THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE IN ANGLO-SAXON AND NORTHUMBRIAN VERSIONS SYNOPTICALLY ARRANGED, WITH COLLATIONS EXHIBITING ALL THE READINGS OF ALL THE MSS. GtitebI for tfe *prtfcs of the mt:ibersitp oress, BY THE REV. WALTER W. SKEAT, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF CHRIST'S COLLEGE,.AND AUTHOR OF A M(ESO-GOTHIC GLOSSARY. CAMBRIDGE: A T THE UNI VERSITY PRESS. LONDON: CAMBRIDGE WAREHOUSE, 17, PATERNOSTER ROWt CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. I874. Cambri'ge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, MI.A. AT THE= UNIVERSITY PRESS. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE V NOTES SHEWING WHEN CERTAIN LESSONS ARE TO BE READ 1 PRAEFATIO LUCAE 2 CAPITULA LECTIONUM 3 EUANGELIUM. 13 APPENDIX: Collation of the Latin texts of the Lindisfarne and Rushworth MSS. 241 CRITICAL NOTES 249 ERRATA. Page 4, l, 4 from bottom. Dele full stop after'prohibetur.', 1. 2 from bottom. Dele full stop after'edicitur.' Page 40, col. 1, footnote to v. 19. After A. broker, alter the full stop to a semicolon.,, 2, footnote to v. 21. Insert a semicolon after ge-fullodum. Page 43, v. 38. In the Rushworth MS., the words qui fuit dei are glossed set;e wes goding. This should have been inserted, P R E FA- C E. THE present volume forms the third portion of the exhaustive edition of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, as planned by Mr Kemble. The first portion was published in 1858, with the title-"The Gospel according to St Matthew, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions, synoptically arranged: with collations of the best Manuscripts. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. Cambridge: at the University Press. 1858." The second portion was published in 1871, with the title —"The Gospel according to St Mark, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions synoptically arranged,.with collations exhibiting all the readings of all the MSS. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. Cambridge: at, the University Press, 1871." Owing to the death of Mr Kemble before the first portion was completed, no Preface was written to that volume, beyond a short notice by Mr Hardwick explaining the circumstances under which he undertook to finish it. In the Preface to Saint Mark's Gospels I endeavoured to give some account of the MSS., and of the principal points of interest concerning them,. To this the reader is referred for further information, and it will only be necessary to repeat here the account of the mode of arrangement of the various texts and collations, and to make a few remarks upon some new points that have suggested themselves. The arrangement of matter is the same in this volume as in the two volumes preceding it. The following is the scheme of the contents of any two opposite pages, after p. 13. Left-hand Page. Right-hand Page. First Column. Second Column. TEXT. MS. No. I. (Corpus). TEXT. MS. V. (Hatton). UPPER TEXT. MS. VII. (Lindisfarne); Latin, with Northumbrian gloss. Various Readings; from MS. II. Various Readings; from MS. or A. (Cambridge); MS. III. or VI. or Royal (Brit. Mus.). LOWER TxrT. MS. VIII. (Rushworth); gloss B. (Oxford); and MS. IV. or C. only. (Cotton, Otho C. 1). a vi PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. The numbers or names of these MSS. are: I. (CORPUS) MS. No. CXL (formerly S. 4) in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, described by Wanley in the second volume of Hickes's'Thesaurus,' at p. 116. IL. (CAMBRIDGE or A.) MS. Ii. 2. 11 in the Cambridge University Library, described by Wanley, p. 152. III. (BODLEY or B.) MS. 6Bodley NE. F. 3. 15, now Bodley 441; described by Wanley, p, 64. IV. (COTTON or C.) MS. Cotton, Otho C. 1, in the British Museum; described by Wanley, pp. 211, 212. Imperfect, and damaged by fire. V. (HATTON) MS. Hatton 38, in the Bodleian library, Oxford; described by Wanley, p. 76. VI. (ROYAL) MS. Bibl. Reg. 1. A. xiv (British Museum); described by Wanley, p. 181. VII. (LINDISFARNE) MS. Cotton, Nero D. 4 (British Museum); known also as the'Lindisfarne MS.,' and as the'Durham book'.' Well known, and often described; see Wanley, p. 250. VIII. (RUSHWoRTH) MS. Auct. D. ii. 19, in the Bodleian library, Oxford; commonly called the'Rushworth MS.' The rubrics in the left margin of the left-hand pages are from MS. A (or II). A few of them occur also in B. (BODLEY), but they are mostly copied from A. (CAMBRIDGE) in a late hand, and are of no authority. In a few cases the rubrics in B. are in an older hand, and they are then tduly noted. The rubrics in the right margin of the ~it-hand pages are from the Hatton MS.; but they occur also in the Royal MS., without any variation. The numbers in the right-hand margin of the right-hand pages are from the Lindisfarne MS., and refer to the "Ammonian sections," as well as to the sections into which the Gospel was divided for the purpose of being read at various times. They supply references to the parallel passages in the other Gospels. The Latin text of the Rushworth MS. is omitted to save space; but its variations of reading are all recorded in the Appendix. It contains many clerical errors and corrupt forms of words. The Northumbrian gloss in the Rushworth MS. is partly copied from that in the Lindisfarne MS., and sometimes answers to the Latin text of that MS. instead of to its own text; as already has been noted (Pref. to St Mark, p. xiii). 1 See the publications of the Palaeographical Society for good specimens of facsimiles from this celebrated MS. PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. vii At p. 1 of the present volume is a list, which was intended to shew the days on which certain portions of the Gospel were to be read. Unfortunately, the rubricator has omitted to insert the numbers of the sections at the side, so that the exact significance of it is left uncertain. The words at the top are —"Secundum lucan," glossed by'r"efter lucas," i. e. according to St Luke; followed by the remark —"6us mercong elces gospelles We ontuoelmoncta [sic; for on tuoelmona6] byres on lucases dael," i.e. the marking of each gospel that, during the year, belongs to Luke's portion. At p. 2, follows the life of St Luke commonly ascribed to St Jerome, though not found in the MSS. of his translation of the New Testament; as noted in Migne's edition of St Jerome's works, vol. x, col. 1049. It is found in several of the early printed editions of the Vulgate, and in some of the MSS., as e. g. in the Codex Amiatinus, edited by Tischendorf. At p. 3, are the headings, or abstracts of the contents of each section into which the Gospel is divided. The Critical Notes, in the Appendix, contain such observations, mostly of minor importance, as could not very well be printed with the text, for want of space. I may perhaps repeat here, that the Lindisfarne MS. not only employs the usual rune for "man" several times, but occasionally uses the very same character with its less usual signification of "day," as in Ch. xxi. 34; also in xxiii. 56 and xxiv. 1, where "sunna daeg" is written "sun," with the rune M-" following. Another peculiarity is the occasional use of red ink, as noted at p. 23, where a word has been supplied by the glossator Aldred, who seems merely to have superintended the glossing of the first three gospels, but to have glossed the fourth gospel himself for the most part, as it is chiefly written in red ink, and has certain orthographical peculiarities. I may also note that, whereas it is commonly believed that the symbol p does not occur in the Lindisfarne gloss at all, except when written with a cross stroke (j) as an abbreviation for "poet," I have found just two instances of its occurrence, viz. in Ch. i. v. 59, where the MS. has pone for tone, and in Ch. xxiv. v. 1, where the MS. really has Jtem, not t&em. The forms printed in those passages are not due to errors of the press. Before concluding this Preface, however, it will be as well to place on record an account of a discovery, which enables us to trace the "pedigree" of the MSS., or their mutual relationship to each other, with considerable exactness. I have already shewn (Pref. to St Mark, p. x.) that the Hatton MS. was copied from the Royal MS.; and, accordingly, at the end of St Luke's Gospel, we find a few verses, omitted at the end of the Royal MS. as originally written, supplied in the very handwriting of the scribe of the Hatton MS., who has also written a few words on the opposite blank page preceding St John's Gospel. These words are-"Soshlice ge syn" —shewing that the scribe was merely trying his pen, and a2 viii PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. took a few words from a passage in Ch. xxiv. 48, which was just before his eyes; and he also added a memorandum to this effect-" Sce GREGORIES se mid grecum crissostomas (sic) ys haten;" i. e. St Gregory, who amongst the Greeks is surnamed Chrysostomus. Not only, however, is the HATTON MS. (V) copied from the ROYAL MS. (VI), but the latter is itself a copy from the BODLEY MS. (III). This first appeared in the course of editing the 16th Chapter of this Gospel. On arriving at the words "Das 6ing " in v. 14, I found that the next leaf was not in the same handwriting, and it was at once obvious that a leaf had here been lost in the original MS., and the missing portion supplied in a recent hand', on newer vellum. This leaf must have been lost at a very early period; for, when the scribe of the ROYAL MI S. came to it, he could not find it, and passed on at once (without any break beyond a slight space about a quarter of an inch long) to the next word which he did find, which of course was the first on the following leaf in the BODLEY MS., viz. the word "unmihtlic" in Ch. xvii. v. 1. The scribe of the, HATTON MS. also missed the same passage, of course because it was not accessible to him. As soon as ever this clue was obtained, I was at once enabled to understand the whole matter: all the peculiarities of the ROYAL MS. are due to the BODLEY MS. which the scribe had before him. It was thence, for instance, that he copied the few rubrics which he has inserted, and it was thence that he derived certain peculiarities of spelling. At the same time, he made a few alterations at his own will, with the result that his MS. presents the text of the BODLEY MS. with a few later forms, just as the HATTON MS. represents the ROYAL MS., with more numerous alterations in the direction of later spelling. It is proper also to add, by way of making assurance doubly sure, that the few verses originally omitted at the end of the last Chapter in the ROYAL MS. were omitted, for a precisely similar reason, viz. because another leaf was again lacking at that point in the BODLEY MS.; and the missing passage is again supplied on newer vellum by a later hand. After this, a careful re-examination of all the MSS. shewed that the COTTON MS. (IV) is (with the exception of a very few clerical errors) an absolute duplicate, word for word and letter for letter, of the BODLEY MS., whilst both of these, in their turn, agree so closely with the CORPUS MS. (I), also word for word, and almost letter for letter, that all three must be mere copies from one and the same original, not now forth-coming2. The CAMBRIDGE MS. (II), again, is exactly the very same text, word for word, but 1No doubt under the supervision of Archbishop been preserved, criticism is out of place. Parker, who was much given to'mending' MSS. He 2 I have said this before (Pref. to St Mark, p. vii). All would have been better advised in letting them alone. I now do is to offer further proof, based on re-examination As, however, it is owing to him that many MSS. have of the MSS. PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. ix with a few changes of spelling. This will appear more clearly from the analysis of a whole chapter, and' I select for this purpose the 3rd chapter, as being conveniently short, and remarkable for the absence of the genealogy. Taking the text as the standard, the sole variations of MSS. B. (III) and C. (IV) from it are these. 1. B. anwaldes (for anwealdes)'. C. forEan (a mere clerical error for feor'6an, which occurs twice, and the first time is spelt correctly). 3. B. C. rice (for ricee). 4. Clypiendes stefn (for Clypiende stefen, and- due to the fact that Clypiende is ac clerical error in the Corpus MS.). 7. B. C. hig (for hi; the spellings hi and hig being convertible even in the samce iS.). B. C. cyn (for cynn). 8. C. gos (a clerical error for god). 9. B. C. woestm (for wtesm; due to the clerical error wmesm in the Corpus MS.). 14. C. repeats ] cwoedon (a clerical error). 16. B. C. 7swarode (for 1swarude). 19. B. bro>6ur; C. bropur (for bro6or). C. yfellum (for yfelum). 20. B. C. cwerterne (for cwearterne). 22. B. C. halga (for halega). C. aastah (clerical error for astah). B. C. stefn (for stefen). 23. C. prittig (Jbr pritig). B. C. men (for menn). 24. B. C. cneoresse (once only, it being spelt cneorysse the first timne, as in the text). Now what do these variations amount to? Putting aside absolute clerical errors, they merely give the following very slight alterations of spelling, viz. — anwealdes, anwaldes; riche, rice; stefn, stefen; hi, hig; cynn, cyn; lswarude, Jswarode; broWSor, broS6ur; cwearterne, cwerterne; halega, halga; pritig, prittig; menn, men; cneorysse, cneoresse. Here are twelve variations only, all of the slightest character, all of them merely such as are found within the compass of any one of the three MSS. taken individually, and solely due to the fact that the same words were not always spelt the same way by the same scribe. The three MSS. are practically, one and the same, representing the language of the same period, and all drawn from a common original, from which, for all that we can tell, they may have been copied nearly at the same time. It is only thus that we can account for such close coincidences as are of frequent occurrence. One example may suffice to shew the nature of them. In Ch. xxii. v. 52, the word to is accidentally repeated in the CoRPUs MS., and the same peculiarity occurs in the COTTON MS.; whilst in the BODLEY MS. the word was also repeated in the MS., in its original condition, though the second to has been carefully erased at a later period. A similar investigation shews that the CAMBRIDGE MS. (II) is also from the same source; it differs somewhat in grammatical forms, and seems to be a little later in date than the rest. 1 The variations of C. cannot always be ascertained, whole, very slight. Most of it can be read, at least because the MS. is damaged; but the damage is, on the throughout St Luke's gospel. x PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. This enables us to make the following scheme of the pedigree of the MSS. containing the Wessex translation of the Gospels. Original MS. (now lost). - _- T 1___ T_ I Corpus MIS. 140 = Bodley MS. 441 = Otho C. 1. Cambridge MS. Royal YMS. ilattorn MS. It seems worth while to repeat and insist upon the preceding facts, because they entirely dispose of some false ideas that have been put forward concerning this interesting Old English Version. Thus, when Mr Thorpe, in his preface to the A.-S. Gospels, talks of the BODLEY MS. (III) as exhibiting "the tongue in its decline, and rapidly verging towards that state of barbarism into which it sank about the beginning of the twelfth century;" of Marshall's edition, which was really founded on the same MS., as exhibiting "'an earlier (!) but not perhaps a purer text;" and of his own edition, which was a reprint of Marshall's edition with corrections from the other MSS., as "' free from the objections above mentioned," it must be remembered that he is really describing, under three very different aspects, the same text all the while; which cannot but be puzzling to the uninitiated. When Sir F. Palgrave, in.his History of the Anglo-Saxons, ed. 1867, p. 146, says, with reference to the HATTON MS. (V), that-"- a colloquial, language, approaching nearly to modern English, seems to have existed concurrently with the more cultivated language, which we call Anglo-Saxon, at a period before the conquest; and one of the versions of the New Testament l is in this language," we have to remember that the HATTON MS. is merely a modernised version (latelr than the conquest) of the ROYAI MS. (VI), which in its turn is copied from MS. BODLEY (III). There is not a trace of any variation in the language, beyond the substitution of the word "lage" (law) in place of the then obsolescent "s" with the same meaning, of the word "coc" for "1hana" in ch. xxii; 60, and one or two other similar substitutions. What therefore Sir F. Palgrave calls "colloquial" is, in fact, merely "later." A suggestion was made to me that, if the RLOYAL MS. (TVI) be earlier than the HATTON VMS (V), it should have occupied the upper part of the page, and the variations of the Hatton MS. should have come below it. But the fact is, that I have followed Kemble's plan of shewing the latest and earliest forms side by side, which is most convenient in practice, as shewing more directly what changes were introduced by mere lapse of time. It is very rarely indeed that this can be done; it is very seldom that copies of the same identical text can be found, differing 1 He should have said-" of the Gospels.' There is no trace of any translation of any other part of the New Testament. PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. Xi from each other in no respect but date. If any student wishes to see how the older language was modified in the course of years, by examining the spellings of the same words in the same context at two different dates, the means for the investigation are here ready to his hand, unencumbered by actual changes in the phraseology. For philological purposes, this is no small matter. It should be remembered too, that I give all the variations in spelling of the Royal MS., so that it is practically printed in extenso, whilst the text in the left-hand column (the variations of B. noted and excepted) gives the text from which the Royal MS. was actually copied, so that the reader can see at once whence it came, and also into what form it passed. Putting aside all preconceived fancies, the critical comparison of the MSS. points, in my opinion, to three results, which are, I suspect, rather different to those which have generally found acceptance. I imagine that many have supposed that there may have been several translations of the Gospels into Anglo-Saxon, that numerous copies were made of them, and that most of the copies have long since perished. Now, all these three things qay have been true, and cannot be disproved; but the actual evidence is all the other way, and ought to receive its full share of recognition. When we consider these undoubted facts, that, out of the six MSS. now existing, it is absolutely certain that MSS. I., III., and IV. scarcely differ in a single letter (due allowances being made for variable spellings); that MS. V. is copied from MS. VI. and from nothing else, and that MS. VI. is copied from MS. III. and from nothing else, we are almost irresistibly led to conclude that perhaps not very many of the copies have perished, that they may never have been very numerous, and that there is at present not the faintest trace of any other version'. I feel the more bound to say this, because the results differ from what I expected to find, and those suppositions which we feel compelled to entertain are more likely to be true than those which we merely build upon conjecture.. It has also been a question hitherto, which of these copies of the AngloSaxon Gospels is the oldest. Putting aside the later HATTON and RoYaL MSS., and admitting that the CAMBRIDGE MS. (II) is probably the latest of the other four, we may be satisfied with noting that the remaining three-at whatever time written out, and I see no reason for making one much older than another-are practically the same text, and of one period, and may be referred, as they have usually been, to the last decade of the tenth century; the date of the translation itself may have been somewhat earlier. I have once before quoted the opinion of Sir F. Madden that "the Anglo-Saxon version of the Gospels may be safely attributed to the ninth century," with his further remark that "none of the 1 The only hints of other versions are (1) the mention (2) the notion that a translation may have been made by of a translation made by Beda (Smith's Bede, p. 753) and order of king AElfred (see my Preface to St Mark, p. ii). Xii PREFACE TO ST LUKE'S GOSPEL. MSS. appear to give the version in its original purity;" see Pref. to St Mark, p. iii.; but I now feel bound to say that the present evidence militates, to some extent, against both these suppositions. The close agreement of the MSS. seems to shew that the version is nearly as pure now as it ever was, and the language belongs rather to the tenth than to the ninth century. It seems, however, reasonable to suppose that this version of the Gospels is older than zElfric's version of the Pentateuch, made probably after A.D. 990; for }Elfric would hardly have turned his attention to the books of Moses until he had ascertained that the Gospels had first been translated. These remarks refer to the Anglo-Saxon or Wessex MSS. only. The Northumbrian glosses are altogether distinct from them and independent; but they are not independent of each other, since the gloss in the RUSHWORTH MS. (VIII) frequently depends upon that in the LINDISFARNE MS. (VII), and in many places must have been copied from it, as already shewn in my Preface to St Mark's Gospel, at p. xiii. I again express my thanks to the Syndics of the Pitt Press, for undertaking the publication of this third volume of the' series of the Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Gospels. CAMBRIDGE, June 20, 1874. [Cotton MS. Nero D. 4, Fol. 129, col. 2.] — efter lucas ~sus mercong elces godspelles'Se ontuoelmonas6 byres on lucases deel'SEcundum lucan ieiunium sacncti iohannis fcottidiana baptistae' in ieiunium sanctorum domniniCa. III. de aduentum (sic) iohannis et pauli in natale sancti iohannis baptistce in unius confessores (sic) in natale domnini cottidiana admisa'publica post prima in octabas domini nostri iesu christi de aduentum post dominica IIII in ieiunium feria. III.'de epiphana post prima dominica dominica prima de aduentum de aduentum feria. ui. dom?,ini nostri iesu christi in natale episcopi post. u. dominicas -cottidiana de aduentum cottidiana t d[col. 2] cotidiana in natale sancti laurenti in ieiunium apostolorum... t in ieiunium sancti laurenti. cotidiana in unius martyris cotidi a cottidiana per messes cottidiana per messes post penticosten in ieiuniwum cottidiana die sabbati die. sabbati Iin xlgisima pascha-e in apostolorum cottidiana in sanchforum inpstItI. dominicas xlgisima feria IIII2 [Fol. 129 b, col. 1.] feria.II. de ebdomada post III dominicas maiora xlgisima feria. II cottidiana t item alia cotidiana feria. u. mane in cena t cotidiana domini admissa in martiras passio domini nostri iesu christi t in apostolorum cotidiana die sabbati de albas t cotidiana pascae in sacnctorum feria. III. de albas pascae cottidiana feria. u. de albas pascae in martyras in ascensa domini nostri iesu christi 1 The word baptistae here occupies a line by itself; but it is'set back' because I suppose it to belong to the line above. So also in other cases. 2 These two lines are really' set back' in the MS. [LUKE. INCIPIT PRAEFATIO LUCAE hncas te syrisca'6rae burge 4' -Szre ceastra fostring miS crsefte l-ee discipul 4' Ffol. 130.] LucAS SYRUS anthiocensiae arte medicus dciscilareneht -4 fostring Sara postolra refter Son Sone, paule 4' Seem paule gesohte T gefylgde wi-S ondetnise pulus apostolorumn postea paulum secutus usque ad confessionemr his herde drihtne buta heh-synne forSon noe t3 wif efra h fde. ne suno eius seruiens domino sine crimine namn neque uxoremn umquam habens neque filios hundseofontig wintra geliorade in bithinia. in semr byrig full of halig gast seSe mi-Sy uutediice -: gee lxxiiii. annorum obiit in bithinia plenus spir~itu scancto qui cum ianm awrittinse woeron Sa godspella Serh matheumz ee so-Slice on iudea Serhl m arcurn Sonne on scribata essent euangelia per mattheunm. quidern in i:udeam per marcurn autem in. Italia. i. SeaS (sic) halge instihtade' dihtade gaste inz Ser Seade dalum Sis aurat godspell italia sancto instigante spiritu in achaiae partibus hoc scribsit euangelium gemercade uutecltice - he on foruearcd r oSero woere awritteno to huon 4' to Se m buta -Sa SaSe significans etiamn ipse in principio ante alia esse describta cui extra ea quae endebrednise ~ses godspellica gesetnisse tosceades lt' sa maastum nied-Sarf woerces 4' ses wynnes wes ordo euangelicae dispositionis exposcit ea maxime necessitas laboris fuit Ite serest creciscumn;sem geleafulum mi; seghuoelcum witgong tocynlmendo in lichoma godes cristes ut prirnum graecis fidelibus omni prophetatione uenturi in carnem dei christ woerca Sio mnennisenise -te ne iudaiscum sagum hia to behaldanne woere in an aes willo manifesta humanitas nle iudaicis fabulis, adtendi in solo legis desiderio to-haldon Ite ne 4' 4' ec to-sliterum sagurn J unwislicum gemnisum besuicceno 4' gemerredo tenerentur ne uel hereticis fabulis et stultis sollicitudinibus seducti foerdon from soSfrestnise Pte miswunne rafter on 1 te on fiuma godspelles iohannes. excederent a ueritate elaboraret dehinc ut in principio euangelii iohannis mniS accennise fore ondfengca -4 to hwmm godspell awrite J on Seem se gecorene awrite -te natiuitate praesumta cui euangeliumn scriberet et in quo electus scriberet et tahte' ge-cy;de ~ getrymmede J in him gefylledo weron Sade weron from o'Srom ongindo indicaret contestans et in se completa esse quae essent: ab allis incoata Osem for~Son ofter fulwiht sunu godes from endung eneureses on. crist gefylled cui ideo post babtismum filii dei a perfeccione generationis in hristo impletam gesoht wero from fruma accennise sees mennisces Sio matht Serh-gelefed wins pte STem soeeendumn repetendae a principio natiuitatis humanae potestas permissa est ut requirentibus ge-eaude in ~Sem of-genom wins sunu inn-gie ~ses iornende in denmonstraret in quo aprrehendens [fol. 130b] erat natham filium introire currentis ina CONTENTS. 3 god cneoreso to-sende 4' to in godes bodade in monnes gecerree in him ~erh deum generationis admisso indisparabilis dei predicans in hominis redire in se per sunu dyde sere derh daui'S sone feeder cymendum getrahtade 4' tosceada in crist;erm filium faceret qui per dauid patrem — uenientibus interpretabat in christo cui luce ne is un-cynn gee &eera writtra apostolica wundra nmeht in ryne 4' biW sald -te luce non inmerito etiam scribendoruln apostolicorum actuum potestas in misterio datur ut gode on god full J sune selenis gedrysned 4' geendad gebed apostolum gewordne miS hlod deo in deum pleno et filio proditionis extincto oratione apostolis facta sorte drihtnes gecorenes tal J sua paulus tone endung mii apostolicurn wundrum ~te salde dominni electionis nunmerus sicque paulus consummlationemn apostolicis actibus daret tone long wiD priclom eft-drsegend drihten gecease -lto redendume 4' eft-soecendunm quemn diu contra stimulos recalcitrantem domninus elegisset quod legentibus aut requirentibtts god 7 gif derh suyndriga to areccganne from usig darflic woere wiste huoebre -te deuln et si per singula expediari a nobis utile fuerat sciens tanen quod seem wyrcende londbuend gerises of waestmum his 5te getta we forgesldon T gesaegdon 4' 5 beerlic operanterz agricolam oporteat de fructibus suis edere uitauimus publicam feruitgiornis nere suitor wilnendum god -]te we gesegen Son curiositatenl n- non tam uolentibus deum uideremur quam fastidientibus prodissm ongiinnaiS ta mercunga INCIPIUNT CAPITULA miS fora saga lucas ~eofi godspell saege- 4' becnes'Serh ende-brednise weregesceaden I. PRAEFATIONE lucas theofilo euangeliumn indicat per ordinem describturugm sacerdhad sosfoestes zacharie - asegd bid 4' is meec a gesihso in t;emple of5on him Il. Sacerdotium iusti zacchariae refertur et uisio in teinplo qua ei sunu -e engel eed-eaude gehaten waes -te were accenned Zes uutedlice ecnung 4' accennise gemyndged is filius angelo reuelante promittitur nasciturus cuius etiarn conceptio memoratur gesended wies engel to maria -te were aecenned spreces tone heelend mini~y sona acenned wies III..Missus angelus ad mariam nasciturum loquitur saluatorem quo inox concepto gegroeted wies froim elizabeth gefeande in innaZ mi-;i-y iohanne huona efter salutatur ab helizabeth exultante in utero iohanne [fol. 131.] unde post triim monedum eftgecerred woes in hus hire mi-iSy acenned wses iohannes nii-S stefne tres menses - reuersa est in domum sualm III. Nato iohanne uox gespreca;Perm dumbe gesald wies tezm feder sona witgende se cenht in wrestern is ots on diege eloqui muto redditur patri ilico prophetanti puer in deserto est usque in diem sed-eaudnise his to israel sec asiegd is 1~ bod;ses caseras. accennise cristes ostensionis suae ad israhel v. Refertur edictum caesaris et natiuitas christi seem hiordum fromn engel aseegd bi; 4' wis ofion 4 midBy 9 heofonlic cempo I;a menigo pastoribus ab angelo nuntiatur cum quo caelestis militiae multitudo A2 4 [LuKYm singe- wulder 4, gefea-sie in, heonisum gode englum- of dune stigendum ~a hiordo frorende canit gloria in excelsis deo VI. Angelis discendentibus pastores profecti 6one helendc in binne gesetted gemloetdn god ofer isem SaOe gesegon efne-geheredon saluatorem in praesepio positum reppererunt deum super his quae uidebant conlaudantes te elita-Se ymbncorfnise his witgong. ondueardes senleones -&ses so;Sfsestes o-;-;e VIi. Octauo die circumcisionis eius prophetiae praesentis sinifeonis iusti uel anins witgaZn e-sgcld is tuoelfwintro he eft-wunade from. his fostruin(?) in temple annae prophetissae narratur vIrr. Duodennis ipse reniansit n suis in templo soecende moederes cuoeSenlde on ~;oem ~aSe fadores mines sint gerises me 4te ic se quaerenti matri dicens in his qusa patrris mei sunt oportet. me esse -sio fiftei-;o ger tiberes tses caseres iohannis mi%;sy aras bod acuoeden is of;on VIIIo Anno quinto deciino tiberii caesaris iohannis orta praedicatio dicitur qua. alle to hreownise getrynled bis S sceowull drihtnes hine geondetade unwyrse cunctos ad paenitentian cohortatur et calciamentis domini se fatetur indignum herodes to caercherne seles iohan.neem 7 ~;rittig wintra mis 6;io gefuulwad drihtne x. Herodes carceri dat iohanunem. et triginta annorum baptizato domino isrinise on fulwiht assegdnise 4' tosceaded is cynno 3 hundseofontig seofon of criste trinitatis in baptismo mysterium declaratur generationurn septnaginta septem a christo upp woende wiZs to god ende-brednis. ggeadred biiS 4' gewoefen feortig dagana sursim n ersus usque ad deuma ordo contexitur xi. Quadraginta dierum feastermn i 4-srifald costong' diofles 4$te oferbsuiset wtes oedeaued is mersung eft-fberende ieiunlum et trina temntatione diabolis superatus ostenditur xII. Famna regressi in galilean getelecl is -pte esaias boc onfenge of him gefylede wses. cuoeSl he ne in gaiileam refertur et quod esaiae librum, accipiens de se impletum dixerit nee hsefde eo witga ar in oesel his eftassegd soblice 4' ec sio wiclua of habere prophetain honorem in patria sua relata etiam uidua [fol. 131 b] de serapta 4' Soes lic-Sroueres nemaln syri niiS clhnsunge -pte -serh nliddium hiora seose hine serapta uel leprosi neran siri mundcatione quod. per lmedium. eorum qui eum of lore foreglendra waldon ofer-foerde aseg'd is ondetande in somnunge de monte proecipitare uolebant transienit indicatur xIII. Confitentem in synagoga isone diowoel fordraf of mnenn swer petres J monigra untrymmia 4 folc daemonem pellit ex homnie xIII.I Socrus petri et nmultorunm infirmorum turba gehselde4' gehreled wses J ondetung diola forboden is tusem sciopumn feng -sanatur et confessio daemonum prohibeturn xvo Duobus nauiculis captura fisca in word drihtnes feerlice wero gefylde ondo frohtendes petres foerano Sa-se his. piscium in uerbo donmini repente completis timor pauescentis petri sociorum quae eius assegd is hreaf wses geclknsed monigo miS msegne drihtnes gegemedwoeron untrymigo edicitur. XVI. Leproso mundato lmulti uirtute domini curantur infirmi. eone eorS-crypel mitSSy gehreafad wies hus forleten before him 3 from synnum J fnro XVII. Paralyticurn nudato tecto dimissum ante se et. peccatis et 6 CONTENTS.j] crypelnise gemeS 4' gehseleS leui seSe I matheus of teloneo geced is hia lycedon paralysi curat XYrI. Leui qui et mattheus de teloneo uocatur murmurantes of btersynnigra gebearscip 4' of faestern forbodeno asnem bryd-gum sec woedes J wines de publicanorum conuiuio uel de ieiunio athibita sponsi et uestimenti ac uini niwes mins ceping becuoeS soecende of niming hera in sabatum noui comparatione redarguit xvIIII. Quaerentes de uulsione spicarum in sabbatiS eftasoegdl dauid bisen forcuom on somrlung hond drugi hzelde gefylde woeron relato dauid exelmplo conuincit XX. IN synagoga manum aridam sanat repletis in unwisdlom se-laruas {serh-wmecende in gebed arlic tuoelfo apostolas insipientia pharisaeis xxI. Pernoctans in oratione mane duodecim apostolos nemneI M a hrinendo himn gehoeled biton un-hale {orfendo -urstendo woependo oehtnominat taiigentes eum sanantur aegroti xxII. Pauperes esurientes flentes persenise oleidOe ~a eadgo ceigeS we Se;mn wloneunm: osem hlehendum cuoeoa - ee 4' gee'6a fiondas cutionem patientes beatos uocat uae dliuitibus ac ridentibus dicens etiam inimicos bebead to lufanne 7 slanegendurn 4' ~tem nacode lytle to forstondanne of mote praecepit diligendos et percutientes uel nuclanti minime resistendum xxIII. De festuca 7 beame of tree Oec goda 7 yfla 7 sec of &sem hus getimberde geddunga sette-3 et trabe arbore quoque bona et miala atque doino aedificanda parabola ponit centuriones {srsel gemes biddendzum foree hine eldrtnm J megurn sunu xxIIII. Centurionis seruumn curat roga0itibats pro eo senioribits et arnicis xxv. Filius ancende widlues moder dead gee to ceastre gebroht of beere aweht is -Ssem foerenuumn unicus iclduae matris mortuus iam ciuitate elatus de feretro suscitatur xxvI. Regressis iohannis erencldwrecum monigo of his micelnise gesproec: cnemhtwn sittendunm in ting-stowe iohannis nuntiis multa de eius imagnitudine loquitur et pueris sedentibus in foro cneureso gemacade T gnemacaO iudea hlingende drihtne foet 4 wif generationein comparat iudaeorum xxvII. Discunmbentis domtrin pedes mulier minS tearuumz asoa.1 oelaruas smeung geddung tuloera gelsread is scyldigra amenl lacrimis rigat et pharisaei cogitatio parabola duoruin arguitur debitorum xXvIII. Euanbodande drihtne 9 ~egnum his wifo of hiora acuoeden is wselum elmlbehtade gelizanti domino et discipulis eius mulieres de suis dicuntur facultatibus ministrasse geddung oec 6on -sesauende (sic) 9 woestm fo0'e-sette J gesette 4' soegde -p leht-fmt parabolam quoque senminantis fructuumqooe proponit atqle exponit XXVIIII. Lucernam under foete ne to settanne 7 Sa J) moder 7 brolro ceigendo cuoeS aWse fadores doende sub uase non ponendam et eos luatrein fratresque uocandos ait qui patris fecerint willo in scip slepende awoht woes from frohtendum 3 un-woeder soes uoluntatem xxx., IN naui dormiens excitatur a periclitantibus et tempestateln maris miR word gestiorde monno, from diowla here agemde'aSe in bergum uerbo comnpescit XXXI. ilominem a daeononain legione curauit quos in porcos gegeonga gelefde foerde to dohter iares were awoeht 4$ wif of iorning ire concessit xxxII. Pergens ad filiam iairi suscitandam mulierem i profluio 6 [LuKE. blodes heled Aueccende Saem mvegdne gesald were bebead geeatta mii5 gebrochtum sanguinis saluat resuscitate puellae dari praecipit manducare xxxiiI. Conlatis mlluhtumz sendes tuoelfomn *te bodande wero halwoendum bodumn inseteno mersunc uirtutibmts rmittit duodecim praedicaturus praeceptis salutaribus institutos xxxIIII. Famam his herodes geherde asegld is I apostolas gecuoeden sint -a6te dydon eft-brohte 4$ spogdon fif eius herodis audisse refertur et apostoli dicuntur quae fecerant rettulisse xxxv. Quinque hlafUin 9 tualm fiscum fif monno Zsusendo gefylde gefroegnende panibus et duobts piscibts quinquze hominum milia saturat XXXVI. INterroganti ~a eeg-nas $one I' huoelcne hine cuoeden menn petrzts geonduearde criste godes discipulos quem eum dicerent homines petrus [fol. 132b] respondit christi dei sos he fore-segde hine grouende lere$ fte hine velc 4 sua huelc fylgende hine woere at ipse praenunntiat se passurum xxxvII. Docet ut eum quisque secuturus onhseca hine seolfne J sume ne gesego hia cuoe6 deas wiR J) geseas ric godes sona Cabneget semet ipsum et quosdam non uisuros ait mortemv donec uideant regnum dclei mox in is assegd ofer-hiuade wses on mor sutne sunu of diule treatat 1P misiy infertur transfiguratus in montem xxxvIII. Cuiusdam filium a daemonio increwses ge-reatad cneoreses from ungeleafulnise gegemde efter sona cuoe{ hine Isrouande pata generationis incredulitate curauit XXXVIIII. Iterum dicit se passurum were toweard I of aldordoin smeaunga hiora gesettet wxes in middum cnseht forbead emrnodnise fore et de primato cogitationes eorum statuto in medio puero uetans humilitatem ]ere- J ne to forbeadane msehto on his noma doende fyr of heofnle ofer docet et -non prohiberi uirtutes in ipsius nomine facientem XL. Ignem de cmlo super telendo 4I hni-Sriendo gebida wilnando 8egnas ~reata~ 7 ieTm cuoe-ende ic fylgo -ec foxas holo contemtores petere uolentes discipulos increpat et dicenti sequar te uulpes foueas habba-s getrymade esne fylgende forgeafa -I forleta ta deado J tone haldond sulh ne eft-locia habere testatur iuuenis sequenti dimittere inortuos et tenentem aratrum non respicere on bpec of-gemsercade ee otsrum tuxmm unseofontigunm geadum sile6s bodco ~em gerises retro XLI. Designatis et aliis. lxx. duobus dat praecepta quibus debeant bodage sona ~;a ungeleaffulloco genreadas -? ~a ceastro tusem unseofuntigunt eft-cerrenduin I praedicare mox incredulas increpat ciuitates.lxx. duobus reuersis atque isemn gefeanduin bebead ne of under-drifenise diowla all of biora in heofne noma gaudentibus praecipit non de subiectione daemonum sed de suorum in caelo nominum nii- awrittne gefea ondetnise hernises in gefea asiegd is to feder iefter ~on scribtione gaudere XLII. Confessio laudis in gaudio refertur ad patrem postquam izsseges ac $a for'rmesto sosfseste ~ate gesea~ ~a ~egnas ne gesegohia ies ~sem wise of infert priores iustos quae uident discipuli non uidisse XLIII. Legis perito de lif ecce soecende 3 hua his were ~e neesta fraignende in-lede-5 geddung ses wundes uita aeterna quaerente et quis eius esset proximus sciscitante inducit parabolam uulnerati imm gebroht from, samaritanu rn miltheortnise bebead gebisened cui conlatam a samaritano misericordiam praecipit imitandam XLIIII. Quaerellam CONTENTS.] 7 ses emnbeht-monnes of suoester ne hia helpende gecoren hia 4 &a ilco doel ministrantis nmarte de sorore non eam adiuuante optimam eam [fol. 133.] partem gecease nmi~ cuis stiorde - bisene gebedes fifo giunga were gebeden from elegisse dicendo compescit xLV. lNormam orationis quinque petitionum rogatus a ~egnulL gesalde frionde irio hlafas sed midder-usehlt -3sem biddende - getdung discipulos (sic) tradit XLVI. Amici tres panes media nocte petiti parabolani sette giwende soecende J cnylsende ~erh-gebiddes {Sone dumba diulas lmiponens petendum quaerendclum pulsandumque persuadit XLVII. Mutum daemonia cumr;y geboette geme5 -f spree J in diobla aldor 5uslico hine msege cuoesende from wepen-berend strongum restituto curat eloquio et- in belzebub talia eunm posse dicentes de armato fortiore forcunmmen 7 of gast uncelmne seofofullice on menn eftfserende forcuoe- BemI deuicto et de spiritu immundo septemn-p]iciter in homine regresso redarguit XLVIII. Exclaceigende wife eadig'; were 9 inno~- sere hine gebere I geonduorde -te were Se eadig seSe manti mulieri beatumn esse uentrem qui eum portasset respondit esse eum beatum qui gehealde word godes i of becon ionues cuoes I8io euoen. su$-dseles gemyndgade seruaierit uerbum deai et de signo ionae dicens reginamn austri commenmorat - leht-fret cuoeeende ne were under Initte to gesettanne - ego lsereS blise were XLVIIII. Lucernam dicens non esse sub muodio poni oculum docet simplicemn esse gerisnelic illi seelarua gehriordage gebeden wses smeande 4' Sencende from, iudisca fulwihte debere L. Apud pharisaeum prandere rogatuls cogitantem de iudaico baptismate becnade 4 cydde J wse seofa siva cuoe$ nmonigo hiora S;fla sec gesreade 6egnum notans et uae pharisaeis sexies dicens multa eorumn mala coarguit LI. Discipulis bebead 7 fronm dlserstumn, esuicnise to behaldane J Sa {aW;e lic-homa acuellas ne scyniga ne - praecepit et 6 fermento hypocrisis cauere et eos qgi corpus occidunt non metuere nec in oehtnise huetd hia wero sprecendo ge- Sencme -Sem wilnande sum sing bituih him 7 in persecutione quid locuturi sint cogitare LII., Petenti quodam inter se et broSer his were todseled erfe geddung gesette from. welige asemi gitsare sona i,egnuq,, fratrem suumn diuidi hereditatem parabolam ponit de diuite auaro mox. et discipulis gemnise mettes 7 woedes forgaes fiuglas bebead: to behaldanne lytlo edo sollicitudinem cibi uestisque carent aues praecipit euitandum LIII. Pusillo gregi ric geheht to hsebbendo 4' agnage fore meinliso to bebscane I sido regnum promittens possidenda uel possessa propter elemosynam uendi [fol. 133 b] lunmbosque ymbgyrdeno I leht-fato beornendo were gerisnelic hate5 to wmeccenne sec ~on srseles godes ~ yfles praecinctos et lucernas ardentes esse debere iubet uigilandum quoque serui boni malique gemynd aworden 4' awoerO bebead esne wittende willa, drihtnes monigomn. done uncytig mentione facta priecipiens seruum scientem, uoluntatem, domini multis igno4' unwittende sec huonumn gemersia g[e]fsestnuis fyr innueard hine cuoeds serflicra rantem uero paucis uaputlare confirmat LIIII. IGnem internam se dicit necessitudinum todselnise woere gesended: onsione heofines cunnande reht-lice were tid to oncnauanne eawunga rue diuissionemn, missurum et faciem caeli probantes debere tempus intellegere manifestum atqme 8 [LUKE. ge-siodsumnise to &em fionde on woeg fore-soegeoS weron gesoigd sum obero from pylate ofsloegeno consentiendum aduersario in uia pronuntiat LV. Nuntiatis quibusdam a pilato occisis cuoe-S alle buta hreonise doaS gelic -jte hia woero deado 4P sua a tene o ehto ait omnes nisi penitentiam agant similiter perituros uel sicut illi decem et octo feallo torres fore-treden geddung sec -on of unberendum trees fic settende smege S'trecnalS ruina turris oppressi parabolam quoque de sterili arbori fici ponens indicat hreonis tosceadadon 1 y wif from wintrum tenum mehto gescryncan ahof of gemnise paenitentiam differentes et mulierem ab annis decemn et octo curuatam erigens de cura mis bisseno oxes to wsetranne eefssegoe$ gefeande folc of his wundrum sabbati murmurantes exemplo bouis adaquandi refellit gaudente populo de eius niraculis wuldorlicum ric godes corn sinapis ge-efnade 3 to deersto from naronete mec Son gloriosis LVI. Regnum dei grano sinapis conparans et fermento de angusta quoque lifes woeg lytla 4' lytelra sprecend woeron cuoe; sa fortmesto hloetmest I -Sa hloetmesto for~smesto uitae uia paucorum loquens erunt inquit primi nouissimi et nouissimi primi herociem fox nemnneS I hierusalem ge;rea-e o'rum his gescilde onseeccende LVII. Herodem uulpezn appellat et hierusalerm increpat alis eius protegi respuentem gegemde suelce of sea e gefreod lycoedon LVIII. Hydropicumn sabbato curans uelut de umoris puteo liberatum murmurantes pharisaeos asales I' oxes on ~eem frelles of-trahtung gescende edmodnise eoc Jon to fylgene lherde asini uel bouis in eo cadentis extractatione confundit humilitatem quoque sectandam docens on gebearscip;eet forma hrmest bebead ne sohte -4 nere to soecane ne weligo ah,a dorfendo -a-;e inl conuiuio primum accubitzum praecipit non quaerendum nec diuites sed pauperes qui ne eft-seleiS were to foedanne seteo5 geddung of {eem la-sendum seSe hine non retribuant esse pascendos [fol. 134.] LVIIII. Ponit parabolam de inuitatis qui se forcuoede gearuande 4' geteledon symbel ne woeron wyrde la-um Sa nedlicumn mis Son excusare studentes cena non fuerint digni LX. Odituris necessitudines insuper sauel his J ondfenge rode gefylgendo woero - gelic ge-timbrendes torres J of gefeht et animam suam et assumta cruce secuturi similitudinem aedificandeo turris et de bello cyninga tuoege gesceadet 3 ne sie hwoel[c] -4 oenig salt ah eoro habbaS to heranne regum duorum exponit neue sit quis sal infatuatum sed aures habet audiendi of synna gebearscip geddung scipes J cesering setteS begetne LXI. Murmurantibus de peccatorum conuiuio parabolam ouis et dragmae ponit inuentae bebead - gefea frorn hreownisum heolo tocymende geddung gesette from commendans gaudium de paenitentum salute futurum LXII. ParabolaIn ponens de wwestmo 7 -Sem argae sunum o eft-cerr behofe to feder heelo seegeS Stera hreonise frugi et luxurioso filiis reuersionem prodigi ad patremrn salutem indicat paenitentum from geroefa unreht-wisnise from ungelicnise seSe scyld hlaferdes his hogascipe LXIII. De uilico iniquitatis ex dissimilitudine qui debitum domini sui astu sollertiore inn-eade 4' lIede ne mrehte gode here renig J gitsaras minuerat introducit LXIIII. Non posse deo seruire quemquam et mamonae auaros CONTENTS. 9 ge~sras ia elaruas a, e cuoet', v witgo wi5 to iohannem ] Jte increpat pharisaeos legemque dicens uel prophetas usque ad iohannem baptistam et quod forleorte suahua wif gesyngade -5e unmiltheortne welige gehiuadne. i. mi-5 felle demittens qlis uxorem moechatur LXV. INmisericordem, diuitem purpuratum et t;one Sorfe inlsedde. edeaude hulco wero Srouendo hreaferas sua geearnadon pauperem lazarum introducens ostendit. qualia sint.. passuri raptores sic maerentur ite hia were gepined scearplice wse cuse snem ondspyrnende ezsem hrsewende ec broker puniri tenaces LXVI. Uae dicit scandalizanti paenitenti uero fratri uutedlice undseofontig si-a seofa siva heht -te were forgefen ge-ece him bedon Sa apostolas etiarn septuagies., septies prsecipit, remittendum LXVII. Augeri sibi petunt apostoli J geherdon of foresaga 4~ trees e;nise J geseteno mis bisene from esne herende fiderz et audiunt de translatione arboris facultatem positaque, similitudine de seruo arante 41 foedende lsereS. -.;a idlo hia gee gefyldon;a8e, beboden woeron geondetad sint uel pascente docet ut inutiles se etiam implentes quae praecepta sunt fateantur tea -4 teno hreafo geclaensade an nomaa J -sis uta-cund cynn to ~ongunge LXVIII. Decem. leprosis mundatis... [fol.. 134b] unus tantum et hoc alienigena ad gratias gewoende- pte woero tosmccenne wses frsegnend fromn tid rices godes geonduearde ne reuertitur referendas.., XVIIII,, INterrogatus de. tempore regni dei respondit non niis gehald tocymende 7 hine to $uneriL ge-efnade niomande T1 hia cuoei menn sua on cum obseruatione. uenturumn eumque. fulgori comparans occupandos eos dicit homines sicut in dagurn noes J loth J of tusem on, hus on coern J on lond suindrio to onfoanne I -a syndrio diebus noe et loth et de, binis in. tecto in, mola et in agro singulos asumendos et singulos foressege-; to forletenno to symble biddanne geddung from widua sette; wraco pronuntiat relinquendos LXX. Ad semper orandum. parabolam de uidua ponit ultionem from wiseruarde his from unrehtwis doeme giwigende of gebed -cs aelaruas on temple de aduersario suo ab iniqpo iudice postulante ILxI. Oratione pharisaei in templo hbersynnig fore-gesettet lsereS ne to worpanne -a merdo all to ondetende synno );a et publicani proposita docet nonr iactanda merita.. sed confitenda peccata LXXI:I. Parlytlo from. him hia adrifa fore-bead edmodnise under hiora noma mercaS_ to haldenne uulos a sed uetari prohibens humilitatem sub eorum nomine.. significat optinendam gefroegn';one weligo from to byenna lif ece;iu aefterra onsuare unr6d gecearf LXXIII. INterrogans diues de possidenda uita aeterna secunda responsione tristis abscidit ] forletrum fore noma his lytlo drihten ece heht gesald et relinquentibus propter nomen suum temporalia dominus aeterna promittit LXXIIII. Trahe woere to hierusalem J woere ge2rowende fore-cuoeS -et hiericho blinde $orfende. dendum se hierosolimis passurumque praedicit LXXV. Iuxta hiericho ceco mendicanti leht on onduearde eft-sette Zserh-eode hiericho -one aldormono lumen in praesenti restituit LXXVI.. Perambulans hiericho zaccheum publicanum unband sere cuom hal gedoe fte ~ losade. bispell sette 5egna absoluit qui uenit saluum. facere quod perierat. LXXVII. Parabolam ponit seruorum B 10 [LUKE. from hlaferdo his of jte hia gebohte from him J fiondas rices his accipientium a domino suo decemnas ut negotiarentur ex eis et inimicos regni sui fore-smgeS -serhl-gelicade ofer fola asales sett allum cuoesendum sibb on pronuntiat perimendos LXXVIII. Super pullum asinae sedit cunctis dicentibus pax in heofne I gefea on heanisum I of';reatendurm ~;egnum his cuoe-; gif'Sas segdon (sic) stanes caelo et gloria in excelsis et de increpandis discipulis suis ait si hi tacuerint lapides cliopadon gesmh sa ceastra gewaep ofer hia fore-sqegde of-acerred clamabunt LXXVIILI. Uidens ciuitatem fieuit [fol. 135.] super earnm praenuntians euertendam. of temple bebyccendo fordraf usuutum setendum of folce lustlice wses gehered frsegde templo uendentes, eicit scribis insidiantibus i populo libenter auditur LXXs. Sciscinende of maehte his huoerflice of froegnende of iohanines fulwihte efne forcumen woeron tantes de potestate. eius uicissim ab interrogante, de iohannis baptismo conuincuntur geddong cuoe-s from buendum, wingeardum sere laferd his: esnes I sunu: LXXXI. Parabolam dicit de cultoribus uineae qui domini sui et seruos et filium ofslogon costende of gefel caesares to forgeldanne penninges onwriting forcuom occiderunt- LXXXII. Teimtantes, de tributo, caesaris reddendo; denarii inscribtione conuincit from seofa bro-Sero hlafe soecendum erist: ~e moises,; LXXXIII. Sadducaeis de septem, fratrumn uxore quaerentibus resurrectionem- etiam mosi, mi-; cy-;nise ge-tryma; soeca-s huu crist sunu sie daui$ mi-s drihtno testimonio confirmat LXXXIIII. Quaerit quomodo christus filius sit dauid cumr domino from him were geceged in psalme hunteanteige nio'sa upp-hepbing mec -on uuS-utana gebsreade widua ab eo uocaretur in: psalmo centensimo, nono elationem quoque scribarum, arguit uidua tuoge lyf sendende for~$or allum were gefmstnad hergiendum in gazophilaciuml duo aera mittentem plus omnibus mississe confirmat LXXxV. Laudantibus getimbres tempel fore-cuoe-s sona -ses toslitnitnese i frmgnendum of ende ge-ondumarde yflo aedificium templi praedicito cuius destruendum et, interrogantibus de fine respondit mala monigfo fore-scyniga ne fore-smeande humd gesald gesprecen weron ah, in ge-syld his plurima praecessura nec praecogitandum quid traditi loquantur sed in. patientia sua, hia agnagas sauela hiora ymb-sellenne from here hierusalem J: woa possideant animas suas LXXXVI. Circumdandam ab exercitu hierusalem et uae tsem berendum suord aec -on J -f 2eadom, I tunglas heofnmes to-weardo:hine to-cymende on. wolcen praegnantibus gladium quoque et, captiuitatem signaque caeli futura seque uenturum in: nube mis maehte mlicla 3 mi5 srym fore-cuoeds locas cuoe5 Jte to-geneolecde cum potestate magna et maiestate praedicit LXXXVII. Respicite inquit quia adpro-4 to-geneoleca' lesnise iulera from druncene se Son Ji gemnisum kisses lifes forbead pinquat redemtio uestra ab' ebrietate quoque et curis huius uitae prohibens. to wseccenne bead J to biddanne uigilandum praecipit et orandum CONTENTS.] 11 *te neh eostro is to redenne [fol. 135b] QUOD PROPE PASCHA LEGENDUM EST iuisas sipbade mearde gerua'6 iSa -egnas eostro.geryno fberma LXXXVIII. IUDAS PACISCITUR pretiun parant discipuli pascha mysterium caenae.drihtnes 4' drihtenlico gemersad aron J- geflit iSegna hine seolfne -sera dominicae celebrantur LXXXVIIII. Contentionem discipulorum se ipsum illorum embeht-monn gefselde genom Issem rnc geheht cuoeS sefter olera to petre getrym brotro ministrum astruens tollit quibus regnum promittens ait post aliqua petro confirma fratres tsino Isio redo msege on sua hucelc tld cuoeMa ISrounges deda asoegd bison IBer bituih tuos quae lectio potest quolibet tempore dici xc. Passionis gesta narrantur ubi inter osero Pec Son Isio earliprece sone seem cnaehte petrus gecurfe -5io hond his miMSy gecetera etiamn auricula quam puero petrus absciderat ipsae (sic) manus suae tactu sette 4' eft-geboette Issem hoendum forgefnise from feder of-geboed ame an from 5sem sceatum restituit XCI. Crucifigentibus ueniam ia patre deposcens etiam unum ex latronibus hongende:i g (sic) ondedende unband arise hine -;arfo -5io engelica Pedeaunise crucifixum confitentem absoluit xcII. Resurrexisse eum mulieres angelica reuelatione ongeton J petrus to Iser byrgenne gearn I ge-seh ste aworden wses -gewtmdrasa cognoscunt et petrus ad monumentumn currens ac ntidens quod factum ftuerat ammiratur of tuem ]- is'u foera his ISes noma geswige- is gem geongenzdum in ceastre XCIII. A duobus id est cleopa et socio eius cuius nomen tacetur euntibis in castellum ]fte tsa wses geceiged aefter ] efne-sprec longe on delnise hlafes ongeten biS quod tunc emmaus uocabatur post confabulationem prolixam in fractione panis agnoscitur efne-sprecendum Segnum astoci on middum cuoe (sic) sibb iuh I {Sa get forhtende xcirI. Conloquentibus discipulis adstans in medio dicit pax uobis et adhuc pauentes -f gaast woendon sed-eaudnise ofer-fresto hondo J fota gefsestnate (sic) gebrsec fore spiritumque putantes ostensione transfixarum manuum pedumque confirmat edens coram 3Seiem dmel fisces brededes I biobread wyniges lsereS hia - hqt fadores walde gesenda hine ipsis partem pisces assi et fauum mellis instruit eos promissum patris missurum se cuoe&6 astag. on heofne dicens ascendit in caeluin Sios redo on'sere uica eostres niit-Sy bis gereded geendad bis on stone Ter [fol. 136.] HAEC lectio in ebdomada paschae dum legitur finitur in loco ubi cuuoe;S za huile we bison gegearuud miS &a;em heigra mseht miis-Sy uutedlice in astignise gereded bi; ait quoad usque induamini uirtutem ex alto Cum autem in ascensione legitur o0er o stoue onginneS 5er cuoet $egnum $as sint wordo sa~e spreccend woes iuh mi-3~y alio loco incoanda est quo dicit discipulis haec sunt uerba quae locutus sum uobis cum get ic wis mi~ iuh wis ende godspelles athuc essem uobiscum usque in finera euangeli asuegd aron Sa merconga sefter lucas EXPLICIUNT CAPITULA SECUNDUM LUCAM B2 THE. GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. L U K E EUANGELIUM SECUNDUM L U C A M. INCIPIT EUANGELIUM SECU N DUM LUCAM Lucas boc CHAPTER I. CHAPTER I. Nu we willeS Eros halgan her eow arecgodspelleres. 1 orpam 6e witodlice mnanega pohton 1 for pan pe witodlice manega pohte can lucaso B. Her on- Fas halgen ginl.. lucas para pinga race geende-byrdan pe Iare Jinge race ge-ende-berden pe on us godspellere 3occ Dws halgan god- on us gefyllede synt. ge-fylde synde; spelleges. C. 12 swa us betlhtun >Sa pe hyt of fry Se |e 2 swa us be-tahten Ja pe hyt of frem&Se ge-byraon gesawon. J kEere sproece penas waron; ge-ssegen. J pare sprece jeenses wseren. es im~sse- 3 Me ge-puhte geornlice eallumr o>6 ende- 3 Me ge-puhte geornlice eallen o>6 sendeMfen. Fuit indiebushe- byrdnesse writan Pe; piu se selusta theo- byrdnysse writen pe Ju seleste theophirodis regis. A. lu. philus lus. 4 J 36u oncnawe para worda sojfeestnesse 4 ]j pu onenawe Jare worde sodfsestnysse of &am 6e pu gela'red eart; of Pam 3e Pu ge-kered oert. 5 On herodes dagum iudea cyninges. 5 On herode dagen iudea cyninges wses wses sum sacerd on naman zacharias of sum sacerd on namen zacharias of abian abian tune. 1 his wif wses of a'rones doh- tune. I his wif woes of iaarones dohtren. I trusn. I hyre nama wses elizabeth; hire name wses elisabeth. 6 So6lice hig waeron butu riht-wise be- 6 SoSlice hyo wseren ba twa rihtwise foran gode. gangende on eallum his bebod- be-foren gode. 3 gangenden on eallen hys uaz 7 rihtwisnessum butan wrohte. beboden I rihtwisnesse. ba twa wrohte. 7 J hig naefdon nan beam. fordram re. 7 1 hyo nafden nan bearn. for-tan elisaelizabeth unberende. I hy on heora beth waes un-berende 9 hyo on heore dagdaguun butu for6-eodon; en ba6e for5-eoden. 8 So6Slice wes geworden pa zacharias his 8 So6Slice woes ge-wor>6en' Pa zacharias sacerdes hades breac on hys gewrixles hys sacerd-hades brea. on his ge-wrixles endebyrdnesse beforan gode. endebyrdnysse be-fore gode. Various Readings. Various Readings. Text*: MS. Corp. Chr. Coll. 140; V.R. from A (Camlb. Title. willa~; areccen; hlalgan. Unliv. Lib. Ii. 2. 11); B (Bodley' 441); and C (Cotton, Ci.. 1. for'aw; sint. 2. frim-e gesawon; 1enas Otho c. 1). Title: A.B. Incipit-lucam. woeron. 3. eallum; ende-byrdnysse writan. 4. para; Ch. i. v. 1. A. ptera. A. raca. A. synd. 2. A. beeAart. 5. dagan; naiman; dohtrumm; nana. 6. waron tsehllton. 3. A. eornlice. A. endebyrdnysse. A. Vu ese selesta. 4. A. pinera. A. sosfsestnysse. 5. B. C. cynincges. babe; riht-wisse beforan; gangendumn; allurn; riht6. A. om. Soslice. A. ryhtwysnyssum. 7. A. o. ebuton. 7 nfo. zerts e cfter foran; A. hig. B. C. hyra. B. C. forp-eodun. 8. A. B. C. sacercd-hades. A. endebyrdnysse. hyora dagan buto. 8. brea (sic); as in H. LUCAS UITULUS onginne-; god-spell eafter lucas INCIPIT EUANGELIUM S ECUNDUM LUCAM CAP. I. forSon. aec sos monigo cunnendo. woeron -'te hia geendebrednadon -a6t gesaga {aMe 1 *QUONIAM QUIDEM MULTI CONATI SUNT ORDINARE NARRATIONEM quae * I. 1uL. 1. x. In usic gefylled aron -ingana suMe gesaldon us aMSe from frumma ta gesegon: in nobis completae sunt rerum 2. sicut tradiderunt nobis qui ab initio ipsi -aiderunt et embehltmenn woeron wordes gesegen wies rec me of-fylgde from fruma alle georne ministri fuerunt sermonis 3 uisum est et mihi assecuto a principio omnia diligenter miS ende-brednise {Se auritta $u gecorene- theofile fte';u ongette hiora worda of SDem ex ordine tibi scribere optime theophile 4 ut cognoscas eorum uerborum de quibus gelaered ar; on sosfeestnise wies In dagum hero-ses cyninges iudeme sacerd sum eruditus es ueritatem 5 *FUIT IN DIEBUS herodis regis iudaeae sacerdos quidani * II. miS' noma of lond: abia: wif Sem IP him of dohterumz aaron 3 noma his elizabeth nomine zacharias de uice abia et uxor illi de filiabus aron et nomen eius elisabet woeron uutedlice soS-fmesto; boego fore gode feerendo In allum bodum n soSfaestnissum 6 erant autem iusti ambo ante deum incedentes in omnibus mandatis et iustificationibus drihtnes buta grornunge J ne wies him 4' Pem sunu fornon woes elizabeth unberend 7 boege domini sine quaerella 7 et non erat illis filius eo qu-od esset elisabeth sterilis et ambo gefeollon on dagum hiora aworden woes uutedlice miisy secerd-had gebrece in endebrednise processissent in diebus: suis 8: facturn est autem cum sacerdotio fungeretur in ordine londes his fore gode aicis sume ante deum INCEIT EUANGELIUM LUCAE CAP. I. 1. forSon oe monige cymende werun -ret gi-encde-bredadun Sa gisagune Singana Sa in usih gifyllecl arun 2. swa gisaldun us 6aAe from fruma 5a gisegun J embiht-menn werun wordes 3. gisegen wses ) me of-fyligde& from fruma alra georne" mi; endebrednisse ~se awrito Bu gicorne theon-phile 4. -Sset -su ongete hiara worda of rsem gilaered ar~ on soS-fsestnisse 5. wses in dagum...cyniges iudea sacerd sum miS noma zacharias of londe abia J wif "sem of dohtrum arones J noma him elizabeth 6. werun wutudlice soS-freste boege fore drihtibn feerende in allum bibodum 3 soS-frestnisse drihtnes buta grornunga 7. 9 ne waes'rem sunu him forbon wies elizabeth unberende 3 boege gifeollun in dagum hiora 8. giworden wres wutudlice sy sacerdhade gibrece.. in ende-brednisse londes his fore gode 16 [LUKE. 9 aefter gewunan a&es sacerdhades hlotes. 9 aefter ge-wunan. Para sacerdes hades he eode Jaet he hys offrunga sette; Da he hMotes he eode Peet he his offringe sette. on godes tempel eode D)a he on godes tempel eode 10 eall werod JPes folces woes iUte gebid- 10 eall wered pas folkes waes ute biddende on p]ere offrunga timan; dende on pare offrenge timen. 11 D'a oetywde him drihtnes engel stand- 11 Da atewede hym drihtenes eangel ende on paes weofodes swy6ran healfe; standende on pas weofedes swi6ren healfe. 12 Da wear>6 zacharias gedrefed f ge- 12 pa war6 zacharias ge-drefed peet geseonde 1 him ege on-hreas; seonde 7 him eige on-reas. 13 Da cwaea se engel him to. ne ondrMd 13 Da cwAee se Mengel hym to. ne onpu pe zacharias. forPam pin ben ys gehyred dred pu pe zacharias. for Pan pin bene is I Jin wIf elizabeth Pe sunu cen6. J pu ge-herd. I pin wif elisabeth pe sune kent. nemst hys naman Iohannes. - pu nemnest hys name Iohannes 14 7 he bye' pe to gefean I to blisse. 7 14 1 he by>e Pe to blisse. 3 manega on manega on his acennednysse gefagnia'6; his akynnednysse ge-fagene6. 15 So6lice he by"e mwre beforan drihtne 15 So'lice he by6 msere be-foren drihtI he ne drinc6 win. ne beor. I he by'e ene. 7 he ne drince6 win ne beor. I he gefylled on haligum gaste. ponne gyt of beo5 ge-felle>6 mid halgen gaste; panne hys modor innoS6e. gyt of hys mloder inno6e. 16 7 manega israhela bearna he gecyr>6 16 7 manege israele bearne he ge-chyrd to to drihtne hyra gode. drihtene heore gode 17 1 he geeS5 toforan him on gaste. ] 17 I he goe6 to-foren him on gaste. I on elias mihte. ~ he fsedera heortan to heora lhelias ge-mihte. I he faederan heortan to bearnum gecyrre. I ungeleaffulle to riht- heora bearnan ge-cyrre. I ungeleafulle. to wisra gleawseype. drihtne full-fremed folc rihtwise gleaw-scipe.i, drihtne fulfremed gegearwian; folc ge-goerewian. 1]8 Da cwe6e zacharias to pam engele. 18 D)a cwme>6 zacharias to pam engle. hwanun wat ic pis; Ic eom nu eald I min hwanan wat ich pis. Ic eom nu eald I min wif on hyre dagum for6&-e6de; wif on heora dagen fbr>6-eode. 19 Da andswarode him se engel; Ic eom 19 pa andswerede him se sengel. Ich gabriel ic pe stande beforan gode. 7 ic eom eom gabriel se engel. ic pe stande be-foren asend wiY6 pe sprecan. I pe 6Sis bodian; gode. I ich eomn asend wi6 pe sprecen. ] pe pis bodien. Various Readings. Various Readings. 9. A. offrunge. 10. A. wered. A. byddende. A. 9. offrunge. 10. pkes folces; offrunge. 11. etywde; offrunge. 13. A. for]am ~e pyn. 14. B. C. acennednesse. drihtnes engel; swi$5ran. 12. were; eage. 13. engel; A. gefahnia$. 15. A. halgum. 16. A. heora. 17. C. on-draed; beane; nemst. 14. After Pe R. inserts to A. ge-fc15. A. halmum. 16- A.- hoene. 1ge- fean J; acennednysse ge-fagenigaB. 15. beforan dribtne; helias. B. C. hyra. A. B. C. fulfremed. 18. A. engle. byd ge-fylled on galgum (sic); ponne. 16. mrenega; geA.hwanen. 19. A.seengelhym. A.gabrihel. A. om. pe cyr$. 17. bernan; ungeleaffulle; rihtwisa; ge-garewian. ~~aftJ~~~~er ~ic.~ ~18. hire dagon. 19. Ic; sengel [for engel]; be-foran; ic; sprecan; bodian. CHAP. TI] 17 sefter gewuna sacerd-hades of hlodti eode ]-te roecels bgesette innfoerde on tempel 9 secundum consuetudinem sacerdoti sorte exiit ut incensum poneret ingressus in temnplum drihtnes J alli -;io menigo wses {sses folces biddende uta sed tid lehtes ved-eauade domnini 10 et omnis multitudo erat populi orans foris hora incensi 11, apparuit uutedlice -Soem engel drihtnes stode to suitsrum wig-beddes beorning i gestyred autena illi angelus domini stans a dextris altaris incensi 12 et zacharias turbatus wses miistsy geseh 7 ondo gefeoll ofer hine cuoeJs uutecdlice to {stem-ryto him se engel ne ondred'Su est uidens et timor irruit super eum 13 ait autem ad illum angelus ne timeas forton gehered woes 4 is gebeodo'Sina I uif {sin elizabeth bere5 {Se sunu 7 zacharia quoniam exaudita est depraecatio tua et uxor tua elisabet pariet tibi filium et';u ge-ceige noma his iohannes i bi- gefea ~e gk]ldnise 9 monigo in accennisse uocabis nomen suum iohannern 14 et erit gaudium tibi et exultatio et multi in natiuitate his bi;on gleede bis forson micel befora drihtno 3 win I bear ne drinces eius gaudebunt 15 erit autem magnus coram domino et uinum et sicera non bibet et gaaste halge gefylled'bis'Sa gett wses In inna moderes his I monigo suno10 isrpele spiritu sancto replebitur athuc ex utero matris sum 16 et multos filiorum israel gecerre's to drihtne gode hiora 4' sara a he foregoe- fore'seem in gaast J of 4t mmis maht conuertet ad dominum deum iposorum 17 et ipse praecedet ante illum in spirtu et nirtute helioes jte ge-cerre hearta uutuna 4 eldra In sunum J Sa ungeleaffulo to hoga-scipe soS-festra heliae ut conuertat corda patrum in filios et incredibiles -ad ptudentiam iustoruma gegearuiga drihtne folc wis-fest J cuoe- zacharias to -ssem engel huona {is witto parare domino plebem perfectum 18 et dixit zacharias ad angelum unde hoc sciaim ic forson am aid J nif mill gefeall in dagum his I ge-onduarde se engel cuoe~ ego enim sum senex et uxor mea processit in diebus suis 19 "ET respondens angelus dixit 2. v. mt. iii. him ic am gabrihel sense ic tostondo fore gode I sendet am -f ic sprece to'6e i7 Sas e ei ego sum gabrihel qui adsto ante deum et missus sum loqui ad te et haec tibi gebodage euangelizare 9. eafter giwuna sacer[dcl]-hades of hlote eode iSette in recels gisete in-foerde on temple drihtnes 10. J alle 2;io mengu woes stoes folches bidende ute set tide lehtes 11. set-eowde wutudlice Soemi engel drihtnes stod to swi'sra wibedes biornilg Wses miis-sy gisxeh I ege gifeol ofer hine 13. cweis wutudlice engel to {sem ne ondred su... for-son gihered wes 4 is of gi-beodum Minum J wif Sin elizabeth beres -se suno giceg nomna his iohannes 14. 1 bis gifea {se I glkednisse I monige in acennisse his glsede biosSun 15. bis forSon micel bifora drihten I winn J bear ne drince6 I gaste halge gifylled bigs -et gett wins in ionna moeder his 16. 3 monige suno israeles gicerraO to drihtne gode hiora 17. 1 he fore-goeis fore {sem of maehte helies -te gicerre heorta wutuna in sunum I J;a ungileoffulle to hoga-scipe sos-fiestra gigeorwiga drihtne fole wis-fmest 18. J cwseS zacharias to {snem engle hwona Mis ic wito ic forson am aild J wif nmin gifeol in dagum his 19. 1 ond-worde.e engel cwiee him ic am...sene ic to-stondo bifora gode I sended anm {st ic sprece to {e {as {e gibodige a 1 8 [LUKE. 20 And nu tu byst suwiende. I pu sprec- 20~ End nu abydst swigende. J pu sprekan ne liht. o ptone dwg Pe 6as >6ing en ne miht o65 pasnne dayg pe pas ping gegewur'sat. forparn piu minum wordumrn ne wur6Sad. for Jan pu mine worden ne lyfgelyfdest. Ja beoS on hyra tlman gefyllede; dest pa by6 on: heora timan ge-fylde. 21 And fj fole wes zachariain geanbidi- 21 And. ptet fole wns zachariam ge-abydende 1 wundrod.on f he on Ja-m temple lit ende. J wundredon. poet he on poet temwoes; pie ge-laet wTs.. 22 Da he fiit-eode ne milhte he him to 22 Da he ut-eode ne nihte he heom to sprecan. 3 hig' on-eneowon, f he on pam sproecen. 7 hyo on-cneowen poet he on lam temple sume g esihtSe gesealh. 3 he waes temple sume ge-sihte ge-seah. 7 he was bicniende hixm J dum. purh-wunede;. beacniende heom J dumb purh-wunede. 23 Da woes geworden pa his Penunga 23 pa waes ge-wor;en pa his Penunga dagas. gefyllede waeron.. he ferde to his dages ge-fylde wTeren. he ferde to his huse; huse. 24 So'Slice aefter dagum elizabeth his wIf 24 Soblice efter dagen elisabeth his wif' ge-eacnode 1 heo bediglude hig fif monpas ge-eacnode. 7 hy be-dyglede hyo fif monS7 cwae'6; as I cwe6..o 25 So6Slice me drihten gedyde pus. on 25 SoS6lice me drihten, ge-dyde- pus on pam dagum pe he gpseah minne hosp betux pam dagen Pe he ge-seah- mine hosp bemannum afyrran. twux mannen afyrran., wodnes dg els gabiel to Pa, asend gabriel se engel fram, driht- a-send gabriel! se engel framdeo in cinite ymbrene mr itsem galil&, my:dda Nvyn- ne on galilea ceastre. peere nama woes naza- drihtene on galilee cestre pare name wTs est angelus reth. nazareth. gabrihel. A. 27 to beweddudre fmemnan anum were. 27 to; be-weddedre febmnen anen, were Missus est gabriel ang- bpes nama aes iosep. of dauides hiise.. I jas name wes ioseph of dauiSes huse.. civnitaten 1pere fiemnan nama wses maria. pare femne name wses mariam. galilee. B. 28 Da cweep se engel ingangende. MhI 28, Da cwme>6 se aengel ingangende. Hal wes 6fiu mid gyfe gefylled. drihten mid pe; woesse pu mid gyfe ge-fylled. drihten mid Du eart gebletsud on wifum. pe. pu ert ge-bletsed on wifen. 29 pa wear>6 heo on his spreece gedrefed. 29 pa war>6 hyo on his sprgece ge-drefed. I pohte hwoet seo greting wtre; 1 pohte hwmet syo gretunge wpere. Various Readings. Various Readings. 20. A, swygende; B. C. suwigende. A. geweoraS. 20.: End; pu'byst:swugende; sprecan; pone; gewurdais; A. heora. 21. A. ge-anbidigende 7 wundrigende. 22. A. minun wordum; timage-fyllede. 21. 2End; wundrodon; ge-let. 22. ge-sihtte;.becniende. 23. pegnunga dagaas gesyh'e. A. lhymbyenigende. C. dumb. A. purh-wunode. 2.5 gefylle (sic). 24. dagum; ge-eacnede; bedyglude. 25. 24. A. diglode. 25. A. betweox; B. C. betwux. 27. A. dagum; minne; manum. RUBRIC; so also in R. 26. be-weddadre. 28. A. ge-bletsod. Sixtan; eengel; castre Ja. 27. femnan anurn; dauides; femnan nama. 28. wes; eart ge-bletsod; wifuml. 29. wearS; g'rety ng ClHAP. I.] 19 3 heono:eu bist suigende I ne mnege su gesprece 60o on doege of'sem'sas.gewor9es fore 20 *ET ecce eris tacens et non poteris loqui usque in diem ruo Ihaec fiant pro' 3. x ~on ]te ne gelefdest sun wordum minum i a. e gefylled bin on tid ~ hiora? wses eo quod non credidisti uerbis meis quae inplebuntur in tempore.suo 21 et erat -p folc bidende J awundradon pte hlattade he in temple!eode uutedlice plebs expectans zachariam et mirabantur qiuod tardaret ipse in templo:22 egressus autem ne meehte spreca to him 7 on-geton - -fte gesih-so gesege in temple J he non poterat loqui ad illos et;cognoueTunt'quod isionem uidisset in temploe et ipse wias becnende -iem 4' him J $erh-wunade dumb I aworden woes -te gefylde weron Zsa dagas erat innuens illis et permansit mutus 23 et factum est ut impleti sunt dies embihtes his;eode In hus his'efter tas uutedlice dageas acende [] gebser wif officli eius abllt in doomum suam, 24 post hoes autem dies concepit elisabet uxor his I gedegelde hia mnone-Sum fifo cuoe8 forion sua dyde me drihten on dagtgum eius et occultabat se mensibus quinque dicens 25 quia sic fecit mihi dlominus in diebus aeem eft-beheald to nummanne telnise min bituih monnum. on mona-se uutedlice'sa seista quibus respexit auferre opprobrium meum inter homines 26 U*IN mense autera sexto III. gresended wses s[e] angel from, gode in gaIilie ceastra tof er noma to hebstalde missus est angelus gabrihel cl deo a.n ciuitatemn galilaeae cui nomen nazareth 27 ad uirginem gewoeddedT 4 festnad heh-stald -Csere noma wses of hus dauii' I noma -saere hehstaldes desponsatan? tFuirgo cui nomen erat ioseph de domo dauid et nomen irginis molnno +,'iro (in, lmar'gfin, in 7 in-foerde se engel to hia 4T hilre cuoe. hal mi-s gefea full,drihten -sec miP late hand). mariam 28 et ingressus angelus ad eam dixit haue gratia plena domvmins tecum gebloedsad -u in wifum sa 4' iu geherde gedroefad wres in word his 3 benedicta tfi in mulieribus 29 quae cum audisset turbata est in sermnone eius et ges6ohte hulig T' hut wsesT were sios groeteng cogitabat qualis esset ista salutatio 20 J heonu -su bist swigenle j ne mege lSu gispieaca oie on dege of tem -es wor-es for.-on -axtte aie gilefestu wordumi minum tase gi-fylled biouln in tide hiora 21. 7 wies'et folc bicldende 3 wundradun etlt he la-ade he in temple 22. eode wutudlice ne miehte spreoca to him J ongetlm 2met gisihse se gi-sege in temple I he wies becnencle him i ierh-wunade dunmba 23. 1 giworcden wies fte gifylled woerun dagas embihtes his eode in hus his 24. nfter A as wutudlice dagas gicende... wif his degelde him monoIas fife cwee 25. for'on swn dyde me drihtan in dagum Asem eft biheold to niomanne telnisse mine bitwih rtlonn 26. on mono-e wutudlice tnes sesta sended wies engel...fromn gode in ciestre... 6ire noma wses... 27. to frefue giweddad4'gifrestnad were Aies noma wins... of huse dauides r noma bare hehstaldle maria 28. 3 infoerdle engel to hir ewsee hal miS gifeo full drihtenz Bec mi'i gibletsad Bu bitwih wifum 29. ta miBdy giherde gidroefed wies in worde his gi"ohte hulig thu were Sios greeting c2 20 [LUKE. 30 Da cwae6 se engel. ne ondraed pu >Se 30 Da cwae>6 se aengel. ne on-draed Pu maria; SoTlice Pu gyfe mid gode gemet- Pe Maria. So'Slice Pu gyfe mid gode getest, mettest;31 So~lice nti Ja on inno6e ge-eacnast. 31 sohlice nu Pu on inno6e ge-eacnest. I sunu censt 1 his namnan helend genem- sune censt Eend hys name hselend ge-nemnest; nest 32 Se bye mnre I xses hehstan sunu 32 U se byo65 m re. U pas heagestes genemned. 7 him sylp drihten god his fee- sune ge-nemned. I hym syl>S drihten god der. dauides setl. his feder dauides setll. 33 U he ricsa; on ecnesse on Iacobes 33 U he rixad on echnesse on Iacobes hfise. b hys rices ende ne byp; huse. 1 his riche aende ne beo>6. 34 Da cwien maria to pam engle. hu 34 pa cwaetS maria to pam tnngle hu gegewyr'6 pis for6am ic were ne on-cnavwe; wur6 pis for p]an ich were ne on-cnawe. 35 Da 7swarode hyre se engel; Se 35 Da andswerede hyre se sengel. Se halga gast on Pe becymp 7 paes heahstan halge gast on pe be-kymd T Pas heagestan miht pe ofer-sceada~;. 7 foream -T halige mihte pe ofer-sciedeS. I for pan 5 halig &e of pe acenned by'S byp godes sunu ge- l]e of pe akenned by6e; bye5 godes sune nemned ge-nemned. 36 7 nu elizabeth Pin mege sunu on hyre 36 AEnd nu elisabeth pin mage sune on 3ylde ge-eacnode. i pe mona> ys hyre sixta. hire elde ge-echnede. pkes mone; is hire seo is uilberende genemned. syxto sye is nberende ge-nemned. 37 forPam nis elc word mid gOde Un- 37 for-py nis eelch word mid gode unmihtelic; ihte-lic. 38 Da cwae- marla her is drihtnes Jlnen. 38 Da cwiae>6 MAria. Her is drihtenes gewurpe me efter pinum worde. 7 se engel Pinen. ge-wur';e me sefter pinen worde, hyre fram gewat.. J se sengel hire fram ge-wat. Dys gebyra, 39`S oPlice on aamn dagum aras maria 7 39 oS0lice on pam dagen aras MxARia Exurgelis MAOn frige dg ferde bit in to 1pa~ yloall ferde on munt-land mid ofste. I ferde on muntlande mid efste. monitaa,,, fiestene. Ex:- on iudeisce ceastre on iudeisse ceastre. festinatione, surgens autemn maria. A. 40 3 eode into zacharias hiise I grete eli- 40 7 eode in-to zacharias huse. 7 grette Exurgens maria abiit zabeth; elisabeth. cu nfestia- 4 Da waes geworden pa elizabeth gehyr- 41 Da w ges ge-wor6en. Pa helisabeth cione. B. de marian gretinge. ta gefagnude f cild ge-herde maRie gretinge. pa ge-fagene on hyre innoU6e; And pa wear6S elizabeth piet chyld on hire inno6e. tend pa war'6 halegum gaste gefylled. elisabeth halgen gaste ge-fylled. Various Readings. Various Readings. 30. A. ge-metst gife myd gode. 31. A. cennest. 33. 31. naman halend. 32. heastes; setl. 33. rixsa~; A. ryxa~. A. ecnysse. 34. A. orm. ic. A. wer. 35. A. ecnysse; rice ende; bi;. 34. engle; forram ic. 35. swterede. B. C. halie. 36.. A. B. Bmage. A. pes mnona~. becyml;; pJes heahstan; ofer-scade5; ia;; acenned; sunu36. ge-ecnade; monva; sixte seo. 37. relc. 38. ] ineo A. sixta tonoro. 38. A. ge-weorde. 39. A. iudeiscre. RunBRIc; so also in R. 39. clgum; iudeisce. 41. ge40. A. grette. 41. A. fagnode. A. halgum. worden; elizabeth; gefageneCde; cydcl; and; weard; halgvym. CHAP. I.] 21 e- cuoe's, se angel him ne ondred {su maria gemoetest {su forion gefea min, gocle 30 et ait angelus ei ne timeas maria inuenisti enim gratiam apud deum heono ge-ecnande in inna 7 {su accennes sunu 7 ge-ceige ~u noma his lihelend {ses bis 31 ecce concipiens in utero et paries filium et uocabis nomen eius iesum 32 hic erit mllicel 7 sunu -;es heiste ge-ceiged bi-s J sele-s him se drihten sedle dauises fadores his magnus et filius altissimi uocabitur et dabit illi driminus sedem dauid patris eius 33- et he ricsa s In bus iacobes in ecnisse., rices his ne biS ende cuoes uutedlice regnabit in domo iacob in aeternum et regni eius non erit finis 34 dixit autem maria to senm engel lhuu wor2Ses {Sis forBson wer ne conn ic: C geonduearde se angel ad angelun' quomodo fiet istud quoniamn uirum non cognosco 235 et respondens angelus euoes him gaast halig ofer-cylnme on J;eh J mseht ~ses heisto ofer-wriga s -e J fovreon I dixit ei spiritus sanctus superueniet in te et uirtus altissimi abumbrabit tibi ideoquae et -te accenned bis halig bis geceidc sunu godes 7 heono foereld -in 7. sa acende quod nascetur sanctum uocabitur filius dei 36 et ecce elisabeth cognata tua et ipsa concepit sunu on hseldo hire J {is nione-s is'6e seista B-er {Siu ge-ceiged is un-bere[n]d jpte - fortson filium in senecta sua et hie mensis-est sextus illi quae uocatur sterilis 37 quia ne bi8 un-mnsehticlic mi'S god all ~- eghuoele word cuoeSo lonne heono ivwa non erit inpossibile apud deum omnne uerbur,. 38 dixit autem maria ecce ancilla drihtnes sie me after word Sinum 7 fearrade from hia se angel aras uutedlice domini fiat mihi secundum uerbum tuum et discessit. ab illa angelus 39 exurgens autem on dagumn -&em foerde on morunn mi!s oefeste on ceastre I in-foerde maria in diebus illis abiit in montana cumi festinatione in. ciuitatem iuda 40 et intrauit in hus zacharise 7 ge-groette 7 aworden woes -te he geherde- groeting marises in. domlum zachariae et salutauit elisabeth 41 et factuml est ut audiuit salutationem mariae: gefeade se cild In inna hire 3 gefylled wses halge gaste elisabeth exultauit infans in utero eius et repleta est spiritu sancto elisabeth 30. 1 cwqe-S bSe engel him ne ondred Su se... ginimnestu forSon gifea miS gode 31. heono giecnade in ionnase J Su cennes suno I giceg un noma his halend 32. Ses bis micel J suno &ses hesta giceged bis sele-s him drihten god seMel dauises fsedres his. 33. J he rixa-S in huse iacobes in ecnisse 3 rices his ne bis ende 34. cwseS wutudlice to Ssem engle huu worses ~is forson wer ne con ic- 35. 7 ond-sworade be engel cwsews him gast halig ofer-cyme-S on -8ec I mieht ises- hesta ofer-wris -Sec forSon o asette acenned bis halig giceg bi-s sunn godes 36. I heonu.... fsereld ~in, ~io acende sunu on helo hire J'Sis monos is se sesta *er $io giceged bis un-berend 37. ~te for'son ne bfis unmsehtiglic nmis gode eghwelc word 38. cwseS wutudlice...iowa drihtnes sie mec uefter worde'inum J feorrade from hir'Se engel 39. aras wutudlice... on dagum {sem eode on moras mi$ oefiste on csestre iudea 40. infoerde in bus zacharies J gigroette... 41. J aworden wses pte giherde groetinge maria... gifeade {set cild in ionna hir J gifylled was gaste halgum. 22 [LUKIE. 42 7 heo clypode micelre stefne. I cwsep; 42 end hyo cleopede hludere stefne. Du eart betwux wifum gebletsod. 7 gebletsud 7 cwse>6. Du aert be-twux wifen ge-bledsed. ys pines innoSes wsestm. 7 ge-bletsed ys pines innoses woestme. 43 7 hwanun is me 6is jf mines drilitnes 43 ] hwanen is me pis pJet mines drihmodor to me cume; tenes moder scolde to me cume. 44 Sona swa pinre gretinge stefn on mi- 44 Sone swa pinre gretinge stefne on num earum geworden wses. pa fahnude minan earen ge-wor6an wses. pa fagenede min cild. on minum innope; min chyld on minen inno6e. 45 And eadig pu eart 6u pe gelyfdest f 45 AEnd eadig pu ert pu pe ge-lyfdest fulfremede synd. pa >;ing pe >e fram driht- poet fulfremede sinde pa ping. pe Pe fram ne gestde synd; drihtene ge-saigde synde. 46 Da cwae>6 maria min sawl mmersap 46 Da cwae; maria min saule mersed drihten; drihten. 47 And min gast geblissude on gode mi- 47 and min gast ge-blissode on gode nun haelende; minen hgelende. 48 Fora'am pe he geseah hys pinene ead- 48 For pamn pe he ge-seah his pinene modnesse; Soplice heonun-for6 me' eadige eadmodnysse. So6Slice henen-for>6 me secga>6 ealle cneoressa. eadige segge6 ealle cneornesse. 49 for~am Pe me micele ping dyde se'e 49 for pam Pe me mychele ping dyde se mihtig is.'3 hys nama ys halig pe mihtyg ys. 7 his name is halig 50 3 hys mild-heortnes of eneoresse on 50 3 hys mildheortnysse of cneornisse. cneoresse hyne ondroedendum. on cneornesse hine on-drsedende. 51 He worhte [maegne] on hys earnle. 51 He worhte maegne on hys earmeo he to-daelde pa ofer-modan. On m6de hyra he to-dailde Ja ofermode. on moda heora heortan; heortan. 52 He awearp pa rican of setle.'3 a 52 He warp pa rice of setlle. I pa eadea6modan up ah6f; mode he up an-hof. 53 Hingriende he mid gedumq gefylde. 53 Hyngriende he mid gode ge-felde. 3 ofer-mode idele for-let; 7 pa ofor-mode ydele for-let. 54 He afeng israhel hys cniht.' gemunde 54 He afeng israel his cniht 7 ge-mynde hys mildheortnesse; hys mildheortnysse. 55 Swa he spreec to uirum ftederum abra- 55 Swa he sprsec to ure frederen abrahame 7 hys ssede on a woruld; harnme. 7 his ssede on a weorlde. Various Readins. Various Readings. 42. A. betweox. A. gebletsod (twice); B. C. gebletsud 42. cleopode; myclere [for hludere]; eart; wifum (twice). 43. A. hwanen. A. moder ys to me cumen. gebletsod; ge-bletsod; wsestm. 43. hwanan; drihtnes 44. A. fsegnode. 45. B. C. synt [for 1st synd]. 46. A. modor; omn. scolde; come. 44. stefen; minum earum ge-worden, cyld; ra1inurn. 45. eart; silnt; di-ihitne gesawel. 47. A. ge-blyssode. 48. A. eadmodnysse. A. se-worde cyld; 46inu. sawul 45. cat; sit; dihne gessegede siind. 46. sawul momrse~S. 47. ~Eund; rainum heonen-for-S. A. segecas. A. cneoryssa. 50. A. myld- halendum. 48. henon-; secga-; cneoresse. 49. mycele; heortnys. A. eneorysse (twice). 51. megne supplied nama. 50. myldheortnes of cneornesse. 51. ofermod; from Hatton MS.; text acnd A. B. C. omnit. A. heora. heorte. 52. wearp; rican; setle; eadmoden; ahoi. 53. 52. A. eadmodan. 53. A. Hyngrigende. A. fylde. 54 godum gc-fyldc; ofer-mode. 55. urun fcederum; aweoA. myldheortnysse. 55. A. feeder habrahame. A. weorold. CHAP. I.] 23 V ge-ceigede stefn miS micla ~, cuoe- gebloedsad -Su bituih wifum' gebloedsadt woestm 42 et exclamauit uoce magna et dixit benedicta t~i inter mulieres et benedictus fructus, Innates -Sines, I huona Sis me -te cyme moder drihtnes mines to me, heono forSon uentris tui 4z3 et unde hoc mihi ut, ueniat mater domini mei ad me 44 ecce enim aworden woes stefn groetenges sines I-n earum minum gefeade In glmdnisse se cild 4' In innaS minumn`: is addetd facta est unox salutationis tuWe in auribus meis exultauit in gaudio infans in utero meo in, kl. i,7~. 1, eadigo, ~a Sio gelefde for~Son JSerh-geendad bison Sa Sase ge-cuoeden sint him fronm drihtne 45 et- beata quae credidit quoniam perficientur ea quae dicta sunt ei A domino e cue-s wundria- 4' micla-s-* sauel min tone drihtne I gefeade'tt gaast min in.' 1 micla-S 46 et ait maria Magnificat anima mea dominum 7' et exultauit spiritus meus in is added i, red ink~.'F 4' is (ddCed. gode halwoende mine: forlSon eft-locade eSmodnise tiums his heono for-on of Sisum eadigo d in. deo salutari meo 48 quia respexit, humilitatem ancillm suae ecce& enim ex hoc beatam mee c.uoe-aMs alle eneoreso - forson dyde me nmiclo sense moehtig. is J halig me dicent omnes generationes 49 quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est et sanctum noma- his' milt-heortnise: his in so'S cneoreso I eneoreso ondredendum hine dyde nomen; eius 50 et misericordia, eius in progenies et progenies timentibus eum 51 fecit llamht on: arme his to-straegd Sa oferhygdego.mi-; Soht heortes his to-sceaf sa maehtigo of potentioan in brachio suo, dispersit superbos mente. -cordis, sui 52 deposuit potentes de sedle 7 ahof -sa ecmodo ta hyngerendo gefyide mi- godumn I;a weligo forleort {sa idlo sede et exaltauit humiles 53 esurientes inpleuit bonis et diuites dimisit inanes ondfeng israel cnoeht his -'te were gemyndgad. milt-heortnise his suae gesprecen wes, 54 suscepit israhel puerum s'uum memorari misericordiae sume 55 sicut locutus est to fadores usra I sede his In worulde ad patres nostros abrahbam et semini eius, in secula 42. Y gicegde~ stefne micler 9 cwwe gibletsad -u bitwih wifum I- gi-bletsad westem- ionno-es tSines 43;' hwona -is mec —te cyme moder drihtnes mines to me 44. heonu, forSon, ~te aworden wes stefn groetinge -sines in earum minumrn giworse gledhnisse in ionno-Se minum ~met cild in gifea 45. J eadige SBae hia gilefde for;on - erh-giendad bioton -a sa-se gicweden sint him from, drihtne 46.: cwe.... wundra-; 4' micla- sawel mini drihten 47,- 1 gi-feade gast mil in gode hal-wendo mine 48. forSon eft-locade emodnisse Siowe hisheonu f6oron of' sissum eodge mec cweo-Sas alle cneoreswo, 49. fordSon dyde mec micelo forSon maehtig is. halig noma his 50. 3 mild-heortnisse his in sode cneoreswo J cneoreswe ondreordun hine 51. dyde mehte on eorme his tostregd ofer-hygd mis- ~ohte heorte his 52. to-sceof %a mnehtgu of sedle J ahof ~a esmocdu 53. sa hyerende gifylde mis godum, sa welge forleort sa~ idlo 54. onfeng israhelum cnehte his te were gimyndgad mild-heortnisse his 55. swa sprecende wins to feder userne abrahame 1' sede his os to woorlde 24 [LUKE. Dyg gebyrat 5j6 A oplice maria wunude mid hyre 56 o>6lico Marie wunede mid hire on myclsmere t swylce Prs monpas. J gewende swylce preo mon6es; J ge-wende ammsse-dsg. Elizabeth Pa to hyre huse; Pa to hire huse. t, I,,t ~te- 57 Da wies gefylled elizabethe cenning- 57 Da waes afelled elisabethe kenningPu paliendi. tid. heo sunu cende. tyd. 7 hyo sune kende. 58 I hyre nehcheburas ] hyre cuS6an 1 58 send hire nehcheburas 7 byre cuS6an gehyrdon f drihten hys mild-heort-nesse poet ge-herden Pset drihten hys mildheortmid hyre mversude. 7 hig mid hyre bliss- nysse mid hire msersede. ] hyo mid hire odon; blisseden. 59 Da on Pamn ehteopan dsege hig comon 59 pa on:am ehtode daige hyo comon - cild ymsnipan. ] nemdon hyne hys fseder pet chyld to embscni>en. ] nemden hine narnan zachariam. his finder name zachariam. 60 Da andswarode his modor nese sopes. 60 pa andswerede his moder nese so6es. ac he bye; iohannes genemrned; ac he beo5 iohan ge-nemned. 61 Da cwedon hig to hyre. nis nan on 61 Da cwae;en hyo to hire. nis nan on pinre miegle pyson naman genemned; pinre meeg&e pisse name ge-nemned. 62 Da bicnodon hi to hys feeder hwaet he 62 Da cwee6en hyo to his feeder. hwet wolde hine genemnedne bleon.'he wolde hine ge-nemned beon. 63 pa wrat he gebedenum wex-brede; 63 Pa wrat he ge-be>6enen wexbrede [oIohannes is hys nanma; Da wundrodon hig hannes ys hys name. Da wundredon hyo ealle; ealle. 64 Da wearo sona hys mu5 7] hys tunge 64 Da war6 sona hys mu3 ] hys tunge geopenod ] he sprec drihten bletsiende; ge-opened J he sprsec drihten bletsiende. 65 Da wear6 ege geworden ofer ealle 65 Da war~6 eige ge-worden ofer ealle hyra nehcheburas. 3 ofer ealle iudea munt- heora nehchegeburas ] ofer ealle iudea l'nd. wneron pas w6rd gewid-mnersode. munt-land wieren pas wor6 wiS-muersede. 66 J ealle pa 6e hit gehyrdon on heora 66 1 ealle pa pe hyt ge-hyrdon on heore heortan settun I cwedon; Wenstu hwtet heorten setten ] cwse>en. Y/Denst Pu hwvet by6 Pes cnapa. witodlice drihtenes hand beoS pes cnapa; wito51ice drihtnes hand wtes mid him; wses mid hym. 67 And zacharias his freder waes mid 67 IEnd zacharias hys faeder wies mid halegu~m gaste afylled. J he witegode 7 halgen gaste ge-fylled. ] he wito-gode. 7 cwep;' cwin~. Fariozus Readings. Various Readings. 56. A. wunede. A. preo. 57. A. cenninge-tyd. 58. A. 56. pry. 57. afylled; heo. 58. ge-hyrdan; blissodoln. nehhe-buras. A. myldheortnysse. A. mA. mersode. A. hy. 59. ebtopan; cyld; ymnsni-anl; nendon (sic); fader nanman. 59. A. ehtosan. A. ynlb-snytan. 60. A. C. moder. 61. 60. modor; by%. 61. cwmeden; naman. 62. becnedon C. hi. A. pyssum. 62. A. hig. A. om. to. B. woldo (!). Ffor cwxeeen]; onm. to; fader. 63. ge-bedenum wexe63. A. wundredon. 64. A. bletsigende. 65. A. eall heora brcde; wundrodon hie. 64. wearS. 65. wears ege; nehhe-buras. 66. A. setton. A. wenst'6u. A. dryhtnes. hyora nehheburas; waron; wid-mnersede. 66. heora. 67. 67. A. halgun. A. B. C. gefylled. And; fader; halgum galgum gastum (sic). CHAP. I.] 25 ge-wunade uutedlease T'mi'hia suselce monatum'~riim I'eft-cerde' awoended waes In 56 mansit autem maria curu illa quasi mensibus tribus et reuersa est in hus his {5onne gefylled wis -io tid acennise I acende sunu ~domum suam 57 *Elisabeth autem impletum est tempus pariendi et peperit filium 58 et * IIII. geherdon';a neheburas I i;a cuS;amen -hire for;on suite gemiclade se drihten miltheortnisse his audierunt uicini et cognati eius quia magnificaulit cominus misericordiam suam mii hia -4 ser I efne-gesoncadon hir I aworden wses on daege ta Pehtate cuomnon to ymbnum illa et congratulabantur ei 59 et factum est in die octauo uenerunt circumcearfanne pone cnseht I ge-ceigde hine noma fadores his I geonduearde moder cidere puerumn et uocant eum nomine patris Eius zacharia, t 60 et respouldens mater his cuoes Tenigom Ising ah ge-ceiged bils iohannes 3 cuoedon to eer ilca 3-te ne senig is eius dixit nequaquam sed uocabitur iohannes 61 et dixerunt ad illanm quia nemo est in cy$~o ~in se'6e ge-ceiged tisum'noma gebecnadon ~onne feder his huoelcne wselde in cognatione tua qui uocetur hoc nomine 62 innuebant autem patri eius quem uellet ge'-ceiga hine I ge-giuade wex.-bred arat cuoet iohannes is norna his I gewundradon uocari eum 63 et posttilans pugilarem scribsit dicens iohannes est nomen eius et mirati sunt aile untyned woes -onne s6na rlut his J tunga his 3:sprsecend wses gebloedsade uniuersi 64 aperture est autem ilico 6s eius et lingua ~eius et loquebatur benedicens god 7 aworden wses ondo ofer alle neheburas hiora I ofer alle mor-londa iudsees deum factus est tinmor super omnes uicinos e(rum et super omnia montana iucaeae weron gemersad alle worda $as 7 geseton alle i;a-e geherdon in heorta hiora diuulgabauitur omnia'uerba hesac 66 et posuerunt omnes -qui audierant in corde suo cuoe-endo hused woenes };u cnseht tes bi' 7 obi hond drihtnes wses fora hine dicentes quid putas puer iste erit et erit manus domini erat coram illo 67 et zacharias fader his gefylled wses halge gaaste J gewitgade cuotende ~ cuoe~ pater eius impletus est spiritu sanecto et prophetauit dicens 55. giwunade wutudlice.... mii hia swelce mono~;as ~ria J sefter giwendad waes in hus his 57..... onne gifylled wses -io tid acennisse J acende suno 58. J giherdun ~a nehgiburas J ia cuiemnien hire for-on swi-e nmiclade drihten mildheortnisse his mii hia I efne-gi-oncadun hir 59. 1 giworden wses on d&ege $y vehtota -te comon I to ynlbceorfanne ~one cnseht I cegdun hine noma fsedres his.... 60. J giond-worde Sio moder his cwoeS nsenig sing ah giceged biti.... 61. J cwedun to twr ilca ne enig is in cy'to tinre sere giceged;issum noma 62.: gibecnadun ~;onne faeder his hwelcne walde gicegan hine 63. 7 gigiowade onfeng wex-bredes I wrat cwoee iohannes is noma his 7 giwundrade werun alle 64. ontyned wses $onne sona mnut his I tunga his sprecende woes gi-bletsade god 65. J giworden wmes ondu ofer alle nehgiburas hiora 9 ofer alle morlond iudea J werun gimersad all word ~as 66. 3 setun alle ~ate giherdun in heorte hiora cweSende hwset woenestu cnaeht Ses bi$ 3 for~on hond drihtnes mi~ hine 67. J.. feeder his gifylled wses gaste halgunm giwitgade cwedende 26, [LUKE, 68 GebIetsud si drihten israhela god. 68? Ge-bletse; syo drihten israele god; forpamn Pe he geneosode. I his folces aly- for Pan pe he ge-neosede. J hys folces sednesse dyde; alysendnysse dyde. 69 J he'us ho'le horn araerde. on dauides 69 iEnd he us hsele horn araerde on huse hys cnihtes; dauides huse. hys cnihtes. 70 Swa he sprec purh hys halegra wite- 70 Swa he sprwec purh hys halgene witegena mu6. pa he of worldes frym;e sprec- gene mu'6. Da Pe of weorldes frem&e on. spreeken. 71 7 he alysde us of urum feondum. 3 of 71 J he alesde us of uren feonden. 7 of ealra Para handa pe us hatedon; ealre Pare handen pe us hateden. 72 Mildheortnesse to wyreaenne mid 72 Mildheortnysse to werchen mid ure urumz flederum. 7 gemunan his hal]egan federen. 3 ge-munen hys halgen ky>Snesse. cypnesse; 73 Hyne us to syllenne pone a6.. pe he 73 hyne us to sellene janne a,6 pe he urum feeder abrahame sw6r. uren fader abrahame swor. 74 f we butan ege of iire feonda handa 74 peet we buton eyge of ure feondo n al'sede him peowian. handen alesde hym peowian. 75 On halignesse beforan him. eallunz 75 on halignesse be-foran hym eallen. urumn dagum; ure dagen. 76 And ju cnapa byst oses hehstan wite- 76 7 pu cnapa gsest I beost p]as heageste ga genemned. pu gaest beforan drihtnes witega ge-nemned. D3u ggest be-forandrihtansyne. his wegas gearwian; nes ansiene hlys wegas gearewian. 77 To syllenne his folce hys h'le gewit 77 To syllene hys folce his halge ge-wit on hyra synna. forgyfnesse; - on hira synna for-gefenyssa. 78 purh innopas fires godes mildheort- 78 Durh inno6es ures godes mildheortnesse. on pamn he'us geneosode of east- nyssa. on pam he us neosede. of eastdale up-springende;: dsele up-springende. 79 Onlihtan pain pe on ~;ystrum 3 on 79 on-lihtan pam ]Pe on peostrum 7 on. deapes sceade sittaW. ure fet to gereccenne dea6es scade sitter. ure fet to ge-reecenne on sybbe weg; on sibbe weig. 80 Soplice se cnapa weox. 3 wes on 80 So6lice se cnape weox. 7 was onl gaste gestrangod. 3 wais on westenum o]p gaste ge-straencped. 3 woes on westene o06; pone dog hys set-iwednessum oN ISRAHEL; Panne dayg his atewednysse on israel. Various Readings. Various Readings. 68. A. Gebletsod. B. C. ge-neosude. A. alysednysse. 68. Ge-bletsecl sy; jpam; alysednysse. 69. End;: 70. A. haligra. A. wuldres. 71. A. psera. 72. A. cnihtas. 70. witegane; spraecen. 71. alysde; urum feondum; ealra kara handan; hatedon. 72.. wyrcenne; myldheortnysse. A. wyrcanne; B. C. wyrcenne. A. halgan i urunm faderumn; halgan cy-;nysse. 73. sillenne ponne. 74o cyS-nysse. 73. A. syllanne. 75. A. halignysse. 76. A. butan ege; handan. 75. halignisse; eallum urun dagum. wytegan. A. gegearwian. 77. A. syllanne. A. heora. A. 76. best; heagasta; before; ansyne; wigas garwian. 77, for-gyfenysse. 78. A. myldcl-heortnysse. B. C. geneosudcle. syllenne; hale; forgyfenesse. 78. milheortnysse (sic).. 79. A. ge-recanne 80. A. uet-ywednyssum. 79. systrum; sceade sittas. 80. cnapa; ge-strangod;: westenum; ponne; etywednysse. CHAP. I.] 27 se gebloedsad drihten god israela forson gesohte 9 dyde lesnise~ lesing folces his 68 Benedictus dominnus dens israhel quia uisitauit et fecit rederntionem plebi suae J ahof horn 4T helo us In hus daui-es cnpehtes his sume sprecend wies serh 69 et erexit cornum salutis nobis in domo dantid pueri sui'70 sicut locutus est per mnuse haligwara sase from worulde woerone sint witgena his hkelo from fiondum usum 6s sanctorum qui a smeculo sunt prophetarum eizus 71 salutem ex inimicis nostris J from hond allra sa'Se laesdon usic to doenne milt-heortnise mi-s fadorum et de mann omnium qui oderunt nos 72 ad faciendamn misericordiam cum patribus nostris J gemyndga cy'snise his halges MS 9 gesuoren Pte gesuor to abraham feder et memorari testamenti sui sancti 73 ius-iurandum quod inranit ad abrahai patrem usumn walde gesealla hine bus PSte buta ondo of hond fionda usra gefreooad we se nostrum daturum se nobis 74 ut sine timore de manu inimicorum nostrorunt liberati here we him on halignise J so~Sfsestnise before hine alluIn dagum usum J.u seruiamus illi 75 in sanctitate et iustitia coram ipso omnibus diebus nostris 76 et tu ensht witga -;os heista geceiged bist Su before freres for'on fore onsione drihtnes gearuigga wegas his puer propheta altissimi uocaberis -praeibis enim ante faciemn domini parare uias eius to selenne wisdonm hbeles folce his In forgefnise synna hiora -erh 77 ad dandam scientiam salutis plebi eius in remisionem peccatorum eorum 78 per 8oht miltheortnise godes uses in 5asm gesohte us arises of hehb of heofnum inlihte uiscera misericordiae dei nostri in quibus uisitanit nos oriens ex alto 79 inluminare emmn ~a6e in- siostrum - in scua deanSes sittas to rehtanne foet usra In we sibb his qui in tenelbris et in umbra mortis sedent ad dirigendos pedes nostros in uia pacis se cnelht Sonne gewox 7 gestrenced wees gaste woes In woestern oQS on dctg 80 puer autem crescebat et confortebatur spiritu et erat in deserto usque in diem mdeaunise his to israel ostensionis suae ad israhel 6S. sie gibletsad drihten god israhela for-son gisohte I dyde lesnisse folches his 69. J ahof horn hoelo us in huse daui-ses cnahtes his 70. swa sprecende wies -serh imul haligra witgana hiora sa;e from weorlde werun 71. J alesde usih from fiondum usum 7 of hondum alra -sa-Se usih leeddun 72. to doanne mildheortnisse mi; feedrum usuvm 7 gimyndge cy~nisse his halges 73. als pte giswor 4' te gisworen biiS to abrahame feder usuni walde gisella us 74. -pte buta ondo of honda fiondal userra gifriad were here we him 75. in halignisse 3 spa-festnisse bifora him allum dagum usum 76. J -su cnaeht witga ~ ss hesta giceged bist.... fordron fora onsione drihtnes georwige woegas his 77 1 to sellanne wisdoln helo folche hisi n forgeflisse synna hiora 78. serh gisoht mild-heortnisse godes uses in;sem gisohte usih arises of heofnum 79. in lihte $tem saSe in ~iostrum J in scua deo'es sittas J to rehtanne foet usra in woege sibbe 80. Be cneht Sonne giwox 3 gistrongad wies in gaste 1 waes in woestern oSse on daege tet-eownisse his I israhelhm 28'- [LUKECHAPTER II. CHAPTER II. Dis sceal on 1,j oplice on pam dagumr wes geworden 1. 1 o;lice on pam dagen w es ge-wor'>en Exiit eaditur myddce wyn-. a cesare autresamsse- gebod frarn Pam casere augusto. ge-bod fram pan caisere auguste. gusto for'man n J5 eell ymbe-hwyret " foymanyto Ins w eall y-mbe-hwyrft wware to-mearcdhwyrft wmercod. xanitedictur. 2 peos to-mearcodnes woes oeryst geword- 2 Deos to-mearcednysse was werest ge-,a cestsae en fram pam deman syrige eirin@. wor>en. fram pan deman syrige cyrino. 3 ] ealle hig eodon. ] syndrie ferdon on 3 7 ealle hyo eoden 7 syndrie ferden on hyra ceastre; heore ceastre. 4 Da ferde iosep fram galilea of psere 4 Da ferde ioseph fram galilea. of pare ceastre nazareth. on iudeisce ceastre dauides. ceastre nazareht. on iudeissce ceastre. seo is genemlned bethleem. forpam; pe he daui>6es syo is ge-nemned bethleem. for, woes of dauides huise. b hirede pan pe he waes of daui6es huse ] hyrde 5 Jf he ferde mid marian pe him bewed- 5 paet he ferde mid marian jpe hym gedod waes. 3 wias geeacnod; wedded waes. J wres ge-eacnod. 6 Solp]lice waes geworden pa hi par, 6, So>Slice waes ge-wor6an Pa hyo PMer weron. hire dagas wweron gefyllede J heo weren. b hyre dages waeren ge-fyllede Pet' cende. hyo kende 7 7 heo cende hyre frum-cennedan sunu. 7 ] hyo ~a akende hire frum-kennedan I hine mid cild-clapum bewand. ] hine on sunu. ] hine mid cyld-clapen be-wand. 3 binne alede. forpam pe hig nfdon rum on hine on binne alegde., for pan pe hyo. cumena huse; nefden rum on cumene huse. 8 3 hyrdas waeron on pam ylcan rice waci- 8 iEnd heordas wmeren on pam ylcan ende. 3 niht-weccan healdende ofer heora riche wakiende. 7 niht-woeccen healdende heorda ofer heore heorda. 9 jPa st6d drihtrnes engel wip hig 7 godes 9 pa stod drihtnes vangel wi>S hyo 7 godes beorhtnes him ymbe-scean. 3 hi him myc- brihtnysse heom ymbe-scan; 3 hyo heom elum ege adredon. mychel eige adredden. 10 3 se engel him to cwma~; Nelle ge eow 10 ] se engel heom to cw-e6S. Nelle ge adredan. soplice nu ic eow bodie mycelne eow on-draeden. sos6lice nu ich eow bodige gefean. se biU6 eallul folce. mychele blisse syo beo'6 eallen folce. 11 forpam to-deg eow ys haelend acen- 11 for JPan to dayg eow is haelend akenned. se is drihten crist on dauides ceastre; ned. se is drihten crist on dauiBSes ceastre. Various Readings. Various Readinqs. Ch. ii. v. 1. A. agusto. C. to-mearcon(!). 2. A. to- Ch. ii. v. 1. RUBRIC; so also in R. dagrum; ge-worderf. mearcodnys. A. Perest. A. syrie. 3. B. C. hi. A. synder- 2. to-mearcednys; ge-worden. 3. hyra. 4. nasareth; lice. A. heora. 4. A. bethlevem; C. behleem. 5. C. be- iudeysce; dauides seo; Pam. 5. be-wedded. 6. geworden; wmron [first time]; cende. 7. heo; acende; weddon(!). 6. Solice in text; A. Soelice; B. C. Soice.nde -cennedan; -cloe-um; nvefdonf; cumena. 8. hyordas A. hig paer. A. heora. 8. A. wacigende. C. niht-weecan. wreron; rice waciende; -woeccor; heora. 9. engel; bryht9. A. B. C. ymbe-scan, A. big. A. myelum. A. ondred- nys; mycen (sic); adreden. 10. eomrn; adrreden; ie on. 10. A.ondrredan. A. bodige. mycelne ge-fean se bi$ eallumn. 11. halend acenned; dauides. CHAP. II.] 29 CAP. IIL aworden wses - onne on dagum. -&nem foerde bod from cessares'august -I gemercad were I *FFactunl est; autem- in diebus illis exiit' edictumr a cesare agusto ut describeretur * V.all ymb-hyrft.'ios gemercong forma aworden wses from under-cynige syries uniuersus orbis 2 haec describtio prima facta est a praeside syriae cyrino 3 et gaas alle' -fore-ondetande weron Sa syndrigo { oel syndrio In his ceastra astag Sonne,ec ibant omnes ut, profiterentur singuli in suam ciuitatem 4 ascendit autem et iohannes of galilea from ceastre. nazareth in Iudea ceastre daui~es -io is ge-nemned,ioseph a. galilaea de ciuitate nazareth in iudaeam ciuitatem dauid, quae uocatur bethlenm eo fbr-on were from hus 9 higo' aauides fte fore-ondete were mis befsestad him wif quod esset de domo et familia dauid 5 ut profiteretur cum maria desponsata sibi uxore. berende aworden woes -Sonne mimsy weron -er gefylled' weron $Za dagas ~te acende-]accenned werepraegnate. 6:facturn est autem cum essent ibi impleti sunt' dies ut pareret: J cende sunu his frumcende J mi's cild-cla'sum bewand: eft-gebeg hine In 7' et peperit filium suum- primogenitum et pannis eum inuoluit et inclinauit eum in binnme for-Son ne wses him. stoue in gest-hus 7 Jsa hiorde woeron on lond ilca praesepio quia, non erat- eis locus in diuersorio 8, et pastores erant in regione eadem wseccende I' haldendo wacana nsehtes ofer edo his,. heono engel drihtnes uigilantes et custodientes uigilias noctis, supral gregem suum 9 et ecce angelus dognini s[t]od aet 4'neh'6Sem J berhtnise godes ymb-seean lia ondreardon miiS ondo miclo stetit iuxta; illos, et claritas dei circumfulsit illos.. et timuerunt timore magno 10 et cuoe-S -Sem se engel nalla~ ge ondrede heono for-Son ic bodigo' iuh ge-fea nzii miclum / dixit illis angelus nolite timere ecce enim euangelizo uobis gaudium magnum quod bi-s allurm folce foroson accenned Is us to daeg' haelend se&Sa: is crist drihten in. erit omni populo 11, quia, natus est nobis. holie- saluator, qui est christus domiinmus ir. ceastre - dauises ciuitate dauid' CAP. II. 1. worden woes wutudlice in dagunm Seein foerde bod from casere agustos fte gimercad were all ymb-hwyrft 2. sios mlereung forma giworden wses from undercynige syrres cyrene noma woes 3, 7 ga-s: alle fte fore-ondetende werun -sa syndrige in his coestre 4. astag.onne.... of galilea from iudea csestre'daui-Ses -sio is ginenned.... hio forSon were of huse I higo dauises 5. i-te fore-ondette werun miS.... bifsested him wif berende 6. aworden woes -Sonne mi`%y werun -Ser gifylled werun -Sa dagas -te acenned were 7. 3 cende sunu his' frum-cennedne I -Sa mis cla-um hine biwand 7 efne gibeg hine in binne for-son ne wses him stowwe in gest-huse 8. J -sa hiordas werun in londe &set ilce woccende 7 haldende wacone:nsehtes ofer ede his 9. I heonu engel drihtnes stod met 4'neh aSemm berhtnisse godes ymb-scean hia ondreordun miS ondo mlucm 10. 1 cwae %sem 5e engel nallas ge ondreda heonu for~on ic bodigo low gifeo micelne tSet biS allum folche 11. forSon acenned is iow to dege hmelend sBese is crist drihten in cmstre dauises 30 [LUKE. 12 And Pis tacen eow bye; Ge ge-meta6 12 And Jis taken eow beo6. Ge findas; an cild hreglum bewunden. 3 on binne| an chyld raeglen be-wunden. I on binne aled; aleig>5. 13 And Psa woes fieringa geworden mid 13 And Pa, wies faeringe ge-worSan mid pam engle mycelnes heofonlices werydes pain aengle myceles heofenlices weredes god god heriendra I pus cwependra; heriendra. 7 pus cwe6Sende 14 Gode sy wuldor on heahnesse? on 14 gode syo wuldor on heahnysse. 7 on eor>6an sybb mannum godes willan; eor6an sibbe mannen godes willan. 15 7 hit wes gew6rden Pa >Sa englas to 15 7 hyt wies ge-wor6en pa pIa engles to heofene ferdon. pa hyrdas him betwynan heofene ferden. pa heordan heom besprfcon 7 cwedon; Utun faran to bethleem. tweonen sprVecen J cwme6en. Tton faren ] geseon Jf word pe gew6rden is. j drihten to bethle~em. I ge-seon pJet word pe geis aet-ywde; worsen ys. paet drihten us atywede. 16 1 big efstende comon. 7 gemetton 16 7 hyo efstende comen J ge-metton manarian I iosep I f cild on binne aled; rian 7 Ioseph send pcet chyld on binne aleigd. 17 pa hi j gesawon pa on-cneowon hig 117 Da hyo paet ge-seagen pa on-cneowen be pam w6rde pe him gesWd waes be parn hyo be pam worden pe heom ge-saed wanes. cilde; be pam chylde. 18_ J ealle pa 6e gehyrdon wundredon be 18 A3End ealle Ja pe ge-herden wundreden panm e him pa hyrdas sedon; be pam. Pe heom pa heordes saigdon. 19 Maria geheold ealle pas word on 19 Maria ge-heold ealle pas word on hyre-heortan smeagende; hire heorte smeagende. 20 Da gewendon ham pa hyrdas god 20 Da ge-wenden ha,m pa heordes god wuldriende 7 heriende on eallunm paain e wuldriende. I heriende on eallen pan Pe hi gehyrdon. I gesawon; Swa to him hyo ge-herden 7 ge-seagen. Swa to heom gecweden waes; ge-cwe;en wves. Dys sceal on 21 /~fter pam pe ehta dagas gefyllede 21 fter Pam pe ehta dages ge-felde ostquam unmwmsse-dtmg aeron f >6Set cild emsnyden _ - waeren j pjet chyld enmbsny>en ct dies to inyddan wyntra. waere. his nama wses haelend; Se waes waere. Hys nama wses htelend. Se was Postquam onsumti fram engle genemned. er he on inno>6e fram angle ge-nemned aer he on inno>Se octo. A. ge-eacnod ware; ge-eacned wsre. Postquam impleti sunt dies octo. B. Various Readings. Various Beadings. 12.,A, on cyld. C. hroeg]lum; A. clapurn. 13. A. myc- 12. Ai3nd; tacen; by; ge-meta! [for findat]; cyld eilnys heofenlices,weredes. A. herigendra. 14. A. syg. hrmglumz; alegd. 13. faringe ge-worden; engle; heofonA. heahnysse. 15. B. C. heofone; A. heofenums.. A. Uton. lices; herigendra; cwe-endre. 14. eorn; mannun. 15. ge-worden; englas; heofone; hyrdas; be-tweonan 16. A. efestende. 17. A. hig [for hi]. B. hi; C. lli [for sproecon; cwpedon; faran; ge-worden; vetywde. 16. efesthig]. 20. A.wnldirigernde. A.hig. 21. A. mb-syden; ende; cyld; alegd. 17. ge-sawon; pan; cylde. 18. geherdon wundrededen (sic); hyrdas stagdon. 19. ge-heald; B. msnsyden (1st letter erased). heorten. 20. hyrdas; herigende; allums pam; ge-hyrdon, ge-sawon. 21. RUBRIC;so also in R. Efter; ge-fulde wreron; emnsnyren ware; engle; ge-eacnod. -CHAP. II.]i 31 J sis - i'h tacon I becon gie gemoetes iT - cild mii; S cild-clatum iHibewunden: gesetted in 12 et hoc uobis signum inuenietis infantern pannis inuolutum et positum in.binne sona aworden woes mis engle menigo hiorodes heofonlic hergendra god praesepio 13 ET subito facta est cum angelo, multitudo militiae caelestis laudantium de am J cuoelsendra wuldor In heannisum gode 3 In eor1o sibb monnum g6des willo et dicentium 14 gloria in altissimis dieo et in terra pax hominib~ns bonee-, oluLtatis aworden Is -te fearradon from him Ia englas in heofile sai hiorda ge-sprecon bituih 15 factum est ut discesserunt ab eis angeli in caelum *Pastores loquebantur ad inuicem* vI. ofor-fsere we oS, in bethleemn J ge-sea woe iSis word -te* awordlei wes stette dyde se drihten transeamus usqi;e in bethleem et uideamus hoc uerbum quod factum est quocd fecit dominzus 3 aed-eaude us 3 clomon oefistande 3 gemnoeton: * cildcl et ostendit nobis - 16 et uenerunt festinantes et inuenerunt mariarn et ioseph et infantem gesetted in binna gesegon ionne ongeton from, word Jfte cuoeden woes soem, positum in proesipio 17 uidentes autem cognouerunt de, uerbo quod dictum erat illis. from'cnreht Isisum: all'e, Iale ge-herdon awundrade woeron J from Isem sa se acuoeden weron de puero hoc 18 et omnes qui audierunt mirati sunt et de his quae dicta erant from hiordum to IsSem ilcum Ison; geheald alle worda Isas loedon in a pastoribus. ad ipsos 19 maria.autem conseruabat omnia uerba haec conferent in hearta his 3 eft-cerdon-lcerde weron -Sa hiorde wuldrigendo h3 hergendo god in allurn corde suo 20 et reuersi sunt pastores glorificantes et laudantes deum in omnibzts ~a';e geherdon 3 gesegon sua cuoeden wses to him 3 sefter -on ge-endad weron quae audierant et uiderant sicut dictum est ad illos 21 — ET postquam consummati sunt *vI. dagas eblto -fte ymb-corfen were ge-ceigd woes noma his se haeledzcl -Fte ge-ceiged woes from engel dies octo ut circum-cideretur uocatum est nomen eius iesus quod uocatum est ab angelo, aer Ison Ilmnna ge-ecnad were prius-quanm in utero conciperetur 12. 9;is is iow. tacunk becun ge gimoetas;ewt cild miis clasumn biwunden 3 giseted in binne 13. 3 sonalt aworden woes mengu.... heofun-lic hergende god 7 cwe-sende 14. wuldor in heonissum gode J on eorSo sibb imonnum godes willa 15. J aworden woes -pte feorradun from him l a englas on heofnas -Sa hiordas wutud[lice] gisprecun bitwih him fere we ossmet in bethlemin gisea we sis word saet aworden woes saoette drihten oet-eowde iow 16. I comun 4 cymende werun-........ J -- et cicud giseted in binne 17. gisegun Sonne on-getun from worde "sette cweden woes aem from cnaehte Sissum 1S. J alle Sate giherdun awundrade weruln from ~sem sase cweden werun firom hiordum to nsem ilcum 19...... onne giheold alle word sas lseddun in heorte his 20. J eft gicerdun 4 cerende werun sa hiordas wuldrende 3 hergende god in allum sate giherdun 9 gisegun swa acweden woes to himn 21. 9 refter Son giendad werun dagas rehtowe ]te ymb-corfen were se cnaeht giceged wes noma his hselend tsett gicweden wses from engle er on inl ionna giecnad were 3:2 [LUKE. Postquamb im- 22 ] refter pam pe byre clsensunge dagas 22 Z~ fter pam Je hire clensing-dages Postquam im pleti sunt dies,. g, - pleti sunt dies purgationis gefyllede weron. rfter moyses ai. hi laed- ge-felde weren. aefter mloyses purgationis lmarim. B.- don hyne on hierusalem f hi hine gode ge- lage. hyo liedden hine on ierusalem pset Marie. settun hyo hine gode setton 23 swa swa on drihtnes e. awriten is; 23 swa swa [on] drihtnes lage awriten ys. o aelc waepned gec`nd-lim. ontynende. Diet aelc woepnyd ge-cyndlym untynende by>S drihtne halig genemned; beo6 drihtenes halig ge-nemned. 24 And fj hig offrunge sealdon aefter 24 7 pset hyo offrunge sealden. refter pam Pe drihtnes e. gecweden is. twa |pan pe drihtnes lege ge-cwe6en is. twa turtlan. o~6Se twegen culfran briddas. turtlan. oN>6e twa culfran briddes. 25 1 pa woes an man on hierusalem pees 25 2End Ja waes an man on ierusalem nama waes simeon J pes man waes riht-wis j pas name woes symeon. I pes man woes op israhela frofor geanbidiende. 7 hMli gast rihtwis 7 mid israele frofren ge-anbadiende. him on woes. halig gast him on woes. 26 ] he andsware fram pam halegan 26 7 he andswere of pam halgen gaste gaste onfeng. f he dea6 ne gesawe. buton on-feng. pmst he dea>6 ne ge-seage buton he aer drihten crist gesawe; he mr drihten crist ge-seage. 27 And on gaste he on f tempel c6m. 27 LEnd on gaste he on Pset tempel com. pa his magas lieddon pone haelend. J hig Jpa his meges leddon panne hemlend. f hyo for him tefter peere.e. gewunan dydon. for hym aefter JPare lmge ge.wunan dyden. 28 he onfeng hine mid his handum. 7 28 Heo on-feng hine mid hys handen. god bletsode I cwene; I god bletsede. 7 cwoea. 29 Drihten. nu pu Ietst pinne peow 29 Drihten nu pu laetst pinne peow eafter efter Pinum worde on sibbe; pine worde on sibbe. 30 For6am mine eagan gesawon Pine 30 for Pam mine eagen ge-seagen pine hele. b haele. 31 S6a pu ge-earwodest beforan ansyne 31 Pa pu ge-gearwudest be-foran alre eallra folca; folce ansiene. 32 Leoht to )eoda awrigenesse I to pines 32 leoht to peoda awrigenysse. I to pines folces wuldre ISRAHEL. folces wuldre israele. Dis sceal on a 3 a wes his faeder I his modor 33 -A Wes hys feeder I hys moderEratpaterdo S~unnan doeg miini de mater betweox myda- 8 E wundriende be pam pe be himl wundriende be pam pe be hym mirantes de wintres super his que mTsse-adEeggesede wMron; e-saigde waeren. debatu musso-dngoge A dicebantur de twelftan dmge. illo. Erat ioseph & maria. A. Erat pater iesu & mate Various Readinrs. Tarious -Readings. mirantes super his que 22. A. hig (twice). A. ge-setton. 23. B. C. wsepnyd. 22. RUBRIC; so also in R. Efter; ge-fullede woeron; ea dicebantur de or lage. 23. on sulie om R.; [for lage]; by illo B. A. gecynde-lym. 24. B. C. hi. 25. A. om. op. A. frofre. 24. pain pe drihtne (sic) w. gecweden; twegen culfran. A. B. C.halig. 26. A. orn. pain. A. halgum. B.C. onfenc.. 25. u o5 israhele frofer. 26. andswsere framn pam halgan; 28. A. inserts J before he. 31. A. earwodest; B.C. ge- ge-sawe (twice). 27. And; magas; 1onne halend; psere eo earwudest. A.B.C. ealra. 32. A. awrygenysse. 33. A. ge-wunan dydon. 28. He; bletsode. 30. eagan ge-seawen. ~~moder ~wundrigende. ~31. ge-earwudest; ansyne ealra folce. 32. israel. 33. RUBRIC; so also in R.; fader; wundrigende; ge-sagde wmeron. CHAP. II.] 33 sefter Son gefylled wer dagas clsensunges his sefter ae Ikedon hine 22 et postquam impleti sunt dies purgationis eius secundum legem mosi tulerunt illurn in hierusalem sua auritten is in ae drihtnes -te eghuele he 4woepen-mon to-untynes in hierusalem 23 sicut scribtum est in lege domini quia omne masculinum adaperiens hrif 4' womrn inna halig drihtne ge-ceiged J Ite saldon geafa 4 assegdnise refter 0te uuluam sanctum domino uocabitur 24 et ut darent hostiam secundum quod acuoeden is in me tuoe turturas 4' tuoge birdas culfras I heono monn wses in dictum est in lege par turturum aut duos pullos columbarum 25 et ecce homo erat in hierusalem sem noma simeon J monn -ses soSfses J ondredend wses bldend frofor israela hierusalem cui nomen simeon et homo iste iustus et timoratus expectans consolationem israhel I gaast halig woes In him J ond-suere on-feng from gast halig ne gesege et spiritus sanctus erat in eo 26 et responsum acceperat a spiritu sancto non uisurum he dea-s buta mer gesege gecorene drihtnes J cuom In gast In temple J cmiHSy se mortem nisi prius uideret christum domini 27 et uenit in spiritu in templum et curn in-liddon stone cnueht hoelend aldro his q-te dydon vefter gewuna aes fore hine inducerent puerum iesum parentes eius ut facerent secundum consuetudinem legis pro eo J he onfeng him on armum his 7 gebloedsade god 7 cuoes nu forletes [4'] forgefes: 28 et ipse accepit eum in ulnas suas et benedixit deum et dixit 29 nune dimittis esne Sin la drihten sefter word Sin on sibb forSon gesegon ego min seruun tuum domine secundum uerbum tuum in pace 30 quia uiderunt oculi mrrei hbelo T halwoende ~[in] ~ $u gearuades mr -4 fore onsione alra folca leht to salutare tuum 31 quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum 32 lumen ad ced-eaunise cynna J wulder folces ~'ines israel J wses fader his J moder reuelationem gentium'et gloriam plebis tuae israhel 33 et erat pater eius et mater wundrando ofer'Sa aWse gecuoeden weron from -him mirantes super his quae dicebantur de illo 22. J refter ~son gifylled werun dagas elaensunge his sefter se moyses laeddun hine.... fte asettun hine drihten 23. swa awriten is in se drihtnes -ssette eghwele wepenmon to-untynes hrif T wombe halig drihten giceges 24.'- te saldun gsefel 4 assegdnis sefter _sette acweden wies in se drihtnes twoege turturas-4twoege birdas culfra 25. 1 heonu mon wies in.... Sem noma wses simeon J mon'ses sosfsest J ondredende biddende frofre isralielas J gast halig wies in him 26. J ondswore onfeng from gaste halgum ne gisseh he him deas buta er gisege gicorone drihtnes 27. J com in gaste in temple J miMsSy inleddun aeldru his ~Sone enMeht -Se heelend -Pte dydon aefter giwuna ies fore hine 28. J he onfeng hine on eormas his J bletsade god I cwes, 29. nu forletes4'forgefes esne sinne drihten iefter worde sinum in sibbe 30. foro n gisegun ego mine heelo sine 31. &;ette;u gigeorwades bifora onsione alra folca 32. leht to mteowednisse cynna 3 wuldur folches sines israhel 33. J wies fieder his inoder his wundrende ofer sa saSe gicweden werun from him E 34 LLUKE. 34 And fa bletsude big simeon I cweaj 34 And Pa ge-bletsede hyo symeon. I to marian his meder; Loca nu Pes is on cwse6 to marian hys moder. loca nu fes hryre. 7 on seryst asett manega on israhel. is on hryre ] on arist ge-sett. manegre on I on tacen Paian &e wi>S-cweden by6; israele 7 on taken Pam Pe wi6-cwe6en bye6. 35 And his swurd pine sawle Purh-fser6. 35 ]End his sweord pine sawle purhfer6. f gepohtas s'n awrigene of manegum heor- Paet ge-pohtes seon awrigene of manegen turn; heorten. 36 And anna wses witegystre fanueles 36 And anna woes witegestre fanueles dohtor of assures mseg6e p]eos wunude ma- dohter of asseres mseg>Se. peos wunede nigne deg. I heo leofode mid hyre were manigene daig hbye lefede mid hire were seofan ger of hyre fsemn-hiade. sefe gear on hire femnehade 37 I heo wses wudewe oS6 feower I hund- 37 J hyo wses wudewe o6 feower 7 hundeahtatig geara; Seo of pam temple ne eahtetig geare. Seo of pam temple ne gegewat. dseges 1 nihtes peowigende on fees- wat daiges ne nihtes. peowiende on frestenuem 7 on halsungum. tene. 1 on halsunge. 38 And peos a'ere tide becumende driht- 38 And peos fare tide be-cumende ne andette 7 be him sprsec eallum pam pe drihtne andette J be hym sprsec. eallen pan ge-anbidedon hierusalem alysednesse; Ipe ge-an-bided-en ierusaleml alysednysse. 39 7 Pa hi ealle ping gefyldon. aefter 39' pa hyo ealle Ping ge-feldon cefter drihtnes.e. hi ge-hwurfon on galileam on drihtenes lage. hyo hwurfon on galile5 on heora ceastre nazareth; hire ceastre nazareth. 40 So6lice T cild weox wses gestrangod 40 Sotlice Peet chyld weox I was gewis-domes full. r godes gyfu woes on him. stranged wisdomes full. 1 godes geue w:es on him. 41: his magas ferdon eIce gere to hieru- 41 J his maeges ferden selche geare to salem on easter-dseges freols-tide. ierusalem on eastre daiges freols-tide. 42 p Pa he wses twelf wintre hy f6ron to 42 Y A he woes twelf wintre. hyo Cur factum hierusalem to pan easterlican freolse sefter for en to ierusalem to pam east- anorum duohyra gewunan. erlicen freolse. sefter hyre ge-wunenen (sic). dec~m. 43 And gefylledum dagum pa hig agen- 43 7 pa ge-fylleden dagen. ]a hyo agen gehwurfon. bel'f se heelend on hierusalem. ge-hwurfon be-laf se hmelend on ierusalem 1 his magas 1 nyston. J hys mseges poet nyston. Various Readings. Various Readings. 34. A. bletsode. A. hyre [for hryre]. A. aset. A. B. 34. asett manegra; israel. 35. 2End; purh-frerN; syn; C. manegra. 35. A. sweord. 36. A. wytegestre. A. manlegun heortvqn. 36. wytegystre; dohlitor; wunode manigne deeg; heo leofode; sefen; of [for on]; femnhade. wunede mnenigne. A. lyfede. A. seofen gear. 37. A. 3 heo; eahtatig geara;: [for ne]; keowiendum; fast wuduwe. A. -ehtatig. A. Jpeowgende. 38. A. enum; halsungumn. 38. XEnd; sprac eallum pIam; gealysednysse. 39. A. big (twice). B. C. hyra. 41. A. an-bydedon. 39. gefyldon; se [for lage]; ge-wurfon; geare.19 42. A. -ig. A;. Jamn. A. heora. 43. A. tn- galileamr. 40. cyld; ge-strangod; gyfe. 41. magas; eelce; easter-dages. 42. Same rubric in Rt. foron; gean-. hierusalem; easterlican; hyore gewuwunen (sic). 43, End; ge-fylledum dagvm; nysten. CHAP. II.] 35 3 ge-bloedsade him J cuoe-S to moder his heono geseted is Ses on 34 et benedixit illis simeon et dixit ad mariam matrem eius ecce positus est hic in gefelnise J erist monigra J on tacod}on becon sem wiS-cuoeden bi J ruinam et resurrectionem mnultorum in israhel et in signum cui contradicetur 35 et'sin sesT4 his sauel';erh ofer-fsereS suord 4-te aed-eaud wereT4woeron of monigum heortum smeaungas tuam ipsius animam pertransibit gladius ut reuelentur ex multis cordibus cogitationes J wes Anna Sio witga dohter from fole Aserest -Sios gefealle on dagum monigum + i. iacohes 36 et erat anna prophetissa filia phanuel de tribu aser haec processerat in diebus multis sunu lifde misi wer hire wintrum seofo from hehstald-had hire J Sios widiua o~S et uixerat cum uiro suo annis septem' uirginitate sua 37 et haec uidua usque wintro 9 hund-hsehtatih feouer M;io ne of-foerde from temple miS fsesternum I gebeadum annos octoginta quatuor quae non descedebat de templo ieiuniis et obsecrationibus herde naeht J dsege J sio ilca tid ofer-cuom ge-ondittes drihtne J sprecend woes seruiens nocte ac die 38 et haec ipsa hora super-ueniens confitebatur domino et loquebatur of him allum -sa-Se ge-biodon4Pbidendo woeron lesing lesnis hierusalem n fte'Serh-dedon-geende illo omnibus qui expectabant redemtionem hierusalem 39 et ut perfecedadon alle mefter ae drihtnes gecerdon I awoende woeron on galilea in ceastre his runt omnia secundum legem dornini reuersi sunt in galileam in ciuitatemn suam nazareth se cnseht'sonne awox 7 gestreneged wses full mi's snyttro J geafa godes wses in nazareth 40 puer autem crescebat et confortabatur plenus sapientia et gratia dei erat in &seem 9 foerdon aldro his -;erh alle wintro in hierusalem on dsege symbeles eastres illo 41 et ibant parentes eius per omnes annos in hierusalem in die solemni paschae J miHsy aworden were wintra tuoelf stigendum &Soem on hierusalem oefter 42 *Et cum factus fiuisset annorum duodecim ascendentibus illis in hierusolimam secundum * VIii. gewuna dseges halges 4 symbles J missy geendade weron dagas mi~Sy eft-cerdon eft-wunade consuetudinem diei festi 43 consummatis-que dielSus cum redirent remansit se cnaeht hoelend in hierusalem J ne cu-;on aldro his puer iesus in hierusalem et non cognouerunt parentes eius 34. 9 gibletsade hise simeon J cwse- to.... moeder his heonu giseted is $es on gsefelnisse J erist monigra in israhelum 7 on becnum -Sem wiScweden biS 35. 7 -sin &;ses- his sawel -Serh-fsere-s J sword Ssette seteowed were of monigum heortum smeunges 36. J wses anna Sio witga dohter fanueles from folche aseres MSios gifeoll on dagum monigum J lifde miR wer hire winter siofune from hehstaldhade hire 37. J Mios widwe o0Se winter hund-sehtetig Msio ne offoerde from temple mis frestennum. 3 gibeadum herde gode naeht J dseg 38. J Mio ilca tid ofercom giondetade drihtne J sprecende wses of him allurn -ase biddende werun lesingeT' lesnisse.... 39. J -Pfte terh-dedun alle aefter se drihtnes gicerdun lwoemde werun.... in cestre his nazarenes 40.'Se cnseht Sonne awox J gistrongad woes full miS snytrum 7 gefe godes wees miS &Sem 41. J foerdun eldro his serh alle wintru in hierusalem on dsege symbles eastra 42. J miS aworden were wintru twelfe stigendum tsem on hierusalem aefter giwuna dsceges halges4 symbles 43. J mi'Siy giendade werun dagas missy eftcerdun eftwunade se cnseht heelend in.... ne cusun aeldro his E2 36 [LuRE. 44 wendon J he on heora geflre wore. 44 wende Jaet he on heore ge-ferrede pa c6mon hig anes doages faer. I hine soh- woere. Da comen hyo anes daiges feor. J hyo ton betux his magas J his cu~6an. hine sohte be-tweoxe his mneges J hys cu6;ano 45 >;a hig hyne ne fundon hig gewendun 45 pa hyo hine ne funden; hyo ge-wentto hierusalem hyne secende; on to Jerusalem hine sechende. 46 Da refter prim dagum hig fundon hine 46 Da eefter preom dagen. hyo funden on pam temple sittende on middan pam hine on pam temple sittende. on middan lareowum. hlystende I hi ahsiende; pam lareowan. hlystende I hyo axiende. 47 pa wundrodon hig ealle pe gehyrdon 47 Da wundredon hyo ealle pe ge-hyrden be his gleaw-scipe. I hys 1-swarum; be his gleawscype; I his eendsweren. 48 Da cwoe4 his modor to him; Sunu 48 Da cwaen his moder to him. Sune hwi dydest ]Pu une;us. pin feeder 7 ic hwi dydest pu une pus. pin freder 1 f% sarigende pe sohton; sarigende pe sohten. 49 Da cwinE6 he to him. hwoet is f gy;t 49 pa cwaem he to heorn. hwaet is Poet me sohton. nyste gyt J me gebyra6 to gyt me sohten. nyste gyt pset me ge-byred beonne on pam'Singumn 6e mines freder to beonne on pam pingen Pe nines faeder synt; synde. 50 Da ne ongeton hig J word pe he to 50 Da ne on-geaton hyo pa word pe he him spraec; to heom spraec. 51 Da ferde he mid him 1 comr to naza- 51 -Da ferde he mid heom I com to nazareth. I waes him under-peod; And his mo- reth. 1 wias heom under-peod. And hys dor geheold ealle pas word on hyre heortan moder ge-heold ealle pas word on hire smeagende; heorte smeagende. 52 And se hbelend peah on wisdome 3 on 52 AEnd se hmelend peah on wisdome I ylde. 1 mid gyfe. mid gode 1 mid man- on ylde. 7 mid gyfe mid gode I mid manRum nen. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER III. Dis ge-byra 1 0o6;lice pam fifteo6an geare paes I So6lice pam fiftendan geare pas cai- Anoquinto on setern- decimo tbeij dag to,w- caseres anwealdes tibern. begym- seres an-wealdes tyberi. be-gin-cesayberis seres be-gin- cesaris. myestenwynendue lfam pontiscan pilate iudea-peode. nenden Pam pontiscen pilate iudea peode. myddan wyn- enduo ar~ n de s rfca' amilat iudeea eode quinto de- feoraan deeles rica gaile herode. filippo feor6an deles rice galilee herode. philippe Cimo. A. his breper feorS6an daeles rica. Iturie. I hys broder. feor>6an dales rice iturie. I tpes rices traconitidis 1 lisania abiline feor- pas riche traconitidis. J lisania abiline pan dveles rica. feor'6an dveles rica. Various Readings. Various Readings. 44. B. C. hyra. A. betweox; B. betwux. 45. A. ge- 44. wenden; hyra gefere; doeges fmre; om. hyo; sohton be-tweox; magas. 45. ge-wendon; secynde. 46. mrim wendon. B. C. secynde. 46. A. hig acsigende. 47. A. B. dagum; fundon; lareowum; hi ahsiende. 47. ge-hyrC. wundredon. 48. A. moder. A. hwig. 49. A. pingon. don; glewscype; andswarum. 48. modor; Sunu; sohton. 49. sohton; ge-byre$; synt. 51. heortaln. A. synd. 50. A. ongeaton. 51. C. ome. his. A. moder. 52. mannlum. Cap. iii. v. 1. B. anwaldes. Cap. iii. v. 1. Same Rubric in R. fifteo'an geara; beCap iii. v. B. anwaldes. A. galilee. A. philyppo. ginnendlum; feor'on; rica; filippon; bro'or feor'es;3 rices C. for'San [2nd time only.] Lfor rice]; rices [for riche]. CHAP. II.] 37 woendon uutedlice hine Ote were hia miS fylgende cuomon geong deeges I eft sohton 44 existimantes autem illumn esse in comitatu uenerunt iter diei et requirebant hine betuih freondo 7 cu0o J ne gemoeton gecerdon 4 gecerde woeron in hierusalem eumr inter cognates et adnotos 45 et non inuenientes reuersi sunt in hierusalem eft-sohton hine J aworden wves oefter Sriim dogrum gemoeton hine on temple sittende on requirentes eum 46 et factum est post triduum inuenerunt illum in templo sedentem in middum Sara laraua herende hine J fraegnende astylton Son alle Sa5e hine medio doctorum audientem illos et interrogantem 47 *Stupebant autem omnes qui eum * 4. ii. mt. lxii. mr. xiii. geherdon ofer snytro T hogoscip J ondsuearum his J gesegon awundrade woeron I cues audielbant super prudentia et responsis eius 48 et uidentes ammirati sunt ~*Et dixit * 5. x Sio moder to hine la sunu huoetd dydest Su us heono feeder Sin I ic meenende we sohton Sec mater ad illum filii quid fecisti nobis ecce pater tuus et ego doleintes quaerebamus te I cuoeS to him humd is Bte mec gie sohton ne cusugie fte in Seem SaSe fadores 49 et ait ad illos quid est quod me quaerebatis nesciebatis quia in his quae patres (sic) mines sint gerisenlic me to wosanne: Sa ne on-cneaun word -pte sprecend woes to mei sunt oportet me esse 50 et ipsi non intellexerunt uerbum quod locutus est ad him J of-stag miS him J cuom to nazareth J woes under-Sioded him I moder his illos 51 et descendit cumr eis et uenit nazareth et erat subditus illis et mater eius geheaelde 4gehaelde alle worda Sas in hearta his J se heelend gewox miS snytro J eeldo conseruabat omnia uerba haec in corde sue 52 et iesus proficiebat sapientia [et] aetate J wuldur miS god J monnumn et gratia apud deum et homines CAP. III. ger Sonne Sio fiftei;e heeses wees scire-monn iudeas 1 *Anno autem quinto decimo imperii tiberii caesaris procurante pontie pilato iudaea * IIII. [6. iii. mt. uii. -onne broSere his J io. ii. xxu.] tetrarcha autem galilaeae herode philippo autem fratre eius tetrarcha itureae et trachonitidis londes regionis et lissaniae abilinae tetrarcha 44. woendun wultudlice hine -f he were hie mi- fylgende comun gonga daeges J eftsohtun hine bitwih freonde? cyBSo 45. J ne gimoettun gicerde werun in.... eftsohtun hine 46.: aworden woes eefter srim dogrumn gimoetun hine in temple sittende in middum nara larwara herende hine 7 fregnende hine 47. astyltun ~onne alle Sade hine giherdun ofer snytro J ondsworum his 48. J gisegun awundrade werun J cwmeS -io moder his to him la sunu hweet dydestu us swa heonu feeder Sin J ic meenende sohtun Sec 49. J cwers to him hweet is i;eette mec gisohtun ne cugon ge &sate in Saem fredras mine sindun girisenlic me to wosanne 50.: Sa ne oncneowun word Seette sprecende waes to him 51.: astag miR him J com to nazareth J woes underSioded him J moder his gihaelde alle word Sas in heorte his 52. J ~e hielend giwox mis snytru J eeldt J wuldur miS god J alle Cap. III. 1. ger Sonne Se fiftegSa he waes tiberis Sees caseres wxes sciremon...iudea....sobliche.... onne broker his........ londes..., 38 [LUKE. 2 under'Sara sacerda ealdrum anna 3 2 under pare sacerde ealdres anna J caifai. godes word wses geworden ofer za- chaifa. godes word woes ge-worsan ofer charias sunu on westene zacharias sune on westene. 3 7 he com into eall iordanes rlcee bodi- 3 J he com into eall I ordanes riche boende dsed-b6te fulluht. I synna forgyfe- diende. deadbote fulluht? synne for-gyfenesse. nesse 4 swa hit awriten ys on isaias bec PTs 4 swa hit awriten ys on ysaias bech pas witegan; Clypiende stefen on westene. ge- witegan. Clepiende stefn on westene. gegearwia>6 drihtnes weg. do5 his si6as garewia6 drihtenes weig dod his sitas rihte; rihte. 5 JElc denu bis gefylled. A selc munt 7 5 ZElch dane beo'6 ge-feld. I aelch munt beorh bye6 geny'Serud. I pwuru beo~6 on I beorh beo'6 ge-ni>6ered. JI wuru beo6S gerihte. I ungerydu on smdSe wegas. on ge-rihte. I ungerydu on sme6e weges. 6 1 selc flsesc gesih>6 godes haele; 6: Eelc flaese ge-sih>6 godes hsele. 7 Soplice he cwse'6 to pam menegum pe 7 SoSlice he cwse6 to pam msegen pe ferdon f hi waeron gefullode fram him. eala ferden pset hyo wmeren fullode fram hym. naeddrena cynn hwa aet-ywde eow P ge Eale nseddrene kyn hwa atewedo (sic) eow fleon fram pam towerdan yrre; pret ge fleon fram pam towearde eorre. 8 Do>6 geornlice daed-bote wsest-mas J ne 8 Do6 eornestlice deadbote woestmes. I ongynne ge cweS6an. we habba6 us to fseder ne on-ginnen ge cwe6en. we hebbed us to abrahair; Ic seege eow. f god is swa mihtig fader abraham. Ich segge eow Poet god is 1 he mpeg of Pysum st'num abrahames swa mihtig pet he maig of pjisen stanen bearn aweccan; abrahamnes bearn aweccan. 9 Nu is seo — ex asett. to >&es treowes 9 Nu ys syo sex asett. to pas treowas wyrtruman. witodlice selc treow Pe ne wirtrumen. Witodlice elch treow pe'ne bryncS' godne wses[t]m. bi6 for-corfen I brined godne wsestme beo>6 for-corfan I on on fyr aworpen; fyr aworpen. 10 pa ahsodon hyne pa menegu I cwsedon. 10 Da axoden hine pa manige I cwae6en; hwmet do we; hwaet do we. 11 Da cwse6 he to him. se ]e hoef'6 twa 11 pa cwse~ he to heom. se pe hafP tunecan sylle Pam pe nsef6. I pam gelice twege tunekan. sylle pam pe nsef>6. I pam d6 se pe mettas hsefp; ge-lice do se pe metes hbef;. Vario'us Readings. Various Readings. 2. A. pera. A. westenne. 3. A. B. C. rice. A. bo- 2. Para sacerda; caifa; ge-worden. 3. rice; doedbote; digende. A. forgifenysse. 4. A. ysaies. A. B. C. Cly- forgyfenysse. 4. bec; witegen. Cleopiendes; drihtnes; piendes stefn. A. westenne. 5. A. ge-nyterod. A. do s. 5. iElc; biS ge-fylled; velc; byli ge-nytered. Jweoru. 6. A. halo. 7. A. mmneegum. A. B. C. hig. 7. miegum; ferdon; ge-fullode; cyn; aetywde; towearA. inserts ge after eala. B. C. cyn. A. to-weardan. 8. do yrre. 8. geornlice [for,ornestlice]; daedbote A. inserts weortlice after geornlice. C. gos [sic; for waestmas; hhebbeS; fseder; Ic; maeg; isumn stanurn; god]. A. Jyssum. 9. A. aset. A. bring~S. A. B. bern. 9. treowes wyrtruman; el; brinc$; weastm byS. westmi; C... stm. 10. A. aesedon. A.muenegeo. 1, lmenge; cwaten. 11 tuneken ,CHAP. III.] 39 under aldormonnum sacerdum J aworden wses word drihten ofer iohanne 2 sub principibus sacerdotum anna et caipha factum est uerbum domini super iohannen sunu on western J cuom on alle lond bodade - ful-wiht zachariae filium in deserto 3 *Et uenit in omnem regionem iordanis praedicans baptismumz * 7. i mi. iii. Im1T. ni. hreaunise in forgefnise synna sua awritten is in boc worda io. x. paenitentiae in remisionem peccatorum 4 sicut scribtum est in libro sermonumn esaiae -ses witges stefn cliopende on woestern gearua-; woeg drihtnes rehto wyrcas geongoes his eghuelc prophetae uox clamantis in deserto parate uiam domini rectas facite semitas eius 5 omnis pse- I dene gefylled biS 9 eghuele mor I hyll ge-beged bis I bison un-rtehto]~woh in geongom 7 uallis implebitur et omnis mons et collis humiliabitur et erunt praua in directa et roeSo on woegum srmoeSum: gesea-s eghuele lichoma haluende godes cuoeo for5on to aspera in uias planas 6 et uidebit omnis caro salutare dei 7 *Dicebat ergo ad * 8. II. mt. x. tread a-Se foerdon 6te hia wero gefuluad from him cynna seterna hua eauaS iuh turbas quae exiebant ut baptizarentur ab ipso genimina uiperarum quis ostendit uobis geflea from tocymenda wra'se wyrca-; fordon wsestm wyrse to hreauunise J ne beginnes cuoe-sa fugire a uentura ira 8 facite ergo fructus dignus (sic) paenitentiae et ne coeperetis dicere fader we habbas ic cueoso for-son iuh jte mnege god from stanum ZSisum awecce patrem habemus abraham dico enim uobis quia potest deus de lapidibus istis suscitare sunu soelice for-;on acasa to wyrtruma treuana geseted is eghuele forson treeo ne filios abrahae 9 iam enini- securis ad radicem arborumn posita est omnis ergo arbor non does wsestm ofcorfen biMS on fyr gesended J gefrugnon hine sset folc- 4'a $reatas faciens fructum excidetur et in ignem mittitur 10 *Et interrogabant eum turbae * 9. x. cuoeoSendo hued forSon we doa-S onduarde ~Sa cuoe; himn sese hbefe tuoege cyrtlas dicerntes quid ergo faciemus 11 respondens autem dicebat illis qui habet duas tunicas seleS ne T4Sem noebbende I sere hefefo metto gelic doat det non habenti et qui habet escas similiter faciat 2. under aldormnonnum sacerda....... aworden wies word drihtnes ofer iohan-ne.... suno on woestenne 3. J com in alle lond bodade tset fulwiht hreownisse in forgefnisse synna 4. swa awriten is on bocum worda essaies -tes witga stefn cliopende on woestenne georwigas woeg drihtnes rehte wyrcas stige his 5. eghwelce pse dene gifylled bis J alle moras 7 hyll gibeged bio-Son J bioS;on unrehteowoh in gongum. 7 roeSe on woege smoe';um 6. J giseaM- eghwelc lichoma halwendo godes 7. cwse-s for'Son to -sem -,reote ~aS6e foerdun fte lie gifulwad were from him cynn seterne hwelc ieteowoe iow gifleane from tocymende wransra 8. wyrcas forSon wsestim wvyrne to hreownisse J ne biginnes cweosa foeder we cwateo for"on iow msette msegen is godes from stanum Sissum awecca sunu abrahames 9. soslice for'on acase to wyrtruma treona giseted is eghlwelc for'on treo ne does wiestim godne Be of-corfen bii 3 on fyr sended 10. J gifrugnun hine'oe Sreot cwesende hwaet forson doas we 11. ondworde sa cwtse him sene hiefes twoege cyrtlas selebs $em nsebbende 3 sese hsefeos mett gilic doe 4wyrce 40 [LUKE. 12 Da comon pa manfullan b hig ajwe- 12 Da comen pa manfulle PJet hy apwegene wseron. I cwedon to him. lareow gene wieren. I cwse6en to hym lareow hwmt do we; hwmet do we. 13 pa cwse6 he ne do ge naht mare 13 pa cwase~ he ne do ge naht mare Jponne f eow geset is; Panne Jfaet eow ge-sett ys. 14 Da ahsodon hine Ia cempan I cwoedon. 14 Da axoseden (sic) hine pa cempan 1 I hwset do we; Da sede he him. ne sleage cwmeSen. I hwset do we. pa ssede he heom. nanne; Ne tale ne do6. I beo6S e6-hylde on ne sla ge nanne man. Ne tale ne do6. eowrum andlyfenum; 7 beo; e&6-healde on eowren andlyfenum. 15 o'6lice pam, folce wenendum IJ eal- 15 So6lice pam folce wenenden I eallen lum on hyra heortan pencendum on heore heorten ]encenden be be iohanne hwseper he crist waere; Iohanne hwseder he crist waere. 16 Da 7swarude iohannes him. eallum 16 Da andswerede Iohannes heom eallen secgende; Witodlice ic eow on weetere ful- seggenden. Witodlice ic eow an watere lige; Soplice cym6 strengra ponne ic. JPes fullige. So6lice kymS strengre panne ich; ic ne eonm wyrpe f ic hys sceo-pwancg un- pas ich nem wur'e ]Pet ich hys scopwang cnytte; He eow fulla>6 on halgumz gaste J un-cnytte. Heo eow fulled on halgen on fyre; gaste. I on fyre. 17 3 his fann ys on his handa. J he feor- 17 7 his fann is on his handa. I he ina> his bernes fl6re. 1 gaderah byshwmte fermed hys bernes flore. I gadered hys into his berne. f ceaf he for-bern. on un- hwaete in-to hys berne. ]jet chef he foracwencedlicum fyre; bernse on un-acwenctelice fyre. 18 Manega oS6re ping bodigende he. 18 Manega oS6re ping bodiende. He folc lerde; peet folc laerde. 19 Herodes se feor>6an dieles rica. Pa 19 Herodes se feorS6an deles rica pa he he wses fram him geS6read. be'Sere hero- woes fram him ge-pread. be pare herodisdiadiscan hys bro6or wife. 1 be eallum can his broder wife 3 be eallen yfelen pe yfelum pe herodes dyde; herodes dyde. 20 7 ofer eall f- ge-icte f he be-clysde io- 20 7 ofer eall pset ge-icte poet he be-clysde hannem on cwearterne; Iohanne on cwarterne. 21 So'lice wses geworden pa eall T fole 21 So6lice woes ge-wor>san pa eall paet fole woes gefullod. I pam haelende gefulledum woes ge-fullod. I pam hvelende ge-fulloden I gebiddendumw. heofon wses ge-openud I ge-biddenden. heofene wais ge-opened Various Readings. Various Readings. 14. A. acsedon. C. repeats: cewedon. A. noenne. A. 12. comon; manfullan; hyo. 13. ponne; ge-set. 14. ahsodon; ewaSon; sleage nanne (sic); orm. man; esstale [for tale]. 15. A. heora. 16. A. B. C. 7swarode. s n;, ealde; eowrunl. 15. wenendurn; ealluin; heora heorA. -]wang. 17. A. berenes. A. berene. A. orm. on. turn pencendum; hweSer. 16. eallum seggendum; on 19. A. broker. B. brosur; C. bropur. C. yfellum. 20. wetere; cymS; Ponne ic; ic nem; ic is (sic); He; fullos; A. y he geycte. B. C. cwerterne. 21. A. wses eall ge- halgumn. 17. feormaS; gaderaO; ceaf; for-bnern; unacwencendlice. 18. bodigende. 19. brotor; allum. fillad. A. ge-fullodurn. A. heofen. A. ge-openod. 20. iohannem; cwserterne. 21. ge-worden; ge-fulloduln ge-biddendum. CHAP. III.] 41 cuomon; a i bsersynviqo J-te weron gefuluad J cuoedon to him la laruu humed 12 uenerunt autemr et publicani ut baptizarentur et dixerunt ad ilium magister quid we gedoas so l he cue-s to him noht for5or -;sonne ~ gesetted is iuh gie doa-S faciemus 13 at ille dixit ad eos nihil amplius quam constitutum est uobis faciatis frugnon sonne hine 9 cempo cuedon hused doa-S we Pe us J cuoe6 him ne aenig monn 14 interrogabant autem eumn et uailites dicentes quid faciemus et nos et ait illis neminem gedroefan gie J ne telnise? sceoma gedoaS 9 ssem wosas nestum iurom mi-s'y w6ende concutiatis neque calumnniaw, faciatis et contenti estote stipendiis uestris 15 existimante tonne f folc 7 smeandcum allum in heortuim hiora from iohctnne eia'a mage he were crist autemn populo et cogitantibus omnibus in cordibus suis de iohanne ne forte ipse esset christus onduarde iohannes cuoet allum Ic see so-s of from woetre ic fulua iuh cyme-s -onue strongra 16 responclit iohannes dicens omnibzus *Ego quidern aqua baptizo uos ueniet autem fortior * 0 i. mt. xi. 11mr. 1111iiii. mec ~ss noe an ic wyrse to unbindanne'Suong'as sceoea his he iuih gefuluam- in io. ni. me cuius non sum dignus soluere corrigiam calciamentorum eius ipse uos baptizabit in gast halig 7 mii; fyr his fonnle 4. windgefonmce in hond his I clknses ber-ern 4' bereflor spiiritu sanIcto et igni 17 *Cuius uentilabrum in mianu eius et purgauit cae * 11. v. mt. xii. his 3 solrnaS huetee in ber-ern his -Sa halhn 4' a windungo ta geberne to fyre suam et congregauit tritilc um in horreum suum paleas autern comburet igni unadrysnendlic menigo me 6on 3 o;ero getrummnade bodade ~ folc inextinguibili 18 multa quidem et alia exortans euangelizabat populum 19 *Herodes * X. 12. ii. mt. cxliiii. mr. luiiii. tonne mri-y gerihmse from himn from wife broWeres his from all l m autem tetrarcha cuin corriperetur ab illo de herodiadae uxore fratris sui et de omnibus yflumn tate clyde to-geecde - is ofer alle 7 in-tynde iohannewm? in earcern malis quae fecit herodes 20 adiecit et hoc supra omnia et inclusit iohannema in carcere aworden wmis ~onne miis-y gefuluad wses all fol J se hoelernd miStsy wies gefuluad 3 biddende 21 *Factum est autem cum baptizaretur omnis populus et iesu baptizato et orante * 13. i. mt. xiiii. un-tyned woes heofon mm. u. apertum est caelum 12. comun S;a wutudlice J bearswinige Bte were gifulwad 7 cwedun to him!' la larwa hwset we gidoas 13. so$ he cwTse to him noht forSor giseted is iow gidoaS 14. wutudlice frugnun hine J ba cempo cwedun hwaet doa$ we -3 ec us 3 cwset him ne Tnignmon gidroefaiS ge ne tellnisseTsconmu doa$ 7 -sem... wosa$ nestumn iowrum 15. mi;Sy woende tonne -sset folc 7 smea[n]dum allum in heortum hiora from iohanne eatse msege he were crist 16. ondsworade iohannis cw6 $ allllb ic ec so-s of wmetere gifulwo iowih.... cuma-s bonne strongra me'oses ne am ic wyrie to unbindanne bwongas giscoes his he iowih gifulwas in gaste halgum 9 mibs fyre 17. his fone 7 wind-fone in honda his 9 clionsaM bereflor his 7 gisomnabs hwMste his in ber-ern his ast halmT4winnunoe bSonne giberne; to fyre unadryssenlic 18. monige ee -onne 3 o;re gitrymede bodona &et folc 19..... onne.... miy gerihte from him of... from wif broWSer his i from allume yflum bae dyde herodes 20. to-giecte x sis ofer alle J untynde iohczzene a;et earcern 21. aworden wes bSonne mibby gifulwad wses all fole J be haelend mis wues gifulwad J bicldende ontyned wues heofun 42 [Lu KE. 22 I se halega gast astah lichamlicre 22 i se halga gast astah lichamlicere ansyne on hyne swa an culfre. I stefen an-syna on hine swa an culfre I stefne woes woes of heofone geworden: pus cwAe6; Du of heofene ge-wor6an J pus cwe6. Du ert eart min gecorena sunu. on pe me gelicode. min ge-corena sune on pe me ge-like&'. 23 3 se hvelend waes on ylde swylce Pritig 23: se haelend waes on ylde swilce pritwintre.'P menn wendon f he waere iosepes tige wintre. JPet men wenden paet he w'ere sunu; Se wais heliges sunu. Iosepes sune. Se wies heliges sune. 24-38 se wies nazareth. swa of cneorysse 24 —38 se wies nazareth. swa of cneoron cneorysse o6 ad'am; Se woes godes sunu. nysse on eneornysse o6>6e adam. Se waes o6 fif 7 hund-seofantig cneoryssa; godes sunu o65 fif i hund-seofentig cneornisse. Various Readings. Various Reedings. 22. A. B. C. halga. C; aastah. A. B. C. stefn. A. heo- 22. stefn; hefone ge-worden; cart; ge-licode. 23. fete. 23. A. pryttig; C. prittig. A B. C. men. A. prittig. 24-38. cneorysse on cneoresse; suna; -seofonhelies. 24-38. B. C. cneoresse [2nd time only]. A. tigcneorissa. -seofentig. CHAP. III.] 43 u adune astag gast se halig mis lic-homlic huiu suelce culfra on hine 3 stefn of heofne 22 et descendit spirlitus sanctus corporali specie sicut columba in ipsum et uox de caelo aworden waes su ars sunu min leaf 4' leofost on sec lica-5 me he 4' se haelend waes facta est tu des filius meus dilectus in te complacuit mihi 23 *Et ipse iesus erat * 14. iii. mt. i. io. i. onginnende suelce wintra srittih ]te woende sunu iosepes sense wes heling se' w' ncipiens quasi annorum triginta ut putaretur filius ioseph qui fuit heli 24 qui fuit mata' se' w' -4 se' w' mnet se' w' ia' se' w' io' se' w' mattat qui fuit leui qui fuit melchi qui fuit iannae qui fuit ioseph 25 qui fuit ma' se' w' am' se' w' na' se' w' es' se' w' na' se' w' ma' mathathie qui fuit amos qui fuit naum qui fuit esli qui fuit naggae 26 qui fuit maath se' w' math' se' w' se' s se' w' io' se' w' iodaing se' w' io' se' qui fuit mathathine qui fuit semei qui fuit iosec qui fuit ioclda 27 qui fuit iohanna qui w' resaing se' w' sorobabeling s' w' sat4 s' w' nering s' w' m' s' w' fuit resa qui fuit sorobabel qui fuit salathiel qui fuit neri 28 qui fuit melchi qui fuit a' s' w' cos' s' w' heot s' w' hering S7 W' ihesuing s' w' eli' addi qui fuit cosam qui fuit helmadam qui fuit her 29 qui fuit ihesu qui fuit eliezer s8 W' io' s' w' ma' s' w' leuing s' w' Si' S W' iU' S' qui fuit iorim qui fuit matthad qui fuit leui 30 qui fuit symeon qui fuit iuda qui w' io S' s' ionaing s' w' eli' s' w' mel' s' w' men' s' w' fait ioseph qui fuit iona qui fuit eliachim 31 qui fuit melea qui fuit menna qui fuit ma' s' w' nathaning s' w' da' s' w' iessing s' w' obesing s' w' bo' s' matthata qui fuit nathan qui fuit dauid 32 qui fuit iesse qui fuit obed qui fuit booz qui w' sa' a' w' na' S W) a' s' w' ar' v W7 es''' w' W' Sa; S~ W~ 1197 ~s W a S W ar S W es S W fuit salmon qui fuit naason 33 qui fuit aminadab qui fuit aran qui fuit esrom qui fuit p' s' w' iu' s' w' ia9 s' w' is' s' w' ab' s9 w' th' s' w' phares qui fuit iudae 34 qui fuit iacob qui fuit isaac qui fuit abraha qui fuit thare qui fuit na s'' se' s' w' ra'' p' s' w' ~ eb' s' w' sa' nachor 35 qui fuit seruch qui fuit ragau qui fuit phalec qui fuit eber qui fuit sale 36 qui w eha' s' W r'ch Sa' s' w''' s' s'' s' w'' fuit chainan qui fuit arfaxat qui fuit sem qui fuit noe qui fuit lamech 37 qui fuit mas;aling s' w' e' s' w' ia' s' w' m' s' w' ca' s' W9 matthusale qui fuit enoc qui fuit iared qui fuit malelehel qui fuit cainan 38 qui fuit en' s' w' se' s' w' adaming s' w' enos qui fuit -seth qui fuit adam qui fuit dei 22.. adune astag gast 9e haliga miS lichomlice megwlite swelce culfra on hine U stefn of heofnum giworden wies Su ar S sunu min leof k4 leowusta on Sec liea-s me 23. J se helend wins onginnende swelce wintra;ritig -fte woende suno were iosephes sese woes eling 24. sene wres.... s'see wies....sece waes....se5e wres..sere wres.... 25. sese wres.... se'e wres....sene w8 es....:F 2 44 [LUKE. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER IV. I So>lice se heelend wses full halgum 1 So'lice se hbelend wses full halgen gaste U ferde framn iordane. U he wses fram gaste 7 ferde fram iordane. haligum gaste geled. on sumlum westene | Se halend woes fram halig gaste ge-led nuctus est iesus in de. on sumen westene sertum g spi2 feowertig daga. 7 waes fram deofie 2 feortig dagen. u wtes fratiz deofolmpt-ttlE' costod. 7 he on pam dagum nan ping ne costnod. 7 he on pam dagen nan pingdiabolo. set; And pam dagum gefylledum hine hing- ne set. And pam dagen ge-fylleden hine rede; hingrede. 3 Da cwse> se deofol him to. gif pu sy 3 pa cwae>6 se deofel hym to. gyf pu godes sunu sege Pisuwm stane T he to hlafe syo godes sunu. saege pisen stanen pset he gewur6e; to hlafe ge-wur"e. 4 Da Uswarude him se helend; Hit is 4 Da andswerede him se hlelend. Hit awriten j se man ne leofap be hlafe anum. ys awriten paet se man ne leofe6 be hlafe ac of aelcum godes w6rde; anen. ac of,lcen godes worde. 5 And pa lsedde se deofol hyne. U aetywde 5 And pa laedde se deofel hyne 7 atewede him ealle rncu eorlan ymbe-hwyrftes. on himz ealle pa rice eor&e ymbhwyrftes on anre byrhm-hwile anre brihtan hwile. 6 7 to him cwse'6; Ealne Pisne anweald 6 U to him cwse5. Ealne pisne anweald ic 6e sylle. U hyra wuldor. for]pami pe hi ic pe sylle U heora wuldor for Pan pe hy me synt gesealde. U ic hi sylle panm 6e ic me synde ge-sealde. 7 ich hye sylle pan pe wylle; ich wille. 7 Witodlice ealle hig beo 6 pine gif pu 7 Witodlice ealle hyo beoc6 pine gif pu geea6-metst beforan me; ge-eadmedest be-foran me. 8 pa Uswarode him se hselend; Hit is 8 Da andswerede him se halend. IHit awriten. drihten pinne god >6u geead-metst. is awriten. Drihten pinne god pu geU him anum peowast; eadmest U hym ane peowast. 9 Da laedde he hyne on hierusalem 7 ge- 9 Da ledde he hyne on Ierusalem. U sette hine ofer pses temples hricg. 7 hiMm ge-sette hine ofer pas temples rieg 7 hym to cwse~; Gyf pu sy godes sunu asend pe to cwse;. Gyf pu syo godes sunu a-send heonun nyper; be heonen nyder. Various Readings. Various Readings. Cap. iv. v. 1. A. halgum. 2. B. C. pinc. A. hyngrode. Cap. iv. v. 1. halend; ful halgum. Same Rubric in IR. 3. A. sig. [for sy]. A. inserts to after sege. A. ge- haligum; suRnuin. 2. feowertig dagumn; deofle costod; weorSe. 4. A. 7swarode. A.!yfas. 5. A. B. dagvm; dagum gefylleduln. 3. deofol; sy; sege ]isumn byrhtm-; C. hardly legible. 6. A. heora. A. hyg. A. stane. 4. halend; leofa-; anum; elcum. 5. deofol; synd. A. hig. 7. A. ge-eadmnedst; C. geasmetst. tet-ywde; onm. pa; eor$an ymbe-hwyrftas; brihtm. 6. 8. A. ge-ealmetst. 9. C. hric. A. sig. A. heonen. anweld; hyra; pam; synt; ie hyo; tam; ic. 7. by%; ge-eadmest. 8. andswarode; anum. 9. tnes; sune; heonon. CHAP. IV.] 45 CAP. IV. se heelend uutedlice full gast halig fberend wies from iordane 7 woes doend on gast in * XI. 15 ii. *Iesus autem plenus spiritu sancto regressus est ab iordane et agebatur in spiritu in mt. xu. woestern dagum feortih J wins gecosted from diab' J noht ge-ett in dagum desertum 2 di-.bus quadraginta et temtabatur a diabolo *Et nihil manducauit in diebus* 16. v. mrt. xui. tSem J mi-3~y geendad weron Sa gehyngerde cuoe;'uutedlice him se diob' gif sunu godes ar- cuoeS; illis et consummatis illis esuriit 3 dixit autem illi diabolus si filius dei es dic stane -Sissum J-te hlaf s-e onduarde to him se hoelend auritten Is 4te ne In hlafe lapidi huic ut panis fiat 4 et respondit ad illum iesus scribtum est quia non in pane ane lifes monn ah in eghuelc word godes lImdde hine se diab' 7 emd-eaude him alle solo uiuet homo sed in omni uerbo dei 5 et duxit illum diabolus et ostendit illi omnia ricu ymb-huirftes eorSes in huil tides J cues him Se ic sello minlht Sas t -Sios regna orbis terrae in momento temporis 6 et ait ei tibi dabo potestatem hane all j wuldor hiora for-on me gesald aron 7 -Ssem ic willo ic sello -;ailca -;u for-on uniuersam et gloriamn illorum quia mitii tradita sunt et cui uolo d6 illa 7 tu ergo fallande gif -u worsias fore me bison -inoe alle 7 ge-onduarde se haelend cuoe- him procidens si adoraueris coram me erunt tua omnia 8 et respondens iesus dixit illi awritten is drihten god -in woroa Zu J him anusm geher nu J Isedde hine in scribtum est dominum deum tuum adorabis- et illi soli seruies 9 et duxit illum, in hierusalemn J sette hine cfer hornpic temples J cuoeS him gif sunu godes ar- Asend Seh hierusalem et statuit eum supra pinnam templi et dixit illi si filius dei es mitte td heona 4' iona aduna hinc deorsum CAP. IV. 1. se helend wutudlice full gaste sense wies goding halge foerende wies from iordane J wies doende in gaste on woestenne 2. daga feowertigum J wses gicostad from diofle 7 noht gieet on dagum aiem J miSS-y giendad werun -a gihyncrede 3. cwsei wutudlice him -Se diawul gif ~u sunu godes arS ewe'S stane Sissuml -te hlafas se 4. giondsworade to him Se hielend awriten is forson &iette ne on hlafe anum lifeS mllon ah in eghwelcum worde godes 5. J liedde hine $e diaful J ieteowde him alle rice ymbhwyrftes eor~ in hwile tide 6. J cwienS to him ~e ic selo miehte -Sas alle J wuldor hiora forson me gisald arun;Siernm e ic wyllo.... $e ilca 7. -u forSon gif $u worSas bifora mec J bio-;un {ine alle 8. J giondwbrde Se hielend cwing him awriten is drihten god ~inne wear;a Su J him anum giher Su 9. liede hine in....J sette hine ofer horn-pic temples cewnee to him gif sunu godes ars asend seh hiona 4 Sona of-dune 46 [LUKE. 10 So>6lice hyt is awriten. j he hys 10 So6lice hit ys awriten Plget he hys englum be pe bebyt TJ big pe gehealdon. senglen be pe be-beot P hyo ke ge-healden; 11 pset hig Pe mid handumr nimon. Je- 11 IJ hyo pe mid handen nymen Pe lies ~u 6inne fot met stane met-speorne; lies pe pu pinne fot set stane set-sperne. 12 Da cwe6 se hselend himn swariende; 12 Da cwse6 se h lend hirn andsweriende. Hyt is gecweden. ne costa Pu drihten pinne hyt is ge-cwe6en ne costa pu drihten pinne god; god. 13 U ealre poere costunge gefylledre. se 13 9 ealle pare costlinge ge-fylledera. se deofol him suime hwile fram gewat; deofel hyim sume hwile fram ge-wat. 14 pa ferde se hselend on gastes mseg- 14 A ferde se helend on gastes msegene on galileam. g his hlisa be j ne on galilearn. U his hlise be him him ferde on eall j5 rice. ferde on eall pset riche. 15 U he larde be hyra gesamnungum. U 15 U he lerde be heora samnunge. U wses wses fram eallum gemsersod; fram eallen ge-mearsod. 16 Da com he to nazareth. par he afed 16 Da com he to nazareth. Pser he afed was. U he eode on reste-dege on fa gesam- waes. U he eode on reste-d'aige on pa genunge sefter his gewunan U he aras T he samnenge,efter his ge-wunen.: he aras rsedde. T he raedde. 17 J hirn, wses geseald isaias b6c Plses 17 hym wses ge-seald ysaias boc pas witegan U sona swa he ta boc unfeold pa witegan. U sona swa he pa boc unfeld pa funde he par awriten. funde he pser awriten; 18 drihtnes ga't is ofer me. foram e 18 drihtnes gast is ofer me for Pan he he smyrede me. he sende me pearfum bod- smerede me. He sende me paerfen bodian. ian. U gehmftumn alysednesse. I blindumn ge-hlseften alysendnysse. U blinden gegesihpe. for-brocene ge-hselan sih6e. for-brokene ge-hselen. 19 U bodian drihtnes and-fenge ger. U 19 U bodian drihtnes anfenge gear U ededleanes dseg; leanes daig. 20 And Pa he pa b6c befeold he hig paqn 20 And Pa he pa boc be-feold he hye 6'ene agef U sxet. U ealra beora eagan on tam beigne sealde 7 agef U sset. U ealre psere gesamnunge wseron on hyne beheald- hire eagen on pare samnunge waeren on hine ende; be-healdende. Various Readings. Various Readings. 10. A. ge-healdan. 11. A. nyman ly-loes. A. et- 10. enlglum; be-byt. 11. handum; pine. 12. hasporne. 12. A. costa, altered to costna. 13. A. cost- lend; pine. 13. eallere; costlinge (so written, but appca retny Meanzt for costunge); ge-fylledre; deofol. 14. nunge. A. deoful. 14. B. C. mmegne. 15. A. heora. hlisa; all; rice. 15. ge-samnungum; eallurn ge-mnmrC. om. eallurnm. 17. A. Jcr. 1S, A. alysednysse. sod. 16. -dage; ge-samnnnge. 17. aseld (altered to 19. A. gear. 20. A. ageaf. B. C. hyra, ge-seld); un-feold. 18. smyrede; ge-hftumn alysednysse; blindvmn; forbrocene. 19. drihtenes; ger; deg. 20. hy; legne; omn. J before ealra [for ealre]; hyora easgan. CHAP. IV.] 4 7 aritten is forzon fte englum his behead from 6ec ~te efne-gehere-S ie 3 fors0on 10 scribtum est enim quod angelis suis mandabit dle te ut conseruent te 11 et quita In hondum lsede&s l niomaS Bsec easee mnege jite Su wiPspurna to stane fot sinne V in manibus tollent te ne forte offendas ad lapidern pedem tuum 12 et ge-ondhlarde se haelend cuoe5 him acuoedlen is ne costa iu drihten god din 9 respondens iesus ait illi dictum est non temtabis dominum deumrn tuum 13 et geendad weron alle mnis costunge4w es gecostad se diwob' eft-foerd from him wiS to tid 7 consunminata omnia (sic) temtatione diabolus recessit ab illo usque ad temlnus 14 *Et x xII. 17. io mt. xxiii. mr. xxuhi. fierende wses se lhselend on mcht gastes in galilea mlersung, foerde';erh all lond io. xlui. egressus est iesUs in uirtute spiritus in galilaea et fama exiit per uniuersam. regionern of him J he lIercde in somnlungum hiora 7 gemiclad waes from allumz de illo 15 et ipse docebat in synagogis eorum et magnificabatur ab omnibzus 16 *Et * is. x. cuom to nazareth her wies gefoeded J in-eade efter ge-una his dsege sunnan in uenit nazareth ubi erat nutritus et intrauit secundum consuetudinem suam die sabbati in somnung V aras to redanne V gesald waes him boc -ses witges esaie 7 -te 4' mlzy synagogam et surrexit legere 17 et traditus est illi liber prophetae esaiae et ut untynde - boc gemitte to stoue -er awritten woes gast drihtnes on mec forSon reuoluit librum inuenit loco ubi scribtum erat 18 spiritus domini super me propter quod gesmiride mec 4' to speccanne -orfendum sende meh to bodianne ermingum -~ gehieftendum forgefnise 3 unxit me euangelizare pauperibus misit me praedicare captiuis remissionem et blindurm geslihbo forleta Sa gebroceno on forgefnise bodia g-er drihtnes ondfenge caecis uisum dimittere confractos in remissionem 19 praedicare annum domini acceptum V dsege eft-selenise V mishsy gefeald p boc agmef hiem embeht-menn V saett V et diem retributionis 20 et cum plicuisset librum reddidit ministro et sedit et allra on somnung ego woeron bihaldendo on hine ormnium in synagogasn (sic) oculi erant intendentes in eum 10. awriten is forson insette englas his bibeod from hse &8ette efie-giherahs h8e 11. forSon in hondumn tinum lsedah 4 niomahs hec eohe mnege icsette hu wi-8spurne to stane fott Dinne 12. V giondworde he hmelend cwaer him acweden is ne costa -u drihten god -Sinne 13. V giendad werun alle mi'6 costunge he diafol eftfoerde from him wiS to tide 14. J fierende wses he hoelend on mnehte gastes in.... mersung foerde serh alle lond of him 15]. V he lserde in somnungum hiora 7 gimiclad wses from allum 16. V coin to nazareth her wses gifoeded V ineode sefter efne-giwuna his dsege symbles in somnunge 7 aras to redanne 17. V gisald wies him boc ses witga essaies V ontynde boc gimitte to stowwe her awriten wses 18. gast drihtnes ofer mec forhon %set gismirede mec 4 to soecanne %orfendlum sende mec to bodanne ernuingum 4' hseftetlauc forgefnisse V blinduam gisihSe forleta ha gibrocono on forgefnisse 19. bodiga geras drihtnes onfenge J daeg eft-to-selenisse 20. J mih{Sy gifylled wies hio boc agmef isem embihtmen V ssett J alle in somnungum egu werun bihaldende on hine 48 [LUKE. 21 Da ongan he him to cwe6an; Soplice 21 D)a on-gan he heom to cwsedene. to-dog Pis gewrit is on eowrum earurn SoSlice to daig ys Pis writ on eowren earen gefylled; ge-fylled. 22 7 hig ealle wweron jPes gecnwwe. J 22 7 hyo ealle wseren pis ge-cnawe J wundredon be pam vwordurz pe of his mute wundredon be pam worden pe of hys mune eode. J Jus cwedun; Nys pes iosepes eode. p jus cwe6eei. Nis pes Iosepes sunu. sune. 23 6a cwep he. witodlice ge secgaSS me 23 pa cw&e6 he. ~Witodlice ge segge; Pas gelicnesse. eala lkce. gehkl &6e sylfne; me pas ge-licnysse. eala leche ge-hael pe Do hder on pinum earde. swa fela wundra sylfne. Do her on Pinen earde swa fela swa we ge-hyrdon ged6ne on cafarnaum; wundre swa we ge-hyrden ge-d6ne on chapharnaum. 24 Da cw>ee he sol61ice ic eow secge p 24 Da cwceA he. solice ic eow segge nan witega nis and-fenge on his epele pset nan witege nis and-fenge on hys qe3le. 25 S[oplice ic eow secge manega wudewan 25 SoSlice ic eow segge manega wud.weron on hellas dagum on hisrahel. 6a pa ewan wseren on helias dagon on israel. pa seo heofon waes belocen preo ger ] syx rion- pja seo heofena wses be-loken preo gear 3 six pas; pa wses gew6rden mycel hunger on monkas. pa woes ge-wor>6an mycel hunger ealle eor>3an on ealre eor>San 26 3 to para nanun naes helias asend. 26 7 to jare nanun nrs helias asenid. buton to anre wudewan on sarepta sidonie; buton to anre wudewan on sarepta sydonie. 27 2And manega licproweras wwron on 27 And manega lichlrowaeres waeron on israhel. under heliseo pamrl witegan.: hyra israel under helyseo pam witegan; I heore nan nres aclensud buton naamian se sir- nan naes clhensed butan niiaman se sciresisca; can. 28 Da wurdon hig ealle on psere gesamn- 28 pa wur6en hyo ealle on pare genunge mid yrre gefylled. pas ping gehyr- samnunge mid eorre ge-fylled. pas ping ende; ge-herende. 29 1 hig arison I scufon hine of'sere 29 rend hyo arison I scufen hine of Pare ceastre. I lseddon hine muntes ceastre. send lsedden hine ofer pas muntes cnsepp. ofer tone hyra buruh getimbrud cnsep ofer pane hyra burh ge-tymbred wses wses. -p hi hyne nyS6er bescufon. paet hyo hine ny;er be-scufan. 30 pa ferde he purh hyra midlen; 30 pa ferde he purh hyra midlen. Various'Readings. Various Readings. 21. A. heom. 22. A. ge-enawe. A. eodon. A. 21. cwaeoen; eawrumi (sic) earum. 22. wa-ron; gocwedon. 23. B. C. witudlice. A. ge-lycnysse. A. flala. cn awe; wundrodon; wordurn; cwaton. 23. laece; A. caplharnanm. 25. A. wudewa. A. ysrahel; B. isra- ninurn; wundra; gehyrdon. 24. secge; edele. 25. hel. A. heofen. A. gear. A. B. C. ealre. 26. A.. wseron; heofana; be-locen; ge-worden. 26. nanunm. pera. 27. A. muanege. A. heora. A. aclrensod. 28. 27. zend; lic~roweras; israel; hyora; mclensud buton; A. he gehyrde [for gehyrende]. 29. A. heora. A. sirisca. 28. wurdon; irre; ge-hyrende. 29. J [for B3. C. burh. A. getymbred. A. hig. 30. A. heora. rend]; scufon; 2 lxddon; pses; cnsepp; pone hyora. CHAP. IV.] 49 ongann uutedlice:1 a cuoaSa to'him' te to dseg gefylled wses sios gewritt In earum 21 coepit autem dicere ad illos quia hodie impleta est haec scribtura in auribus Iurum I Alle cy-;nisse him hia saldon J awundradon in wordum wuldres wulcldro uestris 22 *Et omnes testinmonium illi dabant et mirabantur in uerbis gratiae * 19. i. mt. cxli. ~asae fore-cuomon from mune his T -ins 3 cuoedon ahne ~es sunu Is ioseph 3 cuoe5 io. lujiii. quae procedebant de ore ipsius et dicebant nonne hic filius est ioseph 23 *Et ait 20o.x. -ssem uutedlice gie cuoe a'S me sios onlic-nesse la lece leclne ~ec seolfne In monigo geherde we illis utique dicetis mihi hane sirnilitudinem medice cura te ipsum quanta audiuimus awordeno in ~Ser byrig do aec her on oesel Sin he cuoes sa so;lice ic cuoe-o iuh jte facta in capharnaumn fac et hic in patria tua 24 *Ait autem amen dico uobis quia *21. i. mt. exlii. mr. li. ne ienig witga ondfenge wins on oeSel his in solfMestnise ic cuoeso iuh monigo widua io. xxxu. nemo propheta acceptus est in patria sua 25 *In ueritate dico uobis multae uiduae * 22. x. woeron on daguml helies in israel ~a betyned weis se hefon gerum {srilm 7 mone-Sum sex erant in diebus heliae in israel quando clusum est caelum annis tribus et mensibus sex mi-isy Aworden wies hunger micel on alle eor-o I ne to iengumn iara buriga asended wines cum facta est farmes magna in omni terra 26 et ad nullam illarum Imisus est buta in -Ser byrig to wsem wife widua: monigo hreafo weron helias nisi in sareptha sidonue ad mulierem uiduaml 27 et multi leprosi erant in israhel under isene witgo 7 ne ienig hiora geclaensadcl wses buta neman.i.wses lic-iSrower Zserisca sub helisaeo propheta et nemo eorum mundatus est nisi nema sirus 28 et gefylled woeron -Sa alle in somga miS wra-o'~as geherdon 3 arison 3 awurpon repleti sunt omnes in synagoga ira haec audientes 29 et surrexerunt et eiecerunt hine buta senre ceastra lieddon hline o0{ to ofer mores ofer 4- ~io illum extra ciuitatem et duxerunt illumn usque ad super-ciliumin montis supra quem 1a burg hiora wses getimbredcl -pte hia geglendradon hine he {sonne oferfoerde T4 fierende ciuitas illorum erat aedificata ut praecipitarent eum 30 ipse autem transiens -'erh middum hiora geeode per medium illorum ibat 21. ongan wutudlice cweo'6a to him -sitte to dinge gifylled wies Nis giwritt in eorum iowrum 22. 7 alle cySnisse him hia saldun V wundradun on wordclum wuldres T wuldor Zsa-e fore-comun from muse his T Sises cewedun ahne -Ses sunu is iosegph 23. J cwienS -Siem wutudlice ge cweoSas me Sas ongilicnisse la lece lecna J;ec solfne hu monigu giherdun we awordne in... iner byrig doa J her on oedle Sinnum 24. cwinses tonne so-lice ic cweso iow isette nsenig witga onfongen wins on oedle his 25. in soSfsestnisse ic cweOSo iow monige widuwe werun on dagum helias in israhelum -sa bityned wins heofunn gerum n rim D mono-Sas sexu. mi-s'y giworden wins hungor micel on alre eor-So 26. V ne to iengum ~ara burga sended wss buta in.... ienr byrig.... to inem wife widwe 27. monige hreofe werun in israel under helise ienm- wituga I nienig hiora gicl2ensad wins buta nenman.... wins licnrowere 28. V gifylled werun'a alle in somnungum mis wrmeeino sas giherdun 29. J arioson 3 awurpun hine buta sa csestre' linddun hine wis to ofer.... moras ofer;on'io burug [Eight leaves are here lost in the Rushworth MS.] G 50 [LuKE. 31 A nd he ferde to cafarnaum on gali- 31 And he ferde to kapharnaum on leisce ceastre. 3 hi par on galileisce ceastre. 3 he Taer on reste-dagum lerde roeste-daigen lkerde. 32 3 hig wundredon be his lare. forsam 32 3 hyo wundreden be his lare; for pan his spee on anwealde wses; hys sprsece on anwealde was. 33 And on hyra gesamnunge wses sum 33 And on hire samnnunge wies sum man unclsene deofol hsebbende. I he hrym- man un-claene deofol haebbende. 3 he de micelre sterfie hrymde michelere stefne 34 3 cwvp; L[set 1l nadzarenisca hlend. 34.3 c~wa-6. Laet la nadzareisce hnelend. hwAet is us:I pe. corn pu us to for-spillanne. hwset is us 3 Pe come pu us to for-spillene. ic wit 1 Su eart godes halega; ich wat Peet ~u ert godes halga. 35 And pa cidde him se hselend 3 cwsep. 35 And pa cydde hym se hmelend and adumba 7 ga him of; 3 pa he ut-adraf hine cwsed. Adumba I ga hym of. P ja he on heora midlene. he him fram-gewat. 3 ut adraf hine on hire midlene,; he hym him naht ne derude; fram ge-wat. and hym naht ne derede. 36 Da wurdon hig ealle forhte 7 sprsecon 36 Da wur>Sen hyo ealle forhte ) spraeken him betwynan.. cwedon. hwset ys 1 heom be-tweonen. 7 cwse>en hwSet is Jet word T he on mihte ]on mpegene un-clenumz word sest he on mihte 3 on moegne ungastum bebyt, big ut-gap; clhenen gaste be-beot. 3 hyo u t gaSo. 37 Da w-es his hlisa ge-widmaersod on 37 Da waes hys hlise ge-vwid-nersod on elcere stowe pmes rices; aelcere stowe Pas rices. Dis sceal on 8 oplice he aras of heora gesam- 38 S olice he aras of hlere samnunga. tone pryddan. Punres deg nunge. ferde on simones hus; ferde on symones hus, Da woes innan lenctene topente- Da wcas simones sweger geswenced on nmyc- simones sweger ge-swenched on mycelen ternes dg. elumE feferurn. 3 hig hyne for hyre badon. feofren. 3 hyo hine for hire bedena Sursgenagogas 39 3 he standende ofer hig pam fefore 39 3 he standende ofer hyo pain feofre introiuit in. behead 3 he big forlet. heo s6na aras and be-bead. J he hyo for-let.. hyo sone aras. domurn si-... monis. A. him penode; 3 hym penede. 40 So>lice Pa sunne asah ealle Pe un- 40 Sos>lice pa sunne asah ealle Pe untrume weron on mislicum adlum hig led- trume weren on mistlicen adlen hyo loedden don him to 3 he syndrygum hys hMnd him to.. he sindrigen his hand on-settenon-settende big gehoelde; de hyo ge-helde. Various -Readings. Various Readings. 31. A. hig. 32. A. sproec [but B. C. spsec]. B. C. an- 31. End; cafarnaum; reoste-dagan. 32. wundroden; walde. 33. A. heora ge-somnmunge. 34. A. o.e. l. sprace; andwealde. 33. hyora; habbende; nycelere. 34. nazarenisca; for-spillenne; eart. 35. Eand; cwreS; B. nadzarenisa, altered to nazarenisa. A. B. C. halga. heora; om. I after midlene. 36..urden; spcen; be-. heora; omn. J after midlene. 36. wuorden; spinten; be35. B. hyra. A. C. derede. 36. B. spaecon. 37. B. C. twenen; cwredon; un-clenurn. 37. hlisa; aelcer. 38. aelcre. 38. B C. hyra. B. C. swegr. A. bsedun. 39. heora; swegr ge-swenced; mnycelum feofrumn; baedon. 39. staendende; be-bed; heo sona; ienode. 40. weeron; mist,-licum adlum; sindrigfufm; ge-hvalde. ,CHAP. IV.] 51 - dune astag in capharnaum ceastra galilies J tser - leerde hia on dagum:J 31'Et discendit in capharnaum ciuitatem galileae ibiqtue docebat illos sabbatis 32 tEt * XIII: 23. uiH. mr. xii. astyltdon on lar his forSon in mseht wees word his I' es 7 on somnunge wses t 24. ii. stupebant in doctrina eius quia in potestate erat sermo ipsius 33 *Et in synagoga erat m. lxii. * 25. u[iii]. mr. Xliii. monn heefde ~5one dioul unclene 7 gecliopade mi-5 stefue micle cuoe-S-nde forlet 4blinn [ miiii.] homo habens daemonium inmundum et exclamauit uoce magna 34 dicens sine hueed us - {e helend nazarenesca -;u cuome to fordoanne usig ic wat -sec );u —e arm halig godes quid nobis et tibi iesus nazarenae uenisti perdere nos scio te qui sis sanctus dei 1 ge'reade him se heelend cuoes fore-suige J gaa of him J mi- y awarp hine 35 et increpauit illi iesus dicens ommutesce et exi ab illo et cum proiecisset illum. one dioul in middum foerde from him J noht hine him sceisde 1 aworden wees fyrhto daemonium in medium exiit ab illo nihilque ilium nocuit 36 et factus est pauor in allum 3 efne-gesprecon bituih cuoedon P is 8is word Pte in mehte J in omnibus et con-loquebantur adinuicem dicentes quod est hoc uerbum quia in potestate et nmegne gehate~ gastum unclmenum J geongas J woes gemersad mersong of him -n all uirtute imperat spiritibus inmundis et exeunt 37 et diuulgabatur fama de illo in omnem stoue Zees londes aras sa of somnung inneode In hus simones suner locum regionis 38 *Surgens autem de sinagoga introiuit in domum symonis socrus X* IIII. 26. ii. mnt. lxuii. mir. xu.;onne genummen woes miclum feber-adlum JI bedon hine forme hia 1 stod ofer autem symonis tenebatur magnis febribus et rogauerunt illurm pro ea.9 et stans super hia geheht &iem febere 7 forleort hia:J recone args embehtade him mi.8sy illam imperauit febri et dimisit illam et continuo surgens ministrabat illis 40 cum sunna nutedlice to set eade alle Zsa-;e haefdon untrymigo missenlicum adlum' lkedon hia to sol autem occidisset omnes qui habebant infirmos uaris languoribus ducebant illos ad him so$ hie anlapum [T] syndrigum hond gesette lecnade hia 4, Ilailco eum at ille singulis manus inponens curabat eos [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] G2 52 [LuKE, 41 Da ferdon pa deoflu of manegum 41 pa ferden jla deofle of manegen hremhrymende 1 cwe6ende; So6es pu eart godes ende. J.cweSende. Sodes pu eart godes sunu. i he ne gepafude -Pj hig -eni ping sune. 1 he ne ge-pafede jPet hye any ping sprocon forparnz pe wiston fJ he crist wses; spreecen. for pan he hyo wisten JPset he crist wses. 42 Da- gewordenuin dege se hmelend ut- 42 Da ge-wordenen daige se hselend utgangende ferde on weste st6we. J pa meniu gangende ferde on westene stowe. I pa hine sohtun.' hi comon to him. 7 behvef- manega hine sohten. J hyo comen to hym. don hine. ~ he him fram ne gewite; 7 be-hwefden hine; }pet he heom fram ne wite. 43 pa sede he him. so'lice me gedafsen- 43 Da ssegde he heom. So6Slice me gea>6 o6rum ceastrum godes rice bodian. pafened opren ceastren godes riche bodian. forpam. to pam ic eom asend for pan to pan ich eomu asend 44 J he woes bodigende on galilea ge- 44 J he wwes bodiende on galilea gesamnungum; samnunge. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER V. Dis seeal on 1 Soplice waes geworden pa >6a menegu 1 o'6lice woes ge-wor6en pa pa manege ofer pente- him to comon f hig godes word him to comeni poet hyo godes word Oosten. gehyrdon. he stod wi6 Pone mere genesa- ge-hyrden. he stod wi6 pane mere geCum turbe inruerent ad reth. nesareth. iesum. A. 2 J he geseah twa scipu standende w i6 2 1 he ge-seah twa scipe standende wi'6 poene mere; Da fisceras eodun I wohson panne mere. Da fixeres eoden ] wexon heora nett; heore nett. 3 He pa astigende on an scyp. J wses 3 He Pa astigende on an scyp; Poet wses simones bed hyne J he hit lyt-hwon fram symones. bed'hine PJet he hit lithwan fram lande tuge. 7 on pam scipe sittende he lande tuugen. J on pam scype sittende he lerde pa menegu; lerde pa manega. 4 Da he sprecan geswac he cwcep to 4 Da he spraecen ge-swac he cwme>6 to simone; Teoh hit on dypan 7 lseta6 eowre symone. Teoh hit on deopan: lhete6 eowre nett on pone fisc-wer; nett on panne fisc-wser. Various Readings. Various Readings. 41. A. msenegum. A. gepafode. A. menig. B. C. pincg. 141. manegumn hrimende; Sodes (as in H.); hy; hy waseA. inserts hig before wiston. 42. A. msenegu; B. C. ton (sic). 42. ge-wordenum; halend; menega; sohton; menegu. A. sohlton. A. hig. B. C. be-hsefdun. 43. A. comon; be-hsefdun. 43. seede; ge —;afena-; oprum ceasB. C. gedafenas. 44. C. bodiende. A. gesomnungum. trum; rice; fordam; pam; eam. 44. ge-samnungan. Cap. v. v. 1. A. maenegu. C. god [for godes]. B. C. Cap. v. v. 1. ge-worden; meenega; comon; ge-hyrdon; Isene. 2. A. pone. A. eodon. A. woxon; B. C. woh- pene. 2. ponne; fisceras eodum (sic); weoxdn heora. sun. A. net. 3. A. mnenigeo. 4. A. net. 3. bred; lythwon; tuge; msenega. 4. pone fisc-wer. CHAP. V.] 53 foerdon uutedlice Sa diowlas from menigum; clioppendce -J.. cuoeSenda Jte Su ar; sunu godes I 41'Exiebant etiam daemonia a multis clamantia et dicentia quia tit es filius dei et * 27. liii. mr. xu. gedreade ne gelefde;a gesprecca forSon wiston hine -te were crist a- 4 ge-war;;a increpans non sinebat ea loqui quia sciebant ipsum esse christum 42'Facta autem* 28. uiii. d&ege waes frerende eade on woestigum stowe 7 Sa menigo sohton hine. cuomlon wi to die egressus ibat in desertum locum et turbae requirebant eum et uenerunt usque ad him. gehealdon hine -te ne fearrade from him ~sem he cuoe; for-on J o0Srum ipsum et detinebant ilium ne discenderet ab eis 43 quibus ille ait quia et aliis ceastrum gedsefnes mec bodia ric godes pte forson gesended Am 7 wais bodciuitatibus oportet me euangelizare regnum dei quia ideo missus sumn 44 et erat praeande on somnungum - galiles dicans in synagogis galilaeae CAP. V. aworden wses sonne mi'sty sa menigo gersesdon -' giorndon on him -te geherdon word godes 2 1 *Factum est autem cum turbae inruerent in eum ut audirent uerbum dei et * XV. 29. x. he stod set mere genesareth I gesseh tuoege T tuu sciopo stondendo set ~sem mere ipse stabat secus stagnum genesareth 2 et uidit duas naues stantes secus stagnum Sa fiscaras -Sonne of-astigon 7, ge-uogon if nett Astag uutedlice in anum scip piscatores autem descenderant et lauabant retiam (sic) 3 ascendens autem iii unam nauem -io wses simones gebsed Sonne hine from eor;o eft-lseda huon I ssett lserde of quae erat simonis rogauit autem eum a terra reducere pusillum et sedens docebat de saeim scipe -a menigo fte geblann;onne gespreaca cuoe' to simone led on heanise J let nauicula turbas 4 *Ut cessauit autem loqui dixit ad simonem duc in altum et laxa* 30. niiii. ~ i~~~~~ jo. cxuiiii. ta netto iuero on gefeng 4 stsello retia uestra in capturam [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 54 [LUKJ 5 pa cwoep simon him Iswariende; Eala 5 Da cwsed symon him andswerede. Ela be-beodend ealle niht swincende we naht ne be-bended (sic) ealle niht swikende we naht gefengon; So'lice on pinum worde ic mmn ne fengen. So6lice on pinum worde ich nett ut-lote; min nett ut-lsete. 6: -pa hi: dydon hig betugon mycele 6 J ]Ja hyo Paet dydon. hyo be-tugen menigeo fixa. 7 hyra net waes to-brocen. mycele maniga fixsca; 7 heore nett wses to-broken. 7 J hig bicnodon hyra geferan. pe on 7 7 hyo becneden heore ge-feren; pe on o6rum scipe wseron. j hi comun 1 him fyl- o6ren scypen wseren. 5 hyo comen 7 heom ston; Da comon big J gefyldon butu pa felsten. Da comen hyo 3 ge-felden ba6a pa scipu. swa f hi neh wsaron besencte; scype swa ~pet hyo neh wweren ge-sencten. 8 pa petrus f geseah he feoll to paes 8 pa petrus Jset ge-seah he feoll to p}as haelendes cneowum I cwsea; Drihten. hselendes cneowen; J cw0E06. Drihten gegewit fram me forpam ic eom synfull mann. wit fram me for Pam ich em sinful man 9 7 he wundrude: ealle pa 6e mid him 9 7 he wundrede. 7 ealle Pa pe mid hym wseron on pam were para fixa pe hi ge- wweren on pam waere pare fixsca pe hyo gefengon; fengen. 10 Gelice iacobumrn iohannem zebedeis 10 Gelice Iacobum ] IohannemZebedeis suna. pa wseron simones geferan; Da sunes. ~a waeren symones ge-feran. pa cwaep se hcalend to simone. ne ondred pu cwae3 se hselend to symone. ne on-draed pe; Heonon for6 pu byst men gefonde; pu pe. Heonen forS pu byst m'enn feonde. 1 J hig tugon hyra scypo to lande.: 11 7 hyo tugen hyre scyp to lande. 3 for-leton hig 1 folgodon pam hselende; for-leten hyo J folgedon Pam haelende. 12 3 a he woes on anre ceastre pa woes 12 A he waes on anre ceastre pa woes par an hreofla I pa he geseah paer an hreofla. I pa he gegsene haelend pa astrehte he hine 7 baed 7 seah panne haelend pa astrahte he hine, pus cweS6; Drihten. gyf pu wylt pu miht baed. J pus cwae~;. Drihten gif pu wilt. me geclensian; pu miht me ge-clhensien. 13 And he oet-hran hine his handa apen- 13 -End he set-hran hine his handa ede J cwae>6; Ic wylle. si pu geclkensud; apenede. 3 cwseaS. Ic wille; syo Pu geAnd sona se hreofla him fram ferde clsensed. lEnd sone se hreofla hym fram ferde. Various Readings. Various Readings. 5. A. Jswarigende. A. net. 6. A. hig. A. msenigeo. 5. andsweriende; be-bedend; swincende; ge-fengon; A. heora. C. nett. 7. A. bicnedon heora. A. hig. A. ic. 6. meniga fixa; hyra net; to-brocen. 7. becnedon hyra ge-feran; o;rum scipum; comon; fylsten; gefulC. comon. A. hig. 8. ( feol. A synful man. 9. A.. don butu; scypa; hi; be-sencte. 8. cneowum; ic em wundrode. A. Jnera. A. era. A. ig. 10. A. ebedeus. A. synfull mann. 9. wundrode; weron; were; fixa; geheonen. 11. B. (C. hi. A. heora scypu. A. folgedon. fengon. 10. suna; wseron; halend; ieonon; foende. 11. tugon hyra; for-leton; folgodon; halende. 12. pon(a. haelend. 12: A. psr. A. pone. 13. A. apenigende.. ne; astrehte; ge-claensian. 13. ge-clensod; And sona; A. sig pu ge-clhensod. hreofola. CHAP. V.] 55 J ge-onduarde simon cuoe% him $u haldormon ~erh alle nseht we wunnon noht we fengon 5 et respondens simon dixit illi praeceptor per totam noctem laborantes nihil cepimus on worde ~sonne tinum ic forlette net I miRS-sy tis dydon efne-gebegdon fiscana 9 meniin uerbo autem tuo laxabo rete 6 et cum hoe fecissent concluserunt piscium multitudigo monigfald to-slitten woes onne ~tet nett hiora' beenadon %serl foerum Sade weron on nem copiosam rumpebatur autem retia eorum 7 et annuerunt sociis qui erant in oSora scip pte gecuomon I gehulpo hia J cuomon I gefyldon sa tuoge ] tuu sciopo suse alia naui ut uenirent et adiuuarent eos et uenerunt et impleuerunt ambas nauiculas ita jte gedrunenadon 4 were p mi —y gesege feol to cnenum ZSes helendes ut mergerentur 8 *Quod cum uideret simon petrus procidit ad genua iesu 31. x. cuoed; geong from me forS;on monn synnfull Am drihten slep forSon ymb-salde hine dicens exi a me quia homo peccator sum domnine 9 stupor enim circum-dederat eum J Alle ai;e mniS him weron on gefeng fiscana tone -4 genomon gelic -Sonne et omnes qui cum illo erant in captura piscium quam ceperant 10 similiter autem sunu -a-e woeron gefoero s cuoeS to simone se heelend iacobum et iohannem filios zebedaei qui erant socii simonis *Et ait ad simonem iesus * 32. ii. mt. xxi. mr. x. nselle -u ondrede of -sis uutedlice menn bist -u niomende J under-lkeded woeron to eorSo noli timere ex hoe iam homines eris capiens 11 et subductis ad terram scioppo forletno allum gefyligde weron hine: aworden wses mi-;$y woere on an nauibus relictis omnibus secuti sunt ilium 12 *Et factum est cum esset in una * XTI. 33. ii. mt. lxiii. mr. xuiii. Sewra ceastrana I heono wer full hriofie ~ gesaeh se'hselend J feoll on onsione 7 beed ciuitatum et ecce uir plenus lepra et uidens iesum et procidens in faciem et rogauit hine cuoes;ende drihten gif ~u wilt ~u mmeht meh geclsensia 7 aSenede hond gehran eum dicens domine si uis potes me mundare 13 et extendens manum tetigit hine cuoeS ic willo geclmnsige J sona $io hriofol offearrade from him illum dicens uolo mundare et confestim lepra discessit ab illo [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 56 [LUKE. 14 7 he bebead him f he hit nanum men 14 7 he bed him ~ he hit nanen men ne ne ssede. ac ga set-yw pe pam sacerde. 7 saigde. ac ga 7 atewe pe pam sacrde. bring for pinre clensunga swa moyses be- send bring for pinre claensinge swa moyses bead him on gewitnesse; be-bead heom on ge-witnysse. 15 Witodlice pses pe ma seo sprwc be 15 Witodlice pas pe mai seo spraec be him him ferde ] mycele menegeo comun f hi ferde J mycele menega comen Pset hyo gege-hyrdon ] wurdon gehbelede fram hyra hyrdon ] wurS6en ge-h-elede fram heora untrumnnessur,; untrumnesse. 16 He pa ferde on westen 7 hyne gebsed; 16 He pa ferde on westen 7 hine ge-bed. Dis sceal on 17 Da waes anum deege geworden 1f he 17 pa wses anen daige ge-wor6en poet frige-dsg on p.~re pente- sset 7 hig lerde J pa weron pa farisei sit- he sset 1 hyo laerde. ] pa wseren ka farisei costenes tende 7 pmere. mW.-lareow-was. pa comon of sittende ] pare lage-lareow-wses. pa comen Factunm est in 1 nna diet' rum t aeolcon castele galilee J] iudeve. J hierusa- of selche castelle galilee i Iudee' J ierusaediebat do lem J drihtnes maegen wses hig to gehael- lem. 7 drihten magen wses hyo to gecens. A. ene; helene. 18 And pa beron men on anum bedde 18 ~End pa beren men on anen bedde anne man. se wses lama. enne man; se wes lamre. 19 ] hig ne mihton hine inbringan ] 19 7 hyo ne mihten hine in-bringen 7 aleegan beforan him. for ptsere menigo pe aleggen be-foran hym; for pare maniga pe mnid pam haelende woes; pa astigon hig mid Pam helende waes. Da astigen hyo up uppan p]sne hr6f ] purh pa watelas hine mid on panne rof. ] purh Pa watelas hine mid pan bedde asende beforan paene halend; pam bedde asende be-foran pam halende. 20 Da he ge-seah hyra geleafan he cwse6; 20 Da he ge-seah heora ge-leafe. he La mann pe synd pine synna forgyfene; cwsee. La man pe synd pine sinne forgefene. 21 pa agunnon pencan pa boceras 7 fari- 21 Da agunnen pencen pa bokeres farisei I cwidon. hwset is pes pe her sprycp sei 7 cwsefen. hwbaet is pes Pe her sprecd woffunga; Hwa mseg synna for-gyfan buton woffunga. hwa maig senna for-gefen buton god ana; god ane. Various Readings. Various Readings. 14. B. inserts after g'. 15. A. msenigeo; C. menego. 14. bead; nanum; svegde; oet-yw; clsensunge. 15. A. copmon. A. big. A. heora untrumnyssum. 17. A. pses; menegeo comon; wurdon; untrum-nessum. alareowas (all one word); B. O-lareow-wses. A. selcum 17. anum; ge-worden; wseron; pharisei; oe-lareow-wes; castellum. C. gcalilee. C. iudclee. A.'gehelanne; B. melce; dLrihtnes; ge-hselenne. 18. And; bseron; anum; ge-hbelenne; C. hselenne. 18. C. bseran. 19. A. enmne; lama. 19. inyhton; aleggan; menegeo; halende; mnenio; B. menigeo; C. menegeo. A.. asendon. B. bo- astigon; ponne; ponne hlelend. 20. ge-leafian; mann; foran (sic). A. Jone. 20. A. heora. A. mdn; C. man. synt; for-gyfene. 21. agunnon pencan; boceras; spreceS; B. C. synt. 21. A. on-gunnon. A. cweSan. A. sprecS. meg synna forgyfan; ana. B. C. butan. CHAP. V.] 57 - he bebead him 6te ne tenigum gecuoede ah geong med-eaua;ec Saem sacerde: breng 14 et ipse praecepit illi ut nemini diceret sed uade ostende td sacerdoti et offer fore clensunge tine sume be-bead 4heht moses on cytnise him Berh-eode 4 wies geongende pro emundatione tua sicut praecepit moses in testimonium illis 15 perambulabat 15onne suitor' word from him J efne-cuomon 5a menigo 4' [aj feolo -te geherdon - pte woeron gelecned autem magis sermo de illo et conueniebant turbae multae ut audirent et curarentur from untrymnisum hiora he 5a gesoett on wiestern I gebed 7 geworden ab infirmitatibus suis 16 *Ipse autem sedebat in deserto et orabat 17 tEt factum * 35. i[i]. mt. cxluiiii. mnr. lxui. wies on an ~ara dagana I he gesoett lerende 3 woeron ~a oe-laruuas 4' aldo-uuto sittendo I es t XUII. 36. ii. est in una dierum et ipse sedebat docens et erant pharisaei sedentes et legi[s] nt. cliii. mr. ixuiiii. laruas -a ~e cuomon from eghuelc ceastre gaT4i: iu' I hierusalem m nuegen wies doctores qui uenerant ex omni castello galilaeae et iudae et hierusalem et uirtus erat drihtnes to hlelenne hia' heono woeras berende on bed-4on ber monno sese wies dominir ad sanandum eos 18 *Et ecce uiri portantes in lecto hominem qui erat * 37. i. mt. 1xx. mr. xx. eori-crypel J sohton hine gebrenge I gesette fora hine I ne gemoeton io. xxxuiii. paraliticus et quaerebant eum inIferre et ponere ante eum 19 et non inuenientes of hueelcum doel hine gebrohton fore &sem folce astigon ofer 4 onufa hus terh -;a watla I duna qua parte illum inferrent prae turba ascenderunt supra tectum per tegulas et summisendon hine mi'; bed in middum fore hbelend 6emra geleafa ]te gesamh cuoes la monn serunt illum cum lecto in medium ante iesum 20 quorum fidem ut uidit dixit homo forgefen bison Be synna -ina J ongunnun gesmeage wuMuto I cuoeSende hua remittuntur tibi peccata tua 21 et coeperunt cogitare scribae et pharisaei dicentes quis is;es sere spreces ebolsongas hua mnege forgeafa synna buta se ana god est hic qui loquitur blasphemia quis potest dimittere peccata nisi solus deus [Eight leaves lost in tho Rushworth MS.] EI 58 [LUKE. 22 Da se hkelend gecneow hyra gepanc- 22 Da seo hemlend ge-cneow heora geas he 7swariende cwep to him. hwaet Pances; he andsweriende cwae6 to heom. pencege on eowrum heortum. Hwoet pence ge on eowre heorten 23 hwa?6er is e36re to cwepenne pe synd 23 hwmeser is epere to cwe6ene pe synt pine synna for-gyfene. hwe]eper pe cwepan pine senne for-gefene; hwa6er to cweSene aris J ga. aris J ga. 24 - ge witon T mannes sunu on eor6an 24 JPet ge witen Paet mannes sune on anwea[l]d haef6 synna to for-gyfanne; And eordan anweald haf6 synne to for-gefena. he swde pam laman. pe ic secge aris. nim 13End he suegde pam larnen. pe ich segge pin bed. 7 ga on pin huis; aris; nym pin bed I ga on pin hus. 25 J he sona be-foran him aras. 7 nam f 25 1 he sone be-foren heom aras; J nam he on lg J to his huse ferde 7 god wuld- pret he on lkeig 7 to his huse eode. god rode. wuldrede. 26 J hig ealle wundredon 7 god mmrso- 26 7 hyo ealle wundredon 7 god moerdon I wteron mid ege gefyllede. I cwodon. sedon I weren mid eige ge-fylde. 7 cwaeSen so'6es we to-dreg wundru gesawon; so6es we to-daig wundre ge-seagen. 27 pa iefter pam he ut-eode 7 geseah 27 A aefter pan he ut-eode. J ge-seah publicanurn he woes oprum na- publicanumn pe waes o~er name man leui gehaten aet ceap-sceamule sit- leuj ge-haten. met cheap-scamele sittende. tende. I he cwaep to himn filig me; I he cwe~6 to hym felge me. 28- he him- pa filigde J ealle hys ping 28 1 he hym pa felgede. J ealle hys for-let; ping for-let. 29 J leui dyde him mycelne gebeor- 29 AEnd leuj dyde him michele ge-beorscype on his huse. I par waes mycel mene- scipe on his huse. 7 paer woes mycele geo manfulra I o6erra pe mid him soeton; manege manfulra I o>6re pe mid him sieton. 30 pa murcnodon pa farisei I pa boceras 30 pa murcneden pa farisei 7 pa bokeres. I cwoedon to hys leorning-cnihtum. hwi I cwae6en to his leorning-cnihten. hwi rete etege I drinca6; mid manfullum 7 synfullum; ge. I drinker mid manfullen 7 senfullen. 31 Da Iswarude se halend I cweep to 31 Da andswerede se helend I cwme6 to him; Ne bepurfon lkeces pa &;e hale synd. heom. Ne be-purfen lseches Pa pe hale ac pa >&e unhaelpe habbap; synde. ac pa pe un-haele hebbeS. Various Readirngs. Various Readings. 22. A. heora. C. om. he. A. Iswarigende. A. B. C. 22. se; hyra; andswerigende; eowra heortan. 23. synne for-gyfene; hweSer; cwesen. 24. witan; eortan; pence ge (two words). 23. B. C. synt. 24. A. an- synna; for-gyfanne; laman; ic. 25. sona be-foran; weald; B. C. anwald. 27. A. odre nama. A. ceap- leg; ferde [for eode]; wuldrode. 26. wuldrodon; moersoden; ge-fyllede; dreg; ge-sawen. 27. pam; he sceamele; C. ceap-scemule. 29. A. maenigeo. A. o'ra. [for pe]; odrum namen; ceap-sceamele; fylge. 28. fylgde. 30. A. murcnedon. A. hwig. A. B. ete ge (two words). 29. mycele; mycel menegeo. 30. murcnodon; pharisei; boceras; cwea~on; leor-cnihtum; ete; drinca%; manfullum; 31. A. Jswarode. A. bepurfun lcas. B. synt. synfullum. 31. andswarode; leces; synt; un-helte h'ebe~. CHAP. V.] 59 -ste ongsett -a se haelend smeaunga hiora ge-onduarde cuoe~ to him4z Inem hued smeas gie 22 ut cognouit autem iesus cogitationes eorum respondens dixit ad illos quid cogitatis in heartum iurum huoe-;er is ea-5or gecuometa forgefen bis5on Se synna 4' cuoeda in cordibus uestris 23 quid est facillius dicere dimittuntur tibi peccata an dicere aris J gaa fte 8onne gie wittse -te - sunu monnes mmeht hafei on eoriSo surge et ambula 24 ut autem sciatis quia filius hominis potestatem habet in terra forgeafa synna cuoe ~Sqem cryple ~e ic cuoeMo aris nim beer ~in J gaa in hus dimittere peccata ait paralytico tibi dico surge tolle lectum tuum et uade in domum isin 7 sona aras fore him genom on ssem gelkeg I foerde in hus his tuam 25 et confestim surgens coram illis tulit in quo iacebat et abiit in domum suam ge-miclade god 7 feer-stylt genom 4 forgrap alle J Auundradon god 3 gefylled magnificans deum 26 et stupor appraehendit omnes et magnificabant deum et repleti woeron mi-S fyrhto cuoedon Jte we gesegon wundra to doege J oefter tas foerde J geseh sunt timore dicentes quia uidimus mirabilia hodie. 27 *Et post hoc exiit et uidit * XUIII.38.ii. mt. lxxi, mr. xxi. tone baersynnig genemned wies sittende to J cuoet him fylg mec -P soec mec m publicanuwm nomine leui sedentem ad teloneum et ait illi sequere me 28 et forleorte 4mi-S~;y allum forletno aras fylgende wies him 7 dyde him farina T4 gebearsgip relictis omnibus surgens secutus est eum 29 *Et fecit ei conuiuium * 39. ii. m t. lxxii. mr. xxii. micel se leui in hus his J wies treat menigo I odera maie mi h - lhim magnum leui in domo sua et erat turba multa publicanorum et aliorum qui cum illis weron hlingendum ~4 hlingende: lyceton J hiora cuoedon to erant discumabentes 30 et murmurabant pharisaei et scribae eorum dicentes ad ~egnum his forhon mi-S J. synnfullum gie ettas J gie drincas discipulos eius quare cum publicanis et peccatoribus manducatis et bibitis 31 Et * 40. ii. mt. lxxiii. mr. xxiii. ondsuarade se hmelend cuoe; to him ne $o[r]feS -Base halo sint to lece ah $a -Se yfle habbaS respondens iesus dixit ad illos non egent qui sani sunt medico sed qui male habent [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 2 60 [LUKE. 32 Ne corn ic riht-wise clypian. ac syn- 32 Ne com ich rihtwise to clepian. ac fulle on d-edbote; synfulle on deadbote. 33 Da cwoedon hig to him. hwi fsesta6 33 Da cwse5en hyo to hym. hwi fsested iohannes leorning-cnihtas gel6mlice I hal- iohannes leorningcnihtes ge-lomlice halsunga do'6. g eall-swa farisea.: pine etaS sunge dos. l eal swa fariseen. ) Pine drinca6; seteS6 drince6; 34 pa cwce`; he cwystupu magon jPes 34 pa cwe>6 he. cwedst Pu magen pas brvdguman beam faestan swa lange swa se bredgumen beam faesten. swa lange swa brydguma myd him ys; se bredgume mid heoms ys. 35 Soplice pa dagas cumap Ponne se 35 So6lice pa dages cuinme Panne se brydguma him bye afyrred. ponne faesta6; bredgume heom beo6 aferred. panne feested hig on pam dagum; hyo on pan dagen. 36 ]Pa smede he him an big-spell. ne 36 Da ssede he heom an bispell. Ne asend nan man scyp of niwum reafe on eald asende nan man scyp on neowan reafe. on reaf. elles J niwe slit. J se niwa scyp ne eald reaf elles ]Pet neowe slyt. J se neowe hylp pam ealdan; scyp ne helpd pan ealden. 37 Ne nan man ne sent niwe win on 37 Ne nan man ne synt niwe win on ealde bytta. elles J5 niwe win bryce6 pa ealde butta elles jPet neowa win brece6; pa Fbytta I f win by>6 agoten. 7 pa bytta for- butta 7 }Pet win beo6; agoten 7 pa butta forU ur65a5; wur6ed. 38 Ac nlwe win is to sendenne on 38 Ac neowe win is to asendenne on nlwe bytta. ponne beo>S pa bytta geheald- neowe butta panne beo>6 pa butte ge-healdene; enne. 39 And ne drinc6 nuan man eald win 7 39 ] ne drinc6 nan man eald win. I wylle sona J niwe. he cwyp. J ealde is wille sona pset neowe he cwe&6 paet ealde is betere; betere. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VI. I Soplice wses geworden on pam sefteran 1 So6lice wses ge-wor>6en on pam seftreste-dsege. seryst Pa he ferde purh pa eren reste-daige; serest Pa ferde he purh pa' seceras hys leorning-cnihtas pa e'ar pluccedon seceras hys leorning-cnihtes pa ear pluccoden. I mid hyra handum gnidon I eeton; 1 mid heora handa gnidon J aeten. Various Readings. Various Readings. 33. A. hwig. A. farisea (alt. to farisei). 34. A. 32. R. om. to; clypian; daedbote. 33. foeste-; cwyst Su; B. C. cwyst pu. 36. A. byg spel. A. asent. -cnihtas; eallswa pharisen; eta$; drinca;. 34. cwy';st; brydguman; frestan; langa; bridguma; eorn. 35. cymaA. scep (alt. to scyp; twice). A. B. hylps; C. hylpp. 37. Poune; briguma; bys afyrred Ponne fbeste5; Pan dagum. A. for-weor5a'6. 38. A. sendanne. 39. A. -S aaet 36. eom; of niwumn; niwe (twice); helps pam ealdan. [for - before ealde]. 37. sent; healde; niwe; brecS; bib;; for-wursa-. 38. C~zp~vi~v~.9,~srest A~g~niwe; sendenne; nywe buttan ponne bi$; buttan. 39, Cap. vi. v. 1. A. arest. A. gear. A. heora. niwe; cwy. Cap. vi. v. 1. ge-worden; jefteran; he ferde; -cnihtas; plucceden; hande. CHAP. VI.] 61 ne cuom ic to ceiganne sosfoesto ah;a synnfullo in hreonise so; hia cuoedon to 32 non ueni uocare iustos sed peccatores in paenitentiam 33 at illi dixerunt ad him forhuon iegnas iohannes foesta-s symble I gebeodo doa- gelic 7 eum quare discipuli iohannis ieiunant frequenter et obsecrationes faciunt similiter et pharisae-;ine ionne eotas J drincaS sem he cuoe alihne magogie suno brydgumes orum tui autem edunt et bibunt 34,quibus ipse ait numquid potestis filios sponsi t;a huil mi- him is 4T bit se brydguma wyrca.geftesta cymat uutedlice ta dagas mi~ty genumen dum cum illis est sponsus facere ieiunare 35 uenient autem dies cum ablatus biS from him se brydguma 8a gefsesta; in Jtem dagum cuoeo Sonne ] onlicfuerit ab illis sponsus tunc ieiunabunt in illis diebus 36 dicebat autem et similitunise to ]lim 6te ne aenig P e-sceapa from woedo niuue onsendeS on gewedo aid dinem ad illos quia nemo commissuram a uestimento nouo inmittit in uestimentum uetus elcur nu J 4 niua toslita-s J asem aide ne gehrise- f esceapa of gsem niue: ne aenig alio-quin et nouum runzpit et ueteri non conuenit commissura g nouo 37 6t nemo sende- win niua in byttum aldum elcur nu tosliteS ~ win niua Sa aldo J i ilce mittit uinum nouum in utres ueteres alio-quin rumpit uinum nouum utres et ipsum agotten bis J tsa byto lasa ah - win niua In byttum niuum to sendanne is 7 effunditur et utres peribunt 38 sed uinum nouum in utres nouos mittendum est et egter biton gehaldan ] ne aenig gedranc -p aide sona wilnaS -s niua cuoe0 forson se aida utraque conseruantur 39 et nelmo bibens uetus statim uult nouum dicit enim uetus betra is melius est CAP. VI. aworden waes;onne on tone efterra daeg mil-dy oferfoordon terh gecoecton 5egnas 1 *Factum est autem in sabbato secundo cum transirent per sata uellebant discipuli XUIIIIL 41. ii. his 8a croppas -' ehras J eton gebrecon mi-s hondum - r xxi. eiUS spicas et manducabant confricantes manibus [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 62 [LUKE. 2 ]Da cwoedon sume of pan sundor-halgan. 2 Da cwse>6en sume of pam sunder-halgen. hwi do ge f eow alyfed nis on reste-dagon; hwi do ge oset eow alyfd nis on reste-dagen. 3 pa Tswarode him se haelend ne raedde 3 Da andswerede se haelend heom I ge j3. hwAet dauid dyde pa hine hingrede. cwae6. Ne redde ge hwoet dauid dyde pa J ja &e mid him waeron. him hingrede. I pa pe mid him wseron 4 hu he eode into godes huse. 1 nam pa 4 hu he eode into godes huse 7 nam pa offrung-hlafas I hig et. 7 pam sealde pe offrenge-hlafes 7 hyo aet. J pam sealde pe mid him weerun. pa nserun alyfede to mid him weeren. pa nseren alyfde to setene etanne buton sacerdon anum; buton sacerden. anen. 5 And he sede him 1f drihten is mannes 5 AEnd he saigde heom paet drihten is sunu. eac swylce reste-daeges; mannes sune. eac swilce reste-daiges. 6 So&lice on o6rum reste-dsege woes ge- 6 So;lice on o"rum reste-daige waes geworden JT he on gesamnunge eode J lerde. worsen. poet he on ge-samnunge eode. 1 7 par woes sum man 7 his swy6re hand wses laerde. I peer wses sum man. J his swi6;re for-scruncen; hand woes for-scrunken. 7 Da gymdon pa boceras 7 farisei hwseper 7 Da gemden pa bokeras 7 pharisei hwa6he on reste-doege haelde. 5 hi hyne ge- er he on reste-daige helde poet hyo hine wregdon; wreidon. 8 Soplice he wiste hyra gepancas. I he 8 So>6lice he wiste heore pances 7 he s'de pam men Pe 6a for-scruncenan hand saide pam men pe pa forscrurtkene hand hsefde. aris 7 staind her amiddan; pa aras hafde. aris 7 stand her amidden. Da aras he 7 st6d; he 7 stod. 9 Da cwmep se helend to him; Ic ahsige 9 Da cwAe> se haelend to hem. Ich acsie * MS. him, eow alyfp on reste-dagum wel don. o>66e eow alyf'6 on reste-dagon wel don o66ealt to hem. yfele. sawle hale gedon. hwmeper 6Se forn yfele sawle haele ge-don hwoeder pe forspillan; spillan. 10 And him eallum gesceawodum mid 10 And heom eallon ge-sceawedon mid yrre he ssede pam men; Apene pine hand. eorre he saigde pam men. Apene pine ] he apenode 7 his hand wses ge-edniw- hand; J he apenede 7 hys hand wies ednywod; od. 11 pa wurdon hig mid unwisdo6me gefyl- 11 Da wurS6en hyo mid unwisdome gelede' J spaecon betux him hwat hig pam fyllede 7 sprsecen be-twux heom hwset hyo halende dydon; Pam haelende dydon. Various Readings. Various Readings. 2. A. pam; C. pam. A. sunder-halgum, A. hwig. A. 2. sundor-halgan; -dagon. 3, eom se haelend; hine. -dagum. 3. A. hyngrade. 4.' A. omits from hu to 4. offrung-; woeron; noeron; etanne; sacerdon anum. 5, saegde ~ sunu; dseges, 6, -daege; ge-worden; swy-Hre; waerun. A. naeron. A. sacerdum. 7. A. hig. 8. A. for-scruncen. 7, gymdon; boceras; hwer; -dage heora. A. on-myddan. 9, A. acsige. 10. A. ge-sceaw- hselde; wreiden. 8. hyra Jancas; ssede; for-scruncena; edum. A. a';enede. 11. A. spreecon. A. betweox; stan. 9, him; Ic asxige (sic); hwaseer. 10. /Ernd eom B.C. betwux, C. halend. eallen ge-sceawedum; yrre; sasegde. 11. wurdon; spracen; halende. CHAP. VI.] 63 sumo o6er* Bonne cuoedon him hused gie doeS ~te ne riseS' on symbel-dagum * oteris 2 quidam autem pharisaeorum dicebant illi quid facitis quod non licet in sabbatis underlined, as if for exJpunction. J onduearde se haelend to him cuoeS ne tis geleornadon -fte dyde dauis mi;;y hine gehyngerde 3 et respondens iesus ad eos dixit nec hoc legistis quod fecit dauid cum esurisset he: tsa ~Se miS hine weron huu inn-eade in hus goddes J hlafas foregegearipse et qui cum eo erant 4 quomodo intrauit in domum dei et panes propouad 4' getemesed ondfeng: ge-ett J salde;saem Sa-e mi'; hine weron ~as ne is gelefed sitionis sumsit et manducauit et dedit his qui cum ipso erant quos non licet to eattanne buta anum sacerdum: cuoOe him Pte drihten is sunu monnes manducare nisi tantum sacerdotibus 5 et dicebat illis quia dominus est filius hominis uutedlice symbeldages aworden wses onne J on odero symbeldsege -te in-foerde on somnung etiam sabbati 6 *Factum est autem et in alio sabbato ut intraret in synagogam * XX2. ii. mt. exld. mr. xxu. J lserde 7 wses ~er monn J hond his -iu sui;ra gescruncan behealdon {sonne et doceret et erat ibi homo et manus eius dextra arida 7 obseruabant autem ia u-uuto 7 gif on symbe[1]deeg he hoelde -te hia gemoete to telenne hine he uutedlice scribae et pharisaei si sabbato curaret ut inuenirent accusare illum 8 ipse uero wiste smeunga hiora J cuoeS &sem menn seSe hsefde hond gescrengee -P dryge aris J sciebat cogitationes eorum et ait homini qui habebat manumt aridam surge et t+ MS. magnum, With the gloss sona on middum J aras astid cuoe-S ~5onne to him se haelend ic gefregno iuih gif is alefed micel; altered sta in medium et surgens stetit 9 ait autem ad illos iesus interrogo uos sf licet to manurm, with the gloss hond. on symbeldeeg wel doa 4' o-Mse yfle sawel hal doa T4' o e losiga J ymb-sceawandum sabbato bene facere an male animam saluam facere an perdere 10 et circum-spectis allum cuoe- aeTm menn aten hond -;in: atenide J eft-geniuaS woes bond his omnibus dixit homini extende manum tuam et extendit et restituta est manus eius Sailco uutedlice gefylled weron mi-S unsnytro: efne-sprecon bituih hused forson dedon 11 ipsi autem repleti sunt insipientia et conloquebantur ad inuicem quidnam facerent'&sem hbelende iesu [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 64 [LUKE. 12 -oplice on pam dagum he fSrde on 12 o>'lice on pam dagen he ferde on anne munt hine gebiddan. e enne munt. hine ge-byddan. I wses Par waciende on godes gebede; woes pser wakiende on godes ge-bede. 13 And pa';a dseg wses he clypode hys 13.End ]a pa hit daig woes he cleopede leorning-cnihtas ] geceas twelf of him. J his leorning-cnihtes J ge-cheas twelfofheom. Pa he nemde apostolas; I pa lie nemnede apostles. 14 Simonem psene he nemde Petrus ] 14 Simonem panne he nemnede petrus. his brosor andreas. Iacobum I Iohannem. I his bro6er andreas. lacobum. IlohanFilippum. 7 Bartholomeum. nem. philippum I bartholomeum. 15 ] Thomam. Matheum. 9I acobum. 15 Thomam 3 Matheum. lacobum alphei alfei. 3 simonem. se is genemned zelotes. J symonem. se ys ge-nemned zelotes 16 Iudam. Iacobi.' iudam scario6 se 16 Iudam Iacocobi (sic). 7 Iudam scaweas laewa; rioth. se woes lewa. 17 And mid him farendun, he stod on 17 And mid heom farenden he stod on feld-lice st6we.' mycel wered his leorning- feldlicere stowe I micel werd hys leorningcnihta. 3 mycel menegeo framn ealra iudea cnihte 3 mycele manega fram alre iudea.' 3 fram ierusalem.' ofer muPan 3 sa-ge- fram Jerusalem 3 ofer mu>6an 3 se. ge-mare mamro tiri' sid6nis. >6a coman J hi hyne tyry 3 sydonis. pa comen poet hyo hyne gehyrdon. I weron of hyra adlum gehkel- ge-hyrdon 3 wmoren of heora adlen ge-haelede. de. 18 J a a. e woron of unclaenum gastunz 1 8' pa pe waren of un-clenen gaste gege-drehte woerun gehlelede; drehte wseren ge-hoelede. 19 And eal seo menigeo sohte hine t6 19 lEnd seo manegeo sohte hine to setPet-hrinenne. forpam pe mregen of him hrinnenne. for pamn pe rsegen of hymr eode. eode 3 he ealle gehmelde; 3 he ealle ge-hselde. 20 ~~ a cwsep se hselend beseonde to 20 cwse'6 se haelend beo-seonde to his leorning-cnihtum; Eadige hys leorning-cnihton. Eadige synd ge pearfan on gaste forpam Pe godes synde ge pearfen on gaste. for pan pe godes rice is eower; rice is eower. 21 Eadige synd ge 6e hingria>6 nui. for- 21 Eadige synde ge pe hingrief6 nu. for pamn e ge beo>6 gefyllede; Eadige synt pam ge beo6 ge-fyllede. Eadige synde ge ge 6e nu wepa6. forpam ge hlihap; pe nu wepad; for pam ge hlyha6. Various Readings. Various Readings. 12. A. B. C. wacigende. 13. A. twelfe. 14. A. 12. dagum; wacyende. 13. R. om. hit; clypede; andream. A. philippum; C. Filippus. C. bartholomeus. -cnihtas; ge-ceas; nemde apostlas. 14. Jonne; nemde. 15. A. B. C. omit I before Thomam and Iacobum. 17. 16. 1. Iacobi. 17. 17. nd; eom; farenden [as in Hatton A. B. feldlicre; C. flendlicre (sic). A.menegeo. C. ealre. MS.]; -cnihta; menega; alra; comon; wiron; adlum A. B. C. sf —gemere. A. comon; -B. C. comun. A. hig. ge-hselede. 18. waron; unclsenum; ge-halede. 19. A. heora. 18. A. waeron. 19. A. om. eal. A. mseni- LEnd eall syo menegeo. 20. halend; -cnihtum; Eadig geo. A. et-hrynanne. C. om. ealle. 20. B. C. synt. synt ge pearfan; for-pjam. 21. synt; hingrial; sint; 21. B. C. synt [,for synd]. A. synd [for synt]. C. Eadie. wepa~. A. hlihhal. CHAP. VI.] 65 aworden wses JSonne on sem dagum foerde on more to gebiddanne 3 woes'6erh-wseccende 12 *Factum est autem in illis diebus exiit in montem orare et erat pernoctans * 43. ii. mt. cxluiii[i]. mr. lxui. in gebed godes J mi;sCy dseg aworden wses geceigde Sa ~egnas his J geceas tuoelf [MS. cxui.] in oratione dei 13 *Et cum dies factus esset uocauit discipulos suos et elegit duodecim * 44. ii mr. xxx. of saem ~a sec apostolas genemde tone simon b;one getor-nomade -i stan J ex ipsis quos et apostolos nominauit 14 simonem quem cognominauit petrum et broker his 3 J andrean fratrem eius iacobum et iohannen philippum et bartholomeumq 15 matheum et';e huita T I sere is geceiged J thoman iacobum alphei et simonem qui uocatur zelotes 16 iudam iacobi et iudam sere woes hlega 7 of-dune astag mi6 him astod on stou J menigo T great scarioth qui fuit proditor 17 *Et descendens cum illis stetit in loco campestri et turba 45 iL mt. xxiii. mr. xxuii. io. xlui. Segna his:I;io menigo monigfald folces of alle iud' J:i discipulorum eius et multitudo copiosa plebis ab omni iudaea et hierusalem et maritima et sa Se cuomon fte geherdon hine 3 weron gehaeldo from adlum hiora tyri et sidonis qui uenerunt ut audirent eum et sanarentur a languoribus suis 18 et Base gecosted weron from gastum unclmnumn woeron gelecnad J all tread sohton qui uexabantur a spiritibus inmundis curabantur 19 et omnis turba quaerebant hine to gehrinanne for;on msehto T maegno of him foerdon: hselde alle J he ahebbendum eum tangere quia uirtus de illo exiebant et sanabat omnes 20 *Et ipse eleuatis * XXI. 46. un mt. xxu. egum on Segnum his cuoe-S eadgo -a ~Sorfendo for-on iuer is ric godes eadgo oculis in discipulos suos dicebat Beati pauperes quia uestrum est regnum dei 21 *Beati * 47. u. mt. xxuii.i -aSe nu gehyncres for;on gie bison gehriorded eadgo';a-e nu gie woepeS for;on gie hlehe 48. u. qui nunc esuritis quia saturabimini *Beati qui nunc fletis quia ridebitis 48. u, ht. Ueaes lost i th ushworth MS. [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 66 [LUIKE. 22 Eadige beo ge. pone eow men hatia>6 22 Eadige beo ge panne eow men hatira6 9 ehta>6. I on-hiscay. I awurpa6; eowerne I ehta>S. 7 on-husca6. J awurped eowre naman swa swa yfel for mannes suna; namen swa swa yfel for mannes sune. 23 Ge-blissia&; 7 gefagnia6; on pam dagumn. 23 Ge-blissiad 7 ge-fageniad on pam nu eower med is mycel on heofenumn; So6- dagen; nu eower mede is mycel on heofene. lice sefter Pissumn pingum hyra faederas So6lice eofter pisen pingen hyra faderes dydon pam witegum; dydon pam witegan. 24 peah-hwsesere wa eow witegum. for- 24 peah-hwaetere wa eow witegan. for pamn pe ge eowerne frofor habba6; pan pe ge eowwerne frofer hmebbe6. 25 Wa eow pe ge-fyllede synt. forpam 25 Wa eow pe ge-fylde sinde; for pan pe ge hingria>6. Wa eow pe nu hliha6;. pe ge hingria;6. Wa eow pe nu hlehgad forparn pe ge heofa6 3 wepa>6; for pan pe ge heofa&S6 wepeo6. 26 Wa eow ponne eow ealle men blet- 26 Wa eow panne eow ealle men bletsia'6 sia'. sefter Pissum flingum hyra faederas sefter pisen pingen heora feederes dyden dydon pam witegum; pam witegen. 27 Ac ic eow sege forpam pe ge ge- 27 Ac ic eow segge for pam pe ge hyrad. hyraP. lufia6 eowre fynd dop pam tala jpe Lufia6 eowre feond do]6 pam toele pe e eow eow hatedon; hatedon. 28 Bletsia; pa 6e eow wiria"6. gebiddap 28 BletsieoS pa pe eow weregieo;. Gefor Pa pe eow on-hiscea6; bi>6'6ed for pam pe eow on-huscieo. 29 And pam pe slihp on Pin gewenge 29 7 pam pe pe sleh>6 on pam wange. wend o>6er agen. 7 Pam Pe i6in reaf nymp. wend oASer agen. 3 pam rpe pin reaf nymn6 ne for-beod him no Pine tunecan; ne for-beod him na pine tunecan. 30 Syle velcum pe &e bidde. 3 se 6e 30 Syle selcen pe pe bidde. 3 se pe nymd nimp pa 6;ing pe 6iine synt ne mynega pu pa ping pe pine synde ne munega pu hyra; hyra. 31 And swa ge wyllap Jf eow men don 31 7 swa eow wille6 J eow men do; do~6 dop him gelice; hem ge-lice. 32 3 hwylc panc is eow gif ge lufia'6 Pa 32 3 hwilc panc is eow gyf ge lufie6 pa pe eow lufia"S; Sotlice synfulle lufia6 pa pe pe eow lufieo6. So6lice senfulle lufieM; hi lufia>6; pa pe hy lufie'6. Various?eadings. Various Readings. 22. C. Eadie. A. ponne. A. aworpa-;; C. wurpa~. 22. jPonne; on-hysca-N; awurpe-; nanan. 23. Ge23. A. ge-fbegenias. C. heofonum. A. pysum. A. heora. blissias; ge-fagenias; dagvm; heofenum; JPyssum pingum; 24. A. frofer. 25. A. synd. A. hlyhhas. A. heofia., fwederas; witegurm. 24. witegum; for-Pam; eowerne 26. C. om. 2nd eow. A. heora. 27. B. C. seege. A. tgela. frofor habbals. 25. ge-fyllede sint; hlihhaS; wepa$. 28. A. wyrgealS. A. on-hyscaO. 29. A. pe -Se slyh;. 26. Jlonne; pissum pingum; frederas dydon; witegum. A. ongean. A. amyng. 27. hyraS:; tale. 28. Bletsia's; wyrgyas; ge-byddaI; Sa; on-hysceaS. 29. slyhs; pin [for kamn]; ge-wenge. A. hyne [for hyra]. 31. A. heom. 32. C. inserts swa 30. lcum; nim; synt. 31. ge [or 1st eow]; wila; before hwylc. A. hig. C, omits from So'Slice to end of don [for do]; heom. 32. lufia [four times]; synfulle; verse. hyo, CHAP. VI.] 67 eadgo gie bitbon miSy iuih lae;eZ menn J miniNy to-sceadonT sceadas iuih I telas T harm 22 *Beati eritis cum uos oderint homines et cum separauerint uos et exproba- * 49. u. mt. xxx. cuetaS i auorpas noma iuer suelce yfel T apoltre fore sunu monnes gefeaS uerint et eiecerint nomen uestrum tam-quam malum propter filium hominis 23 gaudete on 1;em doege: wosa-; glked heono forion mearda iura menigo on heofne Defter &ses formon in illa die et exultate ecce enim mercis uestra multa in caelo secundum haec enim dydon witgum fadoras hiora so; huoesre we iuh weligum forson gie habba; faciebant prophetis patres eorum 24`Uerum-tamen uae uobis diuitibus quia habetis 50. x. froefernise iuer wIe iuh forSon ge gefylled bison forSon Wbisongie hyngrendo woe iuh consolationem uestram 25 uae nobis quia saturati estis quia esurietis uae uobis 8ate gie hlsehas nil forson gie woepam wMe miR;y wel iuh cuoseMaS alle menn qui ridetis nunc quia lugebitis 26 *ude cum bene uobis dixerint omnes homines [*51. x. refter ~as dydon witgum fadoras hiora ah iuh ic cuoe;o;a;e ge geherdon secundum haec faciebant prophetis patres eorum 27 *Sed uobis dico qui auditis * 52. u. lufiga; fiondas Iura wel doe& 0 sem;a5e iuih lse;aa wel cueRas bloedsas Iem diligite inimicos uestros bene facite hiis qui uos oderunt 28 benedicite malewoergendum iuh gebidda$ fore sem harm-cuoedum iuih J se;e Sec slae$ on cece dicentibus uobis orate pro calumniantibus uos 29 *Et qui t6 percutit in maxillam *53. u. mt. xxxuiii. agef mec;a o";ero: of isem T from him seJe genime-;;e woedo mec i cyrtil naelle su praebe et alteram et ab eo qui auferet tibi uestimentum etiam tunica[n] noli forstonda I forbeada eghuelcum uutedlice giugiende -sec sel J se-Se nimrme;;aSe -in sint ne prohibere 30 omni autem petenti te tribue et qui auferet que tua sunt ne eft-bidde;u J sume gie wselle jte gedoe iuh menn J gie doas him gelic repetas 31 *Et pro-ut uultis ut faciant uobis homines et uos facite illis similiter * XXII. 54. u mt. liiii. J gif gie lufa~ hia J;a-e iuih lufa;';a i huelc iuh is Sonc T wuldor forSon J synnfullo 32 *Et si diligitis eos qui uos diligunt quae uobis est gratia nam et peccatores * 55. u. mt. xli.'Sa lufiande hia lufagiai diligentes se diligunt [Eight leaves lost in t/ Rushworth MS.] 68 [LUKE. 33 And gyf ge wel do'6. pJam'6e eow 33 And gif ge wel do6> pan pe eow wel wel do~S. hwylc pane is eow. witodlice j do5; hwilc pane is eow. Witodlice poet do>S do>6 synfulle. sinfulle. 34 J gyf ge lsenaP Pam Pe ge eft set onfo;. 34 7 gyf ge leane'6 pama pe ge eft on-fo6; hwylc Panc is eow; Soplice synfulle synful- hwilc pane is eow. So'6lice sinfulle sinfulle lum lsna6'. J5 hi gel-ce onfon. leane6. poet hyo gelice on-fon. 35 peah-hwae6ere lufia6 eowre f5ynd J 35 ]eah-hweSere lufiau S eowre feond. him wel do6. 7 lmne sylla>6 nan ]Ping panun 7 heom wel dot. J leane sylled nan ping eft ge-hihtende. 7 eower med byp [mycel] panum (sic) eft ge-hihtende. I eower mede on heofone. I ge beoop aes hehstan beam. beod mycel on heofene. ] ge beo6 pas hefor]am n e he is g6d ofer unpanc-fulle ] ofer gesten beamn. for pam pe he ys god ofer yfele; unpanc-fulle 7 ofer yfele. Dis ge-byra 36 o -eornost-lice beop mild-heorte swa 36 -Lornestlice beo6 mildheorte swa on Pone fiftan sunnan-doeg eower faeder is mild-heort; eower fader is mildheort. ofer pentecosten. 37 Nelle ge deman. 7 ge ne beo6 dem- 37 Nelle ge demen. I ge ne beo6> demmistericors ede; Nelle ge ge-nyoerian. ge ne ede. Nelle ge nySerien. ] ge ne beoo A. beo>6 genyperude; Forgyfap. 7 eow by5 ge-ny>6ere>S. For-gyfe6; send eow beoo6 for-gyfen; for-gefen. 38 Sylla'6 7 eow byp geseald g6d gemet 38 Selleo 7 eow beoo ge-seald. g6d ge7 full. geheapod ] ofer-flowende big syllap met 7 full 7 ge-heapod. I ofer-flowende hyo on eowerne bearm; pam sylfan gemnete Pe sylled on eowrne bearm. pam sylfen gege metal5. eow by>S gemeten; mIette pe ge meteo6; eow beoo5 ge-metan. 39'Da sWde he him sum bigspell; Segst 39 Da sEede hhe eom sum by-spell. pu. mieg se blinda Psene blindan laedan. hu Segst pu maig se blinde pane blinde lheden. ne feallap hig begen on paene pytt; hu ne fealled hyo begen on panne pet. 40 Nis se leorning-cniht ofer pone la- 40 Nis se leorning-cniht ofer panne reow; A3Elc byf fulfremed. gif he is lareow. selc by15 fulfremed gyf he is swilce swylce hys lareow; hys lareow. 41 B'wi gesilst pu pa egle on pines bro- 41 hwi ge-syhst pu pa eigle on pines por eagan. I le ge-sihst paene beam on broker eagen. 7 ne syhst p]enne beam pinum eagan; on pynen eagen. Various Readings. Various Readings. 33. A. des [for 2nd dos;]. 34. A. hig. 35. A. panen. 33. pam. 34. lsena%; R. inserts set after eft; So-;A. B. C. insert mycel, which Corpus MS. omits. 36.; eom; a med by%; heofone; pses heahstan. 36. Eornostlice; faeder. A. B. C. Eornostlice (with coloured initial). 37. A. ge- 37. deman; byS ge-nyderede; For-gyfa%; by~ for-gyfan. ny-erode. 38. A. B. C. insert J before geheapod. 39. 38. SyllaS; by% ge-seals; ge-heapo%; sylla';; sylfan; geA. jone. A. zenne pytt. 40. A. se [for hys]. 41. A. metan [as in Hatton MS.]. 39. eomn; bi-spel; mseg; ]one; fealles; pytt. 40. ]onne lkereow. 41. ge-sychst; hwig. A. broker. A. ]one. C. egan. brotor, eagan; syhcst (sic) pmne; Pinun eagan. CHAPr. YI.] 69 I gif wel gie doeB -Sem -;ate iuh wel does huelc iuh is Sonc Sah-hueSre 7 33 et si bene-feceritis hiis qui uobis benefaciunt quae uobis est gratia siquidem et synnfulle iSis doa-S 3 gif huerf gie sellas Semm from Isem gie hyhtas to onfoane huele peccatores hoc faciunt 34 et si mutu[u]m dederitis his a quibus speratis accipere quae ~sone is iuh for'Son 3 synnfullo synnfullum biison gearwyrSed fyste onfoals efne 1' gratia est uobis nam et peccatores peccatoribus frenerantur ut recipiant aequalia soS-hue-Sre lufiges fiondes iuera 3 wel doa`s I huoerf seallals noht on Sec hyhtendo.35 uerumtamen diligite inimicos uestros et benefacite et mutuum date nihil in te sperantes J biW meard iura micelo I gie biSon sunu ises heiste forSon he riim-m6d is ofer unlsoncfullum et erit mercis uestra multa et eritis filii altissimi quia ipse benignus est super ingratos: yflum wosais gie forson milt-heorte sume faeder iuer milt-heart is nellals gie et malos. 36 estote ergo misericordes sicut et pater uester misericors est 37 *Nolite * XXIII.56.ii mt. 1. mr. xli. gedoema 1 ne ]te gie se gedoemed nvellas gie gehnisra J -te gie ne se gehnisrad forletas J iudicare et non iudicabimini nolite condemnare et non condemnabiniini dimittite et iuh bis forleten seallas J iuh bi~ sald gewoege gemet god efne-gebroht:J dimittimini 38 date et dabitur uobis mensuram bonam confertam et coagitatam et ofer flouende hia sella$ on barm iuer Sio ilco forSon gemet -Pte metende gie biWon super effluentern dabunt in sinum uestrum eadem quippe mensura qua mensi fueritis eft-gemeten iuh biS cuoeS ISonne him J onlicnese huelSer mseg se blind rementientur (sic) uobis 39 *Dicebat autem illis et similitudinem num-quid potest caecus * 57. u. mt. clui. tone blinde gelseda ahne boege on seaite falla5 ne is.k nese discipul ofer magistre caecum ducere nonne ambo in foueam cadent 40 *Non est discipulus super magistrum * 58. ii[ij. mt. xc. io. cxxxuiiii, wis-frest isonne eghuelc bi` gif T sua laruu his hused ISonne gesiist Su ]5 lytle m6t in perfectus autem omnis erit sicut magister eius 41- *Quid autem uides festucam in * 59. u. mt. ii. ego bro-Sres Sines itone beam uutedlice $io in ego,Sinum is ne efne-sceauas;u oculo fratres (sic) tui trabem autem quae in oculo tuo est non consideras [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 70 [LKRE. 42 And hu miht ]u segan pinum breper 42 ~End hu myht pu seggen pinen brebr6por laet J ic ateo pa egle of pinuum eage. 6er. broW6er let peet ic ateo pa eigle of ] pu sylf ne ge-syhst p]ene beam on pinum pinen eagen.'6u self ne ge-syhst panne agenumn eagan; Eala licetere. teoh serest beam on pinen eagenen eagen. Eala licepone beam of pinum eage. I ponne pu tere teoh rerest panne beam of pinen eage. gesihst J5 6u ateo pa egle of pines broW6or I panne pu ge-syhst poet pu ateo pa eigle of eage; pines brofor eage. 43 ] ys god treow pe yfelne wmestm 43 ~i's god treow poet yfelne wsestm de,. ne nis yfel treow. g6dne de&. I nis yfel treow godne wmastm donde; woestm doende. 44 ZEllc treow is be his wsestnae on-cn'aw- 44.2Elc treow is be hys wsestme onen; Ne hig of pornum fic-aeppla ne gader- cnawen. Ne hyo of pornen fic-seppel ne iap. ne winberian on gorste ne nima&6; gaderieS. ne winberian of gorste ne nyme5. 45 God man ofgodum gold-h6rde. hys 45 g6d man of goden goldhorde; hys heortan. god for6>-bring.'2 I yfel man of heorte god for'6-brinc>6. I yfele men of yfelum gold-horde yfel for'6-bringp; SoA5- yfele goldhorde yfel for6-bringe~'. So>6lice se mu>6 spyc6 swa seo heorte penc>S. lice se mu'6 spece swa swa sye heorte penc56. 46 hwi clypege ge me drihten drihten. 46 Hwy clepie ge me drihten drihten ] ne do6 p ic eow seege;: ne do> poet ic eow segge. 47 -Alc para ~e to me cymkp 7 mine 47 ~Elc pare pe to me kym~6. 7 mine sproeca gehyr6 7I Pa dep. ic him oet-ywe sproece ge-hyr6 I pa de>6. ich hym atewie hwarn he ge-lic is; hwam he ge-lic ys. 48 He ys gelic timbrienduvm men his 48 He ys gelic tymbriende men hys hus hiis; Se dealf deopne 7 hys grund-weall ofer se dealf deopne 7 his grundwall ofer pan-, prene stan asette; So6lice gewordenum ne stan asette. So6lice ge-wor6ene flode flode hit fleow into pam huse.: hyt ne hit fleow in-to pam huse. I hit ne mihte mihte'p bus astirian. hit wves ofer p]ene p hus astyrian hit wies ofer panne stan gestuin getrymed; trymed. 49 Se &5e gehyr6 7 ne diep. he is gelic 49 Se &e ge-hyrS 7 ne de6; he is gefPamn timbriendan men his hus ofer ]a eorpan lich pam tymbrienden men his bus ofer pa butan grund-wealle. 7 J flod in-fleow. J eorSen buton grundwalle. 7 f flod in-fleow hraedlice hyt afeoll I wearVS mycel hryre pies I rsedlice hit afeol 7 war6 mnycel ryre pas huses; huses. Various Readings. Various Readings. 42. A. B. C. seegan. C. ege [for 1st egle]. A. eagan 42, Pine; brosor [for broder]; egle; linum eage; sylf; [for 1st eage.] A. pone [for psene]. B. C. eeryst. A. panne; pinum agenum eagan; arest jonne; kinum; Pone; egle, 43. ne [for J]; westm. 44. pornum fic-eppla e broSer eagan. 44. B. C. hi. A. of [for on]. 45. A egle. 43. n [for ] wstm 44 ornm fppl gaderias; on [for of]; nymas. 45, godum; heortan; forS-bryncS; C. foriS-bring [2nd time]. A. spryceS. 46. bryng-S; yfel man; yfelum gold-horde; brincS; seo. 46, A. hwig. A. clypige; B. C. clypie. 47. A. pJera. 48. clepige me. 47. pjare; cyms; metywie. 48. tymbriA. deope. A. }one (twice). 49. C. timbriendum. gendum; deelf; ponne; ge-wordene. 49. gelic; eortan butan; -wealle; afeoll; wers. CHAP. VI.] 71 1 hu mneht -Su cuopeSa brotre -inumn broSer forlet pte ic aworpo Mone mot of ego ~inum 42 et quomodo potes dicere fratri tuo frater sine eiciam festucam de oculo tuo he in ego Sinum O beam ne gesiis su la legere aworp serist -one beam of ego Sinum J ipse in oculo tuo trabem non uidens hypocrita eice primum trabem de oculo tuo et'Sonne su eft-locas te'su ofgebrenge ZSet mot of ego broSres Iines ne is forSon tree god tune respicies ut educas festucam de oculo fratris tui 43 *Non est enim arbor bona * 60. u. mt. luiii. )Sio doe-S wastma yfla ne tree yfla wyrcas waestm god an suee-huselc foreon quae facit fructos(sic) malos neque arbor mala faciens fructum bonum 44 unaquaeque enimtree of woestm his gecy~sed bis ne forston of;ornum gesomnaB fic-beam ne of arbor de fructu suo cognoscitur *Neque enim de spinis colligunt ficus neque de truboe* t6 - mt. hiji]. + Over rubo hia winigas 4: monigfaldas - winbeger -1 cropp god mon of god strion heartes his ahefe- are two glosses, uindemiant uuam 45 *Bonus homo de bono thesauro cordis sui profert arly oblited; (1) word [as if it were uerbo]; god - yfel monn of yfele ahebbes yfel of monigfaldnise for-Son heartes mu; spreces (w) rearbo]s bonum et malus homo de malo profert malum ex habundantia enim cordis 6s loquitur if rubro]. * 62. u. mt, cxxu. hused sonne ceiges gie mec drihten drihten i ne doaS gie -a ~e ic cuoe-So eghuoelc se-Se 46 *Quid autem uocatis me domine domine et non facitis quae dico 47 tOmnis qui * 63 iii. mt. lufiii. io. cxui. cymeS - to me - J gehereS worda mina I doe-s sa T hia ic ad-eaua iuh huaem gellc sie t 64. U. nenit ad me et audit sermones meos et facit eos ostendam uobis cui similis est mt. xi. gelic is ssenm menn timbrende hus sese delfaet on heanise I gesette I;a grundas ofer 48 similis est homini aedificanti domurn qui fodit in altum et posuit fundamenta supra carr T stan flod T hreh mir;Hy uutedlice awarlS to-brocen woes se stream &em huse J msehte hia petram inundatione autem facta inlisum est flumen domui illi et non potuit eam gestyurige gesettet foAron wees on-ufa carr se-Se -sonne geherde J ne dyde gelic is mouere fundata enim erat supra petram 49 qui autem audiuit et non fecit similis est Issem meun timbrende hus his on-ufa stan buta grund on -Son toslitten woes - stream homini aedificanti domum suam supra petram sine fundamento in qua inlisus est fluuius 3 sona gefeall J aworden woes faell huses;s es micel et continuo cecidit et facta est ruina domus illius magna [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 72 [LuKE. CHAPTER VII. CHAPTER VII. 1 oplice'6a he ealle his word gyfylde 1 o~6ice pa he ealle his word gefylde ~ on pjes folces hlyste. he eode into on peas folces hlyste. he eode in-to cafarnaum; capharnaum. 2 pa woes sumes hundred-mannes peowa 2 Da woes sum hundred-mannes Ipeowa untrum. se waes sweltendlic. se wses him untrum se waes swentendlic (sic). se woes dyre; him dyere. 3 And Pa he gehyrde be paqn haelende 3 AEnd pa he ge-hyrde be pam haelende. he sende to him iudea ealdras ] baed 5 he he sende to him iudea aldres. I bed pset come. ] hys peow gehaelde; he come I his peow ge-haelde. 4 pa hi to pam hmelende comun. hi bed- 4 Da hyo to pam helende coman. hyo on hyne geornlice 7 ]us cwodon; He is baeden hine geornlice ] pus cwae6en. He wyrSe'6u him tilige. is wurSe jpet pu him telie. 5 witodlice he lufa6 fire ie6ode.: he us 5 Witodlice he lufe6 ure peode. I he ure samnunge getimbrode; us ure samnunge ge-tymbrede. 6 pa ferde se haelend mid him. ] pja he 6 Da ferde se hselend mid heom. I pa wses un-feor pavm huse se hundred-mann he woes unfeor pam huse se hundredes sende hys fryInd to him ] cwsep; Drihten ealdor sende his frend to him and cwse6. nelle Pu beon gedreht. ne eom ic wyrS6e j Drihten nelle pu beon ge-dreaht. ne eom Zu ga under mine pecene. ich wurDSe poet pu ga under minne pechene; 7 forpam ic ne tealde me sylfne T ic to 7 for pan ich ne tealde me sylfne swa 6e come; Ac cwe 6 pin w6rd i min cniht wur6 paet ich to pe come. A.c cwer5 pin by' geheled; word and mnin cniht beo"5 ge-hkeled. 8 Ic ne (sic) eom an man under anwealde 8 Ic eom an man under anwealde ge, gesett; Cempan under me hbebbende. 7 ic sett; cempen under me hbebbende. ] ich secge Jissum ga 7 he gse6. ] ic seege pissum segge pissen ga; J he gme6. 7 ich segge cum bonne cym'; he. ] ic secge minum pissen cum; ponne cymn6 he. 7 ich segge Peowe. do pis 7 he deS; mine peowe pis do; 7 he hit de~6. 9 Da wundrude se helend pam gehyred- 9 Da wundrede se hkelend pam ge-hyrden. urn. ] cwseP to psere menigeo bewend; 7 cwe&6. to pare manigeo be-wend. So6Soplice ic secge eow ne funde ic on israhel lice ic segge eow ne funde ich on israel swa swa mycelne geleafan. mychele ge-leafen. Various Readings. Various Readings. Cap. vii. v. 1. A. B. C. gefylde. A. capharnaurn. Cap. vii. v. 1. jpes. 2. sweltendlic; dyre. 3. R. om. 2nd to; ealdras; bed. 4. halende; coman [as in 2. B. hundred-manes. B. swetendlic, alt. to sweltendlic; Hatton MS.]; beedon; hin (sic) tilige. 5. lufaS. 6. C. swetendlic. 4. A. hyg. A. comon. A. hig. A. tylie. halend; him; hundred-man; freond; ge-drect; mine pecene. 5. A. ge-samnunge. A. tymbrode. 6. A. inserts fram 7. R. om. swa wurs; ic. 8. em; ge-set; campan; habbefore anam. A.-man C. oom. eom. 8. A. B. C. or. ne bende; ic; jissum; ic; kissum; ic; peowwe; R. om. hit. 9. halend; ge-hyrdum; menelnigo (sic); ic; mycele geqfter Ic. 9. A. wundrode. A. mienio; B. C. menigo. leafan. CHAP. VII.] 73 CAP. VII. misty uutedlice gefyllde alle worda his in earumn folces infoerde in - burug 1 *Cum autem implesset omnia uerba sua in aures plebis intrauit capharnaum *xxIIII. 65. iii.;Ses aldor-monnes Sg sum esne yfle hasbbend woes dead-lic sei;e him wees dior-wyr;e [MS. lxx. x]I 2 centurionis autem cuiusdam seruus male habens erat moriturus qui illi erat pretiosus: mits-Sy geherde from ssem halend sende to him aeldo-wuto baed hine -te gecuome J.3 et cum audisset de iesu misit ad eum seniores iudaeorum rogans eum ut ueniret et haelde irael his so-; hia miSSy gecuomon to'sem helend bedon hine geornlice saluaret seruum eius 4 at illi cum uenissent ad iesumr rogabant eum sollicite cuoedon him -~te for-on wyr-e is -te ~is him -u doe lufa; for-on cynn usra 7 dicentes ei quia dignus est ut hoc illi praestes 5 diligit enim gentem nostram et somnung 1 cirica he getimbrade us se hselend uutedlice foerde mi- him' mi5sy so'lice ne synagogam ipse aedificauit nobis 6 iesus autem ibat cum illis et curri l&m non fearr wses from hus sende to him se aldorman freondas cuoes drihten neelle ~u firr-farra- ne forbon longe esset a domo misit ad eum centurio amicos dicens domine noli uexari non enim wyr5e Am lte under hrof minum inngae Dec fore-on J mec seolfne ne am ic dignus sum ut sub tectum meum intres 7 propter quod et me ipsum non sum wyr5e doemend am -te ic cuome to -e ah cuoe- mis worde 7 hal hi; cnaeht min forson dignum arbitratus ut uenirem ad te sed dic uerbo et sanabitur puer meus 8 nam I ic monn am under mseht efne-gesettet hafo under mec here-menn 7 ic cuoebo J;isum gaa I et ego homo sum sub potestate constitutus habens sub me milites et dico huic uade et gae; I o;re cym: cymedS I;rsele minum do -Sis doeS mi;ty geherde se heelend aundrad wses uadit et alio ueni et uenit et seruo meo fac hoc et facit 9.quo audito iesu miratus est J efne-gecerde -V ymbwserlde "cem cefterfylgendum hine -;reatum cuoe; so;lice ic cuoe;o iuh ne in israel et conuersus sequentibus se turbis dixit amen dico uobis nec in israhel -;us micelo geleafo gemoete ic-kne fund ic tantam fidem inueni [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] K 74 [LUKE. 10 I ]Pa 5a~ ham comon 6e asende wseron 10 I pa pa ham cornen pe asende wseren big gemetton halne pone pe Per untrum hyo ge-metten halne panne pe aer u[n]trum wses; we s. poys seal on 11 a w~es sy>x6an gew6rden he ferde 11 A wwss sy,6en ge-wor6en he ferde Ibat iesus in teoSan sun- on pa ceastre Pe is genemned on pa ceastre pe ys ge-nemned uocaturtnaymU pentedost na.. mid him ferdun hys leorning- naym; m mid hym ferden his leorningIbat iesus in cnihtas. J mycel menego; cnyhtes. I mycel manigeo. eiuitatem qune uocatur naim. 12 pa he ge-nealsehte psere ceastre gate 12 pa he ge-nehlahte pare ceastre gate A. a wses par an dcad man geboren anre pa waes peer an dead man ge-boren ane wudewan sunu Pe nanne o~erne nefde; J wudewon sune. pe nsenne o6erne noefde. seo wudewe wses par. ] mycel menegu 7 syo wudewe woes per.: mycel menigeo psere burhware mid byre; pare burh-waere mid hire. 13 pa se helend hig ge-seah pa wses he 13 Da se haelend hyo ge-seah. Da wses mid mild-heortnesse ofer big gefylled.? he mid mildheortnysse ofer hyo ge-felled. cwses to hyre. ne wep pu na. 7 cwse"6 to hire. ne wep pu na. 14 Da genealehte he J pa cyste aet-hran. 14 pa ge-nehleahte he 7 pa cheste setran. pa oet-stodon pa pe hyne bseron; pa cwoep pa aet-stoden pa pe hine beren. Da cwase se se hkelend. eala geonga pe ic seege aris; hjelend. Eala geonge pe is (sic) segge aris. 15 Da aras se pe dead wses. 7 ongan'15 pa aras se pe dead woes. 3 ongan sprecan. Pa agef he hine hys meder; spraecen. pa agef he hine his moder. 16 pa ofer-eode ege big ealle. 7 big god 16 pa ofer-eode eyge hyo ealle. 7 hyo mmersodon? cwaedon. ~ msere witega on god mersodon 7 cwseSen. P mare witega us aras. 7 P-et god hys folc geneosude; on us aras. I poet god his folce ge-neosode. Misit iohan- 17 a ferde peos spMec be him on ealle 17 xA ferde peos spraece be him on Ci~sipUlis SUis iudea. I emnbe eall f rice; eallen iudea I embe eall peat rice. ad iesum dicens. Tu des 18 Da cyddan iohannes leorning-cnihtes s Une aulus him be eallum pysum pingum; him be eallen pisen pingen. expectamus. 19 pa clypode- iohannes twegen of his 19 D A cleopede iohannes twegen Of Misitiohan leorning-cnihtum. J sende to pam haelende. his leorning-cnihten to hym. lisGipulis sdsui I pus cwsep; Eart pu pe [to] cumene eart. sende to pam halende 7 pus cwase. Ert pu aniestum ihwse>6er pe we opres scylon onbydan; pe to cumene ert; hwe6er pe we otres uenturuses an allume exsculon on-bidon. peetamus. Various Readings. Various Readings. 11. A. ferdon. A. menigeo. 12. A. wude, altered to 10. wseron; ge-metton; ponne; untrum. 11. sy$$an wudewe. A. manigeo. 13. A. myldheortnysse. 15. geworden; -cnihtas; menego. 12. ge-neahloehte; ane wudewan; seo; menego; burh-ware. 13. halend; mud A. ageaf. 16. A. neosode. 17. A. sprsec. A. ymbe. [an errorfor mid]; ge-fylled. 14. ge-neahllehte; cyste; 18. A. cyedon. 19. A. inserts to after pe. A. cumenne. et-stoden; beeron; ic. 15. -ead [an errorfor dead]; A. sceolon; B. C. seulon. sprecan; agaf; modor. 16. cwa;en. 17. ealle. 18. -cnihtas; eallum pissunm )ingum. 19. cleopode; -cnihturn; Eart [for lst Ert]; on-bidan. CHAP. VII.] 75 I gecerdon -aWe gesended woeron to ham 4' hus gemoeton Sone esne sere un-hal woes hal 10 *Et reuersi qui missi fuerant domum inueniunt seruum qui languerat sanum * 66. u. mnt. ixui.: aworden wses oefter;on foerde on ceastre );iu is geneinned naim I eadon miR hine 11 *Et factum est inceps ibat in ciuitatem quae uocatur naim et ibant cum illo XXU. 67. x. Segnas his J folc monigo miS ~y sonne geneolecte to durum ceastres 7 heono discipuli eius et turba copiosa 12 cum autem apropinquaret portae ciuitatis et ecce dead woes ferende sunu ancende moderes his 5 Sios widua wes I folco ceastres monig defunctus efferebatur filius unicus matris suae et haec uidua erat et turba ciuitatis multa mi-s hia -f ilca mitsy gesege se drihten miS milt-heortnise gecerred ofer hia cnoes hir to cum illa 13 quam cum uidisset dominus misericordia motus super ea dixit illi nselle iu woepa I geneolecde I hran - ceiste -6a uutedlice ta-e beron stodon J noli flere 14 et accessit et tetigit loculum hi autem qui portabant steterunt et cuoe0 esne -;e ic cuoebo aris I eft-ssett aras seSe woes dead 1 ongann ait adulescens tibi dico surge 15 et resedit qui fuerat mortuus et cepit spreca 1 salde hine moeder his ondfeng uutedlice alle ondo: wundradon god loqui et dedit illum matri suae 16 accepit autem omnes timor et magnificabant deum cuoedon fte witga micel aras in us 7 forSon god sohte folc his dicentes quia propheta magnus surrexit in nobis et quia deus uisitauit plebem suam J eode foerde -is word on all iudea I all ymb - lond 17 *Et exiit hic sermo in uniuersam iudaeam et omnem circa regionem 18 tEt * 68. x. +69. u. m t. cii. s&egdon iohanne Segnas his of allum &pem J efne-geceigde tuoge from Segnum nuntiauerunt iohanni discipuli eius de omnibus his 19 *Et con-uocauit duos de discipulis: xxuI. his iohannes J sende to drihtne cuoe's -u ar 4 arS -u sere tocymnende woes 4 ar- T oder suis iohannes et misit ad dominum dicens tu eds qui uenturus ds an alium we abide; expectamus [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] K 2 '76 [LUKEo 20 Da hig to him comun Pus hig cwsed- 20 Da hyo to him comen pus hyo cwae56on. Iohannes se fulluhtere us sende to ]e en. Iohannes se fulluhtere us sende to 7 pus cwe'6; Eart pu 6e to cumenne eart pe 7 pus cwe>e. Ert pu pe to cumene ert. pe we sculon o6res onbidan; pe we sculon o6res on-bidan. 21 So'lice on ]Pere tide he ge-haelde 21 So'lice on pare tide he ge-haelde manega of adlum. ge of witum 3 of yfelum manege of adlen. ge of witen. 1 of yfele gastum. J manegum blindum he ge-sihpe gasten. 3 manegen blinden he ge-sihpe forgeaf; for-gef. 22 Da cwsep se haelend; Farap: cypa6 22 pa cwse se helend. Fare~6 end kydiohanne pa 6ing pe ge ge-sawon J ge-hyrdon; a6 Iohanne pa ping pe ge ge-seagen 7 ge1p blinde geseo; I healte gap. hreoflan synt hyrden. 1 blinde ge-seo6. 3 healte. gab. gehaelede. deafe gehyra6. deade arisap. hrefle synde ge-helde. deafe ge-here6. pearfan bodia6. deade arise., pmerfen bodiaS. 23 7 eadig ys swa hwylc swa ne-by; on 23 7 eadige beo& swa hwilc swa ne me ge-untrywsud; beo6 on me ge-untreowsod. 24 And pa pa iohannes serend-dracan 24 And pa pa iohannes arend-dracan ferdon. pa cwae'6 se haalend to pam folce ferdon; pa cwmea se hselend to pain folce be lohanne; HIwi ferde ge on westene be Iohanne. hwi ferde ge on westene gegeseon 15 hreod pe bye6 mid winde astyred; seon f reod pe bier5 mid winde astyred. 25 Ac hwi ferde ge to seonne pone man 25 Ac hwi ferde ge. to ge-seonne panne mid hnescum reafumrnLgescryddne; pa &e man mid hnescan reafen ge-scyrdne. pa synt on deorwurpum reafe 7 on estum; pe sende on deorwur6Se reafe 3 on esten. 26 Ac hwi ferde ge Psene witegan geseon. 26 Ac hwi ferde ge panne witegan gewitodlice ic eow secge he is mara ponne seon witodlice ich eow segge he ys mare witega; panne witega. 27 Des is be pamn pe awriten is. nu ic 27 pes is be pam pe awriten 1s. nu ich asende minne engel beforan tine ansyne. asende minne sengel be-foran pine ansyene; se:ge-gearwa6 pinne weg beforan pe. se ge-gerewed pinne weig be-foran pe. 28,oplice ic eow secge. nis betwix 28,o;6ice ich eow segge nis be-tweox wifa bearnum nan mserra witega wife bearnen nan mare witegen. ponne iohannes se fulluhtere; Se pe is lsessa panne iohannes se fulluhtere. Se pe ys on godes rice. se is his mara. laesse on godes rice; se is his mare; Various Readings. Various Readings. 20. A. comon. A. eart hwoe-er Pe we o;res sceolon. 20. cwe$; Eart; eart. 21. manega; adlum; witum; 21. C. om. J before manegum. 22. A. synd. 23. A. yfelum gastum; manegurn blindum; for-geaf. 22. FaraS ge-untreowsod; B. C. ge-untreowsud. 24. A. A. ren- cyaS; R on.. ge; ge-sawon; ge-hyrdon; gae~5; synt dracan. A. hwiig ferdon. A. westenne. 25. A. hwig. ge-hale; ge-hyra; a-risa; perfan. 23. eag by bys; ge-untreowsed. 24. aerind-; biW. 25. ponne; A. B. 0. ge-seonne. A. B. C. gescrydne. A. synd. A. hnescun reafum ge-scrydne; synt; estum. 26. ponne; deorwyrSum. A. B. 0. all end the verse at estum. ic; mara. 27. ic; ansyne; ge-gearvwe; weg. 28. bi26. A. hwig. A. pone. 28. A. betweox. A. mara. twux wifa bearnum; merra witega ponne; mara. rfor nuerra. CHAP. VII. 77 mi-;~y uutedlice gecuomon to him wmeras cuoedon iohannes sende usih to ~e 20 cum autem uenissent ad eum uiri dixerunt iohannis baptista misit nos ad te cuoeSende su ar'S se-Se tocymende wees4 ar-S T oSer ~ we abidas in -sailca Sonne tid lecnade dicens t s & qui uenturus es an alium expectamus 21 in ipsa autem hora curauit monigo of adlum J teissum t cualmunm J of gastum yflum, blindum monigum salde gesihse multos a languoribus et plagis et spiritibus malis et caecis multis donauit uisum J ondsuarede cuoe6s to him geongas ssegcas iohanne ia Sing gie gesego 7 gie herdon -te blindo 22 et respondens dixit illis euntes nuntiate iohanni quae uidistis et audistis quia caeci gesea-s halto geonge; hreafo geclsensad aronTsint deafo geheraM deado arisaS -orfendo uident claudi ambulant leprosi miundantur surdi audiunt mortui resurgunt pauperes hia bodage-; I eadig is suahuele sese ne bi-s geondspurnad on mec I euangelizantur 23 et beatus est quicumque non fuerit scandalizatus in me 24 et mi-S'sy from-foerdon erendwreco iohannes ongann cuoesa of iohanne to Sem hergum ymb hused kforhuon cumr discessissent nuntii iohannis coepit dicere de iohanne ad turbas quid foerdongie on woestern gesea hread 4gerd fron wind gecerred ah forhon foerdegie gesea existis in desertum uidere harundinem uento moueri 25 sed quid existis uidere monno hnescum gewoedum gegearuad heono sense In woede diorwyr-Se sint 7 in hominem mollibus uestimentis indutum Ecce qui in ueste pretiosa sunt et deliciis in huso cyninga sint ah ymb humed foerdongie gesea4 to sceawnne witgo uutedlice ic cuoeJo domibus regum sunt 26 sed quid existis uidere prophetam utique dico iuh I forisor son witge'Sis is of Son awritten is 4wses heono ic sendo engel uobis et plus quam prophetam 27 *Hic est de quo scribtum est ecce mitto angelum * 70. ii. mt. ciii. mr. i. min fore onsione iin sese fore-gearwa-e weg Sin fore -ec ic cuoeto forson iuh mara meum ante faciem tuam qui praeparabit uiam tuam ante te 28 *Dico enim uobis maior * 71. u. mt. ciii[i]. bituih sunvm wifa witge fromn iohanne ne senig is -sem Se sonne leasa is in ric inter natos mulierum propheta iohanne baptista nemo est cui autem minor est in regno godes mara is him 4' Isem dei maior est illo [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 78 [LUKE. 29 J eall fole jis gehyrende sundor-halgan 29 1 eall fole his herende sunder-halgen god heredon 7 gefullede on iohannes ful- god heredon I ge-fullode on Iohannes luhte; ffilluhte. 30 Soplice J7a sundor-halgan I pa 3i- 30 So'lice pa suider-halgen J Ja lagegleawan forhogodon poes helendes ge- gleawen for-hugedon pas hselendes ge-Poht p eaht on hixm sylfon. na fram tpam hoelende on heom sylfen na fram pam heelende gegefullode; fullode. 31 Hwain telle ic gelice pisse cneorisse 31 Hwan telle ic ge-lic peosse cneorisse men. J h[w]am synt hi gelice; men. 3 hwam synde hi"* ge-lice. *hi added 32 Hi synt gelice cildum on stra3te sit- 32 Hyo synde gelice cylden on strete above the line. tendunm 7 specendum betwux him 3 cwe6- sittende ) sprecende be-tweox heom. 1 endum; We sungon eow be hearpan. 7 cwae6ende. We sungen eow be harpen. 7 ge ne saltudun. we heofdun I ge ne weop- ge ne salteredon. we heofoden 7 ge ne un; weopen. 33 Soplice iohannes c6m se fulluhtere 33 Sol6ice lohannes corn se fulluhtere hlaf ne &tende ne win drincende. ge hlaf ne etende ne win drinkende. 3 ge cwet6a6. deofol-seocnysse he heft; cweted. deofel-seocnysse he haf6. 34 Mannes sunu c6m. etende' drine- 34 Mannes sune com etende 9 drinkende.' ge cwepa~5 pes man is swelgend ende. 3 ge cwe6a>6 pes man ys swelgende win dringcende. man-fullra and synfulra' win drinkende. manfulra 3 senfulre freond; freond. 35 And wisdom is geriht-wisud on eallumr 35 And wisdom is ge-rihtwised on eallen his bearnunz; his bearnen. Dis god-spel 36 a bsed hine sum of Pamz sundor- 36 A baed sum hine of panm sunder-.ymbre~e in- J halgunm f he mid him ate. Sa halgen Jf he mid hym rete. pa nabn hisrfaste. a on frige-adg. eode he into ptes fariseiscah huise 3 geset; eode he in-to pas fariseiscen huse 7 ge-sset. Rogabat 37 And pa fj wif pe wses on p2ere ceas- 37 And pa pcet wif pe wses on pare tre synfull. Ja heo on-cneow - he saet on ceastre synful pa hy on-cneow pAet he sset jces fariseus hUse. heo brohte hyre sealf- on pas farisees huse. hyo brobhte hire box. sealfe-box. 38 7 st6d wi'6-seftan his fet. 7 ongan 38 3 stod wi6S-eften his fet. 7 on-gan mid byre tearum hys fet Pwean. 3 drigde mid hire tearen his fet pwean.' dreide mid hyre heafdes fexe.' cyste hys fet 3 mid hire heafdes fexe. 7 kyste hys fet. mid sealfe smyrede;' mid sealfe smerede. Various Readings. Various Readings. 29. A. eal. A. sunder-. A. ge-fullode. C. om. ol. 29. sundor-halgan. 30. sundor-halgan; ae-gleawan 30. A. sunder-. A. forhogedon. A. sylfum. 31. A. for-hogodon; ge-peaht; sylfum. 31. pisse; heom [for C. hwam; but Corpus MS. and B. have ham, A. synd hwain]; sint. 32. synt; cildum; strete; specende hig. 32. A. hig synd. A. sprecendum. A, betweox. A. sealtedon (with & non saltastis above it). A. heofdon. cweSendum; sungon; hearpan; saltedon; heofodon; A. weopon. 33. A. etende; C. etende. A. deofel- weopan. 33. drincende; cwei;as deofol-. 34. drincseocnyssa. 34. A. dryncende; B. C. drinceende [2d ende; swelgend; drincende; synfulra, 35. ge-rihttimne]. A. C. manfulra; B. mdnfulra. 35. A. geryht- wisd; el; bearnm. 6. sundor-hlgum; ete; wysod. 36. A. sunder-. 37. A. synful. A. ge oncneow (with ge underlined). 38. C. omits from phariseiscen. 37. synfull; heo; phariseus; heo. 38. tearum to drigde mlid hyre. B. C. feaxe. wid-eftan; tearum; drihgde; cyste. CHAP. VII.] 79 J all folc geherde 3 bgersynnig geso —foestadon god weron gefulwad mi-S fulwiht 29 *Et omnis populus audiens et publicani iusticauerunt deum baptizati baptismo *72. x. iohannes Zsa aeldo tonne J ees wuto -soehtung godes teldon on him seolfum iohannis 30 pharisaei autem et legis periti consilium dei spreuerunt in semetipsos /, ne woeron gefulwad from him huemr forSon ongelic ic cuoeso menn cneoreses -;isses I non baptizati ab eo 31 *Cui ergo similes dicam homines generationis huius et *73. u. mt. cuii. husem ongelic sint ongelic sint cnaehtum sittendum' on spree 7 sprecendure bituih' cui similes sunt 32 similes sunt pueris sedentibus in foro et loquentibus adinuicem et cuoesendum we gesungun ituih mii hwistluzm I ne plaegade gie we hond-beafton 3 ne wmepde gie dicentibus cantauilnus uobis tibiis et non saltastis.lamentauimus et non plorastis cuonm for-Son iohannes ne ete - hlaf ne drincaS win I gie cuoe6Sas 33 uenit enim Johannes baptista neque manducans panem neque bibens uinum et dicitis diowl hmefeS cuom sunu monnes ete-S V drinca-S J gie cuoeO;a6S heono dmemonium habet 34 uenit filius hominis manducans et bibens et dicitis ecce monn ettere 7 drincaS - win freond boersynigra 3 synnfullra homo deuorator et bibens uinum amicus publicanorum et peccatorum 35 et gesosfsestad wses mi- snytro from allume sunum his gebaed $a hine sum from iustificata est sapientia ab omnibus filiis suis 36 *Rogabat autem illum quidam de *xxuII. 74. i. mt. cclxxui. aelde-uutum ]-te geete miiS hine 9 infoerde hus gehlionade J heono mr. clniii. pharisaeis ut manducaret cum illo et ingressus domum pharisaei discubuit, 37 et ecce io. xeuiii. wif Bio wmes in ceastra port-cuoene synnfu1 -pte ongaet pte hlionade in hus mulier quae erat in ciuitate peccatrix ut cognouit quod accubuit in domo pharisaei t6-brohte oele-fset full smirinise J stod bihianda met fotum his miS tmoherum-ntearumq attulit. alabastrum ungenti 38 et stans retro secus pedes eius lacrimis ongann geisuoa-a-soa foet his J miS herum heafdes hirme gedrygde J gecyste foet his. coepit rigare pedes eius et capillis capitis sui tergebat et osculabatur pedes eius et miR smirinise asuoh ungento ungebat [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 80 [LUKE. 39 Da se sundor-halga pe hyne ingela>6- 39 Da se sunder-halge Pe hine in-la6ede ode f geseah. he cwep on hys gepance; PIet ge-seah; he cwe3'6 on his ge-pance. Gyf pe man witega weere. witodlice he Gif pes man witege waere. witodlice he wiste hwoet. 3 hwylc pis wif w re pe his wiste hwaet 3 hwilc paet wif weere pe his wet-hrinp J heo synful is; set-rind. ]aet hyo synful is. 40 Da cwcee se haelend him andswarien- 40 Da cwse> se hoelend him andswerde; Symon ic hlebbe pe to secgenne sum iende. Simon ich haebbe Pe to seggene sum >6ing; pa cwase he. lareow sege ~enne; Ping. Da cw. he. Lareow sege panne. 41 Twegen gafol-gyldon waron sumum 41 Twegen gafel-gyldon wseren sumen lhenende.'an sceolde fif hund penega. I lamnende; J scolde fif hund panege se an. o>6er fiftig; J se o"er fiftig. 42 Da hig namfdon hwanon hi hyt aguld- 42 Da hyo nsefden mid hwy hyo hit on. he hit him bam forgef; Hwseper agulden. he hit heoni bam for-gef. hwalufode hyne swy6or; der lufede hine swi6re. 43 pa andswarode simon. ic wene. se 43 Da andswerede symon ic wene. se'6e he mare forgef. Da cwoe6 he rihte. pu pe he mare for-gef. Da cwaee6 he rihte pu demdest; demdest. 44 pa be-wende he hyne to pam wife. T 44 Da be-wende he hine to pam wife. J saede simone; Ge-syhst tu pis wif ic eode smegde symone. Ge-syhst pu Pis wif; ich into kinum huse ne sealdest pu me wetan eode in-to Pinen huse. ne gefe pu me waetto minumn f6tum; Deos mid hyre tearum er to minen foten. peos mid hire tearen mine fet pw6h. 3 mid hyre loccum drigde; mine fet pweag. I mid hire locken dreide. 45 Coss pu me ne sealdest. peos sy5S&6an 45 Cos pu me ne gefe. peos se>S6e ich ic in-eode. ne ge-swac fJ heo mine fet ne inn eode ne ge-swac pabt hyo mine fet ne cyste; kyste. 46 Min heafod pu mid ele ne smyredest. 46 Min heafed pu mid ele ne smeredest. peos smyrede mid sealfe mine fet; p eos smerede mid sealfe mine fet. 47 For-pam ic secge pe. hyre synt man- 47 For pam ich segge pe; hyre synde ega sinna forgyfene. for-pam heo me swy>6e manege synne for-gefene. for pan Jpe hio lufode; Laesse lufa6 panm >Se lsesse forgyfen me swi6Se lufede. l]esse lufod pam pe ]esse ys; for-gyfen is. 48 pa cwsep he to hyre. pe synt pine 48 Da cw&e6 he to hire. 6e synde pine synna for-gyfenne; senne for-gefene. Various Readings. Various Readings. 39. A. sunder-. A. ge-seh. A. pes man. 40. A. 39. sundor-halga; inl-lSeSede; witega ware; xet-rin-; Jswarigencde. A. secganne. C. svege. A. Ponne. 41. sinfull. 40. andswerigende; ic habbe; seggenne; jonne. 41. waeron sumurn; an [for 7 before scolde]; penega; R. A. -gyldan. 42. A. hyg. A. for-geaf. A. lufede. 43. om. se an; R. om. se before o-er. 42. nmefdon; hwanon A. for-geaf. 44. A. waeter; B. woeten. 47. A. synd. [for mid hwy]; aguldon; for-geaf; hwa~er lufode; swy-or. 43. andswarode; for-geaf. 44. ic; I inum; seldest [for 48. A. synd. A. forgyfene. gefe]; weten; minum fotum; jpwoh; loccum drigde. 45. Coss; sealdest [for gefe]; syan ic in; heo; cyste. 46. heafod; hole; smyredest; smyrede. 47. ic; manega sine for-gyfene; lufode; lufa~. 48, sint; sinne for-gyfene. CHAP. VII. 81 gesmeh ~a se alda-wuta seSe ge-ceigde hine cuoeS bituih him cuoeS Ses gif Were 39 uidens autem pharisaeus qui uocauerat eum ait intra se dicens hic si esset witge wiste uutedlice i. sailca: hulic wif were Sio gehrineS him ite port-cuoene is propheta sciret utique quae- et qualis mulier esset quae tangit eum quia peccatrix est I onduearde se heelend cuoeS to him 4 sem ic hafo Be huot-huoego to cuoedanne soS he 40 et respondens iesus dixit ad illum simon habeo tibi aliquid dicere at Mile cuoeS laruu cuoeS tuoege scyldgo woeron sume rice menn an ahte to geldanne ait magrister dic 41 duo debitores erant cuidam feneratori unus debebat' penningas fif hand oSer fif-teih ne hoebbendum;em huona guldon forgaef "denarios quingentos alius quinquagenta 42 non habentibus illis unde redderent donauit him baem -4 egh;er huelc forson hine for;or lufade geondsuarede cuoeS ic woeno 9rte utrisque quis ergo eum plus diliget 43 respondens simon dixit aestimo quia of;isnm 8sem forsor4 mara forgaef sos he cuoeS him rehte;u doemdest I ymb-woerlde to his cui plus -donauit at ille dixit ei recte iutdicasti 44 et conuersus ad ~em wife cuoes to simon gesiistsu Sios wif ic infoerde in hus Sin -5 wAeter fotum minurn mulierem dixit simoni uides hanc mulierem intraui in domum tuam aquam pedibus meis ne saldest Su Sios uutedlice mis tearum T tehrum atuoh foet mine J mi; herum hire geclaensade non dedisti haec autem lacrimis rigauit pedes meos et capillis suis tersit coss me ne saldest;u;ios uutedlice of Son 4 si-$a in ic foerde ne blann cossetunges T foeta 45 osculum mihi non dedisti haec autem ex quo intraui non cessauit' osculari pedes mine miS smirinise heafod min ne ge-';uoge Su Sios uutedlice miS smirenise aduogh foet mrin meos 46 oleo capud meum non unxisti haec autem ungento unxit pedes meos foreon ic cuoeSo Se forgefen bison hirae synno menigo for'on lufade sui e4 feolo.celm 47 propter quod dico tibi remittentur ei peccata multa quoniam dilexit multum cui uutedlice lyttel biS forgefen lyttel lufad 4 lufade cuoeS.Sa to tarr ilca forgefen bison SBe autemn minus dimittitur minus diligit 48 dixit autem ad illanm remittuntur tibi synna peccata [tight leaves lost in the'Rushworth MS.] 82 [LUKE. 49 Da begunnon p~a 6e par seeton betwux 49 pa be-gunnen pa pe fper seeten be-twux him cwefan;' Hwet is pes pe manna synna heom cweten. hwaet is pes pe manne synforgyf6; ne for-gyfS. 50 Da cwsep he to pamr wife. pin ge- 50 pa cwse; he to pan wife. Pin geleafa pe dyde hMle ga nui on sybbe; leafe pe dyde hal ga nu on sibbe. CHAPTER VIII. CHAPTER VIII. y'66an woes geworden p he ferde I y6>6on wes ge-worien Pfet he ferde purh pa ceastre 7 f castel. godes. purh Pa ceastren. 7 pa ceastle rice prediciende 7 bodiende. 3 hi twelfe godes rice predikende I bodiende. I hyo mid [hym] twelf mide. 2 And sume wif pe wseron gehbelede of 2 And sume wif pe wseren ge-helde of awyrgdurn gasturm. 7 untrum-nessulm. seo awweregeden gasten 7 untrumnyssen. sye magdalenisce marila of peere seofan deoflu magdalenisce Marie of pare seofan deofle ut-eodon. ut-eoden. 3 7 iohanna chuzan wif herodes gerefan. 3 7 iohann chuzan wif herodes ge-refen; 1 susanna: manega o6re pe him of hyra ] susanna I manega opre Pe him of hyra spedun penedon; spede penedon. 4 Soflice pa mycel menegeo com I of 4 So6Slice pa mycel manige com 3 of pa pam ceastrum to him efstun. he saede him ceastren to hym efstum (sic); he saigde an big-spel; heom an bispel. 5 Sum man his sed seow. pa he f seow 5 Sum man hys soed seow. pa he poet sum feoll wi6 pene weg 7 wear6 for-treden. seow sum feoll wi6 panne weig ] war>6 forJ heofones fugulas hyt fraeton; treden. I heofene fugeles hit frseton. 6 And sum feoll ofer psene stan 7 hit for- 6 And sum feoll ofer panne stan 7 hit scranc forpam pe hit watan nsefde; for-scranc for-pam-pe hyt wseten nsefde. 7 U sum feoll on Pa pornas. J pa pornas 7 7 sum feol on pa pornas; i pa pornes hyt forprysmodon; hit for-prysmeden. 8 And sum feoll on g6de eor6an. ] 8 And sum feoll on gode eorpan. ) worhte hund-fealde wses[t]m; pa clypode worhte hund-fealddne wsestme. pa clypede he. 7 cwe>6; Ge-hyre se &S earan hsebbe; he ] cwSee. Ge-here se pe earen hsbbe. 9 Da ahsodon hine hys leorning-cnihtas 9 pa axseden hine hys leorning-cnihtes hwEet J bigspel waere; hwoet p bispel waere. Various Readings. - Various Readings. 49. A. paser. A. be-tweox. 49. begunnon; sseton; cwe'san., 50. pamn. Cap. viii. 1. A. predeciende; B. sprediciende (with s Cap. viii. 1. cestle; predicende; bodigende. 2. woeron erased); C. spreende (sic). A. bodigende. A. big. A. ge-hkelde; awirgdum gastumn; untrumnyssum; seo madainserts hym, which B. C. omit. 2. A. awyrgedum. lenisce maria; ut-eodon. 3. ge-refan; moenega; speA. seofen; B. C. seofon. 4. A. A. menigeo. 5. C. dum. 4. imenegeo; pamn ceastrom; efstum [as in H.]; feol. A. pone. -A. heofenes fugelas. 6. B. C. feol. seede; big-spel. 5. Ponne; wearS; heofones. 6. A. pone. 7. B.C. feol. 8. C. feol. A.B. hundfealdne. 2End; feol; psenne; weetan. 7.' Sornas [2nd timen]; A. B. C. wsestm. 9. A. acsodon. for-srysemedon. 8. lEnd; hund-fealdne; earan. 9. assoden; -cnihtas; big-spel. CHAP. VII.] 83: ongunnon ~a;e mi Se tgeadre hliongende woeron gecuoe6a betuih him humet is;ses sere 49 et coeperunt qui simul discumbebant dicere intra se quis est hic qui frestlice synna forgefe-; cuoes;a to -sem wife geleafo tin teh hal dyde gaa etiam peccata dimittit 50 dixit autem ad mulierem fides tua t6 saluam fecit nade in sibbe in pace CAP. VIII. I aworden wes refter son J he geong dyde;erh ceastra I woere bodade I *Et factum est deinceps et ipse iter faciebat per ciuitatem et castellum praedicans* XXUIIIJ 75. x. I godspellade ric godes J tuoelfo miS hine - 8sa wifo o~Sro -sa ~e woeron et euangelizans regnum dei et duodecim cum illo 2 et mulieres alique quae erant gehaeled from gastum. wohfullum T yflum 4unrehtwisum J from untrymnisum $io is geceiged magdacuratae ab spiritibus malignis et infirmitatibus maria quae uocatur magdalenesca of -ier diowlas seofo of-foerdon 9 wif chuzes lene de qua demonia septem exierant 3 et iohanna uxor chuza procuratoris herodis et J oiero menigo -sa -se embehtadon ZSoem of strionum hiora mi$sy Sonlne susanna et aliae multae quae ministrabant eis de facultatibus suis 4 *Cum auten * 76. ii. mt. cxxxi. mr. xxxuIi. treat menigo efne-cuome of ceastrum geneolecdon to him cuoes Iserh onlicnese 4' bisene turba plurima conueniret de ciuitatibus properarent ad eum dixit per similitudinem eade sese sawe8 to sawenne sed his J mitMy saweS oier feall neh. wvege 3 5 exit qui seminat seminare semen suum et dum seminat aliud cecidit secus uiam et ge-treden wses flegendo heofnes gefreten ] I oSer feall ofer stan Y conculcatum est et uol-ucres caeli comederunt illu'd 6 et aliud cecidit supra petram et -f brord 4' awisnade 4' fordrugade for'Son ne hsebde wetnise I oser gefeall aet Sornum 3 natum aruit quia non habebat umorem 7 et aliud cecidit secus spinas et ongelic arison tornas under-dulfon- fordydon I J o-Ser feoll on eor;So god i simul exortae spinae suffocauerunt illud 8 et aliud cecidit in terram bonam et uphebbing dyde wsestm hunteantig sisa monigfald ~tas cuoeSende ceigde seSe hrefe; earo hernises ortuinm fecit fructum centumplum haec dicens clamabat qui habet aures audiendi gehera$ gefrugnon; a hine -;egnas his huwet woere'sio biseno audiat 9 interrogabant autem eum discipuli eius quae esset parabola [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] L 84 [LUrE. 10 pa cwse>6 he eow is geseald 5 ge witun 10 Da cwae3; he eow is ge-seald f ge godes rices geryne. I o06rum on big-spellum. witen godes rices ge-ryne. 3 otSren on biP hi geseonde ne geseon. J gehyrende ne spellen paet hyo ge-seonde ne ge-seagen 3 ongyton; ge-hyrende ne on-geoton. 11 So>6lice ]is is f bigspell. ~ ssed ys 11 So61ice kis is Pset bispell. paet sfed godes word. is godes word. 12 ]Pa,e synt wiS psene weg. f synt pa 12 pa pe synd wits panne weig. paet pe gehyra6. sy6San se deofol cymP. I synde pa pe ge-hyred. seoN5en se deofel oet-bryt j w6rd of hyra heortan f big purh kym6 and mt-briht f word. of heora pone geleafan h'le ne ge-wur6a6; heortan PLoet hio purh pane ge-leafen hale ne ge-wur6a6. 13 tDa Be synt ofer PiOne stanll a f w6rd 113 pa pe sinde ofer panne stan; pa paet mlid gefean onfoS. 1 pa nabba'8 wyrt- word mid ge-fean on-fob. I pa naebbed ruman forpan, pe hi hwilumn gelyfa6. 7 wertrumen for-pan-pe hyo hwilon ge-leafen awaciai on Jere costnunge timan; and awakie>6 on pare costnunge timen. 14 DAet ssed Pe feoll on Pa ";ornas f synt 14 pAet sae6 f feoll on pa pornes poet pa 6e gehyrap. I of carum J of welumn of synde pa pe ge-hered. I of caren 7 of welen lustumn Piss lifes synt for-prysmede. I J of luston pys lifes synde for-prysmede 7 nanne wsestm ne bringa6; nsenne wsestme ne bringer. 15 ~ feoll on >6a godan eor~an. f synt 15 paet feoll on pa goden eor"an. p pa 6e on godre I on selestre heortan ge- synde pa pe on godere I on selestre heortan hyrende P word healda6 I wsestm on ge- ge-herende f word healde; send weestme pylde bringa>6; on ge-pilde bringed. 16 N e ofer-wrih6 nan man mid faete 16'S e ofer-werc&6 nan man mid frete 15 his on-aelede leoht-ftet. of'6e 1 his on-selde leoht-faet; of6e under bedd asett. ac ofer candel-stef asett. under beo6 aset. ac ofer candel-stef asett. 1 6a in-gangendan leoht geseon; Jset pa ingangende paet leoht ge-seon. 17 SoSlice nis nan tinag digle ~ ne sy 17 SoSlice nis nan ping swa dygele paet geswutelod. ne behydd. f ne sy cup. J ne seo ge-swutelod. ne be-hy;6~; pj3t ne open; syo cu>6. 7 open. 18 Warnia6 hu ge ge-hyran. pam bys I 18 Warnia hu ge ge-hyren; pam beod geseald &e hef'S. I swa hwylc swa neefmt 1 ge-seald 6e haefe&S. swa hwile pe nmefesS he wene 1 he haebbe. him byS afyrred; / he wene 1 he haebbe him beo6 afirred. Various Readings. Various Readings. lo. A. wyton. A. hig. 11. A. bigspel. 12. A. synd. 10. witon; o3Srum; bi-spellumni; geseode (sic); ge-seon; A. pone. A. synd. A. om. se. A. heora. B. C. hi. A. ge- ne ge on-gyton (sic). 12. synt; psene; synt; ge-hyra; si' —pan; deofol cymrn; avt-brigt; hyra; hy; ponne weor-~on. 13. A. synd. A. pone. A. hg. B. C. ge-leafan. 13. sint; nabba!S wrytruman (sic); pam; costunge. C. timat (sic). 14. A. synd. A. pyses. hwilum geleafa-s J awacia-S; timan. 14. pe [for -f]; A. synd forprysmode. A. nenne. 15. B. C. feol. pornas; sint; ge-hyraS; carurn; welum; piss; synt A. synd. 16. A. places myd faete after leoht-fset. for-prysemede; bringe. 16. -wryhis; bedy aseyt; -staef; ingangenden. 17. R. obitys swa; dygle; syo; A. ore. under. A. aset (twice). 7. A. sig (twice). hb-hvddl; sy. 18. g.e-hyra.n; by..; h1f,,; 1 lf.; bi,. CHAR. VIII.] 85 -s6em he cuoe'S iuh gesald is to wuttanne 4' -P gie witte chlene ryne 4 assegdnise rices 10 quibus ipse dixit uobis datum est nosse mlysterium regni godes oMrum uutedlice in geddungum -Pte gesegon ne geseaS ] geherdon ne on-cnaueS dei *Ceteris autem in parabolis ut uidentes non uideant et audientes non intellegant 77. i. mt. cxxxiii. mr. xxxiii. is Nonne 8ios bisseno sed is word godes se;e uutedlice et woeg sint io. cuiiii. 11 *Est auten haec parabola semen est uerbum dei 12 qui autem secus uiam sunt * 78. ii. mt. cxxxu. mr. xxxuhii. -a;e gehera- sefter Mon cuom se diowl ] genom - word of heorta hiora ne gelefas jfte hal qui audiunt deinde uenit diabolus et tollit uerbum de corde eorum ne credentes salui hia g[e]wor-Sa forson se'6e onufa stan iSa -be miS6y gehera% mini gefea -t glmdnise onfoas fiant 13 namn qui supra petram qui cum audierunt cum gaudio suscipiunt word J Mas wyrtruma ne habbaMs iae to tid 4' to huil gelefa- J- in tid costunges uerbum et hi radicem non1 habent qui ad teinpus credunt et in tempore temtationis hia fearrages 4 fleas Pte uutedlice in lornum gefeall -;as sindon a';e geherdon J mi; gemnissulm recedunt 14 quod autem in spinis cecidit hi sunt qui audierunt et sollicitudinibus 1 walum J willum lifes mi-s6sy geongas under-dolfen biSon J ne eft-brenges wiestin et diuitis et uoluptatibus uitae euntes suffocantur et non referunt fructum ]fte uutedlice on god eoiro';as sint Base In herte god? gecoren geherdon word 15 quod autemn in bonam terrani hi sunt qui in corde bono et optimo audientes uerbum haldas ] wrestin brengas in ge-yld ne menig monn Sonne leht-fmet4'mecilla mis'6sy ge-bernes retinent et fructum afferunt in patientia 16 *Nemo autenm lucernam accendens * xxuIIII. 79. ii. awria -sailca mi's fatte T under bedd sette ah onufa leht-isrn sette fte in-geongandekinfrerende mt- xxxii operit earn uase aut subtus lectum ponit sed supra candelabrum ponit ut intrantes mr. XXX111. hia gesea - leht ne fordon is degle 1te ne bis ind-eawad ne gehyded Tfoi-holen uideant lumen 17 "Non enim est occultum quod non manifestetur nec absconditum *so.ii. mt. xcii. fPte ne on-cnauen T ongetten bid J on eawung cymed gesea; forton huu ge g[e]herdon mi xl quod non cognoscatur et in palam ueniat 18 *Uidete ergo quomodo auditis * 8s. u. mt. cxxxii. isete for'Son hsefes gesald bis him i sua hua serse ne hmefeS uutedlice -pte woenes hine' he hIebbe qui enim habet dabitur illi et. quicumque non habet etiam quod putat se habere genumen bi-s from himi4s'em auferetur ab illo [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 86 C[LK1E. 19 His modor I his gebro6ru. him to 19 Hys moder I his ge-bro're him to comun J hi ne mihton hine for Paere menegu comen.' hio ne mihte hine for rare mageneosian; nige ge-neoh-sian. 20 pa waes him gecy6ed. Pin modor 7 20 pa woes him ge-cyde6. Din moder 1 pine gebro>Sru standac her uite. wyllaS5 pe pine ge-brodre stander6 her ute wille'6 pe geseon; ge-seon. 21 pa cwieS6 he to him. min modor and 21 pa cwaed he to heom. rmin moder ) mine gebroSru synt pa;e gehyra>6 I do~6 mine ge-brodre synde pa pe ge-hire6 7 godes word; do5 godes word. 22 So6lice anum dmege wses geworden 22 So;lice anen daige waes ge-wor'en a he on scyp eode I his leorning- ka ke he on scyp eode. I his cnihtas. pa cwep he to him; Utun seglian leorning-cnihtes; Pa cwaed he to heom. ofer pisne mere. 1 big seglydan Pa; Vton seiglien ofer pisne mere. I hyo segledon pa. 23 pa big reowun. pa slep he; Da com 23 pa pe hyo reowan Pa slep he. pa com windi yst 1 hig forhtodon; windj east J hyo forteden. 24 pa genealkehton hig him to I cwOdon. 24 pa ge-nehlahten hyo him to' cwme6en hlaford. we forwur~a6; Da aras he I'6rea- hlaford we forwurSe&. IDa aras he 3 de kPene wind I pres weteres hreohnesse; preadde pane wind. I pas wreteres re6Da geswac se wind I wear6S mycel smylt- nysse. Da ge-swac se wind 1 waer6 mycel nes; smoltnysse. 25 Da cweJp se haelend hwar is eower 25 pa cwas6 se haelend hwmer is eower geleafa. Pa adredon big I wundredon I be- ge-leafe. pa andreddon hio I wundredon. twux him cwedon; Wenst pii hwoet is tes. end be-twuxe heom cwve;en. Wenst pu f he be-byt ge windum ge se. I hig him hwvet is pes. ptet he be-beot windon. 7 hyr-sumia'6; see; I hy him hersurmie6. 26 pa reowon big to gerasenorum rice. 26 Da reowen hy to gerasenorum rice. j is foran ongen galileam; j is foren on-gean galileam. 27 pa he to lande com. him agen arn 27 Da he to lande com; him agen arn sum man. se hbefde deofol-seocnesse lange sum man se hbefde deofel-seocnysse lange tide. 7 naes mid nanon reafe gescrydd. I tide. I nss mid nanen reafe ge-scrid. I ne mihte on huse gewunian ac on byrgen- ne mihte on huse ge-wunian ac on byreumn; genen. Various Readings. Various Readings. 19. A. moder. A. gebro-;ra. A. comnon. A. hig. A. 19. ge-bro-sra; coman; hy; Para menige ge-neosian. for Poere menigeo hyne. 20. A. moder. 21. A. 20. ge-cy-Sed; ge-bro-Sre. 21. cwcea; modor; brodra rm~oder. A. sSynd. 22. A. Uton. A. segledon; B. C. synt; ge-hyraqS. 22. anume; ge-worden; R. omits pe; -cnihtas; cwase; seglian; seglydon. 23. windci yst; seglydun. 23. A. reowon. A. wyndig. A. forhtedon. forhtoden. 24. ge-neahlahton; cwadon; forwursaS; 24. A. orn. to. A. for-weorIas. A. pone. A. hreohnysse. preade pmenne; wateres hrehnesse; wears; smiltnysse. A. smyltnys. 25. A. be-tweox. C. yrsumias. 26. B.C. 25. halend; geleafa; adreddon; J be-twux; cweeson; ge reow. A. on-gean. 27. A. on-gean. A. deofel-seocnyssa windum ge se; hyo; hyrsumiat. 26. reowan hyo; foran. 27. aege [for agen]; deofol-; nanon; gescrudd; B. C. deofol-seocnysse. A. nanumn. A. gescryd. byrgenum. CHAP. VIII.] 87 cuomon 8onne to him' -Tem moder. brosro his I ne mehton gecuma to him 19 *Uenerunt autem ad illum mater et fratres eius et non poterant adire ad eum * 82. ii. mt. XXXU. mr. xxxu. fore -aem here I asoegd woes him moder -Sin I bro-sro -;ine stonde-; uta wallas -;ec prae turba 20 et nuntiatum est illi mater tua et fratres tui stant foris uolentes td gesea sense ondsuarede cuoes to him' stem moder min I bro-Sro mine 5as sint -;ase word uidere 21 qui respondens dixit ad. eos mater mea et fratres mei hi sunt qui uerbum godes gehera$ J doa$ aworden wses Sa on in sara dagana I he astag on an dei audiunt et faciunt 22 *TFactum est autem in una dierum et ipse ascendit in una 83* XXX. mt. lXuiiii. scipp I -Segnas his I cuoe to him 4' to'em ofer-cearfa we 4' ofer j- luh 3 astigOn mr. xlii. nauicula et discipuli eius et ait ad illos transfretemus trans stagnum et ascenderunt hrowundurn 4Tmisty gehrowun Sonne Zsoem slepde I ofduna astag hrmes T windes on luh h 23 nauigantibus autem illis obdormiuit et descendit procella uenti in stagnum et woeron gefylled 4 7 woeron afryhtad 4 geneolecton uutedlice awoehton hine cuoe-ende 4' cwoedon complebantur et periclitabantur 24 accedentes autem suscitauerunt eum dicentes la haesere we losaia- so,'lice he aras ge-Sreade -s wind 3 hroe-snise 4unwoeder 36es waetres 7 geblann praeceptor perimus at ille surgens increpauit uentum et tempestatem aquae et cessauit? aworden was sio smyltnise cuoeds uutedlice aSem huoer is gehleafo iuera ta-se gee-ondredes awunet facta est tranquillitas 25 dixit autem illis ubi est fides uestra qui timentes midradon 4woeron Awundrad cuoedon bituih hua woenest -Su -;es is -te 9 windum hatter I rati sunt dicentes adinuicem quis putas hic est quia et uentis imperat et sae 9 ge-heras him Msona gelrewun isa to londe ~Sara lioda'Sio is mari et oboediunt ei 26 *ENauigauerunt autem ad regionem gerasenorum quae est * XXXI. fora ongoegn galilea I mi;;y fierende woere to londe to-goegnes arn him wer sum sense contra galilaeam 27 et cum egressus esset ad terrain occurrit illi uir quidam qui hlefde -Sone diowl faestlice tidum monigum I mi- woedo ne gegearuad waes ne in hus habebat daemonium iam temporibus multis et uestimento non induebatur neque in domo gewunade ah in byrgennum manebat sed in monumentis [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 88 [LUKE. 28 pa he geseah pene 6helend he a- 28 pa he ge-seah panne haelend he astrehte hyne to-foran him. I cwepj mycelre strehte hine to-foren him. cwse6e. michelere stefne hrymende; Hwset is me and pe. li stefne hremende. Hwmet is me I pe la haelhalend P]es hehstan godes sunu; Ie halsige end pas hehestan godes sune. Ic halsige Pe T ]u ne Sreage me; JPe Poet Pu ne 6reage me. 29 pa bead he Pam unclsenan gaste f he 29 pa bed he pamn unclenen gaste. }aet of 6am men ferde; Soplice lange tide he he of pam men ferde. So'lice lange tide hyne gegrap. I he Wases mid racenteagumn he hine grap J he woes mid raketeagen gegebunden J mid fot-copsum gehealden. I bunden I mid fot-copsen ge-healden. I totoborstenunm bendum he woes fram deofle on borstenen benden he waes fram deofle on westen geledd; dWesten ge-ledd. 30 D3a ahsode se haelend hine. hwmet is 30 Da axoden se helend hine hwmet is Pin nama; pa cwase he legio. JP is on ire pin name. Da cwae6 he legio; Poet is on gepeode eored. for-panm e manega deoflu on ure ge-peode eored; for-pan-pe manege hyne eodun; deofle on hine eodon. 31 pa bodon hig hine J5 he him ne bude 31 Da baeden hyo hine pset he heom ne p hi on grund ne bescuton; bude T hy on grund ne be-scuton. 32 And par woes mycel heord swyna 32 And peer woes mycel heord swine on on pam munte lsesiendra. pa bkedon hy pam munte lkesiendre. Da bkeden hio JPet J he lyfde him on pa g'n. pa lyfde he he lefde heom on pam gan; pa lefde he him. heom. 33 pa eodon hig of pam men on pa swyn. 7 33 pa eoden hyo of Pam menn on pa pa ferde seo heord myculum raese on ssene swin. pa ferde se heord michelen raese mere I wear8 par adruncen; on pane mere. 3 war6 ~per adruncen. 34 pa ~Sa hyrdas j gesawon ba flugon 34 pa Pa heorden fpet ge-seagen Ja hig I cyddon on pa ceastre I on tunum; flugen hyo I kyddan on pa ceastre I on pa tunan. 35 pa eodon hig uit hig gesawon 4'6ar 35 Da eoden hio ut JPet hyo ge-seagen 3 geworden woes. pa comon big to pam hEel- p}er ge-worSen wses. pa comen hyo to ende. pa fundon big SSene man pe deofol pam hbelende pa funden hyo panne man of eode gescryddne I halum mode aet his pe deofel of eode ge-scridne I halen mode fotum. I hig adredon him; aet his fote. I hyo adredden heom. 36 Da cyddon him pa >6e gesawon hu he 36 Da kyddan heom pa pe ge-seagen hu wses hal geworden of'6am eorede; he woes hal ge-worden of pam heorde. Various Readiizgs. Various Readings. 28. A. pone. A. stemne. 29. A. ge-led. 30. A. 28. Ponne halend; astrechte; to-foran; myceIere; hryacsode. A. leio. A. eodo. 3. A. hig (twice). B. C. mende; hehstan. 29. bead; unclhenum; racen-teagan; 31.. ig(twice). B.. fot-copsum; toborstenum bendunm. 30. asxode; nama; bescutun. 32. A. leswigende. A. hig. 33. A. manega deofla. 32. pd; lsesiendra; lyfde [lst time only]. 33. men; mycelura rsese; ~sene; wears5; mycelum. A.pone. 35. A. pone. A. B. gescrydne. adruncan. 34. heordes; ge-sawen; flugon; cyddan. A. ondredon. 36. A. eorode. 35. ge-sawen; ge-worden woes [in handwriting of scribe of II.]; halende; ponne; deofol; halumn; fotum; adreddon, 36, cydcdan; ge-seawen hwuo CHAP. VIII.] 89 2tes ite gesseh Sone, heelend gefeall befora him: ceigde. cliopade stefne micla cnloes hused me 28 is ut uidit iesum procidit ante illum et exclamans uoce magna dixit quid mihi; -e is hoelend sunu godes &ses hbesta ic biddo;ec ne mec srouiga 14' te su mec ne gegroeta 4' ne pinia et tibi est iesu fili dei altissimi obsecro te ne me torqueas bebeade forSon;Sem unclene gaste -te foerde of 5;m menn monigum forson tidum 29 praecipiebat enim spiritui intmundo ut exiret ab homine multis enim temporibus fornoi hine, gebunden wses mi's raccentegum 7 mi-s fatrunz gehalden woes J mi-s8sy geslitten weron arripiebat illum et uinciebatur catenis et compedibus custoditus et ruptis -sa bendo gedrifen wres from diowle on woesternum gefraign 2sa hine se h.elend cuoe; uinculis hgebatur a doemonio in deserta 30 interrogauit autem illum iesus dicens hued se noma is so; he cuoeis here fordson in-eadon diowlas monigo in him: quod tibi nomen est at ille dixit legio quia intrauerunt daemlonia multa in eum 31 et bedon hine;te ne gehehte him kte in niolnise gefoerdon hia. wes'sonne -;er ede-4sunor rogabant eum ne imperaret illis ut in abissum, irent 32 erat autem ibi grex bergana monigo foedendra 4' lesuuandra on more: bedon hine -te gelefde him In svem porcorum nmultorul pascentium in monte et rogabant eum ut permitteret eis in illos ingeonga; 7 gelefde him foerdon forSon Sa diowblas of issemenn:7 infoerdon In bergumn ingredi et permisit illis 33 exierunt ergo daemonia ab homine et intrauerunt in porcos r mifS fer-rses eode - sunor oefistlice on lulh fordoen wses j5te sua k gesegon et impetu abiit grex per praeceps in stagnum et suffocatus est 34 quod ut uiderunt aworden 4 awards Sa;e gelesuadon flugon: scegdon in -8a burug: in londum foerdon factum qui pascebant fugerunt et nuntiauerunt in ciuitatem et in uillas 35 exierunt 5onne gesea Pte auorden wses 7 cuomon to;soem hlelende: gemoeton;tone monno sittende autem uidere quod factum est et uenerunt ad iesum et inuenerunt hominem sedentem of -smem 5a diowlas foerdon ge-weded: hal -;ohte to fotum his J on-dreardon ssega quo dsemonia exierant nestitum ac sana mente ad pedes eius et timuerunt 36 nundon Sa -;sem:I';a-e gesegon huu hal Aworden woes from diowla here tiauerunt autem illis et qui uiderant quomodo sanus factus esset -a legione [Eight leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 3I 90 [LUKE. 37 pa baed hine eall menego pRes rices 37 Da baed hine eall syo manege pas gerasenorum T he fram him gewite. for]am rice gerasenorum T he fram heom ge-wite. big mycelum ege gehaefte wserun. Da for pam hyo micelen eige ge-haefte waeren. wende he on scype agen Da wende he on scype on-gen. 38 Pa bsed hyne se man &e se deofol of 38 Da bee6 hine se man &e se deofel of eode p he mid him wunede; pa for-let se eode pTet he mid hym wunede. pa for-let haelend hyne J cwae6 to him. se halend hine J cwae6 to hym. 39 wend to pinum huse 1 cye' hu mycel 39 wend to pinen huse. 3 kyd hu mycel Pe god gedon hmef3; Da ferde he into eall god pe ge-don hefe. Pa ferde he in to pa ceastre. I cy5de hu mycel se helend eall pa ceastre I kydde hu m-ycel se halend him ged6n haefde; him ge-don hlmfde. Di cealon 40 o6Wlice woes geworden Pa se hael- 40 So>lice ge-wor>6en pa se bhklprerepente. end agen-com. seo menegeo end agen com seo manege hine steneto ahine on-feng. ealle hig gebidon his; onfeng. ealle hyo on-bidan hys. yUenitad 41 And pa com an manll ses nama w4es,41 End pa com an man pses name was iesnm uir.cui i'airus. se woes pa3re gesamnunge ealdor; jairus; se woes pare ge-samnunge ealdor. A. Da feoll he to pses haelendes fotun: bked pa feoll he to p2s hbelendes foten. 9 brad hyne T1 he ferde to hys huse. hine pet he ferde to his huse; 42 for-pamn he bhefde ane dohtor. nean 42 for-pan he hxfde ane dohter neoh on twelf wintre I seo for6-ferde; pa ge-byrede twelf wintre J syo for:6-ferde. Da ge-byrede hyt Pa he ferde of 6am menegum he woes hit. pa he felde of pam manegen he woes of-prungen; of-prungen. 43 Da woes sum wif on blod-ryne twelf 4q Da w2es sum wif of blodrine twelf ger; Seo for-dselde on ecas eall j heo gear. syo for-dcelde on laeces eall pret hyo ahte. I ne mihte peah of aenegum beon ahte. J ne mihte hire peah of anygen beon ge-hmlyd; ge-held. 44 Da ge-nealehte heo wi6-ceftan 7 aet- 44 Da ge-nehlahte hyo wi5-Reften. 3 vetbran hys reafes fnaed. Da et.-stod sona Pies ran hys reafes fined (sic). Da oet-stod sone blodes ryne; p as blodes rine. 45 pa cwieo se khelend. hwmot is se -6e 45 Da cwma- se helend. hwoet ys se pe me oet-hran; Da hig ealle et-socon. pa me oetran. pa byo ealle 2et-soken, pa cwieng petrus: pa Se mid him woaron; Eala cwce6 petrus 7 pa pe mid hym w20ren. eale hlaford. pas menegeo pe >6ringan 1 ge- hlaford pas manigeo pe pringa6. 3 geswenca';. I pu segst hwa hwa vet-hran me; swenced. I pu svogst hwa met-ran me. TVarious Readings. Various Readings. 37. A. eall seo mrenigeo. A. ge-swencte [for gehsefte] 37. R. oin. syo; menega pJes rices; hy rmycelurn ege; wweron. A. on-gedn. 38. A. wunode. 39. A. agen. 38. deofol; hlaled (sic). 39. cy'6; Pe god hvef- gedon. 40. A. on-gean. A. mvnnigeo; C. ge-don haft-; cydde; halend. 40. ge-wordcen; menegeo; on-bydon. 41. And; nama; para; halendes menego. B. C. gebidun. 41. A. fotun; but B.C fotum. 42. hafde; dohtor neh; menegumn; of-drutlgen. fotun. 42. A. neah. A. msenegum. 43. A. gear. 43. on [for of]; Seo; hahte; anegum. 44. ge-neahA. eal. A. pjeh. A. geheled. 45. A. msneegeo; B.C. lIchte; fned; sona ]Eas. 45. cwe~; halend; et-hran; A+g. B,]. C. have hwa once only. amt-socen; winron; Eala; mluenega; ge-swunce'6; secgst; menego. i. B. C. hcnve hwa once only.sent-hranl. CHAP. VIII.] 91 J beWSon hine all -8io menigo lolldes; ara lioda ~te gefearrade from;seem 37 et rogauerunt illumn onnis multitudo regionis gerasenorum ut discederet ab ipsis forton nli fyrllhto miclo woeron gehalden he $Sonne astag -f scipp eft-cerde1cerrende J quia timlore magno tenebantur *IPse autem ascendens nauem reuersus est 38 et * 84. uiii. mr. xluiii. gebaed hine se weor of xeem -sa ditowblas foerdon -te nmis hine were forleort ~;a hine se hfelend rogabat ilium uir a quo daemonia exierant ut cum eo esset dimisit autem eum iesus cuoe$ eft-fver to huse Sinum J soege huu micla Se dyde god 3 eode -erh dicens 39 redi domum tuam et narra quanta tibi fecit deus et abiit per alle na ceastra bodade hu micla him dyde se hselend aworden woes Sonne miS-Sy uniuersanz ciuitatem praedicans quanta illi fecisset iesus 40 *Factum est autem cum * xxxJI. 85. ii. eft-cuom se helend onfeng hine Sio Sread woeron forSon alle bidende hine J heono mr. lxxiiii. redisset iesus excepit illunm turba erant enim oumnes exspectantes eum 41 et ecce cuoim se wer taeln noma woes J he aldormon somnunges wies J feall to fotum haelendes uenit uir cui nomen iairus et ipse princeps synagogae erat et cecidit ad pedes iesu geboed hine -pte inn-eode In hus his for'Son dohter an-cende woes him woeno ic wintro rogans eum ut intraret in domum eius 42 quia filia unica erat illi fere annorum tuoelfo u';ios deadade I gelamp miS-Sy eode from Snem here woes geSringed 4TgeSrungen duodecim et haec moriebatur et contigit dum iret a turba comprimebatur J wif sum wes in flowing blodes from wintrum tuoelfum Sio on lecum 43 et mulier quaedam erat in fluxu sanguinis ab annis duodecim quae in medicos from-salde all feh hire ne from renigum mihte gelecnvege 4 wosa gelecned geneolecde erogauerat omnem substantiam suam nec ab ullo potuit curari 44 accessit behianda J gehran fasne wedes his: sona Astod -i flowing blodes hire retro et tetigit fimbriam uestimenti eius et confestim stetit fluxus sanguinis eius J cuoeS se heelend hua woes sense mec gehran onsoeccendum, Sonne allum cuoe0; petrus 4a5 et ait iesus quis est qui me tetigit negantibus autem omnibus dixit petrus J sase nis him woeron haesere Sa menigo Sec geSringaS J woerdaS'T -J {u cuoetas hua et qui cum illo erant praeceptor turbae te comprimunt et affligunt et dicis quis mee gehran me tetigit 38. Be wer of -Sem Sa diowulo foerdun Jfte nli hine were forleort -a hine Be hblend cwmS 39. eft-frer to huse Sinumn I stege hu micle Se dyde drihten 7 code Serh alle ia ceestre bodade hu micle him dyde drihten 40. aworden wres wut-udlice mi$Sy eft-corn Se hkelend onfeng hine -a'Sreatas werun wutudlice alle biddende hine 41. J heonu corn $e wer gongende 7 he of aldormenn somnunge wies:J gifeol U to fotum him gibed hine ~sette foerde in hus his 42. forSon dohter uncenned (sic) wies him ic woenu wintro twelfe 5ios deodade 7 gilamrp mitty eode from Seem berge woes gi'ring 4 giSrungun 43. J wifum neem -Se woes in flowing blodes from wintrum twelfum Sio in lecum for-salde all feh hire ne in eengum mvehte gihbela, lecniga 44.' gineolicade bihiolda I gilhran fieste' wedum J sona astod Rio flownis blodes his 45. cwems ~e hdelend hwelc is sese mec gihran ne smeccende Sonne allum cwnee.... J Sate miS hine werun hesere Bio mengo 36ec gi'ringans U weorSan J ~us cweo:as hwele mec gihran M2 92 [LUKE. 46 pa cw]ep he sum me rt-hran. ic wiste. 46 pa cwase6 he sum me et-ran. ic wiste maegen of me eode; paet maing me of eode. 473 Da f wif geseah f hit him noes dyrne. 47 Da paet wif ge-seah pet hit him nms heo com forht I astrehte hMg to his fotum 7 derne; hyo comrn for6. I astrehte hyo to ge-swutulude beforan eallum folce. for hwyl- his foten 3 ge-swutelede be-foren ealle fole. cum pinge heo hit met-hr/n. I hu heo wear~; for hwilcen Jingen byo hine at-hran. 7 hu sona hM1; hyo war6 sone hall. 48 pa cwiene he to hyre; Dohtor pin 48 Da cwoeV he to hire. Dohter Join gegeleafa pe hale gedyde. ga nUi on sybbe; leafe Je hal ge-dyde. ga nu on sibbe. 49 Him pa gyt specendum. pa comrn sum 49 Him ja gyt sprecenden Pa corn sum, man to mapre gesamnunge ealdre 7 cwew6 to man to tare ge-samnenge ealdre 1 cwoe; to him. ne drece pu hyne; him; ne drece ju hine. 50 pa se hlelend f word gehyrde he 50 Da se haelend tet word ge-hyrde he 3swarude paes mxedenes fieder; Ne on- andswerede pas maedenes fader. Ne ondraed pu'e. gelf wotodlice. I heo bi5 dre?6 pu pe. ge-lef witodlice. J hyo beod hal; hal. 51 And pa Se he to pam huse com. ne 51 iZEnd pa he to pan huse com; ne let let he nanne mid him in-gan buton petrum he nenne mid him in-gan buton petrum 7 Iohannem 7 iacobum. ) pses msedenes 1 Iohannemnz Iacobumv.: pas imedenes fieder. I hyre modor; fteder I hire moder. 52 pa weopon hig ealle ] heofodon hi; 52 Da weopen hyo ealle 7 heofodon hyo. Da cwamp he. ne wepe ge; Soplice nis pis Da cwse6 he ne wepe ge. so;6lice nis pis mreden dead. ac heo slhep6; mseden dead ac hyo slep6. 53 Da taeldon big hyne I wiston T heo 53 Pa toelden hyo hine. I wiston poet dead wses; hyo dea6 wes. 54 Da nam he hyre hand 7 cwaee; Maed- 54 Da nam he hire hand 7 cwaeS. Meeden. pe ic seege aris; en Pe ic segge aris. 55 pa gehwearf hyre gast agen 7 heo, 55 Da ge-hwarp hire gast agen I hyo sona aras. 1 he het hyre syllan etan; sona aras. I he het hire syllan Teten. 56 Da wundredon hyre magas pa bead 56 Da, wundreden hire mages. pa bed he pam f hi hit nanum men ne ssedon l he pan Pet hyo hit nanen menn ne saegdon. par geden wies; pset peer ge-don woes. Various Readings. Various Readings. 47. A. ge-swutelode. A. hym [for hit]. 48. A. dohter. 46. met-hran; meagn of me. 47. dyrne hy; forht 49. A. sprecendum. A. ge-somnunge. 50. A. Jswa- (sic); fotum; ge-swutolode be-foran eallurn; pinge; werd rode. A. B. C. witodlice. 51. A. sa [for -;e]. A. sona hal. 48. iDohtor. 49. geat sprecendum; neenne. C. hyr. A. moder. 52. B. C. hi. A. heo- gesamnunge. 50. poes medenes fieder; on-drced; ge-lif; fedon hbig. 55. A. on-gean. 56. A. hig. A.B. C. biU. 51. End; poes; modor. 52. cwe'S; slkep;. gedon. 53. teldon; he dead woes. 55. ge-hwearf; heo; etan. 56. wundrodon; nagas; bead; pam; nahum men. CHAP. VIII.] 93 1 cuoe-; so helend gehran mec huoelc huoege forSon ic wiste mseht from mec eode 46 et dixit iesus tetigit me aliquis nam ego noui uirtutem de me exisse gesseh -;onne - wif kte ne ge-degelde cuaccende cuom 7 gefeall fore fotum -sses 4 his ) 47 uidens autem mulier quia non latuit tremens uenit et procidit ante pedes illius et fore ~sem Ilting gehrine hrine(sic) becnade fora allum folce J huu sona ob quam causam tetigerit eum indicauit coramr om[n]i populo et quem-ammodum confestim gehseled wses so$ he cuoe~; him dohter geleafa ~in J;ec hal dyde gaa Illn sipp sanata sit 48 at ipse dixit illi filia fides tua te saluaml fecit uade in pace -Sageane hine spreccende from aldormlonn somnunges cuoe~ him *te dead is dohter -;in 49 athuc illo loquente uenit a principe synagogae dicens ei quia mortua est filia tua nimlle -su gestyrege hine se lselend ~sa mi;s-y geherde -Sis word geondsuarede feder iSserse msedne noli uexare ilium 50 iesus autem audito hoc uerbo respondit patri,, puellae nuelle -;u ~e ondrede gelef ana: hal hio bi;s n miay gecuome to hame ne gelefde noli timere crede tantugn et salua erit 51 et cum uenisset domurn non permisit ingeonga mi S senig buta J J J fader J moder intrare secum quem-quam nisi petrum iacobum et iohannem et patrem et matrem %serse msegdne gewaepon;onne alle J msendon Sailca sos he cuoe% nallaS ge woepa no puellae 52 flebant autem omnes et plangebant illam at ille dixit nolite flere non Is dead Ah slepe~ 7 hlogun 4 teldon hine hia wiston 4te dead were he est nzortua sed dormit 53 et deridebant eum scientes quia mnortua esset 54 ipse ~a geheald hond his cliopade cuoe;ende la mingden aris J eft-awoende wses gaast autem tenens manumn eius clamauit dicens puella surge 55 et reuersus est spiritus hire T %sera 3 aras recone J heht hir sealla eatta J wundradon -4 gestyldon eius et surrexit continuo et iussit illi dari manducare 56 et stupuerunt aldro eemm bebead ]te ne tnigum hia gecoedon -te Aworden wses parentes quibus praecipit ne alicui dicerent quod factum erat 46. 7 wmsew -e heelend gihran me hwmet 4 hwelchwoegu forSon J ic wiste msehte from me eode 47. gismh $onne - wif Zsette ne deglde cwacende coin J gifeoll bifora fotum his J for -sem intinga gihran him gibeenade bifora allumn folche J hu efne sona gihbeled wies 48. 7 he cwse$ him dohter gileofa Sin bee hale dyde gaa in sibbe 49. geona hine sprecende comn from aldormonnumn somnungum cwoe-s him 160ette deod is dohter minm nelle -;u gihrina hir 50. -se hoelend %onne giherde sis word giondsworade feder itns miegdnes nelle ~u ondreda gilef ana V hal bis 51. i mi-s-sy gicomon to hame ne gelefde in-gonga hine miS senigne buta....... J.... J freder J moder &ses msegdnes 52. giweopun %onne alle J mrendun'5a ilca sos he cwmeS nelle giwoepa ne is deod ah slepe-S 53. J hlogun: teldun hine wiste for-Son %set deod were 54. he na gihselde hiMe honda his celiopade cwePende msegden aris 55. I efteowende w-es gast his J aras recone J heht sella hir eota 56. j stylton 4 wundradun aeldro hire toem bibeod &oet ne zeng-um gicwede sset giworden wres 94 [LUKE. CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER IX. Dys scealo 1 p a clypode he to-gaedere his twelf 1 A cleopede he to-gedere his twelf punres deog on pjmre pen- apostolas. ] sealde him mihte. apostles ] sealde heom mihte. 7 tecostenes wucan. Con- anweald ofer ealle deofol-seocnessa. I 7j anweald ofer ealle deofel-seocnysse. 3 jset uocatis iesus duodecimn dis- adla hi ge-hseldon. adle hyo ge-healden. illis potesta- 2 7 he sende hig to bodianne godes rice. 2 7 he sen6 hy to bodienne godes rice. tenA. IA. untrume gehlelan; un-trume gehEelen. 3 Da cwaep he to him. ne nyme ge nan 3 Da cwoe`6 he to heom. ne nyme ge Ping on wege. ne gyrde. ne codd. ne nan ping on weige. ne gyrde ne cod ne hlaf hlaf. ne feohb. ne ge ne ge (sic) nabbon. ne feoh ne ge nvebben twa tunecan. twa tunecan. 4 7 on swa hwylc hus swa ge inga6 4 1 on swa hwilce huse swa ge in gad wunia~; par o~; ge ut-gan. wunied pker o66Se ge ut-gan. 5 1 swa hwylce swa eow ne on-fo;6. pon- 5 1 swa hwilce swa eow ne on-fod panne ne ge of poere ceastre ga; asceaca>6 eower ge of pare ceastre gad asaca; eowre fota fota dust ofer hig on witnesse. dust ofer hyo on witnysse. 6 Da ferdon hig purh pa burhga bodien- 6 Da ferden hyo purh pa burga bodiende. de: meghwar hmlende; I aeghwmr haelende. 7 pa gehyrde herodes se feor6;an dveles 7 Da ge-herde herodes se fer>6en daeles rica ealle pa 6ing pe be him wierun gewor- rice ealle Pa Ping ke be him waeren gedene; Da twynude him forpam pe sume wor>ene. Da tweonede him for-pan pe sOdon f iohannes of deane aras. sume saegdon T iohannes of dea6e aras 8 sume sedon f helias eet-ywde; Sume 8 sume smedon ~Pet helias atewde. sume se'don eald witega aras; |eet an eald witega aras. 9 Da cwoep herodes. iohannem ic be-.9 Da cwse6 herodes. iohannem ich beheafdude hwAet is pes. be pam ic pile heafdede hweet is pes. be hwanm icpellic gegehyre; Da smeade he f he hine gesawe; hire. Da smrnegde he ] -et he hine geseage. 10 pa cyddun him 6a apostolas swa hwaet 10 Da cy6;an hymn pa apostles swa hwoet swa hig dydon; Da nam he hig 7 ferde on- swa hyo dyden. pa nam he hyo 7 ferde sundron on weste stowe seo is bethsaida; on-sunder on weste stowe syo is bethsaida. 11 Da 6;a menego j wiston pa filidon hi'g 11 Da pa manige paet wisten pa felgeden him. pa onfeng he hig 7 spmec to him be hyo hymn; a onfeng he hyo 7 spraec to godes rice. i pa he gehmelde'Se lacnunga heom be godes rice. I pa he ge-helde pa beporftun; laecnunge be-porten. Various Readings. Various Readings. Cap. ix. 1. A. deofel-seocnyssa. A. hig adla. A. bo- Cap. ix. 1. clypede; to-gadere; apostlas; deofol-; digende [for to bodianne]. 3. A. B. C. ne ge (once). C. adla; ge-halden. 2. sende hyo; bodianne; ge-halen. nabban. 4. A. inserts -i after odS. 5. C. hylce (sic). A. 3. codd; naebban. 4. hwylc hus; in-gaS wunias par. ge-wytnysse. 6. A. burh, altered to burha. A. bodi- 5. on-fois ponne; gaS. 6. burhgo bodigende. 7. gende. 7. A. wEeron. A. tweonode. 8. A. B. C. gehyrde; fertan; rica; waren ge-worden; twynude; pam; -p an eald [for sedon eald]. 9. A. Iohannes. A. be- saedion. 8. setywde. 9. ic be-heafdode; bamn [for heafdode. A. pEes. 10. A. C. cyddon. C. om. him. hwam]; Pylc; smeagde; ge-sawe. 10. cyddan; apoA. on-sundrumz. 11. A. menigeo. A. fyligdon. A. stolas; dydon; on-sundrion; seo. 11. menigeo; spriec. A. be-porfton. wyston; fylidon; sprec; pe [for pa before lkecnunge]; be-porfton. CHAP. IX.] 95 CAP. IX. minl6sy geceiged woeron uutedlice tuoelfo -sa apostolas salde -;em mnegn I maht ofer 1 *Conuocatis autem duodecimn apostolis dedit illis uirtutem et potestatem super * XXXIII. 86. ii. Alle diowlas J ite;a untrymnigo gelecnades: sende hia bodia 1 to bodianne ric godes mt. lXxtiiii. omnia daemonia et ut languores curarent 2 et misit illos praedicare regnum dei mir xxui'i. h laela tsa un-stronga I cuoeJs to isem noht gie nime on woege ne gerd ne et sanare infirmos 3 *Et ait ad illos nihil tuleritis in uia neque uirgam neque * 87. ii. mt. lxxxii. pocca -1 posa ne hlaf ne felh ne tuoege cyrtlas habas gie J in suahuel- mr. liii. peram neque panem neque pecuniam neqite duas tunicas habeatis 4 et in quam-cumcum hus gie inn-gae i;er wuna$ I itona ne fseres gie J seise suahua ne onfoeis que dominum intraueritis ibi manete et inde ne exeatis 5 *Et quicumque non receper[i]nt * t8. ii. m. lxxxu. iuh fsera6 from ceastra te ilca fsestlice 5 asca fota Iura asceaccaIt on cy-Snise mr. lu. uos exeuntes de ciuitate illa etiam puluerem pedum uestrorum excutite in testimonium onufa temn ilcomw foerdon -Sonne ymb-eadon -serh JSa ceastra bodande I lecnande supra illos 6 *Egressi autem circumibant per castella euangelizantes et curantes * 89. uiii. imr. lu[i]. eghuer ge-herde sa se cynig alle -a -Se weron aworden from? himn J tuiade ubique 7 *Audiuit autem herodes tetrarclha omnia quae fiebant ab eo et haesitabat * XXXIIII. 90. ii. fordon woes acuoeden from suinmum Jte iohan zes aras from deadirn from summum mt. cxliii. eo quod diceretur a quibusdam quia iohannes surrexit a mortuis 8 ai quibusdam mr. luii. mec forSon 4 -ite helias aedeaude from o'-rum 2sonne 4te se witgoe an from witgum aras uero quia helias apparuit ab aliis autemn quia propheta unus de antiquis surrexit J cuoe-s se cynig ic ofcearf huelc -Sonne is -ses of Semn gehero ic suslico 7 9 et ait herodes iohannem ego decollaui quis autem est iste de quo audio ego talia et sohte to geseanne hine 7 eft-cerdon ~a ~;egnas ssegdon him -ga-Se sua huved hia dydon querebat uidere eum 10 *Et reuersi apostoli narrauerunt illi quaecuinque fecerunt * 91. uiii. mr. lxi. i nii-sy onfenge woeron hia foerde syndria on woestigueM stol sense is set burug Pte *Et assumtis illis secessit seorsuni in locum desertum qui est bethsaida 11 quod * 92. ii[i]. mnt. cxli. mii-1y ongeton Za menigo gefylgendo woeron hine 3 genom hia J sprnece him of ic io. xluii. cunl cognouissent turbm secutae sunt ilium et excepit illos et loquebatur illis de regno godes I ~ailco -aSe gemnise behofadon gehbelde dei et eos qui cura indigebant sanabat Cap. IX. 1. mis-;y gicegdun wutudlice twelfe apostolas salde menm mmhte mingen ofer alle diowlas I P Sio untrymigu gileenadun 2. 1 sende him to bodiganne rice godes 7 hmle -;a unstronga 3. J cwseS to tmem noht ginime iow on woege ne in gercde ne in pohha ne hlafas ne feh no twoege cyrtlas habbas go 4. 9 swa hwelcum huse ge in-gme Ser wuniga-t; -;ona ne faras ge 5. 9 swa hwelc swa ne on-foeS iow farads from cmstre ~aer ilca fbestlice;a asca foeta iowra asceacaS on cy-Snisse ofer him 6. foerdun -Sonne ymb-eodun %erh'a cmestre bodende o lecnadun eg-hwer 7. giherde -a cynig..... alle -8a-;e werun aworden from him 7 twiade of him ~smtte wies gieweden 8. from sumum ee forbson.....s t-eowde from o'Srum tonne fordSon witga an from witgum aras 9. J cweenl 3Se cynig.... ic of-ceorf hwelc Sonne is -'es of aeslm ic -8us-licw doema I solte to seanne hine 4' 8set he gisege 10. 7 eft-cerdtn %a;egnas ssegdun him sa~;e swa hwmt hie dydun": mi-sSy ond-fonge him foerdun syndrige on stowwe on woestern sense is %io burug 11. Amtte miniy swa ongetun ta niengo fylgende werun him J on-gan hime spre wins him of rice godes ailco Bato gemnisse bihofadun gihnelde 96 [LUKBE. Dis seeal on 12 pa gewat se deg forS6. ] h]ig twelfe 12 pa ge-wat se daig for6. ] hyo twelfe wodnes dag on Perepen. him genealhehton ] saedon him; Laet pas neh-lacte hym. ] siaden to hym. Let pas tuatnto spa menego f hig farun on pas castelu ] on pas manige paet hyo faran on pas castelles. 3 imitte- on pas tunas e synt; m mete on ase her abuton sinde.'J heom ba sut euntes don. for-Parn pe we synt her on westere mete finden. for-pam we sinde her on st6we; westene stowe. 13 Da cwme~S he to him. sylle ge him 13 pa cwoe>6 he to heom. sylle ge heom etan; Da cw&edon hMg we nabba; buton flf etan. Da cwae'en hyo we naebbe6 buten hlafas ] twegen fixas. buton we gan ] us fif hlafes. J twegen fixsas. buton we gan mete bicgon I eallum pissurn werede; I us mete beggen I eallen Pissen werede. 14 par wreron neah fif pusenda wera; 14 paer wmeren neh fif pusend were. pa Da cw]e} he to his leorning-cnihtun; Dop cwae; he to hys leorning-cnihton. D ot T hig sitton. purh gebeorscypas fiftegum. p]t hyo sitten purh ge-beorscypas fiftegum 15 7 hig swa dydon ] hi ealle sseton; 1 15 7 hyo swa dydon. 7 hyo ealle sgeten. 16 Da nam he pa flf hlafas 7 ]ta twegen 16 Da nam he pa fif hlafes. 3 pa twegen fixas. 7 on pone heofon beseah ] bietsudei fixas. ] on panne heofen be-sealh bletsode big ] broec. J dselde his leorning-cnihtum. hyo 1 brec. I dselde his leorning-cnilten. b hig asetton hig beforan pam menegum; Ptet hyo asetten hyo be-foran pam manigeo. 17 pa seton hig ealle ] wurdon gefyllede. 17 Da aeten hyo ealle. ] wur~en gel man nam pa gebrotu pe par belifon twelf fylde. ] man nam pa ge-brute pe peer wsere cypan fulle; I fylde twelf kypan fulle. 18 Da wes geworden pa se helend was 18 Da wses ge-wor>en ta se hselend wVes ana hine gebiddende. hys leorning-cnihtas ane hine ge-biddende. his leorning-cnihtes woron mid him; pa ahsode he hig hwaet woeren mid him. Da axsode he hyo. hwoet secg 6 pis folc 1 ic sy; saeg; pis folc paet ich syo. 19 Da Iswarudon hig 7 cwsedon; Iohan- 19 -Da andsweredon hyo 7 cwse;en. Iones baptistam. sume heliam. sume T sum hannes baptistam. sume Heliam. sume witega of 6am ealdum aras; peet sum witege of parn ealden aras. 20 Da soede he him hwoet secge ge 1 ic 20 Da saigde he heom. hwet segge ge sy; pa andswarude petrus. Su eart crist plet ich syo. pa andswerede petrus. pu ert godes sunu; crist godes sune. 21 Da preade he hig 7 bead b hig hit 21 pa preadde he hyo 7 bxed. poet hyo -nanum men ne ssedon. hit nanen men ne saigden. Various BReadings. Various Readings. 12. A. manygeoo B3. C. hi. A. faron. A. synd (twice). 12. ge-neahlaechton; soegdon; menega; castella; synt; A. westre; C. westene. 13. A. pis. 14. A. cnyhturn. findon; sint. 13. buton; fixas; biggan; eallum pissum. B. C. hi. 15. A. -B. C. hig [for hi]. 16. A. B. C. 14. pusenda wera; -cnihtan; sitton. 15. steton. 16. fisxas; ponne heofon; -cnihtum; be-foram (sic); menigeo. heofen. A. be-seh. A. bletsode. A. m~enegurn. 17. A. 17. eato (sic); wurdon ge-fyllede; ge-brotu; belifon [for laefde (alt. to lhefede) wneron [for belifon]. 18. A. ac- were]; R1. om. J fylde; cypan. 18. ge-worden; sode. A. segs. A. sig. 19. A. B. C. Jswaredon. A. -cnihtas wzeron; ahsodei sega; ic. 19. andswaredon; Iohannem. 20. A. sig. A. Jswarode. cwuSion; Iohannes (sic); witegan; ealdum. 20. srede; ic sy; cart. 21. bead; nanumn; ssegdomn CHAP. IX.] 97se doeg Ia ongann gefara4tgebege J geneolecdon ha tuoelfo cuoedon him forlet ha hergas 12:Dies autema coeperat declinare et accedentes duodecin dixerunt illi dimitte turbas * XXXU. 93. i. mt. eln -te geeadon in ha ceastra 3 londo hate ymb sint of-cerdon h&et-te hia geemoeton metto forolon her mr. lxiiii. ut euntes in castella uillasque quae circa sunt deuertant et inueniant escas quia hic io. xliiii. in stowe woestig woe sindon cuoeS ha to tseln gie seallat sem eatta sot hia cuoedon in loco deserto sumus 13 ait autem ad illos uos date illis manducare at illi dixerunt ne sint us mnara hon fif hlafo I tuoege fiscas buta woenunga us we gefera r we gebygce non sunt nobis plus quam quinqule panes et duos pisces nisi forte nos eamus et elunamus on Alle biosne here metto woeron honne ic woeno weras fif husendo cuoeh hoi2ne in ornnem hanc turbanm esces (sic) 14 erant auterm fere uiri quinque milia ait autem to {tegnum his doaes rinm to drelum 4 tserh gebearscipo fif hufid I sua dedon ad discipulos sues facite illos discumbere per conuiuia quinquagenos 15 et ita fecerunt 9 todrelnisse -r dydon Alle onfengo woeron uutedlice fif hlafum i turema -et discumrbere fecerunt omnes 16 acceptis autem quinque panibus et duobus fisacun eft-locade on heofne i gebloedsade him 7 gebrsecc 7 todselde tegnuvr his -te hia gesete piscibus respexit in caelum et benedixit illis et fregit et distribuit discipulis suis ut ponerent fore tseem hergum J eton alle J gefylde woeron 3 ge-numen was -te gehlaefde ante turbas 17 et manducauerunt olmnes et saturati sunt et sublatun est quod superfuit naem scraedungra ceaolas tuoelfo 3 aworden wses mitihSy ana woere gebiddenda illis fragmentorum cophinos duodecim 18 *ET factum est cum solus esset orans XXXUI 94. i. mt. clxui, woeron mitS hine aec ha heg'nas: gefregn tailco cuoecende hurelene mec cuoetas - ic se has hergas mr. lxxxii, erant cum illo et discipuli et interrogauit illos dicens quem me dicunt esse turbae io. lxxiiii. sots hia onlsuaredon cnoedon iohannemn ohero uutedlice ohSero 6te witga 19 at illi responderunt et dixerunt iohannem baptistam alii autem heliam dlii quia propheta an of himm serrzum aras cuoetS hsa tisem gie honne huelene mec Jte ic se cuoanas unus de prioribus surrexit 20 dixit autem illis uos autem quem me esse dicitis geondsuarede cuoehS gecoren godes sotlice he getreade hia behead respondens simon petrus dixit christurm dei 21 *At ille increpans illos praecipit * 95. ii. mt. clxuiii. -te ne renigum gecuoedon his ar. lxxxiii ne cui dicerent hoc 12. h;e drag -a ongan gifara4'gibega I gineolicadun twelfe ewedun him forlett ha hergas -te eodun in ta csestre: lond hate ymb sindun of-cerdun - hire gimoettun metas forSon her in stowwe woestigne we sindun 13. cwsehs ha to tSem ge sellas emin to eotanne sot hiMe ewedun ne sint us mara honne fif hlafas J twoege fiscas buta woenunga us we gifsere 3 we gibycce in alluem tisse herge mett 14. werun hone ic woeno weara fif tusend cwenS to tegnum his.... 15..... to dalum dydon alle 16. onfenge werun wutudlice fif hlafum J twiem fiscum eft-loccade on heofne 3 bletsade ewient him 3 brine 7 todrelde hegnum his JPte hie gisette forre tsem hergum 17. 7 etun alle 3 gifylde werun 3 ginimen wses tsette ofer-]efed wins him screadungum ceoflas twelfe 18. J aworden wses mithy ane were J bidende werun i minty hine hegnas his 3 gifrsegn ha ilca ewienende hwelene mec cweotas eadge 19. ha ond-sworadun 3 cwedun... hnsem fulwihtere oher wutudlice elie oser trette witga ann of tsem rerrum aras 20. cwreh ha tsem ge honne hwele were ah cweotas ond-sworade........ twre~ sem gast godes 21. sot he gitreode hir bibeod tette aengum ne cwedun N 98 [LuE 22 for-pam Pe hit gebyre6 fJ mannes sunu 22 for-Jam-pe hit ge-byred Peet mannes fela pinga poligeo. beo aworpen fram sune fele pinge p]olie.? beo aworpen fram ealdrum j ealdor-mannumn fram bocerum. ealdren mannen.! fram boker. J beon of3 beon ofslegen. priddan dsege arisan; slagen. J Sridden daige arisan. Si quis nuit 23 a cwe hwa 23 A CWveSa he to eallen. Gyf hwa Si quis uut rtienire post cws he to eallen. Gyf Wasnisuult me abneget wyle Eefter me cuman. ret-sace wile sefter me cuman; et-sakee, abeget semet ipsumm B. hine sylfne J nime his cwylminge I me fol- hine sylfne. I nime his cwelminge I me semet ipsunm. gige; folgie. 24 Se pe wyle hys sawle hale gedon. se 24 Se pe wile his sawle haele ge-don; se hig for-spilp. witodlice se'6e his sawle for hyo for-spilS. Witodlice se pe his sawle me for-spill he hi gehele&6; for me for-spilP6. he hyo ge-haele5. 25 Hwmet frema5 aenegum men peah he 25 hwset fremed anig men peah he alne ealne middan-eard on eht begite. J hyne midden-eard on ehte be-geote. 3 hine sylfne for-spille; And his for-wyrd wyrce; sylfne for-spille. and his for-wurd werche. 26 Se 6e me e mine spaeca forsyhp. Psene 26 Se Pe me I mine sprece for-sih6. panmarnnes sunu for-syhp. ponne he cym6 on ne mannes sune for-sih6 pane He kemP on his moegen-prymme I hys fseder I halegra his magen-primnesse 1 his fader I halgra engla; tengle. 27 ]i secge eow so>6lice. her synd sume 27 Ic segge eow so6'lice he (sic) sende standende Pa deade ne wurS6ap. er big sume standende pe deade ne wurS6a6 aer godes rice geseon; hyo godes rice ge-seon. 28 Da wies gew6rden refter pam wordum 28 Da woes ge-worsSen after pam worden nean eahta dagas. T he nam petrum n Io- neoh ehte dagas. Piet he namn petrum. 1 hannem. I Iacobum. I eode on anne munt. Iohannem. Iacobum. I eode on enne - he hyne gebede; munt. poet he hine ge-biede. 29 pa he hine gebied Pa wses hys ansyn 29 -Da he hine ge-bied pa wses his opres hiwes. I his reaf hwit scinende; ansiene ge-wor6en o&res hioweSo. his reaf hwit scynende. 30 pa spWcon twegen weras wi'6 hyne 30 Da spseken twegen weres wi56 hine. moyses 1 helias moyses J helias. S1 gesewene on meegen-prymme. 7 sod- 31 ge-sogene on magen-primnesse. I on his gewitend-nesse pe he to gefyllende seden his witendnysse Pe he to ge-fellende wins on hierusalem; wes on ierusalem. Various Readings. Various Readings. 22. A. fiela pynga polie. A. ealder-. A, beo ofslagen. 22. ge-byre-; fela linga jpolige; ealdrunm J ealdor3 pryddan doege aryse. 23. Rubric in B.; not in A. mannumn; bocerum; of-sleagen; "Sriddan dege. 23. A. folgie. 24. A. se big ge-hel$. 25. A. myddan-geard. Rubric as in H. eallum; hwile [for wile]; set-svece. 24. hale; for-spillS [2nd time]. 25. fireme- anigum; hehte 26. A. spreeca. A. pone [for pene]. 27.'B. C. synt begete; 1End [for and]; forwird wirce. 26. Ponne; A. weor;al.. 28. A. neah ehta. A. menne. 30. p]enne He [with capital, as in H.] cymlsn; nmnigen-rimnysse; A. sprecon. 31. A. gesawene. A. ge-wytnesse; but eangla. 27. her sint; wyrla'. 28. wordurn neah B. C. gewitendnesse. A. to gefyllenne; but B. C. to eahta. 29. ansyne ge-worden; hywes; wit (sic). 30. ~~~~~~~~gefyllende.specen; weras. 31. ge-sewene; mmygn-Primnysse; gefylleude. seedend (sic); ge-fyllende. CHAP. IX.] 99 cuoeS ~te Arises sunu mnonnes feolo 4'micelo geOolia 4 gesrowia: forcumma from aldum 22 dicens quia oportet filium hominis multa pati et reprobari d senifrom Baem celdestum 9 aldormonnum sacerda 1 uiwutum J ofslaa T fte se ofslaegen I Be Sirddan 6i5eg oribus et principibus sacerdotum et scribis et occidi et tertia die Arisa cuoeS he Sa to Allu gif hua wile vefter mee gecyme onsmeccaS him seolfum I resurgere 23 *Dicebat autem ad omnes si quis uult post me uenire abneget seipsum et, 96. i. mt. clxx. laedaS -Srowung his doege gehueomlice I fylgeS me4 soece mec seSe forSon welle sauel his mr. lxx tollat crucem suam cotidie, et sequatur me 24 qui enim uoluerit animamr suam hal gewyrca losaS'ailca forSon sere losaS sawel his fore mec hal doa$ Wsailca saluam facere perdet illam nam qui perdiderit animama suam propter me saluam faciet illam hused forSon forstondaS monn gif he strioneS allne middangeard hine -;onne seolfne losaS: 25 quid enim proficit homo si lucretur uniuersunm mundum sP- autem ipsum perdat et losuist his gewyrcaS forSon seSe mec gesceomnigaS a mino wordo $iosne sunu detrinlentum sui faciat 26 *Nam qui me erubuerit et meos sermones hunc filius* 97. ii. mt, xciiiU, monnes gesceomiaS mi6Sy cymes inu Srymm his J fadores J haligra engla, mrl.xi. hominis erubescit cum uenerit in maiestate sua et patris et sanctorum angelorum ic cuoeto uutedlice iuh so-;lice sint sume o-era her stondat -ia-e ne gebergeS- tone deaS o-s-dmet 27 *Dico autem uobis uere sunt aliqui hie stantes qui non gustabunt mortem donec * XXXUIL 98. ii. mt. clxxii. geseaS rlc godes aworden wres $a cefter Sasum wordum ic woeno dagas vehto, genom mr. lxxxuii. uideant regnum dei 28 factum est autem post haec uerba fere dies octo et assumsit J J 9 astag on more -pte gebede J aworden woes petrum et iacobum et iohannem et ascendit in montem ut oraret 29 et factum est mis-Sy geboed moegwlit onsione his oSoro I gewoedo his huit swiSe gescean T heono tuoege dum oraret species uultus eius altera et uestitus eius albus refulgens 30 et ecce duo wmeras gesprecon mi; hine woeron uutedlice J woeron gesene in $5ryrm: uiri loquebantur cum illo erant autem moses et helias 31 uisi in maiestate et cuoedon to-fert 4' his Ione scealde gefylled wosa 4' wes in hierusalem dicebant excessurn eius quem completurus erat- in hierusalem 22. cwweS Sette ariseS sunu monnes feoluT monige gi-olas I from-cumen from aeldum 9 aldor-monnum;a sacerda 7 uti-wutum J ofsla$ 3;Se Sirda dhege arises 23. cwaeS he $a to aem allum gif hwa wyl wefter me cuma ne saeceS him solfum 7 laeda- Srowunge his deg-hwoemlice 7 fyllge 64 soeces mec 24. se-e for-Son welle sawle his halle doa losatS Sa ilca J sese losa- sawle his fore mec hale gidoa-; ~;a ilca 25. hwoet forstonde 4k forstod S;arm men gif he strione; alne middengeord hine -Sonne solfne losa; 3J los-west wyrca% 26. forSon sete me giscorhigat 3 mine word tiosne sunu monnes giscomiga6 mi-i-y cymes in -Srymme his faedras J haligra hengla 27. ic cweso wutudlice iow so~lice sindun oSro her stonda- -aiSe ne gi-bergah deo; o~a;et h:e giseaS rice godes 28. aworden waes $a efter Sissum worde ic woenlu daga eehtowe: ginom........ ~,... 3 astag on mor ~te gibede 29, 7 aworden wces mi~$y gibed meg-wlitt onsione his oSre J giwedu his hwitu swide giscionun 30. J heonu twoege wearas sprecende mi~ hine wres.. o:.... 31. werun gisene in;rymme' eweduln eatte ofer his gifylled wosa 4' wes in hierusalem 100 [LUK. 32 Petrus 2 pa pe mid him weron wur- 1 32 Petrus pa e mid him wveren wurSdon mid slope gehefegude; And pa hi on- en mid slape ge-hefegede. And fa hyo onwecnedun hi gesawun his moegen-prym. 2 wakeden; hyo ge-seagen his maing-prim. twegen weras pe mid him stodun; 2 twegen weres pe mid hym stoden. 33 And hi him fram eodun. petrus cwaee 33 And hyo hym fram eoden; petrus to him; Eala bebeodend. god is J we her cwseS6 to him. Eala be-beodend; god is beon 7 uton wyrcan preo eardung-stowa. JPet we her beon. 7 uten wercan preo eardane pe.'a ne moyse. 3 ane haelie. 3 he nyste ung-stowen ane pe. 7 ane moysese. 7 ane hwmet he cwme;, helie. 2 he nyste hwset he cwae;6. 34 Da he pis spoec. $a wear'6 genip 7 34 pa he pis spsec; pa war; ge-nip 2 ofer-sceadude hig. 2 hi ondredon him gang- ofer-scadede hyo. 2 hyo on-draedden him ende on f genip; gangende on Poet ge-nip. 35 Da c6m stefen of pam genipe and 35 Da com stefil of pam ge-nip I cwJ e3S. cwiag6; pes ys miin leofa sunu. gehyra6S pes is min leofa sune ge-hered hine. hyne; 36 Da seo stefn wses gehyred pa woes 36 Da seo stefen woes ge-hyrd. ~a wses se haelend gemett ana. I hi suwodun 2 ne se haelend ge-met ane; 2 hyo swegedon. ssedun nanuma men on pam dagum nan ping ne sieden nanen men on pam daige nan pees 6e hi ge-sawun. Ping. pas pe hyo ge-smegen. 37 0>6rum daege him of pam munte far- 37 OS6ren daige him of pan munte farendum him agen arn mycel menego. ende hym agen arn mycel manegeo. 38 Pa clypode an wer of psere menego 7 38 pa cleopede an wer of Pare nianigeo cwse6; Lareow ic halsie pe. ge-seoh minne 7 cwaee. Lareow ic helsige pe ge-seoh sunu fortamz he is mln anlica sunu. minne sune. for-pan he ys min anliche sune. 39 7 nu se unclhena gast hine cet-hrin65. 39 2 nu se un-clhene gast hine Eet-rind; 2 2he frerlice hrym5 72 for-nim>6 hyne 2 he feerlice hrimd. 2 for-nymd hine. 2 fiemS. fwem6;. 2 hyne tyr" 2 slit. 2 hine tyr~6. 7 slit; 40 2 ic baed pine leorning-cnihtas f big 40 J ic baed pine leorning-cnihtes paet hyo hine ut-adrifon 2 hig ne mihton; hine ut adrifen 2 hyo ne mihton. 41 pa cwieg6 se helend him to 2sware; 41 Da cwme> se helend him to andswere. Eala ungeleafulle. 7 pwure cneores; Swa Eala un-ge-leafulle 7 pwore cneores. Swa lange swa ic beo mid eow. 2 eow polie; Lend lange swa ic beo mid eow. 2 eow polie. hider pinne sunu; lsed hider pinne sune. Various Readinigs. Various Readings. 32. A. ge-hefegode. A. hig on-weecnodon. hig gesawon. 32. wurdon; slaepe; 3End; on-wacenedon; ge-soewen; A. stodon. 33. A. hig. A. eodon. A. helie. 34. lmnegen-prim; weras. 33. Aend; eodon; cwe-S; utan A. he cw. pis. A. ofer-sceadede. A hig. 35. B. C. wyrcan; -stowa; loyse. 34. wearx; -sceadede; hi on-dredon. 35. ge-hyraS. 363. syo; ge-hered; stefn. C. leafa. 36. Astfn A. stefen. A. gemet. A. hig halend gemett ana; hi swuwodlon; ssedon nanun; dagum; suwedon. A. sedon. A. hig ge-sawon. 37. A. ongean. gesawun. 37. Osrurn; a9tm; farelldume; menegeo. A. menigeo. 38. B. C. clypede. A. msenegeo; B. C. 38. cleopode; menege; halsige; minun; parn; an-lica. menegu. A. halsige. A. enega [for dnlica]. 40. B. 39. t-rin; hrynr; fornyna. 40. -cnihtas. 41 hi (ferst tiime). andsware; pwure; kine. hi (fir~st t~imne). 41. A. ungeleaffulle. A.' Pw eore. CHAP. IX.] 101 aec6: ae- mi- hine gehefigad woeron from slepe' awmehton gesegon -'ryrnm 32 petrus uero et qui cur illo grauati erant somnno et uigilantes uiderunt maiestatem his I tuoege waeras ~a-Se stodon mis him - aworden wses midsy foerdon fromn him eius et duos uiros qui stabant curn illo 33 et facturn est dum discederent ab illo cuoed to tSeem hIelende la bodare god' is us her to wosanne I wyrea we -rea hus ait petrus ad iesum praeceptor bonum est nos hic esse et faciamnus tria tabernacula an'se I an I an ne wiste hused gecuoede isas -Sa hine unum tibi et unum mosi et unum heliae nesciens quid diceret 34 haec autem illo sprecende aworden wses wolcen: ofer-brsedde hia 9 ondreardon geongendum him in ~ woleen loquente facta est Ilubis et obumbrauit eos et timuerunt intrantibus illis in nubeni J stefn aworden w~s of soem wolene cuoesende des is sunu mln leof hinetI Sene geherad 35 et uox facta est de nube dicens hic est filius meus dilectus ipsumn audite' miiddy wses se stefni gemoetad woes se hselend he ana I hia suigdon ~ ne senigum gecuoedon in 36 et dum fieret uox inuentus est iesus solus et ipsi tacuerunt et nernini dixerunt in Ssem dagum seniht of &Sem i6ate gesegon geworden woes sonne on dSem efterra doege illis diebus quicquam ex his quae uiderant 37 *Factum est autem in sequenti die * XXXUIII. 99. ii. "Mt. clxxiiii. ofdune Astigendum -dem of tsenm more Arn togaegnes him here micelo J heono woer of -seim here mr. xci. descendentibus illis de monte occurrit illi turba multa 38 et ecce uir de turba gecliopade cuoed la laruu ic biddo -Sec besseh on sunu minumn fordSon an-cende is me exclamauit dicens magister obsecro te respice in filium meum quia unicus est mihi J heono gast gegrippde hine J ferlice clioppias J bites: fordoaS hine mit 39 et ecce spirittus appraehendit ilium et subito clamat et elidit et dissipat eum cum fane J ned 4' hefia fearras to-slite-; hine J ic bkedd 5 egnas Sine 7 awurpon hine spuma et uix discedit dilanians eum 40 et rogaui discipulos tuos et (sic) eicerent illum I ne msehton ondsuarede -onne se helend cuoes la eneoreso umngeleafull 7- woh-full hu et non potuerunt 41 respondens autenm iesus dixit o generatio infidelis et peruersa usque longe ic biom miiS iuh 7 ic dola inih tolhed sunu {Sinne quo- ero apud uos et patiar uos adduc filium tuum I dade mid hine gihefgade werun from slepe J awsehtun gisegun ~rym his 7 twoege weoras sade stodun mid him 33. J aworden woes mi-s-y foerdun from hinim -sem hselende bodere god is us her to wosane wyrce we drio hus an de 7 an moyse 7 an helihe ne wiste hwoet he cwede 34. -Sas ~Sa him sprece giworden wses wolcen i ofer-bruedde hiMe ondreordunl ge-on-gaegdum (sic) him in Ssset woleen 35. 7 stefn giworden wses of wolene cwe-sende sis is sunu min leof in gaste giheraS 36. 7 minSiy wis stefn gimoeted wins se hmlend ana hiue swigadun J nsenigum giewedun in snsem dagum Peniht of )senm -a~;e gisegun 37. giworden wis donne on 3Ssem sefterra diege of-dune astigende drem of more J arn togsegnes 1 ise -Sreott micel 38. J heono wer of &Sem herge gicliopade la larwa ic biddo -See loca on mec drihten.fordon ancende is me 39. J heonu gast gigrap hine J ferlice cliopa-3 1 bites 3 slites hine mi s swate - nede fearras to-slitas hine 40. J ic baed his Segnas 4sine ssette him awurpun hine 3 ne mamhtun 41. ond-sworade Sonne cwems la cneoreswa ungileof-ful ] woh-full hulonge ic biota miiS iowih 9 ic Solo iow to-lid sunu nSinne 102 [LUKE. 42 And pa he hyne laedde him to. se 42 And he pa laedde hine him to; se deofol hine for-nam I fordyde. Da nydde deofol hine nam 7 for-dyde. Da needde se se hdelend Pone unclaenan gast ut. 7 gehael- haelend Panne unclhene gast ut. 7 ge-haelde de. ~-ene cnapan J agef hine his faeder; panne cnapan. 7agef hine his feeder. 43 pa wundredon hig ealle be godes 43 Da wundredon hyo ealle be godes meerae. 7 eallum wundriendum be pam maera6e. J eallen wundrenden be pam PingPingum pe gewurdun. he cwee'6 to his en; pe ge-wurS6en ware. He cwaed to his leorning-cnihtum; leorning-cnih ten. 44 Asetta p]as spmca on eowrum heor- 44 Asettes6 pas sprsece on eowren heorturn. hit ys towerd f mannes sunu si ge- ten; hit is to-ward mpet mannes sune syo seald on manna handa; ge-seald on mannes handen. 45 Da pohton hig pis word I hit wses 45 pa pohten hyo pis word. J hit wies bewrigen beforan him Jp hi hit ne on- be-wrigen be-foren heom poet hyo hit ne ongeton. 7 hi ne dorston hine be pam w6rde geaton. 7 hyo ne dorsten hine be pam ahsian; worde ahsian. 46 Soslice f ge-panc eode on hig. hwylc 46 So6lice p7et panc eode on hyo hwilc hyra yldest were; heora yldest were. 47 Da se hlselend geseh hyra heortan 47 pa se haelend pis ge-hyrde he ge-seah gepancas he ge-sette Psene cnapan wip here heortan ge-pances he ge-sette panne hine cnapen wiP6 hine; 48 ] cwpep to him; Se &6e pysne cnapan 48 ) cwse6 to heom. Se pe Pisne cnape on mlnum naman onfeh;6. se me onfeh6; on minen naman on-feh>6; he on-feh6 me. And se pe me onfeh6 he onfeh6' psene pe 7 se pe on-feh6 me; he on-feh6 pane pe me me sende; Witudlice se &6e is leest betwex sente. Witodlice se pe is lest be-tweox eow ealie. se is mara; eow ealle; se is mara. 49 Da:swarode iohannes. bebeodend. 49 pa andswerede Iohannes. be-beodend we gesawon sumne on pinum naman deofol- we ge-seage sumne on pinen naman deofelseocnessa iut-drifende 7 we hine for-budon. seocnysse ut-drifende. 7 we hine for-buden; for-pam he mid us ne fylyg"5; for-pam he mid us ne fylgie6. 50 Da cwase" he. ne for-beode ge; Se &6e 50 Da cwse56 he ne for-beode ge. Se pe nis ongen eow se is for eow; nis on-gean eow se is for6 mid eow. 51 So'Slice woes geworden pa his andfen- 51 Solice mwaes ge-worS6en Pa hys anfengen ga dagas weeron gefyllede. he ge-try- dages wseren ge-worS6ene ge-fellede; he gemede hys ansyne - he ferde to hierusalem; tremede his ansiene J he ferde to ierusalem. Various Readings. Various Readings. 42. A. jone (twice). A. ageaf. 43. A. ge-wurdon. 42. pa he hine ledde; nydde; ponne (twice). 43. 44. A. spraeca. A. toweard. A. sig. 45. A. hig. A. alle; marl6e; eallum wundriendum; Iyngum; ge-wurdon; on-geaton. C. om. J before hi. A. hig. A. acsian. 46. R. om. ware; -cnihtum. 44. eowrumn heortum; his [for is] to-weard; mannum (sic; 2nd time). 45. pohA.eoa..A. one. 48. C. tr; be-foran him; hi; dorston. 46. hyra. 47. haofehs (first time). A. pone. A. WVitodlice. A. betweox. lend; heora; ge-pancas. 48. cnapan; minvm; poene; 49. B. C. ~swarude. A. -seocnyssa. A. ut adryfende. sende. 49. ge-sawon; pinumn; for-budon; fyligS. 50. 50. A. on-gean. for C[for forS mid]. 51. ge-worden; anfenga; ge-worden ge-fyllede; ge-trymede; ansyne. CHAP. IX.] 103 3 mid-y geneoleede agroette hine se diowl I losade I4 I ge{Sreade se heelend ione gast 42 et cum accederet elisit ilium daemonium et dissipauit et increpauit iesus spiritum uncleonne J gehselde Sone cnehlit J Agfef hine fieder his gewundradon so-lice alle inmundum et sanauit puerum et reddidit illum patri eius 43 *Stupebant autem omnes l100. Uii. on suise micelnisse godes Allum'Sa jlco undrandu on allum Sate he dyde cuoe- to Segnum in magnitudine dei omnibzus quae mirantibus in omnibus quse faciebat *Dixit ad discipulos * XXXUIIII. <;7 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~101. ii. mt. clxxui. his settes gie in heortum iurum wordo Sas sunu for'son monnes to-waerd is mr. xciii. suos 44 ponite uos in cordibus uestris sermones istos filius enim hominis futurus est Ote gesald biS in hond monna sos hia ne on-eneaun word Sis I wTes awrigen ut tradatur in manus.hominum 45 at illi ignorabant uerbum istud et erat uelatum fore hia *te ne sohton,- J ondreardon to froegnanne hine ofer sis word in-eode ante eos ut non sentirent illud et timebant interrogare eum de hoc uerbo 46 uINtrauit * 102. ii. mnt. clxxuiii. Mar. xcU. uutedlice smeaung in him huelc hiora mara were Sa se hoelend gesaeh smeaungas heartes autem cogitatio in eos quis eorum maior esset 47 at iesus uidens cogitationes cordis hiora gelahte cneiht sette hine neh him V cuoe~ -&sem ilcom oSegnum sese sua chueele illorum adprehendens puerum statuit eum secus se 48 et ait illis quicumque onfose enmehtoe -sissum on noma minumr me onfoas I se-Se sua hua mec onfoat' onfoanS susceperit puerum Jstum in nomine meo me recipit et quicumque me recipit recipit tone ilca seSe mec sende for-on seSe leasa is bituih allum iuh -Ses maasta is ondsuarede eum qui me misit nam qui minor est inter omnes uos hic maior est 49 *Respondens * lo. uiii. mr. xcuii. iohannes cuoeS la heesere woe gesegon sum o-Ser in noma %inumn aworpende Sa dioblas J autem iohannes dixit praeceptor uidimus quaendam in nomine tuo eicientem daenlonia et we forbudon him forlSon ne fylges usig miS JI cuoeS to him se hoelend nallaS gie prohibuimus eum quia non sequitur nobiscum 50 et ait ad ilium iesus nolite forbeadse seSe forvon ne Is wis iuih fore iuih is aworden woes Sa miS-y prohibere qui enim non est aduersus uos pro uobis est 51 *Factum est autem dum * XL. 104. x. gefylled woeron dagas ondfenges 1 geliornises his J he onsione his getrumade -te foerde hierusalem complerentur dies assumtionis eius et ipse faciem suam firmauit ut iret hierusalem 42. 3 miuSBy gineolicade agroette hine Be diowul I gitreade 7 Breade 5e hbmlend gast unclhenne gihblde Bone cneiht agaef hine fieder his 43. giwundradun soBlice alle on swite micelnisse godes alle Bailco wulldradun in allum teinmiBe dyde cwuis to -egnum his 44. sette ge inc (sic) heortum iowrum word SBas sunu minn' monnes toword is ~te gisald bit in hond monnes 45. sob hiMe ne on-cneowun word Bas J wies awriten is fore hise - I;ette ne Sohtun tSet ne ondredanne to fregnanne hine of tissum worde 46. in-code wutudlice smeoung in him hwelc hiora..... tone cnseht sete hine neh him 48. cwent tsem sete swa hwelc onfoet tone cnaeht tissum on noma minum mec onfoet J swa hwelc swa mec onfoet onfoet tone ilcu se;e mec sende onfoet hine forton sete mnara is bitwih allum iow tes mara is 49. ond-sworade wutudlice iohannes la hsesere we gisegun sume otre in noma minum aworpende ta diowla 1 we for-budun him forton ne fylgeo usih mit 50. J cwse; to him te hmelend nallat ge for-beada seSe forSon ne is wit iowih fore iowih is 51V aworden woes ta mitty gifylled werun dsegas to on-fonges liornisse his 9 he onsione his gitrymme (sic) 9te foerde in hierusalem 104'[LuLrE. 52 Da sende he bodan beforan his ansyne. 52 pa sente he boden be-foren his ansiene. fa eodon hig on Pa ceastre samaritanorum pa eoden hyo on pa cestre Samnaritanorum JPet hi him gegearwodon. Jaet hyo him ge-gearewedon. 53 J hig ne onfengon hine forpam:pe he 53 1 hyo ne on-fengen hine for-]'am ]e wolde faran to hierusalem; he wolde faran to ierusalem. 54 Da his leorning-cnihtas'J' gesawon. 54 Da his leorning-cnihtes 3Jet ge-herden. iacobus. I Iohannes. a cwsedon hig; Drih- Iacobus. J Iohannes. pa cwse6en hyo. ten. wyltu we secga'6 TB f5Sr cume of heofone Drihten wilt pu T we seggen pet fer cume I for-nime hig; of heofene J for-nyme hyo. 55 And hine bewende he hig preade. 55 3 he be-wente hine 7 hyo Preatede. 56 1 hig ferdon on oper castel; 56 1 hyo ferde on o'6erne castel. 57 Da hi ferdon on wege. sum him to 57 pa hyo ferden on wvi sume him to. cwAe5; Ic fylige pe swa hwyder swa pu cwae'Se. Ic felgie pe swa hwider swa pu fierst; ferst. 58 Da cwse? se haelend. foxas habba>6 58 Da cwAe> se hselend. foxas hmebbeW6 holu I heofones fuglas nestp; So6lice hole. I heofene fugeles nystas. so>Slice mannes sunu nsefp hwar he hys heafod mannes sune noef'S hwser he hys heafed ahylde; ahylde. 59 Da cwse? he to os;rum filig me; Da 59 Da cwse>6 he to o6ren felgie'6 me. cwsep he drihten alyf me meryst bebyrigean Da cwse6 he drihten alyf me serest berien mzinne fseder; minne fader. 60 Da cwoeP se haelend. lPet pa dead 60 pa cwne6 se halend. lhet pa deade byrigan hyra deadan. ga >6u I boda godes berigen heora deaden. ga Pu I bode godes rice; rice. 61 Da cwe6n og5er ic fylige pe drihten. 61 Da cw se6 se oer. ie felgie ]e drihten. ac liet me oeryst hit cypan Pam S6e set ham aec liet me arest hit ky~san pam Pe set ham synt; synden. Various Readings. Various Readings. 52. A. hig (twice). 54. A. wylt Iru. A. heofene. 55. 52. sende; bodan beforan; ansyne; eodon; ceastre; A. J he hyne be-wende. hig B. C. bewend. 57. A. ge-gearewedon. 54. -cnihtas; gesawen [for ge-herhig. 58. A. heofenes fugolas. A. nest; but B. C. den]; secga2s; fyr; heofone. 55. bewende; predde (sic). nestp. 59. A. aerest. A. byrian; B. (. byrigean. 56. ferden; omer. 57. hi ferdon; wege sum; cwsee; 60. A. deadan byrgean heora. 61. A. rerest. A. synd. fylgige; ferst. 58. halend; holu; hefone; heafod. 59. oSrvm fylgis; arest byrigean; feeder. 60. dead byrigan hyora deadan. 61. R. om. se; fylige; aryst; cySan; synt. CHAP. IX.] o05 9 sende erendureca fore gesigse his - imi6';y foerdon Inbeadon in ~t ceastre 52 et misit nuntios ante conspectum suum et euntes intrauerunt in ciuitatem;ara lioda fte fore-gearuadon him J ne ondfengon hine fordon onsione his woes frerendes samaritanorum ut pararent illi 53 et non receperunt eum quia facies eius erat euntis hierusalem miity gesegon -egnas ~ his 3 cuoedon drihten wilt -u hierusalem 54 cum uidissent discipuli eius iacobus' et iohannes dixerunt domhine uis.te we coeta ~te fyr ofduna astige of heofnum I fornime hia J ymbweelde getreade dicimus ut ignis descendat de caelo et consumat illos 55 et conuersus increpauit ta ilco 4 hia J foerdon in oterum woerc aworden wees -Sonne geongendum illos 56 et abierunt in aliud castellum 57 *Factum est autem ambulantibus* 105 u. mt. lxuiii, him on woeg cuoes sum oder to him ic fylgo -;ec sueehuiddir -u fbere I cuoe- him se heelend illis in uia dixit quidam ad illum sequar te quocumque ieris 58 et ait illi iesus foxas holas habbaS I flegendo heofnes nesto habba- sunu uutedlice monnes ne hoefes -er4' hfier uulpes foueas habent et uolucres caeli nidos filius autem hominis non habet ubi heafud gebega cuoe-. -a to o-Srum s6ec 4' fylg mec he Ba coeO drihten caput reclinet 59 *Ait autem ad alterum sequere me ille autem dixit domine * 106. x. forgef4' gelef me eerist geonga J ]i ic byrga feeder mrin J cuoes se hoelend forlet permitte mihi primum ire et sepelire patremn meum 60 dixitque iesus sine -frte;a deado bebyrga- deado hiora ~u uutedlice gaa saeg ric godes ut mortui sepeliant mortuos suos thu autem uade annuntia regnum dei 61 et cuoes oser ic fylgo Sec drihten ah arist gelef me eft-seecga -iem -ate eed hgm ait alter sequar te domine sed primum permitte mihi renuntiare his qui domi sint sunt 52. 1 sende erend-wreacu fora gisihte his ~te foetdun In-eodun in ta cmestre sara- lioda..,. te fore georwa. dun him 53. 7 ne onfengun hine forson onsione his woes fberende in hierusalem 54. misty gisegun wutudlice -Segnas his....... cwedun drihten wiltu sAet we cweSe ~te fyrr ofdune astige of heofnum J for-nime hive 55. I ymbwewerlde -se haelend gi-reade -Saillco I cwoeS..... 56...... *... foerdun in otSer were 57. aworden woes Sonne gongendum him on woege cwaeeS sum oter to him ic fylgo swa hwider swa tsu fiere 58. J cwveeS him se hoelend foxes holo habbas J flegende heofnes nest sunu wutudlice monnes ne hFefel hwer he heofud his gibege 59. cwVeel Ca to oTrum fylig4folga me he Isa cwiee drihten forgef lef me serest gonga J JIet ih byrge fieder minne 60. cwaes sa him se haelend forlett sa deodu bibyrgal deodu hiora Iu gaa V saege in rice godes 61. a cwree oler ic fylge Ie drihten ah Ierh erist gong eft suecga'iem ~ale aet huse sindun 106 [LUKE. 62 Da cwaep se haelend him to. nan 62 Da cwseaS se haelend hyem to. nan mann pe hys hand asett on hys sulh. I on- man pe his hand asett on his slulh (sic) 3 on bmec besyhf6 nys and-fenge godes rice; his bsech be-sih6S. nis and-fenge godes rice. CHAPTER X. CHAPTER X. Dis godspel1 f fter pam se haelend gemearcude I After pan se haelend ge-mearcude Designauit sceal to anes dominus iesui apostoles oere twa I hund-seofantig and o6re twa and hund-seofentig. etaliossepDesignauit sende hig twam beforan his ansyne on sente hyo twam 3 twam beforan his ansiene [&] misit iladominus & elce ceastre. I st6we pe he to cumenne on selce ceastre 3 stowe pe he to cumenne faciem suam. alios septua ginta duos. A. waSe. wes. Designauit dominusiesus 2 3 cwaeu6 to him her is mycel rip. 2 3 cwaeui to heom her is micel rip 3 & alios septuaginta duos feawa wyrhtan. bidda6 paes ripes hlaford feawe wirhtan bydde6 pas ripes hlaford 7P & misit illos binos ante: he sende wyrhtan to his ripe; he sende wirhten to his ripe. iemam 3 Fara nu. nu ic eow sende swa swa 3 Fared nu; nu ich eow sensde swa swa lamb betwux wulfas; lamb be-twux wulfes. 4 Ne bere ge sacc. ne codd. ne gescy. 4 Ne bere ge sech. ne cod. ne ne scy (sic). ne nanne man be wege ne greta6; ne nenne man be weige ne grete'6. 5 On swa hwylc hus swa ge in-ga6. 5 On swa hwilce huse swa ge in-gad; cwe6ap eryst. sib si pisse hiw-raeddenne; cweS6ed arest. sib syo p~isse hiwreedene. 6 And gyf par beo>6 sybbe beam. reste 1 6 And gyf pJer beo6 sibbe beam. reste par eower sib. gif hit elles sy. heo sy to pser eower sibbe. Gif hit elles syo. 3 hyo eow gecyrred;' syo to eow ge-cerred; 7 Wunigap on pam ylcan huse. 7 etaW6 3 7 wunie>6 on pam ylcan huse 3 etad 3 drinca'6 pa ping pe big habba6; So'Slice se drinker6 pa ping pe hyo haebbes6 on pam wyrhta is his m'ede wyrS6e; Ne fare ge fram ilken huse. Sodlice se werchte is his mede huise to huise. wur6e. Ne fare ge fram huse to huse. 8 ae on swa hwylce ceastre swa ge in- 8 ac on swa hwilce ceastre ge in-ga56 I ga6 3 hig eow onfo6. eta6 f eow toforan hyo eow on-fo&. sete6 poet eow mat-foren aset ys. aset is. 9 3 ge-hselat pa un-truman pe on pam 9 3 ge-hsele>6 pa u[n]trumen pe on pam huse synt. I secga6 him. godes rice to huse sende. 3 segga5 heom; godes rice to eow genealaec& - eow geneohlaece&. Various Readings. Various Readings. 62. A. B. C. man. A. rices. 62. him; sulh; on-bae. Cap. x. 1. A. gemearcode. A. -seofentig. 2. A. Cap. x. 1. Rubric as in H. -seofontig; sende; ansynec; eadlce. 2. him; bidda-s; wyrhta. 3. FaraS; ic wyrhtena., 3. A. betweox. 4. A. ge-scig. A. naenne.; ic; wulfas. 4. secc; naenne. 5. hwylc; in-gat; 5. A. sig. A. byw-roedene; B. hiw-raedene. 6. A. cweSaS. 6. sibb [2nd time]. 7. wuniaS; etad(sic); ge-sybbe. A. syg. syg. Asyg. 7. A. Wunia$; B. C:. drinca;; habba$ J on pam ilcan huse (repeated as in iI:); Wunigeap. 8. A. hwylcere. 9. A. synd. Solice; wyrhta. 8. etah; aforen. 9. gehala~; untruman; synt; eom; eeow ge-nealaec., CHAP. II.] 107 cuoe6 to him se haelend ne enig sende hond his on sulh behaldas on baeeg 62 ait ad illum iesus nemo mittens manum suam in aratrum et respiciens retro gecoren is to rnc godes aptus est regno dei CAP. X. iefter Sas -Sonne of-gemercade drihten I olsoro hund-seofontig tuoege 9 sende hia tuoege 1 *Post haec autem designauit dominus et alios septuaginta duos et misit illos binos XLL 107. x, fora onsione his on alle ceastra J 5 stydd &em wres he tocymende I cuoel ante faciem suam in omanem ciuitatem et locum quo erat ipsoe uenturus 2 et dicebat him hrippes solice fcolo wyrcendra uutedlice huon bidda- for-on drihten -;ere hrippes -te gesende illis *Messis quidem multa operari autem pauci rogate ergo dominum messis ut mittat 108. u. nit, lxxuiii woercmenn on ohtrippe his gaa; heono ic sendo iuih sua lombro bi-tuih ulfum operarios - in messem suam 3 *Ite ecce ego. mitto uos sicut agnos inter lupos* 109. u. mt. lxxXuis naellai gie gebeara seam ne posa ne sceoe J ne menigne monn ~;erh woege gie groetas 4 *Nolite portare sacculum neque peram neque calciamenta et neminem per uiam salutaueritis *1. 11-ii. mt. lxxxii, mr. liii. on sua huelene hus gie ingoeee5 -rist cuoeMSa sibb ";issum huse: gif Ber sie sunu 5 *In quam-cumque domum intraueritis primum dicite pax huic domui 6 et si ibi fuerit filius, 111. U. nit. lxxxiiii. sibbes wunas ofer hia sibb iuera gif -Sonne to iuh eft-gecerre' in isem ilca Sonne pacis requiescit super illam pax uestra sin autern ad uos reuertetur 7 *IN eadem autem * 112. ii. rit. lxxxiii. hus wuna5 eattas J drincas ta miR him sint wyr-e forMon is se woercmonn mearde domo manete edentes et bibentes quae apud illos sunt dignus enim est operarius mercede his nallas gie ofer-fara of huse in hus I in suee-huvelc ceastra gie in-fere-; sua nolite transire de domo in domum 8 *ET in quam-cuinque ciuitatem intraueritis et 113 x. on-foa-; iuh eattas -a to-gesetted bison iuh J gema; -;a un-trymigo -ase in tier sint susceperint uos manducate quae apponuntur uobis 9 et curate infirmos qui in illa sunt J cuoeia'him geneolecde in iuh rioc godes et dicite illis appropinquauit in uos regnum dei 62. cweeS to him 5e heelend ne cenig sende honda his on suluh: bi-haldes onb2ec gicoren is to rice godes Cap. X. 1. vefter -as;onne of-gimercade drihten: o;Sro tu J hund-sifontig 7 sende hiae twoege fore onsione his on alle caestre I stowwe -eem waes he to cymende 2.,: cwoe$ Jiem nipes so'lice feola wyrcende wutudlice hwon bidda- forSon drihten ripes ]te sende were-men in oht-rip his 3. gaM heono ic sendo iowih swa lombor bitwih wulfum 4. nalla- forson gibeara seom ne posa ne gi-scoe 1 ne menig mon -erh woeg ge gigroeta'; 5.....eres cweodas sibb Sissum huse 6. J gif';er bi4' sie snum sibbes wunigas ofer hia sibbe iower gif;onne to iow eft-gicerra; 7. in ~eem ilca huse wuniga5 eotas 1 drincas ~aLe nli him sindun wyrde is for5on'e werc-monn metes his nalla; ge ofer-fara of huse in hus 8. 3 in swa hwelce caestre ge ingongas J on-foeo iowih eotas to-gisete bio;un iow 9. J gena5 5a untryniigo ~age in ~aer sindun cweodas him to-gineolicade to iow rice godes o2 108 [LUKE. 10 on swa hwylce ceastre swa ge inga"6. 10 on swa hwilce ceastre swa ge inga6; I hig ne onfo"6 eow gap on hyra strseta I I hyo ne on-fo6S eow; ga6 on heore strate cwe≈: cwede;6. 11 f dust ri of eowre ceastre on urum I 11 Diet dust paet of eowre ceastre on fotum clifode. we drigeap on eow. wita6 uren foten clefede. we dreige6 on eow. peah f godes rice genealsec~S; wite 6 peah J godes rice neohlsece;. 12 Ic eow secge f sodom-waron on pam 12 Ich eow segge Pset sodome-waeren on dsege bi6 forgyfenlicre ponne paere ceas- pam dagen beo6 for-geofendlicere panne tre; P are ceastre ge-ware. 13 Wa pe corozam. wa pe beths'aida. 13 Wa pe corozaim wa pe bethsaida. forpam gif on tyro I on sidone gewordene for-pam gyf on tire I on sidone ge-wor6ene weron pa menegu pe on eow gedone synt. weeren pa manege be on eow ge-done synde. gefyrn hig on hwran 3 on axan hreowsunge ge-fern hyo on heren. I on escan reowsunge dydon; dydon. 14 Deah-hwaepere tiro I sydone on pam 14 peah-hwae6ere tyre I sydone on pam daege bye6 forgyfenlicre ponne eow; daige beoP6 for-geofendlicere panne eow. 15 And pu cafarnaum o6 heofon up- 15 lEnd Pu capharnaum o6 heofen upahafen. pu byst op helle gesenced; ahafen; pu beost o>6 helle be-sence>6. 16 Me gehyr6 se &e eow gehyr6S. I me 16 Me ge-hyr6 se pe eow ge-her6. I me ofer-hogap se;e eow ofer-hoga&6; Se pe me ofer-huge;; se Je eow ofer-huge6. se pe ofer-hoga';. he ofer-hoga'6 psene pe me me ofer-huge6; he ofer-huge>6 pane pe sende; me sente. 17 Da ge-cyrdon pa twa I hundseofantig 17 pa ge-cyrde pa twa I hund-sefentig midgefean I cwedon; Drihten deofol-seoc- mid ge-fean 1 cwse6en. Drihten deofelnessa us synt on pinum naman under- seocnysse us synden on pinen namen underpeodde; Peode. 18 Da ssede he him. ic geseah satanan 18 pa saide he heom. ic ge-seah satana swa swa lig-rsesc of heofone feallende. swa swa legeroesc of heofene fallende. 19 1 nu ic sealde eow anweald to treden- 19 1 nu ich sealde eow anweald to tredne ofer naeddran. J snacan J ofer selc feon- enne ofer nseddren I snaken I ofer selc des msegen. I nan ping eow ne deras6; feondes moegen J nan ping eow ne dere6. Various Readings. Various Readings. 10. B. C. cestre. A. heora. 11. A. dria;. 12. 10. got;; hyora; cwe;aW. 11. urum fotum clyofede; A. -warurn. 13. A. corozaim. A. msenegu. A. synd. drygea-; wita-;; nealeec$. 12. waron; dagum bit for-gefenlicere. 13. tyro ge-wordene waren; menega A. haran. 14. A. peah-hwaetre. A. om. daege. A. (sic); synt; ge-fyrn; haeran; axan hreowsunge. 14. forgifenlicere. 15. A. heofen. A. B. C. besenced. DTeh-hwe-;ere tyro; bye; for-gifenlice ponne. 15. heofon; 16. A. B.. bist; be-senced. 16. ge-hyrS (2nd time); ofer-hugas 16. A. B. C1. one. 17. A. -seofentig. Ai -nyssa. (last 3 times); ]onne; gesende. 17. ge-cyrdon; -seoA. synd. 18. A. ligetresct. A. heofene. fentig; cwsenon; deofol-; synt; Jinum namon underpeodde. 18. sagde; him; satanan; lygeraesc; heofone. 19. ic; anweld; naedran; snacan; elc; deore'. CHAP. X.] 109 in suahuele ceastra gie ingaess I ne onfoae-; iuh faerai on plecum hire 10 *IN quam-cumque ciuitatem intraueritis et non receperint uos exeuntes in plateas eius * 114. ii. mt. lxxxu. mr. lu. cuoe;aS aec so; ] asca sese et-hran us from ceastra Iuera of we drygdon on iuih dicite 11 etiam puluerem qui adhaesit nobis de ciuitate uestra extergimus in uos sotlice -sis wuta-s gie -pte geneolacan ric godes ic cuoeto iuh -Jte sodomom tamen hoc scitote quia appropinquauit regnum dei 12 dice uobis quia sodomis on daege -sem forgefenrat easor to forgeafanne biR son ~ser ceastra wae se - is burug wme in die illa remissius erit quam illi ciuitati. 13 *UaJe tibi corazain uae * 115.'. mt. cuii.i tse f is Pec burg forson gif in J awordna woeron JSa maehto;aSe in iuih awordeno woeron tibi bethsaida quia si in tyro et sidone factme fuissent uirtutes quae in uobis facte sunt forlonge in huitum hrsegle I on asea hia waldon sitta -te hea gehreawsadon 4 geboeton so'lice huoeSre olim in cilicio et cinere sedentes poeniterent 14 uerumtamen tyro forgefenra biS easor in d6m tson iuh J su Ji is burg o0!s et sidoni remissius erit in iudicio quam uobis 15 et tu capharnaum usque in heofon ahefen oSs to helle gedreneged sese iuih geheres mec gehereO J sese iuih caelum exaltata usque ad infernum demergeris 16 *Qui uos audit me audit et qui uos * 16. i. mt. xculii teles T gehenes mec henes seSe uutedlice mee henes gehene-S Sone seSe mec sende ir. xui. spernit me spernit qui autem me spernit spernit eum qui me misit i. xi eftcerdon 4' awoendo woeron 9;a tuu: hundseofontig mis glhednise cuoedon drihten so-lice 17 *Reuersi sunt autem septuaginta duo cum gaudio dicentes domnine etiam * 117. x. diowlas sint under-sioded us on noma ~inum J cuoe-; him ic ge-sseh Sone wiSerworda daemonia subiciuntur nobis in nomine tuo 18 et ait illis uidebam satanan suelce legesslkeht of heofnum fallende heono ic salde iuh maeht henisses 4' hniSrunges i sicut fulgor de caelo cadentem 19 ecce dedi uobis potestatem calcandi on-ufa nedrum J J on-ufa all malht fiondes J noht iuh supra serpentes et scorpiones et supra oanem uirtutem inimici et nihil uobis gesceteS nocebit 10. in swa hwelce cmestre ge in-gongas J ne on-foas iowih faraS on plaetsa his J cweosas 11. ec soZeette to-gineolica-s forSon rice godes 12. ic cwe-so iow &sette sodomom on doege'sem forgefen biW toenne:Sio caestre ser 13. wee e e is burug wme se ~ is aec burug forSon gif in tyrom'sa maehte nSate in iow awordne werun forlonge in hwitum hreegle 3 on asca hie waldun sitta J hime gihreowsadun 14, soSlice hweSre J.... forgefenra bit on dome'5onne iow 15. J -su capharnaum oMSe heofun ahoefen otsSe to helle Su ar-S gidrences 16. se-se iowih giheres mec giheres J sense iowih teles TkheneS mlec teleS Thene-S V sese witudlice mec heneS hene-S T tele-s hine sese mec sende 17. eft-cerrende werun na tu 7 hund-sifuntig mi-s gladnisse cwedon drihten soslice diowlas sind under-Msioded us on noma inum 18. J cwmas him ic giseh Sone wiSerworda swa leges of heofne fallende 19. heonu ic salde iow maehte hennisset ni'runge ofer nedre.... e on-ufa alle maiht fiondes J noht low gisce~-Sas 110 [LuKE. 20 peah-hwoe>Sere ne blissige ge on ]pam 20 Dah-hwme6eere ne blissie ge on pain pe eow synt gastas under-peodde; Ge-blis- pe eow sende gastes under-pedde. GesiaMS f eower naman synt on heofonum blissieS Poet eower namen synden on heofene awriten e; awritene. 21 On paere tide he on halgum gaste ge- 21 On pare tide he on halgen gaste blissode 3 cwx6;; Ic andete pe fteder. drih- blissede I cweg'6. Ich andette pe faeder. ten heofones 7 eorsSan. forpam Pe "Su pas drihten heofenes I eor2San. for-pan-re pu 6Sing wisurn 7 gleawum behyddest. I lyt- pas ring wisen J gleawen be-heddest. I litlingum awruge. forpam hit beforan pe swa lengen un-awruge. for-pam hit be-foran pe gelicode; swa gelicode. 22 Ealle Ping me synt fram minum f~eder 22 Ealle Pingm e synde fram mine fader gesealde. I nan man nat hwylec is se sunu ge-sealde. I namman nat hwilc is se sune buton se f~eder. ne hwylcsi6efmederbuton buton se finder. ne hwilc sye se feder se sunu. I se &e se sunu hit awreon buton se sune. I se Pe se sune hit unwyle; awreon wile.,are feower- Ique uidernnt teoSan wucan bewend; Eadige synt ka eagan be-wend. Eadig synC;S ra eagen que os uide. ofer pente- g etis. oten Bei eatipe geseou pa >6ing pe ge ge-seoge; pe -seoseo a ring pe ge ge-seo. tis. deouli qui ul 24 So6lice ic eow secge 73 manega wite- 24 So'lice ich eow segge PAt manige uidetis. A. gan. cyningas woldon geseon f ge ge-seop witegan I kynges wolden ge-seon peet Paet Beati oculi qui uiderunt I hig hit ne gesawon. 7 woldon gehyran P ge ge-seo>6. I hi hit ne ge-seagen. I detis. B. ge gehyrap. I hig hit ne gehyrdon; wolden ge-heren paet ge ge-here6 I hi hit ne ge-herdon. 25 Da aras sum v-glew man. I fandode 25 Da aras sum aegleow man I fandede his I cwoe>6; Lareow. hwEet do ic -5 ic ece his I cwaee6. Lareow hwaet do ic p]et ich lif haebbe; eche lif haebbe. 26 Da cwaep he to him. hwaet is gewrit- 26 Da cwaeP6 he to him. hwaet is geen on poere 2. hu raetst Pu; writen on pare lage. hu raestdst (sic) pu. 27 Da Iswarude he. lufa drihten ]2inne 27 Da andswerede he. Lufe drihten god of ealre kinre heortan. J of ealre Pinre ]inne god. on ealre pinre heorte. 1 on sawle. I of eallum pinum mihtum I of eal- alre pinre sawle.: on eallen pinen mihte. lumn pinum mnegene. IJ rinne nehstan swa I of eallen pjinen magene. 3 pine nehstan &;e sylfne; swa swa re sylfne. Various Readings. Various Readings. 20. A. synd. A. synd. A. heofenum. 21. A. an- 20. -hwe5ere; blissige; synt; under-peodde; Ge-blisC. heofenes. 22.A.snd.A. ( sian; naman synt; heofone. 21. halgum; for-pam-pe; dette. A. B. a.heofenes.(a wisum; gleawum behyddast; lytlingum. 22. sint; sy above; for si). A. onwreon, 23. A. synd. 25. nan man; sy; fader; un-awrean. 23. synt; egan. 24. manega; cyngas; R. has pa3t once only; hyo; geA. ve-gleaw. 26. A. awryten. A. roeddest. 27. A. sawon; ge-hyran; ge-hyra-S; hyo; ge-hyrdon. 25. ae-gleaw; ic ece; habbe. 26. Jere; ae [for lage]; Jswarode. A. mregne. raetst. 27. Lufa; Sine; of[for on; 3 times]; ealra.pinne heortan; eallum finuun mihtum; eallum pinumn maegene; sylfan. CHAP. X.] ill. soslice huoere o 8is nallaS gie ge-feage forSon segastoes iuh under-;ioded sint gefea- ~ onne 20 uerumtamen hoc nolite gaudere quia spiritus uobis subiciuntur gaudete autem 4fte noma iuera awritteno sint on heofiunz in Ssem tid gefeade gaste halige quod nomina uestra scribta sunt in caelis 21 *IN ipsa hora exultauit spiritu sancto * XLII 118. u. mt. cx. J cuoeS ic ondeto -e feeder drihten heofnes J eorses -te tu gehyddest'Sas from snottrum 7 et dixit confiteor tibi pater domine caeli et terrae quod abscondisti haec a sapientibus et hogum J ved-eauades Sa J;am lytlum soSlice la fseder forson sume gelicade before Sec Alle prudentibus et reuelasti ea paruulis etiam pater quia sic placuit ante te 22 *Omnia 119. iii. mt. cxi. io. cxluiii.,me gesald sint from feder: neaenig wat huelc is sunu buta se faeder: huele is se feeder buta mihi tradita sunt a patre et nemo scit qui sit filius nisi pater et qui sit pater nisi se sunu J husem wselle se sunu sed-eaua: ym-weerlde to Segnum his cuoeZ5 eadgo filius et cui uoluerit filius reuelare 23 *Et conuersus ad discipulos suos dixit beati * 120. u. mt. cxxxiiii. -a ego $a5e geseaS SaSe geseas gie ic cuoeSo forSon iuh fte menigo witgo waldon gesea oculi qui uident quae uidetis 24 dico enim uobis quod multi prophetae uoluerunt uidere $aSe gie gesea-S J ne gesegon J ge-hera Sa-e gie geherdon gehera; 7 ne geherdon quae uos uidetis et non uiderunt et audire quae auditis et non audierunt J heono sum Ds laruu aras cunnade hine: cuoeS laruu hused ] hu mi-s ded 25 *ET ecce quidam legis peritus surrexit temtans eum et dicens magister quid faciendo * XLIII. 121. ii. mt. cxciii, *if Wce mneg ic bya 4] ic agnage mseg so~ h[e] cuoes to him in ee hused awritten mr. cuI. uitam aeternam possidebo 26 at ille dixit ad eum in lege quid scribtum is hu leornas -;u he ondsuarede cuoeS lufa drihten god;in of est quomodo legis 27 ille respondens dixit diliges dominum deum tuum ex allra heorta Sin 3 of allra sauele Isin J of allum rmegnum;inum: of alle -ohte -Sine J toto corde tuo et ex tota anima tua et ex omnibus uiribus tuis et ex omni mente tua et Se neste Sin sua -;ec seolfe proximum tuum sicut teipsum [A leaf lost in the Rushworth MS.] -112: [LI. 28 pa ~cwm he. rihte pu Iswarodest. 28 Da cwsea he. rihte pu andsweredest. do f. ponne leofast pu; do pset. panne lefest pu. 29 Da cwaep he to }Pam haelende. I wolde 29 Da cwae' he to pam haelende. J hine sylfne geriht-wisian; And hwylc is wolde hine selfne rihtwisian. And hwile is min nehsta; min nehsta. 30 Da cwsep se hselend hine iUpbeseonde; 30 Da cwaeS se helend hine up be-seonde. Sum man ferde fram hierusalem to hiericho Sum man ferde fram ierusalem to ierico. 7 I becom on pa scea6an. pa hine bereafodon; be-comrn on pam sca"an. pa hine be-reafeden. 3 tintregodon hine. I for-leton hine sam- 3 tintregedon hine I for-lketen hine samcucene. cweocne. 31 pa gebyrode hit f sum sacerd ferde 31 pa ge-byrede hit, Poet sum sacerde on Pam ylcan wege I pa he f geseah he ferde on pan ylken weige. 7 pa he poet gehine for-beh. seah he hine for-beah. 32 7 eall-swa se diacon., pa he wses wi6 32 7 eaIl swa se diacone. pa he woes pa st6we I fJ geseah he hyne eac for- wi6 pa stowe. I P7et ge-seah he hine eac beah; for-beah. 33 Da ferde sum samaritanise man wi6 33 Da ferde sum samaritanisc man wi6 hlne. pa he hine geseah pa wear6 he mid hine. pa he hine ge-seah. pa war6 he mild-heortnesse ofer hine astyred mid mild-heortnysse ofer hine astyred. 34 pa genealsehte he 7 wras6 his wunda 7 34 Da ge-nehlahte he I wrad his wunden. on-aget ele 7 win. 7 hine on hys nyten T, pron geat ele J win.: hine on his neten sette I gelsedde on his lce-hus. 7 hine sette. 7 ge-lsedde on his lseche-hus I hine lacnude laecnede. 35 7 brohte o6rurn dasge twegen penegas 35 7 brohte o6ren daige twegen paneges I sealde pam Iece. I pus cwse~6; Begym 7 sealde pam lkece 7 pus cwae. Begeam hys. 7 swa hwset swa pu mare to-gedest. his. 7 swa hwset swa Pu mare to ge-dest; ]onne ic cume ic hit forgylde pe; Panne ich cume ich hit for-gelde pe. 36 Hwylc para preora py1nc~ pe f sy paes 36 hwilc pare preora pincd pe pet syo maeg. pe on 6a scea6an befeoll; poes mseg pe on pa sca6an be-feoll. 37 Da cwse6S he. Se 6Se him mild-heort- 37 Da cwaseS he. se pe him mildheortnesse on dyde; Da cwsep se haelend ga, 7 nysse on dsede. Da cwe'6 se helend; ga do eall-swa; 7 do eal-swa. Various Readings. Various -eadings. 28. B. C. Sswarudest. A. lyfast. 30. A. be-reafedon. 28. ]onne leofast. 29. silfne; AEnd. 30. halend; A. om. J before tintregodon. 31. A. gebyrede. A. for- be-reofoden; for-leten; sam-cwecne. 31. sacerd; pam beah; B. C. forbieh. 32. A. eal-swa. A. deacon. A. om. ylcan. 32. diacon. 33. wear;. 34. ge-nehlaehte;.eac. 33.. myldheorye. 34. A. on-geat; C. on- wras; wunda; on-ageat; nyten; lace-. 35. o;rumn agen (sic). A. win J ele. A. asette. A. gelacnode. 35. A. daege; pseneges; ic (twice); for-gylde. 36. Para; om. pe. 36. A. Jnera. A. sig. 37. A. myldheortnysse. ]yncl; sceasan. 37. dyde, CHEIAP. X.] 113 I cuoe-; him rehtlice Su geond-suaredes Sis d6 $te Su gelifige he $onne walde 28 dixitque illi recte respondisti hoc fac et uiues 29 MIlle autem uolens * 122. x gesosfsestiga hine seolfne cuoe; to -8em hdelende: huele is min Se neestse ondfeng iustificare s6ipsum dixit ad iesum et quis est meus proximus 30 suscipiens i;a se hdelend cuoe'; monn sum adune astigade 4'cuom from hierusalem in;Ser byrig J befoerde -~ becuom autem iesus dixit homo quidam descendebat ab hierusalem in hiericho et incidit on;a -eafas;ase uutedlice bereofadon hin J miS wundum on-settenum from-foerdon half cwic 4 lifigiende forleten in latrones qui etiam despoliauerunt et plagis impositis abierunt semi-uiuo relicto gelamp Sonne *fte sacerd sum foerde i;ailca woege: gesene hine bi-weerlde 31 accidit autenm ut sacerdos quidam descenderet eadem uia et uiso illo prsateriuit ongelic I se diacon mi';sy waes neh - stoUn gesege hine ofer-foerde samaritanus f 32 similiter et leuita cum esset secus locum et uideret eum transiit 33 samais hse;inmonn;a summ geong faer ofer-eade cuom neh him: gesseh hine miS miltheartnisse ritanus autem quidam iter transiens uenit secis eum et uidens eum misericordia gecerred wes J ge-neolecde geband -1 wundo his to 4? on-dselde oele: win 3 motus est 34 et appropians alligauit uulnera eius infundens oleum et uinum et gesette hine on netne his kledde in lece-hias 3 gemnise his dyde imponens illum in iumentum suum duxit in stabulum et curam eius egit 35 et o-ero dsege forebrohte tuoege pesld' salde &sem lece 1' J coes gemnise tes haefe 1 altera die protulit duos denarios et dedit stabulario et ait curam illius habe et p suahuwed ofer ~u giuas ic mitsy eft-cerro ic forgeldo Se huele';isra Sreana quod-cumque supererogaberis ego curm rediero reddam tibi 36 quis horumrn trium is gesene- 4yncge Se se neesta woere -sem 4 him se-;e in-foerde on -;a ia;eafas (sic) sos6 he cuoe$5 uidetur tibi proximus fuisse illi qui incidit in latrones 37 at ille dixit se'6e dyde yp miltheartnis on him: cuoeS him se heelend gaa I fu d6o ongelic qui'fecit misericordianm in illum et ait illi Jesus uade et tui fac similiter [A leaf lost in the Rushworth MS.] 114 [LuKE. Dyssceal to 38 o'lice hit waes geworden pa hig 38 6o6lice hit waes ge-worden pa hyo Assumptione sanete marie. ferdon. se hbelend eode on sum ferden se hailen eocde on sum sut benrlia. castel J sum wif on naman martha onfeng |castel. 7 sum wif on name martha on-feng Intraut is hyne on hyre hus. hine on hire huse. eastellun. A. 39 1 psere swustur was maria seo eac 39 7 Pare swuster woes Marie seo eac,sset wi8 JPes haelendes fet i his word ge- set wi6 pas haelendes fet. J his word gehyrde; hyrde. 40 Soplice martha geornlice him Penode; 40 So'Slice martha geornlice him penode. pa stod heo 7 cwmep. drihten. nis Pe nan Da stod hyo J cwae6. drihten nis P~e nan caru f min swustur let me Wnlipie Penian care aeTt nin swuster ]eet me anlepige sege hyre J heo fylste me; penian. sege hire paet hyo felste me. 41 Da cwaeP se hkelend. martha martha. 41 Da cwAe6 se haelend; martha martha geornfull pu eart J embe fela pinga ge- geornfull pu ert J emb fele pinge ge-drefdrefed; ed. 42 Ge-wislice an ping is nied-behefe. 42 Ge-wislice an ring is neod-be-hefe; maria geces psene selestan d&el se hyre ne marie ge-cheas Panne sdelesten dael se hire by>6 afyrred; ne beo6 afirred. CHAPTER XI. CHAPTER XI. 1 o>lice waes geworden pa he woes on | 1 Aolice waes ge-wor6en pa he woes sumere stowe hine gebiddende. on summer stowe hine be-biddende. pa pa he geswac. him to cwsee; an his pa pa a he ge-swac. himn to cwseS an his leorning-cnihta; Drihten. ler'us. us ge- leorning-cnihten. Drihten laer us. us to biddan. swa iohannes his leorning-cnihtas ge-biddan. swa iohannes his leorninglerde; cnihtes lerde. 2 Da cwma3 he to him. cwesSa6 pus. 2 pa cwse? he to heom. cwe"ed pus ponne ge eow gebidda6; lUre fseder pu 6e panne ge eow ge-bidda>6. Ure fseder pu pe on heofone eart. si pin nama gehalgod to- on heofene eart syo pin name ge-haleged. cume pin rice. gewur6e Nin willa on heo- to-cume pin rice. ge-wor6e pin wille on fone I on eorpan. heofene 1 on eor>6e. 3 syle us to-deg urne daeg-hwamlican 3 syle us to-daig urne daig-hwanmlicne hlaf. hlaf. Various Readings, Various Readings. 38. A, inserts seo waes cafter wygf. 39. A, swnster 38. ferdon; halend;'naman. 39. maria; halendes. 4-0. A. eornlice. A. swnster. A. sen-lypige; B. C. &nlypie. 40. carv; swustor let; venlypige; heo fylste. 41. halend; eart; embe fela finga. 42. nied-; maria ge-ches 41. A. geornful. A. fuela. 42. A. nyd-behefe; C. nied- ponne selestan del; bys. behefe or med-behefe (indistinct). A. ge-ceas. pone. Cap. xi. 1. sumere; on; leoning-cnihtarn (sic); RI. om. to cafter us; ge-bidden; -cnihtans (sic). 2. cweca!s; Cap. xi. 2, A. heofenunm. A. sig. A. heofene. 3. dteg-hwalmlican. CEAP. X.] 115 aworden wses -sa miMS;y foerdon: he in-eade in suinmme woerc: wif 38 *Factum est autem dum irent et ipse intrauit in'quoddam castellum et mulier* XLIIII, sum owero marSa wses genemned genom hine in hus hire I sisser woes suoester quaedam martha nonmine excepit illum in domuzm suam 39 et huic erat soror woes genemned maria 1io unutedlice gessett Mett fotum drihtnes geherde word T*s 1 his nomine maria quae etiam sedens secus pedes domini audiebat uerbum illius *onne wel dyde y.mb oft embehte Sio astod: coe$ drihten ne 40 martha autem satagebat circa frequens ministerium quae stetit et ait domine non is *e gemnise -te soester min forleort mee ana geembelita cuoe* forson hir 4te fultume 4- gehelpe est tibi curae quod soror mea reliquit me solam ministrare dfc ergo illi ut adiuuet mee o onduarde cuoe; hir se drihten geornfull 4' arS v nsu bist astyred me 41 et respondens dixit illi dominus martha martha sollicita es et turbaris ymb Sa menigo so~lice 4- an is nedSarf 4- behoflic gecoren dsel geceas circa plurima 42 porro unum est necessarium mariam (sic) optimam patrem (sic) elegit Sio4k' a ne bis genumuen from hir quae non auferetur ab ea CAP. XI. 7 aworden wses mi*s*sy were in stowe sumre gebiddende Bte geblann cuoeS an of 1'*ET Factum est cum esset in loco quodam orans ut cessauit dixit unus ex * XLU, 123. u. mt. xliii. *egnum his to him drihten ser usih - we gebidde sua J gelmrde *Segnas his discipulis suis ad eum domine doce nos orare sicut et iohannes docuit discipulos suos I cuoeS him mi-*sy gie gebiddaS cuoe-aS fader gehalgad sie noma, in to-cymase' rlc 2 et ait illis cum oratis dicite pater sctnctificetur nomen tuum adueniat regnum -sin hlaf userne dseg-hupemlice sel us eghuelc daege tuum 3 panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis cotidie 38.... oer wses... nemned ginom hine in hus hire 39. 7 sisser woes swester se gisoett set fotum drihtnes giherde word *ses 40,..... onne wel dyde ymb oft embihte Sio stod J cwses drihten ne is gemnisse -e *S ette swester mmin for-leort mec ana giembihta cwse-S forSon hir fte mec hele 4' fulleste me 41. ondsworade cwetS him 0e heelend.... georn-ful is J -u bist astyred forSon monige 42. so-lice an is ned-Sarf 4 bi-hoefe.... Sonne gicoren dsel giceos *Sio ne biS ginumen fromn hir Cap. XI. 1. J aworden wses mi**y were on stowwe sulmre gibiddende *te giblann cwwe' an of -egnum his to him drihtlen her mect-usih *set we gibidde swa... lserde *egnas his 2. J cwse* him mi**y gibiddas cweo~as fieder user sede is on heofnum gihalgad bi* noma'in to-cymeS rice bin sie willa *in sie swa on heofne J on eor5o 3. hlaf userne dseg-hwsenmlice sel us to drege 116 [LUKE. 4 i forgyf us ure gyltas. swa we forgy- 4 ) for-gyf us ure geltes swa we forfa>6 telcum Jara pe wi6 us agylta'6. I ne gyfanS aelcen pare pe wi6 us agylte>S. I ne led pu us on costunge. ac alys'us fram laed pu us on costnunge. ac alys us fram yfele; yfele. Dis sceal to. 5 Da cwe4P he to him; * Hwylc eower 5 Da cwMeS he to heom. Hwilc eowre gang-dagon ptge twegen hsef'6 sumne freond. I gsep to midre nihte hafed sumne freond J gae6 to middre nibte edags Qu to him. 1 cwy6 to him; La freond len me to him. J cwAe> to hym. La freond laen bit amicum. pry hlafas. me preo hlafes. 6 For-pamn mln freond com of wege to 6 for pan min freond com of weige to me. me. 7 ic naebbe hwaet ic him to-foran lecge; 3 ic nsebbe hwaet ic him to-foran legge. 7 And he ponne himz pus:swarige. ne 7 AlEnd he him panne pus andswerige. beo Pu me gram nu min duru is belocen. I ne beo Pu me gram nu mlin dure is be-cosen. mine cnihtas synt on reste mid me. ne I mine cnihtes synde on reste mid me ne mseg ic arisan nui I syllan pe; maig ich arisan nu I sillen'6e. 8 Gyf he ponne purh-wuna'6 cnucigiende. 8 Gyf he panne purh-wuned cnokigende; ic eow secege gyf he [ne] arist J him syl' ic eow segge gyf he arist I him sylle'; ponne forpam pe he his freond ys. peah- panne for pan pe he his freond is. peahhwsepere for hys onhrope he arist J syl'6 him hwsme6ere for hys on-rope he arist I syl6 him his neode; his neode. 9 And ic eow secge. bidda;. I eow 9 And ich eow segge bydda6. I eow bye' seald. seca6. I ge finda6. cnucia6. beo>6 seald. seche;S 3 ge finda6. cnokie; eow bye6 untyned. 1 cow beo6; un-tynd. 10 welc Para pe bitt onfehW'. se 6e sec6 10.ZElc pare pe bitt on-fehW. I se pe he fint. J cnuciendum by6 untyned; sec'6 he fint. - cnokiende bye6 un-tyned. 11 Hwylc eower bitt his freder hlafes. 11 hwilc eower bit his fader hlafes. segst Pu sylP he him stan. o66e gif he segest pu seld he him stan. o;6e gyf he byt fisces syl'6 he him nmeddran for fisce. bit fissces syl6 he him nweddren for fissces. 12 o66e gyf he bit eg. segst pu rsec'6 12 o66e gyf he hym bytt aig. segst pu he him scorpionem. 5 is an wyrm-cynn. roecd he him scorpioneml poet is an wermkyn. 13 Witodlice gyf he (sic) Ponne pe synt 13 Witodlice gyf ge panne pe synt yfele yfele cunnun syllan gode sylene eowrum cunnan syllan gode sylene eowren bearnen; bearnum swa mycele ma, eower fseder of heo- swa micele ma eower fader of heofene sylP6 fone syl6 godne gast pam pe hyne bidda;; godne gast pam pe hine biddaS. Vcarious Beadings. Various eais. Various eadings. 4. A. psera. A. B. C. agylt. A. costnunge. 5. A. 4. gyltas; selcum Para; agyltaO. 5. hefA; frencl; Hwylc with large blue HI, with rubric before it. A. myd- gaS; cweS; hlafas. 6. for-Pam. 7. tonne; duru; dre. 7. A. Jswarie. A. cnyhtas, with the gloss -k cnapa becosen (as in H.); cnihtas sylit; mseg ic; sillan. 8. above. A. synd. 8. A. cnuciende. A. B. C. and Corp. konne purh-wunaS cnucygende; gif he arist (as in H.); all omit ne. A. -hwsenSre. C. syld. 9. A. ge-seald. A. syls ponne; -hweere. 9. ic; bye; seca$; cnucyaM; unontyned. 10. A. psera. B.C.cnucigendum. A.ontyned. tyuec. 10. p]ara; bidt; cnuciende. 11. feeder; segst; I1I. A. bytt(twice). A. nmedran. 12. A.bytt. A.wyrm- syls; fysces; fisces. 12. R. osn. hym; bit teg; rsec; cynn, with the gloss. i. prowend above. 13. A. B.C. ge wyrm-cyn. 13. ponne; eowrum bearnum; heofone. [for he]. A. synd. A. cunnon. A. on heofenum. CIAP. XI.] 117 - forgef us synna usra gif faestlice aec we forgefens eghuele scyldge us* % 4 et dimitte nobis peccata nostra si quidem et ipsi dimittimus omni debenti nobis et * forgefec repeated here by mistake. ne usic onlsed ~u in costunge: cuoe- to him 4' sem sua huelc iuer hsebbe t hsefe5 friond ne nos inducas in temtationem 5 * ET ait ad illos quis uestrum habebit amlicum * XLUI. 124. [x]. I gaeS to him med middernmeht 7 cuoePes him la freond lihi sel me S;reo hlafas forSon et ibit ad i3lum media nocte et dicit illi amice commoda mihi tres panes 6 quoniam friond min cuom of woeg to me I ne befic -te ic sette befora hine 9 he amicus meus uenit de uia ad me et non habeo quod ponam ante illum 7 et ille of inne cuoe- nselle tu me woede hefig wosa for'on ~e dura beloccen is I clnehtas mino de intus dicat noli mihi molestus esse iam ostium clausum est et pueri mei mec mi's sint in cotte ne msege ic arisa I sealla 5e ic cuoe-o iuh: gif nie selles mecum sunt in cubili non possum surgere et dare tibi 8 dico uobis etsi non dabit him ariseS; forSon friond his biS fore scendla 4' scendingT giornise huoe;re his arises I illi surgens eo quod amicus eius sit propter inprobitatem tamen eius surget et seleS him' te hoefes ned —;arfom 4' behoflice J ic iuh cuoeso giuiaS J gesald biS iuh dabit illi quod habet necessarios (sic) 9 *ET ego uobis dico petite et dabitur uobis * 125. jmt. liii. soeca- J gie genioetais cnyllsas 3 untyned bi; iuh eghuelc fordson se-Se giuia-; onfoaquaerite et inuenietis pulsate et Aperietur uobis 10 omnis enim qui petit accipit J se0e soeca; gemoeta-; J &em cnylsanda untyned huele %onne of iuh Sone fader giue-s et qui quaerit inuenit et pulsanti aperietur 11 quis autem ex uobis patrem petit hlaf hueSer stan seleS him T gif fisc hueSer fore fisc nedra seller; him panem num-quid lapidem dabit illi aut si piscem num-quid pro pisce serpentem dabit illi 4, gif giua' - reg hueSer rsece; him scorpion gif forSon iuih mi-;y gie bison 12 aut si petierit ouum numn-quid porrigit illi scorpionem 13 si ergo uos cumr sitis yflo wutas gie g6cdo sellendo gesealla sunurn Iuerum mara woen faeder iuer of heofnum sellaI mali nostis bona data dare filiis uestris quanto maagis pater uester de caelo dabit gast god giuendur, T biddenda spiritum bonum petentibus se 4. J for-gef us synne use swa frestlice I ec he we for-geofas eghwelce scylde user I ne usih on-lsed Bu in costunge ah afria usih from yfle 5. J cwreS to Ssem hwelc iower hsefe' freond: ge,-S to him set midder nseht 9 cweces himn la freond lih 4 sel me Sria hlafas 6. for'on freond con minun of woege to me 7 ne hafo ic hwret ic sette T lecce fora hine 7. J he of inne ond sworade cwseS nelle $u me moeSe T hefig wosa forbon te dura bilocen is: cnreht mlin mec mi% sint in cote ne n meg ic arisa I sella Se 8. J........ic cweSo iow J gif ne sellas him arises forson;erette freonid his bis scendla [T] giornisse hwe-;re freondes his arises: seleS him %ret &-ette hrefeS Sa ned-;arfe T bihoefe 9.: heono ic cweco iow giowigas 7 sald biS iow soeca; JI ge gimoetaS cnylla; 3: ontyned bi's iow 10. eghwelc forson se0e giowaS onfoeS J se;e soece% gimoete;: ~sem cnyllende ontyned bi~ 11. hwelc for'on of low sunu tone freder giowa% hlaf hweer stan sele 4, gif fisces hweer fore fisce nedre sele~ him 12, 4 gif giowa~ ~ret reg hweSre rece$ him scorphion 13. gif forSon iowih mi~by ge bio'on yfle wuta% godo sellende sunum iowrum mara woen is freder iower of heofile sele~ gast godne giowendnlma- biddendum him 118 [LUKE. Dis god-spel 14 a wes se hmelend ut-adrifende 14 A wes se hkelende ut-adrifende oeb ryddan sume deofol-seonysse. seo ws sume deofel-seocnysse. 7 seo wyes sua-dug dunb; And pa he ut-drif pa deofol-seoc- dumb. And pa he ut-adraf pa deofelinnan lenetene. Erat nesse }a spriec se dumba. 7 pa menego seocnisse. pa sprec se dumbe. I pa manega emollniun. wundredon; wundreden. A. 115 Sume cwedon on bel-zebub deofla 15 Sume cw&e6en on beelzebub deofle ealdre he ut-adrif>6 pa deofol-seocnessa; ealdre he ut-adraf pa deofel-seocnysse. 16 And sume his fandodon 7 gyrndon of 16 And sume his fandedon J geornden of heofone tacnys of him; heofene tacnys of him. 17 Da he geseah hyra ge6ancas he cwiEn 6 17 Da he ge-seah heora pances he cwge'5. EGlc rice on hyt sylf to-daeled bye6. towor- 2Elc rice on hit sylf to-dceled by6 to-worpen. pen 3 J hus ofer T hus feal6; 1 paet hus ofer paet hus fald. 18 Gyf satanas is todueled on hine sylfne. 18 Gif satanas is to-daeled on hine sylfne hu stent his rice. for-pam-pe ge secga6 Jp hu stent his rice for-6San-pe ge segge;6 Poet ic on bel-zebub deofol-seocnessa ut-adrife; ich on beelzebub deofel-seocnysse ut-adrife. 19 Gif ic on bel-zebub deofla ut-drife. on 19 Gyf ich on beelzebub deofle ut-adrife. hwarz ut-adrifa6 eower beam. forpam hig on hwam ut-adrife6 eowre beam. for-6an beo'6 eowere deman; hyo beo>6 eowre deman. 20 Gewislice gif ic on godes fingre deofla 20 Ge-wislice gyf ic on godes fingre ut-adrife. eallunga godes rice on eow be- deofle ut-adrife; ealle godes rice on eow cymte; be-kym>6. 21 Donne se stranga gewaepnud his ca- 21 panne se strange ge-woepned his caefertun gehealt. ponne beo'6 on sibbe pa fertun ge-healt. ponne beo>6 on sibbe pa 6ing pe he ah; ping pe he ah6. 22 Gyf ponne strengra ofer hine cym'6. 22 Gyf panne strengre ofer hine cyme. 7 hine ofer-win56. ealle his wmpnu pe he I hine ofer-swi>6; ealle his wepne pe he on on truwude he him afyr5. I to-daelp his truwede he hym afyr6.' to-dEel6 his herehere-reaf; reaf. 23 Se le nis mid me se is ongen me; 23 Se pe nis mid me. he is on-gen me. And se pe ne gadera6 mid me. se hit to- And se ne gadered mid me; se hit to-stret. stret; Various Readings. Various Readings. 14. A. deofel- (twice). A. menigeo. 15. A. deofel- 14. halend; deofol-; deofol-; dumba; menega wundreseocnyssa. 16. C. is [for his], A. fandedon. A. heo- don, 15. cwaedon; belzebub deofla ealdroe; adrifS; fene tacnes. 17. A. heora. A. inserts J before to-worpen. deofol-. 16. lEnd; fandodon; gyrndon; heofone, A. fealleS. 18. A. stynt. A. deofelseocnyssa. 19. A. 17. Elc; feal$. 18. to-doeled; secga;; ic; belzebub deoflu ut adryfe. A. B. C. eowre F[for eowere]. 21. A. deofol-. 19o ic; ut-drife; eowra; byv. 20. eallun (sic) ge-woepneda (sic). 22. A. ofer-swy~; B, C. ofer-swi~. be-cymnb. 21. Donne; ge-halt; hah [for ah;]. 22, A. eall. A. truwode. 23. A. on-gean.,bonne. 23. ongean; lnd se se ne gaderaS. CHAP. XI.] 119 J woes worpende diowbles: - woes dumlb I miSiSy aworpe - diowl sprecend 14 "ET erat eiciens daemoniuln et illud erat mutum et cum eicisset doemonium locutus XLUII. 126. v. mt. exuiiii. wins se dumb 7J awundrade weron i;a menigo sumle Son of Srem cuoedon est mutus et ammiratae sunt turbae 15 *Quidam autemn ex eis dixerunt in beelzebub * 127. ii. rnt. cxxi. mr. xxxii. on -Sone aldor diowla aworpes diowlas J o-8ero costadon becon of heofne sohton principem daemoniorum eicit daemonia 16 *Et alii temtantes signum de caelo quaerebant * 128, I. mt. cxxuii. from him he -sa ~te gesseh smeawungas hiora cuoe'; him eghuelc ric in him seolfumn ab eo 17 *IPse autem ut uidit cogitationes eorum dixit eis omne regnum in se ipso * 129. ii. mt. cxxii. mr. xxxiiio to-dseled to-slitten bi 37 hus on-ufa hus fallew gif -Sonne 7 se wiSerworda In hine seolfne diuisum desolatur et domus supra domum cadet 18 si autem et satanas in se ipsum to-dmeled wies huu stondeS rlc his forSon gie cuooeas geworpa mec diowblas diuisus est quomodo stabit regnum eius quia dicitis in beelzebub eicere me daemonia gif Sonnef ic en aworpo diowlas suno iuero on huon aworpeS forSon gie'ISailco 19 si autem ego in beelzebub eicio daemonia filii uestri in quo eiciunt ideo ipsi doemo5 Iuero bison so'lice gif on finger godes ic aworpo diowblas uutedlice fore-cymeS in iuih iudices nestri erunt 20 porro si in digito dei eicio daemonia profecto prae-uenit in uos rac godes mni-BSy se stronga woepen-berend gehealda-; ceafertun his in sibb bison Sa SaSe regnum dei 21 cum fortis armatus custodit atrium suum in pace sunt ea quae agnageS gif'sonne biS strongra him se ofercymmend gebinde —'fore-cymeS hine alla woepeno possidet 22 si autem fortior illo superueniens uicerit eum uniuersa arma his genimeS on erem gelefde J reafo his todmlde selSe ne is mec mils eius auferet in quibus confidebat et spolia eius distribuit 23 qui non est rmecuma wiS mec is l seSe ne somnigaS mec mii; to-straegde-S aduersum me est et qui non colligit mecum dispergit 14. 7 wses worpende diowlas:J Saet weins dumdba (sic) I miHSy aworpe &set diowul sprecende -wes Be dumba I awundrade werun isio mengu 15. alle 14 sume Sonne of Seem eelS. ewedun in belzebub on -sone aldor'diowla aworpas'sa diowlas 16. 7 oSre costadun becun k1 tacon sohtun of heofnum from him 17. he ~a -te gisoeh smeounge hior cw-eS him eglhwelc rice in him solfum todieled tosliten bi-s 7 hus ofer-ufa huse fallet 18. gif ~Sonne oSe wiSerworda satan awarp in him solfum to-dieled wses huu stondeS rice his forSon ge cweoSas.... giworpa diowlas 19..... suno iowre of hwon aworpeS forSon -sa ilco doeonmu iowre bioSon 20. soSlice gif on finger godes ic worpe diowlas wutud-lice forecumaS in iowih rice godes 21. miS'y Se stronga wepend-berend gihaldaS ceefer-tun his in sibbe bio'on sa SaSe agnigaS 22. gif sonne strongra him ofer-cymes gibinde { forcynme hine alle wepeno his ginimeS on tiem gilefde: reof his to-delens 23. sene ne is mec mis wi~ mec is 3 sense no somna~ mec miS to-stregdes 120 [LUKE. 24 Donne se un-cleena gast goea of jam r 24 panne se un-clone gast gea36 of pam men. he geE6 Jpurh un-waeterie st6wa reste men; he gae6 purh un-wmeterie stowe reste secende J nane ne gemet ponne cwy>6 he; secende.: nane ne ge-mett. panne cwe6 Ic gewende eft to minum huse pe ic of he. Ic wende aeft to minen huse pe ich eode. of eode. 25 7 meenne he cyme6. he hit gemet mem- 25 7 panne he kym"S he hit ge-mett tig mid besmum afeormod; emtig mid besme afermed. 26 ponne gmse6 he J nim6; seofan o'6re 26 panne gAe he 7 nymn seofan oSre gastas wyrsan ponne he r inga6. 7 par eard- gastes wirsan panne he. J in-gAeo 7 poer ia6. ponne synt pses mannes endas wyrsan eardie>6. panne synt pas mannes aendes pam aerrum; werse panne pam earren. 27 So6lice wses geworden Ja he N'is sede. 27 Sol61ice'woes ge-wor6en pa he pis sum wif him to cwaep; Eadig is se inno6 saigde; sum wTif him to cwAeoS. Eadig is pe pe baer. 9 pa breost pe S6u suce; se inno6 ]pe pe bser.: pa breost pe pu suke. 28 Da cwse6 he. eadige synt pa`6e 128 pa cwse&5 he. Eadige sinde pa pe godes word ge-hyra6S ] T ge-healdap; godes word ge-here6 7 pioset ge-healde6. 29 a hyra manega to-gedere comon 29 - A hyra manega to-gadere coman he cweep to him; Deos cneorys he cwme6 to heom. peos cneoris is manfull cneorys. heo sec6 tacen. I hyre is manful cneoris; he secd taken 7 hire ne ne bi6 n'an geseald buton Ionan tacen; beo6 nan ge-seald buton Ionas taken. 30 Swa swa iona wuas tacen niniuetum. 30 Swa swa iona wies taken Niniueten swa bi6 mannes sunu tacen pisse cneorisse; swa beo6 mannes sune taken pise cneorisse. 31 Su'6-daeles cwen arist on dome mid 31 Sud-dale cwen arist on dome mid pisse cneorysse mannunm 7 geny6era6 hig pise cneorisse mannen 1 ge-nySere6 hyo forpam le heo corn of eor6an endum to ge- for-6an hyo com of eor6an endum to gehyranne salomones wisdom; And efne pes heren Salomones wisdom. lEnd efne pes is mara ]onne salomon; is mare panne salomon. 32 Niniuetisce men arisaji on dome mid 32 Niniuetisce men arised on dome mid pisse cneorysse I geny6eria6 hig. for-pa, ] pisse cneornisse. J ge-ne-6eria; hyo. for]e hig daed-bote dydon. Pet ionam bodun- pan pe hyo deadbote dyden. set Ionan ge. I JPes is mara ponne ionS; bodegunge. 7 pes is mare panne jona. Various Readings. Various Readings. 24. A. un-woeterige. 25. A. ponne. 26. A. seofen; 24. Donne, ges; gaS; ge-met; ponne cwys; eft; C. seofon. A. synd. 28. A. synd. 29. A. manful. minum; ic. 25. ponne; cymS; ge-met; afeormod. 32. A. J ionan [for met ionam]. 26. Donne; Jonne; eardials; ponne; poes; endas wirsun Ponne; earrum. 27. ge-worden; ssegde; suce. 28. Eadig sinS; ge-hyraS. 29. maenega; manfull; secs tacen; bys; Ionan tacen. 30. tacen niniuetum; bit; tacen J~isse. 31. Sus-dmeles; pysse; mannum; ge-herenne; Jonne. 32. arisaS; cneorisse; ge-nileriai; Ionan bodunge; ponne. CaAP. XI.] 121 mitty se uncleene gaast ge-eode from tsem menn Iserh-eode4' g's berh stowa woeterleasa 24 *Cum immundus spiritus exierit de homine perambulat per loca inaquosa * 130 u. mt. exxaiiii. soecende 4' sohte rmest 3 ne gemoete cuoe-s eft ic cerro In hus min tona ic foerde quaeren s requiem et non inueniens dicit reuertar'in domum meanm unde exiui J mitSy cwome gemoete mi; besmum geclensad J ZSa gae 4' eade: genom 4' onfeng 25 et cum uenerit inuenit scopis mundatam 26 et tune uadit et assumit seofono odoro gaastas wohfullre him I in-foerdon gebydon;er 3 woeron ta endo monnes septem alios spiritos (sic) nequiores se et ingressi habitant ibi et sunt nouissima hominis;Saes wtuyrso -seem serrum aworden woes sa. mi-Sty tas gecuoeeS ahof tone stefn illius peiora prioribus 27 *Factum est autem cum haec diceret extollens uocem * XLUIII. 131. x. sum wif of tem here cuoe; him eadig womb hrif se;e;ec gebeer J Sa titto' a breosto qusedam mulier de turba dixit illi beatus uenter qui te portauit et ubera Sa Su gediides sot he. cuoe; allunega sume hit his eadgo biton sate gehera; word godes J quae suxisti 28 at ille dixit quippini beati qui audiunt uerbum dei et gehaldas hergum'ta efne-Iornendum ongann coeSa cneoreso Sios cneoreso woh-full custodiunt 29 ~Turbis autem concurrentibus coepit dicere generatio haec generatio nequam * 132. v. mt. ccxnifii. is becon soecaS J becon ne bis said him buta becon iones.i. mes witgo forson sume est signum quaerit et signum non dabitur illi nisi signum ionae 30 nam sicut woes becon -;sere burge sue bis I sunu monnes cneoreso Sissum coen ionas fuit signum nineuitis ita erit et filius hominis generationi isti 31 regina su't-ernms 4 sut-dmeles ariseS on d6m miS werum cneoreso tisses J gehenet hia for;on a[u]stri surget in iudicio curm uiris generationis huius et condemnabit illos quia cuom from gemerum eortes to geheranne snyttro salomones 7 heono maro salomone tes-kher wmeras uenit a finibus terrae audire sapientiam salomonis et ecce plus salomone hic 32 uiri t5-r byrig arisaS on dome miS cneoreso tios I hia gehenas ta ilca forS'on hreonise nineuitae surgent in iudicio cum generatione hac et condemnabunt illam quia paenitentiam dydon to bod J heono mara tes' egerunt ad praedicationem ionme et ecce plus iona hic 24. nmity te unclene gast gieode from &Sem men terh-eode 4' gmSe erh stowe weter-lease soecende rmste I ne gimoette cwse- eft ic cerre in hus min sona ic cerde 25. 7 miSty ic come ic gimoete mi; bisenum (sic) giclsensad 7.... 26. J ta eode 3 ginom 4' onfeng siofone o;re gastas woh-fulra him J infoerdun gibyedun Ser I oer werun sende monnes Isees wyrsa tem merrum 27. aworden woes tonne mi$Sy tas gicwmee ahof ta stefile sum wif of tsem herge cwse; him eadig womb seSe ISec gibmer I ta tito 4' a breost ta Su detedes 28. so; he cwmse to him.... eadge biolSon sate giherat word godes J gihaldes 29. hergum %a iornendum ongan cweosa cneoreswe Sios cneoreswe woh-ful is becun soecee J becun ne bit said him buta becun iones ~ms witga 30. fordon swa ionas becun waes temre. burge swa bis J sunu monnes cneoreswa sissum 31. cwoen suserne ariseS on dome mis weorum cneoreswo sisser 3 gihenes hia forSon com from gimmerum eorSo to giheranne snytro.... J heono mara salamon Ses 32. weoras in {Ser byrig arisa! on dome miB cneoreswum dios 7 hie giherat bailco for~on hreownisse dydon to bibode iones J heono niara.... ees Q 122 [LuJE. 3 Ne on-el nn man his leoht t 33 Ne on-el]6 nan man his leoht-fett sett on diglum. ne under bydene ac ofer I sett on diglen. ne under bedene. ac candel-steaf. 4'6a pe in-ga6 leoht geseon; ofer candel-stef. pret pe inga>S leoht geseon. 34 Din eage is Jines lichaman leoht-faet; 34 pin eage is pines lichames leoht-fAet. Gif pin eage biW6 hluttor >6onne bi6 eall pin Gif pin eage beo6 hluttor; panne beo6 eall lichama beorht; Gif hit bye6 deorc. eall pin lichame briht. Gif hit beo>6 deorc; pin lichama by>6 pystre; eall pin lichame beo>6 peostre. 35 Warna 4f f leoht Pe 6e on is. ne syn 35 Warne poet'f leoht pe pe on is; ne pystru; syo peostra. 36 Gyf Pin lichama eall bi>6 beorht and 36 Gif pin lichame eall beo6 breoht; 3 nMefp nanne del ]Pystra ponne bye6 he eall n.Tfd naenne dwel peostre; panne beo>6 he beorht. I pe on-lyht swa 45 leoht-faet paes eall breoht. J pe on-liht swa poet leoht-ftet lig-rersces; pas lkegrmesces. Dys godspel 37 pa bsed hine sum fariseisc man 4 he 37 Da bked hine sum fariseisc man poet ge-byra- on frige-dme on aete mid him I he ineode 1 saet; he sete mid him. I he in-eode I saett. Pere teo-San re ban ofer 38 Da ongan se fariseisca on him smea- 38 Da on-gan se fariseisce on him smeaenteosbitesn. gan I cwecan; iwi he ge-pwogen naere aer gen I cwe>6an. Hwi he ge-pwogen naere quidam phari- his gereorde; mer his ge-reorde. seus ut pranderet apud se. 39 Da cwae> drihten to him nu ge farisei 39 Da cwien drihten to him. nu ge 4 ute is calices 7 disces geclbensia56 4 eow farisei pqet ute is calices I disces ge-clensie>6 innan is. 4 is full reaf-lace I unriht-wis- 4 eow innan is. paet is ful reaflake I unnesse; rihtwisnysse. 40 La dysegan hu ne worhte 4 P inne is. 40 La desige hu ne worhten (sic) 4 f se 6e worhte 4T uite is. inne is. se pe worhte peet ute is. 41 peah-hwsepere 4 to lafe is sylla"' ael- 41 peah-liwa6ere pset to lafe is sella'5 messan ponne beoA6 eow ealle ping clene; selmessan panne beo>6 eow ealle ping claene. 42 Ac wa eow fariseum ge pe teopia36 42 Ac wa eow fariseum ge pe teo6;ia6 mintan I ruidan. IJ elce wyrte I ge for-buga'6 mintan I rudan IJ elce wirte. I ge ford6m 7 godes lufe; pas ping eow gebyrede buge6 dom I godes lufe. pas Ping eow geto donne. I pa ping ne for-letan; berede to donne. I pa ping ne for-leten. Variols Readings. Various Readings. 37. A. phariseisc. 38. A. phariseisca. A. smeagean. 33. -fet; set; diglun; -stoef; R. inserts pa before pe. A. Hwig. A. ge-twagen. 39. A. pharisei. A. ynne 34. bys lutter ponne byes; breoht; bys; pystre. 35. syn pystra. 36. lichama; nsefs; pystra ponne byS; [for innan]. A. reaflaces. A. unryhtwysnysse. 40. B. sy y paes lygrsesces. 37. ete; R. omr. 2nd he; sett. 38.. worht [2nd time only] 41. A. emyssan 42. A. fariseisca; smeagan; cwesan. 39. pharisei; ge-clen- phariseum. sias; reaflace. 40. dysegan; worhte (twice). 41. -hwaseere; sylla;; ponne. 42. ge-byrede; for-laeton. CIAP. XI.] 123 ne Penig -eccilla gebernaS J in degelnise settes ne under mitto ah on-ufa leht33 *Nemo lucerna accendit et in abscondito ponit neque sub modio sed supra candela- * XLUIIII. 133. ii. nt. xxxii. frete fte 5a;e in-geongas leht hia gesea'&eccilla lie-homes Sines is ego in mr. xxxuiiii. brum ut qui ingrediuntur lumen uideant 34 *Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus l 134. u. mt, xluii. gif ego Sin bis milde 4 blie 4' bilwit all lic-homa Sin leht bis gif moiine wohfull sie si oculus tuus fuerit simplex totum corpus tuum lucidum erit si autem nequam fuerit uutedlice lichoma ~in ~iostrig bi~ geseh for-on Ne leht - in Isec is siostro -te sie etiam corpus tuum tenebrosum erit 35 uide ergo ne lumen quod in te est tenebrae sint gif for-on lichomna ~in all leht biS ne hmebbe sum dmel';iostriona biS 36 si ergo corpus tuum totum lucidum fuerit non habens aliquam partem tenebrarum erit leht all V sua leht leges inlehta6 Oec J mi~S-'sy gesprme baed lucidum totum et sicut lucerna fulgoris inluminabit te 37 sET cum loqueretur rogauit *L. 135. u. mt. GtXXte line sum melde-wuto -te gehriordade4'gebrece miS6 hineo in-eade gehlionade illum quidam pharisaeus ut pranderet apud s6 et ingressus recubuit 38 pharisaeus;onne agann bituih him getalade to comeasanne forhuon ne gefulwad were mr gehriorda autem coepit intra se reputans dicere quare non baptizatus esset ante prandium J cuoeS drihten to hine nu gie meldouuto -; utteweard is calices J disces 39 et ait dominus ad illum nunc uos pharisaei quod de foris est calicis et catini gie clmensaS Pte onune inweard is iuer full is mi-S nednimineg J miS unrehtwisnise mundatis quodc autem intus est uestrum plenum est rapina et iniquitate unwiso Ahne se-e dyde -fte wuteard is nutedlice - Pte of inweard is dyde 40 stulti nonne qui fecit quod de foris est etiam id quod de intus est fecit soislic huoe-sre -fte ofer-hlpefeS 4' 6te wona is seallalS elmissa J heono alle cleno bison 41 uerum-tamen quod super-est date elemosynam et ecce omnia munda sunt iuh ah wm iuh melcluin forSon gime teig'Sas meric 4'; cunela T: tmlc wyrt uobis 42 *Sed uae uobis pharisaei quia decimatis mentam et rutam et omne holus* 136u. mni. ccxxxmi I bi-wmrlas s dom 7 lufo 4' broerscip godes -sas uutedlice geras to wyrcanne:J sailco ne et praeteritis iudicium et caritatem dei haec autem oportuit facere et illa non to foirhycganne omittere 33. ne mnig -mecele gibereS J in degolnisse sete; ne under mitta ah on-ufa leht-fet te osase in-gongas leht hie giseaS 34. secela lic-homa'ines is ego Siln gif ego sin bias milde 14 bli;e all lichoma Sin leht biS gif tonne woh-ful sime wutudlice I lic-homa Siostor biS 35. gismh forSon ne leht Sette in -iostrum sint 36. gif for-on lie-homa sin all leht biS ne hmbbe sumne d11ll siostrana leht bis all V swa leht legedes in-lihtes -ec 37. 1 mirny sprecende biS bied hine sum melde uswuta -te giriordade miS hine: in-eode gihlionade 38.....onne ongan bitwih him gitalade to cweo~anne forwhon ne merist.... were Pmr giriordum 39. 1 cwseS drihten to him nu go'mlde-wutu merist $mette uta-word is ealices I disces giclmensas Smette -onne ionnaword is iower full is nmi'6 ned-nime 7 miS unrehte 40. unwise ah ne sese dyde utaword is soslice smette of ionna-wordurm is dyde 41. soS hwesre "sette ofer is sellaS elmessa J heono alle cimne bioton low 42. ah wme iow meldum forson ge tegsigas merece i cunela alle wyrte I biwa rlas ~one dom I lufo-brosorscip godes'Ses wutudlice giras to wyrcanne I Sa ilco ne to forhycganne Q2 124 [LuKE. 43 Wa eow fariseum ge pe lufia6 paa for- 43 Wa eow fariseen ge Pe lufied6 pa man heah-setl on ge-samnungum 7 gretinga formen heahsetlen on ge-samnungen I greton strite; inge on straeten. 44 Wa eow for-pam pe ge synt swylce pJa 44 Wa eow for-pan-pe ge sende swilce byrgena pe man innan ne sceawa>6; And pa byrigenna ]e man innan ne sceawed. I pa men nyton pe him on-ufan ga6; pa men nyten pe heom on ufen gad. 45 Da tswarode him sum segleaw. la- 45 Da andswerede him sum lage-gleaw. reow teonan pu wyrhcstxus! mid pisse sage; lareow teonan pu wercst us mid pisse sage. 46 pa cw4ep he; Wa eow aegleawum 46 Da cwien6 he Wa eow lagewisen forforpam pe ge syma"6 men mid Pam byr- pan ge semen6 menn mid pam byrdenen pe Penum Pe hig aberan ne magon. J ge ne hyo aberen ne mugen. I ge ne mthrinaM6 ahrina56 pa seamas mid eowrum anum pa seames mid eowren anen fingren. fingre; 47 Wa eow ge pe timbria6s witegena 47 Wa eow pe timbrie6 witegena byribyrgena. eower fsederas hig of-slogon gena; eowre faderes hyo of-slogen 48 eallunga ge cy;a'. 1 ge pafia' eower 48 eallunge. ge kyved 7 ge pafie6 eowre fiedera weorcum. forpam hig ofslogon hig. fader weorces. for-pam hyo slogen hyo.: ge timbria; hira byrgena; ge timbrie~6 heore berigena. 49 Forpam cwee6 godes wisdom. ic sende 49 For-pam cwe6 godes wisdom. Ic to him witegan 7 apostolas. 7 hig of-slea6 sende to heom witegen 7 pa apostles; I hyo hig. 7 ehta 6 of-slae6; hyo 7 oehtak5 50 1 ealra witegena blod sy ge-soht. pe 50 poet ealra witegene blod syo ge-soht; wes agoten of middan-geardes fruman. fram pe woes agoten of midden-eardes fruman; pisse cneorysse. fram kisse cneorisse 51 fram abeles blode o6 zachariam blod. 51 fram abeles blode o"6 zacharias blod. se forwear6 betux pam altare 7 pam temple. se for-war~ be-tweox pam altare 17 am ic eow secge. swa bi'6 ge-soht fram pisse temple. Ic eow segge swa beo>6 ge-soht cneorysse; fram pisse cneornysse. 52 Wa eow megleawuvm for-pam pe ge 52 Wa eow lage-gleawe for-pam-pe ge aetbrudun poes ingehydes caege. ge in ne oetbruden pas inge-heades ceyge ge in ne eodun 7 ge forbudon pa pe in-eodun; ge-heodden. J ge for-budon pa pe in-eoden. Various Readings. Various Readings. 43. A. heh-. A. straeturn. 44. A. synd. 45. B. 43. fariseum; lufiaf; forman; heah-setl; gesamnunYswarude. A. wyrcst; B. C. wyrhcst. A. 47. gum; trete. 44. synt; byrgena; sceawt; on-ufan ga-s. 45. ea-gleaw; werhcst. 46. ea-glewen [f.or A. Wa (with large blue capital). 48. A. heora. 50. lagewisen]; men mid; byrpbenum; abeoren; magen; ahriA. sig. A. myddan-eardes. 51. A. betweox; B. C. be- na-s; seamas; eowrum anum fingrum. 47. timbriar; eower foederes. 48. eallunga; cyda-s (sic); pafia*s; fretwux. 52. A. et-brudon. A. eodon (twice). A. wrong. ly l dera weorcon; timbriars heora byrigenna. 49. cwaea; inserts no before forbudon. eom witegan; apostlas; of-slkeas; ehta s. 50. witegena; sy; middan-eardas. 51. zachariam; for-werS be-twux; bys; cneorysse. 52. re-glewum [for lage-gleawe]; forpan ]e; cegeg; geheodum; in-eodum (sic).j CHAP. XI.] 125 wsFe iuh alduncm ~ae gie lufas tsa forma seatlas on somnungum J tsa groetencgo on 43 *TUe uobis pharisaeis qui diligitis primas cathedras in synagogis et salutationes in * 137. ii. mt. CCXXU1ii. mr. cxxxu. sprec wae iuh for'son gie aron suelce byrgenna;a;e no foedas ~ ne alats adeaueS J -fte menn foro 44 *Uae uobis quia estis ut monumenta quae non parent et homines * 138. u. mt. ccxxxuii. geonges on-ufa ne wuton geonduearde -sa sum from Mes wisistum cuoes' him ambulantes supra nesciunt 45 *Respondens autem quidam ex legis peritis ait illi * LI. 139. U. mt. ccxxuiii. laruu tsas coes uutedlice us sceoma su does 4 wyrcas sos he cuoeo; iuh mes magister haec dicens etiam nobis contumiliam facis 46 at ille ait et nobis legis wisestum woe fortson gie semaS menn mis seamum'saSe gebeara ne magon J gie seolf anum fingre peritis uae quia oneratis homines oneribus quae portari non possunt et ipsi uno digito miS iuer ne gehrinaS &sem hond-hoefum we iwh forSon gie timbras byrgenna {sara witgana uestro non tangitis sarcinas 47 *Uae uobis quia aedificatis munumenta prophetarum * 140. n. mt. ccxxxuiii. fadores {Sonne iueres ofslogon hia soslice gie getrymets 4'f te go geneolecatS 4 woercum patres autem. uestri occiderunt illos 48 profecto testificamini quod consentitis operibus fadora iuera fortson Pec gie hia ofslogon gie Sa getimbras hiora patrum uestrorum quoniam quidema ipsi eos occiderunt uos autem aedificatis eorum byrgenna forson J snyttro godes cuoetS ic sendo to.iuh iwtgo (sic) J apostolas sepulchra 49 *Propter-ea et sapientia dei dixit mittam ad illos prophetas et apostolus (sic)* 141. u. mt. ccxl. J of &sem ofslpes 7 oehtad bison -fte ge-soht biS bl6d allra witgana et ex illis occident et persequentur 50 ut inquiratur sanguis omnium prophetarum se;e agotten wses from onsetnise middangeardes of' cneureso.sisa from blod abeles qui effusus est a constitutione mundi a ge[ne]ratione ista 51 a sanguine abel wits to blod zacharives seSe losade T bitwih wigbed J3 - waghrmele sua ic cuoeso to iuh gesoht bi-; usque ad sanguinem zachariae qui periit inter altare et aedem ita dico nobis requiretur from sissum cneoreso woe iuh aes uutumn forSon gie nomon cego wisdomes gie ab hac generatione 52 *Uae uobis legis peritis quia tulistis clauem scientiae ipsi * 142. u. mt. ccxxxii. ne in-foerdon T ne in-eodegie J'sa sa-se in-foerdon forestemdongie kgie bewoeredon non introistis et eos qui introiebant prohibuistis 43. woe iow seldum forson -sa-e lufigas tSa forma seatlas in somnlungum J -sa groetinge on sprece 44. wie low for{Son ge arun swelce byrgenne sase ne foedaS 4k aleo I Jfte menn geongas oferufa sa ne watun 45. giondworde Sa sum from mes wisistum cwze- him larow ~Sas cwoe-S wutudlice us scomu su does T dydes 46. sots he cwaeS e low Mes wisistum wm low forMon gisema-S menn miiS seomum sa-oe gibeara ne magun 7 ge solfa anum fingre iowrnm ne gi-hrinas arSm hond-hafum sierme 47. woe low forso ge timbrias byrgenne witgana Sara fbedras Sonne iowre ofslogun hime 48. soSlice ge gitrymma-s gineolicade werca fmedra iowra forSon hime ge ofslogun iow'sa gitimbro byrgenne 49. S forSon J snytro godes cwesd ic sende to iow witgo i apostolas J of Saem of-slaS oehtes 50. 4te gisoht bis blod alra witgana sere agoten wses from onsetnisse midden-geordes from cneoreswo Sisser 51. from blode abeles wiS to to (sic) blode zacharies J se;e losade bitwih wibidoe J sem wseg-hrsegle swa ic cweSo iow gisoht biS from Ssesser cneowreswe 52. wee iow ies wutum fordon genomun ceego wis-domes i he4 ge ne in-foerdun J ta Batse in-foerdciun for-stemdon ge 126 [LUKE. 53 ]~a he him pis to cwse6. pa on- 53 A he heom Pis to cwse6. pa ongunnun 6a farisei ] pa segleawan gunnen pa farisej 7 la lage-wisan hefilice him agen standan 7 his mu6 dyttan hefilice him agen standen J his mu> dettan. 54 7 embe hine syrwan. secende sum 54 7 ymbe hine syrwan; sechende sum ping of his mute f hig hine wregdun. ping of his mu6e pset hyo hine wreidon CHAPTER XII. CHAPTER XII. 1 mycelum wereduim him embe standen- I micelen wereden hym embe-standende. dum f big hine tredun; Da cwse6 he to poet hyo hine trseden. Da cwae6 he to his his leorning-cnihtum warniaS wi6 farisea leorning-cnihten warnie6 eow wi'6 farisea lare Jf is licetung; lare Pset is licetung. 2 So'lice nis nan ping ofer-heled. pe ne 2 Solice nis nan ping ofer-heled; pe ne beo un-heled. ne be-hydd p ne sy witen. beo6 un-heled. ne be-hed; Pe ne sye gewyten. 3 forpam pe f ge secga6 on pystrum 3 For-pan-pe poet ge segge6 on peostren beo'6 on leohte smede 7 Poet ge on earum beo6 on leohte saigde. J ]Pet ge on earen sproecun on bedd-cofum bi6 on hrofum sprsecon on bedd-cofum beo&6 on rofen bodud; boded. 4 Ic secge eow minum freondum ne beo 4 Ich segge eow minen freonden ne ge bregyde fram pam pe pone lichaman beo ge brygede fram pam pe panne lichaof-sleaS. J nabba' syppan hwset hig mra men of-slea6. 7 nsebbe6 syN6an. hwset don; hyo ma don. 5 Ic eow set-ywe hwEene ge on-dredon. 5 Ic eow atewige hwane ge on-droeden. adreeda>6 pone pe anweald haef6. seS'6an adrede>6 pane pe anweald haef6S. seS>6an he ofslyhS on helle asendan. pus ic eow he of-sleh6; on hellen asenden; pus ich secge adraeda6 pone. eow segge; adrede&6 pane. 6 ne becypa'6 hig flf spearwan to helf- 6 ne be-cypa5 hyo fif sparewen to hallinge. 1 an nis of pam ofer-gyten beforan penige. 7 an nis of pam ofer-gyten be-fore gode. gode. 7 ac ealle eowres heafdes loccas synt 7 ac ealle eowres heafdes loccas sende gegetealde; Ne adrade ge eow ge synt bete- tealde. Ne on-droede ge eow ge sende ran manegum spearwum; beteren pan manegen sparewen. Various Readings. Various Readings. 53. A. ongunnon. A. hefiglice. A. ongean. 54. A. 53. him; ongunnun; farisei; eaglewan [for lage-wisymbe. A. syrwdon. Ao. wregdon. san; dyttan. 54. embe; secende; wreigdon. Cap. xii. 1. mycelum weredum; -standenden; trsedun; Cap. xii. 1. A. ymbe. A. trsedon. B.C. warnligeaS. A.. -cnihtum; warnia-S. 2. beo un-heolod; be-hydd; sy. licetung (alt. to liccetung). ~ 2. A. sig. 3. A. gearurn. 3. seggaS; pystron byeS; aregde; earurn spracon; by's; A. sprsecon; B. C. sprsecum (sic). A. bed-. 4. A. beo-s rofurn bodud. 4. Ic; minurn freondvm; bregyde; ge bregede. 5. A. B. C. ondroedon. A. ondreeda;. A. Jonne. 5. aetywe hwrene; adrede ponne; andweald; of-slyhv; asendan; ic; adrredeS fbone. 6. sparewan; sy'tan.'3. A. velflinge. 7. A. synd. A, ondrsede. helflinge. 7. synt; synt beateran (sic); manegum speaA. synd. rewum, CHAP. XI.] 127 miRS —y sas to him ge-cuoe; ongunnun sa aeldu: ses uufto pislice 4' hefiglice wis-stonda 53 *Cum haec ad illos diceret coeperunt pharisaei et legis periti grauiter insistere * 143. x. 7 mu-S his for-Srycga of monigum setnungum 4 J sohton to niomanne huoelc-huoego of et 6s eius opprimere de multis 54 insidiantes et quaerentes capere aliquid ex muse his Jfte hea gehendon hine ore eius ut accusarent eurm CAP. XIL menigum.onne 4 ~Sa hergum ymb-stondendum suse jite hia him bituih geteldon ongann cuoesa 1 multis autem turbis circumstantibus ita ut se inuicem conculcarent coepit dicere to,'Segnum his behalda; gie iuih from dcerste.i is esuiclise noht ad discipulos suos *Attendite a fermento pharisaeorum quod est hypocrisis 2 tNihil 14 Xiiii. mt. clxXiiii.:~Sonne awrigen is fte no vedeauad bi-S ne gehyded 4' gedegled fte ne bi's geypped for-son t 145. u. autem opertum est quod non reueletur neque absconditum quod non sciatur 3 quoniam nt. xciii Sase in isiostrunm gie cuoedon in leht bison gecoeden J -te in eare sprecend gie woeron in cottum quae in tenebris dixistis in lumine dicentur et quod in aurem locuti estis in cubiculis aboden biS on.hrofumz ic cuoeoSo Sa 4';onne iuh friondum minum -ite gie ne se afyrhtad from t6sem praedicabitur in tectis 4 dico autem uobis amicis meis ne terreamini ab his ta-se ofslse1s lichoma J'efter tas ne habbas forSor ]-to doas ic ad-eawu 5onne qui occidunt corpus et post haec non habent amplius quod faciant 5 ostendam autem iuh -6one gie ondrede ondredas s6ene sense nfter Son ofslae-S hefe-; mpeht gesenda 4' to geuobis quem timeatis timete eum qui postquam occiderit habet potestatem mitsendanne in tintergo sus ic cuoeso iuh'6ionne ondrede-s ahne fifo staras -4 cymeZ tere in gehennam ita dico uobis hunc timete 6 nonne quinque passeres neniunt (sic) J an of tsem ne is on ofergetnisek fora gode ah I ece hero *depundio et unus ex illis non est in obliuione coram deo 7 sed et capilli* i. aduo ni nutaj4 (in mnargin). heafdes iweres alle getalad aron nalla'; gie forSon ondrede monigum forMoro k maro capitis uestri omnes numerati sunt nolite ergo timere multis passeribus plures gie sint' bison estis 53. mi-S-y -as to him cwaea on-gunnun -a seldu J Tes witgu pislice wiS-stonde I muS his for-'arycca of monigum 54. setnungum him I sohtun to niomanne welc-hwoegnu of muse his Jte hixe gihendun hine Cap. XII. L monige sonne hergum ymb-stonda swa $te hiMe him bitwih giteldun ongunnun cweo-sa to segnum his eorist bihaldas ge iowih for drerstum eeldum hiora Soet is es-swicnis 2. noht sonne awrigen is isette no eowed biiS ne gihyde'k gidegled -saette ne biS giypped 3. forSon -aNe in -siostrum giherdun in lehte gicweden biS J -sette in earlm giherdest J sprecende gewerun in cotumn abodad biS on hrofum.... 4. ic cweSo Sonne iow friondas mine &sette ge ne se gifyrhted from him sase ofslas sonne lichoma J refter Sas no haldas forSor'rette does 5. ic ret-eowo Sonne iow one goe on-drede on-dredas to6ne seoe aefter'on of-slat hrefed mrehte gisende in tintergu swa ic cwred iow tonne ondreda! 6. ah no stearas fife comun twoege.... an of him ne is on ofer-getnisse fora gode 7, ah 3 ec her heofdes iowres alle gitalad arun nallaS go forson on-dreda monigum... bforbor mnara ge sindun 4 bioson '128 [LuxE. 8 So,;lice ic eow secge swa hwylc swa 8 So'Slice ic eow segge swa hwilc swa me me andet beforan mannum. pone mannes andeat be-foren mannen. Panne mannes sunu andet beforan godes englum; sune andeat be-foren godes sengles. 9 Se pe me wi6-ssec; beforan mannum. 9 Se Pe me wi;-sec6 be-foren manneno se by6 wi6S-sacen beforan godes englum. se beo6; wi6-saken be-foran godes senglen. 10 7 aelc Pe sega6 aenig word agen mannes 10 3 selc Pe saig6 ani word agen mannes sunu pam bi6 for-gyfen; Dam pe wi;er- sune. pam beo6 for-gefen. pam Pe wi6SersacaB6 ongen haligne gast. ne bi6 pam sakeS6 on-gen halgen gast. ne beo'6 pam forgyfen; for-gyfen. Dis sceal on 11 ponne hig leda6 eow on gesamnunga 11 panne hyo laede6 eow on ge-samnunge. frige-dag ofer pentecosten. I to duge>;e-ealdrum. 3 to anwealdum. ne I to dugeSe ealdren. J to anwealden ne inducaere beo ge embe-pencynde. huf o>S6e hwaet ge beo ge ymbe-pencende hu o>;>Se hwaet ge gogis. A. specon. o66ee Jswarian.' spoecen o;6;e andswerien. gogis. A. 12 halig gast eow laer6 on paere tide pa 12 halig gast eow lherb on pare tide pa ping pe eow specan gebyra>;; ping pe eow spaecan ge-byre6. 13 Da cwee; sum of pam menegum; 13 pa cwce6 sum of parm manigeo. Lareow Lareow. sege minum bre6;er T he daele sege mine bre>6er paet he daele unker ehte uncer aehta wi'6 me; wi6 me. 14 Da cwge6; he. 1a nman. hwa sette 14 Da cwae'6 he la man hwa sette me me deman. o&;e dcelend ofer mnc; deman; o%6e daelend ofer hine (sic) 15 pa cwae`6 he. gyma6 3 warnia56. wi6; 15 pa cwveS6 he. gyme6 I warnie6 wMi alce gytsunge. forpam pe nys nanes man- elce gitsunge. for-pan-pe nis nanes mannes nes lif on gytsunge of pam pe he ah; lyf on gytsunge of pam pe he ah. 16 Da sede he hi sum big-spel; Sumes 16 Da sede he de he heom sum bispel. Sumes weliiges mannes eacer brohte for gdeweibrohte for gode waestmas. westmes. 17 pa 6ohte he on him sylfumn. 7 cwME6; 17 pa pohte he on him sylfen 3 cwe~6. Hwoet do ic forpam ic nmebbe hwyder ic hwoet do ic for-pan ich nsebbe hwider ich mine wmestmas gadrige; mine wsestmes gaderie. 18 Da CWmep he pus ic do. ic towurpe 18 Da cwe'6S he pus ich do. ic to-werpe mine bernu 7 ic wyrce mraran. 7 ic gaderige mine berne. 7 ich werche hyo mare I ic pyder eall 1 me ge-wexen ys. 3 mine god gaderie pider eall poet me wexen is. 7 mine god. Various Readings. Various Readings. 8. A. dett. A. andett. 10. A. ongean (twice). 8. andett be-foran mannumn. kornne; andett be-foran; 11. A. ge-samnunge. A. dugose-. A. ynibe-Jpencende. engles. 9. be-foran mannum; -sacen; englum. 10. seg5 senig; sunu; byes; -saca5 ongean halgne; by.S A. sprecon. A. B. Jswarion 12. A. sprecan. 13. A. 11. Donne; ge-samnunga; ealdrum; anwealdum; embemnaenegum. 14. A. ync. 15. A. gimas. A. om. pe be- pencynde; specen. 12. specen. 13. menegu; Leerew; uncer aehte. 14. hinc. 15. gymaS; warnias; -pam-; fore nys. 17. A. gaderige. 18. A. toweorpe. A. manes. 16.; big-spel; wesmas 17 onim berenu. A. gaderie. A. geweaxen. sylfum is repeated in R.; forSam ic; ic; wiestmas gaderige. 18. ic; to-wyrpe; bernu; ic wyrce maran [omitting hyo]; gaderige; ge-wexen. CHAP. XII.] 129 ic cuoe&o -conne iuh eghuele seSe suahuele ondetende biS on mec befora monnum ] sunt 8 dico autem uobis omnis quicumque confessus fuerit in me coram hominibus et flius monnes geondetaS bi-8 on Semm fore englum godes seSe uutedlice onsmecca- mec fore hominis confitebitur in illo coram angelis dei 9 *Qui autem negauerit me coram * 146. ii. mt. xciiii. mr. lxxxuiL monnum oncmeccen (sic) biS fore englum godes J alle sese cuoe-sas word on sunu hominibus denegabitur coram angelis dei 10 *Et omnes (sic) qui dicit uerbum in filium * 147. ii. mt. cxxiii. ir. xxxiii [ilJ monnes eft forgefen bi!s &Sem -sem uutedlice seSe on halig gast ebolsaS ne bis him forgefen hominis remittetur illi ei autem qui in spiritumn sanctum blasphemauerit non remittetur miSSby uutedlice inliedgeS gie in somnungum 3 to laruum I mcehtum nalia-s gie 11 *Cumi autemn inducent uos in synagogas et ad magistratus et potestates nolite * 148. ii. mt. lxxxuiii gema T gearnfulle -1 hogo wosa hun l huAed gie geonduearde gast forSon halig gelrere ri solliciti esse qualiter aut quid respondeatis 12 spiritus enim sanctus docebit iuih on aSem tcid sa-e behofas' gehrisec to cuoeSanne cuoe-S a sum him of aemm here uos in ipsa hora quae oporteat dicere 13 *Ait autem quidam ei de turba * LII. 149. x. laruu cuoe$ brogre minum j te gedmela mec min i erfe soS he cuoe$ him la monn nagister dic fratri meo ut diuidat mecum hereditatem 14 at ille dixit ei homo hua mec gesette doema T4 dielend ofer iuih J cuoe-s to him geseas U quis me constituit iucldicem aut diuisorem supra uos 15 dixitque ad illos uidete et behaldas from eghuelcum gitsuncge forSon ne on monigfaldnise ueniges lif his is of -Sem l6aSe cauete ab omni auaritia quia non in abundantia cuius-quam uita eius est ex his quae agnigeS cuoe&5 ~Sa onlicnesse to him cuoeS monnes summes wioncas monigfaldo possidet 16 clixit autem similitudinem ad illos dicens hominis cuiusdam diuitis uberes waestmas lond to-brohte 3 smeade bituih him cuoe-5 huced ic doa pte ne hbefo ic fructus ager attulit 17 et cogitabat intra se dicens quid faciam quod non habeo ier ic somnigo wrestmo min J cuoe~S is ic g[e]d6m ic to-slito bererno mino 3 sa mara quo congregem fructus meos 18 et dixit hoc faciam destruam horrea mea et maiora ic doam J Ser ic somniga willo aile l ate gewexen sint me 9 godo mino faciam et illuc congregabo omnia quae nata sunt mihi et bona mea 8. ic cweSo Sonne iow eghwelc sense swa ondetende bis on mec fora monnum J sunu monnes gi-ondetad biR in him fore englum godes 9. se-e wutudlice ne onsaeces me fora monnum ons.acen bis fora englum godes 10. alle sBae cweomsas word on suno monnes eft for-gefen biS him saem wutudlice sese on gaste halgum eofol-sigas ne bihs forgefen him J eghwele sede cwe'ses word on sunu monnes for-gefen biS him 11. mi-S)y wutudlice inloeda- ge in somnungum I to larwum I mlehte nallaS ge gema khogo wosa huun'hwet gi-ondwordet' hwet ge cwese 12. gast forSon halig gilareS iowih in -8er tide SBaSe bi-hofMs to cweoSanne 13. cwoea S;a him sum wer of Seem herge larow cweeS broser mrin te he gi-dmle mec Inits erfe 14. so-s he cwce~S him la mon hwa mec gisette doema -k delend ofer iowih 15. cwoe-8 3Sa to -tSem giseaS J bihalda% from eghwelcum gitsungum forSon ne on monig-fldnisse renges lif his is of ~Snm ~ase agDiga; 16. cwaeS sa onlicnisse to him cwaeS monnes sumes wlonches mnonigfalde wastmas on londe to-brohte 17. J smeode bitwih him cwaei hwait ic doa $aette ne hafo ic Ser ic somnigo waestmas mine 18. 3 cwseB sis ie dom ic to-slito berern min 9;a mara ic dom J ber ic somniga wyllo alle ~ate wexne sindun me 3 godo muine R 130 [LUKE. 19 1 ic secge minre sawle eala sawel Pu 19 1 ich segge minre sawle. eale sawel haefst mycele g6d. asette to manegum Pu hafst mycele god. Asette to manegen gearum. gerest Pe. et. 7 drinc I gewista; gearen. ge-rest pe. aet 7 drinc I ge-wista. 20 Da cwsee god to him; La dysega 20 Da cwseeo god to hym. La desige on pisse nihte hig fecca>6 pine sawle fram on pisse nihte hyo fecce,6 pine sawle fram pe. hwoes beo>6 pa 6ing pe'6u ge-gearwud- pe. hwoes beo 6 pa ping. pe pu gaerewest; edest. 21 Swa is se 6e him sylfum stryn>6. 1 21 Swa is se pe him sylfen strenpe6 3I nis welig mid gode; nis welig mid gode. 22 pa cwien he to his leorning-cnihtum. 22 pa cwsee he to his leorning-cnihten. forpam ic eow. secge ne beo ge ymbe-hydige for-pan ich eow segge. ne beo ge ymbeeowre sawle hwset'ge etan. ne eowrum licha- hedige eowre sawle hwset ge etan. ne man hweet ge scrydun; owren lichaman hwaet ge scrydan. 23 Seo sawul ys ma ponne se lichama.: 23 Seo sawle is mare panne se lichame. se lichama m'a Ponne f reaf; I se licharne mare Janne Poet reaf. 24 Besceawia'6 pa hrefnas f5 hig ne sawa6. 24 Be-sceawia6 pa refnes paet hyo ne ne ne ripa>6. nabba6 hig heddern ne bern. sawa5 ne ne ripa56. nsebba>6 hyo heddern ac god hig fett. pes pe ma ge synt hyra ne bern. ac god hyo fet pas pe ma. ge selran; synde heore selre. 25 Hwylc eower mseg pencende ican ane 25 hiwilc eower meg pencende echan elne. to his anlicnesse. ane elne to his anlichnysse. 26 gyf ge 1 lkesse ne magon. hwy synt 26 gyf ge Jset laesse ne magen hwy ge be oSrumn Pingum ymbe-hydige; synde ge be o>6ren Pingen ymbe-hedige. 27 Sceawiap pa lilian hu hi wexa&6. hi 27 Scewie>6 pa lilien hu hyo wexe6. ne swinca6 ne ne spinnaS; So'lice ic eow hyo ne swince56 ne ne spinnerS. So>Slice ic secge f salomon on eallum hys wuldre noes eow segge poet Salomon on eallen his wulgescrydd. swa pissa'an; dre noes ge-scryd swa pis in. 28 Gyf god scrytt, hig. 6e ys to-daeg 28 Gif god scrytd f hey pe is to-daig on on aecere. I to-morgen forscrinc"6; swa vecere I to-morgen for-scrinc>;. Swa mycele mycele ma g6d scryt eow ge-hwsedes ge- ma god scrit eow ge-hwsedes ge-leafein. leafan; Various Readings. Various Readings. 19. A. gereste. 20. A. ge-gearwodest. 22. A.B. C. 19. ic; hafest; manegum georen; et. 20. dysige; scrydon. 23. A. sawel. A. mare. A. lychama ys mare. feccaS. 21. silfvm strenO. 22. -cnihturn; ic; eowren 24. B. C. Bescewias. A. beren. A. fet. A. synd heora. [for owren]. 23. ponne; lichama; lichania; jponne. 24. 25. A. ge-ycan. A. anlycnysse. 26. A. hwig synd. Bescewias; rvefnes; pres; synt; hyora sylrei (sic; partly 27. A. hig (twice). A. gescryd. 28. A. scryt. A. to- rewritten in later hand). 25. ecan; anlicnysse. 26. mergeno magon; sint; olrum pingum ymbe-hydige. 27. Scewias; lilian; wexas; swyncas; spinnas; allum; ge-scrudd; Jissa. 28. scritt; eig [for hey]; to-dmeig; ge-leafan. CHAP. XII.] 131 9 ic coe-So sawle mine la sawel Su hsefe-S monigo-H feolo godo gesettedo on gerum rnonigumn 19 et dicam animae meae anima habes multa bona posita in annos plurimos rwest bruce dring gehriordig cuoe-s sonne him god la unwis sisser neht saul requiesce comede bibe epulare 20 dixit autem illi dezus stulte hac nocte animam ~sin eft wilna-S from oe -saSe a sonne -su ge-gearuades -soes humes bibon'woeron sume is se~;e se tuam repetunt a te quae autem parasti cuius erunt 21 sic est qui tibi gestrionaS I ne is in god welig 4wlone J cuoeS to Segnum his forson iccuoes iuh thesaurizat et non est in deum diues 22 *Dixitque ad discipulos suos ideo dico uobis 150o u. mnt. xluflii. nalla$ gie geornfullo wosa mii Sohte hused gie geette ne to lichoma hused gie ge-gearuad se sauel nolite solliciti esse animae quid manducetis neque corpori quid uestiamini 23 anima mara is Son mnett I lichoma'on w6ecle behaldas Sa rsefnas ]te ne plus est quanm esca et corpus quam uestimentumr 24 considerate corbos quia non sawseS ne hriopaS $sem ne is hordern ne ber-ern 7 god foedeS hia micla seminant neque metunt quibus non est cellarium neque horreum et deus pascet illos quanto mara gie forSor aron &sem huselc $onne iuer mii smneawung msege geece to magis uos plures estis illis 25 quis autem uestrum cogitando potest adicere ad leng 4' his elne an gif forSon ne Pte leasssest is magogie hused of staturam suam cubitum unum 26 si ergo neque quod minimum est potestis quid de orumn fserwit-fulla menu 4ngeornfullo gie sint behaldas -a wyrta. huu wsexaS ne winna$ ceteris solliciti estis 27 considerate lilia quomodo crescunt non laborant ne nesta-S ic cuoe-So -onne iuh ne salomon on alle wuldor his woere gegearuad cl gewoedad suelce non neunt (sic) dico autem uobis nec saloimon in omni gloria sua uestiebatur sicut an from -sissum gif Soone,6 gsers B to doege on lond is J tonlorgen unum ex istis 28 si autem faenum quod hodie in agro est et cras in clibanum geseuoded bi-S god sule gegearuaLs mara micla 4' gie huono lytlo geleafas mittitur denzs sic uestit quanto magis uos pussillae fidei 19. 7 ic cweBSo sawle mine hoefes monig 4 feolu goda gisetedo on gerum monigum roest bryce riording drince giriordinge 20. cwseS -Sonne him god la unwis sisser naeht sawel Sin eft wilna-S from -se Saeo -Sonne -Su georwades sses 4' hwses bioSon 4' werun 21. swa is se-oe se gistrioneS 7 ne is in god weolig 22. cwse5 3sa to'Segnum his for-on ic cwe-rs iow nallas ge geornfulle wosa mi-S -ohte hwIet ge giete ne to lichoma hwsot ge gigerwed sie 23. sawel mara is ~Sonne nmett 3 lichoma mara oSonne giwedo 24. bihaldas hrefnas,aSe ne sawas ne riopaS &Sem nne is hordern no bere-ern m god foede- hia mnicle mara ge o for-Sor aron JSDem 25. hwelc for;on iower miiS smeunge maege ge-ece to lengu his elne ane 26. gif -Sonne ne ssAette lhessa is magun go hwset of o;rum ferwett-fulle meon go sint 27. bihalda-s BSa wyrte lilia hu hio wexe7 no winneos ne nesta~; ic cweSo sonne iow ne.... on alle wuldre his were gigeorwad swa ana from tissum 28. gif Sonne iset gers'set to-diege on londe 9 to-morgenne on ofon gisended bis gode swa gegeorwad mara micle hwon 4 lytle 4 lessa gileofa R2 132 [LuKE. 29 And nelle ge secean hwset ge eton 29 lEnd nelle sechan hwset ge etan o6Se o5;e drincon. I ne beo ge up-ahafene drincan. I ne beo ge up-ahafene. 30 ealle pas ping lpeoda secea>6; Eower 30 ealle pas ping peode seche56. eower feeder wat T ge pises bepurfon; fader wat Poet ge pises be-~urfen. 31 peah-hwmepere seceas; godes rice 7 31 Deah-hwae;eere seche6 godes rice I ealle pas ping eow beop ge-ihte; ealle Pas ping eow beo6S ge-icte. 32 Ne ondraed Pu pe la lytle heord. for- 32 Ne on-drmed pu peah litle heord. forpam -eowrum feeder gelicode eow rice syl.. pan eowren hefenlic fader licode eow rice lan; syllen. 33 Syllap p ge agon I syllaS ielmessan. 33 Sylla6 jpset ge agen I sylle6 selmessen. wyrca>6 seodas pa 6e ne for-ealdigea6. un- Werce6 sea6es pa pe ne for-ealdiged. ungeteorudne gold-hord on heofenum. pyder ge-teorudne goldhord on heofene. piSer beof ne ge-nealaec6. ne ne (sic) mo6>e peof ne ge-neohlace5. ne mog6e ne gene ge-wem56; wemd. 34 Dar eower gold-hord is. par by>e 34 Damr eower goldhord is Jper beo'6 eower heorte; eower heorte. Dis god-spel 35 in eower lendenu begyrde I leoht- 35 Syen eower lendene be-gyrde I ge-bsyra to mmniges con- fatu byrnende. leohtfate bearnende. lessores mresse-dege. 36: beo gelice pam mannum pe hyra 36 1 beo>6 ge-lice pam mannen pe hyore Sint lumbi nestri pre- hlafordes abida6 hwl enne he sy fram gyft- hlaforde abide; hwanne he syo framz gyftan cincti. A. Un gecyrred. p big him sona ontynon ge-cherred. peet hyo him sona un-tyne Ponne he cyme6 I cnuca>b; panne he cym>S I cnoke6. 37 Eadige synt pa peowas pe se hlaford 37 Eadige synde pa ]eowes pe se hlaford wseccende gemet ponne he cyme6; So'Slice waciende ge-fint. panne he kym'6. So6ic eow secge T he begyrt hine 7 de;6 Tp big lice ic eow segge paet he be-gyrt hine. I sittar6. I gangende him pena>6; des6 poet hyo sitter I gangende heom penaS. 38 And gif he cyme6 on ]~ere oefteran 38.LEnd gyf he kym6; on pare aeftran wseccan. o>6&e on paere priddan I pus waeccen. oN5e on pare pridden I pus gegemet. eadige synt pa peowas; met. Eadig synde pa peowes. 39 Wita6 f gif se hiredes ealdor wiste 39 Wite6 Jaet gyf se hyrdes hlaford wiste hwsenne se peof cuman wolde. witodlice hwanne se peof cumen wolde. witodlice he he wacude I ne gepafude' man his hus wacode. I ge ne pafede (sic) poet man his under-dulfe; hus under-dulfe. Various Readings. Various Readings. 29. A. secan. A. etan. A. dryncan. A. up-ahafen. 29. secan, alt. to secean; R. repeats hwset ge eton. 30. A. secMaS. 31. A. secas. A. ge-yhte; B. C. ge-icte. 30. peoda seace-S; be-purfon. 31. seaca-S. 32. peal [for Peah; in margin]; eowrum; R. om. hefenlic; ge33. A. selmyssan. A. B. C. wyrceas;. A. for-ealdiaS. A. licode; syllan. 33. sylla aelimessan. Wyrcas seodas; unge-teorodne. A. B. C. have ne only once before mosse.. SynfO -digt red capitalo; ge-nencde.; m e; ge-wemannu 35. syn [with red capital]; byrnende. 36. mannumr; 36. A. ge ge-lyce [for gelice]. A. heora. A. hlafordas (sic). hyora; abyda~ hwsenne; gecyrred; untyneS Fonne; A.A sig. 37.. Eadie synd. 38. A syd 39 A cnoce;. 37. Eadig synt; ]eowas; ge-met [for ge-fint] ~~~A.~~~~~~~~~~~ sg 7onne; cymst [for kiymn]. 38. End; cyms; [emra; wacode. A. ge-pafode. wseccan; $riddan; Eadig synt; peowas. 39. WitaS; hyredes; ealdor [for hlaford]; hwsenne; ge ne Pafode (sic). CHAP. XII.] 133 7 gie nsellaS gesoeca hused gie geete t hbused gie gedringe J ne wsellaZ5 gie in heannise 29 et uos nolite quaerere quid manducetis aut quid bibatis et nolite in sublime genime tas for-Son alle heedno 4 cynno middangeardes soecas feeder uutedlice iuer wat tolli 30 haec enim omnia gentes mundi quserunt pater autem uester scit -te tissum 4 tas gie behofat sotlic huoetre soecas ric godes J;as' alle togeced biton iuh quoniam his indigetis 31 uerum-tamen quaerite regnumn dei et haec omnia adicientur uobis ne wpellatge ondrede 9j lytel edle fordon gelicade woel feder iuer gesealla iuh i rnc 32 *Nolite timere pusillus grex quia complacuit patri uestro dare uobis regnum * LIII. 151. x. bebycges;ate gie agnege' agon J seallas aelmisse wyrcas iuh seado 4oferseamas tate ne 33 eUendite quae possidetis et date elemosynam tFacite uobis sacculos qui non * 152. ii. mt. exciiii. aldagias strion un-scortende in heofnum ier $eaf ne geneolece$ ne moh'ia + 5r. cu ueterescunt thesaurum non deficientem in caelis quo fur non appropriat neque tinea mt. xli. gescendes 1 suahuer forton strion. iuer waes i is ter 3 hearta iuer bit sie corrumpit 34 ubi enim thesaurus uester est ibi et cor uestrum erit 35 eSint * 154. x. sido iuero fore-gegyrdedo*:I $seccillse bernendo J gie ongelic monnum * i. mii g6lumbi uestri praecincti et lucernae ardentes 36 et uos similes hominibus ldun deduei, (margin). abidendum hlaferd hiora tonne ge-cerres from symblum -te mitty cyme;:i cnyllsat expectantibus dominum suum quando reuertatur a nuptis ut cum uenerit et pulsauerit sona untynats him eadgo bison esnas ta taise mity cymes se drihten gemoetaconfestim -tperiant ei 37 *Beati serui illi quos cum uenerit dominus inuenerit * 15s. u. mtr. ccixui. wmeccendo soSlice ic cuoeso to iuh -te gegyrdes hine 1 domel hia gehriordagm 1e oferfoerde 4' gaes uigilantes amen dico uobis quod praecingit s6 et faciet illos discumbere et transiens embehta~; T asem I gif cyme: on -a mfterra waccane i gif on ta tirdda wacan ge-cyme; J ministrabit illis 38 et si uenerit in secunda uigilia et si -in tertia uigilia uenerit et -us 4sume gemoeta$ eadgo biton esnas %a zis?onne wutes gie Jte gif wiste feider ita inuenerit beati serui illi 39 *Hoc autem scitote quoniam si sciret pater * 156.i. mt. cclxiiii. hiogwuisc 4' hirodes fader huele tild se;eaf cwome walde wseca uutedlice J ne walde leta terh-delfar. clu. familias qua hora ffr ueniet uigilaret utique et non sineret perfodi hus his domum suam 29. 7 ge nalla-s ge-soeca hwset ge gi-ete 4 hwmet gidrince: nallat ge in heonisse of-ginioma 30. tas forSon alle homeno middengeord soecas fieder wutudlice iower watt mtet tis ge bi-hofigas 31. soslice hwetre soeca-s forSon ierest rice godes J ~Sas alle to-vet-eced iow 32. ne wallaS ge on-dreda reet lytle eode forSon gilicade well feder iowrum seleS iow rice 33. bihycca~S(sic) taSe habbas J sellas almesse wyrcas iow seadas T oferseme tate ne aldiga-S gistrion unscortende on heofnum ter teof ne gi-neolicas ne moh-Sa gisceStas 34. swa hwer gistrion goldes iower is Ser 7 heorte bis 35. se wutudlice sidu iower fora-gigyrdedo i saecela iower berende (sic) 36. 1 ge onlic monnum abiddende hlaford hiora tonne gicerras from symblum sette mitSy cynme~ cnyllaS sona ontyned bis him 37. eadge bio~on esnas gaes ~ade midsy cyme ~e drihten wrecende soalice ic cwme low'ette gegyrdat hine 3 doa! hime giriordinge J ofer-foerde embehtas his 38. i gif on I a mefterra wacone d gif on 3;a eirda cymeS; o sus 4 swa gimoetas eadge biom on esnas;a 39. was s onne wutas ge o tsette gif ge-vwiste 7e faeder hiowisc dsette tide oe reof come walde wecce wutudlice J ne walde leta ~erh-delfa hus his 134 [ELJKE. 40 And beo ge weere foriam pe mannes 40 iEnd beo6 ge ware for-pam-pe mansunu cymS Pmre tide Pe ge ne wena>6; nes sune kymS Pare tyde pe ge ne wena>. 41 pa cw4et petrus drihten. segst }u 41 Da cwTe; petrus drihten. segest pu pis big-spell to us hwse]er Je to eallum; pis bispell to Us. to eallen. 42 Da cw4se drihten. hwa wenst pu f 42 Da cwve6 drihten; hwa wenst pu Jvet sy getrywe 7 gleaw dihtnere. psene se is ge-treowe I gleaw dihtnere; Pane se hlaford geset ofer hys hired f he him hlaford ge-sett ofer his hyrd pet he hym hwetes gemet on timan sylle; hwmetes ge-mett on timen sylleo 43 Eadig is se Peow pe his hlaford gemet 43 Eadig is se peow pe his hlaford gepus donde ponne he cyme; met pus doende. panne he kymS. 44 SoSlice ic secge eow j he gesett hine 44 So'lice ic segge eow JPet he sett hine ofer eail Jf he ah; ofer eall tpet he ah. 45 Gyf ponne se peow cwy>6 on hys 45 Gyf panne se peow cwe&5 on his heortan mmll hlaford fiferap hys cyine. 9 heorten min hlaford ufere>6 his cyme; I agyn'6 beatan pa cnihtas J p1a pinena. 7 agind beaten pa enihtes, I pa pinene. I etan J drincan 7 beon ofer-druncen. etan I drincan. 3 beon ofer-druncan. 46 Ponne cymjp P5es peowan hlaford on 46 panne kym6 pas peowe hlaford on Pam dmege pe he ne wen6. P sere tide le pan daige pe he ne wen;. J pare tide pe he nat. J to-dselp hine 7 sett his dael mid he nat. 7 to-dmel>6 hine. I sett his del kanm ungetreowum; mid pam un-ge-treowen. 47 Soplice psene peow pe his hlafordes 47 Sodlice pane peow pe his hlafordes willan wiste 7 ne dyde sefter his hlafordes wille wiste 7 ne dyde refter his willen, he willan. he bip witnad manegum witumrn; beo6 witned manegen witen. 48 Done peow pe his willan nyste 7 }eah 48 pane peow pe his wilie nyste. 3 dyde he bit witnad feawum witum; IElcum peah dyde he beo6 witned feawen witen. pe mycel geseald is, him man mycel to- AZlcen pe mycel ge-seald is. him man sec'6. 7 set pain pe hig micel befsestun hig mychel to-sec~6. 7 et pam Pe hyo mycel mycel bidda>6; be-fiesten hyo mychel bydde56. 49 Fyr ic sende on eorpan I hwat wylle 49 Fyr ich sende on eor"an 7 hwaet ic buton f hit bserne; wille ich buton f hyt bkerne. 50 Ic hoebbe on fulluhte beon gefullod. 50 Ich hebbe on fulluhte beon ge-fullod. wenege. hu beo ic gejpread. o>6 hyt sy 7 wene ge hu byo ich ge-pread. o6`6e hyt gefyllyd. syo ge-fyld. Various Readings. Various Recdings. 42. A. B. C. ys [for sy]; A. pone. A. ge-sett. 43. 40. wsere; cyme. 41.. segst; eallunz. 42. ge-trywe; B. C. dondne. 44. A. ge-sette. 45. A. eta%. 7 dryncas. Pvne; ge-set; heom; ge-met; timan. 43. Jonne; cym;. 44. Jet; set; hah. 45. ]~onne; heortan; uferaS;; agin7 beols ofer-druncene. 47. A. pone. C. is [for his]. A. beatan; cnihtas; ]inena; -druncen. 46. Ponne cyme; wytnod. 48. A. bys; B. C. biS; [for bit]. A. wytnod. set; un-getrewen. 47. pene; willen [for wille]; his A. be-fseston. B. hi. 49. A. byrne. 50. A. wene ge; hlafordes willan; bi; manegum witurn. 48, %one; is B. wine ge. A. sig. A. ge-fylled; B. gefyllyd (wit/s 2nd [or his]; bys; feawum witum; Zlcur; mycel (four erased)..'times); tet; befsestum (sic); byddad. 49. ic (twice). yrptrtiy ersecl). I50. Ic habbe; beo ic; o; hit sy gefylld. CHAP. XII.] 135 I gie wosa; gearuu fore6on'6io tid ne gie woenat sunu monnes cymeS' cuoe'6 40 et uos estote parati quia qua hora non putatis filius hominis ueniet 41 *Ait * 157.. mt. cclxc.'6a him petrus drihten to us cuoe'sest'6u'6as bispell 4' to allulm cuoeS' autem ei petrus domine ad nos dicis hanc parabolam an ad omnes 42 dixit'sonne se drihten huselc woenes'su is geleaffull sgiire-monn 4' fehugeroefa 7 hoga'6one gesettes autem'dominLus quis putas est fidelis dispensator et prudens quem constituet drihten -k se hlaford ofer higo his 8-te sellse him In tld bhusetes hrippe eadig domninus super familiar suamn ut det illis' in tempore tritici mensuram 43 beatus 6se esne 4''6rel'Sone mni'6sy cyme-6 se hlaford gemoeta'6 sua 4''6us doende so'slice ic cuoe'so ille seruus quem cum uenerit dorninus inuenerit ita facientem 44 uere dico iuh fte ofer alle'6a-Se agnegoe' ah gesettes hine. te gife cuoe;ses esne uobis quia supra omnia quae possidet constituet illurm 45 *Quod si dixerit seruus * lss.. mt. cclxuii.'6e In heorta his hlatto tr doa'S hlaford min tocuzmmanne4 Jr onginnes mii'S;y slaa 6ca cnsehtas J ille in corde suo moramn facit dominms meus uenire et coeperit percutere pueros et'siuwas J Detta 7 drinca J druncgnia T 9te se druncenig cyme6; drihten'roelles -'es ancillas et edere et bibere et inebriari 46 ueniet doin'inus serui illius on dsege'Sy 4''se ne hyhtat6'T woenaS P'6Jio tid ise 4T ne wat 7 todsele's hine 7 drel his mi$ in die qua non sperat et hora qua nescit et diuidet eum partemque eius cum ungehleaffullum settes'6'e'6onne esne se'se ongoett willo drihtnes his J infidelibus ponet 47'Ille autem seruus qui cognouit uoluntatem domnini sui et* 159. x. ste ne foregearuade:7 -te no dyde Eefter willa his gesuuilncgde T gemsende menigo 4' seoSe non praeparauit et non fecit secundum uoluntatem eius uapulabit multis 48 qui ~Sonne ne ongoett J ne dyde'sa gerisno t' sa wyr'6o wurseccum geswuing lytlum-khuon eghuoelcum autem non cognouit et non fecit digna plagis uapulabit paucis omni ~;onne 4t uutedlice 6;sem fealo T micel gesald wies micel bi'S gesoht from him 4 sem I'sem bebodadon autem cui multum datum est multum quaeretur ab eo et cui commen-:I gefeastadon feolo 4T micel fo'6Sor T mara hia willilia' 4T giua'6 of';sem fyr'ic cwom to sendanne on dauerunt multumn plus petunt ab eo 49 *Ignem ueni mittere in * LIII. 160. u. eor6so J hused willo ic gif aberned bi'S fulwuiht Sonne uutedlice ic hafo 4lte ic se gefuluwad I mt. xcu, terrain et quid uolo si accendatur 50 baptisma autem habeo baptizari et hu sui';e ic am gebeged T geha'srad am wiS6 4T oS'6''sa hwil ge-endad sie quomodo coarctor usque dum perficiatur' 40. J ge wosaS6 gitriowe for'on'6io tid ne ge-woena-8 sunu monnes tocymende is 41. cwe's 6a petrus drihten to us cwe'Sestu'6u bispell to us alluin 42. cwse-6'6onne drihten hwelc woenestu is gileof-ful scire-mon 4T fehgroefa i hoga'6one gesetes drihten ofer higo his -te selle him on tide hivetes ripes 43. eadig esne 4''rsel S'one miS;'6y cyinme6 drihten gimoete'; swa doende 44. so'6 ic cwsee;o iow'6set ofer alle S6a6Se senga; 4' ah gisetes hine 45.'6rette gif cwe'Ses esne'6e in heorte his cwe-es lsete does drihten mil to cumanne J onginneS' mi-'8y slaa'6a cnsehtas 7'sa'iowe eota I drinca 7 drun'cniga 46. cyme; drihten'Srpeles 6rses on dsegoe'oe ne hyhta's 9 tide'aS'e ne watt 7 todsele6s hine J dsel'e his mini ungi-leofa T leoffullum setet 47.'se S6onne esne sese ongset willo drihtnes his D's6ette fore-georwade 9'ette ne dyde sefter willo his giswicte' msende menigu 48. seoe'6onne ne on-geota'6 ne dyde'6a gi-riseno wreccum giswenctumn lytlum eghwelc'6onne'6em feolo 4 micel gisaldc wies micel gisoht bi'6 from him 3 enm bibodadum micle mara hie wilniga'6 from him 49. fyr ic com to sendanne on eor'6o J hwse[ willo ic gif aberlned biS 50. fulwiht'6onne from him ic se gifulwad J hu swi'Se ic am gi-beged o'6'e';a hwyle giendad sic 136 [LuKE. 51 forpamn Je ic com sybbe on eorpan 51 for-pan-pe ich com sibbe on eore' sendan. ne secge ic eow ac to-d'al; ssenden; ne segge ich eow ac to-dcel. 52 HIeonon-for6 beo&6 fife on anum hluse 52 heonen-for6 by6 fife on anen huse to-delede. pry on twegen. 3 twegen on to-doelede. preo on twegen. 3 twegen on pry. Jpreo. 53 beo; to-dselede; Feder on sunu 7 53 beo>6 to-dselede. Fader on sune. 7 sunu on his feeder. modor on dohtor 7 sune on his fader. moder on dohter. 7 dohtor on hyre modor; Swegr on hyre dohter on hire moder. Sweger on hire snore. 7 snoru on hyre swegere; snore. 7 snore on hire swegere. 54 7 he cwsep to pam folce. ponne ge 54 And he cwae6 to pam folce. panne ge-seo;6 Pa lyfte cumende on west-dsele. sona ge ge-seo; pa lifte cumende. on wsest-dsele. ge cwe;6a6 storm cym6 7 hit swa bye; sone ge cwe&e6 storm kym6. 7 hit swa beo6. 55 And ponne ge geseo>6 sus6an blawan 55 And panne ge ge-seo6 su6an blawen ge secganp J is towerd 7 hit bye; ge segge6; paet pe (sic) is toward 7 hit beo>6. 56 Li liceteras cunnege afandian heo- 56 La liceteres cunne ge afandigen heofones ansyne 7 eorpan. humeta na afandige fenes ansiene 7 eor"5an. Hu meote na afange pas tide; -dige ge pas tide. 57 Hwi ne demege of eow-sylfum J riht 57 hwi ne deme ge of eow sylfen poet is; riht ys. 58 Donne Pu gaest on wege mid pinum 58 panne 6u goest on weige mid pinen wi>6er-winnan to hwylcum ealdre. do'J 6u wi6er-winnen to hwilcen ealdre. do p]et beo fram him alysed. pe-les he pie sylle pu beo fram him alised; pe-les he pe sylle pam dgman. 7 se dema pam bydele. 7 se pam deman. 7 se dema pam bydelen. J bydel Pe sende on cwertern; se bedel pe sende on cwarterne. 59 Ic secge pe ne gaest pu Janone ser pu 59 Ic pe segge ne geest pu panen er pu agylde pone ytemystan feor>S-ling; agylde panne ytemestan ferSing. CHAPTER XIII. CHAPTER XIII, 1 Par wseron sume on p~re tide of 1 lP r waeren sume on pare tide of galileum him cypende. para blod galileen hym ketende. para blod pilatus mengde mid hyra offrungum; pilates mengde mid hyre offrunge. Various Readings. Various Readings, 52. A. heonen-for$. A. preo (2nd time). 53. A. om. 51. ic; eortan stendan; ic; to-dal. 52. henon-; his. A. moder on dehter J dohter on hyre moder. Sweger. anum; pry [lst tione]. 53, eder; feder; modor [let time]; dohtor (twice); Swegr; snoru [2nd time]. 54. A. swegre. 55. A. t6-weard. 56. B. C. afandigean. ponne; west-; sona; cwe-at; cymu5; byt. 55. jonne; A. heofenes. A. hu meta ne afandie. 57. A. hwig. A. blawan; segga~; R. om. Pe; towerd; bye;. 56. afandeme ge. 58. A. py-laes. A. cweartern. 59. A. panene; digean heofones ansyne. 57. sylfum; his [for ys]. C. panon. 58. Donne; wege; pinum wi;er-winnan; hwylcum; bydelum; bydel; cwartern. 59. panane; j1onne; fyr%Cap. xiii. 1.. pasra..heora. ping. Cap. xiii. 1. waeron; galileunm; cypende; pilatus; heora offrungvm. CHAP. XII.] 137 woena-S gie $te sibb ic cuom to seallanne on eorSo ne cue;o ic iuh to ah, gescead T4 51 putatis quia pacem ueni dare in terram non dico uobis sed separationem bison forSon ofer Sis fifo in hus,n todseled bison srio on twmem 4k tuoege In trio~ 52 erunt enim ex hoc quinque in domo una diuisi tres in duo et duo in tres bioson todeled fader on sunu 7 sunu on fieder his tmoder on doehter I dohter on 53 diuidentur pater in filium et filius in patrem suum mater in filiam et filia in rloeder suegir on snoru hire J snoru on suoegir hire cuoeS ~a V to matrem socrus in nurum suam et nurus in socrurm suam 54 * Dicebat autem et ad *161. u. mt. clxii.'tem hergum mi~%y gie gesea5s 9 wolcen upp-stigende fram sunn-sett sona gie cuoe&6a scyfir cyme~ I sua turbas cum uideritis nuberl orientem ab occasu statim dicitis nimbus uenit et ita biRS J mity su-; wind gie cuoe'6as pte wind biS J biS legeras fit 55 et cum austrum flantem dicitis quia uentus erit et fit 56 hypocritae on-sione earyes J heofnes wuta~ gie gecunnia -4 fte see gecostad -is uutedlice tid huu nege faciem terrae et caeli nostis probare hoc autem tempus quomodo non cunna{S gie hured -onne I from iuh seolfum ne gedoema-; humd soSfmest is mi~S-~y probatis 57 quid autem et a uobis ipsis non iudicatis quid iustum est 58 *Cu * 162.u.:mtt. XXui uutedlice su gast T gega-; miS wi-Serworde iSinum to aldormen on woeg sel geornlice ]te -su se gefreod autem uadis cum aduersario tuo ad principem in uia da operam liberari from him easemneg T sylkes genime ~ec mi$ doema 4 T geloedw ~ec to dome 7 se doemere sele$ sec ab illo ne forte trahat te apud iudicem et iudex tradat te orem ef-groefe 7 se Pef-groefa senda-s -;ec in carcern ic cuoe6o ~e ne gaes -u Sona o0S exactori et exactor mittat te in carcerem 59 dico tibi non1 exies inde donec uutedlice ~one hletmesto pricclu T4 Ote $u forgelde etiam nouissimlum minutum reddas CAP. XIII. to-cuomon a sumo sem on tid soegdQn ga 4' him of galilea -em T -sara 1' ADerant auteml quidam ipso in tempore nuntiantes illi. de galilaeis LU.63 163. x. Sara 4' hiora' b16d gemengde mi- aspegdnisum hiora quorum sanguinem pilatus miscuit cum sacrificiis eorum 51. woena-; ge Sewtte sibbe ic come to sellanne on eor-so ne cwedo ic iow to ah tette ge gisceodne 52. bioun 4 werun n for-on of sisse fife in hus an todaeled bionsun Saria in tIuo 7 tuo in isrio 53. todaeled bioSon feeder on suno I suno on fieder his moder in dohter dohter on moder sweger on snora hire 7 snora on swegre hire 54.'cwe)S ta T Sonne 7 to %aem hergum mitMy ge gisea Saeet wolcen upstigende from sunsete sona ge cweoSas scur cymeOS. swa bis 55.: miSSy. suS winde ge cweosas &eette wind bis J biS 56..... osione eorto 9 heofnes wittas ge gicunniga -isis wutudlice tide huu ne gi-cunigas ge 57. hwoet -Sonne J from iow solfum no gi-doema;'sette soS-fsest is 58. milS'y wutudlice ~u gaest mii wiserwordne'Sinne to aldor-men on woeg sel geornlice -sette -su so gilesed from him nemneg T sylses he ge-nime -seh in carcern i -;e sef-groefa sendeos $ec in carc-ern 59. ic cweo -oe ne gi-gaestu Sona o0eet wutudlice tone hretemestu pricla Su forgelde Cap. XIII.' 1. to-comun ~a sume on tide nem stegdun ~sem of galilea ~ara hiora blod.... gimengde mi~ asaegd-nissum hiora 138 [LUKE. 2 pa cwae6 he him Iswarigende. wenege 2 pa cwe'6 he heom andsweriende. wene weron Pa galileiscan synfulle to-foran eal- ge waeren pa galileiscan synfulle to-foran lum galileiscum. for-paim pe hbig swylc eallen'galileiscan. for-pan-pe hyo swylc poledon; poleden. 3 Ne, secge ic na. ac ealle ge gelice 3 Ne segge ic na. ac ealle ge gelice forforwur&Sap. buton ge daed-bote d6n. wur6Se6. buton ge deadbote don; 4 swa pa ehta-tyne. ofer pa feoll se 4 swa pa ehte-tyna. ofer pa feoll se stypel on siloa I hig of-sloh; Wenege f hig stepel on syloa. 2 hyo of-sloh. Wene ge wmeron scyldige ofer ealle menn pe on hieru- paet hyo waeren scyldige ofer ealle menn pe salem wunedon; on jerusalem wunedon. 5 Ne secge ic. ac swa ge forwuratp. 5 Ne segge ic ac swa ge for-wur";ed. buton ge ded-bote don; bute ge deadbote don. Dis god-spel 6 Da sade he him pis bigspel. sum man 6 Da smede he heom pis bispell. Summan sceal to paw ybrene in — hefde an fic-treow geplantod on his win- hsefde an fic-treow ge-plantod on his winon hsenfeste gearde. la com he I sohte his waestmas on gearde. pa com he J sohte his westmes dsg. PDisbat himn pa ne funde he nanne; on hym. pa ne fand he nane. similitudinem 7 pa cwmep he to pam hyrde nu synt preo 7 pa cwse6; he to pam hyrde nu synde hane. Arbo. rem fici habe- ger- sySpan ic corn waestm secende on pissum preo gear se5San ich com woestme secende on bat quidam. A. flc-treowe. 2 ic ne funde; For-ceorf hine pissen fic-treowe. U ic ne funde. For-scrif hwi of-pric>6 he J land; (sic) hine hwy ofer-stric6 (sic) he mset land. 8 Da cwse~6 he hlaford. let hine gyt 8 Da cwse'6 he. hlaford lset hine geat Pis gear. o6 ic hine bedelfe 2 ic hine be- Pis gear o>6 Ic hine be-delfe. 2 ic hine bewurpe mid meoxe. weorpe mid dunge. 9 2 witodlice he weestmas bring'S; Gif 9 2 witodlice he wsestmes bringer. Gif hit elles hwset by~6 ceorf hine syN6~an; hit elles hwset beo6, for-scrif hine sy6'6an. 10 Da wses he reste-dagum on hyra 10 Da wses he reste-dagen on hiore gegesamnunge lserende. samnunge; lserende. 11 pa woes par sum wif seo heefde un- 11 pa woes p~er suma wif seo hafde untrumnesse gast ehtatyne gear. 2 heo woes trumnysse gast ehtetyne gear. I hyo wses abogen. ne heo eallunga ne mihte up- abogen ne hyo allunge ne mihte up bebeseon; seon. Various Readings. Various Readings. 2. A. Jswariende. A. B. wene ge. A. swylic. 3. A. 2. andswerigende; woeron; eallum galileiscum. 3. na eac. A. for-weorpa5. 4. A. syloe. A. men. 5. A, forwur-sa-s. buten; died-bote. 4. ehta-; of-slogh; wefor-weor'saS. A. ded-b6te. 6. B. C. hi [sic;for he]. A. ron; men; hierusalem wundon. 5. forwursaM5. buton; big-spell. 7. A. synd. A. gear; B. C. gear. A. wig. ded-bote. 6. bigspell; weestmas; nenne. 7. synt; sy~s-san ic; wsestm; pissum; For-cyrf; of-prics. 8, 8. A. beweorpe. 10. A. heora. 11. A. untrumnysse. yn; wstm; issm; or-crf; of-rc...meoxe [for dunge]. 9. wseatmas bringaS; bis; forceof (sic); seS~an. 10. -dagum; hyora. 11. ehtatyna; heo [2rnd timne]; eallunga, CHAP. XIII.] 139: geond-uarde cuoeoc Isemi woena; gie 6te Sas galilesco fore allumr galilescum synfullo 2 et respondens dixit illis putatis quod hi galilaei prae omnibius galilaeis peccatores bison T woeron forson -? ~te'suslico srowendo weron 4 bion ne cuoeso iuh Ali buta hreonisse fuerunt quia talia passi sunt 3 non - dico uobis sed nisi paenitentiam gie hmbbe Alle gelic gie sciolo losiga sume,a teno -Sa aehtou on-ufa msem gefeall habueritis omnes similiter peribitis 4 sicut illi decem et octo supra quos cecidit se torr in S;er byrig: of-slog -sailco woenaM gie ~te &c -&ailco scyldgo woeron bi Allum turris in siloam et occidit eos putatis quia et ipsi debitores fuerunt praeter omnes monnum byedon in hierusalem ne coeso ic iuh ah hueSre gif hreonise gie no does homines habitantes in hierusalem 5 non dico uobis sed si non paenitentiam egeritis Alle gelic gie sciolon losiga ge-cuoes he uutedlice 4Tsa -8ioskTsus geddung 4' onlicnise T4 bisene tree fic-beames omnes sirniliter peribitis 6 *Dicebat autem hanc similitudinem arborem fici * LUI. 164. x. hsefde sum rnonn geplontad 4' gesetet in wingearde his I cuom sohte wEestmn on seor ilco 7 habebat quidan plantatam in uinea sua et uenit quaerens fructum in illa et ne fand T4 ne gemoete cuoeOS -Sa to bigenega T to;seem bi-geon-le (sic) sems wingeardas heono gero non inuenit 7 dixit autem ad cultorem uineae ecce anni tsrio sint of Son 4' sota ic cuom sohte wsestm on fic-beame $isser J ne ic fand 4' ne gemoete ic tres sunt ex quo uenio quaerens fructum in ficulnea hac et non inuenio bhrendas T scearfa$ forSon Sailca 4' hia to huon uutedlice eorso gi-6neta-S 4' gemerras so I he onduarde succidite ergo illam ut quid etiam terram occupat 8 at ille respondens cuoeS to gmem-khim drihten forlet hia;J 4' ec Sios ger wi; ] miri-; y ic delfo ymb hia I dixit illi domine dimitte illam et hoc anno usque dum fodiam circa illam et ic sendo mnicxseno*: gif soslice gedoeJs wsestm gifne does uutedlice in sem toweard ger ge-scearfa u * on j tre mittam stercora 9 et si-quidem fecerit fructumn sin autem in futurum succides is added in the margin. hia wies uutedlice lerend in somnong hiora on symbeldagum J heono ] wif eam 10 erat autem docens in synagoga'eorum sabbatis 11 et ecce mulier 5io hsefde gast untrymnises gerum teno J rehto: woes forShald 4' gebeged ne mfra T allunga quae habebat spiritum infirrmitatis annis decem et octo et erat inclinata nec omnino msehte upp eft-lociga 4' gesea poterat sursum respicere 2. 1 giondsworade cwmea!em woena- go &sette Ses galilesco fore allum galilescum synnfulle bioson 4' werun forSon -Suslico Srowende werun 3. no cweSo ic low ah buta hreownisse ge hhebbe alle gilice ge sciolun losige 4. swa J JSa teno:J ehtowe onufa -sem gifeoll ~e torr in iser byrig I ofslog Sailco woena$ ge Ssette J'Sailco scyldge werun bifore allum monnum byedun.... 5. ne ic cwe-o iow ah hwe-re gif hreownisse ge no doaS gilice go sciolun loesga 6. gicwmSehe wutudlice -as geddunga onlicnesse 4' bisene treona ficbeomes haefde sumum gi-plontad in win-georde his J comn sohte waestem on seem ilca J no in-fand 7. cwmo- Ba to nem bigengum -Fes wingeordes heono ger trio sindun of mem ic com to soacanne waestem in fic-beome Sissumn I ne fandl ic k ne moette ceorfas T rendas for-on ~ailco yte hwon I wutudlice eorso gi-onetas 8. sos he ond-worde cweeS to Sem drihten forlet -a 4' him 3 ec Sis ger wiMseet mi%%y ic delfo ymb -Sailca J ic sendo mixenne 9. gif soslice ge-doaS woestem gif ne does wutudlice in sEem to-worda giceorf sa 4' hia 10. wutudlice wses lierende on somnungum hiora symbel-dagum 11. J heono wif $io hefdoe gast un-trymnisse geres tone J mehtowe i wees forS-hald 4 gibeged ne amfre allunga mnehte upp locgiga 4' gisea s2 140 [LURE. 12 pa se hselend big geseah he clypode 12 Da se hselend hyo ge-seah he cleohig to him. ~ s'de hyre; Wif. pu eart pede hyo to him. I saide hire. Wif pu, for-lseten of pinre untrumnesse. ert for-lheten of Pinre untrumnysse. 13 1 his hand hyre on sette. pa wses heo 13 7 his hand hire on sette. pa woes sona up arsered. I heo god wuldrode; hyo sona up arerd. ] hyo god wuldrede. 14 Da ge-bealh se dugu6e-ealdor hine 14 D)a ge-bealh se dugu6e ealder hine forpamn pe se hoelend on reste-doege hilde I for-pan pe se hbelend on reste-daige helde sWde pam menegum; Syx dagas synt on I ssede pam manigeo. Syx dages synde on pam gebyra6 fJ man wyrce. cumat on pam pam ge-bereW6 Jpt man wryrce. cunle6 on I beo>6 gehdelede. I na on reste-dsege; pam1' beo6 ge-hoelde. I na on reste daige. 15 Da 7swarude se haelend 7 cwseS; La 1o pa andswerede se hselend 7 cwase3. licteras. ne un-tigo6 eower relc on reste- La liceteras ne un-tyg"; eower selc on restedeege his oxan o>6&e assan. fram psere daige his oxen oS66e assen fram pare binne binne I laet to watere; 3 lset to wsetere. 16 pas abrahames dohtor Pe satanas 16 Das abrahames dohter pe satanas gegeband nu eahta-tyne gear. ne gebyrede band nu ehtetyna gear. ne beryde hire hyre beon unbunden of pissuvn bende on beon un-bundon of pisen benden on restereste-dmage; daige. 17 pa he pdis sede. Ja sceamode ealle 17 Da he Pis saide pa scamlede eallen his wi6er-winnan. 7 eall folc geblissode on his wi6er-winnan. J eall folc ge-blissode eallum pa.m Se wuldor-fullice fram him ge- on eallen pan pe wunderfullice fram him wurdon; ge-wur6on. 18 So61ice he cwaep. hwam is godes. 18 So6lice he cwoe>6. hwam is godes rice gelic. 7 hwam wene ic f hit beo ge- rice gelic; I hwam wene ic pset hit beo gelic. lich. 19 hit ys gelic senepes corne ~ se man 19 hit is gelic sepenes (sic) corne pe se onfenc I seow on his wyrtun I hit weox man onfeng I seow on his wertun. 3 hit w wear6 mycel, treow. i heofenes fuhlas weox I wart mycel treow ] heofene fugeles restun on his bogum; resten on his bogen. 20 And eft he cwase6. hwam wene ic J1 20 AEnd eft he cwse>6. hwarm wene ic godes rice si gelic. pJet godes rice seo gelic. Various Readings. V Various Readings. 12. A. untrumnysse. 13. A. arored. 14. A. msene- 12. halend; clypode; svade; eart for-ltton. 13. gum. A. synd. 15. A. 7swarode. A. B. C. liceteras araerd; heo; wuldrode. 14. ealdor; -dsege heelde; [but Corp. licteras]. 16. A. Peos. A. dohter. A. ehta- menegumn; dagas synt; ge-byra-s; cuma-;; -d&ege. 15. tyne eir. 19. A. onfeng. A. wyrt-tun. B. C. heofones. -dsege; oxan; assan. 16. dohtor; ge-byrede; Pysum A. fugelas reston. 20. A. sig. bende; -dsege. 17. ssegde; scarnode ealle; eallum pam; wuldorfullice; ge-wurdon. 18. his [for is]; ge-lic (twice). 19. senepes; i [for pe]; wyrtun; wears; heofone fugelas reston; bogumn. 20. syo. CHAP. XIII.] 141 1 sailca mi'ssy gesege so hblend geceigde to him: cuoes to hir ia wif forleten ars from untrymnis 12 quam cum uidisset iesus uocauit ad so et ait illi mulier dimissa es ab infirmitate Sin: gesette hir h6nd: sona ahefen woes 4 gerehtad 3 gewor'sade 4 gewuldclrade tua 13 et imposuit illi maius et confestim erecta est et glorificabat god ondsuarade {Sa tsoes folces aldormon wra{s{e forson on symbeldagurn gelhnlde deum 14 * Respondens autem arche-synagogus indignans quia sabbato curasset * 165. ii. mt, cxu [i],,,se hlelend cuoel He osem folce 4 1cem here sex dagas sint on Srem gerise{ 4' is gelefed to wyrcanne 4' iesus dicebat turbae sex dies sunt in quibus oportet opegie wyrce on'Sern forSon cylnam$ lecnege$ 3 ne in dseg symbles geonduearde a ran in his ergo Uenite et curamini et non in die sabbati 15 respondens autern to him drihten 7 cuoes gie eswico an eghuele iuer on synibel-doeg ne unbinde-s 4' woxo his ad illum dominus et dixit hypocritae unusquisque nestrum sabbato non soluit bouem suumn 4 assald of b6sih 3 ledes to weetranne -Sios uutedlice dohter abrahames -ailca aut asinum a proesepio et ducit ad aquare 16 hane autem filia abrahae quam geband -8e wienerworda heono teno I 2ehto gernum no were gerisnelie k reht to unbindanne 4' to undoanne of alligault satanas ecce decem et octo annis non, oportuit solui bend iissnm. dige symbles n miiS'y;as gecues gesceomadon alle fiondas 4 wi-er-worda uinculo isto die sabbati 17 *Et cum haec diceret erubescebant omnes aduersarf 166. x. his ~ all - fole gefeade 4' wes glsed on allum;sem wundrum;ate wundorlice woeron fro him eius et omnis populus gaudebat in uniuersis quae gloriosae fiebant ab eo cue's he so'Slice to humem ongelic is ric godes 3 husem ongelic woere ic woeno 4' ic leto 4 ic doenmo 18 *Dicebat ergo cui simile est regnunm dei et cui simile esse existimabo * 167. ii. mt. cxxxIii. Mr. xliiii. ongelic is comrne senepes pte genummen woes monn sende in lehtune his r illud 19 simile est grano synapis quod acceptum homno misit in hortum suum et awox 3 aworden wies on trio miclum: flegendo heofnes gehrreston on telgum his creuit et factum est in arborem magnam et uolucres caeli requieuerunt in ramis eius 3 eftersona cuoeS humm ongelic ic woeno 4' ic wselle lIta ric godes 7 hupem ongelic is 20 *Et iterum dixit cui similem (sic) aestimabo regnum dei et cui simile est 168.. mt. cxxxniii, 12. sailco mnii'Sy gisegun -Sone haelend gicegde to him 3 cwaem' him la wif -Su ar'S forleten from untrymnisse'Sinre 13. 3 gesette hir hond 3 sona ahefen waes a gewuldrad woes god 14. ond-sworade'Sa'Ses folches aldor wra'e forSon on symbeldaege gihaelde -e helend cwae's he'Sem folche for-Son sex dagas sint in'-mem girises to wyrcanne on'Sem for'Son cyme'S J lecniga's J7 ne on dsege symbles 15. giondworde'Sa to him drihten 3 cwoet ge eswicu an eghwelc iower on symbel-dego ne on-binde'S oxo: his 4 easald of bosge 1 ewdes to wsetranne 16. Sios wutudlice dohter abrahames'Sa ilca giband'Se witerworda heono tene mehtowe geras ne were girisen k reht to unbindanne of bendum'Sissum dsege synmbles 17. n mi'Sty'Sas gicwse' ge-scomredun alle wi'ser-wordeo 4'A fonda his I all'Siet foile gifeade 18. for-'on'smeim gilic is rice godes 3'Smemn gilic were ic leto'Snoe'saet 19. ongilic is come senepes'mtte ginumnen wais nmenn sende in lehbtun his a wox 3 atworden wais on tree micluz 3 flogende heofines gi-restun on telg~um his 20. efter-sona cwre'S hwrem ongelic is woeno'Saet ic welle leta rice godes 142 [LUKE. 21 hit is gelic pain beorman pe f wif on- 21 hit ys gelic pam beorman Pe paet wif fengc. 3 be-hydde on Pain melewe j~reo onfeng 3 be-hedde on Pam melewe preo gemetu. o6 hit wear6; eall ahafen; ge-mitte. o'6e hit war'6 eall ahafen. 22 Da ferde he purh ceastra 3 castelu to 22 Da ferde he purh ceastre J castella to hierusalem 7 par lserde ierusalem 3 pser lherde. 23 Da cwose' sum man to him drihten. 23 Da cwoe6; sum man to him. drihten feawa synt pe synt gehaelede; pa cwsep he feawe synde pe synde ge-hmlede. Da cwe>6 to him. he to heom. 24 efsta6 J1 ge gangen purh 1T nearwe 24 efsta6 pet ge gangen purh pa naerewe get forpam ic secge eow manega seca'6 J gate for-]pan ich segge eow manege seca6 hig ingan I hi ne magon; past hyo ingan I hyo ne magen. 25 Donne se hiredes ealdor ingaeS I his 25 panne se hirdes ealdor ingae6 i his duru beclyst ge standap Paer uite I pa duru dure be-clyst. -ge stande&' p]er ute I pa cnucia'6 7 cwe&6ap. drihten atyn us; ]Ponne dure cnokie6 1 cwe6a'. Drihten atyn cwy'6 he to eow; Ne can ic eow. nat ic us. panne cweS he to eow. Ne can ich hwanon ge synt; eow naht (sic) ich hwanen ge synde. 26 Donne ongynne ge cweplan w'e eton 7 26 panne on-ginnen ge cwe6en. we eten druncon beforan pe. 1 on urum straetum: druncen be-foren pe I on uren strseten pu lherdest. pu laErdest. 27 ponne sega he eow. ne cann ic 27 panne sai'6 he eow ne can ic hwanen hwanon ge synt gewita6 fram me ealle ge synde. ge-wite6 fram me ealle unrihtunriht-wyrhtan. wyrhten. 28 par bi6 wop I topa gryst-lung; D0enne 28 pser beo>6 wop I to{e gristbihung' MS. grist. ~.~. rh lac fa b hung (sic), ge geseop abraham. I isaac. I iacob. I panne ge ge-seo6 abraham I ys'aac. I iacob wit biwritt ealle witegan on godes rice. 3 ge beo$6 ut- ealle witegen on godes rice. I ge beo6 above. adrifene' ut adrifene. 29 1 hig cuma'6 fram east-doZle I west- 29 J hyo cume6 fram east-dse]e: westdaele. I norp-doele. I sitta6 on godes rice. daele. I su6-dmle. I sitta6 on godes rice. 30 1 efne synt yte-meste pa 6e beo6 30 1 efne synde ytemeste pa pe beoB6 fyrmyste. 1 synt fyrmyste pa >6e beo6 fyrmeste 1 synde fyrmeste pa pe beo 6 ytemeste; ytemeste. Various Readings. Various Readings. 21. A. onfeng, A. meluwe. 23. A. synd pe synd. 21. be-hyde (sic); o;; werS. 22. castre' synt; synt 24. A. gangon. A. geat. B. C. big. 25. A. us [sic; for ge-halede; eon. 24. - noerwe gat; for-pam ic; manega. 1st eow]. A. hwanen. A. synd. 27. A. can. A. hwanen. 25. Done; cnucyat; Donne; ic; nat ic hwanon; synt. 26. Donne on-ginne; aeton; druncon be-foran; urum A. synd. 28. ponne. 30. A. synd ytemyste. A. B. C. strseton. 27. ponne seg-; cen; hwanon; synt. geyrmeste. 8A. synd. A. B. C.fyrmeste. A. ytemyste. wita~; -wyrhtan. 28. par by~; gristlung. Donne; witegan; geo (sic). 29, su~-dale. 30. synt (twice); bys (2nd time), CHAP. XIII.] 143 daerste P miaSSy onfoae- wif gehydeS in meolo mitto Tk Srio ot;;et sie gedsersted T 21 fermento quod acceptum mulier abscondit in farinae sata tria donec fermentagecnoeden All I foerde terh ceastro I woerco lerende I geong dyde in hierusclem retur totum 22 *ET ibat per ciuitates et castella docens. et iter faciens in hierusalem * 169. ii. mt. lxxui. cuoe -S a him sum nonn drihten gif huon sint 4' lytle worado aron -a';e gihleled bison he la 23 *Ait autem illi quidam dominole si pauci sunt qui saluantur ipse autenb * 170. v. mt. lu. cuoes to &sem ilcom ge-;rinegas T to ingeonganne'serh nearo gsett *te menigo ic cuoeSo dixit ad illos 24 contendite intrare per angustam portam quia multi dico iuh soecas 4' biddas to inngeonganne I ne moehton miiS~y -Sonne - uutedlice Inngaes se fieder hiuuisc uobis quaerunt intrare et non poterunt 25 *Cum autem intrauerit pater- * 171. v. mt. Ix. T hiorodes faeder 4' higna feeder I tyne-S - duro T dor J gie onginnes uuta stonda I cnylsiga ~ dor familias et cluserit ostium et incipietis foris stare et pulsare ostiumn -us cuoe-;endo drihten untyn fis I ondsuaraende; cuoeeWs iuh ne connic iuih huona gie aron dicentes domnine aperi nobis et respondens dicet uobis nescio. uos unde sitis onne 4' ~sa gie onginnes cuoe;a we brecon 4T eton fora'Sec: we drunecon: in plaecum 4 usum 26 tune incipietis dicere manducauimus coram te et bibimus et in plateis nostris tu lerdes T4 we gelerdon 1 cuoeses iuh to ne connic huona arongie afearra-; froiz me alle docuisti 27 et dicet uobis nescio uos unde: sitis discedite a me omnes ta wyrcendo unreht-wisnises;er bihs wop J grist-bittung toSana mi;S;y gee geseaM abraham operari iniquitatis 28 ibi erit fletus et stridor dentium * Cum uideritis abraham * 172. u. mt. lxu. 3:1J alle witgo inngeonga in rlc godes gie uutedlice fordrifeno buta 4 uta et isaac et iacob et omnes prophet~as introire in regno dei uos autem expelli foras 3 cynme2 easta 7 woesta J nori5a J susa J hliniga% 4T hroesta$ in ric 29 et uenient ab oriente et occidente et aquilone et austro et accumbent in regno godes. J heono bibon- hletmesto;a'6e woeron fortmesto bison for;mesto 8a vwoeron dei 30 *ET ecce sunt nouissimi qui erunt primi et sunt primi qui erunt * 173. ii mt. cxcuii: hlketmesto nouissirmi 21. gilic is. dzerstum -sette, mi-S-Sy- onfoe{S wif wif (sic) gihydeS in necolwe mitto T -Sria os-;et sie gidserstad T4 cneden all 22. J foerde'-erh coestre I were lkerende % gong. dyde.... 23. cwoeS;a him sum mon drihten gif hwon sint -aSe eghwelcum biodun he ~a cwee to ~eem ilcum 24. ge-$ringas to onginnanne Serh naru goett'tette monige ic cweso iow to soecas 4' biddas to ingonganne D ne mnehtun 25. miutiy Sonne wutudlice ineode T foerde faeder hiorodes 4' higna I ontyne;sg -sa duro T dor: go ingongas uta stoncla T clyniga -6et dor tsus cweoende dlrihten untyn us 3 ond-sworade cwese; iow ne con ic iowih hwona ge arun 26.... 27... afearria~ from me alle %a'e wyrca$ unrehtnisse 28.;er bi$ wop J grist-bitung tosa mity: ge gisea............~JJ- alle witga in rice godes ge wutudlice fordrifile buta 4ute 29. - cyme~ eost, an J westa J norma 3 susa J hlionigas 4' resta~ in rice godes 30. hoeono bioonl lkete-mesto ~ate weruu foer'6mest J bioton foermnest Bae werun late-mest 144 [LUKE. 31 On Pamn doege him genealsehton sume 31 On Jpam daige him ge-neohlacten sume farisei 2 himn ssedon; Far I ga heonon for- farisei 2 him saigdon. Far 7 ga heonon. Pam Pe herodes pe wyle ofslean; for-Pam pe herodes pe wile of-slean. 32 And pa cwse6 he to him. ga 72 32 And pa cwaeS he to heom. Ga 72 secga>6 pazn foxe. deofol-seocnessa ic uit- seggeS Pam foxe. deofel-seocnysse ich ut adrlfe. 2 ic hAela gefremme to-deg 2 to- adrife. I ic hsele ge-fremme to-daig 2 tornorhgen 7 priddan dsege ic beo for-numen; morgen 2 S6ridden daige ich beo for-numen. 33 Deah-hwseSere me gebyrep to-dseg 7 33 peah-hwse6ere me ge-bere>S to-daig to-morhgen. 2 py aefteran daege gan. for- 7 to-morgen. 2 Py aeftere daige gan. forpan' a Pe ne gebyre6 f se witega for-wur6e pan ne bere~ poet se witega for-wur&e buton biitan hierusalem; ierusalem. 34 Eala hierusalem hierusalem. pu 6e pa 34 Eale ierusalem ierusalem. Pu pe ta witegan of-slyhst. 2 hsenst. pa >6e to pe witegen of-sleahst. 2 haenst pa pe to pe asende synt. hu oft ic wolde pine beam asent synden. hu ofte ic wolde pine bearn gegaderian swa se fugel de6 his nest under ge-gaderian. swa se fugel do~; his nyst his fiferum 2 pu noldest; under his fy6eren 7 pu noldest. 35 Nu bidS eower hus eow for-laeten; 35 Nu beo6 eower hus eow for-latan. So6lice ic eow seege T5 ge me' ne geseo6 SoqSlice ic eow, segge f ge me ne ge-seo>6 irpaRnz pe cume se ponne ge cwe6Sa6. ge- aer pan pe cume se panne ge cweIed gebletsod sy se 6e c6m on drihtnes nanman; bletsod syo se pe com on drihtnes namen. CHAPTER XIV. CHAPTER XIV. Dye goJ-spel 1 a woes geworden pa he eode on 1 A wses ge.-wor6en pa he eode on I] NtauidO gebyra oniesus n do paere nygon- sumes farisea ealdres hus on sumes phariseas ealdres hus onmum euinsteo'San wucan dam princip: ofer entecos- reste-dsege j he hlaf Wte. 7 hig begymdon rseste-daige. paet he hlaf sete. 7 hyo be- sacerdotum ten. Cumn sabbato man intraret i hine gymden hine. ducare paintaet omess 2 6a wses par sum wseter-seoc man befo- 2 pa woas paer sum wseter-seoc mann be- em. c-iusdam principis pha- ran him; fora hym. riseorztnz. A. Intrauitiesus - 3 Da cwsep se hselend to janm e.-gleawum 3 Da cwve'6 se hselend to pam lagein domurn euiusda 2 fariseumn; Ys hit alyfed J man on reste- gleawen. 2 farisean. is hit alyfed paet ise dagum ele; man on reste-dagen haele bato manducare panern. B. Various Readings. Various Readings. 32. deofel-seocnyssa. A. hselo. A. to-morgen. 33. A. 31. ge-neahlacton; ssegdon. 32. seggas; deofol-seocto-mergen. A. ge-byra-s. A. for-weore;e. 34. A. hynst. nyssa ic; dridden (sic); ic. 33. -hwe8ere; ge-byres; A. B. C. synd. 35. A. om. se after cume. A. syg. to-morhgen; aefteran daege; byre's; butan. 34. Eala; hierusalem (2nd time); witegan; asend synd. hwu; des; fy-serum. 35. for-leton; seozs; pamn; ponne; cweSa-; naman. Cap. xiv. 1. Rubric as in H.; ge-worden; -dege; ete; be-gymdon. 2. man. 3. halend; ea-glewum; alefd -dagum. CHAP. XIII.] 145 on' Sem dsege geneolecdon summo. 3ara seldra cuoesendo him gaa fser 7 geong heona 31 *IN ipsa die accesserunt quidam pharisaeorum dicentes illi exi et uade hinc *LUII. 174. x. forSon herodes will sec ofslaa J cuoe {sem gas cuoe-aS! foxe {seem heono ic aworpo quia herodes uult te occidere 32 et ait illis ite dicite uulpi illi ecce eicio diwle I huelo ic serh-doe 4T endigo todseg 7 tomerne I -Ssem nirde dsege ic beom ge-endad daemonio (sic) et sanitates perficio hodie et cras et tertio consummor so-S huemsre gehriseS 4' gedoefnes me to-dieg I tomerne J {sem sefterfylgende geonga for36on ne 33 uerum-tamen oportet me hodie et cras et sequenti ambulare quia non nimeS witge losia buta hierusalem -Su ofsliest:a witgo capit prophetam perire extra hierusalem 384 Hierusalem hierusalem quae occidis prophetas " 175. u. mt. ccxli. J Zu stuena- {sa SaZe ge-sendad bison to -Se suie sui-8e ic walde gesomnia suno isino suelce et lapidas eos qui nlittuntur ad te quotiens uolui congregare filios tuos quemammodum fugul nest his under feohrtum 7 no waldest su heono forleten biS iuh htis iuera huis nidumn suum sub pinnis et noluisti 35 ecce relinquitur uobis domus uestra ic cuoeSo Sa.? uutedlice iuh for-on 4T te gie ne geseaS mec otSet cyme mis-{y gie cuoeso se gebloedsad dico autem uobis quia non uidebitis me donec ueniat cum dicetis benediotus sese cuom in noma drihtnes qui uenit in nomine domini CAP. XIV. 3 Aworden wses mids-ly innfoerde in hus surnmes aldormonnes on symbel-dseg 1 *ET factum est cum intraret in domum cuiusdam principes (sic) pharisaeorum sabbato * LUIII. 176. x. to brucanne hlaf - sa-ilco behealdon hine J heono monn sum unhal T wies manducare panem et ipsi obseruabant eum 2 et ecce homo quidam hydropicus erat fore hine J ondsumrede so hselend cuoes to Ms wistum J is gelefed ante illum 3 *ET respondens iesus dixit ad legis peritos et pharisaeos licet * 177. ii. mt. exui. on symbeldcege ge-lecnia sabbato curare 31. on s2em doege geneolicadun sume {sara aldormonna hiora cweSende him gaa J gong hiona forSon hevodes walde Sec ofsla 32. 7 cwvewS -Sem gas 7 cweosa- foxe Ssem heono ic aworpe diowul J haelo ih Serh-wuno to-dsege J on mernemo em Sirda dsege ic biom gi-endad 33. sos hweOre giriseoS to daege 7 on merne seiem iefter fylgende forson ne nimeS witga losiga buta hierusalem 34. hierusalem hierusalern -u of-slkes -Sa witgu 7 Su stzenes {sa {sa-Se gisended biostun to Se swa swiSe ic walde gisomniga suno Sine aSoe swoelce fugol nest his under feSrum gisomneO J ne waldes {Su 35. heono forleten iow hus iower woestige ic cweto {sa wutudlice iow forSon ]te ge ne giseaS mec oiSHet cyme mi't-y ge cweoe se gibleotsad seSe com in noma drihtnes Cap. XIV. 1. J aworden waies miSBy infoerde in hus stunes aldor-monnes sara utwutuna hiora on symbeldiege to bruccanne hlaf J Sa ilca biheoldun hine 2. J heono monn sum unhal wies bifora hine 3. J ondsworade Se haelend cwsee to ies witgum 9 aldormoznni/m hiue cwedun gif gilefed is on symbel-dege {e gilecniga k no T 146 LLUKE. 4 Da suwudon hig. pa nam he hine I 4 Da swegedon hyo. pa nam he hine gehselde 7 for-let hyne; 7 haelde 3 for-let hine. 5 pa cwse6 he to him 7swariende. hwyl- 5 Da cwae6 he to heom andsweriende, ces eowres assa o>6e oxa befealp on alne Hwilces eowres asse oW6e oxa be-feald on pytt J ne tihp he hyne hrmedlice up on reste- aenne pyt. J ne teod he hine raedlice up on dmge; reste daige. 6 Da ne mihton hig agen Pis him geand- 6 Da ne mihton hyo agen pis hymr gewyrdan; andswerian. 7 Da s'de he sum big-spel be paqn in- 7 pa saigde he heom sum bispell. be gela6udan. gymende hu hig pa fyrmestan pam inge-la6edon gymende hu hyo pa fyrsetl gecuron 3 pus cwseo; mestan setle ge-curan. 7 pus cwaeS. 8 Donne pu, byst to gyfturn gelapod ne 8 panne pu beost to gyften ge-la6Sed. site pu on pam fyrmestan setle. peles we- ne site pu on pa fyrmeste settle pi-lkes nunga sum wur>-fulra [sig yngela6od fram- wenunga sum wur>Sfulra cume. hym. 9 J ponne] cume se pe 6e in-gelapode ] 9 7 se pe inge-la6ede segge pe rem pisen secge rym pysumz men setl. 7 Pu J6enne menn settl. 7 pu Panne mid scame nyme mid sceame nyme T yte-meste setl; f ytemesten settle. 10 Ac ponne pu geclypod byst. gCL 7 10 Ac Pjanne pu ge-clyped beost. ga 7 site on pam ytemestan setle. j se 6e pe in- site on pam ytemesten settle. paet se pe gela'6ude osenne he cyme cwepe to pe. la inge-la6ode panne he kyirn cwe3e to pe. freond. site ufur. ponne bye6 pe wur~'- La freond; site ufor. panne beo6 pe wur>6mynt be-foran mid-sittendum; rment beforan mid-sittenden. 11 For-pam celc pe hine uip-ahef>6. biW6 11 For-pan aelc Pe hine up-ahefS by'6 genyE6erud. I se &Se hine ny>6era~6 se bid; ge-ny>6ered. 7 se pe hine ni~ered se beos; up-ahafen; up-ahafen. 1 2 Da cwme> he to pazm pe hine inla'ode. 12 pa cwme6 he to pam pe hine in la'sede. ponne PU dest wiste o&6e feorme ne clypa panne pu dest wyste oNSe ferme. ne cleope pu pine frynd ne tine gebro6Sru. ne 6ine' pu ]Pine freond ne pine broS6re. ne Pine cu>6an ne pine welegan nehheburas. pe-les cu6an. ne pine welegen. nehhebures. pehi 6Se agen lacSiun. J puu hebbe ed-lean; lies hyo pe agen la6ian J pu haebbe edlean. Various -Readings. Vlar~ious Readings. 4. A. suwedon. 5. A. assan. A. mnne. 6. A. on- 4. swugedon. 5. eom; assa; befeal-s; teo;. 7. gean. 7. A. big-spell. A. inge-la-sedon. C. gecuran. ssegde; eom; in-gelaoedan; ge-curen. 8. Donne; 8. A. weor5-fulra. (The wor0ds sig yngela-od fram hym. 7 byst; gyftum ge-la-od; parn; setle pe-lse. 9. inponne occuzr in A. only.) 9. A. ponne. A. ytemyste. geleM;ede secge; rym pysunm men setl; ytemeste setle. 10. C. om. g_. A. ytemystan. A. ingelasode. ponne. A. 10. ponne; byst; ytemestan setle; se pe [for pe] ingeufer. A. weorS-mynd. 11. A. ge-nyperod. 12. A. in- lseode senne; cymns; ponne bys; wurzsmynt; -sittendum. gelasode. A. py-lkeshig peongeanlasion.' 11. For-pam; bis up-ahafan. 12. Denne; clype; bro~eru; welegan nehheburas; eadlen. CHAP. XIV.] 147 so-; hia 1 -sa suigdon he uutedlice gehlahte, gehAelde I forleort I geondsuarecde 4 at illi tacuerunt ipse nero apprehensum sanauit ac dimisit 5 et respondens to -;sem cuoen huelc 4' hues iueres asald 4' oxa in seas fallen; I no sona of-does ad illos dixit cuius uestrum asinus ant bos in puteum cadet et non continuo extrahet hine doeg symbeles I ne maehton to sassurn geonduearde him cuoe5; 6a illum die sabbati 6 et non potuerunt ad haec respondere illi 7 *Dicebat autem* 178. x. J to scern lasendum - bisen beheald huu -Sa formo hrsesto hia geceason cuoe'S to et ad inuitatos parabolam intendens quomodo primos accubitos eligerent dicens ad him mis-'6;y gehla;ed'Su bist to famrmum ne hlina Bu in sa forma stoue eo~;e msege illos 8 curn inuitatus fueris ad nuptias non dis-cumbas in primo loco ne forte wyr'6ro Sec sie geneded 4' gehlasad from somm I cyme{S ~eilco se-se -sec: hine ge-ceiges T honoratior te sit inuitatus ab eo 9 et ueniens is qui te et illum uocage.ceigde cuoe-;es -;e sel;issum - ston 7 -sonne;u inginnas mi-S sceoma hlaetmesto stoue gehalda uit dicat tibi da huic locum et tune incipias cum rubore nouissimum locum tenere ah mii;~;y geceiged Su bist gaa hlinig on - hletmesto stou 4Ste miS-ty gecyme-; sere 2sec 10 sed cum uocatus fueris uade recumbe in nouissimo loco ut cum uenerit qui te gehla;ade cuoesaWS Oe freond astig ufor. -onne bis -e wuldor 4 gefea fora ~sem gello inuitauit dicat tibi amice ascende superius tune erit tibi gloria coram simul hlingendumn fordSon eghuelc seSe hine ahebba- ge-hni-srad biS; 1 sere hine gebega! discumbentibus 11 * Quia omnis qui se exaltat humiliabitur et qui s6 humiliat * 179, u, mt. ccxxxi gehefen bi-S cuoe's sta J ~Siem sense hine gehlasade mitsasy su gedoe'; hriord 4' exaltabitur 12 *Dicebat autem et ei qui se inuitauerat cum facis prandium aut * 1o80. x. symbel nelle -u geceiga friondas Msina no brosro Sino ne sibbo -4 cuso menn ne neheburas caenam noli uocare amicos tuos neque fratres tuos neque cognatos neque uicinos weligo eaSanmage J sa ilco -;ec eft-hlasas 7 sie Se eft-selenise diuites ne forte et ipsi te rd-inuitent et fiat tibi retributio 4. sos; hi, swigadun he wutudlice gilahte gihoelde4' gihselde (sic) hine J for-loort 5. J giondsworade cwse; hwelc iower asald 4' oxa in sea; falleS J ne sona of of-doe-; hine dege symbles 6. u ne maehtun to -assum giD-sworade him 7. cwmse~ -;a to;sem Izedendum Sa bisine bihald hwa $a forma onfoe hie gifeasan (sic) cwcee to him 8. miS~y biS latad cu bist to feormum ne hliona in;s8er forma stowwe ate mseg wyrSro $ec 4' -e sie gineded from him 9. J cymeS $eilco sere $ec i hine gicege; cweosas -e selo issum stowwe I onne u on-ginnes mi' scormo stowe Sa letemestu ge-halda 10. ah miasy giceged;u bist gaa hlioniga on sa lsetemestu stowwe ] mis-Iay cymeIs senSe 15ec gilade cweo1saIs oe friond astig ufor I5onne biS ISe wuldor bi-fora ISern gilice hlingendum 11. forSon eghwele sese hine ahefeIS giniSrad bis 3 se;Se hine abegeIs gihsefen biIs 12. cweIs Isa Issem 4 him sese hine gilaIsade miISI;y su does riordo' symbel nelle Isu gicegan friond ISinne ne broIsor Isinne ne gisibbe cuse men ne neh-giburas wealige IsaISe ease msege U Ia ilcau Sec gilaIiga J doe ISe eft-sel-nissoe T2 148 [LUKE. 13 Ac Peenne pu ge-beor-scype do. clypa 13 Ac panne pu beorscype do; cleope Pearfan 7 wanhale. J healte. I blinde. pearfen J wanhseften I healte I blinde. 14 Ponne bist pu eadig. for-pam 6e hi 14 panne beost pu eadig. for-pan pe nabba>6 hwanun big hit Pe forgyldon; hyo nebbed hwanen hyo hit Pe folgeldon So';lice hit byr Pe forgolden on riht-wisra (sic). So~lice hit beoS Pe for-golden on aeriste; riht-wisra ariste. 15 Da pis gehyrde sum of pamn sittendurm 15 Da pis ge-herde sum of pam sittenden. pa cwoe>a he. eadig is se 6e hlaf ytt on pa cwae he. eadig is se pe hlaf aet on godes rice; godes riche. Dys god-spel 16 Da ssede he him. sum man worhte 16 pa saegde he heom sum man worhte ge-byra5 on pone pryddan mycele feorme J manega gela>Sode. mycele ferme 7 manega ge-la>Sode. sunnandmg ofer pentecos. 17 pa sende he his ~eowan to pcere 17 Pa sente he his peowen to Pare ferme quidam io feorme timman. he saide dJam ge-ldaedon paet, mag- 1. hiog comun forpam pe ealle ping gearwe hyo coman. for-pan pe ealle Jing gearewe waeron; wieren. 18 pa ongunnon big ealle hig beladian; 18 Da ongamnan (sic) hyo ealle hyo beSe forma him saede. ic bohte aenne tin. la6edian. Se forme hym saigde ic bohte ic hebbe neode J ic fare 7 hine geseo. ic Tenne tun; ich hmebbe neode pet ic fare bidde pe S'6u me beladige; 9 hine ge-seo. ic bidde pe pJat pu me beladie. 19 Da cwep se oper. ic bobte an getyme 19 Da cwse6 se o'6er. ich bohte an geoxena. nu wille ic faran J fandian hyra nu teme oxana. nu wille ich faren e fandian bidde ic Pe bel'da me; hyre. nu bidde ic Pe be-lade me. 20 Da cwge'6 sum ic lhedde wif ham. for- 20 Da cwaet sum ich ladde wif ham. aamz ic ne mseg cuman; for-pam ic ne maeg cuman. 21 pa cyrde se peowa I cydde his hlafor-: 21 Da cyrde se peowa I kydde his hlade?p; Da cwae> se hlaford mid yrre to pa?, forde pat. Da cwoe se hlaford mid yrre to pjeowan; Ga hrape on pa strata J on wic pam Peowan. Ga raaSe on pa strsete. ] on pisse ceastre 1 pearfan I wanhale. J blinde wic pissere cestere. 1 p]erfan J wan-hsefteml 3 healte lid hider in; I blinde. I healte. ~ lae6 (sic) hider in. Various Readings. Various Readings. 13, A. ponne. 14. A. hig. A. hwanon. C. for-goldon 13. Ponne; clype Pearfan; wan-hafen. 14. Ponne bist; [for forgolden]. 15. B. C. yt. 17. A. comon. 18, neabbe; hwanun; forgyldon; bib;. 15. ge-hirde; et; B. C. beladie. 19. A. ge-tym'5e. 21. A. rase. rice. 16. eom; feorme. 17. sende; J'eowan; feorme; saegde; ge-laesedan; forsnam; wseron. 18. ongunnan; be-lasian; ssegde; ic [for ich]. 19. ic; ge-tyme; ic faran. 20. ic ledde. 21. cydde; kisse ceastre; wanhafan. CHAP. XIV.] 149 ah mi-S;y su doest gebserscip ge-ceig;orfendum unhalum haltum blindum J eadig 13 sed cum facis conuiuium uoca pauperes debiles clodos caecos 14 et beatus 1tu bist forson hia ne habbas eft to seallane se eft biS gesald for'son ie on erist sofmstra eris quia non habent retribuere tibi retribuetur enim tibi in resurrectionem (sic) iustorum tsas mii-sdy geherde sume of Teem mis 4' gelic hlingendum cuoe-S him eadig biS se-Se ettas Jr brucas 15 haec cum audisset quidam de simul discumbentibuus dixit ei beatus qui manducauit hlaf In ric godes sos he cuoeS him r -seem monn sum dyde farma micelo I panem in regno dei 16 at ipse dixit ei *Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam et LUIIiI. 181. u. mt. ccxxi. ceigde menigo: sende esne his tid farmes to gecuoe;enne gehlaeas ge 3te uocauit multos 17 et misit seruum suum hora caenae dicere inuitatis ut hia eyme for;on uutedlice gegearuad sint alle J ongunnon gelic alle onsacca T4 uenirent quia iam parata sunt omnia 18 et coeperunt simul omnnes excusare se oeresta cuoeS him ldnd ic. bohte J n'ed —sarf ic hafo ~ ic geonga J gesea - ilca ic biddo sec heefe mec primus dixit ei uillam emi et necesse habeo exire et uidere illamn rogo t' habe me onseecue t4 J o~ser cuoe-s d-el J oxna del fifo J ic geongo to cunnanne;a ilca ic biddo isee excusatum 19 et alter dixit iuga boum emi quinque et eo probare illa rogo te hbefe mee gelefen k J oSer cuoes wif ic linde 4' brohte foreson ne ming ic cume habe me excusatum 20 et alius dixit uxorem duxi et ideo non possum uenite I eft-cerde se esne siegde ~;as drihtne his -;a wra~ woes se feederhinuise cuoe~ -;egne his 21 et reuersus seruus nuntiauit haec domino suo tunc iratus pater-fanmilias dixit seruo suo gaa recone in pl'&cum J meerum JSere ceastre i Sorfendum J unhalum J blindum I haltum exi cito in plateas et uicos ciuitatis et pauperes ac debiles et caecos et clodos inn-ld intro-due 13. ah misSy, does gibear-scip giceg -orfendamn un-halum halte blinde 14. J eadig -1U bist forMon Mhie ne haba's eft to sellanne -Se eft his sald forSon Se in eriste so —fiestra 15. -Sas miRS1y giherde sum of -Sem dyde mi~S'Sem hlioniendutr cwees tiem eadig sere eteS hlaf in rice godes 16. hlee cwieS him mon sum dycle feormle micle J cede monigum 17. J sende esne his tide feorne to cwesaanne giladigas ge -seette hia cyine forSon wutudlice gigeorwad sindun alle 18. 7 ongunnun gilic alle onsaca ise inrista cweeS him lend ih bohte forSon V nedseerfe ic hafo 9 ic gongo J gisie &et ilce ic biddo ~ec hlefe maec on-siecne 19. 9 oSer cwee deel cyna ic bohte fife 9 ic gongo to cunnanne Bailco ic biddo Sec heenfe mec gilefenne 20. J oSer cwe'6 wif ic lkedo 3 forton ne ming ic cuma 21. eft-cerde se esne segde Sas drihtne his sa wraS waes Se fieder;ees hiorodes cwin' esne his gaa recone in pletsa J mnro ssere cestre J Sorfendum J unhalum ~ blinde J halte inled hider 150 [LUKE. 22 Da cwe'6 se ]peowa. hlaford. hit ys 22 Da cwse>6 se peowa. Hlaford hit is gedon swa pu bude.. nu gyt her is temtig ge-don swa Pu bkede. 7 nu gyt her is emtig stow; stowe. 23 pa cwm;e se hlaford }a gyt to pamn 23 Da cwes6 se hlaford gyt pa to pain peowan; Ga geond pas wegas 3 hegas.. peowan. Ga geond pas wegas 3 hegas I nyd hig hig gan in. m ruin hus si gefyl- nyd hyo P hyo gan in. P min hus syo geled; felled. 24 So>6lice ic eow secge jf nan para 24 So6li'ce ic eow segge j nan Pare manna Pe geclypode synt ne onbyrigea6; manna pe ge-clepede synde. ne on-byriad minre feorime; mire (sic) ferme. Dys godspel 25 o;lice mid him ferde mycel men- 25,olice mid him ferde micel menige. Si qui i en sceal to sanc- ad me. i no tls hermetis ego. ]Pa cwaee he to him be- p ka cmi. he to heom be-wend. odit patrem I to sanctus suum I maagustinus wend; trem. filio! uissan ueit ad 26 Gyf hwa to me cyme6 J ne hata'6 his 26 Gyf hwa to me cyme' U ne hated hys I fratr-es.I quis Uenit ad sorores. ade me &non odit feeder I moder 3 wif 7 bearn I bropru 3 fader I moder. 7 wif 7 beam. 3 bro'6re hue anima patrein suumh suam; non n matrem. A. swustra. 7 paenne gyt his sawle ne maeg he swustre. 7 panne geot his sawle ne maig potest mels esse diseipubeon min leorning-cnilht; he beon min leorning-cniht. Ius. 27. se pe ne byr6 hys cwylminge I1 27 7 se Pe ne bered hys cwelmenge I cyme refter me. ne maeg he beon min cym>6 efter me ne maig he beon min leorning-cniht; leorning-cniht. 28 Hwylc eower wyle timbrian anne 28 hwylc eower wile timbrian anne stypel. hu ne sytt he aerest 1 teleX pa and- stepel. hu ne sit he arest 7 tele;6 pa andfengas pe himn behefe synt. hweseer he fenges pe him be-hefe synde. hwe6er he habbbe hine to full-fremmenne haebbe hine to fulfremenne. 29 pe-lJes sy6'6an he paene grund-weall 29 pe-les siS66an he panne grund-wall legS'. 7 ne meg hine full-fremman. ealle pe leigh;. 7 ne maig hine fulfremman. ealle hit geseo6 agynna6 hine taelan ke hit ge-seo6 aginned hine taelen. 30 3 cwe6an; Hwoet pes man agan tim- 30 I cwe&6en. hwaet pes man agan tymbrian 3 ne mihte hit ge-endian; brian. 7 ne mihte hit ge-endian. Various Readings. Various Readings. 23. A. eond. A. sig. 24. A. piera. A. synd. A. on- 22. bude; stow. 23. ge-fylled. 24. ge-clypede byria;. 25. A. mEenego. 26. B. C. modor. A. ponne. synt; on-byria-; minre feorme. 25. Rubric as in H.; 28. A. aenne. A. ful-fremmanne. 29. A. py-lhes. A. menego. 26. hataS; modor; brodra; sustra; geat; Pone. C. grud-weall (sic). A. agynnon; B. C. agynnan. sawla; meg. 27. byr-;; cwelminge; refter; maeg. 30. A, ongan. 28. synt; habbe; full-fremmenne. 29. penne; legS; m'eg; agynnan. 30. cwetan. CHAP. XIV.] 151 I cuoe'S se esne drihten aworden wes T4 is sume i u ge-hehtes J forSor Saget sprecend wnes 22 et ait seruus donzine factum est ut imperasti et athuc locutus est (sic) 23 et Cuoes se drihten tsem -segne frer on woegum 7 woercum T I ge-nied to in-geonganne Ste sie gefylled hus ait dominus seruo exi in uias et sepes et com-pelle intrare ut imnpleatur donmus min ic cuoeSo Zsonne T uutedlice iuh 4fte ne aenig warana &ara iate geceigedo weron rnea 24 dico autem uobis quod neno uiuorum (sic) illorumn qui uocati sunt ge-birgalS farina miln foerdon 6erne kyng. hu ne sit 3 pencs hwse;er he maege mid tyn pusen- he mer I pencd hwaSer he mage mid teon duma cuman agen pone pe him agen cym6 pusenden cumen agen'Jane Pe him agen mid twentigum pusendum. kymrn mid twentigen pusenden. 32 3 gif he ponnre wi6 hine gefeohtan ne 32 3 gyf he panne wi6 hine fihten ne maeg. he sent aerynd-racan 3 bitt sibbe; maig; he sent erendraken I bit sibbe. 33 Witodlice swa is lec of eow pe ne 33 Witodlice swa ys elc of eow pe noe wi>6-sasec6 eallum pingum pe he ah. ne wi6-soec>6 ealle Pingen pe he ah; ne maig mmeg he beon min leorning-cniht; he beon min leorning-cniht. 34 G6d ys sealt gif hit awyr6 on pam pe 34 God is salt gif hit awur6 on Pam pe hit gesylt biU6. hit ge-selt beo6. 35 nis hyt nyt ne on eorpan ne on myxe- 35 nys hyt nyt. ne on eorS6en ne on ne. ac hyt biW iit-aworpen; Gehyre se pe mixene. ac hit beock ut-aworpen. Geearan h2ebbe to ge-hyrenne; - here se 6e earen haebbe. to ge-herene. CHAPTER XV. CHAPTER XV. Dysgodspel i So'Slice hinm genealsehtun manfulle I 1 SoSlice him ge-nehlahte manfulle 3 iseal on Pone feorZan sun- synfulle j hig his word gehyrdon; synfulle. P}et hyo his word ge-hyron. nan-daeg ofer pentecosten. 2 Da murcnedon Pa farisei 7 pa boceras 2 Da murcneden Ja farisei I pa bokeres,itaantsead) cwoedon; Des onfehW> synfulle 3 mid hinm cwOeTen. pes on-feg96 synfulle 3 mid iesum pub ytt; heom ett. cani & pec- catores. A. 3 pa CWep he pis big-spel to pam; 3 Da cwse~ he Pis bispell to pam. Erant autemb appropin- 4 Hwylc man is of eow pe hsefs hund 4 hwilc man is of eow pe hafed hund quantes ad ieszm publi- sceapa. J gif he for-lyst'an of. Pam. hu ne scepa. 3 gif he leost an of pamn; hu ne tores. B. for-let he Ponne nigon 3 hund-nigontig on for-let he pa nigen 7 hund-nigentig on pam pam westene. 7 g&e'6 to Pam ne for-wear>6 woestene. 3 gme6t to pan pe for-war6 o65e o'6 he hit fint. he hit fint. 5 7 ponne he hit fint he hitt set on his 5 3 panne he hit fint. he hit sett on his exla geblissiende. eaxle ge-blissiende. Various Readinges. Various Readings. 31. C. Osi. A. cyning. A. ongean. A. sytt. C. hwoeder. 31. hwyc (sic) cyning; feohtan; cyning; pencs hwelser; A. ongean. A. on-gean. 32. C. bis [for wit]. A. verend- pusendum cuman; panne; cym-l; twentigum pusendune. racan. 35. A. gehyranne. 32. ponne; mag; erndracan. 33. eallumr pingum; hah; Cap. xv. 1. A. ge-nealkehton. B. C. gehyron. 5.A. meg; beo. 34. sealt. 35. eor-an; byt; Ge-hyre; hyt [2nd time; but B. C. hitt]. A. ge-blyssigende. earun habbe; ge-herenne. Cap. xv. 1. ge-neahlahton. 2. murenedon; boceras; cwseson; on-fehl; eom et. 3. big-spell. 4. hafl; sceopa; lyst; for-let; nygon; -nigeontig; gas; pamn; forwears. 5, ponne; set; exlas CHAP. XIV.] 1531 T huoelc cynig bi-s fserende to gesendanne 4' to gesettanne 4T feht wi; o0Serne cynig ahne 31 ant quis rex iturus committere bellum aduersum alium regem non sitteS,erist simeaS -4' encgas gifhueter maeg mis teumn T tenumn Susendum iorna togsegnes him seSe miS sedens prius cogitat si possit cum decem milibus occurrere ei qui cum tuoentigumn Susendurn cyme'6 to him'osero ~ingo I ka get him longe 4 fearre doend erendureca uiginti milibZus uenit ad se 32 alio-quin athuc illo longe agente legationem sende gebidde-; sa s6ase sibbes sint suae for-son eghuelc from iuh sese ne eft-scegeS 4' ne mittens rogat ea quae pacis sunt 33 *-Sic ergo omnis ex unobis qui non renun- * 184. U. mt. xeni. onssece'6S Allumn ~sem -e Agniges' ah ne mseg min wosa'Segn god is se salt tiat omnibus quae possidet non potest meus esse discipulus 34 * Bonum est sal * 185. ii. mt. xxxi, m'. eol. gif Sonne se salt sec son- forduinde T forduineS in Zson 4' in stem biUS besmitten T gehyded ne si autem sal quoque euanuerit in quo condietur 35 neque on eorso no in feltune 4' mixen'sorf.est is ah ilta gesended bi-6 sete hlefeb earo to heranne T in terram neque in sterculinium utile est sed foras mittetur qui habet aures audihernises gehere-s * endi audiat CAP. XV. woeron sa geneolecdon him baer-synnigo 7 synnfullo -te geherdon hine. 1 *Erant autem appropinquantes ei publicani et peccatores ut audirent illum 2 et * LXI. 186. ii. mt. lxxii. gehyrston 4' J u -uto cuoe00endo Jte- ises -Sa synnfullo onfoeS: I eta- mi r mr. xxii. murlurabant pharisaei et scribae dicentes quia hie peccatores recipit et manducat cum him J cuoeo; to eiem geddung -;ios cuoe'5 huoelc from iuh' monn se'se hoefe-; illis 3 * Et ait ad illos parabolanz istam dicens 4 quis.ex uobis hoino qui habet * 187. u. mt. clxxxii hundrat scip J gif forloras5 4' losa5 enne of aSelni ah ne forlete5 -a nigona 7 hund-neontig on woestern centum oues et si perdiderit unam ex illis nonne dimittit nonaginta nouem in deserto 7 gaas to &serilca Sa se 4 tio losade o$ -Zset gemoete;a ilca 7 miRsy gemoetas; hia et uadit ad illam quae perierat donec inueniat illam 5 et cum inuenerit illam on-settas on scyldrum his gefeande imponit in umeros suos gaudentes (sic) 31. 4' hwelc cynig biWs ferende to settanne gifeht wii; oSerne cynig ahne sites aeris (sic) smeo-; gif hwe-ser mseg miS ten Susendum iorna togmegnes him -sem cynige seae mi$5 twoegentigum;unsenda cymeS to him 32. oSer' Singo $a get longe him doende erend-wracu sende gibides -sa ~as6e sibbe sint 33. swa forSon eghwelc of iow sese ne eft-smge-s allum raMe;egniga'S ne mieg,mil wosa,Segn 34. god is -Cst salt gif wutedlice salt ec ~onne forSine-s in Son 4' Tsem bismiten bis 35. ne on eor-so ne in fel-tune 4' on mixenne -orfaest is ah utt asended bi-s sese hbefe-S earo to giheranne giheraS Cap. X-V. 1. werun isa to gineolicadun him bear-swinigo I synn-fulle bette giherdunl hine 2. 1 gi-hyrston aldormen 7 uns-wutu cweiSende -&ette Ses sa synfulle onfoes IJ etet mi-~S6y 3. 1 cw9se-s &em geddungo ios cwsed 4. hwelc of iowih mon se'e hsefe' hundres scipa J gif for-leaseS an of ctsem ahne forlete-s Na hund-niontig J nione on weosterne J gaS to Ser ilca JSase losigas oS~et gimoette sa ilco 5. 1 mi's'y gimoeteS hime on-settas ofer scyldrum his gifeande UY 154 [LUKE. 6 7 ponne he ham cymn' he to-somne 6 1 panne he ham cyme. he to-somne *clypa'6 hys frynd 7 his nehheburas. 7 cleope>6 hys freond. 7 his nehhe-bures. J cwy'6; Blissias6 mid me for-pam ic funde ewe6. Blissia6 mid me for-pam ich funde min secep Pe for-wear6; min secep Pe for-war6. 7 Ic secge eow 35 swa bye6 on heofone 7 Ich segge eow T swa beo on heofene blis be anum, synfullum pe dsedbote deS. blisse be anen synfullen 6e deadbote de'; ma ponne ofer nigon J nigontigum riht- ma panne ofer nigen 7 nigentig rithwisere wisra pe deed-bote ne be6urfon; (sic) pe deadbote ne be-purfon. 8 O;e hwilc wif hoef6 tyn scyllingas. -8 O8';e hwilc wif haefed tyen scillenges. gif heo forlyst anne scylling. hu ne onmel>6 gyf hyo for-leost cenne scilling. hu ne onheo hyre leoht-faet. 7 awent hyre hus 7 el>6 hyo hire leoht-fet. 7 awent hire hus sec'6 geornlice o>; heo hine fint; 1 sec>6 geornlice o66e hyo hine fint. 9 J ponne heo hine fint heo clypa6 hyre 9 MEnd panne hyo hine fint; hyo cleopeN frynd J nehhe-byryna cwy6;. blyssiaS6 mid hire freond J nehhe-bures 3 cwe>; blissie"; mre forpam ic funde minne scylling pe ic mid me. for-Pam ich funde minne scilling forleas; pe ich for-leas. 10 Ic secge eow swa bi6 blis beforan 10 Ich segge eow swa beo6 blisse begodes englum be anum synfullum pe daed- foran godes aenglen be anen senfulle pe bote d>S;; deadbote de6. Dye god-spel 11 e cwee'. soilice sum man hRefde 11 e cweS'6 so6lice. Sum man iHomo quidair gebyra-; on habebat duos seteranes d Lg - twegen suna. hsefde twege sunes. filios. & dixil on jnere oire lencten wu- 12 pa cwe se yldra to his faeder; Faedd- 12 pa cwae6 se ylder to his fader. Fader unior patetr d quian duos er. syle me minne dael minre vehte pe me syle me minne doel minre ehte. 1e me to michi partem ~~~~~~~quidai~duos e~sye a substantie lios habuit to ge-byrep. pa daelde he him his Aehte; ge-byre>6. Da deelde he him his ehte. que me con& dixit ado- tingit. lesentior. A. 13 Da cefter feawa daguru ealle his ping 13 Da sefter feawa dagen ealle his ping HIomo quidamz habebat duos gegaderude se gingra sunu. I ferde wraec- ge-gaderede se gingre sune. 1 ferde wrsecfilios & dixit,' iunior patri lice on feorlen rice. I for-spilde par his sehta lice on feor landen. J for-spilde pser his suo pater da mihi partem lybbende on his gaelsan; ehte libbende on his gselsan. subestance 14 Da he hig heefde ealle amyrrede pa 14 Da he hyo hmefde ealle amerde. pa tingit. B. weart; mycel hunger on pam rice 1 he wear~' war6 mycel hunger on Pam rice. J he waedla; war6 woedle. Various Readfings. Various Readings. 6. A. sceap; but B. C. scep. 7. A. blyss. 8. A. anne. 6. ponne; clypa;; -buras; ic; sceap; for-wear;. A. eornlice. 9. A. nehhe-byrna. 10. A. blyss. A. 7.,Ic; hefone; anum synfullum; Jonne; riht-wisere. dos6. 12. A. B. C. yldra (as in texLzt). AK. ehta [ 82nd 8. haft tyn scillingas; for-lyst anne; -faet; georlice (sic). 9. J ponne; clypa't; -buras; cwiS blissia$; ic; mine; ic. time]. 13. A. ge-gaderode. A.p 8er for-spylde. 10. Ic; bys blis; englvm; anum synfullum. 11. hafde; sunas. 12. yldra; Fseder (2nd time); heom. 13. fewa; ge-gaderude; gingra sunu; feorlen rice. 14. amerede; wear;; wear~ weedla. CHAP. XV.] 155 cuoem to hus to ham geceige- 4' geceigde friondum ] neheburum cuoee5 cem efne gesoncaiges 6 et ueniens domtum conuocat amicos et uicinos dicens illis congratulamini me forlson ic gemoete sclp rmin isio losade ic cuoeeSo iuh -ste on Isad wisa gefea mihi quia inueni ouem meamn quae perierat 7 dico uobis quold ita gaudium biS on heofnumn ofer enne Tan synn-fullne hreonise hoebbende ISon ofer tSa nigone 7 hund-neantig erit in celo super uno peccatore paenitentiam habentem (sic) quam super nonaginta nouem sosfaesturn T soisfbesto Isa Ise ne beisorfeis to hreonise 4' ISio wif h'efde 4' hmabbe fif sceattas iustis qui non indigent paenitentia 8 * Aut quae mulier habens dragmas * 188, x. tea siisum gif losais casering enne ah ne bernes Ismeeccilla J ymbstyreis -p hus J soecais decemn si perdiderit dragmam unam nonne accendit lucernam et euertit domumn et querit georne ois szet gemoete ] mils isy gefindes efne geceigais Isa wif friondas J nehebyrildas diligenter donec inu eniat 9 et cum inuenerit conuocans amicas et uicinas isus cuoesendo efne geisongigas me fortSon ic fald scilling Isset T Isio ic forleas 4 ic forlure on- ia wisa dicens congratulamini mihi quia inueni dragmamra quam perdideram 10 Irta * 189. v. mt. clxxxii. ic cuoeeso iuh gefea bis befora englum godes ofer enne synn-fullne hreonisse ldoend dico uobis gaudium erit corarn angelis dei super uno peccatore paenitentiam agentem (sic) cuoees isa monn sum monn hefde tuoege suno ] cuoeeS se giungra 4T -e giungesta of aSeem II * Ait autein homo quidam habuit duos filios 12 et dixit adulescentior ex illis * TXII 190. x. -soem freder fieder sel me dsel 4' hlodd frees 4' striones lio 4' i sae mec gebyre. cdlelde istem patri pater da mihi portionein substantiae quse me contingit et diuisit illis a- feh J ne sefter menigum dagumr mislsy gesomnanduni allurm se giungra sunu substantiam 13 et non post multos dies congregatis omnibus adulescentior filius ell1Seodigde4' fearr ferende woes in lond un-neh T I der gispilde feh his mi-s life peregTe profectus est in regionem longinquamn et ibi dissipauit substantiam suam uiuendo lustfullice 4' Sernelegere T J sefter lon Alle ge-endade Aworden wies hunger suiise strong on luxoriose 14 et post-quam omnia consummasset facta est fames ualida in lond Isem J he ongann un-trymmia 4' regione illa et ipse coepit egere 6. 7 com. to huse gicegde frionduin J neh-giburuin cwse isem efne giliongias me forlon ic gimoette scip min {sette losed wis 7. ic cwe so iow isette on isa wisa gifea bis on heofnum ofer enne synfullle hreownisse heebbende ionne ofer hund-niontig 9 nione solffeste sese ne bilsorfeis to hreownise 8. T s'tet wif hefde fif sceattas' teasisunm gif losali casering enne -ahne berneiS lsecela, instyreS; h Ihus: soeceis georne oistet' gimoetes 9. 7 miu'Ssy. in-findcles giceas sa wif-friondas 3 isa nehgiburas Sus cwes efne-gilSonecigas me foriSon ic fand Sone scilling lione ic for-leos 10. on isasse ic cwe-lo iow gifea bis bifora englum godes ofer enne synnfilne hreownisse cloende 11. cwees isa mon sun i hfle twoege suno 12. 7 cwiSe se gingra of Stem to feder fieder sel me - hlott feas gistriones lsette mec gibyre-i c dllde isem feh' isa gistrion 13. 3 no refter monigum dagunm miSy gisomnadun allurn ise gingra suno elislodge 4 fearfoerende wis in londe — [Here two leaves are lost in the Rushworth MlS.] U2 156 [LuK2, 15 pa ferde he I folgude anum burh- 15 3Da ferde, he I folgede anen burhsittendan men paes rices.'6a sende he hine sittenden men on pare rice. pa sende he to his tune J he heolde his swyn; Line to his tune paet he heolde his swin. 16 Da ge-wilnode he his wambe gefyllan 16 IDa ge-wilnede he his wambe fellen of pam bien-coddun pe >6a swyn'ton. 3 of pam bean-coddan pe pa swin eeten. 7 him, man ne sealde; him man ne sealde. 17 pa bepohte he hine I cw~eS>; Eala 17 Da be-pohte he hine' cwseS. Eala hu fela yr6linga on mines feeder huse hlaf hwu fela erdlinga on mines fader huse genohne habba>S? ic her on hungre for- hlaf ge-noh b' lhebbe>. J ich her on hungre * ms. ge. /~~for-wur~~~~~~~~~~.nohne, altcrei vur6e; ~for-wure to ge-noh. 18 Ic arise. 9 ic fare to m1numn fteder. 18 Ich arise I ich fare to minen freder 3 ic seege him; Eala fceder ic syngode on 3 ich segge him. Eala fader ic synegede heofenas. 3 beforan Pe., on heofenas. I be-foran Pe; 19 nu ic neom wyrS6e f ic beo pin 1 9 nu ich ne eom wurS'e. J ic beo pin sunu nemned. do me swa anne of pinurn sune ge-nemned. do me swa ane of piinen yrliingum; yrl1ingen. 20 3 he aras pa J com to his feeder. 7 20 3 he aras pa 3 comn to his fader. ] ba pa gyt pa he wees feorr his faeder he hyne gyt pa he wses feor his feeder he hine gegeseah 3 wear'6 mid mild-heortnesse astyr- seah. I war56 mid mildheortnysse astyred. od I agen hine arn I hine beclypte I cyste 3 agen hine earn 3 hine be-clypte 3 cyste hine; hine. 21 Da cwenS his sunu; E'teder. ic syn- 21 Da cwoe6 hys suna. Fader ic synegude on heofon. 3 beforan 6e. nu ic ne gede on heofene r be-foran le. nu ic no eom wyrpe T ic pin sunu beo genemned; eom wurS6e pet ic pin sune beo ge-nemned. 22 Da cwea] se feeder to his peowurn; 22 tDa cwceSe se fader to his peowan. B13ringa>6 rase peene selestan gegyrelan 3 bringe6 ra>6e panne steleste gegyrlan scrydas' hyne 7 sylla>6 him hring on his scrida>6 hine I sylle6 hym ring on his hand. hand.' gesey to his fotum. I ge-sey to his foten. 23 J bringa5 an ftett styric J of-slea'6 7 23. bringa6 an fet styric J of-slea,, utun etan 3 gewist-fullian. uten oeten. 3 gewist-fullian; Various Readings, Various Beadi$ngs. 15. A. folgode. A. -syttendum. 16. A. bean-cod- 15. anurn; -sittende; pas rices. 16. ge-wilnode; dum; B. bien-coddun; C. biencoddan, 17. A. hyrlinga, fyllan; etan. 17. er'slinga; fader; genohne habbesl; A. for-weorse, 18. B. 0. heofonLas. 19o A. ne eom. ic. 180 Ic; ic; minurn; ic; fieder; singode; heofonas; A. ge-nemned. A. eenne. A. hyrlingum. 20. A. feor. be-foren. 19. ic; suna; anne; Sinuun yrl1ingum. A. myd; C. oe. mid. A. myldheortnysse astyred. A. on- 20. feeder; wears; 1R. omits mid; arn. 21. sunu; gean. 21. A. syngode. A. heofen. C. neom. 22. A. sder; syngude; heofan; neom wyrde; be. 22. feeder; one. A. gegyrlan. 23.. feet. A. uton peowumn. Bringas; pane selestan; sylla~; fotrum. 23, bringe; utou eten. CHAP. XV.] 157'7 -ona eode J set-ran 4 genehuade anum -;ara burgawara londes ses J sende- hine t sene on 15 et abiit et adhaesit uni ciuium regionis illius et misit ilium in lond his Tte gelesuade 4, gefoede -sa bergas T4' a suino J wilnade gefylle womb his uillam suam ut pasceret porcos 16 et cupiebat implere uentrem suum of bean-bselgu 4' pisum hosum lsase -a suin ge-eton 7 ne senig monn him salde on hine seolfne de siliquis quas porci manducabant et nemo illi dabat 17 in sd ~sa gewoende' gecerde cuoe~ huu menigo -sa celmertmenn fadores mines monigfaldas mi!s hlafum autem reuersus dixit quanti mercennarii patris mei abundant panibus ic uutecllice her mis hungre ic losigo ic ariso J ic gae 4 geouga to feder minum 7 ic cuoe;o Ego autem hic fame pereo I18 surgam et ibo ad patrem meum et dicam him la fader ic synngade on heofne J fora Zec soslice ne am ic wyrse 3- ic se geceiged illi pater peccaui in caelum et coram te 19 etiam non sum dignus uocari sunu n in do mec suelee enne sume anum- fromn celmertmonnum -inum J aras filius tuus fac me sicut unum de mercennaris tuis 20 et surgens cuomn to feder his nmi;isy uutedtlie;a get fearra wees 4' wsere gesih hine faeder his: uenit ad patrem suum cumn autem athuc longe esset uidit illum pater ipsius et mis milt-heoftnise gestyred wses gecerred wes I arn gefeall on-ufa suira his 3 misericordia motus est et occurrens cecidit super collum eius et cyssende wses hine J cuoeS him se sunu fader ic synngade in heofon J fora';ec osculatus est eum 21 dixitqcue ei filius pater peccaui in caelum et coram t6 uutedlice ne am ic wyrse - ic se geceiged sunu 5in cuoeM -;a se fseder to esnum his iam non sum digntis iocari filius tuus 22 dixit autem pater ad seruos suos reconne forabreng - stol Periste 3 ge-w6edat 4' hine I sella; bhring on hond his: cito proferte stolami primam et induite ilium et date anulum in manum eius et scoeas on fotun?: lseda-; ging oxo faett J ofslaes I:pte woe ete J calceamenta in pedes 23 et ad-ducite uitulum saginatum et occidite et manducemus et fi we'se gehriordad epulemur [Two teaves lost in the Rushworth M.S] 158 [LvUK. 24 for-pam pes rmin sunu waes dead I he 24 for-pan pes min sune waes dead. I ge-edcucude. he for-wear; I he is gemet; he ge-edcu;ede (sic). he for-war 17 he is Da ongunnon big gewist-lhecan gefunden. Da ongunnan hyo wistleacen. 25 So'lice hys yldra sunu wes on aecere 25 So'Slice his yldre sune wns on akere 7 he c6m. 7 pa he pamn huse genealeehte he.7 he comrn ham. 7 pa he pamn huse gege-hyrde pene sweg g f weryd. nehlahte he ge-herde panne sweig 7 paet wyrd. 26 pa clypode he anne ]peow 7 axode hine 26 Da cleopede he enne peow 7 axode hwset f waere; hine hwmt J]et wsere. 27 Da cwseS; he pin bro6Sor com. 3 pin 27 D3a cwael he pin broWSer is come. 7 freder of-sloh an fret celf for-pam pe he hyne pin fader of-sloh an fet chalf for-pan pe he halne on-feng; hine halne on-feng. 28 Da bealh he hine i nolde ingan; pa 28 pa balh he hine J nolde ingan. Da eode his freder fit 7 ongan hine biddan; eode his fader ut 1 angan hine biddan. 29 D3a cwaep he his fieder:swarigende; 29 Da cwoe; he to his fleder andsweriende. Efne swa fela geara ic pe peowude 7 ic Efne swa fela geare ic pe peoweda. 7 ic nefre pin bebod ne forgymde. g ne seald- naefre pin bebod ne forgymde; I ne sealdest est ku me nsefre an ticcen f ic mid mlinum pu me nmefre an tycchen. ~ ic mid minen freondum gewist-fullude; freonden ge-wistfullode. 30 Ac sy;6;an pes Pin sunu com. pe 30 Ac seo6l6an pes pin sune comrn pe his hys spede mid myltystrum amyrde. pu of- spede mid miltystren amelde; pu of-sloge sloge him fett celf; him an fet chalf. 31 Da cwmp he sunu. pu eart symle 31 Da cwse; he. sune pu ert symle mid mid me. I ealle mine ping synt pine me. J ealle mine ping synde pine. 32 pe ge-byrede gewist-fullian 7 ge- 32 pe ge-byrede ge-wistfullien J geblissian for-pam pes pin bro>6or wses dead blissian for-pan pes pin broW6er woes dead. 7 he ge-edcucede he for-wear6 7' he is ge- 7 le ge-edcu6ede (sic). he for-wear1. 7 ys met; gefunden. Various Readings. Various leadings. 24. C. weed dead (sic). A. ge-ed-cucode. 25. A. yldran 24. ge-edcucude; for-wear~;; met [for ge-funden]; (sic). A. pone. A. wered. 26. A. Eenne. A. aesode. wist-loecan. 25. yld'a sunu; aecere; IR. om.. ham; 27. A. broser. A. foett cealf. 28. A. ge-bealh. 29. geneahleehte; ge-hyrde jonne; weryd. 27. com [for A. B. C. Jswariende. A. frela. A. peowode. A. ge-wyst- is coe]; of-slog; chealf. 28. fader; hin. 29. R. fullode. 30. A. speda. A. myltestrum. A. fmett; B. orn. to; feola geara; peowude.; tyccen; minum freonC. fit. A. cealf. 31. A. synd. 32. A. broer. A. duam ge-wist-fullude. 30. syson; sunu; myltystrum; R. om. an; cealf. 31. eart; synt. 32. gewistfullian; ge-ed-cucedo. for-pain; broJsor; ge-ed-cucude; i he is ge-met. CHAP. XV.] 159 for'on Ses sunu min dead waes: eft-liofes 4' lifde gelosade I ge-moeted is 7 24 quia hic filius meus mortuus erat et reuixit perierat et inuentus est et ongannon hriordage woes Sa sunu his aeldra on lond J mis;y gecuome J coeperunt aepulari 25 erat autem filius eius senior in agro et cum ueniret et geneoleede to huse geherde huislunrg:3 song 4', ge-ceigde enne of isem n ralum appropinquaret domui audiuit simphoniam et chorum 26 et uocauit unum de seruis J gefraigade hueetd Sa woeron J Se ilca cuoe him broser -'in cuom J ofslog fader et interrogauit quae haec essent 27 isque dixit illi frater tuus uenit et occidit pater "Sin ging oxa feett forSon hal hine on-feng wraS wmes uutedlice J ne ualde tuus uitulum saginatum quia saluum eumn recepit 28 indignatus est autem et nolebat inn-geonga fader for-on his foerde ongann gebidda hine sos he ondsuarede cuoeS feder his introire pater ergo illius egressus coepit rogare illum 29' at ille respondens dixit patri suo heono feolo 4T menigem gerusm ic hero S6 J neefre bebod -Sin ic forheald I ne Pefra ecce tot annis seruio tibi et num-quam mandatum tuum praeterii et num-quam gesaldes me ticgen -te miS friondumn minum ic were gehriorded ah Pefter Son sunu Sin dedisti mihi haedum ut cum Amicis meis epularer 30 sed postquam filius tuus -Ses seSe gefrett feh his miS port-cuoenum cuom 5u ofsloge him ging oxo fmett hic qui deuoranit sub-stantiam suam cum meretricibus uenit occidisti illi uitulurn saginatum 7 he cuoe[;] him sune Su symble mec mi$ arlS J alle mino Sino sint to hriordanne 31 at ipse dixit illi fili td semper mecumn es et omnia mea tua sunt 32 epulari uutedlice 9 gefeage gehrisnelic woere for-son bro'ser Sin Ses dead woes J eft-lifde forloren wees J autem et gaudere oportebat quia frater tuus hic mortuus erat et reuixit perierat et gemoetad is inuentus est [Two leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 160 [LUKE. CHAPTER XVI. CHAPTER XVI. Dys god-spel 1 a cw&e6 he to his leorning-cnihtum I A cwse>6 he to his leorning cnihten Homo quidav ge-byra~; on erat diues qu ptre teoSan Sum welig man wses haefde sum- Sum welig man waes. se haefdehabeba uilli. wucan ofer cum & hic dif pentecosten. ne gerefan se wear6 wi' hine for-wreged sumne ge-refe. se war~6 wi6 hine for-famatusoest Homo quidamt a,' MU'M erat diues qsi swylce he his god for-spilde. wreiged swilce he is god for-spilde. 1 qpuai dissi hahebat uilli- passet bona lue.b&thic. A. 2 pa clypode he hine I sade him; Hwi 2 Da cleopede he hine 3 saide him. Hwi pa~sst boni Homo~quidan ge-hyre ic pis be - pe. agyf pine scire ne here ich pis be Pe. agyf pine scyre. ne erat diues qui habebat uilli- miht Pu lencg tuin-scire bewitan; miht Pu leng tun-scyre be-witen. diffamatus est 3 Da cwase se gerefa on his gepance; 3 Da cwsed se ge-refe. on his ge-panke. quasi dissipas-. Hwet do ic for-pam pe min hlaford mine HIwset do ic for-pan pe min hlaford mine set bona ip-.. gerefscire fram me nymo; Ne mseg ic delf- gerefscype fram me nymd. Ne maig ic an. me sceamaX6 f ic wsedlige. delfen. me seamed paet ic wsedlie. 4 ic wat hwoet ic do - hig me on hyra 4 Ich wat hwaet ic do pet hyo me on hus onf6n ponne ic be-scired beo fran tun- heore hus on-fon. panne ic be-scyred beo scire; fram tun-seyre. 5 Da pa gafol-gyldan gegaderude weeron 5 ]pa pa gafel-gyldo ge-gaderede wseren; pa sede he pam forman. hu mycel scealt pa saide he pam formen. hu michel scealt pii minum hlaforde; | u minen hlaforde. 6 Da sede he bhund sestra eles. ta ssede 6 pa saide he hund sestres eles. pa he him. nim pine fefere 7 site hra&e 7 saide he him. nym pine fe;ere 7 site rate writ fiftig; 3 writ fiftig. 7 Da smde he o6rum, hu mycel scealt pu. 7 Da saide he o;ren. hu mycel scelt pa cwsep he hund mittena hwoetes; DEa pu. ]pa cwce6 he. hund mittene hweetes. cwmae he. nimz pine stafas I writ hund- Da cwoe'6 he nym pine stafes 7 writ hundeahtatig; ehtetig. 8 Da herede se hlaford psere unriht-wis- 8 Da herede se hlaford pare unrihtwisnesse tungerefan. forpam pe he gleawlice nesse tun-ge-refen. for-pam pe he gleawdyde. for]anzm 6e 6Sisse worulde beamrn. lice dede. For-pan pe pisse worulde bear synd gleawran ]ises leohtes bearnum on synde gleawre pissere leohtes bearnen on pisse cneoresse; pisse cneornysse. Various Readings. Various Readings. Cap. xvi. 1. A. inserts se before hcefde. 2. A. hwig. Cap. xvi. 1. Rubric as in H. -cnihtum; R. om. se A. leng. 4. A. heora. 5. A. gegaderode. 6. A | (lst time); ge-reafe; wears; his god for-spillde. 2. clyinserts hym beforehund A. fy-sere, altered to fe-ere. A. pode; sede; ic; be-witon. 3. cwee; ge-Jance; ge reaf-seyre; nym's; mseg; delfan; scam5e; wsedlige. rase. 8. unryht-wysnysse. (The words For-Plam le he 4. hwat; heora; ponne. 5. gafol-; wseron; seegde; gleawlice dede (sic) have been supplied in A. in a late hand.) forman; miycel; minum. 6. segde; seede. 7. soegde; B. C. synt. A. pysses, A. cneorysse. o'rum; scalt; mittena wietes; stafas; -eahitiig. 8. unrihtwisnysse; ge-reafan; dyde; synt; pisse [for pissere]; bearnvn; cneorysse. CHAP. XVI.] 161 CAP. XVI. cuoe ~a sew to Zegnum his monn sum woes welig se-ce haefde geroefa 1 *Dicebat autem et ad discipulos suos homio quidam erat diues qui habebat uilicum *LXIII: ~es gemersas wies miS hine suoelce gespilde godo his J ceigde hine 1 et hic diffamatus est apud illum quasi dissipasset bona ipsius 2 et uocauit illum et cuoeS him humtd c is ic hero from Se agef T forgeld rehto groefsclre Sines uutedlice for'on ne ait illi quid hoc audio de t6 redde rationem uilicationis tuae iam enim non mneeht -u gescira { cuo!s ba se groefa bituih him humtd ic doam forson drihten min benime-S poteris uilicare 3 ait autem uilicus intra se quid faciam quia dominus meus aufert from me -p groefscire delfa ne maeg ic to giornanne 1I to feeranne on elmessum ic sceomigo mln ic wat a me uilicationem fodere non ualeo mendicare erubesco 4 scio humet ic doam -te mi-5y of-adrifen ic biom from S;em groefscire eft onfoat mec in husum hiora mi'sty quid faciam ut cum amotus fuero a uilicatione recipiant me in domos suas 5 conweron geceigedo forson syndrigumn scyldgum hlaferdes his cuooses -sem for-Smesto huu micel aht $u uocatis igitur- singulis debitoribus domini sui dicebat primo quantum to geldanne hlaferde minumz soS he cuoeS hundteantih ombras 1 oeles I cuoe$ him onfoh debes domino meo 6 at ille dixit centum cados olei dixitque illi accipe hleaf-gewritten T unawritten -Kn J sitt recone awritt fiftih vefter Son to o-rum cuoeiS -u cautionem tuam et sede cito scribe quinquaginta 7 deinde alio dixit tui aec huu feolo aht ~u to sere cuoeS hundteantih i. xxx. mitto huretes cuae; ~aem onfoh stafas Sino J uero quantum debes qui ait centum choros tritici ait illi accipe literas tuas et awrit. lxxx. J geherede se hlaferd geroefo unrehtwisnisses -pte hoglice dyde T doend scribe octoginta 8 et laudabit (sic) dominus uilicum iniquitatis quia prudenter fecisset fobrdon suno Sisses woruldes betro hogo 1 sunum lehtes on cneoreso hiora sint quia filii huius saeculi prudentiores filiis lucis in generatione sua sunt [Two leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] X 162 [LUKE.: 9 i ic secge eow. wyrca6 eow frynd 9 And ic segge eow wyrce6 eow freond of pisse worulde-welan unriht-wisnesse T of Pisse werold-weolen unrihtwisnesse. Poet big onfon eow on ece eardung-st6we ]onne hyo un-fon eow on echen earding-stowen ge ge-teoria"6; -ponne ge ge-teoria6S. Dys gebyraO 10 e pe ys on lytlurn getrywe. se ys 10 e Pe is on litlen ge-treowe. se is Qui fidelis e on wodnes- in minimo&i dmg on paere on maran getrywe 7 se pe ys on on mare ge-treowe.,lEnd se Je maiorefideli~ tfeoapen ue lytlum unriht-wis se ys eac on maran un- is on litlen unrihtwis. se is eac on maren costen. Qui unriht-wis. fidelis est in Mynimo & 11 Gif ge on unriht-wisum weoruld-welan 11 Gyf ge on unrihtwisen weordwelan est. si ergo namron getrywe hwa betoehM6 eow f eower naeren ge-treowe. hwa be-taecsS eow hoet & iniquo mammone ys; eower is. fuistis. non. 12 And gyf ge on fremedum na'ron 12 lEnd gyf ge on fremden nmeren gegetrywe hwa sylp eow T eower ys; treowe. hwa syld eow paet eower is. 13 Ne maeg nan peow twam hlafordum 13 Ne maig nan peow twam hlaforden peowian. o66e he anne hata6 ] o6erne pewian. o>6&e he menne hated.: o'6erne lufa'6. o>6~e he anum folga'6; o6erne lufe6S. oN&>Se he anen folge6 I o;er forfor-hoga'6; And ge ne magon gode Peowian huge"6. ) ge ne muge gode pewian ] weorlde1 woruld-welan; welan. 14 Das S6ing ealle pa farisei gehyrdon 14 Das... pa 6e gifre weron.; big hine treldon; 15 pa cwien6 he to him. ge synt pe eow sylfe beforan mannum geriht-wisiap. so6lice god can eowre heortan forpam Pe beforan gode ys ascuniendlic j mannumn heah ys; 16 Seo e. 1 witegan o`6 iohannem. ] of him is bodud godes rice. J ealle on i5 strang-nysse wyrca6; 17 EaSre is T heofen I eor6Se gewiton ]onne an stef of p]ere e. fealle; Various Readings. Various Readings. 9. A. weorulde-. A. un-ryhtwysnysse. 10. A. lytlum 9..End; wyrcas; -weolan; un-rihtwisnysse; ecan; pingum ge-treowe. A. ge-tryowe. 11. A. omits on. 13. -stowe. 10. Rubric as in H. littlum; getrywe (2nd A. aenne. A. weoruld-. 14. Afler ting, B. has lost a time); littlum. 11. -wisum. woruldwelan; getreawe; be-tach. 12, fremdon naeron; syl$. 13. meg; leaf, down to leorning-cnihtum in v. 1 of Cap. xvi. The pewyan; hata$; lufa'; anum folga5; o;rum for-hugak. missing portion is suppled in a late hand. 15. Ja. End; mage; weoruld-welan. 14. Das ping (after which, synd. B. preow (miswritten for pe eow). A. ascunod. without any breah, follows un-mihtlic, which see in Cap. 16. A. strannysse, xvii. 1. The word ping has been erased in H). CHAP. XVI.] 163 3 ic iuh cuoe"o doaS -1 wyrcas iuh friondas of waelom - unrehtwisnisses 1te miSS *.I.sirise 9 et ego uobis dico facite uobis amicos de mamona iniquitatis ut cum spr6c. g' losigaS hia onfoaN iuh in Sa eco huso seSe geleaf-ful is on lytelum J in defeceritis recipiant uos in veterna tabernacula 10 qui fidelis est in minimo et in marum geleaffull is J seSe in lytlum unreht is J in marum unrehtwis is gif forSon maiori fidelis est et qui in modico iniquus est et in maiori iniqus est 11 si ergo in un-rehtwiso.i. Set is diwl-gittsungo treofresto gie ne weron jte sos is hua gelefeS iuh in iniquo mamonae fideles non fuistis quod uerum est quis credit uobis 1 gif on uta-cund treofest gie ne wero s sos is hua sele-S iuh ne enig 12 et si in alieno fideles non fuistis quod uestrum est quis dabit uobis 13 *Nemo * LXIII[I. 191. v. nt. xluiii. esne mieg tuemm hlaferdum gehera 1' for;on enne gefiweS J 7 oSerne lufeas T anum seruus potest duobus dominis seruire aut enim unum odiet et alterum diligit aut uni rethrine-S k genehua-S 7 oSerne forhoges k ne mago gie gode hera J isem diwle geherdon adhaerebit et alterum condemnet non potestis deo seruire et mamonae 14 *Audiebant * 192. x. uutedlice alle Sas Sa aeldo SaSe weron gitsaras J teldon -1 hlogon hine J cuoe-N him gie acutemn omnia haec pharisaei qui erant auari et deridebant illum 15 et ait illis uos sindon 95a Se gie soSfoestiges iuih forae monnum god uutedlice wit hearta iura forSon -te estis qui iustificatis uos coram hominibus deus auten nouit corda uestra quia quod monnum heh 4wors is fracoS 4' laas is miS gode e 7 witgo o0S~ to hominibus altum est abominatio est apud deum 16 *Lex et prophetae usque ad *193. u. mt. cu. iohanne from BSem ric godes gemersad bis 4' aboden biS 7 all in p hefig - wyrcas iohannen ex eo regnum dei euangelizatur et omnis in illud ufm facit 17 eaSor is nutedlice - heofon:. eorSo ]te foregeleore Son of re an merce Tstefes heafud *Facilius est auterm caelum et terram praeterire quam de lege unum apicem 194. u mt. xxx[iiii]. gefalla cadere [Two leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] X2 164 [LuKE. 18 MElc man Pe his wif for-lfet I oper nim'6 se unriht-hemem; 7 se 6e j forlaetene wif nim6 se unriht-hsem6; Dis godspel 19 fum welig man woes. 1 he wses Pone oierne 9 gescrydd mid purpuran J mid osnnan-ntg twine. 7 daeghwamlice riclice gewist-fullude; costen. Homo 20 And sum wadla wies on naman quidam erat diues. A. lazarus. se leg on his dura swy6e forwundon. 21 7 wilnode T he hine of his crumurn gefylde Pe of his beode feollun. 7 him nan man ne sealde. ac hundas comon I his wunda liccodon; 22 Da wses geworden P se woedla for6ferde J hine englas baeron on habrahames greadan; pa wear>S se welega dead 3 wses on helle bebyrged; 23 Da ahof he his eagan upp pa he on pam tintregum wses. 7 geseah feorran abraham 7 lazarumz on his greadan; 24 Da hrymde he 1 cwsee6. eala fseder abraham gemilsa me. 7 send lazarum f he dyppe his fingres Eli on wsetere. 1 mine tungan gehele. forpam }e ic eom on on is lige cwylmed; 25 Da cwae6 abraham. eala sunu gepenc f pu god onfenge on pinunz life. 7 gelice lazarus on-feng yfel. nu ys pes gefrefryd 3 pu eart cwylmed; 26 And on eallumn pissum betwux us: eow is mycel dwolma getrymed. pa 6e willa'6 heonon to eow faran ne magon. ne panun faran hidere; Various Readings. 18-26. Lost in B., and supplied in a late hand. 19. A. weliman [for welig man]. A. gescryd. A. gewystfullode. 20. A. wedla. A. A. B. C. forwundod. 21. A. feollon; B. feollum (sic). B. omits ne. A. liccedon. 22. A. C. abrahames. 23. A.-up. 24. A. ge-myltsa; C. gemiltsa. 24. A. gehlele, alteredtogecsele. 25. A. gefrefrod. 26. A. betweox. B. eowe (zmiswritten). A. heonen; C. heonan. A. panen, CHAP. XVI.] 165 eghuele se;e forletas wif his J lsedes o-sero he syngiges J sese -;a' 6;io forleteno biS 18*Omnis qui mittit uxorem suam et ducit alteram moechatur et qui dimissam * 195.[iiJc rmt. cxc. mr. CU. fromn were 1kede-; he synngeS monn sum weins welig I wins gegearuad mi-S fellereade I a uiro ducit moechatur 19 *Homo quidam fuit diues et induebatur purpura et * LXU. 196. x. nmii linnenom n gehriordade dmeg-huemn fegerlice 4' licsendo J wies sum aerfe T Sofond soes noma woes bysso et epulabatur cotidie splendide 20 et erat quidam mendicus nomine lazarus seSe gelkeg to dura his wundum full wilnade 1te were gefylled of screadungum Sa Se lazarus qui iacebat ad ianuam eius ulceribus plenus 21 cupiens saturari de micis quae gefeallon of bead 4- disc saes wlonces ah huoeMre J ~a hundas gecuomon J liccedon wund hund (sic) cadebant de mensa diuitis sed et canes ueniebant et lingebant ulcera eius aworden weins Sa -te weins dead se sorfendo J wero gelieded from englum on barme abrahaimes 22 factum est autem ut moreretur mendicus et portaretur ab angelis in sinum abrahae dead. wies -a me se welig wlone 7 bebyrged wins in helle ahof a ego his mortuus est autem et diues et sepultus est 23 in inferno eleuans autem oculos suos mi{s-y were in tintergum 4' gesih abraham fearra I on barme his J he cum esset in tormentis uidebat abraham a longe et lazarum in sinum eius 24 et ipse eliopade cuoe- freder abraham gemiltsa me J send lazarum -te in-depe khrinie utaweard fingeres clamans dixit pater abraham miserere mei et mitte lazarum ut intinguat extremum digiti tines In wmetre -te geceola tunga mln ~e ic -rouigo in Sisser lego J cuoes tui in aquam ut refrigeret linguam meam qui crucior in hac flamma 25 et dixit him abraham la sunu eft —sencg 4 gemona -te ISu on-fenge g6da in life -inum J lazarus ongelic %a wyflo illi abraham fili recordare quia recepisti bona in uita tua et lazarus similiter mala nu'Sonne;e~s gefroefred biUs' u e sc u bist ge'srouad I in sissum allum bituih iuih nunc autem hic consolatur t-t uero cruciaris 26 et in his omnibus inter uos I usih dene 4'pees micel gefaestnad is -te'sa -sa-Se wallas heona oferfara to iuh ne mnagon et nos chaos* magnum firmatum est ut hi qui uolunt hinc transire ad uos non possint* L. chas, altered by glossator tc ne -Sona hider ofercerre chaos. neque inde huc transmeare [Two leaves lost in the Rushworth MS.] 25..... es gi-froefred bi; ~u soSlice ~rowas $u nu 26. 3 in &aem allum bitwih iow; usih $onne pae miclum cele gifestnad is fte sa seoe wilna~ hiona ofer-fara to iow ne magun ne on diege "ona hider oferfara 4 cerra I66 [LUKE. 27 Da cwse; he fseder. ic bidde pe J5'6u sende hine to mines fseder hise. 28 ic haebbe fif gebropru f he cym6e him 5 hig ne cumon on jissa tintrega stowe; 29 pa ssede abraham him. hig habba?6 moysen 7 witegan. hig hlyston him; 30 Da cwoe6 he. nese freder abraham. ac hig do6 daedbote gif hwylc of dea;6e to him fser%; 31 Da cwsE- he. gif big ne gehyrap moysen 7 pa witegan. ne hig ne gelyfa6 peah hwylc of dea6e arise; CHAPTER XVII. CHAPTER XVII. Dys god-spel 1 Da cwoe6 he to his leorning-cnihtum 1.... ge-byrAM on pone oeoane un-mihtlic is T gedrefednyssa ne cuman. un-mihtlich ys Poet ge-drsefednysse ne cunfrige-dsg ofer wa pam ]' Bi nen. wa penteeotecosten. pam pe hig purh cumau. nen. wa pam pe hyo purh cuma6. Inpossibite 2 nyttre him wsere T an cweorn-stan sy 2 nytre hym wsere poet an cweornstan est ut non neniant scan. ge-cnytt abutan his swuran 7 si on sw be- syo ge-eniht on-buten his sweoren. 7 syo dala. A. B. adds —Sed worpen 6onne he gedrefe anne of ]Pissum on sse ge-worpen Panne he ge-drefe enne ue homini per quem ueniunt, lytlingum; of pisen litlingen. &C. 3 Warnia6; eow. gyf pin bro6Sor syngaS 3 Warnied eow gyf pin brow6er senege~6 cid him; kyS him. 4 And gif he on dang seofan sipun 4 And gif he on ane daige seofe sy'6en synga6. 3 seofan sipun to pe on dseg synege6. I seofen sy6an to pe on daig gegecyrred bye. 7 cwyS; Hit me of-pinc,6. cyrred beoS6. 3 cweS6 hit me of-pinch6. forforgyf hit him; gif hit hym. 5 Da cwseaon (sic) his apostolas drihten. 5 pa cwase6en his apostles. drihten gege-ic urne geleafan; eac urne ge-leafen. 6 Da cwsep drihten gif ge haefdon geleafan 6 Da cwase- drihten. gyf ge hafden geswa senepes corn. ge soedun pissun treowe leafen swa micel swa an senepes corn, I sy S6u awyrt-walud 3 aplantud on so. ) hit ge seeden pise treowe syo pu awirt-waled. hyrsumode eow; 7 aplanted on sse. I hit hersumede eow. Vcarious Readings. Various Readings. 27-31. Lost in B., and supplied in a late hand. 28. Cap. xvii. 1. The Royal MS. begins again with unA. heom. 30. C. habraham. B. faerSe (miswritten). mihtlic ys poet ge-drefednysse ne cuman. 2. ge-cnyt Cap. xvii. 1. The old text in B. begins again with unmihtlic. A. cumon. 2. C. ac [sic; for an]. A. sig gecnyt. A. sweoran. A. sig [for si]. A. gedrefde venne. WarniS (sic); syngea$ chyd. 4. AEnd; R. om. ane; daig B. jysum. 4. A. seofen; C. seofon (1st time). A. sySum; seofan syasan synegaS; seofon; by$; cwvee. 5. apostlas; but B. C. sipun (1st time). A. seofen sytum (2nd time). A. ofpyngS. A. me [for him]. 5. A. B. C. cwaedon. 6. A. siedon. A. iyssum; B. pissun; C. pissumn. A. sig. senepas; R. om. J before ge; saxdon pissum; awyrt-walud; A. -walod. A. aplantod. aplantod. CHAP. XVI.] 167 J cuoei ic biddo forSon Sec la fseder - Su sende hine in hus fadores mines ic hafo 27 et ait rogo ergo te pater ut mittas eum in domum patris mei 28 habeo forson fifo broSro -te gecyTed him ne ac Sa jfte hia cymo in stoue isis cursungra enim quinque fratres ut testetur illis ne et ipsi ueniant in locum hunc tormentorum 29 et cuoeS him abraham habbais mosen J witgo gehere hia issem ilcom so; he cuoeS noesve ait illi abraham habent mosen et prophetas audiant illos 30 at ille dixit non la fader abraham ah gif huelc -I from deadum freres to him hreonisse hia doeS cuoeiS pater abraham sed si quis ex mortuis ierit ad eos psenitentiam agent 31 ait Sa him gif mosen:J sa witgo ne geheraS -1 ne sah gif huele of deadum arises autem illi si mosen et prophetas non audiunt neque si quis ex mortuis surrexerit gelefeiS credent CAP. XVII. J to i6egnum his cuoes unmmehtiglic is Jte ne cymo Sa ondspyrniso wm S;onne seem 1 *ET ad discipulos suos ait inpossibile est ut non ueniunt scandala uae autem illi * LXUI. 197. ii. mt. clxxuiiii. -erh Sone hia cymes ~sarflicro is him gif stan coern geseted se ymb suira his I mr. xcuiiii. per quem ueniunt 2 utillius (sic) est illi si lapis molaris inponatur circa collumr eius et -te se geworpen in s Son ~te geondspyrne enne of lytlum iSis behaldas iuih gif proiciatur in mare quam ut scandalizet unum de pusillis istis 3 eAttendite uobis si * 198. u. mt. clxxxiii. sinngigaS se broSer Sin geSrea hine 7 gif hreonise does forgef him I gif 1' meh peccauerit frater tuus increpa ilium et si paonitentiam egerit dimitte illi 4 *Et si * 199. u. mt. clxxxuii. seofo sita gesynngiga in -ec J seofa sisa on dege gecerred biS 4' gewoendet biS to Se septies in die peccauerit in te et septies in die conuersus fuerit ad t6 cuoeSende gehreues mec forgef him J cuoedon -Sa {Segnas drihtne togeec uis geleafo dicens paenitet me dimitte illi 5 *ET dixerunt apostoli domino adauge nobis fidem *LXUII. 200. n. mt. clxxu, cuoe6'a drihten gif gie hbefde geleafa suelce corn senepe's gie cuoede Sisum tree.i.heart-breer 6 dixit autem dominus si haberetis fidem sicut granum sinapis diceretis huic arbori moro ofwy[r]trumia J' 7 ofer-plontia 4' gesette on sm J hersumias iuh eradicare et transplantare in mare et obediret uobis 27. J cwoe' ic biddo forSon sec feeder -te Su sende hine in hus fredres mines 28. ic hafo for-on fife gi-brolSor ]te gi-cySels him ne J ec Isa Seet hime cyme in stowwe'Sasse cursungra 29. J cweOS ISem 4' him abrahamn hmefde moysen I witgu giherde hia 30. sos he cweeS nese la feeder.... ah gif hwele from deadum foreS to him hreownisse hime,oais 31. cwe-S Sa him gif moysen J sa witgu ne giherdun ahne gif hwelc of deose ariseis gilefaS Cap. XVII. 1. J to ISegnum his cwmes unmehtiglic is kte ne cyme Sa ondspyrnisse wee sonne seem serh Sone cymeS 2. isarof-licra is him gif stan cern inseted se ymb swira his J -fte se giworpen in see Ionne Seette ge-ondspyrne enne of Sissum lytlum 3. bihaldas wutudlice iowih gif synnige Se bro-Ser Sin gilreata hine i gif hreowniisse does forgef him 4. J gif Iu siofo sisum on dmge gisyngaS in Iec. siofo sisum on dege gi-cerred biS to Ie cwesende gihera menec J forgef him 5. J cwedun Sa tegnas drihtnes ge-ec us gileofu 6. cwmeS sa drihten gif ge hmefde gileofu swa corn senepes ge cwede Iissuml tree heort-brere of wyrtrumumn of plontum gisette on sme her.sunmigal iow 168 [LUKE. 7 Hwylc eower haefp eregendne ]peow; 7 Hwilc eower hafd eriendne peow. o56~6e O6>6e seep lkesgendne pam of pam w'cere sceap laesgendne. pam of pam akere gege-hworfenumn. he him sona seg6 ga 3 site. hworfene he him sone saig65 ga 3 site. 8 3 ne segp him gearw f ilc ete 3 gyrt pe 8 3 ne saig6 hym gearewe peet ich ete. pna me jpa hwile. pe ic ete 3 drince: I gert pe 3 pene me pa hwile pe ic ete 3 syN5an l u ytst 3 drincst; drinke. 3 se5S>an pu vetst 3 drincst. 9 Wenst pu hoef6 se peowa senigne Panc. 9 wenst pu haf6 se peowe anig panc forforpam &se he dyde Jf him beboden woes. ne S'an Pe he dyde p]et him be-boden woes; ne wene ic; wene ich. 10 Swa ys eow ~onne ge do"6 eall J5 eow 10 Swa is eow panne ge do6 eal paet beboden ys. cwepa6 unnytte peowas we eow beboden is. Cwe6ed un-nytte peowes. synt we dydon j we don sceolon; we synde. we dyden peet we don scolden. Dys gebyra 11 a he ferde to hierusalem. he eode 11 A he ferde to ierusalem he eode Dum iret iesus on pere syx- in ierusalem teoSan wucan purh midde samarian 7 galileam; P urh midde samariam 7 galileam. transiebat per ofter pente- mediam samacosten. Dum 12 7 pa he eode on sum castel him agen 12 7 Pa he eode on sum castel hi riam & galileiret iesus in hietrusale urnon tyn hreofe weras. pa stodon big feor- agen urnen teon reofle weres. pa stodenam transiebat per ran hio forren. mediam. A. B. adds — 13 3 hyra stefna uip-ahofon 3 cwedon; 13 7 heore stefne up-ahofen. 3 cwae>en. samariant &. galiam (sic). HEelend. bebeodend gemiltsa us; haelend be-beodende ge-miltse us. 14 Da he hig geseah pa cwsep he; Ga 6 14 pa he hyo ge-seah pa cwse>6 he. Ga~6 3 Pet-ywa5 eow Pamn sacerdum; pa big 3 ateowiad eow pam sacerden. Da hyo ferdun hig wurdon geclaensude; ferden. hyo wurden ge-clsensede. 15 Da hyra an geseah 1 he geclhensud 15 Da heore an ge-seah Paet he ge-clhensed wses pa cyrde he mid mycelre stefne god woes. pa cyrde he mid micelere stefne god msersiende. heriende. 16 3 feoll to hys fotum. 3 him pancode 3 16 3 feoll to his foten. 3 him pancode. pes wses samaritanisc; 3I pes woes samaritanisc. 17 pa cwsep se haelend him 3swariende; 17 pa cwse5 se hselend hym andsweriende. Hu ne synt t'n geclsensude hwser synt pa Hu ne synden teon ge-clsensede. hwar nigone. synden pa nigene. 18 naes gemett se'Se agen-hwurfe. 3 18 noes ge-mett se'Se agen-hwurfe. 3 gode wuldor sealde. buton pes aelfremeda; gode wulder sealde buten pes mlfremede. Various Readirngs. Various Readings. 7. A. hergendne. C. lesgendene. 8. A. earwa [for 7. hsef- eregendne; scep; iecere ge-hworfenum; sega. gearw]. A. gyrd. 10. A. synd. A. B. C. sceoldon. 8. se t; gearwe; ic; girt; wile; drince; sitSan; ytst. 12. C. pe [for pa he]. A. ongean. 13. A. heora. B.. 9. hef; foram; ic. 10. ponue; eall; bebodon; Cwe-SaS; peowas; synt; didon. 11. Rubric; Cum [for stefne. 14. A. ferdon. A. geclkensode. 15, A. heora. Aum]. 12. R. oA.. before him; tyn reofe; hyo feorran. A. ge-clensod. A. moersigende. 17. A. synd (twice). 13. hyora; cwmedon; bebeodand ge-miltsa. 14. ateowias; A. geclensode. A. C. hwar. A. nygene. 18. A. go- sacerdum; fyrdon; wur;en ge-clensode. 15. heora; met. A. ongean-, A eall-fremedla. ge-clensod; mersiende [for heriende]. 16. fotum. 17. andswerigende; sint tyn ge-cleensode; synd. 18. wldor; butan, CHAP. XVII.] 169 huel Sonne iuerra hafe-S esne eriende 4 foedende 1lesuande se;e miR;y gecerde of 7 *Quis autem uestrum habens seruum arantem aut pascentem qui regresso de * 201. xo londe cuoeSe- him sona ofer-faer gehlinig 1 ne cuoe-eS him gearua 4fte ic hriordege 3 agro dicet illi statim transi recumbe 8 et non dicet ei para quod cenem et fore-gyrd 1 tse~ 7 embihta me Ba huile T ic eto I drinco 7 sefter ti:s -u ge-etes J praecinge te et ministra mihi donec manducem et bibam et post haec tui manducabis et dringes Su ahne sonc hafeS esne &aem forSon dyde -sa Se him gehaten hefde gbeheht bibes 9 numquid gratiam habet seruo illi quia fecit quae sibi imperauerat ne woeno ic sua eec iuih miiSsy gedoa-; alle ba -e bebodeno sint iuh cuoe0as esnas non puto 10 sic et uos cum feceritis omnia quae praecepta sunt uobis dicite serui;orleaso we sindon -te us reht woes T4 to doane we dydon I aworden wies miVty eode in inutiles sumus quod debuimus facere fecimus 11 *Et factum est dum iret in * LXUIII, hierusalem ofer-foerde Serh middum Sa lioda ]: miS-Sy innfoerde sum oOer hierusalem transiebat per mediam sanmariam et gallileeam 12 et cum ingrederetur quod-dam were togignes urnon him tea woeras hreafo ~a stodon fearra J abofon castellum occurrerunt ei decem uiri leprosi qui steterunt a' longe 13 et leuauerunt - stefn cnoelsendo hoelend hiesere.l4 milsa user isa -Pte ges'eh cuoe; gaaS oed-eaua-S uocem dicentes iesu praeceptor miserere nostri 14. quos ut uidit dixit ite ostenditd iuih -eem sacerdum 7 aworden woes mii —Sy foerdon gecliensad woeron an uutedlice of Aim uos sacerdotibus et factumr est dum irent mundati sunt 15 unus autem ex illis - 4' suee ge-soeh -te geclaensad wies eft-fierende wies mi-; miclo stefne gemiclade T ~Sone god ut uidit quia muncatus est regressus est cur4 magna uoce- maguificans derem gefeall on onsione fora fotum his ~soncungo dyde 4' doend I ~Ses wais haein 16 et cecidit in faciem ante pedes eius gratias agens et hio erat samaritanus geonduarde; a se hbelend cuoe; ahne teno geclkensad woeron: ta nigona huer sint 17 respondens autem iesus dixit nonne decem mundati sunt et nouem ubi sunt ne is gemoetet sere eft-cuome 1 salde wuldor 4' ongunng gode buta Wes utacunda T elldiodig 18 non est inuentus qui rediret et daret gloriam deo nisi lic alienigena.... 7. hwelc ISonne iower hmefe-; esne eriende k scip foedende se-e gicerde of londe cwae-s him sona ofer-frer gihlionunga 8. 7 ne cweoida~ gearwa me onette ic giriordige J for-gyrd Sec I embihta me $a hwile ic ete J ic drince I aefter bas ISu gi-etes I drinces 9. ahne isonc hoefelS esne' em forSon dyde Sa-Se him gihaten hefde ne woeno' ic 10. swa 3 iowih milsly ge doas alle aWse bibodene sindun iow cweolSas esnas -orleose we sindun $oette unreht woes to doanne we dydon 11. 7 aworden woes mitSy eode in hierusalern ofer-foerde Iserh midne Sa liode 7... 12. 1 missy infoerde sum olser were togingnes urnon him tea wearas hreofe ~a stodun fearra 13. J ahofon stefne cwesende haelend hoesere milsa user 14. Sa &oet gi-sah cwoe& ga; vet-eowas iowih seem sacerdum I aworden woes mi-%y foerdun gicloensade werun 15. an wutudlice of tSem - gi-simh Seette gicelnsad waes eft-fierende woes miS micelre stefne gimicladun $one god 16. gifeoll on onsione fore fotum his sancunge dyde J $es wins hoenen 17, giondworde $a helend ah ne teno giclinsade werun J nione hwer sindun 18. ne is gimoeted se6e eft-come J salde wuldor gode buta Bes utacunda 4' elsiodig Y 170 [LUKE: 19 Da cwe6; he. arois ga forlam pe Sin 19 Da cwmed he aris 7 ga. for-pan pin geleafa Pe halne gedyde; ge-leafe pe halne ge-dyde. t1 20 Pa asodon hine,a fariei hwenne 20 Itesumophabei 20 Pa ahsoedn hine Ja farisei hwe enne 20 PA axoden hine pa farisej hwanne Interrogabant quando uenit godes rice co6me; Da:swarude he 7 cwee>6. godes rice come. Da andswerede quando uenis regnum dei ne cymne godes [rice] mid begymene he 7 cwsee ne cymd godes rice mid be-regnum dej. gemene. 21 ne hig ne cwe6aJ efne her hyt ys. 21 ne hyo ne cwe6a6. efne her hit is. o'"6>e par. godes rice is betwynan eow; o3656e p]er; godes rice is be-twenan eow. 22 pa cwtE he to his leorning-cnihtumn. 22 pa cwae>6 he to his leorning-cnihten. pa, dagas cuma6 -Ponne ge gewilnia6S T ge pa dages cumae-6 panne ge ge-wilnie`6 p]et. geseon anne dsg mannes sunu: ge ne ge ge-seon senne daig mannes sunu. I ge geseo6, ne seo56. 23 7 hig secga6 eow her he is. 7 par he 23 7 hy segge>6 eow her he ys. J peer he is. ne farege ne ne fylia'6; is. ne fare ge ne ne felgiesS. 24 Witodlice swa se lig-risce lyhtende 24 Wito>6lice swa se leitres lihtende 1'. 1eitre, scin'; under heofone on Pa S6ing Pe under scind under heofene on pa ping pe under puncted. heofobne synt, swa bi6 mannes sunu on his heofene synde. swa bye6 mannes sune on d&ege; his daige. 25 AEryst him gebyres; T he fela Pinga 25 A]rest him ge-byre6; pset he fela Pinge ]olige. 7 beon fram Pisse cneorysse aworpen. p olie 7 beon fram pisse cneorisse aworpen. 26 7 swa on noes dagum wses gew6rden 26 7 swa on noes dagen woes ge-wor'6en. swa beo6 mannes suna to-cyme. swa beo"6 mannes sune to-kyme. 27 hig stun. I driuncon. 7 wifodon. J 27 Hyo seten 7 druncan J wifeden 7 wseren woeron to gyftum gesealde. o6 p~ene daeg to gyfte ge-sealde. o56;e pane daig Pe * over ass pe noe on erke* eode. 7 flod c6m 7 ealle noe to earke eode; 7 flod corn 7 ealle forerasure, forspilde; spilde. 28 Eall-swa wses geworden on lo>6es 28 Eall-swa wses ge-worS6en on lothes dagum hig Otun. 7 druncon. 7 bohton. 7 dagen 7 hyo aeten 7 druncan. 7 bohten 7 sealdon. 7 plantedon. 7 timbrudon; sealden. 7 planteden 7 tymbreden. 29 So'Slice on pam daege pe lo'6 eode 29 So'Slice on pam daige pe loth eode of of sodoma hyt rinde fyr I swefl of heofone. sodome hit rinde fyr 7 swefl of heofene. 2 7 ealle forspilde; ealle for-spilde. Various Readings. Various Readings. 19. A. om. pe before M1n. 20. A. B. C. acsodon. 19. cwe;; geleafa. 20. (Iz rubric, dei); axodon; A. Jswarode. A. B. C. retain rice, which the Corpus MS. cynm%; begymene. 21. betwynan. 22. -cnihtum; omits. 22. A. enne. A. ]par he ys J par he ys (repeated). dagas cuma; o0nne; ge-wilnias; anne deg. 23. hyo segged; fyligeaS;. 24. lyg-roese; scyns; heofone (twice); A. fare ge; B. C. farege. A. B. C. fyligea%. 24. A. synd. segged; yg 24 heoon (tce); synt. 25. polige. 26. dagun; ge-worden; by$; suna 25.A. Yrest. A. res. A. fla. 26. A. by. 27. A. eton. to-cyme. 27. etun; wifoden; weron; gyfton; onne A. wyfedon. A. pone. A. earce; B. erhe, alt. to erce; C. dseg; on erke [for to earke]. 28. ge-worden; dagon; erke. 28. Ad. aton. A. timbredon; B. C. timbrudun. IR em. J before hyo reten; druncon; bohton; sealdon; eplantodon; timrbredon. 29. sodoma; heofonum. CHAP. XVII.] 171 J cuoet -Sem aris gaa forson geleafo sin isec hal dyde gefrognen wres'6onne * LXUIIIV 19 et ait illi surge uade quia fides tua te saluum fecit 20 *INterrogatus autem 202. u. nmt. cclu. from huoenne cymmes ric godes ondsuarede him 7 cuoeS no cymes ric godes mii g pharisaeis qimndo uenit regnum dei respondit eis et dixit non uenit regnum dei cum ofer T for~agemnise ne cuoesas heono her 4T heono eer heono forSon ric godes bituih iuh obseruatione 21 ineque dicent ecce hic aut ecce illic ecce enim regnum dei intra uos/ is J cuoe-s to -;Segnum cymes dagas sonne gie wilnias gesea enne doeg sunu est 22 *Et ait ad diseipulos uenient dies quando desideretis uidere unum diem filii 203. x. monnes I ne geseaS g hia muoeaM iuh heono her hoono ~er nalla-; gie gaa no hominis et non uidebitis 23 *Et dicent uobis ecce hbic ecce illic nolite ire neque * 204. ii. mt. ccliii. ge-fylges gie for;on 4 sua legefSslmht sclmande (sic) 4 of heeum on ta sa ie under heofne sind xluiii. sectemini 24 *Nam sicut fulgor coruscans de sub celo in ea quae sub cmlo sunt * 205. u. mt. ccllli. scine$- on,;a wisa bi{ sunu monnes on dmege his corist uutedlice gehriset him feolo fulget ita erit filius hominis in die sua 25 *Primum autem oportet illum multa * 206. ii. mt. clxuiii. mr. lxxxiii. getrouia 4 gesolia 7 4te he se forcumen from cneoreso tasum 7 sume aworden waos on dagum pati et reprobari 6 generatione hac 26 *Et sicut factum est in diebus * 207. n. mt. cclxi. noes sue bit'c on dreg sunu monnes brecon 5 druncon wifo ledon 7 neoe ita erit et in die filii hominis 27 edebant et bibebant uxores ducebant et weron said to brydloppum ot;S on daeg of tem inn-eade in aerce: cuom 4$ fl6d J dabantur ad nuptias usque in diem qua intrauit noe in arcam et uenit diluuium et losade T spilde alle ongelic sna aworden wies on dagum lothes eton v druncon perdidit omnes 28 *Similiter sicut facturn est in diebus loth edebant et bibebant * 208. x. bohton J bebohton gesetton -k getimberdon &tom drag tonne foerde of sarm burgum emebant et uendebant plantabanrt aedificabant 29 qua die autem exiit loth 4 sodomis feall 4 fyr J -4 cuic-fyr of heofnum J alle gespilde pluit ignem et sulphur de caelo et omnes perdidit 19. J'cwreS merm aris 3 gaa forqon gileofo iin bec halne gidoeS 20. gifrognen weas ionne from aldorImonnum hwenne cymet rice godes ondsworade him I cwmae 21. ne cymes rice godes mi-S ofergefn-isse ne cweoSas heono her T heono ter heono for'son rice godes bitwih iow is 22. 7 cwwed to Segnum his cumat dagas tonne ge wilnigas gisea enne drag sunu monnes I ne gisea; 23. J cwe-eW iow heono iow her: heono -ser nallaa ge gaa ne ge-fylgas ge 24. for'son swa legeds-slkeht scinende of heofne in hir (sic) -sa-Se of heofne sint scine-S on ta wise bi$ sunu monnes on drge swa 25. erist wutudlice girises him feolu gi-Srowiga: &eStte forcumen from cneoreswum;assum 26. J swa aworden wres on dagum noes swa bi J.... suno mnonnes 27. brecon S drincon; wif Ireddon: werun sald to brydhlopum otsse on drege of ~Sem in-eode noe in erce v com $e flod: spilde alle 28. ongilic swa aworden wes on dagumn lothes etun S druncon bohton S bibohtun gisettun S gi-timbradun 29.'rem dagum tonne foerde los of Bsem burgum,.... gifeoll aet fyr S cwic-fyr of heofne 7 alle gispilde Y2 172 [LuKE. 30 ~Efter Jysum pingum biW6 on jam 30 Efter pisen pingen bye on pam daige daege pe mannes sunu onwrigen bi'6 pe mannes sune un-wrogen beo>6. 31 on >6am dmage se'6e bi6 pn pjecene 31? on paul daige se Je bye on Pecene I his fatu on hfise. ne stihl6 he ny6er fj he J his fate on huse. ne stihg6 he ni'6er peet hig hime; And se &6e bi6 on aecere. ne he hyo nyme. I se be by6 on akere; ne went he on-bec; went he on-brec. 32 Beo6 gemyndige lo6es wifes. 32 BeoS ge-myndige lothes wifes. 33 swa hwylc swa secs his sawle ge-d6n 33 swa hwilc swa sec; his sawle gedon hiale se big for-spilJ; 7 swa hwylc swa big hmle. he hyo for-spil'6. 3 swa hwile swa forspilp se hig gelif-fiestaW; hyo for-spil6; seo hyo ge-liffest. 34 SoSlice io eow secge on paere nihte 34 Sol1ice ic eow segge on pare nihte beo6 twegen on bedde an by6 genumen beo6 twegen on bedde. an beo6 ge-numen I o6er biW6 for-lheten; I oper for-lketen. 35 Twa beo6 oetgmedere grindende. an 35 Twa by6 oet-gadere,grindende. an bi'6 genumren 1 o6er klefed; beo'6 ge-numen I oter lefed. 36 Twegen beo6S at ancere. an biS6 ge- 36 Twegen by mat akere an by6 genumen 7 oS6er biS leefed; numen J o6er beo6; lefed. 37 pa cwxdon big to him. hwar drihten; 37 Da cwe>6en hyo to hym. hwoer Da cwoe] he. swa hwar swa se lichama drihten. Da cwae6 he swa hwmer swa se bi6 pyder beo6 earnas gegaderud; - lichama by' pyder beo'6 earnes ge-gadered, CHAPTER XVIII. CHAPTER XVIII. [Iu]dex qui- ] a smede he him sum big-spel f hit I A saigde he heom sum byspell paet Iudex qudan erat in eiuita cinitate qui ys riht f man symle gebidde I hit is riht Jpet man symle ge- tequi deum timnit nee limuit nequ na geteorige bidden. na ge-teorige. hominem. ih]omine. B. 2 p Jus cwe6 Sum dma woes on 2 and pus cw6. Sume dema wies on sumere ceastre se god ne ondred ne nanne sumer cestre. se god ne on-dredde ne nenne man ne onpracude; man ne on-Jpracode. 3 Da woes sum wudewe on'aeere ceastre. 3 Da woes sum wudewa on rare cestre, ]a com heo to him I cwg'65; Wrec me wi~6 pa com hyo to him I cwiae6. Wrec me wi6 minne wio6er-winnan; minne wi6er-winne. Various Readings. Various Readings. 34. B. C. twegyn. A. hefed [for biB for-lheten]. 35. 30. ]Efter pisum ]ingum; un-wrygen bi$. 31. R. om. A. oter byS lefed. 86. A. on [for met]. 37. A. ge- J before on; stih$; aecere. 33. se hyo ge-lif-feeste;. gaderod. 34. biW (twice); for-leton. 35. bis (twice); klefed. 36. Cap. xviii. 1. A. big-spell. A. symble. 2. A. sumre. bi; (thrice); acere; leefed. 37. hwar; bit (for by.S);. on~racode. sm.beo-; (as in H.). A. o3nracode. 3, C. om. sum. A; wuduwe. Cap. xviii. 1. Rubric as in HI. saegde; byg-spell; gebidde. 2. Sum; sumere ceastre; on-dramdde; nanne. 3. ceastre; -winnen. CHAP. XVII.] 173refterr g5as bit &em dreg sunii e monnes med-eaued bit on ~er tid Ba Be 30 secundum haec erit qua die filius hominis reuelabitur 31 *IN illa hora qui * 209. ii. mt. ccxluiii. mr. cxliii.'bison in hrof J fato his in hus no ofdune stige$ to niomanne Sta J seSeo on 16ncd ongelie fuerint in tecto et uasa eius in domo ne descendat tollere illa et qui in agro similiter ne awoenda- on-baecc gemyndigo wosat wif lothes se'Ze suahuelc soeca sauel * 210. x. non redeant retro 32 *Mlemores estote uxoris loth 33 tQuicumque quaesierit animam t 211. iii. - m. XCUii. io. cu. his hal gewyrca spille- hia J sense sua gespilleS hia geli'-ffestaS hisa ic cuoeo suam saluam facere, perdet illam et quicumqiue perdiderit illam uiuificauit earn 34 *Dico * 212. i mt. cclxi [i]. iuh saem, naeht bison tuoege in hrofo anumn an genumfen bis I oter forleten bit uobis illa nocte erunt duo in tecto uno unus assumetur et alter relinquetur tuoege bi;on ge-timbras T grindas on an an ge-onfenge bit J o-ero forleten bi'; tuoege 35 duae erunt molentes in unlim una assumettur et alteia relinquetur 36 duo on lond an bis genumen I o;er forleten bi; onduardon T cuoedon him huer drihten sense in agro unus assumetur et alter relinquetur 37 *Respondentes dicunt illi ubi domine qui * 213. u. mt. ccluii. cuoe$ him suse huer bi; Bse lichoma -;er gesomnad bison eatnas dixit eis ubi-cumque fuerit corpus illuc congriegabuntur aquilae CAP. X VIII. cudet ta mec -tat biseno to him 4te k forton gehriseS I behofic is symble gebidda J 1 *Dicebat autem et parabolam ad illos quomodo oportet semper orare et * LXX. 214. x. he gesuica cuoeS doema sum wies in sumime ceastra se;o god no ondrearde non deficere 2 dicens iudex quidam erat in quadam ciuitatem (sic) qui deum non timebat I tone monno ne sceomade 1' widiua uutedlice sum woes in ceastra t-er I gecymeS 4' cuome et hominem non retierebatur 3 uidua autem quaedam ekat in ciuitate illa et ueniebat to him cuoe; wraec Bu mec of wiserwordb minumn ad eum dicens uindica me de aduersario meo 30. rafter sisse bi; Seem dege sunu monnes met-eowed bis 31. on ser tide;atse bioson on hrofe I fato his in huse ne dune astige-S to niomanne a J seo;e on londe ongelic ne awendeS; on-baec 32. gimyndge wosas wif lothes 33. sene swa hwele tonne soeceS sawle his hale does spillet hia 7 seSe mitsSy swa gispille; gilif-fuesta$ hia 34. ic cweso tonne iow on -Ser nmht biodun twbege on' hrofe anum an ginumen bi: J o5er for-leten bi$ 35. twoege grundas bio-Son on anum an on-fenge biS J oler forleten bit 36. twoege on londe an ginumen bits 3 o-er forleten biS 37. giondwordun cwedun him hwer drihten se;e Jswora$ him swa hwer Sonne bi;;e lichoma ~er gisomna bioton earnas Cap. XVIII. 1. cwree sa $onne J:a bisine to him Baette for'on giriseS synmle gebidda J ne giswsic~ 2. cwme Be doema bere; (sic) sum wies in sunmre cestre sele god ne on-dreorcld one monno ne scowmade 3. widuwe wutedlice sum waes in crestre oer J gi-comun to hir cwee$ wrec ~u mnec of wi~er-wordra 5inuml (sic) 174 [LUKE. 4 Da nolde he langre tide. aefter paam 4 pa nolde ne langere tide. ~Efter pam pa cwep he. peah ic god ne ondraede. ne pa cw. he. ic main ne onpracige 5 peah ich god ne on-drsede. ne ic man 5 peah forpamn pe 6eos wuduwe me is ne on-pracige. peah for-pan pe peos wugramz ic wrece hig. pe-lses heo et neahstan dewe me is gram. ich wreke hyo. pe-lses cume me behropende; hyo tet nextan cume me be-ropende, 6 Da cwme6 drihten. gehyra'6 hwset se 6 pa cwaeA drihten, ge-hyre>6 hwoet se unriht-wisa dema cwy6; unrihtwise deme cwee& (,sic). 7 Soplice ne de>6 god his gecorenra wrace 7 Sol1ice ne dee'6 god his ge-corenra clypiendra to him dsoges I nihteos. he wrace cleopiende to hym daiges I nihtes; I gepyld on him haefp; he'6eld on him haft;. 8 Ic eow secge j he rape hyra wrace 8 Ich eow segge Poet he ras6e heore wrmeee de6; Deah-hwaepere wenst pu'aenne man- de6, peah-hweoSere wenst pu panne man. nes sunu cym'6. gemOt he geleafan -on ines msne oymn>. ge-met he ge-leafen on eorS6an; eor>6an, 9 Da cwse~6 he to sumum pis big-spel 9 Da owam he to sumen Pis by-spell. pe pe on big sylfe truwedon J o6Sre for-hogo- on hyo selfe troweden. I ofrumn for-hugodon don. Dys ge-byrad- 10 Twegen men ferdun to sumumn temv 10 Twegen men ferden to sume temple Dio homines 011 jure end- b ascendebant lyftan wucan ple f big hig gebaedun an sundor-halga | 1 hyo; hyo ge-bseden. an itenpdr ut ofter pente- orarent. costen. Duo o0er man=full; sunderhalge. an manfull. homines ascenderunt in 11 Da st6d se fariseus I hine pus gebmed. 11 Da stod se phariseus I hine pus getemplu?. A. Duo hopmines god. pe ic pancas do. for-Pam pe ic ne eom bed. god pe ich pances do. for-pan ich in erpl t ut swylce o6re men. reaferasunriht-wise. un- ne em swilche odre men. reaferes unrihtorarent. B. riht-haemeras. o6a&Se eac swylce pes m'nn- wise. unriht-hamel 6es. oa6'e eac swylc pes fulla; manfulle. 12 Ic fseste tuwa on ucan. ic sylle 12 Ic faeste twige on wuca. ic gife teopunga ealles Pws ]e ic haebbe; teondunge ealles pas pe ich hkebbe. 13 Da stod se man-fulla feorran I nolde 13 Da stod se manfulla feorran I nolde fur6un his eagan ahebban up. to Pan for-6an his eagen ahebben up to ]am heoheofone ac he beat his breost ] owsp; God fene. ao he beot his breost I cwe6. God beo pu milde me syn-fullum; beo pu milde me senfulle. Various Readings. Various Readings. 4. 4. men, A. on]racie. 5. A. Peh. A. wudewe. 4. langre. 5. pell ic; for-pamn; weduwe; ic wrece. 6. un-ritwisa dema cwy's. 7. des; ge-corenenra (sic); A. py-kes. A. nycstan. 7. A. clypigendra. 8. A. heora. clypiende; daeges; ge-seld; hneft. 8. Ic; hyra; ponne; A. ponne. 9. A. A. C. for-hogedon. 10. A. ferdon. ge-leafan. 9. sumum; big-spell; sylfe truwoden. 10. Rubric asin It.; ferdon; sumurn; sundor-halga; manful. A. gebaedon. A. sunder-. 11. C. neom [for ne eom]. 11. gebaed; ic; for-'san pe ic ne eom; o;re; reaferas; 12. A. wucan. 13. A. forjan. unriht-hameras ots; swylce; manfulla. 12. feste twuge; wucan; ic sylle teopjunga; joes; ic habbe. 13. eagan ahaebben; heofone; bet; sinfiullum. CHAP. XVIII.] 175 J ne walde';erh menigo 4' miclo'~ feolo tld 4 sefter i6as Sa cuoes bituih him-* I;ah god 4 et nolebat per multum tempus post haec autem dixit intra se etsi deum *. i. se doema. ne ondredo ic ne monno sceomigo huoe-sre foroson woedo T hefig wses me sio 4T $as widiua non timeo nec hominem reuereor 5 tamen quia molesta est mihi haec uidua ic wreeco ailco fte on ende 1 Pet nesta cymeS getele-s T mec cuoe&6.a se hlafard uindicabo illam n6 in nouissimo ueniens suggillet me 6 ait autem dominus geheraS hused se doema un-rehtwisnise. cuoe; god ne doe-s $ Wrecco ~ara gecorenra audite quid iudex iniquitatis dixit 7 dominus autem non faciet tilndictami electorutm his clioppendra to him dsege i nseht I gesuild hsefes on i$m ic cuoeso iuh suorum clamantium ad se die ac nocte et patientiam habebit in illis 8 dico uobis -te rasee doe' wreecce Wara sos htloesre sunu monnes mitsy cymes woenist -;u -te gemoete quia cito faciet uindictam illorum uerum-tamen filius hominis nuenielis putas inue4 infinde geleafo on eorSo cuoeS ta eec'to summum a;e on him gelefdon 4 getreodidon niet fidem in terra 9 *Dixit autem et ad quosdam qui in s6 confidebant * LXXI. suse so-foesto J aweredon 4' teldon Ma o;oro geddung';ios iUoege menn astigon tamquam iusti et aspernabantur ceteros parabolam istam 10 duo homines ascenderunt in temple -te'gebedon an wes J oter wees boersynig se stcld ias in templum ut orarerit unus pharisaeus et alter publicantis 11 pharisaeus stans haec mini him gebsed gode;oncuncgo ic d6e ~e 4te neam ic sums Ba oC;oro monna ned-niomo apud se orabat deo gratias ago tibi quia'noii sum sicut ceteri hominum raptores unso;-fsesto dernelicgende suaelce uutedlice Jbes bersynigo ic faesto tuigo in wico teigauncgas iniusti adulteri uelut etiam hic publicanus 12 ieiuno bis in- sabbato dedimras ic sello - allra 1;a2e ic ah 4T agnigo J {e bersynnigo fearra to gestod ne walde ne -8a ego d6 omnnium quae possideo 13 et publicanus a longe stans nolebat nec oculos to heofne ahebba ah geslog breost his cuoe'-ende god milt-heott 4T waes su me ad caelum leuare sed percutiebat pectus suum dicens deus propitius esto mihi synnfullum peccatori 4. 1 ne walde -serh monige tide sefter tisse $a cwe-s bitwih him I gif god ne on-dredo ic ne monno scomiga 5. forson wedo hefig is 4' wes me tios widwe ic wreco tailco'6;ette ne ende cymes gitele-; mec 6. cwseS- iSa drihten giheria hwset se doema unrehtwisnisse cwaes 7. god ea ne does I a wraco -Sara gicorenra hiora cliopendra to him dseg i nocte (sic)? gisyld haefes in tsem 8. ic cwe-o tonne iow tssette hraevse does wraco -;ara so,8 hwe-;re suno monnes cyme6 milsy -kte gimitte gileofo on eor'so 9. cwuea ta J ec to sumum r6aiae on hine gilefdun swa swa so;tfeste 7' aweredon -1 teldon;a o;re geddunge;ios 10. twoege men astigun on tempel aet gebedun an wses eldra o;er bear-swinig 11. se phariseus stod Ses mi$ him gibsed god Soncunc ic doe;e for;on ne am ic swa osre menn ned-nioma unsosfseste ~onne lice (sic) swelce wutudlice ses bearswminigo 12. ic fsesto twige on wica teg'nune gode n lra sase ic ah 13. J 6e bear-swinigo fearra stod ne waldo ne;a ego to heofne ahebba ah sloge breost his ic cwe;o (sic) god mild-heort wes su me synfullum 1 76 [[LuKE' 14 Soplce ic eow secge f pes ferde ge- 14 SoSlice ich eow segge poet pes ferde riht-wisud to his huse. for-panm lJe telc pe ge-rihtwised to his huse. for-pan pe elc hine iUpp-ahef6 bi6; geny"6erud. ] se pe hine pe hine up-ahefd beo>S ge-ny6ered. ) se fe ny6;era6 by'6 ipp-ahafen; hine ny6ered byo6; up-ahafen. 15 Da brohton big cild to him j he 15 Da brohten hyo cyldre to hym palt big met-hrine; pa his leorning-cnihtas big he hyo atrine. Da his leorning-cnihtes gesawon big ciddon him; hyo ge-seagen hyo cydden heom. 16 Da clypode se haelend big to him. ] 16 Da cleopede se helend hyo to hym. cwae'; Ltas6 pa lytlingas to me cuman ] cwAe>. Lete6 pa litlinges to me cumen ] ne for-beode ge big swylcera ys godes rice; i ne for-beode ge heo swyl]cere ys godes rice. 17 Soblice ic eow secge swa hwylc swa 17 So'lice ic eow segge swa hwile swa ne on-feh6 godes rice swa swa cild. ne ne on-fegS6 godes rice swa swa cyld. ne gae'6 he on godes rice; gae6 he on godes rice. 18 Da ahsode hyne sum ealdor. lareow. 18 Da axode hine sum aldor. godne hwmet do ic ~ ic ece lif hebbe; lareow hwoet do ich poet ich eche lyf haebbe. 19 pa cwien se haelend hwi segst fiu me 19 Da cwaen6 se halend hwi segest pu go5dne. nis nan man god buton god ana; me godne. nis nan man god buten god ane. 20 Canst tu pa bebodu. ne of-slyh'6u. 20 Canst pu pa be-bode; ne of-sleh pu. ne fyrena pu. ne stel pu. ne leoh pu; ne fyrena pu. ne stell pu. ne leoh pu. Wurpa pinne fieder ] pine modor; wur6e pinne fader ] pine moder. 21 Da cwe`6 he eall pis ic heold of minre 21 Da cwee6 he eal pis ic heold. of geogupe; minre geoge&Se. 22 Da cwie6 se hmlend an ping pe is 22 Da cwie6 se hmelend an ping pe is wana. syle eall'6u hefst. J syle eall wane. syle eall T pu hafst.' gyf eall f p pearfum. ponne haefst pu gold-hord on pearfen. panne hafst pu gold-hord on heoheofone.! cunz! folga me; fene. 1 cum and folge me. 23 Da he pas word gehyrde he wear>6 23 Da he pas word ge-hyrde he war'6 ge, ge-unDrt. for-ramz pe he wis swi"Se welig; un-rot..for-pam pe he wies swiSe welig. 24 Da se heelend hine unrotne geseah 24 Da se hmlend hine unrotne ge-seah he cwen6; Eala hu earfo6lice on godes rice he cwen6. Eale hu earfodlice gae6 on godes ga>6 pa >3e feoh habba$. rice pa pe feoh hmebbed. Various Readings. Various eadings. 14. A. geryhtwysod. A. up-ahefs. A. genyperod. A. 14. ip; ge-rihtwisod; up-aheft bit; nxperaa biB. 15. up-ahafen. 18. A. acsode. A. ealder. A. B. godne in- brohton; cild; athrine; -cnihtas; ge-sawon; cidda him. 16. halend; litlingas; hyo [for heo]. 17. on-fehis. 18. serted before lareow, in very late Aand. 19. A. hwig. rtd bfor lareo, in late d. 19.. hwig. axsode; ealdor; R. om. godne; hwat; ic; ic ece; habbe. 20. A. ofsleh. A. weor5a. A. moder. 21. A. geogose. 19. halend; segst; buton. 20. Csenst; leah; faeder; 22. A. heofene. 24. B. gode (wcrongly). modor. 21. ealL 22. halend; his [for is] wana; syle [forgyf] all Pset pearfan. ponne hsefst; heofone. 23. wer;. 24. Eala; earfoBlice; habba,. CHAP. XVIII.] 177 ic cuoeso iuh of-astag Wes woes geso6Sfbestad in hus his from W&em forson eghuoele se;e 14 dico uobis descendit hic iustificatus in domum suam ab illo *Quia omnis qui 2* 15. t. mtr. GoxxxL hine ahebbaW gebeged biW:I sese hine gebegeW ahofen biS. gebrohton Ca to s6 exaltat humiliabitur et qui se humiliat exaltabitur 15 *Afferebant autem ad * LXXIIo 216. ii. him ec isa cildo -te hia gehrinade f miS -Sy gesegon a -Segnas ge-;readon T hia se khelend txcii. mr. clii. [read illum et infantes ut eos tangeret quod cum uiderent discipuli increpabant illos 16 iesus. ui. tsa efne-geceigde hia cuoe~ letas {sa cnaihtes cuma to me J ne walla-; hia T Wa awoerda 4 Suslicra autem conuocans illos dixit sinite pueros uenire ad me et nolite eos uetare talium is for'son ric godes soslice ic cuoeso iuh sense sua huselc ne on-foes ric god est enim regnum dei 17 *Amen dico uobis qui-cumque non acceperit regnum dei 217. ii. mt. clxxuiii. sure cnsreht. ne in-cymes in -s&et ilce V gefrae,gn hine sum Aldormon cuoe r. sicut puer non intrabit in illud 18 *ET interrogauit eum quidam princeps dicens * LXXIII. 218. ii. mt, excfii. laruu la g6d hured ic d6e lif ece -ite ic 4ga cuoe Wa him se haelend r. cXuii. magister bone quid faciens uitam aeternam possidebo 19 dixit autem ei iesus hured 4 forhuon cuoe-Ses'Su g6d ne renig is g6d butan -se ana god bodo su wast ne quid me dicis bonum nemo bonus nisi solus deus 20 mandata nosti non of-slah Su ne synnge Zsu -t noe iofonto Wu doe ne leas witneso T' cy,6neso Wu cuoeZa worsig fader occides non moechaberis non furtum facies non falsum testimonium dices honora patrem -in J moder se-se cuoes Sas alle ic geheald of minum from gigo;e tuum et matrem 21 qui ait haec omnia custodiui a iuuentute mea miisy Is geherde se hrelend cuoes him Sa get an se is wona Alle $a $e suahuelc Wu hiefeis bebyg 22 *Quo audito iesus ait ei athuc unum tibi deest omnia quae habes uende * 219. ii. nit. cxciiii, I sel isorfendum J Zu hrefes strion in heofnum I cym fylg T soec mnec as he mr cuii. et dS pauperibus et habebis thesaurum in caelo et ueni. sequere me 23 *His ille *220. ii. mnt. cxcu. missy geherde gewfin-r6tsad woes forson wuelig wres suiseo gesreh Wa 4' gere hine se hrelend auditis contristatus est quia diues erat ualde 24 uidens autemn illum iesus unr6t aworden cuoe-s sui-;e hefig T iunease 4' suiZe iunmneghtiglic ~a ie striono T habba- in rio tristem factum dixit quam difficile qui pecunias habent in regnum godes inn-geongas dei intrabunt 14. ic cweSo iow astag $es wses gisois-fsestad in huse his from him'.forson eghwelc sese hine ahefegibeged- bRi J sere hine edmodas ahsefen bis 15. to-gibrohtun Sa to him J 6a cild - hire gihrine'&etoe miisy gisegun Wegnas giSreadun hia 16. $e helend Wa efne-cegde Wailco cwse$ letas ~a lytla cuma to me J ne wallaW hiMe werda Suslicra is forSon rice godes 17.... swa Se cnseht ne incymee in $set ilce 18. gifrregn hine sum aldormon cwrse- larow god hwret ic doe to life ecum $set ic age,19. cwse$ $a $e hrelend hwset me cwesestu god ne senig is god buta ana god 20. godes bibodu Wu wast ne of-slah $u ne synga $u ne stel su T does stalo ne leose witnisse -u cwe'e worsa freder $inne nmoder 21. sere cwseS $as alle ic hseld from gigo~-hada minum 22. mnity giherde 8e hselend cwrseS him $a gett an $e wona is alle swa hwelc swa hrefes bibyge sel $arfum' orfendum J $u hrefes gi-strion on heofne J cym fylig 4' soe me~ 23. Sas he miis2y giherde giunrotsad wses forson weolig wses swise 24. gisreh sa hine ~e hrelend unrott giworden cwre$ swide hefge Wade gistriono hrefde in rice godes inga$...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 178 -[LTuK.z 25 ea'6elicor mseg se olfend gan purh 25 e'6elicor mieg se olfend gan purh are [sic] nedle eage. ponne se welega on anre nedle eage. panne se welige on godes godes rice; riche. 26 Da cwwdon pa &;e pis gehyrdon. 7 hwa 26 Da cwAseen pa pe pis ge-hyrden. 7 maeg hal beon; hwa mseg hal beon. 27 Da sede he him. gode synt mihtelice 27 pa saide he heom. Gode beo>6 mihtipa'6ing Pe mannum synt unmihtelice; lice pa ping pe mannen synde un-mihtilice. 28 pa cwase petrus. ealle JPing we for- 28 pa cwsee6 petrus. Ealle ping we forleton 7 folgodon pe; leten 7 folgedon pe. 29 Da cwsep he. soplice ic eow secge. 29 Da cwse6; he. So6lice ic eow segge nis nan man pe his hus forlket o6;6e magas. nis nan mann pe his hus for-liet. o6>6e o''e bropru. o66e wif. o66e bearn. for mseges o'6e bro6re. o6>6e wif. o>66e godes rice. beam; for godes rice. 30 pe ne onf6 mycele mare on pysse tide. 30'6e ne on-fo'6 michele mare on pisse 7 ece lif on towerdre worulde; tide. I ece lyf on towearde worelde. sumsitiesus 31 a nam se helend his leorning- 31 A nam se haelend his leorning-Assnmpsit discipulos iesus discipn, sues seorete cnihtas 1 cwae to him. farap cnihtes. 7 cwe6 to heom. Fare ossuossecrE & ait illis.... to & ait 1118s. Eeit iscen- to hierusalem. 7 ealle ping beo"6 gefyllede to ierusalem. 7 ealle ping beoO ge-fylde Ece ascendi dimus. B. pe be mannes suna purh witegan awritene pe be mannes sune purh witegene awritene mus. synt; synde. 32 He by6 peodum geseald 7 bi6 32 He beo6 peoden ge-seald 7 byoeS bisbysmrud J geswungen. 7 on-speet. mereS. J ge-swungen.: on-spoett. 33 1 refter pam pe big hine swinga'6 big 33 i aefter pam pe hyo hine swinge6 hine ofslea6. ) he priddan d'ge arist hyo hine of-slead. 1 he S'ridde daige arist. 34: hig naht poes ongeton 7 him pis word 34 1 hyo naht pas on-geatan. J heom wies behydd; wies pis word be-hydd. Cum appro- 35 Jpa he genealehte hiericho. sum blind 35 A he neahlahte jerico sum blind Cum appropinqua[ret] I pinquaret iesus hieicho man soet wi p]ene we edligende. man soet wiP6 pane weig wied- ieriho. cecus quidam sedebat [se- liende. mendicans. B. 36 1 pa he ge-hyrde pa menego farende. 36 r pa he ge-hyrde pa manigeo farende. he ahsude hwset f ware; he axode hwmet - woere. Various Readings. Various Readings. 25. A. anre; but B. C. are. 27. A. synd (twice). 25. are naedle; ]onne; weolige; rice. 26. ge-hyrdon. 28. B. 0. forletun. A,. folgedon. 29. A. om. man. 27. smgde; mannum sint. 28. pint (sic); forleton; 30. A. toweardre. 31. A. syld. 32. A.A ge-bysmerod. folgodon. 29. man; magas; bear (sic). 30. micele; 33. B. swigat (by error). 34. A. ongeaton. 35. A. ecce; to-worde woruldo. 31. Rubric as in H.; -cnihtas; pone. 36, A. meenigeo. A. acsode. him. Faralt; ge-fyllede; witegan; synt. 32. bi$ peodum; bi$ bismored; on-spett. 33. swinga;; ofslea;; dridde (sic), 35. Rubric as in H.I; nealahto hiericho; ]onne; waedligende; menego. CHAP. XVIII.] 179 eaSor - is forSon se camal -4 micla dear Serh Syrl T4 ego n6dles 4fte gefrere Son se welig geonga 25 facilius est enim cam elum per foramen acus transire quam diuitem intrare in ric godes I cuoedon SaSe 4 geherdon I hua maeg hail wosa cuoee in regnum dei 26 et dixerunt qui audiebant et quis potest saluus fieri 27 ait him ta,ing uin-mehtigo sindon mi; monnum meehtigo sindon mi; gode cuoes uutedlice illis quae inpossibilia sunt apud homines possibilia sunt apud deum 28 ait autemr petrus heono we forleorton alle J fylgdon 4' fylgendo we sindon Se seSe cuoeS him petrus ecce nos dimisimus omnia et secuti sumus te 29 *Qui dixit eis 221. ii. mt. cxcuiii. sos is 4 ic cuoeSo iuh ne venig is se-Se forletes hus T ham 4' aldro T4 broSro T4 wif amen dico uobis nemo est qui reliquit domum aut parentes aut fratres aut uxorem 4 suno fore ric godes I -te ne oNfoe micla mara 4' Sisser tid aut filios propter regnum dei 30 et non recipiat multo plura in hoc tempore 7 In world tocymende 4 toweard lif ece gen6m k onfeng i;a se helend Sa tuoelfo et in saeculo futuro uitam aeternam 31 *Assumsit autem iesus duodecim * LXXIIII. 222. ii. mt. cci. J cuoe Saeem heono we astigeS sa burg,J ge-endad bison alle -;a Se awriteno mr. cxii. et ait illis ecce ascendimus hierusolymam et consumabuntur omnia quae scribta sindon Serh witgo of sunu monnes gesald bis forSon heeSnum J gebismered bi; T geteled sunt per prophetas de filio hominis 32 tradetur enim gentibus et inludetur: gesuungun t gesuineged bits J gespeoftad biS' k gehorved bi~; I aefter Son 4' sia gesuingeS hia et flagillabitur (sic) et conspuetur 33 et post-quam flagellauerint ofsl2s hine J daege se tirddan ari-saS J;ailco ne aenig Sara t ongeton J woes occedent (sic) eurm et die tertia resurget 34 *ET ipsi nihil horum intellexerunt et erat * 223.. ~. i. wordo. word Sis ge-deglad from him 9 ne geton;ta Se gecuoeden woeroa aworden uerbum istud absconditum ab eis et non intellegebant quae dicebantur 35 *Factum * LXXU. 224. ii. mt. ccu. wins ia mis Sy geneolecde -;ere byrig blind sum gesmett aet oeom woege giorfde 4' bed mr. oui, est autem cum appropinquaret hiericho caecus quidam sedebat secus uiam mendicans 1 miSSy geherde 4 here bi-foarende 4' gefraegnade huped Sis t4' 4 were 36 et cum audiret turbam praeter-euntem interrogabat quid hoc esset'25. esor is forSon Seem camele Serh Syrel nedle i he gefiere tonne -e weoliga ingonge in rice godes 26. 7 cwedun SaSe giherdun I hwa mieg hal wosa 27. cwaee him Sa Sing unmaehtge sindun mit monnum.,. 28. cwmeeS wutudlice.... heono we forleortun alle J fyligdun se 29. sete cwaee him soS ic cweSo iow nwenig is seSe forleteS hus 4 Aeldro T broSer 4' wif 4' suno T loend fore rice godes 30. J ne on-foeS micle mara in Sisser tide J in weorlde tocymende in lif ece giseted bis 31. ginom T onfeng $a;e hielend $a twelfe J cwae tseem heono we astigas hierusalem J giendad bioSon alle Sase awritene sindun Serh witgo of suno monnes 32. gisald biW miS heeSnum J gibismerad bit 3 swungen bi- S gispitted bit 33. 1 sefter Son giswungen biS of-slas hine:J Sy Sirda diego arises 34. 7 Sailca nwenig Sara oneggn (sic) 3 wnes word Sis gidegled from him J ne ongeton SaSe gicweden werun 35. aworden wes Sa miJSy gineolicadun e.. Ser byrig blind sum smett mt woege giornde 36, J miSty gi-herde Sonne;reatt bifaerende gifreegn hwaet Sis were Z2 180 [LUKE. 37 Da ssedon big Jsaer ferde se nazaren- 37 pa saigden hyo paet peer ferde se naiscea haelend; zarenisce heelend, 38 pa hrymde he I cwse6; Eala haelend 38 pa remde he I cwse6. Eale haelend dauides sunu gemiltsa me; daui'6es sune ge-miltsce me. 39 3 pa 6e fore-stopun hine preadon f he 39 3 pa pe fore-stopen hine predden poet suwude; Dces pe ma he clypode. dauides he swugede. pas pe maere he clypede. sunu gemiltsa me; IDauides sune ge-miltse me. 40 Da stod se haelend I het hine lkedan 40 Da stod se haelend. 3 het hine lseden to him; pa he ge-nealehte he ahsude hine to him. Da he nehlahte he axode hine. 41 hwset wylt 6;u j ic >;e d6; Da cwse; 41 hwset wilt pu poet ic pe do. Da cwae'6 he. drihten. 1 ic geseo; he. Drihten f ich ge-seo. 42 Da cwaep se hkelend beseoh pin ge-leafa 42 Da cwse>6 se heelend. ge-seoh. pin pe ge-hselde; ge-leafe pe ge-hEelde. 43 And he sona geseah. I him folgode 43 3 he sone ge-seah.: hym fylgde. god.god wuldrigende I eall folc gode lof sealde wuldriende.. eall folc god lof sealde. pet pa big f gesawon; hyo f ge-seawen. CHAPTER XIXo CHAPTER XIX. 1 Da eode he geond iericho. 1 Da eode he geond jerico. 2 la woes par sum man on naman za- 2 Da wses paer sum man on namen zacheus. se wes welig cheus. se wEes welig. 3.3 he wolde geseon hwylc se haelend 3 3 he wolde ge-seon hwilc se. haelend wcTre. a ne mihte he for &ere menegu. weere. Pa ne mihte he for pare manige, forpam Pe he woes lytel on wsestmumn. for-pan pe he waes litel on waestme. 4 pa arnm he beforan. stah up on an 4 Da arn he be-foren 3 stah up an treow treow. sicomorum f5 he hine gesawe. for- sicomorum f he hine ge-seage. for-pan he pam pe he wolde panon faran; wolde panen faren. 5 pa he comrn to kaere st6we Pa ge-seah se 5 Da he com to pare stowe pa ge-seah haelend hine 3 cwe6;; Zacheus efst to linum se hselend hine I cw. Zacheus efste,to huse for-pam pe ic wylle to-dbeg on plnum pinen huse. for-pan pe ic wille to-daig on huse wunian; pinen huse wunien. 6 Da efste he 3 hine blipelice onfengc; 6 Da efstede he 3 hine bli6elice on-feng., Various Readings. Various Readings. 37. A.;ar; B. C. par. A. nazarenisca. 39. A. -stopon. 37. saigdon; halend. 38. Eala halend dauides; geA. swigode. A. A. He pes e ma cleopode. 40. A. leedan miltze (sic). 39. swugode; ma [for moere]; clypode; hyne. A. acsode. 43. C. wuldriende. C. sawon. ge-miltdse (sic). 40. halend; neh-lachte. 41. ic (twice). 42. halend; ge-lefe. 43. sona; folgede; Cap. xix. 1. A. eond. 3. A. msenegu. 5. A. in- wuldrigende; pa [for paet]; ge-ssewon. serts to hym after cweeds. 6. A. onfengo Cap. xix. 1. ierico. 2. naman. 3. halend ware; menigeo. for-pain. 4. be-foran; ge-sawe; faran. 5. efst; pinum; forbam; to-daeg; pjinurn; wanian. 6. efste. CHxP. XVIII.] 181 cuoedon; a him -Pte se hzelend nazarenisca T4 ofer-foerde 7 cliopade cuoee ~ e bebbisca 37 dixerunt autem ei quod iesus nazarenus transiret 38 et clamauit dicens. i. allsua monn cuoela hbelend sunu daui;es milsa me 4' mines J'a ie fore-eodon geSreadon hine ]te gesuigade tas. iesu fili dauid miserere mei 39 et qui prae-ibant increpabant eum ut taceret he for'on micle mara 4 cliopade sunu daui;es mildsa me st6d t;a se hbelend geheht ipse uero multo magis clamauit fili dauid miserere mei 40 stans autem iesus iussit hine to-12eda hine J miR; $y geneolecde gefroegn hine cuoeS humed $e wilt Su illum adduci se et cum appropinquasset interrogauit illum 41 dicens quid tibi uis O ic doam 4' gedoe so; he cuoes la drihten -Pte ic gesii T4 gesea mrege o se heelend cuoe; him besaeh faciam at ille dixit domine ut uideam 42 et iesus dixit illi re4' loca geleafo Sin';ec hal dyde J sona gesaeh I fylgde hine wundrade 4' miclade spice fides tua te saluum fecit 43 et confestim uidit et sequebatur illum magnificans god J all - fole -te gespeh gesalde lof 4' gode deum et omnis plebs ut uidit dedit laudem deo CAP. XIX. 7 infoerde Serh-eode ta burg: heono wer;ees noma woes:;es waes 1 *ET ingressus perambulabat hiericho 2 et ecce uir nomine saccheus et hic erat 22. XU. Aldormonn 4' foruost I he woes welig I sohte ito geseanne -one helend huelc were princeps publicanorum et ipse diues 3 et quierebat uidere iesum quis esset 7 ne mnehte fore Sem here forSon on lenego lyttel woes: fore-arn astag in et non poterat prae turba quia statura pussillus erat 4 et prae-currens ascendit in tree heard* -te gesege hine for-Son $ona woes.feerende I miSy gecuome to *,i. gele arborem sico-morum ut uideret illum quia inde erat transiturus 5 et cum uenisset ad ficbeamc..aem st6ue onfeng se heelend geseeh hine I cuoe$ to him 4'to ieem zache oefesta 4' oefistlice aduine stig locurn suscipiens iesus uidit illum et dixit ad eum zacchee festinans descende forsou to daege In hus -sKn gedoefned is me to wunianne 4' gewunia I oefistade of-stag adune 7 quia hodie in domo tua oportet me manere 6 et festinans descendit et on-feng hine gefeande excepit illum gaudiens (sic) 37. cwedun $a him ~;eet se hbelend nazarenisca ofer-foerde 38. 1 cliopadun cwaeed la bhelend sunu daui-;es milsa me 39. 1 $aMe fore-eadun gi-~reotodun hine -te he swigde he forSon micle marom cliopade suna dauites milsa me 40. stod %a -se heelend heht hine lede to him J miSi(Sy ge-nealocade gefroegn hine 41. cwoes hweet -;e wilt'Su ic doe sos he cwoeS drihten Set ic ge-sii 42. 1 -e hielend cwea$ him bisseh T locco geleofa Sin $ec halne gidyde 43. J sona gisseh J fylgde him wundrade T miclade god I all p folc gisveh gesalde lof gode Cap. XIX. 1. 1'foerde 5erh-eode in $a burg.... 2, J heono wer wses &ces noma zacheus: Sees wies aldormon beor-swinigra J he woes weolig 3. J sohte to geseana Stone' halend hwelc he were 3 ne miehte for tSem herge for~on on lengo lytel wies 4. i bifore arun astag on treo heord onlic fic-beome te gisege hine for'on sona wees frerende 5. J mitssy ge-come to stowwe on-feng' e haelend gesseh hine: cwee to him zache eofesta adune stig for'on to-deege in hus;in gideefned is me to wuniganne 6. J eofestade ofdune astag J onfeng hlne gifeaande 182 [LUKE. 7 pa hbig j gesawon ta murcnudun big 7 pa hyo 1 ge-seagen Ja murcneden hyo ealle. I cwedon J he to synfullum men ealle 3 cw6ewSn. poet he to synful men gegecyrde; cyrde. 8 Da stod zacheus I cwa-, to drihtne; 8 Da stod zacheus I cwe'6 to drihton. Nu ic sylle'6earfum healfe mine aehta. I Nu ic selle pearfen half mine ehte. 1 gef gif ic menigne bereafode ic hit be feower- ich anigne be-reafode ic hyt be feowerfealdum agyfe; fealden agyfe. 9 Da cwse6 se haelend to him to-dseg 9 Da cw. se hkelend to hym. to-daig pisse hiw-raeddene ys hael gew6rden forpam pisse heow-roedene is haele ge-wor6en. forhe woes habrahames beam; pam he wses abrahames beam. 10 Mannes sunu comrn secean I hal don ~ 10 Mannes sune corn secan. - halde J Tforwear; for-war6. 11 pa big pis gehyrdon Pa ge-ichte he 11 pa hyo pis ge-hyrden pa ge-ehte he sum big-spell forpam Pe he waes neh ierusa- sum bispell. for-pam pe he woes neoh ierulem. I forkam n e hig wendon J5 hraedlice salem. I for-pan pe hyo wellden paet reedgodes rice geswutelud wire; lice godes rice ge-swuteled waere. Dys godspel 12 Titodlice he cwe6e. sum repel- 12 W itodlice he cwaeg. Sum aethel- Homo quidat seeal on sancte nobilis abiit ih gregorius boren man ferde on fyrlen boren man ferde on ferrenregionem ion mosse-dugam. ]a he him rice onfenge I eft agoen land. ) he him rice on-fenge. I eft on- ginqreum sibi gHomo quidamaVl Y5pere sibi regnobilis abiit in coe; gean com. num reuertj regionem 1onh come; ginquam. A. 13 Da clypode he his tyn Peowas I sealde 13 Da cleopede he hys teon peowas nobilishabiit tyn pund him. I cwae6 to him; Ceapia] sealde teon pund heom. ] cw. to heom. in regionem longinquam O0,p ic cume; Cheapia6 oW&set ic cume. accipere sibi regnum & re- 14 Da hatedon hine his le6de I sendon 14 Da hatedon hine his leoden. I ssenden uerti, B3. erend-racan aefter him I cwsedon; We arendraken sefter hym.: cwae6en. We nylla'6 f pes ofer'us rixie; nelle5 JPet pes ofer us rixie. 15 Da he agen com I ~ rice onfengc. 15 Da he on-gen com r I rice on-feng; he het clypian his peowas pe he f feoh he het cleopian his Peowas pe he J feoh selde. J he wiste hu mycel gehwylc ge- sealde. J he wiste hu mycel ge seghwilc mangode; ge-mangeden. 16 Da com se forma I cwaee. hlaford, 16 Da com se forme cw?6B. Eilaford Jis pund gestrynde tyn pund; Pin pund strenede tyen pund. Various Readings. Various Readingso 7. A. murcnodon. 9. A. hyw-reedene. A. inserts -e 7. ge-sawen; murcnodon; cwse5on; synfullon (sic). after forpam. A. B. 0. abrahames. 10. A. B. 0. secan. 8. drihton (as in H.); sylle; gif ic enigne; -fealdon. 9. halend; hiw-riedene; ge-wordeno 10. haldon; for11. A. ge-yhte. A. big-spel. A. ge-swutelod. 12. A. on- g wearS. 11. ge-hyrdon; ge-echte; big-spell; neh; forgean. 14. A. nellat. A. ricsie ofer us. 15. A. ongean. pam; hraedlice; ge-swutelod ware. 12. Rubric as in A. on.feng. A. hys feoh [for fi feoh]. A. B. sealde; cut H.; asel-; ferlen; he (as in H.); come. 13. clepode; offiD. A..mang.tyn (twice); eom (2nd time); CeapiaT. 14. leode; saenq offn C). A. mgangode. 16. A. pyn [Jor pis]. don irendracan. cwieeon; nylle$. 15. agen; clypialn; mycel ge-hwylc ge-mangode. 16, forma; astrende tyn. CHAP. XIX.] 183; mi~Sy gesegon alle huumestredon 4: yfle ymb-sprecon cuoedon -te to menn synnfullum 7 et cum uiderent onnes murmurabant dicentes quod ad hominem peccatorem gecerde gesto uutedlice cuoeS to Seem haelende heono half godra minra diuertisset 8 stans autem zaccheus dixit ad doeninum ecce demedium bonorum meorum drihten ic sello ~orfendum - gif huaed enigne ic besuac ic forgeldo fear-fald 4 feorsi-Sum cuoeS domine d6 pauperibus et si quid aliquem de-fraudaui reddo quadruplum 9 ait se hselend to him ft- 4t fortson to dasge helo huse'sissum aworden Is fordson I he sunu is Tbit iesus ad eum quia hodie salus domui huic facta est eo quod et ipse filius sit abrahames ewom forSon sunu mcnnzs to soecanne J 7 to hbelenne -te losade T losad weins as abrahae 10 *Uenit enim filius horninis quaerere et saluare quod perierat 11 tlHaec *226. u. mt. cluiii. Iaem geherendum to-geecde cuoe~S ] geddung forSon woere neh hierusalem J fordon hia woendon t 227. x. illis audientibus adiciens dixit parabolamm eo quod esset prope hierusalem et quia existimarent -te sona ric godes were aed-eauad cuoeS Sa monn sum wel-boren foerde on quod confestim regnum dei manifestaretur 12 *Dixit ergo homo quidam nobilis abiit in * LXXUI. 228. ii. mt. cclxuhii. lond in-neh 4' sui-;e fearr to on-foanne him ric J eft he to cerranne woeron gecegid;onne teno mr. cliiiio regionerm longinquam accipere sibi regnum et reuerti 13 uocatis autem decima srcelas his salde siemn tea oroi.libras J cuoe; to inMm ceapigas o's ic cymo seruis suis *Dedit illis decem mnas et ait ad illos negotiamini dum uenio * 229. u. mt. cclxx. burg-waras uutedlice his gefiadon hine J sendon bod 4' erendureca sfter him cuoedon f nallo we 14 ciues autem eius oderant illum et miserunt legationem post illum dicentes nolumus Siosne jite gerixage ofer usic 3 aworden woes -te eft-cuom ~ awoende mi; —Sy onfeng to rec hunc regnare super nos 15 et factum est ut rediret accepto regno I heht geceiga aSein esnum' Sa esnas isem gesalde -f feh Jfte wiste huu feolo T eghuelc et iussit uocari seruos quibus dedit pecuniam ut sciret quantum quisque geceopad were cuom ta -se forma cuoeoende drihten libras tuoege teno libras*'1 or,. negotiatus esset 16 uenit autem primus dicens domine tnna tua decem mnas gesohte T adquisiuit 7.: misisy gesegon alle hwispredon T4 yfle 7sprecon ewedon ]te to men synnfullum ge-cerde 8. ge-stod isa zacheus cwaoS to -Sem halende heono hlaf (sic) godra minra drihten ic selle Sorfendum J gif hwvet senige ic biswac ic forgeldo feoSor-fald 9. cwens -se hfelend to him forson to diego hielo huse dissum aworden woes forSon J he is sunu abrahames 10. com forton suno monnes to soecenne J to hkelenneT 4wyrce lte losadoe k losad wins 11.o snm sas giherdun togeecte eowia tsa geddunge forson -te were neh hierusalem J forson hia woondun fste sona rice godes nere iet-sewed 12. cwes! sa mon sum wel-boren foerde on londe unneh T swiise feor to onfoanne him rice J eft to cerranne 13. weron giceged;onne -Srwles tene salde ~imm teo oro J cwenS to $smn ceopigas ol] ic cyme 14. burugweras wutudlice his gifiadun hine: sendun bhod- erendwreoca aeifter him ewedon nallan we siosne.Pte rixige ofer usih 15. 1 giworden wies ]te eft conm t wende mitsy onfeng rice 7 heh:t cega seem esnum ie;m ge-salde saet feh fjte wiste hu feolu eghwelc geceapad were 16. corn a io forma cwebende drihten litre (sic) sine teo oro ge-sohto 184 [LuKE. 1.7 pa cwse6 se hlaford geblissa pui g6da 17 Ja cw. se hlaford. ge-blissa pu gode peowa. forpam pe S'u wwre on lytlum peowa. for-Pan Pe pu on litlen wsere gegetrywe. Pu byst and-weald haobbende ofer treowa pu beost anweald hbebbende ofer tyn ceastra; teon cestren. 18 Da corn o6er I cwe>6. hl'ford. pin 18 Da com o6er 3 cG. hlaford pin pund pund gestrynde fifpund; strynde fif pund. 19 Da cwsep he to pam. 3 beo pu ofer fif 19 pa cw. he to pan. I byo pu ofer fif ceastra; cestren. 20 Da corn oper 3 cwse6. hlaford. her 20 Da com o6er. 3 cw. Hlaford her is ys Pin pund pe ic hoefde on swat-lin aled. Pin pund pe ich hsefde on swat-lin aleigd. 21 ic 6e adred forparn pe'u eart sti6 21 Ich pe on-dredde for-pan pe pu ert man. pu nimst p'6u ne settest. 3 pu ripst sti6 man. pu nymst poet pu ne settst. 1 5'6u ne seowe; pu ripst peet pu ne seowe. 22 Da cwe'6 he to him. of pinum mu;e 22 pa cwieeg he to him. of pinen mu&e ic >e deme. la ly6ra ]eowa; Du wistest ich pe deme la le6;ra peowa. Du wistest f j5 ic eom sti6 man. J ic nime J5 ic ne sette ich eom sti6; man. J5 ic nyme 5 ich ne sette. 3 ripe f ic ne seow; 3 ripe Pet ic ne seow. 23 And hwi ne sealdest iu main feoh to 23 And hwi ne sealdest pu min feoh to hMre. I3 onne ic come ic hit witodlice mid hyre. 3 panne ic come ic hit witodlice mid gestreone onfenge; ge-streone on-fenge. 24 Da cwea6 he to pam Pne him abuitan 24 Da cw. he to pam pe him abuten st6don. nima; fj pund franz him 3 sylla>6 stoden. anymed poet pund fram him I pam pe hbef>S an pund; sylled pam pe haef6 tin pund. 25 Da cwaedon hig to himn hlaford. he 25 pa cwoeSen hyo to him. hlaford he hmef6 tyn pund; haefd teon pund. 26 So&lice ic secge eow 1 aelcum hsebben- 26 SoSlice ich segge eow. Pset selchen duqn bi`6 geseald fram pam Pe nsef56. ge hsebbenden beo>6 ge-seald. fram pan pe p he haef6 him bye6 afyrred; nef56. ge' f he hef>6 hym beo'6 afyrred. CHAP. XIX.] 185 3 cuoeM; him gefseg wel la god esne forSon on lytlum geleaffull 4' treoufrest Su were Mui bist 17 et ait illi euge bone serue quia in modico fidelis fuisti eris maeht 4 onwseld hbebbende on-ufa -4 ofer tenum - ceastrum 3 oter cuom cuoe0 drihten libras potestatem habens supra decem ciuitates 18 et alter uenit dicens domzine mna ~ino dyde fif libras'3 Sissum cuoe8:3 ~u woes ofer fif burgas' tua fecit quinque mnas 19 et huic ait et tuA esto supra quinque ciuitates 20 et oser cuom cuoe; drihten heono libra -;in zone ic hmlfde eft-Asettet in halsado ic ondreard alter uenit dicens domino ecce mna tua quam habui repositama in sudario 21 timui for'son -te -te scrlpenT 4gearuutol, - u ars; iu nimes -te ne settes J hrippes s {u ne enim quia homo austerus es tollis quod non posuisti et netis quod non gesaudesd cuoeS him of nmuie tinum Bec ic doecomo la esne wohfull nu wistes j ic seminasti 22 dicit ei de ore tuo t6 iudico serue nequam sciebas quod ego gearnfull 4 gearuutol monn am nimmes.P ic ne gesett J hrippes fte ~u (sic) ne gesaude.,' austerus homo sum tollens quod non possui et metens quod non seuinaui 23 et forhuon ne saldes ~u feh meh to wege 4T to disc 7 ic miMSy cuome mis5 agnettum 4, uutedlice quare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam et ego ueniens cum usuris utique ic giude 4' walde giuge.:J &em stondendumr cuoe-; genimmeS frogn him libramn' sealla, ksemn exigissem illud 24 et adstantibus- dixit auferte ab illo mnam et date illi sere teno libras hefedS 7 cuoedon him drihten hefis tea libras ic cuoed qui decem mnas habet 2 25 et dixerunt ei domine habet decem mnas 26 Dico * 230. ii. mt. cclxxi. mr. xlii. uutedlice iuh -te eghuelcum hbebbende T4 &Sem -;e heefe; g[isald biS] from iem uutedlice sele ne hefes autem uobis quia omni habenti dabitur ab eo autemn qui non habet' ~ hsefes genumen bi'S from him soi-husebre fiondas mino {Sa $ai6e ne waldon et quod habet auferetur ab eo 27 *Uerum-tamen inimicos meos illos qui. noluerunt * 231. u. mt. cclxxiio mec risage ofer him to-brenges hider: cearfas befora mec me regnare super se adducite huc et inter-ficite ante me 17. 3 cw'MYs him gehwvelc good esne for-on on lytlum gileofful,T treowfcwst Bu were Bu bist rmleht, onwaelcd haebbende onufa t'ofer teo caestre 18.' o0er com cwin; drihten libras -ine dyde fif libras 19. J 8issuml cwTse$' $u woes ofer fif csestre 20. J oder com cwase drihtenz heono libras Sine tone ic hbefde eft asetet in halsado 21. ic ondreord foraon -e ite mon scripende is -u nimes fte -u nege-setes 3 ripes nege-ssewe 22. cwseY him of muSe Sinom Se ic doeme leasne wohfull 5u wistes tast ic mon georn-full am nimes *Jte -u ne settes 3 ripes -fte su ne ssewe 23. J forhwon ne saldest -u feh min to wege t to disce' ic misty come wutudlice ic giowade4, giowigia walde Tfte nmi$ egnetnum 24. 3 amelll stondendum cwxev genenioma$ (sic) from him libram 3 seollaiS {em $e hsefec; teo libras 25.' cwedon hlim drihten lihefeo teo libras 26 ic cweJo wutudlice low se-e alle habbende gisald bi~ from Smm wutudlice sere ne haefe.' 6Set haefeo ginumen bi~ from hinm 27. sos-hweSre fiondas mine ~a Sete ne waldun mec rixiga ofer him to-brengas hider 3 ceorfas bifora me AA 186 [LUKE. 28. Pysum gecwedenum he ferde to 28' pisen ge-cwe'6en he ferde to ieruhierusalem; salem. Dys gebyra; 2 9 a he ge-nealehte bethfage 3 be- 29. A he ge-neahlahte bethphage 3 feower wucon wr middan thangla to ePam munte pe is bethanie to pam munte pe is wyntra I on palm-sunnan- genemned oliueti. he sende his twegen ge-nemned oliuetj. he saende his twegen adpropnqas- cnihtas cnihtes set iesush iemro 30 7 cwe>'6; Farap on j castel pe ongen 30. cwTe'6. Fare>6 on f castel pe onuenisset beth- inc ys. on pam gyt gemeta6; assan folan gean inc ys on ~;am gyt mete>6 assan folen getiged. on pamn nan man gyt ne saet. ge-tege6; on pam nan man geot ne sset. untiga6 hyne. 7 lseda6 to me; untygesS hine. le4e>6 to me. 31 7 gif inc hwa ahsa6 hwi gyt hyne 31 3 gyf hwa eow axe6 hwi gyt hine untigea'; secga~6 himn drihten hefe5 his untege6S segges6 heom drihten hsefd his imode; neode. 32 Da ferdon pa 6e asende woron. fun- 32 Da ferden Pa pe asende waeren I fundon swa he hiim ssde psene folan standan; den swa he heom saide Pane folen standen. 33 Da hig hine untigdon pa cwedon pa 33 pa hyo hine unteigden. J]a cwseaen hlafordas hwi untige ge peene folan; pa hlafordes hwi un-teige ge panne fole. 34 Da cwsedon big for-pam pe drihten 34 Da cwaeSen hyo for-pan pe drihten hmef' his neode; hbef6 his neode. 35 pa lieddon hig hine to pam haelende. 35 Da laedden hyo hine to pam helende. J hyra reaf wurpon ofer p]ene folan. IJ psane 7 heora reaf wurpen ofer panne folan. 7 haelend on-ufan setton. pane hEelend of-ufen setten. 36 7 pa he for. hi strehton under hine 36 3 pa he for; hyo strehten under hine byra reaf on pamn wege. heore reaf on Pam weige. 37. pa he ge-nealiehte to oliuetes mun- 37 7 pa he ge-neahlahte to oliuetes tes ny6er-stige. Pa ongunnon ealle Pa muntes niSer-stige. pa on-gunnen ealle menego geblissian. 7 mid mycelre stefne pa menigeo ge-blissian 7 mid mychelere god heredon be eallum panm mihtum pe big stefne god heredon be eallen Pam mihten gesawun. Pe hyo ssegen. 38 7 cwedon; Gebletsud- sy se cyning 38. cwae6Sen. Ge-bletsod syo se kyng pe corn on drihtnes naman. syb sy on pe com on drilitenes name. syb sy on heofenum.. wuldor on heahnessum; heofene 3 wuldor on heahnysse. Various Readings. Various Readings 28. A. j'yssum. 29. A. nemned. 30. A. on-gean. 28. pysum. 29. ge-neahlecte bethfage; betfhania; A. untygaa; B. C, untigea., 31. A. acsa$. A. hwig. oliueti; cnihtas. 30. Fara%; folan ge-tyged; gyt. 31. axso~; un-tigea-; segga;; haft;. 32. ferde; woeron; A. untigeon. C. secgea5. A. dryhten,: glossed by segde; folan. 33. fundon; ssegde; folan. 33. untygdon; cwao;on; hlallaford. 32. A. kone. 33. A. cwsedon hys hlafordas. fordas; un-tyge; pane folan, 34. cwoeden; nyode. hwvig. A. pfone. 35. A. heora. A. pone (twice). 36. 35. laeddon; halende; hyora; wurpon; konne,[forpanne]; ~~A. hig. A. haeora. 37J.Ine.g.pasene [for pane]; on-ufon setton. 36. hy strehton; heora; weyge. 37. ge-neahlachte; menego; mlycelere; 38. A, Gebletsod sig. A. syg [for sy]. A. heahnyssumn. allum ]arn myhton; sawen. 38. cwae-on; cyning; drihtene (sic) naman; syo; heofonum; wuldon (sic); heahnyssum. CHAP. XIX.] 187 n mitSy -as woeron gecuoedno fora-foerde astag hierusalen aworden wees 28 et his dictis praecedebat ascendens hierosolyma 29 *ET factum est * LXXUIII. 232. ii. mt. ccui. mi-9;y geneolecde to to;eer byrig to more' se-;e geceiged is oelebearuu sende mr. oxuii. quuni appr9pinquasset ad bethpage et bethania ad montem qui uocatur oliueti misit tuoege tegnas his cuoe5 gaas in woerc j ongeaegn is in -set mity gie ingaet duos discipulos suos 30 dicens ite in castellum quod contra est in quod introeuntes gie gemoeta6 folo asaldes gebunden &em no aenig eofra monna gesaett undoes 4 unbindas inuenietis pullum assinae alligatum cui nemo um-quam hominum sedit soluite hine 7 to me ledes J gif hua iuih gefraignas forhuon unbundongie sua cuoeo;as him- ls-em illum et adducite 31 et si quis uos interrogauerit quare soluitis sic dicetis ei foriSon se hlaferd woerco his willniam Sona foerdon uutedlice Sate gesendat wooron, gemoeton quia dogminus opera eius desiderat 32 *Abierunt autem qui missi erant et inuenerunt *233. ii. mt. ccuiii. mr. oxuiii. sua cuoe; him Sone stonde folo mi-My undoendum 5onne &oeem tone folo cuoedon hlaferdas sicut dixit illis stantem pullum 33 soluentibus autem illis pullum dixerunt domini his to -;em hueed ~o forhuon undoa'6 gie - folo so-s ~;a cuoedon forSon drihten hine eius ad illos quid soluitis pullum 34 at illi dixerunt quia dominus eum ned-Sarf hoefes leedon hine to &sem lhelende J wurpon gewoedo hiora necessarium habet 35 et duxerunt illum ad' iesum et iactantes uestimenta sua onufa tone folo on-setton;one helend frerende ~Sonne hine under-brseddon I legdon gegerelo supra pullum inposuerunt iesum 36 eunte autem illo substernebant uestimenta hiora on woege J miS-4y geneolecde T gee to mfdeell stignisso m6res oliuetes ongunnun sua in uia 37 *~ET cum appropinquaret iam ad descensum montis oliueti coeperunt * 234, i. mt. Ccuiiii. mar. cxuiiiio Alle Ya menigo ofstigendra -1 gefeadon - gefeande to herganno god min; stefne micla ofer Allum io, c. omnes turbae discendentium gaudentes laudare deum uoce magna super omnibus 5a gesegen hoefdon;eem mnsetum cuoe sende se gebloedsad se-Se cuom cynig In noma drihtnes quas uiderant uirtutibus 38 dicentes benedictus qui uenit rex in nomine domini sibb in heofnunm wuldor in heanissum pax in caelo et gloria in excelsis 28. 1 miSsy cweoSas giewedeno astag hierusalem 29. giworden woes mi-SSy to-gineolicade to bethania 7 to more sense giceged is.... sende twoege -Segnas his 30. cwee0 gaas in coestel'Sset fora ongoegn us is in -eet mi2S-y ge in-ga-S ge gimoetas fola asaldes gibundenne &sem neegnig (sic) mfre monna on giseett undoaS hineo to-gelkedMa 31.: gif hwele iowih gifregne forhwon undoas.swa cweo-Sas him forSon drihten wero his wilniat 32. Sona foerdun wvutudlice ~Sase sended werun J gimoettun swa cwoed him sonne stonde Sone fola 33. mi'sSy undydon wutudlice seemn -bone fola ewedun hlafardas his to eimn hwmt un-doa; ge Sone fola 34. so5 hiee ewedun forSon drihten hine nedseerfe hbefe-; 35. J leeddun hine to ~sem heelende J wurpon giwedo his on-ufa JSone fola on-settun -Sone heelend 36. fmerendoe Sonne hine unbrseddun I legduln giwedo hiora on woeg 37. J nmi~Sy to-gi-neolicadun to refdelle mores oliuetes on-gunnun allbe sio mengu of-stigende gifeadun to herganne drihten stefne micler ofer allum %a gisegun tSem nmhlltum 38. cwe3ende sie gibletsad sere com in noma drihtnes sibb on heofne J wuldor in heonisse gode A-A 2 188 [LUKE. 39 Da cwsedon sume of. pam fariseum to 39 Da cwse>' sum of pam farisei to him himn; Lareow. cid pinum leorningcnihtum; Lareow ky5 pinen leorning-cnihten. 40 Da cwoep he to him. Ic eow seege 40 pa cwsee6 he to heom. Ich eow segge peah pas suwigen stanas clypia6>; peah Jas swugie; stanes cleopie>6. Dye golsp l 41 J pa he ge-nealkehte I geseah jpa ceas- 41 7 pa he ge-neahlacte? ge-seah pa gebyra; on pwre endlyf. tre. he weop ofer hig ceastre. pa weop he ofer hyo tan wuean ofer pente- 42 J cwae5; Eala. gif pu wistest 7 42 7 cwse56. Eale gyf pu wistest 7 witedCadproiut wie on inumn doage pe e' lice on pisen pinen dagen. pe pe to sibbe rlet iesls hie to sybbe synt. nu hig synt frai pinum synde. nu hyo synden fran ~inen eagen berosolimam idlens ciuita- eag'um behydde. hydde. tenm flenit super illam. 43 forparn &e pa dagas to'Se cuma&;. 43 for-pan Pa dages to pe cume>6. 7 pine pline fynd pe betrymiap. I behabba'6 pe. feond pe be-trymie6. 7 be-hebbe; pe. I J genyrwa6 JPe aeghwanun. be-nserewia Jpe aighwanen. 44 7 to eorpan afylla'6 pe 7 pine bearn pe 44 7 to eor6an afelled pe. I pine beam on &e synt. J hig ne lhefa>6 on pe st'an ofer pe on [pe] synde. I hi ne lefe 6 on pe stan stane. forpamn pe'6u ne on-eneowe pa tide ofer stane. for-pan Pe pu ne on-cneowe pa pinre geneosunge; tide pinre ge-neosunge. 45 Da ongan he of pam temple ut-drifan 45 Da on-gan he of pam temple ut-drifen?a syllendan 7 6;a biegendan. pa syllende I pa biggende 46 7 him to cwseie; Hit ys awriten ~ 46 7 heom to cwen6. Hit is awriten. f min hus ys gebed-huis. ge hit worhton to min hus is ge-bed-hus. ge hit worhten to scea>6ena scrsefe. scoeSena scroefen. 47 3 he woes deg-hwamlice on pain temple 47 J he woes daighwamlice on pam temple klerende; lkerende. oplice para sacerda ealdras 7 pa boceras So'lice pare sacerde ealdres I Pa bokeres pes folces ealdor-men smeadon hu? pas folkes ealder-men. smaegdon Big hine fordon mihton. hu hi hine for-don mihten. 48 1 hig ne fundon hwset hi him to gylte 48 J hyo ne funden hwaet hyo hym to dydon; So6lice eall folc wses abysgod pe gylte dyden. So'lice eal fole woes abysgod be him gehyrde seegan; IP7t be hym ge-hyrde seggen. Various Readings. Various Readings. 40. A. suwion. 42. A. synd (twice). 43. A, cumMa 39. cwa-on sunme; pharisei; cyZ5 Jinum; -cnihtum. to -e. A. seghwanon. 44. A. afylls. A. synd. 47. A. 40. Ic; peh; swugian; cleopias. 41. ge-neahlecte; he weop [for pa weop he]. 42. Eala,; witodlice; pysum pinurn dagum; synt; synt fram Jinum eagan. 43. Fordamn (sic); dagas; cuinas; be-trymia-s; be-habbas; genearawia5. 44. afylla-s; on pe sint; hyo; lvfeS. 45. ut-drifan. 46. eom; worhton; sceSena screefe. 47. dseghwamlicej para sacerda; boceras; folces ealdormen sneagdon hwu hyo; mihton, 48. fuln (sic); eall; pe [for pset]; seggan, CHAP. XIX.] 189: sumo ISara of herguni cuoedon to him laruu ge{reat ~Segnas 39 *ET quidam pharisaeorum de turbis dixerunt ad ilium magister increpa discipulos * 235s. n. mt. ccxiiL, -sino ~Senm he cuoes ic smego iuh 4te gif Jsas gesuigas stanas clioppogas tubs 40 quibus ipse ait dico uobis quia si hi tacuerint lapides clamabunt 7 te T nmiSty geneolecde gesmh tset ceastra geweaep ofer 15er cuoeS forl6on gif 41 *ET ut propinquauit uidens ciuitatem fleuit super illa 42 dicens quia si * LXXUIIII. 236. x. Su wistes sec, t; J soislice in sissun daeg -Sino tSaSe to sibbe.Se sint nu uutedlice cognouisses et ttL et quidem in hac die tua quae. ad pacem tibi nunc autem gedegledo 4' gehyded sindon from egum -Sinum forton, cymenS dagas on Sec J ymbselle-s J abscondita sunt ab oculis tuis 43 quia uenient dies in te et circuln-dabunt -Sec fiondas -Sino liS dlcg J ymbsettas 4' -Sec J efne-gehasrigasT' ec eghuuonan to te inimici tui uallo et circum-dabunt te et coangustabunt te undique 44 ad eorSo geleegas T Sec J Sa suno SaSe in Sec bison J no forletas T4 in {Sec stan ofer terram prosternent te et filios qui in te sunt *ET non relinquent in t6 lapidemn super * 237. ii. mt. ccxlii. mr. Cxxxuiii. stan forSon ne oncneu Su tid socnises Sines J in-foerde in tempel lapidem eo quod non cognoueris tempus uisitationis turn 45 *ET ingiressus in templum * 238. i mt. ccxi. mr. cxxi, ongann aworpa Sa bebyccendra in ~Seim = Ba byegendclo cuoeS STem awritten is forSon 4 4fte his io. xxio coepit eicere uendentes in illo et ementes 46 dicens illis scribtum est quia domus mmil bus gebeddes is gie uutedlice gedydon hia cofa hreafera J woes mea domus orationis est uos autem fecistis illain -speluncam latronuin 47 *ET erat * 239. i. mt. ccxx. mr. exxii. kerend daeghaem in tempel tsa aldormen S;a sacerdas: uSuuto: aldormenn. Ses folces soh- io. lxxxuo docens cotidie in templo principes autem sacerdotum et scribme et princeps (sic) plebis quaeton hine to spillanne 3 ne gemoeton 4- ne fundon ]te dydon him all forSon -i folc rebant ilium perdere 48 et non inueniebant quod facerent illi omnis enim populus hlosnende woes geherde hine suspensus erat audiens ilhlnum 39. 7 sume {sara seldra of hergum cwedun to hinm larow gi;reata Segnas iSine 40. Stem he cwmes ic cwe{o iow ~Sette gif Sas swigas stanas cliopigaS 41. 1 to-gineolicade giseh coestre giweop ofer Sa 42. cwmeS forson gif Su wistes ec Snu soslice on tassum daege Sine SaSe to sibbe Se nu wutudlice gidegled-k gihyded sint from egum Sinum 43. forSon cumaS in -Sec dagas I ymb-sellat -Sec J efne giha-riga~S sec fiondas Sine miS dice J ymbsellaS Bec eghwona 44. J to eorSo gileccas J suno tine Sate in Se sint J ne forletas in Sec stan ofer stane forSon saet' ne on-cnaw Su tide soecnisse'sine 45. J infoerde Se hoelend in tempel ongan aworpa'Sa bibycgende in templo I -Sa bibycgende 46. oweS eseeim awriten is forSon hus mmin lus gibedes is gif ge wutudlice dydon hia cofa reofera 47. 1 woes lerende dreghwemlllice on templo aldor-men'Sa sacerdas 7 ut-wutu J seldro -ses folces sohton hine to slaanne 48. elie gimittun 4k ne fundun hwret dydon him alle forson tset folc hlosnende wees giherde hine 190 [LUKE. CHAPTER XX. CHAPTER XX. insus ZDSas ping. oA>6e hwat anwealde wyrcst pu pas ping. o>6>6e hwet tate hec facis. ys se Se 1e pisne anwald sealde; is se >6e pisne anweald pe sealde. 3 Da cwmep he himn to 7sware; 7 ic 3 pa cwe>6 he heom to andswere.' ich alhsige eow an word Jswaria>6 me. acsige eow an word. andswerie5 me; 4 wies iohannes fulluht of heofone. 4 wies Johannes fulluht of heofene hwmehwe>6Ser ke of mannum; 6Ser pe of mannen. 5 Da pohton hig betwux him 3 cwaedon; 5 Da pohten hyo be-tweox heom 7 cwseGyf we secga>E 1 he sy of heofone. he cwy>6;'6en. Gyf we segge'6 Poet he syo of heofene. to us hwi nre gelyfde ge him; he cwe6 to ius hwi ne ge-lyfde ge hym. 6 Gyf we secga5 5 he sy of mannurn. 6 Gif we segge6 peet he syo of mannen eall folc us heen,6 hi wiston gere - iohannes eall folc us hben6. hyo wisten gere 5 jowses witega; hannes wses witege. 7 Da 7swaredon big f hig nyston hwa- 7 pa andswereden hyo f hyo nesten nun he wEes; hwanen he woes. 8 Da cwme6 se haelend him to ne ic eow 8 Da cwoe6 se hbelend to heom. ne ic ne secge on hwylcuvm anwalde ic pas ping eow ne segge on hwilcen anwealde ich pas wyrce; ping werche. Dixit iesus 9 He ongan pa'is big-spel to kam folce 9 He on-gan pa pis bispell to pam folke discipulis suis parabolanm cweSan; Sum man plantude him wingeard cwa6en. hanc. Homo quidam plan-. hine gesette mid tilium. I he wies him urnm man plantede wingeard.' hine Homo quidani tauit nineam feor manegum tiduma; sette mid tilien. 3 he wss heom plantauit & locauit earn iineam et loagricolis. B. feor manegen tide. eauit agico10 Da on tide he sende hys peow to pam 10 Da on o6re tide he sende his peow tilium bhig him sealdon of jpes wingeardes to pam tilian 3 hyo hym sealden of pas waestme. pa swungon big pTene' idelne wingeardes wrestme. pa swugedon(sic) hyo hine for-leton; anne 7 ydelne hine for-leten. Various Readings. Various Readings. Cap. -xx. 1. A. lerde on pain temple. A. comon psera. Cap. -xx. 1. Rubric as in I-.; anum; coman para 2. A. anwealde. A. anweald. 3. A. acsie. 4. A sacerda eaildras; boceras. 2. cwedon; hus; hwylcum anwalde; Be pe [for se te]; R. oem. pe before sealde. heofene. 5. B. C. hobtun. A. betweox. A. omits from 3. him; andsware; ic; andsweriaZ. 4. heofone hwemer; Gyf to him. 6. A. sig. A. hig. A. geare. 7. A. mannum. 5. cwma3on; heofone. 6. secget; sy; manhFanon. S. A. anwealde. 9. A. plantode. 10. A. nun; -hi wiston gare; Iohannes; witega. 7. andswaroden; nysten. 8. halend heom to; hwilcum; ic; wyrce. 9. big-spel; folce ewe'San; rubric as in H.; plantode him wingeard; manegum. 10. R. om. oSre; weastme; swungon; ponne. ,CHAP. XX.] 191 CAP. XX. I aworden woes on anum iara d-agana lerende hine f folc in temlple I bodande 1 *ET factum est in una dierum docente illo populum in templo et euangelizante * LXXX. 240. ii. mt. ccxuii. efne-cuomon -sa alldormenn sacerdo I uOuuto AmiS aem,mldestum I stegdon cuoe'endo'Sus to mr. cxxuii. conuenerunt principes sacerdotum et scribae curn senioribus 2 et aiunt dicentes ad him cuoe'S us in Ihuelc mhlit Sas Su doest 1 huele is sese gesalde Se Sios mroht ilium dic nobis in qua potestate haec facis aut quis est qui dedit tibi hanc potestatem ondsuarede sa cuoe- to Ssem weollo fregna iuih 3 ic anum worde ondsuaraide -4 ondsuaret 3 respondens autem dixit ad illos interrogabo uos et ego unum uerbum respondete me fuluiht iohannis of heofnumn wes T4 from monnum soS hia gesmeaudon mihi 4 baptismurn iohannis de caelo erat an ex hominibus 5 at illi cogitabant bituih him cuoeeSende forson gif we cuoeSas of heofnu cuoeeJs he forhuon forSon ne gelefdegie him inter s6 dicentes quia si dixerimnus de caelo dicet quare ergo non credidistis ei gif sonne we cuoe-sas from monnum 9 folc all gestke Nas usig untuendlic sind forSon 6 sin autem dixerimus ex hominibus plebs uniuersa lapidabit nos certi sunt enim fron iohanne witga -te woere J geondsuaredon - hia ne wiston huona woere iohannen prophetam esse 7 et responderunt sd nescire unde esset 8 et se hbelend cuoe;'6 oemi ne ic cuoe-;o iuh in huoele maeht -sas ic d6mn on-gann he iesuis ait illis neque ego dico uobis in qua potestate haec facio 9 *Coepit * LXXXI. 241. ii. mt. ccxuiiii. ia cuoeo;a to;sem folce geddung i;ios monn gesette wingeard: agaef T4 hia, sem buendurn mr. cxxuiii, autem dicere ad plebem parabolam hanc homo plantauit uineam et locauit eam colonis *: he suise fearr waes monigum tidum J in tid sende to bigengum esne et ipse peregre fuit multis temporibus 10 et in tempore misit ad cultores seruum 9te of wiestm Tes wingeardas ~te saldon him.Sa-e gesorscen forleorton hine Idelhende ut de fructu uineae darent illi qui caesum dimiserunt eum inanemrn Cap. XX. 1. 7 giworden woes on anum datge sara lorde hine Iset folc in temple J bodende efne-comun Isa aldormen sacerda & uS-wuta mis ISem mldrum 2. cwesende to him cwse$ us in hwelcer msehte -;as su does J liwele is sese sele-S se Sas mmlite 3. ondsworade Sa cwveS to Soem welle fregna iowih: ic worde giondsworiga-S me, 4. fulwiht iohannis of heofne wses i from m6nnum 5. sos hime gismeadun bitwih him cwesende forson gif we cweoSas of heofne cweSes us forhwon forSon negi-lefdon ge him 6. gif 15onne we cweoSas from monnum J5 folc all gistsene-i usih wutudlice sindun forlson from iohanne witga q te were 7. 1 ond-sworade him no wistun hwona were 8. J -;e hmelend cwses him ne ic cweSo iow in swa hwelce mmhte sas ic dom 9. ongan sa cweoSa to Ssem folche geddunge sas moln gisette wingeard 3 agef hine &sem byendum n he swise fear woes monigum tidum 10. i to tide sende to bigengum esne 4te of wraestmum win-gearde3 ~te salde him sase gi;orscen forleortun hine idel-hende 192 [LUKE, 11 Da sende he osSerne Peow pa beoton 11 Da sende he oSerne peow. pa byeton hig amene 1 mid teonuum gewoecende hine hyo hine and mid teonen ge-wsecende hine forleton idelne; for-leten ydelne. 12 pa sende he pridan. pa wurpon big 12 pa sende he pridden. pa wurpen hyo ut pa-ne gewundudne; ut Jtene ge-wundenne. 13 Da cwie6 p]ams wingeardes hlaford 13 Da cwae5 pas win-geardes hlaford hwmet do ic. ic asende minne leofan sunu hweet do ich. ich asende minne leofne sune wenunga hine hig for-wandia5 ponne hig wenunge hine hyo for-wandian panne hyo hine geseop; hine ge-seo6., 14 Da hine pa tilian gesawun hig pohton 14 Da hine pa tilian ge-seagen hyo betwux him J cwaedon; Her ys se yrfe- Pohten be-tweoxe heom. and cwmaSen. Her weard. cumap uton hine ofslean f seo eht ys se earfednyme; cume'6 uton hine of-slean. ure sy; pret syo ehte ure byo. 15 J big hine of pam wingearde awurpon 15 7 hyo hine of pam wingearde awurpen ofslegene; HEwat de6 poes wingeardes ut of-sloagen. Hwoet de5 pes wingeardes hlaford. hlaford. 16 he cym>6. I for-spill6 pa tilian. J 16 He cymd 7 for-spilS pa tilien 7 syld sylp paene wingeard o6rumn; Hig cwaedon pane wingeard oH;rum. Hyo cw(e>Sen pa pa hig pis gehyrdon J ne gewurpe; hyo pis ge-hyrden f ne ge ne (sic) wur~e. 17 Da beheold he hig 7 cwa~56; Hwoet 17 pa be-heold he hyo 7 cwe;6. Hwet is f awriten is. pone stan pe S6a wyrhtan is fj awriten ys. pane stan pe pa werhtan awurpon. pes is geworden on p]ere hyrnan awurpen. pes is ge-wor'6en on pare hernen heafod; heafod. 18 iElc ke fylp ofer prne stan bye5 for- 18 Elc pe fyld ofer pane stan bye forbryt. ofer P7ene pe he fyl6. he to-cwyst; berst; ofer pane pe he fyld. he to-cwest. 19 Da sohton para sacerda ealdras 7 pa 19 Da sohten pare sacerda ealdres I pa boceras hyra handa on jPtre tide on hine bokeres heora handa on pa tide on hine wurpun. J hig adredon him f fole; So>6- wurpen. J hyo adredden heom 1 folc. lice hi ongeton f he pis big-spell to hivm SoSlice hyo on-gaeten T he pis bispel to cwme>; heom cw&t6. Various Readinzgs. TVarious Readinzgs. 11. A. Jone. 12. A. pryddan;'B. C. priddan. A. pone 11. beoton; pone [for hine]; teonum. 12. priden; gewundodne. 13. A. wyn-eardes. 14. A. gesawon. wurpan; gewundedne. 13. ic; leofe; wenunga; ponne. A. betweox. A. sig, 15.A. wyn-earde. A. ofslagene; 14. ge-sawen; be-twux; yrfeweard. ctmnas; eht; sy B. ofslage (sic). A. wyn-eardes. 16. A.:jone wyn- [for byo]. 15. awurpon of-slege; pes. 16. cym; tilian; syl~ pmene; cwee;on; ge-hyrdon; ne ge-wur;e. card. A. ge-weorae. 17. C. awrityn. A. heafde. tilian; syn; ge-h 18. A. Jone (2nd time only). 19. A. pra. A. heora. 17 one; yrhtan rpan; ge-worden; han. 18. fyl; pone; for-bryt; ponne; fyl; to-cwyst. 19. sohA. wurpan; but B. C. wurpon. B. hi [for hig]. A. on- tan para; boceras hyra; wurpon; adreden; on-geoton; dredon. A. big on-gcaton. A. bigospel.eom.. CHAP. XX.] 193 1 to-geeecde oterne esne to sendanne {sailco uutedlice -one ec geu;uurscon: awoerdon - 11 Et addidit alterum seruum mittere illi autem hunc quoque caedentes et afficientes mi-6 teancuidum T forleorton idil[h]ende. J to-geecde tone {sirdde to sendanne Sa aec tone geuuncontumelia dimiserunt inanem 12 et addidit tertium mittere qui et illum uulnedadon awurpon cuoes ~sa JT uutedlice hlaferd Sses wingeardes hused ic do ic sendo suno rantes eiecerunt 13 dixit autem dominns uinese quid faciJam mittam filium mmn leofne woen is T4 uutedlice mi-s-sy tSone ilca gesegon gesceomadon 4t tone mfitsy gesegon meum dilectum forsitan cum hunc uiderint uerebuntur 14 queml cuin uidissent;a buendo gesmeadon in him cuoedon ises is erfuard wutun ofsle hine -te usra sie -4 coloni cogitauerunt in se dicentes hic est heres occidamus illumrn ut nostra fiat sio erfuardnise J awoerpen wses hine buta aeem wingearde ofslogon huaed forton does hereditas 15 et eiectum illum extra uineam occiderunt quid ergo faciet'smem hlaford $ses wingeardes cymelS 7 spillelS buendo {sas 9 sellers - wingeard illis dominus uineae 16 ueniet et perdet colonos istos et dabit uineam oiSrum monnunm miS-y ]5 wses gehered cuoedon hia ne sie suse he -sa beheald hia cuoe$ aliis quo audito dixerunt illi absit.17 ille autem aspiciens eos dixit hused is mec,~ is -fte awritten is stan tSone forcuomon.4 etwitadon timbrende -;es Aworden quid est ergo hoc quod scribtum est lapidem quem reprobauerunt aedificantes hic factus wses on heafuid sses huommes eghuoelc sere gefalles on-ufa {smm stane efne-gequoeccad biS' est in capud anguli 18 omnis qui ceciderit supra illum lapidem conquassabitur on-ufa {sone {onne T uutedlice bis gefselled gegrindoes T hine J sohton aldormen supra quem autem. ceciderit comminuet ilium 19 *Et quaerebant principes* 242. i. mt. ccxx. mr. cxxuiiii. 5ara sacerda 7 -a utiuto to sendanne in hine hondo semm tld 7 ondreardon j fole ongetton io. lxxxuiii. sacerdotunm et scribae,mittere in illumr manus illa hora et timuerunt populumn cognouerunt for;on -te to sem 4t to him seolfum gecuoede onlicnise 4' {sios enim quod ad ipsos dixerit similitudinem istam 11. [verse omitted] 12.;J to-gieode (sic) {irdan si;se to sendanne Sa-;e J {sailco giwundadun aworpun 13. cweS; -sa 3Se hlafard {sses wingeardes hwset ic dom ic sendo suno minne leofne woen is T wutudlice misty tone ilco gegisegun giscomadun 14. $one mi~Sty gisegun ~a byende gismeodun bitwih him cwesende ~es is erfeword wutudlice ofsla we hine: userra erfeweard sise 15. J aworpen woes hine buta Sa ciestre ofslogun hwset forSon doeS ~;sem {se hlafard %aes wingeardes 16. cymeS 3 spille' byende;as J sele-S &ene wingeard o-rum mini-y P wseg gihered cwedun hia ne sie swa 17. he ta biheold him cwme$ hwet is forSon -8is -B awriten is st,an -tone fore-comun edwitadun timbrende Mis giworden wines on heofud ~ms hwommes 18. eghwelc seSe gifalleS on-ufa sem stane efile-giewsecebis ofer tone Sonne bis gifrelled gigrindes hine 19. 3 sohtun aldor-men ~ara sacerda J uS-wutu to sendanne on hine hond in;er tide 7 ondreordun 4 fole ongetun for~on Jte to ssem cwsei; onlicuisse bios B 194 [LUKE 20''a sendun hig mid searwum pa 6e 20 A senden hyo mid searwun Pa Pe riht-wise leton f big hine ge- hyo rithwise l-ten f hyo hine scyldgudun I f hig hine gesealdon pam, eal- ge-scyldeden. J fP hyo hine sealden Pan ealdron to d6me' to pees deman anwalde to dren to dome I to pas deman anwealde to fordemanne; for-dempenne. 21 Da ahsodon big hine I cwedon. 1- 21 Da axoden hvo hine 7 cwee6en. reow. we witun f pu rihte spryest 1 lerest. Lareow we wite fp pu rilhte specst. J lerst. 7 for nanon men ne wandast. ac godes weg J for nanen men ne wandest. ac godes on so;fmest-nesse lkerst. weig on so;fmestnysse lerst. 22 Ys hit riht f man pam casere gafol 22 is hit riht' man pam caisere gafol sylle pe nai; sylle pe na. 23 pa cwaeeS he to him pa he hyra ffcen 23 Da cwae6 he to heom. pa he heore onget; Hwi fandige min; facen. on-geat. Hwy fandige min. 24 Ywap me anne penine hwaes anlic- 24 Tewime6 me enne panig. hwas anlicnesse hmefp he. I ofer-gewrit; Da cwaedon nysse hafd he; 7 ofer-ge-writ. IDa cwae6en hig pres caseres; hyo pas caiseres. 25 EDa cwe>6 he to himz; Agyfa5 pam 25 Da cwae6 he to heom. Agyfe ]Pam casere pa 6inng pe a&es caseres synt. i caisere sa ping pe as caiseres sende. I gode pa 6ing pe godes synt. gode pa ping pe godes synde. 26 Da ne mihton hig his word befon 26 pa ne mihten hyo his word be-fon beforan pam folce. pa suwudon hig wun- be-foran pamn folce. pa swugedon hyo wundrigende be his ]sware; driende be his andswere. Dys god-spel 27 Da genealahton sume of saduceum. 27 pa ge-nehlacten sume of pam saducenes dceg ofer pa aetsaca6; pes meristest (sic) I ahsodon hine en. pa et-saceS> pas eristes. I axoden hine pente-costen. Aeccesserunt 28 7 cwedon; Lareow moyses us wrat 28 7 cwe'6en. Lareow moyses ut-wrat ad iesum qui- gif hwes broSor by>e dead I wif hebbe. ] gyf hwas broser byf6 dead 7 wif hmebbe dam saduceorum qui ne- se by6 butan bearnum p his bro6or nime I sye bye6 buten bearne pet his bro;er gant esse resurrectionem, his wlf 7 hys bropor sed awecce; nyme hys wif J his bro>6er seed a-wecce. 29 Seofon gebro&6ru waeron ] se forma, 29 Seofen bro>6ren wmeren I se forme nam nam wif. I wies dead butan bearnum; wif I wies dead buton bearne. 30 Da nam o6er' big I woes dead butan 30 Da nam se oS6er hye; aend iwes dead bearne; buten bearne. Various Readings. Various Readings. 20. A. sendon. A. inserts hig after pa -e. A. gescyl- 20. leson; gescyldgudun; gesealdon pam ealdran; pes; d3godon; but B. C. gescyldgudun. A. anwealde. 21. A. for-demanne. 21. by; cwoedon; witon; spryest; nanon; acsodon. A. wyton. A. B. C. lerst. A. nanum,. A.-nysse. wandast; weyg. 22. casere. 23. heora. 24. Ywa? [for Tewiaers]; pennic. hwaes; hefs; cwaedon; pres caseres. 23. A. heora. A. hwig fandie ge myn. 24. A. Eowias. 25. AgyfaM; caserd; pos easeres synt; synt. 26. miiton; A. penig. A.-nysse. 25. A. synd (twice). 26. A. andsware. 27. ge-nehlecton; R. onz. paim; saduceum; suwedon; B. C. suwudun. A. wundriende. 27. A. et-sacaS; aristes. 28. hwTs broWort; dea (sic); habbe; eerystes; B. C. reristes. A. acsedon. 28. A. broder (1st se [for sye]; butan; broor (twice). 29. bro'ru waeron; butan bearaurl. 30. hyo; butan bearnum.n time only). 29. C. buton. A. bearne. CHAP. XX.] 195 I behealdon sendon seteras 4k;Ba;e hia so;fmesto worhion -4 teledon -4 bebrugdon jte 20 *ET obseruantes miserunt insidiatores qui se iustos simularent ut * LXXXII. 243. ii. mt. ccxxiii. genomo hine on w6rd r fte saldon hine;seem aldord6m J to onwdeldce ~aes under-cyninges mr. cxxx. caperent eum in sermone et traderent etum principatui et potestati praesidis J gefrugnon hine cuoesendo laaruu we wutton 5te recte (sic) bu cuoe-es I ]keres: no 21 et interrogauerunt ilium dicentes magister scimus. quia recte dicis et doces et non onfoses Gnsion 4 ah in soSfsestnisse woege gocles -u kleres is reht T us to seallanne ]5 geafel accipis personarm sed in ueritate uiam dei doces 22 licet nobis dare tributum &aeem caseril 4' n6 sceauade 4' beheald -ta facen 4' esuicnise hiora cuoe' to him forhuon T mec caesari an non 23 considerans autem dolum illorum dixit ad eos quid me gie costages sed-eause me - penning 1 huses haefe-d onlicnessa J 6n-mercung T inn-awritting temtatis 24 ostendite mihi denarium cuius habet imaginem et inscribtionem ondsuaredon T4 cuoedon -Ses caseres I cuoe;d;em agefa 4k ageldas for-on ~a oe &ses caseres respondentes dixerunt caesaris 25 et ait illis reddite ergo quae caesaris sindon -sem casere J'6a -;e godes sindon gode J ne mseghton word his getela 4' sunt coesari et quae dei sunt deo 26 et non potuerunt uerbum eius repraehendere fora $sem folce I awundradon In ondsuserum his gesuigdon T geneolecdon ~;onne summo coram plebem et mirati in responsis eius tacuerunt 27 *Accesserunt autem quidam * LXXXIII. Sara ~a;e onssecca-; -te se erest T4 frugnun hine cuoeSendo saducaeorum qui negant esse resurrectionem et interrogauerunt eum 28 dicentes laruu moses Awrat us gif bro-;er huoelc huoeges dead biWS 4 sG Ote hbebbe wif:';es maister moses scribsit nobis si frater alicuius mortuus fuerit habens uxorem et hic butta sunu biS ~te onfoe hia bro;er his Jpam wife awsecce sed bro-re his sine filiis fuerit ut acciperet eam frater eius uxorem suscitet semen fratri sue seofono for;on bro;ero woeron 3 se forma onfeng 4' genom - wif J dead wses buta sunum 29 septem ergo fratres erant et primus accepit uxorem et rmortuus est sine filiis I sohte 4' fylgde onfeng ~a ilca I he 4' ie dead wses buta sunu 30 et sequens accepit illam et ipse mortuus est sine filio 20. J biheoldun sendun stearas (sic) Saqse hike so-feste worhtun -fte geongunne hine on worde I -te saldun hinse sem aldor-dome J to onwselde $es undercyniges 21. 1 gifrugnon hine cweSende larow we wutun;Sette reht ~u lkeres: cwe-;es J ne onfoas onsione an (siC) ij so;frestnisse woege godes -;u lseres 22. is reht us to sellanne tone gerlo'sem casere T noo 23. sceawade t biheald $a eswic hiora cwae~ to;sem hwbet mec ge costigas. 24 set-eowas me;onie pening hwses hsefes onlicnisse I onmercunge 7 onwritinge ondsworadun ewedun;ses caseres 25. J cwwe-; -pmc ageofa- fordSon %a-e 1tes caseres sindun -Sem casere ] a-e godes sindun gode 26. j ne mmehtun word his gi-tela bifora S;em folche J awundrade on ond-swore his J swigadun 27. gineolicadun -onne sum bsara hiora -a~;e no on-secca-t &sette sie erest J gifraegn hine 28. cweSende moyses wrat us gif bro;er hwelces hwogu dead biS;e hsefde wif J ~es buta suno bi; f'te on-foe;a bro;er ~;em wife: awecce sed bro;or his 29. siofune fordon brotor his (sic) weron; ~e forma onfeng wif ~oet. doeed w s buta sunea 30. J sohte 4 fyligde onfeng $a ilco [omission] BB 2 196 [LUKE. 31 Da nam se pridda big. 7 swa ealle 31 pa nam se pridde By i wses dead seofone. I nan soad ne lfdon I waeron buton bearne. 1, swa ealle seofene I nan* * MS. nAd. deade. seed ne lefden I weeren deade buton. 32 pa ealra ytemest wes 1 wif dead; 32 pa ealre ytemest was 1 wif dead. 33 On pam eeryste hwylces hyra wif 33 On Pam seriste hwilces heores wif bit; by6 j. 34 Da cwsep se helend to him. p]ysse 34 pa cwwe6 se heelend to heom pisse wvorulde beam wifia6 I beo'6 to giftum worulde bearn wifie>6 by'S to gyfton gegesealde; sealde. 35 Da Se synt tPere worulde wyr&e. I 35 >Sa >Se synde pare werulde wurSe. oerystes of deauium ne giftigeap hi ne wif eeristes of dea6e ne gyftia 5 hy * ne wif ne * MS. hyo, ne laeda>| l~edeE. alt. to hy. ne l'Wda6 lede6. 36 ne ofer P sweltan ne magon. hig 36 ne ofer T sweltan ne magen. 7 hyo synt so6lice englum gelice. I big synt synden so>6lice senglen ge-lice I hyo synden godes beam ponne big synt serystys bearn. godes bearn. panne hyo synden aeristes bearnm. 37 for-pam, pe so"5lice deade arisa6. 7 37 for-pam pe sosSlice deade arise6. 7 moyses set-ywde wi6 anne beig-beam swa moyses atewde wi6 senne beig-beam. swa he cwse6; Drihten abrahammes god. I he cwaem;. Drihten abrahames god. I isaaces god. 7 iacobes god. ysaacs god. I iacobes god. 38 nys god deadra ac lybbendra. ealle 38 rnys god deadre ac libbendra; ealle big him lybbaW; hyo him libbeY. 39 Da 7swarudon himn sume para bocera 39 Da andswerede him sum pare bokere w cwedon. lireow. wel pu cwede. cwMs6en. lareow; wel pu cwea6e., 40 7 big hine leng ne dorston aenig Ping 40 7 hyo hine leng ne dorston senig ping ahsian; axien. 41 pa cwse~ he to himn; Hwi secga; big 41 Da c'. he to heom. Hwi seggeg; J crist sy dauides sunu. hyo f crist sy daui;es sune. 42 7 dauid cwy>6 on pam sealme. drihten 42: dauid cwe>6 on pam sealme. Drihten s"de to minumz drihtne site on mine swi'6- saede to minen drihtne. site on minen ran healfe. swi6ren healfe Various -Readings. Various Readings. 31. A. seofene. 33. A. heora. 34. A. weorulde. 31. prydda hyo; butan bearnum; seofone; nan; lsefdon. 35. A. synd. A. weorulde. A. giftias. A. om. hi. 36. 32. ealra. 33. hyora. 34. halend; weorulde; wifia6; A. synd (thrice). A. serystes; but B. C. serystys. 37. A. gyfton (as in H.). 35. weorulde; aristes; deadun; hyo; bei-beam. A. B. C. abrahames. 38. A. deaddra god. ledaM. 36. swelten; R. om. J after magen; synt (thrice); 39. A.l swaredon. A. paera. 40. A. acsian. 41. A. englum; ponne hi; veristis (sic). 37. arisa$; set-ywde; anne; beig-beam (as in H.); isaaces. 38. deadra;'hwigo A s 01 %2. A. om. to. libendra; libbas. 39. andswaraden; sume para bocera; cwsedon. 40. dorton (sic); axsoian (sic). 41. segga$; dauides. 42. minum (1st time); swigran. CHAP. XX.] 197: se Sirdda genom hia ongelc: alle seofono J no forleorton sed 31 et tertius accepit illam similiter et omnes septem et non relinquaerunt semen I deado woeron 4T hio met nesta T4 hlretmesta allra hio deado wres ec f wif in et mortui sunt 32 nouissirna omnium mortua est et mulier 33 in erest for~Sonne hures Sara 4' hiora bi 9- wif refter -Son Sa seofono hrefdon hia T 4k filca wif resurrectione ergo cuius eorum erit uxor siquidem septemr habuerunt earn uxorem 7 cuoeS rsem se hrelend suno worelcles Sisses gesiniga-S J sald bison to bryd-lopum T 4a 34 et ait illis iesus filii saeculi huius nubunt et traduntur ad nuptias 35 illi uutedlice Sa-s[e] wyrSo habbas 4T wvyr'e bison worulde'Sem J erest from deadum ne sinigaS 4' autem qui digni habebuntur saeculo illo et resurrectione ex mortuis neque nubunt ne liededs 4 fatas wifo ne forSon leng T4 ofer ]- deadage 4' magon gemmecca -4 gelico, for-Non neque ducunt uxores 36 neque enim ultra mori poterint aequales enim englum bison 3 sunu bison godes mi-S -y bision suno eristes forSon 4T so&lice 4' arisais angelis sunt et filii sunt dei cum sint filii resurrectionis 37 quia uero resuroant:5a deado r moses adeaude rett recm heape 4T sume cuoe6 drihten god abraham 3 god mortui et moses ostendit secum rubum sicut dicit dominum deum abraham et deum isaces A god iacobes god Sonne 4 uutedlice no is deadra ah hlifigiendra alle isaac et deum iacob 38 deus auteim non est mortuorum sed uiuorum omnes for'on hlifiga; him ondsuareclon Sa sumo Sara uduutana cuoedon laruu wel enim uiuunt ei 39 respondentes autem quidamn scribarum dixerunt magister bene -Su cnoede I leng 4' forSor no darston hine mnight 4T gefrregne cuoeS dixisti 40 *Et amplius non audebant eum quicquam interrogare 41 tDixit mil uutecllice T4 Sonne to srem huu cuoesas crist sunu dauiSes rte see 7 se ilca t ] auteln ad illos quomodo dicunt christum filium dauid esse 42 et ipse 24 dauiS cuoeS on boec ~ara salma cuoeS drihten drihtne rminlnm sitt to suiSrum minum dauid dicit in libro psalmorum dixit domninus domino meo sede 6 dextris nleis I alle sa siofune: ne for-leortun sed J deode werun 32. hio ret nesta 4 laetemest Sa alra deod wres I wif f 33. in eriste forSon wins hiora' -Sara bi S wif gif rafter-on'Sa siofune hrefdun hia 34. J cwreS Seem Se haelend suno weorulde Sisse *gisinnigo J sald bioson to bryd-hlopum 35. Sa wutudlice SaWe wyrse habba-6 T wyrSe bioJon weorlde srer J on eriste from deaose ne synnigaS ne liedas 4' ne foas wif -sa 36. ne forBon leng deadiga magan gimmecce forSon englas sindun J sunu sindun godes missy bioSo suno erestes 37. forSon soislice ariseos sa heope.... sva cwre-S drihten god abrahames 7 god.... J god.... 38. god wutudlice ne is deodra ah lifgendra alle forSon lufigaS him 39. onsworade sum sara utwutuna cwreS wel su cwede 40. J leng 4' for)or ne darstun hine gifregna reniht 41. cwre Sa to Srem huu cweooas go crist sunu were dauides 42. 3 he dauiS cwre~ on boec Sara salmana cwres drihten drihltne lninun sitt to swiSra rain 198 [LUKE. 43 o6 j ic asette pine fynd to fot-sceamole 43 od 1f ic asette pine feond to fotpinra fota; scamele pinre fote. 44 Dauid hine clypa~5 drihten I humeta 44 Dauid hine cleope6 drihten. I hu ys he hys sunu; mmete is he his sune. 45 Da ssede he hys leorning-cnihtum. 45 pa saigde he his leorning-cnihten eallum folce gehyrendum; ealle folce ge-herende. 46 Warnia'6 wi6 pa boceras S6a pe wylla'6 46 Warnie"6 eow wi'6 pa bokeres. pa pe on gegyrlum gan. I lufia6 gretinga on wille'6 on ge-gyrlan gan. I lufige gretunge strsete. 7 pa yldstan setl on gesamnungum on strate. 7 pa yldest settl on ge-samnu[n]7 pa forman hlininga on gebeorscypum. gan. J pa formen Peninge on ge-beorscipen. 47 pa forswelga6 wydywyna hus. hiw- 47 pa for-swelge>6 wudewena* us hiw — na is repeatgende lang gebed. pa onfob6 maran geny- gende lang ge-bed. p~a on-fo>6 mare ge- tihe lne.bOe perunge; nyuSerunge. CHAPTER XXI. CHAPTER XXI. l Da he hine beseah he ge-seh pa wele- 1. pa he hine be-seah; he ge-seah pa gan hyra lac sendan on ]Pone sceoppan. welian heore lac senden on pane sceoppan. 2 pa geseah he sume earme wydewan 2 Da ge-seah he sume earme wudewan bringan twegen feor>6-lingas; bringen twegen ferS6inges. 3 Da cw&e6 he soS6 ic eow secge J 6eos 3 pa cwae>6 he so>6 ic eow segge poet peos earme wudewe ealra mest brohte; earme wudewe aelre maest brohte. 4 So;es ealle pas brohton gode lac of 4 Sodes ealle pas brohten gode lac of hyra mycelan welan. peos wudewe brohte heore micelen welen. peos wudewe brohte of Pamn pe heo hbefde ealle hyre andlyfene; of pam pe hyo hafde ealle hire andlyfene. 5? pa cwseS he to pam pe siedon be pam 5 1 fa cwsee; he to pam' pe saiden be pam temple. j hit wore geglenged mid g6dumn temple f hit weere ge-glenged mid goden stanum I godumn gifum. stanen J goden gyfen. 6 pas ping Pe ge geseo'6 pa dagas cuma>6 6 Das ping pe ge ge-seo6. pa dages on panm ne bi>6 stan laefed ofer stan. pe ne cume>6 on pan ne beo6 stan lefed ofer beo to-worpen; stan; pe ne beo to-worpen. 7 pa ahsodon hig hine la bebeodend 7 ]pa axoden hyo hine. La be-beodend. hwaenne beo>6 pas ping. 7 hwylce tacna hwanne beo6 pas ping. I hwilcne tacne beo'6 ponne pas ping gewur6ap; beo>6 panne pas ping ge-wur6Se;6. Various Readings. Various Readings. 43. A. fot-sceamele. 46. A. yldestan. A. hleonunga; 43. ois; Jinra fota. 44. clypas. 45. ssede; -cnihtB. hlinunga; C. hlininga (as in text). 47. A. wudewena. ur; ge-hyrendum. 46. Warni,; boceras; wyaI; geA. hiwigende. A. ge-nyperunga. gyrlumn; lufiaM gretunga; yldestan seel (sic); ge-samnungum; forman hlininga; ge-beorseypum. 47. forCap. xxi. 1. A. beseh. A. heora. 2. A. B. C. swelgaS wydewena; us (as in H.). wudewan. 4. A. heora. 7. A. acsedon. A. tacen. Cap. xxi. 1. welegan hira; sendan; pone. 2. firslingas. 3. ealre. 4. So;es; hyora mycelan weolan; A. geweorjat. heo. 5, seegdon; ware; godum stanum; godumn gyfunzm. 6. cylma; pain bye; lkefed. 7. hwamnne; hwylce; Jonne; ge-wur'as. CHAP. XX.] 199 o~; ite ic setto fiondas;ine to fot-scoemel fota ~;inra fordson drihten 43 donec ponam inimicos tuos scabellum pedum tuorum 44 dauid ergo dominum teilco 4' tone ceigei J huu sunu his is mi$S-y wies gehered ~a allur folce cuoe-S illum uocat et quomnodo filius eius est 4a5 *Audiente autem 1 omni populo dixit * 246. ii. mt. ccxxIiiiii $egnum his be-halda-5 iuih from uW-utumn 5a 5oe wall~a geonga In stolum T on oferslopum mrr. cxxxn. discipulis suis 46 attendite a scribis qui uolunt ainLbulare in stolis J lufas groetingo in spr-ec u a forma seatlas in somnungum u -a formo sedlo in et amnant salutationes in foro et primas cathedras in synagogis et primos discubitos in gebearsciopum ~a Se forsuelgas 4t huiso Sa widuena wyrcas T -k lonlg gebed $as 4' ~ta onfom$ 4T conuiuis 47 eQui deuorant domos uiduarum simulantes longanm orationem hi accipient * 247. u [iii. mr. [MAS. mt. ] cursung ji mara T -~ maasto CXXXUL damnationern naiorem CAP. XXI. eft beheald JSa 4 -;onne geselh i a;aS;e gesendon -;ingo hiora weligo 1 respiciens autem uidit eos qui mittebant munera sua in gazophilacium dinites gesoeh l;onne U sumn oSer 4 an widua iorfondlico sendende mislenno feorszengastuoegTlanfeorsunge 2 uidit autera et qua[n]dam uiduam pauperculam mittentem aera minuta duo J cuoe'; so' is f ic cuoe-o iuh fte widluua 5ios 4,;as;arfe for2or -on alle senlde 3 et dixit uere dico uobis quia uidua haec pauper plus quamr onnes misit forS on Alle -;as T ~Sa of monigfaldnise him sendon in iSingum godes bios uutedlice of - on 4 nam omnes hi ex abundantia sibi miserunt in munera dei haec autem ex eo ite wona is T forloren is 4, woes hire all lifo&Sen hire t;one ~ js hsefde sende J quod deest illi omnem uictum suum quem habuit misit 5 *ET' LXXXU. 248. ii. 6ara sum cuoeSendum of temple -te. miS g6dum stanum J geafum gehrined were cuoe8 mt. ccxlii. quibusdam dicentibus de templo quod lapidibas bonis et donis ornatum esset dixit m. exxxii. -as 5a te gie gesegon 4' gesea- cynmas dagas on 5amm ne bis forleten stan ofer stane se-e 6 haec quae uidetis uenient dies in quibus non relinquetur lapis super lapidem qui ne bi-s tostrogden gefrugnon isonne hine cuoe-sendo hoesere 4' huoenne -;as 4 $a bison non destruatur 7 *INterrogauerunt autem illum dicentes praeceptor quando haec erunt * 249. ii. mt. ccxliii. 9 huoelc 41 humed becon 4, tacon mi-58y geworSa T jte sie 4 to wosanne onginna n mr. exxxuiii. et quod signurn cum fieri incipient 43. oiset ic sette fiondas ~ine scomel fota sinra 44..... forSon drihten ~eilca giceee J huu sunu his is 45. miSs-y waes gi-hered'a allum folche cwoees $egnum his 46. bihaldas from u~swutumn -aSe wallas gonga on stollum J lufas groetinge on sprece J $a forma seatlas on somnungum I'a forma sedlo in gibeorscipe 47. ~aSe forswelgaS hus widwa wyrcas ] longe gibed'5as onfoast Sset mara - mast cursunge Cap. XXI. 1. eft biheold -onne gisveh -a isa-se gisendun ar (sic) sing hiora in gazophilacium weolige 2. giseh $onne sum oSer widwe tsorFendlico sendende msesleno feorSungias twoege 3. 7 cwse- sot is ~Set ic cwe-o iow 1ssette widwe -Sios ~orfende forsor son alle sende 4. for-Son - sms ta alle of mnonigfaldnisse him sendun on Sincgum godes Sios wutudlice of Son Sette wona is hir all lif hire tiet hio hefde hio sende 5. 3 ~ara sum cwetendum of temnple ~sette mis stanumn godum 3 geofum girinad were cw -t 6. Sios a";e gisegun cymes dagas on Jiem ne bi; forleten stan ofer stane sere ne bi; strogden 7. gifrugnun ~onne hine cwedende hesere hwveune sas bioton hwele gif becun mli'sy bi-s Sect he (sic) onginnet 200 f[LuV: 8 Da cwae he warnia> 6 ge ne syn be- 8 Da cwse hle warnie6 eow f ge no swicene. manege cuma6 on minurz naman. byon be-swikene. manege cuma6 on minen I cweoSa6S; Io hit eom J tid genealaec;6; ne namen I cwe6ed. Ic hit eomo. tid gefare ge sefter him, nehlkece. ne fare ge sefter heom. 9 ne beo ge bregede ponne ge geseo'6 9 ne beo ge bregede panne ge ge-seoS gefeoht and twy-rmednessa; Das ping ge- ge-feoht 3 twirednyssa. Das Ping ge-byriaS byrigea'6 meryst\ac nys ponne gyt ende;) aerest. ac nys ~anne gyot ende. 10 Da cwme5 he to him peod arist agen 10 DOa cwaeed he to heom. PJeode arist Peode 7 rice agen rice agen peode. 3 rice agen rice. 11 I beo5 mycele eorpan styrunga geond 11 3 beo6 mycele eorP6e steriunge. geond stowa. 3 cwealmas 3 hungeor. egsan of stowa; I cwalmes. 3 hunger 3 egsan on heofone I mycele tacna beosS. heofene 3 mychele tacne beo6. 12 ac toforan eallum pissum hig nima>6 12 ac to-foren eallen bisen byo nymeo eow 3 ehtan 3 sy'S6an eow on gesamnunga. eow 7 ehteo 3 sSy66an cow on ge-samnurige.: on hyrdnyssa 3 lodap eow to cyningum I' on hyrdnyssa. I la$de6 eow to kyningen. to demum for minum naman. 3 to demen for minen namen. 13 ]is eow gebyraS on gewitnesse; 13 pis eow ge-byrieo on ge-witnesse. 14 Ne sceole ge on eowrum heorturn 14 Ne scule ge on eowren heorten forfore-smeagan hu ge 7swarian. smeagen hu ge andswerien; 15 ic sylle eow mu56 I wisdom. pamn 15 ic selle eow mu>6 I wisdom. paml ne magon ealle eower wi;er-winnan wi6- ne magen ealle eower wi>ser-winnan wi'& standan 7 wi>6-cwe6an; standen3 wi6-cweoala. 16 Ge beo6 gesealde fram magum'n ge- 16 Ge beoo5 ge-sealde fram magen 3 broS6rum 7 cu>Sum 3 freondum.' hig eow ge-bro>Sren. 3 cuSen. I freonden. 3 hyo to dea6e geswenca>6. eow to deane ge-swenced. 17' ge beo6 eallum on hatunga. for 17 3 ge byoe eallen on hatigenga for minumn naman. minen name. 18 7 ne for-wyr6 a locc of eowrum 18' ne for-wur6 a locc of eowren hsefheafde; de, 19 On eowrum gepylde ge gehealda65 19 On eowren ge-pelde ge ge-healded eowre sawla; eowre sawle. Deysygoda!pe 20ll 2 one ge greseoo hierusalem mid 2 anne ge ge-seo iJerusalem mid um uideritis gebyra; on 20 ponnho gr gesers uiersalem mid wodnes dsg here betrymede. witar; p hyre here be-tremed. wite; j heore urdaem irabon ptere.xi. r cumarj ab cean oferpen. toworpennes genealc>;. to-worpnysse ge-neohlEec>. exercit. Various eadings. Various -Readings. 8. A. Manige. 9 A. ge ge-bregede. A. twyrednyssa. 8. warnia;; seon beo-swicene. manega; minum namon; cwe~sa~s; ge-neahlec%. 9. ]jonne; arest; konne gyt. A. ge-byriaa mrest. 10. A, ongean (twice). 11. A. 10. eom. peod. 11. steriunga; hungor; heofone; eond. A. hunger. A. egesan. A. heofene. A.B.C. tacnu. mycele tacnu. 12. to-foran eallum ]issun; nymas; ehta%; hledo% (sic); cyningum; demumr; minum naman. 13. A. gebyre-;. A. ge-wytnysse. 14. A. scyle. A.B. C. 13. ge-byrals; gewitnysse. 14. sceole; eowrum heortum fore-smeagean ge hwu ge andswarian. 15. sylle; magon; -smeagean. A. Jswarion; B. C.;lswarigean. 15. A. wiz-standan. 16. m.gum; ge-bro~rum; eu"um; freonan; but B. C. a (as in text). In A., locc is glossed by haer. dum; ge-swencec. 17. eallumr; hatinga; minumn namen. 15. for-wyrS; eowrumn hafde. 19. eowrum ge-pylde; B. C. heafode. 19. A. sawle. 20. A. toworpenys. ge-healdas; sawla. 20. R]ubric as in HE.; Donne (with red initial); hierulsalem; be-trymede. witaS; hyre toworpnes geneahlacs. CHAP. XXI.] 201 se-Se cuoe-; gesealS -te gie ne se bisuicen 4' menigo' forSon hia cyma-s on nomna ininum cuoeoenclo 8 qui dixit uidete ne seducamnini multi enim uenient in nomine meo dicentes -P ic am I Sio tld geneolecePO geneolecde nallas gie for~Son geon a sefter hinz, emn mi-4 Sy quia ego sum et tempus appropinquauit nolite ergo ire post illos 9 cull uutedlice gie gehere-; gefehto J ymbsetnungo.i ymnbburgumn nallaa iuih forhtiga -t gedmfned is serist Sas autem audieritis proelia et seditiones nolite terreri oportet primnum haec to wosanne Ah huoesre ne sona - ende osa gecutoe semn arisa; cynn wiS 4 on jiegn cynne fieri sed non statimn finis 10 tune dicebat illis surget gens contra gentemn rc wiS rTc eor-hlroerniisso miclo bibSon -;erli stoua I dea-;-bernisse 4, unet regnum aduersus regnum 11 terrae inotus magni erunt per loca et pesticuo radlo I hungro 7 fyrht-nisso of heofium J becono micelo biton ahl a'r Zas Alle lentiae et fames terrores-que de caelo et signa magna erunt 12 *Sed ante haec omnialt' c 250. i. mrt. ccxliii. on-worpa& 4, iuh honda hiora: aoehtad ge biton iuih sellas in somnungunm J hoeftum 4P inih sella i. l cxlui. inicient uobis manus suas et, persequentur tradentes in synagogas et custodias tradentes. xi. ee cyninges 9 to under-cyningun 4, fore noma Iminurm gelimpeo 4, Sonne iRh on cySnise t et reges et ad praesides propter nomnen meumn 13 continget autem uobis in testimonium gesetteo forSon In I uerumn heortum ne gie fore-sencgme hunu sum gie ondsuariga I onduarde ic 14 *Ponite ergo in cordibus uestris non praemeditari quemammodum respondeatis 15 ego * 251. ii. mt. lxxxuiL forSon sello iuh muS I eec snyttro Ssem ne magon hia wis-stondat wis-cuoeosa 4 ongeaegn Alle mr. cxli. enim dabo uobis 6s et sapientiam cui non poterint resistere et contradicere omnes wiSiwordas 4, fiondas iura gesalcl gie bison uutedlice from aldrunm 4 J broSrumn J friondum I aduersarii uestri 16 trademini autem a parentibus et fratribzs et cognatis et megum r to deat;e acuoellas 4, from iuh T of iuih J gie bison1 lWa allum Zonn111U fore amicis et morte afficient ex uobis 17 et eritis odio bmnibcs propter noma mnin her of heafcle Inero no bis forloren 4, ne losaS J on nomen meum 18 et capillus de capite uestro non peribit 19 et in ~yld iuera gie byes T gie agnigaS sauelo iuero mi~ Sy -;onne geseaS gie I gie geseas patientia uestra possidebitis animas uestras 20`Cum autem uideritis * LXXXUI. 252. s. -te se ymbsald 4yllmbsetet from here hier.usalem Sonne wutas gie -pte geneoleca- forletnisse I woestenisse hire circumdari ab exercitu hierusalem tunc scitote quia appropinquhbit desolatio eius 8. sese cwme$ gisea$!Sette ge [Ine] se biswicen monige forHon cuma-s in noma minuni cweisende for'son ic aim crist J -Sio tid togineolicaS nallaS- ge forBSon gonga efter -semn 9. mi-S wutudlice ge giheraS gifeht ymbsetnunge nallaS giforhtiga gidmfne is merist Sas to wosanne ah hweSre ne sona se elnde 10. Sa ge-cweoSalS Tem ariseo cynn T ongmegn cynne J rice wis rice 11. 9 eorso hroernis micelo bioson Serh stowwe 3 doe-s-bernisse 7 hungor fyrhtnisse of heofnum 7 becono llicelo bioeon 12. alh tr ~as alle onginneo8 iowih honda; gioehted ge bioson sellas iowih in somnungutm 7 in hoeftun (sic) iowih sellas to cynigas 3 under-cyniges fore nomna minumn 13. gilimnpe Sonne iow on cyinisse 14. gisettaS mec forSon in heortum iowrunm ne ge for-Sence hu I swa ge oncdsworigas 15. ic forv~on selo iow muS 3 snytru omm ne magun hia giondsworia J wiS-cweosa alle iowre 16. gisald ge bioSon o6nnze from aldcrunm bro;rom J frio[n]dom J megum J to deaSe acwellaS of low 17. J ge bioSon lase allune fore noma minum 18. 3 her of heofde iowrum ne bis forloren 19.: on;ylde iowre settas ge sawle iowre 20. miS6y tonne giseat ge rmette ymb-sald from herge hierusalem tonne wtltas go'6mtte gineolicad forletnis I awestnisse hire C 202 [LUKE. tecosten, Re- 21 ponne fleo on muntas pa Ce on iudea 21 panne fleod on muntes pa Pe on iudea spondensiesus dixitdiscipulis synt J ny6er ne astiga5 pa Se on hyre mid- synde. 3 ni>Ser ne astige>6 pa pe on hire suis. Cumt~ autemn uide- dele synt. I into hyre ne magon pa 6e midlene synd. J in-to here: hus ne mugen * H. hire, iitis circut- alt. to here. dai ab exer- par-ute synt pa pe kser-ute synden. citu. A. Cum 22 forpam n6e pis synt wrace dagas 22 for-jan Pe pis synden wrmce dages. f Uideritis, &c. 1 B. ealle ping syn gefyllede pe awritene synt; ealle ping seon ge-fylde. pe awritene synde. 23 So;lice wa eacnigendusr wife I feden- 23 SoSlice wa eacnigenden wife J fedendum on pagn dagum ponne bi6 mycel of- den on pam dagen panne beo>6 mychel ofpriccednys ofer eor6an. 1 yrre pisumn folce. pricodnys. ofer eor'en. 1 yrre pisen folce. 24 7 hig fealla'6 on swurdes ecge. J beo6 ~ 24 7 hyo falle6 on sweordes egge.. beo5 haeftlingas on ealle peoda; Hierusalem bi6 hbftlinges on eallen peodan. lerusalem fram peodum fortreden o>6 meeg>Sa tida synt beo?6 fram peoden for-treden o>6 maegpa gefyllede; tide syen ge-fyllede. 25 And beo6; tacna on sunnan I on mo- 25 And beo'B tacne on sunnen 7 on nan 7 on steorrum 13 on eor6an. peoda for- tmonan. on steorren. I on eor6an peoda priccednys. for gedrefednesse ses sweges. for-precednyss. for ge-drefednysse. ses swe-' y~a ges 3 yrSa (sic) 26 bifigendum mannunz. for ege 7 an- 26 byfigengan mannen for eige 3 an-bide bide pe eallui ymbe-hwyrfte to-becuma6; ealle pa ymbbe-hrifte (sic) to be-cuma6. Donne beo6 heofones myhta astyrede. panne by>6 heofenes mihte astirede. 27' ponne big geseo6 mannes sunu on 27 7 panne hyo ge-seo6 mannes sune on lyfte cumelnde mid mycelum anwalde 3 lifte cumende mid michelen an-wealde' mneegen-prymme; maegen-primme. 28 Donne Pas ping agynna6 beseo'6 1 28 panne pas ping aginne6 be-seo>6 7 eowre heafdu iup-ahebbap. forpam ~Se eower eowre heafde up ahebbeS. for-pam pe eower alysednes geNealhec5; alysednesse ge-neahlbece&. 29 Da smede he hin, sum big-spel. be- 29 Da saigde he heom sum byspell. beIhealda6; pene lic-bearm 3 ealle trywu healde6 panne fic-beam. 7 ealle treowa. 30 ponne hig wmestm brincga6. ge witun 30 panne hyo wsestme bringe>6 ge wite'6 sumor ys gehende; T sumer is ge-hende. 31 And ponne ge pas ping geseo>6 wita>6 31 lEnd pone ge pas ping ge-seo'6 wita'6 j godes rice is gehende; j godes rice is ge-hende. Various Readings. Various Readings. 21. A. heora mydlene synd. A. synd (twice). 22. A. 21. Pon fleo-5; muntas; synt; astiga5; middele synt; ysancd (tuwice). 23. A. eacniendur. A. pysxsum. 24. hire; R. on. hus; magen; synt. 22. for-pan; synt; wrace dagas; syn ge-fyllede; synt. 23. eacnigendum; C. fellaS. A. sweordes. A. B. C. syn. 25. A. tacnu. fedendum; dagumn; ponne bi-S mycel of-priccednys; eor26. A. byfiendum. B. C. astyrude. 27. A. anwealde.'6an; pisumn. 24. hie fealla'; swurdes ecege; ealle peoda. 25. A. om. Se. A. alyseednys. 29. A. bone. A. i Hierusalem bis; deodum (sic); odc (sic); ticda syn. 25.'treolwa. 30. A. wytonl. |sunnan; steorrum; for-pricednys; iRa. 26. bifigendum'treowa. 30. A. wyton. mannum; pe ealle [for ealle pa]; ymbehwyrfte; ponne; heofones mihta astiride (sic). 27. ponne; michelum. 28. Donne; aginaS; hasfde; alysednes, 29. ssegde; big-spell. be-healdas ponne. 30. pone; bringa.: 31. konne, CHAP: XXI.] 203 5onne ta te In iutea sindon 4' bison fieas In morum I ia ~e on middum hire of-stigpeS 21 *Tune qui in iudsea sunt fugiant in montes et qui in medio eius desce[n]dant * 253. ii. mt. CCXiUiHi. mr. cxlii.,a JSe In londumn bibon ne in-gaaS in t;er' forSon dagas wreccenise %a bi-'on Jte se gefylledo et qui in regiolibus non intrent in eam 22 quia dies ultionis hi sunt ut impleantur alle tale auritteno sindon wme;onne;sem berendum 5 foedendum on tem dagumomnnia quae scribta sunt 23,U&e autem praegnantibus et nutrientibus in illis diebus * 254. ii. mt. ccxluiiii. bis for;on ofer-sui;nisso 4 micelo on-ufa eor{So I wrse-So folce tissurn: gefallas hia In mue m. x *ERit enim praesura magna supra terran et ira populo huic 21 tEt cadent in ore * 255. ii. rLat. ccli. mr. cxlui. suordes 3 geteodo gel'aeded bi-on in alle cynno 4 haedno 7 hierusalem ahened bi- 4' gehniCrad bi% from haidnum t 256. x. gladii et captiui ducentur in omnes gentes et hierusalem caicabitur a gentibus oelsT t se gefylled tido' tara cynna J bison beceno on sunna 1 mona I on tunglum donee impleantur tempora nationurm 25 *'ET erunt signa in sole et luna et in stellis * 257. ii. mt. ccluiii, mr. cl. I on corumi ofersui-;nisse 4' hsedno T htSinra miS fore-scending 4' suegungnisso 4 sins 7 Bara y ana et in terra pressura gentium prae confussione sonitus maris et fluctuunm senm forculzmmenum 3 monnun' fore egisa I bides T basnung ta te ofer-cymmas allurm 26 arescentibus hominibus prae timorem et expectatione quae superueniunt uniuerso ymbhuirfte forcon memgno heofna gestyredo T4 bison J ta gesoea sunu monnes orbi nam uirtutes caelorumn mouebuntur 27 *ET tune uidebunt filium hominis * 258. ii. mt. ccluiiii. mr. cli. eymencde In wolcne miS onwoeldc micla J trymm &em' Ias uutedlice to wosanne oenientern in nube cum potestate magna et maiestate 28 his autem fieri onginnendum eft-locat 1 T ahebbas heafda iuera; forSon geneolacet onlesnisse iuera incipientibuts *tespicite et leuate capita uestra quoniam appropinquat redemtio uestra LXXXUII. g cuoee him onlienisse 4' gesea6S i fic-beam: alle treo mi'Sy fora-brengat 29 et dixit illis sinillitudinenm uidete ficulneam et omnes arbores 30 cum producunt uutedlice of him wsestm witteo gie fte neh is Se summer 6n ~a wisa sec gie mi-ssy iain ex se fructumn scitis quoniam prope est aestas 31 ita et nos cumn gie geseaS Zas ite aworte 4' fte hia se aworden wuttat gie -te neh is T biS ric godes uideritis haec fieri scitote quoniam prope est regnum dei 21. tonne'a'e in iudeunm sindun fleas on moras J Ia'se on middulm hire no astigeS J taSe on londum no ingongas in ta 22. forSon dagas wreenisse tas sindun - se gifylled alle Sate awriteno sindun 23. w se tonne rSem berendume 7 foedenduri in -Sem dagum biS forSon of-swiSnissunm micelre ofer eoreo n wrselo folche {issum 24. V fallas hice in muS swordanan giSiode to-dceled bioton in alle cynn ahened biUS from heoSnum teodum oSsoet sie gifylled -sio tid tarma cynna 25. V bioton beceno on sunna J mona J steorra 7 on eorio ofer-swi-Snisse hll;nana miS forscendinge swinsunge I seos J -ara ytana 26. tcom for-cumnum monnumi fore egsa 9 bides [T] basnunge;ate ofer-cumat allumn hwyrfte forSon msegen heofna onwended biS 27. J ta giseat sunu monnes cymende in wolenum miS onwmlde miclum J 5rymme 28. cm wutudlice onginnendum eft-locciga$ J ahebbaS heofodo iowre forSon neolica onlesnisse iowrum 29. cewe him onlicnisse giseatS one fic-beom J alle tree 30, miSty forebrengaS wutedlice of him winstim wutai go tectte neh is ~e sumeor 31. on ~a wise 3 ge mi~;y gisea';as wosa wutaS ge fte neh bit rice godes 002 204 [LuKE. 32 So'lice ic eow seege pJeos cneo- 32 So~lice ich eow segge ] peos cneores res ne gewit,erJiamn Pe ealle pas Nbing ge- ne ge-wit mer pam pe ealle pas ping gewurpon; wurSon. 33 Heofen 7 eor>Se gewitap soslice mine 33 Heofene I eorte ge-witeo; soBlice word ne gewita'n; mine word ne ge-wita6. Dys godspel 34 Warniap eow pe-loes eower heortan 34 W.ernieE6 eow pi-lhes eower heorten gebyra-5 on on gehefegude syn on ofer-fylle 1 on druncen- ge-hefegede synd on ofer-fylle 7 on drunceleftan wucan lnesse 7 pises lifes carurn 7 on eow se faerlica nesse 7 pises lifes carun 7 on eow syo se ofer pente. costen. A., daeg be-cume feerlice daig be-cume Ad(Itendite nobis ne 35 swa swa grin; He be-cymp on ealle 35 swa swa grin. He be-cymse on ealle graoentur pa &e sitta6 ofer eor'San ansyne; pa pe sitter ofer eor>6an ansiene. corda uestra capula 36 Wacia6 on aelcere tide 7 bida5 f ge 36 wakie6 on relcere tide 7 bidda5 T ge ebrietate & curis. A. wurde syn. f ge pas towerdan ping for- wur>e syn. f ge Pas to-wearde ping forfleon. I standan beforan mannes suna; flean 7 standen be-foran mannes sune. 37 So"lice he wses on daeg on ptai tenm- 3 So5]ice he wses on daig on aram temple ple laerende. 7 on niht he eode I wunode lherende. J on niht he eode I wunede on on bpam munte Pe ys gecweden oliueti pam munte Pje ys cweoen oliuetj. 38 7 eall fole on morgen com to him, to 38 7 eall fole corn on morgen to him to pa~m temple T hi hine gehyrdon; pam temple pset hyo hine ge-hyrdon. CHAPTER XXII. CH1APTER XXII. Des passio 1 3 a so6lice genealehte freols-deg I A so>lice ge-neahlacte freols-daige,vodnes dug azimoruvm se is geeweden eastre azimorum se ys ge-cwwe>en eastre. pal wuan. 2 73 ara sacerda ealdras I pa boceras 2 pare sacerda ealdres I pa bokeres A. B. Adpro- simeadon hu hig hine forspildon; [So6lice smoegdon hu hyo hine forspildon. So'lice "tee dies hIig adredon him f folc;] hyo adredden heom T folc.:restus. A. 3 Da eode satanas on iudam. se wins 3 Da eode sathanas on iudam se wses o>6re naman scarioth. an of pamb twelfumn. o>re name scariot an of pamz twelfen. 4 pa ferde he I spac mid para sacerda 4 pa ferde he 7 sprsce mid pare sacerde ealdor-mannumz I dugu6e ealdruvm hu he ealdre mannen. I 6ugede (sic) ealdren hine him gesealde; hu he hine heomn sealde. Various Readings. Various Readings. 32. A. cneorys. A. geweorJ;an. 33. B. C. Heofon. 32. ic; cnereos (sic); alle. 33. ge-wita% (twice). 34. 34. A. py-loes. A. ge-hefegode. A. druncennysse. A. WarniaO; je-loes; heortan gehefegude synt; druncennysse; ]Jysses. 36. A. byddaS. A. weor-e. A. toweardan. carumn; dag. 35. slittaSi; eor-am (sic) ansyne. 36. 37. B. C. lerynde. 38. A. mergen. A.,hyg; B. C. hig. wacia%. 37. pe his ge-cwe~en oliueti. Cap. xxii. 1. C. Sa [for Da, by mistake]. A. eastron. Cap. xxii. 1. ge-neahlachte; -dsega. 2. para; 2. C. omn. 3 before para, A. Aesera. Corpus MS. omits ealdras; boceras smeaggdon; adreden. 3. satanas; from SoBlice to folc, which is szupoplied from B. C.; A. nlama; twelfum. 4. sprsec; sacerda ealdor-mannum; has So lice hig ondredon hym i folc. 4. A. sprec.;ugede (as in HI.); ealdrun; eorn sslde. A. Jera. A. dugode. CHAP. XXI.] 205 sos is ~ ic cuoeco inh ~te noe geliore-; -4 cneoreso {Sios o;s -P alle hia se aworden heofon 32 amen dico uobis quia non praeteribit generatio haec donec omnia fiant 33 caelum J eorio geliorad bison wordo uutedlice mlno ne ofer-liora5 behalda-S isonne iuih et terra transibunt uerba autem mea non: transient 34'Attendite autemn nobis + 259. xs ease meoge 1' -;te ne sie ahefigad hearto iuero on oferfyllo J mii druincen: gemnisurn $isses lifes: ne forte grauentur corda uestra in crapula et ebrietate et curis huius uitae et ofer-cymas on Iuih feer-lic -4 dsege ~io 4 qoe dceg suelce s'do for-on ofer-cymeS superueniant in uos repentina dies illa 35 tamnquam laqueus enim super-ueniet on allurn 1 aoe sitta$ ofer onsione all wseccses forlson alle tide in. omnes qui sedent super faciem omnis terrae 36 uigilate itaqele omni tempore gebiddande -te gie se wyrno to habbanne gefleanne -Sas alle ta 5e to-cymendo sint J i stonda fora orantes ut digni habeamini fugere ista omnia quae futura sunt et stare ante sunle nmonnes waes llonne daguvn lserende in temple nsehturz CeT foerde. gewunade 4' filium hominis 37 erat autem diebus docens in templo noctibus uero exiens morabatur on more sere geceigd is olebearu more I all -f folc to him In temple in monte qui uocatur oliueti 38 et omnis populus manicauat ad eum in templo to heranne hine audire eu0n CAP. XXII. geneoleca- i; onne dseg symbel d erstana sere gecnoeden is eostro 7 1 *Appropinquabat aute~m dies festus azymorum qui dicitur pascha 2 tEt * 260. 1. mt. cclxxiiii mr. clui. sohlon aldormonno sacerda I,;a ulS-uto hfiu hine acuoella mneghton ondreardon forison io xluiii. quaerebant principes sacerdotunz et scribae quomodo eum interficerent timebant uero + 261. i. mt. ccxx. - fole in-foerde ~onne se wiierworda in iudas sere is geceiged scarioth an of isem l xxCii. plebem 3;INtrauit autem satanas in iudam qui uocatur scarioth unum de duo- LXXXXUITIT 262. uiiii. tuoelf/un 3 foerle J spreeend wies miS aldormonnlgou sacerdc6 I laruumz io. cxiii. decim 4 *ET abiit et locutus est cum principibuts sacerdotum et magistratibus * 263. ii. mt. cclxxuiiio mr. clx. huu hine mihte gesealla him queni-ammnodum illumn traderet eis 32. sos ic cweSo iow *Pte ne gi-liore coneoreswe rios o-;;set alle hia se awoirden 33. heofun J eorio giliored bioSon word wutudlice min ne ofer-lioreo 34. bihaldas 5onne iowih eadIa msege -te ne se ahefgad heorte iowre on oferfyllo U druncennisse J gemnisse -sisses lifes 7 ofer-cuma;S on iowih ferlice dagas oenlm 35. swelce sade forson ofercymoe- on alle'6Sae sittaS ofer onsione alle eorSo 36. wseccas forSon alle tide gibiddende fte ge sie wyr{e to fleannoe as alle Ba'6e tocymende:sindun I stondai;' fore sunu monnes 37. wses {onne on dagum lierende on templo nsehtum ec foerde giwunade on more seose giceged hbis... 38. 1 all ~met folc comun ar to him in tempil Cap. XXII. 1. gineolica wutedllice dcl2eg symbles ~ara dierstana ixet giceg'ed biU eostru 2.: solitu from aldor-seacrdom I3 uliwtuThu hu hine acwelle mihtun ondreordun forlSon - folc 3. infoerde $on ne -e wi-'erworda in iudeas seSe giceged is scariothisca an of osem twelfumln 4. foerde J sprecende wines mi$ aldor-monnum ~ara sacerda 3 larwulll hu hine amchte hine (sic) sella hlim 206 [LUKE. 5 And hig fagenydun I him weddedon 5 And hyo fagenedon 7 hym weddeden feoh to syllenne. feoh to syllene. 6 1 he behet I he sohte hu he eaSelicust 6 7 he be-het. I he sohte hu he veS6elicest hine be-oeftan psre menego gesealde; hine beften pare manigeo ge-sealde. 7 Da comn se dag azimorum on Pam hi 7 Da com se daig azimorum on pam hyo woldon hyra eastron gewyrcan wolden heore eastren ge-wyrcan S l he sende petrun. J iohannem J cwse6 8 I he sende petre J iohanne. 7 cwsea to to himz farad56 I gearwia6 us f we ure eastron heom. fared I gearewia>6 us T we ure gewyrcon; eastren ge-wyrcen. 9 Da cwmedon hbig hwar wylt tu T we 9 Da cwseen hyo. hwoer wilt pu pet we gearwion gearewien. 10 j he cwce'6 to him; Nu PJnne ge on 10 1 he cwaeaS to heom. Nu panne ge pa ceastre ga5 eow agen yrn6 an man mid on pa cestre ga6; cow an-gen eorn>6 an waeter-buce. filigea6 him on l bus pe he man mid wseter-buke. fylgie&6 hym on in-goe5o hus pe he inga6; 11 ] secgea6 pam hus-hlaforde; Ure la- 11 I segge~6 pam hus-hlaforde. vre lareow reow Pe seg6 hwar ys cumena bus. par ic pe seg6. hwoer ys cumena hus p]r ye mine eastron wyrce mid minon leorning- min eastren wyrce mid mjnen leorningcnihtu m cnihten. 12 And he eow betsec>6 mycele healle 12 J he eow be-tsec6 mycele healle gegedsefte. gegearwia6 para; daefte ge-garewiad para. 13 Da ferdun hig ] gemettun swa he him 13 Da ferden hyo 7 ge-metten swa he soede. J hig gegearwudun eastrun; heom saigde. J hyo gearewedon eastreno 14 And ~a tima woes he sset 3 his twelfe 14 LEnd pa time woes he sett 7 his twelf apostolas mid him apostles mid hym. 15 9 he sede him; Of gewilnunge ic - 5: he saigde heom. Of ge-wilnenge ic gewilnude etan mid eow pas eastron aer ge-wilnede mid eow aeten pas eastren er ic ford-fare; ich for5-fare. 16 Ic eow secge j ic heonon-for6 ne ete. 16 Ic eow segge 3pet ic heonen-for6 ne aer hyt sy on godes rice gefylled; eta. mer hyt syo on godes rice ge-fylled. Various Readings. Various. Readings. 5. A. fagnedon: A. syllanne. 6. A. puts hyne after 5. ~nd; fagenydon; weddedon; syllenne. 6. eaSehu he. A. ea'selicost; B. C. eaMelueust. A. menio. lucust; beaftan; menego..7. hyra eastron. 8. petrum; 7. A. adzimorum. A hig. A. heora. 8. A. earwia$. Iohannem; farad; gearwia8; eastron gewyrcan. 9. cwaeA. gewyrcan. 9. A. tu [for tu]. A. gegearwion; ~on; ]et; geawian (sic). 10. Jpenne; ceastre; agen C. gearwian. 10. A. ponne. A. ongean. A. J filial yrn-; -buce. fyliges. 11. seggat; hwar; ic mine oestron; [for filigea~]. 11o A. secgat. A. ic nyme eastron. I minen leornig-cnihtan (sic). 12. gegarewiad para (as in wyrce mydi mynurn. 13. A. ferdon. A. gemetton. A. H.). 13. ge-metton; ssegde; gearewudun eastran. earwedon eastron. 14. A. twelf. 15. A. gewylnode. 14. tima; twelfe apostlas. 15. sede; gewilnunge; etan; 16. A. sigo eastron; ic for5-fara, 16. secge; heonon-; ete. CHAP. XXII.] 207 - gefeanldo woeron J Safando -k woeron feh him to seallanne T geseallanne U geheht 3 5 et gauisi sunt et pacti sunt pecuniam illi dare 6 et spopondit et sohte 4 tidlicnisse -fte miehte sealla hine buta -sem hergum cuom ~Sonve T4 dsego doerstana quaerebat oportunitatem ut traderet illum sine turbis 7 uenit autem dies azymorum in stem 4T ned-tarf wses 4te were geslkegen 4 eostro:i sende petrum I iohannen ge-cuoeS in qua necesse erat occidi pascha 8 et misit petrum et iohannen dicens geonga- gearuas us eostro -te we ette so-S hia cuoedon huoer wilt nSu fte woe gearuia euntes parate nobis pascha ut manducemus 9 at illi dixerunt ubi ufs. paremaus J cuoes to ~sem heono Inn-faerendum iulh t iw In lSa ceastra to-gsegne Iorne$ iuh monn om0bor 4 full 10 et dixit ad eos ecce intro-euntibus uobis in ciuitatem occurrit uobis homo amphoram wsetres berende fylge- $one in Uhis in saem ingaaS 3 cuoesas gie;e-m fredir hiuuisc 4' aquae portans sequimini eum in domuvn in qua intrat 11 et dicetis patrihiorodes hus he coeoes 5e laruu huer is 45 gest-ern tier costro mil 6 Iegnumn famelias domus dicet tibi magister ubi est diuersorium ubi pascha cum discipulis minumn ic brucco 9 he iuh ved-eauau symbel-hus 4' micel bedd -P song e r meis mandiucem 12 et ipse uobis ostendet cenaculum magnum stratum et ibi ge-gearuaS mil;~y foerdon gemoetton sua cnoes Zeem 4' him,' gegearuadon eostro parate 13 euntes autem inuenerunt sicut dixit illis et parauerunt pascha I miiSy aworden woere T woes'-io tld gesatt T gehlinade: toelfo apostolo mi-8 hine 14 et cum. facta esset hora discubuit et duo-decim apostoli cum eo 15 uET * 264 x. cuoes him willum ic wilnade ~is eostro gebrucca t to eattanne iuih mi~ mer -on ic lrowiga ic Molega ait illis desiderio desideraui hoc pascha imanducare uobiscus ante-quam patiar ic coeSo for-Son iulh b te fromn {is ne brucco ic 4 obS -pte gefylledo bison in nc 16 *Dico enim uobis quia ex hoc non manducabo illud donec impleantur in regnoo 6s. ii. mrt. cclxxxu. mir. clxui. godes dei 5. u gifeancde werun J ta gifeande werun feh him to sellanne 6. 3 gi-heht 7 sohte -Sette tidlice 4te msehte sellan hine butan -Ssem hergum 7. com;onne deeg -Sara derstana in as&em ned-~6arf waes 4-te were gislsegen eostru 8. 1 sende......... cwse- gongat georwigaS us eostru 4fte we ete 9. so hioe cwedun hwer wyltu we georwiga- 10. 7 cwseS to him U heono in-ferendun iowih in &;ser csestre togoegnes iorne$ iow monn ombor fulne wsetres berende fylgas ge him in hus $sem inga$ 11. J cweotaige semin feder hiorodes hus he cwe-Ses te larow hwer is &;et gest-ern ber eostru miRS -Segnum minutn ic brucco 12.: he set-eoweS iow symbel-hus micel bedd U -;er gegeorwigaf; 13. foerdun mit~ay gimoettun swa cwaes {e helencd him; georwadun eostru 14. J mity aworden were tio tid gisiet 1 hlionade u twelfe apostolo mi; hine 15. J cwoses semn willumn ic wilnade ~as eostru to bruccanne iowih miS sermon ic ~rowigo 16. ic cwe'o for;on iow'aette of tisse noe bruco ic ~aet oaset gifylled bio~on in rice godes 208 [LUKE. 17 And onfeng calice I Jancas dyde | 17 and on-feng calice. I pances dede I cwse'; Onfon J dselaa6 betwux eow. cweS5. On-fo&6 del1ed be-tweoxe eow. 18 So6Slice ic eow secge j ic ne drince 18 So6lice ic eow segge j ich ne drinke of pises wingeardes cynne mer godes rice of pises wingearde kynne ver godes rice cume; cume. 19 And he onfengc hlafe 7 pancude I him 19 And he on-feng hlafJ pancode 7 heom. sealde. cwoe6; Dis is min lichama. se is sealde i cwse6. pis ys myn lichame se is for for eow geseald do>6 pis on min gemynd; eow ge-seald. doe5 pis on minen ge-mynde. 20 And swa eac paene calic. sy>66aSn he 20 i3End swa eac panne calic; sy66en ge-eten haefde I cwae~S; Des calic is niwe he ge-eten hafde i cwse36. pes calic is niwe cyS6nys on minum blode se bi~6 for eow cyeSnis on minen blode se beo>6 for eow agoten; agoten. 21 Deah-hwoe'sere her is IPes N1wan hand 21 Dah-hwnedere her ys pes lewen hand mid me on mysan. mid me on myssan. 22 1 witodlice mannes sunu gase'6 ji]- 22 v witodlice manne (sic) sune goe6 ter panm &e him~ fore-stihtud wes. peah- sefter pam pe him for-stihte5 wies. Deahhwae>6ere wa pani men pe he purh geseald hwe>6ere wa pamn men pe he purh gebi>6; seald beoo. 23 And hi agunnon betwux him smea- 23 And hyo ongunnen be-tweox heom gan hwylc of hinm f to donne wsere; smmgen hwilc of heom 1 to donne wtre. 24 1 hi flitun betwux himn hwylc hyra 24 ~iEnd hyo fliten be-tweoxe heom hwilce wore yldest; heore were yldest. 25 pa saede he himn cyningas wealda65 25 Da saide he heom kyninges wealded hyra peoda.' Sa &e anweald ofer hig heore >eode. And pa pe anweald ofer hyo habba'5 synt freoz-fulle genemned. hbebbe6 synde fremfulle ge-nenmnede 26 ac ne beo ge na swa; Ac gewur6e 26 ac ne beo ge na swa. Ac ge-wurSe he swa swa gingra se pe yldra ys betwux he swa swa gingre se "6e yldre ys be-tweox eow; And se pe fore-stseppend ys beo he eow. And se forsteppend ys beo he swilce swylce he pen sy; he pein syo. 27 Hwaeer ys yldra pe se pe'ena6 pe 27 IHwm6er ys yldre se Se;ena poe se se 6Se sitt. witudlice se 6e sitt; Ic eom on pe sytt. witodlice se pe sit. Ic eom on eowrumn midlene swa swa se 6e &ena6; eowren midlene swa swa se Pe pena'. Various Readings. Various Readihngs. 17. A. betweox. 18. A. wyn-eardes. 19. A. onfeng. 17. pancas dyde; doelek be-tweox. 18. ic ne drince; A. paucode. 20. A, pone. B. C. cy'5nes; A. gecy-;nys,. wingeardes cynne. 19. ~end; laf; pancude; min gemynd. alt. to cySnys. 22. A. B. C. sefter. A.,stihtod. 23. 20. ponne; sy%%am; hoefde; minum. 21. Deah-hwseA. hig. A. betweox. 24. A. big flyton betweox. A. Sbere; pJes kewan; mysan. 22. mannes; for-stihted. heora. A. yldost. 25. A. heora. A. synd. 26. A. 23. ongunnon be-twux; smeagan. 24. betwux. 25. geweorte. A. betweox. A. fore-stseppende. A. sig ssegde; cynningas wealde hyora;eade; habbas synt. 26. ben [for pen syl] 27, A. syt (twrice). A. wytodlice. gingra; yldra; betwux; EInd; pen sy. 27. Hwer;er;. A. omits 2nd swa. y ldra; sitt [for sit]; eowrum. CHaP. XXII.] 209 J mi~sy onfeng ~ssem caelce ~soncgunga dyde: cuoe.onfoa~ J todmelas bituen 4 iuih T 17 et accepto calice gratias egit et dixit accipite et diuidite inter uos ic cuoeso forSon iuh 4te ne drinco ic of cynne 4' cneoreso wingeardes o!s -j ric godes 18 dico enim uobis quod non bibam de generatione uitis donec regnum dei gecyme 3 miMssy onfeng hlaf Soncgunga dyde: gebrsecg 7 salde him coeSende Zus 5is is ueniat 19 *Et accepto pane gratias egit et fregit et dedit eis dicens hoc est * 266. i. mt. cclxxxiiii. mr. clxu. lichoma miin fore iuh sald big -sis doaS on minurn efne-gemynd 4 ongelic io. lu. corpus meum quod pro uobis datur hoc facite in meam commemorationem 20 *Similiter * 267. ii. mt. cclxsxu. i m r. clxui. J;one celic efter lSon ~e gehriordade cuoe- l is is cmelc niwa cyWnisse in blde minum Cl et calicem postquam cenauit dicens hic est calix nouum testamentum in sanguine meo -fte fore iuh agotten soS-huoetre hoetre hond &ses sellenndes mec mec mi; is on disc T quod pro uobis fundetur 21 *Uerum-tamen ecce manus tradentis me mecum est in mensa * 268. ii. mt. cclxxxi.: mec soe sunu monnes mefter -te geendat 4' is gae 4'T so%-huoe5re wme emm menn 22 et quidem filius hominis secundum quod definitum est uadit uerum-tamen uae illi homini Berh -one gesald bi$ 9 I;aT hia ongunnon soeca bituih him huelc were of him se;e %is per quem tradetur 23 *Et ipsi coeperunt quaerere inter se quis esset ex eis qui hoc * 269. i. mt. cclxxx. nmr. clxii. doend -.were aworden wis sa J geflit bituih him huelc hiora geseen woere io. exxii. facturus esset 24 *Facta est autem et contentio inter eos quis eorum uideretur esse *LXXXUIIII. 270. ii. mt cciii. mara 4k - cuoet -a him cyningas hme5na geonwoeldad bison 4 rixaS hiora 7 ias6e onwseld mr cciii. maior 25 dixit autem eis reges gentium dominantur eorum et qui potesmmeht habba-8 ofer hia wel-fremmendeT geceiged bi-son gie uutedlice ne sum ah se-Se hera mara' tatem habent super eos benefici uocantur 26 uos autem non sic sed qui maior is in iuih sie sume'e gingesta 4' 7 ses;e fore-latuu is suelce embehtere forSon 4' hue;er est in uobis fiat sicut iunior et qui praecessor est sicut ministrator 27 *Nam * 271. x. huelc hera is sese gehlinaS 4' o0Sta sense embehtaiS ahne sense gehresta-S ic uutedlice 4' Sonne on quis maior est qui' recumbit an qui ministrat nonne qui recumbit ego autem in middum Iuerra am suse sese embehta'6 T medio uestrum sum sicut qui ministrat 17. J on-feng msem calice soncunge dyde J cwmeJ; onfoaS J to-dmela-s bitwih iow 18. ic cwe;o forson iow -sette ne drinco ic of cneoreswa wingeardes osmaset rice godes cymers 19,. onfeng hlafe;oncunge dyde J brmec 7 salde him cwe-Sende -sis is lichoma min Jite fore iowih said biS ~is doas on minum efne-gimynde 20. on-gilic I tone calic mefter l;on -sa giriordade cwses tis is celc niowe cy;nisse in blode minum smet fore iowih agoten biS 21. so-S-hwe-re heonu hond -ses sellende mis mec is on disce 22. 1 ec suno monnes mefter;smette giendad is gmeM soS-hwe-Sre wse ~msem menn tserh $tone gisald biR 23. 3 q a ongxunnun soeca bitwih him hwelc were of Iim sense sis *doende were 24. aworden wses Aa giflitt bitwih him hwelc hiora gisegen were mara 25. cwmse a him cynigas hmesna gionwelded bioton hiora, I ate on-wseld habbaS ofer hime welfremende gicegde 26, ge wutedlice ne swa ah sese mara is in iow sie swa mara (sic) I see forelatow is swa embeht-mon 27. forbon hwelc mara is sere gihliona$ 4' sere embihtas ah ne sete gihlionaS ic wutudlice in middum iowrum am swa seoe embihtaS DD 210,.[LU.KE 28 Ge synt Pe mid me purh-wunedon on 28 Ge synden Pe mid me purh-wunedan minum geswincum on minen ge-swinchen. 29 J ic eow dihte swa min feeder me rice 29 1 ic eow dihte swa min fader me rice dihte. dihte. 30 f ge eton I drincon ofer mine mysan 30 ~ ge aeten I drincan ofer mine mysan on minum rice I ge sitton ofer prym-setl on minen rice I ge sitten ofer prim-settel demende twelf mmeg6a israhel; demende twelf miegle israel. 31 Da cwsea drihten. Simon Simon. 31 Da cwae drihten. symon symon nu nu satanas gyrnde f he eow hridrude swa sathanas gyrnde peet he eow riddrede swa swa hwate; swa hwaete. 32 Ic gebed for pe T 6in geleafa ne ge- 32 Ic ge-baed for pe f pin ge-leafe ne geteorige; And fu at sumum cyrre gewend teorige. -End pu aet sume cyre ge-wend Jtryme pine gebro6ru; 3-tryme pine bro6re. 33 Da cwae'6 he drihten. ic eom gearu 33 Da cwaee he drihten ic eom g'are to farenne mid pe. ge on ewertern ge to farene mid pe ge on cwarterne ge on on dea6;; dea6. 34 Da cwaep he. ic secge pe petrus. 34 pa cwm6; he. Ic segge pe petrus; ne ne craewp se hiana to-d~g mer pu me et- crow6; se coc to-daig ser pu me met-secst sacOst; Jreowe. 35 Da cwe>S; he to him pa ic eow 35 pa cwoe6 he to heom. Da ich eow sende butan seode I codde I ge-scy woes sende buton seode J codde. I ge-scy. waes eow venig ping wana; Da cwmedon hbig nan eow anig ping wane. Da cwam6en hyo nan ping; ping. 36 Da cwaee he. ac nui se Pe hmef6 seod 36 Da cwae6 he. ac se Pe hsef6 seod gelice nime codd. I se'6e nafm6 sylle his gelice nyme codd. I se Je naef6 sylle hys tunecan I biege him swurd; tunecan I begge hym sweord. 37 SoSlice ic eow secge 5 gyt scyl beon 37 So6lice ich segge eow J gyot scel gefylled fJ be me awriten is. I fj he mid byon ge-fulled. J be me awriten ys. I p rihtwisum geteald woes. witudlice pa ping he mid rilitwisan ge-teald woes. Witodlice pe be me synt habba6 ende; Pa ping pe be me synd haebbe6 2ende. 38 And hig cwadon. drihten. her synt 38 I hyo cwaveen. drihten her synde twa swurd I he cwS&6 j ys ge-noh; twa sword. I he cW. poet ys ge-noh. Various Readings. Various Readings. 28. A. synd. C. pur-,:30. A. etan. C..yrm-setl. 28. synt; minum geswencum. 29. fieder. 30. ten 31. A. lhrydrode. 32. A. ateorie, alt. to geteorie; B. [sic; for aeten]; minum [for minen]; -setl demenda. geteorie. A. getryme [for %tryme]. A. gebroMro. 33. B. C. faranne. A. cweartern. 36. A. he nymne [for 31. satanas. 32. ge-teorie. 33. gare; faran; cwmrnime]. A. sweord. 37. A. sceal. A. ryhtwysum (alt. terne. 34. hana [for coc]; et-sacst priwe. 35. ic; to unryhltwysum). A. witodlice. A. synd. 38. A. wana. 36. bygge. 37. gyt; rihtwisum; synt; ende. synd. A. sweord. 38. cwa'son; sind; swurd. CIIAP. XXII.] 211 gie uutedlice aron tate lerh-wunadon mec mit in suoenccum 4T costungum nlinum 28 uos autem estis qui permansistis mecura in temtationibus meis 29 et ic to-sceado iuh suaF to-sceadde me fieder min - ric 5te gie eta J drinega ego dispono uobis sicut disposuit mihi pater meus regnum 30 ut edatis et bibatis on T ofer bead 4' disc mln in ric I gie sittat ofer heh-sedlo d6emendo tuoelf stryndum super mensam meam in regno *Et sedeatis super thronos iudicantes duo-decim tribus * 272. u. mt. cxcuii. israhel cuoet Sa drihten simon simon heono se witerworda gesohta 4t iuih ]5te awoxe T israel 31 *Ait autem dominus simon simon ecce satanas expetiuit uos ut cribraret * 273. x. sume huaete ic uutedlice gebaed fore sec ]fte ne sceortiga 4 geleafo;in J6 fi sicut triticum 32 ego autem rogaui pro te ut non deficiat fides tua *Et tu * 274. uiiiii io0. CCxxUiiii. huilum T oser huile gecerred bist getrymeg brotro sino sense cuoe-s him drihten;ec mi-; gearo aliquando conuersus confirma fratres tuos 33 *Qui dixit ei domine tecum paratus * xc. 275. i. ic am: in carc-erne 7 sec In deane geonga J he cuoes ic cuoebo te petre ne mr. clxx. sum et in carcerem et in mortem ire 34 et ille dixit dico tibi petrae non io. cxxui. singes -4 todege se hona os ]te Sria su onsseccest -te su wistes' cutses meh: cuoeis him i5onne 4' a cantabit hodie gallus donec ter abneges nosse me 35 *ET dixit eis quando * 276. x. ic sende Iuih buta seame J met-belig J scoeum huoeiser T huo-shuoegu woere wona T iuh sots hia missi uos sine sacculo et pera et calciamentis num-quid aliquid defuit uobis at illi cuoedon noht cuoe; forson -4 him ah huoe-Sre nu sete haefes. - seam nioma gellc 3 dixerunt nihil 36 dixit ergo eis sed nune qui habet sacculum tollat similiter et., metboelig I sete ne hlefeS bebycget 4: cyrtel, his J byges T suord ic cuoeso uutedlice peram et qui non habet uendat tunicam suam et emat gladium 37 *Dico autem *277. uiii. mr. ccxui. iuh -te 4' forson taget T sis -f awritten is geriset 4' -pte se gefylled In mec I *te mit uobis quoniam athuc hoc quod scribtum est oportet impleri in me et quod cum unsosfmestum ge-teled T waes I forson sa tase sint T biton of mec ende habbat sos hia iniustis deputatus est etenim ea quae sunt de me finem habent 38 *At illi 278. x. cuoedon drihten heono suordas tuoege her sot he cuoed him genoh is dixerunt doeine ecce gladii duo hic at ille dixit eis sat est 28. iow wutudlice arun isate terh-wunadun mec mis on swencum 4' costungum minum 29. 7 ic to-sceodo iow swa to-sceodo mec fieder min rice 30. 15te gieotas J drincas ofer T on beode t disce minum in rice: ge sittas ofer heh-sedle doemmende twelfe stryndum israhela 31, cwseS;a se haelend symon sas symon heono se witerworda J gisohte iowih jpte awoxe swa hwaete 32. ic'sonne gibmd fore Sec iste. scortige gileofa tin J1 Su hwilum T oser hwile gicerred bist gitryme broter tine I gibiddas Ste ne gae in costunge 33. seSe cwae"s dvihten Sec mis gearo ic am J in carcnern. I ec in deos gonga 34. he cwaes ic cwe-o se petrus ne swiga-S to dvege Se hona o-Soet nSrige tu sseces et su cutSes mec 35. 7 cwae-s him tonne i[c] sende iowih buta seome n metbaelge scoum hwoet hwoegnu were wona iow sots hibe ewedun noht 36. cwe-s fortSon him ahhweSre seSe hlefet $onne seem nimneS gilice J tone met-beelig J sese ne haefes sword gibycge cyrtel his J byge's sword 37. ic cwe'so fornSon iow pte k forson Sagett sis ~ette awriten is girises gifylled in mec'smt mirniy unsoSfrestum giteled is J forson sa sase sindun of me ende habbas 38. so$ hia cwedun drihlten heonu twoeg sworde her sos he cwres him genog is DD 2 212 ELUKi. 39 And aefter gewunan he ut-eode on 39 A-End aefter ge-wunen he ut-geode on JPaene munt oliuarum f ys ele-bergena. 3 panne munt oliuarum. ~ ys elebgerena his leorning-cnihtas him fyligdon; (sic). I his leorning-cnihtes hym fylgdon. 40 And pa he com to Jaere stowe he 40 1 pa he com to Pare stowe he saede saede him. ge-bidda6; fj ge on costnunge h heom. ge bydda"56 p ge on costnenga ne ne gan-; gan. 41 And he woes fram him alocen swa 41 And he waes fram heom aloken swa mycel swa is anes stanes wyrp. 1 gebige- mycel swa ys anes stanes werp. 7 ge-beigdum cneowum he hyne gebsed den cneowen he hine ge-b-e>6. 42 J cwaee6; Faeder gif ]Iu wylt. afyr 42 7 cwoe6. Fader gyf pu wilt; afyr pysne calic frawm me jpeah-hwae3 ere nle ge- pisne calic frain me 7eah-hwmeve&re ne gewur>6e min willa ac PJin; wur6e min wille ac ]in. 43 Jpa eCt-ywde him godes engel. of heo- 43 Da tywde (sic) him godes aengel of fone 1 hyne gestrangode heofene 1 hine ge-strangode. 44: he woes on gewinne I hine lange 44 J he waes on ge-winne. I hine lange gebked J his swat waes swylce blodes dropan ge-baed. I his swat waes swilce: blodes *MS. swilces, on eorSan yrnende. corr. to swilce. on eor>6an yrnende. dropen on eor6e eornende. 45 7pa he of gebede aras comrn to his 45 7 pa he of ge-bede aras; 7 com to hys leorning-cnihtum he hig funde slepende for leorning-cnihten. he hyo funde slepende unrotnesse. for sarignesse. 46 J he saede him. hwi slape ge. arisa'6 46 ) he saide heom; hwi slaepe ge;; bidda6 ge on costunge ne gan; arisa6 37 bidda>6 Poet ge on costnunge ne gan. 47 Him pa J a gyt sprecendum pa corn 47 Hymn Pa Pa gyt swpeccenden (sic). pa f wered I him to-foran eode'an of panz com J wered I him to-foren eode an of pam twelfum se woes genemned iudas J he ge- twelfen. se woes ge-nemned iudas. I he nealkehte pam haelende 3 he hine cyste; ge-neahlahte lam hselende 5 he hine keste. 48 Da cwe'6 se hbelend iudas. mannes 48 Da cwee>6 se haelend. judas. mannes sunu pu mid cosse sylst; sune pu mid cosse sylst. 49 Da gesawon ba 3'e him abutan wairon 49 Da ge-seagen pa pe hym abuton ]paJr towerd was I cweedon. drihten. slea waeren. eet paer toward woes 1 cwae6en. we mid swfirde; drihten sla we mid sweorde. Various Readings. Various Readings. 39. A. gewuna., A. pone. 40. A. pa sade [for slede]. 39, -eode; prene; eleberena (altered to elebgerena, inr 42. A. geweor-e. 43. A. heofene. 45. A, inserts lie stead of to elebergena); -cnihtas; fyligdon. 40. para; costnunge. 41. _End; alocen; wyrp; ge-bygdunm after com, above the line. A. unrotnysse. 46. A. hwig, cneowum; geboeed. 43. vetywde; engel; heofone. A. costnunge. 47. B. specendum. 49. C. habutan. 44. swylces (sic); yrnende. 45. -cnihitum; heo; un13. par. A. toweard, B, sleawe [for slea we].. sweorde, rotnysse [for sarignesse]. 46. soede eom. 47. spedcendum; to-foran; twelfum; ge-neahlaecte; cyste. 48. halend. 49. gesawen; abutan weron; toweard; cwee~6on; slawe [for sla we]; swurdeo CHAP. XXII.] 213: I miJs~;y wees -ferende eade'Sa efter gewuna 4 on more olebearua fylgendo woeron 39'*ET egressus ibat secundum consuetudinem in montem oliuarum secuti sunt* 279. i. mt. ccxci. mr. clxxii. -sa t: uutedlice hine aec S-a'egnas J mi-sy'6erh-cuome to stoue cuoe-S him gebiddas io. clui. autem r illum et discipuli 40 *ET cum peruenisset ad locum dixit illis orate * 280. ii. mt. ccxcui. mr. clxxuii. -fte gie ne inngae in costunge J he gefearrad k' woes from hiUl sua micle woerp 4 wyrp is stanes ne intretis in temtationem 41 *ET ipse auulsus est ab eis quantum iactus est lapidis * 281. i. mt. cCxciiii.,:nr. clxxU. J miS gesetnum cneoum gebsed cuoes fader gif;u welle 4 ofer-leor calic t;iosne from mec io. clxi. et positis genibus orabat 42 dicens *Pater si uis trans-fer calicem istum a me * 282. i. nimt. ccxc[ul. mr. clxxui. so-s-huoe6re 4' ne min willo alh -in sie red-eaude sa him se encgel ofrom(sic) io. luii. uerumtarmen non mea uoluntas sed tua fiat 4.3 *Apparuit autem illi angelus de caelo * 283. x. getrymmnede him J aworden waes in gecomp J suise longe geboed 3 aworden wses suat his con-fortans eum 44 et factus est' in agonia et prolixius orabat et factus est sudor eius suse 4 droppo blodes iornendes T on eor-;u 3 miRSy arisen wses T aras from -seem gebed 3 sicut guttae sanguinis decurrentis in terram 45 *Et cum surrexisset ab oratione et * 284. ii. mt. CCXcUi. mr. clxxuii. ge-cuome to'Segnum his gemitte hia slepende fore unrotnisse 3 cuoe-S him hused uenisset ad discipulos suos inuenit eos dormientes prae tristitiam 46 et ait illis quid slepes gier arisais gebiddaM ~te gie ne Inngeonga In costuncge 4' in gesuoencge forSor -Saget hine spreccende dormitis surgite orate ne intretis in temtationesm 47 *Athuc eo loquente *285. i. mit. ccc. mr. clxxxi. heono -f here -T sa menigo J sere geceiged wses iudas an of tsem tuoelfum fore-foerde T hia ^ ge-neo- io. cluiii. ecce turba et qui u6cabatur iudas unus de duo-decim ante-cedebat eos et approlecde -se hbelend pte gecyste hine se heelend sa cuoeS; him la iudas mi-S cosse sunu pinquauit iesu uvt oscularetur eum 48 *Iesus autem dixit ei iuda osculo filium 2s86. ii. nit. ccci. nr. clxxxii. monnes -bu selles ge-segon uutedlice -Sa ~;a-Se ymb hine woeron -pte towoeard wees hominis tradis 49 *Uidentes autein hi qui circum ipsum erant quod futurum erat * 27. i. nmt. cccii. mr. clxxxiii. cuoedon him drihten gif woe geslIs 4' huoe-Ser moto we geslaa in suorde io. clx. dixerunt ei domine si percutimus in gladio 39. J mi-ssy wies gongende mefter giwuna his on mor oele-bearwes fylgende werun wutudlice'sa him J Segnas his 40. J mi's-y -erh-comon to stowe cwens him gibiddas -p ge no gee in costunge 41. i he gifearrad wies from him swa micel wyrp stanes is miniSy gisetnun comun gibied 42. cwiees feeder gif -ut welle oferliora -Sone calic -siosne from me soS-hwedre ne min willa ah Sin sie 43. iet-eowde -as him engel of heofne gitrymede hine 44, 3 awordes (sic) waes in geco[m]p I swide longe giboed 3 aworden wies swat his swa dropo blodes iornende on eort;o 45. 1 miiS6Sy arisen wies from &Seem gibede I gicom to -Segnum his gimitte hiue slepende fore un-rotnisse 46. 7 cwoeeS,Seem arisas J gibidda-s &set ge ne gi in costunge 47. to hiill sprecende heono Xte here I sere giceged weAs iudas ana of Snem twelfurn fore-foerde hie I to-gineolicadun nelen haelendce i he gicyste hine 48. de hielend sonne cwses him la indas mi; cosse suno monnes;u seles - 49. gisegun wutudlice ma iaSe ymb hine werun'intte toword wis cwedun him drihten gif Be sedlla gi-sla mii! sworde 214 [LUKE. 50 Da sloh hyra an para sacerda ealdres 50 pa sloh heore an Pare sacerda ealdres peow I hys swy6re eare of-acerf; Peow I his swi6re eare of-akarf. 51 pa Iswarude se haelend laetas5 pus; 51 Da andswerede se haelend leted J]ms. I pa he vet-hran hys eare he hyt gehelde; I J]a he Pat-ran his eare he hit ge-helde. 52 Da cwee>6 se heelend to Pam ealdor- 52 pa cwsee se hmlend to pam ealdormannum I to pam witum IJ pes temples mannen J to pam witon 7 to pas temples * MS. repeats ealdrum; Ge ferdon swa swa to* anum ealdren. Ge ferden to me swa swa to anen to, scea6an mid swurdum 7 mid sahlusm ge scea~sen. mid sweorden. I mid sEeglen. me gefengon; J ge me ge-fengen. 53 Da ic waes daeg-hwamlice on temple 53 Da ich woes daighwam-lice mid eow mid eow. ne apenedon ge eower handa on P~am temple. ne akeneden ge eower on me. ac pis is eower tid I pystra an- handa on me. ac pis ys eower tid 7 peostre weald; anweald. 54 Da namon hig hine 7 lheddon to Jxera 54 Da namen hyo hine 7 lkedden hyne to sacerda ealdres huse. 7 petrus fyligde feor- pare sacerde ealdres huse. I petrus felygran; ede feorran. 55 And petrus woes mid him on mid- 55 And petrus woes mid heom on middan Pam cafertune. par hig met pam fyre dan pam cafertune Poer hyo met pam fyre sieton; sseton. 56 Da hine geseah sum pinen set leohte 56 Da hine ge-seah sum pinen met leohte sittende J hine beheold. pa cwiang heo. 7 sittende' hine be-heold. pa cwie6 hye. i pes woes mid him; pes wies mid hym. 57 Da aet-soc he I cwase. eala wlf ne 57 Da vet-soch he. I cW, eale wif ne can ic hyne; can ich hine. 58 And pa embe lytel hine ge-seah 58 7 pa embe litel hine ge-seah oSer. o6er. 7 cwsee. Pu eart of him; Da cwe5'6 7 cwe>e6. pu ert of heom. Da cwse6 petrus. petrus eala mann ic ne eom; eale man ic ne eom. 59 ] pa aefter lytlum faece swylce'anre 59 7 pa aefter litlen faece swilce anre tide tide. sum o6er seS6de I cwsee; So6Slice pes sum oZ6er saigde 7 cwem6. So'Slice pes wses wEes mid him. witodlice he is galileisc; mid eom. witodlice he ys galileisc. Various Readings. Various Readings. 50. A. heora. A. ]pera. A. of-acearf. 51. A, Jswa- 50. hyora; Para; swysere; -acearf. 51. lkete. rode. 52. C. repeats to (as does the Corpus MS.). A. 52. halend; -mannum; R. om. to before JPas temples; sweordum. 53. B. anwald. 54. B. para. 58. A. ealdrum; ferdon; anum sceatum; sweordum; saglum. ymbe. A. C. man. 59. A. seSde (as in text). B. s.. de 53. ic; daeghwamlice; aJenedon; peastra. 54. naman; (two letters erased; altered to setde in pencil). para sacerda; fyligde. 55. 2End. 56. hyo; eom. 57. et-soc; eala; ic. 58, eala mann. 59. litlum frece; saede; galileis (sic), CHAP. XXII.] 215 J geslog enne 4' an of sem esne aldormonnes sacerda J to-cearf ear-lippricco 50 et percussit unus ex illis seruum principis sacerdotum et amputauit auriculam his ~;io suiSro geondsuarade Sa se haelend cuoeS forletas T blinnas wiS hider 4T: misiy eius dextram 51 *Respondens autem iesus ait sinite usque huc et cum * 288. x. gehran ear-liprico his gehmelde hine cuoeS Sa se haelend to him 4' Jsem Jsa-;e cuomon tetegisset auriculam eius sanauit eum 52 *Dixit autem iesus ad eos qui uenerant 2s9. i. mt. ccciiii. mr. clxxxiiii. to him aldormenn sacerda 7 laruas temples:I sa eeldesto sue 4' to hreafere gie cuomon io. clxx. ad se principes sacerdotum et magistratus templi et seniores quasi ad latronem existis miS suordum J stencgum miSsy deghuvemlice iuih miS Ic woere 4' in temple J ne rahton gie J cum gladiis et fustibus 53 cum cotidie uobiscum fueram in templo non extendistis hondo In mec ah sios is tid iuera: maeht tsiostrana efne-gelahton T manus in me sed haec est hora uestra et potestas tenebrarum 54 *Com-prehendentes *290. i. mt. cccui. Sonne hiiie leeddon to huse aldormonnes sacerda petrus uutedlice 4 sec gefylgde fearra io. clxxMuii. autem eum duxerunt ad domumn principis sacerdotum *Petrus uero sequebatur a longe * 291. i. mt. cccxiiii. to-geboetad woes uutedlice 4 tSa fyr on middum ceefer-tune 7 ymb-sittendum S;em waos petrus on? cxi. petrus ont o i. clxuiii. 55 accenso autem igni in medio atrio et circum-sedentibus i]lis erat petrus in middum hiora Sone miSty gesveh 4' gesege -siua k Signen summ sittende to leht J medio eorum 56 quem cum uidisset ancilla quaedam sedentem ad lumen et mitSy woere hio sceaunde hine cuoeS 7 ses mi; hine woes soS he ons6c hine cuoed cumr fuisset intuita dixit et hic cum illo erat 57 at ille negauit eum dicens wif ne conn ic hine: aefter lytlum ymb lytle huile o-ser gesoeh hine cuoes 1 Iu mulier non noui illum 58 *ET post pussillum alius uidens eum dixit et tt * 292. i. mt. cccxu. mr. cxcui. of him 4' sem arS petrus eec kuutedlice cuoeS la monn ne am ic J ymb huile was aworden io clxxu. de illis es petrus uero ait 6 homo non sum 59 et interuallo facto suelce anes tides oSer sum getrymede cuoeS soSlice 3 Ses mis hine waes forSon J quasi horae unius alius quidam affirmabat dicens uere et hic cum illo erat naom et galilese is galilaeus est 50. J slog enne of seem esne aldormonnes sacerda 7 to-ceorf ear-liprica his -seet swisra 51. giondsworade wutudlice tse haelend cwaeM for-letaS wiS hider I mi-s gihran ear-liprica his gihaelde hine 52. cwaeS Ba Se heelend to him satSe comun to him aldor sgcerda J larwas temples:J Sa aeldesto swa swa to reofere ge comun miR5 swordum 7 stenggum 53. miJsy derthweemlice iowih mis woes in temple ne rahtun ge honda on mec ah Sios is tid iower 3 moeht,Siostrana 54. efne-girahtun Sonne hine lseddun to huse aldor-monnes sacerda petrus wutudlice fyligde fearra 55. giboeted. wes tSa fyr on middum caefertune J ymb-sitendum -;eem wies.... in middum hiora 56. Sone miiSy giseh siowa sum sittende to lehte - hio w-es scomende hine cwaee 3 ses miS hind waes 57. sos he onsoc hine cwesende wif ne con ic hine 58. aefter lytlum hwile oaer giseeh hine cwea; ] %u of eem ar; petrus ec wutudlice cwre la mon ne an (sic) ic 59. J eftersona aworden wes swelce tide an osero sum gi-trymide cwaeS so'lice J Ses mis hine wes forson J galilese is 216 [LUKL: 60 Da; cwme~ petrus. eala man nat ic 60 pa cwe'6 petrus. eala mani nat ich hwmet pu segst; And pa big T spraecon hwset pu saegest. And pahyo pet sprMken samninga se hana creow. samnunga se coc creow. 61 pa drihten bewende hlne I beseah to 61 pa drihten be-wende hine I be-seah petre. Da gemunde petrus drihtnes wordes to petre. Da ge-munede petrus drihtnes pe he cwae~e.'6u min set-ssecst. }riwa wordes pe he cwame. pmet pu min set-seecst to-dEeg zer se hana crawe; prewa to-daig mer se coc crawe. 62 Da eode petrus fut J biterlice weop. 62 Da eode petrus ut I biterlice weop. 63 1 pa'6e paene haelend heoldon hine 63 7 pa pe pane heelend heolden hine bysmrodon i beoton. bismeredon I beoton. 64 7 ofer-wrugon hys ansyne - purhsun 64 I ofer-wrugen hys ansiene. 7 purscen his nebb. 3 ahsodon hyne. areid. hwylc his nebb. 7 axoden hine ared wlych (sic) ys ys. se Se pe sloh; se pe pe smat. 65 And manega o;re ping hig him to 65 And manega o6Sre ping hyo hym to cwWedon dysigende; cwveten. desigende, 66 And pa S'a dag woes Pa to-gedere 66 And pa pa daig waes. pa to-gsedere comun pees folces yldran J para sacerda comen pas folces aldren ] pare sacerda ealder-menn I boceras' lheddon hine to ealdor-menn. J bokeras. I liedden hine to hyra gemote 7 cwedon; heore ge-mote 7 cwa5en. 67 Sege us gif pu sy crist; Da cwmeJ he 67 Sege us gyf pu syo crist. Da cwoea peah ic eow secge. ge me ne-" gelyfap. he. peah ich eow segge; ge me ne lyfa6..with part of 68 peeh ic eow ahsige ge ne 7swaria"5 me 68 peah ich eow axsie ge ne andsweria"6 an e erased neneforl; me ne neforete. after m. ne ne forlaeta;neforla 6. 69 Heonun-for6 bi>5 mannes sunu sit- 69 Heonen-for6 byo6 mannes sune sittende on godes mnignes swy7ran healfe; tende on godes moegnes swi>Sre healfe. 70 Da cw{edon big ealle. eart pu godes 70 Da cwaeSen hyo ealle ert pu godes sunu; Da cwie>6 he ge secga>56 1 ic eom; sune; Da cwaee he. ge segge~5 pret ich eom. 71 And big cweedon. hwi gyrne w 71 And hyo cwme6Sen. hwi georne we gyt gewitnesse. sylfe we gehyrdon of hys geot ge-witnysse. we sylfe ge-herden of muS6e; his mu6e. Various Rleadings. Various Readings. 60. A. B. samnunga. 61. B. C. crewe. 63. A. pone. 60. ic; secgst; spraecon; hana [for coc]. 61. setsacst priwa; hana craewe. 63. psene; heoldon; bysmeA. bysmredon. 64. A. purcson. A. acsedon. 65. heoldo bysme roden. 64. purhson; axodon; aerred; hwylc; slog [for dysgiende. 66. A. comon. A. psera. A. ealdor-men. at]. 65. o dysigende. 66. dg; to-gadere smat]. 65. cwae-on. dysigende. 66. dwg; to-gadere A. heora. 67. A. sig. A. B. C. ge me ne (plainly). coman; yldran; sacerde~eaIder-; boceras; heora. 67. ic; 68. A. peah. A. acsige; B. ahsie. 69. A. heonen-. A. secge. 68. peh Ic; axsige. 69. heonon-; bib. 70...-~~~~~ ~~cwaeron; eart; ic. 71. Bind; cwreton; gyrne; gyt; mregenes. 71. A. hwig. y ghy. sylfe we Eze-hyrdon. CHAP. XXII.] 217: 9 cuoe-5 petr-us la lmonn nat ic hbued tu cuoe es s sona for-or -8a get hine sprecende gesang 60 et ait petrus homo nescio quid dicis et continuo athuc illo loquente cantauit se hona 9 efne-gecerred wses se drilhten eft-beseh petrum J eft-gemyndig wies petrus wordes gallus 61 *ET conuersus dominus respexit petrum et recordlatus est petrus uerbi * 293. ii. mt. cccxui, drihtnes suse cuoeS -Jte ver 5on se hona gesinga -;riga mee iu onsceccest 1 foerde uta domnini sicut dixit prius-quarn gallus cantet ter me negabis 632 et egressus foras petrus geweap bitterlice'sa waras t-aSe gehealdon hine bismeredon him aslogon' {Surscon petrus fieuit dmare 63 *ET uiri qui tenebant euvm inludebant ei caeclentes * 294. i. mrt. cccxiii,. -re. cxciiii J awrigon T hine I slogon ondwlitto his 1 frugnon hine cuoesendo gewitga io, clxxii, 64 et uelauerunt eum et percutiebant faciem eius et interrogabant eum dicentes prophetiza huaelc is sense -sec sl]g 7 o;ero menigo ebalsadon ebolsande cuoedon in hine. quis est qui te percussit 65 et alia multa blasphemantes dicebant in eum 66 *Et 295. ii. ult. cccxuii. mr. cxcuiii. -fte aworden wies dsege efne-cuomon 4sa teldesto 4ses folces aldormenn sacerclrda unwutto J ut factus est dies con-uenerunt seniores plebis et principes sacerdotum et scribae et lieddon hine in somnung hiora cuoeSendo gif 4Su ar4S.crist ssege uis cuoe4 duxerunt ilium in concilium suum dicentes 67 si tu e's christugs dic nobis *ET ait * 296. x. tnem gif iuh ic cuoeSo ne gelefe4 gee me gif tonne 3 gif ic frsegno ne gie ondsuariges illis si uobis dixero non creditis mnilli 68 si autem et interrogauero non respondebitis me ne forletes gie of 4is uutedlice biWs saun monnes sittende to suitrum mnegnes mihi neque dimittetis 69 *Ex hoc autem erit filius hominis secens a dextris uirtutis 297. i. mt. cccx. mr. exei. goddes cuoedon 4a alle 4u for~on ar4 sunu godes se8e cuoe; gie cuoeeas 9te ic io. lxuiiii dei 70 *Dixerunt autem omnes tfi ergo es filius dei qui ait uos dicitis quia ego* 298. x. am so4s hia cuoedon huied T' Saget forSor woe willnigas cy-Snisse -wittnessa woe seolfo for'~on sum 71 *At illi dixerunt quid athuc desideralnus testimonium ipsi enim * 299. ii. mlt. cccxii. geherdon of mute his Mnr. cxciii. audiuimnus de ore eius 60. J cwses petrus la mon nat ic hwmet 4u ewe-Ses 9 sona fortor 4a-gett hine sprecende 4se hona gisang 61. D efne-gicerred weins drihten eft-gisoeh petruma 7 gimyndig wwes petrus word drihtnes swa cwet 4set sermon -se hona sunge -Srige Sii ne (sic) onsaeces 62. J foerde utt petrus weop biterlice 63. 1 4;a wearas;aie giheoldun hine bismeradun hine slogun T Surscun 64. T wrigun hine I spitun T slogun on ondwlita his 7 frugnun hine cwe-Sende witga hwele is;e 4Tee slog 65. J oSre monige eofol-sadon cwedun in hine 66. 6' dseg giwvorden -was efne-comun sa seldestnl -Ses folches 3 aldormen sacerda I uO-wuta 3 lseddun hine in somnunge hiora J gi-frugnun hine cwe-Sende 67. gif 4Su ar- crist siege us I cwveeS 4mm gif iow ic cweSo ne gi-lefas ge me 68. gif 4onne I gif ic fregno ne gi-ondsworiaW me ne forletas ge 69. of sisse wutudlice biS suno monnes sites to tser swiisra miegnes godes 70. cwedun ta alle 4;u for'son arS sunu godes se 4e cwses gie cweo-sas for-Son ic am 71. so-s hia cwedun hwiet Sagett foreSor we wilnigas cyySnisse we solfa forSon giherdun of mu-e his E E 218 [LUKE. CHAPTER XXIII. CHAPTER XXIII. 1 Da aras eall hyra menegeo J lkddon 1 Da aras eall heora manigeo 17 kedden hine to pilate hine to pilate. 2 7 agunnon hyne wregan J cwedon; 2 7 agunnen hine wreigen 7 cwae6en. Disne we gemetton for-hwyrfende ure Disne we ge-metton for-hwerfende ure peode. 7 for-beodende T man pam casere peode. 3 for-beodende J man pam. caysere gafol ne sealde. 7 sega J he si crist gafol ne sealde. 7 sseg6 paet he syo crist cyning; kyning; 3 Da ahsode pilatus hine eart pu iudea 3 Da axode pilatus him ert pu iudea cining; Da Tswarude he pu hit segst; cyng; pa andswerede he. pu hyt soegst. 4 Pa cwesJ pilatus to pa'm ealdrum 7 4 pa cw pilatus to pam ealdren I pam pam werede ne finde ic nanne intingan on werede. ne finde ich naenne intinge on Jysum men; pisen men. 5 Da hlyddon hig 7 cwaedon. he astyras5 5 pa hlydden hvo I cwse6en. He astyred pis folc lkerende Purh ealle iudeam agyn- Pis fole lerende purh ealle iudean aginnende nende of [galilea o6 hyder. of galileam o*6 hider. 6 Da pilatus gehyrde] galileamz. he 6 Da pilatus ge-hyrde galileam. he axahsude hwseS6er he woere galileise man; ode hwader he weere galileisc man. 7 7 pa he gecneow TJ he wses of herodes 7 7 pa he ge-eneow T he wases of herodes anwalde. he hine agen-sende to herode. anwealde. he hine agen-sende to herode. he woes on pam dagum on hierusalemn; he woes on pam dagen on ierusalem. 8 So'Slice herodes fagnude pa he psene 8 SoS6lice herodes fagenede pa he panne haelend geseah. mycelre tide he wilnode helend ge-seah. langere tide he wilnode MS'. geseoah hine geseon' forpam &e he ge-hyrde mycel hine ge-seon. for-pan pe he ge-herde be him; I he hopode T he ge-sawe sum mychel be him. l he hopede J he ge-seage tacen pe fram him gewurde; sum taken pe fram him ge-wurSe. 9 pa ahsode he hine manegum wordum 9 pa axode he hine manege worden.: J he naht ne Iswarude; he naht ne andswerede. 10 Da stodon para sacerda ealdras hine 10 Da stoden pare sacerda aldres hine an-roedlice wregende. anrsedlice wreigende. Various Readings. Various Readings. Cap. xxiii. 1. A. heora. A. msenigeo; B. menego. Cap. xxiii. 1. hyra manega; ladden. 2. agunnon; 2. A. ongunnon. A. cwe;an. A. for-hwyrfedne (sic). A. cwoecon; caisere; segi-; sy; cyning. 3. hine [for him]; sig. 3. A. acsode. A. Jsworode (sic). 4. A. noemne. eart; iuda cyning; swarude. 4. ealdrum; ic nanne intingan; Pissum. 5. hlyddon; cwsedon; astyreS; A. Ipyssumr. 5, 6. The omitted passage is found in galilea. 6. axsode hweter; ware. 7. dagum. 8. A. B. C. A. acsode. A. mann. 7. A. anwealde. A. fagenode; ]onne; mycelere [for lange]; ge-hyrde micel; ongean-. 8. A. fahnode. A. Jione. A. B. C. geseon. opede (sic); ge-aewe; tacen 9. wordon 10. Para 9. A. acsode. A. Jswarode. 10. A. pEera. sacerde aldras. CHAP. XXIII.] 219 CAP. XXIII. 7 aras all Sio menigo hiara brohton 4 lseddon hine to pilate ongunnon 1:Et surgens omnis multitudlo eorum duxerunt illulam ad pilatum 2 -Coeperunt * 300. i. mt. cccxuiii. mr. excujiii. ia, hine ge-hena cuoe'sendo siosne woe gemitton under-cerrende 4 cynn userne io. cixxui. autem illum accusare dicentes hunc inuenimus sub-uertentem gentem nostram et 301. x. forbeadende4 woerdende goefelo 4' to seallanne T' te se gesald Saem caseri J cuoesende hine cristum cyning prohibentem tributa dari caesari et dicentem se christum regem -pte woere T jste se Sa gefraign hine cuoeS; tau ars cyning iudeana so0 he esse 3'Pilatus autem interrogauit eum dicens tu ds rex iudaeorum at ille * 302. i. mt. cccxx. mr. cc. ondsuarede cuoeo tu cuoe'Ses cuoe;;a se geroefa to aldormonnum sacerda I to Scem menigum io. clxxuiii. respondens ait tAi dicis 4 *Ait autem pilatus ad principes sacerdotum et turbas' 303. uiiii. io. exe. noht ic gemitto In-inges in tissum mean sot hia t -Sa ontrymmedon T cuoesendo gecerres nihil inuenio causae in hoc hominem (sic) 5 *At illi inualiscebant dicentes commouet * 304. x. f olc lserd 4';erh allne iudea J agann T from galilea o;;S hider se geroefa populun docens per uniuersam iudaeam et incipiens a galilaea usque huc 6 pilatus Sa geherde galilearn gefraign huoeter t gif monn galilesca woere J fte 4t mi-sty ongsett 9fte autem audiens galilaeam interrogauit si homo galilaeus esset 7 et ut cognouit quod of herodes onwseld woere eft-sende hine to herode sese 9 seilca hierusalem wses 5seml dagum de herodis potestate esset remisit eum ad herodem qui et ipse hierosolimis erat illis diebus herodes tonne gesene'S tone helend glaed wes suiSe waes forSon willnande of menigo tid 8 herodes autem uiso iesu gauisus est ualde erat enim cupiens ex multo tempore to geseanne hine foreoon geherde feolo of him J hyhtade T becon huoelc-huoene to geseanne from uidere eum eo quod audiret multa de illo et sperabat signum aliquod uidere ab him q-te woere aworden gefraignde Zsonne hine monigum wordum sos he noht him eo fieri 9 interrogabat autem illum multis sermonibus at ipse nihil illi geondsuarede stodon sec so-lice aldormen sacerda J unSutto fsestlice gehendon hine respondebat 10 *Stabant etiam principes sacerdotum et scribae constanter accusantes eum * 305. ii. mt. cccuiii. mr. clxxxuiiii Cap. XXIII. 1. 7 aras all Sio mengo hiora leddun hine to pylate 2. ongunnun gehene hine cweSenle -Siosne we gemitton under-cerrende cynn usera I forbeodende eae 3 wigga (sic) 7 for-beodende gmefel to sellanna saenm casera- cwe-sende hine crist cynig -te were 3. pylatus ta, gifrsegn hine cwses tu art cynig iudana hiora soS he ondswarade cwTeS Su cwezses 4. cwsetS tSa se groefa to aldormonnum sacerda J to &rem mengum noht ic mlitto intinega in tissum menn 5. soS hia ta on-trymedun cwe'ende gecerraS -P folc laeret serh alla iudea 7 on-gann from galileum oiSte hi;er 6. Se groefa Sa giherde galileam in-frsegn J gif monn galilese were 7. 9 -te ongset ~ssette of herode onwald were eft-sende hine to herode sense' seilca hierusolimesec wses;sem dagum 8. herodes tone gesene;tone hlelend glsed woes swi-Se wxes forSon wilnende of mongum tidum to geseanne hine far~on ite ge-herde feolu J hyhtade becon hwelc-hweogne from him gesegen were 9. gefrsegin Sonne hine monigum wordum sos he nohlt geondswarade 10. stodon rec solice aldormen sacerda J uswuto fsest-lice geherdun (sic) hine EE 2 220 [LUKE. 11 Ja ofer-hogode herodes hine mid [hys] 11 Da ofer-hugede herodes hine mid hys hyrede J bysmrode hine gescrydne hwitum hyrde i bisemerede hine ge-scridne mid reafe. J hyne agen-sende to pilate; hwiten reafe. 7 hine agen-sente to pilaten. 12 And on ~am daege wurdun herodes 12 And on panm daige wur6en herodes 7 pilatus gefrynd. Soblice big woron 8er 7 pilatus ge-freond. So6lice hyo wseren gefynd him betwynan; oer ge-feond heom be-tweonen. 13 Da cwm6 pilatus to para sacerda eal- 13 Da cwsee6 pilatus to pare sacerda ealdrum 7 dugu6e ealdrumz 7 to ain folce. dren. I 6uge'6e (sic) ealdren, to pam folke. 14 ge brohton me pisne man swylce he 14 Ge brohten me pisne man swilce he pis folc forhwyrfde. ] nu ic beforan eow pis folc for-hwyrfde. I nu ich be-foren eow ahsiende. ic nanne intingan findan ne mnag axiende. ich naenne intinge finden ne maig on pisumn men of pamz pe ge hine wrega; on pisen men. of pan pe ge hine wreige6. 15 ne fur6un herodes; Ic hine sende 15 Ne for-pan herodes. ich hine asende agen to him I him naht poes-lices dea6e ge- agen to him.: him naht paes lices deade don wses. ge-don woes. I6 Ic hine gebetne forlete; 16 ich hine ge-betne for-lsete. 17 Niede he sceolde him forgyfan anne 17 Niede he scolde heom for-gefen senne to hyra fteols-daege. to heore freols-daige. 18 pa hrymde eall rP folc set-gmxdere 1 18 pa grette eall paet folc to-gadere. cwqep; Nim pisne I forgyf us barrabban 7 cwsee. Nym pisne 7 for-gyf us barraban. 19 se wses for sumere twyrsednesse 1 19 se wses for sumere twirednysse 7 manman-slyhte on cwertern asend; slehte of cwarterne asend. 20 Eft spsec pilatus to him 7 wolde for- 20 Eft sproec pilatus to heom I wolde lsetan pene haelend; for-loten ]pane hbelend. 21 Da hrymdon big 3 cwwdon aho6 hine 21 Da gretten hyo I cwtoeen. a-h6 hine aho' hine; i-ho hine. 22 iDa cwsee he to him priddan siSe. 22 Da cwseS he to heom ~Sridde sySe. hwset dyde ]es yfeles. ne mette ic nan Hwset dyde Pes yfeles. ne afunde ic nan Ping yfeles on pissum men f he si deapes'ping yfeles on pise men. peet he syo deaSes scyldig. ic hine ]reage I forlaete; scyldig. ic hine preage I for-lkete. Various Readings. Various leadizgs. 11 A. hys; B. his; omitted in Corpus MS. A. here 11. hyrede; bisnierode; pilate. 12. doege wurdon; [for hyrede]. A. ongean-: 12. A. wurdon. A. be- gefrnd (sic); gefynd; be-tweonon. 13. para; ealdrumn; tweonan. 13. A. poera. 14. A. om. ic after nu. duge-e ealdrumn; folce. 14. brohton; swylc; ic beA. acsiende. 15. A. furSon. A. agean. 16. A. geforan; axsiende. ic nanne inttigan; mseg; Pisum; Pam; bendne, alt. to gebetne in late hcand. 17. B. C. Niede wreg'a~. 15. Ic; sende; deane; waes. 17. him for(as imz text); A. Nede, alt. to Nyde. A. enne. A. heora.e waes 17 him for19. A. twyrcedlnysse. A. c~~weartekrn. 20. A. pila~tus gyfan. 18. rymde (for grette); met-goedere. 19. manspric. A. pone. 21. B. aho (followed by an erasulre; slyhte. 20. him (alt. to heom); for-leton ponne halend. tweice). 22. A. B. gemette. B. C. pincg. A. om. 21. hrymden [for gretten]. 22. ge-mette [for afunde]; yfeles After ping yu; B.; B.C. pisumt. A. sig. for-late. CHAP, XXIII.] 221 telde 4' ha hine herodes mnit here his 7 bissmerede T bisuac ge-gearuad huite 11 *Spreuit autem ilium erodes cumi exercitu suo et inlusit indutum ueste *306. x. gegerela 7 eft-sende to pilate: aworden woeron friondas herodes 7 pylatus on 6sem dsege alba et remisit ad pilatum 12 et facti- sunt amici herodes et pilatus in ipsa die forSon er fionclas woeron him bituih pylatus ha efne-geceigdum aldormonnunm sacerda nam antea inimici erant adinuicem 13 *iPilatus autem conuocatis principibus sacerdotum * 307. uiiii. io. Clxxxrti. laruunm' fole cuoeh to him 4 to -;sem gie brohton me hiosne monno suelce et magistratibus et plebemu 14 dixit ad illos optulistis mihi hunc hominem quasi woere from-cerrende ~ fole I heono ic fora iuih gefregno nueniht Inhsing ic ge-moete on auertentem populum et ecce ego coram uobis interrogans nullam causam inueni in hsissurn menn of sem ilcum in'sem hine gie ahenas 4t ah ne herodes forSon eft ic sende homine isto ex his in quibus eum accusatis 15 *Sed neque herodes nam remissi * 308. x. iuih to him J heono noht wyrhse to deah'e gedoenh T waes him geb6etad T forSon hine uos ad illum et ecce nihil dighnumn morte actum est- ei 16 "'Emendatunz ergo illum 309. ii. mrt. cccxxii. mr. cell. ic forgefo ned-harf Sonne hpefe 4 haifde to forgeafanne him herh 5one syrnbel-d g enne T an dimittam 17 necesse autem habebat dimittere eis per dieml festumn unum ofer-clioppade hSa etg'edre all-efne 5 folc cuoehende nim h;iosne 3 forgef us barcabbda 1S *Exclaimauit autem simnul uniuersa turba dicens tolle hunc et dimlitte nobis barabban * 310. i. mnt. cecxxu. sehe wses fore setnung. huilumn t for longe awordeno in saer ceastra 3 mor;or wies gesended o. cI. iiii 19 qui erat propter siditionem (sic) quondamn facta (sic) in ciuitate et homicidium missus in care-erne efter-sona h;a pyiattus sprecend wses to him willnade forleta h;one hmlend in carcerem 20 *Iterumn autem pilatus locutus est ad illos uolens dimittere iesum, 311. i. mt. cccxxiii. so'S hia suite clioppado cuoehsendo alloh ahoh hile he Sa hirddan siha cuoe mr cx.uiii 21 at illi succlamabant diceutes crucifige crucifige illum 22 Mlle autem tertio dixit 312. niiii. io. cx. to him hu.ed forhSon yfles dyde;es nseneht 4' ne oht inting deadaes ic gemitte in him ic hrea T ad illos quid enim mali fecit iste nullam causarm mortis inueni in eo corripian forhon hine I ic forlto ergo illur ett dimittam 11. telde hsa hine herodes mi'r herge his 9 bismerede gegeorwade hwite gegerla i eft-sende to pylate 12. J aworden weron friondas herodes I pylatus on hSam daige forhon a-r fiondas weron him bitwih 13.: pylatus ta- efne-gecegde aldormonnum -;ara.... -5 folc 14. cwT h to him g.... iosne monne hwele were forcerrende..... [he]ono ic bifora iowh ic fregno.... ic ginoette in melnnc assum of emmi ilcum in haem hine ge ahenas 15. ah ne herodes forhon sende iowh to him I noht wyrh;e to deohe gidoen wees him 16. geboeta's forSon hine ic forgefe 17. ned-h erfe tonne hmefeh; to forgeofumne him serh hone symbeldseg enne 18. I ofer-cliopade ha ait-geddre alefnie - folc cwe ende nim nhiosne I forgef us baraban 19. se-he wies fore setnunge hwilum 4 forlonge aworden in aier. cmstre J morhor waes gesended in carc-ern 20. eftersona ha pylatus sprecende w-es to him wilnade forlete hone huelend 21. sohS hia cliopade cweh-ende ahoh ahoh hine 22. he ha hsirda sise ewais to him hwaet forhSon yfel dyde hais nainiht 4' noht inhingga deohes ic gemitte in himl ic hria forhon hine I ic forleta 222 [LUKE. 23 And big astodon I mycelre stefne 23 And hyo stoden 3 mycelere sterne bwdon T he waere ahangen; ] hyra stefna bkeden j he woere a-hangen. J hire stefne swi'Sredon. swe6eredon. 24 24 25 9 he for-gef him paene pe wies for 25 3 he for-gef heom pane pe woes for man-slyhte I sumere sace on cwerterne. manslihte 3 sumere sake on cwarterne pane pone hi biedon 3 Pmne haelend he sealde to hyo beden. I pane helend he sealde to hyra willan; hire willan. 26 And pa big hine Ikeddon hi gefengon 26 And pa hyo hine liedden hyo gesumne cyreniscne simonem. se corn of pan fengen sumne cyreniscan symonemn se corn tune 7 pa rode him on-setton j5 he hi of pam tune. 3 pa rode hinm onsetten. S bere sefter Pam hkelende. he hyo bere eafter Pam lhelende. 27 hlim fylide mycel wered folces 3 wifa 27 hym felgede mycel wered folces 3 pa hine heofun I weopun; wife. pa hine heofen I weopen. 28 pa cwmp se hmalend bewend eala doh- 28 pa cwm63 se heelend be-wend. Eala tra hierusale~m. nelle ge ofer me wepan. dohter Jerusalem; nelle ge ofer me wepen. ac wepa>6 ofer eow sylfe. ] ofer eower ac wepe5 ofer eow sylfe. ] ofer eower bearn. beam. 29 foranz pa dagas cuma6 on pam hig 29 for-pan pa dages cumer6 on pamv hbyo cwepa6. eadige synt pa untymyndan I in- cwe6eS. eadige synden pa un-temenden 3 nopas pe ne cendun ] pa breost pe ne in-noSes pe ne akenden.: ka breost pe ne sictun. sucen. 30 ponne agynna M hig cwe6an to pam 30 panne aginne6 hyo cweSen to plam muntum fealla>W ofer iUs. I to beorgum munten failed ofer us. I to bergen oferofer-wreo~S us. wreod us. 31 fortam gif big on grenunm treowe Pas 31 for-pan gyf hyo on grenen treowe pas ping do~6 hwmt do; big on pam drigean; ping do;. hwet doS hyo on pam dreigen. 32 And mid hinm weron gelmdde twegen 32 And mid hym wmren ge-ledde twege manfulle J big weron ofslegene; o>re manfulle J hyo w-eren of-slegene. Various Readings. Various Readings. 23. A. stemne. A. heora stefna. 24. A. B. C. omit. 23. stodon; boedon; ware; hyra; swi-;redon. 25. for25. A. for-geaf. A. pone. A. sutnre. A. cwearterne. geaf; ponne; sace; cworterne. penne (sic); beedon. A. hig. A. pone. A. heora. 26. hig [for hi; twice]. ponne halend. 26. End; bieddolln; halende. 27. fylB. C. pan (as in text); A. pain or pan. 27. A. fyligde. gyde; wifa; heofon; weopon. 28. halend; dohtra; A. heofedan. A. weopon. 28. A. eowre. 29. A. for- eowre. 29. dagas; eadig sind; untymendon (sic); pan poe Sa. A. synd. A. untymendan. A. cendon. A. cendon; syetun (with y nearly erased). 30. aginna'-s; sycton. 30. A. ollgynnas. 31. A. drigum. 32. A. cwe'an; muntumn falles; byrgum; -wreos. 31. greB. C. insert oire after twegen. nun; drigen. 32. _/nd; wteron (twice); twegen. CHAP. XXIII.] 223 sot hia on-stodon stefnum miclum gebedon -te ahoen woere: on-trymmedon 4 stefno 23*At illi instabant uocibus magnis postulantes ut crucifigeretur et inuallescebant uoces * 313. i. mt. cccxxui. -mr. CCl. hiora J pylatus to-doemde ~te woere gebed hiora forgeef Za him io. cxciiii. eorum 24 *ET pilatus adiudicauit fieri petitionem eorumn 25 dimisit autem illis 314. i. mr. ccxxuiii. mr. tCoi. hine se5e fore more5or: setnung gesendad wais in care-erne'Sone bedon io. cxcui. eum qui propter homicidium et seditionem missus fuerat in carcerem quem petebant sone helend 6~c salde to willo hiora ] mnitSy geleeddon hine ge-grippedon - iesum uero tradidit uoluntati eorum 26 *ET cum ducerent eum appraehenderunt 315.i. mt. ceexxxi. nMr. ccullll. sunmne simon cyrinisce cymmende of londe J geseton him 9 rod to bearanne refter io. cxcnii. simonem quendam cyrinensem uenientem de uilla et imposuerunt illi crucem portare post [mS. cxxuii.] tsone hmlend fylgde sa hine menigo hergas Zoms folces ] Zsara wifana Za~;e gemseniesum 27 *Sequebatur autem ilium multa turba populi et mulierum quae plange- 316. x. don J1 1 hond-boeftadon hine efne-gecerred weins isa to him t emm se heelend cuoes dolitero bant et lamantabantur (sic) eum 28 conuersus autem ad illas iesus dixit filiae hierusalem- nallas gie woepa ofer mec ah ofer iuh seolfo woepas [J] ofer suno iuero hierusalem nolite flere super me sed super uos ipsas flete [et] super filios uestros for-on heono cymas dagas in Zsem hia cuoaSas eadgo bison sa unberendo 9 zsa wombo Tase ne 29 quoniam ecce uenient dies in quibus dicent beatae steriles et uentres qui non acendon tr ZSa breosto Zai6e ne gemilcadon 4' ne gefoedon tonne 4: Za.hia onginnaMt cuoela genuerunt et ubera quae non lactauerunt 30 tunc incipient dicere -tsem m6runm falla; ofer tisih J hyllum awuria; usic forson T gif In groene:T tree Sas montibus cadete (sic) super nos et collibus operite nos 31 quia si in uiridi ligno haec doas in drygi Tr in aide huned bit JT worses woeron geledet;a J o-soro tuoege woh-fullo 4 faciunt in arido quid fiet 32 *Ducebantur autem et alii duo ne- "317. i. mt. cccxxxt.i. mr. CCXua. unrehto mii hine -te hia woere gede~ed T gecuelledo io. excilii. quam cum eo ut inter-ficerentur 23. sot hia on-stodun stefnum miclum ge-beodon -te he ahongen were J in-trymedun stefnum hiora 24. 7 pylatus todoemde Zset were gibed hiora 25. forgaef Za Zsem hine sese fore mor-3re 7 set-nunge gisended woes in carc-ern Zone bedon $......willum hiora 26. miZZy.... [hi]ne gigriopun simon... cymende of londe, 9 giseto[n].... rode to bearanne rafter'tem hlelend 27. fyligdun Za him nmonige hergas Sees folches 3 wif -ase gimmendun J hondumn beoftun hine 28. efne-gicerred weins Za to him Ze haelend cwmee dohter.... nallaS giwoepa ofer mec ah fore iowih solfe woepaZ 3 ofer suno iowre 29. for-Son heono cymes dagas in Ssem hie cweo;as eadge eadge (sic) bioton J a wombe $ate ne acendun 9 $a breost Sate gi-milcadun 30. ~a him onginneS cweosa aenm morum falles ofer usih J hyll biwrias usih 31. Bset in groenum treoum Sas doaS on dryge Set bis 32. werun gilecied sa 3 osre twoege wohlfulle mii him 9 him weruna gidered 224 [LuIKe 33 And syf66an hig comon on pa stowe 33 ] sy;Sen hyo comen on pare stowe. pe is genemned caluarie J is heafod-pannan pe ys ge-nemned caluarie pret ys heafedstow. par hig hine hengon I anne sceapan panne stow. paer hyo hine hengen. ] enne on his swigran healfe ] o>6erne on his wyn- scapan on hys swydren healfe 3 oSer on hys stran; wenstran. 34 Da cwiee6 se helend. feder. forgyf 34 pa cwse~6 se hmelend fader for-gef heom him forpam big nyton hw-t hig do6; SoB- for-pan by nyten hwmet hyo do>6. So'lice lice hig dmaldon hys reaf ] wurpun hlgtu. hyo delden his reaf 3 wurpen hloten. 35? 1 fole stod geanbidiende. 3 pa eal- 35 3 ~ folc stod ge-ambadiende. 3 pa dras hine teldon mid him' cw edon; Opre ealdres hine telden mid heom I cwam6en. he ge-hblde gehlele hine sylfne gif he sig OCSre he ge-homlde. hine sylfne he ge-hele godes gecorena; gyf he syo godes ge-corene. 36 And pa cempan hine by[s]mredon 3 36 And pa cempen hine bysmereden. send him eced brohton hym ieched brohten. 37 7 pus cwmdon; Gif pu si iadea cining 37 3 pus cwSe6en. Gyf pu syo iudea gedo pe halne; kyning ge-do pe sylfne halne. 38 Da wies his ofer-gewrit ofer hine a- 38 Da waes his ofer-ge-writ ofer hine writen. grecisceunstafuzn ] ebreiscuz. pis awriten. grekiscen stafen 3 hebreiscen. is iudea cining; pis is judea kyning. 39 An of pam sceapum pe mid him han- 39 And (sic) of pam scamen pe mid hym gode hine gremede 3 cwsep; Gif Pu crist hangede. hine gremede. 3 cw. Gyf pu eart gehlil be sylfne 3 unc; crist tort ge-hel pe sylfne I unc. 40 IDa 7swarude se oper 3 hine preade 7 40 Da andswerede se o5er 7 hine preadde ewsep; Ne Pu god ne ondrmetst 6u eart on 0 3 cwme'6. Ne pu god ne on-drmdst..set Psere ylcan genyverunge. pu ert on pare ylcan ge-nyferunge. 41 3 wyt witodlice be uncer rdaeduim 41. 3 we her: witodlice be uncer mer-dceden * we her over on-fo>5; So>6lice pes naht yfeles ne dyde on-fo>S. So'lice pes naht yfeles ne dyde. 42. he cwaep to pamn helende; Drihten. 42 3 he cwoe~ to Pam haelende. Drihtengemun pu me ponne pu cymst on pin ge-mune pu me. panne pu kymst on pin rice; rice. Various Readings. Various 2Readings. 33. A. Pmr. A. enne. A. pa wynstran [for his wynstran]. 33. sRi;san; cornon; heafod-; hengon; swy~Sran; winstrani. 34. fieder for-geaf; hyo niten; wurpan hloton. 35. ge-ambodiende; ealdras; toldon; cweion; R. onm. [for sig]. 36. A. B. bysmredon. 37. A. sig. 38. A. hle Cater syalfne;?gecorena. 36. zend; cempan; byscyningc. 39. A. gretiode. C. om. eart. 40. A. Jswa- moroden; eced brohton. 37. cwve-Son; sy; cyning. 3rode. C.ondreet. 41. i, cma. te. 38. grecisdum stafuirn ebreiscumi; iudea cyning. 39. end; scaiurn; hangode; eart. 40. ondretst; eart; ylca. 41. wyt [for we her]; aerdaedum. 42. gemun; ponne; Cymst CHAP. XXIII.] 225 J Pefter Son cuomono in stowu "seSe geceiged bis heafod-ponna stoue Ser ahengon hine 33 *ET postquam uenerunt in locum qui uocatur caluariae ibi crucifixerunt eum * sis. i. mt. cccxxxii. Mr. cCX. J Ca m6rsceaSo an 4t enne to' sulirum J oterne of -sem winstrum se hoelend {a gecuoelsaS io. cxcuii. *ET latrones unum a dextris et alterum a'sinistris 34 tIesus autem dicebat * 319. i. mr. cccxxxui. mr. ccxu. fader forgef him ne for-on wuton huaed hia doas to-daeldon uutedlice ge-w6edo 4' his sendon io. cxcuiiii. pater dimitte illis non enim sciunt quid faciunt *Diuidentes uero uestimenta eius miserunt t XCI. 320. x. * 321. i. tanas J gest6d - folc basnende J bismeredon 4 hlogon hine ~;a aldornmenn miS him mt. cccxxiiii. sortes 35 et stabat populus spectans *ET deridebant illum principes cum eis 322. ii. mt. cccxxxuiii. mr. cexuiii. cuoe-sendo o;oro halo dyde hine halo gedoe gif Sis is crist godes gecoren teldon m' dicentes alios saluos fecit se saluum faciat si hic est christus dei electus 36 *INlude- * 323. ii. mt. cccxlii. mr. ccxxii. bismeredon sa him 7 -8a cemp geneolecdon J secced brohton him cuoe-endo gif $u bant autem ei et milites accedentes et accetum (sic) afferentes illi 37 dicentes si tui ars cynig iudeana hal Sec d6o woes Sonne I sec ofer-awritt inawritten ofer hine es rex iudaeorum saluum te fae 38 *ERat autem et super-scribtio inscribta super illum *324. i. mt. cccxxxu. mr. ccxiiii. stafum miS creciscum V latinuin V ebriscum'sis is cynig iudeana an -Sonne of io. cxcuiiii. litteris graecis et latinis et haebraicis hic est rex iudaeorum 39 *Unus autem de * 325. ii. rat. CCcxxxu11ii. aem aSaSe ahongadon m6rscea8num gebolsade hine cuoes gif Su ar-; crist hal d6o Sec mr. ccxuiiii. his qui pendebant latronibus blasphemabat eum dicens si tu es christus saluum fac temetseolfne J usih ondsuarede'Sa se oSer forcuoeS -I' geSreade hine cuoeS ne 7 Su ipsum et nos 40 *Respondens autem alter increpabat illum dicens neque ti * 326. x. ondredes Se god ste T forSon on -sa ilco euuerdlu 4 niSrung arS J ~c w6e secsoS rehtlice forSon times dezam quod in eadem damnatione es 41 et nos quidem iuste nam wyr-o miS woercum woe onfengon -Ses uutedlice noht yfles dyde: cuoeS to Siem hielende digna factis recepimus hic uero nihil mali gessit 42 et dicebat ad iesum drihten gemyne min -k mec miSSy Sui cymes in ric Sin domine memento mei cum ueneris in regnum tuum 33. J refter Son comun in stowwe seSe giceged bis heofodponna stow Ser ahengun hine J Isa morsceeso enne to Seir swiSra J oSerne on Sa wynstra 34. Se hielend Sa cwsetd fieder forgef him ne fordon wutun f hweet hie doan todaeleS wutudlice giwede his sendun hlott 35. 7 stod Siet fole basnade J bismeradun 4 hlogun hine -Sa aldor-menn miS him cwe-sende oSre hale dyde hine ne halne does gif sis is crist godes gicoren 36. teldun 4' bismeradun'Sa hine J -Sa cempu gineolicadun: seceS brohtun him 37. cwesende gif ~Su arS cynig iudea halne doa -Sec 38. wies Sonne 7 ofer-wriotum awriten ofer hine stafum creciscum lsedenum: ebriscum -sis is cynig iudeana 39. an, Sonne of &em Sate ahengon morsceoSo gi-eofulsadan hine cwise- gif -Su arS crist halne gidoa Sec solfne J usih 40. ondsworade Sa Se oSer forcweS-k 4 Sreade hine cwieS ne Su Se ondredes god Siette forSon on sa awerdlo 4' nisrung is 41. ec we ecsoS rehltlice forSon wyrSe miS wercam we on-fengun Ser wutudlice noht yfles dyde 42. J cweS to temn hinlende drihten, gimyne min miS6y cymes in rice Sin F F 226 [LuKE. 43 Da cwaep se hbelend to him; To-deeg 43 pa cwe?6 se haelend to hym. to-daig Pu bist mid me on paradiso; ]pu byst mid me on paradise. 44 pa waes nean seo syxte tid. J Pystro 44 Da woes neoh syo sixte tid. J peostre weeron ofer ealle eorpan o6 Pa nigopan tide. waeren ofer ealle eor6an. o66an nigepen tide. 45 3 sunne waes apystrod Pses temples 45 3 sunne waes astyred 3 pas temples wahryft wear6 toslyten on middan; wahrift waer6 to-sliten on midden. 46 Da cwae6 se hklend clypiende mycelre 46 Da cw. se haelend clepiende mycele stefne; Faeder ic bebeode minne gast on stefne. Fader ich be-beode minne gast on pinre handa. 7 pus cwepende he forp- pinre hande. 3 pus cwe'6ende he for>6ferde; ferde. 47 pa se hundred-man geseah jf par ge- 47 Da se hundred-man ge-seah f Peer geworden woes. he god wuldrode I cwse>6; wor;en woes. he god wuldrede. I cwae'6. Soplice pes man wses riht-wis. So'lice pes man wses rihtwis. 48 3 eall wered pe aet pisse waefer-synne 48 7 eall wered pe aet pisse wmefernyssen wreron 7 gesawon pa ping pe ge-wurdon. weeren J ge-seagen pa ping pe ge-wor'en woeron agen gewende hyra breost beoton; waeren. agen ge-wende heore breost beoten. 49 Da stodon ealle hys cupan feorran. 3 49 Da stoden ealle his cu6an feorren. Pa wif pe him fyligdon fram galilea Pas 3 pa wif Pe hym felgden fram galilea pas 7Ping geseonde. ping ge-seonde. 507 J a an man on naiman iosep. se wws 50 3 pa an man on namen ioseph se wses gerefa god wer 7 rihtwis. ge-refe. 7 god wer I rihtwis. 51 pes ne ge-pwmerode hyra gepeahte 7 51 pes ne ge-6wmerede hyore ge-pohte 3 hyra doedum fram arimathia iudea ceastre hyra d&eden fram arimathia iudee cestre. se sylfa ge-anbidude godes rice. se sylfe ge-ambadede godes riche. 52 pes genealiehte to pilate 3 bed pses 52 pes ge-neahlahte to pilate 7 baed pas haelendes lichaman hkelendes lichamen. 53 3 ny6er-alede hyne 3 on scytan be- 53 and ni6er-aleigde hine. 3 on scetan feold 7 lede hine on aheawene byrgene,on be-feold. 3 leigde hine on aheawene byrepaEere nmes pa gyt naenig aled; gene on Pare naes na geot on anig aleig36. Various Readings. Various Readings. 44. A. neah. 46. A. clypigende. A. stemne. A. pyne. 43. halend. 44. neah; pystre woeron; eall; nigopan. 48. A. werod. B. waefersynne (with the letters ne nearly 45. apystrod; wear; middan. 46. halend; mycelere; erased). A. ongean. A. heora. 50. A. ioseph. 51. Faeder ic; pinra handa. 47. geworden; wuldrodede (sic). A. ge-jwaerede heora. A. heora. A. ge-anbydode. 48. waefer-syn; ge-sawan; ge-wurdon waeron; hiora; beoton. 49. feorran; heom fylgdon. 50. naman; gereafe. 51. hyora ge-peahte; daedum; iudea ceastre; ge-anbydode; rice. 52. ge-neah-lachte; lichaman. 53. alegde; scyetan be-feald; legde; a-hewenne byrigenne; gyt anyg aled (omitting on). CIIAP. XXIII.] 227 J cuoe; him se haelend soM is ]5 ic cuoeo';e mec mi- -;u bist in nercsna-wong 43 et dixit illi iesus amen dico tibi hodie mecum eris in paradiso wses uutedlicet k -a ] ic leto 4' suoelce tcid -io seista J Siostro aworden woeron on alle eor'o wi44 *Erat autem fere hora sexta et tenebrae factae sunt in uniuersa terra usque 327. ii. mt. cccxl. mr. CCXX. on non tid J fore-awrigen k woes sunna i waghrael tempeles toslitten wies on middum in nonam horam 45 et obscuratus est sol *ET uelum templi scissurm est medium * 328. ii. mt. cccxliiii. mr. ccxx[iiii]. 3 clioppade stefne micle 4' mi~; miclum stefnum se heelend la fader In hondum -;inum ic bebiodo T ic feesto 46 Et clamans magna uoce iesus pater in manus tuas commendo, *329. i. mit. cccxliii. mr. ccxxiiil. gast minne J mitsy 6as cuoeS gist of-goef 4 gesaeh Sa -e aldormonn 1te aworden io. cciiii. spiritum meum et haec dicens expirauit 47 *Uidens autem centurio quod factum * 330. ii. mtr. cccxlui. mi'. CCXXU. woes gewuldrade god cuoe; so-lice -% es monn so;fitest is: all j- here;ara fuerat glorificauit deum dicens uere hic homo iustus est 48 *ET omnis turba eorum * 331. x. -;a-;e oed-gevedre to-cuomon 4' to-weron to sceawanne 4' J5 T, gesegon 4' SaSe woeron aworden slhegendo woeron qui simul aderant ad specta[cul]um istud et uidebant quia fiebant percutientes hiora breosto eft-cerrdon 4' gestodon tonne 4' 6a alle megas' his farra to J ~a wifo pectora sua reuertebantur 49 stabant autem omnes noti eius a longe et mulieres Sate fylgende woeron hine from galilea Sas gesegon I heono wer &tes noma woes, quae secuta-e erant eum a galilaea haec uidentes 50 sET ecce uir nomine * 332. i. mt. cccxluiii. mr. ccxxuii. ioseph ses;e wres of 4';er byrig wer g6d J sotfeest $;es ne efne-genehuade-k to somnung I io. ccui. ioseph qui erat decurio uir bonus et iustus 51 hic non consenserat concilio et dedum hiora from arimathia byrig T4 ceastre iudepe se-Se gebasnade 4 J:eic he ric godes actibus eorum ab arimathia ciuitate iudeae qui expectabat et ipse regnum dei Ses geneolecde to pylate J giude T boed lic-homa %ies hoelendes 3 mi%$y ofasette 4 innbewand mi% 52 hic accessit ad pilatum et petiit corpus iesu 53 *ET depositum inuoluit * 333. i. mt. cccxluiiii. mr. CCXXuiii. linene hriegle J gesette hine In byrgenne 4' aheawun T4 in aemem ne;a get ienig monn gesettet wes io. ccuiii. sindone et posuit eum in monumento excisso in quo nondum quis-quam positus fuerat 43. - cwaee him -e hmlend so- ic cwebo Se todoege mec mii Su bist on [njerexnawonga 44. woes wutudlice swelce tid -io sexta J -iostro giwordne werun on alre eorSo olte on non tide 45. 7 for-wrigen wRes sunne 3 wag-hriegl temples tosliten wees on middum 46. J cliopade stefne miceire -e hielend cwiee fieder in honda -ine ic bifiesto gast minne J mity us cwiee of-geef gast 47. gisieh -a te aldormon %set aworden woes giwuldrade god cwiee solice;es mon so~-ftest wies 48. 3 al -e here hiora Sate oetsceowunga togedre comun to sceawunga -eit J gisegun -aSe aworden werun sliende on breost hiora eft-cerdun 49. gistodon Sa alle megas his fearra to J -a wif -ate fylgende werun him from galilea;as gisegun 50. 1 heono wer tees noma wes.... se-e wins of Seer byrig wer god 3 soS-feest 51. Ses ne efne-ginehwada to gisomnunge: dedum hiora from arimathia Seer ciestre iudea seSe gibasnade ec he rice godes 52. Ses ginoelicade to pylato J bied lichoma Sees hielendes 53. of-asette biwand in line J gisette hine in byrgenne aheowne in ~sem ne sa gertt enig mon giseted wies FF 2 228 [LUKE. 54 nd pa waes se dreg parasceue j is 54 And Pa woes se daig parasceue gegearwunge. J soeter-deg on- is gegarewunge 3 seeter-daig onlyhte; lihte. 55 Da wif pe him fyligdon Pe comon mid 55 Da wif 1Pe hym felgden. pe comen him of galilea hig gesawon pa byrgene. 3 mid hym of galilea hyo ge-seagen pa byrihu his lichama aled woes genne J hu his lichame aligd woes. 56: hig cyrdon. J gea[r]wodun wyrtge- 56 3 hyo chyrden J gerewedon wyrt-gemang I sealfa I on soetern-daeg hig ge- mang I sealfe. 1 on soetern-daig hyo gestildon eafter bebode; stylden refter be-bode. CHAPTER XXIV. CHAPTER XXIV. 1 On anum reste-dsege swype or on 1 On anan reste-daige swi6e mer on daigdnegered hig comun to Psere byrgene J rede hyo comen to pare byregene J baeren beron mid hivm pa wyrt-gemang pe hi ge- mid heom pa wertege-mang pe hyo gaerewegearwodon. don 2 7 hig gemetton psene stan awyltne of 2 ] hyo funden pane stan awyltne of pare paere byrgene; byregene. 3 And pa hi in to poere byrgene eodon. 3 And- Pa hyo in-to pare byrigene eoden hig ne gemetton n'a poes haelendes licha- hyo ne gefunden na pEes haelendes licha-:man; men. 4 And pa wss geworden pa hig on 4 zEnd pa waes ge-worSen pa hyo on m6de afseryde waeron be pyson pa stodon mode afereden weeren be pysen. pa stoden twegen weras wi6 hig on hwitum reafe. twegen weres wi 6 hyo on hwiten reafe. 5 3 pa hig adredon 7 hyra andwlitan on 5 3 pa. hyo adredden I heore andhwliten eorpan hyldun hig cwedon to himz; Hwi on eor"6an heoldan hyo cwaeeen to heom. sece ge lybbendne mid deadum. Hwi sece ge libbendne mid deaden. 6 nis he her ac he aras. gepenca'6 hu 6 nis he her ac he aras. Be-penche6 he spaec wi6 eow pa gyt pa he woes on ga- (sic) hu he spaec wii6 eow. pa geot pe he lilea w' es on galilea. Varios Readings. Various Readings. 54. A. ge-earwunge. A. om. J. A. sieternes dreg. 54. End (with red capital E); sater-daeg. 55. fylig55. A byrgyne; B. byrgenae., 56. A. gearwedon; B. don; comon; ge-smewon; byrgenne; lic-hama alegd. gearwodun; C. gearwo... A. saeterdaeg. 56. hy cyrdon; gareweden; sealfa; gestildon. Cap. xxiv. 1. A. dagred. A comon. A. hig ge-earwe- Cap. xxiv. 1. daegered; byrigenne; wyrtge-mang; gedon. 2. A. hi. A. pone. A. awyledne. 3. A. hig. garewoden. 2. ge-metton [for fundon]; paene; byriA. byrgenne. 4. A. weron afaorede be pyssum. 5. genne. 3. End; birigenne eodon; ge-metton [,for geA on-dredon A heora A.A. hlytan. A. hyldon. A. hwig. funden]; pas halendes lichaman. 4. And; gewordon; 6. A. sprac. A. pe [for 2nd pal. aflerede waeron; pyson; tweigen weras; wytum. 5. adredon; hyora andwlytan; hyldon; cwaeon; mideaden (sic). 6. Ge-pence~ hwu; gyt pa [for geot pe]. CHAP. XXIII.] 229 ] daege waes.i.foregearuung J sunnadcwg in-lixade under-fylgdon tsa T;a wifo 54 *Et dies erat parasceue et sabbatum inlucescebat 55 sub-secute, autem mulieres 334. x. -sa-Se miiS hine cuomon from galilea gesegon 4 byrgenn huu gesette.d wses quae cum ipso uenerant de galilaea uiderunt monumentum et quem-admodum positum erat lic-homa his 7 eft-cerdon ge-gearuadon wyrta gemong - suueti stunnc n smiriniso 7 sunna-dcg corpus eius 56 *ET reuertentes parauerunt aromata et ungenta et sabbato * 335. uiii. lmr CCXXX. secsoM suigadon k sefter be-bod quidem siluerunt secundumr mandatum CAP. XXIV. an uutedlice asara dagana.i.sunna-dwcg sui'Se arlice - cuomon to Team byrgenne beron t4' sa;e 1 *Una autem sabbati ualde diliculo uenerunt ad monumentum portantes quae + XCII. 336. i. mt. ccclii. ge-gearuadon';a suueti stenco J gem6eton'set stan eft from-awmelted of -isem byrgenne: mr. ccxxxi. parauerunt aromata 2 et inuenerunt lapidem reuolutum, monumento 3 et io. ccxi. Inn-foerdon ne gemoeton 4 lic-homa drihtnes hmelendes J aworden wses mi'S6sy ~Sohte gelegeno T ingressae non inuenerunt corpus dowini iesu 4 et factum est dum mente consterforcumeno woeron of'Sisum heono tuoege wseras gestodon set -4 neh selm In gegerelo lixende miMsSy natae essent de isto ecce duo uiri steterunt secus illas in ueste fulgenti 5 *Cum * 337. ii. mt. cccliii. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:~~~~~~~~~~~mr'. ccxxxii. ondreardon -sa T uutedlice 9 ahaeldon 4 onsion on eorSo cuoedon to Seemn hued soecai gie timerent autem et declinarent uultumn in terram dixerunt ad illas quid quaeritis 8one lifiende mi-; deadumr ne is her ah huesre aeft-aras eft-4enega 4'T hui sprecend uiuentem cum mortuis 6 non est hic sed resurrexit recordamini qualiter locutus waes iuh nlmi-sy -Saget In galilea were 4t woes est uobis cum athuc in galilaea esset 54. J dseg wses fore-georwunge J sunna-daeg in-lixende 55. under-fyligdon $a wif'5a-Se mis hine werun of galilea gisegun -a byrgenne giseted woes 3 hu to-gisetted wses licho[ma] his 56.- eft-cerdun gegeorwadun wyrtgimong J smirnisse 7 synna-dseg ec-so!s swigadun refter bibode Cap. XXIV. 1. an wutudlice swi-Se comun arlice T fegre to tser byrgenne.... io magtsalenisca J o-soro maria J osre miRS him beron -alse georwadon Sa smirnisse 2. J gimoettun $one stan awoeltedne from &ser byrgenne 3. J in-foerdun ne gi-mittun lichoma drihtnes hlelendes 4. I aworden wses mi-X-Xy forclmne I gelegne werun of;issum 3 heono twoege wearas gistodun neh'a;em gigerlan lix-ende 5. missy ondreordun Sa ahseldun Sset on-sion on eorSo cwedon to ~anem hwmet soecaS ge tone lifgende mis deadum 6. ne is her ah he aras eft-gi'Senca~ hu sprecende weas iow mi's y gett in galilea were I waies 230 [LUKE 7 C cwae; Det mannes sunu bji geseald 7 3 cwee'. Daot mannes sune beo>6 geon handa synfulra manna- I beord'hangen seald on hande synfulle manne. I beon I py priddan doge arisan. - ahangen. I pa pridden daige arisan. 8 h big gemundon his worda 8 1 hyo gemunda his worda. 9 7 hig gewendon fram paere byrgene J 9! hyo ge-wenten fram pare byregene cyddon eall pis pam endlufenum J eallum kydden eall pis'6am endlefenen J eallen o06rum o6ren. 10 Soplice waes maria magdalene. J io- 10 So6;lice wses maria magdalene. 1 Iohanna. 7 maria iacobi. 7 o3 re pe mid him hanna ) maria Iacobi. 7 o6re pe mid heom wseron pi ssedon ]as Ping pam apostolum woeren. 7 pa saigdon pas ping pam apostlen 11 pas word wseron gepuhte beforan 11 J pas word weeren ge-;uhte be-foren him swa woffunng 7 hig ne ge-lyfdon him; r heom swa woffung: hyo ne ge-lefden heom. 12 pa arais petrus 7 arn to p]ere byrgyne. 12 Da aras petrus. 3 arn to Pare byre1 alutende he geseah pa lin-wseda sylfe gene! alutede. he ge-seah ]a linwaede alede. I he ferde wundrigende p]es par ge- sylfe aleigde. I he ferde wundriende. Pas worden woses. - aef ge-wor;en woes. Dys gebyraw 13 1 p]a ferdon twegen of him on eP cas- 13 And Pa ferden twegen of heom on 5 elster-dag. tel f woes on faece' syxtig furlanga framn castel pset woes on faece sixtig furlenga fram Exierunt duo ex diSCipulis hierusalema on naman emaus. ierusalem. on naman emaus. sU"11. A. 14 i hig spaecon him betwynan be eallum 14 1 hyo spsecen heom be-tweonen be pam Pe par ge-wordene wseron; eallen Pan pe peer ge-wor;ene w-eren. 15 And pa hig spelledon I mid him 15 And ]a hyo spelleden I mid heom smeadon. se haelend genealeochte J ferde smeagden. se hoelend ge-nehlahte. I ferde mid him; mid heom. 16 So;lice hyra eagan wierun forhaefde 16 So'6lice heore eagen wseren for-hlefde.,5 hig hine ne ge-cneowun. J hyo hine ne cneowen. 17 7 he cwaeo6 to him hwset synt pa 17 7 he cwae'6 to heom. Hwset syndon spaeca Pe gyt reccea>6 inc betwynan gang- pa spsece pe gyt recce'6 me be-tweonen gangende. I synt unr6te; ende I synden un-rote. Various Readinzgs. Various Readings. 7. After priddan, C. has lost a leaf; it begins again 7. by-; handse synfulre manna; $riddan daig. 8. gewith daeg wses ahyld in v. 29. 9. A. his [for psere]. munda [as in H.]. 9. ge-wendon; byrienne; cyddon; A. endleofenum. 11. A. B. woffung. 12. A. B. byrgene. endleofenum; allurn odrum. 10. wperon; R. om. J 14. A. spraecon. A. be-tweonan. 15. A.B. ge-nealsehte. before pa; ssegdon; apostlum. 11. weeron; be-foran; 16. A. heora. A. waeron. 17. A. synd. A. spreca. ge-lyfdom (sic) hym. 12. byrienne; alutende; linwveda; A. recca-. A. be-tweonan. A. synd. alegde; wundrigende; ge-worden. 13. End; ferdon; furlunga. 14. spiecon; be-tweonon; allum pamn; kar gewordenne weron. 15. ~End; hi (for hyo, over erasure); smeahdon; halend ge-neahlahte. 16. heora; hweron (sic). 17. inc [for me]be-twenon gangonde; sint. CHAP. XXIV.] 231 cuoe-ende T -pte T forSon gedeefned is sunu monnes -pte se gesald in h6nd monno synnfulra 7 dicens quia oportet filium hominis tradi in manus hominum peccatorum J to 4' -pte were ahoefi J Sirddan doege arisa I eft-gemyndigo weron wordana his et crucifigi et die tertia resurgere 8 et recordati sunt uerborum eius 9 *ET * 338. ii. mt. cccliii. mr. ccxxxiii. eft-frerendo woeron from Seem byrgenne saegdon Sas alle -Sem aellefnum J osorom allum [MS. regressae a monumento nuntiauerunt haec omnia illis undecim et ceteris omnibus cccxxxiii.] waes Sa maria Sio magdalena J J iacobi I:Sa otoro Sai;e miS him woeron 10 *Erat autem maria magdalenae et iohanna et maria iacobi et ceterae quae cum eis erant 339. x. Sa cuoedon I Sa apostolas Sas J gesene woeron forad/ aer hia T sua from doen T wordo Sas quae dicebant et apostolos haec 11 et uisa sunt ante illos sicut deleramentum uerba ista I ne gelefdon him Sonne aras gearn to oem byrgenne 1 gebegde 4 et non credebant illis 12 petrus autem surgens cucurrit ad monumentum et procumbens gesseh -sa linen hraegla gesettedo IJ;ona coda mis him wundrade -fte aworden woes I heono uidit linteamina posita et abiit secum mirans quod factum fuerat 13 *ET ecce * XCIII. [340. niii. tuoege of seem T from him eado -;e ilca deege in 1 woere p waes in huarf Sara spyrda hund-teaiIE duo ex illis ibant ipsa die in castellum quod erat in spatio stadiorum centum sexdeih from hierusalem -Ses woes emmaus J Sailco gesprecon him bituih of -Seem sexaginta ab hierusalem nomine emmaus 14 et ipsi loquebantur adinuicem de his allum -Sa-e geneolecdon 3 aworden woes mit'sy woeron spellendo { gespelledon I mits him sohomnibus quae acciderant 15 et factum est dum fabularentur et secum quaeton J he se heelend geneolecde eade miS seem T him ego uutedlice hiora rerent et ipse iesus appropinquans ibat cum illis 16 oculi autem eorum gehalden weron -te hine ne onget6n T ongeatta mfehton J cuoeS to him huoed aron 4' Sas word tenebantur ne agnoscerent 17 et ait ad illos quid sunt hii sermones Isa;e gie seecga-; 4' bituih geongende J gie aron unr6t T4 quos confertis adinuicem ambulantes et estis tristes 7. cweSende fordon gidaefna-; sunu monnes &Set gisald were in hond monna synnfulra J Saette were ahongen? -y Sirda dmege arise-; 8. J eft-gemyndge werun worda his 9.; eft-feerende werun from -S;er byrgenne spegduau Sas alle tsem vellefnum J oSrum allum 10. waes Sa'Sio magsalenisca.... J.... J Sa o-;re;aSe mits him werun;Sa-;e cwedun Sas to -sem postolum 11, J gisene werun fore 4 aer hiae swa from-doe word -;as I ne gi-lefdun him 12..... onne aras gi-arn to Seer byrgenne J gibegde gisaeh Sa lineno hroegl hwite asetedo I code;ona mit him wundrade ]fte aworden wees 13. J heono twoege of ~eem eodun -e ilca daege to -;rem werche ]te wses on hwedrfe Sara spyrda sextig from.... -Ses noma wees amaus 14. J Sailco gisprecun him bitwion of,Sem allum satse gineolicadun 15. J aworden woes mi'ty werun spellende J mis him sohtun; he Se hIelend to-gineolicade eode mi-; him 16. ego wutudlice hiora gihaldne werun ne ongetun hine 17. J cweed to him hwiet arun Sas word;ate ge giseega~ bitwih iow gongende 3 go arun unrote 282 [LUKE. 18 Da Jswarude him;an. paes nama waes 18 Da andswerede hym an pas name woes cleofas I cwe>6; Eart Pu ana forwrecen on cleophas. I cw. eart pu ane for-wrecen- on hierusalem. I nystest pu Pa Ping pe on ierusalem. U nystest Pu pa ping pe on hire hyre gewordene synt on >6ysum dagum; ge-worS6en synde on Pissen dagen. 19 He sede pa. hwoet synt Pa Ping; 19 He saide pa. hwaet synde pa ping. And big sodon be pam nazareniscean iEnd hyo saiden pa be pam nazarenisce haelende. se wqes wer U witega mihtig. on haelende. se waes wer U witege mihtig. on spaece U on weorce be-foran g6de U eallumrn spraece U on weorce. be-foren gode 7 eallen folce. folce. 20 U hu hine sealdun Pa heah-sacerdas 20 b hu hine sealden Pa heah-sacerdas. 3 J ure ealdras on deases genyperunge? ure ealdres ondea6es ny'6erunge 7 ahengen ahengon hine. hine. 21 we hopedon T he to alysenne waere 21 We hopeden f he to alysende wsere israhel; 7 nu is se 6ridda daeg to-daeg f pis israel. 7 nu is se pridde daig to-daig. 15 woes geworden. P is woes ge-wor~en. 22 U eac sume wif 6f urum us bregdon. 22 U eac sume wif of ure us bregden. pa pa wwron oer leohte met pere byrgene. waeren ar leohte aet pare byregene. 23 U na his lichaman gemettun. hig 23 U na his lichame ne ge-seagen. hyo comon 7 saedun f hig gesawun engla ge- comen U saiden Pket hyo ge-seagen engle sih>6e. Pa secgai hine lybban. ge-sih6e. Pa segge6 hine libban. 24 U pa ferdun sume of irum to kPre 24 U pa ferden sume of uren to pare byby-rgyne 7 swa gemetton swa pa wif sedon regene. 7 swa ge-nmetton swa pa wif saiden. hine hig ne gesawon; hine hyo ne seagen. 25 tDa cwveS; se hmelend to him eala dy- 25 pa cwe; se hoelend to heom. Eale segan U on heortan le te to gelyfenne eallum desige on heortan. late to ge-lefene eallen panm Pe witegan spoecon. pam ke pa witegan sprcecen. 26 hu ne gebyrede criste pas ping Poli- 26 hu ne byregede criste pas ping polien gean. U swa on his wuldor gan; 7 swa on his wuldor gan. 27 And he rehte him of moyse U of 27 2-End he rehte heom of moyse U of eallumn haligum gewritum pe be him awri- eallen haligen ge-writen pe be him awritene tene woeron; wceren. Various Readings. Various Readings. 18. A. jswarode. A. B. cleophas. A. synd. 19. A. 18. pa [for ]as] nama; ana for-wrecon; ge-worden synt; pissum dagum. 19. soegde; synt; segdon; R. om. pa synd. A. nazareilyscan. A. sproece. 20. A. hu hig. before be; nazarescan (sic); witega; sprace; worce; hine sealdon (sic). 21. A. om. to. A. alysende. 22. allvMn. 20. selden. 21. opeden (sic); alysenne ware; A. hus [for us]. A. bregdan. 23. A. gemettan (sic). ge-worden. 22. urum; bregdon; waeron; byrigene. A. smedon. A. g~eszawon. 24. A. on. Jpa. A. ferdon. 23. lichama; ge-metton [jbr 1st ge-seagen]; smegdon; gesawen engla; seggaA. 24. urum; byrigenne; sAegdon; A. B. byrgene. A. gemettan (as in v. 23). 25. A. ge- sawen. 2.c; hlend; ala dysign; ge-lyfenne lyfanne. A. sprecon. 26. A. polian. 27. A. halgum. eallum. 26. byrigede; poligen. 27. alluln haligum; wueron. CHAP. XXIV.] 233 J ge-ondsuarede gn ~Szem waes noma T;ses noma cleophas cuoe-S him -;u gna fremSe 4k ellsiodig 18 et respondens unus cui nomen cleopas dixit ei ti solus peregrinus ar; in hierusalem 7 ne ongete u - ta'Se awordeno sint in -ser -Sissum dagum &sem ds in hierusalem et non cognouisti quae facta sunt in illa hiis diebus 19 quibus he cwe-S huuselco: cuoedon from 4' of -spem nazarenisco hIelend sense woes wer witge maehtih in woerc ille dixit quae et dixerunt de iesu nazareno qui fuit uir propheta potens in opere J in worde fore gode; allum folce J huu hine saldon -a heisto et sermone coram deo et; omni populo 20 et quomodo eum tradiderunt summi sacerda J aldormen usra in nisrung in suoenc deases: ahengon hine woe sacerdotum et principes nostri in damnationem mortis et crucifixerunt eum 21 nos uutedlice gehyhton T *te he were eft-lesing T israeles J nu ofer -sas alle is -sirddan autem sperabamus quia ipse esset redernturus israhel et nunc super hac omnia tertia doege to doege of -on I sas awordeno weron ah J wifo sume of usra gefyrhtadon T dies hodie quo hkec facta sunt 22 sed et mulieres qumedam ex nostris terruerunt usig sa - er leht weron to -Sem byrgenne 7 ne wees gemootad 4' lichoma his nos quae ante lucem fuerunt ad monumentum 23 et non inuento corpore eius cuomon cuoesendo hia uutedlice. gesih's6-'Sara engla gesega sase cuoedon hine lifiga T Jte lifde uenerunt dicentes se etiam uisionem angelorum'uidisse qui dicunt eum uiuere e foerdon I eadon sume from usra to -ssem byrgenne: suae gemoeton suee -sa wifo 24 et abierunt quidam ex nostris ad monumentum et ita inuenerunt sicut mulieres cuoedon hine uutedlice nege moeton T; he cuoet to him la finwiso; hkletto dixerunt ipsum uero non inuenerunt 25 et, ipse dixit ad eos 6 stulti et tardi ofer hearta to ge-lefanne in allum aJSe gespreccendo woeron Sa witgo ahne Mas corde ad credendum in omnibus quae locuti sunt prophetae 26 nonne haec germs gerouia crist J on 5a wisa ingeonga in wuldre his J Ingann from moise J oportuit pati christum et ita intrare in gloriam suam 27 et incipiens a mose et allum witgom tosceadade k him In allumn gewuriotum;aWe of him woeron omnibus prophetis interpraetabatur illis in omnibus scribturis quae de ipso erant 18. i ondsworade an $ses noma woes cleopas cwaeS him -u ana frerende I elsiodig ars in.... J ne ongete -Su -;ase awordne sindun under -sissum dagum 19. Jsaem he cwoels hwelce J cwedon him of N;~em helende nazarenisco sense' woes witga maehtig on werche I on worde fore gode J allum folche 20. J hu hine saldun him -Sa hesta sacerdas J aldormen usera in swenche T costunge'deodes I ahengon hine 21. we wutudlice gihyhton -soette he were eft-lesing israeles I nu ofer -sas alle is sirda daeg to daege of son';as awordne werun 22. ah I wif sume of usera giforhtadun usih ~sa-se aer lehte werun to;eer byrgenne 23. J ne woes gimoeted lic-homa his comun cwesende him wutudlice -a gisih-e -ara engla gesege -ate cwedun hine lifga 24. J foerdon I eodon sume from usra to &;er byrgenne I swa gimoetun swa sa wif cwedun hine wutudlice ne gi-segun 25. J he cwses to him la unwise o late of heorte to gilefanne in allum saSe sprecende werun sa witgo 26. ah ne sas giras gisrowiga crist J on sa wise ingonga in wuldor his 27. J waes in-gunnen from moyse 9 alluam witgum to-gisceode him in allum giwriotum'sase of him werun GG 234 [VLUsi. 28 J hig genea[lke]hton Jam castele pe 28' hyo ge-nehlacte pam castele pe hyo big to ferdun I he dyde swylce he fyr faran to ferden. I he dyde swilce he ferrer faren wolde wolde. 29' hig nyddon hyne 3 cw'don. wiina 29 J hyo nedden hine 3 cwaeen. pene mid unc forkam pe hit efen-lkec6 I se daeg (sic) mid iUnce for-pan hit sefenlec6 3 se woes'ahyld. I he in-eode J he mid him daig woes a-helt.' he in eode p he mid wunude; heoim wunede. 30 3 pa he mid himt set he onfeng hlaf 30S pa he mid heom sett he on-feng hlaf'3 hine bletsude' brsec 7 him rEehte;' hine bletsede.' braece heorn rahte. 31 pa wurdon hyra eagan Igeopenude 31 Da wurSan heore eagen ge-openede.:' hig gecneowon hine 3 he gewat fra in 3 hyo ge-cneowen hine 3 he ge-wat fram him. heom. 32 And hig cwvdon him betwynan nes 32 AEnd hyo cwseTen heom be-tweonen. uncer heorte byrnende pa he on wege wi6 Noes unker heorte beornende ]a he on weige unc spaec. I unc halige gewritu ontynde; wi>6 uine spoec. 7 unc halige write untynde. 33 And big arison on jsere ylcan tide 3 33 7 hyo arisen on pare ylcan tide 3 wendon to hierusalem I gemetton endlufan wenten to ierusalem 3 ge-metten endlefene gegaderude 3 pa &Se mid him woron. gegaderede. 3 pa pe mid heom weeren. 34 1 cwoedun? drihten so61ice aras I si- 34 3 cwse6en J drihten so6lice aras' mone set-ywde; symone atewede. 35 And big rehton pa ping la &Se on 35 3 hyo rehton pa ping. pa pe on wege gewordene wwron.' hu hig hine on- weige ge-wor"ene wseren.' hu hyo hine cneowun on hlafes brice; on-cneowen on hlafes breche. Dys ge-byra$ 36 So6lice pa hig Pis spreecon se heelend 36 So6lice }a hyo pis sprsecen. se haelon pryddan. easter-dag. stod on hyra midlene. 7 ssede him. sib sy end stod heom on midden. 7 saide heom sib Stetit iesus in medio dis- eow ic hit eom ne on-dreede ge eow; syo eow. ich hit em'. ne on-draede ge eow. elp A.lorum 37 Da weron hig gedrefede 7 afrerede' 37 Da weren hyo ge-drefede.'3aferede big wendon T hig gast gesawon;' hyo wenden T hyo gast ge-seagen. 38 And he sede him hwi synt ge ge- 38 And he saide heom hwi sinde ge gedrefede 3 ge]pancas on eowre heortan asti- drefede. 3 ge-pances on eowre heorten ga>6; astiged. Various Readings. Various Readings. 28. A. B. ge-nealaehton; Corpus MS. geneahton. A. 28. ge-neahton (sic); ferdon; fyrrer faran. 29. Wune; ferdon. A. fyrr. 29. C. begins again at dseg; see note unC for-pan for-pam pe hit mefen-lacS (sic); dseg; ahelt; eom. 30. eom seett; bletsode. 31. wurdon heora to v. 7. A. wunode. 30. B. C. on-feneg. A. bletsode.tsode. eagan; ge-eneowon. 32. eom betweonan; uncer; byr31. A. heora. A. ge-openode. 32. A. sproec. 33. A. nende; sprsec; ge-write. 33. ylcen; wenden; geom. on. A. endleofen gegaderode. 34. A. ewaedon. metton; weron. 34. retywde. 35. gewordene wseron; brice. 36. hy; halend stod on hyora midlene; ssegde; 35. A. c. oneneowon. 36. B. C. spincon. A. heora. ic; em [as in Hl.]. 37. afyrede; wendon; ge-seawen. A. sig. 37. A. hwig synd. 38. ssegde eom; synt; gedrefde; ge-sancas; heorte astiga. - CHAP. XXIV.] 235 J geneolecdon I-em woerce i;idder eadon J he gedyde T gebinde hine lengre T firr gaa 28 et appropinquauerunt castello quo ibant et ipse fluxit se longius ire: nedon 4' hine cuoesendo wuna usig miiS forson J efternloca$ IJ ofgebeged wses T is 29 et coegerunt illum dicentes mane nobis-cume* quoniam aduesperascit et declinata est * S. uobis cum, corrected to nobis cum. so'slice dmge J in-eode miS him J aworden wans mi-slsy eft-gerceste 4' mi~s him onfeng iam dies et intrauit cumr illis 30 et factum est dum recumberet cum illis' accipit - laf J gebloedsade J gebrcg 9 gerahte him' untyndo woeron ego hiora J panem et beneclixit et fregit et porrigebat illis 31 et Aperti sunt oculi eorum et ongeton hine I he gedrysnade from egum hiora 7 cuoedon bituih him ahne cognouerunt eum et ipse euanuit ex oculis eorum 32 et dixerunt adinuicem nonne heorta usra bernende weins in usic mitsy gesproeec In woege J misn;y untynde us'Sa gewriotto c6r nostrum ardens erat in nobis dum loqueretur in uia et aperiret nobis scripturas J arisson tio ilco tld eft-foerende woeron in hierusalem I gemoeton sa gesomnado iellefio 33 et surgentes eadem hora regressi sunt in hierusalem et inuenerunt congregatos undecim 3 Sa sase miBS him -4'-Sem ilcumn woeron cuoedon k4 -te aras drihten so'slice V aed-eawade et eos qui cum ipsis erant 34 dicentes quod surrexit dominus uere et apparuit simone I hia t4 stegdon'saMe gedoen T wundra weron on woege J huu ongeton T simoni 35 et ipsi narrabant quae gesta erant in uia et quomodo cognouerunt hine in bretin, hlafes mi's';y -sas uutedlice gesprecon se hselend ast6d In middum hiora I eum in fractione panis 36 *Dum haec autem locuntur iesus stetit in medio eorum et * x III. 341. uiiii. io. ccxxi..cuoeMS him sibb iuh ic am nalla'; ondrede efne-gestyredo woeron uutedlice I gefyrhtedo.weron [MS. cccxl. dicit eis pax uobis ego sum nolite timere 37 conturbati uero et conterriti uiiii. io. CCCxiii.] w6endon 4' hine gast ~te hia gesego 9 cuoe'S him hused gestyredo arogie I smeaungas T existimabant se spiritum uidere 38 et dixit eis quid turbati estis et cogitationes astigas In hearta iuera iscendunt in corda uestra 28. J gineolicade werun Z;em werche'sider eodun 3 he gidyde 4 gibinde hine lengre 4T firme 29. J neddun hine cwelende wuna usih miiS for'Son efern longe'S su wast J ofgi-beged weins soblice dsages J in-eode to wunanne mi'S him 30. 9 aworden wses mi'S;sy eftgireste mi's him onfeng hlafe J bletsade J brsec I girahte him 31.: ontynde werun ego hiora 3 ongetun hine J he gi-drysnade from egum hiora 32.: ewedun bitwilh him ah ne heorte userra biornende waes in us msziSy we gisprecun on woege I miS'sy ontynde us'Sa giwriotu 33. 1 arisende'Sailco tide eft-foerende werun in hierusalem J gimoettun'Sa gisomnaide mllefne I'Sa'Sa'Se miiS him -werun 34. cwe'Sende -fte so'Slice aras drihten 7 iet-eowde symone 35.: hie ssegdun'Sate gidoen werun on woege: hu on-getun hine on bretinge breodes 36. mi'Ssy'Sas wutudlice gisprecun';e hinlend stod on middum hiora: cwi's him sib iowih mis ic am nalla'; geondreda 37. efnegistyrede werun wutudlice 9 fyrhtede werun woendun hine gast ]s gisege 38. i cwsews him hwset gi-styred aron go J smeaunge rstige'S in heorte iowre ~rG 2 236 [LUKE. 39 Geseo6 mine handa 7 mine fet j ic 39 Ge seo>S mine handa 7 mine fet. p ic sylf hit eom. grapia'6. 7 geseo'6 f gast self hyt em. I grapie6 7J ge-seo56 5 gast nmefp flsc i ban. swa ge ge-seor6 me naef5 flesc ne ban swa ge ge-seo>6 me habban; haebben. 40 And Pa he Pis saede he et-eowde 40 And pa he Pis saide he atewede heom him fet 7 handa; fet 7 handa. 41. Da cwse; he to him la big pa gyt ne 41 Da cwee'6 he to heom. pa hyo pa gelyfdon 7 for gefean wundredon; HIebbe gyt ne lefden ) for blisse wundredon. HLebbe ge her aenig ping to etenne ge her anig ping to aetene 42 7 hig brohton him dael gebrasddes 42 ) hyo brohten him dael ge-brseddes fisces 7 beo-bread fisces 7 bei-brad 43 And pa he met beforan him he nam 43 7 he braecc. 1 pa aet beforen heom. pa lafa 7 himrb sealde he nam pa lafa J heom sealde. 44 ) cwae>6 to him; pis synt Pa word pe 44 3 cwea6 to heom. pis synde pa word ic spaec to eow pa ic wies pa gyt mid eow pe ich sprec to eow. pa ic woes pa geot mid forparm pe hit is neod f beon ealle ping ge- eow. for-pan pe hit ys neod 5 beon ealle fyllede Pe be me awritene;synt on moyses ping ge-felde. pe be me awritene synde. on e. 7 on witegum 7 on sealmum be me; moyses lage. J on witegan 3 on salmen be me. 45 Da atynde he him andgyt J hig 45 Da atynde he heom andgyt p]et hyo ongeton halige gewritu. on-geten halige ge-writen. 46 1 he cwae6 to him f'6us is awriten 3 46 7 he cWv to heom f pus is awriten' Pus gebyrede crist pjolian. J py'6riddan pus ge-byrede crist polian.: pe pridden daege of deaS6un arisan daige of dea6e arisen. 47 ] beon bodud on his naman daedbote 47' beon bodeS on his naman deadbote' synna forgyfenesse on ealle peoda. agyn- 7 synne for-gefenesse. on ealle peode agin-, nendum fram hierusalem; nende fram ierusalem. 48 So'lice ge synt pinga gewitan 48 So6Slice ge synde pinge ge-witen. 49 7 ic sende on eow mines faeder behat; 49) ic sende on eow mines fader be-hat.' Sitte ge on ceastre o6 ge syn ufene ge- Sitte ge on ceastre o'6e ge seon ufene gescrydde; scredde. Various Readings. Various lReadings. 40. A. om. pa. A. set-ywde. 41. A. om. her. A. etanne. 39. hand; fett; silf hitr em; grapia$; nafs; habben. 44. A. synd. A. spreec. A. om. be me (lst time); but B. C. 40. 2End; soegde; aetywede. 41. lefdon; fean [for repeat it, as in text. A. synd. 45. A. ontynde. A. on- blisse]; senig; etene. 42. ge-breddes; beo-breadd. geaton. 46. A. criste. B. poligean. A. deaSe. 47. A. A 43 R. on. J he braeec; he At [for aet]; beforan. bodod. A. ONgynnendum (with green capital letter). 44. cwae%; sint; ic spec; gyt; ge-fyllede; sint;'. [for 48. A. synd. 49. A. oine [for oi ge]. lage]; salmum. 45. on-geaton; gewritv. 46. poligan; ~ryddan dseige; deaSum arisan. 47. bodad; nemon dicdbote; forgyfenysse; Jeoda agynendvm. 48. synt. 49. gescrudde. CHAP. XXIV.] 237 geseas honda mino: f6et -te ic seolf am grapaN:I gesea; for-on se gaast 39 uidete manus meas et pedes quia ipse ego sum palpate et uidete quia spiritus lichoma 3 b~no ne haefes sue mec gie seas habba 3 mit-ty gecuoet aed-eawade him carnem et ossa non habet sicut me uidetis habere 40 et cum dixisset ostendit eis hondo J f6et -;aget -Sonne i;fem iingelefendum T 3 wundrandum fore gefea cuoe4 manus et pedes 41 *Athuc autem illis non credentibus et mirantibus prae gaudio dixit * 342. uiiii. io. CCXXI. [MS. cccxli. habbas gie her huoet-huoego 9te Etlic s so-; hia gebrohton him;aet dsel fisces gebrededes uiiii. io. habetis hic aliquid quod manducetur 42 at illi optulerunt ei partem piscis assi ccxxi.] J biobread huniges 3 miSty gebrec. fora him genom;a screadungo 4 salde him et fauum mellis 43 et cum manducasset coram eis sumens reliquias dedit eis 3 cuoes to him Sas aron wordo Sa sprecend ic am mitasy;aget ic waes iuih mi-s forton 44 *ET dixit ad eos haec sunt uerba qume locutus sum cum athuc essem uobis-cum quoniam * 343. x. [MS. cccxlii. x.] ned —sarf is ite se gefylledo alle sa awritteno sindon in ae moses 3 witgo J salmas of necesse est impleri omnia quae scribta sunt in lege mosi et prophetis et psalmis de mec -5a untynde him 4 ondget' fte on-geton ta wrioto 3 cuoeS him me 45 tune aperuit illis sensum ut intellegerent scribturas 46 et dixit es forSon sure awritten is' wses 3 sume were rehtlic ~te crist getrowade 3 eft-arisa from deadumn ~irdda quoniam sic scribtum est et sic oportebat christum pati et resurgere a mortuis die d&ege 3 -fte were abodenn in noma his hreonise 3 eft-forgefnise Sara synna in tertio 47 et praedicari in nomine eius paenitentiam et remissionem peccatorwm in allum cynnum onginnendum from hierusalem gie uutedlice aron witneso;isra 4' Sara 3 omnes gentes incipientibus ab hierosolyma 48 uos autem estis testes horum 49 et ic sendo hat 4' fadores mines in iuih gie Sonne sittas in -;a ceastra wi;t-y ego mitto promissum patris mei in uobis uos autem sedete in ciuitate quo-adusque gie sie gegearuad 4' miS maegne ufa 4' induamini uirtutem ex alto 39. giseas honda mine J fo[et] mine Ote solfa ic am grapia; 3 gisea-; fordon Se gast lichoma 3 ban ne hsefe$ swa mec giseaS habba 40. 3 mi%$y Sis gicwase set-eowde him honda 3 foett 41. Saget;onne sem ne gilefendum 3 wundrade werun fore gifeo cwse% habbaS ge her hwsethwoegno -te, ettlic sie 42. sot hime gibrohtun him -P doel fisces gibreddes J bio-breod hunges (sic) 43. J mity gibrec fora him ginom %a screadunge salde him 44. 3 cwset to him Sas sint word mine Sate sprecende ic am to iow mi$ty get ic wses 4' were iowih miS forSon ned-arf is set we ge-fylle alle sat6e awritne sindun in e.... witgana 7 salmes of mec 45. ta ontynde ongett hiora -pte on-getun %a giwriotu 46. 3 cwnew him for-on swa awriten is 3 swa were rehtlic i crist $rowade 3 eft arise from deoSe dseg sirda 47. 3 were bodad on noma his hreownisse J eft-forgefnisse Sara synnfulra in allum cynnum onginnendum from hierusalem 48. ge wutudlice aron witnisse Sisra 49. 3 ic sendo gihat fedres mlines in iowih ge sonne sittas in t;er crestre wis-'sy ge gi-gerwed se mis minegne on ufa 238 n[LUKE. 50 Solice he gelsedde hig ut on betha- 50 SoSlice he ge- ledde hyo ut on* betha- MS. uton. ain a 3 he bletsode hig his handum up- niarn I he bletsode hyo his hand upp-aahafenum. hafen. 51 hit wias geworden pa he bletsude 51 SEnd hit woes ge-wor6en pet he hyo Mig. he ferde fram him 7 wies fared on heo- ge-bletsode. he wente fram heom J he feno' smat (sic) in-to heofene. 52 3 hig gebiddende hig gehwurfon on 52 lEnd hyo pa hyo ge-biddende gehierusalem mid mycelum gefean. cyrden into ierusalem mid muchelere blisse. 53 7 hig w eron symle on pam temple 53 7 wseren efre in pare temple heriende god hergende 7 hyne eac bletsigende. I bletsiende god. AMEN. AMEN. Various Readings. Various Readings. 50. A. bletsade. 51. B. repeats geworden. A. blet. 50. bethanian; handa up ahafenum. 51. ge-worden..sode. 52. A. orn. mid. 53. A. herigende; C. heregende. Note. From pa he (in v. 51) to the end is omitted in B.'Note. From pnet he (in v. 51) to the end is omitted in owing to the loss of a lecaj, though supplied:afterwards on R. by the original scribe, but inserted by the scribe of an inserted lecaf in a later hand, MS. H. without any variation of spelling. CHAP. XXIV.] 239 of-lesdde;a hia iita in -aer byrig J ahefenum 4' hondum his gebloedsade him. 50 eduxit autem eos foras in bethania et eleuatis manibus suis benedixit eis J aworden woes miR;;y gebloedsade him eft-foerde from him J woes gefered in heofnum 51 et factum est dum benediceret illis recessit ab eis et ferebatur in caelum 52 et Sa 4' hia gewortadon eft-fmerendo woeron in hierusalem mi; glmadnisse miclo J woeron symble ipsi adorantes regressi sunt in hierusalem cum gaudio magno 53 et erant semper in tempel lofando I gebloedsando g6d' sollice in templo laudantes et benedicentes deum amen asmegd is b6c god-spelles aefter lucas EXPLICIT LIBER EUANGELII SECUNDUM LUCANUM 50. of-ledde Sa hia utt in Ser byrig J a-hoefnum hondum his bletsade hie 51. 1 aworden woes mi-;y gibletsade hiMe eftfoerde from him I waes gi-fered on heofnas 52. J ~a gi-gi-wor-adun (sic) hine eft-faerende werun in.... miS glednisse micler 53. 1 werun symle on temple herende I bletsadun god EXPLICIT EUANGELIUM SECUNDUM LUCAM Thte following is a list of all the readings of the Latin text in the Rushworth MS. which di.fferfrom the text in, the Lindisfarne MS. as printed in this volume. Note that most of the corrections mentioned as being added "above the line" are in a later hand. CAP. I. 1. conpletae; rerum comes after nar- fore oderunt. 72. missericordiam. 73. iurabit; rationem. 3. adsecuto; omnibus; obtime theofile. abracham. 74. manibus. 75. iustitiam. 76. 5. iudiae; di fice [for de uice]; di filiabus aar6n; profeta; uocaueris; preribls (the 1st r added above ei [for eius]; elizabeth. 6. doeminum [for deum]. the line). 77. & [for ad]; meorum [for eorum]. 7. elizabeth sterelis; processisset. 8. fugeretur 78. missericordia; uissitauit; exalta. 79. & dizacharias; ficis. 9. ingresus. 12. inruit. 13. rigandos; nostras; uiam. 80. confortabatur in angelus ad illum; zacharias quia; elizabeth; eius spiritu; desertis; ad diem [for in diem] osten[for Suum]. 15. enim [for autem]; sic eram tionis; & [for ad]. [for sicera]; adhuc. 16. israhel. 17. praecedit; CAP. II. 1. illis diebus; accessare [for a om. spiritu et; incredibilis. 19. ad-esto. 21. pleps. cesare]. 2. professio [for describtio]; cirino no22. uissionem; eis [for illis]. 23. inpleti. 24. mine. 3. profeterentur. 4. on. lst et; galilia; elizabeth. 25. obproprium. 26. misus; galiliae. iudeam. 5. profeterentur; sponsa [altered to dis27. disponsatarn uiro; dornu; maria. 28. inter sponsata]; prigante. 6. inpleti; pariret. 7. re[for in]. 31. concipies. 32. dominus deus. 35. clinauit; deuersorio. 8. uigilantes ffor uigilias]. obumbrabit; ideo-que quod [omitting et]. 36. 11. uobis [for nobis]. 12. possitum. 13. onm. elizabeth; ille [for illi]; sterelis. 38. omr. ecce; cum angelo; exercitus [for militiae]. 15. uero ancella. 39. exsurgens;abit. 40. zalutauiteliza- added above the line after pastores; betlem; uibeth. 41. elizabeth exsultauit; elizabeth. 42. diamus; om. fecit; om. et before ostendit. 16. mulieris. 44. enim ut facta; & exsultauit in utero om. festinantes et inuenerunt; possitum. 17. est meo infans in gaudio. 45. credidisti. 47. exsulta- [for erat]. 19. conseruat; conuerens [for connit. 48. ancellae. 51. dispersit supersit superbos. ferent]. 20. audierunt & uiderunt. 21. puer 52. depossuit. 54. suscipit; sume added above the uocatum; concoepit [for conciperetur]. 22. inline. 55. abracham; eius usque in saeculum. 56. pleti; purificationis [for purgationis]; moysi tulquassi. 57. elizabeth; inpletum. 58. misseri- lerunt; after hierusalem R. adds ut adsisterent cordiam. 59. octabo ut uenirent & circumci- illum domino. 23. scriptum; masculum; sanctam. derent; uocabant. 60. iohannis. 61. illum; om. 24. hostias; lege domini; turtorum. 25, nomen quia.' 62. & innuebant patris eius. 63. postulans erat semeon; consulationes; ipso [for eo]. 26. accipit pugillarum & scripsit; iohannis; omnes acciperat; uisuram. 27. introducerent parentes [for uniuersi]. 64. om. est; illico; lingua eius eius puerum iesum. 28. accipit; ullas. 29. ditua loquebatur (eius added after lingua, which mitte. 31. praeparasti. 33. mater eius; dicebaword ended a line). 65. factum; iudae & de- tur. 34. illos symeon; possitus; om. in before uulgabantur. 66. possuerunt; audierunt; enim signum; contradicet. 35. pertransi & gladius. 36. [for 2nd erit]; curm [for erat coram]. 67. in- profetiza; fanuel. 37. usque ad annos. lxxxiii, pletum; spiritus sanctus; profetauit. 68. uissi- glossed hund-sehtetig; discendebat a templo ieiutauit; redemptionemr plebis. 69. cornu; domu. nis & obseruationibus seruiens deo. 38. confite70,. 71. saectorum profetarum suorum qui ab euo bantur; exspectabant redemptionem hirusalem. sunt& liberauit nos ab inimicis; nos comes be- 39. galileam. 41. sollempni. 42. esset [for I H 242 COLLATION WITH THE RUSHWORTH MS. (LATIN TEXT). fuisset]. 42. ierusolima; fecisti [for festi]. 43. tum; enim quia, glossed for'Son'Eette; uiuit; quae [for que]; om. non. 44. cognatos & notos in 5. eum (above the line) zabulus [for illum diabo(ending the line; sic). 45. regressi [for reuersi]. lus]. 6. uoluero [for uolo], glossed ic wyllo. 7. 46. eum [for illum]; R. adds illos after interro- ero [for ergo], glossed for5on; om. procidens; R. gantem. 47. prudentiam. 48. admirati; mater inserts & before erunt (an addition). 8. scripeius; R. inserts sic before ecce; querebamus. tum. 9. dixit altered to duxit; eum [for illum]; 49. querebatis; quoniam [for quia]; patris; esset. pinnaculum. 10. scripture; mandauit; de te 50. ipse (sic). 51. discendit. 52. proficiat; & added in later hand. 11. om. et; manibus tuis. aetate; omnes (for homines), glossed alle. 12. temptabis. 13. omni temptatione diabulus; CAP. III. 1. imperi tiberis cessaris procur- eo [for illo]. 14. om. est; galileam. 15. sinarante; pylato iudeamn tetracha; galiliae; pilipo gogis; magnificabantur. 16. consuitudinem; si(sic); tetracha iturae; traconitidis; lisania abili- nagogam. 17. profetae essaiae; om. ut; locum anae tetracha. 2. caifa; iohannem; & filium. 3. [for loco]; scriptum est. 18. uncxit; missit; dibabtismum poenitentiae. 4. sicut scut (sic), the uisum [for uisum], glossed gisih6e; demittere. latter word is glossed swa; scriptum; sermonem 19. retribuitionis (sic). 20. omnia in sinagoga. essaiae profetae. 5. replebitur; colles. 7. Dice- 21. inpleta; scriptura. 22. que [for quae]. 23. bant; exiebat; babtizarentur; fugere a futura ira. dicitis; curati, altered to curatute (sic); cafar8. dignos penitentiae; coeperitis; abracham; ab- nauum. 24. profeta. 25. israhel quanto'; cunz rachae. 9. radices; possita; fructum bonum; added above the line after cum; famis. 26. sionm. in before ignem; mittetur. 11. tonicas; det repta sidoniae; & [for 2nd ad]. 27. helesio prononbenti, glossed sele6S'sem nsebbende. 12. pu- feta; neman; sinagoga. 29. iecerunt; om. ad; plicani; babtizarentur. 13. onm. quam. 14. au- supercilicium (sic). tem comes before interrogabant; eum added above After ciuitas there are 8 leaves wvanting in the the line; stipentis. 15. existimantis; cogitati- Rushworth MS. to uiri in verse 38 of Chajpter VIII. onibus. 16. iohannis; babtizo uos in poenitentia * * * - * * * uenit autem (in poenitentia not glossed); cal- CAP. VIII. 38. uiri; demonia exirent. 39. cimentorum (with a tag below i); babtizauit. reddi; dominus [for deus]; habiit; praedicas; 17. congregabit triticum suumn in orreum quantat (sic); fecit domninus [for fecisset iesus]. suum (the 2nd suun, added, at the end of the 40. autem [for enim]. 41. uiri eamus [for uir line); conburet. 19. Herodis; tetracha; hro- cui nomen iairus]; sinagoga; cicidit & pedes ipsum diade (sic); herodis. 20. super; carcerem. 21. rogans eum. 42. uere [for fere]; om. 1st et; babtizaretur; babtizati; opertum. 22. discendit; moriabatur; contegit; turbis conprimebatur. 43. conplacuit. 23. quassi; putabatur; eli. 24. ma- que in medicis; curare. 44. om. lst eis. 45. erat thae [for mattat]; fui (sic) leui. 25. mathathiae; [for erant]; tante [for te]; conpraemuit & adnauum; essau [for esli]; nagae. 26. math, fliguit. 46. namr & ego; exipse, altered to exisse. altered to maah; ioseph [for iosec]; iuda [for 47. uidentes; procedit; eius [for illius]; tetigerat; ioda]. 27. rassa [for resa]; hiorababel [for so- iudicauit [for indicauit]; quem-admodum confesrobabel]. 28. elmadam; er, altered to her. 29. tum. 48. & [for at]; flia [for filia]. 49. Adhuc iessu [for ihesu]; elizer; sorim [for iorim]; ma- eo; princeps [for a principe]; mea [for tua],glossed thathiel [for matthad]. 30. semeon. 31. mel- min; nolii. 50. nolii; om. et; saluaret [for salua cha [for melea]; mathathiae [for matthata]. erit]. 51. ad inserted before domum, in later 32. obeth; bos; nason. j/33. aram; esram. 34. ingonga hine miRs venigne is/c; abracha. 35. seruc; raugau; falac. 36. hand; permissit; intrase eum quem-quam, so cainan; noae. 37. mathusale; iareth; malelel. glossed; & iohannem & iacobum; puelle. 52. 38. qui fuit dei, glossed sere wins goding. i ililam (sic). 53. diridebant. 54. R. inserts eos CAP. IV. 1. regresus; a [for ab]. 2. temp- after tenens; & clamauit; R. inserts sunt after tabatur; diabulo; essurit. 3. illis [for illi]; sa- puella. 55. iusi dari.illnum [for iussit illi dari]. bulus [for diabolus], glossed %e diawul. 4. scrip- 56. R. inserts eius after parentes. COLLATION WITH THE RUSHWORTH MS. (LATIN TEXT). 243 CAP. IX. 1. demonia; langores. 2. missit. adbuc; flium (sic) [for filium]. 42. accideret 3. tolleretis; peccuniam; duos; abetis [for ha- eledit eum demonium; incrauit [for increpauit]. beatis]. 4. & qua-cum-que domui; ubi [for 43. que [for quae; twice]. 44. filium meum [for ibi]; om. ne. 5. reciperit; super [for supra]. filius enim]; homonis futurum; traderetur. 45. 6. Egresi; euangelizantur. 7. herodis tetracha; ad [for at]; R. adds est after uelatum; et for essitauit de eo; om. a quibusdam quia iohanines ut; om. et before timebant; interrogarent, alt. to surrexit a mortuis. 8. elias aparuit; ails; pro- interrogaret. 46. INterrogauit [for INtrauit]; feta. 9. herodis iohannis; decolaui; estis te de, R. omits the words from maior to illorun in verse so divided, but glossed is;es of; om. audio; after 47. 47. adpraechendens; om. eum. 48. sustalia R. inserts iudo (for audio), glossed doema; ciperunt; istud, corr. to istumz; suscipit [for reciuidere comes after eum. 10. qui-cum-que; ad- pit]; reciperint reciperit; R. adds, after misit, sumtis eis secesit; que [for qui].- 11. quod cum reciperit eum; maior [for minor]. 49. iohannis; que conouisent; secute; excoepit ilos (sic). 12. om. dixit; quendam; meo [for tuo] iecentem deDie; caeperat; ascendentes; demitte; diuertun- monia; proibimus. 50. aduersum. 51. conpletur; ut [for 2nd et]; om. in before loco. 13. rentur; adsumtionis. 52. missit; ut [for 2qnd et]. eos [for illos]; eis [Jbr illis]; manducate; eamus 53. reciperunt; quod [for quia]; euntes in hieru[for emamus], the word being repeated; escas. salem. 4. R. inserts autem before discipuli; 14. om> 2nd autem; discumbere to 2nd et in iocob (sic) & iohannis; ignem discendit; eos [for verse 15 omitted. 17. eis [for illis]; cofini. 18. illos]. 55. R. inserts (above the line) iesus before R. inserts et before orans; et [for erant]; dis- increpauit; eos [for illos], after which R. adds -- cipuli eius [for et discipuli; eius added above the dixit nescitis cui spiritus estis [56] filius hominis line]; beati [for esse turbae], glossed ead-ge. 19. non uenit animas hominunn perdere sed saluare. om. at; babtistam; eliam; profeta. 20. om. me; 56. habieruit (sic); aliut. 57. ierimus, [for esset sed dicitis; R. inserts illis after 2nd dixit; ieris]. 58. ei [Jor illi]; filios [for filius]; hospiritum [for christunm]. 21. om. hoc. 22. obpor- mines; R. inserts seuum after caput (above the tet; occidet. 23. adnegat; cotedie. 24. saluum; line); reclinat. 59. irae. 60. dixit quae ei eam [for ilnlan]; & [for nam]; saluum; eam iesus; oz. ut; om. autem; adnuntia. 61. sed. [for illam]. 25. profecit homini; rentum [for per primum ire nuLntiare his qui in dornu sunt. detrimentulu]; om. sui. 26. filiurn homonis 62. atrum [for aratrum]. erubescet con uenerunt. 27. alii qui [for ali- CAP. X. 1. disignauit; missit eos. 2. quiqui]; on. hic; uidiant. 28. om. et after.uiii., dam; ero [for ergo]; operios [for operarios]; which is putfor octo; adsumsit; & iohannem & suam added above the line. 4. nemini. 5. R. iacobum. 30. loquebatur (sic); onm. autem; omits the words from In to intraueritis; dicete; moyses. 31. nisi, glossed werun gisene; exque- 6. filiis; requiescet; uestras sin [the s in sin has sum; om. quem; conpleturus; hirusalem. 32. been added above the line]. 7. om. autem; dosommoo; euigilantes; maiestatis; qustabant [for mum; aput; est comes before enim; operios cibo qui stabant]. 33. disceserunt; eo [for illo]; ut suo; domu. 8. qua [for quam]; susciperint; petrum [for ait petrus]; nobis [for nos]; om. et om. cjuae; adponentur. 9. onm. 2nd et; eis adafter esse; trea; moysi.; dicerit. 34. eo [for propinquauit ad uos. 10. qua [for quamn]; illo]; hubs (sic); urnbrauit. 35. electus [for reciperunt; platias & dicite. 11. R. omits the dilectus]; in spiritu [for ipsum], glossed in gaste. words from puluerem to scitote; adpropinquauit 36. fuerit [for fieret]; nimini; que [for quae]. enim. 12. remisius. 13\corozam; betsaida; tiro; 37. discentibus (sic) [for descendentibus]; R. in- R. omits from Ist et to fuissent; uirtutis que; serts & before occurrit; & [for illi]. 38. uiri; facite [for facte]; ollim; peneterent. 14. tiro; in me domine [for in filium meum], glossed on remisius; nobis [for uobis]. 15. cafarnauum mec drihten. 39. adpraehendit eum; eledit; (ca added above the line); exalta; in [for ad]; disipat; discendit delanians. 40. suos [for demergis. 16. R. inserts & before the 3rd qui. tuos]; ut [for 2nd et]; iecerent. 41. om. iesus; 17. demonia sibiciuntur (sic); nomini. 18. eis 1H 2 244 COLLATION WITH THE RUSHWORTH 3MS. (LATIN TEXT). [for illis]. 19. super (twice); nos [for 2nd uobis], him); ingresi; fiunt [for sunt]; homini eius. but glossed iow. 27. quedam; que sunt existi [for quae suxisti]. Verses 20-38, to the word mulier, are want- 28. ad eos immo [for quippini]. 29. querit; ei ing in the MS. [for illi]; ione profetae. 30. in signum fuit 38. quedam [for quaedam]; excoepit; domu [for fuit signum]; ninuetis. 31. austri; consua. 39. huc [for huic]; que quam [for quae tempnabit; salamonis; ecee (sic); salamone. etiam], glossed "6io';e; audierbat (sic) uerba. 32. ninuete; contemnabunt; quia quia (sic); 40. satagagabat (sic); frecens (sic); que stit; cura penetentiam; plus ionae hic (sic). 33. lutibi [for tibi curae]; sola; ei [for illi]; me comes cernam; absconso; uidiant. 34. occulus (twice); before adiuuet. 41. om. 1st et; ef [for illi]; semplex; nequa-quam; etiam &; on. tuum. 35. iesus [for dominus]; om. 2nd martha; solicita. om. est. 30. erit comes after 2nd lucidumn. 37. 42. M3aria autem obtimam partem; que [for pariseus (sic); prandiret aput; ingresus. 38. phaquae]. riseus; om. autem; primum babtizatus. 39. phaCAP. XI. 1. eius [above the line, for suis]; R. risei prius quod; cateni. 40. ocn. Ist quod; ocn. id; inserts me after doce, glossed mec T; om. et after onm. 2nd de. 41. elimosinam. 42. pharisei; quid sicut; iohannis. 2. eis [for illis]; orates; after [for quia]; praeteris. 43. pharissei quia diliPater R. inserts noster qui 6s in caelis; after gistis proximas cadedras in sinagoga; salutationis. regnum tuum R. inserts fiat uoluntas tua sicut 44. qui [for quia]; mumenta que (sic); homones in caelo & in terra. 3. hodie [for cotidie], (corrected); ambulentes super illa. 45. om. quiglossedl to daege. 4. demitte; pecata; sicut [for dam; ei [for illi]; dicis [for dicens]. 46. Uaec si]; debitoribus nostris [for omni-nobis]; temp- uobis quia honoratis homones honoribus que; una tationem, after which, R. adds sed libera nos a [for uno]; R. adds ipsius after sarcinas. 47. malo. 5. habet. 6. quaniam; meus follows qui [for quia]; monumenta profetarum; eos [for uenit. 7. inde [for de]; R. inserts respondens illos]. 48. om. quod; consentire; om. eos; om. before dicat; puer meus. 8. R. inserts before dico, eorum; sepultura. 49. & praeteria [for propterat the beginning, & ille si perseuerauerit pulsans; ea]; profetas; apostolos; occidentur. 50. inei [for illi] (twice); inprobrietatem; om. tamen, quinatur sanguinis; profetarum; effussus; contlhough hwe"re is in the gloss; amici eius surget; stitione (sic); generatione. 51. R. inserts & R. inserts quot after 2nd quod. 9. ET ecce ego dico before qui; eadem. 52. qui [for quia]; abuobis; querite. 10. Omnes; querit. 11. enim stullistis; HR. inserts & before ipsi; introibat, alt. [for autem]; R. inserts filius after uobis; lapidem to introibant. 53. pharissei; obprimere. 54. dabitur; om. 1st illi; ille [for 2nd illi], added insidientes ei querentes; accussarent; eum writabove the line. 12. peterit ouam; porriget ei. ten above the line. 13. om. data. 14. demonium; iecisset demonium; CAP. XII. 1. primum Adtendite ad fermento admirati. 15. omnes quidam; phariseis Efor phariseorum que est hipocrisis. 3. que [for eis]; belzebul (sic) principe demoniorum iecit quae]; audistis [for dixistis]; after aurem R. demonia. 16. temptans; querebant precedes adds audistis &; cubilis praedicatur; after tectis de caelo. 17. cogitationis; ipsum [for ipso]; R. adds & in plateis. 4. terremini; eis [for desolabitur. 18. After satanas R. adds satanam his]; quae faciunt [for quod faciant]. 5. timiaiecit; belzebub; iecise [for eicere]; demonia. tis timite eam; ad gegenam. 6. nonne passeri19. R. omits the wordsfrom si to daemonia; ieci- bus.u. uenerunt duo pondio; eis [for illis]. 7. unt. 20. iecio demonio. 21. armatis (sic); multi. 10. omnis; spiritu sancto; after 2nd custodiat; que posset. 22. illa; uincerit. 23. remittetur R. adds & omnis qui dixerit uerbum in quia [for qui] (twice); dispargit. 24. inmun- filium hominis remittur ei. 11. inducant; om. dus; exierat de ab (sic) homine perambulabat; ad; magistratibus; soliciti estis; respondetis (R. ininaquosa (sic) queriens. 25. mandatam (R. then adds aut quid dicatis). 12. que obportat. then adds & ornatam). 26. adsumet; spiritus ne- 13. ei comes before quidam, after which R. adds quitior esse (so divided, but glossed woh-fulra uir; dico [for dic]. 11. come [for me], (a mis COLLATION WITH THE RUSIHWORTH MS. (LATIN TEXT), 245 take of the scribe, who had missed me ancl begun to 11. spiritus; decim; retrorsum [for sursum]. write the next word). 15. abaritia; om. in; ha- 12. uideret; dimisa. 13. inpossuit, glossed gebundantia quis-quam; que [for quae]; possedet. sette; creata [for erecta]; glorificata est denm. 16. eos [for illos]; homonis; uberis; adtullit. 14. archisinagogus; sabbatis; after turbae R. 17. congregam. 18. distruam; que [for qnae]. inserts quia; om. sunt; omn. in before die. 15. 19. anima [for meae anima], glossed mine; pos- respondit; hyppochritae; soluet. 16. filiaum sita; come [for comede], glossed riording (re- abraechae. 17. gaudebit; R. then omits the requiesce is glossed raest bryce). 20. ei [for illi]; mainder of the verse. 18. om. Dicebat. 19. sinaque [for quae]. 21. quis ibi tessaurizat. 23. pis; missit; ortum; requierunt. 20. simile exiscorpus plus quam. 24. curuos [for corbos]; timabo; R. omits et cui, and begins verse 21 with seminat; pascit; pluri estis eis. 25. enim [for simile est. 21. mulier mulier (sic); firmentareautem]; adiecire. 27. neunt (sic); salamon; tur. 22. & toibat (sic), glossed 7 foerde; ciuiuiuestiabatur. 28. fenum; agros; orn. est; mit- tatem (ciui ends a line). 24. querent; potuerun-t. tetur; pussilli. 29. querere; bibetis; extolle 25. clauserit hostium; scitis. R. omits verse 26, [for tolli]. 30. querunt; quis [for quoniam]. and part of 27 to the word sitis. 27. discidete; 31. querite ergo prinmum regnum. 32. pussillus; omnes qui operamini iniquitatem. 28. sibi [for conplacuit. 33. que [for quae]; habetis [for ibi], glossed Z5er; fletos; abracham; isac; profepossidetis]; elimoysinam; saculos; tensaurum; tas; om. introire. 30. erant [for erunt], twice. dificientem; adpropiat; tenea. 34. nam ubi 31. illa [for ipsa]; ille exi & uadet, glossed him thensaurus; ubi [for ibi]; om. uestrum. 35. gaa 7 gong; herodis; uulte [for uult te]. 32. R. Sunt autem lumbi; lucerna uestrae (sic). 36. inserts & before dicite; ece [for ecce]; demonia; homnibus (sic); uenerint (sic);' conuestim. 37. tertia die. 33. omn. me; qui [for quia]; capet inuelantes [for inuenerit uigilantes], glossed we- profetem, alt. to profetam. 344. prophetae (sic); cende; praecinget; eos [for illos]; ministrabat quem-admodum; after pinnis R. inserts congregat. eis. 38. onm. 2nd uigilia; R. adds sunt after beati. 35. relinquetur; after uestra R. inserts deserta. 39. haec [for Hoc]; quia [for quoniam]; ueneret; CAP. XIV. 1. principis; ipsum [for ipsi]. perfoderi. 40. ome. qua; potatis; homonis; uen- aldor''hie cwedui turus est [for ueniet]. 41. om. ei; hac [for 2. illuid [for illum]. 3. pharissa eos dicens banc]; parabulain; omn. an; ad n6s omnes. 42. gif gilefed is on symbel dsege putans. 43. con [for cum]; inueniet. 44. uero; si licet sabbatis, so glossed) after curare R. super; que possedet; eum [for illum]. 45. R. adds aut non. 4. adpraehensum hominum sainserts dicens after suo; ueniret; percuterit; an- nauit eum. 5. om. ad illos; ait [for dixit]; cellas. 46. & partem-que (& added above the line). assinus; extrachet. 6. ille [for illi]. 7. omr. et; 47. uapulauit multas. 48. om. 2?nd non; a paucis; uitatos parabulam; accupitos (altered from acciqueritur; commendauerit; petent. 49. sic [for pitos); elegerunt. 8. inuitatos; te te (sic). 9. si]; acendatur. 50. coartor; perficiantur. - 52. dicet; the 2nd locum comes before nouissimum. domu. 53. murum [for nurum]. 54. ab oriente 10. stperitis (sic). 11. huiliat (sic) [for humi[for orientem]; occassu. 55. aestus [for uentus]. ihat]. 12. om. 1st et; I. inserts quae after ciui56. hippocritae. 57. quod [for 2nd quid]. 58. tes; ipse te inuitent & faciat tibi retribuitio. 1:3. tradat [for trahat], glossed he ge-nime; R. omits conuium (sic); debelis. 14. abent [for habent] apud iudicem et iudex tradat te'. 59. raddas. ('bent' joined to the previous word'non' with a CAP. XIII. 1. ipsb follows tempore; nun- inserted above the line); tribuetur; resurrectione. tians; galilia; sacrificis. 2. in galilia [for hi 15. fecit [for de simul], glossed of ~sem dyde; galilaei], glossed 6es galilesco; galilia [for gali- illi [for ei]. 16. & [for at]; illi [for ei]; caelaeis]. 4. R. inserts & before illi; siloiam. 5. nam. 17. cenae. 18. excussare; uillam enim aegeritis; om. omnes. 6. uinia. 7. uiniae; [for uillam emi], glossed lonl ih bohte fordon; querens; succide. S. ille [for illi]; dimittam. 9. rogate [for rogo ti], glossed ic byddo'ec; exorm. et; si [for sin]. 10. autem erat; sinagogis. cussatarn. 19. bouunn; roga te (as in v. 18); 246 COLLATION WITH THE RUSHW ORTH MS. (LATIN TEXT). excussatum. 21. Exii; dibeles; cludos intro- 35. adsumetur; alter. 36. adsumetur. 37. duc huic. 22. adhuc locutus est (sic). 23. om. respondit [for dixit]. lst et; ait follows dominus; exii; conpelle; after CAP. XVIII. 1. Dicebant; parabulam; qm intrare R. adds quos cum-que inueneris. 24. [for quomodo]. 2. iudex oportet; in quam ciuiuirorum; quia [for qui]; uoti [for uocati]; gus- tatem. 3. ueniebant; illum [for eum]; tuo tabit caenam. 25. eos [for illos]. 26. folios [for meo]. 4. uereor [for reuereor]. 5. ueni[for filios]; adhuc; om. et before animam. 27. eniens (sic); sugillet. 6. dicit [for dixit]. 7. deus baiolat; crucremn (sic); esse comes after meus. [for dominus]. 8. dico autem. 9. conficiebant; 28. non [for nonne]; conputat sumptus. 29. aspernebant caeteros para'bulam. 10. pharisa possuerit; potuerit; incipiat. 30. om. et. 31. (sic). 11. pharisaei (sic); deus [for deo]; uelud. qui [for quis]; aduersus; regi [for ei], glossed 12. dicimas deo; possedeo. 13. occulos. 14. ~Sem cynige, him being over the previous wtord. discendit. 15. Adferebant; imfantes (sic); tan32. adhuc longe illo; paci. 33. renuntiatiat (sic). gerent; uidissent. 16. paruulos [for pueros.] 35. sterculinum; fofas (sic); mittitur. - 17. R. omits from Amen to dei. 18. om. Et. CAP. XV. 1. adpropinquantes. 2. pharissei; 19. om. ei. 20. 1R. repeats deus before mandata. om. illis. 3. illis [for ad illos]; parabulam. 4. 22. adhuc; omcnia quae cum qcue; tehsaurum (sic). demittit nonagenta. 5. eam [for illarn]; inponit 24. dificile; peccunias; ibunt [for intrabunt]. super humeros; gaudens. 7. agente [for haben- 25. camellumn. 26. audierunt. 27. aput homitem]; digent [for indigent]. 8. acendit. 9. nis (sic), R. then omits from, possibilia to deunm. uocat [for conuocans]. 10. penitentiam agente. 29. reliquerit; after filios R. adds aut agros. 30. 12. adoliscentior; continget; diuissit. 13. ado- in uitamn aetenam (sic) possedebit. 31. Adliscentior; omt. filius. sumpsit; hierusolima & consummabuntur; scripta. After regionem, there are 2 leaves wanting in 32. cum [for enim]. 33. flagillabitur occithe MiS., to autem in verse 25 of Chapter X VI. dent; tertia die resurgat. 34. absconsum; que *' * * * * * *- [for quae]. 35. adpropinquaret. 36. praterCAP. XVI. 25. consulatur. 26. chaus; hii; euntem (sic). 38. iesus filii. 39. praeteribant; lunt [sic; for uolunt]; in die [for inde], glossed ei [for eum]; clamabant filii; misserere. 40. on daege Z ona; transmare. 27. rogate ergo iusit (sic); duci ad se; adpropinquasset. 42. [for rogo ergo te]; dimittas; domo. 28. testa- ille [for illi]. 43. eum [for illum]. tur. 29. abrachain; moysen. 30. abracham; CAP. XIX. 1. ingresus; hiericcho. 2. ecec erit [for ierit]. 31. moysen; resurrexerit. (sic); after uir R. adds in the margin erat quiCAP. XVII. 1. ueniant. 2. utilius; lapes; dem; iacheus (altered in pencil to sacheus, with scanlizat (sic); pussillis. 3. Attendite aute~m; lile alteration in verses 5 and 8); pulicanorum aegerit. 4. dimittet. 5. auge [for adauge]. 6. (sic). 4. sycimorum. 5. iache; discende; domu. habueritis; arbore morere. 7. aut onues pascen- 6. discendit; excipit; gaudens. 7. deuertisset. tem cui; dicit. S. om. ei; R. inserts mihi after 8. iacheus; dnm, altered apparently to ihfi; dipara; cenam. 11. hirusalem; galileam. 12. in- medium. 9. dosminaus [for iesus]; factae; est grediretur quodam. 15. regresus. 16. cicidit. filius [for filius sit]; abrachae. 10. fius (sic); 17. om. dixit;.uiiii. [for nouem]. 19. & uade; saluum facere [for saluare]. 11. parabulani. 12. uides [for fides]. 20. farisaeis. 22. discipulos abit. 13. seuis.x.; om. suis; minas; dixit eis suos. 23. uobis ecce uobis hic & ec (sic) illic; [for ait ad illos]. 14. oderunt. 15. rego altered exire -[for ire]. 24. erat. 26. dibus (sic); ad to regno; iusit (sic); quis [for quisque]. 16. uentus [for in die]. 27. aedebant; & uxores. mina; minas; adquessiuit. 18. mina; minas. 28. aemebant; & aedificabant. 29. exiuit; de 20. mnina; repossitam. 21. enim t4 quia; aus[for a]; pluuit; sulphor; omnis. 31. fuerit; teris; possuisti; ubi [for 2nd quod]. 22. homo uassa; domu; discendit; redeat. 33. Quicum- austeris. 23. peccuniam; cum ussuris comes at que auctem; om. 2nd illam. 34. Dico autem; in the end of verse; illam [for illud]. 24. minam; illa; lecto [for tecto], glossed hrofe; adsumetur. habet cormes after qui; minas. 25. minas. 26. COLLATION WITH THE RUSHWORTH MS. (LATIN TEXT). 247 ahbet [for lst habet]. 28. in hierusalem. 29. 47. domus; hfi accipiat (sic); dampnationem. om. Et; cum adpropinquasset; bethphage; betha- CAP. XXI. 1. After mittebant R. inserts niam. 30. contra uos; sededit [for sedit]. 31. mane, glossed ar; gazophilacio. 2. omz. et; quanoperam. 32. misi. 33. eis [for illis]. 35. dam. 3. uidua; paupercula; missit. 4. hfi dixerunt; inpossuerunt. 37. adpropinquaret; om. omnes. 6. lapes supra. 7. om. autem. 8. iam; discensum; oleueti; uirtubus (sic). 38. seduducamini; after sum R. inserts'christus'; gloriam; R. adds deo after excelsis. 39. pha- adpropinquauit. 11. R. inserts & before terrae. rissaeorum; suos (altered to tuos). 40. quasi 12. incipient [for inicient]; om. suas; sinagogis; hii [for quia si hi]; tacterunt. 41. at [for ut], custodientes; ad reges [for et reges]; om. ad the a marked for erasure, not glossed; adpropin- before praesides. 14. Ponite me; quem-admoquauit; eam [for illa]. 42. om. 1st et. 43. in dum. 15. poterunt; respondere [for resistere]; t4,dies; & con-angustabunt te comes after the 1st aduersari. 16. adficiant. 17. odie. 19. onzm. circumdabunt te. 44. & ad; prosternente (sic); et; possedebetis. 20. adpropinquauit. 21. inufilios tuos; supra; cognueris; uissitationis. 45. dia [for in iudaea]. 21. discendant. 22. hii; after ingressus, R. adds iesus, above the line; uen- quiae [for quae], glossed ~a-te; scripta. 23. tentes; templo [for illo]. 46. scriptum. 47. praegantibus (sic); super. 24. inpleantur. 25. principes; twice. 48. quid [for quod]. ome. in before stellis; terris praesura; & maris & CAP. XX. 2. om. et aiunt; & [for aut]. 3. fluctum. 26. tiniore; exspectatione; superueome. unum; respondite. 5. R. inserts nobis after nient; uirtutis; commouebuntur. 27. omr. Et. dicet; credidisti illi. 6. sf [for sin]. 8. & iesus 28. hiis; omn. fieri; adpropinquat redemptio. 31. repeated. 9. Caepit; parabulam. 10. uiniae; erat [for est]. 34. superueniat. 35. superuecaessum dimisserunt. 11. verse omitted. 12. ad- niat. 36. starea (sic). 38. mane-cadebat; indedit; eicerunt. 13. dixerunt; uiniae. 14. intra stead of audire eum R. has dixit deus (written se; & [for ut]; fiat comes after hereditas. 15. over templo; the first two words in Ch. xxii being iectum; om. illis; uiniae. 16. uiniam alis. 17. also above the line). ait [for dixit]; scriptum. 18. cicidit; conquas- CAP. XXII. 1. adpropinquabat; azemorum. sauitur; super [for 2nd supra]. 19. in illa 2. summi [for principes]; saecerdotum; timebant hora; cognuerunt; dixit [for dixerit]. 20. ob- repeated. 3. cognominatur [for uocatur]; unus. seruatione; similarent; ut repeated. 21. doces 4. abit; locutum; qusem-admodum; illis [for eis]. & dicis; personas. 22. cessari aut non. 23. 6. querebat. 7. dies festus azemorum. 8. iohanillos [for eos]; temptatis. 24. inscriptionema; nem. 10. eos & ecce; ciuitatibus occurret; ancaessaris. 25. cessaris; caessari. 26. plebe; phoram aquam; sequemini. 11. patri-familias; responso; R. inserts & before tacuerunt, above the dt [for dicet]. 12. uobis follows ostendet; caenaline. 27. sadduce orum, glossed zara hiora. 28. culum. 14. fuisset [for esset]. 15. manducaui. omn. magister; moyses scripsit; accipiat; om. eius 16. inpleatur. 17. calicae; diuidete. 20. quid before uxorem; & suscitet. 29. R. inserts eius [for quod]. 21. om. me. 22. difinitum. 24. om. after fratres; accipit. 30. accipit; after illam et; esset [for esse]. 26. es [for 2nd est]. 28. R. omits to the end of verse, and to illam in temptationibus. 29. dispossuit. 30. aedatis; the next verse. 31. reliquerunt. 32. R. inserts israhel. 31. iesus [for dominus]; symon haec'autem' after nouissima. 33. om. uxorem. 35. synmon; satanan; cribaret. 32. After tuos R. uero [for autem]. 36. R. inserts iam after ultra; adds & rogate ne intretis in temptationem. 33. poterunt equales; flii [for 1st filii]; resurrec- om. ei. 34. om. et; petre; cantauit. 35. misi. tiones. 37. uere resurgent; om. 1st et; mnoyses; 36. R. inserts gladium after 2nd habet; tonicam. secus [for secum], which follows rubum; abra- 37. enim [for autem]; dhuc (sic) [for athuc]; cham. 38. uiunt [for uiuunt]. 39. responden scriptum; inplere; om. et before quod. 38. di(sic); om. autem; om. magister. 40. quicquam cebat [for dixerunt]; duo gladii hiic; satis [for follows interrogare. 41. esse dauid. 42. salmo- sat]. 39. R. inserts suam after consuetudinem; rum. 43. scapillum. 46. sinagogis; conuiuus (sic). discipuli (altered to discipulis suis, in later hand). 248 COLLATION WITH THE RUSHWORTH MS. (LATIN TEXT). 40). temptationerm. 41. auuls (sic); lapidis est; of the last two letters to it ). 43. paradisso. 45. possitis. 43. confirmans (with t written above a). tem [for templi]; scisum. 46. uoce magna; R. 44. prolixus; discurrentis; terra. 45. ob oriente inserts ait after iesus. 47. centorio; erat [for est]. [fors ab oratione]; illos [for eos]; tristitia. 46. 48. adherant; spectaculum; pectura. 49. galilia. omz. quid dormlitis; temptationem. 47. Ad illo 50. erant (corrected to erat). 51. consilio; iudae; [for Athuc eo]; adpropinquauit; iesus. 49. hii; exspectabat. 52. petit. 53. depossitum; in circa eum; percutiebat. 50. dexteram. 51. dixit sindone; possuit' possitus. 54. parasceuen. 55. [for ait]; sinete; adhuc [for hue]; tetigisset. 52. om. autem; mulier eris (with a letter erased betam-quam [for quasi]; gladis. 53. cotidiae; tween the words); galilea; monumentumn possitum ftierim. 54. Conpraehendentes. 55. igne. 56. & quem-admodum possitum. 56. unguenta. euni [for 2nd cum], glossed hio..57. eumn [for CAP. XXIV. 1. om. ualde; uenerunt deluillum]. 58. ocn. 6. 59. quassi; adfirmauit; culo; after monumentum R. inserts maria magdagalileus. 60. quod [for quid]; adhuc. 61. R. lena & altera maria & quaedam cum eis. 4. & inserts quia after dixit; ter megabis, with ne ecce. 5. eas [for illas]. 6. surrexit; adhuc; gawvritten over the'eg.' 63. tenebat ilium. 64. lilea. 7. tertia die. 8. recordatae. 9. caeteris. om. 1st et; om. 3rd et. 66. dies comes before 10. ioseph [for iacobi]; haec ad apostolos [for et factus; after suum R. inserts & interrogabant apostolos haec]. 11. deleramenta. 12. pro(unM. 68. respondetis; demittetis. 69. filiumn cum [for procumbens], ends a line; linteamina 71. adhuc dessideramus. sola possita; abit. 13. om. centum; ammaus. CAP. XXIII. 1. pylatum. 2. om. autem; 14. hiis; accederant. 15. famularen [for fabuaccussare illum; after nostram R. inserts & soluen- larentur] (sic), ends a line; adpropinquans. 16. tern legem & prophetas; cessari.'3. Pylatus; illi illorum [for eorum]; R. adds eum after agnoscerespondit ait (sic; ait in later hand). 4. pylatus; rent. 17. qui [for quid]; conuertis. 18. R. sacerdotes; homine. 5. inuallescebant; cummo- inserts erat after nomen; cognuisti; om. in before,it; iudeam; gallia [for galilaea]. 6. pylatus; illa; his. 19. R. inserts ei after dixerunt, above galilean.; galileus. 7. cognuit; remissit; quia the line; om. uir. 20. eum follows tradiderunt; [for qui]; hierusolimis. 8. herodis; autem [for sacerdotes; dampnationem. 21. redempturus; enim]; om. de illo; R.pvuts ab eo before uidere. 9. ex quo. 24. uiderunt [for 2nd inuenerunt]. eum [for illum];'om. illi. 10. Stabat; accussan- 25. tradi [for tardi]. 27. et erat incipiens a tes. 11. spraeuit; herodis; remissit. 12. amice moyse; scripturis. 28. 1st et above the line; ad-' hlerodis; ante. 13, 14. a piece torn out of the propinquauerunt; finexit; longuis (sic). 29. coi1LS. here. 13. plebe. 14. ob[tulistis]; quassi; gerunt; aduesperescit; inclinata [for declinata]; inuenio; hiis; accussatis. 15. herodis; remisi; R. inserts manere after intrauit. 30. ac fregit om2. ecce. 18. decens. 19. seditionem quanl- [for et fregit]. 31. occuli; cognuerunt; eum dam factam; ciuitatem; humicidium misus; car- repeated. 33. reuersi [for regressi]. 34. uere cere. 20. pylatus. 21. eum [for illum]. 22. comes before surrexit. 35. narra (sic), ends a inuenio. 23. magis [,for magnis]; inualesce- line; cognuerunt; fratione (sic). 36. dixit; b)ant. 24. pylatus. 25. dimissit; humicidium; uobis-cum. 38. illis [for eis]; ascenderunt; petebat (?); a hole in the MS. here. 26. adprae- corde. 39. R. inserts meos after pedes; habenhenderunt; [cyrin]ensam; inpossue[runt].'27. temrn [.for habere]. 40. cum hoc. 41. Adhuc. lamentabant. 28. propter uos [for super uos]; 42. obtullerunt. 43. reliquas. 44. uerba mea R. inserts & cfter flete. 29. beate sterelis. quae; after sum R. inserts ad uos; adhuc; in30. cadite. 35. exspectans; diridebant; sad- plene or inplere [for impleri]; scripta; moysi; doces [for eis], glossed him; se non saluum facit. & in psalmis. 45. sensus eorum [for illis sen36. offerentes. 38. superscriptio inscripta; lite- sum]; scripturas. 46. scriptum; tertia. 47. ris grecis; hebraeicis. 39. hiis. 40. eum remisionem; hierusolima. 49. promisum; uos [.for illum]; damnationem (corrected to damna- [for uobis]. 50. bethanianz. 52. R. inserts eum tioue). 41. recipimus; gesset (with an alteration after adorantes; hirusalem. 53. om. amen. CRITICAL NOTES. N.B. In the notes to thle Chapters of the Gospel, the letter L. means the Lindisfarne MS.; IIo the Hatton MS. and Et. the Ruslhworth MS. Page 1. This imperfect Table of Lessons is L. 6. (Gloss to elegisset); MS. gesease, altered printed as it is in the M2S., without correction of to gecease. errors. I am not aware that it has been printed L. 7. AIS. expediari; read expediri. (Gloss before, to utile); ]MS. darflice, with e expuncted. MAS. sielns; readc scientes. Page 2. PRAEFATIO LUCAE. Prirnted in L. 9. (Gloss to curiositatem); BS. ferwitgiorBouterwek's Sereadunga, p. a. A few corrections nis, altered to feruitgiornis. Insert denonstrasse are here noted. See the Codex Amiatinus, ed. before uideremur; for prodisse rveadc prodidisse. Tischendorf, p. 90. L. 13. (Gloss to memloratur); MS. gemyndiL. 1. MS. anthiocensiae; read nat'one anthi- ged, with, i expeucted ocensis. - L. 4. MIS. hundseofentig, altered to hundseo- Page 4; line 2. (Gloss to reppererunt); IS. fontig.!VIS. bithinii (sic); read bithinia, gemoetedn (sic); with last e expuncted. T~~~~~~~~ a/;ra 7 rL. S. IS. prophetiae; read prophetliao L. 5. 1S. scribata; read scripta or scribta; L. 4. The gloss to suis is written his fost, with Cod. Armiat. descripta. MS. iudearm; read iudea. TL. 9. proph'etatione; God. Ami ata curl over the o; the gloss to templo is temapele,,L. 9. prophetatione; Cod. 2lmiato perfeepeerfec altered to temple. tione. L. 9. (Gloss to septuaginta); the maak ] L. 10. MS. manifesta humanitas; read maunifestata humranitate. (Gloss to adtendi); MS. be- (though in the MS.) is serfiots. L. 11. MS. diabolis; probably an error for healdenne, altered to behaldanne. Also, for ad- iabolus tendi, read adtenti or attentio oL. 18. (Gloss to completis); MS. were ge*L. 1!. MS. sollieitudinibus; read sollicitationlbu. f11. MS. sollicitudiylde, altered to wero gefylde. For quae (as in bus. AiS.) ~'ead que; the gloss is ~vrong. L. 12. MS. excederent; read exciderent (?) L. 13. (Gloss to cui); MS. to Zsem, altered to Page 5; line G. (Gloss to tangentes); Here to hweem. (Gloss to et indicaret); MS. - ge-tahte, and elsewhere the italic h represents the old symbol altered to ~te tahte. which is written b; see note in Wanley's Catalogue, L. 14. (Gloss to esse); MS. were, altered to p. 156; cf Critical Note to St Mark, xii 4. WeLon. 1.(lstba smm MSfuite L. 9. qMS. parabola; read parabolas. L. 15. (Gloss to babtismum); [IS. fulwihte, L. 1S. (Gloss to In); MX. on, alG. to in. with e expuncted. AJter implete spItly et. L. 20. MS. profluio; readprofluuio. Last line. Read apprehendens erat per nathan filium dauid introitu recurrentis in., &c. Page 6; line 2. MS. praedicaturus; read praedicaturos. Page 3; line 1. Before hominis insert homi- L. 3. MS. herodis; read herodes. nibus Christum suum perfecti opus. L. 4. MS. christi (xpi); read christumrn. L. 2. MIS. interpretabat; read iter praebebat. L. 8. (Gloss to filium); MS. sune, alt. to,iz the gloss, M[S. has tosceade, altered to tosceada. sunu. L. 4. MS. proditionis; read perditionis. In.- L. 10. MS. primato; read primatu. sert ab before apostolis., L. 13. MS. iuuenis; read iuueni. (Gloss to L. 5. After numerus insert compleretur. tenentem); MS. haldonde, alt. to haldondl. II 250 CRITICAL NOTES. L. 20. (Gloss to misericordiam); miswritten L. 6. MS. auricula; read auriculam. mildheortnisnise. L. 8. The gloss to crucifixum is as printed; that to confitentem is mniswritten for ondetende, Page 7; line 3. MS. petiti; read peterftis. L. 14. MS. pisces; read piscis. L. 4. MS. persuadit; read persuadet. MS. On the reverse side of Leaf 136 is a coloured daemonia; read daemonium (1) picture of St Luke writing, with the name —"O L. 7. (Gloss to 2nd beatum); MS. eadige, agios lucas;" above him is a winged bull, with the alt. to eadig. words-"imago uituli." One side of Leaf 137 is L. 9. MS. poni; read ponendam. blank; on the reverse side is a beautifully coloured L. 13. MS. Petenti; read Petente. geometrical pattern, without any inscription. The L. 15. Supp71y qua or quibus before carent. Gospel begins on Leaf 138. MS. euitandum; read euitandam. (Gloss to Pusillo); MS. lytle, alt. to lytlo. CHAP. I. 1. R. cymende; for cunnendo. 6. L. 19., MS. necessitudineni, alt. to necessi- H. has ba, twa wrobte, as printed; read buton tudinum; it means relationships; see p. 8, I. 13. wrohte. 16. L. (gloss to israel); isreeles, alt. to In both places the glossator is at fault. isroele. 17. L. ingredibiles, alt. to incredibiles. L. R. perfectum (sic). 27. L. uirgo, an evident Page 8; line 3. (Glogs to sterili); MS. unb ere nd, alt. to unberendum. MS.arbori;. red error for uiro; the correction in the wmargin is berende, alt. to unberendum. MS. arbori; read - is written trees, with an accent quite a modern one. 31. L. concipiens; hence arbore; the firgloss e, a itten trees, with a ~ the gloss ge-ecnande. It should rather be conover the first e, and a /ourish over the second. cipies. 36. R. helo; but L. heldo. 59. L L. 7. (Gloss to Ist nouissinmi); hlatmesto, pone, not tone, This use of initial p is very alt. to hlteetmest. rare in L. 63. L. arat, as gloss to scribsit; L. 8 ze glo~saor asstae alisfor aliis. put.for awrat, 80. L. (gloss to ostensionis); L. 13. (Gloss to studentes); printed gearnende amdeaudnlse, alt. to medeaunise. by Bouterwek; but gearuende (i. e. preparing) in MS. CHAP. II. 1. L. ymb-hyrft; a mistalce for L. 14. MS. sectituri; iead sematuris, ymb-hwyrft. 4. H. nazareht (sic). 5. L. L. 18. MS. reuersionenm; read reuersione. 15. L. hiorde, alt. praegnate; for praegnante. 15. L. hiorde, alt. to hiorda. 19. L. conferent (sic); for conferens. Page 9; lllle 4. (Gloss to dicit); ctie (sic); for cue a;. 37. L. (gloss to quatuor); feoure, altered to feouer. 38. L. ge-ondittet; for ge-ondette6. 39. L. 10. MS. eumque; read seque. L. 16. MS,. abscidit; read abscedit. Observe R. woende; for woende. 44. H. ge-ferrede; the odd mistake in the gloss, Sfor ge-fere. 52. L. omits the et in brackets. the odd mnistake i,~ the gloss. A Page 10; line 1. MS. decemnas; for decem CHAP. III. 1. Sub-section 6 not marked in mnas. mnargin of L. 12. L. (gloss to baptizarentur); L. 3. (Gloss to tacent); stegdon, clearly mis- were, attered to weron. 20. R. untynde; for wrTitten for suigdon. intynde. 38. In R., the words qui fuit dei are L. 10. MS. dfio; read dnfus, for dominus. glossed se-e waes goding. L. 12. MS. praedicito cuius; read praedicit cito id. CHAP. IV. 5. Corp. byrhm (sic). 16. L. (gloss to sabbati); sun, with a curl above, which Page 11. Above the title is drawn a winged the reader may expand as he pleases; it is not sim, bull, the symbol of St Luke. though it is remntarkable that R. has symbles. 29. L. 2. Bouterwek prints pascisciturus, and L. (gloss to praecipitarent); geglendredon, attered suggests the reading paciscitur. This seems to be to geglendradon. 35. L. (gloss to proiecisset); a nmistake, as the MS. has paciscitur. MS. myste- foerde awarp; but there is a line drawn above rium; read mysteria. foerde, to signify that it is to be expuged. CRITICAL NOTES, 2.51 CHAP. V. 5. HI. andswerede; for answerende. CHAP. IX. 11. L. (gloss to secutae); geAlso, swikende, for swinkende. 17. L. (gloss to fylgedon, alt. to gefylgendo. 32. L. (gloss to pharisaei); aide, alt. to aldo. 21. L. (gloss to grauati); gehefigade, alt. to gehefigad. coeperunt); onginnun, alt. to ongunnun. 26. L. CHAP. XI. 19. L. (gloss to filii); sunu, elt. to (gloss to stupor); feer-stylt, with a curl through suno0 22. L. ofercummend, alt. to ofercymmend. the 1; 28. L. for-leort; with a curl above the t.. 28. L, (gloss to custodiunt); gehaldes, alt. to gehal32, L. has seiganhe somfaest altered to ceigandas, 49. L. (gloss to prophetas) iwtgo, for witgo. ne so~feest (with a cztrl above the t). 34. The form cwystuhu in the Corpus MS. is wrong; read CHAP. XII. 25. L. (gloss to potest); meege, cwyst ull. 36. L. (gloss to conuenit); the italic alt. to maege. 390 L. (gloss to si); gife, alt. to gif. h in gehrise-S means that the symbol p- is em- 42, L. monn (denoted by the usual rune). 50. H. ployed instead of h; so elsewhere. The gloss to habeo shews that it was read as ab eo. CHAP. VI. i. L. (gloss to spicas); ehr, to hwil. to ehras. 8. L. (gloss to eorum); iara, alt. to CHAP. XIII. 1. L galilaeis, which the hiora. The~ gloss to sta should, have lbeenr stond; glossator has read as galila eis; zwlhence his gloss. the glossator was thlinking of statimi. 17. L. 2. L. (gloss to peccatores); synfullum, alt. to (gloss to sanarenttlr); gehualdon, alt. to gehaeldo. synfullo. L. (gloss to talia); Z;usloco, alt. to 19. L. (gloss to uirtus); meht vel maegn, iwith |uslico. 6. L. monn (denoted by the usual rune). curls above the ends of the words. Thle gossator 14. The use of the capital H in He (in L.) is may have been puzzled by the false concord in remarkable. 2, L. monn (denoted by the rune) uirtus exiebant. 22. Observe the gloss to malum; 26. L. (gloss to bibimus); drunegon, alt. to i.e. evil or apple-tree. 2S. L. (toss to calum- drunceon. 31. L. (gloss to quidam); sunme, niantibus); there is a cirl over oe in cuoedum; alt. to summo. 34. L. bu stanat (sic); cf. u perhaps it means coedendum. 31. L. (gloss to gedoe, xiv 12. faciant); hia doaS I gedoe; bit a strokce is, drawn over hia doaS, to mark it for expunctibn. 34. CHAP. XIV. 7. L. (gtoss to eligerent); hia L. mutum; but rnutuum ift v. 35. 42. L. (gloss gesceason, alt. to hia geceason; this has given rise to educas); osgebreinge, an obvioius error for ofge- to gefeasan ~in R., the f being due to the s. brenge. 48. L. (gloss to flumen); se stream; 22. L. R, both have locutu-s est; but the real but in v. 49 -~ stream. reading is, of course, locus est. 35. L. (gloss to 2nd in); on, alt. to in. CHAP. VII. 2. L. (gloss to habens3); heb- to 2nd in); alt. to in. bende, alt. to hlbhbend. 25. L. (gloss to domi- CHAP. XV. 11, L. mohn (denoted by the bus); husum, alt, to huso. The verse ends wvith rzne). 13. L. (gloss to' uluendo); mid hlife; estumrn in the other MSS.; supply synd on cyninga alt. to mid life. 16. L. monn (denoted by the husum. 28. L. (gloss to natos); suno, alt. to r~une). 26. L. (gloss to interrogauit); ge-, sunvm. 36. L. (gtoss to Rogabat); gebeaed, alt, fraigende, alt. to gefraignde. 27. L. frater, to gebaed. 42. L, (gloss to donauit); for-geaef, alt. to' pater (as p-inted); glossed by fader bro6er alt. to for-gaef. L. (gloss to utrisque); beaern, (the latter being tinderlined). calt. to baem. CHAP. XVTI 8. L. (gloss to filii); sunu, alt CHAP. VIII. 7. L. (gloss to eaortae); to suno. 14. Here a teaf has8 been lost in B. ariseon, alt. to arison. 9. L. (gloss to quae); from a very early period; see Pref. p. vii. 14. L. huet'io, with 5io underlined for expunction. hlogun, alt. to hlogon. 22, L. were, alt. to 14. L. has ZorNu, with a capital N. The gloss to wero; suffocantur suggests that the glossator was thinking, CHAP. XVII. 20. R. aldrumonnun, alt. to of suffodiantur. 16. L. monn (denoted by the aIdoronnum usual rune). L. (gloss to ponit, 1st time only); setteS, alt. to sette. 33. L. ~amenn (sic). CHAP. XVIII. 11. L. otero, alt. to otoro. 4.3. L. (gloss to medicos); legum, alt. to lecum. 13. L. gesloge, alt. to geslog. 252 CRITICAL NSOTES. CHAP. XIX. 26. L. (gloss to dabitur); beginning to write v. 9 by mistake. 9,: L. eftqmerely the letter g, followed by a blanzk; R. has frerende, alt. to eft-fierendo. 11. L. deleramentum gisald bit. 33. (last word) L. fola, alt. to folo. (sic). L. (gloss to uerba) worda, alt. to wordo. 13. Int L., the subsection is not marked, and the CHAP. XX. The omission of Mv. 11 izn R. is three remaining szubsections are therefore misclearly due to the repetition of inanem. 13. L. nucmberedcl; see vv. 36, 41, 44. 17. L. (gloss to (Latiqn text) uerebantur, alt. to uerebuntur. 30, sermones), wordo, alt. to word. 21. L. (gloss 31. Omission in R. due to repetition of accepit to nunc) nu niwo; bit niwEe has c line drawn illame. above it, for expunction,. 29. The scribe of H., CHIIAP. XXI. 834. Here the rune for drg in writing pene for Wune, was mnisled by the similarity of the sign for W to the sign p. n rz JR. the occurs in L.; its form is identical with that for W to the sn.. the monsinglalar gloss efern longeZ Zu wast is written over aduespere-scit, as it is written; 7u wast (thou CHAP. XXII. 21. L. (gloss to ecce); heoetre, knowest) was svggested by the syllable scit. 43. L. alt. to hoe-re. 24. L. awoerden, alt. to aworden. screadunga, alt. to screadungo. 51. Observe 28. L. (gloss to disposuit); to sceadade, to that the passage omitted in the Royal MS. is the to sceadde. 30. L. d6emende, alt. to d6cemendo. same as that omitted in the Bodley MS., shlewing 41. RI. gesettun, alt. to gisetnun. 42. L. (Latin, that a leaf had been lost fronm the latter at this text) iustum, corrected to ist-um; glossed oiosne. place at an early period, before the former wv7as 47. L. (gloss to iesu); Ze halend, alt. from se copied from it. 53. L. lofande, alt. to lofando. haelend; but indistinct. 5.8. In R., an ic is an obvious error for am ic. 61. In R., ne onseces *Sj This seems to be the most convenient is an obvious error for me onsoeces. place for remarkinog that in the Rushworth MS., in the last three chapters of the Gospel, frequent CHAP. XXIII. 2. R. wigga; read witga. large crosses appear above certain words in the 4. L. hominem, an error for homine. 5. L. Latin text, which seem to have been added before (gloss to docens), laerd, apparently miswritten for the gloss was written. These are given in Mr hierend. 10. R.. geherdun; an error for ge- Waring's edition, with a few exceptions. The hendun. 13. L. plebem; an error for plebe. object of them is clear, viz, to mark the expressions o5. L. (gloss to faciat) gedoe-5, corrected to gedoe. used by Christ himself. This will be evident 38. L. ofer-awritteno inawritten; but the last three from the following list of the places where they letters in awritteno have a line drawn above them, occur, though in one or two places they have syignifying expunction. 4:3. The last word in been wrongly inserted, as will be pointed out. R. is indistinct; it is either erexuawonga or -The Latin words thus marked are the following: erecanawonga, the doubtfdS letter being written as 15. desiderio.. CHAP. XXII. 8. nte. 5. desiderio. c with a tag; both forms are wrong. 50, L. 17. accipite. 19, hoc. 20. hic. 252 reges (gloss to unir); woer, alt. to wer. 53. In R., at (unnoticed by Mr Waring) 32. ego (the marked the end of the verse, is written hic finit; it mnarks the end of a lesson. w5 P. tword should have been simon in v. 31). 34. dico. e en of a lesso. 5. R. to-g-gisetted, for'-...., 38. satis est. 40. orate. 42. pater. 46. surgite to-gisetted. 56. L. deg, denoted by the rune.... i (quid dormitis beiWg omitted in R). 47. il]o CHaP. XXIV. 1. L. sun, with a flourish over loquente (marked by tmistake). 51. sinete (unnou, followed by the rzne for daeg. 6. The Hatton ticed by Mr Waring). 52. tanquam (L. has quasi). MlS. has Be-pencheS, by error; as the -Royal M3s. 55. igne (unnoticed by Mr Waring, and marked has Ge-pence&, the scribe possibly mistook G for B. by mistake). 67. si uobis. 70. uos dicitis. 7. L. (gloss to hominum) monna, alt. to monno. CHAP. XXIII. 3. tu dicis. 28. filiae. 34, 8. IR. 7 eftfrerend gemyndge, but frerend has a pater. 43. amen. 46. pater. 50. ecce line drawn above it for expznction; the scribe was (marked by mnistake). CAMBRIDGE - PRINTED BY C. CL. ar,A M.A. AT THE UNIVETRSITY PRESS.