36TH CONGRESS, I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I Ex. Doc. 2d Session. No. 63. ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, SOUTH PASS, AND HONEY LAKE WAGON ROAD. LETTER FROM THE ACTING SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, TRANSMITTING A communication from Colonel ILander in regard to the Fort Kearney, South Pass and Hi:oney Lalce wagon road. FEBRUARY 11, 1861.-Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, February 11, 1861. SIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith, for the consideration of Congress, a communication from F. W. Lander, superintendent of the Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake wagon road, and several petitions, numerously signed by emigrants, in reference to the construction of a bridge across Green river and some of the smaller streams in that vicinity and along said road. There will remain about $10,000 balance of the appropriation of the above road applicable to this object; and I would respectfully call the attention of Congress to this work as being of great importance to the overland emigration, and recommend that the additional sum of $15,000 be appropriated to accomplish it. I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, MOSES KELLY, Acting Secretary. Hon. WM. PENNINGTON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. 2 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. WASHINGTON, January 5, 1861. SIR: The subject of the construction of a bridge across Green river has been repeatedly referred to in my reports of previous years. In that of 1859 I related the fact of my stationing a party of men at that river, equipped with ropes and excellent mule teams, by the aid of which the emigrants crossed it without much difficulty, although some property was lost by them and one individual drowned. At that time the emigrants drew up two petitions asking that this river might be bridged, which, bearing several thousand signatures, in fact, the names of all the male individuals of their trains, were brought by me to Washington and referred to your department. Last summer, while constructing the western division, I again met the emigration, and learned from it that, from the changes of the river bars, the ford had become nearly impracticable. The emigrants argue, with much force, that after leaving the old road at South Pass they make several days' journey before reaching Green river. They have then either to attempt its passage, at much risk of property and life, or return to the ferry of the old road by an additional travel of two hundred miles. The force of the current over the sand bars at the new crossing is such as to preclude the establishment of a ferry. The News Fork is another very dangerous and difficult crossing on the new road, as well as Smith's Fork of Bear river. If you should decide to expend the balance of the appropriation in the construction of a bridge at Green river, it would be expedient to add the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to the amount remaining of the appropriation and bridge the river below its junction with the News Fork. This sum would also enable a party, once equipped and in the field, to bridge the Smith's Fork of Bear river. Your instructions of previous years have been so explicit on the subject of not erecting costly bridges, that I could not do more than lay these facts before you in my yearly reports. The view you have hitherto taken, that the bridges would be destroyed by the mountain traders owning ferries on the old roads, is undoubtedly a correct one; but if the important crossing of Green river is to be bridged, the expedition might be directed to erect there a common block-house and blacksmith's fobrge, and furnish them rent free to any reliable mountaineer of former expeditions. There are several individuals who, if thus provided for, would be glad to remain at the bridge and keep it in order for travel. I cannot apprehend the destruction of a properly constructed bridge by fire. INDIANS. It would be highly expedient to furnish the building party with at least one thousand dollars ($1,000) worth of Indian goods, to procure the further good behavior of the Washikee band of Snake Indians. The well known probity of Washikee would render any agreement made with him for the protection of the bridge a perfectly safe one. Should you direct the expedition to then pass on towards California, ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 3 which, regarding the sale of stock, would be the most economical course, I have the honor to again most urgently refer to my late report to the honorable Commissioner of Indian Affairs, detailing the causes and circumstances of the late Pah-Ute Indian war. By a conditional armistice concluded by me with the leading war chief of this tribe, hostilities were suspended by both the Indians and the emigrants an-d border whites for the space of one year. But, on the part of the Indians, it was with the express condition that I should lay the statement of the chief before the authorities at Washington, and use my best endeavors to procure some recognition of the claims of the tribe by government. It will be impossible to again pass the unprotected emigration through this tribe, as I was enabled to do last summer, unless steps are taken to prove to the Indians the disposition of the government to notice their complaints. I have every reason to know that the PahUtes have, until very recently, been in league with the Shoshocos, and if I had possessed the authority to visit the latter as well as the PahUte chief, that the massacre of emigrants, referred to in my report as having taken place near Salmon Falls, might have been prevented. While the Shoshocos held the upper road to Oregon, the Pah-Utes had assembled in large numbers along that to California, and were concentrating to attack the trains when the armistice was made. Referring to my Indian report for further information, I would respectfully suggest that, if the expedition be ordered to California, such a portion of the Indian funds as you may deem expedient may be placed at the disposal of the officer in charge, that he may visit the Pah-Utes and lay before them your views on the subject of their application Without wishing to intrude upon the province of the regular agent of this tribe, I have simply to say that, being thoroughly acquainted with their northern haunts and the points at which they usually assail emigrants, I should consider it a most cheerful duty to again visit them, and prevent their attacking trains. Should you instruct me to do so, I have no doubt of being able to prevail on the principal chiefs to accompany me to Washington and execute a treaty here. They desire to sell the lands now occupied by whites, or adjacent to the settlements, and thus create a fund out of which they can be taught to farm. If these or other steps are taken I have reason to believe that the passage of the Pah-Ute Indian country will be practicable to emigrants, and that the war of western Utah will not be reopened by those savages at the close of the stipulated year. The California road between Fort Hall and Tutt's Meadows on the Humboldt should either be protected by mounted rangers or by cavalry, directed to keep the field from June 15 to the middle of September. This line of country is occupied by the Shoshocos or Western Snakes and Pannacks, during the passage of the emigrants, and the late trains are invariably attacked. The band of Snakes which frequents Salmon Falls on the Oregon road, during the fishing season, have numerous trails crossing the cation country which divides Snake river 4 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. from the Humboldt, and direct their aggressions towards either road as opportunities ofer. No engagements made with these Indians can be regarded reliable until they are thoroughly chastised. If the regular troops are not directed by the War Department to keep the field until all the trains have reached the Pah-Ute line, there will be no safety for emigrants while passing through the Snake country. If it should be incompatible with your views to carry out so extensive a programme as is herewith submitted, or if Congress should fail to pass the additional appropriation, I have the honor to suggest that the balance of the funds now on hand be applied to the bridging of Green river, by a contract with some responsible party who will give bonds to keep the structure in repair, by being permitted to charge a low rate of toll, say one-tenth part of the price per wagon now paid by emigrants at the ferries of the old road. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, F. W. LANDER, Superintendent. Hon. JACOB THOMPSON, Secretary of the interior. We, the undersigned, emigrants to California and Oregon, having just passed with our wagons and stock over the new government road from the South Pass to Fort Hall, (called Lander's Cut-Off,) do hereby state that the road is abundantly furnished with good grass, water, and fuel; there is no alkali and no desert, as upon the old road, and while upon it our stock improved and rapidly recovered from sickness and lameness. We were much surprised at the great amount of labor that had been done in cutting out the timber and bridging and grading the road, and in all respects it more than met our expectations, especially those of us who have heretofore travelled the other routes. But we would most respectfully suggest that a bridge should be erected, as soon as possible, over Green river, the fording of which is dangerous and the cause of much trouble to the emigration, and in one instance the loss of life. We have been treated kindly and, in every case where the circumstances required it, aided and assisted on our way by the wagon road expedition, and we have likewise received the kindest treatment from the Indians, and we advise the overland emigration to California and Oregon to take this road, as the shortest and best adapted for the comforts of the traveller and the preservation of stock, especially if the government, in view of the many advantages of this route, should cause Green river to be bridged. ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 5 Statement of emigrants to California and Oregon. 0 0 0 e ers c.. W Names and residence. I.. 5, z z z P Ferguson Chappell, Cedar county, Iowa.~. 1 4 8 ------- S. H. Boardman, Connecticut-....... 1 3 4 -------- J. M. Dewey, Wisconsin.................. 1 3 6 Oregon...... William Steel, Wisconsin.. —-— 1 —- ------- James M. Torrence, Iowa.................. 3 30 Oregon ----- Thomas Wilson, Ilios -.. —. 1 5 4 - --- do ---- I J l ~ o....... Q~~~~~.... R. H. Anderson, Missouri.................. 12 41 240 California Hiram Buell, Illinois..................... 8 22 24 - do - Joseph Woodward.9 40 115.-.-do...- William Fowler, Michigan............. 2 13 10 - -- do. W.M. Orclt............................. 3 9 William Jacobs, Morris, Illinois_..o... 1 2 2.. Fayette Lincoln, Cook county, Illinois.. 3 11 11 California - J.R. & J. B. Adamns...................... 3 10 14.do ---- A. D. Gillson, Michigan -..-...... 2 11 8 - — do ---- Daniel Hire...... 4 4 20 —...do -------- James Ferguson, New York............... 2 10 37. —.do -. —---- John P. Higgins, Illinois.. -.. 1 5 8 -..do ------ Henry Robinson, Iis3 4-Illinois. 1 3 4 - -.- do -------- J. Holfreld, New York.................... 1 8 4 - —.do --- William D. Mcllroy, Iowa................. 14209 Oregon —K. D. Todd, Iowa..... 1 4 7 —...do ---- Frederick Burhoff, Wisconsin.............. 2 4 12 California W. G. Brown, Wisconsin.8 30 48 - —..do... Philip Hyde, Iowa.. —.......1 4 4....do-. —-- Jas. A. Archer, Iowa....... Stephen Rily, Iowa -. - ---._ 1 3 6 California.. A. M. Gaylard, Missouri................... 5 22 43.-..do --- Peter Large, Illinois...................... 3 14 11 -- - do.... William Black, Illinois.............. 1 4 9 _ -. do... J. S. Perkins, Minnesota................... 2 4 8 - — do ---- A. Garrison, Iowa....... 4 4 18 -..-.do ---- I. A. Cardwell, Nebraska Territory......... 13 63 150....-do.... Dr. J. Goyer, Rock Island, Illinois........ 6 19 32 -—.do Robert Steer, Otsego, New York-.......... 3 17 19 --- do S. H. C. Mason, Madison, New York........ 1 6 1 6 — do C. F. Kauffman, Oregon................... 3 15 35 Oregon ---- S. C. Jolly, Illinois.. --...._ 1 1 1 32 California G. C. Ledyard, Illinois............... 1 4 17....do. J. S. Patterson, California.. _........... 1 6 66 --- ddo E. Crain, Missouri..-................... 1 4 17 _ -.do...o F. H. Hathaway, Illinois.................. 1 7 6 - -- do.... J. M. Coalter, iowa....... 6 4 Oregon.. R. E. Wood, Wisconsin....1 5 10 California. J. F. Lyon, Wisconsin..... -.... 2 6 12......do --- D. Vandehoof, Wisconsin-........ 1 4. 6 --—. do J. Brown, Wisconsin_.... 4 5 14. — do --- William H. Sockrider..................... 2 4 17 Oregon --- A. J. Ball, Wisconsin...................... 4 16 33 California. J. F. Wood, Wisconsin - -........ 6 23 54.Oregon —-- S. Maxson, Wisconsin....-...............1 2 5 _g -do.T. B. Borst, Iowa......................... 3 I 17 California.. 6 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. STATEMENT —Continued. m n o~~~~~~o to a - a o a 0 t 4a Names and residence. 0 0,0~~~ z z ~z William Coad, Illinois.................... 4 16 22 California. Seth Ferrel, Iowa................... 1 2 4 Oregon. — Brethnel Ferrel, Iowa. 1 3 2 California Caleb Witt, Tennessee.................... 2 5 2 — do ---- Jas. Witt, Tennessee...................... 1 2 4 --.do ---- M. R. Renshaw, Iowa...................... 1 4 5 --...do.... William Coad, Iowa.................. 1 3 7 - do J. D. Hanscom, Michigan. 3 9 14 Oregon --- Thomas Yunsal, Michigan-. 1 2 11 ---- do -- -- Seymour Carr, Iowa...................... 1 3 13 California. George W. Newsom......................-. 14 53 103 Oregon ---- L. W. Dickey, Iowa -......1 4 5 California -.. George Thaner, Iowa.................... 2 4 11 Oregon Bidwell Coons, Ohio............... 5 14 26 California. J. G. Smith, Missouri -- 4 6.... 4 6 - d........do. N. B. Rine, Missouri.................... 2 5 6 --- do.... C. W. B.,.Ohio- - -.-.. - 1 2 7.......do. Thomas Gunn, Missouri................... 10 52 370 —.- do --- A. J. Gallaway.......16.. —-d-........ 16...do William T. Ramsey, Augusta, Illinois_. 2 7 16 ---..do. S. Ramsey, Augusta, Illinois.. -. —-—. 2 3 21..do.... Theodore T. Ramsey, Augusta, Illinois..- - - - - Cawsun M. Rarnham, Wisconsin. 1 4 i Oregon ---- William E. Hoxie, Illinois. -- Charles Caldwell, Illinois.__, With W.T.-.. —------- --- - - - ---- J. C. Rhoads, Illinois.. [ Ramsey. ---- --- Charles King, Illinois...... J S. M. Worthington, Kansas Territory....... 3 4 5 California. Napoleon P. Byrne, Missouri.............. 7 23 225 --. —do -- -- Wheeler Elgin 3 18 474 _.-do -- -- William Rice, Independence, Missouri. — - 8 37 879 ---- do. David Cumrmins-..........1 3 25 ---..do.... Daniel Powell, Illinois-. ——.. —-. —- 1 3 10 Oregon. J. Adams, captain, Lagrange county, Indiana company..... 4 12 43 California. P. H. Poindexter, California............... 8 30 300 —. do..... Stephen O. Gray, Michigan. -..-... Charles H. Conklin, Michigan............. 1 2 California. G. W. Winder........................... 1 7 16 H. Tuel, Iowa.- —. —, 1 4 21 California. S. Gilliland, Wisconsin. - 1 2 3 ---- do.. O. B. Nellis, Michigan- -91.-..... -2 9 14...d - Levi R Geer.-....1 3 5 -....do. —James McClosky, Michigan................ 1 4 4 --- do Bela Rathbun............................ 9 42 56 Oregon... S. P. Jallen.............................. 1 4 4. F. M. Rice, Iowa. —..5 21 320 California-.. A. Vangieseln, Canada West -..... -.... 3 12 16 --- -.do.. Sobieski Brown, Canada West.............. 3 9 17 ---.do Elmore J. Ferguson, Illinois............... 3 5 7 -.do. —Job Huff, Nebraska Territory...... 1 3 2 -—......do. T. Wallingbock.....-.. 1. 7 --— do.... ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 7 STATEMENT-Continued. o I0' 4-4 4-( Names and residence. 0 I z z z Isaac Walker, Iowa. 1 4 7 California Richard Gant-_ Sam T. Welch....3 12 85 California --- C. B. Welch... 4 11 29.......do.. William Haskin.. -.. 2 4 6 -.-..do ----- E. Griffith, Iowa.. 2 5 8 _- do.... A. IH. Whitcomb, Illinois..... 2 6 7 -— do Edwin Pett, Illinois....................... 1 3 2 --—..do ---- J. Camton, Illinois.....1 2 4 8 --- do -- -- W. Townsend, Illinois.................... 1 2 4 _.. —do.... IH. Whipple, Michigan.. 1 2 11. —-do ---- E. W. Mahoney, Iowa............... 2 4 6 — do.... H. Thompson, Illinois................ 1 2 4 ---- do ---- W. Thompson, Illinois......... 3 5 14. —-- do ------ WVilliam A. Allard, Illinois..-_-___.. 1 4 4 — d - - do -. M. J. Sampson, Illinois... 2... 11 8 - do O. F'. Sampson, Illinois..- - - - Joseph Cheasebro, Illinois...............1 2 2 OregonSherman Hatch, Illinois........... 3 5 15 California. C. D. Needham, Illinois. —-......... do ---- Stanley Willey, Iowa..-.- 1 4 8 -— do. John Hoy, Ohio......................... 1 4 16 --— do ---- John Wells, Iowa __ -...........4 14 40 - -- do ------ George W. Harvey, Ohio... _..._..do.... Franklin Connelly, Iowa -.d...... —---— do Andrew Tash, Iowa....... —-. —-do --- Bedy Akers, Iowa -. - - - -...........do. Thomas Ralston, Iowa......... — -. F. Noble, Iowa —...___. —.. California --- Jonathan Boyce, Iowa.................... 3 14 38...do ---- William C. Humphrey, Illinois............ 2 7 15 ---.do --- J. W. Wilson. -............ William E. Harper-....................... 1 2 5 California --- J. T. Vaughan,l owa.....1 8 —.do- - M. A. Babcook, Iowa..................... 2 7 19 - James A. Smith, Iowa.................... 1 6 11 California A. Babcook, Iowa........................ 1 4 16 -- do -- — o -- E. Babcook, Iowa.. -....- - -....... 1 31 ---.do --- J. F. Knowles, Iowa......................-........ — 6 11 J. W. Babcook, Iowa..................... 2 7 47 California - George Urie, Iowa 3 Oregon.. - — 3-Oregon. W. Babcook............................. 2 12 26 -...doC. A. Daniels, Michigan................. 1 7 9 -- Jesse Perkins, Michigan -2 7 15 Oregon. Salem Longeon.. 1 3 7 --------- J. McGinnis 1 5 1 ---------- ---- Peter Saling................... 3 7 49 Oregon ---- Thomas McKee, Michigan-............. 1 4 4 - do - Wm. C. LaDow, Iowa.... -1 1 1 California --- O. W. Kelley, Iowa- -2 3 _-....do.... S. W. Fero, Iowa.1 2.. —.-........... Thomas Nuttle2-...........2 4 I- - 8 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. STATEMENT-Continued. w 0 o 0 Zi 0 Names and residence. t o o 0o 4-4 4_4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~0.0ry 0 0 0 z S z - z~ Thomas Brady.....1.2 4-.... E. P. Wirts.-... 5 8 CaliforniaA. Ashworth, Michigan....1.- -—....do -------- J. L. Davies - D. H:. Carpenter, Iowa. - California. John R. 4dMcClure1 4" 4....do - John L. Davis............................ 3 10 36....do. Robert Hastie............................ 4 7 23 --.. P. Farlie. —.1...... 4 40 -....do.... William Moore, Virginia._........._.. 4 10 34 Oregon.... T. P. Denney............................ 4 10 65 -....do ----- F. S. Turner.................. 1 2 2 -—....do.... A. T. Shreeves3... -- 3 13 17 -...do ---- G. Hutchinson, Iowa....1 4 5 —.... do William W. MlcHenry, Iowa........ -.2 -...doM. Welch, Ohio. -............. 2 9 17.-.do. D. Houck, Ohio... —— 1_...... -------- E. N. Dunbar, Indiana................... 1 4 7 California. H. M. Kingsbury, Ohio... -.......2 11 13 --...do. Edwin Houghton........................ 2 8 17 -do.... O. S. Coddington, Indiana - - - 3 0. M. Jackman... — 2...................... 7 13 California. D. J. Houghton, Ohio... F. Bellup, Ohio.......................... 13 22 78 California John Price, Ohio...3 7 19 -—.do.... D. Best, Ohio3 -...... —-do..1 3 11....do. D. Yerby, Iowa.-....-. 1 4 13 Oregon.... H. Billups, Iowa 4.. 9 17 -. —.do....... E. Hemingway, Virginia- - -,~,,11 19 49 California. Thomas J. Bunker, Virginia -... —. 1 2 —.-.do. E. C. Lindsey, Oregon...- - -..... 1 2 13 —.do Abram Lindsay, Ohio-.- - -...... 3 7 19 --..do.... Thomas Lindsay, Ohio... 1 4 11 -- ------- W. C. Adams, Ohio-1 1 7 California. L. Stockman, Ohio. -- 1 3 Oregon..... Joseph M. Bock.. —. H. IHI. Hill, Wisconsin -.............. 1 2 9 California. S. F. Ledyard, Missouri 2 7 19 -- - J. W. Burnell, Maine -.....1 1 - Marshel Murray, Illinois 2 9 17 James Cheney, llinoisrg7 11 34.Oregon.. — Thomas Sulivan, Illinois1.......... 3 11.-.-do.... James Larninger, Michigan - - - ----— 1 1 William Reynolds, Indiana....... 9 13 47 California M. Alberron, Indiana3 11 23 — do. —-- S. Preston, Missouri........ 3 -.. 7 17...do- - John Moore, Missouri........ 1 1 E. Phelps, Missouri..... 13 22 117 Oregon.. ----- J. Leinenger, Missouri.................... 4 13 79 -—.do B. Doty. --—.............. 1 3 California R. S. Wilkin, Indiana - —........... 7 19 85 _-..do... C. Burget, Indiana -......- 1 3 17 Oregon ---- J. E. Carrol 1 4 California. ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. STATEMENT-Continued. ii 0 0 g bn Ca Names and residence. 0 0 z z z J. S. Waldridge, Illinois.................. 1 4 4 California D. E. Knight, Illinois -- 2 9 11 ---- do. W. Brown, Illinois.. 4 8 18 Oregon. A. F. Wells, Michigan_........_ 1 3 5 John Rice.. ——.... California.. Thomas Lewis, Indiana.- 1 2 3...... E S. McClellan, Michigan...... 1 1. ——.do.... Ambers Thornburgh.......1 9 Oregon. John Phelan, Iowa....... 3 11 13.-.do.... Emmor Ramsey A. J. Clark, Indiana......California C. Carson.........1 17 49 Oregon. -- D. R. Bittinger, Michigan-.......... 2 7 99 —James Stone, Ohio. 1 5 7 California J. Warley, Ohio.......................... 2 7 17 --— do S. W. Puffingher, Indiana.......... 7 9 29 Oregon.... Wm. Bradford, Wilmington, Del..... 1 3 California -.. George Robinson, Iowa........13 37. - -.do.... Peter Helbey, Virginia —-..... Amos Barnhart........................... 7 14 39 California S. C. Burns, Virginia..................1 1 B. Manning, Ohio..... -...11 17 48 California John Woods, Ohio...... H. Herman, Iowa....................... 2 5 13 California. F. M. Jolly, Iowa...................... 1 6 48 I... —do.... F. M. Mounts, Iowa........... 1 5 11 Oregon.... J. E. Moore, Iowa..-1.. 4 17 --— do E. G. Banks, Michigan............- 3 11 43 -...do — Henry Burket, Ohio -- 13 19 91 California. N. Piles, Ohio2.- - 2 9 18 -....do... George Bradfield, Ohio............. 9 18 89 --- do. F. M. Lewis, Indiana 7 /.... -1 7 T. F. Ryan, Indiana- —. 19 31 211 Oregon David Carter, Indiana -Ore-do.... David Enos....1 1 California 1 Wm. Moore, Ohio. - - 11 17 129 Oregon... Daniel Claton. -.. John M. Bryan, Ohio...................'2 11 39. J. T. Hartman, Virginia -7 19 229 California William Burgett.. A. F. Core............................ 2 11- - California E. R. Wright, Iowa..2 8 23....do —Edwin G. Wood —........ -.E. E. Davies, Iowa............7 19 47 California John Marshall - -.... Frank Demask..h --- 1.' I 2 Oregon'... George Wood, Ohio.2....... 8 17 - —.do --- - Lanis Darling, Ohio........ 13 32 273.. —.do.... O. olsan, Oregon.............. 1 5 12.....do. Geo. Klingaman.1 3 --- Thomas McVay, Oregon —............ 7 19 123 ----.do. —-- Warren Dunham, Ohio -............. 2 13 27 California 10 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. STATEMENT -Continued. 0 0 2e 0 Names and residence. o 4 o ~ S Q z z z X Alexander Glen, Indiana.................. 1 5 23 California. J. L. C. Sherwin, California............ 5 14 32 Oregon Winm. Adle, Illinois...................... 2 6 15 —..do John Walling, Illinois.................... 1 7 19....do Franklin Shores, Illinois.................. 3 11 39 California Samuel W. Empey, Michigan.7............. 19 73 Charles Helm, Wisconsin........ 3 11 24 California John F. Bush, Wisconsin................. 1 3 11 James N. Anderson, Missouri......... 13 23 83 Oregon Ira A. Garrison, Wisconsin........ -— do E. Fifield, Maine...1.... 7 California J. L. Thompson, Wisconsin...7 19 41 - - - -doG. W. Brown, Wisconsin....... 1.1 3 9 C....do —David Brown, Wisconsin...... 1 3 -- do Lewis S. Kelsey, Missouri................. 19 29 108 Oregon. — John Beadle, Iowa...................... - 1 1 California Park Winans, Illinois........... 1 2 3 - do Geo. W. Grimes, Iowa....2 9 11 - - do --- Emanuel Brannan...7 --- do. Frederick Morrisson, Missouri............. 1 3 Claiborne Vaughan, Indiana.............. 1 3 11 Oregon - S. F. Lewis, Indiana.. —- 2 7 8 --- do -. J. H. Claughton, Missouri................. 4 10 California W. B. Wooldridge, K. T....... 1 9 15 Oregon -- George Peck, Minnesota,.....-.... 1 5 8 California John Fr. Adler --- -------- 7 14 98 _-doSamuel Allen - -. 1 3 6......do E. A. Hall —----- ------------ ---- 1 Albert Allen,-. — - 1 3 7 California Reuben Allen, Minnesota. ------ 4 5 -- do S. S. C. Spencer, Minnesota- 4 11 61 -— do F. Kingman, Illinois -- ------ 1 6 11 - do Charles Kingman, Illinois- 3 9 49.. Daniel A. Ellis, Illinois —-- 1 4 8 Oregon Wim. Albaugh, Iowa 1 4 8. do - Jacob Gauntz, Iowa 1 4 6 California James Rmluyanlifoa —- 3 7 19... W. L. Mathews, Iowa 1 2 California. a Jas. H. Underwood ------------- 1 1 Oregon ------ Alfred Graham, Indiana ---. 11 17 119 -...doThomas Brown, Indiana ---- 1 4 5 California James H. Story, Iowa —--- 1 1 Oregon Winm. O. Miller...............- -........... 5 15 30 California. Andrew H. Dennick................ —..... 1 2 4 --— do. Henry J. Miller................ 9 11 Oregon —John Bryan 1 O...-....1 1 J. Amoore, Maine 17 28 117 Oregon — Wm. Fee, Missouri............ 3 13 48 W. Sherwin, Missouri.................. 1 5 California Geo. Jones, Virginia-. —-- 19 31 238 Oregon --- H. A. Leavens, Illinois.........2...... 5 20 4 — do J. S. Beamis, Illinois...............3 27... - do.... do ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 11 STATEMENT Continued. 0 ~~~~~~0 o 0 Vi a ~~~0 Names and residence. 0 g 0 T. Dickerson, Illinois -.1 5 13 Oregon ------- H. H. Case, Wisconsin.................... 17 27 117 _ -...do -------- Thos. S. Sloane, Wisconsin................ 3 9 17 --— do Alfred Hawk. -1 3 --— do- - Chs. Fegley, Iowa........................ 13 17 73 California.... S. J. Dickerson, Iowa..7 11 39 --.-.do ---- -- Gregor Shreeve........1 4 9 ---..do........ Hiram Cain....F. T. Howard............................ 1 3 3 California.... Geo. W. Howard - - -1 2....- do ---- --- H. C. Minick.. -- 3 7 43. Robert Schenk, Wisconsin.....7.- - -7 13 79 Oregon- - Joseph Britt, Iowa. -..1 4 9 ---- do. —---- S. H. Hinds, Wisconsin 2 7 o..... 2 7 7 -.d.. Richard Talbart, Illinois.... — 1 2 ---- do- - W. M. Franks, Illinois.. James H. Bowen, Illinois.-1 3 23 California. F. Michaelson & Co., Illinois -- 5 15 40 - T. Michaelson. Illinois...1 1 - Anderson, IllinoisG. Michelson, Illinois.-2 5 17 California H. Stak, Iowa --- 7 19 75 --—.do -------- Lauson, Iowa —----------------- - - 1 2 _-do.. — d - --- H. Seeman, Iowa......................... 13 27 276 California A. Seeman, Iowa. P. Seeman, Iowa - T. Seeman, Iowa-........ T. Streiff, Iowa_.... T. Streiff, Iowa...... - H. IHunt, Iowa-......................- - - - - T. Serringer, Iowa.- -—........... -....... T. Boilse, Iowa -.......................... F. Lagerson, California.................... 6 27 46 —' —- -'Peter Timm, California.................... 3 17 171 California Peter Jacobs, California. / CMartin Haman, California......... —------ Marx Dittmer, California - - - - - - -. Peter Sanger, California -. —---------- -—. Johann Trede, California-............... Claus Gergen, CaliforniaJohn Dussler, California Peter Carsten, California Claus Hinrichsen, California.....John Rohneer, California.. Henri Weinholz, California.........._ Friderich Frahm, California............... Henri Soos, California............... -..... John Soos, California. Henri Timm, California. Henri Thomsen, California —--- -.-........ Christian Leisner, California. John Miller, California. 12 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. STATEMENT-Continued. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~............ 0 ~ a:2 0e 0 0 Names and residence. 0 0 S.... _. ~~........... _ Claus Budendorf, California........... a..... Joachim Saga, California.- - - - - -- - - -... -. Charles Willmaka, California.... —----- -—. Joseph Watson......................13 29 269 Oregon --- Lewis M. Garvin................. 7 18 73 California ---- Lancelot Carr............................ 5 15 36 -—. do. —---- Benjamin J. Curler...4 18 35 - do.... William Gughton, Illinois................. 7 15 24 -.-do --- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CGity and County of San Francisco, ss. E. P. Ream, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is acquainted with H. Seemann, whose name is written at the head of the list of names on this sheet; that the said Seemann acknowledged to this deponent that this is his genuine signature, and also that he wrote the names following his at the request of the said parties thereto, who were members of a train of emigrants under his lead, bound to California. E. P. REAM. Subscribed and sworn to before me October 25, 1859. HENRY HAIGT, Notary Public. FORT HALL, Oregon Territory, July 15, 1858. This is to certify that we, the undersigned, have travelled over the Pacific wagon road, better known as Lander's Cut-Off, and find it a very acceptable road for emigrants. We think it preferable to any other road across the mountains in many respects; most of the way it is well worked, and with a bridge across Green river (the only stream at all troublesome) it would be as good a road as many now travelled in the States; it is some five days' travel shorter than any other road across the mountains. There is no desert to cross on this route, no alkali to kill your stock; but instead, plenty of good water, abundance of grass, and wood enough to satisfy any reasonable man. Many of the undersigned have crossed by other routes, and give this the preference. William Glaze, Missouri. J. B. Nevins, New Hampshire. Erastus Downing, Missouri. William Martin, Missouri. William A. Stone, Missouri. Ole. Emins, Wisconsin. William Flanagin, Missouri. ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 13 George W. Linderman, Illinois. George W. Brown, Iowa. Alexander Anthony, Missouri. John Bagby, Missouri. Marion Stow, Missouri. E. W. Newkerk, Iowa. A. Clubb, Iowa. B. F. Griswold, Iowa. Henry Y. Goldsmith, Wisconsin. F. Williams, Wisconsin. Joseph M. Nelson, Ohio. Jervies J. Hedgpeth, Missouri. William Wright, Missouri. Jacob Arter, Iowa. Amos Crater, Iowa. James S. Mooney, New Hampshire. William Norman, Illinois. Thomas Redy, Illinois. John Longhead, New York. D. S. Sage, Wisconsin. James Wetherhead, Wisconsion. William Carll, Illinois. John Wetherhead, Wisconsin. Joseph G. Daniel, Iowa. Amos Smith, Wisconsin. Thomas Butler, Wisconsin. David Chubb, Wisconsin. James Contell, Wisconsin. Charles Kaye, Wisconsin. William Shirly, Wisconsin. David Atkain, Wisconsin. William Robertson, Wisconsin. Thomas K. Ober, Wisconsin. Luke Smith, Wisconsin. Lyman Carpenter, Iowa. George W. Martin, Iowa. Garret Clawson, Iowa. S. T. Armstrong, Trenton, Wisconsin. Geo. Gray, Nininger City, Minnesota. G. R. Kidder, Claremont, Minnesota. Allen Mead, Illinois. Robt. Steere, Oswego county, New York. G. W. Squires, Carl county, Illinois. C. F. Kauffman, Louisa county, Iowa. A. H. Kauffman, Louisa county, Iowa. E. R. Wood, Palmyra, Wisconsin. R. E. Woods, Omaha City. John H. Squier, Cass county, Michigan. Wm. Wheeling, Bernadotte, Fulton county, Illinois. A. W. Robinson, Bernadotte, Fulton county, Illinois. J. R. Carey, Illinois. 14 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. Hill Burkhart, Washtenaw, Michigan. J. G. Smith, Missouri. N. B. Rine, Missouri. J. T. Day, Missouri. J. M. Kaufman, Missouri. E. Crain. Charles Lawrence. J. L. Kinkade. Charles Jolly. W. H. Wells, Wisconsin. J. M. Contter. E. H. Scott. S. C. Whitlatch, Illinois. F. H. Hathaway, Illinois. James Patterson. O. J. Rogers. R. Christy. Martin Christy. Michael Bourk, Wisconsin. Amberson Huff, Michigan. George MlcVicar, Winconsin. R. W. Tilton, Washington county, Pennsylvania. C. Hickey, Wisconsin. G. R. Vansiclen, Michigan. James Guild, Chicago, Illinois. John A. Hickey, Wisconsin. John Pettinger, Dubuque, Iowa. Benjamin Sanders, Marengo, Illinois. Howard Peterzon, Minnesota. George Quigle, Illinois. Alfred Graff, Elgin, Kane county, Illinois. J. S. Deneson, Michigan. Chester Smock, Minnesota. H. B. Beach, Marengo, Illinois. John Quigle, DeKalb, Illinois. John G. Sneider, Anderson county, Kansas. Jacob Whitbeck, Delhi, Iowa. Edwin G. Kinne, Oconomowock, Wisconsin. Francis Eaton, New York. Charles W. Ryder, Wisconsin. J. H. Ingersoll, Delhi, Iowa. Thomas Eagan, Waukesha, Wisconsin. Peter Eagan, Waukesha, Wisconsin. James Johnson, Illinois. Charles Follansbee, Kane county, Illinois. James E. Beach, Elgin county, Illinois. Riley McHenry, Elgin county, Illinois. Amos Van Vleck, Wisconsin. Winm. H. Springer, Michigan. John Arnold, Wisconsin. William B. Tiffany, Hastings, Minnesota. ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 15 Salmon Scott, Oakland, Michigan. Bartlett A. Day, Minnesota. George W. Springe, [illegible.] James E. Harvey, Minnesota. Reuben Burroughs, Ontario county, New York. James Coughran, Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Comfort H. Knapp. Thomas V. R. Rathbun. Samuel Coughran, Reedsburg, Wisconsin. T. H. Jewett. Henry B. Gaige, Reedsburg, Sauk county, Wisconsin. James W. Beebe. Albert Mlarston. Levi S. Reed. John A. Bloomer. David C. Reed. James Law. George Winchester. Leonard Low, Iowa. John W. Allen, New York. Jerome Beebe. John Anderson, Iowa. G. W. Colwell, Iowa. William A. Evans, Pennsylvania. John Levander, Iowa. Charles Catterell, Iowa county, Wisconsin. Levi Burgess, Wisconsin. Anthony James, Wisconsin. George Selvester, Wisconsin. Abraham Selvester, Wisconsin. W. H. Iiegol, Wisconsin. George W. Hill, DeKalb county, Illinois. James Temple, Illinois. D. C. Adams, Iowa. Thomas Walker, Wisconsin. A. M. Johnson, Iowa. John Stanaway, Wisconsin. S. S. Chandler, Wisconsin. H. H. Rice, Wisconsin. R. Alderson, Missouri. E. C. Sessions, Wisconsin. B. F. Saltzman, Wisconsin. A. C. Coates, Wisconsin. Thomas J. Coates, Wisconsin. Charles P. Traber, Wisconsin. Jesse L. Coates, Wisconsin. M. D. Dyhee, Kentucky. Thomas Anderson, Kansas Territory. Christian Finger, Kansas Territory. Thames G. Murray, Kansas. E. B. Purdom, Franklin, Kansas. 16- ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. J. Bowley, Lawrence, Kansas. Moses Wright, Indiana. M. H. Merton. J. H. Bennett. Harry Burk. J. C. Purdom, Franklin, Kansas Territory. Benjamin Purratt, Franklin, Kansas Territory. David Vanostan, Franklin, Kansas Territory. James Roggers, Franklin, Kansas Territory. A. H. Earby. H. W. Tiel. S. W. Smith, Freeport, Illinois. S. Gregory, Blackford, Indiana. H. M. Wells, Illinois. R. Haines, Jackson, Iowa. William Rice, Jackson, Missouri. John C. Richardson, Janesville, Wisconsin. Charles P. Murphy, Janesville, Wisconsin. Francis Gafferty. John G. Alason, Iowa. Isaac Bradwell, Alleghany county, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. C. L. Lamoreux, La Porte, Indiana. Charles A. Sankey, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Almon Menter, Homer, New York. Martin Menter, Syracuse, New York. John Thornbury, New Cumberland, Virginia. D. B. Conger, Homer, New York. C. Slack, Michigan. G. M. Pierce, Michigan. William Walton, Pennsylvania. James Brenneman, Ohio. Chester Menter, Homer, New York. John McMichael, Alleghany county, Pennsylvania. John H. Sawyer, Bristol, Kenosha county, Wisconsin. G. B. Franklin, Fort Dodge, Iowa. P. McVicar, Salem, Wisconsin. R. Spencer, Bristol, Wisconsin. John W. Cleveland, Bristol, Kenosha county, Wisconsin. O. S. Smith, Kossuth county, Iowa. Dr. Joel Richardson, Hartland, Maine. Benjamin C. Berwise. Dr. O. W. K. McAllister, Blue Earth county, Minnesota. Alfred N. Ludington, Dallas county, Iowa. James Manitz, Freeport, Illinois. Charles L. Buckman, Franklin, DeKalb county, Illinois. Augustus Stiger, Freeport, Illinois. Joseph Schwab, Freeport, Illinois. Frederick Stoll, Freeport, Illinois. O. L. Manfield, Warren, Illinois. C. P. Ludesher, Davenport, Iowa. George S. Lamin, Freeport, Illinois. ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 17 D. T. Culbertson, Wisconsin. D. D. Atkinson, Wisconsin. IH. H. Longley, Rochester, Minnesota. Edward K. Finson, Iowa. Alexander Spaulding, Minnesota. R. Sherer, Minnesota. Rufus Emery, Maine. Homer L. Clark, Iowa. William Todd. Ferguson Chappell, Cedar county, Iowa. Nicholas Simmons. Franklin Finson, Iowa. Moses H. Finson, Iowa. Rufus B. Emery. R. N. McCollum, Michigan. S. S. Cox, Liberty, Michigan. George W. McCollum, Michigan. James Young, Michigan. Caswell Coil, Logan county, Illinois. Philip Marvel, Missouri.' William Black, Mobile, Alabama. C. C. Parker, Springfield, Illinois. George C. Hurd, Menasha, Wisconsin. A. D. Nelson, Jackson county, Michigan. E. P. Bradford, Cook county, Illinois. William Jacobs, Grundy county, Illinois. [One name illegible.] John P. Higgins, Richland county, Illinois. Elisha Swift, Hillsdale, Michigan. William Fowler. John Millikan, North Carolina. L. H. Rouze, Ohio. Samuel Dagget, Mercer county, Illinois. James Ferguson, Brownville, New York. Almiron Dagget, Warren county, Illinois. E. D. Ketchum, De Kalb county, Illinois. John Case, Iowa. Richard Jones, Illinois. Fayette Lincoln, Cook county, Illinois. David Wilson, Marion county, Iowa. D. C. McKercher, Stephenson county, Illinois. Joseph Woodward. John C. Creswell, Multnomah county, Oregon. James Cummings, Fremont county, Iowa. E. Humphrey, Illinois. William Orcutt, Hillsdale county, Michi gan. [One name illegible.] James Daily, Michigan. [One name illegible.] A. J. Clem, Iowa. Joseph Whaling, Illinois. H. Ex. Doec. 63- -2 18 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. J. L. Wagner, Illinois. Oliver Bowers, Illinois. We, the undersigned, emigrants to California and Oregon, having just passed, with our wagons and stock, over the new government road from the South Pass to Fort Hall, (called Lander's Cut- Off,) do hereby state that the road is abundantly furnished with good grass, water, and fuel; there is no alkali and no desert, as upon the old road, and while upon it our stock improved and rapidly recovered from sickness and lameness. We were much surprised at the great amount of labor that has been done in cutting out the timber and bridging and grading the road, and in all respects it more than met our expectations, especially those or us who have heretofore travelled the other routes; but we would respectfully suggest that a bridge should be erected as soon as possible over Green river, the fording of which is dangerous and the cause of much trouble to the emigration, and in one instance the loss of life. rWe have been treated kindly and, in every case where the circuamstances required it, aided and assisted on our way by the wagon road expedition, and we have likewise received the kindest treatment fiom the Indians; and we advise the overland emigration to California and Oregon to take this road, as the shortest and best adapted for the comfort of the traveller and the preservation of stock, especially if the government, in view of the advantages of this route, should cause Green river to be bridged. lStatement of emigrants to California and Oregon. Names and residence, ['' 1 C. J. Bullock, Illinois 2. —-.............. 1 29 Ervin Crane, Michigan.................. 2 5 12 Oregon, "_. 0. J. Britton, Missouri.................. 2 4. —.do —-- John Monholland,: Missouri.z.............. 1 4 6 California ---- Franklin Durshee, Iowa.................... 1 3 8 do........ Richard Dowler......................... 1 2 9 Oregon....... C. I Peterson......... - -......- ----- - - --—...do-. — A. Cullings.........,,*,, 9 17 California ---- - -Marvel, Missouri................... do John F. Moore, Kansas................... 1 7 12.-..do ------- Caswell Coil, Illinois..1 7 8 — do...... James Young, Illinois...... 3 6 do -egon James Caruthers, Wisconsin, (1 pack mule). 1 5 7 -— do ------- William Jones, Missouri................... 9 15 - do........ li S. Newson........................ 1 4 10 - do.... Cyrus Crouch.................. 1 2 9 do rg........ Thomas GoodhueC, Illinois........... 1.. 1 3 —....do. —.... D. Loveland, (passenger).....- 0............do....._... ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 19 STATEMENT-Continued. C., @ 0 0 Names and residence. ~' z Z ~Z Allen Ensley.................-2...........83 California ---- German Buckland, Illinois................ 4 8 23 —.doJohn W. Ensley... -- 1 2 4.-.do -------- C. E. Parker, Springfield, Illinois.......... 4 8 27...do........ Truman C. Clark, Ilios-1 2 8 - -do A. M. Gibbans, Illinois................... 1 3 2 -. —do -------- F. G. Gilbert, Illinois.........1 3 2. —.do -------- R.. C. Maynes, Illinois.............13 33 - L. Klerkx, Illinois....................- -. —....do........ J. D. Freeman, Minnesota...... o -......0 George A. Bronson, Iowa -.-..do...... IR. Layton, Iowa.. —..o.- — do- -- John Poplinan, Wisconsin.sm -......do......... E. Bronson, Iowa.................... —-do.. Johlann Blum, Wisconsin..do........ Amasa Adams, Michigan-.- - - - -do.. G. H. Brown, Illinois -- - -do.. J. S. Brown, Iowa............ —---.do........ Martin Dean, Wisconsin. L. B. Barkalow, Iowa........-California.... H. W. Runize............ E. G. Itumsey —.-........... W. B. McCune ---—. T. C. TenwickS. Newell_. -. -.. J. S. Dodds................ S. B. Carr -....-.. Win. Pursel-........ Win. H. Payn..J. Mitchell. Marcus Tenwick....... John B:tge n....John Johnston, Illinois -. California... Wm Cherry, Illinois._-do -------- Oliver Johnston, 1llinois --...do.. —-- Win. Isirel, Missouri. ----- do.. James Isirel, Missouri.......... Leman G. Hall, Illinois.... Alex. Carpenter....... P. W. Cunningham - -...... II. Bell......-..................... John B. Lam T. H. Ekley, Michigan.. - -1 2 4 California ---- N. Coffin, Wisconsin. - -1 4 8.............. S. B. Butler, Wisconsin................... 1 2 4 ---—..Robert Duffey, Illinois..... - - California Win. Taylor, Illinois....-.....do. K. R. Croft, Iowa.-.-.......... —-..-..-. do..... B. F. Couch, Pennsylvania......- do —---- H. White, Illinois-do........ Edwin C. Marshall, Illinoi... d o. do... N4. R. Penney, Illinois-do........ 20 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. STATEMENT-Continued. 0 0 0 Name and residence. 4 0 z z,...................,::,:"::.,. *..:'" P. B. Lovett, Illinois.......California G. W. BuckL....Bady....,. John Walter, Illinis.1 - California John Stewart,consin...... Robe.rt Steen, Wiscosin.. California - James McNaughton, Wisconsin...........1...."': [One name illegible]..Samuel McNaughton, Wisconsin........... nsin.......Malcolm McNaughton, Wisconsin................ I.........California Alexander Vlass,Wicnn --- Charles Kittleson-. And. W. Calley....... 18 24 Oregon~~~w John F o.!..Rufus Ammon Robert Rintoul --------—... —. —---- Robert McCalley. George Reining, Ohio....4 25 35 Oregon. —-- Sylvester Patten, Wisconsin -..... 4 25 35 --— doLester Patten, Wisconsin....... -4.. 25 35 -—.doW. G. Nickerson, Wisconsin.. 25 35 - --- do. —-- Win. Babcock, Wisconsin.......... 4 25 35 - - — do —--- A. Sconton, Wsosn — 25 35. -—.o John Fronk --- 35 _ —do. —-- D. S. Bonsom, Wisconsin -.. -35 ----.do —-- F. Homes, Ohio........-......... 4 25 35..do G.- W. Wolder, Illinois............ 4 25 35 - -— do. —-- Mark M. Powell, Wisconsin -.. 4 25 35 -— do,. — Edward Allen, Wisconsin...George Lonel — -- - J oh n R. B e nefiel Iind i a'n'a-. John Thomson, Ilni —- Oregon.-__ - Tristram Mayhew, Massachusetts ---- do. —-- D. W. Harris, Illinois -. Thomas Walters, Illinois-.......... 4 25 35 Oregon ---- Charles Porter, Illinois —----- H. Parker -----—. — Luther Hower... - Ransom Nrhp-.- -- Ira Isted, Iw ---- Aiken Tart,Ioa Henry M. Hall, Michigan —......... 7 15 38 Yreka, Cal... G. B. Ross, Wisconsin - - - - -do —--- John Johnston, Illinois - - - - - -California.. J. M. Gilliland, Illinois —.- —...~ W. F. Everett,Ilios —d - William Gill, Illiois -- - --------- do Alfred J. Cooper, Illinois —- - - do George W. Scofield, Illinois --- - -do. —-- Thomas Fuller, Illinois - - - -- do WilliamHil B-. D. Harkness, Ilni. — California ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 21 STATEMENT-Continued. 0 o: o 20 0 - 0 Names and residence. d 4o 4- 4 o o i!...l 4!.4 0 Og i. I 1! Z d.S. H. Loomis, I3inis5...California.... H.. S. Phill dois Ilin Russell J. Wells,............ 1........Oregon George S. Barnes, Wiscoin........ 1 4o Hiram M. Jones, Iowa.. —3-15- - California ---- Michael Hallasy, Illinois.................. 2 -----------—..2 —...... do - Ira Mosier, Iowa.do.... George Sharp, Iowa... -.. --- do - J. R-. Benn. -doet... J. N. Bennett, Indiana. — -do - George Clark, Michigan...... do James Ardery.. -..ChapmanWafn..-. Patrick Age...~~~~~~~~~~~~Edward Kerr.!.........Michael Fegan.. —------ ----- ---------- -- - - - ----- Daniel MIatthews, Illinois ------------—.. —------------ Edward Fagan, Illinois...... ~~~.Patrick Deny, lins.- Cdalifornia.... Robert Perry, illinois...do. John Kane, Illinois..- -- -do —- --- James Sinaman,Ilios. JaredKebe... Thomas E. Stanton, Iowa.6 21 35 California- - Elon Wie. - F. H. Hazard -. Joel Satn- A. Waterman-.. Edward Pew, civil engineer — -... N-. R. Stanton...... -- -------- - ---- Robert Brown.. --------- William Bunting-o- - Joseph Richardson.. Hiram Dodge, Nob............. 4 14 25 Oregon ---- George WV. Stone-_..-..,...Augustus WV. Burrill, Maine-........ 1 4 5 Oregon —-- W. J. Bogtn6 George W. Crist, Iowa —- --- --— California H. R. Dickerson, Illinois....- - do. ---- E. A. Dodge, Illinois —---— do —--- P. Lightle, Illinois-..........9 ----.do. -- - R. F. Brown, Illinois —-do. —-- H. E. Rlankin, Illinois -. —do — d - --- H. H. Lewis, Nebraska Territory.-..-.... -— do ---- Rut. Hoffman, Ohio —- — do.. —-- J1. B. Hoffman, Ohio —- -do —- --- H S. TIarrington, Ilios- -. -- -- do —--- John Balluf, Illinois ---- do ---- W. Parsons, Iowa. — - — Oregon —. —. J. A. Everett, Illinois-. -.-.California. —H. Harrington, Illinois.. -_ -— do. —-- A. La Veille, Illinois-..d 2 ~2 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETO. STATEMENT-Continued. 0..o WS 0 Names and residence. 4 4 0 0 I-A P4~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Kunkle, llinois.... California John W. Balluf, Illinois........ —-- - - do -.-.-. — Joseph Balluf,. Illinois...................do A. B. Moore, Iowa....................... 5 19 30 Oregon J. H. Dow, Iowa......................... — 4 12 64 -... William Richardson, Iowa.............. 2 5 11 - -. —do ------ R. S. Butler, Iowa.... 2 2..do..J. Bierschback Wisconsin................. 2 6 6....do. L. Kords, Wisonsin.... —.-.6 6 F. Kords, Wisconsin...d, 6.-. —o —-- E. G. Crane, Illinois...................... 2 7 8 California.... Sylvestei Ciitz, Iowa............. 1 3 5 -- -.do. —-- S. W. Maxwell, Illinois.... -6 20 63... do - ----—. James R. Hyhes, Illinois.................. 7 19 90 ---.do........ Sanmuel A. Lone, Illinois - -... 2 9 16 - -...do ---- -- J. J. Kunzler, Illinois.................... 1 4 6 /....doAlexander Brander, Illinois... 1 1 2 -. —----- W. W. Belden, Wisconsin.................. 2 4 14.doJames W. Easterly, New York and Mlisouri. 11 28 118 --—.do.. — --- Williamn H. Perry, Wisconsin - -....... 1 2 4 - -- -do. —-- D. F. Edwards, Illinois................... 11 8 811....do. —--- M. M1. Harrison, Wisconsin__ - - 1 6 9 ---- do. —-- L. W'. Ingalls, Il2nois 6 9....do -------- William H. Waggoner, Illinois 6 -. ——. — --- do........ L C. Chamberlin, Ilni.-..- 2 4 12 - --- do —- ---.William.Lee, Ohio - —............ 2 7 7 - - do. —-- B. G-eithmann, Illinois.................... 5 27 43 —. —do ------- J. D. Willson, Illinois....................-1 2 2 _-d — o. (. L Kron, Iowa....................... 1 2 4.-...do........ D, S. Zessn, Ilinois. -- 1 2 2. _...do ---- ---- L. W. Miller,'Illinois..................... 1 4 9 —. do —---—. George Westolp, Illinois - -2 7 8.-.-..do -------- J. Jeffs, Illinois.......................... 2 9 16 -_..do -------- Samuel Harrison, Wisconsin. - - - 11 16 110 _-....do.... Torkel Keirson, ow............. 5 1t -- - -do....... John R. Caldwell, Illinois................. 1 2 22 Oregon....... James B. McEthany, Oregon-.......... 11 58.do M. W. House, California-. 3 13 250 -------------- Washington Farmer, California.......... 4 120 700 8 M. Farmer, Ohio...................... 3 9 31 California... John Hale, Ohio. -- 7 17 131.._do....... Thomas Dickins, Ohio.................... 1 5 21 -.do -—. —John Woods, Wisconsin.................. 4 13 79 Oregon-. Jamnes Wison, Wisconsin -.. - -. 1 3 -..doJohn McClure, Wisconsin -. 14 33 271 ---- do ---- -- Charles Bellnap, Wisconsin 9 17 139 -- -.do. —---- Williami Watson, Ohio - —.......... 3 ----- 38 California -- 0. Sproul, Missouri....................... 3 10 35....do.. A. Uonovon,-9..-. 1.......... 1 4 13. S. Zrivers. Indiana....................... 7 13 33 --—.do -------- T. Zrivers, Indima........9 17 108 - --.do -.-. —J. T. Wadsworth, Indiana................. 17 31 371 ---- do........ ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 23 STATEMENT-Continued... 3 1 13 California... -o. 7 11 47t d..... Rin................. I. C Levi H. Chasch, Illinois......./'........ 7 -- o —--'.n'"I'"in..... 11 19 113 Califo ia.. J- L Crss, innsot 1 4 California Wilia H Roinon 11inis 10 2 1 62 -— do -----.. 29 d............ Hl Mns 7 17 129 — do.......... 2 Ida..... 27 42 27 do. A-. d. b~. l B. V. Newsham Minnesota..................................do —-- D.lar Robinson, Ilios. 1 3 3 _do Caliorni Levi H. Chaseb, Illinois2..... 1 4 d - G. Kbe..... 1 1 12 do -- John. ~ Yus Ilinoi —------------ 1 14 11 Calido.ni Jose.obs, MInnesot,...... do ----- H. Lie.... oa-1 4 2 Cldo..ni. W. H. Bonger, 1 4 14 2...do........ E..Newsham, MInne. 1...do - - - -- H. WJ. Adersn, Iowa..1 -3 4..-do — WaronGilberts, Iowa........ 1 1 2 - -....do- - A.orge Bennismn, Iowa 3 ----.. —do-... H.iliette.ll fm, Iowa.. 2. —.do - ----- Jaes. Cul outs, Ioa....1 --- -— do ——. Rih.r J lexaoderik Iw............. 1 3 4...do, -- --- Aharony Gwibert, Misowa1 137ri.d GeorgmAexBardman, Iliowa.........31 3 9 Calif.orna- -- GibRt H V. Hofa, oa2- -do. —--- Jaoes F. Stout, Iowa..............-3 4 — — do. —-- Richardel Alexander...........1 3.... 8.......... --.do -. — Willia Alxad er, Illnoi...11 13-7-Cliori ------- J.W.Collings, Iiois............1 23 46 --— do —- --- B.. Howeralburg............. 1 3 4 ---.do —- --- John W. Andisnk,Iowa.... 1_3-4 —.do ---- EJohnz Stdnelr, Oiow.do 0.h.aDddesSeln, Iowa. --------- -------- - -do. —------- H.sseW. Bhrigsm, Iowa.3ni...... 1351 4. Calido.na — Josehn W. RandernsonvIowa.......... 4 -._do. —. James A. Field, Pennsylvania........ 1 4 8. d. Elijah Jacobs, Illinois........... 1 5 8.. —do-. —David Asliby, lios.. C. A. Truemnan, Wisconsin......... 2 11 31 California.. William Moon._.- 1 _ —2 6 —'-do -------- N. B. Ingram, Iowa............ 6 24 3& -d...o... Patrick Haugh, Iowa............. 1 2 20 -— d..... Andrew McGee..._..._ 2 6 12 _..do —--- Ivory McKinney............... 2 15 500 _-do...o -. George W Gilbert....-............ 3 12 12..d A. D. Buck, Wisconsin._..6 -. Th. Hale, Illinois.............. 1 3 8 California - Thomas Parker, Illinois.1o5.8....do DiMvon Green, Illinois............. 1 6 8. —-d........o - 24 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT EARNEY ETC. STATEMENT-ontinued. 0 44~~~~~~~~~. Names and residence. 0 0 F~~~~~~~~ Cs z Rufus C. Gates1....................... a....li Alfred Sutton...... 1 2............do LukeShaw3 5 0...... —do. —-- Charles Duncan, Illinois................... do J. Jenkins, Missouri............ John H. Warrington, Iowa................5 8 --- o Edwin Green, Illinois.................... Robert Witherspoon, Illinois............ 2 3- -do Ira Trelsher, Wisconsin.... 3 6 13 Oregon. John Thomas, Wisconsin. 1 3 4 - -d William Christy, Ohio................... F. M. Scott, Missouri................... 1 3 7 Andrew Clark, Iowa...................... 29 ---- W. W. Markwell, Iowa........2 4 - doEdward F. Pearce, Wisconsin..............24 67 California Nathan Hall, Iowa. -12 rego....... Jason C. Pratt, Michigan........... 1 2 11 --- o M. P. Scott, Missouri.. —.....-......-. James Ritchie, Maryland.. 1 3 6 _-do --— o. Daniel Shipper....4 1 6 20 California- -- Fr. Bath. -.-.... G. W. Gallanar_. —-- David Crock.-. Henry Bouglinow__. — Nicholas Gallanar.-. William Shiffer._-.. —--------- John F. Shiffer-...... James M. Sifr.. - H. P. Hawkins... - - - - - - -- ------------- Abraham Ede....2 2 80 California — - John Walters. -—..._1 3 6 _.do. —-- John Stewart.... —.- 1 3 10 --- do --- -- Robert Panter-..................11 5.4 Oregon. —-- William Panter....... -... - - -- - James Panter.-_ —- —. Samuel Slife, Iowa.. -4 10 18 California- -- John B. Collins, Iowa... ------- --- --'Richard Loney, Iowa --------------- ---- ----------- -- Zebulon Walker, Iowa.....-. - Sutler Walker, Iw. —-- Abram. Wilson, Iowa... —, Ichabod Hubbard, Iowa-.. A. C. Ely, Iowa....-.. Edwin S. Brown, Michigan.-. D. S. Blouse, Iowa —------ _ G. 0. Vose, M. T................. 4 14 22 California C. D. Hapgood, M. T-.. William N. Bulb, iest - -. 5 19 33 California - Aaron Lampher, j. D. Berry, Iowa_..... —----------- California -- William Morse, Iw... ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. 25 The undersigned, emigrants from Iowa and other States to California, desire to state, for the benefit of those who may emigrate hereafter, that they travelled the road leading by Salt Lake and found it very mountainous and rough, and most of the streams on said road were bridged and ferries established, over which exorbitant tolls were exacted for the passage of trains and teams; and where there were no bridges or ferries over the streams the fords were not only difficult but dangerous. They would also state, for the benefit of those who may emigrate hereafter, that they were compelled to pay from twenty-five cents to five cents per ead a night for pasturage of their stock at Salt Lake and as far up as Bear river, a distance of nearly one hundred miles. That for about one undred and twenty-five miles from the South Pass, towards Salt Lake City, the country was nearly destitute of grass, and ight almost be called a barren waste, and the road strewn with carcasses an bones of dead animals lost the present and past seasons, caused doubtless by the great scarcity of grass; and they especially advise all future emigrants not to travel the Salt Lake road. ~~~~~~John E. Movers. Z. IN. Hewitt. E. E. McAvoy. G. A. Quick. Joseph Stuffier. David Davis. Levi Adams. Lewis Herren. Hiram Young, Mercer county, Pennsylvania. John Babehson. Win. Ostander., town of Winterset, Iowa. Thomas Trester, Missouri. J. C. Halloway, Honey Grove, Fannin county, Texas. Mark Anthony, Indiana. William Henry Ford, Illinois. Duncan McKay, Vermont. Charles Sullivan, Minnesota. S. V. B. Shull, Kansas Territory. William Peasly, his x mark, Minnesota. S. H. Hartly, jr., Illinois. John E. Janes, Minnesota. Samuel Renslow, his x mark. Fredrick M. Frisbee, Minnesota. Samuel Ash Davidson, Illinois. Joseph Jones, Indiana. H. Reynolds, Minnesota. William McIntosh, Minnesota. Alex. Phillips, Arkansas. L. M. Lawley, Arkansas. A.. J. Ruxhy, Pulaski county, Arkansas. Robert Rolston. David Athy. John Athy. B.4 H. Bierly. H. Ex. Doc. 63 —— 3 26 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY, ETC. W. A. Townsend. N. D. Townsend. E. Mownsend. S. C. Movers. A. S. Lineback. J. W. Taylor. Wm. Dutton. Philo. Clark. John M. Chipman. L. B. Trowbridge. N. A. Trowbridge. Charles Harner. A. D. Miller, Michigan, (to California.) A. A. Miller, Michigan. Edward Bonyman, Illinois. Daniel Lathrop, Vermont, (California.) John Bonyman, Illinois, (California.) HI. F. Bennett. - William Haskell, Maine. A. J. Young, Maine. R. C. Brann, Maine. A. C. Day, Boston, (bound for California.) Sam. Haskell, Maine. Enoch Philbrick, Maine. Daniel Bryan, New York. Egbert Hizrodt, New York. 0 o~~~~ ho o 4 ci co Names and residence. 0 go 1) o ) 0 Lucian Wright -- 4 19 42 California Roswell Burt - --—.- R. S. Walandtt - 1 2 2 California Asa Butler, Wisconsin -,1 2 4 -do —. F. Carnsworth, Wisconsin. 2 4 8. —- do.... G. W. Reynolds, Wisconsin -1 4 2 - - - do M. H. Balsic, Wisconsin 1 5 6 ---- do.... E. Grenard, Indiana -. 3 9 ---..do. R. Anderson, Illinois.-. 1 4 9 ---- do. Horace Douglas, M. D., Michigan.- 1 2 2 — do... R. B. Ware, Pennsylvania- 2 5 17....do... Jacob Christian, Illinois1 8 10 -- -do --- Jacob R Vogdes, Illinois - 1 4 12 - — do --- Tobias Teller, Illinois 2 3 9 -- -.do -. D. W. Rinewalt, Illinois. - 1 4 10 do -.do -- William H. Freid - 2 7 8....do........ J. T. Miller, Illinois ----- — 1- do_-,_ Charles Shrom, jr.4 1 20....do. - - Robert R. Miller.-.,.,1 2 4 -..do..... A. H. Simpson, Illinois.......-1 3 2...do........ ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE FOR FORT KEARNEY; ETC. 27 STATEMENT-Continued. 0 0 CS 0 Names and residence. o o X Robert Orfield, Illinois. —-- -- - 1 3 6 California.... Ogden Edwards, New York. —-- -- - 2 9 8.... do -- Isack G. Cork, Pennsylvania - - 1 4 4.- — do-.. John Baird, New York - [ 7 24 14 - -.,do.... Alexander Brown, New Hampshire -- 6 26 28 ---..do --- A. F. Brown, New York. ----- Oregon.. Jas. W. Maxwell, Illinois - 5 12 29 do Hiram Stuart, Nova Scotia - -1 2 5 --- do Jacob Elliott - - 2 11 12....do -. Henry Emrick, Iowa - - 2 14 21 do -—. -- William Ermrick, Iowa.- -1 2 4 -- doR. F. Lane, Missouri, — -- - 6 26 610 - Isaac Pferheimer, Missouri - -6 26 17 Thomas Lane, Missouri 11 29 78 California - W. A. Huff, Missouri - -12 20 1, 010 -- do John T. McFarlan - - 1 4 28 — do Solomon................... 2 6. do ---- John Lamb, Missouri -- - -4 12 60 - -...doT. J. Faulkner, Missouri. - 1 6 19 --- doR. V. Kelly, Missouri - - 5 24 822 - -.do ---- [Unintelligible] - -4 19 89. -.do W. H. Wise, Illinois. - - 2 4 12 --- doC. H. Bingham, Wisconsin - - 1 3 12 -—.do.. — B. M. Rabert, Missouri.. 18 79 --- do ---- J. W. Lambert --------------- 2 4 11.....doJohn Deasy a -- - 1 3._-do ---- Zina H. Fairchild - - 4 11 16.do A. Evans, California- -5 21 325 -21 —R. E. Ross, California -- - -1 3 4 -- do. W. Smith, Ohio- -1 3 22 --...do. Isaac Harp, Illinois. - -. 2 7 11 -do J. N. Evans, Ohio.- -4 20 300.do Henry Cosgrave, Ohio. —- 1 -- do ---- M. L. Crawford, Iowa -— 1. -- do ---- Sam. H. Dewey, Iowa ---. 1 -- do ---- Peter Gnio, Michigan. - - 2 14 65 - do....... Frank House, Ohio..9 28 1.... do.... John Brown, Iowa - - 6 23 36 --- do John Dobkins, Iowa - - 2 10 29 — do Charles Gilbert -. 8 23 113 -- -..do.... Zalbrah Archibald.- - 1 2 21.do....... U. S. Ingram, Council Bluffs, Iowa -- 1 2 2...do...