; move about; cs. delight. sam-ud, shine forth (only pr. pt. & pp.); appear; resound. upa, onlypr. pt. shining forth, flashing. vi (gnly.pr. pt. or pp.), flash, glitter; become manifest, appear, arise; resound; play, frolic, sport, amuse oneself; quiver (of lightning); cs. cause to dance. pra-vi, shine brightly; break forth.!R las-a, a. lively (only -~ in a-lasa, dull). rf'odiT las-ikf, f. saliva, spittle. kTi[ lahara, m. N. of a people (pl.); N. of a province in Cashmere (now Lahal). tft lahari, f. (also i) wave, billow. AT LA, II.P. la-ti (rare), grasp, take; undertake; gd. latva, taking = with. wr'firli lakshan-ika, a. (i) understanding marks or signs; having a figurative sense (-tva, n. figurative sense); m. interpreter of marks. D'TTT laksha, f. kind of red dye, lac (obtained either from the cochineal insect or from the resin of a certain tree): i-ka, a. (i) coloured with lac. qTEI~ laghav-a, n. swiftness, speed; dexterity, in (-~); lightness; ease of mind, relief; levity, thoughtlessness; insignificance, meanness, smallness; prosodical shortness; brevity, conciseness (of expression); lack of weight or consequence, derogation of dignity, disrespect: -karin, a. degrading. WF flaiga-la, n. plough: -dhvaga,m.(having a plough in his banner), ep. ofBalarama.;T~ii- iT langal-ika, f. N. of a plant (Methonica superba); -in, m. (bearing a plough), ep. of Balarama. [form) id. WTr lfigula, n. tail: ula, n. (commoner FIr lag-d, m. pl. parched grain. 1 iTW' laga-ya, den. A. resemble parched grain. -T~ LAINKH, cs. lakhaya, P. mark, X distinguish, characterise: pp. lAiikhita, marked, decorated, or provided with (in., -~). W'~Tis T lankh-ana,n. mark, token, sign; -~ a. marked, characterised, or provided with: -ta, f. condition of being marked or stained. WiT lata, m. N. of a country: pl. its people; a. (i) belonging to Lata (i, f. LAta woman): -ka, a. (ika) belonging to or customary among the Latas. Wm'T; lata akarya, m. N. of an astronomer; -anuprasa, m. repetition of a word in the same sense but in a different application (rhet.). RT.7 lada, m. N. T;W latav-ya, m. (pat.fr. Latu) N. T1q4 lapaya, cs. of V/lap and vI. Ii. RifT '. lap-in, a. saying, speaking, declaring (-); lamenting. WT' laba, m. kind of quail (Perdix chinensis): -ka, m. id. WTR labh-a, m. finding, meeting; obtainment, acquirement (of, g., -~); gain, advantage, profit; object acquired, acquisition; capture; apprehension, knowledge: -lips&, f. desire ofgain, covetousness; -vat, a. having gained advantage; having got possession of (-~); - alabha, m. du. & n. sg. gain and loss. ~Tfi',lalbh-in, a. obtaining, finding (-~). lT 'l i lamagga-ka, n. the root of a kind of fragrant grass (Andropogon muricatus). 1W Bi lala-ka, a. (ika) caressing; i. court fool.!TMI lal-ana, n. (fr. cs. of Vlal) caressing, fondling, cherishing; -aniya, fp. to be caressed, fondled, or coaxed; -aya, cs. of Vlal. WTTTF lfa-las-a, intv. a. ardently desiring, eager for, delighting or absorbed in, devoted to (lc., -~); m., a, f. ardent longing, devotion to (lc.).!nTWT lal-a,f. saliva, spittle: -pana, n. sucking of saliva. TTTTZ' lalata, a. being on the forehead (lalAta): i-ka, a. id.; i, f. forehead.!iTT I lala-ya, den. A. secrete saliva: pp. i-ta, foaming at the mouth. #TfiTfT lal-ita, cs.pp. lVal: -ka, m.favourite, darling, pet. Warf9Rl I llit-ya, n. [fr. lalita] loveliness, grace, charm. lf'- lal-in, a. fondling, coaxing; -ya, fp. to be fondled or coaxed. TT lav-a, a. (i) cutting, - off, plucking (-~); cutting down, killing (-~): -ha, m. cutter; reaper. Wr9T lfvana, a. salt, salted: -ka, N. of a locality; -saindhava, a. (i) situated on the salt sea.![T4fVi lavan-ika, a. (i) dealing in salt; charming, lovely. TTqowT lavan-ya, n. saltness; loveliness, beauty, charm: -mangari,f. N.; -maya, a. (i) consisting entirely of beauty; lovely, beautiful, charming; -vat, a. lovely, beautiful: -i, f. N.; -sesha, a. of whom beauty only is left (-ta, f. abst. N.); -_argita, pp. acquired by beauty: a term applied to the private property given to a woman on her marriage by her parents-in-law. rTVR lav-am, abs. w. /lu, cut off like (-~). ~TrtTI IiR lavana-ka, m. N. of a district near Magadha; N. of the third Lambaka of the Kathasaritsdgara. VTg. las-a, m. [h/las] jumping, skipping, moving hither and thither, playing: -ka, a. moving hither and thither; m. dancer; N. of a dancer; m. n. kind of weapon; -vat-i,f. N. rfifri las-ika, a. dancing; -ik&,f. female dancer; kind of play; -ya, n. dancing (also fig.); dance accompanied with singing and instrumental music; dancer. fT~i liksha, f. nit, egg of a louse; as a measure = eight trasarenus. f( LIKH, VI. P. likha [later form of 'V/rikh], scratch, scrape, furrow, tear up (ground); peck; drawa line (~ lekham); delineate, portray, sketch, paint; engrave, inscribe, write, - down: pp. likhita, w. iva (+ kitra-), as if painted = motionless; cs. lekhaya, P. cause to engrave, inscribe, or write; cause to paint; scratch; write; paint: pp. lekhita. abhi, inscribe, write; sketch, paint; write on anything (ac.); cs. cause to inscribe, write, or paint. ava, gall, make sore; erase (writing). a, scratch, scrape; sketch, draw, paint; write down: pp. alikhita, w. iva, as if painted=motionless; cs. cause to paint. via, scrape, touch; write. sam-a, sketch, draw, paint; write. ud, scratch, scrape, draw a line, on (lc.); tear or rip up; peck at, rub against; draw (a line); carve; polish; strike (a musical instrument); wipe away; represent; bring into relief. pra ud, draw lines on (ac.). sam-ud, mark out with a line; furrow, scrape up; write down, inscribe (in a book). nis, scarify; scratch out. pari, draw a line round; scrape or smooth around; copy. pra, scratch, draw lines on (ac.); draw; write; scrape together; A. conb one's hair. prati, write back, answer by letter. vi, scratch, scrape, tear up; lacerate; rub against (ac.); sketch, draw, paint; inscribe, write; cs. cause to write. fnT - likh-ana, n. scratching; inscribing, writing; written statement or remark. fRft'W likh-ita, pp. written, etc.; m. N. of the authorof a law-book; n. writing; written document: -tva, n. condition of beingwritten down; -patha, m. reading of written works, learning from books: -ka, a. reading from manuscript. fRWfEfIf likh-itavya, fp. to be painted (Pr.); -itri, m. painter; -ya, m., a, f. nit, egg of a louse. fT lib, personal terminations of the potential or precative, potential. flZ LING, I.. liniga (attach oneself to), v. a-lifg. fT: lihg-a, n. [anything attaching to an object] mark, token, sign, emblem, characteristic; catchword; deceptive badge (rare, E.); proof, evidence; sign of guilt, stolen property; sign of sex, sexual organ; grammatical gender; Siva's phallus (as an object of worship); image of a god (rare); typical or subtle body (the indestructible original of the gross visible body: Veddnta phil.); nominal base (= pratipadika: gr.): -deha, m. n. subtle body (phil.); -dharana, n. bearing of marks of identification; -nasa, m. loss of characteristic marks; -pitha, n. pedestal of a Siva phallus; -purana, n. T. of a Purana; -matra, n. intellect; -murti, a. having the form of a phallus (Siva). fr-iF lifiga-ya, den. P. change (a word) according to gender. ud, infer from signs: pp. ullingita. f wnf- i lihga-vat, a. having characteristic marks; having various genders; having a phallus (a certain Sivaite sect); -sarira, n. the subtle body (phil.); -sastra, n. treatise on grammatical gender; -stha, m. ascetic; -anusasana, n. doctrine of grammatical ender. f~rfiling-in, a. having a mark or sign; having the marks or appearance of (-~); wearing false badges, hypocritical; assuming the badges of, passing oneself off as (-~); wearing his badges justly, sincere; provided with a phallus; having a subtle body; m. hypocrite; member of a religious order, ascetic; a Sivaite sect (pl.); cause. fWTk WT liiga uddhara, m. cutting off of the male organ. fk! lit.;uq lup. 2,63, fW-Zlit, (personal terminations of) the perfect. stain, defile, pollute, sully, taint; attach anything (ac.) to (le.; rare): pp. lipta, besmeared; defiled; poisoned (arrow); adhering to (la.): -vat, pp. act. having defiled oneself; es. lepaya, P. besmear or cover (ac.) with (in.); smear (ac.) on (lc.); cast blame on any one. anu, anoint or besmear, with (in.); A. anoint oneself: pp. anointed, besmeared, or covered with (in., 0'); es. anoint. ava, besmear; ps. be puffed up or proud: pr. besmeared, with (-'O); puffed up, proud, arrogant. 'a, anoint, besmear; put on, apply (ointment). sam-A, cs. P. anoint. upa, besmear, anoint; pollute, defile; cover; es. besmear, anoint, with (in.). pari pa, besmear all over. nii, smear on, A. - oneself; cause to disappear, A. vanish (V.). pra, besmear, soil: pp. adhering to (la.). vi, besmear', anoint, cover, with (in.); rub on (in.): pp. besmeared, anointed; cs. besmear, anoint, with (in.). sam, besmear, anoint. fi~[f'i lip-i, f. besmearing, anointing; writing, handwriting; written line or letter; inscription; outward appearance: -m Ap, assume the appearance of (g.); kitrasn lipim ui, garnish beautifully. f1tfqi4i1 lipi-kara, m. plasterer, whitewasher; writer, scribe; -karman, n. painting; -karma-nirmita, pp. painted; -uya'sa, ns. act of writing; -phalaka, n. writing tablet; -sfia', f. writing school; -sa~stra, n. art of writing. f i lip-tijf. ointment. f ilip-sf, f. (fr. des. of Vlabb) wish to otidesire, longing, for (la., -) tavya'fp. desirable;- -su, des. a. wishing to obtain, desiring, longing for (ac.,. __) f[Tllbufig,f.creepingplant,creeper(-F.). ffqlimp-ijf. [Vlip] writing. UTT TLS, 'VI. A. -1isk [later form of V'risl, with, 'a. graze. vi, be rent, break: _pp. viAlishta, broken. LIII [later form of V/rih], II. le-..dhi, 3ldhe, lick, lap; lick at (la.); lick up, destroy (arrow): pp. lidha, licked; - up, destroyed; as. P. lehaya, cause to lick; intv. lelihya, lelih, lick repeatedly. ava, lick; touch with the mouth: pp. licked; touched. &, lick, lap: pap. licked; possessed by (in.); polished (v. r. ullidha). ud, lick: pp. ullidha, polished. upa,k.lick, enjoy by licking. nii, pp. licked up= seized or overpowered by (~,slee~p). pari, lick; intv. lick continually. prati, as. cause to lick at (2 ac.). vi, lick, - up; intv. lick continually. sam, lick; enjoy. f~lih, a. (-O) licking; reading (in the eyes): -a, a. (only -.0) licking, touching. ir. Li,IV. A.Ilya, clasp, cling to (la.); remain sticking; alight or settle on (la.); lie down on (a couch); cower, hide; slip into (la.); vanish, be absorbed in (le., -0): pp. lina, attached to, absorbed in, devoted to(la.,.~0;sticking; sitting on or in; lurking, hidden; concealed in (le., ~0;disappeared or dissolved in (le., — 9). abhi, clasp; alight orsettle on: pp. clasping, overspreading (ac.); settled on or occupied by (-20). ava, stagnate; alight (bird); conceal oneself in (lc.): pp. sitting; lurking in (le., — 0). Sam-ava, be absorbed or disappear in (lc.). ii, cling to (la.); alight or settle on; cower, lurk: pp. clinging to (ac.), adhering; having (bees) settled within it (lottus, — O); hidden, lurking, in ( —P). iii, attach oneself, adhere or cling to; alight or settle, upon (lc.); hide oneself, from (ab.) in (lc.): pp. adhering, to (la.., Y) quite absorbed in (le.); settled or resting upon (-0); concealed, lurking, in (la.); hidden ia by (in.). pra, be dissolved, be absorbed in (la.); disappear, die: pp. vanished, departed, absorbed in (le.), deceased; exhausted, unconscious (men). sam-pra, disappear, be absorbed in (la.): pp. disappeared, absorbed, or contained in (le.). prati, disappear: pp. retired. vi, clasp, cling to (lc.); alight (birds); hide oneself, slip away; disappear, perish; be dissolved, melt: pp. clinging to, fixed on (gaze), absorbed in (la., -~0); sitting upon (0O); hidden, vanished, perished; disappeared or disappearing in (la.); dissolved, melted; es. -1&yaya, P. cause to disappear, cause to be absorbed in (la.); destroy; melt (tr.). auu-vi, be dissolved in (ac.; Br.). abhi-vi, es. -1paa P. cause to melt. pra-vi, disappear, be dissolved or destroyed; as-1paya, P. cause to disappear; cause to be absorbed in (la.); dissolve, melt. sam, clasp, adhere, cling, to (ac.); go into, find room in (la.); hide, lurk; cower: _pp. joined together, adhering, to (la.); entered into (la.); lurking in (la., ~0;cowering, contracted. 2. LI, only intv. iei4ya, le1iya, leliya, sway, rock, tremble (V.). #I' i-na, pp. Iz l a t~f clasping (la.); concealment in ( —9); complete seclusion; -tva, ss. concealment in anything. f1T'RI lip-s-i-tavya, fp. (fr. des. of 4Vlabh) desirable (Br.). #Ir ilf, f. play, sport, pastime, diversion, amusement; playful imitation of a lover; mere sport, child's play (== action easily performed); mere appearance, semblance (.O;dissimulation, disguise, pretence; charm, grace: '~ and in. a-ya', sportively, to amuse oneself; in sport - with the greatest ease; for mere appearance, feignedly: -kamala, n. toy-lotus, lotus for playing with; -kalaha, m. playful or feigned quarrel; -khela, a. playfully sportive; -& gara, n., -griha, n., -geha, n. pleasure hou-se; -tmarasa, n. toy-lotus, lotus for playing with; -nritya, n. playful dance; -padma, n. lotus for playing with; - bga, n. id.; - &bharana, n. sham ornamnent e. g. a bracelet of lotus fibres); -manushya, m. man in appearance only, man in disguise; -mandira, n. pleasure house; -Zmbugaj n. toylotus. 1 lal-ya, den. play, sport, amuse oneself: pp. i-ta, sporting, rejoicing; n. sport, amusement; exploit easily accomplished. 4~T flia-rati, f. amusement with (la.); - aravinda, n. lotus for playing with; -v~agr~a, n. instrument resembling a thunderbolt; - avatira, sn. Vishnu's descent to earth for amusement; - avadhftta, pp. playfully shaken. ~~~ila-vat,axcharming: -iJ. charming woman; ep. of DurgA; N.; -vpi f. pleasure tank; -vesman, n. pleasure house; - udyana, n. pleasure garden. luk, N. dropping or disappearance (of an affix); a. dropped (affix: yr.). IT lufi, (personal terminations of) the aorist,?~ILUN-K, I. P. luuika, pluck, pull out; ~Z peel, husk: pp. husked; having the hair pulled out (~ -kesa, or -m~ftrdhaga, pl. said of the,Jains). ud, pp. ulufikita, pulled out, plucked. vi, pull out.;11&[ lun-k-ana, a. (0)pulling out (the hair).Od5 LUTonly pr.pt-lutyat,rollingabout, ~'and lutat, lying about (very rare). LUTVI. P. iutha, wallow, roll; moeaout, flutter, dangle; touch; agitate: pp. luthita, rolling; as. lothaya, P. set in motion, agitate; des. luluthisha, 'A. be about to roll; intv. loluth~iti, roll about (of a drunken man). ud (ulluthati), move convulsively. nis, pp. nirluthita, having rolled down; issuing (from the womb); as. roll down (tr.). pari-nis, roll down (mnt.). pari, roll about. pra, roll (on the ground). vi, roll or dart about. ~~62. LUTH, X. P. lothaya, plunder. Q''l nis, plunder, steal.!P' luth-ana, n. wallowing. LUD, es. P. lodaya, stir, agitate. 0Nava, es. stir up. a, stir, - up, mingle; agitate, trouble, confuse; rummage through, familiarise oneself with (a book; ac.). nis, as. thoroughly investigate: _pp. ninlodita. pari, cs. throw into confusion, distarb. vi, stir up; mingle; toss about; agitate, disturb; betake oneself into (aa.). sam, move hither and thither; agitate, disturb; ps. be destroyed. LU T.P. lunta (rare), steal, rob: pp. luntita, husked (v. r. lun-kita). vi, husk (v. r. luitk). m h~f obr qi ILint-ftka,m.tifrob. ' ~~~LUNTH, I. P. luntha, stir up, set Nin motion, agitate; as. P. lunthaya, steal, rob, plunder; husk; ps. lunthyate, be stolen: _pp. lunthita, stolen, robbed, plundered. nis, steal, plunder. vi, id.: p~p. rolling about (=ovi-luthita). ~!U1 lunth-a, kind of grass; -aka, m. plunderer; -ana, n. plundering (O;-km robber, plunderer (-t,f. robbery); i,f~plundering, pillage. BIW~T lund-ikft, f. round mass, ball. ~ i lund'i-kri, roll together. \Nform of AVrup; rare in V.], break, injure, spoil; seize, fall, or pounce upon; rob, plunder; waste; suppress, cause to disappear, elide (letter, word, eta.); ps. 1upyate, be broken or torn; be wasted; be broken or violated (vow eta.); be lost (share), disappear, be destroyed; be elided: pp. lupta, injured; plundered; deprived of ( —P); suppressed, lost,disappeared,destroyed; dropped, elided; elliptical (simile: opp. pftrna); as. lopaya, P. neglect; violate, infringe; divert or cause to swerve from (ab.); A.cause to disappear, efface; intv. lolupya A., lolup, P. confuse (any one). apa, pull out (V.);.ps. -lupyate, fall off (V.). ava, seize, fall upon; snatch away; suppress. ah, pull out; sever; ps. be troubled or clouded (gaze). v', remove, dispel (languor); ps. disappear. pari, take away, remove, dispel; ps. be dropped. pra, pull out; rob, steal: pp. robbed; taken away, destroyed. vi-pra, snatch away; afflict; disturb, interrupt. vi, pull to pieces, break off; lacerate; pluck out; carry off take away, rob, plunder; destroy, ruia; A. & ps. be impaired or destroyed, 264;jq hip. wjqcmqaqj loka-kantaka. - - I perish, disappear, be lacking: pp. vilupta, pulled to pieces; snatched away; destroyed, lost; es. withhold; extinguish; disregard, neglect. pra-vi, pp. removed, disappeared; cs. give up, abandon.;It hip, N. dropping, elision (of a letter etc.); a. dropped. 9Tf~Ilupta-visarga, a.lackiing~isarga: -t', f. absence of Vi sarga, -upama, a. lacking the comparative particle (i a),fin complete or elliptical simile; - upamaina, n. incomplete comparison. lub-dha, pp. VILubh: -ka, m. hunter; the star Sirius; -gana, a. baying covetous followers; -ta&, f. greed, covetousness; -tva, n. id.; eager longing for ( —~O). LUBH, IV. P. ltibhya (V., rare; ' C.), grow bewildered, go astray; desire, long for (d., ic.; ord. mg.); entice, allure pp. lubdha, bewildered, confused; desirous or greedy of, craving after, longing for (1c.,._O); greedy, covetous; es. P. lobhaya, derange; excite the desire of, entice, attract; intv. lolubhyate, have a vehement desire for (lc.). a^, become disordered; des. of es. l1ulobhayisha, P. wish to derange or disturb. upa, es. excite the desire of, entice, lead astray. pari (-lobha, metr.for -lobhay:t), id.; es. id. pra, go astray, have illicit desires (of women); excite the desire of, allure, lead astray: pp.!f. having conceived an illicit desire for (saha); cs. excite the desire of, allure, seek to seduce; divert the attention of (ac.) by (in.). prati, cs. infatuate (V.); attract. vi, es. lead astray; excite the desire of, allure, seek to seduce; beguile; enchant with (lc.). sam, become deranged (Br.); cs. derange, disorder; efface (traces; F.); entice, seek to seduce. _M5 _LUL, I. P lola, move (int.) to and '-Nfro, roll about (only pr. pt. lolat and bolamina); disappear: pp. lulita, moving to and fro, agitated, h eaving, waving; touched; crushed, injured, having suffered; cs. lolaya, P. set in motion, shake; disturb, destroy. Abhi, pp. touched. a, pp. gently stirred. vi, pp. moved to and fro; shed (tears, rain); dernuged., disordered, dishevelled; cs. -pp. vilolita, moved to and fro; scattered in all directions. sam, pp. come into contact with (0;deranged. I[~ ulftpa, m.. buffalo. h ulya, m. id.: -lakshmau, mn. ep. of Yarna. 9fqM lul-ita, pp.; n.. motion. ~6 Lfi, V. P. lunoti (Br., very rare), IX. C\ luniti, lunite, cut (grass), reap (corn), pluck (flowers); cut off, clip, lop, cut down, sever, pierce; cut off, destroy, annihilate: pp. lima, cut, - off, lopped, plucked; nibbled off; knocked out (teeth); severed; stung; destroyed. ava, pp. cut off., A'. tear off: pp. plucked. nis, pp. nirnimia, cut off; hewn in pieces. vi-pra, pp. cut or plucked off. vi, cut off. Mjr IftA f. spider; kind of skiu disease. 4 lfina, pp. vIft; n. tail (very rare): — visha, a. having poison in its tail. '- lrit, (terminations of) the s-. futare. lekh-a, m. [v'ikh] stroke, line; written document, letter (sg. & pl.); god, deity (very rare): pl. a certain class of gods (E., rare): -ka, m. writer, secretary, copyist; calculation: -m kri, make a calculation, reckon. 1qq[le'kh-ana, a. (II) scratching, scarifying, lacerating; exciting, stimulating; attenuating; n. writing down, transcribing: i, f. writing reed, reed-pen; -aIy fP. to be drawn or painted; to be written. IW X lekh a-pattra, n. letter; -ati& f.id.; -iaf writing school; -sarndesaharim, a. delivering a written message; ara: -ka, m. letter-carrier; -hanr-in, a. delivering letters with(-'): (-i)-tva, n. delivery of letters with ( a) dhikarn m.secretary of a king. ~M le'kh-ft,f. [,~/1ikh] streak, line, stroke, stripe, furrow; digit or cresct-nt (of the moon); edge; delineation; figure, likeness; impression, mark. Wf;'RziT lekh-ikft, f. little streak; -in, a. touching(0 lekh-ya, fp. to be scarified; -written (down); - painted; depicted, painted; to be counted (-0); n. (art of) writing; transcription; drawing, painting; written document, letter; inscription; painted figure; -o(with gananh-) = catalogue, roll of (.) -gata, pp. painted; -pattra, n. document, letter; -maya, a. painted; -r'pa, a. id. let, (terminations of) the subjunctive. WIlenda, n. excrement. ~RT ledarl, f. N. of a river. ~M lep-a, m. [<vlip] smearing, anointing; ointment, unguent, plaster; spot, stain, inlpurity, sp. grease adhering to dishes, hands, etc.; moral taint, sin; food: -ka, m. plasterer,5 white-washer, mason; -kara, m. id. kl4II lep-auamn. anointing, besmnearin g,plastering', with (in., 0'); ointment; plaster, mortar; — m a. besmeared, plastered with; -in, a. ( —9) besmearing, covering with; besmeared, covered with; -ya, fp. moulded, modelled; to be defiled: -kaira, in. moulder. serpent. ~MT levatra, m. 1\T of an Agrahadra. iqM 1ev-a, m. [v,/'lis = Vris] particle, atom, drop, little bit,. small amount of (g., — P; very common -~ = very little or slight, insignificant; '- in., or -tas, very slightly or briefly); a rhetorical figure in which a statement is made indirectly (e. g. C the boast of the Pandavas aos slaying Bhi'ekma under the leadership of Silkhandin will be oers'); a rihetoricalfigure in whivh what is usuallycosssidered as an advantage is re~presented as a dlisadvantage and rice versad. ~WTB les-ika, m. mnower of grass; -in, a. having particles of (0')!OI les-ya, in., 'a,f. light. ft lesh-tu, m. [v-, lis] lump of earth, clod. ~W leh-a, in. [ vlih] licker, sipper; lambative, electuary; -ana, se. licking; -ya, fp. to be licked or lapped up, to be eaten by licking. 4T laiiiga, a. relating to grammatical gender.; i-ka, a. relating to or resulting from a characteristic mark or evidence, inferred; m. statuary. laiisgaudbbava, n. history of the origin of the Lifaga. 9 LOK, I. A. loka. Eprob. = roka, \ -,/ruk], see, perceive; vs. P. lokaya, regard, look at; behold, perceive; recognise, know. abhi, c8. regard, view. ava, (be able to) see; cs. look, - up; look at, behold, I view, regard (ac.); review (an armky); look out for; watch; regard (of the aspect of planets in astrology); look at graciously; perceive: pp. avalokita; gd. avalokya. sam-ava, look; look at, regard, inspect; perceive, behold. 'a, look at (ac.); perceive; cs. see, behold; look; look at, view, regard; look upon graciously; consider, examine, study (~ dhiyh, buddhyfi); perceive, recognise, find out, know, to be (2 ac.): svapnani have a dream; hridi -, think of. pra a, cs. gd. prabokya, seeing in the distance (V.s1. filokya). sam-4, cs. look at, regard; consider; perceive, observe, recognise as (2 ac.). vi, look at; examine, study (s-are); cs. be able to see; look; look at, regard,view, inspect; direct one's attention to, examine, study (rare); have regard to (rare); perceive, observe; look over (a hedge); ps. vilokyate, be visible. pra-vi, cs. look; look at, regard; observe (astrosnomically); consider, ponder-; perceive, see. sam, du. w. ubhayatah, look at each other. R~i lok-si, m. [orig. probably uloki, which is almost invariably used in BRV., and pes-h. - (a) va-lokA: -v,/ruk] (free) space, room, place (V.); tract, region, country; world, division of the universe (the two worlds = heaven and earth; the three -,= the same assd the atnmosphere or the lower regions; seven wos-ids are commonly sspoken of); heaven; earth; (sy. &.pl.) mankind, folks, people (sts. opp. king); -men (pl.: opp. women); community, company (often -' to form collectives); ordinary life, common usage, worldly affa- -- (opp. Veda); sight (only-' in kfikshur-, seeing "-ith the eye): (uniim)Ibokim kri, make room for, grant freedom to (d.; V.); ay~m lokah, this world; asaii or pano lok Ah, that or the other world; loke, in place of (g.; Br.); in ordinary life, in popular speech; in the world, on earth; iha loke, Isere on earth; ksitsne loke, in the whole world. fjt~fqjWf loka-kantaka, in. thorn = curse of mankind, pernicious man; -kartri, m. creator of the world, ep. of Brahman,Vishnu, or Siva; -kanuta, pp. beloved of the world, dear to all mankind; -kaima, a. desirous of a certain world; -kaira, m. creator of the world, e~p. of Siva; -krit, in?. creator of the world; -kshit, a. inhabiting heaven; -gaha f~popular (traditional) verse; -guru, sn. teacher of the world or people; -kakshus, spt. eyes of the people; -anitra, n. ways of the world; -git, a. winning territory (Bsr.); gaining heaven; -gfia, a. knowing the world or men: -ta, f. knowledge of the world; -tattva, n. id.; -tantra, n. course of the world; -tas, ad. from people, from popular talk; in accordance with usage; -traya, n., I,f. the three worlds (heaven, eas-th, ais- orlower sregiosss); -dambhaka, a. cheating the people; -dvaya, n. the two worlds (heaven and earth); -dva'ra, n. gate of heaven; -atha, sn. lord of the worlds, ep. of Brahmnan, Vishnu, Siva, of the gods, and of the sun; protector of the people, king; N. of Avalokitesvara; a. protected by mankind; -nindita,pp. blamed by every one; -pa, m. regent of a world; world-guardian (of whom thes-e are eight); -pati, m. lord of the world, ep. of IBrahnman or Siva; lord of the people, king; -patha, in. general or usual way; -paddhati, f. id.; -paia', m. world-guardian (of whom from Mentuonwvards3four or eightt are assumed according as four or eight quarters are counted; exceptionallyfive); guardian of the people, king; -pita'maha, we. great forefather of mankind, ep. of Brahman; -punya, N. of a locality; -pfigita, pp. universally honoured; -pravaAda, m. common report, popular or T~~~ lokam-prina. TAfteff loh-in'i. 265 current saying;..prasiddha, pp. generally known; -prasiddhi, f. general prevalence: in. according to prevailing usage; -bhartri, m. supporter of the people;..mahesvara, m. great lord of the world, ep. of Krishna, -ma'tri, f. mother of the world, ep. of Gxaurt T"i~T4 lokam-prina, a. filling the world, all-pervading: a',f. N. of the ordinary bricks used in building the ftre-celtcer (consecrated with the verse beginning Iok~m, prina). W?1IITT loka-yhtrft, f. worldly affairs, every-day life; daily bread, maintenance; -raksha, m. protector of the people, king; -raiigana, n. pleasing the world; -rava, m. popular talk; -lokana, n. eye of the world, sun: pl. eyes of men; -vakana, n. popular talk or rumour; -vat, ad. as in ordinary life;..vartana, n. means by which the world exists; -va'da, m. talk of the world, public rumour; -virtta', f. public rumour; -vikrushta, pp. publicly decried; offensive to the world; _vig-iita, _pp. generally known; -vidvishta, pp. universally disliked; -vidhi, m. creator of the world; order of thingsp revailing in the world; -viruddha, pp. notoriously contradictory; -virodha, m. opposition to popular opinion; -visruta, pp. generally known; -vista, m. general prevalence; -vritta, pp. n. general custom, ways prevailing among the people; -vrittbutm ways of the world; -vyavahara, m. id.; oridinary designation; -sruti, f. world-wide notoriety; -sarnvyavah~ra, m. business transactions with men; -samkshaya, m. destruction of the world; -saingraha, m. experience gained through intercourse with the world; gaining influence over men, propitiation of mankind; aggregate of the worlds; -samgrt~hin, a. propitiating men; -sampanna, pp. experienced in life; -skshika, a. witnessed by the world: -in, ad. before witnesses; _Sakshin, m. witness of the world. i[TIloka-sftt-kri, make common property of;..sdhaua, a. creating worlds; a dharana, a. common (topic);..siddha, _pp. current la the world, usal -mativartin, a. passing the bounds of the usual, unusual, supernatural; -sundara, a. (i) generally accounted beautiful; -sthala, n. case of ordinary life; -sthiti, f. subsistence of the world; universal law; -h~sya, a. universally derided: at& f. universal derision; -hita, a. welfare of the world. ~i~~lokka Ura, m. ways of the world, general custom;..4tman, m. soul of the world; - &idi, M. (beginning =) creator of the world; - adha.ra, a. supported by or dependent on the people; - dhipa, m. lord of the world, god; - anugraha, m. welfare of the world or people;..nuAga, m. love of mankind,. universal love; -aumuvritta, n. obedience of the people;- anuvritti, f. dependence on other people; -antara, n. the other world: -m gain or ya, g-o to the otber world, die: -sukha, n. felicity in the next world; - antarika, a. (i) dwelling or situated between the worlds; - antarita, pp. deceased; _- apaVada, m. censure of the world, public reproach; - abhyudaya, m. welfare of the world; - iy-ata, pp. (restricted to the material world), materialistic; m. materialist; n. materialism,, doctrine of K&rv&ka: i-ka, m. materialist; man of the world i-kri, regard as materialistic; - aloka, n. sg. & m. du. the world and the non:-world; m. N. of the mythical -mountainous belt (light on the one side and dark on the other) which separates the visible world from the, uworld of darkness; - M1okin, a. surveying the worlds; avekshasia, n. care of the people. I EIT loka isa, mn. lord of the world; _Isvara, mn. id.; - sh4 f. desire of heav'en; - ukti,f. common talk; popular saying, proverb;.-uttara, a. going beyond the common, unusual, extraordinary; m. extraordinary man. TIMri lok-y5, a. bestowing worlds or freedom; pervading the world; customary, lawful; correct, real; usual, every-day. RhP[ log-a, Tn. [,/rug] clod of earth (V.). -glq L KI. A.-1oka [der. of Vruk]; e s. P. -1okaya. a, consider, ponder; cs. cause to see; consider, reflect, ponder: pp. A1okita, gd. k1oky'a. ani a, cs. consider, reflect. par"j, cs. id. sain4-, cs. id. nis, as. gd. nirlokya, considering, reflecting. #(~qi lok-aka, m. pupil of the eye. 1P~qr lok-ana, a. illuminating; n. eye: -gokara, a. being within range of sight; -traya-patha, mn. range of (Siva's) three eyes; -patha, mn. sphere of vision; -parusha, a. gazing fiercely; -pita, mn. glance; -maya, a. (II) consisting of eyes; -_aiikaia, m. corner of the eye; - ipita, mn. glan'ce; - uddiraka, -N. of a village; -u~tsa, N. of a locality.!i'tZ lot, (personal terminations of) the imperative. T4ffVT lotikft, f. Y. of a princess. WI~fr loth-ana, m. N.; n. wagging of the WtIg lod-ana, n. molestation. [head. TIV lodhra, m. (= rodhra) a tree (Symplocos racemosa): -prasava-ragas, a. pollen of Lodhra blossoms. #7ilop-a, mn. omission, dropping, elision (of a letter or suffix); loss, lack, failure, interruption, disappearance (of, g., gnly. O) deprivation; transgression, violation; -ana, n. violation (of a vow); -am, abs. robbing, plundering (ac.). #%tIqT'ci lop-ftka, mn. [plunderer:,/lup] kind of jackal (irare). WN~tT 1T65pa-mudra', f. N. of Agastya's wife. 'N'kT lop-ftsid, mn. jackal, fox, or similar animal (V., very rare): i-k', f. (very rare) female jackal; fox. Rt'fTOTr lop-in, a. injuring, diminishing; subject to elision; -tri, mn. injurer; -tra, a. stolen property, booty; -ya,f~p. to be omitted or dropped (gr.). 'iY;R lobh-a, mn. r-x/lubh] desire of, longing for (g., la., — O); impatience (rare); greed, cupidity, avarice; -ana, a. allurement, enticement; -aniya, fp. alluring, attractive, charming, by or to(0 WIRYT lobha-maiigarii, f. nickname of a courtesan; -mohita, p~p. infatuated by cupidity; -viraha, mn. freedom from greed; -Akrishta, pp. allured by cupidity. ftfiri lobh-in, a. greedy of (0-); covetous, avaricious; alluring, charming(9) iq~~~I~(lobbaupahata-ketas, a. having a mind perverted by greed. WIRiii lomia-ka, -- of a few cpds.=-loman; -kita, m. louse; -kfipa, M. (hair-pit), pore of the skin; -garta', mn. id. (Br.). #rT~l6-man, n. [later form, of roman] hair of the body (of men and animals, gnly. excludinghair of the head,beard,mane, or tail). ~WIR loma-sa', a. hairy, woolly, shaggy. qlIO loma-harsha, m. bristling of the' hair, horripilation; -harshana, a. causing a thrill (of joy or horror).!* lola, a. [Vlial] moving to and fro, rolling, waving, tremulous, agitated; restless, unsteady; fickle, inconstant; longing, eager for, desirous of (lc., in. a),.lg t i g fickle goddess offortune. BMiI lola-karna, a. (i) eager-eared, listening to every one; -kakshus, a. gazing wantonly upon (lc.); at,f.eagerness for (lc.); wantonness; -tva, a. restlessness, -unsteadiness; wantonness; -lola, a. ever restless; - ak.. shika', - akshi, f. woman with restless eyes; Z_6afimga, a. having tremulous corners (eyes). Wh~i~t lo-lup-a, intv. a. desirous, longing for, greedy of (le., 0),.eagerness, ardent longing, for (lc.): aa-~ f. nta. eagerness, greed of(0 Wtf lo-lubh-a, intv. a. ardently longing for, eagerly desirous of (~)!qT1loaaikshana,a.havingrestless eyes. Wt'J lolora, n. N. of a town. i'2losh-hi~, m. n. [,v/rug] lump of earth, clod; m. N.: -ha, m. clod; -gutikA, f. pellet of clay; -gha'ta, m. blow with a clod: -in, abs. with han, kill with clods = stone to death; -dhara, m. N.; -maya, a. made of clay; -vat, ad. like a clod, as on a lump of clay.!tF'T loshta-sa, m. N. WJ' losh-tra, (prob. incorr.) = loshta. WN1t loh-a', a. [v,/luh V",/. rudh] reddish (rare); made of copper (Br.'), - iron (S.'); m. a. reddish metal, copper (V.); iron, metal (C.'; m. red goat; iron fish-hook; object or vessel made of iron; -kara, qn. 'blacksmith; -kuirna, n. iron rust; -ga, a. made of iron; -gafigha, m. N. of a Bradhman; -gkla, n. iron net, coat of mail; -danda, m. rod of iron; -nagara, a. N. of a town; -paisa, M. iron chain; -maiya, a. made of copper or iron. 1W~' lohara, N. of a territory.!Rl!KS lolia-ragas, a. iron file or rust; -vat, a. having a reddish tinge; -safiiu, mn. a certain hell; -sayana, n. iron bed; -sahasra, a. a thousand (sc. pounds) of iron; -stha, a. being in iron. 1RJ'qTai loba~ga, m. red goat; r ayas-&, a. coppery metal, copper. RM'f-0 16h-ita [later form of rohita], a. (C. a^; V., C. mi]') reddish, red; made of copper or metal (V., rare); m. a kind of gem (not ruby; very rare); planet Mars; a. red substance (V., rare); copper, metal (AV.'); blood (ord. myg.): -m hri, shed blood (F.). Oftft-Wi lohita-ka, a. reddish, red; m.() ruby; -hshaya, m. loss of blood; -tva, a. redness; -darsana, a. (appearance =) flow of blood; -pa'msu, a. having red earth;..patra, a. holding a red vessel in the hand; -maya, a. blood-red; Zah'sh&, a. (i') redeyed; -aimga, m. (red-bodied), planet Mars. 1RTf'9IfTW lohitft-ya, den. grow red. #!f1rrj lobitaftrdra, a. dripping with blood; -avabh"sa, a. reddish; -_ asoha, m. red Asoka'. OWfTPRI lohit-i-man, m. redness. fdji~ lohitauda, a. having blood ina. stead of water; m. a certain hell. W~f f'wt 106h-ini1, f. of l6hit'a. M M 266 266 flimi 1aukiiyat-ika. -IMvak. ~~Tif~r~ilauklyat-ika, in. follower of Karvhka, materialist. '4 iZ lauk-ika, a. (I') relating or belonging to or occurring in every-day life, common, usual, ordinary, current (opp. Vedic or learned); belonging to the world of ( —O); m. pl. ordinary people (opp. scholars, ade~pts); men of the world; people; n. affairs of the world, general custom: -g~im, a. knowing the ways of the world; -tva, n. usualness, ordinariness. I ftilauk-yd, a. belonging to the world, mundane; common, ordinary. 'qhTWlautha-ratha, m. N. WIT laulhha, N. of a locality. ~F~laul-ya, n. restlessness; un steadiness, fickleness, inconstancy; excessive passion, ardent longingg, greediness, for (lc., ~):-vat, a. greedy, avaricious. 'Iti lauha, a. (i') made of copper or metal; red; a. metal, iron: -kira, in. blacksmith; -sAstra, n. treatise on metals; - fik~rya, M. teacher of metallurgy; Z_~yasa, a. made of reddish metal or copper (loh~ajyasa). "UM lauhit-ya, in. pat. (fr. lohita), N. of a river, Brahmaputra; n. redness. WRt l-ya-p, suffix ya of the indeclinable participle. "d lyut, the krit-su~fflx a-na. A V. va, pcl. =q iva, like (very rare). ZM( vamsa', in. 'F., C.: cane, esp. bamboo; cross-beam; family-tree (the knots of the bamboo representing generations), stock, lineage, race, family; (C.: reed-pipe, flute; assemblage ofsimilar things (-2'); a certain musical note; pride, arrogance (rare). q VI c vamsa-kara, a. perpetuating a race; mn continuer of a family; N.; -karma-krit, Mn. worker in bamboo, basket-maker; -kritya, n. function of a flute, flute-playing; -krama &gata, pp. come down by family succession, lineally descended, hereditary;..kramma hita-gaurava, a. highly esteemed by successive generations of the family; -goptri, m. preserver of the family; -kintaka, m. genealogist;..kkhettri, m. (cutter off==) last of a, family; -ga, a. made of bamboo; born in or belonging to the family of, sprung from a - family ( —O); belonging to the same family: with pra~ktan~h, = ancestors; -dhara, a. perpetuating a family; m. continuer of a family; m. descendant; -na~dik&^, -na~di, f. pipe of bamboo; -nitha, m. chief of a race; -pattra, n. bamboo leaf; -pota, in. shoot of a cane and child of good family; -b~hym, a. repudiated by the family; -bra'hmana, n. list of ancient teachers; T.; -bhrit, mn. perpetuator of a race; -bhogya,fp. to be enjoyed by successive generations, hereditary; -maya, a. (I') made of bamboo; -rggya-dhara, a. perpetuating race and dominion; -1' na, pp.dpie of one's family, alone in the world;.-vardhana, a. increasing or perpetuating a race; in. son; -vardhin, a. id.;..visuddha, pp. unblemished or sound in the cane; of pure lineage; -vistara, in. complete genealogy; -sthiti,f. perpetuation of a family. A1TT~f vainsaftgata, pp. hereditary; -agra, is. tip of a amb'oo cane; - auukiirtana, is. enumeration of generations~, genealogy; - auukrama, m. family succession, genealogy; - _anuga, a. passing from one generation to the other. *kfyams-i1, f. flute: -rava, in. sound of the flute. [of (g.).fWN vams-iya, a. belonging to the family ZM vams-ya, a. connected with the main beam (rare); belonging to the family; sprung from the family of (0'); in. member of the family; descendant; ancestor. 19 vdmsa-ga, m. bull. Ti. YAK, v. = q~ YAK in vivakmi. 2. YAK (= Vvarlk), roll: only A~ N vakr6 (REV'). 'q vdkala, in. inner bark(V) M-TIR va-katra, in. letter v. q-c va'k-tdvya (or y-a), fp. to be said, spoken, uttered, stated, or declared (w~. g. or le. of prs.)'; - spoken to or addressed (w. ac. of object); - blamed, reprehensible; responsible to, dependent on (g., -O): vaktavyasya kilah, time to speak; n. blame, censure: at f. censure; responsibility. 4ft'i yak-ti, f. speech (very rare). '4 W at-aa a. intending to speak. '4W vak-tnl', a. speaking, uttering; in. speaker, proclaimer, of (g., V., C.; ac.,, C.); eloquent man; teacher: -tryf. eloquence. ~'Ivak-tra, n. mouth; face; mu zzle, snout: -kkhada, in. cloth covering the face (of an elephant); -darmy a. mouth; -pata, in.() veil; -ambuga, is. lotus-face; -indu, in. moon-like face. q~W va'k-tva, a. to be said or uttered (By.). '41 vakc-rd, a. bent, curved, crooked; circuitous, tortuous; curly (hair); retrograde (of the motion of planets); ambiguous; deceitful, fraudulent, dishonest; adverse (fortune); in..planet Mars: -gati, a. having a tortuous course, winding; -gimin, a. id.; -ta f. crookedness; -tunda, a. crookedmouthed; ms. ep. of Ganesa,; -tva, is. crookedness; ambiguity; deceitfulness; -dhiy f. deceitfulness, dishonesty; a. deceitful, dishonest; -nisa, a. having a curved nose or beak; in. N. of an oswl; apdz, a. crookedlegged; -pura, n. N. of a town; -pluta, pp. leaping in curves; -buddhl4, a. deceitful; -bhanita, is. ambiguous speech;..bhmva, in. crookedness; deceitfulness; -vikya., n. ambiguous speech; - aiiga, n. (-'O a. i crooked limb; - anghri, in~. crooked foot: -saingra'ma, m. (oblique-footed or tripping up=) fraudulent fight. 14~f vakr-ita, den. pp. curved, crooked, bent; retrograde (planet); -ima (?), a. curved; -i-man, in. crookedness; equivocation, ambiguity. wf vakri-kri, bend; -bhu', become crooked or bent; grow adverse (fortune):.pp. -bhfita, adverse. IRvakraitara, a. reverse of curly, straight (hair);.-~kti, f. indirect mode of expression; equivocal remark, pun. '4~W vakrolaka, in. N. of a village;- n. N. of a town. [bubbling (By.). Ig~ vsik-va, "( -n, a. rolling, rushing, -qJ YAKSH, only pf. vav~krsha, grow N strong (By.); es. vakshaya, P. grow strong (BY.). ati, excel, surpass (BRV.). ~'914J vsiksh-ana, a. (i) strengthening, invigorating (BV.'); is. invigoration (BEV'); -Aif. (-7.) [nourisher], belly; cavity (of mountains or heaven); bed (of a river); -ftha, in. invigoration, growth (1? V.); (viksh)-as, a. sg. & p1. breast, chest.!"M, akshah-sthala, is., 3.f. region of the breast, chest. f vak-shi, 2 sg. subj. aor. of v'vah. vaksho-7ga, ms. du. female' breasts; -mani, m.breast-j ewel; -ruh,in.female breast. '9 vak-shya, ft. base of Vvah & Vvak: -M~na-tva, a. subsequent mention (abst. Nr. fr.ft. pt. ps. of V,~vak). [(V.). Tq vag-nixl, in. [v/yvak] call, cry, roar, so-Lnd ~Tvagha, f. an animal (A V.). ZF' vafak-a, ms. vagabond. 97 vafika-taka, ms. N. of a mountain. '4T vafik-a', f. [Vvafikj pommel. q T~fT vafskfil, f. N. of a locality. c~-vafik-i, a. [V~vaiik] swerving, swaying (BEF). '4fT vdiik-ri (or 3'), f. [bent: -Vvan-k] rib. W4. vafikshana, mn. groin. '4 va-figa, ms. Bengal (proper): pl. its inhabitants; a tree (v. r.): -ka, in. a tree;-lipi'f. Bengal writing. "4- YAK, III. P. vivakti (V.), II. P. N, vakti (C.), say, speak, tell, announce, describe (2 ac. or ac. of thing and d., g. of prs.); name, call; reproach: punar -, answer; repeat; prasnam -, answer a questin;ps. ukyate, he said etc.; be called, be accounted ('am.); be valid; resound: yad ukyate, as the saying is: pp. ukti., said, spoken, stated, mentioned, taught; declared to be (app. ac.), meant, by (in.); addressed,, called upon by (-0): a. imps. esp. in iti ukte, evam ukte, this having been said; es. P. va~kaya, cause to say, speak, recite, or pronounce (sometimes sc. svasti, benediction etc.); (cause anything written to speak), read, promise; des. vivaksha, P. (.k.) wish to say, recite, or declare; ps. be meant:pp. vivakshita, intended to be said etc.; meant, intended; favourite. ati, reproach; blame or praise excessively. adhi, speak for, bestow blessings on (d.). anu, recite (verses etc.); repeat for the benefit of (d., g.); teach, impart; A. repeat after one's teacher, learn, study: pp. studied, learned, heard; es. cause to recite the ritual invitation for (d.; S.); cause to invite to (d.; S.); read. abhi MU, say with regard to or about (2 ac.; Br.):.pp. said with reference to (ac.). abhi, say (ac.) to (ac.); declare (ac.) to be (ac.). nis, state expressly; express clearly (question); explain; derive from (ab.); expel with words (17.): pp. nirukta, expressed; clearly pronounced; in which the deity is expressly mentioned (verse); expressly stated or prescribed. pra, proclaim, announce, describe, W."Am vakah-krania. vakah-krama.vat-sya.26 267 *mention, to (d., g.); tell of, betray; pro. pound; praise; speak, say, to (2 ac.); declare to be, call (2 ac.): 'pp. prokta, proclaimed, taught, mentioned; said, spoken; told something (ac.); declared to be, called, accounted, so-called. prati-pra, answer. sam-Pra, declare or state fully. prati, point out (A.; RV.); answer, reply, say in reply to (2 ac.); refute: pp. answered; cs. read out. vi, tell forth; make clear, explain, solve (a question); decide (in explaining viv~ka); imapugn. sam, announce; speak, say, to (ac. ~ prati). "~'3iII vakah-krama, m. pl. various discourses. 4!V vak-ana', a. eloquent (RV.); -- ex*pressing, meaning (-ta^, f. abst. Yv.); pronounced by (in., — O); n. act of speaking; pronunciation; utterance, declaration; express. mention; statement that something is (0-); speech, word; injunction of a teacher, rule (gr.); command, direction; advice; voice, note; grammatical number: -m kri., do any one's bidding, follow the advice of (g.); estha', id.; vakanena (rare) or vakana't, in the name of (g., ~);iti vakana~t, because it is so stated. BKI~ vakana-kara, a. doing the biddin g of (g.); obedient; -ka'rin, a. id.; -krama, m. course of speecb, discourse; -patu, a. skilled in speech, eloquent; -rakang, f. adroitness of speech, eloquence; -sahaya, M. companion to converse with. q#I vak-aniiya, fp. to be said or spoken; that may be uttered; to be called; censurable; n. blame, reproach: -ta^,f. liability to censure. ZM;vdk-as, a. speech; word; injunction, command; counsel; language; song (of birds): - kri, follow the advice of (g.); yak.. asa- mama, on my advice. q~ _ vakas-vin, a. eloquent. 14 vak-at, f. a much used aromatic root. '4 9' vako-hara, m. messenger, envoy. [!T VAG, be hard or strong.] W valg-ra, m. n. [mighty], thunderbolt, esp. Indra's (sts. also of other gods; also applied to mythicalI weapons, destructive spells etc.); adamant, diamond (gnly. n.); m. kind ofmilitary array; N.: -karshana, m. ep. of Indra;..kita, m. kind of insect (supposed to perforate wood and stone); -kila, m. thunderbolt: A-ya, den. P. resemble a thunderbolt; -kfdta,,n. N. of a mythical town; -ghosha, a. roaring like the thunderbolt; -gvalana, m. (flash of the thunderbolt), lightning; -tunda, a. having a beak as hard as adamant; -damshtra, a. having fangs as hard as adamant; m. N. of a prince of the fairies; N. of a lion; -datta, m. N.; -dhara, a. wielding the thunderbolt; m. ep. of Indra; N. of a king; -na'bha, a. having a nave of adamant; m. N. of various kings; -paiigara, m. cage of adamant =secure refuge for, protector of (g., -'); N. of a -Dna2?ava; -pini, a. holding the thunderbolt in his hand; m. ep. of Indra; -pita, m. fall of the thunderbolt, thunderclap, stroke of lightning; a. descending like a thunderbolt; -prabha, mn. N. of a fairy; (v~gra)-b&^hu, a. holding the thunderbolt in his hand (RV.); -bhrit, a. bearing the thunderbolt; m. e~p. of Indra; -maui, m. adamant gem, diamond; -maya, a. (i) adamantine, hard as diamond; -mukuta, m. N.; -mushti, a. holding the thunderbolt in his hand; m. e~p. of Indra; N. of two warriors; -ratra, a. N. of a town;:lepa, m. diamond cement; -iepiya, den. A. adhere like adamant cement; -vriksha, mn. hind of tree (Cactus Opuntia); -vega, mn. N. of a fairy; -vyi~ha, m. kind of military array; -sara, a. hard as adamant; made of dinimond; mn. a. diamond; mn. N.: -muaya, a. hard as diamond, adamantine; -sgxi-kri, make as hard as diamond; -sU~kL, f. diamond needle; (vigra)-hasta, a. holding the thunderbolt in his hand (gnly. of Indra). WTE vagra fkara, mn. mine of diamonds; -akriti, a. having the form ( x ) of a thunderbolt; - aditya, m. N. of a king. N '9WT vagra'-ya, den. A. become a thunderbolt. qTII vagra ytudha, a. armed with the thunderbolt; mn. ep. of Indra; N. 14ftf vagr-in, a. having the thunderbolt; mn. ep. of Indra. U, vagri-vas, vc. = vagrin (RV.). '901 vagri-bhfta, pp. become a thunderbolt. 'gt vagra indra, m. N. '7I VANK, L. P. v&iika, totter, stagger, \waver, go crookedly (V.); go to, arrive at (ac.; C., very rare); ps. vakyfte (V.), rock., roll; speed (of horses); cs. varikaya, P. A.. escape from, elude, avoid (ac.); deceive, cheat, defraud, of (in., ab.); ps. vaiikyate, be deceived or cheated: pp. varikita, escaped; deceived, defrauded, of (in., ab., -9); destitute of ( —9). nis, 'A. deceive. pari, cs._pp. -vzakiita, deceived, cheated. 4qZ vailk-aka, a. deceitful, fraudulent; mn. cheat, rogue; jackal. 'rvailk-ana, n., a, f. cheating, fraud, deception; delusion, waste of time: (a)t, f. deceitfulness; (i)-pandita, a. clever at cheating: -tva, a. abst. Nv. qqq~. vaiik-aniya, fp. to be eluded; - deceived; -ayitavya,fp. to be deceived; n. imps. kim vafikayitavyamn asti, should one deceive (g.>i; -ia, cs. pp. (V/vaUi) deceived, etc.: 6,,f. kind of riddle. lqN vailgula, mn. N. of various _plants. qz Vdt, a sacrificial exclamation (YV., rare). 'q vata, mn. Indian -fig-tree (Ficus indica); cowrie (rare); pawn in chess (rare): Ii, f globule, pill (rare). 'qTK vatftra-ka, mn. a?,~.cr (rare): (a)-maya, a. made of cord (noose). -4ft iT vatikft, f. kind of perforated rice cake. vata isvara, mn. N. of a Lisiga. '4 yalta, mn. N.: -deva, mn. N. W1vathara, a. stupid; mn. blockhead; wretched fellow. Wi34T vddabft, f. mare; Yivasvat's wife, who in the formn of a mare became the mother of the Asvins; female slave (rare); prostitute (rare); N.: -a agi, mn. submarine fire (sip-.posed to be situated at the south pole);I - amala, m. id.; -bhartri, m. the mythical steed Ukkaihsravas; -mukha, a. mare'smouth = entrance of hell at the south po le; a. + agni, mn. the submarine -fire; -vaktra, n. = -mukba;.hutabhug, M. = ~~gni; -hrita, (_pp.) mn. kind of slave. '93T vadavft, f. later spelling of vadabat. 19TO vadisa, n. fish-hook (less corr. than badisa). 1TVRvadausaka, N. of a locality. 'fW-M~ vanik-kataka, m. trading caravan; -karman, a. business of a merchant, trade; -tva, a. position of a merchant; -patha, m. pursuits of a merchant, trade; mer'chant's shop; merchant; Libra (sign of the zodiac); -putra, sn. merchant's son; -purusha, m. merchant;..sartha, m. trading caravan; -suta, m. merchiant's son; -sut^, f merchant's daughter; -sfinu, M. merchant's son. Zf(TWTTR vanig -grfima, m. merchants' gild; -gama, m. merchant: colt. merchants; -V3ithi, f. market street, bazaar; * -vritti, f..p1. trade, bargaining. 'fq[v an'g mmechant, trader; Libra (svign of the zodiac); f. trade (rare). Zffl4W vanig-ya, a. (?), a~,f. trade, traffic. VI ANT, partition, share, only ps. \vantyate. 19 vanta, a. tailless (very rare). ZrJ~IW vant-ana, a. partition (of property). qr vantha, m. servant (very rare). jjVAT, I. P. -vfita (RV.).- api, understand; cst-&tya, P. cause to understand, awaken, arouse, inspire any one (d.) with (devotion; ac.). 'W! vat, i. ad. suffix meaning like, as (the _preceding noun having the -sense of any case);:2. a. suffix meaning having, possessing. '9iM [alva-tamsa, m, chaplet; ring-shaped ornament. Td vatu, Zvatfi, iV. hush (very rare). T;T vat-kara, m. suffix vat. 14 vats-9, m. [vat(a)s-a', yearling], calf; young of an animal; child (uc. often as a term of endearment = my dear); year (only in tri-vatsi); N.; N. of a country: pl. its inhabitants. 4M~ vatsa-ka, m. little calf; -tantil, -tamtril, f. long rope for tying calves to by means of shorter ones; -tari, in., 3.,f. weaned calf or young of an animal, young bull or heifer; -pati, m. king of the Yatsas (Udayana); -pila: -ka, m. keeper of calves; -priya, aU. hymn composed by Vatsapri, R V. IX, 68; -bimi, f. country of the Vatsas. ZR~ vatsa-rd, m. fifth (sixth) year in the cycle of five (six) years; year (ord. my.): also personified (sg. & p1.).!Sr~h vatsa-ra'ga, m.king of the Vatsas; N.; -rigya, a. sovereignty of the Yatsas; _ruipa, M. small calf. 'qk vatsa-la., a. attached to her calf (cow); loving, fond, tender, affectionate, towards (g., lc., prati, C'); devoted to ( —9); tender (sentiment in a poem): -tfi, f., -tva, a. fondness, tenderness towards (-O); delight in (lc., — 9). Z["' vatsala-ya, den. P. make any one (ac.) tender or fond. ZIT vatsft, f. female calf; little girl (vc. as a term of endearment = my dear). #fk-M vats-ikat, f. female calf, heifer; -im, a. having a calf; -i-main, m. childhood, early youth; 4iya, a. watching the calves: -bilaka, m. boy watching calves. E*1,T vatsajsa, m. king of the Yatsas; -isvara, m. id. q-W vat-sya.,fut. base of Vvas, dwell. M M 2 268 268 vad. Iq~j v van-sd. Yq AD, I. vids, i. P. speak, utter, say, Nthat (yad Or 2 ac.), whether (yadi), to any one (ac. ~ abhi, g.); say sthg. to any one (2 ac.); tell, announce, communicate, report, speak of (ac., w. g., la. of jperson spoken to); proclaim, betray, indicate, bespeak; lay down, assume; declare to be, call (2 ac., or ac. & unm. + iti); raise the voice (~ vflkam), utter a cry, -sing (of birds); sound; 2. A1. Say, speak, to (ac.); speak of, tell, communicate, name; confer about (lo.); lay claim to (le.; Br.): pp. udit&, said, spoken, stated-, with regard to (prati); addressed, accosted; communicated, imparted; proclaimed, prescribed; indicated; es. vidkya, P. (A'. onetr.) cause to speak or say; cause to sound, strike, play a musical instrument (ac., rarely lc.): bahu -, make much fuss about oneself: pp. vidita, induced to speak; played (instrument); des. P. vivadisha, intend to say or speak; intv. viivaditi, v~vadyf~te, speak or sound aloud (-F). akkha, invite (77.). ati, talk louder or better, talk down. anu, P. repeat after any one, imitate (voice, sound); accompany with words (1V.); reiterate (in corroboration). apa, P. speak ill of, abuse (ac., g.); entertain (ac.) with talk; except; contradict; A. depreciate, abuse; es. abuse, censure, disapprove of; except. abhi, address, salute; say with regard to, mention, refer to, signify; express; declare to be, call (2 ac.); as. P. A. accost, salute (often without an object); 'A. greet respectfully (d.); P. cause to sound, play (an instrument). pratiabhi, P. return a salute; es. A,. id. ava, run down, depreciate (Br.); instruct. & (V.), address; announce. upa, P. talk ill of, decry, abuse; address; ask, beg; as. P. cause to sound. pari, P. censure, blame. pra, P. (A'.) speak out, utter, talk, declare, proclaim; raise the voice (birds and animals), rush (water); assert, affirm; pronounce to be, call (2 ac.); offer for sale (in. of price); as. cause to sound, play (an instrument). auu-pra, repeat after any one. prati, P. speak to (ac.; V.); say in reply, answer any one (ac.); repeat; intv. pr._pt. -v&vadat, contradicting (.Br.). vi, P. contradict anything (ac.; V.); P.'A. dispute, wrangle with anyone, (in.) about (lc.); be at variance, conflict; as. 'P. open a case (in a court of law). sam, P. (metr.), A. speak together, converse with (in.); confer about (la.); P. A1. agree, consent, to (ac.); combine to form sense (of worm-marks; Pr.); A1. say to (ac.); declare to be, Call (2 ac.): _pp. samudita, generally accepted, customary; addressed; as. P. agree about anything, be unanimous; state consistently, describe accurately; call on any one to speak (v. r.); cause to sound, play upon (an instrument). prati-sam, A1. express oneself satisfied with any one(ac.; Br.). vi-sam, P. break an agreement; make objections, contradict; as. pp. not generally approved, objectionable. qi vad-a, a. speaking, m. speaker (.) 'g<iT vdd-ana,n. speaking,talkinig; mouth; face; front, point (rare): -m, kri, make a face (= grimace): -paiikaga, n.lotus-face; -payana, m. breath; -ma'ruta, m. id. 4;VN vadanii-bhfi, turn into a face. ~~I~ vada-naudara, n. jaws. iq;~i [a]va-da'n-ya, a. idberal, generous; m. liberal man: -t&,f. liberality. vadi, -o in dates, in the dark fortnight (of the month -). '4fk'ff vad-itavya, fp. to be spoken or said; -i-tri, m. speaker of (g.); a. speaking about (ac.). fWT~vaddivftsaN.ofa locality. [(0') W vad-ya, n. speech, discourse concerning 79T YADH, I. P. vadha (pr. base V., N tery rare; aor. V., C., common; ft., C.:: the initial of this root is sts. b even in 'V. texts), smite, slay, kill, defeat, destroy; ps. vadhyate (C.); es. vadhaya, P. slay, kill; des. bfbatsa, A&. (belongs rather to -Vbhdh). apa ( V.), hew (wood); drive away, from (ab.). nii, hurl (thunderbolt) on (1c.; BY.); strike down, kill. pra, defeat (an enemy). -q- vadh-a-, m. vanquisher, slayer (V.); deadly weapon, ~esp. Indra's bolt (V.); slaying, slaughter, murder, destruction (of or by, — 9); capital or (more commonly) corporal punishment (in law-books); annihilation (of things); prevention (rare): -ka, m.murderer; executioner; -kraadhikarin, m. executioner; -kaima, a. desirous of killing; -kamya^,f. intention of striking or killing; _glVin, a. living by the killing of animals, butcher; hunter. 'qE- v6adha-tra, i. n. deadly weapon (B y.); 2. k, a. protecting from injury. [ment. IgvlE~ vadha-danda, m. corporal punish'qc vadh-dnft, f. deadly weapon (BRV.). 'q1ft'TV~ vadha-nigraha, m. capital puhnishment; -bhUtmi f. place of execution. N vddh-ar, n. missile, bolt, esp. of Indra,qvv1 vadhar-ya, den. only pr. pt. vadharyb~nt3iL, hurling the bolt = lightning cloud 'qI v ddh-as, n. = vddh-ar (Ry.). 'qN vadhas-nd (only in. pl.), Indra's bolt (1W_). 'qcvR ddhim, r st sgy. a or. of Vvadh (B F.). W1j vadh-u, f. woman (rare). WI vadh-I f. [V/vadh = Vvah: (to be) taken home], bride, young married woman, wife; woman; female of an animal; daughter-in-law, wife of a younger relative. ~rTvadhft-gana, m. women-folk; ayk~.f. young woman (rare); -ti, f. id.; -tva, a. condition of a bride. 'qqTvadhiUi-mat, a. drawn by mares (B V.). vadhi-6yA, a. desiring women, wooing (BY.); -vara, a. sg. bride and bridegroom, newly-married couple; -vastra, n. bride's garment. [puinishment. '41ftIqTV vadha upftya, m. means of corporal 'qT vddh-ya, fp. to be slain or killed; deserving or liable to be killed; sentenced to death; to be chastised or corporally punished; to be destroyed: -ta', f. penalty of death or corporal punishment; -pataha, m. drum beaten at executions; -bhft f place of execution; -bhu'mi,f. id.; -ma'1&,f. garland.placed on the head of one sentenced to death; as1~f stone used for executing or slaughtering, block; -sthana, n. place of execution; -srag'f. = -m~lA. '4'T vadh-y&,f. (-O) slaughter, murder. 'qbgvadh-ra, in. i " f. leather thong or strap. '4f'W vddh-ri, a. castrated, emasculate (V.). 'fNZIT vadhr-ikfi, f. thong, strap. qfWR~ft vadhri-mat-1', f. a. having an impotent husband (BY~.). 7W VAN, V.: I. viiua, VI. vank, VIII. Nvau6, vanu, like, love; wish, desire; gain, procure; conquer, win; possess; prepare, - for; assist (d.): pp. vanita (C.), q.v., and -vata (V.); cs. -va~naya, P. 'ofvan (= vana, wood), only ic. vamsu and g. p1. vanim (BV. rare). ~'ri v'vn-a, n. tree (V.); forest (V., C.); thicket (of reeds), cluster, group (of lotuses), quantity (C.); wood (B V.); (wooden) troughfor Soma (BY.); (trough of the -sky),cloud (V.); water (C., rare); abode (C., very rare). qvifXti vana-kapi, mn. wild monkey; -karin, m.wild elephant; -kima, a. fond of living in the forest; -kashthika, f. dry twig lying in the forest; -kuiigara, m. wild elephant; -kusuma, n. flower of the forest;..khanda, n. group of trees, copse; -gaga, mn. wild elephant: -mada, m. temple-juice of forest elephants; -gahana, n. thicket; -gulma, n. forest or wild shrub; -gokara, a. dwelling in the forest; m. denizen of the forest (of men or animals); -grahma-ka, m. forest hamlet, wretched little forest village; -grihin, a. searching the forest; -kara, a. roaming in or haunting the forest; m. forest-dweller (of men or animals'); -karya', f. roaming about in or residence in the forest; -karin, a., m. = -kara; -kkhid, mn. wood-cutter; -ga, a. born in the forest, sylvan; on. forester; a. (produced in the water), blue lotus: aksha, a. (i) lotus-eyed; -gita, p~p. produced or growing in the forest, wild; -dfiha, in. forest fire; -durga, a. inaccessible owing to forest; n. place-; -dev atf.sylvan goddess, dryad; -druma, M. forest tree; -dvipa, on. wild elephant; -dhauya, n. pl. grains of wild corn; -dhira', f. avenue of trees. ~ITvan-dnaf. desire (BRF.'). q In TI van-anilya, fp. desirable. ~I(vanani-vat, a. (BY.) possessing; belonging to oneself, own.!qf1qffT vana-pannaga, m. forest snake; -parvan, n. Forest-section, T. of the, third book of the aMiadbdrata; -pirsva, m. forest (side =) region; -pushpa-maya, a. made or consisting of wild flowers; -p firva, on. N. of a village; -prastha, in. n. fore st plateau, wooded table-land; N. of a locality; -barhmna, m. wild peacock: -tva, n. state of a wild peacock; -bidai1a, m. wild cat; -bhi', -bhfinli, f. forest region; _m~taitga, m. wild elephant; _Manushika,f. little forest woman; -M~ siU fI female forester; am1,f garland of wild flowers, esp. that worn by Krishna; -miin, a. wearing a garland of forest flowers, esp. ep. of Krishna; -muke, a. showering water; -mriga, on. forest antelope; -r^yi, f. line of trees, far-extending forest. TW4~ vanar-gil, a. roaming in the wood, forest, or wilds (V.). WiRWT vana-lata', f. forest-creeper; -lekha', f. line of forest, far-extending forest; -vahni, m. forest fire; _Vata, m. forest wind; -asa mdwelling or residence in the~forest; a. living in the forest; on. forest-dweller; -vasin, a., m. id.; -svan, m. (wild dog),jackal. '9I~vdn-as, n. loveliness (BY.). ZPM7[ vana-sid, a. sitting in the forest (iRudra); -samnivasin, m. forest-dweller; -Stha, a. living in the forest; m. forest-dweller, hermit; -sthali^f. forest region. qlqRf~r vanas-pati. 1Yva-1 269 MW vainas-pdti, M. (lord of the wood), forest tree; tree; large forest tree bearing fruit apparentlywithout blossoms (C.); trunk,beam, post, timber (V.); lord of plants, Soma plant (V., P.); sacrificial post (V., P.). '4V~f'K vania-hari, in. lion (?;-htsana, m. forest conflagration. q IT van-i, f. fire-stick (personified; lV.').!"~Tf;r van a~gni, M. forest-fire; atana, n. roaming about in the forest; - adhivilsin, a. dwelling in the forest; - anta_, m. forest region, forest: -bf, f. forest region;.ani tara, n. interior of a forest (pl. forests: lo. in forests of, -); ab. out of the forest; le. in the forest; -m pra-vis, or pr A, enter or reach a forest: -kara, -karin, a. roaming about in the forest; - nasta. f. forest regon Pgini", f. lotus growing in the forest.!"Trj vanftyu, m. pl. N. of a people: -ga, -desya, a. w. haya, m. horse from the Van'ayu country. ~'TTI~f vanali, f.=-rii asrama, mn. abode in the forest, third stage in the religious life of a Brdhman; -Asramin, m. anchorite, Brflhman in the third stage; -a.~sraya, a. living in the forest; m. forest-dweller. ZfU~ van-k, f.litl wood ( —P): -asa, m. N. of a village. WrT v an-itft, pp. (Ivan) f. beloved,' wife; girl; woman; female (of an animal or bird). qfqir' -van-in, a.(BiV.)desiring; bestowing. iT2 vain-in, m. (belonging to the forest), tree (RVi); anchorite, Brfihman in the third stage (C.). f' vanishth'i, m. entrail (V.). '4M anif forest, thicket. '#VqT van-iya-ka, m. beggar, petitioner: -gana, en. id. [(iV.). WqIuI vdn-'iyas, cpv. a. obtaining more van —u, m. assailant (BYv.). vanush-yd4, den. P. assail (liV.). 41Rvan-uis, a. (liV.) eager, zealous; loving; eager to attack, assailing; m. assailant. vane-hama, a. ('I) roaming about or dwelling in the forest; m. forest-dweller (of men or animals). [forest. qijqJI vanaeka-desa, m. a spot in the W vanpau ddesa, m. forest region, place in the wood; — i;Ldbhava, a. produced or existing in the forest, growing wild; -jipaplaVa. forest conflagration;.j pea p. having retired to the forest;.irVI', f. forest region.!4IZ~vana okas, a. dwelling in~the forest; m. forest-dw~eller, anchorite; forest &onimal; boar; - ogha, m. mass of water; - shadhi, f.forest or wild herb. V~ AND, I. vinda, (P)A. praise, oxNtol (V.); greet respectfully, pay homage to, ad ore, worship; es. vandaya, P. greet respectfully, pay homage to. &nu, show honour to. abhi, salute respectfully, pay homage' to, show honour to (ac.). pra, begin to praise, praise aloud (liv.). prati, respectfully acknowledge (grace). sam, greet respectfully. q iI' i. vdnd-ana, in. N. of aprote'ge of the Asvins; n. praise (liV.); respectful salutation, obeisance, homage. T VF2. va'nd-ana, n. parasitic plant (A V.'); rash (attacking the limbs; also personified as a demon; BYV.). 1-i-TWf;RWvandana-mfilfi,f.festoonofwelcoe(uspended over gateways): i-ka, f. id. 'q IW vand-aniya,fp. to be respectfully greeted, to be paid homage to; -9ru, a. Praising, extolling (V.); respectful, towards ( —0; C.); n. praise (P V.); -itavya, fp. to be praised; to be respectfully greeted; -i-tri, in. praiser (V.); -in, a. adoring (-'0); (vind)ya, fp. laudable, praiseworthy; to be respectfully saluted; adorable, venerable: A.f. N. of a Yalkshi: (a)-taif. adorableness. '4M vandh-dra, n. driver's seat; seat of a chariot. TW vandhya, a. barren (female), unproductive (plant); fruitless, useless; destitute of (in., 0'): -ta', f. fruitlessness, uselessness; lack of (lc., -0); -tva, n. fruitlessness, uselessness; -phala, a. fruitless, useless: -tva, -ness. '4~f vandhyft, f. barren woman: -tva, n. barrenness; -suta, in. son of a barren woman ( =an impossibility). gqW vdn-ya, a. produced, living or growing in the forest; en. wild animal; wild plant; n. forest-produce (roots and fruit of wild plants): -vritti, a. living on forest produce; - aana, a. il ~~vanya itara, a. reverse of wild, tame: w. niv~saih, m. dwellings the reverse of sylvan; zjbha, m. wild elephant. rw~. VAP, 1. vipa, shear, clip (hair, beard): A. cut one's (hair etc.); crop (the ground): pp. upta, shorn; cs. va'paya, cause to be shorn or clipped; A.. cause one's (hair etc.) to be shorn. pari, shave or shear all round. pra, cut off (hair). '47t(2. YAP, I. P. (I. metr.) vkpa, strew, scatter (seed); sow, bestrew; ps. upyate, be sown etc.: pp. upti, scattered, sown; bestrewn, covered, with (in., -.0); es. vapaya, P. put in the ground, sow, plant. adhi, A.. put on (garments; liV.). apa, disperse,A drive away (V.). abhi, bestrew, cover, a, scatter, throw, or put into, mingle with (lc.); insert, in (lc.; Br., S.): gd. opya; es. admix, add. sma, throw together, mingle; pour into 'lc.). ud (V.), pour out; draw out; excavate; cast away; cs,. cause to dig out; pour or take out. upa (V.), heap up; cover, bury. ni, scatter, throw, or put down, on (lc.). sam-ni, put together (fires; Br.). nis, P.A. pour, draw, or take out; sprinkle or place in or on (lo.); deal out handfuls of grain from a heap for sacrificial purposes =set aside for, offer to (d., g.); perform (a sacrifice), offer (ac.) as a sacrifice; es. sow; disseminate; set apartfor the gods: pp. -vapita. anu-nis, distribute afterwards (V.). abhi-nis, mingle with (in.; Br.). sam-nis, portion out together (Br.). pra, scatter forth; scatter upon (ac.); cast on or in (lc.); bestrew. prati, insert, implant, fix in or on (lc.); inlay or stud with (in.): pp. pratyupta, fixed, implanted, etc. in (le., -0); studded with(0 sam, pour or put into (V.). ~t~vep-ana, n. 1. shearing, shaving; 2. -sowing; _aniya, fp. n. one should sow;, f. i. caul, omentum; fat (comm.);:2. mound,,anthill (only -- with valmika-). 193TiF9 vapuh-prakarsha, us. excellence of form, personal beauty. I -4,~h vapur-dhara,a. endowedwith beauty; embodied; -mala-samakita,p.coed with dirt on her body. 'AI vdpush-a, a. very beautiful (liV.); n. marvellous beauty. ~1~?(vapush-mat, a. having a beautiful form, handsome; embodied, incarnate; containing the word vapus. 'qW1 vdp-us, a. wondrous, marvellously beautiful (liV.); n. marvel, wondrous beauty (V.); beautiful appearance, beauty; form, appearance; nature, essence (rare); body ( —0 a., f. -ush-i). Ywib 4r vapftjuddharana, n. aperture for extracting the caul (S.). TFIvap-tavya, fp. to be sown; n. one should sow; i. (vap) -tri (or -trl), shearer; 2. (vap)-tri, m. sower.,q z~f vappata-devii, f. N. of a princess. 14ftq1 vappiya, mz. N. of a king. '93T yap-rn, in. n. [heap thrown up: -4/2. yap] mound; earthwork, rampart, mud wall; high river-bank (rare); slope of a hill, decjlivity (rare): -kriya^, -krlida', f. playful butting (of an elephant or bull) against a bank or mound; - abhighata, m. butting (of a bull) against a bank or mound. EJ ql( vsips-as, n. beautiful appearance (comm.; P V.'). Yif AM, I. P. vima, vomit, spit out; give or send forth, emit; eject (a word) =repent (liV.): pp. va~nta, vomited, spit out; discharged (rain), given forth; 1'having vomited; dropped (garland); cs. va-maya, P. cause to vomit. ud, vomit forth, spit out; send forth, emit, discharge,; contrive, accomplish. ~I~vam-athu, m.vomiting; water squirted from an elephant's trunk; -ana, n. vomiting; emission; emetic. lqfi yam-i, f. (also ') vomiting, nausea; -itavya, fp. to be vomited or spit out. 14 vam-rd, in., 1" f. ant. v~ay-adm, nm. PI. we. WT(vvdy-as, i. n. [perh. speeder: 4/i.- vii; but cp. vi] bird, esp. small bird; 2. n. [enjoyment: Vsi. vi] meal, food (V.); vigo-ur, strength, (bodily and mnental) health (V.); vigorous age, prime of life, youth; time of life, age (ord. meaning); 3. n. [-V4. vh] web (RiV.'). 'q.qf#ru vayas-int, -0 a. = 2. vayas, age; -ka,. a. -0, id.; -krit, a. giving strength, preserving youth. 'qq vayas-ya, a. being of (an =) the same age; in. contemporary, friend (often as a term of address): ai, f. woman's female contemporary or friend., confidential attendant: (a)-ka, mn. contemporary, friend. r: Nvayah-samdhi, mn. (junction of ages), puberty; -sama, a. equal in age; -stha, a. grown up, full-grown; aged (rare);.hana, n. youthful vigour; -sthapana, a. preserving the bloom, of youth. "~T vay-'a, f. i. (V.) branch (also fig. of a family); 2. refreshment, invigoration (PiT.') W4 vay-i',f. female weaver (RV.'). 270 I vay-una. iva~q'-a. I WqZ1I vay-iina, n. (V.), [Vi.vi] mark, aim; rule, order, custom; distinctness, clearness; (P.) knowledge: in. according to rule: -vat, a. clear, bright (RV.); ai-vid, a. knowing the rule. _IT~ vayo-gata, pp. (arrived at age),aged; n. advanced age,loss ofyouth; -(a)ti-ga, a. adva'nced in age,. aged; -dha", a. (V.) bestowing health or strength; strong, vigorous; -(a) dhika, a. superior in age, older; advanced in age; m. aged nman; -rfipa-samanvita, pp. endowed with youth and beauty; -(avastha, f. stage or time of life; -visesha, m. difference of age; -vriddha, pp. old in years, aged. gZ vayya-, m. companion (By.).!q i. var-a, a. [select: 12. vri] best, choicest, most excellent or beautiful, among (ab., g., le.,7 -9); better, more excellent, than (alb., rarely g.), an-ong (ab., v. r.); n. viram, ad. specially, rather, better, than (ab. +~9; By.); with pr. or impv. it is or were better that or if (the vb.- being sts. omitted); with pot. it were more likely that; predicatively without a vb. is or are better, than (ab., in V. id. ~ 9); varam - na, na ka, na tu, na punah, tad api na, or tath Api na, (it is) better (that) or rather - than (with vb in pr. or pot.); predicatively with ellipse of copula: - is the best thing, and not = - is better than (nm., very rarely in.); varam - varam na or na ha khalu varam, better - than (nm.). ZK 2. var-a, m. [V' 2. vri] choice, wish; object to be chosen as a gift or reward, boon; privilege (rare); dowry (rare): -m vri, choose a boon; -mn pra rth or ya~k, express a wish; supplicate a blessing; -m d&', grant a boon or blessing; -m pra-yam, grant a wish; varam a or varaya, according to wish, to one's heart's content (lBV.); mad-var~t, in consequence of the boon granted by me. '4T 3. vdr-a, m. [enclosing: V/I. vri] circumnference, space (V.); hindering, checking (1WV.). Zr_ 4. var-al, m. [chooser: -'/2. vri] squitor; lover, bridegroom, husband; son- in -law (C., rare). ~iIvara-ka, rn. groomsman; -kirti, m. N. T47 varatat, f. goose. 'q-3K[ var-ana, m. [protective: Vi. vri] a tr-ee (having medicinal and magical power; Crataevalioxburghii); 2. n. [V'2. vri] choosing, wishing; wooing; -M~ila, f. garland given by a girl to the man of her choice; -srag, f. id. 9 1I var-aniya, fp. to be chosen. ZfllI1ZB varanda-ka, m. small mound; rampart separating two combatant elephants. 1E71 vara-tanu, a. (i) having a beautiful form; f. beautiful woman; -tantu, m. N. of an ancient teacher; at,. condition of being a blessing. A" vara-tra', f. [that which fastens or secures: 'V. vri] thong, strap. vara-da, a. conferring or granting boons: a,f. N. of a river; -dina, n. granting of a boon; -niri, f. excellent woman; -paksha, m. party of the bridegroom; -prada, a. conferring or granting a boon; -prada'na, n. granting of a boon.!T; var-aya, cs. base of V2,. vri, choose; -ay-i-tavya,fp. to be chosen, out of (ab.). -q vara-yuvati (or Al), f. beautiful maiden; -yogya, fp. worthy of a boon; fit for a husband, marriageable; -yoshit, f. beautiful woman; -ra, a. granting boons; -ruki, a. fond of boons (Siva); m. N. of a poet,physician, grammarian, and lexicogra-.pher, sts. identi fied with Kdtydyana, and enumerated among the nine gem~s at the court of Vikramadditya; -varana, a. choice of a boon; choice of a bridegroom; -varna, m. (?) gold; -varnin, a. having a beautiful complexion: -i, f. fair-faced, beautiful, or excellent woman; ep. ofDurga'; -vrita, pp. chosen as a boon. 141QEvar-as, a. breadth, expanse (RiV.). i, yar-sun-darn, f. very beautiful woman; -surata, a. initiated in the arts of love; -stri, f. excellent or noble woman; -sr~ag,f. bridegroom's garland (put round his neck by the girl who chooses him). ZMZB var-ftka, a. (i') [rejected: Vi. vri] wretched, miserable, pitiable (gnly. of living beings); vile (gold).!MT~ vara aiga, n. (best part), head pudendum, mulielire; chief part; -aifiganai, f. beautiful woman. 14KT varftta, m. small shell called cowrie (used as a coin): -ka, m. (i-kA, f.) cowrie; seed-vessel of the lotus. Tqf\,~ Tvaratdi-rafga, m. a kind Of rafga; A-r Aga, M.id 19T1!R4t Varanasi', f. N. of a river. q~frP vara atisarga, m. bestowal of a boon; - anana, a~f. fair-faced. WevTl v ar-A-te, 3 sg. subj. may check (By.). WqTT varft- ya, den. represent a boon: only pp. i-ta, n. imps. varaftroha, a. having beautiful hips; -a~rthin, a. requesting a boon; - arha, a. highly honoured; very valuable; - asana, n. splendid seat, throne. TU' varffhi, m. V., C: boar, hog; C.: boar-incarnation of Vishnu (who raised the earth from the bottom of the sea with his tuskcs); boar-shaped military array; N. of a Daitya; N.; -datta, m. N.; -deva, m. N.; -mihira, m. N. of an astronomer (sixth century.A.D.); -mwimi, n. N. of a locality with a statue of Vishnu's boar-incarnation; -sva^mm, m. N. of a mythical king 14WT vara'hu, m. boar, hog (RV.).;fI~f vsdr-i-man, a. [Vsi. vri] expanse, broad space, wide tract (V.); -i-main, m. id. (V.). VR vdr-i-vas, a. (V.) [VI. - vri; cp. ur-11] expanse, space; freedom, ease: w. kri, dhA, or vid, bring comfort or liberty to (d.), clear the path, to (d.). 'W varivas-ya', den. P. grant free space, vouchsafe (RV.); wait upon, cherish, tend (C.): -maina, pr. pt. with ps. mg. cherished.!qWTr varivas-yA, f. devotion, service, attendance. '4ftI~'41 varivo-dha, a. bestow~ing freedom (BRV.). 4 vdr-ishtha, spy. i. broadest, widest, most extensive (V.); 2. (mostly C.) most excellent, best., among (g,0;better than (ab., rare); chief -worst, of (g., rare); m. N. var-tn, m. [V2. vri] wooer (a~so used as future). I 141~I;.vdlr-^iyas, cpv V.) wider,broader, than (ab.); freer; a. ad. farther, - off; a. wider space, than (eab.); free space, freedom. _qj;(2. var-iyas, cpv. better, more excellent; best, most excellent, of(g) 'q varuda, mn. a mixed caste.!qN va'r-una, mp. [V/i. vrij Encompasser (of the world), N. of an.Aditya, chief, among the Vedic gods; he s~peciallsypresides over the waters, the nigyht, and the west; he is omniscient, punishes sin and is prayed to for forgiveness; he is also the sender of disease; often associated with Mitra and Indra (~ du.); in C. he is god of the waters or ocean, and regent of the west: -grihita, _pp. seized by Varuna = attacked by disease, esp. dropsy, (V.); -pis* m.Varuna's noose or fetter (V.); -purusha, m. servant of Varuna; -loka, m. Varuna's world; Varuna's sphere, the waters; -sarman, m. N. of a mythical warrior; -sena^, -senikaA, f. N. of a princess; - adri, m. N. of a mountain. 3!TT'11qI~ varun-a'ni, f. Yaruna's wife. Z[NTTiq varuna Maya, m.Yarunsa's abode, ocean; Zv sa, M. id. Zr, varun-ya, a. belonging to or coming from Varuna (V.). var-fl-tnz, m. (V.) protector of (g.); 3vn L-r~..tutelary genius (V.). Zfl\ vdr-ft-tha, a. [V/I. vri] protection, shelter, secure abode (V.); n. (?) guard or fender of a chariot (C.); host, herd, swarmi, multitude (P.). qfr_( varfith-inl, a. wearing armour(V) having a wooden fender (car); protecting, sheltering; seated in a chariot; surrounded by a crowd or quantity of (-O); m. warchariot: -i', f. army. [(V-).ZFI~ varftth-ya, a. protecting, sheltering '4\ vdr-enya,Jfp. [V2. vri] to be wished for, desirable; pre-eminent, most excellent, chief, of (g.): -kratu, a. (V.) of excellent might or wisdom. [thighs. vara ru, a. (d) having beautiful ' varg-a, M. [VIvrig] division, separate homogeneous collection, group, class, company, of (g., — O; often pl. for sg.); classified group ofwords, category; class of consonants in the alphabet (gutturals, _palatals, etc.); section (in a book); subdivision of an Adhydya in theB V. and the Brihaddevatd: -o' with numerals, group or division eouintig of (e.g. three, = dbarma, kUma, and Artba). T0 varg-^iya, a. belonging to the group, party, or category of (0O); -ya,' a. (-~O) id.; M. class-fellow', colleague. vdr*-as, a. V.: vigour, energy, activity; illuminating power (of fire or sun); C.: 'brilliance, ]lustre, light; colour; ordure.!Tq varkas-6l, a. (-9) brilliance, lustre qolour; -ka, n. brilliance; ordure; -ya, a. conferring vigour; -yin, a. vigorous; m. 'energetic man. vark-lin, m. N. of a demon combatted by Indra. '" varg-a, a. (-0) free from, destitute of; excepting; -ana, a. avoidance, abandonment; neglect of, deviation fromn (g.); omission; exclusion; -an]iya,fp. to be avoided; -am, abs. excluding, excepting, without; -aya, cs. -Vvrig; -ayitavya, fp. to be avoided; -ayitri, as. avoider; -ita, pp. es. (V'vrig) -qj var-na. I varsha-vara. 271 destitute of (in.); -in, a. avoiding (~) -ya, fp. to be avoided; - given up; excepting (-) '94j vdr-na, m. [covering, coating: Yr. vri] cover, lid (C., rare); exterior, appearance, colour (very common); (good) complexion (C.); pigment (for writing or painting; C.); (colour ==) race, species, kind; character, nature, form; caste (Prob. from contrast of colour between aboriginal slaves and their fair conquerors); (coloured mark), letter; sound; vowel; syllable; word; musical note (rare); praise (rare); fame, renown (rare). ~7~ivraka, a. (ik) describing; m. n. specimen, model; m. pigment, un gu ent, pain~t; n. section, chapter (rare); -krama, m. order of the castes; -guru, m. king; -grathana^, f. artificial method of writing verses; -kaura, m. thief of the colour of= resembling (g.) in hue; -gy~yas, cjpv. superior by caste; -gyeshtha, spy, higher or highest by caste. qqQ varna-ta, m. N.; -tva, n. co-nnexion with caste; -dfishaka, a. defiling caste; -dvaya-maya, a. (i) dissyllabic; -dharma, Ma. sg. & p1. duties of the castes. 4Wqvarn-ana, n., 'a, f. description, account; statement; -anilya,fp. to be described or stated. ~if~'4~ivarna-paridhvamsa, in., a, f. loss of caste; _patha,,m. alphabet; -buddhi, f. notion connected with the sound; -mktra, n. mere colour. varna-ya, den. P. (A.- metr.) colour, lpaint; depict, delineate, describe, relate, explain, state; regard (rare): pp. varnnita, described, etc. anu, describe, relate, explain, state. Vi a, relate, describe. upa, describe, narrate, tell, state. nis, look attentively, at (cc.); describe, depict (rare). vi-nis, look at attentively, regard. sam, relate, tell; praise. 4TJf,47M~ varnay-itavya, fP. to be described; -itri, m. describer. 4WifW_ varna-rasi, m. alphabet; -lopa, m dropping of a letter; -varti: ak f. paintbrush; -vikria~ f. violation of the rules of caste; -vritta, n. metre measured by the number of syllables; -vyatikranta, pp. f. having transgressed with a man of tower caste; -vyavasthiti, f. caste system; -siksha, f. phonetics;..sreshtha, m. best man by caste, Brfihman; -samsarga, m. mixture of castes by intermarriage; -samhara, m~assembly representative of castes; -samkara, m. mixture of colours (rare); mixture of castes by intermarriage; -samgha, in., -samghita, in., _Samiaun~ya, m. (combination of letters), alphabet; -Stlh&ua, n. place (in the mouth) of the productioai Qf a letter. '4TTM~varna ftmakdj-,n. articulate(sound); -upsa, m. alliteratl&d-, paronomasia; - antara, n. another letter, ch alage of sound; another caste: -gamana, n. change of caste; -anya-tvra, n. change of colour; - ap-ta,pp de'prived of caste; asramm, M. Pr.the, castes and the religious orders. ENi~T varn-ia, f. pigment, paint, unguent; actor's mask or dress: -parigrajia-, in. assumption of a mask or part. *fiRTWI~ varn-ita-vat, pp. act. (he) related, depicted, etc. f~varn-in, a. coloured; having the appearance of; belonging to the (Brahinan etc.) caste; in. man belonging to one of the four castes; Bn~hman in the first stage, religious student, BrahmakArin: pl. a certain monastic order: -i, f. woman; woman of high caste. 14~jqvarnaujdaka, n. coloured water. '9Mvarn-ya, -T. a. productive of colour; 2. fp. to be described. q1qi varta-ka, m. quail. '94W vart-ana, a. [v/vrit] setting in motion, quickening (rare); n. staying or sojourn in (Ic.); living on (in.), subsistence, livelihood, occupation (ord. mg.); wages; association with (saha); proceeding, conduct; application of(0 ~ifivart-anf, f. (V.) felly of a wheel; rut; track, road, path; course of rivers; eyelashes. -#V4 vart-an'iya, fp. n. one should apply oneself or attend to (lc.). ~AART' vart-a-mftna, pr. pt. (Vvrit) present, existing; n. the present: 'a, f. (personal terminations of) the present tense: (a)-ki.1a, in. present; (a)-Akshepa, m. declaration of dissatisfaction with something going on. '*ft vart-aya, cs. (v'/vrit) subsist, etc. vdr-tave, d. inf. (of -/i. vri) to cover '9; vartavya, fp. incorr.for vartitavya. ~fIvart-i (or II), [anything rolled: VIvrit] roll, pill (of drugs, cosmetics, collyrium); wick of a lamp; magic wick; collyrium. 'fZIOi vart-ikaf, f. i. [v,/vrit, roll] wick., paint-brush; paint (incorr. for varniki); 2. (virt)-ika', quail. 1f*4iM vart-i-tavya, fp. to be tarried in (country); - practised or observed (conduct); - treated; n. imps. one should stay or remain in (lc.); one should apply oneself to (lc.); - live or exist; - proceed or behave (in. ad. or in.), towards any one (g., lc., in. with saha): asmad-vase -, we should be obeyed. c at —v, n. treatm ent a f(~) -Wfrvart-in, a. abiding, staying, resting, being, situated, in (gnly. -'); being in a condition etc. (0-); practising (0-); engaged in, making (a request, -'0); behaving, acting(or w. ad.); behaving properly towards (-'O); mn. meaning of a suffix. [(1? V.). _qfkvart-fs, n.(turning in), lodging, abode -qi vart-ula, a. [%/vrit, turn], round; n. circle. '4ijf vdrt-man, n. [-./vrit: turning mark of a wheel], rut, track; path, road,, way, course (also fig.); eyelid: in. vartmani., by way of = along, through, by; nad'I drivana-vartmasu, through rivers, mountains, and forests. W4t4T'f vartma-pftta, in. coming into the way; -pitana, n. waylaying. " var-tra, a. [ V"r. vri] warding off (S.); dam, embankment (V.). T4,v~rdh-a, a. [V's.vridh] increasing, gladdening ( —9); mn. granting of prosperity (RV.').,qvq~i vardh-aka, a. [V 2. vridh] cutting off; in. carpenter; i: -n, in. id. qvqi. vdrdh-ana, a. (i1) growing, increasing, prospering, getting richer; causing increase, strength, or prosperity, augmenting (in C. very often ~) gladdening (gnly. -0); in. increaser, bestower of prosperity; a. growth, increase, prosperity; increase of power; augmentation, elevation; educating, 1rearing; refreshment, comfort (R V.). 14 W2. vardh-ana, n. [V%2. vridh] cutting off (-0); -o~ with names of towns prob. = town (rare): -sva~min, in. N. of a tempeostu. iqffI vard h-aniya,j'p. [ Vi. vridh] to be increased; to be caused to thrive. 4W~vardba-maina,pr.pt. A. (,vi. vridh) growing, etc.; in. N. of a mountain and district., now Burdwan; N. of a village; LV.: a, f. N. of a form of the Gdyatri mnetre: (a)-ka, in. N.; (a)-pura, as. N. of a town, Burdwan: 3'-ya, a. belonging to Burdwan. 4V vardbam~na i'sa, in. N. of a temple or statue. 41- vardh-aya, es. (,v/i. vridh) increase; -ayitri, in. educator,, rearer of (0-): tri, f qIC4 I 4 vardh-ftp-ana, n. [fr. cs. Of V12. vridh] cutting the navel-cord, commemoration of this. ceremony; birthday or other festival implying congratulations: -ka, n. id.; congratulatory gift. ~'T9ITT vardbhtp-aya, cs. P. i. congratu-, late; 2. cut (the umbilical cord). 4fi7jT vardh-ita, pp. Of v%/i. & 2. vridh; n. ()kind of key; -i-tavya, fp. n. one should increase; -imi, a.f. increasing (-'); -ishnu, a. growing., increasing. ~b~vardhi-ra, n. strap, thong (= varatrg)'. Vavdrp-as, n. (BIV.) assumed form, phantom; form, image; artifice, device, design. '"V1I vdr-man, n. [envelope:v. vri] armour, mail (V., C.); protection, shelter (V.); often -' in names of Kshatriyas. Wgvarma-ya, den. P. provide with a coat of mail: pp. varmita, armoured. +[4 varma-hara, a. (old enough for) wearing armour. -of# varmi, in. hind offish: -matsya, mn. the varmi fish. [armoured. 7frt varm-ita, pp. (of varmaya); -in, a.,q vdr-ya, fp. to be chosen, eligible (f.); excellent, best chief of (..) ZR~ var-var-aka, in. N. (less correct for barbaraka). 191 varsh-6, a. [Vvrish] raining (0O C.); in. (C.), n. (V., C.), rain; shower, of (flowers, arrows, dust, etc.,g., -'9); the rains, rainy season (_pl.: A _V.,rare); year (commonly applied to age); division of the world, plain between mountain ranges (seven or nine are, assumed): in. within a year; ab. after a year; lc. rep. every year: (a)-ka, a. raining, showering; -karman, n. action of raining; (a)-gana, in. pl. long series of years. W!1W varsh-ana, a. (i) raining (gnly. O) n. raining, showering (also fig.); bestowing abundantly on(0,qT varsha-tra, n. (protection from rain.), umbrella; -traina, n. id.; -dhara, us. range separating divisions of the world; ruler of a varsha; eunuch; -dhara-dhara, a. holding showers of rain (cloud); -pada, n. calendar; -pata, in. fall of rain; -p figa, in. n. sg. &pl. quantity of rain; series of years; -Pratibandha, in. drought; - ritu-mism-paksha - ho-vel&A-desa-pradesa-vat, a. stating the year; season, month, fortnight, day, hour, country, and locality. '4*4. varsh-aya, cs. of Vvrish. i44T varsha-vara, in. eunuch; -shatka, n. period of six years; -sahasra, n. a thousand 272 varshA.I R vs years: A-ya, den. A. appear like a thousand years. ~Tvarsh'a, f. rain (rare): (sg.) pl. rains, rainy season (very common): (A)-kila, m. rainy season; -. 4ganma, m. beginning of the rains; - ambu, n. rain water; -samaya, m. rainy season. q4jvarsh-ika, a. (so many) years old (.) -it~. showering (of rain or wealth); -ti-t, m. showerer, bestower; -in, a. rain*ing, showering, bestowing ( — very common); shedding copious tears (rare); (so many) years old (.-O; rare). Zffif vdrsh-ishtha, spy. [of base contained in varsh-man; in sense, of vriddha; almost exclusively V.] highest, uppermost, longest, greatest; very large (P.); 4iyas, cp V. (chiefly V.) higher, upper; longer, greater, than (ab.); great, considerable; thriving (earth); better than (ab.); aged. [ing (ac..; C.). W Ivarsh-u-ka, a. rainy; raining, showerWIitITW varsha upala, m. hail; - ogha, m. torrent of rain_. [crown of-the head. i. varsh-m~in, m. (V.) height, top -; 2. vairsh-man, n.height, top, surface, chief (V., P.); height, size, extent; body. ZM vadrsh-ya (YV., or -yg, RVY), a. rainy. M9 VAL, I. vala, turn, - round, turn Nto (ac., le., abhimukham); return home; depart, go away again; break forth, appear: _pp. valita, turned, bent; having departed-; broken forth; accompanied by e~O) s. valaya, P. cause to roll (waves); turn (tr.). &,.pp. turned round. vi, turn aside: _pp.. averted. Sam, pp. met, united, blended, or connected with (in., ~) W~val,pratydhadra-for all consonants but y. W val-a', m. [enclosure: V/i. vri] cave (-7.); personitled as a demon withholding the heavenly waters from man-; brother of Vritra and vanquished by Indra (often written Bala). qit vala-ka, n. procession. 'q~ val-ana, n. turning round; waving; appearing. C —f- rvalant-ikaftfkindof gesticulation. WFR valabhi (or more commonly'i), ridge of a roof, top or pinnacle of -a house; i-ka, f. dim. of id. CZfi{r vala-bhid, m. smiter of Vala, In dra. 'qWIf valabh'i, f., v. valabhi; N. of a town in Saurdshtra. 'q ' val-aya, m. n. [ [. vril bracelet, armlet (worn by men and women); circle; circumference (-0' a. encircled by); m. hind of circular military array; multitude, swarm (rare). Z1f'9T7 valay-ita, den. pp. surrounded or encircled by (in., );put round the arm (bracelet); forming a circle; -in, a. provided with a bracelet; encircled with _~) I-kri, turn into or use as a bracelet; -i'-bh'&, become a circle: pp. encircling. vala-vat, a. containin~g the word vala: -vritra, m.Vala and Vritra: -nish f~dana, -han, m. e~p. of Indra. val-i (or i1), fold of the skin, wrinkle. 7T val-ita, pp. (Vval) bent round, etc. '4f'il vali-na, a. wrinkled,shrivellecl; -bha, a. id.; -mat, a. id. W~tvali, f., v. gflfT vali: -ka, -' a. having - folds; n. projecting thatched roof; -mat, a. curly (locks); -mukha, m. (having a wrinkled face), monkey; N. of a monkey; -vadana, m. nionkey. lqIC valkd, m. n. bark of a tree: (a)-la, m. n. id.; cloth made of bark, bark garment: -vat, a. wearing a garment made of bark, - gina-samvita, pp. clothed in bark and skins. f"Ivalkal-in,a.yieldingbark(branch); wearing a garment made of bark. q 'I""..( valka-vftsas, n. garment made of bark. qk~]Tr ALG,.P.A (. metr.)vaiga~bound, "-leap (esp. with joy); gallop; shake, dance (of inanimate objects); sound (of a spec) p~p. valgita, leaping, bounding; fluttering, moving to and fro; sounding well. va, gallop; jump about; move about (b reast). vi, leap, bound. qW vaig-ana, n. hounding, galloping; _a, f. bridle; N.; -ita, pp..vfvalg; n. gallop; leaping (for joy). TIJ- valg —i, a. (f. id.) comely, handsome, fine, lovely, attractive (esp. of sound, voice, speech). WwfrITvalgul-ika, f. box, chest. VALBII, L. A. valbha, eat (very ENt~ valml-ka, m. n. ant-hill; n. N. of a locality: - gra, n. N. of a peakc of lldmagiri. W valla, m. kind of wheat; a certain weight. vallakijf kind of lute. qqi[ valla-bha, a. beloved, of (g., ic., 0) dearer than (ab.); m. favourite; lover; N.: -gana, m. beloved, mistress; -a, f. popularity with (g., lc., 0); -deva, m. N. of a poet; -sakti, m. N. -of a king; -Mka'rya, M. N' of a teacher and founder of a Vaishnava sect. W;Rt vallabh, f. N. of a town. ~WfV- vallari (or i1), tendril, creeper (also fig. of locks etc.): 3i-ka, -"P a. id. T j valla&-pura, n. N. of a town. valli (rare), qWJI vall'i, f. creeper (often fig. of arms, brows, lightning, etc.): i-ka', f. dim. of id.; i-mat, a. having a - creeper(0 -gf va~lli, f. more usualform of valli. W' vallftra, n. dried flesh. ~'q~k vilsa, m. shoot, branch (V., P.; also spelt bdlsa). -g' VALH, L. A'. vaiha (V., rare), test '16. with a question, propound a riddle to. pra, id.: pp. pravalhita, enigmatical. '93 va-vr-6, a. [Vs. vri] concealing oneself (BYV.); m. hiding-place, cavern (117.). lurking-place; covering, vesture; body. ~V[AS, red. vivas (V.2), vavaS (ByV.1), IL1 P. Stg v1s 7in. us (V., C.), will, command (also w. d. inf.; 11 V.); desire, lot.9g or wish for, be fond of (V., C.); affirm, mnala-: tamn, declare (C., rare): pr. pt. usat, usinDi, intv. va~vas3ant, willing, glad,., eager (V.); usat, charming (P.); pr. pt. A., usimr"na (1?V.'), commanding, having at command (might); cs. P. vasaya, get into one's power, subject. sam-a', -vaset, incorr. for -vaset. 'q i. vds-a, m. will, wish, desire; power, control, authority, dominion; N. of aprot~g6 of the, Asvins; N. of a people (p1.): 0-, a. subject to, under the influence of, overcome by; in., ab., -tas, by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, in accordance with (g.,gnly. — 9); ac. with vbs. of going, i, gain, ya (and cps.), fall into the power of, become subject to, give way to (g., — O); with ni o a-ni, reduce to Asubjection, subdue; vase bhit, vnit, or stha, be in the power of (g., — 9); vase kri, sthipaya, or sam-sthapaya, reduce to subjection, subdue, keep under control. WJIk 2. vds-a, n. liquid fat (V., rare).. vasam-vada, a. (gnly. -10) obedient to the will of, submissive, completely under the influence of, entirely dependent on, filled with, overcome by: -tva, n. complaisance. J~:vasa-kara, a. (3) subduing, winning over; -karaka, a. leading to subjection; -ga, a. subject, obedient, being in the power of, dependent on (g., 0-); -gata, pp. id.; -gatva, n. dependence on ( —); -t,f.id. (g.,-'~); command of (lc.). '(itvasa-ni', a. subject to (g., RV.'); -vartin, a. being in the power of, subject,, submissive, or obedient to (g., -O); -stha, a. being in the power of any one. ZM~f vas-a', f. [lowing: Ivahs] cow (V.); barren cow; female elephant (C.). 'qITTJ[ vasa nuga, a. following one's will; subject to the will of, obedient to(g,0) 'qfIrMi vas-ika, a. empty (very rare). vas-i-tva, n. freedom of will, independence; command of (lc.); self-control. 'qf'kffvas-fn, a. ruling; willing, obedient (rare); self-controlled (ord. mg.); (disposable =) empty (rare); m. ruler, lord of (g.): -I f.mistress (II V.). 4ft vasi, f. EVvas] in ur-vdsi., 'WN vasi-kara, a. subjecting, subduing (0'); -karana, n. subjection (also by magical expedients) of (g., 0-); -kahra, m. id. W1 vasi'-kri, reduce to subjection, enthral, subdue; -bhft, become subject to any oneo: pp. subject, obedient, submissive. ZM vas-ya, a. subject to the pu-ver or will of, submissive, docile, obedient; n: power; supernatural power over any one, or magical ritefor its obtainme-int: -ti, f. subjection to (g,~O;submissiveness, obedience. 'TP- vdsha_', indecl. sacrificial exclamation uttered! ~y the Ho6tri at the end of the Ydgya', wher'eupon the oblation is cast into the fire by &,he Adhvanyu (used with& d. of the deity): with kni, utter the exclamation vashat: pp. vashat-krita, hallowed by the exclamation _vdshat; anu-vishat-kri, follow one exclamation vdshat withb another accompanied with the words 'Somasya gne vIhi.' qqR -vashai-ka~ra, m. exclamation vasha t; (vkshat)-kriti, fi id. (R V.); -knitya, fp. ni. one should utter vashat. vash-ti, a. eager (ByV.) E( i. vas, encl. ac., in., d., g. pl. of the pmn. of the second person. ZK2. vas-, a. clothed in(0 qWf vas. vas vas-tu. 273 [ Ii. VAS, VI. P. ukkha, (V.) grow light (ofthe night at dawn),grow bright, shine (dawn); shinedownanythingupon(d.; RV.); light (ac.) away (dfre); cs. P. vasaya, cause to shine (RV.). apa, drive away with light. vi, shine forth, flush, dawn: pp. vyiishta, grown light, turned to morning (of night; V., C.). pari-vi, shine forth (from =) after (ab.). q 2. VAS, II.. A. vste, put on, wear (V., C.); envelope oneself in, assume (a form, etc.), penetrate into (V.); cs. P. vasaya (V., C.), cause or allow to put on or weal (a garment); clothe with (in.); A. envelope oneself in (in.). anu, clothe, invest with (in.); A. clothe oneself, in (ac.). ni, put on, clothe oneself in: pp. nivasita, clothed in (in.); cs. put on: pp. -vasita, clothed in (in.); occupied with (-~). sam, clothe oneself in (in.; RV.). [R3. VAS, I. P. visa (A. metr. in C.; in V. only pf. pt. vavasana and with sam), stop at a place, stay overnight (~ ratrim), halt, stay, remain, abide, dwell, live; exist, be found in (Ic.); rest or depend on (Ic.); w. ac. remain in any condition, make one's abode (vasam, vasatim), practise (chastity); w. duratas, keep aloof; w. sukham, live pleasantly or at ease: pp. ushita, passed, spent (time); retired to (place); havinghalted, passed the night, abode, dwelt, or been absent, dwelling, having waited (the place being lc., or -~, the time, ac. or -~); having cohabited with (saha); having stood or lain (of things, esp. overnight; the place in lc. or -~, the time, ac. or.-); n. imps. a stay has been made, the time has been passed (in, Ic.); cs. vasaya, P. i. cause to halt or stay overnight, lodge; cause to dwell; cause to wait, keep in suspense (RV.); delay, retard; cause to exist, preserve; populate; place upon (Ic.); observe silence (anadhyayam mukhe); produce. adhi, occupy or settle in (a place): pp. adhyushita, occupied, inhabited; having dwelt, in (lc.); cs. allow to stand overnight. anu, follow any one (ac.) to a place. antar, dwell within. a, abide, dwell, in (lc.); occupy, settle in, inhabit; enter upon (a religions order); have sexual intercourse with a woman (ac.); cs. receive into one's house; occupy, settle in; halt, encampfor the night: pp. occupied by (-~). adhia, occupy, inhabit; dwell in (Ic.); enter upon, devote oneself to (ac.). sam-a, halt, encamp for the night; occupy, settle in, inhabit; cs. halt, encamp, establish oneself: pp. with act. mg. ud, cs. P. A. remove from its place (e. g.fire from the altar, etc.); devastate. upa, remain at (ac.), in (Ic.); wait; (wait with eating), fast (with ac. offood or time): pp. uposhita, having fasted, fasting; cs. cause to fast. ni, stay, dwell, in (c.). adhi-ni, choose for one's abode. sam-ni, dwell or live together, with (in.). nis, live out=to the end of; cs. turn out of one's dwelling, expel, banish, from (ab.), to (ac.). pari, stay, live with (in.): samsargitaya -, associate with (ac.): pp. paryushita, having passed the night; having stood overnight, of yesterday, stale, spoilt (food, etc.); cs. allow to stand overnight. pra, sojourn abroad, leave home, set out on a journey, depart; disappear, cease: pp. proshita, absent from home, being on a journey, sojourning abroad; effaced; set (sun); cs. turn out of one's abode, banish; des. P. pra-vivatsa, intend to go on a journey, be about to depart from (ab.). vi-pra, set out on a journey, go or live abroad: pp. absent from home; departed to (ac.); banished; gd. vi-proshya, after a journey; cs. banish, from (ab.); sam-pra, pp. disappeared, set (sun). prati, dwell; cs. lodge, receive into one's house (lc.). vi, depart from (ab.); spend, pass (time; ac.): pp. vyushita, absent from home; having passed (time; ac.); inhabited by (-O); cs. expel from one's residence, banish; dismiss. sam, P. A. dwell together; live or associate with (ac., in. + saha); dwell, live, in (Ic.); pass, spend (time); cs. cause to live together, with (in. + saha; V.); receive into one's house, lodge. Yq4. VAS (RV.,very rare, only vasishva, -vavase, vavasana), rush at, attack. anu, hasten towards or consume (RV.1). c[ 5. VAS, cs. P. -vasaya (very rare). ud, cut off or away (?). ni, pp. -vasita, deprived of life (v. r. -patita). pari, cut off (around), cut out (Br., S.). qtfT vas-ati,f. staying overnight; dwelling, abiding, sojourn; nest (V.); residence, abode, house; seat (fig.) of (g., -~); night (rare); -m kri, grah, or bandh, pass the night; take up one's abode, in (lc.); tisro vasatir ushitva, having halted at three stages, having passed three nights: -druma, m. tree under which the night is passed. W i lftvasa ti-vari,f.pl.water leftstanding overnight (drawn from a stream on the eve of the Soma sacrifice). Ifq I. vas-ana, n. dwelling, sojourn, residence in (-~). "TMT 2 2. vas-ana, n. dress, garment, cloth (du. upper and lower garment): -~, clothed in, also fig. = surrounded by, attached to (a doctrine): -vat, a. clothed; -sadman, n. (cloth-house), tent; -_arnava, a. sea-girt. 'qtq w vas-ant-d, m. [brilliant season: fr. pr.pt. of V/. vas] spring (also personified); N.: -ka, m. id.; -kala, m. spring time; -tilaka, n. ornament of spring; a metre (also a, f.); m. N.; -pushpa, n. flower of spring; -bandhu, m. friend of spring, god of love; -bhanu, m. N. of a king; mahotsava, m. great spring festival; -yodha, m. spring as a warrior; -raga, m. king spring; N. of a grammarian: i-ya, n. work composed by Vasanta-raga; - ritu, m. spring season; -lekha, f. N.; -sri, f. pomp of spring; -sakha, m. friend of spring, ep. of the wind blowing from the Malaya; -samaya, m. spring-time: -utsava, m. spring festival, lovely time of spring; -sahaya, m. god of love; -sena, m. N. of a king: a, f. N. ifTT vasanta (or 5), ad. in spring (V.). itWt' vasantautsava, m. festival of spring. iqq; vasar-hAn, a. striking in the morning = destroying the demons of night at dawn (RV.'). fql;TVt vasav-ana, m. possessor or preserver of wealth (RV.). [wealth (V.). iqf[l vasav-ya, a. (V.) affluent (gods); n. q[T vds-a (in TS. a), f. [shining, white: /I. vas] suet, lard, fat; brain. iftW vas-ati, f. dawn (?; occurs once in a quotation in the Nirukta); m. N. of a people (pl.); N. 'fqVwR vasa-maya, a. (1) consisting of fat; - avasesha-malina, a. dirty with remains of fat; -homa, m. offering of fat. ifqi vds-ishtha, spv. [brightest: VI. vas] best, most excellent, wealthiest (V., E.); m. N. of one of the leading Vedic Rishis, com poser of the seventh Mandala of the RV.; in C. he is regarded as one of the seven Rishis and is mentioned as a lawgiver (often incorrectly spelt Vasishtha). Aiq^E[ vas-iyas, cpv. better, than (ab.): faring better, wealthier (V.). 41 vas-u, a. [v-i; bright: VI. vas] good, beneficent (V.); m. ep. of various gods and of the gods in general; pl. the Vasus, a class of gods (their number being usually eight; Indra is their chief, later Agni and Vishnu); ray of light (C., rare); N.; n. goods, wealth, property (V., C., very common); gold (C.,very rare); gem, pearl (C., very rare). 19iW vasu-krit, m. N. of a poet of the RV.; -kra, m. N. of a poet of the R V.; -da, a. bestowing wealth; -datta, m. N.: a,f. N.: (a)-pura, n. N. of a town; -da, a. wealthbestowing, bountiful (7.); -davan, a. id. (V.); -deva, m. (having the Vasus for deities), N. of a king, father of Krishna; N. of various men: -putra, m. son of Vasudeva, Krishna.!'qIT vasu-dhg, a.yielding wealth, bountiful (V., rare); a,f. (C.) earth; country, region; ground: -tala, n. surface of the earth, earth; ground; -dhara, a. supporting or maintaining the earth (Vishnu); m. mountain; king; - adhipa, - adhipati, m. lord of earth or of the country, king; - adhipatya, n. sovereignty; -pati, m. king. 'i9JTw! vasu-dhara, a. handling treasure (officials); -dhar&, f. stream of wealth or gifts: -maya, a. consisting of a stream of wealth; -dharin-i,f. earth; -nanda, m. N. of a king; -nemi, m. N. of a snake demon. -Wll vasu-m-dhara, a. holding or containing treasure; m. N.: a, f. earth; country; soil; ground; N.: -dhara, m. mountain; -dhava, m. spouse of earth, king; -bhrit, m. mountain; -sunasira, m. king. qIIf[f vasu-pati, m. lord of wealth, ep. of Agni, Indra, or Savitri (RV.), or qf Kubera - lord of the Vasus (Krishna); -palita, m. N.; -bandhu, m. N. of a celebrated Buddhistic scholar; -bhliti, m. N.;Wli[ vasu-mat, a. possessing or containing wealth, rich; accompanied by the Vasus; m. N.: -i, f. (C.) earth; country, region; ground; N.: -pati, m. lord of earth, king, -sunu, m. son of Vasumati, Naraka. uffW[ vasu-mati, m. N. of a Brahman; -mitra, m. N.; -rakshita, m. N.; -lakshmi, f. N. of Agnimitra's sister-in-law. qlfif vasu-vani, a. desiring or bestowing wealth (V.); -vid, a. bestowing wealth (V.); -vinda, a. gaining wealth; -sakti, m. N.; (vasu)-sravas, a. famed for wealth (RV.1); m. ep. of Siva (C.); -sampurna, pp. filled with wealth. [wealth (V.). ~9TT vasu-ya, in. ad. through desire of mT, vasu-yu, a. desiring wealth (BRV.). iqlV vas-tavya, fp. to be spent (time); n. imps. one should stay or dwell, in orwith (lc.). gfW[ vasti, m. bladder; f. abdomen (below the navel); m.f. syringe: -mula, n. (bottom =) aperture of the bladder; -sirsha, n. sg. or m. du. neck of the bladder. 'Tu I. vas-tu, f. (V.) growing light, dawning; morning: vastoh, g. in the morning; vastor vastoh, every morning; vastor asyah, this morning; prati vastoh, towards I morning. N n 274 2T vas-tu. 4T! va. T 2. vas-tu, n. (C.) place (rare); thing, substance, object; really existing thing; right thing, worthy object; object of (-~); matter, circumstance; subject, subject-matter, plot, theme, contents; ~-, in reality: -ka, a. (-~) having - as contents (anAna-, of weighty contents, extraordinary); -gata, n. the aggregate of things; -tantra, a. dependent on things, objective; -tas, ad. in reality; -ta, f. being the object of (-~); reality: in. in reality; -dharma, m. sg. &pl. true nature of things; -bhiva, m. reality: in. pl. in reality; -bheda, m. actual or essential difference; -rakana, f. elaboration of a plot; -vritta, n. actual fact; -sakti, f. sg. & pi. force of circumstances: -tas, ad. by the -; -ssana, n. original edict; -sunya, a. devoid of reality, unreal. TiW.TRIr vastuutthapana, n. invention of things, representation of unrealities (dr.); - upama,f. direct comparison of two things (the common quality being omitted: e.g. 'thy face is [beautiful] like the lotus'); -upahita, pp. bestowed on a good object (trouble). i vas-tya, n. dwelling, house. gv vas-tra, n.dress, garment; cloth: -knopam, abs. wetting the clothes; -da.s, f. hem of a garment; -dhavin, a. washing clothes; -puLta, pp. strained through a cloth; -pet, f. clothes-basket; -mukhya, a. having clothes as the chief thing (adornment); -vat, a. having a fine garment, beautifully dressed; -veshtita, pp. enveloped in clothes, well clad. Tc| lfa vastraaikala, m. hem of a garment; - anta, m. id.; -vantara, n. (another = ) upper garment; -.ardha, m. n. half of a garment; - avakarta, m. strip of garment. taxi vastra-ya, den. A. represent a garment. gt vasna, n. price, value. qT vasn-ya, a. valuable (RV.1). [(RV.1). T ~vas-man, n. I. cover (RV.1); 2. nest TIWI vas-yas, cpv. (V.) better, more excellent; more illustrious, wealthier, than (ab.); n. increasing wealth or prosperity. riMtVitllr vasuauka-sara, f. N. of the city of Kubera. *w VAH, I. vaha, I. tr.transport, convey, N by (car or boat, in.); draw (a car), guide (horses); lead; waft, conduct (offerings to the gods, of Agni); bear along (water etc., of rivers); shed (tears); bring, procure, bestow; diffuse (scent, poem); carry off or along (a rock etc., of the wind); lead home, marry (nearly always of the man); take with one; carry, on (in., Ic.); bear (one's head) high (ukkaistaram); be with child (garbham); wear (clothes); support, sustain (the earth = rule); suffer; possess, have (a body etc.); undergo (the ordeal of fire, poison, or the balance); experience, feel (pain etc.); assume, show, exhibit (beauty etc.); pay (a fine); pass, spend (time); 2. int. drive in a chariot or ride on horseback (in.), draw a carriage (horse), drive along, run; go by boat (in.); swim; blow (wind); pass away, elapse (years); ps. uhyite, be driven, drawn, borne along, or conveyed, by, on, or in (in.): pp. fudha, carried or driven off, stolen, washed away (by water); married; borne, carried on (-~); displayed, exhibited; cs. vahaya, P. (A. metr.) drive (a chariot), guide (horses); convey (by carriage); propel (a boat); drive (int.), to (ac.); cause to be conveyed, by (in.); cause oneself to be carried by, ride on (ac.); cause or order any one (ac.) to carry, on (Ic.); traverse (a road), complete (journey); keep going, work, maintain (shambles); ps. vahyate, be driven, impelled, or urged (alsofig.); be carried or borne; be trodden (path): pp. vahita, conveyed etc.; administered (medicine); deceived; intv. vavahiti, bear (a burden). ati, conduct past (V.); pass (time); cs. transport; get over, pass through successfully; pass (time; ord.mg.). anu, conduct along (ac.; V.); come to (ac.; RV.); A. take after, become like; ps. be carried along (by a stream). apa, carry away; drive away, remove; throw off (garment); leave, abandon: pp. apodha; cs. drive or conduct away; expel, cause to retreat; make off. abhi, bring hither; conduct to (ac.); cs. spend (time: incorr.for ati)., lead hither (V.); bring, to (ac.); bring about, give, cause, produce (ord. mg.); bring home (a bride); pay (rare); bear (the burden of sovereignty = rule); assume, exhibit; cs. summon (esp. gods to sacrifice). abhi a, bring. upaja, bring hither. sam-a, bring together, assemble; bring, waft; A. come together (Br.). ud, bear aloft, raise up; turn out (ac.) into (cc.); draw out; conduct out of her father's house, marry; bear, carry, on (in.; ord. mg.); keep up, support (the earth or sovereignty= rule); bear in mind (manas) = remember; bear, suffer; hold fast; possess, have, wear; bear (title, e.g. of 'Devi'); display, exhibit (a feeling; common mg.); carry out, finish; cs. give in matrimony, to (in.); marry (a girl). sam-ud, lift up; marry (a girl); bear (a burden); suffer; have, possess, wear; show, exhibit. upa, bring hither; conduct to (ac.); bring, produce; lead or induce any one (ac.) to (ac.): pp. upodha, brought about, produced. sam-upa, pp. begun (battle); risen (moon). ni, bring or bring down to (d., lc.; V.); bear, support (the world). nis, draw out of, save from (ab.), remove (V.); carry out, accomplish; attain one's object, succeed; subsist on (in.); be suitable for any one (g.); cs. complete, spend (time); carry out, accomplish, establish. pari, convey or carry round (V.); drag about (E.); flow round (1.); conduct the bride (to the bridegroom's house), wed (BV., P.). pra, I. tr. bring forward; draw (a car); wash away; waft, bring, to (ac.); 2. int. drive onwards (A.; RV.); flow along; speed along, blow (wind). anu-pra, proceed (RT1.). abhi-pra, lead to (Br.). vi, carry off(RV.), draw (car; RV.); lead away (the bridefrom her father's house), marry (a girl); A. celebrate a wedding, be married: pp. vyiudha, married; cs. marry (a girl) to (g., or saha); A. be married (to a girl): pp. vivahita, married to (a girl; ac.). sam, convey; bear along, waft; load (car); display, show; ps. be carried along by, ride on (in.); cs. bring together, assemble; drive (a chariot); marry (a wife); pass the hand along, stroke, rub (ac.); set in motion; ps. be driven or impelled by (in.). [ vah (only -~, stg. base vah, wk. uh or 6ah, which coalesces with a preceding a to au), drawing, conveying, bearing, holding, etc. ilq vah-a, a. (-~) drawing, conveying; flowing, - through, into, or towards; bearing along (ofrivers); bringing; producing, effecting; bearing (a name); having, provided with; exposing oneself to (heat etc.); m. shoulder of a draught animal; shoulderpiece of the yoke. *f-k vaha-m-liha, a.lickingthe shoulder. vq vah-atd, m. (V.) bridal procession (to the husband's house); wedding; means of furthering. vaha-dhyai, V. inf. (V/vah) to ride. yT vah-ana, a. (-~) driving; bearing; n. conveying (sacrifice); carrying; vessel, boat: -bhanga, m. shipwreck. 'iFti vahan-i-kri, turn into a vehicle; -iya,fp. to be carried, drawn, or conducted.;91Tf[Ti vaha-ravin, a. groaning under the yoke. [broken in. "- vaha-ld, a. accustomed to the yoke, qrf" vah-i-tra, n. boat, vessel: -bhaiiga, m. shipwreck; -in, a. drawing well, accustomed to the yoke (V.); (vah)-ishtha, spv. drawing or driving best (horses, car; V.); (vah) -yas,cpv.drawing betterorswiftly (V.). vf- vah-ni, m. drawer (of a car), steed (V.); charioteer (said of various gods in V.); conveyer of offerings to the gods, esp. Agni (V.); fire, god of fire (C.): vahnina samskri, hallow by fire, burn solemnly: -kunda, n. cavity in the ground for the sacred fire; -krit, a. producing conflagration; -kopa, m. raging conflagration; -mat, a. containing fire; -maya, a. consisting of fire; -loka, m. world of Agni; -vat, a. containing the word vahni; -sikha,f. flame of fire; -samskira, m. sacrament of fire, cremation; -sakshikam, ad. so as to be witnessed by fire; -sat-kri, burn; -sphuliinga, m. spark of fire. 'gi vah-ya, n. portable bed, litter, palanquin, couch (V.). [or couch (RV.1). Gi'oTT vahye-saya, a. f. lying on a litter MT va, encl.pcl. or (following, but metr. sts. preceding); either or not, optionally; (= iva), like, as, as it were; (=eva), just, etc. (rare); but, however (rare); even, even supposing (with ft.; rare); after inter. or rel. possibly, pray: va - va, either - or (when there are two clauses, the vb. of thefirst only is as a rule accented); na + v - va, kimr va - kim va or na va, neither - nor; va - na va, either - or not; perhaps - or perhaps not; whether - or not; yadi va - va, whether - or; in a sentence containing more than two members va is nearly always repeated, while a negative at the beginning of the series need not be repeated as its sense runs through all the remaining members (=not, either - or - or); in this case va often interchanges with ka and api, or is combined with the pcls. api (+ punah), atha (~ u, api, or punah), yad, yadi, or uta. T I. VA, II. P. v-ti, blow (of wind); blow upon (ac.; very rare); emit an odour, be wafted or diffused (perfume; rare); smell (an odour: ac.; very rare). anu, blow towards; blow after (ac.); blow upon, fan, kindle; blow. apa, exhale (RV.). abhi, blow towards (tr. & int.); blow upon, fan. a, blow towards (int.), blow; waft (ac.); blow upon. ud, be blown out (by draught, offire). nis, blow (wind); (blow, int. =) go out, be extinguished (lamp, light of day); be- (blown out=) cooled, assuaged, or refreshed: pp. nirvana, extinguished; set (sun); the light of whose life has gone out, released from the bonds of existence, enjoying absolute bliss;' cs. P. nirvapaya, (V., C.) extinguish, quench; free from heat, cool, refrigerate; calm, soothe, alleviate; dazzle (the eyes); lead to Nirvana (B.). anu-nis, be extinguished after (ac.). par', waft away (RV.). pra, burst forth, blow; be wafted or exhaled (odcur). vi, waft away; blow through; blew in various directions..T 2. Vi, It.P. (A., E-).vaya, grow weary (R V.); blow (E., confused with VI. va); A w Va. qT vaga-pati. 275 lose (g.; RIV.): pp. va'na, dry. abhi, pp. -vita, languishing, sick. ud, (V.) languish, die away, go out (fire); Cs. allow to go out (fire). upa, dry up: pp. -v~ta, dry..VA, collateral form o yn p -vata, desired; des. viva'sa, gain, elicit (R V.). a^, des. (V.) P. A. wish to gain, invoke, invite; 'A. get rid of by homage (guilt). abhi., des. P. advance against, attack (RIV.). ~4.V'A, IV. P. vaya, weave (also fig. of hymnns, speeches, etc.), compose: pp. uta and fita. apa, undo a web (11 V.). a^, weave in, string, draw through (string): pp. 6ta, woven in (le.), strung, drawn' through (ic.); penetrated by (in.). ud, tie up or suspend with (in.). pra, weave on, attach to (lc.): pp. prota, strung on, pierced with, fixed on or in, sticking, in (lc., — O); pervaded by (in.); dipped (in clouds, said of horns). vi, pp. vyjixta (V.), woven, variegated (garment); levelled (road). sam (TV), attach together; interweave. [ritual formula (V., E.). ME vilk-4, m. [V'vak] recitation, verse, 1T4TW vako-v~qky-a, n. dialogue; N. of certain portions of Vedic tradition. ~T~~~ak-kaaham. strife of words, dispute; -kefi, f. jest with words, witty converse; -kshata, n.woundinfiictedwithwords; -/cakshus, n. sg. speech and look; -lkapala, a. inconsiderate in speech, talking idly; -lcapalya, n. inconsiderateness in talk; -khala, n. semblance of a voice; sg. dpi. lying talk; prevarication (in argument); -khalya, n. word-arrow, wounding speech; -patu, a. clever in speech, eloquent: -ta', f. fluency of speech, eloquence; -piti, m. lord of speech; Saiva saint who has attained a certain stage of perfection: -rAga, mn. N. of a poet; -patha, m. opportunity for speech; province of speech (atita -, a. indescribable): -pfiram avap ita, become indescribable; -pg, a. protecting speech; -pa~tava, n. eloquence; -pa'rushya, n. roughness of voice; scurrilous language; -pusht', f. N. of a p rin cess: ataV1, f. N. of a forest named after her; -pushpnpl. flowers of speech; -pral'pa, m. eloquence; -prasasta, pp. expressly sanctioned as fit for food;..prasa~ri-ka~ma, a. desirous of one (i.e. a child) progressing in speech. cT vak-ya, n. [ vyak] sg. pl. utterance, speech,words (ord. mg.); (legal) evidence; express statement (app. lifiga, indication); mode of expression; argument (in logic); sentence (in grammar); mama va~kyit, in my name. I c4 i viqkya-tva, n. condition of b)eing a word, speech, or sentence; consisting in words; —, pronunciation; -pu'rana, a. filling up the sentence; -prabaudha, m. continuous speech, narrative; -bheda, m. difference of statement: pl. contradictory statements: va~kyabhedad anighktah, owing to the sharp division of the sentence (i. e. because there is a new sentence) there is no grave accent (i. e. the verb is accented with the acute); -mal&, f. concatenation of sentences; -vagra, n. sg. dp I. words like thunderbolts; -visesha, m. special saying; -sesha, m. complement of a sentence, word to be supplied; -samyoga, m. grammatical construction; -sarathi, m. spokesman; -svara, m. sentence accent. q p41WTIM vakya d hyahqra, m. supple - menting a sentence; - artha, m. meaning or purport of a sentence: -,ipama',f. simile in which two objects are compared in detail; - alamkAra, m. ornament, of speech or of the s-entence. W4 Wvak-salya, n. word-arrow, wounding speech; -sasta, pp. expressly declared to be pure; -samyama, m. restraint of speech or of the tongue; -sgyaka, m. arrow of speech. '4T~ffitI vag-adhipa, m. lord of speech, ep. of Brihaspati; -apaha'raka, a. stealing the words of others;..apeta, pp. destitute of speech, dumb; -Adambara, m. verbosity; -isa, m. lord of speech, adept in eloquence (often -' in names of scholars); m. ep. of Brahman. ZFTIV~ viigura, f. snare, net; toils. WT!jft vaguri, m. N. of an author. '4T!JfT4qi vag'ur-ika, m. trapper, hunter. qTJii Vag -g~uda, m. kind of bat; -ghastavat, a. possessed of speech and hands (hasta); -galia, n. multitude of words, verbosity; -dambara, m. n. id., bombast; -danda, m. admonition: du. word and staff: -yoh or -gain pArushyam, severe verbal and corporal injury, abuse and assault, -pa~rushya, n. du. id.; -dattfi, pp.f. verbally given, betrothed; -daina, n. betrothal; -dushta, pp. rude, scurrilous; m. rude fellow, defamer; -devata', f. goddess of speech, Sarasvatl: -ka, a. sacred to Sarasvatl; -devi', f. goddess of speech, Sarasvatl; -daivatya, a. sacred to Sarasvatl; -dosha, in. abuse, scurrility: ab. by fault of his voice; -dva'ra, n. entrance of speech = descriptive entrance; -baddha, pp. stopped in speech, silent; -bandhana, nt. silence: -m pra-kri, silence any one; -bhata, in. N. of various authors, esp. of a rhetorician and of a physician. M#T'fF vag-min, a. eloquent: (-mi)-ta%,f (-mi)-tva, n. eloquence. '4TUTT va'g-yata, pp. restraining one's voice, silent; -yamana, n. silence; -yoga, m. correct employment of words; -vat, a. possessed of speech; -vid, a. eloquent; -vidagdha, pp. id.: -AM, f. eloquence; -virodha, m. disputs; -vira, m. hero or adept in speaking; -vyavaha'ra, in. employment of many words, lengthy discussion; -vya~pa'ra, in. manner of speech, talk, conversation. ~T~(vagh-aft, m. [pr. pt. of v/vaghb( Vviih, str. form of Vvah -o~ and in d. vkh-6) offering], institutor of a sacrifice (BYV.). MW vafsga, in. king of Vafsga. WUTV4 vaii-madhu, n. pl. honied or sweet words;-madhura, a.sweetinspeech,speaking honied words; -manas, n. sg. & du. speech and mind; -maya, a. (i) consisting of, connected with, or based on speech or words, verbal; n. eloquence; speech; -Madhurya, n. sweetness of speech or voice; -misrana, n. interchange of words, conversation with (in.). '4T;4v''k, f. [V'/vak] language (also of animals); voice, sound; speech, statement, assertion, word; Speech (personified), goddess of speech =Sarasvatl: in vaa, expressly: - satyam kri, expressly promise in marriage, plight troth; va'kam da, address words to (d.). '4TWIvfkam-yama, a. restraining speech, silent: -tva, n. silence. 'T~qi vaka-ka, a. speaking, saying anything (g.); speaking or treating of, stating (g., — O); expressing, signifying, denoting: -tva, n. denotation; -pada, n. containing significant (not senseless) words; -lakshakavyaiigaka-tva, a. direct, indirect, and implicit designation of anything. MWEI#I vahaknav-i', f. pat. (fr. vakaknu) N. of afemale teacher. W"vftk-ana, n. (fr.ces. of /vak) causing to recite; reciting; reading; expressing: i-ka, a. (i) based on an express statement (vakana), expressly mentioned.,q vakds-pati, m. lord of speech (a, genius presiding over human life), ep. of Soma, Visvakarman, Praghpati, Brahman; esp. of Brihaspati as lord of eloquence (teacher of the gods and reqgent of the planet Jupiter); N. of a Rishi, a lexicographer, a philosopher, etc. '4I~ viihaspat-ya, a. connected with Vhkaspati (Siva); composed by the philosopher Vakaspati; a. eloquence. 'TMT yak-a, f. speech, word; goddess of speech. W~~ v'ak-ftta, a. garrulous, talkative (also of b irds); boastful; filled with the song of(-) '4T~TWW! vahkf rambhana, a. expedient of speech, mere phrase. -q,; vak-ala, a. talkative, garrulous (also of birds); boastful; noisy; resounding with the song or noise of (-'o): -ta', f,2 -tva, a. talkativeness, garrulousness. 'qT~qTR'W vhal4-ana'f. making garrulous. 19T1T9~ vakkla-ya, den. P. make talkative, induce to talk; make noisy, fill with noise: pp. it a.'4T~TMMT vahat-sahatya, in. talkative companion, entertainer. _4TN~f vatk-ika, a. produced by or consisting in words, verbal, committed by speech (,sin); expressed, threatened (destruction); n. oral communication., message; -in, a. (P~) asserting; expressing, signifying, indicating. ~ f vatko-yukti,f~appropriate speech or word. 'qTW vak-ya, fp. to be spoken, said, told, stated, declared, mentioned, or enumerated; spoken about; to be spoken to, addressed, or told (w. ac. or oratio recta w. iti); expressed, signified, expressly meant by (g., -';to be spoken against, to be blamed or censured by (in., g.), censurable; a. imps, one should say or speak, about (g.); n. reproach, fault (-in gain, expoen oneself to reproach); (that of which anything is predicable), substantive: -tva, n. expression by means of (-O); -vat, ad. like the substantive == following the gender of the substantive, adjectivally. '4TWN'I vakya-kitra, a. play on words; -ta', f. blame, censure; -tva, a. necessity of express mention; -liinga: -ka, a. having the gender of the substantive, adjectival; -vargita, a. elliptical expression; -va'kakatva, n. condition of that which is designated and that which designates.!qWT vakkya'-ya, den. A. appear as if it were really expressed. -qWT vakkya artha, ms. directly expressed meaning: -tva,n.direct expression ofmeaning. 'q75 vgg-a, 'm. i. V. speed, vigour, spirit (esp. ofasteed; sg. & pl.); race, contest; prize of battle, booty; gain, reward; treasure, valuable possession; (sacrificial) food (rare); swift or spirited steed (esp. in a warchariot); N. of one of the three Ribhus: pl. the llibhus; 2. C. feathers on an arrow; N. 'qT3FXf_'f v~'ga-pati, ms. lord of booty, etc.; (viga)-patn'1f. queen of treasure (-V.); -p& ya, s. n. draught of battle or strength, a kind of Soma sacrifice; -prasitta, pp. urged on by strength (RV.). Nn112 276 2T aTt vaga-ya. A- va-na. qIlT vagd-ya, den. P., or -ya, P. A. race, contend, vie, speed; urge or spur on. c(TqS vqga-yi, a. (RV.) racing, swift; eager for battle; vigorous; winning booty. -S'TU ' vaga-ratna, a. (BV.) rich in gathered treasure: -. yana, m. pat. of Somasushman (Br.); -vat, a. (V.) accompanied with strength; vigorous; consisting of steeds; accompanied by Vaga or the Ribhus. lntRfti vfga-sani, a. winning booty or wealth (RV.); invigorating, victorious (RV.); bestowing food, also ep. of Siva (C.); -san-eys, m. pat. of Yagiavalkya; (a), m. pi. school of Vagasaneya: -ka, a. relating to, composed by, or belonging to the school of Vagasaneya; n. the Satapatha-brahmana; -saney-in, a. belonging to the school of Vagasaneya; m. pl. school of Vagasaneya. [TrIITf'W vaga-sati, f. (V.) winning of booty; battle, victory. TfWt vfag-in, a. V.: spirited, swift (steed; w. ratha, m. =war-chariot); brave, warlike; manly, procreative; C.: winged; having - as wings (-~); feathered (arrow; also once swift: -i-ta,f. feathered condition); m. hero, warrior (V.); steed of a war-chariot (V.); horse, stallion (C.; -i-ta, f. condition of a horse): pl. coursers = steeds or teams of the gods ( V.); the school ofVagasaneya (so called because the sun in the shape of a horse revealed certain Yagus verses to Ydgnavalkya). Wfir vagin-a, n. (V.) race, contest, emulation; manly vigour; curds (very rarely C.). Tf~R'iW. vagini-vat, a. (V.) possessing or driving swift steeds; strong, spirited; -vasu, a. having swift steeds (RV.). 4TfiDjfi vagi-bhimi, f. country suitable for horses; -medha, m. horse sacrifice; -vahana, n. horses and chariots; -vishtha, f. (horse-stand), Indian fig-tree (=asvattha); -sla, f. stable.;'tqii r vagi-karana, a. producing virility; n. aphrodisiac. WTj P VAN-KH, I. P. vankha [der. of Vvan], desire, wish, be fond of, like (ac., or inf.); assert, assume (C., rare): pp. vankhita, desired, wished for. abhi, desire, long for (ac.); wish to (inf.): pp. desired, wished. sam-abhi, a, = simle verb. TlWlT vainkh-f, f. desire, wish, longing, for (g., Ic., prati, -C); assumption (rare): -m kri, long for (lc.). TII vln fiakh-ita, pp. n. wish, desire. 4TZ vat, a sacrificial exclamation= bring or take [prob.fr. v/vah=Vvah]. q i I. vata, a. made of the Indian fig-tree (vata): -mula, a. dwelling at the roots of the Indian fig-tree. -TZ 2. vata, m. enclosure, piece of enclosed ground (often -~ with what it contains); district; road: -ka, m. enclosure, garden; -dhana, m. man descended from an outcast Brahman; N. of a people (pl.); prince or man of this people; n. their country. W[TfZiT vat-ika, f. enclosure, garden; -i, f.id. vqti vat-ya, I. a. made of the Indian figtree (vata); 2. m. roasted barley. c|II vadaba, a. coming from the mare; m. submarinefire; Brahman: - agni, -anala, m. the submarine fire (supposed to be at the south pole). qTfa T vadab-iya, a. with gyotis, n. id. Ty- vadava, later spelling for vadaba. iTZlr vaddautsa, m. N. i- r. vana, m. (=bana) arrow; teat. MW 2. vana, m. (instrumental) music (V.); harp, lute (V., C.): -sabda, m. sound of a lute (or whizzing of arrows); -sala, N. of a fortress. iqT lt; van&rasi = varanasl, Benares (rare). qTfitJ'T vaniga, m. merchant: -ka, m. id.; i-ka, m. id. (-~). MTfWt vanig-ya, n., a, f. (rare), business of a merchant (vanig), trade, traffic. WrfT'f vanin-i, f. clever or intriguing woman; intoxicated woman. it vnlA, f. Rv..: music (pl. choir); C.: voice, sound, note; speech, words; eloquent words, fine diction (rare); goddess of speech, Sarasvati (rare). qt1 #tI vaniki, f. kind of musical instrument or music (V.). ITF r.va-ta [pp.v/I. va, blow: with change of accent; cp. mArta], m. wind; god of wind (pl.the Maruts); air, wind as one of the humours of the body; disorder caused by wind. [Ti 2. va-ta,pp.of /3.va; &of /2.va(-~). qTjiqiT vfta-kara, a. producing wind (one of the bodily humours), causing flatulence; -kshobha, m. excitement of wind (in the body); -ganda, a. belonging to the society called Vataganda: a, f. N. of a certain society; -ghna, a. removing disorders from wind; -yava, a. fleet as the wind; (vata)gufta, pp. driven by the wind, swift as the wind (V.); -pata, m. sail; (vata)-prami, a. outstripping the wind (RV.1); -bhaksha, a. feeding on air. W1TI vata-ya, cs. V/vat. qiTTp -q 4rIf qRi vata-yantra-vimana-ka, n. mechanical car driven by the wind; (vata)-ramhas, a. fleet as the wind; (vita)rasana, a. wind-girt (V.); naked monk (C.); -rekaka, m. gust of wind; windbag. qTTIT vata-la, a. windy, airy; promoting wind (as a bodily humour). -qt'q vata-vat, m. N.; -varsha, m. sg. & pi. rain with wind; -vrishti,f. id.; -vyadhi, m. wind disease (term applied to rheumatic, nervous, and other disorders supposed to be caused by wind). MTffNi vftaskika, perh. incorr. for vatavasv-ika, a. speeding on horses swift as the wind. 4TW v vata-svana, a. roaring with wind (Agni; RV.1); m. N. of a mountain (C.); -svanas, a. id. (RV.1). nT7WIar vataatmaga, nm. son of Wind, Hanumat; -iatman, a. having the nature of air, airy; - adhvan, m. air-hole, round window; (vata)-api, a. having the wind as an ally (V.); m. N. of an Asura eaten up by Agastya ( C.); -_abhra, m. cloud driven by the wind; - &yana, m. pat. N. of a people (pl.); N. of a chamberlain; -.ayana, a. moving in the wind or air; n. air-hole, round window; airy part of a house, balcony, portico, terrace on the roof: -stha, a. standing or being at the window; -.li, f. whirlwind. TqiTTfl- vatavat-a, m. pat.fr. vAta-vat. 'qWT'4FR' vata avali, f. whirlwind (Pr.); - asa, m. (feeding on air), snake; - asva, m. horse fleet as the wind, very swift steed; - ahati,f. gust of wind. wrfdqi vat-ika, a. (i) produced by wind (the humour); m. windbag, flatterer, panegyrist. MIFT vat-ula, a. windy; scatter-brained, crazy: a-na-ka, N. of a locality. l T f vat-ala, a. mad; entirely bent upon (-~) iT'ifWT vataeka-bhaksha, a. feeding solely on wind, fasting. quTT vat-yf, f. tempestuous wind, whirlwind, gale: -kakra, n. whirlwind. ITiEnI vatya-ya, den. A. resemble a storm. iqulT vatsal-ya, n. tenderness, affection, love, for (g., lc., _-). MTf? vats-i, m. pat.fr. vatsa. qT1I vats-ya, a. treating of Vatsa; n. pat. fr. Vatsa: - gyana, m. pat. fr. Vatsya; N. of the author of the Kdma-sdstra. Wri vad-a, a. (-~) speaking of (rare); causing to sound, playing (rare); m. talk, utterance, statement (ord. mg.: -~ w. the speaker or what is stated); speaking about, mentioning (-~); counsel; proposition, thesis; discussion, controversy, disputation; dispute, about (-~); agreement regarding (-~); cry, note (of an animal or bird); sound (of a musical instrument): -ka, m. player of a musical instrument; -tas, ad. in argument (overcome); -da, a. vying with (-~). [1-r vfd-ana, m. (fr. cs. of V vad) player of a musical instrument (rare); n. playing a musical instrument (-~); instrumental music: -maruta, m. (wind coming from the mouth: vadana), breath. T<Vwj vada-yuddha, n. word-contest, disputation: -pradhana, a. devoted to controversy; m. eminent controversialist. TfBiqi vad-ika, a. (-~) talking, speaking; asserting, maintaining (a theory); m. magician (v. r.); -ita, pp. cs. of /vad; n. instrumental music; -i-tavya, fp. n. id.; -i-tra, n. musical instrument; music, musical performance; musical choir. Tfq, vad-in, a. saying, speaking, talking (often -~); speaking or talking about (-~); declaring, proclaiming, announcing (-~); expressing, indicating, designated as, addressed by (a title, -~); m. speaker; teacher of (-~); propounder or adherent of a theory; disputant; prosecutor. iTrq ir. va Adya, a. beginning with v. MTi' 2. vad-ya, fp. [v/vad] to be said or spoken; to be sounded or played (musical instrument); n. speech (rare); playing upon (a musical instrument, -~); instrumental music; m. n. musical instrument: -dhara, m. musician; -bhanda, n. musical instrument; -mana, pr. pt. A. cs. of /vad; n. instrumental music. TWiT vadhu-ya, a. (relating to a bride: vadhM), bridal; n. bridal or wedding garment (V.). 4ftWrIT vadhri-nasa, m. rhinoceros, kind of goat, bull, or bird (comm.). 4-R va-na, 1. pp., /2. va; 2. n. [V/4. va] weaving, sewing. M-qq*g va'na-prastha. -qTft*M va'ri-kosa. 277 wr'r~r~I vn-rsh.~firvr-o 7 clIT1 WI vatna-prastha, m. (betaking oneself to forest-uplands: vanaprastha), Br~hman of the third order (who has retired from domestic life to the forest), hermit; a. relating to the forest hermit; m. (sc. Asrama) third stage of a Br~hman's life, forest life; -prasth-ya, n. condition of a hermit. IiTVK vanara, m. [animal belonging to the forest: vanari monkey, ape: 3', f. female monkey; a. (i) belonging or peculiar etc. to the monkey. 4q viqI,"Ivana-vas-s,xf. N. of a town; -vasya, m. prince of V~navhsl. qTMI~ vanaspat-yd, a. coming from a tree (vanaspati), prepared from trees (Soma); wooden; belonging to the sacrificial post; n. fruit of a tree. M aT~ vnymN.of a people (p1.) va-nayu: -ga, m. horse produced in the Van~yu country. [1?otang). vanira, m. kind of cane (Calamus van-eya, a. living or growing in the forest, sylvan. qlr vatn-ta, pp. (V'vamn) vomited etc.: -vrishti, a. having shed its rain (cloud); - ada, a. eating vomit; - Asin, a. id. ariivn-ti, f [V'vam] vomiting. c7XI yap-a, m. [Vi. vap] shearing, shaving (only -' with krita.); -ana, n. causing oneself to be shaved, shaving; -aya, cs. of V/vap and of Vs. va. WT1I yapi, f. [damming up:.v'2.vap] oblong tank, pond: -ka, -'-a. id.; -gala, n. lakewater. q Q vap-ya, i.fp. ( V'2. vap) to be strewn; 2. a. coming from tanks (v~pl). Ii. svam, endl. cc., d., g., du. of the prn. of the second person. 2. Vam, perh. nm. du. = avam (R V.'). IqT 1.yhVA [V_.v],a (Al, V.; A, C.) pleasant, fair, lovely; benignant; dear; beautiful, noble; striving after, eager for (.) n. fortune, wealth (V.). 4M 2. vama, a. left, being on the left (the quivering of the left arm or eye is a good omen in women, the quivering of the left arm a bad omen in men); crooked, oblique (rare); acting in the opposite way or differently (rare); refractory, coy (in love); adverse (fortune); hard, cruel (love); perverse, wicked (rare); m. n. left side: in. va'mena, on the left; va'ma'd dakshinam, from left to right; n. adversity, misfortune. WITIjqi vama-ka, a. (ika&) left (not right); adverse, cruel; n. hind of gesture; -tas, ad. from or on the left; -AAf. disfavour (sts.pl) coyness; -tva, n. disfavour; -datta, m. N.: Af. N.; -dris, f. fair-eyed woman; (k)-deva, m. N. of a seer, son of Gotama, and composer of the fourth Mandala of the BRV.; -dev-ya, a. coming fromV~madeva; n. N. of various Sdmans. 4TT vftmana, a. small in stature, dwarfish; minute (light'), short (days); bent down, bending low; m. dwarf; dwarf-incarnation of Vishnu (who on being promised by the Daitya Bali as muchb land as he could measure in three steps, strode through the three worlds); N. of the world-elephant of the south orws;Nep. of the author of the Kdvydlamk 'ra-vritti and of the Kdsikh-vritti: -ka, m. dwarf; -t&a,f., -tva, n. dwarfishness. qT~~WVMIama-nayangf~fair-eyecdwomian. Mo qfvamana asrama, m. N. of a hermitage. WII~vama-ni, a. bringing wealth: -tva, n. attribute of bestowing wealth. 'TI#1NI vamani-kri, turn into a dwarf; -bhuL, become bent, bow oneself. 'q4R v~ma-bhrfif. left eyebrow; (a.)f. fair-ey-ed woman. MR ~7 vamalfira, m. ant-hill. W(II# II v'fAma-lohana, n. beautiful eye: Af. fair-eyed woman; N.; -siva, m. N.; -s3ila, a. of bad character; -sthia, a. standing on theleft; -svabhava, a. of noble character. '4MT vam f.(of i. vama) lovely woman; woman. WPT~ Ama akshil, f. fair-eyed woman; - arkis, a. flaming towards the left (fire: a bad omen); 7-avairta, a. winding tow~ards the left; turned towards the left or west. MTfI'Mvatm-in, a. vomiting, ejecting. wr4* VAm-19 f. female camel (only -o with ushtra-). W(R'I19TT vamaj^kshanaf lovely - eyed woman; - itara, a. not left, right; -ea vritti, a. always acting perversely: -tva, n. perpetual perverseness; - r i,.f. woman with beautiful thighs. TR vam-ya, I. a. belonging to Vama (-deva); 2. n. perverseness. MV vfty-a, m.(-) weaver; weaving; thread [V,4. va]:-ka, m. weaver, sewer. [dyuumna. M4 vayat-a, m. pat. (fr. vayat) oPasa-4Z vhyav-a, a. (iA) relating, belonging, or sacred to or sprung from the wind, air, or god of wind; north- western: I', f. (+dis) north-west; _Iya, a. id.; -yii, a. id.; +pitra, n. a kind of Soma vessel shaped like a mortar; mn.n., a, f. north-west. M'ZT vayas-',mi. (large) birdl( V.); crow (S., C.); a. (i) consisting of birds (C.); relating or peculiar to crows (C.): 'I,f. female crow (C.). MW[;RIVvayaSi-kri, turn into a crow; -bhfi, be turned into a crow. 'qI va-yvi, in. [vi vA] wind, air (one of the elements; seven winds are assumed); god of wind (pl. = the Maruts); breath; vital air (there are five: pra~na, apana, vy~na, ud~na, samkna; or n~ga, kftrma, krikara, devadatta, dhanamngaya); wind as one of the three humours of the body; wind as a hind of goblin confusing men. -m kqo vayu-gokara, m. north-west; -grasta, pp. affected by wind, crazy; -kakrra, n. range of the wind; -dis, f. north-west; -nighna, a. id.; -patha, in. path of the wind, a certain tract in the, air; N. of a king; -putra, mn. son of Wind, Hanumat: -a den. represent ilanumat: pp. i-ta, n. imps.; -bala, 'in. N. of a warrior who fought on the side of the gods against the Asuras; -bhaksha, a. livings on air, fasting: -ka, a. id.; -mandala, n. whirlwind; -rugna, pp. broken down by wind (trees); -vega, m. speed of the wind: -yasas,f. N.; -sama, a. like the wind; -skandha, m. region of the wind. Rvar, a. water (nm. pl. very rarely -s as if m. orf.): -a nidhi, ocean. rTT. v~ra, in. ( ala) hair of the tail (esp. a horse's); in. n. sg. pl. hair-sieve (By.). 'q-I 2. vatr-a, a. [,V. vri] keeping or warding off (only 0-). Wi': 3. va'r-a,M in [va. vrij i. V.: treasure (BRV.); 2. C.: time fixed for anything, any one's turn; assy one's appointed place (rare); time (with numerals, e.g. three times, etc.); day of the week, day (abbreviated for dinaor divasa-, turn of a day under the regency of a planet): vairam va'ram, ofttimes, repeatedly, again and again. T'M: 4. vAra, m. quantity, multitude (rare). 'qT':17 vara-ka, m. i. opposer, averter; 2. turn: in. e-na, in turn; 3. incorr. for vkrddhaka, age. W~M i vatra-kanya-kft, f. (girl taken in turn), courtezan. vaqrafiga, mn. handle (of a knife etc.). '9RT var-and, a. ['I'; 's/. vri] warding off, resisting, opposing (C.); shy, wild (V.); dangerous (By.); forbidden (-Br.); m. (all-resisting), elephant (C.); elephant-hook(C.,very rare); n. (C.) warding off, from (ab.); means of restraining (rare). qT-4M!TW~i varana atnana, in. (elephantfaced), ep. of Ganesa. W '~~varan-ilya, i. fp. to be fended off (-0in a-); 2. a. belonging to an elephant; with kara, in. elephant's trunk. MT"T'#ft vftam-nan, f. (woman taken in turn), courtezan; -b ana, n. (?) armour, coat of mail, doublet (= bhna-va~ra, arrow-guard); -mukhya, f. courtezan. lW':'W va'ra-ya, cs. (Vs/j. vri) present etc. q I4,jfflr vara-yuvati, f. (woman taken in turn), cou rtezan; -yoshit, -vadhi& vait, f.id.; -vaia, m.N.of an Agraha'ra; -viiaisini, f. (dallying in turn), courtezan; aitgan f. id. WV T!ivatranaSi,f. N. of a city, Benares. IETTVI v'araha, a. coming from or relating to the boar (varhha); made of pig's leather. wr4. yatr-i, n. water. 'qTfT 2. va'r-ijf. (als ) enclosure for catching or place for tying up elephants [Vi.vri]. MTf~t, vatri-kosa, in. (- kosa-vdri) consecrated water used in ordeals; -garbhaudara, a.(pregnant =) heavy with rain (cloud); -kara, a. aquatic; in. aquatic animal; fish; -ga, m. (producedin the water), shell; n. lotus: - aksha, a. lotus-eyed; -gita, (pp.) m. shell; t-taramga, m. wave; -tas, ad. by water; -taskara, m. stealer of water, esp. of the sun (which draws up water with its rays); -da, a. giving water orrain; in. rain-cloud: -aa ma, m. (arrival of clouds), rainy season, - anta, M. (end of the clouds), autumn; -dhar-a, a. bearing, or containing water; in. raincloud; -dhatni, f.reservoir of water, waterbutt; -dhara, f.sg. & pl. torrent of water; -dhi, m. receptacle of water, ocean, sea (four or seven seas are spoken of); -nidhi, m. id.; -pa, a. i. drinking water; 2. guarding water; -patha, in. water-way; sea-faring: t.ia givin, a. subsisting by mnaritime trade; _Pu~ryam, ad. previously pouring out water; -bandhana, n. damming up of water; -bindun, m. drop of water; -mat, a. abounding in water; -maya, a. (i) consisting of water; peculiar to water; -mink, a. discharging water or rain; in. rain-cloud; -yautra, n. waterwheel; -ra, m. (giving water), cloud; -risi, vb. volume of water; ocean; -ruha, n. (growing in the water), lotus-flower; -varana, M. -water-elephant.(a kind of monster);_-Vaha, a. bringing water; in. rain-cloud; Agod of rain: -ka, a. bringing water; -vihara, in. 278 A zwft va'r'i. qT;EM Vasa-ya. I sporting in the water; -saya, a. living in the water; -sambhava, a. produced in or obtained from water; -stha, a. (situated =) reflected in the water (sun's disc). vTft rl, f., v. 2. yfri. A RW~ vairi-ya, den. A. resemble water. 14T~vftrund, a. (i) belonging, relating, or sacred to Varuna; western (presided over by Varuna); m. aquatic animal, fish: i',Jf. west; kind of serpent; Varuna's female energy; Varuna's daughter (produced at the churning of the ocean and regarded as the goddess of spirituous liquor); spirituous liquor,palm-wine. etT firarun-i, m. pat. (fr. Yaruna) of various men. T#vatrksha, a. (I) consisting or made of, belonging or relating to, produced from, growing on or protected (fortress) by trees (vriksha); wooden. -T1I vftrna, a. [varna] relating to a sound or letter (in the grammatical sense). mi E vfrtarnan-ika, a. relating to the present (vartamn~na), now living. WF I Ttvfrtta, a. (relating to fact: vritta) right, correct; healthy, well; ordinary, middling,; worthless; n. welfare, health: af livelihood, profession; occupation of a Vaisya (i.e. agriculture, cattle-breeding, and trade); news, tidings, rumour, report, story (of or about, -. '); talk about (g., lc., uddisya w. ac., -9'): ka^ vrta, what news? what talk is there of (1c.)? -cannot be thought of, - is out of the question; Varttaym' kri, talk a bout (ac.); — ' a. living or subsisting on. ~TVartta-ya, den. P. converse with (ac.). qI9Tq vftrtt&-ka, Inif (rare) egg-plant. M f~~t*ra'taauii a. living by trade or business; -3rnatrazvzbodhana, n. knowledge based onl ohersay; - riambha, m. commercial undertaking, bu-siness; -vyatikara, m. bad news; -hara, m. mnessenger;..hartri, -hara, m. id.; -harinlf female messenger. wrf-44i vartt-ika, m. trader, business man; emissary, envoy; -a, f. trade, business; n. supplementary and corrective rule to a Siltra (the best-known Vadrttilcas are those ofKdtya'yana on the Siltras of Painini): (a)-ka'ra, m. composer of V~rttikas. qTIW va'rtraghna, a. (iL) relating to the slayer of Vritra (Vritra-han): with havis, n. = sacrifice for victory; in. _pat. of Arguna (regarded as a son of Indra). el var-da, m. (water-giver), raina-cloud. ME vflrddha-ka, m. [fr. vriddha] old man; n. old age: -m dha^, grow old: -bha'va, m. old age. q 114 E valrddhak-ya, n. old age. WUqi vatrddh —Lsh-a, in. usurer: i, m. id.; debt with accumulated interest; -ika, -in, m. -usurer; I, -ya, n. usury. [ocean.!FTffi- vflr-dhi, m. (receptacle of waters), 4TV4T1L!q vftrdhrftnasd, mn. rhinoceros, old w hite he-goat, or a kind of crane. We vardhril, f. leather thong. M#Er vflr-muk, m. -rain-cloutd. MT4vahr-ya,fp. i. to be checked, restrained, or deterred, from (ab.); 2. (-v~r)-ya, to be chosen (C., rare); precious, valuable (RV.); n. treasure, wealth, blessing (RV.). -qT4-q3ff-qiT qr upgivna. deriving his livelihood from water; m. water-carrier; fisherman; okas,f() (living in the water), leech. '4v 9Var-vatha, m. rain-cloud. 'q~ varsha', a. ('% belonging to the rainy season (varshi). [Vrisha-parvan. -Tt~~valrsha-parvana, a. derived from CTT~ varshala, a. peculiar to the Sctdra (vrishala). [of Vrishhkapi. WI~qTNitI vatrsha'kap-a, a. having the nature -T ~ vCrsb-ika, a. (i) rainy, belonging to the rainy season; lasting for a year (food, etc.); annual, yearly; -', with a num. lasting (so many) years, (so many) years old. WP#I varshna (or 'a), mn. pat. N. _4T1W~q -varshneyd, m. pat. (fr. vrishni) of various men; N. of N~ala's charioteer: (a)sahita, pp. accompanied by Vfirshneya. '9 v'ala, m. [later form of vftra] hair of the tail, horse-hair; tail; bristle; hair; hairsieve (V.). WifTT vfla-khilya, a. with mantrfth or rikah, a term applied to the eleven hymns inserted after REVNIII., 48: pl. or n. sg. the section comprising these hymns; m. pl. a class of Rishis of the size of a thumb and connected with the sun. -4T~f' I vafla-cihi, m. tail; -maya, a. consisting of hair; -va~ya-ga, n. cat's eye (the stone; lit.produced on MountY~lavAya); -va'sas, n. garment of hair; -vyagana, n. flywhisk made of tail-hair, esp. of the tail of the Yak (Bos grunniens; = khmara): i-~bhui, become a fly- whisk. W4TRTf'*q valavitu, m. N. '4TfT~~ va'l-in, m. (having a tail), N. of a monkey, brother of Sugriva and son of Indra. '4IZ vftluka, a. made of sand. WT"T vftlukfl, f. sg. or (gnly.) PI. sand: -tva, n. being sand= nothingness; - abdhi, m. (sea =) waste of sand; -maya, a. (i.) consisting or made of sand; -a9mbudhi, m. (sea =) waste of sand; -_ arnava, m. id. IqTlicf vatlka, a. made of the bark of trees; n. cloth or garment made of bark (valka). q " q vhlmilka, a. composed by Yalmliki. '9TW~f* vflalmiki, m. N. of an ancient sage, composer of the lld'mayana: i-ya, a. connected with or composed by Vfllmiki. '414 vftllabh-ya, n. popularity, favour; tenderness. 14- vg-vd, emphatic pci. (commonest in rel. sentences) following the word having the stressjust, indeed (commonest in Br., occurs also in T'S., U., and ]3hdgavata-P.). q ITl'T vft-vakana, n. statement of option. '4TTT~va-vad-fika, (inkv.) a. very eloquent; garrulous; disputatious. El1qTTWT vfl-vas-ftna, f.Pt. K (V'As) eagerly longing (lBE.). [Wearing (RV.). P A 14!TR vat-vas-ftna, Pfpt. A.(V'2. vas) M-~f Vvavta, a. [1/3. va ] beloved, m. favourite (B V.): 4, f. favourite wi fe, of a king (inferior to the mahishi, but superior to the parivrikti": comm.). VI1 AS, I.vasaP.(, C.), A. (C.), "" IV. visya, A. (V., C.), P. (B.) low, bellow; cry, scream (of birds); resound; cs. vasaya, P. cause to low, scream., resound, or thunder; intv. va~vas, vivasyate, howl, scream, or sound aloud. abhi, low or bellow at. prati, low os' scream at (ac.); intv. id. sam, low etc. together. WIM(~ vasa-ka, a. warbling (of birds). -em~p vas-ita, pp. n. howl, cry, scream. '4Tf*1T vas-ita, f. cow longing for the bull; also of other animals desiring the male, esp. female elephant; woman, wife (in AE., F. &.awys spelt v~sit').!ETf'k~ivas-ini,a.crying,screaming(ofbirds). wiilft vgsi', f. sharp knife, axe (V., E.; in AE. & F. s~pelt vast): -mat, a. bearing pointed knives (.Agni; BV.). 'qTM vds-rid, a. lowing, roaring; sounding; whistling (wind): a', f. lowing cow; cow. 'WT4T valshtua-kat, f. N. of a village. 'T;i VAS, only i-vasate, resists? MV~ i. vfts-a, m. garment, dress (metr. forl MR~ 2. vas-9, in. halting, esp. for the night, staying overnight; resting, dwelling, soj ourin, in (1c., -9); abode, habitation; seat of (g.); day's journey (rare); situation, condition (rare): -m vas, take up one's abode, abide, dwell, live: -9, a. abiding, living in (C.). 'qT 3. vfisa, mn. perfume. 'gTV*r:,q vfisah-khanda, n. rag. 'q~q vfisa-ka, i. -0, a. = vatsa, garment, clothes; 2. -9, a. abode, dwelling; n. bedchamber; 3. perfume: -sagga', -saggikk&, a. f. ready in her chamber, mistress prepared to receive her lover. 'gT;U;vflsa-griha, n.bed-chamber; -geha, n. id.; -taimbf'la, n. betel with aromatic adjuncts. 'WT NK vasativara, a. relating to water left standing overnight (vasatl-vari). v~sateya, a. affording shelter (vasati): I',f. night. zqR. vals-ana, n. (fr. CS. Of V2. vas) garment, dress; case, box, casket. '4VV 2. vals-ana, n. (fr. cs. of V'3.vas) causing or allowing to dwell (rare); knowledge (rare): ^, f. thought of, desire for (lc.); impression (of, -9) left dwelling in the mind; notion, idea; false notion (e.g. bheda-, mistaken idea that there is a difference): — " a. a: a-Maya, a. consisting in or based on ideas; consisting in impressions of (-9): -tva, n. abst. N. [strenuous reflexion. ~iii tvAsan-i-ya, a. intelligible only by aFIi fsantd, a. ('3) belonging to or produced in spring, vernal: i, f. N. of various.plants; N. of a sylvan goddess. MT~f'*I4 vagsant-ika, a. (i) vernal; in. spring festival. KT'ItI4 vasa-paryaya, in. change of residence; -pras ada, in. palace; -bhavana, n. bed-chamber; -bhemmi, f. place of abode., homestead. 'qTVR x. vas-aya, cs. of V.,vas. qTRg2. va'sa-ya, den. P. (A. metr.) make fragrant, perfume, scent: pp astpr fumed, fragrant, scented; infected with, steeped in ( —9). adhi, make fragrant, perfume; initiate: p~p. perfumed; consecrated; "Tw lIf va~sa-yashti. f-qirT vi-kara. 279 infected or affected by (in., 0-). ', make fragrant. sam..A, win, captivate. 1*tf vaisa-yashti, f. (branched) roosting-pole or perch (for tame peacockcs). M ~ffT vfts-ay-i-tri, m. i. clother; 2. preserver. M~ va'sar-6, a. (i`) belon-ging to or appearing in the morning (vasar), early (R V.); m. (time of dawn, morning), day (opp. night); day (in general); day of the week: (a) -kritya, n. daily observances; -mani, m. gem of day, sun; -saiiga, m. daybreak; - adhisa, M. sun; -i.sa, 'in. id.; lord of the week (sun, moon, o~r planet).!WT vasav-a', a. (i) belonging to, derived from (etc.) the Vasus; mn. chief of the Vasus, Indra; a. (i) belonging to Indra (i1 ~ dis, f.east): -kapa, Indra's bow, rainbow; -datt&, f~frequent N.; story of V~savadatt&; fT. of a novel by Subandhsr; -dis, f. Indra's quarter, east; - ~s^ f. id. cl I *191~;'[ vasa-vesman, n. bed-chamiber. iTrYa's-as, n. [V'/2.vas] garment, robe, dress; cloth: due. upper and lower garment. W I 2. va's-as, n. night-quarters (rare).;q 11 PTTR vasa agara, n. bed-chamber. -wTifwvas-ita, pp. of A/vas in cs. and of den. va'saya:- A,f., v. vbsith. CIII"ffiI vfts-in, a. T. ( —P) clothed, dressed in; 2. (gnly. — ) staying, abiding, dwelling,, living (in, among, for a time, as); 3. incorr. spelling for v~sin. qTf(-[W va'sishthd, a. (i') descended from, composed by, relating or belonging to Vasishtha; m. pat.fr.Vasisbtha. q T f41 vAsuki, m. N. of a _genius; N. of the sovereign of the serpents; N. q va'sudevsd, m. pat. (fr. Vasudeva) N. of a king of Pundra; N. of KrishnaVishnu; N.; a. (i) relating to VAsudeva (Krishna): -ka, m. a little Vfisudeva; a second Vfisudeva (Pr.). r4 C4Vasumdhareya, m. -met. of Naraka; 3 f. met. of Slth. 4T~LsaO, f. girl. qT 1 ~ vqso-da, a. giving a garment; -dx, a. id. (1R1.'); -bhrit, a. wearing a - garment (O;-yuga, n. pair of garments; _Vaya, a. weaving a garment (11 V.'). I vftstav-a, a. (I) (relating to an actual thing: vastu) substantial, real, true, genuine; -ika, a. id.; m. realist; gardener; -ya-, a. remaining on the spot (vhstu), left (V.); resident, settled, dwelling; m. inhabitant, resident. ITJ vas -tu, in.- (on ly P.), n.[v /3.- vas] dwelling-place,homestead,house; apartment (rare):..karmau, is. building of a house; -gfina, n. knowledge of building, architecture; -pariksha&, f. examination of the building site; -piia, m. tutelary genius of the house; -purusha, m. genius regarded as prototype of the house; -vidha.na, n. building of a house; -sampa~daua, n. preparation of a site; -stha^pana, n. erection of a house; -ha, a. left remaining on the spot; n. (?) remainder. q11i't If vastosh-piti, m. genius of the homestead: ii~-ya, a. belonging etc. to Vastoshpati. q T T vasra, f. incorr. for vflsrAi. I. "H A. vlha (rare), press. pra, id.; cs. -va'haya, P. id. sam-pra, id. M!. v~h, only -e, d. inf. (of /vath= v'vah) for drawing (1117.'). '9!2. v~h, stry. base of vah (~) 'q~ vhh-a', a. (0O) drawing, conveying; carrying; flowing (river); m. draught animal; horse; bull; vehicle, carriage: -s a. having - as one's vehicle, riding on or in; n. drawing; riding, driving; bearing, carrying; current [V'vah]. WF7q! vflha-ka, m. (ik&,f.) carrier; bearer, conveyer of (0'); a. ( —P) carrying along (water); setting in motion; stroking; m. N. If vgh-ana, a. (fr. cs. of \'vah) driving; carrying,; bringing; ss. animal used for draught or riding; vehicle, conveyance, chrowaggon; animal (rare); drawing, carrying; riding, driving: -o a. riding on, driving in: -ta, f, -tva, n. condition of a vehicle, etc. 19" valb-anh, f army: i'-krri, make a vehicle of, i'-bhi', become a vehicle; -ani'ya, fp. (cs. of V'vah); n. (?) beast of burden; avh)-as, n. offering (V.). 14fff ivfh-in, a. driving along (car); drawing; flowing to; causing, to flow, shedding; bearing along (of a river), wafting (of wind); bringing, producino'; bearing, carrying; wearing, possessing, having; perform. ing, practising: (in)-iLf. V., C.: army; C.: division of an army (consisting of 8i elep~hants, 8i chariots, 243 horse, 405 foot); river: -pati, m. commander of an army; A sa, m. id. wifJU v~h-ishtha, spy. (= vahishtha) wafting or bringaing most (11 V.). wrff vfhh-ya, fp. drawn, driven; ridden; borne by or on (0-); n. animal for draught or riding; vehicle, conveyance: -Ali, f riding course: -bh t, f. id. r~-. vi', m. bird: also fig. of horses and the Miaruts (common in, V., very rare in C.). f*2. V1, i. ad. as a vbl. preposition and0 w. nouns expresses separation, privation, dispersion (asunder, apart, off, away, without, etc.); 2. pr~p. w. ac. (1117., rare) through, between (with, elli~pse of the verb). fTvimsa', a. twentieth (w. bhalga or arnsa, m. one-twentieth); increased by twenty (e. g. w. sata, n. one hundred and twenty); consisting of twenty parts; n. twenty; m. onetwentieth: (a)-ka, a. increased by twenty (.sata, n. twenty per cent.); consisting of twenty parts; n. twenty. f4'rr vi-m-sa-tif. [two-decade: (d)vi-m(da)sa-tf] twenty (w. a pl. in the same case, governing a g. pl., or s-): (i) -ka, a. twenty years old; consisting of twenty (syllables or panas: fine); n. twenty; -tama, a. twentieth (w. bhilga, en. twentieth part); -bhaga m. twentieth part; -ma, a. twentieth; m. twentieth part; -varsha-desiya, a. about twenty years old; -Varshika, a. (i) lasting twentyyears; takingplace aftertwen'tyyears; -isa, - in, en. chief of twenty villages. f'r.vims-in, a. consisting of twenty; en. chief of twenty villages. fgfi f vi-kafikata, en. N. of a thorny tree (the wood of which was used for making ladles). f~~i'W vi-kaka, a. hairless, bald (rare); expanded, blown (flower; ord. nmg.); beam ing, radiant, with (-0): -sri, a. i. radiantly beautiful; 2. the glory of whose hair has departed; -kakita, den. pp. expanded, blown (flower); -kaki-kri,expand (a flower); -kakkhapa, a. deprived of tortoises. vi-kata, a. [ Prdkritic form of vi-krita, altered in appearance; RV1 C.] having an unusual aspect, horrible, dreadful, hideous, formidable; large, broad (rare); extremely beautiful (rare): -in, ad. terribly; m. N.; N. of a gander: -vadana, en. N. of an attendant of Dwrgad; -varman, en. N. of a icing; _- aksha, a. having dreadful eyes; en. N. of an Asura; - anana, a. having a large or hideous mouth.fCiitF vi-kat-ii-kri, make wide, extend; -kantaka-pura, n. N. of a town; -katthana., en. boaster, bragg art; n., ^,.f. vaunting, boastfulness: (a)-tva, n. fulsome praise; -kathi, f. irrelevant talk; -kampita, n. hind of falling tone; -karana, i. a. producing a change; en. (modifier) ~ pratyaya, affix forming the base (and inserted between root and personal ternmination); n. change, modification; 2. a. lacking organs: -tva, n. lack of organs; -karila, a. formidable, frightful, dreadful (a',f. ep. of Durgii): -ta',f. formidableness, dreadful appearance, -mukha, mn. N. of a lilalcara; -karna, a. lacking ears, deaf; m. N. (among others) of Dhritar~sbtra; mn. N. of a Sadman. fRIENWr vi-kartana, a. dividing; en. sun; it. cutting up; dividing; -kartri, en. transformer; insulter; -karma-krit, a. followving unlawful occupations; -karma-.kia~f. performance of unlawful actions; -karman, n. unlawful act or occupation; -karma-stha, a. following an unlawful occupation; -karsha, en. pulling asunder; separation of semivowel combinations, etc.; removal; -karshana, n. pulling asunder; drawing (of a bow); searching out, investigation. fgMI vi-kala, a. lacking a part, defective, imperfect; inefficient, useless; mutilated, maimed; impaired, -weak; deficient in, lacking (in.,-0); blind of (an eye,-0); exhausted, unnerved, unwell, dispirited, drooping: &',f. second; -kalajika, a. spotless; -kalata f., -kala-tva, n. defectiveness, imperfection; infirmity; -kalajaiiga, a. having a crippled member; -kali-kri, greatly impair or injure. N-4 vi-lkalpa, en. alternative, option; combination, contrivance; variety; distinction (rare); indecision, hesitation, doubt; false notion, fancy: in. optionally: -gala, n. number of possible cases; -kalpanan, a,. allowing an option; distinction; false notion or assumption; -klaiya,fp. to be ascertamned; -kalpayitavya,fp. to be put as an alternative; -kalpa-vat, a. undecided, doubtful; -kalpa~an-upapatti, f. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalps.saha, a. not standing the test of a, dilemmia: -tva, n. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpitatva, n. optionalness; -kalpin, a. (hair) liable to be mistaken for (black Asoca flowers, — ); -kalpya, fp.- to be distributed; - calculated; - chosen according to circumstances. f-4icPH vi-kalmasha, a. sinless; -kasyapa, a. performed without the Kasyapas (sacrifice); -kasvara, a. expanded, blown. (flower); open (mouth, eyes); candid (person); clear (sound). NW vi-kftra. mn. transformation, alteration, change, modification, variation, altered or unwonted condition; apparition, spectre (rare); unusual pranks, extravagances (p1.; rare); product; derivative from Prakriti (of which there are sixteen, the eleven organs and thefive elements: Saiilchyaphil.); derivative 280 fqzTft-f vi-kairita. f~v'ti'r vi-ghatana. of a word (rare); change of the normal bodily condition, ailment, malady, affection; wound caused by (a blow, -P); contortion of face,;2rirnace; change in the normal mental condition, perturbation, agitation, esp. amorous emotion; change of sentiment, hostility, refractoriness, defection: vidhehi marilavik~ram, assume the unwonted gait of the flamingo; -ka'xana, a. groundless; -kfixavat, a. undergoing changes; -kira-hetu, m. cause of perturbation. f!'qTfT'Wvi-kfrita, cs. pp. V,'kri; -ka'ri-tva, n. alteration, change; -kirin, a. liable to change, changeable; changing into ( —O); susceptible of emotion or love; becoming disloyal, rebellious; producing a change in, corrupting (the mind); -ka~rya, fp. liable to change; -k1al, in. evening; -ksa,.I brightness; 2. inaccurate spelling for -kqsa; -ksin, a. shining, radiant; —, illustrating, explaining; -kisa, in. [V'/kas] expanding, blowing (of flowers); opening (of the mouth, or eyes); opening of the heart, susceptibility; expansion, development: -ka, a. (~O expanding the mind= making wise; - sAna a. causing to expand; n. developing; -k~sia~ f. expansion, development; -kasin, a. blossoming, blowing; open (eyes); expanding, developing; extensive, great (fortune); abounding in(0 f ~~vi-kira, M. rice (etc.) scattered as an offering to conciliate beings obstructive of sacri~flce; (scraper), kind of gallinaceous bird; n. scattering, strewing; -kirna, pp. (Vkri) scattered etc. fj~ vi-kukshi, a. having a prominen~t belly; in. N. of a son or grandson of IkshMdu;..kuntha, a. sharp, penetrating irresistible (rare); m. ep. of Vishnu; Vishnu's heaven (vaikuntha); -k'gia, (pp).hm ming, warbling; -ku~naua, n. contraction. fI vi -krita, pp. (Vkri) changed etc.; n. deformity; abortion; transformation,change: -tva, a. modification, change; -damshtra, m. (having ugly teeth), N. of a fairy; -buddhi, a. changed in mind, alienated; -Akira, a. having a misshapen aspect; altered in appearance. f~~fivi-kriti, f. transformation, alteration, change, modification, variation, changed condition; apparition, spectre; product; derivative of Prakriti ( = vika'ra in Sadmkhya phil.); derivative form (in gr.; rare); development (of seed; Br.); change of the normral mental condition, perturbation; change of feeling, hostility, defection: -m, gain, ya, vrag, or pra-pad, be changed: -mat, a. liable to change; indisposed, ill. f1i vi-krishta, pp. Vkrish. fq'"'MTvi-kosa, a.unsheathed, drawn (sword etc.); lacking a foreskin. [or interest. -qq vi-kautuka, a. lacking curiosity fW'Iii vi-kram6, in. V/., C.: stride, step; C.: motion, gait, pace; force, forcible means; mnight, prowess, valour; kind of grave accent (gr.); non-change of Visarga into a sibilant (gr.);- N.; also = Vikramnhditya: ab. vikramit, by force; na asti vikramena, it cannot be done by forcible means; vikramam kri, display one's prowess or courage: -kesarin, in. N. of a king; N. of a minister; -kanda, m. N. of a prince of Benares; -karita or -karitra, n. Adventures of Vikrama (Aditya), T. of a collection of tales. W~ika'aa n. striding, stride, step (of Vishnu); might, prowess, valour (C.). f~vikrama -tufiga, in. N. of two kings; -nidhi, in. N. of a warrior; - pattana, a. Vikrama's city, Uggayinl; -pati, in. =-Vikrama~Lditya; -pura, n. N. of a town; -b Ahu, ms. N. of various kings; -riga, in. N. of a king; -iiikhana, ms. = Vikramajiditya; -sakti, in. N. of various warriors; -simha, m. N. of various kings; -sena, m. id.; -stha'na, n. walking-place, promenade; - ika, M. =Vikrama'ditya: -deva, as. id.: -karita, n. Adventures of Vikramhfika-deva, T7. of a poem; - Aditya, mn. Sun of Valour, N. of various kings, esp. of one accounted the conqueror of the Sakas and founder of the Vikrama era (56 B.C.). ff~ff vikram-in, a. striding., - through (Vishnu); valiant. fg%~' vikrama~isvara, Mn. N. of a temple erected by Vikra-maditya. 404 vikramaurvaslijf UrvaSi won by valour, T. of a dram~a ascribed to Kdliddsa. f'4'vi-ikraya'in [,,'kri] sale: (a)-pattra, n. deed of sale; -krayika, in. seller; -krayin, a. selling; in. seller; -kray-ya, fp.t be sold.P.t fw*iT'f vi'-kratnta, pp. (V'kram) valiant efc.; in. (Passed over), the Sandhi in which JVisarga is left unchanged; a. pace taken, step; gait; prowess, valour; (vi)-kr Anti,f. all-pervadingpower (V.); prowess,valour(C.). fITMW~ vi-krftya-ka, in. seller. f4'f*iWT vi-kriyat, f. [,VI. kri] transformation, alteration, change, modification; vitiation, disfigurement; failure, misadventure, harm (dlpasya -, extinction); unwonted phenomen on; product (e. g. of milk); contraction, knitting (of the brows); sudden movement (of the hair =thrill); change in the normal bodily condition, ailment, affection; change in the normal mental condition, perturbation, agitation; change of feeling, alienation, hos-I tility, defection: -as yi, undergo a change for the worse, deteriorate, come to nought: -P f. transformation simile (in which one thing is represented os produced from another: e. g. ' thy face is as it were taken from the disc of the moon'). fg'#ft vi-krida, mn. playground; toy:'a f. play, sport; -krildita, (pp.) n. play, sport; child's play, action performe-dwith the greatetes;-krus ta, tpp. (Vkrl) sold; n. sale; -kuhtpp. (Vkrus) n. cry for help; -kretavya, fp. [ Vkrl] to be sold, salable; -kretr5 in. seller; -kreya,fp. to be sold, vendible; n. (?) selling price; -krosa, mn. cry, - for help; -kr6sana, in. N. of a mythical being; N. of a king; -kroshtri, as. one who calls out or cries for help. f*RM vi-klava, a. overcome with agitation, confused, bewildered; alarmed, frightened, timid, shy; hesitating; distressed; overcome with(O) averse from (the chase, -2O); troubled, discomposed (face, glance), faltering (speech), unsteady (gait), impaired (senses); n.confusion,embarrassment; despondency: -ta', f., -tva, n. trepidation, timidity, etc.; -klavl-kri, depress, trouble; -klavibhfi, grow despondent; -kieda, in. [Vklidl getting wet; moisture; dissolution, decay. f*'T vi-kshata, pp. Vkshani; a. wound; -kshark, a. pouring out ( —); in. effluence (V.); -ksharana, n. flowing out; -kshudra, a. differing in smallness, one smaller than the other (Br.). f-9'ckr vi-kshepa, in. scattering about; casting, throwing; moving to and fro, waving, tossing (ord. mig.); inattention, distraction; projection or extension (a power of ignorance which 'causes the world to seem real: Vedadnta phil.); -kshepana, n. moving to and fro; -kshepa-sakti-mat, a. possessing the power of projection or extension. fl'Tiq'vi-kshobha,m.agitation; mental agitation, perturbation; distraction; laceration. N~Tfvi-kyftti,f.fame, renown; -khyApana, n. making known, declaring. f TjjjI vi-ganana, n. paying off. ft7? vi-gata, pp. V/gam: -gvara, a. from whom the fever h as departed, freed from sorrow; -tva, a. disappearance; -bhaya, a. earless; in. N.; -lakshana, a. luckless, unfortunate (man); -sainkalpa, a. irresolute; - anusaya, a. free from remorse. fg'W~ vi-gadd, i. m. confused shouting (IIV'); 2. a, a. healthy; -gandha, a. illsmelling; odourless; -gandhi, a. ill-smelling; -gama, in. departure,, disappearance, cessation; absence, lack; avoidance; -garhan,n.,a, f.censure, blame: -in kri, blame;' -garhya, fp. censurable, blameworthy: a f blame: -inPra-ya,incur censure; -galitasuk, a. freed from sorrow. ft7ur' vi-gatna, n. contradiction, inconsistency; repugnance; -ga'hya, fp. to be entered ( Ganges). f7ui11RM vi-giita-tva, at. contradictoriness; inconsistency; -giti,f. dissonance, discord. fjT vi-guna, a. lacking a string; lacking in some quality, deficient, in (-O); ineffective (command, i. e. one not carried out); adverse (fate); lacking qualities; destitute of merits, worthless, bad (person); changed in quality, disordered (bodily humour): taf. disordered condition; -gunli-kri, detach the string of a bow (ac.); -guipha, a. abundant (S.). ftrfff vi-grihya, i. fp. (in gr.) appearing separately or independently (in the Padatext); 2.gd. aggressively: -gamana or -ygna, n. hostile advance; -~sana, n. besieging and sulking with (in.). ig vi-graha, in. separation; division independence of a word (opp. oomposition; gr.); analysis of a compound (gr.); discord, quarrel, strife, war (ord. ing.), with (in. ~ saha, sardham, shkam, g. with upari, le., O) (separate =) individual form or shape, body (common mg.; also of the shape of a rainbow); element (in Sdmkhya phil.); ornament (-E.): -in kri, make war; -in kri, grah, or upa i-di, assume a form. f Wi~ vigraha-ya, den. P. fight or contend with (sardham). fq'Kr -rvigraha-ratga, in. N.; -vat, a. embodied, incarnate. ffil~ vi-grah-in, a. waging war; in. minister of war; -grah'-tavya,fp. (corrup) -graha ikkhu, des. a. eager for battle; -gra~hyaIfp. to be waged war with. [V) f-47iNvi-griva, a. having the neck twisted f~'ERITZ vi-ghatana, a. separation, destruction; -ghattana, a. opening; n. friction; moving to and fro, shaking; striking against; hewing in pieces; unyn:af friction; striking against; separation; -ghattin, a. rubbing, clashing (-O); -ghank, a. i. injuring; 2. a, not or very stiff () cloudless; -gharshana, a. rubbing; -ghasa, am. n. leavings of food; _ghata, in. blow, with(O) breaking in pieces (rare); warding off; destruction; removal, interruption, impedi f~vi-ghn-a. Nx igqga. 281 ment, obstacle (ord. my.): -ka, a. warding off; -ghitin, a. contending with, routing; removing, interrupting, impeding; -ghu'rnana, In., &,f. swaying to and fro. f~vi-ghn-a, m. [V'.han] (in E. also n.) obstruction, impediment, hindrance: -kara, a. obstructing, interrupting; -krit, a. id.; -kartri, m. causer of obstacles; -git, m. conqueror of obstacles, ep. of Ganesa; -t', f. obstructiveness. f~ivighna-ya, den. P. impede, hinder, obstruct: pp. ita. sam, id. V~ vighna-rfga, m. lord of obstacles, Ganesa; -vat, a. beset with obstacles: t' f. abst. Nr.; -hantri, m. destroyer of obstacles, _aes; ma taka, m. id.; 'jsa, -i v ra.id. f'-qVIK, YIJ. P. vinkt (V., C.), III. N P. vivekshi (RiV.'), sift (grain from chaff), separate, from (in.); examine. vi, sift, separate, divide, from (in. V.; ab. C.); distinguish, discriminate, discern; investigate, ponder: pp. vivikta, separated, distinguished; isolated, solitary; free from (in., — P; rare); (severed from unsuitable matter), clean, neat, trim; pure; distinct, clear; es. -vekaya, P. separate; investigate, ponder. pra-vi, investigate: pp. sequestered, solitary; subtile. f~ivi-kakra, a. wheelless. f~wiivi-kakshand, a. conspicuous, -visible, clear, bright (V.); distinct, perceptible (S.); clear-sighted, discerning, experienced, clever,wary,wise,in (lc., —0; ord. mg.; mostly C.): (a)-tva, a. discernment, wisdom, -inmausya, a. considering oneself wise, -vat, a. connected with the word vikakshana; -kakshus, a. eyeless, blind; -kakshe, d. inf. (Vkaksb) to discern (RV.); -kaudra, a. moonless; -lkaym, m. search; examination; -karana, n. i. motion; 2. footless; -karan'ya, fp a. imps. one should act; -karita, a. wandering, roaming; (vi)-karshani, a. very active (lRV.); -kalana, a. wandering from place to place; boastfulness. 19I vi-kftra, m. [v'kar] procedure (S., E.); consideration, reflexion, deliberation; discrimination, investigation, examination; hesitation: -gfia, in. one skilled in discrimination, competent j udge; -hairana, n. considerationlreflection; investigation, discussion; hesitation: -, f. distinction; kind; -kUranliya, fp. needing careful consideration; -ka'ra-dris, a. employing no spies as eyes and regarding the 'matter with deliberation; -ka~ra-2uudha,pp.deficient in discretion; -kraytva fp. needing careful consideration; akra-vat, a. acting with deliberation,circumnspect; -karita, es. pp. Vk-ar; -karin, a. (n-i') having wide ways (earth; R V,'); wandering about; acting; dissolute; reflecting, considering, examining; -kUrya, fp. needing (long) reflexion; a. imps. one should reflect or hesitate; -kilana, a. (i) destroying(O) 9f19 fCIR"Invi -kikitsana, n.- [fr. des. Vkit] doubtfulness regarding (lc.); -7eikits4, f. doubt, uncertainty, regarding ();-kikish&, f.desire to seek; -kiti, f. seeking, search for ( —9); investigation; -kitta, a. unconscious; at a loss what to do, helpless: -takf. unconsciousness. 'N vi-kitra, a. variegated, many-coloured, brilliant; various, manifold, diverse; strange,wonderful; (varied),charmingjlovely, beautiful; entertaining (story): -in, ad.; -katha, in. (telling interesting tales), N.; -ta', f. variety; strangeness; -miiyi~~bharanis, a. having variegated garlands and orna meats; -va~kya-patu-t&', f. great eloquence; -vaigurau~rckhraiya-maya, a. (i) filled with -various outspread nets; -virYa, in. (of m.arvellous heroisin), N. of a son of Samtanu and Satyavati (after his death, Vya'sa begat Dhri*tarhshtra,Pindu,and Vidurawithihis widowv); -simha, in. N.; - ^pida, m. N. of a fairy. ffffvikitr-ita, pp. den, made variegated, many-coloured; adorned, with (in., — 9); -hintyay fp. to be thought of; - found out or devised; doubtful, questionable. f~qIRV vi-ketana, a. unconscious; nothaving all one's senses about one, absent-minded; lifeless, dead; senseless, stupid; -ketayitri, a. making visible, distinguishing; -ketavya, f~p. to be sought; - searched through; - examined; - found out (means); (vi)-ketas, a. clearly seen (waters; RIV.); discerning, wise (R V.); confounded (C.); senseless, stupid (C.); -keyay fp. i. to he distinguished or counted (=few, of stars); 2. to be looked for; - searched through; n. investigation; -keshta, a. motionless; -keshtana, n. kicking, rolling (on the ground, of horses); -keshta', f. behaviour, conduct; -keshtita, (pp.) n. motion (of the body, eyes); gesture, action, working; conduct. I q vi-lckhandas, a. consisting of various metres (verse, rih). fq!OM i. vi-hkhftya, a. lacking lustre or distinction, pale: -ti^, f. lack of lustre, obscureness, dimness. fifiWr1 2. vi-kkhftya, P. (V.); es. vi-kkha'yflya, P. bring into straits (Br.). nil9, press or rub against (d.; V.). ft'iTT'919 vi-kkhftya-ya, P. i. as. of vi-kkha&ya; 2. den. deprive of lustre (C.); -kkchAyikri, id. I fq iivi-kkhitti, f. cutting off, obstruction, intesruption, cessation; C.: lack of (in.); (peculiar ) taking conception or treatment (rh.); charmingly negligent adornment; unguent, paint; -kkhinna, pp. Vikhid: atf disconnectedness. f~3Ivi-kkhura~r.a, a. powdering. vi-kkheda, vi. cleaving, piercing; dividing, breaking; extermination, destruction; separation, severance, from (. ~) interruption, discontinuance, cessation, of (g., 2;ord. my.); removal of ();injury toc-) difference (~?also ==different kinds of, pl.); -kichedana, a. severing, interripting; n. cutting off; removal, annulment; distinguishing: M^, f. breaking off (p1.); -kkhedin, a. destroying; having breaks or intervals. f ~f~vi-kyuti, f. falling down from; downfall; separation from (ab.). f-4vJVIG, VI. A. vig& (P. &I A, Vega, N metr.), gush, heave (.wave; Br.); recoil, flee, from (ab.; V.): pp. vigna (C.), agit,%ted, terrified; cs. vegaya, P. increase; agi~ate, terrify; intv. (RiV.) v~vigyate, tremble- at (d.); flee, from (ab.): pr. pt. v~viglita. abhi, upset (int.: 3 sg. aor. -vikta: RiV.-). A, pp. agitated, afraid. ud, shudder, recoi1 (fr-om), be afraid, of (in., ab., g.); desist or refrain from (ab., rare); be disgusted with (ab.); grow weary of doing (pr. pt. am.); terrify (rare): pp. udvigna, recoiling, shuddering, terrified (at, with, in.,. ab., g., -P); agitated; weary, tired of (in.); weary of life; es. cause to quiver; restore to consciousness; terrify, frighten (ord. my.); weary, afflict, hurt. samu-ud, be afraid of: pp. frightened. pra, gush forth (waters; liv.): pp. privikta, trembling, quaking. vi, Pp.P greatly terrified. sam, agitated, terrified; faltering (speech); es. terrify (RiV.). fl'4~vig, stake at play (liV.). f"R vi-gata, a. unplaited (hair). fW'if vi-gana, a. destitute of m en, deserted, solitary, lonely; a. retired place; absence of witnesses; lc. in a lonely place, in private, without witnesses: -m kri, remove all witnse;-gana-t', f. solitude; -gani-kri, remove every one or all witnesses from a place, (ac.); separate from a loved person; -ganmian, in. a mixed caste (offsspring of outcast Vaisya). fgati vi-gayd, mn. contest for victory (V.); victory, triumph, conquest (V., C.); prize of victory, booty (V., rare); C.: hind of array of troops; N.; N. of a hare; a. (C.) royal tent; kind of pavilion; N. of a sacred territory in Cashmere: -ketu, m. N. of afairy; -kshetra, a. the Vigaya territory; -datta, in. N.; N. of the hare in the moon; -dundubhi, Mn. drum of victory: -ti, f. function of drums of victory; -nagara, a. N. of a city in Karnafta; -pata~ka, f. flag of victory; -pfi1a, mn. hind of official; N. of various icings; -pura, a. N. of various towns (Bejapur etc.); -malla, in. N.; -ma'lin, in. N. of a merchant; -mitra, as. N.; -r-Aga, ms. N.; -vat, a. victorious, glorious: -i, f. N. of a daughter of the serpent demon Gaadhaindlin; -varman, mn. N.; -vega, in. N. of a fairy; -sri, f. goddess of victory; -simnha, ms. N. of various kings; -sena, ms. N. of a warrior. f~r.T vi-gaya',f. N. of Durgft; N. of an attendant of Durga'; -gay-in, a. victorious; in. conqueror; -gyi~jsa, as. N. of a, temple; jiyvara, in. id. f*WR vi-gara', a. not growing old; -gala, a. waterless: lc. in case of drought; -galpa, in. unjust reproach; -glta, a. belonging to another class, heterogeneous; -gitiya, a. id.; -gg-man, a. [Vgan] related, corresponding (V.); -gfimi, a. consanguineous, related (liV.'); -ga'-van, a. bodily, own (V.). f~fa4l vi-gigiishft, f. desire to overcome or conquer (ac., d., — ); -gigishu, des. a. desiring to vanquish (also in argument: ac., — P); ambitious of conquest: -ta^,f., -tva, a. desire of conquest; -gighfimsu, des. a. wishing to slay or destroy; -gighrikshu, des. a. wishing to go to war; -gigriiasa, f. desire to learn or know, inquiry, about ( —'); -gigglas-ya, (or ya), des. fp. that one should wish to know or learn; (vi)-gita, pp. v',gi; in. or a. conquered country (V.); country (Br.); a. victory, conquest (Br., S.): - asu, in. N. of a sage; (vi) -giti, f. conflict, fight (V.); gain or acquisition of ( —); -git-in, a. victorious (Br.); -gitqjindriya, a. controlling one's organs of sense; -gitvara, a. victorious; -gihirshu, des. a. wishing to walk about; wishing to enjoy oneself; -gihma, a. crooked, curved, frowning (face); sidelong (glance); -givita, a. lifeless, dead; -grimbha, am. knitting of the brows ( —"): -ka, ms. N. of afairy,, i-k^, f. gasping; yawning; -grimbhana,na. yawning, blossoming, blowing; extension; -grimbhita, pp.,/grimbbi; n. yawning; manifestation, consequences; deed (2 -with vira-); -getavya,fp. to be conquered or controlled (senses); -getri, as. vanquisher, conqueror; -geya, fp. to be conquered (only ivz a-). N~rvigga, in. N.: 'a, f. N.; (a) -na'man, m., N. of a monastery called after Viyga; (a), riga, in. N. 0Oo 282 f9,amr viggala. N~vid., I~~ viggala, a. slimy: A, f. N. fvi-gn-a, a. discerning, intelligent, knowing, learned; -g~zapta, pp. cs. (V/gniA) apprised, etc.; -guiapti, f. request, entreaty, of (anyone, g.); address (to a superior): -m, kri, address a request to (g.), announce anything to (a superior); -giiapya, f~p. es. to be informed; _04tavya, fp.to be known; - regarded as; - inferred with certainty; (vi)gniitijf knowledge; -gsi~tri, m. knower, un: derstander. IfqVI i vi-giidna, n. V., C.: discernment, knowledge ( — = of, rarely by means of); C.: skill, proficiency, art; artifice, trick; doctrine; profane knowledge (opp. gfia'na); faculty of knowing,j udgment; organ of knowledge (= Manas); understanding to mean, regarding as: AAt, f. proficiency in (lc.); -pati, m. lord of knowledge (one who has arrived at a certain stage of emancipation); -miya, a. consisting of knowledge, intelligent; -vat, a. possessed of knowledge; -vaidla, m. doctrine of knowledge alone (and not external phenomena) having a real existence; -vilin, a. maintaining that knowledge only has real existence; - astitva-2nitra-vdiu, a. id. INq 1 IfttRIT vi-gn'hni-tft f. familiarity with (0 a.ginin, a. having knowledge of anything, acting with knowledge; skilled in ant art, specialist; -gn~n4'.ya, a. treating of the doctrine of (0-); -gaina svara, M. N. of the author of the Mitadlcsharad (comm. on Ydgiiavallcya); -gfina ka-skaudha-vda, m. doctrine of the sole reality of knowledge; -I'%pana, n., i, f. communication, information, request, entreaty (ep. addressed to a superior); zgipanzya, fp. to be announced; to be informed (esp. a -superior); -gllpita, cs. pp. Vg~ii; -gniipin, a. announcing(0) _gii ya, cs.ni fp. to be announced; to be informed, of (ac.); -gni6ya, fp. to be known, knowable; that one should know; to be recognised orregarded as; (vi)-gya, a.stringless (bow); -gvara, a. free from fever; free from anxiety or distress, cheerful; -gharghara, a. disagreeable (sound). f~~vita, m. rogue; voluptuary, paramour (in attendance on a courtezan); parasite (as 'Companion of a prince). elvi-tafika, n. (?) loftiest point, pinnacle, top: -pure, a. N. of a town. f~jjvitapa, m. branch, bough, shoot; bush, shrub. fqef1vitap-in,a.having branches; m~tree. N!Rvit-kula, n.house of aVaisya; -panya, n. commodity sold by Vaisyas; -pati, m. lord of the people, king; chief of the Vaisyas; son-in-law; -sftdra, n. sg. the Vaisyas and the SOidras. fivida, m. n. kind of salt. fi vi-damba, a. imitating any one -O m. derision; desecration: -ka, a. ( —0) imitating, bearing a striking resemblance; bringing disgrace on ( —); -dambaua, a. imitating, acting like; n., Ajf imitation, copying, disguise, playing the part of any one, illusive assumption of a form (sp. of a god in human form); derision, scorn, mnockery; disgrace, degradation: (J)-m kri, copy, imitate; make a laughing-stock of (ac.); -dambit~svara, a. imitating (= the image of) Siva;-dambiii, a. (O-) imitating, assuming the appearance of, strikingly like; mocking= throwing into the shade, surpassing; degrading, disgracin~g. f r (vidogas, m. ep. of Indra. ftq rSI:f vida ogas, m. id. f~vid-ga, a. growing on dung (vish). NIta fRIg vidda-simha, m. N. fr~spTW vid-bhug, a. feeding on ordure; -bhiedin, a. laxative; -bhogin, a. feeding on excrement; -variha, m. domestic hog. IqZ vin-miltra,, n. sg. & (rarely) du. excrement (vish) and urine. f&_wK "T vitanda, f. captious argument.. f*jM vi-tata, pp. V/tan: -tva, n. great extent; -tati, f. extent, length; extension, expansion; great extent, quantity; overstepping of bounds; -tati-kri, extend; -tatha, a. [not so: -tathh] untrue, false; futile, useless, vain; free from (ab.; rare): -m kri, revoke, annul; -tatha-ya, P. make untrue, accuse of falsehood; -tatha bhinivesa, m. inclination to falsehood: -vat, a. prone to falsehood; -tathi-kri, render futile, frustrate; (vi) -tanu, a. (v-i') extremely slender; bodiless; m. god of love ( anafiga); -tantI f. (nm. -s) string out of tune; -tamas, a. free from darkness, light: -ka, a. id.; -amrana, n. transference of ( —P); bestowal; donation, gift; -tarim, c~pv. ad. farther,- off (BV.); -targm, cpv. ad. id.; more; -taritri, m. bestower; -tarka, m. conjecture, supposition (ord. mg.); doubt; consideration, deliberation: indor vitark~t, because the moon was supposed to be in it; -tardi,f. terrace in a court-yard, verandah: -ka^, f. id.; -tala, n. N. of one of the seven hells; depth of hell. ftU7[T vi-tdstt, f. N. of a river in the Panjd~b, the Hydaspes of the Greeks, the modern Jhelumn -adri, m. N. of a mountain. ff* vi-tasti, f. [V/tan] span (as,vzasure of length =i2, afagulas or about nnae inches); -tina, a. (rare) [,Vtan] empty (in a-, not empty); dejected; m. n. expansion, extension, extent; quantity, mass; high degree; variety; performance; development; sacrifiee; canopy, awning; rn. (separation of) the sacred fires: -ka, n. 'awning, canopy (es~p. ~0;quan t'-'T -vaij, a. provided with a canopy; -tLA~-ya, den. represent a canopy; -tkui-bhf& id.; -i as&, a. light, bright; -timira, a. id.; -tirna, pp. V/tri; -tusha, a. unhusked; -tushta, pp. dissatisfied, displeased; -tribiyi, a. intermittent on the third day (f.~ver; AV.'); n. third (Br. S.); -tripta-ka,a. sated (in a-, not yet sated with; g.); -trishna, a. free from thirst; having no desire: ta, f.freedom from desire, satisfaction, contentment; -trishnaf id.; -toii,f. N. of a river. i. vit-ta, pp. (Vi.vid) known; famous. 2. vit-ta', pp. (V,2. vid) acquired etc.; n. zind (Br., rare); (acquisition), property, wealth, money (V., C.): also pl. (C.). fw4r1i vitta-ka,' a. well-known, famous;.nitha, m. lord of wealth, ep. of Kubera; -asam loss of property; -pa, a. guarding treasure; m. ep. of Kubera; -pati, m. lord of welh p. of Kubera; -pa-puri f. N. of a town; -pi1a, m. guardian of wealth, ep. of Kubera; -petA, f., -peti, f. money-case, purse; matr. SUM of money; -,riddhi, f. abundance of wealth; -vat, a. wealthy, rich; -vivardhin, a.increasing capital; -samhaya, m. accumulation of wealth; -hina, pp. destitute of wealth, poor; -agmam.acquisition of wealth, means of making money; - dhya, a. abounding in wealth, rich; -9pti f. acquisition of wealth. I I fq'f-f vit-ti, f. Ii. consciousness; understanding; 2. (vit-) acquisition, gain (V.). 19T, vittajisa, m. lord of riches, ep. of Kubera: -pattana, Kubera's city; '4vaa m. lord of wealth; ep. of Kubera; d hi,f. desire of wealth, cupidity; -.eshana,f. -id. f:q vi-trapa, m. (shameless), N.; -trsa, a. (-O) terrifying; M. alarm, terror (of,.S) -trisana, a. (I) terrifying (g., ~) T vith-urad, a. [V v-%yath] staggering, tottering (V.); defective (Br.). x.YID) I1. P. v6d, vid (V., C.), I. veda X(B., rare), pr. pf. v6da, become acquainted with, find out, comprehend, know, know about, be conscious of, have a correct notion of (ac., V. also g.); know how to (inf.); know (ac.) or take to be (ac. or nm. + iti); note, observe, remember (V.); regard, attach importance to (wealth,); perceive, notice (~ pred. ac.); experience, feel (ac., V. also g.); think, suppose, regard as (2 ac.); wish to know, inquire about (rare); vidyit, one should know, it should be understood; ya evam veda, who knows thus, who has this knowledge (common in Br.): pp. vidlitai, ascertained, known, - as (nm.): -in, ad. with the knowledge, of (g.); vitta (very rare), known; famous; es. vedaya, A1. (P. rare) make known, communicate, announce, inform, tell (ord. mg.); teach, expound (rare; 2 ac.); know, - to be, regard as (2 ac.); feel, experience; des. vividisha, P. wish to know, inquire about (ac.). auu, know thoroughly. sam-auu, recall to mind. fi, know well or accurately (1177.); cs. address, invite (V.); make known, communicate., announce (~ pred. ac.; AtmAnam, -, announce oneself, give one's name); prescribe (medically); inform any one (cc.); offer anything to any one:p. a-vedita, announced. sam-A, es. make known, announce; ni, make known, speak to any one; cv. P. A. make known, communicate, announce, tell (to, d., g., la.); denounce; state to be (pred. ac.); announce any one (Atmianam, oneself); call (2 cc.'); (announce =) offer, deliver (ac.) to (d.); give up, place (e.g. oneself) at any one's disposal; throw blame (dosham) on (d.). vi-nii, cs. make known, report, announce; offer, hand over to. sam-ni, cv. make known, announce, report, to be (pred. ac.). pari, know accurately (V.). pra, know: pr. Pt. pra-vidvas, knowing (V.); es. make known, report. auu-pra, only pr. Pt. finu praknown, report, announce (to be, pred. ac.); announce anyone; inform any o nef f(2 ac.); offer. vi, distinguish, know (1B7.). sam, P..,A. know, be aware of; agree to, approve of: pp. samvidita, ascertained, learnt, from (sakAsAt); known; searched through; approved of by (g.): -mn, ad. with the approval of (g.). N 2; YID, VI. vind&, P. (V7.), AL (V., C.), vidi (V.), IL. vid (V.),find- fall in with, acquire, gain (ord. mg.); possess; procure (ac.) for (d.; 77., rare); seek out, look for; feel (rare); regard as (2 cc.); befall, come upon (V.); contrive, accomplish (V.); take to wife (~ bh~ry~m, etc.; A.); find a husband, marry (of a woman); obtain as a son (~ sutam); A., or ps. vidyate, be found, exist, be (rare in V.): 3 sg. there is, there exists (esp. with& na); yta vidd (V.), as it happens = as usual or as well as possible; Pr. p~t. vidyamina, existent; A. pr. Pt. vid-ana (or i; V.), existing, being, real; usual, wanted; forming, making (ac.): pp. f~vid. f~grur vid-vag-g~ana. 283 vitti, obtained, acquired; seized by, filled with, covered with (-'O); married (woman);, vinna, found; married (woman); des. vivitsa, wish to find: only pp. i-ta; intv. pr. pt. v6vida~na, being (BV.'). adhi, (marry over the head of), supersede a wife (ac.) by a second (in.); supersede theftrst wife (wives), become the rival of (ac., said of a new wife): pp. adhivinni,f. wife superseded by a rival (also a-stri). aiu, find out, obtain, gain possession of; find after any one (V., rare); take to wife (bhfiryfim, A.); regard as (2 ac.); ps. exist: pp. Anuvitta, found out, existing. abhi, find out, know. 'a, obtain, procure (RV.); witness (BV.); ps. exist (V.). -nis, find out (BE.); get rid oft, cast aside (ac., g.; A1.); Ps. iiirvidyate, (be outside anything), be disgusted with (in., ab., rarely ac.): pp. nirvinna, weary of, disgusted with (in., ab., g., — 9); caring for nothing; despondent. pai, ps. parividyate y& or yayi, she who is married by a younger brother before the elder brother is married. prati, find in addition '(Br.); be opposite (ac.; A&. Br.); become acquainted with; know something about (ac.). sam, A. find, obtain, acquire; be found together with (in.): pr. pt. sant-vida'& united or associated with, together with (in.),; harmonious. x. vid, a. knowing, understanding, familiar with (nearly always 0-); f. knowledge (rare). [ing, procxuring.~ f~~2. vid, a.(~) finding, winning, gainf~~vid-a, a. =i. vid, knowing, etc. f~'kT vi-damsa, m. spice. frfprvi-dakahina, a. directed to a quarter different from the south. f ifvf'-dagdha, pp. (Vdah) burnt up; digested; decomposed; sharpened by experience, clever, crafty, artful: -kftd~mani, m. N. of an enchanted parrot; At&,f. shrewdness, cleverness, adroitness. f~vid-atha, n. (V.) direction, command, order,:rule; assembly, association, council, congregation, feast; array, troop, squadron (esp. of the Maruts); battle. vidath-y-a, a. (V.) suitable for an assembly, able in council; festal.N~vi-dadafik-shu., a. [ vdams] wishing -to bite or eat something. viddd-vasu, a. winning wealth (V.). fA v-dara, ii. m. [V/dri'] crack; 2. a. free from cracks or holes (earth). f*Kff vi-darbha, m. [grassless = arid land] N. of country south of the Vindhya (with the capital Ku-ndina) now called Berar: pl. the people; sq. king of Vidarhha: ^,f. N. of the capital of Vidarbha (=Kundina); (a) -tanaya^, f. daughter of the king of Vidarbha; (a)-nagari, f. city of Vidarhha; (a)-rAgaputri, f. pat. of Rukminl; - abhi-mukha, a. facing Vidarbha. vi-dala, a. burst., split; expanded, bown (flower); splint; split bamboo; split pea; -dalana, n. cracking (of the earth); cleaving; -dalita, pp. expanded, blown; -dali-kri, split. f *~T' vid-Ana (or 6), pr. pt. Of V'2. vid. f~~vid-ayya,fp. to be found (RV. 1). fqoWR vi-dftra, m. tearing or hewing in pieces: -ka, a. tearing, cleaving, lacerating; -e~rana, a. ('I) rending, cleaving, ripping up, crushing; n. id.; boring, piercing, cutting down (branches etc.); refusal, rejection; -dirin, a. (n4i) cleaving,, shattering, etc.; -dairva or -dirvya, m. N. of a snake demon; -dasin, a. [V'das] drying up (only in a-); -daha, m. heat. f~~vid-i, the root i. vid; -tPp. Of,,I. vid: -piirva, a. previously known. I fq I 1.T vi-dis, f. intermediate point of the compass (south-east etc.); -disa, f. N. of a river and of a town situated on it (now Bilsa); N. of a town on the Vetravati., vid-ura, a. intelligent, wise; versed in(O) m. N. of a son of Vydsa and younger brother of _Dhritardshtra and Padndu. fwi'r vidula, m. kind of reed. vidiish-tara, cpv. of vid-va's. f*JI( vid-ils, a. heedful, attentive (RE.). vi-dllra, a. remote, distant (with kri, remove); far removed from, not attainable by (g.): -viditram, ad. far away (V., C.); ab. or -tas, id.; from afar; lc. far away, from (-tas); 0 far, from afar; m. N.; N. of a 'Mountain, town, ~or locality: -ga, a. far away; far-spreading (scent). fqr1'rk2 vidftratha, m. frequent N. Ifqrqr vi-d-ftra-ya, den. P. drive far away; -d i~ra-samsrava, a. audible a long way off; -dfiii-bhi', become far distant. PCtt vi-dflsha-ka, a. [fr. cs. of V/dush] detracting; m.jester,buffoon: sp. humourous companion of the hero in a play exciting mirthby buffoonery of all kinds; N. of a Brdhman. vi-deghd, m. N. (Br.). T-iT vi-desa, m. foreign country; particular place: -stha, a. residing abroad; standing apart; occurring elsewhere. i.- vi-dehd, m.[ videgha] N. of a country in the modern TIirhut, with the ca~pital Mithild: pl. the people; sg. prince of Videha:..uagari, f. = Mithila'. f 2. vi-deha, a. bodiless, deceased: -tva, n. release from the body: -m praipta, dead. f~vid-dha, pp. (Vvyadh) pierced etc. fj'r'3-f vid-m~n, n. (BE7.) attention (in. attentively); knowledge: d.= inf. to know or learn. fTvid-ya, -a a. for vidyah, knowledge; -ya-maina-gati, a. h aving a resource ( =any other course) open to him; -ya-mina-tva, n. (abst. N.fr. pr.pt. ps. of-N/zvid.) existence. fZrMT vid-ygf. knowledge, learning, science (esp. the threefold knowledge of the Vedas: 4, I4, i8, and 64 sciences are spoken of); magic; spell: (A)-kosa-griha,-n. library; -&gama, m. acquisition ofknowledge; -guru, m. instructor in science (esp. sacred); -grahana, a. acquisition of sciences; -Irtha, n. bathing-place of knowledge; -tva, n. the notion ' knowledge'; -dina, a. imparting of (sacred) knowledge, instruction in -science; -dhana, n. the treasure of knowledge. fr4Tvidyft-dhara,a.possessed of science or spells; m. kind of (aerial) genius dwelling in the Himalaya,.attendant on Sira, and possessed of magical power, fairy; 'N. of various scholars: -kcakravartin, m. supreme lord of the fairies; -tva, n. condition of a fairy; -=ahA-kakravartin,m.paramount lord of all fairies; - adhisa, m. id,: -taif. abst. N. fr'i vidyf - dhar'i, f. female fairy, sylph; -dihari-bhit, become a fairy; -dhara iudra, m. prince of the fairies: -ti, f -tva, n. abst. N.; -dha~ra, m. receptacle of knowledge, great scholar; -adhidevati, f. tutelary deity of the sciences, Sarasvatl; ananda, m. delight in knowledge; - nup~aiin, a. faithfully preserving (traditional) learning; - nta, m. end of apprenticeship; -pati, m. chief scholar at a court: -tva, n. abst.xN.; -phala, n. fruit of learning; -bala, n. power of enchantment; -matha, m. monastic school, college; -mada, m. pride of learning; -mandira, n. school-house, college; -maya, a. consisting or absorbed in knowledge; -arxanya, m. N. of various scholars, es~p. of MiAhavfikirya; -ratna, n. jewel of knowledge; -Aframbha, m. beginning of study; -arwth~a, a. desirous of knowledge; - arthin, a. id.; -vamsa, m. chronological list of teachers; -vat, a. learned; - avatamsa, m. N. of afairy; -vadhii,f. muse; -vayo-vriddha, pp. old in learning and years; -vikraya, m. instruction for pay; -vid, a. learned; -virudd sp. conflicting with science; -vriddha, pp. old in knowledge; -vesmau, n. school-house, college; -vrata-snita: -ka, a. having concluded Eedic study and his vows; -sampradaina, n. imparting of knowledge; -sa~gara, m. ocean of knowledge, ep. of a great scholar; -stha'na, n. branch of knowledge; -snta: -kap a. having finished Vedic study; -hina, pp. destitute of knowledge, unlearned, illiterate. f 4ijfE vidyug-gihva, a. having a lightning-like tongue; m. N. of a Bdksh&asa and of a Yalksha. fj(vi-dyilt, a. (shining asunder), flashing ( V.); f. gleaming weapon (V.); lightning: -kampa, m. quivering of lightning; -p~ta, m. stroke of lightning; -pufiga, m. N. of a fairy; -prapatana, n. (fall = ) stroke of lightning; -prabha, a. shining like lightning; m. N.: &,.f. N.; -vat, a. containing or charged with lightning (cloud); m. thunder-cloud. fjF ~ vidyud-damaan,n.flash offorked) lightning; -dyotA,f.N. of aprincess; -d-hvaga, M. N. of an.Asura; (iid) -ratha, a. borne on a car of lightning (RV.); -valli, f. flash of lightning; a-~&f wreath of lightning; N.; n-mit1in, a. wreathed with lightning; m. N.; 1-ekhaf. streak of lightning; N. of a merchant's wife. fak vidytisa, m. lord of knowledge, ep. of Siva; a class of the saved among the mystical Sivaites; - 3svara, M.i;N.oa magician..i..o f qMQI ff vi- dyota, a. flashing; m. lustre; N.: 9, f. N.; -dyotaka, a. illuminating, illustrating; -dyotana, a~id.; n. flashing, lightning;-dyotin,a.illuminating,illustr~ating(-0~)fqrI I I4 vidyft Upayoga, m. acquisition of learning from (ab.); A p~gani, f. acquisition of -knowledge. f%~ vi-drava, m. fight; consternation, panic; -drivana, a. putting to flight, scaring; n. (putting to) flight; -driviu, a. fleeing; -drgvya~fp. to be put to flight; -druta, pp. Vdru; -druti,f. run. R vi-druma, i. n. [peculiar tree], coral; 2. a. treeless: -kkhiya, a. i. coral-coloured; 2. affording no tree-shade; -danda, m. branch of coral: -ti, f. condition of a (fivefold) branch of coral (said of the hand); Astat,f. branch of coral; -vana, a. id. fWrrvid-vag-gana, m. man of know0Ooz 284 f~ rvid-vala. f9 ril rrvi-naidika. ledge, learned man; -Vat-tA, f. vat-tva, n. learning. NaUW vid-vala', a. clever, canning (V.). f;rRivid-v'ams, strg. base of pt. of pr. pf. vdda (middle base -vat, wk/. -ufs), knowing, heedful; wise, learned; versed in, familiar with (ac., le., -'~ f~~vi-cdvish, m. enemy; -dvishta-ta, f odiousness; -dvishti,f. hate, enmity; -dyephA, rn. hatred, enmity, dislike, of (g., lc.); hatefulness to (0-); proud disdain (rare): -m kri, show hostility towards (lo.); -m gain, incur odium; -m grah, conceive hatred towards (lc.); -dv6shana, a. setting at variance (RV.); n. hatred, enmity towards (g., -'0); making oneself hated; stirring up of hatred or enmity; magic rite for engen dering hatred; -dveshi-a f. hatred, enmity; -dveshin, a. (n-i') hating; vying with () m. hater, enemy; -dveshtri, m. id.; -dveshya, fp. hateful, odious, to (0) xi.YID H, VI. P. ( A.) vidhk (V., P.), Npay homage to, serve the gods (d.; rarely ac. or lc.), with (in.); offer reverently, bestow; be gracious (Indra). upa, prati, dohomage to (ac.). NU2. VJD H, VI. A. vindh (R V., rare), N lack, be in want of (ac., in.). NT -VIDH, v.Vyah fc-ravidh (v'vyadh), a. (0') piercing. fWM vidha, a. (-c') kind, sort, mode, -fold. f'' vi-dhana, a. lacking property, poor: ta, f. poverty; -dhani.-kri, impoverish; -dhanushka, -dhanus,..dhauvau, a. lacking a bow; -dhamana, a. blowing out (fire: g.); destroying; (vi)-dharana, a. holding back, checking; -dhartri, m. (V.) ruler; preserver; (vi)-dharma, m. wrong, injustice; a. wrong, unjust; destitute of qualities (Krishna); (vi)-dharman, m. preserver, ruler (V.); n. (V.) receptacle; limit; arrangement, dispensation; -dharmin, a. transgressing the law (speech); of a different kind. fiW vidhav-a, den. P. resemble the moon (vidhu). [shit,f. widow. f 7ff~I vidhava-ta, f. widowhood; -yoNIqrWvidh-dvft, f. [bereaved: V/2. viclh] ~ strl, nArn, etc., widow; bereft of its sovereign (country): -ga~min, a. having sexual intercourse with a widow; -vedana, n. remarriage of a widow; -sitri, f. widow. f~'9VT vi-dha', f. (dis-position), division, part (rare: often -~' a. a after numerals = -fold, or ad. a); mode, manner (often — P a. a, of - kind or kinds). f*VTffZvi-dhfttavYa,fp.to befixed (place); - procured; - performed or done; - entertained (anxiety); - thought of; - employed or appointed; n. it should be so (tathh) arranged or managed that (yatha); -dhatri, m. dispenser, bestower; disposer, creator; ordainer of -destiny, Brahman; personi~fied fate: -tri, f. female author or creator; -dhAna, a. (i) regulating (rare); n. order, ordinance, prescription, precept, rule, regulation; method, treatment, diet (in medicine); destiny, fate (rare); arrangement, disposition, measure, for ();means, expedient (rare); erection '(Of machines); creation, formation (rare); work (RV.); execution, performance; food of elephants (very rare); in. sg. & pl., or -tas, according to rule or precept; anena vidhanena, according to this rule, in this manner; desa~.kala-vidhanena, in the right I I I place and at the right time; -dhanaka, n. rules to be observed; -dhaya-ka, a. prescribing, containing rules about (-O); performing, executing; manifesting; m. founder, builder; -dha~yin, a. prescribing, regulating, containing rules regarding (-0); performing, executing; causing, producing; m. builder, founder; -dharana, n. stopping (a car); suppression or repression of (-0; carrying; bearing, supporting; -dharin, a. checking, suppressing; -dhavana, n. running about. r~~,-. vi-dhi, m. [dis-position: v'dhft] injunction, command, precept, ordinance, rule; method,5 law, order; grammatical rule; procedure, method, manner, way; means, expedient, for (d., le., — 9); action, conduct, performance, business, work (often pleonastic., esp. w. a vbl. N.); rite, ceremony; creation (sg. dpi.; rare); fate; creator; ep. of Brahman: in. vidhina, according to rule, duly; anena -, according to this rule, in this manner; ko x yam vidhih, what manner of thing is that? = how does that come to pass? MV2. vidh-i, m. [VI'. vicil] payer of homage (Br., C., rare). MT4M vidhi-kara, a. (I') executing one's commands; m. servant; -krit, a., m. id.; -giia, a. knowing the rules. f~~~Tvi-dhit-saR, des. f. (V..dhhi) intention, wish, desire, for ( —9); wish to make any one anything (-P); -su, des. a. intending (ac.): atithyam -, wishing to show hospitality. f~fN'f~vidhi-drishta, pp. (seen in =) prescribed by rule; -pfirvakram, -pftrvam, ad. according to rule, duly; -mantra-puraskritam, ad. in accordance with rule and to the accompaniment of spells; -yagnla, m. sacrifice performed according to rule; -yoga, m. observance of arule; dispensation of fate: ab. or -tas, according to the ruling of fate; -lopa, mn. transgression of a commandment; -vat, ad. according to rule, duly; -vadhfi, f. Brahman's wife, Sarasvatl; -viparyaya, m. contrariety of fate, misfortune. fjrvi-dhii, m. beat (of the heart,- 4 V7.'). f —j2. vidli-il, a. solitary, isolated (ill.'); m. moon (C.). fq f~VI-dhuti, f. (Vdhi-s) moving to and frshaking, waving, tremor; removal. fll vidhu —tva, n. condition of the moon;-m-tuda, m. (assailer of the moon), ep. of iR5hu; -mandala, n. disc of the moon; -maya, a. consisting of moons; -miasa, m. lunar month; -mukhilf. moon-faced woman. f* vidhu-ra, a. [V/2. vidli] left alone, solitary, love-loin, separated from the object of one's affection; -- separated from, destitute of; lacking; impaired; afflicted, distressed, miserable; dejected (-in, ad. dejectedly); adverse, unfriendly, unfavourable; n. adversity, trouble: -ta^,f. lack, deprivation; wretched condition; -tva, n. id.; -darsana, a. sight of adversity. vidhnira-ya, den. P. make wretched, depress: pp. ita, dejected; n. p1. adverse strokes (of fortune). IqI j vidhuril-kri, depress, cast down. fjiT vidhu-vadan&', f. moon-faced woman. f*7W vi-dh-hta, pp. (-v'dhfi) shaken, etc.; n. repugnance; -dhfiti, f. shaking, agitation; -dhfunana, a. (i) causing to shake; n. shaking;surging; refusal, rejection; -dhfuma, a. smokeless, not smoking (fire): lc. when no smoke rises from the kitchen; M.N. of a Vasu. I fT9fr vi-dhritilf. (V.) separation; partition: du. two blades qf grass indicating a partition between the Barhis and the -Prastara. fNtiW vi-dheya, fp. to be procured; enjoined, prescribed; to be affirmed; - manifested or displayed; - prepared; - performed or done (ord. my.); tractable, compliant; completely at the disposal of, subject to, controlled or overpowered by (-9); n. what ough t to be done, duty: -gn-a, a. knowing, what ought to be done; -ta',f. prescription; submission; -tva, n-. submission; -vartin, a. obedient, subject to any one. fwc4~q I vidheyii-kri, bring into one's power, subject; -bhft, submit to(O) fw'M:iVV vidhi aparqdha, m. transgression of a rule; - apasraya, m. adherence to a rule; _alamkara, in., - alamkriya,f. kind of rhetorical figure; - atm~aka, a. having a positive (opp. negative) formi. fA"O4R vi-dhvamsa, m. collapse; ruin, destruction; injury; violation (of a woman): -ka, m. violater (of a woman); -dhvamsana, a. ruining, destroying; n. destruction; violation (of a woman); -dhva~msin, a. perishing; ruining, destroying; violating (a woman): -1, f. a hind of spell; -dhvasa-tf e struction, ruin; -dhvasta-parna-kamala, a. having lotuses the leaves of which have fallen. feFiiZir vi-natana, n. m-oving or going to and fro; -nata, pp. (Vnam) bowed etc.; m. N.: a, f. N. of a daughter of Dakasha, wife of Kasyapa, and mother of I8uparna, Garuda, Aruna, etc.: -tanaya', f. daughter of Vinata, met. of Sumati, -suta, m. son of Vinath, Garuda, etc.; -nati,f. obeisance, bow, to (lc.); -nada, m. cry; -nadin, a,. roaring, thundering; -namana, n. bending (tr.) down; -nainra, a. bent down, stooping, drooping; with bowed head; submissive, humble. f~rfvi-nayd, a. removin g (B V.'); m.( C.) removal, withdrawal (of a cloth); guidance, discipline, instruction, -training; good behaviour, decorum, discretion, -polite manners, good breeding,modest conduct; office (rare); treatise on discipline (B.); instruction; -gyotis, mn. N. (conj.), -ta', f. good behaviour; modesty; -nayana, a. removing, dispelling; n. education, instruction, in (lc.); -nayamdhara, m. N. of a 'merchant; -naya-pitaka, (basket =) collection "-of treatises on discipline (B.); -naya-maya, a. being good breeding itself; -naya-vait, a. well-behaved (in a-): -i, f. N.; -naya-su'tra, n. SO-tra treating of discipline (B.); -naya-sva~mini, f. N.; -naya!~ditya, in. ep. of Gayhplda: -pura, n. N. of a town built by Gay~plda; _naya adi-dhara, rn. N.; -avanata, pp. bowing low with m.odesty; -nayin, a. wellbred, well-conducted, modest; -nayakukti, f.modest speech (pl.). f TrJp vi -nasana, n. disappearance:~ Sarasvatykh or Sarasvatl-, place where the Sarasvatl disappears; -nasvara, a. disappearing; perishable, subject to dissolution: -taj, -tva, n. perishableness; -nashta, pp. (Vnas) disappeared etc.; (vi)-nashti,f.loss. N'ivinfi, prp. (very rare in V7.) without, except (with preceding or following ac., in., rarely ab., exceptionally — P): -krita, pp. separated from, deprived or bereft of; lacking, free from (in., ab., — 9); -kritya, gd. without;-bhfita, pp. separated from, bereft of f~~ Tvi-nadikft, f. a measure of time -~n&dik& or ghatikA,= 24 seconds; -na'di, f. id. f4tqT4 vina-bhava. Nfr' vi-pula. 285 ~fW T1 vina-bhava, in. separation, from (in.); -bhava, n. separableness (in a-). fiTRw vi-nama, m. writhing of the body (from pain); change of a dental to a lingual (gr.); -n&ya-ka,m. leader, guide; Remover of obstacles, ep. of Ganesa; N. fwnMt vi-nasa, m. disappearance,cessation, loss; dissolution, destruction, ruin: -ka, a. causing to disappear, destroying, -dharman, a. subject to destruction, perishable, transient; -nasana, a. (1) causing to disappear, destroying; n. destruction; removal; -nasa anta, m. death; a. ending with loss; -n&sitva, n. perishableness; -na^sin, a. disappearing, perishable, transient; destroying (g., gnly. -~); -n&sya, cs. fp. to be destroyed: -tva, n. destructibility. Nff 1ti vi-nikshepa, m. separation; -nikshepya, fp.to be thrown into (lc.); -nigadi-kri, free from foot-fetters; -nigamaka, a. deciding between two alternatives; -nigamana, f. decision between two alternatives; -nigiuhitri, m. concealer, keeper (ofa secret); -nigraha, n. separation; restraining, curbing,subduing (ord.mg.); restriction; -nigraahya, fp. to be restrained; -nidra, a. sleepless, awake; occurring in the waking condition; passed sleeplessly; expanded (flower); opened (eyes): -ka, a. awake, -ta, f. sleeplessness; -ninishu, des. a. intending to guide; -ninda, a. surpassing: a, f. reproaching, abusing; -nindaka, a. blaming; deriding; surpassing; -nipata, m. mischance, calamity; death; failure; -niptita, cs. pp. /pat; -nimaya, n. barter, exchange; reciprocity (in karya-); pledging; -nimitta, a. having no real cause; -nimilana, n. closure (of a bud); -inmesha, m. wink; -niyama, m. limitation, restriction to (Ic.); -niyaiya, fp. to be limited; -niyukta ltnmaLn, a. having one's soul directed to (ad.); -niyoktri, m. appointer to (Ic.); employer; -niyoga, m. apportionment; appointment to a duty (l.); commission, charge; employment, use, application (ord. mg.; sp. ofa verse in ritual); relation, correlation; -niyogya, fp. to be employed, applied, or used. fqf't R vi-nir-gama, m. going out (of), departure, from (ab.); -ghosha, m. sound; -gaya, m. victory; -naya, m. ascertainment; decision, authoritative settlement, of (g., -~); -desya, fp. to be announced or reported; -bandlha, in. persistence in (-~); -mala, a. extremely pure; -mana, n. measuring out; formation; erection; building; -mitri, mn. fashioner, creator; -miti, f. formation, creation; erection; -mukti, f. deliverance from (-~); -moksha, n. id.; exclusion from (-). ff'wA- i vi-ni-vartaka,a.reversing; -vartana, n. return (home); cessation; -vartin, a. turning back (in a-); -varana, n. keeping off, restraining; -varya,fp.to be supplanted; -vritti,f. cessation; discontinuance; -vedana, n. announcement; -ve'a, m. putting down, putting on, placing upon; impression (offingers); noting down, mentioning (in a book); suitable apportionment; -vesana, n. erection, building; -vesin, a. situated on or in (-~). 4fi-~ vi-niskaya, in. settled opinion, fixed rule, decision, firm resolve, regarding (g., -); -niskala, a. motionless (like, -~); -niskayin, a. deciding, settling finally (-~); -nishpaodya, cs. fp. to be accomplished or performed. vi-nita, pp. V/ni: -ta,f. good breeding, decorum, modesty, -tva, n. id., -mati, m. N.; -niti,f. modesty; -netri, n. educa tor, instructor, teacher (w. ac., g.); trainer, tamer; -netra, I. m. instructor, teacher; 2. a. eyeless, blind; -neya, fp. to be removed; - educated or instructed; - chastised; m. pupil. f'w#fw vin ukti, f. statement that sthg. has or has not any value only without stag. else (=condition sine qua non; rh.). fqw[f vi-noda, m. removal; (driving away oftedium), diversion, entertainment, amusement, with (-~); pleasure, pastime, sport; -nodana, n. diversion etc.; -noda-vat, a. entertaining; -nodin, a. dispelling, removing (-~); entertaining, delighting. His VIND, v. ft'R 2. VID. fa vind-a, a. finding, gaining (-~); m. N.: -ka, m. N. flw vind-u, a. I. knowing, familiar with (-~); 2. finding, seeking, gaining (-~); 3. m. drop (v. bindf). ft. vindhya, m. N. of a mountain range running from east to west and separating the Deccan from Madhya-desa: -ketu, m. N. of a prince of Pulinda; -giri, m. the Vindhya range; -para, m. N. of a prince ofthefairies; -vana, n. forest in the Vindhya; -vasin, a. dwelling in the Vindhya: -i,f. (~ devi) a form of the goddess Durgf; -stha, a. residing in the Vindhya; - akala, m. the Vindhya range; -atavi, f forest in the Vindhya; - adri, m. the Vindhya range. f*WT;i vindhya-ya, den. A. represent the Vindhya range. flqvin-na,pp. %/2. vid: -pa, m. N. of a king. f1Wi vi-ni aya, m. position; -nyasana, n. putting down (pada-vinyasanam kri, put down the feet, stride); -nyasya, fp. to be placed upon; -nyasa, m. putting down; putting on (of ornaments); movement, position (of limbs); disposition, arrangement; extension; composition (of literary works etc.); display of (-~, rare): -rekha, f. line drawn.. Tm VIP, I. A. vepa, quiver, tremble, quake; cs. vepaya, P. cause to tremble, shake. ud, tremble, quake; eG. cause to tremble; frighten. pra, shiver, quiver, quake; cs. cause to quake, shake. f('Cvip, a. inwardly stirred, inspired (BV.); f. (R V.) switch, rod, shaft (of an arrow); in the preparation of Soma, the staves forming the bottom of the drainer and supporting the straining cloth. fwIqi vi-pakva, a. cooked, done; matured, ripe (fruit); fully developed. f7ww vi-paksha, m. opponent, adversary, enemy; female rival; statement on the opposite side, counter-instance: -bhafva, m. hostility; -ramani, f. female rival. f~Tpi W vi-pakshi-kri, deprive of wings; -paiika-ya, den. P. spread abroad, proclaim; -palkil,. Indian lute; -pana, m. sale,traffic; wager; trading-place, shop, market; -panana, n. selling, traffic; -pani, f. sale, traffic; shop, market (also i); -panin, m. shopkeeper, trader; -pani-patha, m. market street; -pan, f. = -pani; -pat-kala, m. season of calamity; -patti, f. failure; unfavourableness (of time); misfortune, disaster; ruin, destruction, death; cessation (rare); -patha, m. wrong road; evil course; -pad, f. (going wrong), failure; mishap, disaster, misfortune; death: -dasa, f. calamitous condition; -panna, pp. Vpad; m. snake: -t, f. ruin; -panya, -panyaya, in. ad. (V.) joyfully; won I drously; -panyfi, a. (RV.) praising, rejoicing; admirable. fwlZI vip-dya, P. (cp. cs. v/vip) cause to tremble (R V.1). fq:fTItIT vi-pari-nama, m. transformation, change; exchange; ripening; -namin, a. changing into (in. of abst. N.); -dhalna, n. exchange; -dhavaka, a. running about everywhere; -bhramsa, m. failure; loss of (-~); -lopa, in. loss; -vartana, a. (i) causing to turn round; n. turning (int.) round; -vritti, f. return; -h&ra, m. exchange. ftptw vi-pari ta, pp. reversed, inverted; contrary, opposite, reverse; acting contrarily, cross; divergent; perverse, adverse: -ka, a. reversed; -arin, a. acting perversely; -ta, f. reverse, opposite; -mati, a. having a wrong opinion; -vat, ad. perversely. ~fqi vi-paryaya, a. (rare, P.) inverted; opposed to (g.); perverse; m. transposition, exchange; change, alteration; inversion, opposite (e. g. sandhi-viparyayau, peace and its opposite war; prabhavasya -, opposite of strength = faint; buddhi-, opposite opinion); change for the worse, disfigurement; reverse, mishap, overthrow, calamity, misfortune (rare); perverseness; change of opinion (rare); wrong opinion or notion, error: Ic. in the opposite case, otherwise. f4i IWT vi-paryana, a. unsaddled: i-kri, unsaddle; -paryaya, m. opposite (rare); -paryasa, m. overthrow (of a wagon); transportation; expiration; exchange, inversion, change; reverse, opposite, of (-~); perverseness; wrong notion, error: -upama, f. inverted comparison; -palayin, a. fleeing; -pavana, a. windless. f'4qfT[vipas-kit, a. [knowinginspiration: vipas] inspired; wise;. versed in (-~). f*wqvip-as, n.inspiration (in vipas-kit and vipo-dha). f'iTM vi-paka, a. ripe (RV.1); m. (C.) ripening; maturing of the fruit' of actions, consequences; digestion; mischance, misfortune (rare): ~, = subsequently; -pakin, a. ripening, bearing fruit or consequences; -palta, in kind of arrow; -pt/ana, n. splitting; destruction; -paotasa, a. very red; -patha, in. kind of arrow; -palndu, a. pallid, pale: -ta, f. paleness: -n ya, grow pale; -pandura, a. pallid, pale; -padikh, f. blisters on the foot; -papa, a. sinless; (vi)papman, id.; free from suffering; -pala, a. unattended by a herdsman (cattle); (vi)pas, f. [unfettered], N. of a river in the Panjab, now Beas; -pasa, a. having no noose; freed from fetters; -pasana, n. unfettering; (vi)-pafsin, a. without a trace (car; RV.?). f4Qw vip-ina, n. [waving: /vip] forest; quantity (rare); a. dense (forest): A-ya, den. A. become or seem like a forest; a.okas, m. denizen of the forest, monkey. f'4~ vi-pildam,ad.withoutanygrievance. TC vi-pumsi, f. masculine woman. f9; vi-pula, a. [= -pura: /I. pri] large, extensive, wide-spreading, vast, broad, wide, thick, long (also of time), deep, great, much, copious, abundant, numerous, loud (noise): -ka, a. very extensive and without bristling hair, -gaghana, a. having large hips, -t&,f. magnitude, -sroni, a.f. having swelling hips; -pulina ambouruha, a. having no sandbanks or lotuses (river); -pushpa, a. flowerless (tree), 286 d-I - ---- 0 mM#t vi-prikkkAili. 286f~~rvi-bhr~t riv y'a-. ftil i vi-prikkkam, ac. inf. o6f Vprakk, (1W.). spiration (vipas). NI q 41TW vip'o-dhg,' a. (By.') b e-stowing inf~~vip-ra, a. (VT.) inwardly stirred, inspired; sagacious, wise (often'of "the gbds); learned; m. singer, poet (V.); learned theologian ( 1.); priest, domestic priest (C., rare); Br~hmafn (C'.): pl. kind of divine being (S.):, A,f. 'Brqhman woman. f qM~1 vi-pra-karsha, m. dragging away; distance; difference, contrast; -kira, m. illtreatment, injury; -kirna,pp. /k~ri'; -krit, a. injuring any one (g.); -kriti, f. alteration: 3mni ltr modify; -krishta-tva, n. distance; '-krisht~ntarz, a. a considerable way of. f~hIRRT vipra-ta', f. rank of 'a trihm'an; -tapasa, mn. Brihman penitent. f&-Iif r_ vi-prati-killa, a. refractory; -p'atUl feroeous perception or notion; contradiction; divergence of opinion (ord. mg.); incompatibility of two conceptions, antinomy; -sheclha~mkeeping'in check; contradiction, conflict of two statements; prohibition, negation; -saira, m. repentance. f~~tIvi-pratipa, a. refractory, hostile; reversed (fig.); '-pratyaya, m. distrust. f~19Rkq vipra-tva, n. dignity of a (learned) Brahman. fW14Tvi-pra-pita,m. kindofflig'ht; abyss. Ifq i % vipra-putra, m. son of a Bra~hman, young Brfihman-; -bhiva, m. rank or dignity of a Brfthmau; matha, m. Brihman monastery. fI4T[TfWK vi -pra - mthin, a. trampling down -everything; '-midin, a. tho'roughly heedless; -muoksha, m. loosening; deliverance from (ab., g.); -mokya,fp. to be-freed from (ab.); -y-oga, m. sep'aration, from,(in. ~ saha, g., — O); lack, absence; -yrogin, a.. separatedfr6m a loved object; -1abdIha,Jjp. (V/labh) deceived,' imposed upon; -lab]2ya,.fp. to be deceived, - made, a fool of;, -lam'bha, m. deception; (disappointment =) separation of lovers: -ka, a. deceiving, cheating; m. dishonest-opponent: -tva, n. deception; -lambhaiia, n. deception (pl.); -lambhiu, a. deceiving, fallacious; -laya, m. absorption in (lc.); extinction; -lapa, m. explanation; idle chatter; contradiction; -1ipin, a. 'chattering; m. chatterer; -lumpa-ka, a. rapacious; -vida, m. divergent statement; -visa, m. dwelling or travelling abroad; 'staying away from (ab., — O); -va'saua, n. banishing. fIiiq vipra-vira, m. heroic Bfhhman. farTTf*Kvi-pra-vrfigin, a. fon'd of leaving home. [i-ka, m. astrologer. f*RWF vi-prasna, m. interrogation of fate: farTRITM vipra-sAt-kri, present (ac.) to BrAhmans. f'4iRifN'qi vipra adhipa, m. moon: muha, f. moon-faced woman; -aevamanyAka, a. looking down on BrAhman-s. ftfig~ vif-priya, a. estranged (V.); d isagreeable, distasteful, to (g., 0_; C.); n. (sts. pl.) unpleasant thing, disagreeable act (C.). J~i-prilsh, f. (nm. -priitt) drop; spot, speck, spark; phenomenon ( —P w.askarya-): p I. drops' falling from the mouth whileqseaking; -p~rusha, m. or n. drop; -prekshava, n. looking round; ' -prekshita, n. glance; -prekshitri, m. one who looks round. I NfW10 vipra indra, m. distinguished Brahman. fCTIPMvi-preman,m. estrangement; -proshita, pp. (pra + V/vas) absent from home.,4t vi-plava, m. destruction, ruin, loss; disaster, calamity, catastrophe, distress, misery ( —', = of or by); tumult, affray, revolt; violation (of a woman); -plavini, a. disap. pearing; -plivaka, -pl~vin, 'a. spreading abroad, publishing; -plush, f. drop ( -prush). fq~tIi vi-phala, a. bearing no fruit (tree); fruitless, futile, vain; disappointed: -t&, f., -tva, n. fruitlessness,.__elessness; -preraina, a. flung in vain; -phala-ya, den. P. 'render fruitless, not allow any one (g.),I to '(inf.); -phala-srama, a. exerting oneself in vain: -tva, n. useless exertion; -phali-kri,'_render useless, thwart; -phalii-bhavishnu, "a. becoming useless; -pai-, become useless. f~'qT vi -bandha, mn. obstruction; — baiaI a. weak; -bina, a. arrowless-; -bali,. f. N. of a river (-RV.'). fcj vi-budha, a. very wise; m. god: -tatinai, f. river of the gods, Gang'es; -priya, a. dear 'to the wise or the gods'; -rfiga, m. king of the gods, Indra; -sadman, n. abode of the gods, heaven; -stri f. celestialfemale; - k~rya, m. instructor of the gods, Bribaspati; 4dhipatya, n. sovereignty of the gods; - anukara, m. attendant of 'a god; 4vasa, m. dwelling of the gods, temple; '-'-isvara, m. lord of the gods. f~~ivi-bodha, mn. awaking; perceiving; -ohana, n. awaking (tr. & imt.); -bodhayitavrya,fp. to be awakened. fciT;R vi-bhak-ta, pp. V/bhag; a. separation: -ga,, m. son born after the partition of the, patrimony; -tva, n. variety. fqrfff vif-bhakti, f. separation, partition; distinction, modification; inflection of a noun, case; 'case 'or personal 'termination. f'RW vi-bhaktri (w. ac.) or trz (w. g.), m divider, distributer (V.); arranger of (-) 'ft~rf vi-bhaiiga, m. contraction (of the brows); furrow; interruption, stoppage, frustration; deception; wave; -bhaganiya, fp. to be distributed; -bhaya, a. freedom from danger; a. exposed to no danger; -bhzava, -a. rich ('E., rare); m. omnipresence (,rare); development (rare); might, power, maje6sty, greatness, exalted position (ord. mg.); wealth, property; luxury: -tas, according to rank (dr.); according to one's pecuniary 'circuimstances, -mnati, m. N. of a princess, -vat, a. wealthy; -bhavin, a. id.; -bh'a, a.. shining (V.); f. splendour, beauty (C.): — kara, m. (light-maker), sun; king; -bh&gf&, m. V.: distribution, apportionment; C.: partition of inheritance; division;' share, in (_0); portion, constituent part; numerator ",of a fraction; separation, distinction, difference: in. separately, singly,' in detail: -rekh', f boundary line between (g) -*at-tA, f separation, distinction, -sas, ad. part by part, in parts, singly; according to (~) f'4.TSrqvi-bhaiga-ka,a.distributi-ng; dividing; -bhigya,fp. to be divided; -bhindaka, m. N. of a sage with, the pat. Kbsyapa; -bhaLt., pr. pt. (.4') shining'afar; m. N. of a Pragqapati world; -bha~ta, pp. Vbhfi; n. daybreak; -bh~uu, a. shining, beaming (Agni; JRW.'); -bhiva, m. ep. of Siva; a representation of art as affecting the emotions (rh.); -bha~van, a. (vc. vas) shining, brilliant; -bh~vana,, (as.) a. developing, manifesting; a. development, creation; manifestation; perception; (causing to be before the mind), reflection on (-9); arousing a certain emotion by a work of art: A, f. representation of effects the causes of which are left to be conjectured; -bh~vaniya, fptob'erivd to be convicted; -bhfi-vari-, f. (starry) night -kinta,!Ljsa, M. moon; -bhaA-vasu, a. radiantly b right; m. fire; god oftfire; sun; N. of a mythical prince; -bhiviu, a. mighty; causing to appear ( —); arousing an emotion; perceptible, comprehensible; to be attended to; a. imps. one should pay heed to; -bhashi, f. option, optionality: am. sts. = in. optionally; -bhask, m. N. of one of the seven suns; a certain Ra'ga. fMfiTT vi-bhidfi,fperforation and defection; -bhitaka, m. a large tree, beleric myrobalan (Terminalia Belerica: Br-., C.)'; a. the nut used as a die; -bhi.daka, m. id. (.RV.) Br., S.); -bhi'shana, a. frightening, terrifylug; m. N. of a noble Rlk-shasa, brother of IKubera and Rd'vana, made ruler of La~ikad by lRdma after defeating Rdvana; N. of two kings of Cashmere; -bhi'shik&, f. intimidation., means of terrifying. vi-bhii, a. (U, v-1.) far-extending, pervading, omnipresent; abundant, lasting (V.); mighty, powerful; capable of, able to (inf.); m. lord, ruler, sovereign, chief, of ( —9); the Almighty =Brahman, Vishnu, or Siva; N. of the Bibhus (pl.): -tva, n. omnipresence; omnipotence; 'sovereign power; -nift, a. extending everywhere (-RV.'); joined with the Vibhus (=Ribhus; V.). fVi-bh"i, V. a. = vi-bhii. 14 vf-bhfiti, a. (By.) extensive, abundant; mighty, 'powerful; f. (C.) development, multiplication; abundance; manifestation of might, power (ord. mg.); sovereign power, greatness; successful issue (of a sacrifice); magnificence, 'splendour; prosperity, fortune; wealth, riches (common mg.; sg. & p1.); ashes (rare): -mat, a. powerful' (C.). fkj~T vi-bhftshanaa, a. adorning (rare); a. ornament, decoration; brilliance, beauty (very rare): -vat, a. adorned; -bhiishA, f. adornment, ornAment; -bhiishin a. adorned vif-bhri-tra, a. being carried about f~Wrrvi-bhetavya, fp. a. one should be afraid'of (ab.); -bhettri, m. destroyer, dispeller; -bheda, m. breaking through, splitting; knitting (o 'the brows); alteration, change; disturbance; dissension, discord, between (samiam); distinction, difference; -0, pl. different kinds 'of; -bheda-ka, a.' distinguishing (g.) from (ab.);:lihedania, a. piercing, splitting; a. breaking~; setting at variance; -bhedin, a. piercing ();removing, dispelling; -bhramsa, m. decline, cessation; ruin; loss of (-O); -bhramsin, a. falling down; -bhrama, m. moving to and fro, heaving (of waves), unsteadiness; wandering about; vehemence, excess, high degree (0sts. 'I.); amorous play, coquetry; derangement, disturbance, confusion; erroneous application (of punishment); pertnrbation, agitation; mental confusion, delusion, error; illusion, illusive appearance, vision; "grace, beauty; amorous distraction (of a woman, esp. with regard to dress); -?,. mere semblance of; '~-, only in appearance; ab. ( —9) under the'delusion. that it was a -: -arka, m. N. fqVTffW vf-bhrfttrivya, a. rivalry, 'hostility; -bhraAnti,, f. perturbation, agitation; delusion, error. I f=q+i vi-bhvan. fqiq vi-rucpa. 287 Af Wvi-bhu an, I. a. far-reaching, penetrating (RV.); m. N. of one of the Ribhus; 2. an, a. skilled; m. artificer (R V.). 1f4it f vi-mati, f. divergence of opinion, regarding (lc.); aversion; a. dull, stupid: -ta, f. stupidity; -matsara, a. free from jealousy; -mada, a. free from intoxication, grown sober; free from rut; free from pride; a, m. N. of a protegd of the gods; N. of a composer of Vedic hymns; (vi)-madhya, n. (?) middle; -manas, a. out of one's senses, beside oneself, discomposed, downcast, disconsolate; -man&-ya, den. A. be disconsolate or downcast; -mani-kri, make angry; -manyu, a. free from anger; -marda, m. crushing, bruising, rubbing, friction; trampling; conflict, encounter, scuffle, fight; destruction, devastation; interruption, disturbance of (-~); contact (rare); refusal, rejection (rare); total eclipse (rare); -marda-ka, a. crushing, destroying; m. N.; -mardana, a. pressing, crushing; destroying; m. N. of a fairy; n. crushing; encounter, conflict; destruction, devastation; -mardin, a. (-~) shattering, destroying, devastating; dispelling; -marsa, m. examination, consideration, reflection; discussion; intelligence (rare); crisis in the plot (of a play); -marsana, n. examination, reflection. fqWIZt vi-mala, a. spotless, clear, bright, pure (also fig.); transparent; white (elephant); ms. N.; s. N. of a town: -ta, f. spotlessness; pureness; -pura, n. N. of a town; -prabha, f. N. of a princess; -buddhi, m. N.; -mati, a. pure-minded; -zAkara, m. N. of a king; -asva,f. N. of a village. faIt rW vi-malaya, den. P. make clear or pure. fltf' vi-maliman, m. pureness, clearness; -mastak-ita, den. pp. beheaded. fWTi vi-mamsa, n. bad or forbidden meat; -matri, f. step-mother: -ga, m. stepson (of a mother); -mathin, a. striking down (fig.); -mana, a. (i) measuring out, traversing (V., E.); m. n. (C.) celestial chariot of the gods; aerial car; car, hearse (rare); imperial palace with seven stories; tower (rare): -ka, -~ a. = -mana, celestial car, -ta, f. condition of a celestial car, -tva, n. id.; -manana, n. disrespect, contempt,humiliation; refusal (rare): a, f. id.; -mani-kri, turn into an aerial car; -manya, fp. to be despised or insulted; -marga, m. wrong road; evil course; -misra, a. mingled, mixed, heterogeneous; mixed or combined with (in., -~). fqffR vi-mukta, pp. V/muk: -kantha, 0- or -an, ad. (shout) at the top of one's voice, -ta, f. loss of (g.), -maunam, ad. abandoning silence; -mukti, f. disjunction; setting at liberty; release, deliverance, from (ab., -~); final emancipation; -muukha, a. having the face averted, turned backwards; turning away from any one (g.), departing disappointed; averse to, abstaining from (ab., lc., g. w. upari, -~); indifferent to (-~.); adverse (fate); -~, lacking: -ta, f. aversion to (lc., prati,-0); -mukha-ya, den. P. render averse: pgp. ita; -mukhi-karana, n.rendering averse to (-~); -mukhi-kri, put to flight; turn any one away; render averse or indifferent to (ab., -~); frustrate; -mukhi-bh&va, m. aversion; -mukhi-bhti,turn one's back, flee; turn away from (ab.): -mugdha, pp. v/muh: -ta,f. foolishness, stupidity; -nmik, f. (RV.) unyoking, alighting: vimnuko napat, son of arrival, conductor (Pfshan); -mudrana, n. causing to expand. [n. uprooting. vi-m1ila, a. uprooted (also fig.): -m, fT vi-mrigya,fp.to be sought; -mris- a-); — kri, disperse; thin (a wood); -iya-karin, a. acting only after mature re- h, pp. become very rare. flection (gd.). Pfg vi-rasa, a. tasteless, insipid, haying imok m. unyoking disjunction a bad flavour; disagreeable, unpleasant; termination deliverance from (ab., o) having no taste for (-~): -tva, n. bad taste, liberationfrow the world; -noktavyam f. nauseousness; -rasi-kri, affect unpleasantly; to be set at liberty; - abandoned - dis- bh be unpleasantly affected; -aha, charged, at (d., l.); -moksha, om. being m. separation (of lovers), from (in., -o); abloosened, coming undone; deliverance, re- sence or lackof (g.,- ); -a. lacking: -gunlease, from (ab., -o); liberation of the soul, ita, pp. increased by separation, -ga, a. emancipation; setting (a thief) at liberty; produced by absence; -rahin, a. separated, abandonment; shedding (of tears); bestowal parted (of lovers), from ); absent; ab(of wealth); discharge (of arrows) -ok- staining from, free from (). shana, a. freeing from (-9); unloosening a qg vi-raga, m. loss of colour; dislike (the hair); release, deliverance, from (ab., (topersons), indifference (to things), to (ab., -; ord. mg.); abandonment; laying (of l t., -o); indifference to worldly objects; a. eggs); -m6kana, a. (i) freeing from (-~); n. of various colours, variegated; free from pasunyoking, alighting (1 V.); releasing from sion, indifferent; -regi-ta, f. aversion, dislabour (V.); deliverance, from (ab.; C.); like; -ragin, a. disliking, having a disincli-mokita, cs. pp. (oV muk) released etc.; nation for (ic.); -rag, a. (V.) ruling; splen-maoha, m. confusion of mind: -ka, a. (i-k) did; ms. chief, ruler, lord; f. queen; f. confusing the mind, -da, a. producing men- exaltation (V.); f. (V.), s. (C.) N. of a tal confusion; -mohana, a. confusing the divine being, the result of speculation, idenmind; n. confusion; confusing the mind; tifed with Purusha, Pragpati, Brahman, -mohin, a. confusing the mind; -mauna, a. Agni, and later Vishnu, sometimes appearbreaking silence. ing as the daughter (or son) of Perusha, t vi-yat, a. [pr. pt. -Vi: going apart, Pragdpati, Brahman, or V Vishnu; is made outspread], departing (rare); -pyt, n. inter- the subject of all kinds offanciful allegories mediate region between heaven and earth, the Brahmanas; in the Veddnta virog is sky, atmosphere ether as an element (rare) a designation of intellect conditioned by the (yad)-gata, pp. moving or flying in the air; aggregate, so alled because of its manifold n-nadrya-hati sa, um. sun; n-may, a. brilliance; f. N. of various T. metres, chiefly consisting of air. with pdas of ten syllables: t-tva, n. name of VirAg; -raga, a. brilliant; m. cN.; -r&girtq 1afvi-yata-ta,f.impudence, audacity. ita, pp. resplendent; -rata, m. N. of a king 1f'q vi-yoga, un. separation, - from, loss f the Matsyasr; -rtra, end ofnight; -rad dhri, u. insulter; -radha, u. N. o f a lrdkof (in. + saha, ab., _o); departure; absence, shasa: -gupta, m.., -han, m. slayer of want; abstention from (-t): -pura, n. N. of Viradha, e. of Vishnu (ma) -a, m. atown,-vata.spr aedh, p. of Vishnu (csfma); -raana, m. a town,-vat, a. separated (from a lover), cessation; termination, end; end of a word - avasana, a. ending in s eparation; -yogi- or sentence, stop, pause (gr.); end of a pada, taf. separation; -yogin, a. separated (lover), caesura within a psda; stroke below a confrom (-~); -yogana, n. liberation from (-o); sonant indicating the absence of the inherent separation, from (_-); -yoganiya, fp. to be a (orig. only at the end of a sentence); abdeprived of (in.);^-yogya,fp. to be separated stention (gr.): _- a. ending in (gr.): -m ya, from (ab.); -yonl,f. animal womb; debased rest; come toan end; -riva, m. cry, clamour, birth, animal, animals and plants. roar, noise; -revin, a. crying, warbling, yellf4, virakta, pp. (Vrang) estranged etc.: ing, roaring; resounding with (in.). -prakriti, a. whose principal officers are dis- f f- vi-riuka, u. N. of Br ahman; -riki, affected, -bhava, a. disaffected; -rakti, f. N. of M. id.; -ri-kya, m. id.; -ribdea, m. tone, indifference, to (le., upari w. g., prati w. ac.) d.; ka, us; -rbdha, s. tone, freedom from worldly attachment: -mat, a. accent; -riramsf. desre to abstain; -rkindifferent, to (lc.); accompanied with free- mat, a. shining, gleaming (1.);. brilliant dom from worldly attachment; -rakana, f. ornament (.; -rug a.. causing pain disposition, embellishment: alaknAm -, 2. free from pain, well; -ruta, pp. V/ru; n. neatly arranged locks; -rakayitavya, f- tobirds), hum, noise; -ruti, be made or formed -rakita, pp. s. ra: f. id.; -ruda, m. n. panegyric on a prince in &,f. N.; (vi)-raga, a. free from dust, clean, prose and verse; uddha, pp. rudh;. pure (also fig.); free from passion; -ragas, (s. ripaka) kind of contradictory trope (in a. id.; m. N.; -ragas-ka, a. dustless; -ragas- which a thing is denied and affirmed toposkaranan.freeing fromdust, cleansing agi- ess functions existing and lacking respeckr, free from dust, cleanse n; -ragnk i tivelyin the object with which it is compared): -ta, f. contradiction, opposition, conflict, -rankya, m. ep. of Brahman; -rata, pp. i (ra) cease etc.: -tva, n. id.; inconsistency; hostility, -dhi, -rata-prasaiiga, a. having ceased from en- a. hostile-mded. gaging in (le.); -rati, f. cessation; end ' vi-rfiksha, a. rough; harsh; -rukshdesistence or abstention from, renunciation ana, n. roughening, acting as an astringent; of (ab., le., _o); -ratha, a. deprived of one's -rftkshaniya, a. suitable for roughening; to car; -rathi-kri, deprive any one of his be reviled. chariot; -rathi-bhfu, be deprived of one's car -raps, a. () exuberant (.) s. vi-rfipa, a. many - coloured, maniabundance (RV.); -rapsin, a. exuberant, fold; changed; different, from (-~); having vigorous (V.); -rama,, m. cessation, abate- a different form (opp. having the same meanment; sunset; abstentionfrom (-_); -ramna- ing: gr.); deformed, misshapen, ugly (ord. na, n. cessation; abstention from (mo). mg.): -ka, a. (ika) deformed, ugly; un#RI virala, a. far apart, sparse; loose seemly.; Ugly, ep of a man; -karana, a. rare unfrequent, scanty, few; viralah (i) disfiguring; n. disfigurement; infliction of an injury; -t&f. variety; ugliness; -sakko pi, one here and there; - & -m, ad. ti, s. N. of a fairy; -sarman m. N. of a sparsely; rarely: -t, f. rareness. Brdhman; - aksha, a. (i) having deformed fIqf'kr viral-ita, pp. placed far apart (in eyes; having various occupations; m. N. 288 Ifq %\4r viruipa-ya. NqTq~ vi-vaka. of a divine being -(S.); N. of Siva; N. of a Yaksha. [disfigured. f _ viruipa-ya, den. P. disfigure: pp. ita, f~*"<qi -vi-reka, m. purging; laxative; -rekana, a. opening; is. purging; purgative. fq'-Y~M vi-roka', m. (Ry.) effulgence, flush (of dawn); n. (C.) cavity, hole; -rokin, a. -shining (Ry.); -r6ka'ua,adIlumninating (rare); m. sun; sun-god; N. of an Asura; -rokishnu, a. shining, brilliant; -roddhavya, fp. to be fought with; n. imps. one (in.) should fight; -rodha, m. hostility, quarrel, strife, between (g., rarely in., — P), with (in. ~ saha, — O); logical contradiction, inconsistency, incompatibility, incongruity; conflict with, injury of (in. —, at the cost or to the detriment of); prevention by (O rare); misfortune (rare); perverseness (rare); -rodhaka, a. setting at variance, stirring up; incompatible with (g., — 9); -.rodha-krit, a. causing dissensions among, stirring up to revolt; -rodha-kriyaf. quarrel; -rodhana, a. opposing; n. quarrelling; resistance, opposition, to (g.); injuring; -rodhaibhsa, m. apparent contradiction (rh.); -rodlzi-ta f. enmity, strife, between ( —O), with (saha); contradictoriness.; -rodhi-tva, n. removal; -rodhin, a. obstructing, disturbing, preventin~g; dispelling; hostile; contradictory, conflicting, opposed; mn. adversary, enemy; -rodha ukti,f. contradiction; -ropana, a. causing to heal n. healing (of a wound); -rohana, a. causing to heal; n.budding (ofp plants). f~vila, v. f*R buna.!q vi-laksha, a. having no fixed aim; missing its mark (arrow); embarrassed, abashed, ashamed: -tva, is. abst. N.; -lakshana, a. varying in character, different; differing from (ab,, ~-O); various, manifold (rare); not admitting of exact definition (rare); -Iakshi-kr~i, cause to miss the mark, disappoint (any one); disconcert, abash-; -lakshya, a. having no fixed alin; -lagna, pp. (Vlag) clinging to, etc.; -n. rise of a constellation; _laiighana, n. leaping over g) striking-ag~ainst; offence, injury:,f gettin~g over, surmounting; -lodighin, a.(0 overstepping, transgressing; striking against, ascending to (the sky); laiighya, fp. to be crossed (river); to be got over, tolerable: at~ f. tolerableness; 1agga, a. shameless; -lapana, n., -lapita, a. -wailing, lamentation; -labdhi, f iremnoval -lamba, a. hanging) down (arms); m. tardiness, delay: 0 slowly; ab. so late; in.-id. too late; -lamba-ka, mn. N. of a king; lambana,i., a, f delay, procrastination, -lamnbita,pp.Vlamb; n.delay: -gati, a. having a slow gait; f. a met e; -lainbin,, a. hanging down, hanging to, leaning against (le., - ); O, from which - depend, suffused with (tears); delaying, reluctant; -laya, m. disappearance, loss, destruction, end; -layana, a. dissolving; n. dissolution, destruction; liquefaction; kind of product of milk; -lasana, n. sportiveness (of a woman); play (of lightning); -lasita, pp. Vlas; n. manifestation; sportiveness; pranks, goings on (syl. & pl.); play (of lightning); -1&pa, m. lamentation; -1&pana, as. [V'- i.1] a.causing to disappear, removing..; n. destruction, death; -,Apayitri, in. [fr. es.. of iV. 11] destroyer; -1&pin, a. wailing., lamenting; uttering.sounds. IfqIrT # vi-Ilasa, in. manifestation; appearance, aspect; diversion,' sport., fun (common my.); doings; (female) coquetry, dalliance' (ord. my.); wantonness - (rare); liveliness (one of the eight masculine virtues; rare); charm, grace (rare): -kodanda, m. god of love; -griha, n. pleasure house; -kipa, m. god of love; -dol1^, f. pleasure swing; -dhanvan, in. god of love; -pura, n. N. of a town; -ba~na, m. god of love; -bhavana, n. pleasure house; -bhitti, f. wall in appearance; -mani-darpana, m. mirror of jewels as a plaything; -maya, a. full of grace; -mekhal1^, f. toy -girdle; -vat-i,-f. coquettish' woman; N..; -vasati, f. pleasure resort; -vitgyana, n. balcony or terrace for amusement; -vipmna, n. pleasure wood; -vihira, m. walking for pleasure, promenading; -vesman, is. pleasure house; -sayya^, f. pleasure couch; -sila, m. N. of a king; -sadman, is. pleasure house. f~~~~Tvi-latsika, f. kind of drama in one act, full of love incidents; a1s-vn sportiveness; -1sin, a. shining, beaming; fluttering (flag); sportive, playful, fond of amusement; delighting in (-O); coquettish; enamoured; in. lover, husband: -i', f. lively or charming woman.; woman; mistress, wife; wanton woman, concubine;- N.IfqfI "I vi-liiiga, a. of different gender; lowing; -lunthana, n. plundering, stealing; -1psp. destructible (only a-); -lumpaka, m. robber; destroyer. MIR vi-lekha, m. laceration with ( —P):'a f. scratch., furrow; written contract; -lekhana, a. lacerating.; n. scratching; -lepa, m. unguent, ointment; -lepana, n. anointing; unguent, ointment; -lepin, a. anointing. ftVjftq vi-loka, in. glance; -lokana, n. looking, gaze; looking at, regarding, observing; looking out for, finding out -; perceiving, looking into, studying; -lokita, (pp.) n. glance, look; -1okim, a. ( —P) looking; looking at; perceiving; -lokya, f~p. visible; looked at; -lokana, i. a. causinog to see, giving eyesight; n. eye; 2. a. distorting the eyes; m. N. of a mythical person: -patha, in. ran(ge.Of vision, -pita, m. glance; -lodana, n. stirring about, churning.; splashing; throwing into confusion.; -lopa, in. loss., injury; interruption, disturbance; robbery; -lopa-ka, m. destroyer; plunderer; -lopana, n. destruction; omission; pulling to pieces (garland); stealing; -1opmn, a. destroying (-.O); -loptri, m. thief, robber; -lopya, fp. to be destroyed; -lobhana, a. allurement; -lobhaniya, fp. alluring, to ( —9); -loma, a. (against the hair or grain), reversed, opposite;. refractory: -in, ad. backwards; -loma-ga, a., -lomagita, pp. born (against the, grain =~) in the inverse order, born of a mother belonging to a higher caste than the fath er; (vi) -loman, a. against the hair or grain, turned in the opposite direction, inverted; hairless; -lo1m-ita, den. pp.inverted; -lola, a. moving to and fro, tossing about, waving, rolling, unsteady; unsteadier than (ab.); -lolana, n. moving to and fro; (vi)-lohita, a. deep red. f~vi-va, a. riding [V/i. va&] on a bird. IfCM vi-valktri, in. correct reciter, corrector.: -tva, n. eloquence; -vak-vft, a. eloquent (B V.i); i(vi)-vakshas-e, d. a refrain,occurring in the hymns of Viiada, without connexion with the context; -vaksha', f. Ll/vak] intention to say, declare, teach, or express; meaning, sense, of (le., ~) wish to say sthg. r doubt., as to ( —P); -vaksiita, des.yp*p (Vvak) intended, meant: -tva, a. use in a definite sense, signification; -vakshitavya, fp.- necessarily meant; -vakshuf, des. a. [4/vak] crying aloud (V.); wishing to speak, say, or announce (ac., — O), to (ac.); -vat, a. containing the word vi; -vatsa, a. deprived of her calf, her young, or her children; -vatsu, des. a. [Vvad] wishing to say; -vadana, n. quarrel, dispute; -vaditavya, fp. n. one should dispute, about (la.); -vadishu, des. a. intending to speak; -vadha (or vi-vadha: V/vadh = vah), in. shoulder-yoke for carrying burdens; provisions, store of grain; way (rare); (vi')-vadhi, f. yoke (fig.) = strait-waistcoat, chains; -vayana, n. [V/4- va&] plaited work; -vara, inn. [V i.vril opening, hole, burrow, fissure, chasm, slit, cleft (ord. mg.); interstice, interval, intervening space; difference (rare); breach, weak point; harm (rare); -varana, n. uncovering, opening; exposition, explanation, comment; -vargaka, a. avoiding ( —P); -vargana, a. avoidance, abandonment; abstention from (ab.; rare); -varganiya, fp. to be avoided or given up; -varna, a. colourless, pale, wan: -ta', f. loss of colour, paleness, -bhava, m. id., -mani-kri, deprive the jewels in anything (ac.) of their natural colour, -vadana, a. pale-faced; -vartk, in. the revolving heavens (V.); whirlpool; transformation; development of the phenomenal world from the supreme soul (in Veddanta.: opp. parin~ma, developmentfrom, Pradhdna or Prakriti); phantom: -va'da, m. Vedadntist doctrine of phenomenal development; -virtana, a. revolving; transforming; a. rolling, tossing about; struggling; wandering to and fro; turning back; return; transformation; turn, change; -vartin, a. turning, rolling, revolving; turning, away, turning towards (-O); changing; dwelling; -vartman,.wrn road (fig.); -vardhana, a.(i exa. k) increasing, furthering (g., -9); n. increase, growth; -vardhaniYa, fp. to be inereased or furthered; -vardhayishu, des. a. intending to increase (ac.); -vardhin, a. (4.) increasing, furthering (-O; always f. and at the end of a Sloka); -vasa, a. deprived of will, powerless, helpless (through, -..O); unwilling, involuntary, spontaneous: at& f. helplessness; -vasi-ki-i, render helpless; -vasana, a. unclothed, naked; as. naked JTain miendicant; -vastra, a. unclothed, naked: taf nakedness; (vi- or) -visvat, a. shining forth, diffusing light, appearing at morn (V.): sb~dane viviisvatah, on the seat of the shining one, on -the fire-altar (77.); ma. N. of the god of the morning sun (in -V7., Br., E., called Akditya; in V. father of Yama and Yami and of the Asviiis); sun, sun-god (C.); ep. of Manu (==Vaivasvata); -vaha, in. N. of one of the seven winds. f'qTqM vi-vatka, in. one who pronounces judgment; vivak, a. shouting against one another, contending (II V.);f. opposing shout, contest (Ry.); -va~kana, in. (i',f.) arbitrator; n. decisive statement, authority; -vada, m. dispute, between (g. -), with (in. ~ saha, 0-), regarding (g., la prati,-); controversy, argument; lawsuit: pada, is subject of a dispute or suit; -vada adhyasita, pp. subject to dispute, -vada abrthin, ma. prosecutor; -vidin, in disputant, litigant; -vira, in. expansion of the throat in articulation (o~pp. sainvfra); -varin, a. warding off(O) -vsi.absence from home, banishment; separation from (in.); vasana, n. expulsion from home, banishment; _vasas, a. unclothed, naked; avsy P. to be banished; -vihi, ms. taking home of the bride, wedding, marriage, with (in. + saha); nuptial form (qf which there are eight); vehicle (in a play on words, Ait. Br.): -katushtaya, n. quadruple matrimonial alliance; -vihaniya'y fp. f. to be taken home as a bride, to be wedded; -viha-pataha, ma. wedding drumn; -v~havesha, ma. wedding garment, -vihaagni, ma. wedding, fire; -vaihya, fp. to be married (girl); connected by marriage; ma. son-in-law. f-qf-qWi vi-vik-ta.' ftrfiZ vi-sankata. 289 - f'ftqi vi-vik-ta, pp. V/vik; n. solitude, lonely place; pureness: -ta, f. distinction, discrimination; isolation; purity, -tva, n. solitude, - isana, a. sitting in a sequestered place; -vikti-kri, empty, clear; leave; -vikshu, des. a. [Vvis] wishing or about to enter; (vi)-viki, a. distinguishing, discriminating; -vit-sa, des. f. [V I. vid] desire to know; -vit-su, des. a. wishing to know; -vid-i-sha, des. f. desire to know; -vid-i-shu, des. a. wishing toknow; -vidha, a. [having different kinds: vidha] of various sorts, manifold, divers: -m, ad. variously, -rupa-bhrit, a. having various forms, -s&stra-goshthl, f. discourse about various sciences; -vibhaktika, a. lacking case-terminations. f4T-d vi-vita, m. enclosed pasture ground: -bhartri, m. owner of an -. fa'ngf vi-vrita, pp. VI.vri; n. publicity: Ic.in public or straight out (speak): - anana, a. open-mouthed (-tva, n. open-mouthed state), - asya, a. open-mouthed; -vriti, f. exposition, explanation, comment; -vritaukti, f. unveiled or explicit expression; -vritti, f. development; hiatus; -vriddha, pp. (/vridh) increased; -vriddhi,f. growth, increase, augmentation,aggrandisement; prosperity; lengthening of a vowel: -bhag, a. increasing (age). f'qf[i vi-veka, m. [/vik] discrimination, distinction; investigation, discussion, criticism; discernment, judgment: -khyati, f. correct judgment; -gnaa, a. having correct knowledge, of (-~); -#;ana, n. correct knowledge; -bhag, a. discerning; -manthara-ta, f. feebleness of judgment; -rahita,pp. lacking an interstice (breasts) and lacking discernment; -vat, a. judicious, discerning. f f'ti iT vi-veki-ta,f. discrimination, discernment, judgment, -tva, n. id..; -vekin, a. discriminating, distinguishing (-~); separated (rare); examining, criticising (rare); discriminating, discerning, judicious; -vektavya, fp. n. one should judge correctly; -vektri, m. one who discriminates (-~); man of judgment or discernment: -tva, n. discrimination of (-~); -vekaka, a. distinguishing; judging correctly, discerning: -ta, f/., -tva, n. correct judgment, discernment; -vekana, a. (i) distinguishing (-~); investigating, discussing, treating critically; n. examination, discussion, criticism; n., 3,f. distinguishing. fe#'? vi-vodari, m. [Vvah] husband. f' vi-vrata, a. reluctant,refractory(B V.). fq q VIS, VI. P. A. visa (A. in C. gnly. " metr.), settle on or in, enter, go into (ac., lc., sts. antar); ascend the funeral pyre (agnim); enter (se. the house, the stage); go to rest (V.); sit down on (ac., le.; rare); join (an army); flow into (of rivers); fall to the share of, come to (fortune, etc.); occur (thought); get or fall into (misfortune, etc.; ac.); enter upon, undertake (ac.): w. punar or bhi uyas, go back, return, to (ac.): pp. vishta, entered into (ac.), contained in (lc.); filled or accompanied with (in.); es. vesiya, P. cause to enter into (ac.); cause to sit down on (le.); des. viviksha, P. intend to enter (ac.); wish to ascend thefuneral pyre (agnim, etc.). anu, enter into (ac.) after anyone (a c.); enter (ac.); follow (ac.). apa, cs. send away. a, enter (into), penetrate, pervade (ac., rarely le.); approach (ac.), come (RV.); sit down upon (ac.); occupy, take possession of, overpower (of emotions, etc.; ac.); attain, fall into (a state): pp. ivishta, I. with act. mg. having entered or penetrated, sticking in (lec., -~); sitting upon (lc., of birds); hovering; 2. with ps. mng. filled with or inhabited by (in., -~); pierced by (an arrow, in., -~); occupied, possessed, or overpowered by (in., -); possessed by an evil spirit; es. cause to enter, introduce, into (lc., rarely ac.); concentrate (the breath); bring into the house, treat hospitably; commit or entrust to (lc.); direct (the mind) to (lc.). pra., come to (ac.); cs. introduce, into (le.). sam-a, enter (into); penetrate, pierce; sit down on (lc.); occupy (cac.); take possession of (ac., of emotions, etc.): pp. samavishta, occupied, possessed, or overpowered by, filled or provided with (in., -~); instructed by (in.) in (in.); cs. introduce; bring or conduct to a place (ac.); direct (the thoughts etc.) to (lc.); commit or entrust to (lc.). upa, approach any one (ac.; RV.); sit down, lie down (of animals); encamp; be about to set (sun); enter upon, practise (ac.): pp. seated, sitting (sts. for finite verb); + anasana -, waiting quietlyfor death by fasting; es. cause any one (ac.) to sit down, on (lc.); bring to a place (le.). abhiupa, sit down, on (ac.). sam-upa, sit down together, seat oneself, upon (ac., lc., upari with g.): pp. seated, sitting; es. cause to be seated; cause to encamp. ni, A. retire to one's abode (lair, nest), go home; enter into (ac., le.); take (leech); encamp; lie down to rest; sit down, upon (lc.); settle down, marry (of a man); turn (mind) to (le.), devote oneself to, practise (lc.); cease, abate (anger, wind; RV.); impress itself on the mind (matau): pp. nivishta, entered into (also + antar), resting on or in, attached to, sticking in (lc., -~); adhering to (the path of duty, le.); encamped; stationed (watchman); seated, sitting, on or in (lc., -9); situated; laid out (tank); directed towards (le., -~); devoted to, practising (lc.); occupied (place), inhabited, cultivated; begun (Br.); es. nivesaya, cause to encamp; draw up (an army); lay to rest (V.); bring into a house (lc.), quarter; cause to settle down, marry (a man); put down in, bring to a place (lc.); set upon (a path); introduce into, representin (ayplay, le.); erect (a building etc.), found (a city), people (a city); seat upon (lc.); discharge (arrows) at (le.); place upon, put to (the lips), fix in, attach to (lc.); draw (lines, marks), inscribe (name etc.) on (le.), paint (in a picture, le.), write down (on a leaf); appoint to (an office etc., lc.), enthrone (a king); reduce to (tribute, kare); confer (an office) on (lc.), entrust (ac.) to (lc.); bestow, give (a name); impress on (the heart or mind, le.); fix (the gaze) on, direct or apply (the mind) to (lc.). abhi-ni, A. (P.) enter into (ac.); devote oneself to (ac.); apply to any one (le.: opp. be lacking); be applicable: pp. penetrated by (in.); abundantly provided with; concentrated, bent, or intent on (lc., prati, -~); es. cause to enter, conduct to (lc.); cause (ac.) to sit down opposite one upon (le.); cause any one's heart to be set upon (le.). upa-ni, cs. cause (an army) to encamp; found (a city). pratini, pp. intent on, having one's heart set upon (lc.); obstinate. vi-ni, pp. dwelling in (-~); occurring in (le.); drawn upon or in (le.); drawn (marks) on (le.); laid out (tanks); cs. set down or place in (le.); transfer to (le.); erect (a statue etc.), found (a city); draw up (troops); set upon (a throne, le.); cause to enter into, place in (lc.); lay or put upon (le.); apply (cleverness); conduct into (a path, le.); appoint to (le.); impress on (the heart, le.); fix (the gaze or thoughts) on (le.). sam-ni, associate with (in.): pp. encamped; abiding, contained, in (le., -~); cs. introduce into (a house), lodge in lIc.); set down, deposit; draw up (troops), cause (an army) to encamp; introduce into, place or establish in (le.); fasten (a jewel) to (lc.); appoint to (lc.); entrust or commit to any one (lc.). nis, take refuge in (lap, ac., le.); become a householder, marry (of a man); discharge, pay; enjoy (ac.; ord. mg.): pp. nirvishta, entered into, sticking in (le., -~); seated (v. r. ni-); paid; enjoyed; gained. pra, enter (ac., le.); ascend the funeral pyre (agnim, vahnau, etc.); take possession of (the heart, kittam, etc.); enter a house; enter the stage (technical dr. term); attain (ac.); enter upon, undertake, devote oneself to (ac., sts. le.); accept, enjoy (an oblation); be absorbed =thrown into the shade by any one (ac.): pp. pravishta, I. with act. myg. having entered (into), being in (ac., lI., -~); often without an object, having entered (the house, the stage); lost or disappearing in (le.); having begun (age); having entered into (madhya-) = gained the confidence of; having entered upon, engaged in (lc.); agreeing with (lc.); 2. with ps. mg. entered; made use of (money); es. cause to enter, bring to a place, introduce, usher, into (cv., lI.); bring into the house, bring on the stage (without an object); deposit in, put or throw into (ae., le.); cause to enter=throw into (a condition, sleep, etc.); write down; initiate into (ac.); instil into any one (le.); spend (money). anu-pra, enter into (cv., sts. le.); enter (a house or apartment) after any one (ac.); enter in to any one (ac.); penetrate into, familiarise oneself with, studythoroughly (ac.); bhavam -, enter into the nature of, adapt oneself to: pp. entered; having attached oneself to (a caravan, ac.); having taken refuge with (le.). sam-pra, enter, - into (ac.); find one's way to any one's heart (hridayam); be lost in thought (manasam, dhyanam); have sexual intercourse with (a woman, ac.); associate with (ac.); cs. cause to enter, bring or introduce into (ac., lc.): pp. sampravesita, allowed to return into the country (opp. banished). sam, approach (V.); attach oneself to (ac.), associate oneself with (in.); enter, - into (ac., rarely le.); lie down, go to rest, on or in (le., -upari); sleep with (in.); cohabit with (a woman, ac.): pp. having lain down, gone to rest, sleeping; seated with (in.); cs. cause to lie down; lay or place on or in, bring to (le.). anu-sam, go to rest in the direction of (ac.; V.); lie down after (suptam, her when she slept). abhi-sam, surround. prati-sam, lie down to rest. f'q^ vis, f. (nm. t, lc. pl. vikshi) settlement, homestead, house (RV.); sg., pt. community,tribe,people (pl. subjects, folk, troops; V7); sg., pl. sp. the people= the third caste (Br., C.; =Vaisya): sg. man of the thirdcaste: visass-pati, lord of the house, ep. of Indra and Agni; visam isvara, pati, or natha, lord of the people, king. f-[ I. vis-a, n., a,f.-~ = vis. fq[ 2. visa, incorr. for f'qE bisa. fr'qiW vi-sahka, a. fearless; not afraid of (-~); free from danger, safe (road): -a, ad. fearlessly. f'T " vi-sankata, a. extensive, large, big; ghastly, hideous (for vi-samkata, cp. vi-kata); -saiikanlya, fp. to be distrusted or suspected; -safika, f. I. doubt regarding (le.); suspicion; fear, of (g., -); timid hesitation: -m kri, hesitate; 2. (P.) absence of fear: in. fearlessly, without hesitation; -saiikin, a. surmising, supposing (-~); fearing sthg. (-~); afraid that (pot. + iti); -sanikya, fp. to be distrusted or suspected; to be feared. P-P 290 290;~vi-sada. f-mz visva.-k'a. fq~kP~ vi-sada, a. [distinct: Vi.sad] clear, bright, brilliantly white, spotless, pure (also fig.); cheerful (mind); distinct,evident,audible, intelligible; soft to the touch (food, wind, perfume; rare); dexterous in( --- rare): m ad. brightly, -ti', f. clearness; -sada-ya, den. P. purify; miake clear, explain: pp. ita. f1r4 vi-saya, m. [VeSi] uncertainty, doubt: -vat, a. doubtful; -sayin, a. id.; -sarada, a. incorr. for visfirada; -sariru, a. falling to pieces, scattering; frail, perishable: -ti', f. frailness; (vi)-salya, a. pointless (arrow); freed from an arrow-head, healed of an arrowwound; freed from pain: &,f. N. of various plants, also of a specific for arrow-wounds: (a)-karana, a. (I') healing arrow-wounds: 2 f. a certain miraculous herb; -salya-ya, den. P. free from an arrow-head or a pain; -sisana, a. (i1) deadly; m. sword; n. slaughtering, cutting up (RV., C.); slaughter (C.); cruel treatment (C.); -sasitri, m. slaughterer; -sastri, m. id. f-9'1T4Mvf-sitkha(A V. also-s~kha),branched, forked (V.); branchless (B.); handless (F.); mz. (C.) ep. of Skanda; a manifestation of Skanda, regarded as his son; N.; n. fork: A, f. sg., due., pl. the fourteenth (later sixteenth) lunar asterism; -sAkha-ka, a. (ika) forked; -sikha-datta, m. N. of the author of the Mudrdrdkshasa (seventh or eighth cent. A.D.); -s'kika f. forked pole: -danda, m. id.; -si~kh-ila, m. N. of a merchant; -sitana, a. (i) destroying; n. cutting off; hewing down, destroying; -sApa, a. freed from a curse; _sarada, a. experienced, skilled, or proficient in, conversant with (lc., — P; ord. mg.); clever (speech); beautifully autu mnal; lacking the gift of speech; bold, ipdent; -sA1A, a. [ = v-ha extended: v/siri] extensive, spacious, broad, wide; large, great; powerful (army); illustrious (family): --, full of; m. N. of the father of Talcshalca; N. of various kings; N. of an Asura: A, f. N. of the town of Ugqayinl; -A&1a-ta', f. great extent; -si1aiokani,f. large-eyed woman; -si1a-varman, on. N.; -sA1a-vigaya, on. a kind of military array; -s~A~lksha, a. (i) large-eyed; on. ep. of Siva, sp. as author of a Sdstra. fqjf~j vf-sikha (or -sikha), a. lacking a top-knot; bald; blunt (arrow); flameless (fire); on. blunt arrow; arrow: ~,f. street: - antara, n. (interior of a) street: &-ni atipat, traverse the streets; -siras, a. heatliess; topless: -ka, a. headless; -si-sais-ishu, des. a. prepared to slaughter; -si-sram-ishu, des. a. wishing to rest; -sishta, pp.v/,sish:a -t,. distinction, excellence, superiority, -tva, n. id.; difference, distinction; -sishta-varna, a. of choice colour; -sish~ta. dvaita, n. distinct entity, entity with attributes: -vida, on. doctrine of an entity with attributes; -sirna, pp(sr'.. scattered, trampled upon etc.: t f. crumbling condition, -muirti, a. having his body destroyed (Kdmna); (vi)-sIq'rshan, a. (ni) headless; -si'la,a.ill-behaved,badlycondu'cted. f ~~~vi-suddha, pp. (x/sudh) pure etc.: -t& f., -tva, a. pureness; -dlii, a. pureminded; -pairshni, a. whose rear is covered; -bhiva, a. having a pure nature or mind; _vanssya, a. of pure descent; -sattva-vign'i~na, a. wh ose character and nature are pure;, -&tman, a. having a pure nature or character. f3j~ vi-euddhi, f purification, sanctification, purity (also fig.); settlement of a debt (rare); perfect knowledge (rare): -mat, a. pure (rare); -sushika, a. dried up, withered, parched. I fW3'w~r vi-sfnya, a. perfectly empty; -eiila, a. spearless. i 192a"vi-srifikhala, a. unfettered, unrestrained, unbounded; sounding or tinkling excessively; abounding excessively in(0) -in, ad. unchecked. fqrII3 vi-sesha, m. [v-,,sish] difference, between (2 g., 2 lc., g.- & in.); characteristic difference, peculiarity, specific property, differentia; species, individual; special objects, particulars (p1.); distinction, superiority, excellence, pre-eminence; special distinction; special place, wonderful object, extraordinary thing; individualization, variation (rh.); particularity (opp. shmanya): -o (sts. also 0-) = a definite, special, or particular (p1. different kinds of,various); extraordinary,pre-eminent, choice, distinguished: d. for the enhancement of (beauty, -.9); in., a b., '~, exceedingly, pre-eminently, especially, particularly, very; ab. by special reason of, in consequence of (-0); yena yena viseshena, in any way whatever; a. extraordinary, abundant (increase, v. r. visesha't): -km, — 0a. = visesha, particularity; a. distinguishing, qualifying; m. n. forehead mark; m. a figure of spehi which two objects are, atfirst represente as similar, but finally as different (e.g. ' the crow and the cuckoo are black; sp ring causes their difference to be heard'); -karana, n. improvement; -giia, a. knowing the differences of things, discriminative, judicious; -0, knowing various - IC R vi-seshana, a. di1stinguishing, particularizing; n. that which differentiates, viz, attribute, adjective, adverb, apposition, or predicate; distinguishing; particularization; species, kind; surpassing (rare): -tva, n. adjectival nature; -pada, n. honorific title; -viseshya-tA, f., -viseshya-bhiva, m. relation of predicate and subject. fRIFTRvisesha-tas, ad. according to the difference of, in proportion to ( —9); specifically, singly, in partiiiular; especially, particularly, above all; -tva, n. distinction; notion of the particular; -mandana, a. costly ornament; -vakana, n. adjective, apposition; -vat, a. distingauishing, (in a-); -vid, a. = -giia; -4lin, a. distinguished, excellent; -arthi-ta', f. want of something better; -ukti,f. statement of the difference of two otherwise similar objects (a figure of spec) f q2,1Kvi-eesh-ya, cs~fp. (V'sish) tobe qlalifled or particularized; n. substantive, subject. fii0TN vi-soka, a. free from sorrow; removing sorrow; on. N. of the charioteer of Bhm'a; N. of a _Ddnava: -ta', f. freedom from sorrow; -sodha, incorr. for -sodha,&,pp. VNsah; -sodhana, cs. (,Vsudh) a. (i') cleansing; washing off; n. purification (also in the ritual sense); -sodhi-in, a. cleansing: (-i)-tva, a. clearing, freeing from obstruction; -sodhiya,fp. to be subtracted from (ab.); -sosha, m. dryness; -soshana, a. drying;, healing (wounds, —'O); n. desiccation, drying up; -soshin, a. drying up, withering; making dry. f14qfWr vis-pdti, on. (V.) chief of the settlement or tribe, lord of the house: doe. master and mistress of the house; -p~tni, f. mistress of the house; -p&19, f. N. of a woman whose leg was re~placed by the Asvins (BY.). f ivis-ya, a. forming a -, belonging etc. to the community (11V.); m. man of the people or of the third caste (V.). *f~il,2414 "'vi-syftparna, a. conducted without the Syfiparnas (sacrifice); -srabdha, pp. (Wsrambh) confident: 0- or -mn, ad. confidently, unhesitatingly; -srana, on. rest, relaxation;..srainana, n. resting, relaxation; I -srambhia, on. cessation (rare); confidence, in (cYrarely g.); familiarity, intimacy: -m kri, gain the confidence of g):ab. or'confidentially; kasinai visrainbham kathayami, whom shall I make a confidant of? -katha, f. confidential or familiar conversation,2 -kathita, (pp.) it. pl. id..; -srainbhana, a. confidence; gaining the confidence of (~) -sramnhnia p. inspiring any one (g.) with confidence; -srainbha-t,f. confidence; -srambha-bhritya, on. confidential servant; -srainbha-samkatha,f. familiar or confidential conversation; -srambhm 1fpa, on. id.; -srainbhin, a. trusting, placing confidence in (-9); enjoying confidence; confidential (conversation); (vi)-sravas, a. famous; on. N. of a Rishi, son of Pulastya and father of Kosbera, Bdvana, etc.; -srinana, n. bestowal, gift, of (g.,-'.); sacrifice of (life); -srinta, pp. (v/sram) rested etc.; _srainti,f. rest, repose, relaxation; cessation, end (rare): -bhitii f. means of relaxation; -sraina, on. rest, repose, relaxation (ord. mng.); heaving sigh after exertion; resting-place (rare); cessation, relaxation, abatement: -bhfu f resting-place, -vesman, n. resting-chamber, -sthana, n. resting-place of a person = means of recreation; -sriva, on. noise; renown. f~~tivi-sri-kri, (rob of =) surpass in beauty. fW7 vi-sruta, pp. famous etc.; on. N.; -sruti, f. fame, renown. NrWvi -slatlia, a. relaxed, loose:.aigain, ad. with languid limbs; -slesha, on. loosening, severance, falling asunder; hiatus (with, sandhau or sandhi-); separation (of lovers); -sleshin, a. loosened; separated (froon a beloved object). f~vie-va, a. [pervading: /vie] every, all, whole, entire (in Br. and later supplanted by sarva); all-pervading or all-containing (Vishnu, soul, intellect); on. every one; intellect conditioned by the individual (in Veddnta); N. of a king: visve dev9h, all, the gods; All-gods (as a class); n. the' All, universe, world. M visva-ka, on. N. of a prote'ge' of the Asvins; -kartri, on. creator of the universe; -karman, n. every action (only O-); (&)karinan, a. accomplishing or creating everything (V., E.); N. of the architect of the universe, resembling Pragdpati and often not distinguished from him; in C. he is the architect and artificer of the gods, also called Pragdpati, and with the pat. Bhauvana, father of Barhishmati and Samgiid; ep. of the sun (rare); -krit, a. creating everything; on. creator of the universe; the architect and artificer of the gods,Visvakarman; (i)-krishti, a. dwelling among all men, universally known (1? V.); -kshaya, on. destruction of the world; -gata, pp. omnipresent; -guru, m. father of the universe; (i)-kakshas, a. allseeing (BY.); (i)-karshani, a. = -krishti (RVF.); -gank, on. mankind; -gani'na, a. containing all kinds of people (V.); ruling all people (V.); benefiting the whole world (V., C.); (a')-ganya, a. containing all men (heaven and earth:, V.); universal, dear to all men (V.);. universally beneficial (discussion); -git, a. all-subduing (V., P.); on. N. of an Eka'ha in the Gavadmayana rite, the fourth day after' the Vishuvat (Br., S., C.); -giVa, on. universal soul; -gi(, a. all-impelling (RV.i); (k)-tas, ad. from or on all sides., everywhere; (i)-to-m~ukha, a. having a -face on every side,, facing in all directions;(i. tra, ad. everywhere; always; (i)-thi, ad. in every way, always (VF.); -datta, on. N. of a JBrahman; (&)-darsata, a. visible to all fri; ~ vi-svas-an'ya. ' 44~ visha-rasa. 291 I (RIV.); -dM'ni'm, ad. always (V.)- (6,)-deva, a. all-divine; m. pl. the All-gods, the Visve devfis; (&)-devya, a. relating, dear etc. to all gods (RIV.); (i)-devy' vat, a. id.;, accom.panied by the Visve devfis (Indr-a); (ib)-dha, ad. in every way, always (1?.); -dharana, n. preservation of the universe; (6)dh~yas, a. all-supporting (RV.); -dhb'-virya, a. effective in every way (A V.); (i) -dhena, a. all-feeding (Ji'V.); -nitha, m. lord of the universe, e~p. of Siva; N.,; -m-tara, a. allsubduing (Buddha); m. N. of a king with the pat. Saushadmana; -paivanz, a. all-purifying; -pis, a. all-adorned (RV.); -prkakisa, m. All-enlightener, T. of a dictionary; (i)psnya, a. all-nourishing (V.); -bhug, a. allconsuming; (i)-bheshagqa, a. (i) all-healing (V.); n. dry ginger (C.); (4) -bhogas, a. allsupporting; -maya, a. containing the universe; -maha, m. a kind of personification; -mahesvara, m. great lord of all (Siva); -minvi, a. (RV.) all-moving; all-containing; -mtt, a. whose body is the universe or having all forms; -m-bharib, a. all-supporting; m. ep. of Vishnu: A,f. earth: -bhug, m. king; -yoni, m.f. source or creator of the universe; -ruki, m. N. of a _Ddnava; -rftpa, n. sg. all kinds of shapes; (&)-rftpa, a. (ah, i) many-coloured; variegated (V.); wearing all forms, manifold, various; N. of a son of Tvashtri, whose three heads were struck off by Indra; &,f. dappled cow (V.); N. of certain verses (Br.); (&-) va'a, a. containing, bestowing etc. all treasures (V.); -vikhylta, pp. known in the whole world; -vid, a. allknowing; -visruta, pp. known in the whole world; (&)-vedas, a. all-knowing; (i)-sambhi', a. beneficial to all; -sfiiLc, a. all-enlightening (.RV.'); (ib)-skandra, a. all-glittering (RV.); -samvanana, n. means of enchanting all; -samhira, m. general destruction; -sakha, mn. universal friend. f~'~~ivi-svas-an'iya,fp. to be trusted, deserving confidence; n. imps. one should place confidence in (ic.): -taf., -tva, n. inspiring of confidence. f4J' visva-saha, rn. N.; -sm~kshiin, a. allseeing; -srig, a. (,nm. k) all-creating; m. Creator of the universe; e~p. of Nfirfyana; -srishti, f. creation of the universe; (i)_ saubhaga, a. bringing all prosperity (RIV.)' fwrvi-svasta, pp. Vsvas: 'a, f. widow; (a) -ghataka, (a)-ghatin, a. ruining the trustful; (a)-vaiikaka, a. cheating the trustful. ig visvd-ha (or A), ad. always (V.). fqO~ visva~ak-i', a. f. (of visva afik, allpervading), general (LIV.); f. paralysis of arms and back (C.). fTf~lf* visva atithi, m. universal guest =going~ everywhere; -4tman, m. universal soul; -ad, a. all-consuming (V.); - dhirz, sn. support of the universe; "-adhipa, m. lord of the universe; A-nzra,, a. relating, dear etc. to all men (V.); m. N. of Agni's father; - antara, m. N. of a king; A-pufsh, a. all-sustaining (RV.'); -mitra, m. N. of a celebrated Rishi, chi ef author ofRig-veda III (with& the pat. Ghthina, G~dheya, and Gfihnava), engaged in a g reat contest with Vasitshtha: pl. family of Visvflmitra; i~yu, a. moving among, known or dear to all (V.); n. all people (R V.); ^-vatva, m. N.; a'-vasu, a. beneficent to all; m. N. of a Gandharva; N. of a prince of the Siddhas. vi-svatsa, M. confidence, trust, faith, in (ic., sts. in. ~ saha, g., or — 9); secret confid~ed to ( —O, rare): -karaka, a. (ika") inspiring confidence; -ka'rana, n. reason for confidence; -ka'rya, a. confidential matter; -ghaita, m. breach of confidence; -ghitaka, -ghitin, a. betraying confidence, treacherous. f*W-WT~I'q vi-svaisana, n. inspiring of confidence: - artham, ad. for the sake of insiiiring confidence. fMT(tT'J visvflsa-pfttra, n- object of confidence; trustworthy person; -bhfimi, fid.; -shna, n. surety; -hantri, m. traitor. f~~f'~vi-svatsin, a. trusting, confiding; trustworthy; -sv-Asa upagama, m. access of confidence; -.sv~sya, 'fp. trustworthy; inspiring confidence; to be consoled, finding consolation. f1TT visvg-hft, ad. always (V.). tml visve-deva, M. PI. the Visve de-vas. fNr'J visva isa, m. lord of the universe (ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and Siva); Z4sitri, m. id.; - 23vara, M. id.; N. [region. f VEV visva eka-sflra,, m. N. of a sacred fw Kr visv~.pgas, a. all-powerful(V) f %'-I. P uiS y.( V.,B, very rare); intv. vvsv6vish, ( V.) be active; perform, work, do; flow (waters); work in the service of, serve; capture, overcome, rule; consume (food): pr. Pt. v~vishina, supported or guided by (in.); pp. vishti. pani, (V'., E.) attend on, serve (ac.) with food; prepare (food); cs. veshaya, serve any one (ac.) with food. f~vishJf excrement; dirt. f~i.vfsh-a, m. servant, attendant (BY.). 2. vish-6, n. [potent] poison, venom; water (rare): -kauy', f. poisonous girl (supposed to cause the death of one cohabiting with her); -kumbha, m. jar of poison; -krita, pp. poisoned; -krimi, m. muck-worm; -ghna, a. destroying poison; n. antidote; -ghni,f. of -han. [together. vi-shafigin, a. adhering; crowded t C jt R visha-ga-druma, m. poison tree; (p)oihvd.a, a. venom-tongued; -gushta, pp. NE vi-shanna, pp. (Vsad) dejected etc.: -t&,f. despondency, despair; -bhaiva, m. id. fZ'M'R~, visha-taru, m. poison tree; -tt., f. poisonousness; -tva, n. id.; -da, m. (watergiver), cloud; -d' aka, -dayin, m. poisoner; -digdha, pp. poisoned; -d'ishana, a. (i) destroying poison (V.); n. poisoning (of od C.); -drumna, m. poison tree; -dhara, m. venomous snake; reservoir; -dh~na, n. receptacle of poison; -nimitta, a. caused by poison; -panna-ga, m. venomous snake; -parvan, m. N. of a Daitya; -padapa, mn. poison tree; -pushpa, a. poisonous flower. f~ vi-shama, a. uneven, rugged, rough; unequal, irregular, dissimil ar; odd, not even; hard to traverse, difficult, inconvenient, serious, dangerous, adverse, terrible, bad; hard to understand; unsuitable, wrong (rare); dishonest (rare): 0-, ad. terribly; n. uneven or rough ground or place, bad road; pit, precipice; difficult position, distress, misfortune; unevenness, in equality (in. unequally); incongruity, incompatibility (rh.): -gata,pp. fallen into distress; -pada, a. having or show'Ing unequal steps (path); having unequal p~das (stanza); -pida, a. consisting of unequal pWas. If 4ivisha-maya, a.(', metr.a') poisonous. i I f~Ig R vishama-sara, m. (odd-arrowed =five-arrowed), god of love; -silMAf. uneven rock; -slila, mn. ep. of Vikrama'ditya; T'. of the i8th Lambaka of the Kathdsaritsdgai-a called after him; -stha, a. standing in a dangerous place; being in distress. fq'WTWT vishamft-ya, den. K. become or appear uneven (path). fRTIV vishama fyudha, m.(odd-arrowed), god of love; -a&Sana, a. irregular eating (sts. too much, sts-.too little). f 4if iq yvisham-ita,9 pp. made impassable (banks); made crooked, disarranged; become dangerous; -ii-kri, make uneven or crooked; -I-bhft, become irregular. f cqfir visha-muk, a. venomous (speech); m. snake. f~q~i!W vishamajkshana, m. (oddthree-eyed), e~p. of Siva; - ishu, m. (odd-= five-arrowed), god of love. fW vish-aya, m. [working, field of action] sphere of activity; scope, compass, range, reach (of the eye, ear, mind, etc.); duration (of life); province, department, domain, business; restricted sphere (gr.); room, appropriateness for (g., rare); object of a sense (there arefive corresponding to thefive Senses: sound, touch, form, taste, smell); objects or pleasures of sense, worldly concerns, sensual' enjoyments (pl.); object (opp. subject); topic, subject-matter; aim, mark; object suitable for (d., g., _9); subject of comparison (-in a trope: e.g. in ' lotus-eye,' ' eye' is the vishaya, 'lotus' the v~ishayin- or object); place, spot; region, district, country, kingdom (pl. lands, posesins): -' a. manifesting itself in or as; restricted to the category of, exclusively belonging to, invariably; relating to, treating of, concerned with, directed to, aiming at: lc. vishaye, in the sphere ofwith regard to, concerning (g., -O); atra vishaye, with regard to this; hhandasi vishaye, only in the Veda. f~wtiEi vishaya-ka, a. having - as its objectiregarding ( — ); -grama, mworldofsense, gta. specialist; -t&,f. being the object of (g.) reatio to dependence on (__M); -tva, n. being the object of:, occurrence or treatment in (~) limitation of anything (g.) to (-9); relation to, dependence on, liability to ( —0); -vat, a. directed to objects of sense; objective; -vartin, a. directed to (g.); -va'siu, a. dwellingo in a country; in. inhabitant; - tmaka, a. directed to objects of sense, indulging in sensual pleasures; - adhikrita, (pp.) in. governor of a province; - dhipa, in. id.; king; - anta, in. boundar-y of the country. f~f vishay-in, a. indulging in sensual pleasures; in. sensualist; materialist; lover; subject (opp. king); subject, the ego; object of comparison (e.g. in ' lotus-eye,' I lotus ' is the vishayin, ' eye' the vishaya). fi~!rvishayi-karana, n. makin gan object; -kri, spread abroad; bring into one's sphere or power (ac.); make the object; -bhft, become the sphere of (g.); become the object. f-4w1RT visba-rasa, mposnous drauight; _latA, f. Poisonous creeper; -i~t&, f. N. of a locality; (&)-vat, a. poisonous; poisoned; -vallari", -valli~f. poisonous creeper; -vitapin, m. poison tree; -vriksha, m. id.; -vaidya, m. dealer in antidotes; -vyavastha, f. poisoned condition; -,suka, in. wasp; -han, a. (-ghni) destroying poison; -hara, a. (I) remiovingpoison;-hridaya,a.poison-hearted. P p2 292 fiRgr vil-shahya. fP1rRVI-spha'ra. f1U vi-shahya,fJp. (-v sah) possible; a'scertainable; conqu'erable. ~Tf~Vishaagni,m-burningpoison; -&iikui-a m.poisonous shoot; - afigan&,f.=-kanyA. f!iWPTi vish~na, n. horn; tusk (of an elephant, a boar, or of Ganesa; rare),; claws (of a crab; rare): -vat, a. (C.) horned; having tusks; m. (C.) boar. fq1qTW!T vish'anf, f. horn, (V.). fTir.vishan-'in, a. having horns or tusks; m. elephant; ep. of a people (holding horns in their hands, comm.; lil.1). fg'12~ vi-shfda, m. relaxation,. lassitude (rare); dejection, despondency, dismay, despair; repugnance, disgust (rare): -vat, a. dismayed, dejected, disconsolate. n. dejection, despondency, dismay, despair. f Rf~ 2. vish~a cdin, a. swallowing poison; - a nn pos ed food; - apaha, a. destroying poison; - amrita-maya~,a. ~1i) having the nature of poison and nectar (girl). fPqT~g vishat-ya, den. A. become poison. wR~kTi~visha Asvftda,m.poiSOn to the taste. Nftft i vi-shita, pp. (,Isft) opened. fN*4ff vish'i-bhfl, become poison. fig vishu, ad. (O'.) on both sides, in various directions. f'-' vishuna, a. (R V.) various; changing (moon); averted, averse: lc. nside. fq'TIq vfshu-yqpa, a. of various colours or forms (V.). f# vishuva, m. equinox. N4w( vishii-vat, a. (sharing both sides equally), being in the middle (VT.); m. middle day (in a certain annual celebration: Br.); a. equinox (C.): -samkra'nti, f. passage of the sun to the next sign at the equinox. f"f~T vi'shufk-ik A,f. indigestion accom - panied by evacuation in both directions. fMIft vi-shu-k-i, f. of vishvan-k. f 4 ~#Twl vishfik-"Ina, a. spreading in all directions (V., P.). fPiPj vish-ka, m. elephant twenty years old. f q Ec vi-shkambha, m. [V-,skambh] support; width; interlude explaining what is necessary for understanding what follows (dr.): -ka, a. supporting (rare); sn. interlude ( =vishkamhha). ffRvi-shkira, m. [V/krt'] scraper, gallinaceous bird. VJSH-T [prob. deriv, of Vvis], only Np. A-Vishtita, enveloped in (in.; V.). f~vish-td, pp. x/vis & <'vish. f-" vishta-tva, n. connexion with (in.). N~ vi-shtdlp, f top, surface, height, esp. of heaven (V.). f7i vishtip-a, m. (rare), n. id.; n.world (C.): -traya, n. the three worlds. firSW vi-shtambhd, M. supporting, planting (the foot, -0); support; prevention, stoppage. PRL vi-shtara, m. [strewing: x/strf] handful of rushes,. grass, etc. for sitting on (S., B.); m. n. seat (C., ord. mg.): -sravas, m. (farfamied), e~p. of Vishnu-Krishna. f'cTUT vi-shtatrd, m. [strewing: V-,stri] layer of grass (B V.i): (i)-paiikti,f. a metre (8 + 12 + 1:2 + 8 syllables); (a)-brihati', f, a metre (8 + io0+10 + 8 syllables). fkftu I. vishtif, ad. [perk. fr. vi-j- sti = asti, being different, change], -bhih, in-pl. changing, in turn (BY.). ffz2. vish-ti, f. [work: V~vish] compulsory service, soccage; call. bondmen. fTU i. vi-shthg, f. (V7.) several position, station; kind, form. fUT 2. vish-thft, f. excrement (rarely pl.). ftft~f vi-shthita, pp. abiding etc. (.V sthat). f4M vish-nu, m. [Worker: v, vish] N. of a god of the uppe~r region (personification of the sun) who traverses the world in three strides, companion of Indra, mentioned uith the Adit yes, husband of Sinivdili (V.); janitor of the gods (Br.); his head when cut off becomes the sun (Br.). In C. he is the second of the triad, the Preserver, husband of Lakshmi or Sri, and Sarasvati, father of the god of love, rests on the serpent Sesha, and has Garuda for his vehicle, descends to earth in several Avatars; N. of a lawgiver. fk'~- vishnu-krami,mn.pl.ishnu's steps(three steps to be taken by the sacrificer between Vedi and.Ahavaniya); -gupta, m. ep of Ka-nakya; N. of a Buddhist; -gamatri, m. son-in-law Vishnu; -tva, a. Vishnu's nature; -datta, m. N.; -nyaiiga, a. in which Vishnu is frequently mentioned; -pada, n. zenith; sky; -pura'na, n. T1. of a Purhna; -miat-Ji, f. N. of a princess; -maya, a. (i') relating to, having the nature of, Vishnu; -mitra, m. frequent N. (used as an instance like Cajus); -loka, m. Vishnu's world; -va~hana, a. Vishnu's vehicle, Garuda; -sakti, i.f. Vishnu's energy, Lakshmi; 2. in. N. of a king; -sarman, in. N. of various men, esp. of the narrator of the Paiikatantra, and the Ilitopadesa; -sfikta, n. hymn to Vishnu; -svamiu, m. temple or statue of Vishnu. fZM'slvi-shpds, m. (nm. t) spier out of (g; IIV.'; Vspas). fTfqTw~r vishpita', n. straits, peril (BY.). fi f4I vi-shphuliffiga, m. spark. fN1qwiT vi-shyandana, n. trickling. fI'i vishvak, ad., v. vishvanik: -sena, m. N. of Vishnu or Krishna; g-anikana, a. turned in all directions; g-gamana-vat, a. moving in all directions; g-vAta', m. wind blowing in all directions. N-qlqqvish u aWe, (V.) a. (f. vishixkii) turned in both or all directions, coming from or going in all directions, general; getting into all kinds of conditions; separated from, (in., ab.); ved. (V7., C.) vishvak, on both sides, sideways; around, everywhere, in all directions. f#QMf vishva-dryaiik, a. (f. -drilkl) going in all directions: ad. -dry.1k, away (BY.'). f-9i "iT vi-sam-vftd-a, as. breach of word; contradiction, disagreement, with (in. + saha, lc., -9P); -aka, a. breaking one's word (in a-); -ana, n. breaking one's promise (in a-); -i-ta', f. id. (in a-); contradiction, disagreement with (in.); -in, a. contradicting, disagreeing. ftR~WV vi-sam-saya, a. subject to no doubt, certain; -shithnla, -sthula, a. unsteady, infirm., tottering; -sarpin, a. spreading (obliquely, -'O); -kula, a. not confused, composed; a. composure; -gnla, a. unconscious. f*VTT'T vi-sadrisa, a. (a&,i) unlike, different, unequal: -phala-ta', f. difference of consequences; -sandhi, M. secondary joint; absence of Sandhi; a. jointless; unallied with any one; lacking Sandhi; -samnaiha, a. unarmoured; -sama'pti, f. non-completion; -sambhoga, in. separation. fg'~ vi-sara, in. [extension: v/sri] multitude, quantity. 'f!-ft vi-sargd, mi. [ Vsrig] discharge, liberation (Y., C.); -cessation, end (V.); divergence (of paths: BY.); C.: emission; evacuation of excrement; dismission of a person; bestowing, giving; casting, throwing, discharging, scattering; creating; creation, product; final aspiration (yr.): -humbana, is. parting kiss; -lupta, n. absence of Visarga. f-TU r vi-sdrgana, a. cessation, end, removal (V., B.); creating (BYF.); C.: relinquishmnent, desertion; discharge, emission; sending away, dismission of a person; driving of cows to pasture(O) bestowing, giving; -sarganiya, m. final aspirate (gr.); -sargita, CS.-Pp. (Vsrig) abandoned, 'turned adrift;- -sarpa, m. spread, diffusion; erysipelas, and similar hinds of inflammation; -sarpana, a. spreading; a. shifting (int.); diffusion, increase; (vi)-sarpin, a. coming forth, issuing, against ( —O); moving or gliding about; spreading, diffusing itself. f1qETK vi-sftra, in. diffusion; -sa'rathi, a. lacking a charioteer (car); -saxr-in, a. issuing (= reverberating) from (a cave, — '); spreading, diffusing itself: (-i) -ta', f. diffusion. ffr(vi-sih, m. Jain. fi~ f vi-sukha, a. joyless; -suta, a. childless; -suhrid, a. friendless. f-, 3 vi-sfttra, a'. [stringless, loose], confused, disordered; disconcerted; -sfitrana, a. [vi-s-fttraya] throwing into confusion; driving away; -su'tra-ta', f. confusion, disorder; mental confusion; -sfLtrita, pp., v. s-fttraya; -suirana, a. sorroW (Pr.). f-C?4ffVi-srs'tf.flowing wae(Y'-sritvara, a. spreading, diffusing itself; -srlpas, ab. inf. Vsrip; -srimara, a. spreading, diffusing itself; gliding; (vi)-srishta, pp. Vsrig: -dhena, a. pouring streams of milk (BYV.'-); (vi)-srishti, f. discharge; creation. f-TRNR vi-somd, a. lacking Somna (Br.); moonless (night; C.). N~tI vi-saukhya, n. suffering; -saurabha, a. lacking fragrance. fWr vista, 7n. a certain weight (one Karsha or sixteen Ma'shas of gold). fg"R vi-stara, a. [t,/stri] extensive (very, r are); in. extent; multitu de; large company; number of things, - connected with athg.; detail, minute particulars, detailed description, diffuseness (ord. my.): -' sts. = extensive; in., ab., -tas, -sas, in detail, with full particulars: -ta^f. extension. fVWrr vi-stftra, m. extension, expansion, extent; detail, detailed enumeration or description; -sta'rana, a. stretching out (of the feet); -sta'r-in, a. spreading, extensive, broad; -sIrna, pp. (Vstri") extensive, wide, etc.: -karna, a. extending the ears; broadeared; in. elephant, taM, f. spaciousness; -striti, f. extent; breadth. fi~kw Al- spash'ta, pp. (v/spas) evident, manifest, clear, distinct, intelligible: - artha, a. having a clear or an' obvious meaning. f iIRvi-sphftra, m. opening wide, expansion; twang of a bow; _sphA rita, cs.pp f-qrvq vi-smaya. ~v-A. 9 293 V/sphar; -sphuta, a. gaping; -sphulifiga, m. spark; -sphfirga, mn. roaring; -sphfirgathu, mn. roaring of (waves, — P); sudden manifestation of (0O); -sphfwgita,pp.Vsphftrg; n. roar; sudden manifestation of (0-); -sphota, m. crash (rare); blister, boil: -ka, M., -a, f. boil, blister. f qqi~ vi-smnaya, I. m. [v'smi] surprise, wonder, amazement, stupefaction; pride, arrogance (rare); 2. a. free from pride o, arrogance; -smayam-gama, a. astonishing; -smayaniya,fp. id.; -smaya-vishada-vat, a. astonished and disconcerted; -smaym nvita, pp. astonished; -smaym vishta, pp. filled with astonishment; -smiayin, a. astonished; -smarana, n. forgetting; -smartavya,fp. to be forgotten; -smpana, es. a. (i) causing surprise; n. means of surprising; -amraka, a. causing to forget (-'O); -smita 'nana, a. having a surprised face; -smritp.Vsmri: -sainsk' ra, a. forgetting his agreement; -smriti, f. forgetting, forgetfulness, oblivion; -smera, a. [,,/smi] astonished: -ta^, f. astonishment. f~qUv vi-sra, a. musty (smnell), smelling of raw meat etc. f~jvi-sramsa, in. decay, relaxation, abatement; -sramsana, a. causing to fall, pulling off (a garment); is. falling down; abatement; pulling down; -sramsin, a. falling or slipping down (garland); -srava, mn. flow, stream; -sra's,, decay (V.; -Vsrams); -Sras-A, f. decrepit age; (vi)-srasta, pp.,Vsrams; -srivana, es. n. [v'sru] causing blood, matter etc. to flow, bleeding; -sriith, f(B7.2 shoot; plant; -svara, in. discord; a. without a sound; discordant; pronounced with a wrong accent. f ~vi-ha, only 0=2. vihayas, air: -ga, m. sky-goer, bird; arrow (rare): -pati, m. lord of birds, Garuda, -vega, in. N. of a fairy, - Aiaya, mn. abode of birds, sky. fi*T7 vihain-ga, in. sky-goer, bird; arrow (rare): -ka,sn. (little) bird, i-ka',f. N.-; -hamgama, a. moving in the air; m. bird; sun (rare). f~lf~f vi-hati, f. blow, stab, shot; prevention; repulse, defeat; -hantavya, fp. to be destroyed; -hantri, in. destroyer, frustrator of (g., -'O); -hara, a. removing, changing; -haraisa, is. removing, transporting; transposing of words; -opening (of the month); walking about, strolling (ord. mg.); moving backwards and forwards,brandishing (a club); -hartri, m. purloiner, robber; one who enjoys himself; -harsha, a. joyless, sad; -haa m, invocation; -hivya (or fh), fp. to be invoked or invited (77.); m. N.; -hasati-ka, -hasii-a f. laughter; -hasta, a. handless; trunkless; perplexed, helpless; completely absorbed in ( —); adroit, skilled, in (0 a~f trunklessness; bewilderment, helplessness; -hastita, den. pp. confused or embarrassed by(0 f.-fi Wvi-hatpita, es. pp. -,/2. ha'; n. gift, present; (vi)-hiyas, i. a. (V.) vigorous, mighty (ep. of various gods); 2. [what stands apart:.v'i. hAij i. n. (C.) open space, sky, atmosphere, air: in. -4, through the air, aloft (fly etc.); -hayas-tala, iS. sky. fRvi-hatra, M. is. distribution, transposition (of words, Br., S., rare); (disposition of) the three sacred fires or the space b~etween them (S.); sauntering about, prom-,enading; diversion, enjoyment, pleasure, with or in (0'; ord. mng.); place of recreation; (Buddha's pleasure ground), Buddhistic (or Jamn) monastery or temple; N. of a country, Behar; — ' a. delighting in: -ka, a. (i-ka^) * delighting in (-.0); serving for the diversion of (-'); -griha, n. play-house; -da'si,f. convent attendant; -desa, m. place of recrea* tion; -bhadra, in. N.; -bhUiimi, f. place of recreation; -vat, a. possessing a place of recreation; delighting in ( —O); -vana, is. pleasure grove; -va.ri, f. water for sport; -saila, mn. pleasure mountain; -sthali., f. place of amusement; - avasatha, in. pleasure house. vi-hatrin, a. walking or moving about, in or on (-9); extending to (lc., ~) dependent on (70 rare); disporting oneself in, enjoying or amusing oneself with, delighting in ();charming (hip; rare). f~~vi-ha'sa, in. laughter. fwf;Ej vi-hiinsa-ka, a. injuring or harming(g. ~.0);-hiSa-tA, f. injury to (c) pu..Vdhb,: -ksharta, a. intent on (-artham), -tva, n. direction, prescription (uvbi. N.), -niyama, a. having taken a vow, -pratishiddha, pp. enjoined and prohibited, -sena, mn. N. of a king; -hiti, f. procedure; accomplishment of L~) tion or lack of(O) fql'i~ vi-hina, pp. 4/ha:t, f. deprivaIf vi-hrita, pp. v'hri is. walk; -hriti, f.expansion, increase; diversion, pleasure. 1 1 vi-hetha-ka, a. hurting, injuring. vi-livala, a. exhausted; distressed, perturbed, disconcerted: -in, ad.; -ti,f, -tva is. abst. N. -4 1.YVI, IIL P. vati, (V.) seek or approach eagerly; accept gladly; grasp (weapons); strive to obtain, procure; avenge; fall upon, attack: Pp vita, desired, pleasant (V7). abhi, pp. abhivita, sought, desired. ah, undertake; approach; seize. upa, seek to obtam, strive after. pra, go forth; make for, enter into (ac.); assail; enter, fertilize. prati, accept. - 2. Vi, II P. veti, (V.) set in motion, arouse; lead (ac.) to (ac.; rare). pra, urge on, stimulate.. 3. VI, intv. vevlyate, flutter (iv.') a., intv. feel trepidation (T'S.1). A A - 4 Iv. Z~f YYA. 4tvi, a. 1. (vT) eager for (g.; RV7.'); 2. set in motion by ( —' in parna-, wings); 3. covered with ( —O in hiranya-, gold); 4. = vi, bird (in takva-vl[, bird of prey); 5. = vi, ad. '- in some compounds. '9'T'kvil-kasa,m.lustre,brightnaess (=vi-). ftq~1'viksh-ana, n.looking, seeing; looking at, inspection; glance, gaze; eye; -anilya, fp. to be looked at, - regarded, - considered; -.a, f. looking at, regarding; investigation; knowledge; -ita, Pp. Vliksh; is. glance; A — tavyayfp. n. to be looked. _9Ni. vilk-i, f. [going aside, aberration: vi + 4/a~ik] deceit, seduction (RV.'); i or3' wave (C.): i-ka, — 0a. id.; i-hasta, in. wavehand. V I"G, I. P. vIga, fan (also of the Nwind); sprinkle with water; CS. viLgaya, P. fan; PS. Vlgy'ate, be fanned: pp. vigita. abhi, cs. fanl. upa, es. id. pani, cs. id. 4ftrfr vig-ana, n. fanning; wafting; is. fan (rare). #19 vt, f. round pebble (plaything of children and held in the mouth as apenance): i-ka, f. button (of a garment); ball, esp. * pieces of areca-nut rolled up with spices in *a betel leaf. ID~ h X.(.)vd~ya, vil~ya, P. make Nfirm, fasten, A. be firm or hard: pp. vilit&, hard, firm. i-t,~ Vil,(. a. (v-~) firm, hard;i.wa is firmly fixed: ai)pni (or i), a. hard-hoofed (1177.); 1ftafiga, a. firm-limbed (V.). #qlVM vina-ya, den., v.!3q upa-. ~itm vinat, f. Indian lute: -karna, in. Luteear, N.; vIna)-ganagin, i. eader of amusical band; agthin, in. lute-player; -datta, in. N. of a Gandharva; -rava, in?. sound of the lute; a. humming like a lute: a, f. N. of a fly; -vatSa-rAga, in. N. of a king; -v~d&, in. lute-player; playing on the lute; -vidya, is. playing on the lute; -vinoda, in. N. of a fairy; -silpa, is. art of playing the lute; -hasta, a. holding a lute in his hand (Siva). -qftf~vin-in, a. provided with a lute, playing, the lute. (C.) (of V2. vi) trained, quiet; is. guiding an elephant (with& feet and hook); 3. -t&, (4/vyhk) hidden '(177.); girt with (in.; P.); 4. vi ita (14i; C-); S. -t&i, smooth, straighit (R.),f. row, line. [beasts or birds. #ql ~ffi vii-tainsa, mn. cage or net for confining i~fWf vita-hinta, a. free from anxiety about (1c.); -darpa, a. humbled; (&)-prishtha, a. smooth-backed (courser; -7.); -bhaya, a. free from fear, intrepid; -bhi, a. id.; -bhi'ti, a.id.; in.N. of an Asura; -r Aga, a. exempt from passion or worldly desires; free fr-om. desire for (lc.): -bhaya-krodlha, a. free fl-rnm passions, fear, and anger; (&)-va'ra, a. having a smooth tail (steed; 1177.'); -visha, a. free from impurities, clear (water); -vyatireka, a. not separatedorisolated;-vri'da, a.shameless; -saiikam, ad. fearlessly; -soka, a. free from sorrow: -t', f. freedom from sorrow; -saindeha, a. subject to no doubt; -sfitra, is. sacred cord; (&)-havya, a. whose offerings are acceptable (RV.); in. N. ria. vi-ti, f. [,v i. vil] enjoyment, acceptable feast or draught (B 77.); advantage (RV.): d. =inf.; in. a certain Agni (Br., S.). 2. VI Jti, f. separation (V.). 7~~~vitf-ota. a(BRV.) inviting (gods) to the feast or to enjoyment; in. (C.) fire, god of fire; N. [ing. 4if-W9 IVita uttaram, ad. without speak_9f vi-thi,f. [V'.I vi row; road, street; race-course; row of ashos, market street; row of pictures, picture gallery; kind of oneact drama: -ka, in. or (inetr.) is., a^,f. row; street; picture gallery; hind ofone-act drama. 491Wi- vihi, f.=4i~ ithi RNW vidhrd, is. ()bright sky: only le. (V.). t'OVTT9 vl-natha, in. cover of a well. 4iftTT vl'jpst, f. distributiveness (expressed by the repetition of a word); repetition (of a word). #12' vil-rd, in. [vigorous: V/i.vil] man, esp. man of might, hero; champion, chief, leader; sg. & p1. men, folk; men, retainers (.pl.); hero, ep. of gods, esp. Indra (V.); husband (E., P.); male child, son, coll. male progeny (V.); heroic sentiment (rh.); N. 294 vW i vra-ka. "-r vrig. I 491VI vira-kdi, m. pitiable hero; N.; -karmuau, ss. manly deed; -ketu, m. N. of vaerious kings; -kshurik&,f. dagger; -gati,f. lot of a hero, Indra's heaven; -gotra, n. family of heroes; -goshthi, f. conversation between heroes; -karya', f. doings of a hero, adventurous exploits; -gita, m. N. h3rVirana, n. a fragrant grass (Andropogon muricatus). 94h I Kvirti-tara, m. greater hero,than (ab.);. n. afragrant grass (Andropogon muricatus); (~-~.manliness, heroism;..tva, n. id.; -deva, m. N.; -dhara, m. N. of a wheelwright; -uitha, a. having a hero as a protector; m. N.; -patta, m. hero's hand (round the forehead); (&)-patui, f. wife of a hero; -plum, se. hero's drink (taken before or after battle); -pura, n. N. of a town in the territory of Kdnyalcubga; N. of a mythical town in the Himalaya; -purusha, ms. brave man, hero; -pragayini, f. mother of heroes; -prabha, m. N.; -prasavini, -prasii,f. mother of a hero; -ba'hu, ms. N.; -bhata, m. warrior; N. of a king;..bhadra, m. N. of a Ilcdra; N. of an attendant of Siva, who destroyed Daksha's sacrific; -bhavat, m. your heroic presence (honori~flc term ofaddress); -bhiva, m. heroism; -bhuga, m. N. of two kings; -m~uin, a. considering oneself a hero; -mar3 -ga, m. heroic career; -m-mauya, a. id. vird-ya, den. A. act like a hero, display heroism (V.). 9 vt, ira-loka, us. world of heroes, Indra's heaven: p1. brave men. q~lv-_rdr-vat, a. abounding in men, followers, or sons; consisting in men (wealth etc.; V.); manly, heroic (RV.); n. wealth in men or sons (BV.): -i, f. N.; -vara, us. best of heroes, N. of various men;..varman, us. N.; -v~h (strg. -va'h), a. conveying men (steeds, car; RiV.); -v~kya, se. heroic word: -lmaya, a. consisting of heroic words; -vida, us. heroic fame; -vikrama, m. N. of a king; -vrata, a. acting like a man, adhering to one's purpose; n. heroism: -karya', f. per, formance of heroic deeds; -sayana, n. couch (formed of arrows spread out) of a dead or wounded hero; -sayy&, f. id.; -sarman, m. N. of a warrior;..sekhara, us. N. of afairy; i-samanvita, pp. attended by warriors; -u a. bearing (mother) or producing (country) mien or sons; f. mother of a son; -sena, m. (having an army of heroes), N. of Nala's father and of various other kings and war, riors, and of a Ddnava: -suta, m, son of Virasena; -svimin, us. N. of a _D dn av q -hatyA, f. killing a man, slaughter of a son; -hain, a. (f. -ghui -hani) slaying men or foes. Zft~qq viraina-ka, N. of a locality. Tvira-ya, den. play the hero,: pp. i-ta, ~tT~IVira fsamsana, ne. (indicative of heroes), battle-field;.- saua, n. kind of sit, ting posture with ascetics. qf ~ rvirina, m. n. a grass with a fragrant root (Andropogon muricatus). -qtWvi-_rsdhjf. [growinginclifferent directions: V~rudh = A'ruh] plant, herb (V., C.); creeping plant, low shrub (C.); noose (of Indra;..[in. a form of Siva. #T Ivira indra, m. chief of heroes; ' sa, vir-ya, n. manliness, valour; power, potency, efficacy; heroic deed; manly vigour, semen virile: (a) -kima, a. desirous of manly vigour; (-)-vat,a-strong,powerfuJ,efficaciousI (a)-sulks, n. heroism as a price; a. purchased by heroism; (a)-sattva-vat, a. possessed of valour and worth. [with (saha). 7t1T vi-vftha, m. (= vi-vfih4) marriage, nu (V., C.), cover, conceal, envelope; encompass, surround; close (door); restrain, check, ward off; obstruct (path): pp. vrit&, concealed, enveloped, covered (with), full of (in., _O); surrounded, by (in., — P); held back, pent up (rivers); filled, provided, or tainted with (in., -PO); cs. vir~ya, P. A. (A. in C. only metr.) keep back, hold captive; conceal; stop up (gap); restrain, stop, prevent, ward off (missiles), keep off (disease), check, put out (fire), keep any one from (ab., inf.); prohibit; withhold: p~p. v~ritz, hidden in (in.; P1r.); forbidden. auu, cover tip, conceal, with (in.); surround; cs. A. prevent. apa, uncover, open (V.); cs. pp. concealed (C.). api, (BV.) hide. abhi, pp. abbivrita, RiV.: surrounded by (in., — ) set with (in.~i covered by (in.); C.: surrounded by(?) L, cover, conceal, hide (ord. my.); surround; shut up in (la.); block up, obstruct (road); occupy (gate), take possession of (shed);, fill, pervade; fulfil (a wish; RV.): pp. fiv~rita, enveloped, covered, with (in., — O); clothed with (elements: in.); obscured, concealed; surrounded, by (in., -.O); walled; closed (house, door); withheld (reward); held captive; occupied; taken possession of (house); haunted by, filled with (in., — O); tainted with (a crime: in.); afflicted by (an evil: in.); cs. cover, conceal; fill; ward off. apuf, open; disclose, display; uncover: pp. apfivrita, opened, open; uncovered; displayed. par]., pp. covered, concealed. pra, cover, conceal; put on (garment); clothe oneself in (in.): PP. pramVrita, covered, with (in., -'O); put on (garment); filled with (in.). via, pp. open, clear (mind). sam-4, envelope-,cover, with (in.); fill, pervade; obstruct: pp. covered, with (in., -PO); wrapt in, protected by (in.); surrounded by (in.,.-O); filled with, inhabited by ( —P); closed to any one (g.). ud, open wide. nii, ward off: pp. Rlivrita, kept back, prisoned (R11.); cs. restrain, kinder, from (ab.); keep off, check, stop, prevent; forbid, interdict; withhold (shade); remove; exclude or banish from (ab.). vi3mi, cs. keep or ward off, check, prevent, suppress; forbid; remove; dismiss (ministers), depose (a king). nis, pp. nirvrita, extinguished; [uncovered, unclouded], satisfied, pleased, happy. pari, cover, envelope; encompass., surround, enclose: pp. p~rivrita, cqvered, enveloped, studded, with (in., ~) surrounded or accompanied by (in., ord. mg.); p~rivrita, (V., P.) covered, hidden; filled with (0-); surrounding (gloom); cs. encompass, embrace, enclose, surround, accompany: pp. -va'rita, surrounded by (in., —.0); covered with, enveloped in (in., — ). sam-Pari, cs. surround. pra, ward off (.RV.): pp. pra-, incorr. for prfivrita; cs. ward off (E.). prati, cs. restrain, prevent; contradict: pp. prevented; prohibited. VI, P. A. uncover, open; unsh eath (sword); part, comb (hair); illumine (darkness; V.); disclose, reveal, display; explain, comment on: pp. vivrita, uncovered, exposed, naked, bare; disclosed, displayed; explained; open (of an organ in speaking and of the articulation of certain sounds); public: -in, ad. publicly. Sam, P. A. cover up, conceal; close (doors); arrange (clothes, hair), gather up (snares); turn away, refuse (any one); ward off, check: pp. s~mvrita, enveloped in, covered,with (in., _P); girt orsurrounded by (in., — '); enclosed in (lc.); concealed, kept secret; laid aside, locked up (garment); occupied, filled with, full of (in., — P); provided with, attended by (in., ---P); checked; downcast (gaze); subdued' (tone); closed; close (of the articulation of certain sounds); covered = being on one's guard. abhi-sam, cover, conceal: pp. covered, obscured by (in.,-.) surrounded by (in.); filled with, full of (in., -P); provided or combined with (in., — ) rare), A(V., C., very common), vrina', vrinA, vrin, Y. P. 'A. vrino, vrinu, (B.) choose for oneself, as (a messenger etc., ac.), for (friendship etc., d., sts. in. or lc.); choose in marriage, woo (a girl, ac.); ask any one (ac.) on behalf of (krite), beg any one (ac.) for (ac.), solicit from (ab.), ask any one to (inf.); prefer (ac.) to, wish for rather than (ab.); grant (ac.) to (d.; P.); grant a boon to (ac.): pp. vritU, chosen etc.; cs. varaya, P. A. choose for oneself, select, as (ac.), for anything (d., lc., -artham); solicit, beg for (2 ac.), ask any one (ac.) to be (ac.); woo (ac.), on behalf of (d., -arthe), as a wife ( ~ da'rfn, pat. nlm, patnyartham). A, choose, wish for (V.); fulfil (a wish; RiV.); grant anything to (lc.), choose out, select (V.). pai, A.choose (lV.). pra, A. (P.) choose, as (ac.), for (d.); gladly accept. P vrs'k-a, us. [tearer: v/vrik, simplerform of V~vrask] wolf; plough (liV.); N.: -karman, a. acting like a wolf, wolfish (C.); -pra-, stha, N. of a village. C1itj vrikft-yui, a. murderous (Bi.) ft vrik-'i f. she-wolf. vrikaupdara, m. ep. of Bh'imasena. vrikka', a. warding off disease (comm.; B 17.1); us. du. kidneys (V., C.):..ka, us. du. id. (C.). [of -Vvrask. ~I[vrik-nd, pp. of Vvrik, simpler form IN vrik-ted, pp. Vvrig: (&)-barhis, a. having plucked the sacrificial grass= prepared to receive the gods, sacrificing. 37 vrik-sh.4, us. [that which is felled: Vvrik - vIvrask] tree; plant (rare); tree bearing visible flowers andfruit (rare, C.); trunk of a tree (rare): (a) -ka, us. little tree; (&) -kesa, a. wooded (liV.'-); -ghata, us. N. of an Agrahdra; -lkhkaY!, f. shadow of a tree; -ga, a. made of wood, wooden; -traya, n. three trees; -tva, n. notion of ' tree'; -devata', f. tree-divinity, dryad; _niryfisa,mu. exudation from trees, gum, resin; -parna, n. leaf of a tree; -maya, a. (i) made of wood, wooden; -mftla, n. root of a tree: -t&', f. sleeping on the roots of trees (of ascetics); -rAg, m. king of trees, Indian fig-tree; -vahtikaf grove of trees; askh, f. branch of a tree; -s~.yiki, f. squirrel; -samnkata, n. forest-thicket; -sanPi'" f. tree-serpent (AV.'); - gra, n. top of a tree; - adana, us. (eating into a tree), carpenter's chisel; adhi Udhi, f. spreading of a tree (from below upswards); kind of embrace; - &rohana, n. climbing a tree. vrikshe-saya, a. roosting in trees (peacocks). JW vriksh-ya-, a. tree-fruit (Br. S.). 117VRIG, I. v~rga (V., very rare), VII. ~'~vrinftti, vrifikt,6 (V., rare in C., P.), turn, twist; pluck (grass for the altar); A;. keep from any one (ab., g.), divert, exclude, withhold (ord. ng.); remove; A. appropriate (P.); 'A. choose for oneself; as. (S., C.) vargaya, P. (A. metr.) remove, avoid, shun, renounce, abandon; spare; exclude, omit, except: pp. vargita, avoided, etc.; destitute ~rw vrig-ana. A vrit. 295 of, lacking, free from (in., -~); excepted; excepting, excluding; gd. vargayitva, excepting (ac.). apa, turn away, disperse, dispel (V.); pluck (V.); break off, terminate, conclude (V., C.); traverse (a path; RV.); ps. -vrigyate, be delivered (C.); cs. avoid; give up, offer, bestow; finish, fulfil (a promise): pp. avoided, renounced; set aside, unnecessary; destitute of, lacking, free from (in., -c); severed (heads), torn off (garland); removed; overturned (jar); strewn, thrown; scattered; delivered, bestowed, given. viapa,pp. -vrikta, separated; cs. pp. -vargita, abandoned. a, turn to, bestow on (RV.); appropriate (V., P.); withhold (ac.) from (ab.; R V.); cs. bend, incline; win any one's affection; have recourse to (any one): pp. inclined, bent, lowered; poured out; offered; captivated, won. viI, separate, divide. pari-viS, rescue from (ab.). sam-a, appropriate; cs. pp. lowered. ni, (V.) overthrow; throw away. anu-ni, overwhelm (RV.). para, (RV.) avert (heads); smite off (heads); cast away, abandon: pp. paravrikta, outcast (son). pari, (V.) turn aside; avoid, shun; spare with, save from (in.); exclude, expel (Indra); surround (P.); cs. (C.) avoid, shun; forsake, leave (any one); disregard, ignore (any one): pp. avoided, shunned; forsaken by any one, destitute of, lacking, free from (in., -~): samkhyaya -, innumerable. pra, (V.) strew (sacrificial grass); place in or on the fire, heat (V. rit.). vi, cs. avoid, shun, abandon: pp. left by, deprived of, devoid of, lacking, free from (in., -~); excepting, excluding: -m, ad. without (honour,-~). sam, A. take to oneself, appropriate (V.). 33l I.vrig-ana, n. (RV.) enclosed or fortified place; sacrificial enclosure; camp, settlement, village, community. [(RV.1). 3qw 2. vrfg-ana, n. village community 5r'i} vrig-anl, f.wile,intrigue (AV.1); enclosure, fold (BV.1). fr vrig-ina, a. crooked; deceitful, guileful; calamitous (rare); n. deceit, guile (V.); wickedness, sin (C.); misfortune (P.). 7ff vrinfand, pr. pt. (1/2. vri) choosing. Tff VRIT, I. varta (P. only metr. in C.), II. P. vart, vrit (RV., rare), III. P. vavart, vavrit (RV., common), turn, revolve, roll (V.; rare in E., P.); go on, proceed, be performed (rite, etc.); be conditioned by, involve (in.); be anywhere, remain, abide, stay; exist, subsist; be found in any one (g., lc.); depend on any one (lc.); be in (a condition, age, etc.), be engaged in or occupied or concerned with (lc.); be used in the sense of(lc.); live on, subsist by (in., gd.); act, behave, towards (lc., parasparam, itaretaram); conduct oneself (ad.); have illicit relations with a woman (lc.); associate with (saha); act with, display, employ, practise (in.), towards (ic.); conduce to (d.); devote oneself to, attend to (d.); be getting on, do, feel (with ads.); be at a particular time, be present; be alive, exist; continue in force, be supplied from what precedes (gr.); enter upon a course of conduct, follow, use, employ (ac.), towards (lc.): atmani na -, be beside oneself (with joy); manasi or hridi -, be in one's mind or thoughts; murdhni -, be at the head, be'chief in importance; evam -, subsist thus; katham vartate, how is soand-so? kim vartate, id. With g. of prs.; ekapayena -, decrease by one; atitya vartante, surpass (steeds); iti me vartate buddhih, such is my opinion; kicram vartate gatan&m, it is long since we went; kim idam vartase, what are you doing there? svani vartate, minds his own business: pp. vritta, turned, set in motion (RV.); turned, round; happened, occurred; having lasted (-~); completed, finished; past, gone; deceased, dead; existing, effective (power, -o); become (free, mukta); having acted or behaved towards (lc.); cs. vartaya, P. (A. metr.) cause to revolve, whirl, wave, hurl; make round, turn (thunderbolt); shed (tears); cause to pass, spend (time, life); cause to proceed, perform; arrange, layout (the earth); raise, utter (cry, etc.); display, exhibit; set forth, relate; begin to instruct (d.); treat (rare); with siras or sirshan =agree to be punished if another is cleared by an ordeal; int. conduct oneself; live, subsist, by (in.); remain alive; intv. varvart-ti, varivart-ti (V.),varvritati, varlvartyate (Br.), varivartate, roll, revolve (V.); exist,prevail (cold, etc.). ati, I. tr. pass by; cross (a river); go beyond, overstep; live for (a time); exceed, surpass; get over, overcome, resist, escape from, evade (arrest); allow to pass, neglect, infringe, transgress, break (promise); disregard, treat with indifference, injure, violate one's duty towards; 2. int. pass by (rare); pass (of time), be too late; desist from (ab.): pp. ativritta, lying beyond (ac.); far removed from (ab.); long past. vi ati, I. tr. cross (the sea); get over, escape from; 2. int. pass (of time); depart from (ab.). sam-ati, I. tr. pass by; escape from; 2. int. run away. adhi, pass over (ic.); fly anywhere (ad., in., -tas); enter upon (a path). anu, i. tr. roll after or along, follow, pursue; cling to, be guided by, adapt oneself to the will of; equal any one in (in.); humour, gratify; follow, acknowledge, conform to, devote oneself to; depend on; fall a prey to (fear); 2. int. follow after, supervene; continue; prevail; remain in force, be supplied from a previous rule (gr.); act towards (ac., le.; P.): pp. anuvritta, round, full; following; handed down, traditional; gradually occupied by (g.); displayed; having assented; obedient; cs. continue to turn; supply from what precedes; employ; recite, repeat; imitate any one (ac.). sam-anu, follow, conform to (ac.); obey; result. apa, turn aside; leave the road (waggon); turn away, depart, from (ab.): pp. slipped off; shot off (arrow); upset; lost; cs. turn away, from (ab.; RV.). vitapa, turn aside; abstain from (ab.). abhi, I. tr. turn, betake oneself, or come to, approach (any one), extend towards; assail, attack; come upon, take possession of (any one); receive anything favourably; make an appearance (darsanam) = show oneself to (d.); 2. int. approach; arise, begin; exist, occur. a, i. tr. gnly. P. turn towards, bring (sc. ratham) to, come to (R V.); pass by (pradakshinam, with the right hand); 2. int. A. advance, approach; turn; sink (sun); (+ punar) return, to (ac.), from (ab.); be repeated or renewed; free oneself from (ab.): pp. avritta, revolving; brought (water); pushed aside; turned round; averted, from (ab.); returned; repeated; cs. turn hither, bring (V.); draw to oneself; turn, - round, invert; pray through (a rosary); repeat; attract, win (perh. incorr. for a-vargaya); intv. move hurriedly or continuously, haste, stir (V.). aniu., turn towards any one (ac.); intv. follow (V.). apa_, turn away from (ab.); return from (ab.): pp. turned round; turned away from, disdaining (ab.); opened (door, incorr. for -vrita); es. cause to depart, remove. abhi a, turn towards, come to, take refuge with (ac.); es. come, approach (se. ratham, RV.); repeat. upa A, turn towards, approach, come to (ac., lc.); turn away from (ab.); return; obtain (ac.); exist, occur: pp. turned to (ac.), come to (ac.); arrived (time); returned; cs. turn (ac.) towards (d.; V.); bring. abhiuipa.A, turn towards (ac.); come into the possession of (ac.). ni, cs. cause any one to desist from (ab.). pari, turn round (int.); return to (d.); turn or change into (in.); des. -vivritsa, P, wish to turn (RV.1). anu-pari_, turn in the direction of, follow, place oneself behind (ac.; V.). abhi-pari a, turn to, revolve round. prati a, turn towards (ac.; RV.); return: pp. turned back (face); returned. viJ, separate oneself, from (in.; V.), in the form of (in.; U.); turn away from, part with, rid oneself of (in., ab.); refrain or withdraw from (ab.); turn in different directions, divide (road); turn round; return; depart; sink (sun); be separated= settle a dispute (Br.); diverge from, be inconsistent with (ab.); cease, come to an end: pp. vyavritta, turned aside from, freed from (ab., -~); different from (-~); averted; distorted; returned, from (ab.); inconsistent with (-~); ceased, abated; cs. separate from (in., ab.); turn round, avert; strew; remove, destroy (an enemy), annul (a rule); gd. vy-. vartya, excepting. sam-A, return, return home (of a pupil on the completion of his studies); approach: pp. returned; arrived; cs. drive away (darkness; RV.); cause to return home, dismiss (a pupil); repeat, recite. abhi-sam-a, return home (V.). ud, pp. swollen, prominent; agitated, surging; unrestrained, ill-behaved; cs. cause to start out; destroy: pp. udvartita, starting out of one's head (eyes); anointed. upa, approach; come upon, accrue to (ac.); es. allow to recover from fatigue (horse). sam-upa, behave. ni, return from (ab.), to (ac. + prati, d.); turn round (int.); return to life, be born again; go back, flow backwards (water); turn one's back, flee (in battle); turn aside, be averted (eye), withdraw itself (mind); free oneself from, escape from (ab.); shrink from battle (~ samgramat); renounce any one (ab.); ignore (a fault, ab.); cease, desist, or abstain from (ab.); leave off speaking, be silent; cease, come to an end, disappear; be put a stop to (lawsuit); cease to be effective, become useless (umbrella); end with (ab.); be omitted, not be performed; be withheld (primogeniture); be denied to any one (prati) in comparison with (ab.); turn towards, be directed to (lc.), be (opinion) thus (evam) withregard to (lc.): pp. nivritta, returned, to (ac.); set (sun); having renounced (ab., -~); turned away from (prati, -~); deprived of (ab.); ceased, come to an end, disappeared; having ceased to be in force, no longer to be supplied from what precedes (gr. rule); omitted; ~-, refraining from (meat); performed without the desire of reward, disinterested (action); incorr.for nirvritta, vivritta, nivrita; es. cause to return, bring back; turn or keep away, divert, withdraw, from (ab.); renounce, abandon; withhold; reverse, annul (transaction); cause to cease, remove; deny; perform. abhi-ni, return: pp. returned from (-~); es. repeat; cause to cease. upa-ni, return, be repeated; cs. fetch again (Br.). pari-ni, pass away. prati-ni, turn round, turn away, go back, return: pp. returned, from (ab., -~); cs. cause to go back, turn back, avert. vi-ni, turn back, return; desist from, give up (ab.); turn away, depart, cease, disappear; be extinguished (fire); be omitted: pp. turned back, returned; turned away, averted, or averse from (ab., -~); freed from (-~); desisting from, having abandoned (ab.); departed, disappeared, ended, ceased to be (nm.); cs. cause to return, recall, lead back; annul (fraudulent transaction); avert (gaze); 296 79 vri-t.i vriddha-ka. I_ cause to cease, remove; abandon; cause any one to desist from (ab.). sam-ni, turn back, return, from (ab.); desist from (ab.): pp. returned; averted (eye); ceased; cs. cause to return, send or lead back; divert, from (ab.); cause to cease, suppress (attachment). nis, (roll out), come forth, arise, be produced or developed; become (nm.); be accomplished; be achieved or brought about: pp. nirvritta, produced, arisen; built; finished, ready; fully developed (fruit); performed, accomplished, fulfilled, come to 'an end; incorr.for nirvrita; cs. bring out, take away, let out of (ab.); evolve, produce; provide (sustenance); accomplish, perform, complete (ord. mg.); bring to an end, spend (day). abhi-nis, be produced or developed; result: pp. produced; acquired; cs. produce; accomplish. vi-nis, pp. produced from (ab.); come to an end, completed. park, turn round; turn back, from (ab.); return; refrain from (ab.): paravritta, turned round or back (upwards, upari-); turned away from (ab.); disappeared, past; cs. turn round (ac.). pari, turn round, revolve; roll; encircle (ac.); wander about; hasten to and fro; move about, revolve (in the mind, hridi, hridaye); return; be born again in (Ic.); turn round or back; turn out differently, undergo a change (+anyatha); remain, be, in (Ic.); appear as (in., ekatvena = one and the same); behave, act: pp. parivritta, rolling (wave, eye); lasting, enduring; turned round or back; elapsed, spent; disappeared, vanished; cs. cause to revolve; turn round or back; exchange, for (in.); renew (an agreement); transform into (in.); turn into = falsely represent as (ac.); overturn completely, destroy; turn inside out, search through. vi-pari, revolve; roll (on the ground); drive or roam about; be transformed, change; continually afflict (ac.); os. pp. turned away (lips). sampari, turn round, revolve. pra, be set in motion, be set going; set out, depart, betake oneself; proceed on (a path, vartmana or i, patha, a wrong path, apathena); come forth, issue, arise, be produced, rise up (dust), from (ab.); result, happen, take place; begin, commence, to (inf.); set about, devote oneself to,proceed to, engage in (d., Ic., -artham); proceed against, engage with, do injury to (Ic.); act (often w. ad.) according to or with (in., ab.), towards (Ic.); prevail; be directed towards, rest (eyes) upon (Ic.); continue to (pr.pt.); debauch (one another); exist (widh, sorrow); serve for, conduce to (d., -artham); be used in the sense of (Ic.): pp. pravritta, circulated (book); set out, from (-tas), to (ac., Ic.; dakshinena, towards the south), with a view to (inf., -artham); proceeding on (a path, patha, fig.); produced, arisen, issuing from (ab.); proceeding from (-~); brought about, accomplished; begun; having set about or commenced to (inf.; sts. -vritta-vat); purposing, bent on (d., Ic., -~); engaged in, occupied with, devoted to, practising (lc., -~); acting (with ad.); existing; become (nm.); directed to an object, interested (action); incorr. for prakrita, pranritta; es. cause to turn or roll, set in motion; hurl forth (bolt, RV.); push or cast away; send; set on foot, circulate, diffuse; introduce, appoint; produce, form, make (a holy place, etc.), erect (a dam); accomplish, effect (expenditure, vyaya-karma); relate (a story); display; begin, undertake; induce any one to do anything (Ic.). ati-pra, pp. greatly occupied with athg. abhi-pra, move (car) towards (ac.); be set in motion: pp. occurring; engaged in, occupied with (Ic.). -sampra, arise, be produced, from (ab.); begin (int.); take place; set about (d., inf.); act: pp. come into being, being present; begun; having set about (d., Ic., inf.), engaged in (Ic., -~); os. set going, circulate, introduce; begin. prati, accrue to any one (ac.). vi, turn, revolve (R V.); roll; move convulsively, struggle; turn round; turn away, depart; be developed: pp. vivritta, flying in different directions (thunderbolt; R V.); turned round, bent, twisted; opened (jaws; incorr. for'vivrita); cs. turn round; make (a weapon) by turning, out of (in.); remove (V.); hold asunder (RV.); leave behind (RV.): pp. (C.) turned round, averted (gaze), knitted (brow); whirledround (dust); removed from its place. sam, be produced, arise, from (ab.); happen, occur, take place, arrive (time), begin (ord. mg.); be, exist, w. g. ofprs. =have; become (pred. nm., common): pp. arrived; happened, occurred; become (pred. nm.); es. clench (fist); roll (eyes); envelope; turn towards, bring, bringinto (a path, RV.); destroy; fulfil. adhi-sam, arise (RV.1). [army (RB.). [ I. vrs-t, a. (-~) enclosing; f. following, T? 2. vrit, a. (-~) turning, moving, being etc.; -fold (after numerals); N. conclusion, end (of a list of roots: opp. adi). X vri-td, pp. VI.. 2vri. f r vri-ti, f. I. enclosure, fence, hedge; 2. choice, boon; 3. sts. incorr.for vritti. 'T vrit-td,pp. -/vrit; n. circle; occurrence, use; appearance; form of (-~); becoming like (-vat), transformation into; occurrence, event; affair, matter; conduct, behaviour, action, procedure, practice, observance (ord. mg.); good behaviour, virtuous conduct; (turn=) rhythm of a verse-ending; metre containing a fixed number of syllables; metre. W4'i1 vritta-kaya, a. having a round body; -gandhi: -n, n. kind of artificial prose containing metrical passages; -bandha, m. verse; -bhainga, m. violation of good conduct and of metre; -yukta, pp. of good conduct, virtuous; -vat, a. id.; -sampanna,pp. id.; -stha, a. adhering to good conduct, virtuous; -hina, pp. destitute of good conduct, ill-conducted; -akshepa, m. statement of dissatisfaction with or disbelief in an occurrence (rh.). 1TTW[ vritta anta,m., (rarely)n. (end of an occurrence=complete event), story, history, occurrence, adventure, doings, life; account, news, tidings (sg. & pl.), of (-'); course of events, way in which things happen: -darsin, a. witnessing a transaction. Tfi vrit-ti, f. (rolling), gush (of tears); course of action, mode of life, conduct, behaviour (ord. mg.), towards (Ic.,-~); method, course; respectful or affectionate treatment of (g.,-~; E.); general usage, rule (S.); manner of being, nature, kind; being, occurring, or appearing in (Ic., gnly. - a.); occurrence or existence of (-~); devotion or addiction to, practice of (Ic., -~; -~ a. devoted to, practising); sg. pl. subsistence, maintenance, livelihood (by means of, in.), profession, occupation (ord. mg.); activity, working, function; disposition, mood (of the mind); occurrence or use of a word in a particular sense (Ic.); mode of pronunciation or recitation (S.); style of composition (dr.; there are four kinds: kaisiki, sattvati, arabhati, bharati); alliteration (rh.); form or kind of word (gr.); commentary (on a Sstra): -m kri or kalpaya, subsist by, live on (in.); provide a means of subsistence for (g.). ' vritti-kara, a. affording a maintenance; -kira, m. author of a commentary to a SAtra; -tg,f. (-~) conduct; devotion to; subsistence; -tva, n. occurrence; devotion to (-~); -da, a. affording maintenance; m. supporter; -nibandhana, n. means of support; -bhaiiga, m. loss of livelihood; -bhay, a. performing (pious) actions; -mat, a. subsisting on (-~); exercising a function, active; -mula, n. provision for maintenance. 7tfwq; vrittaogas, a. having existing might, displaying energy. ITqWI [ vritti anuprasa, m. alliteration; artham, ad. for the sake of a subsistence;.uparodha, m. prejudice to maintenance; - upaya, m. means of subsistence. vri-tra, n. (gnly.pl.) [encloser, invester; 5/I. vri] harasser, foe, hostile host (RV.); m. id. (TS,1); m. N. of a demon, personification of the malign power of drought, slain by Isdra, son of Tvashtri, imprisoner of the celestial waters, often called Ahi; thundercloud (rare, V.). R vritra-tdra, m. aworseVritra (RV. 1); -tir, a. conquering foes or Vritra, victorious (V7.); -turya, n. conquest of foes or of Vritra, victorious fight (1.); -druh, m. foe of Vritra, ep. of Indra; (a)-putra, a. f. having Vritra as a son, Vritra's mother (R V.'); -vadha, m. slaying of Vritra; -vidvish, -vairin, m. ep. of Indra; -satru, m.id.; -hatya, n. fight with foes or with Indra; -han, a. (f. -ghnz) slaying foes or Vritra, victorious; m. ep. of Indra; -hantama, spv. most victorious, bestowing abundant victory (R 7.); -ari, m. foe of Vritra, ep. of Indra. [(RT7.1). [W7l1 vri-thag, ad. [ v2. vri] at will, lightly 4T vr/-tha, ad. [ 2.vri] at p easure,lightly ( V.); in vain, uselessly, idly (ord. mg.; C.); wrongly, falsely (C.). Titqv -ritha-karman, n. action done at will, non-religious act; - akara, m. useless phenomenon or thing; a. whose form is vain or illusory; -tva, n. futility; - anna, n. food for one's own use only; -palita, a. grown grey in vain; -pasughna, a. slaying cattle for pleasure (not for sacrifice); -pray&, a.f. having borne children in vain; -mams&, n. flesh taken at random (not conforming to prescribed rules), flesh meant for one's own use only (Br., C.); -vak, f. unsuitable or untrue speech; -vadin, a. speaking falsely; -vriddha, pp. grown old in vain (i. e. without learning wisdom); -udyama, a. exerting oneself in vain. i vrwid-dhd, pp. (V/vridh) grown up, fullgrown; increased, enlarged, augmented; great, large; advanced in years, aged, old; senior by (-~); experienced, wise; eminent in, distinguished by (in., -~); glad, joyous (R V.); raised by Vriddhi to a, ai, or au, containing or treated as containing a, ai, or au in the first syllable (gr.); m. old man, a,,f. old woman; 'elder descendant, patronymic or metronymic designating an elder descendant (e: g. Gargya is vriddha, GArgyayana is yuvan). P qli vriddha-ka, m. old man; -kala, m. old age; -kosa, a. possessing a rich treasury; -kanakya, m. Kianakya the elder; -ta,f. old age; pre-eminence in (-o); -tva, n. old age; -dyumna, m. N.; _dviga-rutpin, a. having the form of an aged Brahman; -brihaspati, m. Brihaspati the elder; -bhava, m. old age; -manu, m. Manu the elder; (a)-vayas, a. of great might (R 7.1); -vishnu, m.Vishnu (the legislator) the elder; -vivadha, f. yoke of the ancients, bonds of traditional usage; TtTpTPW vriddhanussana..~ vrishn-ya. 297 -sAkalya, m. Sakalya the elder; (a)-sravas, a. possessed of great swiftness (Indra; V.); m. ep. of Indra; -sevA,-f. deference to the aged; -sev-in, a. deferential to the aged: (-i)-tva, n. deference to old age. ITW lVlTVTl vriddha anusasana, n. adage of sages; -_arka, m. declining sun; evening hour. <f__vrid-dhi,f. [ v/vridh + ti] V., C.: growth; V.: delectation, delight; C.: adolescence; increase, augmentation, development, prolongation (of life); waxing (of the digits of themoon), swelling (of rivers,ocean); advancement, rise, increase in wealth, extension of power; affluence, prosperity, success; gain, profit; interest, usury; strongest vowel grade (a, ai, au). IftfiT vriddhi-kara, a. (1) promoting growth, producing prosperity; -givaka, a. living by usury; -da, a. conferring or promoting prosperity; -mat, a. growing, increasing; having attained power; producing Vriddhi (gr.). t vriddhi-bhfu, grow old. wti vriddhauksha, m. old bull; upasevin, a. honouring the aged.. VYRIDH, I. vardha, I.tr. P. increase, exalt, cause to thrive; elevate, gladden, inspire (the gods with praise etc.; R V.); 2. int. i. (pf., aor. P., V.; aor., ft., cond. P., C.) grow, grow up, increase; become strong, extend; thrive, prosper,succeed; rise, ascend (scale, in ordeals; C.); feel elevated or inspired (by), rejoice in (in., g., lc.; V.); have cause for joy or congratulation (gnly. with dishtya), on account of (in.; C.); often incorr. for /vrit in E.: pp. vriddhA, q. v.; cs. vardhaya, (A. in C. metr.) cause to grow, increase, augment, heighten, enhance,lengthen; rear, cherish, bring up; elevate, raise to power (C.); exalt, magnify, glorify (gods; V., C.); + dishtya, congratulate (C.): pp. vardhita, grown up; increased. ati, A. outgrow (cc.; Br.). abhi, grow, become greater, increase, prosper, in (in.); cs. augment, increase; welcome. ud, pp. broken forth (passion). pari, grow, increase; incorr. for V-vrit: pp. grown, increased;' strong, vehement (passion); cs. cause to swell (ocean); rear, bring up. pra, P. exalt, magnify (RV.); (P.) A. grow, increase, gain in strength, thrive: pp.pravriddha, grown up; increased, enhanced; swollen, heaving; intense, vehement; great,high; numerous(debts); mighty; fullydeveloped; advanced in age,grown old; incorr. for -vritta, -viddha, -buddha; cs. increase, add to, extend. sam-pra, grow, increase, thrive: pp. grown up; waxing, increasing, enhanced. vi, grow, increase, swell, be lengthened; prosper; have cause to congratulate oneself on (in.); arise, be produced: pp. grown up, fully developed; increased (anger, desire), augmented (wea th), enhanced (goodness); great, numerous; risen to power; cs. rear, nourish; raise, increase, augment, enhance; advance, cause to thrive. pra-vi, cs. pp. greatly increased. sam, P. fulfil (desires); P. A. grow: pp. samvriddha, grown up, full-grown; increased; cs. rear, bring up, cherish (trees), nourish; quicken (flame), strengthen, augment; foster, train (army); cause to thrive, beautify; present with (in.); fulfil, grant (desires): pp. abounding in (-~); beautified (necklace) by (in.). 'IC vridh, a. vigorous, strong (RV.): -o also increasing. aI vridh-S, a. rejoicing (RV.); m. gladdener, increaser, friend (RV.). I;fc vridhan-vat, a. containing a form of the root vridh (V.). Jw'vTrl vridha-s-gnd, BV. pt. (Vvridh) growing; rejoicing. 5f vridh-e, d. inf. V. for increase; to gladden. 'T vrinta, n. stalk (of a leaf,flower, orfruit). v vrinda, n. host, multitude, crowd, herd, flock, swarm; a certain large number, Io00,000,000ooo: -maya, a. appearing like a multitude of (-~); -sas, ad. in groups, crowds, or herds. [mistress. T;T vrindg, f. N. of Radha, Krishna's 5 TTx vrind-ara, m. god. TiTTi vrs'ndara-ka, a. (ika) being at the head of a host, best or most beautiful of (lc., -~); m. god. 3;~T!Tf vrinda-vana, n. Forest of Vrinda, N. of a sacred forest on the left bank of the Yamund near Mathura, the scene of Krishna's amours with Rddhd. [of(-~).;f;, vrind-in, a. containing a multitude '7 - vrisk-ad-vana,a. fellingtrees (R V.1).,f i vrfsk-ika, m. scorpion; corpio (sign of the zodiac): -rasi, m. id. t VRISH, I. varsha (A. metr. in C), \ rain (subject gnly. Parganya, Indra, god, sky, cloud; sts. used impersonally); shower down, shed (ac.. in.); rain upon, overwhelm with (in., rare): pr. pt. lc. varshati, while it rains, during rain; pp. vrishta, with act., ps., and neuter mg.; cs. varshaya, P. cause to rain (rain, sky, Parganya, Indra, no object); rain upon, with (in.). abhi, rain or shower upon, besprinkle, with (in.); shed or shower abundantly (ac., in.): pp. abhivrishta, rained upon; besprinkled with (in.); having shed rain; shed. a, A. pour out (a draught, ac., g., or without object) for oneself( V.). nis,pp. nirvrishta, having rained itself out, having ceased to rain (cloud). pra, begin to rain; rain; shed abundantly (ac., in.): pp. leaving begun to rain; having begun to shed (ac., in.). abhi-pra, rain upon; rain. q vrish-a, m. bull (in V. only -~); Taurus (sign of the zodiac); male of an animal (only -~); man, husband (rare); best of its kind, chief of (g., -~); bull of justice or virtue; virtuous act; ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; N. of an Asura; semen virile; N. of various plants: gavaim vrishah, bull among the cows (kind of chief die). ltitI, vrisha-karman, a. doing manly deeds (R V.); -ketu, m. (having a bull as an emblem), ep. of Parasur&ma. lT! vrish-an-a, m. scrotum: du. testicles. 3 Wll vrishan-vat, a. drawn by stallions (RV.); containing the word vrishan (V.); (vrishan)-vasu, a. possessing or bringing great wealth (RV.). I1E r vrisha-damsd, m. (having strong teeth), cat; -dhara, m. ep. of Siva; -dhvaga, a. having a bull as an emblem; m. ep. ofSiva. cPf, vr/sh-an, V. a. (ac. vrAshanam; nm. pl. vrishanah) manly, powerful, mighty, great (of animate and inanimate objects); m. man, bull, stallion (V.); ep. of various gods (RV.); ep. of Indra (RV., C.); -~ (w. kshiti, kshmA) = Indra, lord (of the earth king); N. (V.). lWTf'i' vrisha-nadin, a. roaring like a bull. IiWf vrzshan-tama, spv. most manly or mighty (Indra; RV.). 5 ~q~,q vr'sha-parvan, a. having mighty joints (Indra; BV.1); m. N. of a Ddnava' (C.); (vrlsha)-prabharman, a. to whom the mighty (Soma) is presented (Indra; RV.1). 1W vrisha-bha, a. (V.) manly, mighty; m. bull (V., C.); chief, lord, of (g.,-~; 7., C.); N. of a mountain (C.): (a)-ketu, m. (having a bull as an emblem), ep. of Siva; -tva, n. condition of a bull; -dhvaga, a. having a bull as an emblem; m. ep. of Siva; -shodasa, a.f. pl. (+ go) having a bull as the sixteenth, fifteen cows and a bull; - eka-sahasra, a. f. pl. (w. go) a thousand cows and one bull. 5W1 rvrisha-manas, a. having a manly spirit, brave (RV.); -raga-ketana, m. ep. of Siva (C.). J[FT vrisha-ld (or vr'sha-la, SB.), m. little man, common fellow (V.); Sadra (C.); ep. of Kandragupta: -ka, m. miserable SAdra; -ta,f. rank of a Sadra; -tva, n. id. lql-vrl vrisha-lakshman, m. (having a bull as his emblem), ep. of Siva; -la&ii ana,. ep. of Siva. '51' vr/'shali, f. common woman, Sfidra woman (Br., C.): -phena-pita, pp. having drunk the moisture on the lips of a Sfidra woman. 15Tl4 vrisha-vaha, a. riding on a bull; -vahana, a. id.; ep. of Siva; -vivaha, m. liberation of a bull; (vrisha)-vrata, a. forming a vast host (Maruts; B V.1); -sipri, m. N. of a demon; (vrisha)-sushma, a. of mighty courage (RV.'); -skandha, a. having the shoulders of a bull. 5!tW vrisha-sya, den. P. long for the male, desire sexual intercourse. [kapi (BV.1). 79TWi4t vrishakapayil,f.wife of VrishaqT1jfifq' vrisha-kapi, in. man-ape or great ape (RB.); ep. of the sun (E.); ep. of fire (C.); hymn ascribed to Vrislikapi (R V. X, 86; Br., S.). TIT' vrishaaika, a. having a bull as a token; m. ep. of Siva. gTnT vrisha-ya, den. I. P. cause any one (ac.) to rain (RV.); 2. A. (V.) burn with desire; be eager for, advance upon (ac., d., lc.). lfEW vrisha-yddh, a. fighting with men (RB V.); -rava, hm. (roaring like a bull), kind of animal (RV.1). TWTI vrishautsarga, m.liberation orpresentation of a bull (to be the property of the community); abandonment of good works. 79 vrishta, pp../vrish: lc. when it has rained. 'ft vrish-ti (RV., otherwise gnly. vrfsh-ti), f. sg. pl. rain; -, shower of (arrows, flowers, glances). f'IcTW vrishti-pata, m. shower of rain; -mat (RV.) or (vrishti)-mat (SB.), a. raining, rainy; -maya, a. consisting of rain; -vani, a. obtaining or bringing rain (V.); -sampata, m. downpour of rain. fln vrTsh-ni (orni),manful, mighty (RV7.); m. ram (V.): pi. N. of a race to which Krishna belonged (= Yadava and Madhava): -pala, m. shepherd (C.). JlRW vrishn-ya, a. manly, mighty (RV.); n. manly power, might (V.): (vrishnya)-vat, a. possessed of manly power, mighty (V.). - Qq 298 2 vrish-ya. -- j ved-ya. S vrish-ya, a. stimulating sexual vigour, aphrodisiac. ZP VRIH or s BRIH, v. t BARH. 4 ve, m. (RV.)=f- vi, bird (nmn. ves). " Ta vekshana, n. incorr. for ka kshana. 7[ve'g-a, m. [ /Vvig] shock,jerk (VT., C.,rare); C.: rush, impact; flood (of water, tears), current; impetus (esp. of missiles), force, velocity, speed; impetuosity, vehemence, haste, sudden impulse; outbreak, outburst (of passion etc.), excitement; attack (of disease); circulation, working (of a poison; sts. pl.); impulse: -tara, m. greater swiftness: vegad vegataram gam, run faster and faster; -tas, ad. with a sudden jerk; speedily, hastily, impetuously; -danda, m. elephant (=vetanda); -vat, a. impetuous, hasty, swift, energetic, violent (soind); m. N. of a fairy: -i, f. N. of a fairy; -vahin, a. flowing (river) or flying (arrow) swiftly; -sari, f. female mule; - anila, m. violent wind. WfgIr veg-ita, den. pp. impetuous, swift, rapid; -in, a. id.; -ila, m. N. 'q^z vefkata, m. N. of a mountain in the Drdvidian country. fWT vengi (or i), f. N. of a town. t vena, m. musician (a mixed caste, ofspring of Vaidehacka and Ambashthi): a,f. N. of a river: -tata, m. bank of the Vena. afti veni,f. braid of hair, esp. of the hair of women worn in a single plait as a sign of mourning: -ka,f. continuous line, uninterrupted stream: -vahin, a. flowing or causing to flow in an uninterrupted stream. Wrt veni, f. = veni: -samhara, m. tying up of the braid of hair (of Draupadz), T. of a play (existing in the tenth century A.D.) by Bhatta-ndrdyana. vt venu (or u), m. reed, cane, bamboo; flute, pipe. fKTf',venu-darin,a.bamboo-splitting; m. N. of a demon; -mat, a. provided with a bamboo; -yava, vm.pl. seed of the bamboo; -yashti,f. bamboo cane; -vana, n. forest of bamboo; -vadana, a. playing on the flute; -vidala, n. split bamboo; -vaidala, a. made of split bamboo. UKLS vetanda, m. elephant:, f. a form ofDurga (v. r.for vetala). itc vetana, n. wages; price (rare). >E vetas-d, m. kind of reed (Calamus Rotang): cane; n. N. of a town: (a)-maya, a. consisting of reed (Calamus Rotang); -malin, a. wreathed with reeds; -vritti, a. acting = pliant like the reed. cITF vetala, m. kind of demon that takes possession of a dead body: a, f. a form of DurgA. iT vet-ri, m. [v/I. vid] I. (w. g., or -) knower; witness (rare); experiencer (rare); 2. [V2. vid] espouser, husband. 'k y ve-tra, m. n. kind of large reed (for making sticks); cane, staff: -grahana, n. (holding the staff), office of a door-keeper: a, f. female door-keeper; -yashti, f. cane staff; -lat, f. id.: -maya, a. made of canes; -vat, a. containing or consisting of cane; m. N. of a mythical being, son of Plshan: -i, f. female door-keeper; N. of a tributary of the Yamund. iITO" vetra sana, n. cane-seat. fRltrvetr-in, m. staff-bearer, door-keeper. 'iS. v.e'd-a,m. [VI.vid] knowledge,ritual lore (V.); sg. pl. sacred knowledge, handed down in the threefold form (trayl vidya) of Rig-veda, Sama-veda, andYagur-veda; later the Atharva-veda was added as a fourth; in E. the Itihdsa-purdna or Purdna is spoken of as afifth Veda; perception (Br., rare). ' 2. ved-a, m. [v/2. vid] finding, obtainmlent (in su-veda); property (S., rare). lto 3. veda, m. tuft of strong grass (Kusa or Muiga) used as a broom etc. in rites. [TEli veda-ka, a. (ika) making known; restoring to consciousness; -kara, m. composer of the Veda; -kumbha, m. N. of a teacher; -kakshus, n. eye of the Veda; -gna, a. knowing the Veda; -tattva, n. true nature or essence of the Veda: - artha, m. true meaning of the Veda: -vid, a., -vidvas, pt. knowing the true meaning of the Veda; -traya, n. the three Vedas; -tva, n. nature of the Veda; -darsana, n. occurrence or mention in the Veda: ab. in accordance with the Veda; -darsin, a. having an insight into or knowing the Veda; -dana, n. imparting the Veda. qrT ved-ana, I. n. knowledge (exc. f.); a, f. pain (exc. n.); a, f. perception, sensation; n. making known (-~); 2. (v6d-), a. (-~) finding; procuring; n. finding (C.); marrying (of both sexes; C.); property, goods (RV.,A V.); -ana-vat, a. possessed of knowledge; feeling pain; painful; -aniya,fp. cs. (V/I. vid) to be designated, expressed, meant, by (-~); being felt, by or as (-~). f - f veda-nindaka, m. scoffer at the Veda, infidel; -patha, m. recension of the Veda; -patkin, a. studying the Veda; -paraga, m. one thoroughly conversant with the Veda; -punya, n. merit acquired by Vedic study; -pradana, n. imparting the Veda; -phala, n. reward resulting from Vedic study; -bahya, m. unbeliever; -brahma-karya, n. Vedic apprenticeship; -brahmana, m. Brahman knowing the Veda, Brahman in the true sense; -bhashya, n. commentary on the Veda: -kara, m. composer of the commentary on the Veda, Sayana; -maya, a. (1) consisting of or containing sacred knowledge; -matri, m. mother of the Veda, designation of Sarasvati, Savitri, and Gayatri; -mula, a. having its root in the Veda; -yagiia, m. sacrifice prescribed in the Veda. I'fq ved-ay-i-tri, m. knower. '*f TW veda-rahasya, n. secret doctrine of the Veda, the Upanishads; -rasi, m. the entire Veda; -vakya, n. statement of the Veda; -vada, m. id.; talk about the Veda, theological discussion; -vadin, a. able to talk about or conversant with the Vedas; -vikrayin, a. selling = teaching the Veda for money; -vit-tama, spv. most learned in the Veda; -vit-tva, n. knowledge of the Veda; -vid, a. knowing the Veda; -vidya, f. knowledge of the Veda: -vid, a. versed in Vedic learning, -vrata-snata,pp.having completed one's Vedic and scientific studies and one's vows; -vidvas, pt. knowing the Veda; -vipl&vaka, a. propagating the Veda; -vedaianga-tattva-gita, a. knowing the Vedas and the Vedanigas thoroughly; -vedingaparaga, a. thoroughly conversant with the Vedas and Vedaigas; -vyasa, m. arranger of the Veda; -vrata, n. observance prescribed during Vedic study; a. having taken the Vedic vow; -sabda, m. the word Veda; statement of the Veda; -sakha, f. Vedic branch or school; -sastra, n. sg. doctrine of the Veda: pl. the Veda and other canonical works: -purana, n.pl. id. and the Puranas; -sruti, f. Vedic scriptures. t~ ve'd-as, n. I.knowledge (RV.); 2. (gettings), property, wealth (V.).. ifi[T veda-samhita,f. an entire Veda in any recension; -samnyasika, a. having renounced Vedic study and pious works and devoting oneself to contemplation; -samnyasin, a. id.; -samapti, f. completion of Vedic study. 4;~Ty vedaaiga, n. member of the Veda, subsidiary Vedic treatise (six are enumerated: Siksha, Kalpa, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Khandas, Gyotisha); -^di, m. beginning of the Veda; m. n. sacred syllable om; - adhigama, m. Vedic study; - adhyayana,n. id.; -adhyaya, a. studying or having studied the Veda; -jadhyayin, a. id.; -.anadhyayana, n. neglect of Vedic study; -anuvakana, n. repetition or recitation of the Veda; Vedic doctrine. qiTW veda'anta, m. end of the Veda (rare); end of Vedic study (rare); text forming the conclusion or the essence of the Veda, i. e. an Upanishad and the theologico-philosophical doctrine based thereon (Uttara-mimamsa or Vedanta system): -krit, nm. author of the VedAntas; -sara, m. essence of the Vedanta, T. of a compendium of the Veddnta system; -_abhihita, pp. contained in the Vedanta; -upagata, pp. accruing from the Vedanta (reward). q4Tf'W vedlnt-in, m. follower of the Vedanta system. t'l veda abhyfsa, m. Vedic study. be veda artha, m. import or sense of the Veda: -vid, a. knowing the sense of the Veda; -avapti, f. acquisition of the Veda. WfR ved-i, f. shallow bed dug out (in the sacrificial court) covered with straw, containing the sacred fire-places and serving as an altar; being narrow in the middle, the female waist is often compared with it; Vedi-shaped open pavilion in a court-yard prepared for weddings; stand, pedestal, bench: (i)-ka, f.Vedi-shaped pavilion (= vedi); stand, bench. ifC ved-i-tri (or -tr, SB.), knower, of (ac. in V., g., -~ in C.); -i-tavya (or a), fp. to be known or learned; - regarded as, - considered as meant; -i-ta, f. familiarity with (-~); -in, a. I. (-~) acquainted with, knowing, familiar with; feeling, perceiving (E., P., rare); announcing (E., rare); 2. marrying. ~f"~ttE vedi-purisha, m. loose earth of the Vedi; -mati, f. N.; -madhya, a. having a Vedi-shaped waist; -shad, a. sitting on or at the altar (V.); -sambhava, f. ep. of Draupadl. 4t ved-i,/. = 4f^ vedi. TIft-4 ved-iyas, cpv. knowing or finding better than (ab.; RV.1). ~cThi vedaukta, pp. mentioned, taught, or contained in the Veda; -udita, pp. prescribed by the Veda; -.upakarana, n. supplementary treatise to the Veda.;r ved-dhai, m. [v/vyadh] piercer, hitter (of a mark). v' ved-ya, fp. I. notorious, famous (V.); to be known, that which is known (V., C.); to be recognised or regarded as (nm. or -~; C.); 2. to be acquired (V.); to be married (in a-; C.); -tva, n. knowableness (C.), 'qw v ed -:y ArL, vaigayant-a. 2,99 ~Tved-y'a, f. pl. [Vi.T. vid] knowledge (B V.): in sg. (I%) and pl. with knowledge= manifestly, actually (liV.). 'WV vedh-a, mn. [V~vyadh] perforation; hitting a mark; breach, opening; -a-ka, mn. piercer; perforator; -ana, n. piercing with an arrow; infliction of (in.). Ala vedh-ds, a. [Vvidh; ac. sts. vedh~m] pious, believing (V.); virtuous, good (epj. of the gods; V.-); wise (C.); m. worshipper of the gods ( V.); author (C.); Creator, ep. of Brahmnan (C.). ~fi~~ved-ina. piercing, hitting a mark; -yfp. to be pierced or perforated. 047 YEN, I. P. V,6ia, (TV.) yearn, long, for (ic.); tend (vital air; Br.); be envious. anu, seek to attract, wish to regain (V.). vi, tu-rn away ungraciously, be reluctant (V.). WWT ven-4, a. (f) yearning, longing, eager, loving (V.); m. longing, desire, wish (V.); a divine being of the middle region, Indra or the, sun (comm.), connected with the navel (Br.); N. of various men, among others of the fat her- of Prithse (C.). ven-yd, a. desirable, lovable (RV.). WcY EP, v. fwit~VIP-. 't~vp thu, mn. quiverin g, trembling, quaking: -bhrit, a. trembling (C.); -mazt, a. id. (C.). tIIvep- and, a. trembling, quivering, twinkling (of light); n. tremor (C.). W ve'p -as, n. [ VviVP] quaking, quivering, struggling (11 V.). WlEM~ vep-ita, PP. [v/vip] tremor. ~~ve-man n. [V14. v& loom or shu1ttle. ~Tve a, f. point, end, limit (rare); boundary of sea and land, coast, sea-shore; limit of time, period, time of day, hour-; opportunity occasion; tide, flood (opp. ebb); N. of a prnesfound on the sea-shore: k 'vel&a what o'clock is it? ka vela tatrabhavaty pr~ptiy~h, how long has she been here? velfiylim, at the right'hour; andhavel~y!m when there is occasion to be blind; artl~a-elyam, when the sense is concerned; velam pra-kri, watch for an opportunity. 'WTR vela-kujla, n.sea-shore,coast; -gala, a.. &p1. flood-tide; -tata, mn. coast; - atikrama, m. overstepping of time,, tardin~ess; - nlat. coast wind; - ambhas, as. floodtide; -vitta, mn. hind ofoficial; -vihi f. shore-wave, breaker: pl. surge.; -vyaga, m. disguise of the tide; -samudra, mn. ocean in flood; -hina, pp remiature, inopportune;.i.,rMi, f. wave breaking on the shore, roller. Vf ELL, L. P. vella, tremb le, sway: \Pgly. pr. pt. vellat or pp. vellita, waving, swaying, heavitig; curved; curly; entwined (armns). ann, pp. pushed below. ud, begin to sway, move to and fro: pp. waving,bheaving. vi, quiver, tremble. ramn, pp. curling. vell-ana, a. surging (of waves); rolling on the ground (of a horse). W ves-9, mn. [settler: Vvis] neighbour, tenant,vassal ( V.); prostitution, brothel (C.); behaviour of a prostitute (C.): (a1-kuala, a..sg. prostitutes: -str", f. prostitute. ~~Ives-ana, a. act of entering. 47, vesanta', m. pond (V.). '4,T vesa-bhftva, m. manner of prosti I tutes; -yuvati, -yoshitif. prostitute; -vat, m. keeper of a brothel; -vadhfm -vaat, f.prostitute; -viisa, m. brothel; -stri', -stha, f.prostitute. yes-as, m. vassal (A V.). 'P~VriffT vesfintft, f. pond (Br.). i~fqnr.ves-in, a. entering -~) 0-If ves-i',f. [V/vis] needle (RV.'). 'J4[~ ve's-man, n. [Vvis] house, dwelling, abode, apartment. qT WT vesma-vatsa', m. sleeping chamber. 4*1k( vesya-strii, f. courtesan.!~T ves-yai'f. courtesan, prostitute: -griha, n. brothel; -ghataka, m. pander; 7 aigang,f. courtesan; -gana, m. sg. prostitutes; -tva, n. condition of a prostitute; -pati, M. h usband of a courtesan, paramour; -4yattikri, make dependent on prostitutes; -yesman, a. brothel. vesh-a, m. [Vvish] dress, apparel, exterior (ord. mg.); assumed appearance; appearance: -in kri or a-stha, assume a dress; -m gain or vi-dha, assume an appearance. ve'sh-ana (or 'a), n. service (BE.). 1!Tvesh-anat, f. attendance. II Tf42Ii vesha-dhflrin, a. wearing tb e dress of ( —); -vat, a. well-dressed (v. r., suvesbava~n for sa veshav~n); Zanya-tva, a. change of dress. '49YESH TI.A.veshta [ep.,Vvisht],wind N round; twine oneself round, adhere to (IC.; AV.); cast its skin (snake); cs.veshtiya, P. envelop, wrap up,, clothe, tie up; encl ose, surround, encompass, beset, invest; tie (ac.) on, wrap (&Cc.) round (rare); twist (a rope),: pp. veshtiti. anu, cs. spread out (a mat). abhi, cs. cover up. Al cs. envelop, surround, cover, clothe (V., C.); twist (a rope). ud,asg. unseal, open (letter); untwist (string), unloose (braid of hair). upa, as. twine or fasten round. pari, cs. envelop, twine or tie round, clasp; enclose, encompass, surround; cover up, overwhelm (with, arrows), overlay, beset (with thorns). vi, es. encompass, surround, invest. sam, as. envelop, clasp; surround, encompass; cover; roll up. prati-sam, shrivel -up. '~Mvvesht-ana, a. encircling, clasping, enclosing, surrounding; sling; band; fillet, turban; fence, hedge: -m kri, bandage; -tit,.pp.: -siras, a. having, one's head covered. ~Iv6s1, 2im. of ye, g. of vi, bird; 2.-38g.aor. Or 2 sg. pr. subj. Vi. vi. 'qTvesar a, rn. [p rob. contraction for v'egasara] mule. VR? vehdt, f. miscarrying or barren cow. Vf vehftra, m. N. of a country, Behar. 14 vaf, postpositive pal, emphasizing the preceding word: rare in the Sam~hita's, very COMnMon in Br. (often indicating the beginning of a clause) and E.; in S. gnly. only in the combination yadi u vai; in E. and Manu vai is very common at the end of a pd~da as a mere expletive-; with other pals.: v& u (RiV.); ha vai, ha sma vai, eva Vai (Br.); api vai, tu vai (C.). Wf vaikaksha, a. [fr.vi-kaksha] garland hanging over the shoulder; upper garment, mantle: -kz, n. garland hanging oveIr the shoulders. -ya-ka, — ' a. mantle. v'afkta (or 6), a. (I1) belonging toco ing fr mor made of the Vikafiata (Flacourtia sapid) q oIfe4 vaikat-ika, m. [vikata] jeweller. %i vaikarng, m. [vi-karna] Noftwo tribes (c:.RV.); pat-fr. vi-karna (S.). ~IIvaikarta, m. [vi-ka'rta] an edible part of the victim, loin (Br.). %4-4 vaikartana, a. relating or belonging to the sun (vikartana): -kula, n. solar race. 4j~iq vaikalp-ika, a. (I') optional (r vikalpa): _tal,f., -tva, a. optionality. %MR~ vaikal-ya, a. [vikala] frailty, weakness,imperfection',defect~iveness; defect,lack;despondency (rare); confusion, flurry~ (v. r. vaiklavya). ~WZOTf4i vaikflr-ika, a. (i) based on or" s ubject to modification (vikhra); -ya, a. modification. q"TfI vaik~i-ika, ni. (occurring ini the evening: vikfila), evening devotlon or meal. 4,kd -vaikuatha', m. [vikuntha] ep. of In'dra (rare) and of Vishnu; statue of Vishnu; m. a. Vishnu's heaven: -gati, f. going to Vishnu's heaven; -bhuvana, n., -Svargarl, m. Vishnu's heaven. [au's Paradise. ~I~ Tvaikunth-iya, a. relating to Vfsh~I~vikrita, a. [vikriti] modified, deriVative, secondary; subject to modification; artificial, kept up by adoption (famhily); a. modification, alteration, disfigurement, abnormal condition, changed state (ord. mg.); unnatural phenomenon, portent; mental change, agitation'; change of sentiment,,]~dstility: -vat, a. morbidly affected by (~) tr"W vaikrit-ya, a. [kIta modification, alteration; deterioration, degeneration; portent; repulsiveness; hostility. [(vikriyfl). VWIvaikriya, a. subject to modification,q;Wqvaiklav-a, a. [viklava] bewildermenit; despondency; -ya, a. id.; frailty, feebleness; mental weakness. T'R[ Iq~ vaikha'nasa', ma. [vikhahnasa] a class of Rishis (p1.); an Arya in the third relIigious order, anchorite; a. relating to Anchorites: 'I,f. female anchorite. 1k vaigun-ya, a., [vi-guna] imperfection, defectiveness; faultiness,'badness, unskilfulness; inferiority (of birth). ~'q1I vaikakshan-ya,n a.vikakshana] experience, proficiency, skill, in (la.). vaikitt-ya, a. tvikitti] mental confusion, absence of mind. ~-f*jvaikitr-ain.prob.incorr-forvaikitrya: i, f. strangeness, wonderfulness; marvellouis beauty; -ya, a., [vikitra] id.; manifoldness, diversity, wondrous variety; iacorr. for Valikittya. [ITITM vaiganana, a. relating to childbirth (viyanana); ~ mas,m.last month ofpregn'an'cy.' ~ -l vaigan-ya, az. [vigana] desertedness, solitude. tlUIf1g[ vaigayant-a [belonging to the con-, queror: vi-gayat], m. Indra's banner; flag, banner; Indra's palace; -ika, f. flag, banner; kind of pearl miecklace (Pr.); -i',f. flag, banner; garland' prognosticating victory; T. of a dictionary; T. of a commentary to, Vishnu's Dharma-sdstra., Q q 2 300 300 fifqi vaigay-ika. '4,RTr -vairamana. Trf R vaigay-ika, a. (I) conferring or foretelling victory (vigaya). [gavana. rirvaigavana, m. pat. incorr. for Pai'WISTMT vaigfttya, a. [vigftti] diverseness, heterogeneousness. ~WTvaidftrya, (in.) a. cat's eye (a gem); m. N. of a Wmn: -kainti, a. having the colour of a cat's eye; m. N. of a sword; -maya, a. (IL) consisting or made of, or resembling cat's eyes; -sriiiga, n. N. of a mythical town.' U vaina, m. worker in bamboo, basketmaker. [bamboo (vean); m. flute. I! vainava-, a. (i) consisting or made of qT vaaiki. [fr. vinft] lute-player. 'if~ill vaitamns-ika, m.[i-tam~sa] birdcatcher. J4R -vaitat-ya, n. [vitata,] great extent. I'7Z vaitath-ya, n. [vitatha] falseness. itRTW. vaitarana, a. (i) intending to cross a river: 3',f. N. of a sacred river in Kalihga; N. of the river of hell. WM vaitasd, a. (1i) made of or peculiar to the reed: 3' vritti, f. reed-like action, i. e. yielding to superior force, adapting oneself to circumstances; m. n. basket made of reed. qWR vaitast-a, a. coming from or contained S4in the Vitastil; -ya, a. id. "IZ vaitahavya', in. pat.fr. viltahavya. i'4rT vaitatn-a, a. [vitftlna] relating to or performed with the three distributed or sacred fires; n. rite performed with the three sacred fires; -ika, a. id. %4~T~I vaithla, a. (I') relating to the Vethlas. ~IMfPREB vaitftl-ikal m. [vi-tftla] bard, panegyrist of a king (whose duty it is also to proclaim the hour of day): -vrata, n.dutyofabard. 14fu vaitrishn-ya, n. [vitrishna] quenching of thirst; freedom from desire, indifference to(0.q vaida, v.!q baida. it3*W vaidagdh-a, a. incorr. for vaidagdhya; -i, f. [vidagdha] cleverness, acuteness., experience, proficiency, skill; splendour, beauty; -ya, a. acuteness, intelligence: -vat, a. clever, skilful, experienced. 4V vaid arbha, a. (I') relating to Vidarbha; - i. king of Vidarbha: p 1. or'-, th e people of Vidarbha: 31, f. princess of Vidarbha; (sc. riti) easy, euphonious, and simple diction (rh.): -gananil, f. mother of IDamayantl. 4%C vaidarvya, m. pat. fr. vidarvya or vidarvi. %'OI vaidala, a. made of split bamboo (vidala); m. legumainous vegetable or grain; a. wicker-basket. 'qlq vaid-ika, a. (31) relating to, derived from, conformable to, or prescribed in the Veda, Vedic; n.Vedic passage or precept. ~f7ivaidisa, in. king of 'Vidisft: pl. inhabitants of Yidis&; n. N. of a town situated on the Vidisa. '4Tr vaidush-ya, a. [ vidush, weak base of vidvas] learning. ' vaides-ika, a. (i) belonging to another country (videsa), foreign; in. stranger, foreigner; -ya, a. id.; a. separation in space. vaideha, a. (i) belonging to the country of Videha (i; V.); in. king of Videha (vaf-; V., C.); people of Videha (pl.); a mixed '4W vaibbakt-a, a. relating to a case-tercaste, offspigoaVasandf a Bh- mination (vibhakti). inana womaa (in Manu) or of a Sildra and 9vabvan a Vaisyd', being a trader by occupation: 'I, vabaa a.Evibhava] might, power;.f. princess of Videha, sp. Sita; woman of the high position, greatness; grandeur, glory, Vaideha caste; long pepper; a-ka, a. be- magnificence. longing to Videha; m. man of the Vaideha '~*jvihs-k,.[ihsa p caste; trader; i-ka, ms. merchant; i'-bandhu, ms. friend or husband of Slta', R5,ma; tional. [shana. 2i-maya, a. (i) engrossed with Slt and con- iirvibhishana, a. belonging toVibbilsisting of long pepper.!t44ITN vaibhrftg-a, a. [vibhratg] N. of a ceWW vaidya, a. versed in science (vidya) lestial grove. knowing one's subject, learned; ms. one versed - in medical science, physician (accounted a ait-aa.[it]dferneo mixed caste): -ka&, in. physician; -nitha, opno.( oedbAiaa in. master physician; a form of Siva; N.; Wffr~ vaimada, a. (i) relating to or com-vidyg, f. science or text-book of medicine. ~~i~ amnsyi.[iaa]djc ~TqTWR vaidyatdhara, a. (i) relating or be- tion, depression, melancholy. -\longing to the Vidy~dharas. UirW vaimal-ya, a. [vimala] spotlessness, -~9 vaidyut-d, a. belonging to or derived cleanness; clearness, pureness (also fig.). from lightning; flashing, brilliant (w. sikhin, UT- vaima'tr-a, a. descended from another mn. fire of lightning); n. (?) -fire of lightning:, -krsan, a. i. [ora (vdrua) mother (vimatri); w. bhrktri,ma. step-brother: J-1- -kisa31UM. d. cora (vdrua). -ka, in. step-brother; e-ya%, a. descended from V,9W vaidrumna, a. consisting or made of another mother; um. step-brother-. V~~ vaidha, a. (i) prescribed, expressly en- 4rij1 vaimAn-ika, a. borne in a celestial joined [vidhi]. car (vimaina); mn. hind of celestial being; god. 414R1vaidharm-ya, a. unlawfulness; dis- vaimukh-ya, a. rvimukba] aversion, similarity, heterogeneousness: -sama, in. rpgact l. fallacy based on dissimilarity (in logic). vamda-h,. imda] al 'IIvadaau.pa.oBdh.dance in female clothing. [price. IW'qI vaidhav-eya, ms. son of a widow viflya vmta ifrneo (vidhava); -ya, n. widowhood: -vei f. J11 vaygrya.[yar]deoio o widow's braid. qM aiarynEvar]dotot, WW vaidhas-a, a. (i) derived from fate absorption in -) (vedhas; said of writing on the forehead); ~Wif i~q vaiyadhikaran-ya, n. [vyadhimn. pat. of Hariskandra. karana] non-agreement in case; relation to TW-4~ vaidhfttr-a, a. (i) derived from Brah- different subjects. man or fate (vidha'tri). "W vaiyarth-ya, a. [vyartha] uselessness.,S in vaidhur-i', f. adverseness (of fate, "" 19R vaiyavahftr-ika, a. convention~O;-ya, a. [vidhura] isolation, desolation; al, usual, every-day (less correct for vya'va-). lack, absence; desperate plight: -m, vi-dlhA, U~fTTW~. vaiyakarana, i.[ylaaa remove, grammarian.na ~IM vaidheya, a. [afflicted by fate, vidhi] gr~ammahriana. [ygrdrvdfo stupid, foolish; in. fool, idiot. 9W-T~rvlygra vagr]drvdfo J, -,t,-,the tiger, made or covered with tiger-skin; Iq~ vainat-eyd, m. met. (fr. Vinata') of a. tiger-skinl. [pudence. Garuda. [meanour. itgT vaiyftt-ya, a. [viyftta] boldness, imZN?~ vantya.[iaa hml e T;[ vaiyflsa, a. derived from Vyftsa: -ki,;ITf!.T'i vainay-ika, a. (i) relating to moral m. pa.f.Vaa -a.() drvdfo conduct, disciplinary, or composed by Vyhsa. WKIT4Bfi vainflyaka, a. (i) belongiiig to or vaira, a.[im]hsie eneuAV) derived from Ganesa, (Vina'yaka). a. (Br. rare; C.) hostility, enmity, ani-,aTf1[,M vainats-ika, a. believing in com- mosity, quarrel, feud (often pl.), with (in. + plete annihilation (vingsa); ra. Buddhist: saaoAada,~) hsiehs rr) -tanraa., samya, n. octrne r sytem kara, a. causing enmity; -kar-in, a. quarof he udhiss.relsome: ()ta, f. quarrelsomeness; -krit, of7 then Bddhists eogi t e i d. a. quarrelsome, hostile. ~~aidbaa.beonintoheinbA, WT vairakt-ya, a. [virakta] growing ini.T vain-yd, s. pat.fr. Vena: (a)-vmi, different or averse. us. N. of a temple.. f-q vairafig-ika, a. vrfg]fe rn,4(Tt vaiparlt-ya, a. [vipari'ta] contra- all worldly desires. riety, opposition, reverse. [man (vi-pasyat). ~%T vairat-ya, incorr. for vairahitya. WMWI~ vaipasyat-a, a. (i) peculiar to a wise jt lhi vaipul-ya, a. [vipula] spaciousness, fqTf vaira-niryatana, a. requital of largreness; breadth, thickness. emtrvne 'P T vairantil, f. N. of a town. 1~4 vaiphal-ya, n. [viphala] fruitlessness, sk arnym.o ig uselessness. [(vibudha), divine. C14"IIviata m.o ig '4T vaibudha, a. (i) peculiar to the gods %tTWTTq vaira-bhftva, mn.hostility; -yata W#Yfqi~ vaibodh-ika, m.[Evibodha] awak- f.requital of enmity, retaliation; expiation. ener of princes by announcing the time, bard 13ITRT vairamana, a. [vi-ramana] concluor panegyrist of a king. sion of Vedic study. JWWvairal-~ya. -Q vyagra.30 301 I - i vairal-ya, n. [virala] scarceness, fewness.,Iq vaira-visuddhi,f. requital of enmity, retaliation, revenge; -vrata, n. sworn enmity; -sdhana, n. cause or motive of hostility. ~Ivairasa, n. [virasa] disgust. q1tu vairaseni, m. son of Vilrasena, Pat. of Nala. vairas-ya, n. [virasa] insipidn ess, bad taste; repugnance, disgust, of (g., lc., ~) 74 vairag-ya, n. [viraiga] growing pale (rare); loathing, aversion, disgust, of (ab., le., 2_'); indifference to worldly objects, weariness of life: -ta', f. aversion to (prati); -sataka, n. century of worldly indifference, T. of the third century of Bhartrihari's proverbs. ~Sfvairag-d, a. belonging to or derived froinVir~g; belonging or analogous to the metre Virfiq, consisting of ten, decasyllabic; n. N. of a Sadman; -ya, n. extended sway. vairftta, a. relating or belonging to Vir~ta, icing of the Matsgas. ~TKT~fkNit vaira anubanclh-in, a. entailing nmit: (-)-t, f. entailment of enmity. A IWTN vairft-ya, den. A. behave inimically, begin hostilities against (in., prati): i-ta'rah, 3 pl.fut.; i-ta, (pp.) n. hostility. WT'JEIM vaira asamsana, n. battle (v. r. vlra -). to Brahman (virifika). vairiiika, a. (i') relating or belonging,qfKrT vair-i-al f. enmity, hostility, to (saha); -i-tva, n. id.; -in, a. inimical, hostile; m. enemy: n-i',f. female enemy; -i-bhiL, turn into enmity. itt vairiipd, m. pat. (fr. virfipa) PI. a division of the Afigirases; n. N. of various Sadmans. vairuip-ya, n. [virfipa] multiplicity, diversity, difference; deformity (produced by,.0m): at, ugliness. J!:' IS T vairokana, a. solar; m. son of Viro/cana, pat. of Bali; N. of a icing. TKq aroh-a a. [virodha] disagreeing (food); m. N. J~q vailakshan-ya, n. [vilakshana] disparity, diverseness (-O in g. or ab. sense). 'R~W vailaksh-ya, n. [vilaksha], feeling of shame, embarrassment: -vat, a. abashed, embarrassed. [tinctive marks. vailifg-ya, a. [Iiga] lack of disq,, 1N vailom-ya, n. [viloma] inversion, topsyturviness. [tended, had iii view. qqf'qi vaivaksh-ika, a. [vivakshfl] in'4f4NMvaivadh-ika, m. [=vivadhika] carrier (-ta, f. abst. N.): II, f. female hawker. vaivarn-ya, n. [vivarna] change of colour. [control. '44 vaivas-ya, a. [vivasa] lack of self~WRRf vaivasvat-a, a. (i') derived from the sun (vivasvat); relating orhelonging to Yama Vaivasvata; relating to Manu, Vaivasvata; rn. pat. of Yama and of a Mann; -i'ya,' a. connected with Mann Y~aivasvata. q-Tff i vaivflh-ika, a. (1) nuptial;- n. nuptials; -ya, a. nuptial (fire); connected by marriage (vivfiha); a. nuptials. 4fZI vaivikt-ya, n. [vivikta] deliverance from(O) ~'J(w vaisad-ya, a. [visada] clearness, purity; brightness, freshness; distinctness, intelligibleness. vaisantd, a. (i contained in or forming a tank (vesanta; 17.). ~tTTIvaisampfiyana, mn. pat. (fr. visampa) N. of an ancient Vedic teacher (a Pupil of Vydsa in E.); N. of a son of Suicandsa, transformed into a parrot. ~'Tfvaisasa, a. [visasa] bringing death (day); a. slaughter, butchery; war, strife; outrage; destruction; distress, calamity; ruin (of affection). '4,' vaisasya, incorr. for vaishamya. %TT vaisftkhad, mn. [visftkhft] N. of a mnonth (April-May; Br., S., C.); churning-stick (C.); n. N. of a town; a. (i) relating to the month Vaishkha: -pura, n. N. of a town; -raggu, rope of the churning-stick. IWJT-Ki vaisftrad-a, a. (i1) experienced, expert, unerring (intellect etc.); n. profound learning; -ya, n. experience, in (lc.); clearness of intellect, infallibility. 'q~JW'4vaisftl-eyd, mn. pat. (fr. visa'la) of Takshaka. %f'kM vais-ika, a. (1) relating to or treating of prostitution (vesa); associating with or versed in the arts of courtesans; a. harlotry. ~%'kI vaisisht-ya, n. [visishta], peculiarity, distinction, difference; pre-eminence, superiority. '*j'fIR~jvaisesh-ika, a. (i') [visesha] special, peculiar, specific; distinguished, pre-eminent; relating to, based on, or treating of the Vaiseshika doctrine; mn. follower of the Vaiseshika system; a. peculiarity; Vaiseshika system of Kandda; -ya, n. peculiarity, distinction; pre-eminence, superiority,, importance. 'q vafs-ya, mn. [ vis] man of the people or the third caste; a. vassalage (T1S.): -kanya, f. daughter of a Vaisya, Yaisya girl; -tk,.f., -tva, a. position of a Vaisya; -putra, mn. (son of a) Vaisya; -bha~va, in. position of a Vaisya. TTvaisyat, /. woman of the third caste: -ga, m. son of a Vaisy~a woman; -putra, mn. son of a Vaisy5L, met. of Yuyutsu. 'a 'q vaisravand, m. [Visravana] pat. of Kubera.!N44T~ vaisvakarman-4, a. (I') derived from or sacred to Visvakarman (V.). T fernIf vaisvagit-a, a. connected with the Visvagit sacrifice (priest; Br.); haviing performed the Visvagit sacrifice (S.).!t ' vaisvadevd, a. (3.) belonging, sacred etc. to all the gods or to the Visvedevas; a. a certain Sastra (Br., S.); a kind of SrAddha, offering made by the householder morning and evening to the Visvedevas (C.): i-ka, a. belonging, sacred etc. to the Visvedevas; suitable for the Sraddha for all the gods. "1~\ vaisvarflp-a, a. [visvarfipa] manifold, diverse; a. universe; -ya, a. manifold, various; a. multiplicity, diversity. ~WJTRK va'isva'-nara', a. ('1) belonging to all men; universal, dwelling or worshipped everywhere, generally known (Agni, sacrifice; V., C.); consisting of all men, present in full numbers (V.); m. fire; sun, sunlight (V.); intellect conditioned by the aggregate (Vedanta phil.); N.: (a) -datta, m. N.; Ii-ya, a. relating to or treating of Vaisvfinara. ~TfIR{ vaisvftmitra, a. relatissg to Visvmtam.pat. N.: I', f. the g'yatrl of Visva'mitra. ~Wfrivaisva's-ika, a. inspiring confidence (visvhsa), trustworthy. 'T~I[ vaisham-a, a. [vishama] inequality, change; -ya, a. unevenness (of ground); inequality, diverseness, disproportion; difficulty; distress, affliction; injustice; harshness, unkindness; wrongness. btq'_q vaishay-ika, a. (I') relating to the kingdom (vishaya); relating to a particular sphere, concerning (-O); pertaining to objects of sense. 'W!q~ vaishnav-a', a. (i') derived from, relating, belonging, sacred, or devoted to Vishnu; on. worshipper of Vishnu; 'I, f. female energ y of Vishnu (identified with Durgal and Manash): (a)-tva, a. worship of or faith in Vishnu.,q9Mj T~Tvaishnu-vflruna, a. (i1) sacred to Vishnu and Varuna (Br.). 4TIV vaisftdris-ya, n. [visadrisa] dissimilarity, difference. vaispasht-ya, a. [vispashta] clearness., distinctness, manifestness. ltfl vaihaga, a. (i) belonging -to 'a bird (vihaga). Ivaihftyas-a, a. (i1) being or moving in the air (vih&yas), aerial; m. sky-dweller; a. air. ~ir vaihbhli, f. chase. W vaihval-ya, a. exhaustion, debility. yV ok-a, aor. base of -Vvak. vodka, pp. Vvah. -4t~ vodhavya, fp. [v-,vah] to be drawn, conducted, or led; to be led home, - married (girl). 'qJV v6dhri (orrz'), a. [v,/vah]drawing,bringilug (ac.; 17.); wafting (0.~); in. V.: drauglht horse; C.: hull; charioteer; leader home of a girl, husband; bearer, carrier. *qtIq vopa -deva, m. N. of an author (twelft or thisrteenth century A.D.). RM RZ volla'saka, N. of a locality. volhum, V. iaf. Vvah. vauishat, iadecl. a sacrificial call (Br., E.). Zg~vi'amsa, m. (having the shoulders apart, broad-shouldered), N.of ademnon vanquishted bylIndra (11V.). [ceived or cheated. tfftmr vi amsay-itavya, fp. to be deZR'Mi vi akta, pp.- (s/an-g) manifest, evident, distinc~t, clear: -in, ad. distinctly; certainly: tf.manifestness, perceptibility: -m gamn, appear. viif vakti,f. manifestation, appearance; distinctness, clearness; distinction, difference; differentiated thing, individual (opp. g~ti); grammatical gender: -m bhag, stand out clearly (ri'vers). ZW fi-1!T vyaktil-karana, n. making manifest; -bhiva, n, becoming manifest. Wfif vyakti-kri, manifest; -bhut, become manifest. 'QMT vi agra, a'. at-'ending to no particular 302 302 vyaiiga., wq i vyava-kkheda. point (opp. ekaagra), distraught,inatt~entive; bewildered, agitated; diverted from everyth~ing else, intent on, engrossed by, entirely occupied with (in.., le., -..O; frequently said of fingers, hands, arms): -in, ad. with great excitement: -ta',f. intentness on (..?); -tva, is. id.; distraction. MW v/ ga a. deficient in limb, crippled: a ~f. deficiency of limb, crippled condition; *mutilation. c7rf vyafega-ya, den. P. deprive of a limb, mutilate: pp. ita: - kshana, a. having a defective eye, one-eyed. ZEMT vi ahgara, lc. e, when the charcoal is (out=) extinguished. ZW vi afgya, fp. (to be) made manifest; expressed by implication, suggested (r/s.; opp. v~kya, directly stated; lakshya, indicated). jrVI AK, III. P. vivy~k, vivik, com'~preliend, contain (V.). sam, id. (V.); roll up (Wi.). vydik-as, n. (V.) amplitude, capacity, compass; wide space; room: (vya'7as)-va~t, a. (V.) spacious; expanded. ~[VI AG = -strYIJG, fan, only viNvyagus and vyageta. '4' vyag-ana, n. fanning; fan, whisk (often des.):..kriya', f. action of fanning; -ka'mara, n. tail of the Yak as a fan; i,.kri,' use as a fan; 3i-bhUi, become a fan or whisk. Z4Mc*vi aigaka, a. (ika') manifesting, showing,, indicating; expressing implicitly, suggesting (rh.); m. expression of feeling. ~WV vi a4iigana, n. ornament (R V.); C.: manifesting, indicating; indirect or symbolical expression, suggestion; mark, token, badge; insignia of a prince; sign of puberty (beard, breasts, etc., sg. & pZ.); sauce, condiment; consonant. MW vyadda, m. N.: -maigala, m. N. vif vht-i, m. steed (RiV.). i 4ati-kara, m. [V/kri mixture, blending, intermingling, con tact, confluence, union; engaging in, undertaking (-'O); accident, misfortune, calamity: -' a. combined or united with: -vat, a. mixed, of different kinds; -karita, den. pp. mixed with, pervaded by (in., 0-); -krama, m. passing by, deviating, swerving, or escaping from (g.); violation, infringement, neglect, or nonperformance of (g. or-0); offence, transgression, against (g., — P); inverted order (rare); -kramana, is. transgression against any one (0;-kramin, a. tran~sgressing against any one (-0); -kra'nta, pp. krnm; n. trans. gression, offence; -kranti, f. transgression against (-'.); _rikta-ta', f. difference; -reka, m. separateness; exclusion, exception; negative; contradistinction or opposition to; contrast, antithesis (rh.): in., ab., -', to the exclusion of, excepting, without (.2); -rekin, a. excluding, negativing (-0); -rekrana, n. contrasting (in a comparison); -1afigin, a. slipping Off; -shafiga, m. reciprocal connexion, relation; entanglement; conflict (of armnies); interchange (rare); -shaiigin, a. attached or clinging to, (-0); -hira, m. interchange; alternation, reciprocity. M~f vi ati ta-kahla, a. inopportune; - atl-pita, m. kind of astronomical Yoga. ZER vi ti aya, m. exchange, change; inversion; irregularity (conim.), (karmanim-, wrong occupation): in., ab., —, inversely; irregularly (in gr.); - fisa, in. interchange, change; inverted position; inversion: in., ab. inversely; alternately. ZEM~ VYATH, I. A. (P. metr.) vyatha, waver, rock, reel, stu mble, suffer harm (mostly V.); tremble (E.); be counteracted (poison, C'.); be disquieted, agitated, or afflicted, suffer pain (V., C.); he afraid of any one (g.; E.): pp. vyathita, tottering; changed (complexion); disquieted, agitated, afflicted, troubled, distressed, despondent; ~cs. vyatha'ya, P. cause to waver or go wrong; divert from (ab.); disquiet, distress, vex, pain. pra, tremble, be frigh tened ordi stressed: pp. affrighted. vi, pp. greatly discomposed or agitated. ZI~ vyath-aka, a. disquieting, distressing, painful (speech); -ana, a.. distressing; a. tottering; feeling of pain; -ayitri, a. harassing (ac.); -a,f. failure (C.); injury, loss (Br., C.); disquietude, distress, anguish, pain (ord. mg.; C.): -mn kri, cause pain to (g.); give way to grief; (vy~th)-is, ad. reeling (c/tip; B -V.); unobserved by (g.), secretly (.;or n. course, path.!W VYADH, IV. P. (A. metr.) vidhya, 1-' pierce, perforate, hit, wound; transfix, overwhelmu, supply, or affect any one (ac.) with (in.); ps. vidhyate: pp. viddh&, pierced, transfixed, hit, impaled on (lc.), wounded, injured; provided with (in., -O); es. vyadhaya (C.), vedhaya (E.)= =simple ver'b: pp. vedhita. ati, pierce, perforate. viati, pp. pierced; thrust through (arm). ann, hit afterwards (one already wounded); pervade or fill with (in.): pp. pierced, hit; intertwined, inlaid, studded, filled, pervaded, or accompanied with (in., O apa, drive away (foes), cast aside; neglect (sacred fires); free oneself from (evil, -ac.): pp. apaviddha, thrown away, cast aside, discarded; unoccupied; desertedexposed (child); abandoned, neglected; set in motion (swing); transfixed. ava, p~p. cast down, into (lc.; V.). a^, throw into (.lc.); drive away: pp. aviddha, shot (arrow); pierced; wounded; smashed ('clubs); whirled, brandished; winding (river);- vi, pp. whirling; displaced, dishevelled, distorted. sain4, whirl, brandish: pp. vibrating. ini, cast or hurl clown.(V.), break down (strongholds; V.); pierce, transfix (RV., EB.)- nis, wound, hit; slay. pra, cast, throw; transfix, wound. vi-pra, pp. violently shaken (creeper). prati, shoot, shoot against (V., -E.).. ZRT vyadh-a, ins. piercing; hitting, striking (with ds missile); -ana, a. piercing; pursuit ot (.2). 0f44FM vi adhikarana, a. involving a different case-rela-tion (Bahecvrihi conepoeind, the first member of which, is not in apposition to the second; e. g. saravana-bhava, ' having his origin in a forest of reeds'). cq wR vi antara, n. interval; lack of distinction;-, m. (occupying an intermediate position), sprite (among the,.Tains, including Pistkas, Yakshas, Kimnaras, Gandharvas, etc.). ZR Avi apa-karsha, m. exception; -g-.,ama, mn. lapse (of time); disappearance, loss; -trapa, f. bashfulness, shyness; -desa, mn designation, appellation; mode of expi ession, statement; appeal to (g.) family name (rare); pretext, subterfuge: in. under some pretext (~ kenakit); en., C~, or -tas, under the pretence or guise of (-);-desaka, a. desi~gnating; -desa-vat, a. having a desigrnation, designated; -des-in, a. id.; designating (0-); following the advice of (-); -desya, fp. to be designated or namned, blamed; -naya, in. withdrawal; -nayana, n. removal; -nutti, f. driving away; -ropana, n. plucking (hair), cutting off (wings); removal; destruction; -varga, n. division in two, section; difference; cessation; -sairana, it. removal. ZFT' vi apftya, in. departure, close, end; lack, absence; - qoapsraya, m. m. seat, abode; refuge, object of trust or reliance: in. in reliance amr dependence on (-0); a. (-'0) having its seat in, being in; taking refuge with, depending or relying on; 2. devoid of reliance on -eny one else, self-centred; aaes~f regard, consideration, for (g., ~O;expectation; requisite (in sa-); grammatical government; -' a. a, regarding, considering; expecting; - apeta, '- = lacking, without; -a9podha, pp., v. A/. film; -a.~poha, m. removal; denial; - apohya, fp. (V, i. fsh) to be denied (in a-).WfR;T vi~abhi-karana, en. uncertainty; -ka'ra, in. divergence, disconnexion; variability; failure; transgression, infidelity (esp. of a woaram), towards (g., lc.,..0); change (in a-, unchangeable, unswerving); violation,or neglect of (q.); extension beyond(0) -ka'ri-ta', f. divergence; variability; -ka~ri'tva, n. variability or multiplicity of mneaning; _ki.rin., a. straying from (-0), deviating,or diverging from (ab.); going astray, erring; unchaste, faithless (woman), towards (g.) changeable (,opp. sth~yin, constant); violatin~g, breaking (an agreement, -O); -mfina, m.. erroneous view; -hi.sa, in. ridicule. Z44 vi abhra, a. cloudless, unclouded. 'Q i. vi aya, den, spend, waste, squander: pp. itaM. Z~ 2. vi ya, a. (going asunder), perishable (only w;ith a-vyaya); in. destruction, downfall; disappearance, loss; diminution, failure; abandonment, sacrifice; expenditure or outlay of (money, g. or 02); expense, cost, of 0) on behalf of (-arthe); means, money (rare); declension (yr.; rare): -kra, a. disbursing; -karman, en. office of paymaster. ZIRZ viftyana, n. departure (liv.1); expenditure, waste (C.). -qe~f vyaya-vat, a. spending much, extravaglant; _Salin, -sila, a. extravagant, pro — digal; -saha, a. bearing the strain of expenditure, inexhiaustible; -sahishnu, a. bearing, losses lightly. ivyayil-kri, sacrifice, abandon; spend, waste, squander. 'QM vi rtha, a. useless, unavailimig, unprofitable, vain (ord. sag.); destitute of money (rare); excluded from, not entitled to (in.); unmeamning, inconsistent (rare): -in, ad. uselessly, in vain; -ka-tva, v..uselessn ess; -ti, f. uselessness; mneaninolessness.1ntonsense; falseness: -m, gain or ya, become useless; -m, niyate, beconmes harmless; -tva, en. contradictoriness; -yatna, a. useless in its efforts; 31-kri, make useless or superfluous; iL-bhfi, become* useless. ZR~ vi alika, a. false, lying, hypocritical; is. pain, grief; falsehood, lie, fraud (sts. pl.); transgression, offence, misdeed. ZRI~~&I T v I lkasft,f kind of plant (RiV. ). WqWi vi ava-kkheda, in. severance from' (in., -'0); separation, dispersion (in a-); exclusion; distinction, discrimination; letting fly (an arrow): -ka, a. distinguishing; excluding; -kkhedya, fp. to be excluded; -dhaina, en. interposition, intervention (ord. cqqIKvyava- ara. ' 1T 'vy-pda. 303 mg.); cover; distinction, discrimination; interruption; conclusion: -vat, a. covered with (-0); -dha'yaka, a. (ike.) intervening; interrupting, disturbing; -dha'rana, si. specification; -dhi,im. covering; -siya,mz. strenuous labour; resolution, resolve, determination, purpose, to (lc., prati,..-): -vat, a. resolute, determined, enterprising; -sayin, a. id., energetic; -sita, pp. Vsfi; n. resolve, purpose, enterprise; -siti, f. resolution, determination; -stha, f. respective difference, distinction; continuance in one place (rare); fixity, permanence; fixed limit (rare); decision, establishment, settled rule regarding (0;fixed relation of, time or place (gr.); state, condition; case (rare); occasion, opportunity (rare): in. according to a fixed rule: ic. in every single case; -stha-^na, n. persistence, continuance,, in (le., ~0;steadfastness; condition, sgypl. circumstances; -sthapaka, a determining, settling, deciding,; -sth~.pana, n. encouraging; fixing, determining; _sthfipanlya, fp. to be determined; -sthita-tva, n. permanence,. fixity; -sthiti, f. distinction; perseverance in (lc.); constancy, steadfastness; fixity, permanence; fixed rule; -hartavya, fp. to be employed or used; a. im~ps. one should act or proceed; -hartri, m. one engaged on or occupied with (in.); transactor; judge. '4IU vi ava-ha'ra, m. conduct, action; intercourse, with (saha or -9); usage, custom,. ordinary li fe, general practice; action or practice of, addiction to, occupation. or business with (lc., -0); transaction,. business, traffic, trade, with (-9); contract; litigation, lawsuit, with (saha); administration of justice; majority (in law); use of an expression, talk of (O;designation,of (g.): asmad-a'griaya' vyavahi'rah ka'ryah, everything must be done in accordance with ourcommands; tair eva-atra vyavahfixah, it is just these that are here meant: -ka, us. trader; -gita, a. knowing the ways of the world, come of age; -darsana, nt. judicial investigation, trial; -pada, n. legal case; -pada, in. stage in a trial (there beingfouor:.plaint, defence,_proof,. verdict); -yitavya, cs..fp. (Vh/lri) to be occupied with (in.); -vat, a. occupied with, dealing in (_'0); in. trader; -vidhi, in. legal procedure; — sth Ana, a. legal case; -sthiti, f.legal procedure; - Asaa, n.j udgment-seat. ZRIfEMTRV vi ava -har-in, a. acting, proceeding (-0); transacting business; m. trader, merchaint'; -hfirya, fp. who may be associated with; -hita, pp. Vdhk;..hrit, a. dealing in ( —); -hriti, f. practice, conduct, action; intercourse; business dealings, trade; litigation, lawsuit. ZRTq vi ava ya, ms. intervention, interposition, separation by (in.,.);copulation; -_ aviy-n, a. intervening, separating; - ava ita-tva, n. separation by(.O) -4 vf asva, a. horseless (Br., C.); m. N. of a Rishi (1? V.). cqQf vi nsvait, 3 sg. aor. '/Svit. vi ashti, f. obtainment, success (V.); single or individual object, individuality (Vedadnta phil.; opp. sam-ashti); -samashti-ta, f. individuality or collectiveness.;R TVI AS, separate, divide: only pf. vivya'sa (E., very rare). cti 'viasana, n. [V/2. as] wagging (ofa tail); assiduity, in (lc.; rare); intense attachment or devotion to, inordinate addiction to (lc., 0) passion, esp. evil passion, -vice; favourite occupation, hobby; calamity, misfortune, disaster, distress, adversity (often I i pl.), need, evil plight (commonest mg.); destruction (of treas~ure), defeat (of an army), breaking (of weapons),accident in, evil effect of (-.0); setting (of sun or moon): _praskrita-kara, a. having the hand outstretched to inflict calamity; -br-ahma-ka~rIn, Mn. companiaon in misfortune; -vat, a. having suffered injury in regard, to (-0); -aunvita, pp. involved in calamity; -19pluta, p~p. overwhelmed with misfortune. ffr~vyasan-in, a. hard-working (rare); passionately devoted or intently addicted to (C'); having a hobby (rare); addicted to evil passions, dissolute, vicious; unlucky, unfortunate, having had a misfortune with ( —O), struggling with (famine, — 9): (-i)-ta',f. fancy for (lc.,-0); I)assionate devotion oratutachmient; evil passion; (-i)-va, a. addiction to. (-O). zff,#'ftvyvasania udaya, in. du. setting and rising. zgf# vi asi, a., swordless (sheath); - asu, a. lifeless,_ dead -.aSta, p V2 as -pada, n. counter-plaint. WIT AY& V vy~ya, cover, eneo;A. itwrap or envelop onesel fin (cc., ic.; V.): pp. vi&, concealed (1? 1.); covered or girt with (in.; P.)~. apa, A. (divest oneself of), d eny. (mvt.; C.). 9, (RF'~) put on (as a covering, ac.); wrap oneself in (ic.). upa, put on (the sacred cord over the left shoulder and underthe right arm). ni, put or hang on:pp. nivi"ta, wearing the sacred cord.. pari, put on, wrap round; A. envelop oneself in (V.): pp. panrvi.ta, wrappAd or enveloped in, surrounded by(i..; V., C.). sam, roll or cover up (R.;put on (ac., A.), envelop oneself, in (in.,.A. V.); provide or equip with (P.; V.):.pp. sainVita, wrapped in, covered with, surrounded by, obscured by,. provided with (in., );covered, clothed; put on (garment); connived at by(0 qTRT vi ft - karana, n. separation, discrimination_ (rare); development, creation (rare); (analysis), grainninar; grammatical correctness; -kartri, ms. developer,, creator; -ka'ra, us. development, detailed description; -kinapp. (VNkri); n. confusion of cases. ZRITWi vi A-kula, a. [V'kri] filled with, full of (in., -0); overcome with (sleeg, 0-); intently engaged on, busy with(-) bewildered, agitated, confounded, distracted (ord. my.); confused (of things); quivering (lightning): 0-iad.: -ta, f. intentness on perplexity, agitation; -tva, a. id. Z~f3 ' vyftkui~a-ya, den. P. agitate, distract; throw into confusion: ita, pp. filled with, full of (-0); confused, bewildered, distracted (ord. mg.); deranged; destroyed. ZR I "Tvyakulaalapa,a.speakingeconfsedly and being out of tune (lute). ZRTi ~~ vyakul'i-krit~a, pp. filled with, fulof (in., 0); bewildered, perplexed, put to confusion; -bh~Lta, pp. reduced to confusion, bewildered, perplexed. clffrfW vifi'-kritijfseparation, discrimination (Br.); detailed description (C.); explana — tionl (C.); -kopa, mn. contradiction; -kosa, a. expanded, blown; open (hand): -kokcanada, a. having expanded red lotuses: -. ta f. abst. N.; -kriya,f. evolution, creation; -krosa, us. revilement, abuse; -krosi', f. id.; screech; -kshepa, m. abuse (rare); distraction (of mind); -kshepin, a. driving away(0) -khya, f. explanation, exposition, comment; -khygtavya, fp. to be explained; -khya'tri, ms. expounder; -khya"na, a. (i1) C.: explaining, elucidating; reminding of, resembling I ag). narration (Br.); recitation (Br.); explanation, exposition, comment (Br., C.); -khya'na-ya, den. P. communicate, narrate (Pr.); -khya'-stha~ua, n. school; -khyeya, fp. to be explained; -ghattanu&, f. friction; -ghita,ms. blow, stroke, shot, impact; defeat; commotion, agitation; hindrance, obstacle; (logical) contradiction; a rhetorical figure -in which opposite effects are showns to arise from the same cause; an astronomical Yoga; -ghfirana, n. sprinkling around (in ritual). ZRT vi ft-ghra, us. [scenter: V'ghra; not in 1RV., b`ut often in AV.] tiger (type of manhood); —, (C.) tiger among = pre-eminent, chief; N.:. (a)-ketu, in. N.; -harman, n. tiger-skin; -ta', f., -tva, a. tigerhood; -pad, in. N.; -para'krama, us. N.; -pa'da, ms. N.; -bala, in. N.; -bhata, us. N. of a warrior; -sena, m. N. WMTI vyftghr-'i, f. tigress. Z~fT~S vi,~.ga, us. (a.) [V'aig] deceit, fraud; deception,. pretence, semblance, pretext:-'treacherously, deceitfully; to all appearance, in appearance only, simulated, deceitful; in., ab. under the pretext or guise of (-0); 0' a. having only the appearance of, appearing in the form of:- -nidrita, pp. feigning sleep; -maya, a. (^I) simulated, hypocritical. ZR~5 vyhga-ya, den. P. deceive. ZRUF' vyftga-supta, pp. feigning sleep; a. feigned sleep; -stuti, f. ironical praise; - ukti, f. dissimulating statement (by attributing an emotion to afalse cause: rh.). ERTT vyftda, us. beast of prey. ZRTft_ vyahd-i (or li), int. pat. (fr. vyada) of various men. [- sya, a. open-mouthed. ZgTT~f vi It-tta, pp. (iv/i. dft) opened wide: WiT?6-t-vi tyvukshl, f. mutual splashing. ZR~ vi adfna, a, opening (of the mouth). WTIT~W vri-d'irgba, a. long extended; -desa, us. detailed or special injunction. ZRT vya'dha, us. [ Vvyadh] hunter (a mixed caste): -gi~ti, f. decoy cry of a hunter. A WIT'qTV vyftdhft-ya, den. A. represent a hunter. ERTf~vif-dhi,m..[VNdhat: disorder] disease, sickness, ailment: -.~- sts. = plague of a: -ta., (den.) pp.. diseased, sick, ailing. WE vi'ina, us. [Van] breath; as one of the fizre vital airs, that schich is diffused throughout the body. ERNtRi vi fpaka, a. (iAM) pervading, widely diffulsed;_, invariably concomitant, inherent (in logic; as fivre in, smohe): -ta',f., -tva, a. diffusion, inherence. Mit[ f~f vi f-pattijf. calamity, misfortune; derangement, injury, failure; ruin, death; disappearance,,.substitution (qf a letter in gr.); -pad, f calamity, misfortune; loss, failure, disappearance, destruction; fatal deed. vi avp-ana, n. pervading, -filling; s apauilya, fp. to be pervaded or filled. ZEFWqT~vi a-padca,m.-ruLin,destruction,deatb; evil inten~t: -ka, a. fatal (disease); -pa~dana, a2. destruction, killing, death by (-O); _padaniya, fp. to be destroyed or killed: atf necessity of being killed; -pM'dayitavya,fp. to be destroyed or killed; para i. Vs. pri] occupation, employmeiit, business, concern; action, operation, function; exertion, effort; -Y, occupation with, practice of etc.; sayakum -M business of arrows (i. e. to hit 304, - C — - A qtt vyap-in. " vra-ta. 304,~j va-ta the mar4k); ''m, kri, render good offices in a matter (tatra); perform the business of (g.); meddle in (other people's affairs, lc.); -m vraq, interfere with (Uc.);.-pa~ra-ka, a. (' having - as a function; -paira-vat, a. effectivea: -t&',f. possession of the function of(O) -pra -sata, a. hundred attempts; -parita, es. pp. -'/3. pri; -pairin, a. occupied with (0'); m. workman. Tftlifvi fp-in, a. widely diffused, all-pervading; -2' extending over, pervading,reaching to: (_i)-tva, n. wide diffusion, universality; extension to (-0). ~ITff vift-prita, pp. (,/3. pri); m. official. Mg Vi apta, pp. (V/fp) pervaded etc.: -dehia, a. extending over the whole body; (i)&Pti, f.obtainment, accomplishimen't (V.); pervasion. permeation; invariable concomitance (in logic); universality; universal rule: -ka, -- a. id., -mat, a. extending; all-pervading, universal; - ' ya, fp. that in which anything is contained or inherent (e. g. smoke, in which fire inheres): -tva, n. inherence in(0 ZlrTF vi amd, m. [for vi-yama: stretch-out] measure of the extended arms, fathom: m^ trA, a. (~) measuring a fathom. MIf*P~l vi,- misra, a. mixed, blended; mingled with, accompanied by, provided with (in., — ); manifold; equivocal (speech); distraught: lc. when both cases occur at the same time (gr.); -mtoha, m. loss of consciousness; mental confusion, infatuation; uncertainty regarding (-0); -yata-t&^, f. openness (of the mouth); -yata-tva, a. robustness, muscular development; -yt-atam, abs. flying from afar (arrow); -ya~mk, m. combat, strife (rare); athletic exercise; exertion or practice in (-0): -bhuimi,f. exercising, ground, -saiah,f. gymnasium. vyatla, a.- treacherous, wicked, vicious (esp. of elephants); m. vicious elephant; beast of prey; serpent: -graiha, -gra~hin, m. snake-catcher; -tva, n. condition of a vicious elephant; -mriga, m. beast of prey. W; 4 viaf-lamba, a. hanging down, pendent; -lambin, a. id.; -lola, a. flickering, waving, tremulous; -lolana, a. moving to and fro; -avmakrosil,f. mutual abuse; -vartaka, a. (ikg) removing, excluding; n. characterisation: ta, f -tva, n. exclusion; -vairtana, a. (i') removing, excluding; averting; n. turning (of a road,; V.); coil (of a snake); lvrtnya p. to be taken back; -vartya,* f~p. to be removed or excluded. 'ZRTWFrfT~i vyatvaha~r-ika, a. (I') relating to every-day life (vyavahara), prevalent in the world, customary, currently termed; real (opp. ideal); bearing on legal cases; sociable; m. official; n. trade, business (P.). "Xrfff'f vi f.-vivritsu, des. a. wishing to rid one 'self of (ab., ~O;-vrit, f. (V.) distinction, precedence of (in., g.); cessation; -vritta-tva, n. incompatibility with (-'0); -vritti, f. deliverance from (ab.); exclusion from, loss of (ab.); exclusion (.ps.); discrimination, distinction; difference. WM~ vifisa, m. [1/2. as] separation; detailed account (in., ab., -tas, in detail); N. (arranger) of a mythical sage, the reputed editor or compiler of various extensive works (the V Iedas, the Mahadbhdrata, the Purdnas,' the Veddanta etc.), and regarded as the son of Pardsara and Satyavati. viTW yi-satiga, m. attachment, adherence; dev'otion to, longing for, passion for (le.,.5); connexion (rare); distraction (rare). ZRTE44TtRV yqsasam'sa-asad. in a detailed and a concise manner; -sama~sin, a. detailed and concise. MTtII vi f-sedha, m. hindrance, interruption; -h~ata-tva, n. contradictoriness; -hati, f. logical contradiction; -hauasya, a. extremely lecherous (Br.); -hantavya, fp. to be transgressed; -harana, n. utterance; -liartavya, fp. to be told to (lc.); -hira, m. utterance, discourse,conversation; talk about (~) song (of birds); humourous remark (dr.): -maya, a. (i) consisting of speeches or discourses about (0"); -hi'rin, a. (0-) speaking, talking; singing (bird); resounding with; -lavam, abs. separating by the interposition of the hAhva (Br.); (g)-hrita, pp. Vhri; n. speaking, talking, discourse; inarticulate speech (ofanimals), song (of birds); (a')-hiriti, f. utterance, declaration, statement; mystical exclamation (of formulae consisting of disconnected words, esp. the three bhfir bhuvakz svar). ZjiW vibjkkha, pr. base, 13. vas; u~khanti, f. pr. pt. id.; -Ukkha~n, 3 pl. pr. sub9. 3.vas; -j ukkhiti, f interruption- ukckheda~mid.;I-kya,fp. n. imps. [Vvak7n should interrupt (.; —'ta, pp. AV4. va; - utkrama, m. transgresin nverted order; u3tkr Auta, pp. (VAkram) departed: -g-Ivita, a. whiose life has departed, lifeless; - u~t-tha-. tavya, fp. n. one should desist from; -uttana, a. awaking (a certain stage in Yoga); neglect of duties; - utpatti, f. derivation, etymology; growth i-n knowledge, education, culture, comprehensive learning': -mat, a. cultured; -, Ztpa~daka, a. deriving, explaining etymologically; U.t Adana, a. derivation from (ab.); -UtpAdya, fp. to be derived; - explained; -jdaka, a. waterless; - uda~sa, m. abandonment (rare); rejection, exclusion; end (rare); - parama, m. tranquillization, cessation; close (of day; upasama, m. cessation; - ishita, pp. i. -,/vas, dwell; 2. -Vvas, shine; n. daybreak (only lc.); - fishta, pp. (Vvas) dawned etc.; (vi)-_u~shti, f flush of dawn (V.); reward for (g., le., -') requital (good or evil); grace, beauty (rare). WV vi fdha (V. - h) pp. Vfih and Vvah: -kkhandas, a.having the metres shifted (Br.); -ga~uu, a. having the knees separated; -;ras-ka, a. broad-chested. LT VI4YII, A. Vyuiha (treated as a root), Q<NN draw up in battle-array (rare, almost exclusively F.). prati, A.array oneself against (ac.), draw up (an army) against any one. Wqvi fffhd, m. shifting, displacement; distraction (of semi-vowels or compo and vowels); distribution, disposition (rare); military array, troops in battle-array (ord. mng.); aggregate, host, multitude; Purushottama's quaternity as V~dsuedeva, Samkarshana, Pradysemna, and Aniruddha; detailed ex-. position (rare); section, chapter: -rakanAm vi-dha^, assume a warlike attitude. W'q vyfth-ana, n. displacement, separate disposition; development; 4I-kri, draw up in battle-array, marshal. If vi rid dbij. exclusion, loss (V.); failure (V.) = scarcity (C.). QI~Tq( v~enas, a. guiltless (ByV.'); (vi)-eii, a.f. various-tinted (dawn; BV.1). W-t~iiT vyokatra, m. blacksmith. MIMI vyoma-ga, a. sky-going, flying;m aerial or celestial being; -gafig&, f. heavenly Gang~es; -gamana, a. (I) w. viya, f. Magical art of aerial flight; -amin, a. sky-going, flying; -kara, a. id.; m. planet; -karim, a. id.; m. god. ~vf oman, a. heaven, sky, atmosphere, air; ether (as an element; rare, C.); preservation (TS.): in. vyomna, vyoma-mar_gena, vyoma-vartmang, through the air (letc.). I~tTf0T vyoma-vyatpin, a. filling the air; -sarit, f. celestial Gangres; -stlia, a. being in the sky; -spris, a. touching the sky, very lofty; - kantav arin, a. moving exclusively in the air (bird). A7 VRAG, I. P. (K. metr.) vrkga, go, '\-walk, proceed,travel (ac.,in. of road,ac.of distance), move (of inanimate objects, clouds, etc.); go to (ac., rarely lc.), reach (ac.); *go in order to (inf., d. of vbI. N., or nm. a.; gr.); have intercourse with a woman (ac.); go against, attack an enemy (+ vidvisham, dvishatoxbhimukham); depart;-from (ab.); leave the country; pass away (time); attain, obtain, undergo, get into a condition (very commnon w. an abst. N. in ac. like, gain, i, and other vbs. of going, and to be translated like them): adlias -, sink downwards (to hell); pass down, be digested (food); anyatah -, go elsewhere; dliuryaih -, travel with beasts of burden; padbliya'm -J- go on foot; paramain gatim -, attain sup rem e bliss; punar -,re turn to this life; saran am -, take refuge with (ac.). ati, walk past; fly past (birds); pass through, traverse. vi ati, overstep (boundary). anu, go after, follow, accompany (ac.; ord. mg.); betake oneself to, visit; enter into a condition (rare): w. saiigam, attach oneself a, approach; come to, arrive at (ac.); return (~~ puanar). prati', return (in. of road). prati ud, go out to meet. pani, walk about; walk round (ac.); wander about as an ascetic mendicant. pra, proceed, depart, from (ab.), set out, to (ac., d., lc.); wander forth as an ascetic mendicant, from (ab.), to (ac.): pp. pravragita, gone away, departed, to (ac.); having left home to be an ascetic mendicant (fourth stage) or with vanam, to be an ascetic (third stage); cs. pravagaya, P. banish, from (ab.), to (ac.). anu-sam, go behind, follow (ac.). upasam, enter into (a house, ac.). 3rf vrag-d, in. (n. BYV.') fold, stall, cowpen; herdsmen's station (C.); herd, flock, swarm, host, multitude (C.); t vr~g)-ana,,n. roaming, going (elsewhere; C.); path (RV.'). wT 'WT vraga-sundaril, f. cowherdess; -striVf. id.; -.aiigaua',f. id. ITvrag-ya',f. gait; division, group, class. WT! vrana, m. (n.) wound; sore, boil, tumour; flaw, blemish: -ggranthi, in. scar; -pata -k, m.,i-a,f. bandage on a wound; -blirit, a. wounded. WT!Iq vrana-ya, den. P. wound: pp. ita, wounded; ulcerated: -hridaya, a. heartstricken. vrana-vat, a. wounded; -viropana, a. sore-healing; n. causing a wound to heal. vran-in, a. wounded; covered with sores. Wf vra-ta', n. [willed: V'vri: perk. oldlpp.] x. V.: will, command, law, ordinance; dominion; service, obedience; realm; regular sphere Or function; 2. V., C.: operation, action, doings, conduct, manner', mode of life (with suki =clear conscience); religious rite or service; duty, towards ( —O); religious or ascetic observance taken upon oneself, aus w~imvrata-grahana. sf~r.ak-ti.30 305 terity, vow, rule, holy work (suck as fasting and continence); 3. C.: vow (in general), resolve, to (d., Ic. of vbl. x., -s): ab. in consequ ence of a vow; (6,)-m kar, observe a vow, esp. practise chastity. q C14V-TI vrata-grahana, n. taking of a religious vow, turning mendicant: -nimittam, ad. in order to fulfil a religious vow; -karya, f. performance of a religious work or observance; -kir-in, a. practising a religious observance, observing a vow: (-i)-tmi,f observance of a vow. W7rfw vratdti (sts. i1), f. creeper, ~Tilvrata-dftna, n. imposition of a vow; -.dhara, a. practising a vow (only ~;-dha'rana, n. fulfilment of religious observances or of duties, towards (g., -.'); (k)-pati, m. lord of religious rites (Agni; V.); -pa, a. guarding the sacred law (.7.); -pa'rana, n. conclusion of a fast, eating after a fast; -prad~ua;, n. imposition of a fast; -bhaiiga, m. breach of avow; -bhrit, a. bearing the sacred -law or rite (Aqni); -ruki, a. delighting in vows etc., religious; -lopa, m. breach of a vow; -lopana, n. id.; (i) -vat, a. fulfilling or practising a vow; -sayYA-griha, n. sleeping apartment for the performan ce of a vow; -sampgdana, n. fulfilment of a vow or religious duty;..-stbat, a. practising n vow etc.; -sthita, pp. id.; -snita, pp. having completed one's vows (but not Vedic study): -ka, a. id.; -snahna, a. completion of one's vows; ahni f. neglect of vows; - desa, m. imposition of a vow, esp. of the frst vow of the Brahmaka'rin; - fdesana, n. initiation into a vow: -visarga, m. pl. initiation into and completion of a vow. Wf~f~rvrat-1fn, a. engaged in a religious observance, practising a vow; -0 practising; worshipping; behaving like. V VRAD, -P VRAND, {.vradate, "'become soft, give way (BV17.). -qf-Vvrand-lfn, a. growing slack (117. 2). V YRASK [present base extension of - Vvrik], VI. P. vriska, cut down, hew off, cut in pieces, -cleave, fell (tree); ps. vriskyate: pp. vriknA, cut down, felled, cleft. a^, sever from, set at variance with (d., lc.; V.). vi, hew in pieces (V., P.). 3[i vrdsk-ana, a. cutting down; suitable for cutting down; n. cutting down., hewing in pieces; incision (in a tree); m. resin obtam~ed from incisions in trees. WT vra, f. host, troop (RV7.). WT vr~ta, m. assemblage, troop; association, guild; swarm (of bees); host, multitude. WMvr~t-ya, m. [vrftta] member of a vagrant gang; member of an extra-Brahmanical association,, outcast: a, f. outcast woman; (a)~f living as a~rfitya; -stoma, m. kratu) hind of ekfiha sacrifice. VrRYIA-DH, only vradhauta and pr. \pt. vrl~dhat, wax mightily: pr. pt. mighty (117.). fTn'vrfs, f. fainger (1177.'). ~?VRItD, LI.K vrlida, be ashamed: pp. NvIdita, ashamed, abashed. ~I~vrid-a, in., a, f. (more common) shame, bashfulness: (a)-vat, a. ashamed, abashed. Ri vrlhf', in. rice: pl. grains of rice: (i)-mat, a. mixed with rice; growing rice (field); -maya, a. made of rice. ~ftfi vrih-in, a. growing rice (field). VRUD, only pp. vrudita, sunk; '~strayed,(in, a forest). '4T[ VLAG, seize, crush, throttle, only VC) N with abhi, gd. -viagy& (117.2). V \LI, IX. P. viinati, viin~ti, (V7.) crush; ps. vijyate, collapse. pra, crush: pp. priivllna. T S. sam-y~i, a. benevolent, beneficent (77.); prosperous (C.); in. N. of a son of Brihaspati. '4WF samyua-vfika,m.sacred formula containing the words sam yoh; ijuanta, a. ending with -the formula samy6h. TRSAMS, I. P. s~msa (A. guly. metr.), recite, sing (esp. hymns or verses to the gods, sp. of the Ho6tri in ritual.: 77.); praise, extol (V., C.); promise to (d.), wish anything (ac.) to (d.; 1177.); announce, report, tell, declare, - to be (2 ac.), say, - who or where any one, (ac.) is (C.; ord. mg.); indicate, show, bespeak (C.); announce, prognosticate (C.); ps. sasykte: pp. -sastb,, recited, sung, (77.); praised, extolled, recommended; auspicious; beautiful; 'happy; samsita, praised, praise. worthy (rare); cs. P. samsaya, cause to re-cite; announce, foretell. ati, recite beyond (Br.); pass over in reciting (Br.).. anu, recite or praise after any one (V.). abhi, accuse, traduce; praise (11., rare); ps. be in bad repute: pp. accused; threatened (cow). 9, A. (rarely P.) hope for, expect, reckon on, strive after (ac., sts. d., lc., inf.,ft.: w. na, have no hope, that, ft. or yadi ~ pr. or pot.); wish, long for or to (ac., inf.); recite; anflounce., foretell (P~.): pp. a~samsita, declared to be (nin.) by (in.); cs. give hope of (lc.; 1177.'). pra, proclaim, praise, extol; foretell (conj.): pp. prasast&, praised, extolled, for (Ic.); recommended, approved, esteemed, deemed good or suitable; auspicious. vi, recite (117.); divide in reciting (Br.). sam, recite together (V.)'. TV, sdms-a, in. (V.) call, invocation, praise; promise; blessing; curse: 'a, f. (C.) praise (rare); announcement (B., rare). sams - atha, in. conversation (rare); -ana, n. recitation; announcement; -anilya, fp. praiseworthy; -7itri, in. reciter; -in, a. (~)reciting; anucgdeclaring, showing, telling of, mentioning; foretelling, prognosticating; -tavya,.fp. to be recited (Br.); (simns)-tri, mn. reciter (77.); (sfims)-ya, fp. to be reoited (117.); praiseworthy (V.). T' i. SAK,V. P. Sakn6ti, be able,be cornN-petent, have power to (inf., ac., d., lc. of vblI. N.); effect; ps. sakyate, be overcome, succumb; yield to importunity: with inf. = be able to be (= inf. ps., e.g. na sakyante niyautulm, cannot be restrained) by (in.); imps. be possible: pp. sakta, capable, able, equal to (in., d., g., lc., — 9); a match for (g., prati, inf.); sakita, with, na, unable to be ( =ps. inf.); des. siksha, q. v. TAE2. SAK, IIL P. sagdhi (impv.) etc., N, help any one (d.; 117.); help to anything (g.; 77.). 'a, (117.) id.; invite to (ac.). 7JTM i. sdka, n. dung (A V., rare).. 1,TTM 2. saka, m. N. of afair-skinned people, the Indo-Scythians: -kila, m. the Saka, era (A.D. 78, founded by Sdlivdhana). sakaka, m. N.,M sakata, in. (rare), n. cart, waggon; n. with prfigfpatya or rohini-, lunar asterism Rohinl regarded as a, cart; m. n. hind of military array; in. N. of an Asura slain by Vishnu or Krishna: -disa, in. N.; -sm'rtha, m. train of carts, caravan. 7Z T sakatftra, m. N. of a monkey; la, in. N. of -the, minister of king Nanda. ITWiTf'4'T sakatatvila, in. a hind of aquatic bird.,fif-~i saa-k~ little cart, toy-cart; -in, a. possessing a cart; in. owner of a cart; -f.cart. 'kqf sdk-an (or -an), n. ordure (only saknga, saknigs, and s~kabhih). [(A V.'). ~W Rsakam-bhnri, a. bearing ordure WZRIW sdka-la, m. n. splint, log; fragment, piece, bit; potsherd; spark ( —9 w. krishnu-); half (w. kandra-, half-moon); half of an egg I shell; half-verse.: 4-ni kri, break in pieces, dissipate. [pp. ita. vi, id. 'kqjR sakala-ya, den, break in' pieces: TEW~I# sakal'i-kri, break in pieces; -bhft, go to pieces. 'kTi cR saka-vatsara, in. year of the szaka era; -varsha, Tn. n. id.; -sthm~na, a. N. of a country. 7WKT sa-krar,m~letter s; brother of aking's concubine (a character of ill-repute in plays, so called because, he always pronounces s and sh as s). JT,3j'q sak-und, m. [strong] bird (esp. of large birds and such as give omens); a. good omen: -giam, a. knowing omens; -gila'na, n. ku owledge of omens, augury; -devatA, f. deity presid~ing over a good omen; -sAstra, a. doctrine of omens; - adhishthitri, a.f. presiding over good omens (deity). Tf~ffI sak,-dni, in. bird (esp. large); N. of an Asura; N. of a king of Ga'ndhdra, son of Sabala, and maternal uncle~of the Kaurava. -princes; N. of A soka's grandfather; i-ki, f. hen-bird; N.; i-vaida, um. first song of birds at dawn (Br.). Jfr=if sakiunta, in. bird. WT~iffW~ sakfintala', f. N. of -an Apsaras (Br.); N. of a daughter of -Visvdmitra and Menakd, wife of Dushyanta, and mother of Bharata. Tjfi sakiinti, ms. bird. Ik~' sakura, a. tame, quiet (animal). J1(TiM sakuld, in. k ind of fish. VJRI sdkrit, a. ordure, excrement (nin., ac., in. sg.-, '~-): -pinda, us. lump of dung. 'JkTW sak-ta, pp. able etc.; us. N. Wfxi. sa.k-ti, f. ability, capacity, power, strength, skill, to (g., lc., inf., — 0); efficacy R r 306 sak-ti.., I'Mo sata-ka. (of a remedy etc.); regal power (which corn-:prises the three elements, prabh~va., majesty, uts~ha, energy, and mantra, counsel); active power or female energy of a deity (es~p. of Siva); force of a word, signification, function, case-notion; creative power of a poet, imagination: in. saktya' (+ Atma- or sva-), according to ability; paa akt with all one's might; saktim ahap ayt, not relaxing one's efforts, exerting oneself to the utmost. 2. sak-tf, f. (Ry.) help; bestowal, gift. 3. sak-ti (or ti), m. (BY., C.) spear. 4. snkti, m. N. of a son of Vasishitha and father of Pard'sara. '1f*i4i sakti-kara, a. producing strength; k M~r, m.N;.giia, a. knowing his powers; -tas, a. according to ability; -deva, m. N.; -dvaya-vat, a. possessed of two powers; -dhara, a. bearing a spear; m. ep. of Skanda; N.; -dhvays, rn. ep. of, Skanda; -32itha, m. ep. of Si a; nim (holding a spear in his hand), ep. of Skand a; -mat, a. possessed of power, mighty, capable, able, to (inf., lc. of vbl. iv.); provided with a female energy (god): -tva, n. possession of power;. -moksha, m. loss, of power and discharge of a spear; -yasas, f. N. of afairy, after whom the enthLambha f the Kathdsaritsdgara is called; -rakshita: -ka, m. N. of a prince -of the Kirdtas; -vara, m. N. of a warrior; -vega, sn. N. of a fairy; -sena, m. ep. of Skanda; -hara, a. depriving of strength. IT~sdk-man, n. (By.) capacity, skill; undertaking, labour. 'k sak-ya, fp. possible, practicable, capable of being (inf. w. ps. mg.: -in, n. is used impersonally or with a subject in a different gender or number); to be subdued, conquerable; literal, explicit (meaning: opp. indicated or suggested):..prztika'ra, a. capable of removal, remediable; -ru'pa, a. probably not to be (inf. w. ps. mg.);..saiika, a. admitting of' doubt; -sa~manta-t', f. condition in which neighbouring kings are conquerable. Wif sak-rd", a. (V.) mighty, strong (regular ep. of 'Indra); m. (C.) Indra: (a)-k~rmuka, es. rainbow; -ka'shthi, f. east; -ketu, m. Indra's banner; -gopa: -ka, m. cocihineal; -kapa, n. rainbow;..git, m. Indra's vanquisher, ep. of Meghana'da, son of Bdvana; -tva, n. Indra's dignity; -dantin, m. Indra's elephant, Airbvata; -dis, f. Indra's quarter, east; -dhanus, ss. rainbow; -pita, m. lowering, of Indra's flag; -pura, n., i', f. Indra's city; -banasana, n. rainbow; -bhaksha, m. (l) hemp; -loka, m. Indra's world. TMlTI'9~ sakra fyudha, n. Indra's weapon, rainbow; - sana) n. hemp; -;sana, n. Indra's thro-ne. 'Ii sdk-van, a. (r-i) capable, efficient, skilful; m. (V.) artificer. 'i salk-vara, m. [powerful], bull. Wfif sdkvari f.khind of verses or hymns (p1.); an atikkhandas metre of 7 x 8 syllables; later, any metre Of 4 X 14 syllables. itir sag-md, a. (V.) helpful, bounteous, kindly; quiet (steeds). SAN~K, I. (P.) A. sa-Aka, be anxious,. be apprehensive or distrustful, of (ab.); fear, dread (ac.); distrust, suspect (any one, ac.); hesitate, be in doubt; doubt (cc.); assume, believe, in or of any one (ac.), suppose to be (2acc.); think, imagine, fancy: eaiAke, I'think, it seems to me (often used paren thetically): pp. safikita, apprehensive, distrustful, afraid of (ab., g.,.-O), anxious about (lc., prati); supposing, assuming (rare); feared (rare); doubted, suspicious; es. P. saiikaya, fill with anxiety about (lc.). ati, seriously suspect (ac.); suspect wrongly (ac.): pp. greatly afraid of (ab.). abhi, distrost, doubt (ac., g.); be anxious: pp. suspected on account of (g.); anxious, doubtful; afraid of (ab.).. &, be anxious or fearful; hesitate to (pr. pt. nm.); fear, apprehend (cc.); expect, presuppose; suppose or assume to- be, regard as (2, ac. or nm. + iti); distrust any one (ac.); gd. Mit-saiikya, supposing the question to be asked, if the objection be raised (frequent in comm.): pp. feared, apprehended. pari, be apprehensive or distrustful; distrust, suspect any one (cc.), be sceptical regarding (ac.); believe or suppose to be (2 cc.):-. pp. apprehensive, mistrustful, of (ab., ~) mistrusted; expected, antici-' pated (in a-); supposed or believed to be (nm. + iti). vi, be apprehensive or mistrustful; be afraid of (aib.); fear anything (cc.); distrust any one (cc.); have doubts or suspicions about anything (cc.); suspect or believe ans, one to be or have (2 cc.): anyatha^ -, misjudge: pp. apprehensive of or regarding (Oor prati). Wq4IN saiik-aniiya, fp. to be distrusted, causing suspicion; to be feared, supposed, or assumed (bddhakatvena =b&dhakah); nmimps. one should suppose. 'kM sam-kard, a. (i) causing prosperity, beneficent (C.); m. ep. of Rudra or Siva (V., C.)'; N., es~p. of a philosopher, regenerator of Brahmanism (born 7 88 A.D).): -giri, m. N. of a moun tain; -gauri 'sa, m. N. of a temple; -datta, m. N. of a Bradhman; -priya', f. Siva's wife; -vardhana, m.,N.; -varman, m. N.; -vrishabha, m. Siva's (white) bull; -siddhi, m. N.; -sva'min, M. N. of a Brdh-' man; - akarya, m. N. of a celebrated scholar, author of numerous philosophical commentaries~ reformer of Saivism (died 820 A.D).). '0,5 safikav-ya, a. serving as a peg (safiku). 'JTTT safkk-d, f. apprehension, alarm, fear (Br., C.), of (ab., —, sts. lc., prati); C.: suspicion, of (lc.); doubt, hesitation, misgiving, uncertainty: —, doubting; supposition, be-' lief, presumption (of, that - is, — 9): pipasafika^ na kartavy&, you should suspect no evil: - Aataikita, pp. overcome with fear and anxiety'; - abhiyoga, m. accusation bused on mere suspicion; -'spada, n. ground of suspicion; -sprishta, py. filled with dread-.. 7f1.W~ sa-fik-i-tavya,fJp..o be distrusted; - dreaded; - doubted; n. imps. one should distrust (lc.); -in, a. afraid of, dreading(~O ord- mig.); timid or distrustful as (a crow, ~O;supposing, assuming, anticipating; full o'f apprehension (service). TTf safik-ti, m. V., C.: peg; C.: na'il, spike; stake; arrow, spear; dart (fig. of grief etc.); N.:' (u)-ka, in.. little peg; N.; -.kanna, a. spike-eared; in. N. of a camel; -pukkha, n. sting of a bee etc.; -mukhi", f. (spikemouthed), hind of leech. WM'saflk-ya, fp. to be distrusted; - expected or assumed; n. imps. one~ should fear. T safikhd, in. n. shell, conch (as a wind instrument, attribute of Vishnu; also as an ornament worn on the arm and on the ears of elephants); in. temples,. temporal bone; one of Kubera's treasures; N. of a snake demon; N. among otleerff of a lawgiver: -ka, in. shell, conch; temporal bone; -kakrapani, a. holding a conch and a discus in his hand (Vishnu); -ku~a, m. N. of a snake demon. VWT safikhana, M. N. ITW "f safikha-datta, in. N.; -dhma, m. shell-blower; -nakha, m. hind of snail; -pada, m. N. of a son of Manu Svadrokisha; -pa%1ao M. N. of a snake demon; -pura, n. N. of a town; -n-Aga, in. NT. of a king; -likhita, _pp perfect in its kind, flawless (king, conduct); in. du. Saiskha and his brother Likhita (authors of two lan-books); -valaya, m. n. bracelet of shells; -hrada, m. N. of a lake; -antara, n. (space between the temples), forehead. Wfsafskh-in, a. possessing a conch; bearing shells (water): -i1fJmother-of-pearl; a class of women (of which there are four in erotics). 1PTW sam -gayd,, a,, (-gky-i1) blessing the household (V.). '~~~sdk-ishtha, s~py. [of VIsak = 2. sak] most helpful (V.). W sdk-'I, f. [v'i. sak]i sg. & pl. might,' powerful aid (mostly of Indra or the.Asvins: liV.); favour, grace (V.); skill (17.); Indra's wife (C.): -tirtha, m. N. of a Tirtha; -nara, m. N. of a king; (sAki)-_pa'ti, m. lord of might (of Indra or the Asvins; V.); spouse of Saki, Indra (C.): -' with a word meaning eartk. = lord; -ramana, m. lover of Saki, Indra. ITU satha, a. deceitful, fraudulent, perfidious, malignant; m. rogue, cheat;. deceitful. lover: -dhi', a. wicked-minded, malignant; -buddhi, -mati, a. id. 'kTWI sand, ma. hind of hemp: (a)-t&'ntava, a. (i') made of hempen threads; -maya, a. (i) hempen; -s~fttna, n. hempen cord. kTfWU sdnda, m. N. of the Purohita of the Asuras, son of Suhra. wfT~k, sandild, m. N.TH SAT, X. sa'taya-tI, sAtaya-te, divide N into sections, cleave, sever, cut off or dlown, pluck;. cast down, overthrow (army); disperse, destroy: pp. sAtita. pra, pluck. vi, hew in pieces; cut off; knock out (eye, teeth); dispel. 'Ik~ff satd, (mn.) n. (0O a. I) a hundred (sts..pl. for sg.; with g., apposition, or..9);a smaller number '- is either additional (asitisate = 280) or multiplicative (tri-satam. =300) or the cpd. becomes an ordinal (dvi-sata - 200th); w ithb a numeral in -ka it = so many per cent (paiikakain satam =five per cent); a multiplicative is separated from it in a c~pd. by the object counted (katur-varshasatam=400 years); it is also sts. Y- instead of — P. IRAB5 sata-ka, a. (ika') consisting of a hundred; hundredth; n. a hundred, century (construed like sata); -kritvas, ad. a hundred times; -koti, r. f.pl. a thousand millions; 2. M. (having a hundred points), Indra's thunderbolt; (&)-kratu, a. having a hundredfold power or counsel (V.); containing a hundred sacrifices (Br.); in. N. of Indra (C.).: -- with kshiti- etc., lord of earth, prince, king; -khanda-maya, a. (i)cnit ing ofa hundred rays; -gu, a. possessing ahun - dred cows; -guna, a. a hundredfold, increased a hundred timDes, a hundred times stronger, more valuable or efficacious etc.: -in, a d. a hundred times more than (ab.); -gunita, pp. increased ahundredfoldahundredtimeslonger; ITWM;JT satatman. r ~sabda-ruipa.30 307 -guni-bhiva, m. hundredfold increase; -guni-bhii, be multiplied a hundredfold; -gvin, a. hundredfold (RV.); -ghni'L, f. of -han; (6,)-kakra, a. hundred-wheeled (BV.'); -tamk, a. (a', i') hundredth; -traya, n., Ii, f. three hundred; -dala, n. lotus flower; -dru (-k a), -drft, f. N. of a river ( =V. sutudri), now Sutlej; -dvaira, a. having a hundred exits (hole); -dhara, m. N. of a king; -dha, ad. a hundredfold; into a hundred parts or pieces: with bhut, be divided into a hundred parts consisting of (g.); (&)-dhAra, a. x. having a hundred streams; 2. having a hundred points or edges; m. thunderbolt (C.); -dhriti, m. ep. of Brahman and of Indra; -dhauta,_pp. cleansed a hundredfold, perfectly clean; i. -pattra, n. ()a hundred leaves; a hundred vehicles; 2. (i) -pattra, a. having a hundred feathers or leaves (1R7.'); m. woodpecker.; peacock; n. day-lotus: -yoni, si. ep. of Brahman, -4yata ikshana, a. having long lotus-like eyes; -patha, a. having a hundred paths, very many-sided; m. 7. of a Bralhmana: -brghinana, n. id.; (i)-pad, a. (-i; strg. base, -pa'd) hundredfooted; in., -i,f. centipede; (&)-parvan, a. hundred-jointed; (i)-pavitra, a. purifying a hundredfold (.R17.'); -padaka, m. centi-,pede; -pila, mn. overseer of a hundred (villages, g.); -buddhi, a. hu-ndred-witted; mn. N. of afish; -braihmana-gha'ta-ga, a. (arising from,=) equal to the guilt produced by the murder of a hundred BrAhmans; -bhaiigi.-bhft, he varied in a hundred ways; -makha, in. ep. of Indra; (&)-manyu, a. having a hundredfold wrath; m. ep. of Indra, (C.): -kapa, nm. n. rainbow; -mykha, m. (hundred-rayed) moon; (&)-ma'na, a. hundredfold (V.); weighing a hundred (Baktila's, comm.; V.); m. gold object weighing a hundred Mhnas; mi. n. weight (or gift) of a hundred Minas in gold or silver; -mukha, a. having a hundred openings or entrances; possible in a hundred ways (fall); (i) -y~tu, in. N. ygn-ayin, a. travelling a hundred Yoganas; -ra~tra, sn. n. festival of a hundred days; -rudriya, a. belonging or sacred to a hundred iRudras; - rikcin, sn..pl..designation of the composers of Mand. I. of the ]iig-veda; -laksha, n. a hundred lacs; -varsha, a. a hundred years old; lasting a hundred years; -sarkara, a. sg. hundred globules: -af condition of a -; -sks, ad. in a hundred ways, in hundreds (referring Y o a nm., ac., or in.); a hundred tim~es; (i)-sAkha,a. (a i)having ahundredbranches (also fig.); (ii)-sa~rada, a. containing, bestowing etc. a hundred autumns (V.); n. period or age of a hundred years (7.); -sriiiga, a. hundred-peak ed;..amkhya, a. numbering a hundred; — sani, a. gaining a hundred; -sahasra, n. sg. pl. a hundred thousand (w. g., ajpp., or - O); -sa,.a. winning a hundred (R1V.); -sa~hasra, a. (i') amounting to a hundred thousand, hundred thousandfold; -s6ya, a. hundredfold gain (117.'); -Svin, a. possessing a hundred (117.'); -han, a. (-ghni2) slaying a hundred (V.): -ghnil, f. hind ~of deadly weapon; -hali, a. possessing a hundred large ploughs; (k)-hima, a. living a hundred winters (V.); -hrada, f lightning. ~AMCM"I sata'Utman, a. possessing or bestowing a hundred lives (IBV.); -qAdhika, a. exceeding a hundred; 7.4nanda, m. N.; -ani~ka, sm. N. of various men; N. of an.Asura; -'&,yus, a. (-h-i) attaining the age of a hundred years; m. N.; -'aritra, a. hundred-oared (7.). qjf~~ sat-ika, a. consisting of or amounting to a hundred; hundredth: -vriddhi, a. I I winning a hundred at play; -in, a. containing a hundred, hundredfold (117.); possessing a hundred (C.). WU s-at-ri, participial suffix -at (gr.). sata'/indriya, a. having a hundred senses (Br.) - isa, m. chief of a hundred (villages). %Wff sataekiya, a. one of a hundred. I'mf asata'ti, a. bringing ahundred aids (V.). JTW sat-ya, a. consisting of a hundred. "f' sdt-ru, m. [overthrower:,.,sat] enemy, rival (V., C.); natural foe, immediately contiguous king (in policy, C.). IT'J satru-gh-na, a. slaying foes (rare); m. N., esp. of a son of -Dasaratha, and youngest brother of aidma; -in-gaya, a. conquering foes; in. N.; -tas, ad. from an enemy -a, f. enmity, hostility; -tvk, ss. id. (117., C.); -nandana, a. delighting foes; -paksha, in. side of the enemy; a. taking the enemy's side; -bhata, m. N. of an Asura; -mardana, a. foe-destroying; in. N.; NV. of an elephant; -rfipa, a. appearing in the form of an enemy; -vigraha, m. hostile invasion; -samkata, a. danger from foes. TTT satrfi-ya, den. only pr. pt. -yit, behaving as a foe, hostile (V.). i. SAD, only intv. sa'sad (V..), distinguish oneself, prevail, triumph. 2. SAD, only pf. saada, ft. satsyanti, NX and pp. sanna, fall off or out. vi ava, fall to pieces (Br.). pari, pp. fallen off or at the side,(S.). IkTi~ sad-a, in. falling off (in parna-sadd, fall of leaves); produce (of a country; S.). WAAFE~sana-kais, in. pl. ad. (dim. of sanais) gently, softly, slowly, quietly, gradually. 'JTJff sani, m. planet Saturn (son of the sun): -vara, in. Saturday. 1,TiO i sanair-bhftva, am. gradualness: w. vr..pt. =gradually. ~kTVM sanais-kara, a. moving slowly; in. planet Saturn (son of the sun). IMUsanais (R1V., ais, SB.), in. pl. sts. repeated, ad. = sanakais. 'JWj sin-tanu, a. wholesome for the body; m. N. (117., Br., C.): -tanfiga, in. son of Sanmtanu, pat. of Bhlshma. 'kT~I~RI sdrn-tama, spm,v.most bene-ficent, bounteous, or gladdening (V., -P.). 'TrifW sdin-thti, a. beneficent (TT.); f. pl. benefits (117.): i-ya, a. N. of 117. VIII, 3. TT sa'nti-vd, a. peaceable, kind (A F.1I). ~k~f san-na, pp.,-,sad; a. falling off (S.). T-4k-qsam-no-devi1J. designation of B V. X, ix, 4(AV. I, vi, i). V.yQT SAP, I. sipa, curse (ac., gnly- P.); ''scold, abuse, revile (ac.; P. A.); A. (P. mnetr.) (curse oneself=) swear, promise with an oath, vow (to, d., by, in.); A. conjure any one (ac., d.; B.): w. yadi, (curse oneself if =) swear that not; finritamt -, swear a false oath (117., IL); sapatham or sapatha~n -, utter an execration; swear an oath: pp. sapti, cursed; conjured (E.); sapita, cursed; saptava~n, =.finite vb. (he) cursed; cs. sapaya, P. conjr, exrcise (V.); causet wab (i.)pp. sApita, caused to swear by (in.); I conjured, besought, by (0-); made responsible for (-~). abhi, curse: pp. cursed; reviled; accused; cs. conjure ansy one (ac.). sam, curse any one (P.): pp. cursed. TTs-a-p, su~ffix a of the present base (yr.). 'kTq'sap-atha,m. curse, imprecation; oath:ordeal (rare): -karana, a. taking an oath; -pfurvakam,ad. with oaths; - uttaram,ad.id. IM sap-ta', pp.; n. curse; oath. 'Jtl sapha', m. (TV.) hoof; eighth (because of the divided hoofs of the, cow: ap. pada); claw (rare); wooden hook for lifting a pot from the fire (Br.): (&)_kyuta, pp. tossed up by the hoofs (dust, 117.'). 'k1CWK saphara, in., 41, f. (01 a. f. 'a) kind of small dartingfish frequenting shallow water (Cyprinus Sophore); a large fish of prey (Very rare).P 'JkTifK saphari, small fish. 'I~T~i"II sapharuka, m. small box. 'JTTIWI~ saphd-vat, a. having hoofs(17) W14 sabara, in. pI. N. of a savage tribe in the -Deccan (Br., S.); sy. Saharama, If Sahara womnan; savage, barbarian (C., kiraita, pulinda, bhilla); in. N.: -ka, in. savage; -sva'min, in. N. of an author. 'kTTW~ sabdla, a. spotted, brindled, variegated (V., C.); mixed, provided, or filled with (-' C.): -ta, f., -tva, a. mixture. W'JTf'-sabal-ita,pp.denz.variegated;-i-man, ma. variegated appearance; -i-kri, variegate. Wqi~l saball', f. cow of plenty (am. id. or -s; V.). 'J~stida, in.. sound; voice, tone, note; noise; word; C.: word-ending, suffix (gr., rare); name, appellation, title; verbal authority (as a prainAna or source of knowledge, phil.): -as kri, utter a sound, cry aloud; sabdena, by word, expressly. lpipiR sabda-karma-ka, a. having the meaning of sound; -kalpa-druma, in. T. of an encyclopaedic dictionary dating from the present century; -ka'ra, a. uttering sounds; -kosa, in. treasury of words, dictionary; -tva, a. nature of sound; -pati, in. ruler in name only, nominal lord; -patin, a. hitting (an unseen object) by its sound (arrow); -brahman, a. Brahman in words, sacred scriptures; -bha'g, a. bearing the title of(9) -maya, a. (i) consisting of sound; consisting of the word (.9;-m~tra, a. mere sound. 'JTEi sabda-ya, den. gi-ve forth so-unds, cry aloud; call, invoke; ps. sabdlyate, be called or named: pp. sabdita, invoked (deity); named. abhi, discuss, mention; designate, name. WaqWI sabda-rftpa, a. nature of a sound;peculiar sound; form of a word (gr.); -vat, a. sounding.; uttering sounds; possessing the quiality ofsound; -vidy&,f. science of sounds, grammar: - up&dhyaya, in. teacher of grammar; -virodha, am. contradiction in words (not sense), seeming contradiction; -vedhn, a. shooting or hitting by sound (without seeing the mark); -sakti,f. force or meaning of a word; -sasana, a. doctrine of sounds, grammar: -vid, a. knowing grammar; -sastr~s, a. grammar; -sesha, a. of which the name only remains; having only the title~of - left ( —); -slesha, in. verbal equivoque, pun; -saingila, a. bearing the name of(O) -saMagna, f. technical grammatical term; -sphota, ma. crackling (of fire); -hina, (pp.) a. unsanctioned use of a word. R r2 308 308 krq sabda'khyeya. ~'~rsaran-ya. I WJT~i (~kl sab da fkhyeya, jp. that may be said aloud; - fidambara, in. verbosity; -.4dimat, a. possessed of sound etc.; - anurapal a. corresponding with one's voice; z anusasana, n. doctrine of words, grammar; Z~nuara m.following a sound: in. in the direction of the sound (look). I~T~i~'sabdal-paya, den. cailto one; name; ps. be called (Pr.). [bray. WWT sabdai-ya, den. AA. sounld; cry, yell, T' sabda arnava, m. ocean of words, T. of a dictionary; - artha, in. sound and meaning (du.); nature or meaning of sounds; meaning of a word; -aiamka'ra, m. verbal ornament (such as alliteration etc.). W sabdita, pp. of sabdaya; n. cry. TRi. SAM, II. A. samishva, samlidhNyvam (V.), IV. P. samyati (V., rare), toil, labour, be active (esp. in worship); prepare; pf. pt. sasam-ana, toiling, zealous, working (esp.for the gods); pp. samita'.,kri,.2. SAM,, IV. P. (A'. metr.) s~mya, be Ncalm, quiet, or tranquil; be satisfied; be appeased, abate, cease, be extinguished: PP. Sanut6, appeased,. tranquillized, calm, free fro~ passions, quiet, still, gentle; soft, yielding;, auspicious (in augury); extiuguished; abated, subsided, removed, ceased, stopped; gone to rest, deceased, died out: s ~~ampPam, (sts. rep.) ma~y evil be averted = heaven forbid; santam (alone), id.; so help me God! dhik papam, heaven forbid; Saute pitari, after his father's death; cs. sams'ya, P. appease, calm, allay; put an end to, remove; extinguish (fire); overcome, subdue,. conquer; destroy, slay; intv. saaaiticm pletely extinguish. ava, pp. extinguished. upa, P. (k. rare) grow calm or tranquil; be extinguished; be allayed, cease: pp. upasanta, pacified; extinguished; allayed, ceased; c&. calm, pacify, allay; extinguish; cause to cease. abhi upa, pp. appeased. viuPa, grow calm; be allihyed, cease. nii, pp. customary; es. calm,; cool. pari, es. cause to cease.. pra, grow calm; be extinguished; be allayed, cease-: pp. prasinta, grown calm, tranquil; careless (rare); auspicious (in augury); extinguished; removed; abated, ceased, come to an end, vanished; gone to rest, dead; es. (sts. sAm-) allay,,soothe; extinguish; cause to cease, terminate; destroy -.pp. prasamita, caused to cease; quenched,. quelled; destroyed (foe). sam, grow perfectly calm; be extinguished; cease: pp. completely pacified, extinguished, or allayed; dead; es. allay; extinguish; cause to cease, remove; bring to an end, settle. T( 3. SAM, IX. A. only samni'she, sam` —nitha~s, injure (any one; V.). TR 4. SAM, X. P. -samaya, E..-samayan ii, perceiveJ, hear, learn, come to know, that -is or was (pred. ac.); gd. ni-samya, niisamayya, ni-sa~mya (E., P.); ps...samyate. abhi-ni, id.; gd. -sarmya. sam-ni, hear, come to know. ~sdm, indeel. auspiciously (V.); N.. blessing, welfare, prosperity (with, d., g.). JMi. sdm-a, a. tame, domestic (By.). kM2. sam-a, m. (mental) tranquillity or calmness, equanimity, quietism; peace, with (sardham);.apathy (rare); tranquillization, calm, pacification, alleviation, cessation, extinction: -irn kri, show calmness, calm oneself, be tranquil: -gir, f. tranquillizing word;..pradhiua, a. devoted to calmness. 'kTR'I sam -ana, a. (I') allaying, calming, alleviating; destroying; n. tranq uillization, alleviation; destruction; immolation: I'-Ya, a. soothiug'; n. sedative; -ayitri, mn. alleviator; destroyer, slayer. WkTRIsdmala, n. taint, blemish; fault, harm: -grihita, pp. affected with a taint (Br.). W[WIq~ sama-vat, a. calm; peaceable. ITRTWT samftgasa, N. of a locality. 'J,(TW sam~ftga, id. 'JfIT- xi. samft-yd, den. A. be active, exert oneself (1V., rare). W T142. samai-ya, P. strive- after mental calm (U.); IL. (-y) set at rest, kill (V.). 1,MiT-T sama'la', f. N. of a locality. Wf'.fi sdm-i, n. effort, toil, work (BV-.,). XifRIff sam-ita, pp. Vi. sam & es. V"2. samn; -i-trn, m. i. carver of the slaughtered victim, preparer, dresser (V.); slaughiterer (B.); 2. preserver of mental calm; -in, a. tranquil, pacific. TlI.- sdm-il, f. effort, toil, labour (V.). 'k~t2. sam4,f. N. of a tree (Prosopis spicigera or Mimosa Suma), from the wood of -which the Aranis or fire-sticks were made [perh.fr. V/i. sam, work, owing to the friction required in producing fire]: (i')-taru, in., -vriksha, in., _1atfi,f. the SamI-tree (C.); -ganbhi, a. growing or contained in the Sami; m. religious fig-tree (v. asvattba); fire; -mkya, a. (i consisting or made of SamI wood. PcTMUTM sampal-tflla, incorr. for samya'-. 'IW sdmba, in. a weapon of Indra (= vagra, comm.; By.'). IM' sdmbara, in. N. of a demon vanquished bylIndra, (V., C.); N. of a foe of the god of love (E., C.); kind of deer; N. of a hing (v. r. sambarana and sainvarana).; N. of a juggler (for -siddhi; Pr.); n. magic (C.). WWTW! sambarana, m. N. of, a king (incorr. for samvarana). TIT sambara-da'rana, in. ep. of the god of love; -ripu, on. id.; -vritra-han, mn. ep. of Indra; -siddhi, on. N. of a juggler (Pr.);..ha'tya, a. slaying of Sambara (V.); -han, m. ep. of Indra. 1RIEW sambala, n. provisions for a journey. 1TFIff~samb-in, m. rower, boatman (AV.). '3 sambu, in. N.: -ka, m. N. of a Si-idra. '~~jsambfika, m. shell; snail.; N. of a 0.A pious SIdra slain by Baona. ITI sambhala, m. N. of a locality; 3, f procuress: -ya, a. belonging or relating to a procuress. 'JJsam-bhii (or UU), a. beneficent, benevolent (V7.); m. (C.) N. of Siva:- -kintg, f. Siva's wife, Gaurl; -nahasyn, a. T. of a work; -vardhana', on. N. W9I sambhu", a. = sambhui. [wedge (V.). ~RTsamya, f. stick, wooden pin, peg, 4'4 *qI CU1 samya'-tftla, m. kind of cymbal. J, say-a, a. (0O with a word in lc. case or sense or sts. ad.) lying, sleeping, reposing; dwelling, haunting; m. (rare) sleep; couch; hand. JIT I say-titha, m. lair, abode (v) TMIQ say-d-dhyai, d. in vSi (B Y.). X ~~ say - an a, a. resting, sleeping (very rare); n. bed, couch; recumbency, sleep, repose: -griha, n., -bhtui.sleeping chamher; -vasas, n. sleeping garment; -sakhi, f. female bedfellow (of a woman); Z_4v&sa, mn. sleeping chamber. IkTIiftI sayanil-kri, turn into a couch. I Wft. sayan-iya, a. suitable for lying or sleeping on; fp. n. one should lie down or sleep; n. bed, couch: -ka, n. id.; -griha, n., -viisa, on. bed-chamber. say-'a, f. [v/si]: couch (By7.'). ITZ" say-ftna, pr. pt. v/s. ~14T;Si saya bga, n. lotus~-like hand. 'WkTTi say-AMu, a. sleeping, indulging in sleep. I~fWr say-i-ta, pp. V/si1; n.* place where any one has lain or slept; -itavya, fp. n. one should lie, rest, or sleep: mayfi hutavahe -,I must~ throw myself into the fire. IM say-si, a. l ying, resti ng (B F.); in. N. of a protigel of the Asvi'ns (By.). Isay-e, V. = sete, 3 sg. pr. of V/sii. 'kTRT say-yfl, f. [vN/sii: to be lain on ]. couch, bed (ord. ong.); lying, resting,.-sleeping: -griha, a. bed-chamber; _palaka, mn. guardian of a (royal) bed: -tva., n. office of guardian of the bed-chamber; - Avfisa-vesman,n. -vesman, n. bed-chamb-er; asana-bhoga, in. pl' lying down, sitting, or eating; ut thiyam, ad. on rising from one's couch,. early in the morning;, Zujtsaiiga, in. surface of a couch. 1,TK i. sar-6, in. [destr oyer: v/,sri'] V., C.: reed (sp. Saccharum Sara used, for arrows); arrow;. N. (By.); N. of an Asura (B.). ITK 2,. sar-a, n. [prob. = sara, fluid], water (rare); 3. sour cream (rare). sara-ketuMi. N.; -ikshepa,mi._arrowshot (distance); -gokzara, on. range of an arrow, arrow-shot distance. ITMI sarakc-7-andra, in. autumnal moon (parinata-, full -); -kandriki, f. antumn moonlight (parinata-, a. f. having autumnal full-moonlight); _khai1i, in.I autumnal rice (shli). T'I(sara-ganman, nm. (born among reeds), ep. of Kirttikeya; -gAla, a. multitude of arrows: -maya, a. consisting of a cloud of arrows. W ---4tR sarag-gyotsnft, f. autumnal moonlight. [collapse. WT3!T i. sar-ana, n. [ v/sri] falling to pieces, ~1~2. sar-and, a. [v/3. sri] protecting, guarding (V., 1E..); on. (C.) N. of apoet; a. shelter, hut, habitation (V., C.); protection, refuge (C.): — 9, refuge with or for: -mn gain, ayec ot (ac.) for protection, seek refuge with (ac., rarely g.). WWITfId saranajAgata, pp. come for protection, seeking _refuge; m. suppliant for shelter, refugee: -ghataka, -hantri, on. slayer of suppliants for protection, -ti, f. supplication for protection; - athin, a. seeking shelter or refuge. [(ac.). W1'KIVF saranil-kri, seek the prote ction of saran -ya, a. granting or affording shelter, protection, or help to (g.,.2); seeking refuge, with QY-; rare). I'mow sara-talpa. sal-ya. 309 17fW sara-talpa, mn. couch formed of arrows. 'ZKt"TiMsarat-kAla, m. autumnal season; -padma, n. autumnal lotus; -samaYa, M. autumnal season. [' winters'). WK sardd, f. autumn: pl. = years (lilke ~RTsara&-at, f. N. 9 flsarad-ambudhara, m. autumnal cloud.[autumnal. saradi-ga, a. produced in autumn, IT!kW sarad-ghana, mn. autumnal cloud; -dhima-ruki, m. autumnal moon ~ -vadhfi, f. autumnn as a woman. WNsara — dhi, m. arrow-case, quiver; -nikara, m. shower of arrows-. 'q saran-megha, m. autumnal cloud: -vat, ad. like clouds in autumn. 17RI sara-bha', m. kind of deer (V.); a fabulous eight-legged animal (a match for lions and ele~phants;' C.); N. JTJW sara-bhahiga, m. N. of a Rishi. JTI~RT['IJT, sarabhafinanaf, f. N. of a sorceress. W1CR;.'~sara-bheda, m. arrow-wound and failure of cream; -vana, n. thicket of reeds:-bhava, a. born in a thicket of reeds (god, =Kbrttikeya), - udbhava, m. ep. of Kkrttikeya; -varsha, n. i. shower of arrows; 2. shower of water, rain (pl.); -varshin, a. discharging water; -vega, m. (arrow-swift), N. of a steed. sarav-ya, n. [fr. sau]. target, aim: -ta, f. condition of a target; -vyadha, a. hitting a mark. ITTER1 saravya-ya, den. P. make a mark of. ati, take steady aim at. W ITsaravyA, f. arrow-shot (VF.). IT!KT' saravyft-ya, den. A.form the aim. ITTRIWZOT!, saravy - karana, n. making one s aim. V,,lq sara-sayana, n.. couch formed of arrows for wounded warriors; -say P,f id. W1TI( sdr-as, n. [V.sri] cream, film on boiled milk- (:V.); thin layer of ashes. (S.). 71;TF sarasatt-kri, hit with an arrow. 2ftq~kqw sara-stamba, mn. thicket of reeds. 74RT'~ sara-ya, den. A.become or represent an arrow. wI~fT saranr, f. kind of heron. 7k W sar-'aru, a. noxious, injurious. 1fMTq sarava, mn. n. shallow earthenware dish, plate; flat dish-cover; a measure of corn ( =2 prasthas): -kay 0~- a- (i'k&) plate; -sampita, mn..appearance of dishes: e vritte, when the dishes have ceased to appear, when the meal is over. TkM (7f sara&-vat-i', f. N. of a river; N. of a town. IKT 11ft"sara saiii, mn.f. thunderbolt of an arrow. JI~IMft sarat-sari, ad. arrow against arrow. I~TT~ sara sana, n. (discharging arrows), bow: -dhara, m. archer; -vid, a. skilled in archery. 7RTERK sara atsara, mn. shower of arrows. 'KS sdr-ira, (Me.') n. [solid support: -V/3. sr-i] V.: frame: _pl. bones (V.); V., C.: body; C.: solid body (rare); one's person. BE ~sarira-ka, n. (-'O a.f.ikM&) awretched tiny body; the wretched body; body (metr. for sarira); -kartri, in., -krit, in. father; -karslrana, n. emaciation of the body; -grahana, n.. assumption of a bodily form; -ga, a. produced, from, belonging to, performed with the body, bodily; mn, offspring, son; god of love; -ganman,. a. id.; -tulya, a. (equal to =) dear as one's own body; -tya'ga, in. abandonment of the body, renunciation of 'life; -danda,im.corporalpuinishment; -dhitu, im. hief constituent of the body (flesh, blood etc.); -dhrik, mn. corporeal being; -nip ata, mn. collapse of the body, falling down dead; -ny&sa, mn. casting off the body, death; -pata, in. collapse of' the body, death; -pida', f. bodily suffering; -prabhava, in. begetter, father;..baddha, pp. confined in a body, incarnate; -bandha, mn. fetters of the body; assumption of a (new) body, rebirth: in. bodily (disappear); -bh~g, in. embodied being; -bheda, in. collapse of the body, death; -yashti,f. slender body, slim figure;.ygtra', f. sustenance of the body; -yoga-ga, a. produced from bodily contact; -vat, a. provided with a body; substantial; mn. embodied being; -vimokshana, n. liberation from the body, death; -vritta, pp. careful of his body or life; -vritti, f. maintenance of the body, support of life; -vaikalya, ns. indisposition of body, distemper; -susrfisha^, f. personal attendance; -soshana, n. mortification o f the body; - samndhi, mj oint of the body; -sfida, mn. bodily exhaustion, emaciation; -stha, a. existing in the body; -sthiti, f.maintenance of the body.,k#TTI -fW sarira fkriti, f. gesture, mien; - anta, mn. hairs on the body;, - anta-kara, a. making an end of or destroying the body; - abhyadhika, a. dearer than one's own person; - ardha, mn. half of the body; - avayava, Mn. Part of the body,.member, limb; avarana, n. shield., T~t Tfsarir-in, a.-possessed of a body, corporeal, embodied; having - as a body m-);i. thing endowed with a body (of trees etc., rare), embodied being,. creature, esp. man; soul. RI Jsariri-bh-ft, become embodied, assume bodily shape. [V) 71 sdr-u, f., rarely in. missile, dart, arrow W~T.;I-f saro-grihita, PP.-covered with a skin or film (Br.). ITft#R sara ogha, mn. shower of arrows (pl.). KI* sdrkara, a. gritty (Br., S., rare); in. pebble, small stone (rare); grit, gravel, ground sugar (E. mnet r.for A,, rare): itif. (ptI.) gravel (V., C.) ground sugar (C.): -karshin, a. carrying along gravel; -varshin, a. raining gravel. Wjt2TW sarkarat-la, a. wafting coarse sand (wind); ila, a. gritty, gravelly.,k~TV sa'rdh-a, x. a. [V/sridh] defiant, bold (1WV.); 2. in. host. (esp. of the Maruts: RV.). [,?~ sd'rdh-at, V. pr. pt.. [V~sridh] bold, defiant, mocking. IT~q sarclh-ana, n. farting. 'k sdr-man, n. [V3. sri] shelter, protection (V.); refuge, safety (C., rare); pleasure, delight, happiness, bliss (C.);frequent ot the end of names of, Brdhmnans (as varman, of Kshatriyas). C, sarma-ya, den., only pr. pt'. _ykt, protecting (BiV.3 ~'.I W Rsarma-vat, a. containing the word sarman (name). UTf4UT sarm-ishtha', f. spv. (of sarman) N. of a daughter of Vrishaparvan and wife of Yaydti. ',TM sdr-ya, in. Efr. sara] arrow (BRV.). WIWTWI saryan'a- vat, m. (reedy) pond (B V., rare), fig. of Soma-vat (according to comm. N. of a lake or district in Kurukshe. tra, RIV.". 'JTiT sdr-yat, f.- (RV.) cane, shaft, arrow: pA wicker-work of the Soma sieve. W4T~'ffsIrya'ta, m. N. of a Rishi (V.). 1T~hf'ff saryatif, m. N. of a king, son of Mann Vaivasvata. Wrsarvd, m. [ fr. saru]- N. of a god slaying with arrows, mentioned along with Bhava and other names of Rudra-Siva (V.); N. of Siva (C.). WiT~ sarva-ta, m. N-.; -datta, m. N. of a teacher; -patni, f. wife of Sarva, Pkrvatl; -parvata, m. Siva's mountain,. Kailhsa: -visin', f. eL p. of Durg5,. I(1'sarvar'i, f. [of sarvara, variegated], motley steeds of the Maruts (pll'; 'By.'); star-spangled night (Br. rare, C. common): Isa, m. lord' of night, moon. W4-;R'sarva-varm~an,.. m. N.; - akala, m. Siva's mountain, Kailasa. WkTf!t sarv-atnii, f. Siva's wife. '1TfWql sarv-ila-ka, 111. N. T'gi' SAL, I. P. -sala. ud, uk-'khaiati N (finite verb, occurs on ly, once), rise up: pr. pt. ukkhaiat, springing up, rising; pp. ulclchalita, sprung up, risen. pra -d, pr..pt. springing up, -spirting (blood)., 'kT;R sald, m. staff (V`., rare); m. or n.() quill of a porcupine, only — 0w. numeral's (Ve.). 'kT~qMsala-bha, m. grasshopper, locust; perhaps also night-mnoth: ta, f, -tva, n. condition of a grasshopper. IfWMT- salabha-ya, den. act like' a grasshopper, rashly leap into the fire. (= certain death). IM sala-la, n. quill of a porcupine;' also boar's bristle (i): i'L, id. used in the ceremony of parting the hair and for apligclrium (V.). EfTiI salaka, in.2, aka f. small stick, thin rod, switch, bar (of a cage or window), rib (Of anm umbrella), pencil (for applying collyrium-); finger, toe (rare); pointed instrument for piercing, arrow-head,.needle. '1TW salfttu, in. sm unripe fruit;. aunripe (fruit; rare). WkRTU'K salattura, N. of Pdn'ini's birthplace. IP~K slka, in. n. chip, shaving (V.); fishscale (C.). wl ifTWTsalkal-in, a. having scales, scaly. IT salki, incorr. for kalkii. "JTW salpa: O -ka, incorr. for salya: -ka. JTII f isalmali, in. a tree (Salmalia malabarica; V'.). 'kT sal-yd, m~n~point of an arrow or spear; thorn, sting, dart (fig.); in. N. of a king of Madra,unele of Yudhishthira; N. of a king; n. incorr-for saitya. 310 A A salya-ka. a a 1. TTqrft s k r-A I v isa'Iya-ka, m. porcupine; scaly -fish (rare); -kartri, m. arrow-maker; -karttri, m. surgeon; -krinta, m. id.; -vat, a. having an arrow-head sticking in it (deer); owning the arrow-head ( = having killed the animal); -hartri, m. surgeon. IMM salla-ka, m. [for sal ya-ka] porcupine: I,f. id.; incense tree (Boswellia thserifera). ~SAV, V. ~2. Su. sav-a, m.n. [V12.S-i] corpse: -karman, n. burial; -maudira, n. burial-place; -rftpa, n. hind of animal (S.); -sata-maya, a. covered with a hundred corpses; -sayana, n. burial-place; -sibikai,f. bier; -siras, n. skull. IfZK savara, OW la, v. ITZ sabara, IOT la. ITqk saiv-as, n. [.N/i. sll] might, prowess, valour (V.; sts. pl.): in. 4~, mightily. "M-W( savas-aknd, pt. (,v'I.sft) exceedingly mighty (V.). WT f'Isavaagni, m. funeral fire (Br.); -ann. funeral food (Br., S.). ' f sav-ishtha, spv.[ Vi. sfijmost-mighty or heroic (V.); (skv)-ira, a. mighty (RIV.). 'kV[ SAS, I. P. sasa, leap, bound (very N rare). ud, _pp. ukkhasita, leaped up from, abandoned (very rare). IM1 sash', m. [for original sasa] hare, rabbit (which, as well as the antelope, the marks in the moon are suzpposed to resemble)-: -ka, mi. (little) hare (C.): -visha'na, n. horn of a hare - an impossibility; *.sisu, m. young of a hare. 7'11"NK sasa-dhara, m. (bearing a bare), moon; -pada, n. hare's track (easily got over); -bhrit, m. (hare-bearer), moon. I(~sas-ayA, a. [cp. sasvat] ever-flowing, unfailing (RiV.).!Wfsasa-lakshman,m.(hare-marked), moon; -1ahikhaua, m. id.; -visha'na, n. hare's horn (an impossibility); -srifiga, n. id. WIfVIU sasaafika, m. (hare-marked),moon; N.: -kula, n. lunar race: -bhfishana, n. ornament of the -; -pura, n. N. of a town;.-mukuta, m. (having the moon as a diadem),.N`., f Siva; -lekha', f. moon-streak, cres.,cent; -vat-", f.N.of a princess( (fer whom the twelfth Lambalca of the XKatha'saritsdgara is called); -vadana', f. moon-faced woman;.-ardha, m. half-moon: -=ukha, a. havingahead shaped like ahalf-moon (arrow), -sekhara,,xn. ep. of Siva. [hare (moon). I'l nflI sasa aikita, pp.- marked with a 1fltMqT sasi-kalft, f. digit of the moon, crescent; moon; N.; -khanda, m. or n. crescent; m. N. of afairy: -pada, m. N. of a fairy; rga,, m. son of the moon,.planet Mercury; -tegas, m. TV. ofa fairy; -divahkara, m. du. moon and sun. [N. Tf~ivsas-in, m. (containing a hare), moon; I' v2 sasi-putra, ~m. son of the moon, -planet Mercury..; -prabha',f. N.; -bhrit, m. moon —bearer, ep. of Siva;. —mani, m. moonstone; -mandala,ssn. disc of the moon; -maya, a. connected with the moon; -muhf. moon-faced woman; -ma~iil, M. (having the moon as a diadem), ep. of.Siva; -rekb^, f. (moon-streak), N.; -lekha^, f. crescent; N. of an Apsaras; N.,; -vamsa, in. lunar race: -ga. sprung from the -; -sikhji-manip m. (having the moon as a diadem), ep f ia -sekbara, m., id..oSi; V S68 sd-yas, cpv. (of sasvat) m ore numerous, richer (BV.). 'Tj1I sasl~sa, m. ep. of Siva: -sisu, m. sonl of Siva, Skanda. ITT-f sa's-v-at, a. Eold pr. pt.] (S&SVat-i or 4") ever-recurring, innumerable, perpetual, endless (11 V.); frequent, numerous (II V.); all, every (V.); n. ad. repeatedly, perpetually, always,ever (V., C.); forthwith, at once (Br.gnly. with ha; C. rare); it is true, certainly (Br.): sisvat - sksvat, as soon as - at once (Br., rare); sa'svat Pura', from immemorial time (BV.): -tamA, spy, very frequent, everlasting (B F.): -in, ad. again after innumerable times, once more (RV.). [(BV.'). W'WVT sasva-dhg, ad. ever again, for ever -— f~ sashkuli (or i1),f auditory passage, orifice of the ear; kind of pastry. 1TW sdshpa, n. young grass, sprouting rice etc.; grass; n. (?) loss of presence of mind: -bhug, -.bhogana, m. grass-eater; -da, a. graminivorous. [green. IT M sashpil-kri, turn into grass, colour -~(BE'), sAsti (VS.,,Br., S.), slaughter, cut down (very rare): _pp. sasta, cut down (very rare). api, in api-sasas, cutting off (Br.). vi, cut in piece4,, dissect, slaughter (V., C.). "IT". sds -nun, n. slaughtering (RV. 2) I(s&S)-&, f id.(B71 WRTF sas-td,:r. pp. V~sains; n. praise; -ta, 2. pp. cut down (Vsas); -ta, 3._pp. (V'shs) punished (E., rare); -ta, 4. n. kind of belt. Tf sas-tif, f [Vsams] praise (BV.2); praiser (BV';(sis)-tri, m. dissecter,(V.). W~~ r~sas-trs, n.[V/sams] invocation, pas *(a ritual terms applied to the verses recited by the Ho6tri and his assistant as an accom-,paniment to the grahas in the Somna libation; Br., S.); recitation (Br., S., rare). 2. sa's - tra, n. [Putting instrument,: Vsag] knife, dagger, sword, weapon; C.: arrow (rare); sword war. WI T4 T sastra-karman, n. surgical operaation; -kali, mn. duel with swords;..kopa, in. raging of the -sword or war; -graha, m. taking to the sword, combat; -grihaka, a. bearing arms9, armed; -ghita, in. stroke of the sword; -devata', f. goddess of war,(only pl.); -dha'rana, n. bearing of the sword.; -nidhana,,a. dying by the sword; -fir-. yina, a. id.; -nya'sa, m. laying down of arms, abstention from war; -pa~ni, a. holding a sword in one's hand; -pa'nin, a. id. (mietr.); _p~,ta, in. cut with a knife; -prahara, M. sword-cut.;..bhrit, a. bearing arms, armed; m. warrior; -,vat, a. armed with a sword; -vihita, pp. inflicted with a weapon; -vritti, a. living by the sword, following the profession of arms; -vrana-maya, a. consisting in wounds caused by weapons; -sikshls, f.skill with the sword; -s ~am ta, m. discharge of missiles, conflict; -hata,._pp. slain with the sword. ITW sastra ftgiva, a(I) living by the sword; in. warrior; - auta, a., dying by the sword; - ayudha, a. using the sword as a weapon, following the profession of arms; -_avapfita, m. injury by a weapon; 4-sastri, ad. sword against sword; - stra-bhrit, a. bearing sword and missile: -tva, n. performance of military duty. ~fTsastr-ika f. knife, dagger; -3.f. id. WfITPTsastr-in, a. i. reciting a Sastra; 2. armed, with a sword etc.:4'lfi sastraj ipagivin, m. professional soldier. TfIT sgs -man, n.[/sams] invocation, praise (RV.'); (sas)-ya, fp. [Vsams] to be recited or treated as a Sastra (Br.); to be praised (C.). 'kI sasya, incorr.for sasya. TT. SA, III.- (B V.) sis&', sAs (2 impv. sisih & dhi), grant, bestow; present, regale, with (in.): pp. site.. A, cause.to partake of or enjoy (lc.). ni, present, offer; regale; strew, spread out. ti (C., very rare): pr. pt. -sana, (S., very rare), sharpen, A. -oes(apons etc.): pp. sita, (C.) sharpenedl, sharp; thin; sitb., (BV., C.) sharpened, sharp. ni, sharpen, A3-. sharpen for oneself: pp. -sAta, (C.) sharp; thin.,; K(ni)-sita, sharp (C.); keen, eager for (d..; BV.). nis, pr. pt. nihsyana, sharpening one's (sword; Br.). sam, (-V.) sharpen, A. - one's (weapons etc.); kindle, stimulate, prepare for (d.): pp. sfinsita, sharpened (Br.); sharp (speech; E.); prepared, determined, resolved on (lc.; of persons; V., C'.); prepared, equipped (of things; 77.); firmly adhered to, rigid (vow etc.; C.). WT4 sftmvat-ya, mn. [fr. sainvat] N. of a teacher. 7'TIfiT3 sflmsapd, a. derived from or made of the Simsaph (Dalbergia Sissoo, a large and beautiful tree). TTNi. sak-a, m. [ V~.2sak] help, aid (R V.'1); a. i, helpful, m. helper (BV.). 'k~i2. sa'ka, n. potherb, vegetable; vegetable food; m. N. ofa tree (Tectona grandis). 'kTTM3.satka,a.relating to the Indo-Scythians (Sakas) or their princes; m. n. (so. samvatsara) Shka year (78 -A.-D.); era: -kala, in. Shka era. WTfTiZT7I sa'kata'yana, m.pat. (fr. Sakata) of an ancient grammarian quoted by Ydska and Pdnini. afi~ fkat-i'ka, in. (fr. sakata) carter. 7TR N1 sftka-pftrthiva, in. vegetableloving king (stock example in yr. of a madhyama-pada-lopin cpd.); -pindi, f. ball of vegetables. WrTRVVJWi- sflkapftni, in. pat. (fr. sakapftni) N. of an ancient grammarian mentioned by Yd~ska etc. WT~TEN~ sflka-bhaksha, a. vegetarian: a f. vegetarianism; -rasa, m. edible vegetable juice: i-kri, turn into vegetable juice. WkT~q sfikala', a. relating or belonging to, derived from, the Sfikalas or followers of Siikalya; mn. n. ( =s~kala) chip, piece (Br., S.); mn. followers or school of Skkalya (pl.); kind of serpent (Br.); n. text, mainual, ritual etc. of Sfikalya; N. of a town in Madra: -hoMiya, a. belonging to the sacrifices according to the Stkalas (verses). 'WfMIW sflkal-ya, in. pat. (fr. sakala) N. of a celebrated Vedic teacher to whom the arrangement of the Pada text of the Big-veda is attributed. [garden; i-k, f. id. 1,TTqIMTZ sftka-vfita, in.: -ka, in. vegetable W TT# sflkfr-i, f. (sc. bhftsh&) dialect in which s is pronounced instead of sh or s, language of the Sakfiras, Sakas etc., WqjMsakasana. a smbara. 311 WfTV14, q' shka sana, a. feeding or 'Living on vegetables; - gh~ra, a. id. WTf#Ksfk-fn, a.. (once A~kin) mighty, succouring, helpful (V.); -in&, a. (RV.'-) id. rr'ift skidnii, f. kind of female demon: -tva, n. condition of a Shkini. WTrciPT satkuna, a. (i1) belonging or relating to, derived from, birds (sakuna); m. birdcatcher; n. augury: i-ka, m. bird-catcher, fowler; fisherman (U., rare). WT~iT sAkuneya, a. composed by Sakuni. WTi' T sa'kuntal-a, m. son of Sakuntalat, met. of Bliarata; n. story of Sakuntalfi; fT. of a well-known play by Kdlida'sa. TTIS'ktd, a. belonging or relating to, derived from, the Saktis of Siva; m. teacher (BV.'); worshipper of the Saktis of Siva (C.). WT'&j~i sAktil-ka, m. [fr. sakti] spearman, lancer. kT.TM saktyd, m.pat. (fr. sakti) ofGauri'viti. vTlc~s Ak-man, n. help, aid (By.') 'UTsftk-ya, in. [pat. fr. saka] N. of a warrior tribe in Kapilavastui, which derived its origin from the sun, and in which Buddha was born: -pai1a, mn. N. of a king; -putriya, m. Buddhistic monk; -bhikshu, m. Buddhistic mendicant: -ki', f. Buddhistic mendicant nun; -muni, m. Ascetic of the 85,kyas, ep. of Buddha; -sAsana, n. religion of Buddha; -simha,, m. Lion of the Sakyas, ep. of Buddha.. WkT~II satkra, a. (II) relating, belonging, or addressed to Indra: i,f. ep.o ug =n dr~nl); 3i-ya, a. id.; with dis, f. east. 71( W shkvard, a. mighty (VT.); belonging etc. to the Siman Sakvara or to the Sakvarl verses (V.); m. draught ox, bull (C.); n. kind of ceremony (S.); N. of one of the six chief Sdmans (based on the Sakvarl verses). ITI sAkha, m. a manifestation of Skanda (regarded as his son). WT'W savkha, f. (-9 a. a, i.) branch (V., C.); extremity, limb, arm (C., rare); finger (V., very rare); species, subdivision (C., rare); branch of the Veda, Vedic -school (dY.). 'TTIW~W skh$ftaiga., n. limb of the body; - & da, a. bran-ch-eating; m. branch-eater (a class of animnals such as goats or elephants); -nagara, n. suburb; - autara, n. another Vedic school: -i.-ya,.a.1belonging to -; -pasu, m. victim tied to a branch (instead of to a sacrificial post); -prakriti, f. pl. secondary (eight) kings to be considered in war (o~pp. mftla-prakriti); -bhrit, m. tree; -maya, a. consisting of branches of ();-mriga, m. (branch animial), monkey; -rathyal, f branch or side road. wii~ satkh-lin, a. (C..) provided with branches; divided into schools or recensions (Veda); adhering to a particular Vedic school; m. tree; adherents of a particular Vedic school (C., rare); -ila, m. N.; -iya, a. belonging to the school of (.) TMI sakhota: O;% -ka, m. N. of a small crooked ugly tree (Trophis aspera). WT~f' samnkara, a. (i') relating or belonging to iSiva (Samkara); relating to or derived from Samkarniharya: 3i, M. pat. of Skanda. sanku-ka, m. (fr. safiku) N. of a Poet. IrTWI f~fT saiikha-likhita, a. composed by Safikha and Likhita. WTW 4f saftkhtyana, m.pat. (fr. safskha) N. of the author of a Brahnmana and two Siltras: pl. his descendants; a. (i) relating to SAfikhayana; n. Shfikhiyana's work. WJTfW'qi sAfikh-ika, m. [fr. saikha] shellblower. WkTT sAta, in., II, f. (strip of) cloth, petticoat; a-ka, M. n. id. WT'24T9'q satyayana, mn. (pat. fr. sattya) N. of a teacher and legislator: -ka, n. doctrine or treatise of Shty&yana; i-n, in. p1. followers of Saty&yana. WTT1 sath-ya, n. [satha] deceit, guile, perfidy, knavery, dishonesty. TTi. sAnd, a.. (i) hempen; mn. garment of hemp:. 3, f. id.. 1TTT2. sana, in., Af hone; touchstone. WTTT 3. sbIna, in., AJ. a certain weight ( 4 m~shas). UWTTW94[i sAna asma-ka, m. whetstone; touchstone; - asman, in. id.; - paia, mn. whetstone. ~3fftI~ sandila, a. derived from or prescribed by Shndilya (Br., S.); m. pl. descendants of,Sandila: i^, fi N. of a female Bradhman to whom divine honours were paid, regarded as the mother of.Agni; N.: -mahtri, f. mother S~ndill. WTf~IUW sa~ndil-ya, in. pat. (fr. sandila) N. of various teachers; a. derived from or composed by Skndilya:. -vidyi, f. doctrine of iSkndilya. Xrf. sn-ta, pp. (12. sa) sharp etc. 1TTff.2. satt-a, in. [Isat] falling out (of hair or nails). TTrrff 3. sdta, n. (?) joy, delight (rare). WPTTi'j[ sa'takumbha, n. (derived from the river Sata-kumbha)7Igold (sts.pl.); a. golden: -drava, n. fluid gold; -maya, a. (II) golden. X'1fTf[#t sattakaumbha, a. (i) id. 1TTM'' satakratav-a, a. (i) relating to Indra (Satakratu): with sar~sana, n. rainbow; with Asa, f. east. 'W" saft-ann, a. (i) causing to fall; cutting off, clipping (wings); destroying, wearing, out (the body); n. causing to fall off, clipping, plucking; destruction; means of removing (hair etc.). WkTW-'qW sattapatha, a. (1) relating or belonging to, based on, the Satapatha Brahmann. WFI*FRT:r,3 Atama-nyav-a, a. (i) relating or belonging to Indra. (Satamanyu): w. Asa',f. east. [(satahradh). WII. s"-;rAtahrada, a. peculiar to lightning I't IUelIR' statvatapa, in. N. of a lawgiver. W~frf'~sAt-in,a.[FVsat] clipper (of wings,-0O). WT i~sgtaudara, a. (i) slender-waisted. 'JTT~q'W sattrav-a, a. hostile; m. enemy; 4-ya, a. belonging to, the enemy, hostile. W smad-a, in. falling off of (leaves, in parna.); grass (V.); -ana, n. falling off,' WRW'sad-vala,a. [satda] covered with grass; green, verdant (grass); leafy (tree); n. sg. &p 1. grass-plot, green — vat, a. grassy (place). 7.E irI s-ana-k, the participial sufla an -n, the participial ssuffix nan when the radical syllable, is accented. fTirq'q' shnais-kara, a. relating to Saturn; occurring on Saturday. 'JTTf[ satntadpp. v. -V'2. sam; m. N.: -ketas, a. composed, calm; -gvara, a. having one's grief assuaged; -ta',f. quietism, freedom from passion; -tva, n. id.; -manas, a. composed. '7fTV[I samitanav-a, a. (i1) composed by Samtanu; m. pat. of Bhlshma. T'1fTf sa'mtanu, in. later form of the N. sfmtanu. WTWFW santa-ya, den. P. calm any one. 'JkTMIIK santa-rftpa, a. having a tranquil appearance. W1TfT satntt, f. N. of a daughter of Dasaratha, ado~pted by Loma dda, wife of llisyasrihiga. JTifwlr san-ti, f. [vK2. sam] mental tranquillity, peace of mind; extinction (of~fire); abatement, alleviation, cessation, removal; propitiatory rite for averting evil (rare);. peace, good fortune, prosperity; destruction (rare); eternal rest, decease, death (rare). WTFTfi satnti-ka, a. averting evil; n. propitiatory rite for averting evil; -kara, a. productive of peace or prosperity; in. N.;. -karman, n. rite for averting evil; -bha'gana, n. vessel for propitiatory water; -salila,' n. propitiatory water;, -soma, in. N.; -homa, m. expiatory, sacrifice; ijmdaka, n.. propitiatory water. WITtt T. sap-a, m. [Vsap]2'curse, malediction, on any one (g.): -m da', ya, a.dis, ni~as, Pra-yam, or vi-srig, pronounce or utter a curse on (d., g.,. lc., prati).. [rare)..,r'q:2.. Apa, m. floating matter (Ry., AV., W~Tq7IT s~pa-tft, f. being under a curse; -prad~na, ss. utterance of a curse; -bhg, a labouring under a curse; -moksha, on. de — liverance from a curse;. utterance of a curse; -suka, ni. one turned into a parrot by a curse; - anta, qn. termination of a ban; - ambu,. w~ater with which a curse is uttered.' IUTIq satpeta, mn. or n. sedge etc. washed ashore (S., very rare). EN~i~ salpa udaka, n. water with which a curse is pronounced. WkTT'fTfi-shbar-ikft~f.k-ind. ofleech (conj.). 7741<1# sahbarii, f.-language of the Sabaras. ITTl I satbal-ya, n. [sabala]~mixture, medley (P., very rare). WTzi sqb da, a.. (i1) based on sounds (sabda), expressed in words, oral, prescribed by or founded, on the sacred word (the Veda); in. grammarian: p1. a~ certain sect: i-ka, -a. uttering a sound; conversant with words; on. grammarian,; lexicographer. &TWim sam-ann, a. putting an end to,throwing into the shade (v. r. sam-); n. soothing remedy.'i(TfR-i'q samitr-a, a. relating to the carvet (samitri) of the victim; on. (sc. agni) fire for cooking the flesh of the victim (rit.); a. place of immolation, shambles; office of carver. WTfIRI[ stmii-la, a. (i') miade of the wood of the SamI. 'WT Amulya, n. woollen shirt (By.'). WT' ambard, a. (i) belonging or pecu 312 T sambhav-a. wr sas-ana. liar to Sambara; n.fight withSambara (RV.1): i,f. magic: -silpa, a. magical art. 1pi(<R sambhav-a, a. (i) derived from, belonging, relating, or sacred to Sambhu (Siva): -iya, a. belonging to Siva. sa1| sam-ya, a. aiming at peace (sama); n. peace, reconciliation. TV[f4iiT sayay-i-tavya, fp. cs. to be,caused to rest on (Ic.); to be caused to sleep.: dirgham -,.to be caused to take one's long rest (i.e. death). [contained in. Tf.'qiT say-i-ta, f. (-~) sleeping; being 1nf I say-in, a. lying, resting, sleeping, dwelling (in, on,.Ic., -~; at the time of, like, or ad. sense, -). [TT sard, a. variegated, speckled, spotted; m. piece or figure used. on a draught-board: i, f. id.; a bird. rlWTE sarafg-i,/. female of a certain bird. W1;4 sarana, m. N2. incorr.for sarana. iW; sArad-a, a. (f. saradi, VS. i') autumnal; fresh (C., rare); n. autumn grain (C., rare): a,f. N. of Sarasvatl, goddess of speech; -ina, -iya, a. autumnal. I'-ISiT saradvat-a, m. pat. (fr. saradvat) of Kripa; N. of a pupil of Kanva. WT;{Ii sarambara, N. of a locality. '-fff sari, f. a small sweet-voiced bird (sts. spelt sari); arrow (R V.1; cp. saru); elephant's howdah; iN. of the mother of Buddha's first pupil (often called Sari-putra or -suta); m. piece or figure used on a draughtboard (sts. written sari). rTTf'ariT sfiri-kSl, f. kind of bird (often spelt sarika); aform of Durga: -kuta, n. Durga's peak, N. of a locality; -pi ta, n. N. of a locality. [speckled. ~Tf41'T sar-ita, den. pp. made variegated or nf- s: sari-putra, m. son of Sari, N. of Buddha's first pupil; -prastara, mn. N. of a gambler; -suta, m. = -putra. I[T#is -i saitaka, m. N. of a village. ]iiTt sarira, a. (i) made of bone (very rare); bodily, corporeal, belonging or relating to, being in the body (sarira); w. danda, m. corporal punishment; n. excrement. 'tTF.i sarira-ka, a. bodily; n. = sariraka-sfitra: -sitra, n. the Brahma or Vedanta Sftra of Bddardyana, the aphorisms of the Vedanta philosophy. 'tI i sfrkara, a. made of sugar. WFI sarnga, a. made of horn (srifiga); derived from the tree Sriiga (poison); n. bow (sp. Vishnu's or Krishna's)>: -dhanvan,.m. (having the bow.Sarfga) ep. of Vishnu Jor Krishna; -dhara, m. (bearing the bow Sirnga) id.; N.:.-paddhatif.Sarigadhara's poetical anthology, T. of a work; -paini, m. (holding the bow Sfirnaga in ]his hand) ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -bhrit, m. ep. ofVishnu or Krishna; -rava, m. N.: pl. his descendants: -misra, pi. Sarfigarava and the rest. lTflsarfig-in, m.(havingtshebow Sarfiga) ep. of Vishnu or Krishna. WTi f sarfig-i, f. a bird. AIT I sArdflad, m. tiger; -o (like vyaghra) chief or best of:: -karman, n. tiger-skin; -mriga-sevita, pp. infested by tigers and deer; -vikridita, n. tiger-play; a. imitating tiger-play; n. a metre. ^'WI* sarmanya, m. Germany (nineteenth century word): -desa, nm. id. TnTAT saryata, m. pat. (fr. sary^ti):,f. daughter of.Saryata. 1TTf sarva, a. (1) relating, belonging, or sacred to, derived from Sarva (Siva): with dis,f. east. 7T[T sarvar-a, a. [fr. sarvari] nocturnal: i-ka, a. id.; i,f. night. l~T; SAL, I. A. sla (rare), shine, be \ distinguished for (in.; aomm.): pp. salita, distinguished for (in., -0). T([ sala, aa. being in the hut etc. (Br.): -m, ad. at home; m. (C..) N. of a tall and stately tree (Vatica robusta) used for building houses (often spelt sala); tree (rare; sts. spelt sala); enclosure, fence, rampart (rare; sts. spelt sala). TTiZWTZ sa la-katafikata, m. du. N.of two genii; -grama, m. N. of a village regarded as sacred among the laishnavas, situated on the Gandaki, so called from the Sala tree growing in it; thence came the sacred stones (or ammonite) typical of Vishnu; theVishnu worshipped at SAlagrama (rare); m. n. ammonite: -sila, f. id.; -bhaiigika, f. statue (made of Sala wood); -bhangi, f. id. TRW salabha, a. peculiar to the grasshopper.or moth (salabha): w. vidhi, m. way of.the grasshopper ormoth (perishing infire). T1t'M sfila - valaya, m. or n. circular rampart. F TT sl, f.. [V/3. sri] shed, house, apartment, room, hall; stable; -' sts. a, n.: -karman, n. building a house; - agni, mi. domestic fire; -.gaira, n. kind of dish. TWT TWp salatur- ya, a. belonging to Salatura; tm. ep. of Panini. 'J TTUT sala-sad, n. being in the house or stable (Br.); -stha, a. standing in the stable. uTfM sali, m. (sg. & pl.) rice (and similar kcinds of grain); civet cat (rare): -kana, m. grain of rice; -kedara, m. rice-field; -kshetra, n. id.; -gopi, f. female watcher of a rice-field; -kuirna, n. rice-flour; -tandula, in. grain of rice. [n. id. (-~). ITf[ T sal-i-ta,f. possession of (-~); -tva, -Tf'T Asal-in, a. (possessing a house), -~, abundantly provided with, possessed or full of, versed in, distinguished by or for: 4i,f. N. STfW'q-l sali-bhavana, n. rice-field; -bhm, f. id,;. -vahana, m. (rice-bearer), V. ofa king, adversary of Vikramdditya, the date of his birth, 78 A.D., being the beginning of the Saka era; -samrakshika,f. female guardian of a rice-field; -hotra, in. poetical N. of the horse (receiving offerings of — fed on, rice); N. of a Rishi, regarded as the first authority on the horse; n. Salihotra's work on the horse: -glia, a. familiar with-. 'ITin ' sal-ina, a. having a fixed abode; modest, bashful.: -m, ad.; -ta, f. modesty, bashfulness; -sila, a. having a bashful nature: -ta, f. bashfulness. '[Tili salfka, n. root of the esculent waterlily: -kanda, m.. id. 'rITF salura, in. frog (rare). TkT saleya, a. (i) grawing rice.(sali). ']1.Tq salmala, m. (=i) silk-cotton tree (only -0, rare). 11 I I I lITffr salmali, m.f., i,f. id., Semultree (Salmalia malabarica: a tall tree with thorns and red flowers; as a tree of torture in hell): i,f. N. of a river in a hell. WTTIT salianna, n. boiled rice, rice pap; -odana, m. n. id. [of the Salvas. Tt- sAlva, m. pl. N. of a people; sg. king iT I. stv-a, mn. [growing: 1/2. st] young of an animal; 2. a. belonging to a corpse (sava), caused by a death (impurity); n. impurity produced by a corpse: -ka, m. young of an animal or bird. 1TTW sasa, a. belonging to the hare (sasa): with mamsa, n. flesh of the hare. PT — sasvat-a, a. (i) [sasvat] constant, perpetual, eternal: i-h samnah, for everlasting years, for evermore: -m, ad. constantly, for ever;.m. N. of a lexicogrspher; i-ka, a.id. T L. SAS, II. P. sa (V., C.), wk. base sish (3 pi. ssaati), I. P. (V., E.), A. (E.) sgsa [prob. contracted reduplication of V/sas = /sams; 3 pi. & p'. pt. st. without n], correct, chastise, punish (F., C.); control, administer (lazo; C.); rule, govern (ord. mg.), wield (sovereignty, ragyam, aisvaryam: C.); order, command, direct anyone (ac.),to (inf., oratio recta + iti); instruct, teach (V., C.), in (lc.), with regard to (d.; sts. 2 ac.; C.); praise (= sams,C.,rare); confess (crime; C.); ps. sasyate and sishyate; gd. sasitva, sishtva, -sasya, -sishya: pp. sasta, ruled (J., rare); sAsita (E., C.), punished; controlled; instructed, in (lc.); sishti, ordered; taught; instructed, cultivated, refined; excellent; es. sasaya, P. recommend (rare). gnu, direct, instruct, show the way to (V., C.); give instructions to, order, command (an inferior, C.); teach any one anything (2 ac.; C.); rule, govern ( rAgyam; common mg., C.); punish (rare,,C.); ps. be taught.or instructed (C.): pp. anusishta, instructed, ordered, by (in.; V., C.); taught, imparted (C.); completed (C.). abhi, point out, assign (houses; RV.); rule (earth, E.). A, i. ask, supplicate, wish, or hope for, expect (V., C.), from (ab.), for any one (d., lc.); desire (a blessing or blessings, asisham, asishah): pp. asgsita, wishedforetc.; incorr.for asvasita. ud, direct or conduct upwards (to the gods; RV.). pra, V., C.: direct, instruct; C.: give instructions to, command; punish (rare); rule, be lord of (ord. mg.): rigyam -, rule (int.). prati, pp. -sishta, despatched. sam, call upon, direct any one (Br., S.). -J 2. SAS, v. SAS. TT: sAs, f. (R V.) command; ruler. 'k[T sas-a, i. m. order, command (BV.2); a, m. ruler, chastiser (R V.2); N. of V. X, 152 (Br.); 2. a, m. butcher's knife (Br., S.): -hasta, a. holding a butcher's knife in his hand (Br.). WFtti sas-aka, m. teacher, instructor. ITI'fi sas-ana, a. (i) chastising; instructing; m. chastiser; instructor; n., C.: chastisement, punishment; government, sway, rule, over (-~); royal decree, edict, charter, grant; instruction, teaching (rare); precept, rule, counsel (rare); doctrine, faith, religion (r. are); V., C.: direction, command, order, to any one (-~): -m kri, obey the orders of (g.); e vrit or stha, obey any one (g., -~); ab. sasaant, by command of (g.): -dhara, m. bearer of a message., messenger; -vartin, a. obeying the orders of (g.); -vihaka, m. messenger; -sila, f. edict engraved on stone; -harakca, -harin, m. messenger. Vrl~TV sas-anTya. fitl sir-as. 313 STO fr sts-anlya, fp. to be instructed or taught, by (g.); -i-tavya,fp. to be taught or prescribed; -i-tri, m. punisher, chastiser; ruler, of (-~); instructor, teacher; -in, a. punishing, chastising; ruling over (-~); teaching, instructing; (sas)-us, n. commalld (RV.); -ti, I.f. punishment; command; 2. m. (3 sg. used as N.) the root i. ss; -tri, m. punisher, chastiser; ruler; teacher, instructor; ep. of Buddha. 1fTT sfas-tra, n. RV.1, C.: command, precept; C.: instruction, advice, good counsel; rule, theory; compendium, institutes (of any branch of learning), code, scientific or canonical work, scripture; learning (rare): -kara, -krit, m. author of a treatise; -gaiga, m. N. of a parrot; -kakshus, a. having authoritative works as eyes (king); -gnsa, a. conversant with the S&stras, learned; m. specialist; -tas, ad. according to prescribed rules; -darsana, n. mention in an authoritative work: ab. according to prescription; -drishta, pp. (seen=) mentioned or prescribed in the treatises, scientific, according to precept or rule; -mati, a. trained, learned; m. specialist; -vat, ad. according toprescribed rules; -vargita, pp. subject to no law; -vada, m. statement of the treatises; -vadin, m. teacher; -vid, a. conversant with the Salstras, learned; - atiga, a. offending against the Sastras; - adhyapaka, m. teacher; - ananushthana, n. neglect of instructive works. r[fw'i.t sastr-in, a. learned; m. scholar; -iya, a. taught in the Sastras, belonging to theory (opp. practice), theoretical: -tva, n. fact of being prescribed in the Sastras. ITM sas-ya,fp. to bb pupunished,pushable; to be controlled or governed. [m. N. Tl sAha, n. N. of a locality; i, m. N.; e-va, f[ SI, sharpen, v. WJT SA. fif s-i, the i of nm. ac. pl. n. (gr.). f. ilT simspa, f. N. of a large and beautiful tree (Dalbergia Sissoo). ~f~i4T~ simsu-mara, r. porpoise (V.2). fra sikya, n. (V., C.) carrying sling; vessel or scale suspended by strings. ftiq sik-van, a. |/I. sak] artistic (V.); -vas, a. [V/i. sak] mighty (R V.). f E I. SIKSH, I.siksha[des. of vI. sak, swish to be able], P. attempt (V., rare); A. (P.) practise, study, learn (ac., V., C.), from (ab. or sakasat with g.); practise oneself in (Ic.; C.): pr. pt. sikshamana, learning, m. pupil (RV.); ps. sikshyate, be learnt: pp. sikshita, learnt; practised (voice); cs. sikshaya, P. teach (thing), instruct (person; sts. 2 ac.), to (inf.): pp. sikshita, taught (2 ac.), instructed, in (Ic., -~). anu, learn (ac. of thing, ab. g. of prs.): pp. learnt, from (-). a, pp. incorr. for a-. upa, A. (P. metr.) learn, from (ab.). f r 2. SIKSH,I.siksha[des.of /'2. sak], 'wish to help (d.), aid, please (RV.); wish to give, bestow (V.); wish to present (ac.) with (in.; Br., C., rare); A. enter the service of (ac.; E.). upa, P. attract, invite (V.); A. enter the service of, place oneself at the disposal of (ac.; E.). rfa iq siksh-aka, a. teaching, instructing; m. teacher; -ana, n. instruction, in (Ic.); -aniya, fp. to be taught anything (ac.). fsI' siksh-a, f. knowledge, art, skill, in (Ic., -o); instruction, teaching; lesson, precept; science of grammatical elements (one I of the six Veddngas); T.; -akara, a. behaving according to precept; -danda, m. punishment as a lesson; -pada, n. moral precept; -vat, a. possessed of knowledge, learned; instructive. ff-TW sikshita, pp. simple & cs. Vsiksh; n. teaching, instruction: - akshara, a. having learnt his letters = reading and writing. fI siksh-i, a. helpful (BR.). fS!t[r siksh-enya, a. instructive. f3l is sikhandd, m. tuft ofhair; peacock's tail: -ka, m. id. (C.); i-ketu, m. ep. of Skanda. fi'fn' sikhand-in, a. tufted, crested; m. peacock; N. of a son of Drupada, born as a girl but transformed into a boy by a Yaksha, slayer of Bhishma: -i,f. peahen; N. of Sikhandin when a girl. [peacocks. 'fiitf sikhandi-mat, a. abounding in flex sikha-ra, a. pointed; m. n. peak, summit (of a mountain); tree-top; pinnacle, turret; top; point (of a tooth); mountain of a (back of an elephant, -~); N. flfT - sikhar-in, a. pointed, peaked; m. mountain: n-i, f. curds with sugar and spices; a metre.,ff[ t[f'f sikhari-pattrin, m. winged mountain; ijndra, m. chief of mountains (ep. of Raivataka, comm.). f~T'T sikha, f. lock or tuft of hair (Br., S., C.); peacock's crest (rare); flame; ray (rare); point, tip, top; border (of a garment); daily interest (=-vriddhi): -gafa, a. having a top-knot of a single lock (the rest of the head being shaved); -daman, n. wreath worn on the crown; - abharana, n. crest ornament, diadem; -mani, m. crest jewel: -~ = pearl or crown of; -munda, a. shaven with the exception of a single tuft;-vat, a. flaming, burning; pointed; -vriddhi, f. interest growing like a tuft of hair, daily interest. fNrf[lT sikhi-ta,f. condition of a peacock; -dis,f. Agni's quarter, south-east; -dyut, a. gleaming like fire; -dhvaga, m. (having a peacock as his emblem) ep. of Karttikeya. f1ff[[. sikh-in, a. wearing a tuft of hair (V., C.); m. (C.) peacock (crested); fire; Agni; comet (rare). fpI. sigru, m. N. of a people (pl.; RV.); apotherb (Moringa pterygosperma; C.). fww SllNGH, (smell) only with upa, kiss - (very rare). f^ws SING,II.A. siikte (R V., C.), utter "a shrill sound, whirr, tinkle: pr. pt. sizgana and siugat, whirring, buzzing, tinkling (C.): pp. singita, trumpeting (elephants), tinkling (anklets etc.), rattling (armour). a, pp. tinkling (anklet). fwT T sing-a,f. tinkle, jingle, whirr, buzz; bowstring: -lata, f. id.; i-ta, pp. n. tinkle, hum, etc. [(suffix). f[- s-it, a. having s for its anubandha ftlT sita, pp. of /I. 2. sa; a, incorr. for sita, white: -ta, f. sharpness; -dhara, a. keen-edged; -sara-sata, n.pl. hundreds of sharp arrows. filf[l siti, a. white; black; (siti)-kakud, a. white-humped (V.); -kaksha, a. whiteshouldered (V.); -kantha, a. white-necked (V., rare); blue-necked (C.); m. (C.) peacock; ep. of Siva; N.: -ka, a. blue-necked (peacock); -paksha, a. white-winged; -pad, a. (stg. st. -pad, f. pad-) white-footed (V.); -pada, a. id. (C.); -prishtha, a. (V.) whitebacked (according to others, black-backed); -ratna, n. sapphire; -vasas, a. wearing a dark garment; m. ep. of BalarAma. fui siti-kri, whet, sharpen. [soft. ffW' sithird, a. (V.) loose, slack, flexible; fifigT sithild, a. loose, slackened, unfastened, drooping; supple; unstable,tremulous; languid, feeble; careless in (lc.): -m, ad. tottering (stand): (a)-ta, f. slackness: -m gam or vrag, be neglected. [f(fWTVI sithila-ya, den. P. loosen; A. neglect: pp. ita, loosened, slackened, relaxed. pari, pp. completely relaxed. f[f IfrT f sithila-samadhi, a. having the attention relaxed, distraught. firftWrTi sithila-ya, den. become relaxed. fWlFti sithili-kri, loosen, relax; diminish, alleviate: pp. loosened, etc.; -bhut, become relaxed, relax one's efforts; desist from (ab.). fteff sini, m. N. fiff sipi, m. (V., rare) animal or ray(?). ftWi sipita, pp. redundant (Br.). ftff ^ C sipi-vishta, a. id. (V.); bald (S.); m. (V., C.) ep. of Vishnu; ep. of Rudra-Siva (rare). flTITT sipra-vat, a. full-cheeked (RV.1). fwpRT sipra,f. (RV.) du. cheeks: pl. visors. f1IftFTcT siprini-vat, a. full-cheeked fWlfTrl sipr-in, a. id. (RV.). [(RV.1). fkiwT sipha, f. fibrous root (C.); stroke with a rod (C.); N. of a river (RV.1). fif[ sibi, in. N. of a king noted for his generosity, who sacrificed his body to save a dove: pi. N. of a people. f'NTfqri sibika, f. litter, palanquin; a weapon of Kubera; hearse. 'faf[K sibira, n. royal camp; encampment; tent (in a camp); n. incorr.for divira. fIW SIM, IV. P. Simya, prepare (YV., rare). fTfifTiET simika, f. N. of a locality. fWift sim-i, = sami, f. effort etc. (YV., rare); (simi)-vat, a. mighty (RV.). few simba, m. legume, pod: -1a, in. small pod or a kind of flower (R V.1). fefN simbi (or i), f. legume, pod: i-dhanya, n. id. ffem sim-yu, m.pl. (strenuous, aggressive) foes (RVJ.); i, in. N. of a people (RV.1). fT SIR (= /2.sri), mingle: pp. asirta, N mixed with (in.; RV.). fr sir, a. (-~) harassing [vsri]. fwp sira, n. (= siras) head (rare). f 'pT:iR sirah-kapala, n. skull; -kapalin, a. carrying a skull; -kampa, m. shaking of the head (sts.pl.); -kampin, a. shaking the head; -krintana, n.deeapitation; s-kheda, m. s-khedana,n. id.; h-sataka,n.(?)turban; -sila, m. N. of a fortress; -sila, n. violent headache; -sesha, a. having the head only left; m. Rahu; -srit, a. being at the top of ( —Q). fT'l sir-as, n. head; summit, peak, top; front, van (of an army); head, chief, first; N. of the verse 'apo gyotir aposmritam': siro da, give up one's (head =) life; - dhri, Ss *311t fT- f~m. sirasi-ga. fI4 sish-ya. hold up one's head; - vah, hold one's head high, be proud; - vartaya, hold out on'e's head, declare oneself ready for punishment (when an opponent has cleared himself in an ordeal); siaa kri, grah, or dha, place on the head; - dh'ri, bhri, or vah, hold or carry on the head; - kri, receive reverently, honour; - gain, yA, pra-nam, pra-ni-pat, touch with one's head, bow down; sirasi kri or iiidha', place on one's head; a th, be on the head; hang over the head of, be imminent; stand at the head of= far above (g.). ff-f r5r sirasi-ga, m. (produced on the head), hair of the head. fIW~ siras-ka, — ' a. = sias; -tas, a. out of, from, or at the head; from the head onwards; -tra, n. h elmet; -trana, n. id. f;~TT#NW simah-stha, a. borne on the head; hanging, over one's head, imminent; -sth~ua, is. chief place; -sthita, pp. being in the head, cerebral (sound); -snfita, p~p. having bathed one's head. fj~ftTri sffrinaf night (BV2'). IfVfI%,If' sirlimbitha, m. cloud. 'q sirisha, m. a tree (Acacia Sirissa); n. its flower. f -Kt siro-griVa, n. sg. head and neck (V.); -ghita, m. blow on the head; -ga, n..pl. hair of the head; -dhara, in., gnly. a4, f. (head-bearer), neck; -dharaniya,_p. to be borne on the head, to be greatly honoured; -dhman, a. head (of a bed); -dhi, m. neck; -dhu~nana, n. shaking of the head; -nati, f.bowing the head; -bhagmto (of a tree)i; head (of a bed); -bhushana, n. head ornament; -mani, int. crest-jewel; chief of (g., Y 9); T. ofdistinguished works or scholars; -mitra avasesha, a. of whom the head only remiains (Badhu); -mukha, n. sg. head and face; -rakshin, in. body-guard; -rug, f hedahe,f i. -ruha, m. hair of the head; -(a)rti,f. (= -5iti) headache; -vedana, f. headache; -hrit-kamala, n. lotus of head and heart. f suna, in. ear of corn left on the field; gleaning ears of corn; N. of a son ofPdriyaftra. f~rsil",f. stone, rock, crag. fWMTT silft kshara, n.lithography; -griha, a. grotto; -kaya, m. mass of stones, mountain; -gatu, n. bitumen; -tala, n. slab of rock; -tva, n. nature of stone; - ditya, m. N. of a king; -patta, in. stone slab (for sitti~ng on or grinding); -prasalda, m. stone temple; -bandha, in. wall; -maya, a. (i) made of stone; -varshin, a. raining stones; -vesman, a. rock house, grotto; -sastra, n. stone weapon; -sita, pp. whetted on a stone (arrow);. Msana, a. seated on a stone; -stambha, m. stone column. fT~f~ssiaahftrin, a. gleaning ears of corn. ftfT~iTw silika-koshtha, in. N. of -a mountain village. f V4Yw I Sililmdhra, is. flower of the plantain tree (Mlusa sapienturn); mushroom. fx#t1jpt sili-bhiita, pp. turned to stone, become as hard as stone. f14It sili'-mukha,mi. arrow; bee (rare); N. of a hare. [mountain. f erSil~ykkaya, m. (pile of rock), MMS sila un-kha, m. gleaning of ears of corn; m. du. or a. eg. gleaning of ears and picking up grains. i. silpa', a. variegated (YV.). fiii2. silpa, a. variegated appearance, decoration, ornament (V.); work of art (C.); artistic skill, art, craft (Br., C.); N. of certain Sastras (Br., S.). filfi silpa -kari, f. female artisan; -karika, f. id.; -griha, is. workshop of an artisan; -vidyg, f knowledge of the arts or crafts; -vritti, f subsistence by a craft; -skstra, is. work on arts or crafts. f'Tf '~sulp-in, a. skilled in an art; m. artist, craftsman; fashioner of ( —): 4i, f. female artist. [craftsman. fw~ tt #~f ir silpaj upagivin, in. artist, fl-iT' sivdl, a. kind, friendly, gracious; pleasant, auspicious, prosperous, happy; in. the Auspicious One, euphemistic N. of Rudra, in C. transferred to one of the members of the Hindu trinity, Siva (du. Siva and his wife); jackal; N.; a. prosperity, welfare, bliss. flFq - siv a-kshetra, n. region sacred to Siva; N. of a certain region. fM~rf'fT siva-t~ti,' a. conducive to happiness or welfare; f. prosperity; -datta, m. N.; -diyin, a. conferring prosperity; -da'sa, m. N.; -dis, f. north-east; -pura, a., 3i, f. N. of various towns and villages; -bhakti, f. worship of Siva; -bhfiti: -ka, m. N. of a minister; -mantra, in. Siva's verse; -maya, a. full of prosperity; entirely devoted to Siva;..yogin, in..Saiva monk; N.; -ratha, in.N.; -ritri, f~fourteenth (night==) day of the dark half of Phdlguna, sacred to Siva; -ra'ma, in. N.; -liiiga, n. phallus of Siva; -loka, m. Siva's world (on Kaildsa); -varman, in. N. of a minister; -sakti, m. N.; (6,)-samkalpa, a. kindly disposed (V.); m. N. of the verses Vs. 34, I sqq.; -sfitra, is. pl. the fourteen introductory Sfttras of Pdnini's grammar contVAinn th aphabet and ascribed to Siva; -samin, in. N. fTT sivft, f. Siva's energy personified as his wife; jackal (euphemistic term, as it is an animal of ill-omen). fTqfiTwr Kr sivajAkqra, a. having a beneficent appearance, having the form of Siva; A agmi. doctrine of Siva; T. of a work; -_adesaka, mn. interpreter of fortune, astrologer; -&yatana, n. Siva temple; A-ruta, a. yell of a jackal; - 1aya, in. Siva's abode, Kailksa; Siva temple. flTT' si-sa-yd, a. [VsA] bounteous (Ry.'-). N'T si-say-islbu, des. a. wishing to sleep, sleepy. f~I ~lIT sf-sI-a a. [v/Isya first spring, cold season (one of the six seasons, comprising the months Mdlgha and Phadlguna; V., C.); cold, frost (C.); coolness (C'.); a. (C.) cool, cold: -kara, -kirana, in. moon; ta, f. coolness, cold (in a-, heat); -dildhiti, mn. moon; -mathita, pp. blighted by frost (lotus); -maisa, in. cool month; - ritu, -samaya, M. cold season. f1if1r;i sisira-ya, den. P. cool: pp. ita, cooled. f fRiJsisira amsii, a. cool - rayed; in. moon; - a~tyaya, in. close of the cold season, spring. fl T f RTW~ sisirat-ya, den. 'A". grow cool. IfV.I I I( sisiri-kri, cool. fW0f#tMq' sisiraupakatra, in. artificial cooling, refrigerator. f1~sfsu, m. [grower: -VsA] child, infant; young (of animals; also of young plants and the, recently risen sun),: in cpds. gnly. 9;. of Skanda; N. fw4i sisni-ka, in. infant; -kala, in. childhood; -ka'ndra'yana, n. child's lunar penance; -gana, mn. children;..t&, f., -tva, a. childhood; childishness; -desya, a. bordering on childhood, still almost a child; -na'ga, in. young serpent; N.; -piia, in. N. of a king of the Khedis, son of Dainaghosha, slain by Krishna: -vadha, a. Death of Sisupala, T. of an epic poem by Mdgha; (sisu)-mat, a'. possessed of children or young (V.); -m~ra, in. porpoise. f~~sistfi-a, m. infant (RV.'). f~~sisnad, in. a. tail; (gnly.) male organ: (a)-deva, a. lewd (comm.) or tailed demon or phallus-worshipper (RV.'). IfVp-Vw si- snath-a, m. piercing (B V.') fk'f'j sisvi, a. in su-sisvi. f qi. SIJSII,YII. P. s-iuashti (B r., S., C.), N 'VI. P. simshati (Br., S.), leave; IV. A. -sishyate or ps. -sishyite (V.), be left, remain (simple vb. in C. only): with na, be lacking (-E.): pp. sishta' (V., C.), left, remaining; - - in C. sts. having only -remaining; escaped from; cs. seshaya, P. (A. metr.) leave, spare: pp. seshita, left, spared. ati, leave over; ps. be left. ava, ps. remain: pp. left, spared, remaining, from (g., ~O;having 'only - remaining (in., — ); remaining from what has been (-~-O w. pp.); cs. leave: pp. left; also =pp. of non-causal vb.; sambhoktum na avaseshia, was not spared being eaten. ud, leave over ( V.); ps. remain over (V.): pp. ukkhishta, left over, by (-O), remaining, left lying as useless; unclean. pari, leave over (V.); ps. remain over:.pr. pt. sishya-mana, finally remaining: pp. piri-sishta, left over, remaining; cs. leave remaining, spare. vi, (leave apart), distinguish, particularise; distinguish from others, prefer to (in.); augment, intensify (rare); ps. be particularised or defined by (in.); be distinguished from (in., ab.); be pre-eminent or most approved; be of more weight or better than, be superior or preferable to (in., ab.); be pre-eminent among (g., lc.): pp. visishta, distinguishedl, particularised, characternsed by (in., — ); different, particular; preeminent, excellent, distinguished, by (in., *O;excelling in (lc.); best of, most distin-, guished among (g.); superior to, better or worse than (ab., — ); cs. distinguish, determine, define; prefer (any one); c Ause to appear better; surpass, excel (ord. ing.); ps. viseshyate, be of much account: pp. viseshita, superior to (ab.) in (in.); surpassed. pravi, augment. fw~q,2. SJSH, weak form of visas. fW',M sish-td, Y. pp. (visas) taught etc.; is. rule regarding ( —); 2. pp. (.Vsish) remaining; a. remains, remnant. ft"T sishta-ta'f. culture, learning; -tva, a. id.; -sabha', f. assembly of scholars; -smriti, f. tradition of the learned; - akarana, a. neglect of what is prescribed;;-agama, in. tradition of the learned; akara, in. practice of the learned; - adisht'a, pp. prescribed or approved by the learned; asana, a. eating remnants. f 'J.fL_ sish-tijf [visas] punishment; command; instruction. ~ sis -ya~f.E[vsas] to betau gh, t; tobe instructed; in. pupil, disciple: a, f female pupil: (a1-_ka, in. pu1pil; (a%)_tA,f. u ia e f~rsishya-ya.~ 33I su'k-Ia. 315 -& ---A f1t4TTM si~hyq-ya, den. A. become the pupil of (g.): pp. i-ta, n. imps. fW~~ sishyil-kri, make a pupil of (g.). f S IJS (fY'(,.SISH), collateral form of */sks, also in derivatives (A-sfs etc.). I. S AIV~ siyate, fall out (v.); disappear, be dispelled, perish (C.). ava, fall down (V.). ~T. HA.56t(V., C.),I. P. A. Ya (. C. rare), lie,'recline, rest; lie unused; sleep; lie down to sleep; fall asleep:pp.sayita,lying; sleeping; having lain; having slept; fallen asleep; cs.s~yaya,P.(K~metr.) laydown~place on or in (lc.); cause to lie down: pp. siyita, placed upon (0'); des. A. sisayisha, wish to sleep. ati, surpass:.pp. -sayita, surpassing, (ac.); unusual, extraordinary; surpassed; des. pr. pt. -sisayisha-milna, wishing to surpass. adhi, lie or rest in or on, lie down on (ac.); inhabit, dwell in (ac.); cs. lay upon (2 ac.). anu, lie down after any one (ac.); repent. A, lie in or on (ac., rarely lc.; 77., rare in C.). Prati &, lie before anything (RV.). Upa, lie beside (ac.); lie on (ic.). Pani, lie around, encompass, rest in or on (ac.; V.). prati, lie against any one (ac.) = importune: pp. w. act. 4' ps. mg. vi, lie extended; remain sittingr on (lc.); be subject to doubt. Sam, [lie, together, be confused], be -irresolute or in doubt, hesitate; despair of (lc.); P. have divergent opinions or disagree (witnesses) abou t (ac.): pp. samsayita, irresolute, doubtful, about (-O); dubious, uncertain, imperilled. Ifsf, v. TS and IT SYA. 'j IlK, I.A. sika (rare), drip, sprinkle: pp. sikit&, having dripped (V.); cs3P skaya, besprinkle (C.). [-kana, sn. drop. t~' ik-ara, m. (gnly. pl.) thin rain, spray: Nff~ir~Sikar-in, a. wafting spray (wind); squirting water (elephant's trunk). '~isighra, a. quick, speedy, swift: &m ad. quickly, rapidly: -krin, a. operating quickly; -kritya, fp. to be performed quickly; -ga, a. moving rapidly, running swiftly; m. N. of a hare (-tva, n. rapid motion); -am, a. id.; -ketana, a. quickly coming to its senses (dog); -ti, f., -tva, me. quickness, speediness; -p~tin, a. flying swiftly, proceeding quickly; -ayin, a. Sucking rapidly (leech); -Yana, n. swift motion; a. moving sily; -ahin, a. driving swiftly. ~jf~ighr-in, a. hurrying. 'jjslit, onom. ad. W. kri, utter the sound sAt (indication of a thrill of pleasure). '~VTSi-t, Pp. [V'syft] Cool, Cold (V., C.); n. coldness, chilliness (C.). jW isita-ka, a. (ia) Cool (V.) '4II~ sita-kara, m. (cool-rayed) moon; -kala,9 m. cold season; -kriya f. refrigeration; -gu, m. (cool-rayed) moon; -gvara, m. ague; -t&, f., -tva, me. coldness; -bhanu, m. moon; -Maya, a. cool, cold; -mayf'kha, m. moon;..rasmi, a. cool-rayed; m. moon: -tva, n. coolness of rays; -ruk, m. (coolrayed) moon; -rnuki, m. id.; -rokis, m. id. iirsita-la, a. cool, Cold, frigid, cooling; free, from passion (rare); gentle, mild (person); not affecting the feelings (misfortune); me. cold,~ coolness: -ta',f. coldness. t" sitala-ya, den. P. cool. WP-siltala-sparsa,a. cold to the touch. IfW'die'M sital'i-kri, cool; -bhtt, grow cool or cold. 'Ytw ii sia sp ra, m feeling of cold; -hara, a. removing cold. t-RTJ~ S-ita amsuL, a. cold-rayed; m. moon: -mat, m. moon; - diVA sa, a. living in cool places or coolincg; -^rta,pp. torturedby cold, chilled. [ing, chilled. IT,[ i-Ma. sensitive to cold, shiver#4f r~I WI itik aq-vat, a. (3i) cool (V ) 'ff sita itara, a. reverse, of cold, hot: -arkhis, M. sun. '~~Tsitauda, f. (having cold water), N. of a mythical river;.-upakara, m. treatment with cold remedies; -ushna, a. cold and warm: -kirana, m. due. moon and sun. WfiqT sit-kftra, m. the son 1i (indicative of a thrill of pleasure; also of the sound of squirted water and as an exclamation of pain; sts. written sitkbra); -kanin, a. uttering the sound sit; -krita, n. utterance of the sound sit. T~3 s^idhnL, v. sMdu. '~~rsind, pp. VIsyft; me. ice (VS.). ItIR~ si'phla, m. n. (V.) an aquatic plant (lBlyxa octandra). siphara, a. charming. fkTIRI, si'bham, ad. quickly, swiftly (V.). 'ITV si-rd, a. [i/sa] pointed, sharp (V.): (k)-sokis, a. sharp-rayed (RiV.). 'IfVi Sir -nd,, pp. zvsi -tva, me. rottenness; -vrinta, water melon: m. the plant; n. the fruit. twfi sirnil-kri, wound, lacerate. IR sr-ta, pp. V1sir. 'N sirshad, me. (-O a.f. a, 1) head; tip, top (also of a letter): (a)-ka, n. head; fine agreed to by the _prosecutor when worsted in an ordeal; -kapala, me. skull (V.); -ka-stha, a. agreeing to a fine when worsted in an ordeal; -hicheda, m. decapitation; -kkhedya, a. deserving to be beheaded, by (g.). 'kT~t sirsban-yg, a. being on the head (V., C.); chief (C., rare); n. head of a couch. WN~Asirsha-tds, ad. (V.) from the head or the top; head foremost; at the head, in front. 'q sish-6n, me. [sir(a)s-a'n] head (V., where all cases in sg. exa. nm. ac. occur, also nm. ac. du. pl., & le. pl.; rare in B., P.). W~irsha-pattaka,m.turban; -bandhA~, f id.; -vedana', f. headache (Pr.); -vyatha, f. id.; - anta, m. neighbourhood of the head: ab. from- the head of the bed; lc. under the pillow; - avaseshi-kri, leave only the head of (ac.) remiaining. sila, me. habit, custom; disposition, character; behaviour; good conduct or habits, noble character, uprightness, morality: very common -0 a. habituated, disposed, prone, or addicted to, practising: -khandana, n. violation of morality or honour; -gupta, pp. crafty by character, cunning; -tata, a. having good conduct for its bank; -tas, ad. in regard to character, in conduct; -a, f. nobility, virtuousness; -taga, m. abandonment of morality or integrity; -dhara, a. honourable; m. N.; -nidhi, m. treasure of her virtue. I 't vrw sillana, n. exercise, practice, stu dy, cultivation, of (0;frequent mention. 'I~rn~f~rIT sla-pftramita', f. height of integrity; -bhafiga, m. breach of morality or integrity; -bhag, a. honourable; -bhranesa, M. loss of integrity. 'NiMR silla-ya, den. P. practise, cultivate; give one's whole attention to; wear, put on; inhabit, frequent: pp. sAMUt, inhabited, frequented, visited; prepared. anu, act like any one (ac.). pari, cultivate, practise; study; inhabit; cherish. ~[1T sila-vanikanat,f. deception as to any one's character; -vat, a. well-conducted, honourable, having a good disposition or a noble character: -i., f. N.; -viplava, m. ruin of morality or integrity; -vilaya, m.id.; -vritta, me. sg. 4' du. integrity and good behaviour: -dhara, a. possessed of -; -malin, a. honourable, moral; -sampanna, pp. endowed with a good disposition, well-conducted; -hara, m. N. WiRITT silaafika, a. characterised by integrity; -adhya, a. abounding in integrity, honourable; - aitya, m. Sun of morality, N. of various kimnmgs. ' Atfr(sl-in, a. honourable, moral (person); --- ( = sila) habituated to, practising, etc. ft si-van, a. (0') lying, resting. 73;%s-ik-a, m. [bright, gauidy: \,/suk] parrot ( V., C.); poet (C., rare); N. of a some of Vyd'sa. 3uq suka-kkhadn, m. parrot's wing; -a, f. condition of a parrot; -tva, me. id.; -nalia-naai. manner of the parrot and the NalikA plant: in. as the parrot is frightened at the Na likh plant without cause; -asa, M. N.; -vat, ad. like a parrot. suki, f. female parrot. TICsuki bh'l, become a parrot. 3J1i sukta', pp. [fermented: Vsuk] become sour; harsh, rough; n. sour liquor (produced by fermentation); sour rice gruel; harsh words: -()ka. sour; n. sour eructation. VW suk-ti, f. shell, esp. pearl oyster, mother of pearl; hollow potsherd (used as a cup; rare); twist of hair (on a horse's neck or breast; rare); a certain weight ( — ' pala or 2 karshas, about one ounce); -khalati, a. completely bald; -ga, me. pearl; -puta, hollow in the shell in which the pearl rests. 'JUj suk-rd, a. [V~suk] bright, resplendent (V., rare in -E.); clear, pure (V.); white (V.); pure, spotless (V.); m. fire, Agni (C.); a summer month, (V., C.); planet Venus (personified as some of Bhrigu and teacher of the Asur~as); pure Somia (V.); n. brightness, light (sts. pl.; V., B.); clear liquid, water, Soma (V.); juice (Br., S.; ste. pl.); semen virile (V. rare, C.): (a)-danta, m. (white tooth), N.;- (&)-vat, a. containing pure juice (V.); containing the word sukra (Br.); (&)-varna, a. brilliant-coloured, bright (B V.); -vara, m. day of Venus, Friday; (&)-va'sas, a. bright-robed (dawn; 11 V.'); (tL)-sokis, a. bright-rayed (Agni; V.); (&)-sadman, a. having a bright dwelling-place (dawn; 1.) MPf'ftsukraa-m~anthI'nau, m. du. pure and mealy Soma (V.). s1JfA-M sukr-iya, a. containing pure juice (V'.); n. brilliance (S.); N. of certain S4 -mans belonging to the Pravargya (pl.); the Pravargya section VS. 36-40 (S., C.).loI suk-hi, a. [later form of sukra] bright, S S 2 I 316~ 14r Ij1 -SukIguru. 31IK subha-kara. light (w. paksha, m. bright fortnight in 'Which the moon increases; C.); white (ord. mg.; V., C.); pure (C.); m. bright fortnight (sc. paksha; C.); n. white colour (V.); white of the eye (Br., C.): -daunt, a. white-toothed (Br., P.); -paksha, m. bright fortnight (in which the moon increases); -bh~svara, a. shining brightly; -vastra, a. white-robed. dPJq suk]a guru, n. white aloe;.apa'ii. gal m. (having white eye-corners), peacock: -ambara, a. having a white garment. 11" rsukl-l-man, m. whiteness, white col~our. [come white. W~ sukli-kri, make white; -bhift be'JW sufiga, m. N.; N. q~f a dynasty following the JMlauryas (p1.); king of the Sufiga dynasty: 9, f. sheath of a bud (esp. of figs). 'g SUK, I. s6ka, IV. P. -sukya (Br., \ very rare),fla9-me, gleam, glow, burn (V.); C.: (burn =) suffer violent pain, feel sorrow, mourn, grieve, iu, for (lc.); lament, bewail (ac.); cs. sokiya, P. set on fire, burn (V.); cause to suffer pain (V., E.); feel sorrow, mourn (C.); bewail, lament (ac.; C.); purify (C.); intv. s6sulc, shine or flame brightly (B V.). anu, regretfully long for, mourn for, bewail (ac.); grieve; cs. bewail, regret (ac.). apa, intv. drive away with flames (R V.). abhi, set on fire, burn (V.); burn, torment (VF.); grieve (E.). i, shine hither, shine anything (cc.) dlown on (B V.). ud, shine forth (-RV.); es. kindle (A V.). nis, intv. shine forth (ByV.). pra, (RV.) shineforth;isntv.isd. sam, flame together (Br.); regret, bewail (E.); IV. P. sam-siihya, cause pain to (g., Br.); cs. bewail (E.). siik, f. flame, glow, heat (V.); (inward burning), torment, sorrow, grief, for ( —; V., C.; sty. pl.): in. suk&^, through grief. 1,q* sukdd-ratha, a. having a shining car (By.'). 'jW suk-aya, only pr. pt. sukiyat, flaming, shining, radiant (B V.). s-dk-i, a. (f. id., I in pl. y-ah) bright, radiant (V.); shining white (C.); clear, pure (V., C.); pure, undefiled, guileless, honest, upright (V., C.); ritually pure (S., C.):- 0 rid of (C., rare); m. purity, uprightness (C., very rare); fire (P.); a summer month, hot season (V., C.); N. I qcjRsuki- kama, a. loving purity; (siftki)-kranda, a. clear-voiced (BV.1); -karita, a. upright in one's dealings; (siiki)-ganmau, a. having a pure or radiant birth (RVy.); at& f., -tva, n. clearness, pureness; uprightness, integrity; (ritual) purity; (s-ftki)dant, a. bri ght- toothed (B V.); -par, a. drinking clear Sonia (B V.); (siitki)-pesas, a. radiantly adorned (BV.'); (siitki)-pratika, a. radiant-faced (R V.'); (si~ki)-bhragas, a. radiantly refulgent (.RV.'); -mfinasa, a. purehearted; -vsas, a. wearing a pure garment; (sftkci)-vrata, a. pure in one's actions, or dealings;..smita, a. having a bright'smile, smiling sweetly. sukii, a. f. of suki (very rare).. ~I isuki-kri, purify; -bf, become (ritually) pure. 'qq' ui aaa a. of pure conduct. sunthlhi, f(imetr.) dry ginger. TITsundaf. elephant's trunk. 1~10~T7 sundara, m. trunk of a young elephant. Ifn~nsurid-in, m. distiller (a mixed caste). I suitudril, f. N. of a river in the Panjadb (I? V.), later Satadru, now Sutlej. ~j~su-di, indeel. (abbreviation for suikla or suddha + din), -0w. the N. of amsonth, in the bright fortnight of. IF sud-dhd, pp. (v'sudh) pure etc.; m. brightfortnight (inwhti cthe moon increases): -karman, a. pure in one's actions, upright; -kirti, m. N.; -ti,f., -tva, n. purity, uprightness; -dIL, a. pure-hearted, guileless; -paksha, m. bright fortnight (in which the moon increases); -pata, m. (wearing clean garments), N.; -pairshni, a. having one's rear covered; -buddhi, a. pure-hearted; -bhiva, a. id.; -mati, a. id.; -vamsya, a. of pure race; -vat, a. containing the word suddha: _3., f. pl. N. of the verses BV.YIIJJ, 84, 7-9; -vesha, a. wearing pure garments; -sila, aL. having a pure character, guileless; -sana, n. washing in pure water (without unguents etc.); -hridaya, a. pure-hearted. suddha fttman, a. id.; - anta, m. (pure interior), women's apartments in the interior of a royal palace, seraglio: pl. wives of a king: -kcara, -ka'rin, a. attending on the harem, -rakshi, f. female guardian of the harem; - fbha, a. perfectly clear; Z7sya a pure-hearted, having a clear conscience. 'jft sud-dhi, f. purification, from (-~O), purity (also fig.); clearing of what is dangerous, rendering secure (rare); exculpation, acquittal, by (.-O; rare); (proof of) genuineness, correctness (rare); settlement, payment (of a debt etc.); clearness, accurate knowledge regarding (g., — 9): -m, kri, procure accurate information; -m, labhi, receive certain news. aiii suddhi-mat, a. pure, spotleass;innocent, proved guiltless, acquitted. Wjt' suddhaodana, m. N. of a king of the race of the Sdlcyas,father of Buddha. SSUDH, 31 SUNDH, I. P. Stindha \(V.), IL. P. only 2 imnpv. sund-dhi (S.), purify, 'A. purify one's -, become pure (V.); IV. P. (A. metr.) sidhya, (C.; V. rare) becom e pure (also in ritual sense); become clear, have doubts removed; be excusable: pp. suddhk, clean, clear, spotless (V., C.); C.: pure (also of persons); correct (reading etc.); faultless, of good quality (field), free from blemishes; pure, simple, unmixed (opp. misin); unmodified (vowel; opp. nasalized); mere, simple =without any addition (washing, i. e.without unguents); unqualified (capitalpunishment); complete, entire; examined, investigated; cs. sundhaya, P. purify (V., very rare); sodhaya, P. id. (rare in V.; C.); C.: correct; remove (impurity etc.); clear off, pay (debt); exculpate; test (any one); examine; make clear, explain: pp. sodhita. pari, (C.) IV. P. be washed off; A. exculpate oneself; cs. P. cleanse; clear off, defray, pay; test, examine; explain. vi (C.), IV. P. A1. become perfectly pure (sp. in ritual sense): pp.. perfectly.cleansed, purified, clear, or pure (alsofi.g.); brilliantly white (teeth); thoroughly settled, fully established; having (cleared off =),completed (appren ticeship, — P); cleared =examined and found to besecure; cleared out, exhausted, empty (treasury); cs. P. purify (also in ritual sense); exculpate; justify; clearly determine. sam, pp. purified, pure; removed (impurity); cleared off; defrayed, paid; searched, examined, found to be safe; Cs. P. cleanse, purify; clear off; defray, pay; clear, secure against attack (road). 3jW suing, n. growth, prosperity, luck (V.): -in, ad. for growth or prosperity (V.). ~W~T suna m-haviya', f. N. of B V. Ill, xxx, 2 2 (which, commences with the words ' sunam huvema'; Br.). 3j1'1i sunah-pukkha, m. (Dog's tail), N. 3IR suna-ka, m. (little) dog; N.: pI. descendants of Sunaka. 1jij1f-, sunam-k-Lri, m.lcind of rural genius. ~IMF sund-prishtha, a. having a suitable back (BV.'). WUtT sdnah-se'pa, m. (Dog's tail), N.l In rfPstinat-stra, m. du. N. of two genii' favourable to the growth of grain (V.); m. sy. ep. ef Indra (V., C.): - asana, n. (Indra's bow), rainbow. ~siinii,f. of svdn. TIS UNDH, v. 3VSUDH. sundh-yii, a. (i() bright, beauteous 33f siip-tijf. shoulder (BV.1). [V.). iSUBH, vTWSUMBH (B V., rare), '~\only sfimbhante, subhna, siimbhamana glide along. pra, id. 2. SUBH, I. A. sfimbha (V.),VI. P. \sumbhi, (V.), I. A. s6bha (V., C.), adorn, deck, beautify, prepare (V.); A. adorn oneself, look beautiful or handsomeappear to advantage, be resplendent, with (i~n.)A; prepare, make suitable or propitious for, A. prepare oneself for (d.; V.): with iva or yathi or pred. a., shine or look like; w. na, not shine, appear to disadvantage; cs. sobhaya, P. cause to shine (alsofig.), adorn: _pp.adorned, resplendent, with (in., -O). abhi, A. adorn oneself with (ac.; BV.); look beautiful (E.); Cs. pp. abhi-sobhita, adorned or looking handsome with (in.). UPa, A. look beautiful; Cs. P.Aadorn: pp. adorned, with (in., — ). pra, A. be resplendent. vi, A. look very beautiful or handsome; cs. _pp. adorned with (in., ~) sam, look beautiful (V., E.); shine equally with (in.; BV.); Cs. P. adorn: _pp. adorned with (in.). J.ITK sd'bh, f. (VT.) i. swift course or flight (esp. of the Maruts); 2. splendour, beauty; readiness. 33{ subh-a, a. splendid, beautiful, handsome; pleasant, agreeable; useful (animals); serviceable, good (land, seed, etc.); able (artist); correct, true (law, etc.); auspicious, lucky (day, etc.); good, virtuous; pure (action); m. N.; n. charm, grace (rare); welfare, prosperity, good fortune, happiness (ord. mng.; sts. pl.); benefit, service (rare); good or virtuous action. 33r-T subhiam-ya, a. flying swiftly (B V.'); -yavan, a. (BV.) id. (Maruts); -y-ft, a. loving adornment (BV.'); splendid, beautiful (C.). 3JfqFsubha-kara, a. auspicious; -karman, n. good work; a. acting nobly; -m-kara, rn. (propitious), N. of an Asura; -datta, rn. N.; -darsana, a. beautiful; -dima, n. auspicious day; -dhara, m. N.; -naya, m. N. of-a sage; -prada, a. auspicious; -bhivanfl f good opinion-of men; -mafifgala, n. good fortune, prosperity; a. fortunate; -maya, a. (i)-'plendid, beautiful; -m-bhaivukay a. looking beautiful, splendid. --- i: h-pmsubh- aya., sri3;. '3 7 'T. Subh-aya, only pr. pt. subhiiat gliding along, (RV.1). [self (RV.) 0 A 2. subh-tdya, P. adorn, A. adorn one. MjWI1U subha-laksbana, a. having aus. picious marks;..-lagna, n. 'auspicious oi lucky moment; -vis'arab, m. auspicious day -samsiu, a. prognosticating. good, auspi. cious; -sakuna, M. bird of -good omen. -Samanvita, pp. charming. 13r1if14 subha's-pdti, m. du. the two lord,, of splendour (Asvins; V.). I S'Ubha ftkara, a. acting virtuously:..taka, a. (iki) well-disposed; inana, a. beautiful-faced; arhn.desirigpo perity; - fvahm, a. bringing prosperity, auspicious; `:Isaya, a. having a virtuous disposition; -Isis, f. -benediction; ~sir-vaids, ~m. utterance of a benediction; - asubha, a. pleasant and (or) unpleasant; good and (or) *evil; n. weal or woe; good-and evil: -phala, a. resulting in good or evil. [bad. jw subha itara, a. re verse of good, evil, *~i~ subhaudarka, a. having a happy ftur in store fior one, having a prosperous issue: -ta', f. alist. N. PJ70subh-rtd, a. V., C.: radiant, splendid, beautiful, handsome; 'C..: clear, spotless (fame); white (ra-re): -tMA,f., -tva, n. whiteness; -dauta, a. (i.) having white teeth; -bhanu, m. moon. 1*1 subhrii-bhfi, become white. MT SUMBH,'V. 31RkSUBH. ITR sumbha, m. N. of an Asura. P{T'I P Atmbha-mftna, pr. pt.. A. (V". subh); A-ma~na, id. (-V2. subh). 1"_-,suriidhj. pl. invigorating draughts, healing herbs (BE.). — " sulks, m. (rare), n. V.: price, value; C.: toll, duty,, tax,; price of a girl, nuptial gift; wages of prostitution (rare): -sthanua, a.tl-station, cso-house. sulba,, m. (?), 31f. string, cord. jj~, v su-suk-vand, a. [v/suk]. radiant (BEV.'); -*vini, a. id. (RV.~). [demon. susulufka-yat'u, m. a kind of Mjjq" su-sru-v~s, pf. pt. V'sru. 3Ji su-srft-sha-ka, a. obedient to, serving (g., — ); -shana, n. desire to hear (rare); obedience, service (wv. d., g., le., -'O); faithful attendance on (the sacred fire, -.O); -shi, f. desire to hear; obedience, to (g.,lc,;attendance on (the sacred fire,7,,-0): -para, a. intent on the service of (,)-shitavya, fp. to be obeyed; a. imaps. or ~s ould obey (lc.); -sh-ft, des. a. wishing tr& he'ar eagger to learn; desirous of serving, -zibedient docile (w. g. or...O); -sh-ya, fp. to be obeyed. i.SUSH,, IV. P. (A. metr.) sfishya,,'become dry or parched, wither; cs. sosh&3ra, P.(.metr.) dry -up, wither, parch (V.,C.); ~destroy (C.): pp., soshita. anu, gradually: dry up (int.),, wither away; wane after ((4c.). ud, dry uip (int.); cs. dry up, wi-tler'(tr.). -,upa, cs. id. pari, be dried up, shriylel,; es. dry up, wither (tsf.), emaciate. praizi, be blighted (fame; RE.),. v'i, be dried -up, wither away; cs. dry up, wither (t..sam, be dried up; cs. dry 'up (tr.),. 2. SUSH, VI. P. SuShA [weak forin of i~V vas1, hiss (of a snake,; BV.). a, A \wiz(stone): onlypr.pt.&-sish~,nfi aspire, be eager to fulfil (BE.): only a' sushe and - qsush, a.( (O) drying up, withering (tr. & - ZW siish-ka, a. dried up, dry, parched, r sere, withered (ord. mg.); -empty, useless, causeless; m..N.: -kalaha, in groundless quarrel; pretended dispute; _t',.f., -tva, n. dry-ness; -mukha, a. having a dry mouth; -rudita, n. weeping without tears. s vt sushka'letra, m. N. of a mountain or a,locality., W(sushka-vat, a. dried uip (lake); -vairin, a. quarrelling a-bout nothing; -vraLna, m. healed wound, scar,; -srota[s], a. having its stream dried up (river). UJwTsush-na, m. [parcher:, V i. sush].N. of a demon of drought slain by Indra. =W siish-ma, V. a-. [ V'sush = V'svas] hissing, gushing (wave; B V.); strong (juice') (RE.); m. ( V.) roaring, rushing (offire, water, wind'etc.); (exhalation),fragrance (ofap lant, ofSoma, B V.); impulse, impetuosity, valour; vital vigour, spirit (ra're).jW" sush-man, m. [roaring: V2. sush] fire; might,. courage, energy.. JfMMT snshmin-a, m.N. of a prince of the Sibis (Br.). Mfin sush-min, a. roarin g (Maruts, A'gni; V.); strong (Soma, V'.); mighty, fiery~valiant (V., E., P).. i. zStY, only pf. sOsu, sfisuv., and aor. szbj. 'sfisv~mma, be superior or victorious (BE.). V2. SU, swell, v.Vv., Aonom..in. sf-kfrd and s1f-krita. 311I stika, m. n. awn of grain; compassion (on ly in nih-st~ka); a. sting of an insect. 3P sli-kara, m. boar, hog (less correct for sft-`firA, m. scaring with the cry Ai (V.); (sfi)_krita, pp. (V.) scttred with the cry Sx; ',n. urging, spurring of a horse (BE`.'). ~ItTT slt-khra, m. whistling, whizzing "(etc.). 'MC sfidra, m. man, of the fourth or servile class: -km, m. N. of a icing, the repute author of the Mrikkhakatikd; N. of a soldier; -gana, mn. S~dra, -ganman, a. descended from a Sftdra; m. Sftdra; ta, f, _tva, a. condition of a S~dra,; -dharmna, m. duty of a Sttdra; -yiyakm, a. sacrificing for a Scidra. 3TWT sftdr'a, f. woman of the fourth caste: -putra, m, son of a Sodra'; ~a atha-yigmka, a. sacrificing with the money of a Sftdra; A-vedin, a. marrying a SOtdri. s71sftcirii, f. woman. of the fourth caste. s~ri. sfna, pp. ($svh) swollen.. 2. Siuna, (pp.) n. [swelling, hollowness: V?2. sA] emptiness, lack, want. Sr sfinaf.-incorr.for 1ITT fina A~Ts~n-ya', a. empty, void, unoccupied, deserted; riderless (horse); vacant (gaze); absent, distraught; destitute; deprived or devoid of, free' from, lacking (in., — ); wanting, non-existent (O-); empty, vain-,idle; a. empty or deserted place; solitude; emptiness, void, non-entity; non-existence of ( —); absolute vacuity (B.); cipher; earring (rare).jj~qIf~ m sfnya-kitta, a. absent-minded, distraught; -t&,f. emptiness, solitude, 'desolate ness; absent-mindedness,distraction; vacancy (of gaze); lack of (0-); nothingness; -tva, at. id.; -bindu, m. sign of a cipher; -bh&4&, mn. emptiness; -manas, a. absent-minded, distraught; — mftla, a. being in a particular kind of evil plight (said of an army); -vaida, mn. tenet of the non-existence of things, doctrine of Buddhism; -vidin, a. maintaining the non-existence of things; mn. Buddhist; atheist; -vy para, a. unoccupied; -sar-ira, a. having nothing in the body: -ta',f. 'abst. K.; _Sftnya, a. absolutely inane (speech); -hridaya, a. absent-minded, distraught; lacking a heart. AZ~ fnyii-kri, turn into a desert; leave empty, quit (a house); -bt, become deserted. VIA SfR, only pf. SUSftre. struck off G~N(head; C.'). brave; mn. hero; hero towards any one (lc.); hero in (in., lc., — 0); heroism (in -vinfi); N.: -gm, m. son of'SMi'a; N. ~3!JIM s1r-ana, a spirited (steed;. BEV'.'); mn. (C.) an esculent root (also- spelt s~r-)...~Tsfira-ta,f~heroism, intrepidity; -tva, II. id.; -danta, m. N. of a Brdhm an; -deva, m. N.; -pura, a. N. of a town; -matha, mn. colleggefounded hy 8Sftra; -minin, a. considerin~g,oneself a hero; -mfirdha-m-aya, a. (i) consisting of the heads of heroes; -vai-man, m. N.; -vidya, a.. understanding heroism, heroic; (sikra)-simti, f (acquisition of heroes), battle: only lc. (BV.); -sena, sn. N. of a country round Mathurd: pl. its people; king of Sftrasena; N.: -ka, -gm, mn. p1. people of S-ftrasena. suiri-kri, make a hero of. A fra isvara, ma. N. of a statue erected A 1rta, pp. (V/sri';'BYV.') scattered',slain. 3~surpa, It. winnowing basket: -karna, a. having ears like winnowing baskets:. -puta, a. id.; -nakh,f. N. of a, Bdkshasi, sister of Blvana; -puta, spout of. a, winnowing basket; -sruti, mn. (having~ ears like a winnowing basket), elephant. A A A VT~ SULJ, I. A. Aila, IV. P. A. sfilva, G 'hurt, be painful (very rare>.- tla, m. a. V., C.: ro-asting spit; ` C.: spike, dart, spear (esp. of Siva); acute pain, esp clcbanrensign (rare); a, certain constellation with& which all the planets are in any three asterisms (rare);-m.,, &,f. pointed stake for impaling criminals, esp..thieves; i, f. prostitute (rare). W~TM sfla-gava, m.'spit-ox (kind of offerig to Bsedra); -ghna, a. pain-killing, sedative; -dhara, a. bearing a' spear, ep.o u dra-Siva; -pa~ni, a. holding a dart in his hand; mn. e~p. of Rudra-Siva; N.; -pila, In. keeper or frequenter of brothels; -bhrit, m. ep. of Siva. 3~TWM sfiftl-kri, roast on a spit. Vsia a.r npoint of a spear ors'take; -avatamsita, pp..impaled. VqfiTsfyi-in, a. armed with, a spear; suffering from colic (rare). sAsh -, a. [V/svas] resounding, ~loud (BE.); snorting, valiant (BEF.); m. loud or glad song (BE.); breath, vital energy (V.). Vsri, in sarana etc. sam-pari, 'cover over: PS. -s'riLyate, (Br.). 318 sriga'la.:4 =Al I I` IT sokish-kesa. 31Ir~ sgla 'N rskIh-kea [Tfsriggla, v. sriga'a. 'W sritikhala, M. n., a, f chain, fetter: (a)-ka, m. young camelhavingitsfeet fettered. 'q srifikhala-ya, den. P. fetter. sriikhal' - datman, n. chain, fetter; pasm id. ~ sr'fig, n. A. ',) horn (also used for drinking and blowing); C.: elephant's tusk (rare); syringe (rare); mountain-top, peak; turret, pinnacle; horn of the moon; extreme end, tip (also A V.); height, acme, best of its kind; (horn =) self-sufficiency, pride (rare); first awakening of love (rare): -ka, (-'O a.) horn; syringe; -bhuga, m. N.; -rahita, pp. hornless; -vat,a.horned; peaked; -vera, m. N. of a snake-demon; n. fresh or dry ginger; -pura, n. N. of a town on the Ganges; -sata, n. p1. hundreds of peaks. WTV7 sritsga'ta, n. kind of triangular nut; m. or n. triangle, triangular place: -ka, n. Srifighta nut; m. n. triangle; place where several (or four) roads meet ( PO a. f. iks') 33WT'RK srisgqa~ntara, a. space between the horns, forehead of a horned animal. IWT~ srifig-ara, a. handsome, fine (rare); fine garments, finery (also of the ornamental trappings of an elephant); sexual love; erotic sentiment in a poem (it is of two kinds, sambhoga- and vipralanmbha-srifagrara); N.: -k-esht&, f. amatory gesture; -man-gari, f. N.; -vat, a. erotic: -', f. N.; -sata: -ka, a,. hundred verses treating of love, T7. of the first century of Bhartrihari; -sekhara, m. N. of a king; -simha, m. N. '3W f~srifsgar-ita, den.pp. adorned; -in, a. id.; beautifully dressed; enamoured; erotic. 31 t- srifcigfr-'iya, den. P. yearn for love. VKfsrifsg-ifn, a. horned (VT., C.); m. (C.) horned animal; mountain. sriiigeri-pura, a. N. of a town (corruption qf srifiga-giri-). ~~t~Tsriiigantpftdana, a. productive of horns; m. spell producing horns; -ip' diniL, f. N. of a Yakshinil producing horns and changing men into animals. 3F sri-td, pp. (x/srft) cooked, boiled; coefodsp. boiled milk (V.): -p'ka, a. thoroughly cooked (1Y.'). vi. SRIDH, I. P. sirdha, (V7.) be de6o N fiant (towards), not trouble oneself about (g.): pr. pt. sirdhat, s~rdha-2mina, defiant, mocking. A YIT. 2. SRIDH, I. A. -sardha, fart. aa "Nce. -sardhaya,break wind against any one. T~112 sridh-yg, f. defiance (liv.') VT SRI, IX. P. srina, sriniL, P. break, rend, LI crush, A..break or destroy one's (V.); P. slay (game; C.) PS. siryate (V. rare; C.; sts.,metr. ti), be broken, rent, or shattered; fall off (fruit, etc.); wither, waste away; be worn out: pp. sirnii, broken, rent, shattered (Br. rare; 0.); fallen off or out (fruit, flower, leaf); decayed, rotten, withered (fruit~fiower, leaf); sirta, destructible (only in a-slrtaandduh-slrta-tanu); Sfrt&, shattered (liV.'). par, break in pieces, crush (V.). pra, break off. vi, ps. be broken., shattered; waste away; be dispersed; be severed from (ab.); be damaged or destroyed; wither, perish: _pp. vislirna, broken, rent, shattered, crushed, destroyed; dispersed, scattered; fallen out (teeth,); rubbed off (unguent, etc.); squan dered (treasure), frustrated (enterprise). Sam, P. break down, crush, break in pieces (V.); A. collapse (V.); ps. be dispersed (E.). s-e, the V. termination -e in yushme, asme. sekhara, m. [cp. sikhara] crown of the head (very rare); mountain-peak (rare); chaplet worn on the head, crest, diadem; O0, best or most beautiful of: -gyotis, m. N. of a king.!MWT9 sekhara-ya, den. P. make a diadem of: pp. ita, serving as a diadem; having the tips adorned with(0 't sekhar'-kri, make a diadem of; -bhiuz, become a diadem. seda,, sedda, names of localities (?). W'q seap-a, mn. (V.) male organ; tail (rare); (s,6p)-as, a. male organ. W'%tj seph-a, m. male organ; scrotum: du. testicles (Br.); -as, n. male organ. IITfzfT sephql-ikftjf a plant ( Vitex Negundo); -i, f. id.!j~~fsem-ush-i1j. (ofpf~pt. Vsam) understanding, wisdom; resolve, purpose ( —9 -ka): -mush, a. robbing of wisdom. irM selu, m. a small tree (Cordia ]JIyxa) and its fruit. ikT' seva, V., a. [op. siva] dear; kind. Tf seva-dhf', m. treasure; treasury (rare). I'q~i sevaraka, m. N. of an Aua IW se'vala, a. slimy (AV7.). IW savra, m. treasury (liV.1). TItV~ se'[va] -vridha (or d1), a. bliss-increasing (Biv.). 11I sesh-a, m. a. [v/sish] remainder, residue, rest of (g., Ie., 0;issue, result (rare); token of recognition (rare); secondary matter, accident; supple ment; -' a. of whom or which - only (-mqtra being sts. added) is left: lc. seshe, for the rest; in every other case; seshe rAtrau, during the remainder of the night; iti seshah (very common in commentators), the words - must be supplied to complete the sense; a. remaining (pl. the rest); w. a pp. in ab., but gnly.0~-, e.g. desaintaram pra'yitebhyo ye sesha~s te, the few (remaining over from those who had gone =) who had not gone to another country, hata-sesha~h, the few who had not been slain; last, lastmentioned; mn. N. of a serpent supporting the earth andformnzig the couch of Vishnu during his sleep. 7WiENTW sesha-karana, a. leaving a remnant of ( —9); -tas, ad. otherwise; -tva, a. secondariness; applicability to other cases; -bhug, a. eating the remnants; -bhhtta, pp. remaining; secondary; -vistAra-pa~ndu, a. pale in its remaining extent. WITFI sesh-as, a. [relict:,'sish] offspring (Byv.). T1MT sesh - ft, f. pl. auspicious flowers left over from a sacrifice; sg. garland made of such flowers. tRIsesh'i-bhii, remain over.!ItW sesh-ya, f~p. to be left aside or ignored. %T saiksha, a. [sikshft] regular, correct; in. novice, tyro. ~ sakham. [sikhaj descendant of an outcast Brihman. itf~ saikhin-a, a. produced by (etc.) the peacock (sikhin). saighr-a, a. rapidity; -ya, a. id. TTI sait-ya, a. [silta] coolness, coldness. tfgW~ saithil-ya, a. [sithila] looseness; flaccidity; diminution; unsteadiness, vacancy (of gaze); laxity, remissness, negligence, in saib-ya, a. relating to the Sibis; m. descendant of Sibi; king of the Sibis. tw saila, a. (i1) made of stone; stony; m. rock; hill, mountain: -kany', f. daughter of the mountain (Himalaya), Phrvatl; -k&'ta, mountain-peak; -guru, a. heavy as a mountain; chief of mountains, Himalaya; -tanayaf. daughter ofthe mountain,Ptrvatl tif.condition of a mountain; -duhitri, f.daughter of the mountain, Phrvatl; -dhatu, m. mineral; -patha, m. mountain path; -pura, a. N. of a town; -mya 3.() made of stone; -mriga, m. wild goat; -raga, M. king of mountains, Himtlaya; -sikhmra,mi. mountain peak; -sekhara, m. id.; -sriiiga, a. id.; -ara a. hard as a rock; suajf. daughter of themountain, Parvatl: -kna m.bhusbandof Ptrvatl, Siva; -setu, m. embankment of stone. WTT saila agra, a. mountain top; - dhirkga, m. sovereign of mountains, Himalaya: -tny,f. daugh ter of the Himklaya, Parvatl. tWNf~ saflali, m. pat. (fr. silftlin) of a teacher: -n, m. p1. school of Silklin; i-yuvan, M. dancer, actor. [duct, procedure., ~f~sail-^I, f[r. Sila] habit, custom, consailftshd, m. (pat-fr. silfisha) dancer,. actor (their wives are in ill-repute): i', f. female dancer, actress. [HimAlaya. (1I\ O saila indra, M. chief of mountains, t(I4 sail-eya, m. a. (produced from stone, sila), benzoin, bitumen, etc. Ir saiva, a.() relating, belonging or sacred to, derived from Siva; m. worshipper of Siva: taf condition of a Sivaite; -darsana, s.doctrine of the Sivaites. TR saivala, m. or a. (?) kind of aquatic plant (Blyxa octandra): -vat, a. covered with Saivala. 90T saiva'la, a. = saivala: -ka, 0' a. id. '* saisav-a, n. [sisu] childhood; childishness, stupidity (rare): -yauniya, a. representing C hildhood, and youth. saisir"c- a. (I) relating or belonging to the col se Is,'n; derived from or composed by Sisira: i, inpJat. fr. Sisira; iYa, a. relating to Saisirli. [fr Saisuptli. W3Wftsaisui-ra'ri (or~li), in. perk. incorr. 'Jj~i so'k-a, m. fv',sukc] flame, glow (V.); anguish, sorrow., grief; affliction, for (g., ~O V., C.): -karka,f. broodings of' sorrow; -ga, a. produced by sorrow; -na'sana, M. destroyer of grief; -pariyana, a. 'plunged in, grief; -maya, a.consisting of or full of sorrow; -&kula, a. overwhelmed with grief; -frta,, pp. afflicted with sorrow. sok-aniya, fp. lamentable, deplorable: -t&,f. deplorableness; -ayitri., in, causer of pain; -i-tavya,fp. deplora-ble-~, to be mourned. [hair (KY.i tOf~441T, sokish-kesa, a. having flkminj, VA IINM sok-i'shtha. wm srath. 319 i WTI fs k-isht ha, spy, of sukra (RlV.). fff o-i,.[Vsuk] V.: flame, glow, lighit (nearly always of Agni); C.: colour, splendour, beauty. ftw~ sok-ya, fp. to be lamented, deplorable: -ta', f. deplorableness. Ifi sodha, 'incorr. for sodha. SON, only pf. susona, be red. 2IVWsona, a. red, crimson; m. redness (C'., rare); N. of a river, the Sone or Red River which flows into the Ganges at Pd'talipur (C.): -tah, f. redness; - asva, a. having red horses, ep. of Drona. lIkftf [_son-ita, n. Ecoloured red, den. pp. fj.. sona] blood (sts. pl.): -pa'ran&, f. breakfast of blood; ^ sin, a. drinking blood (fig.).,kftf!z[~ son-i-man, m. redness. IT ~tW soni-kri, colour blood-red. WMT~T Sonajittara, f. N.,jJso-tha, m. [V,~sft=Vsvq]7 swelling. TT WKi~ sodh-aka, a. [V'sudh] purifying; -ana, a. id.; n. means of purification; cleansing, purifying; removal; subtraction; clearing up, sifting, investigation, examination: -ka, rn. servant charged with cleaning and keeping a house in order; -aniya, fp. to be cleansed or purified; - discharged or paid; -in, a. cleansing, purifying; -ya, fp. to be purified; to be rectified or corrected. 'J~Isopha, m. swelling, tumour. WIR[ sobh-a, m. [Vsubk] N.: a-ka, a. (i-ka') splendid, beautiful; m. N.; -ana, a. splendid, handsome, beautiful, in or with ();excellent, distinguished, by or in ( —P); propitious, auspicious; n. prosperity, fortune; good or moral action: 'a,f. beautiful woman (Often in vc.). NM~rr sobh-', f, splendour, beauty, g'race, loveliness (-'O sts. =splendid, extraordinary); colour (rare): k&' sobha', what good is there in (ic.) == is a bad thing: -vat-i, f. N. of a town; -va-kya, n. handsome speech. ftffa~ff, sobh-in, a. splendid, handsome, beautiful; resplendent or adorned withi, distinguished in (0-); -o a. instead of sobbfi. tfRi9 so'bh-ishtha, spy. extremnely brilliant 'J,'1 sosh-a, a.(0 drying up; removing, destroying; m. drying up, withering, decay; dryness; -ana, a. (i) drying up, parching, withering; removing, destroying; n. desiccation; emaciation; -in, a. drying up, wasting away; drying up, withering (tr.). WI7ti saukta, a. made of mother-of-pearl (sukti). [ness. ~~saukl-ya, n. [sukla] whiteness, brightWT saufigeya', m. met. (fr. suiigft) of Garuda; falcon, hawk (C.). *9~ sauk-a, n.cleanness,purity (also ritual); purification by ( —); integrity, honesty: -tva, n. id.; -vat, a. pure (also fig.). ZT' saut'ir-a, a. manly, proud (jE.); -ya, n. manliness, pride, of Q —0). If sauda, N. of a country. 'it~ saund-a, a. (-'0) addicted to liquor (sundfl); passionately fond of, entirely devoted to; skilled in; being the pride of: i-ka, m. distiller or seller of spirituous liquors: 3, f. female keeper of a tavern; -in,'wi.: i, f. id. I~T fi W~ saundikeya, s.[u dk] hn -1of demon injurious to children. ~PU~ aundir-ya, n. manliness, pride, haughtiness (= sautlrya). 1k1Wtqf'T sauddhodan-i, m.pat. (fr. suddhodana) ofBuddha. ftW~ sa-idra, a. belonging, relating or peculiar to a Sftdra; born of a Sfidrah. TTj1sauan-a, a. (i) belonging to a dog (svan). *" saiinaka, m. pat. (fr. sunaka), esp. of a celebrated grammarian to whom numerous (ten) works on the Veda are attributed: pI. his descendants and his school: i'-ya, a. composed by Saunaka. 1Iri.'Tti saunah -sepei, m. pat.fr. Sunahsepa; a. story of Sunahsepa. 'Jfr4WII saura-sena, a. (i) relating etc. to the Sftrasenas: 3', f. language of the Sftrasenas (a Pradkrit dialect). saur-i, in. pat. (fr. sflra) of Yasudeva (rare) and of Vishnu-Krishna. WT4saiir -ya, n. [su'ra] heroism, valour, prowess: -karman, n. heroic deed; -ra'si, in. paragon of valour; -vat, a. heroic, valiant; -ga am (ocean =) paragon of heroism; _unMadin, a. foolhardy; -_ audfixya-srifigiaramaya, a. composed of heroism, nobility, and love of women. tf-REN saulk-ika, in. [sulka] superintendent of tolls, custom-house officer. *4ft sauva, a. relating to the dog (svan), canine. WT f i sauvas-tika, a. occurring on or lasting till to-morrow (svas). wf: SKAND, only intv. pr. pt. hiniskad-at, shining (RV.i). awa skand-ra, a. shining (IIV. rare; also in various cpds. hilri-shandra, etc.). V' SKAM, only skaman, nppease, quell (fwry, IRV-,) TCSNARl (= NARl), only with upa in Nup~aslarat, approach (ac.; YE.). VjjSKUT, I. P. sk6ta (in C. nearly always \)Nskyota, a form produced bly the confusion of kyut and shut), inC. trickle, ooze, drop, distil; Cr. cause to drop or flow, shed (C.); cs. slcotaya, P. cause to flow or drop (Br.). ni, A. drop or trickle down (C.). pra, trickle forth (C.). W? shuLt, a. -' V., Wf?( skynt, a. — 9, C., Nadropping, shedding. ' 74jj SKYIJT, in C. =!W SKUT. SNATH, II. P. only snathihii, pt. ",snifthat and aor. snathishtam, snathishtana, pierce (.RV.); as. snathaya, id.: pp. snathit&. ni, strike down; as. id. pari-ni,id. 3IRWT smasa, f. channel (B IV.1). 1';TWJT' smasahnd, n. burial or burning ground, cemetery; sacrifice to the Manes (rare): -m sev, frequent burial grounds=undergo every possible horror: -piia, m. guardian of a cemetery; -vet1a'l, m. N. of a gambler. TIT smds-ru, a. beard, sp. moustache: p1I hairs of the beard: -dhara, a. wearing a beard., bearded (C.). KWIN smasru-la, a. bearded. ~~smasr-h-ya, den. A. resemble a beard. I INT SY.&, IV. P. sym~ya, cause to freeze or congeal (Br., -rare); ps. siykte, freeze, congeal,coagulate, be cold (V.): pp. sitk, cool, cold (V., C.); sina, coagulated, frozen (C., rare); syana, become dry (C., rare). 9, A. become dry (C.): pp. syna, coagulated, dry. WTt~t! sy'parna. m. N.; pl. his descendants (V.): 1-ya, a.belonging to the Sykparnas (Br.). INT syftmad, a.. black, dark grey, green, or blue, sable, dusky, swarthy (considered a beautiful colour in complexion); in. N. of a svacredfig-tree at-Praydga: -t,f~blackness, dark colour; -tva, n. id.; -phena, a. having black foam: at f. abst. N.; -mukha, a. black-faced (cloud); having black nipples. WTT syfima-la, a. dark-coloured: -ka, m. N.; -t,f. blackness, dark colour. MTRR'OT syftma-lata&, f. kind of creeper. ~i~fr~rsyamal-ita, den. pp. darkened, obscured; -i-man, m. blackness, darkness; -i-kri, darken, obscure. ZqI;-q4 Syaima-varna, a. dark-coloured. WTRT syftm', f. young woman in the bloom of youth having certain characteristics; kind of bird; N. of various plants, esp. of the Priyafagu creeper; N. WMT[T syamma-ka, m. kind of grain (Panicumfrumentaceum). A [colour. WT[TW sylma - ya, den. A. assume a dark WTfIIEiT sy~m-ik,!,f. blackness; impurity. W~Tf7T[ syfm-ita, den. Pp.. darkened. WOWi~ syftmi-kri, darken; -bh-h, be darkened. WTW syflla, mn., v. IWTR[ syfila. INTTq sya'vd, a. dark-brown, brown; qn. bay steed: 3., f. (BRV.) bay mare; night. WTT(iff syAv.-dant, a. brown-toothed; -danta:. -ka, a.- id.~; -dant a-a f. Possession of brown teetb. W1TWqT syfiva'sva, alhaving brown steeds; m. N.; -Asya, a..brown-faced. '!t~i syeta', a. (6n) reddish white, white. tvfI syend, m.- eagle (that brings down Soma to man; V.); falcon, hawk; hind of ek&ha, (S.); hind of battle-array (C.); a. eaglelike (breast; Br., S:-gIV-In, ms. falconer; (&')-patvan, a. flying with eagles (car; lIE.5); - avapitam, ad. swooping down like an eagyle-or hawk. 1~jtsyeni, f. of syeta and syena. WW syaitd, in. Pat. N.; n. N. of various,Sdmans. W'q'syain-eya,m.in et.(fr. syeni) ofGata'yu. W1TJ SRAN, as. -sra'naya, P. vi, give N away, bestow on (d.). '?Z rt or srdd, indecl. with kri, promise, assure (V7.); w. dha, P. A. trust, rely on, believe any one, bave faith in (d.; in C. also g. of prs. or thing, lc. of thing); credit, believe (a thing; ac.), - to be (2 ac.); expect any thing (a c.) from any on e (ab.; C.); agree to, approve (ac.; C.); welcome any one (C.); desire anything (ac.; C.); w. na, distrust; disapprove of; pr. pt. sradddhna, trustful, believing: pp. sraddhita,, having confidence; approved; welcomed. V~SRATH, IX. srathna", sratni(, Nrare), VI. P. srintha (YE.5), become loose, yield; make slack, disarm; A. unloose 320 Niq lq sratha'-ya. ftr sri. 320 wr srathfl-ya. fr sri. one's (bonds etc.); cs. (V.) sratha, P. loosen; remit, pardon (sin): A. become loose, yield. vi, cs. (V.) loosen; remit, pardon (sin); destroy. srath' -ya (RV.), only impv. sratha. ava, loosen from below. ud, loosen from above. vi, loosen. -4 ' NITIR~T srad-dadhatna-tft,f. faith; -vat, a. believing. l~~T srad-dha, a. putting faith in, trusting (d.; V.); f. confidence, trust, faith, belief, in (le., — P), faithfulness, sincerity (V., C.); desire., longing, for (lc., prati, inf., or gnly. -0; C.); Curiosity (17., C.): _m Akhy~hi naS t~vat, pray satisfy our curiosity and tell us. -4i1;Z srac1-dhfttavya, fp. n. one should believe. 34T 1; sraddhft-maya, a. full of faith. WTqj sraddhfi-lu, a. believing; vehemently longing for (.O;-vat, a. believing; agreeing, assenting. [credible (11 V.). -1rf C- sraddh-in, a. believing; -iv&, a. '3t srad —dheya, fp. to be believed, credible. -tva, n. credibility. -4 44!I srcip-ana, n. [fr. es. of V'srat] cooking fire (Ahbavanlya andGirhapatya); n. cooking. -344 srap-aya, Cs. (Vsa:pp. ita. SRAM, IV. P. sri'mym (V., C), I. P. A. srama (V., C.; rare), grow weary, of (inf.); exert oneself, labour in vain; practise austerity: pp. sran~ wearied, tired, exhausted; cs. P. sramaya,. fatigue, tire. pari, pp. gveatly fatigued, exhausted; weary of (-0); as. -sramaya, P. fatigue., tire. vi, take a rest, repose; cease, stop; rest or depend on ~lc.); rely on (lc.); feel at ease: pp. visra~nta, having rested, from (-9); reposing; abated, ceased, stopped; coming to an end at =reaching to (ac., -0); destitute of (0-); Cs. ()P. cause to rest or repose; cause (dust) to settle on (le.); put an end to: pp. -sramita. pari-vi, pp. completely rested. sam, pp. exhausted. 34 srdm-a, m. weariness, -fatigue, exhaustion; exertion, exercise, labour, toil; religious or studious effort; pains or trouble bestowed on anything (le.,.):-kara, a. causing fatigue or trouble; -karshita, pp. worn out with fatigue; -gha, a. dispelling fatigue; -kkhid, a. id.; -gala, n. perspiration. 3APR4Q sram-and, vs. (mortifying the flesh), ascetic, mendicant, sp. Buddhistic or Jamn (a term sts. applied to Buddha himself); n. effort, exertion: -ka, in. mendicant; i-k&,f. mendicant nun; - karya, m. Buddha. 1IW~sramana-ya, den. A.. become a religious mendicant. 'q~ srama-nud, a. dispelling fatigue; -mhta p. paralysed with fatigue.; -vri, ss. perspiration: -bindu, -lesa, mn. drop of perspiration; -viuayaua, a. dispelling fatigue; -skara, vs. perspiration; - dhkyin, a. causing, trouble (conj.); z-amu nprspiration. V,'~TW SRAMB H, I.K-srambha (sts. spelt \r-srambha). vi, con-fide or trust in, rely on (le.): pp. visrabdha, confiding, confident, fearless, towards (prati); showing or inspiring confidence: '~ or -in, confidently, without hesitation; es. vi-srambhaya, P. inspire with confidence, encourage. lI11sray-ana, n. [V'sri] recourse to (-9). 4srav-a, v. [v,/i. sru] hearing,O f(-S); ear. WZi. srtdv-ana, n.[8/T.sru] hearing; learning; fame, reputation (rare); vs. (rarely a.) ear: iti sravanfit, because it is so stated in the Veda. W 72. srdv-ana, a. [V'/2. sin] lame (S., rare); as,~,f (rare), N. of the twentieth or twenty-fifth lunar asterism (conceived of as representing the figure of three footsteps): a, f. night of full-moon in the month of Sr~vana: -karman, n. ceremony on'the day of full-moon in Sravana. 33M 3.- sravana, n. incorr. for sravana. 'WT41'fTTsravana-katara-tajfanxiety to hear; -gokara, vs. range of hearing, earshot; a. being within ear-shot; -patha, qn. range of hearing; auditory passage, ear; region of the ears: -gata, pp. extending to the ears, -paryanta-gamana, n. extension to the ears, z-9tithi, vs. coming-to the ears of any one: -tvam i, L~ome to the ears of (g.); -parusha, a. harsh to the ear; -p ali, f. tip of the ear; -puraka, vs. earring; -praghun - ika, vs. reaching the ears of any one: -I-kri, cause to reach the ear of( l) m~, n. root of the ear; -vidfirana, a. ear-rending (speech); -vishaya, vs. range of hearing, ear-shot; -sukha, a. pleasant to the ear; -subhaga, a. id.; -harin, a. charming, the ear. ~!ifsrav-anilya, fp. to be heard, worth hearing. M-MHTsravana udara, n. (interior of the) ear. Wqi. srdv-as, n. [IT sru] shout, loud praise (V.); famne, glory, renown (V., P.). WK2. srdv-as, n. [v/sru = V/srul] stream, flow (11 V.); swift course or flight (RV-7); channel (11 V., rare). 34 r.. sravas-ya, den. a) only pt. -yet, praising (V.); b) -ya,, P. (V.) hasten, be swift; snatch up (ac.). qTW 2. sravas-y'a, a) n. (RV.) praise, renown; glorious deed; b) a. swift (steed; 111.); -ya, in. ad. swiftly (111.); -yuf, a. i. praising (111.); 2. swift, nimble (V.). 44 - srav-'ayya, a. (V.) praiseworthy. 34f*T sra'v-ishtha', f. pl. (C. also sg. dv.) N. of a lunar asterism. '51 srav-y a, fp.. [./'r. sinu] audible, worth hearing. NT sR tA, pp. sr~tk, sriti, (V.) cooked, boiled, roasted; as. srapiya, P. (A. metr.) cook, boil, roast (V7., C.); burn (earthenware; S.). ~ srddhaa. [sraddh&] faithful, believing (rare); n. oblation to the Manes, funeral rite and feast (at which gifts and food are presented to Brdhmsans): -karnman, n. performance of the funeral rite, funeral feast; -kalpa, vs. id.; -deva, vs. (leity of the funeral rite (a term applied to Mann Vaivasvata, YamaVaivasvata,Vivasrat, and pious Brdh,mans); -bhug, m. partaker of a funeral feast; -bhogaua, n. participation in a funeral feast; -mitra, a. making friends through a funeral feast. WTfW'Z srfiddh-ika, a. relating to a funeral feast,; -in, a. performing funeral rites; having partaken of a funeral feast;..ya., a.relating to a funeral feast. ~qIQ sran-tad, pp. (.-,sram) wearied etc.; A. fatigue; mortification, fruit of religious austerities:.4gata, pp. arriving wearied. srftn-ti, f. weariness, fatigue., 43TMW sra'p-aya, as. P.- of 4/sri. WTfqvsr, -p-in, a. [Vsra&] cooking. WTRI1![R srdmana-ka, vs. or n. kind of procedure in laying the fire. WT14 sray-4, a. provided with (le.; BY1.1),1T 1 l c srftv-aka, a. [ Vi. sr-Li] listening to ( —0); audible afar; vs. hearer, pupil; disciple of Buddha or Jina. -i~1f Ic srdvana, 1. a. perceived by the ear (sravana), audible; a. causing to be heard, announcement; 2. a. relating to the asterism Sravana; vs. N. of rainy monh(uy August): li,f. day of full-moon in Sr~vana; kind of Pgka-yagila. NT I qM srftvana-tva, a. audibleness. WTg~W srftv-ayi-tavya, cs. fp. to be brought to the ears of (g.); to be caused to: hear something (ac.); -tri, a. causing to hear. M qI sra'vasta, vs. N. of a king, founder of Srdvastl; i, f. N. of a city in Kosala. WTW1 srav-ya, fp. to be heard, audible; worth hearing; to be proclaimed; to be in-, formed. fJSRI, I. sriya, i. V.: P. lean, lay in or on, cause to rest on, direct towards (lc.); spread (light) over (la.); A., ps. lean against (ac., E1.); find support, be fixed, rest or beaon or in (ac., lc.,or ad.); 2. C.: P. A. resort orbetake oneself to (esp-for help or shelter); A.enter., take possession of (the heart etc., ac., le.; of feelings); P. A. attain, undergo, enter into (a condition), assume (a form): pp. sritk, i. act. mg.: clinging to, standing, lying, resting or being in or on, sitting on, contained in (ac., lc., —; V., C.); having betaken oneself to (cc., of tess as finite vb.; C.); having attained or fallen into (a condition), having assumed (a form: ac. or; C.); 2.pS. vsg. C.: resorted to, occupied; taken, chosen: -vat, pp.-act. having taken refuge with (cc.). adhi, P. spread over (cic., la.; V., ra re); place upon (esp. on the fire; V., C.); resort to, lie or sit down on (cc.; C.): pp. idhisrita, clinging to, resting in or on (cc., lc.; V.); placed upon (esp. the fire, la.; V., C.); studded with (in.; P.); having betaken oneself to (C.). anu, pp. followed by (in.). apa, pp. ipa,srita, leaning or resting on, concealed in (lc.; V.). a^, -V.: P. attach to (very rare); C.: P. 'A. lean on, attach oneself to, resort to, seek refuge with (ac.); P. be attached to, depend on (cc.); P. A1. betake oneself to a place, come to, reach (ac.: RV.1, C.); have recourse to,, choose, assume (aforvs), acquire, undergo (a change, ac.; C.); befall (cc.; C.); consider, regard (C.): gd. aisritya, resorting to; regairding =on account of; ps. be subject to (in.): pp. Misrita, i. act. vsg. leaning on, supported by, having recourse to, seeking refuge with, devoted or subject to (ac., rarely g.,.9;clinging, attached or peculiar to (ac.,.9;dependent, based on (le., -O); relating to (ac., — m); having resorted to a place, dwelling, abiding, standing, sitting, lying, resting, or being in or on (ac., lc., -9); having reached or arrived at (cc.); having come into the possession of any one, belonging to (property,.9;having had recourse to, having chosen or devoted oneself to, having acquired (ac., — 0); having regard to (rescard); 2. pS. Mg. resorted to, taken refugre with; supported by (in.); inhabited, occupied, entered, by ii, 0;ind ulged in, had recourse to, assumed, undertaken, chosen; regarded, taken account of. ape~, P. A. resort to, seek refuge with (cc.); have recourse to anything (ac.),: fwr~r. sri-t.:m sru-ta.32 321 I.pp. leaning against (ac., 0-); having taken refuge in (ac.).; having recourse to (ac.). vi apa i, take refuge with (ac.); profess (a doctri'ne: ac.): pp. having had recourse to (ac., — 9); having assumed (a body). up~~, lean on, he supported by (ac.); betake oneself to (ac.); have recourse to, devote oneself to (cc.); gd. upisritya, often = with the help of: p. up^ srita, i. act. mg. leaning or resting on (ac.); having taken refuge with (ac.); having resorted to, - reach ed, staying in or at (ac., sts. lc.); having had recourse to, having devoted oneself to (ac.); 2. ps. myg. leaned upon. sam-ups g, pp. resting on, based. upon (ac.); having had recourse to, having devoted oneself to (ac.); occupied by (in.). sam-ah, receive support from (ac.); take refuge with (ac.); resort to, approach (ac.; P. A.); take possession of, occupy (P.); have recourse to (ac.; P.): pp. i. act. mg. leaning on (ac.); having taken refuge with (ac.); resting or dependent on (O; relating to, concerning (-~); having resorted to, dwelling in, standing on, situated or sticking in (ac., ic., -2); having attained (also -vat); having, had recourse to (cc., -2O); 2. ps. my. leaned on for support, resorted to; provided or endowed with (in.); had recourse to. ud, P. raise, erect (V., C.); A. rise or stand up (V., C.): pp. iikkhrita, raised, elevated; rising; erect (hood of a serpent); high, lofty; exalted, powerful; vaunting, boasting of (~0;increased, great, vast; es. ukhhrapaya, P. increase. abhi ud, pp. towering, lofty; distinguished for (in.). pra ud, pp. prokkhrita, raised, elevated; lofty. samud, pp. id.; surging (waves). upa, P. lean, against (le.; V.); A. give support, be attached to (lc.; -RV.); P. A1. come to any one (ac.): pp. placed in or on (ac., lc.). upa-ni, draw near, place at the side (Br.). pari, surround, fence in (V.): pp. (C.) standing around; surrounded by (in., -.0). sam-pani, cover over (Br.): _pp. covered over (Br.). pra, (bending forward deferentially),bhumble, unpretentious, modest; obscure (meaning). ati-pra,be extremelymodest. vi, P. put asunder, open, A. separate one's; 'A. be opened or separated. sam,P.puttogetber,ALbejoined or united, with (in.; V.); provide with (in.; -RV.); P. consort with (ac.; C.); P.A. attach oneself to, seek the protection of (ac. C.); A. rest or depend on (ac.; C.); P. A. resort to a place (cc.; C.); P. A. have recourse to (ac.; C.); P. acquire (a character, ac.; C.): pp. simsnita, V.: joined; C.: united with (in., — ); clinging to (ac.); clung to (tree); having sought the protection of or entered the service of (ac., — ); attached or peculiar to (cc., -O); relating to (1c.,.2); having betaken oneself to, staying, dwelling, lying, situated, being in or on (ac., lc., — P); contained in (0'); having recourse to, indulging in (ac.); modest, suitable (speech): -vat, pp. act. being united with (in.). abhi-sam, P. seek refuge in (cc.; V., C.); P. indulge in, devote oneself to (cc.; C.); ps. be acquired (C.): pp. (C.) having resorted to any one (cc.), esp. for protection. upa-sam, P. enter the service of (cc.; C.). sr-,a. ['vsri] -", having acquidred, in uddhati-srit, a. towering and arrogant. fil srita, pp. Vsrah & -Vsri. f~tmsriy-ahf. (collateralform of sril) prosperity, fortune (rare). fVA'qSRISH, I. P. snesha (in sreshama, '~1V1,join, unite. abhi, in ab. inf. — srisliah, to unite aB.), adhere to (lc.). I A:.i.51 (=SRI), IX. P. SrAinti, Cook. 'I2. SRI, IX. P. sMAn, mix, mingle, with (in.; 1V.): pp. sriti, mixed with (in.; WI3. SRi (= SRI), IX. P. only p t. srinkt, diffusing light (111.). abhi, procure (V.). Sam, unite with (in.; V.). WI Sri', f. ['/3. sri] splendour, beauty; prosperity, fortune, wealth; high position, glory, majesty, royal dignity (sts. personifted; C.); royal insignia (C., rare); personified as goddess of beauty and esp. of prosperity (Br., rare; C.) produced at the churning of the ocean, wi~fe of Vishnu; in C. often '-(= the famous orglorious) in Ns, of gods, men, places, Ts.of books,to ex~pressdistinction oreminence: sts. also --- of names of persons: d. sriy6, sriyai, beauteously, splendidly, gloriously (V.); sriya Mtmagfih, (sons of beauty =) horses. ~35fi sri-ka, -' a. = sri, beauty, splendour, high position, royal dignity; -kantha, m. ep. of Siva; N.; ep. of Bhavabhhtti; N. of a region (: -desa, -vishaya, m. id.); -kanthakantha, m. Siva's neck; -kantha-nilaya, m. N. of a country; -kanthiya, a. relating to Siva; -kayya-sva~min, N. of atemple; -kana, a. producing prosperity; -kallata, m. N. of a Siddha; (sri')-ka'ma, a. (V.) desirous of distinction or glory; -khanda, sa. n. (?) (piece of splendour), sandal tree, sandal: -da'sa, m. N. (Pr.), -prithvi-dhara, -saila, m. Malaya range; -garbha,m. (having prosperity within), ep. of Vishnu; N. of a merchant; -gunalekh a f. N. of a princess; -kaiikuna-vihana, m. N. of a Buddhistic monastery; -kanda, m. N. of a passionate man; -kandra, m. N.; -dhakka, N. of a locality; -da, a. bestowing prosperity; -datta, m. N.; -dansana, m. N.; -deva, m. N.; -dhara, m. (bearer of prosperity), ep. andform of Vishnu-Krishna; N.: -svmin, m. N. of a commentator on the Bhogavadgitd, the Bhadgasata- and the Vishnu-Purdna; -nagana, n., 3., f. N. of a town; -narendra-prabhg, f. N.; -narendraiisvara, m. N. of a statue of Siva erected by Srinarendra-prahhh; -nivasa, m. abode of Sri; ep. of Vishnu-Krishna; N.; -pati, mi. husband of Sri, ep. of Vishnu-Krishna; N.; -parna, n. lotus; -panvata, m. N. of various mountains; -prada, a. conferring prosperity; -phala, m. Bilva tree; n. (fruit of splendour), Bilva fruit; -baka, m. N.; -bhartri, m. husband of Sri, Krishna; -bhuga, 0~-, arms of a person of high rank; -mat, a. splendid, beautif ul; abounding in gold (MLeru); eminent, illustrious, of high rank or dignity; wealthy; conducive to prosperity; m. great or eminent person: often 0- in nomes (= his eminence or highness) and in. titles of books ( ==the famous): -ta', f. splendour, beauty. sri-la, a. beautiful; eminent, famous: -ti, f. eminence, high position and creeper of high rank (sri-lath); -lekha^,f. N. of aprincess; -vatsa, rn. hind of figure, sp. tuft or curl of hair of this shape on the breast of Vishnu or Krishna and of other deities; -vabha~sa, (?) m. N.; -vardhana, m. N.; vsa, sa. (pleasant scent), resin of the Pinus longqifolia, turpentine; -visila, a. abounding in prosperity; -vriksha, m. sacred fig-tree (Ficus religiosa); hind of mark, curl of hair,qf this -shape on the breast of a horse (rare); -vrikshak-in, a. having a curl of hair on the breast; -saila, sa. N. of various mountains; -shena, m. N.; -samgra'ma, m. N. of a college; -sva~min, m. N.; -harsha, m. I N. of a king, reputed author of the Batndvali and the Naishadha-karita. i. SRUV. srin6, srinu (A. metr. in C.),.)hear (tr.' & mnt.), - about (ac.), from any one (in., ab., g., -mukhht; C.), that - is (2 ac.); listen or attend to (a thing, ac.; a prs., g.); hear from a teacher,- learn, study; A (V.),ps. srftyate (C.), be beard, about (cc.), from (ab., g., -mukhht); be heard of or known as, be called (pred. nm.); be learnt or studied; be taught or stated in a book (lc.); be heard =pronounced or employed in speaking(word); often imps sniate, it is said, I hear, from any one, (ab.), about (g.), it is stated in a book (le.); evain Snityate, there is this saying; 3 sg mv.iy atmi-listen; pf. pt. P. susruviis, having heard, - to be (2 cc.): also used as finite vb.; having, learnt or studied (Br.):.pp. snutk, heard, learned, heard of or about; mentioned; stated in scripture; known as, named; known, famous, celebrated; cs. sravAYa, P. (V.) sniviiya, (V., C.), P. (A&. metr.) cause to be heard, proclaim, pronounce; cause any one to hear, address, inform, tell, communicate (cc. of thing; ac., d., g. ofperson), through any one (in.); inform (ac.) of any one's being (cc.); ps. sna'vyate, be informed, of(c) p. sr'vit&, announced, told; informed of (ac.); des. sfisnitsha, 'A. (P. metr.) wish or like to hear (V., C.); obey, wait or attend upon, be at the service of (ac.; C.); p5 unishyate, be served: pp. susishita, served; cs. of des. susnitshaya, P. be at the service of (ac.; rare). auu, hear, - of (V., C.); hear anew (U.); ps. (C.) be said. abhi, hear; es. cause any one to hear, speak to (cc.). 'a, listen, to anything (ac.), any one (d., g.; V7., C.); hear (V., C.); promise anything (ac.) to (d.; C.); cs. ()make known, proclaim ( V.), address, invoke (11V.); call upon (ritually; sp. of the Adhvaryu summoning the Agnidh to pronounce the formula ' sraushat'; V.). abhi e, s. address any one (Br.). upa, listen to, hear, learn (V., C'.), from (ab., -mukhht, sakhsht), that - is (2 cc.); des. A. listen, attend. pani, hear, - about (ac.), be informed that - is (2 cc.): pp. heard; known as, accounted, named (pred. nsa.); famous. pna, A. (111.) be heard; become known or famous. ati-Pra, A. become famous beyond others (111.'). pnati, listen, give ear (11V., C., rare); A.. be audible (B V., rare); promise (ac. of thing; d.,g. ofprs.; ord. mag.; V.~, C.): pp. pro. mised; lc. n. imps.: pnatisnute, the promise having been made; sa^ ka pitnA datum pnatisnuta, and she was promised in marriage by her father. vi, hear; A. (VF.) ps. (C.) become known or famous; ps. be heard: pp. visnuta, heard; known as, named (nsa.); widely known, famous; cs. cause to he heard, communicate; mention (one's name); tell any one anything (2 cc.); make famous; cause to resound. abhi-vi, pp. known as, named (nsa.). sam, hear, learn, from (-mukhfit); listen to any one (cc.); promise, to any one (d., lc.); ps. be said to be (nsa.): yathA samsnftyate, as is said, as they say, as we read: pp. beard; read in (lc.); promised, to cg) s. cause to be heard, proclaim, announce (one's name), bring, (cc.) to the ears of (cc., d.): pp. read out. W2'. SRU = 'q SlRM, only sniltvat end, sru\ vautu (111.), be set in motion, dissolve, part. & (111.), only & snot, give way to (or from V/sru, hear?). pra, es. P. sna~vaya, cause to move forward, further (11 V.). Iff sru-t, a. (0O) hearing. 'ZI smu-ta, (pp.) n. what has been heard or NDlearnt, tradition, learning, sacred knowledge; T t I 322 sruta',., \00;MorSJA Ma. 322 !T srut. hearing; instruction: -dhara, a. retaining what one has heard, having a good memory; m. ear; N.; -dhi, rn. N.; -pa'raga, a. ex-tremely learned; -piirva, a. previously beard, known by hearsay, by (in., g.), from (ab.); -bandhu, m. N. of a Vedic poet; -vat, pp. act. having heard anything (ac.); learned; -vardhana, m. N. ofaphysician; -vismrita, p~p. heard and forgotten; -vritta upapanna, p~p. endowed with learning and v`irtue; -sarman, M. N.; -sila, n. du. learning and conduct: -vat, a. learned and honourable, -sampanna, p~p. id., -uipa-sampanna, pp. id.; -sena, m. N. of a king. 3PT srutft, (pp.) f. N.: a artha, a. having heard somnething (g.): A, f. N. 3f[srii-ti, f. V., C.: hearing, listening; sound, noise; C.: ear; musical interval (there 'being 2 2 in tihe octave); report, news, of (-'); rumour, hearsay; saying, saw; traditional religious precept (regarding, -.P), sacred text (pl. sacred texts, the Vedas); name, title (rare); learning (v. r. sruta-): srutim abhini~ya, pretending to hear; srutau stha, be known by hearsay only; Mt sruteh, because it is so stated in the scriptures or Veda; -sruteh, because - is prescribed or taught. If~~Isruti-dvaiclha, n. conflict of Vedic precepts; -dhara, a. h aving a good memory (better sruta-); -patha, m. range of hearing, ear-shot; auditory passage, hearing: -m gain, pr~ap, or a-ya come to the ears: -madhura, a. pleasant to hear; -praSadana, n. engaging the attention; -mat, a. having ears; learned (less correctfor sruta-vat); supported by a Vedic passage; -inahat, a. great in learning; -inarga, m. way (= instrumentality) of the ears; auditory passage, hearing: '-or in. by way of the ears: -m gain, come to the ears: -pravishta, pp. having entered by way of the ears; -nx6ula, n. root of the ear; -vakana, n.Vedic precept; -vishaYap M. object of the sense of hearing, sound; range of hearing; -siras, n. leading passage of scripture. L(V.). srii-t-karna, a. having listening ears ZIM srii-tya, fp. worthy to be heard of, N& glorious (V.); n. glorious deed (V.). INTJITRI sruti anuprftsa, m. kind of alliteration (swith consonants produced by the same organ of spec) V1iSRU-SH (secondary root in BV.fr. 0 N aor. base of v'sru, hear), only sroshan, -sroshantu, hear, pr. p t. sr6shaMana, complaisant. A, listen to any one (g.). -1rf* sr-ish-ti (A V.; -ti,PliV.), complaisance, ~willing service; confidence in (g.): in. i1, willingly, without delay; -m kri, obey; a. willing, obedient. [lv) Wj1 l~r~srusht'i-v'an,a.(r-i')willing,obedient ~PIIP!W srf'ya-niana-tva, n. condition of being heard. JfTq sre-ni, f. [v,/sri] V., C.: series, line, row; C.: group, troop, multitude, flock, swarm (of bees); corporation, guild: (sr,6ni)dat, a. having teeth forming a row (R V.'). twlj~ srenil, f. = sreni: -baudha, m. formation of a row; -bhfita, pp. forming a row. ~11~sre-mdn, m. [v3.- sril] distinction, precedence (V.). *W~ sre'yas, cpv. [fr. sril] BTT.: more beautiful (rare); V., C.: better, preferable, superior, more excellent; C.: more distinguished or illustrious; excellent, distinguished (rare); well-disposed to (g.), propitious (rare): sreyn in., gnlg. sreyas, n. (irrespective of the subject) - na, better - than (like varam - na); n. (C.) better condition or fortune; welfare, good fortune, bliss. 31Vsreyas-a, n. fortune, happiness (gnly. -.1-0). WgR sreyas-kara, a. (i) securing fortune or happiness, salutary: -tara, cpa. more conducive to happiness; -k~ina, a. desirous of welfare or happiness; -tva, n. higher position, pre-eminence. W i-fq ~ fiT reyo-abikalkshin, a. desiring bliss (arthin, a. id. i~v sre'-shtha, spa. [sril] fairest, of (g.; V., E.), best, most excellent, highest, chief, of (g., 1c.,-0; V., C.); superior, preferable, better, more excellent, than (ab., g.; C.); n. (C.) best or chief thing; (srdshtha)-tama, s~pv. very best, most beautiful of all; -ta',f. excellaner-mnce ce -ena, m.N. of a king. 3fT'iF sreshth-in, m. distinguished man (Br.); head or president of a corporation or guild (C.). [pre-eminence among (g., ~) Israishth-ya, n. [sreshtha] superiority, 3IWT srond, a. lame (liV.): 'a, f. N. of the 20th (2l1St) lunar asterism (==sravanfi; V-,P.). 3i'Tf- sro'ni', f. buttock, h ip (-0 a.- 3i): -kapfin. thigh bone; -bimba, n. round hips. *jYw!j sroni, f later form. of sro'ni: -bhiara, m. weight of the hips. 3AWWI~ sro-tavyajfp. [V/I. sru] to be heard, worth hearing; audible; n. moment for hearing: -m idanim samvrittain, the moment for hearing has now come. 34usr6'-tri (w. ac.) or -trz'(w. g.), a. hearing, M. hearer, auditor (V.,C.): also used asfuture..3 isr6-tra, n. [vi. s-in]ear;hearing: -gila, a.perceiving by theear: -t, f.hearing; at, f. condition of ears; -netra-maya, a. consisting of ears and eyes; -pati, m. lord of hearing (a form of tsara); -padavi, f. range of hearing: -in up~a- A come to the ears of (g.); -parampara^,f. hearsay; -pa, a. protecting the ear (V) l-~i, f. lobe of the ear; -puta, m. id.; -peya,fp. to be imbibed by the ear, - attentively heard; -inarga, mn. range of hearing: -m gain, come to the ears of (g.); M-hinla, n. root of the ear; -vartinan, n. range of hearing; -snkti-puta, m. hollow of the external ear. #JtfT4 sro'tr-iya, a. [concerned with hearingc: srotra] versed in sacred lore, conversant with the Vedas; in. Br~hman learned in the Veda, learned theologian (mnantri-, minister learned in the scriptures): -sait-kri, present to Brkhmans learned in the Veda. W1~ sro6-mata, n. fair fame, celebrity (-RV.): in. p1. gloriously. 3 fsrauta a. (i') relating to the ear (sruti); expressed in words, explicit (simile: opp. Arthl); relating to sacred tradition, prescribed in, conformable to, or based on, the Veda: -rishi, in. p9at. of Devabhkga; -inarga, in. hearing; -sfitra, n. Sfttra based on Sruti (opp. grihya- and smf.lrta-sfttra). *1 rautrnd, a. (i) relating to the ear (srotra).:3tlZsra-ishat, indecl. a sacrificial excla mation (V.). WWWrslaksh-na', a. slippery; smooth, polished; soft; bland, gentle (speech, voice), mild (person). 1 SLNTH, be relaxed, become loose, 'yield: only pr. pt. s~iathat (P.); cs. P slathaya, relax, loosen (C., rare). A-slatha, A. be relaxed (P.). 'g1 slath-a, a. loose, relaxed; slack, feeble (fig.): -lainbin, a. hangring loosely; - aiiga, a. having languid limbs;, A.dara, a. 'paying slight regard to (ic.). V slathi-kri, relax; diminish. WWWR slatha udyama, a. relaxing one's efforts, offering a feeble resistance. PJ 1 SLA'GH, I. A'. sl1gha, (P. metr.) qz '- have confidence in (d.; Br., rare); C.: speak with confidence, vaunt, boast or be proud of (in., ic.); flatter (d., rare); praise (ac.); as. P. slighaya, seek to console; praise. WT'%'sla'gh-ana, a. boasting; n., AJf. praising; -an'ya,f1 p. to be praised, praiseworthy, honourable: -ta', f. praiseworthiness; -4,f. boastfulness; commendation, praise; fame; -in, a. boasting or proud of ( —); haughty; famous, for (-O); praising; -ya, fp. to be praised, praiseworthy, honourable: -in, ad. worthily, -tara, cp ral o epasd -ta', f. fiame. p.getyoberasd fW'-q SLISH, IV. slishya, adhere, attach, Ncling to (lc.); embrace, clasp; be joined or united; coalesce; put together; A.necessarily follow or result: pp lstahr ing, clinging to (lc., — ); attaching to oneself, personal (=not a~ffecting others); joined together, close together, united, intertwined clasped, embraced; (coalescing in meaning), equivocal; cs. sleshaya, P. join together, cls:pp. sleshita, united with (in.). 9 adhere to (lc.; V.); cling to (ac.; E.); clasp, embrace (ord. mg.); conie into contact (rare); guess, find out (rare): -PP. aslishta, adhering to (le.; Br.); clasping, clinging to (ic., -';embracing (-vat, act. id.); clasped, embraced. upa, embrace. sain-A, cling to (ac.); clasp, embrace: pp. embraced. upa, come close, to (ac.), hug: pp. fipaslishta, adhering to (lc.; V.); having come close up to (samipam.), being in immediate contact, contiguous (C.); cs. bring nearer, drive close up (vehic le); connect with (saha). vi, be loosened; be divided or separated; faillpast (.flowers); separate froin (ab.): pp. loosened, severed (bonds); disconnected; separated; severed from one's party; dislocated (limb); cs. separate, from (ab.); deprive of (in.): pp. visleshita, severed; separated; rent asunder; dissolved. sain, attach oneself to (ac.); hug, clasp, embrace; bring into immniediate connexion with (in.): pp. simslishta, clasped; close together, touching, contiguous; joined, united, connected, with (ac., in. ~ saha, -'); coalescent, indeterminate (action, i,. e. not distinguishing between good and evil; rare): kimkig giVita sayi -, having a 8light hope of life; cs. connect, join, unite, bring into contact with (in., lc.); transfer to (k.); attract: pp. joined, united. f~~if~i~islishta -paramparitarftpaka, n. continuous chain of ambiguities (a kind of metaphor); -rftpaka, n. ambiguity as a metaphor; - akshepa, m. expression of dissatisfaction by mneans of equivocation (rh.); u.kti, f. ambiguo us expression. ORtI slii-pada, n. elephantiasis. fi~ slipad-in, a. suffering from elephantiasis. WtIT sli-la, a. [for srii-la] only in a-slibd, a. ugly, coarse, indecent (language). S slu., 4tmlar svo-bha'va. 323, I sin, loss of the suffix -a of the present 'base in verbs of the 3rd class. tM slesh-a, m. adherence to (1c.); union, connexion; embrace; euphonious combination of words (as a rhet. figure); combination Of contrasts (as a rhet. figure); ambiguity, equivocation; augment (gr.): -kavi, m. poet skilled in equivocation; -u amf simile containing ambiguities. VjF~ slesh-m~n, m. mucus; phlegm (one of the bodily humours~kapha); a. band, string (Br.). ~TWIE sleshmaita-ka, in., 1, f. a small tree (Cordia latifolia): (a),-phala, n. its fruit. 'gf'V~fslaishm-ika,a.('I)relatingto phlegm, phlegmatic.I s16'-ka, in. rthing heard: V1/. sru] song, sound, noise (V.); reputation, fame (V., P.); couplet, stanza (Br.; S., C.), sp. Anuslitubli or epic stanza., Sloka (C.): -tva, n. state or form of a Sloka; -dvaya, n. couple of stanzas; -baddha, pp. composed in Slokas.!jt~i slo'ka - ya, den. P. cauise to sound (YTV.). upa, praise in verse. sam, id. IPUslonad, a. (= srona) lame (V,7.). N-Wfirfsva-kri'd-in, a. keeping dogs for pleasure; in. breeder of sporting dogs; -khara ushtra, n. sg. dog, ass, and camel; -gana, mn. pack of dogs; -ganika, a. accompanied by a pack of hounds; -gardabha, n.,,sy. dogs and asses. [sional gambler (V.). -4I-4q sva-ghn-inU, in. dice-player, profes~4WSVANK, I. A. svan-7kate, open to, reN ceive with open arms (only sasvalcai, B 17:); es. svaiikkya, P. open (tr., B V.'). ud, ukkhtva~ika, open (mnt.; B V.). NIP sva-driti, m. dog's bladder. rnl. svdn, IM. dog, f. 13W sunai', bitch. 3I~2.svan, —i soeps(~ arf-svan, etC.). 3"ITj sva-pak, in. (dog-cooking), a degraded ca.,te (often = kfndhia): only g. pl.; -pakca, in. id.: a, i',f.; (i)-pad, m. wild animal (V.); -pada, n. dog's foot (a's a brand); _paka, in. (dog-cooker), a degraded caste (offspring of Kshattri and Ugrd); -pada, m. -pada; -pukkha, n. dog's tail; -poshaka, in. dog-feeder, huntsman.,'' svad-bhra, m. n. chasm, hole, pit (V7., C.); in. (C.) hell; a certain hell (rare); N. of a king of Kampand. [or pit. V svabhr-ilya, den. P. regard as a hole '14iTWM sva-mfimsa, n. dog's flesh. "W svay-athu, m. [V/svi] swelling. ~WT( sva-vat, a. keeping dogs; -va~la, in. hair of a dog;..vishtha',f. excrement of a dog; -vritti, f. life of a dog (a term applied to servitude or service); -vrittin, a. living on dogs. svd - sura, in. [by assimilation for original sva-suira] father-in-law: du. & pl. parents-in-law (p1. sts. for sy.): -ka, in. dear or poor father-in-law. [wife, brother-in-law. NIVsvasur-ya, m. brother of husband or,W'Wsvasrfi'f. [of svasural mother-in-law: -svasurah, pi. pare-nts-in-law; -snushe, f. du. mother-in-law and dangliter-in-law. SVAS, IL. P. svis-i-ti, V., C.: pant, snort, hiss, whizz; C.: breathe; sigh: pp. svasita, revived.; cs. svisaya, P. cause to breathe; intv. pt. sisvas-at,. snorting 1 I y b II II p I (steed; V.). 'a, breathe again, revive, recover, take courage, be of good cheer; have confidence in (le.): Pp. aisvasta, restored, revived, cheered, encouraged; es. cause to breathe again, revive, cheer, soothe, console. pratIL', revive, take courage again: P~p. revived, refreshed. sam-a', breathe again, recover, calm oneself, take courage; have confidence in (la.): pp. SaMA svasta, revived, soothed; full of confidence; cs. cause tobreathe again or recover; calm, cheer, console'. ud, take breath, stop; exhale; breathe (ord. mg.); breathe again, revive; heave, rise (breast etc.); open, expand (flower): p.p. ukkhvasta, soothed, calmed (rare); ukkhvasita, id.; revived, refreshed; expanding, swelling (heart eta.); expanded (flower), wide open (eyes); loosened (band, garment); dishevelled (locks); es. revive, refresh: pp. ukkhva'sita, rent (ridge); released from (an embrace,-') pra ud, breathe heavily. samtud, breathe again, revive; sprout forth: pp. n. imps, a deep sigh has been heaved; as. pp. effaced (writing). nii, hiss, snort; heave a sigh. vi-ni, sigh deeply. iiis, hiss, snort (E.); heave a sigh. vi-nis, sigh deeply. abhi-pra, breathe upon (ac.). vi, be confident or fearless, feel secure; trust or confide in, rely on any one (ac., g., la.), anything (le.): pp. visvasta, fearless, unsuspecting, full of confidence; trusting in any one g) cs. gain the confidence of, inspire with confidence. ati-vi, have great or excessive confidence, in (ac., le.). abhi-vi, as. inspire with confidence (ac.). 'WT svds, ad. to-morrow, on the following day: svih svah, day by day (V.); sv6 bhixtt6, on the morrow (V.). IRV svas-dtha, in. panting (V.). Vq svas-anad, a. hissing, panting; in. (C.) wind; god of wind; vital air; n. (C.) hissing (of a serpent); heavy breathing; breathing, breath; sighing, sigh: -samiirana, in. breath; -_ asana, mn. (living on air), serpent. Ifsvas -ita, pp. n. breathing, breath (sts. pI.). N'[ svds-tana, a. relating to the morrow: e - hani, on the m orrow; i', f. th e suffilx -tri as characteristic of the future, future tense. NIPT svah - s tyft, f. eve of the Sutya' rite: svargasya lokasya -, rite on the eve of the Soma celebration which leads to heaven; -stotriya, in. Stotriya of the following day. ITSV2 or N_ SVI, IV. P. SVayt, wl (V., C., rare); PS. siiyate, id. (C., rare): pp. sutna, swollen. ud, ukkhvayati, swell: p.kkh' a, swollen; increased. vi, swell (RV.). sam, pp. swollen. [skin. 'P-T sva agra, n. dog's tail; 7_9gina, n. dog's WT' svft-tra6, a. invigorating (draught; V.); n. strengthening food or drink (-RV.). 'WT'q svfln-a, as. dog (= svan): II, f. bitch.,Q two svftn-ta,, old pp. tranquil (?BRv.2). 'WTtI~ svA-pada, as. n. beast of prey: -ra~gan, Mn. king of the beasts; -sevita, pp. infested by beasts of prey. [pine. '1TfirW svft-vi'dh, in. (dog-piercing), porcu-,T svfisura a. () belonging to one' father-in-law. 17 svftsurya, incorr.fosvura 'WT'f svfts-a, mn. [V,-svas] hissing, panting; respiration, breath; sighing, sigh; asthma; breathing(in thepronunciation ofconsonants;). NTTf svfts-in,a.hissing; asthmatic; aspirated (sound). f7 SVL, v. NT SYNA. SYIT, only Pt. svit-anf&, aor. asvait, Nasvitan, ~a'isvitat (B V.), and pr..pt. svetama'na (C.), be bright or white. ava, shine down upon (.RV.'). vi, shine afar, be radiant (RV7.). [(By7.). Pft-ri Sviti nk, a.(fsi i)white, radiant fl-"svit-ra,a.white (V.); mn.n.white leprosy. f Vfill; svitr-in, a. leprous. f~4A~SVIND, only sisvinde, be white (C.). t~svet-a', a. [v —,svit]white, bright; in. white horse (Br.); N.; n. (C.) white (of the eye). 'k'fqRiT1t4 sveta-kikiya, a. resembling a white crow, unheard of; -kushtha, n. white leprosy; a. leprous: -tva, n. -ness; (&)-ketu, ms. N.; -gaftga',f. N. of a river; -guna-vat, a. possessed of the quality of whiteness; -godhfima, ms. kfind of wheat; -kkhatra, n. white umbrella: a-ya, den. resemble a white umbrella: pp. i-ta; -dyuti, in. moon (-) -dvipa, as. n. white island, N. of a fabulous isle of the Blessed: a^-ya, den. A. resemble the White Isle. 141'IT svet-auft, f. [V'svit] dawn (RV-'). tWPq sveta-paksha, a. white-winged; -pata, as. N. of a Jamn teacher: pl. N. of a Jamn sect; -padma, n. white lotus; -pushpa, n. white flower; a. (i') having a white flower; -bha~nu, a. white-rayed (inoon); as. moon; -bhikshu, as. white- robed mendicant, Svethmbara; -mnayiikha, in. (white-rayed), moon; -yavar1, f. (flowing white), N. of a river (BRV.'); -rasmi, ms. N. of a Gandharva transforined into a white elephant; -romaafiika, ms. mark of white hair; -vahana, a. driving with white steeds; mn. ep. of Arguna; -saila, in. snow-mountain or N. of a mountain: -maya, a. made of white stone or marble; -hfina, mn. pl. white Runs. tM svetftjf (white), N. t~3 sveta aisu. as. moon; - atapatra, n. white umbrella: 'a-ya, den. A. resemble a white umbrella; - ambara, a. white-robed; in. N. of a,Jain seat. IMMT~ svetat-ya, den. AA. become white. tfT f' svetaarkis, in. (white- rayed), moon; - asva, as. white steed; a. yoked with white steeds (car); mn. ep. of Arguna; -,sva,tara,m sn(having, white mules), N. of a teacher: pvl. his sahool: - iaihad,f. N. of an Upanishad. %f'ff'q svet-ika,mi. N.; -i-man, nswhiteness. a, f. N. of a river (BV.'). Nwf svaiftar-i1, f. a. white or abounding in milk (?; cow, BRV.'). ii'k~ svaita amsav-a, a. lunar. svait-ya, n. [sveta] whiteness. 4 Isvaitr-ya, n. [svitrin] white leprosy. NlffTq svo-bha'va, in. occurrence on the morrow (svas); -bhaivin, a. occurring on the morrow; -bhfita, pp. id.: le. at to-morrow's dawn; -marana, n. dying on the morrow, thoughts of imminent death; -vasliya, n. future prosperity; -vasiyas-a, a. (i) bestowing future welfare; -vasyas-fi, a. id. (V7.); -vigay-in,,a. about to conquer on~themorrow( V.). T t2 324 -q sha. V'sa. 324 sha. f sa. Rsha = T~shash in paiika-sha. 'C179 shat-ka, a. consisting of six; n. aggregate of six; -karna, a. six-eared, participated in by six ears (i. e. by two too many, counsel); -karman, n. (O'-) the six permissible, occupations of a Bra'hman (adhya ana dhya'pana, yagana, y~gana, dana, pratigraba); a. following the six permissible occupations (Bradhman); sn. Brihman; -karma-vat, m. BrAliman; -ka~ra, m. the syllable shat (in vaushat); -kritvas, ad. six times; -katv arim sa, a. fortysixth: -ka, a. id.; -ikarana, a. six-footed; m. bee: a^-ya, den. A. represent a bee; -trimisa.,a. (11) consisting of thirty-six; thirty-sixth; (shit)-trimsat,f. sg. thirty-six (w.pl. in app. or g.); -trimsat-ka, a. consisting of thirtysix; -trimsad-aha, a. lasting thirty-six days; -trimsad-Abdika, a. lasting thirty-six years;.-paiikasa, a. fifty-sixth; (sh~t)-pan flat f. sg. fifty-six; (shkt)-pad, a. (strg. base -ad, f. -padil; V.) six-footed; taking six steps; (shit)-pada, a. six-footed; consisting ofsxafdas; m. six-footed animal or insect; bee: -gya, a. strong with bees (bow); -pa'da, m. six-footed; m. bee; (shflt)-sata, n. sg. hundred and six; sg. & pl. six hundred; a. consisting of or amounting to six hundred; -shashti, f. sg. & pI. sixty-six; -sapta, a. pl. six or seven; -Saptati, f. seventy-six. W Tshad-amsa, m. sixth part: -bhag, M. enjoyer of one-sixth; -am~hri, m. (six-footed), bee; -akshara, a. (i1) six-syllabled; -zaiga, n. pl. the six Vedfisgas (-vid, a. knowing -); a. six-limbed; having six Vedhfigas; -afigini, f. six-membered (= complete) army; -aiighri, m. (six-footed), bee; -asita, a. eighty-sixth; -asiti, f. eighty-six; -ahi, m. period of six days, sp. six days' Soma sacrifice; -anaa 0, six mouths (of Skanda); a. six-mouthed (Skanda); m. ep. of Skanda; -&yatana, a. consisting of the six.Ayatana's (vigfznna, prithivyfldi-katushtaya, rafpa); _ahuti, a. 'used in six offerings; _Una, pp. diminished by six; -usrmi, f -,the six waves; -rik&t, m. n. aggregate of six verses. *1IT4 shad-gavd, m. n. team of six bulls; n. six cows; Paggregate of six (animals); -guna, a. sixfold; having six good qualities; mn. pl. qualities perceived by the six (i.e. the five senses and Manas); six excellences; six expedients (of a icing in foreign politics); -gunl-kri, multiply by six; -guru-sishya, m. (pupil of six teachers), NV of a commentator onKdty dyana's Sarvdnuelramanz' (I12th ceistury); -ga, m. (produced from or based on the other six notes), the first note of the Indian gamut; -darsana,. n. the six philosophical systems; a. conversant with the six philosophical systems; -bhaiga, m. sixth part, onesixth, syp. as a tarx imposed by icings (so. ab. IqSH. or g.): -bha'g, a. receiving one-sixth of (g.);..bhuga, a. six-armed; hexagonal; -rasa, a. having the six tastes (food); -r~tr&, m. period or celebration of six days; -vaktra, a. having six mouths; m. ep. of Skanda: i, f. six faces; -varga, m. aggregate or group of six; the five senses and Manas; the six inward enemies of man (khma, krodha, lobba, harsha, m~na, mada; sts. -' with ripu- or satin.); -vimsnsq a. (i) twenty-sixth; consisting of twenty-six; -vimsati,f. twenty-six: -tama, a. twenty-sixth; -vimsat-ka, a. consisting of twenty-six; (sh~d)-vidha, a. sixfold; (shad)vidha'na, a. forming a sixfold order. TM~ shanda, m. -n. (v. r. often khanda) group of trees or plants (always — ' w. vana-, etc., vriksha-, and names of plants); heap, quiantity, multitude. TR M shandAmaka, incorr. for sandamarka. W!M shandha, a. (II) impotent; m. eunuch; hermaphrodite; m. or n. neuter gender: -a f.,I -tva, a. condition of a eunuch, impotence. TR~f shdn-navati, f. ninety-six; -mitra, a. containing six morae; -ma'sa, m. (?) six months: ab. after six months: -nikaya, a. provisioned for six months, - abhyantara, n. space of six months.; -ma~sikia, a. given every six months (clothes); occurring twice a year; (shan)-ma~sya, a. occurring everysix months; n. period of six months; -mukha, a. sixmouthed or six-faced; m. ep. of Skanda; N. 'R sha-tva, n. sh-ness, change of s to sh. IR7sha'sh, num. pl. (nm., ac. sh~t) six (excep tionalIly used as a v. with g. or T9 shash-ta, a. sixtietb, consisting of sixty. f*shash-ti, f. sixty (w.pl. in app. or g., also — or sts.0-): -tas, ad. = ab.;.yoganya, a. sixty Yoganas distant.; -sata, n. sg. hunds-ed and sixty; -sahasra, n. p1. sixty thousand; -hAyana, a. sixty years old (elephn) shash-thd, a. (I") sixth: w. bbatga, m. or amsa, m. sixth part, one-sixth; w. ka1a, M. sixth hour of the day; sixth meal (on the evening of the third day); m. (sc. kIla) sixth meal:' -m kri, take the sixth meal only (omitting the preceding five); n. one-sixth: -kandra, m. IV.; - amsa, M. sixth part, onesixth, sp. tax of one-sixth raised by kings: -vritti, m. (subsisting on one-sixth), king, prince; - _iina-kg1a, a. taking only the sixth meal, eating only on the evening of the third day (-ta, f abst. N.); - anna-kal-ika, a. id. shasht'h-^i, f. sixth (sc. tithi) day of a fortnight; sixth (sc. vibhakti) case, genitive; personiflcation of the sixth day after the birth of a child (when the main risks are over): -gigara, m. watch on the sixth day ofter the birth, of a child (a certain ceremony); -tatpurusha, m. genitive Tatpurusba compound (in which, the first member has the sense of a genitive); -samasa, m. compound in which the first member has the sense of a genitive. 'q sbashth-ya, n. one-sixth. lqwPI shal-qftn, f. (pp. twenty minus six), fourteen. WETT- shftdava, m. sweetmeat; N. of certain ragas: i-ka, m. confectioner. 'qI shftd-gun-ya, n. the six good qualities; the six expedients (of a king in foreign politics): -vat, a. endowed with the six excellences. WrfTf 4 sha'dvidh-ya, n. sixfoldness. 'TR14Ir+Tf~[fi shan-matsika, a. (i') lasting six months, six-monthly; given every six months; ms-a, a. six-monthly. T~~ shidga, m. libertine, gallant. 13 shu, in V., for su after u, 'U. 1q"JJ1 shodasa', a. (i1) sixteenth; consisting of sixteen; with amsa or bhga, mone-sixteenth; -0,f. with vrishabha-, pl. fifteen cows and a bull: -ka, a. consisting of sixteen; a. aggregate of sixteen; -kala, a. having sixteen parts; -dhg, ad. sixteenfold, in sixteen ways or parts. I2JftTTsho'-dasan, a. pl. (nm.- -dasa) sixteen. ~Jt~ shodasa-pada, a. consisting of sixteen PAdas; -bhfiga, m. one-sixteenth; -bhugla, a. sixteen-armed; -vidha, a. of sixteen kinds; -a~msa, m. sixteenth part. 'tf-'Tqshodas-in, a. consisting of sixteen, sixteenfold (sp. of a Stoma etc.); m. a Suty4 day with a sixteenfold verse or libation, a Samstha' of the Soma sacrifice; -i-sa'man. a. a SAman in the Shodasi-stotra; -i-stotra, n. Stotra consisting of sixteen parts. lftr shodh'a, ad. sixfold, in six ways. fin SHTHIV, 0- SHTH'IV, I. P. N shthi.va, spit, upon (lc.). iii, spit upon (lc.): pp. nishthyfita, spit out; emitted. ava-ni, spit. nis, id.; sketch. prati, spit upon. '9NiI shthilv-ana, n. spitting upon (la.); ejected saliva, spittle. S SLITH U(=V-sbthWv, spit, only in shthutva^ (S., very rare). nis, spit (only in nirashthavisham). QIR shthyfita, pp. (Vshthilv) spit. i. sd, pmn. that, sts. weakened to an article, the (only nm. m. s-i, f. sm"', and in RV. Ic. Sasmin; the s qf the nm. m. is always dropped before consonants except once in IIV. before, -p and once before t; sa st's. coalesces with a following vowel); often strengthened by other pins. of the third person, -ayim, eshil, and bhavAn; often combined with the first and second pers. sg. (+~ ahslm or tv~m), so xhain, I as such; in Br. it is frequently combined with the r-elatives, ydh, yi~d, ya'di, and yi~thii,;RS. at the beginning of a sentence, and owing to this common initial usage, is often retained with relatives, either pleonastically or where the construction requires another gender or number; in the Sdiikhga sa is used to designate Purusha (like esha, ka, and ya). 2. sa, inseparable pcl. 'a- expressing union, community, similarity, equality (opp. a-.privative), generally in adjective com~pounds =i possessing (e.g. sa-paksha, winged), wearing (e.g. sa-vasas, clothed), containing (e. g. sa phena, foaming), displaying (e. g. sa-hAsa, smiling); 2. accompauied by, together with (e.g. sa-bhgrya); 3. in addition to, and (e.g. sa-pa'dam panam, a Pana and a quarter); 4. belonging to the same (e. g. sa-varna), haning a similar, resembling in (e. g. sa-rafpa); the adjective suffix -in is sts. added to these cpds. (e.g. sa-putrin =sa-putra). 3. sa, a. — ~ [Vsan] procuring, in pasmshd; bestowing cattle, and priya-ssl, granting blessing. I v sa. r?.T sam-saya. 32'5 4. sa, abbreviation of shadga. = Zfrii sa-rishi-ka, a'. together with the Bishis..,W~sarn-ydt, i. a. continuous, uninterrupted (V.);f. agreement,coven ant (Br., rare); ap - pointed place (1? V.'); battle, fight (C., nearly always lc.);:z. -y-at, pr. pt. (-i) Vi; -yata, pp. Vyam: -ka, me. N., - a~ha~ra, a. temperate in diet, - indriya, a. having the senses controlled: ta, f. subjection of the senses; -yid-vasu, a. having continuous wealth (V.); -yantavya, fp. to be curbed; -yantri, m. curber, controller; -yama, se. checking, restraint; subjection of the senses, self-control; tying up (rare); concentration of mind (in Yoga); exertion (ab. with great difficulty); destruction (P.): -dhana, a. rich in self-restraint; -yamana, a. (i) curbing, controlling, restraining; n. restraint, control; self-control; binding up; tightening (of reins); fetter-; N. of Yama's city (also ^); -yama-punya-tirtha, a. having restraint for its holy place of pilgrimage; -yama-vat, a. controlling oneself, economical; -yamita, es..pp. of Vyam; n. subduing (the voice); -yamin, a. subduing the passions, self-controlled (-i-ti, f. self-control); tied up (hair); -yigya, n. participation in a sacrifice: A,f. dus. N. of two verses of the Ydgya' and Puronuvalkya' of the Svishtahrit (V.); -yitrika, incorr. for sAmyfltrika; _Yana, n. going along with, accompanying (-PO); travelling, journey; vehicle; -yaiva, m. kind of cake of wheaten flour. ~1'Isdm-yukta, pp. v'Iyug: -Samyoga, M connexion with the connected (e. g- of a trace with a horse, whereby the locomotion of the vehicle is produced); -samava~ya, m, inherence in what is connected (one of the six hinds of perception in Nydya; e. g. perce~ption of the colour of a vessel); -samaveta-samava'ya, m. inherence in that which inheres in what is connected (e.g. perception of the possession of colour in general in a vessel of a particular colour). ~~T sam -yuga, n. conjunction, union (rare); battle, fight:-. -mitrdhan, m. van of battle; -yug, a. connected, related; m. relation; -yuyutsu,des. a.[Vyudh] eagerto fight. 71sam -yoga, m. conjunction, union, combination, connexion, contact (of; amiong, with, g,- with, in. + saha); union with, absorption in (lc.); friendly relations, connexion by marriage with (saha); matrimonial alliance (between, g., — ); carnal connexion, with (saha); combination of two or more consonants, conjunct consonant; alliance for acommon object; -a.engaged in (study or travel): lc. sg. & p1. in connexion with, in case of, regarding: da'ra agnihotra-samyogam kri, marry a wife and maintain the sacred fire: -mantra, m. marriage formula. WlI~ff~r sam-yogin, a. being in contact, united, with (in., ~O;united (of lovers); wedded; conjunct (consonant); -yogaka, a. occasioning( —'); -y6gana, n.joininguniting, with (in., lc.); combination of (g.); -yogya, f.to be concentrated on (lc.). ~sam-raksha, a. guarding; in. guardian: Of. protection; -rakshana, n. protection, preservation, of (g., O-), from ();-rakshaMsYa, fp. to be watched, - guarded against; -rakshya, f~p. to be guarded or protected, from (ab.); - preserved or maintained; - guarded against; -rambha, mn. agitation; impetuosity, violence; zeal, ardent desire (to, for, inf., 0-); anger, wrath against (le., g. + upari); brunt (of battle); intensity, vehem ence (of passions); a- with a.= excessively; -ranibh-in-, a. -ardently devoted to (-~O); angry, enraged; irascible: (..i-tva, n. fury; -rarana, pf. pt. -V/rf; -aga in. redness; passion, vehemence; attachment to (lc.); -radhaka, a. thoroughly concentrated; (skm)rfidhana, a. (i') conciliating (Br., S.); n. profound meditation (C.); -r Adhya, fp.t be conciliated; - attained by profound concentration; -rAva,mi. clamour, roar; -rodha, m. checking, impeding, restraining, withholding; blockade, investment, siege; restriction, injury; suppression, destruction; -rodhana, n. restraining, suppressing, stopping; -ropana, a. causing to heal; n. planting; -rohana, n. healing up; planting; -rohin, a. growing in (.);EIW~- sam-lakshya, fp. visible, perceptible; -lipa, m. conversation, with (in. ~ saha, g.), about (~0;kind of dialogue in a play; -lokin, a. observed by others; -lodana, a. throwing into confusion. WRi. sam-vdt, f. (V.) side; region, tract. Eff2. sam-vat, abbreviation fr samvatsare, in the year (sp. of the TVikrama era); sts. in the year of the reign of. Wg~ITI, sam-vatsam, ad. for a year (ByT.1).;EM sam-vatsard, in. (n.) year: ac. for a year; in. after or in the course of a year; glc. id.; within a year: ii-na, a. annual (V.). ~3sarn-vadana, n. conversation, talk; -vanana, a. (I.) -V.: conciliating, propitiating; C.: encouraging (liberality, — 0); n. (V., C.) means of conciliation; subduing spell; -vara, in. n. incorr.for sambara; -vkrana, i. m. N. (C.); n. enclosure (as place of sacrifice; V.); concealment, secrecy (C.);:a. n. (C,) choice (of a husband): -srag, f. wreath given by a girl to the man of her choice; -varaniya, fp. to be concealed; -varg&, a. [Vvrig] rapacious (.Agni; V.); -v~rgam, abs. snatching up, sweeping together (RV.); -varta, in. [rolling together: Vvritl dense mass (of people); cloud charged with rain; end or dissolution of the world; N. (C.; &,.RV.'): -ka, a. (rolling together), destroying all things at the end of the world (fire etc.); m. fire of universal destruction: pl. fires of hell; - artkf (i-oiled up leaf =) young lotus petal; -vardhana, a. increasing, promoting; in. N.; n. growing up (of a child); rearing (of a child); success; promoting; -vardhaniya,fp. to be reared (child); to be maintained (servants); to be increased or fostered (virtue); -valana, n.~,Mf. (hostile) encounter; mixture, union; -vasati, f dwelling together; -v~sana, n. dwelling-place (1117.1); 's&m)-vasu, m. fellow-dweller ( V.); -vaha, in. N. of one of the seven ninds;- -va'k, f. colloquy (-7.); _Vad&, in. conversation (V., C.), with (in. ~ saha, lc., ~) agreement, conformity,correspondence, similarity, equality (C.): (a)-ka, a. agreeing; in. N.; -vdana, n. agreement; -vadin, a. conversing; agreeing or harmonizing, with (g., _~) Vara, mn. contraction of the vocal chords (in pronouncing a sound), obtuse articulation (opp. vivAra); impediment (v. r.); -va~rya, fp. to be concealed; -va'sa, mn. dwelling together, with (in. ~ saha, -0); cohabitation, with ( —P); settlement, dwelling; common abode (rare); -va'sin, a. i. clothed in (~) 2. dwelling together; -', dwelling in, inhabiting; in. fellow-dweller; -va'ha, in. extortion, oppression: -ka, a. stroking (0);i i-ka', f. shampooer; -Vahana, n. passage(o clouds); stroking with the hand (~hasta-, of limbs etc., 0;-vaihya, fp. to be borne; to be exhibited (in a-). I I I Vi~ITir sam -vigniftna, ns. implication; knowledge: -bhfta pp. generally known; -vitti, f.knowledge; perception, sense, of z-'). -vid, f. V., C.: consciousness, of (0'); knowledge; uinderstanding, agreement, covenant., regarding (0-; ord. ing.); C.: feeling, of (-9); plan, scheme; conversation, about (0;established usage, custom; name; gratification: -am kri, sthapaya, or vi-dha, make an agreement, with (in. + saha, g.) to (d., inf.), regarding ( ---); -am langhaya or vi ati-kram, break an agreement, 2. vid, f. acquisition, property (V.); vida, a. conscious (in a-, Br..); N. agreement (perh incoi r. for -vid); -vidh&,f arrangement, contrivance, preparation; mode of life; vidhatavya, fp. to be arranged, contrived, or managed; n. imps, one should act, -vidhatri, m. arranger, ordainer, creator, god; vidhana, n. arrangement, contrivance, preparation: -ka, n. peculiar mode of action; -vidhi, in. arrangement, preparation, provision; -vidheyaYfp. to be brought about; -vibhagana, n. sharing with another; -vibhaganiya, fp. to be distributed among (d.); -vibhaga%, in. partition, sharing with others; bestowal of a share, on (d., la.); bestowal or distribution of (__0); causing to participate in (0;giving (an order, 0-); share: -in kri., A. participate in anything (in.) with any one g) -Sila, a. accustomed to share with others; -vibhigi-tva, n. virtue of sharing with others; -vibhagn a. accustomed to share with others, in the habit of sharing with (g.); receiving a share of (g.); -vibhagya, a. to be presented with something; -vita, pp. -v/vy5,; n. clothing.;R( sam-vri'g, in. appropriator, spoiler (V.); -vrita,.pp. (.V/i. vri) closed, articulated with the vocal chords closed: -t&, f. closed condition, -tva, n. id., -mantra, a. keeping one's counsels secret: _tA,f. secrecy of counisel; -vriti,f. closure; concealment, keeping secret; dissimulation, hypocrisy: -mat, a. able to dissimulate; -vritti, f. common or joint occupation; incorr. for samvriti and perh. for sad-vritti; -vriddhi,f. growth; power. W 3 sam-vega, in. violent excitement or agitation; vehemence, intensity, high degree; -veda, in. perception, consciousness; -vedana, n. knowledge; sensation, perception; announcement, information; -vedya, fp. to be known or learned from (-0); intelligible to ();to be made known or communicated to (la.): -ta',f. intelligibleness to (in.); -veni., in. entrance (V.); lying down, sleeping (C.); chamber (P., rare); -vesana, a. (i) causing to lie, down (V.); n. lying down, sleeping (V., C.); cohabitation (S., C.); -veshta, n. envelopment in (0); covering: — Pa. wrapped in; -veshtana, n. rolling together. *II- I sam-vyavasya, fp. [VNs&a] to be decided; -vyavaharana, n. agreeing or getting on together in ordinary life; -vyavaha'ra, in. intercourse, with (in.); occupation with, addiction to (-'); business transactions; term generally understood: -vat, in. business man; -vy&ana n. wrapper, cloth, upper garment. sam-saptta-ka, as. pl. confederates (Trigarta and his brothers) who had sworn to slay Arguna but perished in the attempt (E.); -sabdaua, n. mention (sts. pl.); -samana, a., (i) calmiing, allaying; is. pacification; sedative.;ITWsam-saya, in. [V/si] doubt, dubiousness, Uncertainty, misgiving, hesitation (regarding, prati, le., 0'); doubtful matter; danger, risk, to (g., la., 2'): withfollowing pot., it is doubtful whether;, n'"sti (atra) Sam. 326 0 N 'f II samsay-a. 0 Sam-hat. 32IT IasyM.~(smht sayah, ne tr a samsayah, na samsayah (very common) and na hi samsayah, at the end of a sentence, there is no doubt, without doubt: -kara, a. (i) productive of risk to (-.O); -kkhedin, a. clearing away all doubt, decisive; -kkhedya,fp. requiring to be cleared of doubt (lawsuits); - itma-ka, a. subject to doubt, dubious (expedient); Ztman, a. indulging in doubt, irresolute. WNPIT sanmsay-a&lu, a. doubtful, sceptical, regarding (lc.). [danger, to (g., ~) R7M '! samsaya fvaha, a. productive of;RT sam-sayita, pp. VsA; n. doubt,, uncertainty; -saYitavYa,fp. dubious; -saya upama, f. comparison expressed in the fo~rm of a doubt; '-sarana, n. taking refuge with any one; -santi, f. extinction; -sita, pp. /sA: -va'k, a. speaking sharply, -4tman, a. firmly resolved; -siti, f sharpening (Br.); _-sita, a. cold; -siti, f. doubt; -silana, a. practice; frequent intercourse with.(in..); -suddhi, f. purity;!-sushka, a. dried up, dry, withered, sere, emaciated; -soka-ga, a. produced from moist heat; m. vermin produced from damp heat; -sodhana, a.() purifying; a. purification; -sraya, m. connexion, association with (g., -O); league for mutual protection; refuge, shelter, protection, asylum; residence, habitation; reference, relation; resorting to (le., -P; rare); recourse, addiction or devotion to: Ab in consequence of (-O); with the help of, by means of ( —o): -o' a. dwelling, living in, staying with (a teacher), standing in (a boat), being in or on, growing (tree) near; relating or referring to; devoted to, practising; -srayanliya, fp. to be resorted to, - taken refuge with: -t&,. ab, t. N.; -srayitavya,fp. to be sought refuge in (fortress); -srayin, a. having sought the protection or entered th e service of anyoDne; dwelling, resting or standing in, being in or on (); m. dependent, servant; -srava, m. hearing; ear-shot (lc. within hearing of, g.); promise; -sravana, n. hearing, - about (~) ear-shot: lc. within hearing, aloud; (Skm)srita, pp. V/sri; m. dependent, servant: -vat, pp. act. clinging to, having wedded (in.); -sritavya, fp. incorr. for -srayitavya; -slishta-karman, a. in whose actions good and evil are not kept apart, indifferent as to the morality, of his actions; -tslesha, m. connexion, union, contact, with (in., — 9); embrace: -m labh, attain; -sleshana, n. connecting; means of binding together, bond; -sleshin, a. connecting. sam-sakta, pp. V sanig: -ta, f. condition of having stuck, -yuga, a. yoked, harnessed, -vadana asVisa, a. having her breath cleaving to her mouth, with suppressed breath; -sakti,f~intimate union,close contact, with ( —O); -saniga, m. connexion; -safigin, a. (-i') attached or adhering to, intimately associated, with: -i-tva, ns. close connection with (.) -sad, f. (sitting together), assemnbly; court (of a king or of justice); company, multitude; -sarana, i. going about; transmigration, mundane' existence (as a series of transmigrations); -rsarga, m. union, connexion~ contact,, with (in., g., ~) indulgence or particiliation in; contamination with (-O); contact with the world of sense, sensual indulgence (pt.); social contact, association, intercourse, with (in. -:, saha, g., lc., ~~O;sexual intercourse with (i.+ saha, g.,-O) -vat, a. coming in contact or connectedwith (0-); -sriaf~socialrelations; -sargin, a. connected, with (-0); possessed of (-0); -sargana, n. commingling, combination, with (in.); attaching to oneself, conciliation of (.q.); -siirpa, m. N. of the thir-' teenth month (V., C'.); -sarpana, n. ascent, of (g.); creeping, gliding motion; -sarpaddhvagin'i-vimarda-.vilasad-dh-hli-maya,a. (i) filled with dust rising through the tramp of a marching army; -sarp-in, a. creeping along; swiniming about; gliding over, extending to (0) 4-)-ti, f. extension to(.0) -Sava, m. simultaneous Soma sacrifice of two neighbouring adversaries (Br., S.).,RIT'VTi sam-sfdbana, n. preparation; performance, accomplishment; asdhya,fjp. to be accomplished; - obtained; conquerable; -ara mtransmigration, perpetual succession of births, cycle of existence, mundane existence (with all its sorrows): a samsrat from the beginning of the world: -mandala, m. n. cycle of mundane existence, _Marga, m. path of life, sagara, mn. ocean of worldly existence sarin, a. far-extending, comprehensive (intellect); transmigratory; m. living or human being; siddhi, f completion, accomiplishment, fulfilment, success; perfection, in (-9); -su'kana, a" manifestation, utterance (of a speech),;srig, f. concussion (of bottle; B V.'); -sriti,f f -sara, trausmigration, etc.; -srishta, pp. Vsrg; ni. intimacy: -m kar, enter on intinate relations with (lc.); (sAm)srishti, f. union (V.); combination of two figures of speech in one passage (C.); _srishtin, a. again living in common after the partition of property. WEq sam-seka, m. wetting (ps.), with (c) -sevana, n. employment of; exposure to; waiting on, serving; -seva, f. frequenting; service; employment; -predilection for (-.O); -sevin, a. worshipping (0-); -sevya, fp. to be frequented, visited; to be worshipped; to be employed, to be indulged in. VIF, sam-skaranal, a. preparation; cremation; -skartavya, fp. to be prepared; -skartri, m. preparer (offood); consecrator, performer ofarite; producerof an impression.;R4cT sam-skahra, m. [V/kri] preparation, dressing (of food); refining (of metals etc.); polishing (of gems); cleansing, purifying;' embellishment, decoration, adornment; rearing (ofantimals os-plants); toilet, attire (rare); correct formation or use (of a word); training, education; correctness (,of pronunciation or expression); purificatory rite, domestic consecration (applicable to all members of the first three castes), sacrament; sacrament of the dead, cremation (rare); mental impression (left by, causes no longer operative and sts. dating from a previous birth; there are three kinds, vega, impulse, stbiti-sthsipaka, elasticity, and bhflvanfi, reproductive imagination); after-effect; creation of the mind (regarded by it as real though actually non-, existent, such as material phenomssna and all connected therewith; B.): ai 'f. abst. N. of, a cpd. ending in samskhra (= mental impression); -tva, a. decoration: kakshusham' samskara-tVaM SaM-ap, become a feast to. the eye; -na'man, a. sacram~ental name ( our baptismal name); -maya, a. ( —) consisting in the consecration of (rite); -vat, a. grammatically correct; -visishta, pp. better prepared (food). I~TN samn-skftrya, fp. to be consecrated (person); to be hallowed with funeral rites (corpse). ~(W sam-skrita, pp. (v/kri) prepared etc.; a. fi, preparation, prepared place; cultivated language (opp. vernaculars), San-` skrit (C.); (skm)-skriti,f. preparation (V.); ~ formation (Br.); consecration (C.); -skr'-; ta ukti, f. polish ed expression; -skriyA, f. preparation, formation. sam-stambhayitri, m. paralyser, coercer (of a mtn.); -stara, m. [Vstril layer (of grass), couch'; scattered quantity (of,flowers, —'); covering; bestrewinig (v. r. -starania); -starana, a. bestrewing; -stava, m,. simultaneous praise (rare); praise, eulogium (sg., pl.); mention (rare); acquiaintance, with (in. ~ saha, — ); -sta'ra-paiikti, f. a metre (1 2 + -8 + 8 +I12 syllables); -stiv&, m. place or station of the choir; praise in chorus; -stuta-tva, n. condition of being or having been praised; -stuti, f. praise, eulogy; figurative mode of expression; -stya~ya, m. [Vsty&] accumulation; habitation, dwelling, house.;U sam-stha, a. standing, staying, resting, existing, or contained in (lc., gnly. ~0;being in or with= belonging to (lc. or ~O;based or dependent on ();being in possession of (0;lasting ( —; rare); &, m. (By.): only IC. in the midst or presence of (g.); -stha,f. remaining or abiding with (-'O; B7., i-are); forum, appearance (C.); established order, standard, rule (C'.); condition, state, nature (C.); completion, conclusion (V.); end, death (P.); complete liturgical course (being the basis of a sacrifice; the Gyotishtoma, the Haviryagnla, and Piqkayagiia consist of seven suchforms); spy in one's own country (rare): -0a. a, having the form of; appearing as; -stbiana, a. position, situation in a place (_0); standing firm (in battle); existence; life; strict adhere-nce to (-0); abode; public place in a towvn; form, shape, appearance (ord. mg.; of tess with rftpa); condition, state, nature (rare); aggregate (rar-e): -vat, a. existing; having various forms; -sthapaka, a. establishing; -sthapana, n. fixing, setting UP., erecting; establishment, of (. );regulation of ( a),f.cheering up, encouragement; -sthapaytvyJp. to be cheered or consoled; -sthapya,Jfp. C.: to be placed in (subjection) to (gq.); - imipressed on the mind (lc.) of (g.); V.: to be concluded (sacrifice); (skm)-sthift, f. C'.: union with (in., lc.); standing or resting on (lc., -'); position; abiding, residence in (lc.); duration, continuance; perseverance (rare); attaching importance to (lc.); existence, possibility, of (g., — ); form; established order; condition, nature; V.: conclusion (rare); P.: end, death (rare). I#PI4T sam-spardhft, f. rivalry, jealousy'; -spardhin, a. vying with (-0); jealous; -spars&, m. touch, contact (with, -O); -sparsana, a. touching; a. contact; -sparsin, a. touching; -spris, a. id.; -sphota, m. concussion; -smarana, a. remembering, recollecting; -smaranlya, fp. to be remembered, living in remenibrance ossiy; -smartavya, fp. to be remembered; -smriti, f. remembrance., of (g,0:-m labh, remember; -smrita pasthita, pp. appearing as soon as remembered; -srava', M. conflux; confluent remainder of liquids (V.); flowing water; -sravana, a. in garbha-, miscarriage; -sr&'v&, mi. conflux (1.); accumulation of matter etc. (C.); remainder, dregs (-V.); -sveda, m. sweat: -ga, a. p1. produced from moist heat (vermin etc.). Vig?I sam-hdt, f. [ putting together: Vhan] layer, pile (RV.'); -hata, p.(Vhan) compact etc.: -ta',f. close contact; union, -tva, n. id.; compactness; complexity; -hati, f. closure; compactness (of body); economy (rare); combination, joint effort, union, connexion, 'With (in.; ord. mg.); seam; mass., bulk, heap, assemblage, multitude: -silin, a. dense; -hanana, a. compact, firm; a. compactness,robustness; steadfastness; body; -hantri, m. uniter'; -haransa,' a. seizure; -f4 sarn-hita..;q~i" r sam-kalpa.32 327 i -I — -- I gatheringoin, reaping; magical bringing back of discharged missiles; destruction; -hartavya, fp. to be collected; - re-arrainged; - destroyed (lit. - withdrawn, opp. emitted or created); -hartri, m. destroyer; -harsha, m. thrill; joy, delight; rivalry, jealousy; -harshana, a. (i) causing horripilation; gladdening; n. rivalry, jealousy; -harshin, a. delighting (-20); jealous; -hita, Am. conciseness (of style; v. r. sam-ghhta); -h~ra, M. collecting, accumulation; collection; contraction (of the organs of speech), retraction (of a trunk); magical withdrawal of a discharged missile, mnagical means of drawing back a discharged missile; condensation, compendium; destruction of the world (ord. mg.: withdrawal, opp. emission, creation); destruction; conclusion, end (of a play, act, etc.): -ka'la, m. time of the world's destruction: 9%_ya, den. A.. appear like the time of the world's destruction; -hira-varmau, m. AT.; -harin, a. (0 destroying (withdrawing what was created); -ha'rya, fyp. to be removed, checked, or stopped (in a-); to be led astray, corruptible (in a-); to be caused to participate in, having a claim on (ab.). Ijff sam-hitei, pp. (Vdhft) put together, composed of, etc.: A, f. union (rare, U.); euphonic combination ( =samdhi); VTedic text treated according to the rules of euphonic combination (opp. pada or word text); systematically arranged text; extensive compilation (Rdmdyana, legal codes, Puradnas, etc.); complete system of astrology (opp. scientific astronomy); -hriti, f. i. destruction of the world; conclusion, end; 2. the root hri ~ sam;..hotr&, n. community of sacrifice (RiV.'); -hra~da, m. loud noise or shout etc.; Shouter, N. Of an Asura, son of ffiranya-kasiput; -hrgdin, a. making a loud noise, tinkling; -hla~din, a. refreshing; -hvayitavai, d. inf. of sam, + V/hvg,. ~jsn-ki, dim. (of pmn. sd), 'a,f. (V/., very rare). '~~i4sa-kakkhapa,a. along with tortoises. 2,t sakata nna, n. food, of impure persons. M EiK~ sa-kanta-ka, a. thorny, prickly; having the hair erect; -kamala, a. provided with lotuses; -kampa, a. trembling: -in, ad.;..karuna, a. piteous; compassionate: -m, ad.; -karna, a. having ears, hearing: -ka, a. having ears; -kartri-ka, a. having an agent; -karma-ka, a. effective; connected with an object, transitive (verb); -karma-taf., -tva, 'a. transitiveness; -karinan, a. transitive.;F if sa-kala, a. consisting of parts (kalft), divisible., material (rare); having all its parts, entire, complete, whole, all (ord. mng.); whole ',sound (opp. vi-kala; rare); paying~ interest (rare); m. everyone; n. everything: -kahma-dugha, a. fulfilling all wishes; -gaua, wa. everybody; -rfspaka, n. complete metaphor; -1oka, m. every one; -vidyi-maya, a. containing all knowledge; - arthi-Sarthakalpa-druma, in. wishing-tr-ee for the multitude of all supplicants. V~fWi4isa-kalika, a. provided with buds;..kala iudu, m. full moon; -kalpa, a. including teKalpas (sacrificial Sfitras); -kasmira, a. together with Cashmere;.-kash~ya, a. dominated by passion; -k~kola, a. together with the hell Kfikola; -katara, a. cowardly, dastardly; (sib)-k~ma, a. satisfying d'esires (rare); having one's wish fulfilled, satisfied; consenting, willing (girl); desiring (-'0); full of love, enamoured; amorous (speech); -kfira, 'I. m. letter s; a. incorr. for sfikhra;:2. a. acti've, courageous; -kirana-ka, a. (iki) due to a spcfic cause; -k'sa, m. (visibleness), presence, vicinity: ac. -mn, to (gnly. aprs.; wc. vbs. of coming, going, taking, or sending); lc. in the presence of, before, near; ab. or -tas, from (come, go, be produced, deprive of, be freed from, hear, ask, buy; w. g. or -~); -k&shkya, a. wearing a brownish-red garment; -kutumba, a. together with his family; -kut ithala, a.- impelled by curiosity: -m, ad. with curiosity;; -hcula, a. along with his family; m. = nakula, ichneumon (as a pun): -ga, a. belonging to the same family as 9) -kulya, a. id.; in. relation; -kusa, a. holding Kusa grass in one's hand; -kusu=m Astarana, a. strewn with flowers. W?1sa-kri't, a. acting at the same time (.A V., very rare); ad. at once, suddenly (V., rare in C.); C.: once (ord. mg.); at one and the same time (not by instalments); once, some time or other (rare); once, formerly (rare); once for all, for ever: ma' -, never: d-ukta-grihi.t~rtha, a. grasping the sense of what has once been said; u-nargsamsa, a. provided once with-the Narasami~sabowls,(Br-.). ~W!TR~sa-kripanam, ad. piteously; -kripam, ad. compassionately. O~f sa'-keta, a. having one intention (liV.'); -ketu, a. having a banner; -kesa, a. along with the hair; containing hair (food); -kaitava, m. cheat; -kopa, a. angry, enraged: -in, ad. angrily, -vikriti, a. agitated with anger; -kautuka, a. curious, eager, for (0w. vbI. N.): -in, ad.; -kautfthalam, ad. with curiosity. EW sak-ta, pp. V'saiig: -ta'f. attachment to worldly obj~ects; -tva, n. addiction to (-.0); -vaira, a. engaged in a feud with (in.).;RfWj sak-ti, f[V/snug] coinnexion, union;' attachment or addiction to (lc., -.0); attachmnent to worldly objects.;RWI sak-tu, m. [V/saflg] coarsely ground meal, esp. ojf barley (gnly. pl.): sts. mixed with flids as a drink: -ghata ikhyiyik&, f.story of the pot of meal.;HY sakitha, -'a. (I')= sakithan.;ffWFsakthdn,;f4 sdkthi,an., 3',f. thigh. sdk-man, n. [E'sah], intercourse WW' sa-kratu, a. being of one accord, with (in.; li -.); -kriya, a. acting, active; -krudh, a. angry, enraged;.krodha, a. angry: -in, ad. angrily, -hfisam, ad.with an angry laugh.;RW~ SAKSH, only pr. pt. sbkshat, seekN\ing (?; liV.'). Wf~liIT i. sak-sh-dna, a. conquering, victorious (RV.').~;FM 2. sa-kshana, a -having leisuLre for (lc.). x-f. sak-shdni, a. [Vsak] connected with (g.), united with (in.; BV.); m. companion, possessor (RiV.). [(ac.; RiV.). -;E f-2. sak-shdAi, a. [V'sah] vanquiishing ~i~(sa-kishit, a. dwelling or lying etc. side by side (B V.); -kshira, a. provided with milk, milky (plant). VW sakh-a, m. comrade, friend (= sakhi), S- w. a. or -Y. in g. sense; -- a. accompanied by; being a friend of=resembling (the moon).;Rk sdkh-i, m. (am. 'a) companion, associate, comrade, friend (sts. referring to af. esp. =i] 0~, metr.). Vif9'ii sakhi-tt, f. association, friendship; -tvi., 'a. id., for (g.), with (in. w.,saha, — 9);;EM sakh-il, f. female comipanion or friend (of a woman); beloved; sharer of, participator in ( —9): -km, — 0a. id.; -gana-sama'vrita, pp. surrounded by the company of her female friends;.gana, m. female friend (of a woman): also coli. RVqft sakhi'-ya, den. only pr. pt. associating oneself with, seeking the friendship of II s-khedam, ad. sadly. slhola, N. of a locality. ~R sakh-yd, a. ass ociation, friendship, for (lc.), with (in. ~ samam, saha, sftkam, shrdham; _) m v3i-dhi, look kindly (eyes) on (lc.). EITP!T sd-gana, a. attended by a troop, surrounded by (in.; V.); attended by his retinue (C.); -gadgada, a. falteringly uttered: -in, ad. falteringly; -gadgada-gir, a. with a faltering voice; -gandha, a. smelling; having the same smell as (in., -.0); related (Pr.); proud (v. r. -garva); (s&)-gara, m. [provided with moisture], atmosphere, air (V., rare); N. of a mythical king of Ayodhyad, whose 6o,ooo sons while digging up the earth to recover a sacri~ficial horse, were burnt by the sage Kapila; the, Ganges, brought down from heaven by Bihagiratha, a descendant of Sagara, to purify their remains, flowed with their ashes into the sea, which was called Sadgara in their honour (C.): pl. the sons of Sagara; -garbha, a. pregnant, by (in., ab.); (s&)-garbh-ya, a. born from the same womb; -garva, a. exulting, arrogant; proud of (lc., 2-): -in, ad. proudly; -guna, a. furnished with a string; together with the string; possessed of qualities or virtues; -gun-in, a. virtuous (rare); -gulika, a. along with a pill; -gotra, a. being of the same kin, related to (g., -.'); -gauravam, ad. with dignity. '~ff' sa'-gdhi, f. [sa(ga)gdhi] meal in common (V.). [(river). IEjTj' sa-graha, a. -filled with crocodiles;Ri SAGH [= SAH],V. P. saghuoti, take N upon oneself, be able to bear ( V., rare). V'i sa-ghana, a. thick (hair); -ghrina, a. compassionate; disliking (lc.).;E4 sam-kata, a. [put together: Pr.= krita] contracted, narrow; dense, impervious (forest); difficult, critical; — Jfull of (dangerous things); N.; Slender, N. of a gander; a. contracted space, narrow passage, defile; strait, difficulty, critical condition, distress, danger (to, from, — ): a-ya, den. A. grow too narrow; become contracted, grow less; -hathana, a. conversation, with (in. + sahia 0-); -katha, f. conversation, talk, with (in.~ saha, — ), about (-.0); -kara, m. commingling, mixture; intermixture of castes by unequal marriages (= varna-); action equivalent to the mixture of castes (sts. a. in E.); mixture offigures of speech: -krity&^, f. act degrading to a mixed caste, i-karana, n. act which degrades to the position of a mixed caste; -karshaaa, m. Plougher, ep. of Hala'yudha, elder brother of Krishna, among Vishnu worshi~ppers identified with the second person in the quaternity of Puru shottama ( = the soul); n. extinction; means of uniting; -kalana, a. putting or holding together; a., k, f. addition; -kalita, pp. added together. tih" samn-kalpd, m. resolve of the, mind (manas), will, purpose, definite intentionl determination, desire (for, to, etc., d., ic., 328 V-. sam-kasuka. "C"t4cm 4 -m sam-gha. 328 sam-kasuka. IE sam-gha. -O): 0-, = by -the mere wish, according to desire, for a particular purpose: -ga, a. orignting in the will, produced by the mere w~ill; arising from interested motives; m. desire; love; -gqauma-n, a. produced from desire; m. love, god of love; -mfila, a. based on interested motives; -yoni, a. originating in mere will; m. (produced from desire), love, god of love; -vat, a. possessing decision. sam-~kasuka, a. [V',kas] breaking up, destroying (the dead body), ep. of Agni (sdim-, 17'.); irresolute; m. N. of a Vedic poet. ~FT saiikat, f. battle, fight (V.). "T' sam-kfra, m. sweepings; (sim)-kisa, en. appearance (V.): --- a. having the appearance of, looking, resembling; -kirna, pp. -Vkri; n. confusion (of sentences): 9, f. kind of riddle; -kirna-ta^, f. deranged order of words in a sentence; -kiirtana, n. mentioning; reciting; praising, extolling; -kula, a. [Vkri] filled or thronged with, mingled with, occupied or provided with, abounding in, possessed of, afflicted with (in., -'O); dense (smoke); violent (wind); disordered, confused; impeded, hampered; n. throng, crowd; tumult of battle; trouble, distress; -kul3'kri, gather together; throw into confusion; (skm,)-kriti, a. arranging (V.); m. N.; f. a metre; (later) any metre Of 4 x 24 syllables; -klipti, f. volition. M f sam-keta, m. [joint purpose: Vk7it] appointment, assignation, with (g.); precon.certed sign, signal; agreement; consent: -., according to agreement: -m, kri, kalpaya or di, make an agreement or appointment, with (samam, saha, mithas), make an assignation with (in. + saha, g.),?~ssign as a place of meeting; -m, ks-i, give a signal; -keta-ka, Mn. assignation; -ketaua, n. place of assignation (of lovers); -keta-niketa, en.: -na, n. id.; -keta-bh i^mi, f. id. iTT' sam-ketaya, den. P.- make an agreement with (g.); agree upon; be informed, learn. AWMRWT~ samketa-vftkya, n. watchword; -stha, a. appearing by assignation; -sthana, n. place of assignation; object agreed upon by signs. 0*417I samketi-kri, assign as a place of meeting. *%7kWT' samketaudygna, n. garden appointed as a rendezvous.;jq sam-koka, en. shrinking up, confraction, compression; curtailment, diminution; limitation, restriction; drying up (of a lake): akshi-pakshmanoh -,. closure of the eyes: -ka~rin, a. shrinking, humble, modest; -kokana, a. (i') contracting (-'0); n. contraction; -kokin, a. closing (flower); diminishing, curtailing. 'Wi saen-kranda, en. lamentation; battle; -krindana, a. shouting, roaring; en. e~p. of Indra; n. battle: -nandana, m. pat. of Argun a and of the monkey Vhlin; -krami, en. going together (V.); C.: course, progress; transition, transference to (lc.); entry of the sun into a new sign of the zodiac; bridge (or~d. engq.); stair (esp. leading down to water); N. of a fairy prince; -krimana, n. entrance, commencement; transition, entrance into (ic., — ); entry of the sun into a new sign of the zodiac; liansfer to another world, decease; -kramil-kri, make a bridge os-medium of: gd. by means of (ac.); -kcrinta,p. AVkram; -kranti, f. entrance into (IC.,..-0); transference, communication; passage of the sun to another sign of the zodiac ( —9): payaso gandfisha-samkzintayah, transfer ence of water to swallowing = water meant for drinking; -kra~miu, a. being transferred to others; -krida, en. play, sport; -krosk, m. shout; -klishta-karman, a. acting with difficulty; -kieda, en. saturation, wetting, with (~ —P): -bhfita, pp. forming a moist mass (foetus); -klesa, in. pain, suffering; -kshaya, en. decay, loss, complete consumption, or disappearance; drying up (of water); ruin, destruction; end; _kshalana f washing, ablution; -kshipti: -ka, f. simple expedient (dr.); -kshepa,en. throwing together, destruction (rare); abridgment, compression, conciseness, brief exposition; quintessence of (g.); aggregate (rare): isi., ab., 0-, -tas, briefly, concisely; in.,..tas, in the aggregate; -kshobha, m. jolt, shock, commotion, disturbance; agitation, excitement.;fWsam-khya, n. [number, throng: Vkhyfi] fight, battle (only lc.). '(iWT sam-khy'a, f. number (V., C.); numeral (S., C.); C.: reckoning, calculation; grammatical number (rare); deliberation (rare); name (= hkhya, rare): -' a. a, reckoned among; (with a num.) amounting to: a-ka, &-ka, a. amounting to (~);~P0 1 samkhyA afika-bindu, m. sign of zero.'N W1 saen-khyfita, fp. [v/khyfl] enumerated etc.: - anudesa, m. subsequent enumeration the m;embers of which corres.pond in order to a series previously enumerated; -khy~tri, m. enumerator. VIflfRPT samkhyfiatiga, a. innumerable. ~[1~sam-khyana, em. calculation, enumeration; number (rare); measurement (rare). WRTWFTRi samkhyft-na'man, en. numeral; -pada, n. id.; -mafigala-granthi, m. auspicious ceremony of tying a knot in a cord corresponding to the number of years of one's age; -mitra, em. mere enumeration; -vat, a. numbered; intelligent, learned. ~PtTsam-khyeya, fp. to be numbered, calculable, not numerous. VWx. safig-a, en. [V'sailg] (0- a. a, i) sticking, obstruction; attachment (to), touch, contact, with (lc., ~) association, intercourse, with (in. ~ saha, g., lc., 0.fondness, inclination, desire, for (lc., ~o:ab., lc. =if he has a strong desire.[(1V) VIT 2. samz-gd, en. (coming together), conflict ~I~samga-ta, en. [-ta = bhata] N. TITTV[T sam-gananft,f. enumeration.;ETIT sam-gata, pp. (t/gam) apposite etc.; m. alliance based on mutual friendship; em. meeting, with (in., g., lc., -O); association, intercourse, intimacy, with (in., g., — O); agreement: - artha, a. having a suitable sense. sdmn-gati, f. meeting with (g., P) resorting to a place, frequenting (lc.); association; intercourse (also sexual), with (in. + saha, samam, g., lc., — ); alliance (rare); accidental occurrence (rare); fitness, appropriateness; connexion, relation, to (in., -) in. by chance, haply. VWW sam-gathd, en. [V~gam] coming together, convergence, centre (V.); -gamn~, en. meeting (of friends or foes), union, association, intercourse (also sexual), with (in. + sahia, g. - 0) confluence; connexion, contact, with (in., — ); acquirement of (g.): anarthena -, harm, injury: -datta, en. N.; -gimana, V. a. (i) gathering together; m. assembler of (g.; V.); em. meeting, union, with (-'O; 77., C.); coming into contact with, acquirement of (in.; C.); -gama-svgmin, M. N V7R sam-gard, m. V., C.: agreement, promise; C.: fight, battle, with (in.), for (g.); -gava, en. time when cows are driven together to be milked, milking-time; second of the five divisions of the day (V.); m o NadikAs (4 hours) os- 3 Muhfmrtas (2 h. 24 in.); -gavini, f. cows' milking-place (Br.). VfWfzf s'ahg-ika, en. N.; -iya, en. N.;RfiT" safig-in, a. attached, adhering or clinging to (-O); touching, coming in contact with V~); fond of, devoted to (g., lc., 0'); worldly. #4. sam-gilta, n. chorus, singing accompanied by instrumental niusic, concert; song: -ka, nt. id.: -griha, n. concert-room; -yesman, nt., -alia f. id.; - rtha, en. burden of a concert. V!If~samn-guptiJf.protection; concealment. sam-grihiti f. curbing, taming; -grihitri, en. charioteer; ruler (less correct form of -grahitri); -gopana, a. concealing; n. concealment: I-ya, fp. to be concealed. ffRgsam, - graha, en. seizing, grasping; keeping, retaining; obtainment (pattra-, of leaves); taking (of food); magical withdrawal of discharged missiles; collecting, gathering; accumulation, store; bringing together, assembling (of men); complete enumeration; collection, totality, complete compendium, summary, epitome (ord. mg.); inclusion (rare); restraining, controlling (rare); guarding, protection, of (g.); ruler (B.); propitiation, kind treatument, entertainment: in. completely, entirely; in., ale. summarily, briefly; -grahana, em. acquisition; collecting, accumulation; encasing, setting in ( —, of a jewel); restraining; propitiation (also V., -grafih-); adultery, with ( —); -grahaniya, f~p. to be directed towards' (lc.); -grahin, en. collector; -grahitri, en. charioteer. VTrMi~ saen-grflmd, en. assembly, host (V., s-ore); V., C.: hostile encounter, battle, fight, with (samam, saha, sardham, — P); N. (C.): -karman, n. battle; -gupta,ein. N.; -git, a. victorious in battle; -tu1&, f. ordeal of battle; -tiixya, n. battle-drum.; -datta, en. N. of a Bradhman; -deva, en. N. of a king; -nagara, n. N. of a town; _pa'la, en. N.; -bhiMmf battle-field; -mi'rdhan, en. van of battle; -raga, en. N. of two kings; -vardhana, en. N.; -varsha, en. N.; -sienha, en. N.: -siddhi, en. N. of an ele~phant; agra, em. van of battle; -aiigana, n. battle~-feld; - ^pAda, en. N. of two kings. WR1 saen-gra'ha, mn. fist; clenching the fist: -ka, a. (i) summarising, epitomising; -gra~hin, a. collecting, accumulating; propitiatingy (-O); -grghya,fp. to be clasped (Br.); (C.) - checked -appointed (to an office); - propitmated; - accepted os-pondered (spec),;k sam-gha, in. [combination: </han] throng, multitude (nearly always with g. or — 0); host of enemies (rare); corporation; community, congregation (B.); brotherhood, sect (among the Jamns); incorr. for safiga: -kahrin, a. gregarious; -ghatana, n., my f. combination, union, with (-O); -ghatta, en. concussion, clashing together, collision, fricotion; cpmbination, union, with (in.; rare); -ghattana, em. collision, clash; friction; em., &,f. union; -ghatta-panita, em. wager; -ghatitha, a. numerous; -gharsha, en. friction; rivalry, emulation, jealousy (regarding, prati, AdTf sam-ghata. E sang. 329 I I -~); -gharshana, n. friction; -gharshayitri, m. rival; -glharsha-salin, a. jealous; -gharshin, a. id., envious; vying with (-~); -gha-sas, ad. in great numbers. winTI sam-ghftt, m. (sts. n. in E.) blow (rare, C.); closure (of gates, V.); conflict (V., C.); C.: compression, compactness; close combination, aggregation, collection, compound, quantity, assemblage, multitude (ord. mg.); entire undivided compound (opp. its separate parts, gr.); intensity,violence (rare); compounded matter, body; poem composed in one and the same metre (rh.); a hell: -vat, a. close, dense (bamboo thicket); combining closely with (-~). [monastery. *'MITr' samgha irama, m. Buddhistic;W, samghi-bht, herd together. teT SAK, TI. A. sak (V., very rare), I. A. saka (V., very common), P. (rare), be united with, have communion with (in.); be possessed of, enjoy (in.); be near, accompany, belong to (ac.); be devoted to (ac.); follow (ac.); visit (ac.); pursue (fig.); have as a consequence, obtain (ac.); be united or together; III.P. sishak, (B? V.) follow (ac.); help any one to (d.); dwell or be in (lc.). anu, follow (ac.). abhi, seek, come to, favour (ac.). upa, wait upon (V.); pursue (Br.). sam, be united, with (in.; B V.). iR'# l. sa-kakitam, ad. tremblingly,with alarm, in a startled manner; (sa)-kakshus, a. possessed of eyes, seeing; (sa)-kanas, a. (RV.) being in harmony with (in.). vt1'M sakanas-ya, den. A. treat tenderly, cherish (RV.1). [tonishment. TEMWT' ff sa-kamat-karam, ad. with asWq ' sakas-ya, den.A.[fr.*sakas, n.: v/sak] be cherished (BR.'). T I stdk-a, ad. [V'sak] RV.: at hand; together: with lc. at, in, in the presence of, together with. ~tlqJ Msaka-bhu, a. (RV.) accompanied by (in.); m. companion, fiiend (RV.).:Er sak-i, ad. at the same time (Br.). Vfi7q sa-kitra, a. garnished with pictures; together with their pictures; -kinta, a. absorbed in thought: -m, ad. thoughtfully: - ikulam, ad. id. ^ 4f[ sak-i-va, m. [v/sak] companion; associate of a king, counsellor, minister; abettor (S., rare): -~ a. assisted by, provided with: -ta,f. office of a minister; -tva, n. id. Nf's[ saki-vid, a. congenial, devoted (EV.1). Y sa-kihna, a. branded: -mn, ad.; -ketana, a. rational, intelligent; fully conscious; (sa)-ketas, a. unanimous, with one accord (V.); intelligent, rational, being in one's right mind (V., C.); -kela, a. clothed, dressed, in one's clothes; -kaila, a. id. t f- i sat-kandrika,f. splendid moonlight; -karita, n. good conduct; a. wellconducted, virtuous; -karitra, n. good conduct; -karya, f. id.; -kara, m. good spy; -kid-ananda, m. pl. existence, thought, and bliss; a. consisting of existence, thought, and bliss; designation of the supreme impersonal spirit: -maya, a. id.; -kin-maya, a. consisting in being and thinking. w sa-kkhandas, a. consisting of the same metres (Br.); -kkhala, a. fraudulent; -kkhaya, a. shady; glittering (gem); having the same colour as (-~). 'WTn [ sat-sastra, n. good or genuine doctrine or treatise: -vat, a. possessed of a -; -khloka, a. having a good reputation. tStSAG, v. t SANG. R sW sa-ganS, a. frequented or inhabited by men; together with people: Ic. in public. p1'T5tr sa-gan-iya, n. the hymn with the refrain 'sa ganasa indrah ' (R V. II, 12). VTT sa-gala, a. watery, wet, moist: -nayana, a. watery-eyed (peacock), -prishata, a. having drops of water; -gagara, a. waking, not asleep; -gata, a. related (V.); m. kinsman, countryman (V.); -gati, a. belonging to the same caste, of the same kind, similar; -gatiya, a. id.; -gatya, a. akin (V., C.); n. like descent, kinship; -gani, a. together with his wife; -gami, a. incorr.for -gani; -g#ra, a. together with her paramour; -gala, a. having a mane; -giva, a. animate, living, alive; provided with a bowstring: -ta, f. living condition; possession of a bowstring. f: sa-gis, ad. [v/gus] at the same time, moreover (V.); prp. with, together with (in.; V.).;ErfWiR sa-grimbhikam, ad.with a yawn. vAd sa-gosha, a. (V.) united; being with, acting in harmony with (in.); -g6shas, a. id. it[5 sa-gga, a. [by assimilation fr. sa-gya] provided with a string, strung (bow, ready for use); placed on the bowstring (arrow); equipped, prepared, ready, for, to (d., lc., inf., -~; ord. mg.): -ka, a. (i-ka) ready (-~); m. N.; -karman, n. stringing a bow, -ta, f. readiness for (prati). VtEt — I. sagg-ana, a. [/sang] hanging from (the neck, -~). 1Wlgi 2.sag-gana, m. [sat-] good, virtuous, kind, or (sts.) wise man; N. tS-ji sagga-ya, den. P. string (a bow; rare); equip, prepare, make ready; A. metr. id.; prepare oneself; ps. saggyate: pp. saggita, strung (bow); prepared, equipped, ready, for (-artham or -~). t^tRW saggala, m. N. t F —W saggl-kri, string (a bow); equip, prepare, make ready: pp. prepared, for (-~); -bhu, prepare oneself, for (d.). WT sa-gya, a. [gya] furnished with a string (bow); placed on the bowstring (arrow); -gyotis, ad. according to the heavenly bodies = during the twilight (between the disappearance of the stars and sunrise or sunset and the appearance of the' stars; -gyotishi, lc. ad. id.); as long as the sun is above the horizon. 1['{ sa-gvara, a. suffering from fever. El-i sanka-ka, stamp, mould. Wd sam-kaksh-e, d. inf. (RV.); -kakshya, fp. worthy to be looked at (BV.). V'q[ sam-kaya, wn. sg. & pl. accumulation, hoard, store, wealth, quantity, collection; gathering, collecting (rare): d. in order to have more; -kayana, il. gathering, collecting; -kaya-vat, a. possessed of wealth,rich; -kayika,a.havingprovisions (only-0); -kark, a. going about (mftrti-, with a body=incarnate); - together, simultaneous (V.); m. place for walking, road, path, passage; evolution (in Sdnkchya phil.); -karana, a. (i) suitable for going on, passable, converging (V.); n. navigation (of the sea: ac.; RV.); motion, from (ab.), in (lc., -~), by means of (-~); -karishnu, a. moving about, roaming; -karvana, n. chew ing; -kalana, n. trembling, quaking; -kara, m. walking about, wandering, roaming, driving; motion; transit, passage; entrance, portal; transition or transference to (-~); track (of wild animals), road (rare): -ka, m. guide; -karaniya,fp.to be wandered through; - transferred to (lc.); -karita, cs. pp. (Vg/kar) set in motion, worked; -karin, a. (n-i) walking about, wandering, roaming, moving, movable (in, lc., -~); penetrating into (-~); transmitted, infectious, hereditary (disease); coming in contact with, contiguous to (in.); carried with one (umbrella); being in, engaged with (-_); accessory (sentiment, etc.); taking with one (-~); -karya, fp. accessible (in a-); produced by (-~); -kikirshu, des. a. intending to perform; -kiti, f. piling; collecting, saving; -kintya,fp. to be considered; - regarded as (-vat); -ckinuna-ka, a. occupied with collecting (wealth); -keya, fp. to be accumulated; -kodayitavya,fp. to be urged on; -khettri, m. dispeller (of doubts). R SANG, tW SAG, I. P. saga, attach, \ A. attach oneself to (V.); adhere to (le.; C.); be attached to or occupied with (lc., C.); ps. sagyate, be attached to (lc.); (w. Prdkritic assimilation) saggate, (metr. sts. P.) cling, adhere, stick (to, in, Ic.); hesitate; be fixed on, be attached or devoted to (Ic.): pp. sakta, clinging, adhering, - to, sticking in (in.,-0); possessed of (-~); fixed on, entrusted to (-~); attached, addicted or devoted to, engrossed or engaged in (lc., prati, -~; ord. mg.); cs. P. saigaya, attach to, unite with (Ic.); saggaya, attach to (lc.); fix (the mind) on (Ic.); pimp; des. -sisanikshati. ati, pp. atishakta, connected with (in.; A V.); intensely devoted to (-~). vi ati(-shaga), P. connect mutually, entwine; draw any one into, entangle: pp. vi ati-shakta, mutually connected, intertwined, intermingled. anu, add; ps. anushagyate, cling to (lc.); be connected, to be supplied from what precedes; anushaggate, be attached or devoted to (le.): pp. anushakta, attachedto (Ic.); closely related to (g.); connected or affected with, subject to (in., -~). abhi, affect; pronounce a curse on any one; lay claim to (lIc.): pp. afflicted with (in.); cursed. ava, affix, attach to (lIc.); assign or entrust to: pp. clinging to, resting on, touching (lIc., -~); entrusted to (lIc.). a, fix on, fasten to, suspend from (Ic.); throw upon, transfer or entrust to (lc.); lean against, cling to (ac.); enter upon (hostility) with (in.); ps. -sagyate, be attached, adhere to, be fixed (gaze) on (lc.): pp. asakta, suspended, hanging to, attached to, placed or resting on, fixed upon (lIc., -~); -~: contained in; addicted or devoted to, intent on; provided with; dogging the footsteps or lying at thefeet (pada-); es. -sa~igaya, P. cause to be placed upon (lc.) by (in.). via, A. begin to fight hand to hand: pp. attached or adhering to, fixed on (lIc., -~); devoted to, engaged in (Ic., -~); clasped, embraced. sam-a, place upon (Ic.); make over or entrust to (Ic.): pp. attached to, fixed upon (Ic.); dependent on (lc.); relating to (Ic.); devoted to (lc.,-~); entrusted to (lIc.); afflicted with (-~). ud, ps. -sagya, incorr. for -srigya. ni, A. (V.) bind on (a quiver); hang down: pp. nishakta, hanging or attached to, fixed upon (lec., -~). pra, P. provide with (Br.); cling to (Ic.); result, follow, be applicable; ps. -sagya (-te or -ti), -sagga (-te or -ti), attach oneself, cling to (lec.); be devoted to or occupied with (le.); -saggate, result, follow, be applicable, hold good: pp. prasakta, attached, adhering, fixed (mind etc.) on (lIc., -~); devoted or addicted to, engaged in, engrossed by (lec., -~); worldly; enamoured; provided with (-~); resulting, UJu wflio, 0-0;Mqi- - s an'g a-li a. RR sat-ya. 330 saiga-ka. rr sat-ya. *applicable;continual, lasting; es. -sanl gala, -P. cause to take place. anu-pra, pp. attached to or fixed on ( —P). sam-pra-sagga-te (or -ti), be attached to (te.), be attracted by (in.): pp. attached; engaged in (to.). vi-shagga-te, be attached or devoted to (ic.): pp. vishakta, hung up (V., C.); C.: attached or adhering to (lc.); fixed on (lc., ~);dependent on ( —P); produced, implanted. sam, -sagga-te (or -ti), adhere, to (to.); come to close quarters (in fight) with (in,); falter (peh:pp. samnsakta, attached to or fixed on (to.); devoted or addicted to, engaged in (le., — P); come into contact with, touching, united, linked, or provided with (-O); contiguous; close, dense; continuous, lasting; continual, repeated; dependent.;~Z san-ga-ka, m. N.; -tara, n. N. of-1 a town (prob. incorr.).;Er san-g-ana, n. attaching; folding (the hands'). samz-ganana, a. (I') producing(O) is. production, creation. VaTI sarng-pftla, mn. N. rW- samn-gayd, a. victorious (V.); m. Victory (Br.); kind of military array (C.); N., esp. of Dhritara'shtra's charioteer; -galpa, m. conversation,talk; -gavana, n.(?)qua-drangle. ~RarIM sam-gfta, pp. x/gan: -kautuka, a. having one's curiosity excited; -nidra^-pralay&, a. whose sleep has been dissolved, havingy slep~t one's fill; -lagga, a. embarrassed;.irshya, a. grown envious. ~i~~~sam-gighrikshu, des. a. intending to collect; epitomise; -giti, f. complete victory (V.); -giva-ka, a. (ika) animating; mn. N. of a butt: kaf N.; -givana, a. (i) animating, bringing to life; mn. a helt; is. animation, lie:. f. T1. of Miallindtha's commentaries on the Kumdrasambhava, Me-. gdsta, and Raghuvamsa; -givin, a. animating, bringing to life; m. N. of a minister of the crow-king Meghavarna: -3.f. = -glvani. sam-gn-a, a. -o = samn-giift (labdhasamngna-tfi, f. recover~y of consciousness): -ka, a. -0 (ikg) = sam-giih, name; -gnlapana, n.~ strangulation of.!a sacrificial animal; deception, fraud; -giim, f. V., C.: agreement, understanding; consciousness, knowledge, clear conception; C.: gesture, sign, with (the hadet...); designation, name, technical term (_ 0 a. a, named, called); N. of a daughter of Trashtri (Visvakarman), unife of the sun, and mother of Manu, Yama, and Yam?".;E TW~ sdmgiiftta-rfipa, a. having a wellknown form (RV.1); -ggiiti, f. agreement, understanding (Br.); -g~igna, a. producing harmony (Br.); is. unanimity, harmony, with (in,., tc.; FV); consciousness (Br., P., rare); -giTA -siitrm, is. pt. Stitras of technical terms (the Siva-sllras). Iff'~ samgni-ita, den. pp. signalled to, with *(the brows, -O); called, named, - after (gnty. — ~); -in, a. conscious; having a pcrticutar name; m. object bearing a particutar name (opp. samn-gQi, name). amif psrai-h' become a propei noun or a subordinate member of a compound. samn-gvara, m. heat, fever: -m kri,' feel agitated: -kara, a. agitating(O) VZ sata, as?,,f mane; bristles (of a boar). 'fM satfl-la, a. having a mane. f iasatfilu = sal Atu, unripe. fruit. Vftf'U1R, a-dndiamad. with beating, of drums. W 'sadda, m. N. M~a-dvn m.N fa minister of the crow-king Meghavarna (cp. samnglvin). present; being anywhere (to.);' belonging to (g.); enduring, lasting (world); being (with attributes, ads. and often added to a pp., sts,. to a pr pt.); actual, real, genuine; right; good, virtuous: vibhave sati, when there is money, supposing he has the means; viuaise nise va& sati, whether loss or death occur; namni krite sati, the ceremony of naming having been performed; tatha sati, it being so, this being the case; -s, possessed of etc.; mn. pt. living beings (Ry.); good, virtuous or educated men, sages (often 0-; C.); n. the really existent, entity, real world (V., C.); good, advantage (17., C.); terminations of the present participle (gr.): -kri, (C.) put in order, prepare; garnish, adorn; honour, receive or treat hospitably; pay the last honours to (ac.) by cremation etc. (E.); hold in honour (E.): pp. adorned with (-'O); honoured, treated hospitably.;RIffW sa-tata, a. [con-tinned, pp. v,/tan] continual (O-); '- or -in, ad. constantly, continually, always, for ever: with, na, never: -gay -gati, mn. (always going), wind; -dhriti, a. ever resolute; -yiyin, a. always moving or changing. [in reality. V7M~ sa-tattva, is. real nature: -tas, ad. VW; sa-tas, ad.. equally (only0) sa-tftpa, a. full of pain; -timira, a. enveloped in darkness. Vjf-W sati, f a mnetre. -Dif sat —iif. pr. pt. (v,/as) being etc.;.you ( = bhavatl); good, virtuous, or faithful wife (ord. myg.); wife (rare); N. of 17isvdmnitra's wife; N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Bhava' (Siva): -tva, n. wifely fidelity; -vrata, n. id.: a^,f. faithful wife; -saras, n. lake of Sati. VrfIr sa-tubina, a.- icy, wintry; -tfirya, a. accompanied by music: -mn, ad. to the accompaniment of music; -trishnain, ad. with longing, yearningly; (sk) -tegas, a. attended with splendour etc. (V.).:i4 E~sat6-brihat, a. equally high or great (V.): -I,f. amietre (i2+ 8 +12 + syltabtes); -inahat, a. equally great (B V.'). ~WTW sat-kathft, f. good conversation or tale; -kartri, m. benefactor; -karman, n. good work, virtuous act; a. performing good actions; -kala^, f. fine art; -kavi, M. good or true poet: -tva, is. true poetic gift; -ka~ra, mn. sq., pl. kind treatment, hospitable reception, hospitality; praise, favour (of a hung,.0): - qrha, a. worthy of hospita ble treatment; -kahrya, fp. effected; deserving of honour or hospitality; is. necessary existence of the effect (as inherent in the cause: in Saik-hya phit.): -va'da, mn. theory of the actual existence of the effect, -va'din, in. adherent of this theory;, -kavya, is. good poem; -kirti, f. good reputation; a., having a -; -kula, is. good or noble family; a. belonging to a -; -krita, pp. honoured, treated hospitably,; is. honourable reception; -kriti, f kind treatment, hospitable reception, hospitality; -kritya, gd. having entertained hospitably; -kriyMa,f. putting in order, preparation (rare); sy., pt. kind treatment, hospitable -reception, hospitality (ord. ing.); cele bration (of a wedding, -— O); -kshetra, a. good field. ~rIsat-td, pp. (v/sad) sitting. [-0). RI saft-tama, 'spy, best, first, chief of (g.,. VI sat-tarka, m. orthodox system of philosophy.;EM sat-tfi, f. being, existence: -vat, 'a. entitled to the predicate ' being.' [(RVl.). RT sdt-tri, m. sitter, esp. at the sacrPtcee VW sat-tra., is. [session: -,/sad] great Somha sacrifice of more than twelve Sutyad days performed by many officiators; meritorious work equivalent to the performance of a Sattra; hospital, asylum; disguise, illusive semblance (rare); forest (rare): -griha, is. hospital,; asylum; -yaiga, m. Sattra sacrifice; -vasati,, f. hospital, asylum; -sAia,f. id.; -sadinan, is. id., kjT4W1M sattra ayand, is. sacrificial session lasting several years (Br.): -rfipa, n. characteristic of a long sacrificial session. rf~sattr-i'n, M. performer of a Sattra, celebrater of a feast (FJ7, C.); a. disguised (C.); -iya, a. belonging etc. to a long sacrificial session (V.). W~sat-tvd, is. [being-ness] V., C.: being, existence, reality; essence, nature, innate disposition, character; C.: strong character, energy, resolution, courage; absolute goodness (the first of the three qualities inherent in Prah-riti); spirit; vital breath, life; entity, substance, thing (rare); m. is. livingbeing, animnal; ghost, demon, goblin (rare). W"McIq- sattva-kartri, m. creator of livingbeings; -dhainan, is. abode of the qualityo goodness, ep. of Vishnu; -rasi, m. paragon of resolution or courage; -lakshMn, a~f. showing signs of pregnancy, pregnant; -vat, a. resolute, energetic, courageous; abounding in the quality of goodness; m. man of strong. character; -vara, m. N.; -sfalin, a. energetic, courageous; -sila, m. N.; -samrambha, sn. extraordinary courage and violence or fury of animals; -Sara, m. extraordinary courage; -stha, a. adhering, to firmness of character, resolute, energetic; standing fast in or adhering to the qualtiy of goodness; -aftman, a. having the nature of the, quality of goodness; -.Adhika, a., resolute, energetic (man); coura geous (action); -anuripa, a. according to one's innate disposition; according to one's substance or means; - ukkhrita,.pp. pre-eminent in courage; -~utkarsha, m. extraordinary magnanimity; - utsaha-vat, a. courageous and energetic. Jt-fff sdt-pati, m. mighty lord; leader-, champion (V.); good lord or ruler (U., P., rare); good husband (C.); -patha, m. good or right way (gnly. fig.); -patra, is. worthy person: -varshin, a. bestowing favours on the worthy; -putra, m. good son; a. having a good son; -purusha,mi. good, excellent or (sts.) wise man; -pratigraha, m. acceptance of gifts from virtuous men; -pratipaksha, a. liable to a valid objection; in. ( ~ hetu) argument liable to a valid objection; -pratipakshin, a. id.; -prabha', f. brilliant lustre; -phala, m. pomegranate-tree; ns. pomnegranate; -phalin, a. bearing good fruit. `W~ sat-yd, a. actual, real, genuine, true; successful, effectual (invocation), realised (wish); trustworthy, faithful, sincere; valid (agreement): -m kri, make true, fulfil; (k)-in, ad. truly, really, actually, indeed, certainly, rightly; very well (in answers); it is true (also w. tu, kim tu, WUathpi, but, yet); yat ;Rm,4 satya-ka.: v4R-'sada-di.T '331 say-aIfsaad.~3 satyam, indeed, certainly; mn. ninth Kalpa or cosmic period; ep. of Krishna; N. of a ceptain genius; N.; n. reality, truth; truthfulness, veracity; promise, oath, word; first age (krita); N. of the highest of the, seven worlds: -as ha te gFi-41tvi", having ascertained the truth about you (i.e. that youe are a~tually 'so); -m' lcikirshamana, wishing to keep one's word; tena satyena, on the strength of that truth, so truly; yatha, - tena or evans satyeua,,as certainly - so truly; a, f. ep. of Durg&; abbreviated for Satyabhfimh. t~q c satya-ka, mn. N.; -karmanl, n. ver acity; a. whose actions are true (BRV.); () k&ma, a. truth-loving (V.); mn. N. (V.); -gir, a. true to his word; -mn-kkra, as. promise: -krita, pp. delivered as earnest-money; -g&, a. born of truth (Br.); -git, a. truly victorious, conquering by truth (V.); in. N.; -tas, ad.in truth, truly, really; -taf. reality, truth (Br., C.); love of truth, veracity (C.): agrya-sat atmn gain, be recognised in one's true character; (&)-t~ti, f. reality: la in reality (BV.'); a. making true (B V.'); -titiksh~&vat, a. truthful and patient; -tva, n. reality; -darsin, a. seeing or discerning the truth; -dr-is, a. id.; -dhana, a. rich in truth, exceedingly truthful; -dhara, m. N.; -dharma, mn. law of truth: -patha, M. path of eternal truth, -aryana, a. devoted to truth and virtue; (&)-dharman, a. whose ordinances are true (V.); adhering to or speaking the truth (S.); (&)-dhriti, a. sincere in purpIose; strictly truthful; m. N.; _nama-ta', f. correctness of name; -ni~man, a. having a correct name, entitled to one's name; -parikrama, a. truly valiant, heroic or mighty (.person); -~bhama',f. N. of a daughter of Satralgit and one of the wives of Krishna; -bha'shana, n. speaking of truth; (ii)-mantra, a. whose words are true (iR V.); (&)-mauman, a. whose thoughts are true (V.); -maya', a. (I') consistingof truth,truthful; -mrish&-viveka, mn. discrimination of truth and falsehood; -yuga,n. first or Krita age; (&)-youi, a.having a permanent abode (B V.'); (&)-ra~dhas, a. bestowing real blessings, truly beneficent (B V.); -ri'pa, a. whose appearance is true; credible, probable; -loka, mn. world of truth (highest of the seven worlds); -valcana, n. speaking of truth; giving of a promise, solemn assurance; a. speaking the truth; -vat, a. true, truthful; containing the word satya (Br.): as. N.: -I',f. N. of the wife of Pard'sara (Samntanu) and mother -of Vya'sa; -vadana, a. speaking of truth: -sila, a. habitually truthful; -vara, incorr. for sattva-' yama; -varman, ms. N.; -v~kya, n. true speech; a. true of speech; -va4k, f. true. speech (C.); assurance (BV.); a. truthful; -va~kaka, a. speaking the truth, truthful; -vad-in, a. id.: a~)t~. (-i)-tva, a. truthfulness; -vhana, a. conveying the truth (dream); -vikrama, a. truly valiant; -vyavastha"f. ascertainment of the truth; -vrata, n. vow of truthfulness; a. strictly truthful; m. N.; -sila, a. addicted to truth; (*-sushma, a. truly valiant (-V.); (&)-sravas, n. true renown (V.); mn. N.; -srivana, n. taking a solemn oath; -srut, a. listening to the truth (By.); -samrakshana, a. keeping one's word; -samnhita, a. true to one's agreement or promise (Br.); (A)-sainkalpa, a. whose purpose is ' true ( = realised); -samgara, a. keeping one's: promise; -sad, a. = rita-sad; (&)-samndha, a. true to engagemnents,keeping one's agreement or promise; as. N.: at f. fidelity to one's -promise, trustworthiness; -akshin, as. veracious witness; -stha, a. holdinDg fast to the' truth, keeping one's word; - i-nanda, m. true bliss: -kid~atman, mn. true bliiss and pure intellect;, - anrit, n. due. tr~uth.j anI ashod(.;s. i.patieo Irt and falsehood, trade, commerce (C.). Vi'MTIC satyat-p-ana, (den.) n. ratification (of a bargain etc.). [P. ratify.;R TT satyat-p-aya, es. den. (fr. satya) V[~lfW' satya'ukti, f. true speech (BY V., C.); - uttara, n. admission (of the truth); a. mainly or essentially true; - gas, a. truly mighty (V.). V7X sa-trapa, a. ashamed, bashful: -in, ad. bashfully. kTT sa-tra', V7. ad. together; together with (in.); altogether, exceedingly; for ever. -~Tftffsatra'-gift, a. thorou ghly victorious (V.); m. (C.) N. of Sat yabhdmn's father.;Rqgsatrfi'aik, BY. a. (a~ki2') [going together: Vraik] united, joint; concentrated, whole (mind, etc.).;R;T;T~sa- traisam, ad. with terror, timidly -tvak, a. having its bark (sitaff). 'f?( sat-vait, as. pl. N. of a people in the South (Br.); =Yadavahb (C.). RF~sait-van, as. [from sat] warrior (V.: pl. warriors, vassals, host.;f~ sa-tvara, a. speedy, expeditious: -in,, ad. speedily, hastily, quickly; -taram, cpu. ad. very hastily; -rakanam, ad. hastily, quickly, forthwith.;FMI sat-saiiga, as. intercourse with or society of the good; -samgati, f. id.; -samnidhkna, n. id.; -sama~gama, as. id.; -sampradgya, as. good traditional lore. VrfM- sat-Si, 2 subij. aor. Vsad. ff?~SAD, I. P. (AA. asetr.) s~da (V.), si~da X' [si-s(a)da] (V., C.), sit, sit down (esp. at the sacriftce). upon, in, at (ac., lc.; V.; very rare in C.); besiege, lie in wait for (cc.; V., rare); sink under a burden, sink down, collapse, droop, grow languid; waste away, decay, perish; be impeded (duties); be in distress, be helpless, despond, despair: pp. satt&, sitting (BV.); saunn, V.: set down, lying; dead; C.: sunk down; drooping, relaxed (hand), exhausted; extinguished (fire); perished, destroyed; motionless (pestle); cs. sa'daya, P. V.: cause to be seateti; place in or on, set down upon (ic.); C.: afflict; ruin, destroy. ati, die. ava, sink down, collapse; be exhausted, pine away; be in distress, be helpless; be dejected, despond; come to an end, perish:.pp. avasanna, sunk down, depressed, drooping; sunken; deep; exhausted, worn out; afflicted; non-suited; come to an end; lost (eyesight, O.); cs. sink, immerse; press or weigh down; afflict; destroy. 'a, V.: sit, - down on (cc., lc.); preside over (cc.); lie in wait for (ac.); V., C.: reach- (a place); C.: approach (a person); meet with, come upon, find; attain, obtain: pp. al`sanna, set down (V.); approached (=.finite vb.,,E.); C.: near (g., -2); impending, iinminent; next; closely connected, with ();obtained, possessed; cs. P. (A1. metr.) V.: cause to be, seated, set, down; C.: reach, attain; approach (ac.); meet or fall in with, find (a person); get into, be involved in -(hostility etc.; ac.); overtake; assail; gain, find, acq uire, obtain as (a friend); ass ume (a form'); fall into a condition or mood (e.g. sainyogam.be united: vrldhmn -, be ashamed; garvam.grow proud); buy; come upon, befal (pains etc.); gd. a'sidya, having reached, obtained etc., often=prp. on, in, with, according to, with regard, to, on account of, in conseqcence. of, through: kilam -,- after some time. abhi, sit down upon (cc.); reach, attain. ni'a,P. sit down (in, on, among, ac. lc., RV.): p. nishatta, sitting. prati a be near; be imminent; be about to befal any one (cc.): pp. pr at sanna, come near, being in the immediate neighbourhood of (g., -'); immi~nent; closely connected with. sam, reach; betake oneself to (the 'neighbourhood, lc.); approach (a person); encounter, fall in with (in.); attain, obtain; come near (time): pp. samisanna, near, close to (P); cs. reach; fall into (ac.); approach (a person); encounter; fall in with, find (ac.); attack; attain, obtain; gd. sam sdya, often =prp. at (the right time and place), on account of (one's nature, birth, etc.). uRdy V.: go away, forsake, escape from (g.); go out (fire); C.: perish: pp. iitsanna, raised (opp. depressed); discontinued; disappeared, lost, destroyed; undone ( = hata); accursed, wretched (= dagdha); cs.'set aside, remove (Br., S.); put an end to, exterminate, destroy (C.); anoint (C.). prajid, cs. drive away; destroy. viiud, go out, depart. sain-ud, cs. destroy. upa, sit down on (ac.; By.); sit dTown close to any one; approach (tr., esp. respectfully or for instruction); seek devoutly, implore (V.); possess (V., rare); collapse (house, C.): pp. fipasanna, placed on the altar or close to th ejfire (V.); having approached (with rever-, ence, or for protection or instruction ); cs. set down, place close to (V.); cause to approach, bring (P.); obtain (P.). sam-upa, betake oneself to (ac.); obtain (ac.). ni (-shlidati), sit or lie down, alight, on (lc., of men, animals, birds; V., C.); subside, sipmk, go down (C.); P. A. (V.) place upon (lc.); appoint as (c c.); pf. _pt. nishedivas, having sat down, sitting, on (lc.): pp. nishatta (or i; V.), sitting; nishann&. (Br., C.), sittin gy lying, on (lc.,. -.O); supported by, resting on (lc., O-); cs. P. A.. set down (V.); appoint as (ac., V.); cause to kneel (C.). pari-ni, sit around (BV.). sam-ni, sit down together. pani(-shidati), sit round, encompass (V.). pra, V.: fall into the power of (cc.); C.: grow clear or bright; grow calm (mind); become clear or distinct (meaning etc.); grow bright, be pleased, be propitious or gracious, towards (g.); deign to (inf.); be successful (action): impv. also, be so gracious, please:.pp. prasattii, satisfied (BRV.); prasanna (O.), clear, bright; clear (understanding), distinct (perception); correct (supposition); calm (senses etc.); pleased, favourable, propitious, gracious (towards, g., le., prati); kind (speech);~ es. make clear; brighten up, gladden (the heart); soothe, put in good humour, propitiate, beseech (w. inf., d., le. of vbl. N., arthe w. g., or -artham): prasaidaya'ii tvain, I beg you. anu-pra, be satisfied or delighted with any one (ac.). upa-pra, enter *into (ac.). sams-pra, become good-h umoured, be kindly disposed or gracious towards (g.); cs. appease, propitiate. vi(-shidati), be cast down or dejected, despond; come to grief: pp. vishanna, dejected, desponding; cs. cause to despond, afflict. sam, V.: sit together with (in.), on (cc.); C.: pine with (hunger, in..); be in distress; lose heart, be dejected, despond; cs. set down (V.); -unite with (ac.; P.); cause to despond (E.).;H; sdd, a. (independent only once), very cornMon — O, sitting, dwvelling in. If sad-a, a. (-.O) id.; as. fruit; n. a part of the back of the sacr'ificial animal.' ~If4!q sa-dakshina, a. accompanied with gifts. R sada-di, ad. (V.) generally. UU:2 332 32T' sad-ana. vRml sana-ga. I tTiv sdd-ana, a. (i) causing to settle or remain (RV.1); n. seat, place, abode, house, home; a. dwelling in (-~). 'lf-' sadam-di, ad. lasting for ever, enduring (AV., rare). t;t sd-dam, ad. (V.) always, for ever; ever, at any time. lilT sa-dambha, a. hypocritical; -daya, a. compassionate or merciful towards (Ic.): ~or -m, ad. compassionately, mercifully; gently, gradually. - sad-artha, m. matter in question. S1s sa-darpa, a. haughty, arrogant, defiant: -m, ad. haughtily. iT lr'Vfr sad-alamkriti, f. genuine ornament: -ta, f. abst. N. i-4qItWn sa-dasa-gyotsna, a. displaying the lustre of one's teeth; -dasana arkis, a. id. E sad-asva, m. noble steed; a. (sad-) possessing noble steeds (RV.1); drawn by noble steeds (cart; P.). 1 s1; sad-as, n. seat, place, abode, dwelling (V.); shed erected in the sacrificial enclosure to the east of the Prdkinavamsa (V.); sacrificial session,assembly (C.): Ic. in public. VTWs sad-asat, pr.pt.being andnot being; true and false; good and bad; n. what is existent and non-existent; the true and the false; good and evil; m. du. the good and the bad: d-atmaka, a. (ika) having the nature both of the existent and the non-existent; d-bhava, m. reality and unreality; truth and falsehood. ViWfi r sadas-as-pati, m. lord of the sacred precinct or of the assembly (gathered there). V f[Wf sadas-psti, m. id.: du.= IndraAgni (RV.1).!~T sadas-ya, a. belonging to or being in the sacrificial shed; m. member of a (sacrificial) assembly; assistant at a sacrificial session (occupying the Sadas and only looking on during the rites). sT sa-da, ad. always, ever, every time: with na, never. VTilTfK I.sada-karin, a. always active. tyT"iTf'i!?2. sad-akarin, a. having a good appearance. I7Trfrt sada-gati, f. constancy; a. continually moving; m. wind.!-T~r sad-agama, m. good doctrine; -a. kara, m. practice of good men, virtuous conduct; a. of virtuous conduct: -vat, a. id. 1'rTlfi' sada-tana, a. everlasting; -dana, a. I. perpetually giving; a. perpetually discharging temple-juice. kTR st-dana, a. i. having gifts (BV1.); 2. rutting (elephant; C.). V';TlW sad-anana, a. fair-faced. t TM1 sad&i nanda, a. enjoying perpetual bliss; m. N. of various authors; -nlra, f. N. of a river. iTT sada-pushpa, a, always flowering: i, f. a shrub (Calotropis gigantea), -phaladruma, a. furnished with trees that always flower and bear fruit (garden). KTMiffr sada-phala, a. always bearing fruit; -matta, a. always rutting (elephant); -madas, a. id.; always arrogant; -..rgava, a. always honest. ~ 'Ts sa-dara, a. accompanied by his wife: -putra, a. with wife and son. trTfl sada-siva, a. ever kind etc.: m. ep. of Siva. tfq sa-divas, ad. (on the same day:= sadyas) at once(R V.1); -dinam, ad. piteously; -duhkha, a. sad; -durva, a. covered with Dtrv& grass. rfiW sad-ukti, f. good word; a. accompanied with good words. VT sa-drfksha, a. alike; like, resembling (d.; F., P.; rare); -dris, a. (nm. in, V.; k, C.) id. (w. in. or -~); -drisa, a. (i) of like appearance, resembling, similar (to,in., g., lc., -~; in, Ic., o-); suitable, conformable to (-~); worthy of, befitting (g., -~): ~- or -m, ad. suitably: -tva, n. similarity, resemblance, -vritti, a. behaving similarly: -ta, f. identity of conduct. Vf T; T sa-drishti-kshepam, ad. looking around; -drishti-vikshepam, ad. id.; -deva-mani, a. with their twists of hair on their necks; -deva-manushya, a. together with gods and men; -desa, a. neighbouring; -daivata, a. together with the deities. V ITWf sado-gata, pp. gone to or being in the assembly: pl. assembled; -griha, n. assembly room. [IRT' sadfudyama, a. ever strenuous. %t [ sa-dosha, a. i. with night; 2. having blemishes or faults. sttf' sad-gati,f. good position, happy lot; way of good men; -guna, m. good quality, virtue; a. virtuous; -guru, m. good teacher; -dharma, m. good law, true justice; Buddhist and Jain designation of their doctrine: -pundarika, n. Lotus of the Good Law, T. of a Buddhist work; -bhava, m. real being, existence; real state of things, truth; true purport (of a work); uprightness; good nature, kindness, affection, for (prati); faithfulness: -srl,f. N. of a goddess; -bhifta, pp. true; -bhritya, m. good servant. ~ I. sad-mdn, m. sitter (BV.2). I(I 2. sad-man, n. seat, place, abode, dwelling; place of sacrifice; house; stall, shed; temple (C.): du. heaven and earth (RV.); stand, table (RV., rare). 'i;r f sadyah-kritta, pp. recently cut; -pltin, a. quickly sinking or drooping (heart); -prag&a-kara, a.(i) producing intelligence at once; -pragia-hara, a. at once depriving of intelligence; -prasita,,pp.f.having recently brought forth or calved; -prana-kara, a. at once restoring vitality; -prina-hara, a. at once depriving of vitality; -phala, a. at once bearing fruit: -sakti-hara, a. at once depriving of strength; -sauka, n. instantaneous purification; -sraddhin, a. having just partaken of a funeral feast. VWksa-dyds, ad. V., C.: on the same day; at once, instantly, immediately; only just,recently; V.: within a day, daily; C.: suddenly. ~:~IT; sadyah-sutya, f. Soma-pressing on the same day. rtf f sad-yukti, f. good reasoning. 1t"Ir sadyo-bala, a. instantly invigorating: -kara, a. id., -hara, a. instantly depriving of strength; -bhava, a. instantly appearing (chasm); -mremsa, n. fresh meat; -mrita, pp. recently deceased. I i sad-ratna, n. genuine gem or pearl. VT3S sa-dravya, a. together with his goods and chattels. ILAFT sad-vamsa, m. beautiful cane; noble race; a. having a fine hilt (sword) and of noble race (-tva, n. abst. N.): -gata, pp. sprung from a noble race. VARIEsad-vakas, n. fair speech; -vatsala, a. kind to the virtuous. ft sa-dvamdva, a. contentious, litigating. iTfT'sad-vagin, m. noble steed; -vartta, f. good news: -m prakh, enquire about any one's health; -vigarhita, pp. censured by the virtuous; -vikkheda, m. separation from the virtuous; -vidya, a. possessed of true knowledge, well-informed; -vidya, f. true knowledge; -vriksha, m. fine tree; -vritta, n. well-rounded shape; behaviour of the virtuous, good conduct; a. well-conducted: -slin, a. of virtuous conduct; -vritti, f. good conduct; -vela, f. right moment; -vaidya, m. good physician. f1q sa-dha, V. ad. [in the same manner, together = saha] - in some compounds. '4fT sa-dhana, a. wealthy; together with riches: -ta,f. wealthiness. WVIsI sadha-mad, V. m. (only in strg. base -mad; nm. t or s) fellow-reveller, feast-companion; comrade; -mada, m. (V.) joint festival, revel, feast: -n mad, feast or revel with (in.); companionship; -madya, a. (V.) convivial, festal; m. feast-companion (V.); n. revel, feast (V.). twI sa-dharma, m. similar nature; a. subject to the same law, similar: -karini, f. (practising the same duties), wife; -tva, n. homogeneousness. ET i, sa-dharman, a. of like nature, homogeneous, equal, similar (to, in., g., -~). Bt W sadhb-stuti,f. joint praise (RV.); (a)-stha, a. present (V., rare); n. (V.) place, abode, home; spacs Tf1q sadh-is, n. [/sadh=/sadh] goal, place ( V., very rare). t sd-dhura, a. pulling (at the same pole =) together, harmonious; (sa)-dhfuma, a. enveloped in smoke; -dhairyam, ad. with gravity. wf]tTi sadhrik-fna, a. [from wk. base of sadhryanik] directed to a common aim, united (7.); leading in the right direction, correct (P.). 5TfI sa-dhra'lk, a. [f. -dhr1kl] going or turned in the same direction, associated (V.); right, correct (P.); n. sadhryak, ad. unitedly, together (RF.); m. companion (C.), f. -dhriki, female companion or friend (C.). f: SAN, V.P. san6ti, (V.) gain, acquire, obtain as a gift; possess; bestow; A. (very rare) be fulfilled: pf.pt. sasavas, having obtained, possessing, enjoying; pp. sata, gained, obtained; des. sishasati, (V.) wish to gain or obtain; (wish to) bestow. abhi, pp. -shgta, gained (RV.). jE sa-n, desiderative suffix sa. tfT sana, a. old (R V.); m. N. of a Rishi (E.). Tfili sana-kd, a. (RV.) former, old: ab. from olden time; m. N. of a Rishi (C.). TT'sanng, a. old (RTV.).!-^T sana-ga, a. produced long ago, old (RV..1); -gA, a.id. (B27.,). wT'qr sanata'. ~j~samdh'-in.33 333 I VI'q'rT san6tft, (in.) ad. from of old, w. na, never(B72 VV17WR7 sanat-kumftra, m. (the eternal youth) N. of a IRishi accounted one of the, spi7,ritual Isons of Brahman and identified with Skanda and Pradyumna. I sanad-rayi, a. bestowing [pr. pt. Vsan] wealth (B 77?.); -va'ga, a. acquiring or bestowing gain (liV.2).;WiTI sa-nan da m. N.= -nandana; -nandana, in. N. of a RIishi (a spiritual son of Brahmian). WI sand-ya, a. old (Biv.). WK~ sd-nara, a. together with men (liV.'); -narma-haisa, a. accompanied with jocular laughter.;RTW~?T sdua-sruta, pp. long known, famed of old (RV7.); m. N. (Br.).,T'rT sdnat, (in.) ad. from of old(V) WqT?( sanat, V. ad. (ab. of sdna) from of old; always, for ever. WqTff~sanft-tdna, a. (II) everlasting, eternal, perpetual, permanent; m. N. of a iRishi (a spiritual son of Brahmnan). V'T' sa-nfttha, a. having a protector in, protected by (in., 0-); crowded (assembly); occupied by, furnished or provided with, full of (in., -'0): AtA, f. patronage: -m i, find protection; -nafthi-kri, protect; occupy (a place). ~i'Ifi sd-natbhi, a. (f. id.) proceeding from one nave (spokes; also said offingers; B 77 ); connected with the same navel, uterine (brother, sister; V., C.); -n~bhya, m. blood relation (C.); n ma., a. having the same name as (g.); -nara~samnsa, a. together with the Narfisamsa verses (Br.).;RfVi sanl-If, m. (V).(Br.) gain, reward, WTfqTVj sa-nigada-karana, a. having a chain on one's foot: -tva, n. abst. v. vjfiqfw sdn-iti, f. obtainment (liv.1). VrfW1r sanitiir, ad. (w. preceding ac.) besides, without (-RV.). Vjfiy sdn-i-tri (~ ac.,. -trz', ~ g.) a. (. gaining; bestowing.!K~r sa-nidra, a. sleeping; -ninda, a. accompanied with a reproach: -in, ad. reproachfully; -nimesha., a. winking (eye); -niyama, a. limited; having undertaken an observance; -nirvisesha, a. indifferent; -nirveda, a. betraying weariness (conversation); desponding, despairing: -in, ad. with complete indifference; -nisvisam or -nihsvisam, ad. amid sighs. 1iii san-ishyd, a. wishing to gain, eager for booty (BiV.). 7[# sd-n'ida, a. (V.) having the same nest, akin,, closely united; in. or n. (C.) vicinity: ic. near (g., 0-). T sanuta'r, ad. (V.) aside, away, far from (ab.): w. yu or dhi, keep off; drive away. 'fM san-u-tni, only f. sdnutri,. winning, procuring (BV.). #W'fiff sd-nemi, a. provided witl; a felly (B 77.'); a. ad. completely, always (V.).;Wq'A sain-taksnana,n-biting sarcasm: yak saintakshanais, by cutting speeches; -tata, pp. Vtan: -varshin, a. raining continuously; (sim) -tati,f. F., C.: continuity, continuance, duration; C.: causal connexion of things; continuous series or flow, quantity, multitude; density of z,-dense (darkness, -O); continuation of a family, offspring (ord. mg.); race, lineage; continued meditation (rare); -tan-i, a. prolonging (Br.): i, rn. orf. sound, music (RiV.); -tainasa, n. (general) darkness; -tkrana, a. taking across (a danger; 77.); n. (C.) crossing (also fig.); -targana, a. scolding, threatening; a. threat, revilement; -tarpana, a. refreshing, invigorating; n. means of strengthening. rr'r9 sam-th~nd, m. C.: continuity, continuance; uninterrupted series, continuous flow;v continuous train of thought (rare); lasting alliance (in which, a daughter is givent to one's ally; also -samdhi, in.); continuation of a family, offspring, progeny (also n.); 77.: connexion, transition (in recitation etc.); reticulated ligature, sinew: -ka, in. one of the five trees of paradise: -maya, a. (i) consisting of the flowers of the Samtflnaka tree; -tnain, abs. extending across; -tpay M. heat; pain, suffering, anguish, distress, at (lc.); remorse, repentance; penance (rare)'I: -m kri, be distressed about (prati): -karin a. causing suffering; -tipana, a. paining, afflicting; -tpa-vat, a. afflicted with pain, sorrowful; -t~pa-hara, a. removing heat; -tara, in. crossing (water, g., _0; Mulaka, probably incorr.; -trya fp. to be crossed (sea); to be got over (fig.). sam-tushta, pp. v',tush; -tushti, f contentment, with (in.); -tripti, f. satiation. II sain-tosha, m. satisfaction, contentment, with (in., lc.).: -in kri, content oneself with (in.): -vat, a. satisfied, contented; -tosbin, a. id.; delighting in ( —P); -toshtavyap f~p. n: one should be contented. VW santya,- a. (only vc.) bountiful (Agni; B V);kM5 sam-tyagya, fp. to be abandoned; -ty'ga, in. abandonment, renouncement; -ty~yaq fp. to be abandoned, given up, or avoided; -trasta, pp. affrighted, terrified etc.; -traina, a. deliverance., rescue; -trasa, mn. alarm, terror, of (ab., -a', -tas); -tra'sana, n. terrifying.;~IT~ sam-damsa, m. compression (of the lips); connexion; tongs; thumb and forefinger; nippers (of a crab); section, chapter: -ka, mn., i-ka, f. pair of tongs; -darpa, in. arrogance, boasting of ( —); -darbha, in. weaving (of a garland); piling (of arms); mixture; artistic combination (of words, notes etc.); literary composition; -darsana, a. seeing, beholding, viewing (ord. mg.); vision; gaze, look (rare); inspection, consideration; appearance, manifestation; meeting with (in. ~ saha); showing, display (of or to, — ): -mn gain svapne, appear to (g.) in a dream; -m pra-yain, show oneself to (g.); la. in view of; -dana, a. bond, fetter, halter (V.); in. (?) fettering place (below the kiiee of a elphant); -d'na-ta', f. condition of a fetter; -danita, den. _pp. bound, fettered: -ka, n. combination of three Slokas consisting of a single sentence; -digdha, pp. (Vdih) doubtfnl etc.; n. ambiguous expression: -tva, n. uncertainty, -punar-ukta-tva, n. uncertainty and tautology, -buddhi, a. doubtfulminded; -dipaka, a. setting aflame, making jealous(O) -diPana, a. kindling; exciting, provoking; in. one of the five arrows of Edma; n. kindling, exciting, stimulating; -dftshana, a. (i) corrupting~, ruining; a. de filing, violating; cause of ruin; -dris, f. (V.) sight; appearance; view, direction; -drlse, V. d. inf. of sam + Vdris.;W~$k sam-desa, in. command, commission, er~rand, message, to (g., lc.): -ka,mi. comniunication of (-O); -tas, ad. by order of(p; -pada, n. pl. words of a message; -hara, in. news-bearer, messenger, envoy; -h~r3in, Ms. id.; - artha, as. subject-matter of a uiessage. iW~ sain-desya, fp. to be directed or instructed; -deshtavya, fp. id.; to be told to(g) RII sam-dehd, mn. conglomeration, mortal coil (contemptuous term, Br.); C.: doubt, uncertainty, as to (g., lc., ~O;doubtful matter (rare); danger, risk; a rhetorical figure: w. n1a or na asti, without doubt (used parenthetically): -d'yin, a. causing uncertainty regarding, reminding of (-O); -dol1'-stha, a. swayed by the swing of doubt; -pada, a. subject to doubt, doubtful; -bhrit, a. cherishing doubt regarding (lc.). #itosam-doha, in. milking; aggregate milk of a herd; totality, multitude, quantity, abundance; -dohana, a. milking, bestowing. RV4 samndhaya, den. [fr. samdhi] P. put together, join, unite with (in.); assume, acquire; conclude peace: pp. ita, joined; adjusted (arrow); ap'plied; united with (.) allied, having concluded peace. ~iisain-dhg, f. V.: compact, agreement; C.: promise; intention; limit; -dhitavya, fp. to be entered into an alliance with; n. imps, one (in.) should form an alliance, with (saha); -dha"na, a. uniting, healing (rare); ms. N. of a minister; a. joining, uniting; junction, union; bringing together, assembling; point of contact, joint; fixing an arrow (on the bowstring, in.); combination of words (sts.= samdhi, euphonic coalescence); reconcilement, conclusion of peace, alliance, league, friendly relations, with (in. ~ saha); compounding, mixing, distilling: -n ytah having received admission (messenger); -dhanlya, fp. to be entered into an alliance with; -dh&-ya, gd. having come to terms (with an opponent): -gainana, n. march -, arana, a. halt, after terms have been agree-dupon; -dhayin, a. 'fixing arrows; -dharaaa, at. bearing, in ( —O); holding together, supporting (life,.-O); -dharaniya, fp. to be maintained or kept alive; _dhar afp. to be borne; -kept (servant); - maintained or observed. ~i~rsain-dhf', in. [v/dhft] C.: combination, union, with (in.; also U.); association, intercourse with (in.); entire scope (of policy, -9); agreement, compact (rare); peace, alliance, league, between, (g.), with (in. ~ saha); euphonic combination of sounds in a word or sentence (gr.); contrivance, management (rare); V., C.:,juncture, boundary, interval; joint; (interval between dany and night), twi-. light; horizon (Br., S.); C.: seam. (rare); fold (in a garment); wall; hole in a wall, breach, mine (made by thieves); part, piece (also Br.; rare); division of a drama (there are five: mukha, vimukha, garbha, vimarsa, nirvahana); Br.: N. of a Stotra at the junction of two days: -in khid or bhid, make a hole or breach (in a wall): -ka, -- a. joint; -kusala, a. skilled informning alliances; -ga, a. produced from a juncture; produced by euphonic combination. *iU r sam-dhitsu, des. a. [V'dhat] wishing to conclude peace or an alliance, with (in.). jfiu samdh-in in. minister of alliances: _i, f. mulch cow; -kshiraA is. milk of a cow on heat, S34:334 f1ff samdhi-nigraha-dva'rena. I sapta-naVata. 1fiIifiT~ fTfT3Fsamdhi-nigraha-dvarena, in. by means of uniting and getting at variance with (g.); -mat, a. living in peace;- leagued, allied; m. N.; -mati, m. N. of a minister; — vigraha-ka, m. minister of alliances (= foreign affairs) and of war; -vigraha-kayastha, m. secretary of foreign affairs and of war; -vigraha-kary;jadhikarin, m. du. ministers of foreign affairs and of war; -vid, a. acquainted with alliances; -veia f. time of twilight; -sambhava, a. produced by euphonic combination; m. diphithongr; -sarpana, n. crawling through narrow passages. @*V4134' samdhiisvara, m. N. of a temple erected to commemorate the putting together of the members of Samdhimati. ~Jsam-dhukshana a.inflaming(anger); n. kindling (of fire); ex citing, stimulating; -dheya,fJp. to be united or joined (w. Asu.) -atoned (sin, in a-, Br.); - made peace with; -reconciled (in Asu-); n. imps. one should make peace with (in.); one should be reconciled with (le.)..;~ samdhya, a. based on euphonic combination; O'6 f. juncture of day and night, mornino' or evening twilight (ord. mg.); twilight devotions, morning or evening prayers; morning (and evening) twilight of a Yuga or cosmic age; juncture of the day, morning, noon, or eveniug (rare); Twilight (esp. evening) personified as a manifestation of Brahman and mistrness of the sun: -m 's anu as, or upa~s, perform morning or evenlng devotions.;~!q sarndhi kshara, n. vowel produced by Samdhi, diph~thong. IE Ismhc ma m. (twilight-portion), evening twilight of a Yuga or cosmnic age; akla, m. period of twilight, eveningtide; -karya, n. morning and evening prayers; -killika, a. belonging to evening; -tva, n. condition of twilight; -payoda, m. raincloud in the twilight; -prayoga, m. morning or evening prayers; -bali, m~offering, presented at twilight; - bhra, m. rain-cloud in the twilight; -maya, a. (i) consisting of twilight. W~~samdhyft-ya, den. A. resemble twilight: pp. i-ta. WRWRT'T samdhyft-rga, m. twiliglit glow; -vandana, n. morning or evening prayers; -v~isa, m. N. of a, village; -vidhi, m. morning or evening prayers'; -saiikha-dhvani, m. sound of a shell blown at the beginning of twilight; -Samaya, m. period of twilight, evening-tide; - upastha'na, n. worship of twilight. VW sanna', pp. (,-.,sad) -sunk down etc. @TIsam-nata, pp. Vnam: miigi ffair woman; (skin)-nati, f. C.: depression, lowness; diminution, lightening (of a burden)'; favour, complaisance, towards (g.; also V.); subjection; humility, towards (lc.); -naddha, pp. (Vnab) equipped etc.I RWTI sanna-musala: le. when the pestle lies motionless. sam-ndhana, n. tying together; preparation; cord; equipment; -naida, rn. sound, din, cry, roar; — naidana, a. causing 'to sound, filling with noise; nmm subjection; modification; aliha, m. tying up, girding; preparation, equipment; undertaking; cord; armour, mail; trappings of a horse; -nikarsha, m. drawing together, approximation, close contact, with (-,O); connexion with, relation to ( ---9); nearness, proximity: -in, ac. '(go etc.) neari;' ab. from one's presence, (de part etc.); lc. in the neighbourhood of (g., ~O;-nika'sa, — P a. having the appearance of; -nikrishta, pp. near etc.; n. nearness, proximity: -in, ad. near (0-); lc. in the neighbourhood of (g., 0'); -niikaya, m. accumulation; abundance, plenty, store; -nidhatri, m. one who is near; receiver (of stolen goods); official on duty; -nidhana, n1. (putting together into), receptacle; nearness, proximity, presence; existence: ab. from (g.); lc. in the neighbo urhood or presence of (g., -~0); -nidhi, m. juxtaposition; proximity, vicinity, presence, existence: lc. in the presence of, near (..O;-in, into the presence of, near (g., -m kri, baudh, or vi-d 6, take up one's position or abode in (lc.); -npta, m. contact, collision, encounter, with (in.); conjunction, combination, aggregation, mixture; (morbid combination =) disorder of the three bodily humours; fall, descent (in lakshana-); collapse, death (very rare): -nidr', f trance; -nipatita, cs. p~p. brought together, assembled; -nipitya, fr~. to be shot (arrow) at (lc.); -nibarhana, n. repression, mastery (of the heart); -nibha, a. resembling, like, -ish (~;sometimes with names of colours). ~Rf!'fw'M san-nimitta, n. good omen; good cause: -in, ad. for a good cause. *fiRW IrtF?' sam-ni-yakkhana, n. curbing, guiding; -yantri,, m. restrainer; -yama, m. exactness; -yoga, m,. commission; precept, injunction; -roddhavya,fp. to be confined,; -rodha, -m. obstruction, suppression; -viya, m. combination; -vritti, f. return (in a- and abhtftyah-); -vesa, m. entrance, taking up a position; inclusion (rare); impression (of a mark, — P); combination, arrangement; position P a. situated in or on); form, appearance; dwelling-place; assemblage: -m kri, take up a position in (-O); make room for (-);-vesaua, n. dwelling-place, _abode; -vesayitavya,fp. to be inserted; -hita, pp. (Vdht,) near etc.: -~ap'ya, a. having destruction near at hand, perishable; transient. ~iVisanni-kri, satisfy. sam-nyasana, a. renunciation of the world; -nya~sa, m. id.; abandonment, of (g.,...O); compact (rare); deposit, trust; stake at play (rare); -nyisin, a. giving up, abandoning (-'0); having renounced the world (Bradhma n in the fourth order). VW san-mahgala, n. good or prescribed rite; -mani, m. genuine gem; -mati, a. welldisposed, noble-minded; -mantra, m. excellent spell; -mitra, a. of which being only is predicable; -ma'rga, m. right path (.fig.): -yodhin, a.' -fighting honourably, -stha, a. walking in the right path; -mitra, n. good or true friend. sdn-yas, cpv. older (By., rare). 'q SAP, I. P. (sts. I~.) sip& (V.), seek ~-after, follow, honour, serve; cs. A. id. (B F-.). abhi, id. (By.). ~1E sdp-a, m. male organ (V., rare). ~';,lsa-paksha,i. m. (having the same side), adherent, friend; participator, one similarly situated or in like circumstances; 2. a., winged; feathered (arrow); having partisans or friends: -ka, a. winged (mountains), -ta, f. possession of adherents, -tva, n. id., -Paitam, ad. devotedly; -paiikaga, a. provided with a lotus; -pataham, ad. amid beating of drums; '-pana, a. attended with a wager; -pattra, m. (feathered), arrow: ai-kri, pierce with an arrow together with its feathers. tI snl-padtna, m. [formed as, a m. to sap~til]. rival, adversary, enemy: -ti.f. rivalry,, enmity; -tva, n. id.,; -dfishana, a. destroying rivals; -hanu, a. (-ghni') slaying foes. RWO-t? sa-pdtni, a.f. having the same huasband; f. wife of the same husband, co-wife; rival mistress: -ka, a. acccompanied by his wife or wives. VrTFif~ sa-pad-i, ad. on the spot, instantly, in a moment; -padma, a. provided with lotuses: -ka, a. provided with a lotus and splendid (padmh sri); -pargkrama, a. mighty; -parikrama, a. accompanied by one's retinue; -parikkhada, a. together with one's belongings, - goods and chattels; -paritosham, ad. with satisfaction; -parivaira, a. together with one's retinue; -parihasa, a. jocose. VXM~ sapar-yd, den. [from *sap..ar,,devotion] P. (V.) serve attentively; worship. 'ftTVT sapar-yft,f. worship, honour (sts. pl.). V7 T sa-paryana, a. saddled'; -alsa, a. covered with leaves (branch; Br., S.; ada, a. together with a quarter: -laksha, Tn. or n. one hundred and twenty-five thousand; -pala, a. attended by a herdsman; -pinda, a. sharing the funeral cake, related to any one (g.) as far as the sixth generation: at f. kinship as far as the sixth generation; -pindIL-karana, n. turning into a Sapinda relative, admission to or performance of the first Sraddha after a death; -pitrika, a. together with the father or fathers; -pitri-raganya, a. together with the royal members among the fathers; -pidhaina, a. provided with a lid; -putra, a. together with one's son or children; - with the calf: -ka, a. (ik&) together with one's little son, -dara, a. with son and wife; -pulaka, a. bristling, thrilled: -in, ad.; -pushpa, a. flowering (tree); -ptftrva, a. possessed by one's ancestors; together with the preceding letter. RT5[~ sapta-ka, a. consisting of seven; n. (aggregate of) seven; -kathi-inaya, a. (i') consisting of seven stories; (&)-guna, a. sevenfold; -hkhada, m. (seven-leaved) N. of a tree (Aistonia scholaris); -gihva, a. seventongued; m. fire, god of fire; (i)-tantu, a. seven-threaded, consisting of seven courses (sacri~fice; V., C.); m. sacrifice (C.). If f sapta-ti, f. seventy (W. N. in app., g., -0 sts. 0~;seventy years: -ha'yana, a. seventy years old; -trimsat, f.thirty-seven (w. a~pp.); -t~rimnsati,f. id. ~rwsaptd-tha, a. (i') seventh (By.); -dasA, a. (i) seventeenth; consisting of seven (F.); (i.)-dasan, a.pl. seventeen; -dvi'pa., a. consisting of seven islands (earth): -vat, a. id.; -dha', ad. in seven parts, sevenfold,; seven times. I Ii(saptdn, a. pl. (nm. ac. sapti.) seven (also used to express an indefi nite plurality). saptanali', f. bird-lime. 'q'ffI sapta-navata, a. ninety-seventh; -parttr, a. seven-le'aved; yoked with seven horses; in. a tree (.Alstonia scholaris; = -kkhada); (.) -pad, a. (-i) taking seven steps (with which an alliance or marriage is concluded); concluded, confirmed; (&)-pada, a. taking seven steps (with which an alliance or marriage is concluded); consisting of seven Phdas: 1, f. seven steps: -karana, n. ratification of a marriage by the seven steps taken- by the bride; -parna, m. (sevenleaved) a tree (Alstonia scholaris = -kckhada); -alsa, a. consisting of seven leaves, -bhauLg1-naya, m. method of the seven fdrnmulas , V" -sapta-iiia. RR " tvt sam4-darsana. %, VII 33.5 jj;r sapta-ma. LIr1r samadarsana. 35 beginning with 'perhaps' (syAt) in the sceep-' tical dialectics of the,Jains; -bhiimika, a. id. sapta-m.4, a. (1) seventh: 31f. seventh day of a fortnight; (terminations of the) seventh or locative case: -sama'sa, mn. compound in which the first member has a locative sense. Tiffsapta-yoganiaf. distanceof seven Yoganas; (4)-rasmi, J7. a. having seven cords or traces-; having seven reins or tongues; -ritra, n. period of seven nights, week; -ruki, a. seven-rayed; m. fire.;rEr4 saptarikd, a. having seven verses; n. hymn of seven verses; - rishi, m. pl. the seven saoges (a group of highly revere~d beings); the seven stars of the Great Bear: -bali, m. offering of the seven Rishis.;WRIT sapta-la, f. N. of various plants. VRM 1,sapta-loki',f~tbe seven continents, thie whole earth; (&)-vadhri, a. bound with 'Seven cords (the soul; P.); m. N. of a man rescued by the Asvins (V.); -varsha, a. seven years old; -vairshika, a. O.) id.; -vims&, a. twenty-seventh; consisting of twenty-seven; -vimsat, f. twenity-seven; ()-vimsati, f twenty-seven (Wc. app., g., ~O; (&) -vidha, a. sevenfold, of seven kinds; -sati',.f. seven hundred; -sapta-ta, a. seventy-seventh; -saptati,f. seventy-seven: vatsare sapta-saptatau, in the' seventy-seventh year; -sapti, a. ha-ving seven steeds; m. sun.;TT saptaafiga,a.having seven members or, constituent parts; - arkis, a. seven-rayed; mn. fire, god of fire; ':`rnava-gaie-saya, a. resting in the waters of seven oceans; a'as-.ya, a. having seven mouths; - h&, m. seven days; seven days' festival. -a sp-ti, m. courser, steed: i-vat, a. speeding with coursers (B V.). ~ri'isapitainah, f. (sa. vimsati) thirteen. ~IMPiRE sa-prakgra-ka, a. containing a specification; -praga, a. possessing offspring; -prag&pati-ka, a. together with Pragflpati; -pragfia, a. endowed with understanding; -pranaya, a. with the sacred syllable om; -pranamam, ad. with a bow; -Pratibandha, a. entailing obstacles (legacy, which, owing to the absence of direct male descendants devolves on a collateral branch, a widow, etc.); -pratibha, a. possessed of ready intelligence, of quick disceranient; -pratikasa, a. together with the reflection; -prativipa, a. with an admixture; -Pratyaya, a. having confidence in (lc.); trustworthy, sure: -ka, a. together with the suffix; -prat&Sam, ad. expectantly; -prfthas (or sa-, YV.) a. (V7.) extensive; extending, sounding,orshiningfar; -prabha, a. having the same lustre or appearance as (.-O); -prabhava, a. mighty, powerful; -praraida, a. heedless, off one's guard;..pramodam, ad. joyfully; -prasrayam, ad. respectfully, modestly; -prasava, a. blessed with progeny: &,f. pregnant; -pr asda, a. gracious: -in, ad. -ly; -prah Asam, ad. bursting into a laugh; (s,)-pra-na, a. breathing, living; -prema, a. loving; -preman, a. rejoicing in (lc.). "W sa-phala, a. bearing fruit; fruitful, productive, successful, attaining fulfilment: -m kri, fulfil (a promise): -tva, a. fruitfulnetss, successfulness; -phala-ya, den. P. make fruitful or successful; -phali-kri, id.; -p'halibhi\, be fruitful or successful; -phena, a. frotilhy. WqW sa-bandha-ka., a. accompanied with a pledgre;, (sei.)-bandhU, a. akin (V.); possessing a kinsman or friend (C.). W4, Vsabar-dmigha,a.yielding milk readily (cow, By.). RW sd-hala, a. powerful, mighty; together with Bala (Krishna's eldest brother): -tva, n. power, might; -bala-vaihaua, a. together with army and transport; -bahu-m&nam, ad. with great respect; -baidha, a. disadvantagreous to (g.); -b~dhas, ad. urgently, ardently (V.); -ba'shpa, a. shedding tears: -in, ad. tearfully; -bashpa-gadgadamn, ad. weeping and faltering; -bfihya aitah-karana, a. with the external and internal senses: ma. At inan, m. =one's whole self; -bibhatsam, ad. with aversion or disgust; -brahma-kfirika, a. relating to a fellow-student; -brahrna-kirin, in.: (n)-i, f. fellow-pupil, student of the same branch of the V~eda; -9, participator or companion in; a. (-O) vying with; -brahmiani-ka, a. accompanied by Brifhman women. 4TSABH= ~f SAil, in pra-sabham. VrfffX4 sa-bhakti-kam, ad. devotedly; -bhaya, a. terri-fied, frightened; afraid of (0'): -in, ad. with fear or terror; -bhas2man, a. mixed with ashes; -bhasma afgin, a. covering one's body with ashes (of Cowdung). 'fP;T sabhg, f. assembly hall, gamblinghouse; assembly, company; court of a king or of justice (C.); traveller's shelter, refuge, cabin (C.): -- palace, court, temple,-assenibly or company of (C.): -gata, pp. appearing in court; -griha, a. assembly hall. N TI 4 sa-bhftgya, a. happy, fortunate (person); -bh&gana, a. [fr. sabhAgaya] n. showing( Of honour, attention.;ETW sa-hhftgaya, den. P.sA. (fr. sa-bhfig) show honour or attention to (ac.); honour, praise (a thing); frequent: pp. ita.;puM1f~if sabba-pati, m. lord or president of an assembly or council; -inandapa, mm.() assembly hall. RiT~sa-bharya,a.accompaniedbyhiswife. 'RRMK~ sabhft-sdd, m. member of an assembly or society; assessor, councillor, judge; -sada, ma. id.; -hMUt, a. superior to the rest of the, company, eminent (V.).;E[f-RA sabh-ika, in. keeper of a gaminghouse; -6ya, a. (V.) skilled in council; fit for society, refined, courteous.,fj v7x sabhluddesa, m. precincts of the cabin. 'f4 sa'bh-ya, a. belonging to, suitable for, present in, an assembly; C.: fit for society, polite, courteous, refined (speech); m. (C.) assessor, councillor, judge; member of good society,refinedperso-n; partner,fellow-player: -0 a. living at the court of: - itarm', a. unrefined, coarse (conversation). 'fW Iqf sa-bhrfl-kshepamn, ad. with a frown; -bhr' -bhaiiga, a. frowning: '~. or -2U, ad. with a frown; -bhrfu-bhedam, ad. id. [ff saim, ad. as vbi. prp. or 0-. a N. expressing union or Completeness: together (in V. the vb. has sts. to be supplied), altogether. RTI i. sama, encl.prn. (By.) any; every. 'fM 2. samd, a. V.,, C.: even, smooth, level, parallel (rare in V.); similar, like, equal, equivalent, same, identical (with, as, to, in., g., -29; with regard to, in., IC., -0, -tas); C.: unchanged,acting impartially towards (.g., lc.); even (number); normal; ordinary, middling; indifferent, neutral (r-are); good, upright,. honest (.rare); easy (commission): -m kri, place on a level, with (g.); put right; bhftmior bhftmeh& -, level with the earth (make or become); -m or'-, ad. V., C.: equally, similarly, alike; C.: together, at the same time (also Br.); just, exactly, precisely (rare); togetlmer with, with (in.); at the same time with, in accordance with (~;rare); m. (C.) peace (perk.incorr.for sarna); N.; n. V., C.: even ground, plain; C.: settlement, compensation; equanimity; uniformity (in. uniformly); good circumstances; Br.: correct measure (in. exactly). 'f[ 3.- sama, -0 in afew cpds. = samat, year.:;9R sama-ka, a. equal; -kaksha, a. having 6qual weight; -kakshi, f. equilibrium: -m tulaya, P. balance one another; -kzila,or-rn, ad. sinmultaneously, with ():-bhava, m. contemporary of (0') RT sam-akta, pp. Vanlh; -akna, pp. Vak.;RTI:Uj sama-krama, a. keeping step; -kriya, a. acting uniformly in or towards (lc.). VT sam-aksba, a. meeting the eye, visible (C.): (W-mn (V., C.), e (C.), before the eyes,. manifestly; in the presence of (g.,.2'; C~.): -darsana, a. seeing, as an eye-witness. VR; sdm-agra, a. (a') entire, complete;y whole, all, every (very rare in V.); C.: abso — lute (darkness); fully provided with (in.,?); a. (C.) everything: '-,entirely: -vartin, 'a. entirely resting or fixed (eyes) on (lc.); -sauvarna,a.entirelygolden; - indu, m.fullmoon. sa-mafigala, a. auspicious.;f4~qK sama-katur-asra, a,. having four equal corners, square; -kitta, a. having acalm mind (-tva, n. equanimity); -ketas, a. id.; -getiy, a. homogeneous. R;W sam-agyft, f. (place of) assembly;, -ariganiya, a. employed in anointing; -auigasa, a. correct, proper, right, unimpeachable, excellent: -mn, ad. IWT samtl-tft, f. V., C.: equality, sameness, identity, with (in., g., -')1; C.: sameness of level; fairness, impartiality, towards (lc., -0); equableness, normal condition;* mediocrity: -m ni', decide or settle equitably'. WffWRsam -atikrama, Tn. omission or, neglect of. (g.); -atikrainta, pp. v/kram; n. transgression, error; -atita, pp. past, gone by etc. 'f I sama-tula&,f equal value; -tva, a. equality, with (in., g.); equaninmity; equa-. bility; uniform conduct, towards (lc.,.) normal condition.;RIMIR sa-matsara, a. angry with (samam); jealous, of (uddisya). ~P~sa-mddf. [raging together], strife," battle (V.; often le. pl.): -am kri or U cause strife anmong or between (d.); -macla, a. intoxicated, excited with passion; rutting; _mindana, mm. conflict (BV.'); a. (C.) ena-, moured; provided with Madana trees. OV~'iT sama -darsana, a. of similar appearance, like; looking on all things or men impartially (~ sarvatra); -darsin, a. looking impartially on (la.), regarding all things impartially; -duhkha, a. feeling, pain in common w ith another, compassionate: -sukha, a. sharing sorrows and joys with others; indifferent, to pain and pleasure; -dris, a. looking upon (lc.) indifferently or impartially; regarding all. things impartially; -dr'ishti, a. id.; having 336, 336,rrfi0 sam-adhika. riNsama-sreni. eyes in pairs; f. impartiality, indifference; -desa, m. even ground; -dharma, a. resembling ( —P); -dha', ad. equally, with (in.).;Mif~irM sam-adhika, a. (having an excess with it), exceeding, more than, and more; excessive: 0-, also ad. exceedingly: -tara, cp v. ad. excessively (0): -r i^pa, a. more beautiful than (ab.). f*_ kMi sam-adhi-gama, m. understandIng; -gamya, fp. to be understood;..sri-tya, gd. having advanced. ITJ sama-dhura, a. bearing an equal burden with (g.).;Fr'4 sa'm-ana, n. (V.) embrace; conflict; concourse,, festival; intercourse, pursuit -gAC, a. going, to the assembly (1? V.). 'f VW sam-anantara, a. (with a noninterval), immediately contiguous to or following (ab., g.): yak kma~tra sam-anantaram, and what is immediately connected therewith; -in, ad. immediately behind (ab.,.0P); immediately after (g., 0-). V1ITW;( sdi-manas, a. unanimous (V.); possessing intellectual power (P.). VZ sam-an'a, (RV.) in. ad. (fr. sa'mana) together; all at once; uniformly. ~fiT~TW~Tsama-nindfl-navana, a. indifferent to blame and praise. vri~iffm sam-aniikd, n. battle-array (111.' C.): -tas, ad. in battle-array; -mfirdhau, van of battle. Wt"Tf sam-anu-giifita, pp. permitted to depart; -anuvrata, a. entirely obedient or devoted, to (ac.). V;R9If sa-manulshya, a. togetherwith men; frequented: -riganya, a. togcether with those of royal race among men.;W[f sa'm-anta, V. a. (having their ends together), contiguous, neighbouring; complete, entire: -in, ad. together with (in., 1.RV.'); (i)-m, V. ad. (also '~. in C.) on all sides, around; completely, entirely; A. (.C.) from or on all sides, in all directions, all round; around (g.); completely; -tas, ad. id. ~~TN'r~samanta-parya'yin, a. allembracing (Br.). [T~qi sa-mantra-ka, a. accompanied with verses; -inantr-in, a.-provided with ministers (-i-tva, ni. abst. Y.); -inaniatha, a. enamoured; (sa')-manyu (or ii), unanimous (111.); angry, enraged (V., C.); grieved (E.). ';~wc sam-anvaya, m. immediate connexion; conjunction, applicability: ab. in consequence of (-.); -anvairainbha, in.: -na,,n. catching hold of from behind; -auvita, pp. (Vi) endowed etc. *1,~fsmapkh-~a a.impartial; -prepsu, des. a. assuming an equal position in regard to (le.); -bhiva, m. homogeneousness, uniformity.:iR;fRiNT sam-abbidhft,f. name, appellation (only -0 a.); -abhibhaishana, n. colloquy with (in., ~9;-abhivya~h~ra, m. simultaneous mention; intercourse with (gq.); -abhihfira, m. repetition; -abhyarthayitri, m. suppliant; -abhyfisa, m. vicinity, presence. WMj sam- aya', m. Vi.: coming together, place of meeting; V., C.: agreement, com-pact, contract, engagement (regarding, — P); C.: treaty;,condition; intercourse with (in.); appointed or proper time, for (g.); juncture, time, season; opportunity, occasion;. (con currence of) circumstances, case; convention, general practice, usage, rule; ordinance, precept, doctrine; conventional meaning orscope of a word: -mn kri, make an agreement or,compact, with (in. ~ saha); -m. d&, offer terms, propose an agreement; -m, grah or prati-pad, enter into an agreement, accept a condition; -mn raksh, observe an agreement, keep one's word; -m. vi-laiighaya, break an agreement, break one's word; -m brft, vakc, abhi-dh&', state one's conditions;-m samn-vad, make an agreement; -m, stha^paya, fix, settle; in. samayena, according to agreement; conditionally: tena -, in consequence of this agreement; ab. samayit (also -tas), ia accordance with an agreement; conditionally: - bhramns, lapse from = break, an agreement; ic. samiaye (also 0..,at the appointed or right time, when the time has come; at the time of, at the time when - is there (-.0): Mh - in this case, under such circumstances; sth^, keep one's engagemnent or word; -sthipaya, determine with regard to any one (ac.); make an arrangement; - ni-vesaya, impose conditions on(a c.).;FrIffI'4T samaya-kriyfi, f. imposition of obligations: -m kri, impose conditions; -kyuti,f. neglect of time; -dharma, in. obligation based on agreement, covenant, stipulation; -pada, n. pl. matters agreed upon; -parirakshana, n. observance of a compact; -bhedin, a. breaking an agreement; -vidy&^, fastrology; -vel^, f. period of time; -vyabhika'rin, a. breaking an agreement. VRq samdyft, in. ad. through or into the midst of (ac., rarely in.; V.); altogether, thoroughly (FV.); near (ac., in.; C.): w. b ^ be interposed (of time; RIV.). Wu FT samaya~kftra, mn. established. usage; i adhyushita, pp. half-risen (sun); A-vishita, pp. half risen or set;..ijkita. pp. suited to the occasion: -in, ad. as the occasion requires. 'fPT sam-ard, mn. [coming together: VIri] concourse, confluence (V.); conflict,_- strife, battle, with (saha; rare in 'F.; C.); N. (C.): -karman, a. battle; -kshiti, f. battle-field; -git, Mn. (victorious in battle) N. of a prince. tri +1 4 sam-drana, n. conflict, battle (RV1.). ~I" i WU samara-tufiga, in.. N. of a warrior; -bala, in. N. of a prince; -bhata, in. id.; -bhi', f. battle-field; -bhftmi, f. id.; -inurdhan, in. van of battle; -varinan, in. N. of a prince; -viniukha, a. averse from strife; -siras, a. van of battle; -siman, Mn. or f. battle-field; -sv~inin, mi. N. of a temple erected by Samara; -gaina, 'in. outbreak of war; - a6gra, a. front of battle; -aiigana,.-ngifana, a., Z_9agira, n. battle-field.ikm ~IIsa-maruid-gana, a. accompanied by the host of the Maruts. 'ifrTM sama-rekha, a. formning an even line, straight. qI?- samiara utsava, in. f'estival = joy of battle; uddesa, in. battle-field; ypiya, in. stratagem of war.;RZw sam-artha, a. [having its object with it] adapted, fit, proper (to, for, g.,.O); suitable, good, for (-O); having the same meaning (gr.); connected in sense (gr.); competent, qualified, entitled, capable, able (to, for, of, inf., lc., -0; ord. mg.); having power over any one, being a match for (g., rare): -.ka, a. able to.(ismf.); [fr. samarthaya], establishing, supporting, corroborating; -t&,f. ability, capability, competence (in., by virtue of; g.); -tva, ~z. -id. I I -PMII sam-arthana, a. reflection, contemplation; corroboration, vindication, justification; ability, competence (ab., by virtue of, -m kri, reflect; 3athnia fp. to be established, justified, or cleared up; -arthaya, den. (v. arthaya) arrange etc.; connect with, construe grammaticallyj: pp. ita, capable; -arthya, fp. to be established, corroborated, or justified; -ardhana, a. (i) causing to succeed; -ardhayitri, in. fulfiller, bestower: trii, f.; -arpaka, a. delivering, yielding up; -4rpana, a. placing or throwing upon (Br.); C.: delivering, handing over, consigning, bestowing; making known, communicating; -arpaniya, fp. to be delivered, handed over, or entrusted; -arpayitavya,fpid;-pta cs. pp. (Vi) handed over etc. P d;-riz iI i. samar-yd, a. (1117.) concourse, multitude; assemnbly,congregation; tumult of battle. 'f"2. sa-marya, a. (111., rare) attended by people, frequented (sacrifice); attended. by his host (Indra); inyada, a. limited, keeping within bounds: -in, ad. decisively, exactly; -mala, a. having spots or stains, dirty, impure. iW sam-alamkrita, pp. well adorned. IT M Tsm-ohaktlaa a. regarding a lump of clay and gold as of equal value. ~pfT~ sa-mallika aksha, a. with their white spots on their eyes (horses).;ERWT sam-avatfira, ms. sacred bathingplace; -ava-tta-dha'na, a. containing the gathered remains of the sacrifce (vessel; S.). VQ JRt1_r sama-varna, a. being of equal caste; -vartin, a. being equidistant with (an arrowshot, -O); acting uniformly. V+FqW-M sam-ava-srigya, fp. to be let go (Br.); -skanda, in. breast-work, rampart; sha, f. similar condition; state, condition: idrisilm vayah-sana ashmpaia o -Ysmi, I have grown so old; -sthina, a. abiding in (lc.); existence, occurrence; condition, state; -srava, ms. effluence; -h63a, as. (collection), quantity, abundance; mixture: -in, abs. (with ac.) collecting; _hisya, fp. to be derided: -ta~m gain, become a laughing-stock. RRHI4CT47 sam-avatpta-kama, a. having gained one's desire; -ava~ya, in. coming together, encounter, with (g., -'); meeting, assembly, crowd; collection, aggregate; contact, combination; conjunction (o heavenly bodies); collision; close connexion, intimate union, concomitance,inherence; course, duration (rare, E.): in., ab. in combination; -in (or A-n) kri, combine, flock together; -avay-in, a. consisting of a combination (of huinours); concomitant, inherent in (-O); w. purusha, in. soul combined with a body, incarnate or individual soul. fM rIT sama-vishama, a. pl. level and uneven ground: ic. on level and uneven ground: -kara, a. producing what is smooth and rough (time); -vilrya, a. equal in strength; -vritti, a. whose conduct is uniform. t~~sam-ava ita-tva, a. inherence; -avetsarjitha, a. full of meaning. fRf0iT sama-sirsh-ikf, f. equality, with (in., -). *I1 # AE sam-asnuva, a. (i1) attaining [fr.pr. base of Vsi. as]. {;if1!k sama-sreni,f. straight line: -,gata, p~p. written in straight lines (letters). ~rr~sam-ashti.,rr"*I I 'r sam4-avarta'na.37 337 rf*sam-ashti,f.attainament (V.); aggregae op. vyashti, individual; C.):.t', f. aggregate state. _f T W sama-samsthita, pp. placed in good circumstances; -samtdhita, pp. concluded, on equal terms (= without loss on either side; treaty); -Samaya-vartin, a. simultaneous; -Sarva-guna, a. p1. equally endowed with all virtues. 43M sam-asta, pp. (V2. as) united, comnbined, etc.: -dhitri, in. Preserver of all (Vish. ssu); -loka, m. whole world. V; sama-stha, a. being in flourishing circumstances; -sthalli-kri, turn into level ground, make level with the ground. *1W 4 sam-asyat, f. union, with (-0); part of a stanza given to another to be completed. ~RrJ~ sama-ha, V. ad. [-ha = -dhao] somehow. W sa-mahildhara, a. mountainous. VW sdma', f. half-year (AV7., rare); season, weather (Br., IS., rare); year (V., C.). T'Jf~k samaamsa, m. equal share: in. in equal shares; a. containing equal parts; obtaining an equal share: -ka, a. obtaining an equal share; -_ amsin, a. id. [fleshy.;1:1Tf sa-mftmsa, a. combined with meat; VRTORIfcin~ sam-at-karnita-ka, ns. gesture of listening: in. listening; -karshsa, m. adduction; -kairshana, n. drawing to oneself. WI4 samaftkara, a. having the same appearance as, resembling (~) jjj sam-A-kula, a. filled or crowded with, full of, abounding in (in., — ); thrown into confusion, embarrassed, bewildered, by (-0); -krrandana, n. crying, shoutin:g: -gir, f.pl. cries for help; -kramana, n. entering, frequenting; -khy&^, f. appellation, name; explanation, interpretation; -khy&na, n. naming, mentioning; narrative; appellation, name; -gantavya, f~p. is. one should come together or approach; -gama, m. coming together, union; confluence; assembly; encounter or zmeeting with (in. ~ saha, g., rarely le., — O); -gamana, is. comning together, encountering, meeting (-.O); sexual union; -ghita, m. collision; -ghrana, is. smelling at anything. ""110f:'sama hghri-ka,a.standingevenly on allfour feet (lion). TM~q!iT. sam-at-karanilya, fp. to be entered upon (.path); -kgra, m. practice, conduct, behaviour, in (-0); custom, usage, usual method; customary presentation of ( —P); -keshtita, (pp.) n. procedure, behaviour, demeanour. q4III sam-figa, m. [concourse: V/ag] assembly, company (ord. Mng.); encountering, meeting with (g., — ); multitude, abundance. ~i~pii amfi-iiif.applltinname; -gui~na, n. recognition as (0;-da'na, n. taking upon oneself, incurring, contracting; -deya,fp. to be received; -desa, m. direction, instruction; command, order; -dhitavya, fp. to be set to rights, repaired, or adjusted; -dhfima, is. adjustment, settlement; reconcilement; justification of a statement, demonstration; menital concentration, attention'; deep contemplation or devotion: -m kri, attend; -dhi, m. putting together, joining, with (in.); joint (of the neck); union, combination; performance; adjustment, settlement; justification of a statement, proof; atten~ion (to, lc.),. intentness on ();deep meditation on the supreme soul, profound devotion (ord. mg.); N. of various figures of speech: -m. kri, direct one's attention, to (lc.); -dbhi-ta, den. pp. reconciled; -dhitsu, des. a. (V'dha) wishing to prove. 'RTIrrf~pt samfidhi-blirit, a. absorbed in devout meditation; -mat, a. attentive; devout; -mati-ki, f. N.; -sthala, n. N. of a locality in Brahman's world. O~rWsam-ft-dheya,fp. to be adjusted or settled; - instructed or admonished; - admitted or conceded. IR - T. sam~nd [fr. sama], a. (I', V.; 'a) identical, same; similar, equal -(in size, age, rank, time, meaning), to (in., g., — ); homogeneous (letter); common, combined, all (V., 'rarely P.): ~- or -in, ad. jointly, alike; like (in., - );RM2 sam-ftnad, m. [V'an] one of the five vital airs, which has itsseat in the stomach and entrails, is essential to digestion, and produces diarrhcea etc. M T I Msam ana-kartri-ka, a.havingthe same subject (gr.); -karma-Ira, a. having the same object; -karman, a. expressing thesame action; -krfiraka, a. making all things equal (time); -krila, a. simultaneous; of equal length or quantity (vowel); -gralma, m. same village: i'-ya, a. belonging to the same village; (i.)-gauman, a. having the same origin (Br.); of equal age (C.); (&)-tas, ad. uniformly (B V.'); (&)-ta', f. equality, with (g., ~) -tva, n. equality, with (in.); -dharman, a. having the same qualities, similar, to (in.); -prasiddhi, a. having equal success; a) bandhu, a. (f. id.) having the same kin, akin; -bala, a. of equal strength; -mana, a. equally honoured with (in.); -mfrrdhan, a. (iii) equal-headed; -ruki, a. agreeing in tastes; _ritpa, a. having the same colour, as (g., — P); having the same appearance as -) -vayas: -kma, a. of the same age; -vidya, a. possessing equal knowledge: -'ta, f abst. Nr.; -vrata-bhrit, a. leading a similar life; -Sila, a. having a similar character; -sukha-duh,krha, a. having joys and sorrows in common; -stha'na, a. being in the same place; occupying the same position (in the mouth); - akshara, n. simple vowel (short or long); - adhikarana, n. grammatical agreement with (a case, — O); a. involving the same case relation as (in., — ); relating to the same subject; - rtha, a. having the same object in view; having the same meaning, as (in., — o): -tva, n. identity of meaning, -prayogana, a. having a common object and purpose. WI~TfTW9 samad-nikaya, a. provisioned for a year. [honour. 'fMTfirfrir sa-mfinitam, ad. with marks of VT'It~i samftnaudaka, a. having only libations of water (to ancestors) in common, distantly related:.-bhflva, m. this kind of distant relationship;.- darya, a. descended from the same mother; in. uterine brother; -u am f. simile in which the common term though identical in sound must be interpreted in two senses (e. g. in Ib''blijva udyanamAIlf sAlakhnana-sobhinl' sailakflnana =sa alaka flnana and sala-kfnana).;RWTWT samft anta, in. end of the year; - antara, i. n. interval of a year: lc. within a year; 2. ajantara, a. having a constant difference,being the unit of measurement(samfintaras ha purushas turfafgas tri-samAntarah, man forms the unit, a horse has three units, i.e. is equal to three, men). 'RITTTsamnln-y'd, ad. jointly, together (V.).;RUNrq; sam-Afp -aka, a. finishing, completing. "[iitifN sam -af-patti, f. encountering, meeting; accident, chance ();attainment of, becoming ():-drishta,pp. seen by chance. RP~IMVi sam-ftpana, a. completing; is. completion; dissolution (of the body); section, chapter; - l-in, a. concluding; (sim)-Apti, f. acquirement (rare); completion, conclusion, end; dissolution (of the body; rare): -ka, a. having completed his studies; concluding anything; 4fpy-a,fp. to be attained (V.); - performed or finished (C.); in. imps. one should conclude. 41+TIIT1![41 sam-a-bhftshana, is. conversation with (-O); -mn~ta, pp. Vmnfl; n. enumeration; -mufitri, m. editor of the Veda; -mnflna, is. enumeration, list; -mn~ya, Ms. id.; literary work; edition of the Veda; sacred scripture; -yia. (Br.) occurring at the same time; attainable by many at the same time (world: in a.); -yoga, m. union, connexion, conjunction, contact, with (in. ~ saha, —; ord. mng.); equipment, preparation: - vidheh, conjuncture of fate; ab. by connexion with = by means of, owing to(0) -rambha, in undertaking, enterprise; enterprising spirit (rare); beginning, commencement '(rare); -rambhana, is. grasping; unguent ( = -lambhana). tmIRP!T sam-ftr-find', pf. pt. V1ri. "T~TV ~ sam-fl-rhdhana, is. gratification, propitiation; means of propitiating any one (g.); -rurukshu, des. a. wishing to ascend to (ac.); -ropa, ms. placing in (lc.); stringing (a bow); transference to (lc.); attribution; -ropana, n. transference; stringing (of a bow); -r6hana, ms. ascent, to (g.; Br.); n. (C.) ascending to (0-); growth (of hair). Y[TI sama rtha-ka, a. having the same sense. ' ness. (iT sa-infirdava, a. together with soft*PI Tj IM sam-a'-lakshya, fp. visible, perceptible; -lambha, mn. slaughter; ointment: -9a. anointed with; -lambhana, is. touching (in a-); ointment; -1&pa, in. conversation, with (saha; also anyoxnya-);..lifigana, is. embrace; -loka, mn. beholding: -na, is. id.; contemplation, inspection; -lokin, a. havi'ng looked into or studied (-O); -lokin, a. id.VR~T!T~iIi~f samfi-vag-galmi, a. uniform (Br.). ITT2samg-vat, a. (V.) similar, equally great or much; (samgvad)-vilrya, a. equally strong (VT.). rt VIr sam-ft-vartana, is. r eturn home (of a pupil after the, completion of his religious studies); -vaha, a. brirfging, producing (0-); -(&)v~ya, mn. metr.for -(a)vhya; -va'sa, M. abode, habitation; -vritti, f a==-fvartana; -vesa, m. entering; absorption in (-9); simultaneous occurrence,, co-existence (ord. ing.); agreement with ( —); -sraya, in. connexion with ( ~O); shelter, refuge, asylum (ord. mg.); dwelling-place, habitation; relation, reference (rare); resorting to(o) ab. in consequence of, owing to; a. (O dwelling or situated in; relating to; -srayaisa, is. resorting or attaching oneself to(O) -srayaniya, fp. to be sought refuge with; taken service with; in. ux aster (op~p. samhsrita, servant); -srayin, a. occupying, obtaining possession of (-P); -srita, pp. v'sri; ms. servant: -tva, is. having''betaken oneself to (the protection of, -0);. -slesha, in, emX X 338 33RRMj~ sam-sa I UI l sam-udreka. I brace; -svisa, m. recovery of breath, relief, encouragement; consolation; -svisanm, n. encouraging, comforting; consolation; -8V&^sYap fp. to be consoled.;EMVT samn-asa, m. [putting together: V,2.. as] combination, union (Br., S.'); condensation, succinct statement; compound (gr.): in. fully, thoroughly. (ascertain); in., ab., Q., -tas, concisely sucntly, briefly; 4 -sakti, f.attachment to (lc.): in. with devotion; -9 -saiiga, m. transference (of business) to (lc.);.4-satti, f. nearness, vicinity. * T11ff samaasama, a. dus. equal and unequal (also of rank). T1 (Ti;UTW samftsa nta, m. suffix attached to the end of a compound (gr.). RR79T'4 sa-ma'sa ardha, a. together with half a month. VM T4Y samasaukta, pp., concisely expressed; contained in a compound;..ukti, f.- concise mode of expression (a figure of speech in which the procedure of something else is attributed to the object in question owing to parallelism in action, gender, or attributes, e. g. 'how can a wise man think of women till he has accomplished his ambition? the sun does not court the evening-glow till he has traversed the whole, world'). sam-ft-hara, a. destroying ( —P); -hartri, m. collector (an official); -haira, M. aggregation, summing up; sum; collection, assemblage; withdrawal (of the senses from the world); ("&)-hita, pp. ('V'dhA): -mati, a. (having an) attentive (min-,I); -hit-ika, f. N.; -hva, a. having the same name as -;..hvaya, m. challenge; conflict; betting on animal combats; appellation, name; hA tri, m. challenger to (d.); -hvina, n. calling upon, - together; challenge (tofight or play). Vf#?~ samo-i-t, f. [coming together: Vi]. conflict, fight. vrftm~ sa-mita, pp. commensurate, equal to (in.,-'.); measured: -in, ad. always. rffrsam-iti, f. V., C.: coming together, meeting; council, assembly; V.: plot, league; C.: conflict,, battle; combination (rare): m -gaya, a. victorious in battle. f~sam-ithi, n.encounter, conflict (ByV.). tf ~ rsamid-idhma-vraskana, a. cleaving firewood of various kinds. VftRW sim -iddha, pp. Vidh: - agui, a. whose fire is kindled (RV.); - artha-ka, e. N. ~jirK samId-vat, a. furnished wvith fuel (fire; C.); containing the word samfdh (V.) N(~r sam-idh, a. flaming (BV.'); f. log, fuel (ord. mg.; 'V., C.); flame (V.): d. -e, V. inf. to be kindled; -idha, — w a. = -idh, fuel; -judhana, n. kindling; fuel. Elj~ sam-iik-a', n. [fr. wk. base of samyaiik] encounter, conflict, fight (V., C.); m. N. of a Rishi (E.). ~II Isami-karana, n. levelling; assimilation; putting on a level with (in.); equalising, setting to rights; -kri, level; rase to the ground; equalize; place on an equality with, declare to be equal to (in.); adjust, settle; -kriti, f. weighing. #PiN samI' ksh', f. perceiving, beholding; desire to spe; glance; opinion (regarding, prati); deep, insight; -i'kshitavya, ]P. to be found out; -i'kshya, fp. id.; n. Sankhya system of philosophy. *1 I tqI sam-,dk-ind, a. [fr. weak base of samyaii] turned together (i. e. towards a centre), united, complete (-V.); correct, right, fit, proper (C.). ~itrsam-iip-a, a. [attainable: V/fp] near (also of time), at hand, neighbouring,, adjacent; n. vicinity, proximity, presence; imminence: -mn, to (g., -0, with vbs. of motion); ab. from (g,, — ); -tas, ad. near at hand; near, at,% in the presence of (g., -.O); lc. close at hand; near, beside, at, before, in the presence of (g., ~O;to (g, 0 wit vbs. of motion); 0,near at hand: -ga, a. accompanying, close at hand, standing beside (g., — O); -gamana, n. approaching (g.); -ga, a. growing near (g.); coming near or into the'presence of (-'); -tara-vartin, a. being nearer at hand; t' f. proximity; -tva, n. id.; -desa, m. place hard by, neighbourhood; -uayana, n. leading to (g.); -vartin, a. being near (g.); -stha, a. id. (g., ~);adjacent; imminent (death); -.sthana, n. nearness, proximity. V~ff!saMi-ya, den. (fr. sama) A". be treated or accounted as equal by (in.). V* sam-ira, M. wind (also in the body); _-irana, a. setting in motion; stimulating; m. wind; god of wind; -ira-lakshman, Si. (token of wind), dust; -ih&, f desire, longing, striving after (-3) -hita, pp. Vlh; n. desire, wish. [watering. *14 q sam- ukshana, n. tbesprinkling, '4 sam-uk-kaya, m. (heaping up together), mass, multitude; totality, aggregate; conjunctive sense (of ha; opp. vikalpa, disjunctive sense ova)- u am~f simile with a 'not only, but also'2; akrana, n. simultaneous utterance; -kikishA, f. [V/ki] desire to collect or summnarise; -kiti-kri, unite; -ketavya,fp. to be taken together (the one as well as the other); -keya, fp. id.; -kheda, in.: -na, n. destruction. extermination; -khraya, a. growing up (living beings); in. erection, elevation (rare); height, length; eminence, mountain (rare); rise, exaltation, high position; augmentation, stimulation; -khvasita, pp. VNsvas; n. taking breath; (-ug)gvala, a. shining, radiant, splendid (on, in, with,.-P). ~sam-ut-ka,a.longingfor (-0);-kantakita, pp. with bristling hair, thrilled; -kanthaf longing for ( —0); -karsha, in. laying aside (of a girdle); higher rank, exalted position; pre-eminence, excellence; -kskepa, m. throwing out a hint, allusion to (d.); -tira, m. getting over, deliverance from ( —O); -tuntga, a. lofty; -tegana, n. inciting, instigating; -tha, a. arising, sprung, produced, or derived from (ab., gnly. -9 w. a word in the ab., sts. lc., sense); appearing in (.-P); -tha~na, n. rising, getting up; hoisting (of a flag); augmentation of (property, g.); swelling of (the stomach, g.); undertaking, occupation, activity; healing: sambhiiya or ekibhfiya -, common enterprise, partnership; — ' a. arising or produced- from; -patana, n. flying up together; -patti, f. origin, production; -panna, pp. Aproduced, arisen; -p~da,,m. production; _Padya, fp. to be produced or caused; -pin-ga, m. confusion, disorder; -pLidana, n. pressing, squeezing; -phulla,.pp. opened wide (eyes); -sarga, m. discharge (Of urine etc.); emission (of semen): -m kri, have sexual intercourse with (lc.); -sira-ka, a. dispersing, driving away; -Sarana, n. id.; dispelling, removing; -siha, m. energy: -i f. alacrity in (1c.); -suka, a. agitated, uneasy, anxious; longing for (-.0), eager to (inf.; ord. mg.): ati f. desire, longing, -tva, n. agitation; yearning emotion; -suka-ya, den. P. fill with yearning; -sedha, m. height. sa-mud, a. rejoicing. ~IIsam-iid-anta, a. rising above. the edge, about to overflow (V.); -aya, in. union, junction (o~fforces); combination, aggregate; income, revenue (rare); success (rare): -m kri, collect or assemble (an ar-my); -aJcira, m. presentation, offering, of (~0;good or courteous behaviour; intercourse with (in.); address; -y&a, m. combination, collection, aggregate, whole; genus (elephant); -4yin, a. combining, forming an aggregate; -itamukha, a. with one voice, all at once; -ga, in. round casket; kind of artificial stanza (in which the two halves are identical in sound but defferent in meaning, e.g. Kirdtdrguniya XV, i6): -ka, m. n. round casket; -gama, m. rise (of the sun), rising (of dust, of the breast); -danda, a. uplifted (arm); -desa, m. exposition, doctrine; locality, place; -dhata, pp. V/han: -19figfiia, a. cocking his tail; -dharana, n. upraising, extrication; removal; -dhartri, in. deliverer from (the ocean, danger, ab.); extirpator; -dhaira, M. extraction; rescue; removal, destruction; -baudhana, n. hanging up: fitmanah -, hanging oneself; -bodhana, n. resuscitation; -bhava, m. production, origin; appearance: -9a. arising or produced from, being the source of; -bh~sana, n. illuminating; -bheda, m. development; source; -yama, m. lifting up; exertion, effort, labour, setting about (d., lc., — 0); -yamin, a. exerting oneself, strenuous; -yoga, in. employment, use (rare); preparation, equipment; energy; concurrence (of causes). V i. sanm-udrsl, m. collection of waters, ceetial waters (V.); sea, ocean (V., C.: seven, three, but gnly. four oceans are -spoken of); large Soma vat (V.). 3= 2. sa-mudra, a. sealed. ~~ samudra-kallola, in.. (oceanwave) N. of an elephant; -ga, a. going or flowing to the sea: A, f. river; -ga, a. produced or found in the sea; (i)-gyeshtha, a. having the ocean as their chi ef (waters, RV.i); -tira, n. sea-shore; -datta, in. N.; -nemi, a. (.id.) sea-girt (earth); f. earth; -pai f. spouse of the sea, river; -paryanta, a. seabound (earth); -phena, m. (foam of the sea), bones of the cuttle-fish (so light that they float); -mathana, n. churning of the ocean; ayt~. -na, n. sea-voyage; -yayin, m. seafarer; -yoshit, f. (wife of the sea), river; -rasana, a. sea-girt (earth); -varmnan, in. N. of a prince; -vallabh', f. (mistress of the sea), river; -vasana, a. sea-clad, sea-girt (earth); (~-asas, a. (clad=) lurking in the (heavenly) waters (.Agni, B V.2); -ve M, f. flood-tide; -vyavaharin, a. trading by sea; -sukti,f. sea-shell; -sfira, in. N. of a merchant; -sena, m. N.; - anta, in. seashore; a. reaching to the sea (earth); ~bhia~ii fL girl running after the god of the sea; - ambar.(sea-lderh 'f 37 samudrft-ya, den. A. resemble the sea. ~JRsamudraayana, a. flowing into th sa(iers); alrtha, a. having the sea as their goal (waters, B V.) avarana, a. sea-clad (earth).;U~f~g samudr-fya,-a. belonging to or flowing into the sea (-V.). BN sam-udreka, in. predominance; -unnati, f. rising (of the breast); height; exaltation, high position, eminence; increase; elevation (of mind): kittam samuninatim asnute, the soul feels elevated; -unneya, fp. to be inferred or concluded; -unrmukhi r'tnq.w sam-upa-gantavya. I sam-bhava. 339 I I kri, lift up; -unumulana, n. eradication, complete destruction. q(4driM sam-upa-gantavya, n. imps. one should betake oneself: na ka assya visvase -m, one should put no trust in him; -upagata-kopa, a. moved to anger, provoked; -upavesa, m.: -na, n. seat; -upastambha, m. supporting; uipargana, n. attainment, acquisition; -upepsu, des. a. desiring to attain, striving after (ac.). Ta fri. sam-ullasin, a. radiant. s ssim-tdha, ~o lhia, pp. 4/th. r sa-mfla, a.V., C.: provided with roots; overgrown, grassy, green; together with the root; C.: root and branch, entirely: ~- or -m, ad.: -kasham, abs. w. /kash, exterminate root and branch; -ghatam, abs. w. Vhan, id. Ws sam-lhS, m. V.: accumulation; C.: assemblage, mass, multitude, collection, aggregate (ord. mg.); corporation (rare); sum, essence (rare); -uhana, a. sweeping together, heaping up (dust, -~); -uihin, a. forming an aggregate. IT ssm-rita, pp. rin; (sam)-riti,f. (B V.) meeting; conflict; (-sam)-riddha, pp. (V ridh) rich, affluent, flourishing, etc.; (sam)riddhi, f. increase, thriving, prosperity, success; excellence; abundance, plenty, profusion; affluence, wealth (also pl.): -~ a. increased by: -karana, n. means of procuring prosperity, -mat, a. perfectly successful, -samaya, m. season of prosperity; -riddhikri, make rich; -ridha, a. complete, perfect (R V.). i sam- ita, pp. (Vi) come together etc. T sam-eddhri, m. kindler (RV.). IMj sa-medha, a. vigorous (V.). F NTii sdm-okas, a. (V.) dwelling together, closely united, with (in.); provided with, possessed of (in.). Rq:i sam-pakva, a. boiled soft; ripe; fully matured; -patti, f. concord (S., rare); turning out well, success, accomplishment; attainment, acquisition; turning into, becoming (rare); existence (rare); good condition, excellence; abundance, affluence; lucky event; prosperity, fortune (sg., pl.): in. at random: -ka, a. _-, excellence; -pad, f. V.: agreement,bargain (rare); full number, total; C.: success, accomplishment, fulfilment; attainment, acquisition; turning into, becoming (rare); existence (rare; -~ a. = possessing); right condition; excellence, perfection, beauty; abundance, plenty, high degree or excess of; (what befals), fate (rare); good fortune, prosperity, wealth, property (sg., pl.); -panna-kshiri, a.f. giving good milk: (a)-tama, spy. f. giving very good milk; -panna-tara, cpv. very palatable; -pannata, f. possession of (-~); -panna-danta, a. possessing teeth; -par&ay, m. death (rare); conflict, battle; -parigraha, m. gracious reception of (g.); property; -parka, m. mixture, union, contact, association (of, -0; with, in. + saha, g., -~); sexual intercourse with (-~); -p&ta, m. C.: flight, swift descent, fall, into (Ic.); a particular mode of flight; collision, concussion, encounter, with (saha); confluence; point of contact (rare); entrance, appearance, occurrence; V.: remnant of fluid (in a vessel), residue of an offering; hymns contiguous in the Samhitd and ritual (also -sAkta, n.); -pati, m. N. of a fabulous bird, son of Aruna or Garuda and elder brother of Gatdyu; -patin, a. flying to gether; flying with= equally swift; falling down (flowers); -pada-ka, a. procuring, bestowing; producing, causing; -padana, a. (i) procuring, bestowing; carrying out, executing; n. procurement, acquirement; accomplishment, fulfilment, execution, performance, production; clearing, putting in order (a house or site); -padaniya, fp. to be procured; - carried out, brought about, or accomplished; - appeased; -padayitri, m., tri, f. procurer; producer, accomplisher; -padita-tva, n. accomplishment or fulfilment by (-o); -padin, a. coinciding with, suitable for (in., -~); procuring; accomplishing; -padya, fp. to be brought about, effected, or accomplished: -tva, n. accomplishment; -pirin, a. putting across (of a vessel, Br.); -pipadayisha,f. desire to accomplish; wish to prove right; -pida, m. pressure: A, f. pain, torment; -puiiga, m. multitude; -puta, m. hemispherical bowl (and anything shaped like it); round casket (for jewellery etc.); hemisphere (rare); credit, balance: e likh, write down (ac.) to the credit of (g.); -putike,f. jewel-casket (= treasury of aphorisms and tales); -pushti, f. perfect prosperity; -pgtana, n., -puga, f. honouring, reverence; -pugya, fp. to be honoured; -pfrna, pp. (VI. pri) filled etc.: -kalina, a. occurring in the fulness of (=at the right) time (birth), -kumbha, m. full pot; -purna-ti, f. completeness, completion; full measure: -yukta, pp. having abundance; -purna anga, a. (i) having its parts complete, entire; -purti, f. fulfilment, completion; -purva, a. preceded by=compounded with pArva; -prikta-tva, n. union. 'iTif[ sam-pra-kasana, n. disclosure, manifestation; -kssya,fp. to be disclosed or manifested; -kshalana, n. (washingaway =) destruction (of the world) by flood; -nashta, pp. (/nas) vanished etc.; -netri, m. leader (of an army); wielder of the rod (dandasya), inflicter of punishment; maintainer of (g.); -tapana, n. heating; a hell. wiRfid sam-prati, ad. V.: exactly opposite, close in front of (ac.; rare); exactly, aright, at the right time; just (also very rarely in C.); C.: just now, at this moment, at present, now: w. impf. =at once. fp(I-f sam-prati-patti, f. obtainment, acquirement; correct conception, understanding; agreement, with (-~); admission, confession; -padana, n. bestowal; -rodhaka, m. suppression (of robbers etc.); -shtha, f. permanence, continuance (opp. beginning or end); -sava, m. admission (v. r. -prasava). ~RTWIt sam-pratiksha, a. expecting (-~); -pratikshya,fp. to be expected; -pratiti,f. fame; -pratyaya, m. agreement (in yathapratyayam); confidence, belief, conviction; obtainment of a correct notion, true conception of the meaning; -pratha, prob. incorr. for su-pratha. FI'TT sam-pra-datavya,fp. tobe given; - imparted or taught; -datri, m. giver, offerer; -dana, n. giving, presenting, bestowing; giving up; imparting, teaching; granting; giving in marriage; gift, donation; person to whom anything is given = for whom anything is done, notion of the dative case; -daniya,fp. to be given or presented; -daya, m. bestower (very rare); oral tradition (regarding, -~); -dharana, n., a, f. deliberation; -dharya, fp. to be weighed or considered; -pada, n. pl. standing on tip-toe; -mapana, n. killing; -yug, a. clasped by (-~); -yoga, m. fastening, clasp (of ajewel); union, connexion, association, contact, with (in. + saha, -~; ord. mg.); conjugal or sexual union, with (-~); conjunction (of the moon with asterisms); employment, exercise, practice (rare); -lapa, m. chatter; -vartaka, a. setting in motion, furthering; producing; m. creator (Siva); -vartana, n. moving or riding about; -vaha, m. stream, continuity; -vritta, pp. having taken place, past; -vritti, f. appearance, occurrence; -vriddhi, f. growth, prosperity; -vesa, m. entrance, into (Ic., -~). Wi sam-prasna, m. interrogation, question; enquiry regarding (-~). iJfr sam-pra-satti, f. soul during deep sleep; -sava, m. admission (=prati-sava); -sada, m. mental repose (during deep sleep; Br., rare); grace, favour (C.); soul during deep sleep (1., C.); -sadhya,fp. to be managed or regulated; -sarana, n. drawing asunder (rare); change of semi-vowel (followed by a) to the corresponding vowel (the a being dropped, gr.: as in vad to ud); -harsha, m. joy; -hara, m. conflict, fight, with (in. + saha, -~); blow, thrust (rare); gait (rare); -hrishta-taniLruha, a. having the hair bristling, thrilled with joy. UiTU[ Wsam-praptavya,fp. to be obtained; -prapti, f. arrival, at (~, E.); attainment, acquisition, of (g., -). ~rfsr sam-priya, a. mutually dear, being on good terms with (in.; V.); n. satisfaction (E., rare); -priti,f. joy, delight, in (lc., -0); good will, friendship (with, for, in. + saha), love for (g., Ic.); -preshana, n. sending, despatch (sts. pl.); dismission; -praish/, m. summons, direction to an oficiating priest (V.); -plava, m. flowing together of waters, flood, deluge; swell, surge (of the sea); dense mass, multitude, shower; tumult (of battle, -~); submersion, ruin; -phulla,pp. expanded, blooming; -pheta, m. altercation. EiR; sam-baddham, ad. moreover, in addition; -bandha, m. collection (rare); connexion, relation (with, to, in. + saha, -~); connexion by marriage, matrimonial alliance, relationship, friendship, intimacy (with, in. + saha, Ic., -); kinsman; friend, ally; -~ often incorr. for sambaddha: -ka, n. relationship etc.; bad readingfor -gam; -bandhin, a. connected, - with, relating or belonging to (g., -~); united with, possessing (-~, rare); related, connected by marriage; m. relation, connexion: (-i)-ta,f. belonging; connexion with, relation to (in., -~); relationship, connexion by marriage, (-i)-tva, n. connexion with, relation to (in., -~); -badha, m. C.: throng, crowd; contracted space; pressure, distress, affliction (V., E.): a. (C.) narrow, contracted; crammed with (in.); -~, crowded, thronged or blocked up with, abounding in, full of; -buddhi,f. calling to any one; (ending of) the vocative singular; -bodha, m. knowledge, understanding; -bodhana, a. awakening (rare); n. perceiving, noticing; recognising; reminding; calling, to any one (g.); (ending of) the vocative singular; -bodhya, f. to be enlightened or instructed. ~Tfmi ssam-bhakti, m. distribution; -bhaktri, m. distributor, bestower. f sam-bhava (VS., sam- SB.), m. (being together), sexual union, cohabitation (S., rare); finding room in, being contained in (Ic.; C., rare); V., C.: production, birth, origin, source (ord. mg.); C.: cause, occasion; occurrence, appearance; existence (also U.); possibility, of (inf.): -o a. (C.) originating in, arising or produced from or in, made of, grown in; caused or occasioned by; occurring or appearing in; rendered possible by; Xx 2 340;q.Hcl sam-mata. 340 ~r~T saras-tdra. -bhavana, n. containing; arising., coming into being; -bhavin, a. possible; -bha~ndaya, den. P. collect provisions; -bha'r&, m. C.: bringing together, collecting; preparation, for ( —P); goods and chattels, wealth, property; multitude, quantity, heap; high degree, excess (of anger, love, etc.); incorr. for sam-k~ra; V7., C.: sg.,pl. apparatus, material, requisites; -bhivana, a. having a high opinion of (-' rare); n. meeting any one (g., rare): a, f. assembling of (.,rare); procuring of (~,rare); showing of honour or respect; esteem, regard, - for, high opinion of (to.); supposition, assumption; -bh vai.y&, fy to be honoured with the presence of (g.); to be supposed, probable; -bh~vaniiugghita,.pp. (rejected as an assumption), not taken for granted, doubted;..bh~vayitavya,,fp. to be honoured; supposed or assumed, probable; -bh~vayitri, m. bestower of honour; -bhivita, Cs. pp. V/bh-ft; n. supposition; -bhkvin, a. faithfully adhering to any one; -bh~vya, f~p. to be honoured; - regarded as (nm.); - assumed or expected, probable (ord. mg.); assumed by (-O); suitable (rare); capable of (to. Of Vb1. N., prob. incorrect); -bhasha, m. discourse, conversation,, with (in. ~ saha, g., -A), f. id.; engagement, contract (con].); -bh~shana, n. conversation, with (in., g., -) -nipuna, a. clever in talk; -bhashita, (pp.) n. discourse, concerning (-O); -bhfishin, a. conversing; -bhkshya, fp. to be conversed with by (g.); - addressed; -bhu, a. produced from, made of (-O); -bhfiti, f. production; growth, invigoration (Br., S., rare); (skm)bhia p. Vbhri; n. preparation: -sr',a having one's loveliness heightened, splendid ( V., C.), -sueha, a. full of love for (1o.); -bhriti, f. preparation; -bheda, m. sowing of dissension (C.); intermingling (V.); confluence (V., C.); mixture, combination, union (C.): -vat, a. come into contact with (shrdham); -bhedya, f~p. to be pierced; -bhoktri, m. enj oyer; -bhog', m. V., C.: enjoyment, of (-O); C.: sexual enjoyment or union, with ( —O); -bhogin, a. enjoying one another or enjoying themselves together (Br., S.); -S (C.), being in the enjoyment of, possessing; -bhogya, fp. to be enjoyed: -t&, f. enjoyment, use; -bhogana., n. common meal: 1 f. id.; -bhrama, m. confusion, agitation (in consequence of, -O), flurry, haste, zeal (ord. mg.); deference, respect; error,delusion (rare); grace, beauty (v. r. vi-bhrama): -9 a. producing the illusive appearance of; -bhrauta, pp. (Vbhram) bewildered etc. sam-mata, pp.,'man; n. opinion: in., lo. according to the view of (g.); to. with the consent of (g.); -mati,f. opinion, view (rare); concurrence, approval; reverence, respect: in. with the assent of (g.); -matta, p~p. intoxicated; -=ada, m. joy, delight, at (-'O): -may&, a. (i) full of joy; (saim)-manas, a. unanimous (V.); -marda, gn. fr-iction; impact; concourse, throng; trampling; encountering ( —); conflict, with ( —O); -mardana, mn. N. ofafairy; -mkrsana, n. (V.) stroking; -Msb, f. symmetry, equality in number; -mitri (AV. also sum.), a. having the same mother (V.); -mana, m. (n.) respect, honour (also p I.; often incorrectly spelt san-); -maiuana, n. honouring, showing respect to: 9, f. id.; -minita-vimfinita, pp. first honoured and then disgraced; -muini, a. having a sense of honour; -m~rga, m. wiping, cleans ing; whisp of grass for tying faggots (S.); -mi~rgaka, a. sweeping, cleansing; m. sweeper; -margana, n. wiping, cleansing, sweeping: 3i,f. broom; (S&m)-Mita, p.p. (v'm&it) commensurate, conformable etc.; m. N. of a mythical being; n. distance:,-va, n. complete parallelism (rh.); -misra, a. commingled, intermixed, joined, or provided with (in., -O); -misrana, n. intermingling; (s~m)-mdisa, a. mixing, united with (in., to.; IIV.); -Milana, n. closing (of the eyes); cessation of activity. sam-mukha, a. (i', sis. 'a) confronting, facing (g., — O); favourable, to any one g) propitious (fortune),; intent on (to., -2o): = ad. (come etc.) towards; (draw) to (oneself, itmanah); (look) into one's face; face to face; opposite, in the presence of (g.); to. opposite, before, in front or the presence of (g.): w. bhii, oppose any one ();w. sth&', look any one (g.) in the face; 0,towards; into one's face; -mukhil-kri, place opposite, make oneys aim; -mukhiina, a. confronting, facing, opposite; favourable to (g.): -tva, n. condition of facing; presence; -mukhi-bh, pos oneself opposite; -mugdham, (pp.) ad. clandestinely; -2nftdha, pp. Vrn-uh: ayy -tva, n. dazed condition; -mfirkhana, n. congealment, densification, accumulation; -melana, n. meeting together, mixture,Union; -moh&, m. stupefaction, swoon; infatuation, delusion; -mohana, a. (i) deluding, infatuating; m. N. of one of the arrows of the god of love; n. leading astray, deluding, infatu.ating; a certain mythical missile. IR samya'k, ad. (n. of sam~yan-k), RV., -E.: in one direction, together; C.: rightly, correctly, truly, duly, properly (sts. pred. instead of a.); entirely, completely (rare; with na, not at all): - kri, make true (a promise); - sth&, associate with (to.): -ta^,f. rightness, correct manner; -tva, n. id.; perfection; -pi1ana, n. due protection; -prayoga, M. correct employment: in., ab. by the employment of proper means; -samkalpa, m. correct will; -sambodha, m. complete enlightenment (of Buddha). VW14tqu samyag-avabodha, m. correct.understanding; -guna, m. true virtue; -goptri, m. true protector; -giiana, n. correct or true knowledge; -darsana, i. n. true insight: -sampanna, pp. possessed of true insight; 2. a. id.; -darsin, a. id.; -viuta, pp. having thoroughly vomited (leech); -vigayin, a. completely victorious; -vritta, pp. behaving kindly towards (to.); ti-mati, f. correct opinion. ~R~sam-y-a'n-k, V7. a. (weak base sam4'~k; f. -i~k-f, A-F. atso -ik-i') turned together or in one direction, combined, united, entire, all; turned towards or facing one another. V Wsam. - rug, m. (nmz. t) universal or supreme ruler (Vartina, the.Adityas., and Indra, V.); paramount lord or sovereign (V., C.); -ragfii,f. sovereign mistress (V.).;R9j sa-yatna, a. exerting oneself, active; endeavouring to (inf.); -y~vaka, a. dyed with lac; -yavan, a. (r-1) going together, with (in.), accompanying (ilV.); -yihg, a. united (V.); m. companion (V.); (s&)-yfith-ya, a. belonging to the same herd (V.); -yoga, a. possessed of Yoga; (s&)-yoni, V. a. having a common origin, with (in.): -ta, f. identity of origin etc. (Br.), -tv&, n. id. (V.); -yauIvana, a. youthful.;H' sar-a', a. fluid (V7.); -0 (i), going, running, flowing (C.); m. string, cord (C.): -ka, n. n. drinking cup, goblet; spirituous liquor; drinking of spirits. VTW~sardgh, m. orf. bee (Br. very rare). ~RTsa~rughft, f. id. (V., C.). sardt (or li?), m. orf. bee (V.). sarata, m. lizard, chameleon. 11Jsar-ana, a. runining; n. id; locomotion; following: -givin, a. living by running. VRf sar-ani, f. (also Ii) way, path. i: saran-yd, den. P. hasten (BV., rare). JTlKr saran-ysi, a. hasteninig, nimble: uj N. of a daughter of Tvashtri, mother of Yama and, Yami and of the.Asvins (BV.1). *1A X T sa-rat ham, V. ad. on the same car with (in.); together with (in.); -randhra, a. having apertures, perforated; -rabhasa, a. impetuous,violent: ~- or-m, ad. impetuously, hurriedly, suddenly, immediately. ~qTsard-mA,f. [ perk. swift runner: V'-,sri] bitch of Indra or the, gods, who discovers the hiding-place of the -stolen herd (VT., E., P.): - atmaga, -putra, -suta, m. son of Sawramg, dog. V' ~3 sard-yu, f. [swift flower: Vsri] N. of a river (in Oudh), in C. gnly. 'U. RI~sara-la, a. [runningon: -Vsri] straight; outstretched (hand); right, correct; upright, honest, sincere, artless; real (not seeming, rare); m. a kind of pine (Pinus longifolia): ta, f. simplicity; honesty; -tva, n. straightness; -syanda,m.exudation ofthe Sarala, resin. qIM sarala-ya, den. P. make straight: pp. ita. VIK'( sdr-as, n. [flowing: I/sri] trough, pail (RV.); pooi, lake (V., C.). R~I sa-rasa, a. V., C.: containing sap,juicy, potent; C.: moist; fresh, new, recent; tasty; tasteful; sprightly, charming; full of love, impassioned: -in, ad. with rapture: -ti, f juiciness; -tva, n. id.; tastefulness. ~R~~sarasi-ga, a. produced or living in pools; n. lotus; -ganman, m. ep. of Brahman; -ga-mukhi, f. lotus-faced woman; -gajakshi, f.lotus-eyed woman; -ruha, n. lotus. ~risaras-', f. pool, lake (RV.', C.). V ~ isa-rasii-kri, a. refresh. ar ~sarasil-ga, n. lotus: -lokana, - ikshana, a. lotus-eyed; -ruh, n. lotus; "-ruha, n. id.: -bandhu, m. sun,!74kslhana, a. lotuseyed. WK~IRW saras-tira, n. bank of a pool; (sMras)-vat, a. (C., rare) abounding in or having come into contract with pools; having a taste for, delighting in (lo.); m. N. of a divinity of the upper region, guardian of the waters, bestower of fertility (V.); N. of a male deity corresponding to Sarasvatib (YV.); ocean (C., rare): -I', f. region abounding in pools (B., rare); N. of a large river flowing into the sea and of its tutelary deity (V.); N. of a small sacred river which with the -Drishadvati forms the boundary of Brahmfdvarta and loses itself in a sandy desert, but is suopposed to flow underground and join the Ganges and Yamund (V., C.); N. of various other rivers; N. of one of the three goddesses in the Apri hymens (V.); goddess of speech (V., C.); in C. she is at enmity with Sri (or Lakshmi), wealth and eloquence or learning being rarely combined, wife of Vishnu, also a N. of Durgd; C.: speech; eloquence; celestial or oracular voice; N. of one of the ten, mendicant orders traced to Sahikardkdrya, its members adding the, word Karasvati to their names: -kantha bharana, n. necklace of Sarasvati; T. of a work on poetics ascribed to Bhogadeva, -vat, V. a. accompanied by Sarasvatl. 'r~rsa-rahasya.:-~wsarva-deva~, '341 sa-rahasya, a. -together with the mysteries, -i.e. the Upanishads; -rig&, a.' tinged, slightly discoloured; reddened; charming, lovely; filled with love, imnpassioned: -in, d.passionately: -t', f.redden-ed condition., redness; -riga-ka., a. together with the king; (s&)-rkti, a. giving equal gifts, equally favourable (V.); -rishtra, a. with the kingdoms. ~ITsar-4j. brook (V.). fIsar-ft,f. [flow-er: V'sri] stream, river: - -m pati, m. lord orhusband of rivers, ocean: -pati, m. id.; -suta, m. son 'of the river (Ganges), met. of Bhlshma. ~r~:sar-irti, a. surge, flood (V.). creeping, crawling; m. (C.), n. (V.) crawling, animal. sa-ruk, a. of great splendour; -ruga, a. painful; diseased:..tva, a. indisposition; -rush, a. angry; (s&)-r ipa, a. having the same form, resembling, like (g., —.0); identical in sound (word); having a form, embodied; having a fair form, beautiful: -t&, f uniformity, equality, with(9) -vatsi, f cow with a calf of the same colour; (s&)-retas, a., provided with seed (V.); -roga, a. diseased, sick: -t&, f. sickliness. saro-ga, a. occurring in Ppools; n. lts: -netra, a. lotus-eyed; -g-in-i',f. quantity or group of lotuses; lotus plant; lotus lake; sts.=~lotus. [of -a lake. WfKI1Qsara~h1 upftnta~n. neighbourhood;R uo saro-bindu, m. a kind of song.;R'YI#I sa-roma, a. hairy: - an-ka, a. having *bristling hair: -in, ad. 4KPV 4,[ saro-raksha, m. guardian of a pool; -ruha, a. lotus: - akshi, a. f. lotus-eyed; -ruhin", f. multitude or group of lotuses; lotus *plant; lotus lake; -vara, n. splendid lake. sa-rosha, a. enraged, angry; -in, ad. wrathfully, angrily: -sambhraina, a. angry and flustered; -sniitain, ad. with an angry smile. #ffsdrg-a, m. - Vsrig] RV.:- shot; jet,stream; gust (of wind); starting a courser, racing; herd let loose; F., C.: great host; C.: emission, discharge; creation (lord. mg.); creature (w. daiva, divine being, god); innate disposition, nature (rare); resolve, purpose, will (rare); section, canto (in an e~pic poem): lc. in the world; & sarg~t, from the beginning of the world; (S6.rga)-takta, pp. speeding like a missile (waters, 11 V.); -pratakta, p~p. id. (steed; RV'.); -banidha, m. composition in cantos, epic poem. sarg-a, m. [exuder of resin] N. of a tree (= Shla, Vatica, robusta); -ana, n. creating, creation. sarga-rasa, m. resin of the SfIl tree; -vriksha, m. Shl tree. [id., (BV.).;9 sarp-.4, a. (i) creeping, crawling; m. snake: pl. certain se-mi-divine beings (dwelling on earth, in the air, heaven, and the lower regions). sarpa-rishi, m. serpent-Rishi; *-kotara, a. serpent's hole. sarp-ana, a. creeping, gliding; slow flight; walking softly (nit.).' ORI~T sarpa-tft, f. condition of a snake: -mn I gain, be -turned into a'snake; -tva,, n. id.; -dashta, (pp.) n. snake-bite; -dvish, m. peacock; -phana, m. hood of a serpent; -baIi, m. offering to the Serpents; -rAga, as. king of the Serpents; -rigfii, f. queen of the Serpents: pl.- (or du.) N. of the' verses RV'. X, 189 (or T'S. I, v, 4). ~fsarp-i,m.N.(Br.);-in,a.creeping,gliding. 4 fjiT 171 sarpfr-&tsuti, a. sipping clarified butter (BV'.). "1fi4 R(sdrpish-mat,' a. provided or prepared with ghee;: 'ish-vat, a. id. WWi~ sarp-fs, n. [gliding, melting: v,/srip]' clarified butter, ghee (=ghrita) either fluid or solid (sts. pl.). ~i apI, f_(of sarpd) female serpent. qI1qI sarpi-bhfi, -become a serpent. 4`42 sarpa Jsvara, m. lord of the serpents (Vflsuki). Vf* sdrva, a. entire, whole; all, every (visva is usedfor this mg. in RI'.); C.: every kind of; all manner of; with. another a. = altogether, 'wholly (V.; in C. O~-); m. sg. everyone: pl. all; n.s g. everything; sarvah ko s pi, everybody soever; sarvespi, all together; w. Ua, C.: not every, not all; not any, no, nothing; m. ep. of Krishna. ~I" l"W sarvam-saha, a. all-enduring, bearing everything patiently: A, f. earth. I" qjiEn~ sarva-karman, n. pl. all kinds of works, rites, or occupations; r. -k4ina, as..p1. all hinds of desires; 2. (i) -kahna, a. wishing everything; fulfilling all wishes; possessing everything wished for; m. N. o~f a son of Rituparna; -k~inika, a. fulfilling all wishes; obtaining -all one's desires; -k U.in a. id.; -kilain, ad. at all times, always (W. na, never); -kile, lc. id.; -kila-initra, n. friend' at all times; -kishain, abs. w. Vkash, exhaust completely; -kshaya, as. destruction of the universe; -ga, a. all-pervading, omnipresent; -gana, wt. the whole throng'; a. (sirva- or sarvi-) having or forming a complete company (V.); -gata, pp. all-pervading, universally prevalent; omnipresent: paprahkhkankinayam, sarvagatain,he askedafter their universal health = whether they were Well in every respect: -tva, a. universal diffusion, omnipresence; -gandha-vaha, a. wafting perfumes of all kinds; -g~tra, a. pl. all limbs; -guna, m. p1. all. excellences; -grisain, abs. w. V/gras, devour entirely; -m-kasha, a. wearing out entirely, exceedingly cruel; all-pervading: ai,f. T. of Mallindtha's commentary on the Sisu~pdla-vadha; -.karu, m. N. (Br.); -gana, as. every one; -ganina, a. relating or belonging to every one; -git, a. all-conquering; 'gila, a. all-kno ig m icet (gods or men, esp ministers andhphilosophers); m. N.; _gfia-ti, f,-giia-t-7a, a. omniscience; -gfia-nAriyana, mi. N. of a scholar; -gtia-initra, m. N., -giiam-inauya,- a. considering oneself omniscient: -ti", f. abst. N.; -gfina-mnays, a. containing all knowledge. Cl0#41 114Iqsarvaa ptiptda a. having hands and feet everywhere; s-kakshus, a. having one's eyes everywhere; h-srutiinat, a. having ears everywhere.;R~fqsarvd-tas, ad. from all sides, in every direction, everywhere; *around (ac.); entirely, completely, thoroughly; ='ab. sg. orp4u. from every, - every one. V ffsarva-ta, f. wholeness, totality; ('i) titi,f. ('V.) integrity,' perfect safety or pros'perity: ic.. AU&t, all together, entirely; -'tirtha, a. p1. all sacred bathing-places; -tegoinaya, a. (i) all-glorious. R+f V n a. going in. all directions (weapon); -disain, ad. from all sides, in all directions; -bhadra, a. pleasant etc. in every way; m. an arti~ficial stanza in which, each, half.,Pdda read backwards is identical with the, other half (e. g.;Kirdtdrguniya XV, 2B; Sisvpdla-vadha XIX, 40); (&to)-inukha, a. (i) facing in all directions;unlimited, comiplete;: m.'ikind of military array; -vri1ta, pp. omnipresent. 9[*M FT sarva-tyftga, m'. 'complete renunciation; loss of everything V qsarv'd-tra, ad. everywhere, in every' case, always (sts. strengthened by api, sarva&);=ic. of sarva,; with, na, in no case; for nothing etc.: -ga, a. all-pervading, omnipresent; -gata, pp. extending to everything, universal, Perfect; -tva, a. integrity, completeness. ~IYTsarvd-tha, ad. in every way or respect, by- all means (ord. mg.); in whatever way, *however (rare); altogether, entirely, in the. highest degree (rare); w. na, in no case, not at all. sarva-da, a. all-bestowing; -dana~na, a. all-subduing; m. ep. of Bhiarata, son of Sakuntald; N. of an Asura; -darsiu, a. allseeing; -dina, a. gift of one's all. R sarva-d, 'ad. at all times, always, for ever: with na, never. ~Wsarva -deva, as. p1. all the gods; -devati-inaya, a. (i) containing all deities; -devatyi, a. sacred to or representing all the -gods; -deva-inaya, a. (i) containing or representing all gods; -desiya&, a. coming from every country; -daivatya, a. representing all gods; -dravya, a. pl. all things; -dharina-inaya, a. containing -, -vid., a. knowing all laws; -nara, as. every one; -n~ima-tva, a. pronorninal nature; -n~inan, a. (general name), pronoun; -nfinas-Sthina, a. cas~etermination added to the strong base; -naisa, as. complete lack; loss of everything, com'i,plete ruin: -m kri, lose everything; -niyanUtri, as. all-subdu er: -tva, a. abst. K.; -pMattinaya, a. made of fabrics of all kinds; -pathina, a. occ upying the'whole road; -prabhu, as. lord of all; -prina, as.: in. with all one's might; '-priyaskittft, a. (SrL) atoning for everything (Br.); a. (V.) expiation for everything; a certain libation in the Ahavaniya; -prayaskitti,f. complete atonement; -bhiaksha, a. eating or devouring everything, omnivorous; -bhakshin, a. id.; -bh,4va, as. whole heart or soul; complete satisfaction: in., O-, with one's whole soul (love etc.): pl. all objects; -bhiita, pp. being everywhere; a. pl. all beings: with, ua, no being: -krit, a. framing all beings, -inaya, a. (i) containing or representing all beings, -ftinan, as. soul of all beings; -bhiiiniL, a. owning the whole earth; -bhogya, fp. advantageous to all; -mnaiigala, a. universally auspicious: iJOP ofDurg'a (sts. also ofLakshmnl); -inanoraina, a. delighting every one; -inaya, a. (i.) containing everything; -inahat, a'. greatest of all: -ara, cpv. greater than all the rest; -inamssaida,, a. eating every kind of flesh; -inAya, a. N. of a 1?dlshasa; -inedhi,- as. universal offering (a ten days' Soma sacrifice); -inedhys-tva, a., universal purity; -yagiia, as. every sacrifice: p1. all sacrifices; -yatna, as. every effort: in. with all one's might, to the besit of one's ability; -yatna 342 342 ~,"'l Isarva-sas. ~ff3 avds sa-vidig. vat, a. making every possible effort;.-yoni, f. source of all; -yoshit, f. pi. all women; -ratna, m. N.: -maya, a. formed of all gems; entirely studded with jewels, -samanvita, pp. possessed of all jewels; -rasa, m. all kinds of juices or fluids (p 1. or 0-); every taste: pl. all kinds of palatable food; -rfitra, m. (?) the whole night: O~ or -in, ad. the whole night through; (s~rva- AV., or sarv -a SB.) -rfipa, a. (V7.) having all colours; having or assuming all forms; of all kinds; - ritu-ka, a. habitable in every season (house); -lifiga, a. having all genders, adjectival; -loka, m. V., C.: the whole world; C.: the whole people; every one: p 1. o r ~, all beings; every one: -bhayamkara, a. appalling to the whole world, -mahesvara, m. ep. of Siva and of Krishna;..loha, a. entirely red; n. metals of all kinds (-): -maya, a. (i) entirely of iron; -v~ram, ad. all at once, simultaneously; -vikrayin, a. selling all kinds of things; -vign-&u-in, a. knowing everything: f. omniscience;..vid, a. omniscient; -vinmisa, m. entire destruction; -vinda, m. a certain mythical being; -vishaya, a. relating to everything, general; (s~rva)-vira, a. allheroic, consisting of, relating to, accompanied by or leading all men or heroes (V.); -vedas&, a. attended by a gift of all one's goods (sacrifice; 17.)- bestowing all his property on priests after a sacrifice (C., rare); n. entire property (V.),:..dakshina, a. attended with a gift of all one's property as a sacrificial fee (sacrifice; V., C.);..yediu, a. omniscient; knowing all the Vedas; -vaina'sika, a. be. lieving in complete annihilation; m. Buddhist; -vy~pad, f. complete failure; -vyipin, a. all-pervading; -vrata, n. universal vow; a. all-vowing;..sakti,f. entire strength: in. with all one's might; -safik&,f. suspicion of every one. *2R.sarva -s~s, ad. wholly, entirely, thoroughly (V'., C.); universally, always (1V., rare); in every or any way (C., rare); all together, in general (referring to a p1. or coil. sg. in any case). W3[ sarva-sfnya, a. entirely empty: t' f. complete void; theory that everything is non-existent, nihilism, -taa.i. vdn m. nihilist; -samharin, a. all-destroying; -sa-guna, a. possessing excellences in everything; -sama-t&, f. impartiality towards everything; (&)-samriddha, pp. entirely well arranged (V.); -sampatti, f. success in everything; abundance of everything; -sampanna, pp., provided with everything: -sasya, a. having abundant corn everywhere (earth); -saha, a. enduring everything; -sidhana, a. accomplishing everything; -sA~dh~rana, a. (&, 'I) common to all; -sa'dhu, ad. very good (as an exclamiation); -simfimya, a. common to all; -siddhirtha, a. having all one's aims accomplished, having everything one desires; -sukha-krit, a. causing universal happiness; (s~rva) -sena, a. leading all his host (By.); -sthAna-gavaita, m. N. of a Yaksha; -sva, n. entire property; -'P, entirety, whole, or sum of: -phal-in, a. with all their goods and fruits; -svarna-maya, a. (i') entirely golden; -hara, a. appropriating everything; all-destroying (death); -harana, n. confiscation of the entire property; -hfixa, m. id.: -in, abs. confiscating his whole property; -ha'sya, fp. derided by all; -hilt, a. offered completely (sacrifie.;-ui f. entire sacrifice (Br.). ieV.;hui VifTfi'R sarvakfira, '- or -in, ad. in all forms, in every way; i. - anga, n. (-9 a. f. i) whole body: p1. all limbs;- 2. (s~rva)- aiiga, a. (i) entire in or sound of limb (V.)-; complete (C.): -in, ad. in all respects, exactly: -bhaiiga, m. entire collapse; - aiigina, a. covering, pervading, or thrilling the whole body (touch); _9~ irya, m. teacher of all; - anil, a. turned in all directions;. atithi, a. receiving every one as a guest; - tisiyin, a. surpassing everything; - &tmina-k, a. containing everything; - itmin, m. the whole person; soul of all, unMiversal soul; whole being or nature: in. with all one's soul; entirely, completely; (sirva- or sarviA.) a. entire in person or nature (-V.); -~tma-bhfiti, f. welfare of the whole person; - adhika, a. superior to everything; - a Ai~ n a.suer intending everything; - auavadya jiiiga, a. (i) having an entirely faultless body; - anukraina, in.: -niki, -n3i,f. complete index-(esp. to the Veda); - annabhfiti, m. a kind of geni as (doubtful reading); -_ nya, a. entirely different; 74pti, f. attainment of all (Br.); - Aibharana-bhfishita, pp. adorned with all ornaments; - abhilva, mn. lack or failure of all (heirs); absolute non-existence; - abhisamdhaka, a. deceiving every one; -'&yu, a. having, bestowing (etc.) all life (V.) -tva, n. abst. N. (V.); - irambha, mn. entire energy: in. with all one'_s might; -aErtha, in. p1. or 0-, all things, all mannjer of things: -in, ad. for the sake of the whole; a. suitable for every purpose: -kusala, a. skilled in all matters, -kintaka, a. looking after everything; in. overseer of all matters, chief officer, _sAdhaka, a. (ika) effecting everything, -sadhana, a. id.; n. means of accomplishing everything, -siddha, pp. having accomplished all one's aims, -siddhi, f. accomplishment of all aims; -:&sin, a. eating all sorts of food; - &ikarya-maya, a. (i) containing or consisting of all marvels; asraya, a. common to all; - asti-tVaVadiin, m. adherent of the theory that all things are real; -asi- &a, in. theory that all things are real. 911 R sarva isvara, m. lord of all: -tva, n. almightiness. sarva ukkhedana, n. complete extermination; -.uttama, spbsofal -udyukta, pp. exerting On eself to the utmost; -~_yparama, in. cessation of all things, absolute rest: -tva, n. abst. N. [of) herbs. *r19 fIq sarva oshadhijf. sg., p1. all (kinds 'f' sarshapa, m. mustard; mustard seed; grain of mustard seed (as a measure of weight of ver~y various value): -sneha, in. mustard oil; -_aruna, in. a demon hostile to children. V941 sa-lakshana, a. having the same characteristics, similar; (si)-lakshmnan, a. id.; -lagga, a. ashamed, (coquettishly) bashful; embarrassed; -laggita-sneha-karunain, ad. with embarrassment, love, and compassion. tq M sal-al-tika, n. (?) [V'/sri] aimless wandering (B V.'). -jfr~q sal-ila', a. [v/sri] 17.: surging, flowing, fluctuating; n. flood, surge; C.: sg. pl. water; rain (rare); tears (rare): -m kri or da', offer the libation of water to a deceased person (g.): -kara, in. aquatic animal: -ketana, m. god of love; -ga, a. produced or living in water; in. aquatic animal; shell; -da, in. cloud; -dhara, m. id.; -nidhi, in. ocean; -pavana Asin, a. subsisting on water or air only; -bhara, m. (volume of water), lake; -maya, a. consisting of water; -muk, in. cloud; -raisi, m. ocean; -saraka, in. n. bowl of water; -stambhin, a. bringing the water to a standstill; -sthala-kara, in. (living in water and on land), amphibious animal; - ikara, m. volume of water; ocean; Z_.4igali, in. two handfuls of water (as a libation to the Manes); - Asaya, in. reservoir of water, pond, lake; - udbhava, a. produced in water; m. shell; n. lotus.,""I r sa-lila, a. playing, without exerting oneself; sportive, coquettish (ord. ing.): mi, ad. as it were in play (~ iva); coquettishly.;RRh~ nlka. living in the same world as (in., g.; V.): (i)-t&,f. residence in the same world as (in., — ); -lobha, a. avaricious; (s&)-1oinan, a. following the grain with, corresponding to or co-extensive with (in.).;EI sal-loka, m. p1. [sat]- good people. W4 sav-6, m. 1. [V/i. su] extraction of.Soma (V.); 2.('V/2. SU) V.: stimulator, commander; instigation, command, order; vivification (the activity of Savitri); Br.: sacrificial rite of consecration, initiation, inauguration; C.: sacrifice. savatha, M. N. WC~ sav-ana, n. V., C.: extraction of Soma (which according to the ritual takes place three times a day, morning, noon, and night); Soma juice, libation, or festival; V.: feast; C.: festival, sacrifice; the three periods of day, morning, noon, and evening (.p1.); ablution performed at morning, noon, and night (rare): -karinan, n. libation; -paftkti, a. accompanied by five libations (Br.). ~IIg savan-rya, a. belonging etc. to the Soma libation (V., rarely P.). Wq~7~IK S ivaas. equal in vigour or age; m. comrade, friend; f. female friend; (sb,)varna, a. V., C.: having the same colour or appearance; C.: of the same kind, similar, resembling, like (g., — 9); of the same caste; homogeneous (sound), with (-O); mn. son of a Brflhman by a Kshatriyh: A,, f. wife of the same caste, (a)-tva, n. identity of colour, with (in.). W[gIWF sava-lata', f. plant suitable for the extraction of juice. VZ sa-valga, a. provided -with a bridle; -va'k-khaia, a. lying, mendacious; (s&)-va'kas, a. like in speech.;UR1 savaya, d. (of 2. savd) for setting in motion, for the uprising of (g.; 1R1.). ~I1i(sa-vaisas, a. clothed, with one's clothes; -vikalpa, a. possessing or admitting of variety or distinctions, differentiated: -ka, a. id.; -vik~ra, a. together with its developments or derivatives; together with its pro. ducts (milk); enamoured; subject to modification or decomposition (food); -vika'sa, a. Shining; -vikraina, a. vigorous, energetic; -vikiavam, ad. -dejectedly; -vigraha, a. embodied; -vikikitsitain, ad. doubtfully; -vitarkain, ad. thoughtfully; -vitina, a. having a canopy. VNfWR savitar-a, den. P. appear like the sun (moon). ~i~say-i-tn?', in. [V,2.'su] stimulator, vivifi er (Tvashtri,BRV., rare); N. of a Vedic god belonging both to the sky and to heaven, personificaticn of the generative power of the sun; C.: sun-god; sun. ~Ifqq savitril, f. mother; producer. Wq~ s-vds a. together with the intermediate quarters; -vidya, a. learned; -vidyut, a. provided with lightnings; -vidha, a. of the same sort (rare); n. vicinity, proximity: 3i-kri, bring near, i'-bhfi, come or be near; -vinaya, a. well-bred, modest: -in, Fjtjitq sav-i-man. qg sah-a. 343 - ad. politely, modestly; -vibhakti-ka, a. having a case-termination; -vimarsa, a. reflecting: -m, ad. thoughtfully; -vilaksham, ad. with shame or embarrassment; -vilaksha-smitam, ad. with a smile of embarrassment; -vilambam, ad. dilatorily; -vilasa, a. sportive, coquettish; -viveka, a. possessed of judgment, discerning; -visesha, a. possessing specific qualities (rare); distinguished, peculiar, unusual, extraordinary; discriminating (master): ~- or -m, ad. with all particulars,minutely; especially, exceedingly: -ka, a. together with particularity, -kanta, pp. excessively beloved; -viseshana, a. with attributes; -visrambha, a. confidential (conversation); intimate (friend); -visvasam, ad. with confidence; -visha, a. poisonous; poisoned; -vishada, a. dismayed, dejected: -m, ad. with dismay, dejectedly; -vishaisis, m. poisonous-fanged serpent; -visamkulam, ad. with great composure; -vistara, a. detailed: -m, ad. in detail, minutely; -vismaya, a. astonished, surprised: -m, ad. with astonishment or surprise; -vihamga, a. with the birds. TIq'v sav-i-man, n. [/2. su] vivifying power, command, guidance (V.; only Ic.). t sd-virya, a. (V.) equal in might to (in.); mighty; -vriddhika, a. bearing interest; -vrishana, a. having testicles; with the testicles; -vega, a. equal in speed to (-~); violent, powerful (blast): -m, ad. impetuously; -vetala, a. occupied by a Vetala (corpse); -vepathu, a. trembling; -vepitam, ad. with trembling; -vaiklavyam, ad. with dismay, dejectedly; -vaira, a. hostile; -vairagyam, ad. with an expression of disgust or indifference; -vailakshya, a. embarrassed: -m, ad. with embarrassment: -smitam, ad. with a smile of embarrassment. V[y savyd, a. left: -m, in. (V. also a), lc., O-, ad. on the left; m. left hand or arm (V., C.); left foot (S.); n. (sc. yagnopavita) sacred thread worn over the left shoulder: -m kri, put the sacred thread over the left shoulder. [; sa-vyatha, a. pained, afflicted,grieved; -vyapatrapa, a. shy, embarrassed; -vyapeksha, a. requiring, dependent on (-~); -vyabhikara, a. liable to inaccuracy, inexact; m. indefiniteness. VW Tf. savys-sakin, a. skilled with the left hand, ambidexterous; - ivrit, a. turning towards the left. a rcT|t sa-vyfga, a. deceitful, lying: -m, ad. feignedly; -vygpara, a. occupied, busy; -vyahriti: -ka, a. accompanied by the exclamations bhAr bhuvah svar; -vyahriti-pranava-ka, a. accompanied by these exclamations and the sacred syllable om. [iOK savyajtara, a. opposite of left, right. s[W sd-vrata, a. following the same law; -vrida, a. bashful, ashamed. VWIf sa-saika, a. timid, shy; suspicious: -m, ad. with fear, timidly; -satru, a. having enemies; -sabda, a. noisy, resounding, echoing, ringing: -m, ad. noisily, loudly; -sara, a. furnished with an arrow (bow); together with the arrow: -kapa-hasta, a. holding a bow with an arrow in his hand; -salka, a. provided with rind; -salya, a. having an arrow-head in one's body; stung, wounded (fig.); -sastra, a. armed; -silmala, a. together with silk cotton trees; -sirah-kampam, ad. with a shake of the head; -siras, a. together with the head: -ka, a. id.; -sishya, a. together with his pupils; -suk, a. grieved; -sriiigara, a. adorned, garnished; I I -sesha, a. containing a remainder, not entirely emptied; incomplete, unfinished: -tva, n. non-exhaustion: -tvad ayushah, because the sands of life had not yet run out; -soka, a. afflicted, sad. ~V SSASK[contractedfr. sa-s(a)k: I/sak], I. saskati, saskata (3 pi.), R V.: follow after; belong to any one (ac.); be devoted to any one (ac.); please any one (d.): pr. pt. saskat, pursuer, foe. anu, be gracious to any one (ac.). *WTI4q sa-syaparna, a. attended by the Syaparnas (sacrifice, Br.); -sraddha, a. frank; -sri-ka, a. lovely, beautiful; prosperous, affluent: -ta, f., -tva, n. beauty; -sl1igham, ad. with self-importance, pompously; -svasa, a. breathing, living (death). Zt SAS, II. P. sasti, III. P. sasasti, slumber (V.); be idle (RV.). E[ sasd, m. or n. (RV.) herb, grass; corn. *IERRiT sa-samrambha, a. enraged, angry: -m, ad. angrily; hurriedly, very briefly; -samvada, a. agreeing: -m, ad.; -samvid, a. with whom an agreement has been made; -samsaya, a. doubting, doubtful; dubious; -sakhi-ka, a.f. accompanied by her friends; -sakhi-gana, a.f. id.; -samketa, a. arranged with, sharing a secret; -saniga, a. adhering, attached: -tva, n. adhesion, contact; -sakiva, a. attended by his ministers; -sattva, a. courageous; inhabited by animals; together with the creatures in it (water):.,f.pregnant; -sadbhava, a. accompanied with affection; -samtati-ka, a. together with offspring; -samtana, a. id.; -samdeha, a. doubting; -samdhya, a. with the morning twilight: - amsa, a. with the evening twilight; -sabhya, a. together with assessors or judges; -sampad, a. affluent; -sambhrama, a. agitated, flurried, showing great haste or zeal: -m, ad. hastily, hurriedly; -sarpa, a. infested by serpents. l'lR sa-sa-vas, V. pf. pt. v/san. fRTNf i sa-sakshika, a. occurring before witnesses: -m, ad. in the presence of witnesses; -sagara, a. together with the oceans; -sadhana, a. having means;. together with forces; -sadhvasa, a. dismayed, terrified: -m, ad.; -sadhvi-ka, a. together with Arundhati; -sara, a. firm, strong: -ta,f. strength; -sartha, a. with a caravan; -sita.utpalamilin, a. having a wreath of white lotuses; -suta, a. together with sons or children; -sura, a. together with the gods; -suhrid, a. having friends; -saurabha, a. fragrant; -saurashtra, a. together with the Saurashtras; -sthana, a. occupying the same position as (g.); produced in the same part of the mouth as (g., -~); -sthuina-kkhinna, pp. hewn down together with the stump. [fs( sd-sn-i, a. [sa-s(a)n-i: V/san] (V.) procuring, bestowing; gaining, winning. Fft sa-sneha, a. greasy, oily; full of affection towards (g.); loving: -m, ad. lovingly; -sneha-bahumana, a. attended with affection and esteem; -spriha, a. desiring, longing, for (lc.), to (inf.); expressing a desire; envious: -m, ad. longingly; enviously; -smaya, a. arrogant; -smita, a. accompanied with a smile, smiling: ~- or -m, ad. with a smile; -smeram, ad. with a smile. " [ sas-ya, n. crop; corn, grain; fruit, produce (often incorrectly speltsasya): -kshetra, n. corn-field; -pala, m. field-watcher; -malin, a.wreathed with corn or crops (earth); -rakshaka, m. field-watcher; -raksha, f. guarding the fields; -vat, a. bearing a rich crop (field); - akara-vat, a. bearing abundance of corn; -avapa, m. sowing of crops.; sa-sr-a, a. [sa-s(a)r-a: Vsri] flowing (rivers; R V.1). Vf'; sd-sr-i, a. [sa-s(a)r-i: Vsri] speeding (steed; RV.1). WT [ sasvdr, ad. (RV.) secretly; without (ab.). GiWl sa-svara, a. identical in sound with (-~); having the same accent as (in.); accented: -m, ad. loudly; -svaha-kara, a. accompanied with the exclamation svaha; -sveda, a. perspiring. ~ SAH, I. saha (P. gnly. metr. in C.; radical and reduplicative syllable often long in V.), V.: vanquish (foes etc.), gain (battles etc.); be victorious; have power; bear (a yoke); C.: overcome, restrain (emotions); be able to (inf.), be equal to (lc. of vbl. N.); endure, put up with, resist, withstand (an attack, adversity etc.; common mg.); tolerate, suffer, endure patiently, listen quietly to, let pass (ord. mg.); endure (a person); be lenient towards, forgive any one (g.); forbear; spare (any one); allow to pass, approve (anything); wait, - patiently (for some time, kalam), brook (delay, kfla-kshepam): w. na, not endure; grudge: pf. pt. sihvas, sa-sahvas, (RV.) conquering, victorious; pr. pt. sahat, (RV.) powerful (of wealth etc.): pp. sadha (V., rare), sodha; des. sxksha, A. (pt. sikshat) wish to overcome (V.). abhi, V.: overcome, subdue; C.: violate (agirl); overlook, forgive. ud, Br.: bear, endure; C.: be capable, be able to (inf., prati, -artham: e.g. sekartham, to water a tree); w. ac. be able to manage, prosecute (svartham, one's own affair or cause); cs. utsihaya, P. encourage, urge to (lc.); incite, instigate. abhia d, be able to overcome or withstand any one (ac.); be able to (inf.); be strongly attracted to (d). prajd, boldly prepare to (inf.); cs. exhort, urge on, incite: gd. protsahya, having instigated them: pp. protsahita. pra, V.: conquer, be victorious; C.: be a match for (ac.); master, restrain (emotions); be able to (inf.); bear, endure, withstand; gd. prasahya, by force, forcibly; severely, exceedingly, greatly; without more ado; necessarily, absolutely, by all means: wt. na, by no means, not at all. abhi-pra, be able to (inf.). vi(-shahate), V. C.: overcome, have in one's power, be a match for (ac.); C.: be able to (inf.); bear, endure, withstand (ord. mg.); suffer; bear patiently, put up with; (vi)-shahyati, prob. incorr.for vishagyati: pp.visodha, endured. sam, be a match for (ac.); endure, overcome, withstand, resist.;1 sah, a. -~ (strg. base -sah) bearing, enduring, overcoming.;[R i. sa-ha, i. ad. [fr. 2. sa=V. sa-dha-, shortenedfrom *.sa-dhi, in the same manner] - in common, jointly, together, at the same time: w. grah or &-da, take with one; w. da, give to take away with one; - kritvi, taking with one, in the company of (ac.); 2. prp. (V., C.) with, together or along with (in., very rarely ab.); sts. pleonastically along w. sam and sts. w. in. = simple in. with; anuragavat -, in love with; viyogah -, separation from; visvEsah -, confidence in; 3. - w. vbl. N. it expresses community of action etc. (e.g. saha-kara, co-operation) or forming a. cpds. expressing the companion etc. in an action (e.g. saha-karin, co-operating). R[ 2. sah-a, a.V.: mighty; C.: overcoming (-~); bearing, enduring, withstanding, defy 344 "%r"rlrqciAr sa-hamsa-va1a-vyagana. sahodha. ing (g., qnly. - 0; ord. mg.); able to (inf.,-.W.vbl. N.): M^,f. earth.;" M IIf sa-hamsa-vala-vyagana, a. having swans as fly-whisks. ~(Isaha-ka, a. bearing, enduring. *tci saha-kartri, M. co-worker, assistant -kira, m. co-operation, assistance; an extremely fragrant kind of mango-tree; n. mango-blossom; mango-juice:..ti, f. state of a mango-tree, -man-gariL, f. X.; -kir-in, a. concurrent; m. concurrent agent~expedient, assistant: (-i)-t'&,f~concurrence,co-operation; -krita, pp. accompanied by ( —P); -kritvau, a. (r-'I) co-operating, assisting (g.); -khatva Asan&, n. sitting on the same bed with any one; -gamana, n. accompanying a deceased husband, self-immolation of a widow on the fusneral pyre; -kara, a. accompanying; belonging together (hymns; Br.); similar; m. companion, associate, mate: 3i, f, female companion, partner, wife; -karana, n. connexion; -karita, pp. going together, congruent, homogeneous; -kiri, m. going together (V.); congruence (C.); -kiri-tva, n. concomitance, inseparability; -kairin, a. going or living together; concomitant; essentially belonging to ( —0); m. associate, companion: n-i, f. female companion; -gih, a. V., C.: born together, produced at the same, time, as (g.); C.: congenital, innate, hereditary, natural; '-, by birth or nature, naturally: w. desa, m. birthplace, home; m. N.: &,f. N.; -gany'lf. N. of an.Apsaras; -ga-piia, m. N.; -gita, pp. innate; born at the same tine; m. equal in age;..ta, f. -9 (fr. 2. saha), endurance of; capability of; -tva, n. i. community; 2. (0-) bearing; admissibility; -danda, a. together with the army; (i)-deva, a. together with the gods (C.); m. N. (V., C.), esp. of the youngest Pdndava; -devi, mw. incorr. for shha-devi; -dharmakara, a. (i) performing duties in common: i, f. wife sharing the duties of her husband,..karana, n. participation in a husband's duties, -kiriu, a. sharing duties, with (g.): n4i, f. wife sharing duties with her husband;..dhM&nya, a. furnishedwith provisions. sa'ha-dhyai, d. inf. Vsah.~ ing with sand together (in childhood), -krildita, pp. having been a (sand) play-nate; -pinda-kri, fa common. offering of the funeral cake; -praya'yin, m. fellow-traveller; -prasthiyiu, a. travelling with one; m. travelling companion; -bhasman, a. together with the ashes (Br., S.); -bhiva, m. community; inseparable connexion; -bha~vauika, a. together with BhAvanikah; -bhivin, a. connected, with (-.0); -bhii, a. born with one, innate, natural; N. counterpart of (g.); -bhogania, n. eating in company, with (-.0); joint enjoyment of (g.); -inanas, a. sensible; -m ads, m. joint fight; -yagnla, a. together wth the sacrifice; -yiyin, a. accompanying; 'in. fellow-traveller; -yaugamdhariyana, a. with Yaugamdhar&yana. VrI4 sa-harsha, a. rej oicin g, glad: -in, ad. joyfully: -mrigayu-grima-ninada-maya, a. filled with the shouts of the rejoicing throng of hunters; -sdhvasam, ad. with joy and yet alarm; - kfitam, ad. joyfully and emphatically. M ~I WWI~ saba-loka-dh~tu, m. f. world inhabited by men, earth; -vats&, a. with the calf; -vasati, f. common or joint dwellingplace; _Varshneya-sirathi, a. together with V~rshneya the charioteer; -visa, m. dwelling together,cornmunityofabode; _Vasin,a.dwell ing together; m. fellow-denizen, neighbour; -v~hana, a. together with their vehicles; (*-Vi~ra, a. together with men (V.); -vriddhikshaya-bh~lva, a. sharing the increase and wane (of the moon); -sdyya, n. lying together (By.'). sah-as, a. (BV.) mighty, victorious; m. (V., C.) a winter month, ( =o Mhrgaslrsha); n. might, force, victory (V., rare in P.): in. _a, ad. (forcibly), suddenly, unexpectedly, all at once, on the spot (V., C.); precipitately, inconsiderately (C.); in. pl. (sa'ho)-bhih, mightily (B V.). [WIsa-hasa, a. laughing. Vjg~i q IR saha-samva'sa, m. dwelling together; -sambhava, a. produced at the same time: wo. ganmani, innate.;U!MFq sah-as-ftan, pt. mighty (BY.). ~T'.sahas-ft-van, a. mighty, victorious (B V.). V1IR sdhas-krita, pp. (V.) produced by strength (Agni); invigorated (Indra), increased. V~g sa-hasta, a. possessed of hands: tam, ad. with clapping of hands. VI saha-stha, a. present; m. companion; -sthita, pp. id.; -sthiti, f. abiding together in ( —0). V'I sahas-ya-, a. mighty, strong (V.); m. N. of the second winter month. (= Pausha). V~g sa-hasra, m. (rare), n. thousand (also used to express a large number or great wealth); sp. a thousand cows, - Panas: constrused with an app. (sg. or p1.),.g., sg. or pl., 0(rarely'-); in an a. cpd. it is always 0 -ka, I. n. thousand: --- a. (ika) having or amounting to a thousand; 2,. thousand-.headed; -kara, m. (thousand-rayed), sun: -pan-netra, a. having a thousand hands, feet, and eyes; -kala', f. N.; -kirana, in. (thousand-rayed), sun; -kritvas, ad. a thousand times; (sahisra)-ketu, a. having a thousand forms (BV.'); -gu, a. possessing a thousand cows; thousand-rayed; m. sun; -guna, a. thousandfold: -ti', f. abst. N.; -gunita, p~p. multiplied a thousand times; -kakshu, a. thousand-eyed (A V.); -git, a. conquering or winning a thousand (RV.); (-hi'sra) -nitha, a. having a thousand expedients or, shifts (V.); in. N. (C.); -taina, spy (I) h u sandth; -taya, n. a thousand; -da, a. giving a thousand (cows); (sahisra)-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a thousand (icine; V.); -didhiti, m. sun; (i-vr, a. thousand-doored (BRV,'); -dha&, ad. a thousandfold; in a thousand ways or parts;..dhii, a. thousand-witted; in. N. of a fish; -nayana, a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -netra,, a., in. id.; -pati, m. chief of a thousand (villages); -pattra, n. (having a thousand petals), lotus; -putrana, a. thousandth; receiving a thousand; -posh&', in. thousandfold welfare (V.); -a. thriving athousandfold (S.); -buddhi,.a. thousand- witted; m. N. ofafish,; -bbakta, n. a certain festival at which thousands are fed; -bhinuu, a. thousand-rayed; -bhrishti, a. thousand-pointed (V.); -inaiigala, N. of a locality; -inukha, a. having a thousand exits; -rasini, a. thousand-rayed; in. sun; -linigi, f. a thousand Lifigas; -iokana, a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; -vartinan, a. thousand-pathed; -vaika, a. containing a thousand verses or words; -sat&-dakshina, a. attended with a fee of a hundred thousand (cows); -sis, ad. by thousands (referring to anra., ac.,in.); -sirsha, a. thousand-headed: i,f. a certain verse (according to, comnm. the hymn BV. X, 90); (haisra)-sriiiga, a. thousand-horned (B V.); -sani, a., gaining a thousand (V.); -sa', a. id.; -savi, m. thousandfold Soma-pressing. VIt~ sahasraamsu, a. thousand-rayed; in. sun: -saina, a. sun-like; - kshi, a. thousand-eyed; m. ep. of Indra; - t an, a. having a thousand natures; -a9dhipati, in. leader of a thousand men; chief of a thousand villages; - nika, m.N~ofaprince; (sahisri)inagha, a_.havin.(g a thousand gifts; - i^yu, a. living a thousand years (Br.); - iyu~dha, a. having a thousand weapons; m. N.; (sahisra)- 9yus, a. living a thousand years (V.); in. N.; (sahisra)- rgha (or ii), a. having a thousandfold value (V.); - arhis, a. thousandrayed; in. sun.;flffi sahasr -in, a. thousandfold (V.); winning a thousand (V.); having a thousand (also 0-; C.); paying a thousand Panas (as a fine, C.).Wql~csdshas-vat, a. mighty, victorious (V.; rarely P.); containing the word sahas (Br.): - f.a plant (?; V.). VIJfsahK dhaydhiyin, a. studying together; in. fellow-student. sahf~ ya, in. [going with one: V/i] companion, associate, assistant (in, lc., 0 on the way to, )Y a. having as a companion, accompanied or supported by (-0): -kritya, n. assistance. [fire-place. "rTWWW saha yatan a, a. together with th e V I sahaiya-tft, f. companionship, assistance, help; -tva, n. id.; -vat, a. having a companion, in (in.); -P, accompanied or provided with, favoured by. sa-harda, a. heartfelt (speech). ~UT~saha rdha, a. together with a half; -alipa, in. conversation, with (.) Vr~isahg-van, a. mighty (BY.). ~rT[sa-hftsa, a. attended with laughter, laughing: -in, ad. with a laugh, laughingly; -hisa-rabhasa, ad. (0-.) vehemently with a laugh; -hisa-h&-kirain, ad. uttering a ' hi' with a laugh. VV 'f saha atsana, n. sitting together. Vfgf sa-hita, pp. [placed together= samhita] standing near; joined, united (du. both together; pl. combined, all together); accompanied by, associated or provided with, together with (in., -P-): -sthita, pp. standing, together. [gether with snow. Rfi sa-hima, a. provided with snow, toVifI sah-ishtha, spv. most nmighty; -ishnu, a. bearing, enduring, putting up with (ac., g., — ); forbearing;resigned, patient: -ta',f., -tva, n.endurance of ( —0); resignation, patience. ~~~sdh-iyas, cpv. more or ver mi hy;Rt sah~ila, in. N. W~(sdh-uri, a. m ighty, victorious (BYV.). Vif~f sdi-hftti, f. joint invocation (BY.); (s&)-hridaya, a. V., C.: together with the heart; V.: hearty; C.: warm-hearted, feeling; having a sense of the beautiful; -hetuka, a. together with the reason; having a reason, justifiable; -heina-ka, a. together with the gold pieces; -hela, a. unconcerned: ' or -mn, ad. without more ado; in. N.: -ka, in. id. [alone with any one. AqPWT'ff sahaeka-sthAna, n. standing;fit saha fidha, a. having the stolen pro tpr sah-ya.. I srT' satmarpana. 345 perty with him = in his possession (thief); (son) brought with the wife (i. e. begotten by another father but born after the marriage); _utthayin, a. rising together, conspiring with, m. confederate of (g., -~); -udara, a. (a, i) bon of the same womb, uterine; m. uterine brother, f. uterine sister; fig. = the image of (g., -~); - upapati-vesman, a. living with his wife's paramour.;O[ sah-ya, fp. to be borne, endurable, resistible; m. N. of a mtn. and of the neighbouring region; n. help, assistance (E.): -ta, f. endurableness. [Tl TI^ sa-hladam, ad. joyfully. TT I. SA^, v. V SAN. ET 2. SA, IV. P. -syati; Cs. -sayaya, P. ava, V.: unyoke (horses etc.), release; halt, alight; go home; tarry, abide; cease, desist; C.: conclude, finish; come to an end, fail: pp. avasita, V.: having unyoked; halting, settled, abiding, remaining in the same place; an end being made (Ic. abs., Br.); C.: ended, concluded; ending in (a letter, -); having ceased or desisted from (ab., -~O); fixed, determined; resolved on (lc.); es. V.: cause to stop or remain in aplace; show oneself clearly. adhiava, stop (S.); decide upon, choose (V.); C.: resolve on action, make up one's mind to, attempt, undertake (ac., lc., inf.; ord. mg.); assume, consider probable, regard as certain; wrongly assume (rare); reflect (rare): vaktumn sukaram adhyavasatum dushkaram, to talk is easy, to act difficult, sooner said than done: pp. -sita, concluded, finished; resolved upon, undertaken; resolute; ascertained; cs. pp. adhyavasayita, firmly resolved upon. udava (V.), depart (from the place of sacrifice); make an end; betake oneself elsewhere (Ic.). abhiud-ava, conclude with (ac.; Br.). upa., pp. having settled near (ac.). pari ava, be the final result; end or result in (Ic., prati): pp. having changed one's abode to, gone to (ac.); completely ended, concluded, come to an end; final, definitive; perfectly familiar with (Ic.): etavati -, amounting to just this. viava, be determined or resolved, make up one's mind, decide, purp6se, undertake (ac., d., Ic., inf., -artham; ord. mg.); form or have a decided opinion, be persuaded or convinced (common mg.); form or have a correct notion of or about (ac.); regard as (2 ac.); reflect, ponder; ps. -siyate, be resolved, etc., imps.; pp. vyavasita, ended (day); determined upon, undertaken (sts. imps. w. d. or inf.); firmly resolved or determined (on, to, d., lc., inf.); ascertained; convinced; cs. embolden, induce to (inf.). sam-ava, decide, decree (ac.); reach (ac.). pra, pp. devoted to, intent on (lc.). vi, (V.) unloose, release, set free, discharge, cause to flow; unbridle; open; mollify: pp. vishita, opened etc. TT s, prn. f. of sa. i FTfRi sam-yatr-ika, m. [samyftra] seafarer, trader by sea; -yuga, a. (i) suitable for battle (samyuga): w. ku, f. battle-field: i-na, a. warlike; -ravin-a, n. [samravin] general shout, uproar; -vatsara, a. (i) yearly, annual [samvatsara]; m. one versed in the calendar, astrologer: i-ka, a. annual, yearly; lasting a year or the whole year; m. astrologer; -vitti-ka, a. [samvitti] based on a mere feeling, subjective; -vyavahar-ika, a. (1) current in ordinary life (samvyavahara); generally intelligible; -say-ika, a. (i) subject to doubt (samsaya), uncertain; hazardous (undertaking); -sarg-ika, a. (i) produced by contact or intercourse (samsarga); -sar ika, a. connected with or dependent on the cycle of mundane existence (samsLra); -siddhi-ka, a. (i) original, inherent, natural [samiddhi]; -hita, a. (i) peculiar to the Samhita: i-ka, a. id. iTTRsak-a-m, ad. [prob.fr. n. of *saanik, going together: cp. parak-a] together, at the same time; together with (in.). M[iItS sakam-asva, m. N.; n. N. of a Sdman (Br.). RTTRi sakal-ya, n. [sakala] entirety, completeness, totality: in. completely, entirely. ITwIT sakAfinksha, a. feeling a desire; requiring a complement, correlative: -m, ad. with longing, wishfully; -.kara, a. having a shape, embodied; having a fair form, beautiful: -ta, f. embodiment; - akasa, a. with the hitherward light; - vkula, a. bewildered; - akfta, a. significant; attentive, accurate: -m, ad. significantly; expressively. lc saketa, n. N. of the city of Ayodhya (Oudh). 1IT[Tt sa akshata, a. containing unhusked grain; - akshara, a. containing letters; eloquent: -ta, f. eloquence. VT TTsaakshat, ab. [aksha, eye] ad. with one's own eyes (C.); (before one's eyes), evidently, actually, clearly (V., C.); in person, in bodily form (C.); directly (C.): with kri, see with one's oun eyes, realise; -bht, appear in person; -kara, m. perception, realisation. Tft si sakshi-ka, a. -~ for sakshin; -ta, f. being a witness, testimony, evidence: -m ya, become a witness of (g.); -tva, n. id. ITfdit' saaksh-in, m., n-i, f. eye-witness, observer, witness (in court), of (g., cl., -~); m. subject (in phil.; opp. object). firrf jT sfkshi-bh ata,pp. being a witness; -mat, a. having a witness, witnessed; -vat, ad. like a witness; i-kri, call upon as a witness. Mlt[ sa kshepa, a. containing an objection; reviling, mocking: -m, ad. mockingly, contemptuously. WT s saksh-ya, a. visible to (-~; rare); n. evidence,testimony: -m kri, give evidence for (g.). PITN sfkhya, n. [sakhi] combination of friends, party (V.). T1'rl sagara, m. [sagara; according to the legend the basin dug out by the sons of Sagara and filled by Bhagiratha with the waters of the Ganges], ocean, sea (often used fig. - to express vastness, inexhaustibility, profundity, danger): pl. sons of Sagara; sg. N. of various men: -gamin, a. flowing to the sea; -m-gama, a. id.; -datta, m. N.; -dhlraketas, a. having a mind steadfast as the sea; -pura, n. N. of a town; -vira, m. N.; -saya, a. resting on the ocean; m. ep. of Vishnu; -sukti, f. sea-shell; -anta, m. sea-coast; a. ending at the ocean, sea-girt (earth); -ambara, a. sea-clad (earth): a,f. earth; - varta, m. bay of the sea. VTurfKiWT sagar-ika, f. N.: -maya, a. consisting of nothing but Sagarikas (Pr.). t7TW safgas, a. guilty of a fault (lover); -agni, a. maintaining a fire: -ka, a. together with Agni, -purogama, a. preceded by Agni; -agra, a. entire; -agraha, a. insisting on anything, persistent. ViZii sam-kar-ya, n. [samkara] mixture; confusion; -kalp-ika, a. (i) based on or produced by will or imagination (samkalpa); -kritya, m. pat. from Sankriti: -ayana, m.pat. from Shmkritya: i,f. N. of a mendicant nun; -krandan-i, m. son of Indra (samkrandana),pat. of the monkey Valin; -kramika, a. [samkrama] passing over to others (qualities); -kshep-ika, a. [samkshepa] briefly expressed, concise. WTI samkhya, a. [samkhya] relating to grammatical number; m. calculator, deliberator; adherent of the Sgmkhya doctrine; n. the philosophical system, attributed to Kapila, which enumerates the twenty-five Tattvas or principles (an evolutionist doctrine): -purusba, m. the universal soul in the Samkhya system; -yoga, n. the Samkhya and the Yoga systems; m. the theistical SamkhyaYoga: -vadin, m. adherent of the theistical S&mkhya-Yoga. Ti Wlq satkhyayana, i. [pat. fr. Samkhya] N. of a teacher: pl. his school. [HTT sa'anga (or a), a. V.: with its members; V., C.: with all the (Vedic) supplements; C.: possessed of a body; entire; finished, concluded: -glani, ad. with exhausted limbs. WlTfWtri sam-gati-ka, m. [samgati] old acquaintance; -gat-ya, n. intercourse, with (saha). BTg saangushtha, a. together with the thumb; - aiga upaniga, a. together with the Angas and Upangas (Vedas). TiMTfiti samgram-ika, a. (i) relating to war or battle (samgrama): w. ratha, m. warchariot; w. mrityu, m. death in battle; w. vitta, n. spoils of war; ivartta bhavishya, future warlike rumour = rumour that a war is imminent. t safk, -~ = f sak. WTqT7 sa kara, a. well-conducted. W'Tf ri. saki, ad. obliquely, sideways, from the side. INf 2. saki, a. [v/sak] accompanying (Br.). 'Mf-fWl sakiv-ya, n. [sakiva] companionship, assistance, help; office of a minister: - akshepa, m.expression ofdissatisfactionwith anything though seeming to favour it (rh.). TT#ti saki-kri, turn aside, avert: pp. averted. BT SnJ saki-guna, N. of a locality.:'iTT' sagatya, n. [sagati] community of race with (g.; V.); homogeneousness (C.). wt' s'I sa topa, a.rumbling (clouds); proud, haughty: -m, ad. haughtily. V1NT sadha, pp. V/sah. By sadhri, m. [Vsah] vanquisher (RV.1). TTW sa-td, pp. asan; m. N. of a Yaksha. T^'T satat-ya, n. [satata] uninterruptedness, continuity, permanence: in. continually. TWl sfata-vaha, m. N. of a prince: -na, m. id.; -han, a. destroying gain (A -.). WTft sa-ti,f. (RV.) acquisition, gain, property; winning of spoil. WfTfZi sa atireka, a. excessive; - atisaya, a. superior, particularly good, pre-eminent. rf1ti sfttv-ika, a. (i) spirited, vigorous (person); relating to, dominated by etc. the quality of Sattva; indicating an inward feeling or sentiment (rh., dr.). TiTiTf sa tma arpana, a. attended with self-sacrifice; -Atmya, a. suiting one's perYy 346 " I rf I 4 satvak-i. mmri santva.. I I son, wholesome; a. wholesomeness; habituation. [Yuyudhfina. RiTMIfM sfttyak-i, m. pat. (fr. satyaka) of *1T MV!WT sfttyahavyd, m. [satyahavya] N. of a asishtha (V.). [Satflnlka. IT'TfIATT shtrfigita', m. pat. [satrftgit] of ~T~ sfttvat, m. pl. (only in g.) N. of a people. 4, 1tq i sfttvat-a, a. peculiar to the Satvats orS'tvatas; relating to Sa'tvata (Krishna); w. vriltti, f. a particuelar dramatic style; m. N. of a tribe to which Krishna belonged (~=Yahdava; pl.); a mixed caste, descendants of an outcast Vaisya: 'I, f. princess of the Satvats. AT~ fd-a', m. [-,/sad] sitting on a horse, riding (Rv.1); C.: sinking in (of wheels); weariness., exhaustion; cessation; destruction, loss; despair: -da, a.'( —O) destroying. AT~Isd-ana, a. wearying, exhausting; n. V.: setting down (of vessels etc.); C.: seat, place, dwelling (=sadana). VV~ sa Adara, a. considerate, respectful, reverential, attentive; intent on ( —a): ad. respectfullybtet. ~If~ shd-fn, a. riding, m. rider, on ~TIJfIT sftdris-i,f. similarity, resemblance, to ( —P); -ya, n. id.; likeness, image. TWTsa~dgun-ya, a. [sdd-guna] excellence. sa dbhuta, a. astonished. ~ITq~Tcf sftdyas-ka, a. [sadyas] taking place immediately. ITTSAkDH, I. sadha, RV.: reach one's N goal, accomplish oie's aim; guide aright, accomplish, fulfil; obey; cs. sfidhiiya, P. (A. metr.), V.: make straight, level, prepare (a path); direct to its goal, guide aright (mind etc.); C.: subdue, overpower, win over (common mg.); gain power over, conjure up (spirits); enforce payment from (a debtor, a);recover (a debt), collect (taxes); accomplish, bring about, produce, effect, perform, prepare (ord. mg.); repeat (a prayer= pray); procure, bestow, fulfil '(wish etc.); secure, gain, obtain; find out; prove; make, render (2 ac.); go, depart: pp sdhitz. up&, cs. subdue; prepare. pari, cs. subdue; recover (property). pra, cs. V., C.: reduce to obedience or subjection, subdue; accomplish, perform; C.: reduce to order; gain, acquire. sam, cs. overpower; accomplish, perform; procure, fulfil; secure, acquire, obtain; recover (property), enforce (payment). RITM sa'dh- aka, a.- (ikfi) accomplishing, bringing about, effecting, productive of (g.,..O); effective, efficient; adapted to the purpose, useful; magical; proving; m. assist. ant; 'worshipper; magician: -tva, n. magic; -varti,f. magical wick. WPIIq shdh-ana, a. (A, 1) B V.: directing to the goal, guiding; C.: procuring, securing (0;conjuring up (a spirit, — P); expressive of, designating ( wO). subduing, vanquish' ing; gaining power over by sspells, summoning (spirits, deities); carrying out, effecting, accomplishment, performance, fulfilment (common mg.); preparation (of food); procurement; acquirement, attainment (of, g., — Q); recovery (of a debt); demonstration; expedient, means, instrument, requisite, for (g., — P; ord. mg.); army, forces (sy., p1.); fight; proof; result; nominal notion (app acin) p. as subject or instrumental (yr.); affix between root and personal termination ( == vikarana, gr.): -kshama, a. capable of proof; -ta', f. state of being the means for (....); -tva, n. id. (g., prati, -O); effectiveness; state of being the proof; -vat, a. supplied with proofs; - dhyaksha, m. commander-in-chief of the f-orces. VFP Tshdh-anft, f. magic; -auilya,fp. to be accomplished; to be acquired; - proved; -ayiutavap. to be accomplished or brought [Tli sfidharm-ya, a. [sadharma] identity of nature, assimilation to, homogeneousness, with (g., VT'.TM sa hdhflra, a. having a support. *tT R,Q sa ftdha.rana, a. (aA,'I) [having the same basis: =- adha'ra] V., C.:- jointly belonging to, common, to (in., d., g., -.O); C.: common to all; like, equal, similar (to, in., — 9); behaving alike; intermediate, moderate, temperate (season):..t&, f. community: -M U2, make common property; -t-va, n. universality. VTTR%41,1I W sftdhftranil-kri, make common property of, share with (saha);- make equal to (-9); -bhft, become identical. RMTWI!W sftdhfiran-ya, a. community, universality; similarity, analogy. TffTsa'dh-ita, pp. achieved ete. WTfI43" sa dhi-daivata, a. provided with a tutelary deity (v. r.); -bhfitadhidaiva, a. together with the Adhibhftta and the Adhidaiva; -yagfia, a. together with the highest sacrifice. *iifi9 s~dh-ishtha, spy. (of sftdh —u) most* efficient or excellent (V.); -i"Yas, cpv. (of sadh-u) more correct; pleasanter; extremely firm: a. ad. more eagerly (Br.); in a greater degree, excessively. aPJsdh-ii, a. (v-') [leading to thegol aVfdh] V.: straight, right (path), unerring (arrow); prepared, ready (Soma etc.); kind, well-disposed, obedient (also B.); V., C.: effective, efficient; Br. (rare), C.: excellent, fair, good, towards (g., lc., -.O); C.: noble, virtuous, good (of men; ord. my.); correct; m. C.: good, virtuous, worthy or honourable man (ord. my.; very rare in Br.); saint, seer; jeweller; a. C. (also Br.): good, right, or honest thing or act; kindness, benevolence: u, ac. (or rarely a. m. -in) consider a thing good, approve: u, ad. straight, aright, regularly (V.); well, rightly, skilfully, properly, agreeably (V., C.); well done! (as an excl., mostly C.,Y sts. rep.); C.: well = very, greatly; well = enough, of (in,); well, come on (with impv. or i prs. pr.); assuredly: -vrit, behave well towards (lc.); - kri, do well or aright. 11c fdh-frn a. acting well or rightly; -kritya, a. requital; advantage; -gana, m. good or honourable man; -ti, f. rightness, correctness (of gr. form),; goodness, honourableness; -tva, n.id.; excellence; kindness; -darsin, a. well-discerning; -dviti-L ya, a. accompanied by aj eweller; -dhvani, m. applause; —bh~va, in. good nature; -m&tra', f. correct measure: in. in moderation. VT~TR sfdhii-yd, ad. (V.) straight; well, duly, aright. ~IhW~saidhu-vftda, m. cry of 'well done,' applause: -m da^, applaud; -vidin, a. just in speech; appl auding; -vritta, pp. wellrounded; well-conducted, virtuous ( —if good conduct); -vritti, a. id.; -Sila, a. having a good character: -tva&, n. goodness of character, virtuous disposition; — sammi*&ra, a. well-conducted, upright. V[T sftdh-yd, f. to be subdued, won, -or managed, con~querable, amenable; to be set to rights; - treated (medically)', - cured, curable (disease); to be perfected (capacity); - accomplished, effected, brought about, or attained (ord. mng.); being effected, taking place; to be inferred or concluded; - proved or demonstrated; m. p1. a class of deities (to be propitiated): -tva., a. curableness; perfectibility; practicableness; -vat, a. com-' prehending what is to be proved; -saina, m. (identical with what is to be proved), petitio principii; -s~dhana, a. accomplishment of what is to be done; -siddhi, f. success of an undertaking. I MV4~ satdhvasa, a. Efr. *sa - dhvasa: s.Vdhvas] consternation., terror, alarmn, fear, of (g.,.) T'Wjsftdhu asfdhii, a. good or bad; m. pl. the good and the bad; a. dus. good and evil; ~kira mn. virtuous conduct; a. wellcon ducted, upright. RITM4 sqidhv-i', f. (of sa'dhu) virtuous 'or chaste woman (also -striL); female saint. saW stnanda, a. joyful, glad, delighted, with (J.):.0~ or -in, ad. joyfully. "MT"f~ San-_aSi, (RV.) a. [Vsan] winning or laden with spoils, victorious (steed, car); bringing blessings. 43IqI9 sftnftth-ya, n.[ sa-nhtha] assistance, aid, help. San-u, M. a. [perh. goal: Vsan] summit, ridge, back, surface (V.); mountain ridge, table-land, plateau (C.). W~isfinu-ka', a. eager for prey (BYl.'). _*T!3iq+ sa anukampa, a. compassionate, towards (lc.).: -in, ad. compassionately; - anukfila, a. propitious, favourable; ~UkI1 -ya, n. assistance; - auukrosa, a. tender, compassionate, merciful: -in, ad. compassionately, -ta f. compassion; - an ',a. together with 'his retinue; - anutarshain, ad. by means of thirst; - nu'tipa, a. repenting; - anunaya, a. courteous, friendly: -in, ad. 'kindy; - aun' sika, a. nasalised; -anubandha, a. continuous, uninterrupted; entailing consequences; with one's belongings: -ka, a. provided with an indicatory letter or syllable. TI[(sanu-mat, a. having a ridge or plateau (mountain); m. mountain: 4i, f. N. of an Apsaras; - nuraga, a. attached, affectionate; enamoured., of (l.;.nusay'a, a. repenting; irritable; having a remnant of the consequences of action which brings the soselfrom the other world to the earth,; -_ annkfi,sa, a-. together with the after-shine; Z_9anupa, a. having well-watered soil; - antakra, a. together- with Yama. RMtCMsa'mtapaned, a. Esamtapana] warming, ep. qf the Maruts (V.); in. a. (~ krikkhra) a hind of penance (C.). V[T'K sa ntara, a. having an interval or interstices; different; - antarlya, a. separated by an interval of time from (ab.); - anutari1a, a. together with the intermediate castes; - antarclipa, a. having a lamp inside; -antar-niidigha-yvarain, ad. having burning fever within; - antar-haisa, a. laughing inwardly: -mn, ad.-with an inward laugh. *1I elTfI I M sftmthn-ika, a. (i') desiring offspring; derived from the Samta'na tree. 'fr! sa~ntva, a. sy. pl. kind or conciliatory language or words: -tas, ad. with kind words. ~tT In skitvana. I T s smparaya. 347 I qjp Isftntvana, n. -(sts. p1.), MA, f. soothin~g with kind words, conciliation, of (g. _P). WPj~q; sftntva-7ya, den..A. soothe with kindwords, coax, conciliate, -speak kindly to (a. p. its. -abhi, P. id. 'par, P. id. TnfI sftntvay-itri, m. one who speaks or acts kindly. sTfsfitva.~vfida m. sg.pl. kind words. ~ftIf salmdfpan-i,. m. [samdipana],N. of Krishna's and Balardma's teacher (whose son wgas restored to life by Krishna). VPIEI sandra, a. viscous; thick, close, dense: (ord-mg.); strong, vehement, intense; thickly studded with, full of (in., -9); soft, tender: -a, f.densen'ess; vehemenice; -tvak-ka, a. provided with a thick covering. MITI WV sfindr%-kri, make 'thick or dense; increase, strengthen. ~ti fT4RR suandhakfira, a. dark. I NIq3 osmh-irhia m. minister of peace and war. V[f sfimdhya, a. T. produced by coalescence ("yllable; samdhi); 2. relating to twilight or evening (samdhyi). ITf-T sftm-nahan-ika, a. (fr. samnahana) relating to preparation for battle, calling to arms;-..nAy-y, n. [*sam..naya, mingling] oblation offiresh, and sour milk mixed; -nlh-ika, a. [sam-ngha] relating to preparation for battle, calling to arms; capable of ' bearing arms; -uka, a. id. (Br.); -uidh-ya, n. [sam-nidhi] nearness, 'vicinity, presence, close attendance: -m kri, be present, show 'oneself to (g.), — pakshe gan, -appear in the place of (g.); -nipit-ika, a. [sam-ni-pita] coalescing; produced by disorderof the bodily humours. I sa anvaya, a. together 'With his descendants or family; belonging to the same family.related; significant; -apgma attended with departures. V Tq sftpatnd, a. V.: derived -from a rival (Sapatna); C.: based on. rivairy or hereditar enmity; born of a rival wife. 1(4.11.T sfipatn-eya, a. (3i) born of a rival wife; -ya,, a. based on rivalry, hereditary (enmity); born of a rival wife; a. relationship of step-children;, rivalry among wives of the same husband: -ka, a. rivalry. W1 IW4 sa -patya, a. having children; aa trapa, a. ashamed, embarrassed; - pad, a. being in distress or difficulties; -ampadesam, ad. under' some pretext; - apama~na, a. at*tended with contempt; -aparaAdha, a. guilty,. criminal; erroneous; - aparanta, a. together with the country of Aparfinta; 7_9pavida.. 'ka, a. liable to exception; -apahnava, a. dissembling; concealed, veiled; - 4piya, a. struggling with adversity; attendAed with *danger, dangerous. I Cf11M sApind-ya, n. relationship of a Sapinda. 1I4' sa apeksha, a. paying regard to (le., prati); requiring, dependent on (-.o): -tva, a. dependence: expi gamakatvit Sam. sah, the compound holds, even though part of it is in construction with a word outside of it, because it readily makes its meaning understood (referring'.to the theory of the, Hindu grammarians that the words in a compound. should be so connzected'in constru'ction as to form- a whole of their ow'n and I I shtould 'therefore not govern-anything oatside the compound, -as in actual literature' they often do). pl. N.:of a sect; -pada, a. concluded by taking seven steps together, = ~sincere, true (friendship); -padina, a. id.;- n. friendship; -purusha, a. extending to seven generations; -paurusha, a. (i) id.; -rktr-ika, a.- (i) lasting seven (nights=) days. I Ito"siphal-ya, n.[sa-phala] fruitfulness; profitableness, advantage. W1 1T 1V saqbftdha, a. suffering, ailing. *1IPHT1I sfibhftv-ya, a. [sa-bhfiva] identity of nature.;UTfiMT9sa bhi-kfima, a. loving; -gfilma, or -in, ad. together with tokens of recognition; -snirvesa, a. attended with a great predilection for sthg.; -priya, a. having a distinct aimn, 'knowing one's mind; spoken with a purpose (words); -ni~na, a. full of self-satisfaction, proud, of (Ic.); self-inter'-. ested (action): -n ad. proudly; -]Ash&', a. full of longring, for (esp.t e o p st el. pra'ti, ~) -sara, a. together' with companions. TPiIsa abhyarthana, a. attended with entreaties; - abhyasfiya, a. envious, jealous, of (IC.): -in,-ad. -1y; -abby'sa, a. reduplicated; - abhra, a. clouided, overcast.' *I I T dfsfma-gd, a. chanting S~mans; m. chanter of, Simans'; -fge, 'a., m. id. (BYV.); -glya, m. Siman chant (C.). I T1;! sfmagr-i, f. [sam-agra] entireaess, totality; completeness of materials, apparatus, means,for (g., — P): ki, te saimagri,what means have you at your disposal? -ya, a. id. *1IT+1 sfimAa-ga, a. occurring in the Sftmaveda; m. elephant; -glta, (pp.) m. id. *1I+1 satmafigas-ya, a. [samafigasa] correctness.;RI sfima -tvad, n. name of Sftman; -dhvani, m. sound of the Siman. VTW s9-man, n. VF. [s obtain], acquisitionl, possession; wealth, abundance; [conciliation] V., C.: chant, chanted Yedic verse; C.: song, hum (of bees; rare): pl. V. Sah-.ma-veda; m. (only TBr.), a. V., C.: kind or conciliatory words, gentleness; conciliation, negotiation: '~ o in. by friendly means, in a friendly way (C.). VTIM siman-6, a. (BE.) affluent; quiet. *1I 1to sfimanta, a. (very rare) being on all sides (samanta); m. neighbour; vassal, feudatory (ord. mg.); n. neighbourhood., A(I1hT fma-pragfiha, m. kind of verses to be recited by the three Hotralkas; -bhrit, a. bringing chants (RV.'); -iniya, a. consisting of Saimans.;R4 sa fmaya, a.- attended with sickness. VTT1 I Tf19 I sfimayfikftr-ika, a. relating to the conventional duties of daily life (samaayahkra). -iIIfIisfmay-ika, a. [s amaya] based on agreement, conventional; keeping an engagement; like-minded; timely (in a-). iwiIfit sfima-yoni, a. Produced from the Siamans; m. elephant. iiITR, stma~rth-ya, n. [samartha] suitableness, adequacy;, juistification- for (lo.,.-') connexion in sense; power, streng-th, efficacy, -capacity, ability (for, to, d., lc., inf., -, force, mea~ning, or function (of a word): - *kri, do one's utmost; ab, by, virtue of, in con*sequence of, in accordance with (also -yogttt),; 'according to the state of the case, as a matter of 'course (also -tas); -yogit, ab. according to circumstances; -vat, a. capable; -hinia, pp.deprived of strength. I1W asmarsha, a. indignant, wrathftsl, enraged, at (prati): -iad. wrathfully: -i f.rage. ~TIWsam-da m. p1. kind words. VIT~qf~q sftmavfly-ika, a. [samavfiya] concomitant, inherent; m. minister; member of anassemblyspectator (v.r. simagika) ~I "Ifq sftra-vid, a. knowing the Sfimaveda; -vedk, Mn. Veda of chants; -sabda, sa. sound of a chanted Sia;-adhya, fp.t be effeted bykind words; -siddha, p. effected by kind words. TI"TfI I samftg-ika, mn. [samftga] member of an assembly, spectator. #1 I T4 sa amfitya, q. together with the fellow'-inmates (S.): -prainukha, a. together with the chief ministers. I" sfimna adhikaran-ya, n [samana.] grammatical agreement,, identity of case-relation., co-ordination; relation to the same subject.;RTWfTsfitnfn-ya, a. [samftna] equal, alike; joint, common, to (in. ~ saha, — 9); universal, general; -ordinary, commonplace; a. equality, identity; equilibrium, normal condition (rare); universality, general or funda'mental notion: -in, adl. after the manner of, like; jointly, in common; in., ab., 0~, in general (o~pp. visesha-tas, in particular); -tas, ad. id.; similarly, according to analogy.; -todrishta,, a. (sc. anumfina) inference from common occurrence to universality, generalization, induction; -lakshana, a. generic definition; -vakana, 'a. expressing the common property; expressing a general notion; a. substantive (opp. attribute); -vat, a. having universality, general; -sabda, ma. word. of general meaning. ~I" I fIqsftmfts-ika, a. Ci') [samftsa] cm *prehensive, concisely stated, brief; belonging to a compound;. m. or a. compound word. ~(fisaim, ad. too soon, prematurely, (F.); incompletely, partially, half (V., C.: often0 with pp., e.g. simi-krita, half-finished). V[f ~ iIsfmidh-end, a. relating to fuel and kindling (Br.): i'I, f. (sc. rilk) verse. of this kind (V., C.). 1R~i( sa Amisha, a. possessed of prey; provided with meat (funeral feast). "fI" I C4 sim'ip-ya, a. [samilpa] neighbouring; m. neighbour; a. neighbourhood, proximity (of time and place). [(samirana). AIII~smirana, a. relating to the wind AI~ fmudra, a. relating etc. to the sea (samudra,), marine; m. mariner: p1. mari'time folk: N. of a peo~ple; n. sea-salt: -ka, an. salt; i-ka, a. seafaring; m. mariner; i-k&,f. kind of leech. ~ti 2-;% sftinfih - ika, a. arrayed in ranks (Samftha); m. collective suffix.;RTTP samrita, a. provided with nectar; &miod&, a. glad, cheerful. "14R Afmparftya,, m.- [siamparftya] pas'sage to th e other world; distress; conflict: Yy 2 348 348 I I fcn sampad-ika. al~~isaka. I i-ka, a. (A, I') relating to (the passage to) the other world; salutary or helping in time of need; relating to war, military; prepared for battle (army): with phala, n. reward in the next world. [Cious. *1 ir4 It sampaid-ika, a. [sampad] efficaI#M satmprat-a, a. [samprati] suitable, correct; present: -in, ad. now, at present; n. present time: i-kz, a. (I') proper, right; present. i W ITI N4 sa'mpradaty-ika, a.- based on or following tradition (samprad~ya), traditional. VMT satmba, m. N. of a son of Krishna (connected in the Purdnas with, sun-worshi~p and the Magi): -vzt3i,f. N. of a courtesan. *I t~qq R,, sa ambu.-va'sara, a. (of uncertain meaning) Katha'saritsdgara 70, 59. Wrq samba 'isvara, m N. of a teinple built by Sdmbavati. sammanas-yd, n. [sam-manas] concord (AV.).;RT sa'mmukh-ya, n. [samm-ukha] state or act of confronting ( —9); fondness for any one; care for (0) TRM sAm-ya, n. [sama] equality, identity, likeness (with, to, in. ~ saha, g., IC., 0) equality (of rankc or position); equilibrium, normal condition; equability, towards (lc., -prati); justice: -m, kri, act justly towards (1c.); -m nii, quench (fire); appease, satisfy: -ta',f. equality, with (g.,-) avasth', f. condition of equilibrium, normal state; - avasthiua, n. id. *t ITA t~ sgmrftg-ya, n. [samratg] universal sovereignty, imperial sway, over (g., ic., — 0): -krit, a. securing paramount sovereignty. ITq shy-,An.[Eperh. letting loose, unyoking: V%2. si] turning in (BV.1); close of day, evening: -m kri, make a stay, spend the evening (RV."): (i) -m, ad. in the evening, at eventide. WrC4*Lf sftyam-sftrya, m. evening sun: Udha, pp. brought by the evening sun (guest). *114 sa'ya-ka, a. [12. si] meant for discharging or hurling (BV.); mn. (C.), n. (B VT.) missile, arrow: -punikha, m. feathered part of an arrow; -maya, a. consisting of arrows. MI4p sfyaka-ya, den. A. represent the arrows of(0 RTMT satyam-kaa, m. eventide: i-ka, i'na, a. belonging to evening; -goshtha, a. driven into the fold at evening (cattle, Br.). WITZF shyana, m. N. of celebrated commentator (diedi1387; also called Sayana-ma'dhava, and Shyana, kfirya) on numerous Vedic,_philoso~phical, and grammatical works. *1T vI[WTf sa'yan-tana, a. (i) belonging to the evening. [evening (Br.). *11 q!%( satyam-dugdha, pp. milked in the *T sayWm, ad., v. satya: -&hutif. evening sacrifice (V.). WiM4IT~R sayim-pratar, ad. in the evening and the morning; -bhogana, n. evening meal..*I I i I sa Ayfsa, a. attended with trouble. *1l 1vsfy hn n. evening (only lc., -i); ahni, M. id. ~T~sfyug-ya, n. [sa-yug] intimate union, communion, esp. with a god (in., g., lc., — 9) after death. RT'K. sa'r-a, a. [V'sril driving a-v-ay, destroy-,ing (-O); m. course. VIT' 2. s~r-a, m. V., C.: core; strength, power, energy; C.: firmness, hardness; value; wealth, riches; pith, substance, best part, quintessence, epitome (ord. mg.); nectar (rare); water (rare); kind of climax (rh.); a. having as the best or main thing (-9, like parm); hard, firm, strong; valuable; best;. righ t; motley, speckled ( = s~ra): wv. bala, m. picked troops: -ka, a. full of ( —); -gm, a. strong, powerful; -tas, ad. according to the value; according to one's means. VTI(VI sftragha', a. [saragha'] derived from the bee; m. bee; n. honey. ki!.JI sardfiga (or 'a, SB.), a. (II) variegated, spotted; m. N., among other birds, of the Kfitaka: i', f. kind of spotted deer; -lokanfgael-eyed woman; gazelle f.id WRTKZ sa~r-ana, n. accompanying ( a) ~. stretching out (only — P a.); striking a note on (ic.); i1,f. stream, canal; I f.stream of I AjKsara-tara, cpv. n. what is better; a. better; more valuable, dearer; -tA, f. firmness; strong confidence in (lc.); worth; highest degree. ~U Nsarath-i, m. [sa-ratha] charioteer; -ya, n. office of charioteer. Wq,4jt~qWsara -phalgu- tva, n. value or worthlessness, goodness or badness, comparative importance; -bhandva, n. valuable merchandise; -bhfita, pp. being the chief thing, best; n. main thing, what is best; -mahat, -a. great in value, very precious. ~ti I,~ sftram-eyAi, m. (son of SaramA), dog: 4t1, f. condition of a dog. '~K saral -ya, n. [sarala] straightness, simplicity, honesty. WTR?Tsa'ra-vat, a. strong, steadfast; valuable: -ta', f. hardness, firmness, steadfastness; -vastu, n. valuable or impor-tant thing; -vid, a. knowing the value of a thing; -sU'hya, a. devoid of value, worthless. ITisatras-a, a. (Ci) belonging to a lake (saras); m. (-9P a. f. 9) Indian crane (.Ardea, sibirica); sts. = swan (hamsa); N. of a hunchback; n. lotus: 'I, f. female crane. WTEM~ sa'rasand, n. zone, girdle. "rTi'T#e sftrasa akshi, f.lotus-eyed girl. VI -f1_I,"cmT satras-ik, f.female crane. kiI-~kf satrasvat-a, -a. (i) belonging or relating to, derived from the goddess or the river Sarasvatl; m. Nr. of a people dwelling on the Sarasvatl (p1.); N. of a IRishi (son of Sarasvatt); n. eloquence. ~I~~ Ara fgi, m. chief battle; -aparEAdha-tas, ad-.in proportion to the wealth (of the criminal) and (the enormity of) the crime. VWVFg sa Arava, a. crying, shouting. VRTVT sAra asara, n. strength or weakness, relative strength; good or bad quality, relative quality; the good and the bad; a. strong and weak: -ti, f. strong and weak side. RITftqiT satr-ikat,f. kindof sweet-voiced bird, thrush (I); confidante (because the Sadrikd is regularly associated with the parrot). suf~r sr-in, a. i. [Vsri] going, hastening; -,following; 2.. having the essence or best (sa'ra) of, having excellent (-a): n-i', f stream, channel. % *1Tfq Isar-iva, m. kind of grain (rare): 'a, f. N. of two creeping plants. saif srishta, a. together with soapberry trees; having symptoms of approaching death. VITf satr-ishtha, spy, very best. sa arundhatil-ka, a. together 'With Arundhatl. W ~Tsahrflp-ya, n. [sa-rqpa] identity of -appearance, resemblance, likeness, conformity (with, to, g.); angry treatment of an innocent person through, mistaking him for another (dr.): -tas, ad. in consequence of the identity.I ~I~sa arka, a. together with the sun; -argala, a. bolted; barred, impeded (de-sire). 9I#E arnga~ya, m. pat. (fr. sriiigaya) N. MiT sa artha, a. bearing an errand (Br.); having its object attained, successful (request); wealthy; significant; m. travelling company of merchants, caravan (sts. p1.); company, troop, multitude: '-ka, a. profitable; significant; -ghni', f. (of-han) destroyer of a caravan; -ga, a. born or reared in the caravan., tame (elephant); -dhara, m. N. of the leader of a caravan; -mandala, n. (circle of the =) assembled caravan; -vaiha, m. leader or captain of a caravan, head of a trading company; -vihana, m. id.; -samkaya, n. psesngrat wealth. V f~isrt-ka, a. travelling with a caravan; accompanying any one (g.) on a journey; m. member of a trading company, travelling merchant. ~Tsa ardha, a. together with a half: dve sate sardhe =250: (A)-m, ad. jointly, together (Br., rare in C.); prp. (w. in., rarely -.0) with, in company with (C.; mare in Br., S.): -virshika, a. lasting a year and a half. WT ftsrpa, a. relatingto the serpents (sarpa). ~r4sarva, a. [sarva] beneficial to all: -kgm-ika, a. (i) satisfying or granting every wish; -kila, a. occurring at all times; -kilika, a. (i) everiasting; -ganya, a. general, universal; -gn-ya, n. [sarva-giia] omniscience. NM sa'rvatr-ika, a. coming from all sides -or from anywhere (sarvatra); occurring everywhere, universally applicable, general: -tva, n. universality. VT JITM satrva-dhattn-ka, a. applying to the whole root (i.e. the extended verbal root of the present base); -bhautika, a. affecting all beings; — bhaumA, a. [sarva-bhftmi] relating to, prevailing or ruling over the whole earth; m. universal monarch, emperor; N. of the elephant of the northern quarter, vehicle of Kubera; -laukika, a. (i) known to or prevailing throughout the whole world, universal, general; permitted to every one; -varn-ika, a. of every kind; belonging. or common to all the castes; -vedasa, n. entire property: -dakshina, a. attended with the bestowal of one's entire property as a fee (scrfice); 4ysha, a. having entire vitality, thoroughly vigorous (Br.). VUTIq sarshapa, a. derived from mustard (sarshapa). trrf satrshti, a. having the same rank or value: -ti, f. equality in rank or condition, with (). [fence, rampart; N.~ of a prince. RT;W satla, m.. a tree (Vatica robustacsala); WI~ saalaka., a. adorned with locks; - alaktaka, a. dyed with lac; - alamkirs, a; adorned; 41amba, a. having Qao) as a support; -1alsm, a. languid. q mirTi sa'la-vrika. fW-E( sik.34 349 ___ lh-vikim.wolf or other canine beast of prey. 1#T~ salWok-ya,"Ia. [ salo'ka] residence in the same world, as (in. + saha, g., — ). WrIgT 4 sftlhana,~ a. belonging to Salhani: i, m. pat. N. (fr. Salhana). W4 sfiv-', m. [V1I. su] Soma libation. WFT-4; sfva-ka, a. (ik&') having borne a child [,/2. sulj.;qIqTITJ sa avaka'sa, a. applicable; avagraha, a. limited; analysed (compound); withholding its water (cloud); — vakirana, a. together with the application; avagiia, a. disdainful, of (lc.): -in, ad. contemptuously; - vadya, a. censurable (act); inferior (commodity); - avadhina, a. attentive, heedful, careful: -mn, ad. attentively, ta,,f carefulness; -avadhairana, a. attended with a limitation; restrictive (so as to exclude everything but what has been -stated); - vadhi, a. limited, circumscribed. I q II sftvana, a. [savana] determining the three daily oblations, corresponding to the correct solar time (day, month, year); n. correct solar time. *1I q +[4: sa avamard a, a. refractory; -vaInana, a. attended or given with contempt (morsel); -.~vayava, a. consisting of parts: -tva, n. abd~. N.; -avarana, a. barred, bolted (house); concealed, clandestine (negotiations). *ITI 4 sftvarna, m. [savarnaJ N. of a Rishi; ep. of a Mana. I qfi1, savarn-i, M. pat. (fr. savarna) N. of -a Rishi; ep. of a Manu; i-ka, a. (i) belonging to the same caste; relating to Manu Siivarna or S~varni; m. N. of a village; -ya, n. identity of colour; homogeneousness (of sounds).;q sa ava-lamba, a. supported;..lepa, a. proud, haughty;..sesha, a. having a remainder, incomplete, unfinished; remaining; n. residue; -shtamubha, a. self-reliant, resolute: -in, ad. resolutely; -hita,,a. attentive; -hela, a. disdainful: -in, ad..ly. wr7' sftvitr-6, a. ('1) belonging or sacred to, derived from, Savitri; m. son or descendant of Savitri: I, f. (sc. rik) Savitri verse, sjp. that beginning I'Tdt savitilr v~renyam' (Ry. III, 6:2, io: also called Gayatrl); initiation into catee with the S6,vitrl verse, investiture of the twice-born caat4es (C.); (daughter of Savitri) N. of SiftryA, of Brahman's wife, of a daughter of Asvapati (wife of Sa tyavat), and of various other women; N. of a river-: (i") -patita, pp. excluded from initiation with, the Shvitrl; -paribhrashta, pp. id. if sAvin-ii, f. river. 01t-qd(j sa fvegam, ad. excitedly, with agitation; Z&Amsi, ad. with an expression of desire, hope, or expectation; - safika, a. apprehensive, of (ic.): -in, ad. -ly, with misgivings. rIf"~ RRsasikya, N. of a people and country. fff sa asiti, a. together with or plus eighty; - skcarya, a. astonished; wonderful: -in, ad. with astonishment, -kautuka, a. astonished and curious; -aqsru, a. tearful: n., ad. with tears; - ashtia aga, a. performed with eight parts of the body (prostration = extremely reverential): -in, ad. w. pra-nanm, make a reverential prostration; anh~igapitam, ad. w. pra-nain, id. 'fff;j sa sa, a. having a bow; fisava, a. filled with liquor.;RT~fl' sft-sah-if, intv. a. vanquishing (ac.), victorious (V.); -' capable of bearing (C.).;HTRTK sa sWra, a. rainy; asi, a. having a sword: -pa'ni, a. holding a sword in one's hand; - asu, a. living; Z u-st.hvn arrows; -asu~ya, a. indignant, angry, at or with (prat~i): -in, ad. angrily, indignantly; - asthi, a.having bones; N. animaliwith bones: I-svanain, ad. with a cracking of bones. 1" T sftsnft, f. dewlap (of an ox). VT sa asra, a. tearful: -in, ad. -ly. a(~sh-a, a. [8/sah] mighty (RV.'); (-sbha or '-shtaha), resisting, vanquishing (V., C.). Wfff1qIT sa hamkftra, a. full of self-conceit. VNq salha/car-ya, n. [ sahakara] companionship, association, with (in., 7.) Mr~fr sahag-ika, a. [saha-ga], innate, natural; ns. N. wr[Tffg shhadev-i, m. pat. fr.. Sahadeva. RTT sfthas-a, a. [sahas], precipitate, inconsiderate; in. n. punishment,, fine; n. violence, rapine; bold, daring, precipitate, or reckless act (ord. rng.): -karana, n. violence; -karin, a. acting inconsiderately, rash; -1nikhana, m. N.; - aiika, mn. N. ViT'qf~Ii shhas-ika, a. (i') committing or guilty of violence; bold, daring; rash, reckless; m. desperado, robber; N. of a cook: -ta,, f. daring; -in, a. committing violence; over-exerting oneself. R79 shhasra', a. (', having, consisting of, or amounting to,. a thousand; thousandfold; exceedingly numerous; n. thousand: -km, a. amounting to or containing a thousand. v- RTR7f sfthasr-i, mn. pat.() VWVTiT~ slfthya-ka, n. assistance, aid: -m kri, give assistance. a. assisting (-~); -daa -n. (rendering of) assistance. ~i~tsfthit-ya, n. Esahita] association, with (in.,.-0); agreement; rhetorical composition, art of poetry: in. in combination, together: -darpana, n. Mirror of Poetry, T. of a work (i5th centary). 'ITy sa ahnd, a. connected with, terminating with, lasting a or the, day (opp. ahina; V.). WIiff sah-ya, n. [sah-a] assistance, aid: -m kri or di, give aid. W;_T sa fhlftda, a. glad: -in, ad. -ly; -&hva, a. (O)named; - &hvaya, a. id. frT. SI, IX. P. siunti (V.), bind: pp. sit&, V., C.: bound; C.: accompanied with (in., '). pra, bind, render harmless; ps. prasishye, ft. (C.): pp. prasita (C.), continually occupied'with (in., lc.); lasting, enduring. ff2. SI, cast, hurl (in sflyaka and senq). pra, pp. pr~sita, darting along (?V) f~~simh', m. lion; Leo (sign of the zodiac); 0lion-like chief or best of, pre-eminent; lord or ruler of (also '~- in some cpds.); N.: -gupta, in. N. of a king; -ghosha, m. N.; -a. f. condition of a lion; -tunda, in. afish: -ha, in. id.; -tva, n. state of a lion; -damshtra, a. lion-toothed; m. N. of an -Asura; N. of a prince of the Sabaras; -datta, in. N. of an Asura; -deva, m. N. of aprince; -dv~r, f.(prince's =) palace-gate; -dva~ra, n. id.; -dhvani, in. (lion's =) challenging shout; nadm. lion's roar; war-cry; confident assurance; N. of an Asura, of a son of lldvana, and of a icing of Malaya; -para'kraina, m. N.; -pura, n. N. of a town; -bala, in. N. of a prince: -datta, m. N.; -bhata, m. N. of an Asura; -bhft-bhrit, m. N. of a king; -inahi-pati, m. N. of a king; -ratha, a. having a car drawn by lions, e~p. of DurgA; m?. N.; -rava, m. lion's roar; warcry; -rAga, in. N. of a king; -rotsika',f. N. of a village. f ~~simha-la, in. Ceylon,: pl. the Singhalese: -ha, a. relating to Ceylon: w. dvlpa, m. island of Ceylon. f#1'q V simha-varman, m. N.; -vikraina, m. N. of a fairy prince; N. of a thief; -vikrinta, pp. valiant as a lion; -vishtara, throne (i); -vyaighrpmimishi-kri, make a prey to the lion and the tiger; asva -siSU, in. lion's cub; _sri.,f. N.; -svainin, m. N. of a temple erected in honour of SimharAga; aksha, m. (Lion-eye), N. of a icing. fRUTW simha-ya, den. A4. behave like a lion, play the lion. f~ti'rsimha avalokaina, n. lion's backward glance: in. or -nyyena, on the principle of the lion's backward glance, i.e.' treatingq a subject retrospectively while proceeding with it; - avalokita, n. id.; - aisana, n. lion's seat, -throne. f4f~ifIiT simh-ikft, f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and mother of Radhu: tamnaya, -sUnu, m. son of SimhikA. met. of Rfihu. fajl simhi', f. lioness; designation of the IUttara-vedi (nin. -s; TS.'; N. of various plants. ~~simhi-bhii, -be turned into a lion. f;HfPi'RT sifkatft, f. gravel, sand (gnly. pl.); sg. also grain of sand: -tva, n. nature of sand; -vat, a. sandy; -sindhu, N. of a locality. f~ifR~ sikat-ila, a. gravelly, sandy. fWIsik-td, ppa'i (-&. condition of being watered); -ti, f. effusion (V.); -tha, in. n. [Vsik] boiled rice; ball of boiled rice;, beeswax. f~SIK,YVI. ski~k, pour out, shed, emit, Ndischarge, into or on (la.); infuse, instil into (lc.); besprinkle, moisten, wet, water, with (in.); soak; cast (metal; ac.), out of (ac.; V.): pp. sikti; cs. sehaya, P. water (trees etc.): pp. sekita. abhi, besprinkle,wet; inaugurate by besprinkling with water, 'consecrate, install, appoint (as, ac.; in, to, lc., sts. i..& d.); - as ruler of (lc.); A'., ps. bathe (int.),; cause oneself to be consecrated; cs. gnly. P. besprinkle, wet; inaugurate, install, appoint (to', in, la., sts. in., d.), as ruler of (la.); A. (~ Atmhnam) cause oneself to be inaugurated. sain-abhi, wet; consecrate. ava, pour out, pour down on (cc., lc.); besprinkle; as. besprinkle; draw blood. 'a, pour in, fill up (V.); flow (rivers) into (cc.; V.); pour out or off (S.); wet, moisten (C.); as. pour in, add (water); cause to be poured into (lc.). abhi-pari3A, pour into, (lc.). sain-1, pour together. ud, fill up, fill to overflowing (V.); ps. boil over; be puffed up, grow arrogant: p~p. utsikta, overflowing, superabundant; elated, intoxicated, or made arrogant by (in., 0;puffed up, haughty; disordered (mind). prajud, pp. excessively arrogant. upa, besprinkle, wet, with (in.; V.). ni(-shiitkati), 350 350fw-k sik. fVjq simba. pour down, - into or upon, sprinkle or drop on (1c.); water, wet: pp. nishikta, poured down, effused; watered; es. water; wet. nis (uish-shiitkati), pour off or away. par&, V.: pour away; wash away; discard, remove: pp. parsikta, put aside, rendered harmless (E.)-. pari(-shiffkati), pour out (from one vessel into another; V.); pour around, besprinkle (V., C.): pp. pirishikta; es. besprinkle, wet. pr~a, pour out; besprinkle, water; fill (a vessel): pp. poured out; cs. pour into (le.). sam, pour together; besprinkle. z# '. sfk, f. (V.) border of a garment: due. the two edges - horizon.; du.,,pl. wings of an army. f~ 2. S-ik, aorist sufi s. sik-aya, m. celoth, garment. xE. Si-ta, pp. (V.si) bound. ftm2. Sita, a., [fr. as-ita, black, misunder.stood as a negative] white; pale; bright, light (day or mosith during the ~moon's -increase); m. bright half (of a.lunar month): a',f. sugar. 3.sita, pp. incorr. fr sita. fiff INIMsita-kamala, n. white lotus; -kara, m. (white-rayed), moon: - fnaua,~a. moonfaced; -kkhatr-ita, den.,pp. turned into or representing a white umbrella; -tara, c~pv. extremely white; -tegas, a. having a white ligh t; -didhiti, m. meon; -dviga, m. goose; -pakshia, m. bright half of ithe montht; -pundarika, n. white lotus; -man!, m. crystal: -maya, a. made of crystal; -manas, a. pure-hearted; -ruki,,a. bright-coloured, white; m. moon; -varman, m. N. of a minister; -Sapti, M. (having white steeds), ep. of Arguna; -hutna, m. pl. the White Runs. f;,rIdT~J sita msu, m. (bright-rayed), moon; - tapatra, n. white -umbrella (emblem- of royalty); -4tapa-virana, n. id.; - abhra, m. white cloud; camphor; - ambara, a. wearing a. white garment; -sta. white and black; - &hvaya, m. planet Venus. f;'# W sit-i-man, m. whiteness. f~trfMwRr. siti-vasas, m. ep. of Balarfima (for siti-). f RI sit-kri, make white or bright. fVIrMR sita itara, a. (opposite of white), black, dark, blue: -saroga, n. blue lotus. fCl It4M44 sita t-Pala, n. white lotus; -jia 1af. sugar. fRIW sid-dha, pp. (.V'sidh) hit (mark); accomplish-ed, achieved, effected, fulfilled, realized, successful; ready (money); prepared, made ready; cooked (food); gained, acquired; peculiar; unchangeable; cured (person); established, settled, substantiated, proved; well known, in (~O;possessed of magical power (things); subject, ready to serve one (.spirits, charms); perfected, adept in (d., ~O;become perfect, possessing supernatural power, emancipated from the laws of nature; ma. seer, sorcerer, magician; saint, Siddha (a class ofdemi-gods, such as Kapila, Vydsa etc., possessing suqpernatural powers, esp. that of flying through ithe air); = Gina (with thke Jamns); N.; n. magical or supernatural power: -kktya, a. having accomplished one's purpose; -kshetra, n. region inhabited by Siddhas, land of the Blest; N. of certain sacred regions: -parvata, m. mountain' in the land of the Blest; -tiPasa, in., i, f. ascetic endowed with supernatural knowledge and power; -tva, n~correctness; establishment, demonstration; perfection; -dha'Mau, n. abode of the Blest; -bhiti ffairyland; -mantra, M. magical spell; -yoga, sa. magical agency; -yogin-3i, f. sorceress, witch, fairy; -ratna, a. possessing a magical jewel; -rasa, m. quicksilver; -rasayaua, a. possessed of an elixir of life; -ga, in. NV. of a king; -laksha, a. hitting the mark (arrow); -vat, ad. as established or proved: - kri, regard as settled or proved; -varti, f. magical wick; -visa, ma, abode of the Blest, N. of a -locality; -samabandha, a. whose kin is kaown; -sarit, f (famous river) Ganges. VA IrT'rT siddha figanaft. female Siddha; ~iiguaa. agical ointment; - desa, m. prediction of a soothsayer; (whose predictions are fulifilled), soothsayer; - anta, m. established conclusion., demonstrated truth, settled doctrine.; true logical conclusion (following on the refutation of the objection raised: Phil.); astronomical treatise; a class of works among Buddhists and Jamns: -kaumuliJf. Moonlight ( ==elucidation) of settled conclusions: T. of a grammar by Bhattogi, '-dharma gama, mi. canonical law. 11'R siddhfinta-ya, den. clear up, establish: pp. ita, established. f siddh artha, a. having attained one's object; efficient, efficacious (rare); m. white mustard (seed); N., among others, of Buddha: -ka, m. (n.) white mustard; m. N. of two officials; -minin, a. thinking to have attained one's end. '"I 33Msidha srama, in. n. hermitage of the Blest: -N. of a particular hermitage. fqft. sid-dhi, f. [V/i. sidh + ti],putting aside, removal. ff 2. sid-dhi, f. [V~2. sidh] hitting of a mark (lc.); accomplishment, performance., fulfilment., complete attainment, success Ws., PI.; ord. mag.); getting the better of, cure (of a disease), by (-O).; coming into force; payment, recovery (of money due); attainment of one's aims, success, fortune (common mg.); personal perfection entailing the acquisition of supernatural powers (phil.); magical power (of-ten 0- w. the magical object); efficacy, efficiency, skill; resultance, establishment, demonstration; work of art (rare); Success personi~fied as a goddess, as Durgfi; N. of afemale friend of -Danu: -ka, a. - si ddhi, magical power; -kara, a. (i) producing successor fortune: 3',f. N. of a sorceress; -k~ra-ka, a. causing any one (g.) to attain his object; producing an effect; -kirin, a. accomplishing anything (g.); -kshetra, n. field of success,, successfully accoiiplished object; -giniAna, n. certain knowledge; -da, a. granting success or fortune; -darsin, a. seeing future success, knowing the future; -priya, a. near to perfection; -mat, a. successful; perfect (man); possessing magical power; in. perfect man; _mairga, in. road to fairyland; -y~trika, a. wandering about for,the Purpose of learning magical arts.; m. fortune-hunter; -yoga, m. employment of magical power; -varti, f. magical wick; -3}svara, m. lord of magical power, ep. of Siva; n. N. of a region sacred to Siva. fw ~ isiddhajudaka, n. N. of a Tirtha. *i. SIDH, I. P. sddha, scare, drive `\ away (V.): pp. siddha. apa, drive or chase away (V., C.); ward off; from (ab.; C.). abhi,Tp. -shiddha, driven towards one (ca t t le; Br.). A, pp. arrested; cs. P. -sedhaya, cause to be arrested; fasten. vii, keep off or back: pp. prohibited. ni, drive away (V.); keep back, prevent, restrain, from (ab.); forbid any one (cc.); prohibit, object to; * surpass: pp. nishiddha, warded off, kept back, prevented; forbidden, prohibited, to (inf.): -vat, pp. act. having warded off; cs. -shedhaya, P. keep back, restrain; forbid, prohibit; contradict. prati, P. (-shedha) drive away (R-V.); C.: keep back, prevent, restrain, from (ab.); forbid, prohibit; contradict: p~p. pratishiddha, prevented; discontinued; forbidden, prohibited; contradicted; provided with a negative: -vat, pp. act, having forbidden; as. repel, turn away;.forbid, prohibit; contradict. vi-prati, pp prohibited; conflicting, contradictory. p R M2. SIDH, IV. P. (A-.) sidhya, V., C.: Nbe accomplished or fulfilled, succeed (ord. mg.); C.: hit a maria (lc.); be valid or admissible; be cured (~rare); result, follow, be proved or established; yield, to (any one, g.); attain one's end, be successful: pp. siddha, q. v. Pra (sts. A.), be effected or accomplished, succeed; result, be explained: pp. prksiddha, arranged, adorned (hair; C.); (well) known (VK, C.). sam, be accomplished, succeed; reach the highest goal, attain bliss: pp. accomplished, fulfilled; attained; prepared (food etc.), made; restored, cured; prepared for (d.); firmly resolved; satisfied; skilled in (lc.); having attained the highest goal, perfected, blessed. f~R-W sidh-mg, a. i. making straight for his aim (BV.1);.2. leprous (V., rare); in. n. kind of leprosy,.(C.); -man, m. n. kind ofleprosy; -ma-la, a. leprous; -rA, a. (BRV.) hastening to his goal; efficacious, successful. ftm Ana, n. (B V.) provision, store. f~ift siniivfhill, f. N. of a goddess of fecundity and easy birth; (goddess of the) day of new moon. fo!M sindu-va'ra, m.a small tree (Vitex Negundo); n. the berry. f#iI sindilra, n. red lead: -tlaska, sa. forehead mark made with red lead; i-ta,pp. made to resemble red lead. fir'.T sfndh-u, in. f. [moving to a goal: 4/2. sidh] stream, river; Indus; in. flood (V.); ocean.; region of the Indus, Sindh, people of Sindh (p1.; C.); N. (C.): -gaiiga, mn. N. of a treasury built by a Sindhu; -ga, a. bred in Sindh (horses); n. rock salt; -datta, m. NV.; -dvipa, in. N.; -nada, in. river Indus (also a river in the south); -nfitha, ms. (lord of rivers), ocean; -piba, in. ep. of Agastya. fp~ sindhu-ra, in. elephant; -r~ga, in. king of rivers, ocean; king of Sindh; -shena, in. N. of a prince of Sindh; -samagama, in. confluence with the sea, river mouth. ft(Si-P, personal termination si. f;'RTf siprfi, f. N. o river flowing by Uggayint. T'f*Mtl~ siphinna', f. N. of a village. ft~ simd, a. all, every (RV.). fft simaqsima-sm-ya,AA.bubble,crackle. f;'Tf i. simuft, ad. everywhere (BRV.1). f#RTr 2. SiMa, f. pi. Saiman consisting of the Mahfin~mn~t verses (Br.) f I~~RM simi-simft-ya, A. prickle. f~simba, M. N. f#*simbhfik-., I qwf r', Sukha-yoga-;nidr'. 15 -'351 f.91- E simbhuka, m. N. of a certain myt hical. bird. fwT'Msir-,f, EV'sri] stream (R V.); tubular vessel in the body, vein (C.).;fpkT~tsira-la, a. having many or large veins. f#4M sillana, m. N. f'KM silla-rlga, m. N togeher IV.si. V.),sew, stitch' togeher:P~p.s~it, seedistitched on. vi ati, se toehe.nu, pp Ansn ta, strung together; interwoven with(Q) 1, pp. sewn together out of (in.). 221, pp. niishyfitt, sewed in, embroidered. fMTNIfq P4 1 si-sliadh-ayi-sha, (des. cs.) f. [V'sfdhl desire to prove; -shu, des. a. intending to bring about or accomplish; - prove. fw si-shfi-si6, des. a. (V.) eager to obtain [Va;ready to give. fwrsi-shn-u, a. [V'san] willing to give,, boiintiful (RVF.1). f~~'Tsi-sik-shft, f. [ Vsikc] desire to besprinkle or wvet. frrsi-srik-shft, f. ['/srig] desire to create (g,~O;-shu, des. a. intending, to eject or emit (rare); wishing to create or produce. f ~~~si-snaq-su, des. a. wishing to bathe. [ 1S, draw a straight line.] Wfsi-sdes. i/.sah [for si-s(a)h-s]. am ITs1-ta, f. [line drawn: pp. s/'i] furrow; SMt, personified as wife of Indra and of lBdma (identified with Lakshml): -giui, m. e~p. of Rbnma; -dravya, n. agricultural implements; -yagiia, M. sacrifice to the furrow; a. sacrificing to the furrow. sida, Pr. base of -/sad. N~sildhu, m. spirit distilled from molasses, rum; fig. = nectar. 4t1M s~, encl. ac. prn. (By.) used for all genders and numbers, him, her, it, them (gnly. w.veryattenuatedmg.): w. relatives =-ever. ~~~si-md M inline drawn: V/*si] parting of the hair (V.); C.: f., n. boundary, limit (also fig.); village boundary; utmost limit, acme. iI" WF si-mant-a, m. parting of the hair (V., C.); ceremony of parting the hair (= - unnayana; C.): -km, a. (i-ki) having a parting (as a sign of pregnancy); -drisvmn, a. having seen the limit, thoroughly versed in anything; -mani, 'M. crest-j ewel. I3WIT simanta-ya, den. P. make a parting =traverse in a straight line: pp.-it&. ~I #1 Ilq? simanta-vat, a. -parted, traversed in a straight line. 4r~.siniant-in, a. parted, having a parting (hair,pregnant woman): -S',f. woman. *14rieqrqq silmanta unnayana, n. parting the hair (of a pregnant woman). ~Ir~~sima-liga n. ladm~ark. ~1ITslmat, f. parting of the hair (in suslima); boundary.; village boundary: -krishfbns, pr.pt. ploughing on the boundary- line; - dhipa, inm. guardian of the march; - nft, m. boundary line, frontier; bounds (fig,.); village march: -lek-hi, f. extreme boundary I line; utmost limit, acmne; pahi~rin, a. removing landmarks; -pila, in. guardian of -the marches,; -liiiga, n. landmark; -Vida, in. dispute about boundaries; -ivivda, in. id.; -vriksha, in. tree as a landmark; -samdhi, in. meeting of boundaries; -setu, mn. boundary dam, landmark. si-ra, n. (V.), m. (C.) [drawing lines: V*sl] plough: -dhvaga, m. e~p. of Ganaka; (si~ra)-pati, in. lord of the plough (V,~). 4tVT sir-9, f. (ByV.) stream (cp.~ siri). 4hT4sira fyudha, in. ep. of Balarftma; u~jtkashana, n. upturning with the plough. 4ifksir-in~a. ploughing; m. ploughma'n; ep. of Balaraima, 4~jsiv-ana, n. sewing, stitching.. Itrsrsa, n. lead: -kra, in. n. lead (C4)i, 4Rsisara, Mn. N., of a mythical dog. i.Su, V. P., sun6,. sunu, (sts. A&.) press out, extrIact (Soma; V., rare in E.): pr. pt. sunvana, suvink; p p. sutfb, pressed, extracted. abhi(shunoti), press out; ps.-shfiyate, be extracted: pp.. abhishuta (V.). A, press out,. extract (V.); _boil, prepare (ghee). pra, pp. priisuta (V.), pressed' continuously; having continuously pressed. 192. SU (=VI. SA), in sauti, subil, andpp. sutfb,, urged, instigated (S.B.).;q 3. SU (=-v/2. sft),, in Pra-samati (rare), pra-sauti (rar~e),pp. su-ta, son~and sifshuti. s-i (in V. also sdi), ad. [perh. for vasu= Gk.& Jc:p..u shu, A shu, and u loka] good, well, indeed, right, very, thoroughly (never used independently at the beginning of a verse; rarely as an indepedn a..n C.; very comnwith a. or N'., in C. also with gd.). IWsu-kantha, a. 3.) sweet-voiced: i,f. N..of an Apsaras; -krath&,f. beautiful story; -kany-%, f. N. of a daughter of Sarydta and wife of Kyavana (Br., C.); -kira, a. easily done, easy, for (g.), to (inf.): -tva, n. easiiness, feasibleness, -samdhi, a. easily united; -kirman, a. 'expert (V.); virtuous- (C.); m. artificer (V.); -kalatra, n. good wife; -kavi, in. good poet; -kiuta, p~p. very handsome (youth); -k1i~n, m. pl. a, class of-Mznes; kirmisuk&, a. adorned with Kimsuka flowers (car of. Silryd; B V.'); -kirti, f. worthy praise (RV.); a. easily praised (BV.); m. N. of the composer of BV. X, i 31 and of thtat hymn; -kuka, a. f. having beautiful breasts; -kumi.ra, a. '(i>~ very tender 'or delicate; in. tender yodth: '-tva, n., tenderness, -aftgi, a. f. very delicate-limbed; -kula, n. noble family; A. sprung from a' noble family: -ga, -ganman,. a.. id.,I -ta', f-, noble birth; -kulina, a. well-bornt; -kfirkura, m. N. of 'a demon injuriou& to children'; -krit, a. doing good,,benevolent; righteous, pious; m.pl. the,Pious deceased, the Fathers who enjoy the reward of virtue 'in the other world (V.); i. -krit&, n-. good deed, meritorious act, righteousness, virtue, moral merit (V., C.); benefit, bounty,.friendly aid, favour (C.); world of virtue, heaven (V..,, rare); 'a. well done (B1.);2. (sii)-krita, p~p. well done, macis, or executed; well-formed, adorned, fine: 'w. karman, n...good work; w. okA,i. sukritasya loka, world of righteousness (V.),; -kr'ita-karman, n. good or meritorious act;. a. doing go'od deeds,. virtuous; -kritao-krit,' a. id.;'-krita-bh4g, a. meritorious';. -krita a-. *tha, a.,,having fully attaine'd'one's object; -kriti, f. good conduct;. a.. 'righteous, vir-.tuous; -kritin, a. doing good actions, -virtuous; prosperous, fortunate; cultivated, wise; -kritya, n. good work to be done, dutyv;. good action; -krrityg, f. (BV.) ex-,~ pertness; right conduct, virtue; -krishta,' pp. well-ploughied; -k6ta, a. benevolent (V.),; in.- N. of an Aiditya (V.); -ketfi, a-. radiant (dawn; BV'); 'm.N. of a prince of the Yak; shas and, of various kns(.:sua, f daughter of Suketu, Tfldaka'; -ketri, in. a pesnfication (identified with the sdn) -kesa, a. (IL) beautiful-haired; -kesiuta, a. having fair locks; '-komala, a. very soft or tender; -kratu, a. skilful, wise (gods9; By.); -kiesa, a. very distressing; -kshatrk, a. (V.) ruling well (ods); conferring power (wealth); -kshastriya, a. good Kshatriya;, -kshiti, f (VF.) good abode, security, refuge; -ksh6tta, n. fine field, good. soil; a. affording a fair field or dwelling-place; having -fair fields; -kshetriyg, f. desire 'of fair fields (B V.'); -kshobhya, fp. easily agitated. su-kha', a. having a good axle-ho' le, running easily (only of cars in B V.); com-, fortable, pleasant, mild (rare in V.,,very' common in C.); C.: soothing, agreeable to (th e ear etc., — P), by reason of ();easy to (1c. of. vbl. N.); in. (sc. danda) kind of military array (C.); n. ease, comfort, pleasure; enjoyment, happiness, joy (C.; rare in V.): (A~)-m, in., 0~happily, comfortably, agreeably, easily, without trouble (C.; rare in' V.); -in, easy to (infi); -m - ua p unah, more easily, -than; kadali-sukham, as easily as a Kadali; mahatai sukhena, with great enjoyment: -kara, a. (i) giving pleasure; easy to be done or performed, by (g.); -kirin, -krrit, a. givin~g pleasure; -kirya, a. having pleasure as an object; -gamya, fp. easy to traverse; -grihya, fp2' easy to seize or catch;",easy to comprehend;, -ghitya, fp. easy' to kill; -kkhedya, fp. easy to destroy; -geta, n.- anything pleasant; -tars, c~pv. easier: -in, ad,' more easily; -tva, n. pleasantness,,enjoyableness,; -da, a. giving pleasure; -dukkha,. n. due, pleasure and pain: -maya, q. ()consis-ting,of or feeling,-joy or sorrow; -dhana, in. N. of a mnerchant; -para, a.:intent on enjoyment, pleasure-seeking; - peya, fpo. to be drunk easily; -prasna, ms. enquiry as to welfare,; -prasupta, pp. sleeping placidly; -pripya, fp. easy to win or obtain (girl); -bandhana, a. (fettered by =) addicted to worldly pleasure; -bodha-rihpa, a. easily un-' derstood; -bhigin, -bhfig, a. participating in fortune; juceky, happy; -bhedyas,fp. easily broken; easy to separate, prone to faithlessness; -bhiogya, fp. easy to enjoy or dispose of (wealth);_-maya, a. (i) full of enjoyment; -mn-edhas, a. prospering well. ~ snha-y, de. P.give pleasure to, refresh, delight, gladden: pp. ita, pleased, glad, happy. iIfrTsukha-yoga-nidra f. placid, ' deep sleep; -riga', in. N.; -riipa, a. havingan agreeable appearance; -varman, in. N.-;' -say&, f. N. of a sorceress; -sayita, pp. reclining or sleeping pleasantly; -sobha~rtharn, ad. for the sake of comfort and credit; -srava, a. pleasant to hear; -samvahya, fp. easy to carry about; -samnsevya fp-. easy. to attain; -samstha, a. being in agreeable circumstances; -samnsparsa, a. pleasant to the touch; -samki~ra, a. pleasant to walk about in or resort' to, inviting;. -samgiii, f. the term. "ease'; -samnbodhya, fp. easy to enlighten, reasonable; -salila&, n. pleasant ( tepid) water; -sAdhya, f~p., easy to get the better of or overcome; easily effected or obtained; -supta&,pp. sleeping placidly; -sev'ya, fp,-. easy., of access., A.A.i,, n'..atoessibility; 352 35 vM sukhaga~ta. firsu-dina. -stha, a. being in pleasant circumstances, happy; -sparsa, a. pleasant to the touch; -sva~pa, m. Placid sleep. *4-kTITd sukhaftgata, n. welcome;.-abhiyogya, fp. easy to attack; Z_~bhyuday-ika, a. producing happiness. [agreeable. suklia-ya, den. A". feel pleasure; be *pv sukhaartha, m. object of pleasure: ac., d. for relrief, for thle sake of ease; Z_ arthin, a. desiring happiness or bliss; - rha, a. deserving of happiness; - 1oka, a. easy to get sight of; -atvagama, m~.-easy comprehension; ~-a I f N.; - avabodha, m. easy comprehension; - avaha, a. bringing pleasure, to (0O); i.sa, Mn. (pleasant food), cucumber; i. - isi, j. expectation of pleasure; 2. (su-kha) a fa very (sky =) remote expectation;..Asraya, a. productive of pleasure; - sana, n. comfortable seat; -&sikA, f. comfort; a Ima, Pt. sitting at ease; a~sukha, n. sg. joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain; a asda, mn. taste of enjoyment, relish, delight. IffT sukh-ita, den. pp., v. sukhaya. 7f~T sukh-i-tat, f. feeling of pleasure, happiness; -tva, n. id. sukh -in, a. feeling pleasure, glad, happy; prosperous; comfortable, enjoyable: ('-i)-svabh&va, en. happy temperament. ~N~sukha-ukita, pp. accustomed to, ease; -.iukkhedya, fp. easy to pluck off; easy to destroy or exterminate; -. udaya, a. resulting, in pleasure or happiness; -darka, a. id.; puyj. easy to pronounce;,upagamyal fp. easy of access;., upavishta, pp. seated at ease;. paya, en. e-asy means: in. with ease, without trouble; a. easily obtainable;.ushita, pp. having- spent the night, pleasantly, comfortably lodged. 17r sui-gd, a. easy to traverse (path; V.); easy of access (C.); easy to obtain (V., C.); n. (V.) good path; easy or successful course; -gana, m. N. of a Rdgapu'trat; -gata, Pp.' going well; having fared well or enjoyed,oneself; m. a Buddha; Buddhist (teacher): _Sasana, n. Buddhist doctrine or faith; -gati, fwelfare, happiness, bliss; secure refuge;' -gandha, m. fragrance; perfume;- a. fragrant:, a, f. N. of various plants; N. VVEN sugandha-ya, den. P. make fragrant, scent.;qm~f sugandha-yukti, f. preparation of perfumes; -adhya, a. rich in fragrance; aditya, n. N ~hfTsu-ga'ndh-i (or I), a. fragrant (rare in V.): -ta',f. fragrance;..tegana, n. kind-of fragrant grass. JNfWii su-ga-ndh-in, a. fragrant.;Pf~iq sugandhi-siha, m. N. 43T4AI sugandhA isa, m. N. of a temple erected by Sugandhh.;qW su-gama, a. easy to traverse; easy of access; easy to find or understand, obvious; mn. N. of a Ddnava; -gamana, a. easy of access; going well; -gal&', f. (fair-neck), N.; -gimvya, n. possession of good cattle (1?V.); -gfiga, N. of a palace; -g~tu, rn. welfare; -gjtuy9, f. desire for prosperity: in. (ya') through - (B -V.'); -gitra, a. (i) fair-limbed: 1, f. beautiful woman; -githa, M. N. of a Rishi; -guA, a. having good cattle (V.); -guns, a. virtuous; -gun-in, a. having great merits; (aft)-gupta, pp. well-guarded or looked after; well-concealed, kept very secret (C.): mi, ad. (C.) very carefully; very se cretly: -lekha, m. very secret letter; -gupti, f. great secrecy: -m A-dhfi, observe great secrecy; -gupti.-kri, guard carefully; -guru, a. very grave (crime); -g fidha, pp. well-concealed: -in, ad. very secretly; -grihin, a. well-housed (bird); -grihifta, pp. held firmly; adhered to; well practised or learnt; used auspiciously: -na'man, -naimadheya, a. bearing (a well-uttered =) an auspicious name; -gehinii,f. good mistress of the house; -gopa, en. good protector (BV.); a. well-guarded (B V.); -graha, a. having a good handle; easy to obtain; easy to understand; -gri'Va, m. (beautiful-necked) N. of a horse of Krishna; N. of a monkey-chief (brother of Vdl1in, confederate of Bdmna); -grishina, en. beautiful summer;.-ghata, a. easy to accomplish;..ghatita, pp. well put together, - devised: -ghatita, pp. id.; -ghana, a. very dense (forest); -ghora, a. very dreadful; -ghosha, a. making a loud noise; having a pleasant sound; en. N. of Nakula's conch; N. ofn Agrahdra. a ~IWI su-kakrad, a. having good wheels; m. good chariot (RV.); -kiikshas, a. having good sight, keen-sighted (V.); -lkatura, a. very expert; -karita, pp. w~ell-performed (vow); a. (s-ft-) sg. pl. good conduct, virtuous actions (V'., C.); a. well-conducted (C.): -vrata, a.' having performed his vow thoroughly, - artha-pada, a. having well-selected sense-and *words (speech); -k-intita, p~p. well-consi* dered; -kira, a. very long (of time): -n,' in., O-, ad. for a very long while; ab. after a very long time; -k6tas, a. intelligent, sapient; benevolent; -ketuf, en. grace: only in. ift-na^, graciously (1?TV.); -gana, en. good or' benevolent man or person (sts. referring to a f.): svabha'va-sugano ganah, good-nactured man; -gana-ta, f. good nature, geniality, benevolence; -gana-tva, a. id.; -ganafiakara, en. N.; -giniman, a'. creating, fa~ir things (BV.); -gainman, a. id (V); o noble or auspicious birth (C.); -gaya, en. great victory; a. easy to conquer; -gala, a. having good water; (sii)-gAta (or i), pp. V.: well born or produced, of excellent kind or nature; nobly born, noble; of genuine birth; C.: well-formed, beautiful,(ord. mg.); genuine, sincere (rare); not born in vain (v. r. sa g~tah); -gita-vaktra, en. N. of a teacher, (S.); -g&t a jaigi, a. f. having well-formed limbs; -gita-sraina, ag etting over exertions well, indefatigable; -gihvA, a. (BV.) fair-, tongued; sweet-voiced; -g'irna, pp. wellworn, ragged; well-digested.- -sata-khandamaya, a. (i) consisting of a hundred wornout rags; -gi'Va, a. imps. it is easy for (g.) to live; -gi1'vita, a. living happily. 115Ri2 sugg-aka, en. N.; -i, en. N. ff su-gn-a, a. knowing well; -gn-a'na,' a. good knowledge.; a. possessing good knowl edge; easy to know; -gy6tis, a. (or is) radiant (V.); -taiitka, a. sharp, piercing (sound). IF su-t, a. ( —P) pressing, extracting. J~f su-td, p~p. i. ViT. su; mn. sg. pl. Soma juice (V7.); 2. (.v'/2. su). urged; 3. (*13 su= V2.. sift) en. son (C.): -kirti, f. mention of Soma (Br.); -tva, a. sonship: in. with grah, adopt (ac.) as a son; -nirviseshain, ad. (with no difference from =) exactly like one s own son. iT9 su-tanu, a. i. very slender; 2. having a beautiful form: f. fair woman; -tantu, a. ()having fair offspring; en. N. of a Danava; -tantri, a. beautifully accompanied on the lute (song); -tapas, a. warming( (V.); performing severe penances (C.). TtT suta-p9, a. drinking Soma (BV.). IjT -sii-tapta, pp. V., C.: very hot; C.: strongly heated, purified (gold); greatly afflicted; well-performed (penance); -tara, a. easy to cross (V., C.); easy to pass (night, RV.); -tarani, a. easy to cross (river; RV.') -tarfim, ad. still more; exceedingly, very: w. na, not very well; still less (the negative sts. to be supplied); -tala, n. a certain hell. jwgsuta-vat, a. containing the word suta (Br.); -vatsala, a. tender towards one's children; en. tender father. sii-tashta, pp. well-wrought (RV.). J-ditR sutm-soma, a. having the Soma prepared, offering a libation (B V.). ~?Tsutft,f. daughter: -bhmava, en. daughterhood. WRsn-tra, a. very bright; very loud. IM 'f suta rthin, a. desiring a son. Alft~ sutd-vat, pp. act. having prepared Soma (RV.). Alfnesut-in, a. having a son or sbns: -i1f. mother of a son. A~ICIViu% su-t'ikshna, a. very sharp (also fig.): -in, ad. excessively; en. N. of a brother of Agastya. ~Isut-bh-ft, become a son.;pw su-tirthiU, a. good road (V.); very sacred bathing-place (C.); good teacher (C.). su-tiika, a. (RV.) swift, -nimble; fugitive (foe).;U su-tya, a. n. (~ahan) day of Soma-~ pressing: hjfsolemrn preparation of'Soma, (V.).?ITIR su-tyaga, a. easy to abandon; -trA:man, V. a. (f. id.) guardingo well; en. ep. of Indra, (V.). '[N. (Br.).;IT., sii-tvan, a. Soma-pressing (V.); en. W;R su-ddmsas, a. performing mighty deeds (BV.); -dilksha, a. very expert or wise (V.); -dkkshina, a. (E.) very dexterous; very courteous; having an excellent right hand (R V.): a',f. N. of Dilipa's wife; -datra, a. giving good gifts (V.); -dant, a. (-dat-i) having beautiful teeth; -darpana, a. having a beautiful mirror, reflecting beautifully; -dkrsana, a. easily seen, by (in.); good-looking, handsome, beautiful, lovely; en. N. of various men; en. n. Vishnu's discus (disc of the sun): 'a, f. night of the bright hayf of the month (V.); N. of a princess (C.);.-das arha-kula, a. belonging to a family worthy of a happy lot and sprung from the noble race of the Dasflrhas; -dana, a. bounteous gift; -da'nu, a. (f. id.) dripping or bestowing abundantly, bounteous (of various gods; V.); -dainan,a.bestowing abundantly, bountiful (Indra; BV.2); en. A.; -dainini,f N.; -dairn, a. good wood; -daruna, a. very dreadful; -das, en. t,,d~s Vd~s] faithful worshipper (of the gods; BV.) or a. bountiful [Vd'di; m.N. of a king of the Tritsus (V., C.). sudi, indecl. incorr.for sudi. fiisu-dlina, a. (B V.) clear, bright (day, morning); n. (V., C.) bright sky, fine day, clear weather; good day, happy time: -a, f. clear weather, -tva, a. brightness (of days), fig. happy time (B V.),; -div, a. shining brightly (Agni; B V.); -diva', a. beautiful day (.AV.); -divasa, a. id. (C.); -diti,Jf bright flame (R V.); a. brilliant, flaming (RV.); -dzirgha, a. very long (of time and ;Tsu-dha'. iqqsu-baddhla.33 353 sqpace); -duhkha, a. very laborious or difficult, to (inf.): -in, ad. very sorrowfully; -dulskhita, pp. greatly afflicted, very unhappy; -dukiila, a. made of very fine material; -dtftgha, a. (V.) milking well (cow); nourishing, bountiful: A, f. good milch-cow (T7.); -durgaya, a. very hard to overcome or conquer; m. kind of military array; -durbala, a. extremely weak; -durbuddhi, a. very foolish; -durmanas, a. very despon. dent; -durlabha, a. very hard to obtain; very difficult to (inf.); -duskar~a, a. very inaccessible; very hard to perform (penance); -duhsrava, a., very unpleasant to hear; -dushpr asdhya, fp. very hard to overcom-e; -dustara, a. very difficult to cross; very hard to perform; -duhsaha, a. very difficult to bear; invincible; -duha, a. willingly milked (cow); -durra, a. very distant: -m or o~- ad. very far; greatly, altogether, very; ab. from afar; (sfi)-dridha, pp. very firm or strong; - retentive (memory); vehement, intens'e; -dris, a. (f. C. id.; V. -'I) keensighted (V., C.); fair, considerable (11 V,); fair-eyed, gqnly. f. (fair-eyed) woman (C.); -drishta, a. keen-sighted; _devi,ma. good or true god (V.); a. (V.) favoured by the gods; meant for tbe right gods; m. N.; -devy - n. host of the good gods (R V7.); -dyiitt, a. shining brightly (II V.); -dyumnfi, e. id. (BV.'); m. (C.) N.; -dviga, a. having beautiful teeth; -dhanvan, a. having an excellent bow; m. a mixed caste (offspring of outcast -Vaisya); N.; assembly ball of the gods;- -dharman, a. practising justice; m. assembly hall of the gods; -dharma-'f.id. TM. su-db'a,f. [good position: V/i. dhft] ease, comfort (V.).;5 T2. su-dbt, f. [good drink: V~2. dha&] beverage of the gods, nectar; milk (rare); mortar, plaster: - amsu, M. (having rays of nectar), moon; - kara, m. mine of nectar; moon;.didhiti, m. moon; -drava, m. whitewash; -dhavala, a. white with plaster, whitewashed; white as plaster; -dhavalita, den. pp. whitened with plaster, white-washed; -dh~am moon; -dhrf stre am of nectar; -dhauta, pp. white-washed; -pura, m. stream of nectar; -bhitti,f. white -washed wall; -bhug, _bhogin, m. (feeding on nectar), god; -maya, a. (i containing or consisting of nectar; -_a~mrita, a. nectar; -rasmi, M. moon; -rasa, m. nectar; a. tasting, like nectar: -maya, a. (i) consisting of or containing nectar; avad ta, pp.wie washed; white as plaster; -varsha, a. shower of nectar; -subhra, a. white-washed; - a ra, m. shower of nectar; -sita, -a. whbitewashed; white as plaster: -ta',f. whiteness of plaster; -sindhu, m. ocean of nectar; -sfiti, m. moon; -seka, mn. besprinkling with nectar;.-syandin, a. flowing with nectar; - 'hartri, m. abstracter of nectar, ep.o Garuda; -hrada, m. lake of nectar. ~fiisui-dhita, V. pp. [N/s. dhft] well set up (post); well-ordered, well-arranged; prepared, ready (food etc.); ordained, intended; benevolent. TA su-dh'f good understanding, intelligence (C.); a. having pious thoughts, devout (LIV.); -intelligent, wise (C.); m. wise or sensible man (C.). ~IvII sudh'i-kri, turn into nectar. 1'5 su-db'ira, a. very steadfast or courageous; -dhuir, a. (IRV.) well-yoked (steed); m. goodchariot-steed(IIV.); -dhafira, a.id.(RV.').;q~iYWR sudlhfiudgatra, m. flood of nectar: -Maya, a. consisting of a flood of nectar. IWI< su-nandw, m. N.: A, f. N.; -nandanam, m. N.; -naya, m. wise conduct; -nayana, a. fair-eyed; -naya-salin, a. possessed of wisdam; -nasa, a. having a beautiful nose; -nasa, a. id.: - akshi-bhruva, a. having a beautiful nose, beautiful eyes, and brows; -uikrishta, pp. very'low or base; -nikhilam, ad. completely; -nigraha, a. easy to control or subdue; -nitambinil, a. f. having beautiful buttocks; -nidra, a. sleeping well; -ninada, a. having a beautiful sound; -nibhritam, ad. very secretly; -nirfupiap. well-inspected,well-considered; _nirgata, pp. having emerged well from (ab.); -nirmala, a. perfectly clean; -uirvrita, pp. perfectly unconcerned.; -niskaya, mi. firm. resolve; a. absolutely certain about sthg.; -niskita, pp. firmly resolved; certain: -in, ad. with absolute certainty, most assuredly; -niskitaputra, *. N. of a town;.-nihita, p p. Wellestablished; -nita, pp. well led; wel11 executed; a. wise conduct; (siit)-niti (or i),f. good guidance (V.); wise conduct (C.); a. guiding well (V.); -nith&, a. giving good guidance, guiding well (B 17.); m. N. (V., C.); -niha~ra, a. very misty; -nripa, m. good king. lvi sunda, M. ep. of Vishnu; N. of an Asuya, brother of Upasunda. sund ara, a. (i1) [ perh. for sunara; cp. sft-nilra, sft-nrita; Gk. &-s'ihp, &P-5 —pdis] beautiful, lovely, handsome; noble (rare); good, right, correct (act etc.): -ka, m. N.; -kainda, n. beautiful stalk; -t&', f. beauty; -pura, a. N. of a town; -m-manya, a. thinking oneself handsome; -sena, m. N. of a king. kjil 4isundaril,f.(beauLtifuLl) womnan; female (ofa bird; rare); a tree; N. -of a divinity; N.: -mandira, n. women's apartments, harem. IN sunna, m. N, [of Soia. T" sun-v-dt, pr. pt. V i. su; m. sacrificer;qI, sup, pratydhadra meaningcease-ending. Wffir su-pakva, a. well-cooked; thoroughly ripe or mature (alsofig.); -paiika, m. (0) good clay; -patha, a. easy to read, legible; -pati, m. good husband; -pattra, a. having beautiful wings; well-feathered (arrow); having a beautiful vehicle; -p~tn'i, a. f. having a good husband; -pfith, m. good path; -pitha, a. (Vm. (C.) good road (V., C.); virtuous course (C.); -pathin, m. (nm. -pantha's) good path; -pad, a. (-i) swift-footed (RV.'); -pap[alt-ani,f. swift flight (B V.'); -parigfigta, pp. well-ascertained; -parisra'nta, pp. completely exhausted; -parihara, a. easy to avoid; -parikshana, is. careful examination;..parikshita, pp. carefully examined; -parus, a. having beautiful knots (arrow); -parn&, a. (f) having beautiful wings (RLV.); m. a large bird of prey, vulture, eagle (fig. of sun, moon, and clouds; du. = sun and moon; V.); a mythical bird, identified with Garuda (C.),. -ketm, m. ep. of VishnuKri~h~na;,-paryavasita,.pp..well carried out;,.pary~jpta, pp. very spacious (house); -parvan,a.bhaving beautiful joints; having beautiful sections or books (Mahidbhdrata); famous; -pali~yita, (pp.) n. skilful or opportune, retreat; -paini, V. a. beautiful-handed'; dexterous-handed; -pit%-a, a. good receptacle, worthy person (,esp.t eev yts';, -.PA', a. (IV)easy -to cross; easy to bear; easily passing over (rain); conducting to6 a prosperous issue (also T'S.); m. a c~ ertain personification: (i)-kshatra, a. easily traversing his realm (Varuna; IBV'); -,pirsva, a. having beautiful sides'; m. N.;'pippa1i, a. hearing good berries (V.); -pihita-vat, pp. act. having (the ears, ac.) carefully closed: -I,. =finite vb.; -punya, a. very excellent; isn. great religious or moral mnerit; -putra, M. good son; i, a. having many or good children. -(V., E.); -puru~ha, m. a certain personification; -pushkala, a. very abundant; -pushta, p~p. well-fed; -pushpa, a. having beautifulfiowers;-pushpita,den.pp. adorned with beautiful flowers; -pfigita, pp. highly honoured; (s-ftL-piita, p~p. well-clarified; _Putra, a. easy to fill; (Siit)-putrna, pp. wellfilled, quite full; -puirvam, ad. very early in the morning; _pfirVahne, lc. early in th e forenoon; -p,6sas, a. well-adorned, beautiful, fair (V., rarely P.). ~gsup-td, pp. V.svap; n. sleep: -ka, n. id. -' w. alika- or vyhga-: -mn kri, feign sleep; -kyuta, pp. fallen down during sleep; -prabuddha, pp. awakened from sleep; -pralapita, (pp.) n. talking during sleep (only pl.); -vakya, nt. words spoken in sleep; -vinidraka, a. awaking from sleep; -sthita, pp. sleeping. I# sup-ti, f. (light) sleep; drowsiness; numbness (of a limb). Jt~ 'fspatht~p~rsnrisep;5]T'4i'k su-praka'sa, a. well-lighted; distinctly visible; -praketk, a. bright, conspicuous, notable (LIV.); -priiketa, a. id. (IIV.'); -prakshfilita, pp. well-washed; -pragupta, pp. very secret; -prakkhanna, _pp. well-concealed; -prag&, a. having good or numerous children; -prag~s, a. id.; -pragn-a, a~veryws (person); -pr~nlti f~safe guidance (V.); a. guiding safely (V.); following good guidance (LI V.); -pratara, a. easy to cross (rivers); -pratarka, mn. sound judgment; -pratikara, a. easy to requite; -pratig~ia, m. N. of a Dadnava; -prativarman, m. N.; -pratishtha, a. standing firm; firmly supportingo; m. kind of military. array; -pratihhpta a.pp. well set up (image); (sift)-pratishthita, pp. standing firm; properly set up (stone); thoroughly implanted in (lc.); well-established (fame, Pr.); n. N. of a town in Pratishthdna; -pr~tika, a. having a beautiful countenance, handsome, lovely; m. N.; N. of a mthical elephant; -pratita, pp. well-known; -pratiir, a. (nm. tf's) advancing victoriously (RIV.'); -pra,tfirti, a. id. (V.); _prapana, n. good drinking-place (LIV.); -prabha, a. having a good appearance, fine, excellent; in. N. of a -Deva-.putra: -deva, mn. N'.; -prabata, pp. beautifully illuminated by dawn; a. beautiful dawn; -prayds, a. well-regaled ( V.); -praMa. pleasant to tread on (RV.'); -prayukta, pp. well-discharged (arrow); wellrecited; well-planned (fraud); -pravaka, a. praiseworthy (RLV.); -prasanna, pp. very clear (water); very bright or pleased (face etc.); very gracious; -prasava, m. easy parturition; -pasda, a. placable; -prasadhita, p~p. well-adorned; -prasiddha, pp. wellknown; -prahaira, mn. N. of a fisherman. IW su-pran z, a. going straight forward (-RV.'); -prita, a. beautiful morning; -prEI-. pa., a. easy to obtain; _prapya, fp. id.- (in a-); -prhyan&, a. pleasant to tread; -pravif,.a.very zealous; (siLt)-priya, a.very agreeable; (siLt)-prita, pp. greatly rejoicing or pleased, with (lc.); -pra'etu, a. easy to traverse (path; LIV.); -praudhah, (con].) f- (pp.) full-grown or marriageable girl. V4 sii-baddhdl, pp. bound fast (iLIV.); firmly clenched (fist; C.); -b~udhu (or Ai, A.,a. closely connected or related; m. good friend; N.; -bala., m. N.; -bahu, a. (-3i) very much or many; -b~hft, a. fairarmed (V., E.); m. (C.) N. of various men; N. of a.Dadnava and of a Badkshasa: -satru, 354 vsubh..9.f(-T s-ura-yu-vati..354 subh. fr sura-yuvati. m. foe of S ubaliu, ep. of Rhma; -biqa, n. good seed; -buddhi, f. good understanding; a. intelligent, shrewd, wise; m. Good-wit, N. of a crow: -mat, a. very intelligent or wise;..bodha, a. easy to recognise or understand; -bodhini, f. (facilitating understanding) T. of commentaries; -brahmnanyk, a. very favourable to Brfhihans;, m. one of the three assistant& of the Udgdtri priest: a', f. invocation of the gods by this priest to partake of the Soma, (sts. = the priest him~se~f); 1. (slid)bah, n. good Brahman (B13r.); 2. -brkhman, a. attended with good prayers (1177.).;g~ SUBII, IX. P. subhnaki, VI. P. SUMNbhati, smother (YV. very rare): pp. subdha (Ts.). '["W su-bhakshya, n. excellent food. IRIT su - bhdga, a. having a blessed lot, highly favoured, fortunate, happy; beloved, dlear (esp. wife); charming, amiable; lovely, beautiful (also of inanimate objects; vc., esp. f. common as an address); nice (fellow, ironical); suitable for (-' rare): -in, ad. charmingly; highly, very (rare): 'a, f. beloved wife; (f&)-m-karan~a, a. (i) making happy (V.); charmiug (C.); (a)-tv&, n. welfare, happiness (V.); popularity, dearness (esp. of a wife; C.); -ma~nin, a. thinking oneself popular; -m-mauya, a. considering oueself happy or beloved: -bha~va, m. selfconceit; Z_~kheta-bhiUmi, a. having fine hunting-grounds: -tva, a. abst. N. 71 su-bhata, mn. mercenary, soldier; N.: a, f. N. of a princess; (sift)-bhadra-, a. glorious, splendid, most auspicious (V., P.); mn. N.: a, f. N. of a younger sister of Krishna and wife of Argiuna; N. of a daughter of the.Asura Sumilya; -bhayam-kara, a. causing great fear or danger; -bhkra, V. a. dense; 'abundant; -bh~shita,p pp. well-spoken, eloquent; n. excellent speech, -fine or witty saying, good advice: -maya, a. consisting in fine sayings; -bhaisa, m. N. of a Ddnava; * -bhiksha, a. having abundant provisions; n.~ abundance of food; -bhita, pp. greatly afraid of (g.); -bhuga, a. having beautiful arms-; -bhf', V. a. of an excellent kind; mighty, strong; invigorating; -bhfiti, m. N.; -bhi'shana, a. well-adorned; (siLt)-bhritz, pp. well nurtured, tended, or guarded (17. ); heavily laden (C.); -bhogya, fp. easy to enjoy;, -bh6gas, a. (V.) bountiful; abundant; -bhriut,f. fair brow; a. fair-browed,; f. fairbrowed maiden: (u)-nisa akshi-kesguta, a. having beautiful brows, nose, eyes, s4nd hair. 73." suma, n. flower (rare). JWT[ sii-makha, a.vigorous, sprightly, gay (V.); n. festival, feast (11 V.); -maiigfi1a, a. (Y', a^) bringaing, ggood- luck, auspicious: A,f. N. ~Wsnmdt, ad. (RV.) together; with (in.). ';Epfff su-matif, f. V.: benevolence, grace, favour (ord. mg.); devotion, prayer; C.: pleasure (rare; in, l C.); a. (C.) wise; wellversed in (g.); m. N.: ~,f. N. of Sagara's wife; -madhura, a. very tender or lovely; singing very beautifully; -madhya, a. beautif ul - waisted; -madhyama, a. i. very mediocre; 2. fair-waisted: A, f. fair-waisted woman; -M~nas, a. V.: (good-hearted), welldisposed, favourable, gracious, benevolent; pleasing; V., C.: well-pleased, cheerful, glad, comfortable; C.: wise; m. N.; f. flower (pl. or in c~pds.); N. A#fWsumnanas -ya, den, only pr. pt.:.i ma~na (V.), gracious, favourable; well-pleased, joyful. TPU~ sumanft, f. N. of various plants. su-mano-matta -ka, m'. N.; -mn-at f. flowering creeper; -manohara, a. very charming or'attractive; -mintu, a. easily known, well-known (1117.); m. N. of a teacher; -mantra, a. following good counsels; ma. N. of various men; -mantrita, pp. well-deliberated: n. imps. good counsel has been taken; n. good counsel: -m kri, take good counsel; -mantrin, a. having a good minister; -mizman, a. uttering good wishes, very devout (BV.); -marina-ga, a. deeply penetrating the joints, causing great agony (arrow); -marshiana, a. easy to bear.; (sfi)-mahat, a. very great, huge, vast (of time, space, quantity, number, degree); very important; -mahas, a. glorious (1117., always vc.); -maha', O~-: a. extremely great; ad. very greatly; - ah-kaksha, a. very high-walled; -mah&-tapas, a. extremely ascetic or pious; -maha'-tegas, a. very glorious; -mahitman, a. very noble-minded or high-souled; -maha-balm, a. extremely powerful or- efficacious; -=mah&-manas, a. very high-minded; -maharha, a. very splendid; -mahaushadha, n. herb of marvellous efficacy; -may~, a. having noble counsels (Maruts; 1117.); m. N. of a prince of the A suras; N. of a fairy a, f. N. of a daughter of Maya: (a)-ka, m?. N. of a fairy; -mitri, m. kind friend; N., esp. of kings: 1, f. N. of a Yalcshini; N. of a wife, of Dasaratha, mother of Satrughna andLakshmana; — mukha,n.beautiful mouth; bright face: in. cheerfully; a. (I') fair-faced; bright-faced, glad; inclined or disposed Ato() m. N. of a king; -mundika, m. N. of an Asura; -mridika', -mrilikk, V. a. compassionate, gracious; -mrishta, pp. wellpolished; very dainty: -pushpa idhya, a. abounding in very bright flowers; -m6ka, V. a. well-established., firm; unvarying; -medhis, a. having a good understanding, intelligent, wise (ac. also -medhb~m, 1117.); -meru, sa. N. of a Wmt (= Meru); N. of a fairy; -mnfi, a. [Vmng, = V'man] well-disposed, gracious (17.); n. (V.) benevolence, favour, grace; devotion, prayer; satisfaction, gladness, peace: -yiit, V. a. devout, believing; favourable; -nin&-v~ri, a.f. gracious, bringing gladness (Dawn, R1V.'). ~. SUMqBH, v. ~ISUBH. T"If I summunli, sa. N. of a king. VW su-yagnid, a. sacrificing well or successfully (11V.); m. N.; (siLt)-yata, pp. wellguided (steed, RV.); -yantrita, pp. bound fast: -tva, n. abst. N.; -yama, V. a. easy to guide (steed); easy to keel) in order, wellregulated; -ykvasa, a. (1117.) abounding in pasture; n. (V.) good pasturage; -yavasin, a. having good pasturage (11V.); -yukti,f. good argument; -yug, a. well-yoked (V.); -yuddha, a. good or vigorous battle; -yodhana, m. N. of the eldest son. of Dhritard'shtra. ffW suyya, m. N.: &',f. N. of Suyya's fostermother: -kundala, N. of a village,..setu, m. N. of an embankment. IK sura, m. [by false etymology fr. as-ura,' understood as a negative: a-sura] god: km min, f. divine woman, Apsaras: -gana, M. p1. Apsaras-folk; -ka'rmuka, n. bow of the gods, rainbow; -kula, n. house of god, temple; -krita, pp. done by the gods. su-rakta, pp. well-affected; -rakshita, pp. well-guarded; sa. N.; -rakshin, m. good or, trustworthy guardian.;5FK r sura-gaga, m. elephant of the gods; -giri, m. mountain of the gods, Meru; -gufru, m. teacher of the gods, Brihaspati; planet Jupiter: -divasa, m. Thursday; -griha, n. house of god, temple. TK su-raiiga, m. orange tree; subterranean passage, mine: -dhftl3i, f. pollen of the orange tree.;51~,t sura-ka'pa, Ma. n. rainbow. Vf'Vfsu-rani'gita,pp.well-coloured; -r'&na, a. j oyous (1117.); n. joy (-RV.); -rata, (pp.) n. great joy; sexual enjoyment: -prab a f. N._priyA,.N, -mai~qani", f. N. of a daughter of the fairy Matamgadeva and T. of the sixteenth Lambakca of the Katha'saritsadgara called after her.; fit~ sura-taramginil, f. river of the gods, Ganges. f~~surata-rafigin, a. (n-i) fond of sexual enjoyment; -sambhoga, m. sexual enjoyment. su-rdtna, a. possessing goodly treasures (-1V.); -rktha, V. a. having a good chariot (also of steeds); consisting in good chariots (wealth); m. N. of various princes: -deva, m. N. of a messenger. sura-d'Irui n. a tree (-Deva-datru); -druma, m. celestial tree; dvipa, ma. celestial elephant; -dvish, m. foe of the gods, demon; ep. of Rahu; dhanus, n. bow of the gods, rainbow, -nadi, f. river of the gods, Ganges; -nayaka, m. leader of the gods, ep. of Indra, -nimnaga^, f. river of the gods, Ganges; pati, m. lord of the gods, Ind-ra: -tva, n. sovereig'nty of the gods, -dhanus, n. bow of Indra, rainbow; -patha, m. path of the gods (a part of the sky); a m a1~ f. Apsaras: -gana, m. Apsarasfolk; -padapa, m. celestial tree; -pura, n. city of the gods, Amar~vatl; -purodhas, m. domestic priest of the gods =Brihaspati; -puslipa, n. celestial flower: -yrishti, f shower of celestial flowers; -pratisht&af erection of a divine image. T,' surabha-ya, den. P. make fragrant; render famous: pp. ita, perfumed, scented. 44KT sura-bhh'va, M. condition of a god, divinity. Vqfff su-rabh-1, a. [affecting pleasantly: -V/rabb] (fid., in C. also I) pleasant, agree'able (V.); fragrant (V., C.; ord. sag.); (being in good odour =) having a good reputation, famous (C.); ma. (C.) spring (season): 1, f N. of a mythical cow, mother of cattle~ daughter of Daksha and wife of Kasyapa, (e-h& suta'h, offspring of Surabhi, cattle); cow (rare); i, n. fragrant substance, perfume (Br., S., rarely E.): -kandara, m. N. of a Wmt.; -gandhi: -n, a. fragrant; -tanaya, sa. bull, 'a, f. cow; -datt a f. N. of an Apsaras; -mat, a. provided with perfumes, fragrant; _Mnlruta, n. (having fragrant breezes) N. of a forest; -i~a nsa. spring month; -vatsa, ma. N. of afairy; -samaya, ma. spring-tide; -srag-dhara, a. wearing fragrant garlands. sura-bh'i, f. fear of the gods.;q-,IFsurabhii- kri, render fragrant, fill with perfume; diffuse (fig.). VIP sura-bhftya,n. deification; -mancira, n. house of god, temple; -muni, m. divine sage: p I. the seven stlars of the Great Bear. V W su-ramya, fp. very charming.; f-K sura-yuvati, f. cel.estial maiden, Apsaras; -Yoshit, f. id.; -r&kqa, m. king of vq -su-rasa. Ifirff su-vitta. 3 5 15) sIrs.~wr uvta 5 the gods, ep. of Indra: -ta, f. Indra's rank, -vriksha, m. Incdra's (Pfirigfta) tree; -1oka, -in. world of the gods, heaven: -sundar', f Apsaras; -vadht', f. id.; -vara, m. chief of the gods, ep. of Indra: -iiagara, n. Indra's city; -varman, mn. N.~ of a king; -va~hinl, f. celestial Ganges; -vesmau, n. house of god, temple; -satru, m. foe of the gods, Asura; -sa'khin, m. tree of the gods (=-kalpa-vriksha), su-rasa, a. abounding in water; wellflavoured; charming; in., 'a,f. a plant (basil): (ai)-lepa, M. besmearing with basil. JT~J sura-sakha, in. friend of the gods, ep. of Indra: p. the Gandharvas;..sattama, apr. best of the gods; -sadana, as. house of god, temple; -sadman, n. abode of the gods, heaven; temple; -sarit, f. river of the gods, Ganges: -suta, in. son of the Ganges, Bhlshma; -sindhu, f.river of the gods, Ganges; -sutaJkamau a.resembling the sons of the gods; -sundar~i, f. a divine beauty, Apsaras: -gana,mi. pl. Apsaras-folk; -sena, f. host of the gods; N.; -stri, f. celestial woman, Apsaras; -sthana, n. temple. ~IV sAi-rft, f. [distillation: /I. su] spirituous liquor. IWM f'T sura aigranfi, f.-celestial nymph, Apsaras. 4I~Tif~ su-rfigan, m. good king; -ragambhava, n. possibility of being a king. T~[TqTsr-iim(iigb spirits), keeper of a tavern or distiller; -dhara, in. N. of an Asura. ITI sura adri, in. mountain of the gods, Meru. ~TI(su-r'adhas, V. a. bestowing good gifts, bountiful; receiving good gifts, wealthy.;5T'f~it sura adhipa, in. lord of the gods, ep. of Indra; - Adhisa, in. id. IT:rTT surft-dhvaga, in. sign of a tavern;-pa, a. (a^, 3i) drinking spirituous liquor. *kTM sura apagfi, f.river of the gods, Ganges. T11 sura-p~na, (also na), n. drinking of spirituous liquor; a. (C.) drinking spirituous liquor; -pitha, m. drinking of spirituous liquor (Br.). logsum fyudba, n. missile of the gods; -_ ai, in. foe of the gods, Asura or iRfkshasa; i. - Mlaya, m. abode of the gods, heaven; hous~e of god, temple; 2. 9 laya, in. tavern; -avasa, in. abode of the gdN fatm ple; - asraya, m. resort of the gods, Meru. sii- rftshtra, a. having a fair realm ();m. (C.) N. of a country~, Surat (part Of Cujerat): p1. people of Surat. V" surfsava, m. n. distilled spirit. ura asura, m. pl. gods and Asuras; -apdn. abode of a god, temple. suni, f. (of sumr, q. V.) goddess. ~ su-rfsg A, f subterranean passage, mine; -rnitk, f. brightness (V.); a. bright, radiant (V.); -rukira, a. very brilliant or beautiful; -rfipa', a. good-looking, beautiful: a, f. N. of the daughter of a snake demon: (a)-ta',f. beauty; -rekha, a. having beautiful lines or outlines:a, f.N;-rekha, f beautiful line or track; -r6tas, a. (V.) having great generative power. sura indra, m. chief of the gods, ep. of Indra; N. of a king; -ta', f. chiefship of the gods; -loka, m. Indra's world; -vati,f N. of a princess. ITIT sura isa, rn. lord of the gods; ep. of Indra, Vishnu, and Siva: i, f. ep of DurgA; - isvara, M. lord of the gods, ep. of Indra; N.: I',f. ep. of DurgA, (a)-dhanus, n. Indra's bow, rainbow, iL-kshetra, n. N. of a region sacred to DurgAl; - uttama, m. chief of the gods. T~E su-rosha, a. very angry; -roshana, in. N. of a warrior; -roha, m. N. of a prince. -Nw suranokas, n. abode of the gods, temple. ~P ff- su-lakkana, m. N. ~P q su-lakshana, a. having auspicious, marks (-tva, as. abst. N.): a^, f. N.; -lakshita, pp. carefully examined; -lagna, pp. firmly adhering, to (ic.); m. (?) (astrologically) auspicious moment; -labha, a. easy to obtain or find; easy of access, to (-'O); cheap; adapted, appropriate, proper, fit, suitable (to, for, — o): -kopa, a. irascible, -tva, n. frequency, cheapness, - avak~sa, a. having easy access to, easily reflected (image) in (lc.); -labha, f. N.; -labhaitara, a.'(opposite of =) not easy of attainment; -lalita, pp. very dainty or delicious (meat); very charming or lovely: -at-pallava-maya, a. (I') consisting of the young shoots of lovely creepers; -lokana, a. fine-eyed: a, f N. of a Yakshini; N.; -lola, a. eagerly longing for (~) jWTf'9!gR sullft-vihara, in. N. of a monastery. sulbailf N. of a locality. IT~ su-vakana, n. eloquence; -v~gra, a. having a good thunderbolt (NV.); -vadana, a. fair-faced: 'a, f. beautiful woman; N.; -v~irkas, a. full of life, vigorous, fiery; blooming; glorious: -a, a. (C.) id.; illustrious.; V su-vdrna, a. V., E.: having a beautiful colour, brilliant, glittering, golden; made of gold (rare); 'belonging to a good caste (17.,,rare); n. (V., C.) gold; wealth; in. (rarely n.) a weight = one Karsha of gold; m. N.: -kaiikana, n. gold bracelet; -kartri, m. goldsmith; -ka'ra as. id.; -hulaz, m. a bird; -da'na, n. gift of gold; -dvipa, in. n. gold island, perhaps Sumatra; -pairsva, N. of a locality; -pushpa, a. having gold as flowers (earth); -bindu, N. of a temple; -maya, a. (i) consisting of gold; -roman, in. (goldenfleeced), ram; -lekha',f. streak of gold (on a touchstone); -vat, i. ad. like gold; 2. a. containing or possessing gold, opulent: -i1, f. N. of a town in Dakshina-patha; -vastr adi, n. m-oney, clothes, etc.; -sanknra, N. of a locality; -siddha, in. adept in the magical obtainment of gold. #fI'suvarni-bhM,U becomne gold. su-varsha, in. good rain; a. raining well; -vasanta, in. good spring; -vastusampad, a. having abundant wealth; -vastra, a. beautifully-dressed; -vahkya, a. fairspoken;` -vAk, a. id. (V.); -vinta,p. having thoroughly disgorged the blood it has sucked (leech); -vaisa-kumaira: -ka, in. N. of a syon of Kasycapa; -v~sas, a. beautifully attired, adorned; -visita, pp. perfumed, fragrant; -va~sin-i`, f. married or single girl (not yet grown up) residing in her father's house; -v-^stulf. N. of a river (now Suwad); -vikrama, in. valour, prowess; -vikranta, pp. bold, courageous, -valiant; as. bold or courageous conduct; -vigraha, a. having a beautiful body or figure; in. N. of a messenger; -vikakshana, a. very discerning or wise; I -vika'rita, pp. well-pondered; _vigiiainf, a. easy to distinguish (RV.'); very discerning; -vigiFbeya, fp. easy to distinguish. If su-v-itd, pp. [for su ita, faring well] prosperous (path), faring well (N V.); as. (V.) good path, prosperous course, welfare, prosperity, fortune'. ~fiwi su-vitta, a. having abundant wealth, rich; -vidagdha,.pp.very cunning; -vidibtra, a. noticing kindly, benevolent, propitious (V.); as. benevolence,favour (V.); -vidatr-iya, a.id. (NV.'); (sfti)-vidita, pp. well-known; -vidyi, f.good knowledge; -vidha, a. of a good kind; -vidhana, as. good order or arrangement: -tas, ad. duly; -vidhi, in. suitable manner: in. suitably; -vinita, pp.well-trained (horses); well-bred; -vipula, a. very great, abundant, etc.; (s-ft)-vipra, a. very devout (NV.'); -vimala, a. very clear or pure; -virfidha, _pp. (Vruh) 'fully developed; -visada, a. very distinct or intelligible; -vis~ia, a. very extensive; in. N. of an Asura; -visuddha, pp. perfectly pure; -visvasta, pp. full of confideuce, quite unconcerned; -vistara, in. great extent; great diffuseness: Ab very fully, in great detail: -in ya', be filled (treasury); a. very extensive or large; very great, intense, or intimate etc.: -in, ad. in great detail, at full length; very vehemently; -vistiirna, pp. very extensive or great: -in, ad. in a very detailed manner; -vismaya, a. greatly sur~prised or astonished; -vismita, pp. id.; -vihita, pp. well carried out or fulfilled; wellprovided, with (in.); -vihvala, a. greatly exhausted, perturbed or distressed; -vithipatha, in. a certain entrance to a palace; -v3'ra, V. a. very mighty, heroic; having, abounding, or consisting in, retainers or heroes; in. hero (V.); -vfrya, as. Manly vigour, heroism (V., very rare in E.): pl. heroic deeds; abundance of brave men, host of heroes (V.); a. (C.) very effcacious (herb); -v-rikti, f. [for su rikti: Vrikl excellent praise, hymn (NV.); a. praising excellently (NV.); praiseworthy (V.); -vriksha, in. fine tree; -vrigkna, a. dwelling in fair regions (NV.'); -vrit, V. a. (revolving =) running well (car); -vritta, pp. well-rounded; wellconducted, virtuous (esp. of women; ord. ing.); composed in a fine metre; as. good conduct: &, f. N.: (a)-t&^, f. round shape and good conduct; -vriddha, _pp. very old (family); -vridh, a. glad, joyful (RV.); -vega, a. running, moving, or flying very fast; -vena, in. N.; -v~da, a. easy to find or obtain (V.'); -vesha, a. beautifully dressed or adorned: -vat, a. id.; -vyakta, pp. very clear or bright; quite distinct: -in, ad. quite clearly, manifestly; -vyasta, _pp. thoroughly dispersed (army); -vy~hrita, (pp. s iesy ing; -vrati, a. ruling well (V.); fulfilling one's duties well, very virtuous (C.: often vc.); quiet, gentle (of animals; C.,. rare); mn. N.; -samsa, a. (NV.) blessing bountifully (god); saying good things, pronouncing blessings (men); -s~kti, f. easy possibility, easy matter (NV.'); -sfsmi, in. ad. carefully, diligently (V.); -sarank, a. granting secure refuge (NV.); -sirman, a. id. (V.); very pleasant (C.); an. frequent N.; -sasta, pp. well-recited (Br.); -sasti, f. good hymn of praise (V.); a. praiseworthy (N -1K); -sainta,.pp. very calm (water); -sa'sita, pp. wellcontrolled, well-disciplined (wife); -sikha, a. having a bright flame (lamp) -tIL-ri greatly relax; -sipri (sts. -sipra), a. having beautiful cheeks (NV.); (siit)-si-sv-i, a. [v'sft: cp. sisu] growing well (in the womb; NV.'); (siit)-sishti,.f. excellent aid (NV.'); -sishya, m. good pupil; -si'ghr&, '~ or -zn, ad. very swiftly; -sita, a. quite cool or cold; Z z2 356 36su-shamsad. su~kshma..sitala, a. id.; -sS'ma, a. [ Vsll Pleasant to recline on (Br., rare); -sima-k~ma, a. [having deep-seated love] deeply in love; -sila, n.-good disposition; a. having a good disposition, good-tempered; m. N.: -guna-vat, a. having good nature and other good qualities, -ta', f. good nature, -vat, a. goodnatured; -subha, a. very fine (arm); very auspicious (day); very noble (deed); -s6va, a. very kindly, loving, tender, or dear (F.); very prosperous (path; Br.); -s6ka, a. shining brightly (BiV.'); -sobhana, a. very handsome or beautiful; most excell ent; -sk-andrA, a. very brilliant ( V.); -sr~vas, a. very famous (V., P.); hearing well or gladly (V.); mn. N.; N. ofaNdga; -sr~nta,pp.greatlyexhausted; -sri;, a. splendid; rich; (sfi)-sruta, _pp. very 'famous (BV.1); C.: correctly heard; gladly heard; m. N. of a celebrated medical writer; N. ofa son of Padmodbhava; -sroni, a.f~. haying beautiful hips; -slakshna, a. very smooth, soft, or delicate;. -slishta, pp.. well-joined or united; well-ratified, very close (alliance); very convincing (argument): -guna, a. having, a well-fastened hand:..ta, f. abst. N..; -slesha, a. attended with a close embrace, with a euphonious coalescence of words, or with the rhetorical figure termed slesha; (si-)-sloka, a. sounding, speaking etc. well (V., P.); famous (P.); -slok-ya, n. fame or well-sounding speech. 1 q su-shamsdd, a. having or fond of good company (RV.); -.shakhi, a. [sakhi] having good friends, friendly (BiV.); -.shana, a. [sana] easy to obtain (liV.'); -sbanana, a. id. (BV.'); -shama, a. [sama] splendid, beautiful; easy to understand: A, f. splendour, beauty; -shamidh, f. [samidhi] good fuel (V.); (idh), a. lighting well (Br., iS.); -shira, a. [having a good flow of sap: sirfi] hollow; n. (C.) hollow, hole:..ta,f. hollowness; (sfi]-shuta, pp. [suta] well pressed or prepared (Soma; liV.); (siCi)-shuti,f. easy birth (R V.'); (sii)-shuipta, pp. [supta] sound asleep; n. deep sleep; -shupti, f. [supti] deep sleep. n~k su-shup-sft, des. f. [V/svap] desire to sleep, drowsiness; - su, des. a. sleepy. R su -shu -mdt, a. very stimulating F-1,su-shumnd (or mud: liV.) a. [sumna] very gracious (V.); -shumva', -sumnaA, f. carotid vein; -shui, a. i. [,'s-ft] well-pressed or very, stimulating (V.); 2. bringing forth easily (li V.'); -sh~na, a. having a good missile (C.); in. N. of a Gandharva (V., P.); N. of a fairy and of various men, esp. kings (C.): 'a, f. N. of a princess; -shtuti, f. high praise (V.).;M su-shthii, ad. twell-placed: V~stbal fitly, aptly,. well; very much, exceedingly: - khalui,. iuost certainly:. -taram, ad. still more, in a still higher degree; -dvfixa, a. affording a good entrance. 14 sushvaya [den.fr. siishvi, but accented like a cs.], only sushviyanta and sushviy-anti, run,, flow (F:). sid-shuij, a. [Vi. su] pressing or offfeqring Soma (liV.). -,%insu- sam -yuta, pp. well-controlled; (sii-sam)-rabdha,pp.well-established(RFV.D; greatly enraged, very wrathful (C.); -vita, pp. w~ell-covered, fully clothed; well-girt; abundantly provided with ( —); -vrita, pp. well-concealed, kept very secret; carefully guarding oneself; (sii-sam)-sita, pp. well'sharpened, very sharp; (siit-sam)-skrita, p.well-adorned (liF.); well-prepared; kept I in good order; good Sanskrit: "Paskara, a. keeping the utensils in good order; -hata,.pp. well-combined, closely united; being in close contact; very compact: -in kri, close very tightly; -hati, a. id.; -hita, pp. wellunited. I'CI su-saki m (in )good friend; -Samkruddha, p~p. greatly enraged; -samgat', f. N.; -samwama, m. pleasant (place of) meeting; -samgrih'ita,.pp.well-controlled or governed (kingdom); -sakiva, mn. good minister; a. having a good minister; -saggikri, make perfectly ready; -samkita, pp... well-gathered, carefully accumulated: sam-hi, collect carefully; -sattra, n. good hospital; -sattva, a. very resolute; -sadrisa, a. (i) very like (g.);..samtushta, pp. perfectly satisfied; -samtosha, a. easy to satisfy; -samndipta, pp. flaming brightly; -samdris, a. fair to see; -samdha,, a. true to one's word; -sauna, pp. [V'sadl completely at an end, foiled; -sama, a. perfectly level or smooth; (siit)-sam~hita, pp. [Vdhh] wellladen (waggon, Br.); C.': well-adorned; very attentive or intent, thoroughly concentrated; (sii)-samiddha, pp. [Vidh] well-kindled; (siL)-samriddha, pp. [,v'ridh] V.: quite perfect; C.: very abundant; very wealthy; -samriddhi, f. great wealth; -sampad, f. affluence, great prosperity; (sii)-samipishta, pp. completely shattered (car; RiV.');I -sampratapta, pp. thoroughly harassed; -sambaddha, pp. intimately connected; -sambhriti, f. due collection of requisites; -sambhrama, m. great agitation or confuSion, excessive haste; -sambhranta p completely bewildered; (s-ft)-sarva, a. quite complete (Br.); -sahiya, a. having a good companion or assistant: -vat, a. id.; -sidhana, a. easy to prove; -s~dhita, pp. welltrained; -sildhya,fp. easy to control, amenable; -aman, n. very conciliatory words; -srathi, a. having a, good charioteer; -sita, a. pure white; -siddha, pp wl-cooked;' very efficacious, of great magical power; completely supplied with (in.): -artha, a. having completely attained one's obj~ect; -sima, a. having a good parting (woman). M W su-sukha, a. very agreeable or comfortable: '-or -in, ad.; -seLkshma, a. very minute, Small, or insignificant; very subtile (mind, sense); - sevita, pp. well-served (king); -saindhaV1, f. beautiful mare from the Indus country (Sindh); -stambha, m. good pillar; -stri, f. good woman; -stha, a. (wellsituated), faring well, healthy, being at ease, prosperous, well off; full (moon): -t', f health; -sthana, n. beautiful place; -sthita, pp. (Vstha) fir mly established; following the right path, innocent; faring well, prosperous, well off, being at ease (ord. mng.): -tva, n. ease, comfort, prosperity, -in-manya, a. considering oneself well off; -sthiti, f. excellent position; welfare; -sthira, a. very steadfast, lasting, or durable: -m-manya, a. considering oneself firmly established, -var2man, Ms. N.; -snita, pp. perfectly cleansed by bathing; -snigdha-gambhira, a. very soft and deep (voice); -spashta, _pp. [v'Ispas] very clear, evident, or distinct: -in, ad. most manifestly; -svapna, as,. beautiful dream; -svara, ms. correct accent; a. hAyiag a beautiful voice; melodious; loud: m ad. melodiously; loudly; -svaida, a. having a good taste, well-flavoured, sweet.; -sv~du, a. very well-flavoured (water); -svmin, m. good leader (of an army). ~Isussala, M. N. =W su-hata,pp.thoroughly beaten; justly killed; -Mana, a. easy to slay (V.); -hintu, I a. id. (liV.); -hiva, a. (F:) easily invoked,2 listening willingly; invoking well; n. (V.) successful invocation; -h~sta, a. (V.) fairhanded; deft of hand; (siit)-hita, pp. C.: very suitable; very salutary; perfectly satisfied, fully sated (esp. with food and drink; Br., S.; rare in C.); (ssit)-huta, pp. V., E.: well offered (sacrifice); 'well sacrificed to (C.); a. right sacrifice (V.): -hut, a. offering a right sacrifice (S.); -hrik-khoka-vivardhana, a. increasing the sorrow of one's friends; -hrig-gana, n. sg. friend, friends: pl. friends; -hrit-tama, spy, best of fliends; -hrit-t&,f., -.hrit-tva, n. friendship; -hrit-tyaiga, in. desertion of a friend: -hrid, 'i. [goodhearted] friend; ally (-hrido gana~h, friends): 0a. fond of; addicted to; closely resembling; -hridaya, a. kind-hearted (F:): -tama, spy.;.-hrid-bheda, am. separation of friends; -hridvadha, in. slaying a friend; -hrid-vaikya, n. speech or advice of a friend; -hrin-na~ri, f. female friend; -hrin-mitra, n. sg. friends and allies; -hemanta, in. good winter (S.); _h6tri (or siit-), in. good sacrificer (V.); -hotra, in. N. ~(suhma, rm.pl. N. of a people. 'II P. sauti (Br., S.), set in motion, impel, vivify, produce; bestow, (of Savitri); consecrate, A. let oneself be consecrated; allow, authorise any one, (ac.): pp. (V.) sfitta, suta. abhi(-shuvati), V.: consecrate for (ac.); endow with (in.). A, (V.) send, bestow (of Savitri). Iii, pp. nishuta, thrown into (lc.; Br.). nis', drive away,( V.). para^, id. (V.). pra, (V.) set in motion, rouse to activity (of Savitri); impel, urge; allow, give up to; pp. pi-&sfita, discharged (arrow); sent away; impelled, urged, commanded; allowed. A A A 2. S IT, I.A A. siite (V., C.), IV. A. su~Gyate (C., Br.; also P. inEB.), I. P. -sava (C.), IIL P. -sauti, beget (rare~ in C.), bear (ord. ing. in C.); produce (fig.; C.): pp. sfit&,f. having brought forth young, having calved. abhi, bring forth. pra, beget, bear, obtain offspring;' bear fruit (trees); produce (fig.); Ps. pra-sftyate, be born or produced, arise: pp. begotten, born, produced, sprung (by, fro, a.,.; n, c.,.~'): A, f. confined, having borne (ac.; sts. ==finite vb.): a-m~tra, a. having j ust been confined. sam-pra, -sfite (F.), -sftyate (C.), beget: pp.begotten, borne (by, of; ab., lc.; in, lc.). i. sA, in. father, f. mother (V., rare); in C..29, id.; -9 a. producing (C.). 12. V., / ad. =;q ss, well etc. sfl-kard, in. boar, hog: i, f. sow: (a) - tf. condition of a hog; (a)-preyasi, f. (beloved of the boar), sow and earth (drawn out of the waters by Vishnu in the form of a boar). siu uktd, pp. well-spoken or recited; n V., C.: beautiful speech, good word, song of prai~se; C.: wise saying; Vedic hyimn, hymn to (-'); ukti, f. good or wise saying: -mukta^,f pl. pearls of wise sayings. suskshma, a. minute, fine, small; thin; narrow (path); shost; trifling; delicate, scarcely audible (sound); acute, subtle (intellect, mental operation); nice, exact; intangible, atomic: w. artha, in. trifling mnatter: -in, ad. penetratingly, keenly, hard (look); -tikka, am. N.; -ta,, f. subtle nature; -tva, n.id.; -darsita, f. keen-sightedness, acuteness (of mind); -darsin, a. acute (mind); -drishti, f. keen glance; -pida, a. having small or delieate feet,: -tva, n. delicacy of I =wsuk-aka. -q sri.35 357 one's feet; -bhfita, n. subtile element; -mati, a. acute-minded: -mat, a. id.; -Sarira, n. su~btile or ideal body; - aksha, a. eagle-eyed, acute (mind): AAi, f. acuteness (perk. incorr. for - lkshi-th); l.kshiki, f. keen sight, acuteness (perhap inor. for - lkshita'). TW sfik-aka, a. (ika') indicating, showing, designating (g., 0;m. informer; -ana, n. indication, communication; _.anlya,fp to be indicated. lgIq sfikaya, den. P. (fr. sfiki) indicate, point out, show, reveal, betray; indicate (to the spectator) by dumb show (dramatic term): pp. ita, indicated, revealed, betrayed, by (in., ~) iq ' sfikay - itavya, fp. to be found out or ascertained. siltk-i, f. needle; sharp point or tip; kind of military array, pointed column; (pointer), index (common in Indian editions 0- w.Zpattra, n.): -ka, m. tailor; -kul1'-ya, den. A. appear like a collection of needles. ~~~Isftk-ita, pp. I. of setkaya;.2. su ukit Vuk), very suitable. *pTIM sfiki-pattra, n. index; -bhinna, pp. split at the point (bud);..bhedya,.fp. so dense as to be capable of being pierced with a needle (darkness); -sikhi, f. point of a needle. Ak A'k- f. -needle: -bhedya, fp. to be pierced with a needle, dense, palpable (darkness); -mukha, n. point of a needle: - grasambhedya, fp. so dense as to be capable of being pierced by a needle (darkness); is-mukha, a. (i) having a beak (etc.) as sharp as a needle; sharp as or pointed like a needle (C.); m. (C.) bird, kind of bird, or N. of a bird. IE4 sfiki agra, n.. point of a needle; - &sya, a. having a mouth pointed like a needle; m. mosquito.,P i. sfi-ta, pp. of V/I. 2. SU-. Id2. Slltd, M. charioteer (in V. a royal servant often mentioned with, grAinani; in E. also a royal herald; in C. a mixed caste, offspring of Kshatriya and Brdhiani or of JBraimana and Kshatriya'). 'W sftta-ka, n. birth; calving; impurity (of the parents) caused by childbirth; impurity (in general): -bhogaua, n. natal feast; -anna, (V.) n.: -dya, (C.) n. food rendered impure by childbirth.;T' sftta-tva, n. office of a charioteer; -putra, m. (son of a) charioteer; ep. ofKarna. f1 C sos-ti, f. V7., C.: birth, production (also O0 a.); C.: delivery; production of crops; birthplace; cause or manner of production; offspring. 1gJR~iT sAft-ika, omnlying in; cow that has recently calved (+ go) - ag~ -griha, -geha, n. lying-in room; -mkruta, m. vital air of childbirth. IR sftt-kara, m. sound sit; also of the snorting of horses;- -krita, a. id., 'q siuutthana, a. very strenuous. I' su-tra, n. [Vsilv] V., C.: thread, string, cord (ord. mg.); C.: sacred cord (worn over the left shoulder by the three upper castes); measuring line; fibre; line; sketch, plan; (thread running through and holding together =) concise rule or aphorism; manual consisting of aphoristic rules: -ka, n. thread, cord; -kira, m. author of a Sfttra wor~k or mianual;..tantu, m. thread; -daridra, a. (poor in threads =) threadbare: -t9,f. threadbare condition; -dha'ra, m. [holder of the measuring line] carpenter, builder, architect; [wire-puller = ] stage-manager; -' in., 3i, f. leading spirit in; -pita, m. drop of the measuring line: -m kri or kar, measure, compare;..pitaka, m. n. (basket ==) collection of the Buddhistic Siltras; -prota, pp. attached to (==worked by) strings (pup~pet); -bhrit, in. stage-manager. 2374sfitra - ya, den. P. A. string or put together; contrive, effect, produce; compose or teach in the form of a Sfttra. 'a, contrive, effect, sam-a, id. vi, drive away, dispel, remove; throw into confusion.,Jeff!Tsfitray-itavya,fp~tobe composed in the form of a Sfttra. TA~,sutra ftman, m. thread-soul,9 i. e. intellect conditioned by the aggregate and therefore passing through all things like a thread (ph.). W siltr-ikft, f. macaroni; -ita, pp. (of sfttraya): -tva, n. fact of being stated in a SCLtra; -in, a. provided with threads; in. stage-manager.;IR SUD, III. P. slishilda, (V.) guide I aright; cs. siidaya, P. V.: id.; arrange; prepare, effect; C.: settle =put an end to, kill, destroy (animate and inanimate objects); press, crush. ini, cs sfdaya, P. (C.) kill, destroy: Sulayam -, impale. 74KK- su'da, in. well (Ry.); mud of a driedup pool (V.);. C.: hot spring; cook (ord. ing.); kind of broth: -karman, n. art of cookery; -tva, n. condition of a cook. SuI s3t-aa..) guiding aright (courser; RV1.'); putting an end to, destroying (guly. -P9; C.); m. (C.) slayer or destroyer of (-O); n. destruction (C.). ~3Tq~Il T sfida-sAla, f. kitchen.,Ft sina, n. [perk. sprout: old pp. V'2. SOm] blossom, flower: -sara, in. (flower-arrowed) god of love. [lightful (liVF.). "WR sil-ndra, a. (il) glad, joyous (V7.); deITif sft-n'a, f. [V/sliv: ap. siltraj VI.: woven basket or dish (V.); C.: slaughter-house, shambles; means of producing death": -kakradhvaga-vat, in. pl. butchers, oil mranufacturers, and distillers (or publicans). ~fi sfin-ika, in. butcher; -in, m. id.;5sfi-nu, m. i.[vE. Su] S oma-presser (R V.); 2. [AV2.SO] son (17., C.).; Coll- offspring (-RV7., rare); younger brother (C., rare): tis f sonship. sil-nrifta, a. glad, joyful (V.); kind, courteous, agreeably true (speech; C.): A, f. V.: gladness, glee, song of joy (in. pl. joyfully); 'C.: friendliness, kind speech; truth (opp.. anrita); n. (V.) joy, gladness; -nrit&vat, a. glad, joyous (VF.); -nrita-vari, a.f. t7 silpa, m. broth, soup: -kara, -krit, in. (soup-maker),, cook. 4p~ suuppavailkandf, a. easy of access (1V1;.paya, m. good expedient; - a yanA, a. easy of access (111.). I~R sti-bharva, a. well-nourished (bull; 111.); -yivasa, a. having good pasturage. Aslf = 1~KSu ar, sun, heaven. (V.): only,-as,-e MMi. sl~ra, m. Soma flowing from the press /VI. su); 2. stir-a, m. [fr. svar] sun; (suira)-kakshas, a. bright as the sun (RV1.). Ift sfi-rf, ni. [inciter-: -VI. silj V.: institutor of a sacrifice (who rewards the priests = yagamftna in C.); lord, chief; presser or sacrificer of Soma Lv". su]; C.: wise man, sage, great scholar. URSi~KSH, g~SQ UKSHY, P.sur"',kshati, Siirkshyati, care or trouble, a bout (ac., g.; V., rare).;gI slr-ta, V. pp. (Vsri) trodden. Tf# stirmi, Tf isilrmi', f. pipe (for conducting water; V.); tubular lamp (V.); hollow metal image by means of which, when made red hot, criminals, especially adulterers, are executed ( C.). CI sil-ya, m. [svar] sun; sun-god; N. (C.): -ka, in. N,.; -kara, in. sunbeam; -ka~nta, M. (beloved of the sun), sun-stone, suncrystal; -kandra, m. N.; -tapas, m. N. of a sage; -tegas, n. sunshine; (su'rya)-tvak, a. having a sun-bright skin or covering (111.); apda, m. sunbeam; -putra, m. son of the sun, pat. of the Asvins, planet Saturn, and Yama: i', f. daughter of the sun, the Yamung,; -prabha, a. sun-bright; m. N. among others of thie king after whom the eighth Lambaka of the Kathdsaritsdgara is called: -ta', f. abst. N.; -prabhava, a. sprung from the sun (race); -prabhiya, a. belonging to king S-ftryaprabha; -prasishya, m. ep. of Ga-naka; -bimba, m. or n. disc of the sun; -mandala, n. id.; -muati~f. N. of a princess; -ratha, in. car of the sun; -rasmi, m. sunbeam; -ruk, f. sunlight; -vamsa, mn. solar race of, kings; -vains-ya, a. belonging to the solar race; -varman, mn. N. of a Dainara; _Vara, M. Sunday; -sishya, in. ep. of YAgiiavalkya: - anteva'sin, in. ep. of Ganaka; -samkram~a, in. entrance of the sun into a new sign of the zodiac; -samkrinti, f. id.; -siddhanta, in. T. of an astronomical treatise ascribed to the Sun; -suta,.mi. (son of the sun) planet Saturn; the monkey Sugrlva; -stuti, f., -stotrm, n. praise of the sun.;O silrya', f. female personification of the Sun; hymn of the wedding of SO-ryA (1B1. xi 85). sfiryaams-u, en. sunabeam; A-kandraa~4(. or -au, in. nmn. du. sun and moon; &tpi.heat of the sun: e d A, expose to the sun;.apfiya, in. departure of the sun, sunset; (sfurya)- abhyudita, pp. risen upon while sleeping by the sun (V.); ah-vasu, a. whose wealth is Selrya (Asvins; 1171). vid, a. knowing the Sftrya' hymn (11T. X, 85); A-suikta, a. the Sftrya' hymn (111. X, 85); iajsta, in. sunset. sfkyaidha, pp. brought by the setting Sun, arriving at sunset (guest); - daa in. Sunrise. SRI, L. P. s~.ra, III. P. (sts. A.) sisarti (111.), V.., C.: run swiftly, speed, flow, glide; pursue (ac.); C.: blow (wind); run or slip away, escape; betake oneself to (ac., tatra); assail (ac.); traverse, cross (ac.): ag sri, run a race, = exert oneself; ukkakais -, spring up (bow): pp. srita, running; bahis -,having slipped or come out; sfurta, trodden (17., rare); cs. skraya, P. cause to run; set in motion, strike (lute-string); 'push aside, remove (braid. of hair), from (ab.); make visible, show; A. cause oneself to be driven, drive (in a carriage, S.); sariyate, flow (R1V.'); des. sisi~rshati, wish to run 358 35 sri-ka. gqt srip. - (V.); intv. (C.) sarisarti, stride backwards and forwards; blow violently (wind). anu, flow towards (RV.); C.: walk along (the course of a river), follow (a path etc.), pursue, traverse; direct one's course to, betake oneself to (ac.); reach (ac.; also U.); conform to (ac.); get at, ascertain (ac.): pp. anusrita, following (ac.); proceeding from (ab.); followed,pursued (track etc.); attended, by (in., -0); traversed; afflicted with, subject to (ab.); cs. cause to follow, draw after; follow, pursue; gd. anusritya, in accordance with (ac.). apa, slip down from (a car, ab.; RV.); C.: roll backwards (car, with paskAt); withdraw, retire, depart, from (ab.; ord. mg.); pass, elapse (day); deviatefrom a previous statement; cs. remove, put away. viapa, depart. abhi, RV.: speed towards (ac.); C.: approach any one (ac.); assail; betake oneself to; go to meet or to the house of (a lover, by appointment; ac.): pp. abhisrita, come; gone to (ac.); gone to attack (-~); visited by (in.); cs. bring; make an appointment with (a mistress; A.); visit. a, V.: speed hitherward; C.: approach; attack. apal (metr. for apa), pass by (ab.). ud, leap up (v. r. ud + plu); be stretched out (hand); cs. drive or scare away, dispel, disperse, remove; throw off or away; give up, abandon; dismiss (a statement); scatter. aneuud, abs. anftsaram, leaving the place in succession (Br.). pra ud, cs. drive away, disperse, dispel; offer: pp. protsarita, offered (seat). sam-ud, cs. send away, dismiss; disperse, dispel. upa, go to (for help, advice etc.; Br.); approach, visit (ac.; C.). ni, pp. nisrita (metr.for nih-), departed; drawn (sword). nis, flow or go out, come forth, emerge, issue, depart, from (ab. + bahis), to (ac.): pp. nihsrita, gone out, issuing (etc.), from (ab.,-~); protruding (eyes); cs. drive out, expel, eject, remove, from (ab.). abhi-nis, pp. issuing from (ab.). vi-nis, go forth, issue (etc.), from (ab.): pp. issuing, proceeding etc., from (-0). pari, flow or walk round: pp. having traversed (ac.); diffused in all directions. pra, stream, gush, break, or come forth, break out (disease), issue, proceed, rise, be diffused (odour), be manifested, from (ab.); extend (fire); set out, advance (for, against, ac.); pass, elapse (night etc.);.commence (spring, festival); prevail; proceed with (work, undertaking, Ic.); be extended (hands); stretch out (arms. V.): pp. prasrita, streaming forth, overflowing; set in (darkness); resounding (tones); issuing, proceeding, from (ab., -~).; wide-spreading, extending, to (Ic.); prevailing, ordinary; intense (brilliance), great (friendship); set out; fled; outstretched (hand, arm); devoted to (-~); incorr. for prasrita, modest, quiet; cs. prasiraya, P. stretch out, extend (hand etc.: ord. img.); spread out (wares), exposefor sale; open wide (eyes, mouth, etc.); diffuse, circulate, publish (rare); prosecute, transact. vi-pra, be far extended. prati, return; cs. push back, restore to its place; (cause to go back=) dispel (darkness). vi, flow through (RV.1); be spread out (RV1., C.); come forth, issue, from (ab.; C.): pp. stretched out, extended; issuing, proceeding from (-~). pra-vi, pp. gushing forth; violent, intense. sam, RV.: flow together with (in.); C.: go about, wander, walk; undergo transmigration, obtain or enter into (ac.) in the course of transmigration; es. cause to transmigrate; introduce (a thread) into (Ic.); put off, defer. Vi sri-ka, m. [speeder:./sri] spear, bolt (RV.). t - srik-vani, f. corner of the mouth; (srik)-van, m. (RV.1), n. (C.), id.; -vi, n., -vini, f. id. TrlT srigala, m. jackal: i, f. female jackal (gnly. spelt srigala): i-ka, f. id.; N. f SRIG, VI. srigi, V., C.: discharge, let fly,. throw, hurl (a missile), at (ac., d.); emit, pour forth, shed (rain etc.); utter (sounds); despatch (messengers); cast or direct (glance); V.: cause to speed (coursers etc.), towards (ac.); open (door); publish (A.); let go, release; twist (threads), weave, plait; C.: give up, abandon (rare); V., C.: (emit from oneself =) create, produce, beget (ord. mg.; only A. in V.); C.: grant, bestow, provide; employ, make use of, claim (interest); (cast = ) place (a wreath) upon, fasten to (lc.): pp. srishta, created; C.: provided with (-); filled or covered with, full of, resolved on (in., d., lc.); des. sisriksha, P. (C.), A. (V.) wish to create. ati, V.: allow to pass, let go; give leave to; C.: grant, bestow. anu, let go, cause to flow (V.); create in succession, create after (ac.; V., C.). abhi, V.: pour out (for, into, on, ac.); start for a race; C.: give leave; grant, bestow, promise: pp. abhisrishta, hastening to (ac.; R V.); let loose, started (Br.); allowed (C.); bestowed (C.). ava, V., C.: cast, discharge (missiles), shed (rain, tears); V.: let loose, release; dismiss; A. retire, abdicate; let pass, forgive; E.: abandon, give up; grant, bestow; C.: throw (seed) into (lc.); produce; cast = place or fasten on (Ic.). anu ava, send forth towards (ac.). upalva, V.: admit to (d.): pp. milked at the time when the calf is admitted. sam-ava, leave out (Br.). ud, V., C.: let loose, allow to roam (a sacrificial animal); open (stall); Br.: sever from (relationship: ab.); C.: cast, discharge (a missile); pour out, shed (rain, tears), emit (poison), evacuate (excrement); utter (sound); lay aside, cast or take off; put down, deposit, sow (seed), in (Ic.); extend, unfurl (flags); send away, dismiss; abandon, desert (any one); pass over, disregard (any one); give up, renounce, relinquish (anything; ord. mg.); pass by, omit (rare); leave behind, surpass (rare); allow to go out (fire); hand over or deliver to (d.); give (a daughter) in marriage: pp. utsrishta, allowed to grow (hair); deserted,abandoned; renounced (life); allowed to go out (fire); des. wish to let loose (a cow). sam-ud, emit, shed (tears); utter (a curse); allow (saliva etc.) to fall, into (lc.), drop (filth) on (lc.); lay aside, cast off, throw away; put down on the ground, deposit, throw into (cl.); release (desperadoes); desert, expose; renounce at the same time; give up, relinquish. upa, V.: cause to flow (waters); send out to, bring to, bestow on (ac., d.); admit the calf to its mother (or vice versd); add; V., C.: besprinkle, with (in.); afflict, with (in.); -C.: come into contact with (ac.); produce: pp. upasrishta, sent; affected or afflicted with, infested or possessed by (in., -~); afflicted by Bdhu, eclipsed (sun); provided with a preposition (upasarga). ni, pp. nisrishta, set free, emancipated (slave); authorised, permitted; entrusted to (lc.); made over, consigned, granted. nis, (V.) pour or allow to flow out; release, set free, from (ab.); separate; remove. pra, V.: let loose, cause to flow, send off, to (ac.); C.: give free course to (passions etc.); abandon, renounce. prati-pra, send home. vi, V., C.: discharge, shoot, cast (also a glance), hurl (also a curse), at (lc., sts. d., prati); cause to flow, emit, shed; utter (sounds); set free, release, from (ab.); C.: send away, cast off (wife); dismiss; despatch (esp. messengers); abandon, I desert (any one); let go, lay aside, cast off, throw away; give up, relinquish, renounce (alsoBr., S.; A.); remit, exempt from; make over, consign, to (le., rarely d., g.); give up, make (room); bestow, grant; create, produce; found (a village): pp. shed, emitted, etc.: -vat, pp. act. having despatched; cs. -sargaya, discharge, shoot (arrows etc.); cast (a glance) on (lc.); emit, shed; utter (sounds); set free, release; send away, banish, to (d.); dismiss (a person); despatch (a messenger); abandon, desert, expose in (the forest, Ic.); spare the life of; let go, lay aside; put on, apply; give up, renounce, avoid; spread abroad, publish (news); deliver into one's hand (lc.); give away: pp. -sargita, abandoned, etc. anu-vi, shoot in the direction of (V.). sam, V.: hit, with (in.); unite (ac.), with (in.); (join =) affect, endow, orpresent with (in.; very rare in C.); A., ps. be united, with (in. + saha; C., rarely V.); be joined with, come into contact with, meet (in.; C.); be mingled (V., rare in C.): pp. s&msrishta, V., C.: united, combined; mingled, mixed with (in.); Br.: mixed=of varying quality; C.: mixed = of various kinds; reunited (of brothers who combine their property after division); consummated (sexual intercourse); cs. conciliate. Zt srig, a. (-~) discharging, emitting, shedding; creating, producing. 1:rf7' srig-ati, m. the root srig (3 sg. used as a N.). [tion of children. ERIiIiI sriga-tva-karman, n. procreaAMqs sriigaya, m. N.: pl. N. of afamily or tribe. AftM srzni (or f), f. sickle (V.): i, m. hook or goad for driving an elephant (C.). -a sri-t, a. (-~) running fast. VW sri-ta, pp. /sri; n. gait (-~); flight: (a)-gava, a. having lost its nimbleness or elasticity (Br.). kf' sri-ti, f. road, path (V., C.); wandering, transmigration -(C.). ^rjsrz-tvan, a. (r-i) nimble, swift (V.). F R SRIP, I. P. A. (metr.) sarpa, creep, crawl, glide, go, move gently (V., C.); slip into (ac.; Br.); slink away, glide with bowed head and hand in hand (esp. from the Sadas to the Bahishpavamdna, V.); 2 pl. impv. sarpata, depart (C.); pr. pt. sarpat, n. all that crawls (V.); cs. P. -sarpaya; des. P. -sisripsa; intv. (very rare) sarlsripyate, glide about (V.); pr. pt. sarisripat, gliding (P.). ati, (V.) crawl, steal, or glide over or beyond (ac.). anu, creep after, follow (ac.; V., C.); approach (ac.; C.). apa, depart, withdraw, retire, deviate, from (ab.); spy out (ac.). ava, V., E.: glide downwards (of the setting sun); recede (ocean); cs. cause to recede (ocean, E.). anu ava, glide after; upa ud-a, crawl forth out of (a hole, serpent, Br.). ud, V.: glide forth, raise oneself from (ab.); C.: rise upon (a bank); be raised (hand) to (the mouth, ac.); rise to a high position, be exalted; arise in (lc.); proceed from (ab.); V.: glide slowly along: pp. utsripta, risen (sun); des. wish to rise, to (ac.; V., P.). viud, go forth (Br.). sam-ud, rise up (fumes) to (ac.); set in (darkness). upa, V.: creep up to, glide into; C.: come near, approach (ac., g. ofprs., tatra); go towards (a lake); move (cloud); approach slowly; undergo (destruction=perish); set about, commence, to (inf.); cs. cause to come to, direct to (Ic.). sam-upa, approach. pari, V., C.: move round (ac.); wander I t g: srip-ta. qF; ' sotka. 359 about. pra, V.: creep up to, glide into (ac.); C.: move, proceed; gush forth; set in (darkness); spread, be diffused; set to work, act; cs. pp.prasarpita,crawling along. vi,glide, sneak, move or fly about (C.; very rare in V.); disperse (int.; R V.); spread, be diffused, over (ac.; C., rare in V.). sam, go together (Br.); move, glide along (C.). w srf'p-ta,pp. Vsrip; n. *place crawled to. 4T srip-ra, a. slippery, oily, smooth (BV.). fI; srimara, m. kind of animal haunting damp places. <g' srish-ti,f. [v/srig] C.: emission; V., C.: creation (abst. and concrete; ord. mg.); C.: innate disposition, nature (rare); liberality (rare): -antara, n. one of intermediate caste between thefour created by Brahman: -ga, a. sprung from one of mixed caste. v se, 2 sg. A. v/I. as, be.;i s4k-a, m. [v/sik] V., C.: emission, effusion; C.: sprinkling, watering, with (-~).;Ii sek-tri, m. [v/sik] sprinkler, of (-O); stallion. llji sek-aka, m. shedder of (g.); -ana, n. [Vsik] emission, effusion; sprinkling, watering, with (-~); casting (of metals): -ghata, m. watering-pot.;f se-tn, a. [V/I. si] binding (RV., rare); m. RV.: bond, fetter (rare); V., C.: dam, dyke, causeway, bridge; C.: Adam's Bridge (rare); landmark (rare); (fig.) barrier, limit, bounds: -m bandh, construct a bridge: -bandha, m. (construction of a) dam or bridge; T. of a Prakrit poem; -bandhana, n. (construction of) abridge or dam; barrier (fig.); -bheda, m. breaking down of an embankment. t se-tr', m. [/I. si] binder (RB.1). ft sed-, f. [V/sad] weariness, decay(V.). %t' sedh-a, f. [keeping at a distance: Vi. sidh] hedgehog or porcupine. %tq I. sa ina, a. having a master, dependent on another. %1; 2. sena, 0- or -~ = send: -git, a. conquering armies (V.); m. N.; -ta, m. N. EXIT se-na,f. I. [/2. si] V.: missile, dart; Indra's wife (personification of his bolt); 2. [v/sl] 17., C.: battle-array, army; often -, in names, esp. of courtesans. %Tv sen agra, n. van of an army: -ga, -gamin, a. going at the head of an army; m. leader of an army; - anga, n. component part of an army; division of an army: -jtci, m. leader of a division; -kara, m. soldier; -givin, m. id.; -adhipa, - adhyaksha, m. commander of an army; -n', m. leader of an army, commander, general (V., C.); N. of Skanda, god of war (leader of the hosts of the gods; C.); -pati, m. leader of an army, general; -patya, n. office of a general (less correct for saina-); -.abligoptri, m. guardian of the army (a certain office); -mukha, n. van of the army: i, f. N. of a goddess; -vyuha, m. battle-array; -samudaya, m. assembled army. t sa'indra, a. joined or together with Indra: -kapa, a. adorned with a rainbow, -ta, f. union with Indra, -dhriti, a. (Vdsav., Bibl. Ind., 296,4); -jidriya, a. possessed of manly vigour; together with the organs of sense: -tva,n.possessionofmanly vigour (Br.).;1i sen-ya, m. spearman, warrior (V.). I I I yi _ sajrshya, a. envious, jealous, of (-~): A sela, kind of weapon. [-m, ad. -ly. %^ti sela-ga, m. waylayer, robber (Br.,S.). %i selu, m. = selu (Cordia Myxa). % yt\T selya-pura, n. N. of a town. R[ SEV, I. i. (P. metr.) s6va, stay near ' (Ic.; Br.); C.: tarry or stand at, stay on, dwell in, frequent, inhabit, resort to (ac.); attend or wait on, serve, gratify, honour, worship (ac.); cherish (a child); present with (in.); have sexual intercourse with (ac.); refresh, fan (of an attendant wind); V. (rare), C.: enjoy, use, employ; C.: devote or addict oneself to, practise, cultivate, perform; be found in or on (ac.): pp. sevita, inhabited, frequented, haunted, occupied; provided with (-~); cs. sevaya, P. serve, show respect to (ac.); tend, cherish (plants). anu, serve, honour. a, devote oneself to, indulge in, enjoy (ac.); expose oneself to (ac.). sam-a, practise, perform. upa, inhabit, frequent, visit, resort to; show attention to, pay respect to, reverence, worship, honour, serve; indulge in, practise, cultivate, be addicted to; enjoy; exploit. ni, R.: have intercourse with (Ic. w. sAkA); C.: inhabit, frequent, resort to (ac.); attend upon, attach oneself to, honour, serve; have carnal intercourse with (ac.); indulge in, addict oneself to, practise; enjoy; use, employ; suffer, have to bear (evils); pursue, hunt (deer)': pp. frequented etc.; cs. go down to (a hell). pari (-shevate, also -sevate), treat with deference, honour; pursue (an object); enjoy frequently, indulge in (ac.). prati, serve, honour. sam, frequent, dwell in (a cave); wait upon, gratify, serve, honour, worship. 1i"seva-ka, a. (-0)inhabiting; practising, indulging in, addicted to, employing; tending (a'plant); honouring; m. servant; votary, worshipper of (-~). AIdtr sev-ana, n. I. [V/siv] sewing; seam, suture (on the human body; Br., C.); 2. [Vsev] frequenting, visiting, resorting to (-~); attending upon, serving, service; honouring, worship, of (-~); sexual intercourse with (-~); addiction to, practice or performance of, indulgence in, employment of (g., gnly. -~); -aniya, fp. to be resorted to (forest); - paid homage to, - courted (youth); -a, f. resorting to (-~); visit; service, of (g., -~, rarely lc.); homage, worship, of (g., -~); deference towards (-~); addiction or devotion,practice, employment,indulgence, frequent enjoyment (to, in, of, -~); sexual intercourse with (-~): - aigali, m. deferential salutation with folded hands, -dharma, m. duties or obligations of service. Vf414 sev-ita, pp. frequented etc.; -i-tavya, fp. to be practised, performed, or obeyed; - tended; -i-tri, m. attendant, servant; -i-tva, n. (-~) resorting to, frequenting; honouring, deference towards (-~); -in, a. (-0) frequenting, haunting, dwelling in, resorting to; serving; honouring, paying homage to, deferential towards; having sexual intercourse with; addicted to, practising; enjoying; employing; m. servant of (-~); -ya, fp. to be frequented, worthy to be resorted to, by (g.); to be followed (path); - approached; - waited upon or served, by (g.); - honoured or paid homage to; - enjoyedcarnally; - indulged in,cultivated,practised, employed, or enjoyed; m. master (opp. servant): -ta, f. state of being honoured, enjoyed, etc., -tva, n. state of being served etc., -sevaka, m. du. master and servant. | saimha, a. (i) belonging to a lion (simha), leonine. [ghalese. iiW saimhala, a. relating to Ceylon, Sinifif' saimhik-eya, a. descended from Simhika; m. met. of Rahu. %[ti saeka, a. together with or plus one. tiiT saikat-a, a. (i) consisting or made of sand (sikata), sandy (Br., C.); a. (C.) sandbank, sandy shore (of a river); sandy soil (rare); -in, a. having sandbanks or sandy shores. ]iT'fgT saeka vali, a. (i) having a necklace of a single string of pearls. lba saitav -a, a. consisting of a dam or bridge (setu); m. N. TTI Ti sainanya, n. [senani] generalship. -i 'Tt' sainapatya, n. [senapati] id. /fWiT sain-ika, a. relating or belonging to an army (sena); m. soldier: pl. troops. /t saindara, a. coloured with vermilion (sindfra): i-kri, colour with red lead or vermilion. ilWq saindhav-6, a. (1) relating to the sea (sindhu), marine, maritime; belonging to or coming from the Indus or Sindh; m. inhabitants of Sindh (pl.); prince of Sindh; horse bred in Sindh; m. n. rock-salt (abounding in Sindh): -ka, a. belonging to the people of Sindh; -khilya, m. lump of salt (Br.); -silasakala, n. piece of rock-salt.;; sain-ya, a. belonging to or proceeding from an army (sena); m. soldier (pl. troops); army (rare); n. army (very common); camp (rare): -kshobha, m. mutiny among the troops; -nayaka, m. leader of an army; -pati, m., -pala, m. id.; -maya, a. (i) consisting of troops; -visa, m. camp of an army; -siras, n. head of an army. dT saira, a. (i) belonging to the plough (sira); n. kind of spirituous liquor. Wit T sairandhra, m. waiting man, valet;,a mixed caste (offspring of Dasyu and Ayogava woman): -i, f. handmaiden, waiting woman. [visions (Br.; comm.).;.T?' saira-vat, a. supplied with pro-f r", sairindhra, m., i, f., v. r. for sairandhra, m., i,f. ~f"T sairi-bha, m. buffalo. itll; sair-iya, m. a shrub with beautiful flowers (Barleria cristata); -eya-ka, m. id.; n. itsflower. Eli saisa-ka, a. made of lead (slsa), leaden. A't SO, V.T2. SA. et s6 = ti 3 sau (v.). tiV1T sa ukkhvasa, a. panting: -m, ad. with a sigh of relief. X' sodha, pp. (V/sah) borne etc. tt?[ so-dhavya,fp. [ sah] to be endured; to be put up with or excused; -dhumi, inf. of Vsah; -dhri, a. capable of resisting (g.); enduring patiently. ift's6-tu, m. Soma-pressing, libation; (s6)tri (or -tri), m. [VI. su] Soma-presser (R V.).!ltnii sautka, a. full of longing, ~-, ad.; _ukantha, a. eager or yearning for (prati); regretting, grieving at (-~): -m, ad. longingly; regretfully; -:utkampa, a. trembling, 360 ttRiz sodaka. #tfi saupt-ika. tremulous; -utkarsha, a. excellent; -utprasa, a. ironical, mocking: -m, ad. -ly; - utpreksham, ad. with indifference; -utsava, a. festal (day); festive, overjoyed; - utsaha, a. resolute, energetic, courageous; threatening (clouds); overjoyed: -m, ad. energetically, emphatically; with great joy: -ta,f. alacrity, vigour; - utsuka, a. longing, yearning, anxious, for (lc., prati, -~); - utseka, a. arrogant, haughty; - utsedha, a. high, lofty: -m, ad. with a jerk. t ti saudaka, a. containing or filled with water; -.udaya, a. together with interest; - udayana, a. together with Udayana; -udara, a. (i) born from the same womb, uterine; + bhratri, m. uterine brother; fig. =closely allied with, next of kin to (e.g. narmaeka-sodaram hi navam vayah, youth has but one brother, =goes hand in hand with, fun): i,f. uterine sister; _udar-ya, a., m. id.: -sneha, m. sisterly affection; -.uddhara, a. together with a selected portion: -vibhagin, a. receiving one's share together with a selected portion; udbashpam, a. tearfully; - udyama, a. prepared for the fray; - udyoga, a. assiduous, strenuous, enterprising; aiming at (the destruction of life,= dangerous, -~); - udvega, a. agitated, apprehensive: -m, ad. excitedly, anxiously; -unmada, a. frantic, mad. IhNliiTRi saupa-kara-ka, a. benefited; -graham, ad. flatteringly; -kaya, a. advantageous, profitable; -kara, a. courteous (speech):. -m, ad. with attentions or courtesy; -drava, a. attended with afflictions, calamities, or dangers; -dha, a. deceitful, fraudulent; together with the preceding letter (gr.); -dhi, ad. deceitfully; -pada, a. together with a secondary word (gr.); -ma, a. containing a simile; treating (lc.) in the same way as (in.); -rodham, ad. considerately, obligingly; -sarga, a. provided with a preposition; -sveda, a. moistened, wetted; -haasa, a. derisive, sneering: -m, ad. -ly. rtaITfi sopaka, m. a degraded caste (offspring of a Kdnddla and of a Pulkasi). lthnflTf' saupfdhi, ad. conditionally: -ka, a. qualified, limited. ialt r sopana, n. steps, staircase, ladder, to (g., -~): -ka, n. id.: -paramrpara, f. flight of steps, stair; -kupa, m. well with steps; -tva, n. function of a staircase: -m vrag, become a staircase; -paiikti,f., -patha, m., -paddhati, f., -parampara, f., -marga, m. flight of steps, staircase. TniNTT isa upanat-ka, a. shod; -jupanah, a. (nm. t) id.; -upailambla, a. conveying a censure: -m, ad. with a censure. 'IT s6-ma, m. [v'I. su] extracted juice, Soma; Somaplant (with the ep. inV. of r&gan, king of plants); C.: Soma sacrifice (rare); V., C.: (drop in the sky, cp. indu), moon, moongod (also with the ep. ragan in C.); C.: accounted son of Atri, one of the eight Vasus, identified with Vishnu and Siva, reputed author of a law-book; Monday; N. R't so6ma-ka, m. N.ofa king (V.,C.); C.: N. of a country; king or native of Somaka: ika, f. N. of a bird; -kaisvara, m. king of Somaka; -krayana, a. (i) serving as the price of the Soma plant: a,f. cow -; -graha, m. bowl of Soma (V.); eclipse of the moon (C.); -tirtha, n. N. of a place of pilgrimage; -tva, n. condition of Soma; -datta, m. N. of various kings ard Brdhmans; -da,f. N. of a Bradhman woman; -deva, m. god Soma; god of the moon; N. of various men: -bhatta, m. N. of the author of the Kathd saritsdgara; -devatya, a. having Soma as its deity; -devl, f. N. of a wife of Kdmapdla; -natha, m..N. of various scholars; n. N. of a celebrated Linga and its temple in Gujerat (destroyed in 1024 A.D.); -pa, a. drinking or entitled to drink Soma juice (V., C.); m. pl. N. of a class of Manes; -pa, a. id.; -pana, n. drinking of Soma; (-pana), a. Soma drinking, m. Soma drinker (V.); -payin, a., m. id.; -pala, m. guardian of Soma (Br.); N. of various men; -pavan, m. Soma drinker (RV.);' -pida, f. N. of a princess; (s6ma)-piti,f. ( V.) draught of Sora (always d.); -pith/, m. id. (V.); -pithin, a. participating in the Soma draught; -putra, m. son of Soma; son of the moon, planet Mercury; -purusha, m. servant of Soma; (s6ma)prishtha, a. bearing Soma on its back (F.); -p6ya, n. draught of Soma (RV.); -prabha, a. having the splendour of the moon; m. N.: a,f. N.; -pravaka, m. herald of the Soma sacrifice (V.); -mad, a. (strg. st. -ma'd) intoxicated with Soma (RSV.1); -rasmi, m. N. of a Gandharva; (s6ma)-ragan, a. (ml) having Soma as a king; -rata, m. N.; -ladevi, f. N. of a princess; -vamsa, m. lunar race of kings; -vams-ya, a. belonging to the lunar race; (s6ma)-vat, a. containing Soma, attended etc, by Soma (V.); -valll, f. Soma plant; -vira, m. Monday; -vasara, m. or n. id.; -vikrayin, a. selling Soma; m. seller of Soma; -vriddha, pp. invigorated by Soma (RV.); -sarman, m. N. of various men; (s6ma)-sita, pp. sharpened by Soma; -sushman, n. N. (Br.); -safra, m. N.; -samstha, f. fundamental form of the Soma sacrifice; -sad, m. pl. V. of the Manes of the Sddhyas; -salila, n. Soma water; -sis-t, a. pressing Soma; -suta, m. son or descendant of the Moon; (s6ma)-suti, f. pressing of Soma; -sutvan, a. pressing Soma; m. Soma-presser; -svamin, m. N.; - ananda, m. N,; araudra, a. belonging to Soma and Rudra; n. (sc. sakta) the hymn RV. VI, 74 (C.). 4IrfiTWi som-ikf, f. N. of a bird; -in, a. (RV.) offering Soma; inspired by Soma; -ila, m. N. of an Asura: -ka, m. N. of a weaver. Yitt~F T somi-krita, pp. made into Soma. 1t';' somaisvara, m. N. of a god; N.; N. of a Kdlukya. W*4-q1 soma udbhav, f. ep. of the river Narmada (sprung from the moon). "iah som-ys, a. (V.) concerned with, belonging to, consisting of, inspired by, Soma, Soma-loving; m. (V7.) Soma sacrificer. ifc satfrmi, a. having waves, billowy, surging; speeding along (horses); -iullasa, a. delighted, rejoicing: -m, ad. joyfully; -ulluntha, a. ironical, sarcastic: -m, ad. ironically; - fsha, a. mixed with salt earth; -ushm-ta'tf. heat; aspiration (gr.); vshman, a. warm, hot; aspirated; m. aspirate; - Ashma-snana-griha, n. room with hot baths, bath-room. *5iT sankara, a. (1) relating or belonging to a hog (sfkara), hoggish. Nt saukar-ya,n. I.[su-kara]facility,ease, feasibleness: in. most easily; d. for greater facility; 2. condition of a boar (stkara). Vi:' T saukumar-ya, n. [sukumara] delicacy, softness, tenderness; elegance (of gait). IW[ I saukshm-ya, n. [sfkshma] fineness, minuteness, subtilty. IT 40VUT E saukhasayan-ika, a. [sukhasayana] enquiring as to whether one has had a sound sleep. ftlWk- saukh-ya, n. [sukha] welfare, comfort, enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, bliss: -da, a. giving pleasure. [m. Buddhist. 4tnt saugata, a. (i) [sugata] Buddhistic; Vwf'ii- saugandh-ika, a. [sugandha] fragrant; n. white (sts. blue) water-lily; -ya, n. fragrance. ~*f[rq sauki-ka, m. [needle-man: saki] tailor.;*5W4 saugan-ya, n. [sugana] goodness, kindness, geniality, benevolence: -vat, a. genial, affable, kind. i;TTW[ saugfta, m. pat. fr. Sugata (Br.). ft7ITf[t saugami, m. [pat. fr. sugfmi] N. ftt saut-ya, i. a. relating to a charioteer (sAta); n. ofice of charioteer; 2. a. relating to the Soma-pressing (sutya). hV1 sautra, a. (i) consisting or made of threads; belonging to a Sutra: w. dhatu, m. (etymological) root mentioned in a SAtraonly. tt'Tf*i' i sautrant-ika, m. follower of the Sttranta (Buddhistic) school; pl. a certain Buddhistic school. 911:TW; sautramana, a. (i) belonging to Indra (Su trAman): w. dis, f. the east: i, f. a certain rite sacred to Indra Sutraman (V., P.). 4ttTRTRTfsautrama-dhanus, n. rainbow. Wtf i sautr-ika, m. [sAtra] weaver; n. web.:ih7sa utsuk-ya, a. [sotsuka] expectant, impatient, [brotherhood. 4:' saudar-ya, a. [sodara] brotherly; n. ti TIw'it saudaman-ijf. [coming from the Bountiful One, i. e. Indra or the *rain-cloud: su-daman] lightning (proceeding from a raincloud): often vidyut saudamani yatha, at the end of a line = like the lightningflashing from the black thunder-cloud; T. of a commentary on the MeghadAta; N. of a daughter of Kasyapa, of a Yakshint, of an Apsaras, and of various women. rfifit saudamini, f. incorr., but frequent, for saudimani, lightning. atit saudasa, m. pat. [fr. sudas or -a] esp. of Kalmashapada. 4iri saudha, a. plastered, provided with stucco (sudha); n. plastered mansion, palace..j;F T saudhanvan-6, m. son of Sudhanvan: pl. the Ribhus. 4'^ W saudharm - ya, n. [sudharma] righteousness. *wTiT saudhakara, a. [sudhakara]lunar. ' If~ lrj saudhaanigana,n.court ofa palace. Pir sauna, a. [sfna] with mgmsa, n. meat fresh from the slaughter-house; n. id.; m. butcher. 1'rT1 saunaga, m. pi. school of Sunaga. [f'rt i saun-ika, m. [sina] butcher; hunter (rare), [loveliness, gracefulness. t;tkJ saundar-ya, n. [sundara] beauty, 4thf1l sauparna (sts. also a), a. relating or belonging to, derived from, resembling, the hawk etc.; n. the Suparna hymn (V.): -vrata, n. kind of ascetic observance (S.). t~I sauparn-ya, a. = sauparna (Br.). tf ai saupt-ika, a. [supta] occurring during sleep; n. night attack, on (g.): -vadha, #;r saubala. iskri. 361 Mn. n octurnal slaughter of the, -sleeping warriors of the Pdndavas. saubala, m, pat. [fr. Subala] ep. of Sakuni:,f daughter of Subala, pat. of G~ndha'rl. [Hariskandra. NR saubha, n. N. of an aerial city ruled by 'flrif saiibbaga, n. [subhaga] V.: welfare, good fortune, happiness, enjoyment (pl. gifts of fortune, joys); P.: beauty, loveliness, grace: -tvi, n. welfare, happiness (B -7.).!TW saubhadra, mn. met. [fr. Subhadraj of Abhimanyu. 4fHTsa-ibbara, a. (1) belonging to Sobbari; m. pat. fr. Sobhari: i, m. N. of a Rishi.;E;TW~ satibhftg-ya, n. [subhaga] welfare, luck, good fortune; popularity; conjugal felicity; beauty, charm (of persons and things): -vat, a. endowed with beauty. 41R F+T~saubhrfttr-a,n.[subhrfitrflbrotherly affection: -sneha, mn. id. i~fsaumaumaigal-ya,n.[sgumafigala] welfare, prosperity. [datta. TR~fzf[ saumadatt-i, m. pat.fr. Somasaumana, m. [ su-mana(s)] blossom: a, f. id. VRM saumanas-4, a. (i) C.: derived from, consisting of, flowers (su-manas); a. graciousness, benevolence (-RV.); gladsomeness, enjoyment (also less commonly in.; 17.); -ya, n. gladness, cheerfulness; right understanding (,rare); nosegay (P., rare): -vat, a. pleased, glad. WIsaumant-a, a. taught by Sumantu. PfWi1! saumantrin-a, n. [sumantrin] possession of a good minister (conj.). Wktfi-Ri saum-ika, a. (i1) belonging to Soma or the Soma sacrifice. f saumitra, m. met. Efr. sumitrft] of Lakshmana; n. [sumitra] friendship: i, in. met. of Lakshmana: du. Lakshmana and Satrughna. VTTfI~Rr saum-ila, m. N. ofa poet; -illa, m. id. ijtsaum-i', V. a.f. of saumyd; f. moonlight (E.). [Sumeru. saumerav-a, a. (i) belonging to VftWT saum-yA (AV. also saiim-), a. (Al, V.; a,. aiy, R.)V., C.: relating, belonging, or sacred to Soma; cool and moist (opp. Agneya, hot and dry); C.: northern (rare); (moonlike, placid as the moon), agreeable,pleasant; (my) dear, good (friend), gentle (sir, as a term of address); auspicious (planets etc.); in. PI. a class of Manes; sg. pat. of Budha,.planet Mercury; the month Mflrgasirsha; in?. n. kind of penance (rare); n. gentleness (rare): -tva, n. gentleness; -darsana, a. pleasant to look at, f. N. of a princess; -na'man, a. (miii) having an agreeable name; -mukha,a. pleasant-faced; -ri'pa, a. kind, gentle, to (g.); - kriti, a. having an agreeable appearance. VWrW'f'Rsauyavas-i,m.(V.)pat~fs-.Suyavasa.;Efrifii sauyftmi, m. pat. N.;Tsaura, a. (i) relating or belonging to, derived from, the sun (sftrya), solar; m. worshipper of the sun; son of the sun, planet Saturn; a. collection of hymns to the sun. ~fP'Ki sauraka, a. N. of a town founded by Surendra. saurata, a. relating to sexual enjoyment (surata); n. sexual enjoyment. V~I'1 saurat-ya,n. [suLrata] delight (in,-0'). 4Vftl~f saurabh-a, a. [surabhi] fragrant; a. fragrance; (saiftrabh)-eya,m,.[Surabhi] bull: p1. (herd of) cattle: 3i, f. (C.) (daughter of Surabhi), cow; -ya, a. fragrance, perfume; (fig.) universal diffusion. RzTRsaurasa, m. N. of a temple built by Surendra. saurasaindhava, a. belonging to -the Ganges (surasindhu). 4PT-'K.I saurftg-ya, n. [su-rfigan] good rule or government. *iPTrgsaurbistra, a. coming from Surflshtra (Surat); in.p1. people of Surashtra. #IIt 'f'i saur-ika, a. [sura] due for spirituous liquor (money). WW saiirya, a. (A, C.; saurA'L V.) relating to the sun (sftrya), solar: -prabha, a. belonging to SOrya-prabha. ~i~~ saulakshan-ya, a. [sulakshana] possession of auspicious marks.;R sala h- a, a [sulabha] ease of obtainment. T~tgsauvd, a. (YV.) celestial [svar]. ~W sauvarkala, a. [suvarkala] kind of artificial salt, Sochal salt. ftWsauvarna, a. (a', 'i) golden [suvarna]: i-ka, a. -0 (w. a num.) weighing or worth so man~y Suvarnas. VT'Tf;R'V1 sauvftsini, f. = suvaisin'i. If'T sauvidalla, m. harem attendant: -ka, ms. id.;Et 4 sauvishtakrit, a. intended for, treating of, Agni Svishtakrit (S.): -a, a. (i) id. (S.). VNIT sauvira, in. [suvilra] N. of a people (pI.); king of the Sauviras; n. sour gruel. Vh-cxT sausabd-ya, a. [susabda] correct grammatical formation. IVJ1 I T sausil1-ya, a. [suasila] goodness of character, good disposition. R14 Rsausravas-sd, a. [susravas] having a good reputation (S.); n. high praise, fair fame (B V.). [man (Br.). *tTII saushadman-a, m.pat.fr. Sushad4tTI3IT saushurnna, in. [sushumna] a kind of sunbeam. *11'' s aushthav-a, a. [sushthzu] excellence, soundness, vigorousness, suppleness; kind of posture (often with l~ghava).;qI7Msausvar-ya, a. [susvara] euphony. M saussala, a. belonging to Sussala. *WT4 sauhftrd -a, a. [suhrid] affection, friendship (for,with, g., lc.): -in kri, conclude friendship with (g.). _'1- saiihftrd-ya, a. [subrid] id. (V.). W*fki saubit-ya, a. [suhita] satiety, satisfaction; friendliness, kindness. saubrid-a, a. [suhrid] proceeding from a friend (E.); as. friend (rare); a. affection, friendship (for, with, le., -9); liking for, love of (-9): -in kri, conclude friendship with (saha); -ayya, a. affection, friendship (rare). Wftig sauhma, in. prince of the Suhmas. SKAD, '47EF SKAND, I. P. (. Nsk~inda, leap, bound; spirt; fall, drop, be spilt or shed; perish (rare); leap upon, cover (of animals; Br.): pp. skann&, fallen, dropped, emitted (semen), spilt; lowered (0..); cs.skandaya,P. spill, shed,emit (Semen); skip, omit, neglect; intv. k~nishkan (3 sg. subj.; 1117.), leap (frog). ati(-sk- or -shk-; V.), leap upon; pass over, despise; fall out, drop down. ava, leap down; attack, assail: pp. spilt; overcome (fig.) by(0) sam-ava, cs. attack, assail. &, leap, bound (V.); C.: tread upon (ac.); attack, assail (person or place). Pra, leap forth, out, or down, spring up; be effused, spilt, or shed, gush forth (tears etc.); fall upon, attack. skand-A, ms. hopper (in trina-skanda', grasshopper, N.); effusion, dropping (of, g., — 0); destruction; Assailer, god of war, leader of the divine hosts and chief of the demons of disease which attack children, possessed of eternal youth (hence Kumfira), son of Siva or Agni, brought up by Krittilkd (hence Karttikeya): -ka, a. (?) a metre: -grma2n, as. N. of a village; -gupta, ms. N. of a prince and of an lep antkeper; -ganani, f. Skanda's mother, P~rvatl; -ta',f-, -tva, a. condition of Skanda; -da'sa, as. N. of a merchant. 'q skand-ana, a. effusion, emission; failure. iiskanda-putra, in. son of Skanda (bombastic term for a thief); -pura, a. N. of a town; -pur~aha, a. T. of a PurAna. A~f skand-in, a. shedding(0 Wig~ skandhd, ms. V., C.: shoulder; (.: branching part of the stem, trunk of a tree (also S.); division, part; tract, path, region (of the winds; rare); section of a treatise (rare); quantity, aggregate (rare); often iacorr. for skanda: -ka, n. kind of A4ryd metre; -desa, in. (region of the) shoulder; region of the trunk; -pitha, a. shoulder-blade; -vat, a. having a (thick) trunk or many trunks; -siras, a. shoulder-blade. "N-T~( skindh-as, a. branching top or crown of a tree (V.). "N I T TT skandha fvAra, as. (shelter of the trunk =king), royal headquarters in camp; - upaneya, mn. (sc. samdhi) a kind of treaty (reward carried away on the shoulder). IM- skdndh-ya, a. belonging etc. to the shoulder. '4R skan-nad, pp. (Vskand) fallen etc.!RR~ SKABH, 14EMSKAMBH, IX. P. "skabhndti, V. P. skabhn6ti, fix, sup. port (V.). & place securely or establish in (IC.; R V.'). prati, oppose, resist (BV.'). vi(shk-),fix (V7.); cs-pp. vishkabhita, fixed; vlshkambhita, repelled, turned off. 14Iff4T- skabh-ana, a. sound (?). I~M skabha'-ya', den. P. (V.) fix, support; impede, check. vi(-shk-), fix (V.). ~I~W skambh-a', mn. prop, pillar (V.). jIMW' ska'mbh-ana, a. id. (V.); -ani, -ani' (am. -s), id- (V.). 127FAE skftnda, a. belonging to, derived from etc., the god Skanda. S~ SKU,V. P. skunofti, pick, poke; cover; \%6 intv. koshk Ayite, gather up, collect (By.). a, II. P. -skauti, poke (coals; V.). ~T S KRI, v.Wi KRI, w. upa, pari, and saem. 32A 362 *,r khal.,q;( IM stu-tya. 362 skhal. I SKHAL, I. P. (A~.) skhalati, trip, Nstumble; swerve, sway, waver, fluctuate; stammer, falter (speech); err, blunder, fail: w. na, be unimpeded, prevail (command); not waver, remain steadfast (mind): pp. skhalita,tripping,stumbling,uinsteady(gait), wavering, swaying, fluctuating; impeded, obstructed, interrupted, baffled; stammering, faltering; dripping, trickling down (rare); erring, blundering (in regard to, le.; rare); confounded by (a bad omen, in.): -vat, pp. act. swerving or deviating from (-tas); es. skhalaya, P. cause to falter. pari, stagger. Pra, trip, stumble, stagger: pp. stumbling, staggering; having failed (fig.). prati, pp. warded off (weapons). vi, trip, stumble: pp. faltering (words); blundering in (names, — ) W" skhal-a, m. stumbling (rare); -ana, n. id., tripping, unsteady gait; faltering (of sspeech); displacement (of a garment); clashing, dashing against; friction, contact; stroking (with the hand); emission (of semen); falling into ( —); blundering, mistake in (a name, — O); -ita, (pp.) a. tripping, stumbling, staggering; blunder, error, aberration, transgression in (lc., -9O); deprivation, loss of (af,fection, g.):..subhagam, ad. tripping charmingly. STAN, I. P. stana, thunder, roar ~~(7., C.); utter inarticulate sounds (C.); es. staniya, P. id. ('V.); also of the sea (P.); crackle (fire; Br.). VVIstdna, m. (-O a., f. &,43) female breast,teat (human or animal): -kalasa, m. jar-shaped breast; N. of a bard; -kudmalia, m. a. budlike breast; -kumbha, m. jar-shaped breast; -koti, f. nipple; -koraka, m. a. bud —like breast; -tata, m. a. rounded female breast. VV[rw stan-dtha, m. roar of the lion (1B11.'); VVIV-1 stana-m-dhaya, a. (i1) sucking [ v'2. dha] the breast; m. suckling, infant; calf. V[II1 stan a-pa, a., m. id.; -patana, n. flaccidity of the breasts; -pina, n. sucking of the breast; -bhara, m. weight of breasts, swelling bosom; -mandala, a. rounded female breast; -madhya,n. space between the breasts. V~a~ standyad-ama, a. having a roaring onset (2i'aruts; BV1.). ~IRMil~i Stanay-itnfi, m. [fr. cs. of V'staun] thunder (sg. p1.; V., C.); thunder-cloud(C);RIMtI9 stana-vepathu, m. heaving of the breast. ~[I~~stanaamsuka, a. breast-cloth; - antara, a. space between the breasts, centre of the chest (of men and women); -aibhoga, sn. fulness of the breast; - varana, n. breastcloth: -ta',f. abst. N. Irffr stan-ita, (pp.) a. thunder: -vimukha, a. refraining from thunder; -samaya, m. time of a cloud's thundering; -subhagam, ad. with charming rumblings. ~ stana ttarlya, a. breast-cloth. VW stan-ya, a. contained in the mother's breast; a. milk (contained in the female breast or the udder): -tylga, m. leaving off the mother's milk, being weaned: -3nitraka, a. w. vayas, a. period of life immediately after weaning.;Mqc staba-ka, m. bunch, cluster (esp. of blossoms); = section in' books the titles of which contain lata, man-garl etc.). WqR stabaka-ya, den. P. provide with clusters of blossoms: pp. ita. 'RTW stab-dba, p~p. Vstabh: -karna, m Stiff-ear, N. of a lion; -ta', f. stiffness, rigidity; pretentiousness, arrogance; -tva, a. id.; -Iokana, a. having motionless (= unwinking) eyes. IRFWIW stabdh'i-kri, stiffen; -bhiut, grow rigid; become paralysed; -bhiva, m. rigidness; torpidness. IF4 STABH, STAMBH, IX. P. N stabhngti (V., C.), V. P. stabhnoti (Br., rare), fix, establish, prop, sustain (esp. the heavens; V.), (support =) reach up to (ac.; B.); arrest, check (1F., C.); A.: rest or lean on (lc.; C.); become rigid; become solid (rare, -E.): pp. rtabhit&, fixed, supported (V.); stabdhm, reaching to (la.); rigid, stiff, fixed, immovable, paralysed; become solid (water); proud, arrogant: -in,ad. immovably; as. stambhaya, P. fix; support, sustain; make stiff or rigid, paralyse; solidify; stop, arrest (by magic); suppress, restrain, repress (tears etc.): divya-kriyim -, successfullypass through an ordeal: pp. stambhita. ava, fix; support, sustain; obstruct, block up; grasp, clasp; take prisoner: gd. avashtabhya, resting on = -with the help of, on account of; _pp. avashtabdha, grasped, seized; taken or kept prisoner; rigid, stiff. pari ava, surround. ud (uttabh-), fix aloft or above, set up: _pp. iitttabhita, iitttabdha, set up etc.; pp. act. uttabdhavan =finite vb. (he) made arrogant; as. uttamnbhaya, raise or lift up; arouse, excite; elevate, exalt. pratijid, support, fasten (Br.). upa, support, hold up. vi, V.: prop asunder, fasten, fix; C.: encourage; make rigid; stop, check; press, plant (the feet) firmly; lean on (ac.); (stiffen=) permeate (the world etc.): pp. vishtabdha, fixed (Br.); firmly unitedt(tri~ple staff); stiff, rigid (limb etc.); checked, stopped; cs. vishtambhaya, P. check, stop, arrest. sam, support, sustain, encourage; benumb (the senses); arrest (esp. by magic); make rigid, solidify (water); restrain, suppress (grief, tears); cs. support, encourage; make rigid (water); check, stop, arrest; suppress, restrain (grief, tears). [stop, arrest. ~RuTM stabhft-yd, P. (V.) fix, support; 'q stamb', m. bunch, tuft (esp.o rs) -kari, a. forming bunches: -ta',f. formation of (abundant) sheaves or clusters (of rice). kff*'fI stambe-rama, m. (delighting in tufts of grass), elephant. ~PSTAMBII, v. kff STABH. 'RII stambh-a, m. prop, post, pillar, column, (slender) stem (also fig. of arms; V7., C.; ord. mg.); strengthening, support (rare); rigidness, fixedness; stupefaction, paralysis; stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also by magical means); pride, arrogance: -ka, a. stopping, arresting; m. N. of an attendant of Siva. kffWiq stambh-ana, a. (i) making stiff or rigid, paralysing; stopping, arresting; a. strengthening, supporting; making rigid, paralysing; 'stopping, arresting. ftWI stambhil-bhfi, become a post. kfIM3! star-ann, a. [stri] act of strewing or scattering. [nant cow, heifer (V.). starf, f. (am. -s) barren or non-pregIR staru, m. enemy (S.). 'RR~ stdv-a, m. [V/stu] praise, eulogy, panegyric, song of praise (RV1.", C.); -&thba,. m. I praise (RV1.'); -a-dhyai, d. inf. Vstu (B V.); -ana, a. praising, praise. [stuff. 'qIT stavara-ka, m.n. kind of fabric or 'W iV'r stava-ratga, m. chief of panegyrics. I~f stav-e, 3 sg. pr. with ps. my. of V'stu (17.); -Aua,pr.pt. K. (7.). VWstav-ya, fp. to be, praised, praiseworthy. 'FT STA& V P. only pr. pt. styft, stealthy, clandestine (.AV., very rare). MfTq sta'-yii, m. thief (VS.; =tatyu). VFT atv-a, m. [N'stu] praise, panegyric: -ka, a. praising; m. praiser, panegyrist. fi~r stif, m. [(a)s-ti, being: -'.as] dependent, vassal (only ac. pl. tin,17.) fFrTrSTIGH, V. -stighnoti, -tgnt N(stride), V., rare. ati, overstep in atishtfgham; des. atitishtighisha, wish to overstep. pra, rise up. f~RTi sti-p9, a. protecting the vassals (V.). ftif# stibhi, m. tuft, bunch (S., rare). fM-P, STIM, only pp. stimita, sluggish; unruffled, calm; steady, motionless, fixed (often of the, eye or gaze); wet, moist (rare'): ad.; a. stillness, motionlessness: -ta',f, -tva, a. id. [rare). fv[.qT sti-ya., f. [VstYft] stagnant water (V., it*~St~irnad, pp.Vstri: (&)-barhis, a. whose.sacrificial grass is strewn (TV.). '~staviti (T7., C.), praise, laud, extol; utter with praise; chant a Sadman (rit.); ps. stiu^y~te, be praised: pp. stut&, praised; recited with praise; cs. stavaya, P. praise; St~vaya, A. canse to praise; des. tushtusha, P. intend to praise. abhi-(shtauti), praise, extol (in nit., sp. of the Hotri): pp. abhishtuta, praised; consecrated. upa, praise, laud, extol (V.; in nit. sp. of the Ilotri, Br.). pari(-shtauti), praise, laud. pra, praise aloud (1., rare in -1.); chant (in general or sp.- of the Prastotri; -Br.); C.: come to speak of; introduce as a topic; commence, begin, enter upon; place at the beginning (rare): pp. pr~stuta, V.: praised; C.: introduced as a topic, being the subject of conversation, in question (ord. my.); undertaken, begun;' having undertaken to (inf.); a.-st'vaya, P. make the subetocnvr sation, suggest:pp. -stavita- sam-pra, P. having set about (inf.). sam, praise, laud, celebrate: pp. s~mstuta, praised together (V.); praised, extolled (C.); counted together as one Stotra, taken together (Br., S.); being on an equality with (in., -9; C.); well known, familiar (persons and things; C.). 21-. STU, drop, be clotted: in stuka, st~kf, and stokA.];U-f stuka, m. tuft of hair. 1WI stii-kft, f. tuft of hair, lock of wool, curly hair on a bull's forehead (-V.): -yin, a. shaggy (B V.'-). [of) praise. lq?( stii-t, a. (-c) praising; f. (V.) (hymn;F stu-td, pp. -Vstu; a. praise: -sastr&, n. du. Stotra and Sastra. Ifffr stu-ti~f. (hymn of) praise, laudation, panegyric, commendation: -g-Itaka, n. song of praise: w. vaishnava, panegyric of Vishnu; -pathaka, m., panegyrist; -vakas, n. praise.;q stu-tya,fp. tobe praised, praiseworthy: -tva, n. praiseworthiness. vjqstupa. "r#MqfC4"I" 'Sthalotpaliinl. 363 I I 9'q stupd, m. tuft of hair (V.). "~jSTUB H I. P. only stobha,pt. -stubh'-ana, and pp. stubdha, utter a sound, trill (gnly. of chanted inte~jections in a Sdmam; F.); cs. stobhaya, P. shout (By.'):.pp. stobhita, greeted with shouts (P.). anu(_shtobha), trill after (hence anushtubh, because a fourth, pdda here follows the three of the Gdyatri). pra, urge on with shouts (steed; B V.'). prati, answer with a shout RM1 stt~pa, m. tuft of hair, top of the bead (V.); main beam of a house (S., rare); tope (a dome-shaped monument containing relics among Buddhists and Jains). IX tigti, strinit,6 (IT., C.), I. A. stkra (BIT.2), VI. A. stir6 (BIT.'), scatter, strew (esp. the sacrificial grass; in this sense IX. in, Tr.); bestrew, cover; V. lay low, overthrow (enemies, V7.): p~p. sti"rn&, strewn, scattered (V.); strita, bestrewn (B.); thrown down (V.). ava, scatter; bestrew, cover; fill, pervade. 'a, scatter, spread out; bestrew, cover: pp. istirna, scattered, spread out; bestrewn, covered; 9strita, strewn, spread out (V.); covered (C.); extended, broad (P.). upa, spread anything over any one (d.; IT.); cover with (in.; IT., B.); spread out (IT.); pour out the melted butter ( ~ gyasya) so as to form a covering (nit., Br., S.). pari, strew around, cover; spread out: p~p. -stirna, -strita, bestrewn around. sam-pani, strew around (with grass; fire). pra, spread out. vi, By.: scatter, strew (sacrificial grass); C.: extend (the wings); spread abroad (fame); speak diffusely about (ac.): _pp. vi.. tIrna, bestrewn, studded with; spread out, extended; extensive, broad, large, great, detailed (ord. my.); vistrita, covered with ( —9); stretched out, extended; wide open; developed (action); extensive, broad; cs. visanaaP. extend (troops); spread around (dust); expose (wares) for sale; display, diffuse (brightness); discuss in detail; gd. vistanya, (speak) at length. sam, spread out (side by side); bestrew, cover: pp. 3amti-,na, strewn., scattered; bestrewn, covered. T stri, star (only in. pl. strzbhih, V.). k51 strina, in bhft-strina, a kind of grass. ~TfW( stri'-tijf. bestrewing, covering; striking down, felling (YIT.). ~ stri-tya, fp. to be struck down (Br.). tw1 sten', m. [V/stft] thief, robber. #R'4 stena-ya, den. P. steal, rob: v~kam - be dishonest in speech. ste'ya, n. [ Vstft] theft, robbery (of, g., -'): -krit, a. committing theft (of, -) Wtfi'i stey-in, m. thief, robber. E-O). AhI stain-ya, n. [stena] theft, robbery (of, "RfTT41 staimit-ya, n. [stimita] numbness, immobility, sluggishness. 'NItM sto-ka, m- [/2.- stu] drop (V.; rare in P.): a. (C.) very small or little; a. a little (C.): 0- or -in, ad. (C.) slightly, a little; gradually; bahutanam - stokam, more - than; ab. stokit, '- with a pp. in -ta, only just; recently. V14jqi stoka-ka, rn. the bird khtakca (seeking drops of rain); -nainra, a. slightly bent; -sas, ad. by drops. IM stok-iya, #~Tst'k-ya, a. relat 9 F, 0 11 ing to drops (said of oblations of melted butter and of verses employed while drops atre falling). Vl'ffsto-tavya~fp.[Vi.stujto bepraised; -tri, m. praiser, worshipper, believer; -tra', n. hymn of praise, panegyric; N. ofcat corresponding to the Sastras (nit.). VINtf-. stotr-iiya, a. relating to a Stotra; m. (sc. trika or prag.Atha) N. of theflrst part ofthe Bahishpavamdna (Br., S.): &,f. (sc. rik) Stotra verse (Br., S.); -iya, a., in.,,f. id. V{ stobh-a, m. chanted interjection in a Sadman (such as humn, ho etc.).?IIsto6-ma, m. [VI'. stu] (hymn of) praise, eulogium, panegyric (IT.; very rare in P.); fundamental form of chant (seven being the usual number of them; nit.); mass, quailtity, multitude (C.): -tashta, pp. fashioned into (=being the theme of) praise (BIT.); -bhA ga, a. having the Stoma as one's share (Br.); m. pl. N. of certain (29) verses be. longing to the Soma sacriflce, employed while laying the fifth layer of bricks ( a),f N. of these bricks; -vairdhana, a. (thriving on==) delighting in hymns of praise (BIT.'); (st6ma) _ Vahas, a. (RIT.) offering praise; receiving a hymn of praise; -vriddhi, f. enlargement of the Stoma. [(BIT.). 'RT14 St mya orthy of ahymnof praise IR [ STYA&, IV. Styaya, grow dense, increase: pp. stana, grown dense, coagulated; paralysed (heart).;qU styat-na, (pp.) n. intensity; apathy.;IR'gf styatyana, n. densification, accumulation. 11f str-i', f. [perk. = start; nm. without s, ac., IT., C. striyam, C. also strim] woman, female, wife; feminine form or gender (gr.): -ka, -'a. stl k t,.female hip; (st.) k~ma, a. lusting after women (V., C.); desiring female offspring; ak yn. attendance on women; -kumAra, m. pl. women and children; (stni')-krita, pp. done by women; n. copulation (S.); -kshira, n. milk of women; -gamana, n. consorting or sexual intercourse with women; -ghfitaka, a. murdering a woman or one's wife; -ghna, a. id.; -gana, m. women-kind; feminine (yr.); -gananl, a. f. bringing forth daughters; -gita, _pp. ruled by women, henpecked; -tva, n. womanhood; feminine gender (gr.); -dhana, n. woman's private property; wife and property; -dharma, m. laws concerning women; copulation; -dhanmini, a. menstruating;-pumsa, M. du. husband and wife; masculine and feminine (gr.); -pumdhanina, m. laws concerning men and women; -pnatyaya, m. feminine suffix; -pnasit, a. f. bringing forth daughters; -bhava, m. womanhood; -mantna, m. woman's counsel or stratagem; -maya, a. (i') feminine; effeminate. 11;f stri-ya, den. P. desire a -wife. WI~WI stri-yantra, n. the puppet woman; -natna, n. pearl of a woman; ep. of Lakshml; -rigya, n. kingdonm of theAnmazons (in the extreme north); -lakshana, n. characteristics of a woman; -liiiga, n. female organ;feminine gender (gr.); -vasa, a. subject to women, ruled by one's wife; -vasya, a. id.; -vitta, n. property derived from a wife; -viva'ha, m. marriage with a woman; -vishaya, m. copulation; -safiga, m. intercourse with women; -samgrahana, n. adultery with a woman; -sambaudha, m. matrimonial alliance with a woman; -sambhoga, m. sexual intercourse with a woman; -sevA, f. addic tion to women; -svabh~va, m. nature of woman; -hatya',f. murder of a woman. *W~ stralina, a. (i') female, feminine; subject to or ruled by women (stri); n. womenfolk, female sex; womanhood, feminine nature. 'TffRT~fstr A bhigamana, n. criminal intercourse with the wife of ( —); 4giVa, M. subsistence on the earnings (by prostitution etc.) of one's wife. W stha, W shtha, a. -1 [V~stha] standing, sitting, situated, staying, abiding, existing (in, on, among); being in (an age or condition); engaged in, occupied with, devoted to, practising.;MIT[STHAG, es. P. sthagaya, conceal, \ hide, cover; cause to vanish: pp. sthagita, hidden, concealed; closed (door). IRjMI[ sthag-ana, n. concealment; -ayitavafp. to be concealed; -ika, f. kind of bandage; betel-box. 1tfT41%,s sthandila, n. level space, (piece of) ground: e kevale, on the bare ground: _Sayyay f. lying on the bare ground (as a penance); -sAyin, a. lying or sleeping on the bare ground; e-saya, a. id. w'IMfff stha-paiti, m. [lord of the district: -V/sth&] governor, head official, chief (V.; rare in C.); architect (C.). IRtIft sthapanil, f. space between the eyebrows (rare). IMIF sthaputa, a. hunch-backed; rugged, rough (road); m. hump.,q sthala, m. chapter, section (rare); n. raised ground, elevation; dry land (o~pp. damp lowland); terra firma, land (opp. water): jig. -9 (like tata), region (of prominent parts of the body, breast, etc.); ground, soil; place; case: tathividha-sthale, in such a case: _kamala, n. flower of the land lotus (Hibiscus mutabilis); -kainalini, f. bed of land lotuses (Hibiscus mutabilis); -ga, a. living on dry land; -kana, a. id.; -ga, a. growing or living on dry land; applicable to -transport by land (tax); -ta', f. condition of dry land; -nalini., f. land lotus (Hibiscus mutabilis); -patha, m. road by land (opp. water way); commerce by land: in. by- land (reach a place); -pathi-kri, turn into dry land or a road by land; -padma, n. land lotus (Hibiscus mutabilis); -vantmnan, n. land-road: in. by land; -vanman, m. N. of a prince; -vignaha, m. land-fight. W[T sthdlft,f. mound (V., rare). A 'IWWT' sthalft-ya, den. A. become dry land. WrR~f sthala aravinda, n. land lotus (Hibiscus mutabilis); - ' iida, pp. alighted on the ground (not riding in a chariot) or having ascended an eminence. ~I~sthali, f. eminence, table-land (alsoused fly. -"' of prominent parts of the body); ground; place, spot: -devataf local deity. ell\ sthal'i-bhfi, become dry land: pp. high-lying (country); -ya, den. P. regard (the,ocean) as dry land. W t shli-yn a. lying or sleeping on the bare ground. WWT~ sthale-gata, pp. growing on dry land: w. padmint, f land lotus (Hibiscus metabilis).;W,~f" stbalautpalini, f.land lotus (Hibiscus mutabilis); - okas, m. animal livmng on dry land. I 3 A 364 i4fr sthav-i-man. MT sthy. I 4Nr2, sthav-i-man, m. [V/sthfi] broad part, breadth (V.); -ira, a. (i, V.; f, V., C.) broad, thick, stout (V., rarely E.); mighty (V.); (full-grown), old, aged, venerable, respected (V., C., but not in RV.): e kale or bhave, in old age; (sthav)-ishtha, spv. (of sthfi-ra or sthft-la) thickest, largest, stoutest; very thick or solid; (sthav)-iyas, cpv. thicker, stouter, mightier. ^tqI1 stha-sas, ad. according to its respective place (RV.'). STHA, I. tishtha [or. III. tishtha], V., C.: stand (in, on, or at, ic.); stand still, halt, stop; cease to flow (water); stay, abide, remain; continue to exist, endure (rare in V.); rest or depend on (ic.); V.: stand on, mount (a chariot; rare); A. stand still = serve any one (d.) for (d.), obey; arise from (ab., g.; rare); abide by, adhere to, follow (lc.); C.: stand one's ground, against any one (g. ~ purah); stand by, remain faithful to any one (Ic.); wait; delay, hesitate; remain (w. nm. N., e. g. a girl- unmarried; w. a., e. g. unmoved); keep (w.pt., e. g. looking; w. gd., e. g. practising silence; v. in., e.g. maunena, silence; w. ad., e.g. tftshnlm, silent); lie (dead); exist, live, be found, obtainable, or at hand, appear, in (le.); be in, on, or at (Ic.); practise, perform (act, duty, etc.); be with any one, be at the disposal of, belong to (d., g., lc.); be directed (mind) to or fixed on (Ic.); desist, refrain, be restrained by (in.; rare); remain standing= remain unconsidered or unmentioned (only impv. and pot.): agre or agratak-, present oneself before any one (g.); ahara-parityagena -, persist in abstaining from food; ganubhyam -, go down on one's knees; samam -, act impartially towards (Ic.); sukham -, feel happy; svagriha-nirviseshena -, do exactly as if one were at home; gd. sthitvi, after some time; kiram api -, waiting even for a long time =sooner or later; pf. pt. tasthivas, standing, on (lc.); immovable, fixed (opp. gagat, moving); being in, occupying (Ic.); engaged in, practising (lc.); pituh sasane -, abiding by the command of, obeying his father; ps. sthiyate, remain (~ subject in in.): pp. sthita, q. v.; cs. sthap- ya, P. (A.) V.,C.: cause to stand still, stop; Br.: check, restrain; C.: station, set, put, place, lodge, on, in (ic.); hold fast, keep; put aside; set up in, appoint to (an office, lc.); establish in, lead or bring into (a path etc.), initiate into (a plan; Ic.); make over to (lc.), deliver into (the hand, lc.); erect, build (B.); establish, found, cause to be durable; fix, determine; introduce (a doctrine etc.); set up (a proposition); make, appoint as (2 ac.): khannam or prakkhannam -, hide anything; rakshitam or surakshitam -, keep or tend carefully; rakshartham -, appoint as a guardian; saggam -, cause any one to be ready; hridi -, impress on one's heart; baddhva -, keep prisoner; svikritya -, gain over completely; iti evam sthapayen manas, one should direct one's mind to this, one should form a clear notion of this. ati, stand above, surpass (ac.; V.). adhi, stand on, step upon, mount (ac., lc.); dwell in, inhabit, occupy; stand victoriously over, overcome, surpass, have precedence over (ac.); stand at the head of, lead, guide, govern, rule; possess (majesty); employ,show(favour); gd. adhishthaya, having recourse to, by means of: pp. adhishthita and dhishthita, I. act. mg. standing; sticking in, adhering to (-~); fixed or implanted in, being in or on, occupying (ac., le.); set over others, having precedence; presiding over, being at the head of (an office, Ic., -~); 2. ps. mg. inhabited, I occupied, pervaded, beset, by (in.,-~); taken possession of, overcome by (love, sleep), overwhelmed with (royal favour), filled with, full of (in., -~); administered, taken charge of (property), governed (kingdom), presided over (office), managed (business); guarded (house, horse); guided, led, commanded (forces). sam-adhi, guide; administer. anu, C.: stand still after = at the same time as any one (ac., lc.); follow, obey (ac.); V.: stand beside, attach oneself to, assist; C.: follow after anything, practise, perform, execute, carry out, act (ord. m/g.); incur, be guilty of (negligence); inflict (punishment); contrive (an expedient): pp. anushthita, I. act. mg.: following, imitating (practice); 2. ps. mg. practised, performed, executed, carried out, attended to; begun: tathi anushthite, this being done; des. -tishthasa, P. wish to practise. abhi, V.: tread upon, place one's foot on (ac.); rise above or through (ac.); withstand, overcome. ava, go down to (ac.; V.); be severed from, lack (riches, ab.; BV.); V., C.: stand still (common mg.); C.: remain, continue, in (Ic.), keep doing anything (nm. pr. pt., gd., or in., e. g. nihsvasena = sighing; or to express a condition, nm. a. or pp.; cp. simple vb.; common mg.); stay; exist; be 'absorbed or repose in (Brahman, lc.); attain, regain (ac., rare); fix, determine (rare): pp. avasthita, sts. vasthita, standing, stationed, posted, being, contained, in (lc., -~; ord. mg.); remaining, keeping (doing anything or in a condition, nm. pt., or in., or ad.); engaged in, occupied with, devoted to (lc., -~); incumbent on any one (Ic.); prepared for (d.); steadfast; firmly resolved on; steady, firm, trustworthy; occupying a secure position; being: evam avasthite, matters being in this state, under these circumstances; es. cause to stay, leave behind; place, put, in or on (le.); establish; encourage, console; substantiate (a statement). pari ava, A. become steady (mind); pervade: pp. stationed, posted. prati ava, A. stand up against, object; es. restore to its original state: w. atm&nam, recoveroneself. vi ava, A. differ respectively; halt, stay, remain; be logically tenable; appear as (nm.): pp. vyavasthita, regularly marshalled; stationed, situated, standing, being (in, on, at, Ic., -~); standing on the side of any one (-~); used (word etc.) in the sense of (Ic.); based or dependent on (Ic.); persevering in, adhering to (Ic., sts. -~); settled, established, fixed; exclusively peculiar or limited to (Ic.); exactly determined in each particular case (option: vikalpa or vibhasha); existing; appearing as (nm., in., gd., -~, ad.); cs. put down, place; direct (mind, glance) towards (lc.); appoint; hold up, prevent from falling; restore to its original state (speech); establish, determine; prove to be logically tenable: pp. recovered (speech). sam-ava, pp. standing, motionless. a, stand upon (Ic.); ascend, mount (ac.); put on (shoes); betake oneself or resort to; enter upon (a course of action), have recourse to, adopt (behaviour), assume (a form), follow, observe (a rule), employ (means), undertake (a march), make (an effort), show (compassion); adopt,recognise, consider true (I.); attach importance to (Ic.): pp. Esthita, I. act. mg. standing or sitting on (ac.); staying or being in, on, or at (ac.); having entered upon (a path); having betaken oneself to (ac.) as (ac.); having attained (ac.); having had recourse to, having adopted, undertaken, or subjected oneself to; having assumed (a human form); existing, living (at ease); holding, regarding as true; 2. ps. mg. stood or sat upon, occupied; had recourse to, undertaken (~- with - udaya, risen, of the sun); cs. P. A. cause to remain, prolong (7.); strike (ac.) into (lc.; Br.); put into (Ic.); do (injury) to (g.; RV.). apai, depart to (ac.; Br.). sam-a, mount; betake oneself to (ac.); enter upon, have recourse to, undertake (a march), seek (a maintenance), apply (assiduity) to (Lc.): pp. having entered into (slavery); having had recourse to (ac.). ud, stand or get up, arise (also from sleep or death); rise (sun, moon); gather (of clouds); heave (waves, breasts); rush forth (robbers); rise up from (a sacrifice, ab.) = conclude (Br.); come forth, emerge, appear, spring or grow up, be formed; accrue (revenue) from (ab.); A. rise up for action, bestir oneself, energetically prepare for (battle, action, d., Ic.); A. increase in power (enemy); gd. utthaya, having arisen; pp. utthita, arisen, having got or leapt up; swelling (ocean); standing upright, erect; raised up or aloft; rising out of (-~); come forth, emerging, from (ab., -~); departed from (ab.); produced, from (ab., -~); blazing forth (fire); having manifested itself or appeared; arising, accruing (revenue etc.); ready for action, energetically devoted to, thoroughly prepared for (d., lc.); exalted; cs. utthfipaya, cause to rise, raise, lift up; awaken, restore to life (givantim); set up, erect; lift =help out of (a bog); turn or drive out (Br.); despatch; stir up (dust); arouse (desire, RV.); produce; animate (Br.); encourage, instigate, urge on; des. wish to rise (child; Br.); wish to depart before the completion of= to cut short (a rite). anu ud, rise up after (ac.): pp. anfitthita, followed by (in.). abhiud, set forth or come to (ac.; V.); rise to (ac.); rise to greet or meet any one (ac.); refrain from (ab.): pp. abhyutthita, having arisen; having risen to greet or meet (ac.); risen (sun, moon); flaming (fires); having set about (ac.); prepared. upa ui, rise up before any one, approach (V.); arise from (ab.; RV.). pra ud, leap up; get up, rise: pp. protthita, come forth (leaf); produced from (-~). prati ud, rise up before (ac.), rise to meet. vi ud, turn away from, abandon (ab.): pp. vyutthita, divergent in opinion; greatly excited (mind etc.); swerving from duty (~ dharmat); cs. disagree about (ac.); depose any one; set aside, remove anything; perfidiously abandon. sam-ud, rise up together; arise; rise, get up (from sleep); return to life; gather (of clouds); come forth, spring, be produced, from (ab.); appear; arise for action, prepare for or to (Ic., inf.): pp. having arisen; towering (peak); issuing or produced from (ab.); having appeared: dhanam danda-samutthitam, money derived from fines. upa, P. A. V.: stand or station oneself at or near (ac., lc.); come before or approach (for prayer or worship); stand under (any one's protection); be present in or at (ac., Ic.); rise against (ac.); C.: stand opposite (the sun, ac.); stand or remain beside, attend (any one); betake oneself to, approach, reach (the sun); attain (divinity = become a god); make one's appearance; wait upon, pay homage to, worship, with (in.); present with (in.); be at the disposal of, accrue to (g.); be at hand, be found; (be there =) have to be supplied (gr.); prepare, for (d.); remain standing (v. r. ava-): pp. upasthita, I. act. mg. approached, come to any one (ac.; Br. also g.); C.: arrived at (ac., le.); having appeared, present at (Ic.); having arrived or come (time); near at hand, impending; having fallen to the share of, accruing to any one (ac., g.); prepared, ready (for), being at the disposal of (g.); lying on (a couch; ac.); 2. ps. mg. attended by (in.); waited upon A -MT stha, MT" stha'-yu-ka. 865 IT stM, rTi sth-yu-ka. 365 I by (in.), with (in.); frequented by (in.); provided with (in.); cs. cause to place oneself beside or opposite (ac.; V.); bring, fetch (C.). anujpa, A. ome to in succession, place oneself beside (Br.). abh~upa, P. worship (P.):.pp. arrived (time). pari~upa, pp. come, impending, imminent. prati up&, A. place oneself opposite (V.-): pp. approached, come, to any one (ac.); arrived (time), imminent (death etc,); come to (one's recollection, smiriti- = occurring to one); es. call forth, manifest. saanx-upa, P. I. stand beside, attend; lean against (ac.); approach (c) fall to the share of any one (ac.): pp. come near, hav ing approached any one (ac.), arrived at (ac.); come in one's way (river = one came across a river); sitting or lying on (lc.); come (time), imminent (destru~ction); having occurred, (calamity), having befallen (distress of mind); being seasonable (courage); come or fallen upon any one (ac.): iti samupasthite, this being in storefor one. nii, p~p...shthita, standing or being in or on (lc.); versed in (le.). pari-ni, make oneself thoroughly familiar with (lc.): pp...shthita, being, in (le.); thoroughly versed in (lc.);,Cs. teach anything thoroughly to (g.). nis, arise from, grow out of (ab.; V.); bring to an end (U.); prepare (honey, U.): pp. ni~h]shthita, grown forth (R V.); completed, ready (17., C.). pari-nis, pp. quite completed. pari, stand round, encompass, obstruct, impede (V.); throng around (C.):.pp. pkrishthita, encompassed, obstructed (waters); cs. _sthipaya, station near at hand. prm, P. (A1.) V.: stand or rise up, adac ep. before the gods); A., C.: set out, depart, from (ab.), on (a path, lc.), for, to (ac. + prati, le.), with a view to (victory etc., d.), in order to ( inf.): pp. pra'sthita, 17.: set forth, prepared (sacrifice etc.); C.: set out, for (ac. ~ prati, d., lc.), for the purpose of (d.); having started or proceeding, on (a long journey, dWm-), having entered on (a wrong road, -'),reaching to (the sky, — O);.pp. act. prstiavn (he) set out; cs. despatch (messengers etc.)., send away or home, dismiss, banish, to (ac. ~ prati), for the purpose of (d., sts. lc.); drive, urge on (steeds); des. A. wish to set out. anu-pra, set out after any one (ac.). abhi-pra, P. (V.), A. (V., C.) set, out, for (ac. ~ prati): pp. set out. vi-pr~a, A. (P.) rise in different directions, be dtiffused; set out. sam-pra, pp. set out, departed, to (ac.). prati, V.: stand, abide; V., C.: stand -firm; be based or rest on or in (Ic.); be established, thrive; C.: resist (any one, ac.); spread over (ac.): pp. pritisht'~dta, standing, stationed, seated, situated, staying, being in or on, contained in (lc., -O); fixed, securely placed, supported b~y, based or dependent on (lc., — O); establishE~d, proved; ordained for, applicable to (lc.); settled, unmolested byfoes (earth); transferred to (lc.); undertaken (v. r. ann-, better); es. V., C.: put down, place upon, introduce i nto (1c.); C.: set up, erect (an image); bring or lead into (a path, ic.); appoint to, establish in (lc.); present or offer to, bestow- or confer on,, transfer to (d., lc.); V.: establish or support, on (lc.). samprati, -PP. established; supported by, resting on (lc.). vi, A. (P.) V.: stand or move apart, be sc attered or diffused over or through (ac.); spread over (the land, adhi ksh~mi); be separated, from (in.); V., C.: stand; C.: stand still, remaain, stay; hold one's ground (in battle): PP'. vishthita, V.: standing apart; scatteredi, diffused; stationary (opp. gagat, that whih moves); C.: standing on (le., —.); being in(lc.). anu-vi, spread (int.) over, pervade (ac.; V.). sam,A. (P.) V.: stand close together; come or stay near (lc.); come into conflict (R V.); C.: stand still, remain, stay; stand, dwell, be, in (lc.); abide by, obey (le.); come to an end, perish; V.: be completed (rite; rare in C.): pp. Wimsthita, C.: standing (opp. sitting or lying); placed, lying, sitting, situated, being, resting, in or on (le., upari, -O); remaining, left standing (for a long time: food); enduring, lasting; imminent; being in (a condition), addicted to (lc., — P); based on (lc.); relating to (lc., — P); set out, for (d., -abhimukha-); dead (lc. =if he die); having the form of (0;frequented (place); V., rarely C.: concluded, completed (rite, day, etc.): tatha eva -, remaining in the same condition; masI-ruipena -, preserved in the form of boneblack; pp. act. samsthita-vat, =.finite vb., lived (happily, sukhena) together; cs. C.: put on their legs again (horses); set up again, restore (fallen princes); encourage, comfort; compose oneself (Utmknam, hridayam); place, in or on (lc.); add to (upari); establish, found, introduce, fix, settle; V.: restrain, stop (breath, effusion of semen); conclude, complete (esp. a rite); put an end to, kill (sts. also C.). anu-sam, 'A. be completed (rite; Br.): pp. having died after any one (ac.). WIT stba, a. (nm. m. n. -s) standing (V.): often — 9, standing, existing, being. ~ITWI! sthftnav-a, a. [sthAnu] derived from trunks of trees; Aiya, a. belonging to Siva (bow). ~IT~J sthh-n-d, a. [v%/sthat] standing, stationary, n. what is fixed or stationary (C.); m. stump, stake, post (also as an emblem of immovableness; V., C.); N. of Siva (immovable as the trunk of a tree during his austerities; C.):..kkheda, a. clearing away the stumps.(i. e. the timber); -bh-fta, pp. immovable like the stump of atree; -vana okas, a. inhabiting the forest of Siva; u j svara, n. N. of a town. WTTffW sthat-tavya, fp. n. imps. one should stand, remain, stay,, or linger jone should abide by or adhere to (lc.); one (in.) should remain in a condition (in.). Wrif sth'a-tri, i.mi. guider, driver (of horses, chariots; liv.); authority (E.); 2. -tri, n. what is stationary or immovable (RV.). IWjTVr stha ana, n C. standing (also Br.); continuance,, stay; storage (of goods);steadiness (of troops); continued existence; middle state (opp. gain or loss); being in or on (lc., — 0); state, condition (also U.; -' a. being in a state of); perfect tranquillity (rare); station, position, rank (common mg.); V., C.: abode, dwelling, place, spot, locality, site (ord. mg.); C.: stead, place (lc. instead of, in place of,, g., — 9); receptacle, of (g., 0.-); right or suitable place; region, sphere of a god (earth, sky, heaven); stronghold (rare); place in which, a sound is produced, organ of speech (gr.); pitch, key of the voice (high, loud, etc.); constituent of a kingdom (army, treasury, capital, territory); case, occurrence; occasion, of or for (g., -9); cause or object of (g., —; also said of persons); topic: *-9 a. taking the place of, representing; replaced or represented by: lc. sthaine, instead of (g., ~9;in the right place, seasonably, justly; sthine stha'ne, in different places, here and there; ripustha~neshu vrit, occupy the position of an enemy; v:Ln^ kyutfi sthin&t, a lute out of tune; vilokana-sthina-gata, occupying the place of eyes; miuyas-thina, object of regard. WTVR sthgana-ka, m. N.; n. attitude, (in shooting etc.); hind ofposture; station, rank; place, spot: -sth~naka, n.pl. lc. in all places, everywhere; -kintaka, m. quarter-master; -kyuta, pp. removed from one's place; -t&,f. state of being the receptacle of, possession of (g.); -tya~ga, m. abandonment of one's dwelling-place; -p~1a, m. guardian of a place; superintendant; -bhaiiga, m. ruin or fall of a place; -bhramsa, m. loss of one's dwelling;- position; -bhrashta, pp. removed from one's proper place, displaced; having lost one's position; -yoga, m. pI. assignment of the proper places (for commodities); -vid, a. having local knowledge; -sthaina, n. pl. lc. in every nook and corner;.-sthita, pp. occupying a high position; Z~ntara, n. another place; t israya, m. place on which anything stands (eka-, a. being in the same place); ^ saua-vihfra-vat, a. occupying the abode, the seat, and the recreation ground; - Asedha, m. local or personal arrest. WTf*Zfi stha'n-ika, a. taking the place of (g., 0; gr.); -in, a. occupying a. high position; being in the right place, appropriate; being originally in the place; what should be in the place =to be supplied (gr.); m. primitive or original form (gr.; opp. &desa, substitute); -i-vat, ad. like the primitive form: d Adesak, the substitute is subject to the same rules as the primitive; -iya, a. having its place in, being in (C;occupying the place of, representing(0 N stha'ie-yog~a, a. standing in the relation of ' instead:' w. shashthl, f. = the genitive designates that for which something is substituted. WI144 sthbaiu~svara, m. governor of a place; n. N. of a town and its territory (Thanesar; incorr. for sth&nvlsvara). WTXM~ stha'-p-aka, m. [fr. cs. of V'sthat] erector of an image; depositor; founder, establisher; a certain character in the prelude of a play (diftferent from the Siltradhdra). IET1tI4m sthftpatya, n. [sthapatil office of governor of a district; architecture. ~ITEtIF sth&t-p-ana, n. preserving (youth,0) fixing, determining; n. erection (of an image etc.); placing, upon (-0); establishment, prolongation of (g., 0-); storage of (0;dialectical proof of a proposition; statement of (g.): 9, f. establishment, dialectical proof of aproposition; -aniya,f f. to be kept in (a place); - set up=kept (cat); -ayitavya, fp. to be kept in a place; - kept in order;..ayitri, m. establisher, founder; -ita, cs. _pp. VsthA; -ya,fp. to be set up; - placed in oron (lc.); - shut up or confined in (lc.); appointed to (an office, lc.); - kept in the house (vesmani, = as a domestic animal); - kept to (one's duty, lc.); - plunged in (grief, evil plight); - kept in order. WTTi sthg-man, n. i. station, seat, place (V.); strength,power (C.); 2.neigh (.E.,rare). W7T4 sthat-ya, m. receptacle (in gala-), MTf.~T sth'yi-tft, f. duration; -tva, n. id. WTfq1kstha'-y-in, a. [V/stha] standing still., staying, tarrying, lingering, being in or on (.0;present; resident (opp. stranger); being in a condition ( —0); lasting, enduring (ord, m g.); steadfast (prince). -T~thftyi-bhft, become lasting or permanent. 26 sthh-yu-ka, a. [.-'stha&] staying, in (lc.); lasting, constant, 366 A - d — A mm s a a. TTqiq snan-in. 4M1Wsthatla, n. bowl, dish, pot; hollow of a tooth, (rare): if. earthen dish, cooking-pot, m. food cooked in a pot, dish of barley or rice boiled in milk (often as an offering). " ET~ sthft-vara', a. [Vsthft] standing, stationay, imovale (py. gafigama); steadfast, permanent, constant, enduring (rare); relating to immovable property (rare); m. mountain; m. is. sg. pl. the vegetable world; is. immovable property, real estate; stability, permanence (vs. r. sthiratva): -km, m. N. of a servant; -ta^,f. condition of a plant. M~TfR sthatvira, a. [sthavira] old, senile; n. old age. W'rZO sthftsa-ka, m. bubble-shaped ornament on the trappings of a horse; m. or n. (?) -figure made with unguents. AMsth- snu, a. [Vsthft] immovable; durable, lasting, permanent. f*rW sthi-td, pp. [V/stha'] standing, - UP ( opp. walking, sitting, lying); standing firm (in battle); staying, remaining, situated, in. a place (lc., ad., —~; common mg.); being in a condition or Position (in., ab., lc., -a, N. in app.; more commonly ad., pp., pr. pt.,gd.; w. Pr. Pt. or gd. =continually; ord. mg.); engaged in, intent on, addicted or devoted to, practising, persevering in (lc., ~9;abiding in, conforming to, following (command etc., lc.); being in office; steady, kept (agreement, counsel); settled, generally accepted (also Br.); determined, resolved upon; firmly convinced; firmly resolved to (inf., le. of vbl. N.); ready to (d.); being there, existing, present, come (time); directed to (lc.,~O effort, gaze); resting or dependent on (1c.); conducing (oppression) to (d.); remaining, left (rare); having desisted or stopped; unaccompanied by iti (in thePadapfttha); standing alone: -in, is. im~ps. it was stood by (in.) =he waited; anityam sthitah, not remaining permanently, staying only a short timne; purah, -, = imminent; parasparam sthitau, standing face to face (as foes); mukt;'J&k~-.ra-tay& -, resting in the form of ( =like) a pearl (drop of water); pade sthite, = in the Padapfttha; n. standing still, staying: -vat, pp. act, being, in (lc.). fW'pff~ft sthita- dhil, a. steady-minded; -pragiim, a. steadfast in knowledge; -sainvid, a. faithful to one's agreement, keeping one's promise; -samketa, a. id. ftfdi sthf-ti, f. [V/sthft] C.: standing; remaining, staying, stay, residence (in, on, at, with any one, lc., -9O; ord. mg.); upright position (of the breasts); depositing, keeping (of records, money); halting-place, abode (also rarely in Br.); station, position, rank, dig nity; steady application to, addiction to, intentness on (lc.); steadfastness, stability; sustained existence, continuance, permanence (common mg.; also U.); duration; existence, occurre-ncee; procedure, behaviour, conduct; state, condition; decree, ordinance; settled rule, maxim (also Br.); usage, custom, institution; fixed opinion, conviction; attaching importance to (youth;' lc.); -steady adherence to the path of duty or law, moral rectitude; limit, bounds (esp. of morality): -m A-kar, remain standing; -m kri, g'rah, bhag, or vi-dha', make a stay, take up one's abode. fWfRtkrkT sthiti-desa, in. place of abode; -mat, a. firm,, stable, enduring; keeping within bounds (ocean); observing the limits of morality, virtuous; -varman, in. N. of a prince; _sthapaka, m. (sc. samskfira) elasticity (restoring the original state). fPsthi-rd, a. [V'/stha'] firm, hard, solid, stiffi strong; fixed, immovable, motionless; steady (gait, gaze); permanent, continual, enduring, lasting, changeless; steadfasti~ sustained, persevering; kept secret:(counisel); constant, faithful, trustworthy (of persons); of good courage; firmly resolved to (inf.); certain, sure, undoubted: manas or hridaYam sthiram kri, steel one's heart, take courage; n. (1l 17.) resistance: ac. w. ava-tan, P. break the resistance of any one (g.), A. yield; w. ai-tan, offer resistance. fW'T iIvsthira-karnman, a. persevering in action; -kcitta, a. steady-minded, steadfast, resolute; -ketas, a. id.; -givin, a. having a tenacious life; in. N. of a crow; Ati, f. hardness; steadfastness, stability, permanence; constancy, firmness: -2u upa i, compose oneself; -tva, n. immovableness; stability, constancy; (i)-dhauvan, a. having a strong bow (Jludra; RV.1); -dhi, a. steady-minded, steadfast; -pada, a. firmly rooted; -prat~,qiia, a. keeping one's promise; -pratibandha, a. offering an obstinate resistance; -buddhi, a. steady-minded, steadfast, resolute; in. N. of an Asura: -kra, m. N. of a Dadnava; -mati, f. steady mind, steadfastness; a. steadfast; -manas, a. id.; -yauvana, a. having perpetual youth; -varman, in. N.; - amkra, a. thoroughly cultured: tif.perfect culture; - WhyU, a. standing firm. f TT.sthira ftman, a. firm-minded, stable, constant; -steadfast, resolute; -aurga. deeply attached (-tva, n. faithful n. faithful attachment; - apya, a. subject to constant decay; - rambha, a. steadfast in undertakings.' fIKRK sthiril-karana, n. corroboration; -krava p. to be encouraged; -k~rm corroboration; -kri, confirm, strengthen; stop (a horse); make permanent, establish; corroborate; steel (the heart); encourage; -bhiu, take courage. ftif* sthivii, m. winnowing basket (RV.'): -mfit, a. provided with winnowing baskets (-RV.'). T~sthula, a. tent (rare). ['WSTHt, be thick or strong, in sthaviman, sthavira, sthftna', sthilra, sthftla.],T sthu'-nf pspillar ( —9 a. a): -karna, in. kind of array of troops; -paksha, m. id.; -rage, m. chief post (V.). ~V sthfi-rd, a. thick, broad, heavy, large, great (BiT.). ~f shIri a. drawn by one animal, onesided(V.); n.waggondrawnbyone aninmal(V). W~f i" sthutr-ikfi, f. barren cow (? Manu VIII, 3 25). IW sthft-ld, a. thick, bulky, big, large, stout, massive; coarse, gross (also fig., e,. g. crime); dull, stupid; material, tangible (phil.; opp. s~kshma); n. gross or material body: -kesa, in. N. of a Rishi; -tA,, f. largeness, fulness, bulkiness; clumsiness; stupidity; -tva, n. grossness (phil.); -datta, in. N.; -nasika, mn. (large-snouted), boar; -prapaiika, in. gross material world; -b~hu, in. N.; -buddhi, a. dull-witted; -bhuga, in. N. of a fairy; -bhfita, n. gross element; -mati, a. dull-witted; -madhya, a. thick in the middle; -roma, a. thick-haired; -laksha, a. liberal, munificent; shooting at a large target: -tva, is. abst. N.; - akh-~ f.liber ality; -1akshya, a. = -laksha: -tai, f., -tva, is. abst. N.; -vishaya, in. gross material object; -sariira, n. gross material body; -siras, a. thick-headed; in. N. of a Rishi, a 114k7 -shasa, and a Yaksha; -Sftkshma, a. large and small: '-prapasika, in. the gross and the subtle world, -saira, n. gross and subtle body; -hasta, m. elephant's trunk. PR sthfila antra, a. large intestine, straight-gut; -asthiida, a. large and not large: -tara, c~pv. very large and small. sthfila ikkha, a. having immoderate wishes; -5kkaya,m i-n.iddle paceinelephants. 6 hi sthe-mdan, in. [abst. N. to sthi-ra] firmness (1V.); C.: rest; continuance: in. perseveringly: (-ma) -bhig, a. firm, strong (C.). ~sthe-ya,fp. [ Vstha'] n.isnps. one should stand still; - stay or remain, in (lc.); - behave or act (subject with app. in in., gd., or ad.); in. judge, arbitrator. ~~~:sthe6-yas, cpv. (of sthi-ra) more considerable (person); very continuous or constant; very stable (mind). ef.tI stheyil-kri, choose as an arbitrator. sthair-ya, n. [s-thira] firmness, fixity, stability, steadiness; continuance, permanence; steadfastness, constancy; patience; firm attachment to, constant delight in (lc.): -vat, a. standing firm. sha] liberality.,k, I" sthaul-ya, n. [sthfila] stoutness, cor-,pulence; great size or length. VXMT sna-p-ana, n. [fr. cs. of v'snfi] washing, bathing, ablution. ( ~JSNA~, IL. P. snm-ti (V., C.,I.P A. meir.) sn~ya (E.),bathe; perform the ceremony of bathing (esp. on the conclusion of a VOW or of religious stsedentshsip ~ avabhritham); besmear oneself with (ashes, in.): pp. snata, washed; having bathed (sp. at the conclusion of apprenticeship on entering the householder stage); cleans'ed from (ab.); immersed or versed in (lc., -'o): -vat, pp. act. having bathed; cs. sn~p~ya, P. wash, cleanse, bathe, besprinkle. nd, step cut of the water, emaergre(V.). nii,_pp. shn~ta,,(immersed =) versed,, experienced in (lc., ~) agreed upon. pra, enter the water( (~ ac.; 17.); es. (mi) bathe (mnt.) in (ac.; V.). VT sna&, a. -'a (in some cpds.) bathed, dipped. NUf~ snbgta-k~a, a. having per-formed the puriftcatory ablutions concluding, apprenticeship; entering or having entered the householder stage; in. religious studont, entering on the householder stage: -vra~ta, a. duties of a Sn~taka; a. performing the duties of a Snhtaka: -lopa, in. neglect of the duties of a Snaltaka. q I FE snat-tavya, fp. a. imps, one should bathe. V~f snft ana, n. bathing, bath, ablution (ord. mg.); washing off; adjunct of the bath, bathing powders or perfumes: -k~alasa, -kumbha, as. wash-pot; -griha, is. bathing house, bath-room; -tirtha, n. sacred bathing-place; -dronil,f. bathing tub; -bhikhf. bathing-place, bath-room; -vastra, -vaisas, n.bathingg-own; -veumau, is. bathing house, ba46h-room; -seti, fbatbing drawers,; - ambu., a. bathing water. ~IVfI I snfln-in, a. bathi/ng; -a, a. suitable for bathing; is. adj ur~ct of the bath, bathing perfumes: -vastra, a. bathing garment. It'l I qKm snanodaka. qjf~ sphat-ika.37 367' I vT'i't" sufnanadaka, a. bathing water; -upakarana, a. accessories of the bath. VT'qB snat-p-aka, m. [fr. cs. of V/sna'] bather; -ana, n. bathing, ablution. VTf~T( snfty-in, a. [V-,snfl] bathing: i) t&, f. ablution. snayu, n. V., C.: tendon, sinew, muscle; C.: vein; bowstring: -nirmita, pp. made of sinews; -p~sa, -baudha, m. (sine wband), bowstring; -maya, a. (i) made of sinews; -spauda, m. beat of the pulse. ~T1~sn'd-van (or -vadn), n. (V.) tendon, sinew; bowstring (rare). f~~'T snig-dha, pp. (Vsnih) sticky, unctuous, smooth; soft, mild, bland, gentle; oily, greasy; glossy, glistening; attached to (lc.); tender, affectionate, friendly; dense (shade): -in, ad. gently; -tama, spy, very oily; very affectionate; -ta, f. softness; oiliness; attachment, affection; -tva, n. attachment to (ic:); -bhinnaaiigana, a. glossy pounded collyrium; -niudga, m. kind of bean; -siitari'ksha, a. slippery, cool, and rough: -tva, t. abst. N.; Z~figana, n. glossy collyrium. SNIH, IV. P. (A. metr.) snih-ya, beNcome oily; be fixed (eye) on (lc.); become attached to, feel affection for (g., ic.): pp. snigdha, q. v.; cs. snehiya, P. make unctuous (C.); render pliant, subject (RV.). ulpa, cs. win the affections of (ac.). pra, p~p. very oily; very soft or tender (note). f~l snik, f. (am. k) moisture (V., rare). ^~ nh-tn M. or -a, f[Vsnih] moisture of he nose (SB.). Tf~IM snfih-iti, f. moisture (V., rare); carnage (V., vety rare). 73 SNU, IL. P. snwaiti, emit fluid, yield '3 milk; pp. snuta, flowing (esp. of the maternal breast). pra, emit fluid, drip: p~p. yielding milk. W sn-6, n. [= satnu] surface, height (V.). WFsnusha', f. daughter-in-law: -ga, a. having sexual intercourse with a daughter-inlaw; -tva, n. condition of a daughter-in-law. _g snuh, f.(nm. k) a plant (wolf s milk): 4,-~.id. Wqsneh-a, m.[,,'snih] unctuousness, stickiness; smoothness (also fig.); fatty substance, oil, grease; attachment, tenderness, fondness, affection, love, for (g., ic., _-.; 'ord. mg.); friendship with (saha): -o a. fond of (rare); -ana, a. (i feeling affection; n. unctuousness; feeling of affection. sneha-kkeda, M. breach of friendship; -pravritti, f. course of love; -prasrava, m. effusion of love; -bim i. worthy object of affection; -maya, a. (i)fulo affection; consisting of or called love. ~'sneha-la, a. full of affection, fond of any one (le.): ta f. tenderness, affection. fWf sneha-vat, a. oily, fatty; full of love, tender, fond; -vyakti,f. display of affection; -samgvara-vat,a.filledwiththeardouroflove. *fimsneh-in, a. liking, fond of(0 VM snaigdh-ya, a. [snigdha] smoothness.;EC SPAND, I. A&. (P.) Spanda, throb, %- palpitate, quiver; kick (of animals); move (rare); quicken, come to life (rare): pp. spaudita, quivering; cs. spandaya, P. (A. metr.) cause to quiver; move (tr.): pp.spaudita, set in motion, produced. pra, A. quiver, start. vi, id.; struggle; be manifested. span d-a, m. quivering; motion; -ank, m. a tree (V., C.); n. (C.) quivering, palpitation; quickening (of an embryo); motion; -ita, pp. a. quivering, palpitation (sts.pl.); activity (Of the mind, 0-); -in, a. quivering, throbbing. T~Ispar-ana, V. a. (iL) saving, delivering *PVT spardb-af. [v'/spridh] rivalry, eu lution, competition, for (in.), with (in. ~ saha, 9 -.0); desire for (-.0; rare): in. in rivalry or emulation, vying with one another: -kara, a. (i) emulating, vying with (-.0); -vat, a. id. Vf( spardh-in, a. id.; -ya, fp. desirable, valuable. W1Tspars4, a. (-.0) [v/Ispris] touchin g (rare); m. touch, contact; feeling, sensation, of(., headache, jealousy); pleasant feeling (rare); sense of touch; (contact =) mute or nasal letter (gr.); sts. incorr.for spasa: -klishta, pp. painful to the touch; -kshama, a. tangible. Wli'IT spars-ana, a. touching, contact; feeling, sense of touch; -aniya,fp.t etuhd #R ENf~~ sparsa-rasika, a. fond of sensation, sensual, lustful; -vat, a. tangible; pleasant to the touch; samhrin, a. transinitted by contact, infectious (disease); - anukfila, a. pleasant to the touch, cooling. Wf~vkspars-in, a. (-.0) touching; reaching to; penetrating to. 1TTR sparsa upala, m. (touch- =) philosopher's stone (the contact of which produces gold). WVfSPA,5,pr. base with loss of initials, pasya, q. v.; pf. paspase (V.) and aor. 3 sg. A. Aspashta (RV.'), see, behold, perceive: p~p. spashta (V., C.), clear, distinct, evident, manifest; straight (rare): -in, ad. distinctly etc.; straight in the face (looka); straight out (ask); cs. spfisiya (V.), make evident, show; observe. anu, pf.pt. -paspasan, having shown (RE.): pp. Anuspashta, observed. vi,pp.manifest, clear, bright(night); distinct, intelligible. sam, pp. famous. WVT ~spds, m. watcher, spy (V.). WW~ spas-a, m. id. (Br., C.): - adhyaksha, m. chief of the spies. WU spash-ta, pp. -.epas: -tA, f. clearness. WL spashta-ya, den. P. make clear; make straight (a hunchback). WU~q spashta kshara, a. distinctly uttered; artha, a. having a clear sense, intelligible. Ri spashtil-kri, make clear, illumine. W ~ spftrh-4, a.[ [/sprih] desirable, charming (RV., rarely'P.). q'TSPl7RDH[collateralforrnof spridh, Nvery rare], VI. P. -spfirdhi, inf.. spu'rdhiise, for stirring rivalry (RV.). pra, enter into strife (.RV.'). ~qSPRI, V. sprin6ti, sprinutd, (V.) re~'lease, deliver, from (ab.); gain, win: pp. _A. (V.) free from (ab.); repel. ava; set free (RE.). nis, id. (RV.). vi, sever (V.)., SPRIDH, I. A. (P. melr.) spirdha, CNemulate, compete, vie, with (ac., in. ~ saha); race; struggle for (le.): pp. spardhita, w. act. and ps. sag. pra, vie with (in., IC.), in (le.). ~ spridh, f. (BV.) conflict; rival,'adversary; m. (P.) rival: 0- a. (P.) vying with; desiring. Lr ' touch (ac.; ord. mg.); lay the hand on (lc.), stroke; touch water (apah, udakam, galam) =wash certain parts of the body with water, rinse the mouth, etc. (rarely w. ac. of part and in. of water); perceive by touch, feel (rare); touch= =reach or penetrate to (ac., lc.); affect, unpleasantly, injure (rare); equal (ac., rare); act upon, influence, affect (ac.); befall, come upon any one, (ac.; common mg.); obtain, attain, experience (common mg.): karnam, -, come to the ears; kriyim - rise to an action; gira' -, equal with words be able to describe: pp. sprishta, touched; being in contact (said of mutes and nasals; semivowels being lshat-sprishta, and sibilants and h nema-sprishta); affected by or with (in., — O); cs. sparsaya, P. (A. metr.) cause to touch (2 ac.), bring into immediate contact with (in., lc.); perceive by touch, feel (rare); make anything over to (d.), give, present to. upa, touch, reach to; fondle, caress; touch water ( ~apah, galain, vfiri) = dip the hand in water, rinse the mouth with or sip water, bathe, perform an ablution, in (lc.; sts. with ac. of the part of the body + in. of water): pp. upasprishta, having touched water, sipped (both of the water and of the person). sam-upa, touch with water (in.); bathe in (lc.). ni (RV.), touch caressingly. sam, P. touch, bring into contact with (in.; A. with middle sense or metr.); reach or penetrate to (ac.); attain; come into close relations with (ac.); come upon, befall, seize, afflict: _pp. afflicted with (in.); cs. bring into contact (V.). ~Ff.~1 spris, a. -'n (am. k) touching; reaching to; affected by, experiencing, showing, betraying. 2(spris-a, a. ( —O) touching, reaching to; -ya, fp. to be touched; tangible; to be appropriated. ~FF sprish-ta, pp. V'/spris: -kma, a. hind of embrace; -ta', f. contact (in the pronunciation of mutes and nasals). ~ spri~sh-ti, f. contact. ~fF sprisht-ika', f. touching (the body or feet, 20, while taking an oath). ~Tftnsprisht-in, a. having touched (.);qg SPRIH [collateral of SPRIDH], Co N sprihiya, P. (A. metr.) be eager, long, for (ac., d., g.); be jealous, envy (ac., d.,g..). sam, desire eagerly (ac.). qTJWi~ sprih-anilya, fp. desirable, pleasing, charming, attractive, to (in., g.); enviable, envied by (g.): -t&,,f., -tva, a. desirableness. kP5 sprih-ay-ayya, a. desirable (R V.); -ay~1u, a. longing for, delighting in (d., le.): -t', f. desire for (0-). ITsprih-at, f. eager desire, longing for, pleasure in (1c., — 0; rarely d., g.); envy (rare): -m kri or bandh, long for (lc., -0); -m kri, envy any one (lc.): -vat, a. desirous of, delighting in (lc.). k~z sprash-tavyafp. to be touched. SPHAT, pp. sp'hatita, burst (very N rare); es. pp. sphaitita (rare), burst, split, cleft; torn (garment). Eqfi~ sphat-ika, sa. crystal: -mani, sa. id.; -maya, a. (3L) made of crystal; -yasas, m. N. of afairy; -sikharin, sa. ep. of Mount Kailisa; -8M1,f. cryistal. 368, sphar. we- smri. 368 sphar. smri. TjSP HAR, cs. sphiraya, P. open wide; bend, discharge (a bow): pp. spha'rita, opened wide (eyes); widely diffused (splendour). vi, cs. open wide; draw, discharge (a bow): pp. opened wide (eyes); exhibited, displayed. j~~SPHAL, cs. -sphilaya, P. a, beat Nupon, splash (ac.); strike (a lute); dash against (a stone, ic.); lash (tail): pp. Asphi1 -ita, struck, beaten upon, dashed against. iiTfZ~f sphfttika, a. (a i) made of crystal (sphatika); n. crystal; kind of sandal. WTfclsphat-tf,f{Vsphfiy] fattening, breeding (of cattle; F.); prosperity (C., rare). -4 SPHSIY, I.A. sphiaya (rare), grow "',fat, swell, increase; resound; ps. sphi - yate, grow fat: pp. sphita, swollen; thriving, prosperous, flourishing, rich (country, house) etc.); well-off; heavy with rain (cloud); dense (smoke); abundant, plentiful; abounding or rich in, full of (in., — ); es. sphfivaya, P. fatten; strengthen, increase. ii sphftr-a, a. [Vsphar] extensive, wide, large, great; abundant (moonlight); dense (mist); loud,~(shout); strong, vehement:P, ad.; M. Slap: 3i-bhft, be opened wide; be diffused, spread, increase, multiply. 4IIT1 "I sphftl-ana, n. [sphal] patting, slapping. Etener of (,cattle, y.; Br.),. 4qpIqI sphftvaya, cs. V'sphhy: i-tni, m. fatfi,17f sphig, f. hip, buttock (V.). fl'gW; sphikc, f4iM spbig, f. (nm. k) id. (S., C-). fp sphi-rd, a. [Vsphfly] fat (RTy.'). WJWT s-phi-ta, pp. V'sjphiy: -t', f. welfare, flourishing condition. ~R' SPRUT, I. P. sph6ta, VI. P. sphu~'- t- a, burst open (with a sound), be split or rent, burst into flower, expand, blossom; crack (of the fingers); crackle (fire); burst into view, appear suddenly; abate (imt., disease): pp. sphutita, burst, split, rent, broken; opened wide (eyes etc.); expanded, full-blown; es. P. sphotaya, burst, split, rend, tear open; put out (eyes); shake, wag; push aside (a bolt): pp. sphotita, split etc. a, cs. cleave, crush.; shake, wag; int., clap one's ~hands. pra, cs. cleave. 4"e sphirt -a, a. open; expanded, fullblown; manifest, evident, plain, distinct, clear, intelligible -(ord. my.); spreading, extensive, broad (rare); 0- or -in, ad. evidently etc.:..tar~a 3kshara, a. very clear (speech); -ti, f. manifestness, distinctness: -m, gain, become manifest. [dent. AVe.C sphuta-ya, den.- P. make clear or evi'M Z[ sphuta-vaktri, a. speaking distinctl~y or frankly;..akl,f. a tree; -sabdam, ad. distinctly, audibly. T4 sphuta artha, a. having a clear sense, intelligible: -ti', f. distinctness. sphut-ikaf, f. small fragment. sphuti-karana, n. making clear or evident, manifestation; -kri, make clear or evident; manifest; sharpen (the senses); -bbi', become clear or evident. - _ SPHUR, VI. P. (A. metr.) sp'hurk, "' V.: spurn; 77., C.: dart, bound, spring; C.: quiver, throb, tremble, vibrate; writhe, struggle; glisten, flash, sparkle; burst into view, be manifested or displayed, appear clearly; shine, be distinguished, make one's mark: pp. sphurita, quivering, trembling; struggling; flashing, gleaming, glittering; bieaking forth, suddenly arising; es. sphoraya, P. draw (,a bow); adduce (an argument); (cause any one to shine==) praise excessively. nis, hurl down (R11.). pari, dart about (fish); break forth, display itself; gleam afar: pp. quickening (foetus). pxa, V.: spurn away; V., C.: quiver, tremble; C.: glitter, sparkle; be displayed, appear; shine, be distinguished: pp. quivering, trembling; displayed. vi, V.: start asunder; C.: quiver, tremble.; dart about, writhe, struggle; glitter, flash;- break forth, appear: pp. vishuta, quivering, trembling; glittering, flashing. WT sphur-a, a. quivering, vibrating; -ana, a. ghittering; n. quivering; gleaming, flashing, darting; coming into view, manifestation; -ita, (pp.) n. quivering, throbbing, tremor; darting (of a fish, -O); flash, glitter, radiance; coming into being, existence (of creatures, y.). ~q'5SP HUL, VI.P. -Sphu1i& laterform, Q of v'sphur]: pp. sphulita, come into view, having appeared. vi, move to and fro. ifr sphuLl-ifiga, m. [darting, glittering: Vsph'ul = V'sphur] spark: -ka, m. id.; -vat, a. scattering sparks. "'fwT-q SPhulifigft-ya-, de.A. resemble or burn like sparks. C' SPHfYRG, I. P. sphfi'rga, rumble, C',- roar, rattle, crash; break or burst forth, be displayed; cs. sphfrgyiya, P. crackle (V.). ava, rumble. vi, resound; snort; break forth, be displayed: pp _Sph A rgita, extended; agitated; cs. cause to twang (bow). WIN sphftrg-athu, m. thunder; -ita, (pp.) n. roar. WMf sphftr-tiJE,f[Vsphur] quivering,throb - bing; manifestation, appearance, display; bragging. sphot-a, m. [x/sphut] bursting, splitting (int.); opening, unlocking; blister, pustule; small fragment, chip (rare); roar, crash; indivisible creative word (phil.); eternal and,imperceptible element in sounds and words regarded as the real vehicle of the sense (yr.); -ana, a. cleaving, crushing; dispelling (doubt, ');m. divider (a term applied to the vocalic sound heard between certain conjunct consonants); n. splitting, rending, breaking; waving (the arms); cracking (the flnyers); -ita, cs..pp. #/sphut; n. crackling. sphyd, m. wooden sword (used as a sacrificial implement; V., C.); spar (Br.); kind of oar (I.): -vartaui,f. furrow made by the wooden sword. V[ i. sma, endl. pcl. (V. also smrif, shma) oriy.prob. =ever, later odso certainly, indeed: often, esp. in C., attenuated to a mere expletive; in V. used after other pcls. (es~p. h a), relatives, prps., and vbs.; in C. gnly. after the pcls. iti and mfi; in C. turns a present into a padt tense (though& the 'present -sense is in some -cases retained). kq 2. sma, in E. sts. = smnas, we are. WiT smdt, -ad. (RV.) together; at the same time.; w. in. (together) with [cp. sumat]: 'of several cpds. in 1BW., having with one = provided with. smdd-ishta, a.. provided with an errand (watchers; BlV.'). kIN smay -a, m. [-v'smi] astonishment,, wonder (rare); arrogance, pride, regarding (_O); -in, a. (-~) laughing, smiling. ~Rsmar-a, a. [V'.,smri] remembering rare); m. recollection, memory; love; god of love; expounder of the Veda (rare); -ana, n. remembering, recollection, of (g., -0); memory (rare); teaching (rare~),: -padaviL,fi. pa th of memory: -m gamitah, caused to go the way of memory= dead. WI~IV smar-aniiya,fp. to be remembered: -m smaramn kri, make Kamna remembered'= remind of the god -of love; a-in gatim nil, lead an y one (ac.) into the path of memory =bring about the death of. ~IWIIWW~ smara-tapa-maya, a. consisting of the ardour of love: w. gada, m. =fever of love. IRTK~iT smara-dasa', f. stage of love (there are ten: delight of the eye, pensivenes's, longing, sleeplessness, emaciation, indifference to worldly objects, abandonment of shame, infatuation, swoon, death; see Mallinditha on Meghadslta 90); -dahana, m. burner ofKAma, Siva; -daiyin, a. arousing love; -dipana, a. kindling love; -maya, a. produced by love;-, -lekha, m. love-letter; -sara-maya, a. (3i) abounding in Kama's arrows (certain flowers); -s,4sana, m. chastiser of Kama, Siva; -sfstra, a. treatise on erotics; -sakha, m. friend of Kama, ep. of spring; -saha, a. capable of arousing love; -siyaka-lakshya, n. target of the arrows of Kama: -ta', f. abst. X.; - an3, in. foe of Kima,,Siva; - ishudhil-kri, turn into the quiver of KamaYkq~ smar-ta-vya, fp. to be remembered; -Yya fp. id.; -tri, mn. one who remembers (. ~0;teacher. s-make, Irl p A. we are (vi. as). ~l~sm'ar-a, m. [Vsmri] recollection, of (0; a. (C.) relating to the god of love (smara): -ka, a. [fr. es. of -Vsmri] recalling, reminding; n. calling to mind. Vii~ffr smftr-am, abs. Ev'smri] always repeated: remembering (ac.); -in, a. remembering (.) W1~smftrta, a.,[smriti] relating to memory,. memorial (rare); based on tradition, prescribed by traditional law; versed in or following tradition (rare): i-ka, a. (i) traditional. AR SMI, I. A^. smiya, Ismile sweetly blush (V.); smile (C.); be arrogant (P., rare): pp. smita, smiling; expanded, blown. ava, flush down (lightnings) on (lc.; BV.'). ud, break into a smile (esp. with pride). pra, burst into laughter. vi, be confounded,or astonished, at (in., ab., lc.); be proud of austerities (in.): pp. vismita, confounded, astonished; astonishing (rare); proud, arrogant (rare); cs. -sma~yaya, P. astonish (ac.). sam, blush, be bashful (V.). frIsmi-ta, (pp.) n. smile: -piirva, a. smiling first: mi, ad. smilingly; -pfirvaabhibhash-in, a. addressing with a smile: (ita,.f. abst. Y. ~fSMRI, I. P. (A.) smara, remember, bear in mind, recollect, recall, think of with' regret (ac., g.; the past a ction being expressed by app. + yad, that, or aft. without yad); hand down, teach, maintain (rare); recite (rare); ps. smaryate, be remembered ==handed down (w. na, = act., pass over in silence); be declared by any one (in.) to be, be regarded as (nin., lc.):.pp. smrita, remembered, thought of; handed down, taught; mentioned; pre evqsmri-ta. sa 6 w sva.1 - 369 scribed; declared or said to be, regarded as (nm., rarely d. or lc.); named, called (nm. + iti): kim smritoxsmi, why have I been thought of by you?= why have you summoned mel na smritam, not permitted; biga'd eva, phalam smritam, fruit is said to come from seed only; cs. P. smiraya, less commonly smaraya, cause to remember, remind any one (ac., sis. g.), of (ac.); ps. smaryate, be called to mind; be reminded of (ac.'): pp. Smarita, called to mind; reminded of (ac.); des. SUSMi~rshate, wish to remember (ac.). anu, remember, call to mind (ac.); confess (a sin): pp. remembered.; prescribed, taught: it. imps.: yad&_eva anusmritam devena, when the king 'rem~embered that (oratio, recta with iti); cs. P. -smaraya, remind of (a.:p.-mrita, reminded of (ac.). apa, forget. upa, remember (ac.).. pra, remember (ac.); forget: pp. forgotten. prati, remember (ac.; R V., B.). vi, forget (ac.):.pp -having forgotten (ac., ~O;forgotten by (in., g.): -smrita-vat, pp. act. having forgotten; cs a.-mraya, cause anf, thing (ac.) to be forgotten; cause any one (ac.) to forget (ac.): pp. caused to be forgotten; caused to forget (ac.). sam, remember, think of (ac.): pp. remembered, thought of; prescribed; named, called; cs. P. (&") remind any one (ac.) of (ac.), recall to the mind of (g.): pp. reminded of (ac.); recalled. anu-sam, remember, think of (ac., g.). 16, smri-ta, (pp.) n.recollection:,M~ta agata, pp. come (when only =) as soon as thought of. IfII smrt'-'ti,f. remembrance, recollection, of (lc., -';memory; authoritative tradition (exclusive ofsru ti or Vedic writings), canonical traditional law-book, code, statement of a law-book: smritimu api nA te n~ti, they *are not even remembered: -karin, a. awakening memory, producing recollection; -tantra, n. law-book; -da, a. strengthening the memory; -patha, m. path of memory: a, go the way of memory, perish; _Pathaka, rn. one learned in the law; -bhft, m. god of love; -bhramsa, in. loss of memory; -mat, a. having recollection; possessing full consciousness; having a good inemory; versed in law; -rodha, m. failure of memory; -vartman, n2. -path of memory: ac. w. i, be remembered; -vibhrama, m. derangement of memory; -vishaya, m. range of memory: -am gamita, dead; _Sastra, n. law-hook; -sila, n. du. tradition and usage; -sesha, a. surviving in memory only, destroyed: -m kri, destroy. Msine-rn, a.. [V',smi] smiling (esp. of the face and eyes); expanded, blooming (rare); -, full of. W syd, V. prm. base (= sa), only nm. sy. syj.h SYAD, Wi SYAND, I. A-. (rarely NP.) sy~nda, flow; run (of living beings, chariots); dart (fish); shed or distil fissid ( ~ ac.); issue from (ab.); often confused with v'spand:_pp. syanni,flowing, running,. anu, run along or towards (ac.; -RV.). abhi, run or flow towards (ac.); shed fluid, rain (cloud); overflow (heart). ava, flow down from (ab.). a, flow towards (V.). iii, flow down, flow into (lc.). Pra, flow, run. vi, V.: overflow (out of a vessel): C.: flow abundantly; dissolve, melt: _pp. vishyanna, overflowing (V.); cs. pour out, bespirinkle with (in.; V.).;A7 syeint-tri,a.speeding (Indra; BiV.'). IW SYAND, v. IW SYAD. PIsyand-a, m. flowing, trickling; trick 5 I 1 6 1 1 1 I:11 5 p r I F 0 II I i I ling fluid, juice; -ani, a. (C.) swift (car); dripping (-O); m.war-chariot, car (RiV.,, C.); a tree (Dalbergia Ougeinensis); n. flowing, trickling,; -in, a. flowing; emitting moistur( (moonstone), shedding milk spontaneously L(cosw); flowing with, distilling, dripping (0 I -3i, f. female animal with a flowing udder: -ra. (liV.) speeding; quickly melting away (wealth). 4Wf syaun-d, Pp. V/syad. I~WRifl syamanta-ka, m. N. of a gem presented by the sun to Satrdgit, afterwards is the possession of Krishna. IWT?( s-Yftt, 3 sg. Pot. (,/I. as) it may lbe, perhaps: in the dialectical scepticism of the Jamns -there are seven formulae containing this word (syad asti, perhaps it is; syarn najmsti, perhaps it is not, etc.). IWVi sya'd —vada, m. the sceptical theory of the Joins; -va'din, in. follower of this theory. W#TWf s-ya'mahe, Pl. pot. 1&. Ai. as. W~fTf syhl, m. wife's brother, brother-inlaw (Often -spelt syala): -ka, in. id.;,I syti-ta', pp. (V'siv) sewn etc.. ui y-mnan, n.;[V'siv] thread, thong, rein (-RV.); suture (of the skull; Br.): in. -4, in a string= strung together (words). jIIsyo-nd, -F. a. [V/siv] soft, pleasant (to walk or sit on); agreeable, mild, gentle.; a. (V.) soft seat or couch; pleasant situation. A -R; SEAMS, V( SRlAS, I. A. srkmsa '-(also P. in pf. and aor.), fall or slip down or off, drop, from (ab.); fall asunder, go to pieces; pass away, disappear: pp. srasta, slipped or dropped off or down, fallen down, off, ~or out (from, of, ab., ) drooping,. relaxed; cs. sramsaya, P. cause to fall off, - to slip or hang down; relax, loosen: pp. sramsita, loosened. ava, fall down. vi, fall asuLnder, collapse, be loosened, fall off (hair), on (lc.): pp. visrasta, fallen asunder or off, loosened, dropped down; relaxed.; cs. cause to fall asunder; loosen, untie; cause to drop., let fall, throw off; betray (a plan). V~II srams-ana, a. purgative; n. miscarriage; relaxing (-.0); laxative; -in, a. falling to pieces; slipping down (garment); being loosened. `Vf srak-ti1f. (V.) corner (esp. of the Vedi). V~ sradk-va, m. or ns. corner of the mouth, mouth, jaws (RIV.). VT~T;~Tsrag-da'man, n. garland offlowers; -dhara, a. wearing a garland, wreathed with (-O); -yin, a. wearing a wreath. VWsrdg, a. (nm.. t) twisting (-,0); f. (nm. k) chain, garland of flowers, wreath; (series =-) multitude of(0 VWSRAMBH, v.. ~SRAMBH. V4 srav-a, in. [V'sru] flow of (0-); a. (O streaming or flowing with: -At,f. river (V.); -fthu, m. flow (RiV.'); (sr~v)-ant-', f. (pr. pt. Vsru) flowing water, river. VL srash - tri, in. [x/sqrig] discharger (of waters); initiator, causer, author; creator, - of the world (ord. mg.): -tva, n. condition of creator. SRAS, V. SIIAMS. WRITT srasta-taf pendulousness. VR srastara, mn. n. bed of grass, couch. TS R A. (cp. Vsrh), only with Pra, Cs. -sripaya, P. digest (Br.'). T-RI sra'ma, in. [crippled state] disease (V.); aa. crippled, lame (V.). V~ srflv-a, m. [v/sru] flow; miscarriage; -ana, n. causing, to flow, shedding: rudhirasra'vanam kri, shed any one's blood; -in, a. flowing; causing, to flow (-O). fif JSRIDH, I. P. sr~dha, commit an Nerror, act wrongly, fail (BYV., rare). f~~sri'dh, f. (V.) wrong-doer, impious person; foe. SiRIV, IY. P. sri'vya (Br., very rare), "fail (seed); cs. sreviya, P. cause to fail (B V.1). ~ SRU I.. (A. metr.) srmi'va, V., C.: flow, Qfrom or out of (ab.); stream = exude juice, shed wa ter, tears, milk, etc. (sts. w. ac.); leak; fail (sacrifice'; C.: slip away, come to nought, perish; get abroad, be divulged (secret); (flow =) he derived from (ab.); come in, be paid * (irsterest): pp. sruta, flowing, streaming, having flowed, from (.-0); cs. sra'vaya, P. cause to flow, shed. abhi, stream anything (ac.) to any one (d..; RiV.). ava, pp. having flowed down. A, flow; overflow; rise (river) from (ab.); cs. bleed, squeeze (fig.). ni, often incorr.for nis, flow away os out. pari, flow around; - abundantly, from (ab.); shed (rain, blood); swim about in (lc.); flow = slip away (life): pp. flowing, streamning. pra, flow or gush forth, from (ab.); flow; stream (= emit fluid, juice, milk, etc., sts. with ac.): pp. flowing forth, issing, fo (ab.); streaming., with (ac.); Cs. A. make water (Br.). abhi-pra, flow out (Br.); cs. A.make water towards (ac.; Br.). vi, flow out, issue, from (ab.); emit a fluid (ac.). sam, flow or run together (V.). 'f- srughna, in. N. of a town to the north Noof Hd~stinapuree. s~rdkhf. (nm.kr) large wooden sacrificial ladle Qthere are three, guhti, upabhrit, dhruva, in which order they are referred to in, sg., du., p1.). [distilling.?Isru-t, a. (-O) flowing with, shedding, sru-tsi, (pp.) n. flood (V.); -ti,.f. C.: flow or effusion of; fall of (snow, -.O); V.: road, path. 111 sruvad, in. [V'sru] small sacrificial ladle ('used for conveying -the ghee from the pot to,the large ladle or sruh); sts. used instead of the sruk in libations. V srfi, f.lead en ball of a sling (liv.') ZC4tI sreka'-parna, a. resembling oleander (comm., Br.). " sreha (or u), semens virile (S.). V, w sr65-tas, n.ft[v/sru] current; riverbed; stream, river; rush, violent onset of (desire, 0-); canal (in the body); aperture (of the body); organ of stense (rare): -ti, f. nature of a stream: in. gradually; -yin-i, f (having a current), river. Vffj, sroto-randhra, n. aperture of an elephant's trunk; -vah,f., -vaha^,f. river. #T'MT srotyg, f. [V'srul flowing water, stream, surge (V.). [(srotovahi). 4AWYT srauto-vaha, a. relating to a river' I. svad, a. own, mythy, his, her, our, your, their: refers strictly speaking to the nearest subject, but is often loosely connected with 370 i sva. vt svapna-ya. other words (e. g. bhrAtaram svapuram preshayam isa, he sent his brother to his, the brother's, city); m. n. (C.) one's self, the ego (e.g. svam ka brahma ka, the ego and BrIahman): in oblique cases used (like Atman) as a reflexive prn. (e. g. svam nindantah, blaming themselves); m. (C.) man of one's own people, kinsman, friend: pl. one's people, friends; man of one's own caste, a, f. woman -; n. (V., C.) one's own goods, property. E 2. sva, E. for s-vas, we two are. 1Ij sva-ka, a. (aka, ika) own etc. (= I. sva); m. man of one's own people, kinsman, friend: pi. one's people, friends; n. one's own goods, property. *CE[ I[[ sva-karana, n. making a woman one's own, marrying; -karma-ga, a. due to one's own act; -karman, n. one's (own) deed; one's (own) business or occupation; one's duty; -kala, m. one's own time, proper time: Ic. at the right time.!itg sva-k-iya, a. own etc. (=i.sva); m. pl. one's people, friends: -tva, n. belonging or relation to oneself. F~i_ sva-kula, n. one's own family; a. of one's own kin: -ga a. id.; -kulya, a. id.; -kusala-maya, a. (i) relating to one's own welfare (news); (a)-krita, pp. done, performed,built (city), composed (book), or fixed (interest) by oneself (C.); spontaneous ( V.); n. deed done by oneself (E.). suaksha, i. a. having a fine axle; m. car with a fine axle; 2. a. (i) having perfect organs of sense; fine-eyed. k- 1 svd-kshatra, a. master of oneself, independent, free (RV.); -gata, pp. belonging to oneself, own: -ni, ad. to oneself, aside (say, think); -guna, m. one's own merits; a. having its own merits, appropriate; (a)-gurta, pp. pleasing in themselves (RV.); -griha, n. one's own house; -gokara, a. subject to oneself: -m kri, subject to oneself. [(R V.). fT suagni, a. having a good Agni or fire!I<TRT sva-grama, m. one's own village. j suaiga, a. having a beautiful body, fair-limbed (RV.); - aiguri, a. having beautiful or deft fingers (FV.). a1~T[ sva-ketas, n. one's own thought: in. -a, out of one's own head. scW su akkha, a. beautifully clear, transparent, or bright; clear, distinct (speech); pure (heart, conduct, etc.): -ka, a. beautifully clear or bright; -ta, f., -tva, n. perfect clearness or transparence; purity of heart. 5tQf sva-kkhanda, m. own or free will: in., ab., -tas, or ~-, at one's own will or pleasure; spontaneously; a. following one's own will, acting at pleasure; independent, uncontrolled: -m, ad. at will or pleasure; spontaneously: -kara, a. moving about at will, independent; -kirin, a. id.: n-i, f. emancipated woman; -ta, f. independent action, uncontrolled behaviour; -vana-g^ta, pp. growing spontaneously (= wild) in the forest. F'1 SVAG, A- SVANG, I. A. (P. N metr.) svaga, clasp, embrace. abhishvaga, id. pari-shvaga, id.: pp. parishvakta, clasped, embraced; surrounded by (in., -~).!~[T sva-ga, a. self-born, own, akin; m. viper (V.); -gana, m. man of one's own people, kinsman: sg. also coll. kindred: -gandhin, a. distantly related to (g.), -ta,f. relationship with (g.); -,ganaya, den. P. be related to (ac.) =resemble; -ganaya, A. become a relation; -gana Avrita,pp.surrounded by his own people; -gata, pp. self-begotten; m. child begotten by oneself; -gati, f. one's own kind; one's own family or caste; a. of one's own kind; -gatiya, -g&tya, a. id. [T' suanik, a. (going well), nimble (steed; 1V.). T7c sva-tantra, n. (self-authority), independence, freedom; a. free, independent, uncontrolled: w. pada, n. independent word: -ta, f. independence, freedom; originality; -tantraya, den. subject to one's will; (a)tavas, a. V.: self-strong, inherently powerful; valiant; -tas, ad. of oneself, of one's own accord; by nature; out of one's own estate: svatosmsat, from one's own share, raksher apakaram svatah parato va, guard yourself and others against transgression; -t, f. ownership: -m pasyati, believes that everything belongs to or is meant for him, ragasvatam upapadyate, accrues to the king; -tva, n. proprietary right to (Ic.; C.); independence (F.). ~T SUAD, T. SVAD [eat well], I. N svada, A., V, C.: taste well, be palatable, to (d., g.); V.: relish (ac.); E.: take pleasure in (Ic.); P. make palatable, season (V.); svada, eat (C., rare, incorr.for khad): pp. svatta, (V.) made savoury, seasoned; tasted (in agni-shvatta); cs. svadaya, P. make savoury, season, prepare, cook (V.): pp. svadita, (V., C.) well prepared, savoury; svadaya, P. taste, relish (C.). a, cs. svadaya, P. taste, enjoy, relish (C.). sam-a, es. (a) taste, enjoy (C.). prati, cs. -shvadaya, id. (C.).., sva-desa, m. one's own country, home: -ga, a. born in one's own country; mn. compatriot, -smarin, a. yearning for one's own country, home-sick; -deha-dana, n. gift of one's own body; -dosha-ga, a. due to one's own fault (misfortune); -dosha-nasa, m. avoidance of personal guilt; -dharma, m. one's rights; one's own duty. '1q T I. sva-dha, f. [self-determination: Vdha] V.: custom, rule, law; accustomed place, home; (wonted state), ease, pleasure: cc. w. anu, according to wont; at ease or pleasure, as desired; undisturbed: in. svadhaya or svadhabhih, in one's own way, according to wont; gladly; at will, freely, spontaneously; wantonly. tRl 2. svadh'a,f. [cp. sudha] sweet libation, oblation to the Manes (consisting of ghee); attenuated to a mere exclamation addressed to the Manes (d., g.), taking the place of or accompanying the offering: -kara, a. addressing the Manes with the exclamation svadha; -kara, m. exclamation svadha; -ninayana, n. oblation with the exclamation svadhb; -bhug, m. pl. (enjoying the funeral oblation), Manes. TNT'41T svadha-vat, V. a. adhering to law, regular, constant, faithful (gnly. of Agni and Indra); (a)-van, a. id. (V.).:fIfW svadhiti, f. axe, (butcher's) knife (V., very rarely P.). ft'lf S suadhishthita, pp. well-guided (elephant); -adhita, pp. well-read, well-instructed; n. good studies. S tf sva-dhriti, f. standing still of oneself (V.). WTc[ suadhvara, a. performing the sacrifice well, adapted to the rite (RV.); n. good sacrifice (RV.).:~FT SVAN, I. P. (A. metr.) svana (C., ' only aor. in V.), roar, resound, sound; cs. svanaya, P. id. (RV., P.). ava, cry downward (RV.). vi, -svana, sound; yell (jackal); -shvana, noisily devour. Stiq svan-a, m. roar (in V. of wind, water, fire, etc.); C.: sound (of every kind), crash (of thunder), rumbling (of a chariot), murmur (of a crowd), roar (of animals), tone (of musical instruments), song (of birds): -vat, a. sounding, resounding. W(lMTW, sva-naman, n. one's name; a. having a name (=famous) through oneself; -nasa, m. own destruction. 7initi suanika, a. having a fair countenance (RV.); -anushthita, pp. well performed or carried out; _-anta, a. having a good end, ending well; auspicious, fortunate. q SVAP, II. P. svap-i-ti, I. P. (A. metr.) svapa (V., C., rare), sleep, fall asleep; lie down on (lc.); sleep the sleep of death, lie dead (E.): varsha-satam -, sleep a hundred years = for ever; pf. pt. sushupvas, sushuplna, sleeping; ps. imps. supyate: pp. supta, fallen asleep, sleeping; benumbed, insensible (limb etc.); asleep = closed (flower); resting, inactive, latent; cs. svapaya, P. cause or lull to sleep; lay to rest; kill; des. sushupsa, P. wish to sleep. ni, (RV.) fall asleep; die; cs. (RV.) lull to sleep; kill. pra, fall asleep, sleep: pp. prasupta, fallen asleep, sleeping; having slept (rare); - lain down to sleep (rare); asleep, benumbed (limb); resting, inactive, latent. sam, pp. samsupta, fallen asleep, sleeping. ti'!: sva-paksha, in. one's (its etc.) wings; one's own party; man of one's own party; one's own (side =) opinion or assertion; -pana, m. one's own stake; -patita, pp. fallen or dropped off of its own accord; -pati-kri, make (ac.) her husband. TIR suapatyd, I. n. good work (RV.); a. performing a good work (I V.); 2. having good offspring (RV.): a, f. good offspring (RV.; d. svapatyai). l'aq sva-pada, n. one's own (his etc.) place or abode; one's own position or rank. 1Iiff svap-ana, a. (V.) sleepy; n. sleeping, sleep (C.). 1 MX1'EW iZ sva-para-prataraka, a. deceiving oneself and others. 4[T 1 suaparahne, Ic. late in the afternoon, towards evening (V.). s. su ipas, a. doing good work, industrious, artistic (V.); m. artificer (T V.). "[ sasuapas-ya,den.A.workwell,beactive. kq1 $HT svapas-ya, f. diligence, activity, skill (R V.). lf~iE i. svap-i-tri, m. sleeper. 2. sva-pitri, m. one's own father. 'rft R T suapi-vata, a. [v/vat] understanding well (R V.'). 1St sva-pura, n. one's own city. qlsva-pu,f. [v/pt] broom (RV.1). FgI svdp-na, m. V., C.: sleep; dream (ord. mg.); C.: sleepiness (rare); addiction to sleep, sloth (rare): -m dris or pas, see a vision, dream. [sleepy. <IS svapnag, a. (nm. k) addicted to sleep, kq1 svapna-ga, a. produced in a dream, dreamt; -darsana, n. vision of a dream; ~(~( svapnas.svarg-ya.37 3" 7 1 -nidarsaua, n. id.; -bhag, a. indulging in sleep;.-anavakra, m. dream-manikin (a kind of charm producing dreams that are realized); -labdha, pp. obtained (== appearing) in a dream; -vritta, pp. occurring in a dream.;1c; sujpnas, a. wealthy (BY.). qN1 svapna-sthftna,n. sleepi-ng apartment. IRMT1 svapnaadhyftya, m. chapter on dreams, T. of a work: -vid, m. interpreter of dreams; - n&,m condition ofsleep or dreaming; - ntara, n. id. A T4 1Z svapnft-ya, den. A. wish to sleep, be sleepy; resemble a dream. WI;Tk sva-praka'sa, a. clear or evident by itself; -pradhania, a. independent: a f.independence; -pr aman nurftpa,a.suited to one's strength; -prayoga, m. ab. by means of oneself; without assistance; -bludhava, m. one's own relative; (&)-bha'nu, a. selfluminous (By.). ~IE{cT~ sva-bhbaxa, m. own manner of being, innate disposition, nature (opp. acquired qualities): in., ab., a-, -tas, by nature, naturally; by oneself, spontaneously:, -krita, pp. done by nature, -natural; -kripana, m. (niggardly by nature), N. of a Bra'hman; — ga, a. produced by -nature, congenital, natural, to (-0); -ganita, pp. id.; -dvesha, m. natural hatred; -bhava, m. natural disposition; -siddha, pp. established by nature, natural, innate; self-evident, obvious; - ukta, ppson taneously stated; - ukti, f. statement of the exact nature, vivid description (,rh.). ~f.fsu abhish tif, a. (BYV.) helpful, favourable; well-aided. W; sva-bhf[, a. self-existent;.one's own couintry, home; -bhfita,.pp. being one's own, belonging to (g.); -bhfi-tya'ga, m. abandonment of one's own country; -bhuti f.one's own country, home; -manishika, f.own opinion; -malmsa, is. own flesh or body.;7M'q svayam- yama, a. self- choosing, with kanyh, f. girl who chooses her husband herself; m. self-election, free choice, sp. of a husband (a right permitted to girls of the warrior caste); -vara-katha, f. mention of or reference to a Svayamvara; -varana, n. free choice of a husband by (-O); -varaprabha,, f. N. of the wife of, a Daitya; -varaigata, pp. comie of one's own accord; -vadca, m. one's own statement; -vikriita, pp. sold by oneself; -isina, pp. dropped of their own accord; -vrita, pp. chosen by oneself; -sirna, pp. dropped of their own accord; -samyoga, m. spontaneous matrimonial union with (in.); -samriddha, pp. complete in itself (Br.); (im-)krita (or ii),.pp. made, prepared, performed, committed, caused, or composed by, oneself; adopted (son); with vigraha, m. war undertaken on one's own account;.-krinta, pp. mounted by oneself (throne); -guna-paritaam 'voluntary abandonment of the thread and of virtue; -guru-tva, n. its own weight; -graha, m. taking by oneself (without leave), forcible seizure; -grahana, is. id.; -gra'ha, in. id.; a. spontaneous (aff'ection): -in, ad. forcibly; '~.,id.; spontaneously; -ga, a. spontaneously produced (water, B V.'); -tyakta, pp. voluntarily abandoned; -datta, pp. selfgiven (said of a boy offering himself for adoption); -da'na, n. spontaneous gift of a daughter..TZ sva-yatna, m. own exertion. 11'i; sva-y-aim, inzdecl. oneself (himself, etc.); of oneself, of one's own accord: in C'. agreeing uus sense with a nm. (as subject or predicate), with an in. (as logical subject), or with a g. (sts. -also ass ac., or a le.). "TIJ 1 svyam-agurtu-tva, is. one' sown lightness; -anushthaina, is. performance by oneself; -apodita,_pp. n. imps. one is by oneself exempted from (ab.; Br.); -argita, pp. acquired by oneself; -&gata,pp. come of one's own accord; -ahrita, pp. brought by oneself; -iihita-labdha, pp. acquired by one' sown effort; -udyata, pp. offered spontaneously. 4114"fWT4 svayam-patita, pp. fallen of its own accord (fruit); -prakaisamana, pr. pt. self-luminous: -tva, vs. -ness; -prabha, a. self-luminous: a^, f. N.; -prasirna', pp. dropped off by itself(V.); -bhiit, a. is. of -bhfi; m. ep. of Brahman and of Siva; -bhii, a. (n. iit) self-existent, independent; relating to Buddha (rare); m. Brahman; Buddha; -mrita, pp. having died of one's own accord =a natural death). Ilq (svd-yasas, a. self-glorious, self-dependent ( V); (6,) yukti, f. own team (By.): in. y-a, -tas, ad. naturally, as a matter of course; -yug, m. (one joined with oneself), ally (17); -yoni, f. own womb, one's own birthplace or source; womb of one's own caste; a. (i) related by blood, consanguineous. 4:f i. SVAR, J.P. svira, utter a souLnd, Nresound (-V.); cause (ac.) to resound (By.); sing the prnises of (ac., B V.); es. svaraya, P. pronounce with the Svarita, accent: ps. svaryate, have the Svarita accent: pp. svarita, caused to sound;,accented; having the Svarita accent. abhi, greet with song, chime in (B V.). sam (V.), sing together; praise in chorus. abhi-sam, greet or invoke with one accord (V.). 2. SVAIR, I. P. svara (V., very rare), Nshine; vs. svariya, P. id. R~svgr (in YV. also;5E ssivar), indecl. (==nm.,ac.,ab.,g., lv.),BV.:. sun; 17.: sunshine; light, splendour; space; bright space, heaven (also abode of the gods and of the Blest; 1g, C'.); heaven in the sacrificial formula bhflr bb-dvah& sv~r (being the third of the -seven heavens above the earth). IKI svdr-a (or d), m. V., C'.: souLnd, noise; C'.: voice; S., C'.: tone (in recitation etc., distinguished according' to strength or pitch); accent; musical note (there being seven or six); vowel. [(Sacrifice; BRV.'). q4Vf su'aramkrita, pp. well-prepared if isvara-bhakti, f. vowel portion, i.e. vocalic sound heard after r or 1 when immediately followed by a consonant; -bhfita, pp. become a vowel (i. e. changedfrom a semivowel + vowel to i or u); -bheda, m. indistinctness of voice, hoarseness; simulation of voice; betrayal by one's voice; difference of accent; difference of musical tones: in. in a feigned voice: -bhaya, n. fear of betraying one's voice; -yoga, iii. combination of sounds, voice; (sv6,ra)-vat, a. (Br.) sounding loud; having a melodious voice; accented (also C'.). ~jsva-rasa, m. own or unmixed juice; feeling for one's own people; own inclination; a. to one's taste, congenial (wife). svara-samyoga, m. combination of sounds, voice; continuous notes (of a song); -samsva'ra-vat, a. having correctness of accent, rightly intoned (verse); -samkrama, m. harmony of tone, modulation of voice; -samdeha-vivada, m. kind of social game;.sampad,f. euphony of voice, melodious voice; (svira)-samanum ep. of the three days before and after the Vishuvat of the Gavalmayana ( == the last three, days of thefirst, and thefirst of the second hayf-year).;IET,(;Wsva-rag, a. (nm. t) self-ruLling, selfguiding (V.); m. V7.: self-ruler; C'.: independent king; ep. of Brahman, VishnuKrishna, and of a Mann; f. N. of various metres; -rgya, n. ndependentsway (.); own kingdom (C'.); -raishtra, n. own kingdom. Wff svar-ita, es. pp. (V'svar) caused to sound etc.; m. n. Svarita accent (produced by a combined rise and fall of the voice): -tva, is. accentuation with the Svarita accent; addition. svsiru, m. (V.) stake, sacrificial post; splinter of the sacrificial post (rit.). "ik~ sva-ruki, f. own will or pleasure: in. according to one's own will; a. following one's own pleasure; -rutpa, is. own form or shape; form of (g., 0-); word itself (~ sabdaor sabdasya; opp. synonyms, sspecies); own condition, peculiarity, character, nature; occurrence, event (rare): namna'm -, names themselves: '- or -tas, ad. in one's own form; by nature, in reality; by itself: -ta', f. own form: in. literally, in reality, -dharin, a. having one's own form, -bha'va, m. use of the true form (of a name); -ritpin, a. having one's own or natural form; appearing in the form of ( —'); embodied; -riipaujtpreksha, f. kind of simile; (svii).rohils-, a. self-luminous. WA su arka', a. singing beautifully(V) IEc sv ar-gd, a. (V.) going or leading to the light or heaven, celestial; w. lokil, m. (also pl.) world of light, the heavens; m. (V., C'.) heaven (abode of the gods and the Blest); heavenly bliss: -ka'ma, a. desiring heaven; -gati,f. going to heaven; death; -gamin, a. going to heaven; -kyuta, pp. come down from heaven. '(*0W svar-gata, pp. gone to or being in heaven; dead. -~wfww#t svarga-tarafsginii, f. river of heaven; ep. of the Ganges; -tarn, m. tree of paradise. 11jf[ svar-gati, f. goin g to heaven; death. 1ii<1 svarga-dvatra, n. gate of heaven; -pati, m. lord of heaven, ep. of Indra; -puni, f. city ofheaven, Amaravatl; -pratikkhanda, m.pl. heaven-like joys; -bhartri, m. lord of heaven, ep. of Indra; -mandaikini,f. celestial Mandfikinl (Ganges); -marga, M. way. to heaven; celestial path, milky way: -didrikshu, des. a. desirous of seeing the road to heaven; -a na,. way to heaven; -yoni,f. object securing heaven; -ragya, is. kingdom of heaven; -loka, m. (its. pl.) celestial world, heaven; -stri, f. celestial nymph, Apsaras; -stha, a. dwelling in heaven, dead; -sthita, pp. id.; m. god; one of the Blest. ~I~cf t fj~ svar-gftmin, a. going or having gone to heaven; dying, dead. WTC, tM svarga frohana, n. ascension (to heaven); -arxgala, m. or is. bar to (the gate of) heaven. k4fVqVFsvarg-in, a. possessing heaven; gone to heaven, dead; m. god; one of the Blest; -iya, a. relating to heaven, celestial; leading to heaven.;717ffW(i svargaokas, m. dweller in heaven, god; one of the Blest. 11I4 svarg-y-, a. leading toheaven,celestial; securing heavenly bliss; possessing heaven. - 3 B2 372 r — - it. "qqq, svar-gi Ml sva'd-u. mf? vr-gift, a. winning light or heaven (.;m. kind of sacrifice (e.). ICM svarna, nz. [contracted from suvarna] gold; as a weight =one Karsha of gold; kind of red chalk (rare): -km, n. gold; -k~ra, m. goldsmith; -khand&-ya, den. A. become a piece of gold; -kfvla, mn. blue jay; N. of a king; -kfila, m. bluejay; -da, a. giving gold. i~ svar-nadfif. celestial river, Ganges. iot svarna-dvipa, M. n. (= suvarna-) gold island, prob. = Sumatra; -dhurya, n. sg. gold and a beast of burden; -puftkha, a. having a golden-feathered end (arrow); en. arrow with a golden-feathered end; -bhriiag~ra, m. golden water-pot; -mhila, m. N. of a mountain. - svar.-nara, en. lord of splendour, ep. of, Agni, of the Sun,. and of Soma (V.). "41-19 svarna-rekhaf. gold streak (on the touchstone); N. of a fairly; -sikha, m. (golden-crested), blue jay; -sit, a. producing gold (moen'tai~z); - ikara, en. gold mine. Su artha, a. travelling to fair goals, directed to worthy ends (R V.).. C'T svar-dri's, a. (RV.) seeing the light or the sun; sunlike;. dhenu, f. cow of heaven (= kima-); -nagari~f. celestial city, Amiar~vat:- -krita, _pp. turned into the -; -pati, en. lord of light (V.); ep. of Ihdra (C.); (sv~ir)-bh'anu, m.[keeping=withliolding the light, of heaven], N. of a demion eclipsing the, sun and the mnoon,; in C. =Rfihu; (svaii)mUIlh Aa, a. (IIF.):- having, light as its prize (conflict); a-. light-winning conflict (IIV.)-. svar-yg, a. (A, C.;..' V.) resounding, bellowing,, roaring, whizzing, crashing (.ZI.),; beneficial to the voice (C.). '(ciTf svar-yflta, pp. gone to heaven; dead; -yoshit, f.celestial nymph, Apsaras; -loka, m?. celestial world; e~p. of, Mount Meru; -vadhit,f. celestial nymph, Apsaras. cifswir-vat, a. bright, celestial (V.); -vhin3, f. celestial river, Ganges; -vid, a. winning or possessing light or heaven, celestial (-V.); -vesya.,. celestial courtesan, Apsaras; -vaidya, m. due. the two celestial physicians, Asvins; -shg, RV. a. [Vs= Vsanl = -vid;. (svar)-shitti, f. winning of light or heaven (R V.).;Irw[ff-1M sva-lakshana, a.. having its own specific characteristics.;7f~jf su alamkrita., pp.. well adorned. I~T sualpa, a. very small, little, short (time), or insignificant: im. in a, short time: -ka, a. (ikk) id.; -tautra, a. consisting of short seditions,- concisely written:.-tva, nm. abst. N. -tara, cpv. very insignificant; -tas, ad. quite gradually;..dukkha, n. very little pain; -dris, a. very short-sighted (fig.);..bala, a. extremely weak; -vayas, a. very young; _si1a'-ya, den. A. become a very small rock. 17b~j~svalpi1-bhfi, grow small, melt away (merit): pp. nearly exhausted. [pertg).;IWP svalp-iyas, cpv. very little (pro-. 1<alfsva-vamsya, a. belonging to one's family. [guide. kq[Tj su avagraha, a. easy to -restrain or;lWIf sva-vat, i. ad. as if it were one's own property; 2. a. wealthy; -vargiya, Ia. belonging to one's own kindred; belonging to its own group of consonants. I I Ir 6 F, I I I 4I II I rET. sva-vasa, a. having control of one- -kitta, a. sound in mind, -t', f. well-being,, self, independent, free: -ti, f. independence, health, ease; -sthiua, a. own place, home. freedom. ~~v sthi-bhfi, return to one's natural '~7ETT2. su avasa, a. altogether withont self- condition, become sober. control; -vas, a. granting good protection,; vari'aqe. ite' snnphw helpful (RV.).A "WPTfAR sva-,vftsin-'i, f. half-grown, girl af.sister's daughter, niece. still living in her own fat her's house (~ =Su-); 1ea IRTW sva-sva-ka'a, en. proper time -efor -vigraha, en. own body: ac. =oneself; vi- ech; -praina, en. pl. one's respective breath dhi, en.: in. in one's own way; in the right or life; -bha~va, en. one's natural disposition; way, duly; -vidheya,Jfp. to be done by one- -ritpa, n. one's true character. self; -vishaya, en. own country, home; own I~#W svah-sad, a. dwelling in heaven; en. sphere or province: kasmins kit svavi- god; -sarit, f. celestial river, Ganges; -sinshaye, in some part of his kingdon; () dhu, f. id.; -sundarf celestial beauty, vrikti, f. (RVYL) self-appropriation: in. pl. Apsaras; -str'i,f. id. =exclusively for ourselves; -vritti, f. own sva-haran,.cofsaiofpway of life; own subsistence or existence; na ofsain fpo independence: in,.. sg. pl. at the sacrifice of perty; -hasta, en. own hand: -gata, pp. onsonlf;-VairitAt f. hostility towards fallen into or being in one's own hand, -svasoneself: nigq,&aushaA - en kri, = take one's tika-stani, a. f. covering her breasts with own life; -sakti, f. own power or strength; crossed hands; -hastik&, f. hoe, mattock, energy (of a god,): in. to the best of one's pickaxe; -hastita, pp. held or -supported by ability. one's hand; -hita, _pp. beneficial to oneself; ~ susva a. avig god seeds(B.); well disposed to one; a. one's own welfare. -tasv-ya, at. (V.) possession, of' good steeds; SU.sa kr enonnaue skill in horses. natural dispositio'n; 2. sukara, a. having a respectable appearance. ~R 'Wsva- samvedya, fp. intelligible to TCTf utrta odloig ad oneself only; -sadrisa, a. like or suitable to Tif sukIt —, a odloig ad oneself; -sama~na, a. id.; -samnUtha, a. some, beautiful. arising (fire) within itself (fuel!); produced sufigata, pp. welcome; legitimately or existing by itself, natural; -saenbhiita, come by-or acquired (property)'; a. greeting pp. produced from oneself; (k)-sara, V. a. of I'welcome,' welcome; welfare, health (rare): [own resort: 'v/sri] stall, fold; accustomed -en te (astu), I wish you welcome: -prasna, place, dwellingr; nest; -siddha, pp. come en. enquiry as to health. about spontaneously; belonging to one by nature (arms). ~TI tT~T svftgati-kri, turn (their cries) Tfffsu asita, a. beautifully black. into a welcome (peacocks). 11F" sva hga, a. own member or body; ~ s~sr, f siter(alo fg. f cosey cn.- limb or body in the strict sense: -bhaitga, nected feminine objects). [(R m.e. injury to one's own body. IRTf sva-srz'-t, a. going one's own way;7f~TTRsu akftra, en. good conduct (sts. pl.); I~M svasri-tvd., a. sistership. a. well conducted. ',7ZA svd-setu, a. having one's own bridge ~ s~kadya sakhna In ~~~~~in dependence, freeo:a.vlnaiy (RV.); -sainya, a. one's own army; -stara,edo:a.vlnriy m. self-strewn grass (as a couck)~. I~Trsv agan-ya, n.[svagana] relationship. ICIf Su astij,. well-being, fortune, success T6 su3givya,, a. affording an easy (V.; rarely in P., E.): V. in. i, ad. well, hap- livelihood. pily, successfully (V., C.): w. d~ = farewell T hail (at beg. of a letter); (fr. this ad. arose, UT~T sv~a~giifij. one's command. an apparently indecl. a. N., = amn. or ac., '4<T fWsvattantr-ya, a. [sva-tanatra] indemeaning) welfare, prosperity, luck (V., C.): pednefrdoofwl:i.neednty -ka, en. kind of bard (rare); auspicious mark, pendencef freomoail:i.tne endently cross with ends bent round; crossing of the b nsl.[seim hands on the breast; kind of cross-shaped 4MTIIfe svfMI' (or i1'), the 13th (o r i 5tk) lunar cake; a. sitting with crossed legs; -ka-rae m svtSl pp. bard who cries " hail; exclamation svasti,/vd tit, f. condition of well-being (Br..); -d&i, a. ~TI4f,~ sva fttman, en. one's own self, onebestowing welfare (1177.); -mat, a. faring self (= reflexive prm.); own nature (rare); well, safe, happy (V., C.); auspicious (B V.); - itma-vadha, en. suicide. containing the word svasti (Br.); -yak,f. - A benediction, congratulation; -va'kana, a. in- SYAD, v. 4M SYAD. vitation addressed to Bradhmans to pronounce T svd.aetae(go)fvurchm a blessing on an undertaking; fee presented 'x' vt-a.tse,(od laor hr on such an occasion; _Vakanika, a. pro- (of a poem, rh.); -aua, a. tasting; -anliya, nouncing a blessing on anything; -vafikya,fp,. fp. savoury. to be asked to pronounce a blessing on an 17<[~Tr svajdana, a. taking one's due. undertaking; a. = -vhkana. I kN"svast-ya,a.[svasti] happy,prospereus. li~fk'i svakd-in, a. [v\,svad] tasting, enjoyingr Q-O); -i-man,me. savouriness, sweet'~W V svastijtyana, a. sg. Pl. auspicious ness; -ishtha, s~py, sweetest, pleasantest progress, success, good luck; blessing, bene- (V., C.); sweeter than (ab., C.); _-iyasl cp.P diction, congratulation: ac. w. vikaya, ask (V., C.) sweeter, more savoury, than (ab.). for a blessing. 17T svftd —i, a. (v-n) savoury, palatable, W; sva-stha, a. self-abiding, being one- pleasant to the taste, sweet; sweeter than self or in one's natural state, doing well, sound, (ab.): -m-ka'ram, abs. making savoury or healthy (in body and mind); uninjured (bank); sweet; at ~. savouriness, sweetness; -rasa,' unmolested (state); comfortable, at ease: a. havincr a Sweet or areoable~a tate - - -- - - -- i - --.., ". -.",kvw Vs vcwuu. I I Wr?.ir svad-man. - svaira. 373 I I T[' svad-man, n. sweetness (By.); -man, in. id. (RV.); -ya, fp. that is tasted; savoury.;RTfizRTK sva adhikatra, in. own office, special charge; -adhishthana, n. one s own place. [vout (RV.7). IE!iMA sufidhi', a. thoughtful, heedful, deMV fjfi sva a~dhina, a. dependent on oneself, independent, free; being in one's own power or control, being at one's own disposal: Ati, f. frieedom, independence; -patika, -bhiartrika, a. having her husband under her control.;7T(ITU 11 sva adhyftyd, am. repeating to oneself, study of the Veda; repetition of the Veda aloud: -m sra'vaya, cause the Veda to be repeated aloud: -dhrik, a. studying the Veda; -vat, a. id. MW svfin-d, RV7. a. [V'svan] panting (steed); rattling (car); in. sound, noise, rattle (-R V.); twang (of a bowstring, C.). MWIR su a~nama, a. easy to attract (woman). TRTJ-fT' sva anubhiava, mn. enjoyment of or fondness for property; - anurftpa, a. resembling, oneself; suited t one's fashion; - anta, mn. own end; own death; own territo-ry; n. (province of the ego), heart (as the seat of the emotions; ord. ing.): -ga, in. (heart-born), love, -vat, a. having a heart. '~qTlq svahp-a, m,. [xv/svap] sleep (ord. mg.); dream; numbness (of a limb). WTtIW~ sva'pat-eya, n. [sva-pati] own property, wealth.;7('' svqp-ana, a. [cs. V,,svap] causing or lulling to sleep; -aya, cS. ~Vsvap. W~WW sva'pa-vyasana, n. excessive ad,diction to sleep, sloth.;E<T#Su lpf, Mn. good kinsman or comrade (17): -mat, a. containing the word svApi (Br.).;I~cTfX_ svatpika, n. N. of afortress. IM su Apta, pp. very abundant; very skilful or trusty. I~TV sva apyayd, ms. turning into oneself (as an ex planation of svapna).;IE~P{fTftMi svftbha'v-ika, a. ('I) belonging to one's own nature, natural, original, peculiar, innate, inherent: zjtara, a. not innate. IETO[T svibhftv-ya, ii.Esva-bhatva] peculiarity, naturalness. kqTTsutbh',a. (10y.) existing in abundance, ready to hand; ready to help.;7ZTfIM~ svftmi-ka, a. -' = svahmin, 'master etc.; -ka'ryaarithin, a. seeking the interests of one's -master; -kumfixa, m. N. of the god of war (called both Svhnmin and Kum~ra); -guna,,in. virtue of'a ruler; t^ f. proprietorship or lordship of (g., -.O),; -tva, n. id.; -prasa~da, am. ab. by your majesty's leave; -seva&, f. serving one's master; -hita, a. master's welfare.;1!-TPRvrsva&-min, in. [sva] owner, lord, master, of (g., lc., — P); -commander (of an army); husband; ep. of Skanda; image oqf a god, esp. of Siva (often 0'); N.: -i', f. mistress. MT;l svatmya, n. [svftmin] ownership, lordship, dominion., power over any one. IMZ sa atyatta, pp. dependent on oneself; being in one's own control: -tva, a. abst. N.; I-kri, subject (ac.) to oneself. I~~f~ sviiyambhuva, a. relating or be longing to the Self-existent (Svayambhu, Brahman); relating etc. to Mann Sva'yambhuva; in. pat. of a Mann, of Mariki, Atri, and N~rada. [(axe, knife). Mq su Ayasa, V. a. made of good metal;RZP su Ayig, a. easy to yoke(B.) -Z&yudh&, a. well-armed (F.). T~,' svfir-di, a. [V/svar] sound, neigh (of a steed; By.'); (Svarita) accent (S.); a. having the Svarita accent; n. Sahman ending with a Svarita (Br., S.).;1~cT'1f;IEK svafras-ika, a. [sva-rasa] natural, self-evident. T~cRTVW svgrqgya, a. [sva-rftg] independent rule, uncontrolled sway. MfRf'I? suA radhita,pp. well conciliated, faithfully served (prince).,1rMTfN svarokish-a, ms. [sva-rokis] pat. of the second Manu; a. relating to Mann Svhrokisha. IE7Tf~f svaaryita, pp. self-acquired.;7ff sva artha, as. own affair or cause, personal matter or advantage, one's own aim or object; own =original meaning (of a word; g.:-m or e, on one's own account, for oneself; a. directed to oneself, egoistical; adapted to its purpose: -para, a. intent on one's own interests; -prayatna, as. self-internsted project; _Sadhaka, a. promoting one's own objects; -sdhana, a. furtherance of one's own objects. M. fl'k sflqrth-ika, a. [sva artha] retaining (not modifying) the original meaning, pleonastic (suffix). C, suftrdra, a. very wet. MTMV1W 'svhlakshan-ya, a. [svalakshana] specific characteristics, peculiar disposition. M'4 svftvas-ya, n. [sva-vasa] self-determination (Br.). 17T177su vrig, a. easy to acquire (RV.'); - avesk, a. easy of access (V.). MTfV'TTMJ'ff svajasishafjtman, a. thinking only of their own-wishes [AsishA, in. of hsis]. WT~ su ds, a. (ByV.) fair-mouthed (Agni); sharp-mouthed, keen-edged (axe); - sasthk, V. a. sitting on a good seat; suppl'yingr a good seat; - Astarana, a. having a fair cushion; -astIrna, pp. id. 1T~Zt svftsth-ya,na. [sva-stha] souLnd state, health, ease. [oneself. M17 sva Ahata, pp. struck or coined by WTVT su b'hb, indeci. [perhaps old in., auspicious word:..v'ah; cp. siuasti] hail! blessing! (to, on, d. of deity); at the end of invocations amen: with kri, pronounce the exclamation sva~h& over (ac.); f.personi~fied as daughter of _Dalksha and wife of Agni: inrk. utterance of or consecration with the exclamation sv~bb; (sv~hi)-krita, pp. consecrated or offered with 'svkihi'; (svglha)kriti, f. consecration with ' sv~bh'; a deity of the Aprib hymns; -pati, ms. husband of SvbAhh, Agni; -vallabha, m. id. 1RTF~s1'fhuta,pp welI sacrificed to (By.); a~hv&ua, a. easy to invoke. SYID, I. P.. sveda,JIV. P. (A. metr.) svidya, sweat, perspire: pf. pt. sishvidiuk, perspiring (By.); pp. svinn&, sweating, perspiring; sweated (tr.); boiled (food); cs. svedaya, P. cause to 'sweat, treat with sudorifics: p~p. svedita, fomented, softened (dog's tail). f-7 i. svid, a. ( —) sweating, perspiring. ther~2.s intr encl.pvcl. perhaps, pray: gnly. ofter teM.pmn. ka (and its derivatives), which it its. (like api and kana) makes indefinite: kilh svid, whoever, any one; it is also used after the pcls. api (intr.), uta, and Aho; also in double questions, kim, nu -.. svid, etc. flkc s ishta, pp. well sacrificed, correctly offered; a. right sacrifice: -krit, a. offering a right sacrifice; sp. ep. of Agni; belon ging, offered etc., to Agni Svishtakrit: d-bh gas. share of Agni Svishtakrit, d-bhigau it. substitute for Agni Svishtakrit. ffTqF i~shti, f. successful sacrifice. 'I7f~i, svi-karana, a. making one's own, accepting, acquiring anything; taking to wife, espousal; assenting, agreeing; -kartavya, fp. to be accepted; -kartri, m. one wishing to win any one; -kaira, as. acquirement; reception (of anyone); assent, promise: -graha, as. robbery; -karya,fp.t etk nps session of; received;- got into one's power (person); - assented to. ~ svi-kri A.,P. (C.) make one's own, acquire; take any one to oneself; marry (a wife); gain,for oneself; gain power over (heart etc.); A. accept, agree to, ratify; cs. cause any one to take possession of; present anything to any one (2 ac.): bharya' rthe -, take to wife; snush~tvena -, choose as a daughter-in-law. #~SViya, a. belonging to oneself (sva), own; in. pl. one's own people, one's kindred: &, f. wife who may be truly called one's own; 3i-kri, make one's ow n, take possession of (v. r.). '4T~ sva ikkha, ad. 0- or -m,. according to one's own wish, at will or pleasure, of one's own accord, voluntarily; -ikkhaf own desire or will, free will: in., 0-, or -tas, according to one's own desire, at pleasure, of one's own free will.;~ri sve'd-a, in. [x/svidi, sweat (p1. drops of perspiration); sudorific (in medicine): -ga, a. produced from sweat or daimp heat (vermin); N. vermin; -gala, a. perspiration: -kana, in., -kanik A, f. drop of perspiration. sved-ana, n. causing to sweat, sudorific treatment. sveda-bindu, in. drop of sweat; -lesa, as. id.; -vfixi, a. perspiration; Z~nibu, ia. id.; (sv~da)Z.ayana, a. passage for sweat, pore; _udgama, in. breaking out of perspiration. [with sudorifics.;I~I sved-ya, cs.. fp. (v'svid) to be treated;I~msva, ishta, pp. dear to oneself: -dev at, f.., -daivata, a.. favourite deity. svai.ra, a. moving slowly or cautiously (rare): -in, ad. according to one's own inclination or will, of one's own accord,, without let or hindrance, without more 'ado, at' random; freely, unreservedly (speak); slowly, softly, cautiously; fearlessly; lc.pl. svaireshu, in cases when one is unreserved, in' indifferent matters: -kataf unreserved conversation; -ka-m, ad. straight out; -gati, a. going about free, being at liberty; -karin, a. acting, at will, free; -viharin, a. walking about at pleasure; ineeting with no resistance (command); -vritta,, pp. acting accordlug to one's will; -vritti, a. living subject to no control, acting without restraint; -stha, 374 4fi svair-in. v han. a. standing unconcerned; - alpa, m. unre- 4'tf-ti svaukita, pp. suitable to oneself. served conversation. sk,... l*Usu- 6gas a. very strong (Indra; R V.). -If svair-in, a. (self-moving), free, ilde- n I pendent, unrestrained (esp. of women). ['i svauttha, a. produced in oneself, in nate; -utthita, pp. produced in or due to oneself; -ipargita, pp. acquired by oneself. Il[tV[ sva uras, n. one's own breast. H. v I. ha, encl. pcl. (= gha) slightly emphasizing the preceding word; in S., of course, to be sure (to express the author's agreement with a view); in C. very commonly used as a mere expletive, esp. at the end of a verse. 2. ha, a. (-~) [v/han] killing, destroying; m. killer of; 3. [V/ha] a. (-~) leaving, quitting. I hamsd, m. gander, goose (a bird of passage, vehicle of Brahman), perh. also swan or flamingo (possessing the power of separating Sonmafrom water in V., and milkfrom water in C.); (white and migratory like the goose), soul, sts. universal soul (U., C.): identified with N&aryana,Vishnu, Krishna, and Virag; kind of ascetic; N.: -ka, m. (little or poor) goose; m. or n. (?) anklet; -gamini, a. f. having the gait of a hamsa, walking gracefully; -kihna-dukTla-vat, a. clad in a garment interwoven with figures of geese; -ta, f. condition of a goose; -tila, n. swansdown; -tva, n. condition of a goose; -dvara, n. Swan's gate, N. of a pass on the way to lake Mdnasa; -dvipa, m. N. of an island; -nada, m. N. of afairy; -pada, n. goose-foot (as a mark); -padika, f. N. of the first wife of Dushyanta; -mala,f. flight of geese or swans; -yana, n. goose as a vehicle, car drawn by geese; a. (i) riding on a goose; -ratha, m. N.; -raga, m. king of geese, large gander; m. N.; -vat, a. containing the word hamsa (Br.): -i,f. N., esp. of the first wife of Dushyanta; -vahana, m. (riding on a goose), ep. of Brahman; -vega, m. N.!g]1I hamsa-ya, den. A. represent a goose. W'!ait hamsa-vat-i, f. N. Wlt- hamsa vali,f. flight of geese; N. ~fiT hams-ika, f. female goose; -1,f. id. 't hamho, j. of address [=(a)ham bho]. 9 hange, vc. pel. used in addressing a female attendant on the stage. W hatta, m. market, fair. 5 hatha, m. force, violence; obstinacy; absolute necessity (as the cause of all existence); forced meditation (a kind of Yoga attended with great self-torture): in., ab., ~, by force, forcibly; with absolute necessity, inevitably, compulsorily; ab., o-, obstinately, persistently; ~- also = a. forcible: -karman, n. act of violence; -sarman, m. N. of a Brahman; -Adesin, a. prescribing forcible measures against (g.); -aslesha, m. forcible embrace. ^f'iT hathika, f. great din. ~f' hadi, m. a certain despised caste. ^ hande, vc. pcl. used in addressing persons of inferior rank on the stage. V ha-td, pp. v/han: -Ira, a. (-~) afflicted by (fate); -o (instead of ~-, gnly. after names), the accursed, wretched; -kilbisha, a. having one's sins effaced; -ketas, a. dejected in heart; -kkh/ya, a. bereft of charm; -glvana, n., -givita, n. accursed life; -gyotir-nisitha, m. starless night; -tvit-ka, -tvish, a. bereft of light, having its lustre dimmed; (a)-putra, a. whose son or sons have been slain; -bud I dhi, a. bereft of understanding; -mati, a. whose intellect is lost, mad; -manasa, a. despondent-minded; -mfurkha, m.greatblockhead; (a)-varkas, a. bereft of vigour, decayed (AV.); -vidhi, m. accursed fate; a. illstarred; -vritta, a. defective in metre; -sishta, pp. left out of the slain; -sesha, a. id.; -hridaya, n. cursed heart; - _a, a. bereft of hope, desperate; hopeless= wretched, foolish, wicked (sts. used playfully).!f'i ha-ti, f. [v han] blow, stroke, with (-0); killing; destruction; loss, disappearance; -tnu, a. [v/han] fatal, mortal [RV.1]; (ha)-tya, n. (-~; V.) killing, slaughter: a, f. id.; (ha)-tha, m. blow, stroke, etc. (V.). 5 HAN, II. P. han-ti (wk. ha, ghn; impv. ga-hi), I. A. gighna (V.), strike, beat (ac.), on (lc.); strike down or off; hit; kill, slay; mar, injure, destroy, dispel (darkness); C.: punish with death, cause to be executed; hurt, afflict (the heart etc.); hinder, obstruct; repress, give up, abandon: pp. hata, struck, beaten (also of a drum); killed, slain; destroyed, lost; C.: struck off (head); whirled up, raised (dust); hit, by (in., -~); buffeted by, afflicted, tormented, or struggling with, suffering from (grief, disease, etc.; in., -~); injured; lost, vanished (very common - = bereft of); undone (of persons in despair); worthless, useless; defective; accursed, wretched; deceived, cheated; deprived of, lapsed from (good conduct, -tas); withdrawn from (sight, -~); multiplied; cs. ghltaya, q.v.; des. gighamsa, P. (..metr.) wish to hit, strike down, kill, or destroy; intv. P. A. (RV.) gaiighan-ti, gaiighana-ti, tread upon (ac., lc.); slay; destroy: pr. pt. ganii ghanat, ganighnat, and ganighnat. viati, strike (ac.) in return; strike one another, fight together. apa, strike (ac.) away; repel, drive away: A. ward off from oneself: pp. apahata, struck off (head); knocked out (eye); repelled, driven away; frustrated. vilapa, prevent. abhi, smite, strike (with a blow or a missile); slay; beat (a drum), sound (a conch); ps. be afflicted with or attacked by (in.): pp. abhihata, struck,beaten, buffeted; shattered; attacked by, affected or afflicted with (in., -~). ava, strike or dash down; strike back, repel, ward off; thresh. a, strike upon (ac., lc.), hit; beat (a drum), sound (bell, musical instrument); fall upon, attack; do oneself an injury (A.): pp. 9hata, C.: struck, buffeted; singed by (sparks, -~); beaten (drum), sounded (musical instrument); hammered, stamped (gold); torn up by (the plough, -~); raised (dust); RV.: inserted in the wheel (axle); C.: afflicted,injured; covered with (-~); destroyed, frustrated; multiplied; coalescent ( Visarga which with a preceding a has become o). abhhi, strike,hit: pp. struck, beaten; attacked by, afflicted with (-~). prati,pp.warded off, repelled. via, strike; afflict; impede, obstruct: pp. struck; repelled, foiled; impeded, obstructed (ord. mgo); conflicting. sam-a, strike together; strike, - upon or against; strike down, slay; beat (a drum): pp. struck together; joined; hit, struck; beaten (drum). ud, uplift, throw up (RV.); A. hang oneself: pp. addhata, Br.: elevated, above (ab.); C.: raised (dust); swollen (river etc.); lofty (clouds); uplifted; vehement, intense, excessive; puffed up, proud, arrogant; swelling with, full of (in., -~); agitated, excited, inflamed (less correct for uddhuta or uddhuta). upaud, des. wish to elucidate. sam-ud, pp. raised (dust); heaving, swelling (waters); flowing (river) high up on (-~); uplifted, elevated; intense, excessive; puffed up, proud, haughty; swelling with, full of (-~); set in motion, agitated, aroused (less correct than samuddhuta). upa, V.: -strike against, touch; alight upon (ac.); hesitate, stick (in reciting); V., C.: obstruct, interfere with; injure, spoil,ruin: pp. touched; bestrewn, covered; slain; afflicted, assailed, injured; spoiled, polluted, tarnished; overpowered; discouraged; corrupted by (in.); impugned, disputed (in an-). sam-upa, pp. impaired (intellect). ni, strike, into or on (lc.); hurl, at (lc.); hit; fall upon, attack; strike down, slay, kill (ord. mg.); conquer, overcome (fortune); chastise; destroy; render void, fiustrate, remove; pronounce with the lowered tone or Anudatta (nighata): pp. nihata, BV.: hurled; C.: hit; struck down; slain, killed; destroyed; undone (person in distress); lost, not to be seen (road); pronounced with the Anudatta accent. abhini, set upon a spit (RV.); C.: strike at or against; beat (a drum). pra-ni, destroy (ac., g.). vi-ni, strike, - down; slay, kill; destroy: pp. struck down; slain, killed; destroyed; dispelled (darkness); disregarded (command). nis, V.: knock or strike out (eyes, teeth); drive away, destroy, remove; let fly (a missile) at (g.); C.: slay (less correct for ni-). adhi-nis, efface from (ab.). para, fling away, overthrow (RV.); strike off (V., E.): pp. (C.) driven away; averted (face); conflicting; put aside, refuted. pari, ps. undergo a change; be relaxed, abate: pp. incorr. for -hrita. pra, strike, - at; strike down, kill: pp. struck; beaten (drum); shattered, cut to pieces; hewn down (tree); slain. nish-pra, strike down, kill (g.). prati, strike against (g.; Br.); RV.: crush, break; put on a spit; C.: assail; strike down; repel, ward off, oppose, resist, dispel, prevent, check (ord. mg.); disregard (a command): pp. struck against; striking against (lc., -~); repelled, warded off; turned away, repulsed; checked, impeded, obstructed. vi,V.: break, shatter, destroy; disperse; extend (a skin); C..: ward off, repel; interrupt, disturb, impede, frustrate; refuse, reject (a request); destroy; often incorr.for ni-han: pp. afflicted; repulsed (person); warded off; disturbed,impeded. sam, put together, join (the hands); close (eyes); become solid; A. rush together (R V.); prithiviadi-bhavena -, solidify in the form of earth etc.; gd. samhatya, combined, together (with, in.): pp. put together, joined, closed; contiguous; closely united or allied, with (in.); keeping or acting together, combined, being in a body; solidified; compact, firm, hard; well-knit. 1 I. han, -~ a. (ghni) striking, slaying, killing; destroying, dispelling etc.; m. slayer of: -a, a. -~ (1) id. (rare); -ana, n. striking, hitting; knocking off (flowers, -~); killing; destroying; removing, dispelling. E 2. hdn, 2 sg. subj. or impf. without augment. iqhan-u. I harsh-ana.37 375 h& dn-u, f. [crusher: -v/ha-n] jaw: -mat, a. having strong jaws; mn. N. of a monkey chief, son of the god of wind, ally of Rdma on his expedition to Lasika' for the recovery of Sitad; N. of various men; i'-mat, m. Hanumat, the monkey chief. 19iff hdnta, ij. expressing an exhortation to act: come on; to take: here, take; to attend: see, look; C.: also used to express grief: alas; surprise, joy, hurry: oh, ah: -kr n. exclamation hanta; offering, alms. 1WIER han-tavya, fp. to be slain or killed, - punished with death; - transgressed (law); - refuted (rare): (ha'u)-tri (w. ac.; -tri, w. g.,m. striker, slayer, killer, murderer; destroyer, disturber; (hkn)-tave, (h~n)-tavai, V. d. inf. v,/han; -tu-k&ma, a. desirous of slaying; -tr-mukha, m. a hind of dem on injurious to children; (hfin)-mani, m. or n. blow, thrust, stroke (BV.).!M( ham, ij. (very rare), sts. used with bh oh (ham bhoh=hamho). lgRj hama, m. a certain personijfication.!q hamba, m. N. ~&T hambhft,f. lowing (of cows or calves). IR hammira, M. N~of a king of Sefkambhari (14th century).!M hby-a, m. [speeder: V~hi] steed, horse; a. urging on (in asva-hayii); -kovida, a. skilled in horses; -griva, a. having the mane of a horse; sn. a form of Vishnu; N. of an Asura and of various men; -gsia, a. skilled in horses: -t&', f. knowledge of horses; gi' na, n. id.; -tattva-g"i, a. knowing the true nature of horses; -pa, m. groom; N. of a king; -pati, m. N. of a king; -medha, m. horse sacrifice; -11vati, f. T. of a treatise on horses; -vidya, f. art of managing horses; _sastra, n. id.; -siras, n. horse's head; -sisu, Mn. foal; -samgrahana, n. curbing of horses. W4T hayft, f. mare, WWITZ haya firftdha, -pp. mounted on a horse; -&roha, in. horseman. -fif hayi, f. mare. 'q haye', V. ij. 0, ho! [ble steed. IVI Rr haya uttama, spy, excellent or nob ar-a, a, a~(~ sts. 31) bearing, wearing; taking, conveying; hringing (news) to (prati); taking away, deprivinig or robbing of; surpassing; rensoving, dispelling, destroying; receiving, obtaining; (taking =) captivating; m. Destroyer, ep. of Siva~ N.; (ti~r)-ana, a. (% ) conveying, containing; taking away, removing; n. hringing, fetching; offering; carrying off, stealing, theft, abduction (of a girl); withholding; confiscation (ofpropertyI); obtainment; removal or destruction of(O) v"119"I~vCITI hara-gala-garala-tamftla, m. Tam aa-like poison on the neck of Siva (i. e. dark like the TaMaila tree); -datta, in. N.; -pura, n. N. of a town; -bala, in. N.; -vrishabha, in. Siva's bull. ha'r-as, TV. n. [Vii. hri] grasp, grip; draught (in drinking); consuming force (of fire, lightning, etc.; ord. mg.); energy, keenness., fire. v tl hara-sakha, m. friend of Siva, ep. of Kubera; -sfiiu, us. Siva's son,, Skanda; -svimin, m. N. ~'f haras-vin, a. (V.) energetic, fiery.!T 3Chama adri, m. Siva's mountain, KaiThsa; A atana, n,. temple of Siva; _.ardha, r I I m. (?) Siva's half: -ta',f.abst. v.; - vaSa, m. Siva's abode; -&_9spada, n. id. = Ka-ilhsa. lgf hr-i, a. [v\/3. hri, be yellow] tawny, yellow (esp. of horses); greenish (rare, C.); mn. (C.) steed (sp. of Indra); lion; nionkey; N. of Judra and (more commonly) of Vishnu-Krishna; N. of various men; (hiri)kesa, a. tawny-haired; -gana, m. troop of horses; N.; -ghosha, m. N.; -kandana, m. (?) Indra's sandal tree (one of the five trees in Indra's paradise); hind of sandal tree; n. yellow sandal; -kandra, ms. N.; -kapa, in. n. Indra's bow, rainbow. 'IT, harinal, a. (i'0 yellowish, tawny (also of unhealthy complexion); in. antel~ope, gazelle: -ka, in. dim, gazelle; -dhiman, in. abode of the antelope, moon; -nayana', f. gazelle-e~yed woman; -Iakshman^m(marked with an antelope), moon; -iiukhana, in. id.; -lokana, a. gazelle-eyed; -sisu, in. fawn; - aksha, a. (i') gazelle-eyed: 3', f. - woman. 10,7 harinft- ya, den. A. represent a gazelle. TfTTIIWMT harinafyataikshanft, f womnan with eyes long as thos~eof a gazelle; - asva, M. (having tawny steeds), wind. 'qf Tft harini',f. (of harina') V., C.: female deer, gazelle; C.: golden image; N. of an A~psaras: -dris,f gazelle-eyedwoman; -nayana, f. id.; -rfipa-ya, den. A. resemble a gazelle. fi1jharina iksharna, ar. gazelle-eyed: a, f. - woman; Zjsa, M. lord of deer, lion. bfI~ar-Ift, a. [v/3. hri] yellowish, tawny; greenish (rare, P.); m. (C.) horse of the sun; emerald (rare, P.); f. tawny mare (V.); quarter of the sky (V., C.). 19t- har-ita, a. (A, C.; hirini, V.) yellowish, tawny;, pale (with fright); greenish, green (C.); n, gold (V.); vegetable (C.): -ka, a. green; n., grass; vegetable; -kapisa, a. yellowish brown; -Nkhada, a. having green leaves; -dli'nyak, n. green = unripe corn; -pattra-maya, a. (i') formed of green leaves; (hixita)-srag, a. bearing yellow (or green) festoons (trees; -AV.); adorned with a golden chain (steed; Br.). 'If-KrT haritft, f. Dfirvft grass. '9flWT9 haritfl-ya, den. P.. A. become or appear yellow or green. VftrrMr haritft-la, n. yellow orpiment: -maya, a. (i') formed of yellow orpiment. IfffTMPI haritajasman, in. turquoise. 19ft"41 harit'i-kri, paint green.. #fj'ffjW harita -pala, in.. green stone, emerald (P.). 'f'cRf-r harit-,pati, in. regent of a cardinal point. VT(I'T hari-datta, m. N. of a Ddnava and of varioius men: 'a, f. N. [sun. V-ft~-Aharid-asva,m.(havingtawnysteeds),!Of3i haridrft,f. turmeric: -ra'ga, a. whose affection lasts only as long as the colour of turmeric. ~f4~hanl-dru, in. a. tree. hari-dvatra, n. Vishnu's gate,. N. of a sacred Miy (Hurdwar). [ald. fufijharin-mani, in. green' gem, emerIVftW hari-pifiga, a, yellowish brown: -la, a. id.; -prabha, a. tawny-coloured; -bhakti, f. worship of Vishnu; -bhata, sn. NY.; -bhatla, m. N. of various scholars;; -madhyi, a. f. having a tawny waist; having a waist reminding of Vishnu. [ (V.).hari-m~n, M-. yellowness, jaundice 'gf!-K-P hari-rAga, m. N. of a king; -vamsa, in. Hari's (Vishnu's) race; in. n. (sc.- purfina) Ti. of a well-known appendix to the Mahadbh rata (sts. pI.). 10fKIT4 hMn-vat, vT. a. attended or drawn by tawny steeds (Indra); connected etc. with the yellow Soma; containing the word hani; -vara, a. best of monkeys; m. N. of a king; n. N. of a town; (ha'xi)-varpas, a. having a golden aspect (earth, Indra, RV'; vhna, a. drawn by tawny steeds; ms. ep. of Indra: -dis, f.Indra's quarter, east; (h~ri)vrata, a. whose work is tawny (-Agni; RT. 1); -Sayana, n.Vishnu's sleep; -sarman, mn. N.; -sikha, mn. N. '9 hdiri-skandra, a. having a yellow or golden lustre (Soma, By.1); in. N. of a king of the race of Ilcshvdku; in E. a son of Trisauiku, who having been elevated with-his subjectsd to heaven and expelled thence owing to his pride, remained suspended in mid-air with his city (Saubha); (h~ri)-smsA~ru, a. having a tawny beard (B V.'); -smasru, a. id. (RI); -simha, in. N. of a king; -soma, in. N.; -sva~min, ms. N.; -hadaukasa, mn N.; -haya, a. having tawny steeds, ep. of Indra; -hara, in. sg.Vishnu and Siva in one person; du. or 0- Vishnu and Siva; N. of various men: -kath&, f. discourse about Vishnu and Siva; -heti, f. Indra's weapon, rainbow.; Vishnu's weapon, discus.: -ma~t, a. ador~ned with a rainbow, -hfiti,. in. (called after the discus or kakra), the Kakravflka or ruddy goose (Anas casarca). yellow myrobalan tree (Terminalia Chebula). TIJharenu, ms, kind of pea. 'IAW har-tavya,fJp. to be taken, - by force, to be appropriated; - acquired; -tri, in. bearer, bringer; appropriator, stealer, ravisher, thief; imposer of taxes (king); remover or dispeller of (-9); destroyer. T, harmyd, n. stronghold, castle, palace, mansion (V7., C.); prison (BV., rare): -tala, n. fiat roof of a palace; -prishtha, -sthala, - agra, n. id.. 'U harmye.-shthaC, a. remaining in the house or stall (BY.'; =; —gharmye-shthi, BF.'1). 191 Mr-ya, P., (A.. rare) desire, be eager for (ac.; 11 V.); enjoy oneself at (la., 1? V.):.pr. pt. h~ryat or hary~t, eageri. glad (BY.). prati, accept gladly, long for (V.). ig"hari akshd, a. tawny-eyed (V., C.); mi. (C.) lion; monkey;. N., of a demon of disease. "' harya-td, a., to be desired, wished for, pleasant (V.). 'If hdrsvam, a. drawn by tawny steeds (B V.); mn. (C.) ep. of Indra; N.: -kipa, ms. n. Indra's bow, rainbow. '9 harsh-a, in. [Vh/rish}, bristling (of the hair of the 6ody); thrill; exultation, joy, gladness, delight; N. of an Asura; N., esp. of the reputed author of the Batndvalt and the Naishadha-karita, (also sr'i- or -deva): -kxodha, in. dv. joy and anger; -garbha, a. full of joy, glad; -gupta, in. N.; -karita, n. Ti. ofa work by Bnaba; -Sa, a. arisingfrom joy. harsh-ana, a. thrilling; gladdening, delighting; n.gladdening; delight; -tif.joy. .376 376harsha-deva. tT ha. rfgharsha-deva, mn. N. of the author of the iRatndvali (also sri'-); -na'da, -nisvaua, -3nihSVaUa, M. shout of joy; -pura, is. N. of a town; -mitra, mn. N. of a king; -yukta, pp. filled with joy; -vat, a. full of joy; ad. joyfully: -i', f. N. of a princess; N. of a town; -vardhana, mn. N. of a prince; -varmnan, m. N. of a prince; - asru, n. tears of joy. (IU~ harsh-ita, Cs. pp. Vhrish; ns. joy (in sa-); -in, a. joyful; looking forward to ( —9); gladdening (-'O); -ula, a. glad, merry, cheerful; delighted.!g ha-i, pratydhd'ra for consonant. hala, m. n. plough (also as a weapon): -cdhara, a. holding a plough; rn. ploughman; (armed with a plough) ep, of Balarhmnn, elder brotherofKrishna; NT~ofrarious men; -bhrit, in. ep. of Balarhma; -ma~rga, mn. furrow. 'I " halahalfi, 0.of approbation. 'ITT hala', vc. pcl. used in addressing afemale friend on the stage. IV~~ halafiAyudha, a. having a plough as a weapon; mn. ep. of Balarhma; N. of vqrious men. IlT~halfhala, m.n. kind ofdeadly poison. Vf hal-i, m. large plough (in sata-). ~,f~fhal-in, m. ploughman, agriculturist;,ep. of Balarflma (-'I- rnia). Vb hall'isa, mn.kind of one-act drama performed by one man and seven or eigqht women; n. dance performed by women led by a man. " bay-a, i. m. [v/iT. hu] sacrifice; 2. a. E-Vhftl calling (BV.); mn. call, invocation (V.); -ana, i. n. [VI. hul sacrificing: 3',f. sacrificial ladle; (hav)-ana, 2. is. [Vhft] invocation ( V.): -sriitt, a. hearing, invocations ( V.); -anIya, (fp.) [Vi. hu] n. (?) sacrificial offering.!qWqz hava-vat, a. containing the word hava (Br.). 'f9 ~hav-in, a. [VI/hfi invoking (A V.); imploring aid (Br.). 04 havir-a'd, a. eating the oblation (BV.); -dya, n. tasting the oblation (V.); -ukkhishti, (pp..) n. reminant of a sacrifice; -guna, mn. quality of the sacrificial food; -dAA` a. bringing oblations (By.); -d'na, n. gift of an oblation; -dhana, M. N. of 1- he reputed composer of B V. X, i T- 5; is. (receptacle of the offering), car for conveying the Sonia plants to be pressed (gnly. two; V.); light shed for housing the Soma cars (V.); place of sacrifice (E.): i, f. N. of tem hIcao Surabhi or Khxiaadhenu; -bhug, a. consuming the oblation; mn. fire; god of fire: p 1. the Manes of'the Kshatriyas; -yagiiA, m. offering of the oblation (a kind of sacrifice), simple sacrifice (Br., S.): -samstha',f. fundamental form of the Haviryagn-a.; -vAh, a. (nm. -va't) conveying the sacrifice (B -V.'). havih - sesha, mn. remnant of the sacrifice. ~f ~ avish-kri't, a. preparing the oblato4V.); (ish)-kriti, f. preparation of the oblation (BV.); (ish)-paiikti, f. aggregate of five oblations (Br.); (ish)-paiikti, a. consistin,, of five oblations (V.); (ish)-pati, mn.,lord of the oblation; -pg, a. drinking the oblation (BV.'); -pant-iya, a. beginning with havlsh pa'ntam (BV. X, 88, i); (ish)mat, V. a, having the oblation prepared, offering an oblation; attended with or containing oblations; m. N. -of various Rishis (V., C.): pl. N. of certain Manes, sons of C, I A'iigiras (C.); -yfi, a. suitable or prepared for the oblation (esp. of rice and other kinds of grain); ms. n. sacrificial offering of grain. 'IfT~hav-ifs, n. [V/I. hu] burnt offering (of grain, Soma, milk, or butter), oblation; fire (C., rare): -ish kri, prepare the oblation, make an oblation of. [tion (BV.). 19-9;Phdv-1-rnan, m. or n. [V/hft] invocaWz havalf, sj'. (rare; Br., S.). WW. hav-yd, (fp.) n. [V'i. hu] what is to be offered, oblation (in C. very commonly in combination with, kavya); 2. (hav)-ya, fp. (Vh-ft) to be invoked (V.): (&)-gushti, f. enjoyment of the oblation (V.); (a)'-dAti, a. conveying the oblation (V.); f. gift of the sacrifice, oblation (V.); -lehin, m. (licking the oblation), (god of) fire; -v~h, a. (nm. -vA't) conveying the oblation (to the gods; V., C.); m. (god of) fire (C.); -va'h& (or vaha: AV.), a. id. (also ep. of the Asvattha tree, because the Aranis are made of its wood); m. (god of) fire (C.); -vahana, a. 'Itd.; m. fire (.;-sfud, a. preparing the oblation (B V.); a d, a. eating the sacrifice (BY.'); M. (eating the sacrifice), fire.!Bl HAS, I. P. (A'.. metr.) hasa, laugh, at '(in.), deride, ridicule (ac.); mock, surpass; expand, open (blossom): _pp. hasita, laughing; laughed (=flnite vb.); ridiculed; surpassed; is. imps. -m taya', she laughed at (prati); cs. hasay'a, P. cause (ac.) to laugh; mock at (ac.): pp sita, ridiculous; caused to laugh, made white; des. gaksh [==gah(a)s], laugh: onlypi-.pt.; itgahasya: _pr. pt muna, laugh continuously. ava, deride. ud, laugh out = flash (of lightning). upa, deride; euphemistically =have sexual intercourse with (ac.): pp. derided; cs. ridicule. pani, jest, with any one (ac.); ridicule. pra, break into a laugh (~hblsam); laugh with any one (ac.); laugh at anything; ridicule: pp. laughming; also =glitteriug, brilliant; cs. cause to laugh. vi, laugh (out); laugh or mock at (ac., ra rely g.): pp. laughing; ridiculed, mocked. sam-vi, laugh (out). 'J[ his-a (or 6), m. mirth, laughter; -ana, a. laughing, with (g.); n. laughter: h, f. jest, encouraging shout (BY7.'); -an'ya, fp. to be laughed at, deserving the derision of (g.); -antika, f. fire-pan, chafing-dish; -ita, (pp.) is. laughter; -kartri, m. mnirth-maker, gladdener (BY.'); -ka'r&, m. laughter of heaven, sheet lightning (BV.'); (h~s)-kriti,f. mirth, laugahter (B ~V').!M hista, m. hand (ord. my.); C.: ele-phant's trunk; as a measure =fore-arm or cubit (about i8 inches); handwriting (rare); abundance (-' afiter words meaning hair); N.; V., C.: eleventh (or thirteenth) lunar asterism: --- a. holding in (sts. by) the hand: -m gain, fall into the hand of ();e kri, take into one's hand; also = gain possession of, get into one's power; marry (a gir-l); e nyasta, resting on her hand (face); tasya baste loka-dvayanz sthitam, the two worlds are in his hand = are assured to him..!M hasta-ka, in. hand; supporting hand; handful of (-29); spit (v. r. ika); -ga, a. (fallen into =)being in the hand, of(-) fig. = on& s own, secured to one; -gata, pp id;-amin, a. id.; -grihita, pp. tied by the hands; -grihya, gd. taking by the hand (V.); -graha, m. taking the hand; marriage; taking anything in hand; -gra'bh&, a. grasping the hand of a girl, wedded (BY.'); -graiha, a. id.; in. husband: -ka, a. grasping one by the hand = obtrusive; -ghn&, m. hand-guard (against the, bowstring; B V7.'); (hasta) kyuti,f. swift movement of the hands (B V.'); -tala-gata, pp. lying in the palm of one's hand = being in one's power; -tula', f. hand as a balance: in. by using the hands instead of scales; -dipa, in. hand-lantern; -dharana, f.supporting with the hand; taking by the hand = marrying (a girl); _pada, is. sg. hands and feet; -prada, a. giving a hand, supporting, helping; -prapta, pp. fallen into = being in one's hand (= -ga); -prapya, fp. to be reached with the hand (cluster); -bhrashta,.pp. escaped from one's hand, run away; -lekha, m. hand-drawing; -lekhli-kri, draw, sketch; (hasta)-vat, a. having hands (V., C.); dexterous (C.); -vartin, m. N. of a prince; _samgiai, f. sign with the hand; -suitra, is. cord put on the wrist of a girl before hei- wedding; -stha, a. being in one's hand; -svastika, m. crossingj of the hands; -hairya, fp. to be grasped with the hands, palpable, manifest. 'j T; hasta agra, n. tip of the hand, finger; tip of the tr-unk: -lagna, pp.f. clasping the fingers of =' married to (g.); alamba, m. hand as a support =sure refuge: -na, is. id.; -a valamiba,mn. support of the hand; means of safety; -aivapa, m. hand-guard (against the bowstring)O. 11Wi %fW hastat-hasti, ad. hand to hand. OfriM ~ hasti-karna, in. (elephant's ear) N. of various plaists; N. of a locality; -karin, m. (rider on an elephant), elephant driver; -gagarika, m. keeper of an elephant; -danta, m. elephant's tusk.!gfRhast-ifn, V. a. having hands, defthanded; w. mriga, in. animal with the hand (==trunk),oldestltermforelephant(R19V.,A V); m. (V., C.) elephant; N. (C.): (in)-iLf. female elephant (V., C.); a certain class of women in erotics (C.). gpf-MrC~ hasti-inakha, in. kind of barricade at a city gate. ~fPT~ hastinft-pura, n. N. qf a city the ruins of which are situated ass the banks of an o1(1 bed of the Ganges, 5 7 miles N. E. of Delhi. 1f0*t hasti-pai, in. keeper or driver of an elephant: -ka, in. id.; -pa'la: -ka, m. id.; -banldha,m. nstockadleforcapturing elephants; -Malla, in. Indra's elephant; -yasasa, a.. magnificence of an elephant; -yfitha, n. herd of elephants; -r Aga, m. lordly elephant; leader of a herd a/~elephants; -vaktra, m. (elephantfaced), ep. 9fi Ganesa; -vadha, m. slaughter of an elephant; -saia', f. elephant's stable; N. of a locality; -siksha',f. training of elephants; -snAna, is. washing of an elephant. ['i hastauydaka, is. water held in the hand. 'qF~ hdst-ya, a. belonging to th e hand (V.). 'q5Zhasti asva,n. sg.elephants and horses: -ratha-gho'sha, m. sound of elephants, horses, and chariots; - aroha, m.rider on an elephant, elephant driver. 'I has-rd, a. laughing (BY.').!qj hahfi, ij. alas: -ha, sj. id. 19TI H ^ III. A.giite (V., C.), V.: bound away; give way to (d.); depart; leap upon (ac.); C.: betake oneself to (cc.); get into (a, candition, ac.): pr. pt. -gihana, bounding forward (B V.); flying (arrow, C.). ati, V.: pass over, miss; P.: leap from (ab.) to (ac.); transgress (a command). anu, VF.: hurry after, catch; follow os' attach oneself to, any one (ac.). apa, haste away (BY.). abhi, A~ F~hi o 3-77 catch (17.). ud, start up, rise ( V., C.); d epart 19T Ba, i.of pain, astonishment, or satisfac(life; C.). pra ud, leap up (flame; By.). tion, ahbI alas! used before or after a vc., sam-ud, arise, appear. upa, descend to (ac.; sts. with& following ac. =alas for; also cornC.). nii, bow down (V.). nis, rise up bined with kash tam, dhik, and hanta: -kash(smoke; C.). pra, haste away (RV.); spring ta-sabda, m. exclamation haf kashtam (ah, up (V.). vi, start asunder, gape, yawn (V.); als) kamexaatoh. es'. -h~paya, P. cause to gape, open. sam, 'q~ihata-ka, in. N. of a country: pl. its rise up (V.); attain (C.). pari-sam, spring from (ab.; BRV.). peple; n. (derived from Hataka), gold: -Maya, a. golden; -i1sa, -'sa'na, m. lord of 192. Hi, III. P. g~h~ti, V., C.: leave, - b e- HfltakaafrofSv; svr mid hind, abandon, forsake, desert; emit, dis- 7 frno ia isvrm d charge; put away~remove; C.: quit (a place); TfW hdi,,m.N.: -gra'ma, m.N. of avillage. let fall~leave lying-; take off~lay aside (garment, 'gTWrM hat-tavya,f p.to be given up or abanornament); give up, resign, renounce, avoid, doned. [cessation. refrain from; neglect (duty etc.), disregard (advice etc.), break (vow etc.); lose, be de- T[baan.lvigaadon;lck prived of; get rid of, escape from (sin, sor- 11rfI hft- ni, f. abandonment, relinquishrow); part from the body (sartram etc.) or ment; taking off (of ornaments, -'O); insuflife (glvitam- etc.) h iyae:,d hiytvdsegad ficiency, deficit; diminution, by ( —); deing; excepting; ps. Wathlte(SB.), privation of (ab.); loss, of (g., gnly. -O; ord. V.: be left behind, not reach (ab.); fall short, my.); ruin; failure (in a lawsuit); cessation, bg deficient; he caught up by (in.); be lost; diaparance, lack, non-existence (common C.:be orsedsufer njuy o los, e- mg.): -kara, a. detrimental; causing to disteriorate; weigh less (in the ordeal of the aper(O)-ki,.inungdston. balance); be diminished, decrease, wane, pass away, come to an end, fail; be given up or 1&TWW hatp-ann, n. (cs.) diminution. avoided; be deprived of, lose (in., ab., — 9): -Ti1 T ai-rm,.NCo= ilae pr. pt. hiyama~na, weaker (opp. increasing in power): pp. ha'ta, given up, abandoned 'IIE Biyand, m. n. ( a. II) year; m. kind (P., rare): -vat, pp. act. having lost (a wife, of red rice (rare); a. relating to the year, ac.; v. r.); hi'n&, BY.: forsaken (wife); C.: lasting a year, yearly (AV.); — ' a. lasting - *strayed from (ab.); V., C.: inferior, lower years (V., C.). (in rank or culture); C.: (abandoned = ) low, i-K liar-a, a. (i1) -o [Vsi. hri] bearing; base, bad, poor, little; weaker (foe); worsted bign;tkn wy asn txs;m (in lawuit) deectie, dfi destitsute I. string Or necklace of pearls; 2. (vbl. Nx.) ficient, wanting (also -Br.); lacking, dettt seizure or forfeiture of (-P); removal (rare): of, free from, without (in., ab., — 9); gahita, -ka, — ' a. (i-ka^) bearing; bringing; carryforakn, ororn(V);cs.haaya P A. ing away; stealing; removing, taking upon metr.) neglect; lose (time); be wanting in oneself (impurity); ravishing; mn. thief; (ac.); give up (life); lose; abandon (a thesis): pearl necklace; -nmuktA, f.pl. pearls of a ahapayishyate vidhitum uttaram,there necklace; -yashti,f. (1 ) string of pearls; will be no failure to give an answer: pp Ilt,. d;N h~ia nue dposit); deprived of (in.); e-h —C,. des. P. gih~sati, wish to abandon or quit a~ai,.string ofpearls (-I) - reject with disdain; - escape from (ac.). ~rft<'ir! hatri-kantha, a. having a charmapa, leave, quit (only inf., gd.): gd. apah~ya, ing (throat =) voice; having one's neck enavoiding; abandoning (aformn); freeing one- circled with a string of pearls. self from (ab.); disregarding (ac.); excepting apart from (ac.). ava, leave behind (V.); W9TRF! ha'rina, a. derived from the antelope give up, abandon (F.); ps. be forsaken by called harina. [pigeon. (ab., B V.). ni, ps. be degraded, sink to de- UP7 ~ha'r-ita, pp. cs. V'i. hri; m. hind of struction (BV.): -pp. (C.) low (in rank), base- "" born, vile. pari, forsake (any one); give up, lgTftW~ hatridra', a. coloured with turmeric abandon (anything); neglect, omit (rites); (haridrfl), yellow. disregard (command); ps. be avoided (.food). be neglected; fail, lack, be wanting; abate: qfl~ haridrav-6, m. [haridru] kind of cease, come to an end; be worsted, come to yellow bird (B 77.i). grief; be overcome by (in.); desist or swerve CT4hri..[ihi baigbig from (ab.); be deprived of, lose (ab.); be un- V11qffria.[ibibaigbig acquintd wth a pe~ius ondtio, a.). ing; takingaway, stealing, robbing; removing, pp. -hina (often spelt -hina), omitted: dstroysing; capprpivating; ravishing, (taxes) vanished (lustre); refraining from (-tas); lack: surasin;cpiangrvshghrm ing, destitute of (in., ab., ~O;c.cuet nattracting (heart, eye, etc., -O; by, ~) give up; abandon, leave unfinished (work); 2. wearing a pearl necklace (hara). deprive any one of (in.); give up, abandon; V~kf harita, m. kind of pigeon; N. of a renounce, violate (duty), break (promise); lawgiver, physician, grammarian, etc.: -ka, ps. be relinquisbed by (in.); fail, perish: pp. m. hind of pigeon. Prahlina, cast off, worn out (garment); failmng in (undertakings, in.); 'vanished (sin, '9O); hatrd = hrid in dur-hiard and su-h~rd. destitute of (~O.vi, -V., C.: leave behind, -h'd forsake, abandon; C.: quit (a place); giv I r4 hr-a, a. being in the heart (hrid); up, renounce; get rid of, lose; cast off (old n.affection, love, for (lc.,.S). garments); desist, from (ab.); gd. disregard- 19TfIhard-i, m.. [hrid] heart (A V."; contentting; avoiding;r ihnspt of;excpig;pt ment (C.); n. (V.) heart; interior (of thse body). tig sie =moe ha (eps of gems); ps.I suffer abatement (affection): pp o (at) wr~ har-ya-, fp. to be borne or carried by lacking (O-); destitute or deprived of, sepa. ' O; carried, borne, or blown away by(O) rated or free fronm (in., ab., — m; ord. mg,). - taken away, appropriated, or robbed by pra-vi, give up, abandon: gd. disregarding (-O); - shaken (resolution); - won over by, or passing over. sam, abandon together (S.); corruptible; to be acted (play). give up, renounce (C)WIIT hala, f. spirituous liquor. haW~W lahala, rn. (rare),. n. a kind of, deadly poison. 19fPrZE hatl-ika, m. [hala] ploughman.!9' hay-a, m. [Vhfi] call, blandishment (Of amorous women). ig HAS, I. A. hasa (V., very rare), race, with (in.); cs. hahsaya, P. cause to race (BV.i).!gT hats-a, m. EV'has] laughing, lauLghter, merriment (often pl1.; derision of (g.; very rare); jest, fun (flkhyflna-, = funny story); dazzling whiteness (of any object, e. g. a pearl necklace, regarded as its laughter because in the latter white teeth are conspicuous): -kana, a. provoking laughter; causing to laugh (-'); -ana, cs. a. [ Vhas] causing any one to laugh; -in, a. laughing, at ();(laughing=) dazzlingly white, brilliant, or adorned with(9) WifTr4i hasti-ka, a. consisting of elephants (hastin); n. herd of elephants. 'Tff[ h~stin-a, a. belonging to the ele.. phant (.AV.); having the depth of an elephant (water; C.): -puna, n. = Hastinhpura. 19I hats-ya, fp. [x/has] (to be) laughed at, by (lc., — P); laughable, ridiculous; n. laughter; jest, joke, fun, amusement: -kara, a. provoking laughter, causing any one to laugh (~) -ti, f. ridiculousness: -m yi become a laughing-stock, to ( —.); -tva, n. id.; -padavli, f. way to laughter: -m ya', become a laughing-stock; -bhAva, in. ridiculousness: -m yi, become ridiculous; -nasa-vat, a. humourous, comic; - ^ spada, n. object of ridicule, laughing-stock. ~'rI ha'-ha, i. i.=ha' repeated; 2.mi. N. of a Gandharva: -ka'na, m. exclamation hMA hA (also used to urge on horses), cry of woe, lamentation; -bhiita, pp. crying alas, woebegone; -nava, in. cry of woe, lamentation. HI, Y. hin6, binu, V.: set in motion, urge on, further; be set in motion or urged on, hasten (A.); incite or assist to (d.); convey;T V., C.: cast, hurl; P. ( = V2.ha): forsake, abandon; get rid of: pr. pt. hinvkna', speeding etc.; pp. hiti, (V.) urged on, speeding; called upon, invoked. pani, bring, offer (B V.). pra(-hinoti), urge on, incite (BV.); V., C.: convey or send to, bestow on d) despatch (messengers), drive away, dismiss, send, away, to (any one, sac. ~ prati, d., g., antikamn or parvmw g.; to a pae c prati; in order to, d., inf.; ord. mg.); C.: cast, hurl, discharge, at (d., lo.); direct (the gaze). towards (ac.); forsake (very rare = pra-ha); -gighya-ti, -.tu, (Br.) perh. incorr. for -gigii-ti, -tu: pp. prahita, P.: urged on, incited; C.: hurled, discharged, at (lc.); cast, directed (eye, gaze, mind) towards ( —P); imbedded (nails); conveyed, sent (things); sent away, expelled; V., C.: sent out, despatched (messengers etc.), to any one (pfirsve w. g) -vat, pp. act. =,finite vb. (he) sent out. anupra, pp. sent after. sam, compose, contrive (BV.). fb i, pcl. (never at beg. of a sentence, but gnl~y. following the first word; also in other positions after thte emphatic word; the vb of the sentence is always accented), 'V., C.: for, because (often after de-monstra tives, relatives, interrogatives); just, pray (with impv. or pot.; sts. ind., e.g. pasyamo, hi, we will just see); verily, surely, indeed; C.: often mere verse-,fl~ler, es~p. to avoid the hiatus or to obtain a long vowel, its, even twice in the same sentence; hi - tu, hi - punan, it is true - but. 30C 37.8 ftq hims. V' hu. fi lHIMS [anomiolous des. of v'han], VII. P. (I. metr.) hinksti, injure, harm, hurt; slay; disturb, break (vow); destroy; ps. himsyate, be slain: pp. himsitk; cs. himsaya, P. id.; des. P. gihimsisha, wish to injure (Br.). 9, injure. upa, hurt, injure. Vi, injure, damage. fil hfms-a, a. hurting, injuring (ByF.1): -aka, a. injuring, hurtful; -ana, n. injuriug, hurting; slaughter of (animals, — ); -an'ya fp. to be injured; - slaughtered (animals); 4&,f. injury, harm (to bife or pro Iperty): - gnly. == to, sts. = from; -itk, (pp.) n. injury; (hims)-itos, g. inf. V/hims; -ya, fp. that may be injured or slain; -ri, a.. injurious, hurtful, mischievous, noxious (RV7.', C.); P dealing severely with (C'.); m. (C.) mischievous fellow, man following a cruel trade; beast of prey; n. cruelty (C.),: -gantu, -pasu, m. beast of prey. HIKK, I. hikka, hiccup (very rare); cs. P. hikkaya, cause to hiccup (yery fOW hikkft, f. hiccup. [rare). fWT hifi, ij. with kri, utter a lowing -sound (77.): -ka'r;!, i. the sound hiii (V.). hiiigu, m. the plant.4safoetida;- n. resin obtained from its roots and used as a medi. cine and a seasoning: -rita, in. N. f!TI hifigula, n. cinnabar, vermilion. fhiilyira, m. foot-chain of an elephant. f ~~hidimba, m. N. of a Rdkshasa slain by Bhimasena: &, f. N. of Hidimba's sister. A HINDI.A.hinda. d, wander about, Nramble (Pr.). pari, fly about.ft r2. hi-td, pp (V/dha) V.: placed, laid, put, into (lc.); situated,. lying, contained, in (lo.); set up, prepared, arranged; assigned to any one, (i.,. g.); V., C.: beneficial, salutary, advantageous, convenient, suitable, agreeable, to or- for any one ( d., sts. lc.; C. also g., -'O);. favourable; C.: well-disposed, friendly, kind; n. sg.plI. (C.) what is salutary, profit, advantage, welfare, good; good or salutary advice: -kara, a. doing good, beneficent, useful, advantageous, to any one g) -ka~ma, a. desiring the good of others, benevolent, kind; -kiimyi, f. (only in.) desire of benefiting any one (g.); -kairaka, a. friendly (opp. hostile); m. friend; -kar-in, a. id.,.kiud: (-i)-t&, f., -tva, a. kindness; -krit, a. beneficent, useful; -pathya, a. useful and salutary and having obtained a pathyA ( = haritaki or yellow myrobalan tree).; (li)-.prayas, a. having set forth the sacrificial food, having the sacrifice spread for him (R1V.); -buddbi, a. well-disposed; -vakana, n.- good advice; -vat, a. advantageous, useful; -vdin, a. giving good advice;. -hita, nt. N. f~Thi-tfi, (pp.)f. dyke, dam. f!TOJTf'9ihita dthfy-in, a. doing good: (-i)-t&^, f. beneficence; - anubaudhin, a. involving good consequences. fRiMI hitfl-bhafiga, m. destruction of a dam. [vantageous. fRMW hita-ya, den. A. be salutary or adR-47 hita artha, ma. ac. or d. for the good, benefit, or advantage, of (g., 0-); - arthin, a. desiring one's own welfare; seeking-the welfare of any one (g.); - hita,pp. advantageous and disadvantageousIusefuland injurious; n.benelit and injury: ',f.p1. N. ofcran vis fel'qT hita ikkhfl, f. desire for the welfare of others. fR %f hitaesh-in, a. having good intentions, seeking the welfare of others: Ati f.benevolence. f tiyhita upadesa, mn. instrucetion in wha isslutary, good counsel; T. of a wellknown collection offables;. upadeshtri, mn. instructor in what is salutary. flgv~r hi-tvgya, gd. Of V,2. hf (RV.); -tvi, id. (117V.). f~hi-nad indecl._-hi for (1177.'). flg~iffT hin-tftla, mn. kind of palm (Phoenix paludosa). ft Of hin-dola, m. swing. f~HINV, I. P. hinv-a (V.)= =yhi (of N which it is an extension, being a transference, from the fifth to the first class.). fiP hinvd, in. inciter (fly.'). flkRj himd, ma. cold (V., C.); winter (rare, C.); n. snow, sts. ice (C., very rare in Br.); a. cold, cool (C.): -ritu, mn. cold season, winter;..ka, in. N.; -kara, ma. (cold-rayed), moon; -garbha, a. containing cold (rays); -giri, mn. snow-mountain, Himalaya: -suta, f. daughter of the Himalaya, Parvatl: -kaunta, m. ep. of Siva; -gu, m. (cold-rayed), moon; -grihm: -ka, n. refrigerating room; -tvish, mn. A(cool-rayed), moon; -didhiti, -dyuti, -dhmman, mn. id.; -pfita, ma. c'old rain; fall of snow; -rasmi, mn. moon; -r~ga, Mn. N. of a king; -ruki, in. (cool-rayed), moon;..3itu, ma. cold season, winter;.- (i)-vat, a. cold, snowy, icy (rare); exposing oneself to cold (rare); mn. snow-mountain (V.); sp. the Himalaya: -pura, n. town on the Himalaya, n-mekh al f. Himalaya (zone =) range; -sikharni, ma. snow-mountain, Himalaya; -subhra, a. snow-white; -saila, mn. snowmountain, Himalaya: -ga, a. growing on the Himalaya, - atf IPArvatl; -samaghata, in. deep snow; -srut, in.. moon; -sruti, f. fall of snow. f~~himaq, f.(only with sata') cold season, winter (V.). fg'WT~j hima amsu, m. moon: -melin, mn. id.;..gama, in. beginning of. (the cold=) winter; -a9kala, ma. snow-mountain, Himinlaya: -indra, mn. chief of snow-mountains, Himalaya; Z~tyaya, m. end of the cold season; - qadi, in. Himalaya. fl-9WTv~ bim-ftni',f. [fr. hima] deep snow. fWR~iff hima anta, m. end of winter; - ambhas, a. cold water; - i1aya, mn. abo~de of snow, Himalaya; _9hati,f, fall of snow. f~tIhim-ita, den. pp. turned into snow or ice; -I-kri, turn into snow. fwqRf'q:TT him a upakhra, mn. refrigeration. fgiqi himmia-ka, M. N. f'qt3r7.T hiran-mdya, a. (i) golden, goldcoloured. fII hifran-ya, a. [V3. hrij V., C.: bullion (opp. suvarna), gold, precious metal (in C. also coined gold); V.: gold implement or ornament; gold piece or coin (in Br. gnly. w. suvilrna, by way of distinction from other metals); a. golden (C., rare); in. N. of a king of Cashmere (C.): -ka, mn. N. of a mouse-king; -kasipi, in. golden carpet, seat adorned with gold (V.); a. (hi-) having a grolden carpet; ma. N. of a Daitya slain by V'ishnu in the form of Narasimha; -kU1la, ma. N. of a king; (hi-)kesa, a. (i) goldenhaired, golden-maned; -kesin, ma. N. of an, author of Grihya-smltras; -ganbha, ma. womb om- embryo of gold; NV. of a cosmogonic.power, esp. of the personal Brahmnan; ia Veddinta, N. of intellect conditioned by the aggregate; N.; N. of a flamingo; -gupta, mn. N.; (hi-)-kakna, a. having golden wheels (11V.'); -da, a. giving gold; -datta, in. N.; (hi-)-daut, am. gold-toothed (1117.1); ma. N. of a Baida (Br.); -dax, a. giving gold; -nabha, ma. N. of various men; (hi-)-parna, V. a. golden-winged; golden-leaved; (hi-)pani, a. golden-handed; -p~tr&, n. golden vessel or dish; -pura, mn. N. of a city of the Asuras situated beyond the ocean and suspended in the, air; N. of a town in Cash-mere: (hi-)bahu, a. golden-armned; ma. ep. of the river Sone (v-. r. -vaha). fWT'RT hiranymi-ya, V. a. (i) golden, abounding in gold. f!9WTW hiranya-rathd, ma. car (full) of gold (V.); (hi-)-nipa, a. resembling 'gold (1117.); -retas, n'. (whose seed is gold), fire; (hi-)-vat, V. a. possessing, consisting of, or provided with, gold; n. possession of gold (117.): -i,f. N.; N. fUggayinl inthe third age; (hi-)-varna, a. golden-coloured, resembling gold (V., rare in C.); (hi-)vartaui, a. having a golden track or course (V7.); -varsha, ma. N.; (hi-)va'si, a. wielding a golden axe (V.): -mat, a. (only spv. -tama) id. (11 V.'); -va'ha, am. ep of the river Sone; -vimit&, n. golden palace: -marinra, a. goldenbodied; (hi-) -stftpa, m. (gold-tuft), N.; (hi)hasta, a. golden-handed (V.); ma. N.; - aksh6a, a. golden-eyed (V.); ma. N. of a _Daitya slain by Vishnu in the shape of a boar; N.; - abga, n. golden lotus. fig-< hir'a, f. vein (V.). fig'R, hiruk, ad. away, out of sight of (ab.; V.); apart (C.). f _ hilla, m. N. [satisfaction. Ml h, msj. of astonishment, horror, hilarity, g H I D, pf. g9i hida, la, P. vex, offend N (V.); A. be angry (V.): pp. hi'dit&, lit&, enraged (V.); cm. only aor. &yihidat, pluck out (.AV.)' 191Vr hind, pp. V,2. ha; n. deficiency, want: vela-hine, at an unseasonable time: -ka, a. lacking (-'O); -kanman, a. following base occupations; neglecting one's duties; at,. lack, absence; deficiency in (in., -O); -tva, a. inferiority; lack of, deficiency in (-O); -paksha, a. unprotected; -ya'ua, a. the lesser vehicle (term applied to the older form of Buddhism; opp. mahAyAna); -ndtra, a. having shorter nig,,hts; -vanna, a. of low caste, vile; -va~din, a. losing in a sufit; -vritta, a. of base conduct; -sevaf service of low persons; - ailga, a. (a I') deficient in a limb; deflective; Z-a~tirikta aiiga, a. (i) having a limb too few or too many; - dhika, a. too little or too much: at& f.dficiency or excess; - antha, a. having lost one's advantage. 19fff" hin-ita, den. pp. (fr. hina) deprived of one's ow n, destitute, separated from(O) lf-< hira, n. diamond. i. flU, III. guh6ti, guhutd, pour or cast '~into the fire, offer an oblation (ac., g.), to (d.), in (lc.); sacrifice to any on6, (ac.), with (in.): sts. also of objects not offer-ed in fire; sprinkle (oil) on (lc.; C.); ps. hfityate, be sacrificed: pp. hxuta, sacrificed; ~sacrificed W hu. bg bri. 379 to; es. havaya, P. cause to sacrifice, cause to be offered, - to; des. -guhfusha, P. wish to sacrifice; intv. gohaviti, sacrifice (frequently). abhi, pour the offering on, offer an oblation, sacrifice to or for: pp. abhihuta, besprinkled (with a libation); sacrificed, - to. a (V.), sacrifice to any one (d.), in (Ic.); besprinkle (ac.) with oblations: pp. 9huta, offered; sacrificed to; laid in the fire (corpse; IIV.). upa, offer up (sacrifice). pra, sacrifice, offer up. 2. HU, rarely used in pp. = /hf, V/hva. abhi-huta, invoked (S.). a, pp. ahuta, summoned, invited (E., P.). sam-a, pp. called together. j hu, ij. (rare, C.). WjT' hum-kara, m. the sound hum (expressive of a threat or disgust); trumpeting (of an elephant), lowing (of a cow), twanging (of a bow); -krita, pp., v. hum; n. exclamation hum (expressive of anger); lowing (of a cow); roar (of thunder); -kriti, f. sound hum (= -kra).;W hudu, m. ram. a hunda, m. id. fU'iT hund-ika, f. bill of exchange. W?(i hu-t, a. (-~) sacrificing. WRT hu-td, pp. v/i. hu; n. sacrifice: -bhug, m. (consumer of sacrifice), fire, Agni; -vaha, m. (conductor of the sacrifice), fire, Agni: -gvala-sama, a. like flames of fire, flaming hot; -sesha, m. remnant of the sacrifice; - agni, m. sacrificial fire; a[ad, a. eating the sacrifice ( V.); - Asa, m. (consumer of the sacrifice), fire, Agni; - asana, m. id.: -vat, a. supplied with fire; - asana-ya, den. A. become or appear like fire. wfI' hu-ti, f. sacrifice (0~).;W hum, sj.: with kri, make the sound hum, resound (conch); address harshly (ac.): pp. lowing. anu-hum-kri, A. answer with a roar. [(RV.).?f?, huras-kit, a. lurking in secret W hurds, ad. secretly (RV.1). W huriuk, ad. aside (RV.1; cp. hiruk). Wfqr- huvishka, m. N. of a king. hushka, m. N. of a king: -pura, n. N. of the city founded by Hushka. A T huhu, m. N. of a Gandharva. $ HU, call, v. ]T HVA. hit, a. (-~) calling. ~'1T' hum-kara, m. = humkatra; -kriti, f. sound hAm (in snoring); hum (of bees). ~154 huina, m. pl. N. of a people, the Huns. ~W hft-ta, pp. V hva; n. calling; -ti, f. call; name. h fihm, ij. = hum. E HtR-KH [prob. der. of V/hvri], I. P. s hurkkha (V., rare), go crookedly, totter, fall; fall away from (ab.); cs. P. hfrrkkhaya, cause to fall, from (ab.; V.). ~j hu-hb, m. N. of a Gandharva. I HRI, J.P. (A.rare) hara,n.P. -harmi ' (RV.), V., C.: hold, carry, on or in (in.); bring, fetch; present, offer; take away, to (ac.); convey (a message) to (g.); take away with one, carry off or away, seize, steal, rob (ord. mg.); A. (C. also P.) take for oneself, receive (a gift), obtain, come into possession of (esp. as an heir), take from (ab.), raise (tribute); C.: take off, sever, shoot off, cut off (head); avert (the face); marry (a girl); overpower, master, lead away, win; surpass; carry away, ravish, enchant, captivate; take away, remove, dispel, frustrate, destroy (common mg.); withdraw, keep back, retain; spin out = gain (time); form a line (of drops from one place to another; Br.): pp. hrita, taken etc.; cs. haraya, P. cause to be carried by (ac., in.); cause to be brought or conveyed, by (in.); seize, appropriate; cause to be taken away from one, lose (esp. at play): pp. harita, conveyed by (-~); obtained from anywhere (-tas); carried off; lost (esp. at play; ord. mg.); surpassed, eclipsed; having lost (ac.); des. gihirsha, P. (A. metr.) wish to take (away), long for. ati, hold over, reach across, allow to extend beyond (V.). anu, (take after), imitate (ac.); resemble (ac., also g. of prs.); attain to (a state, ac.); A. take after (ac.). apa, C.: bear, carry, or draw away; take away or off, remove; avert (the face); V, C.: carry off, take away by force, appropriate unjustly, seize, rob (ord. mg.);,C.: tear off, sever, cut off (heads); carry away, overpower, engross; take away, remove, dispel, destroy, frustrate, render useless; take back; cs. pp. apa-harita, carried off, robbed. vi apa, strike off (a head); take away, destroy. abhi, present, offer. ava, put down, lay aside; surpass. ann ava, lower. abhLava, throw into (the water, ac.); take, eat; cs. put on; cause to eat anything (ac.), feed (ac.). upaava, take down (Z.). pratiava, take from any one (ab.), learn. vi ava, V.: exchange; V., C.: have intercourse with (in., Ic.); C.: fight with (in. + sArdham); act, behave, towards (Ic.; ord. mg.); follow one's occupation, work; trade, deal in (in., g., lc.); *play for (g.); *employ, make use of (ac.); stroll; ps. vyavahriyate, be named or designated; cs. allow to act, - to do what one likes. sam-viava, associate with (in.). sam-ava, collect. a, V., C.: take to oneself, bring, fetch (ord. mg.); offer, present, bestow, give; bring for oneself, obtain, receive, take (common mg.); C.: procure, for (d.); acquire, get possession of, gain; carry away, rob; take to oneself (a wife); conceive (a son) by (ab.); win over, bribe; sever (a head); withdraw (the senses) from (ab.); take away, destroy; surpass; take, eat; show, manifest: pp. ahrita, taken etc.; cs. cause to be fetched; bring; (cause to be brought), exact, raise (tribute); take, eat; show, manifest; shed (tears). adhi&, supply (a word). ud-a, V.: put on the top; V., C.: (bring out), mention, quote, utter, recite, relate, state, say, speak, to (ac.), of (ac.); C.: mention by name, designate as, call; quote as an example (gr.); ps. be called: pp. called. abhi ud-a, fetch; mention in addition. upa ud-a, mention in addition. prati ud-a, answer any one (ac.); quote a counter instance (gr.). sam-ud-a, speak, say: pp. addressed; spoken, uttered; mentioned; named; pronouneed= settled: tasyam tu sarvavidyanam arambhah samudahritah, thereon the beginnings of all sciences are based. upaa_, fetch, - for any one; offer, present; get into one's power, win over; undertake; accomplish; divert from (ab.); strike off (heads). sam-upa A, fetch; offer (a sacrifice); sacrifice oneself; enter upon (initiation). pratia, draw back; withdraw (the senses from worldly objects); replace; bring back, resume, recover; report; withdraw what has been created, destroy. via, (bring out), pronounce, utter, speak, begin to talk (child), say, to (ac.), converse with (saha): pp. vyahrita, uttered, spoken, said, stated. anu-via, utter in succession ( U.); curse, revile (Br., E.). abhi-vi a, utter, repeat; es. cause to utter or repeat; pronounce. sam-abhi-vi a, pronounce or mention at the same time. sam-a, bring together, collect, fetch; combine; restore to its place (lc.); withdraw anything created = destroy (worlds): pp. brought together, collected, fetched; assembled; taken together, combined, all; drawn (bowstring). ud, V., C.: take, lift, pull, or draw out, of (ab.; ord. mng.); lift up, raise (commonmg.); draw out ofdanger, rescue, deliver, extricate, from (ab.); choose, select; prefer; except; C.: pluck up (weeds); stretch out the hand from a garment= keep bare; take from (one's food, ab.); impose (a tax); sever, separate; remove; exterminate, destroy; bear (a burden), carry on (in.); elevate, stir up, strengthen; further (one's object); offer; prove; gd. uddhritya, excepting; pp. taken out etc.; also = carved (face) out of (a lotus, ab.); elevated etc.; es. unddharaya, cause to be extracted (arrow) by (in.); extricate, rescue, deliver, from (ab.); appropriate; hold up; des. wish to relieve or assist. abhiud, extricate, from (ab.); take out, draw (water); collect (gold); raise up, relieve, further, assist; recover (property). proud, extract, draw (water) from (ab.); rescue, deliver. prati ud, rescue, deliver, from (ab.). vi ud, distribute; extract, from (ab.). sam-ud, take or draw out, extract; from (ab.); pull up, uproot; rescue, deliver, from (ab.); previously deduct (share of a legacy); exterminate, destroy; lift or hold up; pick up (a coin); raise up, strengthen. upa, bring, fetch; offer, present (esp.food); make a present of; draw up (water). nis, take or carry out or away, draw out, extract, from (ab.); take off (a burden); take (parts of deities); export (goods); rid oneself of (sin etc.; ac.); mix up (clothes of one person) with (those of another, in.); destroy; cs. cause (a corpse) to be carried out. vi-nis, take or draw out; take (interest); remove. pari, V.: carry round or about; -V., C.: encircle, encompass; YC.: leave behind; spare (any one); avoid, shun, elude (ord. mag.); spare any one (g.) pain (ac.); keep aloof from, be on one's guard against (ac.); put aside as untenable, rebut, refute. vi-pari, mix up, exchange by mistake (V.). pra, offer (praise, -harmi, 1R.1); move forward, stretch out (V.); put into (lc.; RV.); V., C.: hurl, discharge, throw, at (lc.); throw into the fire (Br., S.); (reach out fist etc. =) strike, assail, deal a blow, at (ac., lc.; rarely d., g.; very rare in V.): pp. struck etc.: n. imps. a blow has been struck, by (in.), at (lc.): prahrite sati, when a blow has been struck; des. wish to deal a blow, at (ac.), with (in.). anu-pra, throw into the fire afterwards. abhi-pra, strike out at (ac.). prati, join in the Saman litany as Pratihartri (Br., S.). vi, V.: put asunder, separate, open; keep apart; distribute (esp. verses); tear in pieces, injure; C.: carry away, remove; extract from (ab.); (take away=) spend (time, ac.); pass time (with, in.), esp. agreeably, enjoy oneself, ramble for pleasure, promenade (ord. mg.); shed (tears). sam, V.: bring together, collect; throw together, mix up; V., C.: put or draw together, contract (limbs); C.: clench (the fist); concentrate (the mind) on (lc.); draw back (a weapon); draw aside (a curtain); withdraw (gaze, senses), from (ab.); lay aside (an assumedform); draw together, tighten (thread); resume (virtue); extract (money etc.), from (ab.); attract (eyes); take for oneself (share), appropriate; withdraw, destroy (opp.,/srig, emit, create; ord. mg.); take away, rob of (also Br.); check, stop, repress (common mg.); withhold (light) from 3 02 380 q hri. 'Wiq-g hesh-as. I ------------ (lc.). upa-sam, put together concisely, summarise; withdraw (a weapon); withhold (shade), from (ic.); check, stop, repress (ord. mg.); withdraw, destroy (opp. create). samupa-sam, pp. checked, stopped. prati-samu, draw back (weapon), draw in (trunk), withdraw (gaze); check, stop, repress; destroy (opp. create). 2. HRI, IX. A^. hrinit6 (B V., rare), be '~wroth, with (d.). [it 3. HRI, be yellow.] %'k' hrid-saya, a. abiding in the heart: w. munih purfissah, the old sage in the heart = the conscience; m. love; god of love: -pidita, pp. tormented with, love, love-sick; -vardhana, a. increasing love; - Avishta, pp. occupied by love. A W!jP4 hrin~lya, A. -te, be wroth (BY.'). I?i~hri-t, a. (-~O) bringing; stealing, robbing; taking away, dispelling, putting an end to. 17~ hrita-dravya, a. robbed of one's property; -vasao, a. bereft of one's garment; -sishta, pp. spared from pillage; -sarvasva, a. bereft of one's all; -skra, a. robbed of the best part. bfT ri-ti, f. taking away, seizure, spoliation., robbery, of (0). War(t hrit-tds, ad. from the heart (BV.'); -padma, n. lotus of the heart; -sphota, m. breaking of the heart, broken heart: -in, ad. of a broken heart (die). lai hri'd, n'. heart (esp. as seat of emotions and mental activities; ord. mg.; V., C.); interior of the body, sp. chest, stomach (V.)" lgjifTv hridam-sdni, a. giving heart to, inspiring (g.) with courage (RV.1). I~~trhrid-ambhoga, n. lotus oftheheart. I~Thri'd-aya, n. heart (also as seat of mental operations); interior of the body (rare); centre (rare); core (==what is best, dearest, or most secret): e kri, take to heart: -kampana, a. causing the heart to quake; -kshobha, sn. agitation of heart; -gata, pp. dwelling in the heart; -grauthi, m. (knot = ) perplexity of heart; -gra~haka, a. convincing the heart; -m-gama, a. touching the heart; -kora, m. stealer of the heart; -kkhid, a. piercing the heart; -gvara, m. anguish of heart; -da'hin, a. burning the heart, causing anguish; -desa, sn. region of the heart;..pramithin, a. agitating the heart; -priya, a. dear to the heart, beloved; -vallabha, rn. beloved of the heart; -vritti, f. disposition of the heart; -vyatha&, f. mental anguish; -vya'dhi, m. disease of heart; -AU1, m. spit ased for roasting the heart of the victim; -samsarga, m. union of hearts; -stha, a. cherished in the heart; -hirin, a. captivating the heart. VI_?TT1 hridaya anuga, a. gratifying the heart (friend, speech); - ivarga~ka, a. winning the heart of (y.); Ihvidh, a. piercing the heart (B V.); - sa, m. lord of the heart, lover, husband.![TB hriday-ya-, a. being in the heart (V.); dear (C.). %141 hridi-saya, a.-sticking in the heart; -stha, a. being in the heart; dear; -spris, a. touching or charming the heart. 1W ks-id-ga, a. reaching to the heart(water); -gata, pp. affecting orcherished in the heart.!K hrid-ya, a. V.: being in the heart, in nerrnost; V., C.: dear to the heart, beloved; C.: savoury (food etc.); pleasant, charming: -ti, f. pleasantness. 71Phrid-roga, m. internaldisease (BY.'); C.: a certain disease; pain of heart. 1E hril-lasa, m. palpitation of heart. Mu HRISH, 1. I~ harsha (BY.), rejoice '\in the prospect of, be impatient for (d.); be glad: P. also in pr. pt.; IV. h2rishya, P. (k) rejoice (ord. mg.); bristle, stand erect (of the hairs of the body, from joy or fear); be thrilled, shudder: pp. hrishta, bristling (hairs of the body); thrilled, shuddering; rigid, stiff (tail etc.); glad, cheerful, frisky (ord. mg.); hrishitA, C.: bristling, erect (hair); fresh, not drooping (flowers, garlands); BY., C.: rejoicing, glad, cheerful; es. harshiya, P. (A. metr.) B 17.: make impatient or inspire for (victory); B V., C.: gladden, delight; C.: be glad, rejoice (rare); cause to bristle (rare): _pp. harshita, gladdened, delighted; caused to bristle (hair); intv. garhrish (V.), be greatly excited; excite greatly. ann, I. (ATV.), IV. (Br., C.), rejoice with any one (ac.). abhi, cs. gladden. ud, I. A. be impatient or eager (V.); flame up briskly (fire, Br.); open (of~flowe'rs, P.): pp. uddhrishita, shivering with (could, in.). pra ud, pp. bristling (hair); shivering. iii, IV. Pr. die away (flame, Br.) pra, rejoice, be glad or cheerful: pp. bristling (hair of the body); delighted, glad; cs. gladden, cheer: pp.' gladdened,delighted. sam-pra,pp.rejoicing, glad. prati, IV. P. (A.metr.) show joy in return for anything. sam, IV. P. be glad, rejoice; be thrilled, shudder: pp. glad, delighted; bristling (hair). prati-sam, rejoice again. 1f~~if~Irhrishita-srag-rago-hiina, pp. having (erect =) fresh garlands and being free from dust. C41'J hrishi-kesa, us. (having his hair erect), ep. of Vishnu-Krishna. 1 TWI hr~'sh-vat, a. joyful (BY.). Ju hrishta-hitta, a. rejoiced at heart; -pushtaaiiga, a. frisky and fat(-bodied); -romau, a. having the hair of the body erect; us. N. of an Asura. hrish-ti, f. joy. he, {i, of address, gnly. before a vocative. ~! h'd-a ~ b1-am. Ex/hid] anger, wrath (of the gods; V.); -as, n. id. (V.). 'J4i hed~vuka, m. horse-dealer. It- he -ti f. (V, C-), m- (C.) [V'hi] missile, weapon (V., C.); Ayni's weapon, flame (C.); shot,, impact (of the bowstring; B V.). h" e-tii, m. [impulse: -,/hi] cause, motive, of (le., — P, rarely d., g.; very rare in V.); C.: reason, argument, proof (in logic =second.part of the five-membered syllogism); means; price (rare); condition, sine quA non (of subsistence); manner (rare); agent of the causative verb (yr.); primary cause (opp. pratyaya, secondary cause: B.); cause of the bondage of the soul, world of sense, nature (among the Pdsupatas); short speech setting forth the requisite conditionsfor the attainment of an end (dr.): in. hetuni, ab. g. hetoh, rarely also d. or lo., for a cause or reason, by reason of, on account of (g., — P); yato hetoh, because; iti hetoh, for this reason; 0' a. having - as a cause, caused, impelled, or attracted by: -ka, (-') a. (I') causing, producing; caused osr produced by; -t&, f. causation; -tva, n. id.; state of being the reason or the primary cause; agency of the causal verb; -mat, a. having a cause, caused; provided with reasons or proofs, wvell-founded; open to argument; -mAitra-ta', f. condition of being a mere means; -mAtra-maya, a. serving only as a means; -rfipaka, n. reasoned metaphor; -vidy&, f. dialectics, logic; -skstra, n. id. 'WWTrk hetuafkshepa, mn. statement of dissatisfaction in spite of the reason adduced (rh.); 4bha'sa, mn. fallacious reason or proof, fallacy. *II~i hema-ka, n. (piece of) gold; -kaksha, us. golden waistband; -kamala, n. golden lotus;..kartri, us. goldsmith; -k ra, mn. id.: -ka, us. id.; -k iitu. gold-peak, N. of a mountain in the northern Biimallayas; -,gini, mn. gold mountain, ep. of Menu; -kandra, a. adorned with a golden moon (car); us. N. of a celebrated Jain scholar, author among numerous other works of two dictionaries (I 2th century); -yata, mn. pl. a kind -of Kirahtas; -dinAra, us. gold denanius. i. he-madn, n. [Vhi] impulse (BY.'). 2*if-. heman, n. gold (ord. mg.); gold piece: pl. gold ornaments. tZ,3. he'man, only lc. heman, in the winter (V.). ~IiIhemantd, m. [cp. hima] winter: -ii rafi, du. winter and spring. ~fFIR hema-pratih-a,f~likeness ofgold; -prabha, us. N. of a fairly; N. of a king of the parrots: &,f. N. of a fairy; -maya, a. (i) golden; -mriga, us. golden deer; -ratnamaya, a. (I') consisting of gold and gems; -ratna-vat, a. containing or consisting of gold and gems; -lata', f. golden creeper; N. of a.princess; -vat, a. adorned with gold; -sriiiga, n. golden horn; -sittra, n. gold (thread =) necklace; - aiika, a. adorned with gold; - aiiga, a. having members or parts consisting of gold; us. ep. of Menu; - akaa, us. gold mountain, ep. of Meru; - nda, n. golden mundane egg; -~Adri, in. gold- mountain, ep. of Menu; N. of an author; - abha, a. looking like gold; - mbuga, ss. golden lotus; - ambhoga, n. id.;:-alasnkAra, qn. golden ornament.!k~he-ya,fp. [V2.hi]to beleft, abandoned, avoided, rejected, or eschewed.!W;R heramba, us. ep. of Ganesa; buffalo. 'tKq heruka, us. ep. of Ganesa; N. H LEL, I. A. hela, act carelessly, beN~have frivolously (E., rare); es. helaya, P. deride, mock (P., rare). "'Whel-ana,n.derision,mocke~ry,disregard. 'WIT hel-ft,f. hind ofunrestrained behaviour of an amorous woman; carelessness, ease: o_- and 'in. helaya', frivolously; with ease, without trouble or more ado (trina-, as easily as If it were a straw): -krishta, pp. drawn in fury; -kakra, us. N.; -riga, us. N. of an author. 'W; helu, us. N. of a village: -grahma, in. id.!Wq hevftka, us. whim, caprice. 'W4Tf1'flFhevahk-in, a. devoted to, absorbed in ( —9): (-)tf. devotion to. fglq ESH, I. P. h6sha, neigh (BY.' C.). Nahhi, neigh at (B~r., B.). WW hesha'-kratu, a. roaring mightily k'W~(h'sli-as, n. wound. !kill hesh-a'. &7 h v 'a.,381 "T hesh-at, f. neigh. 14 heshft-ya, den. A~. neigh (rare). rfqT1 hesh-ita, pp. n. sg. & PI. neigh. 'k haf, V. vc. pci. J haifigula, a. [h~igula] vermilion coloured. %Uq haituka, a. (i') [hetuij caused by, dependent on (.-P); enquiring for the reason, rationalistic, sceptical; m. rationalist,.sceptic. %IT haima, a. i. caused by snow, ice, or frost (hima); covered with snow; 2. composed by Hema(-kandra); m. Hemakandra's dictionary; 3. (i>, made of gold (hema), golden. lgw haiman-6, a. (i) belonging to winter (heman), wintry.. ~IIIhairnant~i, a. (IC) belonging to winter (hemanta), wintry. 14rfiff' hai'mant-ika, a. id. V+Iqc haimavat-6, a. ('3) belonging to, situated or growing on, bred in,,.comning from the Himavat; -3', fi.pat. of the Ganges and ANof Pflrvatl. [Himhlaya. "ITq baima kala, m. snow-mountain, ~~haimi'-blifi, become gold. I"T#AVI haiyam-gavina, n. butter made from the cream [derived from the cow, go] of the previous dlay [hyas],. fresh butter. I M~ hairanya', a. [hiranya] golden; goldbearing (river; B.): -ka, in. goldsmith, hairanya-garbhia, a. belonging etc. to Hiranyagarbhia; m. pat. of Manu; -sV~hpz, a. (i) composed by Hiranyast-ftpa. t-,:W hairamba, a. relating to ileramba(Ganesa); in.. worshipper of Heramba. V-~q hairika, m. spy. ff haihaya, m.N. of a people (p1.); prince of the Haihayas. 10 ho6, ij. usied in calling to a person, ho! ~Ihodha, an r ~~ f. stolen property. ifr'ff ho-tavya,,fp. [v,/s. hu] to be offered or sacrificed; to be sacrificed to. h6-tri, m. [1sacrificer: v/i. huj priest, chief priest (with whom in the oldest Vedic period the Adihvaryic only is associated); in Br. the first of the four chief priests (the term in its widest sense also being employed to embrace these four priests toget~her with all their assistants); in C., sacrificer, of (g.,~; also tri, f., tri, n.): -kamasai, m.. dish of the Hotri or. Hotris (V.); -gapa, in. murmured recitation of the Elotri'; -tvi, n. office of the Hotri; -v~rya, n. (Br.), -vfi2rya, is. (1? -V., S.) election of the Hotri;..veda, in. (Veda =),. ritual of the Hotri; -shiidana, n..seat of the Hotri (V.). 19 ho-trA, n. sacrifice (both the act, and the oftfering; V., rare in C.); sacriflicing,- func — tion of the Hotri (-V.): -ka, m. assistant of the Hotri (in the widest sense also used to include, all the chief priests: Br., S.). lgT-T h6 —trak, f. i, (V.) [V/i.hu] priestly office, sp., function of the Hotrakas: also = the Hotrakas themselves; 2. [Vhftj invocation (V.); also personified: -vid, al. knowing invocation (B17.); -samsin, m. (reciting the part of the Hotraka),,assistant of the Hotri, Hotraka (Br., S.). horiafntrltigtte or r der); N.; -in, a. making a loud noise or din, sacrificer), priestly office (IRV.'); -i'ya, a. be- sotnvr-od:-~.lgtig longing etc. to the Hotri or the Hotrakas (V.)., T'JfNhrfd —ini (or i),f. [rattling] hail (V.). lftjf ho6-ma, m. [v/s.ihu] pouring into the IT hras-a, in. [v'/hras] curtailment, dimi-.fire, oblation, sacrifice (V., C.: not in 1RV.T): nution, decrease; -ana, n. shortening, dimi-karman, n. sacrificial rite; -kila, in. time of nution; -an'ya, fptobdinsh. sacrifice; -turamga, in. sacrificial horse; -dhe- ly p ob iiihd nu, f. cow yielding milk for the sacrifice. Tf3!TiIhrinil-ya, A. be ashamed of any one MiUko'-man, n. i.[v/i. hu] oblation, sacri- (in.): w. na, not be ashamed in the presence fice; 2. [VhO.] utterance (of praise; 1? V.'). of= barcpriowthab) YPT1ho abhna n.sciicaHm RI, III. P. gihreti, be ashamed of any pnegemrnytinta.)pp.hrita,ashamed, plement.embarrassed, bashful; hrina (rare), id.; as. 14 homa-ya, den. P. make an offering, hrepaya, P. make ashamed, cause to blush, sacrifice anything (ac.),. - to (ac.); cause to put to shame (also fig. - surpass); intv. gosacrifice. Lnala, m. id. hriyate, be greatly ashamed. Wfiif~1 homa agni, in. sacrificial fire; - a- 11 hri' f. shame; bashfulness. lftff~ihom-in. a. sacrificing (~-O); I4a a. j~fffq hrita-mukha, a. shame -faced, belonging to or meant for the sacrifice or blushing, bashful. oblation. ~Ifff- hri-ti, f. shame; 'bashfulness. lftV horat, f. [h'pa] hour; half of a sign of % bri-pda, n. cause of shame; -bliaya, the zodiac; horoscope; horoscopy: -sistra, 01 emarased bsh n. horoseopy. n~s. far of-shame; -mat, a. ebrasd ah n. hroscpy.ful; ashamed; -muidha, pp. bewildered with 1YTi hola, m. N.: A, f.. N.ofatn.sme ftW holada, N. of a locality; r~,!f. id. HRU, IX. P. -hirungti: pp. hruta, crookbt autr-a, a. relating to the Hotri; n. 0 ed. vi, cause to deviate, turn aside (boon, function of the Hotri. RV) p. vihruta.crooked, dislocated (RV.). Wtrhaum-ya, a. belonging to the oblation I's rt~.subln-lck(y) or sacrifice (homa). -31,W hre-p-ana, n. (fr. cs. of V/hr'i) shame, HNU, IL. A. (P.- also with prps.) hnute, embarrassment; -aya, cs. of V/hrl. ~btake away, deprive of (very rare). apa, A. P 9HRESH, I. hresha, neigh (rare); cs. refuse, reject (BV.'); disclaim, deny (V., C.); hreshaya, P. cause to neigh (rare). hide, conceal, from (d.; C.); make amends or Thehf,.nigi;-tap.n eg. excuse oneself to (d.; Br.) ni, A. make hrs-,fnegig-iap.n.eg. amends to (d.) for (ac.), apologise for ():HLiD, I. A. h1a'da, be refreshed,. in nit. the term is also applied to. a symbolical '~~rejoice (rare); cs. hif.daya, P. A. react of atonement (Br., 8.); deny (C.); con- fehp.h1dtA.,asid pabre ceal (C.): pp. nihnuta, concealed; kept secret; freshed,. rejoice;. as. revfresh, gladden. represented as someahing different. ati-ni,;~ h~-,mrfehmndlgt aa obstinately deny(onlygd,.). apa-ni, A.deny'.a. (i!h cooidna, m refreshmintg deligh; -aka,a vi-ni, deny: pp. hidden. a.fresing; colng, refreshiengtV; k-vata, a!Urefreshing;dn.yerefreshment;a-ika-.at-),bfW~F~hyd, ad yeteray: tan, a.(i)be- cooling (IBV.1); -in, a. refreshing. longing to yesterday: '2,fJ personal ternmina-. tions of the imperfect. hli'-ka, a. [= hri-ka), ashamed (V.). IT hrad-a', in. sheet of water, pool, lake, g[(~ hvdr-as, si. [crookedness: v/hvri] stV. sea: w. gkitga, water of the Ganges; -in, twisted or plaited wool us the Soma sieve a. abounding in pools (river)~: -i f. river. (B V.); intrigue (Vl.). HRAS, I. hrasa,.grow less or shorter, ~ YJL.P. (A. metr.) hvk1a [later ~\be diminished, decrease; come down from s-omo hri], go crookedly, go astray, (ab.): pp. hrasita, shortened; csh Iirsaya, stumble, fall, fail (V..); cs. hvalaya, P. shake P.. cause to grow less, curtail, diminish.. nis, (C., very rare). vi, stagger, be unsteady: be shortened: pp. nirhrasita,. shortened pp. vihvalita, staggering. (voscel). -W hval-a, a. stumibling, staggering; -ana, 3JfM hrds-ishtha, spy, shortest, smallest; a. id. (hr~s) -'iyas, Cps. shorter,, smaller, less; -TH.,WUt I o hAt(. rr) shreIvse) III. guu (-RV., very rare), VI. huv& hras-va, a. short, little, small; short (T7.),JI. hv~ya, call,sum. won, invoke (V., C.): of stature; low (entrance);. insignificant;. nmna -,call by niame (C.): pp. hu& called, weak (voice); less by (ab.); short (vowel; summoned (V., CKJ); as.-vyaya, P.; des. g in;. short vowel: -ka, a. very short or -guhiisha, P.; intv. g6huv, g6hav, call etc. small; taf shortness (of, statuare); -tva, (. eyrr sP>an alaan ak si.. shortness (of a vowel); -bAhu, a. (f d), or, after (V.). a, Call Upon, invoke, sumshor-ared;in.assmed. o Naa wile mon. (also in legal sense), invite (V., C.; ord. in~the -service of Rituparnal- — aiiga, a. short- mg)cal(fhesmosdrsedbte bodid, sallof satur. Jotri to the Adhvaryu in the form of the \ILD r A, souda1vva or.4hvdna; Br., 8.); A. (P. metr.) WM Hp ^,I. A. hrdsud(very challenge (to fight, compete, or ploy; VF., C.); ni, rae);a. daa P. cause to sound, et(i i rm. call out, repeat (Br., S., C., rare): pp. ahiuni, as. Pd. cause.t soun, beattl (i)thge-d he;.> tas, called upon etc.; challenged; as. cause to nis c&id.(V.y sm, atte (t.)togthe;. be summoned, send for; intv. loudly call as. cause to sound by knocking together; re- upon (R V.). abh i, address the summons soun louly.(,hh~va) to (ac.; V.). paritj, A. pronounce 17 hrad-a, in. sound, noise,. roar (of, thur.- the A-hava before and after (Br.). vi.J, A. 382 hvar-a. I hvri. separate by inserting the Ahava (Br., S.). saam-, call together, assemble; summon; challenge (tofight or play). ud, call forth, elicit (V.). upa, A. (P. rare, C.) call up, summon, invite, to (ac., d., lc.; V., rare in C.); encourage, praise (Br., S., rare). ni, A. call down or in, invoke (V.). pra, in voke (R.); -hvaya, P. is also den. of prahva (C.). vi, A. (V.) call hither and thither, vie in invoking; contend for anything; call away (Br.). sam, call together (V.). 1R hvar-i, m. [winding: v/hvri] serpent (V.). HVRI, I. A. hvara, bend, fall down (YV.); cs. (F.) cause to go crookedly, lead astray, deceive; A. go astray: aor. gihvaras, guhuras: pt. guhurat, guhuran. a, lead astray, bring into distress (RV.). upa, A. go deviously or circuitously. vi, stumble, fall (V.); cs. upset (RV.). ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. adhyw uha. wg~qn pra-kanda. W Uadhi fidla, pp. (V/fh) placed upon (IC.). ml an-upa-skrita,- pp. add blameless afte dsinterested. N~WR anu-praha'ram, ad. with a blow. ffT Yti~ antar-ni-vishta-pada, a. having a footing gained within, having taken possession of his heart (curse).!WiRTi a-vylikshepa, in. absence of distraction, presence of mind. 'qI a-sakuna, n. inauspicious omen. wa kasau-iiaman: delete. Rf'TW1!4 uttara ayana, n. for summer solstice read: commencement of the sun's northward course = winter solstice (in the month Pausha). ' -h~ffrdhva afiguli: correct semicolon to colon after upwards. Zfi q fI vlF1 kara - nivesita, pp. rendered tributary. consisting of the nectar of loveliness. qJr-fFirw. karya-vinimaya for -viniyama. CDI TfWrTq katli-datsa: delete' lived in the 6th century A. D.': the most recent research having rendered the date of the poet quite uncertain. kuvinda, m. read weaverfor wearer. T&J kftta-yuddha, read n. for m. 'QIfFW'kITT granthi-samana, n. (bringing a garment to an end with a knot =) moneyknot. if~ WTfTi dakshina yana, n. add: commencement of the sun's southward course = summer solstice (in the month Ashcddha). ~f iTdharma - vahikft, f. vehicle of religious merit = account-book of charitable gifts. VV- ne-tr', f. (of netrf) leader or guide of (g., -9J?iq?I, ne-shat, 3 sg. aor. subj. of v'nii. ~r~r~tffiirnyftya~ropita-vikrama, a. from whom powerful assistance might justly be expected. 1W' pakshd, m. after partisans add; family, race. RV ' pafaka-pftra, m. great quantity of mud, deep mud. tIt~paiika-padil, f. add - na d'iyate, does not accompany him even five steps. 1g ffi9t padma —nidhi, in. add treasure having the value of a Padma 100 o,000,000 pieces of money. T9147f paral-yat-i', f~prpt. (,v i) gone by, departed (dawn; BE.). 31 ~it pra-kirtana, n. proclaiming, anlnouncing: i, f. mention; -kirti, f. celebration, praise; -kirtita, p~p. proclaimed, declared; -kufika, m. a measure of capacity (about a handful); -krita, pp. Vkri: -tva, n. state of being in question. 3Jif'ff pra-kritijf (putting before, what is presupposed), original or natural form or condition; primitive form Q6pp. derivative,. vikriti); nature, constitution, disposition, temper; fundamental form, pattern, standard, rule (sp. in ritual); nature (op~p. sspirit; ph.): pl.: material elements (rare); primary constituents of nature (from which all else is evolved: there are eight, av~akta, mahat, ahamkhra, and the five elements; ph.); constituent elements of the state (in politics; there are seven: king, minister, fortress, territory or subjects, treasure, army, and ally); kings primarily (of these there are four) and secondarily (of these there are eight) concerned in a war (each of these 12 having five prckritis in the form of minister, territory, fortress, treasure, army); constituent elemnents of a king's oscn state (exclusive of himself); ministers; subj ects, citizens; sg. root, base (gr.): '~ or in. by nature, originally, properly; in the original state, unchanged: -ka, a. (-O) id.; -kripana, a. naturally feeble in discriminating between (lc.).; -ga, a. innate; -purusha, m. n ature and spirit (dv.); minister; -bha'va, in. original or unmodified state; -mandala, n. whole circle of subjects, entire territory; -mat, a. having or being in the original, natural, or usual condition or form; -sampanna, p~p. endowed with a noble nature; -subhaga, a. naturally beautiful; -stha, a. being, in the natural state or condition, natural, genuine, normal; healthy; being in good circumstances. ITL pra-krishta, pp. (V/krish) extended, long (road); distinguished: -tva, n. excellence. q~pra-keta', m. (V.) perception, intelligence, understanding; knower. 31#ttli prd-kopa, m. raging (of war, disease); turbulence, tumult, insurrection; anger, rage (ord. mg.): -m, kri, be angry with (g.); -kopana (or nab, a. (i) exciting, arousing e0-); n. irritation; provoking, exasperating; -kopita, es. pp. (Vkup) provoked, enraged; -koshtha, m. fore-arm (ord. mg.); space near the gate of a palace; court of a palace (Pr.). W~~pra-kramd, in. stride (Br., S.); C.: beginning (also S.); proportion, measure; right sequence of words, grammatical construction; -kramana, n. striding forward; advancing towards (-O); going forth; -krama-bhaiiga, m. violation of grammatical construction; -krinta, pp,. V8kram; n. setting out, departure: -tva, n. state of being meant; -kriya", f. procedu re, method, manner; ceremony; formality; privilege, prerogative, precedence, high position (ord. ing.); insignia of high rank; characterisation; chapter; -kridi, m. sport; play-ground; -kridin, a. playing, gambolling (1117.1). TfJg PRAK-SH = TMW PRAKH, only -prikshase with 'a, greet (RV.'). -4I11Tpra-kshapana,n. destruction; -kshaya, m. id., ruin, end; -ksharana, n. flowing; -kshilaka, a. washincg; in. washer; -kshilana, a. performing frequent ablutions; n. washing, - off, cleansing, purifying; water for wasbing; means of purifying; -kshina, pp. Vkshi; -kshepa, mn. cast, throw; throwing or scattering upon; setting down (of the.feet, phda-, pl. =steps); interpolation; sum deposited by each member of a commercial com~pany; -kshepana, n. sprinkling or pouring upon; throwing into, - upon (-O0); fixing (of a price, — 0); -kshepin, a. throwing or placing upon ( —0); -ksheptavya, fp. to be thrown into (lc.); - thrown or scattered on (lc.); -kshepya,fp. to be put on (ornament). WIK pra-khara, a. very hard; -khala, m. great rogue; -khyi, a. [,,khyfi] visible; clear, bright: A,f. appearance: only -- a. a, having the appearance of, resembling, like; lustre, beauty: only -0- a. a, bright or beautifu as kyta pp. (Vkhyh) famous etc.; -khyati, f. perceptibility; -khya'pana, n. cs. (-'O) making known, announcement of(O) -khyai, d. inf. -Vkhvy& (111.). TPT[ pra-gama, mn. first advance of love in courtship; -gardhin, a. hastening onwards (RV.); -galbha, i. den. IK be courageous or resolute; be capable of (lc.), be able to (inf.); 2. a. bold, intrepid, resolute, confident; mature (age): -ku1i1a, m. dexterous potter, -ta^, f, boldness, confidence; -g~thk, mn. hind of stanza (combination of a Brihati or Kakubh with a Satobrihati so as to form three verses); N. of a Rishi; -guna, a. right, correct (road); being in good order, efficient; excellent; -gunaya, den. P. put in order; manifest, show: pp. ita, put in order, properly arranged; -guna-rakana',f. putting in proper order; -gunin, a. kind towards (1c.); -gunl-kri, put into proper order, arrange; render amenable to (lc.); -grihIta-pada, a. having the words pronounced separately (i. e. without Sandhi); -grihya, fp. (to be) pronrounced separately, not liable to the rules of Sandhi- (vowel). 3T[pra-ge, lc. ad. [in the foregoing time] early in the morning: -tana, a. matutinal. WPg pra-graha, m. holding forth, stretching out; grasping, seizing; seizure of the sun or moon, beginning of an eclipse; kindness; obstinacy (rare); rein, bridle (ord. mg.); leader, guide; companion, satellite; -grahana, in. leader, guide (only -o a. =led by); is. grasping, seizing; commencement of an eclipse; -gaham, abs. keeping the words separate (i.e. not combining them according to therules of Sandhii; Br.); -gr'Va,Mi. n.() railing or fence enclosing a house. TM pra-ghana, in. [ Vhan] space outside the door of a house; -gharsha, mn. friction; -gana, in. = -ghana; -ghosha, ms. sound, noise. WWETM, pra-kanda, a. very violent or impetuous; very powerful (heat); very fierce, 384 RWM pra-kat-a. Rt:1wTaq R sadyah-prakshalaka. furious, of terrific; ma. N. of a Ddnava: -tari-bhu, grow more fierce; -varman, m. N. of a king. IT:W pra-kat-a, in. ad. [ /katJ with secrecy, secretly (R.1). T:iT4 pra-kaya, m. [v/ki] picking, gathering; accumulation, collection, quantity, multitude; -kayana, n. collecting; -kaya-svara, m. accumulated tone (i.e. tone occurring in a series of syllables), tone of the unaccented syllables following a Svarita; -karana, n. setting to work: i,f. kind of supplementary wooden ladle (it.); -karani'ya,fp. being in actual use (Br., S.); -karitavya,fp. n. imps. one should set to work; -kala, a. moving, tremulous, shaking; -kalana, n. trembling,swaying; fleeing; -kalayita, (den.pp.) n. nodding while asleep (asina-, - in a sitting posture); -kalita, pp. set out, departed, etc.; -kara, m. walking about, ranging; going in pursuit of (-~); showing oneself, manifestation, appearance; application, employment; currency; conduct, behaviour; pasture ground; exercising ground; -kgrana, n. scattering; -karin, a. going about; attaching oneself to (Ic., -~); acting, behaving; -kita, pp. /ki; pronounced with the Prakaya tone; -kura, a. abundant, ample, much, many, frequent; -~, abounding in, replete with: -gahana, a. having abundance of impervious passages, -tva, n. abundance of(-~), -ratna-dhana igama, a. having a large income of gems and money; -kuri-bhu, grow in extent; -kritta-sikha, a. having loosened braids or flowing hair; (a)-ketas, a. heedful, intelligent, wise (V.); m. (C.) ep. of Varuna; N.; -kodana, n. instigation, incitement; command; -kodin, a. driving before one (-0). 1TI pra-kkhada, m. coverlet, bed-cover; -kkhanna, pp. (/khad) hidden, secreted, disguised, etc.; -kkhadaka, a. covering, concealing (-~); m. song, accompanied by the lute, of a woman deserted by her husband, and containing a veiled reference to her forlorn state; -kkhiadana, a. covering, concealing (-~); n. concealment; -kkhiadya, fp. to be concealed; -klchaya, n. (?) shady place, shade; -kkh.ta, pp. v/kha. T ';'lq pra-kyavana, n. withdrawal, departure; loss o? (ab.); -kyuta, pp. (/kyu) fallen, degraded,b nished, etc.; -kyuti,f. departure, withdrawal; loss of (ab.); abandonment of (-~): samyaavasthanat -, loss of equilibrium. W1jR pra-bhfigd: line 8, for -(a)-bhartri read (a)-bhartri. RTfEWi pra-vidvas: read pra-vidvas. BARH: it would have been more consistent to give this root in the form of j BRMH. "Ti(r[ yagna artham: occurs out of its alphabetical order in column 2 instead of column 3, p. 238. fT:'I:TRqi sadyah-prakshalaka, a. washing the grain at once (i.e. not storing it up, gathering food only for the day).