Ii ~ ~ lb A416613 TIMI SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY,STORAGE A PL N1ANN 5I5 NEARLY 2,000 WORDS: S56 I il tSH. AMA\LAY. ANI) CH iINE S l 8INS APO 11E AML:1JIeAA MTSSTON P'RESS 1.8:LU.IL)W I 891I 77777!R THE SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. COMPILED By,. WILLIAM G. SHELLABEAR, late Royal Engineers. THE CHINESE RENDERINGS BY REV. B. F. WEST, M.D. SINGAPORE: Printed at the " AMERICAN MISSION PRESS." 1891. C, %.-i + &t,"A P L ( s 1-2.'T, -Ss 6 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRE F ACE. At the outset this vocabulary was designed chiefly for the use of boys who are learning English in the lower Standards in the Schools of the Straits Settlements, but as soon as the work of compilation was cornmenced it appeared advisable to so arrange the word that the book might be more widely useful. The great majority of boys in these Settlements learn English through the medium of Malay, not the Malay of the Malays, but what may almost be termed a-1X dialect, commonly known by the name of Bazaar, Colloquial or Low Malay. Many of the words used in Colloquial Malay are not used at all by the Malays themselves, or are used in a different sense; it has however been necessary to admit such words and expressions into this vocabulary in order to make it useful in schools and among the Malay-speaking Chinese, but to distinguish them from pure Malay words the abbreviation (col) has been inserted after them. 4 PREFACE. In order to avoid needlessly confusing the minds of those who are beginning the study of the English language, it has been sought as far as possible to avoid uncommon and difficult words; and great pains have been taken where an English word has several different meanings, not only to give the correct renderings in Malay, but also to give an equivalent English word in order to explain the sense in which it is used. To the student of the Malay language we do not pretend to offer a complete list of Malay words, but by far the greater number of Europeans who come to the East require only a small vocabulary of words in order to transact their business and communicate with their servants; for such we believe that this collection of words will be amply sufficient, and even those who propose to make a deeper study of the language will find this book a stepping stone to the more complete and more expensive works on the Malay language. Affixes and prefixes really constitute the Grammar of the Malay language, but they are almost entirely omitted in Colloquial Malay; for this reason they have been used as little as possible in this work. but it is intended to add a short article on the use of affixes and prefixes in the form of an appendix or as a separate book. The affix kan, by means of which transitive verbs are formed from intransitive verbs or other parts of PREFACE. 5 speech, has however been frequently used in order to avoid the excessive use of kasi, which is very incorrect; thus masokkan is given for to put in, instead of kasi masok which is so frequently used. Wherever an English verb has both a transitive and intransitive meaning, the Malay of the intransitive meaning is given first, thus: to increase-tambah; tamnbahkan. The addition of the Chinese renderings, which is one great feature of this work, will it is hoped make the book useful not only to the Malay speaking Chinese who are studying the Chinese language, but also to the Chinese merchants and others who come here from their own country with a desire to learn something both of English and Malay, without which they find it impossible to transact their business. I am very much indebted to Dr. West for the time and trouble which he has devoted to the difficult work of translating and proofreading this portion of the work, which it would have been quite impossible to have undertaken without his assistance. W. G. S. SINGAPORE, September, 1891. I MALAY TRANSLITERATION AND PRONUNCIATION. The system of transliteration used in this book is believed to be different from any other system hitherto used for Malay in Roman letters, but it is so similar in general principles to the system now universally adopted for Romanizing the Chinese languages, and has already been so thoroughly tested in various ways that we are confident of its utility. In this system it is sought to spell the words as nearly as may be phonetically, but entirely without the use of accents, and adhering as nearly as possible to the spelling of the words in the Arabic Character. It will at once be noticed that the main difference between this and previous systems is the omission of vowels in such words as: bgini, Ikas, mngacku, where no vowel occurs in the Arabic Character. Bgini has previously been variously spelt as follows: bagini, bdyini, begini, bgini, bugini, bugini, from which it would tax the powers of the average learner to select the true pro 8 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. nunciation. It is claimed and has frequently been proved that such words as bgini and Ikas, when shown to a European who is ignorant of Malay, are at once correctly pronounced. The forms mng and png appear more difficult at first sight, but such combinations of letters are frequent in Romanized Chinese, and present no difficulty whatever when the system is thoroughly understood. The vowel e has in almost every case been / retained before r, because there is no danger in such cases of the syllable being wrongly pronounced, and reading is facilitated by the addition of the vowel. The letter y has been used to distinguish the Malay letter nya from the combination of the two letters n and i, thus: punya, dunia. The letter y has also been used where there is distinctly a ya yi or yu sound, and similarly w has been used where there is a wa we or wi sound, for example: yang, Yusof, aniaya; ztaki!, zuerna, bawa. Wherever ain, the Arabic nasal a, occurs in the Arabic Character, it is indicated by the use of the apostrophe, thus: a'dat, do'a; and the same mark is also used to indicate the letter hamza, which has the force of a breathing, thus: Kora'an, mla'ikat, poko'. In words which are compounds of s-, one, or k-, to, or di-, at, or di-, the form of past participle, and some other word, the hyphen has been retained, because those pre SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 9 fixes are really separate words, as: s-kjap, k-sana, disini, di-pukol; and similarly the affixes -lah, -kah, -tah, -nab, -nya, -ku, -mu, are hyphened as being really separate words. But where the prefix or affix forms really part of the word, the hyphen is not used, thus: bergrak, grakkan, makanan. The consonants in Malay are pronounced as in English, except that the r should be sounded very much more than an Englishman usually does The consonants ng represent one letter in Malay, and should be pronounced as in singer, never as in single; the latter sound is given in Malay by the addition of a g, thus singa, a lion; singgah, to call in at a place. So also ungu is not un-gu, but ung-u. Final k in Malay is not pronounced, but whenever it occurs the final syllable must be pronounced very short indeed. Final h and hanza have also the effect of shortening the last syllable, but they have not more than half the effect of final k. The vowels are pronounced as in Italian, thus: a as in father, but not always with the same degree of hardness, for instance in the word padang, the first a is pronounced a good deal harder than the second. In kahandak and similar words the a has been retained between the k and h to distinguish from the Arabic guttural kh; the a must be pronounced very short. When e comes before r pronounce as in perhaps; 3.: J~' 10 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. example, berkat. The words mnerah, perak, etc., are however exceptions to this rule, and should rather perhaps be spelt as they are pronounced, viz:-nzeyrah, peyrak; the ey as in they. Elsewhere e has always the sound of ey in they; examples, Esok, tengo', bengko', adek, boleh. In the word negri the e has only been left in to prevent the n and g coming together and forming ng-ri, in this word the e should be pronounced as short as possible. Pronounce i as in ravine, or as ee in feet; example kaki, kipas. At the end of a word, when followed by a consonant, i is pronounced as in bit; example, gigit, angin. Pronounce o as in hole, example, boleh, suroh. Pronounce u as in June, example, upah, budak. The sound of o or u in the last syllable of many words is however half way between the above o and u sounds, so that some persons write an o and others a u, for instance pikol or pikul, ikut or ikot, turot or turut, rambot or rambut. It matters little which way these words are written, the true pronunciation of them can only be got from a native. When two vowels come together both must be sounded, but the first must be run more or less into the second, thus au gets nearly the sound of ow in cow, as pisau, mau; and ai has the sound of the English i in icei thus: sungai, pakai, kdai. VOCABULARY. MALAY. ENGLISH. CHINESE..... Able, to be About (concerning) About (nearly) About to, to be Above Absent Abuse, to Accept, to Accounts Accurate (correct) Accustomed Ache satu or sboleh deri-hal; fasal kira-kira nanti; mau (cot) atas tidak ada maki trima ' kira-kira btul, biasa sakit.4t 1493~7 %O,.- - AT%& Al * 12 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Acid Acknowledge, to Across Act, to Add, to (increase) Add up, to Advice Afraid After (of place) After (of time) Afternoon Afterwards Again Age Ago Agree, to Aim, to Air Alike A live All asam mngaku sbrang v buat tambah jmlahkari nasihat takot di-blakang Ipas ptang kmdian lagi s-kali; pula umor sudah s-tuju tuju udara s-rupa hidop smoa iW. 2F- tI: 3~fm Ift 6 * AJllt - Aj - a si, I iXi ~iFt WA*i: IT I * A^ AnkRW 63RI-0^^ jq II' 4 -Aa) wSta SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 13 ~.: All right! Allow, to Almost Alone Also Alter, to Altogether Always Among An Anchor Anchor, to And Angel Angry Animal Another Answer Ant Ant (large red) Any one baik-lah biar hampir: s'orang sahaja if b H M, juga 1, ubah; tukar s-kali-kali slalu antara 4k 1 satu or ssauh l berlaboh dan; pun, _ _. mla'ikat marah binatang tt, Rk lain satu; lagi satu / —a,, l jawab smut keringga 4I barang-siapa A RI 14 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Anything apa-apa t Appear, to nampak Argue, to berbantah fija Arise, to bangun; bangkit Arithmetic kira-kira 4rm tangan 4. Army tntara [J Around kliling g / Arrange, to atur J Arrive, to sampai J. As sperti; macham Ashamed malu -ae Ask, to (enquire) tanya C Ask for, to minta; pint Asleep tidor S fa Asist, to tolong WA f Atf pada; di E At first mula-mula At once skarang ini; lkas,.+ Attempt, to choba t Audtion- lelong Pir. MP~ Ml M*a SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 15 Aunt Await, to Axe Baby Back Back, at the Back, to the Back again Backwards Bad (of things) Bad (of men) Bad (rotten) Bag Baker Ball Bamboo Banana Barber Barrel Basin Basket mak saudara nantikan kapak anak-kchil blakang di-blakang k-blakang kmbali ' k-blakang kurang baik. jahat busok saku tukang-roti bola buloh pisang tukang-chukor.. tong mangko' bsar bak ul tA~i, *tr4 a. " 0 WM anc He iL!tf^ JW' la, 5 mu. AtFa *n M * -& ^ A 0 " S ^~~~~w 16 SINGAPORE,TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Bathe, to Bath-room Bazaar Be, to Beam Beans Bear, to (endure) Beard Beat, to Beautiful Because Become, to Bed Beef Before (of time) Before (of place) Before (ere) Begin, to Beginning Behaviour Behind mandi tmpat-mandi Y pasar ada; jadi balak kachang J tahan,, janggot ^a pukol:T chantek; bagus kerna; sbab '. mnjadi tmpat-tidor R; daging lmbu dhulu di-hadapan ~]~ s-blum mula'i mula; permula'an jJE Si klakuan a J ~ di-blakang i ' SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 17 Behove, to Believe, to (trust) Believe, to (think) Bell Belly Belt Below Bench Bent Beside Best Better Between Beyond Beyond (water) Bible Big Bill Bird Bit, a (piece) Bit (for horses) patut perchaya fikir loching prot tali pinggang di-bawah bangku bengko' di-s-blah yang terlbeh balk Ibeh baik antara di-s-blah sbrang Kitab Allah bsar surat hutang burong s-kping lagam Vmm ~ p, *33$ <a fll-. aret& ff 1 Hie,m f-P& 6%."It w^ 4 18 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Bite Black Blacksmith Blessing Blind Blood Blow, to Blue Blunt Board Boat Body Boil, to Bolt Bone Book Boot Born Borrow, to Both Bough gigit hitam tukang-bsi berkat buta darah tiop biru tumpol papan prahu; sampan badan rbus; masak (co7) kanching tulang kitab; buku (co!) spatu beranak (col) pinjam dua-dua dahan *W fn J A: t-i 9 X A 3 R ft I Hi IN* flB= ^s~ ifta SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 19. Box Boy Brass Brave Bread Break, to Breakfast Breast Breath Brick Bribe, a Bride Bridge Bring, to Broad Broom Brother Brother, elder Brother, younger Brother-in-law Brush pti budak fif TxL tmbaga brani gaEf coti g pchah; patah; putus j ZfZ makan-pagi j B dada V nafas batu-bata suap pngantin prempuan Wfi jmbatan bawa V, ^ lebar pnyapu; saudara abang adek AJ ipar: brus RtJ 20 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Bucket Buffalo Build, to Bullock Bullock-cart Bump, a Bundle Burn, to Bury, to Business But Butter Button Buy, to By By and by Cake Call, to (call for) Call in, to (at a place) Call on, to (visit) Call out, to timba; tong -ti;j kerbau 4: f buat; bangunkan b Imbu I4ii F kreta lmbu i = bngkak bungkus;, ] bakar tanam; kuborkan {~ kerja t ttapi mntega tL4 kanching f B: bli oleh * lagi s-kjap pnganan; kweh (col) panggil 4 singgah ^ mlawat triak "4- P SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 21.. Can (able) boleh Candle dian; lilin (col) Cane rotan Cannot ta'boleh Cap kopiah Care, to fduli Care, to take jaga Care of, to take pliharakan Careless, to be lalai Carpenter tukang-kayu Carriage kreta Cart kreta Carry angkat (col),, (on the hands) tatang,, (on the head) junjong,, (on the hips) dukong,, (on the shoulder) pikul Cash wang Cashier tukang-wang Cat kuching Catch, to tangkap Rg )m 44 *% IvaMR. ti~r~~, ~pt A# 113 * ' ft X U $ *1 D - -. - s ] 1~P 7- T 22 'SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Cause, a sbab Cause, to jadikan; buat Centre tngah Certain (positive) tntu Certain man, a s'orang anu Chaff skam Chain rantai Chair kursi; krusi Chalk kapur blanda Change, to, (alter) ubah,, to (exchange) tukar,, to (substitute) gantikan Change house, to pindah Chapter fasal Character (behaviour) klakuan; prangai Character (letter) surat Charcoal arang Chase, to kjar Chatter, to bising Cheap murah Cheat, to tipu #4 t, * R 44:gti Al it 14. 4% q SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 23 Cheese Chicken Child Chisel Choose Christ Christian, (R. Church City Clay Clean Clean, to Clear Clerk Clever Climb Clock Close Close, to Cloth keju ayam anak pahat pileh Almasih msihi Catholic) nserani greja negri tanah liat berseh chuchi trang krani pandai panjat jam dkat; rapat tutop kain -*fM. r5 MIL ITA V-3 m.t 2S goi'J -es.VA. I A '-go itf 4k-<~;|t fft 24 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Clothes pakian Cloud awan Coal arang batu jt Coarse kasar Coat baju Cock ayam jantan Cocoa-nut klapa Cocoa-nut milk ayer klapa:: f Coffee kopi (col) Coffin long; pti orang mati (col) Cold sjuk; dingin Colour werna Collect, to kumpol; kampongkan '-t [,. Comb sikat l t Come! mari 3 Come, to datang Come in, to masok /A Command hukum Commence, to mula'i Compare, to bandingkan Concerning deri-hal; fasal SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 25 -- Condemn, to (sentence) hukumkan,, to (to blame) salahkan Conduct klakuan Confess, to mngaku Conquer, to mnang; alahkan Conscience s-tau-hati Contain, to muat; isi Contents isi Convenient snang Cook kuki Cook, to masak Copy, to(transcribe) salin Copy, to(imitate) turut Copeir tmbaga Cork pnyumbat Corn gandom Corner (of a room) pnjuru Corner (of a street) sempang Correct, to btulkan Correct btul Cost herga nnd UML |Sk Ot'.M& 1 Ws f M rw FM K JZ Njt V *7z* f 4.I A A * PA 26 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT 'VOCABULARY. Cotton kapas Cotton, sewing bnang Count, to hitong; bilang Country negri; bnua Courage i brani Cover, to tutop; tudong Cow Imbu btina Coward pnakot Crab ktam Create, to jadikan Crooked bengko' Cross marah Cross (ancient method of execution) salib Crowd kumpolan Crucify, to salibkan Cruel bngis Cry, to (to weep) mnangis; tangis Cry, to (to call out) bertriak Cup mangko' Cure, to sumboh Ourse, to kutok *40 an Ait N — Lf~ At *II S ffl: V-+* i. "V In^ * it - - * % SINGAPORE 'TIGLOT 'VOCAI3IJLARY; 27 27 - - - Curtain Ourtain, mosquito Custom Cut, to Daily Damage, to Damp Dance, to DIanger Daring Dark Date Daughter Day. Day, midDay after to-morrow Day-light Dead Deaf Pear (in price) tIat tirai klambu 'adat potong s-hari-bari rosak 1mbab mnanri bahia brani glap hari-bulan anak prempuan hari tngah-hari lusa siang mati pkak; tuli mhal kmnatian Wf~5. A!V a 1f~, +i Mff 60 IF1 * ~5 "If AF~ VIT-A 28 SJNGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABUILARY. Debt hutang Deceive, to tipu n S Deep dalam ]Pfeat, to alahkan!) Delay, to lambat AM e Deliver, to (set free) Ipaskan Deliver up, to (hand over) srahkan Demon hantu; jin % Deny, to mungkir Dpserve, to patut Deire, to mau; berkahandak 9 Desk meja-tulis Deptroy, to binasakan Devil, the Shaitan; Iblis X%] Die, to mati I Difference berlainan jtJ k Different lain g i'icult susah Dig, to gali i Diligent rajin ' Direct trus Gf SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABUI DirtDirt (loose) Dirty Disgrace Dish Dislike, to Dismiss, to Distance Disturbance Ditch Dive, to Divide, to (distribute) Divide, to (cut in two) PDo, to Doctor Dog Dollar Done (finished) f^ key Dont! Door kotor sampah kotor malu pinggan ta'suka kluarkan jauh gadoh parit slam bhagi blah buat dukun; doctor (col) anjing ringgit sudah kaldai jangan pintu LARY. 29 Wt am %* AG~ VA -A A*& ii;ii Ifff a51 If,~k IL WJ B~x 4AJ 80 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT YOCABULARY. Double dua-kali Dove merpati Down bawah Down (at) di-bawah Down (to) k-bawah Down, to go turun Dozen, a dua-blas; dusin (col) Drain parit; longkang Draw, to (a picture) tulis Draw, to (pull) tarek Draw near, to hampir Draw out, to chabot Drawer lachi Dream mimpi Dress pakian Drink, to minum Drive, to (in a carriage) naik kreta Drop, to jatoh Drop, to let jatohkan truinu rbana:ink mabok y-0 ~jsrafi T; 9T XWC fa^ A jfair. Si im VAk id~ mmj4 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 31 Dry kring Dry, to (in the wind) anginkan - tiI Dry, to (in the sun) jmorkan f 4 Duck itek Dumb bisu i Dust (in a room) habok j Dust (on the road) dbu t Dust, to sapu habok Each masing-masing ]:* Eat tlinga 1f Early (in the day) pagi-pagi Earth, the dunia; bumi Earth (ground) tanah t j~ Earthenware pot blanga: Easily snang East timor Easy snang; mudahEat, to makan Edge tpi 4, Edge (of knives, etc.) mata 7) gg tlor 32. SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Eight dlapan Elephant gajah Eleven s-blas Else, some one lain orang liise, anything lain apa-apa Else, hothing lain tidak Empty kosong Eid (finish) ksudahan tnd (extremity) hujong Enemy musoh England negri Inggris Enjoy, to suka Enough chukop 3inquire, to (ask) tanya Eiter, to (go in) masok Equal sama Eror salah;Fcape, to lari ternal kkal Eiurope negri Iropah iening (after sun-set) malam A I.t -+ efil. m i A 2aF~ * - IJ-V MA i SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 33 Evening (before sunset) ptang Ever pernah Ever, for s-lama-lama-nya Every masing-masing; tiap-tia Evil jahat Exact Examine, to Exchange, to Expense Expensive Extra Eye Face Fair (just) False Fall, to Family Fan Far (of distance) Far (much) Fast (quick) btul preksa tukar blanja mahal Ibeh mata muka 'adil; patut; btul bohong jatoh isi rumah kipas jauh banyak Ikas kgf V, pN 1 "Om m ^-~ itb * -1 Hj. 34 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Fast (abstinence) Fasten, to Fat Father Fathom (2 yards) Fault Fear, to Feather Feed, to Feel, to Female Fence Fetch, to Fever ( Few Field Fight, to Fill, to Find, to Fine Fine (not coarse) puasa ikat gmok bapa dpa salah takot bulu makan; kasi makan rasa prempuan; btina pagar ambil dmam sdikit padang berklahi isikan dapat dnda halus X, aP8E W I 1: * ^ t-t Igo x im I^^~, 3s Ill ITAR it 3-i * Iti am B ^ r0f SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 35 Fine (elegant) bagus Finger jari Finish, to habis; habiskan Fire api Fire, to (of guns) tembak Fireworks bunga api Firewood kayu api First pertama, nmber satu (col) --, First, at mula-mula Fish ikan Fit (suitable) patut Five lima Flag bndera Flagstaff tiang-bndera Flat rata Flesh ' daging Float, to timbol Flood ayer bah Floor lantai Flour tpong Flower bunga f n,"tt a m A-H H~~fi a let_ Po B AN. a 36 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Fly Fly, to Fold Fold, to Follow, to Food Foolish Foot For For (because) Forbid, to Foreigner Forget, to Forgive, to Fork Form Former Formerly Forsake, to Fortnight Four lalat terbang lapis lipat J ikut L makanan ik bodoh, kaki J bagai kerna larangkan A orang dagang ^ A | lupa I ampunkan; ma'afkan j9. garfu rupa dhulu dhulu tinggalkan t[fi dua minggo - " ampat SINGAPORE TiRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 37 Fowl Free Friend Frog From (places) From (a person) Front, in Fruit Fry Fulfil, to Full Further Game Gamble Gaol Garden Gardener Gate Gather, to (pick up) Gather together, to Gentleman ayam bibas; merdheka kawan katak; kodok deri deripada di-hadapan buah goring sampaikan; gnapi pnoh lbeh jauh permainan main judi pnjara; jeil kbun tukang-kbun pintu pungut kumpol; kampongkan tuan 71fw t tII 19v F4~lII q-l~ py|it 38 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Get, to Get up, to Ghost Gift Girl Give, to Give back, to Glad Glass (mirror) Glass (for drinking) Glorious Glory Glue Goat God Gold Go, to Go on, to (start) Go in, to Go home, to Go down, to dapat bangun; bangkit hantu hadia; pmbrian anak-prempuan kasi; bri kasi pulang suka-hati chermin muka glas mulia kmulia'an perkat kambing Allah 'mas pergi jalan masok pulang turun *./I 1SXC PA, V < it'~1 0*s *1^ -k /A I- RI 4_4 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 39 Go up, to Good Good, no Good, what is the Good-bye Goods Gospel Grace Grand Grand-child Grand-father Grand-mother Grass Grave Gravy Great Great deal, a Green Grief Grind, to G round naik baik ta'guna apa guna tabek barang-barang Injil anugrah bsar chuchu nenek; dato' nenek prempuan rumput kubur kuah bsar banyak hijau susah kisar; giling tanah I fk ^MMM l*4A Al 4 i9k J: 40 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Grow, to (as plants) Grow, to (increase) Grow, to (become) Gruel Grumble, to Guess, to Guide, to Guilty Gun Habit Hair Hair (of the head) Half Hammer Hand Hand-cart Handwriting Handkerchief Handle (of doors,&c.) Hang, to Happen, to tumboh tambah mnjadi kanji bersungut agak pirnpin salah; berdosa snapang 'adat bulu rambot s-tngah; s-paruh pmukol bsi tangan kreta tarek tulisan; khat sapu-tangan tangan gantong; gantongkan jadi M *. t ^ iS^Tttf 41 99 r4 It5 *A ' Wi L9. -.I b SINGAPORE: TRIGLOT VOOABULARY. 41 Happy Hard Harm (damage) Harm, no Harness Haste Hat Hatchet Hate, to Have, to Head Headache Heal, to Health Hear, to Heart Heat Heaven Heavens, the (sky) Heavy Hedge snang kras bnchana; chlaka tidak salah pakian kuda Ikas topi kapak bnchi ada; beroleh kpala sakit-kpala sumboh sehat dngar hati panas shorga langit brat pagar I* — ifA- -,, t4' wn w~ Xffil 9, -9 -TO A-M HL^ ~^ i1 w 42 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. He, him, she, her Help, to Hell Hen Here Here (hither) Hide, to High Hill Hire, to (things) Hire, to (labour) His, hers History Hit, to (strike) Hit, to (a mark) Hoe Hoist, to Hold, to Hold, to (contain) Hole Holiday dia; ia tolong nraka ayam btina sini; di-sini k-mari smbunyikan tinggi bukit sewa upah dia punya hikayat pukol kna changkol angkat pgang isi; muat lobang h ari pas. IT -ft NY1, 1 1. on SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 4; Holy Home Home, at Honest Honour (greatness) Honour (respect) Hope, to Horn Horse Hot (of fire) Hot (of spices) Hotel Hour House How How often How long How much How much (of price) Humble Hundred, one suchi rumah di-ru mah tulus kmulia'an hormat harap tandoh kuda panas pdas rumah tumpangan jam rumah bgimana brapa kali brapa lama brapa brapa herga rndah s-ratus ff MS it R - A f9.& 6v V w01 t* fq9 A 9 T9 OUR AIN AW 44.-SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOAIR3ULARYk. Hungry Hurt, to (wound) Husband Hush! Hut I Ice Idle Idol if Ignorant Ill Im mediately Important Impossible yang Improve, to In In (inside) In order that Inch Included, to be lapar luka laki 3t diam pondok sahia: aku ayer-batu malas berhala kalau; jika bbal -sakit skarang ini; ikas 0 PIU brat ta'boleh jadi; mstahil 49 TN mmbaiki dalam it di-dalaih ai P9i spaya jari; inchl' I'S masok SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 45 Inconvenient Incorrect Increase, to Indeed Index India India-rubber Industrious Inform, to Ink Inkstand Inquire, to Inside Inspect, to Instead of Intend, to Interpreter Into Invite, to Iron.ls ta'snang salah tambah; tambahkan s-bnar-nya isi kitab; fihrist negri Hindi gtah rajin bri tau tinta; dawat tmpat-tinta tanya; preksa di-dalam preksa ganti mau; hndak juru-bhasa k-dalam jmpot bsi ada r~g *X7I. TN AP hp Ift a`* N 141 Aw;-j A 0A: am [hiS ~it I P4*j PI|a ffi 14a a I~f 46 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Is not bukan Island pulau i.; It dia; itu - Itself sndiri E Jail pnjara [ J~ P Japan negri Jpon *! Java negri Jawa p[fFj Jealous chmburu Jesus Isa figiJ Jew orang Yahudi Join, to hubong; sambong, S - Joy ksuka'an l Judge hakim jf Judge, to hukumkan j] Judge, to (consider) timbang Jump, to lompat Juice ayer-buah f Just (righteous) 'adil; bnar Just (just now)- tadi; bharu -~ Jtst gone out bharu kluar Pl 9 4+ Keep, to (retain) simpan dI SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 47 Keep, to (preserve) plihara Keep, to (a promise) sampaikan Keep, to (dogs, horses) pliharakan Key anak kunchi; kunchi (col) Kick, to(backwards) tndang Kick, to (forwards) sepak Kill, to bunoh Kill (for food with religious rites) smbleh Kill, to (fowls etc) potong Kind (sort) macham; jnis Kind (amiable) berkasihan King raja Kingdom kraja'an Kiss, to chium Kitchen dapur Kite layang-layang kneel, to berlutut; lertlut Knife pisau Knife (chopping) parang Knock, to ktok Knot simpul w J J J. fwf 4.0 4H. AP -M 3E. i 3E g (" Xe W~ 71 74T VAr9 48 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Know, to tau Know, to (be acquainted with) knal jg Know, I dont ntah p Lad orang muda 6 Ladder tangga Lake tasek. l Lamb anak-domba, Lame tempang Mi Lamp plita; lampu (colt) f Land tanah J J Language bhasa Large bsar A Last pnghabisan; akhir j Last, to tahan; tinggal A\ Last night s-malam Last year tahun lalu ij Late lambat Lately tadi; bharu [i Laugh, to tertawa Laugh at, to tertawakan ie lw hukum; undang-undang jSA SINGAPORE,TRIGIOT VOCABULARY. 49 Law of Moses Lawyer Lay, to (place) Lazy Lead Lead, to Leaf Leaf (of paper) Leaky Learn, to Leather Leave, to Leave off, to Left Leg Lend, to Length Leper Less Lesion Lest Taurit wakil taroh malas timah hitam pimpin daun hlai bochor blajar kulit tinggalkan berhenti kiri kaki pinjamkan panjang orang sakit kusta kurang plajaran spaya jangan O*R II IMs la 1 X 1 (it,8 r, Af Ei Po a *41^ - 71W 50 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Let, to (allow) Let, to (for hire) Let go, to Letter Letter (character) Level Lid Lie, a Lie down, to Life Lift, to Light Light (daylight) Light (in weight) Light, to Lighter (barge) Lightning Like Like, to Like that Like this biar sewa Ipas surat huruf rata tutopan; tudongan bohong baring hidop; haiat angkat trang siang ringan pasang tongkang kilat sperti; s-rupa suka bgitu bgini (W. R Vt ffik -ul m 2-I itt~ na all,** *jg* H^ f m9 W L RR AN* FM i At"^ SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 51 -. Lime (fruit) Lime (mineral) Line Lining Lion Lip Liquid Listen, to Little (small) Little, a Live, to (dwell) Loaf of bread, a Lock Lock, to Lodge, to Lonely Long (measure) Long (time) Look at, to Look for, to Loose limau nipis kapur baris alas; lapis singa bibir chaer dngar kchil s-dikit tinggal s-biji roti kunchi kunchikan tumpang sunyi panjang lama tengo'; pandang chari longgar ffent IM A E11 JR* la elm a 4 M In IV AW JR ^k w 7I, 52 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Lord (God) Lord (master) Lose, to Lose, to (incur loss) Loud Love Love, to Low Lower, to Mad Mad&m Maggot Make, to Make known, to Make out, to Malay Male Man (individuals) Man.(mankind) MLanage, to (affairs) Manage, to (succeed) Tuhan tuan hilang rugi kwat; nyaring kaseh; chinta (col) kasihi rndah turunkan gila mem ulat buat; bikin (cot) kasi tau; khabarkan mngerti Mlayu jantan orang manusia jalankan tau; dapat '%t XW * 0 ^1 -9 nT a^ A.i~ A t.if SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 53.. Mango Mangusteen Manner (kind) Manner (behaviour) Many Many, how Map Mark Market Marriage Marry, to Mast Master Mat Mat (for covering) Match Matter (affair) Matter, what is the? Mattress May May be; it may be buah mangga buah manggis macham klakuan banyak brapa pta tanda pasar kahwin berkahwin tiang tuan tikar kajang korek api perkara apa salah tilam boleh barangkali r 41 -T9 Nitil ^9u * D-A N IN(A fit#f. I 7 Z19 ^^~~ i3,r^ 54 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Me sahia Mean, to (intend) mau; hndak Meaning arti Measure, to (length) ukor Measure,to(capacity) sukatkan Meat daging Medicine obat Meek Imbot-hati Meet, to jumpa Meet together, to berkumpol Meeting kumpolan - - Mend, to mmbaiki Mercy kasihan; rahmat i Midday tngah hari 4F Middle tngah @ Middle, in the tngah-tngah; sama tngah S: Midnight tngah-malam Midst tngah Might boleh Mile batu Milk susu l SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 55 Mind, to (care) Mind, to (beware) Mind, to (think of) Mind, the Mind, never Mine Minute Miss, to Mistake Mix, to Moment, a Money Money (copper) Monkey Monsoon Month Moon Moonlight More Morning Morning, good fduli jaga ingat 'akal tidak apa sahia punya minit; sa'at ta'kna salah champur s-kjap wang duit munyit musim bulan bulan bulan trang Ibeh; lagi pagi tabek MV W W A m. ^M ~f l^1 T 40 9, A tT 3 * 0 ~v AW 4T &M 0 3k P* H OR *.&q 49 4 *2FM tlr! a 56 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Mosquito Mosquito net Most Mother Motive Mountain Mouse Mouth Move, to Move, to (remove) Move back, to Mr. Mrs. Much Much, how Mud Murder, to Music Must Mutton:)., nyamok kEambu yang terlbeh mak; ibu; bonda sbab gunong tikus mulut bergrak; grakkan pindah; pindahkan undor tuan mem banyak brapa lumpur bunoh bunyi-bunyian msti; harus daging kambing sahia punya EmuA-L. C w7* 15& -M - X R 4 Pg^ p ^am AX-M v*^ aJB + a& SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 57 Nail Nail (finger) Naked Name Name, to Namely Narrate, to Narrow Nation Naughty Near Nearly Neck Need, to Need not Needle Neglect, to Nest Net (casting) Net (drag) Never paku kuku tlanjang nama namakan; glarkan ia'itu chertrakan. smpet bangsa nakal; jahat dkat hampir; dkat lehir mau ta'usah jarom lalai sarang jala pukat ta'pernah B AfE -9# ~rfR Wf~itj AINi 'v 0tf 91 ^M t* 58 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Never yet New News Newspaper Next (in p Next (afte: Next mont Nice Night Night, ToNight, last Night, all Nine No No one Noise Noon North Nose Not Not, do blum pernah bharu khabar surat khabar lace) dkat; s-blah r) kmdian th lain bulan sdap malam ini malam s-malam s-panjang malam smbilan tidak tiada s'orang; s'orang-pun tidak bunyi tngah-hari utara hidong bukan; tidak jangan ffig.Q}M' 5tco &Akr msm ~t 11 AS ^^;rt: U&T 79f -q SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 59 Not, is bukan; tiada Not yet blum f Nothing tiada apa 4' / Nothing else lain tidak Now skarang 4 Now and then kadang-kadang fH ' E ~-; Number angka; nombor (col) Oar daiung Oath sumpah 15 Oath, to take an bersumpah J^ Obey, to turut; ikut (col) j|^ Ocean lautan O'clock pukol Of (possessive) punya Of (out of, consisting of) deripada Of course psti Off deri Off, to be pergi Off, to leave berhenti, Office ofis; gdong (col) _ S Often slalu; banyak kali 60 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Often, ho w Oil Oil (mineral) Old, how (age) Old Old (of age) On On to Once One One by one Oneself Onion Only Open Open, to Openly Opinion Opium, to smoke ~ Or Orange brapa kali minyak minyak tanah brapa umor lama, tua atas; di-atas k-atas s-kali satu or ssatu-satu diri-nya bawang sahaja. terbuka buka nyata fikiran; sangka makan chandu atau limau manis. A yfit A I iffi 10 -E,1 4^-s -..IA I S M W;* 7 % 1': ' J ^u 3c S^ '' d~,. 44 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 61 Orde r, to (command) suroh; psan p;[ Order, to (commission) psan 4 Order (arrangement) aturan J A } Order (command) hukum Ifr Order that, in spaya itt Other lain Ought patut; harus s, Our kita punya J 0U1 Out luar; di-luar; k-luar 4j. Out, to go kluar Out, to go (as fire) padam Outside di-luar ^ Oven dapur Over (above) atas; di-atas; k-atas Q Over (finished) sudah I j Over (surplus) lbeh Aj Owe, to berhutang g; Own sndiri punya Own, to (possess) mmpunya'i; beroleh Own, to (confess) mngaku. Ox lmbu. jantan 62 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Pack up, to (a parcel) Padlock Page (of a book) Pail Pain Painful Paint Paint, to Pair, a Paper Parafin Parcel Pardon Pardon, to Parents Part Partly Pass, to Past Paste Patch bungkuskan kunchi mangga muka timba; tong sakit sakit chat sapu chat satu pasang kertas minyak tanah bungkus ampun; ma'af ampunkan; ma'afkan mak-bapa bhagian s-paroh lalu sudah; sudah lalu perkat tampal ' t * M I. yff~i: WA 4 -yA&~ t aJ. via to TA %A3 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 63 Patient Pattern Pay Pay, to Pay, it does not Peace (of mind) Peace (from fighting) Peace, to make Pearl Pen Pencil Penitent Penknife People Pepper Perfect Perform, to Perhaps Perish, to Persecute, to Person, a sabar chontoh gaji bayar tiada untong sntausa damai damaikan orang mutiara kalam patlut bertaubat pisau lipat; pisau kchil orang-orang lada smporna lakukan barangkali binasa aniayakan s'orang I hT%j =. 4 ' ff)I ft-f A..." 64 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Persuade, to Pick up, to Picture Piece, a Pig Pigeon Pillow Pillow case Pin pineapple Pipe Pitch Pity Pity, to Place Place of, in Place, to Plain (clear) Plain (clear ground) Plan (method) Plane pujokkan pungut gamber s-kping babi merpati bantal sarong bantal pniti (col) nanas panchuran damar kasihan sayangkan tmpat ganti taroh; buboh trang; nyata padang jalan ktam ttil) uT~ 4 -J817 f A *1J JjW AIMS~~t SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 65 Plank Plant, to Plant, a Plate Play, to Pleasant Please, to Pleasure Plenty Pocket Poem Point (end) Point (of land) Point, to Poison Poisonous Pole Policeman Pony Poor Possess, to papan *tanam poko'; tanaman ftf piring; pinggan main-main snang; sdap sukakan; perknankan4D A' I. ksuka'an n banyak kochek; saku sha'ir hujong J tanjong ~' b tunjok Vt rachun bisa batang - mata-mata kuda kchil, mskin mmpunya'i; beroleh 66 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Possible Pot (earthenware) Potato Pour, to Power Practise, to Praise, to Prawn Pray, to:Prayer Preach, to Precious Prefer, to Prepare, to Present, a Present, to Present, to be Present, at Presently Press, to Pretend, to boleh blanga ubi bnggala; ubi (col) tuang kuasa blajar; biasakan diri puji udang minta do'a do'a; perminta'an khabarkan indah suka lbeh sdiakan; siapkan hadia; pmbrian kasi; bri ada; hadlir skarang lagi s-kjap tkan; apit buat-buat M -0 fm I" F *Pv 49 MW IdS _-R1W ITI~ JkA X 0 * 4 IP 1 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 67 Pretty chantek; elok Prevent, to tgahkan LIiM Price herga Prick, to tikam Priest imam Prince anak raja _ )C Print, to chap; chapkan Mo Printed terchap fJ Prison pnjara Prisoner orang salah Profess, to mngaku Profit untong J Promise janji; perjanjian - Promise, to berjanji Pronounce, to bunyikan Proper patut Property herta-bnda Prophet nabi jib Prosecute, to da'wa Protect, to pliharakan; lindongkan f~ji,t 1 Proud sumbong 04 68 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Prove, to Psalms, the Pudding Pull, to Pull out, to Pump Punish, to Punishment Pupil (learner) Pure (clean) Purpose, on Purse Push, to Put, to Put in, to Put on, to (clothes) Put out, to (fire) Put together, to Quantity Quarrel, to Quarrel, to (fight) trangkan; nyatakan Itlf Mzmur; Zabur. kweh ' tarek chabot bomba;b ] hukumkan; seksakan Omj Jf hukuman; seksa I1 J, murid '. suchi dngan sngaja;,c pundi-pundi tolak taroh X masokka n fi pEi pakai padamkan pasang banyak berbantah; bersliseh * ] berklahi r# SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 69.. Quarter suku Question, a sual Quick lkas Quick lime kapur tohor Quiet diam Quite s-kali; s-kali-kali Queen raja prempuan Race, a lumba Rain hujan Raise, to (lift) angkat Raise, to (set up) berdirikan Raise from thedead,to,bangkitkan de pada mati Raisins buah anggor Rarely jarang Rat tikus Rather (somewhat) sdikit Rather (in preference) lbeh suka Rattan rotan Razor pisau chukor Reach, to sampai Read, to bacha a-w * M. MIH U-1# JUL - % 3sa "T!YiN ~Bl? ffii W 1 9 —SfiW'~; 70 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Read the Kora'an mngaji [gPll Ready sdia; siap I Ready, to make or get sdiakan; siapkan Real btul; bnar Really s-bnar-nya f Reap, to tuai A)j4l Reason sbab; fasal Rebel, to derhaka z t Receipt rsit Receive, to trima W Recover, to (health) mnjadi sumboh A Ji Recover, to (get back) dapat kmbali ^- ' Red merah j* Redeem, to (from slavery) tbuskan [eJ Reed buloh ff Refuse, to enggan Reign, to jadi raja; pgang prentah 'j4 Reins ras ~ Reject, to tolakkan; buangkan Rejoice, to bersuka-suka; bergmar Relation saudara 406 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 71 Religion Remain, to (stay) Remain, to (wait) Remain, to (leftover) Remember, to Remind, to Remove, to Remove, to (take aw; Renew, to Rent Repair, to Repeat, to Repent, to Repentance Reply, to Request, a Request, to Require, to Rescue, to Resist, to Respect, to agama tinggal; berhenti nanti tinggal ingat bri ingat pindah; pindahkan ay) bawa pergi bharui sewa baiki kata kmbali bertaubat; ssal taubat jawab perminta'an minta mau; berkahandak Ipaskan lawan hormat ^ At e*| VXC Rift ^fet 0 I r PA I XM I* * 0I& AMlw *k mar 72 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Rest Rest, the yang Result Resurrection Return, to (go back) Return, to (give back) Return, to (reward) Reward Rice (in the husk) Rice (husked) Rice (boiled) Rich Riches Ride, to Right (side) Right (proper) Right (correct) Righteous Ring Ripe Rise, to (get up) perhentian tinggal; yang lbeh yang jadi deripada kbangkitan balik; pulang pulangkan balaskan upah; fhalla padi bras nasi kaya kkaya'an tunggang kuda kana n patut btul bnar chinchin masak bangun; bangkit 1,}. ^1 It )~Mm TW I jaq Asi PS, - 2fE& <A a*.m;f"-f 3t^i SINGAPORE TRIGIOT VOCABULARY. 73 Rise, to (go up) River Road Robber Rock Roll, to Roll up, to Roof Roof (tiled) Room (space) Room, a Root Rope Rotten (putrid) Rotten (worn out) Rough Round Round (around) Rouse, to Row, to Row (line) naik sungai jalan pnchuri batu guling; golek gulong atap atap gnting tinpat bilek akar tali bsar busok burok kasar bulat kliling bangunkan berdaiung baris ~ 1 igi 'fk 7 a'* a Pfr fW F V.. * Po 74 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Row (disturbance) Row (noise) Rub, to Rubbish Rudder Rude Ruin, to Rule, to Rule, a (order) Rule, a (measuring) Run, to Rust Sack Sacrifice Sad Safe Sago Sail, a Sail, to Sailor Salary gadoh bising gosok sampah kmudi kasar binasakan prentahkan hukum kayu ukor lari karat karong; saku korban susah-hati; brat-hati slamat sagu layer blayer anak-prahu; khlasi gaji 3WNS 9 4 *, W * W At v^ Pit! 90 & liv1' A^ a* &IV SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 75 - Sale (auction) Salt Salt (in taste) Salvation Same Same, all the Sample Sand Sandals Satan Satisfied Sauce Savage Save,to(from danger) Save, to (protect) Save, to (as money) Saw Say, to Scarce School Science lelong garam masin slamat sama sama juga chonto pasir trompa Shaitan; Iblis puas-hati kuah garang slamatkan; lpaskan lindongkan; pliharakan simpan gergaji 'kata; katakan jarang skola elmu t W si4 * I -~ /1 a* <figf,of& x 0 ^^ ij t 76 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Scissors Scream, to Sea, the Search, to (look for) Search, to (examine) Season Seat Second Secret, a Secret; secretly Secnrity (bail) See, to See to, to Seed Seek, to Seem, to Seemingly Seize, to Seldom Self Sell, to gunting JJI bertriak Pf Pf laut ~: chari preksa musim.f tmpat-dudok f i yang k-dua; nombor dua rahsia tersmbunyi 'E jamin ' Id nampak; lihat ' jaga biji - chari 4 nampak [I rupa-nya /. tangkap; pgang jarang Arl diri, jual SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 77 Send, to kirim; hantar Send for, to (persons) panggil Send for, to (things) psan Sense (meaning) arti Sense (intelligence) pngertian; 'akal Sentence (judgment) hukum Separate, to chraikan Separate, to (divide) blahkan Separate,to(set apart) asingkan; sndirikan Serious (important) brat Set, to taroh Set, to (of the sun) turun Set up, to berdirikan Settle, to (a quarrel) slsaikan Seven tujoh Several bbrapa Sew, to jait Shade nawang Shadow bayang Shafts (of a carriage) bom Shake, to goyangkan; kbaskan P'-PT OWR acfS RI 31 -AM - f *T -L IA93 la-* rvlo M 78 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Shake hands, to Shaky Shall Shallow Sham, to Shame Shape Share, a Share, to Sharp Sharpen, to Shave, to She Shed Sheep Sheet (for a bed) Sheet (of paper) Shell (of fish) Shelter, to Shepherd Shew, to jabat tangan longgar nanti tohor buat-buat malu rupa bhagian bhagikan tajam tajamkan; asahkan chukor dia;,ia bangsal domba; kambing(co,) slimlit hlai siput lindongkan gmbala tunjok; unjok S*Xgit! -T-I jftr 's. t M~, JO J MiL AktH ~ I Ifli q 17R -W * M m map SRg~ SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 79 Shift, to pindahkan. i Shine, to berchahia ]@ Ship kapal Ship of war kapal prang Shirt kmeja Y^ Shoe kasut Shoot, to tembak,;]T Shop kdai Shore pantai ' Short pendek Short (deficient) kurang Shoulder bahu Shout, to bertriak; bersru Shove, to tolak t Show, to (point out) tunjok; unjok T; Show, to (prove) nyatakan injilJ Shower hujan Shrink, to (grow small) kerut Shut, to tutop Shy takot Sick sakit ~[jf 80 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Sick, to be (vomit) muntah ht Sickness pnyakit Side s-blah Side, this s-blah sini fI[t Sieve nyiru 4 ^ Sign tanda ] | Sign, to taroh tanda tangan; sain (col) Silent diam Silk sutra Silly bodoh,i Silver perak ] Similar s-rupa ilJ F Sin dosa ' Since sminjak; deripada waktu,? t. Sing, to nyanyi P8., Sink, to tng glam Sink, to (founder) karam Sir tuan t Sister saudara prempuan Sister, elder kakak A* Sister, younger adek prempuan i",J 3W~J SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 81 Sister-in-law Sit, to Six Size Skin Sky, the Slanting Slap, to Slate Slave Slay, to Sleep, to Slip, to Slippery Slow Slowly pe Sly Small Small-pox Smash, to Smell, a ipar prempuan dudok anam bsar kulit langit chundrong; mering tmpar; tmpeling papan loh hamba bunoh tidor glinchir lichin lambat rlahan-lahan; plan-plan (co" cherdek kehil chachar hanchorkan bau... * YJ A ' tr s M "1% 82 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Smell, to Smile, to Smoke Smoke, to (tobacco) Smoke opium, to Smooth Snake Snatch, to So So that Soak, to Soap Soft Soil, the Soil, to Soldier Sole (only) Sole of the foot Some Some one Smething satu chium snyium asap hisap roko' hisap chandu lichin ular rbot bgitu; itu macham spaya rndam; rndamkan sabon lmbot; Imbek tanah kotorkan soldado sahaja tapak kaki sdikit s'orang i barang; satu perkara 1*pu A ft f I 940~B Pf'14%~t 0JA6itJ SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 83 Sometimes Son Son-in-law Song Soon Sore Sorrow Sorry Sort Sort, to (arrange) Soul Sound, a Sound, to Soup Sour (as acids) Source South Sow, a Sow, to Space (room) Spae (interval) kadang-kadang anak laki-laki mnantu nyanyi; lagu lkas; lagi s-kjap sakit duka; ksusahan susah-hati; brat-hati macham; jnis' aturkan nyawa; jiwa bunyi berbunyi kuah; sup (col) asam asal slatan babi btina tabor biji tmpat jarak A01 —*~ Pat 84 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Span, a Spark Sparrow Speak, to Specimen Spectacles Speed Spell, to Spend, to Spices Spider Spill, to Spin, to Spin a top, to Spirit, a Spirit (of a man) Spirit, The Holy Spirit (alcohol) Spit, to Splendid Split, to s-jngkal bunga api burong pipit chakap chonto chermin mata lkas heja blanjakan rmpah-rmpah laba-laba tumpah pintal main gasing hantu; jin roh Roh Allah; Roh-al-kudus arak ludah elok blah; blahkan f-WF ld^ 3% lt mw R M P*~P rN gg,*m j^tfi iiUM jiil As SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 85 Spoil, to rosakkan 'J j Sponge bunga karang Spoon sendok; sudu J Sport permainan i. Spot (place) tmpat;E Jf) Spot (mark) tanda; titek Spout panchoran I * Spread, to (stretch out) hampar ' Spread out, to (expand, open out) kmbang; Spring (of water) mata ayer; Te Spring, to (jump) lompat;t Spy, to intai; mnyulu ' Square ampat persagi t Squat, to berjungkok JB Squeeze, to tkan; apit Stab, to tikam di Stable (for cattle) kandang Stable (for horses) bangsal kuda Stain choring Stairs tangga Stale lama; basi 86 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Stamp, to (with the feet) pijak; injak Stamp, to (impress) chapkan Stand, to berdiri Stand, to (bear, undergo) tahan Star bintang Starch kanji Start, to jalan State (condition) hal State, to kata; katakan Station, police rumah pasong Stay, to (wait) nanti Stay, to (remain) tinggal Stay, to (lodge) tumpang Stead of, in ganti Steady ttap Steal, to churi Steam hwap Steamer kapal api Steel baja Steelyard daching Steer, to pgang kmudi Hfi A^M^f~f 011 -4 ig A* $1 fit IFB * XSk MA fi* JR SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 87 Step, a langkah Stick, a kayu Stick, walking tongkat '_jtStick, to (adhere) Ikat Stick, to (get entangled) sangkot A Stick in, to chachak JlJ Stick on, to tampalkan Stiff kaku Still (quiet) diam Still (yet) lagi fI Sting (of insects) sngat Stink bau busok 1% Stir, to (move) bergrak A] Stir up, to kachaukan L Stocking sarong kaki I Stomach prot JI Stone batu Jj Stool bangku; krusi S Stoop, to tundok ) Stop, to (close) tutop 3 Storm ribot ]X* 88 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Story cherita ~ Stout gmok ae Straight lurus; btul Strange hairan. Stranger orang dagang:A Strap tali kulit;J Stray, to ssat Stream (river) sungai -P Stream (current) arus ^ Street jalan Sj Strength kkuatan j Stretch, to (by pulling) rgangkan;V: Stretch, to (lengthen) panjangkan JI Stretch, to (enlarge) lebarkan; bsarkan A k~Cil Strike, to pukol String tali Strong kuat mgi Study, to blajer Stupid bodoh Substitute ganti Such dmkian; itu macham j SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 89 Suck, to Suddenly Suffer, to Sugar Sugar-cane Summer Sun, the Sure Swallow, to Swamp Swear, to (take an Swear, to (curse) Sweep, to Sweet Swell, to Swim, to Swing, to Sword Table Tail Tailor hisap tiba-tiba kna susah gula tbu musini panas mata-hari tntu tlan paya oath) bersumpah kutok sapu manis bngkak bernang goyang; goyangkan pdang meja ekor tukang jait jtx.oil SH ~PSt d', ~pj W;A 'ff wt% M fig Jay 90 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Tailor (Indian) Take, to (fetch) Take, to (carry) Take, to (accept) Take away, to Take care, to Take hold of, to Take in, to Take in, to (deceive) Take pains, to Take place, to Take up, to (lift) Tale Talk,to Tall Tame Tar Taste, to Tax Tea Tea leaves dhirzi ambil bawa trima bawa pergi jaga pgang bawa masok tipu buat dngan usah, jadi angkat cherita chakap tinggi jinak minyak tar rasa chukai ayer teh daun teh lyok 5C~f 'AIR st 0%Si a * oa ' 1% yt*~ SIAI ' MC ^I~ii*1l x * SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 91 Teach, to Teacher Tear, to Tell, to (a tale) Tell, to (make known) Temper Temple (of God) Tempt, to Ten Tender (soft) Tender (sore) Than Thank, to Thank you That That is to say Thatch The Their; theirs Then (at that time) Then (after that) ajarkan guru koyak chertrakan kasi tau; khabarkan prangai Ka'abah choba s-puloh Imbot sakit deripada Jbalaskan triina kaseh imnguchap shukor trima kaseh itu ia'itu atap itu dia-orang punya waktu itu kmdian J1L k' *JWitI t ~4t 92 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. There There, to (a place) There and back Therefore These They Thick Thief Thin Thin (lean) Thing (affair) Thing (article) Think, to Thirsty This Thorn Though Thousand, a Thread Three Throne sana; di-sana; di-situ k-sana; k-situ pergi balik (co ') sbab itu ini dia; dia-orang tbal pnchuri nipis; tipis kurus perkara barang fikir haus; dahaga ini duri mski s-ribu bnang tiga takhta - l W 3 j^ vX f* A 1 - apt am _: a -a SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 93' ~ ----. Through Throw, to Throw away, to Thumb Thunder Thus Tie, to.Tiger Tight Tile Till Time (in general) Time (period) Time (leisure) Time, olden Time (repetition) Time, what Tin Tin (she3t) Tired To (a place) trus lempar buang ibu jari guntur; guroh bgini; dmkian ikat herimau trek; knchang gnting sampai waktu zaman smpat zaman dhulu kali pukol brapa timah timah puteh pnat k t il as et I A I- "m 4V 8$ A aj*< $| lfSl 4 94 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. To (a person) To-day Toe Together To-morrow Tongue Too Too (also) Tooth Toothache Top Torch Total Touch, to Towards Towel Town Trade Trade, to Tram Translate, to k-pada; pada:t ini hari F - jari kaki fr sama-sama f3; esok; besok (co.) I A lidah terlalu; terlampau uk juga gigi g, sakit gigi J l atas; kpala, J damar; suloh; ~~ jmlah -- - jamah; kna k-s-blah; ara, A W tuala if [i negri perniaga'an berniaga kreta api ]i ~k salinkan k-bhasa lain SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 95 Travel, to berjalan 5 - Tray dulang Tread, to pijak t Tree poko'; poko' kayu iJ Trial bichara Trouble susah; ksusahan Trowsers sluar True bnar; btul Truly s-bnar-nya 4E X Trust, to harap; perchaya Truth kbnaran; yang bnar Try, to choba gt Try, to (judge) bicharakan Tub tong Tumble, to jatoh ]t Tune lagu Turn, to (return) balik Turn, to (upside down) balikkan $ @ Turn, to (revolve) pusing * Turn, to (cause to revolve) pusingkan ~[~ Turn round, to (change front) paling; palingkan j. 96 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Turn, to (become) Twelve Twenty Twice Twig Twist, to Two Ugly Umbrella Unable Uncertain Uncle Uncomfortable Uncommon Uncover, to Under Under (less than) Underneath Understand, to UndQ, to Undress, to mnjadi dua-blas dua-puloh dua-kali ranting pintal dua odoh payong ta'boleh tidak tntu; ta' tntu bapa saudara susah jarang buka bawah; di-bawah kurang deripada di-bawah mngerti; tau buka; urai buka pakian A-t +-- 'F *T HU I * A P * PA i~~F SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 97 Unequal Unfair Unhappy Unite, to Unjust Unless Unnecessary Until Unto Untrue Unusual Unwell Unwilling Unwise Up Up, to go Up, to get Up, to set Up, to stand Upon Upper.tidak sama;2ftidak patut; tidak 'adil ~ ff susah-hati; brat-hati w1 hubong; asakan -;B tidak bnar. _. kalau tidak: ta'guna 1 )J sampai k-pada; pada bohong f jarang AV'2J sakit ta'mau J 14 bodoh i g atas; di-atas; k-atas jl naik ~]|( bangun 3~berdirikan AL berdiri 1.,. di-atas. yang di-atas Ij 98 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Upright (vertical) berdiri btul Upset, to balikkan Upside down terbalik Upside down, to turn balikkan Upstairs atas Upstairs, to go naik Upwards k-atas Us kita; kami Use guna Use, to pakai; gunakan Used to(accustomed) biasa Useful berguna Useless ta'guna Usually biasa Utterly s-kali-kali; habis Vain, in perchuma Valuable indah; berherga Value herga Value, to (highly) indahkan Value, to (fix the price) nilaikan Various macham-macham D1, Ii rXAM33 MMA M 9 f SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 99 Varnish Vary, to Vegetables Very Victorious, to be Village Vinegar Virgin Visit, to Visit, to (call in at) Voice Vowel points Wages Wail, to Wailing Waist Wait, to Wait at table, to Wake, to Wake, to cause to Walk, to barnis (col) Ii ubah.: sayur banyak; terlalu; skalilt, N mnang kampong it^ chuka anak muda TA E mlawat singgah suara M baris gaji ^I mratap Xp ratap pinggang a, nanti; tunggu ]~~ jaga meja (col) A WS J bangun;jaga Ig bangunkan iBt berjalan 100 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. --- Walking-stick Wall Wander, to Want, to Wanting War Warm Warn, to Was Wash, to Waste, to Watch Watch, to Watchman Water. Water (for drinking) Water carrier Wave Wax Way We tongkat f-f tembok; dinding i. ssat t 1_ mau; berkahandak i kurang prang @-Jij panas, ' larangkan; tgahkan: Hf sudah; sudah ada,;3 basoh; mandi; chuchi (col) "jf habiskan; buangkan jam i jaga; tunggu orang jaga ayer ayer minum *, 0 tukang-ayer 4hP I ombak lilin ji Min jalan ]i kita; kami ' SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY.. 101 Weak.Wear, to Weary Wedding Week Weep, to Weigh, to Weight Well (of water) Well (of health) West Wet Wlharf. What What for Whatever Wheat Wheel When When (while) Where ma lmah pakai pnat kahwin minggo mnangis timbang brat prigi baik; sehat baik barat basah jmbatan apa apa sbab barang-apa gandom roda bila; apabila waktu mna; di-mana; k-mana X-11.i~ W ~rt m WiWt& w itf~i MM s ffTT4 wC! R J *4-f A ffO H^ X, ^fi 102 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Where from Wherever Whether Which Which? While, whilst Whip Whisper, to White Whitewash, to Who Who? Whoever Whole (of time) Whose Why knapa; Wick Wicked Wickedness Wide (of space) Wide (of breadth) deri-mana mana-mana kalau; jika yang mana? yang manal waktu chabok bisek puteh sapu kapur yang siapa barang-siapa s-panjang siapa punya apa fasal; apa sbab sumbu jahat kjahatan luas lebar * qEft PR Aft ftw b A* ~ie^ AW* k, ffi, v -* f -3^ Afi A 71 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 103 Widow prempuan janda 1N Width lebar Wife bini Wild liar F Will (future) nanti; akan Will (to be willing) mau; suka Will, the (wish, desire) kahandak XI= Win, to mnang Wind angin Window jndela pJi Wine anggor A Wipe, to sapukan t Wire dawai f: Wisdom budi At M Wise berbudi Wish kahandak Wish, to mau; suka; berkahandak With sama; dngan Without (nothaving) dngan tiada Withstand, to tahan M Witness saksi fflf 104 SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. Woman prempuan Wonder, to hairan Wood kayu Word perkata'an Work kerja; pkerja'an J Work, to bkerja I Workman tukang P J World, the dunia; bumi y tt Worm (maggot) ulat Worn out burok Worse kurang baik; lbeh jahat Worship smbahyang Worship, to smbah k-pada ~-H Worthy layak Wound luka Wounded, to be kna luka f. Wrap up, to bungkuskan Wrath marah; murka I Wrecked, to be (of ships) karam ft L Write, to tulis Write, to (compose) karang IJ SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. 105 r - Written tertulis;tersurat; terkarang Wrong salah Yard ela Year tahun Year, new tahun bharu Yeast ragi Yellow kuning Yes ya Yesterday klmarin; s-malam Yesterday, the day before kimarin dhulu Yield, to srahkan diri Yoke ko' You angkau; kamu Young muda Your angkau punya Youth orang muda Zealous rajin Rl~14^ &Fg|;nB aN a' * % 4a, 81 jJB'w 6 ^ ml 9( V /1 v 0 I;i 0 I OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 0598 1775.RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN MISSION PRESS. HIKAYAT YUSOF OR THIE STORY OF JOSEPH, Translated into simp!e Colloquial MalJaiy bil W. G. SHELLABEAR. An easy reading book in Romanized Malay suitable for those who are commencing the study of the Language. Paper covers 5 cents, strongly bound in borrd s 15 cents. ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY FOR USE IN STANDARD IV. Compiled expressly for the use of pupils in the Schools of the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Price 12 cents. A SIIORT TREATISE IN THE MALAY LANGUAGE on the teaching of the Kora'an with reference to the Bible, with numerous quotations from the Kora'an. TRANSLATED BY W. G. SHELLABEAR. IP(t)er covers 2 cents. THE SINGAPORE TRIGLOT VOCABULARY. CONTAINING NEARLY 2,000 WORDS IN THE ENGLISH, MALAY AND CHINESE LANGUAGES, COMPILED BY W. G. SHELLABEAR. THE CHINESE RENDERINGS BY REV. B. F. WEST, M.D. Paper covers 25 cents, strongly bound in boards 40 1n8ts.